Oh! he went back long ago
á e·ndanne anda né
let them come in
á he mittar
let them come
á he tuluvar
if he had asked me (he did not) I should have come made it
aiqe e·kestanen ela en ni túlie karnet
if he had asked me I should have come made it
aiqe e·kestanen en(ai) ni·túlie karnet
If he asked me were to ask me I should come
aiqe e·kestuvan ni·tuluva
If he asked me were he to ask I should come
aiqe kestuvan ni·tuluva
if I were doing this now (I am not) he would be doing it too
aiqe ni káraza (nila) san ette kára(za) yú
do not make it!
á kela karit
don’t be cruel
á kela naikea
don’t do it
á lá
(long[?]) live[?] [the] k[ing?
ā laituva i·aran
praise them
a laituvar laituvar
praise them
laitalle laitalle
don’t do it!
(á) láte
trees grow in that land
aldar olar sana nóresse
now} don’t you do it!
á le·láte
hail Earendel brightest of stars
alla Earendel elenion ankalima
it is eaten (one eats it)
While it was being built people marveled at the house
ampanaina i·már a·tatallanes
but yet it will not be enough not enough
ananta úva táre fárea ufárea
for a long while the Elves lived in Valinor where are they do they live now?
andalúme Eldar oianer Valinoresse masse oiar sí
the existence of dragons at one time (is) a fact
angwion ie uman enwa
being a king is a burden
aran ie mólome
and he gave it into the hands of the Lords: they are in the West
ar antaróta mannar Valion: númessier
and Sauron came humbled to Númenor
ar Sauron túle nukumna Númenórenna
come now do it (please)
ási le·kare
come now now
ási sí
come now!
ási tule
men live in Middle-earth
atani koitar endoresse
my father I love thee
atarinya tye-meláne
if he had asked me I might have come
auve e·kestanen au ni·túlie
would he have asked me!
auve e·kestanen (ela!)
and I too my son I love thee
a yonya inye tye-méla
the seas poured into the chasm
eari ullier kilyanna
he] hunts you
he asked his father to do it
e·kestane ataretta karithe
Elves are Immortals
Eldar alphírimar
Elves are Immortals
Eldar Alphírimor
a star shines on the hour of our meeting
elen sile lúmesse omentiemman
he sings it
e·lirute (lirus)
making it for me (would be kind) of you
ella karie nye te
it is hard work for you to kill me
ella nakie nye mólome
what will he give indeed
e man antaváro
he wished his father to come
e·merne ataretta tule
for Elves they made the Moon but for Men the red Sun; which are beautiful
en kárielto eldain Isil hildin Úr-anar; toi írimar
in that day beyond the end when my Sun faileth
enyáre tar i tyel íre Anarinya qeluva
there far away dwells Manwe [in Valinor
enyasse Manwe hára
that is a tee
en ye tá
existence (in this world) is sorrowful is fraught with sorrow
ére nairea ére lunga nairenen
Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth have I come
et Ëarello Endorenna nilendie
his eating bread
etta matie masta
his eating it is a nuisance
etta matie the ye úmahta
a beast of the chase (that it is proper to hunt)
farastea nasto
hunting animal beast of prey
farea nasto
I am to (have to) make it
ha inye karite
making it for me (would be kind) of you
ha le·nye karite
it is hard work to kill the strong
ha mólome a·ndake poldórear
it is hard work for you to kill me
ha mólome le·nakin(ye)
far far away now (is) the Downfallen
háya vaháya sín Atalante
they did not mean to make them
helalthi menne kare helar menne karilthi
they will not eat it
helávate mate
they will wish that T. is (then) making it
he·meruvar i Túro kárathe
the Lord of the West [Manwe] broke the world by leave of Ilúvatar
Herunúmen arda terhante lenéme Ilúvatáren
they are [slipping down
heart of the house
the tree is still growing
i·aldar hinna ólar
(the) ship(’s)-equipment
(i) kirya sorasta
the ship’s (particular on[e]) equipment
i kiryo sorasta
when if he (had) asked me I came
illume e·kestanen kestanelyanen ni·tulle
the Father made the World for Elves and Mortals
Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin
the World is fair the sky the seas the earth and all that is in them
Ilu vanya fanya eari i-mar ar ilqa ímen
to all they gave in measure the gifts of Ilúvatar
ilyain antalto annar lestanen Ilúvatáren
now all roads (are) bent
ilya sí maller raikar
the man was angry but now is in good humor (lit. it pleases him)
i·nér né raiqa ar sí aphasta
the man’s making of a ship
i nero karie kirya
they (are or were) (some) Elves
intin Eldalin
I am to (have to) make it
inya karie·te
when(ever) hé comes Í come
íqa ette tule (san) inye tule
when all is counted and all numbered at last
íre ilqa yéva nótina hostainiéva yallume
lovely is Númenor
írima ye Númenor
the equipment of a ship
i sorasta kiryava
to be wise after the event is useless
kanya ére kata tulma alwara
To be wise afterwards is useless
kanya ére kato alwara
making a certain ship
karie kirya
making some ships
karie kiryali
making it for me (would be kind)
karie nyé·te
making (things) is hard work
karie ye mólome
will you come please?
ship-making making a ship ships nautical construction
kirya karie
the making of a ship
kiryava karie
(proverbial) longing frets the spirit
ksaráre psare súle
awake awake brighter by [their] names
kuivie kuivie ancalim’esselínen
awake awake golden by [their] names
kuivie kuivie laurea esselínen
in the summer I live in [i.e. on] the hills [as a rule] and come down to the plains in the winter
lairesse nihare to tarassi yu unta hrívesse landannar
the Lordly Men [Númenóreans] fell under shadow
lantaner Turkildi nuhuinenna
you did not come
leláne tule
you wished that I had made (lit. made) it
le·merne i ni·karnéte
will you come please?
While it was being built people marveled at the house
lie tatallaner i·már ampanaina