# Medical-Commons |
<!-- Provide a quick summary of the dataset. --> |
Medical-Commons is the largest dataset of medical content under free licenses or open data program collected by Pleias. |
It includes three different collection: |
* International scientific collection of 2M articles from OpenAlex. |
* French scientific collection of XM articles, reports and PhD theses from French institutional repositories. |
* Administration collection from health and medical agencies, for now limited to France but with a planned Europe-wide expansion. |
The repositories give access to the complete available metadata as well as a sample of ressources. |
# OpenAlex Collection Statistics |
## Overview |
This section presents detailed statistics **for the OpenAlex collection** within the Medical-Commons dataset. This international scientific collection represents just one of the three collections in Medical-Commons, containing 2.6 million medical articles under free licenses or open data programs. |
## OpenAlex Collection Statistics |
| Metric | Value (OpenAlex Collection Only) | |
|--------|----------------------------------| |
| Total Papers | 2,623,673 | |
| Total Words | 21,328,187,404 | |
| Average Words per Paper | 8,129.1 | |
## Top 10 Medical Subfields in OpenAlex Collection |
| Subfield | Papers in OpenAlex | % of OpenAlex Total | Words in OpenAlex | Avg Words per Paper | |
|----------|-------------------|---------------------|-------------------|---------------------| |
| Epidemiology | 239,307 | 9.12% | 2,104,074,798 | 8,792.5 | |
| Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health | 237,052 | 9.04% | 1,993,696,484 | 8,410.0 | |
| Surgery | 218,569 | 8.33% | 1,562,899,038 | 7,150.0 | |
| Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine | 188,053 | 7.17% | 1,485,806,299 | 7,901.0 | |
| Oncology | 186,583 | 7.11% | 1,355,465,028 | 7,265.0 | |
| Infectious Diseases | 162,401 | 6.19% | 1,362,069,806 | 8,386.5 | |
| Physiology | 147,703 | 5.63% | 1,308,562,705 | 8,859.4 | |
| Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine | 112,962 | 4.31% | 969,602,006 | 8,583.4 | |
| Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging | 105,846 | 4.03% | 928,390,321 | 8,771.1 | |
| Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health | 102,518 | 3.91% | 764,365,895 | 7,455.9 | |
## OpenAlex Collection Distribution Visualization |
<img src="./openalex_stats.png" width="600" alt="OpenAlex Subfields Distribution"> |
# Health French Open Administrative Data |
This is a collection of diverse health and medical related documents (mostly PDFs and webpages, but also some docx, xml, etc) that come from French gouvernment public websites. |
| Catégorie | Documents | Mots | Largest Contributor | |
|-----------|-----------|------|-------------------------| |
| Sécurité Sociale et Soutien | 183 370 | 98 154 084 | forum-assures.ameli.fr | |
| Services d'Information sur les Addictions | 113 140 | 48 008 481 | alcool-info-service.fr | |
| Institutions et Agences Médicales | 100 760 | 189 827 776 | ansm.sante.fr | |
| Sujets de Santé Spécialisés | 91 186 | 122 716 315 | e-cancer.fr | |
| Portails Gouvernementaux de Santé | 62 026 | 250 630 040 | sante.gouv.fr | |
| **Total** | **550 482** | **709 336 696** | - | |
<img src="./documents.png" width="800" alt="% by number of documents"> |
<img src="./mots.png" width="800" alt="% by number of words"> |
A sample of the PDFs that can be found in this collection is present in the haut_conseil_sante_publique folder. |
# French Health PhD Thesis/Specialized publications |
This collection contains a total of **383 622** publicly available French thesis and specialized articles in health and medicine, coming from public repositories like HAL, theses.fr, and others. |
We can find in the top 10 laboratories and instituions the following: |
- Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire de Grenoble [Grenoble] |
- Bordeaux Population Health [Bordeaux] |
- Unité Mixte de Recherche sur les Herbivores - UMR 1213 [Clermont-Ferrand] |
- Physiologie & Médecine Expérimentale du Cœur et des Muscles [U 1046] [Montpellier] |
- Institut de Recherche en Santé, Environnement et Travail [Rennes] |
- Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Élevage [Rennes] |
- Génétique Physiologie et Systèmes d'Élevage [Toulouse] |
- Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'Œuf [Rennes] |
- Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations [Paris] |
- Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers [Paris] |