2 values
27 values
no they were shot by a nut job. Mulism on the other hand are taught to hate infidels and required to jihad against them.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7766398787498474 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.2653423845767975 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.040047112852334976 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.029892215505242348 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020928431302309036 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.014723308384418488 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0090469466522336 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004941158927977085 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004795779008418322 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0026308319065719843 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002132212044671178 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002031107898801565 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0017509968020021915 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0017507965676486492 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0015800888650119305 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0015274740289896727 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014221068704500794 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0013605884741991758 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010216342052444816 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008733393624424934 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008029626333154738 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007813865086063743 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007186701986938715 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006282943650148809 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006024994072504342 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000534190097823739 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000488610821776092 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00035853745066560805 } ]
People living Outside shouldn't be eligible, because their money isn't going back into the Alaskan economy. Also, they planned to reside out of state with intentions of returning. The deceased typically do not plan their death. That may leave their families in a tight spot because the deceased may have been the major income earner. That final PFD could help them in a big way. My husband passed away last October, and that definitely was not his choice. Thankfully, as morbid as it sounds, the date of his passing fell within the window of eligibility for this upcoming dividend. His thousand dollars would help me rebuild my savings after moving across town this spring. Families of the deceased shouldn't have to be put out for such an untimely event. They deserve way more leniency than those who choose to live elsewhere.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.24394534528255463 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.12829850614070892 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09952619671821594 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.09834003448486328 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.07917217165231705 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.06528481841087341 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.05877058207988739 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.05321773514151573 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04959307610988617 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03661413863301277 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.022041969001293182 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01058958750218153 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.009762012399733067 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.008370939642190933 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.008264889009296894 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.007907239720225334 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.003766186535358429 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003374318592250347 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00281709642149508 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0024051046930253506 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00187483592890203 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0017594745149835944 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0017566977767273784 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013847913360223174 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013195108622312546 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0012638554908335209 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000928528665099293 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005305145750753582 } ]
I too fear that contained in this article, and in the above video, is the essence of Trump and his followers. I also fear that Kasparov in his important work in the last years is outlining what Americans need to do, become aware of the evil that is growing in our country, and fight it, just as the Ukrainians did. I don't think the Republican Party has the courage to fight Trump, they are too focused on the bones that he is tossing them in the way of stealing health care from the poor to give tax breaks to the rich. They seem to think they can just play with the devil and tame him to be a good partner. Perhaps those still alive in ten years will wake to find themselves in a Putinesque America, where words like democracy and human rights are used, but only as a smokescreen for the oligarchy. Hard to see how to fight when democracy itself is the tool used to defeat freedom. Yes, Trump's press conference was the perfect example of a dog whistle Presidency. Hugh Massengill, Eugene Oregon
not toxic
[ { "label": "fear", "score": 0.30024993419647217 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.23019939661026 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1356513798236847 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.06265304237604141 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.06138482689857483 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04345490410923958 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.030637012794613838 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.029613472521305084 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.02484767884016037 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.021604381501674652 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.008280161768198013 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006889569107443094 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005610906518995762 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004577777814120054 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004140567034482956 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0033539808355271816 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0032508019357919693 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0027699300553649664 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002191560808569193 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0021008632611483335 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0020981000270694494 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0016052136197686195 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0012940745800733566 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0011681219330057502 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001044400385580957 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006914364057593048 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005983705050311983 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00045409146696329117 } ]
This has to do with the contents of the article how exactly?
not toxic
[ { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.4437905550003052 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.4317631125450134 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.41351318359375 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.018114527687430382 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01209060288965702 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.008172968402504921 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.007378642912954092 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004283242858946323 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003784087486565113 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0018949457444250584 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0018929148791357875 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001805352047085762 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017626298358663917 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0017367780674248934 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001279219752177596 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010857147863134742 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010789977386593819 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0010300986468791962 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010283049196004868 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008679653401486576 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007263614679686725 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006865265895612538 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006424561142921448 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000458613591035828 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004059656639583409 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00026950379833579063 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00018980898312292993 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0000826116229291074 } ]
...and Chris Stevens just got in the way too then.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9640264511108398 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.013687212020158768 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.00985502079129219 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008986162953078747 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0070499093271791935 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004148382227867842 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0024688399862498045 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002406641375273466 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002387230983003974 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0021232592407613993 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0019046383677050471 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018371168989688158 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014972093049436808 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0014734811848029494 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014022712130099535 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011223695473745465 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010812247637659311 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008879326633177698 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008689082460477948 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007327250204980373 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000722045951988548 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006600737106055021 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000559429929126054 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004284348397050053 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003957841545343399 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003633374872151762 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003558727621566504 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00029518501833081245 } ]
I could not agree with you more, Littleway. Pence "won" by not defending Trump; but it was really a greater win for the Hilary and Tim ticket owing to Pence's caution. It requires as much caution to tell the truth as to conceal it. But Pence's concealment, lukewarm "style," was rather chicken-hearted, white-livered, as it were. Pence obviously didn't want some of Trump's positions understood or believed, especially as Trump "articulates" them. Good heavens! What a "running mate"!!!
not toxic
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.7830510139465332 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.17685918509960175 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0783594474196434 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.07072225958108902 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.03971130773425102 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03683934733271599 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0173813309520483 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.011203918606042862 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.007234976161271334 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.005529956426471472 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005517883691936731 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004341499879956245 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003817869583144784 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0035781171172857285 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0029341578483581543 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0020951321348547935 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001992591191083193 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001911437138915062 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0018137360457330942 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017323177307844162 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0015667693223804235 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014968777541071177 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012862141011282802 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012257962953299284 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005686411750502884 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005620899610221386 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00043364864541217685 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003599488118197769 } ]
"Resoundingly rejected by voters, Democrats' last hope is to pervert congressional district maps to subvert the will of the people". Isn't that exactly what the Republican's did in the last re-districting (gerrymandered districts)....so that it would favor Republican voters/candidates over Democratic ones? Re-districting should be done by an independent commission (and not by either political party), based solely on population (1 person = 1 vote) and not political affiliation.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6284100413322449 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.16760770976543427 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.07482238113880157 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.07018180191516876 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04532391205430031 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03662540018558502 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.032729264348745346 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010562528856098652 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0097889369353652 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0037495752330869436 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003530856454744935 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0032716060522943735 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0021133562549948692 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001664362265728414 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0014447295106947422 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014379607746377587 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010898234322667122 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001061387825757265 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008118401165120304 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007340664742514491 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006107145454734564 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006060269079171121 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005617099814116955 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00045970623614266515 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004078070633113384 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002988517808262259 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002884686109609902 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001184621942229569 } ]
Get over it ADN, what a sore loser. This is why he is the new POTUS.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3092399835586548 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.1817912459373474 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.16402143239974976 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.1584574282169342 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.08578726649284363 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03547503426671028 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.03151879832148552 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.02534293569624424 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01996999979019165 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.008676080033183098 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005095182452350855 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0046759312972426414 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.004525120370090008 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004455237183719873 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002827330259606242 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002639560494571924 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0023307367227971554 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002221426460891962 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001981453038752079 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001894459710456431 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014965094160288572 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011497675441205502 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007855850271880627 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007427944801747799 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0006941579049453139 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006665759137831628 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006518724258057773 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006277089705690742 } ]
"Unusual" pact ... also likely "illegal." PacificCorp makes out like bandits here, getting paid to tear out dams, getting new (and less environmentally friendly) power plants paid for, and no liability for anything. Kate, Jerry, and Sally like it; they look like they care. But the majority of Klamath County residents want none of this.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7957205772399902 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.18319569528102875 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05703098326921463 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.040700383484363556 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01702902652323246 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013459009118378162 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0031631530728191137 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002906088251620531 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0027123759500682354 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0024783494882285595 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0020485275890678167 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0019934752490371466 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0017241397872567177 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010641954140737653 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008295571897178888 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007691793725825846 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007604836719110608 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006892088567838073 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006886356277391315 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006016747793182731 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005348063423298299 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00041966227581724524 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004187948943581432 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00041331470129080117 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00039588887011632323 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003459103172644973 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00029733331757597625 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00023294475977309048 } ]
Anything that helps a parent with their children is a Good Thing and this long simmering pot is finally off the stove! Good news!
not toxic
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.428026020526886 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.41152727603912354 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.19400125741958618 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0825250968337059 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.07192286849021912 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.052636224776506424 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.051764726638793945 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.03973973169922829 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.031754810363054276 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.02585510164499283 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.012682061642408371 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007515687495470047 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004725045058876276 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003014162415638566 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0028080332558602095 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.002553726313635707 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0024180191103368998 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0022644877899438143 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0021215796004980803 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0020937917288392782 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00155782385263592 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0015117019647732377 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0014506245497614145 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014090233016759157 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008447092259302735 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.000834297388792038 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0005136557738296688 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00048194595729000866 } ]
one would think that an individual going into university would be able to deduce that an error had been made, and the best course of action would be contact the relevant authority and clarify before blindly spending...but then one can never assume
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7732706665992737 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10642264783382416 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.07352598011493683 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.062472667545080185 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.025728749111294746 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.022084269672632217 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013393442146480083 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010062969289720058 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020415023900568485 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018093049293383956 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017932370537891984 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0016928367549553514 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016423152992501855 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0011711842380464077 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001083695562556386 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000998390605673194 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009721548412926495 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009654306923039258 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000913611613214016 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0008782314835116267 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008499167743138969 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007919695344753563 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007368658552877605 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006231641164049506 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005460323300212622 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00041788004455156624 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00035085942363366485 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003446722694206983 } ]
Every person on the planet has immigrated from somewhere or at sometime. Our early Alaska residents are just earlier immigrants, hence.....your point?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.4993284344673157 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4418174624443054 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.23818795382976532 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.049770742654800415 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0174886342138052 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.00727873994037509 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004892105236649513 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0046596527099609375 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004042082000523806 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0033184923231601715 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020640406291931868 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0018124034395441413 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0016224016435444355 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014866370474919677 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014424221590161324 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0014155395328998566 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001368792844004929 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0012817003298550844 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00107812590431422 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008832928724586964 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008570420322939754 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008280877955257893 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005439923261292279 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00048060683184303343 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00040764245204627514 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003388088953215629 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003058054717257619 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00010697647667257115 } ]
What is wrong with this paper? Why replace the dearly departed "opinionistas", with the same "Trump Ogre, Trudeau Prince" hacks? Is the Brit supposed to bring cachet? Compare Trudeau and Putin? . Laughable, even putting (pun intended) them in the same sentence. . I can almost picture Lady Evans dictating the article, while sipping champagne.
not toxic
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I wish the counter protestors didn’t have a reputation of citing violence themselves. It seems like they clash with almost every protest they are involved with- Berkeley, Trump Supporters, Healthcare, Politicians, Police officers etc.….
not toxic
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I seem to recollect that Nazi German law imposed criminal penalties and possible torture and execution for anyone who shielded Jews from the Nazi "SS" law enforcement officials.
not toxic
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Kick her to the curb
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That is incorrect. All things that have been done to this point are done in concert with the police department.
not toxic
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As the mom of the child allergic to wheat, dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish, I would like to respond to your comments. (a) While it poses challenges, I would not call it "awful" but thank you for your compassion. Stress results from the implication that he should manage this by himself. He is a child who needs support & guidance from the adults around him, especially at school where he spends most of his day. (b) all of his allergens are not restricted in his school. Together with the school staff, we have applied strategies that reduce his risk of exposure to allergens. Each child's needs are different & 1-size-fits-all approach is not the way. Factors such as age, maturity, where kids eat (cafeteria vs classroom) should be considered. Steps to limit risk of exposure & education are not mutually exclusive; to be effective they need to go hand in hand. The issue is the lack of guidance to Boards and schools about practical and realistic steps needed to keep kids safe.
not toxic
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.8805262446403503 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09259653091430664 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.07423660159111023 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03893747553229332 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014487102627754211 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.013422778807580471 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01204855740070343 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01131274551153183 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.007488742470741272 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.004657940939068794 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0033462464343756437 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003084237454459071 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002976612653583288 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.002335773780941963 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001926859375089407 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013659974792972207 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013355700066313148 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001324902637861669 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010981905506923795 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.001062799827195704 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0010375145357102156 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007866360829211771 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007231126655824482 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006885795155540109 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005397486384026706 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005390116712078452 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004469948762562126 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00034583493834361434 } ]
Exactly. It stinks that millenials are the last generation of humans and all of these apartments will go vacant.
not toxic
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.25582510232925415 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.19092650711536407 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.13536886870861053 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.11111026257276535 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.07610674202442169 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05133308097720146 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.02871701866388321 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020823467522859573 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.016688263043761253 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.013169092126190662 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003911591600626707 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0038210388738662004 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.003308552084490657 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.002981113502755761 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002538807224482298 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002315657213330269 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002213855041190982 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016333643579855561 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0015261255903169513 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014237100258469582 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011679193703457713 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0010660650441423059 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009693015599623322 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0009259674698114395 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008830572478473186 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008639773586764932 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006724031991325319 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004627345479093492 } ]
Red states Wyoming and Arizona have no problem with the voter request. The Secretary of States in both states refuse to comply with the order. Why are liberal states like Colorado and California even considering sending in the voter information?
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5236564874649048 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2769865393638611 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.2580055892467499 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0888369232416153 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.055998023599386215 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01567889004945755 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.008893444202840328 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0067027900367975235 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006664077751338482 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004022332839667797 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029780184850096703 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002216275781393051 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0018530285451561213 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001633441192097962 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0016307459445670247 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010722680017352104 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001051078550517559 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010218726238235831 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008195615373551846 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007941891672089696 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007278835983015597 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005741269560530782 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005741209024563432 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005284488433972001 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00046387463225983083 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00038592948112636805 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00019236061780247837 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00007765028567519039 } ]
I can only hope this meeting has the same effect on Trump as the Pope's meeting with Boehner 2 years ago...a newfound resolution to resign from office. I also feel sorry for Melania, except that no one forced her to marry the guy. No amount of money is worth one's dignity and freedom.
not toxic
[ { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.6657829880714417 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.31768912076950073 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.2147778421640396 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.08694572746753693 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.061850760132074356 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.038744643330574036 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03619338572025299 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.03465164825320244 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.017712147906422615 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.017507342621684074 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00919988565146923 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.007134856656193733 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006804736331105232 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0054711708799004555 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.004900598898530006 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004568108357489109 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.004504375625401735 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.004224641248583794 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0038814868312329054 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.003580864053219557 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0030145093332976103 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002742913318797946 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002642732346430421 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0026214735116809607 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0024687990080565214 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0014662329340353608 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014093528734520078 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010987960267812014 } ]
This is amusing. Trump used the power of the No vote, with his question of "What have you got to lose", to put his billionaire friends into power. So the voters didn't figure it out in time, and have put the "investors and rentiers" in power.
not toxic
[ { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.8504419326782227 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.10158975422382355 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.06274531036615372 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.024758609011769295 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02226937562227249 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021319329738616943 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008256809785962105 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005790471564978361 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005385241936892271 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005036063492298126 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0035871744621545076 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0022967676632106304 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0022288733161985874 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0021225670352578163 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002005180809646845 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017113741487264633 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0016344011528417468 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013919324846938252 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001348609453998506 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012155025033280253 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010736724361777306 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009665765101090074 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009006235050037503 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005563022568821907 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005047228769399226 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004792796971742064 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00035884534008800983 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000315328361466527 } ]
In the words of Randall Monroe: If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or get banned, your free speech rights aren't being violated. It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole, and they're showing you the door. Good riddance to bad rubbish, Milo.
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To get a good idea of disaster situation is like, turnoff your iPhones for a month if you can last that long. And for an actual disaster situation go live with the homeless for 4 months leaving everything behind. that is in a tent. I don't know where they take a shit so I can't tell you. Look around and what ever the homeless do of find water is what you going have to do too. Be prepared for no fresh water for about a month or more since homeless going be in a disaster situation where even no more supermarkets to shop at much less no more money. yes no toilet paper. So live with the homeless should give a lifetime of actual situation we live in today. and oh yeah. store some blue tarps, buy one honda generator now.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6924646496772766 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1049279049038887 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.057089027017354965 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03359152376651764 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.031112931668758392 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.030719075351953506 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.020730435848236084 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.017456335946917534 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.00817485898733139 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006504535209387541 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.005808660760521889 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00412103021517396 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0033650577533990145 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.002897690050303936 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0028794279787689447 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0015751055907458067 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0015513935359194875 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0011158861452713609 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007507430273108184 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006358196260407567 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005791312432847917 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005602668388746679 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0005146543262526393 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004552015452645719 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004204944125376642 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00038727265200577676 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003548266540747136 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002790225262288004 } ]
I agree Travis. Considering that alcohol is far more dangerous to us than cannabis, I think it should be rescheduled and that alcohol establishments should not be able to utilize the banking system to deposit their revenues. Make the bars hire security staff to guard their cash 24/7. Invest in some serious safes be in fear of being knocked off by the growing criminal element here in Anchorage.
not toxic
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.8570009469985962 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.08139288425445557 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02913745865225792 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.028808757662773132 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.018390294164419174 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.015272964723408222 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01361033320426941 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.009993444196879864 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.009529419243335724 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.003916735760867596 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.003868736792355776 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0038276438135653734 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003743401961401105 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0035138113889843225 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0032570920884609222 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002981989411637187 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.00296854879707098 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002818771405145526 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0024226002860814333 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0022690941113978624 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002226403681561351 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.002140620956197381 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0018812903435900807 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0015333914197981358 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001187661662697792 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001111420919187367 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009037860436365008 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006432216614484787 } ]
There was no reason to raise rates other than the banks wanted it. Inflation hasn't become a problem. And to suggest that rates needed to rise to prevent inflation rising in six months is just crazy. The Bank of Canada should be reactive, not predictive. Predicting the future is always a mugs game.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6239618062973022 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.18266376852989197 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14684225618839264 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05942744016647339 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03354760631918907 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009699591435492039 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008645199239253998 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008503861725330353 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005760194733738899 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.004421204794198275 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0038795112632215023 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0033323713578283787 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002498943591490388 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0023199045099318027 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002073851181194186 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0018399478867650032 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0017007588176056743 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015085097402334213 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0009179363842122257 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009086398640647531 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006284128758125007 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005406303680501878 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0005061886622570455 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00043358560651540756 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004164156853221357 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003017424896825105 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00020558455435093492 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00011934895883314312 } ]
Huh? Just because they don't drive as teenagers doesn't mean they won't drive as adults. Regardless, the answer is simple, autonomous vehicles.
not toxic
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Mobile platforms cannot sustain adult thrill rides. Should be just kiddie rides at local fairs.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6496266722679138 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.4637424647808075 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.030971085652709007 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02262066677212715 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0158979669213295 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014997882768511772 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005231240298599005 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003126329742372036 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029312020633369684 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002326155314221978 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002211559098213911 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017454065382480621 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0013788845390081406 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013288232730701566 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0012168139219284058 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0011620584409683943 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011241082102060318 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001053440268151462 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009745748247951269 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008489580359309912 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006096528959460557 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005785415414720774 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005740484339185059 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005659956950694323 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005295461160130799 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00042423000559210777 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00030262902146205306 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00020455916819628328 } ]
Excellent and very useful trail/hike article, with everything I would want to know (esp. road challenges) and a video.
not toxic
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"How good and pleasant it isw hen God’s people live together in unity!" -- Psalm 133:1
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3502650260925293 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.20451799035072327 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.17666885256767273 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.11667563021183014 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.022663837298750877 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.017481377348303795 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00996419508010149 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006833262275904417 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.005914689972996712 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.004833424463868141 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.004519318230450153 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00442131794989109 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.003990283701568842 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0020202938467264175 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0013583648251369596 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013481933856382966 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009736694628372788 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008173189125955105 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0007032643188722432 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0006856857216916978 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0006271444726735353 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.000571930839214474 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005611283122561872 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000356387987267226 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003425792674534023 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002626822388265282 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002511702768970281 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00023772026179358363 } ]
End Medicare Part B! That was GW Bush's concession to big Pharma. Allow competitive bidding for medications to bring costs down. You won't need to go to Canada.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8682065010070801 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09231681376695633 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04517180472612381 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02080598659813404 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.014081994071602821 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005805713124573231 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004160427954047918 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0036518310662359 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002682081190869212 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0015857589896768332 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013304891763255 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012628489639610052 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010286679025739431 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010186757426708937 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008609573123976588 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008438869845122099 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007283248123712838 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006287561845965683 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005215819110162556 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004705657484009862 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00046100630424916744 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003920950402971357 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003099020686931908 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0002769887796603143 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00025654741330072284 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00024782688706181943 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00021049813949503005 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00019394318223930895 } ]
Meanwhile, I've met lots of vets who have had great treatment and care at the VA. Trump is proposing making cuts to the VA. How's that help their problems?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.6249121427536011 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.24623115360736847 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.17218559980392456 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.1187676265835762 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.084095299243927 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011421110481023788 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.010792043060064316 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010205498896539211 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.009443343617022038 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008728147484362125 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00871471967548132 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006208160426467657 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.004184162709861994 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0038856540340930223 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0037818357814103365 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0030477233231067657 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0026884940452873707 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0019012229749932885 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001624697120860219 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001415963750332594 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0013219908578321338 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0012188984546810389 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0009319711243733764 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009267592104151845 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007955647306516767 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006434482056647539 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006033575627952814 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00047727301716804504 } ]
the drug users are 100% responsible for their overdose death, which is nature's way of cleansing. It hardly bothers anyone, except the drug dealers and professional sympathisers, who simply siphon out taxpayers' money. Canada should borrow Philippine and Singapore expertise to eradicate the problem.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6991688013076782 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.12896792590618134 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.07430221885442734 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04753941670060158 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03865884616971016 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03304151073098183 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.016422638669610023 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.01446559652686119 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00946903508156538 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0060092066414654255 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00554860383272171 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004053444601595402 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0028666448779404163 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002133197383955121 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002106131287291646 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0019747419282794 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001460802392102778 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0012291810708120465 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001027481397613883 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00099335762206465 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007710308418609202 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0007453268626704812 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006785489385947585 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006615105085074902 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004919422208331525 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00039567382191307843 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0002959424164146185 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000267601921223104 } ]
I don't disagree, Aileen, but shouldn't that also mean that when the bishops finally do the right thing, we should affirm and encourage them? Otherwise, how are we to expect them to do it again? Some of these messages remind me of how when I call my mother all she does is complain about how I never call her. I always want to say, "But I'm calling you now. Appreciate that!"
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2605411112308502 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.24138659238815308 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.24071326851844788 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2154003083705902 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1518966257572174 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04768797755241394 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.016629265621304512 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.014322874136269093 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014225655235350132 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.008046101778745651 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0063448715955019 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004565708804875612 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003231771755963564 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0027201264165341854 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0027006766758859158 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0020526160951703787 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0019800118170678616 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017879605293273926 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0015149392420426011 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0012373467907309532 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010287199402227998 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010047485120594501 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000800672743935138 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007838831515982747 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007322684396058321 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000687798426952213 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003611446009017527 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003515622520353645 } ]
Flames ownership is spectacularly unsophisticated to attempt this crude blackmail. City council should call the bluff. There is no city anywhere in North America where the Flames could generate the revenue stream that is now being generated in Calgary, let alone whatever income would be generated by a new arena. No politician could survive in Calgary by rolling over for the Flames. Murray Edwards burned up his goodwill when he decamped to England as a tax refugee. Even a Conservative would be committing political suicide by giving in to the Flames' demands. The sad fact is...Calgary's economy is still flat on its back, much worse than Edmonton's. Bringing in Gary Bettman as a heavy handed hitman was particularly maladroit. Having an arrogant New York corporate lawyer lecture Calgary's elected city council is just plain counter-productive, giving Mayor Nenshi a gold-plated campaign foil for next month's civic election. Nenshi is smooth and well respected; he will win in a landslide.
not toxic
[ { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.5087093114852905 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.22549985349178314 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1490153968334198 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.12934477627277374 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.10339158028364182 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03678806498646736 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020229006186127663 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.011269244365394115 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.010418593883514404 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00804880727082491 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00766135286539793 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004224364645779133 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0030453093349933624 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0030326624400913715 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0030163873452693224 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0028792337980121374 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002048441907390952 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001688710879534483 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001490385620854795 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0014797461917623878 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014608434867113829 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001183595391921699 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011835740879178047 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008957965183071792 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008656431455165148 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008269917452707887 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007956548943184316 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006322734407149255 } ]
This article delivers an important message on saving Canadian lives now and in the future. However, thousands are dying each year from hospital acquired infections that can be vanquished with better cleaning and sterilizing. Is there a better example of picking low hanging fruit in order to save lives? Let's get on that. It's a no brainer.
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.5334717035293579 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.172176331281662 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.13428454101085663 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.10869988799095154 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.03699655830860138 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.03468754142522812 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.030420895665884018 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.029677823185920715 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.022138603031635284 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02143682725727558 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01778079941868782 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008747628889977932 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.006847006734460592 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.005155534949153662 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00492888456210494 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.004350322298705578 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0038168374449014664 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002448893850669265 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0021808543242514133 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002120523015037179 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001987175550311804 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0013373080873861909 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0012527704238891602 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0012044033501297235 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001138651859946549 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005919188261032104 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00045925533049739897 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004418592725414783 } ]
Well written piece. Thanks E.J. Dionne.
not toxic
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.9883157014846802 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.29612866044044495 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01773099973797798 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.005806901957839727 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005564368329942226 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005556207615882158 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.005141142755746841 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003734966041520238 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0034745188895612955 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0032991403713822365 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003225328167900443 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002946140244603157 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002904252614825964 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.002880462910979986 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0024994465056806803 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0020329749677330256 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0017924041021615267 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001758525730110705 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.001622092560864985 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014234307454898953 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0012452186783775687 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0011214552214369178 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0011048628948628902 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010298872366547585 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005995715619064867 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005768500850535929 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0004963017418049276 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00022027322847861797 } ]
Good grief, how hard is it to stay between the lines? Are we giving out CDL's by mail-order now?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.618205189704895 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.21249380707740784 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.19814351201057434 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.05151389166712761 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04987786337733269 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.04623807221651077 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.01409370917826891 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011034303344786167 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010158628225326538 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007684727199375629 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005487286485731602 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00508838938549161 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003907510079443455 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.003743689740076661 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003455194178968668 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0027506272308528423 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002523325849324465 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0024140039458870888 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020333980210125446 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0019888649694621563 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001508956542238593 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0013891925336793065 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0012668280396610498 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010519198840484023 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008307885145768523 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003658745263237506 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002773804299067706 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001101484740502201 } ]
Mainland Spectrum execs don't give a rip about UH or Hawaii sports except as a gouging tool.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6868536472320557 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.15864917635917664 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14988991618156433 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.03556342422962189 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.020142726600170135 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010635890997946262 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008685986511409283 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0033443670254200697 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002311953343451023 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002137578558176756 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0017969119362533092 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017526944866403937 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001557105453684926 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0013065391685813665 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011039968812838197 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0010367892682552338 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009008075576275587 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00084928038995713 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007126876735128462 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004359531158115715 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004237560788169503 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00040141865611076355 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003695557825267315 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00036012555938214064 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003107292577624321 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00030779794906266034 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00029253409593366086 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00020341164781711996 } ]
Republican In Name Only...where 'ya been?
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5875555276870728 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.424258291721344 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.2592962384223938 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010811633430421352 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.006916724611073732 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.004897315055131912 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0039766887202858925 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0033621229231357574 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0028988488484174013 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0020331318955868483 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0018417079700157046 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0016195896314457059 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001495509990490973 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001248799730092287 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011535710655152798 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011005904525518417 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010990462033078074 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010692465584725142 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000929789210204035 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008273653802461922 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007682014838792384 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007545005646534264 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006041214801371098 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000421667326008901 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00035779038444161415 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00027819350361824036 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00013219051470514387 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00005501687337527983 } ]
Uh, wait a minute. So in 300 days his shop could be the first to close, too? The City of Valdez votes on banning retail on May 1, 2017.... "That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him"
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5569514632225037 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.29642659425735474 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.08506803214550018 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06074471399188042 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.029809745028614998 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.029014907777309418 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.028442133218050003 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.024083705618977547 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0041739982552826405 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.004096807446330786 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003937162924557924 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0024508435744792223 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.002334901364520192 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002316223457455635 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002003293251618743 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001667358330450952 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0016051717102527618 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0013665942242369056 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0011049654567614198 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009902148740366101 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0008367692935280502 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007848974782973528 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006021977169439197 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005828164285048842 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004192936175968498 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000356565898982808 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003335372020956129 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002952880458906293 } ]
Note that your data is out of date and suffers from the conventional way of defining the tech sector. There is no one statistical category used. What percentage of those financial services jobs are in IT? My point, in any case, is that resource extraction and transportation is not particularly important to the future of the BC economy. Finding new ways to get value from our forests, though, is.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6033933162689209 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.25067582726478577 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.1626945436000824 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1053464487195015 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.045014288276433945 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01915166899561882 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.018941424787044525 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013650709763169289 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00893278606235981 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0033030672930181026 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0025301447603851557 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0024529288057237864 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0020659153815358877 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0020394460298120975 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001691847457550466 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014001495437696576 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00121516571380198 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008684595231898129 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008672848925925791 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000809192075394094 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007979650399647653 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000622058636508882 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005228082882240415 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004908175906166434 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003933559637516737 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00038205491728149354 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00037985810195095837 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00012909003999084234 } ]
it "worked out" by the Soviets then taking over Eastern Europe, setting up repressive regimes, building the Berlin Wall and launching the Cold War for about the next 45 years. so I guess if you were a Czech, Hungarian, East German, etc. maybe it didn't work out too well eh?
not toxic
[ { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.7207351922988892 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.259554922580719 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.19512853026390076 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06637606024742126 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04494986683130264 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02508491650223732 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.022844254970550537 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.02280612476170063 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.016324974596500397 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.008264876902103424 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004199233837425709 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0035638483241200447 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0032221826259046793 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0030946044716984034 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0030743347015231848 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0027771310415118933 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0026633157394826412 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0021672029979526997 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002128089778125286 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019868030212819576 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017876627389341593 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0015268552815541625 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0012092423858121037 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001175985555164516 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008570692734792829 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007351120584644377 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005695533473044634 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00016135277110151947 } ]
Forest: Yes, this is a very important position and he has a very important job to do, AND, HE has FAILED MISERABLY.......... Read the Sign: FAILED MISERABLY.............
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5969259738922119 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.119296133518219 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09491115063428879 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08254728466272354 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03906375542283058 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.028889963403344154 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.014890660531818867 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.012382998131215572 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006584700662642717 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004702405538409948 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0036567249335348606 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0032358986791223288 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001869252067990601 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0017669231165200472 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001716388389468193 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001399375032633543 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0013678421964868903 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0012838030233979225 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011815869947895408 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010863557690754533 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0010692679788917303 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008625888149254024 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008396630873903632 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007900918135419488 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006110190879553556 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0004783275944646448 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.00042714070877991617 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00030750699806958437 } ]
The Goldstein didn't think Hitler would wisk them away to a concentration camp and sieze all their assets too. The neighbors were stunned.
not toxic
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Liberal judge hearing a case about the Liberal party, nothing too fishy here. Watch for this judge to get a promotion after the June 2018 election.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7065749168395996 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09824038296937943 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.029363524168729782 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.02668715827167034 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020298084244132042 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.015870222821831703 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.014547646977007389 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.007890106178820133 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.007123854011297226 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.005784536711871624 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.004078804515302181 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0040024807676672935 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025046460796147585 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0022827249485999346 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0021381431724876165 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016613717889413238 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001514410600066185 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013780697481706738 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011925918515771627 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0011262864572927356 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007443104404956102 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006828090408816934 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006641031941398978 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005593055975623429 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00035523739643394947 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002511106140445918 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002171854575863108 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00020467175636440516 } ]
"The funny thing is that China is now Trudeau BFF" - Steve Harper is jealous? He thought he was China's BFF!
not toxic
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I don't believe that Charles Dalton has ever posted that no black person can be successful or ever has been because of white privilege. If fact I am 98% certain he has not. It seems you have to lie in order to make your dubious point. In fact, I find you more of a racist than Charles, since you yourself have implied that Charles's success was the result of affirmative action, rather than his own talent.
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Most importantly. Canada has a Charter of Right and Freedoms and a Bill of Rights. That transcends war and governments and special interest groups. And a Supreme Court of Canada which upholds our rights.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5426216125488281 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.5418468713760376 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02582012675702572 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0218889731913805 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.014706147834658623 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.007961667142808437 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0066406880505383015 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0061057861894369125 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002423311350867152 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0023348049726337194 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002266230760142207 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0017881436506286263 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017531458288431168 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0014695324935019016 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014146178727969527 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0013626323780044913 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013205689610913396 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011327369138598442 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010801953030750155 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0008448992157354951 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007363909971900284 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005210357485339046 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004160746175330132 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.00038013741141185164 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00036288780393078923 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00024486493202857673 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00022876654111314565 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00022674570209346712 } ]
I did not know there was a Sikh Day parade. I may have attended. Where is the Denver Sikh community located? Near Greektown? And can I culturally appropriate Sikh food anywhere? (Just kidding on the last thing. Sikhs don't seem to get into victimhood.) But like them, I do carry a weapon to be used in defense of anyne who would be made a victim.
not toxic
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Bottom line: 3 GOP & all 48 DEMS voted FOR OBAMACARE to survive.....feel for the people who are victims of this tragic law. .
not toxic
[ { "label": "caring", "score": 0.5125086307525635 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.44149839878082275 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.18319840729236603 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.040352944284677505 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.021257227286696434 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.01959533430635929 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.016406932845711708 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.013627331703901291 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011996579356491566 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010839901864528656 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.009739483706653118 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006979561876505613 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0069176387041807175 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.006848186254501343 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.006397468037903309 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.005913260858505964 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.005453538615256548 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003729400923475623 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.003250142326578498 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003187146270647645 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0028728123288601637 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002343331929296255 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0022247054148465395 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013637448428198695 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0011215144768357277 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010241888230666518 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0007843209314160049 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000555552716832608 } ]
Wyatt: You are absolutely correct. I spoke with one of my sons yesterday who lives in K-town. He told me it was sh*ttin' kittens (aka raining hard), and blowing hard. That is just extra reason to drive carefully!
not toxic
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.8151043653488159 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.16889438033103943 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01952516660094261 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.018473133444786072 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01782786287367344 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.009581307880580425 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.008602174930274487 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.005716461688280106 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0027637293096631765 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0024528729263693094 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0023212390951812267 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0021286357659846544 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002064966829493642 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0018667980330064893 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017499884124845266 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0017019533552229404 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001658522174693644 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001565333572216332 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0015475242398679256 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001532193273305893 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001463045715354383 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0013907153625041246 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010894200531765819 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006551219266839325 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000570870703086257 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005427009309642017 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00039069177000783384 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002975680981762707 } ]
The republican congress is using Trumps treason as a screen while they rob the nation and rape the constitution.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7462725043296814 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14970096945762634 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.11854467540979385 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.029296686872839928 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01664111390709877 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.00924975611269474 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.008861138485372066 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.007041595410555601 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005720868241041899 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.003087153658270836 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0030041502323001623 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002411348046734929 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0022156760096549988 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002034394768998027 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001467686495743692 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0013827973743900657 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0010463529033586383 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009999992325901985 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008485119906254113 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007823682390153408 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000752019404899329 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007190787582658231 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006021408480592072 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005692493868991733 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00047315564006567 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00046019794535823166 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00041522213723510504 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00032441079383715987 } ]
This insistence on referring to those who are in loving same-sex unions as sinners is truly bizarre. In the times of Jesus, lepers were considered to be such. Thankfully, we have evolved past that. Is it not high time that we evolve past this idiocy of considering persons who are in same-sex relationships as being sinners?
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These radical elitist groups will now be yammering next to replace the image of the Queen on Canadian currency with the new face of Canada....... 10 million dollar Omar.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9570534825325012 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02563389204442501 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01012280210852623 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008525080047547817 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0042559122666716576 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0030682964716106653 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0029829833656549454 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002869300777092576 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017867209389805794 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0017398438649252057 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015636180760338902 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014763689832761884 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0014670296804979444 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0014200080186128616 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001417952124029398 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010144897969439626 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009548295056447387 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009346232400275767 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007178881205618382 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006518966984003782 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005567189073190093 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000553652411326766 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0004957476048730314 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003933912666980177 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00035719224251806736 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002745289821177721 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002720428165048361 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00025186280254274607 } ]
Um, kinda odd. If she had those allergies and there were two dogs being transported, why did she refused to leave? If that's accurate, uh, her problem isn't everyone else's. Get off the plane when told to.
not toxic
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WAIT A MINUTE!! Donald Trump is just a big blowhard who lies a lot?? Why is this the first time we've heard that?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.4892735779285431 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2820015549659729 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1308615803718567 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.118256114423275 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.08271946758031845 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.05407825857400894 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011658630333840847 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00977635383605957 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00822482630610466 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.006887791678309441 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006390760652720928 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0055541000328958035 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005063764285296202 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.004490166436880827 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002797839930281043 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0020769720431417227 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0018284693360328674 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017432832391932607 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0014178083511069417 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00126628577709198 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0011842394014820457 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008989982306957245 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007303679594770074 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006220446084626019 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00031935187871567905 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00031572754960507154 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002801503287628293 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00018172971613239497 } ]
This coward is still looking for ways to tax anyone except people who live here.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.680094838142395 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.25801295042037964 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.1367233693599701 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.030043039470911026 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.013056614436209202 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008366298861801624 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.00779483187943697 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005844959989190102 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002700279699638486 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002309119328856468 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002238952089101076 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001818253891542554 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0016079909401014447 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013473283033818007 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012420198181644082 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001157086226157844 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009821198182180524 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009341278928332031 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007058796472847462 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006779979448765516 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005942889838479459 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005868677399121225 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003873869718518108 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00035140238469466567 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00033338682260364294 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00030168125522322953 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00029306672513484955 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002483160060364753 } ]
The city is not making money he waived the fees. The clown is destroying the neighborhoods as we know them and the island as a whole as we know it. They are popping up as vacation rentals on the north shore like crazy and the city wont touch out there.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.41004326939582825 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2857271432876587 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.23421601951122284 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.09727266430854797 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.03822214901447296 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02074814774096012 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.016116531565785408 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.012228787876665592 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.011811567470431328 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0033431306947022676 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0022147251293063164 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0022049073595553637 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002191321924328804 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0017542369896546006 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014299809699878097 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011269720271229744 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009338523377664387 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008749518310651183 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008035091450437903 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007150003802962601 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006985138752497733 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006950817769393325 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006832050858065486 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006806133897043765 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006278071086853743 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006187541293911636 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000500079826451838 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0004616325022652745 } ]
Sounds like the words "legal immigration" still have no place in your vocabulary. And 20 other countries built walls are now trying to stem the invasion from the Middle East by Islamic hordes who never even consider assimilation. The refugees of war and military age with no wives or children continue to invade, as has the onslaught by Islam on Christian lands, for the last 1,400 years. I am thankful for my relatives who fought these Islamic animals for over 250 year in the land of the Dragon.
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.9243956804275513 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.04139852523803711 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04041183739900589 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.012792488560080528 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.012151936069130898 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011573010124266148 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011117666028439999 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003040364710614085 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.003023881930857897 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002707993146032095 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002088922308757901 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016089886194095016 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0015669791027903557 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0015172888524830341 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015014553209766746 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013558502541854978 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001256112358532846 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.001128745498135686 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001011648797430098 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009272338938899338 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008860158850438893 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007634079083800316 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006872703088447452 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005730261909775436 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004116225754842162 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00035327672958374023 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003199787170160562 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00014989214832894504 } ]
Defense: For most part defense played well. But the run defense is a definite concern without Wolfe and Crick. Losing Kerr hurts an already thin DL. Todd Davis has to shut up and not act like a spoiled brat. Talib is usually the immature one but today acted like a leader. Von Miller was dynamic in limited play. Shelby Harris stood out and could possibly make the 53 man roster. Peko is solid. Gotsis still gets pushed around way too much. Jamal Carter is another player that deserves a shot on the team. Brandon Langley is fast and will definitely contribute on special teams this year.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4030061364173889 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.18360626697540283 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.16791018843650818 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.09990697354078293 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.07144061475992203 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04576911777257919 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.030980268493294716 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.028510678559541702 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.022503230720758438 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0195014588534832 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008401250466704369 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004942514467984438 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004649622831493616 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0026553925126791 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0025134256575256586 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002463665558025241 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0020983803551644087 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0018866091268137097 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0018847489263862371 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001386184012517333 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0012213082518428564 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0010806332575157285 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0010555509943515062 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010004476644098759 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008295453153550625 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006650863215327263 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005425153067335486 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004341511521488428 } ]
Yes, its not the 35 that need to be convince - its the 10% in the middle ...
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.49752548336982727 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.37342479825019836 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.08345837146043777 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.065104179084301 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.020859887823462486 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011140041053295135 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006605963688343763 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004108438268303871 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025102896615862846 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0021163830533623695 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0019879378378391266 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001975845545530319 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001374322222545743 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001292091910727322 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012881438015028834 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012055833358317614 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0011755991727113724 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001116726896725595 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0008228527149185538 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007504587410949171 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000728220387827605 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000724420475307852 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005814387695863843 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005292256828397512 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004961636150255799 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00045763864181935787 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002283383219037205 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00020626191690098494 } ]
PDN, are you EVER going to retire this story? Your dateline claims it's from Aug 12, but Civil Comments tells the truth -- you published this a week and a half ago. Give it a decent burial, please!
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5154218673706055 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.4147719442844391 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.04542666673660278 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.030734848231077194 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0223129503428936 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.022109724581241608 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.019750414416193962 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.009472823701798916 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004769538063555956 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0034049153327941895 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0030298191122710705 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0029443842358887196 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0027380678802728653 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0025436044670641422 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0024826712906360626 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0016947773983702064 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012173389550298452 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011495721992105246 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001100690569728613 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001005504047498107 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009871635120362043 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009038631687872112 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006515985587611794 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004934020107612014 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000465170742245391 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00033507851185277104 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00032418727641925216 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001232978975167498 } ]
German boy beaten, kicked by Muslim schoolmates after telling them he is Jewish http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/german-boy-beaten-by-muslim-schoolmates-after-telling-them-he-is-jewish
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8720719814300537 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.04033989831805229 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.025705765932798386 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01996566541492939 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.015467219054698944 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010954326950013638 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010711252689361572 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.009962844662368298 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.007833290845155716 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.005420060362666845 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004255528561770916 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002547221025452018 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00229995627887547 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0020836887415498495 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0019466838566586375 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0016043893992900848 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0015695408219471574 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0015327578876167536 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0014791861176490784 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0013636228395625949 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0013516679173335433 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001014713547192514 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009896291885524988 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008034989004954696 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006836004904471338 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005415855557657778 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005210384842939675 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00041440321365371346 } ]
I think the concern is the use of language like Trudeau's to suppress the rational objections many legitimately hold about aspects of puritanical religious ideology, including gender bias and homophobia, whether in Islam or in other religions. There is a strong tradition in the West, grounded in the Reformation and Enlightenment, which sustains our right to rationally criticize any religion. We mustn't lose this.
not toxic
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.377705842256546 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.3047170042991638 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.26583927869796753 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.04849932715296745 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.032939665019512177 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.032302726060152054 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0231582373380661 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.01226245891302824 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008536024950444698 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.007959728129208088 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0065506501123309135 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005478960461914539 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.004749237094074488 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003295553382486105 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003029872430488467 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002670097863301635 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.002577870385721326 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0024315882474184036 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001931014354340732 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0018562761833891273 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0016233116621151567 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0016141259111464024 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001445951173081994 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0010840017348527908 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.000665296392980963 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005800295039080083 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004910937277600169 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003805547603406012 } ]
Does not the climate change from year to year? Decade to Decade? and Century to Century? Are these the same scientists that love to change data that they do not like? Sounds like you also believe in the false doctrine of an ancient earth also.
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.578494668006897 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3305623531341553 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.25627362728118896 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.047200847417116165 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.019861910492181778 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.012594000436365604 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008689899928867817 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00797558855265379 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005284040700644255 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004203413147479296 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0040232595056295395 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003590634325519204 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0035142991691827774 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0032164431177079678 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020636250264942646 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0014034616760909557 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013890292029827833 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013669533655047417 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001278549898415804 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001104161492548883 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000895050005055964 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007498400518670678 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004850693221669644 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00047600470134057105 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00040496341534890234 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003114606661256403 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00021154600835870951 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0000830405842862092 } ]
I am a CPA and since the recent tax proposals were introduced in July, have been questioning why the CRA is spending so much time going after the small business owners for the anticipated $250 million in taxes when there are billions out there in 2 main areas. The first is the defined benefit plan that Federal employees have that small business owners don't and the other is offshore Trusts that wealthy people have access to. It's outrageous to go after small business owners for such small amounts when they allow those 2 massive holes.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.38250643014907837 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2825898826122284 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.1527087390422821 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.10058588534593582 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.07821778953075409 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05513984337449074 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03414098545908928 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.02583339624106884 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02262454852461815 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.020624225959181786 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.014916316606104374 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.007931826636195183 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0045579285360872746 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0035622974392026663 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0035162498243153095 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003072203602641821 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002142637502402067 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001735061639919877 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001485526328906417 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010840771719813347 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009219758794642985 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0005962270661257207 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005949277547188103 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003689594741445035 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003594378649722785 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00034512043930590153 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003250891459174454 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00031440140446648 } ]
selfies for everyone!
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9664366245269775 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01795061118900776 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.005896586459130049 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.004874066915363073 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003230357076972723 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.002690767403692007 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025516694877296686 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002417727140709758 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0023897739592939615 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002247309312224388 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0022094871383160353 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0021772999316453934 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0019512629369273782 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001862348522990942 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016260877018794417 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0015249309362843633 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014113675570115447 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012070904485881329 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001198984682559967 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011948352912440896 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009867459302768111 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009075596462935209 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005133990198373795 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00036279423511587083 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003585248487070203 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003421735600568354 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00033554984838701785 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003282217076048255 } ]
Are you the real Justin Trudeau ?
not toxic
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Does he even know the definition of "oath"??? He's a narcissist. They are in their own world and will never believe or listen to anything or anyone about anything. Lying is a way of life. It's a mental illness. Perhaps this country needs to be educated on what constitutes mental illness. Definition: Donald Trump.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5571348667144775 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.340922087430954 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.13285523653030396 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04302655905485153 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.025337057188153267 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01388117577880621 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.010773398913443089 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007669742219150066 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0058064996264874935 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004211548715829849 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0035346164368093014 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0033931967336684465 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0031426490750163794 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003031075233593583 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002002245746552944 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0018499793950468302 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0017807174008339643 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012035496765747666 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0010564870899543166 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009400307899340987 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007722920854575932 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005955920787528157 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005903294077143073 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005149347707629204 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004452192806638777 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00025890779215842485 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0001548655127407983 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00010412272968096659 } ]
I loved your last line of "So it seems there's no there there." :) There is most certainly a there there! Sincere smile by me :) Below is one that was caught voting after ACORN...plus a more extensive list of ACORN Bad Deeds. ACORN and voter registration fraud Acorn 2007 Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Claudel Gilbert was indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting- Quite a year by year list on ACORN here https://ballotpedia.org/ACORN_and_voter_registration_fraud
not toxic
[ { "label": "love", "score": 0.7641806602478027 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.29940834641456604 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.08241734653711319 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.019536279141902924 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010695861652493477 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0064555574208498 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004915790632367134 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0043473681434988976 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004224318079650402 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004145371727645397 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0034878812730312347 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0029664398171007633 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0025150724686682224 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0023504961282014847 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001954538282006979 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0017700206954032183 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001708029885776341 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016520048957318068 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011577608529478312 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008436734206043184 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007163590053096414 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006636498728767037 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006008942727930844 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005668197991326451 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005373024614527822 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004628792521543801 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003236869815737009 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002958169498015195 } ]
Ain't nobuddy wrappin' Val Hoyle around their finger. Boston Irish, dem's fightin' words dere.
not toxic
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Thanks for making my point, Luigi! Trump U!
not toxic
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Wonderful! I know & teach many of the young women of the East High Volleyball team. I'd say you've had a very succesfull season & look forward to hearing about their continued success in 20 years.
not toxic
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.9089337587356567 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.3220544755458832 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07126316428184509 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.060471802949905396 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.03953346237540245 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.03196916729211807 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.02706340327858925 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.018905049189925194 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.01439773477613926 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.01258134189993143 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.011623354628682137 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.011167348362505436 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005581827834248543 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.004485436715185642 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0042930482886731625 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0031381710432469845 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003110281191766262 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0027521925512701273 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002396897180005908 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00226625450886786 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017997066024690866 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017784526571631432 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014039468951523304 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0010737853590399027 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0010173997143283486 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010048642288893461 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009616741444915533 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00040829292265698314 } ]
At least someone understands what he meant.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7103574872016907 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2101375311613083 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.13921993970870972 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.01168143842369318 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.011267241090536118 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010530651547014713 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.006493622902780771 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.006333448458462954 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.005085375625640154 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004561203066259623 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.003913176245987415 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003555579110980034 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.002516050124540925 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002272331854328513 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0019399584271013737 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0018245173851028085 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0014036635402590036 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0013996196212247014 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011921074474230409 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0011476289946585894 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001136861857958138 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001092695165425539 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0010299740824848413 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009223928791470826 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007578210206702352 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007403111667372286 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006125202053226531 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005426306161098182 } ]
Angry commentators and their nihilist attitudes have brought this on. They don't want conversations; they want to make statements. I see the time in the near future when comments are no longer accepted, and it isn't a failure of the media.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8598060011863708 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.07089077681303024 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.028794167563319206 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.02856854535639286 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.013737370260059834 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.009844152256846428 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008172848261892796 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0070599899627268314 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002682650228962302 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0025843263138085604 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018936970736831427 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0016985849943012 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001695651444606483 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015357732772827148 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013075779424980283 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009687984711490571 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008628136711195111 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007385137141682208 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0006913751130923629 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0004755187837872654 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00043161690700799227 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00042614241829141974 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004066822293680161 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004019877524115145 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002416605275357142 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023436720948666334 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00019225975847803056 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00017363119695801288 } ]
re: Houses in some cities keep rising in price, while the federal government keeps making home buying either less accessible or more expensive. yes the Liberals want to tap down home purchasing by existing resident Canadians who now cannot afford housing without going dangerously into debt, but not the new rich immigrant class or offshore investors who the Liberals freely encourage to run up the price of housing further
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8608102798461914 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06402073800563812 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05384565517306328 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02567218244075775 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013880058191716671 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.012635136023163795 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0046766637824475765 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003714105114340782 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0026338801253587008 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014777649194002151 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014074831269681454 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001201952574774623 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0011675963178277016 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010394139681011438 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007636801456101239 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007485281093977392 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007348161307163537 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000733320543076843 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005709683755412698 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000512621074449271 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000510204175952822 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00048630728269927204 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00046938908053562045 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00038097327342256904 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003513680421747267 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003259142686147243 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00028732186183333397 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00023249301011674106 } ]
Nobody cared about the Census but the majority are disgusted by the Kadhr issue and won't forget that Trudeau gave 10 million taxdollars to a terrorist when the court did not even order him to do so. Trudeau's lame excuse about "possible more damages" is ridiculous, as Canadian courts are known for not awarding huge amounts for damages. This was no doubt a result of Islamic lobbying, and Trudeau must pay the price.
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.5933547019958496 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2841583788394928 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.13031141459941864 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0708252340555191 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.048487551510334015 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.030894171446561813 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01613185741007328 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.015476646833121777 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00964761059731245 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.005271805915981531 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002913844306021929 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0026078273076564074 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002551870886236429 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0013791340170428157 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0013368986546993256 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011128999758511782 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001099742017686367 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010395527351647615 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009869970381259918 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008386268164031208 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007503243396058679 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006535473512485623 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005675588035956025 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005410714074969292 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005188872455619276 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004679106059484184 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00037986066308803856 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003770427720155567 } ]
As I see it, I can choose whom to believe. I can believe that the BC Liberals will suddenly become less self-serving, less corrupt, and more democratic, or I can believe that the NDP will keep their promises. I have no way of knowing in either case, but the Liberals have been in power long enough that I can guessed based on their recent activity. If I'm unhappy with the NDP later, I don't have to vote for them again. Nothing done over a 4-year term is irreversible.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.48928573727607727 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.28522172570228577 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.1913684755563736 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.052579984068870544 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.045909762382507324 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.043713998049497604 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012432236224412918 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.007750834338366985 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0077306427992880344 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.004047822207212448 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003558435244485736 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0031802470330148935 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017627294873818755 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015487964265048504 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0015478816349059343 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001294174580834806 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00123498251195997 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001103446469642222 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010768489446491003 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000955602154135704 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000955424620769918 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009093292756006122 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008302344940602779 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007128473953343928 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006675911718048155 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000571371812839061 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00047408268437720835 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00034353588125668466 } ]
Was she the one who wrote the phrase "person of colour" that appears in the introduction to her piece? If, so, then, hello? This is Canada. Everybody here is a person of colour. True, some are shades of beige, but beige is a colour just as ebony is a colour. In Canada, the phrase used in the article is a political power-grab, and an extremely offensive power-grab at that. Please stop denigrating the equal status of beige people with a phrase that inappropriately grabs them, and only them, as somehow the standardized measure against which all the other colours are to be measured. The phrase is maladaptive and sickeningly manipulative.
not toxic
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.37980639934539795 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3228168189525604 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1766429841518402 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.08438737690448761 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.05761024355888367 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03528404235839844 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.034110456705093384 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.030116280540823936 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.027833325788378716 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.009696944616734982 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006264278199523687 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006205166690051556 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003764709457755089 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0031600238289684057 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0024752109311521053 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0016813635593280196 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0016727749025449157 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012124672066420317 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0011524540605023503 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007454362930729985 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007088728016242385 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006702700047753751 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005873196059837937 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005667363293468952 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0003681269590742886 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00030623082420788705 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00026443140814080834 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002096240787068382 } ]
Book it TR! In the spirit of Aloha, let's invite Diver Dave to break pita with us. . Perhaps he will come to appreciate the benefits of diversity of cuisine over a couple of bottles of arak.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8181201219558716 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07302653044462204 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.035146910697221756 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.025974594056606293 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.013821051456034184 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0092084389179945 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.008894798345863819 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.007646981626749039 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.007161629386246204 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0064168996177613735 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.002771212952211499 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0024277709890156984 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0021878881379961967 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00202007289044559 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0016229832544922829 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0012667858973145485 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012079484295099974 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011462103575468063 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0009095632121898234 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0006947605288587511 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006570635014213622 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0005366570549085736 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00040010898374021053 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003799060941673815 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00034629038418643177 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003002929443027824 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002988492196891457 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0002578423882368952 } ]
Of course, the fact that the 7 1/2 year sentence was mandatory under measure 11 had nothing to do with it, right? http://www.crimevictimsunited.org/measure11/measure11sentences.htm He only got the mandatory minimum. A longer sentence is sometimes given for especially deserving criminals.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5673967599868774 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.3265869617462158 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.13098987936973572 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.057534776628017426 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03425600379705429 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.017434118315577507 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011974218301475048 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004769707098603249 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004326485097408295 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004033280070871115 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0015059879515320063 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0013370807282626629 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013119839131832123 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012968829832971096 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011852459283545613 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010789420921355486 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010202135890722275 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009061266318894923 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000897265796083957 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007849078392609954 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007485624519176781 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000613109499681741 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004752013483084738 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00046548384125344455 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003636770707089454 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003076031571254134 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003020723524969071 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00011028679728042334 } ]
So now you work for the comment police ? Certainly you can walk and chew gum at the same time . Your comment is off topic too , so why did you make it ? Follow your own advice Mr. monitor .
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.49233484268188477 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2548597753047943 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.11710703372955322 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.07906030863523483 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07631295174360275 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03230489045381546 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01148555614054203 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.01075401809066534 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.010679158382117748 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.009095354937016964 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.006044313311576843 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0031314133666455746 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002600697800517082 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017099571414291859 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011513694189488888 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0010934293968603015 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008961777202785015 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008131798822432756 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007627371815033257 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006563653005287051 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006425222381949425 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006196169415488839 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004936630721203983 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004326409543864429 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004273496160749346 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00042700202902778983 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00034903056803159416 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00017274622223339975 } ]
Only because the Clinton Foundation is old news, and influence peddling is nothing new either. Now Russia is “the enemy” of the Excited States of America, since Democrats have no power.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7214491367340088 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.11855011433362961 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0516766682267189 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05163351818919182 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03749411180615425 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.027768200263381004 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.012170807458460331 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004181550815701485 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0030035332310944796 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0028040476609021425 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0027274833992123604 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0025598250795155764 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0022917892783880234 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002150121610611677 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002073578769341111 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001959879184141755 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013267133617773652 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013245790032669902 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0010967154521495104 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010768412612378597 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010687425965443254 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008292438578791916 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0006808226462453604 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00041680134017951787 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00041350824176333845 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00041177350794896483 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002259209140902385 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0001706796610960737 } ]
No. I'm in for SP too. I just despise the hypocrisy of the regressive motto "get sick and die quickly" when it is championed by people who all too quickly forget why they are still walking around.
not toxic
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.5362797379493713 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2549409568309784 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.1453426629304886 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.1362062692642212 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.029421938583254814 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.023264169692993164 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02096627838909626 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010577592998743057 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005458881612867117 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003768323455005884 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0031940056942403316 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0024882075376808643 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002313878620043397 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0020268778316676617 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0018140027532353997 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0015842883149161935 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0011345170205458999 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010825038189068437 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010814571287482977 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009777072118595243 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009759226231835783 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008997353143058717 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008104344015009701 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00076139229349792 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006297372747212648 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005644818302243948 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005128615302965045 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004908295231871307 } ]
Yes...cause if you could not recall an elected representative based on performance then what would stop them from delivering a "what-you-want-to-hear" campaign then switching platforms as soon as they get into office? Kind of like Gov. Walker did to us. He was a republican until after election then switched to democrat.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5539554953575134 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.22143375873565674 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.21069540083408356 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.10555025190114975 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.027300840243697166 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01556154154241085 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009041338227689266 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.005700984969735146 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0038795459549874067 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0033833603374660015 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002739805495366454 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0018551296088844538 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00174283841624856 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015115594724193215 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001313987304456532 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001212374772876501 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010595895582810044 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0009630811400711536 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000887045229319483 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000815271632745862 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007533722091466188 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006331987679004669 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005849082954227924 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004269534256309271 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003486966306809336 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003174494777340442 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00028703082352876663 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001751772506395355 } ]
Hoping the officers involved recover quickly physically as well as emotionally....tough job!
not toxic
[ { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.9304989576339722 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.14922000467777252 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.06926564872264862 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.044592902064323425 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.021630646660923958 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.015871914103627205 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.011599946767091751 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00829324871301651 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.007552014198154211 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.006897750310599804 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0068410164676606655 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005657158326357603 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0051607247442007065 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00505469087511301 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005026050377637148 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004306429997086525 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0036914919037371874 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.003577006049454212 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0034415742848068476 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0033822606783360243 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0027647074311971664 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0022524474188685417 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017744925571605563 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0017312915297225118 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0015581969637423754 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001426566275767982 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0012119706952944398 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006602886132895947 } ]
Yes, Yes, Yes Dennis, "we think - and have reason to" scoff at those working to "return the whole church to the rigidity of patriarchal absolutism" ridding it of you and me and some others. Our point...does it help the true lovers of either side to "impugn the prime culprits," as you say. If we believe in Vatican II and all the post-V2 work that has been done, WHY not spend all that sacred energy working for a Vatican II-type prelature or ordinariate? Doesn't the Church need a Vatican II organizational structure now more than ever? Or do we just keep letting each other get knocked off one by one, decade after decade, in hopes of some messiah, like Pope Francis, who will bring the RIGHT Progressive way to the Church and knock those "conservatives" off their high horses??? That isn't really working too well, is it...unless Pope Francis takes the absolutist position he abhors? There's got to be a better way besides mocking and snipping at each other. https://RiteBeyondRome.com
not toxic
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3423437178134918 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.32343271374702454 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2891162633895874 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2318497598171234 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.09873976558446884 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.08123401552438736 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.033628784120082855 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.02382061630487442 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011930463835597038 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.007992761209607124 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004775374196469784 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004624991677701473 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003923358395695686 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0037763062864542007 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003454070072621107 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0024760940577834845 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002191363601014018 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0018354615895077586 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0017659383593127131 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0017469573067501187 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017376511823385954 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0011525320587679744 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011047829175367951 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010035219602286816 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005400893278419971 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005329265841282904 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00034886872163042426 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000185416589374654 } ]
That's because Want2bfree and the Trumpkins are trolling this article ADN website. Your right to free speech ends when it's different from one of the trolls.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8320523500442505 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05461142212152481 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.047810155898332596 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.038100048899650574 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02433914504945278 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005913139786571264 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0041109174489974976 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002715067006647587 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0022436578292399645 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017399147618561983 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015940616140142083 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012010907521471381 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001032699248753488 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009432754595763981 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008097527897916734 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007310392102226615 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005378530477173626 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004305398615542799 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004241747665219009 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003849834611173719 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00036026156158186495 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00034146252437494695 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003375369997229427 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00030085089383646846 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002229360688943416 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00021975736308377236 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00018937276036012918 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001832421257859096 } ]
Another women who is smart and intelligent and not a hack of the clintons, or barry worshiper. What a great show this will be, good reporting is once again taking the forefront.
not toxic
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.9305955767631531 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.08325491100549698 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.036138247698545456 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01186720933765173 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.008657771162688732 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006723049562424421 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0056267050094902515 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.004746303427964449 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.004500654526054859 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0034620659425854683 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00274155056104064 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0027348981238901615 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0025071336422115564 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0022119232453405857 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0018989541567862034 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001653793384321034 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0015440065180882812 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001531448564492166 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001348822028376162 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010393556440249085 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010287272743880749 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.000736137677449733 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006768219755031168 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00045418000081554055 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00028592246235348284 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00028313382063061 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0002654124400578439 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00014039105735719204 } ]
<Trump voters brought on this crisis.> Yes, they did. They need to come to terms with the enormity of their faulty judgment, and I get that that can be hard to do. I think some of them are, in fact, coming to terms with what they have wrought; and I think some of them never will.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.570904016494751 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.4529953598976135 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.13853920996189117 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.03248900547623634 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01985272392630577 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.01721113920211792 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011012251488864422 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.006640282459557056 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0036148896906524897 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00337885320186615 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0025534022133797407 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0023862430825829506 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0023604712914675474 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0016934765735641122 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00137851492036134 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0013125644763931632 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0011637932620942593 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001013069530017674 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0009473884711042047 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008832898456603289 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008681286126375198 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008416256168857217 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008227049838751554 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007643448188900948 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007485370733775198 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0006968207308091223 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006174866575747728 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004443697980605066 } ]
"flies on gross polluting jets" OK, we know which recycled mouthpiece you are now. "They shall be known by their brickbats."
not toxic
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The idea that any Christian who voted for this con man has any moral superiority is laughable. It's also why thousands refuse to identify as Christian anymore.
not toxic
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You wouldn't like foreigners interfering in American or Canadian elections. Would you? Why do these Americans & Canadians think it is ok for them to be out there in Kenya engineering Kenya's elections? --
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.5055490136146545 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.45324045419692993 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.24227505922317505 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03405396640300751 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.021031174808740616 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.011425240896642208 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004650851711630821 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00410307664424181 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003936702385544777 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003843925893306732 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0035193893127143383 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0027413370553404093 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017891820752993226 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017683702753856778 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017043109983205795 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0016170317539945245 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0013054687296971679 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000927822373341769 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008987298351712525 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008130500791594386 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007727768388576806 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007569934823550284 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005286758532747626 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00046256519271992147 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004223792057018727 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00026830678689293563 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00018103983893524855 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0000671542074996978 } ]
Godspeed, Captain, soon to be Chief Doll, but please remember this. There may be data. But reality outweighs data. Choose reality to base your own, and your future endeavors upon. Data is only retrospect. Reality is lives.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8517162799835205 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.15280228853225708 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.031390395015478134 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.012183339335024357 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.00913966540247202 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008723330684006214 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.008667885325849056 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0049805305898189545 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0026935541536659002 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002409127075225115 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0016956741455942392 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0013639883836731315 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013111595762893558 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0010148773435503244 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009516039863228798 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0008504437864758074 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008441475220024586 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000709318439476192 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007050715503282845 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006825243472121656 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006559932371601462 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005529053159989417 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005095101660117507 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003531231777742505 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003372597275301814 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00030713723390363157 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00027410764596424997 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00025281048147007823 } ]
" The well-funded think tank ($10.7-million in revenue in 2015) relentlessly pushes its message—whether overtly, through its dozens of annual research reports, or covertly, as in a libertarian recruitment tool marketed to families as “The Game of Canada.” The Institute’s fellows and alumni (Tom Flanagan, Danielle Smith, Ezra Levant etc.) are frequent pundits. The think tank has placed columnists across the Postmedia newspaper chain; currently three at my hometown Calgary Herald alone." - http://albertaviews.ca/no-free-lunch/ March, 2017
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9411942362785339 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05644720792770386 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.015807349234819412 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.006605716422200203 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.006387195084244013 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00440508546307683 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0033144522458314896 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003285252256318927 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0030875117518007755 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00156761787366122 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009860402205958962 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009846147149801254 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0009696763008832932 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009535368299111724 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009397455723956227 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008513967623002827 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008436955977231264 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007810902898199856 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007762194145470858 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000585340429097414 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000435198046034202 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00041376057197339833 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003233357274439186 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00028653565095737576 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002531650534365326 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002192822576034814 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0001806492655305192 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00017614031094126403 } ]
Legally, it does not matter "who came first". Nor does it matter that home owners and other residents may be unhappy with drilling and production operations. What does matter is that surface rights and mineral rights for many land parcels were severed in the past. And state law grants priority access to the mineral rights (i.e. the surface owner cannot prevent access to the subsurface). If home owners, and their representatives, are surprised by this, they can only blame themselves. Trying to change the laws now is of course possible, but will likely be both unsuccessful and expensive.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5936862230300903 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.14619888365268707 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.11317191272974014 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.11183372884988785 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.08737018704414368 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.05106198415160179 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03546274080872536 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.008914096280932426 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004948772490024567 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004215583670884371 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0034282368142157793 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0031021509785205126 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00210934248752892 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001974937506020069 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001959070796146989 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0019253067439422011 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015739505179226398 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0015027892077341676 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0011384115787222981 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011147524928674102 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0010934706078842282 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0010220337426289916 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000840086373500526 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007638249662704766 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006843627779744565 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006324825226329267 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005511687486432493 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005332423024810851 } ]
God didn't put me in or near Chicago like he did you, or Blaise. We should love most where God put us. Subsidiarity. Ever hear of it. What I did this morning was I rose at 0500, drove an hour, and gave some men/fathers a class on how to make the home life more pleaseant for others, particularly their families and friends. On the way I said a Rosary and included a lot of people, some in great need, in my intention, sacrificing the morning radio and breakfast for their intentions. What did you do for the men of Chicago today, near where you live? I gave the same talk to a different set of men Thursday, and will to a different set of men on Monday. Get at it. I give similar talks (on a wide span of topics) 3 times a month.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6979738473892212 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.18613868951797485 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09296914935112 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.022616997361183167 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.017235467210412025 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.008643986657261848 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0077410186640918255 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.007668937090784311 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.00720721110701561 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0069184075109660625 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.006392535753548145 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004841613117605448 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0031340550631284714 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0024224193766713142 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0016212142072618008 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014958931133151054 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0014324499061331153 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0013835252029821277 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0006090303650125861 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005781501531600952 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004505996184889227 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000416209310060367 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004092897870577872 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004074853495694697 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002966215251944959 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002635451965034008 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00023797922767698765 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00018474845273885876 } ]
Just start following the links and read up on them.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7589311003684998 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2517645061016083 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.016746610403060913 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.015529637224972248 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.015083200298249722 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.003635990433394909 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0035777990706264973 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002356340177357197 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0022540693171322346 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002109948778524995 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0017778505571186543 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015699287177994847 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001446218229830265 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014263339107856154 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0013318000128492713 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012179932091385126 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008684566128067672 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.000842641107738018 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0006395996897481382 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0005712968995794654 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005655629793182015 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0005124019226059318 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00046374002704396844 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00034050855902023613 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00033297232585027814 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003105033247265965 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00020853143360000104 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002075879747280851 } ]
My Friend, you need to check YOUR sources. You are confusing the PF and the PFD. The PF is authorized under the terms you listed. Since we are now tapping the PFE reserves for government, to continue paying the Dividend creates the need for the income tax (or sales tax) in order to "balance" the budget. So a dividend/tax system becomes simply a wealth redistribution system which is not a legitimate purpose of government. ....Gotta run. see you tomorrow.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6568474769592285 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.1538422703742981 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.07608786970376968 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04781373590230942 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.043281540274620056 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02990209311246872 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01198843214660883 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.007173298392444849 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005755698308348656 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004764277953654528 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004199076443910599 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011952166678383946 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011948972241953015 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00116969074588269 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009907401399686933 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009630769491195679 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00091986870393157 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008121898281387985 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007920381613075733 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0007453314610756934 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006998074823059142 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006068919319659472 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005424838163889945 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005122644943185151 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00045806527487002313 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00039672988350503147 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00021058104175608605 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00020518721430562437 } ]