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At the end of this 3-week period , data were collected from the CPAP machine and the subject was given the other mask to use with the same CPAP settings for the next 3weeks at home ( if the nasal mask was given initially , the oronasal one was given later and vice versa ) . | 2met
The median time from ED discharge to follow-up was 26 hours ( interquartile range [ IQR ] = 24 to 39 hours ) . | 3res
The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of golimumab in Chinese patients with active AS . | 1obj
Rivastigmine displays dose-dependent efficacy on cognition in patients with Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) , as measured by the Alzheimer 's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale ( ADAS-cog ) . | 1obj
The observed decrease in procedural complications was not statistically significant : 5 ( 22 % ) of 23 in the ultrasound group versus 9 ( 37 % ) of 24 in the landmark group ( RR = 0.58 ; 95 % CI = 0.23 to 1.47 ; P = 0.24 ) . | 3res
Secondary outcomes of the exacerbation rate and time to first exacerbation were analysed over 12months . | 2met
Two years after transplantation , kyn/trp was increased in urine and decreased in serum as compared to 2-week values . | 3res
There was no difference between groups for any of the secondary outcomes . | 3res
We compared predictors of sickness absence ( register data ) among all respondents and those who participated in the intervention , using Bayesian regression analysis . | 2met
The primary end point was 20 % improvement in American College of Rheumatology response criteria ( ACR 20 ) at week 12 . | 2met
Abbott Vascular . | 0bac
Preclinical models revealed synergy with docetaxel and a phase 1 trial demonstrated tolerability of this combination . | 0bac
The findings of severe , moderate or mild myocarditis were more common in the mice which received affinity-purified IgG from patients ( 20 % ; 20 % and 12 % ) than in control animals ( 2 % , p = 0.01 ; 0 % , p = 0.003 ; and 0 % , p = 0.04 respectively ) . | 3res
To investigate whether a footbath inhibits spasticity in the hemiplegic lower limbs of post-stroke patients . | 1obj
The incidence of late acute rejection was low in both groups . | 3res
Patients with schizophrenia ( N = 1 , 268 ) were assigned to the combination of medication and psychosocial intervention or treatment as usual for up to 12 months . | 2met
Children in both study arms reported adequate post-tonsillectomy pain management without significant differences between groups in pain scores . | 3res
Findings revealed an important within-person association , such that every drink consumed above one 's mean was associated with a 13 % increase in the likelihood of experiencing negative consequences . | 3res
Spot urine samples were collected preoperatively , postoperatively , after 3 months , and after 1 , 2 , and 5 years and tested with inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry . | 2met
Side branch stenting rates were 4 % versus 3 % , P = not significant . | 3res
All of the participants received basic medical therapy , occupational therapy , physical therapy , and an articulation approach for speech therapy by a professional speech therapist over a one month period . | 2met
The cumulative costs for materials until achievement of the desired ferritin levels were three-fold higher in the apheresis group . | 3res
Previous studies conducted on animals linked consumption of Nigella sativa L. seeds ( NS ) to decreased anxiety and improved memory . | 0bac
Our results may suggest that the observed functional benefits should come not only from hemodynamic improvement but also from positive vascular remodeling . | 4con
A web-based survey collected additional quantitative data on information and advice networks of study participants . | 2met
Incidence of predefined AEs was 36.1 % for capsules , 31.9 % for patch ; discontinuation due to worsening of motor symptoms was 4.4 % and 2.4 % , respectively . | 3res
In the treatment groups , 1.5 % of participants had serious treatment-emergent adverse effects . | 3res
HCPs testing positive for vestibular S aureus colonization were treated 3 times during the day with topical antiseptic or control preparations . | 2met
Severe obesity was more likely to endure over the course of middle school than was moderate obesity , and was associated with significantly higher levels of cardiometabolic risk . | 3res
There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups either in the demographic and baseline data or in intraoperative blood loss , blood transfusion rate , complications , and positive surgical margin . | 3res
On the other hand , 3 patients with high CyA levels ( C2 > 900 ng/mL ) in Group 1A were withdrawn from the study because of complications . | 3res
Group 2 had 39 CFPs , and 20 patients experienced complications in 26 sides . | 3res
Those in the Western medical treatment group were treated with Clomifene ( at the daily dose of 25 mg per day , once daily ) . | 2met
Apart from aerobic fitness , beneficial effects seen after one year were not maintained when the intervention was stopped . | 4con
Blood samples were extracted before , immediately after , and 2 hours after each intervention . | 2met
We did a pragmatic , cluster-randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation between March 1 , 2011 , and March 31 , 2013 , at 42 practices in four centres in the UK . | 2met
Newly-diagnosed HIV-positive patients and newly-diagnosed TB patients were enrolled into the study and followed up through telephonic interviews and case note abstractions at six monthly intervals for up to 18 months in order to measure outcomes . | 2met
But , since L2 PVBs are relatively new , not much is known about their complication profile . | 4con
Randomized clinical trial . | 2met
After two years the test was administered again . | 2met
Many observational studies linked vitamin D to cardiometabolic risks besides its pivotal role in musculoskeletal diseases , but evidence from trials is lacking and inconsistent . | 0bac
We aimed to compare necitumumab plus pemetrexed and cisplatin with pemetrexed and cisplatin alone in patients with previously untreated , stage IV , non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) . | 0bac
At baseline , there were no significant differences between the groups in regards to age ( t-test , p = 0.44 ) , gender ( ( 2 ) , p = 0.14 ) , pseudoexfoliation glaucoma ( ( 2 ) , p = 0.07 ) , time between SLT 1 and SLT 2 ( t-test , p = 0.78 ) , IOP before SLT 1 ( t-test , p = 0.78 ) , or IOP before SLT 2 ( t-test , p = 0.32 ) . | 3res
The effects of acute continuous positive airway pressure therapy on left ventricular diastolic function and functional capacity in patients with compensated systolic heart failure remain unclear . | 1obj
Perinatal mortality and severe neonatal morbidity did not differ significantly between the two groups . | 3res
Response to natalizumab was assessed in CSF and MRI studies . | 2met
We evaluated the role of voucher incentives on linkage and retention in care among DUs in India . | 0bac
Following locomotor training , an improvement in gait capabilities-characterized by increases in the over-ground walking speed and endurance-is generally observed in patients . | 0bac
Our aim was compare onset time of sciatic nerve blockade ( SNB ) performed distal to the subgluteal fold using four different ultrasound ( US ) - guided approaches in patients undergoing foot or ankle surgery . | 1obj
All participants received twelve 20-minute sessions in 4 weeks of either HAL ( wearing the single-leg version of the HAL on their paretic side ) or conventional ( performed by skilled and experienced physical therapists ) gait training . | 2met
The primary outcome measure was the impact of voice rest on ability to communicate effectively over a 7-day period . | 2met
Each program involved 14 individually supervised exercise sessions with a physiotherapist plus a home exercise component . | 2met
Sixty-eight HD patients who were maintained on calcium carbonate ( n = 33 ) or sevelamer hydrochloride ( n = 35 ) were enrolled . | 2met
Montelukast sodium also causes few adverse reactions . | 4con
The trial is designed with three components : psychosocial , clinical and translational . | 2met
Consecutive patients ingested the two capsules 1 hour apart and in a randomized order . | 2met
At baseline , IRLS scores and serum ferritin levels were similar between these two groups . | 3res
Background Although LSE is commonly used by physical therapists in the management of low back pain , it does not seem to be more effective than other interventions . | 1obj
Self-report methodology , small sample sizes , predominantly male samples . | 4con
Within a clinical trial with smokers with serious mental illness , EC use increased over time , particularly among younger adults and those intending to quit tobacco . | 4con
There were no significant differences between groups in terms of heart rate and peripheral oxygen saturation values during surgery and the postoperative period ( P > 0.05 ) . | 3res
Treatment induced changes in the [ ( 3 ) H ] - DHPG to [ ( 3 ) H ] - NE ratio related to reduction in hyperinsulinemia and improvements in diastolic function . | 4con
The highest estimated ( upper limit of the 95 % CI ) model-adjusted difference in mean change from baseline in the Fridericia corrected QT interval between GEn and placebo was 3.55 ( 5.66 ) msec for 1200 mg and 1.20 ( 3.32 ) msec for 6000 mg . | 3res
When comparing the laser group versus the control group , a statistically significant difference was not noted in VSS ( P = 0.31 ) but a statistically significant difference in patient VAS was detected ( P = 0.002 ) . | 3res
Of referred neonates , 176/208 ( 84.6 % ) completed their referral . | 3res
Fourteen male professional first team super league rugby players were exposed to 1 , 2 , and 3 minutes of WBC at -135 C. Testing took place the day after a competitive league fixture , each exposure separated by seven days . | 2met
With the increase in the aging population , there is a pressing need to provide effective treatment options for individuals with Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) . | 0bac
The minimally clinical important difference will be calculated and used for efficacy assessment , and correspondence analysis will be performed to identify the best indications for each drug . | 2met
T2-shine through effect in DWI is present before morphological disc reduction and moreover could be considered as a predictive sign of response to oxygen-ozone treatment . | 4con
Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ( TRC-13003122 ) . | 0bac
In this study , we evaluated whether an educational intervention improves osteoporosis-related behavior in perimenopausal women from rural areas . | 1obj
Effective dose was higher ( p < 0.05 ) in the 370-120 group ( 2.8-5 .4 mSv ) than in the others ( 2.3-4 .3 mSv ) . | 3res
Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN30080637 . | 0bac
However , because the concentration of erlotinib did not reach the steady state within 7days in the complete fasting state , we conducted analyses only on day 14 , which showed no significant difference in AUC0-24 or C max between the two conditions . | 3res
Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A disease ( CMT1A ) is a rare orphan inherited neuropathy caused by an autosomal dominant duplication of a gene encoding for the structural myelin protein PMP22 , which induces abnormal Schwann cell differentiation and dysmyelination , eventually leading to axonal suffering then loss and muscle wasting . | 0bac
The aim of this article is to report the design and protocol of a randomized controlled trial investigating the optimal timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis . | 0bac
In the case of inadequate anesthesia , patients received repeated doses of 0.1 mg/kg of etomidate until reaching deep sedation . | 2met
The passive and positive rehabilitation training was adopted in the two groups . | 2met
Waist circumference , body mass index , blood lipids and glucose , endothelial function ( EF ) determined as the change of resistance index after inhalation of salbutamol , arterial stiffness measured as mean pulse wave velocity after sublingual trinitroglycerin ( PWVtng ) were evaluated at baseline and 6 months thereafter . | 2met
Pregnant women w | , ere divided into two groups of 85 females each . | 2met
However , between-group analysis using general linear model ( multivariate ) test revealed that the differences in the mentioned parameters between two study groups were statistically significant just for LDL-C and TG , while others did not differ significantly . | 3res
Overall , improvements were largest with tiotropium Respimat 5g . | 4con
The log-likelihood ( -17,390.38 vs. -17,804.26 ) was larger , and the AIC and BIC were smaller for the GRM compared to the Rash Model ( AIC = 34,960.77 vs. 35,754.73 ; BIC = 35,425.80 vs. 36,131.92 ) . | 3res
Secondary outcomes will be clinically significant change and severity of depression at 18 months , and anxiety ( General Anxiety Disorder-7 questionnaire ) and health-related quality of life ( Short-Form Health Survey-36 ) at 12 and 18 months . | 2met
The primary outcome was successful cannulation of the radial artery in 4 or less attempts . | 2met
The 24-hour urinary albumin excretion was decreased more in patients in the intensive low-salt diet education group than patients in the conventional education group . | 4con
During the overall follow-up period , the recurrence rate of the combination subgroup was 56.7 % ( 17/30 ) , and that of the RFA-alone subgroup was 87.5 % ( 28/32 ) ( p < 0.01 ) . | 3res
Evaluations were made of self-reported low back pelvic pain ( visual analog scale ) , pressure pain threshold ( PPT ) in sacroiliac joints ( SIJs ) , and the endogenous response of the organism to pain following catecholamines and serotonin release in blood levels . | 2met
One hundred twenty-two women with uterine size 16 gestational weeks scheduled to undergo minimally invasive hysterectomy because of benign disease . | 2met
Although continuous positive airway pressure ( CPAP ) can mitigate these risks , effectiveness can be reduced by inadequate adherence to treatment . | 0bac
Levels of platelet reactivity in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy ( DAPT ) can be influenced by concomitant treatment with statins . | 0bac
Of the 1463 participants with available data on ACE inhibitors usage , 142 ( 9.7 % ) received ACEI at least once during study data collection . | 3res
Recurrence rates did not differ significantly at 3-year follow-up and occurred in patients with index grade IV hemorrhoids . | 4con
Cardiac output ( CO ) , heart rate ( HR ) , MAP , respiratory rate , end-expiratory isoflurane concentration ( ETIso ) and dobutamine requirements were determined . | 2met
This randomised controlled trial ( DATA-Switch ) is a preplanned extension of the denosumab and teriparatide administration study ( DATA ) , in which 94 postmenopausal osteoporotic women were randomly assigned to receive 24 months of teriparatide ( 20 mg daily ) , denosumab ( 60 mg every 6 months ) , or both drugs . | 2met
Adults with self-reported CLBP will be recruited from the community and screened for elibility . | 2met
No statistically significant difference in femoral head perfusion was found between the two groups . | 4con
Rescue analgesia was performed if the evaluation score exceeded 50 % of the VAS and/or 33 % of the GCPS . | 2met
Higher Restraint and lower BMI predicted BN-NP relative to BED . | 3res
Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group ( n = 24 ) , who received 808 nm laser irradiation as 4 Jpoint for 20 s over ipsilateral three nerve roots in the cervical region corresponding to C5-C8 vertebrae , and 808 nm laser irradiation as 0.1 Jcm2 for 5 min in a tangential scanning mode over the affected extremity ; or a control group ( n = 24 ) , who underwent the same protocol and timing of laser probe application with the laser switched off . | 2met
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