Easily accessible from smartphones and tablets, subscription services are popular with people looking to try out new music without committing to buying a download or a CD.
Subscription services are easily accessible from smartphones and tablets, so they are popular with people who want to try out new music without buying a download or a CD.
Coldplay is probably the last one to come up and that was ten years ago.
Coldplay is probably the last one and that was ten years ago.
Human beings  we always kill the things we love.
Human beings we always kill the things we love.
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and declared: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and said: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
When the Russian capsule opened on to the cool air of Kazakhstan, Kelly said, he smelled a fragrance like a plant was blooming in that area.
When the Russian capsule opened, he felt the cool air of Kazakhstan and smelled a smell like a plant was blooming in that area.
Chon, founder of a faith-based NGO, began building a pool in which to farm fish.
Chon began building a pool in which to farm fish.
Im a romantic at heart.
Im a romantic.
He said he was particularly annoyed by articles comparing his role as an Apache co-pilot gunner to Spitfire crews waiting to scramble during the second world war.
He said he was very annoyed by articles that compare his role as an Apache co-pilot gunner to Spitfire crews during the second world war.
The right of indigenous communities in South 6 Americas Andean region to chew coca leaf was removed in 1964 when Bolivia was under a dictatorship and it signed up to the convention.
The right of indigenous people in South 6 Americas Andean region to chew coca leaf was removed in 1964 when Bolivia was under a dictatorship and it signed the convention.
Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain, the government notes in an appeal.
Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain.
Teffs tiny seeds the size of poppy seeds are high in calcium, iron and protein, and boast an impressive set of amino acids.
Teffs tiny seeds the size of poppy seeds are high in calcium, iron and protein, and also amino acids.
I said this just the other day to a big fat man.
I said this the other day to a big fat man.
A third wrote: I wish her welcome and success but I think itll be hard for her to make her mark as a woman in such a macho business.
A third wrote: I wish her welcome and success but I think itll be hard for her to do well as a woman in such a macho business.
If he does not mate successfully soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more of their kind, male or female, born anywhere.
If he does not mate soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more rhinos like them, male or female, born anywhere.
It is highly possible that people from different backgrounds and cultures will have different semantic brain atlases.
It is highly possible that people from different backgrounds and cultures will have different brain atlases.
Our clients want to measure how well their stores are delivering on that experience.
Our clients want to know how well their stores are delivering on that experience.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, a Jutlander can date a Copenhagener without too much travel, Limal said.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, someone from Jutland can date someone from Copenhagen without too much travel, Limal said.
If he does not mate successfully soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more of their kind, male or female, born anywhere.
If he does not mate soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more rhinos like them, male or female, born anywhere.
There are now an estimated 1,500 wolves in Poland.
There are now about 1,500 wolves in Poland.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived with envelopes to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is safe to assume these men do not do it for the cash.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is clear that these men do not do it for the money.
China is the biggest coal importer, and Indonesia the biggest exporter, having temporarily overtaken Australia.
China is the biggest coal importer, and Indonesia is the biggest coal exporter.
In 1989, when the communists relinquished power, Poland had only one motorway.
In 1989, when the communists left power, Poland had only one motorway.
Since the registry does not recognize the name of Harriets 12-year-old brother, Duncan, either, the two children have, until now, travelled on passports identifying them as Stlka and Drengur Cardew: Girl and Boy Cardew.
The registry does not recognize the name of Harriets 12-year-old brother Duncan either, so, until now, the two children have travelled on passports with the names Stlka and Drengur Cardew, which mean Girl and Boy Cardew.
The canoe is our island, the crew members are the community and the navigator is the leader, Pittman says.
The canoe is our island, the crew is the community and the navigator is the leader, he says.
Memory researchers have always recognized that memory does not, as is often assumed, work like a video camera, faithfully recording all of the details of anything we experience.
He added that memory researchers have always known that memory does not work like a video camera, recording all the details of anything we experience.
For the more upmarket snoozer, luxury hotels are offering sleep retreats; more than $1,000 gets you dinner and a movie about sleep.
Luxury hotels give people sleep retreats; more than $1,000 gets you dinner and a movie about sleep.
Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag had become a form of control and punishment.
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag became a form of control and punishment.
By 14, she was on the radar of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who put her forward for the International Childrens Peace Prize, and, by 15, she became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize nominee in history.
By 14, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, suggested her for the International Childrens Peace Prize, and, by 15, she became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize nominee in history.
What about false memories for more than just contexts false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What about false memories for more than just places false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What this means in practice is that names containing letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are out.
What this means is that names with letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are not permitted.