981 values
15 values
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """ResNet50 model for Keras. Adapted from tf.keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50(). This is ResNet model version 1.5. Related papers/blogs: - - - """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras import initializers from tensorflow.python.keras import layers as tf_python_keras_layers from tensorflow.python.keras import models from tensorflow.python.keras import regularizers from import imagenet_preprocessing L2_WEIGHT_DECAY = 1e-4 BATCH_NORM_DECAY = 0.9 BATCH_NORM_EPSILON = 1e-5 layers = tf_python_keras_layers def change_keras_layer(use_tf_keras_layers=False): """Change layers to either tf.keras.layers or tf.python.keras.layers. Layer version of tf.keras.layers is depends on tensorflow version, but tf.python.keras.layers checks environment variable TF2_BEHAVIOR. This function is a temporal function to use tf.keras.layers. Currently, tf v2 batchnorm layer is slower than tf v1 batchnorm layer. this function is useful for tracking benchmark result for each version. This function will be removed when we use tf.keras.layers as default. TODO(b/146939027): Remove this function when tf v2 batchnorm reaches training speed parity with tf v1 batchnorm. Args: use_tf_keras_layers: whether to use tf.keras.layers. """ global layers if use_tf_keras_layers: layers = tf.keras.layers else: layers = tf_python_keras_layers def _gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer=True): return regularizers.l2(L2_WEIGHT_DECAY) if use_l2_regularizer else None def identity_block(input_tensor, kernel_size, filters, stage, block, use_l2_regularizer=True): """The identity block is the block that has no conv layer at shortcut. Args: input_tensor: input tensor kernel_size: default 3, the kernel size of middle conv layer at main path filters: list of integers, the filters of 3 conv layer at main path stage: integer, current stage label, used for generating layer names block: 'a','b'..., current block label, used for generating layer names use_l2_regularizer: whether to use L2 regularizer on Conv layer. Returns: Output tensor for the block. """ filters1, filters2, filters3 = filters if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_last': bn_axis = 3 else: bn_axis = 1 conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' x = layers.Conv2D( filters1, (1, 1), use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2a')( input_tensor) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2a')( x) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( filters2, kernel_size, padding='same', use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2b')( x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2b')( x) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( filters3, (1, 1), use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2c')( x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2c')( x) x = layers.add([x, input_tensor]) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) return x def conv_block(input_tensor, kernel_size, filters, stage, block, strides=(2, 2), use_l2_regularizer=True): """A block that has a conv layer at shortcut. Note that from stage 3, the second conv layer at main path is with strides=(2, 2) And the shortcut should have strides=(2, 2) as well Args: input_tensor: input tensor kernel_size: default 3, the kernel size of middle conv layer at main path filters: list of integers, the filters of 3 conv layer at main path stage: integer, current stage label, used for generating layer names block: 'a','b'..., current block label, used for generating layer names strides: Strides for the second conv layer in the block. use_l2_regularizer: whether to use L2 regularizer on Conv layer. Returns: Output tensor for the block. """ filters1, filters2, filters3 = filters if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_last': bn_axis = 3 else: bn_axis = 1 conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' x = layers.Conv2D( filters1, (1, 1), use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2a')( input_tensor) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2a')( x) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( filters2, kernel_size, strides=strides, padding='same', use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2b')( x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2b')( x) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( filters3, (1, 1), use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '2c')( x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '2c')( x) shortcut = layers.Conv2D( filters3, (1, 1), strides=strides, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name=conv_name_base + '1')( input_tensor) shortcut = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name=bn_name_base + '1')( shortcut) x = layers.add([x, shortcut]) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) return x def resnet50(num_classes, batch_size=None, use_l2_regularizer=True, rescale_inputs=False): """Instantiates the ResNet50 architecture. Args: num_classes: `int` number of classes for image classification. batch_size: Size of the batches for each step. use_l2_regularizer: whether to use L2 regularizer on Conv/Dense layer. rescale_inputs: whether to rescale inputs from 0 to 1. Returns: A Keras model instance. """ input_shape = (224, 224, 3) img_input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape, batch_size=batch_size) if rescale_inputs: # Hub image modules expect inputs in the range [0, 1]. This rescales these # inputs to the range expected by the trained model. x = layers.Lambda( lambda x: x * 255.0 - backend.constant( imagenet_preprocessing.CHANNEL_MEANS, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=x.dtype), name='rescale')( img_input) else: x = img_input if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': x = layers.Lambda( lambda x: backend.permute_dimensions(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)), name='transpose')(x) bn_axis = 1 else: # channels_last bn_axis = 3 x = layers.ZeroPadding2D(padding=(3, 3), name='conv1_pad')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 64, (7, 7), strides=(2, 2), padding='valid', use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name='conv1')( x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=bn_axis, momentum=BATCH_NORM_DECAY, epsilon=BATCH_NORM_EPSILON, name='bn_conv1')( x) x = layers.Activation('relu')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(x) x = conv_block( x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='a', strides=(1, 1), use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='b', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='c', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = conv_block( x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='a', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='b', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='c', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='d', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = conv_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='a', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='b', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='c', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='d', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='e', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='f', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = conv_block( x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='a', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='b', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) x = identity_block( x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='c', use_l2_regularizer=use_l2_regularizer) rm_axes = [1, 2] if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_last' else [2, 3] x = layers.Lambda(lambda x: backend.mean(x, rm_axes), name='reduce_mean')(x) x = layers.Dense( num_classes, kernel_initializer=initializers.RandomNormal(stddev=0.01), kernel_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), bias_regularizer=_gen_l2_regularizer(use_l2_regularizer), name='fc1000')( x) # A softmax that is followed by the model loss must be done cannot be done # in float16 due to numeric issues. So we pass dtype=float32. x = layers.Activation('softmax', dtype='float32')(x) # Create model. return models.Model(img_input, x, name='resnet50')
[ 3, 1898, 14894, 710, 9134, 6642, 14, 2900, 5924, 5702, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 1589, 298, 3761, 3547, 199, 3, 1265, 1443, 440, 675, 642, 570, 871, 315, 4151, 543, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 2047, 1443, 3332, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 844, 737, 199, 3, 199, 3, 258, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 3796, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 15, 3961, 13, 18, 14, 16, 199, 3, 199, 3, 4158, 1415, 701, 3964, 4179, 503, 4193, 370, 315, 3575, 12, 2032, 199, 3, 1854, 1334, 314, 844, 365, 1854, 641, 376, 298, 1179, 2281, 2, 4207, 12, 199, 3, 2428, 2990, 1549, 4217, 1634, 1821, 3826, 12, 1902, 4056, 503, 2478, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 314, 844, 367, 314, 2488, 2637, 4210, 3443, 436, 199, 3, 4204, 1334, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 11148, 199, 624, 1322, 2480, 1400, 1402, 367, 1804, 30037, 14, 199, 199, 2767, 18309, 687, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 15853, 14, 28998, 1400, 14, 1322, 2480, 1400, 1252, 199, 2765, 365, 3591, 2480, 1402, 1015, 413, 14, 21, 14, 199, 199, 13885, 299, 439, 1192, 15, 66, 7270, 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20725, 275, 413, 69, 13, 21, 199, 199, 4359, 275, 2833, 63, 1548, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 421, 199, 318, 1570, 63, 8811, 63, 1897, 8, 1180, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 29, 797, 304, 523, 408, 4001, 9393, 370, 1902, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 503, 2833, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 819, 11915, 1015, 402, 221, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 365, 8350, 641, 3228, 1015, 12, 1325, 523, 2833, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 5920, 3734, 1750, 21721, 18, 63, 6773, 40, 32636, 726, 14, 523, 961, 805, 365, 282, 16457, 279, 805, 370, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 523, 13550, 12, 2833, 373, 18, 3522, 4791, 4045, 365, 26200, 2419, 2833, 373, 17, 3522, 4791, 4045, 14, 523, 642, 805, 365, 2997, 367, 15161, 12338, 754, 367, 1924, 1015, 14, 523, 961, 805, 911, 506, 4829, 1380, 781, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 465, 849, 14, 819, 3254, 8, 66, 15, 1079, 1876, 1355, 14218, 304, 5852, 642, 805, 1380, 2833, 373, 18, 3522, 4791, 12276, 397, 6093, 523, 8112, 623, 1209, 543, 2833, 373, 17, 3522, 4791, 14, 819, 3033, 26, 489, 675, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 26, 3775, 370, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 523, 408, 523, 2288, 9393, 523, 340, 675, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 26, 272, 9393, 275, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 523, 587, 26, 272, 9393, 275, 2833, 63, 1548, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 421, 199, 318, 485, 2268, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 8, 1180, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 29, 549, 304, 523, 372, 5578, 6315, 14, 76, 18, 8, 44, 18, 63, 25100, 63, 1093, 3263, 57, 9, 340, 675, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 587, 488, 421, 199, 318, 8503, 63, 1457, 8, 1210, 63, 3128, 12, 673, 5114, 63, 890, 12, 673, 4766, 12, 673, 9546, 12, 673, 1853, 12, 673, 675, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 29, 549, 304, 523, 408, 1918, 8503, 1853, 365, 314, 1853, 626, 965, 949, 8260, 4045, 737, 17522, 14, 819, 3033, 26, 272, 1324, 63, 3128, 26, 1324, 2345, 272, 5114, 63, 890, 26, 849, 650, 12, 314, 5114, 1568, 402, 12180, 8260, 4045, 737, 2446, 931, 272, 4766, 26, 769, 402, 9446, 12, 314, 4766, 402, 650, 8260, 4045, 737, 2446, 931, 272, 9546, 26, 3000, 12, 1453, 9546, 1768, 12, 1202, 367, 12999, 4045, 1561, 272, 1853, 26, 283, 65, 1673, 66, 7, 11577, 1453, 1853, 1768, 12, 1202, 367, 12999, 4045, 1561, 272, 675, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 26, 3775, 370, 675, 491, 18, 31841, 641, 19140, 4045, 14, 819, 1803, 26, 272, 7242, 2345, 367, 314, 1853, 14, 523, 408, 523, 4766, 17, 12, 4766, 18, 12, 4766, 19, 275, 4766, 523, 340, 4865, 14, 1569, 63, 576, 63, 908, 342, 508, 283, 6324, 63, 2019, 356, 272, 21847, 63, 3127, 275, 650, 523, 587, 26, 272, 21847, 63, 3127, 275, 413, 523, 8260, 63, 354, 63, 1095, 275, 283, 470, 7, 435, 620, 8, 8614, 9, 435, 1853, 435, 2513, 4694, 7, 523, 21847, 63, 354, 63, 1095, 275, 283, 10472, 7, 435, 620, 8, 8614, 9, 435, 1853, 435, 2513, 4694, 7, 819, 671, 275, 9393, 14, 11596, 18, 36, 8, 489, 4766, 17, 12, 334, 17, 12, 413, 395, 489, 675, 63, 8160, 29, 797, 12, 489, 5114, 63, 6498, 534, 426, 63, 3302, 297, 489, 5114, 63, 14044, 3699, 2268, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 8, 1180, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 395, 489, 536, 29, 5598, 63, 354, 63, 1095, 435, 283, 18, 65, 7533, 881, 1324, 63, 3128, 9, 523, 671, 275, 9393, 14, 8842, 29169, 8, 489, 3114, 29, 10472, 63, 3127, 12, 489, 23887, 29, 20813, 63, 46, 8832, 63, 1093, 3263, 57, 12, 489, 14030, 29, 20813 ]
[ 1898, 14894, 710, 9134, 6642, 14, 2900, 5924, 5702, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 1589, 298, 3761, 3547, 199, 3, 1265, 1443, 440, 675, 642, 570, 871, 315, 4151, 543, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 2047, 1443, 3332, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 844, 737, 199, 3, 199, 3, 258, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 3796, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 15, 3961, 13, 18, 14, 16, 199, 3, 199, 3, 4158, 1415, 701, 3964, 4179, 503, 4193, 370, 315, 3575, 12, 2032, 199, 3, 1854, 1334, 314, 844, 365, 1854, 641, 376, 298, 1179, 2281, 2, 4207, 12, 199, 3, 2428, 2990, 1549, 4217, 1634, 1821, 3826, 12, 1902, 4056, 503, 2478, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 314, 844, 367, 314, 2488, 2637, 4210, 3443, 436, 199, 3, 4204, 1334, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 11148, 199, 624, 1322, 2480, 1400, 1402, 367, 1804, 30037, 14, 199, 199, 2767, 18309, 687, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 15853, 14, 28998, 1400, 14, 1322, 2480, 1400, 1252, 199, 2765, 365, 3591, 2480, 1402, 1015, 413, 14, 21, 14, 199, 199, 13885, 299, 439, 1192, 15, 66, 7270, 26, 199, 13, 4178, 921, 27290, 14, 1308, 15, 2101, 15, 1046, 713, 14, 8762, 2426, 199, 13, 4178, 921, 27290, 14, 1308, 15, 5607, 15, 975, 1644, 14, 1717, 14218, 86, 18, 14, 5607, 199, 13, 1455, 921, 29676, 14, 335, 15, 11486, 15, 9261, 15, 996, 15, 966, 15, 470, 20490, 14, 1360, 199, 199, 624, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 4629, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 870, 63, 1593, 199, 199, 646, 3228, 465, 2833, 199, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 492, 4865, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 492, 2536, 6315, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 492, 9393, 465, 2833, 63, 1548, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 492, 1709, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 492, 5578, 6315, 199, 504, 25410, 14, 2317, 14, 1569, 63, 14368, 492, 18884, 2268, 386, 63, 21402, 199, 199, 44, 18, 63, 25100, 63, 1093, 3263, 57, 275, 413, 69, 13, 20, 199, 20813, 63, 46, 8832, 63, 1093, 3263, 57, 275, 378, 14, 25, 199, 20813, 63, 46, 8832, 63, 37, 20725, 275, 413, 69, 13, 21, 199, 199, 4359, 275, 2833, 63, 1548, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 421, 199, 318, 1570, 63, 8811, 63, 1897, 8, 1180, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 29, 797, 304, 523, 408, 4001, 9393, 370, 1902, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 503, 2833, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 819, 11915, 1015, 402, 221, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 365, 8350, 641, 3228, 1015, 12, 1325, 523, 2833, 14, 1548, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 5920, 3734, 1750, 21721, 18, 63, 6773, 40, 32636, 726, 14, 523, 961, 805, 365, 282, 16457, 279, 805, 370, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 523, 13550, 12, 2833, 373, 18, 3522, 4791, 4045, 365, 26200, 2419, 2833, 373, 17, 3522, 4791, 4045, 14, 523, 642, 805, 365, 2997, 367, 15161, 12338, 754, 367, 1924, 1015, 14, 523, 961, 805, 911, 506, 4829, 1380, 781, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 465, 849, 14, 819, 3254, 8, 66, 15, 1079, 1876, 1355, 14218, 304, 5852, 642, 805, 1380, 2833, 373, 18, 3522, 4791, 12276, 397, 6093, 523, 8112, 623, 1209, 543, 2833, 373, 17, 3522, 4791, 14, 819, 3033, 26, 489, 675, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 26, 3775, 370, 675, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 14, 523, 408, 523, 2288, 9393, 523, 340, 675, 63, 3249, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 26, 272, 9393, 275, 2833, 14, 8811, 14, 4359, 523, 587, 26, 272, 9393, 275, 2833, 63, 1548, 63, 8811, 63, 4359, 421, 199, 318, 485, 2268, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 8, 1180, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 29, 549, 304, 523, 372, 5578, 6315, 14, 76, 18, 8, 44, 18, 63, 25100, 63, 1093, 3263, 57, 9, 340, 675, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 587, 488, 421, 199, 318, 8503, 63, 1457, 8, 1210, 63, 3128, 12, 673, 5114, 63, 890, 12, 673, 4766, 12, 673, 9546, 12, 673, 1853, 12, 673, 675, 63, 76, 18, 63, 14044, 29, 549, 304, 523, 408, 1918, 8503, 1853, 365, 314, 1853, 626, 965, 949, 8260, 4045, 737, 17522, 14, 819, 3033, 26, 272, 1324, 63, 3128, 26, 1324, 2345, 272, 5114, 63, 890, 26, 849, 650, 12, 314, 5114, 1568, 402, 12180, 8260, 4045, 737, 2446, 931, 272, 4766, 26, 769, 402, 9446, 12, 314, 4766, 402, 650, 8260, 4045, 737, 2446, 931, 272, 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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. # Copyright © Jelmer Vernooij <[email protected]> 2008 # # Implementation of SWAT that uses WSGI # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # def render_placeholder(environ, start_response): """Send the user a simple placeholder about missing SWAT.""" status = '200 OK' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) yield "<!doctype html>\n" yield "<html>\n" yield " <title>The Samba web service</title>\n" yield "</html>\n" yield "<body>\n" yield "<p>Welcome to this Samba web server.</p>\n" yield "<p>This page is a simple placeholder. You probably want to install " yield "SWAT. More information can be found " yield "<a href=''>on the wiki</a>.</p>" yield "</p>\n" yield "</body>\n" yield "</html>\n" def __call__(environ, start_response): """Handle a HTTP request.""" from wsgiref.util import application_uri, shift_path_info from urlparse import urljoin try: import swat except ImportError, e: print "NO SWAT: %r" % e have_swat = False else: have_swat = True orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO'] name = shift_path_info(environ) if name == "": if have_swat: start_response('301 Redirect', [('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),]) return [] else: return render_placeholder(environ, start_response) elif have_swat and name == "swat": return swat.__call__(environ, start_response) else: status = '404 Not found' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)] if __name__ == '__main__': from wsgiref import simple_server httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8090, __call__) print "Serving HTTP on port 8090..." httpd.serve_forever()
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[ 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 3, 199, 3, 13074, 2389, 34, 15, 3553, 7079, 4514, 14, 199, 3, 1898, 22405, 103, 1603, 352, 2626, 5444, 889, 79, 7879, 665, 74, 352, 2626, 32, 21693, 14, 1308, 30, 9079, 199, 3, 199, 3, 24425, 402, 17548, 619, 626, 4440, 9279, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 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# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ====================================== """Library of TPU helper functions.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import math import numpy as np from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from tensorflow.contrib.tpu.python.tpu.topology import Topology def _compute_task_and_cores_to_replicas(core_assignment, topology): """Computes a nested dict which maps task and logical core to replicas.""" task_and_cores_to_replicas = {} for replica in xrange(core_assignment.shape[0]): for logical_core in xrange(core_assignment.shape[1]): coordinates = core_assignment[replica, logical_core, :] task_id = topology.task_ordinal_at_coordinates(coordinates) if task_id not in task_and_cores_to_replicas: task_and_cores_to_replicas[task_id] = {} if logical_core not in task_and_cores_to_replicas[task_id]: task_and_cores_to_replicas[task_id][logical_core] = set() task_and_cores_to_replicas[task_id][logical_core].add(replica) task_to_sorted_replica_id = {} for task, core_to_replicas in task_and_cores_to_replicas.items(): core_to_sorted_replicas = {} for core, replicas in core_to_replicas.items(): core_to_sorted_replicas[core] = sorted(replicas) task_to_sorted_replica_id[task] = core_to_sorted_replicas return task_to_sorted_replica_id class DeviceAssignment(object): """Mapping from logical cores in a computation to the physical TPU topology. Prefer to use the `device_assignment()` helper to construct a `DeviceAssignment`; it is easier if less flexible than constructing a `DeviceAssignment` directly. """ def __init__(self, topology, core_assignment): """Constructs a `DeviceAssignment` object. Args: topology: A `Topology` object that describes the physical TPU topology. core_assignment: A logical to physical core mapping, represented as a rank 3 numpy array. See the description of the `core_assignment` property for more details. Raises: ValueError: If `topology` is not `Topology` object. ValueError: If `core_assignment` is not a rank 3 numpy array. """ if not isinstance(topology, Topology): raise ValueError("topology must be a Topology object, got {}".format( type(topology))) core_assignment = np.asarray(core_assignment, dtype=np.int32) self._topology = topology if core_assignment.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("core_assignment must be a rank 3 numpy array, " "got shape {}".format(core_assignment.shape)) self._num_replicas = core_assignment.shape[0] self._num_cores_per_replica = core_assignment.shape[1] if core_assignment.shape[-1] != topology.mesh_rank: raise ValueError( "minor dimension of core_assignment must have size equal to topology " "rank ({}), got shape {}".format(topology.mesh_rank, core_assignment.shape)) self._core_assignment = core_assignment self._task_and_cores_to_replicas = _compute_task_and_cores_to_replicas( self._core_assignment, topology) @property def topology(self): """A `Topology` that describes the TPU topology.""" return self._topology @property def num_cores_per_replica(self): """The number of cores per replica.""" return self._num_cores_per_replica @property def num_replicas(self): """The number of replicas of the computation.""" return self._num_replicas @property def core_assignment(self): """The logical to physical core mapping. Returns: An integer numpy array of rank 3, with shape `[num_replicas, num_cores_per_replica, topology_rank]`. Maps (replica, logical core) pairs to physical topology coordinates. """ return self._core_assignment def _coordinates(self, replica, logical_core): """Returns the physical topology coordinates of a logical core.""" return tuple(self.core_assignment[replica, logical_core, :]) def lookup_replicas(self, task_id, logical_core): """Lookup replica ids by task number and logical core. Args: task_id: TensorFlow task number. logical_core: An integer, identifying a logical core. Returns: A sorted list of the replicas that are attached to that task and logical_core. Raises: ValueError: If no replica exists in the task which contains the logical core. """ try: return self._task_and_cores_to_replicas[task_id][logical_core] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Can not find any replica in task: {} contains logical_core: {} ". format(task_id, logical_core)) def tpu_ordinal(self, replica=0, logical_core=0): """Returns the ordinal of the TPU device assigned to a logical core.""" coordinates = self._coordinates(replica, logical_core) return self._topology.tpu_device_ordinal_at_coordinates(coordinates) def host_device(self, replica=0, logical_core=0, job=None): """Returns the CPU device attached to a logical core.""" coordinates = self._coordinates(replica, logical_core) return self._topology.cpu_device_name_at_coordinates(coordinates, job=job) def tpu_device(self, replica=0, logical_core=0, job=None): """Returns the name of the TPU device assigned to a logical core.""" coordinates = self._coordinates(replica, logical_core) return self._topology.tpu_device_name_at_coordinates(coordinates, job=job) def device_assignment(topology, computation_shape=None, computation_stride=None, num_replicas=1): """Computes a device_assignment of a computation across a TPU topology. Attempts to choose a compact grid of cores for locality. Returns a `DeviceAssignment` that describes the cores in the topology assigned to each core of each replica. `computation_shape` and `computation_stride` values should be powers of 2 for optimal packing. Args: topology: A `Topology` object that describes the TPU cluster topology. To obtain a TPU topology, evaluate the `Tensor` returned by `initialize_system` using ``. Either a serialized `TopologyProto` or a `Topology` object may be passed. Note: you must evaluate the `Tensor` first; you cannot pass an unevaluated `Tensor` here. computation_shape: A rank 1 int32 numpy array with size equal to the topology rank, describing the shape of the computation's block of cores. If None, the `computation_shape` is `[1] * topology_rank`. computation_stride: A rank 1 int32 numpy array of size `topology_rank`, describing the inter-core spacing of the `computation_shape` cores in the TPU topology. If None, the `computation_stride` is `[1] * topology_rank`. num_replicas: The number of computation replicas to run. The replicas will be packed into the free spaces of the topology. Returns: A DeviceAssignment object, which describes the mapping between the logical cores in each computation replica and the physical cores in the TPU topology. Raises: ValueError: If `topology` is not a valid `Topology` object. ValueError: If `computation_shape` or `computation_stride` are not 1D int32 numpy arrays with shape [3] where all values are positive. ValueError: If computation's replicas cannot fit into the TPU topology. """ # Deserialize the Topology proto, if it is a string. if isinstance(topology, bytes): topology = Topology(serialized=topology) if not isinstance(topology, Topology): raise ValueError("`topology` is not a Topology object; got {}".format( type(topology))) topology_rank = len(topology.mesh_shape) mesh_shape = topology.mesh_shape if computation_shape is None: computation_shape = np.array([1] * topology_rank, dtype=np.int32) else: computation_shape = np.asarray(computation_shape, dtype=np.int32) if computation_stride is None: computation_stride = np.array([1] * topology_rank, dtype=np.int32) else: computation_stride = np.asarray(computation_stride, dtype=np.int32) if computation_shape.shape != (topology_rank,): raise ValueError("computation_shape must have shape [{}]; got {}".format( topology_rank, computation_shape.shape)) if computation_stride.shape != (topology_rank,): raise ValueError("computation_stride must have shape [{}]; got {}".format( topology_rank, computation_stride.shape)) if any(computation_shape < 1): raise ValueError( "computation_shape must be positive; got computation_shape={}".format( computation_shape)) if any(computation_stride < 1): raise ValueError( "computation_stride must be positive; got computation_stride={}".format( computation_stride)) # Computes the physical size of one computation instance. computation_footprint = computation_shape * computation_stride if any(computation_footprint > mesh_shape): raise ValueError( "computation footprint {} does not fit in TPU topology shape {}".format( computation_footprint, mesh_shape)) # Computes how many copies of the computation footprint fit in the mesh. block_counts = mesh_shape // computation_footprint replica_counts = block_counts * computation_stride max_replicas = if num_replicas > max_replicas: raise ValueError( "requested {} replicas but only {} replicas with shape {} and " "computation_stride {} fit in a TPU mesh of shape {}".format( num_replicas, max_replicas, computation_shape, computation_stride, mesh_shape)) def ceil_of_ratio(n, m): return (n + m - 1) // m replica_shape = [0] * topology_rank if num_replicas > 0: remaining_replicas = num_replicas remaining_dims = topology_rank # Choose dimensions as close to an equal cube as possible, in order of # increasing dimension size. By visiting dimensions in increasing size, we # assign the most constrained dimension first, so we won't make infeasible # choices. # # As a secondary sort order, visit the dimensions in reverse order. This # means we try to use both cores on the same chip in preference to two cores # on different chips. for x, ni in sorted(((x, -i) for (i, x) in enumerate(replica_counts))): i = -ni target_size = int(math.ceil(remaining_replicas**(1.0 / remaining_dims))) replica_shape[i] = min(target_size, x) remaining_replicas = ceil_of_ratio(remaining_replicas, replica_shape[i]) remaining_dims -= 1 assert remaining_replicas == 1 and remaining_dims == 0 # Assigns an offset to each replica such that no two replicas overlap. replica_offsets = np.full([num_replicas, topology_rank], -1, dtype=np.int32) for replica in xrange(num_replicas): # Chooses a replica number in each axis. t = replica pos = [] for dim in replica_shape[::-1]: pos.append(t % dim) t //= dim replica_pos = np.array(pos[::-1], dtype=np.int32) # Determines where that replica starts in each axis. outer = replica_pos // computation_stride inner = replica_pos % computation_stride replica_offsets[replica, :] = outer * computation_footprint + inner # Computes a complete logical core -> physical core mapping for each replica. indices = [ np.arange(0, computation_shape[i] * computation_stride[i], computation_stride[i]) for i in xrange(topology_rank) ] indices = np.concatenate( [i[..., np.newaxis] for i in np.meshgrid(*indices, indexing="ij")], axis=-1) indices = indices.reshape((-1, topology_rank)) assignment = indices + replica_offsets[:, np.newaxis, :] return DeviceAssignment(topology, core_assignment=assignment)
[ 3, 1898, 9708, 710, 9134, 6642, 14, 2900, 5924, 5702, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 1589, 298, 3761, 3547, 199, 3, 1265, 1443, 440, 675, 642, 570, 871, 315, 4151, 543, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 2047, 1443, 3332, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 844, 737, 199, 3, 199, 3, 258, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 3796, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 15, 3961, 13, 18, 14, 16, 199, 3, 199, 3, 4158, 1415, 701, 3964, 4179, 503, 4193, 370, 315, 3575, 12, 2032, 199, 3, 1854, 1334, 314, 844, 365, 1854, 641, 376, 298, 1179, 2281, 2, 4207, 12, 199, 3, 2428, 2990, 1549, 4217, 1634, 1821, 3826, 12, 1902, 4056, 503, 2478, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 314, 844, 367, 314, 2488, 2637, 4210, 3443, 436, 199, 3, 4204, 1334, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 19469, 19989, 199, 624, 7424, 402, 377, 6903, 5922, 3423, 1041, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 4629, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 870, 63, 1593, 199, 199, 646, 3473, 199, 646, 2680, 465, 980, 199, 504, 3816, 14, 4912, 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267, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 1527, 7954, 63, 1018, 61, 275, 663, 342, 2541, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 1527, 7954, 63, 1018, 1055, 525, 8, 12317, 9, 819, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 275, 1052, 819, 367, 2120, 12, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 315, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 14, 1744, 837, 272, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 275, 1052, 272, 367, 6170, 12, 22413, 315, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 14, 1744, 837, 489, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 59, 1018, 61, 275, 3355, 8, 16755, 9, 339, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 59, 1765, 61, 275, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 523, 372, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 421, 199, 533, 12272, 19321, 8, 785, 304, 523, 408, 7674, 687, 11461, 23857, 315, 282, 14009, 370, 314, 14095, 377, 6903, 14611, 14, 819, 510, 21928, 370, 675, 314, 658, 1782, 63, 10861, 11995, 5922, 370, 6982, 282, 523, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 27, 652, 365, 14905, 340, 6656, 26841, 2419, 22048, 282, 523, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 5370, 14, 523, 408, 819, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 14611, 12, 6170, 63, 10861, 304, 272, 408, 27943, 282, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 909, 14, 339, 3033, 26, 489, 14611, 26, 437, 658, 15696, 64, 909, 626, 23369, 314, 14095, 377, 6903, 14611, 14, 489, 6170, 63, 10861, 26, 437, 11461, 370, 14095, 6170, 4412, 12, 11159, 465, 282, 267, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 14, 1666, 314, 1369, 402, 314, 658, 1018, 63, 10861, 64, 267, 3324, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 339, 6218, 26, 489, 1722, 26, 982, 658, 10775, 64, 365, 440, 658, 15696, 64, 909, 14, 489, 1722, 26, 982, 658, 1018, 63, 10861, 64, 365, 440, 282, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 14, 272, 408, 272, 340, 440, 1228, 8, 10775, 12, 14132, 7085, 304, 489, 746, 1722, 480, 10775, 1471, 506, 282, 14132, 7085, 909, 12, 4788, 8352, 908, 8, 881, 730, 8, 10775, 1724, 272, 6170, 63, 10861, 275, 980, 14, 8748, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 12, 2152, 29, 1590, 14, 442, 708, 9, 339, 291, 423, 10775, 275, 14611, 339, 340, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 8322, 1137, 650, 26, 489, 746, 1722, 480, 1018, 63, 10861, 1471, 506, 282, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 12, 298, 2432, 298, 7808, 2215, 8352, 908, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 430, 339, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 16755, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 16, 61, 272, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 17, 61, 339, 340, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 1988, 17, 61, 1137, 14611, 14, 6480, 63, 4648, 26, 489, 746, 1722, 8, 881, 298, 11067, 6240, 402, 6170, 63, 10861, 1471, 1172, 1568, 4472, 370, 14611, 298, 881, 298, 4648, 334, 2440, 395, 4788, 2215, 8352, 908, 8, 10775, 14, 6480, 63, 4648, 12, 5644, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 430, 339, 291, 423, 1018, 63, 10861, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 272, 291, 423, 1765, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 275, 485, 3357, 63, 1765, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 8, 267, 291, 423, 1018, 63, 10861, 12, 14611, 9, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 14611, 8, 277, 304, 272, 408, 33, 658, 15696, 64, 626, 23369, 314, 377, 6903, 14611, 1041, 272, 372, 291, 423, 10775, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 1967, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 8, 277, 304, 272, 408, 1918, 1329, 402, 23857, 1126, 16234, 1041, 272, 372, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 1967, 63, 16755, 8, 277 ]
[ 1898, 9708, 710, 9134, 6642, 14, 2900, 5924, 5702, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 1589, 298, 3761, 3547, 199, 3, 1265, 1443, 440, 675, 642, 570, 871, 315, 4151, 543, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 2047, 1443, 3332, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 844, 737, 199, 3, 199, 3, 258, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 3796, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 15, 3961, 13, 18, 14, 16, 199, 3, 199, 3, 4158, 1415, 701, 3964, 4179, 503, 4193, 370, 315, 3575, 12, 2032, 199, 3, 1854, 1334, 314, 844, 365, 1854, 641, 376, 298, 1179, 2281, 2, 4207, 12, 199, 3, 2428, 2990, 1549, 4217, 1634, 1821, 3826, 12, 1902, 4056, 503, 2478, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 314, 844, 367, 314, 2488, 2637, 4210, 3443, 436, 199, 3, 4204, 1334, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 19469, 19989, 199, 624, 7424, 402, 377, 6903, 5922, 3423, 1041, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 4629, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 870, 63, 1593, 199, 199, 646, 3473, 199, 646, 2680, 465, 980, 199, 504, 3816, 14, 4912, 492, 4945, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 27913, 13, 5351, 199, 199, 504, 3228, 14, 2828, 14, 23186, 14, 1548, 14, 23186, 14, 10775, 492, 14132, 7085, 421, 199, 318, 485, 3357, 63, 1765, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 12, 14611, 304, 523, 408, 22594, 282, 6032, 1211, 1314, 9033, 2120, 436, 11461, 6170, 370, 22413, 1041, 523, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 275, 1052, 523, 367, 16234, 315, 4945, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 16, 4682, 272, 367, 11461, 63, 1018, 315, 4945, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 17, 4682, 489, 8983, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 59, 12317, 12, 11461, 63, 1018, 12, 12228, 489, 2120, 63, 344, 275, 14611, 14, 1765, 63, 17460, 63, 292, 63, 12924, 8, 12924, 9, 489, 340, 2120, 63, 344, 440, 315, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 26, 267, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 61, 275, 1052, 489, 340, 11461, 63, 1018, 440, 315, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 2189, 267, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 1527, 7954, 63, 1018, 61, 275, 663, 342, 2541, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 59, 1765, 63, 344, 1527, 7954, 63, 1018, 1055, 525, 8, 12317, 9, 819, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 275, 1052, 819, 367, 2120, 12, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 315, 2120, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 14, 1744, 837, 272, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 275, 1052, 272, 367, 6170, 12, 22413, 315, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 14, 1744, 837, 489, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 59, 1018, 61, 275, 3355, 8, 16755, 9, 339, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 59, 1765, 61, 275, 6170, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 16755, 523, 372, 2120, 63, 475, 63, 5917, 63, 12317, 63, 344, 421, 199, 533, 12272, 19321, 8, 785, 304, 523, 408, 7674, 687, 11461, 23857, 315, 282, 14009, 370, 314, 14095, 377, 6903, 14611, 14, 819, 510, 21928, 370, 675, 314, 658, 1782, 63, 10861, 11995, 5922, 370, 6982, 282, 523, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 27, 652, 365, 14905, 340, 6656, 26841, 2419, 22048, 282, 523, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 5370, 14, 523, 408, 819, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 14611, 12, 6170, 63, 10861, 304, 272, 408, 27943, 282, 658, 2510, 19321, 64, 909, 14, 339, 3033, 26, 489, 14611, 26, 437, 658, 15696, 64, 909, 626, 23369, 314, 14095, 377, 6903, 14611, 14, 489, 6170, 63, 10861, 26, 437, 11461, 370, 14095, 6170, 4412, 12, 11159, 465, 282, 267, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 14, 1666, 314, 1369, 402, 314, 658, 1018, 63, 10861, 64, 267, 3324, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 339, 6218, 26, 489, 1722, 26, 982, 658, 10775, 64, 365, 440, 658, 15696, 64, 909, 14, 489, 1722, 26, 982, 658, 1018, 63, 10861, 64, 365, 440, 282, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 14, 272, 408, 272, 340, 440, 1228, 8, 10775, 12, 14132, 7085, 304, 489, 746, 1722, 480, 10775, 1471, 506, 282, 14132, 7085, 909, 12, 4788, 8352, 908, 8, 881, 730, 8, 10775, 1724, 272, 6170, 63, 10861, 275, 980, 14, 8748, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 12, 2152, 29, 1590, 14, 442, 708, 9, 339, 291, 423, 10775, 275, 14611, 339, 340, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 8322, 1137, 650, 26, 489, 746, 1722, 480, 1018, 63, 10861, 1471, 506, 282, 6915, 650, 2680, 1625, 12, 298, 2432, 298, 7808, 2215, 8352, 908, 8, 1018, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 430, 339, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 16755, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 16, 61, 272, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 59, 17, 61, 339, 340, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 1988, 17, 61, 1137, 14611, 14, 6480, 63, 4648, 26, 489, 746, 1722, 8, 881, 298, 11067, 6240, 402, 6170, 63, 10861, 1471, 1172, 1568, 4472, 370, 14611, 298, 881, 298, 4648, 334, 2440, 395, 4788, 2215, 8352, 908, 8, 10775, 14, 6480, 63, 4648, 12, 5644, 6170, 63, 10861, 14, 1392, 430, 339, 291, 423, 1018, 63, 10861, 275, 6170, 63, 10861, 272, 291, 423, 1765, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 275, 485, 3357, 63, 1765, 63, 460, 63, 4630, 63, 475, 63, 16755, 8, 267, 291, 423, 1018, 63, 10861, 12, 14611, 9, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 14611, 8, 277, 304, 272, 408, 33, 658, 15696, 64, 626, 23369, 314, 377, 6903, 14611, 1041, 272, 372, 291, 423, 10775, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 1967, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 8, 277, 304, 272, 408, 1918, 1329, 402, 23857, 1126, 16234, 1041, 272, 372, 291, 423, 1507, 63, 4630, 63, 529, 63, 12317, 819, 768, 1829, 523, 347, 1967, 63, 16755, 8, 277, 0 ]
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2011 Cubic ERP - Teradata SAC (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## { "name": "Panama Localization Chart Account", "version": "1.0", "description": """ Panamenian accounting chart and tax localization. Plan contable panameño e impuestos de acuerdo a disposiciones vigentes Con la Colaboración de - AHMNET CORP """, "author": "Cubic ERP", "website": "", "category": "Localization/Account Charts", "depends": [ "account_chart", ], "data":[ "account_tax_code.xml", "l10n_pa_chart.xml", "account_tax.xml", "l10n_pa_wizard.xml", ], "demo_xml": [ ], "active": False, "installable": True, "certificate" : "", } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
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""" Course Outline page in Studio. """ import datetime from bok_choy.javascript import js_defined, wait_for_js from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject from bok_choy.promise import EmptyPromise from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from common.test.acceptance.pages.common.utils import click_css, confirm_prompt from import ContainerPage from import CoursePage from import set_input_value, set_input_value_and_save from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import disable_animations, enable_animations, select_option_by_text @js_defined('jQuery') class CourseOutlineItem(object): """ A mixin class for any :class:`PageObject` shown in a course outline. """ # Note there are a few pylint disable=no-member occurances in this class, because # it was written assuming it is going to be a mixin to a PageObject and will have functions # such as self.wait_for_ajax, which doesn't exist on a generic `object`. BODY_SELECTOR = None EDIT_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.xblock-field-value-edit' NAME_SELECTOR = '.item-title' NAME_INPUT_SELECTOR = '.xblock-field-input' NAME_FIELD_WRAPPER_SELECTOR = '.xblock-title .wrapper-xblock-field' STATUS_MESSAGE_SELECTOR = '> div[class$="status"] .status-message' CONFIGURATION_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.action-item .configure-button' def __repr__(self): # CourseOutlineItem is also used as a mixin for CourseOutlinePage, which doesn't have a locator # Check for the existence of a locator so that errors when navigating to the course outline page don't show up # as errors in the repr method instead. try: return "{}(<browser>, {!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.locator) except AttributeError: return "{}(<browser>)".format(self.__class__.__name__) def _bounded_selector(self, selector): """ Returns `selector`, but limited to this particular `CourseOutlineItem` context """ # If the item doesn't have a body selector or locator, then it can't be bounded # This happens in the context of the CourseOutlinePage # pylint: disable=no-member if self.BODY_SELECTOR and hasattr(self, 'locator'): return '{}[data-locator="{}"] {}'.format( self.BODY_SELECTOR, self.locator, selector ) else: return selector @property def name(self): """ Returns the display name of this object. """ name_element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_SELECTOR)).first # pylint: disable=no-member if name_element: return name_element.text[0] else: return None @property def has_status_message(self): """ Returns True if the item has a status message, False otherwise. """ return self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.STATUS_MESSAGE_SELECTOR)).first.visible # pylint: disable=no-member @property def status_message(self): """ Returns the status message of this item. """ return self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.STATUS_MESSAGE_SELECTOR)).text[0] # pylint: disable=no-member @property def has_staff_lock_warning(self): """ Returns True if the 'Contains staff only content' message is visible """ return self.status_message == 'Contains staff only content' if self.has_status_message else False @property def has_restricted_warning(self): """ Returns True if the 'Access to this unit is restricted to' message is visible """ return 'Access to this unit is restricted to' in self.status_message if self.has_status_message else False @property def is_staff_only(self): """ Returns True if the visiblity state of this item is staff only (has a black sidebar) """ return "is-staff-only" in self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(''))[0].get_attribute("class") # pylint: disable=no-member def edit_name(self): """ Puts the item's name into editable form. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.EDIT_BUTTON_SELECTOR)) # pylint: disable=no-member def enter_name(self, new_name): """ Enters new_name as the item's display name. """ set_input_value(self, self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_INPUT_SELECTOR), new_name) def change_name(self, new_name): """ Changes the container's name. """ self.edit_name() set_input_value_and_save(self, self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_INPUT_SELECTOR), new_name) self.wait_for_ajax() # pylint: disable=no-member def finalize_name(self): """ Presses ENTER, saving the value of the display name for this item. """ # pylint: disable=no-member self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_INPUT_SELECTOR)).results[0].send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.wait_for_ajax() def set_staff_lock(self, is_locked): """ Sets the explicit staff lock of item on the container page to is_locked. """ modal = self.edit() modal.is_explicitly_locked = is_locked def get_enrollment_select_options(self): """ Gets the option names available for unit group access """ modal = self.edit() group_options = self.q(css='.group-select-title option').text modal.cancel() return group_options def toggle_unit_access(self, partition_name, group_ids): """ Toggles unit access to the groups in group_ids """ if group_ids: modal = self.edit() groups_select = self.q(css='.group-select-title select') select_option_by_text(groups_select, partition_name) for group_id in group_ids: checkbox = self.q(css='#content-group-{group_id}'.format(group_id=group_id)) def in_editable_form(self): """ Return whether this outline item's display name is in its editable form. """ # pylint: disable=no-member return "is-editing" in self.q( css=self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_FIELD_WRAPPER_SELECTOR) )[0].get_attribute("class") def edit(self): """ Puts the item into editable form. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.CONFIGURATION_BUTTON_SELECTOR)) # pylint: disable=no-member if 'subsection' in self.BODY_SELECTOR: modal = SubsectionOutlineModal(self) else: modal = CourseOutlineModal(self) EmptyPromise(lambda: modal.is_shown(), 'Modal is shown.') # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda return modal @property def release_date(self): """ Returns the release date from the page. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".status-release-value")) # pylint: disable=no-member return element.first.text[0] if element.present else None @property def due_date(self): """ Returns the due date from the page. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".status-grading-date")) # pylint: disable=no-member return element.first.text[0] if element.present else None @property def policy(self): """ Select the grading format with `value` in the drop-down list. """ element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".status-grading-value")) # pylint: disable=no-member return element.first.text[0] if element.present else None @wait_for_js def publish(self): """ Publish the unit. """ click_css(self, self._bounded_selector('.action-publish'), require_notification=False) modal = CourseOutlineModal(self) EmptyPromise(lambda: modal.is_shown(), 'Modal is shown.') # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda modal.publish() @property def publish_action(self): """ Returns the link for publishing a unit. """ return self.q(css=self._bounded_selector('.action-publish')).first # pylint: disable=no-member class CourseOutlineContainer(CourseOutlineItem): """ A mixin to a CourseOutline page object that adds the ability to load a child page object by title or by index. CHILD_CLASS must be a :class:`CourseOutlineChild` subclass. """ CHILD_CLASS = None ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '> .outline-content > .add-item a.button-new' def child(self, title, child_class=None): """ :type self: object """ if not child_class: child_class = self.CHILD_CLASS # pylint: disable=no-member return child_class( self.browser, self.q(css=child_class.BODY_SELECTOR).filter( lambda el: title in [inner.text for inner in el.find_elements_by_css_selector(child_class.NAME_SELECTOR)] ).attrs('data-locator')[0] ) def children(self, child_class=None): """ Returns all the children page objects of class child_class. """ if not child_class: child_class = self.CHILD_CLASS # pylint: disable=no-member return self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(child_class.BODY_SELECTOR)).map( lambda el: child_class(self.browser, el.get_attribute('data-locator'))).results def child_at(self, index, child_class=None): """ Returns the child at the specified index. :type self: object """ if not child_class: child_class = self.CHILD_CLASS return self.children(child_class)[index] def add_child(self, require_notification=True): """ Adds a child to this xblock, waiting for notifications. """ click_css( self, self._bounded_selector(self.ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR), require_notification=require_notification, ) def expand_subsection(self): """ Toggle the expansion of this subsection. """ disable_animations(self) def subsection_expanded(): """ Returns whether or not this subsection is expanded. """ self.wait_for_element_presence( self._bounded_selector(self.ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 'Toggle control is present' ) css_element = self._bounded_selector(self.ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR) add_button = self.q(css=css_element).first.results # pylint: disable=no-member self.scroll_to_element(css_element) # pylint: disable=no-member return add_button and add_button[0].is_displayed() currently_expanded = subsection_expanded() # Need to click slightly off-center in order for the click to be recognized. css_element = self._bounded_selector('.ui-toggle-expansion .fa') self.scroll_to_element(css_element) # pylint: disable=no-member ele = self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(css_element) # pylint: disable=no-member ActionChains(self.browser).move_to_element_with_offset(ele, 8, 8).click().perform() # pylint: disable=no-member self.wait_for_element_presence(self._bounded_selector(self.ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 'Subsection is expanded') EmptyPromise( lambda: subsection_expanded() != currently_expanded, "Check that the container {} has been toggled".format(self.locator) ).fulfill() enable_animations(self) return self @property def is_collapsed(self): """ Return whether this outline item is currently collapsed. """ css_element = self._bounded_selector('') self.scroll_to_element(css_element) # pylint: disable=no-member return "is-collapsed" in self.q(css=css_element).first.attrs("class")[0] # pylint: disable=no-member class CourseOutlineChild(PageObject, CourseOutlineItem): """ A page object that will be used as a child of :class:`CourseOutlineContainer`. """ url = None BODY_SELECTOR = '.outline-item' def __init__(self, browser, locator): super(CourseOutlineChild, self).__init__(browser) self.locator = locator def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css='{}[data-locator="{}"]'.format(self.BODY_SELECTOR, self.locator)).present def delete(self, cancel=False): """ Clicks the delete button, then cancels at the confirmation prompt if cancel is True. """ click_css(self, self._bounded_selector('.delete-button'), require_notification=False) confirm_prompt(self, cancel) def _bounded_selector(self, selector): """ Return `selector`, but limited to this particular `CourseOutlineChild` context """ return '{}[data-locator="{}"] {}'.format( self.BODY_SELECTOR, self.locator, selector ) @property def name(self): titles = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.NAME_SELECTOR)).text if titles: return titles[0] else: return None @property def children(self): """ Will return any first-generation descendant items of this item. """ descendants = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.BODY_SELECTOR)).map( lambda el: CourseOutlineChild(self.browser, el.get_attribute('data-locator'))).results # Now remove any non-direct descendants. grandkids = [] for descendant in descendants: grandkids.extend(descendant.children) grand_locators = [grandkid.locator for grandkid in grandkids] return [descendant for descendant in descendants if descendant.locator not in grand_locators] class CourseOutlineUnit(CourseOutlineChild): """ PageObject that wraps a unit link on the Studio Course Outline page. """ url = None BODY_SELECTOR = '.outline-unit' NAME_SELECTOR = '.unit-title a' def go_to(self): """ Open the container page linked to by this unit link, and return an initialized :class:`.ContainerPage` for that unit. """ return ContainerPage(self.browser, self.locator).visit() def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css=self.BODY_SELECTOR).present def children(self): return self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.BODY_SELECTOR)).map( lambda el: CourseOutlineUnit(self.browser, el.get_attribute('data-locator'))).results class CourseOutlineSubsection(CourseOutlineContainer, CourseOutlineChild): """ :class`.PageObject` that wraps a subsection block on the Studio Course Outline page. """ url = None BODY_SELECTOR = '.outline-subsection' NAME_SELECTOR = '.subsection-title' NAME_FIELD_WRAPPER_SELECTOR = '.subsection-header .wrapper-xblock-field' CHILD_CLASS = CourseOutlineUnit def unit(self, title): """ Return the :class:`.CourseOutlineUnit with the title `title`. """ return self.child(title) def units(self): """ Returns the units in this subsection. """ return self.children() def unit_at(self, index): """ Returns the CourseOutlineUnit at the specified index. """ return self.child_at(index) def add_unit(self): """ Adds a unit to this subsection """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.ADD_BUTTON_SELECTOR)).click() class CourseOutlineSection(CourseOutlineContainer, CourseOutlineChild): """ :class`.PageObject` that wraps a section block on the Studio Course Outline page. """ url = None BODY_SELECTOR = '.outline-section' NAME_SELECTOR = '.section-title' NAME_FIELD_WRAPPER_SELECTOR = '.section-header .wrapper-xblock-field' CHILD_CLASS = CourseOutlineSubsection def subsection(self, title): """ Return the :class:`.CourseOutlineSubsection` with the title `title`. """ return self.child(title) def subsections(self): """ Returns a list of the CourseOutlineSubsections of this section """ return self.children() def subsection_at(self, index): """ Returns the CourseOutlineSubsection at the specified index. """ return self.child_at(index) def add_subsection(self): """ Adds a subsection to this section """ self.add_child() class ExpandCollapseLinkState(object): """ Represents the three states that the expand/collapse link can be in """ MISSING = 0 COLLAPSE = 1 EXPAND = 2 class CourseOutlinePage(CoursePage, CourseOutlineContainer): """ Course Outline page in Studio. """ url_path = "course" CHILD_CLASS = CourseOutlineSection EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CSS = '.button-toggle-expand-collapse' BOTTOM_ADD_SECTION_BUTTON = '.outline > .add-section .button-new' def is_browser_on_page(self): return all([ self.q(css='body.view-outline').present, self.q(css='.content-primary').present, self.q(css='').present ]) def click_course_status_section_start_date_link(self): def click_course_status_section_checklists_link(self): def view_live(self): """ Clicks the "View Live" link and switches to the new tab """ click_css(self, '.view-live-button', require_notification=False) self.wait_for_page() self.browser.switch_to_window(self.browser.window_handles[-1]) def section(self, title): """ Return the :class:`.CourseOutlineSection` with the title `title`. """ return self.child(title) def section_at(self, index): """ Returns the :class:`.CourseOutlineSection` at the specified index. """ return self.child_at(index) def click_section_name(self, parent_css=''): """ Find and click on first section name in course outline """ self.q(css='{} .section-name'.format(parent_css)) def get_section_name(self, parent_css='', page_refresh=False): """ Get the list of names of all sections present """ if page_refresh: self.browser.refresh() return self.q(css='{} .section-name'.format(parent_css)).text def section_name_edit_form_present(self, parent_css=''): """ Check that section name edit form present """ return self.q(css='{} .section-name input'.format(parent_css)).present def change_section_name(self, new_name, parent_css=''): """ Change section name of first section present in course outline """ self.click_section_name(parent_css) self.q(css='{} .section-name input'.format(parent_css)).first.fill(new_name) self.q(css='{} .section-name .save-button'.format(parent_css)) self.wait_for_ajax() def sections(self): """ Returns the sections of this course outline page. """ return self.children() def add_section_from_top_button(self): """ Clicks the button for adding a section which resides at the top of the screen. """ click_css(self, '.wrapper-mast nav.nav-actions .button-new') def add_section_from_bottom_button(self, click_child_icon=False): """ Clicks the button for adding a section which resides at the bottom of the screen. """ element_css = self.BOTTOM_ADD_SECTION_BUTTON if click_child_icon: element_css += " .fa-plus" click_css(self, element_css) def toggle_expand_collapse(self): """ Toggles whether all sections are expanded or collapsed """ self.q(css=self.EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CSS).click() def start_reindex(self): """ Starts course reindex by clicking reindex button """ def open_subsection_settings_dialog(self, index=0): """ clicks on the settings button of subsection. """ self.q(css=".subsection-header-actions .configure-button").nth(index).click() self.wait_for_element_presence('.course-outline-modal', 'Subsection settings modal is present.') def change_problem_release_date(self): """ Sets a new start date """ self.q(css=".subsection-header-actions .configure-button") self.q(css="#start_date").fill("01/01/2030") self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def change_problem_due_date(self, date): """ Sets a new due date. Expects date to be a string that will be accepted by the input (for example, '01/01/1970') """ self.q(css=".subsection-header-actions .configure-button") self.q(css="#due_date").fill(date) self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def select_visibility_tab(self): """ Select the advanced settings tab """ self.q(css=".settings-tab-button[data-tab='visibility']") self.wait_for_element_presence('input[value=hide_after_due]', 'Visibility fields not present.') def select_advanced_tab(self, desired_item='special_exam'): """ Select the advanced settings tab """ self.q(css=".settings-tab-button[data-tab='advanced']") if desired_item == 'special_exam': self.wait_for_element_presence('input.no_special_exam', 'Special exam settings fields not present.') if desired_item == 'gated_content': self.wait_for_element_visibility('#is_prereq', 'Gating settings fields are present.') def make_exam_proctored(self): """ Makes a Proctored exam. """ self.q(css="input.proctored_exam") self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def make_exam_timed(self, hide_after_due=False): """ Makes a timed exam. """ self.q(css="input.timed_exam") if hide_after_due: self.select_visibility_tab() self.q(css='input[name=content-visibility][value=hide_after_due]') self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def make_subsection_hidden_after_due_date(self): """ Sets a subsection to be hidden after due date. """ self.q(css='input[value=hide_after_due]') self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def select_none_exam(self): """ Choose "none" exam but do not press enter """ self.q(css="input.no_special_exam") def select_timed_exam(self): """ Choose a timed exam but do not press enter """ self.q(css="input.timed_exam") def select_proctored_exam(self): """ Choose a proctored exam but do not press enter """ self.q(css="input.proctored_exam") def select_practice_exam(self): """ Choose a practice exam but do not press enter """ self.q(css="input.practice_exam") def time_allotted_field_visible(self): """ returns whether the time allotted field is visible """ return self.q(css=".field-time-limit").visible def exam_review_rules_field_visible(self): """ Returns whether the review rules field is visible """ return self.q(css=".field-exam-review-rules").visible def proctoring_items_are_displayed(self): """ Returns True if all the items are found. """ # The None radio button if not self.q(css="input.no_special_exam").present: return False # The Timed exam radio button if not self.q(css="input.timed_exam").present: return False # The Proctored exam radio button if not self.q(css="input.proctored_exam").present: return False # The Practice exam radio button if not self.q(css="input.practice_exam").present: return False return True def make_gating_prerequisite(self): """ Makes a subsection a gating prerequisite. """ if not self.q(css="#is_prereq")[0].is_selected(): self.q(css='label[for="is_prereq"]').click() self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def add_prerequisite_to_subsection(self, min_score, min_completion): """ Adds a prerequisite to a subsection. """ Select(self.q(css="#prereq")[0]).select_by_index(1) self.q(css="#prereq_min_score").fill(min_score) self.q(css="#prereq_min_completion").fill(min_completion) self.q(css=".action-save") self.wait_for_ajax() def gating_prerequisite_checkbox_is_visible(self): """ Returns True if the gating prerequisite checkbox is visible. """ # The Prerequisite checkbox is visible return self.q(css="#is_prereq").visible def gating_prerequisite_checkbox_is_checked(self): """ Returns True if the gating prerequisite checkbox is checked. """ # The Prerequisite checkbox is checked return self.q(css="#is_prereq:checked").present def gating_prerequisites_dropdown_is_visible(self): """ Returns True if the gating prerequisites dropdown is visible. """ # The Prerequisites dropdown is visible return self.q(css="#prereq").visible def gating_prerequisite_min_score_is_visible(self): """ Returns True if the gating prerequisite minimum score input is visible. """ # The Prerequisites dropdown is visible return self.q(css="#prereq_min_score").visible @property def has_course_status_section(self): # SFE and SFE-wrapper classes come from studio-frontend and # wrap content provided by the studio-frontend package return self.q(css='.course-status .SFE .SFE-wrapper').is_present() @property def course_start_date_link(self): return self.q(css='.status-link').first @property def course_checklists_link(self): return self.q(css='.status-link').nth(1) @property def bottom_add_section_button(self): """ Returns the query representing the bottom add section button. """ return self.q(css=self.BOTTOM_ADD_SECTION_BUTTON).first @property def has_no_content_message(self): """ Returns true if a message informing the user that the course has no content is visible """ return self.q(css='.outline .no-content').is_present() @property def has_rerun_notification(self): """ Returns true iff the rerun notification is present on the page. """ return self.q(css='').is_present() def dismiss_rerun_notification(self): """ Clicks the dismiss button in the rerun notification. """ self.q(css='.dismiss-button').click() @property def expand_collapse_link_state(self): """ Returns the current state of the expand/collapse link """ link = self.q(css=self.EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CSS)[0] if not link.is_displayed(): return ExpandCollapseLinkState.MISSING elif "collapse-all" in link.get_attribute("class"): return ExpandCollapseLinkState.COLLAPSE else: return ExpandCollapseLinkState.EXPAND @property def reindex_button(self): """ Returns reindex button. """ return self.q(css=".button.button-reindex")[0] def expand_all_subsections(self): """ Expands all the subsections in this course. """ for section in self.sections(): if section.is_collapsed: section.expand_subsection() for subsection in section.subsections(): if subsection.is_collapsed: subsection.expand_subsection() @property def xblocks(self): """ Return a list of xblocks loaded on the outline page. """ return self.children(CourseOutlineChild) @property def license(self): """ Returns the course license text, if present. Else returns None. """ return self.q(css=".license-value").first.text[0] @property def deprecated_warning_visible(self): """ Returns true if the deprecated warning is visible. """ return self.q(css='').is_present() @property def warning_heading_text(self): """ Returns deprecated warning heading text. """ return self.q(css='.warning-heading-text').text[0] @property def components_list_heading(self): """ Returns deprecated warning component list heading text. """ return self.q(css='.components-list-heading-text').text[0] @property def modules_remove_text_shown(self): """ Returns True if deprecated warning advance modules remove text is visible. """ return self.q(css='.advance-modules-remove-text').visible @property def modules_remove_text(self): """ Returns deprecated warning advance modules remove text. """ return self.q(css='.advance-modules-remove-text').text[0] @property def components_visible(self): """ Returns True if components list visible. """ return self.q(css='.components-list').visible @property def components_display_names(self): """ Returns deprecated warning components display name list. """ return self.q(css='.components-list li>a').text @property def deprecated_advance_modules(self): """ Returns deprecated advance modules list. """ return self.q(css='.advance-modules-list li').text class CourseOutlineModal(object): """ Page object specifically for a modal window on the course outline page. Subsections are handled slightly differently in some regards, and should use SubsectionOutlineModal. """ MODAL_SELECTOR = ".wrapper-modal-window" def __init__(self, page): = page def _bounded_selector(self, selector): """ Returns `selector`, but limited to this particular `CourseOutlineModal` context. """ return " ".join([self.MODAL_SELECTOR, selector]) def is_shown(self): """ Return whether or not the modal defined by self.MODAL_SELECTOR is shown. """ return def find_css(self, selector): """ Find the given css selector on the page. """ return def click(self, selector, index=0): """ Perform a Click action on the given selector. """ self.find_css(selector).nth(index).click() def save(self): """ Click the save action button, and wait for the ajax call to return. """".action-save") def publish(self): """ Click the publish action button, and wait for the ajax call to return. """".action-publish") def cancel(self): """ Click the cancel action button. """".action-cancel") def has_release_date(self): """ Check if the input box for the release date exists in the subsection's settings window """ return self.find_css("#start_date").present def has_release_time(self): """ Check if the input box for the release time exists in the subsection's settings window """ return self.find_css("#start_time").present def has_due_date(self): """ Check if the input box for the due date exists in the subsection's settings window """ return self.find_css("#due_date").present def has_due_time(self): """ Check if the input box for the due time exists in the subsection's settings window """ return self.find_css("#due_time").present def has_policy(self): """ Check if the input for the grading policy is present. """ return self.find_css("#grading_type").present def set_date(self, property_name, input_selector, date): """ Set `date` value to input pointed by `selector` and `property_name`. """ month, day, year = map(int, date.split('/')) if getattr(self, property_name): current_month, current_year = map(int, getattr(self, property_name).split('/')[1:]) else: # Use default timepicker values, which are current month and year. current_month, current_year =, date_diff = 12 * (year - current_year) + month - current_month selector = "a.ui-datepicker-{}".format('next' if date_diff > 0 else 'prev') for __ in xrange(abs(date_diff)):"a.ui-state-default").nth(day - 1).click() # set day"#ui-datepicker-div", "datepicker should be closed") EmptyPromise( lambda: getattr(self, property_name) == u'{m}/{d}/{y}'.format(m=month, d=day, y=year), "{} is updated in modal.".format(property_name) ).fulfill() def set_time(self, input_selector, time): """ Set `time` value to input pointed by `input_selector` Not using the time picker to make sure it's not being rounded up """[0].send_keys(Keys.ENTER) @property def release_date(self): """ Returns the unit's release date. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ return self.find_css("#start_date").first.attrs('value')[0] @release_date.setter def release_date(self, date): """ Sets the unit's release date to `date`. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ self.set_date('release_date', "#start_date", date) @property def release_time(self): """ Returns the current value of the release time. Default is u'00:00' """ return self.find_css("#start_time").first.attrs('value')[0] @release_time.setter def release_time(self, time): """ Time is "HH:MM" string. """ self.set_time("#start_time", time) @property def due_date(self): """ Returns the due date from the page. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ return self.find_css("#due_date").first.attrs('value')[0] @due_date.setter def due_date(self, date): """ Sets the due date for the unit. Date is "mm/dd/yyyy" string. """ self.set_date('due_date', "#due_date", date) @property def due_time(self): """ Returns the current value of the release time. Default is u'' """ return self.find_css("#due_time").first.attrs('value')[0] @due_time.setter def due_time(self, time): """ Time is "HH:MM" string. """ self.set_time("#due_time", time) @property def policy(self): """ Select the grading format with `value` in the drop-down list. """ element = self.find_css('#grading_type')[0] return self.get_selected_option_text(element) @policy.setter def policy(self, grading_label): """ Select the grading format with `value` in the drop-down list. """ element = self.find_css('#grading_type')[0] select = Select(element) select.select_by_visible_text(grading_label) EmptyPromise( lambda: self.policy == grading_label, "Grading label is updated.", ).fulfill() @property def is_staff_lock_visible(self): """ Returns True if the staff lock option is visible. """ return self.find_css('#staff_lock').visible def ensure_staff_lock_visible(self): """ Ensures the staff lock option is visible, clicking on the advanced tab if needed. """ if not self.is_staff_lock_visible: self.find_css(".settings-tab-button[data-tab=visibility]").click() EmptyPromise( lambda: self.is_staff_lock_visible, "Staff lock option is visible", ).fulfill() @property def is_explicitly_locked(self): """ Returns true if the explict staff lock checkbox is checked, false otherwise. """ self.ensure_staff_lock_visible() return self.find_css('#staff_lock')[0].is_selected() @is_explicitly_locked.setter def is_explicitly_locked(self, value): """ Checks the explicit staff lock box if value is true, otherwise selects "visible". """ self.ensure_staff_lock_visible() if value != self.is_explicitly_locked: self.find_css('#staff_lock').click() EmptyPromise(lambda: value == self.is_explicitly_locked, "Explicit staff lock is updated").fulfill() def shows_staff_lock_warning(self): """ Returns true iff the staff lock warning is visible. """ return self.find_css('.staff-lock .tip-warning').visible def get_selected_option_text(self, element): """ Returns the text of the first selected option for the element. """ if element: select = Select(element) return select.first_selected_option.text else: return None class SubsectionOutlineModal(CourseOutlineModal): """ Subclass to handle a few special cases with subsection modals. """ @property def is_explicitly_locked(self): """ Override - returns True if staff_only is set. """ return self.subsection_visibility == 'staff_only' @property def subsection_visibility(self): """ Returns the current visibility setting for a subsection """ self.ensure_staff_lock_visible() return self.find_css('input[name=content-visibility]:checked').first.attrs('value')[0] @is_explicitly_locked.setter def is_explicitly_locked(self, value): """ Override - sets visibility to staff_only if True, else 'visible'. For hide_after_due, use the set_subsection_visibility method directly. """ self.subsection_visibility = 'staff_only' if value else 'visible' @subsection_visibility.setter def subsection_visibility(self, value): """ Sets the subsection visibility to the given value. """ self.ensure_staff_lock_visible() self.find_css('input[name=content-visibility][value=' + value + ']').click() EmptyPromise(lambda: value == self.subsection_visibility, "Subsection visibility is updated").fulfill() @property def is_staff_lock_visible(self): """ Override - Returns true if the staff lock option is visible. """ return self.find_css('input[name=content-visibility]').visible
[ 624, 199, 6979, 6219, 604, 2034, 315, 13225, 14, 199, 624, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 9554, 492, 8586, 63, 4037, 12, 3618, 63, 509, 63, 3596, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 1606, 63, 785, 492, 10331, 1692, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 12741, 572, 492, 9630, 32303, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 492, 10033, 10720, 83, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 2330, 14, 1612, 492, 17276, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 4058, 14, 1907, 492, 9496, 199, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 2330, 14, 1208, 492, 8968, 63, 3919, 12, 12679, 63, 7650, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 3600, 492, 15395, 3276, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 1972, 63, 1606, 492, 5531, 3276, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 1208, 492, 663, 63, 1210, 63, 585, 12, 663, 63, 1210, 63, 585, 63, 460, 63, 2117, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 2219, 14, 7546, 492, 3507, 63, 290, 11744, 852, 12, 4756, 63, 290, 11744, 852, 12, 3504, 63, 1422, 63, 991, 63, 505, 421, 199, 32, 3596, 63, 4037, 360, 74, 3227, 358, 199, 533, 5531, 21432, 2081, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 437, 20048, 1021, 367, 1263, 520, 533, 1705, 3276, 1692, 64, 9164, 315, 282, 2518, 17964, 14, 272, 408, 272, 327, 3390, 2337, 787, 282, 9284, 4287, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 4781, 13236, 315, 642, 1021, 12, 2952, 272, 327, 652, 1990, 5313, 18002, 652, 365, 9995, 370, 506, 282, 20048, 370, 282, 10331, 1692, 436, 911, 1172, 3423, 272, 327, 4066, 465, 291, 14, 2573, 63, 509, 63, 12774, 12, 1314, 3181, 1133, 2187, 641, 282, 7809, 658, 785, 2313, 272, 4367, 11446, 63, 25691, 275, 488, 272, 24981, 63, 13272, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 698, 13, 585, 13, 3773, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 1053, 13, 1213, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 7321, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 698, 13, 1210, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 8609, 63, 23824, 4227, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 1213, 1275, 5029, 13, 11283, 13, 698, 7, 272, 18460, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 275, 12696, 9073, 59, 533, 4, 628, 1205, 937, 1275, 1205, 13, 1188, 7, 272, 15869, 15301, 63, 13272, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 1287, 13, 1053, 1275, 6472, 13, 3887, 7, 339, 347, 636, 2722, 721, 277, 304, 267, 327, 5531, 21432, 2081, 365, 2597, 1202, 465, 282, 20048, 367, 5531, 21432, 3276, 12, 1314, 3181, 1133, 1172, 282, 14067, 267, 327, 2670, 367, 314, 23780, 402, 282, 14067, 880, 626, 2552, 1380, 12670, 71, 1958, 370, 314, 2518, 17964, 2034, 2793, 1133, 2498, 1536, 267, 327, 465, 2552, 315, 314, 4700, 1083, 3140, 14, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 11491, 27530, 5750, 6244, 18776, 82, 25974, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 3108, 291, 14, 6354, 9, 267, 871, 4281, 26, 288, 372, 11491, 27530, 5750, 18956, 1674, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 3368, 339, 347, 485, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 12, 9759, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 658, 6662, 3559, 1325, 13988, 370, 642, 6770, 658, 6979, 21432, 2081, 64, 1067, 267, 408, 267, 327, 982, 314, 1242, 3181, 1133, 1172, 282, 2396, 9759, 503, 14067, 12, 2066, 652, 883, 1133, 506, 1234, 4585, 267, 327, 961, 10986, 315, 314, 1067, 402, 314, 5531, 21432, 3276, 267, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 267, 340, 291, 14, 23708, 63, 25691, 436, 2688, 8, 277, 12, 283, 6354, 735, 288, 372, 9005, 59, 576, 13, 6354, 32053, 937, 9499, 908, 8, 355, 291, 14, 23708, 63, 25691, 12, 355, 291, 14, 6354, 12, 355, 9759, 288, 776, 267, 587, 26, 288, 372, 9759, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 536, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 314, 2929, 536, 402, 642, 909, 14, 267, 408, 267, 536, 63, 2108, 275, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 2339, 63, 25691, 4992, 2246, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 267, 340, 536, 63, 2108, 26, 288, 372, 536, 63, 2108, 14, 505, 59, 16, 61, 267, 587, 26, 288, 372, 488, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 1242, 965, 282, 2004, 1245, 12, 756, 4257, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 6305, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 4992, 2246, 14, 6604, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 2004, 63, 1188, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 314, 2004, 1245, 402, 642, 1242, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 6305, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 4992, 505, 59, 16, 61, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 7018, 63, 831, 63, 3764, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 283, 6906, 12622, 1454, 1564, 7, 1245, 365, 8917, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 1205, 63, 1188, 508, 283, 6906, 12622, 1454, 1564, 7, 340, 291, 14, 1989, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 587, 756, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 17973, 63, 3764, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 283, 3946, 370, 642, 4137, 365, 15297, 370, 7, 1245, 365, 8917, 408, 267, 372, 283, 3946, 370, 642, 4137, 365, 15297, 370, 7, 315, 291, 14, 1205, 63, 1188, 340, 291, 14, 1989, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 587, 756, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 365, 63, 7018, 63, 2118, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 1321, 6637, 5075, 1174, 402, 642, 1242, 365, 12622, 1454, 334, 1989, 282, 12136, 18437, 9, 408, 267, 372, 298, 374, 13, 7018, 13, 2118, 2, 315, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 30991, 59, 16, 1055, 362, 63, 3215 ]
[ 199, 6979, 6219, 604, 2034, 315, 13225, 14, 199, 624, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 9554, 492, 8586, 63, 4037, 12, 3618, 63, 509, 63, 3596, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 1606, 63, 785, 492, 10331, 1692, 199, 504, 330, 745, 63, 2239, 89, 14, 12741, 572, 492, 9630, 32303, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 492, 10033, 10720, 83, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 2330, 14, 1612, 492, 17276, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 4058, 14, 1907, 492, 9496, 199, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 2330, 14, 1208, 492, 8968, 63, 3919, 12, 12679, 63, 7650, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 3600, 492, 15395, 3276, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 1972, 63, 1606, 492, 5531, 3276, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 5856, 14, 19806, 14, 1208, 492, 663, 63, 1210, 63, 585, 12, 663, 63, 1210, 63, 585, 63, 460, 63, 2117, 199, 504, 2863, 14, 396, 14, 28519, 14, 2219, 14, 7546, 492, 3507, 63, 290, 11744, 852, 12, 4756, 63, 290, 11744, 852, 12, 3504, 63, 1422, 63, 991, 63, 505, 421, 199, 32, 3596, 63, 4037, 360, 74, 3227, 358, 199, 533, 5531, 21432, 2081, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 437, 20048, 1021, 367, 1263, 520, 533, 1705, 3276, 1692, 64, 9164, 315, 282, 2518, 17964, 14, 272, 408, 272, 327, 3390, 2337, 787, 282, 9284, 4287, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 4781, 13236, 315, 642, 1021, 12, 2952, 272, 327, 652, 1990, 5313, 18002, 652, 365, 9995, 370, 506, 282, 20048, 370, 282, 10331, 1692, 436, 911, 1172, 3423, 272, 327, 4066, 465, 291, 14, 2573, 63, 509, 63, 12774, 12, 1314, 3181, 1133, 2187, 641, 282, 7809, 658, 785, 2313, 272, 4367, 11446, 63, 25691, 275, 488, 272, 24981, 63, 13272, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 698, 13, 585, 13, 3773, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 1053, 13, 1213, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 7321, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 698, 13, 1210, 7, 272, 13637, 63, 8609, 63, 23824, 4227, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 11283, 13, 1213, 1275, 5029, 13, 11283, 13, 698, 7, 272, 18460, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 275, 12696, 9073, 59, 533, 4, 628, 1205, 937, 1275, 1205, 13, 1188, 7, 272, 15869, 15301, 63, 13272, 63, 25691, 275, 1987, 1287, 13, 1053, 1275, 6472, 13, 3887, 7, 339, 347, 636, 2722, 721, 277, 304, 267, 327, 5531, 21432, 2081, 365, 2597, 1202, 465, 282, 20048, 367, 5531, 21432, 3276, 12, 1314, 3181, 1133, 1172, 282, 14067, 267, 327, 2670, 367, 314, 23780, 402, 282, 14067, 880, 626, 2552, 1380, 12670, 71, 1958, 370, 314, 2518, 17964, 2034, 2793, 1133, 2498, 1536, 267, 327, 465, 2552, 315, 314, 4700, 1083, 3140, 14, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 11491, 27530, 5750, 6244, 18776, 82, 25974, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 3108, 291, 14, 6354, 9, 267, 871, 4281, 26, 288, 372, 11491, 27530, 5750, 18956, 1674, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 3368, 339, 347, 485, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 12, 9759, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 658, 6662, 3559, 1325, 13988, 370, 642, 6770, 658, 6979, 21432, 2081, 64, 1067, 267, 408, 267, 327, 982, 314, 1242, 3181, 1133, 1172, 282, 2396, 9759, 503, 14067, 12, 2066, 652, 883, 1133, 506, 1234, 4585, 267, 327, 961, 10986, 315, 314, 1067, 402, 314, 5531, 21432, 3276, 267, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 267, 340, 291, 14, 23708, 63, 25691, 436, 2688, 8, 277, 12, 283, 6354, 735, 288, 372, 9005, 59, 576, 13, 6354, 32053, 937, 9499, 908, 8, 355, 291, 14, 23708, 63, 25691, 12, 355, 291, 14, 6354, 12, 355, 9759, 288, 776, 267, 587, 26, 288, 372, 9759, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 536, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 314, 2929, 536, 402, 642, 909, 14, 267, 408, 267, 536, 63, 2108, 275, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 2339, 63, 25691, 4992, 2246, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 267, 340, 536, 63, 2108, 26, 288, 372, 536, 63, 2108, 14, 505, 59, 16, 61, 267, 587, 26, 288, 372, 488, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 1242, 965, 282, 2004, 1245, 12, 756, 4257, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 6305, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 4992, 2246, 14, 6604, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 2004, 63, 1188, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1803, 314, 2004, 1245, 402, 642, 1242, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 8, 277, 14, 6305, 63, 8272, 63, 25691, 4992, 505, 59, 16, 61, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 1114, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 7018, 63, 831, 63, 3764, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 283, 6906, 12622, 1454, 1564, 7, 1245, 365, 8917, 408, 267, 372, 291, 14, 1205, 63, 1188, 508, 283, 6906, 12622, 1454, 1564, 7, 340, 291, 14, 1989, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 587, 756, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 965, 63, 17973, 63, 3764, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 283, 3946, 370, 642, 4137, 365, 15297, 370, 7, 1245, 365, 8917, 408, 267, 372, 283, 3946, 370, 642, 4137, 365, 15297, 370, 7, 315, 291, 14, 1205, 63, 1188, 340, 291, 14, 1989, 63, 1205, 63, 1188, 587, 756, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 365, 63, 7018, 63, 2118, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 1803, 715, 340, 314, 1321, 6637, 5075, 1174, 402, 642, 1242, 365, 12622, 1454, 334, 1989, 282, 12136, 18437, 9, 408, 267, 372, 298, 374, 13, 7018, 13, 2118, 2, 315, 291, 14, 81, 8, 3919, 29, 277, 423, 7547, 63, 6662, 30991, 59, 16, 1055, 362, 63, 3215, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
# self file was generated automatically by the Snowball to Python interpreter from .basestemmer import BaseStemmer from .among import Among class RomanianStemmer(BaseStemmer): ''' self class was automatically generated by a Snowball to Python interpreter It implements the stemming algorithm defined by a snowball script. ''' serialVersionUID = 1 a_0 = [ Among(u"", -1, 3), Among(u"I", 0, 1), Among(u"U", 0, 2) ] a_1 = [ Among(u"ea", -1, 3), Among(u"a\u0163ia", -1, 7), Among(u"aua", -1, 2), Among(u"iua", -1, 4), Among(u"a\u0163ie", -1, 7), Among(u"ele", -1, 3), Among(u"ile", -1, 5), Among(u"iile", 6, 4), Among(u"iei", -1, 4), Among(u"atei", -1, 6), Among(u"ii", -1, 4), Among(u"ului", -1, 1), Among(u"ul", -1, 1), Among(u"elor", -1, 3), Among(u"ilor", -1, 4), Among(u"iilor", 14, 4) ] a_2 = [ Among(u"icala", -1, 4), Among(u"iciva", -1, 4), Among(u"ativa", -1, 5), Among(u"itiva", -1, 6), Among(u"icale", -1, 4), Among(u"a\u0163iune", -1, 5), Among(u"i\u0163iune", -1, 6), Among(u"atoare", -1, 5), Among(u"itoare", -1, 6), Among(u"\u0103toare", -1, 5), Among(u"icitate", -1, 4), Among(u"abilitate", -1, 1), Among(u"ibilitate", -1, 2), Among(u"ivitate", -1, 3), Among(u"icive", -1, 4), Among(u"ative", -1, 5), Among(u"itive", -1, 6), Among(u"icali", -1, 4), Among(u"atori", -1, 5), Among(u"icatori", 18, 4), Among(u"itori", -1, 6), Among(u"\u0103tori", -1, 5), Among(u"icitati", -1, 4), Among(u"abilitati", -1, 1), Among(u"ivitati", -1, 3), Among(u"icivi", -1, 4), Among(u"ativi", -1, 5), Among(u"itivi", -1, 6), Among(u"icit\u0103i", -1, 4), Among(u"abilit\u0103i", -1, 1), Among(u"ivit\u0103i", -1, 3), Among(u"icit\u0103\u0163i", -1, 4), Among(u"abilit\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"ivit\u0103\u0163i", -1, 3), Among(u"ical", -1, 4), Among(u"ator", -1, 5), Among(u"icator", 35, 4), Among(u"itor", -1, 6), Among(u"\u0103tor", -1, 5), Among(u"iciv", -1, 4), Among(u"ativ", -1, 5), Among(u"itiv", -1, 6), Among(u"ical\u0103", -1, 4), Among(u"iciv\u0103", -1, 4), Among(u"ativ\u0103", -1, 5), Among(u"itiv\u0103", -1, 6) ] a_3 = [ Among(u"ica", -1, 1), Among(u"abila", -1, 1), Among(u"ibila", -1, 1), Among(u"oasa", -1, 1), Among(u"ata", -1, 1), Among(u"ita", -1, 1), Among(u"anta", -1, 1), Among(u"ista", -1, 3), Among(u"uta", -1, 1), Among(u"iva", -1, 1), Among(u"ic", -1, 1), Among(u"ice", -1, 1), Among(u"abile", -1, 1), Among(u"ibile", -1, 1), Among(u"isme", -1, 3), Among(u"iune", -1, 2), Among(u"oase", -1, 1), Among(u"ate", -1, 1), Among(u"itate", 17, 1), Among(u"ite", -1, 1), Among(u"ante", -1, 1), Among(u"iste", -1, 3), Among(u"ute", -1, 1), Among(u"ive", -1, 1), Among(u"ici", -1, 1), Among(u"abili", -1, 1), Among(u"ibili", -1, 1), Among(u"iuni", -1, 2), Among(u"atori", -1, 1), Among(u"osi", -1, 1), Among(u"ati", -1, 1), Among(u"itati", 30, 1), Among(u"iti", -1, 1), Among(u"anti", -1, 1), Among(u"isti", -1, 3), Among(u"uti", -1, 1), Among(u"i\u015Fti", -1, 3), Among(u"ivi", -1, 1), Among(u"it\u0103i", -1, 1), Among(u"o\u015Fi", -1, 1), Among(u"it\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"abil", -1, 1), Among(u"ibil", -1, 1), Among(u"ism", -1, 3), Among(u"ator", -1, 1), Among(u"os", -1, 1), Among(u"at", -1, 1), Among(u"it", -1, 1), Among(u"ant", -1, 1), Among(u"ist", -1, 3), Among(u"ut", -1, 1), Among(u"iv", -1, 1), Among(u"ic\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"abil\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ibil\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"oas\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"at\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"it\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ant\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ist\u0103", -1, 3), Among(u"ut\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"iv\u0103", -1, 1) ] a_4 = [ Among(u"ea", -1, 1), Among(u"ia", -1, 1), Among(u"esc", -1, 1), Among(u"\u0103sc", -1, 1), Among(u"ind", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2nd", -1, 1), Among(u"are", -1, 1), Among(u"ere", -1, 1), Among(u"ire", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2re", -1, 1), Among(u"se", -1, 2), Among(u"ase", 10, 1), Among(u"sese", 10, 2), Among(u"ise", 10, 1), Among(u"use", 10, 1), Among(u"\u00E2se", 10, 1), Among(u"e\u015Fte", -1, 1), Among(u"\u0103\u015Fte", -1, 1), Among(u"eze", -1, 1), Among(u"ai", -1, 1), Among(u"eai", 19, 1), Among(u"iai", 19, 1), Among(u"sei", -1, 2), Among(u"e\u015Fti", -1, 1), Among(u"\u0103\u015Fti", -1, 1), Among(u"ui", -1, 1), Among(u"ezi", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2i", -1, 1), Among(u"a\u015Fi", -1, 1), Among(u"se\u015Fi", -1, 2), Among(u"ase\u015Fi", 29, 1), Among(u"sese\u015Fi", 29, 2), Among(u"ise\u015Fi", 29, 1), Among(u"use\u015Fi", 29, 1), Among(u"\u00E2se\u015Fi", 29, 1), Among(u"i\u015Fi", -1, 1), Among(u"u\u015Fi", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2\u015Fi", -1, 1), Among(u"a\u0163i", -1, 2), Among(u"ea\u0163i", 38, 1), Among(u"ia\u0163i", 38, 1), Among(u"e\u0163i", -1, 2), Among(u"i\u0163i", -1, 2), Among(u"\u00E2\u0163i", -1, 2), Among(u"ar\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"ser\u0103\u0163i", -1, 2), Among(u"aser\u0103\u0163i", 45, 1), Among(u"seser\u0103\u0163i", 45, 2), Among(u"iser\u0103\u0163i", 45, 1), Among(u"user\u0103\u0163i", 45, 1), Among(u"\u00E2ser\u0103\u0163i", 45, 1), Among(u"ir\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"ur\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2r\u0103\u0163i", -1, 1), Among(u"am", -1, 1), Among(u"eam", 54, 1), Among(u"iam", 54, 1), Among(u"em", -1, 2), Among(u"asem", 57, 1), Among(u"sesem", 57, 2), Among(u"isem", 57, 1), Among(u"usem", 57, 1), Among(u"\u00E2sem", 57, 1), Among(u"im", -1, 2), Among(u"\u00E2m", -1, 2), Among(u"\u0103m", -1, 2), Among(u"ar\u0103m", 65, 1), Among(u"ser\u0103m", 65, 2), Among(u"aser\u0103m", 67, 1), Among(u"seser\u0103m", 67, 2), Among(u"iser\u0103m", 67, 1), Among(u"user\u0103m", 67, 1), Among(u"\u00E2ser\u0103m", 67, 1), Among(u"ir\u0103m", 65, 1), Among(u"ur\u0103m", 65, 1), Among(u"\u00E2r\u0103m", 65, 1), Among(u"au", -1, 1), Among(u"eau", 76, 1), Among(u"iau", 76, 1), Among(u"indu", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2ndu", -1, 1), Among(u"ez", -1, 1), Among(u"easc\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ar\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ser\u0103", -1, 2), Among(u"aser\u0103", 84, 1), Among(u"seser\u0103", 84, 2), Among(u"iser\u0103", 84, 1), Among(u"user\u0103", 84, 1), Among(u"\u00E2ser\u0103", 84, 1), Among(u"ir\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"ur\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"\u00E2r\u0103", -1, 1), Among(u"eaz\u0103", -1, 1) ] a_5 = [ Among(u"a", -1, 1), Among(u"e", -1, 1), Among(u"ie", 1, 1), Among(u"i", -1, 1), Among(u"\u0103", -1, 1) ] g_v = [17, 65, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 32, 0, 0, 4] B_standard_suffix_removed = False I_p2 = 0 I_p1 = 0 I_pV = 0 def copy_from(self, other): self.B_standard_suffix_removed = other.B_standard_suffix_removed self.I_p2 = other.I_p2 self.I_p1 = other.I_p1 self.I_pV = other.I_pV super.copy_from(other) def r_prelude(self): # (, line 31 # repeat, line 32 try: while True: try: v_1 = self.cursor try: # goto, line 32 try: while True: v_2 = self.cursor try: # (, line 32 if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab4() # [, line 33 self.bra = self.cursor # or, line 33 try: v_3 = self.cursor try: # (, line 33 # literal, line 33 if not self.eq_s(1, u"u"): raise lab6() # ], line 33 self.ket = self.cursor if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab6() # <-, line 33 if not self.slice_from(u"U"): return False raise lab5() except lab6: pass self.cursor = v_3 # (, line 34 # literal, line 34 if not self.eq_s(1, u"i"): raise lab4() # ], line 34 self.ket = self.cursor if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab4() # <-, line 34 if not self.slice_from(u"I"): return False except lab5: pass self.cursor = v_2 raise lab3() except lab4: pass self.cursor = v_2 if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab2() self.cursor += 1 except lab3: pass raise lab1() except lab2: pass self.cursor = v_1 raise lab0() except lab1: pass except lab0: pass return True def r_mark_regions(self): # (, line 38 self.I_pV = self.limit; self.I_p1 = self.limit; self.I_p2 = self.limit; # do, line 44 v_1 = self.cursor try: # (, line 44 # or, line 46 try: v_2 = self.cursor try: # (, line 45 if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab2() # or, line 45 try: v_3 = self.cursor try: # (, line 45 if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab4() # gopast, line 45 try: while True: try: if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab6() raise lab5() except lab6: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab4() self.cursor += 1 except lab5: pass raise lab3() except lab4: pass self.cursor = v_3 # (, line 45 if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab2() # gopast, line 45 try: while True: try: if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab8() raise lab7() except lab8: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab2() self.cursor += 1 except lab7: pass except lab3: pass raise lab1() except lab2: pass self.cursor = v_2 # (, line 47 if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab0() # or, line 47 try: v_6 = self.cursor try: # (, line 47 if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab10() # gopast, line 47 try: while True: try: if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab12() raise lab11() except lab12: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab10() self.cursor += 1 except lab11: pass raise lab9() except lab10: pass self.cursor = v_6 # (, line 47 if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab0() # next, line 47 if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab0() self.cursor += 1 except lab9: pass except lab1: pass # setmark pV, line 48 self.I_pV = self.cursor except lab0: pass self.cursor = v_1 # do, line 50 v_8 = self.cursor try: # (, line 50 # gopast, line 51 try: while True: try: if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab15() raise lab14() except lab15: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab13() self.cursor += 1 except lab14: pass # gopast, line 51 try: while True: try: if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab17() raise lab16() except lab17: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab13() self.cursor += 1 except lab16: pass # setmark p1, line 51 self.I_p1 = self.cursor # gopast, line 52 try: while True: try: if not self.in_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab19() raise lab18() except lab19: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab13() self.cursor += 1 except lab18: pass # gopast, line 52 try: while True: try: if not self.out_grouping(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab21() raise lab20() except lab21: pass if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab13() self.cursor += 1 except lab20: pass # setmark p2, line 52 self.I_p2 = self.cursor except lab13: pass self.cursor = v_8 return True def r_postlude(self): # repeat, line 56 try: while True: try: v_1 = self.cursor try: # (, line 56 # [, line 58 self.bra = self.cursor # substring, line 58 among_var = self.find_among(RomanianStemmer.a_0, 3) if among_var == 0: raise lab2() # ], line 58 self.ket = self.cursor if among_var == 0: raise lab2() elif among_var == 1: # (, line 59 # <-, line 59 if not self.slice_from(u"i"): return False elif among_var == 2: # (, line 60 # <-, line 60 if not self.slice_from(u"u"): return False elif among_var == 3: # (, line 61 # next, line 61 if self.cursor >= self.limit: raise lab2() self.cursor += 1 raise lab1() except lab2: pass self.cursor = v_1 raise lab0() except lab1: pass except lab0: pass return True def r_RV(self): if not self.I_pV <= self.cursor: return False return True def r_R1(self): if not self.I_p1 <= self.cursor: return False return True def r_R2(self): if not self.I_p2 <= self.cursor: return False return True def r_step_0(self): # (, line 72 # [, line 73 self.ket = self.cursor # substring, line 73 among_var = self.find_among_b(RomanianStemmer.a_1, 16) if among_var == 0: return False # ], line 73 self.bra = self.cursor # call R1, line 73 if not self.r_R1(): return False if among_var == 0: return False elif among_var == 1: # (, line 75 # delete, line 75 if not self.slice_del(): return False elif among_var == 2: # (, line 77 # <-, line 77 if not self.slice_from(u"a"): return False elif among_var == 3: # (, line 79 # <-, line 79 if not self.slice_from(u"e"): return False elif among_var == 4: # (, line 81 # <-, line 81 if not self.slice_from(u"i"): return False elif among_var == 5: # (, line 83 # not, line 83 v_1 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # literal, line 83 if not self.eq_s_b(2, u"ab"): raise lab0() return False except lab0: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_1 # <-, line 83 if not self.slice_from(u"i"): return False elif among_var == 6: # (, line 85 # <-, line 85 if not self.slice_from(u"at"): return False elif among_var == 7: # (, line 87 # <-, line 87 if not self.slice_from(u"a\u0163i"): return False return True def r_combo_suffix(self): # test, line 91 v_1 = self.limit - self.cursor # (, line 91 # [, line 92 self.ket = self.cursor # substring, line 92 among_var = self.find_among_b(RomanianStemmer.a_2, 46) if among_var == 0: return False # ], line 92 self.bra = self.cursor # call R1, line 92 if not self.r_R1(): return False # (, line 92 if among_var == 0: return False elif among_var == 1: # (, line 100 # <-, line 101 if not self.slice_from(u"abil"): return False elif among_var == 2: # (, line 103 # <-, line 104 if not self.slice_from(u"ibil"): return False elif among_var == 3: # (, line 106 # <-, line 107 if not self.slice_from(u"iv"): return False elif among_var == 4: # (, line 112 # <-, line 113 if not self.slice_from(u"ic"): return False elif among_var == 5: # (, line 117 # <-, line 118 if not self.slice_from(u"at"): return False elif among_var == 6: # (, line 121 # <-, line 122 if not self.slice_from(u"it"): return False # set standard_suffix_removed, line 125 self.B_standard_suffix_removed = True self.cursor = self.limit - v_1 return True def r_standard_suffix(self): # (, line 129 # unset standard_suffix_removed, line 130 self.B_standard_suffix_removed = False # repeat, line 131 try: while True: try: v_1 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # call combo_suffix, line 131 if not self.r_combo_suffix(): raise lab2() raise lab1() except lab2: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_1 raise lab0() except lab1: pass except lab0: pass # [, line 132 self.ket = self.cursor # substring, line 132 among_var = self.find_among_b(RomanianStemmer.a_3, 62) if among_var == 0: return False # ], line 132 self.bra = self.cursor # call R2, line 132 if not self.r_R2(): return False # (, line 132 if among_var == 0: return False elif among_var == 1: # (, line 148 # delete, line 149 if not self.slice_del(): return False elif among_var == 2: # (, line 151 # literal, line 152 if not self.eq_s_b(1, u"\u0163"): return False # ], line 152 self.bra = self.cursor # <-, line 152 if not self.slice_from(u"t"): return False elif among_var == 3: # (, line 155 # <-, line 156 if not self.slice_from(u"ist"): return False # set standard_suffix_removed, line 160 self.B_standard_suffix_removed = True return True def r_verb_suffix(self): # setlimit, line 164 v_1 = self.limit - self.cursor # tomark, line 164 if self.cursor < self.I_pV: return False self.cursor = self.I_pV v_2 = self.limit_backward self.limit_backward = self.cursor self.cursor = self.limit - v_1 # (, line 164 # [, line 165 self.ket = self.cursor # substring, line 165 among_var = self.find_among_b(RomanianStemmer.a_4, 94) if among_var == 0: self.limit_backward = v_2 return False # ], line 165 self.bra = self.cursor if among_var == 0: self.limit_backward = v_2 return False elif among_var == 1: # (, line 200 # or, line 200 try: v_3 = self.limit - self.cursor try: if not self.out_grouping_b(RomanianStemmer.g_v, 97, 259): raise lab1() raise lab0() except lab1: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_3 # literal, line 200 if not self.eq_s_b(1, u"u"): self.limit_backward = v_2 return False except lab0: pass # delete, line 200 if not self.slice_del(): return False elif among_var == 2: # (, line 214 # delete, line 214 if not self.slice_del(): return False self.limit_backward = v_2 return True def r_vowel_suffix(self): # (, line 218 # [, line 219 self.ket = self.cursor # substring, line 219 among_var = self.find_among_b(RomanianStemmer.a_5, 5) if among_var == 0: return False # ], line 219 self.bra = self.cursor # call RV, line 219 if not self.r_RV(): return False if among_var == 0: return False elif among_var == 1: # (, line 220 # delete, line 220 if not self.slice_del(): return False return True def _stem(self): # (, line 225 # do, line 226 v_1 = self.cursor try: # call prelude, line 226 if not self.r_prelude(): raise lab0() except lab0: pass self.cursor = v_1 # do, line 227 v_2 = self.cursor try: # call mark_regions, line 227 if not self.r_mark_regions(): raise lab1() except lab1: pass self.cursor = v_2 # backwards, line 228 self.limit_backward = self.cursor self.cursor = self.limit # (, line 228 # do, line 229 v_3 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # call step_0, line 229 if not self.r_step_0(): raise lab2() except lab2: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_3 # do, line 230 v_4 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # call standard_suffix, line 230 if not self.r_standard_suffix(): raise lab3() except lab3: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_4 # do, line 231 v_5 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # (, line 231 # or, line 231 try: v_6 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # Boolean test standard_suffix_removed, line 231 if not self.B_standard_suffix_removed: raise lab6() raise lab5() except lab6: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_6 # call verb_suffix, line 231 if not self.r_verb_suffix(): raise lab4() except lab5: pass except lab4: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_5 # do, line 232 v_7 = self.limit - self.cursor try: # call vowel_suffix, line 232 if not self.r_vowel_suffix(): raise lab7() except lab7: pass self.cursor = self.limit - v_7 self.cursor = self.limit_backward # do, line 234 v_8 = self.cursor try: # call postlude, line 234 if not self.r_postlude(): raise lab8() except lab8: pass self.cursor = v_8 return True def equals(self, o): return isinstance(o, RomanianStemmer) def hashCode(self): return hash("RomanianStemmer") class lab0(BaseException): pass class lab1(BaseException): pass class lab2(BaseException): pass class lab3(BaseException): pass class lab4(BaseException): pass class lab5(BaseException): pass class lab6(BaseException): pass class lab7(BaseException): pass class lab8(BaseException): pass class lab9(BaseException): pass class lab10(BaseException): pass class lab11(BaseException): pass class lab12(BaseException): pass class lab13(BaseException): pass class lab14(BaseException): pass class lab15(BaseException): pass class lab16(BaseException): pass class lab17(BaseException): pass class lab18(BaseException): pass class lab19(BaseException): pass class lab20(BaseException): pass class lab21(BaseException): pass
[ 3, 291, 570, 1990, 4046, 5847, 701, 314, 428, 2131, 8571, 370, 2018, 12693, 199, 199, 504, 1275, 12087, 563, 2626, 492, 3523, 51, 563, 2626, 199, 504, 1275, 455, 951, 492, 437, 22130, 421, 199, 533, 820, 21604, 5653, 51, 563, 2626, 8, 1563, 51, 563, 2626, 304, 272, 1449, 272, 291, 1021, 1990, 5847, 4046, 701, 282, 428, 2131, 8571, 370, 2018, 12693, 272, 2779, 9031, 314, 17408, 14566, 5563, 3247, 701, 282, 308, 2131, 8571, 2884, 14, 272, 1449, 272, 3012, 3353, 6685, 275, 413, 339, 282, 63, 16, 275, 359, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 5151, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 41, 401, 378, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 53, 401, 378, 12, 499, 9, 272, 1622, 339, 282, 63, 17, 275, 359, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 4489, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 65, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 4674, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1520, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 65, 1458, 401, 446, 17, 12, 499, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 1458, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 65, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 1873, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1520, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 8081, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 441, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 441, 401, 1227, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1873, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 323, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 5908, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 348, 1907, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 348, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 352, 269, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 382, 269, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 382, 269, 401, 4329, 12, 841, 9, 272, 1622, 339, 282, 63, 18, 275, 359, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2652, 65, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 1003, 65, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2159, 3042, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 5277, 3042, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 1895, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 65, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 73, 11474, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 73, 11474, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 11318, 1530, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 24308, 1530, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 3212, 85, 28399, 475, 1530, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 390, 323, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 14677, 1051, 323, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1892, 73, 1051, 323, 401, 446, 17, 12, 499, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1003, 390, 323, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 1912, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1905, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 857, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2652, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 707, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 707, 73, 401, 6155, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 4330, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 3212, 85, 28399, 8270, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 390, 2159, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 25007, 502, 280, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1003, 390, 2159, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 73, 433, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2159, 433, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 73, 3804, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 390, 60, 85, 28399, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 14677, 1051, 60, 85, 28399, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1003, 390, 60, 85, 28399, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 390, 60, 85, 28399, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 14677, 1051, 60, 85, 28399, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 413, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 1003, 390, 60, 85, 28399, 60, 85, 614, 2766, 73, 401, 446, 17, 12, 650, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2652, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 707, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 707, 401, 8685, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 4330, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 3212, 85, 28399, 8270, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 530, 1003, 401, 446, 17, 12, 841, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2159, 86, 401, 446, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 5277, 86, 401, 446, 17, 12, 1227, 395, 267, 437, 22130, 8, 85, 2, 2652, 60, 85 ]
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######################################################################### # # # # # copyright 2002 Paul Henry Tremblay # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # General Public License for more details. # # # # # ######################################################################### import sys, os from calibre.ebooks.rtf2xml import copy, border_parse from calibre.ptempfile import better_mktemp """ States. 1. 'not_in_table' 1. 'cw<tb<row-def___' start a row definition 2. 'mi<mk<in-table__' start table 2. 'in_table' 1. 'mi<mk<pard-start', start of a row, cell 2. 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl', end the table. 3. 'cw<tb<row-def___' start a row definition 3. in_row_definition 1. 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' : end the row defintion. If in table, end the table. 2. 'mi<mk<pard-start' : end the row defintion if already in the table, start a row and cell. 3. 'cw<tb<row_______' : end the row definition, end the row 4. 'cw...' use another method to handle the control word control word might be added to dictionary. 5. 'mi<mk<in-table__' If already in table, do nothing. Otherwise start the table. 4. 'in_row' 1. 'mi<mk<pard-start', start cell 2. 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' end table, 3. 'cw<tb<row_______' close row, 5. 'in_cell' 1. 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl', end table 2. 'cw<tb<cell______', end cell """ class Table: """ Make tables. Logic: Read one line at a time. The default state (self.__state) is 'not_in_table'. Look for either a 'cw<tb<in-table__', or a row definition. """ def __init__(self, in_file, bug_handler, copy = None, run_level = 1,): """ Required: 'file'--file to parse Optional: 'copy'-- whether to make a copy of result for debugging 'temp_dir' --where to output temporary results (default is directory from which the script is run.) Returns: nothing """ self.__file = in_file self.__bug_handler = bug_handler self.__copy = copy self.__run_level = run_level self.__write_to = better_mktemp() def __initiate_values(self): """ Initiate all values. """ self.__state_dict = { 'in_table': self.__in_table_func, 'in_row_def': self.__in_row_def_func, 'not_in_table': self.__not_in_table_func, 'in_cell': self.__in_cell_func, 'in_row': self.__in_row_func, } self.__not_in_table_dict = { 'cw<tb<row-def___': self.__found_row_def_func, 'cw<tb<in-table__': self.__start_table_func, 'mi<mk<in-table__' : self.__start_table_func, } # can't use this dictionary. When in row_definition, many tokens # require multiple definitions self.__in_row_definition_dict = { 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' : self.__end_row_table_func, 'mi<mk<pard-start' : self.__end_row_def_func, } self.__in_row_dict = { 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' : self.__close_table, 'mi<mk<pard-start' : self.__start_cell_func, 'cw<tb<row_______' : self.__end_row_func, 'cw<tb<cell______' : self.__empty_cell, } # set the default state self.__state = ['not_in_table'] # set empty data for all tables self.__table_data = [] # just in case there is no table data self.__row_dict = {} self.__cell_list = [] self.__cell_widths = [] def __in_table_func(self, line): """ Requires: line -- line to parse Logic: Look for the end of the table. If found, close out the table. Look for 'mi<mk<pard-start', which marks the beginning of a row. Start a row and start a cell. """ # 'cell' : ('tb', 'cell______', self.default_func), if self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-start' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-close' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<body-close': self.__close_table(line) elif self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<pard-start': self.__start_row_func(line) self.__start_cell_func(line) elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<row-def___': self.__found_row_def_func(line) elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<cell______': self.__start_row_func(line) self.__empty_cell( line) self.__write_obj.write(line) def __not_in_table_func(self, line): """ Requires: line -- the line of text read in from document Returns: nothing Logic: The state is not in a table, so look for the two tokens that mark the start of a table: 'cw<tb<row-def', or 'cw<tb<in-table__'. If these tokens are found, use another method to start a table and change states. Otherwise, just output the line. """ action = self.__not_in_table_dict.get(self.__token_info) if action: action(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) def __close_table(self, line): """ Requires: line -- line to parse Returns: ? Logic: Write the end marker for the table. Write the end tag for the table. Set the state to ['not_in_table'] """ self.__write_obj.write('mi<mk<table-end_\n') self.__state = ['not_in_table'] self.__table_data[-1]['number-of-columns'] = self.__max_number_cells_in_row self.__table_data[-1]['number-of-rows'] = self.__rows_in_table average_cells_in_row = self.__mode(self.__list_of_cells_in_row) self.__table_data[-1]['average-cells-per-row'] = average_cells_in_row average_cell_width = self.__mode(self.__cell_widths) self.__table_data[-1]['average-cell-width'] = average_cell_width def __found_row_def_func(self, line): """ Requires: line don't need this except for consistency with other methods. Returns: nothing Logic: A row definition has been found. Collect all the data from this to use later in writing attributes for the table. """ self.__state.append('in_row_def') self.__last_cell_position = 0 self.__row_dict = {} self.__cell_list = [] self.__cell_list.append({}) self.__cell_widths = [] def __start_table_func(self, line): """ Requires: line -- line to parse Returns: ? Logic: Add the 'in_table' to the state list. Write out the table marker. Initialize table values (not sure about these yet) """ self.__rows_in_table = 0; self.__cells_in_table = 0; self.__cells_in_row = 0; self.__max_number_cells_in_row = 0 self.__table_data.append({}) self.__list_of_cells_in_row = [] self.__write_obj.write('mi<mk<tabl-start\n') self.__state.append('in_table') def __end_row_table_func(self, line): """ Requires: line --just for consistencey Returns: ? Logic: ? """ self.__close_table(self, line) def __end_row_def_func(self, line): """ Requires: line --just for consistency Returns: nothing Logic: change the state. get rid of the last {} in the cell list figure out the number of cells based on the self.__row_dict[widths] ('122, 122') """ if len(self.__state) > 0: if self.__state[-1] == 'in_row_def': self.__state.pop() # added [{]] at the *end* of each /cell. Get rid of extra one self.__cell_list.pop() widths = self.__row_dict.get('widths') if widths: width_list = widths.split(',') num_cells = len (width_list) self.__row_dict['number-of-cells'] = num_cells def __in_row_def_func(self, line): """ Requires: line --line to parse Returns: nothing Logic: In the text that defines a row. If a control word is found, handle the control word with another method. Check for states that will end this state. While in the row definition, certain tokens can end a row or end a table. If a paragrah definition (pard-start) is found, and the you are already in a table, start of a row. """ if self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<row_______': # write tags self.__end_row_func(line) # change the state self.__end_row_def_func(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif line[0:2] == 'cw': self.__handle_row_token(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' and 'in_table' in self.__state: self.__end_row_def_func(line) self.__close_table(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<pard-start': self.__end_row_def_func(line) # if already in the table, start a row, then cell. if (self.__state) > 0 and self.__state[-1] == 'in_table': self.__start_row_func(line) self.__start_cell_func(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<in-table__': self.__end_row_def_func(line) # if not in table, start a new table if len(self.__state) > 0 and self.__state[-1] != 'in_table': self.__start_table_func(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) else: self.__write_obj.write(line) def __handle_row_token(self, line): """ Requires: line -- line to parse Returns: ? Logic: the tokens in the row definition contain the following information: 1. row borders. 2. cell borders for all cells in the row. 3. cell postions for all cells in the row. Put all information about row borders into a row dictionary. Put all information about cell borders into into the dictionary in the last item in the cell list. ([{border:something, width:something}, {border:something, width:something}]) cw<bd<bor-t-r-to<nu<bdr-hair__|bdr-li-wid:0.50 """ if line[3:5] == 'bd': border_obj = border_parse.BorderParse() the_dict = border_obj.parse_border(line) keys = the_dict.keys() # border-cell-top-hairline in_cell = 0 for key in keys: if key[0:11] == 'border-cell': in_cell = 1 for key in keys: if in_cell: self.__cell_list[-1][key] = the_dict[key] else: self.__row_dict[key] = the_dict[key] # cw<tb<cell-posit<nu<216.00 elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<cell-posit': self.__found_cell_position(line) # cw<tb<row-pos-le<nu<-5.40 elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<row-pos-le': position = line[20:-1] self.__row_dict['left-row-position'] = position elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<row-header': self.__row_dict['header'] = 'true' def __start_cell_func(self, line): """ Required: line -- the line of text Returns: nothing Logic: Append 'in_cell' for states If the self.__cell list containst dictionaries, get the last dictionary. Write value => attributes for key=> value pop the self.__cell_list. Otherwise, print out a cell tag. """ self.__state.append('in_cell') # self.__cell_list = [] if len(self.__cell_list) > 0: self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<open-att__<cell') # cell_dict = self.__cell_list[-1] cell_dict = self.__cell_list[0] keys = cell_dict.keys() for key in keys: self.__write_obj.write('<%s>%s' % (key, cell_dict[key])) self.__write_obj.write('\n') # self.__cell_list.pop() self.__cell_list.pop(0) # self.__cell_list = self.__cell_list[1:] else: self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<open______<cell\n') self.__cells_in_table += 1 self.__cells_in_row += 1 def __start_row_func(self, line): """ Required: line -- the line of text Returns: nothing Logic: Append 'in_row' for states Write value => attributes for key=> value """ self.__state.append('in_row') self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<open-att__<row') keys = self.__row_dict.keys() for key in keys: self.__write_obj.write('<%s>%s' % (key, self.__row_dict[key])) self.__write_obj.write('\n') self.__cells_in_row = 0 self.__rows_in_table += 1 def __found_cell_position(self, line): """ needs: line: current line returns: nothing logic: Calculate the cell width. If the cell is the first cell, you should add the left cell position to it. (This value is often negative.) Next, set the new last_cell_position to the current cell position. """ # cw<tb<cell-posit<nu<216.00 new_cell_position = round(float(line[20:-1]), 2) left_position = 0 if self.__last_cell_position == 0: left_position = self.__row_dict.get('left-row-position', 0) left_position = float(left_position) width = new_cell_position - self.__last_cell_position - left_position # width = round(width, 2) width = str('%.2f' % width) self.__last_cell_position = new_cell_position widths_exists = self.__row_dict.get('widths') if widths_exists: self.__row_dict['widths'] += ', %s' % str(width) else: self.__row_dict['widths'] = str(width) self.__cell_list[-1]['width'] = width self.__cell_list.append({}) self.__cell_widths.append(width) def __in_cell_func(self, line): """ Required: line Returns: nothing Logic: In the middle of a cell. Look for the close of the table. If found, use the close table function to close the table. Look for the close of the cell. If found, use the close cell function to close out the cell. Otherwise, print out the line. """ # cw<tb<cell______<nu<true # mi<mk<sect-start if self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-start' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-close' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<body-close': self.__end_cell_func(line) self.__end_row_func(line) self.__close_table(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<cell______': self.__end_cell_func(line) else: self.__write_obj.write(line) def __end_cell_func(self, line): """ Requires: line Returns: nothing Logic: End the cell. Print out the closing marks. Pop the self.__state. """ if len(self.__state) > 1: if self.__state[-1] == 'in_cell': self.__state.pop() self.__write_obj.write('mi<mk<close_cell\n') self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<close_____<cell\n') self.__write_obj.write('mi<mk<closecell_\n') def __in_row_func(self, line): if self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<not-in-tbl' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-start' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<sect-close' or\ self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<body-close': self.__end_row_func(line) self.__close_table(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) else: action = self.__in_row_dict.get(self.__token_info) if action: action(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) """ elif self.__token_info == 'mi<mk<pard-start': self.__start_cell_func(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) elif self.__token_info == 'cw<tb<row_______': self.__end_row_func(line) self.__write_obj.write(line) else: self.__write_obj.write(line) """ def __end_row_func(self, line): """ """ if len(self.__state) > 1 and self.__state[-1] == 'in_row': self.__state.pop() self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<close_____<row\n') else: self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<empty_____<row\n') self.__rows_in_table += 1 if self.__cells_in_row > self.__max_number_cells_in_row: self.__max_number_cells_in_row = self.__cells_in_row self.__list_of_cells_in_row.append(self.__cells_in_row) def __empty_cell(self, line): """ Required: line -- line of text Returns: nothing Logic: Write an empty tag with attributes if there are attributes. Otherwise, writen an empty tag with cell as element. """ if len(self.__cell_list) > 0: self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<empty-att_<cell') cell_dict = self.__cell_list[-1] keys = cell_dict.keys() for key in keys: self.__write_obj.write('<%s>%s' % (key, cell_dict[key])) self.__write_obj.write('\n') else: self.__write_obj.write('mi<tg<empty_____<cell\n') self.__cells_in_table += 1 self.__cells_in_row += 1 def __mode(self, the_list): """ Required: the_list -- a list of something Returns: the number that occurs the most Logic: get the count of each item in list. The count that is the greatest is the mode. """ max = 0 mode = 'not-defined' for item in the_list: num_of_values = the_list.count(item) if num_of_values > max: mode = item max = num_of_values return mode def make_table(self): """ Requires: nothing Returns: A dictionary of values for the beginning of the table. Logic: Read one line in at a time. Determine what action to take based on the state. """ self.__initiate_values() read_obj = open(self.__file, 'r') self.__write_obj = open(self.__write_to, 'w') line_to_read = 1 while line_to_read: line_to_read = read_obj.readline() line = line_to_read self.__token_info = line[:16] action = self.__state_dict.get(self.__state[-1]) # print self.__state[-1] if action == None: sys.stderr.write('No matching state in module\n') sys.stderr.write(self.__state[-1] + '\n') action(line) read_obj.close() self.__write_obj.close() copy_obj = copy.Copy(bug_handler = self.__bug_handler) if self.__copy: copy_obj.copy_file(self.__write_to, "") copy_obj.rename(self.__write_to, self.__file) os.remove(self.__write_to) return self.__table_data
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
[ 3, 199, 3, 6208, 755, 327, 199, 3, 6208, 755, 327, 199, 3, 257, 4248, 14790, 28574, 20855, 651, 377, 264, 887, 817, 22456, 327, 199, 3, 6208, 755, 327, 199, 3, 257, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 258, 327, 199, 3, 257, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 420, 327, 199, 3, 257, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 1666, 314, 1664, 259, 327, 199, 3, 257, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 14960, 327, 199, 3, 6208, 755, 327, 199, 3, 6208, 755, 327, 199, 3949, 3, 199, 646, 984, 12, 747, 199, 504, 19238, 14, 69, 8858, 14, 2591, 70, 18, 1652, 492, 1331, 12, 9162, 63, 1122, 199, 504, 19238, 14, 80, 17336, 492, 8034, 63, 22136, 199, 199, 624, 199, 18010, 14, 199, 17, 14, 283, 1397, 63, 262, 63, 1224, 7, 272, 413, 14, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 1143, 13, 318, 363, 8650, 1343, 282, 1962, 5492, 272, 499, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 262, 13, 1224, 12217, 1343, 1817, 199, 18, 14, 283, 262, 63, 1224, 7, 272, 413, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 462, 68, 13, 928, 297, 1343, 402, 282, 1962, 12, 4917, 272, 499, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 1397, 13, 262, 13, 14806, 297, 1284, 314, 1817, 14, 272, 650, 14, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 1143, 13, 318, 363, 8650, 1343, 282, 1962, 5492, 199, 19, 14, 315, 63, 1143, 63, 7463, 272, 413, 14, 221, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 1397, 13, 262, 13, 14806, 7, 221, 520, 257, 1284, 314, 1962, 347, 262, 296, 14, 982, 315, 1817, 12, 1284, 314, 1817, 14, 272, 499, 14, 221, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 462, 68, 13, 928, 7, 221, 520, 257, 1284, 314, 1962, 347, 262, 296, 267, 340, 2575, 315, 314, 1817, 12, 1343, 282, 1962, 436, 4917, 14, 272, 650, 14, 221, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 1143, 4741, 363, 8650, 221, 520, 1284, 314, 1962, 5492, 12, 1284, 314, 1962, 272, 841, 14, 221, 283, 15346, 13698, 675, 4573, 1083, 370, 2429, 314, 3304, 4349, 267, 3304, 4349, 5594, 506, 3483, 370, 2600, 14, 272, 959, 14, 221, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 262, 13, 1224, 12217, 982, 2575, 315, 1817, 12, 886, 6548, 14, 6630, 267, 1343, 314, 1817, 14, 199, 20, 14, 283, 262, 63, 1143, 7, 272, 413, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 462, 68, 13, 928, 297, 1343, 221, 4917, 272, 499, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 1397, 13, 262, 13, 14806, 7, 221, 1284, 1817, 12, 272, 650, 14, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 1143, 4741, 363, 8650, 221, 4002, 1962, 12, 199, 21, 14, 283, 262, 63, 3890, 7, 272, 413, 14, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 1397, 13, 262, 13, 14806, 297, 1284, 1817, 272, 499, 14, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 3890, 4741, 7500, 1284, 4917, 199, 624, 199, 533, 6957, 26, 272, 408, 272, 4155, 6716, 14, 272, 5297, 530, 26, 272, 5574, 1373, 1004, 737, 282, 900, 14, 710, 849, 1174, 334, 277, 855, 929, 9, 365, 272, 283, 1397, 63, 262, 63, 1224, 1370, 12077, 367, 1902, 282, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 262, 13, 1224, 7500, 503, 282, 1962, 5492, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 288, 315, 63, 493, 12, 288, 6519, 63, 2232, 12, 288, 1331, 275, 488, 12, 288, 1255, 63, 1896, 275, 413, 16095, 267, 408, 267, 11105, 26, 288, 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855, 1600, 63, 1224, 12, 267, 283, 2664, 28, 3880, 28, 462, 68, 13, 928, 7, 221, 520, 257, 291, 855, 928, 63, 3890, 63, 1532, 12, 267, 283, 15346, 28, 5842, 28, 1143, 4741, 363, 8650, 221, 520, 257, 0 ]
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# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2016 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import os from contextlib import contextmanager from textwrap import dedent from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot from pants.util.dirutil import safe_open from pants_test.pants_run_integration_test import PantsRunIntegrationTest from pants_test.testutils.file_test_util import exact_files _NAMESPACE = dedent( """ namespace go """) _DUCK_STRUCT = dedent( """ struct Duck { 1: optional string quack, } """) _FEEDER_STRUCT_TEMPLATE = dedent( """ service Feeder {{ void feed(1:{include}Duck duck), }} """) class GoThriftGenIntegrationTest(PantsRunIntegrationTest): @contextmanager def _create_thrift_project(self, thrift_files): with self.temporary_sourcedir() as srcdir: for path, content in thrift_files.items(): with safe_open(os.path.join(srcdir, path), 'w') as fp: fp.write(content) with safe_open(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/thrift/thrifttest/BUILD'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(dedent(""" go_thrift_library( name='fleem', sources=globs('*.thrift'), ) """).strip()) with safe_open(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/go/usethrift/example.go'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(dedent(""" package usethrift import "thrifttest/duck" func whatevs(f duck.Feeder) string { d := duck.NewDuck() f.Feed(d) return d.GetQuack() } """).strip()) with safe_open(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/go/usethrift/BUILD'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(dedent(""" go_library( dependencies=[ '{srcdir}/src/thrift/thrifttest:fleem' ] ) """.format(srcdir=os.path.relpath(srcdir, get_buildroot()))).strip()) with safe_open(os.path.join(srcdir, '3rdparty/go/'), 'w') as fp: fp.write("go_remote_library(rev='0.9.3', pkg='lib/go/thrift')") config = { 'gen.go-thrift': { 'thrift_import_target': os.path.join(os.path.relpath(srcdir, get_buildroot()), '3rdparty/go/'), 'thrift_import': '' } } yield srcdir, config def test_go_thrift_gen_single(self): # Compile with one thrift file. thrift_files = { 'src/thrift/thrifttest/duck.thrift': _NAMESPACE + _DUCK_STRUCT + _FEEDER_STRUCT_TEMPLATE.format(include=''), } with self.temporary_workdir() as workdir: with self._create_thrift_project(thrift_files) as (srcdir, config): args = [ 'compile', os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/go/usethrift') ] pants_run = self.run_pants_with_workdir(args, workdir, config=config) self.assert_success(pants_run) # Fetch the hash for task impl version. go_thrift_contents = [p for p in os.listdir(os.path.join(workdir, 'gen', 'go-thrift')) if p != 'current'] # Ignore the 'current' symlink. self.assertEqual(len(go_thrift_contents), 1) hash_dir = go_thrift_contents[0] target_dir = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/thrift/thrifttest/fleem'), get_buildroot()) root = os.path.join(workdir, 'gen', 'go-thrift', hash_dir, target_dir.replace(os.path.sep, '.'), 'current') self.assertEquals(sorted(['src/go/thrifttest/duck/constants.go', 'src/go/thrifttest/duck/ttypes.go', 'src/go/thrifttest/duck/feeder.go', 'src/go/thrifttest/duck/feeder-remote/feeder-remote.go']), sorted(exact_files(root))) def test_go_thrift_gen_multi(self): # Compile with a namespace split across thrift files. duck_include = dedent( """ include "thrifttest/duck.thrift" """) thrift_files = { 'src/thrift/thrifttest/duck.thrift': _NAMESPACE + _DUCK_STRUCT, 'src/thrift/thrifttest/feeder.thrift': _NAMESPACE + duck_include + _FEEDER_STRUCT_TEMPLATE.format(include='duck.'), } with self.temporary_workdir() as workdir: with self._create_thrift_project(thrift_files) as (srcdir, config): args = [ # Necessary to use a newer thrift version. '--thrift-version=0.10.0', 'compile', os.path.join(srcdir, 'src/go/usethrift') ] pants_run = self.run_pants_with_workdir(args, workdir, config=config) self.assert_success(pants_run)
[ 3, 2803, 29, 1624, 13, 24, 199, 3, 1898, 7800, 510, 2285, 2199, 8417, 334, 3239, 6483, 14, 1064, 680, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 3239, 5113, 680, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 12, 4629, 12, 870, 63, 1593, 12, 2649, 63, 5955, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 504, 15502, 492, 27608, 199, 504, 13390, 492, 22622, 199, 199, 504, 18081, 14, 1095, 14, 1506, 63, 5418, 492, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 199, 504, 18081, 14, 1974, 14, 694, 1974, 492, 5048, 63, 1490, 199, 504, 18081, 63, 396, 14, 21970, 63, 1065, 63, 15092, 63, 396, 492, 510, 2285, 2540, 20405, 774, 199, 504, 18081, 63, 396, 14, 396, 1208, 14, 493, 63, 396, 63, 1974, 492, 5835, 63, 1725, 421, 199, 63, 13001, 275, 22622, 8, 272, 408, 272, 3231, 2621, 17199, 396, 14, 2033, 346, 272, 7857, 199, 63, 4980, 2504, 63, 8893, 275, 221, 22622, 8, 272, 408, 272, 2702, 577, 10112, 469, 489, 413, 26, 2716, 1059, 2173, 564, 12, 272, 789, 272, 7857, 199, 63, 18068, 540, 63, 8893, 63, 7433, 275, 221, 22622, 8, 272, 408, 272, 2435, 481, 1024, 424, 8448, 489, 2309, 4733, 8, 17, 14534, 2613, 93, 36, 10112, 366, 10112, 395, 272, 3586, 272, 7857, 421, 199, 533, 3971, 2719, 6501, 8168, 20405, 774, 8, 27565, 2540, 20405, 774, 304, 819, 768, 14237, 523, 347, 485, 981, 63, 8430, 63, 1715, 8, 277, 12, 17199, 63, 1725, 304, 272, 543, 291, 14, 13555, 63, 1365, 694, 342, 465, 31967, 26, 489, 367, 931, 12, 1564, 315, 17199, 63, 1725, 14, 1744, 837, 267, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 931, 395, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 881, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 1317, 9, 489, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 15, 8248, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 14674, 4852, 288, 2621, 63, 8430, 63, 4342, 8, 1598, 536, 534, 21599, 5633, 297, 1598, 5274, 29, 15581, 360, 4856, 8430, 659, 288, 776, 288, 408, 680, 1913, 1012, 2541, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 1939, 15, 1180, 8430, 15, 2694, 14, 1939, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 14674, 4852, 288, 2559, 675, 8430, 953, 492, 298, 8430, 396, 15, 2033, 346, 2, 953, 2562, 704, 323, 3122, 8, 70, 366, 10112, 14, 28042, 424, 9, 1059, 469, 1598, 366, 12952, 366, 10112, 14, 4665, 36, 10112, 342, 1598, 289, 14, 7658, 8, 68, 9, 1598, 372, 366, 14, 1002, 2371, 564, 342, 288, 789, 288, 408, 680, 1913, 1012, 489, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 1939, 15, 1180, 8430, 15, 8248, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 14674, 4852, 288, 2621, 63, 4342, 8, 1598, 5124, 1524, 355, 5041, 17878, 5995, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 26, 21599, 5633, 7, 1598, 1622, 288, 776, 288, 30512, 908, 8, 17878, 29, 736, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 17878, 12, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 4059, 680, 1913, 1012, 2541, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 19, 6883, 7522, 15, 1939, 15, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 15, 8248, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 480, 1939, 63, 3846, 63, 4342, 8, 4964, 534, 16, 14, 25, 14, 19, 297, 5496, 534, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 26530, 2541, 1101, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2268, 14, 1939, 13, 8430, 356, 469, 881, 283, 8430, 63, 646, 63, 1375, 356, 1598, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 17878, 12, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 4000, 2574, 283, 19, 6883, 7522, 15, 1939, 15, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 26, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 659, 881, 283, 8430, 63, 646, 356, 283, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 15, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 7, 267, 789, 489, 789, 489, 1995, 31967, 12, 1101, 819, 347, 511, 63, 1939, 63, 8430, 63, 2268, 63, 4780, 8, 277, 304, 272, 327, 24562, 543, 1373, 17199, 570, 14, 272, 17199, 63, 1725, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 15, 2033, 346, 14, 8430, 356, 881, 485, 13001, 435, 485, 4980, 2504, 63, 8893, 435, 485, 18068, 540, 63, 8893, 63, 7433, 14, 908, 8, 2613, 534, 659, 489, 789, 272, 543, 291, 14, 13555, 63, 19132, 342, 465, 1736, 694, 26, 489, 543, 291, 423, 981, 63, 8430, 63, 1715, 8, 8430, 63, 1725, 9, 465, 334, 17878, 12, 1101, 304, 267, 1249, 275, 359, 288, 283, 2014, 297, 288, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 1939, 15, 1180, 8430, 358, 881, 1622, 267, 18081, 63, 1065, 275, 291, 14, 1065, 63, 21970, 63, 1045, 63, 19132, 8, 589, 12, 1736, 694, 12, 1101, 29, 888, 9, 267, 291, 14, 479, 63, 3742, 8, 21970, 63, 1065, 9, 398, 327, 16347, 314, 2631, 367, 2120, 11512, 1015, 14, 267, 2621, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 275, 359, 80, 367, 299, 315, 747, 14, 7374, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 19132, 12, 283, 2268, 297, 283, 1939, 13, 8430, 1333, 2892, 340, 299, 1137, 283, 1818, 418, 221, 327, 14092, 314, 283, 1818, 7, 15296, 14, 267, 291, 14, 629, 8, 552, 8, 1939, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 395, 413, 9, 267, 2631, 63, 694, 275, 2621, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 59, 16, 61, 398, 1347, 63, 694, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 15, 21599, 5633, 659, 3660, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 1012, 267, 1738, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 19132, 12, 283, 2268, 297, 283, 1939, 13, 8430, 297, 2631, 63, 694, 12, 1169, 1347, 63, 694, 14, 1814, 8 ]
[ 2803, 29, 1624, 13, 24, 199, 3, 1898, 7800, 510, 2285, 2199, 8417, 334, 3239, 6483, 14, 1064, 680, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 3668, 844, 12, 3394, 499, 14, 16, 334, 3239, 5113, 680, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 12, 4629, 12, 870, 63, 1593, 12, 2649, 63, 5955, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 504, 15502, 492, 27608, 199, 504, 13390, 492, 22622, 199, 199, 504, 18081, 14, 1095, 14, 1506, 63, 5418, 492, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 199, 504, 18081, 14, 1974, 14, 694, 1974, 492, 5048, 63, 1490, 199, 504, 18081, 63, 396, 14, 21970, 63, 1065, 63, 15092, 63, 396, 492, 510, 2285, 2540, 20405, 774, 199, 504, 18081, 63, 396, 14, 396, 1208, 14, 493, 63, 396, 63, 1974, 492, 5835, 63, 1725, 421, 199, 63, 13001, 275, 22622, 8, 272, 408, 272, 3231, 2621, 17199, 396, 14, 2033, 346, 272, 7857, 199, 63, 4980, 2504, 63, 8893, 275, 221, 22622, 8, 272, 408, 272, 2702, 577, 10112, 469, 489, 413, 26, 2716, 1059, 2173, 564, 12, 272, 789, 272, 7857, 199, 63, 18068, 540, 63, 8893, 63, 7433, 275, 221, 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15, 1180, 8430, 15, 2694, 14, 1939, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 14674, 4852, 288, 2559, 675, 8430, 953, 492, 298, 8430, 396, 15, 2033, 346, 2, 953, 2562, 704, 323, 3122, 8, 70, 366, 10112, 14, 28042, 424, 9, 1059, 469, 1598, 366, 12952, 366, 10112, 14, 4665, 36, 10112, 342, 1598, 289, 14, 7658, 8, 68, 9, 1598, 372, 366, 14, 1002, 2371, 564, 342, 288, 789, 288, 408, 680, 1913, 1012, 489, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 1939, 15, 1180, 8430, 15, 8248, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 8, 14674, 4852, 288, 2621, 63, 4342, 8, 1598, 5124, 1524, 355, 5041, 17878, 5995, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 26, 21599, 5633, 7, 1598, 1622, 288, 776, 288, 30512, 908, 8, 17878, 29, 736, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 17878, 12, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 4059, 680, 1913, 1012, 2541, 543, 5048, 63, 1490, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 19, 6883, 7522, 15, 1939, 15, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 15, 8248, 659, 283, 87, 358, 465, 4090, 26, 267, 4090, 14, 952, 480, 1939, 63, 3846, 63, 4342, 8, 4964, 534, 16, 14, 25, 14, 19, 297, 5496, 534, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 26530, 2541, 1101, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2268, 14, 1939, 13, 8430, 356, 469, 881, 283, 8430, 63, 646, 63, 1375, 356, 1598, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 17878, 12, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 4000, 2574, 283, 19, 6883, 7522, 15, 1939, 15, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 26, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 659, 881, 283, 8430, 63, 646, 356, 283, 5031, 14, 957, 15, 3796, 15, 8430, 15, 773, 15, 1939, 15, 8430, 7, 267, 789, 489, 789, 489, 1995, 31967, 12, 1101, 819, 347, 511, 63, 1939, 63, 8430, 63, 2268, 63, 4780, 8, 277, 304, 272, 327, 24562, 543, 1373, 17199, 570, 14, 272, 17199, 63, 1725, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 15, 2033, 346, 14, 8430, 356, 881, 485, 13001, 435, 485, 4980, 2504, 63, 8893, 435, 485, 18068, 540, 63, 8893, 63, 7433, 14, 908, 8, 2613, 534, 659, 489, 789, 272, 543, 291, 14, 13555, 63, 19132, 342, 465, 1736, 694, 26, 489, 543, 291, 423, 981, 63, 8430, 63, 1715, 8, 8430, 63, 1725, 9, 465, 334, 17878, 12, 1101, 304, 267, 1249, 275, 359, 288, 283, 2014, 297, 288, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 1939, 15, 1180, 8430, 358, 881, 1622, 267, 18081, 63, 1065, 275, 291, 14, 1065, 63, 21970, 63, 1045, 63, 19132, 8, 589, 12, 1736, 694, 12, 1101, 29, 888, 9, 267, 291, 14, 479, 63, 3742, 8, 21970, 63, 1065, 9, 398, 327, 16347, 314, 2631, 367, 2120, 11512, 1015, 14, 267, 2621, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 275, 359, 80, 367, 299, 315, 747, 14, 7374, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 19132, 12, 283, 2268, 297, 283, 1939, 13, 8430, 1333, 2892, 340, 299, 1137, 283, 1818, 418, 221, 327, 14092, 314, 283, 1818, 7, 15296, 14, 267, 291, 14, 629, 8, 552, 8, 1939, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 395, 413, 9, 267, 2631, 63, 694, 275, 2621, 63, 8430, 63, 4407, 59, 16, 61, 398, 1347, 63, 694, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 12405, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 17878, 12, 283, 2164, 15, 8430, 15, 8430, 396, 15, 21599, 5633, 659, 3660, 664, 63, 1506, 1231, 1012, 267, 1738, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 19132, 12, 283, 2268, 297, 283, 1939, 13, 8430, 297, 2631, 63, 694, 12, 1169, 1347, 63, 694, 14, 1814, 8, 0 ]
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# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mitch Garnaat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Represents a Route Table """ from boto.ec2.ec2object import TaggedEC2Object from boto.resultset import ResultSet class RouteTable(TaggedEC2Object): def __init__(self, connection=None): super(RouteTable, self).__init__(connection) = None self.vpc_id = None self.routes = [] self.associations = [] def __repr__(self): return 'RouteTable:%s' % def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): result = super(RouteTable, self).startElement(name, attrs, connection) if result is not None: # Parent found an interested element, just return it return result if name == 'routeSet': self.routes = ResultSet([('item', Route)]) return self.routes elif name == 'associationSet': self.associations = ResultSet([('item', RouteAssociation)]) return self.associations else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'routeTableId': = value elif name == 'vpcId': self.vpc_id = value else: setattr(self, name, value) class Route(object): def __init__(self, connection=None): self.destination_cidr_block = None self.gateway_id = None self.instance_id = None self.interface_id = None self.vpc_peering_connection_id = None self.state = None self.origin = None def __repr__(self): return 'Route:%s' % self.destination_cidr_block def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'destinationCidrBlock': self.destination_cidr_block = value elif name == 'gatewayId': self.gateway_id = value elif name == 'instanceId': self.instance_id = value elif name == 'networkInterfaceId': self.interface_id = value elif name == 'vpcPeeringConnectionId': self.vpc_peering_connection_id = value elif name == 'state': self.state = value elif name == 'origin': self.origin = value class RouteAssociation(object): def __init__(self, connection=None): = None self.route_table_id = None self.subnet_id = None self.main = False def __repr__(self): return 'RouteAssociation:%s' % def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'routeTableAssociationId': = value elif name == 'routeTableId': self.route_table_id = value elif name == 'subnetId': self.subnet_id = value elif name == 'main': self.main = value == 'true'
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import time import datetime from django import forms from django.forms.util import ErrorDict from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from models import Comment from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.utils.hashcompat import sha_constructor from django.utils.text import get_text_list from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext_lazy as _ COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH = getattr(settings,'COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH', 3000) class CommentSecurityForm(forms.Form): """ Handles the security aspects (anti-spoofing) for comment forms. """ content_type = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) object_pk = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) timestamp = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) security_hash = forms.CharField(min_length=40, max_length=40, widget=forms.HiddenInput) def __init__(self, target_object, data=None, initial=None): self.target_object = target_object if initial is None: initial = {} initial.update(self.generate_security_data()) super(CommentSecurityForm, self).__init__(data=data, initial=initial) def security_errors(self): """Return just those errors associated with security""" errors = ErrorDict() for f in ["honeypot", "timestamp", "security_hash"]: if f in self.errors: errors[f] = self.errors[f] return errors def clean_security_hash(self): """Check the security hash.""" security_hash_dict = { 'content_type' :"content_type", ""), 'object_pk' :"object_pk", ""), 'timestamp' :"timestamp", ""), } expected_hash = self.generate_security_hash(**security_hash_dict) actual_hash = self.cleaned_data["security_hash"] if expected_hash != actual_hash: raise forms.ValidationError("Security hash check failed.") return actual_hash def clean_timestamp(self): """Make sure the timestamp isn't too far (> 2 hours) in the past.""" ts = self.cleaned_data["timestamp"] if time.time() - ts > (2 * 60 * 60): raise forms.ValidationError("Timestamp check failed") return ts def generate_security_data(self): """Generate a dict of security data for "initial" data.""" timestamp = int(time.time()) security_dict = { 'content_type' : str(self.target_object._meta), 'object_pk' : str(self.target_object._get_pk_val()), 'timestamp' : str(timestamp), 'security_hash' : self.initial_security_hash(timestamp), } return security_dict def initial_security_hash(self, timestamp): """ Generate the initial security hash from self.content_object and a (unix) timestamp. """ initial_security_dict = { 'content_type' : str(self.target_object._meta), 'object_pk' : str(self.target_object._get_pk_val()), 'timestamp' : str(timestamp), } return self.generate_security_hash(**initial_security_dict) def generate_security_hash(self, content_type, object_pk, timestamp): """Generate a (SHA1) security hash from the provided info.""" info = (content_type, object_pk, timestamp, settings.SECRET_KEY) return sha_constructor("".join(info)).hexdigest() class CommentDetailsForm(CommentSecurityForm): """ Handles the specific details of the comment (name, comment, etc.). """ name = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), max_length=50) email = forms.EmailField(label=_("Email address")) url = forms.URLField(label=_("URL"), required=False) comment = forms.CharField(label=_('Comment'), widget=forms.Textarea, max_length=COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH) def get_comment_object(self): """ Return a new (unsaved) comment object based on the information in this form. Assumes that the form is already validated and will throw a ValueError if not. Does not set any of the fields that would come from a Request object (i.e. ``user`` or ``ip_address``). """ if not self.is_valid(): raise ValueError("get_comment_object may only be called on valid forms") CommentModel = self.get_comment_model() new = CommentModel(**self.get_comment_create_data()) new = self.check_for_duplicate_comment(new) return new def get_comment_model(self): """ Get the comment model to create with this form. Subclasses in custom comment apps should override this, get_comment_create_data, and perhaps check_for_duplicate_comment to provide custom comment models. """ return Comment def get_comment_create_data(self): """ Returns the dict of data to be used to create a comment. Subclasses in custom comment apps that override get_comment_model can override this method to add extra fields onto a custom comment model. """ return dict( content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.target_object), object_pk = force_unicode(self.target_object._get_pk_val()), user_name = self.cleaned_data["name"], user_email = self.cleaned_data["email"], user_url = self.cleaned_data["url"], comment = self.cleaned_data["comment"], submit_date =, site_id = settings.SITE_ID, is_public = True, is_removed = False, ) def check_for_duplicate_comment(self, new): """ Check that a submitted comment isn't a duplicate. This might be caused by someone posting a comment twice. If it is a dup, silently return the *previous* comment. """ possible_duplicates = self.get_comment_model()._default_manager.filter( content_type = new.content_type, object_pk = new.object_pk, user_name = new.user_name, user_email = new.user_email, user_url = new.user_url, ) for old in possible_duplicates: if == and old.comment == new.comment: return old return new def clean_comment(self): """ If COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES is False, check that the comment doesn't contain anything in PROFANITIES_LIST. """ comment = self.cleaned_data["comment"] if settings.COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES == False: bad_words = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in comment.lower()] if bad_words: plural = len(bad_words) > 1 raise forms.ValidationError(ungettext( "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here.", "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here.", plural) % \ get_text_list(['"%s%s%s"' % (i[0], '-'*(len(i)-2), i[-1]) for i in bad_words], 'and')) return comment class CommentForm(CommentDetailsForm): honeypot = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_('If you enter anything in this field '\ 'your comment will be treated as spam')) def clean_honeypot(self): """Check that nothing's been entered into the honeypot.""" value = self.cleaned_data["honeypot"] if value: raise forms.ValidationError(self.fields["honeypot"].label) return value
[ 646, 900, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 492, 4513, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 3351, 14, 1974, 492, 4520, 2141, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 10778, 14, 992, 492, 14501, 199, 504, 1709, 492, 6819, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 2991, 492, 3542, 63, 2975, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 2227, 5819, 492, 7793, 63, 1880, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 505, 492, 664, 63, 505, 63, 513, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 6893, 492, 26843, 12, 10366, 63, 6395, 465, 485, 199, 199, 10973, 63, 4283, 63, 9127, 275, 2519, 8, 1751, 2584, 10973, 63, 4283, 63, 9127, 297, 29664, 9, 199, 199, 533, 6819, 7676, 2821, 8, 3351, 14, 2821, 304, 272, 408, 272, 23873, 314, 6391, 17435, 83, 334, 4466, 13, 22522, 1618, 316, 9, 367, 3721, 4513, 14, 272, 408, 272, 1564, 63, 466, 221, 275, 4513, 14, 2183, 8, 3440, 29, 3351, 14, 25419, 9, 272, 909, 63, 2051, 258, 275, 4513, 14, 2183, 8, 3440, 29, 3351, 14, 25419, 9, 272, 4913, 258, 275, 4513, 14, 3901, 8, 3440, 29, 3351, 14, 25419, 9, 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#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import sys pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if pathname: os.chdir(pathname) n_dim = None trains = [] for fname in glob.glob("tl*"): t = np.loadtxt(fname) trains.append(t) tests = [] for fname in glob.glob("tt*"): t = np.loadtxt(fname) tests.append(t) trial_results= [] for fname in glob.glob("rtl*"): t = np.loadtxt(fname) trial_results.append(t) test_results= [] for fname in glob.glob("rtt*"): t = np.loadtxt(fname) test_results.append(t) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal") for d in trains: ax.plot(d[:,1] +d[:,7]*6, d[:,2] +d[:,8]*6, color="blue", lw=3, alpha=0.5) for d in tests: ax.plot(d[:,1] +d[:,7]*6, d[:,2] +d[:,8]*6, color="red", lw=3, alpha=0.5) for d in trial_results: ax.plot(d[:,1] +d[:,7]*6, d[:,2] +d[:,8]*6, color=[0,0,.5], lw=2) for d in test_results: ax.plot(d[:,1] +d[:,7]*6, d[:,2] +d[:,8]*6, color=[.5,0,0], lw=2)
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"""Generic MIME writer. This module defines the class MimeWriter. The MimeWriter class implements a basic formatter for creating MIME multi-part files. It doesn't seek around the output file nor does it use large amounts of buffer space. You must write the parts out in the order that they should occur in the final file. MimeWriter does buffer the headers you add, allowing you to rearrange their order. """ import mimetools __all__ = ["MimeWriter"] import warnings warnings.warn("the MimeWriter module is deprecated; use the email package instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) class MimeWriter: """Generic MIME writer. Methods: __init__() addheader() flushheaders() startbody() startmultipartbody() nextpart() lastpart() A MIME writer is much more primitive than a MIME parser. It doesn't seek around on the output file, and it doesn't use large amounts of buffer space, so you have to write the parts in the order they should occur on the output file. It does buffer the headers you add, allowing you to rearrange their order. General usage is: f = <open the output file> w = MimeWriter(f) w.addheader(key, value) 0 or more times... followed by either: f = w.startbody(content_type) f.write(data) for body data... or: w.startmultipartbody(subtype) for each part: subwriter = w.nextpart() ...use the subwriter's methods to create the subpart... w.lastpart() The subwriter is another MimeWriter instance, and should be treated in the same way as the toplevel MimeWriter. This way, writing recursive body parts is easy. Warning: don't forget to call lastpart()! XXX There should be more state so calls made in the wrong order are detected. Some special cases: - startbody() just returns the file passed to the constructor; but don't use this knowledge, as it may be changed. - startmultipartbody() actually returns a file as well; this can be used to write the initial 'if you can read this your mailer is not MIME-aware' message. - If you call flushheaders(), the headers accumulated so far are written out (and forgotten); this is useful if you don't need a body part at all, e.g. for a subpart of type message/rfc822 that's (mis)used to store some header-like information. - Passing a keyword argument 'prefix=<flag>' to addheader(), start*body() affects where the header is inserted; 0 means append at the end, 1 means insert at the start; default is append for addheader(), but insert for start*body(), which use it to determine where the Content-Type header goes. """ def __init__(self, fp): self._fp = fp self._headers = [] def addheader(self, key, value, prefix=0): """Add a header line to the MIME message. The key is the name of the header, where the value obviously provides the value of the header. The optional argument prefix determines where the header is inserted; 0 means append at the end, 1 means insert at the start. The default is to append. """ lines = value.split("\n") while lines and not lines[-1]: del lines[-1] while lines and not lines[0]: del lines[0] for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = " " + lines[i].strip() value = "\n".join(lines) + "\n" line = key + ": " + value if prefix: self._headers.insert(0, line) else: self._headers.append(line) def flushheaders(self): """Writes out and forgets all headers accumulated so far. This is useful if you don't need a body part at all; for example, for a subpart of type message/rfc822 that's (mis)used to store some header-like information. """ self._fp.writelines(self._headers) self._headers = [] def startbody(self, ctype, plist=[], prefix=1): """Returns a file-like object for writing the body of the message. The content-type is set to the provided ctype, and the optional parameter, plist, provides additional parameters for the content-type declaration. The optional argument prefix determines where the header is inserted; 0 means append at the end, 1 means insert at the start. The default is to insert at the start. """ for name, value in plist: ctype = ctype + ';\n %s=\"%s\"' % (name, value) self.addheader("Content-Type", ctype, prefix=prefix) self.flushheaders() self._fp.write("\n") return self._fp def startmultipartbody(self, subtype, boundary=None, plist=[], prefix=1): """Returns a file-like object for writing the body of the message. Additionally, this method initializes the multi-part code, where the subtype parameter provides the multipart subtype, the boundary parameter may provide a user-defined boundary specification, and the plist parameter provides optional parameters for the subtype. The optional argument, prefix, determines where the header is inserted; 0 means append at the end, 1 means insert at the start. The default is to insert at the start. Subparts should be created using the nextpart() method. """ self._boundary = boundary or mimetools.choose_boundary() return self.startbody("multipart/" + subtype, [("boundary", self._boundary)] + plist, prefix=prefix) def nextpart(self): """Returns a new instance of MimeWriter which represents an individual part in a multipart message. This may be used to write the part as well as used for creating recursively complex multipart messages. The message must first be initialized with the startmultipartbody() method before using the nextpart() method. """ self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "\n") return self.__class__(self._fp) def lastpart(self): """This is used to designate the last part of a multipart message. It should always be used when writing multipart messages. """ self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "--\n") if __name__ == '__main__': import test.test_MimeWriter
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import unittest from airflow import DAG, configuration, settings from airflow.exceptions import AirflowSensorTimeout from airflow.models import DagRun, TaskInstance from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator from airflow.sensors.base_sensor_operator import BaseSensorOperator from airflow.utils import timezone from airflow.utils.state import State from airflow.utils.timezone import datetime from datetime import timedelta from time import sleep configuration.load_test_config() DEFAULT_DATE = datetime(2015, 1, 1) TEST_DAG_ID = 'unit_test_dag' DUMMY_OP = 'dummy_op' SENSOR_OP = 'sensor_op' class DummySensor(BaseSensorOperator): def __init__(self, return_value=False, **kwargs): super(DummySensor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.return_value = return_value def poke(self, context): return self.return_value class BaseSensorTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): configuration.load_test_config() args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'start_date': DEFAULT_DATE } self.dag = DAG(TEST_DAG_ID, default_args=args) session = settings.Session() session.query(DagRun).delete() session.query(TaskInstance).delete() session.commit() def _make_dag_run(self): return self.dag.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__', start_date=timezone.utcnow(), execution_date=DEFAULT_DATE, state=State.RUNNING ) def _make_sensor(self, return_value, **kwargs): poke_interval = 'poke_interval' timeout = 'timeout' if poke_interval not in kwargs: kwargs[poke_interval] = 0 if timeout not in kwargs: kwargs[timeout] = 0 sensor = DummySensor( task_id=SENSOR_OP, return_value=return_value, dag=self.dag, **kwargs ) dummy_op = DummyOperator( task_id=DUMMY_OP, dag=self.dag ) dummy_op.set_upstream(sensor) return sensor @classmethod def _run(cls, task):, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE, ignore_ti_state=True) def test_ok(self): sensor = self._make_sensor(True) dr = self._make_dag_run() self._run(sensor) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) for ti in tis: if ti.task_id == SENSOR_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.SUCCESS) if ti.task_id == DUMMY_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.NONE) def test_fail(self): sensor = self._make_sensor(False) dr = self._make_dag_run() with self.assertRaises(AirflowSensorTimeout): self._run(sensor) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) for ti in tis: if ti.task_id == SENSOR_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.FAILED) if ti.task_id == DUMMY_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.NONE) def test_soft_fail(self): sensor = self._make_sensor(False, soft_fail=True) dr = self._make_dag_run() self._run(sensor) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) for ti in tis: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.SKIPPED) def test_soft_fail_with_retries(self): sensor = self._make_sensor( return_value=False, soft_fail=True, retries=1, retry_delay=timedelta(milliseconds=1)) dr = self._make_dag_run() # first run fails and task instance is marked up to retry with self.assertRaises(AirflowSensorTimeout): self._run(sensor) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) for ti in tis: if ti.task_id == SENSOR_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.UP_FOR_RETRY) if ti.task_id == DUMMY_OP: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.NONE) sleep(0.001) # after retry DAG run is skipped self._run(sensor) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) for ti in tis: self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.SKIPPED)
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# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class NodeTransitionProgress(Model): """Information about an NodeTransition operation. This class contains an OperationState and a NodeTransitionResult. The NodeTransitionResult is not valid until OperationState is Completed or Faulted. . :param state: Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Running', 'RollingBack', 'Completed', 'Faulted', 'Cancelled', 'ForceCancelled' :type state: str :param node_transition_result: :type node_transition_result: :class:`NodeTransitionResult <azure.servicefabric.models.NodeTransitionResult>` """ _attribute_map = { 'state': {'key': 'State', 'type': 'str'}, 'node_transition_result': {'key': 'NodeTransitionResult', 'type': 'NodeTransitionResult'}, } def __init__(self, state=None, node_transition_result=None): self.state = state self.node_transition_result = node_transition_result
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# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. """ Objects and helper function used to store the results in a MongoDb database """ from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import collections import copy from .utils import as_bool def mongo_getattr(rec, key): """ Get value from dict using MongoDB dot-separated path semantics. For example: >>> assert mongo_getattr({'a': {'b': 1}, 'x': 2}, 'a.b') == 1 >>> assert mongo_getattr({'a': {'b': 1}, 'x': 2}, 'x') == 2 >>> assert mongo_getattr({'a': {'b': 1}, 'x': 2}, 'a.b.c') is None :param rec: mongodb document :param key: path to mongo value :param default: default to return if not found :return: value, potentially nested, or default if not found :raise: AttributeError, if record is not a dict or key is not found. """ if not isinstance(rec, collections.Mapping): raise AttributeError('input record must act like a dict') if not rec: raise AttributeError('Empty dict') if not '.' in key: return rec.get(key) for key_part in key.split('.'): if not isinstance(rec, collections.Mapping): raise AttributeError('not a mapping for rec_part %s' % key_part) if not key_part in rec: raise AttributeError('key %s not in dict %s' % key) rec = rec[key_part] return rec def scan_nestdict(d, key): """ Scan a nested dict d, and return the first value associated to the given key. Returns None if key is not found. >>> d = {0: 1, 1: {"hello": {"world": {None: [1,2,3]}}}, "foo": [{"bar": 1}, {"color": "red"}]} >>> assert scan_nestdict(d, 1) == {"hello": {"world": {None: [1,2,3]}}} >>> assert scan_nestdict(d, "hello") == {"world": {None: [1,2,3]}} >>> assert scan_nestdict(d, "world") == {None: [1,2,3]} >>> assert scan_nestdict(d, None) == [1,2,3] >>> assert scan_nestdict(d, "color") == "red" """ if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)): for item in d: res = scan_nestdict(item, key) if res is not None: return res return None if not isinstance(d, collections.Mapping): return None if key in d: return d[key] else: for v in d.values(): res = scan_nestdict(v, key) if res is not None: return res return None class DBConnector(object): #DEFAULTS = dict( # database="abinit", # collection=None, # port=None, # host=None, # user=None, # password=None, #} @classmethod def autodoc(cls): return """ enabled: # yes or no (default yes) database: # Name of the mongodb database (default abinit) collection: # Name of the collection (default test) host: # host address e.g. (default None) port: # port e.g. 8080 (default None) user: # user name (default None) password: # password for authentication (default None) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs: self.enabled = False return self.enabled = as_bool(kwargs.pop("enabled", True)) self.dbname = kwargs.pop("database", "abinit") self.collection = kwargs.pop("collection", "test") = kwargs.pop("host", None) self.port = kwargs.pop("port", None) self.user = kwargs.pop("user", None) self.password = kwargs.pop("password", None) if kwargs: raise ValueError("Found invalid keywords in the database section:\n %s" % kwargs.keys()) def __bool__(self): return self.enabled __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __repr__(self): return "<%s object at %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) #def __str__(self): # return str(self.config) def deepcopy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def set_collection_name(self, value): """Set the name of the collection, return old value""" old = self.collection self.collection = str(value) return old def get_collection(self, **kwargs): """ Establish a connection with the database. Returns MongoDb collection """ from pymongo import MongoClient if and self.port: client = MongoClient(, port=config.port) else: client = MongoClient() db = client[self.dbname] # Authenticate if needed if self.user and self.password: db.autenticate(self.user, password=self.password) return db[self.collection] if __name__ == "__main__": connector = DBConnector() print(connector.get_collection()) #connector.set_collection_name("foo") print(connector) print(connector.get_collection()) #import unittest #unittest.main()
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3427, 78, 450, 83, 2, 450, 2074, 14, 1612, 1012, 339, 347, 636, 2245, 721, 277, 304, 267, 372, 291, 14, 3827, 339, 636, 10262, 363, 275, 0 ]
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#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # © 2015 Instacart # Published as part of from contextlib import contextmanager import logging from pprint import pformat from random import randint import subprocess from ahab import Ahab import iptc log = logging.getLogger() def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) listener = Ahab(handlers=[nat_handler]) listener.listen() def nat_handler(event, data):'Event:\n%s', pformat(event)) if 'Config' in data and 'Hostname' in data['Config']: ident = data['Id'] f = { 'start': create_nat, # On 'start', we create the NAT rules 'die': clear_nat # On 'die', we remove them }.get(event['status']) # The 'start' and 'die' events are the only ones relevant for # managing our NAT rules. if f is None: return host = data['Config']['Hostname'] ip = data['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] # We make a few attempts at the IP Tables operaiont, in case # there is overlap with another event handler trying to do the # same thing for another container. for n in range(1, 5): try: f(host, ip) break except iptc.IPTCError as e: if 'Resource temporarily unavailable' not in str(e): log.error('IP Tables trouble for %s during NAT ' 'setup, not continuing: %s', ident, e) break except Exception as e: log.error('Unexpected error while handling NAT for %s: ' '%s', ident, e) break # No matter what happens, we don't error out, because that # would crash other handlers that might be in the midst of # configuring other containers. def create_nat(host, container_ip): with table(iptc.Table.NAT) as nat: free_ips = list(secondary_ips() - ips_in_use()) free = free_ips[randint(1, len(free_ips)) - 1] # Send packets that come in on the outer IP to the inner IP. dnat = iptc.Rule() dnat.dst = free target = dnat.create_target('DNAT') target.to_destination = container_ip comment = dnat.create_match('comment') comment.comment = 'ahab//' + host iptc.Chain(nat, 'DOCKER').insert_rule(dnat) # Rewrite packets from the inner IP so they go out on the outer IP. snat = iptc.Rule() snat.src = container_ip target = snat.create_target('SNAT') target.to_source = free comment = snat.create_match('comment') comment.comment = 'ahab//' + host iptc.Chain(nat, 'POSTROUTING').insert_rule(snat) def clear_nat(host, container_ip): del container_ip # Could be used for sanity check with table(iptc.Table.NAT) as nat: token = 'ahab//' + host chains = ['DOCKER', 'POSTROUTING'] for chain in [iptc.Chain(nat, name) for name in chains]: for rule in chain.rules: comments = [m for m in rule.matches if == 'comment'] if any(c.comment == token for c in comments): chain.delete_rule(rule) def ips_in_use(): with table(iptc.Table.NAT) as nat: ips = set() token = 'ahab//' chains = ['DOCKER', 'POSTROUTING'] for chain in [iptc.Chain(nat, name) for name in chains]: for rule in chain.rules: comments = [m for m in rule.matches if == 'comment'] if any(c.comment.startswith(token) for c in comments): if rule.dst is not None: ips |= set([rule.dst.split('/')[0]])'IPs in use: %s', ips) return ips def secondary_ips(): secondary_ips = [] script = 'ip addr list dev eth0 | fgrep secondary' text = subprocess.check_output(['sh', '-c', script]) for line in text.splitlines(): fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: continue secondary_ips += [fields[1].split('/')[0]] return set(secondary_ips) open_tables = {} @contextmanager def table(tab): """Access IPTables transactionally in a uniform way. Ensures all access is done without autocommit and that only the outer most task commits, and also ensures we refresh once and commit once. """ global open_tables if tab in open_tables: yield open_tables[tab] else: open_tables[tab] = iptc.Table(tab) open_tables[tab].refresh() open_tables[tab].autocommit = False yield open_tables[tab] open_tables[tab].commit() del open_tables[tab] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
[ 3381, 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1813, 2366, 199, 3, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 199, 3, 22405, 103, 6900, 14089, 645, 580, 199, 3, 19952, 379, 465, 1777, 402, 1455, 921, 15970, 14, 3615, 645, 580, 14, 957, 15, 11326, 371, 15, 199, 504, 15502, 492, 27608, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 504, 10933, 492, 30843, 199, 504, 2196, 492, 29722, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 199, 504, 282, 72, 371, 492, 437, 72, 371, 199, 646, 24170, 67, 421, 199, 793, 275, 2050, 14, 5572, 342, 421, 199, 318, 2446, 837, 272, 2050, 14, 19602, 8, 1896, 29, 4806, 14, 4531, 9, 272, 11647, 275, 437, 72, 371, 8, 5586, 1524, 9468, 63, 2232, 566, 272, 11647, 14, 5859, 342, 421, 199, 318, 13872, 63, 2232, 8, 1430, 12, 666, 304, 272, 943, 14, 815, 360, 2390, 3427, 78, 5, 83, 297, 30843, 8, 1430, 430, 272, 340, 283, 2028, 7, 315, 666, 436, 283, 25680, 7, 315, 666, 459, 2028, 2565, 267, 12893, 275, 666, 459, 1304, 418, 267, 289, 275, 469, 288, 283, 928, 356, 1218, 63, 9468, 12, 420, 327, 4068, 283, 928, 297, 781, 1218, 314, 31363, 4713, 288, 283, 15130, 356, 5436, 63, 9468, 9326, 327, 4068, 283, 15130, 297, 781, 2813, 3062, 267, 789, 14, 362, 8, 1430, 459, 1205, 1105, 267, 327, 710, 283, 928, 7, 436, 283, 15130, 7, 4474, 787, 314, 1454, 7869, 12082, 367, 267, 327, 28453, 4154, 31363, 4713, 14, 267, 340, 289, 365, 488, 26, 288, 372, 267, 1591, 275, 666, 459, 2028, 2545, 25680, 418, 267, 3384, 275, 666, 459, 4491, 5268, 2545, 14955, 418, 267, 327, 2136, 1852, 282, 9284, 12454, 737, 314, 3531, 377, 5921, 1758, 65, 1636, 84, 12, 315, 1930, 267, 327, 2337, 365, 15145, 543, 4573, 1566, 3016, 9936, 370, 886, 314, 267, 327, 2011, 8377, 367, 4573, 3970, 14, 267, 367, 302, 315, 1425, 8, 17, 12, 959, 304, 288, 862, 26, 355, 289, 8, 1102, 12, 3384, 9, 355, 2059, 288, 871, 24170, 67, 14, 4385, 35, 547, 465, 325, 26, 355, 340, 283, 4031, 22256, 18735, 7, 440, 315, 620, 8, 69, 304, 490, 943, 14, 705, 360, 1772, 377, 5921, 29616, 367, 450, 83, 5309, 31363, 283, 2892, 283, 2758, 12, 440, 32620, 26, 450, 83, 297, 12893, 12, 325, 9, 490, 2059, 288, 871, 2186, 465, 325, 26, 355, 943, 14, 705, 360, 8708, 1125, 1830, 7252, 31363, 367, 450, 83, 26, 283, 2079, 1543, 83, 297, 12893, 12, 325, 9, 355, 2059, 355, 327, 3091, 17247, 4052, 10986, 12, 781, 2793, 1133, 1125, 734, 12, 2952, 626, 355, 327, 3955, 12420, 1163, 8297, 626, 5594, 506, 315, 314, 10887, 270, 402, 355, 327, 1101, 4039, 1163, 15333, 14, 421, 199, 318, 1218, 63, 9468, 8, 1102, 12, 3970, 63, 711, 304, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 2867, 63, 6142, 275, 769, 8, 12371, 63, 6142, 342, 446, 15017, 63, 262, 63, 1180, 1012, 267, 2867, 275, 2867, 63, 6142, 59, 8393, 8, 17, 12, 822, 8, 4624, 63, 6142, 430, 446, 413, 61, 267, 327, 10217, 14593, 626, 11492, 315, 641, 314, 6890, 3531, 370, 314, 6506, 3531, 14, 267, 366, 9468, 275, 24170, 67, 14, 5065, 342, 267, 366, 9468, 14, 5119, 275, 2867, 267, 1347, 275, 366, 9468, 14, 981, 63, 1375, 360, 10872, 619, 358, 267, 1347, 14, 475, 63, 6881, 275, 3970, 63, 711, 267, 3721, 275, 366, 9468, 14, 981, 63, 1431, 360, 3349, 358, 267, 3721, 14, 3349, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 24170, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 283, 29953, 1959, 3176, 63, 2200, 8, 4272, 292, 9, 267, 327, 799, 952, 14593, 687, 314, 6506, 3531, 880, 2985, 2621, 734, 641, 314, 6890, 3531, 14, 267, 6895, 292, 275, 24170, 67, 14, 5065, 342, 267, 6895, 292, 14, 2164, 275, 3970, 63, 711, 267, 1347, 275, 6895, 292, 14, 981, 63, 1375, 360, 8199, 619, 358, 267, 1347, 14, 475, 63, 1365, 275, 2867, 267, 3721, 275, 6895, 292, 14, 981, 63, 1431, 360, 3349, 358, 267, 3721, 14, 3349, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 24170, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 1959, 3176, 63, 2200, 8, 23774, 9, 421, 199, 318, 5436, 63, 9468, 8, 1102, 12, 3970, 63, 711, 304, 272, 2150, 3970, 63, 711, 13235, 327, 18615, 506, 1202, 367, 16740, 1104, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 1526, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 30640, 275, 788, 29953, 297, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 418, 267, 367, 6036, 315, 359, 10432, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 536, 9, 367, 536, 315, 30640, 2189, 288, 367, 2332, 315, 6036, 14, 4423, 26, 355, 6786, 275, 359, 77, 367, 333, 315, 2332, 14, 6742, 340, 333, 14, 354, 508, 283, 3349, 418, 355, 340, 1263, 8, 67, 14, 3349, 508, 1526, 367, 286, 315, 6786, 304, 490, 6036, 14, 1807, 63, 2200, 8, 2200, 9, 421, 199, 318, 15017, 63, 262, 63, 1180, 837, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 15017, 275, 663, 342, 267, 1526, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 267, 30640, 275, 788, 29953, 297, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 418, 267, 367, 6036, 315, 359, 10432, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 536, 9, 367, 536, 315, 30640, 2189, 288, 367, 2332, 315, 6036, 14, 4423, 26, 355, 6786, 275, 359, 77, 367, 333, 315, 2332, 14, 6742, 340, 333, 14, 354, 508, 283, 3349, 418, 355, 340, 1263, 8, 67, 14, 3349, 14, 2460, 8, 1418, 9, 367, 286, 315, 6786, 304, 490, 340, 2332, 14, 5119, 365, 440, 488, 26, 717, 15017, 8901, 663, 779, 2200, 14, 5119, 14, 1294, 30746, 16, 3934, 267, 943, 14, 815, 360, 1772, 83, 315, 675, 26, 450, 83, 297, 15017, 9, 267, 372, 15017, 421, 199, 318, 13851, 63, 6142, 837, 272, 13851, 63, 6142, 275, 942, 272, 2884, 275, 283, 711, 5552, 769, 4866, 16227, 16, 1204, 16587, 1155, 13851, 7, 272, 1318, 275 ]
[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1813, 2366, 199, 3, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 199, 3, 22405, 103, 6900, 14089, 645, 580, 199, 3, 19952, 379, 465, 1777, 402, 1455, 921, 15970, 14, 3615, 645, 580, 14, 957, 15, 11326, 371, 15, 199, 504, 15502, 492, 27608, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 504, 10933, 492, 30843, 199, 504, 2196, 492, 29722, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 199, 504, 282, 72, 371, 492, 437, 72, 371, 199, 646, 24170, 67, 421, 199, 793, 275, 2050, 14, 5572, 342, 421, 199, 318, 2446, 837, 272, 2050, 14, 19602, 8, 1896, 29, 4806, 14, 4531, 9, 272, 11647, 275, 437, 72, 371, 8, 5586, 1524, 9468, 63, 2232, 566, 272, 11647, 14, 5859, 342, 421, 199, 318, 13872, 63, 2232, 8, 1430, 12, 666, 304, 272, 943, 14, 815, 360, 2390, 3427, 78, 5, 83, 297, 30843, 8, 1430, 430, 272, 340, 283, 2028, 7, 315, 666, 436, 283, 25680, 7, 315, 666, 459, 2028, 2565, 267, 12893, 275, 666, 459, 1304, 418, 267, 289, 275, 469, 288, 283, 928, 356, 1218, 63, 9468, 12, 420, 327, 4068, 283, 928, 297, 781, 1218, 314, 31363, 4713, 288, 283, 15130, 356, 5436, 63, 9468, 9326, 327, 4068, 283, 15130, 297, 781, 2813, 3062, 267, 789, 14, 362, 8, 1430, 459, 1205, 1105, 267, 327, 710, 283, 928, 7, 436, 283, 15130, 7, 4474, 787, 314, 1454, 7869, 12082, 367, 267, 327, 28453, 4154, 31363, 4713, 14, 267, 340, 289, 365, 488, 26, 288, 372, 267, 1591, 275, 666, 459, 2028, 2545, 25680, 418, 267, 3384, 275, 666, 459, 4491, 5268, 2545, 14955, 418, 267, 327, 2136, 1852, 282, 9284, 12454, 737, 314, 3531, 377, 5921, 1758, 65, 1636, 84, 12, 315, 1930, 267, 327, 2337, 365, 15145, 543, 4573, 1566, 3016, 9936, 370, 886, 314, 267, 327, 2011, 8377, 367, 4573, 3970, 14, 267, 367, 302, 315, 1425, 8, 17, 12, 959, 304, 288, 862, 26, 355, 289, 8, 1102, 12, 3384, 9, 355, 2059, 288, 871, 24170, 67, 14, 4385, 35, 547, 465, 325, 26, 355, 340, 283, 4031, 22256, 18735, 7, 440, 315, 620, 8, 69, 304, 490, 943, 14, 705, 360, 1772, 377, 5921, 29616, 367, 450, 83, 5309, 31363, 283, 2892, 283, 2758, 12, 440, 32620, 26, 450, 83, 297, 12893, 12, 325, 9, 490, 2059, 288, 871, 2186, 465, 325, 26, 355, 943, 14, 705, 360, 8708, 1125, 1830, 7252, 31363, 367, 450, 83, 26, 283, 2079, 1543, 83, 297, 12893, 12, 325, 9, 355, 2059, 355, 327, 3091, 17247, 4052, 10986, 12, 781, 2793, 1133, 1125, 734, 12, 2952, 626, 355, 327, 3955, 12420, 1163, 8297, 626, 5594, 506, 315, 314, 10887, 270, 402, 355, 327, 1101, 4039, 1163, 15333, 14, 421, 199, 318, 1218, 63, 9468, 8, 1102, 12, 3970, 63, 711, 304, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 2867, 63, 6142, 275, 769, 8, 12371, 63, 6142, 342, 446, 15017, 63, 262, 63, 1180, 1012, 267, 2867, 275, 2867, 63, 6142, 59, 8393, 8, 17, 12, 822, 8, 4624, 63, 6142, 430, 446, 413, 61, 267, 327, 10217, 14593, 626, 11492, 315, 641, 314, 6890, 3531, 370, 314, 6506, 3531, 14, 267, 366, 9468, 275, 24170, 67, 14, 5065, 342, 267, 366, 9468, 14, 5119, 275, 2867, 267, 1347, 275, 366, 9468, 14, 981, 63, 1375, 360, 10872, 619, 358, 267, 1347, 14, 475, 63, 6881, 275, 3970, 63, 711, 267, 3721, 275, 366, 9468, 14, 981, 63, 1431, 360, 3349, 358, 267, 3721, 14, 3349, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 24170, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 283, 29953, 1959, 3176, 63, 2200, 8, 4272, 292, 9, 267, 327, 799, 952, 14593, 687, 314, 6506, 3531, 880, 2985, 2621, 734, 641, 314, 6890, 3531, 14, 267, 6895, 292, 275, 24170, 67, 14, 5065, 342, 267, 6895, 292, 14, 2164, 275, 3970, 63, 711, 267, 1347, 275, 6895, 292, 14, 981, 63, 1375, 360, 8199, 619, 358, 267, 1347, 14, 475, 63, 1365, 275, 2867, 267, 3721, 275, 6895, 292, 14, 981, 63, 1431, 360, 3349, 358, 267, 3721, 14, 3349, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 24170, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 1959, 3176, 63, 2200, 8, 23774, 9, 421, 199, 318, 5436, 63, 9468, 8, 1102, 12, 3970, 63, 711, 304, 272, 2150, 3970, 63, 711, 13235, 327, 18615, 506, 1202, 367, 16740, 1104, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 1526, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 435, 1591, 267, 30640, 275, 788, 29953, 297, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 418, 267, 367, 6036, 315, 359, 10432, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 536, 9, 367, 536, 315, 30640, 2189, 288, 367, 2332, 315, 6036, 14, 4423, 26, 355, 6786, 275, 359, 77, 367, 333, 315, 2332, 14, 6742, 340, 333, 14, 354, 508, 283, 3349, 418, 355, 340, 1263, 8, 67, 14, 3349, 508, 1526, 367, 286, 315, 6786, 304, 490, 6036, 14, 1807, 63, 2200, 8, 2200, 9, 421, 199, 318, 15017, 63, 262, 63, 1180, 837, 272, 543, 1817, 8, 10432, 67, 14, 3186, 14, 28927, 9, 465, 13872, 26, 267, 15017, 275, 663, 342, 267, 1526, 275, 283, 11326, 371, 501, 7, 267, 30640, 275, 788, 29953, 297, 283, 4030, 14999, 1206, 418, 267, 367, 6036, 315, 359, 10432, 67, 14, 10720, 8, 9468, 12, 536, 9, 367, 536, 315, 30640, 2189, 288, 367, 2332, 315, 6036, 14, 4423, 26, 355, 6786, 275, 359, 77, 367, 333, 315, 2332, 14, 6742, 340, 333, 14, 354, 508, 283, 3349, 418, 355, 340, 1263, 8, 67, 14, 3349, 14, 2460, 8, 1418, 9, 367, 286, 315, 6786, 304, 490, 340, 2332, 14, 5119, 365, 440, 488, 26, 717, 15017, 8901, 663, 779, 2200, 14, 5119, 14, 1294, 30746, 16, 3934, 267, 943, 14, 815, 360, 1772, 83, 315, 675, 26, 450, 83, 297, 15017, 9, 267, 372, 15017, 421, 199, 318, 13851, 63, 6142, 837, 272, 13851, 63, 6142, 275, 942, 272, 2884, 275, 283, 711, 5552, 769, 4866, 16227, 16, 1204, 16587, 1155, 13851, 7, 272, 1318, 275, 0 ]
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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import testtools from tempest.api.compute import base from tempest import config from tempest import test CONF = config.CONF class LiveBlockMigrationTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest): _host_key = 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host' @classmethod def setup_clients(cls): super(LiveBlockMigrationTestJSON, cls).setup_clients() cls.admin_hosts_client = cls.os_adm.hosts_client cls.admin_servers_client = cls.os_adm.servers_client @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(LiveBlockMigrationTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() cls.created_server_ids = [] def _get_compute_hostnames(self): body = self.admin_hosts_client.list_hosts() return [ host_record['host_name'] for host_record in body if host_record['service'] == 'compute' ] def _get_server_details(self, server_id): body = self.admin_servers_client.get_server(server_id) return body def _get_host_for_server(self, server_id): return self._get_server_details(server_id)[self._host_key] def _migrate_server_to(self, server_id, dest_host): body = self.admin_servers_client.live_migrate_server( server_id, dest_host, CONF.compute_feature_enabled.block_migration_for_live_migration) return body def _get_host_other_than(self, host): for target_host in self._get_compute_hostnames(): if host != target_host: return target_host def _get_server_status(self, server_id): return self._get_server_details(server_id)['status'] def _get_an_active_server(self): for server_id in self.created_server_ids: if 'ACTIVE' == self._get_server_status(server_id): return server_id else: server = self.create_test_server(wait_until="ACTIVE") server_id = server['id'] self.created_server_ids.append(server_id) return server_id def _volume_clean_up(self, server_id, volume_id): body = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume_id) if body['status'] == 'in-use': self.servers_client.detach_volume(server_id, volume_id) self.volumes_client.wait_for_volume_status(volume_id, 'available') self.volumes_client.delete_volume(volume_id) def _test_live_block_migration(self, state='ACTIVE'): """Tests live block migration between two hosts. Requires CONF.compute_feature_enabled.live_migration to be True. :param state: The vm_state the migrated server should be in before and after the live migration. Supported values are 'ACTIVE' and 'PAUSED'. """ # Live block migrate an instance to another host if len(self._get_compute_hostnames()) < 2: raise self.skipTest( "Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping migration test.") server_id = self._get_an_active_server() actual_host = self._get_host_for_server(server_id) target_host = self._get_host_other_than(actual_host) if state == 'PAUSED': self.admin_servers_client.pause_server(server_id) self.admin_servers_client.wait_for_server_status(server_id, state) self._migrate_server_to(server_id, target_host) self.servers_client.wait_for_server_status(server_id, state) self.assertEqual(target_host, self._get_host_for_server(server_id)) @test.idempotent_id('1dce86b8-eb04-4c03-a9d8-9c1dc3ee0c7b') @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.live_migration, 'Live migration not available') def test_live_block_migration(self): self._test_live_block_migration() @test.idempotent_id('1e107f21-61b2-4988-8f22-b196e938ab88') @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.live_migration, 'Live migration not available') @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.pause, 'Pause is not available.') @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled .live_migrate_paused_instances, 'Live migration of paused instances is not ' 'available.') def test_live_block_migration_paused(self): self._test_live_block_migration(state='PAUSED') @test.idempotent_id('e19c0cc6-6720-4ed8-be83-b6603ed5c812') @testtools.skipIf(not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.live_migration or not CONF.compute_feature_enabled. block_migration_for_live_migration, 'Block Live migration not available') @testtools.skipIf(not CONF.compute_feature_enabled. block_migrate_cinder_iscsi, 'Block Live migration not configured for iSCSI') def test_iscsi_volume(self): # Live block migrate an instance to another host if len(self._get_compute_hostnames()) < 2: raise self.skipTest( "Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping migration test.") server_id = self._get_an_active_server() actual_host = self._get_host_for_server(server_id) target_host = self._get_host_other_than(actual_host) volume = self.volumes_client.create_volume(display_name='test') self.volumes_client.wait_for_volume_status(volume['id'], 'available') self.addCleanup(self._volume_clean_up, server_id, volume['id']) # Attach the volume to the server self.servers_client.attach_volume(server_id, volume['id'], device='/dev/xvdb') self.volumes_client.wait_for_volume_status(volume['id'], 'in-use') self._migrate_server_to(server_id, target_host) self.servers_client.wait_for_server_status(server_id, 'ACTIVE') self.assertEqual(target_host, self._get_host_for_server(server_id))
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from Components.Converter.Converter import Converter from Components.Element import cached from enigma import eEPGCache class EventName(Converter, object): NAME = 0 SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 1 EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION = 2 FULL_DESCRIPTION = 3 ID = 4 NEXT_NAME = 5 NEXT_DESCRIPTION = 6 def __init__(self, type): Converter.__init__(self, type) self.epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance() if type == "Description": self.type = self.SHORT_DESCRIPTION elif type == "ExtendedDescription": self.type = self.EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION elif type == "FullDescription": self.type = self.FULL_DESCRIPTION elif type == "ID": self.type = self.ID elif type == "NextName": self.type = self.NEXT_NAME elif type == "NextDescription": self.type = self.NEXT_DESCRIPTION else: self.type = self.NAME @cached def getText(self): event = self.source.event if event is None: return "" if self.type == self.NAME: return event.getEventName() elif self.type == self.SHORT_DESCRIPTION: return event.getShortDescription() elif self.type == self.EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION: return event.getExtendedDescription() or event.getShortDescription() elif self.type == self.FULL_DESCRIPTION: description = event.getShortDescription() extended = event.getExtendedDescription() if description and extended: description += '\n' return description + extended elif self.type == self.ID: return str(event.getEventId()) elif self.type == self.NEXT_NAME or self.type == self.NEXT_DESCRIPTION: reference = self.source.service info = reference and if info is not None: nextEvent = self.epgcache.lookupEvent(['SETX', (reference.toString(), 1, -1)]) if self.type == self.NEXT_NAME: return nextEvent[0][2] else: if nextEvent[0][1] != "": return nextEvent[0][1] else: return nextEvent[0][0] return "" text = property(getText)
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Follow applicants in your recruitment process with the smart kanban view.</p> <p>Save time by automating some communications with email templates. Resumes are indexed automatically, allowing you to easily find for specific profiles.</p> </div> <div class="col-md-4" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-rounded img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/desert_thumb.jpg"> <h4 class="mt16">Enterprise Social Network</h4> <p>Break down information silos. Share knowledge and best practices amongst all employees. Follow specific people or documents and join groups of interests to share expertise and documents.</p> <p>Interact with your collegues in real time with live chat.</p> </div> <div class="col-md-4" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-rounded img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/deers_thumb.jpg"> <h4 class="mt16">Leaves Management</h4> <p>Keep track of the vacation days accrued by each employee. Employees enter their requests (paid holidays, sick leave, etc), for managers to approve and validate. It's all done in just a few clicks. The agenda of each employee is updated accordingly.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>""" OERP_WEBSITE_HTML_1_IN = [ 'Manage your company most important asset: People', 'img class="img-rounded img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/china_thumb.jpg"', ] OERP_WEBSITE_HTML_1_OUT = [ 'Break down information silos.', 'Keep track of the vacation days accrued by each employee', 'img class="img-rounded img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/deers_thumb.jpg', ] OERP_WEBSITE_HTML_2 = """ <div class="mt16 cke_widget_editable cke_widget_element oe_editable oe_dirty" data-oe-model="" data-oe-id="6" data-oe-field="content" data-oe-type="html" data-oe-translate="0" data-oe-expression="blog_post.content" data-cke-widget-data="{}" data-cke-widget-keep-attr="0" data-widget="oeref" contenteditable="true" data-cke-widget-editable="text"> <section class="mt16 mb16" data-snippet-id="text-block"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center mt16 mb32" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <h2> OpenERP Project Management </h2> <h3 class="text-muted">Infinitely flexible. Incredibly easy to use.</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-12 mb16 mt16" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <p> OpenERP's <b>collaborative and realtime</b> project management helps your team get work done. Keep track of everything, from the big picture to the minute details, from the customer contract to the billing. </p><p> Organize projects around <b>your own processes</b>. Work on tasks and issues using the kanban view, schedule tasks using the gantt chart and control deadlines in the calendar view. Every project may have it's own stages allowing teams to optimize their job. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="" data-snippet-id="image-text"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 mt16 mb16" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-responsive shadow" src="/website/static/src/img/image_text.jpg"> </div> <div class="col-md-6 mt32" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <h3>Manage Your Shops</h3> <p> OpenERP's Point of Sale introduces a super clean interface with no installation required that runs online and offline on modern hardwares. </p><p> It's full integration with the company inventory and accounting, gives you real time statistics and consolidations amongst all shops without the hassle of integrating several applications. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="" data-snippet-id="text-image"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 mt32" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <h3>Enterprise Social Network</h3> <p> Make every employee feel more connected and engaged with twitter-like features for your own company. Follow people, share best practices, 'like' top ideas, etc. </p><p> Connect with experts, follow what interests you, share documents and promote best practices with OpenERP Social application. Get work done with effective collaboration across departments, geographies and business applications. </p> </div> <div class="col-md-6 mt16 mb16" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-responsive shadow" src="/website/static/src/img/text_image.png"> </div> </div> </div> </section><section class="" data-snippet-id="portfolio"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center mt16 mb32" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <h2>Our Porfolio</h2> <h4 class="text-muted">More than 500 successful projects</h4> </div> <div class="col-md-4" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/deers.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/desert.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/china.jpg"> </div> <div class="col-md-4" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/desert.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/china.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/deers.jpg"> </div> <div class="col-md-4" data-snippet-id="colmd"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/landscape.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/china.jpg"> <img class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/website/static/src/img/desert.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> """ OERP_WEBSITE_HTML_2_IN = [ 'management helps your team get work done', ] OERP_WEBSITE_HTML_2_OUT = [ 'Make every employee feel more connected', 'img class="img-responsive shadow" src="/website/static/src/img/text_image.png', ] TEXT_1 = """I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you ? -- MySignature""" TEXT_1_IN = ["""I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you ?"""] TEXT_1_OUT = ["""-- MySignature"""] TEXT_2 = """Salut Raoul! Le 28 oct. 2012 à 00:02, Raoul Grosbedon a écrit : > I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (quote) Of course. This seems viable. > 2012/10/27 Bert Tartopoils : >> blahblahblah (quote)? >> >> blahblahblah (quote) >> >> Bert TARTOPOILS >> [email protected] >> > > > -- > RaoulSignature Bert TARTOPOILS [email protected] """ TEXT_2_IN = ["Salut Raoul!", "Of course. This seems viable."] TEXT_2_OUT = ["I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (quote)", """> 2012/10/27 Bert Tartopoils : >> blahblahblah (quote)? >> >> blahblahblah (quote) >> >> Bert TARTOPOILS >> [email protected] >> > > > -- > RaoulSignature"""] HTML_1 = """<p>I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (keep) 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you ? -- MySignature</p>""" HTML_1_IN = ["""I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (keep) 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you ?"""] HTML_1_OUT = ["""-- MySignature"""] HTML_2 = """<div> <font><span>I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:</span></font> </div> <div> <ul> <li><span>9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app</span></li> <li><span>9.45 AM: summary</span></li> <li><span>10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app</span></li> </ul> </div> <div> <font><span>Is everything ok for you ?</span></font> </div>""" HTML_2_IN = ["<font><span>I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:</span></font>", "<li><span>9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app</span></li>", "<li><span>9.45 AM: summary</span></li>", "<li><span>10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app</span></li>", "<font><span>Is everything ok for you ?</span></font>"] HTML_2_OUT = [] HTML_3 = """<div><pre>This is an answer. Regards, XXXXXX ----- Mail original -----</pre> <pre>Hi, My CRM-related question. Regards, XXXX</pre></div>""" HTML_3_IN = ["""<div><pre>This is an answer. Regards, XXXXXX ----- Mail original -----</pre>"""] HTML_3_OUT = ["Hi,", "My CRM-related question.", "Regards,"] HTML_4 = """ <div> <div>Hi Nicholas,</div> <br> <div>I'm free now. 00447710085916.</div> <br> <div>Regards,</div> <div>Nicholas</div> <br> <span id="OLK_SRC_BODY_SECTION"> <div style="font-family:Calibri; font-size:11pt; text-align:left; color:black; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: #b5c4df 1pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 3pt"> <span style="font-weight:bold">From: </span>OpenERP Enterprise &lt;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>&gt;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Reply-To: </span>&lt;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>&gt;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Date: </span>Wed, 17 Apr 2013 13:30:47 +0000<br><span style="font-weight:bold">To: </span>Microsoft Office User &lt;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>&gt;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Subject: </span>Re: your registration<br> </div> <br> <div> <p>Hello Nicholas Saxlund, </p> <p>I noticed you recently registered to our OpenERP Online solution. </p> <p>You indicated that you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements, and see how we can help you. When would you be available to discuss your project ? </p> <p>Best regards, </p> <pre><a href=""></a> Belgium: + U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736 India: +91 (79) 40 500 100 </pre> </div> </span> </div>""" HTML_5 = """<div><pre>Hi, I have downloaded OpenERP installer 7.0 and successfully installed the postgresql server and the OpenERP. I created a database and started to install module by log in as administrator. However, I was not able to install any module due to "OpenERP Server Error" as shown in the attachement. Could you please let me know how could I fix this problem? &nbsp;Regards, Goh Sin Yih ________________________________ From: OpenERP Enterprise &lt;[email protected]&gt; To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, February 8, 2013 12:46 AM Subject: Feedback From Your OpenERP Trial Hello Goh Sin Yih, Thank you for having tested OpenERP Online. I noticed you started a trial of OpenERP Online (gsy) but you did not decide to keep using it. So, I just wanted to get in touch with you to get your feedback. Can you tell me what kind of application you were you looking for and why you didn't decide to continue with OpenERP? Thanks in advance for providing your feedback, Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, Thanks, </pre>""" GMAIL_1 = """Hello,<div><br></div><div>Ok for me. I am replying directly in gmail, without signature.</div><div><br></div><div>Kind regards,</div><div><br></div><div>Demo.<br><br><div>On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:29 PM, <span>&lt;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote><div>I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:</div><div><ul><li>9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;</li> <li>9.45 AM: summary</li><li>10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app</li></ul></div><div>Is everything ok for you ?</div> <div><p>--<br>Administrator</p></div> <div><p>Log in our portal at: <a href="http://localhost:8069#action=login&amp;db=mail_1&amp;login=demo">http://localhost:8069#action=login&amp;db=mail_1&amp;login=demo</a></p></div> </blockquote></div><br></div>""" GMAIL_1_IN = ['Ok for me. I am replying directly in gmail, without signature.'] GMAIL_1_OUT = ['Administrator', 'Log in our portal at:'] THUNDERBIRD_1 = """<div>On 11/08/2012 05:29 PM, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> wrote:<br></div> <blockquote> <div>I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:</div> <div> <ul><li>9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;</li> <li>9.45 AM: summary</li> <li>10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app</li> </ul></div> <div>Is everything ok for you ?</div> <div> <p>--<br> Administrator</p> </div> <div> <p>Log in our portal at: <a href="http://localhost:8069#action=login&amp;db=mail_1&amp;token=rHdWcUART5PhEnJRaXjH">http://localhost:8069#action=login&amp;db=mail_1&amp;token=rHdWcUART5PhEnJRaXjH</a></p> </div> </blockquote> Ok for me. I am replying directly below your mail, using Thunderbird, with a signature.<br><br> Did you receive my email about my new laptop, by the way ?<br><br> Raoul.<br><pre>-- Raoul Grosbedonn&#233;e </pre>""" THUNDERBIRD_1_IN = ['Ok for me. I am replying directly below your mail, using Thunderbird, with a signature.'] THUNDERBIRD_1_OUT = ['I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow.', 'Raoul Grosbedon'] HOTMAIL_1 = """<div> <div dir="ltr"><br>&nbsp; I have an amazing company, i'm learning OpenERP, it is a small company yet, but plannig to grow up quickly. <br>&nbsp;<br>Kindest regards,<br>xxx<br> <div> <div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"> </div> <hr id="stopSpelling"> Subject: Re: your registration<br>From: [email protected]<br>To: [email protected]<br>Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:12:12 +0000 <br><br> Hello xxx, <br> I noticed you recently created an account to access OpenERP Apps. <br> You indicated that you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements, and see how we can help you. When would you be available to discuss your project ?<br> Best regards,<br> <pre> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Belgium: + U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736 India: +91 (79) 40 500 100 </pre> </div> </div> </div>""" HOTMAIL_1_IN = ["I have an amazing company, i'm learning OpenERP, it is a small company yet, but plannig to grow up quickly."] HOTMAIL_1_OUT = ["Subject: Re: your registration", " I noticed you recently created an account to access OpenERP Apps.", "We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements", "Belgium: +"] MSOFFICE_1 = """ <div> <div class="WordSection1"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> Our requirements are simple. Just looking to replace some spreadsheets for tracking quotes and possibly using the timecard module. We are a company of 25 engineers providing product design services to clients. </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> I’ll install on a windows server and run a very limited trial to see how it works. If we adopt OpenERP we will probably move to Linux or look for a hosted SaaS option. </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> <br> I am also evaluating Adempiere and maybe others. </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> I expect the trial will take 2-3 months as this is not a high priority for us. </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> Alan </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <div> <div style="border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in 0in 0in"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> From: </span></b> <span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> OpenERP Enterprise [mailto:[email protected]] <br><b>Sent:</b> Monday, 11 March, 2013 14:47<br><b>To:</b> Alan Widmer<br><b>Subject:</b> Re: your registration </span> </p> <p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hello Alan Widmer, </p> <p></p> <p>I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP. </p> <p></p> <p> Uou mentioned you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. Please let me more about your business needs and requirements? When will you be available to discuss about your project? </p> <p></p> <p>Thanks for your interest in OpenERP, </p> <p></p> <p>Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, </p> <p></p> <p>Looking forward to hear from you soon. </p> <p></p> <pre><p>&nbsp;</p></pre> <pre>--<p></p></pre> <pre>Nicolas<p></p></pre> <pre><a href=""></a><p></p></pre> <pre>Belgium: +<p></p></pre> <pre>U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736<p></p></pre> <pre>India: +91 (79) 40 500 100<p></p></pre> <pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<p></p></pre> </div> </div>""" MSOFFICE_1_IN = ['Our requirements are simple. Just looking to replace some spreadsheets for tracking quotes and possibly using the timecard module.'] MSOFFICE_1_OUT = ['I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP.', 'Uou mentioned you wish to use OpenERP in your own company.', 'Belgium: +'] MSOFFICE_2 = """ <div> <div class="WordSection1"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Nicolas,</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent:.5in"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">We are currently investigating the possibility of moving away from our current ERP </span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Thank You</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Matt</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <div> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Raoul Petitpoil</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Poil Industries</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Information Technology</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">920 Super Street</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Sanchez, Pa 17046 USA</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Tel:</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Fax:</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Email: </span> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:blue">[email protected]</span> </a> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p><p></p> <p></p> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <div> <div style="border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in 0in 0in"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">From:</span> </b> <span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> OpenERP Enterprise [mailto:[email protected]] <br><b>Sent:</b> Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:31 PM<br><b>To:</b> Matt Witters<br><b>Subject:</b> Re: your registration</span></p><p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hello Raoul Petitpoil, </p> <p></p> <p>I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP. </p> <p></p> <p>You indicated that you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements, and see how we can help you. When would you be available to discuss your project ? </p> <p></p> <p>Best regards, </p> <p></p> <pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> </pre> <pre>--<p></p></pre> <pre>Nicolas<p></p></pre> <pre> <a href=""></a> <p></p> </pre> <pre>Belgium: +<p></p></pre> <pre>U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736<p></p></pre> <pre>India: +91 (79) 40 500 100<p></p></pre> <pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <p></p></pre> </div> </div>""" MSOFFICE_2_IN = ['We are currently investigating the possibility'] MSOFFICE_2_OUT = ['I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP.', 'You indicated that you wish', 'Belgium: +'] MSOFFICE_3 = """<div> <div class="WordSection1"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Hi Nicolas&nbsp;!</span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Yes I’d be glad to hear about your offers as we struggle every year with the planning/approving of LOA. </span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">I saw your boss yesterday on tv and immediately wanted to test the interface. </span></p><p></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <div> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="NL-BE" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">Bien à vous, </span></b></p><p></p><b> </b> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="NL-BE" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">Met vriendelijke groeten, </span></b></p><p></p><b> </b> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">Best regards,</span></b></p><p></p><b> </b> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray"> </span></b></p><p><b>&nbsp;</b></p><b> </b> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">R. Petitpoil&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br></span> </b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">Human Resource Manager<b><br><br>Field Resource s.a n.v.&nbsp;&nbsp;<i> <br></i></b>Hermesstraat 6A <br>1930 Zaventem</span> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray"><br></span> <b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Wingdings;color:#1F497D">(</span> </b> <b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:Wingdings;color:#1F497D"> </span> </b> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray"> &nbsp;</span> </b> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray"><br></span> </b> <b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Wingdings 2&quot;;color:#1F497D">7</span> </b> <b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Wingdings 2&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span> </b> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:gray">+32 2 727.05.91<br></span> </b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:24.0pt;font-family:Webdings;color:green">P</span> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:green"> <b>&nbsp;&nbsp; </b></span> <b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:green">Please consider the environment before printing this email.</span> </b> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:navy"> </span> <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:navy"> </span></p><p></p> <p></p> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"> </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <div> <div style="border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0cm 0cm 0cm"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">De&nbsp;:</span> </b> <span lang="FR" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> OpenERP Enterprise [mailto:[email protected]] <br><b>Envoyé&nbsp;:</b> jeudi 18 avril 2013 11:31<br><b>À&nbsp;:</b> Paul Richard<br><b>Objet&nbsp;:</b> Re: your registration</span></p><p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hello Raoul PETITPOIL, </p> <p></p> <p>I noticed you recently registered to our OpenERP Online solution. </p> <p></p> <p>You indicated that you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements, and see how we can help you. When would you be available to discuss your project ? </p> <p></p> <p>Best regards, </p> <p></p> <pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> </pre> <pre>--<p></p></pre> <pre>Nicolas<p></p></pre> <pre> <a href=""></a> <p></p> </pre> <pre>Belgium: +<p></p></pre> <pre>U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736<p></p></pre> <pre>India: +91 (79) 40 500 100<p></p></pre> <pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <p></p></pre> </div> </div>""" MSOFFICE_3_IN = ['I saw your boss yesterday'] MSOFFICE_3_OUT = ['I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP.', 'You indicated that you wish', 'Belgium: +'] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Test cases coming from bugs # ------------------------------------------------------------ # bug: read more not apparent, strange message in read more span BUG1 = """<pre>Hi Migration Team, Paragraph 1, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Paragraph 2, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Paragraph 3, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Thanks. Regards, -- Olivier Laurent Migration Manager OpenERP SA Chaussée de Namur, 40 B-1367 Gérompont Tel: + Web:</pre>""" BUG_1_IN = [ 'Hi Migration Team', 'Paragraph 1' ] BUG_1_OUT = [ 'Olivier Laurent', 'Chaussée de Namur', '', '', ] BUG2 = """ <div> <br> <div class="moz-forward-container"><br> <br> -------- Original Message -------- <table class="moz-email-headers-table" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Subject: </th> <td>Fwd: TR: OpenERP S.A. Payment Reminder</td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Date: </th> <td>Wed, 16 Oct 2013 14:11:13 +0200</td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">From: </th> <td>Christine Herrmann <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:[email protected]">&lt;[email protected]&gt;</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">To: </th> <td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <br> <div class="moz-forward-container"><br> <br> -------- Message original -------- <table class="moz-email-headers-table" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Sujet: </th> <td>TR: OpenERP S.A. Payment Reminder</td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Date&nbsp;: </th> <td>Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:34:45 -0000</td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">De&nbsp;: </th> <td>Ida Siwatala <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:[email protected]">&lt;[email protected]&gt;</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Répondre à&nbsp;: </th> <td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Pour&nbsp;: </th> <td>Christine Herrmann (che) <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:[email protected]">&lt;[email protected]&gt;</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <div> <div class="WordSection1"> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Bonjour,</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Pourriez-vous me faire un retour sur ce point.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Cordialement</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div> <div style="border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0cm 0cm 0cm"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">De&nbsp;:</span></b><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> Ida Siwatala [<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a>] <br> <b>Envoyé&nbsp;:</b> vendredi 4 octobre 2013 20:03<br> <b>À&nbsp;:</b> 'Followers of INZO-services-8-all-e-Maxime-Lisbonne-77176-Savigny-le-temple-France'<br> <b>Objet&nbsp;:</b> RE: OpenERP S.A. Payment Reminder</span></p> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Bonsoir,</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Je me permets de revenir vers vous par écrit , car j’ai fait 2 appels vers votre service en exposant mon problème, mais je n’ai pas eu de retour.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Cela fait un mois que j’ai fait la souscription de votre produit, mais je me rends compte qu’il est pas adapté à ma situation ( fonctionnalité manquante et surtout je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps à passer à résoudre des bugs). </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">C’est pourquoi , j’ai demandé qu’un accord soit trouvé avec vous pour annuler le contrat (tout en vous payant le mois d’utilisation de septembre).</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Pourriez-vous me faire un retour sur ce point.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Cordialement,</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D">Ida Siwatala</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#1F497D"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">De&nbsp;:</span></b><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a>] <br> <b>Envoyé&nbsp;:</b> vendredi 4 octobre 2013 17:41<br> <b>À&nbsp;:</b> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br> <b>Objet&nbsp;:</b> OpenERP S.A. Payment Reminder</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div> <p style="background:white"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222">Dear INZO services,</span></p> <p style="background:white"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222">Exception made if there was a mistake of ours, it seems that the following amount stays unpaid. Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days. </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="background:white"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222"></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width:100.0%;border:outset 1.5pt" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Date de facturation</p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Description</p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Reference</p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Due Date</p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Amount (€)</p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal">Lit.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>2013-09-24</b></p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>2013/1121</b></p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>Enterprise - Inzo Services - Juillet 2013</b></p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>2013-09-24</b></p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>420.0</b></p> </td> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> <td style="border:none;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> <td style="border:none;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> <td style="border:none;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> <td style="border:none;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> <td style="border:none;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"><br> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center;background:white" align="center"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222">Amount due : 420.00 € </span></p> <p style="background:white"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222">Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please ignore this message. Do not hesitate to contact our accounting department. </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="background:white"><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;color:#222222"><br> Best Regards, <br> Aurore Lesage <br> OpenERP<br> Chaussée de Namur, 40 <br> B-1367 Grand Rosières <br> Tel: + - Fax: + <br> E-mail : <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> <br> Web: <a href=""></a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> --<br> INZO services <small>Sent by <a style="color:inherit" href="">OpenERP S.A.</a> using <a style="color:inherit" href="">OpenERP</a>.</small> <small>Access your messages and documents <a style="color:inherit" href=";login=che&amp;message_id=5750830">in OpenERP</a></small> <br> <pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">-- Christine Herrmann OpenERP Chaussée de Namur, 40 B-1367 Grand Rosières Tel: + - Fax: + Web: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a> </pre> <br> </div> <br> <br> </div> <br> </div>""" BUG_2_IN = [ 'read more', '...', ] BUG_2_OUT = [ 'Fwd: TR: OpenERP S.A' 'fait un mois' ] # BUG 20/08/2014: READ MORE NOT APPEARING BUG3 = """<div class="oe_msg_body_long" style="/* display: none; */"><p>OpenERP has been upgraded to version 8.0.</p> <h2>What's new in this upgrade?</h2> <div class="document"> <ul> <li><p class="first">New Warehouse Management System:</p> <blockquote> <p>Schedule your picking, packing, receptions and internal moves automatically with Odoo using your own routing rules. Define push and pull rules to organize a warehouse or to manage product moves between several warehouses. Track in detail all stock moves, not only in your warehouse but wherever else it's taken as well (customers, suppliers or manufacturing locations).</p> </blockquote> </li> <li><p class="first">New Product Configurator</p> </li> <li><p class="first">Documentation generation from website forum:</p> <blockquote> <p>New module to generate a documentation from questions and responses from your forum. The documentation manager can define a table of content and any user, depending their karma, can link a question to an entry of this TOC.</p> </blockquote> </li> <li><p class="first">New kanban view of documents (resumes and letters in recruitement, project documents...)</p> </li> <li><p class="first">E-Commerce:</p> <blockquote> <ul class="simple"> <li>Manage TIN in contact form for B2B.</li> <li>Dedicated salesteam to easily manage leads and orders.</li> </ul> </blockquote> </li> <li><p class="first">Better Instant Messaging.</p> </li> <li><p class="first">Faster and Improved Search view: Search drawer now appears on top of the results, and is open by default in reporting views</p> </li> <li><p class="first">Improved User Interface:</p> <blockquote> <ul class="simple"> <li>Popups has changed to be more responsive on tablets and smartphones.</li> <li>New Stat Buttons: Forms views have now dynamic buttons showing some statistics abouts linked models.</li> <li>Color code to check in one look availability of components in an MRP order.</li> <li>Unified menu bar allows you to switch easily between the frontend (website) and backend</li> <li>Results panel is now scrollable independently of the menu bars, keeping the navigation, search bar and view switcher always within reach.</li> </ul> </blockquote> </li> <li><p class="first">User signature is now in HTML.</p> </li> <li><p class="first">New development API.</p> </li> <li><p class="first">Remove support for Outlook and Thunderbird plugins</p> </li> </ul> </div> <p>Enjoy the new OpenERP Online!</p><span class="oe_mail_reduce"><a href="#">read less</a></span></div>""" BUG_3_IN = [ 'read more', '...', ] BUG_3_OUT = [ 'New kanban view of documents' ]
[ 3381, 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1813, 2366, 199, 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 9674, 35, 63, 4943, 63, 10187, 275, 408, 199, 28, 4246, 1568, 628, 18, 2, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 15281, 396, 17, 1108, 4246, 30, 199, 28, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 5023, 13, 890, 26, 3144, 5326, 27, 5023, 13, 2487, 26, 3293, 27, 15281, 199, 28, 66, 30, 396, 18, 1108, 66, 2957, 3015, 2535, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 5023, 13, 890, 26, 3144, 5326, 27, 15281, 199, 28, 73, 30, 396, 19, 1108, 73, 2957, 3015, 2535, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 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[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1813, 2366, 199, 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 9674, 35, 63, 4943, 63, 10187, 275, 408, 199, 28, 4246, 1568, 628, 18, 2, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 15281, 396, 17, 1108, 4246, 30, 199, 28, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 5023, 13, 890, 26, 3144, 5326, 27, 5023, 13, 2487, 26, 3293, 27, 15281, 199, 28, 66, 30, 396, 18, 1108, 66, 2957, 3015, 2535, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 6606, 26, 3485, 17601, 27, 5023, 13, 8759, 26, 3293, 27, 1004, 13, 3333, 26, 3293, 27, 5023, 13, 890, 26, 3144, 5326, 27, 15281, 199, 28, 73, 30, 396, 19, 1108, 73, 2957, 3015, 2535, 3015, 3449, 628, 2326, 26, 15180, 8, 2192, 12, 7105, 12, 7105, 2736, 5023, 13, 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665, 3289, 3133, 272, 665, 80, 30, 7940, 365, 2597, 3962, 370, 5370, 8633, 543, 15911, 21516, 9919, 80, 30, 272, 665, 65, 3449, 628, 9650, 13, 3039, 26, 13960, 5326, 9426, 4369, 628, 10545, 785, 14, 25170, 63, 633, 93, 1743, 267, 665, 4060, 1021, 628, 13361, 63, 6297, 63, 25170, 63, 3887, 2, 2928, 628, 2859, 921, 1544, 14, 25170, 14, 957, 15, 287, 63, 1668, 15, 73, 0 ]
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import discord from discord.ext import commands from random import randint import aiohttp import random class Image: """Image related commands.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot #Reserved for further ... stuff """Commands section""" @commands.command(no_pm=True) async def imgur(self, *text): """Retrieves a random imgur picture imgur search [keyword] - Retrieves first hit of search query. imgur [subreddit section] [top or new] - Retrieves top 3 hottest or latest pictures of today for given a subreddit section, e.g. 'funny'.""" imgurclient = ImgurClient("1fd3ef04daf8cab", "f963e574e8e3c17993c933af4f0522e1dc01e230") if text == (): rand = randint(0, 59) #60 results per generated page items = imgurclient.gallery_random(page=0) await[rand].link) elif text[0] == "search": items = imgurclient.gallery_search(" ".join(text[1:len(text)]), advanced=None, sort='time', window='all', page=0) if len(items) < 1: await"Your search terms gave no results.") else: await[0].link) elif text[0] != (): try: if text[1] == "top": imgSort = "top" elif text[1] == "new": imgSort = "time" else: await"Only top or new is a valid subcommand.") return items = imgurclient.subreddit_gallery(text[0], sort=imgSort, window='day', page=0) if (len(items) < 3): await"This subreddit section does not exist, try 'funny'") else: await"{} {} {}".format(items[0].link, items[1].link, items[2].link)) except: await"Type help imgur for details.") @commands.command(no_pm=True) async def gif(self, *text): """Retrieves first search result from giphy gif [keyword]""" if len(text) > 0: if len(text[0]) > 1 and len(text[0]) < 20: try: msg = "+".join(text) search = "" + msg + "&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC" async with aiohttp.get(search) as r: result = await r.json() if result["data"] != []: url = result["data"][0]["url"] await else: await"Your search terms gave no results.") except: await"Error.") else: await"Invalid search.") else: await"gif [text]") @commands.command(no_pm=True) async def gifr(self, *text): """Retrieves a random gif from a giphy search gifr [keyword]""" random.seed() if len(text) > 0: if len(text[0]) > 1 and len(text[0]) < 20: try: msg = "+".join(text) search = "" + msg + "&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC" async with aiohttp.get(search) as r: result = await r.json() if result["data"] != []: maxarray = len(result) url = result["data"][random.randint(0,maxarray)]["url"] await else: await"Your search terms gave no results.") except: await"Error.") else: await"Invalid search.") else: await"gifr [text]") class ModuleNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, m): self.message = m def __str__(self): return self.message def setup(bot): global ImgurClient try: from imgurpython import ImgurClient except: raise ModuleNotFound("imgurpython is not installed. Do 'pip3 install imgurpython' to use this cog.") bot.add_cog(Image(bot))
[ 646, 4339, 2181, 199, 504, 4339, 2181, 14, 832, 492, 3718, 199, 504, 2196, 492, 29722, 199, 646, 30274, 199, 646, 2196, 199, 199, 533, 6047, 26, 272, 408, 3491, 4048, 3718, 1041, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 5888, 304, 267, 291, 14, 3018, 275, 5888, 267, 327, 10285, 367, 9848, 2263, 8292, 339, 408, 14680, 3420, 624, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 6050, 300, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 282, 2196, 6050, 300, 24945, 398, 6050, 300, 2754, 359, 6691, 61, 446, 27940, 1642, 9793, 402, 2754, 1827, 14, 267, 6050, 300, 359, 954, 18374, 3420, 61, 359, 2119, 503, 892, 61, 446, 27940, 2746, 650, 18469, 396, 503, 8839, 6682, 22004, 402, 11168, 367, 1627, 282, 1007, 18374, 3420, 12, 325, 14, 71, 14, 283, 7036, 9745, 23690, 267, 6050, 300, 1258, 275, 473, 6649, 300, 3041, 480, 17, 2592, 19, 2829, 966, 31990, 24, 26481, 401, 298, 70, 24548, 69, 10950, 69, 24, 69, 19, 67, 1196, 16998, 67, 25, 1153, 2756, 20, 70, 1717, 1081, 69, 17, 3833, 614, 69, 9687, 531, 267, 340, 1318, 508, 23390, 288, 10261, 275, 29722, 8, 16, 12, 8155, 9, 327, 2259, 2058, 1126, 4046, 2034, 288, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 25372, 63, 2355, 8, 1606, 29, 16, 9, 288, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 1744, 59, 3759, 1055, 1073, 9, 267, 916, 1318, 59, 16, 61, 508, 298, 1733, 582, 288, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 25372, 63, 1733, 480, 3680, 904, 8, 505, 59, 17, 26, 552, 8, 505, 16636, 19472, 29, 403, 12, 4069, 534, 521, 297, 4353, 534, 452, 297, 2034, 29, 16, 9, 288, 340, 822, 8, 1744, 9, 665, 413, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 1744, 59, 16, 1055, 1073, 9, 267, 916, 1318, 59, 16, 61, 1137, 23390, 288, 862, 26, 355, 340, 1318, 59, 17, 61, 508, 298, 2119, 582, 490, 6050, 14376, 275, 298, 2119, 2, 355, 916, 1318, 59, 17, 61, 508, 298, 1222, 582, 490, 6050, 14376, 275, 298, 521, 2, 355, 587, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 5903, 2746, 503, 892, 365, 282, 1686, 21474, 2685, 490, 372, 355, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 954, 18374, 63, 25372, 8, 505, 59, 16, 467, 4069, 29, 4060, 14376, 12, 4353, 534, 2977, 297, 2034, 29, 16, 9, 355, 340, 334, 552, 8, 1744, 9, 665, 650, 304, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 2765, 1007, 18374, 3420, 1630, 440, 2187, 12, 862, 283, 7036, 9745, 9859, 355, 587, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 20794, 1052, 8352, 908, 8, 1744, 59, 16, 1055, 1073, 12, 2974, 59, 17, 1055, 1073, 12, 2974, 59, 18, 1055, 1073, 430, 288, 871, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 804, 1720, 6050, 300, 367, 2436, 2685, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 486, 692, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 1642, 2754, 754, 687, 486, 711, 3577, 2728, 486, 692, 359, 6691, 61, 624, 267, 340, 822, 8, 505, 9, 690, 378, 26, 288, 340, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 690, 413, 436, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 665, 3388, 26, 355, 862, 26, 490, 1499, 275, 7210, 1674, 904, 8, 505, 9, 490, 2754, 275, 298, 1014, 921, 1246, 14, 71, 711, 3577, 14, 957, 15, 86, 17, 15, 14513, 83, 15, 1733, 31, 81, 628, 435, 1499, 435, 11746, 1246, 63, 498, 29, 3833, 22, 8076, 2566, 6287, 42, 28808, 35, 2, 490, 5316, 543, 30274, 14, 362, 8, 1733, 9, 465, 519, 26, 717, 754, 275, 5517, 519, 14, 1001, 342, 490, 340, 754, 905, 576, 937, 1137, 18410, 717, 1166, 275, 754, 905, 576, 9210, 16, 7541, 633, 937, 717, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 633, 9, 490, 587, 26, 717, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 355, 871, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 547, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 3364, 2754, 2685, 267, 587, 26, 288, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14513, 359, 505, 12523, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 486, 692, 82, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 282, 2196, 486, 692, 687, 282, 486, 711, 3577, 2754, 398, 486, 692, 82, 359, 6691, 61, 624, 267, 2196, 14, 5176, 342, 267, 340, 822, 8, 505, 9, 690, 378, 26, 288, 340, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 690, 413, 436, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 665, 3388, 26, 355, 862, 26, 490, 1499, 275, 7210, 1674, 904, 8, 505, 9, 490, 2754, 275, 298, 1014, 921, 1246, 14, 71, 711, 3577, 14, 957, 15, 86, 17, 15, 14513, 83, 15, 1733, 31, 81, 628, 435, 1499, 435, 11746, 1246, 63, 498, 29, 3833, 22, 8076, 2566, 6287, 42, 28808, 35, 2, 490, 5316, 543, 30274, 14, 362, 8, 1733, 9, 465, 519, 26, 717, 754, 275, 5517, 519, 14, 1001, 342, 717, 340, 754, 905, 576, 937, 1137, 18410, 1169, 1390, 1144, 275, 822, 8, 1099, 9, 1169, 1166, 275, 754, 905, 576, 9210, 2355, 14, 8393, 8, 16, 12, 988, 1144, 1874, 905, 633, 937, 1169, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 633, 9, 717, 587, 26, 1169, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 355, 871, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 547, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 3364, 2754, 2685, 267, 587, 26, 288, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14513, 82, 359, 505, 12523, 199, 199, 533, 5673, 4667, 8, 1726, 304, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 333, 304, 267, 291, 14, 1188, 275, 333, 272 ]
[ 4339, 2181, 199, 504, 4339, 2181, 14, 832, 492, 3718, 199, 504, 2196, 492, 29722, 199, 646, 30274, 199, 646, 2196, 199, 199, 533, 6047, 26, 272, 408, 3491, 4048, 3718, 1041, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 5888, 304, 267, 291, 14, 3018, 275, 5888, 267, 327, 10285, 367, 9848, 2263, 8292, 339, 408, 14680, 3420, 624, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 6050, 300, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 282, 2196, 6050, 300, 24945, 398, 6050, 300, 2754, 359, 6691, 61, 446, 27940, 1642, 9793, 402, 2754, 1827, 14, 267, 6050, 300, 359, 954, 18374, 3420, 61, 359, 2119, 503, 892, 61, 446, 27940, 2746, 650, 18469, 396, 503, 8839, 6682, 22004, 402, 11168, 367, 1627, 282, 1007, 18374, 3420, 12, 325, 14, 71, 14, 283, 7036, 9745, 23690, 267, 6050, 300, 1258, 275, 473, 6649, 300, 3041, 480, 17, 2592, 19, 2829, 966, 31990, 24, 26481, 401, 298, 70, 24548, 69, 10950, 69, 24, 69, 19, 67, 1196, 16998, 67, 25, 1153, 2756, 20, 70, 1717, 1081, 69, 17, 3833, 614, 69, 9687, 531, 267, 340, 1318, 508, 23390, 288, 10261, 275, 29722, 8, 16, 12, 8155, 9, 327, 2259, 2058, 1126, 4046, 2034, 288, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 25372, 63, 2355, 8, 1606, 29, 16, 9, 288, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 1744, 59, 3759, 1055, 1073, 9, 267, 916, 1318, 59, 16, 61, 508, 298, 1733, 582, 288, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 25372, 63, 1733, 480, 3680, 904, 8, 505, 59, 17, 26, 552, 8, 505, 16636, 19472, 29, 403, 12, 4069, 534, 521, 297, 4353, 534, 452, 297, 2034, 29, 16, 9, 288, 340, 822, 8, 1744, 9, 665, 413, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 1744, 59, 16, 1055, 1073, 9, 267, 916, 1318, 59, 16, 61, 1137, 23390, 288, 862, 26, 355, 340, 1318, 59, 17, 61, 508, 298, 2119, 582, 490, 6050, 14376, 275, 298, 2119, 2, 355, 916, 1318, 59, 17, 61, 508, 298, 1222, 582, 490, 6050, 14376, 275, 298, 521, 2, 355, 587, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 5903, 2746, 503, 892, 365, 282, 1686, 21474, 2685, 490, 372, 355, 2974, 275, 6050, 300, 1258, 14, 954, 18374, 63, 25372, 8, 505, 59, 16, 467, 4069, 29, 4060, 14376, 12, 4353, 534, 2977, 297, 2034, 29, 16, 9, 355, 340, 334, 552, 8, 1744, 9, 665, 650, 304, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 2765, 1007, 18374, 3420, 1630, 440, 2187, 12, 862, 283, 7036, 9745, 9859, 355, 587, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 20794, 1052, 8352, 908, 8, 1744, 59, 16, 1055, 1073, 12, 2974, 59, 17, 1055, 1073, 12, 2974, 59, 18, 1055, 1073, 430, 288, 871, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 804, 1720, 6050, 300, 367, 2436, 2685, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 486, 692, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 1642, 2754, 754, 687, 486, 711, 3577, 2728, 486, 692, 359, 6691, 61, 624, 267, 340, 822, 8, 505, 9, 690, 378, 26, 288, 340, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 690, 413, 436, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 665, 3388, 26, 355, 862, 26, 490, 1499, 275, 7210, 1674, 904, 8, 505, 9, 490, 2754, 275, 298, 1014, 921, 1246, 14, 71, 711, 3577, 14, 957, 15, 86, 17, 15, 14513, 83, 15, 1733, 31, 81, 628, 435, 1499, 435, 11746, 1246, 63, 498, 29, 3833, 22, 8076, 2566, 6287, 42, 28808, 35, 2, 490, 5316, 543, 30274, 14, 362, 8, 1733, 9, 465, 519, 26, 717, 754, 275, 5517, 519, 14, 1001, 342, 490, 340, 754, 905, 576, 937, 1137, 18410, 717, 1166, 275, 754, 905, 576, 9210, 16, 7541, 633, 937, 717, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 633, 9, 490, 587, 26, 717, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 355, 871, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 547, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 3364, 2754, 2685, 267, 587, 26, 288, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14513, 359, 505, 12523, 339, 768, 4405, 14, 1531, 8, 889, 63, 7073, 29, 549, 9, 272, 5316, 347, 486, 692, 82, 8, 277, 12, 627, 505, 304, 267, 408, 28112, 282, 2196, 486, 692, 687, 282, 486, 711, 3577, 2754, 398, 486, 692, 82, 359, 6691, 61, 624, 267, 2196, 14, 5176, 342, 267, 340, 822, 8, 505, 9, 690, 378, 26, 288, 340, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 690, 413, 436, 822, 8, 505, 59, 16, 566, 665, 3388, 26, 355, 862, 26, 490, 1499, 275, 7210, 1674, 904, 8, 505, 9, 490, 2754, 275, 298, 1014, 921, 1246, 14, 71, 711, 3577, 14, 957, 15, 86, 17, 15, 14513, 83, 15, 1733, 31, 81, 628, 435, 1499, 435, 11746, 1246, 63, 498, 29, 3833, 22, 8076, 2566, 6287, 42, 28808, 35, 2, 490, 5316, 543, 30274, 14, 362, 8, 1733, 9, 465, 519, 26, 717, 754, 275, 5517, 519, 14, 1001, 342, 717, 340, 754, 905, 576, 937, 1137, 18410, 1169, 1390, 1144, 275, 822, 8, 1099, 9, 1169, 1166, 275, 754, 905, 576, 9210, 2355, 14, 8393, 8, 16, 12, 988, 1144, 1874, 905, 633, 937, 1169, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 8, 633, 9, 717, 587, 26, 1169, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 14398, 2754, 2895, 486, 811, 949, 2058, 2685, 355, 871, 26, 490, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 547, 2685, 288, 587, 26, 355, 5517, 291, 14, 3018, 14, 19787, 480, 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# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import unittest import shlex from test import test_support try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO # The original test data set was from shellwords, by Hartmut Goebel. data = r"""x|x| foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar |foo|bar| foo bar bla fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel| x y z xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx| \x bar|\|x|bar| \ x bar|\|x|bar| \ bar|\|bar| foo \x bar|foo|\|x|bar| foo \ x bar|foo|\|x|bar| foo \ bar|foo|\|bar| foo "bar" bla|foo|"bar"|bla| "foo" "bar" "bla"|"foo"|"bar"|"bla"| "foo" bar "bla"|"foo"|bar|"bla"| "foo" bar bla|"foo"|bar|bla| foo 'bar' bla|foo|'bar'|bla| 'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|'foo'|'bar'|'bla'| 'foo' bar 'bla'|'foo'|bar|'bla'| 'foo' bar bla|'foo'|bar|bla| blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foo"bar"bar"fasel"|baz| blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foo'bar'bar'fasel'|baz| ""|""| ''|''| foo "" bar|foo|""|bar| foo '' bar|foo|''|bar| foo "" "" "" bar|foo|""|""|""|bar| foo '' '' '' bar|foo|''|''|''|bar| \""|\|""| "\"|"\"| "foo\ bar"|"foo\ bar"| "foo\\ bar"|"foo\\ bar"| "foo\\ bar\"|"foo\\ bar\"| "foo\\" bar\""|"foo\\"|bar|\|""| "foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\ bar\"|dfadf"| "foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\\ bar\"|dfadf"| "foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\\x bar\"|dfadf"| "foo\x bar\" dfadf"|"foo\x bar\"|dfadf"| \''|\|''| 'foo\ bar'|'foo\ bar'| 'foo\\ bar'|'foo\\ bar'| "foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df'|"foo\\\x bar\"|df'a|\|'df'| \"foo"|\|"foo"| \"foo"\x|\|"foo"|\|x| "foo\x"|"foo\x"| "foo\ "|"foo\ "| foo\ xx|foo|\|xx| foo\ x\x|foo|\|x|\|x| foo\ x\x\""|foo|\|x|\|x|\|""| "foo\ x\x"|"foo\ x\x"| "foo\ x\x\\"|"foo\ x\x\\"| "foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|"foobar"| "foo\ x\x\\"\''"foobar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|''|"foobar"| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|'"fo'|obar"| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|'"fo'|obar"|'don'|\|''|t'| 'foo\ bar'|'foo\ bar'| 'foo\\ bar'|'foo\\ bar'| foo\ bar|foo|\|bar| foo#bar\nbaz|foobaz| :-) ;-)|:|-|)|;|-|)| áéíóú|á|é|í|ó|ú| """ posix_data = r"""x|x| foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar |foo|bar| foo bar bla fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel| x y z xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx| \x bar|x|bar| \ x bar| x|bar| \ bar| bar| foo \x bar|foo|x|bar| foo \ x bar|foo| x|bar| foo \ bar|foo| bar| foo "bar" bla|foo|bar|bla| "foo" "bar" "bla"|foo|bar|bla| "foo" bar "bla"|foo|bar|bla| "foo" bar bla|foo|bar|bla| foo 'bar' bla|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' bar 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' bar bla|foo|bar|bla| blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| ""|| ''|| foo "" bar|foo||bar| foo '' bar|foo||bar| foo "" "" "" bar|foo||||bar| foo '' '' '' bar|foo||||bar| \"|"| "\""|"| "foo\ bar"|foo\ bar| "foo\\ bar"|foo\ bar| "foo\\ bar\""|foo\ bar"| "foo\\" bar\"|foo\|bar"| "foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\ bar" dfadf| "foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\\ bar" dfadf| "foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\\x bar" dfadf| "foo\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\x bar" dfadf| \'|'| 'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| 'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| "foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df"|foo\\x bar" df'a\ 'df| \"foo|"foo| \"foo\x|"foox| "foo\x"|foo\x| "foo\ "|foo\ | foo\ xx|foo xx| foo\ x\x|foo xx| foo\ x\x\"|foo xx"| "foo\ x\x"|foo\ x\x| "foo\ x\x\\"|foo\ x\x\| "foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|foo\ x\x\foobar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"foobar"|foo\ x\x\'foobar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t' \\|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't|\| 'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| 'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| foo\ bar|foo bar| foo#bar\nbaz|foo|baz| :-) ;-)|:-)|;-)| áéíóú|áéíóú| """ class ShlexTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = [x.split("|")[:-1] for x in data.splitlines()] self.posix_data = [x.split("|")[:-1] for x in posix_data.splitlines()] for item in item[0] = item[0].replace(r"\n", "\n") for item in self.posix_data: item[0] = item[0].replace(r"\n", "\n") def splitTest(self, data, comments): for i in range(len(data)): l = shlex.split(data[i][0], comments=comments) self.assertEqual(l, data[i][1:], "%s: %s != %s" % (data[i][0], l, data[i][1:])) def oldSplit(self, s): ret = [] lex = shlex.shlex(StringIO(s)) tok = lex.get_token() while tok: ret.append(tok) tok = lex.get_token() return ret def testSplitPosix(self): """Test data splitting with posix parser""" self.splitTest(self.posix_data, comments=True) def testCompat(self): """Test compatibility interface""" for i in range(len( l = self.oldSplit([i][0]) self.assertEqual(l,[i][1:], "%s: %s != %s" % ([i][0], l,[i][1:])) # Allow this test to be used with old if not getattr(shlex, "split", None): for methname in dir(ShlexTest): if methname.startswith("test") and methname != "testCompat": delattr(ShlexTest, methname) def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(ShlexTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()
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import random import time from FaustBot.Communication import Connection from FaustBot.Modules.PrivMsgObserverPrototype import PrivMsgObserverPrototype jokes = [['Was ist orange und geht über die Berge?' ,'Eine Wanderine.'] ,['Was ist orange und schaut durchs Schlüsselloch?' ,'Eine Spannderine.'] ,['Was ist violett und sitzt in der Kirche ganz vorne?' ,'Eine Frommbeere.'] ,['Was ist grün und liegt im Sarg?' ,'Ein Sterbschen.'] ,['Was ist bunt und läuft über den Tisch davon?' ,'Ein Fluchtsalat.'] ,['Was ist braun und schwimmt im Wasser?' ,'Ein U-Brot.'] ,['Was ist schwarz/weiß und hüpft von Eisscholle zu Eisscholle?' ,'Ein Springuin.'] ,['Was ist rot und sitzt auf dem WC?' ,'Eine Klomate!'] ,['Was ist braun und fährt einen verschneiten Hang hinunter?' ,'Ein Snowbrot.'] ,['Was ist braun und späht durchs Schlafzimmerfenster?' ,'Ein Spannzapfen.'] ,['Was ist weiß und springt im Wald umher?' ,'Ein Jumpignon.'] ,['Was ist braun, süß und rennt durch den Wald?' ,'Eine Joggolade.'] ,['Was ist braun und sitzt hinter Gittern?' ,'Eine Knastanie.'] ,['Was ist rot, rund und hat ein Maschinengewehr?' ,'Ein Rambodischen.'] ,['Was ist braun, knusprig und läuft mit dem Korb durch den Wald?' ,'Brotkäppchen.'] ,['Was ist braun, klebrig und läuft in der Wüste umher?' ,'Ein Karamel.'] ,['Was ist rot, sitzt in einer Konservendose und spielt Musik?' ,'Ein Radioli.'] ,['Was ist grün und radelt durch die Gegend?' ,'Eine Velone.'] ,['Was ist orange, tiefergelegt und hat einen Spoiler?' ,'Ein Mantarinchen'] ,['Was ist gelb, krumm und schwimmt auf dem Wasser?' ,'Eine Schwanane'] ,['Was ist orange und steckt traurig in der Erde?' ,'Ein Trübchen.'] ,['Was ist orange, sauer und kann keine Minute ruhig sitzen?' ,'Eine Zappelsine.'] ,['Was ist haarig und wird in der Pfanne frittiert?' ,'Bartkartoffeln.'] ,['Was ist gesund und kräftig und spielt den Beleidigten?' ,'Ein Schmollkornbrot.'] ,['Was steht im Schlafzimmer des Metzgers neben dem Bett?' ,'Ein Schlachttischlämpchen.'] ,['Was ist grün, sauer und versteckt sich vor der Polizei?' ,'Ein Essig-Schurke.'] ,['Was ist orange, rund und versteckt sich vor der Polizei?' ,'Ein Vandalinchen.'] ,['Was ist grün und schaut durchs Schlüsselloch?' ,'Ein Spionat'] ,['Was ist groß, grau und telefoniert aus Afrika?' ,'Ein Telefant.'] ,['Was ist gelb und flattert im Wind?' ,'Eine Fahnane.'] ,['Was ist grün und klopft an die Tür?' ,'Ein Klopfsalat.'] ,['Was ist braun, sehr zäh und fliegt umher?' ,'Eine Ledermaus.'] ,['Was macht "Muh" und hilft beim Anziehen?' ,'Ein Kuhlöffel.'] ,['Was ist viereckig, hat Noppen und einen Sprachfehler?' ,'Ein Legosteniker.'] ,['Was ist gelb und immer bekifft?' ,'Ein Bong-Frites.'] ,['Was ist grün, glücklich und hüpft von Grashalm zu Grashalm?' ,'Eine Freuschrecke.'] ,['Was ist ist braun, hat einen Beutel und hängt am Baum?' ,'Ein Hänguruh.'] ,['Was ist orange-rot und riskiert alles?' ,'Eine Mutorange'] ,['Was ist gelb, ölig und und sitzt in der Kirche in der ersten Reihe?' ,'Eine Frommfrites'] ,['Was ist grün und irrt durch Istanbul?' ,'Ein Gürke'] ,['Was ist hellbraun und hangelt sich von Tortenstück zu Tortenstück?' ,'Ein Tarzipan.'] ,['Was ist braun und klebt an der Wand?' ,'Ein Klebkuchen'] ,['Was ist rot und läuft die Straße auf und ab?' ,'Eine Hagenutte.'] ,['Was ist weiss und läuft die Straße auf und ab?' ,'Schneeflittchen.'] ,['Was ist grün und läuft die Straße auf und ab?' ,'Eine Frosch-tituierte.'] ,['Was ist braun und trägt Strapse?' ,'Ein Haselnüttchen.'] ,['Was ist gelb und steht frankiert und abgestempelt am Strassenrand?' ,'Eine Postituierte.'] ,['Was leuchtet und geht fremd?' ,'Ein Schlampion.'] ,['Was ist gelb und rutscht den Hang hinunter?' ,'Ein Cremeschlitten.'] ,['Was ist weiss und tanzt ums Feuer?' ,'Rumpelpilzchen.'] ,['Was ist weiss und liegt schnarchend auf der Wiese?' ,'Ein Schlaf.'] ,['Was ist gelb, saftig und sitzt bei jedem Fussballspiel vor dem Fernseher?' ,'Eine Fananas.'] ,['Was ist rosa und schwimmt im Wasser?' ,'Eine Meerjungsau.'] ,['Was ist durchsichtig, stinkt und es ist ihm alles egal?' ,'Ein Schnurz.'] ,['Was ist unordentlich und gibt Licht?' ,'Eine Schlampe.'] ,['Was ist blöd, süß und bunt?' ,'Ein Dummibärchen.'] ,['Was trägt einen Frack und hilft im Haushalt?' ,'Ein Diener Schnitzel.'] ,['Was ist silbrig, sticht und hat Spass daran?' ,'Eine Sadistel.'] ,['Was ist gelb und kann schießen?' ,'Eine Banone'] ,['Was kommt nach Elch?' ,'Zwölch'] ,['Was liegt am Strand und spricht undeutlich?' ,'Eine Nuschel'] ,['Was hüpft über die Wiese und raucht?' ,'Ein Kaminchen'] ,['Was ist knusprig und liegt unterm Baum?' ,'Schattenplätzle'] ,['Kleines Schwein das nach Hilfe schreit?' ,'Ein Notrufsäule'] ,['Was liegt am Strand und hat Schnupfen?' ,'Eine Niesmuschel'] ,['Was ist ein Cowboy ohne Pferd?' ,'Ein Sattelschlepper'] ,['Was ist grün und trägt Kopftuch?' ,'Eine Gürkin'] ,['Was ist rot und sitzt unterm Tisch?' ,'Ne Paprikantin'] ,['Was ist schwarz-weiß und kommt nicht vom Fleck?' ,'Ein Klebra'] ,['Was ist rosa, quiekt und wird zum Hausbau verwendet?' ,'Ein Ziegelschwein'] ,['Wer ist bei jeder Wanderung betrunken?' ,'Der Schlucksack'] ,['Was ist rot und wiehert?' ,'Die Pferdbeere'] ,['Was ist weiß, blau, grün und steht auf der Wiese?' ,'Eine Schlumpfdotterblume'] ,['Was kaut und hat immer Verspätung?' ,'Die Essbahn'] ,['Was fährt unter der Erde und macht Muh?' ,'Die Kuhbahn'] ,['Was wühlt den Himmel auf?' ,'Ein Pflugzeug'] ,['Welche Frucht wächst im Gerichtssaal?' ,'Advokado'] ,['Wie nennt man einen “scharfen” Mann mit Kilt?' ,'Chilischotte'] ,['Was lebt im Meer und kann gut rechnen?' ,'Der Octoplus'] ,['Was ist tiefergelegt und schwimmt unter wasser?' ,'Der Tunefisch'] ,['Was ist unter der Erde und stinkt?' ,'Eine Furzel'] ,['Von was wird man nachts beobachtet?' ,'Vom Spannbettlaken'] ,['Wo wohnen die meisten Katzen?' ,'Im Miezhaus'] ,['Warum ging der Luftballon kaputt?' ,'Aus Platzgründen'] ,['Wie nennt man einen ausgehungerten Frosch?' ,'Magerquak'] ,['Was macht ein Dieb im Zirkus?' ,'Clown'] ,['Was macht ein Clown im Büro?' ,'Faxen'] ,['Wie nennt man eine Zauberin in der Wüste?' ,'Sand Witch'] ,['Wo betrinkt sich eine Mücke?' ,'In Sekt'] ,['Warum können Seeräuber keine Kreise berechnen?' ,'Weil sie pi raten'] ,['Was sitzt in der Savanne und wäscht sich?' ,'Die Hygiäne'] ,['Was sitzt im Dschungel und spielt unfair?' ,'Mogli'] ,['Wie nennt man den Paarungsruf von Leutstofflampen?' ,'Neonröhren']] class JokeObserver(PrivMsgObserverPrototype): @staticmethod def cmd(): return [".joke"] @staticmethod def help(): return ".joke erzählt einen Flachwitz" def update_on_priv_msg(self, data: dict, connection: Connection): if data['message'].find('.joke') == -1: return joke = random.choice(jokes) connection.send_back(joke[0], data) time.sleep(30) connection.send_back(joke[1], data)
[ 646, 2196, 199, 646, 900, 199, 504, 10859, 833, 14026, 14, 27258, 425, 492, 8113, 199, 504, 10859, 833, 14026, 14, 17981, 14, 4562, 86, 6173, 22715, 25565, 492, 8538, 86, 6173, 22715, 25565, 199, 199, 743, 9246, 275, 11194, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 2312, 517, 13333, 121, 605, 18833, 699, 8042, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 644, 11438, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 308, 335, 6898, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 76, 17709, 83, 5891, 320, 335, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 8360, 1189, 424, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 1321, 79, 22784, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 315, 16921, 1804, 723, 595, 486, 290, 90, 373, 269, 685, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 11606, 887, 1024, 264, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 1212, 69, 3308, 3416, 428, 1273, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 351, 1533, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 330, 638, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 13333, 121, 605, 5376, 377, 374, 335, 366, 1214, 265, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 11040, 2133, 1086, 279, 292, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 308, 335, 14249, 596, 84, 3416, 644, 305, 332, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 738, 13, 34, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 308, 335, 3281, 90, 15, 21431, 128, 254, 625, 68, 394, 17709, 80, 856, 373, 265, 662, 374, 15820, 393, 274, 1315, 85, 662, 374, 15820, 393, 274, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 2700, 14659, 262, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 282, 1286, 28548, 644, 35, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1804, 320, 17684, 1, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 289, 13733, 72, 2591, 325, 262, 287, 809, 15820, 685, 25840, 869, 621, 394, 262, 7867, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 2131, 66, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 2249, 13733, 517, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 416, 70, 90, 1017, 2626, 70, 8764, 351, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 8360, 1189, 24568, 70, 287, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 781, 73, 128, 254, 625, 68, 2249, 5985, 84, 3416, 644, 27075, 28236, 2523, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 1603, 1220, 1030, 265, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 308, 17709, 128, 254, 625, 68, 2903, 343, 366, 300, 335, 5376, 644, 27075, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1603, 24798, 393, 9587, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 394, 1058, 12579, 1203, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1804, 78, 1810, 290, 1873, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 12, 519, 725, 625, 68, 394, 292, 325, 262, 603, 305, 335, 262, 287, 303, 1129, 6271, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 820, 455, 656, 2297, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 1022, 78, 527, 1359, 71, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 30714, 28548, 1804, 269, 66, 366, 300, 335, 5376, 644, 27075, 14069, 199, 2584, 34, 293, 2663, 13733, 802, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 1022, 274, 9660, 71, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 315, 16921, 644, 17709, 1597, 28236, 2523, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 1804, 285, 14868, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 12, 13867, 90, 84, 315, 325, 16187, 1804, 265, 7297, 500, 3362, 625, 68, 19441, 15330, 28919, 338, 75, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 13514, 317, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 660, 2264, 84, 366, 300, 335, 18833, 5346, 71, 500, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 812, 352, 368, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 3367, 69, 2412, 303, 274, 3308, 625, 68, 394, 292, 325, 262, 287, 428, 555, 3566, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 603, 867, 285, 262, 24604, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 2312, 6374, 12, 1022, 28430, 77, 625, 68, 308, 335, 14249, 596, 84, 282, 1286, 28548, 644, 305, 332, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 22985, 20444, 5865, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 20345, 346, 84, 1468, 300, 528, 315, 16921, 221, 539, 271, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 28814, 17709, 66, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 2937, 14262, 625, 68, 1022, 1189, 10074, 1132, 10195, 938, 519, 22451, 528, 13867, 5193, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 3107, 31711, 478, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 18251, 285, 528, 625, 68, 336, 5428, 315, 16921, 510, 12269, 685, 289, 11133, 13949, 84, 14069, 199, 2584, 34, 580, 75, 285, 475, 556, 352, 78, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 2312, 83, 725, 625, 68, 1022, 82, 13733, 15141, 71, 625, 68, 19441, 15330, 5376, 6423, 274, 9897, 71, 724, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 22985, 77, 14385, 75, 269, 4994, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 20345, 517, 3416, 22985, 416, 70, 90, 1017, 2626, 18618, 10072, 90, 31988, 1279, 18486, 28548, 31535, 84, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 22985, 416, 335, 84, 280, 15820, 76, 13733, 311, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 12, 2937, 14262, 625, 68, 809, 1597, 346, 84, 308, 1158, 373, 269, 16921, 4376, 13559, 73, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 662, 83, 4093, 13, 31936, 300, 415, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 519, 725, 625, 68, 809, 1597, 346, 84, 308, 1158, 373, 269, 16921, 4376, 13559, 73, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 812, 460, 279, 262, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 308, 335, 6898, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 76, 17709, 83, 5891, 320, 335, 14069 ]
[ 2196, 199, 646, 900, 199, 504, 10859, 833, 14026, 14, 27258, 425, 492, 8113, 199, 504, 10859, 833, 14026, 14, 17981, 14, 4562, 86, 6173, 22715, 25565, 492, 8538, 86, 6173, 22715, 25565, 199, 199, 743, 9246, 275, 11194, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 2312, 517, 13333, 121, 605, 18833, 699, 8042, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 644, 11438, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 308, 335, 6898, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 76, 17709, 83, 5891, 320, 335, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 8360, 1189, 424, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 1321, 79, 22784, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 315, 16921, 1804, 723, 595, 486, 290, 90, 373, 269, 685, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 11606, 887, 1024, 264, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 1212, 69, 3308, 3416, 428, 1273, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 351, 1533, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 330, 638, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 13333, 121, 605, 5376, 377, 374, 335, 366, 1214, 265, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 11040, 2133, 1086, 279, 292, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 308, 335, 14249, 596, 84, 3416, 644, 305, 332, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 738, 13, 34, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 308, 335, 3281, 90, 15, 21431, 128, 254, 625, 68, 394, 17709, 80, 856, 373, 265, 662, 374, 15820, 393, 274, 1315, 85, 662, 374, 15820, 393, 274, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 2700, 14659, 262, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 282, 1286, 28548, 644, 35, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1804, 320, 17684, 1, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 289, 13733, 72, 2591, 325, 262, 287, 809, 15820, 685, 25840, 869, 621, 394, 262, 7867, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 428, 2131, 66, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 2249, 13733, 517, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 416, 70, 90, 1017, 2626, 70, 8764, 351, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 8360, 1189, 24568, 70, 287, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 781, 73, 128, 254, 625, 68, 2249, 5985, 84, 3416, 644, 27075, 28236, 2523, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 1603, 1220, 1030, 265, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 308, 17709, 128, 254, 625, 68, 2903, 343, 366, 300, 335, 5376, 644, 27075, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1603, 24798, 393, 9587, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 625, 68, 13867, 90, 84, 394, 1058, 12579, 1203, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 1804, 78, 1810, 290, 1873, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 12, 519, 725, 625, 68, 394, 292, 325, 262, 603, 305, 335, 262, 287, 303, 1129, 6271, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 820, 455, 656, 2297, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 1022, 78, 527, 1359, 71, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 30714, 28548, 1804, 269, 66, 366, 300, 335, 5376, 644, 27075, 14069, 199, 2584, 34, 293, 2663, 13733, 802, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 11137, 324, 12, 1022, 274, 9660, 71, 625, 68, 634, 13733, 85, 856, 315, 16921, 644, 17709, 1597, 28236, 2523, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 1804, 285, 14868, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7513, 12, 13867, 90, 84, 315, 325, 16187, 1804, 265, 7297, 500, 3362, 625, 68, 19441, 15330, 28919, 338, 75, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 13514, 317, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 660, 2264, 84, 366, 300, 335, 18833, 5346, 71, 500, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 812, 352, 368, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 3367, 69, 2412, 303, 274, 3308, 625, 68, 394, 292, 325, 262, 287, 428, 555, 3566, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 603, 867, 285, 262, 24604, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 2312, 6374, 12, 1022, 28430, 77, 625, 68, 308, 335, 14249, 596, 84, 282, 1286, 28548, 644, 305, 332, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 22985, 20444, 5865, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 625, 68, 20345, 346, 84, 1468, 300, 528, 315, 16921, 221, 539, 271, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 28814, 17709, 66, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 2937, 14262, 625, 68, 1022, 1189, 10074, 1132, 10195, 938, 519, 22451, 528, 13867, 5193, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 1132, 3107, 31711, 478, 1132, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 18251, 285, 528, 625, 68, 336, 5428, 315, 16921, 510, 12269, 685, 289, 11133, 13949, 84, 14069, 199, 2584, 34, 580, 75, 285, 475, 556, 352, 78, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 2312, 83, 725, 625, 68, 1022, 82, 13733, 15141, 71, 625, 68, 19441, 15330, 5376, 6423, 274, 9897, 71, 724, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 22985, 77, 14385, 75, 269, 4994, 4571, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 20345, 517, 3416, 22985, 416, 70, 90, 1017, 2626, 18618, 10072, 90, 31988, 1279, 18486, 28548, 31535, 84, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 22985, 416, 335, 84, 280, 15820, 76, 13733, 311, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 12, 2937, 14262, 625, 68, 809, 1597, 346, 84, 308, 1158, 373, 269, 16921, 4376, 13559, 73, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 662, 83, 4093, 13, 31936, 300, 415, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 29713, 12, 519, 725, 625, 68, 809, 1597, 346, 84, 308, 1158, 373, 269, 16921, 4376, 13559, 73, 14069, 199, 2584, 37, 262, 812, 460, 279, 262, 24604, 14, 418, 199, 12, 459, 55, 305, 284, 270, 7192, 17709, 78, 625, 68, 308, 335, 6898, 366, 300, 32556, 22985, 76, 17709, 83, 5891, 320, 335, 14069, 0 ]
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# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # Bring in all of the public TensorFlow interface into this # module. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.util.lazy_loader import LazyLoader contrib = LazyLoader('contrib', globals(), 'tensorflow.contrib') del LazyLoader from tensorflow.python.platform import flags # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top from tensorflow.python.platform import app # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top app.flags = flags del absolute_import del division del print_function # These symbols appear because we import the python package which # in turn imports from tensorflow.core and tensorflow.python. They # must come from this module. So python adds these symbols for the # resolution to succeed. # pylint: disable=undefined-variable del python del core # pylint: enable=undefined-variable
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# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import cint, flt, cstr from frappe import msgprint, _ import frappe.defaults from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import AccountsController from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries, delete_gl_entries, process_gl_map class StockController(AccountsController): def make_gl_entries(self, repost_future_gle=True): if self.docstatus == 2: delete_gl_entries(voucher_type=self.doctype, if cint(frappe.defaults.get_global_default("auto_accounting_for_stock")): warehouse_account = get_warehouse_account() if self.docstatus==1: gl_entries = self.get_gl_entries(warehouse_account) make_gl_entries(gl_entries) if repost_future_gle: items, warehouses = self.get_items_and_warehouses() update_gl_entries_after(self.posting_date, self.posting_time, warehouses, items, warehouse_account) def get_gl_entries(self, warehouse_account=None, default_expense_account=None, default_cost_center=None): if not warehouse_account: warehouse_account = get_warehouse_account() sle_map = self.get_stock_ledger_details() voucher_details = self.get_voucher_details(default_expense_account, default_cost_center, sle_map) gl_list = [] warehouse_with_no_account = [] for detail in voucher_details: sle_list = sle_map.get( if sle_list: for sle in sle_list: if warehouse_account.get(sle.warehouse): # from warehouse account self.check_expense_account(detail) gl_list.append(self.get_gl_dict({ "account": warehouse_account[sle.warehouse], "against": detail.expense_account, "cost_center": detail.cost_center, "remarks": self.get("remarks") or "Accounting Entry for Stock", "debit": flt(sle.stock_value_difference, 2) })) # to target warehouse / expense account gl_list.append(self.get_gl_dict({ "account": detail.expense_account, "against": warehouse_account[sle.warehouse], "cost_center": detail.cost_center, "remarks": self.get("remarks") or "Accounting Entry for Stock", "credit": flt(sle.stock_value_difference, 2) })) elif sle.warehouse not in warehouse_with_no_account: warehouse_with_no_account.append(sle.warehouse) if warehouse_with_no_account: msgprint(_("No accounting entries for the following warehouses") + ": \n" + "\n".join(warehouse_with_no_account)) return process_gl_map(gl_list) def get_voucher_details(self, default_expense_account, default_cost_center, sle_map): if self.doctype == "Stock Reconciliation": return [frappe._dict({ "name": voucher_detail_no, "expense_account": default_expense_account, "cost_center": default_cost_center }) for voucher_detail_no, sle in sle_map.items()] else: details = self.get("items") if default_expense_account or default_cost_center: for d in details: if default_expense_account and not d.get("expense_account"): d.expense_account = default_expense_account if default_cost_center and not d.get("cost_center"): d.cost_center = default_cost_center return details def get_items_and_warehouses(self): items, warehouses = [], [] if hasattr(self, "items"): item_doclist = self.get("items") elif self.doctype == "Stock Reconciliation": import json item_doclist = [] data = json.loads(self.reconciliation_json) for row in data[data.index(self.head_row)+1:]: d = frappe._dict(zip(["item_code", "warehouse", "qty", "valuation_rate"], row)) item_doclist.append(d) if item_doclist: for d in item_doclist: if d.item_code and d.item_code not in items: items.append(d.item_code) if d.get("warehouse") and d.warehouse not in warehouses: warehouses.append(d.warehouse) if self.doctype == "Stock Entry": if d.get("s_warehouse") and d.s_warehouse not in warehouses: warehouses.append(d.s_warehouse) if d.get("t_warehouse") and d.t_warehouse not in warehouses: warehouses.append(d.t_warehouse) return items, warehouses def get_stock_ledger_details(self): stock_ledger = {} for sle in frappe.db.sql("""select warehouse, stock_value_difference, voucher_detail_no, item_code, posting_date, actual_qty from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s""", (self.doctype,, as_dict=True): stock_ledger.setdefault(sle.voucher_detail_no, []).append(sle) return stock_ledger def make_adjustment_entry(self, expected_gle, voucher_obj): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_stock_and_account_difference account_list = [d.account for d in expected_gle] acc_diff = get_stock_and_account_difference(account_list, expected_gle[0].posting_date) cost_center = self.get_company_default("cost_center") stock_adjustment_account = self.get_company_default("stock_adjustment_account") gl_entries = [] for account, diff in acc_diff.items(): if diff: gl_entries.append([ # stock in hand account voucher_obj.get_gl_dict({ "account": account, "against": stock_adjustment_account, "debit": diff, "remarks": "Adjustment Accounting Entry for Stock", }), # account against stock in hand voucher_obj.get_gl_dict({ "account": stock_adjustment_account, "against": account, "credit": diff, "cost_center": cost_center or None, "remarks": "Adjustment Accounting Entry for Stock", }), ]) if gl_entries: from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries make_gl_entries(gl_entries) def check_expense_account(self, item): if not item.get("expense_account"): frappe.throw(_("Expense or Difference account is mandatory for Item {0} as it impacts overall stock value").format(item.item_code)) else: is_expense_account = frappe.db.get_value("Account", item.get("expense_account"), "report_type")=="Profit and Loss" if self.doctype not in ("Purchase Receipt", "Stock Reconciliation", "Stock Entry") and not is_expense_account: frappe.throw(_("Expense / Difference account ({0}) must be a 'Profit or Loss' account") .format(item.get("expense_account"))) if is_expense_account and not item.get("cost_center"): frappe.throw(_("{0} {1}: Cost Center is mandatory for Item {2}").format( _(self.doctype),, item.get("item_code"))) def get_sl_entries(self, d, args): sl_dict = frappe._dict({ "item_code": d.get("item_code", None), "warehouse": d.get("warehouse", None), "posting_date": self.posting_date, "posting_time": self.posting_time, "voucher_type": self.doctype, "voucher_no":, "voucher_detail_no":, "actual_qty": (self.docstatus==1 and 1 or -1)*flt(d.get("stock_qty")), "stock_uom": d.get("stock_uom"), "incoming_rate": 0, "company":, "fiscal_year": self.fiscal_year, "batch_no": cstr(d.get("batch_no")).strip(), "serial_no": d.get("serial_no"), "project": d.get("project_name"), "is_cancelled": self.docstatus==2 and "Yes" or "No" }) sl_dict.update(args) return sl_dict def make_sl_entries(self, sl_entries, is_amended=None, allow_negative_stock=False): from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import make_sl_entries make_sl_entries(sl_entries, is_amended, allow_negative_stock) def make_gl_entries_on_cancel(self): if frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s""", (self.doctype, self.make_gl_entries() def get_serialized_items(self): serialized_items = [] item_codes = list(set([d.item_code for d in self.get("items")])) if item_codes: serialized_items = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabItem` where has_serial_no='Yes' and name in ({})""".format(", ".join(["%s"]*len(item_codes))), tuple(item_codes)) return serialized_items def update_gl_entries_after(posting_date, posting_time, for_warehouses=None, for_items=None, warehouse_account=None): def _delete_gl_entries(voucher_type, voucher_no): frappe.db.sql("""delete from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s""", (voucher_type, voucher_no)) if not warehouse_account: warehouse_account = get_warehouse_account() future_stock_vouchers = get_future_stock_vouchers(posting_date, posting_time, for_warehouses, for_items) gle = get_voucherwise_gl_entries(future_stock_vouchers, posting_date) for voucher_type, voucher_no in future_stock_vouchers: existing_gle = gle.get((voucher_type, voucher_no), []) voucher_obj = frappe.get_doc(voucher_type, voucher_no) expected_gle = voucher_obj.get_gl_entries(warehouse_account) if expected_gle: if not existing_gle or not compare_existing_and_expected_gle(existing_gle, expected_gle): _delete_gl_entries(voucher_type, voucher_no) voucher_obj.make_gl_entries(repost_future_gle=False) else: _delete_gl_entries(voucher_type, voucher_no) def compare_existing_and_expected_gle(existing_gle, expected_gle): matched = True for entry in expected_gle: for e in existing_gle: if entry.account==e.account and entry.against_account==e.against_account \ and (not entry.cost_center or not e.cost_center or entry.cost_center==e.cost_center) \ and (entry.debit != e.debit or != matched = False break return matched def get_future_stock_vouchers(posting_date, posting_time, for_warehouses=None, for_items=None): future_stock_vouchers = [] values = [] condition = "" if for_items: condition += " and item_code in ({})".format(", ".join(["%s"] * len(for_items))) values += for_items if for_warehouses: condition += " and warehouse in ({})".format(", ".join(["%s"] * len(for_warehouses))) values += for_warehouses for d in frappe.db.sql("""select distinct sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no from `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle where timestamp(sle.posting_date, sle.posting_time) >= timestamp(%s, %s) {condition} order by timestamp(sle.posting_date, sle.posting_time) asc, name asc""".format(condition=condition), tuple([posting_date, posting_time] + values), as_dict=True): future_stock_vouchers.append([d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no]) return future_stock_vouchers def get_voucherwise_gl_entries(future_stock_vouchers, posting_date): gl_entries = {} if future_stock_vouchers: for d in frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabGL Entry` where posting_date >= %s and voucher_no in (%s)""" % ('%s', ', '.join(['%s']*len(future_stock_vouchers))), tuple([posting_date] + [d[1] for d in future_stock_vouchers]), as_dict=1): gl_entries.setdefault((d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no), []).append(d) return gl_entries def get_warehouse_account(): warehouse_account = dict(frappe.db.sql("""select warehouse, name from tabAccount where account_type = 'Warehouse' and ifnull(warehouse, '') != ''""")) return warehouse_account
[ 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6900, 12, 481, 5034, 19215, 29053, 14, 12126, 14, 436, 23212, 199, 3, 844, 26, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 373, 19, 14, 1666, 4190, 14, 2424, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 2649, 63, 5955, 199, 646, 6950, 199, 504, 6950, 14, 1208, 492, 286, 442, 12, 17166, 12, 286, 495, 199, 504, 6950, 492, 1499, 1361, 12, 485, 199, 646, 6950, 14, 4322, 199, 199, 504, 29106, 14, 20531, 14, 8370, 63, 5538, 492, 4473, 6851, 7506, 199, 504, 29106, 14, 8370, 14, 10706, 63, 28771, 492, 1852, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 12, 3145, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 12, 2112, 63, 3528, 63, 1130, 199, 199, 533, 28406, 7506, 8, 30682, 7506, 304, 199, 198, 318, 1852, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 277, 12, 295, 1932, 63, 2443, 63, 3845, 29, 549, 304, 507, 198, 692, 291, 14, 30461, 508, 499, 26, 686, 198, 1807, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 16637, 63, 466, 29, 277, 14, 6356, 12, 17866, 63, 889, 29, 277, 14, 354, 9, 2742, 198, 692, 286, 442, 8, 9098, 14, 4322, 14, 362, 63, 2966, 63, 885, 480, 2495, 63, 21609, 63, 509, 63, 6088, 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63, 2048, 430, 2742, 198, 1107, 2112, 63, 3528, 63, 1130, 8, 3528, 63, 513, 9, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 16637, 63, 5087, 8, 277, 12, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 12, 26220, 63, 1130, 304, 507, 198, 692, 291, 14, 6356, 508, 298, 17103, 799, 388, 29685, 582, 686, 198, 1107, 359, 9098, 423, 807, 2561, 298, 354, 582, 17866, 63, 5506, 63, 889, 12, 298, 16886, 63, 2048, 582, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 1585, 198, 2, 6336, 63, 4218, 582, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 3828, 367, 17866, 63, 5506, 63, 889, 12, 26220, 315, 26220, 63, 1130, 14, 1744, 5106, 507, 198, 2836, 26, 686, 198, 5087, 275, 291, 14, 362, 480, 1744, 531, 6319, 198, 692, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 503, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 26, 1585, 198, 509, 366, 315, 2436, 26, 1871, 198, 692, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 436, 440, 366, 14, 362, 480, 16886, 63, 2048, 2349, 4671, 198, 68, 14, 16886, 63, 2048, 275, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 1871, 198, 692, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 436, 440, 366, 14, 362, 480, 6336, 63, 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[ 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6900, 12, 481, 5034, 19215, 29053, 14, 12126, 14, 436, 23212, 199, 3, 844, 26, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 373, 19, 14, 1666, 4190, 14, 2424, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 2649, 63, 5955, 199, 646, 6950, 199, 504, 6950, 14, 1208, 492, 286, 442, 12, 17166, 12, 286, 495, 199, 504, 6950, 492, 1499, 1361, 12, 485, 199, 646, 6950, 14, 4322, 199, 199, 504, 29106, 14, 20531, 14, 8370, 63, 5538, 492, 4473, 6851, 7506, 199, 504, 29106, 14, 8370, 14, 10706, 63, 28771, 492, 1852, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 12, 3145, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 12, 2112, 63, 3528, 63, 1130, 199, 199, 533, 28406, 7506, 8, 30682, 7506, 304, 199, 198, 318, 1852, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 277, 12, 295, 1932, 63, 2443, 63, 3845, 29, 549, 304, 507, 198, 692, 291, 14, 30461, 508, 499, 26, 686, 198, 1807, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 16637, 63, 466, 29, 277, 14, 6356, 12, 17866, 63, 889, 29, 277, 14, 354, 9, 2742, 198, 692, 286, 442, 8, 9098, 14, 4322, 14, 362, 63, 2966, 63, 885, 480, 2495, 63, 21609, 63, 509, 63, 6088, 14150, 686, 198, 12806, 63, 2048, 275, 664, 63, 12806, 63, 2048, 342, 6319, 198, 692, 291, 14, 30461, 389, 17, 26, 1585, 198, 3528, 63, 3189, 275, 291, 14, 362, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 12806, 63, 2048, 9, 1585, 198, 1875, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 3528, 63, 3189, 9, 6319, 198, 692, 295, 1932, 63, 2443, 63, 3845, 26, 1585, 198, 1744, 12, 336, 1530, 526, 5589, 275, 291, 14, 362, 63, 1744, 63, 460, 63, 1068, 526, 5589, 342, 1585, 198, 873, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 63, 4399, 8, 277, 14, 23980, 63, 602, 12, 291, 14, 23980, 63, 521, 12, 336, 1530, 526, 5589, 12, 2974, 12, 1871, 198, 12806, 63, 2048, 9, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 3528, 63, 3189, 8, 277, 12, 13782, 63, 2048, 29, 403, 12, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 29, 403, 12, 686, 198, 885, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 29, 403, 304, 2742, 198, 692, 440, 13782, 63, 2048, 26, 686, 198, 12806, 63, 2048, 275, 664, 63, 12806, 63, 2048, 342, 2742, 198, 23042, 63, 1130, 275, 291, 14, 362, 63, 6088, 63, 28771, 63, 5087, 342, 507, 198, 16637, 63, 5087, 275, 291, 14, 362, 63, 16637, 63, 5087, 8, 885, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 12, 26220, 63, 1130, 9, 2742, 198, 3528, 63, 513, 275, 942, 507, 198, 12806, 63, 1045, 63, 889, 63, 2048, 275, 942, 507, 198, 509, 10093, 315, 17866, 63, 5087, 26, 686, 198, 23042, 63, 513, 275, 26220, 63, 1130, 14, 362, 8, 5506, 14, 354, 9, 686, 198, 692, 26220, 63, 513, 26, 1585, 198, 509, 26220, 315, 26220, 63, 513, 26, 1871, 198, 692, 13782, 63, 2048, 14, 362, 8, 23042, 14, 12806, 304, 4671, 198, 3, 687, 13782, 2933, 6319, 9622, 198, 277, 14, 1074, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 8, 5506, 9, 6319, 9622, 198, 3528, 63, 513, 14, 740, 8, 277, 14, 362, 63, 3528, 63, 807, 2561, 5264, 198, 2, 2048, 582, 13782, 63, 2048, 59, 23042, 14, 12806, 467, 5264, 198, 2, 17777, 582, 10093, 14, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 5264, 198, 2, 6336, 63, 4218, 582, 10093, 14, 6336, 63, 4218, 12, 5264, 198, 2, 264, 10375, 582, 291, 14, 362, 480, 264, 10375, 531, 503, 298, 6009, 316, 11855, 367, 28406, 401, 5264, 198, 2, 12964, 582, 17166, 8, 23042, 14, 6088, 63, 585, 63, 9196, 12, 499, 9, 4671, 198, 12466, 6319, 9622, 198, 3, 370, 1347, 13782, 1182, 26963, 2933, 4671, 198, 3528, 63, 513, 14, 740, 8, 277, 14, 362, 63, 3528, 63, 807, 2561, 5264, 198, 2, 2048, 582, 10093, 14, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 5264, 198, 2, 17777, 582, 13782, 63, 2048, 59, 23042, 14, 12806, 467, 5264, 198, 2, 6336, 63, 4218, 582, 10093, 14, 6336, 63, 4218, 12, 5264, 198, 2, 264, 10375, 582, 291, 14, 362, 480, 264, 10375, 531, 503, 298, 6009, 316, 11855, 367, 28406, 401, 5264, 198, 2, 9365, 582, 17166, 8, 23042, 14, 6088, 63, 585, 63, 9196, 12, 499, 9, 4671, 198, 12466, 1871, 198, 4164, 26220, 14, 12806, 440, 315, 13782, 63, 1045, 63, 889, 63, 2048, 26, 4671, 198, 12806, 63, 1045, 63, 889, 63, 2048, 14, 740, 8, 23042, 14, 12806, 9, 2742, 198, 692, 13782, 63, 1045, 63, 889, 63, 2048, 26, 686, 198, 1328, 1361, 6115, 1944, 24772, 4811, 367, 314, 2569, 336, 1530, 526, 5589, 531, 435, 7244, 971, 78, 2, 435, 1585, 198, 3212, 78, 1674, 904, 8, 12806, 63, 1045, 63, 889, 63, 2048, 430, 2742, 198, 1107, 2112, 63, 3528, 63, 1130, 8, 3528, 63, 513, 9, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 16637, 63, 5087, 8, 277, 12, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 12, 26220, 63, 1130, 304, 507, 198, 692, 291, 14, 6356, 508, 298, 17103, 799, 388, 29685, 582, 686, 198, 1107, 359, 9098, 423, 807, 2561, 298, 354, 582, 17866, 63, 5506, 63, 889, 12, 298, 16886, 63, 2048, 582, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 12, 1585, 198, 2, 6336, 63, 4218, 582, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 3828, 367, 17866, 63, 5506, 63, 889, 12, 26220, 315, 26220, 63, 1130, 14, 1744, 5106, 507, 198, 2836, 26, 686, 198, 5087, 275, 291, 14, 362, 480, 1744, 531, 6319, 198, 692, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 503, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 26, 1585, 198, 509, 366, 315, 2436, 26, 1871, 198, 692, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 436, 440, 366, 14, 362, 480, 16886, 63, 2048, 2349, 4671, 198, 68, 14, 16886, 63, 2048, 275, 849, 63, 16886, 63, 2048, 1871, 198, 692, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 436, 440, 366, 14, 362, 480, 6336, 63, 4218, 2349, 4671, 198, 68, 14, 6336, 63, 4218, 275, 849, 63, 6336, 63, 4218, 6319, 198, 1107, 2436, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 1744, 63, 460, 63, 1068, 526, 5589, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 1744, 12, 336, 1530, 526, 5589, 275, 990, 942, 2742, 198, 0 ]
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"""Utilities for enumeration of finite and countably infinite sets. """ ### # Countable iteration # Simplifies some calculations class Aleph0(int): _singleton = None def __new__(type): if type._singleton is None: type._singleton = int.__new__(type) return type._singleton def __repr__(self): return '<aleph0>' def __str__(self): return 'inf' def __cmp__(self, b): return 1 def __sub__(self, b): raise ValueError,"Cannot subtract aleph0" __rsub__ = __sub__ def __add__(self, b): return self __radd__ = __add__ def __mul__(self, b): if b == 0: return b return self __rmul__ = __mul__ def __floordiv__(self, b): if b == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError return self __rfloordiv__ = __floordiv__ __truediv__ = __floordiv__ __rtuediv__ = __floordiv__ __div__ = __floordiv__ __rdiv__ = __floordiv__ def __pow__(self, b): if b == 0: return 1 return self aleph0 = Aleph0() def base(line): return line*(line+1)//2 def pairToN((x,y)): line,index = x+y,y return base(line)+index def getNthPairInfo(N): # Avoid various singularities if N==0: return (0,0) # Gallop to find bounds for line line = 1 next = 2 while base(next)<=N: line = next next = line << 1 # Binary search for starting line lo = line hi = line<<1 while lo + 1 != hi: #assert base(lo) <= N < base(hi) mid = (lo + hi)>>1 if base(mid)<=N: lo = mid else: hi = mid line = lo return line, N - base(line) def getNthPair(N): line,index = getNthPairInfo(N) return (line - index, index) def getNthPairBounded(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False): """getNthPairBounded(N, W, H) -> (x, y) Return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H.""" if W <= 0 or H <= 0: raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds" elif N >= W*H: raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)" # Simple case... if W is aleph0 and H is aleph0: return getNthPair(N) # Otherwise simplify by assuming W < H if H < W: x,y = getNthPairBounded(N,H,W,useDivmod=useDivmod) return y,x if useDivmod: return N%W,N//W else: # Conceptually we want to slide a diagonal line across a # rectangle. This gives more interesting results for large # bounds than using divmod. # If in lower left, just return as usual cornerSize = base(W) if N < cornerSize: return getNthPair(N) # Otherwise if in upper right, subtract from corner if H is not aleph0: M = W*H - N - 1 if M < cornerSize: x,y = getNthPair(M) return (W-1-x,H-1-y) # Otherwise, compile line and index from number of times we # wrap. N = N - cornerSize index,offset = N%W,N//W # p = (W-1, 1+offset) + (-1,1)*index return (W-1-index, 1+offset+index) def getNthPairBoundedChecked(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False,GNP=getNthPairBounded): x,y = GNP(N,W,H,useDivmod) assert 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H return x,y def getNthNTuple(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False): """getNthNTuple(N, W, H) -> (x_0, x_1, ..., x_W) Return the N-th W-tuple, where for 0 <= x_i < H.""" if useLeftToRight: elts = [None]*W for i in range(W): elts[i],N = getNthPairBounded(N, H) return tuple(elts) else: if W==0: return () elif W==1: return (N,) elif W==2: return getNthPairBounded(N, H, H) else: LW,RW = W//2, W - (W//2) L,R = getNthPairBounded(N, H**LW, H**RW) return (getNthNTuple(L,LW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight) + getNthNTuple(R,RW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight)) def getNthNTupleChecked(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthNTuple): t = GNT(N,W,H,useLeftToRight) assert len(t) == W for i in t: assert i < H return t def getNthTuple(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0, useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False): """getNthTuple(N, maxSize, maxElement) -> x Return the N-th tuple where len(x) < maxSize and for y in x, 0 <= y < maxElement.""" # All zero sized tuples are isomorphic, don't ya know. if N == 0: return () N -= 1 if maxElement is not aleph0: if maxSize is aleph0: raise NotImplementedError,'Max element size without max size unhandled' bounds = [maxElement**i for i in range(1, maxSize+1)] S,M = getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds) else: S,M = getNthPairBounded(N, maxSize, useDivmod=useDivmod) return getNthNTuple(M, S+1, maxElement, useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight) def getNthTupleChecked(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0, useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthTuple): # FIXME: maxsize is inclusive t = GNT(N,maxSize,maxElement,useDivmod,useLeftToRight) assert len(t) <= maxSize for i in t: assert i < maxElement return t def getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds): """getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds) -> (x, y) Given a finite list of bounds (which may be finite or aleph0), return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y < bounds[x].""" if not bounds: raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds" if not (0 <= N < sum(bounds)): raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)" level = 0 active = range(len(bounds)) active.sort(key=lambda i: bounds[i]) prevLevel = 0 for i,index in enumerate(active): level = bounds[index] W = len(active) - i if level is aleph0: H = aleph0 else: H = level - prevLevel levelSize = W*H if N<levelSize: # Found the level idelta,delta = getNthPairBounded(N, W, H) return active[i+idelta],prevLevel+delta else: N -= levelSize prevLevel = level else: raise RuntimError,"Unexpected loop completion" def getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked(N, bounds, GNVP=getNthPairVariableBounds): x,y = GNVP(N,bounds) assert 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y < bounds[x] return (x,y) ### def testPairs(): W = 3 H = 6 a = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)] b = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)] for i in range(min(W*H,40)): x,y = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H) x2,y2 = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H,useDivmod=True) print i,(x,y),(x2,y2) a[y][x] = '%2d'%i b[y2][x2] = '%2d'%i print '-- a --' for ln in a[::-1]: if ''.join(ln).strip(): print ' '.join(ln) print '-- b --' for ln in b[::-1]: if ''.join(ln).strip(): print ' '.join(ln) def testPairsVB(): bounds = [2,2,4,aleph0,5,aleph0] a = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)] b = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)] for i in range(min(sum(bounds),40)): x,y = getNthPairVariableBounds(i, bounds) print i,(x,y) a[y][x] = '%2d'%i print '-- a --' for ln in a[::-1]: if ''.join(ln).strip(): print ' '.join(ln) ### # Toggle to use checked versions of enumeration routines. if False: getNthPairVariableBounds = getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked getNthPairBounded = getNthPairBoundedChecked getNthNTuple = getNthNTupleChecked getNthTuple = getNthTupleChecked if __name__ == '__main__': testPairs() testPairsVB()
[ 624, 22905, 367, 28640, 402, 21837, 436, 2338, 6665, 15258, 5951, 14, 199, 624, 199, 5680, 199, 3, 14826, 461, 8494, 199, 199, 3, 29094, 317, 5604, 2005, 24258, 199, 533, 6832, 838, 16, 8, 442, 304, 272, 485, 24675, 275, 488, 272, 347, 636, 1222, 721, 466, 304, 267, 340, 730, 423, 24675, 365, 488, 26, 288, 730, 423, 24675, 275, 1109, 855, 1222, 721, 466, 9, 267, 372, 730, 423, 24675, 272, 347, 636, 2722, 721, 277, 304, 372, 2650, 1895, 838, 16, 3524, 272, 347, 636, 495, 721, 277, 304, 372, 283, 4904, 7, 2286, 347, 636, 5730, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 372, 413, 339, 347, 636, 954, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 6612, 24129, 30960, 838, 16, 2, 272, 636, 82, 954, 363, 275, 636, 954, 363, 339, 347, 636, 525, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 4960, 372, 291, 272, 636, 22958, 363, 275, 636, 525, 363, 339, 347, 636, 3703, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 4960, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 372, 330, 3777, 267, 372, 291, 272, 636, 27968, 363, 275, 636, 3703, 363, 339, 347, 636, 30835, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 746, 25838, 267, 372, 291, 272, 636, 3941, 6367, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 22062, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 2591, 310, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 82, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 339, 347, 636, 8278, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 372, 413, 267, 372, 291, 199, 1895, 838, 16, 275, 6832, 838, 16, 342, 199, 199, 318, 1300, 8, 604, 304, 272, 372, 1004, 5830, 604, 11, 17, 28428, 18, 199, 199, 318, 4092, 1378, 46, 1332, 88, 12, 89, 2298, 272, 1004, 12, 1080, 275, 671, 11, 89, 12, 89, 272, 372, 1300, 8, 604, 6393, 1080, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 2354, 8, 46, 304, 272, 327, 19503, 7750, 308, 316, 348, 27894, 272, 340, 653, 389, 16, 26, 267, 372, 334, 16, 12, 16, 9, 339, 327, 598, 279, 18630, 370, 2342, 10461, 367, 1004, 272, 1004, 275, 413, 272, 2163, 275, 499, 272, 1830, 1300, 8, 2184, 9, 12932, 46, 26, 267, 1004, 275, 2163, 267, 2163, 275, 1004, 5213, 413, 2286, 327, 14161, 2754, 367, 6617, 1004, 272, 560, 275, 1004, 272, 13759, 275, 1004, 8999, 17, 272, 1830, 560, 435, 413, 1137, 13759, 26, 267, 327, 479, 1300, 8, 320, 9, 2695, 653, 665, 1300, 8, 5812, 9, 267, 10887, 275, 334, 320, 435, 13759, 9, 1140, 17, 267, 340, 1300, 8, 8523, 9, 12932, 46, 26, 288, 560, 275, 10887, 267, 587, 26, 288, 13759, 275, 10887, 339, 1004, 275, 560, 272, 372, 1004, 12, 653, 446, 1300, 8, 604, 9, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 304, 272, 1004, 12, 1080, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 2354, 8, 46, 9, 272, 372, 334, 604, 446, 1478, 12, 1478, 9, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 55, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 40, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 797, 304, 272, 408, 362, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 9, 1035, 334, 88, 12, 612, 9, 2286, 1432, 314, 653, 13, 273, 4092, 4066, 626, 378, 2695, 671, 665, 644, 436, 378, 2695, 612, 665, 869, 1041, 339, 340, 644, 2695, 378, 503, 869, 2695, 378, 26, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 3364, 10461, 2, 272, 916, 653, 2356, 644, 10, 40, 26, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 3364, 1324, 334, 548, 402, 10461, 2924, 339, 327, 5870, 1930, 1396, 272, 340, 644, 365, 30960, 838, 16, 436, 869, 365, 30960, 838, 16, 26, 267, 372, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 9, 339, 327, 6630, 15037, 701, 18002, 644, 665, 869, 272, 340, 869, 665, 644, 26, 267, 671, 12, 89, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 40, 12, 55, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 1180, 24305, 1494, 9, 267, 372, 612, 12, 88, 339, 340, 675, 24305, 1494, 26, 267, 372, 653, 5, 55, 12, 46, 501, 55, 272, 587, 26, 267, 327, 1448, 716, 3163, 781, 2934, 370, 27063, 282, 16788, 1004, 9371, 282, 267, 327, 20412, 14, 961, 10557, 1655, 19604, 2058, 367, 7031, 267, 327, 10461, 2419, 1808, 16438, 14, 2728, 327, 982, 315, 5117, 3602, 12, 2951, 372, 465, 20195, 267, 17703, 2320, 275, 1300, 8, 55, 9, 267, 340, 653, 665, 17703, 2320, 26, 288, 372, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 9, 398, 327, 6630, 340, 315, 7008, 2451, 12, 24129, 687, 17703, 267, 340, 869, 365, 440, 30960, 838, 16, 26, 288, 603, 275, 644, 10, 40, 446, 653, 446, 413, 288, 340, 603, 665, 17703, 2320, 26, 355, 671, 12, 89, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 45, 9, 355, 372, 334, 55, 13, 17, 13, 88, 12, 40, 13, 17, 13, 89, 9, 398, 327, 6630, 12, 6555, 1004, 436, 1478, 687, 1329, 402, 5431, 781, 267, 327, 4816, 14, 267, 653, 275, 653, 446, 17703, 2320, 267, 1478, 12, 2743, 275, 653, 5, 55, 12, 46, 501, 55, 267, 327, 299, 275, 334, 55, 13, 17, 12, 413, 11, 2743, 9, 435, 5868, 17, 12, 17, 3342, 1080, 267, 372, 334, 55, 13, 17, 13, 1080, 12, 413, 11, 2743, 11, 1080, 9, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 14627, 8, 46, 12, 55, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 40, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 797, 12, 39, 14970, 29, 362, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 304, 272, 671, 12, 89, 275, 598, 14970, 8, 46, 12, 55, 12, 40, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 9, 272, 702, 378, 2695, 671, 665, 644, 436, 378, 2695, 612, 665, 869, 272, 372, 671, 12, 89, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 46, 7075, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 675, 8185, 1378, 9121, 29, 797, 304, 272, 408, 362, 46, 273, 46, 7075, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 9, 1035, 334, 88 ]
[ 22905, 367, 28640, 402, 21837, 436, 2338, 6665, 15258, 5951, 14, 199, 624, 199, 5680, 199, 3, 14826, 461, 8494, 199, 199, 3, 29094, 317, 5604, 2005, 24258, 199, 533, 6832, 838, 16, 8, 442, 304, 272, 485, 24675, 275, 488, 272, 347, 636, 1222, 721, 466, 304, 267, 340, 730, 423, 24675, 365, 488, 26, 288, 730, 423, 24675, 275, 1109, 855, 1222, 721, 466, 9, 267, 372, 730, 423, 24675, 272, 347, 636, 2722, 721, 277, 304, 372, 2650, 1895, 838, 16, 3524, 272, 347, 636, 495, 721, 277, 304, 372, 283, 4904, 7, 2286, 347, 636, 5730, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 372, 413, 339, 347, 636, 954, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 6612, 24129, 30960, 838, 16, 2, 272, 636, 82, 954, 363, 275, 636, 954, 363, 339, 347, 636, 525, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 4960, 372, 291, 272, 636, 22958, 363, 275, 636, 525, 363, 339, 347, 636, 3703, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 4960, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 372, 330, 3777, 267, 372, 291, 272, 636, 27968, 363, 275, 636, 3703, 363, 339, 347, 636, 30835, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 746, 25838, 267, 372, 291, 272, 636, 3941, 6367, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 22062, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 2591, 310, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 272, 636, 82, 3015, 363, 275, 636, 30835, 363, 339, 347, 636, 8278, 721, 277, 12, 330, 304, 267, 340, 330, 508, 378, 26, 372, 413, 267, 372, 291, 199, 1895, 838, 16, 275, 6832, 838, 16, 342, 199, 199, 318, 1300, 8, 604, 304, 272, 372, 1004, 5830, 604, 11, 17, 28428, 18, 199, 199, 318, 4092, 1378, 46, 1332, 88, 12, 89, 2298, 272, 1004, 12, 1080, 275, 671, 11, 89, 12, 89, 272, 372, 1300, 8, 604, 6393, 1080, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 2354, 8, 46, 304, 272, 327, 19503, 7750, 308, 316, 348, 27894, 272, 340, 653, 389, 16, 26, 267, 372, 334, 16, 12, 16, 9, 339, 327, 598, 279, 18630, 370, 2342, 10461, 367, 1004, 272, 1004, 275, 413, 272, 2163, 275, 499, 272, 1830, 1300, 8, 2184, 9, 12932, 46, 26, 267, 1004, 275, 2163, 267, 2163, 275, 1004, 5213, 413, 2286, 327, 14161, 2754, 367, 6617, 1004, 272, 560, 275, 1004, 272, 13759, 275, 1004, 8999, 17, 272, 1830, 560, 435, 413, 1137, 13759, 26, 267, 327, 479, 1300, 8, 320, 9, 2695, 653, 665, 1300, 8, 5812, 9, 267, 10887, 275, 334, 320, 435, 13759, 9, 1140, 17, 267, 340, 1300, 8, 8523, 9, 12932, 46, 26, 288, 560, 275, 10887, 267, 587, 26, 288, 13759, 275, 10887, 339, 1004, 275, 560, 272, 372, 1004, 12, 653, 446, 1300, 8, 604, 9, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 304, 272, 1004, 12, 1080, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 2354, 8, 46, 9, 272, 372, 334, 604, 446, 1478, 12, 1478, 9, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 55, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 40, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 797, 304, 272, 408, 362, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 9, 1035, 334, 88, 12, 612, 9, 2286, 1432, 314, 653, 13, 273, 4092, 4066, 626, 378, 2695, 671, 665, 644, 436, 378, 2695, 612, 665, 869, 1041, 339, 340, 644, 2695, 378, 503, 869, 2695, 378, 26, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 3364, 10461, 2, 272, 916, 653, 2356, 644, 10, 40, 26, 267, 746, 1722, 4589, 3364, 1324, 334, 548, 402, 10461, 2924, 339, 327, 5870, 1930, 1396, 272, 340, 644, 365, 30960, 838, 16, 436, 869, 365, 30960, 838, 16, 26, 267, 372, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 9, 339, 327, 6630, 15037, 701, 18002, 644, 665, 869, 272, 340, 869, 665, 644, 26, 267, 671, 12, 89, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 8, 46, 12, 40, 12, 55, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 1180, 24305, 1494, 9, 267, 372, 612, 12, 88, 339, 340, 675, 24305, 1494, 26, 267, 372, 653, 5, 55, 12, 46, 501, 55, 272, 587, 26, 267, 327, 1448, 716, 3163, 781, 2934, 370, 27063, 282, 16788, 1004, 9371, 282, 267, 327, 20412, 14, 961, 10557, 1655, 19604, 2058, 367, 7031, 267, 327, 10461, 2419, 1808, 16438, 14, 2728, 327, 982, 315, 5117, 3602, 12, 2951, 372, 465, 20195, 267, 17703, 2320, 275, 1300, 8, 55, 9, 267, 340, 653, 665, 17703, 2320, 26, 288, 372, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 46, 9, 398, 327, 6630, 340, 315, 7008, 2451, 12, 24129, 687, 17703, 267, 340, 869, 365, 440, 30960, 838, 16, 26, 288, 603, 275, 644, 10, 40, 446, 653, 446, 413, 288, 340, 603, 665, 17703, 2320, 26, 355, 671, 12, 89, 275, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8, 45, 9, 355, 372, 334, 55, 13, 17, 13, 88, 12, 40, 13, 17, 13, 89, 9, 398, 327, 6630, 12, 6555, 1004, 436, 1478, 687, 1329, 402, 5431, 781, 267, 327, 4816, 14, 267, 653, 275, 653, 446, 17703, 2320, 267, 1478, 12, 2743, 275, 653, 5, 55, 12, 46, 501, 55, 267, 327, 299, 275, 334, 55, 13, 17, 12, 413, 11, 2743, 9, 435, 5868, 17, 12, 17, 3342, 1080, 267, 372, 334, 55, 13, 17, 13, 1080, 12, 413, 11, 2743, 11, 1080, 9, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 14627, 8, 46, 12, 55, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 40, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 29, 797, 12, 39, 14970, 29, 362, 46, 273, 12882, 8781, 304, 272, 671, 12, 89, 275, 598, 14970, 8, 46, 12, 55, 12, 40, 12, 1180, 24305, 1494, 9, 272, 702, 378, 2695, 671, 665, 644, 436, 378, 2695, 612, 665, 869, 272, 372, 671, 12, 89, 199, 199, 318, 664, 46, 273, 46, 7075, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 29, 1895, 838, 16, 12, 675, 8185, 1378, 9121, 29, 797, 304, 272, 408, 362, 46, 273, 46, 7075, 8, 46, 12, 644, 12, 869, 9, 1035, 334, 88, 0 ]
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""" Recursive Convolutional layers. TODO: write more documentation """ __docformat__ = 'restructedtext en' __authors__ = ("KyungHyun Cho ") __contact__ = "Kyunghyun Cho <[email protected]>" import numpy import copy import theano import theano.tensor as TT from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams from groundhog import utils from groundhog.utils import sample_weights, \ sample_weights_classic,\ sample_weights_orth, \ init_bias, \ constant_shape, \ sample_zeros from basic import Layer class RecursiveConvolutionalLayer(Layer): """ (Binary) Recursive Convolutional Layer """ def __init__(self, rng, n_hids=500, scale=.01, sparsity = -1, activation = TT.tanh, activ_noise=0., weight_noise=False, bias_fn='init_bias', bias_scale = 0., dropout = 1., init_fn='sample_weights', kind_reg = None, grad_scale = 1., profile = 0, gating = False, # NOT USED reseting = False, # NOT USED gater_activation = TT.nnet.sigmoid, # NOT USED reseter_activation = TT.nnet.sigmoid, # NOT USED name=None): """ :type rng: numpy random generator :param rng: numpy random generator :type n_in: int :param n_in: number of inputs units :type n_hids: int :param n_hids: Number of hidden units on each layer of the MLP :type activation: string/function or list of :param activation: Activation function for the embedding layers. If a list it needs to have a value for each layer. If not, the same activation will be applied to all layers :type scale: float or list of :param scale: depending on the initialization function, it can be the standard deviation of the Gaussian from which the weights are sampled or the largest singular value. If a single value it will be used for each layer, otherwise it has to have one value for each layer :type sparsity: int or list of :param sparsity: if a single value, it will be used for each layer, otherwise it has to be a list with as many values as layers. If negative, it means the weight matrix is dense. Otherwise it means this many randomly selected input units are connected to an output unit :type weight_noise: bool :param weight_noise: If true, the model is used with weight noise (and the right shared variable are constructed, to keep track of the noise) :type dropout: float :param dropout: the probability with which hidden units are dropped from the hidden layer. If set to 1, dropout is not used :type init_fn: string or function :param init_fn: function used to initialize the weights of the layer. We recommend using either `sample_weights_classic` or `sample_weights` defined in the utils :type bias_fn: string or function :param bias_fn: function used to initialize the biases. We recommend using `init_bias` defined in the utils :type bias_scale: float :param bias_scale: argument passed to `bias_fn`, depicting the scale of the initial bias :type grad_scale: float or theano scalar :param grad_scale: factor with which the gradients with respect to the parameters of this layer are scaled. It is used for differentiating between the different parameters of a model. :type name: string :param name: name of the layer (used to name parameters). NB: in this library names are very important because certain parts of the code relies on name to disambiguate between variables, therefore each layer should have a unique name. """ self.grad_scale = grad_scale if type(init_fn) is str or type(init_fn) is unicode: init_fn = eval(init_fn) if type(bias_fn) is str or type(bias_fn) is unicode: bias_fn = eval(bias_fn) if type(activation) is str or type(activation) is unicode: activation = eval(activation) self.scale = scale self.sparsity = sparsity self.activation = activation self.n_hids = n_hids self.bias_scale = bias_scale self.bias_fn = bias_fn self.init_fn = init_fn self.weight_noise = weight_noise self.activ_noise = activ_noise self.profile = profile self.dropout = dropout assert rng is not None, "random number generator should not be empty!" super(RecursiveConvolutionalLayer, self).__init__(self.n_hids, self.n_hids, rng, name) self.trng = RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(int(1e6))) self.params = [] self._init_params() def _init_params(self): # Left weight matrix self.W_hh = theano.shared( self.init_fn(self.n_hids, self.n_hids, self.sparsity, self.scale, rng=self.rng), name="W_%s" self.params = [self.W_hh] # Right weight matrix self.U_hh = theano.shared( self.init_fn(self.n_hids, self.n_hids, self.sparsity, self.scale, rng=self.rng), name="U_%s" self.params += [self.U_hh] # Bias self.b_hh = theano.shared( self.bias_fn(self.n_hids, self.bias_scale, self.rng), name='b_%s' self.params += [self.b_hh] # gaters self.GW_hh = theano.shared( numpy.float32(0.01 * self.rng.randn(self.n_hids, 3)), name="GW_%s" self.params += [self.GW_hh] self.GU_hh = theano.shared( numpy.float32(0.01 * self.rng.randn(self.n_hids, 3)), name="GU_%s" self.params += [self.GU_hh] self.Gb_hh = theano.shared( self.bias_fn(3, self.bias_scale, self.rng), name='Gb_%s' self.params += [self.Gb_hh] self.params_grad_scale = [self.grad_scale for x in self.params] self.restricted_params = [x for x in self.params] if self.weight_noise: self.nW_hh = theano.shared(self.W_hh.get_value()*0, name='noise_' self.nU_hh = theano.shared(self.U_hh.get_value()*0, name='noise_' self.nb_hh = theano.shared(self.b_hh.get_value()*0, name='noise_' self.noise_params = [self.nW_hh,self.nU_hh,self.nb_hh] self.noise_params_shape_fn = [constant_shape(x.get_value().shape) for x in self.noise_params] def step_fprop(self, mask_t, prev_level, return_gates = False): if self.weight_noise and use_noise and self.noise_params: W_hh = self.W_hh + self.nW_hh U_hh = self.U_hh + self.nU_hh b_hh = self.b_hh + self.nb_hh else: W_hh = self.W_hh U_hh = self.U_hh b_hh = self.b_hh GW_hh = self.GW_hh GU_hh = self.GU_hh Gb_hh = self.Gb_hh if prev_level.ndim == 3: b_hh = b_hh.dimshuffle('x','x',0) else: b_hh = b_hh.dimshuffle('x',0) lower_level = prev_level prev_shifted = TT.zeros_like(prev_level) prev_shifted = TT.set_subtensor(prev_shifted[1:], prev_level[:-1]) lower_shifted = prev_shifted prev_shifted =, U_hh) prev_level =, W_hh) new_act = self.activation(prev_level + prev_shifted + b_hh) gater =, GU_hh) + \, GW_hh) + Gb_hh if prev_level.ndim == 3: gater_shape = gater.shape gater = gater.reshape((gater_shape[0] * gater_shape[1], 3)) gater = TT.nnet.softmax(gater) if prev_level.ndim == 3: gater = gater.reshape((gater_shape[0], gater_shape[1], 3)) if prev_level.ndim == 3: gater_new = gater[:,:,0].dimshuffle(0,1,'x') gater_left = gater[:,:,1].dimshuffle(0,1,'x') gater_right = gater[:,:,2].dimshuffle(0,1,'x') else: gater_new = gater[:,0].dimshuffle(0,'x') gater_left = gater[:,1].dimshuffle(0,'x') gater_right = gater[:,2].dimshuffle(0,'x') act = new_act * gater_new + \ lower_shifted * gater_left + \ lower_level * gater_right if mask_t: if prev_level.ndim == 3: mask_t = mask_t.dimshuffle('x',0,'x') else: mask_t = mask_t.dimshuffle('x', 0) new_level = TT.switch(mask_t, act, lower_level) else: new_level = act if return_gates: return new_level, gater return new_level def fprop(self, state_below, mask=None, nsteps=None, batch_size=None, use_noise=True, truncate_gradient=-1, no_noise_bias = False, **kwargs ): if theano.config.floatX=='float32': floatX = numpy.float32 else: floatX = numpy.float64 if nsteps is None: nsteps = state_below.shape[0] if batch_size and batch_size != 1: nsteps = nsteps / batch_size if batch_size is None and state_below.ndim == 3: batch_size = state_below.shape[1] if state_below.ndim == 2 and \ (not isinstance(batch_size,int) or batch_size > 1): state_below = state_below.reshape((nsteps, batch_size, self.n_in)) if mask == None: mask = TT.alloc(1., nsteps, 1) rval = [] rval, updates = theano.scan(self.step_fprop, sequences = [mask[1:]], outputs_info = [state_below], name='layer_%s', profile=self.profile, n_steps = nsteps-1) seqlens = TT.cast(mask.sum(axis=0), 'int64')-1 roots = rval[-1] if state_below.ndim == 3: def _grab_root(seqlen,one_sample,prev_sample): return one_sample[seqlen] roots, updates = theano.scan(_grab_root, sequences = [seqlens, roots.dimshuffle(1,0,2)], outputs_info = [TT.alloc(0., self.n_hids)], name='grab_root_%s', profile=self.profile) roots = roots.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1) else: roots = roots[seqlens] # there should be only one, so it's fine. # Note that roots has only a single timestep new_h = roots self.out = roots self.rval = roots self.updates =updates return self.out
[ 624, 199, 25122, 19140, 3347, 279, 9393, 14, 421, 199, 11768, 26, 2218, 1655, 3794, 199, 624, 199, 363, 21841, 363, 275, 283, 264, 11614, 505, 655, 7, 199, 363, 8149, 363, 275, 1689, 43, 89, 10335, 21568, 324, 8802, 6099, 199, 363, 7811, 363, 275, 298, 43, 89, 324, 3561, 89, 324, 8802, 665, 10562, 324, 3561, 89, 324, 14, 2239, 32, 453, 1888, 3093, 14, 696, 4335, 199, 199, 646, 2680, 199, 646, 1331, 199, 646, 14377, 199, 646, 14377, 14, 3128, 465, 377, 52, 199, 504, 14377, 14, 16647, 14, 12686, 63, 77, 12430, 492, 603, 14058, 63, 3883, 19358, 465, 9571, 19358, 199, 199, 504, 19252, 526, 71, 492, 3778, 199, 504, 19252, 526, 71, 14, 1208, 492, 2690, 63, 4916, 12, 971, 267, 2690, 63, 4916, 63, 25140, 4202, 267, 2690, 63, 4916, 63, 11297, 12, 971, 267, 4205, 63, 8160, 12, 971, 267, 4413, 63, 1392, 12, 971, 267, 2690, 63, 4250, 199, 504, 5678, 492, 11915, 421, 199, 533, 18306, 3398, 27394, 279, 5003, 8, 5003, 304, 272, 408, 267, 334, 6636, 9, 18306, 3398, 19140, 3347, 279, 11915, 272, 408, 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from django.test import SimpleTestCase from ..utils import SafeClass, UnsafeClass, setup class AutoescapeStringfilterTests(SimpleTestCase): """ Filters decorated with stringfilter still respect is_safe. """ @setup({'autoescape-stringfilter01': '{{ unsafe|capfirst }}'}) def test_autoescape_stringfilter01(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('autoescape-stringfilter01', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}) self.assertEqual(output, 'You &amp; me') @setup({'autoescape-stringfilter02': '{% autoescape off %}{{ unsafe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}'}) def test_autoescape_stringfilter02(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('autoescape-stringfilter02', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}) self.assertEqual(output, 'You & me') @setup({'autoescape-stringfilter03': '{{ safe|capfirst }}'}) def test_autoescape_stringfilter03(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('autoescape-stringfilter03', {'safe': SafeClass()}) self.assertEqual(output, 'You &gt; me') @setup({'autoescape-stringfilter04': '{% autoescape off %}{{ safe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}'}) def test_autoescape_stringfilter04(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('autoescape-stringfilter04', {'safe': SafeClass()}) self.assertEqual(output, 'You &gt; me')
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# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ v2 Neutron Plug-in API specification. :class:`NeutronPluginBaseV2` provides the definition of minimum set of methods that needs to be implemented by a v2 Neutron Plug-in. """ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import six @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class NeutronPluginBaseV2(object): @abstractmethod def create_subnet(self, context, subnet): """Create a subnet. Create a subnet, which represents a range of IP addresses that can be allocated to devices :param context: neutron api request context :param subnet: dictionary describing the subnet, with keys as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. All keys will be populated. """ pass @abstractmethod def update_subnet(self, context, id, subnet): """Update values of a subnet. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the subnet to update. :param subnet: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update. valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put' as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_subnet(self, context, id, fields=None): """Retrieve a subnet. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the subnet to fetch. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a subnet dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): """Retrieve a list of subnets. The contents of the list depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a subnet as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a subnet dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass def get_subnets_count(self, context, filters=None): """Return the number of subnets. The result depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a network as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. .. note:: this method is optional, as it was not part of the originally defined plugin API. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def delete_subnet(self, context, id): """Delete a subnet. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the subnet to delete. """ pass @abstractmethod def create_network(self, context, network): """Create a network. Create a network, which represents an L2 network segment which can have a set of subnets and ports associated with it. :param context: neutron api request context :param network: dictionary describing the network, with keys as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. All keys will be populated. """ pass @abstractmethod def update_network(self, context, id, network): """Update values of a network. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the network to update. :param network: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update. valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put' as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None): """Retrieve a network. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the network to fetch. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a network dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): """Retrieve a list of networks. The contents of the list depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a network as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a network dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass def get_networks_count(self, context, filters=None): """Return the number of networks. The result depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a network as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. NOTE: this method is optional, as it was not part of the originally defined plugin API. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def delete_network(self, context, id): """Delete a network. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the network to delete. """ pass @abstractmethod def create_port(self, context, port): """Create a port. Create a port, which is a connection point of a device (e.g., a VM NIC) to attach to a L2 neutron network. :param context: neutron api request context :param port: dictionary describing the port, with keys as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. All keys will be populated. """ pass @abstractmethod def update_port(self, context, id, port): """Update values of a port. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the port to update. :param port: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update. valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put' as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None): """Retrieve a port. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the port to fetch. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a port dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): """Retrieve a list of ports. The contents of the list depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a port as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a port dictionary as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Only these fields will be returned. """ pass def get_ports_count(self, context, filters=None): """Return the number of ports. The result depends on the identity of the user making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any filters. :param context: neutron api request context :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for a network as listed in the :obj:`RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` object in :file:`neutron/api/v2/`. Values in this dictiontary are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this function will have matched one of the values for each key in filters. .. note:: this method is optional, as it was not part of the originally defined plugin API. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def delete_port(self, context, id): """Delete a port. :param context: neutron api request context :param id: UUID representing the port to delete. """ pass def start_rpc_listener(self): """Start the rpc listener. Most plugins start an RPC listener implicitly on initialization. In order to support multiple process RPC, the plugin needs to expose control over when this is started. .. note:: this method is optional, as it was not part of the originally defined plugin API. """ raise NotImplementedError
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# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2012 Intel Corporation <[email protected]> # 2013,2017 Guido Günther <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, please see # <> """ Module for testing individual command line tools of the git-buildpackage suite """ import hashlib import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest from unittest import skipUnless from nose import SkipTest from import eq_, ok_ # pylint: disable=E0611 from .. testutils import GbpLogTester from gbp.git import GitRepository, GitRepositoryError __all__ = ['ComponentTestGitRepository', 'ComponentTestBase', 'GbpLogTester', 'skipUnless'] class ComponentTestGitRepository(GitRepository): """Git repository class for component tests""" def submodule_status(self): """ Determine submodules and their status """ out, err, ret = self._git_inout('submodule', ['status'], capture_stderr=True) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError("Cannot get submodule status: %s" % err.strip()) submodules = {} for line in out.decode().splitlines(): module = line.strip() # Uninitialized status = module[0] if status == '-': sha1, path = module[1:].rsplit(' ', 1) else: commitpath = module[1:].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] sha1, path = commitpath.split(' ', 1) submodules[path] = (status, sha1) return submodules @classmethod def check_testdata(cls, data): """Check whether the testdata is current""" try: repo = cls('.') except GitRepositoryError: raise SkipTest("Skipping '%s', since this is not a git checkout." % __name__) submodules = repo.submodule_status() try: status = submodules[data] except KeyError: raise SkipTest("Skipping '%s', testdata directory not a known " "submodule." % __name__) if status[0] == '-': raise SkipTest("Skipping '%s', testdata directory not initialized. " "Consider doing 'git submodule update'" % __name__) def ls_tree(self, treeish): """List contents (blobs) in a git treeish""" objs = self.list_tree(treeish, True) blobs = [obj[3] for obj in objs if obj[1] == 'blob'] return set(blobs) def get_head_author_subject(self): out, err, ret = self._git_inout('format-patch', ['-1', '--stdout', '--subject-prefix='], capture_stderr=True) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError("Cannot get head author/subject: %s" % err.strip()) output = out.decode('utf-8') for line in output.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: # end of headers break if line.startswith('From:'): author = line.replace('From:', '').strip() elif line.startswith('Subject:'): subject = line.replace('Subject:', '').strip() return author, subject class ComponentTestBase(unittest.TestCase, GbpLogTester): """Base class for testing cmdline tools of git-buildpackage""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Test class case setup""" # Don't let git see that we're (possibly) under a git directory cls.orig_env = os.environ.copy() os.environ['GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES'] = os.getcwd() # Create a top-level tmpdir for the test cls._tmproot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gbp_%s_' % cls.__name__, dir='.') cls._tmproot = os.path.abspath(cls._tmproot) # Prevent local config files from messing up the tests os.environ['GBP_CONF_FILES'] = ':'.join(['%(top_dir)s/.gbp.conf', '%(top_dir)s/debian/gbp.conf', '%(git_dir)s/gbp.conf']) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Test class case teardown""" # Return original environment os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(cls.orig_env) # Remove top-level tmpdir if not os.getenv("GBP_TESTS_NOCLEAN"): shutil.rmtree(cls._tmproot) def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): """Object initialization""" self._orig_dir = None self._tmpdir = None unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) GbpLogTester.__init__(self) def setUp(self): """Test case setup""" # Change to a temporary directory self._orig_dir = os.getcwd() self._tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_%s_' % self._testMethodName, dir=self._tmproot) os.chdir(self._tmpdir) self._capture_log(True) def tearDown(self): """Test case teardown""" # Restore original working dir os.chdir(self._orig_dir) if not os.getenv("GBP_TESTS_NOCLEAN"): shutil.rmtree(self._tmpdir) self._capture_log(False) @staticmethod def check_files(reference, filelist): """Compare two file lists""" extra = set(filelist) - set(reference) missing = set(reference) - set(filelist) assert_msg = "Unexpected files: %s, Missing files: %s" % \ (list(extra), list(missing)) assert not extra and not missing, assert_msg @classmethod def check_tags(cls, repo, tags): local_tags = repo.tags assert_msg = "Tags: expected %s, found %s" % (tags, local_tags) eq_(set(local_tags), set(tags), assert_msg) @classmethod def _check_repo_state(cls, repo, current_branch, branches, files=None, dirs=None, tags=None, clean=True): """ Check that repository is clean and given branches, tags, files and dirs exist """ branch = repo.branch eq_(branch, current_branch) ok_(repo.is_clean()) local_branches = repo.get_local_branches() assert_msg = "Branches: expected %s, found %s" % (branches, local_branches) eq_(set(local_branches), set(branches), assert_msg) if files is not None or dirs is not None: # Get files of the working copy recursively local_f = set() local_d = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(repo.path): # Skip git dir(s) if '.git' in dirnames: dirnames.remove('.git') for filename in filenames: local_f.add(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), repo.path)) for dirname in dirnames: local_d.add(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname), repo.path) + '/') if files is not None: cls.check_files(files, local_f) if dirs is not None: cls.check_files(dirs, local_d) if tags is not None: cls.check_tags(repo, tags) if clean: clean, files = repo.is_clean() ok_(clean, "Repo has uncommitted files %s" % files) @classmethod def rem_refs(cls, repo, refs): """Remember the SHA1 of the given refs""" rem = [] for name in refs: rem.append((name, repo.rev_parse(name))) return rem @classmethod def check_refs(cls, repo, rem): """ Check that the heads given n (head, sha1) tuples are still pointing to the given sha1 """ for (h, s) in rem: n = repo.rev_parse(h) ok_(n == s, "Head '%s' points to %s' instead of '%s'" % (h, n, s)) @staticmethod def hash_file(filename): h = hashlib.md5() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: buf = h.update(buf) return h.hexdigest() @staticmethod def check_hook_vars(name, expected): """ Check that a hook had the given vars in it's environment. This assumes the hook was set too printenv > hookname.out """ with open('%s.out' % name, encoding='utf-8') as f: parsed = dict([line[:-1].split('=', 1) for line in f.readlines() if line.startswith("GBP_")]) for var in expected: if len(var) == 2: k, v = var else: k, v = var, None ok_(k in parsed, "%s not found in %s" % (k, parsed)) if v is not None: ok_(v == parsed[k], "Got %s not expected value %s for %s" % (parsed[k], v, k)) @staticmethod def add_file(repo, name, content=None): with open(name, 'w') as f: f.write(' ' or content) repo.add_files(name) repo.commit_files(name, 'New file %s' % name)
[ 3, 6695, 26, 663, 570, 2991, 29, 1624, 13, 24, 520, 199, 3, 199, 3, 334, 35, 9, 6029, 20619, 11098, 665, 1657, 527, 14, 274, 517, 265, 287, 32, 5135, 14, 22264, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 258, 6171, 12, 10680, 598, 1535, 79, 598, 17709, 78, 728, 665, 643, 88, 32, 4093, 1812, 3165, 14, 1308, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 259, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 259, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 1902, 1015, 499, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 259, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 259, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 259, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 259, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 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""" Generic dylib path manipulation """ import re __all__ = ['dylib_info'] DYLIB_RE = re.compile(r"""(?x) (?P<location>^.*)(?:^|/) (?P<name> (?P<shortname>\w+?) (?:\.(?P<version>[^._]+))? (?:_(?P<suffix>[^._]+))? \.dylib$ ) """) def dylib_info(filename): """ A dylib name can take one of the following four forms: Location/Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib Location/Name.SomeVersion.dylib Location/Name_Suffix.dylib Location/Name.dylib returns None if not found or a mapping equivalent to: dict( location='Location', name='Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib', shortname='Name', version='SomeVersion', suffix='Suffix', ) Note that SomeVersion and Suffix are optional and may be None if not present. """ is_dylib = DYLIB_RE.match(filename) if not is_dylib: return None return is_dylib.groupdict() def test_dylib_info(): def d(location=None, name=None, shortname=None, version=None, suffix=None): return dict( location=location, name=name, shortname=shortname, version=version, suffix=suffix ) assert dylib_info('completely/invalid') is None assert dylib_info('completely/invalide_debug') is None assert dylib_info('P/Foo.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.dylib', 'Foo') assert dylib_info('P/Foo_debug.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo_debug.dylib', 'Foo', suffix='debug') assert dylib_info('P/Foo.A.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.A.dylib', 'Foo', 'A') assert dylib_info('P/Foo_debug.A.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo_debug.A.dylib', 'Foo_debug', 'A') assert dylib_info('P/Foo.A_debug.dylib') == d('P', 'Foo.A_debug.dylib', 'Foo', 'A', 'debug') if __name__ == '__main__': test_dylib_info()
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# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. import ansible.constants as C from import Host from import Group from ansible import errors from ansible import utils import os import yaml import sys class InventoryParserYaml(object): ''' Host inventory parser for ansible ''' def __init__(self, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: YAML inventory files are deprecated in 0.6 and will be removed in 0.7, to migrate" + " download and run\n") fh = open(filename) data = fh.close() self._hosts = {} self._parse(data) def _make_host(self, hostname): if hostname in self._hosts: return self._hosts[hostname] else: host = Host(hostname) self._hosts[hostname] = host return host # see file 'test/yaml_hosts' for syntax def _parse(self, data): # FIXME: refactor into subfunctions all = Group('all') ungrouped = Group('ungrouped') all.add_child_group(ungrouped) self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped) grouped_hosts = [] yaml = utils.parse_yaml(data) # first add all groups for item in yaml: if type(item) == dict and 'group' in item: group = Group(item['group']) for subresult in item.get('hosts',[]): if type(subresult) in [ str, unicode ]: host = self._make_host(subresult) group.add_host(host) grouped_hosts.append(host) elif type(subresult) == dict: host = self._make_host(subresult['host']) vars = subresult.get('vars',{}) if type(vars) == list: for subitem in vars: for (k,v) in subitem.items(): host.set_variable(k,v) elif type(vars) == dict: for (k,v) in subresult.get('vars',{}).items(): host.set_variable(k,v) else: raise errors.AnsibleError("unexpected type for variable") group.add_host(host) grouped_hosts.append(host) vars = item.get('vars',{}) if type(vars) == dict: for (k,v) in item.get('vars',{}).items(): group.set_variable(k,v) elif type(vars) == list: for subitem in vars: if type(subitem) != dict: raise errors.AnsibleError("expected a dictionary") for (k,v) in subitem.items(): group.set_variable(k,v) self.groups[] = group all.add_child_group(group) # add host definitions for item in yaml: if type(item) in [ str, unicode ]: host = self._make_host(item) if host not in grouped_hosts: ungrouped.add_host(host) elif type(item) == dict and 'host' in item: host = self._make_host(item['host']) vars = item.get('vars', {}) if type(vars)==list: varlist, vars = vars, {} for subitem in varlist: vars.update(subitem) for (k,v) in vars.items(): host.set_variable(k,v) groups = item.get('groups', {}) if type(groups) in [ str, unicode ]: groups = [ groups ] if type(groups)==list: for subitem in groups: if subitem in self.groups: group = self.groups[subitem] else: group = Group(subitem) self.groups[] = group all.add_child_group(group) group.add_host(host) grouped_hosts.append(host) if host not in grouped_hosts: ungrouped.add_host(host) # make sure ungrouped.hosts is the complement of grouped_hosts ungrouped_hosts = [host for host in ungrouped.hosts if host not in grouped_hosts] if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "usage: /path/to/ansible/hosts" sys.exit(1) result = "" original = sys.argv[1] yamlp = InventoryParserYaml(filename=sys.argv[1]) dirname = os.path.dirname(original) group_names = [ for g in yamlp.groups.values() ] for group_name in sorted(group_names): record = yamlp.groups[group_name] if group_name == 'all': continue hosts = record.hosts result = result + "[%s]\n" % for h in hosts: result = result + "%s\n" % result = result + "\n" groupfiledir = os.path.join(dirname, "group_vars") if not os.path.exists(groupfiledir): print "* creating: %s" % groupfiledir os.makedirs(groupfiledir) groupfile = os.path.join(groupfiledir, group_name) print "* writing group variables for %s into %s" % (group_name, groupfile) groupfh = open(groupfile, 'w') groupfh.write(yaml.dump(record.get_variables())) groupfh.close() for (host_name, host_record) in yamlp._hosts.iteritems(): hostfiledir = os.path.join(dirname, "host_vars") if not os.path.exists(hostfiledir): print "* creating: %s" % hostfiledir os.makedirs(hostfiledir) hostfile = os.path.join(hostfiledir, print "* writing host variables for %s into %s" % (, hostfile) hostfh = open(hostfile, 'w') hostfh.write(yaml.dump(host_record.get_variables())) hostfh.close() # also need to keep a hash of variables per each host # and variables per each group # and write those to disk newfilepath = os.path.join(dirname, "") fdh = open(newfilepath, 'w') fdh.write(result) fdh.close() print "* COMPLETE: review your new inventory file and replace your original when ready" print "* new inventory file saved as %s" % newfilepath print "* edit group specific variables in %s/group_vars/" % dirname print "* edit host specific variables in %s/host_vars/" % dirname # now need to write this to disk as (oldname).new # and inform the user
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Ambroz Bizjak # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. def escape_string_for_nix(data): return '"{}"'.format(''.join(('\\{}'.format(c) if c in ('"', '\\', '$') else c) for c in data)) def convert_bool_for_nix(value): return 'true' if value else 'false' def convert_for_nix(value): if type(value) is str: return escape_string_for_nix(value) if type(value) is bool: return convert_bool_for_nix(value) if type(value) is list: if len(value) == 0: return '[]' else: return '[ {} ]'.format(' '.join(convert_for_nix(e) for e in value)) if type(value) is dict: if len(value) == 0: return '{}' else: return '{{ {} }}'.format(' '.join('{} = {};'.format(convert_for_nix(k), convert_for_nix(v)) for k, v in sorted(value.iteritems())))
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#pylint: disable=C0111 #pylint: disable=W0621 from lettuce import world, step from import assert_true # pylint: disable=E0611 DATA_LOCATION = 'i4x://edx/templates' @step(u'I am editing a new unit') def add_unit(step): css_selectors = ['', '', '', '', 'div.section-item a.expand-collapse-icon', ''] for selector in css_selectors: world.css_click(selector) @step(u'I add the following components:') def add_components(step): for component in [step_hash['Component'] for step_hash in step.hashes]: assert component in COMPONENT_DICTIONARY for css in COMPONENT_DICTIONARY[component]['steps']: world.css_click(css) @step(u'I see the following components') def check_components(step): for component in [step_hash['Component'] for step_hash in step.hashes]: assert component in COMPONENT_DICTIONARY assert_true(COMPONENT_DICTIONARY[component]['found_func'](), "{} couldn't be found".format(component)) @step(u'I delete all components') def delete_all_components(step): for _ in range(len(COMPONENT_DICTIONARY)): world.css_click('a.delete-button') @step(u'I see no components') def see_no_components(steps): assert world.is_css_not_present('li.component') @step(u'I delete a component') def delete_one_component(step): world.css_click('a.delete-button') @step(u'I edit and save a component') def edit_and_save_component(step): world.css_click('.edit-button') world.css_click('.save-button') def step_selector_list(data_type, path, index=1): selector_list = ['a[data-type="{}"]'.format(data_type)] if index != 1: selector_list.append('a[id="ui-id-{}"]'.format(index)) if path is not None: selector_list.append('a[data-location="{}/{}/{}"]'.format(DATA_LOCATION, data_type, path)) return selector_list def found_text_func(text): return lambda: world.browser.is_text_present(text) def found_css_func(css): return lambda: world.is_css_present(css, wait_time=2) COMPONENT_DICTIONARY = { 'Discussion': { 'steps': step_selector_list('discussion', None), 'found_func': found_css_func('section.xmodule_DiscussionModule') }, 'Blank HTML': { 'steps': step_selector_list('html', 'Blank_HTML_Page'), #this one is a blank html so a more refined search is being done 'found_func': lambda: '\n \n' in [x.html for x in world.css_find('section.xmodule_HtmlModule')] }, 'LaTex': { 'steps': step_selector_list('html', 'E-text_Written_in_LaTeX'), 'found_func': found_text_func('EXAMPLE: E-TEXT PAGE') }, 'Blank Problem': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Blank_Common_Problem'), 'found_func': found_text_func('BLANK COMMON PROBLEM') }, 'Dropdown': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Dropdown'), 'found_func': found_text_func('DROPDOWN') }, 'Multi Choice': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Multiple_Choice'), 'found_func': found_text_func('MULTIPLE CHOICE') }, 'Numerical': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Numerical_Input'), 'found_func': found_text_func('NUMERICAL INPUT') }, 'Text Input': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Text_Input'), 'found_func': found_text_func('TEXT INPUT') }, 'Advanced': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Blank_Advanced_Problem', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('BLANK ADVANCED PROBLEM') }, 'Circuit': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Circuit_Schematic_Builder', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC BUILDER') }, 'Custom Python': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Custom_Python-Evaluated_Input', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('CUSTOM PYTHON-EVALUATED INPUT') }, 'Image Mapped': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Image_Mapped_Input', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('IMAGE MAPPED INPUT') }, 'Math Input': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Math_Expression_Input', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('MATH EXPRESSION INPUT') }, 'Problem LaTex': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Problem_Written_in_LaTeX', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('PROBLEM WRITTEN IN LATEX') }, 'Adaptive Hint': { 'steps': step_selector_list('problem', 'Problem_with_Adaptive_Hint', index=2), 'found_func': found_text_func('PROBLEM WITH ADAPTIVE HINT') }, 'Video': { 'steps': step_selector_list('video', None), 'found_func': found_css_func('section.xmodule_VideoModule') } }
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
[ 26324, 26, 3507, 29, 35, 28107, 199, 3, 26324, 26, 3507, 29, 55, 1690, 2025, 199, 199, 504, 4691, 84, 3683, 492, 6701, 12, 3650, 199, 504, 11354, 14, 2537, 492, 702, 63, 2052, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 37, 1690, 845, 199, 199, 3998, 63, 16575, 275, 283, 73, 20, 88, 921, 8268, 15, 5876, 7, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 8, 85, 7, 41, 8140, 20401, 282, 892, 4137, 358, 199, 318, 1050, 63, 3248, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 11431, 63, 6662, 83, 275, 788, 65, 14, 1222, 13, 17744, 13, 2792, 13, 3887, 297, 283, 1210, 14, 1222, 13, 2792, 13, 354, 13, 2117, 297, 283, 65, 14, 1222, 13, 18920, 13, 1053, 297, 490, 283, 1210, 14, 1222, 13, 18920, 13, 354, 13, 2117, 297, 283, 3015, 14, 2792, 13, 1053, 282, 14, 4441, 13, 20681, 13, 4677, 297, 283, 65, 14, 1222, 13, 3248, 13, 1053, 418, 272, 367, 9759, 315, 11431, 63, 6662, 83, 26, 267, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 4891, 8, 6662, 9, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 8, 85, 7, 41, 1050, 314, 2569, 7323, 10993, 199, 318, 1050, 63, 4608, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 367, 3931, 315, 359, 2926, 63, 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889, 63, 4608, 8, 5895, 304, 272, 702, 6701, 14, 374, 63, 3919, 63, 1397, 63, 1881, 360, 317, 14, 3173, 358, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 8, 85, 7, 41, 3145, 282, 3931, 358, 199, 318, 3145, 63, 368, 63, 3173, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 4891, 360, 65, 14, 1807, 13, 3887, 358, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 8, 85, 7, 41, 5283, 436, 3354, 282, 3931, 358, 199, 318, 5283, 63, 460, 63, 2117, 63, 3173, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 4891, 5175, 3773, 13, 3887, 358, 272, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 4891, 5175, 2117, 13, 3887, 358, 421, 199, 318, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 8, 576, 63, 466, 12, 931, 12, 1478, 29, 17, 304, 272, 9759, 63, 513, 275, 788, 65, 59, 576, 13, 466, 32053, 937, 1370, 908, 8, 576, 63, 466, 1874, 272, 340, 1478, 1137, 413, 26, 267, 9759, 63, 513, 14, 740, 360, 65, 59, 344, 628, 1907, 13, 344, 13, 2440, 937, 1370, 908, 8, 1080, 430, 272, 340, 931, 365, 440, 488, 26, 267, 9759, 63, 513, 14, 740, 360, 65, 59, 576, 13, 1985, 32053, 14698, 14698, 937, 1370, 908, 8, 3998, 63, 16575, 12, 666, 63, 466, 12, 931, 430, 272, 372, 9759, 63, 513, 421, 199, 318, 1911, 63, 505, 63, 1532, 8, 505, 304, 272, 372, 2400, 26, 6701, 14, 5750, 14, 374, 63, 505, 63, 1881, 8, 505, 9, 421, 199, 318, 1911, 63, 3919, 63, 1532, 8, 3919, 304, 272, 372, 2400, 26, 6701, 14, 374, 63, 3919, 63, 1881, 8, 3919, 12, 3618, 63, 521, 29, 18, 9, 199, 199, 20360, 63, 12511, 1075, 4392, 275, 469, 272, 283, 31410, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 14410, 297, 488, 395, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 1911, 63, 3919, 63, 1532, 360, 2792, 14, 14293, 63, 31410, 2377, 358, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 28083, 4163, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 1360, 297, 283, 28083, 63, 4943, 63, 3276, 659, 267, 327, 3749, 1373, 365, 282, 4596, 3517, 880, 282, 1655, 2984, 1942, 2754, 365, 3769, 4224, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 2400, 26, 1557, 78, 259, 971, 78, 7, 315, 359, 88, 14, 1360, 367, 671, 315, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 1623, 360, 2792, 14, 14293, 63, 12957, 2377, 5440, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 7833, 13999, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 1360, 297, 283, 37, 13, 505, 63, 32329, 63, 262, 63, 7833, 12589, 659, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 1911, 63, 505, 63, 1532, 360, 26900, 26, 662, 13, 3876, 510, 2962, 358, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 28083, 20980, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 6462, 297, 283, 28083, 63, 7844, 63, 16467, 659, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 1911, 63, 505, 63, 1532, 360, 20438, 11293, 615, 3611, 34, 25847, 358, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 11070, 2110, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 6462, 297, 283, 11070, 2110, 659, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 1911, 63, 505, 63, 1532, 360, 14764, 8819, 358, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 3947, 16053, 356, 469, 267, 283, 5895, 356, 3650, 63, 6662, 63, 513, 360, 6462, 297, 283, 8433, 63, 9054, 659, 267, 283, 4214, 63, 1532, 356, 1911, 63, 505, 63, 1532, 360, 21894, 906, 445, 2979, 4047, 358, 272, 1660, 272, 283, 46, 27685, 356, 469, 267, 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#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Notes: # # This is all roughly based on the Makefile system used by the Linux # kernel, but is a non-recursive make -- we put the entire dependency # graph in front of make and let it figure it out. # # The code below generates a separate .mk file for each target, but # all are sourced by the top-level Makefile. This means that all # variables in .mk-files clobber one another. Be careful to use := # where appropriate for immediate evaluation, and similarly to watch # that you're not relying on a variable value to last beween different # .mk files. # # TODOs: # # Global settings and utility functions are currently stuffed in the # toplevel Makefile. It may make sense to generate some .mk files on # the side to keep the the files readable. import gyp import gyp.common import os.path # Debugging-related imports -- remove me once we're solid. import code import pprint generator_default_variables = { 'EXECUTABLE_PREFIX': '', 'EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX': '', 'OS': 'linux', 'STATIC_LIB_PREFIX': 'lib', 'SHARED_LIB_PREFIX': 'lib', 'STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX': '.a', 'SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX': '.so', 'INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '$(obj).$(TOOLSET)/geni', 'SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '$(obj)/gen', 'PRODUCT_DIR': '$(builddir)', 'SHARED_LIB_DIR': '$(builddir)/lib.$(TOOLSET)', 'LIB_DIR': '$(obj).$(TOOLSET)', 'RULE_INPUT_ROOT': '%(INPUT_ROOT)s', # This gets expanded by Python. 'RULE_INPUT_PATH': '$(abspath $<)', # These appear unused -- ??? 'RULE_INPUT_EXT': 'XXXEXT$(suffix $^)', 'RULE_INPUT_NAME': 'XXXNAME$(notdir $(basename $^)0', 'CONFIGURATION_NAME': '$(BUILDTYPE)', } # Make supports multiple toolsets generator_supports_multiple_toolsets = True def ensure_directory_exists(path): dir = os.path.dirname(path) if dir and not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) # Header of toplevel Makefile. # This should go into the build tree, but it's easier to keep it here for now. SHARED_HEADER = ("""\ # We borrow heavily from the kernel build setup, though we are simpler since # we don't have Kconfig tweaking settings on us. # The implicit make rules have it looking for RCS files, among other things. # We instead explicitly write all the rules we care about. # It's even quicker (saves ~200ms) to pass -r on the command line. MAKEFLAGS=-r # The V=1 flag on command line makes us verbosely print command lines. ifdef V quiet= else quiet=quiet_ endif # Specify BUILDTYPE=Release on the command line for a release build. BUILDTYPE ?= __default_configuration__ # Directory all our build output goes into. # Note that this must be two directories beneath src/ for unit tests to pass, # as they reach into the src/ directory for data with relative paths. builddir ?= $(builddir_name)/$(BUILDTYPE) abs_builddir := $(abspath $(builddir)) # Object output directory. obj := $(builddir)/obj abs_obj := $(abspath $(obj)) # We build up a list of each target that we want to be generated by default. all_targets := # We build up a list of every single one of the targets so we can slurp in the # generated dependency rule Makefiles in one pass. all_deps := # C++ apps need to be linked with g++. Not sure what's appropriate. LINK ?= $(CXX) ?= $(CC) ?= $(CXX) ?= $(LINK) ?= $(AR) ?= ranlib ?= gcc ?= g++ ?= g++ ?= ar ?= ranlib # Flags to make gcc output dependency info. Note that you need to be # careful here to use the flags that ccache and distcc can understand. # We write to a temporary dep file first and then rename at the end # so we can't end up with a broken dep file. depfile = [email protected] DEPFLAGS = -MMD -MF $(depfile).tmp # We have to fixup the deps output in a few ways. # First, the file output should to mention the proper .o file. # ccache or distcc lose the path to the target, so we convert a rule of # the form: # foobar.o: DEP1 DEP2 # into # path/to/foobar.o: DEP1 DEP2 # Additionally, we want to make missing files not cause us to needlessly # rebuild. We want to rewrite # foobar.o: DEP1 DEP2 \\ # DEP3 # to # DEP1 DEP2: # DEP3: # so if the files are missing, they're just considered phony rules. # We have to do some pretty insane escaping to get those backslashes # and dollar signs past make, the shell, and sed at the same time.""" r""" define fixup_dep sed -i -e "s|^$(notdir $@)|$@|" $(depfile).tmp sed -e "s|^[^:]*: *||" -e "s| *\\\\$$||" -e 's|^ *||' \ -e "/./s|$$|:|" $(depfile).tmp >> $(depfile).tmp cat $(depfile).tmp >> $(depfile) rm -f $(depfile).tmp endef """ """ # Command definitions: # - cmd_foo is the actual command to run; # - quiet_cmd_foo is the brief-output summary of the command. quiet_cmd_cc = CC($(TOOLSET)) $@ cmd_cc = $(CC.$(TOOLSET)) $(CFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< quiet_cmd_cxx = CXX($(TOOLSET)) $@ cmd_cxx = $(CXX.$(TOOLSET)) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< quiet_cmd_alink = AR+RANLIB($(TOOLSET)) $@ cmd_alink = rm -f $@ && $(AR.$(TOOLSET)) rc $@ $(filter %.o,$^) && $(RANLIB.$(TOOLSET)) $@ quiet_cmd_touch = TOUCH $@ cmd_touch = touch $@ quiet_cmd_copy = COPY $@ cmd_copy = ln -f $< $@ || cp -af $< $@ # Due to circular dependencies between libraries :(, we wrap the # special "figure out circular dependencies" flags around the entire # input list during linking. quiet_cmd_link = LINK($(TOOLSET)) $@ cmd_link = $(LINK.$(TOOLSET)) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -Wl,--start-group $(filter-out FORCE_DO_CMD, $^) -Wl,--end-group $(LIBS) # Shared-object link (for generating .so). # Set SONAME to the library filename so our binaries don't reference the local, # absolute paths used on the link command-line. # TODO: perhaps this can share with the LINK command above? quiet_cmd_solink = SOLINK($(TOOLSET)) $@ cmd_solink = $(LINK.$(TOOLSET)) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname=$(@F) -o $@ -Wl,--start-group $(filter-out FORCE_DO_CMD, $^) -Wl,--end-group $(LIBS) """ r""" # Define an escape_quotes function to escape single quotes. # This allows us to handle quotes properly as long as we always use # use single quotes and escape_quotes. escape_quotes = $(subst ','\'',$(1)) # This comment is here just to include a ' to unconfuse syntax highlighting. # Define an escape_vars function to escape '$' variable syntax. # This allows us to read/write command lines wth shell variables (e.g. # $LD_LIBRARY_PATH), without triggering make substitution. escape_vars = $(subst $$,$$$$,$(1)) """ """ # Helper to compare the command we're about to run against the command # we logged the last time we ran the command. Produces an empty # string (false) when the commands match. # Tricky point: Make has no string-equality test function. # The kernel uses the following, but it seems like it would have false # positives, where one string reordered its arguments. # arg_check = $(strip $(filter-out $(cmd_$(1)), $(cmd_$@)) \\ # $(filter-out $(cmd_$@), $(cmd_$(1)))) # We instead substitute each for the empty string into the other, and # say they're equal if both substitutions produce the empty string. command_changed = $(or $(subst $(cmd_$(1)),,$(cmd_$@)),\\ $(subst $(cmd_$@),,$(cmd_$(1)))) # Helper that is non-empty when a prerequisite changes. # Normally make does this implicitly, but we force rules to always run # so we can check their command lines. # $? -- new prerequisites # $| -- order-only dependencies prereq_changed = $(filter-out $|,$?) # do_cmd: run a command via the above cmd_foo names, if necessary. # Should always run for a given target to handle command-line changes. # Second argument, if non-zero, makes it do C/C++ dependency munging. define do_cmd $(if $(or $(command_changed),$(prereq_changed)), @echo ' $($(quiet)cmd_$(1))' @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @$(cmd_$(1)) @echo '$(call escape_vars,$(call escape_quotes,cmd_$@ := $(cmd_$(1))))' > $(depfile) @$(if $(2),$(fixup_dep)) ) endef # Declare "all" target first so it is the default, even though we don't have the # deps yet. .PHONY: all all: # make looks for ways to re-generate included makefiles, but in our case, we # don't have a direct way. Explicitly telling make that it has nothing to do # for them makes it go faster. %.d: ; # Use FORCE_DO_CMD to force a target to run. Should be coupled with # do_cmd. .PHONY: FORCE_DO_CMD FORCE_DO_CMD: """) ROOT_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES = ("""\ # Suffix rules, putting all outputs into $(obj). $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.s FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.S FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.cxx FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) # Try building from generated source, too. $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.o: $(obj)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """) SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT1 = ("""\ # Suffix rules, putting all outputs into $(obj). """) SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_SRCDIR = { '.c': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) """), '.s': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.s FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc) """), '.S': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.S FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc) """), '.cpp': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), '.cc': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), '.cxx': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(srcdir)/%.cxx FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), } SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT2 = ("""\ # Try building from generated source, too. """) SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR1 = { '.c': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) """), '.cc': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), '.cpp': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), } SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR2 = { '.c': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj)/%.c FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cc,1) """), '.cc': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj)/ FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), '.cpp': ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%.o: $(obj)/%.cpp FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,cxx,1) """), } SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES = ( SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT1 + ''.join(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_SRCDIR.values()) + SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT2 + ''.join(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR1.values()) + ''.join(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR2.values()) ) # This gets added to the very beginning of the Makefile. SHARED_HEADER_SRCDIR = ("""\ # The source directory tree. srcdir := %s """) SHARED_HEADER_BUILDDIR_NAME = ("""\ # The name of the builddir. builddir_name ?= %s """) SHARED_FOOTER = """\ # Now that we've included the sub-makefiles, we can define the rule depending on # all_targets. all: $(all_targets) # Add in dependency-tracking rules. $(all_deps) is the list of every single # target in our tree. First, only consider targets that already have been # built, as unbuilt targets will be built regardless of dependency info: all_deps := $(wildcard $(sort $(all_deps))) # Of those, only consider the ones with .d (dependency) info: d_files := $(wildcard $(foreach f,$(all_deps),$(f).d)) ifneq ($(d_files),) include $(d_files) endif """ header = """\ # This file is generated by gyp; do not edit. """ def Compilable(filename): """Return true if the file is compilable (should be in OBJS).""" for res in (filename.endswith(e) for e in ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.s', '.S']): if res: return True return False def Target(filename): """Translate a compilable filename to its .o target.""" return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.o' def QuoteIfNecessary(string): if '"' in string: string = '"' + string.replace('"', '\\"') + '"' return string srcdir_prefix = '' def Sourceify(path): """Convert a path to its source directory form.""" if '$(' in path: return path if os.path.isabs(path): return path return srcdir_prefix + path # Map from qualified target to path to output. target_outputs = {} # Map from qualified target to a list of all linker dependencies, # transitively expanded. # Used in building shared-library-based executables. target_link_deps = {} class MakefileWriter: """MakefileWriter packages up the writing of one target-specific Its only real entry point is Write(), and is mostly used for namespacing. """ def Write(self, qualified_target, base_path, output_filename, spec, configs, part_of_all): """The main entry point: writes a .mk file for a single target. Arguments: qualified_target: target we're generating base_path: path relative to source root we're building in, used to resolve target-relative paths output_filename: output .mk file name to write spec, configs: gyp info part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ print 'Generating %s' % output_filename ensure_directory_exists(output_filename) self.fp = open(output_filename, 'w') self.fp.write(header) self.path = base_path = spec['target_name'] self.type = spec['type'] self.toolset = spec['toolset'] deps, link_deps = self.ComputeDeps(spec) # Some of the generation below can add extra output, sources, or # link dependencies. All of the out params of the functions that # follow use names like extra_foo. extra_outputs = [] extra_sources = [] extra_link_deps = [] self.output = self.ComputeOutput(spec) self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS = ('executable', 'loadable_module', 'shared_library') if self.type in self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS: self.alias = os.path.basename(self.output) else: self.alias = self.output self.WriteLn("TOOLSET := " + self.toolset) self.WriteLn("TARGET := " + # Actions must come first, since they can generate more OBJs for use below. if 'actions' in spec: self.WriteActions(spec['actions'], extra_sources, extra_outputs, part_of_all) # Rules must be early like actions. if 'rules' in spec: self.WriteRules(spec['rules'], extra_sources, extra_outputs, part_of_all) if 'copies' in spec: self.WriteCopies(spec['copies'], extra_outputs, part_of_all) all_sources = spec.get('sources', []) + extra_sources if all_sources: self.WriteSources(configs, deps, all_sources, extra_outputs, extra_link_deps, part_of_all) sources = filter(Compilable, all_sources) if sources: self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT1) extensions = set([os.path.splitext(s)[1] for s in sources]) for ext in extensions: if ext in SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_SRCDIR: self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_SRCDIR[ext]) self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT2) for ext in extensions: if ext in SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR1: self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR1[ext]) for ext in extensions: if ext in SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR2: self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_OBJDIR2[ext]) self.WriteLn('# End of this set of suffix rules') self.WriteTarget(spec, configs, deps, extra_link_deps + link_deps, extra_outputs, part_of_all) # Update global list of target outputs, used in dependency tracking. target_outputs[qualified_target] = self.alias # Update global list of link dependencies. if self.type == 'static_library': target_link_deps[qualified_target] = [self.output] elif self.type == 'shared_library': # Anyone that uses us transitively depend on all of our link # dependencies. target_link_deps[qualified_target] = [self.output] + link_deps self.fp.close() def WriteActions(self, actions, extra_sources, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'actions' from the gyp input. extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source files, if any extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these actions (used to make other pieces dependent on these actions) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ for action in actions: name = + '_' + action['action_name'] self.WriteLn('### Rules for action "%s":' % action['action_name']) inputs = action['inputs'] outputs = action['outputs'] # Build up a list of outputs. # Collect the output dirs we'll need. dirs = set() for out in outputs: dir = os.path.split(out)[0] if dir: dirs.add(dir) if int(action.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)): extra_sources += outputs # Write the actual command. command = gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action['action']) if 'message' in action: self.WriteLn('quiet_cmd_%s = ACTION %s $@' % (name, action['message'])) else: self.WriteLn('quiet_cmd_%s = ACTION %s $@' % (name, name)) if len(dirs) > 0: command = 'mkdir -p %s' % ' '.join(dirs) + '; ' + command # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in case the action runs an executable from this # build which links to shared libs from this build. if self.path: cd_action = 'cd %s; ' % Sourceify(self.path) else: cd_action = '' # actions run on the host, so they should in theory only use host # libraries, but until everything is made cross-compile safe, also use # target libraries. # TODO(piman): when everything is cross-compile safe, remove self.WriteLn('cmd_%s = export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(builddir)/' '$(builddir)/$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; %s%s' % (name, cd_action, command)) self.WriteLn() outputs = map(self.Absolutify, outputs) # The makefile rules are all relative to the top dir, but the gyp actions # are defined relative to their containing dir. This replaces the obj # variable for the action rule with an absolute version so that the output # goes in the right place. self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, ['obj := $(abs_obj)']) self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, ['builddir := $(abs_builddir)']) self.WriteDoCmd(outputs, map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, inputs)), part_of_all=part_of_all, command=name) # Stuff the outputs in a variable so we can refer to them later. outputs_variable = 'action_%s_outputs' % name self.WriteLn('%s := %s' % (outputs_variable, ' '.join(outputs))) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % outputs_variable) self.WriteLn() self.WriteLn() def WriteRules(self, rules, extra_sources, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'rules' from the gyp input. extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source files, if any extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these rules (used to make other pieces dependent on these rules) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ for rule in rules: name = + '_' + rule['rule_name'] count = 0 self.WriteLn('### Generated for rule %s:' % name) all_outputs = [] for rule_source in rule['rule_sources']: dirs = set() rule_source_basename = os.path.basename(rule_source) (rule_source_root, rule_source_ext) = \ os.path.splitext(rule_source_basename) outputs = [self.ExpandInputRoot(out, rule_source_root) for out in rule['outputs']] for out in outputs: dir = os.path.dirname(out) if dir: dirs.add(dir) if int(rule.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)): extra_sources.append(out) all_outputs += outputs inputs = map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, [rule_source] + rule.get('inputs', []))) actions = ['$(call do_cmd,%s_%d)' % (name, count)] if name == 'resources_grit': # HACK: This is ugly. Grit intentionally doesn't touch the # timestamp of its output file when the file doesn't change, # which is fine in hash-based dependency systems like scons # and forge, but not kosher in the make world. After some # discussion, hacking around it here seems like the least # amount of pain. actions += ['@touch --no-create $@'] self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, ['obj := $(abs_obj)']) self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, ['builddir := $(abs_builddir)']) self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, inputs + ['FORCE_DO_CMD'], actions) if part_of_all: self.WriteLn('all_targets += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) self.WriteLn('all_deps += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) action = [self.ExpandInputRoot(ac, rule_source_root) for ac in rule['action']] mkdirs = '' if len(dirs) > 0: mkdirs = 'mkdir -p %s; ' % ' '.join(dirs) if self.path: cd_action = 'cd %s; ' % Sourceify(self.path) else: cd_action = '' self.WriteLn( "cmd_%(name)s_%(count)d = %(cd_action)s%(mkdirs)s%(action)s" % { 'action': gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action), 'cd_action': cd_action, 'count': count, 'mkdirs': mkdirs, 'name': name, }) self.WriteLn( 'quiet_cmd_%(name)s_%(count)d = RULE %(name)s_%(count)d $@' % { 'count': count, 'name': name, }) self.WriteLn() count += 1 outputs_variable = 'rule_%s_outputs' % name self.WriteList(all_outputs, outputs_variable) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % outputs_variable) self.WriteLn('### Finished generating for rule: %s' % name) self.WriteLn() self.WriteLn('### Finished generating for all rules') self.WriteLn('') def WriteCopies(self, copies, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'copies' from the gyp input. extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of this action (used to make other pieces dependent on this action) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ self.WriteLn('### Generated for copy rule.') variable = + '_copies' outputs = [] for copy in copies: for path in copy['files']: path = Sourceify(self.Absolutify(path)) filename = os.path.split(path)[1] output = Sourceify(self.Absolutify(os.path.join(copy['destination'], filename))) self.WriteDoCmd([output], [path], 'copy', part_of_all) outputs.append(output) self.WriteLn('%s = %s' % (variable, ' '.join(outputs))) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % variable) self.WriteLn() def WriteSources(self, configs, deps, sources, extra_outputs, extra_link_deps, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'sources' from the gyp input. These are source files necessary to build the current target. configs, deps, sources: input from gyp. extra_outputs: a list of extra outputs this action should be dependent on; used to serialize action/rules before compilation extra_link_deps: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of compilation (to be used in link lines) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ # Write configuration-specific variables for CFLAGS, etc. for configname in sorted(configs.keys()): config = configs[configname] self.WriteList(config.get('defines'), 'DEFS_%s' % configname, prefix='-D') self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to both C and C++ files."); self.WriteList(config.get('cflags'), 'CFLAGS_%s' % configname) self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only C (and not C++) files."); self.WriteList(config.get('cflags_c'), 'CFLAGS_C_%s' % configname) self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only C++ (and not C) files."); self.WriteList(config.get('cflags_cc'), 'CFLAGS_CC_%s' % configname) includes = config.get('include_dirs') if includes: includes = map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, includes)) self.WriteList(includes, 'INCS_%s' % configname, prefix='-I') sources = filter(Compilable, sources) objs = map(self.Objectify, map(self.Absolutify, map(Target, sources))) self.WriteList(objs, 'OBJS') if part_of_all: self.WriteLn('# Add to the list of dependencies for the default target') self.WriteLn('all_targets += $(OBJS)') self.WriteLn() self.WriteLn('# Add to the list of files we specially track ' 'dependencies for.') self.WriteLn('all_deps += $(OBJS)') self.WriteLn() # Make sure our dependencies are built first. if deps: self.WriteMakeRule(['$(OBJS)'], deps, comment = 'Make sure our dependencies are built ' 'before any of us.', order_only = True) # Make sure the actions and rules run first. # If they generate any extra headers etc., the per-.o file dep tracking # will catch the proper rebuilds, so order only is still ok here. if extra_outputs: self.WriteMakeRule(['$(OBJS)'], extra_outputs, comment = 'Make sure our actions/rules run ' 'before any of us.', order_only = True) if objs: extra_link_deps.append('$(OBJS)') self.WriteLn("""\ # CFLAGS et al overrides must be target-local. # See "Target-specific Variable Values" in the GNU Make manual.""") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): TOOLSET := $(TOOLSET)") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) $(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE))") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): CXXFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) $(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE))") self.WriteLn() def ComputeOutput(self, spec): """Return the 'output' (full output path) of a gyp spec. E.g., the loadable module 'foobar' in directory 'baz' will produce '$(obj)/baz/' """ output = None target = spec['target_name'] path = spec.get('product_dir', os.path.join('$(obj).' + self.toolset, self.path)) if self.type == 'static_library': target = 'lib%s.a' % (target[:3] == 'lib' and [target[3:]] or [target])[0] elif self.type in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'): target = '' % (target[:3] == 'lib' and [target[3:]] or [target])[0] path = spec.get('product_dir', os.path.join('$(builddir)', 'lib.' + self.toolset, self.path)) elif self.type == 'none': target = '%s.stamp' % target elif self.type == 'settings': return None elif self.type == 'executable': target = spec.get('product_name', target) path = spec.get('product_dir', os.path.join('$(builddir)')) else: print ("ERROR: What output file should be generated?", "typ", self.type, "target", target) return os.path.join(path, target) def ComputeDeps(self, spec): """Compute the dependencies of a gyp spec. Returns a tuple (deps, link_deps), where each is a list of filenames that will need to be put in front of make for either building (deps) or linking (link_deps). """ deps = [] link_deps = [] if 'dependencies' in spec: deps.extend([target_outputs[dep] for dep in spec['dependencies'] if target_outputs[dep]]) for dep in spec['dependencies']: if dep in target_link_deps: link_deps.extend(target_link_deps[dep]) deps.extend(link_deps) # TODO: It seems we need to transitively link in libraries (e.g. -lfoo)? # This hack makes it work: # link_deps.extend(spec.get('libraries', [])) return (gyp.common.uniquer(deps), gyp.common.uniquer(link_deps)) def WriteTarget(self, spec, configs, deps, link_deps, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code to produce the final target of the gyp spec. spec, configs: input from gyp. deps, link_deps: dependency lists; see ComputeDeps() extra_outputs: any extra outputs that our target should depend on part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ self.WriteLn('### Rules for final target.') if extra_outputs: self.WriteMakeRule([self.output], extra_outputs, comment = 'Build our special outputs first.', order_only = True) if self.type not in ('settings', 'none'): for configname in sorted(configs.keys()): config = configs[configname] self.WriteList(config.get('ldflags'), 'LDFLAGS_%s' % configname) self.WriteList(spec.get('libraries'), 'LIBS') self.WriteLn('%s: LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE))' % self.output) self.WriteLn('%s: LIBS := $(LIBS)' % self.output) if self.type == 'executable': self.WriteDoCmd([self.output], link_deps, 'link', part_of_all) elif self.type == 'static_library': self.WriteDoCmd([self.output], link_deps, 'alink', part_of_all) elif self.type in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'): self.WriteDoCmd([self.output], link_deps, 'solink', part_of_all) elif self.type == 'none': # Write a stamp line. self.WriteDoCmd([self.output], deps, 'touch', part_of_all) elif self.type == 'settings': # Only used for passing flags around. pass else: print "WARNING: no output for", self.type, target # Add an alias for each target (if there are any outputs). if self.output and self.output != self.WriteMakeRule([], [self.output], comment='Add target alias') # Add special-case rules for our installable targets. # 1) They need to install to the build dir or "product" dir. # 2) They get shortcuts for building (e.g. "make chrome"). # 3) They are part of "make all". if self.type in self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS: if self.type in ('shared_library'): file_desc = 'shared library' # Install all shared libs into a common directory (per toolset) for # convenient access with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. binpath = '$(builddir)/lib.%s/%s' % (self.toolset, self.alias) else: file_desc = 'executable' binpath = '$(builddir)/' + self.alias installable_deps = [self.output] if binpath != self.output: self.WriteDoCmd([binpath], [self.output], 'copy', comment = 'Copy this to the %s output path.' % file_desc, part_of_all=part_of_all) installable_deps.append(binpath) if self.output != self.alias: self.WriteMakeRule([self.alias], installable_deps, comment = 'Short alias for building this %s.' % file_desc, phony = True) if part_of_all: self.WriteMakeRule(['all'], [binpath], comment = 'Add %s to "all" target.' % file_desc, phony = True) def WriteList(self, list, variable=None, prefix=''): """Write a variable definition that is a list of values. E.g. WriteList(['a','b'], 'foo', prefix='blah') writes out foo = blaha blahb but in a pretty-printed style. """ self.fp.write(variable + " := ") if list: list = [QuoteIfNecessary(prefix + l) for l in list] self.fp.write(" \\\n\t".join(list)) self.fp.write("\n\n") def WriteDoCmd(self, outputs, inputs, command, part_of_all, comment=None): """Write a Makefile rule that uses do_cmd. This makes the outputs dependent on the command line that was run, as well as support the V= make command line flag. """ self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, inputs, actions = ['$(call do_cmd,%s)' % command], comment = comment, force = True) if part_of_all: # Add our outputs to the list of dependencies of the default target self.WriteLn('all_targets += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) # Add our outputs to the list of targets we read depfiles from. self.WriteLn('all_deps += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) def WriteMakeRule(self, outputs, inputs, actions=None, comment=None, order_only=False, force=False, phony=False): """Write a Makefile rule, with some extra tricks. outputs: a list of outputs for the rule (note: this is not directly supported by make; see comments below) inputs: a list of inputs for the rule actions: a list of shell commands to run for the rule comment: a comment to put in the Makefile above the rule (also useful for making this Python script's code self-documenting) order_only: if true, makes the dependency order-only force: if true, include FORCE_DO_CMD as an order-only dep phony: if true, the rule does not actually generate the named output, the output is just a name to run the rule """ if comment: self.WriteLn('# ' + comment) if phony: self.WriteLn('.PHONY: ' + ' '.join(outputs)) # TODO(evanm): just make order_only a list of deps instead of these hacks. if order_only: order_insert = '| ' else: order_insert = '' if force: force_append = ' FORCE_DO_CMD' else: force_append = '' if actions: self.WriteLn("%s: TOOLSET := $(TOOLSET)" % outputs[0]) self.WriteLn('%s: %s%s%s' % (outputs[0], order_insert, ' '.join(inputs), force_append)) if actions: for action in actions: self.WriteLn('\t%s' % action) if len(outputs) > 1: # If we have more than one output, a rule like # foo bar: baz # that for *each* output we must run the action, potentially # in parallel. That is not what we're trying to write -- what # we want is that we run the action once and it generates all # the files. # # discusses this problem and has this solution: # 1) Write the naive rule that would produce parallel runs of # the action. # 2) Make the outputs seralized on each other, so we won't start # a a parallel run until the first run finishes, at which point # we'll have generated all the outputs and we're done. self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % (' '.join(outputs[1:]), outputs[0])) self.WriteLn() def WriteLn(self, text=''): self.fp.write(text + '\n') def Objectify(self, path): """Convert a path to its output directory form.""" if '$(' in path: path = path.replace('$(obj)/', '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/' % self.toolset) return path return '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/%s' % (self.toolset, path) def Absolutify(self, path): """Convert a subdirectory-relative path into a base-relative path. Skips over paths that contain variables.""" if '$(' in path: return path return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, path)) def FixupArgPath(self, arg): if '/' in arg or '.h.' in arg: return self.Absolutify(arg) return arg def ExpandInputRoot(self, template, expansion): if '%(INPUT_ROOT)s' not in template: return template path = template % { 'INPUT_ROOT': expansion } if not os.path.dirname(path): # If it's just the file name, turn it into a path so FixupArgPath() # will know to Absolutify() it. path = os.path.join('.', path) return path def GenerateOutput(target_list, target_dicts, data, params): options = params['options'] generator_flags = params.get('generator_flags', {}) builddir_name = generator_flags.get('output_dir', 'out') # TODO: search for the first non-'Default' target. This can go # away when we add verification that all targets have the # necessary configurations. default_configuration = None toolsets = set([target_dicts[target]['toolset'] for target in target_list]) for target in target_list: spec = target_dicts[target] if spec['default_configuration'] != 'Default': default_configuration = spec['default_configuration'] break if not default_configuration: default_configuration = 'Default' srcdir = '.' makefile_name = 'Makefile' + options.suffix makefile_path = os.path.join(options.depth, makefile_name) if options.generator_output: global srcdir_prefix makefile_path = os.path.join(options.generator_output, makefile_path) srcdir = gyp.common.RelativePath(srcdir, options.generator_output) srcdir_prefix = '$(srcdir)/' ensure_directory_exists(makefile_path) root_makefile = open(makefile_path, 'w') root_makefile.write(SHARED_HEADER_SRCDIR % srcdir) root_makefile.write(SHARED_HEADER_BUILDDIR_NAME % builddir_name) root_makefile.write(SHARED_HEADER.replace('__default_configuration__', default_configuration)) for toolset in toolsets: root_makefile.write('TOOLSET := %s\n' % toolset) root_makefile.write(ROOT_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES) # Find the list of targets that derive from the gyp file(s) being built. needed_targets = set() for build_file in params['build_files']: for target in gyp.common.AllTargets(target_list, target_dicts, build_file): needed_targets.add(target) build_files = set() include_list = [] for qualified_target in target_list: build_file, target, toolset = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget( qualified_target) build_files.add(gyp.common.RelativePath(build_file, options.depth)) included_files = data[build_file]['included_files'] for included_file in included_files: # The included_files entries are relative to the dir of the build file # that included them, so we have to undo that and then make them relative # to the root dir. relative_include_file = gyp.common.RelativePath( gyp.common.UnrelativePath(included_file, build_file), options.depth) abs_include_file = os.path.abspath(relative_include_file) # If the include file is from the ~/.gyp dir, we should use absolute path # so that relocating the src dir doesn't break the path. if (params['home_dot_gyp'] and abs_include_file.startswith(params['home_dot_gyp'])): build_files.add(abs_include_file) else: build_files.add(relative_include_file) # Paths in gyp files are relative to the .gyp file, but we want # paths relative to the source root for the master makefile. Grab # the path of the .gyp file as the base to relativize against. # E.g. "foo/bar" when we're constructing targets found "foo/bar/baz.gyp". base_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(os.path.dirname(build_file), options.depth) # We write the .mk file in the base_path directory. output_file = os.path.join(options.depth, base_path, target + '.' + toolset + options.suffix + '.mk') if options.generator_output: output_file = os.path.join(options.generator_output, output_file) spec = target_dicts[qualified_target] configs = spec['configurations'] writer = MakefileWriter() writer.Write(qualified_target, base_path, output_file, spec, configs, part_of_all=qualified_target in needed_targets) # Our root_makefile lives at the source root. Compute the relative path # from there to the output_file for including. submakefile_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(output_file, os.path.dirname(makefile_path)) include_list.append('include ' + submakefile_path + '\n') # Write out the sorted list of includes. include_list.sort() root_makefile.write('\n') for include in include_list: root_makefile.write(include) root_makefile.write('\n') # Write the target to regenerate the Makefile. if generator_flags.get('auto_regeneration', True): build_files_args = [gyp.common.RelativePath(filename, options.depth) for filename in params['build_files_arg']] root_makefile.write("%s: %s\n\t%s\n" % ( makefile_name, ' '.join(map(Sourceify, build_files)), gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList( [gyp.common.FixIfRelativePath(params['gyp_binary'], options.depth), '-fmake'] + gyp.RegenerateFlags(options) + build_files_args))) root_makefile.write(SHARED_FOOTER) root_makefile.close()
[ 3381, 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 199, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 8937, 4475, 3277, 14, 2900, 4481, 4644, 14, 199, 3, 3645, 402, 642, 1350, 1233, 365, 10413, 701, 282, 6289, 13, 2487, 4190, 626, 883, 506, 199, 3, 1911, 315, 314, 5113, 570, 14, 199, 199, 3, 8144, 26, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 365, 1006, 28568, 590, 4079, 641, 314, 20618, 2656, 1202, 701, 314, 10130, 199, 3, 5114, 12, 1325, 365, 282, 2222, 13, 9931, 1852, 1553, 781, 5324, 314, 8039, 5936, 199, 3, 3343, 315, 13738, 402, 1852, 436, 4691, 652, 9658, 652, 734, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 710, 1233, 5084, 12821, 282, 7396, 1275, 3880, 570, 367, 1924, 1347, 12, 1325, 199, 3, 1006, 787, 1350, 68, 701, 314, 2746, 13, 1896, 20618, 14, 221, 961, 4910, 626, 1006, 199, 3, 2860, 315, 1275, 3880, 13, 1725, 286, 22669, 1373, 4573, 14, 221, 6423, 25082, 370, 675, 12952, 199, 3, 2382, 5827, 367, 8569, 11735, 12, 436, 8545, 590, 370, 9626, 199, 3, 626, 1265, 3984, 440, 295, 6670, 641, 282, 1750, 574, 370, 2061, 506, 3109, 3365, 199, 3, 1275, 3880, 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import numpy import os import sys SRC = "de" TGT = "en" DATA_DIR = "data/" from nematus.nmt import train if __name__ == '__main__': validerr = train(saveto='models/model.npz', reload_=False, dim_word=256, dim=256, n_words=20000, n_words_src=30000, decay_c=0., clip_c=100., lrate=0.001, sort_by_length=False, optimizer='adam', maxlen=200, batch_size=32, valid_batch_size=32, datasets=[DATA_DIR + '/train.en-de.low.filt.' + SRC, DATA_DIR + '/train.en-de.low.filt.' + TGT], valid_datasets=[DATA_DIR + '/valid.en-de.low.' + SRC, DATA_DIR + '/valid.en-de.low.' + TGT], dictionaries=[DATA_DIR + '/train.en-de.low.filt.' + SRC + '.json',DATA_DIR + '/train.en-de.low.filt.' + TGT + '.json'], validFreq=2500, dispFreq=1000, saveFreq=3000, sampleFreq=10000, use_dropout=False, dropout_embedding=0., # dropout for input embeddings (0: no dropout) dropout_hidden=0.5, # dropout for hidden layers (0: no dropout) dropout_source=0., # dropout source words (0: no dropout) dropout_target=0., # dropout target words (0: no dropout) overwrite=True)#, #external_validation_script='./') print validerr
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import zmq import numpy import threading from collections import namedtuple Point2D = namedtuple('Point2D', ('x', 'y')) Point3D = namedtuple('Point3D', ('x', 'y', 'z')) Quaternion = namedtuple('Quaternion', ('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')) torso_joints = ('hip_center', 'spine', 'shoulder_center', 'head') left_arm_joints = ('shoulder_left', 'elbow_left', 'wrist_left', 'hand_left') right_arm_joints = ('shoulder_right', 'elbow_right', 'wrist_right', 'hand_right') left_leg_joints = ('hip_left', 'knee_left', 'ankle_left', 'foot_left') right_leg_joints = ('hip_right', 'knee_right', 'ankle_right', 'foot_right') skeleton_joints = torso_joints + left_arm_joints + right_arm_joints + left_leg_joints + right_leg_joints class Skeleton(namedtuple('Skeleton', ('timestamp', 'user_id') + skeleton_joints)): joints = skeleton_joints @property def to_np(self): l = [] for j in self.joints: p = getattr(self, j).position l.append((p.x, p.y, p.z)) return numpy.array(l) Joint = namedtuple('Joint', ('position', 'orientation', 'pixel_coordinate')) class KinectSensor(object): def __init__(self, addr, port): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._skeleton = None context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.socket.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(addr, port)) t = threading.Thread(target=self.get_skeleton) t.daemon = True t.start() @property def tracked_skeleton(self): with self._lock: return self._skeleton @tracked_skeleton.setter def tracked_skeleton(self, skeleton): with self._lock: self._skeleton = skeleton def get_skeleton(self): while True: self.socket.send('Hello') md = self.socket.recv_json() msg = self.socket.recv() skeleton_array = numpy.frombuffer(buffer(msg), dtype=md['dtype']) skeleton_array = skeleton_array.reshape(md['shape']) joints = [] for i in range(len(skeleton_joints)): x, y, z, w = skeleton_array[i][0:4] position = Point3D(x / w, y / w, z / w) pixel_coord = Point2D(*skeleton_array[i][4:6]) orientation = Quaternion(*skeleton_array[i][6:10]) joints.append(Joint(position, orientation, pixel_coord)) self.tracked_skeleton = Skeleton(md['timestamp'], md['user_index'], *joints) def draw_position(skel, ax): xy, zy = [], [] if not skel: return for j in skeleton_joints: p = getattr(skel, j).position xy.append((p.x, p.y)) zy.append((p.z, p.y)) ax.set_xlim(-2, 5) ax.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5) ax.scatter(zip(*xy)[0], zip(*xy)[1], 30, 'b') ax.scatter(zip(*zy)[0], zip(*zy)[1], 30, 'r') if __name__ == '__main__': import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) kinect_sensor = KinectSensor('', 9999) import skelangle kinect_angle = skelangle.AngleFromSkel() try: while True: ax.clear() draw_position(kinect_sensor.tracked_skeleton, ax) plt.draw() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: plt.close('all')
[ 646, 26633, 199, 646, 2680, 199, 646, 5796, 199, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 12863, 199, 199, 3428, 18, 36, 275, 12863, 360, 3428, 18, 36, 297, 661, 88, 297, 283, 89, 1333, 199, 3428, 19, 36, 275, 12863, 360, 3428, 19, 36, 297, 661, 88, 297, 283, 89, 297, 283, 90, 1333, 199, 2371, 28945, 275, 12863, 360, 2371, 28945, 297, 661, 88, 297, 283, 89, 297, 283, 90, 297, 283, 87, 1333, 199, 199, 8270, 1152, 63, 10153, 83, 275, 661, 28951, 63, 4218, 297, 283, 681, 1132, 297, 283, 13927, 348, 424, 63, 4218, 297, 283, 2993, 358, 199, 3039, 63, 5362, 63, 10153, 83, 275, 661, 13927, 348, 424, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 17778, 583, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 3392, 270, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 6868, 63, 3039, 358, 199, 1019, 63, 5362, 63, 10153, 83, 275, 661, 13927, 348, 424, 63, 1019, 297, 283, 17778, 583, 63, 1019, 297, 283, 3392, 270, 63, 1019, 297, 283, 6868, 63, 1019, 358, 199, 3039, 63, 4170, 63, 10153, 83, 275, 661, 28951, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 75, 18682, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 3580, 274, 63, 3039, 297, 283, 11407, 63, 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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Model script to test TF-TensorRT integration.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.contrib.tensorrt.test import tf_trt_integration_test_base as trt_test from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test class RankTwoTest(trt_test.TfTrtIntegrationTestBase): def GetParams(self): """Test for rank 2 input in TF-TRT.""" input_names = ["input", "input2"] # Two paths: first with rank 2 input, second with rank 4 input. input_dims = [[12, 5], [12, 5, 2, 2]] output_name = "output" g = ops.Graph() with g.as_default(): outputs = [] for i in range(2): x = array_ops.placeholder( dtype=dtypes.float32, shape=input_dims[i], name=input_names[i]) c = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="c%d_1" % i) q = math_ops.add(x, c, name="add%d_1" % i) q = math_ops.abs(q, name="abs%d_1" % i) c = constant_op.constant(2.2, name="c%d_2" % i) q = math_ops.add(q, c, name="add%d_2" % i) q = math_ops.abs(q, name="abs%d_2" % i) c = constant_op.constant(3.0, name="c%d_3" % i) q = math_ops.add(q, c, name="add%d_3" % i) if i == 0: axis = constant_op.constant(-1, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="axis") for j in range(2): q = array_ops.expand_dims(q, axis, name="expand%d_%d" % (i, j)) q = self.trt_incompatible_op(q) q = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q, name="reciprocal%d" % i) outputs.append(q) # Combine both paths q = math_ops.add(outputs[0], outputs[1], name="add") array_ops.squeeze(q, name=output_name) return trt_test.TfTrtIntegrationTestParams( gdef=g.as_graph_def(), input_names=input_names, input_dims=[input_dims], output_names=[output_name], expected_output_dims=[[input_dims[1]]]) def ExpectedEnginesToBuild(self, run_params): """Return the expected engines to build.""" return { "TRTEngineOp_0": [ "add0_1", "add0_2", "add0_3", "c0_1", "c0_2", "c0_3", "abs0_1", "abs0_2", "expand0_0", "expand0_1", "axis" ], "TRTEngineOp_1": [ "add", "add1_1", "add1_2", "add1_3", "c1_1", "c1_2", "c1_3", "abs1_1", "abs1_2", "reciprocal0", "reciprocal1" ], } if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, serge van Ginderachter <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: bigip_monitor_tcp short_description: "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors" description: - "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors via iControl SOAP API" version_added: "1.4" author: Serge van Ginderachter notes: - "Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11" - "F5 developed module 'bigsuds' required (see" - "Best run as a local_action in your playbook" - "Monitor API documentation:" requirements: - bigsuds options: server: description: - BIG-IP host required: true default: null user: description: - BIG-IP username required: true default: null password: description: - BIG-IP password required: true default: null validate_certs: description: - If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. required: false default: 'yes' choices: ['yes', 'no'] version_added: 2.0 state: description: - Monitor state required: false default: 'present' choices: ['present', 'absent'] name: description: - Monitor name required: true default: null aliases: ['monitor'] partition: description: - Partition for the monitor required: false default: 'Common' type: description: - The template type of this monitor template required: false default: 'tcp' choices: [ 'TTYPE_TCP', 'TTYPE_TCP_ECHO', 'TTYPE_TCP_HALF_OPEN'] parent: description: - The parent template of this monitor template required: false default: 'tcp' choices: [ 'tcp', 'tcp_echo', 'tcp_half_open'] parent_partition: description: - Partition for the parent monitor required: false default: 'Common' send: description: - The send string for the monitor call required: true default: none receive: description: - The receive string for the monitor call required: true default: none ip: description: - IP address part of the ipport definition. The default API setting is "". required: false default: none port: description: - port address part op the ipport definition. The default API setting is 0. required: false default: none interval: description: - The interval specifying how frequently the monitor instance of this template will run. By default, this interval is used for up and down states. The default API setting is 5. required: false default: none timeout: description: - The number of seconds in which the node or service must respond to the monitor request. If the target responds within the set time period, it is considered up. If the target does not respond within the set time period, it is considered down. You can change this number to any number you want, however, it should be 3 times the interval number of seconds plus 1 second. The default API setting is 16. required: false default: none time_until_up: description: - Specifies the amount of time in seconds after the first successful response before a node will be marked up. A value of 0 will cause a node to be marked up immediately after a valid response is received from the node. The default API setting is 0. required: false default: none ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: BIGIP F5 | Create TCP Monitor local_action: module: bigip_monitor_tcp state: present server: "{{ f5server }}" user: "{{ f5user }}" password: "{{ f5password }}" name: "{{ item.monitorname }}" type: tcp send: "{{ item.send }}" receive: "{{ item.receive }}" with_items: f5monitors-tcp - name: BIGIP F5 | Create TCP half open Monitor local_action: module: bigip_monitor_tcp state: present server: "{{ f5server }}" user: "{{ f5user }}" password: "{{ f5password }}" name: "{{ item.monitorname }}" type: tcp send: "{{ item.send }}" receive: "{{ item.receive }}" with_items: f5monitors-halftcp - name: BIGIP F5 | Remove TCP Monitor local_action: module: bigip_monitor_tcp state: absent server: "{{ f5server }}" user: "{{ f5user }}" password: "{{ f5password }}" name: "{{ monitorname }}" with_flattened: - f5monitors-tcp - f5monitors-halftcp ''' try: import bigsuds except ImportError: bigsuds_found = False else: bigsuds_found = True TEMPLATE_TYPE = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'TTYPE_TCP' TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICES = ['tcp', 'tcp_echo', 'tcp_half_open'] DEFAULT_PARENT = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICE = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE.replace('TTYPE_', '').lower() # =========================================== # bigip_monitor module generic methods. # these should be re-useable for other monitor types # def bigip_api(bigip, user, password): api = bigsuds.BIGIP(hostname=bigip, username=user, password=password) return api def disable_ssl_cert_validation(): # You probably only want to do this for testing and never in production. # From import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context def check_monitor_exists(module, api, monitor, parent): # hack to determine if monitor exists result = False try: ttype = api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_type(template_names=[monitor])[0] parent2 = api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_parent_template(template_names=[monitor])[0] if ttype == TEMPLATE_TYPE and parent == parent2: result = True else: module.fail_json(msg='Monitor already exists, but has a different type (%s) or parent(%s)' % (ttype, parent)) except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "was not found" in str(e): result = False else: # genuine exception raise return result def create_monitor(api, monitor, template_attributes): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.create_template(templates=[{'template_name': monitor, 'template_type': TEMPLATE_TYPE}], template_attributes=[template_attributes]) except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "already exists" in str(e): return False else: # genuine exception raise return True def delete_monitor(api, monitor): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.delete_template(template_names=[monitor]) except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: # maybe it was deleted since we checked if "was not found" in str(e): return False else: # genuine exception raise return True def check_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): try: return str_property == api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_string_property([monitor], [str_property['type']])[0] except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: # happens in check mode if not created yet if "was not found" in str(e): return True else: # genuine exception raise return True def set_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_string_property(template_names=[monitor], values=[str_property]) def check_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): try: return int_property == api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_integer_property([monitor], [int_property['type']])[0] except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: # happens in check mode if not created yet if "was not found" in str(e): return True else: # genuine exception raise return True def set_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_int_property(template_names=[monitor], values=[int_property]) def update_monitor_properties(api, module, monitor, template_string_properties, template_integer_properties): changed = False for str_property in template_string_properties: if str_property['value'] is not None and not check_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): if not module.check_mode: set_string_property(api, monitor, str_property) changed = True for int_property in template_integer_properties: if int_property['value'] is not None and not check_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): if not module.check_mode: set_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property) changed = True return changed def get_ipport(api, monitor): return api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_destination(template_names=[monitor])[0] def set_ipport(api, monitor, ipport): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_destination(template_names=[monitor], destinations=[ipport]) return True, "" except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "Cannot modify the address type of monitor" in str(e): return False, "Cannot modify the address type of monitor if already assigned to a pool." else: # genuine exception raise # =========================================== # main loop # # writing a module for other monitor types should # only need an updated main() (and monitor specific functions) def main(): # begin monitor specific stuff module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( server = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True), validate_certs = dict(default='yes', type='bool'), partition = dict(default='Common'), state = dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), name = dict(required=True), type = dict(default=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICE, choices=TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICES), parent = dict(default=DEFAULT_PARENT), parent_partition = dict(default='Common'), send = dict(required=False), receive = dict(required=False), ip = dict(required=False), port = dict(required=False, type='int'), interval = dict(required=False, type='int'), timeout = dict(required=False, type='int'), time_until_up = dict(required=False, type='int', default=0) ), supports_check_mode=True ) server = module.params['server'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password'] validate_certs = module.params['validate_certs'] partition = module.params['partition'] parent_partition = module.params['parent_partition'] state = module.params['state'] name = module.params['name'] type = 'TTYPE_' + module.params['type'].upper() parent = "/%s/%s" % (parent_partition, module.params['parent']) monitor = "/%s/%s" % (partition, name) send = module.params['send'] receive = module.params['receive'] ip = module.params['ip'] port = module.params['port'] interval = module.params['interval'] timeout = module.params['timeout'] time_until_up = module.params['time_until_up'] # tcp monitor has multiple types, so overrule global TEMPLATE_TYPE TEMPLATE_TYPE = type # end monitor specific stuff if not validate_certs: disable_ssl_cert_validation() if not bigsuds_found: module.fail_json(msg="the python bigsuds module is required") api = bigip_api(server, user, password) monitor_exists = check_monitor_exists(module, api, monitor, parent) # ipport is a special setting if monitor_exists: # make sure to not update current settings if not asked cur_ipport = get_ipport(api, monitor) if ip is None: ip = cur_ipport['ipport']['address'] if port is None: port = cur_ipport['ipport']['port'] else: # use API defaults if not defined to create it if interval is None: interval = 5 if timeout is None: timeout = 16 if ip is None: ip = '' if port is None: port = 0 if send is None: send = '' if receive is None: receive = '' # define and set address type if ip == '' and port == 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_STAR_PORT' elif ip == '' and port != 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT' elif ip != '' and port != 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_EXPLICIT_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT' else: address_type = 'ATYPE_UNSET' ipport = {'address_type': address_type, 'ipport': {'address': ip, 'port': port}} template_attributes = {'parent_template': parent, 'interval': interval, 'timeout': timeout, 'dest_ipport': ipport, 'is_read_only': False, 'is_directly_usable': True} # monitor specific stuff if type == 'TTYPE_TCP': template_string_properties = [{'type': 'STYPE_SEND', 'value': send}, {'type': 'STYPE_RECEIVE', 'value': receive}] else: template_string_properties = [] template_integer_properties = [{'type': 'ITYPE_INTERVAL', 'value': interval}, {'type': 'ITYPE_TIMEOUT', 'value': timeout}, {'type': 'ITYPE_TIME_UNTIL_UP', 'value': interval}] # main logic, monitor generic try: result = {'changed': False} # default if state == 'absent': if monitor_exists: if not module.check_mode: # possible race condition if same task # on other node deleted it first result['changed'] |= delete_monitor(api, monitor) else: result['changed'] |= True else: # state present ## check for monitor itself if not monitor_exists: # create it if not module.check_mode: # again, check changed status here b/c race conditions # if other task already created it result['changed'] |= create_monitor(api, monitor, template_attributes) else: result['changed'] |= True ## check for monitor parameters # whether it already existed, or was just created, now update # the update functions need to check for check mode but # cannot update settings if it doesn't exist which happens in check mode if monitor_exists and not module.check_mode: result['changed'] |= update_monitor_properties(api, module, monitor, template_string_properties, template_integer_properties) # else assume nothing changed # we just have to update the ipport if monitor already exists and it's different if monitor_exists and cur_ipport != ipport: set_ipport(api, monitor, ipport) result['changed'] |= True #else: monitor doesn't exist (check mode) or ipport is already ok except Exception, e: module.fail_json(msg="received exception: %s" % e) module.exit_json(**result) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()
[ 3381, 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 199, 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 3, 334, 67, 9, 6171, 12, 8926, 303, 20744, 598, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 665, 332, 303, 32, 86, 621, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 14, 1235, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 2622, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2622, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2622, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 2622, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 4743, 199, 199, 8948, 275, 1449, 199, 2595, 199, 578, 26, 27281, 63, 7157, 63, 8815, 199, 3612, 63, 1802, 26, 298, 2395, 7441, 481, 21, 16524, 13, 1772, 491, 20690, 14719, 26862, 2, 199, 1802, 26, 272, 446, 298, 2395, 7441, 481, 21, 16524, 13, 1772, 491, 20690, 14719, 26862, 4799, 284, 3717, 26805, 3261, 2, 199, 1023, 63, 3270, 26, 298, 17, 14, 20, 2, 199, 2502, 26, 3739, 303, 20744, 598, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 199, 5983, 26, 272, 446, 298, 18153, 16524, 13, 1772, 2032, 1015, 2356, 4119, 2, 272, 446, 298, 38, 21, 477, 27813, 859, 283, 4492, 458, 14577, 7, 1415, 334, 3239, 1455, 921, 2374, 16067, 14, 70, 21, 14, 957, 2924, 272, 446, 298, 19478, 1255, 465, 282, 2257, 63, 1287, 315, 2195, 15695, 2, 272, 446, 298, 13189, 3261, 3794, 26, 4178, 921, 2374, 16067, 14, 70, 21, 14, 957, 15, 6797, 15, 73, 3717, 14, 24273, 363, 13189, 14, 1119, 88, 2, 199, 7538, 26, 272, 446, 12111, 458, 14577, 199, 1419, 26, 272, 1654, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 1591, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 922, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 3434, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 2505, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 2505, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 4107, 63, 8356, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 982, 445, 8, 889, 395, 7799, 14512, 911, 440, 506, 16468, 14, 961, 1077, 1454, 506, 1202, 1598, 641, 4954, 1183, 22284, 15424, 1808, 291, 13, 1737, 14512, 14, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 5066, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 788, 5066, 297, 283, 889, 418, 267, 1015, 63, 3270, 26, 499, 14, 16, 272, 1174, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 26504, 1174, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 1881, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 788, 1881, 297, 283, 5575, 418, 272, 536, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 26504, 536, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 267, 5481, 26, 788, 7157, 418, 272, 6484, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 27353, 367, 314, 8372, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 7844, 7, 272, 730, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 1978, 730, 402, 642, 8372, 1978, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 8815, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 359, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 297, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 63, 37, 10465, 297, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 63, 30323, 63, 9935, 418, 272, 1676, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 1676, 1978, 402, 642, 8372, 1978, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 8815, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 359, 283, 8815, 297, 283, 8815, 63, 7878, 297, 283, 8815, 63, 10220, 63, 1490, 418, 272, 1676, 63, 5312, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 27353, 367, 314, 1676, 8372, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 7844, 7, 272, 3222, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 3222, 1059, 367, 314, 8372, 1240, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 9128, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 9128, 1059, 367, 314, 8372, 1240, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 3384, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 7205, 446, 3531, 2287, 1777, 402, 314, 3384, 719, 5492, 14, 710, 849, 3261, 4260, 1598, 365, 298, 16, 14, 16, 14, 16, 14, 16, 1674, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 1844, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 7205, 446, 1844, 2287, 1777, 1687, 314, 3384, 719, 5492, 14, 710, 849, 3261, 1598, 4260, 365, 378, 14, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 6252, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 7205, 446, 710, 6252, 9176, 4212, 28914, 590, 314, 8372, 1256, 1598, 402, 642, 1978, 911, 1255, 14, 4885, 849, 12, 642, 6252, 365, 1202, 367, 1536, 436, 1598, 3224, 6363, 14, 710, 849, 3261, 4260, 365, 959, 14, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 2653, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 1329, 402, 4696, 315, 1314, 314, 1031, 503, 2435, 1471, 22722, 370, 1598, 314, 8372, 1056, 14, 982, 314, 1347, 9163, 795, 4453, 314, 663, 900, 1598, 6247, 12, 652, 365, 8652, 1536, 14, 982, 314, 1347, 1630, 440, 22722, 4453, 1598, 314, 663, 900, 6247, 12, 652, 365, 8652, 3224, 14, 2047, 883, 1570, 642, 1598, 1329, 370, 1263, 1329, 1265, 2934, 12, 13432, 12, 652, 1077, 506, 650, 5431, 314, 1598, 6252, 1329, 402, 4696, 12254, 413, 3499, 14, 710, 849, 3261, 4260, 1598, 365, 3193, 14, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 900, 63, 8111, 63, 384, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 11015, 314, 5982, 402, 900, 315, 4696, 2410, 314, 1642, 9512, 1598, 1177, 2544, 282, 1031, 911, 506, 11584, 1536, 14, 437, 574, 402, 378, 911, 7675, 282, 1598, 1031, 370, 506, 11584 ]
[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 199, 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 3, 334, 67, 9, 6171, 12, 8926, 303, 20744, 598, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 665, 332, 303, 32, 86, 621, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 14, 1235, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 2622, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2622, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2622, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 2622, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 4743, 199, 199, 8948, 275, 1449, 199, 2595, 199, 578, 26, 27281, 63, 7157, 63, 8815, 199, 3612, 63, 1802, 26, 298, 2395, 7441, 481, 21, 16524, 13, 1772, 491, 20690, 14719, 26862, 2, 199, 1802, 26, 272, 446, 298, 2395, 7441, 481, 21, 16524, 13, 1772, 491, 20690, 14719, 26862, 4799, 284, 3717, 26805, 3261, 2, 199, 1023, 63, 3270, 26, 298, 17, 14, 20, 2, 199, 2502, 26, 3739, 303, 20744, 598, 262, 271, 345, 335, 351, 199, 5983, 26, 272, 446, 298, 18153, 16524, 13, 1772, 2032, 1015, 2356, 4119, 2, 272, 446, 298, 38, 21, 477, 27813, 859, 283, 4492, 458, 14577, 7, 1415, 334, 3239, 1455, 921, 2374, 16067, 14, 70, 21, 14, 957, 2924, 272, 446, 298, 19478, 1255, 465, 282, 2257, 63, 1287, 315, 2195, 15695, 2, 272, 446, 298, 13189, 3261, 3794, 26, 4178, 921, 2374, 16067, 14, 70, 21, 14, 957, 15, 6797, 15, 73, 3717, 14, 24273, 363, 13189, 14, 1119, 88, 2, 199, 7538, 26, 272, 446, 12111, 458, 14577, 199, 1419, 26, 272, 1654, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 1591, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 922, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 3434, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 2505, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 16524, 13, 1772, 2505, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 272, 4107, 63, 8356, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 982, 445, 8, 889, 395, 7799, 14512, 911, 440, 506, 16468, 14, 961, 1077, 1454, 506, 1202, 1598, 641, 4954, 1183, 22284, 15424, 1808, 291, 13, 1737, 14512, 14, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 5066, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 788, 5066, 297, 283, 889, 418, 267, 1015, 63, 3270, 26, 499, 14, 16, 272, 1174, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 26504, 1174, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 1881, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 788, 1881, 297, 283, 5575, 418, 272, 536, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 26504, 536, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 2973, 267, 5481, 26, 788, 7157, 418, 272, 6484, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 27353, 367, 314, 8372, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 7844, 7, 272, 730, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 1978, 730, 402, 642, 8372, 1978, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 8815, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 359, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 297, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 63, 37, 10465, 297, 283, 1481, 4948, 63, 9735, 63, 30323, 63, 9935, 418, 272, 1676, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 1676, 1978, 402, 642, 8372, 1978, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 8815, 7, 267, 3415, 26, 359, 283, 8815, 297, 283, 8815, 63, 7878, 297, 283, 8815, 63, 10220, 63, 1490, 418, 272, 1676, 63, 5312, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 27353, 367, 314, 1676, 8372, 267, 1415, 26, 3055, 267, 849, 26, 283, 7844, 7, 272, 3222, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 3222, 1059, 367, 314, 8372, 1240, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 9128, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 288, 446, 710, 9128, 1059, 367, 314, 8372, 1240, 267, 1415, 26, 2549, 267, 849, 26, 7179, 272, 3384, 26, 267, 1369, 26, 7205, 446, 3531, 2287, 1777, 402, 314, 3384, 719, 5492, 14, 710, 849, 3261, 4260, 1598, 365, 298, 16, 14, 16, 14, 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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <[email protected]> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <>. """Test the httpbin webserver used for tests.""" import json import urllib.request import urllib.error import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('path, content, expected', [ ('/', '<title>httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service</title>', True), # ('/', '', False), ('/data/hello.txt', 'Hello World!', True), ]) def test_httpbin(httpbin, qtbot, path, content, expected): with qtbot.waitSignal(httpbin.new_request, raising=True, timeout=100): url = 'http://localhost:{}{}'.format(httpbin.port, path) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: # "Though being an exception (a subclass of URLError), an HTTPError # can also function as a non-exceptional file-like return value # (the same thing that urlopen() returns)." # ...wat print('utf-8')) raise data ='utf-8') assert httpbin.get_requests() == [httpbin.ExpectedRequest('GET', path)] assert (content in data) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('line, verb, path, equal', [ ({'verb': 'GET', 'path': '/', 'status': 200}, 'GET', '/', True), ({'verb': 'GET', 'path': '/foo/', 'status': 200}, 'GET', '/foo', True), ({'verb': 'GET', 'path': '/', 'status': 200}, 'GET', '/foo', False), ({'verb': 'POST', 'path': '/', 'status': 200}, 'GET', '/', False), ]) def test_expected_request(httpbin, line, verb, path, equal): expected = httpbin.ExpectedRequest(verb, path) request = httpbin.Request(json.dumps(line)) assert (expected == request) == equal
[ 3, 6695, 26, 18133, 29, 1548, 570, 2991, 29, 1624, 13, 24, 23014, 29, 20, 5584, 29, 20, 10844, 26, 199, 199, 3, 1898, 6900, 11040, 269, 5653, 699, 6558, 72, 262, 334, 1918, 27154, 9, 665, 1198, 32, 392, 31127, 14, 1308, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 2173, 31127, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2173, 31127, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2173, 31127, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 2173, 31127, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 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[ 6695, 26, 18133, 29, 1548, 570, 2991, 29, 1624, 13, 24, 23014, 29, 20, 5584, 29, 20, 10844, 26, 199, 199, 3, 1898, 6900, 11040, 269, 5653, 699, 6558, 72, 262, 334, 1918, 27154, 9, 665, 1198, 32, 392, 31127, 14, 1308, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 2173, 31127, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2173, 31127, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2173, 31127, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 2173, 31127, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 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1177, 275, 4011, 14, 1069, 14, 10890, 8, 633, 9, 267, 871, 4011, 14, 705, 14, 12815, 465, 325, 26, 288, 327, 298, 52, 526, 3080, 3769, 376, 1919, 334, 65, 5516, 402, 30794, 395, 376, 15050, 288, 327, 883, 2597, 805, 465, 282, 2222, 13, 1971, 279, 570, 13, 2930, 372, 574, 288, 327, 334, 1589, 2011, 8377, 626, 18279, 342, 2529, 17617, 288, 327, 2263, 87, 292, 288, 870, 8, 69, 14, 739, 1252, 2708, 360, 1624, 13, 24, 1333, 288, 746, 339, 666, 275, 1177, 14, 739, 1252, 2708, 360, 1624, 13, 24, 358, 339, 702, 1455, 1393, 14, 362, 63, 6615, 342, 508, 359, 1014, 1393, 14, 6964, 2017, 360, 2970, 297, 931, 1874, 272, 702, 334, 1317, 315, 666, 9, 508, 1420, 421, 199, 32, 4462, 14, 1657, 14, 10396, 360, 604, 12, 16041, 12, 931, 12, 4472, 297, 359, 2043, 26227, 17050, 356, 283, 2970, 297, 283, 515, 356, 17220, 283, 1205, 356, 1926, 1386, 283, 2970, 297, 17220, 715, 395, 2043, 26227, 17050, 356, 283, 2970, 297, 283, 515, 356, 1994, 1421, 3678, 283, 1205, 356, 1926, 1386, 283, 2970, 297, 1994, 1421, 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import urllib.request from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from PIL import Image from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button import requests import pprint import secrets import os class RarityUnknown(Exception): """Raised in this program when an unhandled rarity is encountered""" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) #rng.randrange(n, m) rng = secrets.SystemRandom() def stitch_packs(file1, file2, file3, file4, file5, file6, file7, file8, file9): """Merge two images into one, displayed side by side :param file1: path to first image file :param file2: path to second image file :return: the merged Image object """ image1 = image2 = image3 = image4 = image5 = image6 = image7 = image8 = image9 = image1 = image1.resize((476, 695)) image2 = image2.resize((476, 695)) image3 = image3.resize((476, 695)) image4 = image4.resize((476, 695)) image5 = image5.resize((476, 695)) image6 = image6.resize((476, 695)) image7 = image7.resize((476, 695)) image8 = image8.resize((476, 695)) image9 = image9.resize((476, 695)) (width1, height1) = image1.size (width2, height2) = image2.size (width3, height3) = image3.size (width4, height4) = image4.size (width5, height5) = image5.size (width6, height6) = image6.size (width7, height7) = image7.size (width8, height8) = image8.size (width9, height9) = image9.size result_width = width1 + width2 + width3 result_height = height1 + height4 + height7 result ='RGB', (result_width, result_height)) result.paste(im=image1, box=(0, 0)) result.paste(im=image2, box=(width1, 0)) result.paste(im=image3, box=(width1 + width2, 0)) result.paste(im=image4, box=(0, height1)) result.paste(im=image5, box=(width4, height2)) result.paste(im=image6, box=(width4 + width5, height3)) result.paste(im=image7, box=(0, height1 + height4)) result.paste(im=image8, box=(width7, height2 + height5)) result.paste(im=image9, box=(width7 + width8, height3 + height6)) if not os.path.exists("results"): os.makedirs("results")"results/composite_image.png") return "composite_image.png" def get_card_image(generated_pack): for card_count, card_name in enumerate(generated_pack, start=0): url = "" + card_name code = requests.get(url) text = code.text soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml") wiki_images = soup.findAll('img') image_url_lowres = wiki_images[21].attrs.get("src") image_url = image_url_lowres.split(sep="/scale")[0] pp.pprint(image_url) urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, "file_" + str(card_count) + ".png") return 0 def get_names(url): #Getting webpage code = requests.get(url) #I asssume pulling only text out text = code.text #turning the text into a soup object soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml") #Finding all strong tags and putting them in a bs4 resultset, which behaves like a list all_strong_tags = soup.findAll('strong') #seperating each instance of a strong tag into an entry in a list strong_tag_list = [] for t in all_strong_tags: strong_tag_list.append(t) #Remove 2 junk entries used for other things all_strong_tags.pop(0) all_strong_tags.pop(0) card_name_list = [] card_rarity_list = [] #Iterating through all strong tags, to find and link rarities to names for tag in all_strong_tags: #moving up one level from the strong tag current = tag.parent #if true, than this element has a rarity above common if bool(current.find("img")): card_rarity_list.append(current.find("img").get('alt', '')) card_name_list.append(tag.text) #put current strong_tag name into dictionary with the rare tag name #if false than this element has a common rarity elif not bool(current.find("img")): card_rarity_list.append("Common") card_name_list.append(tag.text) #put current strong_tag name into dictionary with some kind of indicator of no tag """ Old code, functionality absorbed into above for statement Remove all tag info, and leave just plaintext strings in the card_names list card_names = [] for number in strong_tag_list: card_names.append(number.text) """ #combining list of names with list of rarities card_names_and_rarities = [card_name_list, card_rarity_list] return card_names_and_rarities def get_sets(): #boilerplate code to get the database of yu-gi-oh sets of packs from konami's site code = requests.get("") text = code.text soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml") #The way i'm finding the sets gives me one junk entry for every set entry, so I find the number of entries and divide by two to get the true number number_of_sets = int((len(soup.findAll('th'))) / 2) #List of sets of packs all_sets_list = [] """ Data structure: all_sets_list [0] [0] [0] set select 0 = select Nothing set select 1 = packs specific pack set select 2 = ids specific id """ #iterate through the sets and put them in the list for element in range(number_of_sets): set_data = [] set_name = [] pack_name = [] url_of_packs = [] #(element * 2) + 1 specifies which element to append, the magic numbers select only the odd numbers which contain actual data set_name.append(soup.findAll('th')[(element * 2) + 1].text) #find number of strong tags, I need a number because I am manipulating two different things on each loop current_set = soup.findAll('th')[(element * 2) + 1].parent.parent.parent.parent num_of_packs_in_set = len(current_set.findAll("strong")) for pack_index in range(num_of_packs_in_set): #Each pack gets appended to the packs list pack_name.append(current_set.findAll("strong")[pack_index].text) #And then the specific id of the pack gets put into the id_of_packs list pack_link = current_set.find_all("input", class_="link_value")[pack_index].get("value") pack_id = pack_link.partition("pid=")[2].partition("&rp")[0] pack_id = "" + pack_id + "&rp=99999" url_of_packs.append(pack_id) set_data.append(set_name) set_data.append(pack_name) set_data.append(url_of_packs) all_sets_list.append(set_data) return all_sets_list def generate_pack(card_list): #finding total number of cards in the given pack card_num_total = int(len(card_list[0])) common_list = [] rare_list = [] super_rare_list = [] ultra_rare_list = [] secret_rare_list = [] #going through the pack, and popping element zero of both the name a rarity, and then sorting it into the proper rarity list as just the name for card_num in range(card_num_total): temp_rarity = card_list[1].pop(0) temp_name = card_list[0].pop(0) if temp_rarity == "Common" or temp_rarity == "Starfoil": common_list.append(temp_name) elif temp_rarity == "Rare": rare_list.append(temp_name) elif temp_rarity == "Super Rare": super_rare_list.append(temp_name) elif temp_rarity == "Ultra Rare": ultra_rare_list.append(temp_name) elif temp_rarity == "Secret Rare": secret_rare_list.append(temp_name) else: raise RarityUnknown(temp_rarity, "Unknown rarity encountered in this pack") generated_pack = [] if len(common_list) >= 7 and len(rare_list) >= 1 and len(super_rare_list) >= 1 or len(ultra_rare_list) >= 1 or len(secret_rare_list) >= 1: #Packs contain 7 commons, a rare, and a foil #The pops ensure that the same card will never be added to any one pack twice. No idea if that is how it actually works for common_card_nums in range(7): number_of_commons = int(len(common_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(common_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_commons))) number_of_rares = int(len(rare_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(rare_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_rares))) foil_chance = rng.randrange(0, 100) if 1 <= foil_chance <= 8: number_of_secret_rares = int(len(secret_rare_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(secret_rare_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_secret_rares))) elif 9 <= foil_chance <= 24: number_of_ultra_rares = int(len(ultra_rare_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(ultra_rare_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_ultra_rares))) elif 25 <= foil_chance <= 100: number_of_super_rares = int(len(super_rare_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(super_rare_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_super_rares))) #16% for ultra rare, 8% for secret rare, 76% for super rare #1-8 for secret rare, 9-24 for ultra rare, 25-100 for super rare elif len(common_list) >= 9: for common_card_nums in range(9): number_of_commons = int(len(common_list)) - 1 generated_pack.append(common_list.pop(rng.randrange(0, number_of_commons))) return generated_pack ''' sets = get_sets() for count, set in enumerate(sets, start = 1): print(count, ":", set[0][0]) user_set_selection = int(input("Please select a number of a set.")) for pack_count, pack in enumerate(sets[user_set_selection - 1][1], start = 1): print(pack_count, ":", pack) user_pack_selection = int(input("Please select a number of a pack.")) set_name = sets[user_set_selection - 1][0][0] pack_name = sets[user_set_selection - 1][1][user_pack_selection - 1] pack_url = sets[user_set_selection - 1][2][user_pack_selection - 1] print("Set Name:", set_name) print("Pack Name:", pack_name) print("Url:", pack_url) card_list = get_names(pack_url) generated_pack = generate_pack(card_list) pp.pprint(generated_pack) get_card_image(generated_pack) print(stitch_packs("file_0.png", "file_1.png", "file_2.png", "file_3.png", "file_4.png", "file_5.png", "file_6.png", "file_7.png", "file_8.png")) ''' class MyFirstGUI: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.title("Yu-gi-oh pack generator") def greet(): print("Greetings!") def func_generate_pack(sets, set_number, pack_number): card_list = get_names(sets[set_number][2][pack_number]) generated_pack = generate_pack(card_list) get_card_image(generated_pack) stitch_packs("file_0.png", "file_1.png", "file_2.png", "file_3.png", "file_4.png", "file_5.png", "file_6.png", "file_7.png", "file_8.png") def set_button_clicked(sets, count): #return sets[count][0][0] return count def pack_button_clicked(sets, count): return count def delete_buttons(button_list): for element in button_list: element.destroy() def pack_selection_gui(sets, count, button_list): selected_set = set_button_clicked(sets, count) delete_buttons(button_list) pack_button_list = [] button = Button(root, text="Back to main", command=lambda: set_selection_gui(sets, pack_button_list)) pack_button_list.append(button) button.pack() for pack_count, pack in enumerate(sets[selected_set][1], start=0): button = Button(root, text=pack, command=lambda y=count: selected_pack_gui(sets, count, y, pack_button_list)) pack_button_list.append(button) button.pack() def selected_pack_gui(sets, set_number, pack_number, button_list): delete_buttons(button_list) pack_option_button_list = [] button = Button(root, text="Back to main", command=lambda: set_selection_gui(sets, pack_option_button_list)) pack_option_button_list.append(button) button.pack() button = Button(root, text="Generate pack", command=lambda: func_generate_pack(sets, set_number, pack_number)) pack_option_button_list.append(button) button.pack() def set_selection_gui(sets, button_list): delete_buttons(button_list) set_button_list = [] for count, set in enumerate(sets, start=0): button = Button(root, text=set[0][0], command=lambda x=count: pack_selection_gui(sets, x, set_button_list)) set_button_list.append(button) button.pack() sets = get_sets() root = Tk() my_gui = MyFirstGUI(root) set_selection_gui(sets, []) root.mainloop() """ To do: need to figure out how to do the stitching more dynamically, 9 attributs is already too many, structure packs need something more robust for sure find edge cases in generator function star pack battle royal, hobby god cards Fusion enforcers, no commons Use konami site and figure out how to pick card packs and retain years/pack in the list of links. pack selection gui Then either upload to dropbox or maybe to imgur through their api """ #testTEsttestTEST
[ 646, 4011, 14, 1069, 202, 199, 504, 9922, 20, 492, 17132, 202, 199, 504, 14937, 492, 6047, 202, 199, 504, 22171, 492, 12435, 12, 10354, 12, 16005, 202, 199, 646, 4145, 202, 199, 646, 10933, 202, 199, 646, 25563, 202, 199, 646, 747, 2999, 199, 533, 820, 7945, 5912, 8, 1726, 304, 1128, 408, 16894, 315, 642, 2240, 1380, 376, 23090, 519, 7945, 365, 14556, 624, 2999, 199, 802, 275, 10933, 14, 27153, 14131, 8, 3724, 29, 20, 9, 202, 199, 3, 12686, 14, 20539, 8, 78, 12, 333, 9, 202, 199, 12686, 275, 25563, 14, 3989, 3883, 342, 8065, 199, 318, 410, 9414, 63, 1389, 83, 8, 493, 17, 12, 570, 18, 12, 570, 19, 12, 570, 20, 12, 570, 21, 12, 570, 22, 12, 570, 23, 12, 570, 24, 12, 570, 25, 304, 1128, 408, 11359, 2877, 5935, 1901, 1373, 12, 9080, 5366, 701, 5366, 1128, 520, 635, 570, 17, 26, 931, 370, 1642, 1834, 570, 1128, 520, 635, 570, 18, 26, 931, 370, 3499, 1834, 570, 1128, 520, 1107, 26, 314, 9545, 6047, 909, 1128, 408, 1128, 1834, 17, 275, 6047, 14, 1490, 8, 493, 17, 9, 1128, 1834, 18, 275, 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327, 353, 316, 314, 1318, 1901, 282, 9108, 909, 1128, 9108, 275, 17132, 8, 505, 12, 298, 22899, 531, 1128, 327, 6591, 316, 1006, 16925, 3762, 436, 32670, 3062, 315, 282, 9922, 20, 754, 409, 12, 1314 ]
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12, 378, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 19, 12, 5689, 2687, 2063, 17, 435, 3462, 18, 12, 378, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 20, 12, 5689, 2687, 16, 12, 4569, 17, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 21, 12, 5689, 2687, 2063, 20, 12, 4569, 18, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 22, 12, 5689, 2687, 2063, 20, 435, 3462, 21, 12, 4569, 19, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 23, 12, 5689, 2687, 16, 12, 4569, 17, 435, 4569, 20, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 24, 12, 5689, 2687, 2063, 23, 12, 4569, 18, 435, 4569, 21, 430, 1128, 754, 14, 16586, 8, 1017, 29, 1569, 25, 12, 5689, 2687, 2063, 23, 435, 3462, 24, 12, 4569, 19, 435, 4569, 22, 430, 2958, 340, 440, 747, 14, 515, 14, 2444, 480, 2604, 2349, 1039, 747, 14, 8347, 480, 2604, 531, 2958, 754, 14, 2117, 480, 2604, 15, 16907, 63, 1569, 14, 4524, 531, 2958, 372, 298, 16907, 63, 1569, 14, 4524, 2, 2999, 199, 318, 664, 63, 5841, 63, 1569, 8, 10176, 63, 1389, 304, 2958, 367, 12564, 63, 835, 12, 12564, 63, 354, 315, 3874, 8, 10176, 63, 1389, 12, 1343, 29, 16, 304, 4341, 1166, 275, 298, 1014, 921, 89, 1518, 2308, 72, 14, 5319, 4674, 14, 957, 15, 6797, 6687, 435, 12564, 63, 354, 1039, 1233, 275, 4145, 14, 362, 8, 633, 9, 1039, 1318, 275, 1233, 14, 505, 1039, 9108, 275, 17132, 8, 505, 12, 298, 22899, 531, 1039, 17195, 63, 4782, 275, 9108, 14, 32651, 360, 4060, 358, 1039, 1834, 63, 633, 63, 674, 470, 275, 17195, 63, 4782, 59, 2025, 1055, 3288, 14, 362, 480, 2164, 531, 1039, 1834, 63, 633, 275, 1834, 63, 633, 63, 674, 470, 14, 1294, 8, 4127, 9555, 3467, 9981, 16, 61, 1039, 11618, 14, 15380, 8, 1569, 63, 633, 9, 4341, 4011, 14, 1069, 14, 633, 14270, 8, 1569, 63, 633, 12, 298, 493, 12172, 435, 620, 8, 5841, 63, 835, 9, 435, 3680, 4524, 531, 2958, 372, 378, 2999, 199, 318, 664, 63, 1247, 8, 633, 304, 1128, 327, 28277, 9248, 1128, 1233, 275, 4145, 14, 362, 8, 633, 9, 1128, 327, 41, 2661, 3639, 10299, 316, 1454, 1318, 734, 1128, 1318, 275, 1233, 14, 505, 1128, 327, 353, 316, 314, 1318, 1901, 282, 9108, 909, 1128, 9108, 275, 17132, 8, 505, 12, 298, 22899, 531, 1128, 327, 6591, 316, 1006, 16925, 3762, 436, 32670, 3062, 315, 282, 9922, 20, 754, 409, 12, 1314, 0 ]
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import subprocess, sys, os, tempfile, shutil, re import xml.sax import unicodecsv as csv lookup = {} class CSVBuilder(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, directory, lookup): self.lookup = lookup.lookup self.writers = {} self.object = {} self.out_dir = directory if self.out_dir[-1]!='/': self.out_dir += '/' self.collecting = False self.collect_pos = False self.collect_num = False self.srs = None self.strip_hash = re.compile(r'^#') def startElement(self, name, attrs): # overall protection from collecting non-address elements if name == 'AD:Address': self.object = {} self.collecting = True # lat/lon if name == 'gml:pos' and self.collecting: self.collect_pos = True self.object['pos'] = '' # number if name == 'AD:designator' and self.collecting: self.collect_num = True self.object['number'] = '' # street name, postal code, admin boundary if name == 'AD:component' and ('xlink:href' in attrs): lookup_key = self.strip_hash.sub('', attrs['xlink:href']) if self.lookup['thoroughfare'].get(lookup_key) is not None: self.object['street'] = self.lookup['thoroughfare'].get(lookup_key) elif self.lookup['admin'].get(lookup_key) is not None: self.object['admin_district'] = self.lookup['admin'].get(lookup_key) elif self.lookup['postal'].get(lookup_key) is not None: self.object['postcode'] = self.lookup['postal'].get(lookup_key) # detect SRS, create CSV writer if necessary if name == 'gml:Point': self.srs = attrs.get('srsName', None) if self.srs is not None: self.srs = self.srs.split(':')[-1] if not self.srs in self.writers: self.writers[self.srs] = csv.DictWriter(open(self.out_dir + 'es-%s.csv' % self.srs, 'a'), ('lon', 'lat', 'number', 'street', 'postcode', 'admin')) self.writers[self.srs].writeheader() def characters(self, content): if self.collect_pos: self.object['pos'] += content if self.collect_num: self.object['number'] += content def endElement(self, name): if name == 'gml:pos': self.collect_pos = False if name == 'AD:designator': self.collect_num = False if name == 'AD:Address': self.collecting = False self.writers[self.srs].writerow({ 'lon': self.object.get('pos').split(' ')[0], 'lat': self.object.get('pos').split(' ')[1], 'number': self.object.get('number'), 'street': self.object.get('street'), 'postcode': self.object.get('postcode'), 'admin': self.object.get('admin') }) class LookupBuilder(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.lookup = {} self.collect = False def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == 'AD:ThoroughfareName': self.lookup['_type'] = 'thoroughfare' if name == 'AD:AdminUnitName': self.lookup['_type'] = 'admin' if name == 'AD:PostalDescriptor': self.lookup['_type'] = 'postal' # begin collecting text content? if ((name == 'GN:text') and (self.lookup['_type'] in ('thoroughfare', 'admin'))) or ((name == 'AD:postCode') and (self.lookup['_type'] == 'postal')): self.collect = True # xlink target? if so, prepare to collect data if name in ('AD:ThoroughfareName', 'AD:AdminUnitName', 'AD:PostalDescriptor'): self.lookup['_next'] = attrs.get('gml:id') if not self.lookup['_type'] in self.lookup: self.lookup[self.lookup['_type']] = {} self.lookup[self.lookup['_type']][self.lookup['_next']] = '' def endElement(self, name): if name in ('GN:text', 'AD:postCode'): self.collect = False if name in ('AD:ThoroughfareName', 'AD:AdminUnitName', 'AD:PostalDescriptor'): self.lookup['_next'] = None self.lookup['_type'] = None def characters(self, content): # if collecting text content, stick in appropriate spot if self.collect: self.lookup[self.lookup['_type']][self.lookup['_next']] += content def process_zipfile(in_filename, out_dir): print 'converting %s, placing output into %s' % (in_filename, out_dir) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # decompress and fix character encoding['unzip', '-d', temp_dir, in_filename]) filename = '%s/%s' % (temp_dir, in_filename.split('/')[-1].replace('.zip', '.gml')) # build thoroughfare/postcode lookup lookup = LookupBuilder() with open(filename, 'r') as gml: parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(lookup) parser.parse(gml) # generate complete CSV csv_builder = CSVBuilder(out_dir, lookup) with open(filename, 'r') as gml: parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(csv_builder) parser.parse(gml) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) def main(): in_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) out_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2]) filename_mappings = {} # load dictionary of better filenames with open('./spain_catastre/gml_urls.txt', 'r') as gml_urls: urls = gml_urls.readlines() for url in gml_urls: filename_mappings[url.split('/')[-1]] = url.split('/')[-2] for filename in os.listdir(in_dir): if os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (in_dir, filename)) and filename.split('.')[-1].lower()=='zip': process_zipfile('%s/%s' % (in_dir, filename), '%s/%s' % (out_dir, filename.replace('.zip', '.csv'))) if __name__ == '__main__': in_file = sys.argv[1] out_dir = sys.argv[2] process_zipfile(in_file, out_dir)
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1564, 267, 340, 291, 14, 7112, 63, 1507, 26, 288, 291, 14, 785, 459, 1955, 418, 847, 1564, 339, 347, 28920, 8, 277, 12, 536, 304, 267, 340, 536, 508, 283, 18594, 26, 1712, 356, 288, 291, 14, 7112, 63, 1712, 275, 756, 398, 340, 536, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 14748, 707, 356, 288, 291, 14, 7112, 63, 1507, 275, 756, 398, 340, 536, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 1476, 356, 288, 291, 14, 7112, 316, 275, 756, 3777, 288, 291, 14, 26224, 59, 277, 14, 12722, 1055, 22686, 2561, 355, 283, 5298, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 1712, 1959, 1294, 360, 27618, 16, 467, 355, 283, 4452, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 1712, 1959, 1294, 360, 27618, 17, 467, 355, 283, 1955, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 1955, 659, 355, 283, 20451, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 20451, 659, 355, 283, 1932, 600, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 1932, 600, 659, 355, 283, 2113, 356, 291, 14, 785, 14, 362, 360, 2113, 358, 288, 3828, 199, 199, 533, 12785, 6437, 8, 1652, 14, 14338, 14, 2714, 2461, 304, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 291, 14, 3892, 275, 1052, 267, 291, 14, 7112, 275, 756, 339, 347, 26325, 8, 277, 12, 536, 12, 3290, 304, 267, 340, 536, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 2719, 269, 4937, 667, 264, 985, 356, 288, 291, 14, 3892, 8680, 466, 418, 275, 283, 273, 269, 4937, 667, 264, 7, 267, 340, 536, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 4880, 5072, 985, 356, 288, 291, 14, 3892, 8680, 466, 418, 275, 283, 2113, 7, 267, 340, 536, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 6564, 279, 4311, 356, 288, 291, 14, 3892, 8680, 466, 418, 275, 283, 31580, 7, 398, 327, 5386, 32223, 1318, 1564, 31, 267, 340, 3666, 354, 508, 283, 15306, 26, 505, 358, 436, 334, 277, 14, 3892, 8680, 466, 418, 315, 661, 273, 269, 4937, 667, 264, 297, 283, 2113, 7058, 503, 3666, 354, 508, 283, 1554, 26, 1932, 3034, 358, 436, 334, 277, 14, 3892, 8680, 466, 418, 508, 283, 31580, 8109, 288, 291, 14, 7112, 275, 715, 398, 327, 671, 1073, 1347, 31, 340, 880, 12, 9275, 370, 8775, 666, 267, 340, 536, 315, 661, 1554, 26, 2719, 269, 4937, 667, 264, 985, 297, 283, 1554, 26, 4880, 5072, 985, 297, 283, 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#!/usr/bin/python # Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor) # Date: 05/2015 # Summary: Download XML files containing CVE details. # Parse it and saves in sqlite3 db # LICENSE: GPLv2 from mechanize import * from lxml import etree import os import datetime import time import gzip import sqlite3 import re from termcolor import colored from optparse import OptionParser DLPAGE="" DBNAME="nvd.vulnerabilities.db" OUTPUTFILE="%s_output.csv" % ("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) VERSION="0.1" def printBanner(): print colored("=====================================================","blue","on_white") print colored("= NVD vulnerability downloader & parser v%s =" % VERSION,"blue","on_white") print colored("= DOWNLOADER / IMPORTER / EXPORTER =","blue","on_white") print colored("= Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor) =","blue","on_white") print colored("= Source XML from %s =" % DLPAGE,"blue","on_white") print colored("=====================================================","blue","on_white") print def getoptions(): usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Show CVE being parsed by the script [default: False]") parser.add_option("-d", "--database",metavar="FILE",dest="database", default=DBNAME, help="Database file where to save the vulnerabilities") parser.add_option("-s", "--sqlquery",dest="sqlquery", default=None, help="SQL query to export from the database") parser.add_option("-o", "--output",dest="outfile", default=OUTPUTFILE, help="Output file name") (options,args) = parser.parse_args() if options.database is None: parser.error("You have to specify a sqlite3 database file (-d, --database)") return options def initDatabase(dbname): if (not os.path.isfile(dbname)): print "Database file does not exists. Initializing it" conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS download_dates ( dldate_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, download_link TEXT, feed_year TEXT, feed_size REAL, last_download INTEGER)''') # CPE format (like URL) # cpe:/ {part} : {vendor} : {product} : {version} : {update} : {edition} : {language} # Part - Determines the platform type using the following codes: a = application, h = hardware, o = operating system # Vendor - Defines the vendor name as the "highest organization-specific label of the organization's DNS name", which, in our case, would be "Tenable Security". # Product - Product name as specified in the CPE database, e.g., itunes, quicktime and firefox # Version - The version numbers as represented by the product itself. # Update - The CPE name for the update or service pack, such as "Service Pack 3" in the case of Windows XP. # Edition - The edition of the software, such as "pro" for "Professional Edition". For hardware, this would also denote the architecture, such as "i386". # Language - For example, "English" or other language as specified by the software. c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpe ( cpe_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cpe_text TEXT, part TEXT, vendor TEXT, product TEXT, version TEXT, update_date TEXT, edition TEXT, language TEXT )''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS affects_to_cpe ( affects_to_cpe_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, vuln_id INT, cpe_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(vuln_id) REFERENCES vulnerabilities(vuln_id), FOREIGN KEY(cpe_id) REFERENCES cpe(cpe_id))''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vulnerabilities ( vuln_id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cve TEXT UNIQUE, cvss_score REAL, cwe TEXT, summary TEXT, published_date INT, modified_date INT, dldate_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(dldate_id) REFERENCES download_dates(dldate_id))''') c.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS vulncve_idx ON vulnerabilities(cve)''') return conn def closeDatabase(conn): conn.close() def storeDownloadDate(conn,dl_link,feed_year,feed_size,last_donwload): cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''INSERT INTO cpe(cpe_text,part,vendor,product,version,update_date,edition,language) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''',(cpe_text,part,vendor,product,version,update,edition,language)) pk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() return pk def searchCPE(conn,cpe_text): cpe_id = None cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''SELECT cpe_id FROM cpe WHERE cpe_text = ? LIMIT 1''',(cpe_text,)) results = res.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: cpe_id = results[0][0] return cpe_id def storeDlDate(conn,dllink,feed_year,feed_size): dlepoch = int(time.time()) cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''INSERT INTO download_dates(download_link,feed_year,feed_size,last_download) VALUES(?,?,?,?)''',(dllink,feed_year,feed_size,dlepoch)) pk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() return pk def storeCPE(conn,cpe_text): part=vendor=product=version=update=edition=language = '?' cpesplit=cpe_text.split(":") # In some cases, the CPE text does not contains all the 7 fields. Check wich is available if len(cpesplit)>1 and cpesplit[1] is not None: part=cpesplit[1] if len(cpesplit)>2 and cpesplit[2] is not None: vendor=cpesplit[2] if len(cpesplit)>3 and cpesplit[3] is not None: product=cpesplit[3] if len(cpesplit)>4 and cpesplit[4] is not None: version=cpesplit[4] if len(cpesplit)>5 and cpesplit[5] is not None: update=cpesplit[5] if len(cpesplit)>6 and cpesplit[6] is not None: edition=cpesplit[6] if len(cpesplit)>7 and cpesplit[7] is not None: language=cpesplit[7] cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''INSERT INTO cpe(cpe_text,part,vendor,product,version,update_date,edition,language) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''',(cpe_text,part,vendor,product,version,update,edition,language)) pk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() return pk def storeAffectsToCPE(vulnid,cpeid): cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''INSERT INTO affects_to_cpe(cpe_id,vuln_id) VALUES(?,?)''',(cpeid,vulnid)) pk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() return pk def storeVuln(cve,cvss_score,cwe,summary,published_date,modified_date,cpetextlist): cpeid = None vulnpk = None cur = conn.cursor() # datesformat: "2015-05-11T21:59:13.853-04:00" published_date=published_date.split(".")[0] modified_date=modified_date.split(".")[0] pubepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(published_date,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) modepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(modified_date,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) res = cur.execute('''INSERT INTO vulnerabilities(cve,cvss_score,cwe,summary,published_date,modified_date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)''',(cve,cvss_score,cwe,summary,pubepoch,modepoch)) vulnpk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() # save the cpe list for cpetext in cpetextlist: cpeid = searchCPE(conn,cpetext) if cpeid is None: cpeid = storeCPE(conn,cpetext) storeAffectsToCPE(vulnpk,cpeid) return vulnpk def hasToBeUpdated(conn,dllink,updatedepoch): lastdownload = 0 cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''SELECT last_download FROM download_dates WHERE download_link = ? LIMIT 1''',(dllink,)) results = res.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: lastdownload = results[0][0] # compare the last time we updated this link with the updated date shown in the web page return lastdownload < updatedepoch def isVulnInDatabase(conn,cveid): cur = conn.cursor() res = cur.execute('''SELECT vuln_id FROM vulnerabilities WHERE cve = ? LIMIT 1''',(cveid,)) results = res.fetchall() return len(results) > 0 def wasVulnUpdated(conn,cveid,modified): modified_date = 0 cur = conn.cursor() modified=modified.split(".")[0] modepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(modified,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) res = cur.execute('''SELECT modified_date FROM vulnerabilities WHERE cve = ? LIMIT 1''',(cveid,)) results = res.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: modified_date = results[0][0] return modepoch > modified_date def updateVuln(conn,cveid,cvss,cwe,summary,published_date,modified_date,cpetextlist): cpeid = None vuln_id = None cur = conn.cursor() # datesformat: "2015-05-11T21:59:13.853-04:00" published_date=published_date.split(".")[0] modified_date=modified_date.split(".")[0] pubepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(published_date,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) modepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(modified_date,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) res = cur.execute('''SELECT vuln_id FROM vulnerabilities WHERE cve = ? LIMIT 1''',(cveid,)) results = res.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: vuln_id = results[0][0] # Delete the previous affected CPEs and insert the new ones res = cur.execute('''DELETE FROM affects_to_cpe WHERE vuln_id=?''',(vuln_id,)) res = cur.execute('''UPDATE vulnerabilities SET cve=?,cvss_score=?,cwe=?,summary=?,published_date=?,modified_date=? WHERE vuln_id=? ''',(cveid,cvss,cwe,summary,pubepoch,modepoch,vuln_id)) vulnpk=cur.lastrowid conn.commit() # save the cpe list for cpetext in cpetextlist: cpeid = searchCPE(conn,cpetext) if cpeid is None: cpeid = storeCPE(conn,cpetext) storeAffectsToCPE(vuln_id,cpeid) return vuln_id ################## ###### MAIN ###### ################## printBanner() options = getoptions() # Parse the vuln download page br = Browser() conn = initDatabase(options.database) body=br.response().read() # Visit first page of html=etree.HTML(body) feedtable = html.xpath("//table[@class='xml-feed-table']")[0] nrow=0 for trow in feedtable.xpath("tbody/tr"): nrow += 1 feed = updated = dllink = size = "" colnum = 0 if ((nrow % 2) == 1): for col in trow.xpath("td"): colnum += 1 if colnum == 1: feed = col.text if colnum == 2: updated = col.text updatedepoch=int(time.mktime((time.strptime(updated,"%m/%d/%Y")))) if colnum == 3: dllink = col.xpath("a")[0].get("href") if colnum == 4: size = float(col.text) # Ignore the rest of the columns if colnum > 4: break # Ignore the second line of the table, as the feed name occupies two rows if feed is not None: # Check if this file has been updated since the last download we made if hasToBeUpdated(conn,dllink,updatedepoch): print colored("File %s is not up to date. Downloading now." % dllink,"red") print "%s: Updated %s, downloadig %sMB from %s" % (feed,updated,size,dllink) dlname = dllink.split("/").pop() # Download the link with the XML br.retrieve(dllink,dlname) # Unzip and parse the file to store it in sqlite3 g =,"rb") gcontent = g.close() # Free memory g = None print "Now, importing content of the file %s" % dlname ifxml = etree.XML(gcontent) gcontent = None # Free memory for entry in ifxml.getchildren(): # print entry.getchildren() cwe = summary = cveid = "?" cvss = 0.0 modified = published = "" cpetextlist = [] cwee = entry.find("{}cwe") if cwee is not None: cwe = cwee.values()[0] cvsseleme =entry.find("{}cvss") if cvsseleme is not None: cvsselem = cvsseleme.getchildren()[0] cvss = float(cvsselem.find("{}score").text) modifiede = entry.find("{}last-modified-datetime") if modifiede is not None: modified = modifiede.text publishede = entry.find("{}published-datetime") if publishede is not None: published = publishede.text cveide = entry.find("{}cve-id") if cveide is not None: cveid = cveide.text summarye = entry.find("{}summary") if summarye is not None: summary = summarye.text cpeliste = entry.find("{}vulnerable-software-list") if cpeliste is not None: for cpee in cpeliste.getchildren(): cpetextlist.append(cpee.text) if (options.verbose): print colored("=================","cyan") print colored(" = %s =" % cveid,"cyan") print colored("=================","cyan") print " * cwe: %s" % cwe print " * cvss: %s" % cvss print " * modified: %s" % modified print " * published: %s" % published print " * summary: %s" % summary print " * N of cpe: %s" % len(cpetextlist) if (not isVulnInDatabase(conn,cveid)): storeVuln(cveid,cvss,cwe,summary,published,modified,cpetextlist) else: if (wasVulnUpdated(conn,cveid,modified)): print colored("Vulnerability %s has been updated. Updating in database" % cveid,"yellow") updateVuln(conn,cveid,cvss,cwe,summary,published,modified,cpetextlist) else: print colored("Vulnerability %s is already in the database" % cveid,"red") # Save as downloaded storeDlDate(conn,dllink,feed,size) else: print colored("File %s is up to date. Not downloading." % dllink,"green") closeDatabase(conn)
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
[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 199, 199, 3, 6529, 26, 7949, 317, 321, 603, 393, 13765, 8593, 70, 352, 16924, 8270, 9, 199, 3, 6148, 26, 22528, 15, 7806, 199, 3, 22486, 26, 259, 17955, 302, 11549, 14, 78, 631, 14, 16294, 4692, 1584, 3035, 445, 2524, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 3777, 6077, 652, 436, 23050, 315, 11723, 19, 1592, 199, 3, 5113, 26, 14629, 86, 18, 199, 199, 504, 562, 11984, 794, 492, 627, 199, 504, 14490, 492, 7559, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 646, 900, 199, 646, 11756, 199, 646, 11723, 19, 199, 646, 295, 221, 199, 504, 6707, 2326, 492, 32076, 199, 504, 8691, 492, 13491, 199, 199, 8045, 12898, 628, 2859, 921, 78, 11549, 14, 78, 631, 14, 16294, 15, 4249, 14, 2177, 77, 2, 199, 2846, 2339, 628, 78, 11549, 14, 86, 21406, 5807, 14, 697, 2, 199, 8414, 3817, 5961, 83, 63, 1199, 14, 4737, 2, 450, 334, 2083, 14, 2083, 14, 2131, 1252, 6205, 3647, 57, 5, 77, 5, 68, 4970, 40, 5, 45, 5, 51, 2237, 199, 4612, 628, 16, 14, 17, 2, 199, 199, 318, 870, 22107, 837, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 12813, 19989, 2266, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 29, 258, 653, 26197, 373, 29419, 3224, 3422, 1253, 1798, 373, 5, 83, 259, 29049, 450, 15945, 4589, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 29, 260, 10163, 7405, 540, 1182, 5025, 726, 1157, 1182, 3651, 48, 726, 1157, 3515, 275, 2266, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 29, 263, 6529, 26, 7949, 317, 321, 603, 393, 13765, 8593, 70, 352, 16924, 8270, 9, 260, 275, 2266, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 29, 5800, 4692, 687, 450, 83, 29049, 450, 577, 9257, 2962, 4589, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 32076, 480, 12813, 19989, 2266, 6304, 2266, 265, 63, 7510, 531, 272, 870, 199, 199, 318, 664, 1419, 837, 272, 4503, 275, 298, 3807, 26, 450, 6595, 359, 1419, 8480, 272, 1798, 275, 13491, 8, 3807, 29, 3807, 9, 272, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 1422, 6096, 86, 401, 4320, 3832, 401, 1595, 628, 1617, 63, 2052, 401, 2053, 628, 3832, 401, 849, 29, 797, 12, 1720, 628, 6824, 445, 2524, 3769, 4565, 701, 314, 2884, 359, 885, 26, 756, 12523, 272, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 1422, 6096, 68, 401, 4320, 4659, 401, 23303, 628, 3817, 401, 2614, 628, 4659, 401, 849, 29, 2846, 2339, 12, 1720, 628, 7243, 570, 2382, 370, 3354, 314, 373, 21406, 5807, 531, 272, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 1422, 6096, 83, 401, 4320, 3009, 1131, 401, 2614, 628, 3009, 1131, 401, 849, 29, 403, 12, 1720, 628, 4657, 1827, 370, 4843, 687, 314, 3050, 531, 272, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 1422, 6096, 79, 401, 4320, 1199, 401, 2614, 628, 4984, 401, 849, 29, 8414, 3817, 12, 1720, 628, 2959, 570, 536, 531, 272, 334, 1419, 12, 589, 9, 275, 1798, 14, 1122, 63, 589, 342, 272, 340, 1511, 14, 4659, 365, 488, 26, 267, 1798, 14, 705, 480, 5556, 1172, 370, 4165, 282, 11723, 19, 3050, 570, 5868, 68, 12, 1553, 4659, 6320, 272, 372, 1511, 199, 199, 318, 4205, 7243, 8, 13238, 304, 272, 340, 334, 1397, 747, 14, 515, 14, 6292, 8, 13238, 2298, 267, 870, 298, 7243, 570, 1630, 440, 3495, 14, 6026, 9147, 652, 2, 272, 2557, 275, 11723, 19, 14, 2242, 8, 13238, 9, 272, 286, 275, 2557, 14, 3937, 342, 272, 286, 14, 2526, 10505, 8366, 9934, 8036, 2845, 23875, 5235, 63, 9356, 334, 490, 15396, 602, 63, 344, 17086, 19770, 9301, 20331, 8975, 31431, 12, 15324, 5235, 63, 1073, 11951, 12, 15324, 4733, 63, 3403, 11951, 12, 490, 4733, 63, 890, 5363, 748, 12, 490, 2061, 63, 4249, 17086, 9, 12310, 272, 327, 445, 1510, 1475, 334, 2930, 2851, 9, 272, 327, 286, 321, 11254, 469, 2064, 93, 520, 469, 9884, 93, 520, 469, 2558, 93, 520, 469, 1023, 93, 520, 469, 873, 93, 520, 469, 69, 1671, 93, 520, 469, 3671, 93, 272, 327, 14320, 446, 22391, 314, 4298, 730, 1808, 314, 2569, 9479, 26, 282, 275, 4223, 12, 394, 275, 14991, 12, 312, 275, 17406, 2656, 272, 327, 812, 7454, 446, 25022, 314, 20868, 536, 465, 314, 298, 31381, 13237, 13, 6100, 1768, 402, 314, 13237, 1159, 10237, 536, 401, 1314, 12, 315, 4154, 1930, 12, 3955, 506, 298, 52, 4296, 13863, 1674, 272, 327, 12705, 446, 12705, 536, 465, 2013, 315, 314, 445, 1510, 3050, 12, 325, 14, 71, 2020, 652, 324, 397, 12, 12530, 521, 436, 8344, 9849, 272, 327, 3394, 446, 710, 1015, 5579, 465, 11159, 701, 314, 3336, 6337, 14, 272, 327, 6162, 446, 710, 445, 1510, 536, 367, 314, 1678, 503, 2435, 1706, 12, 4066, 465, 298, 3167, 9954, 650, 2, 315, 314, 1930, 402, 5417, 1323, 48, 14, 272, 327, 662, 1671, 446, 710, 325, 1671, 402, 314, 2032, 12, 4066, 465, 298, 496, 2, 367, 298, 919, 70, 28661, 662, 1671, 1674, 2104, 14991, 12, 642, 3955, 2597, 477, 4610, 314, 15931, 12, 4066, 465, 298, 73, 8040, 1674, 272, 327, 8466, 446, 2104, 2893, 12, 298, 19410, 2, 503, 1163, 2637, 465, 2013, 701, 314, 2032, 14, 272, 286, 14, 2526, 10505, 8366, 9934, 8036, 2845, 23875, 286, 321, 334, 490, 286, 321, 63, 344, 17086, 19770, 9301, 20331, 8975, 31431, 12, 490, 286, 321, 63, 505, 11951, 12, 490, 1777, 11951, 12, 490, 20868, 11951, 12, 490, 3336, 11951, 12, 490, 1015, 11951, 12, 490, 1678, 63, 602, 11951, 12, 490, 325, 1671, 11951, 12, 490, 2637, 11951, 490, 776, 12310, 339, 286, 14, 2526, 10505, 8366, 9934, 8036, 2845, 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# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import ( compat_urlparse, ) from ..utils import ( determine_ext, ) class GolemIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'^https?://video\.golem\.de/.+?/(?P<id>.+?)/' _TEST = { 'url': '', 'md5': 'c1a2c0a3c863319651c7c992c5ee29bf', 'info_dict': { 'id': '14095', 'format_id': 'high', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'iPhone 6 und 6 Plus - Test', 'duration': 300.44, 'filesize': 65309548, } } _PREFIX = '' def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) config = self._download_xml( '{0}.xml'.format(video_id), video_id) info = { 'id': video_id, 'title': config.findtext('./title', 'golem'), 'duration': self._float(config.findtext('./playtime'), 'duration'), } formats = [] for e in config: url = e.findtext('./url') if not url: continue formats.append({ 'format_id': e.tag, 'url': compat_urlparse.urljoin(self._PREFIX, url), 'height': self._int(e.get('height'), 'height'), 'width': self._int(e.get('width'), 'width'), 'filesize': self._int(e.findtext('filesize'), 'filesize'), 'ext': determine_ext(e.findtext('./filename')), }) self._sort_formats(formats) info['formats'] = formats thumbnails = [] for e in config.findall('.//teaser'): url = e.findtext('./url') if not url: continue thumbnails.append({ 'url': compat_urlparse.urljoin(self._PREFIX, url), 'width': self._int(e.get('width'), 'thumbnail width'), 'height': self._int(e.get('height'), 'thumbnail height'), }) info['thumbnails'] = thumbnails return info
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#!/usr/bin/env python from setuptools import setup install_requires = [ 'six>=1.9.0', 'pytimeparse>=1.1.5', 'parsedatetime>=2.1', 'Babel>=2.0', 'isodate>=0.5.4', 'python-slugify>=1.2.1', 'leather>=0.3.2', 'PyICU>=2.4.2', ] setup( name='agate', version='1.6.2', description='A data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.', long_description=open('README.rst').read(), author='Christopher Groskopf', author_email='[email protected]', url='', license='MIT', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Framework :: IPython', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', ], packages=[ 'agate', 'agate.aggregations', 'agate.computations', 'agate.data_types', 'agate.table', 'agate.tableset' ], install_requires=install_requires )
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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_pb -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Perspective Broker \"This isn\'t a professional opinion, but it's probably got enough internet to kill you.\" --glyph Introduction ============ This is a broker for proxies for and copies of objects. It provides a translucent interface layer to those proxies. The protocol is not opaque, because it provides objects which represent the remote proxies and require no context (server references, IDs) to operate on. It is not transparent because it does I{not} attempt to make remote objects behave identically, or even similiarly, to local objects. Method calls are invoked asynchronously, and specific rules are applied when serializing arguments. To get started, begin with L{PBClientFactory} and L{PBServerFactory}. @author: Glyph Lefkowitz """ import random import new import types from zope.interface import implements, Interface # Twisted Imports from twisted.python import log, failure, reflect from twisted.python.versions import Version from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated from twisted.python.hashlib import md5 from twisted.internet import defer, protocol from twisted.cred.portal import Portal from twisted.cred.credentials import IAnonymous, ICredentials from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernameHashedPassword, Anonymous from twisted.persisted import styles from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter from twisted.spread.interfaces import IJellyable, IUnjellyable from twisted.spread.jelly import jelly, unjelly, globalSecurity from twisted.spread import banana from twisted.spread.flavors import Serializable from twisted.spread.flavors import Referenceable, NoSuchMethod from twisted.spread.flavors import Root, IPBRoot from twisted.spread.flavors import ViewPoint from twisted.spread.flavors import Viewable from twisted.spread.flavors import Copyable from twisted.spread.flavors import Jellyable from twisted.spread.flavors import Cacheable from twisted.spread.flavors import RemoteCopy from twisted.spread.flavors import RemoteCache from twisted.spread.flavors import RemoteCacheObserver from twisted.spread.flavors import copyTags from twisted.spread.flavors import setUnjellyableForClass from twisted.spread.flavors import setUnjellyableFactoryForClass from twisted.spread.flavors import setUnjellyableForClassTree # These three are backwards compatibility aliases for the previous three. # Ultimately they should be deprecated. -exarkun from twisted.spread.flavors import setCopierForClass from twisted.spread.flavors import setFactoryForClass from twisted.spread.flavors import setCopierForClassTree MAX_BROKER_REFS = 1024 portno = 8787 class ProtocolError(Exception): """ This error is raised when an invalid protocol statement is received. """ class DeadReferenceError(ProtocolError): """ This error is raised when a method is called on a dead reference (one whose broker has been disconnected). """ class Error(Exception): """ This error can be raised to generate known error conditions. When a PB callable method (perspective_, remote_, view_) raises this error, it indicates that a traceback should not be printed, but instead, the string representation of the exception should be sent. """ class RemoteMethod: """This is a translucent reference to a remote message. """ def __init__(self, obj, name): """Initialize with a L{RemoteReference} and the name of this message. """ self.obj = obj = name def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp((self.obj,, other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.obj, def __call__(self, *args, **kw): """Asynchronously invoke a remote method. """ return'',self.obj.perspective, self.obj.luid,, args, kw) def noOperation(*args, **kw): """ Do nothing. Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit... """ noOperation = deprecated(Version("twisted", 8, 2, 0))(noOperation) class PBConnectionLost(Exception): pass def printTraceback(tb): """ Print a traceback (string) to the standard log. """ log.msg('Perspective Broker Traceback:' ) log.msg(tb) printTraceback = deprecated(Version("twisted", 8, 2, 0))(printTraceback) class IPerspective(Interface): """ per*spec*tive, n. : The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: 'a perspective of history'; 'a need to view the problem in the proper perspective'. This is a Perspective Broker-specific wrapper for an avatar. That is to say, a PB-published view on to the business logic for the system's concept of a 'user'. The concept of attached/detached is no longer implemented by the framework. The realm is expected to implement such semantics if needed. """ def perspectiveMessageReceived(broker, message, args, kwargs): """ This method is called when a network message is received. @arg broker: The Perspective Broker. @type message: str @arg message: The name of the method called by the other end. @type args: list in jelly format @arg args: The arguments that were passed by the other end. It is recommend that you use the `unserialize' method of the broker to decode this. @type kwargs: dict in jelly format @arg kwargs: The keyword arguments that were passed by the other end. It is recommended that you use the `unserialize' method of the broker to decode this. @rtype: A jelly list. @return: It is recommended that you use the `serialize' method of the broker on whatever object you need to return to generate the return value. """ class Avatar: """ A default IPerspective implementor. This class is intended to be subclassed, and a realm should return an instance of such a subclass when IPerspective is requested of it. A peer requesting a perspective will receive only a L{RemoteReference} to a pb.Avatar. When a method is called on that L{RemoteReference}, it will translate to a method on the remote perspective named 'perspective_methodname'. (For more information on invoking methods on other objects, see L{flavors.ViewPoint}.) """ implements(IPerspective) def perspectiveMessageReceived(self, broker, message, args, kw): """ This method is called when a network message is received. This will call:: self.perspective_%(message)s(*broker.unserialize(args), **broker.unserialize(kw)) to handle the method; subclasses of Avatar are expected to implement methods using this naming convention. """ args = broker.unserialize(args, self) kw = broker.unserialize(kw, self) method = getattr(self, "perspective_%s" % message) try: state = method(*args, **kw) except TypeError: log.msg("%s didn't accept %s and %s" % (method, args, kw)) raise return broker.serialize(state, self, method, args, kw) class AsReferenceable(Referenceable): """ A reference directed towards another object. """ def __init__(self, object, messageType="remote"): self.remoteMessageReceived = getattr( object, messageType + "MessageReceived") class RemoteReference(Serializable, styles.Ephemeral): """ A translucent reference to a remote object. I may be a reference to a L{flavors.ViewPoint}, a L{flavors.Referenceable}, or an L{IPerspective} implementor (e.g., pb.Avatar). From the client's perspective, it is not possible to tell which except by convention. I am a \"translucent\" reference because although no additional bookkeeping overhead is given to the application programmer for manipulating a reference, return values are asynchronous. See also L{twisted.internet.defer}. @ivar broker: The broker I am obtained through. @type broker: L{Broker} """ implements(IUnjellyable) def __init__(self, perspective, broker, luid, doRefCount): """(internal) Initialize me with a broker and a locally-unique ID. The ID is unique only to the particular Perspective Broker instance. """ self.luid = luid = broker self.doRefCount = doRefCount self.perspective = perspective self.disconnectCallbacks = [] def notifyOnDisconnect(self, callback): """Register a callback to be called if our broker gets disconnected. This callback will be called with one argument, this instance. """ assert callable(callback) self.disconnectCallbacks.append(callback) if len(self.disconnectCallbacks) == 1: def dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self, callback): """Remove a callback that was registered with notifyOnDisconnect.""" self.disconnectCallbacks.remove(callback) if not self.disconnectCallbacks: def _disconnected(self): """Called if we are disconnected and have callbacks registered.""" for callback in self.disconnectCallbacks: callback(self) self.disconnectCallbacks = None def jellyFor(self, jellier): """If I am being sent back to where I came from, serialize as a local backreference. """ if jellier.invoker: assert == jellier.invoker, "Can't send references to brokers other than their own." return "local", self.luid else: return "unpersistable", "References cannot be serialized" def unjellyFor(self, unjellier, unjellyList): self.__init__(unjellier.invoker.unserializingPerspective, unjellier.invoker, unjellyList[1], 1) return self def callRemote(self, _name, *args, **kw): """Asynchronously invoke a remote method. @type _name: C{string} @param _name: the name of the remote method to invoke @param args: arguments to serialize for the remote function @param kw: keyword arguments to serialize for the remote function. @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} @returns: a Deferred which will be fired when the result of this remote call is received. """ # note that we use '_name' instead of 'name' so the user can call # remote methods with 'name' as a keyword parameter, like this: # ref.callRemote("getPeopleNamed", count=12, name="Bob") return'',self.perspective, self.luid, _name, args, kw) def remoteMethod(self, key): """Get a L{RemoteMethod} for this key. """ return RemoteMethod(self, key) def __cmp__(self,other): """Compare me [to another L{RemoteReference}]. """ if isinstance(other, RemoteReference): if == return cmp(self.luid, other.luid) return cmp(, other) def __hash__(self): """Hash me. """ return self.luid def __del__(self): """Do distributed reference counting on finalization. """ if self.doRefCount: setUnjellyableForClass("remote", RemoteReference) class Local: """(internal) A reference to a local object. """ def __init__(self, object, perspective=None): """Initialize. """ self.object = object self.perspective = perspective self.refcount = 1 def __repr__(self): return "<pb.Local %r ref:%s>" % (self.object, self.refcount) def incref(self): """Increment and return my reference count. """ self.refcount = self.refcount + 1 return self.refcount def decref(self): """Decrement and return my reference count. """ self.refcount = self.refcount - 1 return self.refcount ## # Failure ## class CopyableFailure(failure.Failure, Copyable): """ A L{flavors.RemoteCopy} and L{flavors.Copyable} version of L{twisted.python.failure.Failure} for serialization. """ unsafeTracebacks = 0 def getStateToCopy(self): """ Collect state related to the exception which occurred, discarding state which cannot reasonably be serialized. """ state = self.__dict__.copy() state['tb'] = None state['frames'] = [] state['stack'] = [] if isinstance(self.value, failure.Failure): state['value'] = failure2Copyable(self.value, self.unsafeTracebacks) else: state['value'] = str(self.value) # Exception instance if isinstance(self.type, str): state['type'] = self.type else: state['type'] = reflect.qual(self.type) # Exception class if self.unsafeTracebacks: state['traceback'] = self.getTraceback() else: state['traceback'] = 'Traceback unavailable\n' return state class CopiedFailure(RemoteCopy, failure.Failure): def printTraceback(self, file=None, elideFrameworkCode=0, detail='default'): if file is None: file = log.logfile file.write("Traceback from remote host -- ") file.write(self.traceback) printBriefTraceback = printTraceback printDetailedTraceback = printTraceback setUnjellyableForClass(CopyableFailure, CopiedFailure) def failure2Copyable(fail, unsafeTracebacks=0): f = new.instance(CopyableFailure, fail.__dict__) f.unsafeTracebacks = unsafeTracebacks return f class Broker(banana.Banana): """I am a broker for objects. """ version = 6 username = None factory = None def __init__(self, isClient=1, security=globalSecurity): banana.Banana.__init__(self, isClient) self.disconnected = 0 self.disconnects = [] self.failures = [] self.connects = [] self.localObjects = {} = security self.pageProducers = [] self.currentRequestID = 0 self.currentLocalID = 0 self.unserializingPerspective = None # Some terms: # PUID: process unique ID; return value of id() function. type "int". # LUID: locally unique ID; an ID unique to an object mapped over this # connection. type "int" # GUID: (not used yet) globally unique ID; an ID for an object which # may be on a redirected or meta server. Type as yet undecided. # Dictionary mapping LUIDs to local objects. # set above to allow root object to be assigned before connection is made # self.localObjects = {} # Dictionary mapping PUIDs to LUIDs. self.luids = {} # Dictionary mapping LUIDs to local (remotely cached) objects. Remotely # cached means that they're objects which originate here, and were # copied remotely. self.remotelyCachedObjects = {} # Dictionary mapping PUIDs to (cached) LUIDs self.remotelyCachedLUIDs = {} # Dictionary mapping (remote) LUIDs to (locally cached) objects. self.locallyCachedObjects = {} self.waitingForAnswers = {} # Mapping from LUIDs to weakref objects with callbacks for performing # any local cleanup which may be necessary for the corresponding # object once it no longer exists. self._localCleanup = {} def resumeProducing(self): """Called when the consumer attached to me runs out of buffer. """ # Go backwards over the list so we can remove indexes from it as we go for pageridx in xrange(len(self.pageProducers)-1, -1, -1): pager = self.pageProducers[pageridx] pager.sendNextPage() if not pager.stillPaging(): del self.pageProducers[pageridx] if not self.pageProducers: self.transport.unregisterProducer() # Streaming producer methods; not necessary to implement. def pauseProducing(self): pass def stopProducing(self): pass def registerPageProducer(self, pager): self.pageProducers.append(pager) if len(self.pageProducers) == 1: self.transport.registerProducer(self, 0) def expressionReceived(self, sexp): """Evaluate an expression as it's received. """ if isinstance(sexp, types.ListType): command = sexp[0] methodName = "proto_%s" % command method = getattr(self, methodName, None) if method: method(*sexp[1:]) else: self.sendCall("didNotUnderstand", command) else: raise ProtocolError("Non-list expression received.") def proto_version(self, vnum): """Protocol message: (version version-number) Check to make sure that both ends of the protocol are speaking the same version dialect. """ if vnum != self.version: raise ProtocolError("Version Incompatibility: %s %s" % (self.version, vnum)) def sendCall(self, *exp): """Utility method to send an expression to the other side of the connection. """ self.sendEncoded(exp) def proto_didNotUnderstand(self, command): """Respond to stock 'C{didNotUnderstand}' message. Log the command that was not understood and continue. (Note: this will probably be changed to close the connection or raise an exception in the future.) """ log.msg("Didn't understand command: %r" % command) def connectionReady(self): """Initialize. Called after Banana negotiation is done. """ self.sendCall("version", self.version) for notifier in self.connects: try: notifier() except: log.deferr() self.connects = None if self.factory: # in tests we won't have factory self.factory.clientConnectionMade(self) def connectionFailed(self): # XXX should never get called anymore? check! for notifier in self.failures: try: notifier() except: log.deferr() self.failures = None waitingForAnswers = None def connectionLost(self, reason): """The connection was lost. """ self.disconnected = 1 # nuke potential circular references. self.luids = None if self.waitingForAnswers: for d in self.waitingForAnswers.values(): try: d.errback(failure.Failure(PBConnectionLost(reason))) except: log.deferr() # Assure all Cacheable.stoppedObserving are called for lobj in self.remotelyCachedObjects.values(): cacheable = lobj.object perspective = lobj.perspective try: cacheable.stoppedObserving(perspective, RemoteCacheObserver(self, cacheable, perspective)) except: log.deferr() # Loop on a copy to prevent notifiers to mixup # the list by calling dontNotifyOnDisconnect for notifier in self.disconnects[:]: try: notifier() except: log.deferr() self.disconnects = None self.waitingForAnswers = None self.localSecurity = None self.remoteSecurity = None self.remotelyCachedObjects = None self.remotelyCachedLUIDs = None self.locallyCachedObjects = None self.localObjects = None def notifyOnDisconnect(self, notifier): """Call the given callback when the Broker disconnects.""" assert callable(notifier) self.disconnects.append(notifier) def notifyOnFail(self, notifier): """Call the given callback if the Broker fails to connect.""" assert callable(notifier) self.failures.append(notifier) def notifyOnConnect(self, notifier): """Call the given callback when the Broker connects.""" assert callable(notifier) if self.connects is None: try: notifier() except: log.err() else: self.connects.append(notifier) def dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self, notifier): """Remove a callback from list of disconnect callbacks.""" try: self.disconnects.remove(notifier) except ValueError: pass def localObjectForID(self, luid): """ Get a local object for a locally unique ID. @return: An object previously stored with L{registerReference} or C{None} if there is no object which corresponds to the given identifier. """ lob = self.localObjects.get(luid) if lob is None: return return lob.object maxBrokerRefsViolations = 0 def registerReference(self, object): """Get an ID for a local object. Store a persistent reference to a local object and map its id() to a generated, session-unique ID and return that ID. """ assert object is not None puid = object.processUniqueID() luid = self.luids.get(puid) if luid is None: if len(self.localObjects) > MAX_BROKER_REFS: self.maxBrokerRefsViolations = self.maxBrokerRefsViolations + 1 if self.maxBrokerRefsViolations > 3: self.transport.loseConnection() raise Error("Maximum PB reference count exceeded. " "Goodbye.") raise Error("Maximum PB reference count exceeded.") luid = self.newLocalID() self.localObjects[luid] = Local(object) self.luids[puid] = luid else: self.localObjects[luid].incref() return luid def setNameForLocal(self, name, object): """Store a special (string) ID for this object. This is how you specify a 'base' set of objects that the remote protocol can connect to. """ assert object is not None self.localObjects[name] = Local(object) def remoteForName(self, name): """Returns an object from the remote name mapping. Note that this does not check the validity of the name, only creates a translucent reference for it. """ return RemoteReference(None, self, name, 0) def cachedRemotelyAs(self, instance, incref=0): """Returns an ID that says what this instance is cached as remotely, or C{None} if it's not. """ puid = instance.processUniqueID() luid = self.remotelyCachedLUIDs.get(puid) if (luid is not None) and (incref): self.remotelyCachedObjects[luid].incref() return luid def remotelyCachedForLUID(self, luid): """Returns an instance which is cached remotely, with this LUID. """ return self.remotelyCachedObjects[luid].object def cacheRemotely(self, instance): """ XXX""" puid = instance.processUniqueID() luid = self.newLocalID() if len(self.remotelyCachedObjects) > MAX_BROKER_REFS: self.maxBrokerRefsViolations = self.maxBrokerRefsViolations + 1 if self.maxBrokerRefsViolations > 3: self.transport.loseConnection() raise Error("Maximum PB cache count exceeded. " "Goodbye.") raise Error("Maximum PB cache count exceeded.") self.remotelyCachedLUIDs[puid] = luid # This table may not be necessary -- for now, it's to make sure that no # monkey business happens with id(instance) self.remotelyCachedObjects[luid] = Local(instance, self.serializingPerspective) return luid def cacheLocally(self, cid, instance): """(internal) Store a non-filled-out cached instance locally. """ self.locallyCachedObjects[cid] = instance def cachedLocallyAs(self, cid): instance = self.locallyCachedObjects[cid] return instance def serialize(self, object, perspective=None, method=None, args=None, kw=None): """Jelly an object according to the remote security rules for this broker. """ if isinstance(object, defer.Deferred): object.addCallbacks(self.serialize, lambda x: x, callbackKeywords={ 'perspective': perspective, 'method': method, 'args': args, 'kw': kw }) return object # XXX This call is NOT REENTRANT and testing for reentrancy is just # crazy, so it likely won't be. Don't ever write methods that call the # broker's serialize() method recursively (e.g. sending a method call # from within a getState (this causes concurrency problems anyway so # you really, really shouldn't do it)) # self.jellier = _NetJellier(self) self.serializingPerspective = perspective self.jellyMethod = method self.jellyArgs = args self.jellyKw = kw try: return jelly(object,, None, self) finally: self.serializingPerspective = None self.jellyMethod = None self.jellyArgs = None self.jellyKw = None def unserialize(self, sexp, perspective = None): """Unjelly an sexp according to the local security rules for this broker. """ self.unserializingPerspective = perspective try: return unjelly(sexp,, None, self) finally: self.unserializingPerspective = None def newLocalID(self): """Generate a new LUID. """ self.currentLocalID = self.currentLocalID + 1 return self.currentLocalID def newRequestID(self): """Generate a new request ID. """ self.currentRequestID = self.currentRequestID + 1 return self.currentRequestID def _sendMessage(self, prefix, perspective, objectID, message, args, kw): pbc = None pbe = None answerRequired = 1 if kw.has_key('pbcallback'): pbc = kw['pbcallback'] del kw['pbcallback'] if kw.has_key('pberrback'): pbe = kw['pberrback'] del kw['pberrback'] if kw.has_key('pbanswer'): assert (not pbe) and (not pbc), "You can't specify a no-answer requirement." answerRequired = kw['pbanswer'] del kw['pbanswer'] if self.disconnected: raise DeadReferenceError("Calling Stale Broker") try: netArgs = self.serialize(args, perspective=perspective, method=message) netKw = self.serialize(kw, perspective=perspective, method=message) except: return requestID = self.newRequestID() if answerRequired: rval = defer.Deferred() self.waitingForAnswers[requestID] = rval if pbc or pbe: log.msg('warning! using deprecated "pbcallback"') rval.addCallbacks(pbc, pbe) else: rval = None self.sendCall(prefix+"message", requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw) return rval def proto_message(self, requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw): self._recvMessage(self.localObjectForID, requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw) def proto_cachemessage(self, requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw): self._recvMessage(self.cachedLocallyAs, requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw) def _recvMessage(self, findObjMethod, requestID, objectID, message, answerRequired, netArgs, netKw): """Received a message-send. Look up message based on object, unserialize the arguments, and invoke it with args, and send an 'answer' or 'error' response. """ try: object = findObjMethod(objectID) if object is None: raise Error("Invalid Object ID") netResult = object.remoteMessageReceived(self, message, netArgs, netKw) except Error, e: if answerRequired: # If the error is Jellyable or explicitly allowed via our # security options, send it back and let the code on the # other end deal with unjellying. If it isn't Jellyable, # wrap it in a CopyableFailure, which ensures it can be # unjellied on the other end. We have to do this because # all errors must be sent back. if isinstance(e, Jellyable) or self._sendError(e, requestID) else: self._sendError(CopyableFailure(e), requestID) except: if answerRequired: log.msg("Peer will receive following PB traceback:", isError=True) f = CopyableFailure() self._sendError(f, requestID) log.err() else: if answerRequired: if isinstance(netResult, defer.Deferred): args = (requestID,) netResult.addCallbacks(self._sendAnswer, self._sendFailureOrError, callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args) # XXX Should this be done somewhere else? else: self._sendAnswer(netResult, requestID) ## # success ## def _sendAnswer(self, netResult, requestID): """(internal) Send an answer to a previously sent message. """ self.sendCall("answer", requestID, netResult) def proto_answer(self, requestID, netResult): """(internal) Got an answer to a previously sent message. Look up the appropriate callback and call it. """ d = self.waitingForAnswers[requestID] del self.waitingForAnswers[requestID] d.callback(self.unserialize(netResult)) ## # failure ## def _sendFailureOrError(self, fail, requestID): """ Call L{_sendError} or L{_sendFailure}, depending on whether C{fail} represents an L{Error} subclass or not. """ if fail.check(Error) is None: self._sendFailure(fail, requestID) else: self._sendError(fail, requestID) def _sendFailure(self, fail, requestID): """Log error and then send it.""" log.msg("Peer will receive following PB traceback:") log.err(fail) self._sendError(fail, requestID) def _sendError(self, fail, requestID): """(internal) Send an error for a previously sent message. """ if isinstance(fail, failure.Failure): # If the failures value is jellyable or allowed through security, # send the value if (isinstance(fail.value, Jellyable) or fail = fail.value elif not isinstance(fail, CopyableFailure): fail = failure2Copyable(fail, self.factory.unsafeTracebacks) if isinstance(fail, CopyableFailure): fail.unsafeTracebacks = self.factory.unsafeTracebacks self.sendCall("error", requestID, self.serialize(fail)) def proto_error(self, requestID, fail): """(internal) Deal with an error. """ d = self.waitingForAnswers[requestID] del self.waitingForAnswers[requestID] d.errback(self.unserialize(fail)) ## # refcounts ## def sendDecRef(self, objectID): """(internal) Send a DECREF directive. """ self.sendCall("decref", objectID) def proto_decref(self, objectID): """(internal) Decrement the reference count of an object. If the reference count is zero, it will free the reference to this object. """ refs = self.localObjects[objectID].decref() if refs == 0: puid = self.localObjects[objectID].object.processUniqueID() del self.luids[puid] del self.localObjects[objectID] self._localCleanup.pop(puid, lambda: None)() ## # caching ## def decCacheRef(self, objectID): """(internal) Send a DECACHE directive. """ self.sendCall("decache", objectID) def proto_decache(self, objectID): """(internal) Decrement the reference count of a cached object. If the reference count is zero, free the reference, then send an 'uncached' directive. """ refs = self.remotelyCachedObjects[objectID].decref() # log.msg('decaching: %s #refs: %s' % (objectID, refs)) if refs == 0: lobj = self.remotelyCachedObjects[objectID] cacheable = lobj.object perspective = lobj.perspective # TODO: force_decache needs to be able to force-invalidate a # cacheable reference. try: cacheable.stoppedObserving(perspective, RemoteCacheObserver(self, cacheable, perspective)) except: log.deferr() puid = cacheable.processUniqueID() del self.remotelyCachedLUIDs[puid] del self.remotelyCachedObjects[objectID] self.sendCall("uncache", objectID) def proto_uncache(self, objectID): """(internal) Tell the client it is now OK to uncache an object. """ # log.msg("uncaching locally %d" % objectID) obj = self.locallyCachedObjects[objectID] = None ## def reallyDel(obj=obj): ## obj.__really_del__() ## obj.__del__ = reallyDel del self.locallyCachedObjects[objectID] def respond(challenge, password): """Respond to a challenge. This is useful for challenge/response authentication. """ m = md5() m.update(password) hashedPassword = m.digest() m = md5() m.update(hashedPassword) m.update(challenge) doubleHashedPassword = m.digest() return doubleHashedPassword def challenge(): """I return some random data.""" crap = '' for x in range(random.randrange(15,25)): crap = crap + chr(random.randint(65,90)) crap = md5(crap).digest() return crap class PBClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): """ Client factory for PB brokers. As with all client factories, use with reactor.connectTCP/SSL/etc.. getPerspective and getRootObject can be called either before or after the connect. """ protocol = Broker unsafeTracebacks = False def __init__(self, unsafeTracebacks=False, security=globalSecurity): """ @param unsafeTracebacks: if set, tracebacks for exceptions will be sent over the wire. @type unsafeTracebacks: C{bool} @param security: security options used by the broker, default to C{globalSecurity}. @type security: L{twisted.spread.jelly.SecurityOptions} """ self.unsafeTracebacks = unsafeTracebacks = security self._reset() def buildProtocol(self, addr): """ Build the broker instance, passing the security options to it. """ p = self.protocol(isClient=True, p.factory = self return p def _reset(self): self.rootObjectRequests = [] # list of deferred self._broker = None self._root = None def _failAll(self, reason): deferreds = self.rootObjectRequests self._reset() for d in deferreds: d.errback(reason) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): self._failAll(reason) def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=0): """Reconnecting subclasses should call with reconnecting=1.""" if reconnecting: # any pending requests will go to next connection attempt # so we don't fail them. self._broker = None self._root = None else: self._failAll(reason) def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): self._broker = broker self._root = broker.remoteForName("root") ds = self.rootObjectRequests self.rootObjectRequests = [] for d in ds: d.callback(self._root) def getRootObject(self): """Get root object of remote PB server. @return: Deferred of the root object. """ if self._broker and not self._broker.disconnected: return defer.succeed(self._root) d = defer.Deferred() self.rootObjectRequests.append(d) return d def disconnect(self): """If the factory is connected, close the connection. Note that if you set up the factory to reconnect, you will need to implement extra logic to prevent automatic reconnection after this is called. """ if self._broker: self._broker.transport.loseConnection() def _cbSendUsername(self, root, username, password, client): return root.callRemote("login", username).addCallback( self._cbResponse, password, client) def _cbResponse(self, (challenge, challenger), password, client): return challenger.callRemote("respond", respond(challenge, password), client) def _cbLoginAnonymous(self, root, client): """ Attempt an anonymous login on the given remote root object. @type root: L{RemoteReference} @param root: The object on which to attempt the login, most likely returned by a call to L{PBClientFactory.getRootObject}. @param client: A jellyable object which will be used as the I{mind} parameter for the login attempt. @rtype: L{Deferred} @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a L{RemoteReference} to an avatar when anonymous login succeeds, or which will errback if anonymous login fails. """ return root.callRemote("loginAnonymous", client) def login(self, credentials, client=None): """ Login and get perspective from remote PB server. Currently the following credentials are supported:: L{twisted.cred.credentials.IUsernamePassword} L{twisted.cred.credentials.IAnonymous} @rtype: L{Deferred} @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a L{RemoteReference} for the avatar logged in to, or which will errback if login fails. """ d = self.getRootObject() if IAnonymous.providedBy(credentials): d.addCallback(self._cbLoginAnonymous, client) else: d.addCallback( self._cbSendUsername, credentials.username, credentials.password, client) return d class PBServerFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): """ Server factory for perspective broker. Login is done using a Portal object, whose realm is expected to return avatars implementing IPerspective. The credential checkers in the portal should accept IUsernameHashedPassword or IUsernameMD5Password. Alternatively, any object providing or adaptable to L{IPBRoot} can be used instead of a portal to provide the root object of the PB server. """ unsafeTracebacks = False # object broker factory protocol = Broker def __init__(self, root, unsafeTracebacks=False, security=globalSecurity): """ @param root: factory providing the root Referenceable used by the broker. @type root: object providing or adaptable to L{IPBRoot}. @param unsafeTracebacks: if set, tracebacks for exceptions will be sent over the wire. @type unsafeTracebacks: C{bool} @param security: security options used by the broker, default to C{globalSecurity}. @type security: L{twisted.spread.jelly.SecurityOptions} """ self.root = IPBRoot(root) self.unsafeTracebacks = unsafeTracebacks = security def buildProtocol(self, addr): """ Return a Broker attached to the factory (as the service provider). """ proto = self.protocol(isClient=False, proto.factory = self proto.setNameForLocal("root", self.root.rootObject(proto)) return proto def clientConnectionMade(self, protocol): # XXX does this method make any sense? pass class IUsernameMD5Password(ICredentials): """ I encapsulate a username and a hashed password. This credential is used for username/password over PB. CredentialCheckers which check this kind of credential must store the passwords in plaintext form or as a MD5 digest. @type username: C{str} or C{Deferred} @ivar username: The username associated with these credentials. """ def checkPassword(password): """ Validate these credentials against the correct password. @type password: C{str} @param password: The correct, plaintext password against which to check. @rtype: C{bool} or L{Deferred} @return: C{True} if the credentials represented by this object match the given password, C{False} if they do not, or a L{Deferred} which will be called back with one of these values. """ def checkMD5Password(password): """ Validate these credentials against the correct MD5 digest of the password. @type password: C{str} @param password: The correct MD5 digest of a password against which to check. @rtype: C{bool} or L{Deferred} @return: C{True} if the credentials represented by this object match the given digest, C{False} if they do not, or a L{Deferred} which will be called back with one of these values. """ class _PortalRoot: """Root object, used to login to portal.""" implements(IPBRoot) def __init__(self, portal): self.portal = portal def rootObject(self, broker): return _PortalWrapper(self.portal, broker) registerAdapter(_PortalRoot, Portal, IPBRoot) class _JellyableAvatarMixin: """ Helper class for code which deals with avatars which PB must be capable of sending to a peer. """ def _cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)): """ Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object. """ if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar): avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective") puid = avatar.processUniqueID() def dereferenceLogout(): logout()[puid] = dereferenceLogout # No special helper function is necessary for notifyOnDisconnect # because dereference callbacks won't be invoked if the connection is # randomly dropped. I'm not sure those are ideal semantics, but this # is the only user of the (private) API at the moment and it works just # fine as things are. -exarkun return avatar class _PortalWrapper(Referenceable, _JellyableAvatarMixin): """ Root Referenceable object, used to login to portal. """ def __init__(self, portal, broker): self.portal = portal = broker def remote_login(self, username): """ Start of username/password login. """ c = challenge() return c, _PortalAuthChallenger(self.portal,, username, c) def remote_loginAnonymous(self, mind): """ Attempt an anonymous login. @param mind: An object to use as the mind parameter to the portal login call (possibly None). @rtype: L{Deferred} @return: A Deferred which will be called back with an avatar when login succeeds or which will be errbacked if login fails somehow. """ d = self.portal.login(Anonymous(), mind, IPerspective) d.addCallback(self._cbLogin) return d class _PortalAuthChallenger(Referenceable, _JellyableAvatarMixin): """ Called with response to password challenge. """ implements(IUsernameHashedPassword, IUsernameMD5Password) def __init__(self, portal, broker, username, challenge): self.portal = portal = broker self.username = username self.challenge = challenge def remote_respond(self, response, mind): self.response = response d = self.portal.login(self, mind, IPerspective) d.addCallback(self._cbLogin) return d # IUsernameHashedPassword: def checkPassword(self, password): return self.checkMD5Password(md5(password).digest()) # IUsernameMD5Password def checkMD5Password(self, md5Password): md = md5() md.update(md5Password) md.update(self.challenge) correct = md.digest() return self.response == correct __all__ = [ # Everything from flavors is exposed publically here. 'IPBRoot', 'Serializable', 'Referenceable', 'NoSuchMethod', 'Root', 'ViewPoint', 'Viewable', 'Copyable', 'Jellyable', 'Cacheable', 'RemoteCopy', 'RemoteCache', 'RemoteCacheObserver', 'copyTags', 'setUnjellyableForClass', 'setUnjellyableFactoryForClass', 'setUnjellyableForClassTree', 'MAX_BROKER_REFS', 'portno', 'ProtocolError', 'DeadReferenceError', 'Error', 'PBConnectionLost', 'RemoteMethod', 'IPerspective', 'Avatar', 'AsReferenceable', 'RemoteReference', 'CopyableFailure', 'CopiedFailure', 'failure2Copyable', 'Broker', 'respond', 'challenge', 'PBClientFactory', 'PBServerFactory', 'IUsernameMD5Password', ]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## { 'name': 'MRP Byproducts', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Manufacturing', 'description': """ This module allows you to produce several products from one production order. ============================================================================= You can configure by-products in the bill of material. Without this module: -------------------- A + B + C -> D With this module: ----------------- A + B + C -> D + E """, 'author': 'OpenERP SA', 'website': '', 'depends': ['base', 'mrp'], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'mrp_byproduct_view.xml' ], 'demo': [], 'test': ['test/mrp_byproduct.yml'], 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False, } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 4605, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 7653, 12, 3232, 5800, 8259, 9274, 199, 3, 259, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 8353, 13, 6542, 11947, 12361, 8642, 1014, 921, 9864, 14, 1235, 10121, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 259, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 199, 3, 259, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 199, 3, 259, 844, 12, 503, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 259, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 259, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 259, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 259, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 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# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2015 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, generators, nested_scopes, print_function, unicode_literals, with_statement) from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError from pants.base.workunit import WorkUnitLabel from pants.contrib.go.tasks.go_workspace_task import GoWorkspaceTask class GoTest(GoWorkspaceTask): """Runs `go test` on Go packages. To run a library's tests, GoTest only requires a Go workspace to be initialized (see GoWorkspaceTask) with links to necessary source files. It does not require GoCompile to first compile the library to be tested -- in fact, GoTest will ignore any binaries in "$GOPATH/pkg/", because Go test files (which live in the package they are testing) are ignored in normal compilation, so Go test must compile everything from scratch. """ @classmethod def register_options(cls, register): super(GoTest, cls).register_options(register) register('--remote', action='store_true', help='Enables running tests found in go_remote_libraries.') register('--build-and-test-flags', default='', help='Flags to pass in to `go test` tool.') @classmethod def supports_passthru_args(cls): return True def execute(self): # Only executes the tests from the package specified by the target roots, so # we don't run the tests for _all_ dependencies of said package. targets = filter(self.is_go if self.get_options().remote else self.is_local_src, self.context.target_roots) for target in targets: self.ensure_workspace(target) self._go_test(target) def _go_test(self, target): args = (self.get_options().build_and_test_flags.split() + [target.import_path] + self.get_passthru_args()) result, go_cmd = self.go_dist.execute_go_cmd('test', gopath=self.get_gopath(target), args=args, workunit_factory=self.context.new_workunit, workunit_labels=[WorkUnitLabel.TEST]) if result != 0: raise TaskError('{} failed with exit code {}'.format(go_cmd, result))
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from lib.datasets import Cifar10 as Data from lib.model import Model as BaseModel, generate_placeholders, train from lib.segmentation import extract_features_fixed # from lib.segmentation import slic_fixed from lib.segmentation import quickshift_fixed from lib.pipeline import preprocess_pipeline_fixed from lib.layer import EmbeddedGCNN as Conv, MaxPool, AveragePool, FC # SLIC_FEATURES = [0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19, 21, 22] QUICKSHIFT_FEATURES = [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 19, 21, 22] DATA_DIR = 'data/cifar_10' PREPROCESS_FIRST = None # PREPROCESS_FIRST = 'data/cifar_10/slic' # PREPROCESS_FIRST = 'data/cifar_10/quickshift' LEVELS = 4 CONNECTIVITY = 8 SCALE_INVARIANCE = False STDDEV = 1 LEARNING_RATE = 0.001 NUM_STEPS_PER_DECAY = 5000 TRAIN_DIR = None # LOG_DIR = 'data/summaries/cifar_slic_graph' LOG_DIR = 'data/summaries/cifar_quickshift_graph' AUGMENT_TRAIN_EXAMPLES = True DROPOUT = 0.5 BATCH_SIZE = 64 MAX_STEPS = 60000 DISPLAY_STEP = 10 # FORM_FEATURES = SLIC_FEATURES FORM_FEATURES = QUICKSHIFT_FEATURES NUM_FEATURES = len(FORM_FEATURES) + 3 data = Data(DATA_DIR) # segmentation_algorithm = slic_fixed( # num_segments=200, compactness=5, max_iterations=10, sigma=0) segmentation_algorithm = quickshift_fixed( ratio=1, kernel_size=1, max_dist=5, sigma=0) feature_extraction_algorithm = extract_features_fixed(FORM_FEATURES) preprocess_algorithm = preprocess_pipeline_fixed( segmentation_algorithm, feature_extraction_algorithm, LEVELS, CONNECTIVITY, SCALE_INVARIANCE, STDDEV) class Model(BaseModel): def _build(self): conv_1_1 = Conv( NUM_FEATURES, 64, adjs_dist=self.placeholders['adj_dist_1'], adjs_rad=self.placeholders['adj_rad_1'], logging=self.logging) conv_1_2 = Conv( 64, 64, adjs_dist=self.placeholders['adj_dist_1'], adjs_rad=self.placeholders['adj_rad_1'], logging=self.logging) max_pool_1 = MaxPool(size=2) conv_2 = Conv( 64, 128, adjs_dist=self.placeholders['adj_dist_2'], adjs_rad=self.placeholders['adj_rad_2'], logging=self.logging) max_pool_2 = MaxPool(size=2) conv_3 = Conv( 128, 256, adjs_dist=self.placeholders['adj_dist_3'], adjs_rad=self.placeholders['adj_rad_3'], logging=self.logging) max_pool_3 = MaxPool(size=2) conv_4 = Conv( 256, 512, adjs_dist=self.placeholders['adj_dist_4'], adjs_rad=self.placeholders['adj_rad_4'], logging=self.logging) average_pool = AveragePool() fc_1 = FC(512, 256, weight_decay=0.004, logging=self.logging) fc_2 = FC(256, 128, weight_decay=0.004, logging=self.logging) fc_3 = FC( 128, data.num_classes, act=lambda x: x, bias=False, dropout=self.placeholders['dropout'], logging=self.logging) self.layers = [ conv_1_1, conv_1_2, max_pool_1, conv_2, max_pool_2, conv_3, max_pool_3, conv_4, average_pool, fc_1, fc_2, fc_3 ] placeholders = generate_placeholders(BATCH_SIZE, LEVELS, NUM_FEATURES, data.num_classes) model = Model( placeholders=placeholders, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE, num_steps_per_decay=NUM_STEPS_PER_DECAY, train_dir=TRAIN_DIR, log_dir=LOG_DIR) train(model, data, preprocess_algorithm, BATCH_SIZE, DROPOUT, AUGMENT_TRAIN_EXAMPLES, MAX_STEPS, PREPROCESS_FIRST, DISPLAY_STEP)
[ 504, 1973, 14, 12281, 492, 445, 692, 285, 709, 465, 3918, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 1238, 492, 5822, 465, 3523, 1685, 12, 3550, 63, 22100, 12, 3560, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 5536, 63, 3179, 63, 5964, 199, 3, 687, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 308, 606, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 12530, 4723, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 7379, 492, 23351, 63, 7379, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 1897, 492, 24297, 770, 7484, 7178, 465, 19140, 12, 8228, 5453, 12, 437, 3652, 5453, 12, 20934, 199, 199, 3, 428, 2507, 63, 13313, 275, 359, 16, 12, 499, 12, 959, 12, 1520, 12, 1695, 12, 1749, 12, 5851, 12, 7829, 12, 6928, 61, 199, 2328, 13884, 18013, 63, 13313, 275, 359, 18, 12, 650, 12, 841, 12, 959, 12, 1520, 12, 1695, 12, 5851, 12, 7829, 12, 6928, 61, 199, 199, 3998, 63, 3022, 275, 283, 576, 15, 559, 15315, 63, 709, 7, 199, 199, 4225, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 488, 199, 3, 19924, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 283, 576, 15, 559, 15315, 63, 709, 15, 83, 606, 7, 199, 3, 19924, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 283, 576, 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[ 1973, 14, 12281, 492, 445, 692, 285, 709, 465, 3918, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 1238, 492, 5822, 465, 3523, 1685, 12, 3550, 63, 22100, 12, 3560, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 5536, 63, 3179, 63, 5964, 199, 3, 687, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 308, 606, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 26926, 492, 12530, 4723, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 7379, 492, 23351, 63, 7379, 63, 5964, 199, 504, 1973, 14, 1897, 492, 24297, 770, 7484, 7178, 465, 19140, 12, 8228, 5453, 12, 437, 3652, 5453, 12, 20934, 199, 199, 3, 428, 2507, 63, 13313, 275, 359, 16, 12, 499, 12, 959, 12, 1520, 12, 1695, 12, 1749, 12, 5851, 12, 7829, 12, 6928, 61, 199, 2328, 13884, 18013, 63, 13313, 275, 359, 18, 12, 650, 12, 841, 12, 959, 12, 1520, 12, 1695, 12, 5851, 12, 7829, 12, 6928, 61, 199, 199, 3998, 63, 3022, 275, 283, 576, 15, 559, 15315, 63, 709, 7, 199, 199, 4225, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 488, 199, 3, 19924, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 283, 576, 15, 559, 15315, 63, 709, 15, 83, 606, 7, 199, 3, 19924, 10494, 63, 12903, 275, 283, 576, 15, 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# cerbero - a multi-platform build system for Open Source software # Copyright (C) 2012 Andoni Morales Alastruey <[email protected]> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from cerbero.commands import Command, register_command from cerbero.utils import _, N_, ArgparseArgument, shell class Run(Command): doc = N_('Runs a command in the cerbero shell') name = 'run' def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, [ArgparseArgument('cmd', nargs='+', help=_('command to run')), ArgparseArgument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('verbose mode')) ]) def run(self, config, args): command = ' '.join(args.cmd), '.', True, args.verbose) register_command(Run)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012 Thomas Parslow # Copyright (c) 2012 Robie Basak <[email protected]> # Tree hash implementation from Aaron Brady [email protected] # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # import hashlib from boto.glacier.utils import chunk_hashes, tree_hash, bytes_to_hex # This import is provided for backwards compatibility. This function is # now in boto.glacier.utils, but any existing code can still import # this directly from this module. from boto.glacier.utils import compute_hashes_from_fileobj _ONE_MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024 class _Partitioner(object): """Convert variable-size writes into part-sized writes Call write(data) with variable sized data as needed to write all data. Call flush() after all data is written. This instance will call send_fn(part_data) as needed in part_size pieces, except for the final part which may be shorter than part_size. Make sure to call flush() to ensure that a short final part results in a final send_fn call. """ def __init__(self, part_size, send_fn): self.part_size = part_size self.send_fn = send_fn self._buffer = [] self._buffer_size = 0 def write(self, data): if data == b'': return self._buffer.append(data) self._buffer_size += len(data) while self._buffer_size > self.part_size: self._send_part() def _send_part(self): data = b''.join(self._buffer) # Put back any data remaining over the part size into the # buffer if len(data) > self.part_size: self._buffer = [data[self.part_size:]] self._buffer_size = len(self._buffer[0]) else: self._buffer = [] self._buffer_size = 0 # The part we will send part = data[:self.part_size] self.send_fn(part) def flush(self): if self._buffer_size > 0: self._send_part() class _Uploader(object): """Upload to a Glacier upload_id. Call upload_part for each part (in any order) and then close to complete the upload. """ def __init__(self, vault, upload_id, part_size, chunk_size=_ONE_MEGABYTE): self.vault = vault self.upload_id = upload_id self.part_size = part_size self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.archive_id = None self._uploaded_size = 0 self._tree_hashes = [] self.closed = False def _insert_tree_hash(self, index, raw_tree_hash): list_length = len(self._tree_hashes) if index >= list_length: self._tree_hashes.extend([None] * (list_length - index + 1)) self._tree_hashes[index] = raw_tree_hash def upload_part(self, part_index, part_data): """Upload a part to Glacier. :param part_index: part number where 0 is the first part :param part_data: data to upload corresponding to this part """ if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") # Create a request and sign it part_tree_hash = tree_hash(chunk_hashes(part_data, self.chunk_size)) self._insert_tree_hash(part_index, part_tree_hash) hex_tree_hash = bytes_to_hex(part_tree_hash) linear_hash = hashlib.sha256(part_data).hexdigest() start = self.part_size * part_index content_range = (start, (start + len(part_data)) - 1) response = self.vault.layer1.upload_part(, self.upload_id, linear_hash, hex_tree_hash, content_range, part_data) self._uploaded_size += len(part_data) def skip_part(self, part_index, part_tree_hash, part_length): """Skip uploading of a part. The final close call needs to calculate the tree hash and total size of all uploaded data, so this is the mechanism for resume functionality to provide it without actually uploading the data again. :param part_index: part number where 0 is the first part :param part_tree_hash: binary tree_hash of part being skipped :param part_length: length of part being skipped """ if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") self._insert_tree_hash(part_index, part_tree_hash) self._uploaded_size += part_length def close(self): if self.closed: return if None in self._tree_hashes: raise RuntimeError("Some parts were not uploaded.") # Complete the multiplart glacier upload hex_tree_hash = bytes_to_hex(tree_hash(self._tree_hashes)) response = self.vault.layer1.complete_multipart_upload(, self.upload_id, hex_tree_hash, self._uploaded_size) self.archive_id = response['ArchiveId'] self.closed = True def generate_parts_from_fobj(fobj, part_size): data = while data: yield data.encode('utf-8') data = def resume_file_upload(vault, upload_id, part_size, fobj, part_hash_map, chunk_size=_ONE_MEGABYTE): """Resume upload of a file already part-uploaded to Glacier. The resumption of an upload where the part-uploaded section is empty is a valid degenerate case that this function can handle. In this case, part_hash_map should be an empty dict. :param vault: boto.glacier.vault.Vault object. :param upload_id: existing Glacier upload id of upload being resumed. :param part_size: part size of existing upload. :param fobj: file object containing local data to resume. This must read from the start of the entire upload, not just from the point being resumed. Use to achieve this if necessary. :param part_hash_map: {part_index: part_tree_hash, ...} of data already uploaded. Each supplied part_tree_hash will be verified and the part re-uploaded if there is a mismatch. :param chunk_size: chunk size of tree hash calculation. This must be 1 MiB for Amazon. """ uploader = _Uploader(vault, upload_id, part_size, chunk_size) for part_index, part_data in enumerate( generate_parts_from_fobj(fobj, part_size)): part_tree_hash = tree_hash(chunk_hashes(part_data, chunk_size)) if (part_index not in part_hash_map or part_hash_map[part_index] != part_tree_hash): uploader.upload_part(part_index, part_data) else: uploader.skip_part(part_index, part_tree_hash, len(part_data)) uploader.close() return uploader.archive_id class Writer(object): """ Presents a file-like object for writing to a Amazon Glacier Archive. The data is written using the multi-part upload API. """ def __init__(self, vault, upload_id, part_size, chunk_size=_ONE_MEGABYTE): self.uploader = _Uploader(vault, upload_id, part_size, chunk_size) self.partitioner = _Partitioner(part_size, self._upload_part) self.closed = False self.next_part_index = 0 def write(self, data): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") self.partitioner.write(data) def _upload_part(self, part_data): self.uploader.upload_part(self.next_part_index, part_data) self.next_part_index += 1 def close(self): if self.closed: return self.partitioner.flush() self.uploader.close() self.closed = True def get_archive_id(self): self.close() return self.uploader.archive_id @property def current_tree_hash(self): """ Returns the current tree hash for the data that's been written **so far**. Only once the writing is complete is the final tree hash returned. """ return tree_hash(self.uploader._tree_hashes) @property def current_uploaded_size(self): """ Returns the current uploaded size for the data that's been written **so far**. Only once the writing is complete is the final uploaded size returned. """ return self.uploader._uploaded_size @property def upload_id(self): return self.uploader.upload_id @property def vault(self): return self.uploader.vault
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6029, 27864, 2235, 14362, 1455, 921, 4398, 25385, 14, 846, 15, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6029, 820, 2873, 1873, 699, 305, 1151, 665, 29891, 1873, 32, 4764, 1939, 4219, 14, 331, 14, 3210, 30, 199, 3, 12178, 2631, 4514, 687, 437, 285, 265, 32377, 8161, 11137, 8161, 65, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 199, 3, 199, 3, 8779, 365, 11882, 10009, 12, 2867, 402, 11204, 12, 370, 1263, 4954, 12408, 282, 199, 3, 1331, 402, 642, 2032, 436, 4568, 3794, 1584, 334, 1589, 199, 3, 298, 10337, 1288, 370, 7962, 315, 314, 2290, 1928, 10588, 12, 5893, 199, 3, 1928, 12305, 314, 4481, 370, 675, 12, 1331, 12, 2811, 12, 5389, 12, 2780, 12, 2153, 13, 199, 3, 28420, 12, 13473, 12, 436, 15, 269, 12743, 6866, 402, 314, 2290, 12, 436, 370, 11291, 199, 3, 12103, 370, 12676, 314, 2290, 365, 13985, 370, 886, 880, 12, 5420, 370, 314, 1699, 13, 199, 3, 28486, 3704, 26, 199, 3, 199, 3, 710, 3432, 4248, 4245, 436, 642, 4983, 4245, 10989, 506, 5120, 199, 3, 315, 1006, 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281, 14, 1208, 492, 4526, 63, 12428, 63, 504, 63, 9234, 421, 199, 63, 4817, 63, 3635, 39, 1217, 57, 3727, 275, 6619, 627, 6619, 421, 199, 533, 485, 13068, 281, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 7306, 1750, 13, 890, 14511, 1901, 1777, 13, 15308, 14511, 339, 6523, 2218, 8, 576, 9, 543, 1750, 308, 1759, 666, 465, 4346, 370, 2218, 1006, 666, 14, 6523, 272, 8976, 342, 2410, 1006, 666, 365, 5313, 14, 339, 961, 1256, 911, 1240, 3222, 63, 2324, 8, 2064, 63, 576, 9, 465, 4346, 315, 1777, 63, 890, 10338, 12, 272, 871, 367, 314, 4242, 1777, 1314, 1443, 506, 18299, 2419, 1777, 63, 890, 14, 4155, 3238, 370, 272, 1240, 8976, 342, 370, 4868, 626, 282, 3974, 4242, 1777, 2058, 315, 282, 4242, 3222, 63, 2324, 272, 1240, 14, 339, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 1777, 63, 890, 12, 3222, 63, 2324, 304, 267, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 275, 1777, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 2254, 63, 2324, 275, 3222, 63, 2324, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 942, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 378, 339, 347, 2218, 8, 277, 12, 666, 304, 267, 340, 666, 508, 330, 7, 356, 288, 372, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 14, 740, 8, 576, 9, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 847, 822, 8, 576, 9, 267, 1830, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 690, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2254, 63, 2064, 342, 339, 347, 485, 2254, 63, 2064, 8, 277, 304, 267, 666, 275, 330, 17067, 904, 8, 277, 423, 2738, 9, 267, 327, 16280, 1771, 1263, 666, 7971, 1806, 314, 1777, 1568, 1901, 314, 267, 327, 3335, 267, 340, 822, 8, 576, 9, 690, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 359, 576, 59, 277, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 21316, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 822, 8, 277, 423, 2738, 59, 16, 566, 267, 587, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 942, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 378, 267, 327, 710, 1777, 781, 911, 3222, 267, 1777, 275, 666, 1491, 277, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 61, 267, 291, 14, 2254, 63, 2324, 8, 2064, 9, 339, 347, 8976, 8, 277, 304, 267, 340, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 690, 378, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2254, 63, 2064, 342, 421, 199, 533, 485, 1721, 3422, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 10301, 370, 282, 598, 19976, 281, 5802, 63, 344, 14, 339, 6523, 5802, 63, 2064, 367, 1924, 1777, 334, 262, 1263, 1865, 9, 436, 2066, 4002, 370, 4890, 272, 314, 5802, 14, 339, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 12738, 12, 5802, 63, 344, 12, 1777, 63, 890, 12, 3728, 63, 890, 3699, 4817, 63, 3635, 39, 1217, 57, 3727, 304, 267, 291, 14, 10077, 275, 12738, 267, 291, 14, 5064, 63, 344, 275, 5802, 63, 344, 267, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 275, 1777, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 4604, 63, 890, 275, 3728, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 6404, 63, 344, 275, 488, 398, 291, 423, 19044, 63, 890, 275, 378, 267, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 275, 942, 398, 291, 14, 5938, 275, 756, 339, 347, 485, 3176, 63, 2350, 63, 2227, 8, 277, 12, 1478, 12, 3066, 63, 2350, 63, 2227, 304, 267, 769, 63, 1267, 275, 822, 8, 277, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 9, 267, 340, 1478, 2356, 769, 63, 1267, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 14, 2880, 779, 403, 61, 627, 334, 513, 63, 1267, 446, 1478, 435, 413, 430, 267, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 59, 1080, 61, 275, 3066, 63, 2350, 63, 2227, 339, 347, 5802, 63, 2064, 8, 277, 12, 1777, 63, 1080, 12, 1777, 63, 576, 304, 267, 408, 10301, 282, 1777, 370, 598, 19976, 281, 14, 398, 520, 635, 1777, 63, 1080, 26, 1777, 1329, 2382, 378, 365, 314, 1642, 1777, 267 ]
[ 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6029, 27864, 2235, 14362, 1455, 921, 4398, 25385, 14, 846, 15, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 6029, 820, 2873, 1873, 699, 305, 1151, 665, 29891, 1873, 32, 4764, 1939, 4219, 14, 331, 14, 3210, 30, 199, 3, 12178, 2631, 4514, 687, 437, 285, 265, 32377, 8161, 11137, 8161, 65, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 199, 3, 199, 3, 8779, 365, 11882, 10009, 12, 2867, 402, 11204, 12, 370, 1263, 4954, 12408, 282, 199, 3, 1331, 402, 642, 2032, 436, 4568, 3794, 1584, 334, 1589, 199, 3, 298, 10337, 1288, 370, 7962, 315, 314, 2290, 1928, 10588, 12, 5893, 199, 3, 1928, 12305, 314, 4481, 370, 675, 12, 1331, 12, 2811, 12, 5389, 12, 2780, 12, 2153, 13, 199, 3, 28420, 12, 13473, 12, 436, 15, 269, 12743, 6866, 402, 314, 2290, 12, 436, 370, 11291, 199, 3, 12103, 370, 12676, 314, 2290, 365, 13985, 370, 886, 880, 12, 5420, 370, 314, 1699, 13, 199, 3, 28486, 3704, 26, 199, 3, 199, 3, 710, 3432, 4248, 4245, 436, 642, 4983, 4245, 10989, 506, 5120, 199, 3, 315, 1006, 6866, 503, 13393, 12468, 402, 314, 2290, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2334, 4141, 2281, 7049, 298, 1179, 2281, 401, 2428, 3408, 1634, 1821, 3826, 12, 7168, 199, 3, 1549, 5292, 12, 6931, 5400, 2845, 5471, 2296, 2334, 2990, 1634, 28471, 13, 199, 3, 28463, 12, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 2401, 13229, 14, 1621, 4825, 6461, 199, 3, 7000, 2334, 17632, 6262, 7024, 2381, 1821, 13140, 12, 6736, 1549, 5010, 5603, 12, 199, 3, 7061, 1621, 1261, 9612, 1634, 7066, 12, 7056, 1549, 7334, 12, 7043, 4442, 12, 199, 3, 5738, 1634, 1549, 1621, 11287, 1663, 2334, 4141, 1549, 2334, 4815, 1549, 5010, 13198, 199, 3, 1621, 2334, 4141, 14, 199, 3, 199, 646, 8337, 199, 199, 504, 6055, 14, 71, 19976, 281, 14, 1208, 492, 3728, 63, 12428, 12, 3123, 63, 2227, 12, 2783, 63, 475, 63, 4097, 199, 3, 961, 492, 365, 2741, 367, 8552, 7163, 14, 221, 961, 805, 365, 199, 3, 3063, 315, 6055, 14, 71, 19976, 281, 14, 1208, 12, 1325, 1263, 3411, 1233, 883, 5139, 492, 199, 3, 642, 5370, 687, 642, 859, 14, 199, 504, 6055, 14, 71, 19976, 281, 14, 1208, 492, 4526, 63, 12428, 63, 504, 63, 9234, 421, 199, 63, 4817, 63, 3635, 39, 1217, 57, 3727, 275, 6619, 627, 6619, 421, 199, 533, 485, 13068, 281, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 7306, 1750, 13, 890, 14511, 1901, 1777, 13, 15308, 14511, 339, 6523, 2218, 8, 576, 9, 543, 1750, 308, 1759, 666, 465, 4346, 370, 2218, 1006, 666, 14, 6523, 272, 8976, 342, 2410, 1006, 666, 365, 5313, 14, 339, 961, 1256, 911, 1240, 3222, 63, 2324, 8, 2064, 63, 576, 9, 465, 4346, 315, 1777, 63, 890, 10338, 12, 272, 871, 367, 314, 4242, 1777, 1314, 1443, 506, 18299, 2419, 1777, 63, 890, 14, 4155, 3238, 370, 272, 1240, 8976, 342, 370, 4868, 626, 282, 3974, 4242, 1777, 2058, 315, 282, 4242, 3222, 63, 2324, 272, 1240, 14, 339, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 1777, 63, 890, 12, 3222, 63, 2324, 304, 267, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 275, 1777, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 2254, 63, 2324, 275, 3222, 63, 2324, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 942, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 378, 339, 347, 2218, 8, 277, 12, 666, 304, 267, 340, 666, 508, 330, 7, 356, 288, 372, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 14, 740, 8, 576, 9, 267, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 847, 822, 8, 576, 9, 267, 1830, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 690, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2254, 63, 2064, 342, 339, 347, 485, 2254, 63, 2064, 8, 277, 304, 267, 666, 275, 330, 17067, 904, 8, 277, 423, 2738, 9, 267, 327, 16280, 1771, 1263, 666, 7971, 1806, 314, 1777, 1568, 1901, 314, 267, 327, 3335, 267, 340, 822, 8, 576, 9, 690, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 359, 576, 59, 277, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 21316, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 822, 8, 277, 423, 2738, 59, 16, 566, 267, 587, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 275, 942, 288, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 275, 378, 267, 327, 710, 1777, 781, 911, 3222, 267, 1777, 275, 666, 1491, 277, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 61, 267, 291, 14, 2254, 63, 2324, 8, 2064, 9, 339, 347, 8976, 8, 277, 304, 267, 340, 291, 423, 2738, 63, 890, 690, 378, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2254, 63, 2064, 342, 421, 199, 533, 485, 1721, 3422, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 10301, 370, 282, 598, 19976, 281, 5802, 63, 344, 14, 339, 6523, 5802, 63, 2064, 367, 1924, 1777, 334, 262, 1263, 1865, 9, 436, 2066, 4002, 370, 4890, 272, 314, 5802, 14, 339, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 12738, 12, 5802, 63, 344, 12, 1777, 63, 890, 12, 3728, 63, 890, 3699, 4817, 63, 3635, 39, 1217, 57, 3727, 304, 267, 291, 14, 10077, 275, 12738, 267, 291, 14, 5064, 63, 344, 275, 5802, 63, 344, 267, 291, 14, 2064, 63, 890, 275, 1777, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 4604, 63, 890, 275, 3728, 63, 890, 267, 291, 14, 6404, 63, 344, 275, 488, 398, 291, 423, 19044, 63, 890, 275, 378, 267, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 275, 942, 398, 291, 14, 5938, 275, 756, 339, 347, 485, 3176, 63, 2350, 63, 2227, 8, 277, 12, 1478, 12, 3066, 63, 2350, 63, 2227, 304, 267, 769, 63, 1267, 275, 822, 8, 277, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 9, 267, 340, 1478, 2356, 769, 63, 1267, 26, 288, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 12428, 14, 2880, 779, 403, 61, 627, 334, 513, 63, 1267, 446, 1478, 435, 413, 430, 267, 291, 423, 2350, 63, 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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from airflow.contrib.hooks.cassandra_hook import CassandraHook from airflow.sensors.base_sensor_operator import BaseSensorOperator from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults class CassandraTableSensor(BaseSensorOperator): """ Checks for the existence of a table in a Cassandra cluster. For example, if you want to wait for a table called 't' to be created in a keyspace 'k', instantiate it as follows: >>> cassandra_sensor = CassandraTableSensor(table="k.t", ... cassandra_conn_id="cassandra_default", ... task_id="cassandra_sensor") """ template_fields = ('table',) @apply_defaults def __init__(self, table, cassandra_conn_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new CassandraTableSensor :param table: Target Cassandra table. Use dot notation to target a specific keyspace. :type table: string :param cassandra_conn_id: The connection ID to use when connecting to Cassandra cluster :type cassandra_conn_id: string """ super(CassandraTableSensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cassandra_conn_id = cassandra_conn_id self.table = table def poke(self, context):'Sensor check existence of table: %s', self.table) hook = CassandraHook(self.cassandra_conn_id) return hook.table_exists(self.table)
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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.manhole.explorer}. """ from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.manhole.explorer import ( CRUFT_WatchyThingie, ExplorerImmutable, Pool, _WatchMonkey, ) class Foo: """ Test helper. """ class PoolTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the Pool class. """ def test_instanceBuilding(self): """ If the object is not in the pool a new instance is created and returned. """ p = Pool() e = p.getExplorer(123, 'id') self.assertIsInstance(e, ExplorerImmutable) self.assertEqual(e.value, 123) self.assertEqual(e.identifier, 'id') class CRUFTWatchyThingieTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the CRUFT_WatchyThingie class. """ def test_watchObjectConstructedClass(self): """ L{CRUFT_WatchyThingie.watchObject} changes the class of its first argument to a custom watching class. """ foo = Foo() cwt = CRUFT_WatchyThingie() cwt.watchObject(foo, 'id', 'cback') # check new constructed class newClassName = foo.__class__.__name__ self.assertEqual(newClassName, "WatchingFoo%X" % (id(foo),)) def test_watchObjectConstructedInstanceMethod(self): """ L{CRUFT_WatchyThingie.watchingfoo} adds a C{_watchEmitChanged} attribute which refers to a bound method on the instance passed to it. """ foo = Foo() cwt = CRUFT_WatchyThingie() cwt.watchObject(foo, 'id', 'cback') # check new constructed instance method self.assertIdentical(foo._watchEmitChanged.im_self, foo) class WatchMonkeyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the _WatchMonkey class. """ def test_install(self): """ When _WatchMonkey is installed on a method, calling that method calls the _WatchMonkey. """ class Foo: """ Helper. """ def someMethod(self): """ Just a method. """ foo = Foo() wm = _WatchMonkey(foo) wm.install('someMethod') # patch wm's method to check that the method was exchanged called = [] wm.__call__ = lambda s: called.append(True) # call and check foo.someMethod() self.assertTrue(called)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################### # OCRFeeder - The complete OCR suite # Copyright (C) 2009 Joaquim Rocha # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. ########################################################################### from ocrfeeder.util.lib import debug import gettext from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import os.path from ocrfeeder.util import graphics import sys _ = gettext.gettext class ImageProcessor: def __init__(self, path_to_image, window_size = None, contrast_tolerance = 120): self.window_size = window_size self.contrast_tolerance = contrast_tolerance error_message = _("A problem occurred while trying to open the image:\n %s\n" "Ensure the image exists or try converting it to another format.") % path_to_image if os.path.isfile(path_to_image): try: self.original_image = self.black_n_white_image = self.original_image.convert('L') if not self.window_size: self.window_size = self.original_image.size[1] / 60. debug('Window Size: ', self.window_size) except: debug(sys.exc_info()) raise ImageManipulationError(error_message) else: debug(sys.exc_info()) raise ImageManipulationError(error_message) self.bg_color = 255 def __windowContrast(self, bgcolor, x, y): image = self.black_n_white_image width, height = image.size image_upper_left_corner_x = x * self.window_size image_upper_left_corner_y = y * self.window_size i, j = 1, 1 while j < self.window_size + 1: if not image_upper_left_corner_y + j < height: break while i < self.window_size + 1: if not image_upper_left_corner_x + i < width: break pixel_point = (image_upper_left_corner_x + i, image_upper_left_corner_y + j) if graphics.colorsContrast(image.getpixel(pixel_point), bgcolor, self.contrast_tolerance): return 1 i += 3 i = 1 j += 3 return 0 def imageToBinary(self): image = self.black_n_white_image binary_info = [''] width, height = image.size i, j = 0, 0 while j < height / self.window_size: while i < width / self.window_size: binary_info[-1] += str(self.__windowContrast(self.bg_color, i, j)) i += 1 i = 0 binary_info += [''] j += 1 return binary_info def divideImageClipInColumns(self, clip_dimensions, column_min_width): if column_min_width == 0: return [clip_dimensions] if column_min_width is None: column_min_width = int(self.window_size / 2) clip = self.black_n_white_image.crop(clip_dimensions) width, height = clip.size content_column_bounds = self.__getImageContentColumnsBounds(clip, column_min_width) x0, y0, x1, y1 = clip_dimensions column_bounds = [] for i in range(0, len(content_column_bounds), 2): column_bounds.append((x0 + content_column_bounds[i], y0, x0 + content_column_bounds[i + 1], y1)) return column_bounds def __getImageContentColumnsBounds(self, image, column_min_width): width, height = image.size column_bounds = [] i = 0 while i < width: next_step = min(i + column_min_width, width) slice_bounds = (i, 0, next_step, height) slice_clip = image.crop(slice_bounds) has_contrast = self.__imageHasContrast(slice_clip) if has_contrast: if not column_bounds: column_bounds.extend([i, next_step]) elif column_bounds[-1] == i: column_bounds[-1] = next_step else: column_bounds.extend([i, next_step]) i = next_step return column_bounds def __imageHasContrast(self, image): colors = image.getcolors() has_contrast = True for color_count in colors: color = color_count[1] has_contrast = graphics.colorsContrast(color, self.bg_color, self.contrast_tolerance) if has_contrast: break return has_contrast def adjustImageClipMargins(self, clip_dimensions, margins_min_width): if margins_min_width == 0: return clip_dimensions if margins_min_width is None: margins_min_width = int(self.window_size / 2) x0, y0, x1, y1 = clip_dimensions clip = self.black_n_white_image.crop(clip_dimensions) left, top, right, bottom = self.__getImageMargins(clip, margins_min_width) x0, y0, x1, y1 = x0 + left, y0 + top, x1 - right, y1 - bottom # Prevent having contents outside of the image's limits width, height = self.black_n_white_image.size x1 = min(x1, width) y1 = min(y1, height) return x0, y0, x1, y1 def __getImageMargins(self, image, margins_min_width): width, height = image.size margins = [0, 0, 0, 0] # Left margin i = 0 while i < width - margins_min_width: clip = image.crop((i, 0, i + margins_min_width, height)) if self.__imageHasContrast(clip): margins[0] = i break i += margins_min_width # Right margin i = width while i > margins_min_width: clip = image.crop((i - margins_min_width, 0, i, height)) if self.__imageHasContrast(clip): margins[2] = width - i break i -= margins_min_width # Top margin i = 0 while i < height - margins_min_width: clip = image.crop((0, i, width, i + margins_min_width)) if self.__imageHasContrast(clip): margins[1] = i break i += margins_min_width # Bottom margin i = height while i > margins_min_width: clip = image.crop((0, i - margins_min_width, width, i)) if self.__imageHasContrast(clip): margins[3] = height - i break i -= margins_min_width return margins class ContentAnalyser: def __init__(self, image): self.image = image def getHeight(self): width, height = self.image.size image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image) i = 0 while i+3 < height: current_line_image = self.image.crop((0, i, width, i + 3)) if len(current_line_image.getcolors()) < 10: image_draw.rectangle((0, i, width, i + 3), fill = (255, 255, 255)) i += 3 def __getBlankSpaceFromTopToBottom(self, image): width, height = image.size i = 0 while i + 2 < height: current_line_image = image.crop((0, i, width, i + 1)) if len(current_line_image.getcolors()) > 1: break i += 2 return i class ImageManipulationError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value class InsuficientPointsForPolygon(Exception): def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): return 'Insufficient number of points for polygon. Must be at least three points.'
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 3949, 5680, 199, 3, 259, 593, 2944, 28042, 424, 446, 710, 4890, 593, 2944, 5241, 199, 3, 259, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 8937, 7135, 65, 783, 77, 6848, 9518, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 259, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 259, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 259, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 259, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 259, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 259, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 259, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 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from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference def add_srs_entry(srs, auth_name='EPSG', auth_srid=None, ref_sys_name=None, database=None): """ This function takes a GDAL SpatialReference system and adds its information to the `spatial_ref_sys` table of the spatial backend. Doing this enables database-level spatial transformations for the backend. Thus, this utility is useful for adding spatial reference systems not included by default with the backend -- for example, the so-called "Google Maps Mercator Projection" is excluded in PostGIS 1.3 and below, and the following adds it to the `spatial_ref_sys` table: >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import add_srs_entry >>> add_srs_entry(900913) Keyword Arguments: auth_name: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_name` field. Defaults to 'EPSG'. auth_srid: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_srid` field. Defaults to the SRID determined by GDAL. ref_sys_name: For SpatiaLite users only, sets the value of the `ref_sys_name` field. Defaults to the name determined by GDAL. database: The name of the database connection to use; the default is the value of `django.db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS` (at the time of this writing, it's value is 'default'). """ from django.db import connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS if not database: database = DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS connection = connections[database] if not hasattr(connection.ops, 'spatial_version'): raise Exception('The `add_srs_entry` utility only works ' 'with spatial backends.') if or connection.ops.mysql: raise Exception('This utility does not support the ' 'Oracle or MySQL spatial backends.') SpatialRefSys = connection.ops.spatial_ref_sys() # If argument is not a `SpatialReference` instance, use it as parameter # to construct a `SpatialReference` instance. if not isinstance(srs, SpatialReference): srs = SpatialReference(srs) if srs.srid is None: raise Exception('Spatial reference requires an SRID to be ' 'compatible with the spatial backend.') # Initializing the keyword arguments dictionary for both PostGIS # and SpatiaLite. kwargs = {'srid' : srs.srid, 'auth_name' : auth_name, 'auth_srid' : auth_srid or srs.srid, 'proj4text' : srs.proj4, } # Backend-specific fields for the SpatialRefSys model. if connection.ops.postgis: kwargs['srtext'] = srs.wkt if connection.ops.spatialite: kwargs['ref_sys_name'] = ref_sys_name or # Creating the spatial_ref_sys model. try: # Try getting via SRID only, because using all kwargs may # differ from exact wkt/proj in database. sr = SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).get(srid=srs.srid) except SpatialRefSys.DoesNotExist: sr = SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).create(**kwargs) # Alias is for backwards-compatibility purposes. add_postgis_srs = add_srs_entry
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# color output for the status and qseries commands # # Copyright (C) 2007 Kevin Christen <[email protected]> # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. '''colorize output from some commands This extension modifies the status and resolve commands to add color to their output to reflect file status, the qseries command to add color to reflect patch status (applied, unapplied, missing), and to diff-related commands to highlight additions, removals, diff headers, and trailing whitespace. Other effects in addition to color, like bold and underlined text, are also available. By default, the terminfo database is used to find the terminal codes used to change color and effect. If terminfo is not available, then effects are rendered with the ECMA-48 SGR control function (aka ANSI escape codes). Default effects may be overridden from your configuration file:: [color] status.modified = blue bold underline red_background status.added = green bold status.removed = red bold blue_background status.deleted = cyan bold underline status.unknown = magenta bold underline status.ignored = black bold # 'none' turns off all effects status.clean = none status.copied = none qseries.applied = blue bold underline qseries.unapplied = black bold qseries.missing = red bold diff.diffline = bold diff.extended = cyan bold diff.file_a = red bold diff.file_b = green bold diff.hunk = magenta diff.deleted = red diff.inserted = green diff.changed = white diff.trailingwhitespace = bold red_background resolve.unresolved = red bold resolve.resolved = green bold bookmarks.current = green = none branches.closed = black bold branches.current = green branches.inactive = none tags.normal = green tags.local = black bold The available effects in terminfo mode are 'blink', 'bold', 'dim', 'inverse', 'invisible', 'italic', 'standout', and 'underline'; in ECMA-48 mode, the options are 'bold', 'inverse', 'italic', and 'underline'. How each is rendered depends on the terminal emulator. Some may not be available for a given terminal type, and will be silently ignored. Note that on some systems, terminfo mode may cause problems when using color with the pager extension and less -R. less with the -R option will only display ECMA-48 color codes, and terminfo mode may sometimes emit codes that less doesn't understand. You can work around this by either using ansi mode (or auto mode), or by using less -r (which will pass through all terminal control codes, not just color control codes). Because there are only eight standard colors, this module allows you to define color names for other color slots which might be available for your terminal type, assuming terminfo mode. For instance:: color.brightblue = 12 = 207 = 202 to set 'brightblue' to color slot 12 (useful for 16 color terminals that have brighter colors defined in the upper eight) and, 'pink' and 'orange' to colors in 256-color xterm's default color cube. These defined colors may then be used as any of the pre-defined eight, including appending '_background' to set the background to that color. By default, the color extension will use ANSI mode (or win32 mode on Windows) if it detects a terminal. To override auto mode (to enable terminfo mode, for example), set the following configuration option:: [color] mode = terminfo Any value other than 'ansi', 'win32', 'terminfo', or 'auto' will disable color. ''' import os from mercurial import commands, dispatch, extensions, ui as uimod, util from mercurial import templater, error from mercurial.i18n import _ testedwith = 'internal' # start and stop parameters for effects _effects = {'none': 0, 'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'white': 37, 'bold': 1, 'italic': 3, 'underline': 4, 'inverse': 7, 'black_background': 40, 'red_background': 41, 'green_background': 42, 'yellow_background': 43, 'blue_background': 44, 'purple_background': 45, 'cyan_background': 46, 'white_background': 47} def _terminfosetup(ui, mode): '''Initialize terminfo data and the terminal if we're in terminfo mode.''' global _terminfo_params # If we failed to load curses, we go ahead and return. if not _terminfo_params: return # Otherwise, see what the config file says. if mode not in ('auto', 'terminfo'): return _terminfo_params.update((key[6:], (False, int(val))) for key, val in ui.configitems('color') if key.startswith('color.')) try: curses.setupterm() except curses.error, e: _terminfo_params = {} return for key, (b, e) in _terminfo_params.items(): if not b: continue if not curses.tigetstr(e): # Most terminals don't support dim, invis, etc, so don't be # noisy and use ui.debug(). ui.debug("no terminfo entry for %s\n" % e) del _terminfo_params[key] if not curses.tigetstr('setaf') or not curses.tigetstr('setab'): # Only warn about missing terminfo entries if we explicitly asked for # terminfo mode. if mode == "terminfo": ui.warn(_("no terminfo entry for setab/setaf: reverting to " "ECMA-48 color\n")) _terminfo_params = {} def _modesetup(ui, opts): global _terminfo_params coloropt = opts['color'] auto = coloropt == 'auto' always = not auto and util.parsebool(coloropt) if not always and not auto: return None formatted = always or (os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and ui.formatted()) mode = ui.config('color', 'mode', 'auto') realmode = mode if mode == 'auto': if == 'nt' and 'TERM' not in os.environ: # looks line a cmd.exe console, use win32 API or nothing realmode = 'win32' else: realmode = 'ansi' if realmode == 'win32': _terminfo_params = {} if not w32effects: if mode == 'win32': # only warn if color.mode is explicitly set to win32 ui.warn(_('warning: failed to set color mode to %s\n') % mode) return None _effects.update(w32effects) elif realmode == 'ansi': _terminfo_params = {} elif realmode == 'terminfo': _terminfosetup(ui, mode) if not _terminfo_params: if mode == 'terminfo': ## FIXME Shouldn't we return None in this case too? # only warn if color.mode is explicitly set to win32 ui.warn(_('warning: failed to set color mode to %s\n') % mode) realmode = 'ansi' else: return None if always or (auto and formatted): return realmode return None try: import curses # Mapping from effect name to terminfo attribute name or color number. # This will also force-load the curses module. _terminfo_params = {'none': (True, 'sgr0'), 'standout': (True, 'smso'), 'underline': (True, 'smul'), 'reverse': (True, 'rev'), 'inverse': (True, 'rev'), 'blink': (True, 'blink'), 'dim': (True, 'dim'), 'bold': (True, 'bold'), 'invisible': (True, 'invis'), 'italic': (True, 'sitm'), 'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK), 'red': (False, curses.COLOR_RED), 'green': (False, curses.COLOR_GREEN), 'yellow': (False, curses.COLOR_YELLOW), 'blue': (False, curses.COLOR_BLUE), 'magenta': (False, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA), 'cyan': (False, curses.COLOR_CYAN), 'white': (False, curses.COLOR_WHITE)} except ImportError: _terminfo_params = False _styles = {'grep.match': 'red bold', 'grep.linenumber': 'green', 'grep.rev': 'green', 'grep.change': 'green', 'grep.sep': 'cyan', 'grep.filename': 'magenta', 'grep.user': 'magenta', '': 'magenta', 'bookmarks.current': 'green', '': 'none', 'branches.closed': 'black bold', 'branches.current': 'green', 'branches.inactive': 'none', 'diff.changed': 'white', 'diff.deleted': 'red', 'diff.diffline': 'bold', 'diff.extended': 'cyan bold', 'diff.file_a': 'red bold', 'diff.file_b': 'green bold', 'diff.hunk': 'magenta', 'diff.inserted': 'green', 'diff.trailingwhitespace': 'bold red_background', 'diffstat.deleted': 'red', 'diffstat.inserted': 'green', 'ui.prompt': 'yellow', 'log.changeset': 'yellow', 'resolve.resolved': 'green bold', 'resolve.unresolved': 'red bold', 'status.added': 'green bold', 'status.clean': 'none', 'status.copied': 'none', 'status.deleted': 'cyan bold underline', 'status.ignored': 'black bold', 'status.modified': 'blue bold', 'status.removed': 'red bold', 'status.unknown': 'magenta bold underline', 'tags.normal': 'green', 'tags.local': 'black bold'} def _effect_str(effect): '''Helper function for render_effects().''' bg = False if effect.endswith('_background'): bg = True effect = effect[:-11] attr, val = _terminfo_params[effect] if attr: return curses.tigetstr(val) elif bg: return curses.tparm(curses.tigetstr('setab'), val) else: return curses.tparm(curses.tigetstr('setaf'), val) def render_effects(text, effects): 'Wrap text in commands to turn on each effect.' if not text: return text if not _terminfo_params: start = [str(_effects[e]) for e in ['none'] + effects.split()] start = '\033[' + ';'.join(start) + 'm' stop = '\033[' + str(_effects['none']) + 'm' else: start = ''.join(_effect_str(effect) for effect in ['none'] + effects.split()) stop = _effect_str('none') return ''.join([start, text, stop]) def extstyles(): for name, ext in extensions.extensions(): _styles.update(getattr(ext, 'colortable', {})) def configstyles(ui): for status, cfgeffects in ui.configitems('color'): if '.' not in status or status.startswith('color.'): continue cfgeffects = ui.configlist('color', status) if cfgeffects: good = [] for e in cfgeffects: if not _terminfo_params and e in _effects: good.append(e) elif e in _terminfo_params or e[:-11] in _terminfo_params: good.append(e) else: ui.warn(_("ignoring unknown color/effect %r " "(configured in color.%s)\n") % (e, status)) _styles[status] = ' '.join(good) class colorui(uimod.ui): def popbuffer(self, labeled=False): if self._colormode is None: return super(colorui, self).popbuffer(labeled) if labeled: return ''.join(self.label(a, label) for a, label in self._buffers.pop()) return ''.join(a for a, label in self._buffers.pop()) _colormode = 'ansi' def write(self, *args, **opts): if self._colormode is None: return super(colorui, self).write(*args, **opts) label = opts.get('label', '') if self._buffers: self._buffers[-1].extend([(str(a), label) for a in args]) elif self._colormode == 'win32': for a in args: win32print(a, super(colorui, self).write, **opts) else: return super(colorui, self).write( *[self.label(str(a), label) for a in args], **opts) def write_err(self, *args, **opts): if self._colormode is None: return super(colorui, self).write_err(*args, **opts) label = opts.get('label', '') if self._colormode == 'win32': for a in args: win32print(a, super(colorui, self).write_err, **opts) else: return super(colorui, self).write_err( *[self.label(str(a), label) for a in args], **opts) def label(self, msg, label): if self._colormode is None: return super(colorui, self).label(msg, label) effects = [] for l in label.split(): s = _styles.get(l, '') if s: effects.append(s) effects = ' '.join(effects) if effects: return '\n'.join([render_effects(s, effects) for s in msg.split('\n')]) return msg def templatelabel(context, mapping, args): if len(args) != 2: # i18n: "label" is a keyword raise error.ParseError(_("label expects two arguments")) thing = templater.stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1])) thing = templater.runtemplate(context, mapping, templater.compiletemplate(thing, context)) # apparently, repo could be a string that is the favicon? repo = mapping.get('repo', '') if isinstance(repo, str): return thing label = templater.stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])) label = templater.runtemplate(context, mapping, templater.compiletemplate(label, context)) thing = templater.stringify(thing) label = templater.stringify(label) return repo.ui.label(thing, label) def uisetup(ui): if ui.plain(): return if not issubclass(ui.__class__, colorui): colorui.__bases__ = (ui.__class__,) ui.__class__ = colorui def colorcmd(orig, ui_, opts, cmd, cmdfunc): mode = _modesetup(ui_, opts) colorui._colormode = mode if mode: extstyles() configstyles(ui_) return orig(ui_, opts, cmd, cmdfunc) extensions.wrapfunction(dispatch, '_runcommand', colorcmd) templater.funcs['label'] = templatelabel def extsetup(ui): commands.globalopts.append( ('', 'color', 'auto', # i18n: 'always', 'auto', and 'never' are keywords and should # not be translated _("when to colorize (boolean, always, auto, or never)"), _('TYPE'))) if != 'nt': w32effects = None else: import re, ctypes _kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 _WORD = ctypes.c_ushort _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 class _COORD(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('X', ctypes.c_short), ('Y', ctypes.c_short)] class _SMALL_RECT(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('Left', ctypes.c_short), ('Top', ctypes.c_short), ('Right', ctypes.c_short), ('Bottom', ctypes.c_short)] class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwSize', _COORD), ('dwCursorPosition', _COORD), ('wAttributes', _WORD), ('srWindow', _SMALL_RECT), ('dwMaximumWindowSize', _COORD)] _STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = 0xfffffff5L # (DWORD)-11 _STD_ERROR_HANDLE = 0xfffffff4L # (DWORD)-12 _FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x0001 _FOREGROUND_GREEN = 0x0002 _FOREGROUND_RED = 0x0004 _FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0008 _BACKGROUND_BLUE = 0x0010 _BACKGROUND_GREEN = 0x0020 _BACKGROUND_RED = 0x0040 _BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0080 _COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO = 0x4000 _COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE = 0x8000 # w32effects = { 'none': -1, 'black': 0, 'red': _FOREGROUND_RED, 'green': _FOREGROUND_GREEN, 'yellow': _FOREGROUND_RED | _FOREGROUND_GREEN, 'blue': _FOREGROUND_BLUE, 'magenta': _FOREGROUND_BLUE | _FOREGROUND_RED, 'cyan': _FOREGROUND_BLUE | _FOREGROUND_GREEN, 'white': _FOREGROUND_RED | _FOREGROUND_GREEN | _FOREGROUND_BLUE, 'bold': _FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, 'black_background': 0x100, # unused value > 0x0f 'red_background': _BACKGROUND_RED, 'green_background': _BACKGROUND_GREEN, 'yellow_background': _BACKGROUND_RED | _BACKGROUND_GREEN, 'blue_background': _BACKGROUND_BLUE, 'purple_background': _BACKGROUND_BLUE | _BACKGROUND_RED, 'cyan_background': _BACKGROUND_BLUE | _BACKGROUND_GREEN, 'white_background': (_BACKGROUND_RED | _BACKGROUND_GREEN | _BACKGROUND_BLUE), 'bold_background': _BACKGROUND_INTENSITY, 'underline': _COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE, # double-byte charsets only 'inverse': _COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO, # double-byte charsets only } passthrough = set([_FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, _BACKGROUND_INTENSITY, _COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE, _COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO]) stdout = _kernel32.GetStdHandle( _STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) # don't close the handle returned if stdout is None or stdout == _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: w32effects = None else: csbi = _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() if not _kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( stdout, ctypes.byref(csbi)): # stdout may not support GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() # when called from subprocess or redirected w32effects = None else: origattr = csbi.wAttributes ansire = re.compile('\033\[([^m]*)m([^\033]*)(.*)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) def win32print(text, orig, **opts): label = opts.get('label', '') attr = origattr def mapcolor(val, attr): if val == -1: return origattr elif val in passthrough: return attr | val elif val > 0x0f: return (val & 0x70) | (attr & 0x8f) else: return (val & 0x07) | (attr & 0xf8) # determine console attributes based on labels for l in label.split(): style = _styles.get(l, '') for effect in style.split(): attr = mapcolor(w32effects[effect], attr) # hack to ensure regexp finds data if not text.startswith('\033['): text = '\033[m' + text # Look for ANSI-like codes embedded in text m = re.match(ansire, text) try: while m: for sattr in';'): if sattr: attr = mapcolor(int(sattr), attr) _kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stdout, attr) orig(, **opts) m = re.match(ansire, finally: # Explicitly reset original attributes _kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stdout, origattr)
[ 3, 3164, 14, 647, 3164, 1072, 367, 314, 2004, 436, 1894, 5602, 3718, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 10219, 25645, 11908, 2799, 322, 4081, 665, 415, 11908, 14, 335, 322, 4081, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2032, 1443, 506, 1202, 436, 1854, 7182, 370, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 1015, 499, 503, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 199, 2344, 2326, 794, 1072, 687, 2005, 3718, 199, 199, 2765, 3329, 26473, 314, 2004, 436, 7512, 3718, 370, 1050, 3164, 199, 475, 3932, 1072, 370, 16806, 570, 2004, 12, 314, 1894, 5602, 1414, 370, 1050, 199, 2326, 370, 16806, 3371, 2004, 334, 17250, 12, 625, 17250, 12, 4124, 395, 436, 370, 199, 3028, 13, 2407, 3718, 370, 11850, 32113, 12, 32178, 3643, 12, 3915, 2323, 12, 199, 460, 8520, 8139, 14, 199, 199, 8632, 22414, 315, 10234, 370, 3164, 12, 2839, 17268, 436, 1334, 23058, 1318, 12, 787, 199, 12344, 2808, 14, 4885, 849, 12, 314, 6707, 815, 3050, 365, 1202, 370, 2342, 314, 199, 12010, 9479, 1202, 370, 1570, 3164, 436, 7763, 14, 221, 982, 6707, 815, 365, 440, 199, 4561, 12, 2066, 22414, 787, 8018, 543, 314, 15352, 2054, 13, 2006, 428, 3975, 3304, 199, 1593, 334, 24685, 25600, 4772, 9479, 680, 199, 199, 2698, 22414, 1443, 506, 10087, 687, 2195, 2897, 570, 447, 819, 359, 2326, 61, 523, 2004, 14, 5540, 275, 10030, 17268, 25735, 8992, 63, 7451, 523, 2004, 14, 3270, 275, 12431, 17268, 523, 2004, 14, 10649, 275, 8992, 17268, 10030, 63, 7451, 523, 2004, 14, 6062, 275, 6325, 290, 17268, 25735, 523, 2004, 14, 5187, 275, 8127, 21335, 17268, 25735, 523, 2004, 14, 11996, 275, 12136, 17268, 819, 327, 283, 3592, 7, 25449, 2331, 1006, 22414, 523, 2004, 14, 3118, 275, 7179, 523, 2004, 14, 23581, 275, 7179, 819, 1894, 5602, 14, 17250, 275, 10030, 17268, 25735, 523, 1894, 5602, 14, 324, 17250, 275, 12136, 17268, 523, 1894, 5602, 14, 4752, 275, 8992, 17268, 819, 3915, 14, 3028, 604, 275, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 10525, 275, 6325, 290, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 493, 63, 65, 275, 8992, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 493, 63, 66, 275, 12431, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 17428, 275, 8127, 21335, 523, 3915, 14, 6062, 275, 8992, 523, 3915, 14, 28565, 275, 12431, 523, 3915, 14, 2489, 275, 10424, 523, 3915, 14, 15910, 8506, 275, 17268, 8992, 63, 7451, 819, 7512, 14, 324, 13697, 275, 8992, 17268, 523, 7512, 14, 13697, 275, 12431, 17268, 819, 32410, 14, 1818, 275, 12431, 819, 17347, 14, 2682, 275, 7179, 523, 17347, 14, 5938, 275, 12136, 17268, 523, 17347, 14, 1818, 275, 12431, 523, 17347, 14, 16856, 275, 7179, 819, 3762, 14, 3302, 275, 12431, 523, 3762, 14, 1832, 275, 12136, 17268, 199, 199, 1918, 2808, 22414, 315, 6707, 815, 818, 787, 283, 24042, 297, 283, 9771, 297, 283, 3572, 297, 199, 7, 11668, 297, 283, 262, 6604, 297, 283, 21843, 297, 283, 7935, 548, 297, 436, 283, 24396, 13619, 315, 199, 4220, 2054, 13, 2006, 818, 12, 314, 1511, 787, 283, 9771, 297, 283, 11668, 297, 283, 21843, 297, 436, 199, 7, 24396, 1370, 221, 7494, 1924, 365, 8018, 8350, 641, 314, 11167, 17423, 707, 14, 199, 7700, 1443, 440, 506, 2808, 367, 282, 1627, 11167, 730, 12, 436, 911, 506, 199, 25163, 5525, 14, 199, 199, 7443, 626, 641, 2005, 10460, 12, 6707, 815, 818, 1443, 7675, 8826, 1380, 1808, 199, 2326, 543, 314, 26581, 3329, 436, 6656, 446, 50, 14, 6656, 543, 314, 446, 50, 945, 199, 14117, 1454, 2929, 15352, 2054, 13, 2006, 3164, 9479, 12, 436, 6707, 815, 818, 1443, 15026, 199, 8159, 9479, 626, 6656, 3181, 1133, 20647, 14, 2047, 883, 1736, 6818, 642, 701, 199, 22051, 1808, 376, 338, 818, 334, 269, 2599, 818, 395, 503, 701, 1808, 6656, 446, 82, 334, 6777, 911, 199, 1529, 4012, 1006, 11167, 3304, 9479, 12, 440, 2951, 3164, 3304, 199, 6021, 680, 199, 199, 3655, 2651, 2337, 787, 1454, 325, 1070, 4465, 9229, 12, 642, 859, 6127, 1265, 199, 475, 5627, 3164, 1561, 367, 1163, 3164, 14319, 1314, 5594, 506, 2808, 199, 509, 2195, 11167, 730, 12, 18002, 6707, 815, 818, 14, 221, 2104, 1256, 447, 819, 3164, 14, 27454, 6304, 275, 3144, 523, 3164, 14, 26591, 275, 31533, 523, 3164, 14, 22683, 275, 19328, 199, 199, 475, 663, 283, 27454, 6304, 7, 370, 3164, 9348, 3144, 334, 1180, 1893, 367, 3193, 3164, 5537, 2551, 199, 9099, 1172, 20611, 3561, 351, 9229, 3247, 315, 314, 7008, 325, 1070, 9, 436, 12, 283, 26591, 7, 436, 199, 7, 22683, 7, 370, 9229, 315, 7633, 13, 2326, 671, 5125, 1159, 849, 3164, 15681, 14, 221, 5723, 199, 4037, 9229, 1443, 2066, 506, 1202, 465, 1263, 402, 314, 876, 13, 4037, 325, 1070, 12, 199, 15768, 24373, 2513, 7451, 7, 370, 663, 314, 8020, 370, 626, 3164, 14, 199, 199, 2175, 849, 12, 314, 3164, 3329, 911, 675, 25600, 818, 334, 269, 4747, 708, 818, 641, 199, 8647, 9, 340, 652, 477, 28853, 282, 11167, 14, 4005, 4278, 2599, 818, 334, 475, 4756, 199, 5125, 815, 818, 12, 367, 2893, 395, 663, 314, 2569, 2897, 945, 447, 819, 359, 2326, 61, 523, 818, 275, 6707, 815, 199, 199, 9874, 574, 1163, 2419, 283, 22204, 297, 283, 2676, 708, 297, 283, 5125, 815, 297, 503, 283, 2495, 7, 911, 199, 5993, 3164, 14, 199, 2344, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 492, 3718, 12, 7634, 12, 5478, 12, 8574, 465, 399, 1017, 364, 12, 4884, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 492, 1978, 82, 12, 1125, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 14, 73, 1085, 78, 492, 485, 199, 199, 10453, 1045, 275, 283, 4672, 7, 199, 199, 3, 1343, 436, 3631, 2633, 367, 22414, 199, 63, 27626, 275, 791, 3592, 356, 378, 12, 283, 8399, 356, 4233, 12, 283, 581, 356, 7105, 12, 283, 7731, 356, 4337, 12, 283, 14514, 356, 9404, 12, 288, 283, 6304, 356, 8177, 12, 283, 5615, 21335, 356, 8685, 12, 283, 28291, 356, 8780, 12, 283, 7510, 356, 6877, 12, 283, 9771, 356, 413, 12, 288, 283, 21843, 356, 650, 12, 283, 24396, 356, 841, 12, 283, 11668, 356, 1520, 12, 288, 283 ]
[ 3164, 14, 647, 3164, 1072, 367, 314, 2004, 436, 1894, 5602, 3718, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 10219, 25645, 11908, 2799, 322, 4081, 665, 415, 11908, 14, 335, 322, 4081, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2032, 1443, 506, 1202, 436, 1854, 7182, 370, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 1015, 499, 503, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 199, 2344, 2326, 794, 1072, 687, 2005, 3718, 199, 199, 2765, 3329, 26473, 314, 2004, 436, 7512, 3718, 370, 1050, 3164, 199, 475, 3932, 1072, 370, 16806, 570, 2004, 12, 314, 1894, 5602, 1414, 370, 1050, 199, 2326, 370, 16806, 3371, 2004, 334, 17250, 12, 625, 17250, 12, 4124, 395, 436, 370, 199, 3028, 13, 2407, 3718, 370, 11850, 32113, 12, 32178, 3643, 12, 3915, 2323, 12, 199, 460, 8520, 8139, 14, 199, 199, 8632, 22414, 315, 10234, 370, 3164, 12, 2839, 17268, 436, 1334, 23058, 1318, 12, 787, 199, 12344, 2808, 14, 4885, 849, 12, 314, 6707, 815, 3050, 365, 1202, 370, 2342, 314, 199, 12010, 9479, 1202, 370, 1570, 3164, 436, 7763, 14, 221, 982, 6707, 815, 365, 440, 199, 4561, 12, 2066, 22414, 787, 8018, 543, 314, 15352, 2054, 13, 2006, 428, 3975, 3304, 199, 1593, 334, 24685, 25600, 4772, 9479, 680, 199, 199, 2698, 22414, 1443, 506, 10087, 687, 2195, 2897, 570, 447, 819, 359, 2326, 61, 523, 2004, 14, 5540, 275, 10030, 17268, 25735, 8992, 63, 7451, 523, 2004, 14, 3270, 275, 12431, 17268, 523, 2004, 14, 10649, 275, 8992, 17268, 10030, 63, 7451, 523, 2004, 14, 6062, 275, 6325, 290, 17268, 25735, 523, 2004, 14, 5187, 275, 8127, 21335, 17268, 25735, 523, 2004, 14, 11996, 275, 12136, 17268, 819, 327, 283, 3592, 7, 25449, 2331, 1006, 22414, 523, 2004, 14, 3118, 275, 7179, 523, 2004, 14, 23581, 275, 7179, 819, 1894, 5602, 14, 17250, 275, 10030, 17268, 25735, 523, 1894, 5602, 14, 324, 17250, 275, 12136, 17268, 523, 1894, 5602, 14, 4752, 275, 8992, 17268, 819, 3915, 14, 3028, 604, 275, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 10525, 275, 6325, 290, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 493, 63, 65, 275, 8992, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 493, 63, 66, 275, 12431, 17268, 523, 3915, 14, 17428, 275, 8127, 21335, 523, 3915, 14, 6062, 275, 8992, 523, 3915, 14, 28565, 275, 12431, 523, 3915, 14, 2489, 275, 10424, 523, 3915, 14, 15910, 8506, 275, 17268, 8992, 63, 7451, 819, 7512, 14, 324, 13697, 275, 8992, 17268, 523, 7512, 14, 13697, 275, 12431, 17268, 819, 32410, 14, 1818, 275, 12431, 819, 17347, 14, 2682, 275, 7179, 523, 17347, 14, 5938, 275, 12136, 17268, 523, 17347, 14, 1818, 275, 12431, 523, 17347, 14, 16856, 275, 7179, 819, 3762, 14, 3302, 275, 12431, 523, 3762, 14, 1832, 275, 12136, 17268, 199, 199, 1918, 2808, 22414, 315, 6707, 815, 818, 787, 283, 24042, 297, 283, 9771, 297, 283, 3572, 297, 199, 7, 11668, 297, 283, 262, 6604, 297, 283, 21843, 297, 283, 7935, 548, 297, 436, 283, 24396, 13619, 315, 199, 4220, 2054, 13, 2006, 818, 12, 314, 1511, 787, 283, 9771, 297, 283, 11668, 297, 283, 21843, 297, 436, 199, 7, 24396, 1370, 221, 7494, 1924, 365, 8018, 8350, 641, 314, 11167, 17423, 707, 14, 199, 7700, 1443, 440, 506, 2808, 367, 282, 1627, 11167, 730, 12, 436, 911, 506, 199, 25163, 5525, 14, 199, 199, 7443, 626, 641, 2005, 10460, 12, 6707, 815, 818, 1443, 7675, 8826, 1380, 1808, 199, 2326, 543, 314, 26581, 3329, 436, 6656, 446, 50, 14, 6656, 543, 314, 446, 50, 945, 199, 14117, 1454, 2929, 15352, 2054, 13, 2006, 3164, 9479, 12, 436, 6707, 815, 818, 1443, 15026, 199, 8159, 9479, 626, 6656, 3181, 1133, 20647, 14, 2047, 883, 1736, 6818, 642, 701, 199, 22051, 1808, 376, 338, 818, 334, 269, 2599, 818, 395, 503, 701, 1808, 6656, 446, 82, 334, 6777, 911, 199, 1529, 4012, 1006, 11167, 3304, 9479, 12, 440, 2951, 3164, 3304, 199, 6021, 680, 199, 199, 3655, 2651, 2337, 787, 1454, 325, 1070, 4465, 9229, 12, 642, 859, 6127, 1265, 199, 475, 5627, 3164, 1561, 367, 1163, 3164, 14319, 1314, 5594, 506, 2808, 199, 509, 2195, 11167, 730, 12, 18002, 6707, 815, 818, 14, 221, 2104, 1256, 447, 819, 3164, 14, 27454, 6304, 275, 3144, 523, 3164, 14, 26591, 275, 31533, 523, 3164, 14, 22683, 275, 19328, 199, 199, 475, 663, 283, 27454, 6304, 7, 370, 3164, 9348, 3144, 334, 1180, 1893, 367, 3193, 3164, 5537, 2551, 199, 9099, 1172, 20611, 3561, 351, 9229, 3247, 315, 314, 7008, 325, 1070, 9, 436, 12, 283, 26591, 7, 436, 199, 7, 22683, 7, 370, 9229, 315, 7633, 13, 2326, 671, 5125, 1159, 849, 3164, 15681, 14, 221, 5723, 199, 4037, 9229, 1443, 2066, 506, 1202, 465, 1263, 402, 314, 876, 13, 4037, 325, 1070, 12, 199, 15768, 24373, 2513, 7451, 7, 370, 663, 314, 8020, 370, 626, 3164, 14, 199, 199, 2175, 849, 12, 314, 3164, 3329, 911, 675, 25600, 818, 334, 269, 4747, 708, 818, 641, 199, 8647, 9, 340, 652, 477, 28853, 282, 11167, 14, 4005, 4278, 2599, 818, 334, 475, 4756, 199, 5125, 815, 818, 12, 367, 2893, 395, 663, 314, 2569, 2897, 945, 447, 819, 359, 2326, 61, 523, 818, 275, 6707, 815, 199, 199, 9874, 574, 1163, 2419, 283, 22204, 297, 283, 2676, 708, 297, 283, 5125, 815, 297, 503, 283, 2495, 7, 911, 199, 5993, 3164, 14, 199, 2344, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 492, 3718, 12, 7634, 12, 5478, 12, 8574, 465, 399, 1017, 364, 12, 4884, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 492, 1978, 82, 12, 1125, 199, 504, 4004, 18977, 14, 73, 1085, 78, 492, 485, 199, 199, 10453, 1045, 275, 283, 4672, 7, 199, 199, 3, 1343, 436, 3631, 2633, 367, 22414, 199, 63, 27626, 275, 791, 3592, 356, 378, 12, 283, 8399, 356, 4233, 12, 283, 581, 356, 7105, 12, 283, 7731, 356, 4337, 12, 283, 14514, 356, 9404, 12, 288, 283, 6304, 356, 8177, 12, 283, 5615, 21335, 356, 8685, 12, 283, 28291, 356, 8780, 12, 283, 7510, 356, 6877, 12, 283, 9771, 356, 413, 12, 288, 283, 21843, 356, 650, 12, 283, 24396, 356, 841, 12, 283, 11668, 356, 1520, 12, 288, 283, 0 ]
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import sys import threading import warnings import weakref from django.utils import six from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning from django.utils.inspect import func_accepts_kwargs from django.utils.six.moves import range if six.PY2: from .weakref_backports import WeakMethod else: from weakref import WeakMethod def _make_id(target): if hasattr(target, '__func__'): return (id(target.__self__), id(target.__func__)) return id(target) NONE_ID = _make_id(None) # A marker for caching NO_RECEIVERS = object() class Signal(object): """ Base class for all signals Internal attributes: receivers { receiverkey (id) : weakref(receiver) } """ def __init__(self, providing_args=None, use_caching=False): """ Create a new signal. providing_args A list of the arguments this signal can pass along in a send() call. """ self.receivers = [] if providing_args is None: providing_args = [] self.providing_args = set(providing_args) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.use_caching = use_caching # For convenience we create empty caches even if they are not used. # A note about caching: if use_caching is defined, then for each # distinct sender we cache the receivers that sender has in # 'sender_receivers_cache'. The cache is cleaned when .connect() or # .disconnect() is called and populated on send(). self.sender_receivers_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() if use_caching else {} self._dead_receivers = False def connect(self, receiver, sender=None, weak=True, dispatch_uid=None): """ Connect receiver to sender for signal. Arguments: receiver A function or an instance method which is to receive signals. Receivers must be hashable objects. If weak is True, then receiver must be weak referenceable. Receivers must be able to accept keyword arguments. If a receiver is connected with a dispatch_uid argument, it will not be added if another receiver was already connected with that dispatch_uid. sender The sender to which the receiver should respond. Must either be of type Signal, or None to receive events from any sender. weak Whether to use weak references to the receiver. By default, the module will attempt to use weak references to the receiver objects. If this parameter is false, then strong references will be used. dispatch_uid An identifier used to uniquely identify a particular instance of a receiver. This will usually be a string, though it may be anything hashable. """ from django.conf import settings # If DEBUG is on, check that we got a good receiver if settings.configured and settings.DEBUG: assert callable(receiver), "Signal receivers must be callable." # Check for **kwargs if not func_accepts_kwargs(receiver): raise ValueError("Signal receivers must accept keyword arguments (**kwargs).") if dispatch_uid: lookup_key = (dispatch_uid, _make_id(sender)) else: lookup_key = (_make_id(receiver), _make_id(sender)) if weak: ref = weakref.ref receiver_object = receiver # Check for bound methods if hasattr(receiver, '__self__') and hasattr(receiver, '__func__'): ref = WeakMethod receiver_object = receiver.__self__ if six.PY3: receiver = ref(receiver) weakref.finalize(receiver_object, self._remove_receiver) else: receiver = ref(receiver, self._remove_receiver) with self.lock: self._clear_dead_receivers() for r_key, _ in self.receivers: if r_key == lookup_key: break else: self.receivers.append((lookup_key, receiver)) self.sender_receivers_cache.clear() def disconnect(self, receiver=None, sender=None, weak=None, dispatch_uid=None): """ Disconnect receiver from sender for signal. If weak references are used, disconnect need not be called. The receiver will be remove from dispatch automatically. Arguments: receiver The registered receiver to disconnect. May be none if dispatch_uid is specified. sender The registered sender to disconnect dispatch_uid the unique identifier of the receiver to disconnect """ if weak is not None: warnings.warn("Passing `weak` to disconnect has no effect.", RemovedInDjango20Warning, stacklevel=2) if dispatch_uid: lookup_key = (dispatch_uid, _make_id(sender)) else: lookup_key = (_make_id(receiver), _make_id(sender)) disconnected = False with self.lock: self._clear_dead_receivers() for index in range(len(self.receivers)): (r_key, _) = self.receivers[index] if r_key == lookup_key: disconnected = True del self.receivers[index] break self.sender_receivers_cache.clear() return disconnected def has_listeners(self, sender=None): return bool(self._live_receivers(sender)) def send(self, sender, **named): """ Send signal from sender to all connected receivers. If any receiver raises an error, the error propagates back through send, terminating the dispatch loop, so it is quite possible to not have all receivers called if a raises an error. Arguments: sender The sender of the signal Either a specific object or None. named Named arguments which will be passed to receivers. Returns a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ]. """ responses = [] if not self.receivers or self.sender_receivers_cache.get(sender) is NO_RECEIVERS: return responses for receiver in self._live_receivers(sender): response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named) responses.append((receiver, response)) return responses def send_robust(self, sender, **named): """ Send signal from sender to all connected receivers catching errors. Arguments: sender The sender of the signal. Can be any python object (normally one registered with a connect if you actually want something to occur). named Named arguments which will be passed to receivers. These arguments must be a subset of the argument names defined in providing_args. Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ]. May raise DispatcherKeyError. If any receiver raises an error (specifically any subclass of Exception), the error instance is returned as the result for that receiver. The traceback is always attached to the error at ``__traceback__``. """ responses = [] if not self.receivers or self.sender_receivers_cache.get(sender) is NO_RECEIVERS: return responses # Call each receiver with whatever arguments it can accept. # Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ]. for receiver in self._live_receivers(sender): try: response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named) except Exception as err: if not hasattr(err, '__traceback__'): err.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2] responses.append((receiver, err)) else: responses.append((receiver, response)) return responses def _clear_dead_receivers(self): # Note: caller is assumed to hold self.lock. if self._dead_receivers: self._dead_receivers = False new_receivers = [] for r in self.receivers: if isinstance(r[1], weakref.ReferenceType) and r[1]() is None: continue new_receivers.append(r) self.receivers = new_receivers def _live_receivers(self, sender): """ Filter sequence of receivers to get resolved, live receivers. This checks for weak references and resolves them, then returning only live receivers. """ receivers = None if self.use_caching and not self._dead_receivers: receivers = self.sender_receivers_cache.get(sender) # We could end up here with NO_RECEIVERS even if we do check this case in # .send() prior to calling _live_receivers() due to concurrent .send() call. if receivers is NO_RECEIVERS: return [] if receivers is None: with self.lock: self._clear_dead_receivers() senderkey = _make_id(sender) receivers = [] for (receiverkey, r_senderkey), receiver in self.receivers: if r_senderkey == NONE_ID or r_senderkey == senderkey: receivers.append(receiver) if self.use_caching: if not receivers: self.sender_receivers_cache[sender] = NO_RECEIVERS else: # Note, we must cache the weakref versions. self.sender_receivers_cache[sender] = receivers non_weak_receivers = [] for receiver in receivers: if isinstance(receiver, weakref.ReferenceType): # Dereference the weak reference. receiver = receiver() if receiver is not None: non_weak_receivers.append(receiver) else: non_weak_receivers.append(receiver) return non_weak_receivers def _remove_receiver(self, receiver=None): # Mark that the self.receivers list has dead weakrefs. If so, we will # clean those up in connect, disconnect and _live_receivers while # holding self.lock. Note that doing the cleanup here isn't a good # idea, _remove_receiver() will be called as side effect of garbage # collection, and so the call can happen while we are already holding # self.lock. self._dead_receivers = True def receiver(signal, **kwargs): """ A decorator for connecting receivers to signals. Used by passing in the signal (or list of signals) and keyword arguments to connect:: @receiver(post_save, sender=MyModel) def signal_receiver(sender, **kwargs): ... @receiver([post_save, post_delete], sender=MyModel) def signals_receiver(sender, **kwargs): ... """ def _decorator(func): if isinstance(signal, (list, tuple)): for s in signal: s.connect(func, **kwargs) else: signal.connect(func, **kwargs) return func return _decorator
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2797, 14, 710, 13035, 267, 911, 506, 2813, 687, 7634, 5847, 14, 398, 7628, 26, 953, 13035, 355, 710, 7264, 13035, 370, 17639, 14, 10162, 506, 7179, 340, 355, 7634, 63, 1535, 365, 2013, 14, 953, 8904, 355, 710, 7264, 8904, 370, 17639, 953, 7634, 63, 1535, 355, 314, 3747, 5148, 402, 314, 13035, 370, 17639, 267, 408, 267, 340, 9282, 365, 440, 488, 26, 288, 3598, 14, 4050, 480, 4986, 316 ]
[ 984, 199, 646, 5796, 199, 646, 3598, 199, 646, 13852, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 492, 3816, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 15383, 492, 23687, 1165, 3849, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 10955, 492, 2562, 63, 27692, 63, 958, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 4174, 14, 4912, 492, 1425, 199, 199, 692, 3816, 14, 4521, 18, 26, 272, 687, 1275, 21330, 63, 894, 5203, 492, 28224, 3767, 199, 2836, 26, 272, 687, 13852, 492, 28224, 3767, 421, 199, 318, 485, 1875, 63, 344, 8, 1375, 304, 272, 340, 2688, 8, 1375, 12, 2560, 1532, 12168, 267, 372, 334, 344, 8, 1375, 855, 277, 10139, 1305, 8, 1375, 855, 1532, 8964, 272, 372, 1305, 8, 1375, 9, 199, 9185, 63, 998, 275, 485, 1875, 63, 344, 8, 403, 9, 199, 199, 3, 437, 3608, 367, 13627, 199, 2826, 63, 28467, 41, 17223, 275, 909, 342, 421, 199, 533, 18288, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 3523, 1021, 367, 1006, 10166, 339, 12624, 3004, 26, 398, 13035, 83, 288, 469, 13035, 498, 334, 344, 9, 520, 13852, 8, 10244, 9, 789, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 13070, 63, 589, 29, 403, 12, 675, 63, 22738, 29, 797, 304, 267, 408, 267, 2790, 282, 892, 4673, 14, 398, 13070, 63, 589, 288, 437, 769, 402, 314, 2368, 642, 4673, 883, 986, 3180, 315, 282, 3222, 342, 1240, 14, 267, 408, 267, 291, 14, 29494, 275, 942, 267, 340, 13070, 63, 589, 365, 488, 26, 288, 13070, 63, 589, 275, 942, 267, 291, 14, 496, 11604, 63, 589, 275, 663, 8, 496, 11604, 63, 589, 9, 267, 291, 14, 831, 275, 5796, 14, 6432, 342, 267, 291, 14, 1180, 63, 22738, 275, 675, 63, 22738, 267, 327, 2104, 16777, 781, 1218, 2701, 18014, 2755, 340, 2985, 787, 440, 1202, 14, 267, 327, 437, 5317, 3595, 13627, 26, 340, 675, 63, 22738, 365, 3247, 12, 2066, 367, 1924, 267, 327, 15392, 8904, 781, 2581, 314, 13035, 83, 626, 8904, 965, 315, 267, 327, 283, 8114, 63, 29494, 63, 1637, 1370, 710, 2581, 365, 12364, 1380, 1275, 2242, 342, 503, 267, 327, 1275, 10673, 342, 365, 2797, 436, 16460, 641, 3222, 1252, 267, 291, 14, 8114, 63, 29494, 63, 1637, 275, 13852, 14, 18889, 1197, 11728, 342, 340, 675, 63, 22738, 587, 1052, 267, 291, 423, 10957, 63, 29494, 275, 756, 339, 347, 4907, 8, 277, 12, 13035, 12, 8904, 29, 403, 12, 9282, 29, 549, 12, 7634, 63, 1535, 29, 403, 304, 267, 408, 267, 15175, 13035, 370, 8904, 367, 4673, 14, 398, 7628, 26, 953, 13035, 355, 437, 805, 503, 376, 1256, 1083, 1314, 365, 370, 9128, 10166, 14, 355, 799, 6594, 83, 1471, 506, 21197, 2251, 14, 2234, 982, 9282, 365, 715, 12, 2066, 13035, 1471, 506, 9282, 3659, 461, 14, 2234, 799, 6594, 83, 1471, 506, 7688, 370, 4729, 4252, 2368, 14, 2234, 982, 282, 13035, 365, 8539, 543, 282, 7634, 63, 1535, 1423, 12, 652, 355, 911, 440, 506, 3483, 340, 4573, 13035, 1990, 2575, 8539, 355, 543, 626, 7634, 63, 1535, 14, 953, 8904, 355, 710, 8904, 370, 1314, 314, 13035, 1077, 22722, 14, 9498, 1902, 506, 355, 402, 730, 18288, 12, 503, 488, 370, 9128, 4474, 687, 1263, 8904, 14, 953, 9282, 355, 7480, 370, 675, 9282, 6941, 370, 314, 13035, 14, 4885, 849, 12, 314, 355, 859, 911, 7427, 370, 675, 9282, 6941, 370, 314, 13035, 355, 2251, 14, 982, 642, 2725, 365, 3055, 12, 2066, 16925, 6941, 911, 355, 506, 1202, 14, 953, 7634, 63, 1535, 355, 1626, 5148, 1202, 370, 28727, 10405, 282, 6770, 1256, 402, 355, 282, 13035, 14, 961, 911, 9987, 506, 282, 1059, 12, 10617, 652, 1443, 506, 355, 7003, 21197, 14, 267, 408, 267, 687, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 398, 327, 982, 10990, 365, 641, 12, 1104, 626, 781, 4788, 282, 6954, 13035, 267, 340, 2202, 14, 11786, 436, 2202, 14, 5287, 26, 288, 702, 4550, 8, 10244, 395, 298, 11274, 13035, 83, 1471, 506, 4550, 2122, 953, 327, 2670, 367, 1011, 958, 288, 340, 440, 2562, 63, 27692, 63, 958, 8, 10244, 304, 355, 746, 1722, 480, 11274, 13035, 83, 1471, 4729, 4252, 2368, 334, 538, 958, 26744, 398, 340, 7634, 63, 1535, 26, 288, 4237, 63, 498, 275, 334, 6052, 63, 1535, 12, 485, 1875, 63, 344, 8, 8114, 430, 267, 587, 26, 288, 4237, 63, 498, 275, 6110, 1875, 63, 344, 8, 10244, 395, 485, 1875, 63, 344, 8, 8114, 430, 398, 340, 9282, 26, 288, 2984, 275, 13852, 14, 1121, 288, 13035, 63, 785, 275, 13035, 288, 327, 2670, 367, 3914, 3102, 288, 340, 2688, 8, 10244, 12, 2560, 277, 13766, 436, 2688, 8, 10244, 12, 2560, 1532, 12168, 355, 2984, 275, 28224, 3767, 355, 13035, 63, 785, 275, 13035, 855, 277, 363, 288, 340, 3816, 14, 4521, 19, 26, 355, 13035, 275, 2984, 8, 10244, 9, 355, 13852, 14, 14450, 8, 10244, 63, 785, 12, 291, 423, 2168, 63, 10244, 9, 288, 587, 26, 355, 13035, 275, 2984, 8, 10244, 12, 291, 423, 2168, 63, 10244, 9, 398, 543, 291, 14, 831, 26, 288, 291, 423, 3584, 63, 10957, 63, 29494, 342, 288, 367, 519, 63, 498, 12, 485, 315, 291, 14, 29494, 26, 355, 340, 519, 63, 498, 508, 4237, 63, 498, 26, 490, 2059, 288, 587, 26, 355, 291, 14, 29494, 14, 740, 1332, 3892, 63, 498, 12, 13035, 430, 288, 291, 14, 8114, 63, 29494, 63, 1637, 14, 3584, 342, 339, 347, 17639, 8, 277, 12, 13035, 29, 403, 12, 8904, 29, 403, 12, 9282, 29, 403, 12, 7634, 63, 1535, 29, 403, 304, 267, 408, 267, 5289, 2242, 13035, 687, 8904, 367, 4673, 14, 398, 982, 9282, 6941, 787, 1202, 12, 17639, 1929, 440, 506, 2797, 14, 710, 13035, 267, 911, 506, 2813, 687, 7634, 5847, 14, 398, 7628, 26, 953, 13035, 355, 710, 7264, 13035, 370, 17639, 14, 10162, 506, 7179, 340, 355, 7634, 63, 1535, 365, 2013, 14, 953, 8904, 355, 710, 7264, 8904, 370, 17639, 953, 7634, 63, 1535, 355, 314, 3747, 5148, 402, 314, 13035, 370, 17639, 267, 408, 267, 340, 9282, 365, 440, 488, 26, 288, 3598, 14, 4050, 480, 4986, 316, 0 ]
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# pylint: disable=missing-docstring # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from lettuce import world, step from terrain.steps import reload_the_page from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from common import type_in_codemirror, upload_file from django.conf import settings from import assert_true, assert_false, assert_equal # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module TEST_ROOT = settings.COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT COURSE_START_DATE_CSS = "#course-start-date" COURSE_END_DATE_CSS = "#course-end-date" ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS = "#course-enrollment-start-date" ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS = "#course-enrollment-end-date" COURSE_START_TIME_CSS = "#course-start-time" COURSE_END_TIME_CSS = "#course-end-time" ENROLLMENT_START_TIME_CSS = "#course-enrollment-start-time" ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS = "#course-enrollment-end-time" DUMMY_TIME = "15:30" DEFAULT_TIME = "00:00" ############### ACTIONS #################### @step('I select Schedule and Details$') def test_i_select_schedule_and_details(step): world.click_course_settings() link_css = 'li.nav-course-settings-schedule a' world.css_click(link_css) world.wait_for_requirejs( ["jquery", "js/models/course", "js/models/settings/course_details", "js/views/settings/main"]) @step('I have set course dates$') def test_i_have_set_course_dates(step): step.given('I have opened a new course in Studio') step.given('I select Schedule and Details') step.given('And I set course dates') @step('And I set course dates$') def test_and_i_set_course_dates(step): set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013') set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '12/26/2013') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '12/1/2013') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '12/10/2013') set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) @step('And I clear all the dates except start$') def test_and_i_clear_all_the_dates_except_start(step): set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '') @step('Then I see cleared dates$') def test_then_i_see_cleared_dates(step): verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '') verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_TIME_CSS, '') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_TIME_CSS, '') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, '') # Verify course start date (required) and time still there verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013') verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) @step('I clear the course start date$') def test_i_clear_the_course_start_date(step): set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '') @step('I receive a warning about course start date$') def test_i_receive_a_warning_about_course_start_date(step): assert_true(world.css_has_text('.message-error', 'The course must have an assigned start date.')) assert_true('error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')) assert_true('error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')) @step('the previously set start date is shown$') def test_the_previously_set_start_date_is_shown(step): verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013') verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) @step('Given I have tried to clear the course start$') def test_i_have_tried_to_clear_the_course_start(step): step.given("I have set course dates") step.given("I clear the course start date") step.given("I receive a warning about course start date") @step('I have entered a new course start date$') def test_i_have_entered_a_new_course_start_date(step): set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/22/2013') @step('The warning about course start date goes away$') def test_the_warning_about_course_start_date_goes_away(step): assert world.is_css_not_present('.message-error') assert_false('error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')) assert_false('error' in world.css_find(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS).first._element.get_attribute('class')) @step('my new course start date is shown$') def new_course_start_date_is_shown(step): verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/22/2013') # Time should have stayed from before attempt to clear date. verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) @step('I change fields$') def test_i_change_fields(step): set_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777') set_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777') set_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '7/7/7777') @step('I change the course overview') def test_change_course_overview(_step): type_in_codemirror(0, "<h1>Overview</h1>") @step('I click the "Upload Course Image" button') def click_upload_button(_step): button_css = '.action-upload-image' world.css_click(button_css) @step('I upload a new course image$') def upload_new_course_image(_step): upload_file('image.jpg', sub_path="uploads") @step('I should see the new course image$') def i_see_new_course_image(_step): img_css = '#course-image' images = world.css_find(img_css) assert len(images) == 1 img = images[0] expected_src = 'image.jpg' # Don't worry about the domain in the URL success_func = lambda _: img['src'].endswith(expected_src) world.wait_for(success_func) @step('the image URL should be present in the field') def image_url_present(_step): field_css = '#course-image-url' expected_value = 'image.jpg' assert world.css_value(field_css).endswith(expected_value) ############### HELPER METHODS #################### def set_date_or_time(css, date_or_time): """ Sets date or time field. """ world.css_fill(css, date_or_time) e = world.css_find(css).first # hit Enter to apply the changes e._element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) def verify_date_or_time(css, date_or_time): """ Verifies date or time field. """ # We need to wait for JavaScript to fill in the field, so we use # css_has_value(), which first checks that the field is not blank assert_true(world.css_has_value(css, date_or_time)) @step('I do not see the changes') @step('I see the set dates') def i_see_the_set_dates(_step): """ Ensure that each field has the value set in `test_and_i_set_course_dates`. """ verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_DATE_CSS, '12/20/2013') verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_DATE_CSS, '12/26/2013') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_DATE_CSS, '12/01/2013') verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_DATE_CSS, '12/10/2013') verify_date_or_time(COURSE_START_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME) # Unset times get set to 12 AM once the corresponding date has been set. verify_date_or_time(COURSE_END_TIME_CSS, DEFAULT_TIME) verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_START_TIME_CSS, DEFAULT_TIME) verify_date_or_time(ENROLLMENT_END_TIME_CSS, DUMMY_TIME)
[ 3, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 4752, 13, 12485, 199, 3, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 27913, 13, 7837, 13, 354, 199, 199, 504, 4691, 84, 3683, 492, 6701, 12, 3650, 199, 504, 2044, 6322, 14, 5895, 492, 13101, 63, 1589, 63, 1606, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 2330, 14, 1612, 492, 17276, 199, 504, 2863, 492, 730, 63, 262, 63, 600, 12324, 12, 5802, 63, 493, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 199, 199, 504, 11354, 14, 2537, 492, 702, 63, 2052, 12, 702, 63, 3910, 12, 702, 63, 1452, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 354, 13, 262, 13, 578, 199, 199, 2864, 63, 5441, 275, 2202, 14, 21637, 63, 2864, 63, 3998, 63, 5441, 199, 199, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 928, 13, 602, 2, 199, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 500, 13, 602, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 928, 13, 602, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 500, 13, 602, 2, 199, 199, 15552, 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15, 4196, 15, 1751, 15, 973, 3135, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 1172, 663, 2518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 7804, 63, 409, 63, 1972, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 41, 1172, 12123, 282, 892, 2518, 315, 13225, 358, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 41, 3504, 24317, 436, 15621, 358, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 3325, 473, 663, 2518, 10831, 358, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 3325, 473, 663, 2518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 460, 63, 73, 63, 409, 63, 1972, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1165, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1479, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 17, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 709, 15, 6965, 358, 339, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 3325, 473, 5436, 1006, 314, 10831, 871, 1343, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 460, 63, 73, 63, 3584, 63, 452, 63, 1589, 63, 9356, 63, 2590, 63, 928, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 28226, 473, 1937, 20518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 12726, 63, 73, 63, 3239, 63, 2265, 2899, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 339, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 339, 327, 7635, 2518, 1343, 1434, 334, 2427, 9, 436, 900, 5139, 2337, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1165, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 5436, 314, 2518, 1343, 1434, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 3584, 63, 1589, 63, 1972, 63, 928, 63, 602, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 9128, 282, 5721, 3595, 2518, 1343, 1434, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 9391, 63, 65, 63, 3764, 63, 10254, 63, 1972, 63, 928, 63, 602, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 702, 63, 2052, 8, 7617, 14, 3919 ]
[ 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 4752, 13, 12485, 199, 3, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 27913, 13, 7837, 13, 354, 199, 199, 504, 4691, 84, 3683, 492, 6701, 12, 3650, 199, 504, 2044, 6322, 14, 5895, 492, 13101, 63, 1589, 63, 1606, 199, 504, 19481, 14, 17946, 14, 2330, 14, 1612, 492, 17276, 199, 504, 2863, 492, 730, 63, 262, 63, 600, 12324, 12, 5802, 63, 493, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 199, 199, 504, 11354, 14, 2537, 492, 702, 63, 2052, 12, 702, 63, 3910, 12, 702, 63, 1452, 221, 327, 4287, 26, 3507, 29, 889, 13, 354, 13, 262, 13, 578, 199, 199, 2864, 63, 5441, 275, 2202, 14, 21637, 63, 2864, 63, 3998, 63, 5441, 199, 199, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 928, 13, 602, 2, 199, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 500, 13, 602, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 928, 13, 602, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 500, 13, 602, 2, 199, 199, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 928, 13, 521, 2, 199, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 500, 13, 521, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 928, 13, 521, 2, 199, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 275, 5426, 1972, 13, 12214, 13, 500, 13, 521, 2, 199, 199, 26778, 63, 4961, 275, 298, 1046, 26, 1216, 2, 199, 3472, 63, 4961, 275, 298, 383, 26, 383, 2, 421, 199, 516, 14776, 437, 19560, 21905, 381, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 3504, 24317, 436, 15621, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 2416, 63, 7211, 63, 460, 63, 5087, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 6701, 14, 4891, 63, 1972, 63, 1751, 342, 272, 2142, 63, 3919, 275, 283, 317, 14, 10927, 13, 1972, 13, 1751, 13, 7211, 282, 7, 272, 6701, 14, 3919, 63, 4891, 8, 1073, 63, 3919, 9, 272, 6701, 14, 2573, 63, 509, 63, 4365, 3596, 8, 267, 2097, 22324, 401, 298, 3596, 15, 992, 15, 1972, 401, 268, 298, 3596, 15, 992, 15, 1751, 15, 1972, 63, 5087, 401, 298, 3596, 15, 4196, 15, 1751, 15, 973, 3135, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 1172, 663, 2518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 7804, 63, 409, 63, 1972, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 41, 1172, 12123, 282, 892, 2518, 315, 13225, 358, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 41, 3504, 24317, 436, 15621, 358, 272, 3650, 14, 11809, 360, 3325, 473, 663, 2518, 10831, 358, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 3325, 473, 663, 2518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 460, 63, 73, 63, 409, 63, 1972, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1165, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1479, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 17, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 709, 15, 6965, 358, 339, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 3325, 473, 5436, 1006, 314, 10831, 871, 1343, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 460, 63, 73, 63, 3584, 63, 452, 63, 1589, 63, 9356, 63, 2590, 63, 928, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 28226, 473, 1937, 20518, 10831, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 12726, 63, 73, 63, 3239, 63, 2265, 2899, 63, 9356, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 339, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 742, 14881, 4479, 63, 3902, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 339, 327, 7635, 2518, 1343, 1434, 334, 2427, 9, 436, 900, 5139, 2337, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 283, 713, 15, 1165, 15, 6965, 358, 272, 4911, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 4961, 63, 14391, 12, 577, 22472, 63, 4961, 9, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 5436, 314, 2518, 1343, 1434, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 3584, 63, 1589, 63, 1972, 63, 928, 63, 602, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 663, 63, 602, 63, 269, 63, 521, 8, 15552, 63, 7363, 63, 5390, 63, 14391, 12, 4074, 421, 199, 32, 2926, 360, 41, 9128, 282, 5721, 3595, 2518, 1343, 1434, 9988, 199, 318, 511, 63, 73, 63, 9391, 63, 65, 63, 3764, 63, 10254, 63, 1972, 63, 928, 63, 602, 8, 2926, 304, 272, 702, 63, 2052, 8, 7617, 14, 3919, 0 ]
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from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from twisted.trial import unittest from buildbot_travis.vcs import git class GitUrlParser(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple(self): url = "git://" parsed = git.ParsedGitUrl(url) self.assertEqual(parsed.scheme, 'git') self.assertEqual(parsed.netloc, '') self.assertEqual(parsed.path, '/tardyp/buildbot_travis') def test_user(self): url = "git+ssh://[email protected]/tardyp/buildbot_travis" parsed = git.ParsedGitUrl(url) self.assertEqual(parsed.scheme, 'git+ssh') self.assertEqual(parsed.netloc, '') self.assertEqual(parsed.user, 'bla') self.assertEqual(parsed.path, '/tardyp/buildbot_travis') def test_userpass(self): url = "git+ssh://bla:secrit::[email protected]/tardyp/buildbot_travis" parsed = git.ParsedGitUrl(url) self.assertEqual(parsed.scheme, 'git+ssh') self.assertEqual(parsed.netloc, '') self.assertEqual(parsed.user, 'bla') self.assertEqual(parsed.passwd, 'secrit::!') self.assertEqual(parsed.path, '/tardyp/buildbot_travis')
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from discord.ext import commands from clembot.core.logs import init_loggers from clembot.exts.utils.utilities import Utilities from clembot.core import checks from clembot.exts.config.channelconfigmanager import ChannelConfigCache class CityManager(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.dbi = bot.dbi self.utilities = Utilities() self.logger = init_loggers() self.guild_dict = bot.guild_dict self.MyGuildConfigCache = bot.MyGuildConfigCache self.MyChannelConfigCache = ChannelConfigCache( self._cache = {} @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True, aliases=["get-city"]) async def get_city(self, ctx): await self._get_city(ctx) @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True, aliases=["set-city"]) async def _set_city(self, ctx, city_state): city_state = city_state.upper() await self.MyChannelConfigCache.save_channel_city(,, city_state) await self._get_city(ctx) @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True, aliases=["set-guild-city"]) @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def _set_guild_city(self, ctx, city_state): city_state = city_state.upper() await self.MyGuildConfigCache.save_guild_config(, 'city', city_state) await self._get_guild_city(ctx.message) @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True, aliases=["get-guild-city"]) @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def get_guild_city(self, ctx): await self._get_guild_city(ctx.message) async def _get_city(self, ctx): content = "Beep Beep! Reporting City for this channel / guild has not been set." channel_city = await self.get_city_for_channel(, if channel_city: content = f"Beep Beep! **{}** Reporting City for this channel is **{channel_city}**." return await self.utilities._send_message(, content) async def _get_guild_city(self, message): guild_city = await self.MyGuildConfigCache.get_guild_config(, 'city') content = f"Beep Beep! **{}** Reporting City for this guild is **{guild_city}**." return await self.utilities._send_message(, content) async def get_city_for_channel(self, guild_id, channel_id=None, parent_channel_id=None) -> str : try: city_for_channel = await self.MyChannelConfigCache.get_channel_config(guild_id=guild_id, channel_id=channel_id, config_name='city') if not city_for_channel: if parent_channel_id: city_for_channel = await self.MyChannelConfigCache.get_channel_config(guild_id=guild_id, channel_id=parent_channel_id, config_name='city') if not city_for_channel: city_for_channel = await self.MyGuildConfigCache.get_guild_config(guild_id=guild_id, config_name='city') return city_for_channel except Exception as error: return None async def get_city_for_channel_only(self, guild_id, channel_id, parent_channel_id=None) -> str : try:"read_channel_city({guild_id}, {channel_id}, {parent_channel_id})") city_for_channel = await self.MyChannelConfigCache.get_channel_config(guild_id=guild_id, channel_id=channel_id, config_name='city') if not city_for_channel: city_for_channel = await self.MyChannelConfigCache.get_channel_config(guild_id=guild_id, channel_id=parent_channel_id, config_name='city') return city_for_channel except Exception as error: print(error) return None # async def save_channel_city(self, guild_id, channel_id, city_state): # print("save_channel_city()") # try: # await self.MyChannelConfigCache.save_channel_config('city', city_state, guild_id, channel_id) # new_channel_city = await self.MyChannelConfigCache.get_channel_config('city', guild_id=guild_id, channel_id=channel_id) # return new_channel_city # except Exception as error: # print(error) # return None def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(CityManager(bot))
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # # Copyright (c) 2011 # Einar Uvsløkk, <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt4.QtGui import (QAbstractItemView, QSizePolicy, QSortFilterProxyModel, QSpacerItem, QStandardItemModel, QTreeView, QWidget) from base.gui.Dialog import ExportDialog, DeleteDialog from base.util.IconTheme import pixmapFromTheme class ResultView(QWidget): """This class represent a search result view. """ def __init__(self, filter='', attributes=[], resultlist=[], parent=None): """Initialize a result view for the `SearchPlugin`. :param filter: the filter applied on the search :type filter: string :param attributes: a list containing the attributes used in the search operation. Usually extracted from the `filter`. :type attributes: list :param resultlist: a list of `SmartDataObject` from the search operation. :type resultlist: list :param parent: the parent for this widget. :type parent: QWidget """ super(ResultView, self).__init__(parent) self.setObjectName('ResultView') self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) # Only display the no-result message if resultlist is empty if len(resultlist) == 0: self.retranslate(all=False) self.onNoResult() return # The proxy model is used for sort and filter support self.proxymodel = QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.proxymodel.setDynamicSortFilter(True) self.headerdata = ['dn'] self.headerdata.extend(attributes) self.resultdata = resultlist # FIXME: should we create a custom item model ? self.model = QStandardItemModel(0, len(self.headerdata), parent=self) #self.model = ResultItemModel(self) #self.model = ResultItemModel(self.headerdata, self.resultdata, self) self.proxymodel.setSourceModel(self.model) self.resultview = QTreeView(self) self.resultview.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.resultview.setRootIsDecorated(False) self.resultview.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.resultview.setSortingEnabled(True) self.resultview.setModel(self.proxymodel) # For right-click context menu self.resultview.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.resultview.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.layout.addWidget(self.resultview) # The filter box enables the user to filter the returned search # results. It becomes accessible with Ctrl-F (QKeySequence.Find) self.filterBox = ResultFilterWidget(self.headerdata, parent=self) self.filterBox.setVisible(False) self.layout.addWidget(self.filterBox) # We need to call the retranslate method before populating # the result data self.retranslate() #self.model.populateHeader(self.headerdata) #self.model.populateModel(self.resultdata) self.setHeaderData(self.headerdata) self.setResultData(self.resultdata) self.resultview.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.__createContextMenu() self.__connectSlots() def __connectSlots(self): """Connect signal and slots. """ self.resultview.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.onContextMenuRequested) self.filterBox.inputEdit.textChanged['QString'].connect( self.onFilterInputChanged) self.filterBox.columnBox.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self.onFilterColumnChanged) def __getVSpacer(self): return QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) def __createContextMenu(self): """Display the context menu. """ self.contextMenu = QtGui.QMenu() self.contextMenuView = QtGui.QAction(self) self.contextMenuDelete = QtGui.QAction(self) self.contextMenuExport = QtGui.QAction(self) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.contextMenuView) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.contextMenuDelete) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.contextMenuExport) # Connect the context menu actions to the correct slots self.contextMenuView.triggered.connect(self.onViewItemsSelected) self.contextMenuDelete.triggered.connect(self.onDeleteItemsSelected) self.contextMenuExport.triggered.connect(self.onExportItemsSelected) def onNoResult(self): """Adds a styled *no result* message to the main layout. """ font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) sadface = QtGui.QLabel(self) sadface.setPixmap(pixmapFromTheme('face-sad', ':/icons/48/face-sad')) noresult = QtGui.QLabel(self) noresult.setText(self.str_NO_RESULT) noresult.setFont(font) hlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addItem(self.__getVSpacer()) hlayout.addWidget(sadface) hlayout.addWidget(noresult) hlayout.addItem(self.__getVSpacer()) self.layout.addLayout(hlayout) def setHeaderData(self, data=[]): """Populates the ``resultview`` model with header data. Parameters: - `data`: a list with header items. Usually this is the attributelist from the LDAP search. """ i = 0 for header in data: self.model.setHeaderData(i, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, header) i += 1 def setResultData(self, data=[]): """Populates the ``resultview`` model with result data. Parameters: - `data`: a list containing the SmartDataObjects representing items in the LDAP search result. """ row = 0 for obj in data: self.model.insertRow(row) col = 0 for attr in self.headerdata: if self.isDistinguishedName(attr): modelData = obj.getPrettyDN() elif self.isObjectClass(attr): modelData = ','.join(obj.getObjectClasses()) elif obj.hasAttribute(attr): if obj.isAttributeBinary(attr): modelData = self.str_BINARY_DATA else: modelData = ','.join(obj.getAttributeValueList(attr)) self.model.setData(self.model.index(row, col), modelData) col += 1 row += 1 def isDistinguishedName(self, attr): """Returns ``True`` if `attr` is a distinguished name, ``False`` otherwise. Parameters: - `attr`: the LDAP string attribute value to check. """ return attr.lower() == 'dn' def isObjectClass(self, attr): """Returns ``True`` if `attr` is an object class, ``False`` otherwise. Parameters: - `attr`: the LDAP string attribute value to check. """ return attr.lower() == 'objectclass' def onContextMenuRequested(self, point): """Display the context menu """ # FIXME: In order to be able to export, delete and view search # result entries. We should make use of the various dialogs in # the Browser plugin. Unitl we have refactored the design in a # way that allow us to use these without accessing the browser # modules, we simple don't provide these options yet. return self.selection = self.resultview.selectedIndexes() deleteSupport = True exportSupport = True rowsselected = len(self.selection) / len(self.headerdata) if not rowsselected > 0: self.contextMenu.setEnabled(False) self.contextMenu.exec_(self.resultview.mapToGlobal(point)) return self.contextMenu.setEnabled(True) # Look over at Browser plugin for implementation of # multiselect and operation support validation print rowsselected self.contextMenuView.setEnabled(True) if rowsselected == 1: self.contextMenuView.setText(self.str_VIEW_ITEM) else: self.contextMenuView.setText(self.str_VIEW_ITEMS) if deleteSupport: self.contextMenuDelete.setEnabled(True) if rowsselected == 1: self.contextMenuDelete.setText(self.str_DELETE_ITEM) else: self.contextMenuDelete.setText(self.str_DELETE_ITEMS) if exportSupport: self.contextMenuExport.setEnabled(True) if rowsselected == 1: self.contextMenuExport.setText(self.str_EXPORT_ITEM) else: self.contextMenuExport.setText(self.str_EXPORT_ITEMS) # Finally we execute the context menu self.contextMenu.exec_(self.resultview.mapToGlobal(point)) def onViewItemsSelected(self): """Slot for the *view* context menu action. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Need to implement a proper model for this to be supported') def onDeleteItemsSelected(self): """Slot for the *delete* context menu action. """ msg = 'Delete from the Search Plugin is not implemented jet.' dialog = DeleteDialog(self, msg) dialog.setDeleteItems([]) dialog.exec_() def onExportItemsSelected(self): """Slot for the 'export' context menu action. """ msg = 'Export from the Search Plugin is not implemented jet.' dialog = ExportDialog(self, msg) # Only for proof of concept dialog.setExportData([]) dialog.exec_() def onFilterBoxVisibilityChanged(self, visible): """Slot for the QKeySequence.Find. - `visible`: a boolean value indicating wether or not to toggle the filter box widget visibility on or off. """ if visible: self.filterBox.setVisible(True) self.filterBox.inputEdit.setFocus() else: # I belive it's common practise to clear the filter when # the filter box is closed. This is at least the way the # filter boxes works for most webbrowsers. self.filterBox.inputEdit.clear() self.filterBox.setVisible(False) self.resultview.setFocus() def onFilterInputChanged(self, filter=''): """Slot for the filter input in the result filter widget. We get the selected syntax from the syntax combobox """ # The PyQt4 QVariant is causing some problems here, when we try # to use the <combobox>.itemData directly, even though the data # holds valid QRexExp.PatternSyntax values. # We therefore need to explicitly make the QVariant and integer. i = self.filterBox.syntaxBox.currentIndex() syntaxIndex = self.filterBox.syntaxBox.itemData(i).toInt()[0] syntax = QtCore.QRegExp.PatternSyntax(syntaxIndex) # As of now we do filtering in a case insensitive way, until we # come up with a way to introduce case sensitivity selection in a # UI inexpensive way. We want to keep the filter widget as clean # and simple as possible. regex = QtCore.QRegExp(filter, QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive, syntax) self.proxymodel.setFilterRegExp(regex) def onFilterColumnChanged(self, index): """Slot for the column combobox in the filter box widget. """ self.proxymodel.setFilterKeyColumn(index) def retranslate(self, all=True): """For dynamic translation support. """ self.str_VIEW_ITEM = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'View Item') self.str_VIEW_ITEMS = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'View Items') self.str_DELETE_ITEM = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Delete Item') self.str_DELETE_ITEMS = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Delete Items') self.str_EXPORT_ITEM = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Export Item') self.str_EXPORT_ITEMS = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Export Items') self.str_NO_RESULT = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Sorry, no result to display!') self.str_BINARY_DATA = QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultView', 'Binary Data') if all: self.filterBox.retranslate() class ResultFilterWidget(QWidget): """A Widget for basic filter input on a result view. This class provide a simple and clean filter widget, enabling the user to filter the returned results. It provide several filter syntax potions, a column selector and a filter input widget. I aims at beeing simple, small and out of the way. """ syntaxOptions = { 'Fixed String': QtCore.QRegExp.FixedString, 'Regular Expression': QtCore.QRegExp.RegExp, 'Wildcard': QtCore.QRegExp.Wildcard, } def __init__(self, columns=[], parent=None): """ Parameters: - `columns`: a list containing the columns to populate the column selector. Usually the main model headerdata (search attributelist). """ super(ResultFilterWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) self.syntaxBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.columnBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.inputEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) spacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) for text, syntax in sorted(self.syntaxOptions.iteritems()): self.syntaxBox.addItem(text, userData=syntax) self.columnBox.addItems(columns) self.layout.addItem(spacer) self.layout.addWidget(self.syntaxBox) self.layout.addWidget(self.columnBox) self.layout.addWidget(self.inputEdit) self.retranslate() def retranslate(self): """For dynamic translation support. """ self.syntaxBox.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultFilterWidget', 'Choose filter syntax.')) self.columnBox.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate( 'ResultFilterWidget', 'Choose filter column.')) # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
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[ 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 3, 199, 3, 8963, 14, 1733, 14, 5278, 2889, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 7760, 199, 3, 258, 662, 262, 285, 738, 86, 2482, 31087, 16247, 12, 665, 69, 262, 285, 14, 25793, 320, 16247, 32, 5135, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 499, 402, 314, 844, 12, 503, 199, 3, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 14, 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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import subprocess from helpers import unittest from luigi.contrib.ssh import RemoteContext class TestMockedRemoteContext(unittest.TestCase): def test_subprocess_delegation(self): """ Test subprocess call structure using mock module """ orig_Popen = subprocess.Popen self.last_test = None def Popen(cmd, **kwargs): self.last_test = cmd subprocess.Popen = Popen context = RemoteContext( "some_host", username="luigi", key_file="/some/" ) context.Popen(["ls"]) self.assertTrue("ssh" in self.last_test) self.assertTrue("-i" in self.last_test) self.assertTrue("/some/" in self.last_test) self.assertTrue("luigi@some_host" in self.last_test) self.assertTrue("ls" in self.last_test) subprocess.Popen = orig_Popen def test_check_output_fail_connect(self): """ Test check_output to a non-existing host """ context = RemoteContext("__NO_HOST_LIKE_THIS__", connect_timeout=1) self.assertRaises( subprocess.CalledProcessError, context.check_output, ["ls"] )
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""" Test courseware search """ import os import json from ..helpers import remove_file from ...pages.common.logout import LogoutPage from import CourseOutlinePage from ...pages.lms.courseware_search import CoursewareSearchPage from ...pages.lms.course_nav import CourseNavPage from ...fixtures.course import XBlockFixtureDesc from ..helpers import create_user_partition_json from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from import ContainerBase from import AutoAuthPage as StudioAutoAuthPage @attr('shard_1') class SplitTestCoursewareSearchTest(ContainerBase): """ Test courseware search on Split Test Module. """ USERNAME = 'STUDENT_TESTER' EMAIL = '[email protected]' TEST_INDEX_FILENAME = "test_root/index_file.dat" def setUp(self, is_staff=True): """ Create search page and course content to search """ # create test file in which index for this test will live with open(self.TEST_INDEX_FILENAME, "w+") as index_file: json.dump({}, index_file) self.addCleanup(remove_file, self.TEST_INDEX_FILENAME) super(SplitTestCoursewareSearchTest, self).setUp(is_staff=is_staff) self.staff_user = self.user self.courseware_search_page = CoursewareSearchPage(self.browser, self.course_id) self.course_navigation_page = CourseNavPage(self.browser) self.course_outline = CourseOutlinePage( self.browser, self.course_info['org'], self.course_info['number'], self.course_info['run'] ) self._add_and_configure_split_test() self._studio_reindex() def _auto_auth(self, username, email, staff): """ Logout and login with given credentials. """ LogoutPage(self.browser).visit() StudioAutoAuthPage(self.browser, username=username, email=email, course_id=self.course_id, staff=staff).visit() def _studio_reindex(self): """ Reindex course content on studio course page """ self._auto_auth(self.staff_user["username"], self.staff_user["email"], True) self.course_outline.visit() self.course_outline.start_reindex() self.course_outline.wait_for_ajax() def _add_and_configure_split_test(self): """ Add a split test and a configuration to a test course fixture """ # Create a new group configurations # pylint: disable=W0212 self.course_fixture._update_xblock(self.course_fixture._course_location, { "metadata": { u"user_partitions": [ create_user_partition_json( 0, "Name", "Description.", [Group("0", "Group A"), Group("1", "Group B")] ), create_user_partition_json( 456, "Name 2", "Description 2.", [Group("2", "Group C"), Group("3", "Group D")] ), ], }, }) # Add a split test module to the 'Test Unit' vertical in the course tree split_test_1 = XBlockFixtureDesc('split_test', 'Test Content Experiment 1', metadata={'user_partition_id': 0}) split_test_1_parent_vertical = self.course_fixture.get_nested_xblocks(category="vertical")[1] self.course_fixture.create_xblock(split_test_1_parent_vertical.locator, split_test_1) # Add a split test module to the 'Test 2 Unit' vertical in the course tree split_test_2 = XBlockFixtureDesc('split_test', 'Test Content Experiment 2', metadata={'user_partition_id': 456}) split_test_2_parent_vertical = self.course_fixture.get_nested_xblocks(category="vertical")[2] self.course_fixture.create_xblock(split_test_2_parent_vertical.locator, split_test_2) def populate_course_fixture(self, course_fixture): """ Populate the children of the test course fixture. """ course_fixture.add_advanced_settings({ u"advanced_modules": {"value": ["split_test"]}, }) course_fixture.add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'Content Section').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'Content Subsection').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', 'Content Unit').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('html', 'VISIBLETOALLCONTENT', data='<html>VISIBLETOALLCONTENT</html>') ) ) ), XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'Test Section').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'Test Subsection').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', 'Test Unit') ) ), XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'X Section').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'X Subsection').add_children( XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', 'X Unit') ) ), ) self.test_1_breadcrumb = "Test Section \xe2\x96\xb8 Test Subsection \xe2\x96\xb8 Test Unit".decode("utf-8") self.test_2_breadcrumb = "X Section \xe2\x96\xb8 X Subsection \xe2\x96\xb8 X Unit".decode("utf-8") def test_page_existence(self): """ Make sure that the page is accessible. """ self._auto_auth(self.USERNAME, self.EMAIL, False) self.courseware_search_page.visit() def test_search_for_experiment_content_user_not_assigned(self): """ Test user can't search for experiment content if not assigned to a group. """ self._auto_auth(self.USERNAME, self.EMAIL, False) self.courseware_search_page.visit() self.courseware_search_page.search_for_term("Group") assert "Sorry, no results were found." in self.courseware_search_page.search_results.html[0] def test_search_for_experiment_content_user_assigned_to_one_group(self): """ Test user can search for experiment content restricted to his group when assigned to just one experiment group """ self._auto_auth(self.USERNAME, self.EMAIL, False) self.courseware_search_page.visit() self.course_navigation_page.go_to_section("Test Section", "Test Subsection") self.courseware_search_page.search_for_term("Group") assert "1 result" in self.courseware_search_page.search_results.html[0] assert self.test_1_breadcrumb in self.courseware_search_page.search_results.html[0] assert self.test_2_breadcrumb not in self.courseware_search_page.search_results.html[0]
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282, 3715, 511, 859, 370, 314, 283, 774, 12008, 7, 13763, 315, 314, 2518, 3123, 267, 3715, 63, 396, 63, 17, 275, 28802, 360, 1294, 63, 396, 297, 283, 774, 6646, 23997, 413, 297, 3341, 3713, 751, 63, 5312, 63, 344, 356, 378, 1552, 267, 3715, 63, 396, 63, 17, 63, 1708, 63, 7870, 275, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 5997, 14, 362, 63, 6376, 63, 88, 4166, 8, 3710, 628, 7870, 9981, 17, 61, 267, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 5997, 14, 981, 63, 11283, 8, 1294, 63, 396, 63, 17, 63, 1708, 63, 7870, 14, 6354, 12, 3715, 63, 396, 63, 17, 9, 398, 327, 2654, 282, 3715, 511, 859, 370, 314, 283, 774, 499, 12008, 7, 13763, 315, 314, 2518, 3123, 267, 3715, 63, 396, 63, 18, 275, 28802, 360, 1294, 63, 396, 297, 283, 774, 6646, 23997, 499, 297, 3341, 3713, 751, 63, 5312, 63, 344, 356, 31944, 1552, 267, 3715, 63, 396, 63, 18, 63, 1708, 63, 7870, 275, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 5997, 14, 362, 63, 6376, 63, 88, 4166, 8, 3710, 628, 7870, 9981, 18, 61, 267, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 5997, 14, 981, 63, 11283, 8, 1294, 63, 396, 63, 18, 63, 1708, 63, 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from __future__ import unicode_literals import keyword import re from collections import OrderedDict from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connections from django.utils.encoding import force_text class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Introspects the database tables in the given database and outputs a Django model module." requires_system_checks = False db_module = 'django.db' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( 'table', action='store', nargs='*', type=str, help='Selects what tables or views should be introspected.', ) parser.add_argument( '--database', action='store', dest='database', default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, help='Nominates a database to introspect. Defaults to using the "default" database.', ) def handle(self, **options): try: for line in self.handle_inspection(options): self.stdout.write("%s\n" % line) except NotImplementedError: raise CommandError("Database inspection isn't supported for the currently selected database backend.") def handle_inspection(self, options): connection = connections[options['database']] # 'table_name_filter' is a stealth option table_name_filter = options.get('table_name_filter') def table2model(table_name): return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', table_name.title()) def strip_prefix(s): return s[1:] if s.startswith("u'") else s with connection.cursor() as cursor: yield "# This is an auto-generated Django model module." yield "# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:" yield "# * Rearrange models' order" yield "# * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True" yield "# * Make sure each ForeignKey has `on_delete` set to the desired behavior." yield ( "# * Remove `managed = False` lines if you wish to allow " "Django to create, modify, and delete the table" ) yield "# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names." yield "from __future__ import unicode_literals" yield '' yield 'from %s import models' % self.db_module known_models = [] tables_to_introspect = options['table'] or connection.introspection.table_names(cursor) for table_name in tables_to_introspect: if table_name_filter is not None and callable(table_name_filter): if not table_name_filter(table_name): continue try: try: relations = connection.introspection.get_relations(cursor, table_name) except NotImplementedError: relations = {} try: indexes = connection.introspection.get_indexes(cursor, table_name) except NotImplementedError: indexes = {} try: constraints = connection.introspection.get_constraints(cursor, table_name) except NotImplementedError: constraints = {} table_description = connection.introspection.get_table_description(cursor, table_name) except Exception as e: yield "# Unable to inspect table '%s'" % table_name yield "# The error was: %s" % force_text(e) continue yield '' yield '' yield 'class %s(models.Model):' % table2model(table_name) known_models.append(table2model(table_name)) used_column_names = [] # Holds column names used in the table so far column_to_field_name = {} # Maps column names to names of model fields for row in table_description: comment_notes = [] # Holds Field notes, to be displayed in a Python comment. extra_params = OrderedDict() # Holds Field parameters such as 'db_column'. column_name = row[0] is_relation = column_name in relations att_name, params, notes = self.normalize_col_name( column_name, used_column_names, is_relation) extra_params.update(params) comment_notes.extend(notes) used_column_names.append(att_name) column_to_field_name[column_name] = att_name # Add primary_key and unique, if necessary. if column_name in indexes: if indexes[column_name]['primary_key']: extra_params['primary_key'] = True elif indexes[column_name]['unique']: extra_params['unique'] = True if is_relation: rel_to = ( "self" if relations[column_name][1] == table_name else table2model(relations[column_name][1]) ) if rel_to in known_models: field_type = 'ForeignKey(%s' % rel_to else: field_type = "ForeignKey('%s'" % rel_to else: # Calling `get_field_type` to get the field type string and any # additional parameters and notes. field_type, field_params, field_notes = self.get_field_type(connection, table_name, row) extra_params.update(field_params) comment_notes.extend(field_notes) field_type += '(' # Don't output 'id = meta.AutoField(primary_key=True)', because # that's assumed if it doesn't exist. if att_name == 'id' and extra_params == {'primary_key': True}: if field_type == 'AutoField(': continue elif field_type == 'IntegerField(' and not connection.features.can_introspect_autofield: comment_notes.append('AutoField?') # Add 'null' and 'blank', if the 'null_ok' flag was present in the # table description. if row[6]: # If it's NULL... if field_type == 'BooleanField(': field_type = 'NullBooleanField(' else: extra_params['blank'] = True extra_params['null'] = True field_desc = '%s = %s%s' % ( att_name, # Custom fields will have a dotted path '' if '.' in field_type else 'models.', field_type, ) if field_type.startswith('ForeignKey('): field_desc += ', models.DO_NOTHING' if extra_params: if not field_desc.endswith('('): field_desc += ', ' field_desc += ', '.join( '%s=%s' % (k, strip_prefix(repr(v))) for k, v in extra_params.items()) field_desc += ')' if comment_notes: field_desc += ' # ' + ' '.join(comment_notes) yield ' %s' % field_desc for meta_line in self.get_meta(table_name, constraints, column_to_field_name): yield meta_line def normalize_col_name(self, col_name, used_column_names, is_relation): """ Modify the column name to make it Python-compatible as a field name """ field_params = {} field_notes = [] new_name = col_name.lower() if new_name != col_name: field_notes.append('Field name made lowercase.') if is_relation: if new_name.endswith('_id'): new_name = new_name[:-3] else: field_params['db_column'] = col_name new_name, num_repl = re.subn(r'\W', '_', new_name) if num_repl > 0: field_notes.append('Field renamed to remove unsuitable characters.') if new_name.find('__') >= 0: while new_name.find('__') >= 0: new_name = new_name.replace('__', '_') if col_name.lower().find('__') >= 0: # Only add the comment if the double underscore was in the original name field_notes.append("Field renamed because it contained more than one '_' in a row.") if new_name.startswith('_'): new_name = 'field%s' % new_name field_notes.append("Field renamed because it started with '_'.") if new_name.endswith('_'): new_name = '%sfield' % new_name field_notes.append("Field renamed because it ended with '_'.") if keyword.iskeyword(new_name): new_name += '_field' field_notes.append('Field renamed because it was a Python reserved word.') if new_name[0].isdigit(): new_name = 'number_%s' % new_name field_notes.append("Field renamed because it wasn't a valid Python identifier.") if new_name in used_column_names: num = 0 while '%s_%d' % (new_name, num) in used_column_names: num += 1 new_name = '%s_%d' % (new_name, num) field_notes.append('Field renamed because of name conflict.') if col_name != new_name and field_notes: field_params['db_column'] = col_name return new_name, field_params, field_notes def get_field_type(self, connection, table_name, row): """ Given the database connection, the table name, and the cursor row description, this routine will return the given field type name, as well as any additional keyword parameters and notes for the field. """ field_params = OrderedDict() field_notes = [] try: field_type = connection.introspection.get_field_type(row[1], row) except KeyError: field_type = 'TextField' field_notes.append('This field type is a guess.') # This is a hook for data_types_reverse to return a tuple of # (field_type, field_params_dict). if type(field_type) is tuple: field_type, new_params = field_type field_params.update(new_params) # Add max_length for all CharFields. if field_type == 'CharField' and row[3]: field_params['max_length'] = int(row[3]) if field_type == 'DecimalField': if row[4] is None or row[5] is None: field_notes.append( 'max_digits and decimal_places have been guessed, as this ' 'database handles decimal fields as float') field_params['max_digits'] = row[4] if row[4] is not None else 10 field_params['decimal_places'] = row[5] if row[5] is not None else 5 else: field_params['max_digits'] = row[4] field_params['decimal_places'] = row[5] return field_type, field_params, field_notes def get_meta(self, table_name, constraints, column_to_field_name): """ Return a sequence comprising the lines of code necessary to construct the inner Meta class for the model corresponding to the given database table name. """ unique_together = [] for index, params in constraints.items(): if params['unique']: columns = params['columns'] if len(columns) > 1: # we do not want to include the u"" or u'' prefix # so we build the string rather than interpolate the tuple tup = '(' + ', '.join("'%s'" % column_to_field_name[c] for c in columns) + ')' unique_together.append(tup) meta = ["", " class Meta:", " managed = False", " db_table = '%s'" % table_name] if unique_together: tup = '(' + ', '.join(unique_together) + ',)' meta += [" unique_together = %s" % tup] return meta
[ 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 2649, 63, 5955, 199, 199, 646, 4252, 199, 646, 295, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 8773, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1018, 14, 8110, 14, 1095, 492, 22239, 12, 14393, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 697, 492, 6186, 63, 2846, 63, 12644, 12, 6947, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 2991, 492, 3542, 63, 505, 421, 199, 533, 5817, 8, 25150, 304, 272, 1720, 275, 298, 3241, 21302, 83, 314, 3050, 6716, 315, 314, 1627, 3050, 436, 4704, 282, 5634, 1402, 859, 2122, 339, 5074, 63, 2253, 63, 8625, 275, 756, 339, 1592, 63, 578, 275, 283, 1176, 14, 697, 7, 339, 347, 1050, 63, 4958, 8, 277, 12, 1798, 304, 267, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 2094, 8, 288, 283, 1224, 297, 1595, 534, 1617, 297, 9237, 534, 7693, 730, 29, 495, 12, 288, 1720, 534, 5446, 83, 4052, 6716, 503, 6858, 1077, 506, 1109, 4796, 1043, 3130, 267, 776, 267, 1798, 14, 525, 63, 2094, 8, 288, 2850, 4659, 297, 1595, 534, 1617, 297, 2053, 534, 4659, 297, 849, 29, 3472, 63, 2846, 63, 12644, 12, 288, 1720, 534, 46, 676, 262, 2335, 282, 3050, 370, 1109, 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5634, 1402, 859, 2122, 288, 1995, 5426, 2047, 7171, 1172, 370, 886, 314, 2569, 10250, 370, 3633, 642, 1536, 5424, 288, 1995, 5426, 257, 627, 799, 285, 1842, 1709, 7, 1865, 2, 288, 1995, 5426, 257, 627, 4155, 3238, 1924, 1402, 965, 1373, 901, 543, 5062, 63, 498, 29, 549, 2, 288, 1995, 5426, 257, 627, 4155, 3238, 1924, 12718, 965, 658, 265, 63, 1807, 64, 663, 370, 314, 6387, 5953, 2122, 288, 1995, 334, 355, 5426, 257, 627, 5852, 658, 11122, 275, 756, 64, 2385, 340, 1265, 13809, 370, 2040, 298, 355, 298, 9323, 370, 1218, 12, 2811, 12, 436, 3145, 314, 1817, 2, 288, 776, 288, 1995, 5426, 7949, 352, 2867, 370, 11441, 314, 1709, 12, 1325, 2793, 1133, 11441, 1592, 63, 1224, 1338, 503, 901, 1561, 2122, 288, 1995, 298, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 2649, 63, 5955, 2, 288, 1995, 2125, 288, 1995, 283, 504, 450, 83, 492, 1709, 7, 450, 291, 14, 697, 63, 578, 288, 6040, 63, 992, 275, 942, 288, 6716, 63, 475, 63, 29553, 275, 1511, 459, 1224, 418, 503, 1950, 14, 21627, 14, 1224, 63, 1247, 8, 3937, 9, 953, 367, 1817, 63, 354, 315, 6716, 63, 475, 63, 29553, 26, 355, 340, 1817, 63, 354, 63, 1541, 365, 440, 488, 436, 4550, 8, 1224, 63, 354, 63, 1541, 304, 490, 340, 440, 1817, 63, 354, 63, 1541, 8, 1224, 63, 354, 304, 717, 1980, 355, 862, 26, 490, 862, 26, 717, 16109, 275, 1950, 14, 21627, 14, 362, 63, 15741, 8, 3937, 12, 1817, 63, 354, 9, 490, 871, 4279, 26, 717, 16109, 275, 1052, 490, 862, 26, 717, 10507, 275, 1950, 14, 21627, 14, 362, 63, 10116, 8, 3937, 12, 1817, 63, 354, 9, 490, 871, 4279, 26, 717, 10507, 275, 1052, 490, 862, 26, 717, 9565, 275, 1950, 14, 21627, 14, 362, 63, 9882, 8, 3937, 12, 1817, 63, 354, 9, 490, 871, 4279, 26, 717, 9565, 275, 1052, 490, 1817, 63, 1802, 275, 1950, 14, 21627, 14, 362, 63, 1224, 63, 1802, 8, 3937, 12, 1817, 63, 354, 9, 355, 871, 2186, 465, 325, 26, 490, 1995, 5426, 30849, 370, 6485, 1817, 1543, 83, 4065, 450, 1817, 63, 354, 490, 1995, 5426, 710, 1125, 1990, 26, 450, 83, 2, 450, 3542, 63, 505, 8, 69, 9, 490, 1980, 2234, 1995, 2125, 355, 1995, 2125, 355, 1995, 283, 533, 450, 83, 8, 992, 14, 1685, 304, 7, 450, 1817, 18, 1238, 8, 1224, 63, 354, 9, 355, 6040, 63, 992, 14, 740, 8, 1224, 18, 1238, 8, 1224, 63, 354, 430, 355, 1202, 63, 2301, 63, 1247, 275, 942, 221, 327, 869, 8250, 2763, 1561, 1202, 315, 314, 1817, 880, 12474, 355, 2763, 63, 475, 63, 698, 63, 354, 275, 1052, 221, 327, 23673, 2763, 1561, 370, 1561, 402, 1402, 1504, 355, 367, 1962, 315, 1817, 63, 1802, 26, 490, 3721, 63, 5983, 275, 942, 221, 327, 869, 8250, 5024, 12681, 12, 370, 506, 9080, 315, 282, 2018, 3721, 14, 490, 2402, 63, 1162, 275, 8773, 342, 221, 327, 869, 8250, 5024, 2633, 4066, 465, 283, 697, 63, 2301, 1370, 490, 2763, 63, 354, 275, 1962, 59, 16, 61, 490, 365, 63, 5690, 275, 2763, 63, 354, 315, 16109, 4951, 15115, 63, 354, 12, 1862, 12, 12681, 275, 291, 14, 7721, 63, 761, 63, 354, 8, 717, 2763, 63, 354, 12, 1202, 63, 2301, 63, 1247, 12, 365, 63, 5690, 9, 490, 2402, 63, 1162, 14, 873, 8, 1162, 9, 490, 3721, 63, 5983, 14, 2880, 8, 5983, 9, 4951, 1202, 63, 2301, 63, 1247, 14, 740, 8, 6796, 63, 354, 9, 490, 2763, 63, 475, 63, 698, 63, 354, 59, 2301, 63, 354, 61, 275, 15115, 63, 354, 4951, 327, 2654, 5062, 63, 498, 436, 3747, 12, 340, 5784, 14, 490, 340, 2763, 63, 354, 315, 10507, 26, 717, 340, 10507, 59, 2301 ]
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from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from nodeshot.core.base.utils import choicify ROUTING_PROTOCOLS = ( ('olsr', 'OLSR'), ('batman', 'B.A.T.M.A.N.'), ('batman-adv', 'B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced'), ('bmx', 'BMX (Batman Experimental)'), ('babel', 'Babel'), ('802.11s', 'Open 802.11s'), ('bgp', 'BGP'), ('ospf', 'OSPF'), ('static', _('Static Routing')), ) DEVICE_TYPES = { 'adsl': 'ADSL', 'battery': 'battery', 'breaker': 'breaker', 'cam': 'cam', 'cloudy': 'cloudy', 'confine': 'confine', 'fomconv': 'fomconv', 'generator': 'generator', 'generic': 'generic', 'mobile': 'mobile', 'nat': 'nat', 'olt': 'olt', 'onu': 'onu', 'other': 'other', 'phone': 'phone', 'ppanel': 'ppanel', 'rack': 'rack', 'radio device': 'radio', 'router': 'router', 'sensor': 'sensor', 'server': 'server', 'solar': 'solar', 'splitter': 'splitter', 'switch managed': 'switch', 'torpedo': 'torpedo', 'ups': 'ups', } DEVICE_TYPES_CHOICES = choicify(DEVICE_TYPES) DEVICE_STATUS = { 'not_reachable': 0, # device is not reachable 'reachable': 1, # device is reachable 'unknown': 2, # device has not been seen by the system yet 'inactive': 3, # manually deactivated by user or admin } DEVICE_STATUS_CHOICES = choicify(DEVICE_STATUS) WIRELESS_MODE = ( ('sta', _('station')), ('ap', _('access point')), ('adhoc', _('adhoc')), ('monitor', _('monitor')), ('mesh', _('mesh')), ) WIRELESS_CHANNEL = ( ('2412', '2.4Ghz Ch 1 (2412 Mhz)'), ('2417', '2.4Ghz Ch 2 (2417 Mhz)'), ('2422', '2.4Ghz Ch 3 (2422 Mhz)'), ('2427', '2.4Ghz Ch 4 (2427 Mhz)'), ('2427', '2.4Ghz Ch 5 (2432 Mhz)'), ('2437', '2.4Ghz Ch 6 (2437 Mhz)'), ('2442', '2.4Ghz Ch 7 (2442 Mhz)'), ('2447', '2.4Ghz Ch 8 (2447 Mhz)'), ('2452', '2.4Ghz Ch 9 (2452 Mhz)'), ('2457', '2.4Ghz Ch 10 (2457 Mhz)'), ('2462', '2.4Ghz Ch 11 (2462 Mhz)'), ('2467', '2.4Ghz Ch 12 (2467 Mhz)'), ('2472', '2.4Ghz Ch 13 (2472 Mhz)'), ('2484', '2.4Ghz Ch 14 (2484 Mhz)'), ('4915', '5Ghz Ch 183 (4915 Mhz)'), ('4920', '5Ghz Ch 184 (4920 Mhz)'), ('4925', '5Ghz Ch 185 (4925 Mhz)'), ('4935', '5Ghz Ch 187 (4935 Mhz)'), ('4940', '5Ghz Ch 188 (4940 Mhz)'), ('4945', '5Ghz Ch 189 (4945 Mhz)'), ('4960', '5Ghz Ch 192 (4960 Mhz)'), ('4980', '5Ghz Ch 196 (4980 Mhz)'), ('5035', '5Ghz Ch 7 (5035 Mhz)'), ('5040', '5Ghz Ch 8 (5040 Mhz)'), ('5045', '5Ghz Ch 9 (5045 Mhz)'), ('5055', '5Ghz Ch 11 (5055 Mhz)'), ('5060', '5Ghz Ch 12 (5060 Mhz)'), ('5080', '5Ghz Ch 16 (5080 Mhz)'), ('5170', '5Ghz Ch 34 (5170 Mhz)'), ('5180', '5Ghz Ch 36 (5180 Mhz)'), ('5190', '5Ghz Ch 38 (5190 Mhz)'), ('5200', '5Ghz Ch 40 (5200 Mhz)'), ('5210', '5Ghz Ch 42 (5210 Mhz)'), ('5220', '5Ghz Ch 44 (5220 Mhz)'), ('5230', '5Ghz Ch 46 (5230 Mhz)'), ('5240', '5Ghz Ch 48 (5240 Mhz)'), ('5260', '5Ghz Ch 52 (5260 Mhz)'), ('5280', '5Ghz Ch 56 (5280 Mhz)'), ('5300', '5Ghz Ch 60 (5300 Mhz)'), ('5320', '5Ghz Ch 64 (5320 Mhz)'), ('5500', '5Ghz Ch 100 (5500 Mhz)'), ('5520', '5Ghz Ch 104 (5520 Mhz)'), ('5540', '5Ghz Ch 108 (5540 Mhz)'), ('5560', '5Ghz Ch 112 (5560 Mhz)'), ('5580', '5Ghz Ch 116 (5580 Mhz)'), ('5600', '5Ghz Ch 120 (5600 Mhz)'), ('5620', '5Ghz Ch 124 (5620 Mhz)'), ('5640', '5Ghz Ch 128 (5640 Mhz)'), ('5660', '5Ghz Ch 132 (5660 Mhz)'), ('5680', '5Ghz Ch 136 (5680 Mhz)'), ('5700', '5Ghz Ch 140 (5700 Mhz)'), ('5745', '5Ghz Ch 149 (5745 Mhz)'), ('5765', '5Ghz Ch 153 (5765 Mhz)'), ('5785', '5Ghz Ch 157 (5785 Mhz)'), ('5805', '5Ghz Ch 161 (5805 Mhz)'), ('5825', '5Ghz Ch 165 (5825 Mhz)') ) INTERFACE_TYPES = { 'loopback': 0, 'ethernet': 1, 'wireless': 2, 'bridge': 3, 'virtual': 4, 'tunnel': 5, 'vlan': 6, } INTERFACE_TYPE_CHOICES = choicify(INTERFACE_TYPES) WIRELESS_STANDARDS = ( ('802.11a', '802.11a'), ('802.11b', '802.11b'), ('802.11g', '802.11g'), ('802.11n', '802.11n'), ('802.11s', '802.11s'), ('802.11ad', '802.11ac'), ('802.11ac', '802.11ad'), ) ETHERNET_STANDARDS = ( ('legacy', 'Legacy Ethernet'), ('fast', '10/100 Fast Ethernet'), ('gigabit', '10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet'), ('basefx', '100/1000 BaseFX (Fiber)'), ) DUPLEX_CHOICES = ( ('full', 'full-duplex'), ('half', 'half-duplex') ) IP_PROTOCOLS = ( ('ipv4', 'ipv4'), ('ipv6', 'ipv6') )
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# topsort - dependency (topological) sorting and cycle finding functions # Copyright (C) 2007 RADLogic # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # See for full license text. """Provide toplogical sorting (i.e. dependency sorting) functions. The topsort function is based on code posted on Usenet by Tim Peters. Modifications: - added doctests - changed some bits to use current Python idioms (listcomp instead of filter, +=/-=, inherit from Exception) - added a topsort_levels version that ports items in each dependency level into a sub-list - added find_cycles to aid in cycle debugging Run this module directly to run the doctests (unittests). Make sure they all pass before checking in any modifications. Requires Python >= 2.2 (For Python 2.2 also requires separate module) This requires the module. """ # Provide support for Python 2.2* from __future__ import generators __version__ = '$Revision: 0.9 $' __date__ = '$Date: 2007/03/27 04:15:26 $' __credits__ = '''Tim Peters -- original topsort code Tim Wegener -- doctesting, updating to current idioms, topsort_levels, find_cycles ''' # Make Python 2.3 sets look like Python 2.4 sets. try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set from rad_util import is_rotated class CycleError(Exception): """Cycle Error""" pass def topsort(pairlist): """Topologically sort a list of (parent, child) pairs. Return a list of the elements in dependency order (parent to child order). >>> print topsort( [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (1,3), (1,5), (1,6), (2,5)] ) [1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6] >>> print topsort( [(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3,4), (5,6), (4,5)] ) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> print topsort( [(1,2), (2,3), (3,2)] ) Traceback (most recent call last): CycleError: ([1], {2: 1, 3: 1}, {2: [3], 3: [2]}) """ num_parents = {} # element -> # of predecessors children = {} # element -> list of successors for parent, child in pairlist: # Make sure every element is a key in num_parents. if not num_parents.has_key( parent ): num_parents[parent] = 0 if not num_parents.has_key( child ): num_parents[child] = 0 # Since child has a parent, increment child's num_parents count. num_parents[child] += 1 # ... and parent gains a child. children.setdefault(parent, []).append(child) # Suck up everything without a parent. answer = [x for x in num_parents.keys() if num_parents[x] == 0] # For everything in answer, knock down the parent count on its children. # Note that answer grows *in* the loop. for parent in answer: del num_parents[parent] if children.has_key( parent ): for child in children[parent]: num_parents[child] -= 1 if num_parents[child] == 0: answer.append( child ) # Following "del" isn't needed; just makes # CycleError details easier to grasp. del children[parent] if num_parents: # Everything in num_parents has at least one child -> # there's a cycle. raise CycleError(answer, num_parents, children) return answer def topsort_levels(pairlist): """Topologically sort a list of (parent, child) pairs into depth levels. This returns a generator. Turn this into a an iterator using the iter built-in function. (if you iterate over the iterator, each element gets generated when it is asked for, rather than generating the whole list up-front.) Each generated element is a list of items at that dependency level. >>> dependency_pairs = [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (1,3), (1,5), (1,6), (2,5)] >>> for level in iter(topsort_levels( dependency_pairs )): ... print level [1] [2, 3] [4, 5] [6] >>> dependency_pairs = [(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3,4), (5,6), (4,5)] >>> for level in iter(topsort_levels( dependency_pairs )): ... print level [1] [2, 3] [4] [5] [6] >>> dependency_pairs = [(1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, 3)] >>> try: ... for level in iter(topsort_levels( dependency_pairs )): ... print level ... except CycleError, exc: ... print 'CycleError:', exc [1] [2] CycleError: ({3: 1, 4: 1}, {3: [4], 4: [3]}) The cycle error should look like. CycleError: ({3: 1, 4: 1}, {3: [4], 4: [3]}) # todo: Make the doctest more robust (i.e. handle arbitrary dict order). """ num_parents = {} # element -> # of predecessors children = {} # element -> list of successors for parent, child in pairlist: # Make sure every element is a key in num_parents. if not num_parents.has_key( parent ): num_parents[parent] = 0 if not num_parents.has_key( child ): num_parents[child] = 0 # Since child has a parent, increment child's num_parents count. num_parents[child] += 1 # ... and parent gains a child. children.setdefault(parent, []).append(child) return topsort_levels_core(num_parents, children) def topsort_levels_core(num_parents, children): """Topologically sort a bunch of interdependent items based on dependency. This returns a generator. Turn this into a an iterator using the iter built-in function. (if you iterate over the iterator, each element gets generated when it is asked for, rather than generating the whole list up-front.) Each generated element is a list of items at that dependency level. >>> list(topsort_levels_core( ... {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 2}, ... {1: [2, 3, 5, 6], 2: [5], 3: [4], 4: [], 5: [6]})) [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]] >>> list(topsort_levels_core( ... {1: 0, 2: 2, 3: 1}, ... {1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [2]})) Traceback (most recent call last): CycleError: ({2: 1, 3: 1}, {2: [3], 3: [2]}) This function has a more complicated interface than topsort_levels, but is useful if the data is easier to generate in this form. Arguments: num_parents -- key: item, value: number of parents (predecessors) children -- key: item, value: list of children (successors) """ while 1: # Suck up everything without a predecessor. level_parents = [x for x in num_parents.keys() if num_parents[x] == 0] if not level_parents: break # Offer the next generated item, # which is a list of the items at this dependency level. yield level_parents # For everything item in this level, # decrement the parent count, # since we have accounted for its parent. for level_parent in level_parents: del num_parents[level_parent] if children.has_key(level_parent): for level_parent_child in children[level_parent]: num_parents[level_parent_child] -= 1 del children[level_parent] if num_parents: # Everything in num_parents has at least one child -> # there's a cycle. raise CycleError(num_parents, children) else: # This is the end of the generator. raise StopIteration def find_cycles(parent_children): """Yield cycles. Each result is a list of items comprising a cycle. Use a 'stack' based approach to find all the cycles. This is a generator, so yields each cycle as it finds it. It is implicit that the last item in each cycle list is a parent of the first item (thereby forming a cycle). Arguments: parent_children -- parent -> collection of children Simplest cycle: >>> cycles = list(find_cycles({'A': ['B'], 'B': ['A']})) >>> len(cycles) 1 >>> cycle = cycles[0] >>> cycle.sort() >>> print cycle ['A', 'B'] Simplest cycle with extra baggage at the start and the end: >>> cycles = list(find_cycles(parent_children={'A': ['B'], ... 'B': ['C'], ... 'C': ['B', 'D'], ... 'D': [], ... })) >>> len(cycles) 1 >>> cycle = cycles[0] >>> cycle.sort() >>> print cycle ['B', 'C'] Double cycle: >>> cycles = list(find_cycles(parent_children={'A': ['B'], ... 'B': ['C1', 'C2'], ... 'C1': ['D1'], ... 'D1': ['E1'], ... 'E1': ['D1'], ... 'C2': ['D2'], ... 'D2': ['E2'], ... 'E2': ['D2'], ... })) >>> len(cycles) 2 >>> for cycle in cycles: ... cycle.sort() >>> cycles.sort() >>> cycle1 = cycles[0] >>> cycle1.sort() >>> print cycle1 ['D1', 'E1'] >>> cycle2 = cycles[1] >>> cycle2.sort() >>> print cycle2 ['D2', 'E2'] Simple cycle with children not specified for one item: # todo: Should this barf instead? >>> cycles = list(find_cycles(parent_children={'A': ['B'], ... 'B': ['A'], ... 'C': ['D']})) >>> len(cycles) 1 >>> cycle = cycles[0] >>> cycle.sort() >>> print cycle ['A', 'B'] Diamond cycle >>> cycles = list(find_cycles(parent_children={'A': ['B1', 'B2'], ... 'B1': ['C'], ... 'B2': ['C'], ... 'C': ['A', 'B1']})) >>> len(cycles) 3 >>> sorted_cycles = [] >>> for cycle in cycles: ... cycle = list(cycle) ... cycle.sort() ... sorted_cycles.append(cycle) >>> sorted_cycles.sort() >>> for cycle in sorted_cycles: ... print cycle ['A', 'B1', 'C'] ['A', 'B2', 'C'] ['B1', 'C'] Hairy case (order can matter if something is wrong): (Note order of B and C in the list.) >>> cycles = list(find_cycles(parent_children={ ... 'TD': ['DD'], ... 'TC': ['DC'], ... 'DC': ['DQ'], ... 'C': ['DQ'], ... 'DQ': ['IA', 'TO'], ... 'IA': ['A'], ... 'A': ['B', 'C'], ... })) >>> len(cycles) 1 >>> cycle = cycles[0] >>> cycle.sort() >>> print cycle ['A', 'C', 'DQ', 'IA'] """ cycles = [] visited_nodes = set() for parent in parent_children: if parent in visited_nodes: # This node is part of a path that has already been traversed. continue paths = [[parent]] while paths: path = paths.pop() parent = path[-1] try: children = parent_children[parent] except KeyError: continue for child in children: # Keeping a set of the path nodes, for O(1) lookups at the # expense of more memory and complexity, actually makes speed # worse. (Due to construction of sets.) # This is O(N). if child in path: # This is a cycle. cycle = path[path.index(child):] # Check that this is not a dup cycle. is_dup = False for other_cycle in cycles: if is_rotated(other_cycle, cycle): is_dup = True break if not is_dup: cycles.append(cycle) yield cycle else: # Push this new path onto the 'stack'. # This is probably the most expensive part of the algorithm # (a list copy). paths.append(path + [child]) # Mark the node as visited. visited_nodes.add(child) if __name__ == '__main__': # Run the doctest tests. import sys import doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules['__main__'])
[ 3, 370, 1190, 361, 446, 5936, 334, 16851, 7954, 9, 13351, 436, 8643, 17196, 3423, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 10219, 820, 1554, 32140, 199, 3, 221, 199, 3, 961, 3555, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 199, 3, 2811, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 6401, 1696, 1684, 199, 3, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 221, 199, 3, 1015, 499, 14, 17, 402, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 221, 199, 3, 961, 3555, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 1666, 314, 1664, 199, 3, 6401, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1666, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 2319, 70, 14, 1308, 15, 606, 25843, 15, 2383, 15, 9783, 1168, 14, 2424, 367, 2615, 4190, 1318, 14, 199, 624, 25107, 2746, 7954, 13351, 334, 73, 14, 69, 14, 5936, 13351, 9, 3423, 14, 199, 199, 1918, 370, 1190, 361, 805, 365, 4079, 641, 1233, 22752, 641, 3645, 846, 701, 26244, 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363, 22461, 363, 275, 1449, 23853, 11379, 878, 1553, 3379, 370, 1190, 361, 1233, 199, 23853, 2136, 2038, 1553, 1382, 4776, 12, 12928, 370, 1453, 284, 328, 22491, 12, 370, 1190, 361, 63, 11402, 12, 2049, 2342, 63, 23356, 199, 2344, 199, 199, 3, 4155, 2018, 499, 14, 19, 5951, 3648, 2839, 2018, 499, 14, 20, 5951, 14, 199, 893, 26, 272, 663, 199, 2590, 12746, 26, 272, 687, 5951, 492, 2494, 465, 663, 199, 199, 504, 28880, 63, 1974, 492, 365, 63, 4571, 972, 421, 199, 533, 18461, 2265, 547, 8, 1726, 304, 272, 408, 15302, 4520, 624, 272, 986, 421, 199, 318, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3852, 513, 304, 272, 408, 6105, 79, 793, 7288, 4069, 282, 769, 402, 334, 1708, 12, 1982, 9, 6342, 14, 339, 1432, 282, 769, 402, 314, 4008, 315, 5936, 1865, 334, 1708, 370, 1982, 1865, 680, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 19, 12, 20, 395, 334, 21, 12, 22, 395, 334, 17, 12, 19, 395, 334, 17, 12, 21, 395, 334, 17, 12, 22, 395, 334, 18, 12, 21, 1874, 776, 5591, 359, 17, 12, 499, 12, 650, 12, 959, 12, 841, 12, 1227, 61, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 17, 12, 19, 395, 334, 18, 12, 20, 395, 334, 19, 12, 20, 395, 334, 21, 12, 22, 395, 334, 20, 12, 21, 1874, 776, 272, 359, 17, 12, 499, 12, 650, 12, 841, 12, 959, 12, 1227, 61, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 18, 12, 19, 395, 334, 19, 12, 18, 1874, 776, 272, 15273, 334, 2786, 8058, 1240, 2061, 304, 272, 18461, 2265, 547, 26, 7287, 17, 467, 469, 18, 26, 413, 12, 650, 26, 413, 1386, 469, 18, 26, 359, 19, 467, 650, 26, 359, 18, 13412, 2286, 408, 272, 1967, 63, 8859, 275, 1052, 221, 327, 1819, 1035, 327, 402, 876, 27914, 1384, 5591, 4978, 275, 1052, 221, 327, 1819, 1035, 769, 402, 3182, 1384, 5591, 367, 1676, 12, 1982, 315, 4092, 513, 26, 4960, 327, 4155, 3238, 4036, 1819, 365, 282, 790, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 267, 340, 440, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1676, 3461, 7205, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1708, 61, 275, 378, 4960, 340, 440, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1982, 3461, 7205, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 275, 378, 24807, 327, 9336, 1982, 965, 282, 1676, 12, 11609, 1982, 1159, 1967, 63, 8859, 2338, 14, 267, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 847, 413, 398, 327, 2263, 436, 1676, 15334, 83, 282, 1982, 14, 267, 4978, 14, 5486, 8, 1708, 12, 15364, 740, 8, 1739, 9, 339, 327, 428, 10112, 1536, 8137, 1928, 282, 1676, 14, 272, 6385, 275, 359, 88, 367, 671, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1612, 342, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 88, 61, 508, 378, 61, 339, 327, 2104, 8137, 315, 6385, 12, 1022, 78, 766, 3224, 314, 1676, 2338, 641, 2399, 4978, 14, 272, 327, 3390, 626, 6385, 486, 3838, 627, 262, 10, 314, 4438, 14, 272, 367, 1676, 315, 6385, 26, 4960, 2150, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1708, 61, 267, 340, 4978, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1676, 3461, 7205, 367, 1982, 315, 4978, 59, 1708, 2189, 8892, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 4862, 413, 355, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 508, 378, 26, 15324, 6385, 14, 740, 8, 1982, 776, 7205, 327, 21876, 316, 298, 2264, 2, 5712, 1133, 4346, 27, 2951, 7704, 7205, 327, 18461, 2265, 547, 2436, 14905, 370, 486, 6360, 80, 14, 288, 2150, 4978, 59, 1708, 61, 339, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 26, 4960, 327, 18414, 2127, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 965, 737, 5210, 1373, 1982, 1035, 4960, 327, 2337, 1159, 282, 8643, 14, 267, 746, 18461, 2265 ]
[ 370, 1190, 361, 446, 5936, 334, 16851, 7954, 9, 13351, 436, 8643, 17196, 3423, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 10219, 820, 1554, 32140, 199, 3, 221, 199, 3, 961, 3555, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 199, 3, 2811, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 6401, 1696, 1684, 199, 3, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 221, 199, 3, 1015, 499, 14, 17, 402, 314, 844, 14, 199, 3, 221, 199, 3, 961, 3555, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 1666, 314, 1664, 199, 3, 6401, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1666, 1455, 921, 1544, 14, 2319, 70, 14, 1308, 15, 606, 25843, 15, 2383, 15, 9783, 1168, 14, 2424, 367, 2615, 4190, 1318, 14, 199, 624, 25107, 2746, 7954, 13351, 334, 73, 14, 69, 14, 5936, 13351, 9, 3423, 14, 199, 199, 1918, 370, 1190, 361, 805, 365, 4079, 641, 1233, 22752, 641, 3645, 846, 701, 26244, 11379, 878, 14, 199, 199, 29188, 83, 26, 199, 13, 3483, 26721, 199, 13, 2896, 2005, 5821, 370, 675, 1453, 2018, 284, 328, 22491, 523, 334, 513, 863, 3140, 402, 2457, 12, 847, 22551, 29, 12, 8287, 687, 2186, 9, 199, 13, 3483, 282, 370, 1190, 361, 63, 11402, 1015, 626, 8873, 2974, 315, 1924, 5936, 2166, 523, 1901, 282, 1007, 13, 513, 199, 13, 3483, 2342, 63, 23356, 370, 23939, 315, 8643, 10201, 199, 199, 2540, 642, 859, 5370, 370, 1255, 314, 26721, 334, 31053, 680, 199, 5483, 3238, 2985, 1006, 986, 2544, 7907, 315, 1263, 23070, 14, 199, 199, 18153, 2018, 2356, 499, 14, 18, 199, 8, 1858, 2018, 499, 14, 18, 2597, 5074, 7396, 5951, 14, 647, 859, 9, 199, 199, 2765, 5074, 314, 28880, 63, 1974, 14, 647, 859, 14, 199, 199, 624, 199, 199, 3, 22896, 2291, 367, 2018, 499, 14, 18, 10, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 16952, 199, 199, 363, 1023, 363, 275, 4505, 12714, 26, 378, 14, 25, 2672, 7, 199, 363, 602, 363, 275, 4505, 2506, 26, 10219, 15, 1644, 15, 1465, 28527, 26, 1046, 26, 1479, 2672, 7, 199, 363, 22461, 363, 275, 1449, 23853, 11379, 878, 1553, 3379, 370, 1190, 361, 1233, 199, 23853, 2136, 2038, 1553, 1382, 4776, 12, 12928, 370, 1453, 284, 328, 22491, 12, 370, 1190, 361, 63, 11402, 12, 2049, 2342, 63, 23356, 199, 2344, 199, 199, 3, 4155, 2018, 499, 14, 19, 5951, 3648, 2839, 2018, 499, 14, 20, 5951, 14, 199, 893, 26, 272, 663, 199, 2590, 12746, 26, 272, 687, 5951, 492, 2494, 465, 663, 199, 199, 504, 28880, 63, 1974, 492, 365, 63, 4571, 972, 421, 199, 533, 18461, 2265, 547, 8, 1726, 304, 272, 408, 15302, 4520, 624, 272, 986, 421, 199, 318, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3852, 513, 304, 272, 408, 6105, 79, 793, 7288, 4069, 282, 769, 402, 334, 1708, 12, 1982, 9, 6342, 14, 339, 1432, 282, 769, 402, 314, 4008, 315, 5936, 1865, 334, 1708, 370, 1982, 1865, 680, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 19, 12, 20, 395, 334, 21, 12, 22, 395, 334, 17, 12, 19, 395, 334, 17, 12, 21, 395, 334, 17, 12, 22, 395, 334, 18, 12, 21, 1874, 776, 5591, 359, 17, 12, 499, 12, 650, 12, 959, 12, 841, 12, 1227, 61, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 17, 12, 19, 395, 334, 18, 12, 20, 395, 334, 19, 12, 20, 395, 334, 21, 12, 22, 395, 334, 20, 12, 21, 1874, 776, 272, 359, 17, 12, 499, 12, 650, 12, 841, 12, 959, 12, 1227, 61, 339, 1306, 870, 370, 1190, 361, 8, 3842, 17, 12, 18, 395, 334, 18, 12, 19, 395, 334, 19, 12, 18, 1874, 776, 272, 15273, 334, 2786, 8058, 1240, 2061, 304, 272, 18461, 2265, 547, 26, 7287, 17, 467, 469, 18, 26, 413, 12, 650, 26, 413, 1386, 469, 18, 26, 359, 19, 467, 650, 26, 359, 18, 13412, 2286, 408, 272, 1967, 63, 8859, 275, 1052, 221, 327, 1819, 1035, 327, 402, 876, 27914, 1384, 5591, 4978, 275, 1052, 221, 327, 1819, 1035, 769, 402, 3182, 1384, 5591, 367, 1676, 12, 1982, 315, 4092, 513, 26, 4960, 327, 4155, 3238, 4036, 1819, 365, 282, 790, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 267, 340, 440, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1676, 3461, 7205, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1708, 61, 275, 378, 4960, 340, 440, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1982, 3461, 7205, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 275, 378, 24807, 327, 9336, 1982, 965, 282, 1676, 12, 11609, 1982, 1159, 1967, 63, 8859, 2338, 14, 267, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 847, 413, 398, 327, 2263, 436, 1676, 15334, 83, 282, 1982, 14, 267, 4978, 14, 5486, 8, 1708, 12, 15364, 740, 8, 1739, 9, 339, 327, 428, 10112, 1536, 8137, 1928, 282, 1676, 14, 272, 6385, 275, 359, 88, 367, 671, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 14, 1612, 342, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 88, 61, 508, 378, 61, 339, 327, 2104, 8137, 315, 6385, 12, 1022, 78, 766, 3224, 314, 1676, 2338, 641, 2399, 4978, 14, 272, 327, 3390, 626, 6385, 486, 3838, 627, 262, 10, 314, 4438, 14, 272, 367, 1676, 315, 6385, 26, 4960, 2150, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1708, 61, 267, 340, 4978, 14, 1989, 63, 498, 8, 1676, 3461, 7205, 367, 1982, 315, 4978, 59, 1708, 2189, 8892, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 4862, 413, 355, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 59, 1739, 61, 508, 378, 26, 15324, 6385, 14, 740, 8, 1982, 776, 7205, 327, 21876, 316, 298, 2264, 2, 5712, 1133, 4346, 27, 2951, 7704, 7205, 327, 18461, 2265, 547, 2436, 14905, 370, 486, 6360, 80, 14, 288, 2150, 4978, 59, 1708, 61, 339, 340, 1967, 63, 8859, 26, 4960, 327, 18414, 2127, 315, 1967, 63, 8859, 965, 737, 5210, 1373, 1982, 1035, 4960, 327, 2337, 1159, 282, 8643, 14, 267, 746, 18461, 2265, 0 ]
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#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Database manipulator classes for onedrive-d. """ import os import threading import sqlite3 from . import od_glob class TaskManager: """ Task manager abstracts the task queue implemented in SQLite to better control concurrency. task status: 0 (added), 1 (fetched), 2 (done, deletable) task types: for dirs: sy (sync), rm (remove), mk (mkdir on server, postwork=[sy]), tr (move local to trash). for files: af (analyze file), up (upload), dl (download, postwork=[add_row]), mv (move), rf (remove), cp (copy). """ # this semaphore counts the number of tasks in the table task_counter = threading.Semaphore(0) # logger logger = od_glob.get_logger() # mutex lock lock = threading.Lock() db = None def __init__(self): # enable auto-commit by setting isolation_level self.acquire_lock() if TaskManager.db is None: TaskManager.db = sqlite3.connect( ':memory:', isolation_level=None, check_same_thread=False) TaskManager.db.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tasks (type TEXT, local_path TEXT, remote_id TEXT, remote_parent_id TEXT, status INT DEFAULT 0, args TEXT, extra_info TEXT, UNIQUE(local_path) ON CONFLICT ABORT) """) self.release_lock() self.cursor = TaskManager.db.cursor() def close(self): self.acquire_lock() if TaskManager.db is not None: TaskManager.db.commit() TaskManager.db.close() TaskManager.db = None self.release_lock() def acquire_lock(self): TaskManager.lock.acquire() def release_lock(self): TaskManager.lock.release() def dec_sem(self): TaskManager.task_counter.acquire() # self.logger.debug('decremented semaphore.') def inc_sem(self): TaskManager.task_counter.release() # self.logger.debug('incremented semaphore.') def add_task(self, type, local_path, remote_id='', remote_parent_id='', status=0, args='', extra_info=''): # print(type + ' ' + local_path) task_added = False self.acquire_lock() try: # delete old pending tasks self.cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM tasks WHERE local_path=? AND status=0', (local_path, )) # add new task self.cursor.execute('INSERT INTO tasks (type, local_path, remote_id, remote_parent_id, status, args, extra_info) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (type, local_path, remote_id, remote_parent_id, status, args, extra_info) ) self.logger.debug('added task "%s" "%s".', type, local_path) task_added = True except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self.logger.debug('failed to add task "%s" "%s".', type, local_path) self.release_lock() if task_added: self.inc_sem() def get_task(self): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT rowid, type, local_path, remote_id, remote_parent_id, status, args, extra_info FROM tasks WHERE status=0 ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT 1') row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is None: self.release_lock() return None self.cursor.execute('UPDATE tasks SET status=1 WHERE rowid=?', (row[0], )) self.release_lock() data = { 'task_id': row[0], 'type': row[1], 'local_path': row[2], 'remote_id': row[3], 'remote_parent_id': row[4], 'status': row[5], 'args': row[6], 'extra_info': row[7] } return data def del_task(self, task_id): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM tasks WHERE rowid=?', (task_id, )) self.release_lock() def clean_tasks(self): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM tasks') self.release_lock() def dump(self): self.acquire_lock() ret = TaskManager.db.iterdump() self.release_lock() return ret class EntryManager: lock = threading.Lock() db_name = 'entries.db' db_initialized = False logger = od_glob.get_logger() def __init__(self): config = od_glob.get_config_instance() self.conn = sqlite3.connect( config.APP_CONF_PATH + '/' + EntryManager.db_name, isolation_level=None) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.acquire_lock() if not EntryManager.db_initialized: self.cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries (parent_path TEXT, name TEXT, isdir INT, remote_id TEXT UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, remote_parent_id TEXT PRIMARY_KEY, size INT, client_updated_time TEXT, status TEXT, visited INT, UNIQUE(parent_path, name) ON CONFLICT REPLACE) """) self.cursor.execute('UPDATE entries SET visited=0') self.conn.commit() EntryManager.db_initialized = True self.release_lock() def close(self): self.acquire_lock() self.conn.commit() self.conn.close() self.release_lock() def acquire_lock(self): EntryManager.lock.acquire() def release_lock(self): EntryManager.lock.release() def update_entry(self, local_path, obj): """ Update an entry row in entries database. @param local_path: path to the local entry (MUST exist). @param obj: REST object returned by API. """ # print(obj) path, basename = os.path.split(local_path) isdir = os.path.isdir(local_path) if 'size' in obj: size = obj['size'] else: size = 0 self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO entries (parent_path, name, isdir, remote_id, remote_parent_id, size, client_updated_time, status, visited) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,1)', (path, basename, isdir, obj['id'], obj['parent_id'], size, obj['client_updated_time'], '')) self.release_lock() def update_local_path(self, old_path, new_path): path, basename = os.path.split(old_path) new_path, new_basename = os.path.split(new_path) self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('UPDATE entries SET parent_path=?, name=? WHERE parent_path=? AND name=?', (new_path, new_basename, path, basename)) self.release_lock() def _calc_sql_expr(self, isdir, local_path, remote_id): if local_path == '': where = 'remote_id=?' cond = (isdir, remote_id) else: path, basename = os.path.split(local_path) if remote_id is None: where = 'parent_path=? AND name=?' cond = (isdir, path, basename) else: where = 'parent_path=? AND name=? AND remote_id=?' cond = (isdir, path, basename, remote_id) return (where, cond) def get_entry(self, isdir, local_path='', remote_id=None): """ At least one of local_path and remote_id should be given. """ where, cond = self._calc_sql_expr(isdir, local_path, remote_id) self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('SELECT rowid, parent_path, name, isdir, remote_id, remote_parent_id, size, client_updated_time, status FROM entries WHERE isdir=? AND ' + where, cond) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: self.cursor.execute( 'UPDATE entries SET visited=1 WHERE rowid=?', (row[0], )) self.release_lock() if row is not None: # faster than dict(zip(k, v)) row = { 'entry_id': row[0], 'parent_path': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'isdir': row[3], 'remote_id': row[4], 'remote_parent_id': row[5], 'size': row[6], 'client_updated_time': row[7], 'status': row[8] } return row def update_moved_entry_if_exists(self, isdir, local_path, new_parent): """ The criteria is actually dangerous, even limiting it to entries of same name. """ try: local_mtime = od_glob.time_to_str( od_glob.timestamp_to_time(os.path.getmtime(local_path))) if not isdir: local_fsize = os.path.getsize(local_path) else: local_fsize = 0 except OSError as e: self.logger.error(e) return None parent_path, basename = os.path.split(local_path) self.acquire_lock() count = self.cursor.execute('UPDATE entries SET parent_path=?, name=?, status="MOVED_TO", remote_parent_id=? WHERE status="MOVED_FROM" AND client_updated_time=? AND size=? AND isdir=? AND name=? LIMIT 1', (parent_path, basename, new_parent, local_mtime, local_fsize, isdir, basename)).rowcount self.release_lock() return count == 1 def update_status_if_exists(self, isdir, local_path='', remote_id=None, status=''): """ Better not get_entry then update because we want atomicity. """ where, cond = self._calc_sql_expr(isdir, local_path, remote_id) self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('UPDATE entries SET status=? WHERE isdir=? AND ' + where, (status, ) + cond) self.release_lock() def update_parent_path_by_parent_id(self, parent_path, remote_parent_id): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT parent_path FROM entries WHERE remote_parent_id=? LIMIT 1', (remote_parent_id, )) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: # if there is no immediate child, then there is no indirect child # update parent path for indirect children self.cursor.execute('UPDATE entries SET parent_path=replace(parent_path, ?, ?) WHERE parent_path LIKE ?', row[0] + '/', parent_path + '/', row[0] + '/%') # update parent path for remote_parent_id's immediate children self.cursor.execute( 'UPDATE entries SET parent_path=? WHERE remote_parent_id=?', (parent_path, remote_parent_id)) self.release_lock() def del_unvisited_entries(self): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM entries WHERE visited=0') self.release_lock() def del_entry_by_remote_id(self, remote_id): self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM entries WHERE remote_id=?', (remote_id, )) self.release_lock() def del_entry_by_path(self, local_path): path, basename = os.path.split(local_path) self.acquire_lock() self.cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM entries WHERE parent_path=? AND name=?', (path, basename)) self.release_lock() def del_entry_by_parent(self, parent_path=None, remote_parent_id=None): self.acquire_lock() if remote_parent_id is not None: # this one does not simulate recursive deletion self.cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM entries WHERE remote_parent_id=?', (remote_parent_id, )) if parent_path is not None: # this one simulates recursive deletion path, basename = os.path.split(parent_path) self.cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM entries WHERE parent_path LIKE ? OR parent_path=?', (parent_path + '/%', parent_path)) self.cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM entries WHERE parent_path=? AND name=?', (path, basename)) self.release_lock()
[ 3381, 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 19, 199, 199, 624, 199, 7243, 13335, 6109, 3992, 367, 1373, 9541, 13, 68, 14, 199, 624, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 5796, 199, 646, 11723, 19, 199, 504, 1275, 492, 14467, 63, 6463, 421, 199, 533, 8495, 2988, 26, 421, 198, 624, 199, 198, 4476, 5256, 9006, 83, 314, 2120, 4126, 6366, 315, 19245, 370, 8034, 199, 198, 2785, 406, 4968, 14, 421, 198, 1765, 2004, 26, 378, 334, 3270, 395, 413, 334, 27236, 395, 499, 334, 4456, 12, 6070, 1224, 9, 199, 198, 1765, 2943, 26, 507, 198, 509, 7606, 26, 1847, 334, 5186, 395, 14267, 334, 2168, 395, 9199, 334, 8215, 641, 1654, 12, 2963, 800, 1524, 1786, 2522, 5651, 334, 1185, 2257, 370, 5651, 1119, 680, 507, 198, 509, 1584, 26, 15871, 334, 21184, 570, 395, 1536, 334, 5064, 395, 15396, 334, 4249, 12, 2963, 800, 1524, 525, 63, 1143, 2522, 1585, 198, 12393, 334, 1185, 395, 17781, 334, 2168, 395, 7667, 334, 1574, 680, 199, 198, 624, 199, 198, 3, 642, 542, 17185, 8242, 314, 1329, 402, 6527, 315, 314, 1817, 199, 198, 1765, 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4581, 2004, 29, 16, 12, 1249, 4581, 2402, 63, 815, 9280, 507, 198, 3, 870, 8, 466, 435, 283, 283, 435, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 507, 198, 1765, 63, 3270, 275, 756, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 893, 26, 686, 198, 3, 3145, 2269, 9413, 6527, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 8, 1585, 198, 7, 7014, 4442, 6527, 6038, 2257, 63, 515, 18048, 2401, 2004, 29, 16, 297, 334, 1832, 63, 515, 12, 5082, 686, 198, 3, 1050, 892, 2120, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 360, 10258, 12872, 6527, 334, 466, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 9, 13992, 7558, 12, 22556, 22556, 22556, 22556, 22556, 31, 3196, 1585, 198, 8, 466, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 9, 686, 198, 9, 686, 198, 277, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 3270, 2120, 2071, 83, 2, 2071, 83, 1674, 297, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 686, 198, 1765, 63, 3270, 275, 715, 507, 198, 2590, 11723, 19, 14, 24823, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 4892, 370, 1050, 2120, 2071, 83, 2, 2071, 83, 1674, 297, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 692, 2120, 63, 3270, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 6559, 63, 21678, 342, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 1765, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 8, 686, 198, 7, 4859, 1962, 344, 12, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 4442, 6527, 6038, 2004, 29, 16, 16044, 6515, 1962, 344, 20955, 5138, 413, 358, 507, 198, 1143, 275, 291, 14, 3937, 14, 11591, 342, 507, 198, 692, 1962, 365, 488, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 686, 198, 1107, 488, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 360, 10383, 6527, 11543, 2004, 29, 17, 6038, 1962, 344, 29, 7044, 334, 1143, 59, 16, 467, 5082, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 576, 275, 469, 686, 198, 1133, 813, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 16, 467, 686, 198, 1133, 514, 356, 1962, 59, 17, 467, 686, 198, 7, 1832, 63, 515, 356, 1962, 59, 18, 467, 686, 198, 3984, 2137, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 19, 467, 686, 198, 3984, 2137, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 20, 467, 686, 198, 1159, 84 ]
[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1548, 19, 199, 199, 624, 199, 7243, 13335, 6109, 3992, 367, 1373, 9541, 13, 68, 14, 199, 624, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 5796, 199, 646, 11723, 19, 199, 504, 1275, 492, 14467, 63, 6463, 421, 199, 533, 8495, 2988, 26, 421, 198, 624, 199, 198, 4476, 5256, 9006, 83, 314, 2120, 4126, 6366, 315, 19245, 370, 8034, 199, 198, 2785, 406, 4968, 14, 421, 198, 1765, 2004, 26, 378, 334, 3270, 395, 413, 334, 27236, 395, 499, 334, 4456, 12, 6070, 1224, 9, 199, 198, 1765, 2943, 26, 507, 198, 509, 7606, 26, 1847, 334, 5186, 395, 14267, 334, 2168, 395, 9199, 334, 8215, 641, 1654, 12, 2963, 800, 1524, 1786, 2522, 5651, 334, 1185, 2257, 370, 5651, 1119, 680, 507, 198, 509, 1584, 26, 15871, 334, 21184, 570, 395, 1536, 334, 5064, 395, 15396, 334, 4249, 12, 2963, 800, 1524, 525, 63, 1143, 2522, 1585, 198, 12393, 334, 1185, 395, 17781, 334, 2168, 395, 7667, 334, 1574, 680, 199, 198, 624, 199, 198, 3, 642, 542, 17185, 8242, 314, 1329, 402, 6527, 315, 314, 1817, 199, 198, 1765, 63, 5337, 275, 5796, 14, 26574, 8, 16, 9, 421, 198, 3, 2512, 199, 198, 2921, 275, 14467, 63, 6463, 14, 362, 63, 2921, 342, 421, 198, 3, 333, 18173, 4650, 199, 198, 831, 275, 5796, 14, 6432, 342, 421, 198, 697, 275, 488, 421, 198, 318, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 507, 198, 3, 4756, 2599, 13, 3543, 701, 4260, 30567, 63, 1896, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 692, 8495, 2988, 14, 697, 365, 488, 26, 686, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 697, 275, 11723, 19, 14, 2242, 8, 1585, 198, 356, 4844, 6536, 30567, 63, 1896, 29, 403, 12, 1104, 63, 7191, 63, 2671, 29, 797, 9, 686, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 697, 14, 2526, 4852, 1585, 198, 8366, 9934, 6527, 1585, 198, 8, 466, 11951, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 11951, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 11951, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 11951, 12, 1585, 198, 1205, 16429, 6186, 378, 12, 1249, 11951, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 11951, 12, 1585, 198, 28060, 8, 1832, 63, 515, 9, 5258, 6392, 2507, 52, 14840, 2596, 9, 686, 198, 6141, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 275, 8495, 2988, 14, 697, 14, 3937, 342, 421, 198, 318, 4002, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 692, 8495, 2988, 14, 697, 365, 440, 488, 26, 686, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 697, 14, 3543, 342, 686, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 697, 14, 1600, 342, 686, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 697, 275, 488, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 421, 198, 318, 16919, 63, 831, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 831, 14, 8174, 342, 421, 198, 318, 4683, 63, 831, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 831, 14, 3221, 342, 421, 198, 318, 9700, 63, 21678, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 1765, 63, 5337, 14, 8174, 342, 507, 198, 3, 291, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 271, 1353, 2509, 542, 17185, 2659, 421, 198, 318, 12864, 63, 21678, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 4476, 2988, 14, 1765, 63, 5337, 14, 3221, 342, 507, 198, 3, 291, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 262, 1353, 2509, 542, 17185, 2659, 421, 198, 318, 1050, 63, 1765, 8, 277, 12, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 4581, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 4581, 2004, 29, 16, 12, 1249, 4581, 2402, 63, 815, 9280, 507, 198, 3, 870, 8, 466, 435, 283, 283, 435, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 507, 198, 1765, 63, 3270, 275, 756, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 893, 26, 686, 198, 3, 3145, 2269, 9413, 6527, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 8, 1585, 198, 7, 7014, 4442, 6527, 6038, 2257, 63, 515, 18048, 2401, 2004, 29, 16, 297, 334, 1832, 63, 515, 12, 5082, 686, 198, 3, 1050, 892, 2120, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 360, 10258, 12872, 6527, 334, 466, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 9, 13992, 7558, 12, 22556, 22556, 22556, 22556, 22556, 31, 3196, 1585, 198, 8, 466, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 9, 686, 198, 9, 686, 198, 277, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 3270, 2120, 2071, 83, 2, 2071, 83, 1674, 297, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 686, 198, 1765, 63, 3270, 275, 715, 507, 198, 2590, 11723, 19, 14, 24823, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 2921, 14, 1757, 360, 4892, 370, 1050, 2120, 2071, 83, 2, 2071, 83, 1674, 297, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 9, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 692, 2120, 63, 3270, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 6559, 63, 21678, 342, 421, 198, 318, 664, 63, 1765, 8, 277, 304, 507, 198, 277, 14, 8174, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 8, 686, 198, 7, 4859, 1962, 344, 12, 730, 12, 2257, 63, 515, 12, 3982, 63, 344, 12, 3982, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 12, 2004, 12, 1249, 12, 2402, 63, 815, 4442, 6527, 6038, 2004, 29, 16, 16044, 6515, 1962, 344, 20955, 5138, 413, 358, 507, 198, 1143, 275, 291, 14, 3937, 14, 11591, 342, 507, 198, 692, 1962, 365, 488, 26, 686, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 686, 198, 1107, 488, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3937, 14, 2526, 360, 10383, 6527, 11543, 2004, 29, 17, 6038, 1962, 344, 29, 7044, 334, 1143, 59, 16, 467, 5082, 507, 198, 277, 14, 3221, 63, 831, 342, 507, 198, 576, 275, 469, 686, 198, 1133, 813, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 16, 467, 686, 198, 1133, 514, 356, 1962, 59, 17, 467, 686, 198, 7, 1832, 63, 515, 356, 1962, 59, 18, 467, 686, 198, 3984, 2137, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 19, 467, 686, 198, 3984, 2137, 63, 1708, 63, 344, 356, 1962, 59, 20, 467, 686, 198, 1159, 84, 0 ]
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# perf trace event handlers, generated by perf trace -g python # (c) 2010, Tom Zanussi <[email protected]> # Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2 # # This script tests basic functionality such as flag and symbol # strings, common_xxx() calls back into perf, begin, end, unhandled # events, etc. Basically, if this script runs successfully and # displays expected results, Python scripting support should be ok. import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') from Core import * from perf_trace_context import * unhandled = autodict() def trace_begin(): print "trace_begin" pass def trace_end(): print_unhandled() def irq__softirq_entry(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, vec): print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) print_uncommon(context) print "vec=%s\n" % \ (symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec)), def kmem__kmalloc(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, call_site, ptr, bytes_req, bytes_alloc, gfp_flags): print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm) print_uncommon(context) print "call_site=%u, ptr=%u, bytes_req=%u, " \ "bytes_alloc=%u, gfp_flags=%s\n" % \ (call_site, ptr, bytes_req, bytes_alloc, flag_str("kmem__kmalloc", "gfp_flags", gfp_flags)), def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict): try: unhandled[event_name] += 1 except TypeError: unhandled[event_name] = 1 def print_header(event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm): print "%-20s %5u %05u.%09u %8u %-20s " % \ (event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm), # print trace fields not included in handler args def print_uncommon(context): print "common_preempt_count=%d, common_flags=%s, common_lock_depth=%d, " \ % (common_pc(context), trace_flag_str(common_flags(context)), \ common_lock_depth(context)) def print_unhandled(): keys = unhandled.keys() if not keys: return print "\nunhandled events:\n\n", print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("event", "count"), print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("----------------------------------------", \ "-----------"), for event_name in keys: print "%-40s %10d\n" % (event_name, unhandled[event_name])
[ 3, 8582, 3307, 1566, 8297, 12, 4046, 701, 8582, 3307, 446, 71, 2366, 199, 3, 334, 67, 9, 7129, 12, 21644, 29385, 665, 29453, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 14629, 844, 1015, 499, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2884, 2295, 5678, 9330, 4066, 465, 3305, 436, 5272, 199, 3, 3326, 12, 2863, 63, 10013, 342, 4882, 1771, 1901, 8582, 12, 5386, 12, 1284, 12, 23090, 199, 3, 4474, 12, 5423, 14, 221, 10082, 1183, 12, 340, 642, 2884, 7858, 8792, 436, 199, 3, 17561, 1420, 2058, 12, 2018, 2884, 316, 2291, 1077, 506, 4112, 14, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 984, 199, 199, 1274, 14, 515, 14, 740, 8, 736, 14, 2314, 459, 17038, 63, 10276, 63, 3243, 418, 435, 971, 199, 198, 9807, 6429, 15, 1548, 15, 12387, 13, 3921, 13, 9562, 15, 773, 15, 12387, 15, 3921, 358, 199, 199, 504, 11672, 492, 627, 199, 504, 8582, 63, 3446, 63, 1100, 492, 627, 199, 199, 23648, 275, 27477, 342, 199, 199, 318, 3307, 63, 5037, 837, 199, 198, 1361, 298, 3446, 63, 5037, 2, 199, 198, 1529, 199, 199, 318, 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[ 8582, 3307, 1566, 8297, 12, 4046, 701, 8582, 3307, 446, 71, 2366, 199, 3, 334, 67, 9, 7129, 12, 21644, 29385, 665, 29453, 32, 6799, 14, 957, 30, 199, 3, 3909, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 14629, 844, 1015, 499, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 2884, 2295, 5678, 9330, 4066, 465, 3305, 436, 5272, 199, 3, 3326, 12, 2863, 63, 10013, 342, 4882, 1771, 1901, 8582, 12, 5386, 12, 1284, 12, 23090, 199, 3, 4474, 12, 5423, 14, 221, 10082, 1183, 12, 340, 642, 2884, 7858, 8792, 436, 199, 3, 17561, 1420, 2058, 12, 2018, 2884, 316, 2291, 1077, 506, 4112, 14, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 984, 199, 199, 1274, 14, 515, 14, 740, 8, 736, 14, 2314, 459, 17038, 63, 10276, 63, 3243, 418, 435, 971, 199, 198, 9807, 6429, 15, 1548, 15, 12387, 13, 3921, 13, 9562, 15, 773, 15, 12387, 15, 3921, 358, 199, 199, 504, 11672, 492, 627, 199, 504, 8582, 63, 3446, 63, 1100, 492, 627, 199, 199, 23648, 275, 27477, 342, 199, 199, 318, 3307, 63, 5037, 837, 199, 198, 1361, 298, 3446, 63, 5037, 2, 199, 198, 1529, 199, 199, 318, 3307, 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from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeomType from django.db.backends.mysql.introspection import DatabaseIntrospection class MySQLIntrospection(DatabaseIntrospection): # Updating the data_types_reverse dictionary with the appropriate # type for Geometry fields. data_types_reverse = DatabaseIntrospection.data_types_reverse.copy() data_types_reverse[FIELD_TYPE.GEOMETRY] = 'GeometryField' def get_geometry_type(self, table_name, geo_col): cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: # In order to get the specific geometry type of the field, # we introspect on the table definition using `DESCRIBE`. cursor.execute('DESCRIBE %s' % self.connection.ops.quote_name(table_name)) # Increment over description info until we get to the geometry # column. for column, typ, null, key, default, extra in cursor.fetchall(): if column == geo_col: # Using OGRGeomType to convert from OGC name to Django field. # MySQL does not support 3D or SRIDs, so the field params # are empty. field_type = OGRGeomType(typ).django field_params = {} break finally: cursor.close() return field_type, field_params def supports_spatial_index(self, cursor, table_name): # Supported with MyISAM, or InnoDB on MySQL 5.7.5+ storage_engine = self.get_storage_engine(cursor, table_name) return ( (storage_engine == 'InnoDB' and self.connection.mysql_version >= (5, 7, 5)) or storage_engine == 'MyISAM' )
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from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, unified_strdate, ) class DreiSatIE(InfoExtractor): IE_NAME = '3sat' _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?(?:www\.)?3sat\.de/mediathek/(?:index\.php|mediathek\.php)?\?(?:(?:mode|display)=[^&]+&)*obj=(?P<id>[0-9]+)$' _TESTS = [ { 'url': '', 'md5': 'be37228896d30a88f315b638900a026e', 'info_dict': { 'id': '45918', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Waidmannsheil', 'description': 'md5:cce00ca1d70e21425e72c86a98a56817', 'uploader': '3sat', 'upload_date': '20140913' } }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, ] def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) video_id ='id') details_url = '' % video_id details_doc = self._download_xml(details_url, video_id, 'Downloading video details') status_code = details_doc.find('./status/statuscode') if status_code is not None and status_code.text != 'ok': code = status_code.text if code == 'notVisibleAnymore': message = 'Video %s is not available' % video_id else: message = '%s returned error: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, code) raise ExtractorError(message, expected=True) thumbnail_els = details_doc.findall('.//teaserimage') thumbnails = [{ 'width': int(te.attrib['key'].partition('x')[0]), 'height': int(te.attrib['key'].partition('x')[2]), 'url': te.text, } for te in thumbnail_els] information_el = details_doc.find('.//information') video_title = information_el.find('./title').text video_description = information_el.find('./detail').text details_el = details_doc.find('.//details') video_uploader = details_el.find('./channel').text upload_date = unified_strdate(details_el.find('./airtime').text) format_els = details_doc.findall('.//formitaet') formats = [{ 'format_id': fe.attrib['basetype'], 'width': int(fe.find('./width').text), 'height': int(fe.find('./height').text), 'url': fe.find('./url').text, 'filesize': int(fe.find('./filesize').text), 'video_bitrate': int(fe.find('./videoBitrate').text), } for fe in format_els if not fe.find('./url').text.startswith('')] self._sort_formats(formats) return { '_type': 'video', 'id': video_id, 'title': video_title, 'formats': formats, 'description': video_description, 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'thumbnail': thumbnails[-1]['url'], 'uploader': video_uploader, 'upload_date': upload_date, }
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 import argparse import logging import pkgutil import string from cloudenvy.config import EnvyConfig import cloudenvy.commands #TODO(bcwaldon): replace this with entry points! def _load_commands(): """Iterate through modules in command and import suspected command classes This looks for a class in each module in cloudenvy.commands that has the same name as its module with the first character uppercased. For example, the cloudenvy.commands.up module should have a class Up within it. """ modlist = list(pkgutil.iter_modules(cloudenvy.commands.__path__)) #NOTE(bcwaldon): this parses out a string representation of each # individual command module. For example, if we had a single command # in cloudenvy.commands named 'up', this list would look like ['up] commands = [_[1] for _ in modlist] for command in commands: #NOTE(bcwaldon): the __import__ statement returns a handle on the # top-level 'cloudenvy' package, so we must iterate down through # each sub-package to get a handle on our module module_name = 'cloudenvy.commands.{0}'.format(command) _cloudenvy = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [], -1) module = getattr(_cloudenvy.commands, command) command_class = getattr(module, string.capitalize(command)) yield (command, command_class) def _build_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Launch a virtual machine on an OpenStack cloud.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', action='count', help='Increase output verbosity.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cloud', action='store', help='Specify which cloud to use.') return parser def _init_help_command(parser, subparser): def find_command_help(config, args): if args.command: subparser.choices[args.command].print_help() else: parser.print_help() help_cmd = subparser.add_parser( 'help', help='Display help information for a specfiic command.' ) help_cmd.add_argument( 'command', action='store', nargs='?', help='Specific command to describe.' ) help_cmd.set_defaults(func=find_command_help) return parser def _init_commands(commands, parser): _commands = {} for (command, command_class) in commands: _commands[command] = command_class(parser, _commands) def main(): parser = _build_parser() command_subparser = parser.add_subparsers(title='Available commands') _init_help_command(parser, command_subparser) commands = _load_commands() _init_commands(commands, command_subparser) args = parser.parse_args() config = EnvyConfig(args) if args.verbosity == 3: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('novaclient').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.verbosity == 2: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('novaclient').setLevel(logging.INFO) elif args.verbosity == 1: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) args.func(config, args)
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import uwsgi import os def xsendfile(e, sr): sr('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'image/png'), ('X-Sendfile', os.path.abspath('logo_uWSGI.png'))]) return b'' def serve_logo(e, sr): sr('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'image/png')]) return uwsgi.sendfile('logo_uWSGI.png') def serve_config(e, sr): sr('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) for opt in uwsgi.opt.keys(): body = "{opt} = {optvalue}<br/>".format(opt=opt, optvalue=uwsgi.opt[opt].decode('ascii')) yield bytes(body.encode('ascii')) routes = {} routes['/xsendfile'] = xsendfile routes['/logo'] = serve_logo routes['/config'] = serve_config def application(env, start_response): if env['PATH_INFO'] in routes: return routes[env['PATH_INFO']](env, start_response) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) body = """ <img src="/logo"/> version {version}<br/> <hr size="1"/> Configuration<br/> <iframe src="/config"></iframe><br/> <br/> """.format(version=uwsgi.version.decode('ascii')) return bytes(body.encode('ascii'))
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import json import os from ctypes import addressof, byref, c_double, c_void_p from django.contrib.gis.gdal.base import GDALBase from django.contrib.gis.gdal.driver import Driver from django.contrib.gis.gdal.error import GDALException from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes import raster as capi from import BandList from django.contrib.gis.gdal.raster.const import GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS from django.contrib.gis.gdal.srs import SpatialReference, SRSException from django.contrib.gis.geometry.regex import json_regex from django.utils import six from django.utils.encoding import ( force_bytes, force_text, python_2_unicode_compatible, ) from django.utils.functional import cached_property class TransformPoint(list): indices = { 'origin': (0, 3), 'scale': (1, 5), 'skew': (2, 4), } def __init__(self, raster, prop): x = raster.geotransform[self.indices[prop][0]] y = raster.geotransform[self.indices[prop][1]] list.__init__(self, [x, y]) self._raster = raster self._prop = prop @property def x(self): return self[0] @x.setter def x(self, value): gtf = self._raster.geotransform gtf[self.indices[self._prop][0]] = value self._raster.geotransform = gtf @property def y(self): return self[1] @y.setter def y(self, value): gtf = self._raster.geotransform gtf[self.indices[self._prop][1]] = value self._raster.geotransform = gtf @python_2_unicode_compatible class GDALRaster(GDALBase): """ Wraps a raster GDAL Data Source object. """ def __init__(self, ds_input, write=False): self._write = 1 if write else 0 Driver.ensure_registered() # Preprocess json inputs. This converts json strings to dictionaries, # which are parsed below the same way as direct dictionary inputs. if isinstance(ds_input, six.string_types) and json_regex.match(ds_input): ds_input = json.loads(ds_input) # If input is a valid file path, try setting file as source. if isinstance(ds_input, six.string_types): if not os.path.exists(ds_input): raise GDALException('Unable to read raster source input "{}"'.format(ds_input)) try: # GDALOpen will auto-detect the data source type. self._ptr = capi.open_ds(force_bytes(ds_input), self._write) except GDALException as err: raise GDALException('Could not open the datasource at "{}" ({}).'.format(ds_input, err)) elif isinstance(ds_input, dict): # A new raster needs to be created in write mode self._write = 1 # Create driver (in memory by default) driver = Driver(ds_input.get('driver', 'MEM')) # For out of memory drivers, check filename argument if != 'MEM' and 'name' not in ds_input: raise GDALException('Specify name for creation of raster with driver "{}".'.format( # Check if width and height where specified if 'width' not in ds_input or 'height' not in ds_input: raise GDALException('Specify width and height attributes for JSON or dict input.') # Check if srid was specified if 'srid' not in ds_input: raise GDALException('Specify srid for JSON or dict input.') # Create GDAL Raster self._ptr = capi.create_ds( driver._ptr, force_bytes(ds_input.get('name', '')), ds_input['width'], ds_input['height'], ds_input.get('nr_of_bands', len(ds_input.get('bands', []))), ds_input.get('datatype', 6), None ) # Set band data if provided for i, band_input in enumerate(ds_input.get('bands', [])): band = self.bands[i]['data']) if 'nodata_value' in band_input: band.nodata_value = band_input['nodata_value'] # Set SRID self.srs = ds_input.get('srid') # Set additional properties if provided if 'origin' in ds_input: self.origin.x, self.origin.y = ds_input['origin'] if 'scale' in ds_input: self.scale.x, self.scale.y = ds_input['scale'] if 'skew' in ds_input: self.skew.x, self.skew.y = ds_input['skew'] elif isinstance(ds_input, c_void_p): # Instantiate the object using an existing pointer to a gdal raster. self._ptr = ds_input else: raise GDALException('Invalid data source input type: "{}".'.format(type(ds_input))) def __del__(self): if self._ptr and capi: capi.close_ds(self._ptr) def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): """ Short-hand representation because WKB may be very large. """ return '<Raster object at %s>' % hex(addressof(self._ptr)) def _flush(self): """ Flush all data from memory into the source file if it exists. The data that needs flushing are geotransforms, coordinate systems, nodata_values and pixel values. This function will be called automatically wherever it is needed. """ # Raise an Exception if the value is being changed in read mode. if not self._write: raise GDALException('Raster needs to be opened in write mode to change values.') capi.flush_ds(self._ptr) @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of this raster. Corresponds to filename for file-based rasters. """ return force_text(capi.get_ds_description(self._ptr)) @cached_property def driver(self): """ Returns the GDAL Driver used for this raster. """ ds_driver = capi.get_ds_driver(self._ptr) return Driver(ds_driver) @property def width(self): """ Width (X axis) in pixels. """ return capi.get_ds_xsize(self._ptr) @property def height(self): """ Height (Y axis) in pixels. """ return capi.get_ds_ysize(self._ptr) @property def srs(self): """ Returns the SpatialReference used in this GDALRaster. """ try: wkt = capi.get_ds_projection_ref(self._ptr) if not wkt: return None return SpatialReference(wkt, srs_type='wkt') except SRSException: return None @srs.setter def srs(self, value): """ Sets the spatial reference used in this GDALRaster. The input can be a SpatialReference or any parameter accepted by the SpatialReference constructor. """ if isinstance(value, SpatialReference): srs = value elif isinstance(value, six.integer_types + six.string_types): srs = SpatialReference(value) else: raise ValueError('Could not create a SpatialReference from input.') capi.set_ds_projection_ref(self._ptr, srs.wkt.encode()) self._flush() @property def geotransform(self): """ Returns the geotransform of the data source. Returns the default geotransform if it does not exist or has not been set previously. The default is [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]. """ # Create empty ctypes double array for data gtf = (c_double * 6)() capi.get_ds_geotransform(self._ptr, byref(gtf)) return list(gtf) @geotransform.setter def geotransform(self, values): "Sets the geotransform for the data source." if sum([isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in values]) != 6: raise ValueError('Geotransform must consist of 6 numeric values.') # Create ctypes double array with input and write data values = (c_double * 6)(*values) capi.set_ds_geotransform(self._ptr, byref(values)) self._flush() @property def origin(self): """ Coordinates of the raster origin. """ return TransformPoint(self, 'origin') @property def scale(self): """ Pixel scale in units of the raster projection. """ return TransformPoint(self, 'scale') @property def skew(self): """ Skew of pixels (rotation parameters). """ return TransformPoint(self, 'skew') @property def extent(self): """ Returns the extent as a 4-tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ # Calculate boundary values based on scale and size xval = self.origin.x + self.scale.x * self.width yval = self.origin.y + self.scale.y * self.height # Calculate min and max values xmin = min(xval, self.origin.x) xmax = max(xval, self.origin.x) ymin = min(yval, self.origin.y) ymax = max(yval, self.origin.y) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax @property def bands(self): return BandList(self) def warp(self, ds_input, resampling='NearestNeighbour', max_error=0.0): """ Returns a warped GDALRaster with the given input characteristics. The input is expected to be a dictionary containing the parameters of the target raster. Allowed values are width, height, SRID, origin, scale, skew, datatype, driver, and name (filename). By default, the warp functions keeps all parameters equal to the values of the original source raster. For the name of the target raster, the name of the source raster will be used and appended with _copy. + source_driver_name. In addition, the resampling algorithm can be specified with the "resampling" input parameter. The default is NearestNeighbor. For a list of all options consult the GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS constant. """ # Get the parameters defining the geotransform, srid, and size of the raster if 'width' not in ds_input: ds_input['width'] = self.width if 'height' not in ds_input: ds_input['height'] = self.height if 'srid' not in ds_input: ds_input['srid'] = self.srs.srid if 'origin' not in ds_input: ds_input['origin'] = self.origin if 'scale' not in ds_input: ds_input['scale'] = self.scale if 'skew' not in ds_input: ds_input['skew'] = self.skew # Get the driver, name, and datatype of the target raster if 'driver' not in ds_input: ds_input['driver'] = if 'name' not in ds_input: ds_input['name'] = + '_copy.' + if 'datatype' not in ds_input: ds_input['datatype'] = self.bands[0].datatype() # Set the number of bands ds_input['nr_of_bands'] = len(self.bands) # Create target raster target = GDALRaster(ds_input, write=True) # Copy nodata values to warped raster for index, band in enumerate(self.bands): target.bands[index].nodata_value = band.nodata_value # Select resampling algorithm algorithm = GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS[resampling] # Reproject image capi.reproject_image( self._ptr, self.srs.wkt.encode(), target._ptr, target.srs.wkt.encode(), algorithm, 0.0, max_error, c_void_p(), c_void_p(), c_void_p() ) # Make sure all data is written to file target._flush() return target def transform(self, srid, driver=None, name=None, resampling='NearestNeighbour', max_error=0.0): """ Returns a copy of this raster reprojected into the given SRID. """ # Convert the resampling algorithm name into an algorithm id algorithm = GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS[resampling] # Instantiate target spatial reference system target_srs = SpatialReference(srid) # Create warped virtual dataset in the target reference system target = capi.auto_create_warped_vrt( self._ptr, self.srs.wkt.encode(), target_srs.wkt.encode(), algorithm, max_error, c_void_p() ) target = GDALRaster(target) # Construct the target warp dictionary from the virtual raster data = { 'srid': srid, 'width': target.width, 'height': target.height, 'origin': [target.origin.x, target.origin.y], 'scale': [target.scale.x, target.scale.y], 'skew': [target.skew.x, target.skew.y], } # Set the driver and filepath if provided if driver: data['driver'] = driver if name: data['name'] = name # Warp the raster into new srid return self.warp(data, resampling=resampling, max_error=max_error)
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[ 2022, 199, 646, 747, 199, 504, 5577, 492, 2287, 1618, 12, 15968, 12, 286, 63, 3157, 12, 286, 63, 1647, 63, 80, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 1095, 492, 15801, 1563, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 3090, 492, 19447, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 705, 492, 15801, 1726, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 16141, 83, 492, 19775, 465, 13648, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 20876, 14, 7877, 492, 27709, 1296, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 20876, 14, 1297, 492, 15801, 63, 3830, 10818, 63, 26613, 726, 1571, 3053, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 11600, 14, 12722, 492, 24324, 12, 12765, 21686, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2828, 14, 5668, 14, 7660, 14, 3821, 492, 2022, 63, 3821, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 492, 3816, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 2991, 492, 334, 272, 3542, 63, 2394, 12, 3542, 63, 505, 12, 2366, 63, 18, 63, 2975, 63, 6490, 12, 199, 9, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1208, 14, 15481, 492, 6328, 63, 1829, 421, 199, 533, 19463, 3428, 8, 513, 304, 272, 4918, 275, 469, 267, 283, 6493, 356, 334, 16, 12, 650, 395, 267, 283, 3467, 356, 334, 17, 12, 959, 395, 267, 283, 27424, 356, 334, 18, 12, 841, 395, 272, 789, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 19775, 12, 5931, 304, 267, 671, 275, 19775, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 59, 277, 14, 4108, 59, 4469, 1527, 16, 2677, 267, 612, 275, 19775, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 59, 277, 14, 4108, 59, 4469, 1527, 17, 2677, 267, 769, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 359, 88, 12, 612, 566, 267, 291, 423, 20876, 275, 19775, 267, 291, 423, 4469, 275, 5931, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 671, 8, 277, 304, 267, 372, 291, 59, 16, 61, 339, 768, 88, 14, 8345, 272, 347, 671, 8, 277, 12, 574, 304, 267, 486, 3249, 275, 291, 423, 20876, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 267, 486, 3249, 59, 277, 14, 4108, 59, 277, 423, 4469, 1527, 16, 2677, 275, 574, 267, 291, 423, 20876, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 275, 486, 3249, 339, 768, 1829, 272, 347, 612, 8, 277, 304, 267, 372, 291, 59, 17, 61, 339, 768, 89, 14, 8345, 272, 347, 612, 8, 277, 12, 574, 304, 267, 486, 3249, 275, 291, 423, 20876, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 267, 486, 3249, 59, 277, 14, 4108, 59, 277, 423, 4469, 1527, 17, 2677, 275, 574, 267, 291, 423, 20876, 14, 303, 357, 1320, 964, 275, 486, 3249, 421, 199, 32, 1548, 63, 18, 63, 2975, 63, 6490, 199, 533, 15801, 13284, 8, 17835, 1563, 304, 272, 408, 272, 644, 8146, 282, 19775, 15801, 3918, 5800, 909, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 6364, 63, 1210, 12, 2218, 29, 797, 304, 267, 291, 423, 952, 275, 413, 340, 2218, 587, 378, 267, 19447, 14, 7505, 63, 11616, 342, 398, 327, 5543, 1412, 2022, 4153, 14, 961, 15373, 2022, 3326, 370, 11196, 12, 267, 327, 1314, 787, 4565, 5084, 314, 2011, 4340, 465, 4125, 2600, 4153, 14, 267, 340, 1228, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 12, 3816, 14, 875, 63, 1313, 9, 436, 2022, 63, 3821, 14, 1431, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 304, 288, 6364, 63, 1210, 275, 2022, 14, 3640, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 9, 398, 327, 982, 1324, 365, 282, 1686, 570, 931, 12, 862, 4260, 570, 465, 1350, 14, 267, 340, 1228, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 12, 3816, 14, 875, 63, 1313, 304, 288, 340, 440, 747, 14, 515, 14, 2444, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 304, 355, 746, 15801, 1726, 360, 6005, 370, 1586, 19775, 1350, 1324, 28168, 1370, 908, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 430, 288, 862, 26, 355, 327, 15801, 4299, 911, 2599, 13, 13552, 314, 666, 1350, 730, 14, 355, 291, 423, 4695, 275, 13648, 14, 1490, 63, 795, 8, 3990, 63, 2394, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 395, 291, 423, 952, 9, 288, 871, 15801, 1726, 465, 2329, 26, 355, 746, 15801, 1726, 360, 6531, 440, 1551, 314, 29289, 737, 28168, 334, 2440, 680, 1370, 908, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 12, 2329, 430, 267, 916, 1228, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 12, 1211, 304, 288, 327, 437, 892, 19775, 4839, 370, 506, 2737, 315, 2218, 818, 288, 291, 423, 952, 275, 413, 953, 327, 2790, 5253, 334, 262, 4402, 701, 849, 9, 288, 5253, 275, 19447, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 3090, 297, 283, 10293, 1333, 953, 327, 2104, 734, 402, 4402, 19016, 12, 1104, 1788, 1423, 288, 340, 5253, 14, 354, 1137, 283, 10293, 7, 436, 283, 354, 7, 440, 315, 6364, 63, 1210, 26, 355, 746, 15801, 1726, 360, 17768, 536, 367, 7143, 402, 19775, 543, 5253, 11491, 1674, 1370, 908, 8, 3090, 14, 354, 430, 953, 327, 2670, 340, 3462, 436, 4569, 2382, 2013, 288, 340, 283, 2063, 7, 440, 315, 6364, 63, 1210, 503, 283, 3333, 7, 440, 315, 6364, 63, 1210, 26, 355, 746, 15801, 1726, 360, 17768, 3462, 436, 4569, 3004, 367, 4840, 503, 1211, 1324, 2659, 953, 327, 2670, 340, 15627, 1990, 2013, 288, 340, 283, 10498, 7, 440, 315, 6364, 63, 1210, 26, 355, 746, 15801, 1726, 360, 17768, 15627, 367, 4840, 503, 1211, 1324, 2659, 953, 327, 2790, 15801, 820, 2311, 288, 291, 423, 4695, 275, 13648, 14, 981, 63, 795, 8, 355, 5253, 423, 4695, 12, 355, 3542, 63, 2394, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 354, 297, 283, 3855, 355, 6364, 63, 1210, 459, 2063, 995, 355, 6364, 63, 1210, 459, 3333, 995, 355, 6364, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 7865, 63, 1618, 63, 23086, 297, 822, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 23086, 297, 942, 11508, 355, 6364, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 14184, 297, 1227, 395, 355, 488, 288, 776, 953, 327, 2494, 10981, 666, 340, 2741, 288, 367, 284, 12, 10981, 63, 1210, 315, 3874, 8, 795, 63, 1210, 14, 362, 360, 23086, 297, 3073, 304, 355, 10981, 275, 291, 14, 23086, 59, 73, 61, 355, 10981, 14, 576, 8, 7877, 63, 1210, 0 ]
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# Based on (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <[email protected]> # Based on (c) 2013, Maykel Moya <[email protected]> # (c) 2013, Michael Scherer <[email protected]> # (c) 2015, Toshio Kuratomi <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import distutils.spawn import os import os.path import pipes import subprocess import traceback from ansible import constants as C from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.plugins.connection import ConnectionBase BUFSIZE = 65536 class Connection(ConnectionBase): ''' Local lxc based connections ''' transport = 'libvirt_lxc' has_pipelining = True # su currently has an undiagnosed issue with calculating the file # checksums (so copy, for instance, doesn't work right) # Have to look into that before re-enabling this become_methods = frozenset(C.BECOME_METHODS).difference(('su',)) def __init__(self, play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs): super(Connection, self).__init__(play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs) self.lxc = self._play_context.remote_addr self.virsh = self._search_executable('virsh') self._check_domain(self.lxc) def _search_executable(self, executable): cmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable(executable) if not cmd: raise AnsibleError("%s command not found in PATH") % executable return cmd def _check_domain(self, domain): p = subprocess.Popen([self.virsh, '-q', '-c', 'lxc:///', 'dominfo', domain], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise AnsibleError("%s is not a lxc defined in libvirt" % domain) def _connect(self): ''' connect to the lxc; nothing to do here ''' super(Connection, self)._connect() if not self._connected: self._display.vvv("THIS IS A LOCAL LXC DIR", host=self.lxc) self._connected = True def _buffered_exec_command(self, cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE): ''' run a command on the chroot. This is only needed for implementing put_file() get_file() so that we don't have to read the whole file into memory. compared to exec_command() it looses some niceties like being able to return the process's exit code immediately. ''' executable = C.DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE.split()[0] if C.DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE else '/bin/sh' local_cmd = [self.virsh, '-q', '-c', 'lxc:///', 'lxc-enter-namespace', self.lxc, '--', executable , '-c', cmd] self._display.vvv("EXEC %s" % (local_cmd), host=self.lxc) p = subprocess.Popen(local_cmd, shell=False, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return p def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=False): ''' run a command on the chroot ''' super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data=in_data, sudoable=sudoable) p = self._buffered_exec_command(cmd) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(in_data) return (p.returncode, stdout, stderr) def _prefix_login_path(self, remote_path): ''' Make sure that we put files into a standard path If a path is relative, then we need to choose where to put it. ssh chooses $HOME but we aren't guaranteed that a home dir will exist in any given chroot. So for now we're choosing "/" instead. This also happens to be the former default. Can revisit using $HOME instead if it's a problem ''' if not remote_path.startswith(os.path.sep): remote_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep, remote_path) return os.path.normpath(remote_path) def put_file(self, in_path, out_path): ''' transfer a file from local to lxc ''' super(Connection, self).put_file(in_path, out_path) self._display.vvv("PUT %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.lxc) out_path = pipes.quote(self._prefix_login_path(out_path)) try: with open(in_path, 'rb') as in_file: try: p = self._buffered_exec_command('dd of=%s bs=%s' % (out_path, BUFSIZE), stdin=in_file) except OSError: raise AnsibleError("chroot connection requires dd command in the chroot") try: stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path)) if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (in_path, out_path, stdout, stderr)) except IOError: raise AnsibleError("file or module does not exist at: %s" % in_path) def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path): ''' fetch a file from lxc to local ''' super(Connection, self).fetch_file(in_path, out_path) self._display.vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.lxc) in_path = pipes.quote(self._prefix_login_path(in_path)) try: p = self._buffered_exec_command('dd if=%s bs=%s' % (in_path, BUFSIZE)) except OSError: raise AnsibleError("chroot connection requires dd command in the chroot") with open(out_path, 'wb+') as out_file: try: chunk = while chunk: out_file.write(chunk) chunk = except: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path)) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (in_path, out_path, stdout, stderr)) def close(self): ''' terminate the connection; nothing to do here ''' super(Connection, self).close() self._connected = False
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from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db.models import Q from django.test import TestCase from .models import ( Comment, Forum, Item, Post, PropertyValue, SystemDetails, SystemInfo, ) class NullFkTests(TestCase): def test_null_fk(self): d = SystemDetails.objects.create(details='First details') s = SystemInfo.objects.create(system_name='First forum', system_details=d) f = Forum.objects.create(system_info=s, forum_name='First forum') p = Post.objects.create(forum=f, title='First Post') c1 = Comment.objects.create(post=p, comment_text='My first comment') c2 = Comment.objects.create(comment_text='My second comment') # Starting from comment, make sure that a .select_related(...) with a specified # set of fields will properly LEFT JOIN multiple levels of NULLs (and the things # that come after the NULLs, or else data that should exist won't). Regression # test for #7369. c = Comment.objects.select_related().get( self.assertEqual(, p) self.assertEqual(Comment.objects.select_related().get(, None) self.assertQuerysetEqual( Comment.objects.select_related('post__forum__system_info').all(), [ (, 'My first comment', '<Post: First Post>'), (, 'My second comment', 'None') ], transform=lambda c: (, c.comment_text, repr( ) # Regression test for #7530, #7716. self.assertIsNone(Comment.objects.select_related('post').filter(post__isnull=True)[0].post) self.assertQuerysetEqual( Comment.objects.select_related('post__forum__system_info__system_details'), [ (, 'My first comment', '<Post: First Post>'), (, 'My second comment', 'None') ], transform=lambda c: (, c.comment_text, repr( ) def test_combine_isnull(self): item = Item.objects.create(title='Some Item') pv = PropertyValue.objects.create(label='Some Value') item.props.create(key='a', value=pv) item.props.create(key='b') # value=NULL q1 = Q(props__key='a', props__value=pv) q2 = Q(props__key='b', props__value__isnull=True) # Each of these individually should return the item. self.assertEqual(Item.objects.get(q1), item) self.assertEqual(Item.objects.get(q2), item) # Logically, qs1 and qs2, and qs3 and qs4 should be the same. qs1 = Item.objects.filter(q1) & Item.objects.filter(q2) qs2 = Item.objects.filter(q2) & Item.objects.filter(q1) qs3 = Item.objects.filter(q1) | Item.objects.filter(q2) qs4 = Item.objects.filter(q2) | Item.objects.filter(q1) # Regression test for #15823. self.assertEqual(list(qs1), list(qs2)) self.assertEqual(list(qs3), list(qs4))
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from pyramid.view import view_config from social.utils import module_member from social.actions import do_auth, do_complete, do_disconnect from social.apps.pyramid_app.utils import psa, login_required @view_config(route_name='social.auth', request_method='GET') @psa('social.complete') def auth(request): return do_auth(request.backend, redirect_name='next') @view_config(route_name='social.complete', request_method=('GET', 'POST')) @psa('social.complete') def complete(request, *args, **kwargs): do_login = module_member(request.backend.setting('LOGIN_FUNCTION')) return do_complete(request.backend, do_login, request.user, redirect_name='next', *args, **kwargs) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect', request_method=('POST',)) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect_association', request_method=('POST',)) @psa() @login_required def disconnect(request): return do_disconnect(request.backend, request.user, request.matchdict.get('association_id'), redirect_name='next')
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from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import subprocess import virtualenv as _virtualenv from .path import Path # On Python < 3.3 we don't have subprocess.DEVNULL try: DEVNULL = subprocess.DEVNULL except AttributeError: DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb") class VirtualEnvironment(object): """ An abstraction around virtual environments, currently it only uses virtualenv but in the future it could use pyvenv. """ def __init__(self, location, *args, **kwargs): self.location = Path(location) self.pip_source_dir = kwargs.pop("pip_source_dir") self._system_site_packages = kwargs.pop("system_site_packages", False) home, lib, inc, bin = _virtualenv.path_locations(self.location) # workaround for if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"): lib = os.path.join(home, 'lib-python', sys.version[:3]) self.lib = Path(lib) self.bin = Path(bin) super(VirtualEnvironment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "<VirtualEnvironment {}>".format(self.location) @classmethod def create(cls, location, clear=False, pip_source_dir=None): obj = cls(location, pip_source_dir=pip_source_dir) obj._create(clear=clear) return obj def _create(self, clear=False): # Create the actual virtual environment _virtualenv.create_environment( self.location, clear=clear, never_download=True, no_pip=True, ) # Install our development version of pip install the virtual # environment cmd = [self.bin.join("python"), "", "develop"] p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=self.pip_source_dir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=DEVNULL, ) p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception(p.stderr) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( p.returncode, cmd[0], output=p.stdout, ) def clear(self): self._create(clear=True) @property def system_site_packages(self): return self._system_site_packages @system_site_packages.setter def system_site_packages(self, value): marker = self.lib.join("no-global-site-packages.txt") if value: marker.rm() else: marker.touch() self._system_site_packages = value
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#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2004,2006,2007,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import sys from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, atsc, blocks from gnuradio.atsc import atsc_utils class memoize(object): def __init__(self, thunk): self.thunk = thunk self.cached = False self.value = None def __call__(self): if self.cached: return self.value self.value = self.thunk() self.cached = True return self.value """ Make a fake transport stream that's big enough for our purposes. We generate 8 full fields. This is relatively expensive. It takes about 2 seconds to execute. """ make_transport_stream = \ memoize(lambda : tuple(atsc_utils.make_fake_transport_stream_packet(8 * atsc.ATSC_DSEGS_PER_FIELD))) def pad_transport_stream(src): """ An MPEG transport stream packet is 188 bytes long. Internally we use a packet that is 256 bytes long to help with buffer alignment. This function adds the appropriate trailing padding to convert each packet from 188 to 256 bytes. """ return atsc_utils.pad_stream(src, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet_pad) def depad_transport_stream(src): """ An MPEG transport stream packet is 188 bytes long. Internally we use a packet that is 256 bytes long to help with buffer alignment. This function removes the trailing padding to convert each packet from 256 back to 188 bytes. """ return atsc_utils.depad_stream(src, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet_pad) class vector_source_ts(gr.hier_block2): """ MPEG Transport stream source for testing. """ def __init__(self, ts): """ Pad tranport stream packets to 256 bytes and reformat appropriately. Args: ts: MPEG transport stream. (sequence of ints in [0,255]; len(ts) % 188 == 0) """ src = blocks.vector_source_b(pad_transport_stream(ts)) s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_char, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet) gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "vector_source_ts", gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0), s2v.output_signature()) self.connect(src, s2v, self) class vector_sink_ts(gr.hier_block2): """ MPEG Transport stream sink for testing. """ def __init__(self): """ """ v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_char, atsc.sizeof_atsc_mpeg_packet) self.sink = blocks.vector_sink_b() gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "vector_sink_ts", v2s.input_signature(), gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0)) self.connect(self, v2s, self.sink) def data(self): """ Extracts tranport stream from sink and returns it to python. Depads tranport stream packets from 256 back to 188 bytes. @rtype: tuple of ints in [0,255]; len(result) % 188 == 0 """ return tuple(depad_transport_stream( class qa_atsc(gr_unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tb = gr.top_block() def tearDown(self): self.tb = None # The tests are run in alphabetical order def test_loopback_000(self): """ Loopback randomizer to derandomizer """ src_data = make_transport_stream() expected_result = src_data src = vector_source_ts(src_data) rand = atsc.randomizer() derand = atsc.derandomizer() dst = vector_sink_ts() self.tb.connect(src, rand) self.tb.connect(rand, derand) self.tb.connect(derand, dst) result_data = () self.assertEqual (expected_result, result_data) def est_loopback_001(self): """ Loopback randomizer/rs_encoder to rs_decoder/derandomizer """ src_data = make_transport_stream() expected_result = src_data src = vector_source_ts(src_data) rand = atsc.randomizer() rs_enc = atsc.rs_encoder() rs_dec = atsc.rs_decoder() derand = atsc.derandomizer() dst = vector_sink_ts() self.tb.connect(src, rand, rs_enc, rs_dec, derand, dst) () result_data = () self.assertEqual (expected_result, result_data) def est_loopback_002(self): """ Loopback randomizer/rs_encoder/interleaver to deinterleaver/rs_decoder/derandomizer """ src_data = make_transport_stream() interleaver_delay = 52 expected_result = src_data[0:len(src_data)-(interleaver_delay*atsc.ATSC_MPEG_PKT_LENGTH)] src = vector_source_ts(src_data) rand = atsc.randomizer() rs_enc = atsc.rs_encoder() inter = atsc.interleaver() deinter = atsc.deinterleaver() rs_dec = atsc.rs_decoder() derand = atsc.derandomizer() dst = vector_sink_ts() self.tb.connect(src, rand, rs_enc, inter, deinter, rs_dec, derand, dst) () result_data = () result_data = result_data[(interleaver_delay*atsc.ATSC_MPEG_PKT_LENGTH):len(result_data)] self.assertEqual (expected_result, result_data) def est_loopback_003(self): """ Loopback randomizer/rs_encoder/interleaver/trellis_encoder via ds_to_softds to viterbi_decoder/deinterleaver/rs_decoder/derandomizer """ src_data = make_transport_stream() interleaver_delay = 52 viterbi_delay = 12 expected_result = src_data[0:len(src_data)-((interleaver_delay+viterbi_delay)*atsc.ATSC_MPEG_PKT_LENGTH)] src = vector_source_ts(src_data) rand = atsc.randomizer() rs_enc = atsc.rs_encoder() inter = atsc.interleaver() trellis = atsc.trellis_encoder() softds = atsc.ds_to_softds() viterbi = atsc.viterbi_decoder() deinter = atsc.deinterleaver() rs_dec = atsc.rs_decoder() derand = atsc.derandomizer() dst = vector_sink_ts() self.tb.connect(src, rand, rs_enc, inter, trellis, softds, viterbi, deinter, rs_dec, derand, dst) () result_data = ()[((interleaver_delay+viterbi_delay)*atsc.ATSC_MPEG_PKT_LENGTH):len(] self.assertEqual (expected_result, result_data) if __name__ == '__main__': gr_unittest.main()
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272, 372, 737, 551, 63, 1208, 14, 2601, 350, 63, 1745, 8, 2164, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 63, 6226, 9, 421, 199, 533, 5477, 63, 1365, 63, 1086, 8, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 304, 272, 408, 272, 603, 17557, 27018, 2547, 1350, 367, 5343, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 6714, 304, 267, 408, 267, 510, 350, 7115, 719, 2547, 14593, 370, 7633, 2783, 436, 295, 908, 22497, 14, 398, 3033, 26, 288, 6714, 26, 603, 17557, 7773, 2547, 14, 334, 4041, 402, 14526, 315, 359, 16, 12, 2299, 11566, 822, 8, 1086, 9, 450, 413, 1299, 508, 378, 9, 267, 408, 398, 2928, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 1365, 63, 66, 8, 6226, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 8, 1086, 430, 267, 308, 18, 86, 275, 5664, 14, 1745, 63, 475, 63, 4106, 8, 2587, 14, 12590, 63, 1560, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 9, 421, 198, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 298, 4106, 63, 1365, 63, 1086, 401, 1585, 198, 2587, 14, 2308, 63, 5233, 8, 16, 12, 378, 12, 378, 395, 1585, 198, 83, 18, 86, 14, 1199, 63, 5233, 1012, 267, 291, 14, 2242, 8, 2164, 12, 308, 18, 86, 12, 291, 9, 421, 199, 533, 5477, 63, 11279, 63, 1086, 8, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 304, 272, 408, 272, 603, 17557, 27018, 2547, 19241, 367, 5343, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 408, 398, 373, 18, 83, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 475, 63, 1745, 8, 2587, 14, 12590, 63, 1560, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 9, 267, 291, 14, 11279, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 11279, 63, 66, 342, 199, 198, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 298, 4106, 63, 11279, 63, 1086, 401, 1585, 198, 86, 18, 83, 14, 1210, 63, 5233, 1062, 1585, 198, 2587, 14, 2308, 63, 5233, 8, 16, 12, 378, 12, 378, 430, 267, 291, 14, 2242, 8, 277, 12, 373, 18, 83, 12, 291, 14, 11279, 9, 339, 347, 666, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 12892, 83, 7115, 719, 2547, 687, 19241, 436, 2529, 652, 370, 2366, 14, 398, 1487, 6226, 83, 7115, 719, 2547, 14593, 687, 7633, 1771, 370, 413, 1299, 2783, 14, 267, 768, 4500, 26, 2008, 402, 14526, 315, 359, 16, 12, 2299, 11566, 822, 8, 1099, 9, 450, 413, 1299, 508, 378, 267, 408, 267, 372, 2008, 8, 2601, 350 ]
[ 2647, 15, 1393, 15, 1813, 2366, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1898, 8353, 12, 7968, 12, 9488, 12, 6965, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 3277, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 1664, 13514, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1664, 13514, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 3267, 701, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 1902, 1015, 650, 12, 503, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 199, 3, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 1664, 13514, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 1664, 13514, 27, 1937, 314, 570, 9685, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 2218, 370, 199, 3, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 3277, 2020, 8026, 11236, 14259, 12, 199, 3, 8226, 12, 4828, 11315, 13, 10067, 12, 8217, 14, 199, 3, 199, 199, 646, 984, 199, 199, 504, 24526, 492, 7192, 12, 7192, 63, 2796, 12, 737, 551, 12, 5664, 199, 504, 24526, 14, 292, 551, 492, 737, 551, 63, 1208, 421, 199, 533, 11955, 794, 8, 785, 304, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 294, 1778, 304, 267, 291, 14, 273, 1778, 275, 294, 1778, 267, 291, 14, 5245, 275, 756, 267, 291, 14, 585, 275, 488, 339, 347, 636, 1250, 721, 277, 304, 267, 340, 291, 14, 5245, 26, 288, 372, 291, 14, 585, 267, 291, 14, 585, 275, 291, 14, 273, 1778, 342, 267, 291, 14, 5245, 275, 715, 267, 372, 291, 14, 585, 421, 199, 624, 199, 5483, 282, 4026, 7773, 2547, 626, 1159, 7282, 8321, 367, 4154, 12901, 14, 199, 6004, 3550, 1695, 2615, 1504, 14, 221, 961, 365, 13773, 9462, 23133, 14, 221, 2779, 199, 31613, 3595, 499, 4696, 370, 5341, 14, 199, 624, 199, 1875, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 275, 971, 272, 11955, 794, 8, 2734, 520, 2008, 8, 292, 551, 63, 1208, 14, 1875, 63, 3183, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 63, 6253, 8, 24, 627, 737, 551, 14, 619, 5153, 63, 36, 899, 8021, 63, 4227, 63, 8609, 1724, 421, 199, 318, 6567, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 8, 2164, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1626, 603, 17557, 7773, 2547, 3644, 365, 413, 1299, 2783, 1846, 14, 221, 1010, 1203, 1183, 781, 675, 282, 3644, 272, 626, 365, 7633, 2783, 1846, 370, 1720, 543, 3335, 13177, 14, 221, 961, 805, 9584, 314, 272, 5827, 8520, 6273, 370, 3957, 1924, 3644, 687, 413, 1299, 370, 7633, 2783, 14, 272, 408, 272, 372, 737, 551, 63, 1208, 14, 6226, 63, 1745, 8, 2164, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 63, 6226, 9, 421, 199, 318, 2657, 350, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 8, 2164, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1626, 603, 17557, 7773, 2547, 3644, 365, 413, 1299, 2783, 1846, 14, 221, 1010, 1203, 1183, 781, 675, 282, 3644, 272, 626, 365, 7633, 2783, 1846, 370, 1720, 543, 3335, 13177, 14, 221, 961, 805, 14185, 314, 272, 8520, 6273, 370, 3957, 1924, 3644, 687, 7633, 1771, 370, 413, 1299, 2783, 14, 272, 408, 272, 372, 737, 551, 63, 1208, 14, 2601, 350, 63, 1745, 8, 2164, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 63, 6226, 9, 421, 199, 533, 5477, 63, 1365, 63, 1086, 8, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 304, 272, 408, 272, 603, 17557, 27018, 2547, 1350, 367, 5343, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 6714, 304, 267, 408, 267, 510, 350, 7115, 719, 2547, 14593, 370, 7633, 2783, 436, 295, 908, 22497, 14, 398, 3033, 26, 288, 6714, 26, 603, 17557, 7773, 2547, 14, 334, 4041, 402, 14526, 315, 359, 16, 12, 2299, 11566, 822, 8, 1086, 9, 450, 413, 1299, 508, 378, 9, 267, 408, 398, 2928, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 1365, 63, 66, 8, 6226, 63, 5545, 63, 1745, 8, 1086, 430, 267, 308, 18, 86, 275, 5664, 14, 1745, 63, 475, 63, 4106, 8, 2587, 14, 12590, 63, 1560, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 9, 421, 198, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 298, 4106, 63, 1365, 63, 1086, 401, 1585, 198, 2587, 14, 2308, 63, 5233, 8, 16, 12, 378, 12, 378, 395, 1585, 198, 83, 18, 86, 14, 1199, 63, 5233, 1012, 267, 291, 14, 2242, 8, 2164, 12, 308, 18, 86, 12, 291, 9, 421, 199, 533, 5477, 63, 11279, 63, 1086, 8, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 304, 272, 408, 272, 603, 17557, 27018, 2547, 19241, 367, 5343, 14, 272, 408, 272, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 408, 398, 373, 18, 83, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 475, 63, 1745, 8, 2587, 14, 12590, 63, 1560, 12, 737, 551, 14, 12590, 63, 292, 551, 63, 16801, 63, 6253, 9, 267, 291, 14, 11279, 275, 5664, 14, 4106, 63, 11279, 63, 66, 342, 199, 198, 2587, 14, 31184, 63, 1457, 18, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 298, 4106, 63, 11279, 63, 1086, 401, 1585, 198, 86, 18, 83, 14, 1210, 63, 5233, 1062, 1585, 198, 2587, 14, 2308, 63, 5233, 8, 16, 12, 378, 12, 378, 430, 267, 291, 14, 2242, 8, 277, 12, 373, 18, 83, 12, 291, 14, 11279, 9, 339, 347, 666, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 12892, 83, 7115, 719, 2547, 687, 19241, 436, 2529, 652, 370, 2366, 14, 398, 1487, 6226, 83, 7115, 719, 2547, 14593, 687, 7633, 1771, 370, 413, 1299, 2783, 14, 267, 768, 4500, 26, 2008, 402, 14526, 315, 359, 16, 12, 2299, 11566, 822, 8, 1099, 9, 450, 413, 1299, 508, 378, 267, 408, 267, 372, 2008, 8, 2601, 350, 0 ]
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from glob import glob from os import listdir from os.path import isdir, isfile import os import site import sys import subprocess this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path = [os.path.join(this_dir, "lib")] + sys.path msi = False if sys.argv[-1] == "bdist_msi": try: from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable from cx_Freeze.windist import bdist_msi msi = True except ImportError: print("ERROR: can't import cx_Freeze!") sys.exit(1) else: from distutils.core import setup if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 0): print('ERROR: PyChess requires Python >= 3.5.0') sys.exit(1) if sys.platform == "win32": try: from gi.repository import Gtk print("Gtk verion is %s.%s.%s", (Gtk.MAJOR_VERSION, Gtk.MINOR_VERSION, Gtk.MICRO_VERSION)) except ImportError: print('ERROR: PyChess in Windows Platform requires to install PyGObject.') print('Installing from') sys.exit(1) from imp import load_module, find_module pychess = load_module("pychess", *find_module("pychess", ["lib"])) VERSION = pychess.VERSION NAME = "pychess" # We have to subclass register command because # PyChess from another author already exist on pypi. from distutils.command.register import register class RegisterCommand(register): def run(self): = "PyChess-%s" % pychess.VERSION_NAME DESC = "Chess client" LONG_DESC = """PyChess is a chess client for playing and analyzing chess games. It is intended to be usable both for those totally new to chess as well as advanced users who want to use a computer to further enhance their play. PyChess has a builtin python chess engine and auto-detects most popular chess engines (Stockfish, Rybka, Houdini, Shredder, GNU Chess, Crafty, Fruit, and many more). These engines are available as opponents, and are used to provide hints and analysis. PyChess also shows analysis from opening books and Gaviota end-game tablebases. When you get sick of playing computer players you can login to FICS (the Free Internet Chess Server) and play against people all over the world. PyChess has a built-in Timeseal client, so you won't lose clock time during a game due to lag. PyChess also has pre-move support, which means you can make (or start making) a move before your opponent has made their move. PyChess has many other features including: - CECP and UCI chess engine support with customizable engine configurations - Polyglot opening book support - Hint and Spy move arrows - Hint, Score, and Annotation panels - Play and analyze games in separate game tabs - 18 chess variants including Chess960, Suicide, Crazyhouse, Shuffle, Losers, Piece Odds, and Atomic - Reads and writes PGN, EPD and FEN chess file formats - Undo and pause chess games - Move animation in games - Drag and drop chess files - Optional game move and event sounds - Chess piece themes with 40 built-in piece themes - Legal move highlighting - Direct copy+paste pgn game input via Enter Game Notation open-game dialog - Internationalised text and Figurine Algebraic Notation (FAN) support - Translated into 38 languages (languages with +5% strings translated) - Easy to use and intuitive look and feel""" CLASSIFIERS = [ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Board Games'] os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # save stderr = sys.stderr stdout = sys.stdout if not isfile("eco.db"): with open("") as fh: exec( if not isfile(os.path.abspath("pieces/Spatial.png")): with open("") as fh: exec( # restore sys.stderr = stderr sys.stdout = stdout DATA_FILES = [("share/pychess", ["", "AUTHORS", "ARTISTS", "DOCUMENTERS", "LICENSE", "TRANSLATORS", "pychess_book.bin", "eco.db"])] # UI DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade", glob('glade/*.glade'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade", ['glade/background.jpg'])] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade", glob('glade/*.png'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade/16x16", glob('glade/16x16/*.png'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade/48x48", glob('glade/48x48/*.png'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/glade", glob('glade/*.svg'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/flags", glob('flags/*.png'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/boards", glob('boards/*.png'))] # Data DATA_FILES += [('share/mime/packages', ['pychess.xml'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/metainfo', ['pychess.metainfo.xml'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/applications', ['pychess.desktop'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps', ['pychess.svg'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/menu', ['menu/pychess'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/pixmaps', ['pychess.svg', 'pychess.xmp'])] if sys.platform == "win32": DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/sounds", glob('sounds/*.wav'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/engines", glob('engines/*.*'))] else: DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/sounds", glob('sounds/*.ogg'))] DATA_FILES += [('share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps', ['pychess.png'])] DATA_FILES += [('share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs', ['gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/pgn.lang'])] # Piece sets DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/pieces", glob('pieces/*.png'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/pieces/ttf", glob('pieces/ttf/*.ttf'))] if not isfile(os.path.abspath("learn/puzzles/mate_in_4.sqlite")): from pychess.Savers.pgn import PGNFile from pychess.System.protoopen import protoopen # Lectures, puzzles, lessons for filename in glob('learn/puzzles/*.pgn'): chessfile = PGNFile(protoopen(filename)) chessfile.init_tag_database() for filename in glob('learn/lessons/*.pgn'): chessfile = PGNFile(protoopen(filename)) chessfile.init_tag_database() DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/puzzles", glob('learn/puzzles/*.olv'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/puzzles", glob('learn/puzzles/*.pgn'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/puzzles", glob('learn/puzzles/*.sqlite'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/lessons", glob('learn/lessons/*.pgn'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/lessons", glob('learn/lessons/*.sqlite'))] DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/learn/lectures", glob('learn/lectures/*.txt'))] for dir in [d for d in listdir('pieces') if isdir(os.path.join('pieces', d)) and d != 'ttf']: DATA_FILES += [("share/pychess/pieces/" + dir, glob('pieces/' + dir + '/*.svg'))] # Manpages DATA_FILES += [('share/man/man1', ['manpages/pychess.1.gz'])] # Language pofile = "LC_MESSAGES/pychess" if sys.platform == "win32": argv0_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable)) if pychess.MSYS2: major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info msgfmt_path = argv0_path + "/../lib/python%s.%s/tools/i18n/" % (major, minor) else: msgfmt_path = argv0_path + "/tools/i18n/" msgfmt = "%s" % (os.path.abspath(sys.executable), msgfmt_path) else: msgfmt = "msgfmt" pychess_langs = [] for dir in [d for d in listdir("lang") if isdir("lang/" + d) and d != "en"]: if sys.platform == "win32": command = "%s lang/%s/%s.po" % (msgfmt, dir, pofile) else: command = "%s lang/%s/%s.po -o lang/%s/" % (msgfmt, dir, pofile, dir, pofile) DATA_FILES += [("share/locale/" + dir + "/LC_MESSAGES", ["lang/" + dir + "/" + pofile + ".mo"])] pychess_langs.append(dir) PACKAGES = [] if msi: if pychess.MSYS2: gtk_data_path = sys.prefix gtk_exec_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin") lang_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "locale") else: # Get the site-package folder, not everybody will install # Python into C:\PythonXX site_dir = site.getsitepackages()[1] gtk_data_path = os.path.join(site_dir, "gnome") gtk_exec_path = os.path.join(site_dir, "gnome") lang_path = os.path.join(site_dir, "gnome", "share", "locale") # gtk3.0 .mo files gtk_mo = [f + "/LC_MESSAGES/" for f in os.listdir(lang_path) if f in pychess_langs] # Collect the list of missing dll when cx_freeze builds the app gtk_exec = ['libgtksourceview-3.0-1.dll', 'libjpeg-8.dll', 'librsvg-2-2.dll', ] # We need to add all the libraries too (for themes, etc..) gtk_data = ['etc', 'lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0', 'lib/girepository-1.0', 'share/icons/adwaita/icon-theme.cache', 'share/icons/adwaita/index.theme', 'share/icons/adwaita/16x16', 'share/icons/adwaita/24x24', 'share/icons/adwaita/48x48', 'share/glib-2.0'] # Create the list of includes as cx_freeze likes include_files = [] for mo in gtk_mo: mofile = os.path.join(lang_path, mo) if os.path.isfile(mofile): include_files.append((mofile, "share/locale/" + mo)) for dll in gtk_exec: include_files.append((os.path.join(gtk_exec_path, dll), dll)) # Let's add gtk data for lib in gtk_data: include_files.append((os.path.join(gtk_data_path, lib), lib)) base = None # Lets not open the console while running the app if sys.platform == "win32": base = "Win32GUI" executables = [Executable("pychess", base=base, icon="pychess.ico", shortcutName="PyChess", shortcutDir="DesktopFolder"), Executable(script="lib/", targetName="pychess-engine.exe", base=base)] bdist_msi_options = { "upgrade_code": "{5167584f-c196-428f-be40-4c861025e90a}", "add_to_path": False} perspectives = ["pychess.perspectives"] for persp in ("welcome", "games", "fics", "database", "learn"): perspectives.append("pychess.perspectives.%s" % persp) build_exe_options = { "path": sys.path + ["lib"], "includes": ["gi"], "packages": ["asyncio", "gi", "sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite", "sqlalchemy.sql.default_comparator", "pexpect", "pychess"] + perspectives, "include_files": include_files} if pychess.MSYS2: build_exe_options["excludes"] = ["tkinter"] else: build_exe_options["include_msvcr"] = True else: PACKAGES = ["pychess", "pychess.gfx", "pychess.ic", "pychess.ic.managers", "pychess.Players", "pychess.Savers", "pychess.System", "pychess.Utils", "pychess.Utils.lutils", "pychess.Variants", "pychess.Database", "pychess.widgets", "pychess.widgets.pydock", "pychess.perspectives", "pychess.perspectives.welcome", "", "pychess.perspectives.fics", "pychess.perspectives.database", "pychess.perspectives.learn", "pychess.external"] build_exe_options = {} bdist_msi_options = {} executables = {} setup( cmdclass={"register": RegisterCommand}, name=NAME, version=VERSION, author='Pychess team', author_email='[email protected]', maintainer='Thomas Dybdahl Ahle', classifiers=CLASSIFIERS, keywords='python gtk chess xboard gnuchess game pgn epd board linux', description=DESC, long_description=LONG_DESC, license='GPL3', url='', download_url='', package_dir={'': 'lib'}, packages=PACKAGES, data_files=DATA_FILES, scripts=['pychess'], options={"build_exe": build_exe_options, "bdist_msi": bdist_msi_options}, executables=executables )
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 9094, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 504, 5739, 492, 5739, 199, 504, 747, 492, 27483, 199, 504, 747, 14, 515, 492, 26004, 12, 29214, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 4770, 199, 646, 984, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 199, 3749, 63, 694, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 3475, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 4832, 3460, 493, 8964, 199, 1274, 14, 515, 275, 359, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 3749, 63, 694, 12, 298, 773, 11323, 435, 984, 14, 515, 421, 199, 77, 338, 275, 756, 199, 692, 984, 14, 3020, 1988, 17, 61, 508, 298, 17403, 63, 77, 338, 582, 272, 862, 26, 267, 687, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 492, 3272, 12, 9434, 2964, 267, 687, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 14, 2676, 2686, 492, 26308, 63, 77, 338, 267, 333, 338, 275, 715, 272, 871, 3545, 26, 267, 870, 480, 3170, 26, 883, 1133, 492, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 9124, 267, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 2836, 26, 272, 687, 7065, 14, 1018, 492, 3272, 199, 199, 692, 984, 14, 1023, 63, 815, 665, 334, 19, 12, 959, 12, 378, 304, 272, 870, 360, 3170, 26, 1611, 20335, 385, 5074, 2018, 2356, 650, 14, 21, 14, 16, 358, 272, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 199, 692, 984, 14, 3246, 508, 298, 2676, 708, 582, 272, 862, 26, 267, 687, 18895, 14, 8421, 492, 11424, 267, 870, 480, 18891, 809, 1636, 365, 450, 83, 4111, 83, 4111, 83, 401, 334, 18891, 14, 29241, 63, 4612, 12, 11424, 14, 4896, 726, 63, 4612, 12, 11424, 14, 29112, 63, 4612, 430, 272, 871, 3545, 26, 267, 870, 360, 3170, 26, 1611, 20335, 385, 315, 5417, 16078, 5074, 370, 3907, 1611, 39, 1692, 2659, 267, 870, 360, 31376, 687, 1455, 921, 22943, 14, 846, 15, 6776, 15, 647, 71, 785, 2676, 708, 358, 267, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 199, 504, 1742, 492, 2248, 63, 578, 12, 2342, 63, 578, 199, 647, 595, 385, 275, 2248, 63, 578, 480, 647, 595, 385, 401, 627, 1623, 63, 578, 480, 647, 595, 385, 401, 2097, 773, 13045, 199, 199, 4612, 275, 1134, 595, 385, 14, 4612, 199, 199, 2339, 275, 298, 647, 595, 385, 2, 199, 199, 3, 2136, 1172, 370, 5516, 2274, 1414, 2952, 199, 3, 1611, 20335, 385, 687, 4573, 4132, 2575, 2187, 641, 1134, 1038, 14, 199, 199, 504, 7065, 14, 1531, 14, 2683, 492, 2274, 421, 199, 533, 11828, 3110, 8, 2683, 304, 272, 347, 1255, 8, 277, 304, 267, 291, 14, 4972, 14, 2343, 14, 354, 275, 298, 2713, 20335, 385, 3295, 83, 2, 450, 1134, 595, 385, 14, 4612, 63, 2339, 267, 2274, 14, 1065, 8, 277, 9, 421, 199, 15119, 275, 298, 20335, 385, 1890, 2, 199, 199, 12375, 63, 15119, 275, 408, 2713, 20335, 385, 365, 282, 17546, 385, 1890, 367, 25692, 436, 5909, 20135, 17546, 385, 9219, 83, 14, 2779, 365, 199, 262, 6943, 370, 506, 18025, 3865, 367, 5204, 12657, 1183, 892, 370, 17546, 385, 465, 5521, 465, 199, 14652, 4390, 3963, 2934, 370, 675, 282, 24189, 370, 9848, 655, 14666, 3932, 5232, 14, 199, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 282, 6762, 2366, 17546, 385, 6869, 436, 2599, 13, 271, 28853, 4750, 199, 1935, 2238, 17546, 385, 28156, 334, 17103, 16056, 12, 820, 28564, 7351, 12, 869, 810, 68, 2730, 12, 5244, 581, 424, 12, 1664, 445, 31421, 12, 199, 35, 345, 70, 369, 12, 481, 82, 4993, 12, 436, 5002, 1655, 680, 5723, 28156, 787, 2808, 465, 1687, 10339, 83, 12, 199, 460, 787, 1202, 370, 5647, 18069, 436, 11284, 14, 1611, 20335, 385, 2597, 13703, 11284, 199, 504, 13618, 19040, 436, 598, 7194, 12041, 1284, 13, 5097, 1817, 12087, 14, 199, 199, 11423, 1265, 664, 17028, 402, 25692, 24189, 30130, 1265, 883, 4676, 370, 481, 21174, 334, 1589, 199, 10146, 22026, 445, 31421, 7146, 9, 436, 5232, 6169, 13135, 1006, 1806, 314, 6701, 14, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 282, 6137, 13, 262, 4703, 261, 279, 1890, 12, 880, 1265, 7859, 1133, 27332, 12516, 900, 5309, 199, 65, 9219, 7037, 370, 17891, 14, 1611, 20335, 385, 2597, 965, 876, 13, 1185, 2291, 12, 1314, 4910, 1265, 883, 199, 1875, 334, 269, 1343, 10663, 9, 282, 4057, 2544, 2195, 1687, 10339, 965, 6326, 3932, 4057, 14, 199, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 5002, 1163, 4534, 5893, 26, 199, 13, 19392, 2890, 436, 738, 3553, 17546, 385, 6869, 2291, 543, 3537, 14065, 6869, 13422, 199, 13, 8467, 5016, 1653, 13618, 6719, 2291, 199, 13, 869, 442, 436, 428, 647, 4057, 601, 3838, 199, 13, 869, 442, 12, 25318, 12, 436, 30793, 12748, 83, 199, 13, 16527, 436, 19897, 9219, 83, 315, 7396, 9219, 12187, 199, 13, 6155, 17546, 385, 21169, 5893, 445, 31421, 25, 2259, 12, 428, 85, 530, 2655, 12, 445, 30566, 6740, 12, 5244, 6817, 12, 3835, 21317, 12, 510, 21564, 593, 617, 83, 12, 436, 18840, 530, 199, 13, 26129, 436, 14511, 510, 15306, 12, 662, 11435, 436, 481, 742, 17546, 385, 570, 6752, 199, 13, 738, 21175, 436, 16834, 17546, 385, 9219, 83, 199, 13, 14171, 24154, 315, 9219, 83, 199, 13, 577, 2527, 436, 5978, 17546, 385, 1584, 199, 13, 4879, 9219, 4057, 436, 1566, 20453, 83, 199, 13, 445, 31421, 14854, 17915, 543, 6335, 6137, 13, 262, 14854, 17915, 199, 13, 16258, 279, 4057, 22437, 199, 13, 21128, 1331, 11, 16586, 299, 784, 9219, 1324, 4799, 16401, 25132, 2832, 425, 1551, 13, 5097, 9592, 199, 13, 28220, 9096, 1318, 436, 481, 528, 300, 1132, 4580, 27060, 2832, 425, 334, 29091, 9, 2291, 199, 13, 6266, 1776, 1901, 10448, 10815, 334, 13209, 543, 435, 21, 5, 3326, 14598, 9, 199, 13, 18951, 370, 675, 436, 1109, 1907, 857, 3648, 436, 23109, 624, 199, 199, 31163, 1976, 3960, 275, 359, 272, 283, 23753, 9795, 3800, 650, 446, 32657, 297, 272, 283, 8263, 3800, 1323, 845, 24636, 3800, 598, 15263, 297, 272, 283, 23910, 23975, 3800, 9599, 20123, 15, 20436, 297, 272, 283, 3761, 3800, 25718, 26330, 3800, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 373, 19, 334, 28863, 19, 3196, 272, 283, 23699, 6187, 3800, 18169, 297, 272, 283, 11411, 8466, 3800, 2018, 3800, 650, 297, 272, 283, 11411 ]
[ 1882, 2803, 26, 9094, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 504, 5739, 492, 5739, 199, 504, 747, 492, 27483, 199, 504, 747, 14, 515, 492, 26004, 12, 29214, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 4770, 199, 646, 984, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 199, 3749, 63, 694, 275, 747, 14, 515, 14, 3475, 8, 736, 14, 515, 14, 4832, 3460, 493, 8964, 199, 1274, 14, 515, 275, 359, 736, 14, 515, 14, 904, 8, 3749, 63, 694, 12, 298, 773, 11323, 435, 984, 14, 515, 421, 199, 77, 338, 275, 756, 199, 692, 984, 14, 3020, 1988, 17, 61, 508, 298, 17403, 63, 77, 338, 582, 272, 862, 26, 267, 687, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 492, 3272, 12, 9434, 2964, 267, 687, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 14, 2676, 2686, 492, 26308, 63, 77, 338, 267, 333, 338, 275, 715, 272, 871, 3545, 26, 267, 870, 480, 3170, 26, 883, 1133, 492, 17280, 63, 10146, 806, 9124, 267, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 2836, 26, 272, 687, 7065, 14, 1018, 492, 3272, 199, 199, 692, 984, 14, 1023, 63, 815, 665, 334, 19, 12, 959, 12, 378, 304, 272, 870, 360, 3170, 26, 1611, 20335, 385, 5074, 2018, 2356, 650, 14, 21, 14, 16, 358, 272, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 199, 692, 984, 14, 3246, 508, 298, 2676, 708, 582, 272, 862, 26, 267, 687, 18895, 14, 8421, 492, 11424, 267, 870, 480, 18891, 809, 1636, 365, 450, 83, 4111, 83, 4111, 83, 401, 334, 18891, 14, 29241, 63, 4612, 12, 11424, 14, 4896, 726, 63, 4612, 12, 11424, 14, 29112, 63, 4612, 430, 272, 871, 3545, 26, 267, 870, 360, 3170, 26, 1611, 20335, 385, 315, 5417, 16078, 5074, 370, 3907, 1611, 39, 1692, 2659, 267, 870, 360, 31376, 687, 1455, 921, 22943, 14, 846, 15, 6776, 15, 647, 71, 785, 2676, 708, 358, 267, 984, 14, 2224, 8, 17, 9, 199, 199, 504, 1742, 492, 2248, 63, 578, 12, 2342, 63, 578, 199, 647, 595, 385, 275, 2248, 63, 578, 480, 647, 595, 385, 401, 627, 1623, 63, 578, 480, 647, 595, 385, 401, 2097, 773, 13045, 199, 199, 4612, 275, 1134, 595, 385, 14, 4612, 199, 199, 2339, 275, 298, 647, 595, 385, 2, 199, 199, 3, 2136, 1172, 370, 5516, 2274, 1414, 2952, 199, 3, 1611, 20335, 385, 687, 4573, 4132, 2575, 2187, 641, 1134, 1038, 14, 199, 199, 504, 7065, 14, 1531, 14, 2683, 492, 2274, 421, 199, 533, 11828, 3110, 8, 2683, 304, 272, 347, 1255, 8, 277, 304, 267, 291, 14, 4972, 14, 2343, 14, 354, 275, 298, 2713, 20335, 385, 3295, 83, 2, 450, 1134, 595, 385, 14, 4612, 63, 2339, 267, 2274, 14, 1065, 8, 277, 9, 421, 199, 15119, 275, 298, 20335, 385, 1890, 2, 199, 199, 12375, 63, 15119, 275, 408, 2713, 20335, 385, 365, 282, 17546, 385, 1890, 367, 25692, 436, 5909, 20135, 17546, 385, 9219, 83, 14, 2779, 365, 199, 262, 6943, 370, 506, 18025, 3865, 367, 5204, 12657, 1183, 892, 370, 17546, 385, 465, 5521, 465, 199, 14652, 4390, 3963, 2934, 370, 675, 282, 24189, 370, 9848, 655, 14666, 3932, 5232, 14, 199, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 282, 6762, 2366, 17546, 385, 6869, 436, 2599, 13, 271, 28853, 4750, 199, 1935, 2238, 17546, 385, 28156, 334, 17103, 16056, 12, 820, 28564, 7351, 12, 869, 810, 68, 2730, 12, 5244, 581, 424, 12, 1664, 445, 31421, 12, 199, 35, 345, 70, 369, 12, 481, 82, 4993, 12, 436, 5002, 1655, 680, 5723, 28156, 787, 2808, 465, 1687, 10339, 83, 12, 199, 460, 787, 1202, 370, 5647, 18069, 436, 11284, 14, 1611, 20335, 385, 2597, 13703, 11284, 199, 504, 13618, 19040, 436, 598, 7194, 12041, 1284, 13, 5097, 1817, 12087, 14, 199, 199, 11423, 1265, 664, 17028, 402, 25692, 24189, 30130, 1265, 883, 4676, 370, 481, 21174, 334, 1589, 199, 10146, 22026, 445, 31421, 7146, 9, 436, 5232, 6169, 13135, 1006, 1806, 314, 6701, 14, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 282, 6137, 13, 262, 4703, 261, 279, 1890, 12, 880, 1265, 7859, 1133, 27332, 12516, 900, 5309, 199, 65, 9219, 7037, 370, 17891, 14, 1611, 20335, 385, 2597, 965, 876, 13, 1185, 2291, 12, 1314, 4910, 1265, 883, 199, 1875, 334, 269, 1343, 10663, 9, 282, 4057, 2544, 2195, 1687, 10339, 965, 6326, 3932, 4057, 14, 199, 199, 2713, 20335, 385, 965, 5002, 1163, 4534, 5893, 26, 199, 13, 19392, 2890, 436, 738, 3553, 17546, 385, 6869, 2291, 543, 3537, 14065, 6869, 13422, 199, 13, 8467, 5016, 1653, 13618, 6719, 2291, 199, 13, 869, 442, 436, 428, 647, 4057, 601, 3838, 199, 13, 869, 442, 12, 25318, 12, 436, 30793, 12748, 83, 199, 13, 16527, 436, 19897, 9219, 83, 315, 7396, 9219, 12187, 199, 13, 6155, 17546, 385, 21169, 5893, 445, 31421, 25, 2259, 12, 428, 85, 530, 2655, 12, 445, 30566, 6740, 12, 5244, 6817, 12, 3835, 21317, 12, 510, 21564, 593, 617, 83, 12, 436, 18840, 530, 199, 13, 26129, 436, 14511, 510, 15306, 12, 662, 11435, 436, 481, 742, 17546, 385, 570, 6752, 199, 13, 738, 21175, 436, 16834, 17546, 385, 9219, 83, 199, 13, 14171, 24154, 315, 9219, 83, 199, 13, 577, 2527, 436, 5978, 17546, 385, 1584, 199, 13, 4879, 9219, 4057, 436, 1566, 20453, 83, 199, 13, 445, 31421, 14854, 17915, 543, 6335, 6137, 13, 262, 14854, 17915, 199, 13, 16258, 279, 4057, 22437, 199, 13, 21128, 1331, 11, 16586, 299, 784, 9219, 1324, 4799, 16401, 25132, 2832, 425, 1551, 13, 5097, 9592, 199, 13, 28220, 9096, 1318, 436, 481, 528, 300, 1132, 4580, 27060, 2832, 425, 334, 29091, 9, 2291, 199, 13, 6266, 1776, 1901, 10448, 10815, 334, 13209, 543, 435, 21, 5, 3326, 14598, 9, 199, 13, 18951, 370, 675, 436, 1109, 1907, 857, 3648, 436, 23109, 624, 199, 199, 31163, 1976, 3960, 275, 359, 272, 283, 23753, 9795, 3800, 650, 446, 32657, 297, 272, 283, 8263, 3800, 1323, 845, 24636, 3800, 598, 15263, 297, 272, 283, 23910, 23975, 3800, 9599, 20123, 15, 20436, 297, 272, 283, 3761, 3800, 25718, 26330, 3800, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 373, 19, 334, 28863, 19, 3196, 272, 283, 23699, 6187, 3800, 18169, 297, 272, 283, 11411, 8466, 3800, 2018, 3800, 650, 297, 272, 283, 11411, 0 ]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp import api from openerp.osv import fields, osv from lxml import etree from import _ class followup(osv.osv): _name = 'account_followup.followup' _description = 'Account Follow-up' _rec_name = 'name' _columns = { 'followup_line': fields.one2many('account_followup.followup.line', 'followup_id', 'Follow-up', copy=True), 'company_id': fields.many2one('', 'Company', required=True), 'name': fields.related('company_id', 'name', string = "Name", readonly=True, type="char"), } _defaults = { 'company_id': lambda s, cr, uid, c: s.pool.get('')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'account_followup.followup', context=c), } _sql_constraints = [('company_uniq', 'unique(company_id)', 'Only one follow-up per company is allowed')] class followup_line(osv.osv): def _get_default_template(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): try: return self.pool.get('').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account_followup', 'email_template_account_followup_default')[1] except ValueError: return False _name = 'account_followup.followup.line' _description = 'Follow-up Criteria' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Follow-Up Action', required=True), 'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence', help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of follow-up lines."), 'delay': fields.integer('Due Days', help="The number of days after the due date of the invoice to wait before sending the reminder. Could be negative if you want to send a polite alert beforehand.", required=True), 'followup_id': fields.many2one('account_followup.followup', 'Follow Ups', required=True, ondelete="cascade"), 'description': fields.text('Printed Message', translate=True), 'send_email':fields.boolean('Send an Email', help="When processing, it will send an email"), 'send_letter':fields.boolean('Send a Letter', help="When processing, it will print a letter"), 'manual_action':fields.boolean('Manual Action', help="When processing, it will set the manual action to be taken for that customer. "), 'manual_action_note':fields.text('Action To Do', placeholder="e.g. Give a phone call, check with others , ..."), 'manual_action_responsible_id':fields.many2one('res.users', 'Assign a Responsible', ondelete='set null'), 'email_template_id':fields.many2one('email.template', 'Email Template', ondelete='set null'), } _order = 'delay' _sql_constraints = [('days_uniq', 'unique(followup_id, delay)', 'Days of the follow-up levels must be different')] _defaults = { 'send_email': True, 'send_letter': True, 'manual_action':False, 'description': """ Dear %(partner_name)s, Exception made if there was a mistake of ours, it seems that the following amount stays unpaid. Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days. Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please ignore this message. Do not hesitate to contact our accounting department. Best Regards, """, 'email_template_id': _get_default_template, } def _check_description(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if line.description: try: line.description % {'partner_name': '', 'date':'', 'user_signature': '', 'company_name': ''} except: return False return True _constraints = [ (_check_description, 'Your description is invalid, use the right legend or %% if you want to use the percent character.', ['description']), ] class account_move_line(osv.osv): def _get_result(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} for aml in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): res[] = aml.debit - return res _inherit = 'account.move.line' _columns = { 'followup_line_id': fields.many2one('account_followup.followup.line', 'Follow-up Level', ondelete='restrict'), #restrict deletion of the followup line 'followup_date':'Latest Follow-up', select=True), 'result':fields.function(_get_result, type='float', method=True, string="Balance") #'balance' field is not the same } class res_partner(osv.osv): def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type=None, context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False): res = super(res_partner, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, context=context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu) context = context or {} if view_type == 'form' and context.get('Followupfirst'): doc = etree.XML(res['arch'], parser=None, base_url=None) first_node = doc.xpath("//page[@name='followup_tab']") root = first_node[0].getparent() root.insert(0, first_node[0]) res['arch'] = etree.tostring(doc, encoding="utf-8") return res def _get_latest(self, cr, uid, ids, names, arg, context=None, company_id=None): res={} if company_id == None: company = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id else: company = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, company_id, context=context) for partner in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): amls = partner.unreconciled_aml_ids latest_date = False latest_level = False latest_days = False latest_level_without_lit = False latest_days_without_lit = False for aml in amls: if (aml.company_id == company) and (aml.followup_line_id != False) and (not latest_days or latest_days < aml.followup_line_id.delay): latest_days = aml.followup_line_id.delay latest_level = if (aml.company_id == company) and (not latest_date or latest_date < aml.followup_date): latest_date = aml.followup_date if (aml.company_id == company) and (aml.blocked == False) and (aml.followup_line_id != False and (not latest_days_without_lit or latest_days_without_lit < aml.followup_line_id.delay)): latest_days_without_lit = aml.followup_line_id.delay latest_level_without_lit = res[] = {'latest_followup_date': latest_date, 'latest_followup_level_id': latest_level, 'latest_followup_level_id_without_lit': latest_level_without_lit} return res @api.cr_uid_ids_context def do_partner_manual_action(self, cr, uid, partner_ids, context=None): #partner_ids -> res.partner for partner in self.browse(cr, uid, partner_ids, context=context): #Check action: check if the action was not empty, if not add action_text= "" if partner.payment_next_action: action_text = (partner.payment_next_action or '') + "\n" + (partner.latest_followup_level_id_without_lit.manual_action_note or '') else: action_text = partner.latest_followup_level_id_without_lit.manual_action_note or '' #Check date: only change when it did not exist already action_date = partner.payment_next_action_date or, cr, uid, context=context) # Check responsible: if partner has not got a responsible already, take from follow-up responsible_id = False if partner.payment_responsible_id: responsible_id = else: p = partner.latest_followup_level_id_without_lit.manual_action_responsible_id responsible_id = p and or False self.write(cr, uid, [], {'payment_next_action_date': action_date, 'payment_next_action': action_text, 'payment_responsible_id': responsible_id}) def do_partner_print(self, cr, uid, wizard_partner_ids, data, context=None): #wizard_partner_ids are ids from special view, not from res.partner if not wizard_partner_ids: return {} data['partner_ids'] = wizard_partner_ids datas = { 'ids': wizard_partner_ids, 'model': 'account_followup.followup', 'form': data } return self.pool['report'].get_action(cr, uid, [], 'account_followup.report_followup', data=datas, context=context) @api.cr_uid_ids_context def do_partner_mail(self, cr, uid, partner_ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} ctx = context.copy() ctx['followup'] = True #partner_ids are res.partner ids # If not defined by latest follow-up level, it will be the default template if it can find it mtp = self.pool.get('email.template') unknown_mails = 0 for partner in self.browse(cr, uid, partner_ids, context=ctx): if and level = partner.latest_followup_level_id_without_lit if level and level.send_email and level.email_template_id and mtp.send_mail(cr, uid,,, context=ctx) else: mail_template_id = self.pool.get('').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account_followup', 'email_template_account_followup_default') mtp.send_mail(cr, uid, mail_template_id[1],, context=ctx) else: unknown_mails = unknown_mails + 1 action_text = _("Email not sent because of email address of partner not filled in") if partner.payment_next_action_date: payment_action_date = min(, cr, uid, context=ctx), partner.payment_next_action_date) else: payment_action_date =, cr, uid, context=ctx) if partner.payment_next_action: payment_next_action = partner.payment_next_action + " \n " + action_text else: payment_next_action = action_text self.write(cr, uid, [], {'payment_next_action_date': payment_action_date, 'payment_next_action': payment_next_action}, context=ctx) return unknown_mails def get_followup_table_html(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Build the html tables to be included in emails send to partners, when reminding them their overdue invoices. :param ids: [id] of the partner for whom we are building the tables :rtype: string """ from report import account_followup_print assert len(ids) == 1 if context is None: context = {} partner = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) #copy the context to not change global context. Overwrite it because _() looks for the lang in local variable 'context'. #Set the language to use = the partner language context = dict(context, lang=partner.lang) followup_table = '' if partner.unreconciled_aml_ids: company = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id current_date =, cr, uid, context=context) rml_parse = account_followup_print.report_rappel(cr, uid, "followup_rml_parser") final_res = rml_parse._lines_get_with_partner(partner, for currency_dict in final_res: currency = currency_dict.get('line', [{'currency_id': company.currency_id}])[0]['currency_id'] followup_table += ''' <table border="2" width=100%%> <tr> <td>''' + _("Invoice Date") + '''</td> <td>''' + _("Description") + '''</td> <td>''' + _("Reference") + '''</td> <td>''' + _("Due Date") + '''</td> <td>''' + _("Amount") + " (%s)" % (currency.symbol) + '''</td> <td>''' + _("Lit.") + '''</td> </tr> ''' total = 0 for aml in currency_dict['line']: block = aml['blocked'] and 'X' or ' ' total += aml['balance'] strbegin = "<TD>" strend = "</TD>" date = aml['date_maturity'] or aml['date'] if date <= current_date and aml['balance'] > 0: strbegin = "<TD><B>" strend = "</B></TD>" followup_table +="<TR>" + strbegin + str(aml['date']) + strend + strbegin + aml['name'] + strend + strbegin + (aml['ref'] or '') + strend + strbegin + str(date) + strend + strbegin + str(aml['balance']) + strend + strbegin + block + strend + "</TR>" total = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y['balance'], currency_dict['line'], 0.00) total = rml_parse.formatLang(total, dp='Account', currency_obj=currency) followup_table += '''<tr> </tr> </table> <center>''' + _("Amount due") + ''' : %s </center>''' % (total) return followup_table def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): if vals.get("payment_responsible_id", False): for part in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if part.payment_responsible_id <> vals["payment_responsible_id"]: #Find partner_id of user put as responsible responsible_partner_id = self.pool.get("res.users").browse(cr, uid, vals['payment_responsible_id'], context=context) self.pool.get("mail.thread").message_post(cr, uid, 0, body = _("You became responsible to do the next action for the payment follow-up of") + " <b><a href='#id=" + str( + "&view_type=form&model=res.partner'> " + + " </a></b>", type = 'comment', subtype = "mail.mt_comment", context = context, model = 'res.partner', res_id =, partner_ids = [responsible_partner_id]) return super(res_partner, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context) def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'payment_next_action_date': False, 'payment_next_action':'', 'payment_responsible_id': False}, context=context) def do_button_print(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): assert(len(ids) == 1) company_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) #search if the partner has accounting entries to print. If not, it may not be present in the #psql view the report is based on, so we need to stop the user here. if not self.pool.get('account.move.line').search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', ids[0]), ('account_id.type', '=', 'receivable'), ('reconcile_id', '=', False), ('state', '!=', 'draft'), ('company_id', '=', company_id), '|', ('date_maturity', '=', False), ('date_maturity', '<=',, cr, uid)), ], context=context): raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'),_("The partner does not have any accounting entries to print in the overdue report for the current company.")) self.message_post(cr, uid, [ids[0]], body=_('Printed overdue payments report'), context=context) #build the id of this partner in the psql view. Could be replaced by a search with [('company_id', '=', company_id),('partner_id', '=', ids[0])] wizard_partner_ids = [ids[0] * 10000 + company_id] followup_ids = self.pool.get('account_followup.followup').search(cr, uid, [('company_id', '=', company_id)], context=context) if not followup_ids: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'),_("There is no followup plan defined for the current company.")) data = { 'date':, 'followup_id': followup_ids[0], } #call the print overdue report on this partner return self.do_partner_print(cr, uid, wizard_partner_ids, data, context=context) def _get_amounts_and_date(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): ''' Function that computes values for the followup functional fields. Note that 'payment_amount_due' is similar to 'credit' field on res.partner except it filters on user's company. ''' res = {} company = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id current_date =, cr, uid, context=context) for partner in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): worst_due_date = False amount_due = amount_overdue = 0.0 for aml in partner.unreconciled_aml_ids: if (aml.company_id == company): date_maturity = aml.date_maturity or if not worst_due_date or date_maturity < worst_due_date: worst_due_date = date_maturity amount_due += aml.result if (date_maturity <= current_date): amount_overdue += aml.result res[] = {'payment_amount_due': amount_due, 'payment_amount_overdue': amount_overdue, 'payment_earliest_due_date': worst_due_date} return res def _get_followup_overdue_query(self, cr, uid, args, overdue_only=False, context=None): ''' This function is used to build the query and arguments to use when making a search on functional fields * payment_amount_due * payment_amount_overdue Basically, the query is exactly the same except that for overdue there is an extra clause in the WHERE. :param args: arguments given to the search in the usual domain notation (list of tuples) :param overdue_only: option to add the extra argument to filter on overdue accounting entries or not :returns: a tuple with * the query to execute as first element * the arguments for the execution of this query :rtype: (string, []) ''' company_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) having_where_clause = ' AND '.join(map(lambda x: '(SUM(bal2) %s %%s)' % (x[1]), args)) having_values = [x[2] for x in args] query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context) overdue_only_str = overdue_only and 'AND date_maturity <= NOW()' or '' return ('''SELECT pid AS partner_id, SUM(bal2) FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN bal IS NOT NULL THEN bal ELSE 0.0 END AS bal2, as pid FROM (SELECT (debit-credit) AS bal, partner_id FROM account_move_line l WHERE account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_account WHERE type=\'receivable\' AND active) ''' + overdue_only_str + ''' AND reconcile_id IS NULL AND company_id = %s AND ''' + query + ''') AS l RIGHT JOIN res_partner p ON = partner_id ) AS pl GROUP BY pid HAVING ''' + having_where_clause, [company_id] + having_values) def _payment_overdue_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None): if not args: return [] query, query_args = self._get_followup_overdue_query(cr, uid, args, overdue_only=True, context=context) cr.execute(query, query_args) res = cr.fetchall() if not res: return [('id','=','0')] return [('id','in', [x[0] for x in res])] def _payment_earliest_date_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None): if not args: return [] company_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) having_where_clause = ' AND '.join(map(lambda x: '(MIN(l.date_maturity) %s %%s)' % (x[1]), args)) having_values = [x[2] for x in args] query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context) cr.execute('SELECT partner_id FROM account_move_line l '\ 'WHERE account_id IN '\ '(SELECT id FROM account_account '\ 'WHERE type=\'receivable\' AND active) '\ 'AND l.company_id = %s ' 'AND reconcile_id IS NULL '\ 'AND '+query+' '\ 'AND partner_id IS NOT NULL '\ 'GROUP BY partner_id HAVING '+ having_where_clause, [company_id] + having_values) res = cr.fetchall() if not res: return [('id','=','0')] return [('id','in', [x[0] for x in res])] def _payment_due_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None): if not args: return [] query, query_args = self._get_followup_overdue_query(cr, uid, args, overdue_only=False, context=context) cr.execute(query, query_args) res = cr.fetchall() if not res: return [('id','=','0')] return [('id','in', [x[0] for x in res])] def _get_partners(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): #this function search for the partners linked to all account.move.line 'ids' that have been changed partners = set() for aml in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if aml.partner_id: partners.add( return list(partners) _inherit = "res.partner" _columns = { 'payment_responsible_id':fields.many2one('res.users', ondelete='set null', string='Follow-up Responsible', help="Optionally you can assign a user to this field, which will make him responsible for the action.", track_visibility="onchange", copy=False), 'payment_note':fields.text('Customer Payment Promise', help="Payment Note", track_visibility="onchange", copy=False), 'payment_next_action':fields.text('Next Action', copy=False, help="This is the next action to be taken. It will automatically be set when the partner gets a follow-up level that requires a manual action. ", track_visibility="onchange"), 'payment_next_action_date':'Next Action Date', copy=False, help="This is when the manual follow-up is needed. " "The date will be set to the current date when the partner " "gets a follow-up level that requires a manual action. " "Can be practical to set manually e.g. to see if he keeps " "his promises."), 'unreconciled_aml_ids':fields.one2many('account.move.line', 'partner_id', domain=['&', ('reconcile_id', '=', False), '&', ('','=', True), '&', ('account_id.type', '=', 'receivable'), ('state', '!=', 'draft')]), 'latest_followup_date':fields.function(_get_latest, method=True, type='date', string="Latest Follow-up Date", help="Latest date that the follow-up level of the partner was changed", store=False, multi="latest"), 'latest_followup_level_id':fields.function(_get_latest, method=True, type='many2one', relation='account_followup.followup.line', string="Latest Follow-up Level", help="The maximum follow-up level", store={ 'res.partner': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c: ids,[],10), 'account.move.line': (_get_partners, ['followup_line_id'], 10), }, multi="latest"), 'latest_followup_level_id_without_lit':fields.function(_get_latest, method=True, type='many2one', relation='account_followup.followup.line', string="Latest Follow-up Level without litigation", help="The maximum follow-up level without taking into account the account move lines with litigation", store={ 'res.partner': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c: ids,[],10), 'account.move.line': (_get_partners, ['followup_line_id'], 10), }, multi="latest"), 'payment_amount_due':fields.function(_get_amounts_and_date, type='float', string="Amount Due", store = False, multi="followup", fnct_search=_payment_due_search), 'payment_amount_overdue':fields.function(_get_amounts_and_date, type='float', string="Amount Overdue", store = False, multi="followup", fnct_search = _payment_overdue_search), 'payment_earliest_due_date':fields.function(_get_amounts_and_date, type='date', string = "Worst Due Date", multi="followup", fnct_search=_payment_earliest_date_search), } class account_config_settings(osv.TransientModel): _name = 'account.config.settings' _inherit = 'account.config.settings' def open_followup_level_form(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): res_ids = self.pool.get('account_followup.followup').search(cr, uid, [], context=context) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': 'Payment Follow-ups', 'res_model': 'account_followup.followup', 'res_id': res_ids and res_ids[0] or False, 'view_mode': 'form,tree', } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 4605, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 7653, 12, 3232, 5800, 8259, 9274, 199, 3, 259, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 8353, 13, 6542, 11947, 12361, 8642, 1014, 921, 9864, 14, 1235, 10121, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 259, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 199, 3, 259, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 199, 3, 259, 844, 12, 503, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 259, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 259, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 259, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 259, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 4743, 199, 3, 199, 4605, 199, 199, 504, 5166, 492, 2986, 199, 504, 5166, 14, 4795, 492, 1504, 12, 9506, 199, 504, 14490, 492, 7559, 199, 504, 5166, 14, 2537, 14, 5275, 492, 485, 199, 199, 533, 2035, 384, 8, 4795, 14, 4795, 304, 272, 485, 354, 275, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 7, 272, 485, 1802, 275, 283, 6009, 21876, 13, 384, 7, 272, 485, 2761, 63, 354, 275, 283, 354, 7, 272, 485, 3406, 275, 469, 267, 283, 25872, 63, 604, 356, 1504, 14, 368, 18, 3479, 360, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 14, 604, 297, 283, 25872, 63, 344, 297, 283, 18696, 13, 384, 297, 1331, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 4627, 63, 344, 356, 1504, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 470, 14, 4627, 297, 283, 16063, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 354, 356, 1504, 14, 2407, 360, 4627, 63, 344, 297, 283, 354, 297, 1059, 275, 298, 985, 401, 6863, 29, 549, 12, 730, 628, 1560, 1288, 272, 789, 272, 485, 4322, 275, 469, 267, 283, 4627, 63, 344, 356, 2400, 308, 12, 2467, 12, 1747, 12, 286, 26, 308, 14, 2293, 14, 362, 360, 470, 14, 4627, 31238, 4627, 63, 885, 63, 362, 8, 1556, 12, 1747, 12, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 297, 1067, 29, 67, 395, 272, 789, 272, 485, 3009, 63, 9882, 275, 4274, 4627, 63, 22484, 297, 283, 3235, 8, 4627, 63, 344, 3196, 283, 5903, 1373, 2035, 13, 384, 1126, 7233, 365, 4370, 5440, 221, 421, 199, 533, 2035, 384, 63, 604, 8, 4795, 14, 4795, 304, 339, 347, 485, 362, 63, 885, 63, 1160, 8, 277, 12, 2467, 12, 1747, 12, 2762, 12, 1067, 29, 403, 304, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 291, 14, 2293, 14, 362, 360, 723, 14, 1238, 14, 576, 1959, 362, 63, 785, 63, 4443, 8, 1556, 12, 1747, 12, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 297, 283, 2123, 63, 1160, 63, 2048, 63, 25872, 63, 885, 5832, 17, 61, 267, 871, 1722, 26, 288, 372, 756, 339, 485, 354, 275, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 14, 604, 7, 272, 485, 1802, 275, 283, 18696, 13, 384, 445, 7527, 65, 7, 272, 485, 3406, 275, 469, 267, 283, 354, 356, 1504, 14, 1560, 360, 18696, 13, 1721, 10033, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 4041, 356, 1504, 14, 4115, 360, 5826, 297, 1720, 628, 39, 7602, 314, 3414, 1865, 1380, 20589, 282, 769, 402, 2035, 13, 384, 2385, 7651, 267, 283, 5814, 356, 1504, 14, 4115, 360, 36, 310, 577, 5758, 297, 1720, 628, 1918, 1329, 402, 7609, 2410, 314, 7037, 1434, 402, 314, 8485, 370, 3618, 2544, 10209, 314, 295, 24820, 14, 221, 18615, 506, 6946, 340, 1265, 2934, 370, 3222, 282, 1115, 5333, 10459, 2544, 6868, 4765, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 25872, 63, 344, 356, 1504, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 297, 283, 18696, 738, 1190, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 12, 16549, 628, 15377, 1288, 267, 283, 1802, 356, 1504, 14, 505, 360, 9779, 9082, 6430, 297, 9028, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 2123, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 6795, 376, 11426, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 3222, 376, 3031, 1288, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 9269, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 6795, 282, 12230, 351, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 870, 282, 8082, 1288, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 22382, 10033, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 663, 314, 8722, 1595, 370, 506, 9394, 367, 626, 15229, 14, 26261, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 63, 4610, 356, 955, 14, 505, 360, 3310, 4005, 4226, 297, 10069, 628, 69, 14, 71, 14, 25495, 282, 14617, 1240, 12, 1104, 543, 11789, 2360, 2263, 1288, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 63, 3853, 1164, 63, 344, 356, 955, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 470, 14, 3707, 297, 283, 9595, 282, 3591, 678, 1164, 297, 16549, 534, 409, 2973, 659, 267, 283, 2123, 63, 1160, 63, 344, 356, 955, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 2123, 14, 1160, 297, 283, 7035, 5458, 297, 16549, 534, 409, 2973, 659, 272, 789, 272, 485, 1648, 275, 283, 5814, 7, 272, 485, 3009, 63, 9882, 275, 4274, 4899, 63, 22484, 297, 283, 3235, 8, 25872, 63, 344, 12, 7339, 3196, 283, 25589, 402, 314, 2035, 13, 384, 11106, 1471, 506, 3365, 5440, 272, 485, 4322, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 2123, 356, 715, 12, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 9269, 356, 715, 12, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 356, 797, 12, 267, 283, 1802, 356, 408, 267, 1487, 285, 2818, 3899, 63, 354, 9, 83, 12, 199, 199, 1726, 6326, 340, 2337, 1990, 282, 27572, 1728, 402, 4154, 83, 12, 652, 12237, 626, 314, 2569, 5982, 2612, 588, 625, 16555, 14, 7754, 12, 5452, 5827, 17616, 1482, 315, 1865, 370, 25176, 734, 642, 11628, 315, 314, 2163, 1695, 7609, 14, 199, 199, 55, 3857, 2195, 11628, 1172 ]
[ 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 4605, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 7653, 12, 3232, 5800, 8259, 9274, 199, 3, 259, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 8353, 13, 6542, 11947, 12361, 8642, 1014, 921, 9864, 14, 1235, 10121, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 2867, 2032, 26, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 2811, 199, 3, 259, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 199, 3, 259, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 1902, 1015, 650, 402, 314, 199, 3, 259, 844, 12, 503, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 961, 2240, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 199, 3, 259, 1325, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 259, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 199, 3, 259, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 259, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 4265, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 259, 3180, 543, 642, 2240, 14, 221, 982, 440, 12, 1937, 665, 1014, 921, 1544, 14, 3689, 14, 1308, 15, 2383, 4743, 199, 3, 199, 4605, 199, 199, 504, 5166, 492, 2986, 199, 504, 5166, 14, 4795, 492, 1504, 12, 9506, 199, 504, 14490, 492, 7559, 199, 504, 5166, 14, 2537, 14, 5275, 492, 485, 199, 199, 533, 2035, 384, 8, 4795, 14, 4795, 304, 272, 485, 354, 275, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 7, 272, 485, 1802, 275, 283, 6009, 21876, 13, 384, 7, 272, 485, 2761, 63, 354, 275, 283, 354, 7, 272, 485, 3406, 275, 469, 267, 283, 25872, 63, 604, 356, 1504, 14, 368, 18, 3479, 360, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 14, 604, 297, 283, 25872, 63, 344, 297, 283, 18696, 13, 384, 297, 1331, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 4627, 63, 344, 356, 1504, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 470, 14, 4627, 297, 283, 16063, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 354, 356, 1504, 14, 2407, 360, 4627, 63, 344, 297, 283, 354, 297, 1059, 275, 298, 985, 401, 6863, 29, 549, 12, 730, 628, 1560, 1288, 272, 789, 272, 485, 4322, 275, 469, 267, 283, 4627, 63, 344, 356, 2400, 308, 12, 2467, 12, 1747, 12, 286, 26, 308, 14, 2293, 14, 362, 360, 470, 14, 4627, 31238, 4627, 63, 885, 63, 362, 8, 1556, 12, 1747, 12, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 297, 1067, 29, 67, 395, 272, 789, 272, 485, 3009, 63, 9882, 275, 4274, 4627, 63, 22484, 297, 283, 3235, 8, 4627, 63, 344, 3196, 283, 5903, 1373, 2035, 13, 384, 1126, 7233, 365, 4370, 5440, 221, 421, 199, 533, 2035, 384, 63, 604, 8, 4795, 14, 4795, 304, 339, 347, 485, 362, 63, 885, 63, 1160, 8, 277, 12, 2467, 12, 1747, 12, 2762, 12, 1067, 29, 403, 304, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 291, 14, 2293, 14, 362, 360, 723, 14, 1238, 14, 576, 1959, 362, 63, 785, 63, 4443, 8, 1556, 12, 1747, 12, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 297, 283, 2123, 63, 1160, 63, 2048, 63, 25872, 63, 885, 5832, 17, 61, 267, 871, 1722, 26, 288, 372, 756, 339, 485, 354, 275, 283, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 14, 604, 7, 272, 485, 1802, 275, 283, 18696, 13, 384, 445, 7527, 65, 7, 272, 485, 3406, 275, 469, 267, 283, 354, 356, 1504, 14, 1560, 360, 18696, 13, 1721, 10033, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 4041, 356, 1504, 14, 4115, 360, 5826, 297, 1720, 628, 39, 7602, 314, 3414, 1865, 1380, 20589, 282, 769, 402, 2035, 13, 384, 2385, 7651, 267, 283, 5814, 356, 1504, 14, 4115, 360, 36, 310, 577, 5758, 297, 1720, 628, 1918, 1329, 402, 7609, 2410, 314, 7037, 1434, 402, 314, 8485, 370, 3618, 2544, 10209, 314, 295, 24820, 14, 221, 18615, 506, 6946, 340, 1265, 2934, 370, 3222, 282, 1115, 5333, 10459, 2544, 6868, 4765, 1415, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 25872, 63, 344, 356, 1504, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 2048, 63, 25872, 14, 25872, 297, 283, 18696, 738, 1190, 297, 1415, 29, 549, 12, 16549, 628, 15377, 1288, 267, 283, 1802, 356, 1504, 14, 505, 360, 9779, 9082, 6430, 297, 9028, 29, 549, 395, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 2123, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 6795, 376, 11426, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 3222, 376, 3031, 1288, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 9269, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 6795, 282, 12230, 351, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 870, 282, 8082, 1288, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 356, 955, 14, 4871, 360, 22382, 10033, 297, 1720, 628, 11423, 6661, 12, 652, 911, 663, 314, 8722, 1595, 370, 506, 9394, 367, 626, 15229, 14, 26261, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 63, 4610, 356, 955, 14, 505, 360, 3310, 4005, 4226, 297, 10069, 628, 69, 14, 71, 14, 25495, 282, 14617, 1240, 12, 1104, 543, 11789, 2360, 2263, 1288, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 63, 3853, 1164, 63, 344, 356, 955, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 470, 14, 3707, 297, 283, 9595, 282, 3591, 678, 1164, 297, 16549, 534, 409, 2973, 659, 267, 283, 2123, 63, 1160, 63, 344, 356, 955, 14, 3479, 18, 368, 360, 2123, 14, 1160, 297, 283, 7035, 5458, 297, 16549, 534, 409, 2973, 659, 272, 789, 272, 485, 1648, 275, 283, 5814, 7, 272, 485, 3009, 63, 9882, 275, 4274, 4899, 63, 22484, 297, 283, 3235, 8, 25872, 63, 344, 12, 7339, 3196, 283, 25589, 402, 314, 2035, 13, 384, 11106, 1471, 506, 3365, 5440, 272, 485, 4322, 275, 469, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 2123, 356, 715, 12, 267, 283, 2254, 63, 9269, 356, 715, 12, 267, 283, 9285, 63, 1287, 356, 797, 12, 267, 283, 1802, 356, 408, 267, 1487, 285, 2818, 3899, 63, 354, 9, 83, 12, 199, 199, 1726, 6326, 340, 2337, 1990, 282, 27572, 1728, 402, 4154, 83, 12, 652, 12237, 626, 314, 2569, 5982, 2612, 588, 625, 16555, 14, 7754, 12, 5452, 5827, 17616, 1482, 315, 1865, 370, 25176, 734, 642, 11628, 315, 314, 2163, 1695, 7609, 14, 199, 199, 55, 3857, 2195, 11628, 1172, 0 ]
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from builtins import str from past.builtins import basestring from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime import getpass import logging import signal import socket import subprocess import sys from time import sleep from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, func, Index from sqlalchemy.orm.session import make_transient from airflow import executors, models, settings, utils from airflow.configuration import conf from airflow.utils import AirflowException, State Base = models.Base ID_LEN = models.ID_LEN # Setting up a statsd client if needed statsd = None if conf.get('scheduler', 'statsd_on'): from statsd import StatsClient statsd = StatsClient( host=conf.get('scheduler', 'statsd_host'), port=conf.getint('scheduler', 'statsd_port'), prefix=conf.get('scheduler', 'statsd_prefix')) class BaseJob(Base): """ Abstract class to be derived for jobs. Jobs are processing items with state and duration that aren't task instances. For instance a BackfillJob is a collection of task instance runs, but should have it's own state, start and end time. """ __tablename__ = "job" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) dag_id = Column(String(ID_LEN),) state = Column(String(20)) job_type = Column(String(30)) start_date = Column(DateTime()) end_date = Column(DateTime()) latest_heartbeat = Column(DateTime()) executor_class = Column(String(500)) hostname = Column(String(500)) unixname = Column(String(1000)) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': job_type, 'polymorphic_identity': 'BaseJob' } __table_args__ = ( Index('job_type_heart', job_type, latest_heartbeat), ) def __init__( self, executor=executors.DEFAULT_EXECUTOR, heartrate=conf.getint('scheduler', 'JOB_HEARTBEAT_SEC'), *args, **kwargs): self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.executor = executor self.executor_class = executor.__class__.__name__ self.start_date = self.latest_heartbeat = self.heartrate = heartrate self.unixname = getpass.getuser() super(BaseJob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def is_alive(self): return ( ( - self.latest_heartbeat).seconds < (conf.getint('scheduler', 'JOB_HEARTBEAT_SEC') * 2.1) ) def kill(self): session = settings.Session() job = session.query(BaseJob).filter( == job.end_date = try: self.on_kill() except: logging.error('on_kill() method failed') session.merge(job) session.commit() session.close() raise AirflowException("Job shut down externally.") def on_kill(self): ''' Will be called when an external kill command is received ''' pass def heartbeat_callback(self): pass def heartbeat(self): ''' Heartbeats update the job's entry in the database with a timestamp for the latest_heartbeat and allows for the job to be killed externally. This allows at the system level to monitor what is actually active. For instance, an old heartbeat for SchedulerJob would mean something is wrong. This also allows for any job to be killed externally, regardless of who is running it or on which machine it is running. Note that if your heartbeat is set to 60 seconds and you call this method after 10 seconds of processing since the last heartbeat, it will sleep 50 seconds to complete the 60 seconds and keep a steady heart rate. If you go over 60 seconds before calling it, it won't sleep at all. ''' session = settings.Session() job = session.query(BaseJob).filter( == if job.state == State.SHUTDOWN: self.kill() if job.latest_heartbeat: sleep_for = self.heartrate - ( - job.latest_heartbeat).total_seconds() if sleep_for > 0: sleep(sleep_for) job.latest_heartbeat = session.merge(job) session.commit() session.close() self.heartbeat_callback() logging.debug('[heart] Boom.') def run(self): if statsd: statsd.incr(self.__class__.__name__.lower()+'_start', 1, 1) # Adding an entry in the DB session = settings.Session() self.state = State.RUNNING session.add(self) session.commit() id_ = make_transient(self) = id_ # Run self._execute() # Marking the success in the DB self.end_date = self.state = State.SUCCESS session.merge(self) session.commit() session.close() if statsd: statsd.incr(self.__class__.__name__.lower()+'_end', 1, 1) def _execute(self): raise NotImplemented("This method needs to be overridden") class SchedulerJob(BaseJob): """ This SchedulerJob runs indefinitely and constantly schedules the jobs that are ready to run. It figures out the latest runs for each task and see if the dependencies for the next schedules are met. If so it triggers the task instance. It does this for each task in each DAG and repeats. :param dag_id: to run the scheduler for a single specific DAG :type dag_id: string :param subdir: to search for DAG under a certain folder only :type subdir: string :param test_mode: used for unit testing this class only, runs a single schedule run :type test_mode: bool :param refresh_dags_every: force refresh the DAG definition every N runs, as specified here :type refresh_dags_every: int """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'SchedulerJob' } def __init__( self, dag_id=None, subdir=None, test_mode=False, refresh_dags_every=10, num_runs=None, *args, **kwargs): self.dag_id = dag_id self.subdir = subdir if test_mode: self.num_runs = 1 else: self.num_runs = num_runs self.refresh_dags_every = refresh_dags_every super(SchedulerJob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.heartrate = conf.getint('scheduler', 'SCHEDULER_HEARTBEAT_SEC') @utils.provide_session def manage_slas(self, dag, session=None): """ Finding all tasks that have SLAs defined, and sending alert emails where needed. New SLA misses are also recorded in the database. Where assuming that the scheduler runs often, so we only check for tasks that should have succeeded in the past hour. """ TI = models.TaskInstance sq = ( session .query( TI.task_id, func.max(TI.execution_date).label('max_ti')) .filter(TI.dag_id == dag.dag_id) .filter(TI.state == State.SUCCESS) .filter(TI.task_id.in_(dag.task_ids)) .group_by(TI.task_id).subquery('sq') ) max_tis = session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id == dag.dag_id, TI.task_id == sq.c.task_id, TI.execution_date == sq.c.max_ti, ).all() ts = SlaMiss = models.SlaMiss for ti in max_tis: task = dag.get_task(ti.task_id) dttm = ti.execution_date if task.sla: dttm += dag.schedule_interval while dttm < if dttm + task.sla + dag.schedule_interval < session.merge(models.SlaMiss( task_id=ti.task_id, dag_id=ti.dag_id, execution_date=dttm, timestamp=ts)) dttm += dag.schedule_interval session.commit() slas = ( session .query(SlaMiss) .filter(SlaMiss.email_sent == False) .filter(SlaMiss.dag_id == dag.dag_id) .all() ) task_list = "\n".join([ sla.task_id + ' on ' + sla.execution_date.isoformat() for sla in slas]) from airflow import ascii email_content = """\ Here's a list of tasks thas missed their SLAs: <pre><code>{task_list}\n{ascii.bug}<code></pre> """.format(**locals()) emails = [] for t in dag.tasks: if if isinstance(, basestring): l = [] elif isinstance(, (list, tuple)): l = for email in l: if email not in emails: emails.append(email) if emails and len(slas): utils.send_email( emails, "[airflow] SLA miss on DAG=" + dag.dag_id, email_content) for sla in slas: sla.email_sent = True session.merge(sla) session.commit() session.close() def import_errors(self, dagbag): session = settings.Session() session.query(models.ImportError).delete() for filename, stacktrace in list(dagbag.import_errors.items()): session.add(models.ImportError( filename=filename, stacktrace=stacktrace)) session.commit() def process_dag(self, dag, executor): """ This method schedules a single DAG by looking at the latest run for each task and attempting to schedule the following run. As multiple schedulers may be running for redundancy, this function takes a lock on the DAG and timestamps the last run in ``last_scheduler_run``. """ DagModel = models.DagModel session = settings.Session() db_dag = session.query( DagModel).filter(DagModel.dag_id == dag.dag_id).first() last_scheduler_run = db_dag.last_scheduler_run or datetime(2000, 1, 1) secs_since_last = ( - last_scheduler_run).total_seconds() # if db_dag.scheduler_lock or if secs_since_last < self.heartrate: session.commit() session.close() return None else: # Taking a lock db_dag.scheduler_lock = True db_dag.last_scheduler_run = session.commit() TI = models.TaskInstance "Getting latest instance " "for all task in dag " + dag.dag_id) sq = ( session .query( TI.task_id, func.max(TI.execution_date).label('max_ti')) .filter(TI.dag_id == dag.dag_id) .group_by(TI.task_id).subquery('sq') ) qry = session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id == dag.dag_id, TI.task_id == sq.c.task_id, TI.execution_date == sq.c.max_ti, ) logging.debug("Querying max dates for each task") latest_ti = qry.all() ti_dict = {ti.task_id: ti for ti in latest_ti} session.expunge_all() session.commit() logging.debug("{} rows returned".format(len(latest_ti))) for task in dag.tasks: if task.adhoc: continue if task.task_id not in ti_dict: # Brand new task, let's get started ti = TI(task, task.start_date) ti.refresh_from_db() if ti.is_queueable(flag_upstream_failed=True): 'First run for {ti}'.format(**locals())) executor.queue_task_instance(ti) else: ti = ti_dict[task.task_id] ti.task = task # Hacky but worky if ti.state == State.RUNNING: continue # Only one task at a time elif ti.state == State.UP_FOR_RETRY: # If task instance if up for retry, make sure # the retry delay is met if ti.is_runnable(): logging.debug('Triggering retry: ' + str(ti)) executor.queue_task_instance(ti) elif ti.state == State.QUEUED: # If was queued we skipped so that in gets prioritized # in self.prioritize_queued continue else: # Trying to run the next schedule next_schedule = ( ti.execution_date + task.schedule_interval) if ( ti.task.end_date and next_schedule > ti.task.end_date): continue ti = TI( task=task, execution_date=next_schedule, ) ti.refresh_from_db() if ti.is_queueable(flag_upstream_failed=True): logging.debug('Queuing next run: ' + str(ti)) executor.queue_task_instance(ti) # Releasing the lock logging.debug("Unlocking DAG (scheduler_lock)") db_dag = ( session.query(DagModel) .filter(DagModel.dag_id == dag.dag_id) .first() ) db_dag.scheduler_lock = False session.merge(db_dag) session.commit() session.close() @utils.provide_session def prioritize_queued(self, session, executor, dagbag): # Prioritizing queued task instances pools = {p.pool: p for p in session.query(models.Pool).all()} TI = models.TaskInstance queued_tis = ( session.query(TI) .filter(TI.state == State.QUEUED) .all() ) session.expunge_all() d = defaultdict(list) for ti in queued_tis: if ( ti.dag_id not in dagbag.dags or not dagbag.dags[ti.dag_id].has_task(ti.task_id)): # Deleting queued jobs that don't exist anymore session.delete(ti) session.commit() else: d[ti.pool].append(ti) for pool, tis in list(d.items()): open_slots = pools[pool].open_slots(session=session) if open_slots > 0: tis = sorted( tis, key=lambda ti: (-ti.priority_weight, ti.start_date)) for ti in tis[:open_slots]: task = None try: task = dagbag.dags[ti.dag_id].get_task(ti.task_id) except: logging.error("Queued task {} seems gone".format(ti)) session.delete(ti) if task: ti.task = task if ti.are_dependencies_met(): executor.queue_task_instance(ti, force=True) else: session.delete(ti) session.commit() def _execute(self): dag_id = self.dag_id def signal_handler(signum, frame): logging.error("SIGINT (ctrl-c) received") sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) utils.pessimistic_connection_handling() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)"Starting the scheduler") dagbag = models.DagBag(self.subdir, sync_to_db=True) executor = dagbag.executor executor.start() i = 0 while not self.num_runs or self.num_runs > i: loop_start_dttm = try: self.prioritize_queued(executor=executor, dagbag=dagbag) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) i += 1 try: if i % self.refresh_dags_every == 0: dagbag = models.DagBag(self.subdir, sync_to_db=True) else: dagbag.collect_dags(only_if_updated=True) except: logging.error("Failed at reloading the dagbag") if statsd: statsd.incr('dag_refresh_error', 1, 1) sleep(5) if dag_id: dags = [dagbag.dags[dag_id]] else: dags = [ dag for dag in dagbag.dags.values() if not dag.parent_dag] paused_dag_ids = dagbag.paused_dags() for dag in dags: logging.debug("Scheduling {}".format(dag.dag_id)) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag.dag_id) if not dag or (dag.dag_id in paused_dag_ids): continue try: self.process_dag(dag, executor) self.manage_slas(dag) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) "Done queuing tasks, calling the executor's heartbeat") duration_sec = ( - loop_start_dttm).total_seconds()"Loop took: {} seconds".format(duration_sec)) try: self.import_errors(dagbag) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) try: # We really just want the scheduler to never ever stop. executor.heartbeat() self.heartbeat() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.error("Tachycardia!") def heartbeat_callback(self): if statsd: statsd.gauge('scheduler_heartbeat', 1, 1) class BackfillJob(BaseJob): """ A backfill job consists of a dag or subdag for a specific time range. It triggers a set of task instance runs, in the right order and lasts for as long as it takes for the set of task instance to be completed. """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'BackfillJob' } def __init__( self, dag, start_date=None, end_date=None, mark_success=False, include_adhoc=False, donot_pickle=False, ignore_dependencies=False, *args, **kwargs): self.dag = dag dag.override_start_date(start_date) self.dag_id = dag.dag_id self.bf_start_date = start_date self.bf_end_date = end_date self.mark_success = mark_success self.include_adhoc = include_adhoc self.donot_pickle = donot_pickle self.ignore_dependencies = ignore_dependencies super(BackfillJob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _execute(self): """ Runs a dag for a specified date range. """ session = settings.Session() start_date = self.bf_start_date end_date = self.bf_end_date # picklin' pickle_id = None if not self.donot_pickle and self.executor.__class__ not in ( executors.LocalExecutor, executors.SequentialExecutor): pickle = models.DagPickle(self.dag) session.add(pickle) session.commit() pickle_id = executor = self.executor executor.start() # Build a list of all instances to run tasks_to_run = {} failed = [] succeeded = [] started = [] wont_run = [] for task in self.dag.tasks: if (not self.include_adhoc) and task.adhoc: continue start_date = start_date or task.start_date end_date = end_date or task.end_date or for dttm in utils.date_range( start_date, end_date, task.dag.schedule_interval): ti = models.TaskInstance(task, dttm) tasks_to_run[ti.key] = ti # Triggering what is ready to get triggered while tasks_to_run: for key, ti in list(tasks_to_run.items()): ti.refresh_from_db() if ti.state == State.SUCCESS and key in tasks_to_run: succeeded.append(key) del tasks_to_run[key] elif ti.is_runnable(): executor.queue_task_instance( ti, mark_success=self.mark_success, task_start_date=self.bf_start_date, pickle_id=pickle_id, ignore_dependencies=self.ignore_dependencies) ti.state = State.RUNNING if key not in started: started.append(key) self.heartbeat() executor.heartbeat() # Reacting to events for key, state in list(executor.get_event_buffer().items()): dag_id, task_id, execution_date = key if key not in tasks_to_run: continue ti = tasks_to_run[key] ti.refresh_from_db() if ti.state == State.FAILED: failed.append(key) logging.error("Task instance " + str(key) + " failed") del tasks_to_run[key] # Removing downstream tasks from the one that has failed for t in self.dag.get_task(task_id).get_flat_relatives( upstream=False): key = (ti.dag_id, t.task_id, execution_date) if key in tasks_to_run: wont_run.append(key) del tasks_to_run[key] elif ti.state == State.SUCCESS: succeeded.append(key) del tasks_to_run[key] msg = ( "[backfill progress] " "waiting: {0} | " "succeeded: {1} | " "kicked_off: {2} | " "failed: {3} | " "skipped: {4} ").format( len(tasks_to_run), len(succeeded), len(started), len(failed), len(wont_run)) executor.end() session.close() if failed: raise AirflowException( "Some tasks instances failed, here's the list:\n"+str(failed))"All done. Exiting.") class LocalTaskJob(BaseJob): __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'LocalTaskJob' } def __init__( self, task_instance, ignore_dependencies=False, force=False, mark_success=False, pickle_id=None, task_start_date=None, *args, **kwargs): self.task_instance = task_instance self.ignore_dependencies = ignore_dependencies self.force = force self.pickle_id = pickle_id self.mark_success = mark_success self.task_start_date = task_start_date super(LocalTaskJob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _execute(self): command = self.task_instance.command( raw=True, ignore_dependencies=self.ignore_dependencies, force=self.force, pickle_id=self.pickle_id, mark_success=self.mark_success, task_start_date=self.task_start_date,, ) self.process = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', command]) return_code = None while return_code is None: self.heartbeat() return_code = self.process.poll() def on_kill(self): self.process.terminate()
[ 504, 12963, 492, 620, 199, 504, 13541, 14, 10372, 492, 7116, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 10018, 199, 504, 2197, 492, 2197, 199, 646, 18354, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 646, 4673, 199, 646, 2838, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 646, 984, 199, 504, 900, 492, 9435, 199, 199, 504, 8335, 492, 4996, 12, 7225, 12, 2624, 12, 13686, 12, 2562, 12, 5499, 199, 504, 8335, 14, 1025, 14, 1730, 492, 1852, 63, 23387, 199, 199, 504, 16321, 492, 2146, 6622, 12, 1709, 12, 2202, 12, 3778, 199, 504, 16321, 14, 4758, 492, 3743, 199, 504, 16321, 14, 1208, 492, 31040, 1726, 12, 8511, 421, 199, 1563, 275, 1709, 14, 1563, 199, 998, 63, 5304, 275, 1709, 14, 998, 63, 5304, 199, 199, 3, 13510, 1536, 282, 5020, 68, 1890, 340, 4346, 199, 3200, 68, 275, 488, 199, 692, 3743, 14, 362, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 265, 735, 272, 687, 5020, 68, 492, 29062, 3041, 272, 5020, 68, 275, 29062, 3041, 8, 267, 1591, 29, 2190, 14, 362, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 1102, 659, 267, 1844, 29, 2190, 14, 26627, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 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14, 344, 508, 291, 14, 344, 680, 2246, 342, 398, 340, 3906, 14, 929, 508, 8511, 14, 24340, 8819, 26, 288, 291, 14, 8997, 342, 398, 340, 3906, 14, 7410, 63, 22685, 26, 288, 9435, 63, 509, 275, 291, 14, 426, 285, 454, 323, 446, 334, 355, 2197, 14, 2131, 342, 446, 3906, 14, 7410, 63, 22685, 680, 2923, 63, 4515, 342, 288, 340, 9435, 63, 509, 690, 378 ]
[ 12963, 492, 620, 199, 504, 13541, 14, 10372, 492, 7116, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 10018, 199, 504, 2197, 492, 2197, 199, 646, 18354, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 646, 4673, 199, 646, 2838, 199, 646, 3873, 199, 646, 984, 199, 504, 900, 492, 9435, 199, 199, 504, 8335, 492, 4996, 12, 7225, 12, 2624, 12, 13686, 12, 2562, 12, 5499, 199, 504, 8335, 14, 1025, 14, 1730, 492, 1852, 63, 23387, 199, 199, 504, 16321, 492, 2146, 6622, 12, 1709, 12, 2202, 12, 3778, 199, 504, 16321, 14, 4758, 492, 3743, 199, 504, 16321, 14, 1208, 492, 31040, 1726, 12, 8511, 421, 199, 1563, 275, 1709, 14, 1563, 199, 998, 63, 5304, 275, 1709, 14, 998, 63, 5304, 199, 199, 3, 13510, 1536, 282, 5020, 68, 1890, 340, 4346, 199, 3200, 68, 275, 488, 199, 692, 3743, 14, 362, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 265, 735, 272, 687, 5020, 68, 492, 29062, 3041, 272, 5020, 68, 275, 29062, 3041, 8, 267, 1591, 29, 2190, 14, 362, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 1102, 659, 267, 1844, 29, 2190, 14, 26627, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 3200, 68, 63, 719, 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347, 365, 63, 9631, 8, 277, 304, 267, 372, 334, 288, 334, 2083, 14, 2131, 342, 446, 291, 14, 7410, 63, 22685, 680, 4515, 665, 288, 334, 2190, 14, 26627, 360, 8874, 297, 283, 14879, 63, 1645, 2294, 6773, 619, 63, 15048, 358, 627, 499, 14, 17, 9, 267, 776, 339, 347, 14561, 8, 277, 304, 267, 2351, 275, 2202, 14, 4434, 342, 267, 3906, 275, 2351, 14, 1131, 8, 1563, 6694, 680, 1541, 8, 1563, 6694, 14, 344, 508, 291, 14, 344, 680, 2246, 342, 267, 3906, 14, 500, 63, 602, 275, 2197, 14, 2131, 342, 267, 862, 26, 288, 291, 14, 265, 63, 8997, 342, 267, 871, 26, 288, 2050, 14, 705, 360, 265, 63, 8997, 342, 1083, 3405, 358, 267, 2351, 14, 5628, 8, 2423, 9, 267, 2351, 14, 3543, 342, 267, 2351, 14, 1600, 342, 267, 746, 31040, 1726, 480, 6694, 24761, 3224, 21815, 1183, 2685, 339, 347, 641, 63, 8997, 8, 277, 304, 267, 1449, 267, 12823, 506, 2797, 1380, 376, 5957, 14561, 1414, 365, 3086, 267, 1449, 267, 986, 339, 347, 32015, 63, 3058, 8, 277, 304, 267, 986, 339, 347, 32015, 8, 277, 304, 267, 1449, 267, 5311, 580, 1235, 1956, 1678, 314, 3906, 1159, 2397, 315, 314, 3050, 543, 282, 4913, 267, 367, 314, 8839, 63, 22685, 436, 6127, 367, 314, 3906, 370, 506, 26659, 267, 21815, 1183, 14, 961, 6127, 737, 314, 2656, 2166, 370, 8372, 4052, 365, 267, 5965, 4702, 14, 398, 2104, 1256, 12, 376, 2269, 32015, 367, 32051, 6694, 3955, 4615, 6020, 267, 365, 6835, 14, 398, 961, 2597, 6127, 367, 1263, 3906, 370, 506, 26659, 21815, 1183, 12, 15270, 267, 402, 3963, 365, 3879, 652, 503, 641, 1314, 6844, 652, 365, 3879, 14, 398, 3390, 626, 340, 2195, 32015, 365, 663, 370, 5212, 4696, 436, 1265, 1240, 642, 267, 1083, 2410, 1616, 4696, 402, 6661, 3967, 314, 2061, 32015, 12, 652, 267, 911, 9435, 5238, 4696, 370, 4890, 314, 5212, 4696, 436, 4215, 282, 308, 13558, 89, 267, 946, 580, 6634, 14, 982, 1265, 2621, 1806, 5212, 4696, 2544, 6358, 652, 12, 652, 7859, 1133, 267, 9435, 737, 1006, 14, 267, 1449, 267, 2351, 275, 2202, 14, 4434, 342, 267, 3906, 275, 2351, 14, 1131, 8, 1563, 6694, 680, 1541, 8, 1563, 6694, 14, 344, 508, 291, 14, 344, 680, 2246, 342, 398, 340, 3906, 14, 929, 508, 8511, 14, 24340, 8819, 26, 288, 291, 14, 8997, 342, 398, 340, 3906, 14, 7410, 63, 22685, 26, 288, 9435, 63, 509, 275, 291, 14, 426, 285, 454, 323, 446, 334, 355, 2197, 14, 2131, 342, 446, 3906, 14, 7410, 63, 22685, 680, 2923, 63, 4515, 342, 288, 340, 9435, 63, 509, 690, 378, 0 ]
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'kotaimen' __date__ = '04/06/2017' from troposphere import Base64, FindInMap, GetAtt, Join, Select, Sub from troposphere import ImportValue, Export from troposphere import Condition, And, Equals, If, Not, Or from troposphere import Template, Parameter, Ref, Tags, Output from troposphere import AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, AWS_REGION, AWS_STACK_ID, \ AWS_STACK_NAME, AWS_NO_VALUE from troposphere import Delete, Retain, Snapshot from troposphere.policies import CreationPolicy, ResourceSignal, UpdatePolicy, \ AutoScalingReplacingUpdate, AutoScalingRollingUpdate import troposphere.cloudformation as cloudformation import troposphere.iam as iam import troposphere.awslambda as awslambda import as events import troposphere.stepfunctions as stepfunctions from import Policy, Allow, Deny, Statement, Principal, Everybody from import Condition, Bool, ArnEquals, StringEquals, IpAddress, Null from import CurrentTime, EpochTime, MultiFactorAuthAge, Referer, \ SecureTransport, SourceArn, SourceIp, UserAgent import awacs.sts import awacs.cloudformation import awacs.iam import awacs.awslambda import awacs.logs import import cfnutil # # Template # t = Template() t.add_version('2010-09-09') t.add_description('Export CloudWatch Logs to S3 on a schedule.') # # Interface # parameter_groups = [ { 'Label': {'default': 'Export Configuration'}, 'Parameters': [ 'LogGroupName', 'BucketStack', 'ExportPrefix', 'ExportStatus', 'ExportInterval', ], }, ] t.add_metadata( { 'AWS::CloudFormation::Interface': { 'ParameterGroups': parameter_groups, 'ParameterLabels': dict(cfnutil.generate_parameter_labels(parameter_groups)) } } ) # # Parameters # param_loggroup_name = t.add_parameter(Parameter( 'LogGroupName', Type='String', Description='Name of the CloudWatch Logs LogGroup to export', Default='Logs' )) param_bucket_stack = t.add_parameter(Parameter( 'BucketStack', Description='Name of a stack exporting s3 bucket name', Default='SampleStack', Type='String', MinLength=1, MaxLength=128, AllowedPattern='^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$', ConstraintDescription='must be a valid stack name.' )) param_export_prefix = t.add_parameter(Parameter( 'ExportPrefix', Type='String', Description='S3 prefix of the export', Default='exportedlogs' )) param_export_status = t.add_parameter(Parameter( 'ExportStatus', Type='String', Description='Whether the schedule is enabled', AllowedValues=['ENABLED', 'DISABLED'], Default='DISABLED' )) param_export_interval = t.add_parameter(Parameter( 'ExportInterval', Type='String', Description='Export interval', AllowedValues=['day', 'week'], Default='day' )) # # Condition # t.add_condition( 'IsDailySchedule', Equals(Ref(param_export_interval), 'day'), ) # # Resource # lambda_execution_role = t.add_resource(iam.Role( 'LambdaExecutionRole', AssumeRolePolicyDocument=Policy( Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=[awacs.sts.AssumeRole], Principal=Principal('Service', ['']) )] ), ManagedPolicyArns=[ 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole', ], Policies=[ iam.Policy( PolicyName='AllowCreateExportTask', PolicyDocument=Policy( Version='2012-10-17', Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=[ awacs.logs.CreateExportTask, awacs.logs.DescribeExportTasks, ], Resource=['*'] )] ) ), ] )) lambda_function = t.add_resource(awslambda.Function( 'LambdaFunction', Description='Extract zip file contents to S3', Code=awslambda.Code( ZipFile=cfnutil.load_python_lambda('lambdas/') ), Handler='index.lambda_handler', Role=GetAtt(lambda_execution_role, 'Arn'), Runtime='python2.7', MemorySize='128', Timeout='15', Environment=awslambda.Environment( Variables={ 'EXPORT_INTERVAL': Ref(param_export_interval), 'EXPORT_LOGGROUP': Ref(param_loggroup_name), 'EXPORT_DST_BUCKET': ImportValue( Sub('${BucketStack}-BucketName')), 'EXPORT_DST_PREFIX': Ref(param_export_prefix) } ), )) states_execution_role = t.add_resource(iam.Role( 'StatesExecutionRole', AssumeRolePolicyDocument=Policy( Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=[awacs.sts.AssumeRole], Principal=Principal('Service', [Sub('states.${AWS::Region}')]) )] ), ManagedPolicyArns=[ ], Policies=[ iam.Policy( PolicyName='AllowCreateExportTask', PolicyDocument=Policy( Version='2012-10-17', Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=[ awacs.awslambda.InvokeFunction, ], Resource=[GetAtt(lambda_function, 'Arn')] )] ) ), ] )) states_machine = t.add_resource(stepfunctions.StateMachine( 'StateMachine', RoleArn=GetAtt(states_execution_role, 'Arn'), DefinitionString=Sub('''{ "Comment": "A Retry example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda Function", "StartAt": "CreateExportTask", "States": { "CreateExportTask": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "${EXPORT_LAMBDA_FUNCTION}", "Retry": [ { "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Timeout" ], "MaxAttempts": 0 }, { "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ], "IntervalSeconds": 30, "MaxAttempts": 10, "BackoffRate": 2.0 } ], "End": true } } }''', EXPORT_LAMBDA_FUNCTION=GetAtt(lambda_function, 'Arn')) )) events_execution_role = t.add_resource(iam.Role( 'EventsExecutionRole', AssumeRolePolicyDocument=Policy( Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=[awacs.sts.AssumeRole], Principal=Principal('Service', [Sub('')]) )] ), ManagedPolicyArns=[ ], Policies=[ iam.Policy( PolicyName='AllowCreateExportTask', PolicyDocument=Policy( Version='2012-10-17', Statement=[Statement( Effect=Allow, Action=['states', action='StartExecution'), ], Resource=[Ref(states_machine)] )] ) ), ] )) # XXX Cloudformation doesnot support rules->step functions yet # events_rule = t.add_resource(events.Rule( # 'ScheduledRule', # ScheduleExpression=If('IsDailySchedule', # 'cron(5 0 * * ? *)', # 'cron(5 0 ? * 2 *)'), # State=Ref(param_export_status), # RoleArn=GetAtt(events_execution_role, 'Arn'), # Targets=[ # events.Target( # Arn=Ref(states_machine), # Id='1', # ) # ] # )) # # Output # # # Write # with open(__file__.replace('', '.template'), 'w') as f: f.write(t.to_json(indent=2))
[ 3, 1882, 2644, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 363, 2502, 363, 275, 283, 75, 12041, 9001, 7, 199, 363, 602, 363, 275, 283, 966, 15, 1690, 15, 10680, 7, 199, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 3523, 772, 12, 6668, 607, 2956, 12, 2372, 1271, 84, 12, 25733, 12, 9496, 12, 4804, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 3161, 1110, 12, 20220, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 28401, 12, 6061, 12, 221, 13317, 12, 982, 12, 2832, 12, 4236, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 5458, 12, 12009, 12, 15397, 12, 25204, 12, 7242, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 10168, 63, 18928, 63, 998, 12, 10168, 63, 23030, 12, 10168, 63, 17014, 63, 998, 12, 971, 272, 10168, 63, 17014, 63, 2339, 12, 10168, 63, 2826, 63, 7041, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 8496, 12, 8747, 1581, 12, 23896, 199, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 11767, 492, 9750, 425, 4845, 12, 7337, 11274, 12, 6162, 4845, 12, 971, 272, 9195, 26416, 6875, 13121, 4152, 12, 9195, 26416, 50, 393, 2983, 4152, 199, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 4091, 1869, 465, 8002, 1869, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 17741, 465, 22361, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 7231, 2734, 465, 11488, 2734, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 4368, 465, 4474, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 2926, 5777, 465, 3650, 5777, 199, 199, 504, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7231, 492, 18141, 12, 9812, 12, 25187, 89, 12, 29697, 12, 25716, 11590, 12, 18414, 2030, 199, 504, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7231, 492, 28401, 12, 19287, 12, 1952, 78, 13317, 12, 2624, 13317, 12, 31045, 1476, 12, 12119, 199, 504, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7231, 492, 9338, 1366, 12, 662, 5132, 1366, 12, 6879, 12666, 2817, 20480, 12, 799, 12483, 12, 971, 272, 30894, 7836, 12, 5800, 20498, 12, 5800, 6583, 12, 2876, 7788, 199, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 10329, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 4091, 1869, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 17741, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7231, 2734, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7270, 199, 646, 26936, 645, 83, 14, 7231, 199, 199, 646, 286, 2324, 1974, 199, 199, 3, 199, 3, 5458, 199, 3, 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1596, 561, 1524, 267, 283, 1060, 26, 7231, 26, 17741, 447, 7231, 26, 3185, 15, 1364, 13, 3756, 15, 15088, 4929, 16265, 6845, 11310, 7422, 297, 272, 2156, 272, 4376, 7668, 1524, 267, 22361, 14, 4845, 8, 288, 18141, 985, 534, 7852, 2499, 11399, 4476, 297, 288, 18141, 5564, 29, 4845, 8, 355, 3394, 534, 7409, 13, 709, 13, 1196, 297, 355, 29697, 1524, 15173, 8, 490, 662, 5551, 29, 7852, 12, 490 ]
[ 1882, 2644, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 199, 363, 2502, 363, 275, 283, 75, 12041, 9001, 7, 199, 363, 602, 363, 275, 283, 966, 15, 1690, 15, 10680, 7, 199, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 3523, 772, 12, 6668, 607, 2956, 12, 2372, 1271, 84, 12, 25733, 12, 9496, 12, 4804, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 3161, 1110, 12, 20220, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 28401, 12, 6061, 12, 221, 13317, 12, 982, 12, 2832, 12, 4236, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 5458, 12, 12009, 12, 15397, 12, 25204, 12, 7242, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 10168, 63, 18928, 63, 998, 12, 10168, 63, 23030, 12, 10168, 63, 17014, 63, 998, 12, 971, 272, 10168, 63, 17014, 63, 2339, 12, 10168, 63, 2826, 63, 7041, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 492, 8496, 12, 8747, 1581, 12, 23896, 199, 199, 504, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 11767, 492, 9750, 425, 4845, 12, 7337, 11274, 12, 6162, 4845, 12, 971, 272, 9195, 26416, 6875, 13121, 4152, 12, 9195, 26416, 50, 393, 2983, 4152, 199, 199, 646, 22621, 555, 14980, 14, 4091, 1869, 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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2012 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ WebSearch service to display LHC beam status """ from import SearchService from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG, CFG_SITE_URL __plugin_version__ = "Search Service Plugin API 1.0" class LHCBeamStatusService(SearchService): """ Display LHC Beam Status """ def get_description(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): "Return service description" return "Return LHC Beam status info" def answer(self, req, user_info, of, cc, colls_to_search, p, f, search_units, ln): """ Answer question given by context. Return (relevance, html_string) where relevance is integer from 0 to 100 indicating how relevant to the question the answer is (see C{CFG_WEBSEARCH_SERVICE_MAX_SERVICE_ANSWER_RELEVANCE} for details) , and html_string being a formatted answer. """ if f: return (0, '') words = [unit[1].lower() for unit in search_units if unit[2] == ""] if not words: return (0, '') _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if 'vistars' in words or \ (('lhc' in words or 'beam' in words) and \ 'status' in words): out = ''' <img id="vistar" src="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/img/loading.gif"/> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function refresh() { imgobj = $("#vistar") imgobj.attr("src", ''+ '?'+Math.random()).stop(true,true).hide().show(); imgobj.attr("style", "max-width:600px"); setTimeout("refresh()", 8000); } $(document).ready(function(){ refresh(); }); </script> ''' % {'CFG_SITE_URL': CFG_SITE_URL} return (70, out) return (0, '')
[ 3, 1882, 2803, 26, 2774, 13, 24, 1882, 199, 3, 199, 3, 961, 570, 365, 1777, 402, 12235, 14, 199, 3, 1898, 334, 35, 9, 6029, 24354, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 12235, 365, 2867, 2032, 27, 1265, 883, 3604, 652, 436, 15, 269, 199, 3, 2811, 652, 1334, 314, 2895, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 465, 199, 3, 3267, 701, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 27, 1902, 1015, 499, 402, 314, 199, 3, 844, 12, 503, 334, 292, 2195, 945, 9, 1263, 2945, 1015, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 12235, 365, 1854, 315, 314, 3661, 626, 652, 911, 506, 2997, 12, 1325, 199, 3, 2428, 1821, 3408, 27, 1928, 2755, 314, 2478, 3750, 402, 199, 3, 3169, 503, 3092, 2381, 437, 3115, 3104, 14, 221, 1666, 314, 1664, 199, 3, 1696, 1684, 844, 367, 1655, 2436, 14, 199, 3, 199, 3, 2047, 1077, 1172, 3086, 282, 1331, 402, 314, 1664, 1696, 1684, 844, 199, 3, 3180, 543, 12235, 27, 340, 440, 12, 2218, 370, 314, 2868, 2290, 2752, 12, 3277, 2020, 199, 3, 8155, 15630, 10902, 12, 14453, 13540, 12, 8226, 12, 4828, 15673, 13, 13421, 12, 8217, 14, 199, 624, 199, 5926, 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class DBConnector: def __init__(self): pass def db_status_check(self): raise NotImplementedError() def db_stats_check(self): raise NotImplementedError() def db_version_check(self): raise NotImplementedError() def checkifregexists(self): raise NotImplementedError() def add_log_table_entry(self): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_registration(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBAnalyticsConnector: def __init__(self): pass def add_analytics_record(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBLogsConnector: def __init__(self): pass def add_transaction_record(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBBlocksConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def add_block_record(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_list_of_blocks_for_blockee(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_count_of_blocks_for_blockee(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_list_of_blocks_for_blocker(self): raise NotImplementedError() def add_move_request(self): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_blocks(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_open_move_requests(self): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_move_request(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBPushoverConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def add_pushover_token_for_user(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_pushover_user_token_from_mobile(self): raise NotImplementedError() def turn_push_notifications_on(self): raise NotImplementedError() def turn_push_notifications_off(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBEmailConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def enable_email_notifications(self): raise NotImplementedError() def disable_email_notifications(self): raise NotImplementedError() def update_email_address(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_email_address(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBUserConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_api_credentials(self): raise NotImplementedError() def number_is_registered(self): raise NotImplementedError() def mobile_sharing_enabled(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_notification_preferences_for_user(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_landline_from_reg(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_name_from_mobile(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_name_from_reg(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_reg_from_mobile(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_blocker_mobile_from_blockee_mobile(self): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_registration(self): raise NotImplementedError() def enable_mobile_number_sharing(self, mobile_number): raise NotImplementedError() def disable_mobile_number_sharing(self): raise NotImplementedError() def update_alternative_contact_text(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_user_dict_from_mobile(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_user_dict_from_reg(self): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_alternative_contact_text(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBCarsConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def getCarDetailsAsDictionary(self): raise NotImplementedError() def register_new_car(self): raise NotImplementedError() class DBApiConnector: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def api_registrations_get(self, registration): raise NotImplementedError() def api_registrations_getall(self): raise NotImplementedError() def api_blocks_getall(self): raise NotImplementedError() def api_smslogs_get(self): raise NotImplementedError() def api_logs_get(self): raise NotImplementedError() def api_logsms_get(self): raise NotImplementedError()
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#pylint: disable=missing-docstring ################################################################# # DO NOT MODIFY THIS HEADER # # MOOSE - Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment # # # # (c) 2010 Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED # # # # Prepared by Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # # Under Contract No. DE-AC07-05ID14517 # # With the U. S. Department of Energy # # # # See COPYRIGHT for full restrictions # ################################################################# import copy import vtk import mooseutils from ChiggerSourceBase import ChiggerSourceBase class ChiggerFilterSourceBase(ChiggerSourceBase): """ A base class for creating "source" objects (in VTK something that needs an vtkActor) that require additional input into the mapper and are capable of accepting filters. This class adds two main items: 1. A getSource method is provided, this method should provide a VTK object that will be connect to the mapper or chain of filters (see 2). 2. Defines a method for adding filters and controlling the types and order in which they are applied, see ExodusSource for example. Inputs: vtkactor_type: The VTK actor type to build, must be an instance of VTKACTOR_TYPE vtkmapper_type: The VTK mapper type to build, must be an instance of VTKMAPPER_TYPE **kwargs: The key, value options for this object. """ # The base class actor/mapper that this object to which ownership is restricted VTKACTOR_TYPE = vtk.vtkProp VTKMAPPER_TYPE = vtk.vtkAbstractMapper # The list of filter types allowed, in the order they should be connected FILTER_TYPES = [] @staticmethod def getOptions(): opt = ChiggerSourceBase.getOptions() opt.add('filters', [], "A list of Filter objects to apply to this mapper.") return opt def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ChiggerFilterSourceBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._filters = [] self._required_filters = [] def getVTKSource(self): """ Return the "source" vtk object. (abstract) Deriving classes must override this method. The VTK object returned from this function will be connected to the first filter, if then exist, or the vtkAbstractMapper object. See the 'update' method for this class for how the connections are made. """ raise mooseutils.MooseException('The {}."getSource()" method must be overridden by your ' 'mapper object and return the source vtk object to connect ' 'to the filers and mapper.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) def getFilters(self): """ Return the list of filter objects. """ return self._filters def needsUpdate(self): """ Return True if the object needs to be updated. """ changed = [super(ChiggerFilterSourceBase, self).needsUpdate()] for f in self._filters: changed.append(f.needsUpdate()) return any(changed) def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates the object by connecting the VTK objects. (override) Inputs: see ChiggerSourceBase """ super(ChiggerFilterSourceBase, self).update(**kwargs) self.__connectFilters() # Initialize and update filters for f in self._filters: if f.needsInitialize(): f.initializeFilter(self) if f.needsUpdate(): f.update() def __connectFilters(self): """ Helper function for connecting filter to vtkMapper object. """ def debug(src, fltr): """ Inline function for debug messages. """ mooseutils.mooseDebug('{} --> {}'.format(type(src).__name__, type(fltr).__name__), color='GREEN') # Create a list of filters to apply to the VTK pipeline, this is done by # combining the required filters with the 'filters' options. This combined list # is then sorted based on the list provided in FILTER_TYPES. filters = [] filters_in = copy.copy(self._required_filters) # shallow copy (don't modify require list) if self.isOptionValid('filters'): filters_in += self.getOption('filters') for f in filters_in: for i, order in enumerate(self.FILTER_TYPES): if isinstance(f, order): filters.append((f, i)) self._filters = [f[0] for f in sorted(filters, key=lambda x: x[1])] # Connect the filters, if any exist if self._filters: debug(self.getVTKSource(), self._filters[0].getVTKFilter()) self._filters[0].getVTKFilter().SetInputConnection(self.getVTKSource().GetOutputPort()) for i in range(1, len(self._filters)): debug(self._filters[i-1].getVTKFilter(), self._filters[i].getVTKFilter()) f = self._filters[i-1].getVTKFilter().GetOutputPort() self._filters[i].getVTKFilter().SetInputConnection(f) if self._vtkmapper: debug(self._filters[-1].getVTKFilter(), self._vtkmapper) self._vtkmapper.SetInputConnection(self._filters[-1].getVTKFilter().GetOutputPort()) elif self._vtkmapper: debug(self.getVTKSource(), self._vtkmapper) self._vtkmapper.SetInputConnection(self.getVTKSource().GetOutputPort())
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2799, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 304, 272, 408, 272, 437, 1300, 1021, 367, 6425, 298, 1365, 2, 2251, 334, 262, 812, 15263, 6020, 626, 4839, 376, 11144, 12258, 9, 626, 272, 4409, 4722, 1324, 1901, 314, 7796, 436, 787, 4021, 461, 402, 32163, 4766, 14, 339, 961, 1021, 9584, 2877, 2446, 2974, 26, 339, 413, 14, 437, 664, 2980, 1083, 365, 2741, 12, 642, 1083, 1077, 5647, 282, 812, 15263, 909, 626, 911, 506, 4907, 2126, 370, 314, 7796, 503, 6036, 402, 4766, 334, 3239, 499, 680, 272, 499, 14, 25022, 282, 1083, 367, 7791, 4766, 436, 30350, 314, 2943, 436, 1865, 315, 1314, 2985, 787, 2126, 6781, 12, 1937, 1316, 364, 527, 2980, 367, 2893, 14, 339, 30520, 26, 267, 11144, 5021, 63, 466, 26, 710, 812, 15263, 20318, 730, 370, 1900, 12, 1471, 506, 376, 1256, 402, 812, 15263, 3036, 726, 63, 2711, 267, 11144, 7153, 63, 466, 26, 710, 812, 15263, 7796, 730, 370, 1900, 12, 1471, 506, 376, 1256, 402, 812, 15263, 5443, 4227, 63, 2711, 267, 1011, 958, 26, 710, 790, 12, 574, 1511, 367, 642, 909, 14, 272, 408, 272, 327, 710, 1300, 1021, 20318, 15, 7153, 626, 642, 909, 370, 1314, 12715, 365, 15297, 272, 812, 15263, 3036, 726, 63, 2711, 275, 11144, 14, 11919, 9955, 272, 812, 15263, 5443, 4227, 63, 2711, 275, 11144, 14, 11919, 8458, 11880, 339, 327, 710, 769, 402, 2457, 2943, 4370, 12, 315, 314, 1865, 2985, 1077, 506, 8539, 272, 23244, 63, 7893, 275, 942, 339, 768, 4639, 272, 347, 664, 4558, 837, 267, 2450, 275, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 14, 362, 4558, 342, 267, 2450, 14, 525, 360, 4273, 297, 990, 298, 33, 769, 402, 9388, 2251, 370, 4838, 370, 642, 7796, 2685, 267, 372, 2450, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 267, 1613, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 2843, 826, 9308, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 9, 267, 291, 423, 4273, 275, 942, 267, 291, 423, 2427, 63, 4273, 275, 942, 339, 347, 664, 8156, 43, 2980, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 314, 298, 1365, 2, 11144, 909, 14, 334, 6198, 9, 398, 18674, 12616, 3992, 1471, 4278, 642, 1083, 14, 710, 812, 15263, 909, 2138, 687, 642, 805, 911, 267, 506, 8539, 370, 314, 1642, 2457, 12, 340, 2066, 2187, 12, 503, 314, 11144, 8458, 11880, 909, 14, 1666, 314, 267, 283, 873, 7, 1083, 367, 642, 1021, 367, 4212, 314, 6947, 787, 6326, 14, 267, 408, 267, 746, 1303, 3362, 1208, 14, 45, 10518, 1726, 360, 1918, 1052, 2122, 362, 2980, 16493, 1083, 1471, 506, 10087, 701, 2195, 283, 3147, 283, 7153, 909, 436, 372, 314, 1350, 11144, 909, 370, 4907, 283, 3147, 283, 475, 314, 570, 2393, 436, 7796, 17374, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 8964, 339, 347, 664, 18053, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 314, 769, 402, 2457, 2251, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 423, 4273, 339, 347, 4839, 4152, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 715, 340, 314, 909, 4839, 370, 506, 4588, 14, 267, 408, 267, 2896, 275, 359, 4792, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 680, 10065, 4152, 5106, 267, 367, 289, 315, 291, 423, 4273, 26, 288, 2896, 14, 740, 8, 70, 14, 10065, 4152, 1012, 267, 372, 1263, 8, 2489, 9, 339, 347, 1678, 8, 277, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 267, 408, 267, 24663, 314, 909, 701, 18170, 314, 812, 15263, 2251, 14, 334, 4415, 9, 398, 30520, 26, 288, 1937, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 267, 408, 267, 1613, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 680, 873, 3682, 958, 9, 398, 291, 855, 2242, 18053, 342, 398, 327, 11578, 436, 1678, 4766, 267, 367, 289, 315, 291, 423, 4273, 26, 288, 340, 289, 14, 10065, 9345, 837, 355, 289, 14, 8489, 4131, 8, 277, 9, 288, 340, 289, 14, 10065, 4152, 837, 355, 289, 14, 873, 342, 339, 347, 636, 2242, 18053, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 11642, 805, 367, 18170, 2457, 370, 11144, 11880, 909, 14, 267, 408, 398, 347, 3105, 8, 2164, 12, 2717, 454, 304, 288, 408, 288, 24789, 805, 367, 3105, 3788, 14, 288, 408, 288, 1303, 3362, 1208, 14, 573, 3362, 7084, 17519, 10541, 9499, 908, 8, 466, 8, 2164, 2843, 354, 3108, 730, 8, 2327, 454, 2843, 354, 10139, 3303, 3164, 534, 22501, 358, 398, 327, 2790, 282, 769, 402, 4766, 370, 4838, 370, 314, 812, 15263, 7679, 12, 642, 365, 4224, 701, 267, 327, 29391, 314, 1415, 4766, 543, 314, 283, 4273, 7, 1511, 14, 961, 12149, 769, 267, 327, 365, 2066, 3355, 4079, 641, 314, 769, 2741, 315, 23244, 63, 7893, 14, 267, 4766, 275, 942, 267, 4766, 63, 262, 275, 1331, 14, 1574, 8, 277, 423, 2427, 63, 4273, 9, 327, 23834, 1331, 334, 13196, 1133, 2811, 4409, 769, 9, 267, 340, 291, 14, 374, 2602, 3490, 360, 4273, 735, 288, 4766, 63, 262, 847, 291, 14, 362, 2602, 360, 4273, 358 ]
[ 26324, 26, 3507, 29, 4752, 13, 12485, 199, 3060, 3, 199, 3, 7861, 3506, 2845, 10362, 1914, 18114, 5749, 13053, 540, 7861, 327, 199, 3, 221, 603, 5757, 899, 446, 6879, 24724, 6935, 593, 322, 287, 471, 10751, 5332, 9711, 221, 327, 199, 3, 2476, 17388, 327, 199, 3, 3322, 334, 67, 9, 7129, 699, 292, 14146, 274, 662, 1372, 4312, 4580, 3636, 12, 20376, 3777, 327, 199, 3, 10473, 11727, 7052, 51, 12565, 540, 14112, 10473, 327, 199, 3, 2476, 17388, 327, 199, 3, 3698, 5543, 9508, 701, 699, 292, 14146, 274, 662, 1372, 4312, 4580, 3636, 12, 20376, 3698, 327, 199, 3, 3777, 25010, 1448, 6908, 3091, 14, 3265, 13, 1348, 1780, 13, 1717, 998, 11731, 1196, 4519, 327, 199, 3, 4519, 8777, 314, 738, 14, 428, 14, 1487, 12493, 402, 662, 1372, 4312, 4519, 327, 199, 3, 2476, 17388, 327, 199, 3, 4519, 1666, 5877, 367, 2615, 24488, 4519, 327, 199, 3060, 3, 199, 199, 646, 1331, 199, 646, 11144, 199, 646, 1303, 3362, 1208, 199, 504, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 492, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 199, 199, 533, 2799, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 304, 272, 408, 272, 437, 1300, 1021, 367, 6425, 298, 1365, 2, 2251, 334, 262, 812, 15263, 6020, 626, 4839, 376, 11144, 12258, 9, 626, 272, 4409, 4722, 1324, 1901, 314, 7796, 436, 787, 4021, 461, 402, 32163, 4766, 14, 339, 961, 1021, 9584, 2877, 2446, 2974, 26, 339, 413, 14, 437, 664, 2980, 1083, 365, 2741, 12, 642, 1083, 1077, 5647, 282, 812, 15263, 909, 626, 911, 506, 4907, 2126, 370, 314, 7796, 503, 6036, 402, 4766, 334, 3239, 499, 680, 272, 499, 14, 25022, 282, 1083, 367, 7791, 4766, 436, 30350, 314, 2943, 436, 1865, 315, 1314, 2985, 787, 2126, 6781, 12, 1937, 1316, 364, 527, 2980, 367, 2893, 14, 339, 30520, 26, 267, 11144, 5021, 63, 466, 26, 710, 812, 15263, 20318, 730, 370, 1900, 12, 1471, 506, 376, 1256, 402, 812, 15263, 3036, 726, 63, 2711, 267, 11144, 7153, 63, 466, 26, 710, 812, 15263, 7796, 730, 370, 1900, 12, 1471, 506, 376, 1256, 402, 812, 15263, 5443, 4227, 63, 2711, 267, 1011, 958, 26, 710, 790, 12, 574, 1511, 367, 642, 909, 14, 272, 408, 272, 327, 710, 1300, 1021, 20318, 15, 7153, 626, 642, 909, 370, 1314, 12715, 365, 15297, 272, 812, 15263, 3036, 726, 63, 2711, 275, 11144, 14, 11919, 9955, 272, 812, 15263, 5443, 4227, 63, 2711, 275, 11144, 14, 11919, 8458, 11880, 339, 327, 710, 769, 402, 2457, 2943, 4370, 12, 315, 314, 1865, 2985, 1077, 506, 8539, 272, 23244, 63, 7893, 275, 942, 339, 768, 4639, 272, 347, 664, 4558, 837, 267, 2450, 275, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 14, 362, 4558, 342, 267, 2450, 14, 525, 360, 4273, 297, 990, 298, 33, 769, 402, 9388, 2251, 370, 4838, 370, 642, 7796, 2685, 267, 372, 2450, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 267, 1613, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 2843, 826, 9308, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 9, 267, 291, 423, 4273, 275, 942, 267, 291, 423, 2427, 63, 4273, 275, 942, 339, 347, 664, 8156, 43, 2980, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 314, 298, 1365, 2, 11144, 909, 14, 334, 6198, 9, 398, 18674, 12616, 3992, 1471, 4278, 642, 1083, 14, 710, 812, 15263, 909, 2138, 687, 642, 805, 911, 267, 506, 8539, 370, 314, 1642, 2457, 12, 340, 2066, 2187, 12, 503, 314, 11144, 8458, 11880, 909, 14, 1666, 314, 267, 283, 873, 7, 1083, 367, 642, 1021, 367, 4212, 314, 6947, 787, 6326, 14, 267, 408, 267, 746, 1303, 3362, 1208, 14, 45, 10518, 1726, 360, 1918, 1052, 2122, 362, 2980, 16493, 1083, 1471, 506, 10087, 701, 2195, 283, 3147, 283, 7153, 909, 436, 372, 314, 1350, 11144, 909, 370, 4907, 283, 3147, 283, 475, 314, 570, 2393, 436, 7796, 17374, 908, 8, 277, 855, 533, 4914, 354, 8964, 339, 347, 664, 18053, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 314, 769, 402, 2457, 2251, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 291, 423, 4273, 339, 347, 4839, 4152, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1432, 715, 340, 314, 909, 4839, 370, 506, 4588, 14, 267, 408, 267, 2896, 275, 359, 4792, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 680, 10065, 4152, 5106, 267, 367, 289, 315, 291, 423, 4273, 26, 288, 2896, 14, 740, 8, 70, 14, 10065, 4152, 1012, 267, 372, 1263, 8, 2489, 9, 339, 347, 1678, 8, 277, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 267, 408, 267, 24663, 314, 909, 701, 18170, 314, 812, 15263, 2251, 14, 334, 4415, 9, 398, 30520, 26, 288, 1937, 2799, 528, 836, 2980, 1563, 267, 408, 267, 1613, 8, 1049, 528, 836, 4131, 2980, 1563, 12, 291, 680, 873, 3682, 958, 9, 398, 291, 855, 2242, 18053, 342, 398, 327, 11578, 436, 1678, 4766, 267, 367, 289, 315, 291, 423, 4273, 26, 288, 340, 289, 14, 10065, 9345, 837, 355, 289, 14, 8489, 4131, 8, 277, 9, 288, 340, 289, 14, 10065, 4152, 837, 355, 289, 14, 873, 342, 339, 347, 636, 2242, 18053, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 11642, 805, 367, 18170, 2457, 370, 11144, 11880, 909, 14, 267, 408, 398, 347, 3105, 8, 2164, 12, 2717, 454, 304, 288, 408, 288, 24789, 805, 367, 3105, 3788, 14, 288, 408, 288, 1303, 3362, 1208, 14, 573, 3362, 7084, 17519, 10541, 9499, 908, 8, 466, 8, 2164, 2843, 354, 3108, 730, 8, 2327, 454, 2843, 354, 10139, 3303, 3164, 534, 22501, 358, 398, 327, 2790, 282, 769, 402, 4766, 370, 4838, 370, 314, 812, 15263, 7679, 12, 642, 365, 4224, 701, 267, 327, 29391, 314, 1415, 4766, 543, 314, 283, 4273, 7, 1511, 14, 961, 12149, 769, 267, 327, 365, 2066, 3355, 4079, 641, 314, 769, 2741, 315, 23244, 63, 7893, 14, 267, 4766, 275, 942, 267, 4766, 63, 262, 275, 1331, 14, 1574, 8, 277, 423, 2427, 63, 4273, 9, 327, 23834, 1331, 334, 13196, 1133, 2811, 4409, 769, 9, 267, 340, 291, 14, 374, 2602, 3490, 360, 4273, 735, 288, 4766, 63, 262, 847, 291, 14, 362, 2602, 360, 4273, 358, 0 ]
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""" Requirements file parsing """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re import shlex import optparse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._vendor.six.moves import filterfalse import pip from import get_file_content from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip.exceptions import (RequirementsFileParseError) from pip.utils import normalize_name from pip import cmdoptions __all__ = ['parse_requirements'] SCHEME_RE = re.compile(r'^(http|https|file):', re.I) COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\s)+#.*$') SUPPORTED_OPTIONS = [ cmdoptions.constraints, cmdoptions.editable, cmdoptions.requirements, cmdoptions.no_index, cmdoptions.index_url, cmdoptions.find_links, cmdoptions.extra_index_url, cmdoptions.allow_external, cmdoptions.allow_all_external, cmdoptions.no_allow_external, cmdoptions.allow_unsafe, cmdoptions.no_allow_unsafe, cmdoptions.use_wheel, cmdoptions.no_use_wheel, cmdoptions.always_unzip, cmdoptions.no_binary, cmdoptions.only_binary, ] # options to be passed to requirements SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ = [ cmdoptions.install_options, cmdoptions.global_options ] # the 'dest' string values SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST = [o().dest for o in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ] def parse_requirements(filename, finder=None, comes_from=None, options=None, session=None, constraint=False, wheel_cache=None): """Parse a requirements file and yield InstallRequirement instances. :param filename: Path or url of requirements file. :param finder: Instance of pip.index.PackageFinder. :param comes_from: Origin description of requirements. :param options: Global options. :param session: Instance of :param constraint: If true, parsing a constraint file rather than requirements file. :param wheel_cache: Instance of pip.wheel.WheelCache """ if session is None: raise TypeError( "parse_requirements() missing 1 required keyword argument: " "'session'" ) _, content = get_file_content( filename, comes_from=comes_from, session=session ) lines = content.splitlines() lines = ignore_comments(lines) lines = join_lines(lines) lines = skip_regex(lines, options) for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, 1): req_iter = process_line(line, filename, line_number, finder, comes_from, options, session, wheel_cache, constraint=constraint) for req in req_iter: yield req def process_line(line, filename, line_number, finder=None, comes_from=None, options=None, session=None, wheel_cache=None, constraint=False): """Process a single requirements line; This can result in creating/yielding requirements, or updating the finder. For lines that contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ, and they are scoped to the requirement. Other options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS may be present, but are ignored. For lines that do not contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS. Options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ may be present, but are ignored. These lines may contain multiple options (although our docs imply only one is supported), and all our parsed and affect the finder. :param constraint: If True, parsing a constraints file. """ parser = build_parser() defaults = parser.get_default_values() defaults.index_url = None if finder: # `finder.format_control` will be updated during parsing defaults.format_control = finder.format_control args_str, options_str = break_args_options(line) opts, _ = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(options_str), defaults) # preserve for the nested code path line_comes_from = '%s %s (line %s)' % ( '-c' if constraint else '-r', filename, line_number) # yield a line requirement if args_str: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False if options: cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options, opts) # get the options that apply to requirements req_options = {} for dest in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST: if dest in opts.__dict__ and opts.__dict__[dest]: req_options[dest] = opts.__dict__[dest] yield InstallRequirement.from_line( args_str, line_comes_from, constraint=constraint, isolated=isolated, options=req_options, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # yield an editable requirement elif opts.editables: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False default_vcs = options.default_vcs if options else None yield InstallRequirement.from_editable( opts.editables[0], comes_from=line_comes_from, constraint=constraint, default_vcs=default_vcs, isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # parse a nested requirements file elif opts.requirements or opts.constraints: if opts.requirements: req_path = opts.requirements[0] nested_constraint = False else: req_path = opts.constraints[0] nested_constraint = True # original file is over http if # do a url join so relative paths work req_path = urllib_parse.urljoin(filename, req_path) # original file and nested file are paths elif not # do a join so relative paths work req_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) req_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), req_path) # TODO: Why not use `comes_from='-r {} (line {})'` here as well? parser = parse_requirements( req_path, finder, comes_from, options, session, constraint=nested_constraint, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) for req in parser: yield req # set finder options elif finder: if opts.index_url: finder.index_urls = [opts.index_url] if opts.use_wheel is False: finder.use_wheel = False pip.index.fmt_ctl_no_use_wheel(finder.format_control) if opts.no_index is True: finder.index_urls = [] if opts.allow_all_external: finder.allow_all_external = opts.allow_all_external if opts.extra_index_urls: finder.index_urls.extend(opts.extra_index_urls) if opts.allow_external: finder.allow_external |= set( [normalize_name(v).lower() for v in opts.allow_external]) if opts.allow_unverified: # Remove after 7.0 finder.allow_unverified |= set( [normalize_name(v).lower() for v in opts.allow_unverified]) if opts.find_links: # FIXME: it would be nice to keep track of the source # of the find_links: support a find-links local path # relative to a requirements file. value = opts.find_links[0] req_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) relative_to_reqs_file = os.path.join(req_dir, value) if os.path.exists(relative_to_reqs_file): value = relative_to_reqs_file finder.find_links.append(value) def break_args_options(line): """Break up the line into an args and options string. We only want to shlex (and then optparse) the options, not the args. args can contain markers which are corrupted by shlex. """ tokens = line.split(' ') args = [] options = tokens[:] for token in tokens: if token.startswith('-') or token.startswith('--'): break else: args.append(token) options.pop(0) return ' '.join(args), ' '.join(options) def build_parser(): """ Return a parser for parsing requirement lines """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False) option_factories = SUPPORTED_OPTIONS + SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ for option_factory in option_factories: option = option_factory() parser.add_option(option) # By default optparse sys.exits on parsing errors. We want to wrap # that in our own exception. def parser_exit(self, msg): raise RequirementsFileParseError(msg) parser.exit = parser_exit return parser def join_lines(iterator): """ Joins a line ending in '\' with the previous line. """ lines = [] for line in iterator: if not line.endswith('\\'): if lines: lines.append(line) yield ''.join(lines) lines = [] else: yield line else: lines.append(line.strip('\\')) # TODO: handle space after '\'. # TODO: handle '\' on last line. def ignore_comments(iterator): """ Strips and filters empty or commented lines. """ for line in iterator: line = COMMENT_RE.sub('', line) line = line.strip() if line: yield line def skip_regex(lines, options): """ Optionally exclude lines that match '--skip-requirements-regex' """ skip_regex = options.skip_requirements_regex if options else None if skip_regex: lines = filterfalse(re.compile(skip_regex).search, lines) return lines
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11569, 29, 403, 12, 12477, 63, 504, 29, 403, 12, 1511, 29, 403, 12, 2432, 2351, 29, 403, 12, 5828, 29, 797, 12, 9989, 63, 1637, 29, 403, 304, 272, 408, 4003, 282, 9760, 570, 436, 1995, 13276, 17947, 4454, 14, 339, 520, 635, 1788, 26, 259, 6912, 503, 1166, 402, 9760, 570, 14, 272, 520, 635, 11569, 26, 420, 10066, 402, 7305, 14, 1080, 14, 8599, 11791, 14, 272, 520, 635, 12477, 63, 504, 26, 221, 31534, 1369, 402, 9760, 14, 272, 520, 635, 1511, 26, 258, 13641, 1511, 14, 272, 520, 635, 2351, 26, 258, 10066, 402, 7305, 14, 4249, 14, 32457, 4434, 14, 272, 520, 635, 5828, 26, 221, 982, 2549, 12, 6057, 282, 5828, 570, 7830, 2419, 267, 9760, 570, 14, 272, 520, 635, 9989, 63, 1637, 26, 10066, 402, 7305, 14, 11798, 14, 25663, 4437, 272, 408, 272, 340, 2351, 365, 488, 26, 267, 746, 3146, 8, 288, 298, 1122, 63, 7538, 342, 4124, 413, 1415, 4252, 1423, 26, 298, 288, 3546, 1730, 4065, 267, 776, 339, 5501, 1564, 275, 664, 63, 493, 63, 1317, 8, 267, 1788, 12, 12477, 63, 504, 29, 31430, 63, 504, 12, 2351, 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8, 1419, 63, 495, 395, 4243, 9, 339, 327, 11211, 367, 314, 6032, 1233, 931, 272, 1004, 63, 31430, 63, 504, 275, 1543, 83, 450, 83, 334, 604, 450, 83, 3171, 450, 334, 267, 2475, 67, 7, 340, 5828, 587, 2475, 82, 297, 1788, 12, 1004, 63, 1955, 9, 339, 327, 1995, 282, 0 ]
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""" Python Character Mapping Codec iso8859_10 generated from 'MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-10.TXT' with """#" import codecs ### Codec APIs class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_table) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_table) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): def decode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='iso8859-10', encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ### Decoding Table decoding_table = ( u'\x00' # 0x00 -> NULL u'\x01' # 0x01 -> START OF HEADING u'\x02' # 0x02 -> START OF TEXT u'\x03' # 0x03 -> END OF TEXT u'\x04' # 0x04 -> END OF TRANSMISSION u'\x05' # 0x05 -> ENQUIRY u'\x06' # 0x06 -> ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x07' # 0x07 -> BELL u'\x08' # 0x08 -> BACKSPACE u'\t' # 0x09 -> HORIZONTAL TABULATION u'\n' # 0x0A -> LINE FEED u'\x0b' # 0x0B -> VERTICAL TABULATION u'\x0c' # 0x0C -> FORM FEED u'\r' # 0x0D -> CARRIAGE RETURN u'\x0e' # 0x0E -> SHIFT OUT u'\x0f' # 0x0F -> SHIFT IN u'\x10' # 0x10 -> DATA LINK ESCAPE u'\x11' # 0x11 -> DEVICE CONTROL ONE u'\x12' # 0x12 -> DEVICE CONTROL TWO u'\x13' # 0x13 -> DEVICE CONTROL THREE u'\x14' # 0x14 -> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR u'\x15' # 0x15 -> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x16' # 0x16 -> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE u'\x17' # 0x17 -> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK u'\x18' # 0x18 -> CANCEL u'\x19' # 0x19 -> END OF MEDIUM u'\x1a' # 0x1A -> SUBSTITUTE u'\x1b' # 0x1B -> ESCAPE u'\x1c' # 0x1C -> FILE SEPARATOR u'\x1d' # 0x1D -> GROUP SEPARATOR u'\x1e' # 0x1E -> RECORD SEPARATOR u'\x1f' # 0x1F -> UNIT SEPARATOR u' ' # 0x20 -> SPACE u'!' # 0x21 -> EXCLAMATION MARK u'"' # 0x22 -> QUOTATION MARK u'#' # 0x23 -> NUMBER SIGN u'$' # 0x24 -> DOLLAR SIGN u'%' # 0x25 -> PERCENT SIGN u'&' # 0x26 -> AMPERSAND u"'" # 0x27 -> APOSTROPHE u'(' # 0x28 -> LEFT PARENTHESIS u')' # 0x29 -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS u'*' # 0x2A -> ASTERISK u'+' # 0x2B -> PLUS SIGN u',' # 0x2C -> COMMA u'-' # 0x2D -> HYPHEN-MINUS u'.' # 0x2E -> FULL STOP u'/' # 0x2F -> SOLIDUS u'0' # 0x30 -> DIGIT ZERO u'1' # 0x31 -> DIGIT ONE u'2' # 0x32 -> DIGIT TWO u'3' # 0x33 -> DIGIT THREE u'4' # 0x34 -> DIGIT FOUR u'5' # 0x35 -> DIGIT FIVE u'6' # 0x36 -> DIGIT SIX u'7' # 0x37 -> DIGIT SEVEN u'8' # 0x38 -> DIGIT EIGHT u'9' # 0x39 -> DIGIT NINE u':' # 0x3A -> COLON u';' # 0x3B -> SEMICOLON u'<' # 0x3C -> LESS-THAN SIGN u'=' # 0x3D -> EQUALS SIGN u'>' # 0x3E -> GREATER-THAN SIGN u'?' # 0x3F -> QUESTION MARK u'@' # 0x40 -> COMMERCIAL AT u'A' # 0x41 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A u'B' # 0x42 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B u'C' # 0x43 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C u'D' # 0x44 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D u'E' # 0x45 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E u'F' # 0x46 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F u'G' # 0x47 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G u'H' # 0x48 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H u'I' # 0x49 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I u'J' # 0x4A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J u'K' # 0x4B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K u'L' # 0x4C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L u'M' # 0x4D -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M u'N' # 0x4E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N u'O' # 0x4F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O u'P' # 0x50 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P u'Q' # 0x51 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q u'R' # 0x52 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R u'S' # 0x53 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S u'T' # 0x54 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T u'U' # 0x55 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U u'V' # 0x56 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V u'W' # 0x57 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W u'X' # 0x58 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X u'Y' # 0x59 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y u'Z' # 0x5A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z u'[' # 0x5B -> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET u'\\' # 0x5C -> REVERSE SOLIDUS u']' # 0x5D -> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET u'^' # 0x5E -> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT u'_' # 0x5F -> LOW LINE u'`' # 0x60 -> GRAVE ACCENT u'a' # 0x61 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A u'b' # 0x62 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B u'c' # 0x63 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C u'd' # 0x64 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D u'e' # 0x65 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E u'f' # 0x66 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F u'g' # 0x67 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G u'h' # 0x68 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H u'i' # 0x69 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I u'j' # 0x6A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J u'k' # 0x6B -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K u'l' # 0x6C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L u'm' # 0x6D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M u'n' # 0x6E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N u'o' # 0x6F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O u'p' # 0x70 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P u'q' # 0x71 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q u'r' # 0x72 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R u's' # 0x73 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S u't' # 0x74 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T u'u' # 0x75 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U u'v' # 0x76 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V u'w' # 0x77 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W u'x' # 0x78 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X u'y' # 0x79 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y u'z' # 0x7A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z u'{' # 0x7B -> LEFT CURLY BRACKET u'|' # 0x7C -> VERTICAL LINE u'}' # 0x7D -> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET u'~' # 0x7E -> TILDE u'\x7f' # 0x7F -> DELETE u'\x80' # 0x80 -> <control> u'\x81' # 0x81 -> <control> u'\x82' # 0x82 -> <control> u'\x83' # 0x83 -> <control> u'\x84' # 0x84 -> <control> u'\x85' # 0x85 -> <control> u'\x86' # 0x86 -> <control> u'\x87' # 0x87 -> <control> u'\x88' # 0x88 -> <control> u'\x89' # 0x89 -> <control> u'\x8a' # 0x8A -> <control> u'\x8b' # 0x8B -> <control> u'\x8c' # 0x8C -> <control> u'\x8d' # 0x8D -> <control> u'\x8e' # 0x8E -> <control> u'\x8f' # 0x8F -> <control> u'\x90' # 0x90 -> <control> u'\x91' # 0x91 -> <control> u'\x92' # 0x92 -> <control> u'\x93' # 0x93 -> <control> u'\x94' # 0x94 -> <control> u'\x95' # 0x95 -> <control> u'\x96' # 0x96 -> <control> u'\x97' # 0x97 -> <control> u'\x98' # 0x98 -> <control> u'\x99' # 0x99 -> <control> u'\x9a' # 0x9A -> <control> u'\x9b' # 0x9B -> <control> u'\x9c' # 0x9C -> <control> u'\x9d' # 0x9D -> <control> u'\x9e' # 0x9E -> <control> u'\x9f' # 0x9F -> <control> u'\xa0' # 0xA0 -> NO-BREAK SPACE u'\u0104' # 0xA1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK u'\u0112' # 0xA2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON u'\u0122' # 0xA3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA u'\u012a' # 0xA4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON u'\u0128' # 0xA5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE u'\u0136' # 0xA6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA u'\xa7' # 0xA7 -> SECTION SIGN u'\u013b' # 0xA8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA u'\u0110' # 0xA9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE u'\u0160' # 0xAA -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON u'\u0166' # 0xAB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE u'\u017d' # 0xAC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON u'\xad' # 0xAD -> SOFT HYPHEN u'\u016a' # 0xAE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON u'\u014a' # 0xAF -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG u'\xb0' # 0xB0 -> DEGREE SIGN u'\u0105' # 0xB1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK u'\u0113' # 0xB2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON u'\u0123' # 0xB3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA u'\u012b' # 0xB4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON u'\u0129' # 0xB5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE u'\u0137' # 0xB6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA u'\xb7' # 0xB7 -> MIDDLE DOT u'\u013c' # 0xB8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA u'\u0111' # 0xB9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE u'\u0161' # 0xBA -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON u'\u0167' # 0xBB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE u'\u017e' # 0xBC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON u'\u2015' # 0xBD -> HORIZONTAL BAR u'\u016b' # 0xBE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON u'\u014b' # 0xBF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG u'\u0100' # 0xC0 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON u'\xc1' # 0xC1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE u'\xc2' # 0xC2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xc3' # 0xC3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE u'\xc4' # 0xC4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xc5' # 0xC5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\xc6' # 0xC6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE u'\u012e' # 0xC7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK u'\u010c' # 0xC8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON u'\xc9' # 0xC9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u'\u0118' # 0xCA -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK u'\xcb' # 0xCB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS u'\u0116' # 0xCC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE u'\xcd' # 0xCD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE u'\xce' # 0xCE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xcf' # 0xCF -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS u'\xd0' # 0xD0 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) u'\u0145' # 0xD1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA u'\u014c' # 0xD2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON u'\xd3' # 0xD3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE u'\xd4' # 0xD4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xd5' # 0xD5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE u'\xd6' # 0xD6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\u0168' # 0xD7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE u'\xd8' # 0xD8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\u0172' # 0xD9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK u'\xda' # 0xDA -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE u'\xdb' # 0xDB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xdc' # 0xDC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xdd' # 0xDD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE u'\xde' # 0xDE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) u'\xdf' # 0xDF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) u'\u0101' # 0xE0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON u'\xe1' # 0xE1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE u'\xe2' # 0xE2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xe3' # 0xE3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE u'\xe4' # 0xE4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xe5' # 0xE5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\xe6' # 0xE6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER AE u'\u012f' # 0xE7 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK u'\u010d' # 0xE8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON u'\xe9' # 0xE9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u'\u0119' # 0xEA -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK u'\xeb' # 0xEB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS u'\u0117' # 0xEC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE u'\xed' # 0xED -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE u'\xee' # 0xEE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xef' # 0xEF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS u'\xf0' # 0xF0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) u'\u0146' # 0xF1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA u'\u014d' # 0xF2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON u'\xf3' # 0xF3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE u'\xf4' # 0xF4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xf5' # 0xF5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE u'\xf6' # 0xF6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\u0169' # 0xF7 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE u'\xf8' # 0xF8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\u0173' # 0xF9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK u'\xfa' # 0xFA -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE u'\xfb' # 0xFB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xfc' # 0xFC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xfd' # 0xFD -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE u'\xfe' # 0xFE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) u'\u0138' # 0xFF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA ) ### Encoding table encoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table)
[ 624, 2018, 17660, 12340, 13732, 11601, 4830, 63, 709, 4046, 687, 283, 32362, 15, 7336, 4830, 15, 4830, 13, 709, 14, 17715, 7, 543, 486, 2143, 67, 14, 647, 14, 199, 199, 624, 23662, 199, 199, 646, 6010, 199, 199, 5680, 13732, 15913, 199, 199, 533, 13732, 8, 8933, 14, 8818, 304, 339, 347, 3752, 8, 277, 12, 1210, 12, 2550, 534, 4768, 735, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2143, 8, 1210, 12, 2550, 12, 2991, 63, 1224, 9, 339, 347, 4849, 8, 277, 12, 1210, 12, 2550, 534, 4768, 735, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2708, 8, 1210, 12, 2550, 12, 12796, 63, 1224, 9, 199, 199, 533, 24350, 8, 8933, 14, 17016, 304, 272, 347, 3752, 8, 277, 12, 1324, 12, 4242, 29, 797, 304, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2143, 8, 1210, 12, 277, 14, 2550, 12, 2991, 63, 1224, 2788, 16, 61, 199, 199, 533, 24385, 8, 8933, 14, 16703, 304, 272, 347, 4849, 8, 277, 12, 1324, 12, 4242, 29, 797, 304, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2708, 8, 1210, 12, 277, 14, 2550, 12, 12796, 63, 1224, 2788, 16, 61, 199, 199, 533, 24163, 8, 8818, 12, 8933, 14, 16551, 304, 272, 986, 199, 199, 533, 22970, 8, 8818, 12, 8933, 14, 16132, 304, 272, 986, 199, 199, 5680, 14134, 859, 3261, 199, 199, 318, 26116, 837, 272, 372, 6010, 14, 26375, 8, 267, 536, 534, 4595, 4830, 13, 709, 297, 267, 3752, 29, 8818, 1252, 2143, 12, 267, 4849, 29, 8818, 1252, 2708, 12, 267, 26329, 29, 17016, 12, 267, 26317, 29, 16703, 12, 267, 26101, 29, 16132, 12, 267, 26112, 29, 16551, 12, 272, 776, 421, 199, 5680, 27368, 6957, 199, 199, 12796, 63, 1224, 275, 334, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 383, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 383, 1035, 5962, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 614, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 614, 1035, 13910, 1634, 32674, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 996, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 996, 1035, 13910, 1634, 11951, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1644, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1644, 1035, 7729, 1634, 11951, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 966, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 966, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22499, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1717, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1717, 1035, 5070, 31115, 57, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1690, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1690, 1035, 22549, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1780, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1780, 1035, 699, 14952, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 2036, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 2036, 1035, 22658, 11658, 272, 399, 1154, 84, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1643, 1035, 8724, 22450, 272, 399, 1154, 78, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 33, 1035, 13587, 21567, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 66, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 34, 1035, 8267, 22450, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 67, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 35, 1035, 11295, 21567, 272, 399, 1154, 82, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 36, 1035, 445, 32622, 24646, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 69, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 37, 1035, 20754, 5738, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 70, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 38, 1035, 20754, 1621, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 709, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 709, 1035, 7126, 19774, 17682, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 845, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 845, 1035, 11643, 8098, 13051, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 713, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 713, 1035, 11643, 8098, 16562, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 969, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 969, 1035, 11643, 8098, 16296, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1079, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1079, 1035, 11643, 8098, 14473, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1046, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1046, 1035, 29837, 22549, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 975, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 975, 1035, 10046, 30782, 23240, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1196, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1196, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22499, 8068, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1085, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1085, 1035, 27385, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1167, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1167, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22650, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 65, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 33, 1035, 9103, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 66, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 34, 1035, 17682, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 67, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 35, 1035, 13024, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 68, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 36, 1035, 15443, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 69, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 37, 1035, 24973, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 70, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 38, 1035, 25836, 14782, 272, 399, 7, 283, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1165, 1035, 16796, 272, 399, 7, 11213, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 2025, 1035, 24232, 8132, 272, 399, 30385, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1081, 1035, 11830, 8132, 272, 399, 11525, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1789, 1035, 18122, 5056, 272, 399, 7, 12913, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1194, 1035, 30857, 5056, 272, 399, 5956, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 821, 1035, 26684, 5056, 272, 399, 21840, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1479, 1035, 30602, 272, 399, 2, 4065, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1465, 1035, 30876, 272, 399, 7, 360, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1651, 1035, 6578, 20570, 272, 399, 358, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1398, 1035, 7052, 20570, 272, 399, 7, 10223, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 33, 1035, 29725, 272, 399, 30269, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 34, 1035, 18807, 5056, 272, 399, 1673, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 35, 1035, 22849, 272, 399, 12418, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 36, 1035, 22553, 13, 18004, 272, 399, 30484, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 37, 1035, 18530, 22348, 272, 399, 29957, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 38, 1035, 20585, 272, 399, 7, 16, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1216, 1035, 7298, 20348, 272, 399, 7, 17, 7, 263, 327, 221 ]
[ 2018, 17660, 12340, 13732, 11601, 4830, 63, 709, 4046, 687, 283, 32362, 15, 7336, 4830, 15, 4830, 13, 709, 14, 17715, 7, 543, 486, 2143, 67, 14, 647, 14, 199, 199, 624, 23662, 199, 199, 646, 6010, 199, 199, 5680, 13732, 15913, 199, 199, 533, 13732, 8, 8933, 14, 8818, 304, 339, 347, 3752, 8, 277, 12, 1210, 12, 2550, 534, 4768, 735, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2143, 8, 1210, 12, 2550, 12, 2991, 63, 1224, 9, 339, 347, 4849, 8, 277, 12, 1210, 12, 2550, 534, 4768, 735, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2708, 8, 1210, 12, 2550, 12, 12796, 63, 1224, 9, 199, 199, 533, 24350, 8, 8933, 14, 17016, 304, 272, 347, 3752, 8, 277, 12, 1324, 12, 4242, 29, 797, 304, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2143, 8, 1210, 12, 277, 14, 2550, 12, 2991, 63, 1224, 2788, 16, 61, 199, 199, 533, 24385, 8, 8933, 14, 16703, 304, 272, 347, 4849, 8, 277, 12, 1324, 12, 4242, 29, 797, 304, 267, 372, 6010, 14, 13391, 63, 2708, 8, 1210, 12, 277, 14, 2550, 12, 12796, 63, 1224, 2788, 16, 61, 199, 199, 533, 24163, 8, 8818, 12, 8933, 14, 16551, 304, 272, 986, 199, 199, 533, 22970, 8, 8818, 12, 8933, 14, 16132, 304, 272, 986, 199, 199, 5680, 14134, 859, 3261, 199, 199, 318, 26116, 837, 272, 372, 6010, 14, 26375, 8, 267, 536, 534, 4595, 4830, 13, 709, 297, 267, 3752, 29, 8818, 1252, 2143, 12, 267, 4849, 29, 8818, 1252, 2708, 12, 267, 26329, 29, 17016, 12, 267, 26317, 29, 16703, 12, 267, 26101, 29, 16132, 12, 267, 26112, 29, 16551, 12, 272, 776, 421, 199, 5680, 27368, 6957, 199, 199, 12796, 63, 1224, 275, 334, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 383, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 383, 1035, 5962, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 614, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 614, 1035, 13910, 1634, 32674, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 996, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 996, 1035, 13910, 1634, 11951, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1644, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1644, 1035, 7729, 1634, 11951, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 966, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 966, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22499, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1717, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1717, 1035, 5070, 31115, 57, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1690, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1690, 1035, 22549, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1780, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1780, 1035, 699, 14952, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 2036, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 2036, 1035, 22658, 11658, 272, 399, 1154, 84, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1643, 1035, 8724, 22450, 272, 399, 1154, 78, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 33, 1035, 13587, 21567, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 66, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 34, 1035, 8267, 22450, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 67, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 35, 1035, 11295, 21567, 272, 399, 1154, 82, 7, 755, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 36, 1035, 445, 32622, 24646, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 69, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 37, 1035, 20754, 5738, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 16, 70, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 16, 38, 1035, 20754, 1621, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 709, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 709, 1035, 7126, 19774, 17682, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 845, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 845, 1035, 11643, 8098, 13051, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 713, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 713, 1035, 11643, 8098, 16562, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 969, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 969, 1035, 11643, 8098, 16296, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1079, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1079, 1035, 11643, 8098, 14473, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1046, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1046, 1035, 29837, 22549, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 975, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 975, 1035, 10046, 30782, 23240, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1196, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1196, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22499, 8068, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1085, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1085, 1035, 27385, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 1167, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1167, 1035, 7729, 1634, 22650, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 65, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 33, 1035, 9103, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 66, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 34, 1035, 17682, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 67, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 35, 1035, 13024, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 68, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 36, 1035, 15443, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 69, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 37, 1035, 24973, 14782, 272, 399, 1154, 88, 17, 70, 7, 258, 327, 221, 378, 88, 17, 38, 1035, 25836, 14782, 272, 399, 7, 283, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1165, 1035, 16796, 272, 399, 7, 11213, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 2025, 1035, 24232, 8132, 272, 399, 30385, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1081, 1035, 11830, 8132, 272, 399, 11525, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1789, 1035, 18122, 5056, 272, 399, 7, 12913, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1194, 1035, 30857, 5056, 272, 399, 5956, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 821, 1035, 26684, 5056, 272, 399, 21840, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1479, 1035, 30602, 272, 399, 2, 4065, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1465, 1035, 30876, 272, 399, 7, 360, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1651, 1035, 6578, 20570, 272, 399, 358, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1398, 1035, 7052, 20570, 272, 399, 7, 10223, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 33, 1035, 29725, 272, 399, 30269, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 34, 1035, 18807, 5056, 272, 399, 1673, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 35, 1035, 22849, 272, 399, 12418, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 36, 1035, 22553, 13, 18004, 272, 399, 30484, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 37, 1035, 18530, 22348, 272, 399, 29957, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 18, 38, 1035, 20585, 272, 399, 7, 16, 7, 263, 327, 221, 378, 88, 1216, 1035, 7298, 20348, 272, 399, 7, 17, 7, 263, 327, 221, 0 ]
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# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from cinderclient.v2 import availability_zones from cinderclient.v2 import pools from cinderclient.v2 import qos_specs from cinderclient.v2 import quotas from cinderclient.v2 import services from cinderclient.v2 import volume_backups as vol_backups from cinderclient.v2 import volume_encryption_types as vol_enc_types from cinderclient.v2 import volume_snapshots as vol_snaps from cinderclient.v2 import volume_transfers from cinderclient.v2 import volume_types from cinderclient.v2 import volumes from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas as usage_quotas from openstack_dashboard.test.test_data import utils def data(TEST): TEST.cinder_services = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volumes = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_backups = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_encryption_types = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_types = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_encryption = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_bootable_volumes = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_qos_specs = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_qos_spec_associations = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_snapshots = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_quotas = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_quota_usages = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_availability_zones = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_volume_transfers = utils.TestDataContainer() TEST.cinder_pools = utils.TestDataContainer() # Services service_1 = services.Service(services.ServiceManager(None), { "service": "cinder-scheduler", "status": "enabled", "binary": "cinder-scheduler", "zone": "internal", "state": "up", "updated_at": "2013-07-08T05:21:00.000000", "host": "devstack001", "disabled_reason": None }) service_2 = services.Service(services.ServiceManager(None), { "service": "cinder-volume", "status": "enabled", "binary": "cinder-volume", "zone": "nova", "state": "up", "updated_at": "2013-07-08T05:20:51.000000", "host": "devstack001", "disabled_reason": None }) TEST.cinder_services.add(service_1) TEST.cinder_services.add(service_2) # Volumes - Cinder v1 volume = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'id': "11023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff3887", 'status': 'available', 'size': 40, 'display_name': 'Volume name', 'display_description': 'Volume description', 'created_at': '2014-01-27 10:30:00', 'volume_type': None, 'attachments': []}) nameless_volume = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {"id": "4b069dd0-6eaa-4272-8abc-5448a68f1cce", "status": 'available', "size": 10, "display_name": '', "display_description": '', "device": "/dev/hda", "created_at": '2010-11-21 18:34:25', "volume_type": 'vol_type_1', "attachments": []}) other_volume = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'id': "21023e92-8008-1234-8059-7f2293ff3889", 'status': 'in-use', 'size': 10, 'display_name': u'my_volume', 'display_description': '', 'created_at': '2013-04-01 10:30:00', 'volume_type': None, 'attachments': [{"id": "1", "server_id": '1', "device": "/dev/hda"}]}) volume_with_type = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'id': "7dcb47fd-07d9-42c2-9647-be5eab799ebe", 'name': 'my_volume2', 'status': 'in-use', 'size': 10, 'display_name': u'my_volume2', 'display_description': '', 'created_at': '2013-04-01 10:30:00', 'volume_type': 'vol_type_2', 'attachments': [{"id": "2", "server_id": '2', "device": "/dev/hdb"}]}) non_bootable_volume = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'id': "21023e92-8008-1234-8059-7f2293ff3890", 'status': 'in-use', 'size': 10, 'display_name': u'my_volume', 'display_description': '', 'created_at': '2013-04-01 10:30:00', 'volume_type': None, 'bootable': False, 'attachments': [{"id": "1", "server_id": '1', "device": "/dev/hda"}]}) volume.bootable = 'true' nameless_volume.bootable = 'true' other_volume.bootable = 'true' TEST.cinder_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(volume)) TEST.cinder_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(nameless_volume)) TEST.cinder_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(other_volume)) TEST.cinder_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(volume_with_type)) TEST.cinder_bootable_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(non_bootable_volume)) vol_type1 = volume_types.VolumeType(volume_types.VolumeTypeManager(None), {'id': u'1', 'name': u'vol_type_1', 'extra_specs': {'foo': 'bar'}}) vol_type2 = volume_types.VolumeType(volume_types.VolumeTypeManager(None), {'id': u'2', 'name': u'vol_type_2'}) TEST.cinder_volume_types.add(vol_type1, vol_type2) # Volumes - Cinder v2 volume_v2 = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'id': "31023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff1234", 'name': 'v2_volume', 'description': "v2 Volume Description", 'status': 'available', 'size': 20, 'created_at': '2014-01-27 10:30:00', 'volume_type': None, 'os-vol-host-attr:host': 'host@backend-name#pool', 'bootable': 'true', 'attachments': []}) volume_v2.bootable = 'true' TEST.cinder_volumes.add(api.cinder.Volume(volume_v2)) snapshot = vol_snaps.Snapshot( vol_snaps.SnapshotManager(None), {'id': '5f3d1c33-7d00-4511-99df-a2def31f3b5d', 'display_name': 'test snapshot', 'display_description': 'volume snapshot', 'size': 40, 'status': 'available', 'volume_id': '11023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff3887'}) snapshot2 = vol_snaps.Snapshot( vol_snaps.SnapshotManager(None), {'id': 'c9d0881a-4c0b-4158-a212-ad27e11c2b0f', 'name': '', 'description': 'v2 volume snapshot description', 'size': 80, 'status': 'available', 'volume_id': '31023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff1234'}) snapshot.bootable = 'true' snapshot2.bootable = 'true' TEST.cinder_volume_snapshots.add(api.cinder.VolumeSnapshot(snapshot)) TEST.cinder_volume_snapshots.add(api.cinder.VolumeSnapshot(snapshot2)) TEST.cinder_volume_snapshots.first()._volume = volume # Volume Type Encryption vol_enc_type1 = vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionType( vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionTypeManager(None), {'volume_type_id': u'1', 'control_location': "front-end", 'key_size': 512, 'provider': "a-provider", 'cipher': "a-cipher"}) vol_enc_type2 = vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionType( vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionTypeManager(None), {'volume_type_id': u'2', 'control_location': "front-end", 'key_size': 256, 'provider': "a-provider", 'cipher': "a-cipher"}) vol_unenc_type1 = vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionType( vol_enc_types.VolumeEncryptionTypeManager(None), {}) TEST.cinder_volume_encryption_types.add(vol_enc_type1, vol_enc_type2, vol_unenc_type1) volume_backup1 = vol_backups.VolumeBackup( vol_backups.VolumeBackupManager(None), {'id': 'a374cbb8-3f99-4c3f-a2ef-3edbec842e31', 'name': 'backup1', 'description': 'volume backup 1', 'size': 10, 'status': 'available', 'container_name': 'volumebackups', 'volume_id': '11023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff3887'}) volume_backup2 = vol_backups.VolumeBackup( vol_backups.VolumeBackupManager(None), {'id': 'c321cbb8-3f99-4c3f-a2ef-3edbec842e52', 'name': 'backup2', 'description': 'volume backup 2', 'size': 20, 'status': 'available', 'container_name': 'volumebackups', 'volume_id': '31023e92-8008-4c8b-8059-7f2293ff1234'}) TEST.cinder_volume_backups.add(volume_backup1) TEST.cinder_volume_backups.add(volume_backup2) # Volume Encryption vol_enc_metadata1 = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {'cipher': 'test-cipher', 'key_size': 512, 'provider': 'test-provider', 'control_location': 'front-end'}) vol_unenc_metadata1 = volumes.Volume( volumes.VolumeManager(None), {}) TEST.cinder_volume_encryption.add(vol_enc_metadata1) TEST.cinder_volume_encryption.add(vol_unenc_metadata1) # Quota Sets quota_data = dict(volumes='1', snapshots='1', gigabytes='1000') quota = quotas.QuotaSet(quotas.QuotaSetManager(None), quota_data) TEST.cinder_quotas.add(api.base.QuotaSet(quota)) # Quota Usages quota_usage_data = {'gigabytes': {'used': 0, 'quota': 1000}, 'instances': {'used': 0, 'quota': 10}, 'snapshots': {'used': 0, 'quota': 10}} quota_usage = usage_quotas.QuotaUsage() for k, v in quota_usage_data.items(): quota_usage.add_quota(api.base.Quota(k, v['quota'])) quota_usage.tally(k, v['used']) TEST.cinder_quota_usages.add(quota_usage) # Availability Zones # Cinder returns the following structure from os-availability-zone # {"availabilityZoneInfo": # [{"zoneState": {"available": true}, "zoneName": "nova"}]} # Note that the default zone is still "nova" even though this is cinder TEST.cinder_availability_zones.add( availability_zones.AvailabilityZone( availability_zones.AvailabilityZoneManager(None), { 'zoneName': 'nova', 'zoneState': {'available': True} } ) ) # Cinder Limits limits = {"absolute": {"totalVolumesUsed": 1, "totalGigabytesUsed": 5, "maxTotalVolumeGigabytes": 1000, "maxTotalVolumes": 10}} TEST.cinder_limits = limits # QOS Specs qos_spec1 = qos_specs.QoSSpecs( qos_specs.QoSSpecsManager(None), {"id": "418db45d-6992-4674-b226-80aacad2073c", "name": "high_iops", "consumer": "back-end", "specs": {"minIOPS": "1000", "maxIOPS": '100000'}}) qos_spec2 = qos_specs.QoSSpecs( qos_specs.QoSSpecsManager(None), {"id": "6ed7035f-992e-4075-8ed6-6eff19b3192d", "name": "high_bws", "consumer": "back-end", "specs": {"maxBWS": '5000'}}) TEST.cinder_qos_specs.add(qos_spec1, qos_spec2) vol_type1.associated_qos_spec = TEST.cinder_qos_spec_associations.add(vol_type1) # volume_transfers transfer_1 = volume_transfers.VolumeTransfer( volume_transfers.VolumeTransferManager(None), { 'id': '99999999-8888-7777-6666-555555555555', 'name': 'test transfer', 'volume_id':, 'auth_key': 'blah', 'created_at': ''}) TEST.cinder_volume_transfers.add(transfer_1) # Pools pool1 = pools.Pool( pools.PoolManager(None), { "QoS_support": False, "allocated_capacity_gb": 0, "driver_version": "3.0.0", "free_capacity_gb": 10, "extra_specs": { "description": "LVM Extra specs", "display_name": "LVMDriver", "namespace": "OS::Cinder::LVMDriver", "type": "object", }, "name": "devstack@lvmdriver-1#lvmdriver-1", "pool_name": "lvmdriver-1", "reserved_percentage": 0, "storage_protocol": "iSCSI", "total_capacity_gb": 10, "vendor_name": "Open Source", "volume_backend_name": "lvmdriver-1"}) pool2 = pools.Pool( pools.PoolManager(None), { "QoS_support": False, "allocated_capacity_gb": 2, "driver_version": "3.0.0", "free_capacity_gb": 15, "extra_specs": { "description": "LVM Extra specs", "display_name": "LVMDriver", "namespace": "OS::Cinder::LVMDriver", "type": "object", }, "name": "devstack@lvmdriver-2#lvmdriver-2", "pool_name": "lvmdriver-2", "reserved_percentage": 0, "storage_protocol": "iSCSI", "total_capacity_gb": 10, "vendor_name": "Open Source", "volume_backend_name": "lvmdriver-2"}) TEST.cinder_pools.add(pool1) TEST.cinder_pools.add(pool2)
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"""Windows service. Requires pywin32.""" import os import thread import win32api import win32con import win32event import win32service import win32serviceutil from cherrypy.process import wspbus, plugins class ConsoleCtrlHandler(plugins.SimplePlugin): """A WSPBus plugin for handling Win32 console events (like Ctrl-C).""" def __init__(self, bus): self.is_set = False plugins.SimplePlugin.__init__(self, bus) def start(self): if self.is_set: self.bus.log('Handler for console events already set.', level=40) return result = win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(self.handle, 1) if result == 0: self.bus.log('Could not SetConsoleCtrlHandler (error %r)' % win32api.GetLastError(), level=40) else: self.bus.log('Set handler for console events.', level=40) self.is_set = True def stop(self): if not self.is_set: self.bus.log('Handler for console events already off.', level=40) return try: result = win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(self.handle, 0) except ValueError: # "ValueError: The object has not been registered" result = 1 if result == 0: self.bus.log('Could not remove SetConsoleCtrlHandler (error %r)' % win32api.GetLastError(), level=40) else: self.bus.log('Removed handler for console events.', level=40) self.is_set = False def handle(self, event): """Handle console control events (like Ctrl-C).""" if event in (win32con.CTRL_C_EVENT, win32con.CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, win32con.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, win32con.CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, win32con.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT): self.bus.log('Console event %s: shutting down bus' % event) # Remove self immediately so repeated Ctrl-C doesn't re-call it. try: self.stop() except ValueError: pass self.bus.exit() # 'First to return True stops the calls' return 1 return 0 class Win32Bus(wspbus.Bus): """A Web Site Process Bus implementation for Win32. Instead of time.sleep, this bus blocks using native win32event objects. """ def __init__(self): = {} wspbus.Bus.__init__(self) def _get_state_event(self, state): """Return a win32event for the given state (creating it if needed).""" try: return[state] except KeyError: event = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, u"WSPBus %s Event (pid=%r)" % (, os.getpid()))[state] = event return event def _get_state(self): return self._state def _set_state(self, value): self._state = value event = self._get_state_event(value) win32event.PulseEvent(event) state = property(_get_state, _set_state) def wait(self, state, interval=0.1): """Wait for the given state(s), KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit. Since this class uses native win32event objects, the interval argument is ignored. """ if isinstance(state, (tuple, list)): # Don't wait for an event that beat us to the punch ;) if self.state not in state: events = tuple([self._get_state_event(s) for s in state]) win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects(events, 0, win32event.INFINITE) else: # Don't wait for an event that beat us to the punch ;) if self.state != state: event = self._get_state_event(state) win32event.WaitForSingleObject(event, win32event.INFINITE) class _ControlCodes(dict): """Control codes used to "signal" a service via ControlService. User-defined control codes are in the range 128-255. We generally use the standard Python value for the Linux signal and add 128. Example: >>> signal.SIGUSR1 10 control_codes['graceful'] = 128 + 10 """ def key_for(self, obj): """For the given value, return its corresponding key.""" for key, val in self.iteritems(): if val is obj: return key raise ValueError("The given object could not be found: %r" % obj) control_codes = _ControlCodes({'graceful': 138}) def signal_child(service, command): if command == 'stop': win32serviceutil.StopService(service) elif command == 'restart': win32serviceutil.RestartService(service) else: win32serviceutil.ControlService(service, control_codes[command]) class PyWebService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework): """Python Web Service.""" _svc_name_ = "Python Web Service" _svc_display_name_ = "Python Web Service" _svc_deps_ = None # sequence of service names on which this depends _exe_name_ = "pywebsvc" _exe_args_ = None # Default to no arguments # Only exists on Windows 2000 or later, ignored on windows NT _svc_description_ = "Python Web Service" def SvcDoRun(self): from cherrypy import process process.bus.start() process.bus.block() def SvcStop(self): from cherrypy import process self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) process.bus.exit() def SvcOther(self, control): process.bus.publish(control_codes.key_for(control)) if __name__ == '__main__': win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(PyWebService)
[ 624, 8647, 2435, 14, 15127, 1134, 2676, 708, 1041, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 2462, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1246, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 388, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1430, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1364, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1364, 1974, 199, 199, 504, 13397, 14, 1412, 492, 336, 681, 5610, 12, 8963, 421, 199, 533, 19809, 9778, 2461, 8, 5265, 14, 3184, 5061, 304, 272, 408, 33, 644, 5763, 12106, 3589, 367, 7252, 13036, 708, 8559, 4474, 334, 2930, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 10477, 2286, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 10414, 304, 267, 291, 14, 374, 63, 409, 275, 756, 267, 8963, 14, 3184, 5061, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 10414, 9, 2286, 347, 1343, 8, 277, 304, 267, 340, 291, 14, 374, 63, 409, 26, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 2461, 367, 8559, 4474, 2575, 663, 3130, 2166, 29, 2167, 9, 288, 372, 2728, 754, 275, 4747, 708, 1246, 14, 1084, 9270, 9778, 2461, 8, 277, 14, 2479, 12, 413, 9, 267, 340, 754, 508, 378, 26, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 6531, 440, 2494, 9270, 9778, 2461, 334, 705, 450, 82, 3171, 450, 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4474, 334, 2930, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 10477, 267, 340, 1566, 315, 334, 2676, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 35, 63, 8193, 12, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 4947, 7517, 63, 8193, 12, 2151, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 14731, 63, 8193, 12, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 24340, 8819, 63, 8193, 12, 2151, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 18219, 63, 8193, 304, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 9270, 1566, 450, 83, 26, 24761, 1337, 3224, 10414, 7, 450, 1566, 9, 7846, 327, 5852, 291, 9939, 880, 10877, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 3181, 1133, 295, 13, 1250, 652, 14, 288, 862, 26, 355, 291, 14, 2379, 342, 288, 871, 1722, 26, 355, 986, 7846, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 2224, 342, 288, 327, 283, 7147, 370, 372, 715, 20922, 314, 4882, 7, 288, 372, 413, 267, 372, 378, 421, 199, 533, 13036, 708, 12106, 8, 87, 681, 5610, 14, 12106, 304, 272, 408, 33, 6001, 11666, 7132, 18573, 4514, 367, 13036, 708, 14, 2286, 15345, 402, 900, 14, 4532, 12, 642, 10414, 5664, 1808, 5438, 4747, 708, 1430, 2251, 14, 272, 408, 2286, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 291, 14, 4368, 275, 1052, 267, 336, 681, 5610, 14, 12106, 855, 826, 721, 277, 9, 2286, 347, 485, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 277, 12, 1174, 304, 267, 408, 1767, 282, 4747, 708, 1430, 367, 314, 1627, 1174, 334, 20358, 652, 340, 4346, 10477, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 291, 14, 4368, 59, 929, 61, 267, 871, 4067, 26, 288, 1566, 275, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 2499, 2390, 8, 403, 12, 378, 12, 378, 12, 5644, 399, 2, 5035, 48, 12106, 450, 83, 6763, 334, 3150, 2458, 82, 2924, 450, 5644, 334, 929, 14, 354, 12, 747, 14, 17829, 4059, 288, 291, 14, 4368, 59, 929, 61, 275, 1566, 288, 372, 1566, 2286, 347, 485, 362, 63, 929, 8, 277, 304, 267, 372, 291, 423, 929, 272, 347, 485, 409, 63, 929, 8, 277, 12, 574, 304, 267, 291, 423, 929, 275, 574, 267, 1566, 275, 291, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 585, 9, 267, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 48, 13055, 2390, 8, 1430, 9, 272, 1174, 275, 3324, 1547, 362, 63, 929, 12, 485, 409, 63, 929, 9, 2286, 347, 3618, 8, 277, 12, 1174, 12, 6252, 29, 16, 14, 17, 304, 267, 408, 7536, 367, 314, 1627, 1174, 8, 83, 395, 13483, 503, 14838, 14, 2728, 9336, 642, 1021, 4440, 5438, 4747, 708, 1430, 2251, 12, 314, 6252, 267, 1423, 365, 5525, 14, 267, 408, 267, 340, 1228, 8, 929, 12, 334, 2960, 12, 769, 2298, 288, 327, 7529, 1133, 3618, 367, 376, 1566, 626, 506, 292, 2739, 370, 314, 299, 4689, 8700, 9, 288, 340, 291, 14, 929, 440, 315, 1174, 26, 355, 4474, 275, 2008, 779, 277, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 83, 9, 367, 308, 315, 1174, 566, 355, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 21433, 8433, 11188, 8, 4368, 12, 378, 12, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 32191, 4427, 9, 267, 587, 26, 288, 327, 7529, 1133, 3618, 367, 376, 1566, 626, 506, 292, 2739, 370, 314, 299, 4689, 8700, 9, 288, 340, 291, 14, 929, 1137, 1174, 26, 355, 1566, 275, 291, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 929, 9, 355, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 21433, 7200, 1692, 8, 1430, 12, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 32191, 4427, 9, 421, 199, 533, 485, 3717, 14060, 8, 807, 304, 272, 408, 3717, 9479, 1202, 370, 298, 4653, 2, 282, 2435, 4799, 8612, 3167, 14, 2286, 2876, 13, 4037, 3304, 9479, 787, 315, 314, 1425, 7960, 13, 2299, 14, 2136, 16711, 675, 272, 314, 4465, 2018, 574, 367, 314, 10130, 4673, 436, 1050, 7960, 14, 5679, 26, 13857, 1306, 4673, 14, 7864, 22592, 17, 267, 1616, 267, 3304, 63, 6021, 459, 20631 ]
[ 8647, 2435, 14, 15127, 1134, 2676, 708, 1041, 199, 199, 646, 747, 199, 646, 2462, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1246, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 388, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1430, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1364, 199, 646, 4747, 708, 1364, 1974, 199, 199, 504, 13397, 14, 1412, 492, 336, 681, 5610, 12, 8963, 421, 199, 533, 19809, 9778, 2461, 8, 5265, 14, 3184, 5061, 304, 272, 408, 33, 644, 5763, 12106, 3589, 367, 7252, 13036, 708, 8559, 4474, 334, 2930, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 10477, 2286, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 10414, 304, 267, 291, 14, 374, 63, 409, 275, 756, 267, 8963, 14, 3184, 5061, 855, 826, 721, 277, 12, 10414, 9, 2286, 347, 1343, 8, 277, 304, 267, 340, 291, 14, 374, 63, 409, 26, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 2461, 367, 8559, 4474, 2575, 663, 3130, 2166, 29, 2167, 9, 288, 372, 2728, 754, 275, 4747, 708, 1246, 14, 1084, 9270, 9778, 2461, 8, 277, 14, 2479, 12, 413, 9, 267, 340, 754, 508, 378, 26, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 6531, 440, 2494, 9270, 9778, 2461, 334, 705, 450, 82, 3171, 450, 586, 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4474, 334, 2930, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 10477, 267, 340, 1566, 315, 334, 2676, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 35, 63, 8193, 12, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 4947, 7517, 63, 8193, 12, 2151, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 14731, 63, 8193, 12, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 24340, 8819, 63, 8193, 12, 2151, 4747, 708, 388, 14, 22584, 63, 18219, 63, 8193, 304, 288, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 793, 360, 9270, 1566, 450, 83, 26, 24761, 1337, 3224, 10414, 7, 450, 1566, 9, 7846, 327, 5852, 291, 9939, 880, 10877, 445, 7245, 13, 35, 3181, 1133, 295, 13, 1250, 652, 14, 288, 862, 26, 355, 291, 14, 2379, 342, 288, 871, 1722, 26, 355, 986, 7846, 291, 14, 5610, 14, 2224, 342, 288, 327, 283, 7147, 370, 372, 715, 20922, 314, 4882, 7, 288, 372, 413, 267, 372, 378, 421, 199, 533, 13036, 708, 12106, 8, 87, 681, 5610, 14, 12106, 304, 272, 408, 33, 6001, 11666, 7132, 18573, 4514, 367, 13036, 708, 14, 2286, 15345, 402, 900, 14, 4532, 12, 642, 10414, 5664, 1808, 5438, 4747, 708, 1430, 2251, 14, 272, 408, 2286, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 291, 14, 4368, 275, 1052, 267, 336, 681, 5610, 14, 12106, 855, 826, 721, 277, 9, 2286, 347, 485, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 277, 12, 1174, 304, 267, 408, 1767, 282, 4747, 708, 1430, 367, 314, 1627, 1174, 334, 20358, 652, 340, 4346, 10477, 267, 862, 26, 288, 372, 291, 14, 4368, 59, 929, 61, 267, 871, 4067, 26, 288, 1566, 275, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 2499, 2390, 8, 403, 12, 378, 12, 378, 12, 5644, 399, 2, 5035, 48, 12106, 450, 83, 6763, 334, 3150, 2458, 82, 2924, 450, 5644, 334, 929, 14, 354, 12, 747, 14, 17829, 4059, 288, 291, 14, 4368, 59, 929, 61, 275, 1566, 288, 372, 1566, 2286, 347, 485, 362, 63, 929, 8, 277, 304, 267, 372, 291, 423, 929, 272, 347, 485, 409, 63, 929, 8, 277, 12, 574, 304, 267, 291, 423, 929, 275, 574, 267, 1566, 275, 291, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 585, 9, 267, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 48, 13055, 2390, 8, 1430, 9, 272, 1174, 275, 3324, 1547, 362, 63, 929, 12, 485, 409, 63, 929, 9, 2286, 347, 3618, 8, 277, 12, 1174, 12, 6252, 29, 16, 14, 17, 304, 267, 408, 7536, 367, 314, 1627, 1174, 8, 83, 395, 13483, 503, 14838, 14, 2728, 9336, 642, 1021, 4440, 5438, 4747, 708, 1430, 2251, 12, 314, 6252, 267, 1423, 365, 5525, 14, 267, 408, 267, 340, 1228, 8, 929, 12, 334, 2960, 12, 769, 2298, 288, 327, 7529, 1133, 3618, 367, 376, 1566, 626, 506, 292, 2739, 370, 314, 299, 4689, 8700, 9, 288, 340, 291, 14, 929, 440, 315, 1174, 26, 355, 4474, 275, 2008, 779, 277, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 83, 9, 367, 308, 315, 1174, 566, 355, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 21433, 8433, 11188, 8, 4368, 12, 378, 12, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 32191, 4427, 9, 267, 587, 26, 288, 327, 7529, 1133, 3618, 367, 376, 1566, 626, 506, 292, 2739, 370, 314, 299, 4689, 8700, 9, 288, 340, 291, 14, 929, 1137, 1174, 26, 355, 1566, 275, 291, 423, 362, 63, 929, 63, 1430, 8, 929, 9, 355, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 21433, 7200, 1692, 8, 1430, 12, 4747, 708, 1430, 14, 32191, 4427, 9, 421, 199, 533, 485, 3717, 14060, 8, 807, 304, 272, 408, 3717, 9479, 1202, 370, 298, 4653, 2, 282, 2435, 4799, 8612, 3167, 14, 2286, 2876, 13, 4037, 3304, 9479, 787, 315, 314, 1425, 7960, 13, 2299, 14, 2136, 16711, 675, 272, 314, 4465, 2018, 574, 367, 314, 10130, 4673, 436, 1050, 7960, 14, 5679, 26, 13857, 1306, 4673, 14, 7864, 22592, 17, 267, 1616, 267, 3304, 63, 6021, 459, 20631, 0 ]
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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Test cases for L{jelly} object serialization. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division import datetime import decimal from twisted.python.compat import unicode from twisted.spread import jelly, pb from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport class TestNode(jelly.Jellyable, object): """ An object to test jellyfying of new style class instances. """ classAttr = 4 def __init__(self, parent=None): if parent: = + 1 parent.children.append(self) else: = 1 self.parent = parent self.children = [] class A: """ Dummy class. """ def amethod(self): """ Method to be used in serialization tests. """ def afunc(self): """ A dummy function to test function serialization. """ class B: """ Dummy class. """ def bmethod(self): """ Method to be used in serialization tests. """ class C: """ Dummy class. """ def cmethod(self): """ Method to be used in serialization tests. """ class D(object): """ Dummy new-style class. """ class E(object): """ Dummy new-style class with slots. """ __slots__ = ("x", "y") def __init__(self, x=None, y=None): self.x = x self.y = y def __getstate__(self): return {"x" : self.x, "y" : self.y} def __setstate__(self, state): self.x = state["x"] self.y = state["y"] class SimpleJellyTest: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def isTheSameAs(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ class JellyTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Testcases for L{jelly} module serialization. @cvar decimalData: serialized version of decimal data, to be used in tests. @type decimalData: L{list} """ decimalData = [b'list', [b'decimal', 995, -2], [b'decimal', 0, 0], [b'decimal', 123456, 0], [b'decimal', -78901, -3]] def _testSecurity(self, inputList, atom): """ Helper test method to test security options for a type. @param inputList: a sample input for the type. @type inputList: L{list} @param atom: atom identifier for the type. @type atom: L{str} """ c = jelly.jelly(inputList) taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() taster.allowBasicTypes() # By default, it should succeed jelly.unjelly(c, taster) taster.allowedTypes.pop(atom) # But it should raise an exception when disallowed self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, c, taster) def test_methodsNotSelfIdentity(self): """ If a class change after an instance has been created, L{jelly.unjelly} shoud raise a C{TypeError} when trying to unjelly the instance. """ a = A() b = B() c = C() a.bmethod = c.cmethod b.a = a savecmethod = C.cmethod del C.cmethod try: self.assertRaises(TypeError, jelly.unjelly, jelly.jelly(b)) finally: C.cmethod = savecmethod def test_newStyle(self): """ Test that a new style class can be jellied and unjellied with its objects and attribute values preserved. """ n = D() n.x = 1 n2 = D() n.n2 = n2 n.n3 = n2 c = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertIsInstance(m, D) self.assertIs(m.n2, m.n3) self.assertEqual(m.x, 1) def test_newStyleWithSlots(self): """ A class defined with I{slots} can be jellied and unjellied with the values for its attributes preserved. """ n = E() n.x = 1 c = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertIsInstance(m, E) self.assertEqual(n.x, 1) def test_typeOldStyle(self): """ Test that an old style class type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [C] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEqual(t, r) def test_typeNewStyle(self): """ Test that a new style class type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [D] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEqual(t, r) def test_typeBuiltin(self): """ Test that a builtin type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [str] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEqual(t, r) def test_dateTime(self): """ Jellying L{datetime.timedelta} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ dtn = dtd = - dtn inputList = [dtn, dtd] c = jelly.jelly(inputList) output = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertEqual(inputList, output) self.assertIsNot(inputList, output) def test_decimal(self): """ Jellying L{decimal.Decimal} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [decimal.Decimal('9.95'), decimal.Decimal(0), decimal.Decimal(123456), decimal.Decimal('-78.901')] c = jelly.jelly(inputList) output = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertEqual(inputList, output) self.assertIsNot(inputList, output) def test_decimalUnjelly(self): """ Unjellying the s-expressions produced by jelly for L{decimal.Decimal} instances should result in L{decimal.Decimal} instances with the values represented by the s-expressions. This test also verifies that L{decimalData} contains valid jellied data. This is important since L{test_decimalMissing} re-uses L{decimalData} and is expected to be unable to produce L{decimal.Decimal} instances even though the s-expression correctly represents a list of them. """ expected = [decimal.Decimal('9.95'), decimal.Decimal(0), decimal.Decimal(123456), decimal.Decimal('-78.901')] output = jelly.unjelly(self.decimalData) self.assertEqual(output, expected) def test_decimalSecurity(self): """ By default, C{decimal} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [decimal.Decimal('9.95')] self._testSecurity(inputList, b"decimal") def test_set(self): """ Jellying C{set} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [set([1, 2, 3])] output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(inputList)) self.assertEqual(inputList, output) self.assertIsNot(inputList, output) def test_frozenset(self): """ Jellying L{frozenset} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [frozenset([1, 2, 3])] output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(inputList)) self.assertEqual(inputList, output) self.assertIsNot(inputList, output) def test_setSecurity(self): """ By default, C{set} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [set([1, 2, 3])] self._testSecurity(inputList, b"set") def test_frozensetSecurity(self): """ By default, L{frozenset} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [frozenset([1, 2, 3])] self._testSecurity(inputList, b"frozenset") def test_oldSets(self): """ Test jellying C{sets.Set}: it should serialize to the same thing as C{set} jelly, and be unjellied as C{set} if available. """ inputList = [jelly._sets.Set([1, 2, 3])] inputJelly = jelly.jelly(inputList) self.assertEqual(inputJelly, jelly.jelly([set([1, 2, 3])])) output = jelly.unjelly(inputJelly) # Even if the class is different, it should coerce to the same list self.assertEqual(list(inputList[0]), list(output[0])) if set is jelly._sets.Set: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], jelly._sets.Set) else: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], set) if not jelly._sets: test_oldSets.skip = "sets.Set is gone in Python 3 and higher" def test_oldImmutableSets(self): """ Test jellying C{sets.ImmutableSet}: it should serialize to the same thing as L{frozenset} jelly, and be unjellied as L{frozenset} if available. """ inputList = [jelly._sets.ImmutableSet([1, 2, 3])] inputJelly = jelly.jelly(inputList) self.assertEqual(inputJelly, jelly.jelly([frozenset([1, 2, 3])])) output = jelly.unjelly(inputJelly) # Even if the class is different, it should coerce to the same list self.assertEqual(list(inputList[0]), list(output[0])) if frozenset is jelly._sets.ImmutableSet: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], jelly._sets.ImmutableSet) else: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], frozenset) if not jelly._sets: test_oldImmutableSets.skip = ( "sets.ImmutableSets is gone in Python 3 and higher") def test_simple(self): """ Simplest test case. """ self.assertTrue(SimpleJellyTest('a', 'b').isTheSameAs( SimpleJellyTest('a', 'b'))) a = SimpleJellyTest(1, 2) cereal = jelly.jelly(a) b = jelly.unjelly(cereal) self.assertTrue(a.isTheSameAs(b)) def test_identity(self): """ Test to make sure that objects retain identity properly. """ x = [] y = (x) x.append(y) x.append(y) self.assertIs(x[0], x[1]) self.assertIs(x[0][0], x) s = jelly.jelly(x) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIs(z[0], z[1]) self.assertIs(z[0][0], z) def test_unicode(self): x = unicode('blah') y = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(x)) self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(type(x), type(y)) def test_stressReferences(self): reref = [] toplevelTuple = ({'list': reref}, reref) reref.append(toplevelTuple) s = jelly.jelly(toplevelTuple) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIs(z[0]['list'], z[1]) self.assertIs(z[0]['list'][0], z) def test_moreReferences(self): a = [] t = (a,) a.append((t,)) s = jelly.jelly(t) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIs(z[0][0][0], z) def test_typeSecurity(self): """ Test for type-level security of serialization. """ taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() dct = jelly.jelly({}) self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, dct, taster) def test_newStyleClasses(self): uj = jelly.unjelly(D) self.assertIs(D, uj) def test_lotsaTypes(self): """ Test for all types currently supported in jelly """ a = A() jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a.amethod)) items = [afunc, [1, 2, 3], not bool(1), bool(1), 'test', 20.3, (1, 2, 3), None, A, unittest, {'a': 1}, A.amethod] for i in items: self.assertEqual(i, jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(i))) def test_setState(self): global TupleState class TupleState: def __init__(self, other): self.other = other def __getstate__(self): return (self.other,) def __setstate__(self, state): self.other = state[0] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.other) a = A() t1 = TupleState(a) t2 = TupleState(a) t3 = TupleState((t1, t2)) d = {t1: t1, t2: t2, t3: t3, "t3": t3} t3prime = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(d))["t3"] self.assertIs(t3prime.other[0].other, t3prime.other[1].other) def test_classSecurity(self): """ Test for class-level security of serialization. """ taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() taster.allowInstancesOf(A, B) a = A() b = B() c = C() # add a little complexity to the data a.b = b a.c = c # and a backreference a.x = b b.c = c # first, a friendly insecure serialization friendly = jelly.jelly(a, taster) x = jelly.unjelly(friendly, taster) self.assertIsInstance(x.c, jelly.Unpersistable) # now, a malicious one mean = jelly.jelly(a) self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, mean, taster) self.assertIs(x.x, x.b, "Identity mismatch") # test class serialization friendly = jelly.jelly(A, taster) x = jelly.unjelly(friendly, taster) self.assertIs(x, A, "A came back: %s" % x) def test_unjellyable(self): """ Test that if Unjellyable is used to deserialize a jellied object, state comes out right. """ class JellyableTestClass(jelly.Jellyable): pass jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(JellyableTestClass, jelly.Unjellyable) input = JellyableTestClass() input.attribute = 'value' output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(input)) self.assertEqual(output.attribute, 'value') self.assertIsInstance(output, jelly.Unjellyable) def test_persistentStorage(self): perst = [{}, 1] def persistentStore(obj, jel, perst = perst): perst[1] = perst[1] + 1 perst[0][perst[1]] = obj return str(perst[1]) def persistentLoad(pidstr, unj, perst = perst): pid = int(pidstr) return perst[0][pid] a = SimpleJellyTest(1, 2) b = SimpleJellyTest(3, 4) c = SimpleJellyTest(5, 6) a.b = b a.c = c c.b = b jel = jelly.jelly(a, persistentStore = persistentStore) x = jelly.unjelly(jel, persistentLoad = persistentLoad) self.assertIs(x.b, x.c.b) self.assertTrue(perst[0], "persistentStore was not called.") self.assertIs(x.b, a.b, "Persistent storage identity failure.") def test_newStyleClassesAttributes(self): n = TestNode() n1 = TestNode(n) TestNode(n1) TestNode(n) # Jelly it jel = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(jel) # Check that it has been restored ok self._check_newstyle(n, m) def _check_newstyle(self, a, b): self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(a.classAttr, 4) self.assertEqual(b.classAttr, 4) self.assertEqual(len(a.children), len(b.children)) for x, y in zip(a.children, b.children): self._check_newstyle(x, y) def test_referenceable(self): """ A L{pb.Referenceable} instance jellies to a structure which unjellies to a L{pb.RemoteReference}. The C{RemoteReference} has a I{luid} that matches up with the local object key in the L{pb.Broker} which sent the L{Referenceable}. """ ref = pb.Referenceable() jellyBroker = pb.Broker() jellyBroker.makeConnection(StringTransport()) j = jelly.jelly(ref, invoker=jellyBroker) unjellyBroker = pb.Broker() unjellyBroker.makeConnection(StringTransport()) uj = jelly.unjelly(j, invoker=unjellyBroker) self.assertIn(uj.luid, jellyBroker.localObjects) class JellyDeprecationTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for deprecated Jelly things """ def test_deprecatedInstanceAtom(self): """ L{jelly.instance_atom} is deprecated since 15.0.0. """ jelly.instance_atom warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_deprecatedInstanceAtom]) self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1) self.assertEqual( warnings[0]['message'], 'twisted.spread.jelly.instance_atom was deprecated in Twisted ' '15.0.0: instance_atom is unused within Twisted.') self.assertEqual( warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning) def test_deprecatedUnjellyingInstanceAtom(self): """ Unjellying the instance atom is deprecated with 15.0.0. """ jelly.unjelly( ["instance", ["class", "twisted.spread.test.test_jelly.A"], ["dictionary"]]) warnings = self.flushWarnings() self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1) self.assertEqual( warnings[0]['message'], "Unjelly support for the instance atom is deprecated since " "Twisted 15.0.0. Upgrade peer for modern instance support.") self.assertEqual( warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning) class ClassA(pb.Copyable, pb.RemoteCopy): def __init__(self): self.ref = ClassB(self) class ClassB(pb.Copyable, pb.RemoteCopy): def __init__(self, ref): self.ref = ref class CircularReferenceTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for circular references handling in the jelly/unjelly process. """ def test_simpleCircle(self): jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassA, ClassA) jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassB, ClassB) a = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(ClassA())) self.assertIs(a.ref.ref, a, "Identity not preserved in circular reference") def test_circleWithInvoker(self): class DummyInvokerClass: pass dummyInvoker = DummyInvokerClass() dummyInvoker.serializingPerspective = None a0 = ClassA() jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassA, ClassA) jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassB, ClassB) j = jelly.jelly(a0, invoker=dummyInvoker) a1 = jelly.unjelly(j) self.failUnlessIdentical(a1.ref.ref, a1, "Identity not preserved in circular reference") def test_set(self): """ Check that a C{set} can contain a circular reference and be serialized and unserialized without losing the reference. """ s = set() a = SimpleJellyTest(s, None) s.add(a) res = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) self.assertIsInstance(res.x, set) self.assertEqual(list(res.x), [res]) def test_frozenset(self): """ Check that a L{frozenset} can contain a circular reference and be serialized and unserialized without losing the reference. """ a = SimpleJellyTest(None, None) s = frozenset([a]) a.x = s res = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) self.assertIsInstance(res.x, frozenset) self.assertEqual(list(res.x), [res])
[ 3, 1898, 334, 67, 9, 17078, 8449, 26640, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 5113, 367, 2436, 14, 199, 199, 624, 199, 774, 5560, 367, 491, 91, 74, 29051, 93, 909, 16953, 14, 199, 624, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 12, 4629, 199, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 646, 6107, 199, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 1548, 14, 5819, 492, 2649, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 29889, 492, 1335, 29051, 12, 10446, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 14443, 492, 2882, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 396, 14, 2625, 63, 7546, 492, 2624, 7836, 421, 199, 533, 1379, 1716, 8, 74, 29051, 14, 42, 29051, 461, 12, 909, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1626, 909, 370, 511, 1335, 29051, 1399, 316, 402, 892, 3449, 1021, 4454, 14, 272, 408, 272, 1021, 7144, 275, 841, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 1676, 29, 403, 304, 267, 340, 1676, 26, 288, 291, 14, 344, 275, 1676, 14, 344, 435, 413, 288, 1676, 14, 3223, 14, 740, 8, 277, 9, 267, 587, 26, 288, 291, 14, 344, 275, 413, 267, 291, 14, 1708, 275, 1676, 267, 291, 14, 3223, 275, 942, 4388, 199, 533, 437, 26, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 1021, 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[ 1898, 334, 67, 9, 17078, 8449, 26640, 14, 199, 3, 1666, 5113, 367, 2436, 14, 199, 199, 624, 199, 774, 5560, 367, 491, 91, 74, 29051, 93, 909, 16953, 14, 199, 624, 199, 199, 504, 636, 2443, 363, 492, 3679, 63, 646, 12, 4629, 199, 199, 646, 2197, 199, 646, 6107, 199, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 1548, 14, 5819, 492, 2649, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 29889, 492, 1335, 29051, 12, 10446, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 14443, 492, 2882, 199, 504, 7390, 14, 396, 14, 2625, 63, 7546, 492, 2624, 7836, 421, 199, 533, 1379, 1716, 8, 74, 29051, 14, 42, 29051, 461, 12, 909, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1626, 909, 370, 511, 1335, 29051, 1399, 316, 402, 892, 3449, 1021, 4454, 14, 272, 408, 272, 1021, 7144, 275, 841, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 1676, 29, 403, 304, 267, 340, 1676, 26, 288, 291, 14, 344, 275, 1676, 14, 344, 435, 413, 288, 1676, 14, 3223, 14, 740, 8, 277, 9, 267, 587, 26, 288, 291, 14, 344, 275, 413, 267, 291, 14, 1708, 275, 1676, 267, 291, 14, 3223, 275, 942, 4388, 199, 533, 437, 26, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 1021, 14, 272, 408, 339, 347, 282, 765, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 9075, 370, 506, 1202, 315, 16953, 2295, 14, 267, 408, 4388, 199, 318, 282, 1532, 8, 277, 304, 272, 408, 272, 437, 7283, 805, 370, 511, 805, 16953, 14, 272, 408, 4388, 199, 533, 699, 26, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 1021, 14, 272, 408, 339, 347, 330, 765, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 9075, 370, 506, 1202, 315, 16953, 2295, 14, 267, 408, 4388, 199, 533, 445, 26, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 1021, 14, 272, 408, 339, 347, 286, 765, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 9075, 370, 506, 1202, 315, 16953, 2295, 14, 267, 408, 4388, 199, 533, 577, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 892, 13, 2487, 1021, 14, 272, 408, 4388, 199, 533, 662, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 9762, 892, 13, 2487, 1021, 543, 14319, 14, 272, 408, 339, 636, 7257, 363, 275, 1689, 88, 401, 298, 89, 531, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 671, 29, 403, 12, 612, 29, 403, 304, 267, 291, 14, 88, 275, 671, 267, 291, 14, 89, 275, 612, 2378, 347, 636, 16011, 721, 277, 304, 267, 372, 2420, 88, 2, 520, 291, 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19, 2677, 2378, 347, 485, 396, 7676, 8, 277, 12, 1324, 1296, 12, 6222, 304, 267, 408, 267, 11642, 511, 1083, 370, 511, 6391, 1511, 367, 282, 730, 14, 398, 768, 635, 1324, 1296, 26, 282, 2690, 1324, 367, 314, 730, 14, 267, 768, 466, 1324, 1296, 26, 491, 91, 513, 93, 398, 768, 635, 6222, 26, 6222, 5148, 367, 314, 730, 14, 267, 768, 466, 6222, 26, 491, 91, 495, 93, 267, 408, 267, 286, 275, 1335, 29051, 14, 74, 29051, 8, 1210, 1296, 9, 267, 307, 2311, 275, 1335, 29051, 14, 7676, 4558, 342, 267, 307, 2311, 14, 3306, 6845, 4100, 342, 267, 327, 4885, 849, 12, 652, 1077, 17961, 267, 1335, 29051, 14, 324, 74, 29051, 8, 67, 12, 307, 2311, 9, 267, 307, 2311, 14, 6541, 4100, 14, 1935, 8, 4188, 9, 267, 327, 11017, 652, 1077, 746, 376, 1919, 1380, 30994, 267, 291, 14, 1855, 8, 74, 29051, 14, 607, 7817, 42, 29051, 12, 1335, 29051, 14, 324, 74, 29051, 12, 286, 12, 307, 2311, 9, 2378, 347, 511, 63, 2474, 1763, 12887, 10193, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 982, 282, 1021, 1570, 2410, 376, 1256, 965, 2757, 2737, 12, 491, 91, 74, 29051, 14, 324, 74, 29051, 93, 267, 930, 1181, 746, 282, 445, 91, 4333, 93, 1380, 9936, 370, 625, 74, 29051, 314, 1256, 14, 267, 408, 267, 282, 275, 437, 342, 267, 330, 275, 699, 342, 267, 286, 275, 445, 342, 267, 282, 14, 66, 765, 275, 286, 14, 67, 765, 267, 330, 14, 65, 275, 282, 267, 3354, 67, 765, 275, 445, 14, 67, 765, 267, 2150, 445, 14, 67, 765, 267, 862, 26, 288, 291, 14, 1855, 8, 4333, 12, 1335, 29051, 14, 324, 74, 29051, 12, 1335, 29051, 14, 74, 29051, 8, 66, 430, 267, 3753, 26, 288, 445, 14, 67, 765, 275, 3354, 67, 765, 2378, 347, 511, 63, 1222, 6609, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 1379, 626, 282, 892, 3449, 1021, 883, 506, 1335, 352, 1857, 436, 625, 74, 352, 1857, 543, 2399, 267, 2251, 436, 2225, 1338, 17731, 14, 267, 408, 267, 302, 275, 577, 342, 267, 302, 14, 88, 275, 413, 267, 302, 18, 275, 577, 342, 267, 302, 14, 78, 18, 275, 302, 18, 267, 302, 14, 78, 19, 275, 302, 18, 267, 286, 275, 1335, 29051, 14, 74, 29051, 8, 78, 9, 267, 333, 275, 1335, 29051, 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# Volum kalkulator # made by Kristian Sundal/(Kesmon/) # Release 1.0 pi=3.14159265359 start = '\n\nVelg mellom\n"kjegle","pyramide","tpyramide","sylinder","kule","prisme" eller "tprisme"\n"avslutt" for å avslutte' trekant = 'Vil du ha trekant versjonen? "ja/nei"' fase='' print(start) fase = input('> ') while fase != 'avslutt': if fase=='sylinder': print('\nLengden på radiusen') rad=int(input('> ')) print('Høyden på sylinderen') hoyde=int(input('> ')) volum = pi*rad*rad*hoyde print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='kule': print('\nLengden på radiusen') rad= int(input('> ')) volum=4*pi*rad*rad*rad/3 print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='prisme': print('\nLengden') lengden=int(input('> ')) print('Høyden') hoyde=int(input('> ')) print('Bredden') bredde=int(input('> ')) volum=lengden*hoyde*bredde print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='tprisme': print('\nGrunnlinje') glinja=int(input('> ')) print('Høyden') hoyden=int(input('> ')) print('Dybden') dybde=int(input('> ')) volum=glinja*hoyden/2*dybde print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='kjegle' : print('\nRadius') radius = int(input('> ')) print('Høyde') hoyde=int(input('> ')) volum=pi*radius*radius*hoyde/3 print('\n', volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='tpyramide': print('\nGrunnlinje') glinja=int(input('> ')) print('Høyden') hoyden=int(input('> ')) print('Dybden') dybde=int(input('> ')) volum=glinja*hoyden/2*dybde/3 print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') elif fase=='pyramide': print('\nLengden') lengden=int(input('> ')) print('Bredden') bredde=int(input('> ')) print('Høyden') hoyde=int(input('> ')) volum=lengden*bredde*hoyde/3 print('\n',volum) print(start) fase=input('> ') else: print('\n\n\nVelg noen av alternativene') print(start) fase=input('> ')
[ 3, 221, 16171, 453, 1022, 4878, 6109, 199, 3, 6326, 701, 1804, 18824, 5653, 428, 725, 279, 7985, 43, 397, 2106, 24793, 199, 3, 17646, 413, 14, 16, 199, 199, 1038, 29, 19, 14, 1079, 9327, 1479, 7920, 25, 199, 928, 275, 1557, 78, 60, 78, 54, 352, 71, 562, 76, 320, 77, 60, 78, 2, 75, 6532, 3845, 2266, 647, 5975, 2655, 2266, 84, 647, 5975, 2655, 2266, 1786, 24447, 2266, 75, 443, 2266, 1359, 83, 278, 2, 579, 1435, 298, 683, 5719, 278, 3212, 78, 2, 1214, 2482, 337, 84, 2, 367, 13333, 99, 2289, 2482, 337, 266, 7, 199, 18468, 75, 867, 275, 283, 54, 382, 15776, 18251, 20991, 75, 867, 809, 83, 74, 265, 287, 31, 298, 3387, 15, 685, 73, 4507, 199, 70, 482, 19070, 199, 199, 1361, 8, 928, 9, 199, 70, 482, 275, 1324, 16099, 5320, 421, 199, 6710, 289, 482, 1137, 283, 1214, 2482, 337, 84, 356, 272, 340, 289, 482, 6803, 1786, 24447, 356, 267, 870, 2258, 78, 3166, 71, 848, 299, 30234, 14070, 1180, 78, 358, 267, 28880, 29, 442, 8, 1210, 16099, 20005, 13857, 870, 360, 40, 31087, 89, 848, 299, 30234, 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from __future__ import absolute_import from celery import loaders from djcelery import loaders as djloaders from djcelery.tests.utils import unittest class TestDjangoLoader(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.loader = djloaders.DjangoLoader() def test_get_loader_cls(self): self.assertEqual(loaders.get_loader_cls("django"), self.loader.__class__) # Execute cached branch. self.assertEqual(loaders.get_loader_cls("django"), self.loader.__class__) def test_on_worker_init(self): from django.conf import settings old_imports = getattr(settings, "CELERY_IMPORTS", None) settings.CELERY_IMPORTS = ("xxx.does.not.exist", ) try: self.assertRaises(ImportError, self.loader.import_default_modules) finally: settings.CELERY_IMPORTS = old_imports def test_race_protection(self): djloaders._RACE_PROTECTION = True try: self.assertFalse(self.loader.on_worker_init()) finally: djloaders._RACE_PROTECTION = False def test_find_related_module_no_path(self): self.assertFalse(djloaders.find_related_module("sys", "tasks")) def test_find_related_module_no_related(self): self.assertFalse(djloaders.find_related_module("someapp", "frobulators"))
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Custom handlers may be created to handle other objects. Each custom handler must derive from :class:`jsonpickle.handlers.BaseHandler` and implement ``flatten`` and ``restore``. A handler can be bound to other types by calling :func:`jsonpickle.handlers.register`. :class:`jsonpickle.customhandlers.SimpleReduceHandler` is suitable for handling objects that implement the reduce protocol:: from jsonpickle import handlers class MyCustomObject(handlers.BaseHandler): ... def __reduce__(self): return MyCustomObject, self._get_args() handlers.register(MyCustomObject, handlers.SimpleReduceHandler) """ import collections import copy import datetime import decimal import re import sys import time from jsonpickle import util from jsonpickle.compat import unicode from jsonpickle.compat import queue class Registry(object): def __init__(self): self._handlers = {} self._base_handlers = {} def get(self, cls_or_name, default=None): """ :param cls_or_name: the type or its fully qualified name :param default: default value, if a matching handler is not found Looks up a handler by type reference or its fully qualified name. If a direct match is not found, the search is performed over all handlers registered with base=True. """ handler = self._handlers.get(cls_or_name) if handler is None and util.is_type(cls_or_name): # attempt to find a base class for cls, base_handler in self._base_handlers.items(): if issubclass(cls_or_name, cls): return base_handler return default if handler is None else handler def register(self, cls, handler=None, base=False): """Register the a custom handler for a class :param cls: The custom object class to handle :param handler: The custom handler class (if None, a decorator wrapper is returned) :param base: Indicates whether the handler should be registered for all subclasses This function can be also used as a decorator by omitting the `handler` argument: @jsonpickle.handlers.register(Foo, base=True) class FooHandler(jsonpickle.handlers.BaseHandler): pass """ if handler is None: def _register(handler_cls): self.register(cls, handler=handler_cls, base=base) return handler_cls return _register if not util.is_type(cls): raise TypeError('{0!r} is not a class/type'.format(cls)) # store both the name and the actual type for the ugly cases like # _sre.SRE_Pattern that cannot be loaded back directly self._handlers[util.importable_name(cls)] = self._handlers[cls] = handler if base: # only store the actual type for subclass checking self._base_handlers[cls] = handler def unregister(self, cls): self._handlers.pop(cls, None) self._handlers.pop(util.importable_name(cls), None) self._base_handlers.pop(cls, None) registry = Registry() register = registry.register unregister = registry.unregister get = registry.get class BaseHandler(object): def __init__(self, context): """ Initialize a new handler to handle a registered type. :Parameters: - `context`: reference to pickler/unpickler """ self.context = context def flatten(self, obj, data): """ Flatten `obj` into a json-friendly form and write result to `data`. :param object obj: The object to be serialized. :param dict data: A partially filled dictionary which will contain the json-friendly representation of `obj` once this method has finished. """ raise NotImplementedError('You must implement flatten() in %s' % self.__class__) def restore(self, obj): """ Restore an object of the registered type from the json-friendly representation `obj` and return it. """ raise NotImplementedError('You must implement restore() in %s' % self.__class__) @classmethod def handles(self, cls): """ Register this handler for the given class. Suitable as a decorator, e.g.:: @SimpleReduceHandler.handles class MyCustomClass: def __reduce__(self): ... """ registry.register(cls, self) return cls class DatetimeHandler(BaseHandler): """Custom handler for datetime objects Datetime objects use __reduce__, and they generate binary strings encoding the payload. This handler encodes that payload to reconstruct the object. """ def flatten(self, obj, data): pickler = self.context if not pickler.unpicklable: return unicode(obj) cls, args = obj.__reduce__() flatten = pickler.flatten payload = util.b64encode(args[0]) args = [payload] + [flatten(i, reset=False) for i in args[1:]] data['__reduce__'] = (flatten(cls, reset=False), args) return data def restore(self, data): cls, args = data['__reduce__'] unpickler = self.context restore = unpickler.restore cls = restore(cls, reset=False) value = util.b64decode(args[0]) params = (value,) + tuple([restore(i, reset=False) for i in args[1:]]) return cls.__new__(cls, *params) DatetimeHandler.handles(datetime.datetime) DatetimeHandler.handles( DatetimeHandler.handles(datetime.time) class RegexHandler(BaseHandler): """Flatten _sre.SRE_Pattern (compiled regex) objects""" def flatten(self, obj, data): data['pattern'] = obj.pattern return data def restore(self, data): return re.compile(data['pattern']) RegexHandler.handles(type(re.compile(''))) class SimpleReduceHandler(BaseHandler): """Follow the __reduce__ protocol to pickle an object. As long as the factory and its arguments are pickleable, this should pickle any object that implements the reduce protocol. """ def flatten(self, obj, data): flatten = self.context.flatten data['__reduce__'] = [flatten(i, reset=False) for i in obj.__reduce__()] return data def restore(self, data): restore = self.context.restore factory, args = [restore(i, reset=False) for i in data['__reduce__']] return factory(*args) class OrderedDictReduceHandler(SimpleReduceHandler): """Serialize OrderedDict on Python 3.4+ Python 3.4+ returns multiple entries in an OrderedDict's reduced form. Previous versions return a two-item tuple. OrderedDictReduceHandler makes the formats compatible. """ def flatten(self, obj, data): # __reduce__() on older pythons returned a list of # [key, value] list pairs inside a tuple. # Recreate that structure so that the file format # is consistent between python versions. flatten = self.context.flatten reduced = obj.__reduce__() factory = flatten(reduced[0], reset=False) pairs = [list(x) for x in reduced[-1]] args = flatten((pairs,), reset=False) data['__reduce__'] = [factory, args] return data SimpleReduceHandler.handles(time.struct_time) SimpleReduceHandler.handles(datetime.timedelta) SimpleReduceHandler.handles(collections.deque) if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): SimpleReduceHandler.handles(collections.Counter) if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): OrderedDictReduceHandler.handles(collections.OrderedDict) else: SimpleReduceHandler.handles(collections.OrderedDict) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): SimpleReduceHandler.handles(decimal.Decimal) try: import posix SimpleReduceHandler.handles(posix.stat_result) except ImportError: pass class QueueHandler(BaseHandler): """Opaquely serializes Queue objects Queues contains mutex and condition variables which cannot be serialized. Construct a new Queue instance when restoring. """ def flatten(self, obj, data): return data def restore(self, data): return queue.Queue() QueueHandler.handles(queue.Queue) class CloneFactory(object): """Serialization proxy for collections.defaultdict's default_factory""" def __init__(self, exemplar): self.exemplar = exemplar def __call__(self, clone=copy.copy): """Create new instances by making copies of the provided exemplar""" return clone(self.exemplar) def __repr__(self): return ('<CloneFactory object at 0x%x (%s)>' % (id(self), self.exemplar))
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8092, 14, 5819, 492, 2649, 199, 504, 2022, 8092, 14, 5819, 492, 4126, 421, 199, 533, 20738, 8, 785, 304, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 304, 267, 291, 423, 5586, 275, 1052, 267, 291, 423, 1095, 63, 5586, 275, 1052, 339, 347, 664, 8, 277, 12, 843, 63, 269, 63, 354, 12, 849, 29, 403, 304, 267, 408, 267, 520, 635, 843, 63, 269, 63, 354, 26, 314, 730, 503, 2399, 9999, 12313, 536, 267, 520, 635, 849, 26, 849, 574, 12, 340, 282, 4877, 3016, 365, 440, 1911, 398, 12077, 83, 1536, 282, 3016, 701, 730, 3659, 503, 2399, 9999, 12313, 536, 14, 982, 282, 4125, 1336, 267, 365, 440, 1911, 12, 314, 2754, 365, 10585, 1806, 1006, 8297, 7264, 543, 1300, 29, 549, 14, 267, 408, 267, 3016, 275, 291, 423, 5586, 14, 362, 8, 1886, 63, 269, 63, 354, 9, 267, 340, 3016, 365, 488, 436, 4884, 14, 374, 63, 466, 8, 1886, 63, 269, 63, 354, 304, 221, 327, 7427, 370, 2342, 282, 1300, 1021, 288, 367, 843, 12, 1300, 63, 2232, 315, 291, 423, 1095, 63, 5586, 14, 1744, 837, 355, 340, 11602, 8, 1886, 63, 269, 63, 354, 12, 843, 304, 490, 372, 1300, 63, 2232, 267, 372, 849, 340, 3016, 365, 488, 587, 3016, 339, 347, 2274, 8, 277, 12, 843, 12, 3016, 29, 403, 12, 1300, 29, 797, 304, 267, 408, 7099, 314, 282, 3537, 3016, 367, 282, 1021, 398, 520, 635, 843, 26, 710, 3537, 909, 1021, 370, 2429, 267, 520, 635, 3016, 26, 710, 3537, 3016, 1021, 334, 692, 488, 12, 282, 7531, 4975, 365, 2138, 9, 267, 520, 635, 1300, 26, 19334, 3775, 314, 3016, 1077, 506, 7264, 367, 1006, 9180, 398, 961, 805, 883, 506, 2597, 1202, 465, 282, 7531, 701, 19413, 1337, 314, 658, 2232, 64, 1423, 26, 398, 768, 1001, 8092, 14, 5586, 14, 2683, 8, 5686, 12, 1300, 29, 549, 9, 267, 1021, 8024, 2461, 8, 1001, 8092, 14, 5586, 14, 1563, 2461, 304, 288, 986, 267, 408, 267, 340, 3016, 365, 488, 26, 288, 347, 485, 2683, 8, 2232, 63, 1886, 304, 355, 291, 14, 2683, 8, 1886, 12, 3016, 29, 2232, 63, 1886, 12, 1300, 29, 1095, 9, 355, 372, 3016, 63, 1886, 288, 372, 485, 2683, 267, 340, 440, 4884, 14, 374, 63, 466, 8, 1886, 304, 288, 746, 3146, 11117, 16, 1, 82, 93, 365, 440, 282, 1021, 15, 466, 1370, 908, 8, 1886, 430, 267, 327, 3877, 3865, 314, 536, 436, 314, 3503, 730, 367, 314, 23761, 5560, 2839, 267, 327, 485, 31026, 14, 51, 907, 63, 9959, 626, 3913, 506, 6511, 1771, 5370, 267, 291, 423, 5586, 59, 1974, 14, 646, 461, 63, 354, 8, 1886, 1874, 275, 291, 423, 5586, 59, 1886, 61, 275, 3016, 267, 340, 1300, 26, 288, 327, 1454, 3877, 314, 3503, 730, 367, 5516, 7907, 288, 291, 423, 1095, 63, 5586, 59, 1886, 61, 275, 3016, 339, 347, 24369, 8, 277, 12, 843, 304, 267, 291, 423, 5586, 14, 1935, 8, 1886, 12, 488, 9, 267, 291, 423, 5586, 14, 1935, 8, 1974, 14, 646, 461, 63, 354, 8, 1886, 395, 488, 9, 267, 291, 423, 1095, 63, 5586, 14, 1935, 8, 1886, 12, 488, 9, 421, 199, 5189, 275, 20738, 342, 199, 2683, 275, 7086, 14, 2683, 199, 18408, 275, 7086, 14, 18408, 199, 362, 275, 7086, 14, 362, 421, 199, 533, 3523, 2461, 8, 785, 304, 339, 347, 636, 826, 721, 277, 12, 1067, 304, 267, 408, 267, 11578, 282, 892, 3016, 370, 2429, 282, 7264, 730, 14, 398, 520, 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10020, 465, 282, 7531, 12, 267, 325, 14, 71, 28383, 953, 768, 3184, 21822, 2461, 14, 16947, 288, 1021, 4932, 7223, 2543, 26, 355, 347, 636, 5270, 721, 277, 304, 490, 2263, 267, 408, 267, 7086, 14, 2683, 8, 1886, 12, 291, 9, 267, 372, 843, 421, 199, 533, 29825, 2461, 8, 1563, 2461, 304, 339, 0 ]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers._postgres_builtins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Self-updating data files for PostgreSQL lexer. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ # Autogenerated: please edit them if you like wasting your time. KEYWORDS = ( 'ABORT', 'ABSOLUTE', 'ACCESS', 'ACTION', 'ADD', 'ADMIN', 'AFTER', 'AGGREGATE', 'ALL', 'ALSO', 'ALTER', 'ALWAYS', 'ANALYSE', 'ANALYZE', 'AND', 'ANY', 'ARRAY', 'AS', 'ASC', 'ASSERTION', 'ASSIGNMENT', 'ASYMMETRIC', 'AT', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'AUTHORIZATION', 'BACKWARD', 'BEFORE', 'BEGIN', 'BETWEEN', 'BIGINT', 'BINARY', 'BIT', 'BOOLEAN', 'BOTH', 'BY', 'CACHE', 'CALLED', 'CASCADE', 'CASCADED', 'CASE', 'CAST', 'CATALOG', 'CHAIN', 'CHAR', 'CHARACTER', 'CHARACTERISTICS', 'CHECK', 'CHECKPOINT', 'CLASS', 'CLOSE', 'CLUSTER', 'COALESCE', 'COLLATE', 'COLLATION', 'COLUMN', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENTS', 'COMMIT', 'COMMITTED', 'CONCURRENTLY', 'CONFIGURATION', 'CONNECTION', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CONSTRAINTS', 'CONTENT', 'CONTINUE', 'CONVERSION', 'COPY', 'COST', 'CREATE', 'CROSS', 'CSV', 'CURRENT', 'CURRENT_CATALOG', 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_ROLE', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA', 'CURRENT_TIME', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURSOR', 'CYCLE', 'DATA', 'DATABASE', 'DAY', 'DEALLOCATE', 'DEC', 'DECIMAL', 'DECLARE', 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'LANGUAGE', 'LARGE', 'LAST', 'LATERAL', 'LC_COLLATE', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LEADING', 'LEAKPROOF', 'LEAST', 'LEFT', 'LEVEL', 'LIKE', 'LIMIT', 'LISTEN', 'LOAD', 'LOCAL', 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 'LOCATION', 'LOCK', 'MAPPING', 'MATCH', 'MATERIALIZED', 'MAXVALUE', 'MINUTE', 'MINVALUE', 'MODE', 'MONTH', 'MOVE', 'NAME', 'NAMES', 'NATIONAL', 'NATURAL', 'NCHAR', 'NEXT', 'NO', 'NONE', 'NOT', 'NOTHING', 'NOTIFY', 'NOTNULL', 'NOWAIT', 'NULL', 'NULLIF', 'NULLS', 'NUMERIC', 'OBJECT', 'OF', 'OFF', 'OFFSET', 'OIDS', 'ON', 'ONLY', 'OPERATOR', 'OPTION', 'OPTIONS', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'ORDINALITY', 'OUT', 'OUTER', 'OVER', 'OVERLAPS', 'OVERLAY', 'OWNED', 'OWNER', 'PARSER', 'PARTIAL', 'PARTITION', 'PASSING', 'PASSWORD', 'PLACING', 'PLANS', 'POLICY', 'POSITION', 'PRECEDING', 'PRECISION', 'PREPARE', 'PREPARED', 'PRESERVE', 'PRIMARY', 'PRIOR', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PROCEDURAL', 'PROCEDURE', 'PROGRAM', 'QUOTE', 'RANGE', 'READ', 'REAL', 'REASSIGN', 'RECHECK', 'RECURSIVE', 'REF', 'REFERENCES', 'REFRESH', 'REINDEX', 'RELATIVE', 'RELEASE', 'RENAME', 'REPEATABLE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLICA', 'RESET', 'RESTART', 'RESTRICT', 'RETURNING', 'RETURNS', 'REVOKE', 'RIGHT', 'ROLE', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROW', 'ROWS', 'RULE', 'SAVEPOINT', 'SCHEMA', 'SCROLL', 'SEARCH', 'SECOND', 'SECURITY', 'SELECT', 'SEQUENCE', 'SEQUENCES', 'SERIALIZABLE', 'SERVER', 'SESSION', 'SESSION_USER', 'SET', 'SETOF', 'SHARE', 'SHOW', 'SIMILAR', 'SIMPLE', 'SMALLINT', 'SNAPSHOT', 'SOME', 'STABLE', 'STANDALONE', 'START', 'STATEMENT', 'STATISTICS', 'STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STORAGE', 'STRICT', 'STRIP', 'SUBSTRING', 'SYMMETRIC', 'SYSID', 'SYSTEM', 'TABLE', 'TABLES', 'TABLESPACE', 'TEMP', 'TEMPLATE', 'TEMPORARY', 'TEXT', 'THEN', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TO', 'TRAILING', 'TRANSACTION', 'TREAT', 'TRIGGER', 'TRIM', 'TRUE', 'TRUNCATE', 'TRUSTED', 'TYPE', 'TYPES', 'UNBOUNDED', 'UNCOMMITTED', 'UNENCRYPTED', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNLISTEN', 'UNLOGGED', 'UNTIL', 'UPDATE', 'USER', 'USING', 'VACUUM', 'VALID', 'VALIDATE', 'VALIDATOR', 'VALUE', 'VALUES', 'VARCHAR', 'VARIADIC', 'VARYING', 'VERBOSE', 'VERSION', 'VIEW', 'VIEWS', 'VOLATILE', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', 'WHITESPACE', 'WINDOW', 'WITH', 'WITHIN', 'WITHOUT', 'WORK', 'WRAPPER', 'WRITE', 'XML', 'XMLATTRIBUTES', 'XMLCONCAT', 'XMLELEMENT', 'XMLEXISTS', 'XMLFOREST', 'XMLPARSE', 'XMLPI', 'XMLROOT', 'XMLSERIALIZE', 'YEAR', 'YES', 'ZONE', ) DATATYPES = ( 'bigint', 'bigserial', 'bit', 'bit varying', 'bool', 'boolean', 'box', 'bytea', 'char', 'character', 'character varying', 'cidr', 'circle', 'date', 'decimal', 'double precision', 'float4', 'float8', 'inet', 'int', 'int2', 'int4', 'int8', 'integer', 'interval', 'json', 'jsonb', 'line', 'lseg', 'macaddr', 'money', 'numeric', 'path', 'pg_lsn', 'point', 'polygon', 'real', 'serial', 'serial2', 'serial4', 'serial8', 'smallint', 'smallserial', 'text', 'time', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'timetz', 'tsquery', 'tsvector', 'txid_snapshot', 'uuid', 'varbit', 'varchar', 'with time zone', 'without time zone', 'xml', ) PSEUDO_TYPES = ( 'any', 'anyelement', 'anyarray', 'anynonarray', 'anyenum', 'anyrange', 'cstring', 'internal', 'language_handler', 'fdw_handler', 'record', 'trigger', 'void', 'opaque', ) # Remove 'trigger' from types PSEUDO_TYPES = tuple(sorted(set(PSEUDO_TYPES) - set(map(str.lower, KEYWORDS)))) PLPGSQL_KEYWORDS = ( 'ALIAS', 'CONSTANT', 'DIAGNOSTICS', 'ELSIF', 'EXCEPTION', 'EXIT', 'FOREACH', 'GET', 'LOOP', 'NOTICE', 'OPEN', 'PERFORM', 'QUERY', 'RAISE', 'RETURN', 'REVERSE', 'SQLSTATE', 'WHILE', ) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover import re try: from urllib import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib.request import urlopen from pygments.util import format_lines # One man's constant is another man's variable. SOURCE_URL = '' KEYWORDS_URL = SOURCE_URL + '/doc/src/sgml/keywords.sgml' DATATYPES_URL = SOURCE_URL + '/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml' def update_myself(): data_file = list(urlopen(DATATYPES_URL)) datatypes = parse_datatypes(data_file) pseudos = parse_pseudos(data_file) keywords = parse_keywords(urlopen(KEYWORDS_URL)) update_consts(__file__, 'DATATYPES', datatypes) update_consts(__file__, 'PSEUDO_TYPES', pseudos) update_consts(__file__, 'KEYWORDS', keywords) def parse_keywords(f): kw = [] for m in re.finditer( r'\s*<entry><token>([^<]+)</token></entry>\s*' r'<entry>([^<]+)</entry>', kw.append( if not kw: raise ValueError('no keyword found') kw.sort() return kw def parse_datatypes(f): dt = set() for line in f: if '<sect1' in line: break if '<entry><type>' not in line: continue # Parse a string such as # time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] [ without time zone ] # into types "time" and "without time zone" # remove all the tags line = re.sub("<replaceable>[^<]+</replaceable>", "", line) line = re.sub("<[^>]+>", "", line) # Drop the parts containing braces for tmp in [t for tmp in line.split('[') for t in tmp.split(']') if "(" not in t]: for t in tmp.split(','): t = t.strip() if not t: continue dt.add(" ".join(t.split())) dt = list(dt) dt.sort() return dt def parse_pseudos(f): dt = [] re_start = re.compile(r'\s*<table id="datatype-pseudotypes-table">') re_entry = re.compile(r'\s*<entry><type>([^<]+)</></entry>') re_end = re.compile(r'\s*</table>') f = iter(f) for line in f: if re_start.match(line) is not None: break else: raise ValueError('pseudo datatypes table not found') for line in f: m = re_entry.match(line) if m is not None: dt.append( if re_end.match(line) is not None: break else: raise ValueError('end of pseudo datatypes table not found') if not dt: raise ValueError('pseudo datatypes not found') return dt def update_consts(filename, constname, content): with open(filename) as f: data = # Line to start/end inserting re_match = re.compile(r'^%s\s*=\s*\($.*?^\s*\)$' % constname, re.M | re.S) m = if not m: raise ValueError('Could not find existing definition for %s' % (constname,)) new_block = format_lines(constname, content) data = data[:m.start()] + new_block + data[m.end():] with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(data) update_myself()
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""" all_contents is the global place to store all content objects if a requested content source is already loaded, use it instead of loading a new one #TODO: #consider a simpler global variable / object for all_contents #rather than passing around everywhere... #could then be imported by any other module that needs it #this is meant to be a global place #to store all loaded content objects #with the source path as the key #then when other playlists are loaded with the same content #they can reference the same object #self.all_contents = {} #moving this to a separate module so that it can be easily imported #anywhere that it is needed. #cumbersome to try to pass this around #TODO: #commented out all references to passed in 'all_contents' #can go and remove once global approach is verified """ from builtins import object from medley.helpers import load_json, save_json # simple place to keep track of all loaded content objects all_contents = {} #making it easier to pass these in to the list_tree from player for loading cli_items = [] # rather than pass this in everywhere, allow it to be imported #since this is a widget, it probably needs to created like before #main_player = None #main_player = PlayerWidget(self) #main_player = PlayerWidget(None) config_source = 'configs.json' class Configs(object): def __init__(self): global config_source self.configs = load_json(config_source, create=True) #aka drive_dir ??? (be consistent with content Object?) #maybe last_folder is a different configuration if 'last_folder' in self.configs: self.last_folder = self.config['last_folder'] else: self.last_folder = '/' def get(self, key): """ automatcially check if we have the key return blank if none exists """ if key in self.configs: return self.configs[key] else: return '' def save_configs(self): """ save self.configs to local 'configs.json' file """ global config_source #save_json(self.config_source, self.configs) save_json(config_source, self.configs) configs = Configs()
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""" API implementation for course-oriented interactions. """ from collections import namedtuple import json import logging from django.conf import settings from django.http import Http404 from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication from rest_framework_oauth.authentication import OAuth2Authentication from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed, ParseError from rest_framework.generics import RetrieveAPIView, ListAPIView from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.reverse import reverse from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from course_structure_api.v0 import serializers from courseware import courses from courseware.access import has_access from courseware.model_data import FieldDataCache from courseware.module_render import get_module_for_descriptor from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import view_course_access, view_auth_classes from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_structures.api.v0 import api, errors from openedx.core.lib.exceptions import CourseNotFoundError from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole from util.module_utils import get_dynamic_descriptor_children log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CourseViewMixin(object): """ Mixin for views dealing with course content. Also handles authorization and authentication. """ lookup_field = 'course_id' authentication_classes = (OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication,) permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) def get_course_or_404(self): """ Retrieves the specified course, or raises an Http404 error if it does not exist. Also checks to ensure the user has permissions to view the course """ try: course_id = self.kwargs.get('course_id') course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) course = courses.get_course(course_key) self.check_course_permissions(self.request.user, course_key) return course except ValueError: raise Http404 @staticmethod def course_check(func): """Decorator responsible for catching errors finding and returning a 404 if the user does not have access to the API function. :param func: function to be wrapped :returns: the wrapped function """ def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper function for this decorator. :param *args: the arguments passed into the function :param **kwargs: the keyword arguments passed into the function :returns: the result of the wrapped function """ try: course_id = self.kwargs.get('course_id') self.course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) self.check_course_permissions(self.request.user, self.course_key) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except CourseNotFoundError: raise Http404 return func_wrapper def user_can_access_course(self, user, course): """ Determines if the user is staff or an instructor for the course. Always returns True if DEBUG mode is enabled. """ return bool( settings.DEBUG or has_access(user, CourseStaffRole.ROLE, course) or has_access(user, CourseInstructorRole.ROLE, course) ) def check_course_permissions(self, user, course): """ Checks if the request user can access the course. Raises 404 if the user does not have course access. """ if not self.user_can_access_course(user, course): raise Http404 def perform_authentication(self, request): """ Ensures that the user is authenticated (e.g. not an AnonymousUser), unless DEBUG mode is enabled. """ super(CourseViewMixin, self).perform_authentication(request) if request.user.is_anonymous() and not settings.DEBUG: raise AuthenticationFailed class CourseList(CourseViewMixin, ListAPIView): """ **Use Case** Get a paginated list of courses in the edX Platform. The list can be filtered by course_id. Each page in the list can contain up to 10 courses. **Example Requests** GET /api/course_structure/v0/courses/ GET /api/course_structure/v0/courses/?course_id={course_id1},{course_id2} **Response Values** * count: The number of courses in the edX platform. * next: The URI to the next page of courses. * previous: The URI to the previous page of courses. * num_pages: The number of pages listing courses. * results: A list of courses returned. Each collection in the list contains these fields. * id: The unique identifier for the course. * name: The name of the course. * category: The type of content. In this case, the value is always "course". * org: The organization specified for the course. * run: The run of the course. * course: The course number. * uri: The URI to use to get details of the course. * image_url: The URI for the course's main image. * start: The course start date. * end: The course end date. If course end date is not specified, the value is null. """ serializer_class = serializers.CourseSerializer def get_queryset(self): course_ids = self.request.query_params.get('course_id', None) results = [] if course_ids: course_ids = course_ids.split(',') for course_id in course_ids: course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) course_descriptor = courses.get_course(course_key) results.append(course_descriptor) else: results = modulestore().get_courses() # Ensure only course descriptors are returned. results = (course for course in results if course.scope_ids.block_type == 'course') # Ensure only courses accessible by the user are returned. results = (course for course in results if self.user_can_access_course(self.request.user, course)) # Sort the results in a predictable manner. return sorted(results, key=lambda course: unicode( class CourseDetail(CourseViewMixin, RetrieveAPIView): """ **Use Case** Get details for a specific course. **Example Request**: GET /api/course_structure/v0/courses/{course_id}/ **Response Values** * id: The unique identifier for the course. * name: The name of the course. * category: The type of content. * org: The organization that is offering the course. * run: The run of the course. * course: The course number. * uri: The URI to use to get details about the course. * image_url: The URI for the course's main image. * start: The course start date. * end: The course end date. If course end date is not specified, the value is null. """ serializer_class = serializers.CourseSerializer def get_object(self, queryset=None): return self.get_course_or_404() class CourseStructure(CourseViewMixin, RetrieveAPIView): """ **Use Case** Get the course structure. This endpoint returns all blocks in the course. **Example requests**: GET /api/course_structure/v0/course_structures/{course_id}/ **Response Values** * root: The ID of the root node of the course structure. * blocks: A dictionary that maps block IDs to a collection of information about each block. Each block contains the following fields. * id: The ID of the block. * type: The type of block. Possible values include sequential, vertical, html, problem, video, and discussion. The type can also be the name of a custom type of block used for the course. * display_name: The display name configured for the block. * graded: Whether or not the sequential or problem is graded. The value is true or false. * format: The assignment type. * children: If the block has child blocks, a list of IDs of the child blocks in the order they appear in the course. """ @CourseViewMixin.course_check def get(self, request, **kwargs): try: return Response(api.course_structure(self.course_key)) except errors.CourseStructureNotAvailableError: # If we don't have data stored, we will try to regenerate it, so # return a 503 and as them to retry in 2 minutes. return Response(status=503, headers={'Retry-After': '120'}) class CourseGradingPolicy(CourseViewMixin, ListAPIView): """ **Use Case** Get the course grading policy. **Example requests**: GET /api/course_structure/v0/grading_policies/{course_id}/ **Response Values** * assignment_type: The type of the assignment, as configured by course staff. For example, course staff might make the assignment types Homework, Quiz, and Exam. * count: The number of assignments of the type. * dropped: Number of assignments of the type that are dropped. * weight: The weight, or effect, of the assignment type on the learner's final grade. """ allow_empty = False @CourseViewMixin.course_check def get(self, request, **kwargs): return Response(api.course_grading_policy(self.course_key)) @view_auth_classes() class CourseBlocksAndNavigation(ListAPIView): """ **Use Case** The following endpoints return the content of the course according to the requesting user's access level. * Blocks - Get the course's blocks. * Navigation - Get the course's navigation information per the navigation depth requested. * Blocks+Navigation - Get both the course's blocks and the course's navigation information. **Example requests**: GET api/course_structure/v0/courses/{course_id}/blocks/ GET api/course_structure/v0/courses/{course_id}/navigation/ GET api/course_structure/v0/courses/{course_id}/blocks+navigation/ &block_count=video &block_json={"video":{"profiles":["mobile_low"]}} &fields=graded,format,multi_device **Parameters**: * block_json: (dict) Indicates for which block types to return student_view_json data. The key is the block type and the value is the "context" that is passed to the block's student_view_json method. Example: block_json={"video":{"profiles":["mobile_high","mobile_low"]}} * block_count: (list) Indicates for which block types to return the aggregate count of the blocks. Example: block_count="video,problem" * fields: (list) Indicates which additional fields to return for each block. Default is "children,graded,format,multi_device" Example: fields=graded,format,multi_device * navigation_depth (integer) Indicates how far deep to traverse into the course hierarchy before bundling all the descendants. Default is 3 since typical navigational views of the course show a maximum of chapter->sequential->vertical. Example: navigation_depth=3 **Response Values** The following fields are returned with a successful response. Only either one of blocks, navigation, or blocks+navigation is returned depending on which endpoint is used. The "root" field is returned for all endpoints. * root: The ID of the root node of the course blocks. * blocks: A dictionary that maps block usage IDs to a collection of information about each block. Each block contains the following fields. Returned only if using the "blocks" endpoint. * id: (string) The usage ID of the block. * type: (string) The type of block. Possible values include course, chapter, sequential, vertical, html, problem, video, and discussion. The type can also be the name of a custom type of block used for the course. * display_name: (string) The display name of the block. * children: (list) If the block has child blocks, a list of IDs of the child blocks. Returned only if the "children" input parameter is True. * block_count: (dict) For each block type specified in the block_count parameter to the endpoint, the aggregate number of blocks of that type for this block and all of its descendants. Returned only if the "block_count" input parameter contains this block's type. * block_json: (dict) The JSON data for this block. Returned only if the "block_json" input parameter contains this block's type. * block_url: (string) The URL to retrieve the HTML rendering of this block. The HTML could include CSS and Javascript code. This URL can be used as a fallback if the custom block_json for this block type is not requested and not supported. * web_url: (string) The URL to the website location of this block. This URL can be used as a further fallback if the block_url and the block_json is not supported. * graded (boolean) Whether or not the block or any of its descendants is graded. Returned only if "graded" is included in the "fields" parameter. * format: (string) The assignment type of the block. Possible values can be "Homework", "Lab", "Midterm Exam", and "Final Exam". Returned only if "format" is included in the "fields" parameter. * multi_device: (boolean) Whether or not the block's rendering obtained via block_url has support for multiple devices. Returned only if "multi_device" is included in the "fields" parameter. * navigation: A dictionary that maps block IDs to a collection of navigation information about each block. Each block contains the following fields. Returned only if using the "navigation" endpoint. * descendants: (list) A list of IDs of the children of the block if the block's depth in the course hierarchy is less than the navigation_depth. Otherwise, a list of IDs of the aggregate descendants of the block. * blocks+navigation: A dictionary that combines both the blocks and navigation data. Returned only if using the "blocks+navigation" endpoint. """ class RequestInfo(object): """ A class for encapsulating the request information, including what optional fields are requested. """ DEFAULT_FIELDS = "children,graded,format,multi_device" def __init__(self, request, course): self.request = request self.course = course self.field_data_cache = None # check what fields are requested try: # fields self.fields = set(request.GET.get('fields', self.DEFAULT_FIELDS).split(",")) # block_count self.block_count = request.GET.get('block_count', "") self.block_count = ( self.block_count.split(",") if self.block_count else [] ) # navigation_depth # See docstring for why we default to 3. self.navigation_depth = int(request.GET.get('navigation_depth', '3')) # block_json self.block_json = json.loads(request.GET.get('block_json', "{}")) if self.block_json and not isinstance(self.block_json, dict): raise ParseError except: raise ParseError class ResultData(object): """ A class for encapsulating the result information, specifically the blocks and navigation data. """ def __init__(self, return_blocks, return_nav): self.blocks = {} self.navigation = {} if return_blocks and return_nav: self.navigation = self.blocks def update_response(self, response, return_blocks, return_nav): """ Updates the response object with result information. """ if return_blocks and return_nav: response["blocks+navigation"] = self.blocks elif return_blocks: response["blocks"] = self.blocks elif return_nav: response["navigation"] = self.navigation class BlockInfo(object): """ A class for encapsulating a block's information as needed during traversal of a block hierarchy. """ def __init__(self, block, request_info, parent_block_info=None): # the block for which the recursion is being computed self.block = block # the type of the block self.type = block.category # the block's depth in the block hierarchy self.depth = 0 # the block's children self.children = [] # descendants_of_parent: the list of descendants for this block's parent self.descendants_of_parent = [] self.descendants_of_self = [] # if a parent block was provided, update this block's data based on the parent's data if parent_block_info: # increment this block's depth value self.depth = parent_block_info.depth + 1 # set this blocks' descendants_of_parent self.descendants_of_parent = parent_block_info.descendants_of_self # add ourselves to the parent's children, if requested. if 'children' in request_info.fields: parent_block_info.value.setdefault("children", []).append(unicode(block.location)) # the block's data to include in the response self.value = { "id": unicode(block.location), "type": self.type, "display_name": block.display_name, "web_url": reverse( "jump_to", kwargs={"course_id": unicode(, "location": unicode(block.location)}, request=request_info.request, ), "block_url": reverse( "courseware.views.render_xblock", kwargs={"usage_key_string": unicode(block.location)}, request=request_info.request, ), } @view_course_access(depth=None) def list(self, request, course, return_blocks=True, return_nav=True, *args, **kwargs): """ REST API endpoint for listing all the blocks and/or navigation information in the course, while regarding user access and roles. Arguments: request - Django request object course - course module object return_blocks - If true, returns the blocks information for the course. return_nav - If true, returns the navigation information for the course. """ # set starting point start_block = course # initialize request and result objects request_info = self.RequestInfo(request, course) result_data = self.ResultData(return_blocks, return_nav) # create and populate a field data cache by pre-fetching for the course (with depth=None) request_info.field_data_cache = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(, request.user, course, depth=None, ) # start the recursion with the start_block self.recurse_blocks_nav(request_info, result_data, self.BlockInfo(start_block, request_info)) # return response response = {"root": unicode(start_block.location)} result_data.update_response(response, return_blocks, return_nav) return Response(response) def recurse_blocks_nav(self, request_info, result_data, block_info): """ A depth-first recursive function that supports calculation of both the list of blocks in the course and the navigation information up to the requested navigation_depth of the course. Arguments: request_info - Object encapsulating the request information. result_data - Running result data that is updated during the recursion. block_info - Information about the current block in the recursion. """ # bind user data to the block block_info.block = get_module_for_descriptor( request_info.request.user, request_info.request, block_info.block, request_info.field_data_cache,, course=request_info.course ) # verify the user has access to this block if (block_info.block is None or not has_access( request_info.request.user, 'load', block_info.block, )): return # add the block's value to the result result_data.blocks[unicode(block_info.block.location)] = block_info.value # descendants self.update_descendants(request_info, result_data, block_info) # children: recursively call the function for each of the children, while supporting dynamic children. if block_info.block.has_children: block_info.children = get_dynamic_descriptor_children(block_info.block, for child in block_info.children: self.recurse_blocks_nav( request_info, result_data, self.BlockInfo(child, request_info, parent_block_info=block_info) ) # block count self.update_block_count(request_info, result_data, block_info) # block JSON data self.add_block_json(request_info, block_info) # multi-device support if 'multi_device' in request_info.fields: block_info.value['multi_device'] = block_info.block.has_support( getattr(block_info.block, 'student_view', None), 'multi_device' ) # additional fields self.add_additional_fields(request_info, block_info) def update_descendants(self, request_info, result_data, block_info): """ Updates the descendants data for the current block. The current block is added to its parent's descendants if it is visible in the navigation (i.e., the 'hide_from_toc' setting is False). Additionally, the block's depth is compared with the navigation_depth parameter to determine whether the descendants of the block should be added to its own descendants (if block.depth <= navigation_depth) or to the descendants of the block's parents (if block.depth > navigation_depth). block_info.descendants_of_self is the list of descendants that is passed to this block's children. It should be either: descendants_of_parent - if this block's depth is greater than the requested navigation_depth. a dangling [] - if this block's hide_from_toc is True. a referenced [] in navigation[block.location]["descendants"] - if this block's depth is within the requested navigation depth. """ # Blocks with the 'hide_from_toc' setting are accessible, just not navigatable from the table-of-contents. # If the 'hide_from_toc' setting is set on the block, do not add this block to the parent's descendants # list and let the block's descendants add themselves to a dangling (unreferenced) descendants list. if not block_info.block.hide_from_toc: # add this block to the parent's descendants block_info.descendants_of_parent.append(unicode(block_info.block.location)) # if this block's depth in the hierarchy is greater than the requested navigation depth, # have the block's descendants add themselves to the parent's descendants. if block_info.depth > request_info.navigation_depth: block_info.descendants_of_self = block_info.descendants_of_parent # otherwise, have the block's descendants add themselves to this block's descendants by # referencing/attaching descendants_of_self from this block's navigation value. else: result_data.navigation.setdefault( unicode(block_info.block.location), {} )["descendants"] = block_info.descendants_of_self def update_block_count(self, request_info, result_data, block_info): """ For all the block types that are requested to be counted, include the count of that block type as aggregated from the block's descendants. Arguments: request_info - Object encapsulating the request information. result_data - Running result data that is updated during the recursion. block_info - Information about the current block in the recursion. """ for b_type in request_info.block_count: block_info.value.setdefault("block_count", {})[b_type] = ( sum( result_data.blocks.get(unicode(child.location), {}).get("block_count", {}).get(b_type, 0) for child in block_info.children ) + (1 if b_type == block_info.type else 0) ) def add_block_json(self, request_info, block_info): """ If the JSON data for this block's type is requested, and the block supports the 'student_view_json' method, add the response from the 'student_view_json" method as the data for the block. """ if block_info.type in request_info.block_json: if getattr(block_info.block, 'student_view_data', None): block_info.value["block_json"] = block_info.block.student_view_data( context=request_info.block_json[block_info.type] ) # A mapping of API-exposed field names to xBlock field names and API field defaults. BlockApiField = namedtuple('BlockApiField', 'block_field_name api_field_default') FIELD_MAP = { 'graded': BlockApiField(block_field_name='graded', api_field_default=False), 'format': BlockApiField(block_field_name='format', api_field_default=None), } def add_additional_fields(self, request_info, block_info): """ Add additional field names and values of the block as requested in the request_info. """ for field_name in request_info.fields: if field_name in self.FIELD_MAP: block_info.value[field_name] = getattr( block_info.block, self.FIELD_MAP[field_name].block_field_name, self.FIELD_MAP[field_name].api_field_default, ) def perform_authentication(self, request): """ Ensures that the user is authenticated (e.g. not an AnonymousUser) """ super(CourseBlocksAndNavigation, self).perform_authentication(request) if request.user.is_anonymous(): raise AuthenticationFailed
[ 624, 3261, 4514, 367, 2518, 13, 16039, 287, 471, 315, 22990, 14, 408, 199, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 12863, 199, 646, 2022, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1014, 492, 4760, 5188, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 11725, 492, 8596, 10348, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 63, 6126, 14, 11725, 492, 11715, 18, 10348, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 3924, 492, 15995, 4276, 12, 21743, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 2038, 2932, 492, 13939, 25778, 12, 3820, 25778, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 6060, 492, 6596, 30871, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 1310, 492, 7232, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 4471, 492, 3837, 199, 504, 9872, 14, 10012, 14, 1176, 492, 10996, 199, 504, 15058, 63, 1612, 14, 8268, 14, 1612, 492, 22574, 199, 199, 504, 2518, 63, 6976, 63, 1246, 14, 86, 16, 492, 12506, 199, 504, 20736, 492, 13588, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 2732, 492, 965, 63, 2732, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 1238, 63, 576, 492, 5024, 1451, 4437, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 578, 63, 3352, 492, 664, 63, 578, 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2187, 14, 267, 6121, 5920, 370, 4868, 314, 922, 965, 3443, 370, 2455, 314, 2518, 267, 408, 267, 862, 26, 288, 2518, 63, 344, 275, 291, 14, 958, 14, 362, 360, 1972, 63, 344, 358, 288, 2518, 63, 498, 275, 22574, 14, 504, 63, 875, 8, 1972, 63, 344, 9, 288, 2518, 275, 13588, 14, 362, 63, 1972, 8, 1972, 63, 498, 9, 288, 291, 14, 1074, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 14, 1069, 14, 751, 12, 2518, 63, 498, 9, 953, 372, 2518, 267, 871, 1722, 26, 288, 746, 4760, 5188, 339, 768, 4639, 272, 347, 2518, 63, 1074, 8, 1532, 304, 267, 408, 14946, 17845, 367, 8579, 316, 2552, 17196, 436, 8152, 282, 7901, 340, 314, 922, 1630, 440, 1172, 2879, 267, 370, 314, 3261, 805, 14, 398, 520, 635, 2562, 26, 805, 370, 506, 8072, 267, 520, 5808, 26, 314, 8072, 805, 267, 408, 267, 347, 2562, 63, 5029, 8, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 288, 408, 4590, 805, 367, 642, 7531, 14, 953, 520, 635, 627, 589, 26, 314, 2368, 3032, 1901, 314, 805, 288, 520, 635, 1011, 958, 26, 314, 4252, 2368, 3032, 1901, 314, 805, 288, 520, 5808, 26, 314, 754, 402, 314, 8072, 805, 288, 408, 288, 862, 26, 355, 2518, 63, 344, 275, 291, 14, 958, 14, 362, 360, 1972, 63, 344, 358, 355, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 498, 275, 22574, 14, 504, 63, 875, 8, 1972, 63, 344, 9, 355, 291, 14, 1074, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 14, 1069, 14, 751, 12, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 498, 9, 355, 372, 2562, 8, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 9, 288, 871, 5531, 10870, 26, 355, 746, 4760, 5188, 398, 372, 2562, 63, 5029, 339, 347, 922, 63, 2425, 63, 2732, 63, 1972, 8, 277, 12, 922, 12, 2518, 304, 267, 408, 267, 22391, 340, 314, 922, 365, 12622, 503, 376, 17724, 367, 314, 2518, 14, 267, 16763, 2529, 715, 340, 10990, 818, 365, 5223, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 2155, 8, 288, 2202, 14, 5287, 288, 503, 965, 63, 2732, 8, 751, 12, 5531, 18963, 7422, 14, 15468, 12, 2518, 9, 288, 503, 965, 63, 2732, 8, 751, 12, 5531, 30742, 7422, 14, 15468, 12, 2518, 9, 267, 776, 339, 347, 1104, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 12, 922, 12, 2518, 304, 267, 408, 267, 13813, 340, 314, 1056, 922, 883, 2879, 314, 2518, 14, 267, 6218, 7901, 340, 314, 922, 1630, 440, 1172, 2518, 2879, 14, 267, 408, 267, 340, 440, 291, 14, 751, 63, 2425, 63, 2732, 63, 1972, 8, 751, 12, 2518, 304, 288, 746, 4760, 5188, 339, 347, 5147, 63, 11725, 8, 277, 12, 1056, 304, 267, 408, 267, 29652, 626, 314, 922, 365, 15082, 334, 69, 14, 71, 14, 440, 376, 29952, 395, 7444, 10990, 818, 365, 5223, 14, 267, 408, 267, 1613, 8, 6979, 2768, 4256, 12, 291, 680, 15795, 63, 11725, 8, 1069, 9, 267, 340, 1056, 14, 751, 14, 374, 63, 12628, 342, 436, 440, 2202, 14, 5287, 26, 288, 746, 15995, 4276, 421, 199, 533, 5531, 1296, 8, 6979, 2768, 4256, 12, 3820, 25778, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1011, 6119, 12425, 538, 398, 2372, 282, 9881, 23831, 769, 402, 13588, 315, 314, 3988, 56, 16078, 14, 398, 710, 769, 883, 506, 9806, 701, 2518, 63, 344, 14, 398, 7048, 2034, 315, 314, 769, 883, 1395, 1536, 370, 1616, 13588, 14, 339, 1011, 9846, 20260, 538, 8592, 9576, 1182, 1246, 15, 1972, 63, 6976, 15, 86, 16, 15, 11653, 15, 8592, 9576, 1182, 1246, 15, 1972, 63, 6976, 15, 86, 16, 15, 11653, 10197, 1972, 63, 344, 3126, 1972, 63, 344, 17, 31016, 1972, 63, 344, 18, 93, 339, 1011, 2364, 13468, 538, 398, 627, 2338, 26, 710, 1329, 402, 13588, 315, 314, 3988, 56, 4298, 14, 398, 627, 2163, 26, 710, 9022, 370, 314, 2163, 2034, 402, 13588, 14, 398 ]
[ 3261, 4514, 367, 2518, 13, 16039, 287, 471, 315, 22990, 14, 408, 199, 199, 504, 5055, 492, 12863, 199, 646, 2022, 199, 646, 2050, 199, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 2190, 492, 2202, 199, 504, 1639, 14, 1014, 492, 4760, 5188, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 11725, 492, 8596, 10348, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 63, 6126, 14, 11725, 492, 11715, 18, 10348, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 3924, 492, 15995, 4276, 12, 21743, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 2038, 2932, 492, 13939, 25778, 12, 3820, 25778, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 6060, 492, 6596, 30871, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 1310, 492, 7232, 199, 504, 4618, 63, 4857, 14, 4471, 492, 3837, 199, 504, 9872, 14, 10012, 14, 1176, 492, 10996, 199, 504, 15058, 63, 1612, 14, 8268, 14, 1612, 492, 22574, 199, 199, 504, 2518, 63, 6976, 63, 1246, 14, 86, 16, 492, 12506, 199, 504, 20736, 492, 13588, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 2732, 492, 965, 63, 2732, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 1238, 63, 576, 492, 5024, 1451, 4437, 199, 504, 20736, 14, 578, 63, 3352, 492, 664, 63, 578, 63, 509, 63, 4120, 199, 504, 22709, 14, 1018, 14, 773, 14, 1246, 14, 1345, 63, 1208, 492, 2455, 63, 1972, 63, 2732, 12, 2455, 63, 1178, 63, 2888, 199, 504, 22709, 14, 1018, 14, 16432, 14, 1317, 14, 1972, 63, 13547, 14, 1246, 14, 86, 16, 492, 2986, 12, 2552, 199, 504, 22709, 14, 1018, 14, 773, 14, 3924, 492, 5531, 10870, 199, 504, 6474, 14, 8050, 492, 5531, 30742, 7422, 12, 5531, 18963, 7422, 199, 504, 4884, 14, 578, 63, 1208, 492, 664, 63, 7764, 63, 4120, 63, 3223, 421, 199, 793, 275, 2050, 14, 5572, 3460, 354, 3368, 421, 199, 533, 5531, 2768, 4256, 8, 785, 304, 272, 408, 272, 28438, 367, 6858, 23654, 543, 2518, 1564, 14, 6121, 10022, 13448, 436, 6299, 14, 272, 408, 272, 4237, 63, 698, 275, 283, 1972, 63, 344, 7, 272, 6299, 63, 2888, 275, 334, 12906, 18, 10348, 12, 8596, 10348, 4258, 272, 4983, 63, 2888, 275, 334, 1831, 30871, 4258, 339, 347, 664, 63, 1972, 63, 269, 63, 5188, 8, 277, 304, 267, 408, 267, 27940, 314, 2013, 2518, 12, 503, 6534, 376, 4760, 5188, 1125, 340, 652, 1630, 440, 2187, 14, 267, 6121, 5920, 370, 4868, 314, 922, 965, 3443, 370, 2455, 314, 2518, 267, 408, 267, 862, 26, 288, 2518, 63, 344, 275, 291, 14, 958, 14, 362, 360, 1972, 63, 344, 358, 288, 2518, 63, 498, 275, 22574, 14, 504, 63, 875, 8, 1972, 63, 344, 9, 288, 2518, 275, 13588, 14, 362, 63, 1972, 8, 1972, 63, 498, 9, 288, 291, 14, 1074, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 14, 1069, 14, 751, 12, 2518, 63, 498, 9, 953, 372, 2518, 267, 871, 1722, 26, 288, 746, 4760, 5188, 339, 768, 4639, 272, 347, 2518, 63, 1074, 8, 1532, 304, 267, 408, 14946, 17845, 367, 8579, 316, 2552, 17196, 436, 8152, 282, 7901, 340, 314, 922, 1630, 440, 1172, 2879, 267, 370, 314, 3261, 805, 14, 398, 520, 635, 2562, 26, 805, 370, 506, 8072, 267, 520, 5808, 26, 314, 8072, 805, 267, 408, 267, 347, 2562, 63, 5029, 8, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 304, 288, 408, 4590, 805, 367, 642, 7531, 14, 953, 520, 635, 627, 589, 26, 314, 2368, 3032, 1901, 314, 805, 288, 520, 635, 1011, 958, 26, 314, 4252, 2368, 3032, 1901, 314, 805, 288, 520, 5808, 26, 314, 754, 402, 314, 8072, 805, 288, 408, 288, 862, 26, 355, 2518, 63, 344, 275, 291, 14, 958, 14, 362, 360, 1972, 63, 344, 358, 355, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 498, 275, 22574, 14, 504, 63, 875, 8, 1972, 63, 344, 9, 355, 291, 14, 1074, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 14, 1069, 14, 751, 12, 291, 14, 1972, 63, 498, 9, 355, 372, 2562, 8, 277, 12, 627, 589, 12, 1011, 958, 9, 288, 871, 5531, 10870, 26, 355, 746, 4760, 5188, 398, 372, 2562, 63, 5029, 339, 347, 922, 63, 2425, 63, 2732, 63, 1972, 8, 277, 12, 922, 12, 2518, 304, 267, 408, 267, 22391, 340, 314, 922, 365, 12622, 503, 376, 17724, 367, 314, 2518, 14, 267, 16763, 2529, 715, 340, 10990, 818, 365, 5223, 14, 267, 408, 267, 372, 2155, 8, 288, 2202, 14, 5287, 288, 503, 965, 63, 2732, 8, 751, 12, 5531, 18963, 7422, 14, 15468, 12, 2518, 9, 288, 503, 965, 63, 2732, 8, 751, 12, 5531, 30742, 7422, 14, 15468, 12, 2518, 9, 267, 776, 339, 347, 1104, 63, 1972, 63, 6060, 8, 277, 12, 922, 12, 2518, 304, 267, 408, 267, 13813, 340, 314, 1056, 922, 883, 2879, 314, 2518, 14, 267, 6218, 7901, 340, 314, 922, 1630, 440, 1172, 2518, 2879, 14, 267, 408, 267, 340, 440, 291, 14, 751, 63, 2425, 63, 2732, 63, 1972, 8, 751, 12, 2518, 304, 288, 746, 4760, 5188, 339, 347, 5147, 63, 11725, 8, 277, 12, 1056, 304, 267, 408, 267, 29652, 626, 314, 922, 365, 15082, 334, 69, 14, 71, 14, 440, 376, 29952, 395, 7444, 10990, 818, 365, 5223, 14, 267, 408, 267, 1613, 8, 6979, 2768, 4256, 12, 291, 680, 15795, 63, 11725, 8, 1069, 9, 267, 340, 1056, 14, 751, 14, 374, 63, 12628, 342, 436, 440, 2202, 14, 5287, 26, 288, 746, 15995, 4276, 421, 199, 533, 5531, 1296, 8, 6979, 2768, 4256, 12, 3820, 25778, 304, 272, 408, 272, 1011, 6119, 12425, 538, 398, 2372, 282, 9881, 23831, 769, 402, 13588, 315, 314, 3988, 56, 16078, 14, 398, 710, 769, 883, 506, 9806, 701, 2518, 63, 344, 14, 398, 7048, 2034, 315, 314, 769, 883, 1395, 1536, 370, 1616, 13588, 14, 339, 1011, 9846, 20260, 538, 8592, 9576, 1182, 1246, 15, 1972, 63, 6976, 15, 86, 16, 15, 11653, 15, 8592, 9576, 1182, 1246, 15, 1972, 63, 6976, 15, 86, 16, 15, 11653, 10197, 1972, 63, 344, 3126, 1972, 63, 344, 17, 31016, 1972, 63, 344, 18, 93, 339, 1011, 2364, 13468, 538, 398, 627, 2338, 26, 710, 1329, 402, 13588, 315, 314, 3988, 56, 4298, 14, 398, 627, 2163, 26, 710, 9022, 370, 314, 2163, 2034, 402, 13588, 14, 398, 0 ]
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#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest from vocoder_swig import * class test_g723_24_vocoder (gr_unittest.TestCase): def setUp (self): self.tb = gr.top_block() def tearDown (self): self.tb = None def test001_module_load (self): enc = g723_24_encode_sb(); dec = g723_24_decode_bs(); if __name__ == '__main__':, "test_g723_24_vocoder.xml")
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# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Init file, giving convenient access to all ndlstm ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,g-importing-member from tensorflow.contrib.ndlstm.python.lstm1d import * from tensorflow.contrib.ndlstm.python.lstm2d import * from tensorflow.contrib.ndlstm.python.misc import * # pylint: enable=wildcard-import
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#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # filename: # # scriptLattes V8 # Copyright 2005-2013: Jesús P. Mena-Chalco e Roberto M. Cesar-Jr. # # # # Este programa é um software livre; você pode redistribui-lo e/ou # modifica-lo dentro dos termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU como # publicada pela Fundação do Software Livre (FSF); na versão 2 da # Licença, ou (na sua opinião) qualquer versão. # # Este programa é distribuído na esperança que possa ser util, # mas SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; sem uma garantia implicita de ADEQUAÇÂO a qualquer # MERCADO ou APLICAÇÃO EM PARTICULAR. Veja a # Licença Pública Geral GNU para maiores detalhes. # # Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Geral GNU # junto com este programa, se não, escreva para a Fundação do Software # Livre(FSF) Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # class Idioma: descricao = '' nome = '' proficiencia = '' def __init__(self, partesDoItem): # partesDoItem[0]: Nome do idioma # partesDoItem[1]: Descricao da proficiencia do idioma self.nome = partesDoItem[0].strip() self.proficiencia = partesDoItem[1].strip() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def __str__(self): s = "\n[IDIOMA] \n" s += "+NOME : " + self.nome.encode('utf8','replace') + "\n" s += "+PROFICIENCIA: " + self.proficiencia.encode('utf8','replace') + "\n" return s
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