worked great
H&R Block Tax Software is simply the best.
Works well
Great software, including MS Word!
Did not like this hard to work with.
This early edition of PagePlus certainly came with its share of bugs and quirks. Thankfully, more recent versions are more streamlined and intuitive. One of the biggest problems with this one was a clumsy installation process and registration. PagePlus can be fun, just get a newer version than this.
I really enjoyed this product. I was amazed that a person with a limited computer skills as myself could do as well as I did. It is easy to use and quite straightforward. I designed a very cool webpage for my friend. Recomended
To register this software you must call a number and be subjected to an extreme sales pitch to upgrade. After that you find that this is a page publisher like MS Publisher to create newsletters etc. There are some useful features but it will feel clunky to those used to the Microsoft interface or even Photoshop Elements etc. Overall, this is a good entry level software if you can avoid the registration hassle. I'd evaluate the free trial version before going in for the purchase.
I have to start out by saying that I tend to be able to get through programs fairly easily and figure them out decently without much help. However, AutoCAD is a beefy program and is not something you can just hop into and get some small projects done. I would recommend this if you are going to be doing some heavy work with it, and not for a hobby unless you are really into making technical drawings and designs. So, I am more of a technical guy and like programs that don't try to turn everything into some happy friendly wizard. So, I found parts of AutoCAD LT 2011 to be very awesome because they were right there for you to use, but not in the way or annoying. However, I kind of found the awkward MS Office-like menu at the top to be a bit odd. I am not really fond of that style yet, and kind of prefer the old fashioned less "friendly" raw menu systems. However, it appears that AutoCAD is going to push this new system through, so even though you should be able to go back to the old style, it gives me the feeling that you better get used to it now because future versions will only feature this cheesy new "ribbon" menu system. I would prefer the traditional menu structure be always available, and the default. The software itself is very in-depth. If you are professionally drawing out plans, then this will be a very useful tool. If you are familiar with AutoCAD software, then you should be able to use it without much more than some annoying menu changes that you will have to get used to. If you are new to this software, or have only used alternative programs, you will likely want to pick up a book and look for some tutorials online. It is a hefty piece of software, but learning how to use it will be very beneficial. I had to knock off a star because of the menu though. It might just be me.
Warning: This is the opinion of a novice. If you're looking for advice for professional products, please look elsewhere! This was not a horrible program in my opinion, but it was discontinued almost immediately after release, is no longer for sale, and is no longer supported. If you see a copy at a garage sale for a buck or something like that, I say pick it up and give it a spin. The layout is fairly quirky (almost feels like Windows 95 software) but it does indeed have a lot of quick & dirty features which worked out great for an novice like me. We used it for landscaping sketches & home remodeling sketches. It's much faster to load than online programs, with fast & intuitive "freestyle" shape tools. Alas, I'm giving it a 1-star because it's so reprehensible for a company to release & dump a product like this. Anyway, if you're looking for freestyle CAD programs, and you're a novice like me, you might want to check out&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/TURBOCAD-15-DELUXE/dp/B003630F1W/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">TURBOCAD 15 DELUXE</a>&nbsp;(about $10),&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/TurboCAD-Deluxe-2D-3D/dp/B003DUB9FO/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">TurboCAD Deluxe 2D/3D</a>&nbsp;(under $40), or if you're ready to move into slightly more sophisticated sketches then&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/Autodesk-Sketchbook-Pro-2011/dp/B0043SK9QU/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2011</a>&nbsp;(about $50). Hope this helps. Good luck!
While going through my slushpile of things I never got around to reviewing, I found this... and then found out that Autodesk gave up on it almost as soon as they shipped it. That makes this a remarkably easy review to write -- just don't bother. There are low-end CAD products that fill the same niche; you can find some open source products on, and Autodesk even makes a couple of low-end products specifically for nonprofessional users. The Maker community should be a good place to find specialized software for CAM software and equipment (especially CNCs and 3D printers), and there are a few architectural CAD programs meant for the intended Freestyle market too.
I love to create things so I was really interested in this program. Unfortunately it looks like it didn't go over too well as I see it has been discontinued. I was planning a deck pool area and I found this program to be extremely cool and I was able to get a better idea what I wanted by using it. It's not available anymore, so I suggest looking around for like programs for your future projects. Too bad.....
After playing around with this software, I really wanted to create something with it. I've been wanting a new deck for a long time, and I was able to create exactly what I wanted in this software. I'm sure there is better software out there, but for me, this worked fine. I was also playing with the templates to remodel my kitchen and make an addition to my living room, and I can honestly say that if I had the money, I would get it done. This software was able to give me some really good ideas of what I would like my house to look like.
The software winzip 14 plus help me a lot of unzip file that I'm having trouble with to unlock plus it has more new feature.
WinZip installed and was operational on my first pass in installation on Windows XP. Once the dominant file compression software, WinZIP now faces many more competitors, and more important, high speed bandwidth made file compressions less needed. If you don't use file compression much, this is an unnecessary product, as freeware or lower cost alternatives are available. If use file compression extensively, this product is easy to use, adapts to a wide variety of files, and has most of the bells and whistles; thus a good value.
The computer world has changed a lot since the early days of PCs and the glory days of WinZip. Much of the functionality can be found in Windows and in free and open-source software. The internet is a lot faster, storage a lot cheaper, the type of files we use is different. However, if you regularly zip/unzip files, and you like to support software makers, this is a solid program that does its job without getting in the way. Installation on both Windows 7 and Vista was without issues. A couple of notes during the installation, the default option is to collect information to help improve the product and also do weekly automated update checks. If you object to either one of these, pay attention during installation and do not click-thru the options without reading them first.
I am writing this review after 8 months of usage. This is a very stable product and has subtle improvements over the previous versions. In some of the earlier editions our organization started facing complaints about stability and higher than usual memory utilization. These issues seem to have been properly addressed in this edition. The new look interface is more in line to the overall direction MS is taking across its own products so it'll fit well with any future MS product releases. The ZIPX format internally has better standardization than the native zip format so in future there will be guaranteed better support and 3rd. party applications and plug-ins (I believe). Some features like email of zips are great and my associates have all got back to me stating it's a God-send to have. Encryption algorithms (based on some tech documents I've read) seem to have been strengthened and overall taking some random tests I've found zipx compressing at least 20 % better than native zip. Recommend the product: Yes. Use the product: Yes.
I am a middle-aged woman who is not that computer savy but loves to learn. I was most excited to try something new without cost to me through the Amazon Vine program. The box contained two cds with no written instructions. I was a bit intimidated. I procrastinated. Finally, I took the chance. The download went smoothly. Detailed instructions came up but with that was an offer to update to a newer version. I like what it has done so far as I download files. However, considering there is a newer version, I suggest you check that out.
Hard to keep up with MINT, which is free
As a vine reviewer, I'm obligated to review items and have no way of notifying amazon that I never actually received an item, such is the case with this software. So I give it three stars for being the kind of product it is. Any product that helps you save your valuable data is well worth the money. They may be better products out there and I'm sure there are worse ones too (hence the three star rating), but something is better than nothing. Read the reviews of those that were fortunate enough to actually try the product and if it seems easy to use and something you might actually do, it's worth every penny.
I got this with the intention of doing more, but so far I have only used it for photo editing and enhancement. It seems to do the job I want it to do. I am a basic user not looking for anything fancy so this will do the job. I will eventually try the Draw part of this suite to create things for classroom use. It comes with video tutorials that I will watch before trying anything else. It also has a PDF guide to reference, too. I will update my review this summer when I have time to play around with it and start creating.
After getting fed up with Corel's completely mangling and ruining of PaintShop Pro and the sheer klunkiness of gimp, I decided to load up PhotoPlus X4. I was happy to find that this application has most of the commonly used editing tools: crop, resize, fill, layering, layer masks, adjustment layers, etc.. I'm going to give it some more time but my assessment right now is that it is a legitimate alternative to the overbloated PaintShop Pro with an interface that is much more usable than gimp's. One critique I do have is that if you lose your media there is no reasonable way to acquire a download for the version you own. I would even be open to paying a few dollars to get the media back but they do not provide this. My advise is to make multiple backups and store them in different places including the cloud so that you can restore in the even that you lose your media....
While I like most Corel products, this one is unimpressive. Just about everything it does can currently be done with an app, and the fact that registration is a headache only adds to the frustration. Still, if you just want the learning experience so that you have it under your belt, you might find this fun.
Anything from Corel is pretty good and at a good price. I also have other products and love them all.
Never worked
PDF CREATE 7.0 does exactly what it says it will do. Installing itself as a printer driver allows you to make PDF files from any application that you can print from. These PDFs will be electronic versions of what you might have printed on paper--if you need something fancy like fillable forms or hyperlinked tables of contents, you need a more expensive program. The ability to combine existing files into one PDF is a bit different, but I really can't think of a reason I would need to do that. The MS Office Toolbar option is superfluous if you have a recent version of MS Office. Besides, you can always use the print to PDF function from any program. All in all, I rate it OK. Nothing more, nothing less.
PDF Create 7 does exactly that - creates pdfs. It's not fancy, it doesn't let you edit pdf's or create editable pdf's, but what it does, is makes pdf's from your's fast, it's easy - good software. There are other pdf creating software options out there, and this one is not more or less than others - it's just good pdf creating software - it's useful and good...I like it :)...
For those that do not want to spend the money on Adobe, this is a great little program for converting excel and word files into secure PDF files. It installed in just a few minutes and I had it put the icon on the desktop. Just click on the icon and you are ready to PDF. Just link in the files that you want and it is done in a snap.
works great!
I bought this version to use wtih my mac and now that OS X Mountain Lion is about to come out, Intuit is sending me a nice email to tell me that they won't support this OS for 2011 and prior and that it might work but could have problems. Instead I should fork over $ and buy 2012... until 2013 comes out and so on. SCAM. Dear XXXX, Let's talk about Mountain Lion! Like a lot of Mac users, everyone on the QuickBooks for Mac team is excited about the upcoming release of OS X 10.8: Mountain Lion. You may be wondering how Mountain Lion will affect your version of QuickBooks for Mac. QuickBooks 2011 and prior are not supported on Mountain Lion. (Note that QuickBooks 2012 is supported on Mountain Lion.) Read more about this on Little Square. If you decide to upgrade your OS, you may find that most things in your QuickBooks for Mac work for you, but if you run into a problem, we may not be able to help you. To minimize the chances of running into issues, you should make sure you've installed the latest update for your software. To find and install an update, click QuickBooks > Check for QuickBooks Updates. If the new features in the Mountain Lion OS aren't a big deal for you and you don't want to upgrade either your OS or your current version of QuickBooks, then just stay with your current OS and QuickBooks versions. We can continue to help you with any problems you may run into. If you must upgrade your OS, but don't want to upgrade QuickBooks, you can continue safely running QuickBooks for Mac and any other software that may not be compatible with Mountain Lion on a partition. (Note: it's important that you check all your software on the Mac you use for your business to be sure that it's all compatible with Mountain Lion.) You can learn more about setting up a partition at this article by Apple: [...] If you want to run QuickBooks for Mac on Mountain Lion, you should upgrade to QuickBooks 2012 for Mac. That way if you do run into any problems, we can help you. You can find QuickBooks 2012 for Mac on our website at [...] and at most major retailers. We really appreciate your business and wish you happy accounting whether you choose to upgrade to Mountain Lion or stay with your current version of OS X. You'll find great answers to your questions and advice on our Community. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. And Little Square will keep you up-to-date with new developments about QuickBooks for Mac on Mountain Lion. Sincerely, The QuickBooks for Mac Team P.S. Are you interested in getting a first look at improvements to QuickBooks for Mac and providing feedback to help improve the quality and functionality of the new version? We are launching a QuickBooks for Mac beta test and looking for more participants. We have a limited capacity though, so click here to sign up today before it fills up. (If you're already signed up for the Beta, please do not click this link. Thanks.)
This is a terrific program for all around image editing. It's not that difficult to learn and has plenty of features. It's no wonder that it's a favorite of so many people.
I used the previous version of PaintShop and liked it AFTER taking two short courses to learn it. It does a lot of cool things but is not simple. However, this version has an Express feature that does not have the steep learning curve, so anyone with software experience can do basic photo editing. That said, my tool of choice is still Photoshop. It also has a steep learning curve but once you are used to it, it's great. On the other hand, there are some fun tools in PaintShop and I would use it more often if it were available for my Mac.
as described
Functional, easy to use, convenient for the recepient, secure and there is an iPhone app! While there isn't much not to love, I couldn't find much I needed, either. Relatively expensive, but probably worth it if you often need to send large files (up to 2 gig).
It used to be that you could only send so many MB of data in an email. Now a days you can send much larger files. This program worked around that by allowing you to upload files with recipients emails attached and that recipient would receive a link to download the file. After it was downloaded then the file would be deleted automatically. It can prove to still be useful today, however with free could storage by Amazon and others, I think many more people will be using those services because you can do all that this one does and more for free. The only unique thing about this one is that it would automatically delete you files afterwards. Would have given it 5 stars several years ago. Today it's not a major problem solver.
The SendStuffNow Premium 1 year subscription has been a real lifesaver. I shoot and edit video for a living. I have to send 30 and 60-second standard definition video files to remote locations digitally. up to know I've been stuck with FTP or email, which got the job done, but had many drawbacks, mainly trying to explain to the secretary on the other end of the phone how to use it. The file size limitations on many email servers can also be a problem (it just won't go). SendStuffNow eliminates that problem by creating a simple interface for the uploading and pickup of the files. The only drawback to the system is the relatively limited amount of data that can be sent at one time or per month and it does take some time to upload the files. If those restrictions fall within your needs, this is a great little system
This is a fairly efficient and secure method of sending large documents but, unless you are going to use it profusely, it is way overpriced.
This is an excellent alternative for those people out there that do not know how to use FTP commands. :) A subscription is required for the person sending the file - which can be up to 2GB in size. The sender uploads the file through their simple interface, and then a link is sent to the recipient - who can securely download the attachments. The site is protected by 256 bit encryption, and they use their own compression algorithm. I have been using this to send sound MP3 files to a podcast to which I contribute. Bear in mind, you will have to renew this subscription each year.
As the many reviews here attest, this is quite an outstanding software package. After using it for some months I have absolutely no complaints...but I wouldn't advise paying more than $300 or so on this.
One of the programs I use most in this suite is the website designer. The application is powerful, and I love the templates it comes with. I just wish it didn't have one major flaw: it's highly unreliable. The program crashes regularly while I'm using it, and has issues switching between the interface and code view of the website. If you do plan on using this software, be sure to make regular backups. I've had to redesign large portions of websites due to corruption caused by the program crashing.
The CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 is not a program for a casual user. It is a powerful suite of software used for a variety of graphic art, webpage design, flash animation, and more. It is not my intent to go over every feature the software package, since there are many outstanding reviews already posted. However, I would like to hit the highlights. - When compared to Adobe Photoshop - as a pure graphics program it is tough to beat Adobe Photoshop. Most of us grew up using Photoshop and Adobe, so in many ways it is intuitive. The CorelDraw Premium Suite has many additional features which helps it to become a one-stop solution. In terms of price both programs are roughly at the same price point. - What features do you need? As I stated above CorelDRAW is fully loaded suite of software - the question is - do you need it all? Will you need the video editing software or are you more comfortable with a rival program? Do you need to have the ability to create Flash media? If so.... by all means the CorelDRAW Premium Suite is probably perfect for you! - The Video Editor - Perfect for YouTube and most video editing applications. While it may not rival Final Cut Pro it will serve the needs of a vast majority of your video needs.... now if you are planning to edit a full length feature film my opinion may be a bit dfferent. - Installation - You can pick and choose the programs that you want to install. Final Verdict - CorelDRAW Premium Suite is a very robust software package. The reason why I am giving it 5 stars is that it may not have the absolute best software for your application it does provide a VERY good option for everything and in terms of value that earns a 5 star recommendation from me. 5 Stars
At the time I am writing this review I have only used the graphic design, vector illustration, website creation / file management, and a little of the Flash capabilities of this product. I have not yet started using the video editing functionality. My standard tools for this sort of work have been Adobe PhotoShop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator and some ftp tools. I found that everything which I have done with these more expensive tools was easy to do with CorelDraw Premium Suite X5. A couple of highlights include: - Corel Capture. I use screen shots all the time for user documentation, etc. The Corel Capture software that comes with this package offers some handy ways of capturing screen data, as well as content from other sources. It can capture other content such as video playing on part of your screen. It is a handy tool in general. - Corel Draw is their answer to Illustrator. Illustrator and I are not particularly close as I lack a skill that is key to its successful use - artistic talent. That being said, Corel has all of the tools that you would need to make the full range of vector drawings and art work you can do with Illustrator. I have a feeling that Adobe is always a year or two ahead in functionality, but Corel then works to add features pioneered by Adobe. If you are a casual user of the various tool sets offered in these packages, Corel can save you a lot of money without sacrificing functionality. On the other hand, if you are using these types of tools at work and everyone else it running Adobe apps, chances are that you are going to have to stick with Adobe so that everyone can use the newer features.
A great deal on Norton Antivirus! You can install this older version then upgrade for free.
A great deal on this older version of Norton Antivirus. You can install then upgrade for free to a newer version for free.
Awesome, thank you very much!
worked -
TurboTax downloads from Amazon are the best. It is saved in your Software Library for years without having to keep track of it.
Good questions for tax preparation
I've owned several "home designer" software suites and this is the most capable. I'm not a designer nor am I an architect but I do like to try out home remodeling projects "on paper" before starting them, and I have always been fascinated with home design. This is not a cheap toy version of home design software, it is capable enough to actually be used by pro designers and architects. One of the thinks I like is that the software helps me visualize a concept the way I think, not as a computer programmer. Every element I can think of is there at my disposal. I can keep a concept simple or take it to the point of pre-construction and make my mistakes BEFORE I actually start building. Unlike other designer software I have used, this one is not a memory hog. It works fine on an average computer and the graphics look great. It has been a great assistance to me for several current projects (yard, guest bath, kitchen, fireplace, den) that are all in their early stages of remodeling. The price may be a little high if you're not a serious designer, but that is a matter of personal opinion.
Twenty years ago I taught architectural design at the high-school level. When I think back to how we had to do it then--and how it can be done now with programs like "Home Designer" I can only shake my head at the marvels of technology. Having written that--I do need to point out that while this program can be used by beginners--it sure helps if you have some previous knowledge in architectural design. If you don't and are interested in learning it--this program will help you--but it requires a time commitment. There are a lot of videos that take you step by step through the process. I would agree with an earlier reviewer that it would be nice to ALSO have written directions (perhaps a pdf file if they don't want to include a printed manual). This way you can view the video to see the steps--but then refer to the written directions when you need them. Otherwise, it is time consuming to try to find the video section of the direction you need. If you are a beginner and hoping you can install this and quickly be designing a specific real-life home project you may be a bit disappointed. It will take some time to understand the program and be able to input the specific information for your project. Overall, this is a very good program.
Well for $15 bucks it shouldn't be a big disappointment if it doesn't perform flawlessly. However, you may want to save your money and put it into something that performs better. I think this one is out of date.
First off I did like using this software. It was simple to install, easy to use and functioned well. The problem that I see AVG having is, proving enough worth for people to jump from the free version of their software to something that requires a yearly fee. A couple years ago I moved from Norton's to McAfee and then finally to AVG. I enjoyed it for the simplicity that it is. There is no bloated resource drain, etc. It does what it does well and easy. Granted there are a few extra bells and whistles under the hood of the paid version but, is it enough for the average user? In my opinion not really. For an average user like myself who does web surfing, email, and that's about it the added layers of security will largely go unnoticed or under utilized. Don't mistake this review though. AVG is very good software. There is a good value here but when a company gives away a version of something for free there needs to be a little more punch to get me to upgrade to a premium version.
AVG has been my favorite free antivirus software, and later paid version of it. But the new versions became an annoyance because it pops up every now and then rather than staying in the background quietly doing its job. It also began to block some legitimate functions of my other software. AVG would have been still the best if Microsoft didn't release their latest Windows Security Essential for free. It works quietly in the background so it doesn't disrupt my work. Sometimes, I have to check it to make sure it's still there. Some people might argue that AVG does more than WSE does, but I am using Windows platform, and I guess Microsoft should know its own software than others do. Since I don't visit suspicious sites, or open suspicious links from any unknown email, I don't need more than the protection I already have. I would still reconsider AVG, if it stays in the background quietly doing it's great job.
worked great
Scam as is. Yes, I bought it here, I installed it but software tells me in plain English that my trial period ended and I have to buy latest version--scam.
works as advertised
The software it help me with the unzip file that i had trouble accessing because their are certain things that a program do require to use so its a perfect way to use this winzip 15.
Winzip 15 standard plus doesn't need any introduction. It does what they advertise and has been very reliable over the years. Recommended.
works well, includes product key, newer versions now available online, incl via digital distribution.
Working great. Still using in 2017. Like it much better than the recommended alternative.
I wish it was a bit more intuitive to use.
Corel have been in this particular game for some time and I've been using several of the previous versions of this software to create, edit and sometimes upload film clips that I've put together for differing reason with this software. This isn't supposed to be a PC equivalent to Mac's Final Cut Pro or even Adobe's Premiere software, it is specifically intended for consumer / and sometimes pro-sumer users. I would hedge on the use of the word 'pro-sumer' as I imagine that might only happen in an emergency or quick fix. My experience with this software is entirely 1. I find it easy to use, easy to edit and simple to navigate to interface. Everything has a learning curve, as does this, so my only advice is that if you're new to editing and this is what you're using, then take your time, be patient and spend time understanding what the features do. Corel provides a plethora of information on using the software and their are literally hundreds of Youtube tutorials where people are giving hasty lectures and demonstrations doing basic work all they way to very specific tasks. My only complaint would be the rendering / processing time is still lengthy. I know these times have been dramatically shortened over the years with more powerful PC's, but having to wait several hours to verify my work, can be a bit draining -- especially when you've already been up late editing. That said, this program is a WYSIWYG style of editor and is incredibly simple to use. The layered features make it more than just a basic feature so it's worth spending the time to get familiar with the program.
Toast 11 only works on Intel MAC's. I thought that Toast 11 would work on 10.5.8 with a PPC chip but it only works on Intel. Guess I will have to buy a different version.
I know this is an older out of date version. I just wanted to write a post that the newer Toast 12 is much better than this one and has resolved a lot of the issues associated with less than a good experience. I have been running Toast 11 for several years and it works, but you have to be patient with it and know some of the work arounds to get it to do what you want. Check out Toast 12 it is much better and current as of the time of this review.
I'm sure this is a great program for anyone who understands how to work in CAD, but I found it difficult to use. Aside from some very basic shapes, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I'm an illustrator, and I did a bit of three-dimensional design when I took an animation course. It was hard then, but it seems even harder now. Isn't there some way to make this stuff more intuitive and easier to learn? Anyway, that's not the program's fault. I'm an artist, not an engineer. If you understand how to create in CAD, I'm sure you're going to love this, provided your computer is powerful enough to handle it.
As a former designer with over 10,000 hours of CADAM experience, I was interested to learn whether Corel's CAD program would be a good substitute for AutoCAD. While I no longer draft and design for a living, I have an occasional use for rendering drawings, both mechanical and architectural, and CorelCAD is considerably less expensive than AutoCAD. Plus, I have the experience with years of use of other Corel Suite programs. I found installation of CorelCAD to be somewhat problematic since there's no guidelines other than the installation disk. It took several minutes for Virtual Studio 2.0 to install on my XP SP3 machine (3.3Ghz processor, 3.24GB RAM). At the point of registration I got an error message, however, following the guidelines listed by another reviewer, I was able to reboot and find the program functional. Working with CorelCAD is quite different than CADAM where a stylus is used, however, both the cursor and typed commands replace the stylus, and after a short time and watching a couple of CorelCAD tutorials, I was able to begin a simple drawing. I like being able to open, work with and save files in the DWG format, and I appreciate the customizable 2D and 3D design tools offered. Smart Editing lets me re-size, reposition, align and copy entities in seconds. The Properties Palette allows me to layer, color and even copy properties from other entities. I have yet to try intersecting solid entities or use any of the more complex 3D operations, however, as I progress I will report of my findings. I am working with a Windows platform and prefer the DWG format though it also supports DXF and DWF formats. One 0 is that it takes an inordinately (well, maybe only seconds, but it seems too long) long time for the CorelCAD screen to appear after clicking on the icon, also the My Drawings folder that is created in the My Documents directory is a bit tedious to make changes to. It could be my older Dell computer that's the problem, but time will tell. I have never used AutoCAD, but my experience with CADAM is only moderately helpful in operating and understanding CorelCAD. Thank goodness for the tutorials! I expect to move from novice to adequate user in a short time. More documentation seems to be on the way; it has ever been thus for Corel's other programs. Note: check your software. There's a 2012 upgrade you can install. Here's the info from their website. "If your version is anything lower than 12.4.056 you should download and install the revised update to benefit from an update notification within CorelCAD when the next update will be released in the future. There is no need to uninstall the previous version of the software - the revision will update/ replace any previous version of CorelCAD." All in all, this is a fairly robust program that should serve the designer well at a fraction of the cost for AutoCAD.
I see CorelCAD a little differently than some, who have complained that it's not easy to pick up and learn if you're new to CAD. I think this is the perfect option in that case--it's cheap, and it's not easy to learn if you have no experience but CAD is not supposed to be "easy" to learn for newbies. If you're willing to save a great deal of money and put a little effort into learning it, CorelCAD is a pretty solid option for those new to design. It's not AutoCAD and it will not offer the depth of design and features that AutoCAD does, but as far as I know Corel has never claimed it does. If you know what you're getting and you're looking for a low cost solution, CorelCAD is definitely recommended. Once you've learned CorelCAD, AutoCAD will be a cinch if you decide to go the more expensive route in the future.
CorelCAD is 1/6th the price of AutoCAD. CorelCAD has some of the higher end professional options removed which are present in AutoCAD. Corel is marketing this to professionals who cannot afford AutoCAD such as start-up businesses in architecture or those who do mechanical drawing in 2D and 3D. I thought this would be fun for my family to learn to use since my teenage son has been using SmartWorks with his FIRST Robotics team. This is more complicated to learn than I had assumed. This software is not a right fit for me but that does not mean that it is not a high quality product offered literally at a fraction of the price of AutoCAD. Since this is a high quality product at a great price I rate it 5 stars out of 5 = I Love It. I applaud Corel for making a scaled down product for those who cannot afford to spend over $4K on software. This is similar to comparing Photoshop vs. Photoshop Elements. I can't ding the product or the manufacturer due to my error in thinking it was right for us. It is over my head.
This is a piece of software that you have to be a little bit adventurous and willing to look things up if you're going to get started with it. I don't really think that's necessarily a bad thing. Expert users obviously don't want to pay more on a product to cover the development time required to create and maintain really good tutorial modes. It's just really important that you understand that there's not a lot of guidance within the program about what you're doing. I had to look at books that were written to teach CAD programs. Installation was no big deal for me. It took a little while, but there were no mishaps (on a W7 64bit computer with an i5 processor). I haven't run into any bugs or had any other real problems either, at least not outside of those I caused for myself by not being 100% clear on what I was doing at every moment. I'm a computer person, so trying out new software and being okay with not knowing what every button is going to do right off isn't a big deal to me. As I got a handle on what was going on, it was kind of amazing how many features are packed in here. If you're looking to learn CAD or improve your skills with it, there's definitely plenty here to do the job, but you're going to have to be willing to seek out the explanations and the how's and why's somewhere else. If you already know what you're doing, the most useful thing I can tell you is that the software has been reliable and has done what it's supposed to do. No mysterious crashes or obnoxious bugs have popped up on my system, at least.
CorelCAD is a top of the line software product that is sufficient for professional engineers and designers. I had the opportunity to use this product to design a deck and an addition for one of my homes. I was able to create the level of detail needed by the county to get my designs approved and it also was easy for my crew to work from the plans. My father was a chemical engineer and I let him use the product for a few weeks to get his professional opinion. He was impressed with the options and functionality of the CorelCAD. I would highly recommend this software.
works as advertised
At the time I received this product to review in 2011 I didn't quite understand what it was. We had just moved long distance and left all our old TVs behind since the moving company refused to move them. The new TVs we purchased in 2011 (Vizio) had apps on them. What that means is on the TV there is a menu to select that allows you to use an Amazon or YouTube or Netflix and other apps to access online content on your TV. What this CYBERLINK product does is that same thing but as an external device. However, we can take our laptop, move it near the TV, attach a $20 HDMI cable to link the two, play the content on the website (i.e. NetFlix, Amazon instant streaming movie rental, YouTube, etc.) and it plays on the TV. A good thing about this is you can link to a mobile smart phone or an iPad or tablet and show your photos (or do any of the internet media playing). That is cool but it's something our family never wants or needs to do. Because we have app enabled TVs this was an overkill, unnecessary product for us. People with older TVs which do not have apps may like this. However they could do much of the same thing with an HDMI cable and a laptop. I rate this product 3 stars = It's Okay.
Just what I needed
This is fairly well written software, unlike some anti viruses it does not slow your system too much, and it does offer protection. A three pack of licenses is a great idea - what with homes having more and more computers in them, but I have to question the value of the product. Most of our computers are running Microsoft's free security tools. I have seen no damage getting through the Microsoft protection - with lots of downloading, emailing, social mediating etc. Now, the device protected with this was also unharmed during that time, but I see no advantage to this over the Microsoft solution. Install was clean and easy, as was uninstall - that impressed me most, because anti virus software can be very tricky to uninstall!
The interface is OK, installation was easy and it worked OK. However, I decided to go with Norton's instead because this made my computer run slower.
I bought this software along with the McAfee Total Protection 2012 as it was recommended on website. It did not work with the Total Protection software, so I wound up returning software & getting a credit for same.
I needed a good but not expensive antivirus program for a secondary computer. I tried the Titanium program from Trend-Micro and found it very satisfactory and very easy to install. I am quite satisfied
This is easy to load and easy to use. Works pretty well so far. It also alerts you if it is shut off. I am pleased with the results as you cannot be too safe while browsing the internet.
Worked well
Found the firewall either blocks too much or does not block enough. Antivirus on a mac is over kill and it slowed my system down.
The Mac version is too much of a performance drain for dubious benefits. It was a nice idea for McAfee to bundle all licenses, but unfortunately their Mac product is just not up to par. The package is worth it for the Windows version, which is pretty much an industry standard -- but McAfee needs to review their copy on the Mac platform. At this point it's really unclear that third parties have anything worth adding to the protection built into OSX.
I guess you could say I'm on a few generations of McAfee, and I'm quite pleased. I was so happy with this, and my updated version caught some bugs right away. In the past I've had Viper, Kapersky, Norton, and a few others. I think Norton has greatly improved (remember the days when every 2 minutes Norton would pop up begging you to upgrade?), but I seem to be doing best with McAfee products.
McAfee All Access is a great way to protect multiple systems that you own without having to spend a lot of money. For quite a while, AV makers were forcing you to pay for every PC you wished to protect. For some of us, that got pretty expensive, pretty fast and it was a pain to have to find an appropriate version for OS X that mirrored the capabilities of the Windows software. With McAfee All Access, you enter the supplied code, set up an account on their web site and can immediately get the freshest version available. This is a nice change from the usual model of security software where you are supplied with a disc that's so far out of date that you have to go back and upgrade what you just installed. That makes the entire process much simpler and much less painful. Once loaded, the software did a decent job staying out of the way, but I did notice significant CPU use while running the full scan. I've learned to schedule those so the system has time to chew through all of my files while I sleep rather than trying to compete with it while it's working. Overall, I like the new direction McAfee's going with their AV software and I've protected all of my systems with it.
This version worked well for me, have upgraded since but i can recommend Parallels.
older version, works well for mac, download service nice option for immediate delivery.
Good product
As advertised
Corel Photo and Video Pro X4 Ultimate Bundle is a good all-around software bundle for those looking to do both video and photo editing. The bundle includes some impressive features, such as video stabilization, zoom optimization, animation effects, filters and more. In general, the software performs well, delivering good speed and performance with both video and photo editing, but the real beauty of the software is the video editing features list and the easy connection to social media output (Facebook, YouTube, etc.)
Corel always gives you a lot for your money and this bundle is no exception. If you can spend the time to sort through it all, there's a lot to discover. Unfortunately, as with many bundles, the installation can have issues, depending on your computer/OS and other factors. It works on some, but not others, and never sure why. The user interface is cluttered and sometimes it's hard to find or understand the options. But you are getting quite a lot of tools here, so if they work for you, it's a good value. This bundle is growing a bit long in the tooth, so there may now be better options to consider as well.
I was excited to see AutoCAD finally developed and (almost) perfected for Mac. I have a few years of experience working with AutoCAD so this was relatively easy for me to dive into and experiment with, but if you're a new user, be forewarned you will need to educate yourself on it. AutoCAD is not a program you can just jump into and learn with some trial and error. Consider watching some online help videos and perhaps doing a little reading on it as well. I'd say at least 5-6 hours of research and learning would be ideal before you actually try it out. If you're a longtime user of AutoCAD on the PC, you should be able to load this onto your Mac and get a feel for it with very few or no problems whatsoever. The program is full-featured and bursting with options. The 3D aspect works flawlessly from what I've seen. The only real downside here is the outrageous price. Some may mark it down for that aspect, but the way I view it is if you need this solution and you're comfortable paying a pretty penny for it, by all means go for it. It works, and in a competitive field where results are all that matters, sometimes that's worth paying a premium for.
I had wrote a lengthy review of this version several months ago, and was checking my list and noticed it was missing. We cannot do duplicate reviews, so if this goes through, the other must have accidentally been deleted. Therefore, I am here to say that, yes, this is now considered the "old version", but it's still works just fine with updates, and subscription and all the benefits remain superior. There is nothing that could possibly beat Autodesk products. It does wonders on a Mac. So please do check out the new version&nbsp;<a data-hook="product-link-linked" class="a-link-normal" href="/AutoCAD-2013-for-Mac-Includes-a-1-year-Autodesk-Subscription/dp/B007MF77DY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8">AutoCAD 2013 for Mac -- Includes a 1 year Autodesk Subscription</a>&nbsp;-- your investment will pay for itself in no time.
I've never really like the Windows operating system, so I was really excited when Autodesk announced the release of AutoCAD for the Mac back in 2011. Earlier in the year, I picked up a copy of AutoCAD 2012 for Mac, and while it is really nice to finally be able to natively open files generated in Windows versions of AutoCAD, without jumping through the flaming hoops of file-conversion fire, there are still some areas where the Mac version falls behind its PC counterpart. One thing I noticed, for example, is that the Mac version runs slower than the PC version on comparable hardware. Another thing is that there isn't a cheaper, AutoCAD LT version available for the Mac. The 2012 version brings improvements over the 2011 version for the Mac, including auto-complete commands, where you can type the first few letters of the command you want to use and AutoCAD will display a selection of commands that match, and "Drawing Recovery" is useful if AutoCAD crashes. You'll only lose a few minutes of work instead of hours. Overall, however, AutoCAD 2012 for Mac feels like a different product than AutoCAD for PCs. The difference seems to be narrowing though. Some of the things I really liked about the Mac version of AutoCAD is that it feels like a Mac application, not a ported PC app. It also maintains compatibility with the commands used on the PC version, so you won't have to relearn commands if you're familiar with the PC version. Finally, it opens files created in the PC version of AutoCAD flawlessly. There are also some tutorial videos, which will probably prove useful for new users. AutoCAD for Mac is a good product, but I think for most people, the price, at almost $4,000.00, will be the main limiting factor.
AutoCAD has been the industry standard for 3D drawing software for what seems like centuries, yet it was missing one little thing: A MAC VERSION. That little omission has now been rectified with this truly elegant version for Mac. Having used AutoCAD in the Windows OS, I was really excited to see what it would be like on Mac, and not only was I not disappointed, but it exceeded my expectations. This isn't just a "port over" from Windows OS code. This version was built from the ground up specifically for Mac, yet looks and functions just like its Windows cousin, only with the flair and style that is Mac. Great pains have been taken to make the Mac version's interface (i.e, menus, dropdowns, etc.) extremely similar to Windows, so getting up to speed is quick, and you'll instantly know your way around. The one thing you won't be used to is SPEED. The Mac version rocks when it comes to performance over the Windows version. I have the Windows version installed on a PC with 8GB of RAM and a quad-core processor. My MacBook Pro has the exact same RAM and processor but, as all Mac users know, code written on the Mac operates much more efficiently than Windows code. Screen changes, image refreshing, file rendering are noticeably, and impressively, faster. Panning or zooming on an object is no longer a reason to go get a cup of coffee while you wait for the screen to refresh. I've drank a LOT of coffee with the Windows version. PDF output is excellent, and fast. The caveats: **Unless you've used AutoCAD for a while on the PC already, you'll probably need to buy a third-party book if you need instruction on how to use it. I was stunned to receive the lowly DVD case with one DVD, and no documentation. Yes, I know, who includes printed docs anymore, but you would expect for the price that there would be some type of getting started doc that would be user-friendly to newbies. A good book on using AutoCAD will cost you another couple of hundred bucks which, for some, may add insult to injury. **Another insult is this version is subscription based, and comes with a one-year subscription. I don't know what the annual subscription will be after that, but I suppose somewhere in the middle of the night 12 months from now, my Mac version will quietly expire, and I'll need to reach for the Amex to bring it back to life. **The Mac version can only be installed on two Macs, and those two Macs cannot run the program simultaneously. This means, you can run AutoCAD on your desktop MAC at the office, and on your MacBook Pro (you really don't want to run this on anything less than that) and you can share files between the two. But, you can't be using it at home on the laptop while a colleague is using it at the office. **Expensive. Yes, it's a high price tag, but there's really no valid equivalent to this software on the market. It's not a consumer product, and not even a pro-sumer product, so it's priced for the professional who is doing mid-to-high level design for architecture and product prototyping. All that said, it's an elegant transformation of an industry warhorse, and will surely not disappoint the most demanding user.
AutoCAD 2012 is the reference standard drawing software and is now available on Mac. The interface is optimized for Mac and differs from the Windows version. I tested the software on 2 Macs: one a new iMac I7 with 16 Gb of RAM and the other an old 2007 Mac Pro with 12 Gb of RAM. Both machines had 10.7.1 installed on them. According to the system requirements only some models are supported. The 2007 Mac Pro I tested on is not listed as supported but so far at least it runs fine from what I can tell. Pros: - Easy to learn and intuitive for the most part. - Best out there for 3D drawings. Very easy compared to other software. - Extremely powerful. Cons: - Expensive - The software "expires" in 3 years. My License says it expires in Sept 2014. I guess that is what is meant by the "subscription" part. I expect the software will 'time out' and deactivate itself. - The software will activate on only 2 Macs. The license allows only for the second machine to be operated away from the location of the primary machine and the software cannot be used on both machines simultaneously.
I am an avid user of Autocad for Windows. So I was very excited to have the chance to try out the Mac version of Autocad. I have imported several complex drawings to my mid-2011 max'ed out MacBook Air without any glitches. The Mac interface will require that I do some remedial training, but for the work I have done so far, the Mac version is very intuitive and clean. I highly recommend that you watch the tutorials available on the opening screen to speed the learning process up a bit. The program runs very easily on my MBA, not exhibiting any delays or pauses. The Inspector pane is very well designed and easy to use. All of my other usual tools are easily accessible along the left and bottom parts of the screen. The MBA's touch interface works very well, but I still prefer an external pointing device when using this version of Autocad. I'm hoping the next update takes advantage of some of Lion's features such as full screen mode and Versions. It would be great to be able to rely on Lion Versions to call up a previous version of a drawing. For now, I have to use "Save As" to manually accomplish this. In summary, the Mac 2012 version of Autocad is an excellent implementation of this professional product.
Rather use Parelles which I feel works better for me.
We eventually upgraded to newer version, but this one was fine.