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Got me usually good food.Placed was packed.Steak was average and French fries cold.Service was fine.
I had been to this restaurant before on holidays and for lunch with family and solo, so after using the spa's services, I decided to have lunch (July 2, 2014) before heading to my next meeting. The hostess seated me at the first table. A few other tables were still occupied and being served. She gave me a menu and told me a server would be right with me. The waitress kept coming over to the other tables asking diners about drink refills and totally ignored me! Didn't even explain that the table was not hers. Didn't get the waiter whose table it was for me. After 10 minutes, I finally got the attention of the hostess (at this point I was about to just get up and leave) and she seemed surprised I hadn't been waited on although she was only a few feet away. She took my drink order and got the bartender to come over and take my order. I thought perhaps this waitress was over booked until two couples came in and sat down at the empty table next to me. This waitress immediately came over to them and was very friendly -- taking their drink order and telling them specials (which I was never told). Their food came out the same time as mine. I paid my bill and when I got up to leave and bring the tip to the bartender ( to ensure she didn't get it), she says \"Have a nice day, M'am\" -- NOW she notices me? Needless to say, it was a humiliating experience. I am a business woman who frequently takes clients out to lunch and dinner, but I will NEVER again come to this restaurant alone or with family or friends. NOTE: I didn't give this review the lowest rating because the food was good -- not great, but good.
It's been almost a year since there was a review about this place. I thought this place was pretty affordable and cheap compared to other Pho places here in AZ. Large portions too. I had their #15 Pho, meatballs and sliced beef. The broth tasted like chicken or like those Pho broths from the can you can buy at Asian supermarkets. I pretty much drowned it with hoisen and chili sauce just to make it almost taste like the Pho most people know. The bean sprouts they gave us were kind of dry and still had the \"little brown roots\" on the end. Never saw that before in a restaurant. The meat didn't look too fresh either.The restaurant is on the small side, but is spacious. I found the Boss Lady sitting at one of the back tables facing the whole dining area a little creepy. Their waitress looked like she just woke up and rolled out of bed! Lol. Omg, a minute into having our food served, I heard someone clipping their nails! I was tempted to look around but I was afraid I would totally lose my appetite. Gross. Do that at home. Not at your restaurant. I'm not so sure if I would go back. I probably only will if I was really really REALLY craving for some Pho, and it's the only one near my work. They are closed on Tuesdays and is Cash Only.
This is definitely not a place I would recommend. The lady giving me my pedicure cut me twice! Although the owner was very friendly the lady giving me my mani/pedi was rude. I definitely agree with the other reviewers in regards to the clealiness of the salon, it's pretty dingy on the inside. I will definitely not be going back.
TERRIBLE. If you want to get cut and leave with your fingers bleeding while being made fun and talked about in a different language then this is the place for you. There are only two employees that do GEL manicures and the man is absolutely terrible. He cut me several times and he was rushing. My nails were uneven and sloppy. He used to work up the street at N'joy nails but was fired, probably because he's very rude and doesn't take his time. My nails also started chipping two days later and gel is supposed to last 2 weeks. I will never give my business to this salon and I wouldn't refer anyone either.
Oh god wasnt paying attention and this is my 200th review......Yeah i'd seriously wouldnt recommend this place to anyone. We only went here due to it being a Sunday and all the major hot spots were closed (Stephano's, 28Go, that taco place). Service was alright considering there's only one person on staff to man both the drinks and front counter and the kitchen in the back. That could account of the quality of the food but if they knew there was only going to be one person then the food could have been prepared and if it was could also account for it's quality.Fusion Fries - seriously almost 7 dollars for frozen fries with sauce, mayo, and rice topping sprinkles. SEVEN DOLLARS!! at most it's worth 3.95! portion size wasnt even that big!Pork Belly on rice (daily special) - Wow seriously the blandest pork belly i've ever had. Waste of what could have been bacon. Not sure if it's suppose to taste like nothing but it tasted like....nothing. Even the chunks of pork belly which has the fat had any flavor to it.Curry Rice w/Chicken Katsu - The chicken was pretty decent. Dark meat and had a nice crunchy crust and they even seasoned the chicken with a little salt. The rest of it was meh. Potato salad was halfway cooked containing bits of still raw potato hunks. Curry was Golden brand brick instant curry and is there a shortage of the stuff? When that nuclear reactor blew up did it take out the curry brick factory? When you think of Katsu Curry you're expecting a bowl with just all curry sauce, in island of rice, and a few strips of fried chicken slightly submerged in the curry. Nope exact opposite here. Mountains of rice with just a light mist of curry.Expensive too. WAY expensive. When your target market are college students your strategy should be cheap and plentiful so they keep coming back. 3pm Cafe is neither cheap nor is it very plentiful.
My wife and I just stopped at the Dairy Queen on central on our way home. I got the pumpkin pie blizzard. I was giddy like a school girl. There were tiny hairs all over my entire blizzard. It was repulsive. I will never go there again, and this is depressing, because Dairy Queen in Philly was a high school hang out for me.
I am a Vegas local, and I had some friends visiting from out of town, this was their last nite in town. So we decided to do dinner here as it was centrally located and we thought it would be a fun place to try. They had gotten there before me, and had just been seated as I arrived. We were seated around 6p. There was a total of 5 of us in the group.It took the waitress about ten minutes to even approach our table, and when our waitress came she was overall nice, but spoke very softly and it was beyond hard to hear a word she said. We started by ordering water and a martini for one of my friends at the table, the drinks took about 15-20 minutes to arrive. When the waitress returned to take out order, we ordered the jalape\u00f1o poppers (which I thought were intended to be an appetizer), a blue burger, uber cheese burger, chicken burger, a standard dawg, and the sweet potato fries.We waited at least 45 minutes for our food to arrive, and during this time the waitress never came back to check on us, but we saw our server pass by the table consistently and quite often and literally bus the table sitting right next to us, but never once stopping to check in and let us know the status of our order, or simply to just check in and see how we were.When our food finally arrived, the \"appetizer\" we had ordered arrived with the burgers.... so much for an appetizer!I liked the idea of the jalape\u00f1o poppers being served in the shot glasses with their own dipping sauces, but overall it seemed to ruin the taste and texture of the poppers, they became lukewarm and very soggy! I did not enjoy the honey jalape\u00f1o mayo dipping sauce at all, the flavor was just very off and not appetizing. The burgers were juicy and delicious. The sweet potato fries were also good. Overall the food was good, but I think that the service we had just really ruined the overall experience for me! We only found out our servers name once we received the check... so I would say if you go- avoid sitting in \"Dorota's\" section if possible.
I guess this is a chain, and maybe some are better, but this is not, even by airport standards. The menu shows 2 crabcakes on this $18 plate, but there's only one along with some fried fingerlike objects. Actually a good thing since this was the worst crabcake I've ever eaten. The discshaped fried potatoes were edible. If you ask, you'll find out that draft beer is $8 and up. Wish I had read the other reviews before being fooled into thinking that real crabs were somewhere in the recent history of the kitchen. That would have been the time to use the airport WiFi to Yelp* and avoid Gulp!
For the price I'd say what can one expect. Most cities don't have hotels for as cheap as this one so with that said it's pretty good for that.I was there for work at night so I didn't do much gambling or walking around. I did end up eating at hooters nearly everyday for not being sure where else to eat and not wanting to be late for work... plus it's not bad so why not :)Some of the girls weren't very nice... others were super nice and very efficient in their jobs and had actual boobs. Perhaps boobs make one nicer to others? Perhaps some felt they didn't have to be nice because I'm a girl and I'm not drinking so it doesn't matter?Room service was fine with cleaning the room until one day a lady came in while I was eating and didn't clean anything else for the rest of my my stay there. I put the please clean sign on the outside of the door before leaving to work at night and when I returned in the morning the sign was gone.I do understand why ppl might pay a little more though if I do come again with other ppl I'll probably hardly be in my room anyway. Though honestly I probably would've been better off staying at circus circus with all the kids since all I wanted to do in my spare time was visit the arcades any way lol
Wow. I have never seen a bowl of chips and salsa I didn't love (and inhale) but I have seen it now. I like to think of myself as an burrito joint expert and Qdoba lacked flavor and taste. It just tasted bland. The rice was bland, the meat was bland, and the grilled veggies were bland. The chips tasted bland and just weren't good. It was a sad day when I had to dispose of the chips because they sucked so much. Overall the experience sucked.
This place does not have good food. The line you wait in is very pressuring. People get up set when you take to long to order. The only time I've come here was because an old person invited me and I didn't want to be rude and refuse. The staff is upsetting and they don't listen very well. Quite frankly the food they serve there resembles the price for which the serve it. Cheap and poor.
I have literally cried over this meal 3 times in the past 24 hours. Maybe a little dramatic, but I had huge expectations. I may very well be Gordon's biggest fan. When I was planning my October vacation I specifically chose Vegas just so that I could have dinner here! To say that it was a let down is a huge understatement. When we arrived I was blown away by the entrance and the decor of the restaurant. It's beautiful! We sat at the bar for a drink and then were escorted to our table upstairs. I should note that I made reservations several months in advance. They really do fill up, so know that planning well in advance is necessary here. I knew it would be a long relaxing dinner. I was excited for the whole experience. This was just slow though. We sat at the table a good 15 minutes before anyone approached us. I was dying of thirst! Don't get me wrong, our server was wonderful. I just feel like they have things set up for the meal to last at least 3 hours. I was falling asleep at the table. The presentation of the steaks is really cool. I've never seen anything like it. My mind was made up months ago though. I knew I was getting his signature beef wellington. It would be a decision I would live to regret. I started with the onion soup. It was really good, but not hot! I got the feeling it was not served to me right away. It was almost as cool as room temperature. My friends soups/salads were served perfectly though. The salads looked to be the way to go. The beef wellington was awful! I ate about 25% of it and then threw in the towel. I guess I'm just not a fan of the baked meat? It was tender but I just couldn't get over the off taste of it. It literally tasted like I came home from work and threw a piece of meat in my oven. The pastry fell apart and didn't stay on the meat. I'm not sure how it's supposed to be though. I just sat there wishing I had grabbed a slice of pizza for dinner instead. We did a side of saut\u00e9ed spinach and the brussel sprouts. Both were good. Those are hard to screw up though. I do regret not trying the Mac and cheese. That sounded good. I had been looking forward to dessert here for months! Timing was an issue on this one though. By the time we were offered dessert we were ready for bed! No joke. I couldn't keep my eyes open. We had a cup of coffee attempting to gain some energy back, but threw in the towel and went to bed. In the end I received over a $400 bill for a dinner I didn't enjoy. The staff is friendly and all had wonderful personalities. At least I have that memory. I won't be making the mistake of ever going back.
This place has horrible horrible customer service! And this was from the store's manager! Our office staff orders from them on a daily basis and I myself order at least $50 worth of food when I do so they're definitely losing out on that since I'm now calling the other location close by to place my orders. I wish there were other places that delivered in my area.Haha looking at the other dissatisfied reviews for this location it sounds like the manager at this location has major customer service issues! I'm seriously considering calling corporate...wondering if that would even do anything?
We were here just now trying to get a table waiting over 40 min. They kept telling us we cant get a table because all our party wasnt here. we were party of 3 and only 2 of us were here and out of nowhere she seats a group of 5 ppl who only 4 of their party member in the restaurant. If u have been telling us that we couldnt seat becauae not all our parties were there dont seat other ppl whose parties arent all there!! Wasted our time and ruin the night.
Today at legacy urgent care I was appalled by the behavior of the front seat lady. She was rude to me and my mother. My mom called to pay my deductible, she slammed the phone down on her and she cursed under her breathe. Her name is Elizabeth. I have never been treated so horribly here, but she has always been a little rude, today just went too far.
Dismal, abject, revolting. These are words one would use to describe the contents of a garbage can, or a snuff film. You know nice, pleasant things that one would enjoy on a Sunday afternoon. Shogun however deserves none of this high praise. These words are a lofty goal by their standards. I was so unfortunate to collide unwillingly with this place one Saturday for lunch and decided to order the unagi roll and the Panko Udon. I was expecting some common sense from the chef/wank they picked up off the street, but even hope fails occasionally in an explosion of misery. The unagi roll was horrible. The rice was not fully cooked, the contents were soggy and tasted old. The sushi would have been better if the chef had taken the ingredients, put them down his pants, sat on them for 5 minutes while riding a bull, and then vomited on the resulting creation. Later the Panko Udon arrived, and it was even worse. I understand that it was panko breaded and not a tempura batter, but still it was absolutely horrendous. They could not have overcooked the vegetables, shrimp, and fish more. It was greasy, bland, insipid cooking that could not have been made better even if it were served with a diamond ring. The store bought, cheap as you can find udon was undercooked and had the texture of noodles that had been sitting for about 30 minutes in a colander. These little beauties were served in a pool of horrific bottled tsuyu sauce that left a lingering chemical aftertaste that was just a delight to behold.I would not eat here again even if my scrotum were stapled to a chair and I was chained to a table. I have to give this place one star too many because Yelp unfortunately has a one star minimum. I would even rate any fast food chain better than this place. I have had better airline food.Cheers,Until then, get the beers in...Just not at Shogun.
Let me start by saying that I rarely leave negative reviews for restaurants, let alone rate them 1 star, but I feel that I need to share my experience at Casa Don Juan.I've visited Casa Don Juan several times. I usually order a margarita and chips and dip, because their food has never seemed too appetizing or authentic to begin with. After my last visit, I will NEVER return, not even if I am thirsty. I ordered a fish ceviche tostada and was served FROZEN, actually, Frostbit, shredded tilapia on a tortilla shell. As soon as I saw it, I questioned the waiter on what kind of fish they used for their ceviche as well as how they prepared it. The waiter did not know, so I waited, and waited for an answer. After thirty minutes with no response, I inspected it and confirmed the fish was frozen. I then personally walked the dish to the kitchen and questioned the cooks as to what I was being served. They confirmed it was frozen fish with lime juice, but that they'd be happy to make me another one. Seriously? They offered a shrimp ceviche, to which I replied \"Is the shrimp frozen too?\", sort of jokingly. They didn't lie and said that too was frozen shrimp with lime juice. But that they could go back and check that the shrimp was defrosted all the way! \"NO, Thanks!\" This is definitely not authentic ceviche, which they should disclose, but that is not even what I am complaining about. These were not even chunks of fish, it was the scraps of frozen bits you find at a bottom of a bag of frozen fish. Why would you serve that to your customers? If you are out of something on the menu, your customers prefer you tell them you're all out and not being served scraps of frozen bits of fish. Or maybe it always looks this way. Is making $8 dollars on the sale worth it?Needless to say, I highly recommend you DO NOT order ceviche, fish or shrimp, at Casa Don Juan. I haven't had much else there, like I said before but this is one of those things that is unforgivable when it comes to food. If I could rate zero stars, I would.Also, I paid my bill 100%, because they still charged me for this food. I was with my niece and nephew and they ordered burritos, and were charged and extra $1.50 for sour cream and another $1.50 for cheese, per burrito. That's just ridiculous. The waiter said it would come out of his check if we did not pay for it when I started complaining, so I just paid for it as to not cause a scene. What a joke!
If you're expecting competitive pricing, excellent communication and quality installation for your granite project.AVOID THIS COMPANY!!Once you've signed the contract, you will not receive any communication, I had to prod information from the sales representative Tina. We were never told what to expect, ever. I upgraded an island edge myself after the original quotation that added to the cost, never was it recommended by the sales representative. Now at this point I am questioning their professionalism and became concerned. I checked their pricing and they were higher than two other quotes I received. When I asked if they would price match, I was told by the owner Dan that I could cancel the contract for a $300 cancellation charge and at the time they had not spent a penny on the project yet.The template maker either failed to make correct templates or the cutters did not follow the templates as the sections were off by 1/2\" at the joint and they just filled it with caulking, unreal!!! I had to give quality an F because the installation was so sloppy, one of the installers washed the epoxy they used to install the sink off of his hands with acetone and pored it all over my new floors. I informed the sales representative about the stains on my floors and she said she would tell the owner Dan, I have not heard a thing from Dan, nor do I expect to. The caulking all had to be redone and a section was missed completely. There was epoxy left all over the tops and sink, that I had to clean off. The installation crew has no process for covering up anything and really did not care at all. The granite fabricators do not deserve this score however, their work was fine.This company does not care about you as a consumer, read their other reviews, I only review excellent or awful experiences. This was an awful experience. When I asked about the negative reviews and his employees lack of enthusiasm, communication, and quality of workmanship, I was told by owner Dan \"we're only human, we make mistakes\" What a cop out Dan, everything we experienced could be corrected with leadership!UPDATEThe nightmare continues, on New Years Day our sink fell down, I had asked the installers if they were going to use the factory installation brackets provided by the sink manufacturer and they said they use epoxy and have never had one fall off.I read the installation process for correctly installing our very expensive Blanco stainless steel sink and epoxy was no where in the instructions. I had to do the installation from under my sink, and although very difficult to do this way, it is done correctly. Dan will reply with apologies and say he stands behind his work, I however choose not to have them ever return to my home for anything,Please people: DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY
I saw this place had a Groupon so I hopped on Yelp to look at the reviews. Since they were positive I decided to buy it because the reviewers made me really excited about this place. What a bust! I will say that whenever I am excited about a restaurant and I see low reviews, I generally think those people are babies. It's them that I should have listened too. And here goes one of the whiners...The area of town and the outside of the restaurant prompted my wife to comment that she 'felt like she was in another city'. I thought to myself 'exactly the reason this place is going to be so great'. Inside was the same story. The decor was so odd and unflattering that I thought again to myself,'this place is going to be great'! The sauce all over my menu just sealed it for me. Greatness! What I'm trying to say is that if you have 20 or so reviews and you still have 4 stars then I will overlook all of this garbage because you MUST have great food.After three different people took different orders from us we ended up with our house salad. Greatest salad ever? Nope. The salad had to be from a bag and it was covered (COVERED!) in ranch dressing. To top it off there was about an inch of water covering the bottom of the bowl. (I made sure to post a pic of it.) Gross. We couldn't even eat it and I was starving! When they took the salad bowls away they asked why we hadn't eaten it...oh wait, I was dreaming. They didn't even acknowledge the fact that the salad was untouched. Then the food came out and I was staring at some round piece of food that was supposed to be a Chile Relleno (Picture). I have had a number of Chile Rellenos in my day and none of them have ever been round. I will spare you all the drama to say it was the worst Chile Relleno I've ever eaten. The sauce was so odd that I couldn't even gag it down. My wife's enchiladas were also pretty bland/bad. I truly cannot even believe this place has 4 stars. This was the most disappointed I have been in a long time. I was so excited about this place and I thought it would be a great, hidden place to tell my friends about. Amigos Cantina at Fiesta Henderson is waaaaay better and they don't have 4 stars. Come on!
Got my nails done here and by the time I got out the door I needed a fill in What a scam. I went to get my fill the next Saturday and they asked me if I wanted them thick like this again. Half the time I was getting them put on the guy was watching what was going on behind him. I went to Dolly's across from sky view high, had them done and it's been a week and they still look great. I think I'll get 3 weeks out of these AND they look totally natural not like little blobs of acrylic on the tips of my nails.
If i had a chance to try this place without getting kicked out i might like it. All i was looking for was a quite place to grab a drink, however the bartender rudely told us she cant serve us drinks till 530......they failed to realize the doors where open the candles were lit and no one stopped us from going all the way down the stairs to only be turn around and sent away. It was 5pm and there were what i believe two other ladies at the bar drinking i think. i should have pay more of a attention. I guessing since i wasnt a VIP i could stay.
Not bad food. Environment feels dirty though.
Let me start by saying I used to live in Vegas and Pure used to be my favorite club. It's beautiful, great location and a fabulous view of the strip. If it was industry night I was there. Saturday night I was there. Loved it.Maybe I'm just older and wiser now, maybe Pure Management did it better than AMG, maybe I've been in Oregon way too long, I don't really know, but I was done after 10 minutes there during our vacation this June. The door staff is simply rude. Like straight up ignore you rude. Not a good way to kick off the night. From there we made it to the patio and got our drinks, the bar staff was great....but they should be since they want tips. The club was full of just turning 21ers screaming woohoo the entire time, girls in flip flops and leggings (upscale?) and some older couples getting jiggy on the dance floor. We thought about making a drinking game out of the woohoos but we would have been really drunk, really fast and spent a lot of money on shots' The dj was horrible, even if I had been drunk there was no flow to dance to. We were there maybe 45 min and I'd had enough. The view still rocks but that the only good thing I have to say.
I agree with PS, way overrated. And you'd think after all the years and the money this place makes it would refurbish the booth seats--they seem like the same since the 80's! Salsa flavor was off, something missing like an herb, epazote?, and the chips, maybe its the GMO corn used to produce them, they just don't taste real. The margarita was so acidic that by the second sip I couldn't drink anymore. Service is also very complacent. Cute little chile tepin bush in the planter next to the front door.
And now, upon moving out, they're hounding us for triple-digit \"move-out\" costs despite us having a maid service clean the place from top to bottom upon moving out. According to the lease they're supposed to advise the tenants of when the move out inspection will be so the tenant can be present, but they didn't with us. When I called them out on it, they claimed we \"gave up that right when we turned in our keys.\" Both attorneys I spoke with said their claim and interpretation of the lease wouldn't hold up in court, and their assessed charges were illegitimate, but the cost to take them to court exceeded the amount they were charging so it wasn't really worth it. CURRENT TENANTS: DEMAND TO BE PRESENT AT YOUR MOVE-OUT WALK-THRU. And their current property manager as of April 2013 is not pleasant to deal with. She's more concerned with collecting money than working with tenants to solve problems... there are apartments north, south, east and west of this place...move into one of those, cause they can't get much worse than this place.
Just waited 30 minutes for two hot dogs and cold french fries. This place is called McGee's, but the sign outside capitol petro says Gyro House. Inside (and on their receipts) it says McGee's. I ordered my food, two other people ordered food. We all waited. The last person to order got her food first, followed by the second group. I was last to receive my food, even though I had ordered first. I took my food home to eat and the fries were cold, hot dogs not particularly hot. Can't believe the service here. I wouldn't go back again. Fries are very bland and hot dogs are covered in ketchup, mustard, and other toppings. Food wasn't bad, but after sitting for as long as I think they did, the bread was completely soggy and fell apart. I was wary after reading some of the reviews, but the reviews didn't accurately prepare me for today. It was twice as long of a wait than anticipated, the fries were not good (as described), and the food just wasn't prepared well or delievered when it should have been.
Management here must be stupid to remodel a buffet with 20 table. Poor common sense for Harrah's.
Went her on Yelp recommendations. But, the food was rather flavorless, and nothing special at all. My enchilada and bean burrito combo was nothing special, and just tasted bland.I wasn't impressed.
Granted this is a pretty cheap buffet for the strip. That doesn't mean you should eat here. It's really, really bad. In fact, I have no idea why it's still open. They have a very small selection and the food reminds me of what you would get in a nursing home. Worst of all, the place smells like Diarrhea.
Overwhelming... Crap everywhere. They look like they went to auctions. Priced stuff for TV and then threw it in this place. A lot of the stuff was way overpriced. I didn't even really find anything I wanted cause I actually would have tried to negotiate. Not sure if they would go for it but worth the try. They got everything here from Tvs to umbrellas to dishes bikes tents. Didn't see any furniture, primary household stuff. Got s lot of bikes outside but not in the greatest condition for the price. Rather pay a little more and get a new one.
All staff are in a team meeting and customers are asked to wait. It's been 15 minutes and they are still in a \"team meeting\". Glad these guys put customers first.
Between food poisoning and poor customer service, I had an absolutely horrible experience at Barrio Queen. My boyfriend and I decided to visit here for some drinks and food on New Year's Day. After 10 minutes of being neglected at the first bar (where only one other person was sitting) we decided to move to the other bar where we were finally able to sit and order. My boyfriend had ordered something off the entree menu, which was good, but not worth the 18 dollars we spent on it. That night my boyfriend woke up around 2 am violently ill, waking up every 5-15 minutes to run to the bathroom. I had only had a small bite of his food, and found myself feeling nauseous all night just from that. When I called the next day to inform them, the manager Lucas was very apologetic and said he would have his boss call me to see if there was anything they could do. I don't typically spend a lot of money on food but we had spent 100 dollars between food and drinks that night. When the director of operations (I believe his name was Chev or Chef) called me the next day, all he cared to say was that everything was up to standard and that there was nothing he could do for us. He claimed his temperature logs were accurate and that there were no other claims so it wasn't something he could help with. He stated it was probably a bug or the flu and that his food was not the cause because everything was \"up to standard.\" He seemed to care more about defending the quality of his food rather than attending to a customer that got very ill from it. I've had food poisoning before and know what it looks like. Jolting up in the middle of the night to throw up, and then to be repeated every 5-15 minutes afterward until halfway through the next day, is not common for the flu or a bug as the director of operations tries to claim. After wasting 100 dollars this visit, and hundreds of dollars spent here before with larger groups, I will be sure that I never visit here again. The only pleasant people I would like to give credit to are the manager Lucas that I spoke with and our second bartender Ryan. They were both nice and good with customers.
What happened to this place?! I used to go here when I was younger and remember it differently.I got the \"Goat Cheese Chicken Salad Sandwich\". It had no flavor. The sandwich was too small for $13.50. It said on the menu it came with a side salad and fries but the server said I could only pick one or the other and I had to pay $2.25 for it I mean what the heck is up with that?. I chose the \"Smothered Fries\" which had bacon and cheese on them. They were OK.My man had the \"10oz Burger\" and he said the burger didn't have much flavor as well. The cost for that was $$15.75 and they charged $3.75 for a side on \"Onion Rings\" with it. Way too much money.We decided to split a dessert and got the \"Mini Peanut Butter Pie\" and that cost $4.25. I have to say this was the best part of the meal.One perk is that if you have a Nevada ID you get 15% off your bill which is cool but when the food isn't so tasty that doesn't seem like much of a perk.
After eating Jimmy Johns subs literally almost every other day sometimes every day for 3 months. I can tell you with great confidence that their sandwiches are meh. That's right meh. Now the service I've never had any issues with but what I do not like is that one I go in to order my preferred sub which is a turkey Tom in order to get a decent sandwich it's necessary to get extra turkey. Then I also like cheese on sandwich and that's extra too. Say what you will about the bread it's OK. Sometimes the bread seems old so the bread is hit and miss for what is advertised as gourmet hence everything a la carte. So after I get my Turkey Tom just the way like it. It's running me, hold your breath over $8. I think 8.64 to be exact for a sandwich that is like 8-9 inches. Now the extra meat isn't like a ton of meat because regular meat is laughably miniscule. Now the sandwich it's ok as described it above they are \"meh\" especially with the gourmet tagline and the advertised low prices which go up quickly to get a respectable sandwich that will fill you up. Add a drink and chips and I've gone over the ten dollar clip. If you're hungry you will need the chips so you better get those. Now like I mentioned earlier in this review I ate at this Jimmy Johns like every other day for 3 months. Why? Because they are 30 seconds from where I work. That is it that's the only reason why. Never once have ever been blown away by their sandwiches. Just annoyed that I have to get extra meat. So unless you absolutely love Jimmy Johns do yourself a huge favor and go to Port of Subs (not Subway never Subway) where you will not need extra meat and your sandwich will be better. Oh and the cheese comes with the sandwich also. Oh and its going to seem like twice the food. One last thing I do not like about this place is the crazy delivery culture that their subs are freaky fast or so fast you'll freak. The Jimmy John management must be forcing their drivers to drive un safely fast through the parking lot. Then I see the driver get out of his vehicle and just start sprinting through the lot to get his next order. What's up with that? . Do you think we don't notice how un safe your delivery practices are? So in conclusion yes I will still eat at Jimmy Johns but only for the convenience. But I Will not eat here as regularly any longer.
DO NOT GO TO A SALES PRESENTATION! We were told it would be a 60 minute presentation, we were there 5 HOURS! We were dumb enough to buy and we were lied to mislead through this ENTIRE process. Prior to arrival we were told they 'wanted' us to check in early. Upon arrival, we had to wait hours to check in. Rosie held our luggage for us and was WONDERFULLLL - Bluegreen should give her a raise. Then prior to arrival we were told we would get 1 free show ticket and can purchase another ticket at their prices. When we arrived they looked at us like were crazy. We didn't get a free ticket, we paid full price for 2 tickets and were given a book with a red cover for 'coupons' after looking through the book there were BOGO offers for the same show in the book they gave us AFTER we bought full price tickets from them. Next day we went to the presentation, after 5 hours of saying no I finally looked at them and said what do I have to do to get out of here. They made us an offer plus they were going to 'throw' in a one time 8000 points. They wanted to put this purchase on a credit card with zero percent interest/no payments for 6 months. They had 2 credit card offers. We said MANY times we DO NOT want 2 credit cards. We go to closing and they had ran our credit for both credit cards and only at closing did they tell us the 'extra' points are white season only - this was NEVER mentioned during the presentation. They offered us two one week vacations through RCI and were told we could use these anytime for any room, we have been trying to make reservations for these two weeks...ya nada. Because we spent 5 hours of one of our days there I asked for a late checkout... they gave me an extra 2 hours however I heard someone else in the elevator say they asked for a late checkout because of the presentation and they allowed them to stay until 2:00 PM!!! Then we get home and we get 2 credit different cards in the mail and they put half our purchase on one and half on the other when we had MORE (Thousands) more to our limit and did not need two credit cards. We can only figure they must get kick back. We also found out the credit cards are not 0%/no payments for 6 months just another lie they told us. HIGH PRESSURE your not getting out of there without a purchase. It was one lie after another - will NEVER attend another presentation and we are thinking seriously of selling this 'vacation package'... JOKE
This place was horrid, what was to be 2-3 hrs was 5-6hrs & when you're on vacation, time is of the essence. We had a sales guy who understood that we had to get going after breakfast, could we please look at place and go? He said \"too bad, there are procedures to follow and you have to expect this\". We explained that we had family event, still nothing. He had us sitting to meet his manager, said he would try to hurry it along. My daughter went near them & listened, they were discussing sports! He knew we were in a hurry and purposefully delayed us. When I refused to shake the manager's hand - he called ME rude & the salesguy said \"Well you aren't buying anyway, so whatever\" - um, I had enough money to buy a suite OUTRIGHT, but they were suck dicks that I would NEVER recommend dealing with them, nevermind buying anything from them. BAD BAD BAD!
I would say stick to the steaks. They looked good. I had the sea bass, which was not as favorable as I have in other restaurants of this price level. Flavor was underwhelming. The mac and cheese sticks were amazing...highly recommend them. Overall, for the high price you pay here, I would rather be across the casino with at least a great view of the fountains.
Stay away. This hotel is a fraud.The Channel 70 Productions crew was working a block away and the shoot ran way over schedule into the late hours, so we got caught in Charlotte overnight. The hotel looked acceptable and had great parking. I walked in to the really nice looking lobby to check out the place and their rates. $99 seamed reasonable, so I booked our small, tired, and, bedraggled, group. I didn't know I'd just become a bait and switch victim.The rooms were horrible. Ratty carpets and decor. Bad smell. A worthless HVAC system. A shower design right out of a Basic Training barracks that sends water everywhere in the bathroom. We're talking nearly Third World here. The staff was professional, but probably embarrassed to work there. It was late and we were too exhausted to go find another hotel, so we just endured. The $99 turned out to be about $93 too high.
No me gusta. No me gusta at all.This should be my favorite place in Las Vegas: Artisan Burgers and amazing beer both local and foreign. Even the service was grand. What went horribly wrong? There are two factors that make this place a definitive nope: one is the price of everything is out of touch with reality. Sure this is in the Mandalay Bay on the strip, but it's actually in one of those weird connector mini-malls we have so many of. This is a very nice retail passageway, but it's not actually Mandalay Bay proper. Even if it were I am sure I could find a greater value in food virtually anywhere else in the Mandy.The problem isn't just the prices, which are certainly atrocious, it's just that the burgers aren't good. I had the Hubert Keller signature burger. It wasn't great. The meat wasn't particularly flavorful, the red wine and shallots sauce was vinegary and the side of the chipolte aioli was bland and seemed old. The Buffalo was dry the previous time I came here and I chalked it up to being the nature of the meat. It's not, I've had spectacular buffalo since and much better value.The beer list is utter torture. It's glorious in it's depth and yet should anyone actually pay those prices they should immediately be carved into servings and fed to starving African Children. A handy strip mark-up is one thing, within reason. But charging eight times retail for a beer readily available at local gas stations almost almost makes me want to go all Reductio ad Hitlerum up in this review. I scoured the beer menu and could not find a purchase I was willing to make. I cannot remember the last time I went to a restaurant such as this and just had a soda. I actually did not purchase a beer.If you can afford this place go to a burger restaurant that actually has decent food. Better yet check out \u00e9 by jos\u00e9 andr\u00e9s and save a few bucks.
Worst nail salon I've ever been to! Though clean, the service was horrible. The nail tech actually sprayed the cleaner while my feet were above it. She took two calls on her cell phone while working on me and both were not short convos. She was completely rude to me and my friend. Do not go here if you're expecting any quality or decent customer service
My Clients and I decided to try this restaurant is very good, waitress was wonderful and then it all fell apart. In walks this lady with a PIGEON that looks like it went through a storm and it was on top of her head. We were appalled and it made us want to get up and leave. Had we seen her in the restaurant earlier, we would have left. We asked the waitress why they would allow this PIGEON to be in the restaurant? Response: The person is a little off and she has been in here before for dinner. I asked to see the Manager but was told that he is aware of it and did not tell the Waiters/Waitresses to ask her to please take the filthy PIGEON outside. It is way okay to explain to anyone that any animal (in this case a nasty, dirty PIGEON) inside a restaurant is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Instead of asking her to leave, the restaurant has now lost 3 great customers. Shame on Maya......this is a major health issue and would probably have been fined or shut down, if the Inspector was there....guess I might have to call the Inspection people.
Place isn't worth it. Went there about a week ago. Thought it was going to be a great time. Well I was wrong! Took 20 mins to just get drinks. Once we ordered we literally did not see our waiter till the last 30 mins of the showing and I had to remind her again that I haven't got anything. Whenever I pressed the button nobody would come. When I found another waiter they said they would be back and never returned. I don't know what's up with this place. We finally got the food literally 15 mins before it ended. Just terrible. Never going back.
The Food:Sam Woo's has been shut down for health code violations a number of times within the past 10 years! I was able to peak in their kitchen and noticed it was VERY dirty! They had two huge pots with broth sitting on the floor.....on the floor!!! The Service:Service staff currently works as though they were still living in China. Culturally, American culinary (front and back house) service is very different from Chinese. In China, people don't care if their server has the personality of a wall; they're only there to take their order and provide the food. However, most Americans appreciate a server with a good personality and one who is genuine for the most part. If you order a beverage, be sure to ask for a pitcher in advance because they only fill your glass up once....after that you've got to literally grab them by their shirt to stop them from brushing you off! I feel as if there's better, more genuine customer service at McDonalds! -This place needs improvement in all areas*I've gotten the shits from this food every time I've eaten here! I think that's saying something about their food.
I reviewed this Restaurant as great with a good selection of well-cooked Chinese and American dishes. That was true when I we dined there last June, but how things have changed. My wife and I re-visited this Restaurant last Monday. Before going, we called to be sure that they offered all-you-can-eat crab legs during the week. We were told \"yes.\"When we arrived most of the food on the buffet must have been placed there hours ago. Fried shrimp as cold, as were several other dishes I tried. We tried to get crab legs, after a 30-minute wait a small plate of them were placed in the steam table for the restaurant to share. By the time we go to them, they were gone. We spoke to the manager with hopes that she would correct the issues...nothing happened. After another 15-minute wait, we left, hungry, upset and down almost $30. When paying our check the manager approached us and said \"sorry about that.\" So are we. We were optimistic for this restaurant, but they simply missed the mark.
RUN FAR FAR AWAY! TERRIBLE! If I could give negative stars, I would. I ordered a pizza, the BOY answers the phone in a hurry, didn't ask how I was going to pay, didn't take my credit card info, didn't verify my phone number, told me it would be 15-20 minutes, I asked if he needed further directions for the driver b/c its in an apt- he said no, AND told me it would be $15.90-something. The delivery driver ended up getting lost b/c the guy had the wrong address, 42 minutes later the driver arrives after I gave him directions, he expected cash which I did not have. I wanted to pay with my card. The driver left the pizza with me and goes back to the store. The \"manager\" calls and wants payment; I have no problem with that, BUT when I told him what all happened, he TOTALLY froze stuttered his words and was completely USELESS! Its absolutely pathetic that this KID is a manager. Its like Fisher Price opened a pizza shop and hired him. He has NO idea how to talk to someone. OH! and he gave me the wrong # to corporate... coincidence? --- and my pizza was cold. ugh. Harold, the delivery guy, was super awesome guy. He owned up to the mistake, apologized, offered excellent customer service even though it wasn't his mistake. Nice job Harold! Now waiting on a call back from corporate and the district manager. Dear Donavan, Your management skills, or lack they're of, are some of the worst I've ever experienced. I would almost rather pay your college tuition than for you to ever handle an adult situation again. Don't ever EVER lie to a customer. You will always get caught... sorry had to call your corporate on ya. Shouldn't have done that, sir. CHEERS.
Poor service at the deck pool! Paid $10 to get in as locals and waited over 30 mins for anyone to see if we wanted food or drinks. We asked for a menu and no one ever came back to take our order. The pool could use more water so all the jets are not spraying water across the pool. Hope for better service at The Salted Lime for dinner cause starving after no service at the pool.
Circus Vargas$$$$ Please be aware and let family and friends be aware for wherever this circus travels.... I was just notified from my bank of fraudulent activity. It was traced back from the circus from when they were here in Scottsdale. When my husband purchased popcorn and drinks, the 'kid' who took the debit/credit card also took the card info. I would not post this if I did not know for sure. There procedure for credit/debit cards is shady. They tried to use card at many gas stations , etc. If you saw the show in AZ go check your bank statements. If you know of anyone going to the show in any city that circus will be traveling to....make sure they pay in cash for everything they purchase!
I went off the grid and ordered something they are possibly not known for, the chicken ceasar wrap. I was insulted by what I got for paying I believe 6 dollars for. When I looked inside of it, their may have been the collection of a small chicken leg as far as the portion of meat, it did not exist. The entire thing was stuffed with iced berg lettuce. The cost of this piece of crap may have been a dollar, a mark up up 5 dollars thanks. I left hungry and unsatisfied, never again. QT and grocery stores have better wraps then this place and far less cheaper.
When you pay PRIME prices you expect PRIME service and PRIME food. This was at least our fifth visit to PRIME and very likely our last.We have celebrated birthdays and anniversaries at PRIME and on December 23, 2010 were looking for a quiet getaway and a splurge on dinner with perfect service as we had enjoyed in the past. We arrived at our reservation time. Our prior request for a table by the window was not honored but it was a nice table and we were happy when we were seated. In all past visits I would have given PRIME a five star rating. We ordered drinks and appetizers. We soon noticed that the highly attentive, though not imposing service we have come to love and expect at PRIME was not present. Drinks took over 10 minutes and bread took 20. The shrimp cocktail was amazing as usual, keeping in mind that 4 shrimp for $20 ought to be amazing. We each ordered the Baby Iceberg Lettuce with Crispy Bacon & Maytag Bleu Cheese Dressing. This was served about 30 minutes into our visit. (By then my husband was ready for another drink and started trying to catch someone's eye to request one. Our waiter was occupied with the table of 5 seated next to us. Finally my husband asked someone else for another drink. It took at least 15-20 more minutes for the drink to arrive and the person who brought it was not our waiter and not until after we had complained to the manager.) For $18 each you might expect some interesting salad presentation. I enjoyed eating the salad but not the fact that I had to cut the lettuce myself. It looked like they had just cut a center slice of the baby lettuce head and plopped it on a plate. My husband thought the salad was too rich as there were blue cheese chunks and heavy blue cheese dressing along with very thick bacon. For the main course we each ordered the small filet mignon $44 for 8oz. These don't come with any side dishes so we also ordered sides of potatoes and mushrooms to share. We had been there about an hour by now and my drink was empty, our waters were empty and our waiter was now taking an order at a third table. I asked a staff member passing by if I could please speak to a manager. The General Manager came right to our table. I told her we were sad that the service was so poor and that our waiter seemed not to have time for us. My husband still did not have the second drink. The Manager was extremely polite and said she was very sorry and that she would take care of things. This did get things going -- though we did not like to have to complain to get decent service. My husband's second drink came a minute after she walked away. Then the filet were served but again not by our waiter. I suspect they had been sitting \"up\" for a while. The filet were cold to the touch but each had two small charred green chili peppers sizzling next to them. The charred pepper smell was overpowering to the point that it hit the sinus right as they lifted off the silver cover. Within that same minute sides were delivered. We got the mushrooms but instead of potatoes, we got creamed spinach. That was it. The dinner we had been looking forward to for months was ruined. Since neither of us like hot peppers or spinach, we decided to leave. I asked for the manager again and told her that we needed to leave as the wrong side and hot peppers along with the poor service had ruined our dinner. I asked her to please charge what we had eaten up to that point to our room, but she declined to do so. She was very empathetic and offered to reseat us and start over or send whatever we wanted back to our room. This was a kind offer but we were just not up for either as our experience was ruined. By then it was around 9pm and we were just tired of trying to beg for service in what is supposed to be a four star place. After many good dinners and fond memories of the exceptionally fine service, superior food and decor as well as the beautiful view of the fountains, I don't think we will go back. This awful experience has ruined it for us. Given that this hotel opened in 1998, we both wondered whether the waiters we had so very much enjoyed in prior visits had moved on to newer places or were just not working.
Yuck! Why did I do this to myself? I was running a few errands on Christmas eve afternoon and I decided to grab a sandwich for lunch. I could tell these poor bastards running the place didn't want to be there but I wasn't making it hard on them, I just wanted a vegetarian sub. The bread was old and smushed (resembling a slice of plain white bread) the toppings were unimaginative and sparce and the cheese was overly processed into something resembling Velveta.If you want a sandwhich, don't waste your time here... Einstein's, Quizno's, even Subway could do better.
Rarely do I give a 1 star rating but after four attempts in four months to get my fax line and internet rolling I can honestly say they have earned this. After finally showing up for a scheduled appointment the tech told us our internet was fine but we disagree because we are getting the same speed we had with Qwest in Cave Creek (SLOW) and they are charging us $64 a month for what they call the upgraded 20mbs. Furthermore, I tried to send out a couple faxes after he left and the line is not responding. Im going to drive down to the store tomorrow and demand that they remove the fees for service I have not received and just get efax. As I noted in the first review we were excited to upgrade to faster internet so that makes this experience even worse.
Oh man! What a disappoint. The lunch buffet really needs a visit from Chris Angel because it's in need of a magic show, make this food disappear!
So I can only hope the server(s) involved with our table read this because they'll be the only other people that truly understand this review. At the very least,read the last chunk of my review. Part of me feels bad but the other part wanted to let her know we were well aware she didn't care.We had a table of 4 for happy hour tonight; three of which were severs ourselves. We were started off with drinks by a male server,didn't catch his name but he had gauges I believe. Then Rachelle I believe her name was took over. Ordered our food,2 pizzas and a dip. The pizza came out wrong so we waited 15 minutes after the food had been dropped for our server to check and see how it was.she finally came and grabbed the pizza to be fixed. The entire experience we wondered why she wasn't involved in our tables as the rest of her section (didnt seem to be overwhelmed as she strolled about. They have drink AND food runners,so there's no excuse for neglect anyways). Either way,each time she touched the table she didn't ask how the food was,If we needed anything else,wanted another beer(s). At the end of our time there we asked for a doggie bag. After it took her another 10 minutes to wrap the food she came back to let us know the \"reason it took her so long was that the chef had made her dessert in the back,and that she knew we weren't going to tip well anyways\". Had 40$ for her on a 28$ tab but we waited at the bar to break the bill. Just to make a statement.
Had the Big King Sandwich and Original Chicken Sandwich. BK is just not that good anymore. A shame classic chains are changing so much and have forgotten what got them this far.
I've been to Smashburger a total of three times. Two of them happened to be at this particular location on Maryland Parkway right next to the UNLV campus. My experiences have been \"okay\" but more like... hey, I've had better burgers than this experiences. Therefore the 2-star rating must be awarded, especially after the visit I had last night after work.All day I was looking forward to trying out the Baja Burger. I wanted something spicy, something meaty, something satisfying. I figured - this would be it! I was wrong. The burger was actually quite bland, unless I happened to be biting into a jalapeno. There was only a couple times I said, \"Hey, that's spicy\" and even less times I thought \"This burger is totally worth the price I paid for it\". I suppose Smash-fans are lovers of all the toppings you can apply to burgers here. Perhaps the different sides you can pair with your burger as well. But to me - it's just not worth the price tag.Baja Burger - 5.99Smash Fries - 1.99Coke - 1.89Total - $11+Note that Smashburger does NOT make combos. You must order these things separate. Almost 12 bucks for a burger combo? No thanks. I'll go to a sit down restaurant, pay that much and then leave a bit more for a tip. That would be better than this.Overall the food was NOT BAD. The burger's bun was actually the most enjoyable thing I had. The Smash fries were not what I expected. Yes, I tasted the rosemary, but not so much the garlic. Plus my fries were teeny tiny fries! Like, I had gotten the bottom of the entire batch! I just cannot say I was satisfied and I can say I probably would have been more satisfied if I had just gone to Inn N Out next door. 3 strikes. Sorry Smashburger, you're outta my rotation.
Went there to get a couple bottles of juice since they have good pricing and will not be going back. Walked in the door and nobody acknowledged that we were there. Finally walked up to the counter and the guy waited a few minutes before we got a \"can I get you something?\" I asked about popular flavors and suggestions for mixing on certain flavors they had and he said \" I don't know\". So I guess if you know exactly what you need and don't mind waiting ten minutes for help to get out the door it would be the perfect place for juice. Also the shop was not very clean and the bottles looked gross. I will be staying with my normal Vape shops from now on.
Couldn't have experience worse customer service. Any martial art or self-defense system should have humility and a focus on people and passion for learning & teaching at heart. Instead, after walking in hoping to continue to pick up where my previous training in grad-school left off, I was told that they weren't \"interested\" once they found out I am a strength & conditioning coach. I simply told the woman, that I am there to learn, not to coach & she then stated that they don't want people \"stealing their methods\" as if I was going to teach the baseball, football and high-school athletes I worked with Krav Maga at a performance training facility focused on speed, power and agility.Two more co-workers went in, including my girlfriend and it was the same song but different verse. Disappointed that there are \"teachers\" out there that are so self conscious that they think not opening their doors to everyone willing to learn will somehow preserve and grow their business.Side note* their pricing is also ridiculous. Locked in contracts that are clearly focused on money and forced retention.
Reminds me of Haze. Overhyped and small.Went here last night and left with regret. Sure, I danced for a good hour, but could barely squeeze onto the dance floor. I almost fainted on the dance floor and was hyperventilating because of how crowded it was - hot and humid, and everyone pushing each other in slow waves. My friends had to help me get out of the dance floor...Pros: good music, although not really my style when it comes EDM. Lots of hot girls on the opening weekend, lined up outside. Bar was accessible despite how crowded and small the club was. Guest lists available if you find a promoter.Cons: total sausage fest. Girls were on the guest list, but they made us wait a long time before we all got inside. If you're claustrophobic, please protect yourself by not getting on the dance floor.This club is very unorganized and unprofessional in crowd control. Some of the promoters tried to help regulate and get their girls in, but the staff didn't coordinate well with it. I don't blame the promoters - they're just trying to help people out. It's the staff who need to figure their ish out. They're just as bad as Haze at Aria. Next time, I'll just take a cab/limo to Marquee or XS.
Although I'm able to save some decent money by shopping here, I only do so because it's my nearest grocery store. I absolutely despise shopping at this location. Never more than two lanes open while the lines of customers continually back up into the aisles...No self check-out lanes...Employees too afraid to say, \"Look, you've got 73 items. This lane is for express check-out of 15 items or less.\"And what's with the employee named Kenton? I went in this morning to purchase a few Valley Metro passes. I approached the customer service desk where I heard him say, \"Damn! Somebody won.\" He told me I couldn't buy any passes because nobody would be in until 8 o'clock. Well then, Kenton...what the hell were you doing behind the customer service desk scanning your lottery tickets?????If there were a more feasible option, trust me - I'd use it.
I have had too many negative experiences with the staff in this store. Today I tried going back after a year, and again the staff is so unhelpful, unknowledgeable and downright rude. I called to talk with the Manager, and her attitude is just as bad. Which I guess explains the attitudes of the staff. There are plenty of other places to shop that actually appreciate and help customers.
In 15 years of going to Las Vegas, this is about the worst meal I've ever had.Here's my experience, in convenient list format1) 9pm reservation - we sat at 10:15pm. Seriously. They blamed OpenTable, whatever. At the end of the day, if they knew there were problems, how come nobody contacted us? RIDICULOUS.2) Prices - $44 for a piece of fish or chicken? Really? I've been to top restaurants in LV, NYC, SF, etc, and while I've seen expensive food, it comes along with... amazing service, uber-fresh ingredients, creative menus, etc. This was just ripoff central.3) Food quality - my seabass was bland, as in had less flavor than microwaveable fish sticks. One person in our party sent their food back! Chicken was dried out, sides were meh. The \"bright spot\" was the appetizers, which I cannot recall even a few days later, so probably not too bright.4) Ambiance - eh, it was \"fine\". Nothing special, no great decor, nothing revolutionary. 5) Service was decent, they kept glasses full, etc. Again, not amazing (no synchronized food delivery for example), just average. Nothing to justify the cost of the meal.The entire group walked out very disappointed. Wouldn't go back, wouldn't recommend, wouldn't do anything ever again. Maybe they call it Fix because it still needs to be fixed?
I've lived at San Antigua for about 3 years. My apartment is not updated, which is fine with me, because it saves me money (and I work only a mile away, so the commute is fantastic). They did put in all new appliances about a year and a half ago, but I think they are the lowest quality possible. The original microwave had a tag inside that it was manufactured in August 1993 and it was not pretty. But it was clean and it worked better than my new one. Same with the other appliances. I would have been happy if they had replaced the washer with a efficient front loader! But the one I have doesn't even have a delicate cycle. I wash all of my work clothes in lingerie bags (I have about 10 now) to protect them from the beating they would get in that washer.I have had a few maintenance requests, and they have usually come right away. I noticed comments about the water being off, and the water was off often. Once until late at night (when the notice said during the day only) and there was no way to get an update. It was very inconvenient and annoying, but that is resolved.My main issue is with the office staff, which is what is driving me to write today. The two main ladies I've interacted with in the last year (I think one is gone now, but her replacement is no better) are not helpful at all. Last year I was going to be away for 4 weeks and I asked about how I could handle my rent and my water bill payment (I was to return on the 4th of the month). I could pay my rent ahead of time (not ideal, but that's fine). But for the water bill, I should pay more than the amount I paid for that month to make sure I covered next months, because they charge you a late fee if you are one day late. I think they should have worked with me for the $20 water bill that would have been 5 days late. Their attitude was \"too bad\" and they weren't even nice about it.There used to be a drop box that I would drop my rent into on my way to work on the first, but that is now gone. You can pay your rent online now, but the water bill doesn't show up on your account until sometime on the 1st usually after 10 am (I can usually pay at lunch time and its there). Today however, I went to pay a little after noon, and the water bill did not yet show up on my account. I called the office and was told they were having trouble with getting the water bill online. I could bring a check in to the office. I pointed out they don't have a drop box anymore. She pretty much said I would be charged a late fee if I didn't pay today. So I hope I remember to go back online to pay that portion and I have to hope it is there to pay. Its like I get a 6 - 8 (if I'm lucky) hour window to pay the rent and I better make it work with my life. It is very frustrating and annoying. I've never had issues like this any where else I have lived.Last year I probably would have rated them 4 stars, but with my issues with the office staff, I am down to 2. And I'm considering moving out when my lease is up in the fall.
Horrible service. Had a ton of staff but never got what I wanted. Never got my daughters drink, no refills and even asked for crayons on several occasions only to be ignored. Food is nothing special. Overrated. Not happy with our waitress.
Food was okay, I am not waiting all day for it though. If I could go in and get a table right away I'd eat here again, but waiting more than 10 minutes, no thank you! I would rather walk to Matadors or First Watch....P.S. Go for the rosemary potatoes not the hash browns, unless, of course, you would like some hash browns with your grease.
I think it was very bad service and overpriced food. I would have to say I wont go back here again. Nothing about this place wants me to give it another chance and when its so over priced, its hard to give it another chance....Also, I really dont want to sit there in a supposed \"classy\" lounge with girls who are barely dressed at all waiting on tables and leaning over shoving their chest out for us to look at. TRASHY. I wont waste my time or money going back here.
Not a good weekend for dining out, I guess.... Stopped at Byrd's for drinks after work on Friday - here's our take on it.The place is confusing, and it would seem as though the staff is quite confused as well. We walked in and stood at the bar for a few minutes - we weren't sure how to go about scoring an outdoor table, so we thought it best to ask. Unfortunately, no one stopped to help us; the bartender stood on the opposite end of the bar, talking to folks. Waitresses zipped past us without a word. We went upstairs to check on things ourselves and it still wasn't clear if we could just grab a table. So it was back downstairs where we flagged down a manager who told us we could seat ourselves. Whew.Sat at a table outside for a bit before a waitress stopped by to see if we needed anything. We asked about drink specials - she wasn't sure if there were any; perhaps tap beers were $1 off? We ordered a few beers. And waited. And waited some more. And then we switched tables (the shade looked more inviting). And then our beers came out and the waitress was gone. We flagged her down for the check and waited some more. And then we left. Disorganized for sure. Drinks were reasonably priced, but that's about the only positive to share. Unlikely that we'll go back. :-(
I'm electing to give Pink Spot, 1 star for their horrible customer service. I received a text message from their automated system, congratulating me on being the winner of a $100 dollar Pink Spot gift card. Upon arriving to their location I was told that the text message was a mistake, and even thought I came all the way from across town, that they didn't have to honor it What a joke of a business.
We went to Mix with a party of eight to celebrate my friend's 30th birthday. While the views and the interior of the restaurant were amazing, the food and service left much to be desired. To begin with, the hostess didn't ask if we'd prefer to sit inside or outside. We ended up sitting outside...the heat and the altitude began to make us all feel nauseated. I also made the mistake of wearing heels to the restaurant...the floor of the patio was like a deck and my heel kept getting stuck in the floor. Also, every time someone walked by the table, it felt like the floor was shaking (wish I would have known to bring dramamine to dinner). When the waiter came to our table he asked if we had a show to attend. We should have said yes as this might have lead to quicker service. We ended up not ordering wine or cocktails for the table (due to the nausea), and the waiter seemed to write our table off. After we placed our food order, it took an hour for dinner to come. While the food (when it did come) wasn't terrible, it definitely wasn't worth the $90/person we ended up spending. The waiter didn't come to check on us at all throughout the meal. He even spent 20 minutes flirting with some girls at the table next to us while we were waiting for our bill. When we complained to the manager at the end of the meal, he asked why we didn't come speak with him since he was outside the whole time. I don't know about your experiences, but in other restaurants, the manager usually circulates and checks on each table themselves rather than waiting for diners to come up to them. One of the worst dining experiences I've ever had. I will definitely not be going back to Mix.
Went to El Encanto last night. We started going there 12 years ago and back then the food was good but over the last few years (going maybe twice a year) it has gotten decidedly worse. Even though our last few experiences were poor we decided to try again hoping they were simply bad nights for the restaurant. Unfortunately this trip was no better. The chips served were cold and tasted like the oil needed to be changed. I ordered a plato burro which was tasteless considering the sauce poured over top and the beef was chewy. The tortillas was also dry and chewy. My wife had the chilli relleno con pollo. The chili was undercooked and tasted raw, chicken was overdone, my daughter ordered a bean burrito which she complained about the tortillas being dry and chewy, nothing special but it cost us $14 for the bean burrito with a side of beans and rice. My other daughter had the pollo fundido which she said was okay. Should have clued in when I ask the waiter what he would recommend and the only thing was the polo fundido. He said 75% of the patrons have that. After trying other dishes I understand. They forgot our appetizer of stuffed jalapenos so we cancelled them when the entrees were served. Waited 45 minutes from order to entrees and they were not that busy. I used to recommend this place. Have they changed owners? It seems their attention to detail and quality has gone down and the prices have gone up. Their menu mentions awards from 8-10 years ago. No way would they get those now. Not going back and that is a real shame. Pains me to see what used to be a good establishment go downhill. Don't waste your time. There are many better choices for Mexican food.
Their new pastry line is gross! Now that Starbucks has decided to get all political on us with their anti-second amendment position, we are not going back.
If you like really dry, overcooked ribs and tips, come to this place. We came with a big group and it was already packed, so we decided to do carryout. It turned out to be 30 mins of waiting in a small cramped restaurant, with people constantly walking by forcing you to move, when our food finally came. There was also a guy walking out telling me, \"not worth the wait.\" I didn't think too much of it because the place looked promising. We went back to eat it and took about 10 mins figuring out who ordered what. They place all of our food together in 3 bags, which was fine, but they didn't labeled anything. We ordered the combo which included pulled pork, slab of ribs, and rib tips. I only tried the ribs and tips, but they were really dry and the sauce didn't make it any better. I have tried many great ribs, but this one definitely don't cut it. As busy as it gets here, the guy was right, definitely not worth the wait.
They stopped making Canolis and they are inside of Anthony's it looks terrible with the checkered table cloths in Anthony's. It just looks weird to have this place inside a fine dining place. You get confused as to Anthony's or Marinelli's. I do not like the high tables, very uncomfortable. It took Anthony's down several notches in my book!!! Just not the same.
Worst service ever. Waited at table for 15 min no service the went to bar and took order 90 people running around but no one carries
I've come here A LOT. Today I came for lunch and decided to place an order for take out. Usually we go and have NO ISSUES. This time we were practically ignored while waiting for our take out order, which you order from the bar. We ordered two salads which shouldn't have take 35 minutes to get, but it did. The duck dynasty looking dude at the bar who was getting COMPLETELY WASTED and smelled of alcohol when he walked past us was getting better service. PS it was 12:30 when we were there!!! About 5 people who ordered AFTER us were served their food before ours was ready. When we stood there looking at the bartender with the \"where the fuck is our order\" glare she told us it was being \"boxed up now\". 10 minutes later we got our food. I have been there about 6+ times, a few of those were with groups, and I can say I'll never go back. Thanks a lot.
The customer service sucked!! The young lady who signed me in was kind. However, as I was picking out nail polishes as I get a gel mani and a regular polish pedi, I had two colors in hand and I was talking to the young lady about what color I was looking for..the lady who was going to service me just walked up and took one of the polishes out of my hand and started to place it back on the shelf before I told her that I wanted that color. She never greeted me nor indicated that she would be taking care of me. She was very rough and rushed through the pedicure. I'm paying for someone to provide a service and that means you need to be pleasant, gentle, and take your time. I will NOT be going back!
Skip it if you are a vegetarian or health conscious. I had a piece of fish which I ordered \"plain\". I guess I should have specified 'not soaked in butter and oil sauce'. The chopped salad was OK. The breads tick was a soft pretzel stick. For a $50 meal this was mediocre at best. It was worth about $12.The wait staff was great - fast, friendly and the ideal level of attention. Too bad the food is overpriced and not so great.
Slow slow slowIt's mostly Sysco and Shamrock Service food, ya know flash frozen then thrown in a deep fryer, then some 'specials' but they're competing for the lunch business of Vermont Sandwich Company next door.During the day and weekends you have the 'regular' Off Track Betting clients and evenings it's so hard to find a freaking parking spot. It's 'Cheers' of East Scottsdale, all locals and hard to break into their 'clique'. Last Friday their toilets were backed up and no one could use them (had to go over next door to use their competitors, who were sympathetic & friendly), I thought as a health code violation you had to close your doors over this.But if you only have one hour for lunch and plan to go, be prepared in a slow slow afternoon return to work.
We drive by this strip mall frequently so thought we'd try Tosinos. Completely forgettable, average food that tastes like it might have been frozen. We won't be back. I recommend you drive up Power to McKillips and eat at Senior Tacos instead.
It was a fast smog check..... But on the banner it says accepts all coupons. I brought a 9.99 coupon from purrfect auto. The guy there says he does not take the 9.99 coupons but will do it for 15!! Wtf! Last time I checked that was an any coupon!!!!!!
restaurant_test_1180 place is definitely not for us....I've read all the positive reviews and was totally excited to try this place today. We've been craving really good Chinese food that would satisfy our spoiled pallet from Cali. \"Inexpensive, great food, nice service\"...sounded nice...First of all, yes the service is really nice. They were very relaxed and ready to serve you. The order took around 15min for a take out which is pretty fast. Second, the price....yes it is on the cheap side but is it really that inexpensive? For example, compared to Phoenix Palace, most typical menu items are maybe ~$2.00 or so cheaper...but if you ask me, you are compromising the quality of the food for that few dollars you are saving.Third, the food....OILY....really...OILY. *Chili salt chicken wings = 5 pieces for $2.99. Good price, dry, bland, not worth it.*Orange chicken = burnt, drowning in dark sauce, couldn't tell where the meat was...*XO sauce beef =....we found....6 pieces of beef slices and the rest was corn starch and onion mush...with orange colored oil all over.*Bean sauce chow fun with squid = this was the only ok dish. Tons of squid which was cool, but not much chow fun at all...and again, oily.Overall, we didn't like it. Are we gonna go back = NOMaybe try again someday? = NO*Location = good, right across the street from Mekong Plaza*Food = the extra $2.00 is so worth it at other restaurants.*Service = very nice*Decor = very plain
Annoying.... I just want a carwash... I'll even buy the VIP but the up selling gets old and every time I go here the workers are creepy and unprofessional. Won't be going back.
Today, two clerks at the Eastern store insisted that \"Extra Dry\" champagne was drier than \"Brut.\" WRONG!!!
Came here with a friend for the second time. I hate to say this but our sever (his name was Allen or Alex) was extremely rude and unprofessional. He pretty much ignored us pinpoint and took like 50 min to bring WATER, while he served other customers just fine. I was very disappointed since food was as good as before.
Like everyone else, this place is a joke. They make you pay for liability insurance, and mind you I rent cars all the time. Nobody else makes you pay for that sh*t. And to be honesty all the people who work there are PAYLESS and I'm sure they get PAID just as LESS. There is no quality in cars, people, customer service and their prices are far from PAYLESS...I tried calling customer service b/c we will going to be late returning our rental and of course, nobody answers the phone for an hour and I even left a courtesy message to these A**holes to call me back and guess what, no return call. I guess I did PAYLESS for customer service. So people pleeeese, if you are going to rent a car pleeeeese DO NOT use PAYLESS because you get what you PAY for. CRAP!!!!Believe me the corporate office will be hearing from me and they just might get a nice call to the BBB!!! Merry Xmas!!!
Guy behind counter seemed to be texting when we walked in and a bit bothered that we said we had not been before whats good? I just walked out I dont have time for bad attitudes. My husband walked out with a green tea. It was green tea.
Took the family to this particular Red Lobster for my oldest son's birthday (he wanted Red Lobster). We usually go to the S. Alma School location, but decided to try this one. Big mistake! We entered and the hostess was not very friendly, and was rolling her eyes about something when we greeted her. We waited the 15-20 mins to be seated, no biggy. We get seated and the waitress comes by for our drink order. We get drinks and take a few to decide our order, and this is when the fun started. The waitress never mentions specials, etc so as we order I ask for a particular item that she states is popular and that is why they're out of it. I make a choice on something else, but this could have been avoided by a simple explanation of specials and a \"by the way, we are out of this\" So we get our slads and biscuits and it seemed to be ok. Now our order arrives, me and my sons get our orders, my wife gets a portion of what is supposed to be served as an entree in appetizer form. The waitress explains here are these shrimps, the grilled take longer, it's my fault but it should be up in 2 minutes. Ok, 10 minutes later, the grilled shrmp skewer is brought out, no sides that are supposed to be with them. The waitress asks did you want me to bring those out? Really? With a little bit of an attitude I might add. My wife then asks to speak to a manager. He comes over about 5-7 minutes later, which makes me think he may have over camplaints. He was very nice and comped her meal and my son's dessert. The 2 stars are for him making her order right, It will be a long time, if ever we go back there due to some piss poor attitudes by people that should be working in a toll booth rather than dealing in the service industry.
For the love of god, would someone open a Berto's of some kind downtown? I will literally give you a million dollars. I will do it $6 at a time in exchange for delicious carnitas burritos and so will thousands of others.El Portal was sortof el crappy. The service was lackluster and the food meh.\"I think we are out of carne asada. Yeah we are out of carne asada.\"How does that happen? Then the green chili was sortof a greenish mush of blahness and no one trained them to wrap a burrito.I also got a quesadilla which promptly leaked yellow tinged grease onto my pants from boring yellow cheese in a boring tortilla. I also hate a tip line on a receipt from a place where you order your food at the counter and pick it up at the counter and fill your own drinks. And why did everyone else have real plates while mine was a Dixie?Subway is next door.
I needed my hair styled for my sorority formal. I thought going to a teaching salon would be a cheaper and less time consuming alternative than driving home to see my hair dresser. The student I was assigned was running late so I had to wait about 15 minutes until someone was available. I took a picture of exactly what I wanted. She asked several questions an I showed her exactly where I wanted the bun and told her I wanted a lot of volume. The first time she finished my hair I asked is she could change a few things and she ended up redoing it. The second time she could tell I still wasn't happy. She said she didn't know how to fix it and asked me what she should do. Her supervisor came over and messed with my hair a little but I was still unhappy. I paid, went to my car, cried, and took a picture. I sent the picture to my friends and family. They said I should do it myself and that I shouldn't have paid for the horrible work the student did!
We always see this lil restaurant when we pay a visit over to CJ's next door but I only remember it from the days of the original owners of BeeGees :(Anyway, we were craving some Mexican food so we decided to give them a try. When we walked in, there weren't very many customers so we were kind of weary at this point about continuing with our little adventure, but we proceeded on and ordered our food.I ordered a plate that had 1 tamale and 1 chile relleno w/ beans and rice. I'm not asking to blow me out of the water, but the flavor on my entire plate was non-existent :(Honestly, I'm no health inspector but I am pretty sure that the hot sauce containers have to completely be in ice, not just the bottom portion of it... AND there has to be the usual sneeze guards or at least covers not just random containers on a table in front of the bathroom?Staff was uber nice but-- I'm sorry, not returning.
Went in to try and they had no sample cups. I went with a very small serving of plain tart, since I wasn't ready to invest in a flavor I hadn't tried. Good thing, because I found it absolutely disgusting. Even my 19 mo who loves tart fro-yo stuck her tongue out and made her yucky face. We jumped in the car and went to U-Swirl down the road, where we shared an original tart. :)
Will not stay here again. This was our honeymoon trip.1.) We made reservations for 3 nights and decided to add another one a little later so it came up in there system as 2 reservations - makes sense - they said this would not be a our \"first reservation\" night was over apparently the room service thought we were supposed to be gone and tried to come into our room in the middle of the night, not only once, but twice....scaring the living you-know-what out of me. Obviously communication was lacking.2.) When my husband went out to see who was trying to come into our room he took his key with him and found out that our keys were disconnected, meaning we needed to get new room keys. We were told at the front desk there wouldn't be any problems with this, not the case.3.) When we got our new keys we were told that we wouldn't be debited another safety deposit, but when we got our bill we were debited $128 and $200...once again, not what we expected.4.) We came in to see the Mayweather fight and we initially booked a King bed and we believe when we booked the second reservation there were move reservations made thus we got a smaller room, thus for the entire stay we were give the smaller room despite the majority of the time was on the original booking with the bigger room.5.) Room was dark, small, smelled, the trendy heavy glass shower and toilet were right next to each other and was a little uncomfortable if you know what I mean...also opening and closing the doors was annoying since they were quite heavy and made a loud clanging noise when they shut. Lighting was poor and b/c we had the smaller room the head of our bed was against our jail size window. Amenities were lacking, extremely slow internet, dial-up would have been faster and no coffee maker or fridge. We don't drink but there was no mini-bar either. I think we were supposed to be on the non-smoking floor but you could have fooled me!6.) So when we checked out our bill was severely incorrect, I believe I was on hold for about 45 min before we could get the bill reconciled. Also there were these odd \"resort fees\" that we were mysteriously charged....apparently it was b/c we would have had access to the business center, the cardio room, and to receive a USA today't think I saw anyone with a USA Today. And to be honest I am not real confident that this will be my last discussion with them. All in all, not an impressive place to stay, bad service, no great amenities, horrible communication, no one seemed to care about your stay, don't do it, unless you just want a place to crash after a hard night of drinking, I would say that is the only thing this place is good for.
There's only one thing keeping me from giving this place one star, and that's the 2 for 1 deal on main courses at lunch time that makes this informal cafe-cum-eaterie very good value for money. Clearly the student in me is still governing my wallet as I certainly wouldn't go back at any other time, and I probably wouldn't go back at lunch because the waiter who served my friend and I was such a mardy arse. The impression she gave us was that she really didn't want us to be there - and I can not think of a worse impression to give customers. My friend complained that she wouldn't even look her in the eye and she gave me a permanent frown. Zero stars for her. Actually, maybe that's a bit generous.I had an ordinary coffee and a salad and my friend had a thai chicken curry. My salad had far too much dressing and as a result was quite acidic. At \u00a34.50, you can't ask for a lot more than that. The thai curry looked better, to be fair, and both dishes were left clean. The furnishings are adequate but not too comfy or intimate. This would not be a good place to go on a date, for example. But if you're looking for a cheap lunch and are kicking about Broughton Street, it'll do. They're advertising staff, you see. Things could get better on that front.
Drawbacks: - Took at least an hour to get seated (9:15 reservation, 10:15 seated)- Every dish we requested was sold out so the entire table had snapper- Had to ask our waiter for a cocktail and he didn't end up bringing it- Had to go to the bar for a cocktail, while we were seated- Brought the salad with the entree (when we requested it before they said it comes with dinner)- The manager was absolutely dreadful. He kept pushing us off just saying that the restaurant was busy. In the end he picked up a round of drinks off of our bill. That does not make up for the lack of service we received. Positives: - Beautiful room - The tomato salad was good and freshUltimately I would not suggest this restaurant. There are too many restaurants in Las Vegas that are able to pull off good service AND good food. Without the poor service, the food wouldn't make me a repeat customer.
Wow. What a shame. My family just moved to the area and have been sampling the local cuisine. We are a very large family and love foods of all kind. We've eaten Chinese food from a hundred different places in a dozen different cities. Hands down, this was the worst we've ever had. Cold, tough, congealed, and tasteless - that's the only way to describe it. I'll never order from here again. Quite frankly, the fact that I took time away from my kids to type this out should tell you how awful it was. My complaints fell on deaf ears. I guess they were shocked that someone thought that they were serving low grade dog food. I understand that sometimes restaurants crank out bad food. It happens. But when it does, you bend over backwards to make it right. Not at this place. I was told that he would have to speak with the owner in order to help me. I guess that's how they deflect complaints - blame it on the owners that aren't there and make the customer for away angry. Too bad. Because we will be visiting a competitor in the future. This family of 7 won't be visiting China Sea ever again. Oh, and by the way, why can't I give this place zero stars?
New town - Rose Street - we needed to meet up for a drink before dinner - it was decided by others to wait for the dinner guests at the Black Rose. I heard good things about it so yeah why not. We entered and first thing I noticed was the Halloween theme. It looked like someone did a half hearted job on decorating for Halloween and couldn't actually be bothered to take it down.Skulls, spider webs and an Ouija board. The jukebox is full of alternative Hard Rock & Metal, How did I know this? - How could I not?! It was loud, damn loud. Which is off-putting and normally I would have left already, but I was already on my extra cold Guinness and we were to wait for people to meet here. Thus I was to endure the loud grunting noises of Attila, Lordi and the antics of the village idiot that kept bumping into people. After several pints I decided that I needed to go for a trip to the bog. M a j o r m i s t a k e .I have been to many a gentleman's toilets in many shady establishments, spend a penny in the Hogmanay 2006 portaloo and also spend my time in student houses. I've lived in the French country and been to Finnish Uthuussi. All of which I prefer over this toilet. I seriously think they filmed part of the Trainspotting film in this loo. The main toilet was clogged up. I shall not go into details (I can't as I am still dealing with PTSD) The staff was nice, but seemingly not interested in people well being or health, as many patrons went in and out of that toilet. * shudder *Luckily we left after an hour to go to our restaurant.
The view is awesome; too bad the food and service are not at the same level to complete the total package.I do not mind paying $300 for a great dining experience and have traveled the world doing so. Elements just doesn't match up.I made a reservation to celebrate my partner's 50th birthday based on reviews I had read on Yelp. At the time of the reservation I mentioned the birthday event and partner's name to see what Elements would do. . . the answer was zero... no problem, but just one of the many places Elements misses the mark.We arrived early and enjoyed cocktails in the Jade bar (even OK that they delivered the wrong drink). At our scheduled time we moved to the dining room to be told that they were running late and would get a table as soon as possible. I know this happens occasionally. When I made the reservation I realized that there were some Primo tables that everybody raves about and I am of the belief that it is either the luck of the draw or being pushy and assertive that determines seating (silly me I thought a 50th could influence). While we would have been comfortable almost anywhere, we where shown to what has to be the worst table in the room. The table is at the back of the dining room situated between the two doors that servers use for kitchen access. In the 3 minutes we were at the table there was a constant parade of servers on both sides of our table. The fact that this table exists speaks loudly about the priorities of this establishment.Our second table was Primo and we thought that we were on to a great dining experience. The wait staff is cold and at times near rude. There was nothing about any of the staff that was welcoming (including the bar, host, and servers). After starters I went to use the toilet and when returned found my dinner on the table, not terrible but to me another faux pas that should not have happened. We were each given 2 pieces of bread and when the plate was empty it was removed... it would have been nice to have been asked if we would have like more.The food itself ranged from very good to OK. Lobster red pepper bisque was good, though lukewarm; pork appetizer was the best dish. My duck breast main was tough and did not have any noticeable flavor added, just duck.We did enjoy the chocolate dessert. When we requested the check it was dropped so quickly (no thank you for dining, I hope you enjoyed your evening!) and the waitress gone, that I did not get to hand her my in the ready credit card.I was all set to really enjoy Elements based on the reviews... but they seem to be quite busy, so I am sure that will not miss my lack of return visits.
Is it possible to give zero stars?If so, I would.My friend and I had comped day passes to check out the spa, and decided if we liked it, we would stay and get a massage and pedicure.We left after 10 minutes. First of all, check in was completely unprofessional. The locker facility at my LVAC location is nicer than the women's changing room here. The outdoor hydrotherapy pool was closed, there were 2 bugs in the steam room, the showers out by the plunge pools were closed, and about 6 of the workout machines were out of order.We got of there quickly and decided to go to Red Rock next week, which is one of my favorites. I'll let you know how it goes, but ANYTHING would be better than Aquae Sulis.
The first time I went it loved it for greasy food it was yummy junky americanized asian...which I really do crave sometimes...Went back for lunch today, I work close by, and without being graphic I had the worse stomach cramps and have spent the better part of the last hour running back and forth from my desk to the bathroom. NOT FUN! The weird part is...when we walked in, the young boys/chefs chuckled and then turned around and washed his hands before he took our order. SOOO CREEPY! Sorry, but I'm not sorry. I feel taken advantage of and this will not happen to me again and if I can prevent you from having this happen to you then it was all worth it! I plan to call the county today and ask that they investigate. I NEVER do this, and have never thought to.
I agree with all of these reviews. I too had my warranty company send them out to make repairs to a dishwasher. They came out - fixed the dishwasher but didn't replace the light inside that had burned out. I called that day and was told the warranty didn't cover the bulb. I said I wanted to pay and have it fixed anyway.... That was 2 months ago and 4 calls to the exact same person each time. Today when I called again - I was told and I quote - \"Viking would not allow them to order a replacement bulb because they didn't own the dishwasher.\" I called Viking and they said they never heard of this and that they send out parts all the time. I called back and spoke with the exact same person and was told yet again that the owner/manager would call me.... Wonder if I will ever get a call back - not that it matters - I handled everything direct with Viking. I do not recommend this company at all!!!