license: apache-2.0
- 1M<n<10M
- bn
- cs
- de
- en
- et
- fi
- fr
- gu
- ha
- hi
- is
- ja
- kk
- km
- lt
- lv
- pl
- ps
- ru
- ta
- tr
- uk
- xh
- zh
- zu
- mt-evaluation
- 41-lang-pairs
Dataset Summary
This dataset contains all DA human annotations from previous WMT News Translation shared tasks.
The data is organised into 8 columns:
- lp: language pair
- src: input text
- mt: translation
- ref: reference translation
- score: z score
- raw: direct assessment
- annotators: number of annotators
- domain: domain of the input text (e.g. news)
- year: collection year
You can also find the original data for each year in the results section{YEAR}/results.html e.g: for 2020 data:
Python usage:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("RicardoRei/wmt-da-human-evaluation", split="train")
There is no standard train/test split for this dataset but you can easily split it according to year, language pair or domain. E.g. :
# split by year
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["year"] == 2022)
# split by LP
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["lp"] == "en-de")
# split by domain
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["domain"] == "news")
Note that most data is from News domain.