Fatih Porikli and Yao Wang: Automatic Video Object Segmentation Using Volume Growing and Hierarchical Clustering. (2004) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli name Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli alternativeName Fatih Porikli. Piotr Koniusz et al.: Tensor Representations via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletons. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Piotr Koniusz et al.: Tensor Representations via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletons. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli alternativeName Fatih Murat Porikli. Hyojin Park et al.: Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentation via Unsupervised Adaptation and Cross-Unit Deployment on Mobile Device. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Moloud Abdar et al.: A Review of Deep Learning for Video Captioning. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli alternativeName Fatih M. Porikli. Xiankai Lu et al.: See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Networks. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Xiankai Lu et al.: See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation With Co-Attention Siamese Networks. (2019) authored by Fatih Porikli. Hanzhe Hu et al.: Learning Implicit Feature Alignment Function for Semantic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Hanzhe Hu et al.: Learning Implicit Feature Alignment Function for Semantic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli alternativeName F. Porikli. Fatih Porikli: Automatic threshold determination of centroid-linkage region growing by MPEG-7 dominant color descriptors. (2002) authored by Fatih Porikli. Haoyang Zhang et al.: Learning to Generate Object Segment Proposals with Multi-modal Cues. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Siqi Wang et al.: Anomaly detection in crowded scenes by SL-HOF descriptor and foreground classification. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Hien Van Nguyen and Fatih Porikli: Support Vector Shape: A Classifier-Based Shape Representation. (2013) authored by Fatih Porikli. Samitha Herath et al.: Going deeper into action recognition: A survey. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Samitha Herath et al.: Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Wenguan Wang et al.: Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation with Super-Trajectories. (2019) authored by Fatih Porikli. Ratheesh Kalarot et al.: Component Attention Guided Face Super-Resolution Network: CAGFace. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Ratheesh Kalarot et al.: Component Attention Guided Face Super-Resolution Network: CAGFace. (2019) authored by Fatih Porikli. Kaifeng Zhang et al.: Self-Supervised Geometric Correspondence for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muming Zhao et al.: Scale-Aware Crowd Counting via Depth-Embedded Convolutional Neural Networks. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Kaifeng Zhang et al.: Self-Supervised Geometric Correspondence for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli i10Index 188. Fatih Porikli link Fatih Porikli link Dong Liu et al.: Spatial encoding of visual words for image classification. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli member of Qualcomm (United Kingdom). Xue Mei et al.: Integrated Detection, Tracking and Recognition for IR Video-based Vehicle Classification. (2007) authored by Fatih Porikli. Gao Zhu et al.: Robust Visual Tracking with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Object Proposals on PETS. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Aleksandr Ermolov et al.: Neural 5G Indoor Localization with IMU Supervision. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Aleksandr Ermolov et al.: Neural 5G Indoor Localization with IMU Supervision. (2024) authored by Fatih Porikli. Siqi Wang et al.: Video anomaly detection and localization by local motion based joint video representation and OCELM. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli modified 2023-10-18. Jing Zhang et al.: Deep Salient Object Detection by Integrating Multi-level Cues. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Shubhankar Borse et al.: Panoptic, Instance and Semantic Relations: A Relational Context Encoder to Enhance Panoptic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Shubhankar Borse et al.: Panoptic, Instance and Semantic Relations: A Relational Context Encoder to Enhance Panoptic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Shervin Minaee et al.: Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Murat Porikli: Object Segmentation of Color Video Sequences. (2001) authored by Fatih Porikli. Xin Yu et al.: Hallucinating Unaligned Face Images by Multiscale Transformative Discriminative Networks. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Wenguan Wang et al.: Saliency-Aware Video Object Segmentation. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli alternativeName F.M. Porikli'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
Which author has fewer publications, the creator of 'A verification technique for deterministic parallel programs' or the author of 'Constant time O(1) bilateral filtering'?
Chungheon Yi et al.: Pressure-Pair-Based Floor Localization System Using Barometric Sensors on Smartphones. (2019) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bhuvan Bamba et al.: A motion-aware safe period-based framework for spatial alarm processing. (2010) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ka Ho Chow and Ling Liu: Robust Object Detection Fusion Against Deception. (2021) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Keke Chen and Ling Liu: The "Best K" for Entropy-based Categorical Data Clustering. (2005) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Zhongwei Xie et al.: Learning Joint Embedding with Modality Alignments for Cross-Modal Retrieval of Recipes and Food Images. (2021) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Zhongwei Xie et al.: Learning Joint Embedding with Modality Alignments for Cross-Modal Retrieval of Recipes and Food Images. (2021) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Yuming Wang et al.: Effective Facial Obstructions Removal with Enhanced Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks. (2018) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ling Liu et al.: An XML-based Wrapper Generator for Web Information Extraction. (1999) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Balaji Palanisamy and Ling Liu: Effective mix-zone anonymization techniques for mobile travelers. (2014) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Mehmet Emre Gursoy et al.: An Adversarial Approach to Protocol Analysis and Selection in Local Differential Privacy. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Sung-Hyun Sim et al.: Automatic Discovery of Multi-perspective Process Model using Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Matt Weber et al.: On map matching of wireless positioning data: a selective look-ahead approach. (2010) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Kisung Lee et al.: Road Network-Aware Spatial Alarms. (2016) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Scott Fortin and Ling Liu: An Object-Oriented Approach to Multi-Level Association Rule Mining. (1996) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Gaoyang Liu et al.: Synchronization-Free GPS Spoofing Detection with Crowdsourced Air Traffic Control Data. (2019) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Daniel Rocco et al.: Domain-Specific Web Service Discovery with Service Class Descriptions. (2005) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Kisung Lee et al.: RoadAlarm: A spatial alarm system on road networks. (2013) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Emre Yigitoglu et al.: PrivacyZone: A Novel Approach to Protecting Location Privacy of Mobile Users. (2018) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ka Ho Chow and Ling Liu: Boosting Object Detection Ensembles with Error Diversity. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Binh Han et al.: Road-Network Aware Trajectory Clustering: Integrating Locality, Flow, and Density. (2015) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ling Liu et al.: An XML-enabled data extraction toolkit for web sources. (2001) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bhuvan Bamba et al.: Distributed Processing of Spatial Alarms: A Safe Region-Based Approach. (2009) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Keke Chen and Ling Liu: "Best K": critical clustering structures in categorical datasets. (2009) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Sihao Hu et al.: BERT4ETH: A Pre-trained Transformer for Ethereum Fraud Detection. (2023) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Sihao Hu et al.: BERT4ETH: A Pre-trained Transformer for Ethereum Fraud Detection. (2023) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Binh Han et al.: A Systematic Approach to Clustering Whole Trajectories of Mobile Objects in Road Networks. (2017) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Stacey Truex et al.: Privacy-Preserving Inductive Learning with Decision Trees. (2017) authored by Ling Liu 0001. R. Kipp Jones et al.: Improving Wireless Positioning with Look-ahead Map-Matching. (2007) authored by Ling Liu 0001. David Buttler et al.: A Fully Automated Object Extraction System for the World Wide Web. (2001) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bhuvan Bamba et al.: Supporting anonymous location queries in mobile environments with privacygrid. (2008) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ling Liu et al.: XWRAP: An XML-Enabled Wrapper Construction System for Web Information Sources. (2000) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Yanzhao Wu et al.: Hierarchical Pruning of Deep Ensembles with Focal Diversity. (2024) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Yanzhao Wu et al.: Hierarchical Pruning of Deep Ensembles with Focal Diversity. (2023) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bei Wang et al.: Multi-Dimension Convolutional Neural Network for Bug Localization. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Lakshmish Ramaswamy et al.: Automatic detection of fragments in dynamically generated web pages. (2004) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ka Ho Chow et al.: Understanding Object Detection Through an Adversarial Lens. (2020) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ka Ho Chow et al.: Understanding Object Detection Through An Adversarial Lens. (2020) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bugra Gedik and Ling Liu: Protecting Location Privacy with Personalized k-Anonymity: Architecture and Algorithms. (2008) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Yinglong Ma et al.: A Graph Derivation Based Approach for Measuring and Comparing Structural Semantics of Ontologies. (2014) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Gaoyang Liu et al.: GPS spoofed or not? Exploiting RSSI and TSS in crowdsourced air traffic control data. (2021) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ting Wang et al.: A Temporal Data-Mining Approach for Discovering End-to-End Transaction Flows. (2008) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ming Xu et al.: Covert Secret-Key Agreement Protocol Based on the Underwater Acoustic Channel. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Bhuvan Bamba et al.: Road Network-Aware Anonymization in Mobile Systems with Reciprocity Support. (2015) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Jae-Yoon Jung et al.: Hierarchical Business Process Clustering. (2008) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Yuming Wang et al.: A Relation Extraction Method Based on Entity Type Embedding and Recurrent Piecewise Residual Networks. (2019) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Liu Ling alternativeName Liu Ling. Zhongwei Xie et al.: Learning TFIDF Enhanced Joint Embedding for Recipe-Image Cross-Modal Retrieval Service. (2022) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Zhongwei Xie et al.: Learning TFIDF Enhanced Joint Embedding for Recipe-Image Cross-Modal Retrieval Service. (2021) authored by Ling Liu 0001. Ling Liu 0001 is Person. HaRim Jung et al.: Processing generalized k-nearest neighbor queries on a wireless broadcast stream. (2012) authored by Ling Liu 0001D. '}
What is the average two years citedness of the writer of Workload Adaptive Shared Memory Management for High Performance Network I/O in Virtualized Cloud?
Varun Dutt et al.: Modeling a robotics operator manager in a tactical battlefield. (2011) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Cleotilde Gonzalez and Colleen Vrbin: Dynamic Simulation of Medical Diagnosis: Learning in the Medical Decision Making and Learning Environment MEDIC. (2007) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Thuy-Ngoc Nguyen et al.: Learning in Cooperative Multiagent Systems Using Cognitive and Machine Models. (2023) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Thuy Ngoc Nguyen et al.: Learning in Cooperative Multiagent Systems Using Cognitive and Machine Models. (2023) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Baptiste Prébot et al.: Learning About Simulated Adversaries from Human Defenders using Interactive Cyber-Defense Games. (2023) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Baptiste Prébot et al.: Learning about simulated adversaries from human defenders using interactive cyber-defense games. (2023) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Ion Juvina et al.: Generalization of Learning in Games of Strategic Interaction. (2012) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Palvi Aggarwal et al.: Designing effective masking strategies for cyberdefense through human experimentation and cognitive models. (2022) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Varun Dutt et al.: Cyber Situation Awareness: Modeling Detection of Cyber Attacks With Instance-Based Learning Theory. (2013) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Branislav Bosanský et al.: Decision and Game Theory for Security - 12th International Conference, GameSec 2021, Virtual Event, October 25-27, 2021, Proceedings (2021) edited by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Varun Dutt et al.: Cyber Situation Awareness: Modeling the Security Analyst in a Cyber-Attack Scenario through Instance-Based Learning. (2011) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Omkar Thakoor et al.: Exploiting Bounded Rationality in Risk-Based Cyber Camouflage Games. (2020) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. John Graham et al.: ACognitive Approach to Game Usability and Design: Mental Model Development in Novice Real-Time Strategy Gamers. (2006) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Sabina Sloman et al.: Complex exploration dynamics from simple heuristics in a collective learning environment. (2019) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Michelle Zhao et al.: Teaching agents to understand teamwork: Evaluating and predicting collective intelligence as a latent variable via Hidden Markov Models. (2023) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez. Cleotilde Gonzalez: Learning to Make Decisions in Dynamic Environments: ACT-R Plays the Beer Game. (2004) authored by Cleotilde Gonzalez Besides, since 2018 she is a certified teacher in "Education and Technology" by the Tufts University of Massachusetts and, since 2020, doctor in Social Sciences and Education by the University of Huelva. Her research focuses in the application of artificial intelligence techniques in the education, the adaption and the customization of interfaces and the educational games, as well as the e-learning systems. '}
What is the i10Index of the author with a two-year mean citedness of 1.5405406?
Michael McDougall et al.: A model-based approach to integrating security policies for embedded devices. (2004) authored by Rajeev Alur. Yifei Yuan et al.: Quantitative Network Monitoring with NetQRE. (2017) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Static detection of uncoalesced accesses in GPU programs. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Sebastian Burckhardt et al.: CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models. (2007) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Space-efficient Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Event Streams. (2020) authored by Rajeev Alur. Gera Weiss et al.: Robust stability of multi-hop control networks. (2009) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Stability Guarantees for Feature Attributions with Multiplicative Smoothing. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Stability Guarantees for Feature Attributions with Multiplicative Smoothing. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur. Sebastian Burckhardt et al.: Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study. (2006) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: GPUDrano: Detecting Uncoalesced Accesses in GPU Programs. (2017) authored by Rajeev Alur. Pavol Cerný et al.: Model Checking of Linearizability of Concurrent List Implementations. (2010) authored by Rajeev Alur. Shaull Almagor et al.: Equilibria in Quantitative Concurrent Games. (2018) authored by Rajeev Alur. Houssam Abbas et al.: Quantitative Regular Expressions for Monitoring Cardiac Arrhythmias. (2018) authored by Rajeev Alur. Yifei Yuan et al.: On the feasibility of automation for bandwidth allocation problems in data centers. (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Chordal Sparsity for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Deep Neural Networks. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Chordal Sparsity for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Deep Neural Networks. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Mukund Raghothaman: Decision Problems for Additive Regular Functions. (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Konstantinos Mamouras et al.: Data-trace types for distributed stream processing systems. (2019) authored by Rajeev Alur. Sela Mador-Haim et al.: An Axiomatic Memory Model for POWER Multiprocessors. (2012) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Optimal scheduling for constant-rate multi-mode systems. (2012) authored by Rajeev Alur. Alessandro D'Innocenzo et al.: Scalable scheduling algorithms for wireless networked control systems. (2009) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Model-Checking of Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects. (2000) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Safe schedulability of bounded-rate multi-mode systems. (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Modeling and Analysis of Multi-hop Control Networks. (2009) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Mukund Raghothaman: Decision Problems for Additive Regular Functions (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Safe Schedulability of Bounded-Rate Multi-Mode Systems (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Model-Checking of Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects. (1996) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Schedulability of Bounded-Rate Multimode Systems. (2017) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Systems Computing Challenges in the Internet of Things. (2016) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Gadi Taubenfeld: Contention-Free Complexity of Shared Memory Algorithms. (1996) authored by Rajeev Alur. Konstantinos Kallas et al.: Executing Microservice Applications on Serverless, Correctly. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Gadi Taubenfeld: Contention-free Complexity of Shared Memory Algorithms. (1994) authored by Rajeev Alur. Luan Viet Nguyen et al.: Detecting security leaks in hybrid systems with information flow analysis. (2019) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Hedging Bets in Markov Decision Processes. (2016) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Optimal Reachability for Weighted Timed Games. (2004) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Block-Size Independence for GPU Programs. (2018) authored by Rajeev Alur. Lei Shi et al.: Session-layer Attack Traffic Classification by Program Synthesis. (2020) authored by Rajeev Alur. Houssam Abbas et al.: Real-Time Decision Policies With Predictable Performance. (2018) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: A Robust Theory of Series Parallel Graphs. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur\nProf. D
From which institute did the writer of Tutorial I: Syntax-guided synthesis get his bachelor's degree?
Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName Saswati Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay name Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName Bandyopadhyay Sanghamitra. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay modified 2023-10-18. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName Sibasis Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName S.S. Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName S. Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay alternativeName Bandyopadhyay Sibasis. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay i10Index 175. Sucheta Dawn and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: IV-GNN : Interval Valued Data Handling Using Graph Neural Network. (2021) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Samir Roy et al.: Efficient BIST design for sequential machines using FiF-FoF values in machine states. (2003) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sucheta Dawn and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: IV-GNN : interval valued data handling using graph neural network. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay is Person. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay and Ramkrishna Mitra: TargetMiner: microRNA target prediction with systematic identification of tissue-specific negative examples. (2009) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay et al.: In Silico Design of Ligands Using Properties of Target Active Sites. (2007) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Monidipa Das et al.: A Multilayered Adaptive Recurrent Incremental Network Model for Heterogeneity-Aware Prediction of Derived Remote Sensing Image Time Series. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Anirban Bhar et al.: Coexpression and coregulation analysis of time-series gene expression data in estrogen-induced breast cancer cell. (2013) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sumanta Ray et al.: A Deep Integrated Framework for Predicting SARS-CoV2-Human Protein-Protein Interaction. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay et al.: Priority based ∈ dominance: A new measure in multiobjective optimization. (2015) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Grazyna Starzec et al.: Two-Dimensional Pheromone in Ant Colony Optimization. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay et al.: A review of in silico approaches for analysis and prediction of HIV-1-human protein-protein interactions. (2015) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Shubhra Sankar Ray et al.: New Genetic Operators for Solving TSP: Application to Microarray Gene Ordering. (2005) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Mrittika Chakraborty et al.: A Survey on Multi-Objective based Parameter Optimization for Deep Learning. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sayan Saha et al.: GraphEx: A User-Centric Model-Level Explainer for Graph Neural Networks. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sucheta Dawn et al.: SoURA: a user-reliability-aware social recommendation system based on graph neural network. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Monalisa Pal and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: Consensus of Subjective Preferences of Multiple Occupants for Building Energy Management. (2018) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay link
How many papers are attributed to the academic institution where the researcher who authored 'An automatic shape independent clustering technique' works?
Wojciech Stach et al.: Data-driven Nonlinear Hebbian Learning method for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Learning of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Using Density Estimate. (2012) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Evolutionary Development of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2005) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Parallel Learning of Large Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2007) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Joo Heon Shin et al.: Recognition of Partially Occluded and Rotated Images With a Network of Spiking Neurons. (2010) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: A divide and conquer method for learning large Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2010) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Marcin J. Mizianty et al.: Discretization as the enabling technique for the Naïve Bayes and semi-Naïve Bayes-based classification. (2010) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Alireza Farhangfar et al.: Impact of imputation of missing values on classification error for discrete data. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Waldemar Swiercz et al.: A new synaptic plasticity rule for networks of spiking neurons. (2006) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Marcin J. Mizianty et al.: Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Discretization on the Classification with Naïve Bayes and Semi-Naïve Bayes Classifiers. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Numerical and Linguistic Prediction of Time Series With the Use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan name Lukasz Kurgan. Lukasz A. Kurgan et al.: Semantic Mapping of XML Tags Using Inductive Machine Learning. (2002) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz A. KurganS. D. '}. Kurgan earned his Ph. A
What are the types of the institution where the author of 'Consensus-Based Prediction of RNA and DNA Binding Residues from Protein Sequences' is affiliated?
Lisa Koeman et al.: "Everyone Is Talking about It!": A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations. (2015) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Leon Reicherts et al.: Extending Chatbots to Probe Users: Enhancing Complex Decision-Making Through Probing Conversations. (2022) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Ana Javornik et al.: 'What lies behind the filter?' Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being. (2022) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Mara Balestrini et al.: A City in Common: A Framework to Orchestrate Large-scale Citizen Engagement around Urban Issues. (2017) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Shahram Izadi et al.: Dynamo: a public interactive surface supporting the cooperative sharing and exchange of media. (2003) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Keerthi Thomas et al.: Studying location privacy in mobile applications: 'predator vs. prey' probes. (2009) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Giovanna Nunes Vilaza et al.: Here, this and next: evaluating public engagement with multiple, distributed and interlinked devices. (2018) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Mara Balestrini et al.: Understanding sustained community engagement: a case study in heritage preservation in rural argentina. (2014) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Stefan Kreitmayer et al.: Sharing bubbles: reflections on offline multi-surface scenarios. (2013) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Anijo P. Mathew et al.: Post-it note art: evaluating public creativity at a user generated art installation. (2011) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Leon Reicherts et al.: It's Good to Talk: A Comparison of Using Voice Versus Screen-Based Interactions for Agent-Assisted Tasks. (2022) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Simo Hosio et al.: Human interfaces for civic and urban engagement: HiCUE '13. (2013) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Roman Rädle et al.: HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration. (2014) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Mara Balestrini et al.: Jokebox: Coordinating Shared Encounters in Public Spaces. (2016) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Ana Javornik et al.: An experimental study on the role of augmented reality content type in an outdoor site exploration. (2019) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Roman Rädle et al.: Demonstrating HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration. (2014) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Hamed S. Alavi et al.: Introduction to Human-Building Interaction (HBI): Interfacing HCI with Architecture and Urban Design. (2019) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Steven Houben et al.: Roam-IO: Engaging with People Tracking Data through an Interactive Physical Data Installation. (2019) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Vaiva Kalnikaité et al.: How to nudge in Situ: designing lambent devices to deliver salient information in supermarkets. (2011) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Ana Javornik et al.: Revealing the Shopper Experience of Using a "Magic Mirror" Augmented Reality Make-Up Application. (2016) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Roman Rädle et al.: Spatially-aware or Spatially-agnostic?: Elicitation and Evaluation of User-Defined Cross-Device Interactions. (2015) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Ashild Kummen et al.: MotionInput v2.0 supporting DirectX: A modular library of open-source gesture-based machine learning and computer vision methods for interacting and controlling existing software with a webcam. (2021) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Hans-Christian Jetter et al.: Suspicious boxes and friendly aliens: exploring the physical design of urban sensing technology. (2014) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Sarah Gallacher et al.: SmallTalk: Using Tangible Interactions to Gather Feedback from Children. (2016) authored by Yvonne Rogers. William R. Hazlewood et al.: Bricolage and consultation: addressing new design challenges when building large-scale installations. (2010) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Hilary Smith et al.: Eliciting reactive and reflective feedback for a social communication tool: a multi-session approach. (2004) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Mara Balestrini et al.: Civically engaged HCI: tensions between novelty and social impact. (2015) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Nima Zargham et al.: "Funny How?" A Serious Look at Humor in Conversational Agents. (2023) authored by Yvonne Rogers. Wolfgang Prinz et al.: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 16-20 September 2001, Bonn, Germany (2001) edited by Yvonne Rogers\nRogers was a principal investigator for the ICRI project in collaboration with Intel. \nRogers worked on an augmented reality (AR) project to "try on" makeup and see how this AR influences buying decisions. One of the projects was "Ambient Wood", encouraging children to explore biological processes in a forest using wireless probes
In which year did Yvonne Rogers complete her Master of Science degree in ergonomics?
Waqas Ikram et al.: Towards a radio-controlled time synchronized wireless sensor network: A work in-progress paper. (2010) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Dionysios P. Xenos et al.: Operational optimization of networks of compressors considering condition-based maintenance. (2016) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Waqas Ikram and Nina F. Thornhill: Towards the development of a wireless network node lifetime calculation tool. (2013) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Waqas Ikram et al.: Adaptive Multi-Channel Transmission Power Control for Industrial Wireless Instrumentation. (2014) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Marta A. Zagorowska et al.: Load-Sharing Strategy Taking Account of Compressor Degradation. (2018) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Marta A. Zagorowska et al.: Load-Sharing With Degradation Management in a Compressor Station. (2024) authored by Nina F. Thornhill. Nina F. Thornhill alternativeName Nina Thornhill. Nina F. Thornhill name Nina F. Thornhill. Nina F. Thornhill alternativeName Nina F Thornhill'}. D
What accolade did the author of 'Finding the source of nonlinearity in a process with plant-wide oscillation' receive from Imperial College London in 2017?
Ryutaro Ichise et al.: Semantic Technology - 8th Joint International Conference, JIST 2018, Awaji, Japan, November 26-28, 2018, Proceedings (2018) edited by Stephen H. Muggleton. Edward O. Cannon et al.: Support vector inductive logic programming outperforms the naive Bayes classifier and inductive logic programming for the classification of bioactive chemical compounds. (2007) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Andreas Fidjeland et al.: A Customisable Multiprocessor for Application-Optimised Inductive Logic Programming. (2008) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. José Carlos Almeida Santos et al.: Automated identification of protein-ligand interaction features using Inductive Logic Programming: a hexose binding case study. (2012) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Marcel Turcotte et al.: Generating Protein Three-dimensional Fold Signatures using Inductive Logic Programming. (2002) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Ghazal Afroozi Milani et al.: Machine Learning and Text Mining of Trophic Links. (2012) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Jianzhong Chen et al.: Protein Fold Discovery Using Stochastic Logic Programs. (2008) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Andreas Kirkeby Fidjeland et al.: Customisable Multi-Processor Acceleration of Inductive Logic Programming. (2011) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Kazuhisa Tsunoyama et al.: Scaffold Hopping in Drug Discovery Using Inductive Logic Programming. (2008) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. A. P. Cootes et al.: Automatic determination of protein fold signatures from structural superpositions. (2001) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Ashwin Srinivasan et al.: Theories for Mutagenicity: A Study in First-Order and Feature-Based Induction. (1996) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Jung-Wook Bang et al.: Interpretation of Hidden Node Methodology in Automated Classification of Neural Cell Morphology. (2003) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Jianzhong Chen et al.: Learning Probabilistic Logic Models from Probabilistic Examples (Extended Abstract). (2007) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Didac Barroso-Bergada et al.: Machine Learning of Microbial Interactions Using Abductive ILP and Hypothesis Frequency/Compression Estimation. (2021) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Luc De Raedt et al.: Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - A Further Synthesis, 15.04. - 20.04.2007 (2008) edited by Stephen H. Muggleton. Sam Roberts et al.: A Comparison of ILP and Propositional Systems on Propositional Traffic Data. (1998) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Ute Schmid et al.: Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming (Dagstuhl Seminar 17382). (2017) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. José Carlos Almeida Santos et al.: An ILP System for Learning Head Output Connected Predicates. (2009) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Huma Lodhi et al.: Multi-class protein fold recognition using large margin logic based divide and conquer learning. (2009) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Huma Lodhi et al.: Multi-Class protein fold recognition using large margin logic based divide and conquer learning. (2009) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. José Hernández-Orallo et al.: Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming (Dagstuhl Seminar 15442). (2015) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Luc De Raedt et al.: Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming - Theory and Applications (2008) edited by Stephen H. Muggleton. Andreas Fidjeland et al.: Scalable acceleration of inductive logic programs. (2002) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton. Stephen H. Muggleton et al.: Inductive Logic Programming, 16th International Conference, ILP 2006, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 24-27, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (2007) edited by Stephen H. Muggleton. Koichi Furukawa et al.: Machine Intelligence 14, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Machine Intelligence Workshop, held at Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan, November 1993 (1995) edited by Stephen H. Muggleton. Luc De Raedt et al.: Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming (Dagstuhl Seminar 19202). (2019) authored by Stephen H. Muggleton His present work concentrates on the development of Meta-Interpretive Learning, a new form of Inductive Logic Programming which supports predicate invention and learning of recursive programs. King that is capable of combining Inductive Logic Programming with active learning. "}
What position does Stephen H. Muggleton currently hold at Imperial College London?
Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E.E Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Konofagou Elisa. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa Evgenia Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E. E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou name Elisa E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa. E. KonofagouS. \nAwards received by Konofagou include:"}. Inter-country Award in 2019
Where did the author who published 'In Vivo Feasibility of Real-Time Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS) Using Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI)' graduate with her bachelor's degree?
Nikita Zeulin et al.: Dynamic Network-Assisted D2D-Aided Coded Distributed Learning. (2021) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Nikita Zeulin et al.: Dynamic Network-Assisted D2D-Aided Coded Distributed Learning. (2023) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Amin Abdel Khalek et al.: Online learning for quality-driven unequal protection of scalable video. (2012) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Chao Chen et al.: A Markov Decision Model for Adaptive Scheduling of Stored Scalable Videos. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Nikita Zeulin et al.: Online Distributed Learning Strategies for Collaborative Extended Reality Applications. (2021) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Sumohana S. Channappayya et al.: Multiple Description Image Coding Using Natural Scene Statistics. (2005) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Yun Chen et al.: Collision-Free UAV Navigation with a Monocular Camera Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2020) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Jeonghun Park et al.: Dynamic bit selection in mixed-ADC cloud-RAN systems. (2017) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Angel E. Lozano et al.: Fundamental Limits of Cooperation. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Amin Abdel Khalek et al.: Video quality-maximizing resource allocation and scheduling with statistical delay guarantees. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath name Robert W. Heath. Joel A. Tropp et al.: Designing structured tight frames via an alternating projection method. (2005) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Chao Chen et al.: Rate Adaptation and Admission Control for Video Transmission with Subjective Quality Constraints. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Chao Chen et al.: Rate Adaptation and Admission Control for Video Transmission With Subjective Quality Constraints. (2015) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Inderjit S. Dhillon et al.: Generalized Finite Algorithms for Constructing Hermitian Matrices with Prescribed Diagonal and Spectrum. (2005) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Zrinka Puljiz et al.: A Machine Learning Approach to Link Adaptation for SC-FDE System. (2011) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Angel E. Lozano et al.: Fundamental Limits of Cooperation (2012) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert Heath. Chao Chen et al.: Adaptive policies for real-time video transmission: A Markov decision process framework. (2011) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath Jr. and Nuria González Prelcic: Machine-Learning Class [Humor]. (2019) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Nitin Jonathan Myers and Robert W. Heath Jr.: A Quaternion-Based Approach to Construct Quaternary Periodic Complementary Pairs. (2020) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath Jr. and Ahmed H. Tewfik: General chairs' welcome. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Cristian Rusu et al.: Algorithms for the Construction of Incoherent Frames Under Various Design Constraints. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Cristian Rusu et al.: Algorithms for the construction of incoherent frames under various design constraints. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Bishwarup Mondal et al.: Quantization on the Complex Projective Space. (2006) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Alberto Rico-Alvariño et al.: FER Estimation in a Memoryless BSC With Variable Frame Length and Unreliable ACK/NAK Feedback. (2017) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Amin Abdel Khalek et al.: A Cross-Layer Design for Perceptual Optimization Of H.264/SVC with Unequal Error Protection. (2012) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Namyoon Lee et al.: Index Coding with Coded Side-Information. (2015) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Namyoon Lee et al.: Index Coding With Coded Side-Information. (2015) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Xinchen Zhang et al.: An Indoor Correlated Shadowing Model. (2015) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert W. Heath. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. Heath. Anum Ali et al.: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Autonomous Vehicles: Safety and Maneuver Planning. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. Heather. Jianhua Mo et al.: Hybrid Architectures With Few-Bit ADC Receivers: Achievable Rates and Energy-Rate Tradeoffs. (2017) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Jianhua Mo et al.: Hybrid Architectures with Few-Bit ADC Receivers: Achievable Rates and Energy-Rate Tradeoffs. (2016) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Seogoo Lee et al.: Distributed Real-Time Implementation of Interference Alignment with Analog Feedback. (2015) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert Heather. Sumohana S. Channappayya et al.: SSIM-optimal linear image restoration. (2008) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Alberto Rico-Alvariño et al.: FER prediction with variable codeword length. (2014) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Sumohana S. Channappayya et al.: Perceptual soft thresholding using the structural similarity index. (2008) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath 2YrMeanCitedness 7.870967864990234375. Robert W. Heath alternativeName W. Heath. Robert C. Daniels et al.: Forward Collision Vehicular Radar With IEEE 802.11: Feasibility Demonstration Through Measurements. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Chao Chen et al.: A dynamic system model of time-varying subjective quality of video streams over HTTP. (2013) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R W. Heather. Joel A. Tropp et al.: Finite-Step Algorithms for Constructing Optimal CDMA Signature Sequences. (2004) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Jianhua Mo et al.: Achievable Rates of Hybrid Architectures with Few-Bit ADC Receivers. (2016) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Jiayao Zhang et al.: Grassmannian Learning: Embedding Geometry Awareness in Shallow and Deep Learning. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. W. HeatherS. S. S. D. D. Heath Jr. e. \nHeath received his Ph. 11n). "}
What is the current position of the author of 'MmWave MU-MIMO for Aerial Networks'?
Jerry Liu et al.: Metaphor Detection Using Contextual Word Embeddings From Transformers. (2020) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Benjamin Letham et al.: Bayesian Inference of Arrival Rate and Substitution Behavior from Sales Transaction Data with Stockouts. (2016) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Han Zhang et al.: Uncertainty Quantification of Bandgaps in Acoustic Metamaterials with Stochastic Geometric Defects and Material Properties. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. William Souillard-Mandar et al.: Learning classification models of cognitive conditions from subtle behaviors in the digital Clock Drawing Test. (2016) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Tong Wang et al.: Or's of And's for Interpretable Classification, with Application to Context-Aware Recommender Systems. (2015) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Dennis Tang et al.: ProtoEEGNet: An Interpretable Approach for Detecting Interictal Epileptiform Discharges. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Zijie J. Wang et al.: TimberTrek: Exploring and Curating Sparse Decision Trees with Interactive Visualization. (2022) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Zijie J. Wang et al.: TimberTrek: Exploring and Curating Sparse Decision Trees with Interactive Visualization. (2022) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Been Kim et al.: The Bayesian Case Model: A Generative Approach for Case-Based Reasoning and Prototype Classification. (2015) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Been Kim et al.: The Bayesian Case Model: A Generative Approach for Case-Based Reasoning and Prototype Classification. (2014) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Yunyao Zhu et al.: BacHMMachine: An Interpretable and Scalable Model for Algorithmic Harmonization for Four-part Baroque Chorales. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Sully F. Chen et al.: Learned Kernels for Interpretable and Efficient PPG Signal Quality Assessment and Artifact Segmentation. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Zhicheng Guo et al.: SiamAF: Learning Shared Information from ECG and PPG Signals for Robust Atrial Fibrillation Detection. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Zhi Chen et al.: How to See Hidden Patterns in Metamaterials with Interpretable Machine Learning. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Pranay Jain et al.: A Self-Supervised Algorithm for Denoising Photoplethysmography Signals for Heart Rate Estimation from Wearables. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Yingfan Wang et al.: Understanding How Dimension Reduction Tools Work: An Empirical Approach to Deciphering t-SNE, UMAP, TriMap, and PaCMAP for Data Visualization. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Yingfan Wang et al.: Understanding How Dimension Reduction Tools Work: An Empirical Approach to Deciphering t-SNE, UMAP, TriMAP, and PaCMAP for Data Visualization. (2020) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Tong Wang et al.: Finding Patterns with a Rotten Core: Data Mining for Crime Series with Cores. (2015) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Jiachang Liu et al.: OKRidge: Scalable Optimal k-Sparse Ridge Regression for Learning Dynamical Systems. (2023) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Yijie Bei et al.: New Techniques for Preserving Global Structure and Denoising With Low Information Loss in Single-Image Super-Resolution. (2018) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Yijie Bei et al.: New Techniques for Preserving Global Structure and Denoising with Low Information Loss in Single-Image Super-Resolution. (2018) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Oscar Li et al.: Deep Learning for Case-based Reasoning through Prototypes: A Neural Network that Explains its Predictions. (2017) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Oscar Li et al.: Deep Learning for Case-Based Reasoning Through Prototypes: A Neural Network That Explains Its Predictions. (2018) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Alina Jade Barnett et al.: Interpretable Mammographic Image Classification using Cased-Based Reasoning and Deep Learning. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Divya Koyyalagunta et al.: Playing Codenames with Language Graphs and Word Embeddings. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Divya Koyyalagunta et al.: Playing Codenames with Language Graphs and Word Embeddings. (2021) authored by Cynthia Rudin. Haiyang Huang et al.: SegDiscover: Visual Concept Discovery via Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Cynthia Rudin Series Finder was built into the Patternizr algorithm used by the NYPD to detect patterns of crime committed by the same individual(s). '}. D. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research in 2017. in applied and computational mathematics at Princeton University in 2004. \nRudin was named by Businessinsider. com as one of the 12 most impressive professors at MIT in 2015
What award did Cynthia Rudin receive in 2022?
Pavol Hell name Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell alternativeName Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell alternativeName P. Hell. Pavol Hell is Person. Pavol Hell i10Index 116. Pavol Hell worksCount 311. Hovhannes A. Harutyunyan et al.: Messy broadcasting - Decentralized broadcast schemes with limited knowledge. (2011) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell and Jaroslav Nesetril: In praise of homomorphisms. (2021) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell 2YrMeanCitedness 0.11111111193895339966. Pavol Hell orcidId Arash Rafiey and Pavol Hell: Duality for Min-Max Orderings and Dichotomy for Min Cost Homomorphisms (2009) authored by Pavol Hell. Tomás Feder et al.: Brooks-Type Theorems for Pair-List Colorings and List Homomorphisms. (2008) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell is Creator. Luisa Gargano et al.: Spanning spiders and light-splitting switches. (2004) authored by Pavol Hell. David G. Kirkpatrick and Pavol Hell: On the Completeness of a Generalized Matching Problem (1978) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell et al.: On homomorphisms to acyclic local tournaments. (1995) authored by Pavol Hell. Tomás Feder and Pavol Hell: Complexity of Correspondence Homomorphisms. (2017) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell and Mayssam Mohammadi Nevisi: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms with Constrained Costs. (2016) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell and Mayssam Mohammadi Nevisi: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms with Constrained Costs. (2016) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell and Xuding Zhu: The Existence of Homomorphisms to Oriented Cycles. (1995) authored by Pavol Hell. Tomás Feder et al.: Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions. (2005) authored by Pavol Hell. Pavol Hell member of Simon Fraser University. Pavol Hell link Pavol Hell link Pavol Hell citedByCount 6789. Pavol Hell link Pavol Hell et al.: Homomorphisms to oriented cycles. (1993) authored by Pavol Hell'}. Hell started his mathematical studies at Charles University in Prague, and moved to Canada in August 1968 after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia
What is the hIndex of the writer of The core of a graph published in Discret. Math. in 1992?
Ruan G. S. Gomes et al.: A hybrid multi-step sensitivity-driven evolutionary polynomial regression enables robust model structure selection. (2022) authored by Jasper A. Vrugt. Erin M. Shockley et al.: PyDREAM: high-dimensional parameter inference for biological models in python. (2018) authored by Jasper A. Vrugt. Jasper A. Vrugt alternativeName Jasper A. Vrugt. Jasper A. Vrugt alternativeName Jasper Vrugt. Frederike Vincent et al.: Forward and Inverse L-Band Radiative Transfer Modeling over the Dry Chaco, Using SMOS Observations, Land Surface Modeling and in Situ Data. (2021) authored by Jasper A. Vrugt\n/'}. As recipient of this medal, Dr. In 2010, he received the James B
Which author has more publications, the scholar who published the article entitled 'Geographic information systems' or the creator of 'Median trajectories using well-visited regions and shortest paths'?
JunSuk Shin et al.: On Improving the Reliability of Packet Delivery in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks. (2007) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Rajnish Kumar et al.: On Improving Wireless Broadcast Reliability of Sensor Networks Using Erasure Codes. (2006) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Difei Cao et al.: MicroEdge: a multi-tenant edge cluster system architecture for scalable camera processing. (2022) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Rajnish Kumar et al.: System Support for Cross-Layering in Sensor Network Stack. (2006) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Enrique Saurez et al.: Utility-Aware Load Shedding for Real-time Video Analytics at the Edge. (2023) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Anirudh Sarma et al.: NFSlicer: Data Movement Optimization for Shallow Network Functions. (2022) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Kirak Hong et al.: A Distributed Framework for Spatio-Temporal Analysis on Large-Scale Camera Networks. (2013) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Boris Koldehofe et al.: Rollback-recovery without checkpoints in distributed event processing systems. (2013) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Kirak Hong et al.: Scalable Spatio-temporal Analysis on Distributed Camera Networks. (2013) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Alan Nussbaum et al.: Real-Time Software Architecture for EM-Based Radar Signal Processing and Tracking. (2022) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Zhuangdi Xu et al.: STTR: A System for Tracking All Vehicles All the Time At the Edge of the Network. (2018) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Sandip Agarwala et al.: e-SAFE: An Extensible, Secure and Fault Tolerant Storage System. (2007) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Umakishore Ramachandran et al.: Dynamic data fusion for future sensor networks. (2006) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Harshit Gupta and Umakishore Ramachandran: FogStore: A Geo-Distributed Key-Value Store Guaranteeing Low Latency for Strongly Consistent Access. (2018) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Zhuangdi Xu et al.: Coral-Pie: A Geo-Distributed Edge-compute Solution for Space-Time Vehicle Tracking. (2020) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Vibby Gottemukkala et al.: Relaxed Index Consistency for a Client-Server Database. (1996) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Zhuangdi Xu et al.: Space-Time Vehicle Tracking at the Edge of the Network. (2019) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran. Moonkyung Ryu et al.: Why are state-of-the-art flash-based multi-tiered storage systems performing poorly for HTTP video streaming? (2012) authored by Umakishore Ramachandran'}. {'author_wikipedia_text': 'Umakishore Ramachandran from the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Computer Science was named Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2014 for contributions to programming idioms for parallel and distributed systems and design of scalable shared memory systems
What is the hIndex of the writer of Creating a revolutionary academic program with Zvi Galil at Commun. ACM in 2022?
Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: New techniques for extracting features from protein sequences. (2001) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Karen E. Thum et al.: An integrated genetic, genomic and systems approach defines gene networks regulated by the interaction of light and carbon signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. (2008) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Gabriel Krouk et al.: A Systems Approach Uncovers Restrictions for Signal Interactions Regulating Genome-wide Responses to Nutritional Cues in Arabidopsis. (2009) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Dennis Shasha alternativeName Dennis E. Shasha. Dennis Shasha name Dennis Shasha. Dennis Shasha alternativeName Dennis Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data: Tools, Techniques and Applications (1999) edited by Dennis E. Shasha. Dennis Shasha alternativeName D. Shasha. Dennis Shasha alternativeName D. E. Shasha. Christopher S. Poultney et al.: Sungear: interactive visualization and functional analysis of genomic datasets. (2007) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Helena Galhardas et al.: Improving Data Cleaning Quality Using a Data Lineage Facility. (2001) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Xiong Wang et al.: Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Three Dimensional Molecules. (1997) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Christophe Salperwyck et al.: GhostDB: Hiding Data from Prying Eyes. (2007) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Alfredo Ferro et al.: NetMatch: a Cytoscape plugin for searching biological networks. (2007) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Misael Mongiovì et al.: gLabTrie: A Data Structure for Motif Discovery with Constraints. (2018) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Noah Youngs et al.: Positive-Unlabeled Learning in the Face of Labeling Bias. (2015) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Yasuhiro Fujiwara and Dennis E. Shasha: Quiet: Faster Belief Propagation for Images and Related Applications. (2015) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Multiple RNA Secondary Structures. (1996) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Xuefeng Cui et al.: Homology search for genes. (2007) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: Pattern Discovery and Classification in Biosequences. (1999) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Giovanni Micale et al.: Fast analytical methods for finding significant labeled graph motifs. (2018) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Eduardo da Silva Mattos and Dennis E. Shasha: Bankruptcy prediction with low-quality financial information. (2024) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Amir Khatibi et al.: Improving Tourism Prediction Models Using Climate and Social Media Data: A Fine-Grained Approach. (2018) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Xiong Wang et al.: Finding Patterns in Three-Dimensional Graphs: Algorithms and Applications to Scientific Data Mining. (2002) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Fabio Rinnone et al.: NetMatchStar: an enhanced Cytoscape network querying app. (2015) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Nicolas Anciaux et al.: GhostDB: querying visible and hidden data without leaks. (2007) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Noah Youngs et al.: Negative Example Selection for Protein Function Prediction: The NoGO Database. (2014) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: Introduction to Data Mining in Bioinformatics. (2005) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Dennis Shasha alternativeName Dennis Elliott Shasha. Giovanni Micale et al.: Fast methods for finding significant motifs on labelled multi-relational networks. (2019) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Cinzia Di Pietro et al.: AntiClustAl: Multiple Sequence Alignment by Antipole Clustering. (2005) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Nikunj Gupta et al.: On the calibration of compartmental epidemiological models. (2023) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Vincenzo Bonnici et al.: Enhancing Graph Database Indexing by Suffix Tree Structure. (2010) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: TreeRank: A Similarity Measure for Nearest Neighbor Searching in Phylogenetic Databases. (2003) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Raffaele Di Natale et al.: SING: Subgraph search In Non-homogeneous Graphs. (2010) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Jason Tsong-Li Wang et al.: New Techniques for DNA Sequence Classification. (1999) authored by Dennis E. Shasha. Xin Zhang et al.: Fast Elastic Peak Detection for Mass Spectrometry Data Mining. (2012) authored by Dennis E. Shasha He lives in New York with his wife Karen. \nProfessor Shasha is a prolific author, researcher, tango dancer, climber, and public speaker. D. "}
What is the cited by count for the educational institute of the author of the paper 'Dover; an optimal on-line scheduling algorithm for overloaded real-time systems'?
Jian Ma et al.: DUPCAR: Reconstructing Contiguous Ancestral Regions with Duplications. (2008) authored by David Haussler. Alex Spaeth et al.: Neuromorphic Closed-Loop Control of a Flexible Modular Robot by a Simulated Spiking Central Pattern Generator. (2020) authored by David Haussler. Adam M. Novak et al.: Canonical, stable, general mapping using context schemes. (2015) authored by David Haussler. Maxim Kuznetsov et al.: The Immersive Graph Genome Explorer: Navigating Genomics in Immersive Virtual Reality. (2021) authored by David Haussler. Alex Spaeth et al.: Spiking neural state machine for gait frequency entrainment in a flexible modular robot. (2020) authored by David Haussler. Michael G. Main et al.: Applications of an Infinite Square-Free CO-CFL. (1987) authored by David Haussler. Hui Wang et al.: Gene structure-based splice variant deconvolution using a microarry platform. (2003) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler et al.: A Flow Procedure for Linearization of Genome Sequence Graphs. (2018) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler et al.: A Flow Procedure for the Linearization of Genome Sequence Graphs. (2017) authored by David Haussler. Jian Ma et al.: A Heuristic Algorithm for Reconstructing Ancestral Gene Orders with Duplications. (2007) authored by David Haussler. David F. Parks et al.: IoT cloud laboratory: Internet of Things architecture for cellular biology. (2022) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler name David Haussler. Krishna M. Roskin et al.: Scoring two-species local alignments to try to statistically separate neutrally evolving from selected DNA segments. (2003) authored by David Haussler. Pierre V. Baudin et al.: Low cost cloud based remote microscopy for biological sciences. (2022) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler alternativeName David Henry Haussler. Pierre V. Baudin et al.: Low cost cloud based remote microscopy for biological sciences. (2021) authored by David Haussler. Michael G. Main et al.: Applications of an Infinite Squarefree CO-CFL. (1985) authored by David Haussler. Krishna M. Roskin et al.: Meta-Alignment with Crumble and Prune: Partitioning very large alignment problems for performance and parallelization. (2011) authored by David Haussler. Adam C. Siepel et al.: New Methods for Detecting Lineage-Specific Selection. (2006) authored by David Haussler. Ngan Nguyen et al.: Building a Pangenome Reference for a Population. (2014) authored by David Haussler. Anselm Blumer et al.: Building a Complete Inverted File for a Set of Text Files in Linear Time (1984) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler alternativeName David Haussler. Charles W. Sugnet et al.: Unusual Intron Conservation near Tissue-Regulated Exons Found by Splicing Microarrays. (2006) authored by David Haussler'}. Between 1975 and 1979 he traveled and worked a variety of jobs, including a job at a petroleum refinery in Burghausen, Germany, tomato farming on Crete, and farming kiwifruit, almonds, and walnuts in Templeton, CA. At present, his lab grows human cerebral organoids for neurodevelopmental disease research and to explore human neural circuit formation and learning. They were the first to measure the levels of Calcitriol, the hormonal form of vitamin D, in the human bloodstream. While in Templeton he worked on his master\'s degree at nearby California Polytechnic University. \nDuring summers while he was in college, Haussler worked for his brother, Mark Haussler, a biochemist at the University of Arizona studying vitamin D metabolism
How many publications does the contributor who published Metric Entropy and Minimax Risk in Classification in Structures in Logic and Computer Science, have?
Dae Y. Kang et al.: Scalable Microfabrication Procedures for Adhesive-Integrated Flexible and Stretchable Electronic Sensors. (2015) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Baris Nakiboglu et al.: Bit-Wise Unequal Error Protection for Variable-Length Block Codes With Feedback. (2013) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Siva K. Gorantla et al.: Multi-layer Bit-wise Unequal Error Protection for Variable Length Blockcodes with Feedback (2011) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Siva K. Gorantla et al.: Bit-wise unequal error protection for variable length blockcodes with feedback. (2010) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Anjulie S. Agrusa et al.: Robust Regression and Optimal Transport Methods to Predict Gastrointestinal Disease Etiology From High Resolution EGG and Symptom Severity. (2022) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Todd P. Coleman modified 2023-10-18. Justin Tantiongloc et al.: An Information and Control Framework for Optimizing User-Compliant Human-Computer Interfaces. (2017) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Todd P. Coleman i10Index 55. Sandya Subramanian et al.: Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection in Gastroparesis With Autonomic and Gastric Myoelectric Monitoring. (2023) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Muriel Médard et al.: Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA packetized multiple-access systems over the AWGN channel. (2004) authored by Todd P. Coleman. Todd P. Coleman alternativeName Todd Prentice Coleman. Todd P. Coleman alternativeName Todd Coleman. Todd P. Coleman name Todd P. Coleman. Todd P. Coleman alternativeName Todd P. Coleman. David M. Jun et al.: Practical sensor management for an energy-limited detection system. (2012) authored by Todd P. Coleman{'author_wikipedia_text': 'Anita Coleman is an Indian American academic librarian, faculty and researcher in digital libraries. Anita Coleman is also the founder of an interdisciplinary open access repository, dLIST - Digital Library of Information Science and Technology
What is the cited by count where the contributor of the article 'A Computationally Efficient Method for Nonparametric Modeling of Neural Spiking Activity with Point Processes' is affiliated?
Yonggang Shi et al.: Robust Surface Reconstruction via Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Projection and Boundary Deformation. (2010) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yonggang Shi et al.: Joint Sulci Detection Using Graphical Models and Boosted Priors. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Meihe Xu et al.: An adaptive level set segmentation on a triangulated mesh. (2004) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Automated Surface Matching Using Mutual Information Applied to Riemann Surface Structures. (2005) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Anand A. Joshi et al.: A Parameterization-Based Numerical Method for Isotropic and Anisotropic Diffusion Smoothing on Non-Flat Surfaces. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Surface Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure. (2005) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yonggang Shi et al.: Inverse-Consistent Surface Mapping with Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Features. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Boris A. Gutman et al.: A Riemannian Framework for Intrinsic Comparison of Closed Genus-Zero Shapes. (2015) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alex D. Leow et al.: Linear and Non-linear Geometric Object Matching with Implicit Representation. (2004) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: 3D Surface Matching with Mutual Information and Riemann Surface Structures. (2005) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Rashmi Dubey et al.: Analysis of sampling techniques for imbalanced data: An n = 648 ADNI study. (2014) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Peter Harris et al.: Localized measures of callosal atrophy are associated with late-life hypertension: AGES-Reykjavik Study. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alvina Goh et al.: A nonparametric Riemannian framework for processing high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI). (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Greg M. Fleishman et al.: Symmetric Interleaved Geodesic Shooting in Diffeomorphisms. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Paul M. Thompson and Harilaos N. Psaraftis: Cyclic Transfer Algorithm for Multivehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems. (1993) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Richard G. Boyes et al.: Intensity non-uniformity correction using N3 on 3-T scanners with multichannel phased array coils. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Vishal Patel et al.: Mesh-based spherical deconvolution: A flexible approach to reconstruction of non-negative fiber orientation distributions. (2010) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Greg M. Fleishman and Paul M. Thompson: Adaptive gradient descent optimization of initial momenta for geodesic shooting in diffeomorphisms. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Lok Ming Lui et al.: Optimization of Surface Registrations Using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alain Pitiot et al.: Learning Object Correspondences with the Observed Transport Shape Measure. (2003) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alain Pitiot et al.: Learning Shape Correspondence for n-D curves. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Paul M. Thompson alternativeName Paul Matthew Thompson. Lok Ming Lui et al.: Erratum to: Optimization of Surface Registrations Using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Tao Yang et al.: Identifying Genetic Risk Factors via Sparse Group Lasso with Group Graph Structure. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Bramsh Qamar Chandio et al.: FiberNeat: Unsupervised White Matter Tract Filtering. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alvina Goh et al.: A nonparametric Riemannian framework for processing high angular resolution diffusion images and its applications to ODF-based morphometry. (2011) authored by Paul M. Thompson. David W. Shattuck et al.: Visualization Tools for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Qingyang Li et al.: Parallel Lasso Screening for Big Data Optimization. (2016) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Boris Gutman et al.: Shape matching with medial curves and 1-D group-wise registration. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Jessica A. Turner et al.: ENIGMA + COINSTAC: Improving Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Re-usability. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Rachel Aine Yotter et al.: Estimating Local Surface Complexity Maps Using Spherical Harmonic Reconstructions. (2010) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Daniel Garijo et al.: FragFlow Automated Fragment Detection in Scientific Workflows. (2014) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Hasan Ertan Çetingül et al.: Segmentation of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Using Sparse Riemannian Manifold Clustering. (2014) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Igor Yanovsky et al.: Multimodal unbiased image matching via mutual information. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Paul M. Thompson name Paul M. Thompson. Zhipeng Ding et al.: Fast Predictive Simple Geodesic Regression. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Zhipeng Ding et al.: Fast Predictive Simple Geodesic Regression. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Shruti Prashant Gadewar et al.: A Comprehensive Corpus Callosum Segmentation Tool for Detecting Callosal Abnormalities and Genetic Associations from Multi Contrast MRIs. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Zhipeng Ding et al.: Fast predictive simple geodesic regression. (2019) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Vikash Gupta et al.: FiberNET: An Ensemble Deep Learning Framework for Clustering White Matter Fibers. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Dan A. Alcantara et al.: Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Melissa Tong et al.: A variational model for denoising high angular resolution diffusion imaging. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yunho Kim et al.: HARDI Denoising: Variational Regularization of the Spherical Apparent Diffusion Coefficient sADC. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alex D. Leow et al.: White Matter Integrity Measured by Fractional Anisotropy Correlates Poorly with Actual Individual Fiber Anisotropy. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yan Jin et al.: 3D elastic registration improves HARDI-derived fiber alignment and automated tract clustering. (2011) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Igor Yanovsky et al.: Topology Preserving Log-Unbiased Nonlinear Image Registration: Theory and Implementation. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Caroline C. Brun et al.: Statistically assisted fluid image registration algorithm -SAFIRA. (2010) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Natasha Leporé et al.: Best individual template selection from deformation tensor minimization. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Emily L. Dennis et al.: Obesity gene NEGR1 associated with white matter integrity in healthy young adults. (2014) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alex D. Leow et al.: Statistical Properties of Jacobian Maps and the Realization of Unbiased Large-Deformation Nonlinear Image Registration. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson"}. During his time at UCLA, Thompson was promoted to professor in 2010. Thompson obtained a bachelor's degree in Greek and Latin languages and mathematics[citation needed] from Oxford University
How many articles are attributed to the affiliation in which the author of 'Guest editorial: Special Issue on Computational Neuroanatomy' works?
Adrian Lienhard et al.: Test Blueprint - Exposing Side Effects in Execution Traces to Support Writing Unit Tests. (2008) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Kuhn et al.: Software Cartography: thematic software visualization with consistent layout. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Fabrizio Perin et al.: Recovery and analysis of transaction scope from scattered information in Java Enterprise Applications. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Kuhn et al.: Consistent Layout for Thematic Software Maps. (2008) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: Practical domain-specific debuggers using the Moldable Debugger framework. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Inferring Types by Mining Class Usage Frequency from Inline Caches. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Niko Schwarz et al.: Seuss: Decoupling responsibilities from static methods for fine-grained configurability. (2012) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Lienhard et al.: Practical Object-Oriented Back-in-Time Debugging. (2008) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Markus Gälli et al.: Ordering Broken Unit Tests for Focused Debugging. (2004) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Sven Apel et al.: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, FOSD 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 6, 2009 (2009) edited by Oscar Nierstrasz. Gabriela Arévalo et al.: Generating a catalog of unanticipated schemas in class hierarchies using Formal Concept Analysis. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Sven Apel et al.: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, FOSD 2010, Eindhoven, Netherlands, October 10, 2010 (2010) edited by Oscar Nierstrasz. Camille Teruel et al.: Propagation of Behavioral Variations with Delegation Proxies. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erwann Wernli et al.: Using first-class contexts to realize dynamic software updates. (2011) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrea Caracciolo et al.: Dictō: A Unified DSL for Testing Architectural Rules. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. David Röthlisberger et al.: Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks. (2012) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jorge Ressia et al.: Run-Time Evolution through Explicit Meta-Objects. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Mining inline cache data to order inferred types in dynamic languages. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erwann Wernli et al.: Incremental Dynamic Updates with First-Class Contexts. (2012) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erwann Wernli et al.: Ownership, filters and crossing handlers: flexible ownership in dynamic languages. (2012) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erwann Wernli et al.: Incremental Dynamic Updates with First-class Contexts. (2013) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Kuhn et al.: JExample: Exploiting Dependencies between Tests to Improve Defect Localization. (2008) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: The Moldable Debugger: A Framework for Developing Domain-Specific Debuggers. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erik Aeschlimann et al.: Analyzing PL/1 legacy ecosystems: An experience report. (2013) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Stéphane Ducasse et al.: On the effectiveness of clone detection by string matching. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Kuhn et al.: Consistent Layout for Thematic Software Maps (2012) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. David Röthlisberger et al.: Supporting task-oriented navigation in IDEs with configurable HeatMaps. (2009) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Paolo Ciancarini et al.: Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems, ECOOP'94 Workshop on Models and Languages for Coordination of Parallelism and Distribution, Bologna, Italy, July 5, 1994, Selected Papers (1995) edited by Oscar Nierstrasz. Carl Friedrich Bolz et al.: Back to the Future in One Week - Implementing a Smalltalk VM in PyPy. (2008) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Julien Deantoni et al.: Domain Globalization: Using Languages to Support Technical and Social Coordination. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: Worrisome Patterns in Developers: A Survey in Cryptography. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Alexandre Bergel et al.: Classbox/J: controlling the scope of change in Java. (2005) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Kuhn et al.: Towards Improving the Mental Model of Software Developers through Cartographic Visualization (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jan Kurs et al.: Bounded Seas - - Island Parsing Without Shipwrecks. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Stéphane Ducasse et al.: Traits: A mechanism for fine-grained reuse. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz students and almost 100 bachelors and masters theses. \nThere, he continued for his Ph. \nDuring his career, he supervised 40 Ph. He pursued his Bachelor studies in the Departments of Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo in 1979. [circular reference]\nHe lived there for three years and then his parents, Thomas Oscar Duyck (1930--) and Meta Maria van den Bos (1936-1988) moved to Canada. under the supervision of Prof
What is the name of the award Oscar Nierstrasz won in 2013?
Luca Cardelli et al.: A Process Model of Rho GTP-binding Proteins in the Context of Phagocytosis. (2007) authored by Philippa Gardner. Pedro da Rocha Pinto et al.: Modular Termination Verification for Non-blocking Concurrency. (2016) authored by Philippa Gardner. Pedro da Rocha Pinto et al.: Steps in Modular Specifications for Concurrent Modules (Invited Tutorial Paper). (2015) authored by Philippa Gardner. Luca Cardelli et al.: A process model of Rho GTP-binding proteins. (2009) authored by Philippa Gardner. Shale Xiong et al.: Data Consistency in Transactional Storage Systems: a Centralised Approach. (2019) authored by Philippa Gardner. Matthias Felleisen and Philippa Gardner: Programming Languages and Systems - 22nd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2013, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2013, Rome, Italy, March 16-24, 2013. Proceedings (2013) edited by Philippa Gardner. Philippa Gardner and Nobuko Yoshida: CONCUR 2004 - Concurrency Theory, 15th International Conference, London, UK, August 31 - September 3, 2004, Proceedings (2004) edited by Philippa Gardner. Pedro da Rocha Pinto et al.: A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes. (2011) authored by Philippa Gardner. Lars Birkedal et al.: Compositional Verification Methods for Next-Generation Concurrency (Dagstuhl Seminar 15191). (2015) authored by Philippa Gardner. Gian Ntzik et al.: A Concurrent Specification of POSIX File Systems. (2018) authored by Philippa Gardner. Shale Xiong et al.: Data Consistency in Transactional Storage Systems: A Centralised Semantics. (2020) authored by Philippa Gardner. Luca Cardelli et al.: A Process Model of Actin Polymerisation. (2008) authored by Philippa Gardner. Philippa Gardner and Floris Geerts: Database Programming Languages - DBPL 2009, 12th International Symposium, Lyon, France, August 24, 2009. Proceedings (2009) edited by Philippa Gardner. Thomas Dinsdale-Young et al.: A perspective on specifying and verifying concurrent modules. (2018) authored by Philippa Gardner'}. From 2018 to 2023 she was awarded a UKRI Established Fellowship. \nHer current research looks at program verification. Gardner\'s role with the Research Institute in Automated Program Analysis and Verification is funded by GCHQ and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
From which university did the writer of the article 'Footprints in Local Reasoning' get her M.Sc. degree?
Robert Tibshirani name Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani modified 2023-10-18. Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi et al.: Multiomics modeling of the immunome, transcriptome, microbiome, proteome and metabolome adaptations during human pregnancy. (2019) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani alternativeName Robert John Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani alternativeName Robert Tibshirani. Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani et al.: Noninvasive Cancer Classification Using Diverse Genomic Features in Circulating Tumor DNA. (2016) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani alternativeName Robert J. Tibshirani. Ruilin Li et al.: Fast numerical optimization for genome sequencing data in population biobanks. (2021) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani alternativeName R. J. Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani alternativeName R. Tibshirani He was elected to the Royal Society in 2019. He gave his Gold Medal Address at the 2013 meeting in Edmonton. \nTibshirani was born on 10 July 1956 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. \nTibshirani received the COPSS Presidents\' Award in 1996. He received his B. He won an E
Whose works count is higher, the author of A Comparison of Reading Paper and On-Line Documents or the creator of Data Shared Lasso: A novel tool to discover uplift?
Márcio Silva et al.: VM Performance Isolation to Support QoS in Cloud. (2012) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Ahmed Gheith et al.: KTK: kernel support for configurable objects and invocations. (1994) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Dilma Da Silva et al.: CTK: Configurable Object Abstractions for Multiprocessors. (2001) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Orran Krieger et al.: K42: building a complete operating system. (2006) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Bozhen Liu et al.: When threads meet events: efficient and precise static race detection with origins. (2021) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Yoonseo Choi et al.: Adaptive task duplication using on-line bottleneck detection for streaming applications. (2012) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Dilma Da Silva et al.: VII Brazilian workshop on operating systems. (2011) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Jonathan Appavoo et al.: Experience with K42, an open-source, Linux-compatible, scalable operating-system kernel. (2005) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Bodhisattwa Mukherjee et al.: KTK: kernel support for configurable objects and invocations. (1994) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Pinchao Liu et al.: DART: A Scalable and Adaptive Edge Stream Processing Engine. (2021) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Jonathan Appavoo et al.: Enabling autonomic behavior in systems software with hot swapping. (2003) authored by Dilma Da Silva. Steven Hand and Dilma Da Silva: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, VEE 2012, London, UK, March 3-4, 2012 (co-located with ASPLOS 2012) (2012) edited by Dilma Da Silva. Jonathan Appavoo et al.: Kittyhawk: Enabling cooperation and competition in a global, shared computational system. (2009) authored by Dilma Da Silva"}. At IBM, her contributions included work on the file system of the K42 experimental operating system. \nDa Silva became a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery in 2011
Which institute has more publication citations, Flinders University or Mitchell Institute?
Yoram M. Kalman et al.: Detecting linguistic HCI markers in an online aphasia support group. (2012) authored by Darren Gergle. Desney S. Tan et al.: Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks. (2004) authored by Darren Gergle. Kshitij Sharma et al.: Visual Augmentation of Deictic Gestures in MOOC Videos. (2016) authored by Darren Gergle. Robin Brewer et al.: Exploring Traditional Phones as an E-Mail Interface for Older Adults. (2016) authored by Darren Gergle. Maitraye Das et al.: Simphony: Enhancing Accessible Pattern Design Practices among Blind Weavers. (2023) authored by Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle et al.: Practical usability methods in website design. (1999) authored by Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle name Darren Gergle. Abir Saha et al.: Understanding Peer-to-Peer Instructional Support in an Online Community for Blind Audio Producers. (2023) authored by Darren Gergle. Brent J. Hecht and Darren Gergle: The Tower of Babel Meets Web 2.0: User-Generated Content and its Applications in a Multilingual Context. (2019) authored by Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle alternativeName Darren Robert Gergle. Yongsung Kim et al.: Enabling Physical Crowdsourcing On-the-Go with Context-Sensitive Notifications. (2015) authored by Darren Gergle. Jeffrey Nichols et al.: Mediator and medium: doors as interruption gateways and aesthetic displays. (2002) authored by Darren Gergle. Brent J. Hecht and Darren Gergle: The tower of Babel meets web 2.0: user-generated content and its applications in a multilingual context. (2010) authored by Darren Gergle. Colin Fitzpatrick et al.: People, places, and perceptions: effects of location check-in awareness on impressions of strangers. (2016) authored by Darren Gergle He is the youngest of three children. He is married to Tracy Lynn Zawaski. In 2004, investigations into whether physically large displays can improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks were conducted. \nDarren Gergle was born on December 2, 1972 to parents Robert and Barbara Gergle. '}. He graduated from the University of Michigan in December, 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking and Sculpture
Whose two-year mean citedness is higher, author of 'Model Positionality and Computational Reflexivity: Promoting Reflexivity in Data Science' or 'PV-Microgrid Operational Cost Minimization by Neural Forecasting and Heuristic Optimization'?
James Larisch et al.: Alto: lightweight VMs using virtualization-aware managed runtimes. (2018) authored by Eddie Kohler. Nikitas Liogkas et al.: Exploring the robustness of BitTorrent peer-to-peer content distribution systems. (2008) authored by Eddie Kohler. Milan Bradonjic et al.: Near-optimal radio use for wireless network synchronization. (2012) authored by Eddie Kohler. Yihe Huang et al.: The Impact of Timestamp Granularity in Optimistic Concurrency Control. (2018) authored by Eddie Kohler. Nikitas Liogkas et al.: Exploiting BitTorrent For Fun. (2006) authored by Eddie Kohler. Milan Bradonjic et al.: Near-Optimal Radio Use for Wireless Network Synchronization. (2009) authored by Eddie Kohler. Nithya Ramanathan et al.: Suelo: human-assisted sensing for exploratory soil monitoring studies. (2009) authored by Eddie Kohler. Sebastian Angel et al.: HotOS '21: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, June, 1-3, 2021. (2021) edited by Eddie Kohler. Steve Vandebogart et al.: Reducing Seek Overhead with Application-Directed Prefetching. (2009) authored by Eddie Kohler. Arnaud Legout et al.: Clustering and sharing incentives in BitTorrent systems. (2007) authored by Eddie Kohler. Milan Bradonjic et al.: Near-Optimal Radio Use For Wireless Network Synchronization (2008) authored by Eddie Kohler. Ram Kumar et al.: A System For Coarse Grained Memory Protection In Tiny Embedded Processors. (2007) authored by Eddie Kohler. Arnaud Legout et al.: Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems (2007) authored by Eddie Kohler'}. In 2014, he received the SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award, an award given annually to a researcher who has made "contributions that are highly creative, innovative, and possibly high-risk, in keeping with the visionary spirit of Mark Weiser
Which company did Eddie Kohler co-found in 2000?
Shaoyang Wang et al.: Joint Resource Management for MC-NOMA: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2021) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Shaoyang Wang et al.: Joint Resource Management for MC-NOMA: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2021) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Yanwen Li et al.: A Simple Distributed Multihop Diversity Relaying Scheme Based on Repetition. (2011) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Gan Luan: Improving Simulation of Lognormal Sum Distributions with Hyperspace Replication. (2019) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: A Decentralized Power Allocation Scheme for Amplify-And-Forward Multi-Hop Relaying Systems. (2010) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Samy S. Soliman and Norman C. Beaulieu: The modified GTCF method and its application to multi-branch multihop relaying systems with full selection diversity. (2013) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Energy-Efficient Caching for Scalable Videos in Heterogeneous Networks. (2018) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Energy-Efficient Caching for Scalable Videos in Heterogeneous Networks. (2018) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Yunfei Chen and Norman C. Beaulieu: New Partial Decision Combining Schemes for Spatial Diversity. (2010) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Ying Hu et al.: The Energy-Aware Controller Placement Problem in Software Defined Networks. (2017) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Ramin Babaee and Norman C. Beaulieu: Power-Optimized Routing with Bandwidth Guarantee in Multihop Relaying Networks. (2011) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Haijun Zhang et al.: Resource Allocation for Cognitive Small Cell Networks: A Cooperative Bargaining Game Theoretic Approach. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Economical Caching for Scalable Videos in Cache-enabled Heterogeneous Networks. (2019) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Economical Caching for Scalable Videos in Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Networks. (2019) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Kasun T. Hemachandra and Norman C. Beaulieu: Relay Coordination Schemes for Two-Hop Networks: Two-Cell Case. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Systems with Fixed Gain Relays. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Mostafa Naseri and Norman C. Beaulieu: Fast Simulation of Additive Generalized Gaussian Noise Environments. (2020) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Yanwen Li et al.: Repetition-Based Non-Coherent Multi-Hop Relaying in Block Rayleigh Fading. (2011) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. John E. Smee and Norman C. Beaulieu: Error-rate evaluation of linear equalization and decision feedback equalization with error propagation. (1998) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Haijun Zhang et al.: Cooperative bargaining resource allocation for cognitive small cell networks. (2014) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Analysis and Optimization of Service Delay for Multi-quality Videos in Multi-tier Heterogeneous Network with Random Caching. (2020) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Kasun T. Hemachandra and Norman C. Beaulieu: Performance study of relay coordination schemes for two-hop networks: Two-cell case. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Yancun Chen et al.: Joint Source-Relay Design in a MIMO Two-Hop Power-Splitting-Based Relaying Network. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Ramin Babaee: Novel Switching Schemes for Dual S+N Selection Diversity Combining. (2010) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Pavel Loskot and Norman C. Beaulieu: Sample rejection for efficient simulation of binary coding schemes over quantized additive white Gaussian noise channels. (2005) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: Power-optimized amplify-and-forward multi-hop relaying systems. (2009) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Yunfei Chen and Norman C. Beaulieu: Solutions to Infinite Integrals of Gaussian Q-Function Products and Some Applications. (2007) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Qiong Xie: An optimal lognormal approximation to lognormal sum distributions. (2004) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Xuewei Zhang et al.: Analysis and Optimization of Service Delay for Multiquality Videos in Multitier Heterogeneous Network With Random Caching. (2021) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Gan Luan: On the Marcum Q-Function Behavior of the Left Tail Probability of the Lognormal Sum Distribution. (2020) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Shirish A. Altekar and Norman C. Beaulieu: On the tightness of two error bounds for decision feedback equalizers. (1991) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Jie Zeng et al.: Ensuring Max-Min Fairness of UL SIMO-NOMA: A Rate Splitting Approach. (2019) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu et al.: A Precise Approximation for Performance Evaluation of Amplify-and-Forward Multihop Relaying Systems. (2011) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Qintian Guo: True ML Estimator for the Location Parameter of the Generalized Gaussian Distribution with p = 4. (2013) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Faruq Rajwani: Highly accurate simple closed-form approximations to lognormal sum distributions and densities. (2004) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: Fixed relaying versus selective relaying in multi-hop diversity transmission systems. (2010) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Chunyu Pan et al.: Distributed Resource Allocation in SDCN-Based Heterogeneous Networks Utilizing Licensed and Unlicensed Bands. (2018) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Pavel Loskot and Norman C. Beaulieu: Further Results on Prony Approximation for Evaluation of the Average Probability of Error. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: On the performance of amplify-and-forward cooperative systems with fixed gain relays. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu and Samy S. Soliman: Exact Analysis of Multihop Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems over General Fading Links. (2012) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Reza Nikjah and Norman C. Beaulieu: Exact Capacity Analysis of Rate Adaptive Power Nonadaptive Multibranch Multihop Decode-and-Forward Relaying Networks. (2009) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Navod Suraweera and Norman C. Beaulieu: Optimum Combining for Cooperative Relaying in a Poisson Field of Interferers. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. W. W. Choy and Norman C. Beaulieu: Improved bounds for error recovery times of decision feedback equalization. (1997) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Qintian Guo and Norman C. Beaulieu: An Approximate ML Estimator for the Location Parameter of the Generalized Gaussian Distribution With p=5. (2013) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Tiankui Zhang et al.: User Association for Energy-Load Tradeoffs in HetNets With Renewable Energy Supply. (2015) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu: Switching Rates of Selection Diversity and Switch-And-Stay Diversity. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Norman C. Beaulieu: Bounds on variances of recovery times of decision feedback equalizers. (2000) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Reza Nikjah and Norman C. Beaulieu: On Optimal Power Allocation for Source-Orthogonal Relay-Nonorthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Relaying. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Jeremiah Hu and Norman C. Beaulieu: Performance Analysis of Distributed Spatial Diversity with Selection Combining. (2008) authored by Norman C. Beaulieu. Golnaz Farhadi and Norman C. Beaulieu: Selective Decode-and-Forward Relaying Scheme for Multi-Hop Diversity Transmission Systems. (2007) authored by Norman C. BeaulieuSc. Sc. R. , and Ph. (honors), M. "}
What is the birth date of the contributor of the publication 'Dynamic Frame-Slotted Aloha in RFID Using Received Signal Strength Information'?
Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2007, Volume I, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas Nevada, USA (2007) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2009, July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2 Volumes (2009) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2 Volumes (2010) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2007, Volume II, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas Nevada, USA (2007) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, 2 Volumes (2008) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP '04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 2 (2004) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP '04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 1 (2004) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 27-29, 2005, Volume 2 (2005) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 27-29, 2005, Volume 1 (2005) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Reduced Area Low Power High Throughput BCD Adders for IEEE 754r Format (2006) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. H. V. Jayashree et al.: Ancilla-input and garbage-output optimized design of a reversible quantum integer multiplier. (2016) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. H. V. Jayashree et al.: Ancilla-Input and Garbage-Output Optimized Design of a Reversible Quantum Integer Multiplier. (2016) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Ban Al-Ani et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP '03, June 23 - 26, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 1 (2003) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Ban Al-Ani et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP '03, June 23 - 26, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 2 (2003) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Mehdi Imani et al.: A Survey on Asynchronous Quorum-Based Power Saving Protocols in Multi-Hop Networks. (2017) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: A Reversible Version of 4 x 4 Bit Array Multiplier With Minimum Gates and Garbage Outputs. (2005) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, IC '04, Volume 2 & Proceedings of the International Symposium on Web Services & Applications, ISWS '04, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004 (2004) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Partial Reversible Gates(PRG) for Reversible BCD Arithmetic (2007) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Design And Analysis of A VLSI Based High Performance Low Power Parallel Square Architecture. (2005) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Andy Marsh: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, SWWS 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2008) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Partial Reversible Gates(PRG) for Reversible BCD Arithmetic. (2007) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Andy Marsh: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, SWWS 2009, July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2009) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, SWWS 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2010) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, SWWS 2007, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2007) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, SWWS 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006 (2006) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice & Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers, SERP 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006, Volume 1 (2006) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Xiangjian He: Scalable Switch for Uni-Directional MultiRing Network. (2004) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Hassan Reza: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice & Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers, SERP 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006, Volume 2 (2006) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia and Jun Ni: Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications, GCA 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 20-23, 2005 (2005) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hong Shen et al.: Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies - 22nd International Conference, PDCAT 2021, Guangzhou, China, December 17-19, 2021, Proceedings (2022) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Combined Integer and Variable Precision (CIVP) Floating Point Multiplication Architecture for FPGAs (2007) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Grid Computing & Applications, GCA 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2010) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Combined Integer and Variable Precision (CIVP) Floating Point Multiplication Architecture for FPGAs. (2007) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, ESA '04 & Proceedings of the International Conference on VLSI, VLSI '04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2004) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia: Proceedings of The 2005 International Symposium on Web Services and Applications, ISWS 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 27-30, 2005 (2005) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Methods, MSV 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006 (2006) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Himanshu Thapliyal et al.: Combined Integer and Floating Point Multiplication Architecture(CIFM) for FPGAs and Its Reversible Logic Implementation (2006) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Methods, MSV 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas Nevada, USA (2010) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering, IKE 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas Nevada, USA (2010) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Hamid R. Arabnia et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management, SAM '04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2004) edited by Hamid R. Arabnia. Homayoun Valafar et al.: Distributed Global Optimization and its Development on the MultiRing Network. (2004) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia. Mehdi Imani et al.: Power-saving Asynchronous Quorum-based Protocols for Maximal Neighbour Discovery. (2020) authored by Hamid R. Arabnia You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. '}
What is the professor's name who wrote Fusion of Face and Gait for Automatic Human Recognition?
Wenhao Yu et al.: Policy Transfer with Strategy Optimization. (2018) authored by Greg Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Policy Transfer with Strategy Optimization. (2019) authored by Greg Turk. Joanne Taery Kim et al.: Transforming a Quadruped into a Guide Robot for the Visually Impaired: Formalizing Wayfinding, Interaction Modeling, and Safety Mechanism. (2023) authored by Greg Turk. Joanne Taery Kim et al.: Transforming a Quadruped into a Guide Robot for the Visually Impaired: Formalizing Wayfinding, Interaction Modeling, and Safety Mechanism. (2023) authored by Greg Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Protective Policy Transfer. (2020) authored by Greg Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Protective Policy Transfer. (2021) authored by Greg Turk. Greg Turk alternativeName Turk Greg. Greg Turk alternativeName Greg Turk. Greg Turk name Greg Turk. Greg Turk alternativeName G Türk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Preparing for the Unknown: Learning a Universal Policy with Online System Identification. (2017) authored by Greg Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Preparing for the Unknown: Learning a Universal Policy with Online System Identification. (2017) authored by Greg Turk. Jie Tan et al.: Learning bicycle stunts. (2014) authored by Greg Turk. Greg Turk alternativeName G. Turk. Greg Turk alternativeName G.W. Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Sim-to-Real Transfer for Biped Locomotion. (2019) authored by Greg Turk. Wenhao Yu et al.: Sim-to-Real Transfer for Biped Locomotion. (2019) authored by Greg Turk I bought one of these bunnies. I had range scanning on my mind, and these bunnies looked to be about the right shape and size for our . Easter . . . . .
How many papers are attributed to the institution of the author of 'Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels'?
Emily L. Dennis et al.: Anxiety Modulates Insula Recruitment in Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Youth and Adults. (2011) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Boris A. Gutman et al.: Medial demons registration localizes the degree of genetic influence over subcortical shape variability: An N= 1480 meta-analysis. (2015) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yizhou Ma et al.: Association between brain similarity to severe mental illnesses and comorbid cerebral, physical, and cognitive impairments. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Faisal M. Rashid et al.: Examination of corticothalamic fiber projections in United States service members with mild traumatic brain injury. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Mark S. Shiroishi et al.: Brain cortical structural differences between non-central nervous system cancer patients treated with and without chemotherapy compared to non-cancer controls: a cross-sectional pilot MRI study using clinically indicated scans. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Paul E. Rasser et al.: Functional MRI BOLD response to Tower of London performance of first-episode schizophrenia patients using cortical pattern matching. (2005) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Derrek P. Hibar et al.: Principal components regression: Multivariate, gene-based tests in imaging genomics. (2011) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yonggang Shi et al.: Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Katherine L. Narr et al.: Regional specificity of hippocampal volume reductions in first-episode schizophrenia. (2004) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Delin Sun et al.: A comparison of methods to harmonize cortical thickness measurements across scanners and sites. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Applying tensor-based morphometry to parametric surfaces can improve MRI-based disease diagnosis. (2013) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Eileen Luders et al.: Why size matters: Differences in brain volume account for apparent sex differences in callosal anatomy: The sexual dimorphism of the corpus callosum. (2014) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Xinyang Liu et al.: Models of Normal Variation and Local Contrasts in Hippocampal Anatomy. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Emily L. Dennis et al.: White matter integrity in traumatic brain injury: Effects of permissible fiber turning angle. (2015) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Brittany L. Mitchell et al.: Educational attainment polygenic scores are associated with cortical total surface area and regions important for language and memory. (2020) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Haoteng Tang et al.: Hierarchical Brain Embedding Using Explainable Graph Learning. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Brain surface conformal parameterization with the slit mapping. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Surface-based TBM boosts power to detect disease effects on the brain: An N = 804 ADNI study. (2011) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yuji Zhao et al.: Learning Interpretable Regularized Ordinal Models from 3D Mesh Data for Neurodegenerative Disease Staging. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Evan Lutkenhoff et al.: Structural and functional neuroimaging phenotypes in dysbindin mutant mice. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Benjamin S. C. Wade et al.: Random forest classification of depression status based on subcortical brain morphometry following electroconvulsive therapy. (2015) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Benjamin S. C. Wade et al.: Data-driven cluster selection for subcortical shape and cortical thickness predicts recovery from depressive symptoms. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Stanley Durrleman et al.: Inferring brain variability from diffeomorphic deformations of currents: An integrative approach. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Christopher D. Whelan et al.: Heritability and reliability of automatically segmented human hippocampal formation subregions. (2016) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Elizabeth R. Sowell et al.: Mapping Cortical Gray Matter Asymmetry Patterns in Adolescents with Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure. (2002) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yalin Wang et al.: Conformal Slit Mapping and Its Applications to Brain Surface Parameterization. (2008) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alex D. Leow et al.: Inverse Consistent Mapping in 3D Deformable Image Registration: Its Construction and Statistical Properties. (2005) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Guohao Zhang et al.: ENIGMA-Viewer: interactive visualization strategies for conveying effect sizes in meta-analysis. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Guohao Zhang et al.: ENIGMA-Viewer: Interactive Visualization Strategies for Conveying Effect Sizes in Meta-Analysis. (2016) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Paul E. Rasser et al.: Cerebellar grey matter deficits in first-episode schizophrenia mapped using cortical pattern matching. (2010) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Dmitry Petrov et al.: Deep Learning for Quality Control of Subcortical Brain 3D Shape Models. (2018) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Jie Shi et al.: Surface fluid registration of conformal representation: Application to detect disease burden and genetic influence on hippocampus. (2013) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Nikhil J. Dhinagar et al.: Few-Shot Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Site-Agnostic Meta-Learning and Brain MRI. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Nikhil J. Dhinagar et al.: Few-Shot Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Site-Agnostic Meta-Learning and Brain MRI. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Pierre Fillard et al.: Measuring brain variability by extrapolating sparse tensor fields measured on sulcal lines. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Alex D. Leow et al.: White Matter Integrity Measured by Fractional Anisotropy Correlates Poorly with Actual Individual Fiber Anisotropy. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yonggang Shi et al.: Direct mapping of hippocampal surfaces with intrinsic shape context. (2007) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Xinyang Liu et al.: Mapping Hippocampal Atrophy with a Multi-Scale Model of Shape. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Sarah K. Madsen et al.: Relative value of diverse brain MRI and blood-based biomarkers for predicting cognitive decline in the elderly. (2016) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Omid Kohannim et al.: Predicting temporal lobe volume on MRI from genotypes using L1-L2 regularized regression. (2012) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Talia M. Nir et al.: The Impact of Susceptibility Distortion Correction Protocols on Adolescent Diffusion MRI Measures. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Lok Ming Lui et al.: A Landmark-Based Brain Conformal Parametrization with Automatic Landmark Tracking Technique. (2006) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Tamoghna Chattopadhyay et al.: Can Structural MRIs be used to Detect Amyloid Positivity using Deep Learning? (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Jie Zhang et al.: Empowering cortical thickness measures in clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease with spherical sparse coding. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Bin Lu et al.: A practical Alzheimer's disease classifier via brain imaging-based deep learning on 85, 721 samples. (2022) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Benjamin S. C. Wade et al.: Subcortical shape and volume abnormalities in an elderly HIV+ cohort. (2015) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Julio E. Villalon-Reina et al.: Large-scale Normative Modeling of Brain Microstructure. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Dmitry Petrov et al.: Machine Learning for Large-Scale Quality Control of 3D Shape Models in Neuroimaging. (2017) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Jianfeng Wu et al.: A Surface-Based Federated Chow Test Model for Integrating APOE Status, Tau Deposition Measure, and Hippocampal Surface Morphometry. (2023) authored by Paul M. Thompson. Yi-Yu Chou et al.: Mapping correlations between ventricular expansion and CSF amyloid and tau biomarkers in 240 subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and elderly controls. (2009) authored by Paul M. Thompson ENIGMA has published some of the largest-ever neuroimaging studies of schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. This collaborative group studies 22 brain diseases in 37 countries, focusing on the interaction between brain health and genetics. "}
What is the birth date of the author of the article Cyclic Transfer Algorithm for Multivehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems?
Cornelis Vuik is Person. Cornelis Vuik is Creator. Martijn de Jong et al.: Impact of correlated infeeds on risk-based power system security assessment. (2014) authored by Cornelis Vuik. Vijai Kumar Suriyababu et al.: Towards a High Quality Shrink Wrap Mesh Generation Algorithm Using Mathematical Morphology. (2023) authored by Cornelis Vuik. C. Vuik i10Index 108. C. Vuik alternativeName Cornelis Vuik. Vijai Kumar Suriyababu and Cornelis Vuik: A Simple and Fast Hole Detection Algorithm for Triangulated Surfaces. (2021) authored by Cornelis Vuik. Cornelis Vuik link Cornelis Vuik link Cornelis Vuik link Marieke E. Kootte and Cornelis Vuik: The Master-Slave Splitting Extended to Power Flow Problems on Integrated Networks with an Unbalanced Distribution Network. (2019) authored by Cornelis Vuik. C. Vuik name C. Vuik. C. Vuik alternativeName K. Vuik. C. Vuik alternativeName C. Vuik 4TU. M. "}. J. Tens of thousands of students have already participated in this online course. In 2013, Vuik participated in a Flemish-Dutch economic mission to Texas as a representative of (at the time) the 3TU federation. A. D. D
Where did the author who focused on moving-boundary problems complete his Ph.D. in 1988?
Edward Xia et al.: CasSim: a top-level-simulator for grid scheduling and applications. (2006) authored by Igor Jurisica. Livia Perfetto et al.: The IMEx coronavirus interactome: an evolving map of Coronaviridae-host molecular interactions. (2020) authored by Igor Jurisica. Natasa Przulj et al.: Efficient estimation of graphlet frequency distributions in protein-protein interaction networks. (2006) authored by Igor Jurisica. Edward Xia et al.: Scheduling functional regression tests for IBM DB2 products. (2005) authored by Igor Jurisica. Max Kotlyar et al.: IID 2018 update: context-specific physical protein-protein interactions in human, model organisms and domesticated species. (2019) authored by Igor Jurisica. Julia Hoeng et al.: Where are we at regarding species translation? A review of the sbv IMPROVER challenge. (2015) authored by Igor Jurisica. Serene W. H. Wong et al.: USNAP: fast unique dense region detection and its application to lung cancer. (2023) authored by Igor Jurisica. Natasa Przulj et al.: Functional topology in a network of protein interactions. (2004) authored by Igor Jurisica. Natasa Przulj et al.: Modeling interactome: scale-free or geometric?. (2004) authored by Igor Jurisica. Igor Jurišica written paper amount in year2012: 22. Igor Jurišica written paper amount in year2012: 22. Igor Jurišica written paper amount in year2020: 32. Igor Jurišica written paper amount in year2020: 32'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
In which university is the author of 'Data Mining for Case-Based Reasoning in High-Dimensional Biological Domains' a professor?
Alexander Roederer et al.: Robust monitoring of hypovolemia in intensive care patients using photoplethysmogram signals. (2015) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Pengyuan Lu et al.: FRED: Fall Risk Evaluation Database Based on Electronic Health Record Data. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Akhilesh Gupta et al.: Class-Weighted Evaluation Metrics for Imbalanced Data Classification. (2020) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Radoslav Ivanov et al.: Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using Context-Aware Filtering. (2016) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: Spam mitigation using spatio-temporal reputations from blacklist history. (2010) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Deepthi Shashidhar et al.: Application of Python to AIMS Data to Analyze Intraoperative Hypotension through Pediatric Blood Pressure Curves. (2014) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: Detecting Wikipedia vandalism via spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata? (2010) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Yiannis Kantaros et al.: VisionGuard: Runtime Detection of Adversarial Inputs to Perception Systems. (2020) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Radoslav Ivanov et al.: Robust estimation using context-aware filtering. (2015) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: STiki: an anti-vandalism tool for Wikipedia using spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata. (2010) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Claire Kendell et al.: GlucoScan: Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Device. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: Detection of Adversarial Physical Attacks in Time-Series Image Data. (2023) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: Spatio-temporal analysis of Wikipedia metadata and the STiki anti-vandalism tool. (2010) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Jean Park et al.: AutoWean: Extubation Failure Risk Estimation for Critically Ill Patients. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sooyong Jang et al.: Improving Classifier Confidence using Lossy Label-Invariant Transformations. (2020) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sooyong Jang et al.: Improving Classifier Confidence using Lossy Label-Invariant Transformations. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Shuo Li et al.: PAC-Wrap: Semi-Supervised PAC Anomaly Detection. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Shuo Li et al.: PAC-Wrap: Semi-Supervised PAC Anomaly Detection. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Pengyuan Lu et al.: Zero-shot Task Preference Addressing Enabled by Imprecise Bayesian Continual Learning. (2023) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Amanda Watson et al.: RT-ACL: Identification of High-Risk Youth Patients and their Most Significant Risk Factors to Reduce Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reinjury Risk. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Yahan Yang et al.: In and Out-of-Domain Text Adversarial Robustness via Label Smoothing. (2023) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Yahan Yang et al.: In and Out-of-Domain Text Adversarial Robustness via Label Smoothing. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Kaustubh Sridhar et al.: Towards Alternative Techniques for Improving Adversarial Robustness: Analysis of Adversarial Training at a Spectrum of Perturbations. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Alexander Roederer et al.: Wandering Data: A Scalable, Durable System for Effective Visualization of Patient Health Data. (2014) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: Spamming for Science: Active Measurement in Web 2.0 Abuse Research. (2012) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sangdon Park et al.: Calibrated Prediction with Covariate Shift via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (2020) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sangdon Park et al.: Calibrated Prediction with Covariate Shift via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (2020) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sangdon Park et al.: Resilient linear classification: an approach to deal with attacks on training data. (2017) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sangdon Park et al.: Resilient Linear Classification: An Approach to Deal with Attacks on Training Data. (2017) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Radoslav Ivanov et al.: Early detection of critical pulmonary shunts in infants. (2015) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: Are all outliers alike? On Understanding the Diversity of Outliers for Detecting OODs. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: Detecting OODs as datapoints with High Uncertainty. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sanjian Chen et al.: A Data-Driven Behavior Modeling and Analysis Framework for Diabetic Patients on Insulin Pumps. (2015) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Kuk Jin Jang et al.: Memory Classifiers for Robust ECG Classification against Physiological Noise. (2023) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: CODiT: Conformal Out-of-Distribution Detection in Time-Series Data. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew L. King et al.: Evaluation of a smart alarm for intensive care using clinical data. (2012) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Jia Wang and Insup Lee: Measuring False-Positive by Automated Real-Time Correlated Hacking Behavior Analysis. (2001) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Lorenzo Fernández Maimó et al.: Intelligent and Dynamic Ransomware Spread Detection and Mitigation in Integrated Clinical Environments. (2019) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West et al.: Autonomous link spam detection in purely collaborative environments. (2011) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sooyong Jang et al.: Sequential Covariate Shift Detection Using Classifier Two-Sample Tests. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Liang Cheng et al.: Protecting interoperable clinical environment with authentication. (2017) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Andrew G. West and Insup Lee: Multilingual Vandalism Detection using Language-Independent & Ex Post Facto Evidence - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011. (2011) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Michael J. May et al.: Privacy APIs: Access Control Techniques to Analyze and Verify Legal Privacy Policies. (2006) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Jian Chang et al.: Analyzing and defending against web-based malware. (2013) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Sydney Pugh et al.: Evaluating Alarm Classifiers with High-confidence Data Programming. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Radoslav Ivanov et al.: Continuous Estimation Using Context-Dependent Discrete Measurements. (2019) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Md Fazle Rabby et al.: Stacked LSTM based deep recurrent neural network with kalman smoothing for blood glucose prediction. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Md Fazle Rabby et al.: Stacked LSTM Based Deep Recurrent Neural Network with Kalman Smoothing for Blood Glucose Prediction. (2021) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: iDECODe: In-distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-distribution Detection. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001. Ramneet Kaur et al.: iDECODe: In-Distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-Distribution Detection. (2022) authored by Insup Lee 0001 and Ph. D
How many papers does the academic institution of the researcher who published Synthesis Algorithm for Reconfigurable Interconnection Networks in 1988 have?
Robert Tibshirani modified 2023-10-18. Kamesh Munagala et al.: Cancer characterization and feature set extraction by discriminative margin clustering. (2004) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani et al.: Noninvasive Cancer Classification Using Diverse Genomic Features in Circulating Tumor DNA. (2016) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Anthony Culos et al.: Integration of mechanistic immunological knowledge into a machine learning pipeline improves predictions. (2020) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi et al.: Multiomics modeling of the immunome, transcriptome, microbiome, proteome and metabolome adaptations during human pregnancy. (2019) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Vishnu Shankar et al.: MassExplorer: a computational tool for analyzing desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry data. (2021) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani name Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani and Geoffrey E. Hinton: Coaching variables for regression and classification. (1998) authored by Robert Tibshirani. Robert Tibshirani link J. Kenneth Tay et al.: Feature-weighted elastic net: using "features of features" for better prediction. (2020) authored by Robert Tibshirani He was elected to the Royal Society in 2019. \nTibshirani was born on 10 July 1956 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Math. He won an E. R. D
Which author has more citations, the author who wrote Remote Conversations or the author of Data Shared Lasso?
Binze Yang and Andrea Prosperetti: A second-order boundary-fitted projection method for free-surface flow computations. (2006) authored by Andrea Prosperetti. Yayun Wang et al.: Fully-resolved simulation of particulate flows with particles-fluid heat transfer. (2017) authored by Andrea Prosperetti. Edip Can and Andrea Prosperetti: A level set method for vapor bubble dynamics. (2012) authored by Andrea Prosperetti. Adam J. Sierakowski and Andrea Prosperetti: Resolved-particle simulation by the Physalis method: Enhancements and new capabilities. (2016) authored by Andrea Prosperetti. Quan Zhang et al.: On the computation of ensemble averages for spatially non-uniform particle systems. (2006) authored by Andrea ProsperettiS. '}
What is the hIndex of the author who has 522 works and 15907 citations?
Visa Nummelin et al.: Recurrence-Driven Summations in Automated Deduction. (2023) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Martin Dvorak and Jasmin Blanchette: Closure Properties of General Grammars - Formally Verified. (2023) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Martin Dvorak and Jasmin Blanchette: Closure Properties of Unrestricted Grammars - Formally Verified. (2023) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Einar Broch Johnsen et al.: Intra-Object versus Inter-Object: Concurrency and Reasoning in Creol. (2008) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette et al.: Given Clause Loops. (2023) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette alternativeName Jasmin Christian Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette: Redirecting Proofs by Contradiction. (2013) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette alternativeName Jasmin Blanchette. Steffen Juilf Smolka and Jasmin Christian Blanchette: Robust, Semi-Intelligible Isabelle Proofs from ATP Proofs. (2013) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Haniel Barbosa et al.: Scalable Fine-Grained Proofs for Formula Processing. (2017) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Haniel Barbosa et al.: Scalable Fine-Grained Proofs for Formula Processing. (2020) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Petar Vukmirovic et al.: SAT-Inspired Eliminations for Superposition. (2021) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Heiko Becker et al.: Formalization of Knuth-Bendix Orders for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms. (2016) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Petar Vukmirovic et al.: SAT-Inspired Eliminations for Superposition. (2023) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette et al.: Semi-intelligible Isar Proofs from Machine-Generated Proofs. (2016) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Simon Cruanes and Jasmin Christian Blanchette: Extending Nunchaku to Dependent Type Theory. (2016) authored by Jasmin Blanchette. Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Olaf Owe: An Open System Operational Semantics for an Object-Oriented and Component-Based Language. (2007) authored by Jasmin Blanchette'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
Where is the Max Planck Institute for Informatics located?
Yuejie Chi i10Index 61. Yuejie Chi 2YrMeanCitedness 1.7906976938247680664. Yuejie Chi alternativeName ChiYuejie. Yuejie Chi name Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi is Creator. Yuejie Chi modified 2023-10-18. Hanqi Yan et al.: Counterfactual Generation with Identifiability Guarantees. (2024) authored by Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi alternativeName Yuejie Chi. Hanqi Yan et al.: Counterfactual Generation with Identifiability Guarantees. (2023) authored by Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi alternativeName Chi Yuejie. Yuejie Chi is Person. Gen Li et al.: Minimax-Optimal Multi-Agent RL in Markov Games With a Generative Model. (2022) authored by Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi affiliation Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Yuejie Chi primary affiliation Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Yuejie Chi orcidId Yuejie Chi link Yuejie Chi link Yuejie Chi link Tong Yang et al.: Federated Natural Policy Gradient Methods for Multi-task Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Yuejie Chi. Gen Li et al.: Breaking the Sample Size Barrier in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model. (2020) authored by Yuejie Chi. Gen Li et al.: Breaking the Sample Size Barrier in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model. (2020) authored by Yuejie Chi. Gen Li et al.: Minimax-Optimal Multi-Agent RL in Zero-Sum Markov Games With a Generative Model. (2022) authored by Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi worksCount 226. Yuheng Zhang et al.: Batch Active Learning with Graph Neural Networks via Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Yuejie Chi. Yuejie Chi member of Carnegie Mellon University. Shicong Cen et al.: Independent Natural Policy Gradient Methods for Potential Games: Finite-time Global Convergence with Entropy Regularization. (2022) authored by Yuejie Chi\nAfter completing her Ph. \nChi graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor\'s degree in electrical engineering in 2007. in 2012
Which author has more publications, the author of Novel Scatter Compensation of List-Mode PET Data Using Spatial and Energy Dependent Corrections or the creator of Guaranteed Blind Sparse Spikes Deconvolution via Lifting and Convex Optimization?
Krishna M. Roskin et al.: Scoring two-species local alignments to try to statistically separate neutrally evolving from selected DNA segments. (2003) authored by David Haussler. Adam C. Siepel et al.: New Methods for Detecting Lineage-Specific Selection. (2006) authored by David Haussler. Hui Wang et al.: Gene structure-based splice variant deconvolution using a microarry platform. (2003) authored by David Haussler. Paul Pavlidis et al.: Promoter Region-Based Classification of Genes. (2001) authored by David Haussler. David Kulp et al.: A Generalized Hidden Markov Model for the Recognition of Human Genes in DNA. (1996) authored by David Haussler. David F. Parks et al.: IoT cloud laboratory: Internet of Things architecture for cellular biology. (2022) authored by David Haussler. Glenn Hickey et al.: HAL: a hierarchical format for storing and analyzing multiple genome alignments. (2013) authored by David Haussler. Krishna M. Roskin et al.: Score Functions for Determining Regional Conservation in Two-Species Local Alignments. (2004) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler et al.: A Flow Procedure for Linearization of Genome Sequence Graphs. (2018) authored by David Haussler. Vladimir Jojic et al.: Efficient approximations for learning phylogenetic HMM models from data. (2004) authored by David Haussler. Alex Spaeth et al.: Spiking neural state machine for gait frequency entrainment in a flexible modular robot. (2020) authored by David Haussler. Ngan Nguyen et al.: Comparative assembly hubs: Web-accessible browsers for comparative genomics. (2014) authored by David Haussler. David Haussler et al.: A Flow Procedure for the Linearization of Genome Sequence Graphs. (2017) authored by David Haussler. Jeremy Darot et al.: Detecting the Dependent Evolution of Biosequences. (2006) authored by David Haussler. Kimmen Sjölander et al.: Dirichlet mixtures: a method for improved detection of weak but significant protein sequence homology. (1996) authored by David Haussler. Jingchun Zhu et al.: Comparative Genomics Search for Losses of Long-Established Genes on the Human Lineage. (2007) authored by David Haussler. Alex Spaeth et al.: Neuromorphic Closed-Loop Control of a Flexible Modular Robot by a Simulated Spiking Central Pattern Generator. (2020) authored by David Haussler. Adam C. Siepel and David Haussler: Combining Phylogenetic and Hidden Markov Models in Biosequence Analysis. (2004) authored by David Haussler. Adam C. Siepel and David Haussler: Combining phylogenetic and hidden Markov models in biosequence analysis. (2003) authored by David Haussler. Rachel Karchin et al.: LS-SNP: large-scale annotation of coding non-synonymous SNPs based on multiple information sources. (2005) authored by David Haussler. Mario Stanke et al.: Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. (2008) authored by David Haussler. Chen-Hsiang Yeang and David Haussler: Detecting Coevolution in and among Protein Domains. (2007) authored by David Haussler. Adam C. Siepel and David Haussler: Computational identification of evolutionarily conserved exons. (2004) authored by David Haussler\nHis group\'s informatics work on cancer genomics, including the UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser, provides a complete analysis pipeline from raw DNA reads through the detection and interpretation of mutations and altered gene expression in tumor samples. These include the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)\'s ENCODE project to use omics methods to explore the function of every base in the human genome (for which UCSC served as the Data Coordination Center), NIH\'s Mammalian Gene Collection, NHGRI\'s 1000 genomes project to explore human genetic variation, the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium to replace the single reference human genome with a collection of genomes from around the world, and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Genome Atlas project to explore the genomic changes in cancer. '}. \nHaussler is one of eight organizing committee members of the Global Alliance for Genomic and Clinical Data Sharing, along with David Altshuler from the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT; Peter Goodhand and Thomas Hudson from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research; Brad Margus from the A-T Children\'s Project; Elizabeth Nabel from Brigham and Women\'s Hospital; Charles Sawyers from Memorial Sloan-Kettering; and Michael Stratton from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. \nHe co-founded the Genome 10K Project (now superseded by the Vertebrate Genomes Project) to assemble a genomic zoo—a collection of DNA sequences representing the genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species—to capture genetic diversity as a resource for the life sciences and for worldwide conservation efforts. At present, his lab grows human cerebral organoids for neurodevelopmental disease research and to explore human neural circuit formation and learning
Where did the writer who studied art briefly in San Francisco in 1971 transfer to in 1973?
Alireza Ghasemi and Martin Vetterli: Detecting planar surface using a light-field camera with application to distinguishing real scenes from printed photos. (2014) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zichong Chen et al.: Howis the weather: Automatic inference from images. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Rahul Shukla et al.: Disparity dependent segmentation based stereo image coding. (2003) authored by Martin Vetterli. Feng Yang et al.: An optimal algorithm for reconstructing images from binary measurements. (2010) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Rotation invariant texture characterization and retrieval using steerable wavelet-domain hidden Markov models. (2002) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: Image representation using binary space partitioning trees. (1990) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivana Jovanovic et al.: Tomographic Approach for Parametric Estimation of Local Diffusive Sources and Application to Heat Diffusion. (2007) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Wavelet-based texture retrieval using generalized Gaussian density and Kullback-Leibler distance. (2002) authored by Martin Vetterli. David Hasler et al.: From Local to Global Parameter Estimation in Panoramic Photographic Reconstruction. (1999) authored by Martin Vetterli. Laurent Balmelli et al.: Quadtrees for Embedded Surface Visualization: Constraints and Efficient Data Structures. (1999) authored by Martin Vetterli. Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan and Martin Vetterli: Sampling and reconstructing spatial fields using mobile sensors. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Alireza Ghasemi et al.: LCAV-31: a dataset for light field object recognition. (2014) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zhou Xue et al.: Light field panorama by a plenoptic camera. (2014) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: Binary space partitioning tree representation of images. (1991) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: Image compression using binary space partitioning trees. (1996) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: Privacy-Enhancing Optical Embeddings for Lensless Classification. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Feng Yang et al.: On pixel detection threshold in the gigavision camera. (2010) authored by Martin Vetterli. Pamela C. Cosman et al.: Vector quantization of image subbands: a survey. (1996) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivana Jovanovic et al.: Acoustic Tomography Method for Measuring Temperature and Wind Velocity. (2006) authored by Martin Vetterli. Alireza Ghasemi et al.: On the Accuracy of Point Localisation in a Circular Camera-Array. (2016) authored by Martin Vetterli. Alireza Ghasemi et al.: On the accuracy of point localisation in a circular camera-array. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Stefan Horbelt et al.: Joint mesh and texture compression using marginal analysis. (2001) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: Learning rich optical embeddings for privacy-preserving lensless image classification. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivana Tosic et al.: Ultrasound tomography with learned dictionaries. (2010) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Texture Similarity Measurement Using Kullback-Leibler Distance on Wavelet Subbands. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zoran Pecenovic et al.: Integrated Browsing and Searching of Large Image Collections. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Golnoosh Elhami et al.: Three-Dimensional Cubic Barcodes. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan and Martin Vetterli: Sampling and Reconstruction of Spatial Fields Using Mobile Sensors. (2013) authored by Martin Vetterli. Laurent Balmelli et al.: Efficient Algorithms for Embedded Rendering of Terrain Models. (1998) authored by Martin Vetterli. Vivek K. Goyal et al.: Multiple Description Transform Coding of Images. (1998) authored by Martin Vetterli. Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan and Martin Vetterli: Sampling and Reconstruction of Spatial Fields using Mobile Sensors (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: LenslessPiCam: A Hardware and Software Platform for Lensless Computational Imaging with a Raspberry Pi. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: LenslessPiCam: A Hardware and Software Platform for Lensless Computational Imaging with a Raspberry Pi. (2023) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: LenslessPiCam: A Hardware and Software Platform for Lensless Computational Imaging with a Raspberry Pi. (2023) authored by Martin Vetterli. Vladan Velisavljevic et al.: Space-Frequency Quantization for Image Compression With Directionlets. (2007) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mitra Fatemi et al.: Shapes From Pixels. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mitra Fatemi et al.: Shapes From Pixels. (2016) authored by Martin Vetterli. Juri Ranieri et al.: EigenMaps: algorithms for optimal thermal maps extraction and sensor placement on multicore processors. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Guillermo Barrenetxea et al.: SensorScope: Out-of-the-Box Environmental Monitoring. (2008) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zichong Chen et al.: Sensorcam: an energy-efficient smart wireless camera for environmental monitoring. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Feng Yang et al.: Image reconstruction in the gigavision camera. (2009) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivan Dokmanic et al.: Relax and unfold: Microphone localization with Euclidean distance matrices. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Juri Ranieri et al.: Phase Retrieval for Sparse Signals: Uniqueness Conditions. (2013) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zichong Chen et al.: Event-driven video coding for outdoor wireless monitoring cameras. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Rahul Shukla et al.: Rate-distortion optimized tree-structured compression algorithms for piecewise polynomial images. (2005) authored by Martin Vetterli. Reza Parhizkar et al.: Calibration in circular ultrasound tomography devices. (2011) authored by Martin Vetterli. Guillermo Barrenetxea et al.: Assessing the challenges of environmental signal processing through the sensorscope project. (2008) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mitra Fatemi et al.: Sampling and Reconstruction of Shapes With Algebraic Boundaries. (2016) authored by Martin Vetterli. S. Grace Chang et al.: Spatially adaptive wavelet thresholding with context modeling for image denoising. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mitra Fatemi et al.: Sampling and Reconstruction of Shapes with Algebraic Boundaries. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli Applications include image annotation and augmented reality for mobile devices. Each session runs for 10 weeks. "}. The course was first offered in February 2013 on Coursera and has been offered every year on the site since then. In particular, the project on ultrasound tomography intends to solve a long-standing quest for a safe and affordable breast cancer screening method. These include representations for signals (Fourier, wavelets, frames), sampling theory, and sparse representations. He later pursued his PhD at EPFL in 1986
Who has a lower hIndex, the author of 'Leader-following consensus control of multi-agent systems with communication delays & random packet loss' or the author of 'On simple oversampled A/D conversion in L2(IR)'?
J. Gladwin et al.: Using external training materials to strengthen health information management in East Africa. (2000) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Maria João Amante Trigo et al.: National information policy: the Portuguese legal framework ( 1980-1992). (1996) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Innocenti, Perla Cultural networks in migrating heritage: intersencting theories and practices across Europe. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2015. (2015) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Proceedings of CoLIS: 9th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science - Uppsala University, June 27-29, 2016. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Lars Höglund et al.: Trust in Healthcare: An Information Perspective. (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Álvaro Rocha et al.: Advances in Information Systems and Technologies [WorldCIST'13, Olhão, Algarve, Portugal, March 27-30, 2013]. (2013) edited by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Pieta Eklund et al.: EURIDICE project: The evaluation of image database use in online learning. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Amanda Spink et al.: Modeling Users' Successive Searches in Digital Environments: A National Science Foundation/British Library Funded Study. (1998) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Francis Greene et al.: The Management Information Needs of Academic Heads of Department in Universities: a Critical Success Factors Approach. (1999) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Thomas D. Wilson and Elena Maceviciute: Information misbehaviour: modelling the motivations for the creation, acceptance and dissemination of misinformation. (2022) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Walter Sujansky and Tom Wilson: DIRECT secure messaging as a common transport layer for reporting structured and unstructured lab results to outpatient providers. (2015) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Ian Owens et al.: Training information services specialists in the less-favoured regions of the European Union (TRAIN-ISS). (1996) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 2. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Nahl, Diane and Bilal, Dania, Eds. Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2007. (2008) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Simon Waddington et al.: PERICLES - Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics : Poster - iPres 2013 - Lisbon. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson et al.: Information Needs in Local Authority Social Services departments: a second Report on Project Iniss. (1979) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Special supplement: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 1. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Gartner, Richard. Metadata: shaping knowledge from antiquity to the semantic web. Basel: Springer International Publishing AG, 2016. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Crandall, Michael and Fisher, Karen E. (Eds.). Digital inclusion: measuring the impact of information and community technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2009. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cole, Charles Information need: a theory connecting information search to knowledge formation. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2012. (2012) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Perla Innocenti et al.: Assessing digital preservation frameworks: the approach of the SHAMAN project. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson and Elena Maceviciute: What's newsworthy about 'information seeking'? An analysis of Google's News Alerts. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Fidel, Raya Human information interaction: an ecological approach to information behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. (2012) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Special supplement: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October, 2018: Part 2. (2019) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cox, Sharon. Managing information in organizations: a practical guide to implementing an information managment strategy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. (2015) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Special supplement: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October, 2018: Part 1. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Poibeau, Thierry. Machine translation Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. David Ellis et al.: Information seeking and mediated searching. Part 5. User-intermediary interaction. (2002) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Disk Drill PRO. Atlanta, GA: 508 Software LLC. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. David K. Allen and T. D. Wilson: Action, interaction and the role of ambiguity in the introduction of mobile information systems in a UK Police Force. (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. A. Pellow and T. D. Wilson: The management information requirements of heads of university departments: a critical success factors approach. (1993) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Amanda Spink et al.: Information-seeking and mediated searching. Part 1. Theoretical framework and research design. (2002) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Amanda Spink et al.: Information seeking and mediated searching study. Part 3. Successive searching. (2002) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Amanda Spink and T. D. Wilson: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Information Retrieval (IR) Evaluation in an Information Seeking Context. (1999) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Special supplement: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Leeds, 2-5 September, 2014: Part 2. (2015) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Special supplement: Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Leeds, 2-5 September, 2014: Part 1. (2014) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. The turn: integration of information seeking and retrieval in context. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Sejnowski, Terrence J. The deep learning revolution Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Elena Maceviciute et al.: E-books in academic libraries: results of a survey carried out in Sweden and Lithuania. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Galla, Preston. Windows XP Hacks: tips and tools for optimizing your OS. (2nd ed.) Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Healy, Kieran. Data visualization: a practical introduction. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019. (2019) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Tarapanoff, Kira, editor. Intelligência organizacional e competitiva. Brasilía: Editora Universidade de Brasilía, 2001. 343 p. ISBN 85-230-0637-0. (2002) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Maija-Leena Huotari and T. D. Wilson: Determining organizational information needs: the Critical Success Factors approach. (2001) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Ian Owens et al.: Information And Business Performance: A Study Of Information Systems And Services In High-Performing Companies. (1995) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Shroff, Gautam. The intelligent Web. Search, smart algorithms and big data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. (2014) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Michael Bolin et al.: Automation and customization of rendered web pages. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. David K. Allen and Tom Wilson: Vertical trust/mistrust during information strategy formation. (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Franklin Riley et al.: When politicians and the experts collide: Organization and the creation of information spheres. (2022) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001 There are four steps in the process, problem identification, problem definition, problem resolution, and solution statement. '}. At each step of the process, more information must be gathered in order to resolve the uncertainty of that step. Following national service in the Royal Air Force he returned to Durham County Library and took the examinations of the Library Association to qualify as a professional librarian. Also, the research established that by providing information seekers with a pattern to follow (such as the four step uncertainty resolution pattern), the accuracy and volume of information they acquired was increased. That, combined with lack of training in using the other information sources available, had led to a lack of organized information being used at Social Services offices. He recommended the establishment of a central library for Social Services information, along with training staff to access that information, as well as more communication within each office on information needs. He left school at age 16 to work as a library assistant in Durham County Library. His research in this area included early studies on business use of the World Wide Web, the relationship of information systems and business performance and the application of mobile information systems in policing
Who has more works, Dieter Schmalstieg or Tom Wilson?
Lu Gan et al.: Multitask Learning for Scalable and Dense Multilayer Bayesian Map Inference. (2023) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Lu Gan et al.: Multi-Task Learning for Scalable and Dense Multi-Layer Bayesian Map Inference. (2021) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jiunn-Kai Huang and Jessy W. Grizzle: Improvements to Target-Based 3D LiDAR to Camera Calibration. (2019) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jiunn-Kai Huang and Jessy W. Grizzle: Improvements to Target-Based 3D LiDAR to Camera Calibration. (2020) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Erich P. Brandt and J. W. Grizzle: Three-way catalyst diagnostics for advanced emissions control systems. (2001) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Lu Gan et al.: Bayesian Spatial Kernel Smoothing for Scalable Dense Semantic Mapping. (2020) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Giovanni Fiengo et al.: Dual-UEGO active catalyst control for emissions reduction: design and experimental validation. (2005) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Ray Zhang et al.: A New Framework for Registration of Semantic Point Clouds from Stereo and RGB-D Cameras. (2021) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Ray Zhang et al.: A New Framework for Registration of Semantic Point Clouds from Stereo and RGB-D Cameras. (2020) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Lu Gan et al.: Bayesian Spatial Kernel Smoothing for ScalableDense Semantic Mapping. (2019) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jessy W. Grizzle name Jessy W. Grizzle. Joseph J. Scillieri et al.: From stoichiometry to ultra lean burn in a direct injection spark ignition engine model. (2002) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jessy W. Grizzle 2YrMeanCitedness 4.2916665077209472656. Jessy W. Grizzle is Person. Jessy W. Grizzle written paper amount in year2016: 8. Jessy W. Grizzle written paper amount in year2016: 8. Jiunn-Kai Huang et al.: Global Unifying Intrinsic Calibration for Spinning and Solid-State LiDARs. (2020) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jessy W. Grizzle written paper amount in year2014: 9. Jessy W. Grizzle written paper amount in year2014: 9. Jessy W. Grizzle alternativeName Jessy Grizzle. Julia H. Buckland et al.: Practical observers for unmeasured states in turbocharged gasoline engines. (2009) authored by Jessy W. Grizzle. Jessy W. Grizzle alternativeName Jessy W. Grizzle\n\nThis biography of an American academic is a stub. and Carol L
What is the hIndex of the author of Nonholonomic virtual constraints for dynamic walking?
Shahram Izadi et al.: KinectFusion: real-time 3D reconstruction and interaction using a moving depth camera. (2011) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Shahram Izadi et al.: KinectFusion: real-time dynamic 3D surface reconstruction and interaction. (2011) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Richard A. Newcombe et al.: KinectFusion: Real-time dense surface mapping and tracking. (2011) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Christian Kurz et al.: Symmetry-Aware Template Deformation and Fitting. (2014) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli: A New Genetic Algorithm Based Scheme for Inferring Finite State Machines From Accept/Reject Data Samples. (2003) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Samunda Perera et al.: Motion Segmentation of Truncated Signed Distance Function Based Volumetric Surfaces. (2015) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Chen Liu et al.: Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation. (2017) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli h-index 80. Po-Sen Huang et al.: Achieving Verified Robustness to Symbol Substitutions via Interval Bound Propagation. (2019) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Po-Sen Huang et al.: Achieving Verified Robustness to Symbol Substitutions via Interval Bound Propagation. (2019) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Kyomin Jung et al.: Local Rules for Global MAP: When Do They Work ? (2009) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli modified 2023-10-18. Dhruv Batra et al.: Tighter Relaxations for MAP-MRF Inference: A Local Primal-Dual Gap based Separation Algorithm. (2011) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Michael Bleyer et al.: Object stereo - Joint stereo matching and object segmentation. (2011) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Sungwoong Kim et al.: Image Segmentation UsingHigher-Order Correlation Clustering. (2014) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Lubor Ladicky et al.: Associative hierarchical CRFs for object class image segmentation. (2009) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Yoram Bachrach et al.: Optimal Coalition Structure Generation in Cooperative Graph Games. (2013) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Michael Bleyer et al.: Surface stereo with soft segmentation. (2010) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Julien P. C. Valentin et al.: SemanticPaint: interactive segmentation and learning of 3D world. (2015) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Alexander L. Gaunt et al.: TerpreT: A Probabilistic Programming Language for Program Induction. (2016) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli alternativeName Kohli Pushmeet. Vahid Kazemi et al.: Real-Time Face Reconstruction from a Single Depth Image. (2014) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Mihaly Varadi et al.: AlphaFold Protein Structure Database: massively expanding the structural coverage of protein-sequence space with high-accuracy models. (2022) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Sergio Orts-Escolano et al.: Holoportation: Virtual 3D Teleportation in Real-time. (2016) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Tuanfeng Y. Wang et al.: Dynamic SfM: Detecting Scene Changes from Image Pairs. (2015) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Alexander L. Gaunt et al.: Summary - TerpreT: A Probabilistic Programming Language for Program Induction. (2016) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Jonathan Taylor et al.: Efficient and precise interactive hand tracking through joint, continuous optimization of pose and correspondences. (2016) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Matthieu Bray et al.: PoseCut: Simultaneous Segmentation and 3D Pose Estimation of Humans Using Dynamic Graph-Cuts. (2006) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Xiaokun Wu et al.: Real-Time Symmetry-Preserving Deformation. (2014) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Nathan Silberman et al.: Indoor Segmentation and Support Inference from RGBD Images. (2012) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli et al.: Simultaneous Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Humans Using Dynamic Graph Cuts. (2008) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli i10Index 237. Peter Ondruska et al.: MobileFusion: Real-Time Volumetric Surface Reconstruction and Dense Tracking on Mobile Phones. (2015) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Chen Liu et al.: Multi-way Particle Swarm Fusion. (2016) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Pushmeet Kohli alternativeName Pushmeet Kohli. Mohammad Norouzi et al.: CO2 Forest: Improved Random Forest by Continuous Optimization of Oblique Splits. (2015) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Olga Barinova et al.: On Detection of Multiple Object Instances Using Hough Transforms. (2012) authored by Pushmeet Kohli. Sumanth Dathathri et al.: Enabling certification of verification-agnostic networks via memory-efficient semidefinite programming. (2020) authored by Pushmeet Kohli He was a Postdoctoral associate at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. Some notable ones include:'}
Who has more publications, the author of 'Memory Bounded Deep Convolutional Networks' or the author of 'A surprising permanence of old motivations (a not-so-rigid story)'?
Daniela Marghitu et al.: Developing Coding Instruction Videos for K12 Hearing Impaired Students Using American Sign Language. (2023) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Sergio García-Vergara et al.: Increasing Super Pop VR^TM V R T M Users' Intrinsic Motivation by Improving the Game's Aesthetics. (2015) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Stephen Williams and Ayanna M. Howard: Horizon line estimation in glacial environments using multiple visual cues. (2011) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Katelyn E. Fry et al.: Method for the Determination of Relative Joint Axes for Wearable Inertial Sensor Applications. (2021) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Antidio Viguria and Ayanna M. Howard: Upper-bound cost analysis of a market-based algorithm applied to the initial formation problem. (2007) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Camille Harris et al.: Exploring the Role of Grammar and Word Choice in Bias Toward African American English (AAE) in Hate Speech Classification. (2022) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Sergio García-Vergara et al.: Super Pop VRTM: An Adaptable Virtual Reality Game for Upper-Body Rehabilitation. (2013) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Sohrab Mobasser et al.: Fuzzy Image Processing in Sun Sensor. (2001) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Matan Halevy et al.: Mitigating Racial Biases in Toxic Language Detection with an Equity-Based Ensemble Framework. (2021) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Matan Halevy et al.: Mitigating Racial Biases in Toxic Language Detection with an Equity-Based Ensemble Framework. (2021) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Brittney A. English and Ayanna M. Howard: The effects of adjusting task difficulty on learning motor and cognitive aspects of a multitasking task. (2017) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Chung Hyuk Park et al.: Examining the learning effects of a low-cost haptic-based virtual reality simulator on laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (2013) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Brittney A. English and Ayanna M. Howard: The effects of musical cues on motor learning using a robotic wrist rehabilitation system - A healthy pilot study. (2017) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Chung Hyuk Park et al.: Pilot Study: Supplementing Surgical Training for Medical Students Using a Low-Cost Virtual Reality Simulator. (2014) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Ayanna M. Howard et al.: Non-contact versus contact-based sensing methodologies for in-home upper arm robotic rehabilitation. (2013) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Brittney A. English and Ayanna M. Howard: An Adaptive Robotic Tablet Gaming System for Post-Stroke Hand Function Rehabilitation. (2015) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Ayanna M. Howard and J. MacCalla: Pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile-based therapy and educational app for children. (2014) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Chung Hyuk Park and Ayanna M. Howard: Haptic Visualization of Real-World Environmental Data for Individuals with Visual Impairments. (2014) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Antidio Viguria and Ayanna M. Howard: A probabilistic model for the performance analysis of a distributed task allocation algorithm. (2009) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Stephen Williams et al.: Calibration and Validation of Earth-Observing Sensors Using Deployable Surface-Based Sensor Networks. (2010) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Meenakshi Das et al.: Accessible Block-Based Programming for K-12 Students Who Are Blind or Low Vision. (2021) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Brian Stephen Smith et al.: Automatic deployment and formation control of decentralized multi-agent networks. (2008) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Scott Koziol et al.: Using floating-gate based programmable analog arrays for real-time control of a game-playing robot. (2011) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Ayanna M. Howard and Curtis Padgett: A generalized approach to real-time pattern recognition in sensed data. (1999) authored by Ayanna M. Howard. Sekou L. Remy et al.: Improving the performance of ANN training with an unsupervised filtering method. (2009) authored by Ayanna M. Howard and Ph. S. S. D. D. and Mark C. In 2013, she founded Zyrobotics, which has released their first suite of therapy and educational products for children with special needs. program at Georgia Tech. Bekey
What is the birth date of the author of the paper 'Trust in emergency evacuation robots'?
Alfonso Cevallos et al.: Unconditionally-Secure Robust Secret Sharing with Compact Shares. (2012) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Ran Gelles et al.: Efficient Error-Correcting Codes for Sliding Windows. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Ran Gelles et al.: Efficient Error-Correcting Codes for Sliding Windows. (2020) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Karim Eldefrawy et al.: Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups. (2020) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Karim Eldefrawy et al.: Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups. (2020) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Lossy Encryption: Constructions from General Assumptions and Efficient Selective Opening Chosen Ciphertext Security. (2011) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Lossy Encryption: Constructions from General Assumptions and Efficient Selective Opening Chosen Ciphertext Security. (2009) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Alain J. Mayer et al.: Self-Stabilizing Symmetry Breaking in Constant-Space (Extended Abstract) (1992) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Joshua Baron et al.: Communication-Optimal Proactive Secret Sharing for Dynamic Groups. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Joshua Baron et al.: Communication-Optimal Proactive Secret Sharing for Dynamic Groups. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. William Aiello et al.: Adaptive Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic. (2000) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Allan Borodin et al.: Stability preserving transformations: packet routing networks with edge capacities and speeds. (2001) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Karim Eldefrawy et al.: Theoretical Foundations for Mobile Target Defense: Proactive Secret Sharing and Secure Multiparty Computation. (2018) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Allan Borodin et al.: Stability Preserving Transformations: Packet Routing Networks with Edge Capacities and Speeds. (2004) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Nishanth Chandran et al.: Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation with Edge Corruptions. (2012) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Nishanth Chandran et al.: Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation with Edge Corruptions. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Vladimir Braverman et al.: Zero-One Laws for Sliding Windows and Universal Sketches. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway and Rafail Ostrovsky: Building Lossy Trapdoor Functions from Lossy Encryption. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. William Aiello et al.: Adaptive Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic. (1998) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Alain J. Mayer et al.: Self-Stabilizing Symmetry Breaking in Constant Space. (2002) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway and Rafail Ostrovsky: Building Lossy Trapdoor Functions from Lossy Encryption. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway Falk et al.: Linear-time 2-party secure merge from additively homomorphic encryption. (2023) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Local Correctability of Expander Codes. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: How to Build a Trapdoor Function from an Encryption Scheme. (2021) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Local correctability of expander codes. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Richard J. Lipton et al.: Provable Virus Detection: Using the Uncertainty Principle to Protect Against Malware. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky and Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson: Faster Computation On Directed Networks of Automata (Extended Abstract). (1995) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Nishanth Chandran et al.: Universally Composable Secure Computation with Corrupted Tokens. (2019) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Michele Ciampi et al.: Round-Optimal Black-Box Multiparty Computation from Polynomial-Time Assumptions. (2023) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky et al.: Maliciously Circuit-Private FHE. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky et al.: Universally Composable Secure Computation with (Malicious) Physically Uncloneable Functions. (2012) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Local Correctability of Expander Codes (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky et al.: Maliciously Circuit-private FHE. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Paul Bunn and Rafail Ostrovsky: Secure End-to-End Communication with Optimal Throughput and Resilience against Malicious Adversary. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky et al.: Impossibility of Black-Box Simulation Against Leakage Attacks. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky et al.: Universally Composable Secure Computation with (Malicious) Physically Uncloneable Functions. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Paul Bunn and Rafail Ostrovsky: Secure End-to-End Communication with Optimal Throughput in Unreliable Networks (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Quinn Grier et al.: ETERNAL: Encrypted Transmission With an Error-correcting, Real-time, Noise-resilient Apparatus on Lightweight Devices. (2018) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky and Yuval Rabani: Universal O(Congestion + Dilation + log1+epsilonN) Local Control Packet Switching Algorithms. (1997) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Joshua Baron et al.: How to withstand mobile virus attacks, revisited. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Joshua Baron et al.: How to Withstand Mobile Virus Attacks, Revisited. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky name Rafail Ostrovsky. Nishanth Chandran et al.: Edge Fault Tolerance on Sparse Networks. (2012) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Harry Buhrman et al.: Position-Based Quantum Cryptography: Impossibility and Constructions. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Saikrishna Badrinarayanan et al.: Unconditional UC-Secure Computation with (Stronger-Malicious) PUFs. (2017) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Michele Ciampi et al.: List Oblivious Transfer and Applications to Round-Optimal Black-Box Multiparty Coin Tossing. (2023) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Michele Ciampi et al.: List Oblivious Transfer and Applications to Round-Optimal Black-Box Multiparty Coin Tossing. (2023) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Juan A. Garay et al.: Fast and unconditionally secure anonymous channel. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Harry Buhrman et al.: Position-Based Quantum Cryptography: Impossibility and Constructions. (2011) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Leonid Barenboim et al.: Deterministic and Energy-Optimal Wireless Synchronization. (2014) authored by Rafail OstrovskyD. {'author_wikipedia_text': "Rafail Ostrovsky is a distinguished professor of computer science and mathematics at UCLA and a well-known researcher in algorithms and cryptography
How many publication citations does the institute of the researcher who published the paper 'A Survey of Single Database PIR: Techniques and Applications' have?
Houman Owhadi name Houman Owhadi. Houman Owhadi alternativeName Houman Owhadi. Houman Owhadi is Person. Houman Owhadi 2YrMeanCitedness 1.125. Houman Owhadi alternativeName H. Owhadi. Sina Ober-Blöbaum et al.: Variational integrators for electric circuits. (2013) authored by Houman Owhadi. Gene Ryan Yoo and Houman Owhadi: Deep regularization and direct training of the inner layers of Neural Networks with Kernel Flows. (2020) authored by Houman Owhadi. Sujit Nair et al.: Multiple target detection using Bayesian learning. (2009) authored by Houman Owhadi. Houman Owhadi modified 2023-10-18. Houman Owhadi is Creator. Houman Owhadi i10Index 53'}. S. D
How many publication citations does the institution of the author who wrote 'Multigrid with rough coefficients and Multiresolution operator decomposition from Hierarchical Information Games' have?
T. D. Wilson: Review of: Innocenti, Perla Cultural networks in migrating heritage: intersencting theories and practices across Europe. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2015. (2015) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Michael Bolin et al.: Automation and customization of rendered web pages. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName Tom Wilson. Tom Wilson name Tom Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName Tom D. Wilson. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Swinford, Echo Fixing PowerPoint annoyances. How to fix the most annoying things about your favorite presentation program. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2006. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName Thomas D. Wilson. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Tidwell, Jenifer. Designing interfaces. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2006. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName Taryn Wilson. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cronin, Blaise Bloomington days: town and gown in Middle America. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2012. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Poibeau, Thierry. Machine translation Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName T. Wilson. Tom Wilson modified 2023-10-18. Tom Wilson alternativeName T.D Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName T. D. Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName T D. Wilson. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Tarapanoff, Kira (Ed.). Aprendizado organizacional. Curitiba, Brazil: Editora IBPEX, 2012. (2012) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Galla, Preston. Windows XP Hacks: tips and tools for optimizing your OS. (2nd ed.) Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Disk Drill PRO. Atlanta, GA: 508 Software LLC. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Brad Jackson. Management gurus and management fashions: a dramatistic inquiry. London: Routledge, 2001 xvi, 208 pp. ISBN 0-415-24945-7. (2002) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson i10Index 60. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Geert Lovink. Uncanny networks: dialogues with the virtual intelligentsia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. xv, [1] 374pp. ISBN 0-262-62187-8 (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Wyke-Smith, Charles Stylin' with CSS: a designer's guide, 2nd. ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2008. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Wooffitt, R. Conversation analysis and discourse analysis: a comparative and critical introduction. London: Sage Publications, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Campbell, James W.P. and Pryce, Will. The library: a world history London: Thames and Hudson, 2013. (2014) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Ray, Erik T. Learning XML (2nd ed.) Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003. xiv, 400, [1] p. ISBN 0-596-00420-6. (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Berg, Bruce L. Qualitative research methods for the social sciences, 6th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2007. (2008) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Sejnowski, Terrence J. The deep learning revolution Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Bauer, Martin W. & Gaskell, George. editors. Qualitative researching with text, image and sound. A practical handbook. London: Sage Publications, 2000. ISBN 0-7619-6481-9. (2001) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Moggridge, Bill. Designing interactions. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007. (2007) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Healy, Kieran. Data visualization: a practical introduction. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019. (2019) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Mulder, Steve and Yaar, Ziv. The user is always right: a practical guide to creating and using personas for the Web Second edition. Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2007. (2008) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Žižek, Slavoj. Like a thief in broad daylight. Power in the era of post-humanity London: Allen Lane, 2018. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Garfield, Simon. Just my type: a book about fonts.. London: Profile Books, 2010. (2011) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Griffiths, Dawn Head first statistics Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2008. (2008) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Galla, Preston. Windows XP Hacks: 100 industrial strength tips and tools. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson et al.: The behaviour/practice debate. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Shirky, Clay. Cognitive surplus: creativity and generosity in a connected age. London: Allen Lane, Penguin Books, 2010. (2011) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin [Conference Reports]. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Southwell, Brian G., Thorson, Emily A. and Laura Sheble, (Eds.). Misinformation and mass audiences Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2018. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Williams, Robin. The non-designer's presentation book: principles for effective presentation design. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2009. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Carrott, James H. & Johnson, Brian David Vintage tomorrows Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2013. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson member of Glasgow Caledonian University. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Dirksen, Julie. Design for how people learn. Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2012. (2011) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cronin, Blaise. Cathedrals of learning: great and ancient universities of Western Europe Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2016. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Gubrium, Jaber F. and Holstein, James A., eds. Handbook of interview research: context & method. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002. xiii, 981 pp. ISBN 0-7619-1951-1. (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson worksCount 360. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Herrero, Leandro. New leaders wanted: now hiring! 12. kinds of people you must find, seduce, hire and create a job for. Beaconsfield: Meeting minds. 2007 (2007) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001'}. There are four steps in the process, problem identification, problem definition, problem resolution, and solution statement. 8 million Swedish kronor ($1. \nRecently, Dr. A. \nIn addition to this work, Dr. At each step of the process, more information must be gathered in order to resolve the uncertainty of that step. Thomas D. \nThomas Daniel Wilson was born in 1935 at Shincliffe Station in County Durham, England
What online journal for information science did the author found?
David P. Williamson name David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson alternativeName David Paul Williamson. David P. Williamson alternativeName David Williamson. David P. Williamson alternativeName David P. Williamson. Guolong Lin et al.: A General Approach for Incremental Approximation and Hierarchical Clustering. (2010) authored by David P. Williamson. Guolong Lin et al.: A general approach for incremental approximation and hierarchical clustering. (2006) authored by David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson alternativeName D. Williamson. David P. Williamson is Person. Monika Henzinger et al.: Cut-Toggling and Cycle-Toggling for Electrical Flow and Other p-Norm Flows. (2021) authored by David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson alternativeName D. P. Williamson. David P. Williamson 2YrMeanCitedness 0.88888889551162719727. David P. Williamson primary affiliation Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. James M. Davis et al.: Pricing Problems Under the Nested Logit Model with a Quality Consistency Constraint. (2017) authored by David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson is Creator. Chandrashekhar Nagarajan and David P. Williamson: Offline and online facility leasing. (2013) authored by David P. Williamson. Chandrashekhar Nagarajan and David P. Williamson: Offline and Online Facility Leasing. (2008) authored by David P. Williamson. Allan Borodin et al.: Adversarial Queueing Theory. (1996) authored by David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson affiliation Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. David B. Shmoys et al.: Scheduling Parallel Machines On-Line. (1995) authored by David P. Williamson. David B. Shmoys et al.: Scheduling Parallel Machines On-line. (1991) authored by David P. Williamson. David P. Williamson member of Cornell University'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
In which year did the author of 'Characterizing the Integrality Gap of the Subtour LP for the Circulant Traveling Salesman Problem' win the Fulkerson Prize?
Yevgeniy Puzikov et al.: Revisiting the Binary Linearization Technique for Surface Realization. (2019) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych member of Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Alexandra Núñez et al.: A "Wind of Change" - Shaping Public Opinion of the "Arab Spring" Using Metaphors. (2017) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Alexandra Núñez et al.: A 'wind of change' - shaping public opinion of the Arab Spring using metaphors. (2019) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Bernd Skiera et al.: How to Best Predict the Daily Number of New Infections of Covid-19. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Max Mühlhäuser and Iryna Gurevych: Handbook of Research on Ubiquitous Computing Technology for Real Time Enterprises (2008) edited by Iryna Gurevych. Nafise Sadat Moosavi et al.: Adaptable Adapters. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Nafise Sadat Moosavi et al.: Adaptable Adapters. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Erik-Lân Do Dinh et al.: Weeding out Conventionalized Metaphors: A Corpus of Novel Metaphor Annotations. (2018) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Tilman Beck et al.: Sensitivity, Performance, Robustness: Deconstructing the Effect of Sociodemographic Prompting. (2024) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Haau-Sing Li et al.: Asking Clarification Questions for Code Generation in General-Purpose Programming Language. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych alternativeName Gurevych Iryna. Iryna Gurevych alternativeName Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych alternativeName I. Gurevych. Nico Daheim et al.: Model Merging by Uncertainty-Based Gradient Matching. (2023) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Kevin Stowe et al.: Metaphor Generation with Conceptual Mappings. (2021) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Kevin Stowe et al.: Metaphor Generation with Conceptual Mappings. (2021) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Max Mühlhäuser and Iryna Gurevych: Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing. (2008) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Andreas Rücklé et al.: AdapterDrop: On the Efficiency of Adapters in Transformers. (2021) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych et al.: Proceedings of the Ninth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, *SEM@COLING 2020, Barcelona, Spain (Online), December 12-13, 2020 (2020) edited by Iryna Gurevych. Andreas Rücklé et al.: AdapterDrop: On the Efficiency of Adapters in Transformers. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych link Iryna Gurevych link Iryna Gurevych name Iryna Gurevych. Katharina Schwarz et al.: Text-to-Video: Story Illustration from Online Photo Collections. (2010) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Tahir Sousa et al.: Constructive feedback, thinking process and cooperation: assessing the quality of classroom interaction. (2015) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Jonas Pfeiffer et al.: AdapterHub: A Framework for Adapting Transformers. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Jonas Pfeiffer et al.: AdapterHub: A Framework for Adapting Transformers. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych modified 2023-10-18. Erik-Lân Do Dinh et al.: Filter and Annotate: Towards Automatic Identification of Genuine Metaphoricity. (2018) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Elisabeth Bauer et al.: Using ENA to Analyze Pre-service Teachers' Diagnostic Argumentations: A Conceptual Framework and Initial Applications. (2019) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Iryna Gurevych 2YrMeanCitedness 1.6648044586181640625. Kevin Stowe et al.: Metaphoric Paraphrase Generation. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Nils Dycke et al.: Yes-Yes-Yes: Proactive Data Collection for ACL Rolling Review and Beyond. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Seid Muhie Yimam et al.: WebAnno: A Flexible, Web-based and Visually Supported System for Distributed Annotations. (2013) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Irina Bigoulaeva et al.: Label modification and bootstrapping for zero-shot cross-lingual hate speech detection. (2023) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Lorenz Stangier et al.: TexPrax: A Messaging Application for Ethical, Real-time Data Collection and Annotation. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Lorenz Stangier et al.: TexPrax: A Messaging Application for Ethical, Real-time Data Collection and Annotation. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Nils Dycke et al.: Yes-Yes-Yes: Donation-based Peer Reviewing Data Collection for ACL Rolling Review and Beyond. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Silvana Hartmann and Iryna Gurevych: FrameNet on the Way to Babel: Creating a Bilingual FrameNet Using Wiktionary as Interlingual Connection. (2013) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Sallam Abualhaija et al.: Metaheuristic Approaches to Lexical Substitution and Simplification. (2017) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Tristan Miller et al.: Sense-annotating a Lexical Substitution Data Set with Ubyline. (2016) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Jan-Christoph Klie et al.: From Zero to Hero: Human-In-The-Loop Entity Linking in Low Resource Domains. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Lisa Beinborn et al.: Cognate Production using Character-based Machine Translation. (2013) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Shweta Mahajan et al.: Latent Normalizing Flows for Many-to-Many Cross-Domain Mappings. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Shweta Mahajan et al.: Latent Normalizing Flows for Many-to-Many Cross-Domain Mappings. (2020) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Kevin Stowe et al.: Exploring Metaphoric Paraphrase Generation. (2021) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Teresa Botschen et al.: Frame- and Entity-Based Knowledge for Common-Sense Argumentative Reasoning. (2018) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Chen Cecilia Liu et al.: Improving Generalization of Adapter-Based Cross-lingual Transfer with Scheduled Unfreezing. (2023) authored by Iryna Gurevych. Irina Bigoulaeva et al.: Addressing the Challenges of Cross-Lingual Hate Speech Detection. (2022) authored by Iryna Gurevych In 2001, she received her Ph. '}. D
How many papers are associated with the institute where the creator of the paper 'Representation Learning for Answer Selection with LSTM-Based Importance Weighting' is employed?
Alaa A. Kharbouch et al.: A Bacterial Algorithm for Surface Mapping using a Markov Modulated Markov Chain Model of Bacterial Chemotaxis. (2007) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Webster P. Dove et al.: Knowledge-based pitch detection. (1983) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Alan V. Oppenheim name Alan V. Oppenheim. Tarek A. Lahlou and Alan V. Oppenheim: Unveiling The Tree: A Convex Framework for Sparse Problems. (2015) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Tarek A. Lahlou and Alan V. Oppenheim: Unveiling the tree: A convex framework for sparse problems. (2015) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Sefa Demirtas and Alan V. Oppenheim: A Functional Composition Approach to Filter Sharpening and Modular Filter Design. (2015) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Sefa Demirtas and Alan V. Oppenheim: A Functional Composition Approach to Filter Sharpening and Modular Filter Design. (2016) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Dennis Wei and Alan V. Oppenheim: Sparsity maximization under a quadratic constraint with applications in filter design. (2010) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Alan V. Oppenheim alternativeName Alan. v. Oppenheim. Catherine Medlock and Alan V. Oppenheim: Optimal ROC Curves from Score Variable Threshold Tests. (2019) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Alan V. Oppenheim alternativeName Alan Oppenheim. Alan V. Oppenheim alternativeName Alan V. Oppenheim. Evangelos E. Milios and Alan V. Oppenheim: The phase-only version of the LPC residual in speech coding. (1983) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Shawn M. Verbout et al.: Parameter estimation for autoregressive Gaussian-mixture processes: the EMAX algorithm. (1997) authored by Alan V. Oppenheim. Alan V. Oppenheim alternativeName A. OppenheimS. S. and M. Sc
Which author's institute has a higher publications count, the creator of 'Secure time synchronization protocols for wireless sensor networks' or the writer of 'Quantization Noise Shaping on Arbitrary Frame Expansions'?
Li Tan et al.: Wildfire Perimeter Detection via Iterative Trimming Method. (2023) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Li Tan et al.: Estimation of wildfire wind conditions via perimeter and surface area optimization. (2022) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ivannia Gomez Moreno et al.: Visualization and Labeling of Terrestrial LiDAR Data for Three-Dimensional Fuel Classification. (2023) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Jaspreet Kaur Bhamra et al.: Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection. (2023) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Siddhant Baldota et al.: Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection. (2022) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Thayjes Srivas et al.: Wildfire Spread Prediction and Assimilation for FARSITE Using Ensemble Kalman Filtering. (2016) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ilkay Altıntaş 2YrMeanCitedness 0.625. Abhishek Subramanian et al.: Recursive Updates of Wildfire Perimeters Using Barrier Points and Ensemble Kalman Filtering. (2020) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Yu Qian et al.: FlowGate: towards extensible and scalable web-based flow cytometry data analysis. (2015) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Mai H. Nguyen et al.: A scalable approach for location-specific detection of Santa Ana conditions. (2016) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Thayjes Srivas et al.: Data Assimilation of Wildfires with Fuel Adjustment Factors in farsite using Ensemble Kalman Filtering*. (2017) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ruijuan Chen et al.: EPiK-a Workflow for Electron Tomography in Kepler. (2014) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Li Tan et al.: Characterizing Wildfire Perimeter Polygons from QUIC-Fire. (2022) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Daniel Roten et al.: Machine Learning for Improved Post-fire Debris Flow Likelihood Prediction. (2022) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Li Tan et al.: Improving Wildfire Simulations by Estimation of Wildfire Wind Conditions from Fire Perimeter Measurements. (2021) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ilkay Altıntaş name Ilkay Altıntaş. Mehrdad Yazdani et al.: Scalable Detection of Rural Schools in Africa Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Satellite Imagery. (2018) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ilkay Altıntaş alternativeName Ilkay Altıntaş. Yan Tang et al.: PEnBayes: A Multi-Layered Ensemble Approach for Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Big Data. (2019) authored by Ilkay Altintas. Ilkay Altıntaş alternativeName Altintas Ilkay\nOn October 26, 2003, Altintas experienced California wildfires for the first time, after witnessing the Cedar Fire in San Diego County. g. In addition to aiding in the identification and traceability of wildfire outbreaks, the framework of the services deployed by WIFIRE is being used toward aiding in the identification and traceability of the COVID-19 outbreak. She allotted much of her time thereafter to learning about California's fire-adapted ecosystem, and the two factors, weather and fuel, that contribute significantly to the spread and dynamic behavior of wildfires. \nFor her pioneering WIFIRE work, Altintas has been featured on various US-based radio broadcasts, newspapers, and magazines. The environmental and economic toll that this natural disaster had on the residents of San Diego County inspired Altintas to contribute to improving the then-current systems of managing and predicting wildfires. [excessive citations] She has also been featured on the University of California Television (UCTV) channel for her WIFIRE research
What is the birthplace of the author of the paper Challenges and Opportunities for Composable AI-Integrated Applications at the Digital Continuum: Keynote?
Emilia Fridman alternativeName Fridman Emilia. Emilia Fridman alternativeName Emilia Fridman. Emilia Fridman alternativeName Emilia M. Fridman. Emilia Fridman 2YrMeanCitedness 2.5697674751281738281. Emilia Fridman link Emilia Fridman link Emilia Fridman alternativeName Edward Fridman. Emilia Fridman name Emilia Fridman. Emilia Fridman alternativeName Fridman. Emilia Fridman alternativeName Э. Фридман. Emilia Fridman alternativeName E. M. Fridman. Emilia Fridman alternativeName E. Fridman. Emilia Fridman alternativeName Eddie Fridman. Alexey S. Matveev et al.: Comprehending Complexity: Data-Rate Constraints in Large-Scale Networks. (2019) authored by Emilia Fridman. Emilia Fridman et al.: Bounds on the response of a drilling pipe model. (2010) authored by Emilia Fridman. Andrei Polyakov et al.: On homogeneous evolution equation in a Banach space. (2015) authored by Emilia Fridman. Emilia Fridman i10Index 185. Emilia Fridman affiliation Tel Aviv University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Systems, Israel. Emilia Fridman modified 2023-10-18. Robert Griñó et al.: A behavioural dynamic model for constant power loads in single-phase AC systems. (2021) authored by Emilia Fridman. Emilia Fridman primary affiliation Tel Aviv University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Systems, Israel. Emilia Fridman h-index 67. Emilia Fridman link Emilia Fridman worksCount 527. Emilia Fridman link Emilia Fridman orcidId Emilia Fridman scopus Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2012: 11. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2012: 11. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2018: 32. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2018: 32. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2013: 19. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2013: 19. Emilia Fridman is Person. Emilia Fridman written paper amount in year2014: 30 and M. \nProf. They have a son, and live in Tel Aviv. '}. Birkhauser. A. ; Liu, Kun, Fridman, Emilia, Xia, Yuanqing. Vadim Strygin. Springer International Publishing, 2020
Where did the author of Predictor-based sampled-data stabilization via continuous-discrete observers receive her Ph.D. degree from?
Jae-Soon Ha et al.: Geometric permutations of non-overlapping unit balls revisited. (2016) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: Approximation Algorithms for Inscribing or Circumscribing an Axially Symmetric Polygon to a Convex Polygon. (2004) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: A Generalization of the Convex Kakeya Problem. (2012) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: A Generalization of the Convex Kakeya Problem. (2014) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: Maximizing the overlap of two planar convex sets under rigid motions. (2005) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: Maximizing the overlap of two planar convex sets under rigid motions. (2007) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: A Generalization of the Convex Kakeya Problem (2012) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: Inscribing an axially symmetric polygon and other approximation algorithms for planar convex sets. (2006) authored by Otfried Cheong. Taehoon Ahn et al.: Minimum-Width Double-Slabs and Widest Empty Slabs in High Dimensions. (2024) authored by Otfried Cheong. Otfried Cheong et al.: Hadwiger and Helly-type theorems for disjoint unit spheres in R3. (2005) authored by Otfried Cheong. Mark de Berg et al.: Piecewise Linear Paths Among Convex Obstacles. (1995) authored by Otfried Cheong. Pankaj K. Agarwal et al.: The Overlay of Lower Envelopes in Three Dimensions and Its Applications. (1995) authored by Otfried Cheong. Otfried Cheong et al.: Helly-Type Theorems for Line Transversals to Disjoint Unit Balls. (2008) authored by Otfried Cheong. Siu-Wing Cheng et al.: Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons. (2004) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: The minimum convex container of two convex polytopes under translations. (2019) authored by Otfried Cheong. Mark de Berg et al.: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations. (1996) authored by Otfried Cheong. Tetsuo Asano et al.: Optimal spanners for axis-aligned rectangles. (2005) authored by Otfried Cheong. Hee-Kap Ahn et al.: Minimum Convex Container of Two Convex Polytopes under Translations. (2014) authored by Otfried Cheong. Helmut Alt et al.: Packing 2D disks into a 3D container. (2021) authored by Otfried Cheong. Helmut Alt et al.: Packing 2D Disks into a 3D Container. (2019) authored by Otfried Cheong. Mark de Berg et al.: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons under Translations. (1998) authored by Otfried Cheong. Siu-Wing Cheng et al.: Hierarchical Vertical Decompositions, Ray Shooting, and Circular Arc Queries in Simple Polygons. (1999) authored by Otfried Cheong. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Area-preserving approximations of polygonal paths. (2006) authored by Otfried Cheong\n\nThis article about a German mathematician is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
In which country is Otfried Cheong currently working at KAIST?
Manish Parashar 2YrMeanCitedness 1.5925925970077514648. Manish Parashar affiliation Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA. Manuel Diaz-Granados et al.: Investigating insurance fraud using social media. (2015) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar name Manish Parashar. Fan Zhang et al.: In-situ Feature-Based Objects Tracking for Large-Scale Scientific Simulations. (2012) authored by Manish Parashar. Guangsen Zhang and Manish Parashar: Cooperative Mechanism Against DDoS Attacks. (2005) authored by Manish Parashar. Guangsen Zhang and Manish Parashar: Cooperative Defence Against DDoS Attacks. (2006) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar is Person. Issam Raïs et al.: Trading Data Size and CNN Confidence Score for Energy Efficient CPS Node Communications. (2020) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar and Franco Zambonelli: Farewell Editorial. (2018) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar alternativeName Parashar Manish. Guangsen Zhang and Manish Parashar: Cooperative Defense against Network Attacks. (2005) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar worksCount 695. Manish Parashar alternativeName Manish Parashar. Eun Kyung Lee et al.: Proactive thermal management in green datacenters. (2012) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar is Creator. Xin Qi et al.: Content-based histopathology image retrieval using CometCloud. (2014) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2015: 32. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2015: 32. Manish Parashar orcidId Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2014: 37. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2014: 37. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2018: 32. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2018: 32. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2013: 29. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2013: 29. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2016: 36. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2016: 36. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2019: 22. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2019: 22. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2012: 26. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2012: 26. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2017: 31. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2017: 31. Manish Parashar is Author. Manish Parashar link Manish Parashar link Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2023: 14. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2023: 14. Mengsong Zou et al.: Collaborative marketplaces for eScience: A medical imaging use case. (2014) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar and David Abramson: Accidental Translationists: A Perspective From the Trenches. (2022) authored by Manish Parashar. Guangsen Zhang and Manish Parashar: Cooperative detection and protection against network attacks using decentralized information sharing. (2010) authored by Manish Parashar. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2022: 19. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2022: 19. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2020: 26. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2020: 26. Manish Parashar modified 2023-10-18. Manish Parashar citedByCount 8570. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2021: 28. Manish Parashar written paper amount in year2021: 28 Prior to joining the University of Utah, he was a faculty member at Rutgers University. '}. He also currently serves as Office Director in the US National Science Foundation’s Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure. \xa0 He is an AAAS Fellow, ACM Fellow, and IEEE Fellow
What is the hIndex of the author of ARMaDA: An Adaptive Application-sensitive Partitioning Framework for SAMR Applications?
Mohammad Raza et al.: Automatic Parallelization with Separation Logic. (2009) authored by Philippa Gardner. Philippa Gardner and Nobuko Yoshida: CONCUR 2004 - Concurrency Theory, 15th International Conference, London, UK, August 31 - September 3, 2004, Proceedings (2004) edited by Philippa Gardner. Pedro da Rocha Pinto et al.: Modular Termination Verification for Non-blocking Concurrency. (2016) authored by Philippa Gardner. Shale Xiong et al.: Data Consistency in Transactional Storage Systems: a Centralised Approach. (2019) authored by Philippa Gardner. Lars Birkedal et al.: Compositional Verification Methods for Next-Generation Concurrency (Dagstuhl Seminar 15191). (2015) authored by Philippa Gardner. Anuj Dawar et al.: Adjunct Elimination Through Games in Static Ambient Logic. (2004) authored by Philippa Gardner. Cristiano Calcagno et al.: Context logic as modal logic: completeness and parametric inexpressivity. (2007) authored by Philippa Gardner. Shale Xiong et al.: Data Consistency in Transactional Storage Systems: A Centralised Semantics. (2020) authored by Philippa Gardner. Pedro da Rocha Pinto et al.: A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes. (2011) authored by Philippa Gardner. Petar Maksimovic et al.: Exact Separation Logic: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Verification and Bug-Finding. (2023) authored by Philippa Gardner. José Fragoso Santos et al.: JaVerT 2.0: compositional symbolic execution for JavaScript. (2019) authored by Philippa Gardner. Cristiano Calcagno et al.: Adjunct Elimination in Context Logic for Trees. (2007) authored by Philippa Gardner. Cristiano Calcagno et al.: Adjunct elimination in Context Logic for trees. (2010) authored by Philippa Gardner. José Fragoso Santos et al.: Symbolic Execution for JavaScript. (2018) authored by Philippa Gardner In 1988, she got her M. She took a lectureship with Imperial College London in 2001. \nGardner was born on 29 July 1965 in Exeter, Devon, England. '}
What is the type of the author of the 'A name-free account of action calculi' publication?
Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E.E Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Konofagou Elisa. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa Evgenia Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName E. E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou name Elisa E. Konofagou. Elisa E. Konofagou alternativeName Elisa. E. KonofagouS. \nAwards received by Konofagou include:"}. Inter-country Award in 2019
Where did the author who published 'In Vivo Feasibility of Real-Time Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS) Using Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI)' graduate with her bachelor's degree?
Mark Gardner et al.: A Modified Mask for Continuous Cardiac Monitoring during Positive Airway Pressure Therapy. (2018) authored by Karen J. Reynolds. Yongyao Yan et al.: Hapteo: Sharing visual-haptic experiences from virtual environments. (2014) authored by Karen J. Reynolds. Yongyao Yan et al.: A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Identify Virtual Object Properties for Sharing the Feel from Virtual Environments. (2014) authored by Karen J. Reynolds. Yongyao Yan et al.: Recovery of virtual object contact surface features for replaying haptic feeling. (2014) authored by Karen J. Reynolds. Yongyao Yan et al.: Haptic-Driven Visual Playback. (2014) authored by Karen J. Reynolds. Robert E. Trott et al.: A Modular Hybrid Exoskeletal-Soft Glove for High Degree of Freedom Monitoring Capability. (2019) authored by Karen J. Reynolds'}. Reynolds is the director of the Medical Device Research Institute and founding director of the Medical Device Partnering Program in South Australia, an organisation that facilitates collaboration between researchers, end-users and industry
Where is the Deputy Dean of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Flinders University currently working?
Tianle Huang et al.: BayRnTune: Adaptive Bayesian Domain Randomization via Strategic Fine-tuning. (2023) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Jaeil Choi et al.: Element-Free Elastic Models for Volume Fitting and Capture. (2006) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Karan Samel et al.: Integrating Noisy Knowledge into Language Representations for E-Commerce Applications. (2023) authored by Irfan A. Essa. David Minnen et al.: Detecting Subdimensional Motifs: An Efficient Algorithm for Generalized Multivariate Pattern Discovery. (2007) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Yavor Angelov et al.: Experiences with optimizing two stream-based applications for cluster execution. (2005) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Pei Yin et al.: Learning the basic units in American Sign Language using discriminative segmental feature selection. (2009) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Steven Hickson et al.: Semantic Instance Labeling Leveraging Hierarchical Segmentation. (2017) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Steven Hickson et al.: Semantic Instance Labeling Leveraging Hierarchical Segmentation. (2015) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Vighnesh Birodkar et al.: Text and Click inputs for unambiguous open vocabulary instance segmentation. (2023) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Jun Xu et al.: Mandatory human participation: a new authentication scheme for building secure systems. (2003) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Nicolas Padoy et al.: A Boosted Segmentation Method for Surgical Workflow Analysis. (2007) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Pei Yin et al.: Discriminative feature selection for hidden Markov models using Segmental Boosting. (2008) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Michael J. Covington et al.: Parameterized Authentication. (2004) authored by Irfan A. Essa. David Minnen et al.: Discovering Multivariate Motifs using Subsequence Density Estimation and Greedy Mixture Learning. (2007) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Ted E. Senator et al.: Detecting insider threats in a real corporate database of computer usage activity. (2013) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Jonathan C. Balloch et al.: Unbiasing Semantic Segmentation For Robot Perception using Synthetic Data Feature Transfer. (2018) authored by Irfan A. Essa. K. Niranjan Kumar et al.: Graph-based Cluttered Scene Generation and Interactive Exploration using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2021) authored by Irfan A. Essa. K. Niranjan Kumar et al.: Graph-based Cluttered Scene Generation and Interactive Exploration using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Steven Hickson et al.: Floors are Flat: Leveraging Semantics for Real-Time Surface Normal Prediction. (2019) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Steven Hickson et al.: Floors are Flat: Leveraging Semantics for Real-Time Surface Normal Prediction. (2019) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Luke Drnach et al.: A Data-Driven Predictive Model of Individual-Specific Effects of FES on Human Gait Dynamics. (2019) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Vinay Bettadapura et al.: Leveraging Context to Support Automated Food Recognition in Restaurants. (2015) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Vinay Bettadapura et al.: Leveraging Context to Support Automated Food Recognition in Restaurants. (2015) authored by Irfan A. Essa. David Minnen et al.: Discovering Characteristic Actions from On-Body Sensor Data. (2006) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Daniel Scarafoni et al.: Finding Islands of Predictability in Action Forecasting. (2022) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Karan Samel et al.: Learning Temporal Rules from Noisy Timeseries Data. (2022) authored by Irfan A. Essa. R. Mitchell and Irfan A. Essa: Feature Weighting for Segmentation. (2004) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Nikolai Warner et al.: Text and Click inputs for unambiguous open vocabulary instance segmentation. (2023) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Erik Wijmans et al.: Decentralized Distributed PPO: Solving PointGoal Navigation. (2019) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Yifan Shi et al.: Learning Temporal Sequence Model from Partially Labeled Data. (2006) authored by Irfan A. Essa. Irfan Essa alternativeName Irfan Aziz EssaD. "}. He proceeded to hold a position as a research scientist at MIT from 1994 to 1996 before accepting a position at Georgia Tech
In which Institute did the writer of the article on 'Motion based Decompositing of Video' receive his undergraduate education?
Abdullah Kahraman et al.: Variation of geometrical and physicochemical properties in protein binding pockets and their ligands. (2007) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Rodrigo Ochoa et al.: An automated protocol for modelling peptide substrates to proteases. (2020) authored by Janet M. Thornton. David T. Jones et al.: The rapid generation of mutation data matrices from protein sequences. (1992) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Romina Oliva et al.: PoreLogo: a new tool to analyse, visualize and compare channels in transmembrane proteins. (2009) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Gabrielle A. Reeves et al.: The Protein Feature Ontology: a tool for the unification of protein feature annotations. (2008) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Tjaart A. P. de Beer et al.: Amino Acid Changes in Disease-Associated Variants Differ Radically from Variants Observed in the 1000 Genomes Project Dataset. (2013) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Nidhi Tyagi et al.: Comparisons of Allergenic and Metazoan Parasite Proteins: Allergy the Price of Immunity. (2015) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Marialuisa Pellegrini-Calace et al.: PoreWalker: A Novel Tool for the Identification and Characterization of Channels in Transmembrane Proteins from Their Three-Dimensional Structure. (2009) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Ian Sillitoe et al.: New functional families (FunFams) in CATH to improve the mapping of conserved functional sites to 3D structures. (2013) authored by Janet M. Thornton. John A. Capra et al.: Predicting Protein Ligand Binding Sites by Combining Evolutionary Sequence Conservation and 3D Structure. (2009) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Nicholas Furnham et al.: Exploring the Evolution of Novel Enzyme Functions within Structurally Defined Protein Superfamilies. (2012) authored by Janet M. Thornton. James D. Stephenson et al.: VarMap: a web tool for mapping genomic coordinates to protein sequence and structure and retrieving protein structural annotations. (2019) authored by Janet M. Thornton. Tom C. Freeman et al.: Construction, Visualisation, and Clustering of Transcription Networks from Microarray Expression Data. (2007) authored by Janet M. Thornton'}. She served as director of the EBI from October 2001 to June 2015, and played a key role in ELIXIR. She has presented a method, known as threading, which gives strong evidence about tertiary structure for a protein sequence which is not obviously homologous to any other known structure. At Birkbeck she developed this work to define families of conformations in B-hairpins and aB-links where the structures had previously been assumed at random. At University College she has developed studies of sidechain conformation and stereochemistry into a procedure, PROCHECK, for evaluating the quality of experimentally defined protein structures: this is used widely to check protein structures. She was an early pioneer in structure validation for protein crystallography, developing the widely used ProCheck software. Her group developed a robust enzyme classification, comparison and annotation tool – the EC-BLAST which calculates similarity between enzymes based on chemical reactions by capturing the bond change(s), reaction centre(s) or structural similarity between them
Who is the foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences mentioned in the text?
Hartmut Neven alternativeName Hartmut Neven. Hartmut Neven alternativeName H. Neven. Hartmut Neven alternativeName Neven Hartmut. Hartmut Neven name Hartmut Neven. Hartmut Neven h-index 49. Hartmut Neven modified 2023-10-18. Joseph C. Bardin et al.: Design and Characterization of a 28-nm Bulk-CMOS Cryogenic Quantum Controller Dissipating Less Than 2 mW at 3 K. (2019) authored by Hartmut Neven. Ian D. Kivlichan et al.: Improved Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation of Condensed-Phase Correlated Electrons via Trotterization. (2020) authored by Hartmut Neven. Hartmut Neven i10Index 89 In 2014 he invited John M. "'}. D. Citing Neven: "It’s not one company versus another, but rather, humankind versus nature — or humankind with nature. \nHartmut Neven was named as one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People of 2020. Face filters, now ubiquitous on mobile phones, were launched for the first time by Neven Vision on the networks of NTT DoCoMo and Vodafone Japan in 2003. Teams led by Neven have repeatedly won top scores in government sponsored tests designed to determine the most accurate face recognition software. His team completed the first prototype, codenamed Ant, in 2011
Where did the scientist who wrote a thesis on a neuronal model of object recognition at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics complete his Ph.D.?
Niranjani Prasad et al.: Defining Admissible Rewards for High Confidence Policy Evaluation. (2019) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Sonali Parbhoo et al.: Transfer Learning from Well-Curated to Less-Resourced Populations with HIV. (2020) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez 2YrMeanCitedness 1.9876543283462524414. Finale Doshi‐Velez i10Index 75. Finale Doshi‐Velez alternativeName F. Doshi‐Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez name Finale Doshi‐Velez. Niranjani Prasad et al.: Defining admissible rewards for high-confidence policy evaluation in batch reinforcement learning. (2020) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez alternativeName Finale Doshi‐Velez. Ramtin Keramati et al.: Identification of Subgroups With Similar Benefits in Off-Policy Policy Evaluation. (2021) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Ramtin Keramati et al.: Identification of Subgroups With Similar Benefits in Off-Policy Policy Evaluation. (2022) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez h-index 33. Finale Doshi‐Velez alternativeName Finale P. Doshi‐Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez worksCount 280. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2022: 23. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2022: 23. Finale Doshi‐Velez orcidId Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2012: 6. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2012: 6. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2018: 32. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2018: 32. Harvineet Singh et al.: Towards Robust Off-Policy Evaluation via Human Inputs. (2022) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Harvineet Singh et al.: Towards Robust Off-Policy Evaluation via Human Inputs. (2022) authored by Finale Doshi-Velez. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2015: 8. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2015: 8. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2021: 39. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2021: 39. Finale Doshi‐Velez written paper amount in year2013: 1 Medical doctors make diagnoses based on the symptoms experienced by their patients. \nHer awards and honours include;"}. Using cluster analysis, Doshi-Velez identified that certain people with autism spectrum disorder, a subgroup, would be more susceptible for major psychiatric disorders. \nDoshi-Velez uses big data for medical applications, including diagnosis of disease
What is the alma mater of the individual who authored A Particle-Based Variational Approach to Bayesian Non-negative Matrix Factorization?
Pit Hofmann et al.: Coding in Diffusion-Based Molecular Nanonetworks: A Comprehensive Survey. (2023) authored by Martin Reisslein. Cui-Yu Kong et al.: Cloud-Based Charging Management of Heterogeneous Electric Vehicles in a Network of Charging Stations: Price Incentive Versus Capacity Expansion. (2022) authored by Martin Reisslein. Nurullah Karakoç et al.: Multi-Layer Decomposition of Network Utility Maximization Problems. (2020) authored by Martin Reisslein. Nathan Johnson et al.: Semantically Modeling Cyber Influence Campaigns (CICs): Ontology Model and Case Studies. (2021) authored by Martin Reisslein. Gamze Ozogul et al.: Technological Literacy Learning With Cumulative and Stepwise Integration of Equations Into Electrical Circuit Diagrams. (2012) authored by Martin Reisslein. Wolfgang Kellerer et al.: Adaptable and Data-Driven Softwarized Networks: Review, Opportunities, and Challenges. (2019) authored by Martin Reisslein. Gamze Ozogul et al.: Animated engineering tutors: Middle school students' preferences and rationales on multiple dimensions. (2012) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein name Martin Reisslein. Venkatraman Balasubramanian et al.: Intelligent Resource Management at the Edge for Ubiquitous IoT: An SDN-Based Federated Learning Approach. (2021) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Rey Martin. Amy M. Johnson et al.: Animated agents in K-12 engineering outreach: Preferred agent characteristics across age levels. (2013) authored by Martin Reisslein. Chenyang Zhou et al.: On shortest single/multiple path computation problems in Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) access networks. (2014) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Martín Rey. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Martin Rey. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Ramírez Martín. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Reisslein Martin. Nurullah Karakoç et al.: Federated Edge Network Utility Maximization for a Multi-Server System: Algorithm and Convergence. (2022) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Martín Ramírez. Martin Reisslein alternativeName RD Martin. Martin Reisslein alternativeName R Martin. Martin Reisslein alternativeName R.J. Martin. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Martin Rd. Jana Reisslein et al.: Investigating the Presentation and Format of Instructional Prompts in an Electrical Circuit Analysis Computer-Based Learning Environment. (2005) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein alternativeName Martin Reisslein. Amy M. Johnson et al.: Learning from abstract and contextualized representations: The effect of verbal guidance. (2013) authored by Martin Reisslein. Gamze Ozogul et al.: Investigating the impact of pedagogical agent gender matching and learner choice on learning outcomes and perceptions. (2013) authored by Martin Reisslein. Martin Reisslein member of Arizona State University. Amy M. Johnson et al.: Introductory Circuit Analysis Learning From Abstract and Contextualized Circuit Representations: Effects of Diagram Labels. (2014) authored by Martin Reisslein. Mahshid Mehrabi et al.: Mobility- and Energy-Aware Cooperative Edge Offloading for Dependent Computation Tasks. (2021) authored by Martin Reisslein. Venkatraman Balasubramanian et al.: Reinforcing the Edge: Autonomous Energy Management for Mobile Device Clouds. (2019) authored by Martin Reisslein. Mohd Tausif et al.: Lifting-Based Fractional Wavelet Filter: Energy-Efficient DWT Architecture for Low-Cost Wearable Sensors. (2020) authored by Martin Reisslein You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. D
What is the hIndex of the author of High-performance prefetching protocols for VBR prerecorded video?
Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: OutsideIn(X) Modular type inference with local assumptions. (2011) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. R. Kent Dybvig et al.: A monadic framework for delimited continuations. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Alejandro Serrano et al.: Guarded impredicative polymorphism. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Advait Sarkar et al.: Calculation View: multiple-representation editing in spreadsheets. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: Boxy types: inference for higher-rank types and impredicativity. (2006) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Anthony Discolo et al.: Lock Free Data Structures Using STM in Haskell. (2006) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Peng Li et al.: Lightweight concurrency primitives for GHC. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Krzysztof Maziarz et al.: Hashing modulo alpha-equivalence. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Krzysztof Maziarz et al.: Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Simon L. Peyton Jones et al.: Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Faustyna Krawiec et al.: Provably correct, asymptotically efficient, higher-order reverse-mode automatic differentiation. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: FPH: first-class polymorphism for Haskell. (2008) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Closed type families with overlapping equations. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Zichao Wang et al.: Educational Question Mining At Scale: Prediction, Analysis and Personalization. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Pablo Morales-Alvarez et al.: Simultaneous Missing Value Imputation and Structure Learning with Groups. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Type variables in patterns. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Type variables in patterns. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jean-Philippe Bernardy et al.: Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ben Lippmeier et al.: Guiding parallel array fusion with indexed types. (2012) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jean-Philippe Bernardy et al.: Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language. (2017) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Simon Marlow et al.: Parallel generational-copying garbage collection with a block-structured heap. (2008) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Pablo Morales-Alvarez et al.: VICause: Simultaneous Missing Value Imputation and Causal Discovery with Groups. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Manuel M. T. Chakravarty et al.: Data parallel Haskell: a status report. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jooyeon Kim et al.: CoRGi: Content-Rich Graph Neural Networks with Attention. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: Equality proofs and deferred type errors: a compiler pearl. (2012) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Niki Vazou et al.: Refinement types for Haskell. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Zichao Wang et al.: Large-Scale Educational Question Analysis with Partial Variational Auto-encoders. (2020) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ilya Sergey et al.: Modular, higher order cardinality analysis in theory and practice. (2017) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ilya Sergey et al.: Modular, higher-order cardinality analysis in theory and practice. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis and Simon L. Peyton Jones: Evidence Normalization in System FC (Invited Talk). (2013) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones C-- is used in GHC. ” --"Royal Society Terms, conditions and policies". Retrieved 9 March 2016. In 2021, anonymous functions and let expressions were made available in the Office 365 version of Excel as a beta feature. '}
In which year did the author join Epic Games as an engineering fellow?
Nicklas Hansen et al.: Self-Supervised Policy Adaptation during Deployment. (2021) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Nicklas Hansen et al.: Self-Supervised Policy Adaptation during Deployment. (2020) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Yu Sun et al.: Test-Time Training with Self-Supervision for Generalization under Distribution Shifts. (2020) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Santosh Kumar Divvala et al.: How important are Deformable Parts in the Deformable Parts Model? (2012) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Santosh Kumar Divvala et al.: How Important Are "Deformable Parts" in the Deformable Parts Model? (2012) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Santosh Kumar Divvala et al.: Object Instance Sharing by Enhanced Bounding Box Correspondence. (2012) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Carl Doersch et al.: Context as Supervisory Signal: Discovering Objects with Predictable Context. (2014) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Zhirong Wu et al.: Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Zhirong Wu et al.: Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ting-Chun Wang et al.: Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation Using Light-Field Cameras. (2015) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Amil Dravid et al.: Rosetta Neurons: Mining the Common Units in a Model Zoo. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Amil Dravid et al.: Rosetta Neurons: Mining the Common Units in a Model Zoo. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Kate Rakelly et al.: Conditional Networks for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros name Alexei A. Efros. Ting-Chun Wang et al.: Depth Estimation with Occlusion Modeling Using Light-Field Cameras. (2016) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros alternativeName Alexei A. Efros. William S. Peebles et al.: Learning to Learn with Generative Models of Neural Network Checkpoints. (2022) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros alternativeName Alexei Efros. Yu Sun et al.: Test-Time Training for Out-of-Distribution Generalization. (2019) authored by Alexei A. Efros. David F. Fouhey et al.: From Lifestyle Vlogs to Everyday Interactions. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Letian Fu et al.: Rethinking Patch Dependence for Masked Autoencoders. (2024) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros alternativeName Alexei Alyosha Efros. David F. Fouhey et al.: From Lifestyle Vlogs to Everyday Interactions. (2017) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Yu Sun et al.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Self-Supervision. (2019) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros alternativeName A. A. Efros. Krishna Kumar Singh et al.: KrishnaCam: Using a longitudinal, single-person, egocentric dataset for scene understanding tasks. (2016) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Yossi Gandelsman et al.: Test-Time Training with Masked Autoencoders. (2022) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Yossi Gandelsman et al.: Test-Time Training with Masked Autoencoders. (2022) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Julien Philip et al.: Multi-view relighting using a geometry-aware network. (2019) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Xi Shen et al.: Learning Co-segmentation by Segment Swapping for Retrieval and Discovery. (2021) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Derek Hoiem et al.: Closing the loop in scene interpretation. (2008) authored by Alexei A. Efros. William S. Peebles et al.: The Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement. (2020) authored by Alexei A. Efros Petersburg in the Soviet Union. '}
What prize did the author of Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling receive in 2016?
Mark Jonathan Buller et al.: Policies to Optimize Work Performance and Thermal Safety in Exercising Humans. (2013) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Benjamin Pitzer et al.: PR2 Remote Lab: An environment for remote development and experimentation. (2012) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Elizabeth A. Olson et al.: Counter-Hypothetical Particle Filters for Single Object Pose Tracking. (2023) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Elizabeth A. Olson et al.: Counter-Hypothetical Particle Filters for Single Object Pose Tracking. (2023) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins name Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Alphonsus Adu-Bredu et al.: Optimal Constrained Task Planning as Mixed Integer Programming. (2022) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Alphonsus Adu-Bredu et al.: Optimal Constrained Task Planning as Mixed Integer Programming. (2022) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins alternativeName O. C. Jenkins. Zhen Zeng et al.: Scene-level Programming by Demonstration. (2017) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins alternativeName O. Jenkins. Russell Toris et al.: Robot Web Tools: Efficient messaging for cloud robotics. (2015) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Jasmine A. Berry et al.: A Case of Identity: Enacting Robot Identity with Belief Propagation for Decentralized Multi-Agent Task Allocation. (2023) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Xiaotong Chen et al.: ClearPose: Large-scale Transparent Object Dataset and Benchmark. (2022) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Xiaotong Chen et al.: ClearPose: Large-scale Transparent Object Dataset and Benchmark. (2022) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins alternativeName Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins primary affiliation University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins written paper amount in year2020: 15. Odest Chadwicke Jenkins written paper amount in year2020: 15. Zheming Zhou et al.: GlassLoc: Plenoptic Grasp Pose Detection in Transparent Clutter. (2019) authored by Odest Chadwicke Jenkins He became aware of Alma College because his mother worked with former President Alan Stone. In 1993, he was inducted onto the Alma College Dean's List, and in 1996 won the Senior Leadership Award. Jenkins created a quadrotor drone that allowed Evans to see parts of the world that had previously been inaccessible to him. Together with his classmate, Jim Blum, Jenkins set up the first Alma College web server in 1997. \nIn 2004 Jenkins joined Brown University as an assistant professor. He was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2006 and made a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2019
What is the hIndex of the author who published Uncovering manifold structures in Robonaut's sensory-data state space in the year 2005?
Martin Heusel et al.: GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Nash Equilibrium. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Pedro Herruzo et al.: High-resolution multi-channel weather forecasting - First insights on transfer learning from the Weather4cast Competitions 2021. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Vihang Prakash Patil et al.: Align-RUDDER: Learning From Few Demonstrations by Reward Redistribution. (2020) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Heusel et al.: GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Vihang Patil et al.: Align-RUDDER: Learning From Few Demonstrations by Reward Redistribution. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Moritz Neun et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 – Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Moritz Neun et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 - Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors. (2023) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Aleksandra Gruca et al.: Weather4cast at NeurIPS 2022: Super-Resolution Rain Movie Prediction under Spatio-temporal Shifts. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Marius-Constantin Dinu et al.: SymbolicAI: A framework for logic-based approaches combining generative models and solvers. (2024) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Lorenzo Servadei et al.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optimization at Early Design Stages. (2023) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Christian Eichenberger et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2021 - Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Gridded Geo-Spatial Processes. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Lorenzo Servadei et al.: Cost Optimization at Early Stages of Design Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2020) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Christian Eichenberger et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2021 - Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Gridded Geo-Spatial Processes. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Thomas Unterthiner et al.: Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields. (2018) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Thomas Unterthiner et al.: Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Benedikt Alkin et al.: MIM-Refiner: A Contrastive Learning Boost from Intermediate Pre-Trained Representations. (2024) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Gauch et al.: Few-Shot Learning by Dimensionality Reduction in Gradient Space. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Gauch et al.: Few-Shot Learning by Dimensionality Reduction in Gradient Space. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Kristina Preuer et al.: DeepSynergy: predicting anti-cancer drug synergy with Deep Learning. (2018) authored by Sepp Hochreiter LSTM networks have also been used in Google Voice for transcription and search, and in the Google Allo chat app for generating response suggestion with low latency. LSTM overcomes the problem of numerical instability in training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that prevents them from learning from long sequences (vanishing or exploding gradient). '}
What is the cited by count for the institution where Sepp Hochreiter is employed?
Tai Le et al.: Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Methodological Review on Measurement Techniques. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi et al.: Novel Blood Pressure Waveform Reconstruction from Photoplethysmography using Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi et al.: Novel Blood Pressure Waveform Reconstruction from Photoplethysmography using Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Seyed Amir Hossein Aqajari et al.: GSR Analysis for Stress: Development and Validation of an Open Source Tool for Noisy Naturalistic GSR Data. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi et al.: The Causality Inference of Public Interest in Restaurants and Bars on COVID-19 Daily Cases in the US: A Google Trends Analysis. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi et al.: Detection of COVID-19 Using Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Lessons Learned from Patients with ARDS. (2021) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi et al.: Detection of COVID-19 Using Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Lessons Learned from Patients with ARDS. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Salar Jafarlou et al.: Objective Prediction of Tomorrow's Affect Using Multi-Modal Physiological Data and Personal Chronicles: A Study of Monitoring College Student Well-being in 2020. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Seyed Amir Hossein Aqajari et al.: Context-Aware Stress Monitoring using Wearable and Mobile Technologies in Everyday Settings. (2024) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Raghav Mehrotra-Venkat et al.: Robust Detection of Social Isolation in Older Adults by Combining Biometrics with Social Interaction Data. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Zhongqi Yang et al.: Loneliness Forecasting Using Multi-modal Wearable and Mobile Sensing in Everyday Settings. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Ali Tazarv et al.: Active Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Stress Monitoring in Everyday Settings. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Ali Tazarv et al.: Active Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Stress Monitoring in Everyday Settings. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Ali Tazarv et al.: Personalized Stress Monitoring using Wearable Sensors in Everyday Settings. (2021) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Ali Tazarv et al.: Personalized Stress Monitoring using Wearable Sensors in Everyday Settings. (2021) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Emad Kasaeyan Naeini et al.: A Deep Learning-based PPG Quality Assessment Approach for Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Wonseok Jang et al.: R-TOD: Real-Time Object Detector with Minimized End-to-End Delay for Autonomous Driving. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Wonseok Jang et al.: R-TOD: Real-Time Object Detector with Minimized End-to-End Delay for Autonomous Driving. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Khuong Vo et al.: P2E-WGAN: ECG waveform synthesis from PPG with conditional wasserstein generative adversarial networks. (2021) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Hirak Jyoti Kashyap et al.: A Recurrent Neural Network Based Model of Predictive Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement in Primates. (2018) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Salar Jafarlou et al.: ECG Biosignal Deidentification Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Sudeep Pasricha et al.: Reducing Backlight Power Consumption for Streaming Video Applications on Mobile Handheld Devices. (2003) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Tiago Mück et al.: PoIiCym: rapid prototyping of resource management policies for HMPs. (2017) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Kasra Moazzemi et al.: HESSLE-FREE: <u>He</u>terogeneou<u>s</u> <u>S</u>ystems <u>Le</u>veraging <u>F</u>uzzy Control for <u>R</u>untim<u>e</u> Resourc<u>e</u> Management. (2019) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Arun Kejariwal et al.: Energy Analysis of Multimedia Watermarking on Mobile Handheld Devices. (2005) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Liang Cheng et al.: Quality Adapted Backlight Scaling (QABS) for Video Streaming to Mobile Handheld Devices. (2005) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Seyed Amir Hossein Aqajari et al.: pyEDA: An Open-Source Python Toolkit for Pre-processing and Feature Extraction of Electrodermal Activity. (2021) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Gu-Min Jeong et al.: Robust Face Recognition Against Soft-errors Using a Cross-layer Approach. (2016) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Arun Kejariwal et al.: Energy efficient watermarking on mobile devices using proxy-based partitioning. (2006) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Elahe Khatibi et al.: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Sleep Including HRV and Physical Activity as Mediators: A Causal ML Approach. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Manoj Vishwanath et al.: Classification of Electroencephalogram in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury Using Machine Learning Approaches*. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Sina Labbaf et al.: ZotCare: a flexible, personalizable, and affordable mhealth service provider. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Sina Labbaf et al.: ZotCare: A Flexible, Personalizable, and Affordable mHealth Service Provider. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Bryan Donyanavard et al.: Gain scheduled control for nonlinear power management in CMPs. (2018) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Emad Kasaeyan Naeini et al.: A Real-time PPG Quality Assessment Approach for Healthcare Internet-of-Things. (2019) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Lucretia Williams et al.: HCI and mHealth Wearable Tech: A Multidisciplinary Research Challenge. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Manoj Vishwanath et al.: Investigation of Machine Learning Approaches for Traumatic Brain Injury Classification via EEG Assessment in Mice. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Arun Kejariwal et al.: Proxy-based task partitioning of watermarking algorithms for reducing energy consumption in mobile devices. (2004) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Liang Cheng et al.: Quality-Based Backlight Optimization for Video Playback on Handheld Devices. (2007) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Sina Shahhosseini et al.: Efficient Personalized Learning for Wearable Health Applications using HyperDimensional Computing. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Khuong Vo et al.: An Efficient and Robust Deep Learning Method with 1-D Octave Convolution to Extract Fetal Electrocardiogram. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Prabhat Mishra and Nikil D. Dutt: Modeling and validation of pipeline specifications. (2004) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Juho Laitala et al.: Robust ECG R-peak detection using LSTM. (2020) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Seong Yong Ohm et al.: Comprehensive lower bound estimation from behavioral descriptions. (1994) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Sina Shahhosseini et al.: Flexible and Personalized Learning for Wearable Health Applications using HyperDimensional Computing. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Caio Batista de Melo and Nikil D. Dutt: LOCoCAT: Low-Overhead Classification of CAN Bus Attack Types. (2023) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Khuong Vo et al.: Composing Graphical Models with Generative Adversarial Networks for EEG Signal Modeling. (2022) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Arman Anzanpour et al.: Self-awareness in remote health monitoring systems using wearable electronics. (2017) authored by Nikil D. Dutt. Nikil Dutt alternativeName Dutt. Manoj Vishwanath et al.: Label Alignment Improves EEG-based Machine Learning-based Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury. (2022) authored by Nikil D. DuttD. E. "}
Where was the author of Memory Architectures for Embedded Systems-On-Chip born?
Emmanuel Sapin et al.: Modeling protein structural transitions as a multiobjective optimization problem. (2017) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Uday Kamath et al.: An Evolutionary Algorithm Approach for Feature Generation from Sequence Data and Its Application to DNA Splice Site Prediction. (2012) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Alden H. Wright et al.: Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, 8th International Workshop, FOGA 2005, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, January 5-9, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (2005) edited by Kenneth A. De Jong. Uday Kamath et al.: An evolutionary-based approach for feature generation: Eukaryotic promoter recognition. (2011) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Emmanuel Sapin et al.: Evolutionary search strategies for efficient sample-based representations of multiple-basin protein energy landscapes. (2015) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Jean-Michel Claverie et al.: Robust nonlinear control design using competitive coevolution. (2000) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Uday Kamath et al.: A Two-Stage Evolutionary Approach for Effective Classification of hypersensitive DNA Sequences. (2011) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Ahmed Bin Zaman et al.: Adaptive Stochastic Optimization to Improve Protein Conformation Sampling. (2023) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Uday Kamath et al.: Selecting predictive features for recognition of hypersensitive sites of regulatory genomic sequences with an evolutionary algorithm. (2010) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Haleh Vafaie and Kenneth A. De Jong: Robust Feature Selection Algorithms. (1993) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Eric O. Scott et al.: Avoiding Excess Computation in Asynchronous Evolutionary Algorithms. (2021) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Eric O. Scott et al.: Avoiding excess computation in asynchronous evolutionary algorithms. (2023) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Abhishek Gupta et al.: Guest Editorial Special Issue on Multitask Evolutionary Computation. (2022) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Claudio Cioffi-Revilla et al.: Evolutionary computation and agent-based modeling: biologically-inspired approaches for understanding complex social systems. (2012) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Amarda Shehu and Kenneth A. De Jong: Evolutionary search algorithms for protein modeling: from de novo structure prediction to comprehensive maps of functionally-relevant structures of protein chains and assemblies. (2014) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Eric O. Scott and Kenneth A. De Jong: Toward learning neural network encodings for continuous optimization problems. (2018) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Pawel A. Stefanski et al.: An object-oriented toolkit for evolutionary algorithms. (1995) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Uday Kamath et al.: Feature and Kernel Evolution for Recognition of Hypersensitive Sites in DNA Sequences. (2010) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Rida E. Moustafa et al.: A GA-Based Method for Function Approximation Using Adaptive Interpolation. (2000) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Brian S. Olson et al.: Off-lattice protein structure prediction with homologous crossover. (2013) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Eric O. Scott and Kenneth A. De Jong: Initialization Matters for Asynchronous Steady-State Evolutionary Algorithms. (2023) authored by Kenneth A. De Jong. Donald Sofge et al.: Evolutionary Computational Approaches to Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem Using a Neighborhood Attractor Schema. (2002) authored by Kenneth A. De JongD. '}
What is the title of the book written by the faculty member of George Mason University in 2006?
Leonel Merino et al.: PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive AugmentedReality for Performance Awareness. (2019) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Niko Schwarz et al.: Efficiently extracting full parse trees using regular expressions with capture groups. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Leonel Merino et al.: PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive Augmented Reality for Performance Awareness. (2019) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Claudio Corrodi et al.: Idea: Benchmarking Android Data Leak Detection Tools. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jorge Ressia et al.: Run-Time Evolution through Explicit Meta-Objects. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: GTInspector: a moldable domain-aware object inspector. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: Stopping DNS Rebinding Attacks in the Browser. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Leonel Merino et al.: MetaVis: Exploring Actionable Visualization. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: Automatic feature selection by regularization to improve bug prediction accuracy. (2017) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Lienhard et al.: Tracking Objects to Detect Feature Dependencies. (2007) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Markus Lumpe et al.: Using Metaobjects to Model Concurrent Objects with PICT. (1996) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Smells Pervade Mobile App Servers. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Smells Pervade Mobile App Servers. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. C. B. Collins et al.: A combinatorial application of matrix Riccati equations and their q-analogue. (1981) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Stéphane Ducasse et al.: Traits: A mechanism for fine-grained reuse. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: The Impact of Feature Selection on Predicting the Number of Bugs. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: Hyperparameter optimization to improve bug prediction accuracy. (2017) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Mining inline cache data to order inferred types in dynamic languages. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Inferring Types by Mining Class Usage Frequency from Inline Caches. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jan Kurs et al.: Bounded Seas - - Island Parsing Without Shipwrecks. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Amir Aryani et al.: Predicting dependences using domain-based coupling. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Oscar Nierstrasz et al.: A Component Model for Field Devices. (2002) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mario Tokoro et al.: Object-Based Concurrent Computing, ECOOP'91 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-16, 1991, Proceedings (1992) edited by Oscar Nierstrasz. David Röthlisberger et al.: Augmenting static source views in IDEs with dynamic metrics. (2009) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erik Aeschlimann et al.: Analyzing PL/1 legacy ecosystems: An experience report. (2013) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: Practical domain-specific debuggers using the Moldable Debugger framework. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Stéphane Ducasse et al.: On the effectiveness of clone detection by string matching. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Yuriy Tymchuk et al.: Walls, Pillars and Beams: A 3D Decomposition of Quality Anomalies. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Header Fields in HTTP Clients. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Header Fields in HTTP Clients. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs. (2020) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs. (2020) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. David Röthlisberger et al.: Supporting task-oriented navigation in IDEs with configurable HeatMaps. (2009) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jorge Ressia et al.: Talents: dynamically composable units of reuse. (2011) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: Moldable, context-aware searching with Spotter. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz Jackson — E. D. D. D. D. Rodney Canfield — Paul Erdös\nNierstrasz won the Senior Dahl–Nygaard Prize in 2013
Where did the professor who specializes in software engineering and programming languages meet his wife, Angela Margiotta Nierstrasz?
Artem Sevastopolsky et al.: HeadCraft: Modeling High-Detail Shape Variations for Animated 3DMMs. (2023) authored by Luisa Verdoliva. Giacinto Gelli et al.: Adaptive interference suppression in CDMA systems by LCL-PTV filtering. (2000) authored by Luisa Verdoliva. Donatella Darsena et al.: Performance analysis of LCL-PTV narrowband interference suppression algorithms. (2002) authored by Luisa Verdoliva. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2016: 15. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2016: 15. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2021: 14. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2021: 14. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2020: 19. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2020: 19. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2015: 17. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2015: 17. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2018: 24. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2018: 24. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2023: 16. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2023: 16. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2014: 18. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2014: 18. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2012: 7. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2012: 7. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2013: 9. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2013: 9. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2022: 22. Luisa Verdoliva written paper amount in year2022: 22'}. \n\nThis article about an Italian engineer, inventor or industrial designer is a stub
What is the type of the institute where the researcher who published 'Towards Generalization in Deepfake Detection' is affiliated?
Touraj Soleymani et al.: State Estimation Over Delayed and Lossy Channels: An Encoder-Decoder Synthesis. (2024) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Song Fang et al.: Two-Way Coding and Attack Decoupling in Control Systems Under Injection Attacks. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Lei Bao et al.: Encoder-Decoder Design for Feedback Control over the Binary Symmetric Channel. (2006) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Song Fang et al.: Two-Way Coding in Control Systems Under Injection Attacks: From Attack Detection to Attack Correction. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Song Fang et al.: Two-way coding in control systems under injection attacks: from attack detection to attack correction. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Yulong Gao et al.: Stochastic Modeling and Optimal Control for Automated Overtaking. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Yulong Gao et al.: Risk-Aware Optimal Control for Automated Overtaking With Safety Guarantees. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Scheduling smart home appliances using mixed integer linear programming. (2011) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Saeed Asadi Bagloee et al.: A hybrid machine-learning and optimization method for contraflow design in post-disaster cases and traffic management scenarios. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Lei Bao et al.: Encoder~Decoder Design for Event-Triggered Feedback Control over Bandlimited Channels. (2006) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Miguel Aguiar et al.: Learning Flow Functions from Data with Applications to Nonlinear Oscillators. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Valerio Turri et al.: Fuel-optimal look-ahead adaptive cruise control for heavy-duty vehicles. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Yuchao Li et al.: A hierarchical control system for smart parking lots with automated vehicles: Improve efficiency by leveraging prediction of human drivers. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Nonserial dynamic programming with applications in smart home appliances scheduling - Part II: Nonserial dynamic programming. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ting Bai et al.: Rollout-Based Charging Strategy for Electric Trucks with Hours-of-Service Regulations. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ting Bai et al.: Rollout-Based Charging Strategy for Electric Trucks With Hours-of-Service Regulations. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Afrooz Ebadat et al.: Application-oriented input design for room occupancy estimation algorithms. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xiaochang Chen et al.: Automatic Overtaking on Two-way Roads with Vehicle Interactions Based on Proximal Policy Optimization. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Hans-Bernd Dürr et al.: Obstacle avoidance for an extremum seeking system using a navigation function. (2013) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Jaehyun Yoo et al.: Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Control for a Micro Quadrotor Flight. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Hanxiao Liu et al.: Reinforcement Learning Based Approach for Flip Attack Detection. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Pan Gun Park et al.: Cross-Layer Optimization for Industrial Control Applications Using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Mesh Networks. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Per Sahlholm and Karl Henrik Johansson: Segmented road grade estimation for fuel efficient heavy duty vehicles. (2010) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Martin Lindström et al.: Power Injection Attacks in Smart Distribution Grids with Photovoltaics. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Martin Lindström et al.: Power Injection Attacks in Smart Distribution Grids with Photovoltaics. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Lei Bao et al.: A Scheme for Joint Quantization, Error Protection and Feedback Control over Noisy Channels. (2007) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xiaoqiang Ren et al.: Quickest Change Detection with a Censoring Sensor in the Minimax Setting. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Alessandra Parisio et al.: A scenario-based predictive control approach to building HVAC management systems. (2013) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Karl Johan Åström et al.: Design of decoupled PID controllers for MIMO systems. (2001) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Matthieu Barreau et al.: Learning-based State Reconstruction for a Scalar Hyperbolic PDE under noisy Lagrangian Sensing. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Miguel Aguiar et al.: Learning flow functions of spiking systems. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Takayuki Ishizaki et al.: Retrofit control: Localization of controller design and implementation. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Jaehyun Yoo and Karl Henrik Johansson: Semi-supervised learning for mobile robot localization using wireless signal strengths. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Amr Alanwar et al.: Logical Zonotopes: A Set Representation for the Formal Verification of Boolean Functions. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Mladen Cicic et al.: Platoon-actuated variable area mainstream traffic control for bottleneck decongestion. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Takashi Tanaka et al.: Linearly Solvable Mean-Field Road Traffic Games. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Takuya Iwaki et al.: Event-based Switching for Sampled-data Output Feedback Control: Applications to Cascade and Feedforward Control. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Muhammad Umar B. Niazi et al.: Learning-based Design of Luenberger Observers for Autonomous Nonlinear Systems. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Muhammad Umar B. Niazi et al.: Learning-based Design of Luenberger Observers for Autonomous Nonlinear Systems. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Muhammad Umar B. Niazi et al.: Secure Set-Based State Estimation for Linear Systems under Adversarial Attacks on Sensors. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Peihu Duan et al.: Data-Driven Kalman Filter using Maximum Likelihood Optimization. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. James Weimer et al.: Parameter-Invariant Actuator Fault Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Systems with Application to Building Automation. (2013) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kuo-Yun Liang et al.: Fuel-saving potentials of platooning evaluated through sparse heavy-duty vehicle position data. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Farhad Farokhi et al.: A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Potential Functions for Heterogeneous Routing Games. (2013) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Elis Stefansson et al.: Human-robot interaction for truck platooning using hierarchical dynamic games. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Afrooz Ebadat et al.: Multi-room occupancy estimation through adaptive gray-box models. (2015) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ming Jin et al.: A semidefinite programming relaxation under false data injection attacks against power grid AC state estimation. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Takashi Tanaka et al.: Rate of Prefix-free Codes in LQG Control Systems. (2016) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Takashi Tanaka et al.: Rate of prefix-free codes in LQG control systems. (2016) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Dohyun Jang et al.: Networked Operation of a UAV Using Gaussian Process-Based Delay Compensation and Model Predictive Control. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson"}. \nKarl H. \nKarl H. He received the IFAC Outstanding Service Award 2023. He is Fellow of the IEEE and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and he is Distinguished Lecturer with the IEEE Control Systems Society
What is the number of publications for the affiliation of the researcher who published 'Persistent graphs and consensus convergence'?
Robert Crowston et al.: Systems of Linear Equations over F2 and Problems Parameterized above Average. (2010) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Robert Crowston et al.: Systems of Linear Equations over F2 and Problems Parameterized Above Average (2010) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Mamadou Moustapha Kanté et al.: Obstructions for Matroids of Path-Width at most k and Graphs of Linear Rank-Width at most k. (2022) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Mamadou Moustapha Kanté et al.: Obstructions for matroids of path-width at most k and graphs of linear rank-width at most k. (2023) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Jisu Jeong et al.: The "Art of Trellis Decoding" Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable. (2017) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Marthe Bonamy et al.: EPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk and Unit Ball Graphs. (2021) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Marthe Bonamy et al.: EPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk and Unit Ball Graphs. (2021) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Édouard Bonnet et al.: QPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk Graphs. (2018) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Édouard Bonnet et al.: QPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk Graphs. (2017) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Jisu Jeong et al.: Constructive algorithm for path-width of matroids. (2015) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Jisu Jeong et al.: Constructive algorithm for path-width of matroids. (2016) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Bruno Escoffier et al.: Subexponential and FPT-time Inapproximability of Independent Set and Related Problems (2012) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Robert Ganian et al.: Sum-of-Products with Default Values: Algorithms and Complexity Results. (2022) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Robert Ganian et al.: Sum-of-Products with Default Values: Algorithms and Complexity Results. (2018) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Gregory Z. Gutin et al.: Parameterized Complexity Results for General Factors in Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Constraint Programming. (2012) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Gregory Z. Gutin et al.: Vertex Cover Problem Parameterized Above and Below Tight Bounds. (2011) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002. Robert Crowston et al.: Satisfying more than half of a system of linear equations over GF(2): A multivariate approach. (2014) authored by Eun Jung Kim 0002"}. D
What is the nationality of the computer scientist who obtained a master's degree in industrial engineering at KAIST and completed a Ph.D. in computer science at Royal Holloway, University of London in 2010?
Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert Heather. Robert W. Heath name Robert W. Heath. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert W. Heather. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert Heath. Robert W. Heath 2YrMeanCitedness 7.870967864990234375. Robert W. Heath orcidId Robert W. Heath Jr. is Person. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. Heather. Haoran Niu et al.: A UAV-Based Traffic Monitoring System - Invited Paper. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R W. Heather. Robert W. Heath alternativeName Robert W. Heath. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. W. Heather. Yi Zhang et al.: DeepWiPHY: Synthetic and real-world IEEE 802.11ax OFDM symbol dataset. (2020) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath alternativeName W. Heath. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. Heath. Robert W. Heath alternativeName R. W. Heath. Robert W. Heath Jr. link Seong Ki Yoo et al.: Measurements of the 60 GHz UE to eNB Channel for Small Cell Deployments. (2017) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath Jr. and Nuria González Prelcic: Convoluted [Humor]. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Mischa Dohler et al.: Is the PHY layer dead? (2011) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Sumohana S. Channappayya et al.: Multiple Description Image Coding Using Natural Scene Statistics. (2005) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath Jr. link Mohamed Habib Loukil et al.: Physical Layer Security at a Point-to-Point MIMO System With 1-Bit DACs and ADCs. (2023) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2015: 44. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2015: 44. Robert W. Heath Jr.: Signing Off as Editor-in-Chief [From the Editor]. (2020) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2013: 36. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2013: 36. Ryan M. Dreifuerst and Robert W. Heath Jr.: CSI Type-II Codebook of Codebooks. (2023) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath Jr. is Creator. Robert W. Heath h-index 117. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2016: 71. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2016: 71. Robert W. Heath Jr.: Research Gems Found Digging with Industry [From the Editor]. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Sandy Saab et al.: An Inverted L-Shaped Multi-Layer Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for THz Communications. (2022) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath is Author. Sumohana S. Channappayya et al.: Frame based multiple description image coding in the wavelet domain. (2005) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath member of North Carolina State University. Robert W. Heath i10Index 441. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2018: 61. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2018: 61. Nicholas R. Olson et al.: Coverage and Capacity of Terahertz Cellular Networks With Joint Transmission. (2022) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Ryan M. Dreifuerst et al.: Deep Learning-based Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation with One-Bit ADCs. (2020) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Lifeng Wang et al.: A New Look at Physical Layer Security, Caching, and Wireless Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous Ultra-dense Networks. (2017) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Lifeng Wang et al.: A New Look at Physical Layer Security, Caching, and Wireless Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks. (2018) authored by Robert W. Heath Jr.. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2017: 55. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2017: 55. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2014: 84. Robert W. Heath written paper amount in year2014: 84. Robert W. Heath Jr. primary affiliation North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA\nHeath received his Ph. During his Ph. Giannakis, and his B. Heath Jr. {'author_wikipedia_text': "Robert W. S. S. S. he took a leave of absence to be one of the first employees at Iospan Wireless (earlier known as Gigabit Wireless Inc), where he was part of a small team that created the first practical MIMO-OFDM radio (a predecessor of what we now know as IEEE 802. e
Whose institute has fewer publication citations, the affiliation of the author who published 'Adaptive Feedback Partitions in Dynamic Zero-Forcing Beamforming Based on Stochastic Geometry' or the writer of 'An Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization With Reduced Objective Computations: A Study in Differential Evolution'?
Nirav Dave et al.: 802.11a transmitter: a case study in microarchitectural exploration. (2006) authored by Arvind. Kermin Fleming et al.: H.264 Decoder: A Case Study in Multiple Design Points. (2008) authored by Arvind. . Arvind i10Index 128. Man Cheuk Ng et al.: Airblue: a system for cross-layer wireless protocol development. (2010) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: In-Storage Embedded Accelerator for Sparse Pattern Processing. (2016) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: In-storage embedded accelerator for sparse pattern processing. (2016) authored by Arvind. Sungjin Lee et al.: Improving performance and lifetime of solid-state drives using hardware-accelerated compression. (2011) authored by Arvind. Utsav Banerjee et al.: An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable DTLS Cryptographic Engine for End-to-End Security in IoT Applications. (2019) authored by Arvind. Utsav Banerjee et al.: An energy-efficient reconfigurable DTLS cryptographic engine for End-to-End security in iot applications. (2018) authored by Arvind. Utsav Banerjee et al.: An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable DTLS Cryptographic Engine for Securing Internet-of-Things Applications. (2019) authored by Arvind. Utsav Banerjee et al.: An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable DTLS Cryptographic Engine for Securing Internet-of-Things Applications. (2019) authored by Arvind. Asif Khan et al.: Fast and cycle-accurate modeling of a multicore processor. (2012) authored by Arvind. Michael Pellauer et al.: Quick Performance Models Quickly: Closely-Coupled Partitioned Simulation on FPGAs. (2008) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: A transport-layer network for distributed FPGA platforms. (2015) authored by Arvind. Amandeep Singh et al.: Experimentally identifying the entanglement class of pure tripartite states. (2018) authored by Arvind. Arvind and Ram Ratan: Bit-Plane Specific Selective Histogram Equalization for Image Enhancement and Representation. (2018) authored by Arvind. Sizhuo Zhang et al.: An Operational Framework for Specifying Memory Models using Instantaneous Instruction Execution. (2017) authored by Arvind. Andrew Shaw et al.: A Comparison of Implicitly Parallel Multithreaded and Data-Parallel Implementations of an Ocean Model. (1998) authored by Arvind. Thomas Bourgeat et al.: MI6: Secure Enclaves in a Speculative Out-of-Order Processor. (2018) authored by Arvind. Abhinav Agarwal et al.: High-throughput implementation of a million-point sparse Fourier Transform. (2014) authored by ArvindT. He served as its president until his return to MIT in 2002. '}. S. I. He served as chair from 1998 to 1999. Also during this time he taught a few weeks each semester at the CSE department of IIT, Kanpur. D. A dozen Monsoons were installed at Los Alamos National Laboratory and other universities before Monsoon was retired to the Computer History Museum in California
Which author has fewer publications, the creator of 'Resource managers in functional programming' or 'An algebraic proof of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for intersecting families of perfect matchings'?
Lukas Weber et al.: Resource-Efficient Logarithmic Number Scale Arithmetic for SPN Inference on FPGAs. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Plagemann et al.: A Bayesian regression approach to terrain mapping and an application to legged robot locomotion. (2009) authored by Kristian Kersting. Karl Stelzner et al.: Decomposing 3D Scenes into Objects via Unsupervised Volume Segmentation. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Saket Joshi et al.: Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams for First Order Markov Decision Processes. (2009) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Plagemann et al.: Nonstationary Gaussian Process Regression Using Point Estimates of Local Smoothness. (2008) authored by Kristian Kersting. Frieder Uhlig et al.: Transformer-Boosted Anomaly Detection with Fuzzy Hashes. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zahra Zamani et al.: Symbolic Dynamic Programming for Continuous State and Observation POMDPs. (2012) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Plagemann et al.: Learning predictive terrain models for legged robot locomotion. (2008) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Laura Antanas et al.: Semantic and geometric reasoning for robotic grasping: a probabilistic logic approach. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Mirwaes Wahabzada et al.: Automated interpretation of 3D laserscanned point clouds for plant organ segmentation. (2015) authored by Kristian Kersting. Martin Mladenov et al.: Efficient Lifting of MAP LP Relaxations Using k-Locality. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Maximilian Otte et al.: Generative Adversarial Neural Cellular Automata. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zhongjie Yu et al.: Leveraging probabilistic circuits for nonparametric multi-output regression. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zhongjie Yu et al.: Leveraging Probabilistic Circuits for Nonparametric Multi-Output Regression. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Saket Joshi et al.: Decision-theoretic planning with generalized first-order decision diagrams. (2011) authored by Kristian Kersting. Scott Sanner and Kristian Kersting: Symbolic Dynamic Programming for First-order POMDPs. (2010) authored by Kristian Kersting. Marion Neumann et al.: Erosion Band Features for Cell Phone Image Based Plant Disease Classification. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Novi Quadrianto et al.: Kernel Conditional Quantile Estimation via Reduction Revisited. (2009) authored by Kristian Kersting. Bernd Gutmann and Kristian Kersting: TildeCRF: Conditional Random Fields for Logical Sequences. (2006) authored by Kristian Kersting. Rudolph Triebel et al.: Robust 3D Scan Point Classification using Associative Markov Networks. (2006) authored by Kristian Kersting. Mina Ameli et al.: Unsupervised Multi-sensor Anomaly Localization with Explainable AI. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sophie Burkhardt et al.: Rule Extraction From Binary Neural Networks With Convolutional Rules for Model Validation. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Ahmed Jawad and Kristian Kersting: Kernelized Map Matching for noisy trajectories. (2010) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sophie Burkhardt et al.: Rule Extraction from Binary Neural Networks with Convolutional Rules for Model Validation. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Luc De Raedt et al.: Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming - Theory and Applications (2008) edited by Kristian Kersting. Daniel Ochs et al.: Effective Risk Detection for Natural Gas Pipelines Using Low-Resolution Satellite Images. (2024) authored by Kristian Kersting. Nandini Ramanan et al.: Discriminative Non-Parametric Learning of Arithmetic Circuits. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Kristian Kersting and Luc De Raedt: Logical Markov Decision Programs and the Convergence of Logical TD(lambda). (2004) authored by Kristian Kersting. Bernd Gutmann et al.: Parameter Learning in Probabilistic Databases: A Least Squares Approach. (2008) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Plagemann et al.: Gaussian Beam Processes: A Nonparametric Bayesian Measurement Model for Range Finders. (2007) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sahil Sidheekh et al.: Probabilistic Flow Circuits: Towards Unified Deep Models for Tractable Probabilistic Inference. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Fabian Hadiji et al.: Efficient Sequential Clamping for Lifted Message Passing. (2011) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Leveraging Diffusion-Based Image Variations for Robust Training on Poisoned Data. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Daniel Hernández-Lobato et al.: Mind the Nuisance: Gaussian Process Classification using Privileged Noise. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Daniel Hernández-Lobato et al.: Mind the Nuisance: Gaussian Process Classification using Privileged Noise. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Steven Lang et al.: DAFNe: A One-Stage Anchor-Free Deep Model for Oriented Object Detection. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Simon Kohaut et al.: Mission Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Xiaoting Shao et al.: Conditional sum-product networks: Modular probabilistic circuits via gate functions. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Martin Mladenov et al.: Lifted Inference for Convex Quadratic Programs. (2017) authored by Kristian Kersting. Martin Mladenov et al.: The Symbolic Interior Point Method. (2017) authored by Kristian Kersting. Martin Mladenov et al.: The Symbolic Interior Point Method. (2016) authored by Kristian Kersting. Kristian Kersting affiliation University of Bonn, Faculty of Agriculture, Germany. Stefan Lüdtke et al.: Lifted Filtering via Exchangeable Decomposition. (2018) authored by Kristian Kersting. Stefan Lüdtke et al.: Lifted Filtering via Exchangeable Decomposition. (2018) authored by Kristian Kersting. Jannik Kossen et al.: Structured Object-Aware Physics Prediction for Video Modeling and Planning. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Jannik Kossen et al.: Structured Object-Aware Physics Prediction for Video Modeling and Planning. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Manuel Brack et al.: Distilling Adversarial Prompts from Safety Benchmarks: Report for the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Jens Behley et al.: Learning to hash logistic regression for fast 3D scan point classification. (2010) authored by Kristian Kersting5 million euros over five years. '}. in 2006. D
Where did the author of 'Collective Attention on the Web' lead a research group from 2008 to 2012?
Gautam Thatte et al.: Parametric methods for anomaly detection in aggregate traffic. (2011) authored by John S. Heidemann. Tarang Saluja et al.: Differences in Monitoring the DNS Root Over IPv4 and IPv6. (2022) authored by John S. Heidemann. Chengjie Zhang and John S. Heidemann: Accurate Pipeline Blockage Detection with Low-Cost Multi-modal Sensing. (2014) authored by John S. Heidemann. Abdul Qadeer and John S. Heidemann: Plumb: Efficient Processing of Multi-User Pipelines. (2018) authored by John S. Heidemann. John Heidemann 2YrMeanCitedness 1.6000000238418579102. Basileal Imana et al.: Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads. (2021) authored by John S. Heidemann. Basileal Imana et al.: Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads. (2021) authored by John S. Heidemann. Giovane C. M. Moura et al.: Considerations for Large Authoritative DNS Server Operators. (2022) authored by John S. Heidemann. Kensuke Fukuda et al.: Detecting Malicious Activity With DNS Backscatter Over Time. (2017) authored by John S. Heidemann. A. S. M. Rizvi et al.: Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses. (2022) authored by John S. Heidemann. A. S. M. Rizvi et al.: Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses. (2023) authored by John S. Heidemann. Giovane C. M. Moura et al.: When the Dike Breaks: Dissecting DNS Defenses During DDoS. (2018) authored by John S. Heidemann. Di-Fa Chang et al.: Locating BGP missing routes using multiple perspectives. (2004) authored by John S. Heidemann. A. S. M. Rizvi et al.: Defending Root DNS Servers against DDoS Using Layered Defenses (Extended). (2023) authored by John S. Heidemann. Kensuke Fukuda and John S. Heidemann: Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter. (2015) authored by John S. Heidemann. Di-Fa Chang et al.: An empirical study of router response to large BGP routing table load. (2002) authored by John S. Heidemann. Jelena Mirkovic et al.: Do you see me now? Sparsity in passive observations of address liveness. (2017) authored by John S. Heidemann. Hang Guo et al.: Peek Inside the Closed World: Evaluating Autoencoder-Based Detection of DDoS to Cloud. (2019) authored by John S. Heidemann. Kun-Chan Lan and John S. Heidemann: A tool for RApid model parameterization and its applications. (2003) authored by John S. Heidemann. John Heidemann written paper amount in year2018: 12. John Heidemann written paper amount in year2018: 12. Debojyoti Dutta et al.: Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria. (2003) authored by John S. Heidemann. Debojyoti Dutta et al.: Oblivious AQM and nash equilibria. (2002) authored by John S. Heidemann'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
Who were the collaborators of the inventor of S-MAC energy-conserving media access protocol for wireless networks?
Graziana Cavone et al.: A Game-theoretical Design Technique for Multi-stage Supply Chains under Uncertainty. (2018) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Augusto Bozza et al.: An Adaptive Model Predictive Control Approach for Position Tracking and Force Control of a Hydraulic Actuator. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Raffaele Carli et al.: Model predictive control for thermal comfort optimization in building energy management systems. (2019) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Graziana Cavone et al.: A Colored Petri Net Tool for the Design of Robotic Palletizing Cells. (2023) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Raffaele Carli et al.: Robust Optimal Control for Demand Side Management of Multi-Carrier Microgrids. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Giulia Tresca et al.: A mathematical model for the optimal configuration of automated storage systems with sliding trays. (2023) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Paolo Scarabaggio et al.: Distributed Demand Side Management With Stochastic Wind Power Forecasting. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Nicola Mignoni et al.: Game Theoretical Control Frameworks for Multiple Energy Storage Services in Energy Communities. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Paolo Scarabaggio et al.: A game-theoretic control approach for the optimal energy storage under power flow constraints in distribution networks. (2020) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini et al.: A Residential Demand-Side Management Strategy under Nonlinear Pricing Based on Robust Model Predictive Control. (2019) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Raffaele Carli et al.: A Distributed Control Approach Based on Game Theory for the Optimal Energy Scheduling of a Residential Microgrid with Shared Generation and Storage. (2019) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini et al.: Multi-block ADMM Approach for Decentralized Demand Response of Energy Communities with Flexible Loads and Shared Energy Storage System. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini et al.: Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Residential Energy Scheduling under Uncertainties. (2018) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Raffaele Carli and Mariagrazia Dotoli: A decentralized control strategy for optimal charging of electric vehicle fleets with congestion management. (2017) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Paolo Scarabaggio et al.: Noncooperative Equilibrium-Seeking in Distributed Energy Systems Under AC Power Flow Nonlinear Constraints. (2022) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Mariagrazia Dotoli et al.: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controllers Synthesis through Genetic Optimization. (2002) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini et al.: Robust Decentralized Charge Control of Electric Vehicles under Uncertainty on Inelastic Demand and Energy Pricing. (2020) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Mariagrazia Dotoli et al.: Simulation and evaluation of the auction based day ahead energy market via a Nash equilibrium model and zonal pricing. (2014) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Marino Calefati et al.: A Decentralized Noncooperative Control Approach for Sharing Energy Storage Systems in Energy Communities. (2021) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Augusto Bozza et al.: A Power Electronic Converters-Inspired Approach for Modeling PWM Switched-Based Nonlinear Hydraulic Servo Actuators. (2023) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Paolo Scarabaggio et al.: Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Community Energy Storage under High Renewable Penetration. (2021) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini et al.: Robust Optimal Energy Management of a Residential Microgrid Under Uncertainties on Demand and Renewable Power Generation. (2021) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli. Raffaele Carli and Mariagrazia Dotoli: A decentralized control strategy for energy retrofit planning of large-scale street lighting systems using dynamic programming. (2017) authored by Mariagrazia Dotoli Her doctoral dissertation, Recent Developments of the Fuzzy Control Methodology, was supervised by Bruno Maione; her doctoral research also included work with Jan Jantzen at the Technical University of Denmark. {'institute_wikipedia_text': 'Mariagrazia Dotoli (born 1971) is an Italian systems engineer and control theorist whose research involves the optimization of supply chain management and traffic control in smart cities, fuzzy control systems, and the use of Petri nets in modeling these applications as discrete event dynamic systems. '}. She became an associate professor from 2015 to 2019, and has been a full professor since 2019. She was the Coordinator of this PhD Program in years 2020-2022
What is the i10Index of the author with 331 works and 3929 citations?
Patrizia Di Campli San Vito et al.: Thermal Feedback for Simulated Lane Change Scenarios. (2019) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Satvik Venkatesh et al.: Artificially Synthesising Data for Audio Classification and Segmentation to Improve Speech and Music Detection in Radio Broadcast. (2021) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Satvik Venkatesh et al.: Artificially Synthesising Data for Audio Classification and Segmentation to Improve Speech and Music Detection in Radio Broadcast. (2021) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Gözel Shakeri et al.: Evaluating Haptic Feedback on a Steering Wheel in a Simulated Driving Scenario. (2016) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Alexander Ng et al.: An Evaluation of Input Controls for In-Car Interactions. (2017) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: The effects of walking, feedback and control method on pressure-based interaction. (2011) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Gang Li et al.: A Review of Electrostimulation-based Cybersickness Mitigations. (2020) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: A Lack of Restraint: Comparing Virtual Reality Interaction Techniques for Constrained Transport Seating. (2023) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Ross McLachlan et al.: Transient and transitional states: pressure as an auxiliary input modality for bimanual interaction. (2014) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Philipp Wintersberger et al.: BikeSimWS: Workshop on Simulators, Scenarios, and Test Standard for Bicycle Research. (2023) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Alexander Ng and Stephen A. Brewster: An Evaluation of Touch and Pressure-Based Scrolling and Haptic Feedback for In-Car Touchscreens. (2017) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: The effects of walking and control method on pressure-based interaction. (2011) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Alexander Ng and Stephen A. Brewster: Investigating Pressure Input and Haptic Feedback for In-Car Touchscreens and Touch Surfaces. (2016) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Patrizia Di Campli San Vito and Stephen Anthony Brewster: TempSeat: Investigating the Suitability of a Heated Car Seat for Feedback Purposes. (2022) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Martin Halvey et al.: "Baby it's cold outside": the influence of ambient temperature and humidity on thermal feedback. (2012) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Patrizia Di Campli San Vito et al.: Investigation of Thermal Stimuli for Lane Changes. (2018) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Stephen A. Brewster and Murray Crease: Making menus musical. (1997) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Topi Kaaresoja et al.: Towards the Temporally Perfect Virtual Button: Touch-Feedback Simultaneity and Perceived Quality in Mobile Touchscreen Press Interactions. (2014) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Patrizia Di Campli San Vito et al.: Haptic Feedback for the Transfer of Control in Autonomous Vehicles. (2020) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Stephen Brewster name Stephen Brewster. Giorgio Roffo et al.: Automating the Administration and Analysis of Psychiatric Tests: The Case of Attachment in School Age Children. (2019) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Yosuef Alotaibi et al.: First Steps Towards Designing Electrotactons: Investigating Intensity and Pulse Frequency as Parameters for Electrotactile Cues. (2022) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: Pressure-based menu selection for mobile devices. (2010) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Marcello Giordano et al.: Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces. (2018) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Daniel Medeiros et al.: The Benefits of Passive Haptics and Perceptual Manipulation for Extended Reality Interactions in Constrained Passenger Spaces. (2023) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Patrizia Di Campli San Vito et al.: Development of a Real-Time Stress Detection System for Older Adults with Heart Rate Data. (2023) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Patrizia Di Campli San Vito et al.: Thermal in-car interaction for navigation. (2017) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: Some like it hot: thermal feedback for mobile devices. (2011) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Georgios N. Marentakis and Stephen A. Brewster: Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane. (2006) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Sarah Baillie et al.: Motion Space Reduction in a Haptic Model of Violin and Viola Bowin. (2005) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Martin Halvey et al.: Perception of thermal stimuli for continuous interaction. (2013) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Matt-Mouley Bouamrane et al.: Using process-mapping to design integrated health information management systems. (2011) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Andrew Crossan et al.: A Horse Ovary Palpation Simulator for Veterinary Training. (2000) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Henry Togwell et al.: In-cAR Gaming: Exploring the use of AR headsets to Leverage Passenger Travel Environments for Mixed Reality Gameplay. (2022) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: In the Heat of the Moment: Subjective Interpretations of Thermal Feedback During Interaction. (2015) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Graham A. Wilson et al.: Hot Under the Collar: Mapping Thermal Feedback to Dimensional Models of Emotion. (2016) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Mark McGill et al.: Challenges in passenger use of mixed reality headsets in cars and other transportation. (2020) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Rawan Srour Zreik et al.: Age Matters: Investigating Older Drivers' Perception of Level 3 Autonomous Cars as a Heterogeneous Age Group. (2023) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Shimin Feng et al.: Investigating Pressure-based Interactions with Mobile Phones While Walking and Encumbered. (2015) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Stephen Brewster alternativeName William Brewster. Zoe M. Becerra et al.: Workshop on Virtual Reality (VR) in Automated Vehicles: Developing and Evaluating Metrics to Assess VR in the Car. (2020) authored by Stephen A. Brewster. Stephen Brewster alternativeName Steven A. Brewster'}. \nBrewster was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in March 2017
How many publications does the contributor who published Crossmodal icons for information display with Eve E. Hoggan, have?
Oghenovo Okpako et al.: Optimization of Community Based Virtual Power Plant with Embedded Storage and Renewable Generation. (2016) authored by Prashant Pillai. Oghenovo Okpako et al.: A Comparative Assessment of Embedded Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Integration in a Community Virtual Power Plant. (2017) authored by Prashant Pillai. Tshiamo Sigwele et al.: Elastic Call Admission Control Using Fuzzy Logic in Virtualized Cloud Radio Base Stations. (2015) authored by Prashant Pillai. Tshiamo Sigwele et al.: iTREE: Intelligent Traffic and Resource Elastic Energy Scheme for Cloud-RAN. (2015) authored by Prashant Pillai. Paolo Baronti et al.: Wireless sensor networks: A survey on the state of the art and the 802.15.4 and ZigBee standards. (2007) authored by Prashant Pillai. Adeel Ahmed et al.: Spectrum sensing based on Maximum Eigenvalue approximation in cognitive radio networks. (2015) authored by Prashant Pillai. Sha Sha et al.: Two-Dimensional Markov Chain Model for Performance Analysis of Call Admission Control Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. (2012) authored by Prashant Pillai. Nikolaos Ersotelos et al.: Blockchain and IoMT against Physical Abuse: Bullying in Schools as a Case Study. (2021) authored by Prashant Pillai. Tshiamo Sigwele et al.: On the Energy Minimization of Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks. (2016) authored by Prashant Pillai. Prashant Pillai et al.: Universal Plug and Play Based Billing System for Moving Networks. (2006) authored by Prashant Pillai. Misfa Susanto et al.: Joint Random Linear Network Coding and Convolutional Code with Interleaving for Multihop Wireless Network. (2013) authored by Prashant PillaiD. Pillai has led several national/international research projects in the areas of networking protocols and cyber security. "}. It is a joint venture between the University of Wolverhampton and Herefordshire Council and part-funded by the Government’s Local Growth Fund, via the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Cyber Quarter was opened in December 2021. from University of Bradford, UK for his thesis titled Authentication, Authorization and Accounting framework for multicast communication in highly mobile wireless networks
Where was the author who received the Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 2023 born?
Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar, October 25, 2014 (2014) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2016, Austin, Texas, USA, November 1, 2016 (2016) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg name Julia Hirschberg. Pilar Prieto et al.: Patterns of f0 peak placement in Mexican Spanish. (1994) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Lin Ai et al.: Identifying the Popularity and Persuasiveness of Right- and Left-Leaning Group Videos on Social Media. (2021) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Zehui Wu et al.: Multi-Modality Multi-Loss Fusion Network. (2023) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg: V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure. (2007) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Bell Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia B. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J.B. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J. Hirschberg. Lin Ai et al.: Exploring New Methods for Identifying False Information and the Intent Behind It on Social Media: COVID-19 Tweets. (2021) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg member of Columbia University. Julia Hirschberg link Marc Beacken et al.: The provision of intelligent agent-based enhanced multimedia network services. (1995) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Gideon Mendels et al.: Collecting Code-Switched Data from Social Media. (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg h-index 54. Julia Hirschberg primary affiliation Columbia University, New York City, USA. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg is Creator. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2019) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Jan P. H. van Santen and Julia Hirschberg: Segmental effects on timing and height of pitch contours. (1994) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Zhengping Jiang et al.: Detection of Mental Health from Reddit via Deep Contextualized Representations. (2020) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg affiliation Columbia University, New York City, USA. Julia Hirschberg: [no title]. (1987) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg link Svetlana Stoyanchev et al.: Modelling Human Clarification Strategies. (2013) authored by Julia Hirschberg She and her department remained at Bell Labs until 1996 when they moved to AT&T Labs Research as part of a corporate reorganization. She served on the History faculty of Smith College from 1974 to 1982. and Vida L. In 2002, she joined the Columbia University faculty as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science. \nShe is currently the Percy K. She subsequently shifted to Computer Science studies, receiving her M
What award did the author receive in 2017 for contributions to the use of prosody in text-to-speech and spoken dialogue systems?
Maciej Korczynski et al.: DIAMoND: Distributed Intrusion/Anomaly Monitoring for Nonparametric Detection. (2015) authored by Nina H. Fefferman. Maciej Korczynski et al.: Hive oversight for network intrusion early warning using DIAMoND: a bee-inspired method for fully distributed cyber defense. (2016) authored by Nina H. Fefferman. Eric Lofgren et al.: Assessing Seasonal Variation in Multisource Surveillance Data: Annual Harmonic Regression. (2007) authored by Nina H. Fefferman. Lazaros K. Gallos and Nina H. Fefferman: Revealing effective classifiers through network comparison. (2014) authored by Nina H. Fefferman. Iacopo Iacopini et al.: Not your private tête-à-tête: leveraging the power of higher-order networks to study animal communication. (2023) authored by Nina H. Fefferman. Saurabh Verma et al.: Stopping Amplified DNS DDoS Attacks through Distributed Query Rate Sharing. (2016) authored by Nina H. FeffermanD. "}. She served as a principal investigator at CCICADA (US Dept of Homeland Security Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis) to research the social behavior of technologically enabled environments by using data analysis
What is the number of paper citations for the academic institution where the creator of 'Mathematical Macrobiology: An Unexploited Opportunity in High School Education' works?
Mariofanna G. Milanova et al.: Applications of Celluar Neural Networks for Shape from Shading Problem. (1999) authored by Marcelo Godoy Simões. Javier Ropero Peláez and Marcelo Godoy Simões: Pattern completion through thalamo-cortical interaction. (1999) authored by Marcelo Godoy Simões. Javier Ropero Peláez and Marcelo Godoy Simões: A computational model of synaptic metaplasticity. (1999) authored by Marcelo Godoy Simões. Marcelo Godoy Simões alternativeName Marcelo Simoes. Carlos Guestrin et al.: Industrial applications of image mosaicing and stabilization. (1998) authored by Marcelo Godoy Simões. Marcelo Godoy Simões alternativeName Marcelo Godoy Simoes. Marcelo Godoy Simões alternativeName Marcelo Godoy Simões. Marcelo Godoy Simões alternativeName Marcelo Godoy Simôes. Marcelo Godoy Simões name Marcelo Godoy Simões. Marcelo Godoy Simões is Creator. Marcelo Godoy Simões alternativeName Marcelo G. Simoes Barbi motivated Simões to study Prof. Simões. Simões, with a sister, Maysa A. Simões invited Prof. He completed his B. Middlebrook and Slobodan Ćuk work. degree from University of São Paulo, Brazil, and a Ph. K. B. B. Sc. Sc. Sc. Sc. Sc. Bose. After meeting Prof. in 1995, Simões returned to Brazil to teach at the Mechatronics Department of University of São Paulo. Simões decided to immigrate and continue his career in the USA. Dr. Dr
What is the cited by count for the institution of the author who published the 'General Smart Meter Guidelines to Accurately Assess the Aging of Distribution Transformers' in the IEEE Trans. Smart Grid journal?
Fabio Hellmann et al.: GANonymization: A GAN-based Face Anonymization Framework for Preserving Emotional Expressions. (2023) authored by Cristina Conati. David Rojas et al.: The Effect of Sound on Visual Fidelity Perception in Stereoscopic 3-D. (2013) authored by Cristina Conati. Cristina Conati modified 2023-10-18. Samad Kardan et al.: The Usefulness of Log Based Clustering in a Complex Simulation Environment. (2014) authored by Cristina Conati. Cristina Conati 2YrMeanCitedness 2.375. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2018: 6. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2018: 6. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2022: 6. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2022: 6. Cristina Conati h-index 34. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2016: 6. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2016: 6. Ömer Sümer et al.: Region-based Saliency Explanations on the Recognition of Facial Genetic Syndromes. (2023) authored by Cristina Conati. Matteo Rizzo et al.: Cascading Convolutional Temporal Colour Constancy. (2021) authored by Cristina Conati. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2015: 9. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2015: 9. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2019: 10. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2019: 10. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2021: 10. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2021: 10. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2017: 8. Cristina Conati written paper amount in year2017: 8D. She joined the University of British Columbia faculty in 1999, and became a full professor there in 2016
Who served as the supervisor for An intelligent computer tutor to guide self-explanation while learning from examples?
Julien Clinton Sprott name Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Clint Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott is Person. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien SPROTT>. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien C. Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien. C. Sprott. Sajad Jafari et al.: Limitation of Perpetual Points for Confirming Conservation in Dynamical Systems. (2015) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Chunbiao Li et al.: Offset Boosting for Breeding Conditional Symmetry. (2018) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Sajad Jafari et al.: Categories of Conservative Flows. (2019) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Puneet Kumar Patra et al.: The Equivalence of Dissipation from Gibbs' Entropy Production with Phase-Volume Loss in Ergodic Heat-Conducting Oscillators. (2016) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName J C. Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName J. C. Sprott"}. His shows are available freely as streaming video from his website
From which university did the author of 'Generating 3-scroll attractors from One Chua Circuit' receive his Ph.D.?
Rajeev Alur et al.: Regular Combinators for String Transformations. (2014) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Regular combinators for string transformations. (2014) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: GPUDrano: Detecting Uncoalesced Accesses in GPU Programs. (2017) authored by Rajeev Alur. Caleb Stanford et al.: Correctness in Stream Processing: Challenges and Opportunities. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Compression of Partially Ordered Strings. (2003) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Regular Transformations of Infinite Strings. (2012) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Stability Guarantees for Feature Attributions with Multiplicative Smoothing. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Stability Guarantees for Feature Attributions with Multiplicative Smoothing. (2023) authored by Rajeev Alur. Luan Viet Nguyen et al.: Detecting security leaks in hybrid systems with information flow analysis. (2019) authored by Rajeev Alur. Houssam Abbas et al.: Quantitative Regular Expressions for Monitoring Cardiac Arrhythmias. (2018) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Static detection of uncoalesced accesses in GPU programs. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Konstantinos Kallas et al.: DiffStream: differential output testing for stream processing programs. (2020) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur 2YrMeanCitedness 1.0689655542373657227. Rajeev Alur alternativeName Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Gadi Taubenfeld: Contention-Free Complexity of Shared Memory Algorithms. (1996) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Derivatives of Quantitative Regular Expressions. (2017) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: On the Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs. (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Space-efficient Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Event Streams. (2020) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur: Trends and Challenges in Algorithmic Software Verification. (2005) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: DReX: A Declarative Language for Efficiently Evaluating Regular String Transformations. (2015) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Results and Analysis of SyGuS-Comp'15. (2015) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur name Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Chordal Sparsity for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Deep Neural Networks. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Chordal Sparsity for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Deep Neural Networks. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Gadi Taubenfeld: Contention-free Complexity of Shared Memory Algorithms. (1994) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Pavol Cerný: Streaming transducers for algorithmic verification of single-pass list-processing programs. (2011) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh: Nondeterministic Streaming String Transducers. (2011) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur alternativeName Alur Rajeev. Sela Mador-Haim et al.: Litmus tests for comparing memory consistency models: how long do they need to be? (2011) authored by Rajeev Alur. Sela Mador-Haim et al.: Generating Litmus Tests for Contrasting Memory Consistency Models. (2010) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Automated Grading of DFA Constructions. (2013) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Software model checking using languages of nested trees. (2011) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Distinguishing tests for nondeterministic and probabilistic machines. (1995) authored by Rajeev Alur. Sebastian Burckhardt et al.: CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models. (2007) authored by Rajeev Alur. Aditya Kanade et al.: Representation dependence testing using program inversion. (2010) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: Regular Programming for Quantitative Properties of Data Streams. (2016) authored by Rajeev Alur. Anton Xue et al.: Parametric Chordal Sparsity for SDP-based Neural Network Verification. (2022) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur et al.: On-the-Fly Reachability and Cycle Detection for Recursive State Machines. (2005) authored by Rajeev Alur. Rajeev Alur and Pavol Cerný: Algorithmic Verification of Single-Pass List Processing Programs (2010) authored by Rajeev Alur Alur was born in Pune. He holds the title of Zisman Family Professor at UPenn since 2003
What is the title of the publication about interfaces for control components?
Grigore Roşu name Grigore Roşu. Koushik Sen et al.: Online efficient predictive safety analysis of multithreaded programs. (2006) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Rosu link Koushik Sen et al.: Online Efficient Predictive Safety Analysis of Multithreaded Programs. (2004) authored by Grigore Rosu. Koushik Sen et al.: Detecting Errors in Multithreaded Programs by Generalized Predictive Analysis of Executions. (2005) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu 2YrMeanCitedness 1.1363636255264282227. Grigore Roşu i10Index 128. Grigore Roşu alternativeName Rosu Grigore. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2022: 0. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2022: 0. Vilas Jagannath et al.: Improved multithreaded unit testing. (2011) authored by Grigore Rosu. Rodolfo Pellizzoni et al.: Hardware Runtime Monitoring for Dependable COTS-Based Real-Time Embedded Systems. (2008) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu alternativeName G. Rosu. Koushik Sen et al.: Decentralized runtime analysis of multithreaded applications. (2006) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu alternativeName Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu alternativeName Grigore Roşu. Grigore Roşu alternativeName Grigore Roșu. Grigore Rosu is Person. Grigore Roşu worksCount 352. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2021: 8. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2021: 8. Feng Chen and Grigore Rosu: Parametric and Termination-Sensitive Control Dependence. (2006) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu h-index 46. Dongyun Jin et al.: Garbage collection for monitoring parametric properties. (2011) authored by Grigore Rosu. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2012: 23. Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2012: 23. Grigore Rosu link Grigore Roşu written paper amount in year2023: 2D. D. S. '}. A
What type of logic did the author of 'Matching Logic' introduce as a foundation for the K framework and for programming languages, specification, and verification?
Benoit Daloze et al.: Efficient and thread-safe objects for dynamically-typed languages. (2016) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Herbert Prähofer et al.: A Comprehensive Solution for Deterministic Replay Debugging of SoftPLC Applications. (2011) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Multi-language dynamic taint analysis in a polyglot virtual machine. (2020) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Markus Jahn et al.: Rule-Based Composition Behaviors in Dynamic Plug-In Systems. (2010) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Towards efficient, multi-language dynamic taint analysis. (2019) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Low-overhead multi-language dynamic taint analysis on managed runtimes through speculative optimization. (2021) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic Taint Analysis in TruffleTaint. (2022) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. David Leopoldseder et al.: Dominance-based duplication simulation (DBDS): code duplication to enable compiler optimizations. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Andreas Schörgenhumer et al.: On the Difficulties of Supervised Event Prediction based on Unbalanced Real-World Data in Multi-System Monitoring. (2019) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Dynamic Taint Analysis with Label-Defined Semantics. (2022) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Matthias Grimmer et al.: Dynamically composing languages in a modular way: supporting C extensions for dynamic languages. (2015) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Sebastian Kloibhofer et al.: Control Flow Duplication for Columnar Arrays in a Dynamic Compiler. (2023) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Sebastian Kloibhofer et al.: Control Flow Duplication for Columnar Arrays in a Dynamic Compiler. (2023) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Andreas Schörgenhumer et al.: Can we Predict Performance Events with Time Series Data from Monitoring Multiple Systems? (2019) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Andreas Schörgenhumer et al.: Using Crash Frequency Analysis to Identify Error-Prone Software Technologies in Multi-System Monitoring. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Debugging native extensions of dynamic languages. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Jacob Kreindl et al.: Debugging Native Extensions of Dynamic Languages. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Benoit Daloze et al.: Parallelization of dynamic languages: synchronizing built-in collections. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Dominik Aumayr et al.: Efficient and Deterministic Record & Replay for Actor Languages. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Dominik Aumayr et al.: Efficient and deterministic record & replay for actor languages. (2018) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Andreas Schörgenhumer et al.: Using Multi-System Monitoring Time Series to Predict Performance Events. (2019) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Herbert Prähofer et al.: Monaco - A domain-specific language solution for reactive process control programming with hierarchical components. (2013) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Lukas Stadler et al.: An experimental study of the influence of dynamic compiler optimizations on Scala performance. (2013) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck. Stefan Marr et al.: A concurrency-agnostic protocol for multi-paradigm concurrent debugging tools. (2017) authored by Hanspeter Mössenböck\nIn the software engineering domain the research interest is on object oriented and component based systems, especially on composing software dynamically via plug-ins. Second, they work on allocation of registers of processors and ways to optimize dynamic compilation, like escape analysis, object inlining. First, dynamic compilation, with areas like static single assignment form, feedback directed optimisation, dynamic redefinition of programs. g
Where did Hanspeter Mössenböck do his sabbatical in the summer of 2000?
Julien M. Hendrickx et al.: An Exact Solution to the Power Networks Security Index Problem and its Generalized Min Cut Formulation (2012) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Data Attack Isolation in Power Networks Using Secure Voltage Magnitude Measurements. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Martin Lindström et al.: Power Injection Attacks in Smart Distribution Grids with Photovoltaics. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Linbin Huang et al.: Gain and Phase: Decentralized Stability Conditions for Power Electronics-Dominated Power Systems. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Philip E. Paré et al.: Multi-Layer Disease Spread Model with a Water Distribution Network. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Martin Lindström et al.: Power Injection Attacks in Smart Distribution Grids with Photovoltaics. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kaveh Paridari et al.: Demand response for aggregated residential consumers with energy storage sharing. (2015) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Joakim Björk et al.: Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Design for Fast Frequency Reserves: Coordinating Hydro and Wind. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Wei Chen et al.: Characterizing the positive semidefiniteness of signed Laplacians via Effective Resistances. (2016) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Joakim Björk et al.: Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Design for Fast Frequency Reserves: Coordinating Hydro and Wind. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Julien M. Hendrickx et al.: Efficient Computations of a Security Index for False Data Attacks in Power Networks. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ming Jin et al.: A semidefinite programming relaxation under false data injection attacks against power grid AC state estimation. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Electric power network security analysis via minimum cut relaxation. (2011) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Sebin Gracy et al.: Modeling and Analysis of a Coupled SIS Bi-Virus Model. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Seyed Mehran Dibaji et al.: Secure Control of Wide-Area Power Systems: Confidentiality and Integrity Threats. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Urszula Libal et al.: Dimensionality Reduction of Volterra Kernels by Tensor Decomposition using Higher-Order SVD. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Antonio Adaldo et al.: Cloud-supported effective coverage of 3D structures. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Amr Alanwar et al.: Logical Zonotopes: A Set Representation for the Formal Verification of Boolean Functions. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Matin Jafarian et al.: The Interconnection of Quadratic Droop Voltage Controllers Is a Lotka-Volterra System: Implications for Stability Analysis. (2018) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Matin Jafarian et al.: The interconnection of quadratic droop voltage controllers is a Lotka-Volterra system: implications for stability analysis. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Axel Janson et al.: Networked Multi-Virus Spread with a Shared Resource: Analysis and Mitigation Strategies. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xinlei Yi et al.: Linear Convergence of First- and Zeroth-Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ehsan Nekouei et al.: An Entropy Power Inequality for Discrete Random Variables. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Emmanuel Witrant and Karl Henrik Johansson: Air flow modeling in deepwells: Application to mining ventilation. (2008) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Matin Jafarian et al.: Stochastic phase-cohesiveness of discrete-time Kuramoto oscillators in a frequency-dependent tree network. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Matin Jafarian et al.: Stochastic phase-cohesiveness of discrete-time Kuramoto oscillators in a frequency-dependent tree network. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Philip E. Paré et al.: Analysis, Online Estimation, and Validation of a Competing Virus Model. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Philip E. Pare et al.: Analysis, Online Estimation, and Validation of a Competing Virus Model. (2020) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Nonserial dynamic programming with applications in smart home appliances scheduling - Part I: Precedence graph simplification. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Exact LASSO Solutions for a Class of Constrained Cardinality Minimization Problems (2012) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xinlei Yi et al.: A Primal-Dual SGD Algorithm for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Scheduling smart home appliances using mixed integer linear programming. (2011) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. James Weimer et al.: Distributed detection and isolation of topology attacks in power networks. (2012) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Jezdimir Milosevic et al.: Exploiting Submodularity in Security Measure Allocation for Industrial Control Systems. (2017) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Apostolos I. Rikos et al.: Optimal CPU Scheduling in Data Centers via a Finite-Time Distributed Quantized Coordination Mechanism. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Apostolos I. Rikos et al.: Optimal CPU Scheduling in Data Centers via a Finite-Time Distributed Quantized Coordination Mechanism. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xinlei Yi et al.: Zeroth-order algorithms for stochastic distributed nonconvex optimization. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Miel Sharf et al.: Verifying Compositional Refinement of Assume/Guarantee Contracts using Linear Programming. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Alessandra Parisio et al.: An MPC-based Energy Management System for multiple residential microgrids. (2015) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Song Fang et al.: Two-Way Coding and Attack Decoupling in Control Systems Under Injection Attacks. (2019) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ting Bai et al.: Rollout-Based Charging Strategy for Electric Trucks with Hours-of-Service Regulations. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ting Bai et al.: Rollout-Based Charging Strategy for Electric Trucks With Hours-of-Service Regulations. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Xinlei Yi et al.: Sublinear and Linear Convergence of Modified ADMM for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization. (2023) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kin Cheong Sou et al.: Computing Critical $k$-tuples in Power Networks (2012) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Yulong Gao et al.: Invariant cover: Existence, cardinality bounds, and computation. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Luigi Iannelli et al.: Subtleties in the averaging of Hybrid Systems with Applications to Power Electronics. (2006) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Ziyang Meng et al.: Cooperative Set Aggregation for Multiple Lagrangian Systems. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Lei Xu et al.: Quantized Distributed Nonconvex Optimization with Linear Convergence. (2022) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kam Fai Elvis Tsang et al.: Sparse Linear Injection Attack on Multi-Agent Consensus Control Systems. (2021) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson. Kaveh Paridari et al.: Energy and CO2 efficient scheduling of smart appliances in active houses equipped with batteries. (2014) authored by Karl Henrik Johansson\nKarl H. \nKarl H. "}. Bode Lecture Prize. \nHe has directed the ACCESS Linnaeus Centre 2009-2016 and the Strategic Research Area ICT TNG 2013-2020, two of the largest research environments in electrical engineering and computer science in Sweden
In which year was the author of Communication-aware trajectory tracking born?
Rubén Fuentes-Fernández et al.: Application of Model Driven Techniques for Agent-Based Simulation. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Injecting Data into Agent-Based Simulation. (2008) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Introducing uncertainty into social simulation: using fuzzy logic for agent-based modelling. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Juan Pavón et al.: Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns. (2008) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Rubén Fuentes-Fernández et al.: Metamodelling for Agent Based Modelling: An Application for Continuous Double Auctions. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Agent-Based Social Modeling and Simulation with Fuzzy Sets. (2008) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Asking the Oracle: Introducing Forecasting Principles into Agent-Based Modelling. (2013) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Javier Arroyo et al.: Re-thinking simulation: a methodological approach for the application of data mining in agent-based modelling. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001 The main model built simulated the transition from modern values to postmodern values in Spain. software agents with fuzzy logic, data mining, natural language processing, and microsimulation. \nSamer Hassan\'s PhD thesis focused on the methodological challenges for building data-driven social simulation models. semantic-web labelling for commons-based initiatives, distribution of value in peer production communities, agent-supported online assemblies, decentralized real-time collaborative software, decentralized blockchain based reputation, or blockchain-enabled commons governance. '}. g. 5M€ with the P2P Models project, to research blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organizations for the collaborative economy. As such, he led the team that created SwellRT, a federated backend-as-a-service focused to ease development of apps featuring real-time collaboration
The researcher with an author information of worksCount: 117 and citedByCount: 1338, hIndex, is?
Nikolaos Panagiotou et al.: INSIGHT: Dynamic Traffic Management Using Heterogeneous Urban Data. (2016) authored by Katharina Morik. Nico Piatkowski et al.: Integer undirected graphical models for resource-constrained systems. (2016) authored by Katharina Morik. Katharina Morik and Hanna Köpcke: Analysing Customer Churn in Insurance Data - A Case Study. (2004) authored by Katharina Morik. Martin Had et al.: Relation Extraction for Monitoring Economic Networks. (2009) authored by Katharina Morik. Martin Had et al.: Relation Extraction for Monitoring Economic Networks. (2009) authored by Katharina Morik. Sebastian Buschjäger et al.: Summary Extraction on Data Streams in Embedded Systems. (2017) authored by Katharina Morik. Christian Bockermann et al.: On the Automated Creation of Understandable Positive Security Models for Web Applications. (2008) authored by Katharina Morik. Christian Bockermann et al.: On the Automated Creation of Understandable Positive Security Models for Web Applications. (2008) authored by Katharina Morik. Nico Piatkowski et al.: Open Smartphone Data for Structured Mobility and Utilization Analysis in Ubiquitous Systems. (2013) authored by Katharina Morik. Thomas Liebig et al.: Dynamic route planning with real-time traffic predictions. (2017) authored by Katharina Morik. François Schnitzler et al.: Heterogeneous Stream Processing and Crowdsourcing for Traffic Monitoring: Highlights. (2014) authored by Katharina Morik. Thomas Liebig et al.: Predictive Trip Planning - Smart Routing in Smart Cities. (2014) authored by Katharina Morik. Marco Stolpe et al.: Sustainable Industrial Processes by Embedded Real-Time Quality Prediction. (2016) authored by Katharina Morik. Mirco Nanni et al.: Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment. (2021) authored by Katharina Morik. Mirco Nanni et al.: Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment. (2020) authored by Katharina Morik. Mirco Nanni et al.: Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment. (2020) authored by Katharina Morik. Christopher W. Clifton et al.: Mobility Data Mining and Privacy (Dagstuhl Seminar 12331). (2012) authored by Katharina Morik. Georg von der Brüggen et al.: Efficiently Approximating the Worst-Case Deadline Failure Probability Under EDF. (2021) authored by Katharina Morik. Felix Finkeldey et al.: Real-time prediction of process forces in milling operations using synchronized data fusion of simulation and sensor data. (2020) authored by Katharina Morik. Georg von der Brüggen et al.: Efficiently Approximating the Probability of Deadline Misses in Real-Time Systems. (2018) authored by Katharina Morik. Katharina Morik name Katharina Morik. Michael Wurst and Katharina Morik: Distributed feature extraction in a p2p setting - a case study. (2007) authored by Katharina Morik. Lukas Pfahler et al.: What do you do with 5 million posts? Versuche zum distant reading religiöser Online-Foren. (2018) authored by Katharina Morik. Katharina Morik alternativeName Morik Katharina. Jochen Deuse et al.: Quality Assurance in Interlinked Manufacturing Processes. (2022) authored by Katharina Morik. Katharina Morik written paper amount in year2016: 17. Katharina Morik written paper amount in year2016: 17. Alexander Artikis et al.: Heterogeneous Stream Processing and Crowdsourcing for Urban Traffic Management. (2014) authored by Katharina Morik She retired in 2023. '}
Determine who has a higher hIndex score, the author of the paper titled 'Space, the Final Frontearcon: The Identification of Concurrently Presented Earcons in a Synthetic Spatialised Auditory Environment' or the author of 'Medicine: Applications of Machine Learning'?
Hsieh-Chung Chen et al.: Nonlinear compressive sensing for distorted measurements and application to improving efficiency of power amplifiers. (2017) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. H. T. Kung et al.: Localization with snap-inducing shaped residuals (SISR): coping with errors in measurement. (2009) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Marcus Z. Comiter and H. T. Kung: Localization Convolutional Neural Networks Using Angle of Arrival Images. (2018) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Xin Dong et al.: Neural Mean Discrepancy for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection. (2022) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Miriam Cha et al.: Language Modeling by Clustering with Word Embeddings for Text Readability Assessment. (2017) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Miriam Cha et al.: Language Modeling by Clustering with Word Embeddings for Text Readability Assessment. (2017) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Marcus Z. Comiter et al.: Millimeter-Wave Field Experiments with Many Antenna Configurations for Indoor Multipath Environments. (2017) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. H. T. Kung alternativeName Hanwei Kung. Youngjune Gwon and H. T. Kung: Inferring Origin Flow Patterns in Wi-Fi with Deep Learning. (2014) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Marcus Z. Comiter et al.: A Data-Driven Approach to Localization for High Frequency Wireless Mobile Networks. (2017) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Hsieh-Chung Chen et al.: Compressive wireless pulse sensing. (2015) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Hsieh-Chung Chen et al.: Determining RF angle of arrival using COTS antenna arrays: A field evaluation. (2012) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Chia-Hsin Huang et al.: Use of Content Tags in Managing Advertisements for Online Videos. (2008) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Michael J. Foster and H. T. Kung: Design of Special-Purpose VLSI Chips: Example and Opinions. (1980) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. H. T. Kung et al.: CloudSense: Continuous Fine-Grain Cloud Monitoring with Compressive Sensing. (2011) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Youngjune Gwon et al.: Compressive sensing with optimal sparsifying basis and applications in spectrum sensing. (2012) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Tsung-Han Lin and H. T. Kung: Compressive sensing medium access control for wireless LANs. (2012) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. H. T. Kung alternativeName Hao‐Ting Kung. James R. Williamson et al.: Detecting Depression using Vocal, Facial and Semantic Communication Cues. (2016) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Sai Qian Zhang et al.: A Machine Learning Assisted Cell Selection Method for Drones in Cellular Networks. (2018) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Miriam Cha et al.: Improving Sar Automatic Target Recognition Using Simulated Images Under Deep Residual Refinements. (2018) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Xin Dong et al.: Lightweight Detection of Out-of-Distribution and Adversarial Samples via Channel Mean Discrepancy. (2021) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Stephen J. Tarsa and H. T. Kung: Output compression for IC fault detection using compressive sensing. (2012) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Zong Da Chen et al.: Ad hoc relay wireless networks over moving vehicles on highways. (2001) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Chen-Mou Cheng et al.: Performance Measurement of 802.11a Wireless Links from UAV to Ground Nodes with Various Antenna Orientations. (2006) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Yi-Min Tsai et al.: A Chip Architecture for Compressive Sensing Based Detection of IC Trojans. (2012) authored by H. T. Kung 0001. Roberto Bisiani et al.: MISE: Machine for In-System Evaluation of Custom VLSI Chips for Real-Time Systems. (1982) authored by H. T. Kung 0001\nKung was born in Shanghai on November 9, 1945, and grew up in Taiwan. '}. Kung received his bachelor\'s degree in mathematics from National Tsing Hua University in 1968, before moving to the United States. Kung is also a Guggenheim Fellow, member of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, and president of the Taiwan AI Academy. D. D. From 1999 to 2006, Kung co-chaired a joint Ph. Renewed interest in systolic arrays for deep learning has led Kung to again contribute to hardware for artificial intelligence, including distributed and embedded low-precision neural networks
Who is the advisor of Robert T. Morris, a graduate student of the author of 'Concurrent Manipulation of Binary Search Trees'?
Chengzhang Li et al.: Eywa: A General Approach for Scheduler Design in AoI Optimization. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Xiaofeng Chen et al.: New and efficient conditional e-payment systems with transferability. (2014) authored by Wenjing Lou. Qian Wang et al.: Dependable and Secure Sensor Data Storage with Dynamic Integrity Assurance. (2011) authored by Wenjing Lou. Qian Wang et al.: Dependable and Secure Sensor Data Storage with Dynamic Integrity Assurance. (2009) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: A Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Approach to Dynamic eMBB/URLLC Multiplexing in 5G NR. (2020) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Zhang et al.: CaSE: Cache-Assisted Secure Execution on ARM Processors. (2016) authored by Wenjing Lou. Heng Jin et al.: Hector: A Reinforcement Learning-based Scheduler for Minimizing Casualties of a Military Drone Swarm. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Zhang et al.: CacheKit: Evading Memory Introspection Using Cache Incoherence. (2016) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: GPF: A GPU-based Design to Achieve ~100 μs Scheduling for 5G NR. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Chengzhang Li et al.: Kronos: A 5G Scheduler for AoI Minimization Under Dynamic Channel Conditions. (2019) authored by Wenjing Lou. Liguang Xie et al.: On traveling path and related problems for a mobile station in a rechargeable sensor network. (2013) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Zhang et al.: Memory Forensic Challenges Under Misused Architectural Features. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: Task Offloading with Uncertain Processing Cycles. (2021) authored by Wenjing Lou. Liguang Xie et al.: A Mobile Platform for Wireless Charging and Data Collection in Sensor Networks. (2015) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: mCore+: A Real-Time Design Achieving ∼ 500 μs Scheduling for 5G MU-MIMO Systems. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Chen Cao et al.: CryptMe: Data Leakage Prevention for Unmodified Programs on ARM Devices. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Changlai Du et al.: Context-Free Fine-Grained Motion Sensing Using WiFi. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Jinwen Wang et al.: ARI: Attestation of Real-time Mission Execution Integrity. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wenjing Lou and Yuguang Fang: Predictive Caching Strategy for On-Demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. (2002) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: Enhancing Resilience in Mobile Edge Computing Under Processing Uncertainty. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: Maximizing Energy Efficiency With Channel Uncertainty Under Mutual Interference. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: GPU: A New Enabling Platform for Real-Time Optimization in Wireless Networks. (2020) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: A Deep-Learning-based Link Adaptation Design for eMBB/URLLC Multiplexing in 5G NR. (2021) authored by Wenjing Lou. Qingyu Liu et al.: Wireless Scheduling to Optimize Age of Information Based on Earliest Update Time. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ethan Gaebel et al.: Looks Good To Me: Authentication for Augmented Reality. (2016) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Cao et al.: Distributed Storage Coding for Flexible and Efficient Data Dissemination and Retrieval in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2010) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: mCore: Achieving Sub-millisecond Scheduling for 5G MU-MIMO Systems. (2021) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: A Real-Time Solution for Underlay Coexistence with Channel Uncertainty. (2019) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Wang et al.: Squeezing More Utility via Adaptive Clipping on Differentially Private Gradients in Federated Meta-Learning. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yaxing Chen et al.: Towards Efficient Fine-Grained Access Control and Trustworthy Data Processing for Remote Monitoring Services in IoT. (2019) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: Optimal Power Control with Channel Uncertainty in Ad Hoc Networks. (2019) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kui Ren et al.: Fault-tolerant Event Boundary Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2006) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: GPF+: A Novel Ultrafast GPU-Based Proportional Fair Scheduler for 5G NR. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kui Ren et al.: Routing optimization security in mobile IPv6. (2006) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wei Liu et al.: An efficient quality of service routing algorithm for delay-sensitive applications. (2005) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Wang et al.: FeCo: Boosting Intrusion Detection Capability in IoT Networks via Contrastive Learning. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou"}. S. S
What is the cited by count where the contributor of H-SPREAD's article is affiliated?
Sara Sprenkle et al.: Configuring effective navigation models and abstract test cases for web applications by analysing user behaviour. (2013) authored by Lori L. Pollock. David W. Binkley et al.: A dataset for evaluating identifier splitters. (2013) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Ben Breech et al.: An Attack Simulator for Systematically Testing Program-based Security Mechanisms. (2006) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Mike Jochen et al.: Bandwidth Efficient Tamper Detection for Distributed Java Systems. (2002) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: An Empirical Comparison of Test Suite Reduction Techniques for User-Session-Based Testing of Web Applications. (2005) authored by Lori L. Pollock. David C. Shepherd et al.: Towards supporting on-demand virtual remodularization using program graphs. (2006) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Tom Way et al.: Region Formation Analysis with Demand-Driven Inlining for Region-Based Optimization. (2000) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: Leveraging User-Privilege Classification to Customize Usage-based Statistical Models of Web Applications. (2012) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Mike Jochen et al.: A Framework for Tamper Detection Marking of Mobile Applications. (2003) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Emily Hill et al.: An empirical study of identifier splitting techniques. (2014) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications. (2011) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: A case study of automatically creating test suites from web application field data. (2006) authored by Lori L. Pollock. David A. Richie et al.: Investigation of Parallel Programmability and Performance of a Calxeda ARM Server Using OpenCL. (2013) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Preetha Chatterjee et al.: Software-related Slack Chats with Disentangled Conversations. (2020) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: Automated replay and failure detection for web applications. (2005) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: Automated Oracle Comparators for TestingWeb Applications. (2007) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Irene Lizeth Manotas Gutiérrez et al.: Investigating the impacts of web servers on web application energy usage. (2013) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Tamim Sookoor et al.: Offload Destination Selection to Enable Distributed Computation on Battlefields. (2014) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sara Sprenkle et al.: Learning Effective Oracle Comparator Combinations for Web Applications. (2007) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Mike Jochen et al.: Enabling control over adaptive program transformation for dynamically evolving mobile software validation. (2005) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Mike Jochen et al.: Enabling control over adaptive program transformation for dynamically evolving mobile software validation. (2005) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Samir Gupta et al.: Part-of-speech tagging of program identifiers for improved text-based software engineering tools. (2013) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Tedis Agolli et al.: Investigating Decreasing Energy Usage in Mobile Apps via Indistinguishable Color Changes. (2017) authored by Lori L. Pollock. Sreedevi Sampath et al.: Analyzing clusters of web application user sessions. (2005) authored by Lori L. Pollock Vijay-Shanker at The 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. She was promoted to an Associate Professor in 1998 and promoted to Professor in 2004. She became a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware in 1991 and then an Assistant Professor in 1992. She received a M. Public Service Award by the National Science Board in 2005, and when the CRA-W was awarded the U. S
What was the title of Lori L. Pollock's thesis?
Yongchao Gao et al.: A survey of epidemic management data models. (2023) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox: The semantics of populations: A city indicator perspective. (2018) authored by Mark S. Fox. Stephen F. Smith et al.: Constructing and Maintaining Detailed Production Plans: Investigations into the Development of Knowledge-Based Factory Scheduling Systems. (1986) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mihai Barbuceanu and Mark S. Fox: Capturing and Modeling Coordination Knowledge for Multi-Agent Systems. (1996) authored by Mark S. Fox. Liming Bai et al.: SHINESeniors: Personalized services for active ageing-in-place. (2015) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox alternativeName Mark. Fox. Daniela Rosu et al.: Knowledge-Based Provisioning of Goods and Services: Towards a Virtual Social Needs Marketplace. (2017) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox name Mark S. Fox. Daniela Rosu et al.: Knowledge-Based Provision of Goods and Services for People with Social Needs: Towards a Virtual Marketplace. (2017) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox and Raj Reddy: Knowledge Guided Learning of Structural Descriptions. (1977) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox alternativeName Mark S. Fox. Alanna Komisar and Mark S. Fox: An Energy Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120). (2020) authored by Mark S. Fox. Henry M. Kim and Mark S. Fox: Towards a Data Model for Quality Management Web Services: An Ontology of Measurement for Enterprise Modeling. (2002) authored by Mark S. Fox. Bart Gajderowicz et al.: Extracting Impact Model Narratives from Social Services' Text. (2022) authored by Mark S. Fox. Bart Gajderowicz et al.: Extracting Impact Model Narratives from Social Services' Text. (2022) authored by Mark S. Fox. Bart Gajderowicz et al.: Compass Event, Client, and Service Ontology: A Design Pattern for Social Services. (2022) authored by Mark S. Fox. Mark S. Fox: Managing ecommerce service failures: incorporating validity, provenance and trust from the semantic web. (2012) authored by Mark S. Fox Spatial normalization was essential to group averaging of brain images, which allowed increased signal-to-noise across multiple subjects and group-wise statistical analyses to be performed on individual coordinates. Once localized, a treatment brain region is targeted with the help of a robotic arm, which moves the TMS coil to the appropriate location. '}. \nDuring this time, Fox demonstrated that neuronal activity and brain blood flow were not directly related, or were "uncoupled"
Which institute granted the author a PhD in Computer Science in 1983?
Abhinav Agarwal and Arvind: Leveraging rule-based designs for automatic power domain partitioning. (2013) authored by Arvind. Shuotao Xu et al.: BlueCache: A Scalable Distributed Flash-based Key-value Store. (2016) authored by Arvind. Chanwoo Chung et al.: LightStore: Software-defined Network-attached Key-value Drives. (2019) authored by Arvind. Keshav Pingali and Arvind: Efficient Demand-Driven Evaluation - Part 1. (1985) authored by Arvind. Keshav Pingali and Arvind: Efficient Demand-Driven Evaluation - Part 2. (1986) authored by Arvind. Keshav Pingali and Arvind: Clarification of "Feeding Inputs on Demand" in Efficient Demand-Driven Evaluation - Part 1. (1986) authored by Arvind. Junsu Im et al.: Design of LSM-tree-based Key-value SSDs with Bounded Tails. (2021) authored by Arvind. Chanwoo Chung et al.: Lightweight KV-based Distributed Store for Datacenters. (2017) authored by Arvind. Arvind: Demand-Driven Evaluation on Dataflow Machine. (1985) authored by Arvind. Junsu Im et al.: PinK: High-speed In-storage Key-value Store with Bounded Tails. (2020) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: Large-scale high-dimensional nearest neighbor search using flash memory with in-store processing. (2015) authored by Arvind. Arvind: Big Data Analytics on Flash Storage with Accelerators. (2016) authored by Arvind. Jinhyung Koo et al.: A Case for Application-Managed Flash. (2021) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: Terabyte Sort on FPGA-Accelerated Flash Storage. (2017) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: A transport-layer network for distributed FPGA platforms. (2015) authored by Arvind. Sang Woo Jun et al.: BlueDBM: Distributed Flash Storage for Big Data Analytics. (2016) authored by Arvind. Sungjin Lee et al.: Application-Managed Flash. (2016) authored by Arvind. Arvind: Low-power appliances for big-data analytics using flash storage and hardware accelerators. (2018) authored by Arvind. Sungjin Lee et al.: Improving performance and lifetime of solid-state drives using hardware-accelerated compression. (2011) authored by Arvind. Xiaowei Shen et al.: CACHET: an adaptive cache coherence protocol for distributed shared-memory systems. (1999) authored by ArvindT. He served as chair from 1998 to 1999. In that process, he discovered that he was keenly interested in computers. S. D. In 2000, Arvind took two years off from teaching at MIT to build Sandburst, Inc, a fabless manufacturing semiconductor company. I. [citation needed] In 2006, Sandburst was acquired by Broadcom Corporation. '}
What is the cited by count for the institution where the author of 'The U-Interpreter' is affiliated?
David Silver et al.: Feature extraction for topological mine maps. (2004) authored by David Silver. David Silver: Learning Preference Models for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Complex Domains. (2010) authored by David Silver. Arthur Guez et al.: Value-driven Hindsight Modelling. (2020) authored by David Silver. Arthur Guez et al.: Value-driven Hindsight Modelling. (2020) authored by David Silver. Tom Schaul et al.: Unit Tests for Stochastic Optimization. (2014) authored by David Silver. David Silver et al.: Experimental Analysis of Overhead Data Processing To Support Long Range Navigation. (2006) authored by David Silver. Ioannis Antonoglou et al.: Planning in Stochastic Environments with a Learned Model. (2022) authored by David Silver. Nicolas Heess et al.: Learning and Transfer of Modulated Locomotor Controllers. (2016) authored by David Silver. Nicolas Heess et al.: Memory-based control with recurrent neural networks. (2015) authored by David Silver. Kamil Ciosek and David Silver: Value Iteration with Options and State Aggregation. (2015) authored by David Silver. David Silver et al.: Learning from Demonstration for Autonomous Navigation in Complex Unstructured Terrain. (2010) authored by David Silver. Greg Wayne et al.: Unsupervised Predictive Memory in a Goal-Directed Agent. (2018) authored by David Silver. Nicolas Heess et al.: Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments. (2017) authored by David Silver. David Silver et al.: Perceptual Interpretation for Autonomous Navigation through Dynamic Imitation Learning. (2009) authored by David Silver. Vivek Veeriah et al.: Discovery of Options via Meta-Learned Subgoals. (2021) authored by David Silver. Vivek Veeriah et al.: Discovery of Options via Meta-Learned Subgoals. (2021) authored by David Silver. David Silver et al.: Password Managers: Attacks and Defenses. (2014) authored by David Silver. Aaron Morris et al.: Towards Topological Exploration of Abandoned Mines. (2005) authored by David Silver. Andrew W. Senior et al.: Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning. (2020) authored by David Silver. David M. Bradley et al.: A regional point descriptor for global topological localization in flooded subterranean environments. (2004) authored by David Silver. Rohan Anil et al.: Gemini: A Family of Highly Capable Multimodal Models. (2023) authored by David Silver. Dan Horgan et al.: Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay. (2018) authored by David Silver"}. Silver consulted for Google DeepMind from its inception, joining full-time in 2013. Silver led the AlphaGo project, culminating in the first program to defeat a top professional player in the full-size game of Go
When did the author who graduated with the Addison-Wesley award from Christ's College, Cambridge, complete his studies?
Junfeng Fan et al.: Intent-Slot Correlation Modeling for Joint Intent Prediction and Slot Filling. (2022) authored by Zi-Qiang Zhu. Zi-Qiang Zhu is Person. Zi-Qiang Zhu is Creator. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Zemin Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Zehong Zhu. X. Chen et al.: Modeling and Analysis of a Tubular Oscillating Permanent Magnet Actuator. (2008) authored by Zi-Qiang Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu orcidId Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Zhou‐Bing Zhu. Zi-Qiang Zhu primary affiliation University of Sheffield, UK. Zi-Qiang Zhu affiliation University of Sheffield, UK. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Zhenggao Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Ziqiang Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu 2YrMeanCitedness 4.6268658638000488281. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Zhaocheng Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Z. Q. Zhu. Z. Q. Zhu alternativeName Z. Zhu Over the past several years, Dr. In 2016, Dr. Importantly, he led the center development by setting the organizational structure and directions, establishing the scientific advisory board composed with global field experts, and building interactions and collaborations with worldwide institutions to maximize the scope of data sharing. Prior to joining BIG, he worked as Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University (advised by Jeffrey Townsend) in United States from 2007~2009 and Research Scientist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (advised by Vladimir B
How many citations does the institution of the author of the paper 'Novel Square-Wave Signal Injection Method Using Zero-Sequence Voltage for Sensorless Control of PMSM Drives' in IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. have?
Haitian Zhong and David Sankoff: Capacity, Collision Avoidance and Shopping Rate under a Social Distancing Regime. (2023) authored by David Sankoff. Haitian Zhong and David Sankoff: Capacity, Collision Avoidance and Shopping Rate under a Social Distancing Regime. (2023) authored by David Sankoff. Poly H. da Silva et al.: Graph-Theoretic Modelling of the Domain Chaining Problem. (2015) authored by David Sankoff. Mariana Kant et al.: Hierarchical Clustering Using Constraints. (2008) authored by David Sankoff. Haitao Jiang et al.: A Randomized FPT Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Alternating-Cycle Decomposition with Applications. (2018) authored by David Sankoff. Arash Jamshidpey and David Sankoff: Phase change for the accuracy of the median value in estimating divergence time. (2013) authored by David Sankoff. Zhe Yu and David Sankoff: A continuous analog of run length distributions reflecting accumulated fractionation events. (2016) authored by David Sankoff. David Sankoff and Lani Haque: Power Boosts for Cluster Tests. (2005) authored by David Sankoff. Eric C. H. Chen et al.: Statistical analysis of fractionation resistance by functional category and expression level. (2015) authored by David Sankoff. David Sankoff and Matthew Mazowita: Estimators of Translocations and Inversions in Comparative Maps. (2004) authored by David Sankoff. Arash Jamshidpey and David Sankoff: Asymptotic medians of random permutations sampled from reversal random walks. (2017) authored by David Sankoff. Andrew Wei Xu and David Sankoff: Decompositions of Multiple Breakpoint Graphs and Rapid Exact Solutions to the Median Problem. (2008) authored by David Sankoff. David Sankoff: Simulation of Word-Meaning Stochastic Processes. (1969) authored by David Sankoff. Vicky Choi et al.: Algorithms for the Extraction of Synteny Blocks from Comparative Maps. (2007) authored by David Sankoff. Gonzalo Navarro et al.: Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2018, July 2-4, 2018 - Qingdao, China (2018) edited by David Sankoff. Baoyong Wang et al.: Fractionation statistics. (2011) authored by David Sankoff. Krister M. Swenson et al.: Listing all sorting reversals in quadratic time. (2011) authored by David Sankoff. Krister M. Swenson et al.: The Kernel of Maximum Agreement Subtrees. (2012) authored by David Sankoff. Krister M. Swenson et al.: Listing All Sorting Reversals in Quadratic Time. (2010) authored by David Sankoff In 2023, he developed an alternative approach at utility-scale ground-mounted solar facilities to account for impacts on stormwater runoff from precipitation, solar array spacing and orientation, disconnected impervious surfaces, soil depth and bulk density, and perennial vegetation between arrays. Larson Chair in Soil and Water Resources in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Science (CFANS) at the University of Minnesota. \nHe assesses the efficacy of Best Management Practices (BMPs). Mulla’s work in precision agriculture includes the concept and development of management zones. Until 2008, the meetings of the ICPA were hosted by the University of Minnesota. This includes research on hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico (the so-called Dead Zone) that results from the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizer in agricultural areas far upstream from the Gulf, including Minnesota
Where was the mathematician who authored Genome aliquoting with double cut and join born?
Suchi Saria 2YrMeanCitedness 8.3333330154418945312. Suchi Saria alternativeName S. Saria. Suchi Saria modified 2023-10-18. Suchi Saria name Suchi Saria. Suchi Saria alternativeName Suchi Saria. Andong Zhan et al.: High Frequency Remote Monitoring of Parkinson's Disease via Smartphone: Platform Overview and Medication Response Detection. (2016) authored by Suchi Saria. Suchi Saria i10Index 56. Suchi Saria affiliation Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. Suchi Saria primary affiliation Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. Suchi Saria orcidId Suchi Saria link The project used data collected at patients' bedsides along with noninvasive 3D sensors that monitor care in patient's hospital rooms. She was described by XRDS magazine as being a Pioneer in transforming healthcare. From 2022 to 2023, she was an investment partner at AIX Ventures. She earned her bachelor's degree at Mount Holyoke College. AIX Ventures is a venture capital fund that invests in artificial intelligence startups. She worked in the startup Aster Data Systems
Comparing the hIndex of the author of 'Discretizing Logged Interaction Data Biases Learning for Decision-Making' with the creator of 'The prize-collecting generalized steiner tree problem via a new approach of primal-dual schema', who has a higher score?
Efehan Atici et al.: Detection of Free-Standing Conversational Groups with Graph Convolutional Networks. (2022) authored by Lale Akarun. Yunus Emre Kara et al.: Modeling annotator behaviors for crowd labeling. (2015) authored by Lale Akarun. Cem Keskin et al.: Randomized decision forests for static and dynamic hand shape classification. (2012) authored by Lale Akarun. Oya Aran et al.: SignTutor: An Interactive System for Sign Language Tutoring. (2009) authored by Lale Akarun. Marek Hrúz et al.: Automatic fingersign-to-speech translation system. (2011) authored by Lale Akarun. Yunus Emre Kara et al.: Actively Estimating Crowd Annotation Consensus. (2018) authored by Lale Akarun. Ilker Yildirim et al.: Cooperative Sign Language Tutoring: A Multiagent Approach. (2009) authored by Lale Akarun. Javier Ortega-Garcia et al.: The Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB). (2021) authored by Lale Akarun. Javier Ortega-Garcia et al.: The Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB). (2010) authored by Lale Akarun. Furkan Kiraç et al.: Hierarchically constrained 3D hand pose estimation using regression forests from single frame depth data. (2014) authored by Lale Akarun. Lale Akarun alternativeName Lale Akarun. Cem Keskin et al.: Hand Pose Estimation and Hand Shape Classification Using Multi-layered Randomized Decision Forests. (2012) authored by Lale Akarun. Berkay Aydin et al.: Automatic personality prediction from audiovisual data using random forest regression. (2016) authored by Lale Akarun. Recep Doga Siyli et al.: Physiotherapy guidance by motion analysis based on Hidden Markov Model. (2013) authored by Lale Akarun. Lale Akarun alternativeName Akarun Lale. Alptekin Orbay and Lale Akarun: Neural Sign Language Translation by Learning Tokenization. (2020) authored by Lale Akarun. Alptekin Orbay and Lale Akarun: Neural Sign Language Translation by Learning Tokenization. (2020) authored by Lale Akarun. Lale Akarun name Lale Akarun. Lale Akarun alternativeName Laie Akarun In 2012, she became vice rector of the university. She served as departmental chair from 2010 to 2012. '}
What is the hIndex of the author who published the paper 'Adaptive decimated median filters for image processing' in ICASSP (5) in 1993?
Annika Hinze alternativeName Annika Hinze. Annika Hinze alternativeName A. Hinze. Annika Hinze modified 2023-10-18. Annika Hinze alternativeName Annika M. Hinze. Annika Hinze is Person. Annika Hinze alternativeName Annika Marie Hinze. Annika Hinze name Annika Hinze. Annika Hinze 2YrMeanCitedness 0.27272728085517883301. Annika Hinze is Creator. Annika Hinze and Agnès Voisard: EVA: An event algebra supporting complex event specification. (2015) authored by Annika Hinze. John F. Roddick and Annika Hinze: Conceptual Modelling 2007, Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, January 30 - February 2, 2007, Proceedings (2007) edited by Annika Hinze. Mumraiz Khan Kasi et al.: SEPSen: semantic event processing at the sensor nodes for energy efficient wireless sensor networks. (2012) authored by Annika Hinze. Annika Hinze et al.: Semantics in Greenstone. (2009) authored by Annika Hinze. Annika Hinze link Annika Hinze orcidId Hasan J. Alyamani et al.: Preference Feedback for Driving in an Unfamiliar Traffic Regulation. (2018) authored by Annika Hinze. Annika Hinze member of University of Waikato. Annika Hinze written paper amount in year2015: 14. Annika Hinze written paper amount in year2015: 14. Annika Hinze and Markus Kirchberg: Conceptual Modelling 2008, Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, January 22-25 2008. (2008) edited by Annika Hinze'}. Hinze co-led, with Judy Bowen and Rangi Mātāmua, a research project to develop a hi-tech vest for forestry workers, aimed at detecting signs of fatigue and thus reducing injury
What is the number of publications for the academic institution of the creator of 'TIP Spatial Index: Efficient Access to Digital Libraries in a Context-Aware Mobile System'?
Andréa Prosperetti alternativeName Andréa Prosperetti. Andréa Prosperetti alternativeName Andrea Prosperetti. Andréa Prosperetti name Andréa Prosperetti. Andréa Prosperetti orcidId Andréa Prosperetti i10Index 195S. '}
How many publications are associated with the academic institution where the contributor of the paper 'Resolved-particle simulation by the Physalis method: Enhancements and new capabilities' works?