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From a potential seismic shift in the price of Bitcoin to the debate on whether XRP is a security, here’s a look at some of the stories breaking in the world of crypto.
A technical gauge is pointing to an imminent and significant shift in the price of Bitcoin.
The GTI VERA Bands Indicator shows Bitcoin may be on the brink of a big move, according to Bloomberg. Whether the move is above or below BTC’s key level of $4,000 remains to be seen.
Travis Kling, the founder of crypto hedge fund Ikigai, says he doubts Bitcoin has found its bottom.
“It’s unlikely that the bottom is in for Bitcoin. I am certainly willing to change my mind, but the preponderance of evidence leads us to believe that we’ll see more lows before we head higher.”
CoinGecko has created a countdown clock for the imminent Ethereum upgrade Constantinople.
The system-wide overhaul, designed to optimize network efficiency and change Ethereum’s miner rewards policy, is set for launch in about six days.
Ripple and XRP
EToro senior market analyst Mati Greenspan says he does not believe XRP should be classified as a security.
“XRP is not a security, in my personal opinion. My best understanding is XRP is logically a utility token. The SEC may see things differently.”
Ripple is facing a few class action lawsuits accusing the company of violating state and federal securities laws by selling XRP as an unregistered security.
As reported by Crypto Briefing, Greenspan says he remains bullish on XRP in the long run.
The Stellar-based micropayments startup SatoshiPay says it now has a group of new validator nodes up and running to help power the Stellar network.
“To support further decentralisation and resilience of the Stellar network, SatoshiPay starts operating the network’s first globally distributed cluster of full validator nodes — maintaining a database of all past ledger operations, with publicly accessible history archives and the fastest available API for querying the ledger…
We are thrilled to announce that a few days ago we completed our upgrade by launching a completely redesigned cluster of full Stellar validators that are distributed across the globe: Iowa (US), Frankfurt (Germany) and Singapore.”
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin
Binance and the team at TrustWallet just announced support for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin on both iOS and Android.
The wallet also supports Ethereum and all Ethereum-based ERC20 tokens, as well as Ethereum Classic, GoChain, POA Network, VeChain, Tron, Wanchain, Callisto, ICON and Tomochain.
The competitive blockchain-based game TronGoo is already the most popular decentralized gaming app across all three of the major blockchains – Tron, EOS and Ethereum – just days after its debut.
The game was originally developed for Ethereum, and its developers decided to port it over to Tron to make use of the network’s increased transaction speed.
TronGoo has taken the throne in less than 5 days. A huge congratulations for breaking records and becoming the #1 gaming DApp in volume (#2 in users) across all blockchains. It’s been a pleasure for #TRONArcade to work with developers @WorldWarGoo and @FarmTron on this project. pic.twitter.com/6l3evYJA28
— TRON Arcade (@TRONArcade) January 10, 2019
A new proof-of-concept video from DXC Technology based on the IOTA Tangle is out. It shows an IOTA-based vehicle charging station prototype.
IOTA is working with a number of companies to create distributed ledger solutions for the car industry.
Back in April, the smart charging company ElaadNL revealed its own IOTA-based charging station prototype, designed to utilize IOTA’s distributed ledger for machine-to-machine communication and payment between a charging station and a vehicle.
Decentralized platform Qtum conducted its first atomic swap with Bitcoin. Atomic cross-chain swaps allow two transactions to be executed on two separate blockchains. They can be completed or canceled simultaneously — without a third party.
According to the announcement,
“As the cryptocurrency technologies and markets mature, atomic cross-chain swaps will have more application scenarios. For example, cross-chain exchanges of large amount of cryptocurrencies can be completed on the blockchain using this technology, without the need of centralized exchanges which will charge a large amount of fees.”
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Atomic Cross-Chain Swap on Qtum by QtumX https://t.co/C33AbwtWls
— QtumOfficial (@QtumOfficial) January 9, 2019 |
In yesterday’s DM I shared news from the streets of Nepal about the impact of coronavirus there and how the Shanti community is responding to the crisis. Marianne Grosspietsch continues her report:
Our Junior Manager Bijendra met a man in very worn clothes, carrying card board pieces. When he asked, what the man wanted them for, he was told: “I go to Shanti every day, and they give me food. I collect the cardboard, so that they may use it for making briquets for cooking.”
He shared this with the other poor people who came for food, asking them to also collect cardboard. And from then on, even children came to contribute in their own way. Their activity reduces the garbage piles too – what a wonderful double effect. Gas and kerosene have become very expensive, because the border to India is locked. We want to preserve nature and avoid chopping trees for fire wood. The cardboard also creates jobs for our mentally challenged patients, who tear the pieces, soak them in water and press the briquets.
Corona may make us having to accept changes in our lifestyle here in the West, yet people in other parts of the world suffer from hunger, from lack of drinking water, from want of basic medicines…. how much reason do we have to show our gratefulness by not complaining but rather by supporting the needy.
I find in this report from the streets of Nepal another example of how creativity and art hold the key to justice and compassion. The Via transformative is born of the via creativa which in turn is born of the via negativa (including suffering) and the via positiva (the love of life). So much of the work of Shanti—as of all the work of healing, justice-making and compassion–is art work.
It is taking disparate pieces and re-arranging them; it is looking at what is and imagining what is not yet; it is facing the impossible and forging the possible—which is the difference between despair and hope.
As Aquinas reminds us, despair is about the impossible; hope is about the possible. A place like Shanti brings the possible alive, hope alive. As all art does.
We once had in our master’s program a Catholic Sister from the East Coast. I began my class on psychology and spirituality by inviting students to draw a picture of their soul—and hers was clearly dark and troubled.
Inviting her in to talk, I learned that she was an artist but her art was destroyed when her convent burned down. On being assigned to hand out mail in her institution, she found herself deeply depressed and on medications. Her mother superior told me she sent her to our program because “therapy was not working.” Through our program, including art as meditation classes, she threw off her meds and became alive again.
For more about Shanti see https://shanti-leprahilfe.de/en/association. Donations are welcomed.
See Matthew Fox, Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet.
Banner image: “Jogendra, the painter, has painted the buildings in Tilganga with bright hues together with his wife, Reika, and other Shanti painters. And that despite hands impaired by leprosy!” Photo from the Shanti Leprahilfe website
Queries for Contemplation
Do you agree that “corona may accept changes in our lifestyle in the West”? How might that manifest itself?
Creativity: Where the Divine and Human Meet
Because creativity is the key to both our genius and beauty as a species but also to our capacity for evil, we need to teach creativity and to teach ways of steering this God-like power in directions that promote love of life (biophilia) and not love of death (necrophilia). Pushing well beyond the bounds of conventional Christian doctrine, Fox’s focus on creativity attempts nothing less than to shape a new ethic.
“Matt Fox is a pilgrim who seeks a path into the church of tomorrow. Countless numbers will be happy to follow his lead.” –Bishop John Shelby Spong, author, Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, Living in Sin |
Why having too much estrogen can wreak havoc on your thyroid – and how to get things back to normal.
Have you and your thyroid gotten acquainted with each other lately?
Indeed, you may have, if you’re one of the 13-27 million Americans with thyroid disease Shockingly, that number is on the rise, and women are five to eight times more likely than men to get it. Why?
There’s an intimate relationship here with one of the main female hormones – estrogen – and thyroid. But first, let’s look at the thyroid gland itself, and what some common thyroid issues are.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck, right underneath your Adam’s apple. According to the Mayo Clinic, every aspect of your metabolism is regulated by thyroid hormones, which maintain the rate at which your body uses fats and carbohydrates, regulate your body temperature, and help maintain the production of protein. When people talk about having thyroid problems, they’re typically talking about “hyperthyroidism” (an overactive thyroid) or “hypothyroidism” (an underactive thyroid) – the latter of which affects many women around the same time as, or just after, menopause. It’s also associated with stubborn weight gain. (More on that in a moment.)
Here is a partial list of symptoms for hyperthyroidism, courtesy the Mayo Clinic:
- Sudden weight loss, even when your appetite and the amount and type of food you eat remain the same or even increase
- Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) — commonly more than 100 beats a minute — irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) or pounding of your heart (palpitations)
- Increased appetite
- Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
- Tremor — usually a fine trembling in your hands and fingers
- Changes in menstrual patterns
- Increased sensitivity to heat
- Changes in bowel patterns, especially more frequent bowel movements
- An enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), which may appear as a swelling at the base of your neck
- Fatigue, muscle weakness
- Difficulty sleeping
- Skin thinning
- Fine, brittle hair
The causes for hyperthyroidism are many, with autoimmune disorders causing a large percentage of cases. It runs in families, and as with hypothyroidism, occurs more often in women than in men.
Now let’s turn our attention toward hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland isn’t active enough. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
- Feeling cold when other people do not
- Muscle weakness
- Weight gain, even though you are not eating more food
- Joint or muscle pain
- Feeling sad or depressed
- Feeling very tired
- Pale, dry skin
- Dry, thinning hair
- Slow heart rate
- Less sweating than usual
- A puffy face
- A hoarse voice
Any of it sound familiar?
Again, thyroid disease has many potential causes. But sometimes, women find that their particular thyroid problems are linked to estrogen levels, which play a vital role in your cells’ acquisition of thyroid hormones. Let’s look at why.
When the body is low on progesterone production (as is common with stress or aging), the delicate balance with estrogen gets thrown off, causing the body to react with too much estrogen production. This results in a body state of “estrogen dominance,” which affects all kinds of functions in your body – and can hit well before menopause, even before you hit your 30s.
For most women, progesterone production starts to gradually decrease beginning at age 35. However, stress and environmental endocrine disruptors also affect hormone production, and these chemicals – the most infamous being BPA – are not found in remote, radioactive plants, but in everyday items that most of us touch regularly. Think receipts, food cans, and even feminine hygiene products. (You can get a good primer on endocrine disruptors and the top “dirty dozen” here, at Environmental Working Group’s site.)
When progesterone dips, estrogen increases, creating an uncomfortable state of affairs in your body. But for your thyroid specifically, when estrogen is out of control, the liver starts producing high levels of “thyroid binding globulin” (or TBG): a protein that binds (just like its name!) the thyroid hormone, thereby decreasing the amount of thyroid hormone that can be properly utilized by cells.
The result? Hypothyroidism, and all the attendant symptoms that come with it.
We’ve listed mostly physical symptoms above for this condition, but it’s worth considering the one emotional symptom we’ve included, depression, and the subtle ways thyroid disease can provoke it. By now, you are most likely seeing the vital connection between healthy progesterone production and estrogen levels as it affects your body. Now, let’s look at how they affect your emotions – and why your thyroid health affects them.
According to Dr. Christine Northrup, hypothyroidism and depression are related on many levels. If you don’t have enough T3 – one of your thyroid hormones, in addition to T4 – available, a whole host of neurotransmitter abnormalities can ensue, including suppression of serotonin and norepinephrine, which stabilizes mood and anxiety. That’s because ample amounts of T3 are found in the limbic system of the brain, the area that helps process emotions such as joy, panic, anger, and fear. Moreover, T3 is actually a neurotransmitter that helps regulate serotonin and norepinephrine: themselves neurotransmitters that turn on your brain’s calm, peaceful switches.
So when progesterone production wanes, and your body starts pumping out estrogen, the liver goes into TBG overdrive. And as we now know, that limits the amount of oh-so-important T3 available to your cells. When your limbic system is starved of T3, serotonin and norepinephrine suffer, and you? You, our dear reader, are sad, depressed, and sapped of motivation – and have no idea why.
For both your body then and emotional health, it’s critical to get to the root of the problem, and bring hormones back into balance. Given the above, you may think the root of all this is in tackling estrogen…and it is, in a way. But to treat it naturally and effectively, it’s best to turn to progesterone.
The post The Connection Between Estrogen Dominance and A Sluggish Thyroid appeared first on DWC. |
June 29, 2012
School Security: How Safe Is The Nigerian Learning Environment? The protection of lives and property is beyond the four walls of your house or business. To protect your life and that of your loved ones, you cannot rely on home security or business security alone. The protection of lives and properties must also include public places, such as schools. School security and safety is an extremely important issue, especially in light of recent kidnappings and Boko Haram threats in the country. |
For those seeking a practical and nutritious dish for their diet, Sop Oyong Misoa is…
Having a gentleman’s touch the moment dating a Latina woman can help to keep you and her happy. Latina women are excited about life and want to build a long term relationship. They are really very faithful to the guy they take pleasure in, and are dedicated to marriage. Whether aiming to date a Latina or you already are engaged, follow this advice to get you started relating to the right feet.
The most important idea to consider when seeing a Latin woman should be to treat her as a female. A gentleman is never pushy or impolite. Be well intentioned of her culture and have absolutely her bestmailorderbride.org/blog/latin-dating-culture/ that you worth her. When you are doing this, make sure to pay attention to what the girl with saying, along with how she’s talking. A Latina definitely will appreciate the focus you give her and your hearing skills.
Another tip should be to learn about Latino tradition. This can help one to maintain an exilerating and interesting relationship. Including music, dancing, and also other cultural actions. You can also hold her interested simply by asking inquiries about what the girl likes to do. You could also want to try booking seat tickets to a Latino woman’s most desired live concert.
Latin women like a great man who can make her laugh. In addition, they like a man who is imaginative and that can show off his language skills. You might like to try learning a few words before your first particular date.
Latinas can also be interested in the finer points of life. They are really well-educated and have good personalities. They also have solid morals. They are often skeptical of others’ judgement. They really want a man who can provide for them financially. They http://pierreconsulting.info/index.php/2020/12/19/how-much-are-all-mail-order-brides-really-worth/ also want a man that is honest, reputable, and loyal.
A girl to Latin female should be able to produce her feel special on every particular date. He ought to be willing to perform the things which a Latina woman likes to do. Some examples consist of dancing, winning contests, or visiting the shore. These activities are sure to make her feel special.
The main thing to remember when it comes to dating a Latin woman should be to take your time. A good girl is patient and has found out when to delay and when heading on. Even though you are on the date, you should definitely smile and make eye contact. This will make her feel special and definitely will show her that you will be paying attention.
The easiest way to be a man to Latin woman is to pay attention to her and listen to what she has to be able to. Latinas are extremely interested in what you have to say, and can appreciate your efforts to show them you will be a genuine person. It is crucial to be affected person and to make sure that you have to do not really interrupt her in any way.
You will discover lots of things to do the moment dating a Latin woman, from going on a picnic to playing aboard game titles to participating a live performance. You might also wish to try scheduling tickets for a nighttime https://www.shondaland.com/live/family/a28761177/three-women-three-dating-profile-makeovers-results-you-wont-believe/ street carnival. |
Well, back from holiday, summer is well and truly under way so time to start the maintenance on the observatory…
This weekend (21st / 22nd June) I will be renewing the beading on the window, resealing the decking boards at the bottom of the sides, and re-staining those boards.
The sealant I used last year must have been of the wrong type as it went solid instead of being a flexible deal. Consequently, it cracked and left a few gaps for water ingress to occur. I went to my local DIY store on Saturday and bought some flexible silicon sealant in readiness!
There is quite a bit to do this year, including:
- Renewing the roof felt
- Replace roof cross-struts
- Repair door
- Install cable pipe to pier and rewire
- Install mains cable from the house
- Install red and white lighting
- Repaint pier post
- Repaint pier adapter
I daresay it won’t all get done, but the roof and struts are the most important…
Pictures will follow as work progresses.
I’ll also be be doing some work on the imaging rig.. I have acquired a WO 66 Petzval so will be testing that with the AtikOne and GP, but again, some routine maintenance stuff to do…
- Check polar alignment using drift alignment
- New library of Bias frames at -10°, -15° and -20°
- New library of Darks and Bias for the GP guider
- Install small camera on the obsy roof for playing with all-sky camera imaging
- Play and learn the lunar capture software for the GP
- And try and learn PI finally!!!
So much to do…. 🙂 |
Data from: Leaf drought tolerance cannot be inferred from classic leaf traits in a tropical rainforest
Cite this dataset
Maréchaux, Isabelle et al. (2019). Data from: Leaf drought tolerance cannot be inferred from classic leaf traits in a tropical rainforest [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.qnk98sfbq
- Plants are enormously diverse in their traits and ecological adaptation, even within given ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests. Accounting for this diversity in vegetation models poses serious challenges. Global plant functional trait databases have highlighted general trait correlations across species that have considerably advanced this research program. However, it remains unclear whether trait correlations found globally hold within communities, and whether they extend to drought tolerance traits.
- For 134 individual plants spanning a range of sizes and life forms (tree, liana, understory species) within an Amazonian forest, we measured leaf drought tolerance (leaf water potential at turgor loss point, πtlp), together with 17 leaf traits related to various functions, including leaf economics traits and nutrient composition (leaf mass per area, LMA; and concentrations of C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg per leaf mass and area), leaf area, water use efficiency (carbon isotope ratio), and time-integrated stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation rate per leaf mass and area. We tested trait coordination and the ability to estimate πtlp from the other traits through model selection. Performance and transferability of the best predictive model were assessed through cross-validation.
- πtlp was positively correlated with leaf area, and with N, P and K concentrations per leaf mass, but not with LMA or any other studied trait. Five axes were needed to account for >80% of trait variation, but only three of them explained more variance than expected at random. The best model explained only 30% of the variation in πtlp, and out-sample predictive performance was variable across life forms or canopy strata, suggesting a limited transferability of the model.
- Synthesis. We found a weak correlation among leaf drought tolerance and other leaf traits within a forest community. We conclude that higher trait dimensionality than assumed under the leaf economics spectrum may operate among leaves within plant communities, with important implications for species coexistence and responses to changing environmental conditions, and also for the representation of community diversity in vegetation models.
All methods and analyses are explicitely described and provided in the corresponding paper.
Please refer to the corresponding paper published in Journal of Ecology for further details.
Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Award: ANR-10-LABX-25-01
Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Award: ANR-11-INBS-0001 |
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Support email: [email protected] |
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Denton's New LSA Burger Company Mural
A mural I did for Chris and Jeff at Eyecon Studios. The client was LSA Burger Company in Denton TZ.
How to View Images
There are two ways to view the image in this gallery.
1) Click on the image to scroll though the list.
2) Click on title to see as large pop-up. |
Some people see everything as a sign. Others see nothing as a sign. We must avoid both extremes. But signs are important. What if there were no stop signs? Street signs? Caution signs? Speed limit signs? High voltage signs?
Signs serve to maintain order and prevent chaos on a day-to-day level. Prophetic signs are even more important. And they are popping up all over, pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ. You are either ready, or you’re not. It’s that simple.
Signs are like “previews of coming attractions.” They are not the main attraction, but they point to it. Signs provide small glimpses of what the main feature will be like.
I began my studies in Bible prophecy in November 1971. By 1978 I understood and publicly taught that in the final hours of the last days certain signs would become increasingly evident:
- The world’s focus would be on the Middle East.
- Russia would begin to align with key Muslim nations.
- Israel would be surrounded by those bent on its annihilation.
- Anti-Semitism would dramatically escalate.
- Religious deception would be rampant.
- Political chaos would increase, and a political star with plausible solutions would rise up.
- Extreme famines would occur in different parts of the world.
- There would be wars and rumors of war, especially relative to the Middle East and Israel.
- Epidemics and pandemics would spread.
- Earthquakes and natural disasters would escalate in frequency and intensity.
- Technology would advance in astonishing
- Terrorism would jump to the forefront.
- There would be an abnormal emphasis on sex and materialism, and morality would be twisted.
- Betrayals, multiplying family problems, and resistance to God’s messages would be prevalent.
- A genuine, Holy Spirit-led revival would emerge as a remnant of godly believers focused on the Lord Jesus Christ and His power.
Those signs are now joining at whirlwind velocity. But much like an alarm clock, many choose to ignore it. Signs can be agitating, discomforting. Somehow we want to believe, “Maybe we’ve still got a few years or decades before these prophecies come to pass.” But the evidence tells us they are upon us now.
The Day of the Lord truly will come any day! Jesus promised, “So also, when you shall see all these things, you know that it is near, even at the doors. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matt. 24:33–34).
It’s a simple fact
The generation that sees these signs taking place simultaneously and globally will be part of the final generation, and they will possibly experience the long-awaited return of Jesus Christ. While followers of Christ will walk in hope, faith, and great power, others will taste only anguish and distress in the days ahead. |
What follows isn’t meant as an indictment of Leon Schuster. It isn’t even meant as an indictment of Leon Schuster’s audience. Everyone has the right to watch whatever they want – even if it’s crap. Truth be told, we all have our guilty pleasures. Hell, I watch ‘Glee’ every week and there’s simply no excuse for that.
So, I’m not going to criticise anyone for enjoying what I think is the puerile ‘comedy’ of Schuster and his international counterparts. To each their own and all that. But the tremendous success enjoyed by Oom Leon and his ilk means that there isn’t room for any other kind of comedy on our screens. And that’s what makes me sad.
You see, I’m both a writer and a fan of comedy. But this kind of poep/fart/kick-in-the-balls genre doesn’t appeal. It isn’t the kind of comedy I want to write and it isn’t the kind of comedy I want to watch. That isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy a good fart joke, and I was reared on the slapstick of Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and Chaplin. However, it’s a gross injustice to compare the masters of silent comedy with the witless pratfalls of Adam Sandler et al.
Consequently, I usually find myself on the ‘hipster’ side of the comedy equation – championing TV shows and movies that are critically acclaimed but commercially tangential. I devour brilliant series such as Community, 30 Rock, The Thick of It and Parks and Recreation, while I eschew chart-topping rubbish like 2 and Half Men. That’s just the way I’m wired.
Now, in a normal unregulated media environment such as they enjoy in America or Britain, that wouldn’t be a problem. There are enough broadcasters and movie studios to ensure that at least a few niche products get the green light each year. The fate of these left-field endeavours then rests in the hands of the audiences, and that is how it should be.
Unfortunately, I work and live in South Africa where there is a virtual monopoly on media production. We have the Big 5 broadcasters and a handful of viable movie producers – none of whom have the capital or courage to take a risk. As a result, our South African movies and TV shows are pitched at the broadest possible audience, usually based on a format that proven popular in previous iterations. And preferably with boobs.
That means our local audiences are fed a constant stream of lowest-common-denominator pabulum; a vague and derivative mixture of toothless sitcoms and juvenile comedies. There are occasional exceptions: Jozi and Material, both directed by Craig Freimond, were pretty good and at least tried to take things to the next level. But, by and large, we are still very much stuck in the 1980s – creating disposable comedy that would make Tony Danza look cutting edge.
It’s therefore no surprise that a market fed exclusively on porridge has never developed a taste for sushi or a nice meta-curry. And that leads, as is always the case, back to me…
I guess the thing that really gets me is that, under the current dispensation, there just isn’t a place for me in South Africa (either as a writer or an audience member). I have never made it all the way through a Leon Schuster movie. I can’t watch more than a couple of episodes of any local sitcom. I shun local movies at the cinema (because they are either kak comedies or self-righteous dramas). And this means that I am forced to consume all my media from overseas; hooking into the global media establishment while simultaneous isolating myself in a bubble of internationalism.
In other words, when it comes to English-language programming, I have to concede that I am utterly disconnected from the local market. I steadfastly believe that a shot to the nuts is only funny in a home video, and I’ve finally come to accept that this kind of ‘sophistication’ makes me the worst thing I could ever be: irrelevant. IMHO. |
Yield compounding tool Grim Finance saw $30 million worth of fantom tokens stolen from its protocol later an exploit on Sunday. The project went to preventive lengths to stop further damages.
Grim Finance Based on the Fantom Opera Network
Based on the Fantom Opera network, Grim Finance permits clients to stake their liquidity pool tokens in what it calls Grim Vaults, naturally harvesting yields and re-staking rewards utilizing techniques for considerably more significant returns.
Liquidity pool tokens are given to decentralized trade clients who supply their own liquidity in return for a symbolic reward from the stage. Such trades are a subset of the decentralized finance (DeFi) market, which relies on brilliant agreements rather than go betweens for monetary administrations like loaning, exchanging, and getting.
The simplicity of staking and harvesting increased yields on Grim Finance pulled in more than $100 million in client funds to the protocol, as indicated by total value locked (TVL) measurements on examination apparatus DeFiLlama. They remained protected, until yesterday.
Attackers Stole Nearly $30M in Fantom Tokens on Grim Finance
The attackers took almost $30 million in fantom tokens, information from Fantom blockchain explorers show. A lot of that appears to have already been directed to other Fantom-based decentralized trades (DEXs, for example, AnySwap and SpookySwap, where the stolen tokens were traded for different tokens, for example, USD Coin, a dollar-pegged stablecoin, in one such occasion.
Developers stopped all vaults on Sunday to prevent further damages. They further educated USD Coin issuer Circle, AnySwap, and Maker to freeze any assets related to the exploit.
The hack caused a mass migration of TVL on Grim Finance. Just $4.3 million remain in Grim Finance vaults, and the total value locked (TVL) fell 84% in the beyond 24 hours. |
PDF editing your way
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How to prepare Dd 2656 2009-2024
About Dd 2656 2009-2024
DD Form 2656 is a form used by the United States Department of Defense for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). The DD Form 2656-1 is specifically used for the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP). This form is needed by retired or retiring members of the uniformed services of the United States, to designate beneficiaries to receive survivor benefits in case of their death and to choose the type of benefit coverage they desire. It may also be used for active duty service members who are terminally ill or have a life-threatening injury. The form is important for ensuring that appropriate financial benefits are provided to the member's surviving spouse or dependents.
What is the Dd Form 2656?
The DD-2656 form is used by the retiring soldiers from The Guard or by the Reverse members in order to receive payments stipulated by the pension legislation. The full name of this document is Payment of Retired Personnel Form. Once you have reached an age of 60 years you are eligible to cease your work and get this template. You must file it to the Department of Veterans Affairs, providing details about how exactly you would like to get your fee and who will receive your money in case of your death. In addition, you have to include Federal and State Withholding Tax Information, and Survivor Benefit Coverage data. It should be filled within three months after you received a notification. It is obligatory to attach the following documents:
- Retirement Orders;
- Separation Data;
- Statement of Service;
- High Average Base Amount.
Easily Fill out The Dd 2656 Blank in PDF
The template consists of four pages: two pages of the blank itself and two pages of instructions. There are twelve sections to complete. Indicate the following:
- your name and date of birth;
- retirement/transfer date;
- rank/pay grade/branch of service;
- correspondence address;
- routing and account numbers (see instructions);
- type of account (savings (S) or checking(C));
- financial institution data;
- separation payment information;
- member of the reserve component;
- designation of beneficiaries for unpaid retired pay;
- federal income tax withholding data;
- voluntary state tax withholding information;
- dependency info;
- survivor benefit plan (SBP) election;
- SBP spouse concurrence.
The Dd 2656 Form has to be signed. In some cases, a signature of a spouse is also required and should be confirmed by an attorney. Note, that it is necessary to submit the package of documents no later than six months before the date you cease to work.
Online solutions make it easier to to arrange your document administration and supercharge the productiveness of the workflow. Follow the quick handbook for you to entire Dd 2656 2009-2024, stay clear of mistakes and furnish it inside a timely way:
How to accomplish a Dd 2656 2009-2024 on line:
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- Refer to support part for people with any problems or address our Help workforce.
- Put an electronic signature on the Dd 2656 2009-2024 while using the assistance of Signal Resource.
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PDF editor enables you to definitely make adjustments to the Dd 2656 2009-2024 from any net related gadget, customize it as per your requirements, sign it electronically and distribute in different ways. |
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) reported this week that small business job openings set a new record in the month of March with 42% of the responding firms reporting that they had job openings last month. Further, NFIB reports that 56% of business owners added workers during the month while 25% of those survey plan to create jobs in the next three months, the second-highest reading since 2018. Another survey, this one a bi-annual survey of teenage consumer spending keeps Chick-Fil-A at the top of the heap with Starbucks second. Dunkin’ came in fourth in the upper income category, just behind Mexican grille Chipotle in 3rd place. The “Taking Stock with Teens” survey is produced twice annually by Piper Sandler to measure Generation Z consumer trends. Finally, Starbucks announced earlier this week that it had begun testing a reusable cup rental service, Borrow A Cup, as of March 30 in five stores in Seattle. The test will be conducted in the single testing stores through May 31. |
Cancer 2017 Astrology Predictions
Cancer 2017 will have a positive overall year. Finances may improve and new sources of earning may be there. Misunderstanding in relationship and marriage likely specially during January to June. Health may require attention. Your personal predictions based on your birthdata are available daily (both by Vedic and Western Astrology) at 2017 Daily Horoscope Astrology
Jupiter will be in third house till September 2017 and then move to fourth house. Saturn will be in fifth house till October 2017 and will move to sixth house for next three years. Rahu and Ketu will be in second and eighth house respectively till August 2017, after which they will move to first and seventh house for next 18 months. Saturn will have a short transit in sixth house from January 2017 which will last till June.
Jupiter transit for Cancer 2017:
Jupiter transit may cause sucess in work in early half and family pleasure in later part of 2017. Jupiter transit in first half of 2017 maybe auspicious for traveling, own work,siblings and for father also.You may gain respect due to Jupiter transit in third house and your energy level likely high. From September 2017,Jupiter transit in fourth house may lead to gain property and may provide create opportunities for job achievements.
Saturn transit for Cancer 2017:
Transit Saturn in fifth house may be good transit for wealth and promotions. Saturn in fifth though may not be good for kids and relationships. Saturn transit in sixth from Jan to June in sixth house may not be good for health.Saturn transit in fifth house may be good for marriage stability.
Rahu and Ketu transit for Cancer 2017:
Transit Rahu in 2nd house till August. Rahu transit may cause health issues especially if Sun is badly placed in natal chart. Rahu transit however may bless with good finances. Rahu transit in 1st house after August may be positive if moon is well placed in natal horoscope.
Ketu transit in first half in eighth house may result in injuries and obstacles in with new projects. However transit Ketu in seventh house after August 2017 may be better but may likely create difficulties in marriage related matters.
Your personal predictions based on your birthdata are available daily (both by Vedic and Western Astrology) at 2017 Daily Horoscope Astrology |
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Podcast growth is huge. There are currently over 750,000 podcasts in the world with 30 million episodes, that's a lot of content. Podcasts can be a useful tool to either communicate your nonprofit message, or to take wisdom and career advice from other pods.
Here is our run down of some of the best nonprofit podcasts that you should learn from!
After the Fact is a podcast from The Pew Charitable Trusts that brings you data and analysis on the issues that matter to you—from our environment and the sciences, to larger economic trends and public health. Experts from Pew and other special guests discuss the numbers and trends shaping some of society’s biggest challenges with host Dan LeDuc, then go behind the facts with nonpartisan analysis and stories. Each podcast is around 20 minutes.
Listen to our daily radio program, Jay Sekulow Live! for issues that matter most to you - national security, protecting America's families, and protecting human life. The reports are brought to you by the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a nonprofit organization specializing constitutional law and based in Washington, D.C. Each episode is around 1 hour.
The Nonprofit Leadership Podcast: Making Your World Better features discussions covering the most critical issues, trends and opportunities facing nonprofit leaders and those engaged in social innovation. Hosted by Dr. Rob Harter, in this podcast you will hear real stories from experienced leaders about what strategies and practices have made them successful. It is our hope that through this audio series, people can learn not only what it takes to be an effective non-profit leader but to hear inspiring stories about people and organizations that are successfully making a positive impact in their communities. Enjoy the show!
A must for all of those wanting to know how to drive their non-profit forwards – each pod lasts around 20-30 minutes.
Successful Nonprofits Podcast brings you fresh ideas and featured conversations with nonprofit thought leaders.
The Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) is popular across the social sector for their strong print articles, digital posts, and webinars. Their podcast also contributes to the sterling reputation SSIR has for providing informative content created by, and for, leaders across topics like human rights, impact investing, and nonprofit business models. Co-hosted by Eric Nee, editor in chief of SSIR, the podcast is designed as a TED-style talk that seeks to educate and inspire its listeners.
Nonprofit Hub is dedicated to bringing you the best content in all forms. Hubcast gives you the opportunity to experience a new way to not only learn, but to be inspired.
From breaking down content posted in article form on nphub.org and recapping webinars, to having conversations with the industries most influential thought leaders, CEO Randy Hawthorne will narrate the way into transforming your organization for good.
This monthly podcast lasts around 20-30 minutes and is a great piece of free knowledge every month.
The Nonprofit Optimist podcast showcases positive change agents and talks through lessons that their small nonprofits have learned. With interviews of executive directors, founders, board members and staff leaders, we share practical advice based on real experiences working in the non-profit sector. Since most nonprofit professionals wear many hats, this is a great opportunity to learn how to grow your small nonprofit without needing to re-invent the wheel!
Whilst there aren’t as many recent podcasts, there are plenty from before sure to provide you with plenty of wisdom!
Each episode is about 10 minutes long, but jam packed with the most current news and research for nonprofit professionals to take their fundraising to the next level.
What's your favourite podcast and where do you listen? |
Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has launched Al Zubarah, the first of four vessels in the class to be built for the Qatar Emiri Navy.
The launch took place at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Muggiano, La Spezia, after the construction officially started in July 2018.
In addition to the corvettes, the Italian shipbuilder will also build a landing platform dock and two offshore patrol vessels under a 4 billion euro contract signed in 2016.
Leonardo-Finmeccanica and MBDA were also part of the contract and will be responsible for the supply of the new naval units’ combat systems.
Leonardo-Finmeccanica will deliver main radars and on-board sensors and defense sub-systems, including 76/62 medium caliber and 30mm small caliber weapon systems, an anti-torpedo protection system and the Thesan mine avoidance sonar which is installed at the bow of the surface units.
MBDA will be responsible for delivering missile systems for the ships, which, according to the vertical launch cells seen on an illustration of the Al Zubarah shared by Fincantieri, could include Exocet missiles. MBDA is also delivering coastal defense systems to Qatar under a separate contract.
Al Zubarah is scheduled to be delivered in 2021 as a surveillance, sea rescue and surface combat platform.
The 107-meter ship will have a maximum speed of 28 knots and accommodate 112 persons on board. It will deploy high-speed boats such as RHIBs through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern and feature a flight deck and hangar capable of accommodating a NH90 helicopter. |
Due to technological advances, DVDs and DVD players have become more important in many households. In order to store these DVDs and players, housings and other storage options were built especially for them. The DVD storage unit provides a convenient storage location. There are many different media storage solutions to meet the increasing demand for such devices. People who have a collection of DVDs need such solutions to store them in an organized way. Choosing a media storage solution can be a challenging task.
Tips for choosing the right DVD storage solution
Multimedia types: Select the different types of multimedia that you want to store in the memory. Media storage solutions are available in the form of stands and racks. Then decide whether you need a free-standing or a wall-mounted solution.
Storage size: Depending on the number of media you want to save, the size can be selected accordingly. Media storage solutions are available in various sizes and designs. Space in the room should also be considered before deciding on storage.
Functions: Check the functions of the DVD memory. It should be convenient and flexible to store and remove the media as needed. Check the number of shelves, racks, doors, etc. and other features.
Pay attention to the following functions of DVD storage solutions
- The shelves should be adjustable shelves to keep the media within reach.
- Some stores may have pull-out compartments that can be practical.
- The DVD memory should be stable and durable.
- You should have glass doors to protect the media
The breakfast table is an important piece of furniture and must be selected with extensive research. When you buy it for the first time, the number of options, sizes, materials, types, etc. can be very confusing. We have compiled a list of the most important tips to help you make a better decision.
Size - The first thing you need to consider is the size of the space you have for the breakfast bar table. It should be large enough to easily accommodate plates and food for everyone sitting on the table. A large table can look uncomfortable and take up a lot of space, while using a small table is not uncomfortable. Therefore, depending on the available space in the room, you have to make a selection.
Style - There are many different styles of breakfast tables available in the market. The traditional style with stool is generally preferred by most buyers. However, if you are looking for something modern, you can opt for glass tables with upholstered chairs. If you want a large group of people to sit on the table, you can opt for a country-style breakfast table with large benches.
The last thing you need to consider is the material of the breakfast bar table. Hardwood tables are the most common choice because they can also be sealed to improve protection and they are also extremely durable. If you are looking for a contemporary look, you can opt for metal or glass tables.
Don't fall for cheap offers, as you will usually pay a lot more in the long run. Search through several options and stores before making a purchase to get the best value for money.
[gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="50980,50981,50982,50983,50984,50985,50986,50987,50988,50989,50990,50991"] |
The video clip here leaves supporters of health care reform breathless, while the these spineless politicians now appear surprised by the public reaction. You don't use words like "preference" and "not essential" if you truly believe in something. USA Today:
Robert Gibbs told reporters this morning."The preference is the public option." Gibbs denounced reports that the administration may drop its support for a publicly funded insurance option because of intense opposition. He attributed the reports to a media "overreaction" after the comment by Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that a public option is not "essential" to a health care plan.
Obama himself stoked commentary with his statement Saturday that "the public option, whether we have it or we don't have it, is not the entirety of health care reform."
It doesn't matter whether or not the White House sent the wrong signals:
Democrats made their own position very clear: The public option is essential to any health care plan designed to cover all Americans. |
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Are you tired of spending money on over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments that don’t work? Have you tried to lighten your teeth at home – with little or no success – and have now run out of time to make the best first impression at an important upcoming event? The good news is that we can help you achieve a whiter smile in as little as one appointment in our comfortable dental office for teeth whitening in Covina, CA.
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Manufacturers of over-the-counter teeth whitening products cannot use the same powerful ingredients and advanced technologies that teeth whitening dentists like Jeffrey L. Cohen, DDS use and prescribe. Over-the-counter products will often make promises in their advertising that are impossible to achieve in a short time frame. Instead of waiting weeks or months to see if your teeth respond, you can achieve a smile up to five shades whiter in one simple appointment.
Save The Enamel Of Your Teeth with Teeth Whitening Dentist
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Don’t take a risk like this. At our dentistry, our teeth whitening dentist invites you to make an appointment in our dental office for safe, professional dental whitening treatment.
We have several teeth whitening options to improve the appearance of your smile.
When you make an appointment for teeth whitening in Covina, CA, we’ll examine your teeth to determine which lightening material and technology best suits your end goal – and we guarantee that you’ll see immediate results. |
Denver, the capital of Colorado, is an American metropolis dating to the Old West era. Larimer Square, the city’s oldest block, features landmark 19th-century buildings. Museums include the Denver Art Museum, an ultramodern complex known for its collection of indigenous works, and the mansion of famed Titanic survivor Molly Brown. Denver is also a jumping-off point for ski resorts in the nearby Rocky Mountains.
Explore the complete list of entertainment venues in the city. Check out the Denver events calendar for performance dates and show schedules. Don’t miss the best concerts, theater shows, and sporting events in 2024/2025. Choosing the best spots to explore is a great way to ensure your trip is a resounding success. |
Every man has a dependency. While some are dependent on smoking, drinking, and shopping, there are who just cannot live without the unique excitement only found in gambling, specifically online sports betting. Exactly why is this addiction for online wagering hitting the books in these times anyway?
Online gambling and sports online betting casinos are so well received nowadays a person can will see jackpots in which may amount a good deal 25 years worth of salary. With just a click of the mouse, if possible have opportunity in winning the goldmine. All you should use is a financial information or a debit card and might be effective at bet.
There are numerous online betting systems in the online market place that say they double your profit. An individual what to appear in these advertisements that commit to a quite a bit. If they promise to teach all the secrets in sports betting, then that system should be a fake a particular. Be smart 툰코 while finding a device that can help you in online betting. Is additionally outcome just about any betting is unpredictable, no system can promise you a sure beat. You should always keep this in mind when selecting a surefire method.
Another reason I bet sports on the internet is I am sure I will always be purchased. Sometimes when I gamble with my friends they seek the strangest reasons not expend up they will lose. Moreover, you do not in order to lose a disciple over a gambling debt do your? It is much easier to bet with strangers personal computer is to get rid of a friend in my book.
It also makes the would be money maker think may be are possible and routine for an established sports wagerer. It is hiding facts in order to close a sales event. It sets false expectations and promotes crazy betting because truly you is unable to lose. For you to know it, your progressive betting fails and money making proposition becomes a liability for those wallet.
Your strategy must be properly planned in order to stick on into the betting. Example, and many of soccer betting tip is easily understandable by all regarding persons and even for a layman. Betting has become a big thriving business on entire world and it really is still being spread in order to more aspects of the world. However a firm experience and practice, an astute gambler may alleviate the first position beating the odds out.
This time most for the bookers are placing their odds in favor of England. According to them Spain will win and at the moment they will provide a rate of (9/2). Odds of Spain the fatigue odds of teams like Brazil, Argentina and The united kingdom. World cup odds remain changing because is composing event besides your hemorrhoids . the passage of time some teams will get eliminated and teams turn out to be favorites. Professional players are keeping a strict eye on world cup 2010 odds.
The 5 dimes is a sports book that is very great that. The inter-tops as well as the bet online are some of the as well as where you can make the internet betting and yes it is so easy that are going to hardly feel any difficulties. Betting is legal in Our nation and hence, you are playing the best game if you’re feel that Kentucky Derby Betting is not so important then utilized look in the history. An individual might be earning also as watching one for this historical horse races of all times. It simply takes 2 minutes to obtain the results. |
Japanese Pheasant by Kōno Bairei
Step into the enchanting world of Japanese art with the mesmerizing Japanese Pheasant by Kōno Bairei. This exquisite print, derived from the 1913 edition of Bairei Gakan, is a true embodiment of beauty and grace.
The vibrant colors and intricate brushstrokes come alive on the Somerset Velvet fine art paper, further enhancing the visual appeal. The Japanese Pheasant print is available in a 24 x 18 inch size, or you can choose a custom size to perfectly complement your unique space. |
In 2010, the world was rocked over and over again as confidential diplomatic cables from the US government were leaked to the press and the world at large. Behind it all was a man named Julian Assange and the organization that he started for this express purpose, Wikileaks (an organization that publishes information from whistleblowers who wish to stay anonymous). Since then, Wikileaks has continued its mission even as Assange has been hounded by governments from both Europe and the United States of America. This comes from two sexual assault allegations and at least allegation of rape that occurred in Sweden that has had Assange on the run and hiding out.
For the past few years, Assange has been locked away and hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in the United Kingdom due to the lack of an extradition treaty between the two countries. He has been holed up and unable to leave due to the fact that he would immediately be arrested by the police that have been watching the embassy waiting for that very occurrence to happen. The UK police have been staking out the embassy since Assange took refuge there and have cost taxpayers millions of pounds since it started.
Now a UN panel is expected to rule that Assange has been arbitrarily held captive in the embassy and recommend that he be freed. While the panel isn’t legally binding, it will certainly put pressure on the Swedish government, the UK government, and the EU as a whole when it comes to this manner. Assange first complained to the UN about his arbitrary detention in the embassy in 2014 due to the fact that he couldn’t leave since he would be arrested. The UN’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is going to announce its verdict on Friday but all signs point to them siding with Assange. That being said, Assange has also announced that he will be leaving the embassy regardless of the verdict and will accept arrest if that is what is going to happen due to the fact that he feels that there are no more courses for appeal.
If you’d like to read more, the link is here. |
Is Hyperhidrosis Genetic?
We have compiled the findings from some key studies dedicated to analyzing the link between genetics and hyperhidrosis and here is what they found:
- A 2010 study determined that 34.1% of patients had a family history of hyperhidrosis.
- A 2009 study titled Analysis of family history of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis in Japan found that 36% of patients had a positive family history of hyperhidrosis.
- A family history of hyperhidrosis was found in 45% of patients in a study conducted by Lima et al. in 2015.
- 50.2% of patients had a family history of hyperhidrosis in a 2009 study conducted by Karimian-Teherani et al.
- 62% of patients reported that they had a family history in a 2003 study titled Primary hyperhidrosis: Evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance.
- A 2002 study titled Palmar hyperhidrosis: evidence of genetic transmission determined that 65% of their patient sample had a positive family history of palmar hyperhidrosis.
This is just one of the potential causes of hyperhidrosis, and the root cause is still obscure, and more research must be conducted. Thankfully, hyperhidrosis is a benign non-life-threatening condition and while it can have a severe impact on an individual’s quality of life, with particularly negative effects on their social and occupational life. Thankfully, effective treatment for the condition exists. So while we may not understand what causes it, at least we can manage its effects!
Palmar, plantar, and axillary hyperhidrosis are the most common forms of the condition. These are otherwise known as excessive sweating of the hands, feet, and underarms. Dermadry has created an all-in-one solution to treat all three problem zones from the comfort of your home. Our device uses iontophoresis technology, which works by directing a mild current through the skin to neutralize the connection between the nerves and sweat glands. Best of all, it is a non-invasive, all-natural, drug-free, and needle-free solution for those who suffer from sweaty hands, feet, and underarms.
Tip: If you suffer from hyperhidrosis yourself, take the opportunity to ask your close ones (parents, siblings, etc.) to see if they also suffer from the condition. Hyperhidrosis is seldom talked about and many feel embarrassed talking about their condition, but spreading awareness is crucial, and the best place to start is by asking those closest to you. It may even help you better understand your condition and create a support system!
Learn more about Dermadry here and shop our product line below |
Schools & Sporting
Safe, vibrant learning spaces & sporting facilities
Descas Landscapes has extensive experience in the education, sports and recreation sectors, building and maintaining safe, innovative, vibrant spaces for schools, colleges, child care centres and sports stadiums.
Our Education services include:
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We work with principals, campus architects, and child development experts to create spaces that are not only inviting for students but embody the educational vision of each school, college or child care centre. We also proactively monitor and identify potential hazards to help ensure the safety of your students, staff and visitors.
Our education work is scheduled specifically to minimise noise and impact to students, teachers, visitors, and operations during teaching semesters, and to ensure the best preparation for the return of students after each break. Our staff have undergone all necessary police and security checks required for working with children and the public.
Our Sporting Services include:
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A well-maintained sports field keeps athletes and spectators safe, reduces your liability and creates a positive environment for the local community. Descas Landscapes is known for its expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, attention to detail and best practice policies for large scale sporting facilities and grounds. |
Arjun of the YahYel | Visualization Technique for Confidence & Positive Transformation
“We thank you – for tuning in with us – and we are rejoiced to speak with you again – in this way, at this moment of your time.
Throughout the ages, it has been understood by the tribes and indigenous people of your world, that autumn is a perfect time for re-setting the self. Where you are today – perhaps this may look like doing a (light) detox for the body, cleaning up the house, getting some nice overview-providing bookkeeping done, or clearing the air between you and another person you’ve been wanting to share something with for a long time. Let the powerful autumn winds help you clear the energies and release all that no longer serves you.
We will share a technique with you here today – for those of you, who have been feeling anxious to take this next step – even though they feel a strong inner pull to do so. We have found this to be very powerful as a permission slip for shifting to a more preferred reality.
Whatever it is you feel you’d like to get resolved; simply picture yourself beyond that challenging situation. Truly see yourself, as if you had already encountered it and by now, it has been fully integrated. Just say out loud to yourself – or repeat in your mind: “I have this new job” or “I spoke to this person that I used to have a conflict with – and it wasn’t easy – but I did it!” or just “I am beyond that now”.
Make sure you keep on breathing, even more so: pick the type of breath that you believe ‘goes with’ the thought you chose to focus on. So in case of the earlier examples given; perhaps a sigh of relief, together with a relaxing of the shoulder-muscles, or change in posture all together. Allow your entire body to play along with this game.
To further enhance the impact of this practice; envision some playful details that make your visualization more lively, like: “While I drove to the office to ask about that new function, I looked out of my car window and I spotted a flock of sparrows dancing in the sky. This made me smile.” Or: “The moment I signed up for that new education-program that I’ve been dreaming of doing for years now – my favorite song suddenly started playing on the radio!” (look the song up – and start dancing to it ;))
None of this needs to actually have happened ‘yet’, you can just make it up and then play it out. Think out of the box. Allow silly things to flow trough your story-line, just to lighten up the entire idea you’ve decided to focus on. Almost nothing helps you find your center as effectively and quickly as laughter does.
You have often made many of your challenges seem so rigid, mainly because you weren’t taught how to play with them more. Adding funny or endearing details, helps ‘melt’ away this rigidity, and brings in fluidity, so circumstances can re-manifest in a more positive form into your world. Many of you will find, that especially these fun little details, though they seem irrelevant or silly at first perhaps – will often be the ones to be projected ‘back to you’ in synchronicities first, as you start playing this game.
We recommend to play with this tool no more then once or twice a day and only for up to 5 minutes. If your mind begins to drift – just allow it to do so, this simply means you’ve gone past the time you needed to use your full focus. Then just allow your entire visualization to evaporate and literally forget all about it. Go on your daily business. Play the game again (and perhaps on another subject) only when it truly feels in the flow. Sometimes playing it once or up to 3 times for one subject is already enough for circumstances to begin shifting towards the positive end of the spectrum.
We wish you so so so much fun with all of this – and we look forward to sharing with you again – in yet another Here and Now.”
With radiant and absolutely unconditional LOVE,
Arjun & the YahYel”
This technique was shared for the first time in the Design4awareness newsletter of Oct 2nd – 2018
To be the first to read about similar techniques or hear about newly posted video’s; sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of this page. |
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Emma Heller, Clarisse Gieowarsingh, Daniel Gordon, Hanna Sepsick & Maggie Sinclair
A non-invasive way to collect urine output for mobile women
DUO Go consists of a collection wand with absorbent material that clips onto a user’s underwear. The device should be placed snug against the user. When urine is collected in the wand, a pump suctions it away though the tubing to a drainage bag. The pump only turns on when it is triggered by the moisture sensor. The device has a battery life that lasts an entire day of wear, giving the user peace of mind that their urine incontinence will be managed discreetly. After urine is sucked away from the collection wand it is stored for disposal at the user’s convenience. |
The Island – DG IRELAND TOP150 – 2021
Editor, Kevin Markham
This is a links course of infinite variety and intrigue.
Every hole is different, yet each one bursts with shape and drama.
The old run of eight par fours has gone, following a Mackenzie & Ebert makeover (2020), which introduces two brand new holes (8 & 9) and the integration of the par three 4th next to the sea. You’ll still enjoy long and short holes with blind shots, big dunes, ridges, hollows and endless excitement. You will be absorbed right from the opening tee shot, driving towards the distant sea and Ireland’s Eye.
The back nine are superb as you’re drawn out to the sea for the second time. And this is where you’ll enjoy some of the history of the course, with the 11th named Cricket Field (after Grace, the famous English cricketer) and the 14th tee box being the original foundation for the clubhouse. History, though, should be left till later as The Island tests the very soul of your golfing prowess, while thrilling you step after magical step.
Favourite Hole: So many holes here are exceptional, but the narrowest fairway in Ireland – maybe anywhere – makes the 318 metre par four 14th a beautiful risk/reward hole, with OB down the right.
What’s in the Bag? Intelligence all day long. |
Let’s face it, no matter how much you try to educate yourself on everything about your car, there is always a secret cleaning technique or wonder product that will surprise you.
Car cleaning tips and tricks develop as car owners and professional auto detailers alike learn from their past mistakes and improve on old cleaning methods. At the same time, new products and technologies are being developed everyday to help make your vehicle look as if it just rolled out of the showroom.
Which of These Car Detailing Tips and Tricks Are New to You?
- Talcum powder can take out the stain on your leather car seats. Worried about that ugly ink stain on your precious leather car seat? Don’t worry, a little dusting of talcum powder can help you get rid of it. Allow the powder to sit overnight for maximum effect, then carefully blot it away in the morning.
- Clean your car in the shade. You can avoid leaving swirl marks on your paintjob if you let your car dry naturally out of the sun. This is especially helpful if you’re going to apply wax after cleaning your car’s exterior.
- Cornstarch helps in buffing polish. Cornstarch will pick up excess polish or wax that can otherwise stick on the vehicle’s exterior and attract dirt quickly. Nobody wants a car that’s shiny in some places but pockmarked with dirty, sticky globs of wax and dirt in other places.
- Use newspaper for cleaning window glass. Those discarded newspapers in the trunk of your car can be helpful in removing the dirt streaks on your windshield. You can use your favorite window cleaning product, or concoct your own solution using vinegar diluted in water. Don’t forget to include your windshield wipers in the process, as they tend to spread dirt if not cleaned properly.
- Wash your car on gravel or a grassy lawn. To help get rid of the dirty runoff from your wash job, it’s best to park your car where there aren’t storm drains nearby. This way, you can avoid polluting your local water resources inadvertently. That’s one more way for you to help in the water conservation efforts in your area.
- Always keep a box of wet wipes in your glove compartment. Car owners forget that the best time to get rid of a spill or a stain is when it’s still fresh. A box of wet wipes is very handy for emergency clean-ups, so you won’t have to wait until the stain has set in before you work on it.
- Use a backseat organizer. An organizer will help you keep track of all the small objects in your car, from sharp scissors that can poke into the seats to candy wrappers to juice boxes. Knowing where to find these things can help you put them away before you park your car for the night, minimizing the possibility of causing further damage or mess to your vehicle. |
A creative capital: how the creative industries are transforming London for the better
Dr Diana Beech, Chief Executive Officer at London Higher talks about the importance of London’s creative higher education provision to London and its local communities.
London is a global city, London is a diverse city and, above all, London is a creative city.
In 2019, the London arts sector generated £58bn for the national economy. One in every six jobs in the city were supported by the creative industries, and London’s cultural offerings helped to attract four out of five tourists to the capital.
While the Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been challenging for London’s arts scene, the creative industries are clearly being looked to, to revive the capital’s economy and to help get London back on its feet.
One of the first initiatives of the recently re-elected Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been to launch the “Let’s Do London” campaign, intended to promote the UK capital as a major cultural hotspot and increase visitor footfall.
Underlying this campaign is the recognition that the creative industries are not only a crucial part of the engine behind London’s economy, but they are also what brings people back together again after more than a year of social distancing and isolation.
As a capital city with more than forty universities and higher education institutions in its midst, many of which offer high-quality courses in the creative disciplines, London has a strong pipeline of creative talent to lead the city’s recovery.
As a recent report by BIG South London member Kingston University London reveals, creativity is one of the top ten future skills that businesses consider important to protect the UK’s competitiveness, alongside problem-solving, communication and critical thinking. Nurturing London’s creative higher education provision will therefore be vital not just to the city’s future success, but to the productivity and prosperity of the nation as a whole.
As our own London Higher report released on 15 June shows, London’s students enrolled on creative higher education courses are also proving a much-needed boost to local communities – from re-imagining towns and local areas to supporting residents’ physical and mental health and wellbeing.
In south-west London in particular, the University of Roehampton holds partnerships with a wide range of arts organisations, including Wimbledon BookFest, Battersea Arts Centre and Barnes Children’s Literature Festival. The University’s involvement in these organisations and activities helps them to run and deliver tangible benefits to local residents and schools. It also provides these projects with capacity and skills from students and staff, thereby strengthening their resources and widening their reach.
Kingston University London is equally using its strengths in the creative arts for community benefit. The University has recently played a leading role in delivering and commissioning a public realm strategy, entitled “Re-imagining Kingston Town Centre’s Streets and Spaces”. The project, in partnership with Kingston First, the Greater London Authority and Kingston Council, is helping to transform the town centre by inspiring change and coordinating investment. Since its publication in late 2019, the strategy has been adopted by Kingston Council as policy and is being used by the town planners, showing how students’ creativity is enhancing the vibrancy and inclusivity of local spaces.
In short, creativity is what makes London and its local communities tick. It is already at the heart of civic regeneration efforts and, as attentions increasingly turn to post-pandemic recovery, we can expect creative skills to be at the heart of even more initiatives in the capital to build back better.
This is why we, at London Higher, are calling on national policymakers to recognise urgently the transformative power of the creative industries and steer clear of implementing policies that overlook the importance of creative disciplines and put at risk the UK’s future pipeline of creative talent.
As part of this, we are also calling on the Mayor of London in his new term in office to highlight the significance of London’s creative industries both to local community cohesion and to national economic growth – including making links to other regions of the UK where businesses and industry are reliant on London’s creative talent base.
Now is the time to put London’s creative higher education centre stage and recognise its leading role in rebuilding our capital and the nation for the future.
Not only do we need London to retain its creative capital, but the nation also needs London to remain a creative capital. |
This section covers installation methods for NDB Cluster on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. While the next few sections refer to a Linux operating system, the instructions and procedures given there should be easily adaptable to other supported Unix-like platforms. For manual installation and setup instructions specific to Windows systems, see Section 3.2, “Installing NDB Cluster on Windows”.
Each NDB Cluster host computer must have the correct executable programs installed. A host running an SQL node must have installed on it a MySQL Server binary (mysqld). Management nodes require the management server daemon (ndb_mgmd); data nodes require the data node daemon (ndbd or ndbmtd). It is not necessary to install the MySQL Server binary on management node hosts and data node hosts. It is recommended that you also install the management client (ndb_mgm) on the management server host.
Installation of NDB Cluster on Linux can be done using precompiled binaries from Oracle (downloaded as a .tar.gz archive), with RPM packages (also available from Oracle), or from source code. All three of these installation methods are described in the section that follow.
Regardless of the method used, it is still necessary following installation of the NDB Cluster binaries to create configuration files for all cluster nodes, before you can start the cluster. See Section 3.3, “Initial Configuration of NDB Cluster”. |
The Null Device
Posts matching tags 'pavement'
Something Awful gores indie's sacred cows, i.e., Joy Division, The Smiths, Pavement and My Bloody Valentine. (via Graham)
Everyone who considers themself a hipster should take note: name-dropping Pavement isn't going to win you any merit badges in my scout troop. You'd be a fool not to see that even the bands that everyone loves are just as terrible as the bands that everyone makes fun of. The only difference between Nickelback and The Smiths is that Smiths fans dress slightly better and don't beat their girlfriends as hard.
I hypothesize that if Ian Curtis had continued to live and exert his gothic influence over the band, they would have eventually sounded like Siouxie and the Banshees except with a terrible singer. I also hypothesize that Ian Curtis would now be fat.
They're dead-on about Loveless, btw:
Its one of those rare albums that really sounds like the album cover looks: its an indecipherable blur of noise and distorted guitars. It boggles the mind that so many goofy hipsters are so in love with an album with so little to offer. All of the songs sound basically the same, and you really have to pay attention to figure out where one ends and the next begins. The lyrics are so incomprehensible that they might as well not even be there at all. Although there are certainly noises on this album that have never been made before or since, none of them are particularly interesting noises. In most cases, its the sound of several guitars playing a couple of chords with a few layers of grinding and feedback in the background. Sure, it probably took quite a bit of time and money to make those sounds, but are they particularly interesting? No, not really; when its all put together, it just sounds like a waterfall of sludge running through your speakers.
This is part of the Your Band Sucks section, which also includes articles about bands like Radiohead and Coldplay (though, granted, there's no challenge there). |
Monkeypox: it’s the public who’s being stigmatised
The woke set fears the people, and their alleged homophobic prejudice, far more than the disease.
The current monkeypox outbreak has generated a very strange, but telling, response among the right-thinking crowd.
Back in May, when monkeypox cases began to emerge in Europe, achingly woke activists and social-media warriors seemed particularly exercised by how the outbreak was being reported. They were concerned that there was too much focus on the fact that this disease, which is normally confined to parts of central and west Africa, had suddenly spread almost entirely among gay men. Three events and venues in particular were being singled out as ‘superspreader’ moments – a gay sauna in Madrid, a 10-day gay pride event in the Canary Islands and a five-day fetish festival in Belgium.
The hackles of the right-on were raised almost immediately. As far as the NGO-cracy and assorted pundits were concerned, we were witnessing nothing less than a re-run of the AIDS pandemic during the 1980s, whereby the spread of a nasty (if thankfully not as lethal) disease was once again being blamed on gay men. Reports mentioning the sexual orientation of the overwhelming majority of those infected were said to be encouraging homophobia.
One activist, predictably invoking AIDS, warned about what happens ‘when gay men start being scapegoated as vectors of disease’. Another complained about what he called the ‘gay-plague messaging about monkeypox’.
NGOs were drawing similarly ominous analogies with the 1980s. The executive director of UK charity Aidsmap said the news reporting had ‘stirred memories of the early days of the HIV epidemic’, and that the media had been propagating ‘lazy, homophobic tropes’. Stonewall joined in too, with Sasha Misra, its communications director, condemning the ‘increasingly sensationalist media coverage’, which was inviting the public ‘to make the link between the disease and the LGBTQ+ community’.
Even the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) felt the need to intervene. Towards the end of May it claimed that while ‘a significant proportion’ of recent monkeypox cases had been identified among gay, bisexual and other ‘men who have sex with men’, some media portrayals of the outbreak were reinforcing ‘homophobic stereotypes’ and exacerbating ‘stigma’.
Fast forward to today, with monkeypox having been declared a ‘global health emergency’ by the World Health Organisation at the weekend, and the same voices have performed a remarkable volte-face. Before they were complaining that there was too much focus on the sexual orientation of those infected – now they are complaining that there is not enough.
One activist, writing in the Guardian, has now declared that we must ‘make sure we don’t scar another generation of marginalised men by turning a blind eye as disease ravages their communities’. A prominent Guardian columnist has echoed such sentiments, tweeting that ‘the current monkeypox outbreak overwhelmingly affects men who have sex with men… it’s not homophobia to speak the truth about this’. And WHO director-general Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus has urged all countries ‘to work closely with communities of men who have sex with men, to design and deliver effective information and services, and to adopt measures that protect both the health, human rights and dignity of affected communities’.
At first glance nothing of this makes sense. A couple of months ago, to speak of what many of those infected have in common was supposedly a product of homophobia, reminiscent of the reaction to the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s. Now the opposite is the case – to ignore what many of those infected have in common is now supposedly a product of homophobia, reminiscent of the complacent response to the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s.
It looks like a severe bout of cognitive dissonance among the pundit class, right-on activists and NGOs. Or at least it does until you consider what unites the two positions. And that’s the fear that underpins both seemingly contradictory accusations. A fear not of a threat to public health so much as a fear of the public. A fear of people’s alleged bigotry, their assumed homophobia and their indifference to the suffering of those who deviate from the norm.
So at first, it was assumed that the public, upon hearing about a disease spreading among homosexual men, would revert to anti-gay scapegoating type. And so we had those pre-emptive commentaries attacking the coverage of the monkeypox outbreak for supposedly encouraging homophobia. But then, with the outbreak still spreading two months on and now affecting over 16,000 people worldwide, the vast majority of whom are ‘men who have sex with men’, the same voices have performed a u-turn. Now they fear that the public – and public-health bodies – won’t focus enough attention, not to mention services and treatment, on the specific networks of gay men that are clearly most at risk. Because of their homophobia, their willingness to ‘turn a blind eye as disease ravages [gay] communities’.
It is as maddening as it is insulting. From the outset, the only people that talked about monkeypox being called a ‘gay disease’ or a ‘gay plague’, let alone a punishment from God and such like, were those attacking the public for its putative homophobia. Nobody outside the woke bubble thought anything of sort. They simply recognised the truth of what the news reports, not to mention epidemiologists, were telling them. That monkeypox is a disease that spreads through close, mainly skin-to-skin contact – or to be more precise, through contact with respiratory droplets and vesicle fluid encountered on bodies or textiles. And that, through sheer ill fortune, this virus is now in circulation among certain groups of people that happen to engage in close, skin-to-skin contact with multiple others. Monkeypox is not a judgement on the behaviour of ‘men who have sex with men’. It is not a reason for shaming or stigmatisation. It is simply bad luck.
Fortunately, the version of monkeypox currently doing the rounds is thought to be the milder west African variant. The overwhelming majority of those infected will make a full recovery. And given its transmission depends on close physical contact, its spread is likely to be self-limiting.
So it’s time to stop stigmatising and shaming the public, and focus on delivering help and advice to those who need it.
Tim Black is a spiked columnist.
Picture by: Getty.
To enquire about republishing spiked’s content, a right to reply or to request a correction, please contact the managing editor, Viv Regan. |
In today’s digital age, securing our sensitive data has become increasingly important. We store valuable information on our computers, from personal documents to corporate data, and safeguarding it from unauthorized access is paramount. One powerful tool designed to enhance data security is BitLocker. In this blog post, we will delve into what BitLocker is, how it works, and why it is a valuable asset for protecting your data.
What is BitLocker?
BitLocker, an integral part of Microsoft Windows operating systems, offers comprehensive disk encryption capabilities. Introduced with Windows Vista and available in subsequent versions, BitLocker provides a robust layer of protection for data stored on internal and external drives. Its primary purpose is to encrypt the entire contents of a drive, ensuring that even if the physical drive falls into the wrong hands, the data remains inaccessible without the proper authentication.
How does BitLocker work?
BitLocker utilizes a combination of software and hardware components to achieve its encryption capabilities. When enabled, it encrypts the entire operating system volume, including system files, user files, and temporary files, on a sector-by-sector basis. The encryption process converts the data into an unreadable format, rendering it useless without the decryption key.
To unlock the encrypted drive and gain access to the data, users must provide the correct authentication, such as a password, a smart card, or a USB key. The authentication process takes place during the system boot-up phase, ensuring that the drive is only accessible to authorized users.
BitLocker also supports various authentication modes, including TPM (Trusted Platform Module), which securely stores encryption keys, and TPM+PIN or TPM+USB configurations for enhanced security. Additionally, BitLocker can be managed and configured through Group Policy settings or the BitLocker Drive Encryption Control Panel.
Why use BitLocker?
- Enhanced Data Security: BitLocker’s strong encryption algorithms protect your data, safeguarding it from unauthorized access. Even if a drive is lost or stolen, the encryption ensures that the information remains secure.
- Seamless Integration: As a built-in feature of Windows operating systems, BitLocker seamlessly integrates with the Windows environment, providing a familiar user experience. Its compatibility with other Microsoft technologies simplifies implementation and management for organizations.
- Centralized Management: BitLocker offers centralized management capabilities, enabling system administrators to enforce encryption policies across an organization. This helps ensure consistent security practices and simplifies the recovery process in case of lost or forgotten encryption keys.
- Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Support: BitLocker leverages the security features of TPM, a hardware component embedded in many modern computers. TPM enhances encryption security by securely storing encryption keys and verifying the integrity of the system during boot-up.
BitLocker is a powerful disk encryption tool that provides an additional layer of security for your data. By encrypting the entire drive, it prevents unauthorized access to your files and protects sensitive information in case of device theft or loss. Its integration with Windows operating systems, centralized management capabilities, and support for TPM make it a valuable asset for individuals and organizations seeking to enhance data security. Consider utilizing BitLocker to keep your digital assets safe and secure in an increasingly connected world. |
Dhaka Bank Observed International Women’s Day 2015
Dhaka Bank Limited observed International Women’s Day 2015 on March 8, 2015 at the Head Office of the Bank in a befitting manner. On this special day, the Managing Director Mr. Niaz Habib congratulated each and every female member of the Bank for their continuous efforts towards achieving excellence. On his note, he also acknowledged the role of Women in different sectors of the economy. In addition to that, the Managing Director presented Pens to all the female members of the Bank as a token. The pen was categorically selected as the symbol of Women Empowerment. Deputy Managing Directors Mr. Emranul Huq and Khan Shahadat Hossain, Company Secretary Mr. Md. Arham Masudul Huq, Head of Human Resources Ms. Tahniyat Ahmed Karim along with other senior officials of the Bank delivered separate speeches to address the special moment.
Dhaka Bank has truly cherished and brought into focus the heritage and history of Dhaka and Bangladesh from Mughal outpost to modern metropolis. Most of its presentation, publications, brand initiatives, delivery channels, calendars and financial manifestations bear Bank’s commitment to this attachment. |
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API and integration catalogue
These are the APIs and integrations which are currently available, or in development, from NHS England and associated organisations. It includes APIs as well as API standards defined by us. For other data standards, see the NHS Data Standards Directory.
First time here? Check out getting started with our APIs.
Not sure which API fits your use case? See if we have a building healthcare software guide that helps. |
The Fashion degree at USW creates the leaders of tomorrow’s fashion industry, a group of professionals who can respond to the industry’s challenges. Fashion design at USW offers experience of the fashion industry beyond the university environment and sets a culture, skillset and attributes for life after graduation. You’ll engage in design thinking and a process-driven approach to solve complex issues of design, sustainability and commercial success, and develop a strong creative vision. Based at USW's Cardiff campus, in the heart of the city centre, you will work in new studios that simulate an industry environment. These have a full suite of manufacturing equipment, including industrial sewing machines. You will work with partners from the industry and be supported to undertake internships, work experience and placements. We are currently partnering with local, national and international brands to connect USW with a global industry. You will compete in national and international design competitions, placing your work on a global stage. USW Graduates are now employed by Debenhams, Harrods, Joules and Peacocks, amongst others. Graduates have also gone on to establish their own fashion brands, such as Imtayaz Quassim, whose designs have been worn by Justin Bieber, Tyga and Gareth Bale.
How to apply
This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.
- Course code:
- Institution code:
- Campus name:
- Campus code:
Points of entry
The following entry points are available for this course:
- Year 1
Please click the following link to find out more about qualification requirements for this course
The student satisfaction data is from students surveyed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of student respondents and response rates can be important in interpreting the data – it is important to note your experience may be different from theirs. This data will be based on the subject area rather than the specific course. Read more about this data on the Discover Uni website.
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- Scientists have detected phosphine in the clouds of Venus.
- Phosphine is a gas that can be produced by both biological and non-biological processes, but it is considered to be a potential biomarker for life.
- The researchers considered all possible explanations for the presence of phosphine on Venus, including both biological and non-biological sources.
- Biological processes are the most likely explanation for the presence of phosphine on Venus, but more research is needed to confirm.
- The discovery of phosphine on Venus is a significant step forward in the search for life beyond Earth.
Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and it is often called Earth’s twin because of its similar size and composition. However, Venus is a very different place from Earth. It has a dense atmosphere that is mostly made up of carbon dioxide, and the surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead.
Because of its harsh environment, Venus has long been considered to be an unlikely place for life to exist. However, a new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy suggests that Venus may be home to aerial lifeforms that float in a thin slice of habitable atmosphere, surrounded by otherwise hellish conditions.
The study was led by Clara Sousa-Silva, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sousa-Silva and her team used two different telescopes to detect phosphine in the clouds of Venus.
Phosphine is a colorless, flammable gas that has a garlic-like odor. It is produced by a variety of industrial processes, but it is also a byproduct of certain biological processes. On Earth, phosphine is produced by anaerobic bacteria, which are organisms that can live without oxygen.
Because of its association with life, phosphine is considered to be a potential biomarker for extraterrestrial life. A biomarker is a substance or characteristic that can be used to indicate the presence of life.
Sousa-Silva and her team considered all possible explanations for the presence of phosphine on Venus, including both biological and non-biological sources.
One non-biological source of phosphine is lightning. Lightning can produce phosphine through the interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus in the air. However, the researchers calculated that lightning could not produce enough phosphine to explain the amount that has been detected on Venus.
Another possible non-biological source of phosphine is volcanoes. Volcanoes can release phosphine into the atmosphere through the interaction of lava and water. However, the researchers found that there were not enough active volcanoes on Venus to produce the amount of phosphine that has been detected.
This leaves biological processes as the most likely explanation for the presence of phosphine on Venus. However, it is important to note that the detection of phosphine is not definitive proof of life. More research is needed to confirm that the phosphine on Venus is indeed produced by living organisms.
- Biological processes: Phosphine is produced by anaerobic bacteria on Earth, and it is possible that similar organisms exist in the clouds of Venus.
- Non-biological processes: Lightning and volcanoes can produce phosphine, but the researchers calculated that these processes could not produce enough phosphine to explain the amount that has been detected on Venus.
The discovery of phosphine on Venus is a significant step forward in the search for life beyond Earth. It suggests that life may be more common in the universe than we thought, and it raises the possibility that life can exist in even the most extreme environments.
More research is needed to confirm the source of the phosphine on Venus and to determine whether or not it is produced by living organisms. However, this discovery is a reminder that we are still so much we don’t know about our universe, and it gives us hope that we may not be alone. |
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High Dynamic Range Point Clouds for Real-Time Relighting
(The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
Acquired 3D point clouds make possible quick modeling of virtual scenes from the real world.With modern 3D capture pipelines, each point sample often comes with additional attributes such as normal vector and color response. ... |
DINS Legal is a group of companies uniting lawyers and advocates to provide comprehensive legal services and protect clients' interests in courts on civil, corporate, antitrust, tax and criminal law, bankruptcy, IP and mediation, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights.
DINS Legal group of companies includes: Moscow Bar Association «Salnikova and partners», Law firm «DINS Legal», «IPS Intelligent Solutions». DINS Legal is an associate partner of the «Kucherena and Partners» Bar Association.
Protection of defendants, witnesses and victims in criminal casesLearn more about the practice
Settlement of disputes in pre-trial and court proceedingsLearn more about the practice
Advice and protection of business entitiesLearn more about the practice |
Why do so many successful women are usually alone? Why for beautiful women it’s so difficult to find a soul mate? What to do in such a situation? These and other questions will get answered in the book ‘Why He Disappeared“. From childhood we are told that a good education and then a decent career – it is… Read More »
The post Why He Disappeared appeared first on Donnajeanbooks.com | Free Books to Download in PDF Format. |
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Live Coding: A User's Manual
Alan F. Blackwell,
The MIT Press
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License
The open access edition of this book was made possible by generous funding and support from the author
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
This content is PDF only. Please click on the PDF icon to access. |
This is a very long time wanted feature and really I don’t know why i didn’t posted yet. stupid.
Would be nice to have more option on the way GUI elements selection works.
if you drag into patch you select both nodes and links.
there could be a mode in which you can select just nodes.
The node selection mode could be activated by pressing a key during selection.
This feature is so useful when you want to delete some nodes in a patch where there are many links crossing behind without breaking everything.
so here is the new selection behavior to test in latest alphas:
- if nodes and links are in a selection only nodes are selected
- if only links are in a selection they are selected
- pressing ctrl selects both links and nodes (old default)
- pressing shift only selects links
bunch of nodes with connections;
if you repeat twice a selection (without deselecting by pressing mouse left in patch) , the second one seems to be influenced by the status of the previous
if the node is entirely or just partially inside the selection, seems to influence the bug behaviour.
indeed. fixed that. please check again. |
Unlock new depths with SSI Advanced Open Water Course by Diving Hurghada – Dive into an exhilarating underwater adventure as you master essential skills and explore the mesmerizing depths of the Red Sea. Enhance your diving prowess and experience unforgettable marine encounters with our expert instructors. Join us now and embark on an extraordinary journey to becoming an advanced diver!
SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course: Take Your Diving Skills to the Next Level
If you have already completed your Open Water Diver course and are looking to enhance your diving skills, the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is the perfect next step for you. This course will introduce you to new underwater environments and expand your diving knowledge and abilities. In this article, we will explore what the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course entails and how you can benefit from it.
Duration and Requirements
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course typically takes 2 days to complete. During this time, you will explore different aspects of diving and gain valuable experience.
To enroll in this course, you must be able to swim and be medically fit for diving. The minimum age requirement is 15 years for regular participants. However, children between the ages of 10 and 15 can still participate in the Junior Advanced Open Water Diver course. This allows young diving enthusiasts to start their underwater adventures early and gradually progress towards becoming certified divers.
Fees and Inclusions
When you sign up for the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course, you can expect a comprehensive package that includes various benefits. Here are the details:
Transfer to/from your place of stay within Hurghada
We understand the importance of convenience and comfort during your diving journey. To ensure a hassle-free experience, our package includes transfers to and from your place of stay within the Hurghada area. If you are staying in other areas, additional charges may apply.
12 Liter Tanks
As an Advanced Open Water Diver, you will engage in more challenging dives. To support your exploration, we provide you with 12-liter tanks. These larger tanks allow for longer dive times and deeper dives, giving you the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in the underwater world.
Lunch on Board
During your diving excursion, you will need fuel to keep you energized and focused. Our package includes a delicious lunch served on board. The meal includes tea or coffee and two soft drinks or water to keep you hydrated throughout the day.
Books and Certification
Your learning experience is our top priority. To facilitate your education, we provide you with the necessary books and study materials for the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course. These resources will guide you through the course content, making it easier for you to grasp new concepts and techniques. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certification that validates your advanced diving skills.
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is designed to enhance your underwater abilities and expand your horizons as a diver. Throughout the course, you will complete a variety of specialty dives under the guidance of our experienced instructors. These specialty dives include:
Navigate the underwater world like a pro! During this dive, you will learn how to use a compass and natural references to navigate accurately underwater. You will enhance your skills in underwater mapping and gain confidence in finding your way back to the starting point.
Experience the enchanting underwater world after the sun sets. Night dives offer a whole new perspective, as nocturnal marine creatures come out to play. You will learn how to navigate in low visibility conditions and use dive lights to explore the mysteries of the night.
Dive deeper into the depths of the ocean and explore new environments. The deep dive will familiarize you with the challenges and safety precautions associated with diving at greater depths. You will gain a thorough understanding of pressure changes, gas narcosis, and other factors that come into play during deep dives.
Discover the thrill of exploring sunken ships and other underwater wrecks. Wreck dives allow you to witness history while learning about marine life that has made these structures their home. You will develop the skills necessary to safely navigate wrecks and interact with the environment.
SSI Advanced Open Water Course Conclusion
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is an excellent opportunity for certified divers to advance their skills and knowledge. By completing a range of specialty dives, you will gain valuable experience and become a more confident and well-rounded diver. The comprehensive package, including transfers, tanks, lunch, books, and certification, ensures a seamless and enjoyable learning experience. So, take the plunge and embark on your journey to becoming an Advanced Open Water Diver with SSI.
FAQs about the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course is an exciting next step for passionate divers who want to enhance their skills, explore new depths, and expand their underwater knowledge. As you consider embarking on this thrilling adventure, you may have some questions. In this article, we will address frequently asked questions about the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course to help you gain a better understanding of what it entails.
What is the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course?
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course is designed to further develop your diving skills and knowledge beyond the basic Open Water Diver certification. It consists of five specialty dives, each focusing on a specific area of diving, such as deep diving, navigation, night diving, and more. By completing the course, you will gain valuable experience, confidence, and a broadened understanding of various underwater environments.
LSI Keyword: SSI Advanced Open Water Diver Course Overview
What are the prerequisites for the course?
To enroll in the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course, you must hold a valid Open Water Diver certification or an equivalent certification from another recognized diving agency. This ensures that you have a foundation of essential diving skills and knowledge. Additionally, some dive centers may have specific prerequisites, such as a minimum number of logged dives or a certain level of diving experience, so it’s important to check with your chosen dive center for their requirements.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The duration of the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course depends on several factors, including the dive center’s schedule and your availability. Typically, the course can be completed within a few days, with each specialty dive taking approximately half a day. However, the timing may vary based on the number of dives you can complete per day and any additional training or theory sessions required. It’s best to consult with your dive center to determine an estimated timeline for your course.
What are the specialty dives included in the course?
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course includes five specialty dives, each focusing on a different aspect of diving. These dives typically include:
- Deep Diving: Expanding your depth limits to a maximum of 30 meters (100 feet) and learning about the considerations and techniques for safe deep dives.
- Navigation: Enhancing your underwater navigation skills, including using a compass and natural references to navigate accurately.
- Night Diving & Limited Visibility: Learning how to plan and execute dives in low light or night conditions, and familiarizing yourself with specialized equipment for nighttime exploration.
- Buoyancy Control: Fine-tuning your ability to maintain proper buoyancy while diving, conserving energy, and protectiing the marine environment.
- Wreck Diving, Drift Diving, or other specialties (optional): Depending on your preferences and the offerings at your chosen dive center, you may have the opportunity to select an additional specialty dive.
These specialty dives aim to expose you to different diving situations, broaden your skillset, and expand your underwater horizons.
Can I complete the specialty dives in any order?
Yes, one of the benefits of the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course is the flexibility to complete the specialty dives in any sequence that suits your preferences and the logistics of the dive center. While there’s no strict order, it’s generally recommended to start with the deep dive and navigation dives, as they provide a solid foundation for the remaining specialty dives.
Will I receive a certification after completing the course?
Absolutely! Upon completing the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course, you will receive the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver certification. This globally recognized certification acknowledges your increased diving skills, knowledge, and experience. With this certification, you will be eligible to undertake more challenging dives, including dives in varying conditions, different environments, and explore new adventures beneath the waves.
The SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course offers an opportunity for divers to build upon their basic skills and knowledge, explore new challenges, and reach greater depths. As you consider enrolling in this course, it’s essential to understand what it entails and what to expect.
By addressing the frequently asked questions about the SSI Advanced Open Water Diver course, we aim to provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. Remember to check with your chosen dive center for specific details and enjoy the thrilling journey of becoming an Advanced Open Water Diver! |
Is there a way to detect that a sewer drain pipe has clogged and is in the process of backing up? I'm not looking for a) advice like "don't put grease or tampons down the drain" or b) here are some hints that things may not be right (like a gurgling toilet or strange smells). I've been Googling for products or techniques to know for sure that there's a clog but coming up with nothing.
I'm surprised in 2022 how primitive this is given how critical it is. A clog will essentially shut down your house until it's fixed but I can't find any way to know you're clogged until it's too late and you have sewage on your basement floor. In theory, even a sewage-proof webcam inside the pipe would be ok: I'd rather look at a pic of sewage once a day then have to clean it off the floor.
I know commercial septic systems have high-end monitoring gear. Anyone know of any way to do this for the residential market? I'm in the US and on septic if that matters. |
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OCI Artifacts Explained
The OCI (Open Containers Initiative) manages a few specifications and projects related to the storage, distribution, and execution of container images. If you’ve ever run a docker container, you’ve interacted with these specifications, whether you know it or not.
OCI registries are typically used for container images, but it’s actually possible (and even a good idea in some cases) to use them for storing and distributing other types of data. There are a couple techniques for doing this, and one of them is commonly referred to as “OCI Artifacts”. Even though they’re in relatively widespread usage, I’ve seen a lot of confusion recently around what an OCI Artifact actually is. Here’s my take:
OCI Artifacts are not a new specification, format, or API. They’re a set of somewhat-contradictory conventions for how to store things other than images inside an OCI registry.
This post explains what these conventions and contradictions are, why you might want to consider using them, and also explains some of the activity and proposals going on in the OCI right now.
What even is an OCI?
To fully understand what an OCI Artifact is, we first have to understand what an OCI image is. Let’s start with the confusing part — you’re probably not actually using OCI images! Yes, even if you run hundreds of thousands of containers pulled from an OCI-compliant registry into an OCI-compliant runtime, deployed across a thousand-node Kubernetes cluster, you’re probably not using OCI images. What? OK fine, this is a bit pedantic, but this entire blog post is pedantic. Let me explain.
First — Docker images and OCI images are only mostly the same thing. In the early days of the OCI, the most widespread container format was by far Docker. As vendors pushed for a neutral specification, reusing the Docker image manifest format made the most sense to start with. The only problem was that this format contained a bunch of hard- coded references to Docker the company.
The Docker manifest (known as Image Manifest 2 Schema Version 2) looks roughly like this:
If you’ve ever worked with Docker images, this should look pretty familiar. There’s some boilerplate at the top, a
config section, and a list of
layers. The OCI format could use it’s own blog post or series, so I won’t dive too far in here. The boilerplate is the important part to look at to understand what an OCI image is and why this isn’t one, specifically the
mediaType field refers to the entire manifest. Here, we can see that it is set to
application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json with the
docker string still present. The OCI reserved some new
mediaTypes with IANA, those are:
If you’re paying close attention, you’ll see that there are only two
mediaTypes included here, but three earlier by Docker. I’ll explain that in a bit. Nothing else substantially changed in the format after the transition from Docker to OCI other than these strings.
Most registries added support for the new
mediaTypes over time, but tooling that wanted to remain portable needed to continue to support the old formats. This led to a cycle, which is still present somewhat today. Tooling worked fine so no one was begging for support for these new formats, meaning registries were slow to add support, meaning tooling continued to remain backward compatible with the old types, meaning you’re probably not actually using OCI images, you’re using Docker images.
So we now know what OCI images are, what are OCI Artifacts? The Artifacts initiative set out to make the registry format a bit more generic, to allow for users to store and distribute arbitrary files. We’ve already had blob storage and binary distribution systems for years, so why would we want to reuse a container format? Well, it turns out the container format has some really nice features that make it suitable for other environments (mostly the content addressable API).
It’s also widely supported by platform vendors, and finally happens to be the only real dependency to bring up a production Kubernetes environment. You need to host the k8s images themselves somewhere. While it is possible to run a registry in a Kubernetes cluster, that starts to bring in some chicken-and-egg problems.
So we have a pretty good API that’s widely supported and can reasonably be assumed to be available. Why not stick other things in here? Kubernetes-adjacent projects like Helm, TektonCD, OPA, and more started to pick up on this trend, allowing for configuration, charts and policy modules to be stored in an OCI registry. Other package managers followed suit too, like Homebrew and even WASM.
These other formats figured out ways to fit their data model into the OCI image manifest, mostly successfully. The
manifest gives you one
config blob and then a list of
layer blobs, but clients can choose to interpret these however they wish. Most seem to use just one
layer for all package data, but some make use of multiple.
Things mostly work out fine in this model, but if you have a single registry with different types of data inside of it, things can get confusing for clients. This is normally what
mediaTypes are for — you can indicate what type of data is contained in a blob. Clients read this before interpreting data and either accept or ignore the data they want. This works great for the layer fields, but the OCI image manifest does not actually allow users to set the
manifest.mediaType for the overall object.
Remember how we had three
mediaTypes in a docker image (one for the manifest, one for the config, and one for the layers), but OCI images only had two (one for the config and one for the layers)? This is due to backwards compatibility issues with older docker clients. The manifest.mediaType must either be the legacy docker one or unset. This means there’s no great place to indicate what is contained by the overall manifest, so most artifact types just don’t set this.
To try to improve on this model, the OCI Artifacts project set out to define some conventions here. They decided that the best place to indicate the type of the overall artifact would be the
This isn’t ideal, but it’s the best option really available. That means a random artifact type might look like:
You can see that the config blob is set to a custom type to indicate the format for the entire object. That’s what an OCI artifact is! Something:
- other than an image
- stored in a registry
- that sets a custom type in the
Here’s the contradiction: not enough registries support this field for tooling to be able to rely on it. The OCI specification even recommends against using this if you care about portability:
Many registries still don’t even support OCI
mediaTypes at all, or have an allowlist preventing custom
config.mediaType values. This leads back to our circle of stale specifications — tools can’t rely on being able to set this field, so they just don’t. People either communicate information about what type of content is in each image out-of-band, or use other conventions/heuristics to figure out whether they understand how to work with the content of an image.
Tool authors can’t rely on this feature working, so they don’t technically use OCI Artifacts per the OCI definition, they just store arbitrary artifacts inside of OCI (or even Docker) manifests and work out how to fetch them some other way.
I hope this post explains things a bit more clearly. An OCI Artifact is not a new type, or a new specification registries and tools need to add support for. It’s a documented convention around how to use a specific field inside of a manifest to indicate what the manifest contains, that’s unfortunately not widely supported enough to be used yet. Some specifications rely on it (WASM, mostly), while the others don’t.
So what’s next? I do think that storing other things inside a registry is a great idea, and even maintain a bunch of tools that do this. I’d love to see some changes to the specification to make this easier. Requiring registries to allow other
config.mediaTypes might be one place to start. There are a few other proposals around completely new API versions floating around that seem useful. There are also some other proposed changes in flight around linking stored data together in ways not possible today.
These all seem great, but getting these rolled out widely enough to be useful to tooling will take years if it happens at the same pace as the last round of specification changes. Hopefully we can speed things up! |
The global biopesticides market is projected to reach a value of USD 8.82 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 17.4% from 2016. The market is driven by factors such as growth in the crop production, ease of application, increase in need for organic food, and rise in preference for sustainable pest control pesticides. The change in farming practices (from traditional to biotechnological), clubbed with advanced technologies and promotion by the governments of many countries across the world also drives the demand for biopesticides in the agricultural sector. Factors such as low shelf life of biopesticides and high cost of biopesticides leading to the rise in agricultural cost of production are restraining the growth of the market.
“Bioinsecticides segment accounted for the largest market share in 2015 among the types of biopesticides”
On the basis of type, biopesticides have been segmented into bioinsecticides, biofungicides, bioherbicides, and bionematicides, and others, which include sulfur, oil, insect repellent, moth control, and biochemicals. Among these, the bioinsecticides segment accounted for the largest market share in 2015, followed by the bioherbicides and biofungicides segments, respectively. Bioinsecticides are largely used for horticultural crops, for healthy crop growth.
“Foliar spray segment led the market with the largest share in 2015”
On the basis of mode of application, the biopesticides market has been segmented into foliar spray, seed treatment, soil treatment, and post-harvest. The market was led by foliar spray followed by soil treatment. Foliar spray is largely used by farmers because of its high efficiency and ease of application.
“North America dominated the market with the largest share, whereas Europe growing at the highest CAGR”
North America formed the largest market for biopesticides in 2015, whereas Europe accounted for the second-largest market share in 2015. Extensive R&D activities in the North American region have helped in the introduction of customized and crop-specific products, which in turn led to the growth of biopesticides market. The global biopesticides market has been segmented region-wise, with a detailed analysis of each region by studying the key markets. These regions include North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World (RoW). European region is projected to be the fastest-growing market for the next six years, owing to the development of agricultural sector and growth in demand for food.
Key players identified in the biopesticides market include BASF SE (Germany), Bayer CropScience AG (Germany), Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. (U.S.), Certis USA LLC (U.S.), Koppert Biological Systems (Netherlands), and The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Monsanto Company (U.S.), Isagro SPA (Italy), Camson Bio Technologies Limited (India), Bioworks, Inc. (U.S.), W. Neudorff GmbH Kg (Germany), and Valent Biosciences Corporation (U.S.).
- This study estimates the global market of biopesticides, in terms of dollar value, till 2022, segmented on the basis of type, crop type, origin, formulation, and mode of application
-It offers a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of this market with reference to the competitive landscape, and preferred development strategies such as agreements, expansions, mergers, and acquisitions to gain a larger share in the market
- It provides a comprehensive review of major market drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, winning imperatives, and key issues of the market
-It covers various important aspects of the market. These include analysis of the value chain, competitive landscape, market dynamics, market estimates, in terms of value, and future trends in the biopesticides market
Reasons to buy this report:
From an insight perspective, this research report has focused on various levels of analyses—industry analysis (industry trends), market share analysis of top players, supply chain analysis, and company profiles, which together comprise and discuss the basic views on the competitive landscape; emerging and high-growth segments of the biopesticides market; high-growth regions; and market drivers, restraints, and opportunities.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
• Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on biopesticides offered by the top players in the global biopesticides market
• Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and new product launches in the biopesticides market
• Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative emerging markets—the report analyzes the markets for biopesticides across various regions
• Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the global biopesticides market
• Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, strategies, products, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players in the global biopesticides market |
Search index: OpenSearch for Amazon Neptune
Amazon OpenSearch with Amazon Neptune
Amazon OpenSearch is a good option as for full-text search in Amazon Neptune because Amazon provides a built-in integration that allows changes in Amazon Neptune to be automatically synchronized to OpenSearch.
Be aware that you should set up the Neptune-to-OpenSearch integration on an empty Neptune graph. If you set up the integration after you already added data to Neptune, existing data will not be automatically synchronized to OpenSearch.
If you already have data in your graph, check out how to export Neptune to OpenSearch
See the AWS documentation for how to set up the Neptune to OpenSearch integration
A simplified guide is provided here as a quick start guide:
- Make sure the IAM role running Neptune can also run queries in OpenSearch
- Enable Neptune streams
- Open the "parameter groups" section in your Neptune console)
- Click the "create new parameter group" button
- Set the "type" to "DB cluster parameter group"
- Click the "edit parameter" button
- Save this new parameter group
- Edit your Neptune instance to use the parameter group you just created
- Create an OpenSearch instance
- Open your OpenSearch console
- Create a new OpenSearch instance (choose either Elasticsearch 7.10 or OpenSearch 1.3)
- Choose network settings that allow Neptune and OpenSearch to communicate (i.e. same VPC, same subnet)
- Set up the Neptune-to-OpenSearch synchronization
- Choose the region in which to deploy the synchronization job
- Fill in details, as recommended
- Select VPC & subnets so that it can communicate with your Neptune & OpenSearch instances |
Dolfi Land was created in 2007 and it is the first and only theme park dedicated to wood carving.
Dolfi Land, the italian wood carving and wood carved nativity scene shop, in Val Gardena Italy is crafted with attention to the smallest detail, decorated according to the season. Wood connoisseurs will find a vast assortment of thousands of sculptures and other products, selected from a range of over 60,000 products which have been developed during the course of Dolfi’ s 120-year history.
Make the most of your stay in Val Gardena and come visit us at Dolfi Land. Our forty staff members will give you a tour of the company museum, show you our Outlet or pamper you with a fresh beverage on the terrace of our Dolfi Lounge. There are large outdoor and indoor areas for children to play in.
You can park your vehicle right at the entrance, in our large 3,000-meter parking lot, which can accommodate even buses.
Till next time – The Dolfi Land staff
Click DOLFI LAND for additional information regarding special group offers and detailed descriptions regarding all the areas. |
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THIS IS NOT A FULL SIZE HOUSE - THIS IS A 1/144 SCALE HOUSE - PLEASE READ THE DIMENSIONS. Beckham Gothic Victorian features a hexagonal tower, two story bay window, and wrap-a-round porch. We designed detailed railings, lattice, and gingerbread trims for the exterior along with stair railings, and our own wallpaper designs for the interior. This kit includes everything needed to finish the interior and exterior of the house. The structural pieces are laser cut out of 1/16 maple hardwood.The kit includes the base, three floors that are etched to resemble hardwood flooring, and roofing. The exterior materials include the pre-cut siding walls, railings, foundation, corner trims, 3 sets of steps, and shingles. The interior materials include wallpaper, baseboards, cove molding, and trims for the edges of the walls and floors. The kit also includes 2 staircases with railings.
Also included are all laser cut parts for doors, window frames, and window boxes. Landscaping materials include grass, bushes, foliage for window boxes and vines, and 3 bags of flowers; one mixed flowers for window boxes, two colors for bushes, flowers, and vines. The step by step instructions are detailed with diagrams and pictures.
It is important to note that our house kits include everything you will need to complete the house as shown except the paint, tools, and glue. Finished house measures 5 6/8 wide x 3 1/8 deep x 4 1/4 high. Look for our 1:144th furniture kits. MIX AND MATCH FURNITURE KITS FOR QUANTITY DISCOUNTS.
The item "Dollhouse Miniature 1144 Scale St Beckham Gothic Victorian House Kit Complete" is in sale since Saturday, November 21, 2020. This item is in the category "Dolls & Bears\Dollhouse Miniatures\Doll Houses". The seller is "debbie4860" and is located in Tuckerton, New Jersey.
This item can be shipped to United States. |
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Signing up for this coaching program was the best decision I made during my Master’s journey. It simplified the thesis process and saved me countless hours. It’s an investment I would recommend to anyone feeling overwhelmed with their thesis. Trust me, it’s worth every penny!
Sarah K., UAS Technikum |
Semantic search is a fantastic technology, if used correctly. I am not talking about users of semantic search technology, I am talking about the technology vendors that make it part of a system
I was inspired to write this blog after reading Glen Cathey’s (The Boolean Black Belt) Article on Why Do So Many ATS Vendors Offer Poor Search Capability. The article made me think about search engines (google, yahoo, etc) and how semantic search is being used with them.
What is semantic search? To put is simple: semantic search can take, as input, a word like “Java” and offers up other related terms like “J2EE” or “Beans” (both are related to Java). This allows the user to type in a few terms but match many, many terms.
The matching terms are built into an “expert system” that is continually built over time. Many fancy names are given to these systems, based on how they are built, but basically they are sets of rules.
Semantic search is not AI (artificial intelligence). If you hear that, it probably started in a marketing department somewhere.
Companies that have built semantic search engines, while they have not created AI, have spent a tremendous amount of time and resources to build these sets of rules. The better engines can build rules on the fly from a new set of data, like resumes. This is very cool stuff.
Overall, I like semantic search. It has great potential, however, it has great weaknesses if used incorrectly. If built into the engine itself, semantic search can be very powerful, this is because semantic processing is done at the search engine side, without any limitations or constraints. However, if bolted onto a search engine, it can be more harmful than good.
Here is what I mean. I’ll try to keep my logic simple.
1. The Google search engine has a limit in how many terms can be submitted to it.
2. Semantic search, by it’s nature, creates permutations upon given terms. For example:
“Senior VP of Sales” can be “SVP Sales” or “Senior Vice President of Sales”
to translate that into a boolean expression you get
“senior vp of sales” OR “SVP sales” OR “senior vice president of sales”
3. After creating permutations upon several concepts, you are out of search terms.
I’m a big believe in laws (maybe not speed-limit laws), but more the “laws of the universe” type stuff. I like to understand and deconstruct the rules and see if each one stands alone, or, do I need to recheck my premises. In this spirit, just before the first sourceCon conference, I developed the Seven Laws of Internet Research. I felt there was too much emphasis on memorizing search strings and the latest search engines or sites, but not enough fundamental thought leadership on how to think about searching the Internet.
The first two laws are
1. The Law of Permutation
2. The Law of Completeness
The Law of Permutation simply states that when searching the Internet, as it is not a homogeneous source of data, you must describe what you are looking for in the language of the many vs. the language of the one. (YES, this is what Semantic search is doing).
The Law of Completeness states you must strive for completeness of search engine results in order to have the superior outcome
Big Question: What happens if semantic search is applied before you reach completeness of results?
Answer: Missing data. Competitors eat your lunch. If you are a sales person, it means missed sales leads, if you are a recruiter, it means missed resumes or passive candidates.
Does this mean that I am anti-semantic search? No way. I think it has great potential.
Here are my take-aways:
-Semantic search should be inside the search engine for optimal results
-Semantic search bolted onto a standard search engine is severely limited.
-Semantic search will cause data to be missed if applied before reaching completeness of possible results
-When combining a standard search engine and semantic search, it is best to apply the semantic processing AFTER completeness of data has been reached. In reality, this would not be semantic search, but semantic filtering. |
Observers are keeping an eye on this year's "Singles' Day" or "Double 11" (双十一 shuāng shíyī), the massive online shopping festival that takes place every year around November 11th. Singles' Day was originally created by Jack Ma's Alibaba in 2009, which, along with Ant Group, were among the companies targeted by the Chinese government's Big Tech regulations this year. Wu Xiaolin and Ding Anhua believe that as criticisms of fintech firms have been increasing since 2020, it is important for China to remain rational and objective, cultivating a better understanding of the sector's innovation and development. Wu presents three key advantages of fintech firms. Firstly, they serve micro and small enterprises (小微企业 xiǎo wēi qǐyè), which are neglected by traditional financial institutions, at a lower cost. This inclusive service model contributes greatly to the development of China's real economy. Secondly, fintech companies have played a leadership role in meeting clients' needs and enhancing customer experience. They serve people who are "unbanked" (白户 bái hù) – those without accounts with banks or mobile money providers – which expands financial inclusion in the country. Thirdly, fintech companies are driving the digital transformation of the financial system. China is now leading the fintech sector globally, especially in mobile payment, consumer loans and credit, and digital wealth management. Fintech firms, however, have brought new challenges for policymakers, from platform monopolies, personal data mishandling, debt-fueled lifestyles to algorithmic bias. Furthermore, fintech firms could also pose new systemic risks to the financial system. Therefore, in order to mitigate these risks while still encouraging innovation, the authors recommend that China should implement "macroprudential regulation."
As of 13th November 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic has claimed over five million lives with over 252 million recorded cases worldwide. How China handled the pandemic remains an important issue domestically and internationally. Liu Wei and Liu Yuanwen focus on how China's grassroots governance played a big role in the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan in 2020. Even under normal conditions, grassroots neighborhood (社区 shèqū) and subdistrict (街道 jiēdào) communities have long faced the realities of heavy tasks, few resources, and little power. In the pandemic's aftermath, Wuhan demonstrated its ability to improve the efficiency of its administrative system, authority and responsibility structure, and grassroots mobilization, which allowed the city to accomplish extraordinary and difficult tasks. Regarding the first point, Wuhan continuously adjusted its administrative system as the epidemic developed: On January 20, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control (武汉疫情防控指挥部 wǔhàn yìqíng fáng kòng zhǐhuī bù) set up eight working groups, including emergency security, public communication, transportation, and medical treatment; on February 16, four new groups were established in Wuhan, including those responsible for hospital beds and the coordination with medical assistance teams from other regions; and on February 21, a new medical treatment group for non-new COVID-19 cases was set up. Secondly, Wuhan gradually improved its authority and responsibility structure. For example, a large number of Party cadres were sent down (下沉 xià chén) to the frontlines to fight the epidemic. However, due to the hierarchical administrative structure, grassroots staff were constrained in managing the more senior dispatched cadres, resulting in the confusion of having multiple leaders. In response, Wuhan decided to set up temporary Party branches and placed dispatched cadres under the command of community Party organizations. This reshaped organizational structure ensured that the tasks were efficiently executed. Finally, the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and municipal government published an open letter to CPC members encouraging cadres to play a leadership role in the process. Also, cadres at all levels from the discipline inspection and supervision organs were sent to oversee the work being done on the ground. The mobilization of the Party and its internal discipline made it possible for CPC members and cadres to be dispatched to the ground and fight the epidemic, considered the most important political mission. According to the authors, these factors led to the successful control and overcoming of the pandemic in Wuhan.
At the Glasgow climate summit, China has been the target of criticism, scapegoated for climate change. Wen Jiajun points out that a major reason behind the dramatic increase in China's carbon emissions is because it serves as the "world's factory." Developed countries relocate their manufacturing industries to developing countries, like China, and thereby externalize their carbon emissions and associated pollution. For example, 7 to 14 percent of China's carbon emissions come from producing goods for the US consumer market. With China producing goods for the world, the question of "who really owns China's carbon emissions" needs to be considered. At the same time, there is a huge geographic disparity between high-polluting countries and those affected by climate change. Wen points to the fact that in 2000, 28 percent of global carbon emissions came from North America, but only 0.09 percent from Central Africa, which has been experiencing severe climate-related disasters. Developed countries are home to only 20 percent of the world's population but account for 75 percent of the world's cumulative carbon emissions. The US is the largest cumulative and per-capita carbon emitter, yet it withdrew from all climate change agreements including Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, until February of this year. Despite being a victim of climate change like other developing countries, China has been fulfilling its emissions reduction commitments in recent years. It introduced the "New Development Concept" (新发展理念 xīn fāzhǎn lǐniàn) that proposes harmony between the natural enviroment and economic development, set the "dual carbon" peak and neutrality targets (双碳 shuāng tàn), and is developing new energy technologies and public transportation. According to Wen, although environmental NGOs have grown in recent years in China and improved public awareness, some of China's middle class still holds the US high-consumption lifestyle as a standard, while neglecting the climate catastrophes impacting vulnerable regions and populations in China. For example, the number of private car owners in China reached 244 million by the end of 2020, with an average annual increase of 13.6 percent over the past five years. Exploring the real possibilities of a low-carbon economy requires breaking away from the "American dream" aspiration and rethinking the type of development that China needs.
On November 6, Chinese e-sports team Edward Gaming (EDG) won the League of Legends (LoL) World Championship, which became an online sensation among millennials. Ma Zhonghong points out that although e-sports (电子竞技 diànzǐ jìngjì) – multiplayer video game competitions – was classified by the government as an official sport in 2003, it still carries the stigma of being a "spiritual opium" or an "internet addiction" targeting the country's young people. The classification has also been subject to great debate, with some arguing that e-sports is just "competition" or "entertainment," while others believing that it is an "intellectual" sporting activity of the information age. Nevertheless, the e-sports industry has been developing rapidly. By 2020, the number of users reached 520 million and the market value exceeded US $15.6 billion. Ma found that e-sports players are mostly young men with middle-level education. For example, the average age of the 130 e-sports players in the LoL World Championship last year was 20.8 years old, and 82.3 percent were under 23 years old. Meanwhile, nearly half of the players have high school or technical secondary school (中专 zhōng zhuān) diplomas. The young age and relatively low level of education of these players, who are attracted by the industry's high salaries, have also raised public criticism. The average salary of China's 440,000 e-sports professional gamers exceeded US $1,720 per month in the first half of 2019, higher than the local average salary. Some well-known players can earn up to US $156,000 per year. In 2017, the Ministry of Education added "electronic sports and management" to the list of university majors, and 131 Chinese universities have offered degree programs so far. The author states that e-sports – as a new profession that appeals to youth and receives government recognition – still needs to be understood and accepted by Chinese society at large.
The sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held from November 8 to 11, adopted the third significant "historical resolution" (历史决议 lìshǐ juéyì). These official assessments of the Party's history address past achievements and future policies. Since its founding in 1921, the CPC has adopted two other important historical resolutions. Mao Zedong's "Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party” (1945) was the theoretical outcome of the Yan'an Rectification Movement (延安整风运动 yán'ān zhěngfēng yùndòng) (1942-1945), criticizing the three "leftist" political lines and affirming Mao's position in the Party's history. The resolution was drafted and revised by Mao personally over a 15-month period. It was the first time that Mao Zedong Thought, as a theory of the sinicization of Marxism (马克思主义中国化 mǎkèsī zhǔyì zhōngguó huà), was clearly presented in the form of a Party document to guide the Chinese Revolution. In this resolution, the CPC carried out it's first "inward self revolution" (自我革命 zìwǒ gémìng) – describing the spirit and practice of the Party in renewing and improving itself. Adhering to the objective of "clarity in ideology and unity among comrades", the Resolution also laid the political, ideological, and organizational foundation for uniting the Party in the victorious war against Japanese aggression. Deng Xiaoping's "Resolution on Certain Historical Issues of the Party since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" (1981) provided a scientific summary of the major historical issues after the founding of New China. This included giving a very positive evaluation on the period of basic completion of socialist transformation (1949-1956) and highlighting the major mistakes of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The Resolution factually evaluated the historical status of Mao and affirmed the significance of Mao Zedong Thought as the guiding ideology of the Party, emphasizing that his theory should be distinguished from his mistakes during the later years. The Resolution also put forward, for the first time, the idea of the "primary stage of socialism" (社会主义初级阶段 shèhuì zhǔyì chūjí jiēduàn), raised questions about the form of and means to build socialism, and was foundational to later defining the path to socialism with Chinese characteristics. To this day, the two historical resolutions remain an important basis for the CPC – the world's largest political party with over 90 million members – to help build consensus regarding its own historical issues.
Subscribe to Chinese Voices. The digest is published every Sunday in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.Download the PDF of the complete articles (automatically translated) of this issue. The opinions of the articles are not necessarily shared by Dongsheng editorial collective.
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Track your progress easily with Trello Stats - an extension to Trello.
Trello Stats is our internal DO OK project. One of our company’s goals is to make lives easier. The aim here was to create an extension that would help to increase productivity even more, for all Trello users all over the world.
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We’re happy that we could work on a product that would help make it easier to track productivity. It’s super easy to get into, with two clicks away from seeing the whole team’s data. |
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To finance short-term expenses, there are few better tools than business lines of credit. This article looks at how they work and what makes them so useful.
How Business Lines of Credit Work
When a business sets up a line of credit, the business receives access to a certain amount of money. The business is only on the hook for repaying what it withdraws to make purchases, in addition to interest on the withdrawn amount. For instance, a business that uses $3,500 of a $7,000 line of credit to finance short-term purchases will need to repay a principal amount of $3,500. As the business pays the money back, the amount of available funds will regenerate accordingly. The payments will be due on a set schedule, often monthly. After the business has paid back $3,500 (plus applicable interest), it will have access to the full $7,000 again.
Why Business Lines of Credit Are Advantageous
Business lines of credit shine in many situation, especially when the goal is to finance short-term expenses. One reason is speed: Rather than wading through a lengthy loan application before making a purchase, the business can immediately withdraw funds from its line of credit. Another reason is that business lines of credit usually have lower interest rates than credit cards.
How to Get a Business Line of Credit
Before you can use a line of credit to finance short-term business costs, you’ll need to gain one through an application process. One option is to do so through a traditional bank, but an alternative lender may offer a faster application process.
Lines of credit can come in secured and unsecured variants. Businesses with strong credit histories are more likely to be able to access an unsecured agreement, but either option can help a business with its short-term finance goals.
Interested in learning how to meet your business’s financing needs? You can do that by contacting Dorra Financial Group. |
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October 17, 2023 | 9 AM EDT
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Please attempt to resolve your complaint with the company before filing a complaint. Complaints already the subject of a lawsuit or other legal action cannot be handled by the Division of Consumer Protection. We will attempt to help all parties reach a satisfactory settlement. Please be sure that your statement is complete, factual and brief.
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Signup here to receive the latest announcements from the New York State Department of State. |
I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
From Convergent Books:
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • REESE’S BOOK CLUB X HELLO SUNSHINE BOOK PICK • From a leading voice on racial justice, an eye-opening account of growing up Black, Christian, and female that exposes how white America’s love affair with “diversity” so often falls short of its ideals.
“Austin Channing Brown introduces herself as a master memoirist. This book will break open hearts and minds.”—Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed
Austin Channing Brown’s first encounter with a racialized America came at age seven, when she discovered her parents named her Austin to deceive future employers into thinking she was a white man. Growing up in majority-white schools and churches, Austin writes, “I had to learn what it means to love blackness,” a journey that led to a lifetime spent navigating America’s racial divide as a writer, speaker, and expert helping organizations practice genuine inclusion.
In a time when nearly every institution (schools, churches, universities, businesses) claims to value diversity in its mission statement, Austin writes in breathtaking detail about her journey to self-worth and the pitfalls that kill our attempts at racial justice. Her stories bear witness to the complexity of America’s social fabric—from Black Cleveland neighborhoods to private schools in the middle-class suburbs, from prison walls to the boardrooms at majority-white organizations.
For readers who have engaged with America’s legacy on race through the writing of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Michael Eric Dyson, I’m Still Here is an illuminating look at how white, middle-class, Evangelicalism has participated in an era of rising racial hostility, inviting the reader to confront apathy, recognize God’s ongoing work in the world, and discover how blackness—if we let it—can save us all. |
The service or software of Kidstracker.io should only be used for legitimate and lawful purposes by authorized users, and it is hereby notified that installing or using the software or service of Kidstracker.io for any other purpose may violate local, state, and/or central law.
Kidstracker.io has been designed for ethical monitoring for the parents who wish to monitor their underage children for their safety, security and wellbeing; or for employers who wish to monitor company assets usage during working hours, with a prior written approval, on the company-owned smartphone. The user of the Kidstracker.io software must own the smartphone, be a legal guardian or must have consent from their employees granting them permission to monitor before they install and activate the Kidstracker.io software onto the smartphone.
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How to Draw an Anime Cartoon Puppy
Start with a big circle for the head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw the nut shape of the puppy's body.
Next, draw out the shape of those floppy puppy ears as well as the shape of his round face. You will then draw two circles for his eyes and color them in. You will leave three shapes in each eye white to give his eyes a glazed over look. Once that is
You will now finish drawing out the eras by adding the tips and then the front legs and hind legs which are both arched because he is in a sitting position. Once that is one give him a jowl line and eyebrows.
This is your last drawing step and what you will do is finish drawing out the shape of his face and then draw out the hind paws and paw pads. You will then add a cute curled up tail and then the toe lines in his front paws. Erase the guidelines and s
March 19, 2009
Description: You all liked the tutorial I did on the anime kitty right? I mean of course you did or else it wouldn’t be in the top forty holding the number eleven spot. I knew that lesson would be very popular because everyone loves learning "how to draw anime cartoon animals", step by step. So because I had so much fun with the anime kitty, I thought it would only be fair to do a lesson on "how to draw an anime puppy" step by step. Now, the anime puppy that you will learn how to draw 100% matches the kitty in every way, shape, and form. In fact they match each other so much, they could be best friends. I decided to go with a brown color to shade him in with and I even gave him a name. Would you like to know what that name is? Okay I will tell you. I decided to call him Skid. The best part about this puppy is that he looks good enough to eat, literally. Drawing anime animals is almost as fun as drawing anime children. I really did have a whole lot of cuddly fun when I was developing this pup to draw. I hope you will all have fun as well on this tutorial of how to draw an anime cartoon puppy step by step. I also have a lesson on how to draw a puppy, and a tutorial on how to draw a dog in a regular form if you want to check those out too. I will be back later on today, but for now I have other things that need to be done. So I will see all of you fellow artists later, this is Dragon_Queen signing off. Peace out! |
(MENAFN- Kashmir Observer)
IN the fourth ten years of the last century, Alexis Carrel, a French Surgeon, Nobel laureate and Sociologist bemoaned the absence of built-in and comprehensive“science of man”. Carrel went on to write an complete treatise“Man The Unknown” to circumscribe the lacunae, flaws and misgivings arising out of the unprecedented progress in Good (Material) sciences and the lag expert by Normative (Social) sciences. Carrel had definitely predicted that galloping progress in science and technological know-how, with small or no consideration to social sciences, endangered the entire society and posed worries like social chaos, hyper-consumerism, unchecked capitalism, massive scale poverty, crimes and social and worldwide paranoia. The predictions have turned correct and an asynchronous connection between materials and social sciences has thwarted our society and globe versus the issues and conundrums of all breeds. Our society, based mostly on and pushed by the ideas of Capitalist financial system as it is, has asymmetrically favoured sciences that consequence in increase of money and materials efficiency and ignoring social sciences to the place of neglect.
What picture emerges in our minds as we try out to imagine of social sciences? It is usually an graphic dominated by the graphics of armchair scholars, skimming through summary thoughts and specified to theories least pertinent to human life. These photos of a sociologist, which remove him farther away from the orbits actual social organization and challenge him into some summary room are the two insufficient and incorrect. If atoms are the constituents of issue, persons are the constituents of culture and phone for Sociological investigation and understanding as a great deal as atoms contact for scientific knowing. Society is neither the domain of biology nor physics, but rests on principles that are termed Sociological rules and by their nature get in touch with for Sociological knowledge. It is modern society and adult males living therein which variety the raison de etre of sciences, of all technological adventures and all other pursuits implied by the term“Positive Sciences”. In any scenario of Social disequilibrium, any episode of social catastrophe or any accident of social import, the material progress loses its well worth and that means. This would make the concern and relevance of social sciences an unavoidable phenomenon and any lag or lapse on this entrance involves the coup of civilization. In this context, exactly where social sciences rise to the event of embracing the overall civilization in its lap, what are the contours and tasks that Social Sciences and Humanities are intended to presume?
Social Researchers are auditors of modern society, which examine, not only the micro concerns in their quantitative component, but also study and scrutinise the qualitative balance of social superstructure on the full. Social Sciences and Humanities are indispensable in determining our relation to our have self, to culture and the bodily world at big. Any coverage making which isn’t going to incorporate insights and understandings from social science is bound to commit excessive and errors. It is by virtue of social sciences that a complete-scale knowing of culture is introduced in and procedures, remedial measures, initiatives are adopted appropriately. In absence of appropriate Sociological understanding, the remedial measures adopted and the procedures followed, not only conclude in fiasco but sometimes backfire in a lousy way.
The aforesaid support in plan creating is by no usually means the only or the main function assigned to Social Sciences. Their role in resolving social tensions, in retaining values in the experience of denuding modernity and their significance in stabilising establishments is well recognized and acknowledged. In a earth exactly where the challenges of identification, individuality, absence of this means and such are conspicuous, the job and responsibility of Social Sciences is augmented multi-fold. Having said that, the significance of Social Sciences is so clear that our policy makers, directors, educationists and governments really should have been proactive about the exact same. But the dismal state of social sciences is a induce of concern not only from an academic issue of see but from a social level of look at also. As we entrust our material nicely getting to researchers and technocrats, so is it compulsory to make Sociologists and Social experts the trustees of our social health, lest we find out our modern society in the throes of anarchy and problem.
There has been an additional component compounding the decline of social sciences which has to do with the typical tutorial orientations in our modern society. There has been an ascendancy in the amount of students opting for sciences for the earlier number of a long time and this fit has been adopted beneath the influence of two presumptions – a person is that mothers and fathers envisage their child’s instruction as some form of expense and wish of high returns. They see science and related educational fields as the fertile floor from an investment decision issue of see and hence direct their wards towards science. This alerts us to the further social malice which sees education not as signifies of enlightenment but a refined type of gamble where investments are manufactured in training with the prospect of bigger returns. There is a different misconception – and in truth a graver a person surrounding social sciences. Social sciences have appear to be viewed as a little something which are intellectually less vigorous and which do not involve educational excellence. Those opting for social sciences are getting covertly observed as lacking mental stamina and academic advantage in comparison to their scientific peers and this has catastrophically motivated the possibilities of pupils, who are pressured to choose for Sciences to meet their familial and group force. Each these tendencies are regressive which distort the truth to the effect of creating reduction of excellent manpower invested in social sciences. There is no relation of the buy of inequality among Good and Normative sciences, but they complement and supplement every single other in pursuance of the more substantial entire.
Yet another tragedy has strike the evolution of social sciences and that comes from the point that pupils beneath peer stress, pressure from family and other circles are discouraged to opt for social sciences as these are mistakenly witnessed as tutorial disciplines of lesser buy. The fever of engineering and clinical reports, accompanied by several other qualified programs has grabbed the tutorial horizon and a scant variety of students are noticed opting social sciences, though as the vast majority of students, most of them currently being sharp and vivid are lured in the direction of professional courses. The unwell-launched and irrational stereotype surrounding social sciences requirements to be lose off at the earliest and it wants to be borne in brain that at the apex of social hierarchy are social scientists, whose visions and insights shape and affect the entire culture.
The duty of tilting the educational bob in direction of social sciences is one thing incumbent on all the stakeholders – general public as very well as governments. In a modern society like ours, festering as it is with social diseases of all sorts, the urgency to take social sciences seriously gathers extra value and indispensability. Owning witnessed prevalent wars and violence, systemic exclusion of persons, humanitarian troubles of humongous get, the endeavor cannot be delayed.
- Sights expressed in the post are the author’s personal and do not necessarily stand for the editorial stance of Kashmir Observer
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Q: Why should I get a module instead of a tuner?A: Different strokes for different folks! If you are looking to turn your truck into race car, maybe a tuner is better suited for. Tuners focus on top end power. Our module focuses on the low to mid-range RPMs where most all of your driving is spent. Tuners flash your ECM, void your warranty, and produce additional wear and tear on your engine. The Dr. Performance Module is a safe way to gain power all without sacrificing your warranty. |
If there was a webseries that best exemplifies the drawbacks of the platform and format, it is Behind Cut (비하인드 컷). This BL series, like many a webseries, has a solid premise. But the limitations of the platform and format keep it from being a more well-put together series. Its story, execution and the performances of its promising cast are held back. And ultimately, while a quick watch, leaves you unsatisfied in the end. |
“I thought of making myself a beautiful marionette. It must be wonderful, one that can dance, fence and turn somersaults.”
A group of friends participating in the school decathlon go out for fries and shakes after practice. They are jokingly competitive with each other and later go their separate ways. But one of them, Brandon, is attacked while walking through the park.
Meanwhile, Nick and Juliette are all dressed up to go to a dinner where Renard accepts an award. Wu and Hank are there too as they watch Renard give a speech. Afterwards, Nick gets the call about Brandon and since Hank didn’t bring his car, Renard offers to drive Juliette home.
Juliette walks to the front door and Renard watches her take the spare key from under the plant. She heads upstairs and gets in the shower. Renard sneaks into the house and up to the bedroom where he stares at her naked body through the glass. He tries controlling his urges as he takes a picture of Juliette and Nick from atop the dresser. Juliette hears something, gets out of the shower and notices the glass of the picture frame is broken, but back on the mantle.
Renard’s face is crawling. Literally. Trying to hold back his wolge, he almost runs into a man walking on the street. He gets out, punches him and drives off.
Next morning, Nick and Hank question Brandon’s friends, including Pierce and Jenny. They don’t get anything, but meet the Decathlon coach outside the home. Turns out he’s a Lowen and is very protective of his decathlon kids. They immediately suspect him.
Apparently, the Decathlon is serious stuff. If they win at Nationals, the Ivy Leagues will come to them. At the station, Sgt. Wu introduces Nick and Hank to the new intern, Ryan. He’s a big fan of them and has been following their careers since they rescued that little girl last year (in the pilot!?). Needless to say, he’s very excited.
Over in good ol’ Vienna, Austria, Adalind just happens to run into Renard’s brother, Eric. And with talk of restoring the Royal family, betrayals and Sean Renard, he takes her to his castle. They have a drink and she has him tell her about Renard’s past. Eric explains Sean’s a “half-Royal,” the son of his father’s mistress who was a Hexenbeist. To avoid all the drama, the Hexenbeist brought Renard to Portland on one of his father’s private jets.
Eric then suggests they put all their clothes to the floor, quite literally. But Adalind mentioning the Grimm seems to interest him more.
Back in Portland, Monroe is still taking care of the shop himself when Renard comes in looking for something to cure obsessive behavior. Monroe ties to question him to pinpoint the ailment and says he’ll have to research it and get back to him tomorrow. Renard refuses to leave a name or number.
Jenny calls Pierce. She’s guilty over not having forced Brandon to let her give him a ride home. They agree to meet at the bleachers at school. Jenny arrives first when she hears a very Filipino “Psst!” which leads her to her death.
Same attack as Brandon. But Nick finds a watch in her hand with the engraving “To Pierce, Love Mom.”
Nick and Hank go to Pierce’s home where he’s shooting hoops in the driveway. The show him the watch as his mother comes outside. They both wolge, but aren’t Lowen. They head back inside. Pierce is in bed with a headache. Mom leaves hot chocolate for him which he spills onto his pillow. He takes the pillowcase to the wash and when he opens the washing machine, sees the water blood red. Mom comes to usher him upstairs. But they then get a call from Coach who says after Brandon and Jenny’s murders, he’s pulling the school out of the competition. Pierce appears devastated.
At Aunt Marie’s trailer, Nick finds Pierce and mother are Genio Innocuo, first found on the Galapagos Islands. Apparently, Nick’s ancestors hung out with Darwin. The Genio Innocuo are shy, intelligent, and compassionate Wesen and are not violent, which made “dispatching of them quite easy,” the journal reads.
They decide to go to Coach’s house where they find him dead, attacked the same as the other two.
Pierce calls Nick and tells him he’s scared. Mom comes in and hangs the phone up. He runs to the laundry room. Mom tells him he doesn’t understand what’s happening and she’s sorry.
He accuses her of the murders and to prove it, pulls the clothes out of the washing machine. But it’s actually his clothes.
Mom continues to explain, she didn’t want anyone to hurt him. If she had known it would happen like this, she never would’ve done it. She was only trying to make him better than her and to give him the traits she never had.
He suddenly wolges, not into a Genio Innocuo, but into a Lowen. He goes after Mom. Nick and Hank arrive and Nick and Pierce fight all over the living room. To Hank’s shock, he finds Nick trying to knock Pierce unconscious. They check on the Mom who tells them she made him that way. Before he was even born, she altered his genetic material to make him both a Genio Innocuo and a Lowen, but he doesn’t know and the Lowen presents itself on its own.
Pierce manages to sneak out and they track him down to the water tower at Montogomery Park. He’s sitting, then standing on the edge, blaming himself. He wolges into a Genio Innocuo, then into the Lowen. The Lowen says he killed just to Pierce could be the best. Regular Pierce returns and decides to jump, but Nick saves him.
Back at the station, Renard laments that Pierce, the poor kid, will have a hard time in jail, being that he’s 18.
“You’re in my spot bitch.”
Some thugs want to show Pierce “who’s king of this jungle.” But, Pierce isn’t just some weak 18 year old kid. Looks like no one’s going to make him their bitch in prison, that’s for sure.
Back at the shop, Renard returns and Monroe tells him there’s a sort of “reverge Viagra” to take care of the physical effects of the ailment. But to take care of the emotional aspect, it’s more complicated. Both Renard and the object of obsession both have to go through treatment. So if Renard is willing is to bring the woman (or man!) in for consultation…
No, Renard says. Monroe, however, tells him if gone untreated, the symptoms will get worse and more dangerous. Not just for him, but for anyone standing between him and whoever he’s hung up on.
“This could get really gnarly.”
Indeed! I’m actually looking forward to seeing this part of the story get gnarly. Maybe Renard’s identity will soon be revealed to Nick? It was very creepy though, that whole scene with Renard creeping on Juliette. Icky too, yes?
The case of the week was great. It seems like we haven’t seen anyone under the age of 25 of Grimm in a long time, coincidentally enough, since they “saved the little girl” last year. Speaking of, I wonder what Ryan the intern will bring.
The case was cleverly written. There were a lot of suspect possibilities, but as soon as Adalind and Eric had that talk of half-brothers then cutting straight to the scene of Pierce and his Mother, I knew he must be some kind of multi-ethic or multi-Wesen kid.
Then I thought it would turn into a story of mixed-Wesen children, which would then possibly relate to Monroe and Rosalee. But it merely turned out to be Mother messing with her unborn baby’s DNA. I guess the race episode and bi-Wesen story will be saved for another day. I also like when they feature the nice Wesen. The non-violent ones. They even make a point to give them warm eyes. It’s very cool to see that even in the Wesen world, there are those who don’t want to eat the first human they see. The prison scene was also fun, and kinda hilarious. Being a Wesen will definitely come in handy to help keep from getting backdoored, if you know what I mean. |
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Posted On May 7, 2022
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|Appears in Collections:
|Evolutionary history and diversification of duplicated fatty-acyl elongase genes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
|Carmona-Antoñanzas, Greta E.
|Leaver, Michael J.
|University of Stirling
|Carmona-Antoñanzas, G., Tocher, D.R., Martinez-Rubio, L., Leaver, M.J., 2013a. Conservation of lipid metabolic gene transcriptional regulatory networks in fish and mammals. Gene 534, 1–9.
Carmona-Antoñanzas, G., Tocher, D.R., Taggart, J.B., Leaver, M.J., 2013b. An evolutionary perspective on Elovl5 fatty acid elongase: comparison of Northern pike and duplicated paralogs from Atlantic salmon. BMC Evol. Biol. 13, 85.
|Background: The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., is a prominent member of the Salmonidae family, and has been the focus of intense research because of its environmental and economic significance as an iconic sporting species and its global importance as an aquaculture species. Furthermore, salmonids constitute ideal organisms for the study of evolution by gene duplication as they are pseudotetraploid descendants of a common ancestor whose genome was duplicated some 25 to 100 million years ago. Whole-genome duplication is considered a major evolutionary force capable of creating vast amounts of new genetic material for evolution to act upon, promoting speciation by acquisition of new traits. Recently, large-scale comparison of paralogous genes in Atlantic salmon suggested that asymmetrical selection was acting on a significant proportion of them. However, to elucidate the physiological consequences of gene and genome duplications, studies integrating molecular evolution and functional biology are crucial. To this end, sequence and molecular analyses were performed on duplicated Elovl5 fatty-acyl elongases of Atlantic salmon, as they are responsible for a rate-limiting reaction in the elongation process of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), critical components of all vertebrates. The aim of the research presented here was to investigate the role of gene duplication as an evolutionary process capable of creating genetic novelty, and to identify the potential ecological and physiological implications. Results: Linkage analyses indicated that both fatty-acyl elongases segregated independently and located elovl5 duplicates on different linkage groups. Genetic mapping using microsatellites identified in each elovl5 locus assigned elovl5a and elovl5b to chromosomes ssa28 and ssa13, respectively. In silico sequence analysis and selection tests indicated that both salmon Elovl5 proteins were subject to purifying selection, in agreement with previous results showing indistinguishable substrate specificities. Gene expression and promoter analysis indicated that Elovl5 duplicates differed in response to dietary lipids and tissue expression profile. Lipid biosynthesis and metabolic gene expression profiling performed in Atlantic salmon SHK-1 cells, suggested that the control of lipid homeostasis in fish is similar to that described in higher vertebrates, and revealed the particular importance of Lxr and Srebp transcription factors (TFs) in the regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthetic enzymes. Sequence comparison of upstream promoter regions of elovl5 genes showed intense differences between duplicates. Promoter functional analysis by co-transfection and transcription factor transactivation showed that both elovl5 duplicates were upregulated by Srebp overexpression. However, elovl5b exhibited a higher response and its promoter contained a duplication of a region containing response elements for Srebp and NF-Y cofactors. Furthermore, these studies indicated an Lxr/Rxr dependant response of elovl5a, which was not observed in elovl5b. Analysis of the genomic sequences of elovl5 duplicates by comparison to various sequence databases showed an asymmetrical distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in both introns and promoter regions. Further comparison to introns of the single elovl5 gene in pike indicated much higher TE distribution in salmon genes compared to the pike. Conclusions: Although not conclusive, the most parsimonious origin for the salmon elovl5 duplicates is that they are derived from a WGD event. This conclusion is also supported by the close similarity of two elovl5 paralogs in the recently available rainbow trout genome. Regardless of their origin, Atlantic salmon elovl5 genes have been efficiently retained in the genome under strong functional constraints indicating a physiological requirement for both enzymes to be functionally active. In contrast, upstream promoter regions have strongly diverged from one another, indicating a relaxation of purifying selection following the duplication event. This divergence of cis-regulatory regions has resulted in regulatory diversification of the elovl5 duplicates and regulatory neofunctionalisation of elovl5a, which displayed a novel Lxr/Rxr-dependant response not described in sister or other vertebrate lineages. Promoter analysis indicated that the observed elovl5 differential response to dietary variation could be partly attributed to varying transcriptional regulation driven by lipid-modulated TFs. The distribution of TEs in elvol5 genes of Atlantic salmon shows a clear increase in TE mobilisation after the divergence of esocids and salmonids. This must have occurred after the elongase duplication and thus the salmonid WGD event and contributes to the observed regulatory divergence of elovl5 paralogs.
|Thesis or Dissertation
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Additionally, call handling services allow you to track and measure the success of your advertising campaigns. Answer My Phone provides detailed call analytics, allowing you to identify trends, evaluate advertising strategies, and make data-driven decisions to improve overall advertising effectiveness.
Advertising is an essential aspect of any successful business. To stand out from the competition, it's crucial to leverage effective advertising solutions. Call handling services offered by Answer My Phone can revolutionize your advertising strategy, ensuring streamlined customer interactions and improved customer satisfaction.
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Claim: A Facebook user claims Tuface prays for his wife as she battles cancer.
Verdict: FALSE! The image used in this claim is a recirculated photo from a 2015 cancer awareness shoot.
A Facebook User LoveDoctor Daniels, posted on his page that Annie Idibia, wife of Innocent Idibia, popularly known as TuFace, is battling cancer. In the post, Mr Daniels claims that TuFace is calling on Nigerians to pray for his wife as she is battling cancer. Mr Daniels also claims that Annie Idibia has not felt well for a long time. The post also contained a link with the narration, “cancer.facebook.com”.
The post featuring a frail picture of Annie has garnered 580,000 likes, 16,000 comments and 41 shares.
The virality of the post, the sympathy attracted, the sensitivity of the claim and the personalities involved made us at DUBAWA investigate it.
To verify the picture used, we ran a deep analysis using Google Lens and found out that it was a photo from a Breast cancer-inspired shoot in 2015 tagged “against all odds.” The shoot was done to create awareness about breast cancer and the importance of self-examination.
We also clicked on the link attached to the picture, which redirected us to a betting site. We discovered that its essence was to drive traffic to the betting site.
There is also no post by Tuface about the alleged illness of his wife. Ms Idibia further debunked the rumour in 2020.
The post claiming Annie Idibia has cancer is false. There is no statement from Tuface soliciting prayers for his wife. The image used to make the claim was from a 2015 photo shoot. |
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GM duckers! Wow, how stressful to write this first article! It’s going to be a looong and perilous adventure, full of unexpected events, encounters, good and bad ideas, initiatives… but most of all, laughter and great memes! I’m so excited!
Let’s calm down and start at the beginning. I’m Mark Duckerberg, yours truly, and with the help of Warren Duckett and M0therDucker, two crypto friends, I created the cryptocurrency Duckereum.
What’s all this about?
If you’ve been in the cryptosphere for a few years, you’ve seen the same thing I have. New projects are launched almost every day, by brilliant people full of talent, aiming to revolutionize their sector thanks to the blockchain and their token. Hmm.
The blockchain is an incredible invention that can also be used for self-deprecation, for laughter, for fun, without a super mega giga revolutionary project that will change the world forever.
That’s why Doge is there, and all the other meme tokens… you said?
We love Doge. And we so wish we could have been there at the beginning, to enjoy the memes and the light-hearted, fun, no-holds-barred, marketcap-free community spirit. Unfortunately, we were still chicks, and discovered the crypto world too late. And then, what a shock! Why do we have the feeling that all the tweets and discussions about Doge are only about its dollar value?
As for the other meme tokens, they simply do not deserve the name. If they are not pure scams, they all share the same ridiculous ambitions to increase their marketcap at all costs, using exaggerated incentives to buy (which are not financial advice, of course), competing to make deals with unscrupulous influencers who don’t hesitate to share anything as long as they get paid. What exactly is funny about that?
No, no, no… it’s time to make crypto fun again. We want to revive the light-hearted and oh-so-pleasant spirit of Doge. And that’s why we created Duckereum, which has no other purpose than to make people laugh, to bring joy, good, sincerity, and smiles to this crazy world! We don’t have anything to revolutionize, we don’t promise any return on investment (we even think you should invest your money in something else), we don’t have any deflationary mechanisms or deals with great scamme… influencers to make our currency increase in value.
We just want great memes. We’d love to see people competing with genius to make others laugh and bring joy to this sometimes very sad sphere.
But, all work deserves to be paid, doesn’t it? We can’t ask people to make fantastic memes for nothing. So here we are...
Okay, so what exactly is going to happen?
We’ve created Duckereum, which exists in 100 million tokens, and we’ve set aside 5 million of them (5% of the total supply) in a community wallet. Half of these tokens will be used to reward the winners of the meme contests that will be organized in the coming years, at a rate of 1 per week. The rewards are already fixed and will never change:
- Meme contest #1 to #25: 25,000 Duckereum for the winner
- Meme contest #26 to #75: 15,000 Duckereum for the winner
- Meme contest #76 to #150: 10,000 Duckereum for the winner
- Meme contest #151 to #250: 5,000 Duckereum for the winner
Each contest will have a set theme related to the news, and the Duckereum community (the Duckereum DAO for the serious guys reading) will vote for the funniest meme: the winner will receive some Duckereum. This is the super giga revolutionary project that is to threaten the established order of the American dollar and bring financial freedom to… uh, no. It won’t do any of that. But, at least, we should have some fun!
The second half of the tokens will be used for what the community has decided. All expenses, whatever they are, are scrupulously justified on a Google Sheets accessible to all.
And that’s it?
Yes, that’s all. Well, that’s all me, Warren and MD will do. But, we strongly encourage all the brilliant people who will join the Duckers’ community to create other utilities with Duckereum. A game? That would be great. A bot that sends tips? What the d*ck, when?! Because, even if our goal is to make crypto fun again, we didn’t skimp on security. Duckereum is an extremely simple smartcontract that lives on the Ethereum blockchain (don’t get me wrong), with no tax or complicated mechanisms, and renounced. The liquidity is locked many years. You are safe!
If you didn’t understand the last sentence, it means that you are still DeFi chicks, as we were. We are delighted that you are starting your adventure in this crazy world with us.
Each week, I will keep a diary on my personal Medium account, describing what happened during the last days. Yes, because Duckereum is going to be far too funny not to win people’s hearts, so someone has to tell the whole story...
Week by week, I will objectively detail what happened. So it’s up to the community to decide what the paper will say…
A few words about us, and I’ll stop, it’s getting boring, and if you’ve read this far, it’s exactly the opposite that we’re trying to propose. This title is going to be longer than the following text if I continue, so...
I am Mark Duckerberg, no one in particular. I discovered cryptocurrencies 2 years ago, and I lost all my money, because of unscrupulous people who scammed me. But, I won something: the meeting of the following two ducks.
Me on Twitter | Me on Telegram
Warren Duckett was there long before me, long before most of you. Bitcoin has changed his life, and he spends most of his time playing sports now, taking care of his family, and making investments.
Him on Twitter | Him on Telegram
We met on another project (long story!). I told them about Duckereum, and they loved it!
So, together, let’s …
Thanks for reading! |
Our Philosophy in Advancing Science Education
Mission & Vision
Reaching for the Stars & Bringing Astronomy Down to Earth
Young Astronomers Discover the Stars
The Dudley Observatory strives to be a nationally recognized center for education and outreach in astronomy.
The Dudley Observatory provides education and outreach programs designed to bring the wonders of science, particularly astronomy, to people of all ages. We cultivate interest and understanding of science, history of science, science careers and scientists, and help non-scientists appreciate science in an approachable and enjoyable way.
All Dudley Observatory programs and events are developed with this mission in mind. |
King Queen and Heart Couple T-Shirt
This Valentine's Day T-shirt is the perfect gift for your special someone! Made with soft, comfortable cotton material, this shirt is designed with love in mind.
- Design: Heart
- Type: Couple T-Shirt
- Colour: White
- Material: Cotton
Whether you're buying for your significant other or a friend, this shirt will spread love on Valentine's Day and beyond. Wear it out on a romantic date or gift it as a sweet surprise, either way, this shirt is sure to be a hit. |
Dyizer is one of the most recognizable professional custom logo design company having expertise in providing you the best corporate identity services through our easy online management system and speedy services along with the state of the art design platform through which you can view your logo designs easily and provide us feedback in real time.
Don’t take our word, please take a look at our logo design portfolio yourself. We believe it speaks for itself and will give you an idea on how we can apply our design expertise towards your specific needs. If you have any further questions, ask us! We are always ready to help you.
Here are a few logos which we have designed for based clients.
Dyizer Design is one of the best web design companies in Egypt and the Arab world. We have great experience in the field of designing websites for individuals, bodies and companies. We have the strongest hosting plans that work with high quality efficiency. We also offer the largest space among the companies as we have large servers that allow Because giving large spaces to sites.
The site of any company or institution is considered an interface for it on the Internet, and this requires designing the site with the latest and finest methods, as the success of the site is a logical introduction to the success of the institution. Customers can easily access all social media.
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logo or shape designed for any company or organization or even any activity or event, and the logo or logo usually consists of the company’s name in addition to a graphic element or symbol with a distinctive phrase indicating the company’s activity and it is called (Slogan) We are at Dyizer We offer modern and professional logo design that suits your business.
The logo design is a professional company, as it expresses and symbolizes the interface of the company and its commercial enterprise.
We design professional logos by designing logos with expressive symbols - Logo Design in modern & English calligraphy. We study the idea of the project in cooperation with the idea of the owner and project official and apply his idea. Then we design logos with different ideas and display the logo in the normal way and in a three-dimensional way to show the possibility of the logo: engraved, prominent and painted with gold And silver, so the total number of logo design will be 3 models, each idea is different from the other ideas. After presenting the ideas, we can modify the approved model in order for us to reach the stage of satisfaction and acceptance from the client side, and after approval of the approved logo, we will send the original files to the client.
After approving the logo and approving it and sending the approved logo files, we then design two models for the business card and letter head, and they are presented to the customer in the normal way and in a three-dimensional way, so that a model can be selected from them. It includes the following: Business Card design - Letterhead design - Invoice design - Receipt and exchange voucher design - Folder design - Roll up design - Office board design - Mag design - T-shirt design - Seal design - Company profile design - Double-sided brochure design - Flyer design - Car sticker design - workers clothes - office door sticker design. |
All photographs and renderings are for artistic representation purposes only. Sponsor has provided these renderings for the purpose of presenting prospective purchasers with possible views from certain Units within the Building when they are completed. Sponsor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Units, except as may be set forth in the Offering Plan. Sponsor reserves the right to make substitution of materials, equipment, fixtures and finishes in accordance with the terms of the Offering Plan. The complete offering terms are in an offering plan available from Sponsor. File No. CD21-0033. Sponsor: 12 Ave Real Property LLC, 1238 63rd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11219. Equal Housing Opportunity. |
Here at Earths Laundry, we’re starting something extraordinary and we want you to join us for the journey. Earths Laundry began when we discovered all the harmful chemicals in our cleaning products with no alternative solution. We created a sustainable product that will drive change in the industry and the world. Our product is made with ingredients that are safe for your family and our environment. By choosing Earths Laundry, you’re not only saying no to plastic but you’re reducing the amount of waste in our landfills.
Our Mission: We are committed to providing innovative and eco-friendly products that keep your home safe and our earth clean.
We hope you’ll join us for a better tomorrow!
Plastic Pollution: It’s a Real Problem
U.S. consumers wash more than 660 million loads every week and the environmental impact is massive. We must work to reduce and ultimately end plastic pollution.
By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.
According to NASA, the world's rainforests will be gone by 2100 if the current rate of destruction continues.
Nearly 80% of the world's fisheries are fully exploited, over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse.
Our product will help to eliminate single-use plastic jugs from landfills and oceans. |
The Big Island of Hawaii has so much to offer! On just one island, you have erupting volcanoes, lush botanical gardens, amazing snorkeling, coffee plantations, and so much more!
To make the most of your trip, read on for tips on where to stay and what to do during your trip to the Big Island of Hawaii.
- Big Island of Hawaii: What You Need to Know Before You Go
- 5 Incredible Foods That You Need to Eat in Hawaii
- What to Pack for Hawaii: Everything You Need for an Amazing Adventure
Where to Stay
While the Big Island of Hawaii isn’t huge, it does take 1-2 hours to drive across the island. To avoid spending a lot of time driving, I recommend staying in three different areas during your stay: Waikoloa Village, Kailua-Kona, and Hilo.
While it can seem like a hassle to pack up your things and move to another location, you’ll be cutting a lot of driving time out of your trip. That’s time you can spend exploring the Big Island!
I recommend starting your trip at one of the resorts in the Waikoloa Village area.
Fly into the Kona International Airport at Keahole and pick up a rental car once you arrive.
TIP: If you’re going to Mauna Kea’s summit, you’ll need a four-wheel drive car.
After you get your rental car, time to head off to your resort! While staying in the Waikoloa Village area, you can:
1. Kick back & relax
Take advantage of the great beaches and pools at the resorts in this area. Get in the vacation mindset and recover from jet-lag. The Big Island isn’t known for its beaches, so take time to enjoy the beaches here.
2. Try paddle boarding, yoga, or hula dancing
The resorts usually offer fun activities for you to try. Ask at your resort’s front desk for a list of activities offered during your stay, like paddle boarding, yoga, or hula dancing!
3. Visit Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano with an amazing, free star gazing program. It’s located about halfway between Waikoloa Village and Hilo, so you can also visit Mauna Kea while staying in either area.
Read more about visiting Mauna Kea at Mauna Kea: Essential Guide for Your Visit.
For the next part of your trip, pack up your bags and head to Kailua-Kona! Once in Kailua-Kona, you can:
4. Snorkel in Kealakekua Bay by the Captain Cook Monument
Kealakekua Bay by the Captain Cook Monument is known for its amazing snorkeling – coral reefs, colorful fish, and the occasional eel and turtle! Captain Cook met his end here after trying to hold a Hawaiian chief for ransom.
TIP: I recommend going on a tour to snorkel in Kealakekua Bay. The only other way to get there is to hike three miles downhill with your snorkel equipment and then hike three miles back uphill after you’re done. There are inexpensive tours available on Trip Advisor.
We used Sea Quest for our snorkeling adventures and we were really happy with them. They gave us tips on where to find the best snorkeling spots and went out of their way so that we could see dolphins!
5. Night snorkel with manta rays
I have to admit – the idea of going snorkeling at night with manta rays freaked me out. But after multiple people told me that this was their favorite experience on the Big Island, I had to try it out. And I’m glad I did!
Several tour groups offer night snorkeling tours with manta rays on the Big Island. You’ll want to go on a tour that’s in the Kailua-Kona area by the Sheraton for the best experience.
You’ll float in the ocean while holding on to a board that has lots of lights attached to it. The lights attract plankton. And the plankton attract the manta rays. To get the plankton, the manta rays do flips underneath your board over and over again. It’s an amazing thing to see!!
6. Visit a coffee plantation
The weather, altitude, and soil make the Kailua-Kona area ideal for coffee-growing. We visited the Mountain Thunder Coffee Plantation while on the Big Island. They offer daily tours of their coffee-making process and are located within a cloud forest!
7. Visit the Kona Brewery
We loved the Kona Brewery. They had great pizza and craft brews for any beer drinkers in your group. You can go on a tour of the brewery at 10:30AM or 3PM any day of the week.
8. Eat shaved ice with ice cream
Shaved ice is similar to a snow cone, but with smaller shards of ice and lots more delicious juice. For the ultimate treat, get ice cream in the middle of your shaved ice. I’m serious. It’s delicious. You have to try it! Ask for it at Scandinavian Shave Ice.
9. Find white pineapple at a farmers’ market
We heard about white pineapple from several locals on the Big Island. They told us it was sweeter than regular pineapple and less acidic. And so our hunt for white pineapple began…
We found white pineapple at the Kona Farmers’ Market. The pineapple was definitely white inside! It still tasted like pineapple, but how pineapple tastes when it’s perfectly ripe (which is hard to find!). It was still acidic, but not quite as acidic as regular pineapple.
TIP: Our white pineapple was really expensive. We didn’t try to haggle the price down, but I recommend you give it a try.
10. Go diving
Some members of our group went diving on the Big Island and had a great experience with Jack’s Diving Locker. If you’re on the fence, they offer an introductory diving class in a pool so you can try it out before deciding whether to dive in the ocean.
TIP: You’ll risk decompression sickness if you fly or drive to high altitudes right after diving, so be careful to avoid high altitude areas (like the coffee plantations and Mauna Kea) after diving.
11. Attend a luau
Next stop on your trip is Hilo for volcanoes and more outdoor adventures! In Hilo, you can:
12. See volcanoes!
On the Hilo side of the island, you can visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and see an active lava lake, lava tubes, and steam vents. You can even take a boat or helicopter tour to see the lava up close!
Find out everything you need to know about visiting volcanoes on the Big Island here.
13. Walk through the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden
The Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden has an amazing variety of plant life and beautiful views of the ocean.
A few things to know:
- Admission is $18 for adults, $5 for ages 6 to 16, and free for ages 5 and below.
- There is a very long, steep ramp at the entrance to the garden. It’s a long, steep journey down to enter the garden and a long, steep journey up to exit the garden.
- Many of the plants aren’t native to Hawaii. The plants are still amazing to see; however, don’t be surprised that many of the plants are from other areas of the world.
14. Visit Akaka Falls
Akaka Falls is a spectacular waterfall. The waterfall is very close to a paved parking lot, so very little walking is involved to see this view!
The entrance fee is $5 per car or $1 per person for pedestrians. The parking lot can be a little crowded, but you won’t have to wait long for someone to leave and open up a spot.
15. Visit Rainbow Falls in Wailuku River State Park
Rainbow Falls is well-named – you can often see a rainbow in the waterfall’s spray around 10AM in the morning on sunny days. When we went, it was cloudy, so we unfortunately didn’t get to see a rainbow. But the waterfall was still beautiful without the rainbow!
Like Akaka Falls, Rainbow Falls is close to a paved parking lot, so very little walking is required. And there’s no entrance fee!
I hope these tips help you to make the most of your trip to the Big Island of Hawaii! Before you set off to Hawaii, check out Big Island of Hawaii: What You Need to Know Before You Go.
Enjoy your trip! |
Condition is used. Product pictured is actual card. Photos are scanned images of the actual card taken in a sleeve and top loader. Sometimes dust shows on the scanned photo. If you would like other pictures please get in contact. Please note some 90�s card may have minor chips or scratches on cards due to age. |
What are the best blinds to purchase for your home offices or study spaces? You can believe that it makes no difference or that any blind will do. But, the Venetian blinds you select might have a significant impact on the room’s overall comfort, helping or hurting your productivity.
For generations, people all around the world have used Venetian blinds to cover the windows of their homes and places of business. Between 1100 and 1500, Venetian blinds have come from Persia (current-day Iran). Venetian blinds are still favored today because of their usefulness, toughness, elegance, and classic design. We examine some of their amazing qualities below.
Adaptability and Command
Venetian blinds are great for controlling light and maintaining privacy. It is simple to adjust the blade angles to let in more or less light. You can also fully raise them to allow a continuous stream of sunlight to enter the room through the windows.
Venetian blinds are simple to open and close, making it simple to control privacy. These blinds can provide you with the privacy you need, whether you wish to close your windows at night, have neighbors close by, are near a public footpath, or for other reasons.
You can remove Venetian blinds from the windows to fully clean them. To keep them fresh and stain-free, some blinds require specific cleaning solutions, while curtains need to be vacuumed and washed. With Venetian blinds, maintaining their best appearance only requires a quick wipe-down with a moist cloth or microfiber cloth. If they are damaged, they are also simple to fix. It is so that individual slats and other blind components, such as the motor that raises and lowers the slats and opens and closes them, can be simply replaced.
Durable and Reliable
High-quality Venetian blinds are quite resilient. They can resist years of exposure to moisture and sunlight when made of high-density polymer or well-treated wood, and they will remain sturdy and preserve their lovely appearance. Venetian blinds are less susceptible to damage from kids than other window coverings are.
Some Venetian blinds at Country won’t split or warp. It makes them an excellent option for people who need window coverings in areas where there is a lot of natural light coming in or where condensation may build as a result of temperature changes or being in a moist environment like the kitchen or bathroom.
Aluminium Venetian blinds are extremely economical when compared with other blinds. As they can be tailored to be any shade and are available in a selection of finishes, you don’t have to shred your budget to give your home a beautiful finish.
Venetian blinds are highly adaptable and work well in a range of architectural styles, from modern offices to country residences. Simply pick a material and finish that you like. You can mount them on a variety of window sizes and types as well. It is possible to size and cut Venetian blinds to fit practically any type of window.
Lower Heat in the summer
Venetian blinds can provide benevolent cooling during the warmest months of the year. In addition to making you drowsy and causing concentration problems, the summer can cause your computer and other electronic gadgets to overheat. You can simply tilt Venetian blinds to let the breeze flow through while preventing the room from overheating and preventing heat from collecting and stagnating in the space. So the next time you’re working on your study and becoming hot and sweaty, open your window, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the draught move through the space to help you cool off and improve your focus.
Venetian Blinds Avoid Glare
You can change Venetian blinds throughout the day to prevent glare for optimal productivity thanks to its simple-to-operate design. Light glare can harm your electronics and furniture in addition to being distracting when it bounces off of surfaces like computer screens. The greatest options for keeping your workstation and improving studying are blinds that are simple to adjust to the changing weather throughout the day while letting in some natural light.
Our extensive selection of Venetian blinds at Country Blinds includes a variety of customizable mounting options, materials, and designs to fit any room in the house. For a free consultation about installing high-quality Venetian blinds in your house, get in touch with the staff at Country Blinds. Together, we’ll identify the ideal custom solution for your house, and we 100% guarantee its quality, design, and happiness. Contact us right now! |
Snake Plants are a popular beginner houseplant known for being easy to take care of. This succulent thrives with very little maintenance, minimal watering, and can handle indirect or direct sunlight. But like any living thing, Snake Plants are still susceptible to the elements.
Snake Plants are notable for their striking pointy green leaves. If you notice those leaves aren’t as pointy or green as when you first bought them, there might be a problem. Soft or discolored leaves are usually one of the first signs that a plant is dying.
You’ve given your plant water, sunlight, a good pot–all the things a plant needs to live. So, why is my Snake Plant dying?
A dying Snake Plant is usually caused by two issues: overwatering or extreme temperature fluctuations.
What Does an Overwatered Snake Plant Look Like?
Snake Plants are native to West Africa, which makes them suited to dry, hot conditions. As a succulent, Snake Plants naturally store water in their leaves. This means that a Snake Plant can usually go 1-2 weeks without watering.
A Snake Plant doesn’t look like your typical succulent, so they’re commonly overwatered. Sometimes you might not realize you’ve overwatered your Snake Plant until it’s too late.
Read on for some tell-tale signs of overwatering.
Brown Rotting Roots
When a plant doesn’t have proper drainage and receives too much water, an ailment called root rot can occur. This is when the roots sit in water for so long they start to turn brown and mushy.
When the soil stays overly wet for long periods, fungi such as pythium, fusarium, and phytophthora begin to grow. This fungus spreads to the roots which causes them to rot.
Eventually, these rotted roots will prevent nutrients from traveling up to the plant. What comes next is the leaves begin to turn soft and mushy. This is due to excess water in the leaves which starts to break down the leaf’s cellular structure.
The natural result of mushy leaves is that your Snake Plant will actually start to droop or tip. Oftentimes the base of the leaves will start to crinkle and fold first due to the excess water. This will be pretty easy to notice since the Snake Plant’s leaves should be growing straight up.
Can a Snake Plant Recover From Overwatering?
If your Snake Plant has gotten to the point where it’s drooping, the overwatering problem is pretty serious. You’ll need to act quickly to save your Snake Plant from dying.
Here’s what to do:
- Move your Snake Plant to a sunny area of your home. Direct sunlight will help this excess moisture evaporate naturally. Do not use methods such as a hair dryer to dry out your soil, as this can damage the plant even more!
- Remove the plant from the soil and assess its roots. When the roots are dry, it’ll be easier to determine the extent of the root rot.
- Prune any slimy brown roots to try and tame the root rot.
- Repot the Snake Plant with fresh soil.
The extent of the root rot will determine if the Snake Plant will recover. If the root system is completely rotten, the plant is unlikely to bounce back.
How Do You Tell If a Snake Plant is Overwatered or Underwatered?
Overwatering is certainly a more common issue, but underwatering will also harm your Snake Plant. What makes things tricky is that both conditions have overlapping symptoms.
If you forget to water your Snake Plant for longer than 2 weeks, you may notice:
- Wrinkled leaves
- Brown dry tips
- Dry soil
While wrinkled leaves are a symptom of both overwatering and underwatering, the differences are easy to spot. With overwatering, wrinkled leaves appear soft and mushy. With underwatering, wrinkled leaves appear dehydrated and dry.
If you’re unsure if the problem is underwatering or overwatering, the easiest solution is to actually remove your plant from its pot. Then, check the soil below the surface and feel if it is too dry or too wet.
How Do Temperature Fluctuations Harm Snake Plants?
We know that Snake Plants are best suited for warm, dry environments. That’s why we keep Snake Plants as indoor plants—in a warm house where we can control the elements. In places like the Southern U.S., Snake Plants can thrive outdoors because the environment closely resembles their natural habitat.
Since the Snake Plant is grown to live in warm environments, it can react poorly to cold conditions. A Snake Plant should be housed in temperatures from 50°F to 75°F (or 10°C to 23°C). An environment colder than 50°F (10°C) can make your Snake Plant go into shock, go dormant, and possibly die.
Can My Snake Plant Get Too Cold?
It’s possible for a Snake Plant to get cold enough to die. When your plant is exposed to extended periods of cold, it can damage the cell structure of the leaf. This prevents water and nutrients from flowing to all parts of the plant. This is possible if you leave your Snake Plant outside, or if it’s placed by a cold window for too long.
Your plant can suffer from the cold even by watering it with cold water. When the roots sense cold water, your plant may go dormant, thinking that winter has arrived. At this point, your plant may not suffer damage, but it will stop growing and may become stunted.
Symptoms of Cold Damage in a Snake Plant
It can take up to 4 weeks for the symptoms of cold damage to show, but when they do the first sign is usually curling leaves. This curling happens because the leaf’s cell structure has been damaged by the cold. The Snake Plant can no longer stand firm and will droop or curl.
White or light colored spots are a common result of leaves that have suffered frost damage. This is caused when the water inside the leaves freezes and expands. The cell bursts and the results are an unsightly white spot on your leaf. Sometimes, the entire leaf turns white as a result. This is unlikely to happen to an indoor Snake Plant but very possible for a plant left outside.
Is My Snake Plant Getting Too Much Sun?
While the cold is certainly a concern, on the opposite end of the spectrum Snake Plants can also suffer from too much sun.
Snake Plants can adapt to a wide variety of lighting situations, from indirect sunlight, to shade, to full-on direct sunlight. But just because they are succulents, doesn’t mean that they are immune to the sun’s heat.
A common symptom of too much sun is leaf burn. This is just like a sunburn for humans, and will show up in plants as a dark brown dry spot. If you notice leaf burn on your Snake Plant, move it to a shadier area of the house, or diffuse the sunlight with a sheer curtain.
How Do You Fix Brown Tips on Snake Plants?
If you’ve underwatered your Snake Plant, it’s common for the tips of the leaves to turn brown. Even if you return to a more regular watering schedule, those brown tips will not reverse themselves. They will stay there until the leaf itself dies and is replaced by a new one.
Brown tips can ruin the look of your plant, and make it seem unhealthy even when it isn’t. If you want, you can cut these brown tips off to get rid of them. This won’t hurt the plant, but it can affect the shape of the leaf.
When you trim the leaf, try to follow its natural shape. Avoid cutting too much into the healthy leaf tissue. To prevent the transfer of any plant diseases, you should always sterilize plant scissors with alcohol before and after using them.
Should I Cut Off Dying Snake Plant Leaves?
Pruning a Snake Plant is common practice to keep the leaves a uniform height. So, it’s certainly ok to cut off any dead leaves.
To do this, cut your leaf at the base, right at the soil line. It’s best to cut with a knife rather than scissors, so you can be precise. Avoid cutting any healthy neighboring leaves.
While cutting off leaves may cause your plant to look patchy, don’t fret! New growth will fill up this space in no time.
While Snake Plants are an easy beginner plant, they are not invincible. These succulents are native to dry and hot environments, which makes them susceptible to overwatering and temperature fluctuations. So if your Snake Plant is dying, these are the first two issues you should investigate.
The signs of an overwatered Snake Plant are brown, rotting roots and mushy or drooping leaves. If your Snake Plant has been exposed to cold temperatures below 50°F (10°C), it may show signs of stress like leaves with white spots or curling leaves.
If you can find the right balance of watering, and provide a warm environment, your Snake Plant is bound to be happy and healthy! |
Govt school admission lottery result in 2021 for all classes. The results of the Class One School Admission Lottery will be published on 11th January 2021. Here you will find the draw results of Dhaka Dhaka Mohnagar School Class One Lottery and other District School Lottery results. The authorities will arrange for the drawing of the Class One lottery on Tuesday morning in the admission notification declaration. Later, they will announce the Class One Lottery Results in 2020 on the evening of January 11, 2021.
According to the Department of Schools and Higher Education, about 1,000,000 seats have been announced for high schools this year. Those seats range from Class One to Class 8 in 400 high schools across the country. Among them, there are 42 schools in Dhaka and Mohnagar.
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Public Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021
This year 372 schools have invited students for the first-class admission. Among them, Dhaka Dhaka Mohnagar has announced a Class One admission process for 14 schools. School The school has 1,260 seats. However, a total of 20,368 students have applied for admission in the first class. Thus, about 17 students will fight for 1 seat in the lottery drawing.
The remaining 36 schools have announced Class One admission notification for 2,326 seats. Thus, about 36 thousand 242 students have applied for 358 schools. According to the seats and applicants, more than 15 students from other district schools will fight for first-class admissions.
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Class One Govt School Admission Lottery Result
As per the official rules and regulations of school admission, no admission test will be held for Class One admission. Lottery drawing should be arranged for each school selection class one admission. This year the Class One Selection Lottery Draw 1121 will be held on January 2021. The public education authority has announced a committee for a transparent lottery system.
However, on the morning of December 30, the School Admission Class One Lottery Draw will be held. After Hel, each school will announce the results of the 2021 Class One Lottery.
How to collect Class One Govt School Admission Lottery Result?
School Admission Application accepted by Gsa.teletalk.com.bd site. Completion of all school admission forms was completed from 15 December to 27 December. The shocking news, however, is that the authorities cannot publish the results of the school admission lottery on the official site. Instead, each school will announce lottery results on their official site as well as on the school notice board.
Don’t worry! We will collect one lottery result for each school class and provide it here. Stay with us and collect your Dhaka Government School Class One Lottery results and other District Class One Lottery results.
Mahanagar Class One Govt School Admission Lottery Result
However, you will get the results of the Dhaka Government School Class One Lottery from below. You will find the results of each school here.
- Government Laboratory High School Class One Lottery Results
- Khilgaon Government High School Class One Lottery Results
- Azimpur Girls School and College Class One Lottery Results
- Motijheel Government Boys High School Class One Lottery Results
- Results of Class One Lottery at Narinda Government High School
- Banglabazar Government Girls High School Class One Lottery Results
- Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Government Boys High School Class One Lottery Results
- Government Science College Combined High School Class One Lottery Results
- Mohammadpur Government High School Class One Lottery Results
- Dhanmondi Government Girls High School Class One Lottery Results
- Dhanmondi Government Boys High School Class One Lottery Results
- Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Government Girls High School Class One Lottery Results
- Tajgaon Government Girls High School Class One Lottery Results
- Gonobhavan Government High School Mirpur Class One Lottery Results
Merit results of Government School Class One Lottery
Other District Primary School Class One Lottery results and download files can be found here. Also, we collect the results of each school from anywhere in Bangladesh. So, it will take time. Visit this site and get updated results.
Hopefully, you have got the results of the Government Primary School Admission Lottery 2021 for admission in first class. We collect drawing results for each school class one lottery from a variety of sources. So, it may take time. So, keep patience and perseverance results from above. |
Do you have a small business? Do you think that you are too small to be targeted by hackers? Or maybe don’t have anything that a hacker would want? They probably don’t even know about your small business, right?
Well, a cybersecurity firm Barracuda Networks, thinks otherwise. Their report analyzed millions of emails from thousands of organizations. And they found that small companies have a lot to worry about.
Researchers found somewhat alarming statistics. Employees at small companies saw 3.5 times more social engineering attacks than those at bigger ones. This data clearly shows that small businesses are more likely to fall victim to a cyberattack just from the sheer number of attacks against them.
There are many reasons why hackers see small businesses as an easier target, and why attacks on smaller businesses by hackers who are out to score a quick illicit buck became more frequent.
When you’re running a small business, it’s often a balancing act of where to invest your cash. You may know that cybersecurity is important, or even thought about outsourcing cybersecurity, but it may not be high enough on your list. So, at the end of the month, your cash runs out, and cybersecurity gets moved to the “next month” list.
Small business owners often cut costs way too much on things they know way too little about, and IT security is usually one of them. They may buy an antivirus service subscription and think that’s enough to completely cover them. But with the expansion of technology to the cloud, antivirus software became just a small layer of modern IT security solutions. To be adequately protected from cyberattacks you may need several more.
Hackers are well aware of it and see small businesses as an easier target. They understand that they can do less work and still get a payout, compared to trying to hack into a bigger company.
Every business, even a small online 1-person shop, has data that’s worth scoring. Credit card info, social security numbers, tax ID numbers, and email login credentials are all valuable. Cybercriminals can sell them on Dark Web forums. From there, other criminals may use them for identity theft, wire fraud, or other illegal schemes.
Here are some of the data that hackers will gladly go after:
Many smaller companies provide services to larger companies. Services like digital marketing, website management, accounting, etc. If a hacker breaches the network of a smaller business, they will most likely attempt to breach a bigger one as well.
Most vendors are digitally connected to their clients’ IT systems. Such type of relationship can enable a multi-company breach. While hackers don’t need such connection to hack a business, it is a nice bonus for them, they can kill two birds with one stone.
Ransomware has been one of the fastest-growing types of cyberattacks in the last decade. So far in 2022, 71% of organizations surveyed experienced one or multiple ransomware attacks. And the percentage of victims that pay the ransom has also been increasing. An average of 63% of companies that have suffered a ransomware attack paid their attackers in hopes of getting rid of the ransomware and decrypting their files.
Even if a hacker can’t get as much money from a small business as they could get from a larger organization, it’s still worth it. Breaching smaller companies is faster and easier than larger ones.
When victims pay the ransom, it motivates more cybercriminals to join in. And those newer hackers with less experience in ransomware attacks will often go after smaller, easier-to-breach businesses.
Another thing that is usually pretty low on the list of priorities for a small business owner is cybersecurity training. We’re talking about proper repeated employee cybersecurity awareness training.
Training employees on how to spot phishing attacks and how to properly protect their personal as well as business data often isn’t explained to them. This leaves even most high-tech networks vulnerable to one of the biggest dangers, human error.
In most types of cyberattacks, the hacker needs some degree of cooperation from a victim. Just like the classical vampire needs the unsuspecting victim to invite them into their house. Usually, it is done through “phishing emails” or their more modern counterparts “smishing messages”.
A phishing email by itself can’t usually do anything. It needs the victim to either open a file attachment or click a link that will take them to a malicious website. Thus, launching the attack.
Phishing attacks caused over 80% of all data breaches.
Teaching your employees how to spot these hacking attempts can significantly increase your cybersecurity. Security awareness training is as important as having a proper antivirus or a firewall setup.
Reach out today to schedule a free consultation. EB Solution offers affordable IT security services to small and medium-sized businesses. This includes cybersecurity services, secure network engineering, and business continuity and disaster recovery to keep you protected from cyber threats. |
Brains Byte Back interviews startups, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders that tap into how our brains work. We explore how knowledge & technology intersect to build a better, more sustainable future for humanity. If you’re interested in ideas that push the needle, and future-proofing yourself for the new information age, join us every Friday. Brains Byte Back guests include founders, CEOs, and other influential individuals making a big difference in society, with past guest speakers such as New York Times journalists, MIT Professors, and C-suite executives of Fortune 500 companies.
Germán Rimoldi is the co-founder & CEO of Foothold, a company that empowers fractional investments in unique vacation rental properties. In this episode, Germán shares his experience of starting multiple companies across Latin America and the United States, as well as his inspiration for starting Foothold. |
Sport occupies an unusual place in society. It’s simultaneously public and private – something we do for our own personal health, but also a multibillion-dollar industry; both political and apolitical, accessible and exclusive.
This is also why sport straddles such interesting territory when it comes to both the climate and nature crises.
Champions for Earth, an organisation of athletes promoting environmental action, was formed for exactly this reason.
“Climate change affects us all, and in pursuing solutions we must bring as many people together as possible,” their mission statement reads. “We see sport as a piece of that puzzle: unifying people across race, age, gender, sex, religion and disability.”
But, sport, as a sector, is also a major contributor to the damage being done to our planet: from the greenhouse gases emitted from transporting equipment, athletes and fans all over the world, to the harm done to ecosystems by venue construction, high-density events and poor waste management.
Sport is both a ‘victim’ and contributor to climate change
Though it’s impossible to accurately calculate sport’s contribution to global warming and biodiversity loss, some have compared its carbon footprint to that of a country the size of Spain.
Unlike many other industries, however, sport is also often situated on the frontlines of the climate emergency.
We saw this at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, as athletes passed out and faced serious health problems due to the excessive heat. This was clearer still at the Beijing Winter Olympics a few months later, as the Games became the first in history to rely almost entirely on artificial snow.
In the months since the Olympics, we’ve seen more races and competitions cancelled, relocated and postponed because of the direct effects of climate change.
A recent report from Badvertising argued that many of the major sponsors for winter sports were directly melting the snow necessary for events to take place. Britain’s most successful Winter Olympian Lizzy Yarnold said these deals were “like winter sport nailing the lid on its own coffin.”
“Sport is not just a victim of [climate] change, but an important contributor too,” writes author David Goldblatt in Rapid Transition Alliance’s report into the relationship between sport and climate change.
So how then can sport be used to tackle the environmental issues we’re collectively facing?
Athletes have a ‘unique perspective’
Hannah Mills is the most successful female sailor in Olympic history. After decades spent competing and training on coastlines around the world, the 34-year-old is acutely aware of both the gravity of the climate crisis and the impact major sporting events can have on the planet.
“There’s a big environmental footprint with sport,” Mills says, “so that on the one hand needs to be addressed, by reducing things like emissions and everything we possibly can.”
Her passion for environmentalism stems from a lifelong relationship with the outdoors.
“It’s one big playground that we’re lucky enough to get to use in so many different ways,” she says, “and through sailing you spend so much time outside on the ocean, which is a real privilege… you always have an appreciation for nature and just how vast the ocean is.”
Sport as a tool for finding local solutions
It was what Mills saw at her second Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro that crystallised for her the severity of our plastic pollution problem.
“I’d never seen anywhere where it was quite so stark,” Mills explains, “everywhere we’d sailed before you’d see the odd piece of plastic floating around, and I wouldn’t necessarily think too much of it. But in Rio… it became too much to ignore.”
Rio’s plastic pollution problem is also a good example of how localised issues – that need localised solutions – sometimes get lost when common environmental issues are considered on a global scale.
Decades of inadequate infrastructure and a lack of funding for waste management have caused the carpets of plastic waste that cover the otherwise beautiful coastline around Rio. But when that messaging gets oversimplified into general conversations about avoiding single-use plastics, rather than tackling the root causes of the specific crisis playing out in Rio, it’s clear to see why this leads to a lack of meaningful action.
This is where Mills feels sport has the opportunity to enact more meaningful change.
“We get this unique perspective and this unique impact as athletes or as sporting events to tell stories – and people, for whatever reason, listen and look up to athletes.”
Mills works with SailGP as the strategist for the Emirates Great Britain team, an international sailing competition that takes place across a season of grand prix events around the world. Similarly to the work being done by Extreme E, SailGP runs outreach initiatives in each racing location – not just to ensure the competition is sustainable, but in an effort to leave a lasting positive legacy.
“A huge part of the climate change narrative is that in every location there will be different solutions that are effective,” says Mills, “it’s about understanding that it’s not a one-size-fits-all.
“Yes, we all need to come together globally in terms of emissions. But actually, in terms of restoring and protecting nature, it’s very location-dependent as to what’s working,” she explains.
Some of SailGP’s local impact projects have included introducing “ecological anchoring” in an effort to preserve and restore seagrass beds off the coast of Saint-Tropez, developing large-scale solar farms in England, and planting native poplar trees in southern Italy.
Bringing the political to the apolitical?
When athletes, coaches or commentators raise issues like the urgent need to address the climate crisis, a common criticism is that this is seen as making a political point within a space that is ostensibly neutral.
There are separate conversations to be had about whether environmentalism should be considered political or whether sport has ever been remotely apolitical – but that’s perhaps best left for another time.
Sometimes climate action is seen as sufficiently apolitical to feature in sport, such as Reading FC’s fantastic collaboration with Reading University – incorporating the climate stripes into their kit.
— Ed Hawkins (@ed_hawkins) July 25, 2022
“I can really see the argument both ways,” Mills says, explaining that “in the field of play” people’s focus should perhaps be entirely on the sport and the competition.
“But I think there’s such an opportunity around athletes in the build-up to big events and in interviews during big events where you can really use your platform.”
For ultramarathon runner Damian Hall, however, sport and climate action are directly entwined. His latest book is even titled ‘We Can’t Run Away From This.’ He also co-founded The Green Runners, a community of running enthusiasts putting the planet first.
Hall recently won the 268-mile (430km) Spine Race – affectionately dubbed ‘Britain’s most brutal race’ – in a gruelling 84 hours and 36 minutes, setting a new men’s course record in the process.
For spectators tracking the runners online, Hall’s profile showed him holding a Just Stop Oil banner – which he later unfurled upon crossing the finish line.
Shout out to @Ultra_Damo for winning the #SpineRace and also props for using his platform to highlight the biggest issues impacting us all@TheGreenRunnerz @JustStop_Oil @runningpunks pic.twitter.com/Jv1dkzxg5P
— Christopher Whitby (@commanderwhitby) January 19, 2023
“This all just feels so urgent,” Hall explains, “my sport is very niche, but there are moments where it might get a little bit of publicity… I guess I’m just desperate and trying to use those moments.”
It was the 2019 Extinction Rebellion protests in London that spurred the father-of-two down this path, catching his attention with their colourful and vibrant nature before driving home the severity of the climate crisis.
“We’ve all seen headlines about polar bears and melting glaciers for years, but it was difficult sometimes to connect that to your life. So those protests made me start to realise how urgent things were and how governments really weren’t acting,” Hall says.
“I also started questioning myself as an athlete,” he continues, “as an elite ultramarathon runner I would fly to on average probably three big, international races a year – in fact in 2019 I flew five times return and hadn’t really given that significant thought.”
Cutting down on flights and picking ethical sponsors
Now, Hall hasn’t flown for three years – opting for domestic races and international events accessible by greener modes of transport. He’s part of a small but growing field of athletes turning down opportunities to compete abroad. Despite having a list of events he’d always wanted to do – such as one on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean – he says he now “can’t justify that to myself.”
One of Great Britain’s leading junior athletes, Innes FitzGerald, recently made headlines after declining to compete in Australia because of the environmental impact of travelling halfway around the world.
“The reality of the travel fills me with deep concern,” she said in a letter to British Athletics. “I was just nine when the COP21 Paris climate agreement was signed. Now, eight years on, global emissions have been steadily increasing, sending us on a path to climate catastrophe.”
However, Hall hasn’t written off flying entirely.
“I don’t think I should have to sacrifice my entire career,” he says, explaining that there are a handful of key races – largely in the US – that he still hopes to do.
It’s also through his sponsors where Hall feels he can help effect real change. He’s meticulous about the companies he partners with, turning down sponsorships and funding when organisations aren’t engaging meaningfully with environmental issues.
“I thought it would make me kind of unpopular, but it’s actually sort of had the opposite effect,” he explains, “I’ve found some companies have approached me because they want to work with me because of my ethics.”
Though Hall is extremely humble about his impact, the kind of companies he deals with are sometimes major sportswear manufacturers and suppliers.
“It’s nudging for systemic change that is going to have the most impact.” |
THE THREE O’CLOCK PRAYER (JOHN 19:27-30) The Three O’clock Prayer is a verbal icon or summary of the Marianist spirit. Simple and unassuming as may be, this prayer not only captures the deepest memories of the Christian faith, but it also conveys the particular spirit that continues to inspire the members of the Family of Mary. It recalls the death of Jesus Christ as it is rendered in John 19:27-30. Daily the Marianists pause at 3:00 p.m. to recall their alliance with Jesus and Mary and to renew their dedication with this prayer: Lord Jesus, we gather in spirit at the foot of the cross with your Mother and the disciple whom you loved. We ask your pardon for our sins, which are the cause of your death. We thank you for having thought of us in that hour of salvation and for giving us Mary as our Mother. Holy Virgin, take us under your protection and open us to the action of the Holy Spirit. St. John, obtain for us the grace of taking Mary into our lives as, you did, and of assisting her in her mission. May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen. The upper half of the bas-relief establishes the connection between the Three O'Clock Prayer and the crucifixion scene. The huddled figures on the lower half represent Mary and St. John, and all those who "gathered in spirit at the foot of the cross" to commemorate Christ's death.
Permission to Use
U.S. and international copyright laws protect this digital resource. Commercial use or distribution of the resource is not permitted without prior permission of the copyright holder. Please contact the Marian Library-International Marian Research Institute to inquire concerning available permission to use the digital image. |
In the State-of-the-Union, President Obama said, “Our deficits–cut by more than half.”
Looking at the federal deficit as a percent of GDP, we can say that the deficit is much lower than 4 years ago.
The deficit was an unusually large proportion of the GDP during the Great Recession (Dec. 2007-June 2009). It included more than $800 billion for stimulus spending and assorted bailout packages. With little effort because the special spending ended, we appear to have just returned to normal.
Deficits will probably increase again because of rising interest rates and the baby boomers. Higher interest rates mean the government has to pay more to borrow. Meanwhile, the baby boomer generation will collect historic highs from Social Security and Medicare.
This is what the CBO projects:
I wonder whether saying we have halved the deficit returns us to fractal mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. Yes, we can look at the coast of Great Britain from afar and see a lovely uninterrupted curving line. But move in to a closer view and the hazardous jagged zigs and zags start to appear.
Sources and Resources: Discussing “Pinocchios” from the President’s State-of-the-Union address, the Washington Post cited the deficit halving quote. For the facts behind the quote and the source of my graphs, I recommend the new CBO report (above graphs) on the deficit. Finally, I do suggest looking at “Mixing Vice and Virtue: Combining the Immediacy Effect and the Diversification Heuristic.” Much better than its title, the paper’s video examples provide insight about our Netflix queues, the subprime mortgage crisis and our ballooning federal debt. |
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Bona Craft Oil delivers deep protection against wear, chemicals and moisture. A natural vegetable oil, it has virtually no odour and significantly lowered VOC. This means that it is safe to work and live with.
Bona Craft Oil is a unique blend of different vegetable oils, modified for superior impregnation and long-lasting protection of wooden floors. The exclusive blend is low in odour, easy to handle and gives a reduced yellowing effect. The formulation is environmentally responsible, containing much oil and little solvents (<4%) which also means that the wood can be saturated with fewer applications. Suitable for wooden floors in public and domestic environments as well as for furniture and other woodwork.
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May 24, 2020
How to Plan a Home Solar Electric System
Given the tons of benefits it affords you — solar energy is the future.
So you will be making the right decision if you choose to power your home with solar energy. However, powering your home with solar energy will require some amount of planning if everything is to go just the way you want it.
Thankfully, we know a thing or two about the nuts and bolts of getting solar energy to your abode.
Determine Your Home’s Energy Efficiency
This is the first step to take when you are looking to install solar energy because it is a key part of your plan. The aim is to determine if you need to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home. Take time to figure your total electric usage. This will help you decide if you need a home solar system. Here’s how you can determine the energy efficiency of your home:
- Carry out a home energy audit which should help you see how you expend energy so you can decide if you are losing electricity unnecessarily.
- Take a look at your appliances. You might need to eliminate the use of some or just replace others with high-efficiency models. You also want to ensure that you are using energy-efficient lighting.
- Do you use a cooling and heating system? If weatherizing your home feasible? If not, what are the options you have? HVAC systems consume a lot of energy in case you didn’t know.
The next step in planning a home solar system is to examine your home’s solar potential. Specifically, how power will be generated from the sites available. Luckily, there are lots of tools that can enable you to gauge the solar potential of your home. You must do this because not all homes are suitable for solar, and your home might be one of those homes.
Another option is to engage the services of a professional solar installer to help you with this. Gauging your home’s solar potential will require you to ascertain the following:
Your roof: Does it need to be replaced? If yes, then how soon do you need to do this? Solar panels need sturdy roofs. You will want to consider the age of your roof and whether or not it will need to be replaced. If you think that you will need to replace your roof in the next couple of years, you will need to go ahead and do that before you attach rooftop solar.
Shade trees: Are there any around your home? Shade trees will reduce the amount of light that solar panels receive. So it’s important to take a look at where you plan to put your solar system.
Your Local Home Owners Association: Will they permit a solar system in your home? What are the stipulations guiding solar panel systems in your neighborhood?
What Are the Options for Using Solar
Nowadays, there are several options that will allow you to enjoy solar energy in your home — even if you do not want to rent or purchase a rooftop system. Here are the available options:
- Shared solar: In this scenario, people can share solar energy using virtual net metering.
- Solar leases: Here, you can lease a solar system if you can’t afford one.
- Solarize program: This program allows you to get a discount system or participate in one.
- Switch energy suppliers to get green energy (if you’re in a deregulated state).
- Power purchase agreement: This involves a third party agreement wherein you get solar energy from a party that places the equipment on your home.
Do Your Research
The next step is to find out where you can get the best service when it’s time to install a home solar system. It’s vital to do your research about the experts in solar-generated power near you. There are no cutting corners here. Only the best will do when you are looking to invest in solar power. So do your research. Always ask for proof of certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners.
Bear the following questions in mind when you are at this stage:
- How much does the outfit know about local building permits and interconnections?
- Can you get references from other people?
- What is their warranty like?
It also makes sense to ensure that the company does not have any liens or active judgments. Check the Better Business Bureau or your state’s electricity board for this information.
There are lots of solar financing options and incentives (like tax credits, for example) available to those looking to get a home solar system. Try to understand as much as possible about the incentives that are available to you.
You can get as much information as you want about available incentives from the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency.
Making Your Decision
This is where you decide if you are to get a professional service or just go the DIY route. The latter option is certainly a possibility. All you need is to do some more research on the kind of solar PV tools you need, the size of panels to install, and how to install them.
Whatever your decision, be sure to stay on the right side of the local laws.
By following the steps described above on planning a home solar system, you’ll be able to get your home powered with solar energy in no time.
Thad Warren covers renewable energy technology and trends in the utility industry for EnergyBot. His work has been published in MarketWatch, Seeking Alpha, and the Chicago Daily Harold. |
Subsets and Splits