# Cook The Cook is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series and one of Carl's underlings. Appearance. He is a youthful-looking, fair-haired, dark-eyed man who was seen wearing winter clothing, including earmuffs. Personality. He has a cheerful, outgoing and excitable personality, shown when he greeted Teito warmly and laughed as he spoke about Teito somehow managing to survive an accident involving Cathy and Burupya's Mother. He found Frau intimidating. Manga synopsis. The unnamed man was first seen when he crashed into a room Teito had been resting in, in Carl's Crew's hideout near Raggs Castle. Frau glares at him for interrupting his (Frau's) conversation with Teito, scaring him. He then shows Frau, Teito and Capella a meal he has prepared for them, and apologizes for the fact that the meal mostly comprises dairy products. However, Teito does not mind and thanks him for the warm welcome. When Teito gets into an argument with Frau, the cook is unnerved and asks what's wrong. Later, he remains in the hideout with Capella and the rest of Carl's crew while Teito and Frau venture outside. He presumably continues travelling with the rest of Carl's crew when Carl decides to pursue new business opportunities at the end of the series.
# Correction Center The Correction Center is a place within District 7, run mainly by nuns of the Barsburg Church, that functions as a clinic to help people deal with the temptation of Kor. The resistance against temptation appears to be through several activities, such as by reviewing the promises of the day, including repeating the Lord's prayer and strengthening the person's will. This is achived by chanting several statements with a group: Those who cannot resist against the tempation are helped and are put on a stretcher to receive urgent attention immediately. If the addiction symptoms seems to worsen over time, it is possible for the individual to be sent to the correction centre again. This was indicated by two unknown women gossiping that 'the husband across the street' was sent again.
Correction Center
# Cursed Ticket A Cursed Ticket is a sin possessed by each of the Seven Ghosts or a sin committed by their descendants. A person who has collected all the seven sins ('tickets') can enter the Land of Seele which is situated beyond the Gate of Hell. There, the Chief of Heaven will grant the comer any one wish. But if the entrant is Verloren, he will be eliminated. Though the Seven Houses of God are the places where people receive the cursed tickets, the seeker is expected to find them on their own. Many give up during this task. The Ghosts burn their ticket onto the traveller's flesh. When a Ghost gives a Cursed Ticket to a human, the Cursed Ticket will appear as the symbol of the Ghost on one of the human's arms, then quickly fade from the skin.
Cursed Ticket
# Dalia
# Dalia Barsburg Dalia Barsburg is Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's deceased mother. She was the empress of Barsburg Empire, the wielder of the Eye of Raphael before Ouka, and the wife of Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg, the present Barsburg Emperor. Etymology. In the Japanese language, ダリア means dahlia. A dahlia is a type of garden flower that is large and bright-coloured.The romanised form of her name, 'Daria', is of Greek and Persian origin, and means 'maintains possessions well'. Appearance. Dalia was tall, slim and fair-haired. Her hair was elaborately styled with a long, side-parted fringe and she wore a headpiece. Her dress had a high collar and long, frilly, double-layered sleeves. Over the dress, she wore another piece of clothing that appeared to be a cape or perhaps a cloak. The bodice of the dress was decorated with a single circular jewel. She carried a paper fan, with a long string that had a crescent-shaped ornament attached to it dangling from the fan. Personality. Although Dalia has only appeared briefly a few times, Kapitel 86 shows that she seemed to have a friendly and light-hearted personality, as she personally greeted King Krom and teased her husband, Emperor Wolfram, saying that he looked like he had more fun talking to King Krom than to her. Relationships. Relatives and family. Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg. Dalia and Wolfram seemed to have a cordial relationship, at least before the Shadow Man possessed Wolfram. However, Wolfram's love for Millea adversely affected their relationship. Since Wolfram was deeply in love with Millea, it is probable that he was not in love with Dalia, and in Kapitel 86, when Dalia tried to engage him in conversation, his responses were halfhearted, as he was preoccupied with thoughts of Millea. He also clearly did not feel sad about her death. It is as yet unclear what Dalia's feelings towards Wolfram were. She presumably chose him as the fiance candidate she liked the most at her Groom Choosing masquerade ball. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. Dalia has not been shown interacting with her daughter so far, and Ouka makes little mention of her, but after Ouka found out that Dalia had died young as a result of experiments on the Eye of Raphael, she (Ouka) said, 'So that's why...Mother died early...' . This could mean that Ouka may have wondered at her mother's early death, although she did not say so out loud until manga chapter 83. It has also been mentioned that Ouka inherited a pair of earrings from Dalia. In manga chapter 91, Ouka said that her 'predecessor' unsealed the Eye of Raphael, referring to Dalia. Millea Klein. Considering that Dalia was a blood Barsburg, she may have known Millea. Millea appeared to be respectful towards Dalia, referring to her as 'Her Majesty the Empress' in Kapitel 86. It is probable that Dalia was unaware of Wolfram's feelings for Millea, or if she was aware, she did not voice it. Others. Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. Dalia and Krom got along well. They addressed each other with official titles for the sake of formality, but also appeared to be friendly with each other. In Kapitel 86, Dalia complimented Krom on a speech he had made, to which Krom replied that it was an honour to hear that. Raphael. Not much is known about Raphael's relationship with Dalia. Being a wielder of the Eye of Raphael, Dalia presumably knew Raphael's abilities and personality. History. Early childhood. Not much is known about Dalia's early years. She was born into the royal lineage of the Barsburg family and ascended to the throne when she came of age. Marriage and motherhood. She chose Wolfram as the fiance candidate she liked the most at her Groom Choosing ball, and together they conceived Ouka. Coronation and unsealing the Eye of Raphael. Dalia unsealed the Eye of Raphael at her coronation ceremony, resulting in Ayanami regaining Verloren's memories. Dalia had been brainwashed by the Barsburg military and did not realise the consequences of unsealing the Eye of Raphael. Death. Dalia died at a young age as a result of the Raphael Project, leaving behind her only child Ouka, who was still an infant at the time.
Dalia Barsburg
# Dals Dals is a city in District 6. It is the passing gate to the 5th District. Description. Dals is a large city. It is possible to proceed directly from Dals to District 5 using a connecting bridge.
# Deeply, deeply attached Kapitel 9: Deeply, deeply attached深い深〜い、愛着♡ "Fukai fuka-i, aichaku "
Deeply, deeply attached
# Defect The defect, also known as the black shadow or bug, is a fault that was originally present in the Death God Verloren. According to Ayanami, Verloren's reincarnation, the 'defect' is only found in reapers who stray from the duties bestowed upon them by the Chief of Heaven. Anatomy. Like a Wars, the defect appears as a moving, black mass of pure darkness. Relationships. Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg. It seems that the Defect manipulated Wolfram into waging war on the kingdom of Raggs ten years ago. Wolfram seemed to greatly respect the Defect at first and told his advisors that thanks to the Defect, the Raggs War went well. However, in Kapitel 85, when Teito pointed the light of the Eye of Mikhail at him, Wolfram started to regain his conscience, and it is likely that he no longer respects the Defect. The Defect was later revealed to be Landkarte (Katsuragi), or at least something manipulating Landkarte Creation. The death God Verloren was created by the Chief of Heaven to preside over souls. His purpose was to sort the souls entering Heaven; allowing the pure souls to enter Heaven, but punishing the 'bad' souls by devouring them. The Chief of Heaven had created Verloren to be emotionless, so that he could fulfil his reaper duties 'without having his heart disturbed', but despite the efforts of the Chief, Verloren and Eve (daughter of the Chief of Heaven) came to care for each other. By experiencing emotion, Verloren 'strayed' from his duty and thus a 'bug' developed. This 'defect' would corrupt his body and turn his core "black like mud", but was also highly contagious, and, like a Wars, would infect everything and everyone Verloren came into contact with. Containment. To prevent the 'defect' from spreading, the Chief of Heaven ordered Verloren to remain in isolation until he was cured, and informed Verloren that a remedy would be administered the next day. However, the defect had grown too severe, and the Chief feared for what Verloren would turn into once it took over his body. The Chief planned to have Verloren executed, but Eve intervened- allowing Verloren to escape to the human world. The Chief of Heaven, then fashioned Seven heavenly lights out of Verloren's fragments and sent them after Verloren to deliver his punishment. However, the defect appears to have entered the body of Landkarte, resulting in the corruption of Katsuragi. Defeat. During his fight with the defect, Teito Klein managed to purify Katsuragi, resulting in the defect's defeat and vanquishment. Abilities and Attributes. Awareness: At some point, the defect appears to have become self-aware. Harming immortals: The defect can harm, and sometimes even kill, otherwise nigh invulnerable creatures i.e. the gods and the Warsfeil.  It appears to have some control over its hosts or vessels, resulting in drastic changes in their personalities, to the extent that they lose sight of their original intentions and goals. It is highly skilled in emotional manipulation and deceit.
# Delicious C'mon
Delicious C'mon
# District 1 District 1 is one of the 7 Districts in the fictional Barsburg Empire in the 07 ghost series. District 1 is one of the smallest of the Districts, only larger than District 7, but is undeniably the richest and most advanced. It is strategically located in the centre of the Barsburg empire, safely protected by the other Districts that surround it, as well as the mountains at its borders. As a result of this defensive advantage it is the location of the Barsburg capital. In the centre of District 1 is its most famous building, Hohburg Fortress. Despite the fact that Barsburg is apparently based on modern-day Germany, the technology and design of District 1 make its appearance much closer to that of Japan than Germany. A manga chapter reveals that District 1 used to be the old kingdom of Raggs until it was conquered during the Raggs War. While it appears to be clean, well-maintained and pleasant, the laws in District 1 are very strict, executions and extradition being a common punishment for the more serious crimes. As a result of this, criminals, mainly murderers, often flee to the neighbouring District, District 7, in order to escape punishment. It is infamous for its military. Culture. Unlike its neighbouring District, District 7, religion does not appear to be a governing factor in the 1st District. The majority of characters from the 1st District do not appear to practice any religion, but there are exceptions and the presence of bishops is accepted in Hohburg Fortress, the home of the Barsburg royalty. National emblem. Barsburg's national emblem appears in the shape of a shield, that could also be described as a coat of arms due to its shape and design. It possesses three flaps on the two top corners resembling the epaulets worn on the uniforms of higher-ranking officers of the Barsburg Imperial Army. There are three circles at the top, each with a jewel inside, and at the bottom, there are two mantles extending from the sides. The insignia is gold in colour, which in the Biblical sense symbolises the utmost evil, being the symbol of rebellion against God. The insignia's most prominent feature is the two-headed snake coiled in the centre, the serpent being one of the most widespread mythological symbols. Being heavily based on the religion of Christianity and German culture, the use of a snake is significant, as in Christianity the snake was the animal that cast man from heaven. In Germanic culture, the two-headed snake symbolised war and tyranny. This emblem is prominently displayed on flags around the District, adorning the walls inside and outside buildings and on the uniforms of the soldiers. History. District 1 was formally known as the Kingdom of Raggs before the Raggs War, in which those from Barsburg (currently known as District 3) launched a genocide against the people of Raggs. Those native to Raggs were either killed or enslaved and the people of Barsburg claimed the country as their own.
District 1
# District 1/ Denizens Being the second smallest of the Districts, District 1 does not appear to have a large population. The population of the District is mostly concentrated towards the edges of the country, where there are many smaller settlements occupied exclusivley by the lower classes. The country center, mainly the urban cities, have a small population that is overwhelmingly upper/middle class. Physical appearance. The people who live in District 1 vary in physical appearance as the country appears to be made up of two races, (those from Barsburg and those native to Raggs) as there have been people of varied skin and hair colour. However, those who are native to Barsburg are predominantly blonde (a possible allusion to the people of the country they are based on: Germany), and tend to have lighter eyes with gold being common, as seen with Mikage and Konatsu. Males tend to be clean shaven, even in older age (though moustaches are seen- beards are unheard of), with short hair, though there are exceptions. Females normally wear their hair long, and, depending on their age, either tied into pigtails or styled in elaborate updos. Physical appearance tends to show the class divide in District 1. Nobility. Those considered nobility in District 1 tend to share a similar set of characteristics, and are mainly recognised by their much fairer complexions in comparison to those from the lower classes, something achieved by having no need to do manual labour in the sun. These nobles also tend to have lighter colored hair, (both the Oak and Warren families being examples of this), which is usually a fair blonde. The higher nobility of the series also tend to possess lighter coloured eyes, which are often either blue (again a physical attribute commonly found in Germany), or purple in colour, though there are exceptions. Royalty. Like the nobility, those who are royalty or closely related to royalty, possess very fair complexions. Their hair tends to be an even lighter shade than those who are nobility, and appears either white or very close to it, as seen with the Princess Roseamanelle and Ayanami. The eye colours of those considered royalty tend to be unnatural, being either pink or purple. Fashion. District 1 is the capital of the Barsburg Empire and is regarded as the wealthiest of the Districts. This wealth is easily seen through the clothing worn by the inhabitants of the 1st District which is often embroidered with intricate details, embellished with precious stones and made from expensive fabric. Military uniforms. Cadet uniform. The Barsburg Military cadet uniform, consists of a black, or dark blue, thigh-length tunic with long sleeves and a neck guard. Black trousers and knee-length back boots are worn with white gloves. The uniform has golden trimming on the shoulders, chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard and also a gold belt. Golden shoulder boards decorate the right shoulder and a small version of the Barsburg Military insignia is on the left shoulder. Standard uniform. The standard Military uniform consists of a black, or possibly dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with gold trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck-guard. Black trousers and knee-length black, buckled boots are worn as well as white gloves. The uniform includes a small half mantle hanging off the left shoulder, emblazoned with the Barsburg Military insignia, and on the right shoulder there are three golden shoulder boards. A plain white shirt is worn under the overcoat. Higher ranking officer uniform. For officers who are of a higher rank, their uniform looks almost identical to the standard uniform save for a goldern epaulet over their right shoulder, as well as golden embroidery on the chest. More decorated officers also wear a peaked cap which is dark blue in colour, trimmed with gold and has the Barsburg Military insignia in the centre. Examiner uniform. The examiner uniform is a mix between the cadet uniform and the standard uniform. It looks very similar to the standard uniform, save for a small version of the Barsburg Military insignia is on the left shoulder (like a cadet uniform), in place of the half mantle. Teacher uniform. A teacher uniform is a standard officer uniform under a white robe that almost reaches the ankles. The robe has a high collar at the back that opens at the neck in a v-shape at the front. On the shoulders are rectangular, red clips and on the back of the robe is the insignia of the Barsburg military. At the front is a large, gold, decorative clip, that extends from the left shoulder and forms an upsidedown 'v' on the chest. At the edges of the clip are two red jewels, and across the clip are written Zaiphon symbols.
District 1/ Denizens
# District 1/ Government and Military District 1 is an absolute monarchy. The District is ruled by the Barsburg royal family, (normally) consisting of a long line of female Eye of Raphael users, with the most recent known ruler being Emperor regent Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg who acted in place of sovereign Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg who was under-age (though it is likely that Ouka had already become Empress after the timeskip in Kapitel 99). The Barsburg royal family is one of the Seven Houses of God. Military. District 1 boasts the most powerful military of the seven continents and Antwort, this meaning that no other country has managed to best it in terms of firepower. Bastien has said the Barsburg military seeks nothing short of world domination, and the military has been shown to not be above using genocide as means to accomplish its goals, seen by its actions during the Raggs War as they drove the District 1 natives almost to extinction. The Barsburg Armed Forces (バルスブルグ帝国軍) Otherwise known as 'the Imperial Armed Forces'. It encompasses the army, the navy and the air force of the Barsburg Empire and its base is located at Hohburg Fortress. Those enrolled have been seen acting as soldiers as well as everyday law enforcers such as police officers in every continent of the Empire. They play a crucial role to the storyline of the 07-Ghost series, being responsible for many of the events that have damaged the main characters (e.g. the case of Teito Klein) emotionally or physically (e.g. the case of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs). The Black Hawks. The Black Hawks (ブラックホーク) are the main antagonists of the 07-ghost manga and anime series, serving as the Barsburg Imperial Army's 'trump card'. The Black Hawks is a group mostly comprised of powerful Warsfeil users, and led by Ayanami, who is at present the Barsburg Army's Chief of Staff. Their job is to protect the Barsburg Empire from any threat, even at the cost of their own lives. They obey Chairman Miroku's secret order, but it's unknown whether it is due to the fact that Ayanami personally obeys Miroku or the group is officially under Miroku's supervision. Law. At first glance, District 1 appears to be an utopia where the country is clean, well-maintained and very wealthy and advanced. However, it has been shown that in order to keep this level of living standard, the laws are very strict. District 1 employs capital punishment for the more serious offences, being shown executing criminals who murder or attempt to murder. However, capital punishment has very rarely been shown being used, as many of those who would be executed, flee to District 7, which solves the problem either way. Capital punishment is also used against people whose actions endanger the citizens of District 1, such as deserting the army at a time when the country is at war with Antwort. For other offences, the punishment is usually a lengthy jail term. However, parole can be granted for doing various tasks (a criminal says that his jail-time is cut by participating in the Begleiter exam). Weaponry. Most of the weapons used in District 1 appear to be rather old-fashoned compared to the equipment in the Military ships or laboratories. This could be explained as the Military is known for its use of Warsfeil, who use their natural abilities rather than man-made weapons. Teito has said that weapons in the military are mass made and their wavelengths are easy to match, making it easier to use them. He has also said that the weapons are powered by violent feelings.
District 1/ Government and Military
# District 2 District 2 is one of the 7 Districts that make up the Barsburg empire, and the guarding district of Relikt.
District 2
# District 24 District 24 first appeared in Kapitel 71. Frau regained consciousness in District 24 after escaping from Ayanami, who had tried to kill him. It is a very poor district with squalid living conditions, and many of the people who live there rely on begging and petty theft to survive. Ryuu, Nene, Barm and Moz are the only named inhabitants of District 24. District 24 is not part of the Barsburg Empire.
District 24
# District 3 District 3 was the only part of the Barsburg Empire before Barsburg conquered other countries and expanded into the continents around it. Thus, before the Raggs War, District 3 was the location of the God House of Ea. However, District 3 is currently the location of the God House of Landkarte. In a flashback of Katsuragi's past, District 3 is revealed to have rivers that often cause flooding. Human sacrifices are made to 'appease' the rivers.
District 3
# District 4 District 4 is one of the 7 Districts of the Barsburg Empire in the 07-Ghost universe. This district has a mountainous region.
District 4
# District 5 District 5 is the former capital of Raggs, and the location of Raggs Castle. The God House in District 5 is Vertrag's God House. District 5 can be travelled to directly from the city of Dals. 
District 5
# District 6 District 6 is one of the 7 Districts in the Barsburg Empire and was once part of Raggs. It is the largest of the Districts, being slightly larger than District 3 and is the location of the Hausen House. Possibly because of its large size, District 6 is mostly a very poor District, with the wealthy Hausen Family being either the only or one of the few exceptions. District 6 was the third District to be introduced and the second to be explored, and was revealed to be the birthplace of Bishop Castor. Its terrain is mostly mountain land. Culture. Judging by the customs of the Hausen family, it seems that the culture of District 6 is similar to East Asian culture. Cuisine. Chinese cuisine: Xiaolongbao soup, chop suey, and mapo tofu. Denizens. Despite its size, the people of District 6 tend to have mostly dark coloured hair, appearing to be either brown or black in colour.
District 6
# District 6/ Denizens   If the Hausen family is any indication, the inhabitants of District 6 tend to have pale skin. Eye colour, hair colour and hair length vary. Males are usually tall and clean-shaven, and females tend to be of average height and have long hair.
District 6/ Denizens
# District 6/ Government and Military Government. As part of the Barsburg Empire, District 6 is ruled by the Emperor of Empress of Barsburg. The Hausen Family also appears to wield some influence in the district. Military. Defense duties in District 6 are presumably shared by the Barsburg Armed Forces and the assassins of the Hausen family. Weaponry. The assassins of the Hausen family have shown a preference for swords. Barsburg soldiers use a wide range of weapons, including rifles.
District 6/ Government and Military
# District 6 Wars Woman The District 6 Wars Woman is an unnamed minor antagonist who only appeared in manga chapter 30. She was a prostitute who worked the streets of the small town 5 km south of the Hausen House. Some time prior to the series start, she had been corrupted by a Kor and turned into a Wars. She then lured men into traps so they could be devoured by herself and other servants of Verloren.  Appearance. Physical appearance. The unnamed lady is of average height with a petite build and angular face. She has very large, dark eyes, a small nose, thin lips, and appears very young. Her hair is straight, long enough to reach her lower back, and light in colour. Clothing. She wears an ankle-length, light coloured, dress made of a floaty material under a similarly light-coloured trench coat with ribbon sewn into the sleeve cuffs and back of the coat. The lapels and collar of the coat are embroidered with a fine 'swirl' pattern, and she wears a cravat with a large jewel on. Her gloves have little bows on them and she wears a sun hat. Personality. Like many other Wars, the woman was aggressive and manipulative, using her fragile appearance and meek demeanour to lure people into traps so they could be devoured by servants of Verloren. Though nothing of her human life is shown, she appeared to be a gentle person, as she smiled and thanked Frau for releasing her from the Wars. History. Most of her history is unknown. At some point in her life she became corrupted by a Kor, had all three wishes granted, and became a Wars. Her three wishes are unknown. She had worked as a prostitute for a while, and tells Frau that she is homeless and this may be the reason she became a prostitute. However it is also possible she was lying to lure Frau into her trap. Manga Synopsis. Attacking Frau and death. She is wandering the streets of District 6 alone at night when she is stopped by Frau who warns her of the dangers of walking home alone. She informs him that she is homeless and asks him to "buy [her] for the night". Frau agrees but then releases his scythe, realising she is actually a Wars. She narrowly dodges an attack from Frau and flees to the rooftops while Frau pursues her. She leads him to other Wars and they mock him for using Verloren's Scythe. Frau refuses to submit and begins to purify their souls using the scythe. The Wars inhabiting the woman's body screams one last insult at Frau before leaving her body, and the woman thanks Frau for releasing her. Her soul leaves for heaven and she is presumably reincarnated. Abilities. She had the physical and spiritual abilities of a typical Wars: above average speed and strength, and the ability to corrupt humans.
District 6 Wars Woman
# District 7 District 7 is one of the 7 Districts in the fictional Barsburg Empire in the 07 ghost series. It is the smallest of the seven districts (and the second smallest territory of Barsburg after Antwort) and is located to the East side of the Empire. District 7 is known in the series as 'God's District' due to the significance of its number and the Barsburg Church's presence in the centre. It is a designated 'no fly zone' for military aircraft to maintain the peace between Emperor and Pope. Most of the anime series is set in District 7. As the District is seen as an 'off-limits' area for the forces of the 1st District, many people who fear prosecution from the Military move to the 7th District where they are able to claim sanctuary in the Church grounds. As a result of this, District 7 is characterised by significant ethnic and cultural diversity. Culture. The culture in District 7 is very humble and self-sustaining, and religion is a major factor in the lives of most of the people. Seeking religious enlightenment, or exploiting the benefits of religious life (in the case of criminals), are reasons why people from other Districts migrate to the Church. The religion there appears to be based on Catholicism, though they believe in different deities. They have several religious themed celebrations, such as the annual baazar and the souls' thanksgiving festival. District 7 is a theocracy, which means that the Pope holds most, if not all, of the governmental power. Cuisine. The Church relies on humble food such as wheat, rice and fish. Some food, such as the Eyefish, Winkhob, and edible plants are specialties of the 7th District. Fish is especially praised, as the Church rules frown upon the eating of other meats. History. The history of District 7 is virtually unknown. The Church in the center has been shown to be in the same condition as it was before the Raggs War, which suggests District 7 suffered minimal damage during the war.
District 7
# District 7/ Denizens District 7 is characterized by significant ethnic and cultural diversity, a consequence of the limitless immigration of citizens from other districts, many of whom arrive seeking asylum after persecution in their native lands. The population is very large compared to its relatively small size, particularly in the centre and around major cities. Physical appearance. Given agricultural is the most profitable industry in District 7, many of the residents tend to have darker skin-tones and darker hair (dark purple and blue are common, as are various shades of brown and red). Dark eyes are also very common. Many of the inhabitants may also be people of lower class who have emigrated to the District. Both men and women tend to wear their hair short, (with men usually clean shaven) and women who leave their hair long usually tie it back for practical reasons. Regardless of gender and age, all District 7 inhabitants generally tend to be thin. Fashion. The clothing in District 7 is rather poor and modest compared to the clothing worn by those in District 1. Wool is a very common material for clothing, in colours such as browns, beiges and dark greens. T-shirts and shorts are common in the summer months due to the hot weather, but during evenings and nights cloaks or ponchos are usually worn. Clergy uniforms. Bishops. The Bishops wear a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides the arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. They also wear plain, white mitres with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over the face. Archbishops. The clothing of the Archbishop looks almost identical to the standard Bishop uniform, save for thick, blue, leather shoulder pads worn just below the shoulders emblazoned with the Church cross. Archbishops do not wear the mitre and veil (the 'hat' that the Bishops wear). Acolytes. The acolytes' uniform appears as a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the rob to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue round the edges is worn over the robe, and the exam badge is worn at the front of the collar. Acolytes wears dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Sisters. The Sisters of the Church wear the traditional nun's habit. Hair must be long, which means those with short hair or boyish haircuts are not accepted, and tied back in a traditional bun (Drama CD 1).
District 7/ Denizens
# District 7/ Government and Military District 7 is a theocracy, meaning that the country is led by someone with divine guidance. The Pope was previously the one in charge of District 7, but he was killed by the Defect following his mental breakdown. Who now governs District 7 is unknown, although it is possible that the current ruler of District 7 is Wahrheit Teito Klein. Government. The Pope, the highest religious authority in the Seven Districts is based in the Barsburg Church.  Imperial Guard. The Imperial Guard is the body that guards the Barsburg Church. They work to capture and even execute criminals for crimes against the Church. The Imperial Guard are tasked with guarding Light Dungeon, as well as the rooms of the higher-ranking bishops, but despite this, do not have unlimited access around the Church. As the Imperial Guard were under the influence of the Pope, it is unknown what has happened to them after his death, though they could be under Wahrheit Teito Klein's command now. Weaponry. Different types of weapons are used in different parts of District 7. Within the Barsburg Church, non-projectile weapons, such as spears, are used by the likes of the Imperial guard. Most weapons within District 7 are Zaiphon-based. Areas outside the Barsburg Church, such as Ria, utilise long-range, anti-armour vehicle weaponry.
District 7/ Government and Military
# District 7 Child The District 7 Child is a nameless, minor character in the 07-Ghost manga series. She is a little girl whom Lance offered his assistance to when he encountered her in District 7. Appearance. Physical appearance. The nameless girl is shown to be very young, and probably has not yet reached her teenage years. She is short and has an average build, short, dark hair and large eyes. Clothing. She was seen wearing a long-sleeved, knee-length, light-coloured dress with a dark stripe on each sleeve cuff and down either side. Personality. Not much is known about her personality but she seems to have a pleasant disposition, deeply cherishing a gift her mother had given her and showing gratitude to Lance for his help. Relationships. Her mother. She is shown to have a good relationship with her mother, as she was upset over losing her mother's gift and very happy when Lance managed to find it. The Church. She seems to respect the Church as she spoke to Lance respectfully, calling him "Bishop-sama". Manga synopsis. The nameless girl is first seen when Lance comes across her in District 7 and notices her crying. He asks her what's wrong and she replies that she has lost a charm her mother gave her. Lance suggests that they look together for it and uses Relikt's power to help her by turning back time and lettting her see where she had last put the charm. She finds it and thanks him. She is last seen waving goodbye to Lance as her mother bows behind her.
District 7 Child
# District 7 Hospital The District 7 Hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. It also acts as a hospice, and welcomes anyone who has an incurable disease, or is nearing the end of their life. It is located in a woodland towards the centre of the 7th District, and is funded by the Barsburg Church. It is the oldest hospital in the District, and is visited frequently by the bishops of the Church, who help nurses attend to the patients. Workforce. The hospital is staffed by nurses, though it is unknown if they are also nuns. It is also frequented by Bishops from the nearby Barsburg Church who assist the nurses and pray with the patients. Nurses typically wear a long-sleeved, knee-length, white dress, with a nurse's cap. Hair is cut short, or tied up in a bun. Description. The Hospital is rather small and isolated. It is located in the middle of a dense, coniferous forest, and is surrounded by mountain land. The hospital appears as a square-shaped building in the centre with two cylinder-shaped buildings at each side as the east and west wings, each having long windows. The roof of the main entrance building is dome-shaped, but the tops of the two wings are flat. To the back is a slightly larger, rectangular building more tall than it is wide, also having long windows. The main entrance is a small, wooden door under a large archway with a single lamp hanging from the ceiling. Inside, there are many patient rooms, separated by curtains, and a prayer room. History. During the Raggs War, the military was in dire need of money to fund its equipment and soldiers. As tax money was being used to feed and take care of those in hospices who were old with no relatives, or had incurable conditions, the military began burning hospices, in order to redirect taxpayer's money to the military. The fires were officially documented as accidental. The Bishops of the Barsburg Church occasionally go to visit the hospital to remind the military they are watching their actions and to deter any attempts to destroy the hospital. Modern history. At one point, funding for the hospital was stopped due to how isolated the hospital was. However, Bishop Castor secured financial aid, allowing it to "make a comeback".
District 7 Hospital
# Drama CD 07-GHOST〜Mikhail〜
Drama CD 07-GHOST〜Mikhail〜
# Drama CD Characters <a href="07-Ghost"></a>
Drama CD Characters
# Drama CD Listing The 07-Ghost Drama CDs are a number of recordings featuring many of the same voice actors reprising their roles for the anime. The first drama CD was released in 2007, known as "Kamisama ni Todoku Koibumi", and the second drama CD was released in February 2009 entitled "The Day of Retribution". It is priced at 2500 yen, 70 minutes long, and features the same voice cast for the previous CD and the anime, and a bonus track of the cast's comments and a specially drawn jacket/cover by the manga artist are also included. In October of the same year, another drama CD was released, titled "The Top News Headlines". There is a special drama CD released in 2009, priced at 1000 yen. The company has been releasing Animate genteiiban (meaning limited version) DVDs since autumn 2009. Thirteen mini-dramas are included in these DVDs as privileges.
Drama CD Listing
# Dying Woman  The Dying Woman appeared briefly in the 99th and last Kapitel. Frau visited her when she was on the verge of death and reaped her soul. Appearance. Little is known about her appearance other than she has fair hair. Personality. She was implied to be courageous-Frau said that she "never gave up on living". Manga synopsis. She was seen lying on a bed and briefly talked to Frau, remarking that she knew she was going to die. A moment later, she closed her eyes and passed away peacefully.
Dying Woman
# Ea SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Ea is one of the Seven Ghosts in the 07-Ghost series. He is the awaking Ghost and responsible for managing the Book of Hades. There is a statue of Ea in one of the seven Seven Ghosts towers in the Barsburg Church. It is currently unknown what people pray to the statue for, but considering that Ea is able to determine a soul's fate in the afterlife, it could be for someone to be at peace after death.  Etymology. When translated to Japanese, the word 'ea' means 'air'. However, as all the other Ghost names are related to German words, it's believed that this one is too. There is no translation for 'ea' in German, but when the pronunciation of the word is taken into account, there are some German words that are pronounced the same way. It is believed to be either 'ära' which translates to the English word 'era', 'ehe' which means 'marriage', or 'eher' which translates to mean 'earlier'. Ea is also the name of a Babylonian deity of crafts, mischief, water, seawater, lakewater, intelligence and creation. Form. Ea's true appearance is in the form of a hooded skeleton, (like the grim reaper) wielding a large scythe. His appearance is the same as Verloren's since the Ghosts are made up of Verloren's fragments. Ea's Ghost symbol is yellow and looks like a strange sort of sickle, stemming from an orb in the centre and continuing clockwise over to the next side. This larger sickle has the curved blade of another sickle on top of it, this time the blade curving in the opposite direction. Human. As only blood descendants of the God House of Ea can be reincarnated as Ea, those acting as Ea tend to resemble each other. Reincarnations of Ea presumably tend to have features often associated with Barsburg royalty, such as fine hair of inconsistent colour, very pale skin, pointy chins and sharp noses. Personality. Ea is reserved and may appear unemotional, but is a kind, loyal and selfless Ghost. Abilities and attributes. The Seven Ghosts all possess the ability to erase or otherwise alter a person's memories. Like the other Ghosts, Ea can make his true forms temporarily leave his human, host body. Also, it is possible that the Ghosts can recover faster from injuries than ordinary humans. Since the host body is dead; their hearts do not beat and their bodies do not give off heat, it is probable that all of them have a much greater tolerance of extremely low temperatures than ordinary humans. Specific abilities. Ea possesses the Book of Hades, and is the only Ghost who is able to use it after Verloren's fall. If a person still has years of life left but his/her body is destroyed, Ea can move that person's soul from the first broken body (vessel) to a new one, and that person can then continue to live. For example, when Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's human body went into pieces in an experiment, he moved her soul into OR-0007, a replica of her made by the Barsburg scientists in the laboratory. History. The creation of the Ghosts. The Seven Ghosts are amongst the earliest 'gods' created by the Chief of heaven and their existence dates back roughly 1000 years. At the time of their creation, humanity was already present. The legend of the ghosts tells that Verloren (the God of Death) was in love with the Chief of Heaven's daughter, Eve, but after her skeleton was found and her soul devoured, the Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of killing her. As Eve's soul being devoured automatically forced it to be sent to earth and reincarnated, Verloren escaped the heavens and fled to earth to find her reincarnation. Verloren began looking into the hearts of humans in order to find the soul that originally belonged to Eve. However as he looked, that person's heart was instantly tainted by his presence, and slowly slipped into despair. This meant those souls could not enter Heaven in this life because they were no longer pure, and they would be forced to reincarnate again once they died. When the Chief of Heaven noticed the consequences Verloren's actions had on those souls he looked into, he fashioned seven heavenly lights out of Verloren's fragments, each with one of Verloren's powers, and sent them to execute him. Schedel's Crusade. The Ghosts' mission was to take Verloren's body to The Land of Seele- where it would be judged and destroyed, and after they had fulfilled this mission their souls would be able to return to heaven. The ghosts drove Verloren to Seele, but even with their combined strength, they weren't strong enough to destroy him. Faced with this, they instead used the powers of the two angel eyes (Mikhail and Raphael) to tear Verloren's soul from his body, in the hope that they never join again so he could never be at his full power. They sealed his physical body in Pandora's Box on earth, and used the Eye of Mikhail to make sure it could not escape from its prison. They sealed his soul using the Eye of Raphael, putting his soul in a human- and forcing it to undergo a process of constant reincarnation whenever the human body died- regardless of how the person had lived their life- so it could never enter Heaven again. The threat of Verloren had been eliminated, but since the Ghosts were unable to judge Verloren, they could not return to heaven; instead staying in the mortal world to serve as guardians. Ea went on to become the progenitor of the Barsburg bloodline. After sealing Verloren. Now on earth, each Ghost assumed human form and went on to live human lives; they married humans, had human children and died as humans. The Seven Ghosts and their human families went on to form the Seven Houses of God, and the Ghosts' powers were passed on to their children, and further generations. The current ghosts are the descendants of the original seven. During the Raggs War and return of Verloren. Around 990 years after Verloren had been sealed, the Eye of Raphael malfunctioned- resulting in Verloren's soul awakening (the human who was currently holding Verloren's soul regained all of Verloren's memories) and continued with Verloren's crusade against the Chief of Heaven. The descendants of the ghosts that first fought Verloren were again forced to re-group and fight. Currently, very little is known about the Ghosts' roles in the Raggs War. A member of the Raggs family (the God house of Vertrag) and person acting as the Ghost Vertrag, Fea Kreuz, was accused of stealing and escaping with Pandora's Box, and it was this theft that sparked the Raggs War. Pandora's Box had been moved into a human- meaning Verloren's body was at a risk of escaping- so four Ghosts protected and guided Vertrag through the Seven God Houses in order to receive the cursed tickets and travel to the Land of Seele to destroy Verloren's body. This, coupled with the fact Verloren's soul had awakened, caused Ea and Landkarate to separate from the others and go undercover into the military. However, the Ghosts were not successful in their mission, and it resulted in the death of one Ghost, Vertrag, whose reincarnation was killed by Ayanami and devoured by Verloren. Modern history. In chronological order:
# Easiest Way To Earn Money &amp; Level Up Your Economy Level
Easiest Way To Earn Money &amp; Level Up Your Economy Level
# Edible Flowers Those within the 7th District mainly rely on a diet of 'humble' foods such as grain, vegetables, and fish. In the Church gardens grows an abundance of flowers that are harvested and eaten. General flowers. Flora is a major part of the diet for those within District 7. They eat many flowers that are standard ingredients in most meals, like broccoli, and other nameless flowers that resemble daisies, but most of these are eaten raw which carries many health benefits of eating them cooked. Labrador's flowers. Candy flowers. Candy Flowers are edible flowers that have been soaked in either honey or sugar water. They resemble small, pink flowers in appearance and are made and sold by Labrador during the annual Bazaar of the Barsburg Church. The flowers are healthy and also have medicinal properties, being good for the skin. The candy flowers are most likely based on real world edible flowers. Their flower type remains unspecified but they resemble peonies, which are edible. They only appear in the anime.
Edible Flowers
# Elderly Servant
Elderly Servant
# Elikt Elikt is a servant at the Almarz Residence, the place where Rutia, mother of Capella, currently works at. Appearance. Physical appearance. Elikt is tall with a slender build and narrow eyes. His hair is short, spiky, dark and slicked back with a few strands hanging over the right side of his face. The stiff, glossy appearance of his hair suggests that he uses gel on it. Clothing. As a servant of a noble family, Elikt wears the appropriate clothing. Personality. Elikt seems to have a rather suspicious and blunt disposition. He was immediately skeptical when Frau stated that he is a bishop and accused him of stealing a clergy pass (though admittedly Frau's outward appearance did not help matters). However, he is respectful and loyal to those who have earned his trust.  Relationships. Rutia. He is implied to have feelings for Rutia, as when she was making jam with the rest of the household and told him that he has to 'slowly simmer it with love', he blushed and became very flustered. Frau and Teito Klein. Elikt did not seem to like Frau and Teito at first, and when they (Frau and Teito) first arrived at the Almarz Residence, he did not believe that Frau is a bishop and ordered the two to be stripped of everything they had. Eventually, though, he warmed up to them. Rena. Elikt is loyal to Rena, serving her as her faithful servant. They are shown to have a close personal relationship. History. Not much is known about Elikt's past. He has served the Almarz family for two generations. Manga synopsis. Elikt witnessed the death of Rena's Mother and helped to prevent it from becoming public knowledge. Along with the rest of the Almarz household, he hosts Teito and Frau in the family mansion until they leave and sees them off.
# Episode 1 1. The Future of Painful Thought is is the first episode of the 07 ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was April 6, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by is the ending theme. Brief Summary. The main character Teito Klein, who is a young student at the Barsburg Military Academy, is introduced. Teito used to be a slave, and because of this he is routinely bullied by Shuri Oak, the son of respected Field-Marshal Wakaba Oak. He and his best friend Mikage are getting ready for the final exam of the year, the Begleiter Exam, which they need to pass if they wish to graduate and become begleiters. The exam is notoriously difficult, the candidates being required to kill a Troll, but Teito and Mikage still manage to pass the exam. When walking to return his documents to an examiner, Teito overhears his name and stumbles upon a dark secret pertaining to his hidden past, which he is unable to remember. Attempting to assassinate Chief of Staff Ayanami, the man who he remembers to have killed his father, he is stopped, captured and sent to a cell where he is to await interrogation. However, he breaks free with the help of Mikage and escapes.
Episode 1
# Episode 10 10. That is But One Form of Atonement is the tenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was June 8, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Teito and the others attend Mikage's funeral. Back at Hohburg Fortress, Ayanami tells Miroku that now Teito has the Eye, he is dangerous and should be killed. Miroku dismisses this and tells Ayanami to keep it a secret. Meanwhile, Teito decides to leave the church but he meets Castor who asks him if he saw Zehel. When Teito reveals he knows it was Frau, Castor puts him to sleep, while back at Hohburg the Black Hawks prepare to retrieve the Eye of Mikhail. As Castor gets ready to erase his memories, Frau interferes, saying that if Teito's memories of Zehel are erased, he will forget Mikage's last smile. Frau and Castor argue for a short while, after which Frau coldly tells Castor to "Do what you want." and turns to leave. As Frau leaves, his scythe goes out of control and tries to attack an unconscious Teito, who awakens as the god Mikhail. Mikhail then uses illusions to try and threaten Castor and Frau but the two are unharmed, with Mikhail realising that they are both parts of the Seven ghosts. Castor tells Frau that the collar on Teito's neck has three commands: Bind, Sleep and Pain. Frau puts the god to sleep with the sleep command. Teito regains consciousness and is taken to a place showing Mikage's last words.
Episode 10
# Episode 11 11. Atonement for Loved Ones is is the eleventh episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was June 15th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Teito, now staying in the church, wonders what he can do to atone for Mikage's death. Castor advises him to take the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, something that will help him get revenge against the Barsburg Armed Forces. Teito agrees. Castor explains that the exam is two-part, and he must pass the written exam first. At first, this seems impossible, but when Teito takes a look at one of the books, he realizes he has read them all before. Castor is satisfied, and turns his attention to training Teito for the second exam. The second exam tests the person's ability to use Zaiphon techniques. When Teito doesn't progress with using a Baculus, Castor gives Teito a Frau doll with incredible speed, but despite Teito's best efforts he does not succeed in capturing the doll. After a talk with Labrador, Teito decides to learn and expose the truth of the world. While wandering in the hall, Teito sees a person who looks like Mikage, but unfortunately is an examinee named Hakuren Oak. Hakuren sees the Exam Badge on Teito's collar and points out the one he has, declaring Teito his rival.
Episode 11
# Episode 12 12. The Darkness Called "Pain" Treads Ever Closer is the twelfth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was June 22nd, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae' by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. A man is stopped in the street by a fortune teller who grants him three wishes in exchange for his soul. The man leaves with his wishes, but when he has used them, the woman returns and takes his soul. Meanwhile, Teito and Hakuren get off to a rough start, greeting each other with insults. While Teito pursues Burupya, who has climbed onto Hakuren's head, he stumbles across Bastien exorcising a Kor. Meanwhile, the man from before had become a Wars but he is destroyed by Frau. Teito discovers his roommate is Hakuren, much to both boys' annoyance. Later, Teito and Hakuren go to the practice hall to practise for the exam, and at the practice hall, the receptionist suddenly collapses. After taking him to the infirmary, Teito and Hakuren return to the practice hall with Hakuren demonstrating his skill with a Baculus, and Teito struggling at first. However, when thinking of Mikage, Teito floods the device with power so that he breaks the Baculus and the barrier. The Baculus Teito used is revealed to be Frau's. Meanwhile, Aldo, the receptionist, is murdered by a mysterious figure.
Episode 12
# Episode 13 13. Down the Path of Light I See... is the thirteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was June 29, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Aldo the murderer is found dead outside the Church gates, and people suspect it is the work of the Seven Ghosts. The next day, after regaining several memories the night before, Teito heads to the library in an attempt to find more about his past. He is soon joined by Hakuren and Frau, and after giving Frau a book containing porn, Hakuren and Frau instantly bond, although Assistant Archbishop Bastien soon confiscates it. Before the two leave, Teito asks if the Ghosts would really kill Aldo. Frau looks at Teito but says nothing, and Bastien replies that God punishes people. Later, Teito looks for Frau's room in order to return his broken Baculus but overhears Frau and Castor talking about him, and runs off upset. When Frau finds him, Teito accuses Frau and the Church of wanting the power of the Eye of Mikhail. Frau in turn tells Teito that it's up to him to decide whether or not to trust them, and warns Teito that he will not always be able to be by Teito's side. Frau then carelessly mentions Fea Kreuz, and Teito reacts with panic and suspicion, demanding to know how Frau knows about Kreuz, but Frau avoids the subject, whistling and announcing that it is time for dinner. Meanwhile, as Castor walks along the corridors, he senses an evil presence, and it is revealed that Kuroyuri has infiltrated the Church.
Episode 13
# Episode 14 14. A Reason to Fight Together... The Right to be Called Brothers in Arms... is the fourteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was July 6, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Castor, Labrador, and Frau discuss the mysterious figure who challenged Castor. That night, Teito begins his special training with Castor and the "Frau" dolls, as Haruse and Kuroyuri watch from a distance. When Teito returns to his room and changes his clothes, Hakuren notices the sklave brand on Teito's lower back, feels guilty for his earlier taunt of "elementary school kiddie", and tells Teito the reason he wants to become a Bishop. One night during his training session, Castor gives Teito a professional-grade Baculus and Teito is able to use it. Castor invites Hakuren to join them, since he'd been watching the whole thing for a while, but Hakuren declines. On the way back to their room, both Hakuren and Teito are attacked by a Wars, but are saved by Frau, and discover that the Wars was Aldo. Meanwhile, the Bishops of the Church are holding a meeting. They suspect that a Warsfeil is responsible for the recent disturbances in the Church. Teito and Hakuren wake up in Frau's room and Teito is furious at Hakuren for risking his life to save him. Teito declares that when he becomes strong enough to protect Hakuren, he wants to become his friend, something which Hakuren finds silly. Back in his room, Frau muses about Labrador's prophecy and the state of his scythe.
Episode 14
# Episode 15 15. That Day, I Was Certainly With Him is the fifteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was July 13th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. As Teito and Hakuren make their way to the library, Teito states that he's putting his all into studying for the Bishop's Exam. Haruse and Kuroyuri watch him from a distance and plan their attack. Meanwhile, in the library, Teito is approached by an unknown Bishop, Haruse in disguise, who gives Teito a Clergy Pass and message from the owner of the pass, whose name was Fea Kreuz. Castor attacks Haruse, and snares him with his Ghost strings, but he disappears in a cloud of black smoke before Castor is able to do anything else. However, Teito is troubled by his (Haruse's) words. Meanwhile, Frau senses an evil presence in the Church, and follows it to find Kuroyuri, who has mutilated several prisoners and used a Wars to force them to fight Frau. As Frau fights using "his" scythe, Kuroyuri disappears right before the arrival of the Imperial Guard, who arrest Frau for holding a Warsfeil Dagger and on suspicion of killing the criminals. Back at Hohburg, as Ayanami agrees to be sent to Antwort, Teito finally decides to trust everyone at the Church as Castor reveals Kreuz was excommunicated from the Church.
Episode 15
# Episode 16 16. Truth Lies in the Dark Abyss Where the Light Cannot Reach is the sixteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was July 20, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by is the ending theme. Summary. Castor reveals to Teito that his 'father', Fea Kreuz, was excommunicated for stealing Pandora's Box. While experiencing several flashbacks about the Raggs War, Teito refuses to believe that Kreuz was a bad person. Labrador receives a message from the flowers, and tells Castor and Teito that Frau is to be given the death sentence. Meanwhile, Bastien talks with Archbishop Jio about Frau, and Jio replies that if Frau were innocent, then there is a traitor within the Church. Teito goes off in search of Light Dungeon, the prison that Fraus is being kept in, and is aided by Razette, who leads him there. As Teito attempts to break Frau free, Frau stops him, then asks Teito to smile for him. Teito manages an awkward smile, and then remembers the time when Mikage would teach him how to smile. Seeing as Frau refuses to escape with him, Teito then exits the waterway. Hakuren appears and gives him a towel. That night, they both decide to investigate the tower where Frau was arrested, in order to prove his innocence.
Episode 16
# Episode 17 17. The Family With Wings of Darkness, Enshrouded in Misery, Flies Down is the seventeenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was July 27th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by is the ending theme. Summary. As the Black Hawks prepare to depart for Antwort, Teito, Burupya and Hakuren arrive at the scene of the crime, ready to prove Frau's innocence. The boys leave their Baculuses at the entrance and venture inside, where they are greeted by the Guardians of the Bridge of Trials, whom only Teito can see. Despite finding no clues, as the room had been purified, Teito and Hakuren are soon joined by assistant Archbishop Bastien, who tells them all about Frau's childhood. Bastien leaves and goes to visit Frau in his cell. As the two boys walk away, Hakuren suddenly notices that their Bascules are tainted, which only happens when a Warsfeil touches them. They then begin to suspect that Bastien is the Warsfeil, so they rush after him in order to confirm this fact. The Imperial Guard chases after Teito and Hakuren, but the two boys successfully evade the guards and enter Bastien's room, where they find a secret passage-way hidden behind the bookcase. When they arrive at the end of the corridor, they are greeted by Bastien, who immediately attacks the boys, using a Wars, and announces that Teito is to be executed for treason in the name of the Barsburg Empire.
Episode 17
# Episode 18 18. The One Who Must be Forgiven Drowns in Darkness... The One Who Loves Him is Filled With Tears is the eighteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was August 3, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae' by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. After Teito has been knocked unconscious by the Wars, Hakuren Oak attacks Bastien, but doesn't manage to hurt him and instead becomes snared in Bastien's tendrils. Bastien reveals that he is a spy of Ayanami's, and threatens to kill Hakuren if Teito does not surrender himself. Teito lets Bastien's Wars attack him willingly, so as not to cause Hakuren harm. Meanwhile, Labrador's predictions become worse and worse and he and Castor decide to take action against the intruders. The intruders are Kuroyuri and Haruse from the Black Hawks, disguised as an acolyte and a Bishop respectively, with two Imperial Guard imposters who apprehend the guards. While Kuroyuri and Haruse travel to Frau's cell, Kuroyuri notices something is wrong and Haruse leaves to investigate the greenhouse, where he is confronted by Labrador. While Haruse and Labrador are confronting each other, Teito is imprisoned in a ball where a lot of Wars reside. Teito and the Eye of Mikhail begin to fight over control, which results in some of the Wars entering Teito's body. Zehel arrives, saves Teito and Hakuren, kills Bastien, and has a brief conversation with Mikhail, then takes Teito back to his (Teito's) room when Mikhail becomes dormant again. As Kuroyuri goes to kill Frau in his cell, the body in Frau's cell is revealed to be one of Castor's dolls instead. Castor appears and digs into Kuroyuri's soul, meeting Ayanami.
Episode 18
# Episode 19 19. The One-Sided, Yet Never Dying Love Finds Itself... is the nineteenth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was August 10th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. As the exam date nears, two new characters, Ouida and Liam, are introduced. Both are acolytes preparing to take the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, and do all they can to make sure they are prepared, such as attending sermons, revising the texts, and visiting the statue of Fest where people gather to pray. Meanwhile, Castor uses Kuroyuri to interrogate and torture Ayanami, who recognises Castor as Fest. When Ayanami frees Kuroyuri, and they begin to fight, an explosion separates the two and Haruse catches Kuroyuri, while Labrador catches Castor. Kuroyuri and Haruse disappear. As participants in the exam of the church gather, the battle between the soldiers of the army and the protectors of the church continues. Bastien gets a proper funeral to keep the truth under wraps and make life continue as normal. While Bastien's funeral is going on, Hakuren gets his up close and personal encounter with the Eye of Mikhail while he is taking care of Teito. After Teito wakes up, the darkness in his heart awakens the darkness that escaped into the Eye of Mikhail, and Hakuren barely manages to grab Teito as the darkness engulfs them both, before Frau is able to reach them.
Episode 19
# Episode 2 2. Nostalgic Memories Accompany Pain is the second episode of the 07 ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was April 13, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. After earlier being hit by Ayanami's Zaiphon, Teito falls towards the rocks below, but his fall is broken by a Hawkzile rider. The man who he crashed into, Frau, carries him to the Church after the other men notice he is injured. After waking, Teito attempts to escape out of fear by jumping from the window, only to be saved, where the three men introduce themselves as Frau, Castor, and Labrador- all bishops of the Church, which lies in the 7th District of the Barsburg empire. Teito wonders about the condition of Mikage, who had helped him escape from the Academy. He (Teito) later visits the Church library, wishing to know more about his murky past and his connection to the Raggs Kingdom. He decides to find out the truth about the Raggs Kingdom and his past. Meanwhile, back at the Academy, Mikage is questioned by Ayanami as to whether he helped Teito escape or not. When he refuses to answer, Ayanami gives him a choice: either to save his family, whom he treasures, or to save Teito.
Episode 2
# Episode 20 20. They Both Offer A Requiem is the twentieth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was August 17th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. After they are almost captured by Kuroyuri and Haruse, Teito and Hakuren manage to leap off the Hawkzile carrying them and are aided by Frau. After an intense battle, the Eye of Mikhail attempts to save Teito's life by separating itself from Teito and taking the Wars with it. After separation, the Eye unleashes its full power to destroy the enemies threatening Teito, making it rain fire upon the enemy air ships. Frau decides to save Teito and leave the Eye of Mikhail to fall in enemy hands. Teito is disheartened by the loss of the Eye, but Frau manages to cheer him up. Later, Labrador gives Frau a plant. Because bishop Bastien fell into the darkness, he was not reborn as a human; instead, he was reborn as an Evie tree. Frau plants the tree in the garden of the church so Bastien would be with them for many years to come. Teito finally recognizes Hakuren as his friend and prepares for the bishop exam. On their way to the exam, Teito accidentally steps on a key token that one of the bishops dropped and breaks it. Unfortunately for Teito, that same bishop, Lance, is their head examiner.
Episode 20
# Episode 21 21. Therefore, You Pass Through The Door Of The Defeated... is the twenty-first episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was August 24th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. At Hohburg Fortress, the higher-ups of the military demand Ayanami's execution after two fleet ships, lead by him, crashed in District 7. Faced with evidence of the Eye of Mikhail, the military decides to search for its master, and cover up the battle with Mikhail. Right before the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, Teito finds out that his Zaiphon seems to have been drained since his loss of the Eye of Mikhail. Teito is mocked by Wade and Kyle but Hakuren silences them, and Ouida lends Teito some of his Zaiphon. The exam starts and the aspirant bishops go through several challenges: the first to overcome their fear, the second testing their biblical knowledge, and the third being them walking a tightrope. Finally, they reach the last challenge: which is to decide which one of them passes, as only one can walk through the door of the victor. After arguing with each other, they both decide to walk through the door of the defeated. Bishop Lance appears and tells them that their selfless solution made them pass.
Episode 21
# Episode 22 22. Led By The Light In The Water's Depth, He Spies Upon... is the twenty-second episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was August 31st, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae' by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. After passing the first exam, Teito and Hakuren are allowed to watch the others with examiner Lance. They all watch Wade and Kyle fumble at the last challenge when Wade's greedy nature makes him fail, and also see Liam and Ouida pass when they both run through the door of the defeated. Teito and Hakuren learn that the old men they helped before are in fact Former Assistant Archbishops who tagged along to assess the progress of the participants. Meanwhile, Labrador senses a dark threat as the military advances towards the church. Teito and Hakuren go to Razette, the noel mermaid, as the Former Assistant Archbishops suggested, and she takes them to an inner sanctuary where Teito gets to see his father, the King of Raggs, and 'father', the priest who raised him. He is told to never forget who he is, the Prince of Raggs Kingdom. Afterwards, they hurry back to the courtyard where bishop Lance is impatiently waiting for them. The second part of the exam is a challenge to face their inner demons inside a room. They pass when they come out the other door. Hakuren starts off by defeating a gigantic Kor and Teito faces his biggest enemy: Ayanami. Differences between the manga and anime. The inner sanctuary that Teito and Hakuren visit does not appear in the manga.
Episode 22
# Episode 23 23. Beyond The Heart's Darkness is the twenty-third episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was September 7th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. The second exam resumes, and figments of their imaginations become real for the remaining acolytes: the physical realisation of their deepest fears. Teito faces his biggest enemy, Ayanami, and Hakuren is confronted with a cloaked figure attempting to kill his father. Both acolytes are forced to see visions of the past, Teito seeing the hurt and pain he caused Mikage's family and Hakuren re-living his abandonment by his father. Meanwhile, Ouida battles with the illusion of the relatives who stole his parents' fortune, and passes the exam when he realises the greed of those around him brought him closer to his brother. Hakuren also passes when he realises that to abandon his father would make him no better than him. When it looks as if Teito is about to fail, he realises that the 'Ayanami' before him is actually the manifestation of the part of himself that he couldn't forgive, and with that he passes. When Teito is ready and attempts to leave the second examination, the rest of the church is invaded by the imperial army, and when Teito opens the door to exit the examination room, Ayanami, having arrived in the Church far before the army landed, uses his black magic to warp reality and force Teito to return back to the beginning of the exam and confronts him with a dark smile on his face.
Episode 23
# Episode 24 24. The Justice of Those Who Lack Love Is... Oh Heart That Is Stolen By Darkness, Forever... is the twenty-fourth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was September 14, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. Ayanami appears in front of Teito, and Teito wonders if Ayanami is just an illusion like before. As Teito tries to attack Ayanami, Ayanami mocks Teito for still relying on the Eye of Mikhail when it is no longer in his possession. Ayanami uses his Zaiphon to bring Teito and himself to the center of the earth, and Teito attacks Ayanami, who mocks him for being weak. Meanwhile, Frau is still waiting for Teito to exit the examination room when Hakuren runs up to him to tell him that imperial forces have stormed the Barsburg church. All of a sudden, Kuroyuri confronts the two of them. S/he explains that she/he wanted to kill the gardener (Labrador) who took Haruse's soul, but has been ordered to attack Frau. Bishop Lance is confronted by Katsuragi, and Hyuuga and Konatsu attack Castor and Labrador. As his subordinates battle the bishops and Hakuren, Ayanami tries to read Teito's memories but Fea Kreuz's (Vertrag's) seal stops him. The Bishops and Black Hawks continue to fight: Ayanami completely outmatches Teito; Kuroyuri is overpowered by Frau's light but not defeated; Lance slightly overwhelms Katsurugi but is unable to truly defeat him yet; and Hyuuga and Konatsu remain equally matched with Labrador and Castor. Ayanami, now annoyed, threatens to slaughter the hostages in the Church if Teito does not search his memories for the location of Pandora's Box. Long Summary. As Ayanami walks in the shadows and eventually Teito comes face-to-face with him, Teito wonders if it is an illusion but Ayanami says he is real and begins to mock Teito for the path he chose as he has a far more suitable job for him. As Teito angrily rebuffs the statement, Ayanami mocks him for still relying on the Eye despite having lost it. Teito defiantly says he will defeat Ayanami on his own. Ayanami, not wanting Teito's friends to help, uses his powers to send them to the Center of the Earth, where he says this is the last world Teito shall ever see. Teito angrily attacks Ayanami, but Ayanami effortlessly repels the attacks while clearly not fighting at full strength and he mocks Teito for his lack of dark emotions. As the Bishops take arms to fight against Barsburg Imperial Army, Frau realizes that Teito is currently hindered by something, just as Hakuren arrives to warn him. Suddenly, Kuroyuri arrives and begins to fight Frau. Meanwhile, Katsurugi is met by Lance and Hyuuga and Konatsu begins to battle Castor and Labrador after killing the spy the army sent. Meanwhile, Ayanami has Teito beaten to the ground and after following him, asks on his memories and reveals that he is aware of Kreuz's journey and that he left something inside Teito. He then pins his arm down with his leg and painfully probes his memories but Kreuz's trap stops him and Teito then continues fighting Ayanami, who continues to mock Teito for his dependence on the light rather than the darkness. Kuroyuri eventually forces Frau to use his Scythe and Katsurugi at first pressures Lance but is soon overwhelmed instead while Castor and Labrador are holding their ground against Hyuuga and Konatsu. Teito remains unable to pose any significiant challenge to Ayanami, who mocks him for his inferiority, causing Teito to snap angrily and began attacking him brutally, but Ayanami easily dodges the relentless attacks and pleased by Teito's rage, says that he will be the source of all of Teito's darkness and attacks Mikage. Teito immediately rushes to Mikage and then regains control and continues battling Ayanami. The Bishops and the Black Hawks continue their battle, with Frau having the upper hand over Kuroyuri, Katsurugi and Lance fight to a draw adn Hyugga and Konatsu remain even with Castor and Labrador. Ayanami then decides to threaten Teito by saying that he will kill all of the Church's inhabitants.
Episode 24
# Episode 25 25. The Heart Is Lead By The Truth On The Other Side... is the twenty-fifth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was September 22nd, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. Teito and Ayanami are still in the center of the earth. Teito battles with Ayanami but does not manage to land a blow. When the Eye of Mikhail is revealed, Teito uses its power to send everyone to Pandora's Box. Ayanami observes the situation and then orders the Black Hawks to retreat. Both groups start to battle, until Ayamani splits the bonds, and he and the rest of the Black Hawks disappear through a portal Kuroyuri summoned. The Bishops and Teito also leave. Frau, Labrador, and Castor wait for Teito as he exits the Bridge of Trials and tell him that he passed the exam and is now an apprentice Bishop, with his mentor being Frau. Teito and Frau are to escape through a secret passage built for the Pope in case of emergency. While they run towards the secret exit, Teito runs into Hakuren where they bid each other goodbye as equals. Before they leave, Teito declares what he intends to do from now on. Everyone approves and he bids them farewell. Frau and Teito get on a Hawkzile and with Labrador's flower guide, make their escape.
Episode 25
# Episode 3 3. My Innocent Child, Sleep Within the Light is the third episode of the 07 ghost anime series. The original date is was aired was April 20th 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Teito decides to leave the Church and travel to Hohburg Fortress in order to rescue Mikage. After his first escape attempt is stopped by Frau, he stumbles across an old man who speaks about his dead wife, tells Teito 'he' is able to grant him a wish, and tells him to come to him at midnight. Teito decides to leave during the night but Frau interrupts him. Teito is angered by Frau's comments and attacks him using his Zaiphon. However, Frau is easily able to overpower Teito, and during the fight, Castor realises Teito is a member of the Military Academy, and Teito finally reveals his name. After waking up, Teito considers the proposal of the old man and decides to go to the courtyard upon hearing the midnight bell. Frau realises something is wrong and travels to the courtyard too. Meanwhile, back at Hohburg Fortress, Mikage still cannot decide who he should save: Teito or his sister.
Episode 3
# Episode 4 4. To the Depths of the Earnest Prayer is the fourth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date is was aired was April 27th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. Teito Klein meets the Old Man, telling him his wish to see his best friend Mikage, who is still being interrogated by Ayanami in Hohburg Fortress. The old man places a symbol on Teito's chest while Teito begins to have visions of Mikage. The flower that Labrador gave him stops him, and the Bishops appear before him. Frau attacks the old man, who turns out to be a Kor. It takes the combined efforts of Castor and Frau to release the man's soul. Frau takes Teito back to his (Teito's) room and manages to remove the mark of the Kor on Teito's chest. As the military continues to search for Teito, Teito is introduced to Razette, the Noel mermaid, and the two strike up a friendship. Teito learns more of the three wishes given by the Chief of Heaven as well as the intentions of the Kor, and Castor informs him to keep the incident with the Kor a secret. Back at Hohburg, Mikage makes his final choice: he won't betray his best friend. Ayanami releases a surge of Zaiphon at Mikage.
Episode 4
# Episode 5 5. Hot Tears, Gently Fill his Heart is the fifth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date is was aired was May 4, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Brief Summary. Teito is still affected by his encounter with the Old Man and the Kor, and Bishops Frau, Castor, and Labrador wonder what the wish was that Teito made to the Kor. Back at Hohburg Fortress, Ayanami holds a meeting with the Black Hawks, where they muse how Teito managed to escape. Meanwhile, at the Barsburg church, Teito wonders why everyone is so kind to him. He is advised by Razette to go to mass, and on the way there, Teito has a vision where he realizes that he is the heir to the Raggs Kingdom, the son of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, and the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail. While trying to leave the Barsburg Church, Teito is shocked to see Mikage walking towards him. Mikage decides to stay with Teito at the Church, and while they are talking in one of the Church gardens, they are attacked by a Kor sent by Ayanami. Teito fights the Kor, but cannot hurt it. Frau appears and cleanses the man's soul from the Kor. When night comes, Teito reveals to Mikage his connection with the Raggs Kingdom.
Episode 5
# Episode 6 6. The Path of Justice Leads to Light is the sixth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was May 11th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. As the Black Hawks return to their normal duties, the Barsburg Church has its annual bazaar, and Teito, Mikage, and the sisters visit the bishops' shops. Labrador has a candy flower shop which has always been popular, Castor has a clothes shop, and Frau has a meat shop, which is normally forbidden. Meanwhile, the Black Hawks have been ordered to infiltrate District 7 by the higher-ups as it fosters runaway battle sklaves. As the Bishops prepare for the baptism ceremony, Teito talks to Frau and admits he feels like Mikage is hiding something from him. At the entrance of the Church, Mikage helps a girl whose carriage has crashed into the Church. Before Mikage can take the girl to the bishops, the girl reveals that she has been possessed by a Kor and attacks him. Teito comes to Mikage's rescue, but when the Kor captures Mikage, the Eye of Mikhail activates, blinding the Kor. Frau comes and defeats the Kor while Teito falls unconscious. When Teito wakes up, he and Mikage talk while the bishops watch them.
Episode 6
# Episode 7 7. Does the Soul that was Devoured by the Wings, Dream of its Beloved Child? is the seventh episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date is was aired was May 18, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. During the annual bazaar, Mikage wonders whether or not he should leave the church when he thinks about the choice Ayanami gave him between Teito and his sister, but seeing Teito so happy convinces Mikage to stay for a while. As Teito and Mikage talk, Mikage is being watched by one of Castor's dolls. Mikage has a flashback of himself and Teito when they were in the academy, and remembers how Teito was when he was a student. Mikage notices a little boy watching him from behind a tree and tries to talk to the boy, but he (the boy) runs off. The boy is caught stealing bread from a shop, but the bishops let him go and distract the vendor who caught him stealing. He tells Teito and Mikage that his name is Tajio, his mom is dead and his dad went to go earn money. Meanwhile, the sisters put on a play for people who are visiting the church, but Tajio thinks it's real and ruins the play when he attempts to save Athena, after he sees Libelle brandishing a knife. Mikage and Teito briefly pretend to be actors and escort Tajio off the set. Tajio's dad comes to take him home, but is revealed to have been possessed by a Kor. The Eye of Mikhail activates but stops when Frau arrives and defeats the Kor. Tajio and his dad go home. Teito, Mikage and the bishops watch them leave as Mikage thinks again about the choice Ayanami gave him.
Episode 7
# Episode 8 8. Half of His Soul Arouses a Sad Awakening is the eighth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was May 25th, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by . Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. As Teito and Mikage talk, Labrador's predictions become more and more worrying, and Mikage begins to raise Teito's suspicions as his hands are cold. Mikage suddenly feels something inside of himself awaken, and as one last favour, asks Teito to kill him. As his last words, Mikage tells Teito that he loves him and that he’s always considered Teito to be just as important as his family. Ayanami then possesses Mikage, releasing one Kor wing. Teito and Mikage fight, but Teito is able to avoid injury and escape with the help of one of Castor’s dolls. Meanwhile, at the Church, Castor senses that his doll has lost signal and senses that a half Kor has entered the church. He goes off to find Teito, who has been found by Ayanami. Teito begs Ayanami to give Mikage back, but Ayanami puts a promise collar on Teito's neck, and Teito attempts to commit suicide, only falling unconscious. The God Mikhail appears, and there is a flash of light as Teito’s eyes open, revealing his pupils to be blood red and slitted. Ayanami looks down in surprise as Mikhail asks “Who are you to hurt my master?".
Episode 8
# Episode 9 9. The Color of His Soul Will Be Forever is the ninth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. The original date it was aired was June 1st, 2009. The episodes of 07 Ghost were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009. The series uses two pieces of theme music: 'Aka no Kakera' by Yuuki Suzuki is the opening theme, while 'Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is the ending theme. Summary. Mikage, who is being controlled by Ayanami, is still fighting Teito while Frau is on his way. The Eye of Mikhail awakens and, Teito, half out of control, attacks Mikage but is soon stopped by Ayanami. Frau finally appears, and is recognized by Ayanami as Zehel, one of the Seven Ghosts. Frau tries to stop Ayanami, but realises he will be unable to save Mikage. When the scythe is close to Mikage, Ayanami takes action and slices off part of the Kor wing. Ayanami stops controlling Mikage, while Mikage's wing starts to shatter. Feathers appear and Mikage starts to vanish. After giving Teito one last hug, Mikage dies. Frau then takes Teito to his dorm, where Teito remembers the moment when Mikage befriended him and how he defended him. Frau later visits Teito, knocking down Teito's door despite the nuns' protests, and Teito notices a Fyulong pup crawling close to him, which turns out to be the reincarnation of Mikage. Frau tries to remove Teito's collar but ends up making a pact with him, meaning Frau has become Teito's master.
Episode 9
# Episode Listing Episode Listing is a list of all the episodes of the 07 Ghost anime series. The episodes of the 07 Ghost series were created by Studio DEEN. Directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto, the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6th, 2009. The animated series uses two pieces of theme music; Aka no Kakera by Yuuki Suzuki is used in the opening theme, while Hitomi no Kotae by Noria is used in the ending credits.
Episode Listing
# Eve SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Eve is a minor protagonist and one of the few recurring female characters in the 07-Ghost manga series. She is the deceased daughter of the Chief of Heaven and indirectly caused the creation of the Seven Ghosts, because her death made Verloren escape to the human world. Etymology. Eve is the name of the first human woman and Adam's second wife in abrahamic religions. In English, the word 'eve' refers to the day before an important event or occasion. Eve (Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን or Hiywan, "living one" or "source of life". Appearance. Physical appearance. Eve is petite and slim. She has a rather large bust and skinny arms and legs. Her height and build are similar to Teito's, making her height and weight an estimated 156 cm and 43 kg respectively. Her face is round, with fair skin, a small, upturned nose, and a small mouth with full lips. Her eyes are large, wide and of an unknown light colour. Her hair is wavy, waist-length, and a dark colour. However, in manga chapters 94 and 95, she appears with light-coloured hair. She physically appears to be in her late teens or early twenties, though her true age is unknown. Overall, Eve greatly resembles Teito Klein, although she looks older than him. She bears little resemblance to her father. Clothing. Eve wears a sleeveless, dark dress with a high neck-guard over a white, frilly under-skirt. At the centre of the neck-guard of her dress, the symbol of the Barsburg cross can be seen. She also wears thigh-high boots and elbow-length gloves that are the same colour as her dress and lined with gold, as well as a white half-mantle over her left shoulder which appears to be held in place by an elaborately decorated brooch. Her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail and held in place with a large ornament that somewhat resembles a flower. Personality. A compassionate and optimistic young woman, she cared deeply about her family and friends. She sympathized with Verloren after he told her he couldn't touch anyone or they would die, and continued to visit and show him kindness. She also helped guide Landkarte out of the Ninth Layer of Hell, despite his initial dislike of her. Eve was willing to risk her life to save Verloren from his imprisonment, which eventually led to her death. Relationships. Heaven. Verloren. Eve and Verloren greatly cared for each other, and she visited him often, despite Verloren's complaints. Eve enjoyed teasing Verloren when she visited, joking his Kor were "better" than him, and playfully referring to him as an "old loner." Her optimistic personality made it so that she was dismissive of Verloren's pessimism, although she didn't mind scolding Verloren when she thought he deserved it, and would reprimand him for his vanity. In an effort to get him to embrace his own feelings, Eve taught Verloren about the importance of expressing his emotions, which she believed would help him understand himself and other people better. Her efforts appear to have paid off, as Verloren eventually began to understand his own feelings and even learned to express them. Verloren disliked seeing Eve unhappy , and that he let Eve tease him, though he was occasionally exasperated by it. However, he also expressed annoyance at her continuous visits, grumbling to himself that she distracted him from his work. Verloren was once shown wanting to reach out and touch her, but then just lowered his hand and quietly saw her off. Kapitel 97 reveals that Eve truly loved Verloren, as she went against her father's command and stole the key to Verloren's prison cell in order to liberate him, as he would be executed the morning after. Verloren did not have a chance to confess his feelings for her. It's revealed that Verloren was indeed Eve's murderer, grabbing ahold of her as she fell into him, dying in his arms due to his fatal touch. Eve doesn't seem to hold a grudge against Verloren for killing her, as she smiles up at him while dying. Her last words to Verloren are that she feels happy that she finally can stay with him together. Verloren, keeping his earlier promise, lays Eve's body in a field full of Flowers of Eden, which she found to be pretty, due to the white petals reminding her of snow. Strangely enough, although he grieved her loss, Verloren doesn't appear to feel guilty about causing his beloved's death: when accused of murdering her, simply says that he should have killed her sooner. The Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of her death, and Verloren, sanity slipping, denounced his duties as the Chief of Heaven's greatest creation in order to search for her reincarnation on earth. Eve's death is the reason for Verloren's descent into madness. After Eve's death, Verloren became insane with grief and was inconsolable. His sole mission became to find her soul and reunite with it. He escaped to earth, which became contaminated with disease and plague in his presence, and began searching for her. Verloren became so obsessed with finding his love again that he was willing to kill everyone on earth down to the last person alive in an effort to find her. By the time his search was stopped by the 07-Ghosts, he had already killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people (chapter 46). When Profe/Labrador tells Verloren/Ayanami he can never have what he wants again, a picture of Eve is in the background, and Ayanami is furious at Labrador's comment. Even after a thousand years have passed, Ayanami, the current reincarnation of Verloren, still wants to find Eve after regaining his memories as Verloren, and shows no interest in any other woman. He once declared to himself that once he regains his true body, he will definitely find her. Chief of Heaven. Though they loved each other, Eve and her father had a somewhat strained relationship. Eve thought her father did not understand her and this was the reason for their arguments, though she believed they could eventually overcome this. She also disobeyed her father when he repeatedly told her not to visit Verloren, though this was not done to spite her father, but to see her friend. Their arguments would cause Eve to run away from home and not talk to her father for long periods of time, but the subject of the argument is unknown. Eve defied her father when he wanted to execute Verloren, an action that resulted in her death. Despite their differences, Eve admitted that she missed her father after a week of not talking to him, and the Chief of Heaven reacted with outrage at her death, showing that they did truly care for each other. Eve may have felt exasperated over the Chief's preoccupation with beauty, as she sighed and said 'Good grief' when she learned that her father had given Verloren a beautiful face on purpose. Humans. Teito Klein. Eve first meets Teito within Pandora's Box, where Eve seemed concerned with Teito's safety, and helps him by explaining the situation. Teito notes that although this is his first time meeting Eve, he feels close to her, as if he's met her somewhere before. She also wishes Teito good luck for his attempt to rescue Frau before she disappears. Fans have long suspected that Teito is Eve's reincarnation. However, Kapitel 98 disproves this theory. Frau. Eve guides Teito to where Frau is and reveals that Frau has transformed into Verloren's scythe to stop Verloren's revival. Ayanami. Being Verloren's reincarnation, Ayanami is determined to find Eve's soul, and is often shown thinking about her. Pets. Arcady. Eve seemed to treat her horse well, calming it down when they were lost in a forest in Heaven. Arcady seemed to trust Eve's judgement, as it didn't panic when Verloren appeared and let Verloren walk beside it. Other. Kor. Eve was shown to get along well with the Kor. When a pair of Kor tried to take her back home, Eve ordered them to put her down, which they did and affectionately welcomed her back. She referred to the Kor as "children," and joked that the Kor were much better listeners than Verloren himself. It's implied that the Kor may only be attracted to Eve for her soul, which they refer to as "beautiful," and "delicious," but Verloren sends them away before Eve overhears. Landkarte. Despite Landkarte's dislike of her, Eve helps him while he's trapped within the Ninth Sphere of Hell. She seemed to be concerned for Landkarte's well-being, as she refused to let go of his hand because he would be swallowed by darkness if she did. She also took pity on him, forgave him for his actions, and gently scolded him for his behavior towards humans, explaining to him why his actions weren't acceptable and helping him understand wrongdoings. Abilities and Attributes. Being a goddess, Eve appears to be ageless. Strangely, although she's the daughter of the Chief of Heaven, Eve isn't immortal, as according to a legend, she was killed by Verloren, and her corpse is shown in a coffin in Heaven. She has also been shown to have quick reflexes and is highly aware of her surroundings, as she was able to sense Verloren approaching her, although he moved silently, and quickly turned to confront him. She had some degree of control over the Kor, as when Verloren commanded some Kor to take her home, she commanded them to bring her back to him, and the Kor listened to her instead of Verloren. Eve has also been shown to be skilled at riding horses, as the first time she appeared in the series, she was shown riding a horse named Arcady through a forest in Heaven. Eve is able to read and write text written in the language of the gods, and presumably able to speak it as well. Eve also appears to know quite a bit about humanity, as she lectures Landkarte about them. Being a goddess, she is probably knowledgeable about spiritual matters, and has been shown to possess knowledge of the Ninth Layer of Hell. Eve is apparently also able to survive within Verloren's core and doesn't lose her sanity within the ninth layer of hell, showing that she has rather high spiritual resilience. Eve's Sword. Eve's sword is her weapon, which she always carried with her during outings 1000 years ago, prior to her death. She was shown to be very skilled when using her sword, being able to wield it easily enough to block Verloren's hand despite the weapon's large size. The weapon's current whereabouts are unknown. Omnipresence. After her death, Eve is able to exist everywhere in the human world as the light in humans' hearts. She is apparently also able to access the Ninth Layer of Hell. History. Early childhood. Little is known about Eve's early years. It could be that Chief of Heaven simply willed her into existence and then proclaimed her his daughter. At some point in her life, Eve learned how to wield a sword and ride a horse. Meeting Verloren. Eve was riding through the forest in Heaven but got lost. Attempting to find her way back, she followed one of the paths but before she could go any further she saw a shadow behind her. Startled, Eve drew her sword and turned, but found it was Verloren who informed her that she was about to enter a restricted area. Eve recognized Verloren as her father's 'greatest creation', but was surprised at the sight of him, as he was in his cloaked skeletal form at the time. She requested that he show a face that had more expression, and in response Verloren showed her his human face (one that looked identical to the one Ayanami has now). His beauty surprised Eve, and she demanded to know why Verloren would choose 'such a beautiful form'. Verloren explained that this was the form his creator gave him, prompting Eve to sigh upon hearing that this was her father's design. Verloren offered to guide her back out of the forest, which she accepted. As they walked, she noticed some Flower of Eden petals falling and rushed to have a better look at them. Verloren explained that they relieved the dead of suffering and lured them to purgatory where they would meet the Chief of Heaven. Eve told Verloren that she thought him kind, despite his job destroying bad souls, because he made them; but Verloren denied this being an act of kindness, and explained to Eve that if he took away the pain of death, more people would want to give up their lives. Eve turned to Verloren and told him that she thought the petals pretty, "just like snow". When Verloren and Eve got to the edge of the forest, Eve began to walk on, and Verloren was shown reaching for her, but as she advanced forward, he dropped his hand and let her walk away. Death. "Main article: Eve's Death " After Verloren was imprisoned by the Chief of Heaven, Eve stole the key to the cell Veloren was being kept in and helped him escape. During their escape, Eve is injured and falls back into Verloren, making direct contact with him. Due to his fatal touch, Eve's body starts to fade away, but Eve smiles up at Verloren as she dies. Keeping his earlier promise to Eve, Verloren put her corpse in a field full of Flowers of Eden. Manga synopsis. Guiding Teito to Landkarte. Eve appears to Teito within Verloren's core and guides him towards an unconscious Landkarte. While Teito works to free Landkarte's core, Eve helps guide Landkarte out of his darkness. Saving Landkarte. She encourages him to wake up and calls his name, to which Landkarte expresses confusion at being called by his name. Eve surmises that Landkarte has been stuck within the Ninth Layer of Hell long enough to forget his own name, and explains to him the time's instability. She explains to him that they should leave, but Landkarte doesn't know where to go, stating he doesn't have anywhere to return to; however Eve explains that Landkarte needs to return to his friend who's waiting for him. Hearing her words, Landkarte questions who that someone is, but Eve takes his hand in her own to help encourage him forward. Landkarte shrinks away from her, commenting that her brightness will "burn" and asks her to let him go. Eve refuses, and says that he will become lost in darkness if he lets go of her hand. Landkarte refutes this as impossible, and says that it's painful to walk and that he doesn't want to move forward anymore. He says that he doesn't want to go where she's leading him, and says that he's "long given up on wishing for the light." Eve questions the sincerity of the last part and advises him to look back, Landkarte does as she tells him and realizes that the darkness around him is the darkness that dwells within him and that it's chasing after him. Landkarte questions Eve and asks, if he goes where she leads him, will the darkness be purified as it pursues him? Hearing his question, Eve laughs, and says that her intuition has been proven correct, as she suspected that he wasn't someone who belonged in hell forever. Landkarte explains that he was supposed to punish people for their sins to save the people, but admits that he eventually forgot to forgive the sinners. Eve scolds him gently and tells him the reason he became surrounded by darkness was because he took other people's sins onto himself so he could bear it for them. Landkarte questions whether what he did was wrong, pointing out that he was supposed to help purify the world. Eve acknowledges that sin is something evil, but explains to Landkarte that sin is also necessary for people to mature throughout life. She tells him that people grow up when they receive love, which helps them forgive the people they hate, and explains that humanity was created to be that way "since the beginning." She adds, brightly, that the world is much better like that. Landkarte realizes that love and hate are part of humans, which is why he could never separate anyone from the negativity of their own hatred. Eve tells him that, if he truly wants to help people, then he should guide them along the way, watching over them and scolding them until they reform. She tells him that people can move forward even if it's only his words, and explains that even if someone dies unreformed and goes to hell, Landkarte's words would eventually become a source of hope for the person. Eve gently explains to Landkarte that by trying to carry everyone's sin upon his shoulders he was being like a parent who couldn't let go of their child's hand, no matter how much time had passed and how mature the child had grown, smiling as she points out that he's too kind. Guiding Teito to Frau. After helping Landkarte, Eve appears to Teito and guides him to Verloren's core. She explains that their current location is within Verloren's core, and that Verloren will revive if his soul is absorbed by a special throne. Teito questions if Frau blocked Verloren's revival by stabbing Verloren's Scythe into the throne instead, and Eve confirms that that's what happened. In chapter 95, Eve suggests that Teito persuade Frau from within the deep psyche of his mind not to become Verloren, although it will be difficult due to Frau blocking outside influences. Teito decides to do that and concentrates on the scythe, losing focus of Eve as he dives into Frau's psyche. Before he's completely submerged in Frau's psyche, he hears Eve wishing him good luck, and she disappears. Guiding Verloren. Eve is last seen talking to Verloren, explaining what happened to her after she died in heaven and demonstrating knowledge of Verloren's life as Ayanami/Krowell. After talking to her, Verloren is finally able to find peace and leaves the human world. Eve remains in the human world as the light in humans' hearts.
# Eve's Death Eve's Death was the accidental murder of Eve, the daughter of the Chief of Heaven, at the hands of Verloren, the God of Death, and is the precursor of all other conflicts in the series.  Background. Verloren's defect. Verloren was created by the Chief of Heaven, who gave him the responsibility of assigning human souls to different destinations in the afterlife: Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. At the same time, Verloren was not supposed to let emotions interfere with his work, or he would develop a defect that would turn everyone and everything he came into contact with 'black like mud'. Meeting Eve. Despite the Chief's efforts to keep them apart, Verloren and Eve met one day, grew closer after their first meeting and eventually fell in love.  History leading up to conflict. The Chief's decision. The Chief of Heaven decided to imprison and execute Verloren, despite his (the Chief's) advisors' objections.  Rescue attempt. Refusing to accept her father's decision, Eve tried to break Verloren out of prison. Verloren, who had already accepted his fate, resisted at first, but a while later, cooperated with her and escaped his prison. The conflict. Heavenly Guards. However, Eve's rescue mission was derailed when some heavenly guards arrived and attempted to attack Verloren. Eve defended Verloren, to the dismay of the guards, who tried to convince her to leave; however, she refused and told them not to harm him. Eve's injury. Inadvertently, an attack by one of the heavenly guards that was intended for Verloren missed and hit Eve instead. Injured, Eve began to collapse. Accidental murder. Verloren caught hold of Eve, forgetting that he was forbidden to touch anyone because of his defect. Eve died almost instantly after falling into his arms. Aftermath. Eve's burial. Verloren buried Eve in a field of the Flower of Eden, a type of flower Eve had found pretty.  The Chief's accusation and Verloren's descent. Enraged, the Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of killing Eve, a charge Verloren did not deny. Maddened with grief and rage, Verloren left heaven and descended to the human world, massacring humans in a desperate attempt to find Eve's soul. This prompted the Chief to create the Seven Ghosts, starting a long chain of events that ended with Verloren's revival about 1000 years later.
Eve's Death
# Evie Tree An Evie Tree is a deciduous tree found in the lowlands of Barsburg Empire. Native to the 7th District, it appears hardened to climatic extremes and periods of drought. It is rumoured to be the longest living tree in the world. Appearance. The leaves of the Evie tree are almond-shaped and forest green in colour, with cross-like markings on them in a lighter shade of green. The leaves appear to glow when in the dark. Its bark is smooth. Because of its long lifespan, a fully grown Evie tree is well over 70 feet in height, with a trunk of more than 4 metres in diameter. It resembles an Oak tree in shape. At the beginning of its life, an Evie tree has 2 leaves. Manga Synopsis. It was first seen when Labrador brought it to Frau, after Bastien was reincarnated as one, and Frau says that he will plant it in the sunniest part of the garden. Labrador and Castor had searched for that Evie tree to reunite Frau with Bastien.
Evie Tree
# Exam Badge An Exam Badge is a small, metal trinket, not unlike the Clergy Pass, that is worn on the collar of the uniform of a candidate for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. It is used as a way of verifying which members of the Barsburg Church are taking the exam. Overview. The badge is silver in colour, shield-shaped, and half the size of the palm of a hand. The cross of the Church is engraved in the centre. Zaiphon lettering is engraved on the bottom. 
Exam Badge
# Eye of God The Eye of God is a distinctive crater-like mark left in the earth when the Eye of Mikhail or the Eye of Raphael attacks. There are several Eye of God marks across the land around Districts 7 and 1, and as these two districts were the battlground for most of the Raggs War, most of them were made by the Eye of Raphael. History. Modern history. There is a collection of craters and trenches made in the mountain land outside the Barsburg Church. It was created 17 days after the series start, by the Eye of Mikhail releasing energy at level 40 as it was removed from its wielder.   The blow that created the Eye of God also destroyed two Barsburg Ribidziles, killing several soldiers in the process. The Barsburg Armed Forces later released information that the Eye of Raphael had malfunctioned, a claim backed up by the Barsburg Church to hide the existence of the Eye of Mikhail from the civilian public. Appearance. The Eye of God appears as three circles within each other (each circle getting progressively smaller) with the rims of each circle having Zaiphon writing engraved into them. When viewed from above, it resembles an eye.
Eye of God
# Eye of Mikhail SPOILERS AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK The Eye of Mikhail is a mythical, holy stone that allows the wielder to contact the God Mikhail and access his powers.  In the universe folklore, it is rumoured to be an enchanted stone that fell from the heavens, and has the objective of sealing Pandora's Box that holds the Shinigami Verloren's physical body. In legends , the stone has been said to have unified the world. The Eye of Mikhail's master is marked by the red stone embedded into their right hand, and the Eye most recent wielder was Teito Klein. Its counterpart is the Eye of Raphael. Appearance. The Eye of Mikhail is a spherical, blood-red stone the size of an eyeball. There is a black, patterned and symmetrical design on the Eye. Part of this design makes the Eye look as if it has a pupil, and is what gives it its resemblance to an eye. It was presumably designed to look like Mikhail's eyes in his true form. For a while after some Wars entered it, the image of Verloren's mark appeared on its surface, similar to the mark that appears on the chest of a human who's made a contract with a Kor. Powers and Abilities. The Eye of Mikhail's central ability is that it allows its host direct contact with the God Mikhail and his powers. Without the Eye, Mikhail cannot communicate with his master or anyone else in the mortal world. To work, the Eye needs a human vessel. However, one of the Former Assistant Archbishops revealed that the Eye hates to be ruled. For that reason, it was subconsciously restrained and part of the subconsciousness became the body of the 'vessel'. Mikhail's eye is sentient. It chooses its master, and its acceptance appears based on the purity of the host's soul. The Eye is notably picky with hosts, and will reject anyone it deems unsuitable. In most cases with inappropriate hosts, the Eye will fail to activate , but when forced into a body with a particularly tainted soul, a negative reaction will cause the death of the host. Mikhail's eye respects power. Its power is directly proportional to the willpower of its vessel, and even if the Eye originally accepted its host, the Eye will reject them if they become weak. When the Eye of Mikhail's vessel recites a spell that connects him/her and Mikhail, the Eye emits a light so bright that ordinary humans, and even Ghosts, have to shield their eyes from its intensity. Sealing Pandora's Box. The Eye's main and perhaps most important ability is the ability to seal Pandora's Box. However, as pointed out by the previous generation of Ghosts, this is problematic because the Eye functions as both lock and key for Pandora's Box, meaning that anyone who can control the Eye can easily open Pandora's Box. Defending the host. The priority of the Eye is to protect its host. While Mikhail provides defence against physical attacks, the Eye absorbs any parasites, such as Wars, that would kill the vessel.  Restoring life. In chapter 84 of the manga, it was further revealed that the Eye of Mikhail has the ability to restore life. In manga chapter 85, it was revealed that the Eye can also give life to bodies that do not have life (e.g. a clone created by advanced technology). Viewing Other Places. The Eye can apparently show its user images of something currently happening in another location. This is demonstrated in chapter 65 where the young Tiashe watches Mark's battle with Hyuuga through it. It is also how he witnessed his father's death at Ayanami's hands, despite having already been evacuated from the royal palace at that time. History. Creation. It is unknown when and how the Eyes of Mikhail and Raphael were created, but the Archangels themselves presumably existed before Verloren's fall. Schedel's crusade. The Seven Ghosts drove Verloren to Seele, but were unable to destroy him. Faced with this, they instead used the powers of the two angel eyes (Mikhail and Raphael) to tear Verloren's soul from his body, in the hope that they never join again so he could never be at his full power. They sealed his physical body in Pandora's Box on earth, and used the Eye of Mikhail to make sure it could not escape from its prison. They sealed his soul using the Eye of Raphael, putting his soul in a human- and forcing it to undergo a process of constant reincarnation whenever the human body died- regardless of how the person had lived their life- so it could never enter Heaven again. Raggs War. Since ancient times, many wars have been waged over possession of the stone. The Barsburg history books tell that there used to be two countries, both of equal power. Both countries were given God's divine protection through the power of an Eye. Raggs was in possession of the Eye of Mikhail, and it was worn as a jewel in a necklace by King Weldeschtein Krom Raggs before the Raggs War. However, after the Raggs War, the Eye of Mikhail went missing. So the power of the Eye would not fall in the hands of Barsburg, King Weldeschtein had sealed it in his son , Tiashe's body, where the Eye had remained inactive until the start of the series, and the Barsburg military, Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg and Verloren's reincarnation have been searching for it for more than ten years. Modern History. The Eye of Mikhail was in the possession of the Barsburg Armed Forces for a while, having been stolen by the Black Hawks, and Ayanami managed to temporarily brainwash Teito with the help of Barsburg's technology. However, Teito regained his memory and the ability to wield the Eye when he was reunited with Frau. As of Kapitel 89, the Eye of Mikhail has ceased to function. According to Mikhail, this is due to the damage caused by Raphael, causing 'errors on all circuits'. In Kapitel 99 , the Eye of Mikhail is fixed when Ouka heals Teito, and Mikhail responds to Teito.
Eye of Mikhail
# Eye of Raphael SPOILERS AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK The Eye of Raphael is a mythical, holy stone that allows the wielder to contact the God Raphael and access his powers. In the universe folklore, it is rumoured to be an enchanted stone that fell from the heavens, and has the objective of sealing the memories of the Shinigami Verloren, and forcing his soul to be reincarnated. In legends , the stone has been said to have unified the world. The Eye of Raphael's master is marked by the blue stone embedded into their right hand, and it (the Eye of Raphael) is currently wielded by Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. Its counterpart is the Eye of Mikhail. Appearance. The Eye of Raphael is a spherical, deep-blue stone the size of an eyeball. It was presumably designed to look like Raphael's eyes in her true form. Powers and Abilities. The eye of Raphael has multiple uses. It is used to control Verloren's powers and block them from being used, force his soul to be reincarnated in human bodies, and keep his memory sealed so the reincarnation will not be able to remember their past as Verloren. The eye of Raphael also protects its vessel from physical and spiritual attacks, like the eye of Mikhail. History. Creation. It is unknown when and how the Eyes of Mikhail and Raphael were created, but the Archangels themselves presumably existed before Verloren's fall. Schedel's crusade. The Seven ghosts drove Verloren to Seele, but were unable to destroy him. Faced with this, they instead used the powers of the two angel eyes (Mikhail and Raphael) to tear Verloren's soul from his body, in the hope that they never join again so he could never be at his full power. They sealed his physical body in Pandora's Box on earth, and used the Eye of Mikhail to make sure it could not escape from its prison. They sealed his soul using the Eye of Raphael, putting his soul in a human- and forcing it to undergo a process of constant reincarnation whenever the human body died- regardless of how the person had lived their life- so it could never enter Heaven again. Pre-Raggs War. Since ancient times, many wars have been waged over possession of the stone. The Barsburg history books tell that there used to be two countries, both of equal power. Both countries were given God's divine protection through the power of an Eye. Barsburg was in possession of the Eye of Raphael, and it was worn as a jewel in a brooch by Empress Dalia Barsburg before the Raggs War. At some point before the Raggs War, the seal on the Eye of Raphael was broken by Ouka's 'predecessor' (Empress Dalia Barsburg), meaning that Ayanami regained his memories of being Verloren. Raggs War. After Dalia died, her infant daughter Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg inherited the Eye. Modern History. In one of the chapters in the manga, when Teito tells Ouka about his true identity as the Prince of Raggs, the Eye of Raphael immediately activates and is about to attack Teito when Hakuren interrupts. The reason for the Eye's attack (later revealed) is because of the brainwashing done by the scientists from the Barsburg Empire. In chapter 84 of the manga, Teito used the power of the Eye of Mikhail to free Ouka and the Eye of Raphael from the brainwashing.
Eye of Raphael
# Eyefish Eyefish are a type of small, freshwater dwelling fish native to the 7th District. Eyefish are fish that look like an eyeball with fins. Like most fish, they are eaten - despite their uncanny resemblance to a human eye. They are considered a delicacy within District 7 and are used as a substitute for meat (which is prohibited) within the church grounds. Appearance and Temperament. The name 'Eyefish' has been given to them due to their resemblance to a human eye. They are the standard size of a natural, human eye, round in shape, with a white, soft, fleshy body. They have a pale blue iris with a dark red ring around the edge, and a slitted black pupil like a snake. Their fins are dark blue, and small compared to the size of the body. The fish are buoyant and slow-moving, due to their small fins and large body, making them relatively easy targets for predators. However, their large, single eye allows them a great range of vision. The Eyefish appear to be docile and calm creatures, largely ignorant of their surroundings. Ecology. Eyefish are freshwater fish. The only known place where Eyefish have been recorded are in the Church reservoir, where they thrive in a predator-free environment. Due the fish largely being slow and defenceless it is implied (like chickens) that the species has been completely domesticated and would not survive on its own in the wild. Farming and as food. Due to those in the 7th District being unable to eat meat, they heavily rely on a large supply of Eyefish as a protein source. They now are bred primarily as a source of food. They have been seen cooked in a soup along with vegetables and are eaten whole.
# F-31 F-31, also known by the nickname 'Eden' is a small floating island that was Frau's childhood home which appeared in the chapter SPEEDSTER. It is an independent nation where Sky Pirates and merchant ships go to relax and stretch their wings. The island covers a radius of 50 kilometres in the air and is accessible to aircraft. According to Magdalen, it is a custom in the island that the new ruler of F-31 is sent from the Barsburg Empire, a neighbouring country. Below 1000 meters of the Island are monsters as highlighted by one of Guido's subordinates. Events. There is an event in the island called 'Fair Handle' where the challenger stakes his life against the strongest man on the island and other people are eligible to participate regardless of age as Frau managed to enter the race. The fastest, therefore the strongest, man among the Sky Pirates have an obligation to accept the challenge indiscriminately as long as he is the number one champion. The rules of Fair Handle is that the first contestant to retrieve the wild Pappy is the winner. There is no time limit and any method of capturing it is acceptable. This event also gives the oportunity for fame and reputation as it is watched by most, if not all, the residents of the Island. Guido commented that he took down the last ruler of Eden through Fair Handle. However, it is unclear if other participants are obliged to listen whoever grabbed the Pappy such as in the case of Guido and Frau. Landmark. There is a tavern on the island that also is apparently called Eden, where Sky Pirates often hang out. Inside the tavern, there is an inner area where special guests are seated like Guido. Frau worked there as a waiter while he was under Magdalen's care, who was a hostess, before he joined the Sky Pirates. It is unknown whether the tavern or the island have any connection to the Flower of Eden.
# F3 F3 is a floating island near District 4 and was one of the places featured in the Hawkzile Race.
# Father Castor, Mama Labrador Kapitel 7: Father Castor, Mama Labradorカストル父さん、ラブラドールママ "Casutoru-tousan, Raburadooru-mama "
Father Castor, Mama Labrador
# Fea Kreuz
Fea Kreuz
# Fea Kreuz Raggs SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Fea Kreuz Raggs is a minor protagonist and a in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. A blood descendant of the Raggs line, he is one of Teito Klein's paternal uncles. Although appearing in the series only in flashbacks and dreams, the manga shows he played a major part during the Raggs War; most notably the 'theft' of Pandora's Box- and he is known to Barsburg as the 'trigger that started the Raggs War'. Kreuz was revealed to be the Ghost Vertrag, the Ghost who manipulates souls. It is later shown he fled with Pandora's Box to stop the Pope from using it to revive the Death God Verloren, and traveled the seven Districts with the intention of taking it to The Land of Seele. However, shortly before the fall of Raggs he was killed by Verloren's reincarnation- giving Ayanami his powers, but in the final chapter of the manga series, he escaped from Verloren and revived, though he became an ordinary human and no longer had Ghost powers. Etymology. "Fea" is the name of a goddess in Irish mythology. "Kreuz" is the German word for cross/crucifix. "Fea" is also present in the katakana form of "Vertrag", "Featoraaku". Appearance. Physical appearance. Kreuz was quite a tall man, being only slightly smaller than Ayanami. His height was similar to Castor's and Lance's, and his facial shape resembled Frau's, with a long face and nose and narrowed eyes. Like both of his brothers, he had a slender build. Kreuz looked quite different from his brother, Krom, in that Kreuz had much darker skin and white (or possibly white-blonde) hair. His eyes were narrow and a pale grey in colour (blue in the manga). It is hard to see his pupils. His hair was straight and he had a fringe that was parted to the left. He bears a fairly strong resemblance to his father, Teito's paternal grandfather, who appeared in a family portrait in manga chapter 90. Kreuz also looks somewhat like Frau, something which Teito has noted.  As Vertrag. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Kreuz appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. Kreuz wore a light grey cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hid his arms. The cassock was held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Personality. Though he does not appear often, he has been shown to be very kind and caring to those around him. He can also be considered cheerful, as he was usually shown smiling, though he lost his temper whenever he felt Teito's safety was under threat, and was not above resorting to violence and shouting on the rare occasions that he was angry. Kreuz demonstrated courage on more than one occasion, defying the orders of the Pope, going against him when Teito was in danger, and appearing unfazed when his guards were eliminated by Hyuuga. Kreuz was also selfless, protecting his nephew at the cost of his own life, and perceptive, as shown when he was able to sense Queen Vanessa's fear and guilt. Kreuz was occasionally shown to have a somewhat eccentric side, e.g. when Teito was a child and refused to take a bath, Kreuz told him that horrible insects called 'kai-kai bugs' would attack him (Teito), and was also prone to making rash decisions when involved with those close to him. When this side of Kreuz is shown, sparkles are seen around him. Relationships. Relatives. Teito Klein. Kreuz is Teito's uncle by blood and was shown to care about Teito very much, often being shown hugging and kissing him. Kreuz was so devoted to Teito that he was willing to eat the mushroom Teito brought him as food, despite it being poisonous, describing it as "the prince's goodwill" and urging the palace guards to also eat it. He was also protective of Teito and concerned about Teito's safety, sometimes resorting to violence, elbowing Agas when the bodyguard was throwing Teito in the air. Kreuz tried his best to protect Teito from harm, defying the Pope to save his life and vowing to protect him at the cost of his own life. Ten years after Kreuz's death, Teito keeps Kreuz in his thoughts, even drawing comparisons between Kreuz and Frau. Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. Kreuz and his brother seemed to be close. Krom trusted his brother to ensure Teito's safety when he (Kreuz) and Teito had to flee the Raggs Castle during the Raggs War. Krom and Kreuz have also been seen together on more than one occasion in flashbacks of Teito's past, while taking care of Teito. Kreuz appeared to act as Krom's attendant, and was shown accompanying Krom to the International Peace Summit in manga chapter 86. Kreuz was aware of Krom's painting hobby, and also knew that Krom once had a painting of his (Krom's) published, suggesting that Kreuz was familiar with Krom's character and that Krom trusted Kreuz with personal details about himself. Krom knew that Kreuz was Vertrag. Ayanami (Krowell Raggs). Ayanami was born Krowell Raggs, and was the third and final child born to Teito's paternal grandparents. According to Millea Klein, Krowell was deeply loved by his siblings, but died during childhood. During the Raggs War, Ayanami devoured Vertrag, thus killing Fea Kreuz in the process, ruthlessly. However, Ayanami seems to hold his brother's intelligence at a high regard, as he approves fully of and believes that Kreuz would not die without leaving something behind. Kreuz does not seem to hold resentment towards Krowell but Ayanami grew to resent him due to his protection of Teito's memories. Vanessa Antwort. Kreuz did not interact much with his sister-in-law. He appeared to be respectful towards her, addressing her formally as 'Ouhi' (literally 'Queen'), but was not afraid to voice his suspicions towards her when he suspected she might be hiding something. When Teito was a child, before the Raggs War broke out, Kreuz helped to keep Teito safe and away from Vanessa, by giving Teito lessons in the Church. Millea Klein. When Krom fell in love with Millea, Kreuz was shown confessing to Agas that, while he was happy to see Krom happy, he (Kreuz) was also worried. (Kapitel 86) Apart from that, not much is known about Kreuz's relationship with his other sister-in-law. At first, Kreuz referred to Millea as 'that young woman', but during the Raggs War, he referred to her with the honorific suffix '-sama', suggesting that his respect for her had increased over the years. Kreuz and Millea have a picnic together in the final manga chapter, and are clearly comfortable around each other. With others. Mikhail. Fea Kreuz was respectful towards Mikhail, addressing him as "Mikhail-sama". Kreuz has also been shown teaching Teito how to use the Eye of Mikhail, in flashbacks and memories of Teito's childhood. Once , when Mikhail was possessing Teito and used inappropriate words , Kreuz pleaded with him (Mikhail) not to make Teito say such things, but Mikhail ignored him. Apart from their shared connection to Teito, Mikhail shows little interest in Kreuz, though the angel probably does respect Kreuz to some extent, since Kreuz is the beloved uncle of Teito, Mikhail's master. Raphael. Being one of the Seven Ghosts and therefore an immortal being, Kreuz had known Raphael for a very long time. Apart from that, nothing else is known about their relationship. The other Ghosts. Kreuz's relationships with the other six members of the previous generation of Seven Ghosts have not been shown in much detail, but he seemed to get along well and work well with them. He was aghast upon discovering Landkarte's betrayal, and angry at Landkarte's crimes. As of manga chapter 99, Kreuz has met Lance, Frau, Castor and Labrador after escaping from Verloren. Kreuz and Frau also met during the Raggs war. Former Assistant Archbishops. Kreuz may have known the two former assistant archbishops, as they were seen standing on either side of him at Teito's birth. Agas, Mark and Karan. Kreuz seemed to get along well with all three of Krom's bodyguards. In manga chapter 86, Kreuz was shown sharing some personal concerns and feelings with Agas, hinting at a close personal relationship between Kreuz and Agas. When speaking to each other, Kreuz and Krom's bodyguards attached the honorific suffixes '-sama' and '-dono' to each other's names, indicating that they respected each other. Despite his good relationship with them, Kreuz occasionally forced Krom's bodyguards to do things against their will for Teito's sake. For example, when Mark hesitated to eat some poisonous mushrooms Teito (who did not know the mushrooms were poisonous) had prepared, Kreuz smiled dangerously at Mark and told Mark to 'give up', saying it was 'the prince's goodwill'. Kreuz also once made Mark keep calling himself 'wild beast powder', to entertain Teito. Once, when Agas was playing a game with Teito and throwing him in the air, Kreuz violently elbowed him (Agas), thinking he was putting Teito in danger. This shows that even Krom's bodyguards were not spared Kreuz's anger when it came to ensuring Teito's safety. Abilities and Attributes. Ghost abilities. Kreuz was the last reincarnation of the Ghost Vertrag, and as a result of this, possessed Vertrag's Ghost ability of manipulating souls. Similar to the other Ghosts, Kreuz was able to erase people's memories (an ability that all of the Seven Ghosts possess). Vertrag is able to place seals on people's memories, so if anyone tries to read the protected memories, they will be injured. Vertrag can enter and take control from someone, that ability more or less being the same as when Ayanami took control of Mikage's body. but Ayanami could only take half control, while Vertrag can fully control the people's conciousness, according to Castor/Fest. Being a Ghost vessel, Kreuz was presumably able to use Zaiphon, though he has not been shown using it. Physical capability. Kreuz has been shown to be agile and physically strong. He could also move very quickly when required to. When confronting the Pope, he leapt down from a great height to get to where Teito was, moving so quickly that the Pope almost did not see him at first, and was able to land on both feet without sustaining any injuries. When the Raggs War broke out and Kreuz fled with Teito, he was able to run and maintain a fast pace while carrying Teito without getting winded. Intelligence. Kreuz is known widely to be exceptionally clever, with even Ayanami, himself a genius, openly acknowledging his brother's intellect. History. Childhood. Kreuz was born into the royal Raggs Family of District 1. As a royal, it is likely that he had a very privileged upbringing. Kreuz was the second son of Teito's unnamed paternal grandparents, and the middle child of the previous generation of Raggs princes. His older brother was Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, while Krowell Raggs (Ayanami) is his younger brother. Adulthood. Kapitel 99 revealed that Kreuz was his older brother Krom's substitute, and was killed by an assassin. He reincarnated as Vertrag after his physical death and only Krom was aware of his death and reincarnation. Kreuz never married or had children, but instead devoted his free time to his nephew, Teito, whom he treated like his own son. At some point, Kreuz took Teito into the church where he raised him, with the aim of keeping him safe and away from Teito's stepmother, Queen Vanessa, who disliked him. When Teito was a child, he taught him many things, including the majority of the church's writings. Teito's disappearance. The night Teito Klein went missing, Kreuz had been in palace garden with him and the Black Beast Squadron, where Teito had prepared 'food' for them all that consisted of poisonous mushrooms. While the guards panic at the sight, Kreuz attempts to eat his as it will please Teito, leading to him being overpowered by Agas and Mark and the plate forcibly taken from him before he can poison himself. The ambassador from the Barsburg Empire then arrives, leading to Kreuz and the squadron leaving to meet him. Teito is left in the company of a royal attendant, whereupon he is kidnapped by Vanessa Antwort. Pre-Raggs War. Before the Raggs war, Kreuz thwarted the Pope's attempt to revive Verloren by using Teito, but was unable to stop him merging Teito's soul and Pandora's box. Not even Barsburg knows his true reasons for Pandora's Box's 'theft'. The Raggs War. When war was declared, Kreuz agreed to escape to one of the God Houses with Teito where the Pope would not find him. He (Kreuz) was excommunicated from the Church shortly after Teito left, for escaping with Pandora's Box, and chased down by Hyuuga. In a small chapel, Kreuz healed Teito, telling him to never let go of the baton of life. When the six other Ghosts came to take Teito away, Kruez protected Teito, saying that if they want to take him away, they'd have to go through him first. In reality, the six other Ghosts were testing Kreuz because they knew Teito was innocent and the Pope was guilty. Kreuz informed them of his plan to collect the seven cursed tickets to go to the Land of Seele, in order to finally eliminate Verloren. He had gone to the Hausen House and received Fest's ticket. Before Kreuz's death, he placed a seal on, and erased Teito Klein's memories, as he believed the military would search them in order to find information about the Eye of Mikhail and Pandora's Box. The seal would prevent people from knowing Teito was in possession of the Eye of Mikhail and would hide the location of Pandora's Box. Because of his seal, anyone who tries to look at Teito's memories will be badly harmed, as shown when Ayanami tried to read Teito's memories and was injured. Fea Kreuz also gave Teito his Clergy Pass, which convinced Miroku Barsburg that Teito was hiding something. It was revealed that Landkarte, who has betrayed his duties as a Ghost, may have brought about Kreuz's death at the hands of Ayanami, as Landkarte's current reincarnation is Katsuragi, a Black Hawk and, until Kapitel 89, a loyal subordinate of Ayanami. Chapter 99 showed that Kreuz had been a substitute for his older brother Krom when they were princes, and this resulted in his death by assassination. Synopsis. Kreuz mostly appears in Teito's flashbacks and dreams. Kreuz was also seen in Karu's flashback, in Kapitel 88, and briefly in Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg's flashbacks, in Kapitel 86. He is last seen in the final manga chapter.
Fea Kreuz Raggs
# Female Announcer Appearance. Physical appearance. She is of average height and slim, with short, fair hair, large, dark eyes, a small, upturned nose and a small mouth. Clothing. She wears a headpiece that resembles a pair of large, long, dark animal ears, and a dark tube top with a sweetheart neckline. She also wears a dark ribbon at her collarbone. Personality. She appears to be cheerful and enthusiastic, though it is unknown whether this is her true personality or simply how she presents herself when doing her job. Manga synopsis. During the Hawkzile Race, she provides a constant commentary on the progress and conditions of the contestants. She has not appeared again since.
Female Announcer
# Female Officer The Female Officer is a nameless minor character who only appeared in the first episode/chapter of the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. She works as an exam overseer at the Barsburg Military Academy, and is the only female member of the Barsburg Armed Forces seen in the series so far. Appearance. Physical appearance. The nameless officer appears to be above average height for a woman, as she is estimated to stand at five foot six inches, making her a little taller than Shigure. Her weight is unknown, but she has a very curvaceous figure, with a large bust and hips and narrow waist. Her age is also unknown, but she looks young enough to be somwehere in her twenties. Her face is heart-shaped, with a pointy chin and wider cheeks, and she has a small, upturned nose, with a small mouth and thin lips painted with bright red lipstick. Her eyes are very large, and a navy blue in colour, with long, black eyelashes. Her hair is a dark pink/red, and parted in the middle with two bangs falling over her forehead, and two loose strands at each side of her face. She wears golden, butterfly earrings. Clothing. The nameless, female officer wears what appears to be the standard examiner uniform: being a black, or dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with golden trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard. She wears black trousers and knee-length, black, buckled boots and white gloves. She probably wears a plain white shirt under the overcoat. She also has gold shoulder boards on her right shoulder and a small version of the Barsburg Military insignia over her left shoulder. She is usually seen with a clipboard in her hands. She also wears a plain officer's cap. Personality. She appears to have a pleasant personality, as she is always seen smiling and speaks in a friendly tone when addressing the students, even when reprimanding them. She can also be seen as a little eccentric, as she smiles when explaining to the students that the Troll will try to kill the students. The female officer also appears to take her job seriously, as she looks embarrassed when seeing Shuri panic, but appears to act courteous to those around her as she still tries to smile at Shigure's joke about Shuri Oak's performance. However she doesn't appear to take well to students not performing to her standards, as in the anime she was first seen smiling at Shuri when he addresses his class, but later scowls at him when the Troll lunges at him. Relationships. She freely interacts with the officers around her, particularly Shigure and she laughs at Shigure's comment about the Oak family, suggesting she is on good terms with most of them. She brightly welcomes Ayanami when he arrives, suggesting she has met and spoken to him before. History. Little is known about the female officer's past other than she is an exam overseer at the Military academy. It is likely that she went to a similar academy when she was younger, and she appeared to have worked at there for a while, as she was shown to be familiar with Miroku and the officers around her. Manga synopsis. Begleiter exam. She is seen in the examination room, waiting outside the area, where she ushers Team A inside. Once inside the arena, she releases the Troll and explains the rules to the students. When she spots the Black Hawks approaching, she smiles warmly at them. When Ayanami is unimpressed with Shuri panicking during the exam, she comments that most examinees drop out at this stage. Post-Begleiter exam. It is likely that she returned to her job of overseeing students for the exam. As she has not appeared again since the first episode/chapter, her status is unknown. Differences in the manga and anime. Introduction. In the anime, the female officer is introduced much earlier. She is first seen entering the student dormitories where Teito and Mikage are, where she informs them to be ready for their assembly, and that if they know they will be late - then they should not bother arriving. She later appears in the assembly hall listening to Shuri's graduation speech, where she looks on approvingly.
Female Officer
# Female Scientist The Female Scientist is an unnamed minor character who was one of Nanase's subordinates on The Raphael Project, a series of brainwashing and cloning experiments conducted on the Eye of Raphael and its wielders. Appearance. Physical appearance. She has a slender figure and is of average height, with long, light-coloured hair that she wears tied into a ponytail and an oval face with almond-shaped, light-coloured eyes. She wears glasses. Clothing. Due to her occupation, she wears a long, white lab coat. Personality. Like the other scientists, she has an analytical personality. She can be considered somewhat cruel as she clearly enjoyed experimenting on Teito, Ouka and the Eyes without any regard for their personal well-being. However, she also has somewhat more of a conscience than Nanase-she did have doubts when Wakaba and Nanase wanted to continue using Ouka during the Raggs War, and when Ayanami ordered the experiments on Teito to continue. Relationships. Nanase. She was a subordinate of Nanase and obediently followed his orders. However, she showed no grief at his death. History. Little is known about her history. At some point in her life, she began working for the Barsburg royalty as a scientist and researcher, and was involved with the Raphael Project by the time Barsburg waged war on Raggs. Manga synopsis. The nameless female scientist is first seen in a flashback of the Raggs war. She later appears again during the experiments on the Eye of Raphael and the Eye of Mikhail. When the Archangels forcibly terminate the experiments, she is seen with the other scientists, dismayed by the damage dealt to their laboratory. When someone asks where Nanase is, she is too disorientated to answer. Abilities. She possesses extensive scientific and technical knowledge.
Female Scientist
# Fest SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Fest (sometimes alternatively spelled as Feist or Feste) is one of the Seven Ghosts in the 07 Ghost series. He is the tying spirit and the one that is able to tie the souls of two people together, allowing one person to live by sharing the life of another. There is a statue of Fest in one of the seven Ghost towers in the Barsburg Church. People pray to the statue if they want to fall in love, or that their love will never falter. Etymology. The word 'Feste' is German, and translates to 'stronghold' or 'fortress' which could refer to the bonds of comradeship found in the military. Form. Fest's true appearance is in the form of a hooded skeleton, (like the grim reaper) wielding a large scythe. His appearance is the same as Verloren's since the Ghosts are made up of Verloren's fragments. Human. Due to the fact that only blood descendants of the God House of Fest can be reincarnated as Fest, those acting as Fest tend to resemble each other. Those from Fest's bloodline tend to be of average height and build, with softer features. Both their hair and eyes tend to be red, brown or somewhere in between. Short sightedness also appears hereditary, as Ghosts from the Hausen family wear glasses (usually with round or oval lenses). Symbol. Fest's Ghost symbol is dark blue, and resembles a staff with a spiral shaped blade, beginning at the centre and curving counter-clockwise. In light of Fest's ability to sew/bind souls together, the curved blade could also be interpretted as a curved suture needle used by surgeons to close/sew up wounds. Personality. Fest is a knowledgeable, perceptive and rational Ghost. Abilities and attributes. The Seven Ghosts all possess the ability to erase or otherwise alter a person's memories. Like the other Ghosts, Fest can make his true form temporarily leave his human, host body. Also, it is possible that the Ghosts can recover faster from injuries than ordinary humans, as Castor/Fest managed to survive an attack from the Pope, who was possessed at the time, although he (Castor/Fest) was still significantly weakened. Since the host body is dead; their hearts do not beat and their bodies do not give off heat, it is probable that all of them have a much greater tolerance of extremely low temperatures than ordinary humans. Specific abilities. Fest is the tying spirit, meaning he has the ability to bind the souls of two people together, as seen when Castor is able to bind his own and Razette's souls together using his Ghost powers. History. The creation of the Ghosts. The Seven Ghosts are amongst the earliest 'gods' created by the Chief of heaven and their existence dates back roughly 1000 years. At the time of their creation, humanity was already present. The legend of the ghosts tells that Verloren (the God of Death) was in love with the Chief of Heaven's daughter, Eve, but after her skeleton was found and her soul devoured, the Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of killing her. As Eve's soul being devoured automatically forced it to be sent to earth and reincarnated, Verloren escaped the heavens and fled to earth to find her reincarnation. Verloren began looking into the hearts of humans in order to find the soul that originally belonged to Eve. However as he looked, that person's heart was instantly tainted by his presence, and slowly slipped into despair. This meant those souls could not enter Heaven in this life because they were no longer pure, and they would be forced to reincarnate again once they died. When the Chief of Heaven noticed the consequences Verloren's actions had on those souls he looked into, he fashioned seven heavenly lights out of Verloren's fragments, each with one of Verloren's powers, and sent them to execute him. Schedel's Crusade. The Ghosts' mission was to take Verloren's body to The Land of Seele- where it would be judged and destroyed, and after they had fulfilled this mission their souls would be able to return to heaven. The ghosts drove Verloren to Seele, but even with their combined strength, they weren't strong enough to destroy him. Faced with this, they instead used the powers of the two angel eyes (Mikhail and Raphael) to tear Verloren's soul from his body, in the hope that they never join again so he could never be at his full power. They sealed his physical body in Pandora's Box on earth, and used the Eye of Mikhail to make sure it could not escape from its prison. They sealed his soul using the Eye of Raphael, putting his soul in a human- and forcing it to undergo a process of constant reincarnation whenever the human body died- regardless of how the person had lived their life- so it could never enter Heaven again. The threat of Verloren had been eliminated, but since the Ghosts were unable to judge Verloren, they could not return to heaven; instead staying in the mortal world to serve as guardians. Fest went on to become the progenitor of the Hausen bloodline. After sealing Verloren. Now on earth, each Ghost assumed human form and went on to live human lives; they married humans, had human children and died as humans. The Seven Ghosts and their human families went on to form the Seven Houses of God, and the Ghosts' powers were passed on to their children, and further generations. The current ghosts are the descendants of the original seven. During the Raggs War and return of Verloren. Around 990 years after Verloren had been sealed, the Eye of Raphael malfunctioned- resulting in Verloren's soul awakening (the human who was currently holding Verloren's soul regained all of Verloren's memories) and continued with Verloren's crusade against the Chief of Heaven. The descendants of the ghosts that first fought Verloren were again forced to re-group and fight. Currently, very little is known about the Ghosts' roles in the Raggs War. A member of the Raggs family (the God house of Vertrag) and person acting as the Ghost Vertrag, Fea Kreuz, was accused of stealing and escaping with Pandora's Box, and it was this theft that sparked the Raggs War. Pandora's Box had been moved into a human- meaning Verloren's body was at a risk of escaping- so four Ghosts (Fest among them) protected and guided Vertrag through the Seven God Houses in order to receive the cursed tickets and travel to the Land of Seele to destroy Verloren's body. This, coupled with the fact Verloren's soul had awakened, caused Ea and Landkarte to separate from the others and go undercover into the military. However, the Ghosts were not successful in their mission, and it resulted in the death of one Ghost, Vertrag, who's reincarnation was killed by Ayanami and devoured by Verloren. The remaining six, however, escaped with their lives.
# Firefly The Firefly is a small, nocturnal creature that glows in the dark. It has been spotted around District 7 in areas such as the Church and the District hospital. Anatomy. The fireflies are creatures the size of a small hand (roughly 5 inches in length). Their bodies resemble the bodies of fish, having the same v-shaped tail, pectoral fins and dorsal fins as sharks, but having the double-set wings of a dragonfly. Their bodies are a pale blue, and glow white during the night. Their heads are pointy at the nose and shaped like an arrow head, and their eyes are red. They appear to have two antenna at the bottom of their jaw. On closer inspection, their wings are shown to be feathered. Similarity to real world fauna. The firefly greatly resembles a winged silverfish, sharing the silvery colouring, body shape (including the v-shaped tail and antenna) and nocturnal nature. They glow like real-world fireflies. Temperament. Though they can be wary of humans, they aren't too afraid to get close to them. Ecology. The fireflies appear in woodland area, but do venture into human habitat.
# Flower of Eden The Flower of Eden is a mystical white flower that, according to legend, is able to cure any illness and make any sadness go away. It played an important role in Labrador's backstory. Lem, a childhood friend of Labrador's, sought a cure for his sickly younger sister Lirin's terminal illness, and asked Labrador's uncle for help. Labrador's uncle mentioned the Flower of Eden, and Lem rushed to Labrador to ask the latter about it. Labrador only smiled and nodded. A few days later, a sealed letter filled with petals reached Lem. The letter said, 'If you burn these petals as incense, Lirin would definitely be happy.' Lem did as the letter instructed and for a while, Lirin seemed to be getting better. However, Labrador was devoured by the Flower of Eden, which turned out to be a forbidden flower that should not blossom, and his body mutated into a plant-like being. His greenhouse was sealed off from the public by the Imperial Guard. Lirin herself eventually died as well. Later in the series, it was revealed that Verloren created the Flower of Eden. He explained to Eve that he used the petals of the Flower of Eden to take away dead people's suffering when he led them to purgatory. While Eve thought this indicated kindness on Verloren's part, Verloren claimed that with the fear of death removed, people would be more willing to die, which presumably would make his job easier.
Flower of Eden
# Flower of Protection The Flower of Protection (also known as the Silver rose) is a name given to the silver rose that grows in the gardens of the Barsburg Church and is cultivated by Bishop Labrador.  Appearance. The flower of protection resembles a large white rose with a purple tint to the petals. The leaves are thin with pointed strips at each side of the base, and an emerald green in colour. It is a very rare flower, and also very valuable, as Castor and Frau are shocked when they learn Labrador had given such a flower away. Attribute. In Kapitel 3, Labrador gives the flower of protection to Teito after sensing that something bad was going to happen to him. The rose protects Teito in a fight against the Old Man Kor, when Teito was about to touch the dead, as its petals scatter around Teito and breaks the 'image' of Fea Kreuz. In the anime, it also falls out of his hand while he was walking and he spots Mikage while picking it up. It apparently only works when worn.
Flower of Protection
# Former Assistant Archbishops The Former Assistant Archbishops are two examiners of the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, and minor protagonists in the 07-Ghost manga and anime series. They first appear during the exam where they pretend to be candidates in order to judge the acolytes. Appearance. Physical appearance. The two old men appear to be identical twins. They are very small, being at least a foot smaller than Teito, placing them at a height of 4 foot 3 (129 cm). They are bald, with grey eyebrows, large round noses and eyes that are often seen closed. When open, their eyes appear to have no pupils or irises. The appearance of their eyes seems to indicate that they are blind. Clothing. They wear the typical bishop's apprentice uniform: consisting of a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the robe to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue around the edges is worn over the robe, and they wear their exam badges at the front of their collars. They wear dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Personality. They appear to be friendly and quirky, as when one is bumped into, he blames it on him being a 'silly old man'. They are mischievous at heart, as they laugh when Teito and Hakuren are spooked when they realise there are two of them.  They are also helpful and caring, as they both give advice to Teito and Hakuren and shout for someone to donate Zaiphon when Teito's Zaiphon runs out. Both old men have continuously demonstrated a cunning nature, using their fragile appearance to deceive all of the candidates into thinking them simple priests. They continuously attempt to trick those around them as means of testing them, shown when they try to trick Teito and Hakuren into walking through victory's door. They are both very brave men, as they pass through the hall of shadows with the candidates every year without showing any fear. Relationships. Subordinates. Lance: The former assistant Archbishops appear to be on good terms with Lance, as they are welcomed warmly when they first see him. They appear to share similar interests, as Lance excitedly shows them his lucky headband and they are equally excited to see it. Fea Kreuz: The former assistant archbishops were seen standing on either side of Fea Kreuz on the day Teito was born, suggesting that they knew him. Teito Klein. They appear fond of Teito, as during their first meeting he defended them from Wade and Kyle, leading them to think him "kind-hearted". One of them expresses shock upon seeing a Fyulong pup and calls Teito a rare fellow. During the second part of the exam they first wish Teito luck, and appear spooked upon seeing Teito does not fear death. They were present at Teito's birth. Abilities and Attributes. Despite their old age and short stature, the two old men have shown considerable physical fitness and endurance, as they were able to outperform much younger candidates during the exam. Zaiphon. One of the former assistant archbishops has an attacking Zaiphon. It is unknown if the other also does. History. Pre-Raggs War. The two old men were present at the birth of the King of Raggs's son- suggesting they are Raggs citizens.  Post-Raggs War. As their title suggests, the two old men used to be Assistant Archbishops until they were succeeded by Bastien, though it is unknown when this was, and they have since retired. They then became undercover examiners for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. Manga Synopsis. Part one of the exam. They are first introduced in the exam hall when one of them is bumped into by Wade and Kyle, where he blames himself. After Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak defend him, he introduces himself as a priest from the 1st District attempting to pass the exam for the 40th time. When Teito is unable to start his Zaiphon the old man shouts for someone to share their Zaiphon which embarrasses Teito but alerts the attention of Ouida who shares his Zaiphon with Teito allowing the exam to begin. Once the exam begins, the second old man appears and the two of them brave the hall of shadows without incident, impressing Teito and Hakuren. The two men smile and say they have done this many times before, and inform all the other candidates on what the shadows are. They appear again just before Teito and Hakuren take the second-to-last challenge, where they complain they have injured their backs. Teito and Hakuren then carry them over the tightrope whilst fighting fear and manage to get to safety when the rope snaps.  The four of them then face the last challenge. Two doors stand side by side, and the inscription on the wall reads that the candidates must fight each other and the victor must walk through the door of the victor, as only one member of the pair is allowed to pass the exam. Teito and Hakuren begin arguing, with each boy thinking that the other deserves to pass more than himself. The two old men offer to give up: allowing both of the boys to pass, but they go unheard. After writing an obscenity on the door as opposed to their names, Teito and Hakuren decide to walk through the door of the defeated where Bishop Lance appears and tells the two boys their selfless solution made them pass. Part two of the exam. The two old men accompany the remaining candidates to their second exam, where they bid them a final goodbye and then part ways. They are with Lance when they notice a commotion outside. Lance informs them the Barsburg Imperial Army is investigating the Barsburg Church in order to find the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail, after yesterdays incident. They continue to watch the examinees in the exam, watching Hakuren Oak, Ouida, and Kyle pass, but see Teito be stabbed by an Ayanami illusion where Lance declares Teito failed the exam. Lance is about to stop Teito's exam, but they the expression on Teito's face has changed, and are shocked when a vision of Mikhail appears. As Teito faces his fear, the illusion disappears, and Teito passes the exam. Teito's escape from the Church. They appear once Teito has left the Church, where they appear relieved he is safe, but wonder if he will hinder Frau. Teito's birth. Later, they are briefly seen in a flashback of the day of Teito's birth, smiling at the infant Teito and standing on either side of Fea Kreuz.
Former Assistant Archbishops
# Fortune Teller The Fortune Teller is a nameless, minor antagonist who only appeared in a single episode/chapter of the manga and anime series 07-Ghost. While first appearing to be a fortune teller on the streets of Ria, she is later revealed to be a servant of Verloren, and it is possible she only took up this trade in order to lure those most unsatisfied with their lives into selling their souls to her. The only time she has appeared in the series so far, she turned a man into a Wars (the first case in the series), and seemingly escaped punishment from Frau, raising the question of what her eventual fate was. Appearance. Physical appearance. Although her height is unknown, she appears to be a woman of average height, and has a very curvaceous figure with an enormous bust. She has an oval-shaped face with darkish-brown skin, a long, thin nose, and thin lips that she coats with a dark red lipstick. Her eyes are droopy, with long, dark eyelashes, and her irises are green in colour, though they gleam a bright blue when using her powers. Her hair is dark purple, wavy, parted in the middle with short bangs on each side to frame her face, and long enough to reach her mid-back. Clothing. The fortune teller wears a backless and sleeveless dress, almost the same colour as her hair, with a v-neck that cuts down to her navel. Joined to the sides of the dress are two sleeves that leave her shoulders exposed, yet cover her arms. She wears a gold bracelet on her left arm, and two golden bangles on each wrist. The fortune teller also wears a thick golden necklace with crescent charms, crescent earrings, and a tiara with crescent charms dangling down. Personality. The fortune teller is flirtatious and seductive, and this is how she attracts potential victims. She appears approachable and a good listener, and people come to her to tell her their burdens, which she uses to her advantage to tempt them into bargaining with their souls. Even when taking a victim, she is cheery and happy. She can be seen as sadistic, as she seems to delight in her victims' misfortune. History. The history of the fortune teller is unknown, but if she is a Kor, it can be deduced that she was a human once, one that was unhappy with her life, or desperate, and wanted an easy way to get what she wanted. Her three wishes remain unknown, as does when she became a Kor (if she is indeed one), or how many souls she has taken for Verloren. It is implied that the back alley where she meets the Wars Man is one of her most frequented locations in her search for potential souls. Manga synopsis. Meeting the Wars man. The fortune teller is first seen at a stall in one of the alleyways in a city in District 7 that looks remarkably like Ria. After catching a man looking at her, she engages him in conversation and, after finding out he was unhappy with the way his life had turned out, tempts him by offering him three wishes in exchange for his soul. The three wishes. The man leaves, and after spending his wishes, his reflection turns into that of the fortune teller, and she is ready to take his soul. When the man says only his wish for money came true, the fortune teller explains that the woman he wanted was now lying dead on the floor, and by killing her he had his freedom. She then takes his soul, and he becomes a Wars. Aftermath. Although the man is later killed by Frau, the fortune teller seemed to escape without punishment. Being a Ghost and an experienced bishop, it is highly unlikely that Frau did not know that the man had been manipulated by someone else. It is possible that he killed her, or if she was a Kor, purified her soul, off-screen.
Fortune Teller
# Frau   Frau is one of the main characters in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. He is known as the 'perverted Bishop' due to his hobbies of flirting with any pretty woman he happens to spot, and reading porn. Appearance. Physical appearance. Frau is a handsome young man. He is the tallest character in both the manga and anime. He stands at 190 cm and weighs 84 kg. Frau has a very muscular build and this, along with his tall stature, makes him look very intimidating. His arm has the mark of Verloren's scythe on it, and on his lower back he has the standard Bishop tattoo. Frau appears to be in his early to mid twenties, and although he looks physically older than both Castor and Labrador, an omake reveals that he is the youngest of the three Bishops. Frau has an angular, long face with a long, thin nose, a large mouth and narrowed eyes that are a deep blue in colour but appear indigo under certain light. He is always drawn with blank eyes when in chibi form, and several characters have commented on his 'criminal eyes'. His skin tone is rather pale and he has light blonde hair that appears quite long, but is always spiked up. When Frau smiles with his mouth open, only one of his canines are visible, making it look as if he has a fang. Frau greatly resembles Guido, the previous vessel of Zehel, and also bears a fairly strong resemblance to his father. Another character Frau resembles is Fea Kreuz, something which Teito has noted.  Similar to Guido, Frau looks somewhat older than his true age. As Zehel. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Frau appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. In Kapitel 92, as a child in Teito's flashback, Frau was seen wearing a light-coloured top with a high collar and elbow-length sleeves over dark gloves, sneakers, long, striped pants, and a belt. When in his casual clothes, Frau wears an ankle-length, leather trench-coat almost identical to the one Castor wears. Frau's is a lighter shade of blue (purple on the cover page of Kapitel 96), with a high neck-guard. It is tied around his waist with two belts, and worn open, exposing his bare chest. He wears a Bishop's 'dog collar' and a silver necklace in the shape of a crucifix, as well as black boots and gloves. His sleepwear consists of a black, frayed top that covers his forearms in thin strips and exposes parts of his back, showing his bishop tattoo. In his church clothes, Frau wears a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Frau wears a plain, white mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. Following the death of Bastien, Frau changed to mourning attire, consisting of a simple black cassock that almost reaches the ground and a gold strip of cloth, that appears to be a modification of a stole, around five feet long, and worn around the collar. He wears a clergy badge on his collar. During the funeral service he also wears a black mitre, not unlike his church one, with a golden cross emblazoned in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. When temporarily employed at Madame's Tavern, Frau wore a typical butler attire: consisting of a white, long sleeved shirt, black waistcoat and a black bow-tie, black trousers and a black apron. He also wore white socks and black shoes. In Kapitel 80, Frau attended Princess Roseamanelle's masquerade, and wore the appropriate noble clothing. He also wore a mask, although it was eventually destroyed during his reunion with Teito. On page 4 of Kapitel 45, Frau appears to wear bandages on one of his arms, long dark pants with a belt, and a dark cape that exposes his upper body. On the cover page of Kapitel 38, he is shown wearing bandages on one of his arms again, as well as the same pants and belt, and a sleeveless, dark top. Like the other Ghosts and Verloren, when in his true form as a death god, Frau wears a black cloak with a hood, and always wears the hood up. It is likely that, after becoming Verloren's successor, Frau's death god's cloak becomes his permanent outfit. Personality. Frau can be described as an archetype of a "bad boy with a heart of gold". He is characterised by a stubborn and rebellious nature that he has had since childhood,hot-tempered and prone to starting arguments with those around him, and often seen as rude. He is not afraid to return an insult or start a confrontation or fight, and will fight to defend friends from their enemies. He can be blunt at times and unlike his more diplomatic peers, will tell the truth whether others want to hear it or not. Frau has shown that he is adventurous and likes to take risks, as shown when he rode his Hawkzile recklessly despite warnings from Castor and Labrador. He once described himself as a "man of thrills" and is utterly ruthless towards most of his enemies. His independent, confident, assertive and occasionally irritable personality can cause people to mistakenly perceive him as mean-spirited. While he wouldn't hesitate to make a joke at someone else's expense, his intention is never to seriously hurt. Frau loathes genuinely cruel people and is quick to defend underdogs. Despite being a Ghost and a bishop, Frau seems to have less faith in God than his fellow Ghosts and other bishops, as shown by his blatant disregard of some of the Church rules, and also shown when he told Teito and Bastien that his god is dead. However, he does retain some faith in God. Despite his gruff exterior, he is a very gentle and tender person. Although he appears physically tall and intimidating, the church orphans adore him, often getting him to play games with them. He has a childlike side and seems to get along very well with children (especially boys) as he took to caring for Capella very easily, even telling him that the job of a child is to eat, sleep and play. He has been shown to dislike hurting children, as demonstrated in his fight against Black Hawk Kuroyuri- he was unwilling to hurt Kuroyuri despite the latter being a capable fighter. However, he occasionally displays questionable behaviour around children, such as when he tried to show some church orphans a porn magazine and when he chain-smoked around Capella, though it is unlikely he genuinely meant any harm by it. Frau is quite the ladies' man, flirting with and attracted to any pretty women he sees. He is also quite skilled at seduction and is not above using his looks to get what he wants, demonstrated in his dealings with Velne. However, despite his perverted nature, Frau can also be considered chivalrous and will not hesitate to help a woman in need out of genuine concern or sympathy. This is shown when he rescued Lady Marie from her demonic imprisonment, and also in the Drama CD, The Love Letter Which God Receives, when he is very polite to several old women who bathe with them, despite them not being to his taste. Frau truly cares about others' feelings and is protective of his friends, especially Teito. At the same time, he does not easily show his emotions, as shown when he feigned apathy after Bastien's death. In a manga chapter, Teito was shown wondering: 'Why are you always hiding your (Frau's) wounds from me (Teito)?'. However, Frau does occasionally show a more emotional side, especially around Teito. When this side of him is shown, Frau appears to be rather haunted and desperate, saying that he is 'surrounded by darkness' and 'already dead'. Frau can also be seen as fatherly, as a running gag in the manga is Frau being mistaken for Teito's and Capella's father (when he's not being mistaken for a kidnapper). As a child, Frau was studious. Teito said that it was as if Frau was 'pushing at his limits with everything he's got' in an effort to be acknowledged. Though it may not seem so at first, this diligence has continued into his adult years; he does take his work as a death god seriously. Abilities and Attributes. Zaiphon. Offensive Zaiphon: Frau has offensive Zaiphon. He is so talented that he holds the all-time highest score for the second part of the Bishop examination-- in which his light completely erased everyone's darkness. He is regarded as a prodigy by many, and exhibited extreme talent in a Zaiphon from an early age. After Frau is forcefully separated from Teito by Ayanami, he becomes enraged enough to use Zaiphon on two separate occasions. The first time, he surprises Barm, Moz, Ryuu and Nene; the second time, even Castor is startled by how powerful it is. In the anime, Frau was shown to fight on par with Black Hawks member Kuroyuri, who is assumed to be the third strongest Warsfeil in the group. Frau has also been shown to fight on par with Hyuuga, albeit with some difficulty. Piloting. Frau has demonstrated considerable skill at handling aircraft, handling not only Hawkziles but also complex military aircraft with ease. It is likely that his piloting abilities were honed during his years as a sky pirate. Ghost Abilities. Frau's ability as the Ghost Zehel is the ability to sever the bonds that tie a person's heart to misfortune. Like the other Ghosts, he has the ability to sense unholy beings. Also, as a Ghost, Frau recovers more quickly from injuries than ordinary humans, and since his heart does not beat and his body does not give off heat, it is likely that he has a higher tolerance of low temperatures than ordinary humans. Frau himself says that his body is 'amazingly stubborn' (said to Teito in a manga chapter). Like the other Ghosts, Frau can shift between his human and Ghost forms at will. Other. Frau possesses Verloren's scythe, which he obtained when Landkarte forcefully put it in him. On one occasion, he used the scythe as a sword, to defend himself from Hyuuga's katana. However, it is seen from manga chapter 52 that he is becoming corrupted by Verloren's scythe, as the scythe knows that Frau is just a fragment of Verloren, and thus will be compelled to devour souls too. In chapter 60, Frau, controlled by the scythe, tried to eat Teito's soul, but stopped just in time. In manga chapter 95, it was revealed that by the time he was a young teenager, Frau had mastered four languages. He also learned to speak the language of Raggs, albeit not perfectly. Being a god, Frau can understand the language of the gods. In the final manga chapter, Frau becomes the new Verloren. Hence, he gains the abilities of the other six Ghosts in addition to retaining Zehel's powers.
# Frau's Father Frau&apos;s father is a nameless, minor character who has only appeared in the special manga chapter SPEEDSTER so far. Appearance. Physical appearance. He looked somewhat like Frau and Guido, with short, light-coloured hair worn in a style similar to Frau's, although it is not known if he was also blonde. He had stubble and a large nose. Clothing. He wore a pair of goggles. Personality. He was said to be good-natured, "as good-natured as they come."  Relationships. Frau. It seems that he had a good relationship with his son, as he often took Frau on Hawkzile rides, and Frau was shown to have fond memories of him, comparing him to Guido. One of the reasons Frau became a sky pirate was a desire to follow in his father's footsteps. Employees of Magdalen's tavern Although no direct interaction has been shown between Frau's father and the employees of the tavern Eden, they expressed a favourable opinion of him. History. Early childhood. Little is known about Frau's father's early years. It is possible that he was born and raised on F-31. Adulthood. At some point in his life, he became a sky pirate and fathered Frau by an unknown woman. It was revealed that he often took Frau on Hawkzile rides, which is how Frau developed a liking for riding Hawkziles. He died in a Hawkzile accident when Frau was a child, leaving his son an orphan. Nothing else is known about him at this point.
Frau's Father
# Frau's Mother Frau's mother is presumed deceased or at least absent.  History. She had a son named Frau with an unnamed man. The waitress Magdalen later replaced her as the main source of female influence in her son's life.
Frau's Mother
# Frau/History Frau is one of the main characters in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. He is known as the 'perverted Bishop' due to his hobbies of flirting with any pretty woman he happens to spot, and reading porn. Childhood. Early childhood. Orphaned at a young age, Frau is the son of an unnamed Sky Pirate who died in an accident before the Raggs War. Before his father’s untimely death, Frau learned the ways of the Sky Pirates. His father also taught him to pilot a Hawkzile. The side-chapter SPEEDSTER reveals that Frau spent most of his early childhood on the floating island F-31, where he worked as a waiter at a local tavern. One of the tavern’s hostesses, Magdalen, often looked after him and hoped to steer him away from the life of a sky pirate, because she felt that it was too dangerous. However, Frau had other plans. An officer from the empire wanted to take over the island and add it to Barsburg’s conquests. Wanting to defend the island, the Sky Pirates proposed a Hawkzile racing contest. The winner of the contest would get to own the island. Despite his young age, Frau entered and won the contest. He was then adopted by Guido, the former Zehel. Frau saw Guido as a father figure and by extension also considered the Sky Pirates his newfound family. Unfortunately, their happiness was relatively short-lived as the Empire waged war on the smaller Raggs Kingdom a few years later, throwing the entire world into chaos. The Raggs War. As a teenager, Frau died during the Raggs War, after the traitor Landkarte implanted Verloren's Scythe in him. Guido, the previous vessel of Zehel, used the spirit of Zehel to possess Frau and control Verloren's scythe, allowing Frau to continue living. The scythe also somehow devoured Guido’s airship, though Frau was initially unaware of this. Sky Pirate Subjugation. A little while after the Raggs War, the Barsburg Imperial Army began the Sky Pirate Subjugation, which resulted in the disappearances or deaths of Frau's friends. Having lost his home, Frau arrived at the Barsburg Church seeking asylum. Years spent in the Church. Frau was adopted by the church and became Bastien's disciple. Due to the deaths of his friends, he didn't believe in God; nevertheless he was so powerful with Zaiphon that it was rumored he was a child blessed with God's strength. While Frau was a wild child, constantly getting into trouble, he and Bastian ended up having a good father-son like relationship. When he was very young, Frau used to sneak out of the church at night and remove Kor from those afflicted by it, something extremely difficult that only trained bishops are usually capable of doing. We find out in chapter 33, all of the 07 Ghosts are dead, including Frau. His body no longer gives off heat and his heart does not beat. It is possible that Frau already died even before coming to the church since he claimed that all of his friends died and Guido (former Zehel) was a comrade of his. This was confirmed in manga chapter 92. Frau took the Bishop's Apprentice Exam and was partnered with Castor. They did not pass at first, due to Frau failing the written portion of the exam, but eventually succeeded and went on to become bishops. Early Bishop years. When Frau was in his early years of being a Bishop he accompanied several other Bishops and travelled the streets of District 2 performing public exorcisms on citizens possessed by Kor. He sensed that a young woman was possessed but was prevented from going outside so he exorcised her in private. This woman was Hakuren's Mother. Barsburg Church. A meeting with Teito. Frau is first shown riding his Hawkzile along one of the chasms between Districts 1 and 7, riding it dangerously high. After ignoring Castor's repeated attempts to warn him that what he's doing is dangerous, Teito's Hawkzile crashes into the rocks - causing a rock-slide and almost killing Frau. Frau manages to avoid the falling rocks but is hit by Teito, who knocks him off his vehicle. Frau then carries Teito back to the Church. When Teito wakes up, Frau asks him how he is feeling, only to be attacked by a frightened Teito, and Frau saves Teito from leaping out of a window. He is then hit by Castor, who assumes he has been bullying Teito. Incident with the Kor. Frau later appears with the other two Bishops to confront the old man possessed by a Kor. Frau challenges that Old Man on his actions, and he (the old man) is revealed to be a Kor, who is hunting Teito as he is a criminal from the 1st District. Frau defends Teito, and uses a mysterious weapon, looking like a scythe, to fend off the Kor, and asks the Kor if his 'master' would prefer the scythe to Teito. The Kor reacts with outrage when seeing the weapon, and recognises Frau as having his scythe. During the ensuing battle, he is shocked that Teito can see his weapon, something he normally should not be able to do. It takes the combined efforts of Frau, using the scythe, and Castor, using his ghost strings, to destroy the wings of the Kor and take the Old man to safety. Frau then takes Teito back to his room and uses his abilities as a Bishop to remove the Kor from Teito, who had made a deal with it. Mikage's return and death. As the Bishops prepare for mass, they Bishops become very worried after Labrador reveals he had a vision of Mikage disappearing, and it's revealed Mikage only has half a soul left and will soon cease to exist. Frau comments that it is his first time encountering someone with only half a soul, and the Bishops decide to continue to watch Mikage in case the situation takes a turn for the worse. Sensing something has gone wrong within the Church, Frau is excused from mass and begins to search for Teito in Ghost form, encountering the Guardians of the Bridge of Trials as he does so. The guardians pester Frau with requests to fix and clean several things in the Church, but when pressed they tell Frau that they have sealed the intruders on the bridge of trials and tribulations. As Teito summons the God Mikhail, Frau, having found Teito in time, protects Teito and challenges the one controlling Mikage, shown to be Ayanami. During the fight with a possessed Mikage, Frau is no longer able to hide his identity as the Ghost Zehel from Teito. Ayanami, who is in control of half of Mikage's soul, also recognises Frau as Zehel, one of the Seven Ghosts. Frau realises that Mikage's soul is being eaten by the single Kor wing, and that it is impossible to save him. Teito does not realise this and begs for Mikage to be saved by the Ghost. Mikage goads Teito into taking revenge against the Barsburg Imperial Army, and then he throws himself against the scythe Zehel is wielding, which cuts his wing, thus killing himself. Ayanami, who notices the scythe, warns Frau that it will soon return to him(Ayanami), so he must treat it with care until then. Mikage's reincarnation. Following Mikage's death, Frau breaks through the door to a depressed Teito's room to comfort him. Frau brings Mikage's reincarnation that he had been earlier searching for (using the soul colours as guidance): a orphaned Fyulong dragon that had fallen from its mother's nest, and tells Teito that Mikage wanted to protect Teito no matter what form. He then spots the collar Mikage had earlier put on Teito, but then accidentally becomes Teito's master through the promise collar when he tries to remove it and it bites him. Bishop's Exam Arc. Castor attempts to erase Teito's memory of the battle with Mikage, as he knows of the Ghosts' identities. However he is stopped by Frau who reasons that it will take away Mikage's last smile, Teito's last treasure. Castor warns Frau that he will lose his position as a Ghost if 'the higher-ups' were to find out about Frau letting Teito keep his memories of having seen Frau as a Ghost, but before they are able to take it any further, Frau's scythe malfunctions and attacks an unconscious Teito, despite Frau's protests. The Eye of Mikhail intervenes before Teito is injured, and a furious Mikhail attacks the two Bishops. When Mikhail demands the removal of the collar, Castor counters that only the army can remove it. To control Mikhail, Frau makes use of the commands of the collar, and once Teito has been incapacitated, the Bishops decide to enrol Teito in the clergy exams. Wars Attacks. A man, consumed by a Wars, walks into his old bar and demands the souls of those inside. Frau arrives before he can injure anyone and uses the scythe to destroy him. Meanwhile, Aldo, the receptionist, is murdered by a mysterious figure, and Frau is spotted on the roof-top of the Church, overlooking his dead body by Teito. Suspicion falls upon the Seven Ghosts, who people believe could not forgive Aldo for his crimes. Frau and Castor talk about the situation of the Eye of Mikhail, but Teito overhears when he goes to visit Frau about his broken Baculus. Teito is angry with what he hears, believing they used him just like the Imperial Army had done. He flees but is pursued by Frau, who he attacks, but is quickly apprehended, and Frau explains himself.As the two students make their way back to their room, they are attacked by a Wars, being controlled by Kuroyuri. The Wars launches for Teito but he is pushed out of the way by Hakuren, who takes the blow but is knocked out the window. Teito then throws himself out the window in effort to save Hakuren but both caught by Frau who then destroys the Wars. Frau then realises that members of the Imperial army, Kuroyuri and Haruse have infiltrated the Barsburg Church. The next morning Frau remembers the events of last night, he remembers Kuroyuri sending the Wars and he confronts the Mortician on why he never reported Aldo's missing body. Frau is present when the Bishops hold a meeting about the recent presence of Kor, and conclude a Warsfeil was responsible for the attack. Frau's imprisonment. As Frau is entertaining several orphan children he is interrupted by an evil presence in the Church. As he follows the scent he is greeted with the sight of Black Hawks member Kuroyuri, the room being filled with the mutilated corpses of criminals. The two engage in battle, with Frau using "his" scythe to fend off the Wars, making Kuroyuri furious. As Kuroyuri receives a message to fall back, s/he leaves and drops a Warsfeil Dagger which Frau picks up. Almost immediately, the Imperial Guard arrive, find Frau in possession of the dagger, and imprisoned in Light Dungeon awaiting execution. Teito swims to Frau's cell. As Teito attempts to break Frau free, Frau stops him, then asks Teito to smile fo him. Teito manages an awkward smile. Frau eventually escapes his cell in his ghost form, using one of Castor's dolls as a body double, and confronts Bastien, who had been revealed to be a spy and possessed by a Wars. Frau hesitates when killing him, but Bastien encourages him and Frau is forced to kill him. Bastien's funeral. Bastien's funeral takes place as normal. Frau, along with Bishops Castor and Labrador discusses the possibility of any Warsfeil remaining in the Barsburg Church- since Bastien's death has restored the protective barrier around the Church.  When an unnamed nun approaches Frau (Sisters Libelle, Athena and Rosalie in the anime) suspecting him to be one of the Seven Ghosts, Castor elbows Frau, causing him to drop a porn book to dispel any notions that he is a guardian of the Church. Confident that their secret is safe, the three Bishops make their escape. Infiltration by the Black Hawks. After Teito, upset at Frau's earlier comments on his death, attacks Frau and runs off, Frau senses an evil presence in the Church. As Teito wanders around, a Wars suddenly appears, summoned by Kuroyuri, and devours Teito and Hakuren, despite Frau's attempts to save them. Frau mounts a Hawkzile and arrives in time to save a falling Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak, who had been thrown from the Hawkzile driven by Black Hawks member Haruse. He pours holy water on Teito, who had been rendered comatose, which weakens the Wars but cannot destroy it. Mikhail wakes, and Frau implores him to remove the Eye (as the Wars resides in the Eye), but Mikhail coldly replies that he (Mikhail) cannot be destroyed. As he flies close to the Ribidzile, Frau is alarmed that his scythe starts reacting to someone on board the Ribidzile. Distracted by this, he is unable to defend the Hawkzile from Hyuuga, who confronts them and cuts their vehicle in half. Frau,  Hakuren and Teito are separated as they fall, but Frau hijacks another Hawkzile. Once the Eye and Teito are separated by Haruse, who loses his soul in the process, Frau gives chase and is soon confronted by Hyuuga, also chasing the Eye, who mocks him. Frau is angered by his comments and attacks Hyuuga with his scythe, which Hyuuga blocks and a fight begins- with Hyuuga using his sword against Frau's scythe. As Teito Klein and the Eye of Mikhail fall from the sky, it becomes apparent that Frau cannot catch both of them so Frau chooses to grab Teito, allowing Hyuuga to take the Eye of Mikhail and escape, where he delivers it to Ayanami. Teito is furious that Frau caught him (Teito) and let the Eye of Mikhail go, but Frau calms him. Since the existence of the Eye is a secret, Frau can only watch as Labrador is forced to let The Black Hawks pass out of the district with the Eye in hand. The Bishop's apprentice exam. Bastien's reincarnation. After Bastien's death, Frau pretends not to be bothered since he has seen many deaths before, but Teito scolds him for not properly feeling sad because Bastien was so important to Frau. Some time after the theft of Mikhail's Eye, Frau tests Hakuren Oak and Teito Klein on their Biblical knowledge, as preparation for the exam the next day. As they prepare to finish, Labrador interrupts, and brings Frau a sapling of an Evie Tree. The sprout, with a soul a colour familiar to Frau, is implied to be Bastien's reincarnation, and Frau says he will plant it in the sunniest part of the courtyard. Eve of the exam. Frau appears before Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak as the two boys have met Bishop Lance. Upon seeing Lance, his self-professed rival, Frau attacks him with a pair of shears in an attempt to cut off his large curl. He is annoyed upon finding out that Lance had toured the seven continents looking for souvenirs instead of performing his Bishop duties and is at first excited to receive a present, only to burn it once he discovers it is a photo album full of pictures of Lance, and reacts with distress upon finding Lance's chances of becoming assistant archbishop have improved significantly because Castor refused the position. Upon hearing that Teito is prepared to take the exam with his friend, Hakuren, Frau takes the two boys to the Eye of God Teito made earlier to remind him of his power. He bids the two boys goodbye before they leave to take the exam.  During the exam. Castor and Frau reminisce about the time they took the exam. Frau says he disliked his partner, making Castor so furious he sticks a chess piece in Frau's face (as Castor was his partner). The two continue to argue when some small children approach them and ask Castor and Frau to show them a puppet and a picture book respectively. Frau attempts to show them a porn book but Castor backhands him. Escape from the Church. Close to the end of the exam, Frau and the others notice a commotion outside and it's revealed the Barsburg army is investigating the Barsburg Church in order to find the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail, after the previous day's incident. Frau kills several soldiers from the army and greets Teito Klein when he exits the exam room, where he congratulates Teito on passing and informs him he is now his apprentice. They then both rush out of the Church to escape the army, passing through a secret tunnel used by the Pope in emergency situations, with Labrador's petals to guide them. They exit the tunnel in one of the back alleys in District 7. However, they are still being pursued by some guards. As they flee, they see a slave trader, Carl, abusing a young boy, Capella. This infuriates Teito, and he (Teito) attacks Carl and steals Capella, destroying Carl's cart in the process and the resulting explosion takes out the guards pursuing them. The three of them then continue to Ria. Journey to District 6. Once the three have reached the port of Ria, they leave their Hawkzile at the repair shop and look around for a store to buy supplies for the journey ahead. Frau finds one such store, but is shocked when they refuse entry to Capella on account of him being an un-bought sklave. Frau begins to protest but Teito Klein angrily breaks the chains Capella wears, demanding that he be let in. Frau quickly drags them away before a fight starts. Once they have reached a safe distance, Capella begins to cry at Frau's and Teito's kindness. Frau tells Capella he is now free, and accepts Capella's request to join them on their travels (on account of Capella having nowhere to go), but becomes offended when Capella calls him an "old man" when he thanks him, teliing Capella to call him 'oniichan' (lit. older brother) instead. Confrontation with Carl. Carl, who watches them from one of the buildings, has one of his men fire an anti-armour vehicle weapon at them. Teito senses the approaching blast and uses his Zaiphon to shield them. Carl then appears from the smoke, commanding a unit of slaver-traders and trolls, and dramatically introduces himself to them. Carl addresses Frau, whilst standing on a box so he is able to look him in the eye, and demands he repay him for the destruction of his cart. One of his men notices Teito's green eyes (rare, so slaves that possess them are expensive), and Carl says he will ignore the debt Frau owes him if Teito agrees to become a sklave he can sell. His men see Teito's tattoo and recognise him as a battle sklave, and Teito and Frau then proceed to beat Carl's men into submission. Carl relents and extends an offer of friendship: agreeing to give Capella to Teito and Frau, and offering to give them a ride past the guards to District 6: since Carl is a military-recognised slave trader he doesn't need identification papers to cross Districts. Frau sarcastically thanks Carl. Escape from Carl. When inside, Frau questions Teito's motives for going to Seele. Frau warns him that Ayanami will be seeking him (Teito) as the Eye of Mikhail is useless without its wielder. Teito then realises that Frau has joined him on his journey so he (Teito) can act as a decoy to draw out Ayanami so Frau can kill him. Frau is rebuked by Teito, who says that he will kill Ayanami himself, but is pleased that he can contribute. Frau reassures him of his importance, and then reveals he intended Capella to stay at the orphanage at the Barsburg Church. Frau then apologises to Teito for not having warned him of the dangers ahead, something Teito readily forgives him for. As they near District 6, Carl slips a gas bomb, containing a sleeping gas, in the back of his cart. Upon arrival, Carl opens the back doors, expecting to find those inside sleeping, but Teito, Frau and Capella suddenly bolt on a Hawkzile that was inside with them: the sleeping gas having no effect as Burupya had eaten the bomb. Carl and his subordinates watch them get away, and Carl angrily shouts that this was part of the plan. Hausen House. Frau, Teito Klein, Capella and Burupya arrive at the Hausen House of District 6. As Capella and Burupya sleep, Teito complains that it is cold, and Frau hands him an erotic magazine to "heat him up"- which Teito destroys using his Zaiphon. When Capella wakes up, the three go to the small church attached to the House of God to submit their report. When Teito receives his letter from Hakuren Oak, Frau comments that Hakuren sounds like a "mother hen". Teito replies to the letter, and in it mentions Capella, which causes Castor (whom Hakuren reads the letter to) to mistakenly think Frau has fathered an illegitimate child, and he (Castor) sends him (Frau) a strongly-worded letter. Frau destroys the letter in frustration. Once they reach the front gate of the Hausen House, Teito opts to go in alone, and Frau leaves to go 'hunting' nearby- taking Capella with him. Destroying the Wars. Frau takes Capella to a brothel but is disappointed when all the women there coo over Capella and ignore him. He leaves Capella with the women and wanders the district where he comes across a young woman. He warns her of the dangers of walking home alone and she informs him that she is homeless and asks him to "buy [her] for the night". Frau agrees but then releases his scythe, realising she is actually a Wars. He pursues her onto the rooftops as she tries to escape him. She leads him to other Wars and they mock him for using Verloren's Scythe. Frau refuses to submit to their demands that he give up his "corrupted soul" and begins to purify their souls using the scythe, stating that he has not yet been consumed by darkness. The Wars inhabiting the woman's body screams one last insult at Frau: "you fool", before leaving her body for good, and the woman thanks Frau for releasing her. Her soul leaves for heaven and she is presumably reincarnated, but the scythe is unimpressed with the quality of his meals and roars in protest. Frau tells it to quieten down. Leaving the Hausen House. At some point, Frau recovers Capella and arrives at the Hausen House in time to witness the confrontation between Teito Klein, Seilan and the Imperial Guard, who threaten to arrest Teito for 'exposing the crimes of the Hausen House'. They are prevented from doing so by Frau, who beats the guards into submission and they (the guard) let them pass.  Once out of the Hausen House, Teito asks Frau why he did not tell him travelling to Seele would result in his (Teito's) death. Frau struggles to answer, but Teito does not wait for a reply and assures Frau that learning this has had no impact on his decision to go to Seele. Teito then presses a hand to Frau's body and finds he is cold, and Teito realises Frau is dead. The group recover their Hawkzile, and continue on their journey. Journey to District 5. The group continue on their journey to District 5 to find the next House of God, the Krat House. Feeling hungry, Capella excitedly asks for candied apples for lunch, but Frau jokes that Capella will be as short as Teito Klein if he doesn't eat real food. Teito purposes they eat Bear, and turns his attention to the large bear chasing them. Frau approves, and Teito uses his Zaiphon to kill it. The group sit by the fire and eat, and Frau informs the others they will travel by the Mountain Road, as it will discourage pursuers from the military. As Frau feeds his Hawkzile, Capella asks Teito to teach him how to properly use his. As Capella practices, they are suddenly interrupted by a dog barking. They follow the sound and are lead to a dog chained to a gravestone, that excitedly greets Frau by licking his face. Upon realising the dog is a spirit, Teito attempts to free it by striking the chains with his Baculus yet they do not break. Frau explains a Baculus is not strong enough to break a Kor's wish, and he unleashes Verloren's Scythe and uses it to free the animal's soul- which then ascends to heaven. Teito reflects that the pain he feels makes him weak. Frau corrects him- saying it makes him kind, but Teito then has a vision of his past and faints. Marie. Having carried an unconscious Teito Klein through the Mountain Road to the city of Baltos, Frau finds a Tavern and offers to work there in exchange for the rest and food they have to offer. The tavern owner, Madame, agrees to this arrangement and Frau is playing hide-and-seek with several of the hostesses when Teito finds him. Frau mistakes Teito for one of the girls he is chasing, leading Teito to hit him. Whilst working there, Frau uses his experience with wines to manage the bar, but later goes to help Capella peel potatoes. Capella recounts the story of how his mother sold him into slavery- prompting Frau to ask him if he wants to find his mother, though Capella says he doesn't. Later that evening, as the city prepares for the ball, Frau happens upon Marie- a spirit bound on earth because of a Kor's wish her lover made- on the roof of the tavern, and asks for her hand. Marie has one last dance before Frau releases her soul- which ascends to heaven. Just then, Marie's Lover, now a Wars and angry that Marie had been freed, attacks Frau. The man begins to taunt Frau, thinking he cannot be harmed, but Frau then unleashes Verloren's Scythe and has it devour him- sending his soul to hell. Aftermath. Frau contemplates the disgusting taste of Marie's Lover's soul when he is startled by Teito Klein, who had heard the noise. Frau dismisses Teito's concerns as tiredness, and tells Teito he needs a bath. However, as Teito turns his back to go and get towels, Frau tries to grab him- temporarily overcome by the scythe's desire to devour a 'delicious' soul. Frau regains his senses, and manages to stop himself from harming Teito by smashing his (Frau's) head against a wall. In the shower, the scythe begins to unleash itself against Frau's wishes, and Frau reacts by angrily slamming his hand against the wall- which causes the scythe to retreat back into his arm. As Frau gets out, Teito- who is chasing Capella as the latter doesn't want a bath- bumps into him. Frau and Teito make an effort to convince Capella to take a bath, but Madame interrupts them. As Madame dresses Capella, Teito notices Frau is warm- as the hot water had warmed his skin Leaving for Dals and the one-winged Kor. Frau, Teito Klein, and Capella leave for Dals in the 5th District, with Carl watching them. Frau informs Teito that he will send in his report to the Barsburg Church, but Teito runs off with Capella- telling Frau he has something he needs to do. A while later, Frau is either disturbed by Teito and Capella not returning, or overhears the commotion of the fight. Either way, he rushes to the scene, and arrives to find a one-winged Kor attacking Teito. While the one-winged Kor is distracted after having lost his arm (due to the seal on Teito's soul, placed there by Vertrag, 'defending' Teito's soul from being read), Frau appears behind him and stabs him through the abdomen using his scythe. As the one-winged Kor soldier dies, he bids Teito and Frau a final warning: that the only one who will obtain Pandora's Box is Ayanami. As the civilians douse the street with holy water to remove all traces of the Kor, Teito begins to panic- as he knows Ayanami is watching him and he is terrified Capella will be killed. Frau quickly carries him to safety, chastising him for leaving him. Dals. As Frau carries an injured Teito Klein to Dals, Teito laments how he is still unable to defeat Ayanami. Teito tells Frau he remembered Fea Kreuz is Vertrag, and Frau informs Teito he has tested the soul seal while Teito was sleeping- injuring his arm like Ayanami did. Teito is appalled by this, believing it to be sexual harassment, and then demands to know if Ayanami is Verloren. Frau reluctantly confirms this. Frau flirts with a nurse as a doctor bandages Teito's arm, prompting Teito to kick him, and once Teito has recovered, he, Teito and Capella (now asleep) wander the streets of Dals. Frau says that Teito must disguise himself if they are to successfully evade the guards, but when he (Frau) turns round, Teito has disappeared. He finds Teito on Carl's ship (who had followed them from Baltos), and shouts at him for leaving him. Frau realises that, as a slave barge, Carl's ship has free passage through the Districts, and invites himself and Teito onto the aircraft. Carl objects, but has little choice in the matter. Manga synopsis. In the Raggs kingdom, he and Teito found out that Teito was Pandora's Box. He comforted Teito, telling him that he was his light which illuminated the way home. During the race, they were attacked by Ayanami and his Black Hawks. He tried to rescue Teito, but failed and ended up in District 24, where he was found by beggars.  After regaining his energy, he infiltrated the mansion and fought with Teito, only to be stabbed in the stomach by the protective Mikhail, who forgot about him too. He said that he'll never let Teito's hand go. Teito finally remembers Frau but couldn't stop Mikhail's attack. Before Frau was hit by it, he welcomed Teito back. His scythe protected him and Frau scared away the soldiers. Frau asked the scythe why it had saved him and it answered that it found two people (Teito and Ouka) as food. Frau tried to escape the cage but his arm was held back. He found out that the cage was specifically made to hold the scythe in. After being absent for several chapters, Frau briefly reappeared in Kapitel 90 while arguing with a soldier. He told the soldier to 'bring the chief who locked me up here', and struggled to restrain Verloren's scythe. In Kapitel 92, Frau reunited with Teito. In Kapitel 93, Frau tries to stop Pandora's Box from being unsealed, but is unable to. In despair, he calls out to Mikhail, but receives no response. In Kapitel 94, Frau appears to have 'merged' with Verloren's scythe, but in Kapitel 96, Teito saves him. Frau then affectionately chides Teito for putting himself in danger despite all Frau did to let him escape, and agrees to fight with Teito against the imminent danger of Verloren's full revival. At the end of the manga, he becomes the new Verloren. He is seen carrying out the duties of his new position, including paying a visit to a dying woman and comforting her in her last moments. His last appearance is in Kapitel 100, where he is seen to be continuing his work as the sole God of Death. He welcomes Teito "home" after his reincarnation, Wahrheit Teito Klein's death, and sees him off to his new journey. Frau reappears in the mangakas' second series "Battle Rabbits", in which he he continues to serve his role of Verloren. He guides Kaguya, the protagonist and the son of one of Teito's reincarnations, and protects him, and is also shown interacting with his friend, Izumi, after the death of his sister. His last appearance is in the last chapter of the manga, where he meets up with Teito one more time and, once again, welcomes him "home".
# Frau/Relationships Frau is one of the main characters in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. He is known as the 'perverted Bishop' due to his hobbies of flirting with any pretty woman he happens to spot, and reading porn. Barsburg Church. Teito Klein. Frau rescued Teito when he fell from his Hawkzile, and took him back to the church. Despite the favour, they did not get along very well, and their first meeting (where Teito was awake) involved Teito attacking Frau twice. Despite these unpleasant first impressions, Frau did not take the attack personally, and began to see Teito as a source of amusement: he found it funny whenever Teito got angry at him. Frau would attempt to build up Teito's confidence around others and encouraged him to open up by joking with him and engaging him in friendly banter. The death of Mikage changed Frau's attitude towards Teito. The reason is likely because Frau felt guilty- as he was unable to save Mikage when Teito begged him to. Frau stopped Castor from erasing Teito's memory of seeing him as Zehel, because by doing so, Castor would also be wiping out Mikage's last smile. Having experienced the death of loved ones before, Frau comforted Teito and spoke to him gently- revealing a softer side he had not shown before, and this caused him to search for Mikage's reincarnation. Teito later returned the favour, helping Frau through Bastien's death and encouraging him to mourn properly. Whilst rebuffing Teito's attempts, Frau clearly appreciated the concern, and sharing woes helped Frau connect with Teito on a personal level. As the series progresses, Teito and Frau form a strong bond of mutual affection and respect, deeply caring for each other. In fact, Frau cares more about Teito than anyone else and Teito becomes the most important person to Frau.  Frau often teases Teito as a way of keeping his spirits up (whenever Teito becomes sad he annoys him to take focus off the thing upsetting Teito) and he is usually the one who is responsible whenever Teito becomes annoyed. However, the comments are light-hearted and it is never his intention to hurt Teito. Frau is very quick to comfort Teito when he becomes truly upset. It is worth noting that Frau tends to become more emotional and expressive around Teito, and when it comes to matters involving Teito. After Teito was kidnapped by Ayanami, Frau was visibly annoyed at Castor and Labrador for not rescuing Teito despite them already having found out what had happened to Teito, and was determined to rescue Teito despite being exhausted and weakened. Frau more readily expresses his feelings to Teito than to any other character in the series. Frau also protects Teito physically, and whenever Teito is being targeted by Kors, Frau is always the first to come to his rescue. He worries about Teito's safety, shown he repeatedly tells Teito not to go off by himself and becomes angry at Teito when the latter disobeys him, his anger stemming from fear for Teito. Frau is not above killing, or expressing a desire to kill, anyone who tries to harm Teito, especially Ayanami. In a humorous scene in the manga, Frau's imagination ran wild and he visualized Ayanami as a snake about to devour an innocent frog, Teito. Frau accidentally became Teito's "master" when he tried to remove the slave collar on Teito's neck. This collar gives Frau the ability to use three commands on Teito: bind, sleep and pain. However, Frau has never used the 'pain' function. Since the two of them cannot be apart from each other for more than forty-eight hours, Frau accompanies Teito on his journey to the 7 Districts. Frau sees Teito as his own family, as he said to Castor and Labrador in a chapter of the manga, and Teito also reminds Frau of himself when he was younger. Thus he empathises with, and is very protective of, Teito. Frau can be considered a combination of older brother figure and father figure for Teito. For comic effect, Frau also plays the role of Teito's "mother" in the side chapter Supreme Sugar 03. Frau is very possessive of his apprentice, reacting with fear and anger whenever Teito wanders away. He once even went as far as to chain Teito's ankle to a bed and claimed this was for Teito's own safety. He also often watches Teito while the latter is sleeping. Despite this, he clearly does not intend to harm Teito and his more aggressive actions may be attributed to the influence of Verloren's Scythe. He thinks of Teito as his "light" and implored the boy to stay with him. In response, Teito constantly reassured Frau and maintained a strong bond of mutual respect and affection with his bishop. They travelled everywhere together and Frau made sure to keep Teito close at all times.  In the end, both Frau and Teito accepted that Teito would have to die in order to have an audience with the Chief of Heaven. After reincarnating, Teito is one of the few humans who can see Frau in his new form.  Jio. Not much interaction has been shown between Frau and Jio although there is evidence to suggest they do not get along very well. Frau often annoys the Archbishop with his rudeness and rule breaking and seems to dislike Jio's strictness as he (Frau) suggests skipping mass at the Archbishop's expense. Frau has casually referred to Jio as 'old man' and 'old geezer', showing that he is not very respectful towards Jio. Despite Frau being an adult, Jio refers to him as 'that boy'. As the Archbishop, Jio is aware of Frau, Castor and Labrador's true identities as Ghosts. Hakuren Oak. Hakuren idolises Frau because Frau has saved Hakuren's mother in the past. The two do not interact much but get along well. Hakuren once gave Frau some porn as a gift to impress him, and they instantly bonded. Ghosts. Castor. Frau and Castor are often fighting, or making fun of and exchanging insults with each other, but they have been shown to be good friends, and share a brotherly bond that neither of them would ever admit to. Castor was Frau's partner for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam and Castor failed to pass the exam three times because Frau continued to fail the written portion of the test, something which causes them to argue whenever it is mentioned. Even though they are seen fighting a lot, it has been shown that they trust each other and are confident in each other's fighting abilities. Labrador. Frau and Labrador are shown interacting little but they seem to get along relatively well, Frau comforting Labrador when he was worried on one occasion. Labrador also stated of Frau (Vol 01, Chap 001, Page 42) that "only fools and crazies like high places" when Frau refused to take the safer path back saying he was a man of thrills and the dangerous path was his road. Lance. Frau and Lance appear to have known each other for a while, and while they do not interact much, Lance considers Frau his rival, a sentiment Frau does not share. There have been times when Frau appeared to have little respect for Lance, both as a Bishop and an individual: upon seeing him, he attacked him with a pair of shears in an attempt to cut off Lance's large side curl, and tried to burn Lance's gift for him. Lance was also one of the Seven Ghosts like Frau. It is likely that, of all the members of the current generation of Ghosts, Lance's age was the closest to Frau's. Lance seems less concerned than Castor and Labrador by the perverted side of Frau's nature, though this could simply be due to Lance spending less time around Frau and not because he approves of it. Guido. Frau knew, and was friends with, the former Zehel. Although Frau had a high amount of respect for Guido, even to the extent that he considered Guido his god, it's shown that he was more than willing to argue with his superior if he didn't agree with him. Frau also knew Guido well enough to know that the more serious a situation was, the less willing Guido was to make fun of him. Guido might be a relative of Frau, as not only do they have similar appearances, both of them are vessels of Zehel, and a chosen vessel of Zehel must be from one of the Seven Houses of God. Only blood relatives of the God House of Zehel itself are able to become the descendants of Zehel. Fea Kreuz. Frau knew that Fea Kruez is the "father" who took care of Teito, which comes as a surprise as Teito had never mentioned the subject to Frau. Whenever Teito asks how he knew his "father", Frau refuses to answer and either changes the subject or avoids it altogether. Frau probably knew Fea Kreuz was Teito's 'Father' because Fea Kreuz was also one of the 07 Ghosts, although it could also be that Frau knew of Fea Kreuz because he once looked at Teito's memories while Teito was sleeping. In chapter 92, it's revealed that Frau met Fea Kreuz during the Raggs war, being a teenager at the time. Frau and Kreuz meet again in chapter 99, and Frau jealously interrupts the emotional reunion between Kreuz and Teito. Barsburg Armed Forces. Bastien. Bastien was Frau's teacher in the past. Frau was adopted by the church and became Bastien's disciple when he was caught in the large scale 'thief subjugation' across the Barsburg empire. Since Frau was a wild child, he and Bastien did not get along well at first. Frau was constantly getting into trouble, with Bastien having to punish him, and Frau openly insulting Bastien and his beliefs. After Bastien discovered Frau's secret, he and Bastien ended up having a good father-son like relationship. When Frau sneakily healed the villagers throughout the night, Bastien caught him and talked to him, praising him for getting rid of Kor at such a young age, and Bastien's faith in him restores some of Frau's belief in God. While acting as Zehel, Frau killed Bastien for the latter's crime of murdering several criminals who had sought sanctuary in the Church; however, Frau was shown to be unwilling to do so, saying 'Why? Why of all people did it have to be you?' and hesitating for a moment before finally killing Bastien with Verloren's scythe. After Bastien's death, Frau feigned apathy since he has seen many deaths before. A little while after the funeral, the nuns find that a new sprout had grown from one of the trees at the church; it is implied that this is Bastien's reincarnation. At the end of the chapter, Frau is shown sitting in the tree, reunited with his mentor. Ayanami. Ayanami is Verloren's soul reborn/reincarnated in a human body, and since Frau is Zehel, one of Verloren's fragments, it is possible Frau would have known of Ayanami and Verloren since his reincarnation. The two of them appear to have some sort of rivalry as they often engage in banter when fighting. Early in the series, Hyuuga claimed that Ayanami would steal everything precious to Frau. Ayanami hates Frau for being a "replica", being an obstacle towards his ultimate goal of regaining his body, and wielding Verloren's scythe. Frau was aware Ayanami was Verloren before the series begun, as he hoped that ""he" hadn't awoken". Frau is in possession of Verloren's scythe which annoys Ayanami and the Black Hawks. Ayanami, in turn tells Frau to use it wisely as it is destined to return to him one day.  Similar to his apprentice, Frau hates Ayanami for the many hardships that he's caused Teito, and has expressed a desire to kill him if the opportunity arises (manga chapter 27). The hatred is apparently mutual, as Ayanami has tried to kill Frau on more than one occasion. It is worth noting that both Frau and Ayanami are possessive and protective of Teito (though for rather different reasons). This could be another reason for their rivalry and mutual hatred. Others. Capella. Frau treats Capella like a younger brother or son. He buys him sweets and instructs him that the job of a child is to eat, sleep and play. Frau is also the one who emphasized Capella's freedom after Teito broke his chains and offered him his cloak. Master. Master is an acquaintance of Frau's. From what little interaction has been shown between the two, they appear to have a cordial relationship. Madame. Madame liked Frau's efficiency while he was working for her, and complimented his skill. Carl and Parl. Frau dislikes Carl and Parl, because for a while, the two brothers constantly tried to cause trouble for him, Teito and Capella. He seems to enjoy taunting the two brothers, as shown when he smirked at Carl and made a rude gesture at him, and when he delighted in the two brothers' misfortune during the Hawkzile race.   Verloren's Scythe. Though he wields it with considerable skill, Frau does not like the scythe very much. The scythe has shown that the dislike is mutual, as it often disobeys Frau and tries to tempt Frau to devour Teito's soul. Mikhail. Frau and Mikhail have forged an uneasy alliance. They frequently argue with and insult each other, but also work together to protect and defend Teito. Frau trusts and relies on Mikhail to a certain extent, as shown in Kapitel 93 when he calls out to Mikhail to help Teito. When Frau and Teito were separated in Hohburg Fortress, Mikhail made a point of checking Frau's condition to reassure Teito that Frau was unharmed. It is probable that they have known each other for very long, as they are both gods. Eve. Eve guided Teito to save Frau, as shown in Kapitel 94. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. Ouka once said that Frau is a pervert, but grew to respect him as Teito's teacher. She seems to think that Frau and Teito's teacher-student relationship is 'sublime'. Frau calls her 'little lady'. Family. His father. Frau's father appeared only in the special manga chapter SPEEDSTER. It was shown that he often took Frau on Hawkzile rides, which is how Frau developed a liking for riding Hawkziles. Frau's father died when Frau was still a child, after which Frau was raised by Magdalen and later Guido. Frau was shown to love and respect his father, comparing him to Guido and following in his footsteps to become a sky pirate. Magdalen. While not a blood relative of Frau's, Magdalen was a guardian and mother figure to him during his childhood. Although Frau occasionally found her strictness annoying, the two genuinely cared for each other. She sacrificed her life to save him during the Sky Pirate Subjugation.
# Frau/Trivia Frau is one of the main characters in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. He is known as the 'perverted Bishop' due to his hobbies of flirting with any pretty woman he happens to spot, and reading porn. Etymology. Frau's name is actually a German courtesy title or form of address for an adult woman. It can also mean "woman" or "wife". Frau's name may also come from the titular protagonist of the German legend 'Faust'. In the folktale, Faust was previously a man of God, but made a deal with the Devil for the Devil's powers in exchange for his soul. The character Frau, a Bishop, possesses the Death God's, Verloren's, scythe. Early 07-Ghost. Frau appeared in the pilot chapter Seven Ghosts.
# Fyulong Fyulong (sometimes alternatively spelled as Fyurung), also known universally as 'Heaven's messengers', are a breed of dragon that Mikage's reincarnation belongs to, being described as in another league to the Hawkzile dragons that are saddled and ridden. They have ancient knowledge surpassing humans and are capable of telepathic communication. When Teito and Frau are introduced to their first adult Fyulong, she was able to determine Frau was Zehel and understand the Chief of Heaven's actions. Being the mother of Burupya, she wanted him back and blamed Zehel for taking him, but understood how precious life was to them, even showing Teito Mikage's past life memories. Upon ascertaining that the child was happy, she left him with Teito. Etymology. 'Long' can mean 'dragon' in Chinese. Anatomy. Fyulong dragons appear rather similar to the Hawkzile dragons. The only differences are that they are much larger, estimated at 30 to 40 feet long from head to tail, and having a wing-span roughly twice the size of their bodies. Their bodies are long and streamlined, with a long neck and tail, adapted for flying with little resistance. Their back, two limbs appear like the back legs of a hare, but their front legs are long, and their feet shaped very much like the talons of a bird. They have long, thin snouts, mouths filled with sharp teeth, long and hare-like ears, and two horns on the top of their head. The colour of Fyulong dragons' fur may vary,  and they have larger tufts around their jaw (similar to the mane of a lion) and at the end of their tail. Their wings are feathered. Young. Fyulong infants do not overly-resemble the adults, having the same furry and feathered appearance, but a different build. Unlike the full-grown Fyulongs, the infants are tiny, being the size of a small house cat, with short, stocky limbs. Fat appears to be distributed mainly at the stomach, giving them a rather chubby appearance rather than the streamlined shape of the adults, and their heads are disproportionally large, being almost the same size as the body. Their fur is short, and their feathered wings small in comparison to the body length. They do not have the claw-like talons of the adult Fyulong, rather the paws of a cat. Temperament. Fyulong dragons are elusive and very rare, seldom venturing near humans or human activity. Due to this, not much is known of the nature of the Fyulong dragon. While initially docile, they appeared aggressive when they felt threatened. Fyulong dragons appear to be social creatures, travelling in packs, and raising large litters. The young Fyulong dragons emit a distinctive "Burupya" noise, and the adult dragons are able to distinguish between individual infants using their calls. Despite their tendency to avoid humans, a Fyulong pup that spends a lot of time around humans can form attachments with humans, as shown by Burupya, Mikage's reincarnation. Breeding. It is known that the natural habitat of the Fyulong is somewhere far north, and that the Fyulong migrate to the warmer climate of the south to birth their litters, then move back North to raise their brood. It remains unknown whether these infants are a result of live birth, or eggs, but a single Fyulong was seen to have a litter of around four. How many litters a female is able to have in a lifetime remains unknown. Fyulong dragons appeared to not care for their children, with Frau saying that when a baby dragon falls from its nest, it is no longer looked after. However, this may not be the case, as when the female Fyulong recognised Burupya as the child which Frau took from her, she attacked the ship, and demanded her child be returned. Ecology. It is known that the natural habitat of the Fyulong is somewhere far north. Abilities and Attributes. They appear to have an extreme awareness of their surroundings, good navigation skills, as well as good agility and flexibility, as they were observed travelling beneath the cloud line where the air is thick with fog and mountains jut out from below. They have also been shown to have a loud call, and a particularly loud roar at close proximity has been observed to crack glass. Intelligence: When shown briefly, they were shown to be very intelligent creatures, with a human-like understanding of emotions, and were capable of understanding human speech. Telepathy: Fyulong dragons are universally known as 'Heaven's messengers' due to their ability to communicate with humans using telepathy. Diet: As demonstrated by Burupya, Fyulong dragons can eat objects that humans are incapable of digesting, such as bombs.
# Giga Prince Smasher The Giga Prince Smasher (Giga Prince Crasher in some translations) is a large machine owned by Carl and Parl, who used it in the Hawkzile Race in an attempt to intimidate Frau and Teito Klein. However, Frau severely damaged it and rendered it useless.
Giga Prince Smasher
# Girl Kor The Girl Kor is a nameless minor antagonist who only appeared in anime episode 6. She is the third character in the anime to be fully possessed by a Kor, and the first one who is female. She first crashes into the Church gate in an out-of-control carriage and then attacks Mikage in the Church until her soul is purified by Frau.  Appearance. Physical appearance. The nameless girl appears to be somewhere between the ages of 13 and 15, with a slim build but large bust. Her height is estimated to be 159 cm as she is a few inches smaller than Mikage, and her weight is unknown. She has a fairly round face, with a small, up-turned nose, a small mouth with thin lips and large, dark blue eyes. Her skin is pale. Her hair is green, straight, parted in the middle and trails down to her lower-back with two shoulder-length bangs to frame her face. Clothing. She wears a red dress with long sleeves and poofy shoulders of a lighter shade of red. Her chest is decorated with white embroidery that makes the darker part of the dress resemble a corset. Her neck is also decorated in a striped white pattern and a white choker. She wears a veil with a golden outline and a golden jewel in the middle of her forehead. Personality. She seems to be emotionally dependent due to her troubled past and strained relationships with her family. Relationships. With her family. Her parents: She does not have a good relationship with her parents and is upset that they favour her brother over her. Her brother: She is jealous of her brother as he receives more attention from her parents than her. However, she is also very possessive of her brother and begs him not to leave her. History. Little is known of her history other than she has a brother that is favoured by both her mother and father because he will later become head of the family. When she went to school she also had no friends. She appears to come from a wealthy, possibly noble, family, as she was seen wearing expensive clothing. Anime Synopsis. She first appears inside a carriage that has veered out of control and crashed into the front gate of the Church. She survives, and is taken inside the Church by Mikage, who notices that she has been marked with a Kor, but is reminded of his sister when seeing her. Once inside, she attacks Mikage, believing him to be her older brother, but Mikage is saved by Teito. During the battle, she threatens to kill Mikage, but is quickly stopped by the Eye of Mikhail and her soul is purified by Frau. It is unknown what happens to her after this, but it is possible that she returned to her family.
Girl Kor
# Godfather Godfather is a side chapter in the 07-Ghost manga series.  Summary. Frau falls from the sky, having jumped from his Hawkzile. When he is about halfway between the sky and the ground, he whistles for his Hawkzile and lands safely, then returns to the ground and asks Teito (who had been cooking with the use of a campfire) if the food is ready yet. Teito admonishes Frau for playing "dangerous games", to which Frau replies that never forgetting a child's desire to play is part of being a "good adult". Teito curiously asks if Frau played like that when he was a child and Frau replies in the affirmative. Frau then mentions that he had a friend who would often push him off Hawkziles, and Teito correctly guesses that he is referring to Guido. Teito asks if Guido was from Raggs, but Frau states that he didn't know Guido's nationality and explains that Guido often crossed paths with people of different nationalities, so he began to learn the Language of Raggs.  Frau has a flashback of Guido, reflecting that after Guido died, he thought he wouldn't wish for anything any more, but became a bishop because even if he cries and lives for himself, life is just painful and empty; and he is sure that Guido is laughing somewhere in Heaven. As Frau thinks about Guido, Teito asks Frau to speak in the Raggs language. Frau teasingly replies in the Raggs language that he can't speak it at all. Teito becomes excited and demands that Frau speak in the Raggs language again, to Frau's amusement. Frau then walks away with Teito and the reincarnated Mikage chasing after him. The chapter ends with Frau silently remarking that he has come to understand Guido's life a little more.
# Granne
# Granne's Son Granne Barsburg's son is a minor character in 07-Ghost. He never makes a full appearance but does indirectly play a role in the ending of the series. History. He was born into the royal Barsburg Family. His father's identity has not been revealed. Manga synopsis. He was slated to attend his cousin Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's Groom Choosing as the representative of District 1. However, according to Gyokuran, he fell ill with a contagious ailment and Teito Klein was chosen as his replacement.
Granne's Son
# Granne Barsburg Granne Barsburg is a minor antagonist who only appeared in manga chapter 64. She is one of Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's aunts.  Etymology. 'Granne' sounds like 'Gran', which can be an affectionate term for one's grandmother or an informal way of addressing an elderly woman, in the English language. This could be an allusion to Granne's old age. Appearance. Physical appearance. Granne is plump and tall. She has long, light-coloured hair tied into a bun, with several squarish locks of hair falling over her forehead and barely touching her eyebrows. Her eyes are narrow. She appears to be old, as there are wrinkles around her eyes and marionette lines around her mouth. Some of her most distinctive features are her large, hooked nose and overly full lips. Clothing. As she is a royal, she wears elaborate and expensive clothing. She also wears lipstick and earrings, and carries what appears to be a paper fan. Personality. Granne is apparently cruel and malicious, keeping human slaves to humiliate and dispose of when she feels like it, and making them fight each other. Relationships. Relatives and family. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. Ouka once told Granne not to do anything that tramples on a person's dignity, in manga chapter 64. From what little has been shown of their relationship, they apparently do not get along well. Ouka is respectful towards her on the surface, but it has been shown that they dislike each other. Both of them make no secret of their mutual dislike, and Granne has been shown to enjoy taunting or provoking Ouka. Despite their mutual dislike, Granne's son was going to be one of Ouka's fiance candidates at her Groom Choosing masquerade (possibly for political reasons), though he eventually could not attend the masquerade due to illness. Others. Kururu. Kururu dislikes Granne because of Granne's attitude towards Ouka. Gyokuran. Like Kururu and Ouka, Gyokuran dislikes Granne. Hakuren Oak. Due to his diplomatic nature, Hakuren manages to get along fairly well with Granne, though he apparently thinks that she is 'difficult'.  History. Little is known about her history. At some point, she became a member of the Barsburg family, whether by birth or through marriage is unknown. Manga synopsis. She is first seen greeting Ouka as Ouka walks through Hohburg Fortress, and asking Ouka to look at a sklave of hers. Granne is visibly mistreating the sklave, causing Ouka to angrily remind her that she (Ouka) has told Granne many times, not to trample on a person's dignity. Granne responds by mocking Ouka, remarking that Ouka has not yet ascended to the imperial throne and has no right to give Granne orders. Gyokuran and Kururu are angered on Ouka's behalf, but Hakuren diplomatically intervenes and courteously reminds Granne that the weather forecast had predicted strong winds, prompting Granne to order that arrangements be swiftly made for her departure, and Hakuren agrees. Granne is next seen taunting Ouka again, and asking her to look at another sklave. This time, Ouka is unfazed, and politely excuses herself, saying that she has to go to an art exhibition. Granne fumes as she watches Ouka leave and thinks to herself that Ouka is "shameless". Granne does not appear again in the series, but is mentioned at Ouka's birthday ball, where it's revealed that her son, who was going to be the representative of District 1 at the ball, is unwell. Gyokuran makes a remark about how Granne is always trying to gain political power for herself.
Granne Barsburg
# Graveyard Dog The Graveyard Dog is an unnamed minor character that only appears in the manga. When its owner was alive, they made a deal with a Kor, but died before all three wishes could be completed; however, as the wishes a Kor grants are eternal, the Graveyard Dog was bound to its owner's grave and unable to go to heaven till Frau arrived and severed the bond that tied the dog to the mortal world. Appearance. Physical appearance. The Graveyard Dog is a medium-sized dog with tan markings above its eyes and underbelly. It resembles a real-world Doberman Pinscher. Clothing. The dog wore a leather collar with spikes protruding. Its owner's feelings manifested themselves as a chain that bound the dog's collar to the owner's grave. Personality. The graveyard dog had a very gentle temperament for a guard dog, affectionately licking Frau's face when Frau came to greet him although the two had never met before. Bound to guard his owner's grave for eternity, he was shown to be very lonely, and enjoyed having visitors. Very intelligent, he was able to understand human concepts such as eternity, selfishness, and forgiveness. He was also able to understand and classify its emotions, saying that being with its owner made it happy, and that he understood human weakness. Relationships. Unnamed owner: The dog was very loyal to its owner, said he was "happy" when with his owner, and bore no ill will towards them when he was bound to their grave to forever guard them. History. The graveyard dog had an owner who made a deal with a Kor, with Frau suspecting the first wish was to "always be protected", but they (the owner) died of an unknown cause before all three wishes could be completed. Though the dog's owner's soul went to heaven, a Kor's wishes are eternal, so the dog's soul became bound to its owner's grave so that the owner may "always be protected". Its master's feelings manifested themselves as a chain that bound the dog to the gravestone by its collar. Manga Synopsis. As Teito Klein, Frau and Capella continue on their journey to District 5 to find the next House of God, the Krat House, they are interrupted by a dog barking, and follow the sound to find the dog chained to a gravestone. The dog excitedly greets Frau by licking his face. Teito at first thinks the dog was abandoned by its owner, but upon noticing Capella cannot see the dog, realises the dog is a spirit. As Frau explains how its master's feelings have tied the dog to the mortal world, Teito attempts to free it by striking the chains with his Baculus, yet they do not break. Frau explains that a Baculus is not strong enough to break a Kor's wish, and unleashes Verloren's Scythe to sever the bonds between the dog and its owner, which frees the animal's soul, allowing it to ascend to heaven.
Graveyard Dog
# Groom Choosing Groom Choosing is a long-standing tradition in the Barsburg royal family. As the title implies, groom choosing is an event in which fiancé candidates compete to woo the crown princess of the Barsburg Empire and win her hand in marriage. The final decision is made by the crown princess herself, when she chooses the fiancé candidate she likes the most. Fiancé candidates are young men chosen from the Seven Houses of God. Though it can be considered a serious occasion because it determines who the next Emperor will be, it is also a grand masquerade party to which wealthy and influential families are invited for a night of dancing and entertainment. In the manga, it is explained that Barsburg empresses and empresses-to-be are cursed with short lifespans (later revealed to be caused by the Raphael Project), thus, they must marry and ascend to the throne early in life. This is why the groom choosing tradition was founded. Background. The exact date of the beginning of the groom choosing tradition is unknown, but it could have been around the time the Raphael Project began. Whether the tradition continued after Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg destroyed the Raphael Project is unknown, though it is unlikely, considering Ouka's views on arranged marriage.
Groom Choosing
# Guardians of the Bridge of Trials The Guardians of the Bridge of Trials are minor protagonists in the 07-Ghost series. They are four female spirits that live within the Barsburg Church, guard the bridge of trials and tribulations, occasionally assist the Seven Ghosts and work as spies for the Pope. The Guardians appear to be in charge of keeping the Church safe, as they are able to close doors and seal rooms in order to isolate intruders. They have a spiritual connection with the Church. Like other spirits, they are able to pass between solid objects freely. Normal humans should not be able to see them. Their names are unknown. Appearance. Physical appearance. There are four Guardians in total, sharing identical features only in different colours: red, green, blue and aqua. The four of them each have delicate features: a round face with full cheeks and pale skin, large eyes (in their respective colours), with long eye-lashes, as well as small mouths with full lips, and small noses that are turned up at the tips. Despite being assigned different colours, they all wear red lipstick. The Guardians have the same shoulder-length, wavy hair, only in different colours, with bangs on either side of their faces, but with most of it parted to the right. They all have two large, rectangular, golden hairclips to keep the right side of their fringe in place. Each ghost has a curvaceous figure with a large bust and hips,and a narrow waist. Their legs are not fully seen as their bodies evaporate mid-calf, and with this they are able to float. Clothing. They have wrapped white cloth around their upper bodies to make a sort of vest that exposes their stomachs, with two knee-length pieces of cloth, the same colour as the vest, extending over the shoulders and down the back where they are knotted near the ends, and at the shoulders. They all wear two arm bands in their colours on both arms above the elbow, as well as two golden bangles on their right wrist. The ghosts wear shorts that are almost to the knee, with two criss-crossing belts at their waists. Personality. The Guardians appear to be very kind women who smile and warmly greet others. They are polite and welcoming to the few people who can see them. They are especially kind towards animals, as they tell Frau not to disturb the dragon who had made a nest in one of the towers, and children. They apparently don't like rudeness or vulgarity as they reprimand Frau for looking at too much porn, and are playful and amorous women, shown when they tease and hug Frau. The Guardians are also tidy, as they complain when the Church is not cleaned properly. They can be seen as secretive, as they do things without telling others, and know more than they tell others. Relationships. The Pope. The Guardians have been shown giving information on others to the Pope, which suggests that he had been using them as spies around the Church. Frau. The Guardians are playful and flirtatious towards Frau, call him 'Frau-chan', and enjoy hugging and teasing him. However, astonishingly despite Frau's pervertness, he is uncomfortable around them, and they dislike his habit of looking at porn. Abilities and Attributes. The Guardians demonstrate many standard spirit abilities, such as moving through solid objects, floating, and remaining unseen by normal humans. Like poltergeists, they have the ability to pick up and move inanimate opjects. Clairvoyance. The Guardians have a spiritual connection with the Church, and due to this, they are acutely aware of where people are and what they are doing within the Church, despite not being present and seeing them with their own eyes. They are also able to distinguish between a normal human, a Wars, and a Kor, simply by their presence. They also have the ability to fix items in the Church when they break. Purification. They are able to destroy the evil left behind from the presence of a Wars or Warsfeil, thus eliminating the risk of humans being contaminated by it. History. They died at some point in their lives when they were human, but the cause(s) of their deaths is unknown. Their names also remain unknown.  Manga Synopsis. Mikage as a one-winged Kor. They are first introduced when Mikage, possessed by Ayanami, attacks Teito within the Bridge of Trials. The Guardians, noticing an unholy presence, isolate the intruders by sealing the exits to the bridge of trials. When Frau, who has separated from his human body and is searching for Teito in his Ghost form, arrives, they appear before him, flirting with and teasing him. They make several demands, but then reveal the whereabouts of Teito and Mikage when pressed. They allow Frau entry onto the bridge. Mikage's death. After Mikage has been killed, they seal the bridge. When Frau breaks a door down, the Guardians are seen repairing it. When Teito attempts to leave the Church and Castor appears in his Ghost form and is forced to knock him unconscious, two of the guardians are seen closing nearby doors and hanging 'no entry' signs so no residents of the Church will witness Fest. Frau's arrest. During the Wars attacks in the Church, they purify the crime scene, thus ridding it of any evidence. They greet Teito, and then disappear. The Guardians have not appeared again since Frau and Teito left the Church.
Guardians of the Bridge of Trials
# Guido SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Guido (sometimes alternatively spelled as Gido) is a minor protagonist and a in the 07-Ghost series. He was the previous vessel of Zehel, before Frau. Guido was also the leader of the Sky Pirates and the captain of a warship, the Aegis.  Etymology. Guido is a German, Italian, Swedish, and Spanish form of Guy. The name Guy means 'warrior' (old German), and 'guide' (French) - both are possible references to his status as a seven ghost. "Guido" is also considered a derogatory or ethnic slur for a lower-class or working-class urban Italian American.  Appearance. Physical appearance. Guido bore a great resemblance to Frau, being very tall and muscular, with a height and build that were similar to Frau's, making his height about 190 cm and his weight about 84 kg. His facial structure also resembled Frau's, as he also had a long face and narrow eyes. However, unlike Frau, he had dark hair and eyes (official coloured art shows that he had dark blue/black hair). Similar to Frau, Guido is presumed to be fairly young, but looks older than his true age.  As Zehel. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Guido appears as a skeleton when in his true form. In this form, he is dressed in a long black hooded cloak which has a series of plates surrounding the shoulder, similar to Verloren's form. However, the plates are considerably smaller compared to Verloren's and instead of a Kor's mark on the front plate, the Barsburg Church's symbol is on it. Clothing. He wore a black, ankle-length fur collar coat and black choker with a metal plate at the front around his neck, as well as black boots, black gloves and black trousers. He appeared to not wear any under shirt due to a part of his chest being exposed. Guido also wore ear cuffs (which was supposed to be used for Frau's errand in order to inform the Barsburg Church) and which Frau mimicked in order to demonstrate his admiration and respect for Guido. Personality. He seemed to have a personality like Frau's, being loud and somewhat aggressive, but also having a gentle side, especially towards children. It is probably due to Frau's having known him that the latter's personality takes after Guido's. He showed compassion and kindness towards Teito, but Mikhail attacked him for calling Teito a brat. Guido advised Teito to tell theChief of Heaven to grant his (Teito's) wish to live in this world again. Unlike Frau, Guido has not been shown to be a pervert-in fact, he appeared rather indifferent towards most of the women he met. In SPEEDSTER, despite being surrounded by pretty hostesses when he was hanging out at the tavern 'Eden' with the other Sky Pirates, he was not seen flirting with any of the hostesses. He was also the only Sky Pirate who did not seem affected by Magdalen's beauty, has never been shown reading porn, and has never shown or expressed any romantic interest in another character. Guido was efficient and a natural leader, supervising the Sky Pirates while attending to his Ghost duties on the side. Raggs War Fest even commented about Guido that 'he must have it hard acting both reaper and the Sky Pirate' and 'as usual, what a busy guy,' to the others: Ea, Raggs War Profe and Raggs War Relikt. As shown in the cover of Kapitel 76, Guido appeared to have a big appetite because he was eating a pancake 20-layered cake compared to Frau, who was eating a slice of pizza and a drink. He was noted to be hot-tempered,  and was occasionally not above resorting to violence when he lost his temper. Relationships. Frau. It was revealed in the special manga chapter SPEEDSTER that Guido and Frau met when Frau was a child and still living on F-31. Guido's relationship with Frau has been hinted to be similar to Frau's relationship with Teito, with Guido being a father figure or older brother figure to Frau. It seems that Guido called Frau 'damn brat', just as Frau calls Teito 'damn brat'. He is very proud of Frau which was shown when Magdalen complimented Frau's quick ability to learn at flying the ship, Guido responded that Frau was a 'talented person he set his eyes on'. Guido also has a lot of faith in Frau as he indicated to Landkarte, after his betrayal, that Frau is 'not someone who gets crushed easily'. This was because Frau's soul wasn't completely devoured by Verloren's scythe so he still had some consciousness left in him. Guido tries to protect Frau by sending him to the 7th District's Barsburg Church in order to relay a message and letting him escape so that Frau does not get involved with conflict between the Sky Pirates and the Barsburg Air Force, or otherwise known as the Sky Pirate Subjugation. Guido was implied to be the one who taught Frau the Raggs Requiem. In truth, Guido gave him a paper with the Raggs Requiem on it so Frau could study it, and Teito later helped Frau learn it when Teito was trying to persuade his heart from within. Magdalen. Guido did not interact much with Magdalen, but got along fairly well with her. The two of them had a discussion about Frau's progress at the ship and were complimenting his skills and talents by being a fast learner, suggesting that they are proud of him. Both of them had parental roles in Frau's early life and tries to protect Frau whenever they possibly can. In SPEEDSTER, When Magdalen advised him not to return to F-31 due to his conflict with Kasuga, he did not reply, but it seems that he heeded her advice. His subordinates. Guido's subordinates were shown to respect him, calling him 'Boss', 'Guido-san' and 'Guido-sama'. Teito Klein Guido was kind and compassionate towards him. Guido met Teito when Fea Kreuz was teleported on the Floating Island H8 by Landkarte. Guido teased Teito by poking his cheek and, at the same time, was in slight disbelief that Verloren's soul resided in him, calling him a small 'brat' the same way Frau does. Guido told Teito that when he goes beyond the Land of Seele, he (Teito) must tell the Chief of Heaven that he wants to be reborn again. At the very end of the manga, Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs was reincarnated as Wahrheit Teito Klein suggesting that Teito (when he was a still a child) remembered what Guido had told him to do, even after 10 years, and may very well had treasured this memory however brief it was. Mikhail. Guido's relationship with Mikhail was rather similar to Frau's relationship with Mikhail . When meeting with the previous generation of Seven Ghosts during the Raggs War, Mikhail showed the most dislike to Guido. Mikhail made no secret of his displeasure at Guido's teasing of Teito and calling Teito a brat. In response to Guido's making fun of Teito, Mikhail attacked Guido , but the attempt missed and hit Ea instead. Mikhail, swearing at Guido for familiarity towards his master, was pleaded with by Vertrag (Fea Kreuz Raggs) to stop making Teito say such inappropriate words . Later , both Mikhail and Guido eventually calmed down, and seemed indifferent towards each other by the end of the meeting. Despite this event, they worked together to protect and defend Teito. Apart from the Raggs War meeting, no other interactions have been shown between them.  Landkarte. Guido and Landkarte seemed to get along well before the latter betrayed his fellow Ghosts. Like all those younger than him, Guido called Landkarte a 'brat'. Before Landkarte's betrayal, he told Raggs War Fest, Guido and Ea about his recent cleansing of human souls and the unsuccessful outcome. Guido wanted to support Landkarte as he said to Landkarte to make a list for those who don't get better after cleansing them twice and he'll cut and punish them for him. However, Landkarte declined the offer. In Kapitel 92, it was revealed that Guido was aware of Landkarte's betrayal. Kasuga. Guido and Kasuga disliked each other. Kasuga conceded defeat after Guido won the contest 'Fair Handle' (a contest in which the stakes were the winner being recognised as the ruler of F-31), but still seemed to harbour hopes of defeating Guido in future. However, it seems that the two had no further contact after the events of SPEEDSTER. History. Early childhood Little is known about Guido's early years. He was born into the noble lineage of the Verius Family. Adulthood. At some point in his life, Guido died (how is unknown) and was reincarnated as Zehel. There is a chance that he also became the leader of the Sky Pirates around this time: In a flashback in Kapitel 88, Fest at that time mentioned that Guido has lots of underlings, and is always busy with both Sky Pirate duties and Ghost duties. Speedster Speedster is a special chapter, prior to the original storyline of the manga, which displays how Guido first met Frau back when Frau was still living on F-31, before Frau was taken in by the Church, where he (Frau) met Bastien. Frau, who had been longing to follow in his (Frau's) father's footsteps and become a Sky Pirate, asked to join Guido's crew and Guido agreed. The chapter starts when Guido's subordinate apologizes to him for calling him at such short notice but Guido tells him to not worry about it. Guido then tells him about the recent passing of the ruler of Eden and his subordinate confirms this. The subordinates continues to inform him that with Guido's absence, the people of Eden are worried about the F-31's future. When the Airborne Aegis is confirmed entry to land, the announcer tells Guido to make an appearance at night. Several people were seen announcing the arrival of Guido's ship and how long it has been. Guido was welcomed warmly as people were seen bowing and greeting him with respect. Guido in return greets them back casually, tells them it has been 5 years since his return and asks how they have been doing. He is seen with another person in which he asks if they have decided on a new ruler yet but the guy responds that not yet as envoys from the Empire were dropping by recently and highlights his worries about the trade regulation with Barsburg. He indicates that they can't survive without help from 'deliverymen' like Guido. Guido then looks on his subordinates as they wonder where the cargo they put near them went and one of his subordinates apologizes profusely to him. Guido makes an evil face, while smirking evilly, and wonders who has the guts to steal from his ship with a fish rod at hand. As he captures Frau, Guido shouts out that he is a hundred years too young for that. As he gets a clear view of Frau's face, Guido indicates that he is just a kid and when Frau calls him an 'old geezer', Guido said to call him a 'big bro'. Guido is then informed about Frau: him being an orphan who works at 'Eden' and that his only merit was at running away. He further continues to tell him that they also have difficulty dealing with him as well and that he was a beastly kid who never talks. Guido then looks at the end of the rope in which a 'maneki-neko' (beckoning cat) is replaced with Frau. At night, Guido and his subordinates are then welcomed to 'Eden' by the hostesses and were asked to enjoy themselves fully. Guido is treated as a special guest and was seated in the inner area where Frau served as their waiter. Two of Guido's subordinates grabbed Frau suddenly and one of them told Frau how small he was and asked if he was new around the place. Another one told Guido that they've got Frau and Guido in return compliments their work and bring the 'goods' to him. Guido then wraps his arm around Frau's neck and comments on their second meeting, to which his subordinate further highlights Frau's evil glare his eyes. As Frau screamed out what his father told him to Kasuga, Guido looked on in amusement. However, when Kasuga's men was about to attack Frau, Guido grabbed his shirt from the back and tossed him behind while he was about to punch the Barsburg soldier. Guido's punch was blocked by Kasuga by catching it to which Guido told him that he is not impressed by them and provokes Kasuga to challenge him instead. Guido compliments Frau's handiwork regarding the parts of an anti-aircraft Hawkzile and shows Frau the latest Hawkzile model. Guido then continually explains how the Hawkzile works with Frau not listening; such as, the engine being sensitive to the bird's movement and the Wendi Skyrunner choosing its maste. However, Guido was cut off mid-sentence as Frau was on the Hawkzile and screamed at him to listen when someone was talking to him. When Frau fell off the cliff just as Guido warned him, Guido let himself fall as well while grabbing Frau's leg and whistling to the Hawkzile. Afterwards, Frau let his concerns known regarding the Island's future to Guido to which he laughed at and Guido reflects what Frau's father had said to Frau. The next day, Kasuga gears up with his Hawkzile at the background and belittles Guido but Guido tells him not to look down on people from high places otherwise he might end up falling on his face. When Guido asked if Frau if he was competing, Frau shushed him as he didn't want Magdalen to notice him. However, Guido snickered to himself while thought to himself that he was glad he took out his engine earlier. As the match starts, Guido is first to speed ahead. Unbeknownst to him, Frau's leg was attached to Guido's Hawkzile with a chain and Guido himself was visibly surprised. The other participants wanted Guido taken down in order to become the best so they started firing arrows at him (including Frau) with Guido smoothly dodging them while commenting that they didn't support him at all. Guido then turns his Hawkzile 360 degrees and grabbed Frau and continued on with the race. When Kasuga was about to grab the wild Pappy, Frau managed to block off Kasuga and Guido complimented him. Kasuga and Guido were of equal speed and both close at catching the Pappy however, due to Frau's weight, Guido was trailing behind Kasuga. Frau then told Guido to heave him forward in order to catch it and Guido encouraged him to do so by labelling him the 'master of thieves'. After Guido got the Pappy because of Frau, he told Kasuga after he rescued him that Kasuga will become his manservant until the day he dies. Guido adds that this is how he took down the last ruler as Kasuga complains and asks why he becomes Guido's manservant. As Guido wins the race, he is met with loud cheering and applause. He shakes hands with Kasuga as he accepts his loss. However, Magdalen tells Guido to not come back in Eden for some time as Kasuga shouts out his ambition with the Air Pirates. When Frau asked when Guido will be coming back, he answered that he doesn't know as his last time at Eden was 5 years ago. Frau then asked Guido if he smoked to prepare for being an 'old fart'. However, Guido said that no smoking is allowed in the ship so he uses it to store a needle toothpick and pricked Frau's forehead with it. Guido's subordinate then announced that it was time to go. Patting Frau's head, Guido gave him one last look and went to join his subordinates but before he could, Frau challenged him to Fair Handle with his stakes being that if he wins, Guido has to take him with him and  cried when Guido said it's no use as the outcome is obvious. Guido replied that it's meaningless because Frau was the one who grabbed the Pappy so Guido has an obligation to listen to what Frau has to say. Frau recalled the conversation he had with Guido when he caught him from falling off the cliff and that 'to feel the skies, it is up to the wind to tell you.' Guido welcomed Frau aboard the Airborne Aegis and asked Magdalen if it's all right with her. After Frau hugs Magdalen, he runs towards the Airborne Aegis where Guido and his crew were waiting for him and flew to their destination. In the extra, it was seen that Frau served as their waiter for "his" welcome party, wanting to go home as Guido was wearing a black shirt, ordering Frau to fill their drinks with rum, whereas the crew were dancing around naked with a 'henohenomoheji' face drawn on their torso.  Manga Synopsis. Land of Seele Guido first appears as a silhouette along with the other Ghosts as they corner Vertrag (Fea Kreuz) into returning Pandora's Box (Teito). When Fea Kreuz refused to hand over Teito and declaring that if they intend to fight him, he will fight back with all his might. Guido then smiled and told the others that he was right in investigating The Pope first and reassured Vertrag that he is righteous. After Fea Kreuz told everyone of Vanessa Antwort's involvement, Guido poked Teito's cheek and teased him. At the same time, he was in slight disbelief that Verloren's soul resided in him, calling him a small 'brat'. Mikhail took over Teito's body and attacked Guido but missed, and hit Ea (Karu) instead. Mikhail then swore at Guido to which he and Raggs War Fest how was Teito brought up and it may have been because of the Queen.  When Mikhail showed blatant favouritism for Raggs War Profe, Guido commented that he was being discriminatory towards beautiful people. When it was revealed that Teito was functioning succesfully as Pandora's Box with the Eye of Mikhail, Guido commented that it was like having the lock with the key attached to it, comparing it with a 'duck carrying an onion'. In response to Guido's making fun of Teito, Mikhail attacked Guido multiple times until he finally landed a successful attack on him. At the revelation that the Land of Seele is a system programmed by the Chief of Heaven as Verloren's execution grounds, Guido told Teito that He is waiting beyond the Land of Seele and He will grant any of Teito's wish. Guido instructed Teito that he wants to be reborn when he meets Him. Landkarte. When Ea (Karu) was reincarnated in the Barsburg Great Church, Guido was the fourth Ghost to greet him while scaring him in the process due to Guido's face being inches away from Karu's. Landkarte pitied Ea and asked if he died from poisoning as well at a young age. Guido responded that Landkarte was also a brat. Before Landkarte's betrayal, he told Raggs War Fest, Guido and Ea about his recent cleansing of human souls and the unsuccessful outcome. Guido wanted to support Landkarte as he said to Landkarte to make a list for those who don't get better after cleansing them twice and he'll cut and punish them for him. However, Landkarte declined the offer. Never-ending Night. When Frau was controlled by Verloren's scythe, he managed to retain his self-conscious and the Guido, in his skeletal form, appeared behind him. According to Teito, Guido at this point was about to return to Heaven but came back to stop Frau. He noted to Landkarte that Frau is not someone who gets crushed easily and informed Vertrag that the Ghosts, except Ea (Karu) and him, were killed by Landkarte. Therefore, Guido was aware of Landkarte's betrayal in Kapitel 92. Guido also indicated that he detected Verloren's scythe was used and reprimanded Frau lightly. When Kreuz suggested to go back to the Church once more, Guido said he didn't have time anymore and instead controlled Verloren's scythe with Zehel's power by giving it to Frau and so Frau was kept alive by Guido. His last request to Kreuz was to take care of Teito. He then ascended to Heaven.  Baton of Life. As Teito went back in time to Frau's past, Guido appears to have kicked Frau when he was being noisy upon seeing Teito. However, Guido could not see Teito and reassured Frau that if it was just a nightmare then he doesn't have to report everything to him. Afterwards, Guido headbutted Frau and slammed him back to his bed and went on his away. Teito once again goes back to Frau's door and encounters Guido and Magdalen talking about Frau and how good he was at flying the ship. Guido further supported this as he said that Frau 'is a talented person he set his eyes on.'  When the Raggs War escalated, Guido ordered Frau to send a document, along with his ear cuff, to the Barsburg Church. Frau insisted on staying but Guido countered that he is just going to secure a route for the Raggs refugees to pass and he wasn't needed. According to Frau, Guido knew that the Barsburg Empire was targeting the Aegis and he did it on purpose to confront the Air Force. Frau ran towards the cockpit however, when Frau got there, only Guido's right hand was left tightly holding the control panel of the Aegis. Abilities and Attributes. Ghost abilities Being a vessel of Zehel, Guido possessed Zehel's ability to cut ties binding people to misfortune. Sky Pirate abilities. He also demonstrated leadership and piloting skills as the leader of the Sky Pirates. According to Speedster, the fastest on F-31 Island is Guido and so he is the strongest man among the Sky Pirates. Multilingual. The special chapter Godfather revealed that Guido travelled widely and interacted with people from many countries, resulting in Guido being able to speak many languages fluently, as according to Frau, 'it's almost as if there's no language he can't speak', which includes the Language of Raggs. Kapitel 95 confirmed this ability. Being a god, he was probably also able to understand the Language of the Gods and was immortal, having been alive for about 990 years and remembering all of his past lives.