# File structure |
Here is an example of file structure of DocGenome dataset for discipline `math.GM`. |
```bash |
math.GM |
βββ 0906.1099 |
β βββ layout_annotation.json |
β βββ order_annotation.json |
β βββ page_xxxx.jpg |
β βββ quality_report.json |
β βββ reading_annotation.json |
βββ 2103.02443 |
βββ layout_annotation.json |
βββ order_annotation.json |
βββ page_xxxx.jpg |
βββ quality_report.json |
βββ reading_annotation.json |
``` |
Each paper folder, for example, `math.GM/2103.02443` contains five parts: |
- 1) `page_xxxx.jpg`, each image represents each page of the corresponding paper, the page index is contained in the filename. Note that this might be different from the original paper. |
- 2) `layout_annotation.json`, this json file contains the layout annotation bounding box of each category region using the COCO format. |
- 3) `reading_annotation.json`, this json file contains LaTex source code for each block (except for the Figure category). Note that the latex source code may contain macros. |
- 4) `order_annotation.json`, this json file contains the relationship between different blocks, where the key of `orders` consists of triplets. Each triplet represents the relation type and specifies the source block and the destination block. |
- 5) `quality_report.json`, this json file contains the quality computing result for each page and the whole paper for further use. |
# Layout annotation task |
## Category definition |
| **Index** | **Category** | **Notes** | |
|----------------|-------------------|------------------------------------------| |
| 0 | Algorithm | | |
| 1 | Caption | Titles of Images, Tables, and Algorithms | |
| 2 | Equation | | |
| 3 | Figure | | |
| 4 | Footnote | | |
| 5 | List | | |
| 7 | Table | | |
| 8 | Text | | |
| 9 | Text-EQ | Text block with inline equations | |
| 10 | Title | Section titles | |
| 12 | PaperTitle | | |
| 13 | Code | | |
| 14 | Abstract | | |
## Known Issues |
1. The IoU of Bounding boxes are too large, this happens when the paper template is too complex. |
2. The category of the bounding boxes are not correct. This happens when user-defined macros are used. For example, some authors may use `\newcommand{\beq}{\begin{equation}}`, `\newcommand{\eeq}{\end{equation}}`, in this case, the equation may be detected as `Text` class. |
3. Bounding box is missing, this happens due to rare packages are used. Some rare packages may not identified by our rule-based methods. |
4. Bounding boxes are correct, but overlaps with other adjacent bounding boxe slightly, this happens due to layout adjustments, for example `vspace`, `input` commands. |
# Order annotation category |
## Category Definition |
| **Category** | **Description** | **Example** | |
|----------------|-------------------|------------------------------------------| |
| identical | two blocks corresponding to the same latex code chunk | paragraphs that cross columns or pages | |
| peer | two blocks are both belongs to Title | \section{introduction}, \section{method} | |
| sub | one block is a child of another block logically | \section{introduction} and the first paragraph in Introduction section | |
| adj | two adjacent Text blocks | Paragraph1 and Paragraph2 | |
| explicit-cite | one block cites another block with `ref` | As shown in \ref{Fig: 5}. | |
| implicit-cite | The caption block and the corresponding float environment | \begin{table}\\caption\{A}\\begin{tabular}B\end{tabular}\end{table}, then A implicit-cite B | |
## Order annotation representation |
Each `order_annotation.json` contains two keys: |
- 1) `annotations`: contains the block information for each block, the `block_id` of each block is used to represent the relationship. |
- 2) `orders`: contains a list of triples, the meaning of each triple is: |
- 1. `type`, represents the category of the current relationship, see table above for details. |
- 2. `from`, represents the `block_id` of the starting block of the relationship |
- 3. `to`, represents the `block_id` of the ending block of the relationship |
## Known issues |
1. `reading_annotation.json` file of some papers may not contain the field `annotations` for unknown reason. |
2. `reading_annotation.json` doesn't contain the `implicit-cite` relationship, the `implicit-cite` relationship is used in test-dataset for efficiency consideration. |
3. `explicit-cite` only supports `Equation`, the support for `Table`, `Figrue` is developed after the training dataset is complete. |
# Quality report |
This file contains the rule-based quality check for further use. Explanation is as follows: |
- 1) `num_pages`: the number of pages of the corresponding paper. |
- 2) `num_columns`: 1 (single column) or 2 (two column), depends on the last page of the paper |
- 3) `category_quality`: we record the number rendered latex code chunks for each category `reading_count`, and the number of detected bounding boxes `geometry_count`, then `missing_rate` is computed as `(reading_count - geometry_count)/reading_count`. Finally, the `Total` category is the summary of all other categories. |
- 4) `page_quality` containing IoU information of each page and the whole paper: |
- 1. `page`: page index |
- 2. `num_blocks`: how many bounding boxes in this page |
- 3. `area`: sum of area of all blocks, $\sum_i \text{area}(\text{bbox}_i)$ |
- 4. `overlap`: sum of intersection area of all blocks, $\sum_i\sum_{j>i} \text{area}(\text{bbox}_i\cap bbox_j)$ |
- 5. `ratio` the ratio between `overlap` and `area`. Note that this ratio may be very large if there is template issue. |