Prompt: |
Generate a Bail Application involving the following key legal details: |
- CASE: Crime No. 1027 of 2015 |
- DISTRICT: Not available |
- BAIL APPLICATION: Not available |
--- |
Output: |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B) of 2016 |
Maharunnisha aged about 50 years wife of Mohd. Muslim |
resident of Vikas Colony, Meera Bhawan, (Purani Diwani |
Dahilamau), Police Station – Kotwali Nagar, District – |
Pratapgarh |
.....Applicant |
(In Jail from 14.11.2015) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh |
.....Opposite Party |
Case Crime No. 1027 of 2015 |
U/s 302, 120B I.P.C. |
P.S. – Kotwali Nagar |
District – Pratapgarh |
Bail application rejected by the |
ADJ, Pratapgarh on 02.12.2015 |
The applicant most respectfully submits as under:- |
For the facts and reasons mentioned in accompanying |
affidavit, it is most respectfully prayed that this |
Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to grant the bail |
to the applicant in the interest of Justice. |
Lucknow (Dr. Gyan Singh) |
Advocate |
Dated : .2016 Counsel for the applicant |
Case Crime No. 1027 of 2015 |
U/s 302, 120B I.P.C. |
P.S. – Kotwali Nagar |
District – Pratapgarh |
Bail application rejected by the |
ADJ, Pratapgarh on 02.12.2015 |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha ...Applicant |
(In Jail from 14.11.2015) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh ....Opposite Party |
(In support of bail application) |
I, Fatima Bano aged about 25 years daughter of Mohd. |
Muslim resident of House No. 103, Purani Divani, |
Dahilamau, District – Pratapgarh , Religion – Muslim, |
Education – Literate, Occupation – Studding, do hereby |
solemnly affirm and state on oath as under :- |
That the deponent is the daughter of the |
1. |
applicant and duly authorized by the applicant to |
file the aforesaid application before this |
Hon'ble Court and as such she is fully conversant |
with the facts of the case and deposed as under. |
The ID Proof of the deponent is enclosed and her |
photograph is affixed on the affidavit. |
That this is the first bail application before |
2. |
this Hon'ble Court. No any other bail application |
pending before this Hon'ble Court or rejected by |
this Hon'ble Court. |
That brief facts of the case is that a first |
3. |
information report has been lodged against the |
unknown persons on 30.10.2015 at 01:30 PM by the |
informant namely Smt. Kanchan Shukla under |
section 302 I.P.C. at Police Station – Kotwali |
Nagar, District – Pratapgarh as the husband of |
the informant namely Indramani Shukal |
(hereinafter referred to as deceased) has |
murdered by unknown persons on 29.10.2015 about |
08.00 PM. The photocopy of the first information |
report dated 30.10.2015 is being annexed as |
Annexure No. 01 to this application. |
That as per first information report, the alleged |
4. |
incident took place on 29.10.2015 about 08:00 |
P.M. and the first information report was lodged |
next day i.e. 30.10.2015 about 01:30 PM i.e. |
after 17:30 hours of the alleged incident without |
explanation of any delay while the distance |
between the incident place and police station is |
only 5 Kilometers and the deceased was famous |
lawyer of the District Pratapgarh. |
That according to the first information report on |
5. |
29.10.2015 about 07:00 PM four came to the home |
of the deceased and asked from the informant |
about deceased. Thereafter about 08:15 the |
milkman of the informant informed her as about |
200 miters of the home one injured person was |
therein in car and car is similar as yours. Then |
the informant and other residents run to the |
incident place where they found the deceased was |
injured. He was brought to the hospital but he |
was declared as dead. |
That the post mortem has been conducted on the |
6. |
deceased body on 30.10.2015 about 12.30PM in |
District Hospital, District – Pratapgarh. |
Photo/type copies of the post mortem report dated |
30.10.2015 is being annexed as Annexure No. 02 to |
this application. |
That the concerned police recorded the statement |
7. |
of the informant under Section 161 of Cr.P.C. on |
30.10.2015 in which the informant repeated the |
contents of the first information report in |
another manner but the sole of the first |
information report has not been changed ever. The |
type copy of the statement of the informant dated |
30.10.2015 is being annexed as Annexure No. 03 to |
this application. |
That the applicant has no concerned with the |
8. |
murder of the deceased in any manner as alleged |
by the concerned police and allegation against |
the applicant under section 120B IPC. |
That on 11.11.2015 the informant moved an |
9. |
application before the investigating officer to |
given information in regard to murder of deceased |
wherein she alleged against the applicant as |
being advocate the deceased charged free Rs. |
50000/- for bail and due to failure of the |
obtaining bail order for sons of the applicant, |
the applicant demanded her money and also |
threatened for life to deceased. Similar to above |
application the junior of the deceased namely |
Tauseef Ahamad also given an application before |
the investigating officer on 12.11.2015. The |
photo/type copy of the application dated |
11.11.2015 & 12.11.2015 are being annexed as |
Annexure No. 04 to this application. |
That on basis of the application dated 11.11.2015 |
10. |
of the informant the concerned police recorded |
her further statement on 12.11.2015 and on basis |
of the further statement of the informant the |
Section 120B has been added in said case crime. |
The type copy of the further statement of the |
informant is being annexed as Annexure No. 05 to |
this application. |
That in perusal of the further statement of the |
11. |
informant and another application dated |
12.11.2015 moved by the junior of the deceased |
are pre-planned for showing implication of the |
applicant’s name in the said case crime. |
That if any life threats given by the applicant |
12. |
as alleged against her then why not deceased and |
anyone who knows that, not informed to the |
concerned police before the murder of the |
deceased. |
That neither the applicant has motive nor has any |
13. |
motive been assigned to him to commit the crime |
in question with which the applicant has no |
concerned in any manner. |
That the name of the applicant came in light in |
14. |
said case crime due undue influence of the local |
advocates of the District Pratapgarh and the |
concerned police also showing the good work after |
false implication of the applicant in the said |
case crime. |
That earlier the first information report was |
15. |
registered 4 unknown persons but later on, on the |
basis of the application dated 11.11.2015 of the |
informant the applicant has also been made |
accused in the present case. |
That there is no credible evidence on record |
16. |
which could show that the applicant is guilty or |
committed the crime in question and the evidence |
available on record itself show that no prima- |
facie offence under section 302, 120B I.P.C. is |
made out against the applicant. |
That the applicant has no motive to commit the |
17. |
alleged crime and false motive which given in |
case, is cooked and fabricated by the concerned |
police. |
That since the applicant has not committed any |
18. |
offence as alleged but he has been falsely |
implicated in the case by the informant in |
malafide intention. |
That no any involvement in the said case as |
19. |
alleged in first information report, the |
applicant has no reason to murder the deceased. |
That the applicant moved bail application bearing |
20. |
No. 1760 of 2015 before Additional Sessions |
Judge, Court No. 4, Pratapgarh and his bail |
application has been rejected by the court |
concerned on 02.12.2015. Certified copy of the |
bail rejection order dated 02.12.2015 is being |
annexed as Annexure No. 06 to this application. |
That the applicant in jail since 14.11.2015. |
21. |
That there is no chance of the applicant |
22. |
absconding or tempering with the prosecution |
witnesses. |
That the applicant is ready to furnished the |
23. |
security and bond and also undertake that he will |
be never misused liberty of bail. |
That in view of the above, it would be expedient |
24. |
and necessary in the interest of justice that the |
applicant be enlarged on bail during pendency of |
case. |
Lucknow |
Date : .01.2016 Deponent |
I, the deponent, do hereby verify that the |
contents of para 1 to of this affidavit are |
true to my personal knowledge. No part of its is false |
and nothing material has been concealed. So, help me |
“GOD”. |
Lucknow |
Date : .01.2016 Deponent |
I, identify the deponent on the basis of the record |
produced by the deponent, who has signed before me. |
Advocate |
Solemnly affirmed before me on |
at A.M./P.M. by the deponent, who has been |
identified by Sri Prabhat Kumar Mishra, Advocate, High |
Court, Lucknow, Bench, Lucknow. Enrollment No. 8078 of |
2011, resident Nigohan, Lucknow. Mobile No. 8004776600 |
I, have satisfied myself by examining the deponent |
that she understands the contents of this affidavit, |
which have been read over and explained by me. |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha ...Applicant |
(In Jail from 14.11.2015) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh ....Opposite Party |
Sr.No |
Particulars Page No. |
Application for bail under section |
439 Cr.P.C. |
1. |
Affidavit in support of |
2. |
application |
Annexure No. 1 |
3. |
The photocopy of the first |
information report dated |
30.10.2015 |
Annexure No. 2 |
4. |
Photo/type copies of the post |
mortem report dated 30.10.2015 |
Annexure No. 3 |
5. |
The type copy of the statement of |
the informant dated 30.10.2015 |
Annexure No. 4 |
6. |
The photo/type copy of the |
application dated 11.11.2015 & |
12.11.2015 |
Annexure No. 5 |
7. |
The type copy of the further |
statement of the informant dated |
12.11.2015 |
Annexure No. 6 |
8. |
Certified copy of the bail |
rejection order dated 02.12.2015 |
Memo |
9. |
Lucknow (Dr. Gyan Singh) |
Advocate |
Dated : .01.2016 Counsel for the applicant |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha Versus State of Uttar Pradesh |
Annexure No. 4 |
lsok esa] |
Jheku Fkkuk/;{k egksn;] |
dksrokyh uxj] izrkix< |
egksn;] |
fuosnu gS fd fnukad 29-10-2015 dks esjs ifr ds gR;k |
gq;h FkhA ml le; lnesa esa Fkh blfy, eqdnek fy[kkrs le; |
lgh ckr vki dks crk ugha ikbZ lPpkbZ ;g gS fd O;kikjh |
egknso dsljokuh dh gR;k esa tsy esa can eqfYteksa dh |
tekur djkus o eqdnesa ls esg:ufu”kk iRuh Lo0 eks0 |
eqfLye fuokfluh ehjk Hkou izrkix< tks tsy esa can |
eqfYteksa dh eka gS dk uke eqdnesa ls fudyokus ds fy, |
50 gtkj :i;s Qhl ds :i esa fn;s FksA uke eqdnesa ls u |
fudyok ikus o tekur u djok ikus ds dkj.k dbZ ckj essjs ifr |
ls esg:ufu”kk dh dgk lquh gq;h FkhA esg:ufu”kk us dgk |
fd tc ge O;kikjh }kjk iSlk u nsus ij mls ejok ldrh gWw rks |
rqe fdl [ksr dh ewyh gksA rqEgkjs tSls odhy esjs tsc esa |
iMs jgrs gSA iqfyl ds idMs tkus ds Mj ls vkB nl fnu bl ? |
kVuk ls igys gekjs ?kj ds cjkens esa viuh yMdh fguk ds |
lkFk jgh FkhA mlds ckn gkd Vkd gksus ds ckn o mlds |
/kedh nsus ds ckn mls Hkxk fn;k FkkA eq>s iw.kZ fo”okl |
gS fd mlh us lwVjksa ls esjs ifr dh gR;k djk nh gSA |
fnukad 29-10-2015 djok pkSFk ds fnu lka;dky nks eksVj |
lkbfdyksa ls nks pkj yksx esjs ifr dks ?kj ij iwNus vk;s |
FksA lkeus vkus ij eSa mUgsa igpku ldrh gWwA vki ls |
fuosnu gS fd esjh ,Q vkbZ vkj esa bls Hkh lfEefyr dj ds |
dk;Zokgh dh tk,A |
izkfFkZuh |
Jherh dapu “kqDyk iRuh bUnzef.k |
“kqDyk |
fuoklh cMuiqj Fkkuk dksrokyh uxj |
11.11.2015 |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha Versus State of Uttar Pradesh |
Annexure No. 4 |
lsok esa] |
Jheku izHkkjh fujh{kd |
Dksrokyh uxj] izrkix< |
egksn;] |
fuosnu gS fd eSa rkSlhQ vgen lqr ekschu vgen |
fuoklh xzke xkch egqvcu Fkkuk ykyxat izrkix< dk fuoklh |
gWw is”ks ls eSa vf/koDrk gWwA ftyk U;k;ky; izrkix< esa |
odkyr djrk gWw U;k;ky; esa esjs lhfu;j Lo0 bUnzef.k |
“kqDyk Fks mUgha ds lkFk eSa dke djrk Fkk U;k;ky; esa |
lhfu;j dh tks Qkbys eqdnesa ls lacaf/kr Fkh mUgsa eSa |
tkurk Fkk eq0v0la0 512@15 ftlesa eg:ufu”kk o mlds |
yMds vfHk;qDr FksA ftudh iSjoh gekjs lhfu;j Lo0 |
bUnzef.k “kqDyk dj jgs FksA eg:ufu”kk us eqdnesa esa |
viuk uke fudyokus o yMdksa dh tekur o eqdnesa iSjoh |
djus gsrq crkSj Qhl 50000@& :0 fn;k Fkk fdUrq eqdnesa |
ls u gh eg:ufu”kk dk uke fudy ik;k u yMds “kehe o lyeku |
dh tekur ek0 l= U;k;ky; ls fnukad 04-08-2015 dks [kkfjt |
gks x;hA bl ckr dks ysdj eg:ufu”kk mlds yMds odhy lkgc |
ls ukjkt py jgs Fks o eg:yfu”kk viuk iSlk ekax jgh FkhA |
blh ckr dks ysdj dbZ ckj eg:yfu”kk o esjs lhfu;j bUnzef.k |
“kqDyk ds chp dgk lquh gq;h Fkh blds yMds “kkfrj |
vijk/kh gS budh /kedh ls odhy lkgc tcjtLr ijs”kku Fks rFkk |
iwNus ij ;gh dgk djrs Fks fd blds yMds “kkfrj vijk/kh gS |
rFkk mudk “kkfrj vijkf/k;ksa ls muds laca/k gSA vkSj esjs |
lkFk dqN Hkh djk ldrs gSaA mijksDr rF;ksa ls Lor% Li’V |
gS fd eg:ufu”kk dh lkft”k ls esjs lhfu;j dh gR;k gq;h gSA |
izkFkhZ rkSlhQ vgen] lqr ekschu vgen |
fuoklh xkch egqvkcu Fkkuk ykyxat] tuin izrkix< |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha Versus State of Uttar Pradesh |
Annexure No. 5 |
12-11-2015 |
ethn c;ku okfnuh %& Jherh dapu “kqDyk iRuh Lo0 |
bUnzef.k “kqDyk fuoklh cMuiqj Fkkuk dks0 uxj] tuin |
izrkix< us iwNus ij crk;k fd eSaus ;g izkFkZuk i= viuh |
LosPNk ls fn;k Fkk fdlh ds dgus ;k tksj ncko ls ugha fn;k |
gSA cfYd eq>s tks lgh tkudkjh Fkh og Lo;a fy[kdj vkidks |
nsus Fkkus x;h Fkh vkids u feyus o dkQh bUrtkj djus ds |
ckn Fkkuk dk;kZy; esa nsdj okil pyh vk;h FkhA izk0 i= |
lqudj x;k x;k ftlesa fy[kk gS fd lsok esa Jheku Fkkuk/;{k |
egksn; dksrokyh uxj] izrkix< egksn;] fuosnu gS fd |
fnukad 29-10-2015 dks esjs ifr ds gR;k gq;h FkhA ml le; |
lnesa esa Fkh blfy, eqdnek fy[kkrs le; lgh ckr vki dks crk |
ugha ikbZ lPpkbZ ;g gS fd O;kikjh egknso dsljokuh dh |
gR;k esa tsy esa can eqfYteksa dh tekur djkus o |
eqdnesa ls esg:ufu”kk iRuh Lo0 eks0 eqfLye fuokfluh |
ehjk Hkou izrkix< tks tsy esa can eqfYteksa dh eka gS |
dk uke eqdnesa ls fudyokus ds fy, 50 gtkj :i;s Qhl ds :i |
esa fn;s FksA uke eqdnesa ls u fudyok ikus o tekur u |
djok ikus ds dkj.k dbZ ckj essjs ifr ls esg:ufu”kk dh dgk |
lquh gq;h FkhA esg:ufu”kk us dgk fd tc ge O;kikjh }kjk |
iSlk u nsus ij mls ejok ldrh gWw rks rqe fdl [ksr dh ewyh |
gksA rqEgkjs tSls odhy esjs tsc esa iMs jgrs gSA iqfyl ds |
idMs tkus ds Mj ls vkB nl fnu bl ?kVuk ls igys gekjs ?kj ds |
cjkens esa viuh yMdh fguk ds lkFk jgh FkhA mlds ckn |
gkd Vkd gksus ds ckn o mlds /kedh nsus ds ckn mls |
Hkxk fn;k FkkA eq>s iw.kZ fo”okl gS fd mlh us lwVjksa ls |
esjs ifr dh gR;k djk nh gSA fnukad 29-10-2015 djok |
pkSFk ds fnu lka;dky nks eksVj lkbfdyksa ls nks pkj yksx |
esjs ifr dks ?kj ij iwNus vk;s FksA lkeus vkus ij eSa |
mUgsa igpku ldrh gWwA vki ls fuosnu gS fd esjh ,Q |
vkbZ vkj esa bls Hkh lfEefyr dj ds dk;Zokgh dh tk,A |
izkfFkZuh Jherh dapu “kqDyk iRuh bUnzef.k “kqDyk |
fuoklh cMuiqj Fkkuk dksrokyh uxj 11.11.2015A izk0 i= |
esa fyf[kr ,d ,d “kCn dks lquus ds mijkUr crk;k fd ;g tks |
eSaus vkidks viuk fyf[kr c;ku fn;k gS ogh esjk c;ku gSA |
blh ij dk;Zokgh djasA ;g eSaus tks ns[kk gS rFkk vius |
dkuksa ls lquk gS o tks esjs ifr us tc oks ftUnk Fks tks |
crk;s gS ogh fy[kk gSA |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2016 |
Maharunnisha Versus State of Uttar Pradesh |
Annexure No. 3 |
30-10-2015 |
ethn c;ku okfnuh %& Jherh dapu “kqDyk iRuh Lo0 |
bUnzef.k “kqDyk fuoklh cMuiqj Fkkuk dks0 uxj] izrkix< |
eks0 ua0 9794920297 us iwNus ij cnfj;k¶r crk;k fd essjs |
ifr Jh bUnzef.k “kqDyk dpsgjh izrkix< esa vf/koDrk FksA |
fnukad 29-10-2015 dks le; yxHkx 07-00 cts “kke dks nks |
eks0lk0 ls 4 yMds eqag cka/k dj esjs ?kj cMuiqj vk;s Fks |
ftuesa ls nks yMdks us eq> ls iwNk fd HkkHkh th HkS;k |
fdrus cts rd vk;sxsaA okdh nksuksa vU; yMds viuh |
lkbfdy ij ckgj [kMs FksA fnukad 29-10-15 dks le; yxHkx |
08-15 cts esjk nwf/k;k jketh ;kno fuoklh xkze cMuiqj |
AQqyofj;kA vk;k crk;k fd jkLrs esa ?kj ls mRrj esa yxHkx |
200 ehVj Qqyofj;k ds ikl esu jksM ij lMd ds fdukjs ,d |
lQsn jax dh dkj gSA ftlesa ,d O;fDr ?kk;y iMk gSA tSls vki |
dh dkj gSA mlh rjg dh dkj ogka [kMh gSA rHkh eSa |
eqgYys ds yksxksa ds lkFk mDr LFkku ij x;h rks ns[kk fd |
esjs ifr ds ekFks ij cnek”kksa us xksyh ekj fn;k gSA tks fd |
?kk;y voLFkk esa Mªkbfoax lhV ij iMs FksA ;g ?kVuk 29- |
10-2015 le; djhc 08-00 cts jkf= dh gSA eSa rqjUr eqgYys |
okyksa ds lkFk vius ifr dks ftyk vLirky ysdj x;h tgka ij |
MkDVjksa us esjs ifr dks e`r ?kksf’kr dj fn;kA mDr ?kVuk |
dks vkus tkus okys yksxksa us ?kVuk dks viuh vka[kksa |
ls ns[kk gSA ftls esa irk yxkdj vkidks ckn esa crkÅaxhA |
esjs ifr dh gR;k mDr pkjksa vKkr O;fDr;ksa us xksyh ekj |
dh dkfjr fy;k gSA |