1 value
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "Porte-étiquette livré avec étiquettes running man & flèche - Etiquettes régl., modulables et clippables - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 215x142x25 - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "660000".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "0".
What is the powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "0".
What is the centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "null".
What is the mode of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The mode of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "null".
What is the currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "null".
What is the waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "".
What is the cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174?
The cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091350R2174 is "NA".
What is the name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "7TCA091360R0494".
What is the image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "".
What is the productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "ACCESSORY".
What is the accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "Kit directionnel".
What is the function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "null".
What is the accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "".
What is the productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "Brio+".
What is the productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "KIT DIRECTIONNEL BRIO+ BLANC".
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "Platine encast.+Collerette finition blanc - Dim. encas. 224x125x50 mm - Equipé porte-étiquette +2 étiquettes régl. modulables & clippables - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 240x155x150 - Pose plafond/murale - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "660001-KAUFEL".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "0".
What is the powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "0".
What is the centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "null".
What is the mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "null".
What is the currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "null".
What is the waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "".
What is the cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494?
The cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0494 is "NA".
What is the name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "7TCA091360R0495".
What is the image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "".
What is the productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "ACCESSORY".
What is the accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "Kit directionnel".
What is the function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "null".
What is the accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "".
What is the productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "Brio+".
What is the productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "KIT DIRECTIONNEL BRIO+ GRIS".
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "Platine encast.+Collerette finition grise - Dim. encas. 224x125x50 mm - Equipé porte-étiquette +2 étiquettes régl. modulables & clippables - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 240x155x150 - Pose plafond/murale - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "660002".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "0".
What is the powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "0".
What is the centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "null".
What is the mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "null".
What is the currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "null".
What is the waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "".
What is the cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495?
The cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0495 is "NA".
What is the name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "7TCA091360R0496".
What is the image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "".
What is the productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "ACCESSORY".
What is the accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "Kit directionnel".
What is the function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "null".
What is the accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "".
What is the productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "Brio+".
What is the productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "KIT DIRECTIONNEL BRIO+ NOIR".
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "Platine encast.+Collerette finition noire - Dim. encas. 224x125x50 mm - Equipé porte-étiquette +2 étiquettes régl. modulables & clippables - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 240x155x150 - Pose plafond/murale - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "660003".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "0".
What is the powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "0".
What is the centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "null".
What is the mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "null".
What is the currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "null".
What is the waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "".
What is the cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496?
The cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0496 is "NA".
What is the name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "7TCA091360R0497".
What is the image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "".
What is the productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "ACCESSORY".
What is the accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "Platine d'encastrement".
What is the function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "null".
What is the accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "".
What is the productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "Brio+".
What is the productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "PLAT ENCAST PORTE ETIQ BRIO+".
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "Platine encast. - Dim. encas. 224x125x50 mm - Pose murale ou plafond - Equipé porte-étiquette +2 étiquettes régl. modulables & clippables - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 240x152x39 - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "660004".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "0".
What is the powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The powerConsumptionVA of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "0".
What is the centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The centralBatteryPower of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "null".
What is the mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The mode of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "null".
What is the currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The currentSource of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "null".
What is the waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The waterProof of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "".
What is the cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497?
The cbVoltage of the accessory 7TCA091360R0497 is "NA".
What is the name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The name of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "7TCA091360R0498".
What is the image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The image of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "".
What is the productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The productType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "ACCESSORY".
What is the accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The accessoryType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "Platine d'encastrement".
What is the function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The function of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "null".
What is the accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The accessoryDetails of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "".
What is the productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The productFamily of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "Brio+".
What is the productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The productDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "PLAT. ENCASTREMENT SANS PORTE ETIQ.".
What is the longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The longDescription of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "Platine encast. - Dim. encas. 224x125x50 mm - Pose murale ou plafond - Pour BRIO+ (ET) / BRIO ECO3 (ET) - Dim. mm (Lxlxh) : 240x152x39 - Pose plafond/murale pour ambiance - Pose murale pour évac. ".
What is the extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The extendedProductType of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "660005-KAUFEL".
What is the degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The degreeOfProtection of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "".
What is the impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The impactResistanceRating of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "".
What is the powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498?
The powerConsumptionWatt of the accessory 7TCA091360R0498 is "0".