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76.533333 | 1776-07-04 | GuildPublicThread | [
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "When it came to survival, learning from one's mistakes is very important. And learn from them Senri did, making sure to carefully monitor her alcohol intake for the night when she went out for a drinking session, and hence why she wrapped it up drunk, sure, but still very much in control of her wits.\n\nThe problem happened afterwards. While on her way back the oni spotted a few mushrooms by the roadside, and made the (unwise) decision to consume a few.\n\nAnd thus she was now sitting on another rock near another bridge, and higher than a kite. Not enough to lose track of her senses, of course.\n\nAnd it was such that she, once again, spotted someone crossing from the opposite end."
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "*Kaori was making her way along the bridge, walking lightly on it to not disturb the peace. Her mask was pulled above her face and kept a sharp eye out for anyone being about this time a night. She was on a mission, gathering some extra intel for the clan she served between daytime recruitment.\n\nIt wasn't long before she took notice of the other person on the other end of the bridge. Her hand went to the hilt of her Katana instinctively as she drew closer.*\"A little late out to be hanging around so far from town, don't you think?\"*She says once she was in earshot, deciding to engage in small talk.*"
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "\"And yet the same may be said for thee, clad as thou art.\"\n\nThe oni reaches into her sleeves and withdraws a gourd, popping the top and pouring the contents into her mouth before keeping the sloshing container once more. She didn't seem particularly concerned... Or not, perhaps.\n\n\"This is all too familiar to me, which is surprising, considering that dreams should be more creative. Not mere remembrance of affairs that hath transpired of late... No matter.\"\n\nSenri rose to her feet, albeit somewhat slowly. Even so, her gaze locks onto the approaching person.\n\n\"What hast thou came for? Tell me.\""
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "*The Naga narrowed her eyes at the woman. Hopefully this one wasn't going to be difficult. She already didn't seem to be in the right headspace, but perhaps that makes it all the more easier for her.*\"I'm afraid that information is classified.\"*She said to her.*\"Now stand aside. I have a job I need to be doing.\""
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "\"Hoh. Good to see that thou hast taken effort to change up something, at least. Very well, I'll grant thee passage.\"\n\nThe oni sauntered forward, until her feet had carried her to the very edge of the bridge on her end, where stone bricks gave way to loose soil. Pulling out her twin blades in a single stroke and testing their weights.\n\n\"...If thou can defeat me, that is. Now, draw thine blade.\""
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "\"Almost a shame it has to come to this.\"*Kaori said in a false disappointed tone. That seemed to be all the confirmation Kaori needed, however. She grabbed a handful of shurikens at her side and suddenly threw them out at the Oni to serve as a distraction. Now, removing her blade fully from its sheathe, she dashed towards Senri, readying her Katanna as she to swing towards her.*"
"author": ".boch",
"message": "Roll for turn order?"
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "Somehow, just somehow, the oni managed to dodge both attacks without moving from her position. Perhaps all that head wobbling came in handy.\n\n\"Mhm, fascinating...\"\n\nHer palm lit up with the bluish glow of electricity."
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "*Kaori proceeds to get electrocuted. Breaking through the shockwave, she swipes at Senri again and vaults over to attack her from the other side, not letting up her attacks.*"
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "\"Nice move!\" Senri praised, managing to dodge the first strike but not the subsequent one. She would pull out a javelin and close in for a throw, following up with a sword strike and leaving herself open to opportunity attacks as she did so."
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "\"Been practicing.\"*Kaori responds with a grin beneath her mask as she managed to get a cheap shot at the Senri before getting hit with the javelin in return. She vaulted again, seeming quite agile and gave her a hard kick from behind as she readied up her sword.*"
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "\"Mhm, not bad at all.\" The oni plants her feet firmly onto the group, taking up a charging stance.\n\n\"Brace yourself.\" And then she charged forward."
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "*Kaori's swords clashed with Senri's as she charged into her. The Naga attempts to parry against her only to get hit with a hard in return. It seemed like this woman was going to let up so easily and the battle was beginning to tire Kaori. Her gaze flashed quickly to the edge of the bridge before she suddenly went back to attacking Senri. Getting one sword hit in, she nimbly moves around her.*\"Have a nice swim!\"*She says before proceeding kick her off the bridge.*"
"author": "Senri-no-Mikazuki",
"message": "\"Eh-\"\n\nAnd over the edge she went. Followed some seconds later by a large splash, a few smaller splashes, and then from below came booming laughter.\n\n\"Hahaha! Now that's what I'd call a good match!\""
"author": "Kaori Shino",
"message": "*Kaori was walking along the bridge, watching the woman splash about in the water. Her sword was still out, but more casual this time around.*\"Not so bad yourself.\"*She said as she went. Perhaps the Oni could have been a strong ally under different circumstances. For now though, Kaori returns to her job as she makes it to the other side.*"
] | 76 | 1,148 |
154.692308 | 1776-07-04 | GuildPublicThread | [
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "After returning from Jellendi, Sirdan spent some time to relax, and decided to invite the bnuuy of the group - Yuuka, whom he has never talked to despite quite possibly picking her up randomly to join the mercenary group. \n\nSirdan invited her to a mid-range restaurants with promise of food and drinks, he would be waiting outside the restaurant, wearing a set of casual shirt and pants, with a sword held on his belt."
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "After being invited out unexpectedly, Yuuka had just come as she was normally, though only her sheathed sword was at her hip, since carrying a gun around was probably a bad idea.\n\nOnce she arrived, Yuuka bowed to greet the Silnarian. \"Good afternoon, Sirdan. Sorry for the wait. Is this the restaurant?\""
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "Sirdan would nod, speaking back to her in Silnarian. \n\n\"Indeed! Come sit down, I hope you enjoy Mentian food. If not, we can pick another place to eat at next time.\" \n\nHe would present a seat for her, and then pulled up the menu,\"I'm inviting you since we haven't talked much since you joined our party. I'd like to know more about you and how you ended up here and proficient with a gun. And maybe I can tell you more about myself too.\" \n\n\"We can starts by ordering some soup dumplings.\""
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "It was a good thing that she spoke Silnarian. If servanthood had done her any good, it was teaching her the language.\n\n\"Mentian food? I'm sure it's good if you invited me to have it.\" \n\nShe followed Sirdan and took a seat as he presented the chair, but looked up curiously as he explained the purpose of their meeting. \"Oh, is that so? I suppose that I haven't talked much about it...\" \n\nAt the suggestion of dumplings, she gave a nod. \n\n\"I think that works. Um... What do you want to know about first, then?\" Aside from being open to the idea of sharing some details, the bunny seemed a little defensive with her tone. After all, she hadn't expected this, but more importantly, they barely talked up to that point, so she wondered how much she should be saying about everything."
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "Sirdan would be speaking back in Silnarian - his Silnarian is formal, a little bit stiff and full of Adoric words, a sign he's a somewhat fluent speaker of Adoric Silnarian but not the other dialects. \n\nThen he would order some food - it was delicious soup dupmplings served with ham, alongside delicious beef strongonaff and some pan-fried sausages. It was a very hearty meal. \n\n\"Hmm. I'd like to know how'd you end up as a mercenary in Kadho, and learning how to use an Arquebus. Arquebus was a relatively recent weapon after all - I've practised with bow, lance and magic all my life. So I'm curious.\""
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "Of course, her Silnarian wasn't *Quite* As good, but she was still fluent, and spoke very politely rather than formally like he did. \n\nSince he had ordered the dumplings, she was content to not add any other food to their table for now, instead just asking for an ale to drink.\n\n\"Eh, we're starting there? Mmm... Well... Because of some circumstances, I had ended up in, I was in Upper Mentia for some time, but I needed new work and wanted to separate myself from my past, so I went as far away as possible... When I was going toward Silnaria, I met a man who sold it to me. Before then, I was using a yari, a pike, to fight and make a little money, so... It was nice to have something with a little more range. I never really... Had too much time to practice with it, and that would have been expensive, but it didn't take long to get used to... And it's quite simple to use, despite how it seems. A-Ah, right. I never really knew where I was going too well, so I ended up following whatever work I could until I ended up in Kadho... Not mercenary work, but, doing whatever I could.\"\n\nHer response was a little sheepish, perhaps dodging a few things, but she believed her answer was extensive enough to fully answer his question."
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "The two would be served with delicious, thirst-quenching barley ale, with a slight tone of sweetness. Sirdan would start drinking some of them. \n\nThe dumplings would be served first, filled with a delicious filling of pork flavored with parsley and garlic, served in a light broth. \n\n\"Hmm...\" Sirdan tried to understand her backstory - well, she was in Upper Mentia for some reason, and then... Something... And then a gun was acquired. Sirdan's brows furrowed a bit, trying to comprehend her story. After a minute, his expressions softened. \n\n\"Ah. I suppose there's part about yourself you don't want to say anything about yet. That's fine. Perhaps after another battle or two we can open up our hearts to each other.\" *Sirdan nodded,*\"You're good with the Arquebus. Have you considered learning any otherthing to go with it? Perhaps fighting in close range?\""
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "Yuuka continued to speak as the food and drinks were served, though she quieted down or paused temporarily if she thought the servers could hear.\n\nOnce done, she began to nurse an ale while listening to what Sirdan had to say. Soon enough, she gave a thankful nod to him deciding not to dwell too deep, before putting down her cup and answering his next question.\n\n\"Well... I considered learning the sword, so I had one custom-made, and I considered learning the pike too, but... I'm not trained in either of them, so I haven't had the confidence to use them at all.\""
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "Sirdan started eating some of the dumplings, expecting Yuuka to do the same. The bunny must be starved for energy - he thought. \n\nSirdan held his hands together, taking in what Yuuka have said,\"Perhaps you could consider learning telekinesis - I can teach you the basics and you can develop it into a combat technique. It would enable you to be more versatile... And if not, carry an extra arquebus. Or shoot from behind cover.\" \n\nThen he waited for a moment,\"By the way, do you know Mentian well?\""
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "Yuuka took a moment before taking one of the dumplings and eating it herself. At least she wasn't mimicking Sirdan, since she only did so after she had finished speaking, and she soon enough went for a second. \n\nOnce she finished chewing them up, though, she gave Sirdan a curious head tilt. \"Telekinesis? Isn't that a magic, though? If you could teach me, though, I would be very grateful... B-But, I don't know any Mentian. Is that required somehow?\"\n\nThe question had come out of nowhere, so she wondered if there were some ritualistic chants needed."
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "Sirdan looked upon Yuuka with a bit of admiration, as if watching a baby speak for the first time as she ate the dumpling. He seemed genuinely happy. \n\n\"It is. I can teach you about Telekinesis. You can learn it to a minor degree easily without training and specializing in Arcane magic like I did.\" Sirdan then lifted a spoon without touching it,\"It can come in quite handy. At the most basic level you can expect to manipulate two objects remotely, like this.\" He started spinning the fork and spoon briefly, before one of the waiter looked at the spinning utensils and started blinking. Sirdan stopped. \n\n\"No, not really, but I've learned Mentian for trade and job purpose. I can start teaching you about it - and you will have plenty of chances to converse in Mentian anyhow... We can start with Army Mentian - a very simple vocabulary set used for war.\""
"author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi",
"message": "\"I see...\" She stopped altogether to listen to Sirdan explain, giving a few understanding nods along the way, and even was in awe at how he made the utensils move. \"Thats amazing... I-I really would appreciate if you would teach me, somehow...\"\n\nThey picked up another dumpling and quickly it disappeared into her mouth, but as he now offered to teach Mentian, she gave an ecstatic nod.\n\n\"C-Could you?! It's great if you don't need Mentian for telekinesis, but... I-I'm sure it'd be great to know as well. What do you want in return?\"\n\n*How much did tutoring cost here, anyway?*"
"author": "Sirdan",
"message": "\"Sure. If you are proficient in Arcana magic, or had some kind of... Connectios to the Arcane. I'd be glad to teach you. If you wanted to learn about Divine Magic though, you'll have to ask Cuo or her spirits about that.\" \n\n*He chuckled and leaned forward, almost extending a hand to pat her ears, but stopped at the last moment.* \n\n\"Hmm. Well, I'll teach you Mentian for as long as we're fighting together for free. Afterward... We'll see. Maybe I can hire you as a retainer in my retinue.\" *He chuckled,*\"I've heard about firearms and how devastating they are. Someone to drill my men in using them might prove useful in the future.\" \n\n\"Alright. Let's start with those words... Hi... Hello..\" *Sirdan said, instructing her in how to read Mentian alphabet,*\"Do you know Silnarian?\""
] | 138 | 2,011 |
125.102564 | 1776-07-04 | GuildPublicThread | [
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo was on the balcony, swinging her legs back and forth. Not the chair on the balcony; the balcony railing. One wrong move and she could plummet to an unfortunate fall. But she seemed at ease, watching the stars above. At least, that's what it seemed like. Since Sirdan and Myhan were talking about something called 'politics', she was left with time to think, something that she didn't particularly like doing. Alone with her thoughts, they began to pester at her. Was she good enough? She barely contributed last quest, when Sirdan and Myhan were absolutely obliterating the competition. Sirdan was attracted to Sol, the nun, first, and then Garuda had to butt in and take some of the elf for herself. Maybe she didn't belong here? Maybe the other two were just more attractive, and she should just stay on the sidelines.*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "Had she come up via the stairs? Scaled the adjacent wall using the building nearby, or simply hopped down from the rooftop? Either way, Sol had found a way to access that very balcony that Cuo was hanging out at, and her movements were light — enough to tell that she was deliberately trying to be quiet.\n\nShe would wait until she'd moved to within arm's length.\n\n\"Penny for your thoughts?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"WHAA-!\"\n\n*Cuo nearly jumped off the balcony railing in shock, barely catching herself as she quickly adjusted her balance. She hadn't heard Sol at all-where did she come from?*\n\n\"Oh, uh, hi Sol! What are you doing up here?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "The answer to that would be a disinterested shrug.\n\n\"I got bored of hearing them talk, so I went out for a walk, and here I am. But that's not important - you didn't injure yourself, did you?\"\n\nShe would use that as a pretense to approach Cuo, reaching out with one hand to flick some imaginary dust off the girl's shoulder. Then a teasing smile crosses her lips.\n\n\"Stargazing, of course. Is that strange?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Oh, of that? Yeah, I don't understand a word of it. Doesn't matter for me, I'm not from here anyway. Hm? No, I'm fine.\"\n\n*Regardless if she was injured or not, that was her answer. She looked as the lizard nun flicked some dust off her shoulder; had she been careless again.*\n\n\"Oh, thanks!\"\n\n*Looking up at the stars, Cuo began to think for a moment before answering.*\n\n\"Maybe, but I like it. I like to imagine that my parents are up there, watching over me.\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Oh, my.\"\n\n*Who continues a conversation like that? I just sat down.*\n\nThe priestess's smile faltered for the briefest of seconds before stabilizing once more.\n\n\"Well, until there is evidence proving that they aren't, it's fair to say that they are.\" So too does she look skyward, humming quietly. \"Do you miss them?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Well, uh, I, ah-I never met them. I'm... An orphan.\"\n\n*Cuo lets out a sigh as she leans back, resting her hands on the railing. She wanted to say more, but she didn't want to trauma dump on Sol.*\n\n\"So uh, what about you? What do you think they are?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"I see.\"\n\nThe priestess observed the girl that sat beside her, then back towards the dots in the sky as the question was posed. What she thought the stars were.\n\n\"...It's difficult to say. Regardless of what happens across the lands, they remain the same. Undoubtedly much has changed since this city itself was first built - perhaps even this country itself, for that matter, but the stars above will always adorn the night sky; beautiful to look at, but providing neither the light to guide one's way or the warmth to press on... To me, they are silent listeners, no more.\"\n\nShe turns to regard Cuo.\n\n\"Which brings me back, once again, to the start; what's on your mind?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Aw, but that's a bit boring, isn't it?\"\n\n*Cuo reached up with a hand, letting the night sky filter through her fingers.*\n\n\"....Just, about the most recent quest. And Sirdan. And Garuda. And that cat lady with the floating knives. I feel like I didn't do anything. I just hit a few people and that's it. Meanwhile, Sirdan and Myhan did all the work...\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"It comes with the package, when one takes on the role of clergy. We are not known for being entertaining.\" Sol offered a lightly amused smile that quickly developed into a deeper one, as she reached over with one arm and patted Cuo on the head, ruffling her hair.\n\n\"That is to be expected. Age-wise, they've all had more time to develop themselves. I'd expect Sirdan to be about a decade older than you, give or take, and Myhan's in his *Two-hundreds*. When you stick around that long some things come to you naturally, and combat is usually one of those.\"\n\nThe priestess covered her mouth and giggled lightly.\n\n\"If anything, I should be ashamed for being older than Sirdan and yet underperforming in comparison. But it's not a competition to see who can kill the most, even if we are at war. The way I see it, you gave it your best shot, and no one can reasonably fault you for that.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"I-I guess, yeah.\"\n\n*Cuo shrunk down sheepishly as Sol ruffled her hair, enjoying the pats. Sol was right; she couldn't possibly compare to them, especially a Titan with golden armor riding on a massive horse and cutting people in half with a sword. Not even Garuda could hold up to that.*\n\n\"Wait, Myhan's that old? So he's more than 10 times older than I am... Almost 13 times...\"\n\n*She knew Myhan was old, but she couldn't imagine him being 250. He should be bare bones-no, dust by now!*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"See?\" She chuckled. \"It's a lot simpler once you take a few moments to contemplate things. Once you find the right perspective, there's almost nothing that can't be explained.\"\n\nThe priestess sighed, looking at the distant buildings.\n\n\"Honestly, adult or otherwise, it is hardly an ideal state of affairs to be dragged into a war. Too much tomfoolery going on in the background, not to mention it drawing out the worst in some people. Conflict didn't change those people; it just gave them an excuse to expose their ugliest selves and be paid for it.\"\n\n*Like me.*\n\nAnd then she gently pulled Cuo into an embrace, taking much care to avoid letting the other girl see her face and continuing to ruffle her hair. If her tone was any softer, she'd be whispering.\n\n\"That's why, if you face similar dilemmas in future, don't hesitate to look for me. I may not always be able to alleviate your concerns, but I will always be here to provide a listening ear—for that's what a priestess does.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Sol may have been right about most people, but strangely, Cuo felt fine when she wasn't at too much risk of death. The withered, bloody, burned, or frozen corpses; it didn't bother her. Nor did the screams. In fact, she found it satisfying when she was helping out. It was the enemy, after all, and her enemies didn't warrant any humanity. Perhaps it was the ugly part of her, but she just didn't realize it yet.*\n\n\"War doesn't feel that bad. Though it's a little scary at times.\"\n\n*Cuo closed her eyes as she was embraced, and she leaned in, feeling the reptilian's arms around her. Hugs were always comforting.*\n\n\"I can ask you for anything?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"A resilient child you are. A rare silver lining in these times, all things considered.\"\n\n*Either that, or a broken one.*\n\nWithout letting her inner thoughts leak out, the priestess chuckled once more as she felt the unspoken reciprocation.\n\n\"Of course. That said, there are things I am physically incapable of doing - such as cleaving an enemy in twain with a single strike, like Myhan. But something like right now? You can ask me anytime.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Resilient?\"\n\n*Cuo didn't find it hard at all to deal with the constant death. She would hardly call herself resilient. Regardless, she enjoyed the compliment.*\n\n\"I don't think anyone can match the sweaty elephant. Oh! That's wht Garuda calls him. Don't tell him I said that, ok?\"\n\n*The mage snuggled up next to the reptilian. It was hard to imagine her as a lizard; right now, she was feeling just like what a mom should be.*\n\n\"Okie.\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Aye. You may not think it, but it is situations like these - where one is exposed to conflicting ideals - that sticking to one's own ideals is important. And being able to do so is resilience.\"\n\n*On the other hand, should you lose your footing and sink... Something entirely different may resurface.*\n\nOnce again, Sol resisted the urge to voice her thoughts, instead lightly bopping the girl on the nose as she laughed quietly.\n\n\"I am curious about how that nickname came to pass, but very well, that will be our secret.\"\n\nIt was getting progressively more difficult for the priestess to curb a wide ear-to-ear grin (which would not have been beneficial to her) and thus her thoughts quickly turned to something else.\n\n\"Shall I play some music?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo thought about it long and hard, before finally answering with* \"Ideals. My ideals are just enjoying life. That's it.\"\n\n*Cuo giggled as Sol bopped her on the nose, oblivious to the malicious thoughts hiding behind the mask of Sol's face.*\n\n\"It was Garuda's idea. Music? Do you have an instrument on you?\"\n\n*Cuo felt around Sol's back to see if she was secretly hiding something.*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Mhm. In that case you'll do just fine.\"\n\nSol did not elaborate on what exactly would be 'just fine'. Perhaps even the priestess herself did not know at the moment.\n\n\"Yes... And no. I do have an instrument right now, but it's not exactly on me. And no, it's not there.\"\n\nShe winked — and out of her sleeve dropped a small lyre, wrought of ironwood and decorated simply, which she managed to hook with one finger.\n\n\"I would play the lute, but due to circumstances, this one will have to do.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Ooh! How did you do that?\"\n\n*Garuda mentally rolled her eyes, staying silent the entire time. Cuo, on the other hand had her eyes and mouth open in surprise.*\n\n\"What's a lute?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Whatever do you mean?\"\n\nThe priestess allowed herself a smug grin before reaching over Cuo's shoulder with one hand.\n\n\"It was there all along. Just like how this lute, too, was behind you all along.\"\n\nWhen she drew her hand back, both of them would be able to see that she was grasping a lute, also of similar make to the lyre.\n\n\"That said, I can't really play two instruments at once, so I'll have to use a little magic.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Ooh, that's a lute-where did that one come from?\"\n\n*Cuo looked back and forth, trying to figure out just where Sol had fit those instruments in that dress of hers. No way it was in her sleeves; she would have felt them in the hugs. Was there a magic that could summon musical instruments?*\n\n\"So, what are you going to play?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"It's late out, so I'll refrain from anything with singing. Something to ease listeners into a rich slumber... Mhm, I got it.\"\n\nHaving picked up the lute, a strand of light issues from Sol's hand and burrowed into the lyre, which proceeded to float up and hover over her shoulder, cast in a soft glow. She'd temporarily imbued it with sentience with [Dancing Tool].\n\n*Follow my lead.*\n\nTaking a deep breath, Sol strummed each string of the lute individually in turn.\n\nThen she started playing."
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo looked to the pair of instruments with interest, then wobbled back and forth as Sol began to play. She hummed like a bird along with the music, clearly relaxed.*\n\n\"Do all priestesses play music?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"...I'm afraid not. Most of them know how to sing, yes, but that is part and parcel of being clergy.\"\n\nThe previous tune had began winding down to its last notes, and thus did the priestess gesture to the self-playing lyre who, after a few seconds, made the transition to the next piece.\n\n\n\nIt was a peaceful piece as before, but as Sol joined in with the lute, a single tear escapes her left eye, trailing slowly down her cheek until it'd reached her smile. The priestess did not seem to notice it."
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo kept listening to the music, listening to the wonderful notes playing. She was clearly happy, swaying back and forth to the strumming. She was glad she listened to Garuda's suggestion. War was not a place she initially thought she would fun in, but so far she had gotten loads of money, good food to eat, a hot elf who would [REDACTED], and now listen to beautiful music.*\n\n\"It's so beautiful... Sol, are you crying?\"\n\n*The priestess who had never shown emotion now had a tear escaping her eye. Cuo reached up to wipe it off, smiling.*\n\n\"Your music is beautiful... You're making yourself cry!\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Oh, my...\"\n\nThe priestess imbued the lute too with temporary sentience, leaving both instruments to hover and continue playing while she herself reached for her own face, tracing the tear's path with a finger.\n\n\"I was told as much when I first acquired the score, but I didn't think it too be true.\"\n\n*Because it isn't.*\n\n\"Perhaps, if I were to play its associated scores... Would it draw yet more than this?\"\n\n*...No, it won't.*\n\nSol reached into her sleeves once more, and when she withdrew her hands a final time, what showed was a simple, undecorated wooden flute. Unlike the previous two instruments, this one bore marks of age and was blackened in several areas.\n\nAlmost hesitantly, Sol lifted the flute to her lips, and the tune changed for the last time-\n\n\n\n-And it immediately became apparent to any listener that while it was played with equal expertise as the previous two, there was something so... Lifeless... About it."
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"I want to hear more!\n\n*The pretty words flew in one ear and out the other, Cuo too distracted by the combination of the nun and the music to notice. The tune was entrancing, Cuo feeling a new tension in the air, like a wood nymph playing in the forest. Yet Sol's playing held this strange animosity.*\n\n*Like Garuda. Wise and powerful, and on the surface, seemed like a friend. But Cuo didn't know her true intentions. Why her? Why was she offered power?*\n\n*Cuo looked to Sol, wondering why this tune was so much so like a pretty corpse dressed up for a funeral.*\n\n\"The flute... It looks like it's been through a lot. Are you the same, Sol?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "The lyre was first to vanish into motes of light, dissipating in the night sky. Then followed the lute, and in doing so took the sound of the accompanying beats with them - leaving the flute's tune on its lonesome. Just like that night almost twenty years ago.\n\nSol wrestled briefly with the notion of whether to tell a truth or a lie, and ultimately decided—\n\n\"...At my age, there aren't many that haven't.\" The priestess revealed a rare expression—a thin, fatigued smile, as though her years had caught up to her in that singular moment. \"But I suppose you could say that.\"\n\nThe tune came to a close and she stopped playing, but continued staring at the flute clutched in her hands."
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Your age?\"\n\n*For a moment, Cuo wondered what Sol could mean. She didn't look any older than Sirdan; she reckoned he was maybe 10 years older than she was. Myhan, who was 250, was very evidently much older.*\n\n*But then, she noticed a change in expression. Something that pointed towards Sol experiencing quite a lot in her life. Maybe she wasn't old; just lived a bad life.*\n\n*But she would ask a question, just to be sure.*\n\n\"Sol... Are you a grandma?\"\n\n*Cuo looked to Sol with a genuinely curious yet concerned expression.*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"What? That's...\"\n\nThe priestess flinched, turning away from her flute to stare at Cuo. \n\n*...I haven't actually revealed my true age before, have I?*\n\nThe middle-aged priestess quickly decided to engage in a mild bit of tomfoolery.\n\n\"Well, I wonder?\" With a smile, she leaned closer and gently scratched Cuo under the chin, not unlikely how one might a cat.\n\n\"Do I seem grandmotherly to you, Cuo?\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo flinched to Sol flinching, moving away like a cat that was startled. Her expression seemed tense, though quickly relaxed and melted into Sol's hand as she scratched her chin.*\n\n\"You seem more like a mom to me. Grandmas look older, and they give kids snacks. Like Myhan. Though I guess he's a grandpa. Moms tell stories and sing songs. Though, this is all I've heard. I've never had a mom. Or grandma for that matter.\"\n\n*She would snuggle into the chin scratches; for a moment, she definitely looked like a cat kemonomimi enjoying chin scratches.*\n\nHow old *Are* You, Sol?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"A mom, huh.\" The reply came almost absentmindedly, the priestess continuing with the chin scratches somewhat mechanically, lost in thought.\n\n*It's not that bad, all things considered.*\n\nA tinge of sympathy ran down her spine—followed by a tinge of annoyance when she realized what the former was. Neither showed on her face as she instead fixated on the question.\n\n\"Well, if you must know—I'm older than Sirdan, but much younger than Myhan. But I couldn't tell you the exact number if I wanted—it's been a while since I kept track of such things.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Yeah! You're nice, calm, and mysterious. ....And big.\"\n\n*Cuo didn't allude to what she meant, but her eyes wandered down a bit before going back to looking at Sol directly.*\n\n\"That's not very specific. Sirdan's maybe 10 years older than I am. Any more than that and he'd be a creep.\"\n\n*Though, maybe Sirdan was a creep? He was hot though, and treated her well, so she didn't care.*\n\n\"And Myhan is 250! I'm 19, so Sirdan's probably 29. That means *You* Could be anywhere from 30 to over 100! That's grandma territory!\"\n\n*Cuo seemed to be proud of herself with her completely ordinary, if not elementary, deduction.*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Pffffft...\"\n\nIn spite of herself, Sol laughed upon hearing that jab towards Sirdan; a laugh that only grew after hearing the remark of ages 30 and beyond being the age of grandmothers.\n\n\"Goodness me. Won't that make Sirdan a grandfather in a year or so as well? He might have a heart attack if you address him as such. Still.\"\n\nHer cheerful demeanor eases up slightly, giving way to a somewhat serious expression as the priestess once again embraced Cuo, this time however leaving each distance for them to look at each other face-to-face.\n\n\"As a potential grandma, I am obliged to remind you to be careful about who you put your trust in, and that includes me. It warms my heart to see you so relaxed around me, but there's no shortage of people out there who'd have no qualms taking advantage of that.\" At this she smiles, somewhat sadly. \"Trust is a two-way street. Don't give yours to someone that's done little to be worthy of it.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Ooh, I want try that and see his face-!\"\n\n*Cuo joined Sol in the laughter, leaning back and holding on to the railing using her legs as she found herself laughing uncontrollably and joyfully.*\n\n*How long had it been since she full on laughed? She had giggled upon Sirdan being called Siracha, but laughed? No, that was long, long ago...*\n\n\"Trust? Oh, right. It's just that you've all been so nice too me. Except the bunny but she's nowhere to be found. But I really like being here. With you guys. If anyone tries to do that to me... What's that word?\"\n\n*Cuo thought for a moment before raising a single index finger. It glowed and hummed with dark magic, threatening the very soul of anyone who touched it. For a brief moment, Cuo was not some silly orphan girl who was laughing. In her expression was that of someone full of malice, who took glee in hearing screams of pain of those who she despised. Her eyes were full of something unnatural, that no human could possess.*\n\n**\"I'll kill them, just like the others who wronged me.\"**\n\n*And in an instant, she reverted back to the normal teenage girl than she was. If a traumatized orphan like her could be considered normal.*\n\n\"I know I'm not the best at seeing people's intentions, but that's ok! Garuda can help me! I hope. Or you! Or Sirdan! Or even Myhan!\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Mhm, I see.\"\n\nIt was a good thing that her default expression was a poker face. Sol gently took one of Cuo's hands in her own, pressing their palms together as she took on the praying posture of a priestess — a good while since she'd done as such.\n\n\"May the God of the Earth bestow his blessings upon you, keeping your path forever unhindered.\"\n\n*That said, there aren't any divine magic spells for this purpose.*\n\n\"May your encounters be always triumphant...\"\n\n*Divine magic doesn't cover this one, either.*\n\n\"...And your discoveries always bountiful.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "\"Ooh, a blessing?\"\n\n*Cuo closed her eyes, letting the priestess recite her words. Truth be told, she could have used them when she was born, but having them now wouldn't be bad. Maybe she could look forward to enjoying her life.*\n\n\"I hope they are.\"\n\n*Cuo didn't understand a lot of the words Sol said, but she assumed they meant good things.*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"I'm sure they will be.\"\n\nAnd Sol would continue sitting there in silence, clasping one of Cuo's hands, casting her gaze up at the stars. Eventually, she yawned.\n\n\"Looks like it's time for this grandma to turn in for the night.\" Another chuckle. \"Don't stay up too late, Cuo. Things will probably get busier soon enough.\""
"author": "Cuo Xiao Lu",
"message": "*Cuo seemed to almost doze off to sleep with her eyes closed, before Sol woke her up with her yawning.*\n\n\"Grandma Sol. Ok. I'll go to sleep then. Good night!\"\n\n*Cuo did a backflip, almost fell, then went to bed without a word.*"
] | 117 | 4,879 |
155.190476 | 1776-07-04 | GuildPublicThread | [
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Separate Thread Start"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "There were days when the weight wasn't all that heavy. The days of her childhood, from before she discovered her magical tendencies, still darting around the fields chasing after the younger ones — the weight hadn't existed then. It had silently slipped into her life when she'd moved out of the old house, living by herself in seminary, growing with every passing year. It'd more than tripled overnight on her return, ever accumulating, and it was only during the nights that she got blackout drunk that it got much lighter. Of course, those occasions had been fleeting in comparison.\n\nThat morning proved more burdensome than most.\n\n\"Oh, dear. This won't do at all.\"\n\nWearing a rare look of vexation, Sol stared at the article lying on the desk. It was a plain looking drawstring pouch about the size of her fist, and right now it was so full that it could not possibly accommodate a coin more.\n\n\"Ahhh, and to think I've just made a large purchase recently... What should I do? It's too early in the day to hit up any taverns...\"\n\nIt was thirty minutes later before the priestess could be spotted strolling along one of the busier streets around, inspecting every single piece of ware intently before moving on to the next stall.\n\nShe had yet to find something that was a) easy to carry around, b) expensive enough and c) had at least *Some* Practical value for herself."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Elsewhere in the streets, a titanic figure was idly strolling, with a relaxed expression upon his face, as he peeked a look at the various stalls. While usually he would only be on the streets to put his hand to the heart of the city's rumours and concerns, even a tirelessly working man like him needed a breather from time to time.\n\nSo here he was, lazily window-shopping instead of doing anything of actual merit- not that the concept of a glass shop-front was even a thing yet.\n\nHis height came in quite handy here, allowing him to take a peek at the various stalls without needing to push through the crowds for a the closer look, and also causing the tides of people in the streets to pre-emptively give him the right of way to avoid being bowled over by accident. The person that could win against an old titan in a match of strength was an exceptional one, after all- not that he would be rude enough to deliberately push into someone's way himself, barring exceptional circumstance.\n\nAnyhow, his figure was quite obvious in the crowd for anyway that looked up, sticking out like a tree amongst a sea of shrubs. Currently he was standing in front of a stall selling curios and trinkets of sort with a considering look."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "Indeed, when one towered above the crowd in a display of height, they were bound to stand out. Just as the beacon from a lighthouse was wont to draw the attention of the creatures lurking beneath the surface. And for some of the more inquisitive creatures, making their way through the waves as they approached.\n\nThe priestess did not push. There was no need for her to do so, having made her unhurried way over. The little pockets of space between mingling bodies were sufficient for her to slip through, and slip through she did, step by step, until—\n\n\"Find anything good?\"\n\nStanding to his right, she casually leaned to take a closer look at one of the hanging pieces."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "The stone- a simple stone, was the platonic emanation of immutability of the nature world. Not lion's claw, nor bear's paw could leave nary a mark upon it's skin. And whence their descendants have passed, the stone stands alone, unfettered.\n\nIt was a simplification, but as rocks among nature, so titans amongst man. Living, towering, walking stones who lived long and lasted long. \n\nBut nothing short of gold was truly perfect matter, and all could be brought low by the forces of the world. If to stone, rivers, then to Myhan...\n\nHe first blinked in awareness. Then a tingle rolled down his spine in realisation. His back shivered in denial...\n\nAnd finally, in acceptance, he sighed and answered the comparatively dimunitive priest whose presence was enough to cow him, without turning \"...Not really. I suppose finding you here is surprising though. In fact, I must admit that you are the last person I expected to see here. \""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "Sol considered the response she'd been given, all the while not moving in the slightest, her posture held at the very moment she'd neared to inspect the trinket. Then, as if satisfied, she straightened her back and turned her head in Myhan's direction.\n\n\"Oh? And why is that so, pray tell?\"\n\nThe priestess smiles.\n\nHer pale irises were absent, hidden behind shut eyelids, but something about her expression suggested that she was looking right at him. She would hold that face for a few more seconds before breaking into a light chuckle, eyes opened once more in amusement.\n\n\"I suppose it's not everyday that you see clergy shopping in their priestly wear.\" Another quiet chuckle. \"Though you certainly have just given me a good idea.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan shrugged, slightly unnerved by the way she stalled and move on a dime, and the way it felt her gaze was boring into his flesh even when behind her eyelids.\n\nNot to mention that damn smile. That damn smile, followed by that chuckle.\n\n\"It is quite unconventional, though in honesty I don't know much about what you like to do in your free time in the first place.\" The titan admitted honestly, before a forboding tingle ran up his spine again with her last line.\n\n\"And now I turn the question back to you- what idea, pray tell?\" He asked with a false calm."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"That does indeed check out. And seeing as we're likely to continue working together for the foreseeable future, it could be beneficial to know a little more about each other, beyond the basics.\"\n\n*Fufufu.* The priestess laughed quietly into her sleeve, evidently enjoying herself.\n\n\"Why, shopping for clothing of course. Though I am unfamilar with local fashion, so I could really use the assistance of an impartial observer.\"\n\nShe didn't follow up with any question, but with how intently she was staring, there probably wasn't a need to."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan angled slightly away from the line of fire of Sol's incandescent gaze, avoiding meeting her burning pyrite pupils with his own head on.\n\nHe wasn't really enjoying this nearly as much as the Priestess did, but she wasn't wrong... Besides, he didn't have much of an excuse to take his leave in a manner befitting of a Kadhoki Baron, and...\n\n*This could be a good time to get a better grasp of the character of this woman.* He grudgingly admitted. *Picking out clothes is not the worst activity to get stuck with that woman on, anyhow. What could go wrong?*\n\n\"Well..\" He mused, pretending to scrutinise the trinkets to play off him turning away from her. \"I am certainly no fashionista... But I suppose I can give my humble opinions.\" He decided. \"Just be sure to take it with a pinchful of salt.\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"That's already plenty.\" She nodded with a smile. \"Much more reliable than shop assistants, according to whom nearly every article of clothing on the shelves would look good on the customers somehow.\"\n\nThe priestess heaved a small sigh, hesitating somewhat whilst holding a rather crudely carved reddish trinket. After a few moments, she ended up putting it back.\n\n\"I was told that there was a shop specializing in luxurious clothes somewhere on this street, though I have yet to find it.\" The little traces of wistfulness faded away, making way for the usual smile that never reached the eyes. \"Would you happen to know of its location, Sir Myhan?\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan did chuckle at that. \"Well, either everything looks good on you with the right angle and attitude, or they aren't running a shop at all.\"\n\nMyhan traces her gaze, eyeing the shoddy street trinket until she places it back.\n\n\"Luxurious clothes?\" Myhan raises an eyebrow, before scrutinizing her attire from toe to head. It was of decent quality for clerical clothes, but not much else, really. \"Now I can confidently say you don't look nor act the type, and I do mean that with sincere praise.\"\n\nIndeed, Sol had her eccentricities, but she was certainly not one to live extravagently. In fact the most she spent was on providing accommodations to the men, which he could not really fault her for despite any amount of paranoia.\n \nThe baron seems to muse for a bit before shaking his head. \"Well, far be it for me to cast stones, lest I make myself a hypocrite. Nothing wrong with a bit of finery- the quality of fabric and work does make a substantial difference in comfort than anything, especially when you also need one skilled enough to cater for larger races even in places where they are a minority. Though...\"\n\nThe titan frowned. \"If you were to ask me, I admit, I haven't had the need to commission clothes around here so far- I've gotten used to making a few sets last as long as they can without replacement- commissioning new clothes is a pain, I'm sure you figure. So I cannot speak to the quality nor exact location of the shop. Still, I think I've passed it before. If you don't mind a bit of meandering, Miss Sol, I should be able to lead you to the rough whereabouts of your destination in a short jiffy.\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"My, my. I'll end up with a swelled ego if you flatter me so, you know.\" Yet the laughter that followed was wholly gentle, if somewhat short-lived; the teasing note quickly slipped back in. \"Alas, I am not yet mature enough to escape the feeling of wanting to behave like a young girl every so often, so to speak.\"\n\nShe nodded easily to the prospect of looking around until they found the place.\n\n\"That's more than fine. In the first place, I am the one imposing on you, so for that...\"\n\nShe dipped her head slightly, lifting both sides of her robes in a curtsey, albeit somewhat stiffly.\n\n\"I'll be in your care, Sir Myhan~☆\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan had taken many, many hits over the centuries. Swords versus skin, spears versus tendons, hammers against ribcage. Just recently, near singlehandedly holding back a number of the finest warriors in Ramul Ta along had nearly led him to his demise, had he not managed to land the final hit on Adelmar, but even then, in the face of certain death and losing it all. He had stood firm for the sake of the men and women that stood behind him.\n\nRight now, watching Sol curtsy towards him, he wonder if it was too late to get struck down by their hammers.\n\nSuppressing the urge to develop spotaneous internal bleeding. Bowing with the form of a perfect gentleman, he stated as seriously as he could. \"It would be my honour, miss Sol.\"\n\n...Okay, damnit. That *Was* Pretty funny. The corner of his lips curled up involuntarily. Shit.\n\nHe had to admit, it had been ages since he had acted like a young, vigorous gentleman and it did make him feel younger. Unfortunately, that also meant admitting that he shared Sol's sentiment of acting young once in a while, and another infinitesimal part of his soul shrivelled up like Adelmar's face.\n\nCoughing slightly to himself to take his mind off things, he turned towards the rough direction of where they needed to go. \"Right, I shall be leading the way then- just stick close to me.\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "And stick close to Myhan Sol did - almost uncomfortably so, in fact, that it seemed as though the notion of 'personal space' didn't exist to her at all; the fact that she always made sure to stay juuuuust out of that distance, however, should have more than indicated that she knew exactly what she was doing and didn't really care otherwise. They'd gone a little ways in before the priestess, whether out of genuine curiosity or simply finding a way to pass the time, spoke up.\n\n\"From what I've heard, you and sir Sirdan seem to go back pretty far. And Salvainia seems to have it out for both of you quite a bit—what's the story behind that? Another situation like the recent siege? If you don't mind me asking, that is.\"\n\nPutting aside the fact that she'd already gone ahead and done so, that is."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Almost uncomfortably? \n\nMyhan *Was* Discomforted, make no mistake. Despite the fact that the priestess was merely half his height (though she would indeed be considered tall among the locals), her breath bore down his back like that of a towering Fire Dragon. And he knew first hand what that felt like.\n\nAnd thus, the gigantic veteran could only silently endure the proximity of her presence, which drained any energy he may have mustered to make small talk with the priestess. Was she a Sanguinist? \n\nFortunately, she seemed content with the companionable silence. Well, until she wasn't.\n\nMyhan blinked and turned as he registered the question... Which was actually a fairly reasonable one to make about one's co-workers really, especially considering the situation.\n\n\"Hmm...\" Myhan mulled over what to say, before slowly opening his mouth. \"Well, for a start- how much do you know about the Kadho Crisis?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Hmm, the name does ring a bell.\" Lightly biting her lips, Sol tried to recall the happenings from quite a while ago.\n\n\"...I believe there was word that the previous chancellor was assassinated? By... Orders of the Salvanian emperor?\" The rare uncertainty tinted her words - even though the news had reached Silnaria, the priestess had a passing interest on the matter at most and had not paid as much attention. \"I heard it ultimately ended in a war which Kadho won. That's about how much I know.\"\n\nOf course, now that she recalled as much, the priestess had put two and two together for a possible four, but given that there was a high likelihood that her conversation partner had been quite involved in the matter, she might as well wait for him to either confirm or deny her internal conjectures. So she simply just shrugged and waited."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "\"You have the broad strokes of it.\" Myhan acknowledged. \n\n\"To answer both questions, Sirdan and I were captains of mercenary parties that sought to unravel the conspiracy embroiling at the time, which indeed so happened to be by Salvainia's hand- and they had a lot of plans and even contingencies in place, which we had a part in dismantling and thwarting at every turn. We even partook in the war at the very end from the very front. To say that Salvainia has it out for us would be a slight understatement, really.\"\n\nMyhan laughed with good mirth, slightly downplaying the fact that the republic likely would not have survived were it not for them and tactfully omitting his past as a Salvainian courtier.\n\n\"Anyhow, while Sirdan and I didn't work together directly, we often exchanged information in coffee houses between tasks and hit it off quite well. After the fact, we assisted the Margrave in his bid for chancellorship, which he won summarily. Then, for our merit in service of the republic and aiding his ascension to the Chancellorship, he rewarded us with fiefdoms that so happened to be a stone's throw away from each other, and the rest is history. As all good neighbours do, I scratch his back, and he scratches mine. Simple as that.\" Myhan ended fondly."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Wao.\"\n\nThat was it. A very undignified expression of surprise, slipping out from the usual dignified demeanor. She had guessed as much regarding their involvement, but the extent of it was just... Small wonder the relationship went quite poorly, really. Nonetheless, Sol didn't have any particular burning love for Salvania, and so her curiosity about the topic remained just that - curiosity.\n\n\"Both of you are interesting indeed - managing a fiefdom sounds like too much work, what with all the administrative matters and whatnot. Is that why your hair got so white?\" She lightly teased at the end."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan couldn't help but snort slightly at Sol's utterly underwhelming response, and proceeding teasing, shaking his head.\n\n\"Well, it hasn't gone any whiter than it already was, so hard to tell. Might be losing a bit of hair from it, however. On the contrary, how about your hair, hmm?\" The titan japed back, any trepidition temporarily set aside."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"My hair?\" The priestess tilted her head, evidently having forgotten that her own crown was about as pale as they came until she was reminded.\n\n\"Ah! Oh, my... Now that you mention it, I think I'm the only one in my family that's like this. I wonder why...\" She clasped a handful of her own hair, staring at it with newfound interest."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan blinked again. \n\n\"...Have you never thought about it?\" The titan asked in a deadpan tone of clear disbelief."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"No, not really. It's not as if having white hair would make crops grow faster.\" The priestess toyed with her strands, recollecting decades-old memories to ensure that she was correct. \"My siblings were all blonde, as were my parents... Hmm.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan put a finger to his chin.\n\nThere were a number of explanations for that available. The most likely one was that it was simply a natural, rare permutation of the blonde hair of her parents that was. He had heard of cases of albinism, and while this was not quite the same it would be close enough. Or perhaps it was a rarer trait in her family line and she just happened to be the only one to manifest it this generation.\n\nThere were more outlandish theories like being touched by a spirit, being adopted or being born out of wedlock... But those ranged from silly to downright rude to even suggest.\n\nInstead, he settled for starting simple. \"Hmm... Has your family said anything about it before, then?\"\n\nThe prospect of Sol having a family, and even siblings was an interesting one, alright, considering her nature. But he supposed even people as strange as her were still born of flesh and bone, in the end."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Not particularly...\" It had been nearly twenty years, and with her innate indifference a lot of memories from her childhood had been forgotten, lost to the passage of time. Leaving Anushken at the age of fifteen, her first run in with magic at the age of twelve...\n\n*Why do you insist on helping me to dry my hair every time?* A ten-year old Sol had questioned her eight-year old sister.\n\n*Because big sister's hair is a treasure! Papa said so!* Had been the reply. At least, she felt that it had been something like that. But Sol had no memory of her father ever telling her such a thing, so it'd been put aside and forgotten after a while.\n\n\"Mhm, it doesn't really matter, I guess.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Seeing her almost indifferent response, Myhan realised that it was probably a fool's errand to piece together any clues regarding the strange pigmentation of her hair as is.\n\nHe sighed, any enthusiasm for figuring out a small mystery stymied. \"Well, I suppose that's true then.\" \n\nAnd with that, he pressed the topic no more. The air became quite a bit awkward thereafter with fuel to keep the conversation going."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "The priestess was not perturbed by the lack of conversation. The earlier discussion about her hair had set off a chain of other thoughts, and other than the attention needed to follow Myhan, she had her fingers on her chin, brooding over a few other things. Of course, given that she voiced out none of it, it would be basically impossible for another to try and follow her train of thought.\n\n\"Mhmm...\" Without really meaning to, she was musing aloud. \"Perhaps I should get married soon...\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan paused again, turning back with an even more incredulous look for a brief second before quickly remembering to square it away with a neutral expression, pretending that he hadn't heard clearly what she had said and definitely did not lose his composture. No siree.\n\n\"Sorry, did you say something? I didn't seem to catch that just now.\" Myhan *Asked calmly*."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "Distracted as she was, the look of incredulity went undetected by the priestess, who only paid more attention after she was addressed.\n\n\"What? Oh, I was just thinking aloud, nothing to worry about.\" Sol shrugged, not seeming very bothered about whether her thoughts had been heard or not. \"Apparently, there's this fashion called gothic lolita that's been popular lately. I wonder if it'll suit me.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "For his sanity, Myhan decided not to pry deeper than he'd already heard. Coughing, Myhan simply followed along with whatever newfangled topic Sol was going upon.\n\n\"I'm no fashionista, and everything that's been going on I've been quite out of touch with the latest trends.\" The old titan admitted. \"What is that all about, anyway?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"I'm not quite sure myself. Apparently, it's mostly darker colors with lots of frills and ribbons. Perhaps the store assistants would be able to direct us to such pieces.\" That was also a piece of information she learned from a conversation in passing, and as to be expected of Sol, she had nodded at the time and promptly forgotten it after.\n\n\"Apparently, there's even a unique style of laughter associated with it... Ohoho.\" Perhaps she would have had more success by using more than the usual conversational tone."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan cringed as Sol soullessly attempted to emulate said laughter. The flatness of it was akin to nails on a blackboard to him- he did not know how it was intended to be, but was it clearly missing a key component to it's character in a way that made it plain uncanny and even close to being downright disturbing, like watching a zombie suddenly shamble down the streets of a bustling town.\n\n\"...I can't say I know what all that is about, but I'm certain that's not... All there is to it.\" Myhan diplomatically mustered."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Of that I have no doubt. It's a mysterious topic, this lolita thing.\" Sol nodded seriously, the thought of Myhan referring to something else never once crossing her mind.\n\n\"If I am to wear the garb properly, then I will have to seek out a master of such as well, lest my bearings do not give the clothing the dignity it is owed.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan opened his mouth, seemingly about to speak, only to slowly close it without another word.\n\nHe rubbed his eyes. \"...I can respect that.\" He acquiesced towards her misunderstanding.\n\nHopefully they would be there soon, he wasn't sure if he could handle her attention any longer..."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "As it turned out, the 'luxury clothes shop' that Sol remembered being in the area had long since closed down. Fortunately, another boutique had opened in the same location, else the two of them might have had to continue walking. It wasn't busy hours yet, so the clerk sitting behind the counter raised her head to the sound of the door opening. Then she raised her brows at the sight of the titan walking in.\n\n\"May I help you—\" Surprise flashed across her face when the priestess too walked into view, but to the credit of the clerk, it was quickly replaced by a professional smile. \"Welcome! What sort of clothing would you happen to be looking for, miss?\"\n\n\"Mhm, I'm looking for an 'ohoho' dress.\"\n\nIn the brief silence that followed, one might even see the '???' appearing over the clerk's head as she made eye contact with Myhan."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan nearly knocked his head against the ceiling when he heard the utter confoundment Sol had somehow uttered despite all odds.\n\n*...Now you're just taking the piss out of me, aren't you? Didn't you just tell me the name? There's no way one can forget this quickly, surely...*\n\nMyhan briefly commiserated in silence with the clerk in shared confusion as they locked gazes, before Myhan eventually pinched his nose and sighed. \"She's not so familiar with the name...\" The titan covered for her slip up because he was a decent man like that, even though by all accounts it made no sense. \"What the name of that new trend... Gothic... Lolita, I think?\" Myhan muttered, the name only barely sliding into his cramped brainmeats, that were already full to the brim with centuries of knowledge."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"That's *New*?...I mean, of course you are! May I ask what sort of look you are going for, miss?\"\n\n\"Mhm, I'm not really sure about what it looks like... Could you show me any piece in black?\"\n\n\"Sure, give me a moment.\"\n\nManaging to regain her smile quickly, the clerk gestured for Sol to wait before turning and heading towards the back of the shop. As she did so, Sol glanced towards Myhan and made a discreet V sign with her fingers — expression unchanging.\n\n\"Please, take a look!\"\n\nWhat the clerk held out did indeed fulfil Sol's sole (heh) request, but between the orange and the ribbons, it couldn't be any gaudier if it tried."
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "Myhan resisted the urge to slap his forehead at Sol's show of victory, opting for a simple, controlled nod of the head, in acknowledgement of her apparent 'win.'\n\n*Actually, why are you even celebrating in the first place?*\n\nRegardless, when the clerk returned with something to present, Myhan thought it was decent from a general perspective, if a little gaudy... Well, that was it.\n\n He had no idea what 'gothic lolita fashion' looked like beyond Sol's half-baked verbal description, afterall. If it were as akin to that trend as a whale to fish, he wouldn't know.\n\nSo, the only thing he could do here is to nod sagely and pass the task of judgement to a certain troublesome priestess.\n\n\"So, what do you think?\""
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"So it's this type of look...\"\n\nThe priestess carefully received the dress, giving it a careful 360 to avoid overlooking anything. The number of ribbons were a little too over the top, but she didn't find herself disliking the whole concept that it represented.\n\n\"I like the style, but the orange is a bit loud for my tastes. Perhaps... Ah, I know. Pray lend me your ears for a moment, good lady.\"\n\nThe clerk gave Myhan a somewhat pensive glance before doing as Sol requested, who proceeded to lean in. What followed was about thirty seconds of whispering and a lot of nodding in reply, following which the clerk took the dress and went back to the racks.\n\n\"I'll be borrowing their changing room.\" The priestess turned back to Myhan, a tiny satisfied smile on her face. \"I'll have to trouble you about your opinion once I'm done, sir Myhan.\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "*Oh gods, what dastardly plan is Sol concocting this time?*\n\nMyhan internally balked in dismay upon witnessing the furtive display between the two- before remembering that they were going clothes shopping.\n\n*Oh, right. Sorry, force of habit.*\n\nMyhan cleared his throat to clear away his inner intrusions before opening his mouth.\n\n\"Once again, I must reiterate that I'm no fashionista, nor even an amateur judge of fashion...\" \n\nWell, it wasn't entirely true- he had spent enough time in courtly settings to learn some of it by osmosis, but nothing more than that. \n\n\"...But I'll do my best to be a fair judge.\" The old titan allowed."
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"That's already plenty.\" The priestess nodded, then ducked into a changing room nearby. Shortly after, the clerk who was carrying a bundle of clothing knocked on that door and also entered. There was a small gap under the door, out of which conversation carried.\n\n\"This is a lot heavier than it looks.\"\n\"Perhaps I could fetch a lighter dress?\"\n\"No no, this will do. What's this piece for?\"\n\"Ah, you wrap it like this...\"\n\nAfter about ten minutes had passed, the door opened again and Sol stepped out.\n\n\"How does it look?\""
"author": "wheyfarer",
"message": "*...Why does it have a goddamn blindfold?*\n\nWas what Myhan nearly said, before catching himself.\n\nCoughing slightly, he took a moment to align his state of mind with what a refined courtier and gentleman would say, even if half the time he didn't entirely get what he was saying. \n\nThe appearance of being effortlessly erudite and trendy was a useful image in higher society, after all, despite the reality of things.\n\nIn short, bullshitting convincingly was a useful skill if one wanted to further themselves.\n\nMyhan hummed in consideration as he gave a casual seeming once over.\n\n\"The general geometry of the outfit itself is sleek and carries elegance, while its design carries some quite bold and unconventional elements. I quite enjoy how the red string motif strikes a vivid contrast with the darker tones, and the faint wavelike floral patterns on the lighter hued hems of the dress are a subtlely brilliant touch. Oh and the... Blindfold!\"\n\nLingering on the last word for emphasis and definitely not because the old titan was coming up short on how to extract meaning from a blindfold, he timely continued before the pregnant pause dragged out for too long.\n\n\"More importantly, you wear it with a fair amount of grace, and dare I say- Sprezzatura, which is the finishing stroke of the brush that completes this fine ensemble.\n\nIn short I think you wear it quite wonderfully, miss Sol, though I must profess my professional inadequecy in putting the full scope of things into word.\"\n\nAfter somehow putting together the most verbose of paragraphs without nary a breath in between, Myhan put a fist to his mouth and coughed a few times, as if it were just a natural, unexplained tic of the body.\n\nUnseen behind his fist was how his mouth slightly grimaced with embarrassment from the excessive flattery it had just expoused.\n\n*Bah, why was I trying this hard? Must be force of habit...*"
"author": "Sol",
"message": "\"Uh huh, uh huh.\" The priestess grinned throughout every second of it, leaving it undisputed as to exactly how much she took stock in those words - that was to say, not a whole lot. She turned to the clerk. \"I'll be buying this. How much does it cost?\"\n\n\"That'll be ten gold although, miss. Shall I wrap it up for you?\"\n\nSol aimed a teasing smile at the titan.\n\n\"No, I'll wear these as is. Could you wrap up my old clothing instead?\"\n\"Sure, just a moment.\"\n\"Mhm.\"\n\nThe priestess watched the clerk scoot off into the changing area briefly.\n\n\"...Thank you. I appreciated that.\"\n\nThe words, their speaker having walked away, dissipated quietly into the air."
] | 149 | 6,518 |
189.1 | 1776-07-04 | GuildPublicThread | [
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*The day had once again started as the merchant city of Kadho had started another early morning hustle and bustle among its merchants. Whether it was getting new stock for their stores, preparing themselves for the next customer or very simply just doing a quick tidy of their work quarters, those who proven themselves as a merchant within the bustling space of the city moved around like clockwork.*\n\n*For Bella, she was no exception. Whilst adventuring was still something she had wished to do, goals still clear in her head, work in the family apothecary was far from nothing that she was opposed to. After all, it was the most reliable way to put food into her stomach and then some. With duty cemented with her role as a merchant, she opened the door to the Gladstone Apothecary, admiring the glistening array of herbs, potions and vials on clear display, some concoctions safely tucked behind glass cases and some protected with cork stoppers.*\n\n*It felt good to be back in her store, even if it was only to take a short break from her adventures.*"
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*The merchant city. A place of opportunity for many; but not just in the way that many people thought. While most would think of becoming a merchant and selling their wares, others thought of stealing from them. They were rich enough, weren't they? Just a little bit here and there wouldn't cause them to starve. On the other hand, a few coins was enough to buy a day's worth. Another day of life, more sand in the hourglass.*\n\n*A small, cloaked figure stalked the busy streets. Unlike many other thieves, who would use their cloak and dagger to plunder mercilessly, Auburn only took enough for herself and a couple of others. And never harm anyone. No killing, unless absolutely necessary.*\n\n*The Gladstone Apothecary was her next target. With shining windows of glass and colorful potions all around, it was likely that there was a stash of money lying around. The smaller girl let a couple customers enter first, making sure to take note of any transactions so she could find where the money was, and carefully entered, making sure her hood was off.*"
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "\"Ah, yes! Greetings, and welcome to the Gladstone Apothecary! How may I help you?\" *As soon as the first few customers walked in, like a machine did Bella spring into total action, her kindhearted nature glistening through a sweet smile and a gentle voice as she introduced herself to her customers and listened to their various needs.* \"If you're looking to travel out, may I recommend a few Healing Potions or a Coldsumer? Any adventure worth their salt says not to leave home without them!\"\n\n*Within no time at all, the talented merchant managed to score herself a few successful deals. She didn't argue, she didn't dare speak back. She merely gave recommendations, good advice and did it all with a smile as she glided across her store... Which was when she suddenly bumped into Auburn, the two knocked shoulders together gently.*\n\n\"Oh, pardon me.\" *Bella said, before she bowed her head at Auburn and moved towards her back office...*"
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Coldsumer. 25 SP. Healing potions. 100 SP. These were so commonplace that Auburn had memorized their prices. Something that many couldn't afford. A single potion's worth could feed an entire family for weeks if rationed properly. The merchant appeared to be a young girl, with sweet voice and gentle smile. No wonder she was able to get good deals. She doubted an older, uglier person would be able to as effectively sell her products. The charm of a young girl wasn't just something the merchant had uniquely though; Auburn had used it a couple of times herself to get away.*\n\n*As said merchant bumped into her, Auburn quickly took a step back to regain her balance as Bella apologized and moved into a back office. Saying nothing, Auburn's sharp eyes recognize the entrance. Quietly, almost matching Bella's pace, the rabbit would sneak behind her. Surely this would lead to the stash of money she sought. Her boots were soft, hiding the sound of footsteps on the floors. Bowing down slightly, she stayed out of sight, hiding behind shelves and objects alike.*"
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*Comparatively, Bella's own choice of footwear was louder amongst the floor, her heels clacking quietly with every stop as soon she approached the lockbox that Auburn had solely desired - for purposes that Bella was none the wiser about. Even in the midst of her work, the merchant had a cheerful spring in her step, humming a simple tune to herself as she pulled a key out of her person in order to open the lockbox, storing her valuable and hard-earned money there. It opened easily, and as soon as Bella had placed the many coins she gathered, she immediately locked it before she walked back into the store floor, where yet again she would return to the routine of her work.*\n\n\"Thank you for shopping at Gladstone Apothecary! Enjoy the rest of your day!\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*A lock. Classic. A tool many merchants used to protect their money against the like of thieves like herself. But Auburn had found a way around them.*\n\n*Hiding to make sure she wasn't seen, Auburn procured a set of lockpicks, beginning to work as soon as Bella left the room. Find the teeth, lift them up one by one, quickly, before she returned.*\n\n*Before long, Auburn had unlocked the lockbox, and carefully scooped some coins into a small bag. She didn't take everything, though a large portion of what Bella had made today would have disappeared. About half. Afterwards, the rabbit stands up and places her hood over her head, slowly walking out of the back room.*"
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*During this time of which Apricot made an attempt to lockpick and pilfer Bella's valuable goods, the unaware merchant was very much busy with her own work, as expected. As the clanking of metal quietly sounded within the lockbox, talking was heard, however it seemed to be nothing special. The run of the mill conversation between a merchant and her customer had occurred yet again, a soft voice echoing through both parties as they made business happen.*\n\n*But then disaster seemed to strike in an unexpected way.*\n\n\"You're looking for that? Ah, don't you worry. We don't keep those on store shelves, but we most certainly have them on stock. I'll be heading to the back office to grab it for you, so please. While you wait, feel free to continue browsing for anything else that grabs your fancy.\" *Bella said with a sweet smile as she turned off and walked right back into her office... Noticing the hood-wearing rabbit girl on the other side of the open doorframe, as she was leaving.*\n\n\"Oh... Good morning.\" *Bella could only say, immediately looking a little confused.*"
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Was she supposed to be back this early?*\n\n*Auburn looked at the store owner straight in the eye, panic almost running through her. She had been caught, and it was time to get out of here.*\n\n\"H-hi there.\"\n\n*And like a flash of lightning, Auburn runs past the merchant girl and out the door, out onto the cobbles and almost losing her balance, before regaining her composure before attempting to lose the owner in the streets.*"
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "\"Agh! A thief!\" *Bella quite expectedly exclaimed, as she had witnessed Auburn running out, right past her. She no idea what she was doing inside of the back office, let alone what she had done back there, but she needed answers. Thankfully, there was enough time for Bella to close and lock the door to the back office before she took off into the streets herself, hands on her long skirt as she darted forward in search for the thief.*\n\n*Also gratefully for the merchant, she had already witnessed who the culprit was prior - once by accident and once on the reveal. The brown hair, and the rabbit ears... It was something to keep in mind as Bella raced through the familiar streets, pushing her body in order to chase after Auburn.* \"Wait! P-Please! Stop!\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Breathing hard, Auburn darts in between people. There was no way that Gladstone would be able to follow her.*\n\n*Except that she was keeping up the exact same pace as she was. Looking back, she saw the merchant girl follow her while holding up her long skirt. Was she that weak that just some ordinary store owner could keep up with her?*\n\n*Regardless, Auburn continues to run, looking back occasionally and apologizing to people she almost crashed in to. What had seemed different though was that Bella was pleading her to stop, instead of cursing her out. Maybe she wasn't like the others. Regardless, she had to escape in order to use this money to help others.*\n\n*Then a wrong turn was taken, and Auburn ended up in an alleyway with nowhere to go.*\n\n\"Shit-\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*Even Bella couldn't even figure out how she was managing to race after Auburn, who at this point clearly seemed to resist given how fast she was also running. She just knew that she had to catch up to Auburn, and her feet - while more suited to moving around a store slowly than anything intense like running - listened to her. Soon, she would encounter Auburn dead in the alley way - however, it felt like she was in the wrong position. Bella expected that she would be cornered in a dark alleyway one day, but as it turned out, the shoe was on the other end of the foot.*\n\n*Thankfully though, her intentions were not malicious.*\n\n\"Uhm, excuse me...\" *Bella said, her voice having far from any hostile intentions... She still had no clue what Auburn was capable of, and she didn't want to make things worse with a dagger plunged through her chest.* \"I must ask, what were you doing in my family apothecary?\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Turning around to face her pursuer, Auburn quickly moves a hand to her hip, ready to draw a dagger if necessary. It wouldn't take much to deter her; just a small trip at the foot and she could escape it.*\n\n*But she didn't seem to be bad. In fact, she was... Asking questions? Nicely? If Auburn had been a more predatory criminal, she definitely would have stabbed her by now. Why give her this chance?*\n\n\"I... Was taking money?\"\n\n*Auburn wasn't sure what else to answer. It's not like she could think of any other reason why she was running; it was obvious she was stealing __something__.*\n\n\"Why aren't you contacting authorities right now, or trying to take me down?\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "\"Well... It feels a little too rude to ruin the livelihood of another by throwing them into the law... You probably had a good reason to do so, but I want to know what you did and why.\" *Bella responded with a frown. Given her kind stance and her appearance which made her visibly seem like little of a threat, it was still a surprise that she managed to catch up to Auburn in the first place. Heck, even Bella had a bit of shock as to how she managed to keep up.* \n\n\"I just want to hear an explanation. Normally when one wants to steal from a merchant here, it's a bigger business, or one that has less security.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"....I want to help others.\"\n\n*Auburn seems to relax, her hand moving to pull back her hood. Now that she was standing still, the rabbit's clothing could be seen much more easily. Somewhat clean, but worn and obviously reused. Small patches existed where the clothing had holes. Even her soft boots looked incredibly degraded, barely hanging on.*\n\n\"It's not much, right? It'd suck to lose a bit, but for others, this will last them for weeks. And to be honest, your lock wasn't very secure.\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*Bella could only frown. Less at the fact that her in-store security wasn't as secure as first thought - then again, a simple lockbox filled with the earnings protected by nothing but a simple lock was probably the explanation as to why. But more towards the truth of things. It was right that Bella did help to run and sustain a business, and that it did cost money, but what she earned was a little more than enough to keep her afloat. She gave a sigh, before she looked over to Auburn.*\n\n\"I will be honest... I don't oppose that statement. You're correct that I'd lose a bit, and giving them such will help them significantly more but... Stealing isn't the way to go around it, as much as they'll be grateful. Doing a bad deed to perform a good one doesn't cancel each other out, or clear your conscience.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"If stealing isn't the way to go about it, then what is? I'm willing to take that burden. I'm fine with being the bad guy if it means others survive. It's not like the rich are just going to *Give* Their money away. Instead, they'll just take more and more and more until there's nothing left!\"\n\n*Auburn's voice raises in anger as she pushes forward her ideals. She hated the fact that she had to steal in order to survive and give to others at the same time.*\n\n\"I can't work! I'm too small, too weak, and too unskilled to do anything. If I wanted a true job, I'd be penniless as I was before. This is the *Only* Way I can help them.\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*Bella remained firm as she suddenly took a step forward towards Auburn, not looking pleased at all by how stubborn the woman with the rabbit ears was acting. Suddenly placing a hand into the pocket of one of her own satchels, the merchant procured a small handful of money that she had on her person. Nothing massive, obviously. But handy if one ever had wanted to go out and do a bit of shopping out in Kadho, to keep the rich economy of the republic flowing like wine through a river.*\n\n\"At times, all you need to do is to ask and state a reason as to why you need the money. You do not need to jump through hoops taking everything people own because you can. Charity is by far not the most effective method, but there are people out there that are more than willing to help when needed.\"\n\n*Suddenly Bella would take another step forward, clutching onto the coins before she opened her palm for Auburn to willingly take from her.*\n\n\"Don't think that you are forced to become lonesome just because you have this goal to provide things that are desperately important for others. At times, you merely need to ask others for help, whether it's monetary, or it's to learn something new. Even if it's just a simple question, it may go a long way.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*As Bella takes a step forward, Auburn instinctively took a step back. Then, as Bella brought out the money, the rabbit blinked in surprise.*\n\n*She had just taken something from this woman, and now she was giving her __more__??!!*\n\n*Hesitantly, the thief reached her hand out, like a timid bunny moving closer to nibble on a carrot. Visibly nervous, Auburn slowly closes her hand on the pile of coins, then pours it into the bag she had.*\n\n\"But... Why? I wronged you, why do this for me?\"\n\n*Confusion. Anxiety. Happiness. A swirl of emotions mixed in Auburn's mind like spices being added to a soup. But one flavor shone out far more than the others.*\n\n*Hope. Hope that there truly were good people in the world. The rabbit got on her knees, holding her hands up, tears streaming down her face.*\n\n\"Thank you! I have to repay you, someday! How can I help?\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "\"It's not me that you need to repay.\"\n\n*Bella had said, once again making the attempt to remain as firm and as strong as a woman as she could, even though with her kindred appearance as a merchant that wasn't the most simple thing that she was actually capable of. Nevertheless, she looked over at the emotional wreck that Auburn had become in response to her kind act, moving backwards to give the rabbit woman a bit of space before she rested her hands on her lap.*\n\n\"Just because you've wronged me doesn't mean that you're undeserving of aid. I'm afraid that it's true, there are people out there who probably need the money more than I do, especially considering how the family business is faring even during my absence...\"\n\n*Bella gave a sudden sigh, before she continued.*\n\n\"Normally I would be fine with you repaying me, with something along the lines of a fair business transaction where both parties get a good deal - but this is not a business transaction... It's charity. I don't expect you to repay me, I just want you to become better as a result of this.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*The rabbit looked up, confused. Then, she realized what had just happened. Bella was truly a force of good. Much more than she could ever be. Normally, she didn't look up to anyone. No one truly understood the lower levels of society; and those that did were fighting viciously for their own survival. Ms. Gladstone truly was an exception.*\n\n\"This money... I'll use it well.\"\n\n*Auburn stands up, with a fresh determined look on her face along with a smile.*\n\n\"Thank you. For just... Being a good person. And understanding. But now that it's come to this, I feel the need to buy something from your shop. I need a couple of potions anyway.\""
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "*A prideful smile wafted over Bella's face as she looked at the gracious Auburn who had seemed to be apologetic. Admittedly, she had not intended to manipulate the poor rabbit woman into providing for her own business - but truth was, she had already given out a decent amount of money to her, and if she were to spend said money - it would most likely come at a bit of a loss for the merchant lady who stood before her. But it was no matter. The business was still steady and in the end, sometimes money needs to be spent in order to make more.*\n\n*But at this point, she pushed her business to the wayside. She had her own goals, but she was more than happy to take some time off just to help another in need.*\n\n*As her eyes gently glistened, she would suddenly extend her hand over to Auburn.* \"Then please, let us commence business. This time as merchant and customer, not as victim and thief. What is it that you're looking to do within your travels anyways?\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Auburn took the merchant's hand, firmly grasping it for someone who wasn't that strong to begin with. The rabbit's eyes sparked like shining amber as she receives Gladstone's graciousness. To her, she might as well have been a goddess.*\n\n\"I'm just hoping to help people who need it. I experienced great poverty when I was young, and still do. I just try and get them things they need, even if it's only for a day. My hope is that I'll be able to make an impact, even just a small one.\"\n\n\"As for the potions, I'm looking at maybe Coldsumer and some health potions for when I get injured. The... Guardsmen tend to not like it when I take things.\"\n\n*Auburn's ears flattened slightly at the mention of the guards, and she begins to rub her fingers together.*"
"author": "nimbusspark",
"message": "\"I can appreciate that.\" *Bella said in a respectful tone of voice as she kept a slower and steadier pace, a little surprised by Auburn's tight grip but welcoming it nonetheless.*\n\n\"It's why my family opened the apothecary business here, to provide something to the world. These days however, it feels like one's actions can become more and more insignificant in the grand scheme of things...\"\n\n*As she continued to talk mid-walk, Bella's gentle face seemed to look a little more... Worried.* \"Perhaps that is why my sister acts the way she does. She's a talented chemist and mercenary, with plenty of ambition in her eyes. She wishes to make a difference within the world, but perhaps the family business was holding her back... Perhaps I was.\"\n\n*That was when Bella's heels clacked to a halt, as she took a step back and bowed towards Auburn with a frown.*\n\n\"My sudden apologies. It's a little unbecoming of me to suddenly mention such personal ordeals when they mean absolutely nothing for you.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"Just another pebble on the riverbank. But enough of them can make an impact, and one hurled in a sling can make enough of an impact.\"\n\n*Bella had a sister? It seemed that the apothecary looked up to her... And doubted herself. She saw the mountain her sister had climbed in becoming a mercenary, and couldn't think of climbing it herself.*\n\n\"Your business is making a change, I'm sure of it. These potions can save lives.\"\n\n*Auburn blinks in surprise as Bella clacks her heels together and apologizes unnecessarily. Was there something wrong with mentioning personal details?*\n\n\"It's fine, there's nothing to be sorry for. I have 17 siblings... Or at least, I had. I don't know if they're still alive or not.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "\"I haven't seen my own sister since the day of which she had left the Apothecary, in fact...\" *Auburn was right. Bella's sister Jasmine was but a large mountain for the otherwise plain merchant to try to conquer in her own right. But with what Bella had faced in the past, and what little she thought that she was capable of on her own, she just didn't have any faith that she could do any of it.*\n\n\"I doubt that she is gone from this world, far from it. She's tougher than she seems. But you can understand me when we have others that we look up towards, correct? She left partially because of the job, but also because of myself... We love each other dearly, but... I only hold her back. It's why she wants me to make more of myself.\"\n\n\"Whether or not you're the inspiration or you've found an inspiration, it's tough to understand that you can't surmount what standards that your hero has set for you. She's a mercenary, a trained chemist and a worthy adversary for any trained warrior... I'm just a run-of-the-mill lady here in Kadho. Our blood is the same but our lives are so vastly different...\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"Family... Is hard to deal with. Especially if they don't share the same views as you do. But you're comfortable with her, and I'm sure you'll be able to reach a level she's at, even if it's not the same thing. I hope my siblings become better than I am. Maybe one will study hard and become a doctor, or learn a useful trade, like you. I'm just a girl who runs with a couple of knives.\"\n\n*The rabbit gave a sigh, seeing the obvious depressive cloud over the two's heads. It's just how the world worked; some people were just cut out to be better at things than others. Bella's sister seemed to be capable of great things, strength and intelligence mixing to create a chemist __and__ mercenary. Auburn could only dream of even Bella's skillset.*\n\n\"I don't think you're just run of the mill. Not everyone's smart enough to make potions; I haven't the slightest clue on how they work. It seems that you're faster than you seem. You kept the pace easily with me, and running's one of my 'strong' suits.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "*At first, Bella seemed surprised at the notion that she was being **Complimented** For her talents of all things. Being a merchant in Kadho was otherwise run of the mill, and she definitely wasn't the best one to begin with. Her being seen as fast though? That was the kicker. Bella rushing into action never really was her thing - but as reality set in and she remembered that she caught Auburn, it only remained even more of a shock.*\n\n*At Auburn's eyes, she looked a little nervous... Doubtful, maybe. But without a question asked, she was not in a comfortable place in spite of her skills. She was just trying to figure out any more possible excuses she could have made to downplay what she was able to do but the proof very simply was in the pudding. All that she really could say as she fretted about was a mere* \"I just know my way around the city, and any other apothecary could probably make potions better than I...\" *From her mouth. She was modest, to say the least.*\n\n\"And least you have with you the initiative to do something good for those of whom you care about.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"You took the exact same path I did. No shortcuts. I saw.\"\n\n*Though she wasn't exactly the best at getting a hold of other people's thoughts, Auburn could sense the many excuses that Bella was using. She herself had used many like them in the past, when she had been seen walking away with baked goods to feed her family.*\n\n\"And don't downplay yourself with being the worst. Once, there was a boxing match I happened to pass by. One guy was getting beaten within an inch of his life. After the fight, I went up to him, to see if he was ok. The look in his eyes showed that he could probably kill me right then and there if he wanted to, even if he just got beaten by someone else.\"\n\n*The rabbit placed a reassuring hand on the apothecary's shoulder.*\n\n\"Just because you're not the best at something, it doesn't mean that people don't see you as trash. It just means there's room to improve.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "*Bella couldn't help herself but to slowly relax as she felt Auburn's hand upon one of her shoulders, as if it were her elder sister reassuring her after a bad day of work. While the situation was barely comparable; Auburn certainly wasn't a calm but stern Mentian lady - it absolutely did seem to have some sort of affect on the woman who stood before Auburn. She would then take a step back, almost stumbling backwards before she regain her sense of balance, sighing. It was almost unbelievable that this was the same lady who had managed to chase Auburn down with haste, but it really was the case.*\n\n\"Sadly I am unlike the pugilist you've mentioned in your life experiences, my friend. The most I could likely do if I were to hit you is to merely slap you across the face and even then, it's a little shameful for me to do it.\"\n\n*As she explained, Bella couldn't help but to let out a giggle to herself.* \"During my childhood, I once struck my sister in that same fashion... But instead of her crying in pain I was apologizing profusely after I had realized what I had done. It's just not in my nature to harm... I appreciate the company and compassion of others too much.\"\n\n\"However... I guess you wish me to give credit where credit is due. It's not often that a merchant manages to catch up to a thief in the bustle of a city, probably less so that things result in a positive outcome for both parties. So... Thank you.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"To be honest, a slap in the face would probably be enough to stop me. I don't take hits very well.\"\n\n*The now flustered rabbit knew that she didn't take hits very well; she had once collapsed completely from a sprained ankle. If she took something harder, she might just blank out from the pain.*\n\n\"That sounds like something I'd do! The worst I'd done is knock some people over, or toss a couple things as distractions. Though I did clip someone on the face once... I still feel bad for that.\"\n\n*A laugh comes out from the rabbit as well as the two familiarized themselves with each other, far more alike than they once thought.*\n\n\"It was luck, really. I was doing what I always do, and I just happened to run into you. If it were anyone else, things could have been much worse. But... I guess some things have a silver lining after all.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "*As she had witnessed Auburn's clear laughter towards the shared topic of slapping, Bella recalled a rumor that had been circulating around just through word of the commonfolk... It was not entirely something that she knew about, but it was worth a shot to talk about, after all.*\n\n\"You know, I hear that battles through slapping are how some noblewomen actually solve serious disputes or arguments. Two women stand face-to-face and attempt to strike each other until one backs down. Neither cannot move from their position. They may evade and even counterattack with slaps of their own, but if a step is taken away, then it is seen as cowardice. This is all just a rumor I've heard, but it's not entirely something I wish to find out myself, for obvious reasons.\"\n\n*Placing a hand to her chin in thought, Bella would then shake her head.* \"Perhaps it is luck that we did meet then. For both our sakes. For a thief your intentions and wishes are very selfless, and it's clear you're not trying to cause any harm. At a later time, perhaps it would be for the best if I did assist you in your endeavors.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Covering her mouth, the rabbit can barely hold her own laughter, buckling over. The thought of two noblewomen, who so often thought themselves as high above the common peasant, fighting face to face like two wild rams butting heads.*\n\n\"Ah-I feel bad for their makeup-oh nooooo!\"\n\n*The rabbit's expression changed from laughter to pleasant surprise once Bella offered to help her. An apothecary, helping her, a thief, of all things. She couldn't believe her eyes; she had rarely been helped before, and it had mostly been physical, such as when she had sprained her ankle.*\n\n\"Helping... Me? With the poor? You would do that?\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "*Hearing Auburn's laughter on the topic was more enough to cause Bella to quietly giggle herself in response, clearly finding it to be rather silly in spite of the act of violence that was rumored to occur. It was none of her known business anyways, as much as Bella knew that she herself was on the bridge between commoners and those who were in the upper classes.*\n\n\"I do not see why I can't assist you, Auburn. I have said before that I'm looking to spice my life with a little adventure, I may as well do it through means that better the lives of others, don't you agree? Besides, it's a step in the right direction, especially if I already seem to know my place around Kadho. I will say this, however - I am not a guardian angel of any sort. As much as I insist to aid, it is still something to keep in mind that me being a merchant and apothecary only makes me able to do so much.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"At this point, you might as well be. I don't care if you're only an apothecary; your help means everything to me. Before, I used to move around from city to city. But maybe I'll stick around in the area.\"\n\n*Despite Bella selling herself short, Auburn's beaming face was as clear and bright as sunshine. She began to wonder if maybe she could get others to join her in her goal of helping those who needed it. Extreme poverty was an issue she had faced; others did not need to suffer as she had.*\n\n\"How's the bakery over here? That's the main place where I source most of my help.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "\"You're not incorrect. Even the smallest of hands can prove the ample difference between life or death if one is capable. But cooperation is certainly powerful if my experiences with my sister have proven themselves already. I wouldn't be where I am if not for her.\"\n\n*With humility still in her tone of voice, Bella slowly couldn't help herself but to smile back at Auburn's bright beaming grin as they continued to walk.*\n\n\"Oh, the bakery? Well, I've been there several times already as a part of my weekly shopping, I didn't know that you were using it as a 'base of operations' of sorts though. It didn't look nearly as shady as you would think whenever I was purchasing a nice roll for lunch...\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*Hearing Bella talk about her sister so highly, Auburn wondered what her siblings thought of her back home. The food she had brought had allowed them to survive throughout harsh winters and years of starvation. But perhaps they were now suffering because she was gone? Or perhaps her parents had made her an example of a criminal? If they were alive, that is.*\n\n*Auburn's grin becomes meek as the apothecary called it a 'base of operations.*\n\n\"Well... I would call it more of an 'unwilling supplier'\"\n\n*She was not, in fact, in partnership with any bakery. Instead, she was hated by them for stealing bread, even the cheap ones.*"
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "\"An unwilling supplier...\"\n\n*Bella knew all too well what that meant if Auburn was being considered as 'unwilling' when it came to being a supplier. Thoughts of how the rabbitfolk was likely forced to steal if she wanted to survive the next night. She very likely was caught on an occasion or two, or so Bella had guessed, if there was a poor renown towards her and the likely baker who prepared their goods only for them to be taken away without as much as a fair business transaction or even donation.*\n\n*It was only enough for Bella to release a disappointing sigh. It was but another issue it seemed she had to deal with, even if it was at a later date.*\n\n\"That would explain a lot. Judging from what you've asked, you would request for me to purchase some food for your friends and family?\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "*The rabbit nodded. She was not popular among bakers; oftentimes she was caught and had to run, which she nearly almost always did. Sometimes she would be lucky enough to find the throwouts from last night because they were too stale to sell. Other times she went hungry; not because there wasn't food she could steal, but because she would give it away.*\n\n\"I... Don't steal for only myself. I distribute it among the people who need it. The homeless and hungry, people who need the food.\"\n\n*Bella seems to accidentally strike a tender spot with Auburn, as she flinches at the mention of friends and family.*\n\n\"I... Don't have friends. Not many, anyway, and I don't have much contact with them. Not that they need it anyway. And for family... I'm not sure if I have one anymore.\""
"author": "Bella Gladstone",
"message": "\"... I get your plan then. It's also why you're grateful to have someone else help you out, is it not?\" *Bella responded. Auburn's reluctance to steal from the bakery due to a negative reception was more than enough to tell her the whole story. She was caught stealing, and it was more than enough to be seen negatively by those who had owned the bakery. Auburn needed someone else to be in her stead. Someone else that could have been seen as more trustworthy. And for a woman who blended into Kadho's merchant culture almost perfectly, Bella was strangely one of the best women for the job.*\n\n\"I apologize though if I did strike a nerve, however. All I can assume is that you wish for me to help you acquire the bread for those in need, correct? I should still have some spare money by my side which I can use. Or if you're so desperate, I will keep a blind eye just this once so I can distract the baker or any other vendor for you to steal. But for just this once, I'll repeat.\""
"author": "Auburn 'Apricot' Arnice",
"message": "\"I am. It's difficult to do what I do, but I know it's right. Even if it's wrong in the eyes of most.\"\n\n*With Bella by her side, Auburn could conduct her operations properly. Whether legally or not, the apothecary would be of great help to the rabbit. Auburn's only worry would be the association; Bella dealing with a criminal could be detrimental to her. As of now though, she hadn't made enemies with these particular town bakers yet.*\n\n\"It's fine, it's a normal question to ask. But I don't want to associate you with me if I'm stealing. I can take the stale rolls and buns; things that the baker can't see. But they probably won't give it away for free.\""
] | 184 | 7,564 |
458.333333 | 2020-12-05 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*The salty breeze of the misty waters crashed up again imposing stone docks. With a cliff face like drop running it's way along the edges. With stone staircases cut into the large stone blocks leading down to smaller wooden peers with various ships tied to the posts. Ships as large as first rate 4 decked galleons moored in specialised bays, all the was to small sloops and schooners that rocked on the light waves that treaded this far. The wind was moderate breeze blowing southeast. There was countless small venders talking amount eachother trying to sell various goods. Ranging from fancy rugs to dried salted fish fresh from the ocean. There was a small girl who was resting on the edge of the stone wall, starring into the deep blue waters not so far. This was a deep water port and Issotha knew this... The safety of the city was a nice comfort. She kicked her legs back and forth, she had 6 tails all fluffed up and curled around her waistline. She wore some very expensive fur coat with clean red silk. Issotha wore a fur hat with a large feather tucked in the side with a flower slightly dried clipped next to her ear. She sat there humming to herself. Quietly nibbling on some bread and a half eaten portion of dried fish. She held a docking permission form on a leather belt. A ship owner, she seemed undisturbed on her small ledge. The sun was mid day, perhaps a little past noon, the cloud cover cast a deep shadow in the ocean. Issotha finished munching on her food and took a small silk cloth and wiped her mouth, she placed what remained next to her and simply starred out into the deep blue sea.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "**\"And what the hell is THAT supposed to mean, *Elf?*\"**\n\nA deep, morbid growl resonated across the port, breaking through its bustling midday rhythm. Several idle prattle between crowds promptly ceased, turning to regard its source; a tall, dark-furred canine beastkin. He's tall and lean frame was covered in an inconspicuous raven cloak, only exposing his angular facial features and digitigrade lower legs. His glare was focused upon a middle-aged wood elf captain that he was arguing with, currently standing his ground in front of a formidable galley. \n\n**\"Exactly what you heard. No filthy *Mutts* On *My* Ship. I don't care about your coin or your destination,\"** The elven captain retorted, which prompted a snarl from the beast, so scornful it felt like searing the air around him. More and more curious stares were roused towards the argument and for a moment the canine gestured as if to procure something under his cloak. However, the fearful eyes of a wood elf child peaking behind the captain at the galley's entrance caused him to stay his hand, lips pulling back to bare his fangs briefly before turning to leave with a 'tsch', cloak waving behind him.\n\nDisgruntled, the canine padded his way to escape further prying eyes towards the more humble side of the port, where some of the smaller ships were docked. Soon, the crowd would lose interest and go back into minding their own businesses. Arguments that echoed across the entire port weren't a rare circumstance, after all. His brisk steps halted a small distance from the ledge Issotha had seated herself, pulling a flask of strong-smelling amber ale from his hip, uncorking it with his teeth and spitting the top out before taking a vigorous chug. \n\n*\"Damned knife-eared pricks. There goes another chance to set sail today...\"* He muttered in frustration, all the while trying to drown it in liquor."
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*Issothawould hear the distance arguments. She had fairly good eye sight, since she was still fairly young at the age of 180 years old. Watching the small argument break out she sighed. It was time to get back to the ship. It wasn't very impressive, a small schooner. It had only 2 slanted masts. However the small bodied ship had some impressive rigging and sails. Probably a very fast ship in the right winds. The hull was a black pain with a dull gloss running across the span of the ship. It was one large white glossy stripe running across the ship with small slits for bows and crossbows to shoot from. There was some gold and silver lining bearing the stern by the captains quarters.*\n\n*Issotha trotted over, the ship was poorly crewed and had some weathering. She gave the ship a quick inspection from the safety of the peer. Before running back up in a gleeful jog. Running up the stairs almost falling due to her small hight she began to make her way around street level. However she struggled to navigate due to her short hight. Standing only 1.6 meters tall or no more then 5 feet and 3 inches she was quite small. However she was definitely beautiful, still this did not stop her from trying to get to the foreman's house to requisition some paperwork for her upcoming trip to Gachtuni. A port city to the east.*\n\n*As Issotha trotted her way she would glance over trying to see between the crowds. As she got closer she heard him gruntled \"Damned knife-eared picks. Voguer languages she might add. Suddenly there was a smack, as she blindly ran right into what felt like a impassable wall of fur. It was the man that argued with the elf not so long ago. She stumbled back in concern and a bit of fear. She was quite small and frail.*\n\"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to.\"\n*She said in a soften yet shaken voice. She seemed closed and definitely energetic. But tried to remain calm as she glanced up at the towering being.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "Even while indulging in his alcohol addiction- one of the far too many vices he possessed- the canine's attention was no less focused. His gaze regarded most of what the docks had to offer, from boats to trading stall to people. And while his keen sense of smell was preoccupied with salted sea air, fish and several brands of liquor, some smelling far more pleasant than others, his hearing peaked upon anything of interest the idle conversations among crowds had to offer.\n\nOf course, the talk in most people's mouths had been the same over the past month. The fall of Mistmoore keep, one of Ulnoor's oldest and most formidable forts, as well as rumours of the black beast that orchestrated it all. News of the fort crumbling down in an arcane blast had spread like wildfire across the Silnari empire, and if prejudice towards beastfolk was insufferable before, now it outright paranoid. Upstanding elves feared that their own beastkin slaves would murder them in their sleep inspired by this event. And regardless of the consequences in disposition that might have wrought, the jackal was never more satisfied with his handiwork.\n\nHis train of thought came to an abrupt halt when the kitsune girl bumped into his back. Luckily for him though, she was petite in frame and light enough to not throw him off balance; but startle him all the same. His ears perked up immediately, coarse fur on his head standing on end as he turned with an irritated grunt. For a brief moment, the glare in his mismatched eyes was nothing short of mortifying. His left eye was a seething scarlet, iris intense as a summer flame, while his right eye was a pallid silvery-grey, lacking a pupil with a vertical scar across either side of it, cold as death.\n\n.\n\n\n\nHe stood an entire foot over her, enough so that he had to arch his muzzle down to regard the girl. His expression all but immediately softened upon seeing her so shaken. \"Watch your step next time,\" He snarled lightly, though his tone lacked the morbid aggressiveness from the previous argument. The distinct scent of booze in his breath might had played a part in it.\n\nHe didn't fail to take notice of the girl's rather elegant and exotic clothing though. Expensive outfits were far from rare in the city, especially among the ever-haughty elves, but not as fitting on the docks, on a small and seemingly defenseless oriate. \"What's a kitsune doing in this hell-hole anyways?\" The canine asked with a drawl. \"You a tourist or somethin'? Trust me, the elves greatly oversell the beauty of their lands, *Almost* As much as they do for themselves.\""
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*At first Issotha was scared shitless, her pale blue eyes dilated slightly. She was definitely in a sense of fear. As she was a tiny twig compared to the canine. She took a small step back so she could more easily look at him. Issotha was curious on why such a creature was here. They were normally enslaved in these parts. She didn't believe it was moral. If she could push reforms she would but her days of power ended over a century ago after her mother's death who was a influential figure at her time. Still she lost a lot ever since she committed \"Treason\". Like minded left a stain on her trust to her country. Issotha took note of the strange clothing he wore. He was clearly an interloper to this city. Perhaps from the far eastern lands that's she used to visit before well.. It happened.. For a brief second she drifted from reality before the chatter of the surrounding people snapped her to reality.*\n\n*As the man talked Issotha listen, this place was far from a hell hole. Well at least in her times it wasn't. It had been in decline for a long time now. Maybe she was blinded by the luxuries provided off the backs of the poor.*\n\"I- I am not a tourist!\"\n*She said in a underlying tone, clearly a bit snappy at the statement. Perhaps she was a bit on edge.*\n\"Trust me the sane sights get boring after a century or two. Even the so called Elven beauty isn't so beautiful. These clothes did cost my a fortune, twenty or so gold if you ask me.\"\n*She seemed less afraid now and more just down in general. Perhaps she was just in a down right poor mood. She removed her hat and placed it on her side holding it with one hand. Her ears twitched briefly as she listened in on the many sounds that filled the air.*\n\"What are you doing here 'eastener'. Seems like you have you're reasons to hate my homeland.\"\n\n*She said curiously, Issotha was definitely on the closed doors end. She wasn't trying to be rude. Perhaps she just held a deep grudge against the outside world. Maybe some traumatic event forced her mind into this closed like state. No matter, her clearly distracted mind was one overstatement to this. She tried to put on a faint smile as she spoke but to no avail.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "\"Didn't think you for a native,\" The beastkin admitted in an almost apologetic tone. \"Too fuzzy and petite compared to the pole-proportioned bastards that think they own the world.\" \n\nHe eased his posture with a shrug, briefly averting his gaze to survey the surroundings once more, like ensuring no further onlookers. For one reason or another, the canine seemed overly cautious and alert with so many elves around. He shifted uncomfortably before leaning back against a nearby cobblestone wall, covered by the shade where his raven black cloak reflected no light. \n\n\"I reckon 'southerner' would be a more accurate assessment,\" He corrected in the same heavily accented drawl, his voice a deep, gruff growl one might expect from a sentient canine. His expression had split between one of mild bemusement a subtle, predatory grin, his intense mismatched eyes judging the kitsune's every word as if measuring her value. \n\n\"Though I've been around these parts long enough to despise them. And frankly, I'd be impressed if you gave me a single reason to *Not* Hate the self-righteous bastards that call themselves 'high' elves and treat my kin worse than feral animals.\" His composure faltered at that, the disdain obvious in his words. Though as quickly as the spiteful glare in his eyes flickered, it went away, fixing the position of his cloak with a light sigh. \"I've got some business in Pinnacelia to attend soon, but as you show, no captain will take me there. Can't even tell if they fear me or the scrawny pirates more. Hmph,\" He grumbled in frustration. \"Cowardly bastards, all of them. They won't even accept my coin and my word to defend their ship from assailants. And I can handle myself in a fight better than their entire crew combined.\""
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*She grabbed a small box near by. A wooden box that seemed to have been used recently. She grabbed a silk cloth and unfolded it. Covering the box for her to sit on without ruining her coat.* \"I would take you, but I don't like the open water\" *She said in a dull voice. It clearly bothered her. Something about the sea got to her. Something deep inside. That tore a hole that choked on crushing waves of the sea.*\n\"I have to go to the foreman's house to get some paper work for a transaction. Then load a few things, after that I can take you south and you can hit a ride north. I owe a ship, well it's barely a ship really.\" *She said as her tail swayed side to side. In a sense of lightened moods. She quickly glanced down and fixed her fur coat which had begun to slip down. Pulling it up with a gentle pull. In the corner cover by her coat was a fine rapier, a long thin blade wrapped in a fine cloth with the name Aravalur engraved in the hilt. She seemed uncomfortable with a long blade constantly poking her rear, sitting down must be a bother for her* \"So why exactly are you heading to Pinnacelia, that's north of where I'm heading. A bit of a stones through into deep water...\" *She paused on the deep water, quickly snapping back to reality she glanced back at him. She was curious but she definitely felt the need to learn more. She stood up and fixed her bottoms, then wrapped her fine cloth up into a nice folded napkin and placed it in a sleeve.* \"We can talk while we walk. If that's ok with you.\" *She said as she motioned to start walking. The foreman's house wasn't so far, maybe a kilometre or two walk. Still shouldn't take more then twenty or so minutes to get there, and they would be back within the hour. Issotha stood a few feet, she waited for him to get his stuff ready. She was a small figure. Easy enough to lose in a small crowd. She could easily be a ticket out. How ever she seemed reluctant to travel there for some reason. Still maybe she could be convinced.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "Her words *Did* Get a budging reaction out of him, one between amusement and surprise. \"A woman captain, and a kitsune at that, in a sordid port like this, amongst elves... Fate must be playing a very crude game at me,\" The beastkin muttered, carving a vague smile at the corners of his muzzle. \"I can offer the coin and fighting strength you need for a trip like that, as I've mentioned. And I *Am* A man of my word.\" \n\nThe sheathed rapier on the kitsune's hip did not elude his notice and neither did her signs of obvious fear, however brief that might have been. Devil's always the details after all, for anyone that keeps their eyes open to *Truly* Sees. \"As I said, I've got some business to settle there. Been a gladiator in one of their arenas before, and earned enough favour to get what I need. Most folk there is my kin that barely escaped slavery or worse. Some resorted to more illicit activities, but if they're faulty enough to try and board us... Well, they knew the risks,\" He stated matter-of-factly, confident and unfettered in tone.\n\nHe nodded at the girl's request to walk together, his arms crossed behind his back, padding his way through the crowd. He weaved between people with precise, meticulous steps, like a predator stalking prey. His footpads made naught but a single noise, even when treading upon weathered wooden planks. His gaze rarely needed to meet the kitsune's by now. Even if she did get lost in the crowd somehow due to her small frame, he had her scent. And his sense of it was keen enough to discern it for miles with little effort, as befitting of any member of his species.\n\n\"Any particular reason you wouldn't sail all the way there?\" He asked, even if his voice implied he already knew the answer."
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*As they walked she shrugged at the notion. She paid a hefty some of money to get her ship, well over market value. As well as previous connections she made thirty years prior.*\n\"Well money speaks, paid way more then the ship was worth. Plus having connections in places is always a added bonus. If you look on the inside this place isn't actually half bad. Despite it's glaring flaws.\" *She said rather coldly, and oddly enough she was definitely more hard to smell. Her body sent was almost non existent. An odd quirk. Still he would be able to smell her strong enough to trail her by a few meters if need be.*\n\"Not exactly, I used to duel a few years back, well ok a few decades back. I've held onto it ever since. Been quite a while since I've left the safety of my homeland.\" *She paused to think about his statement as if something about it bothered her. She spoke up in a slightly sympathetic tone.*\n\"I don't exactly agree with slavery, but this country has gone above its honour for me in its more recent years. Maybe if my mother wasn't killed reforms could have been pushed a century ago.\" *She said towards his notion of slavery. It was clear she did not like the terms here. Issotha did receive some racial neglect due to her status and being a woman, it was fairly light, just bothersome. Especially around slavery. But she still held strong with her birth place at least. His mention of the deep waters or her perception of such seemed to bother her. She loved sailing and loved the ocean, however she held a deep deep fear of the deepest of waters. A mere thirty years ago they took her only true friends life. She wondered if he ever thought of that. They were nearing the house. She was trotting along comfortably.*\n\"It's a long story, why don't you ask the ocean what happened...\" *She said at a slight pause as she walked up to the entrance of the foreman's house. She walked over and knocked on the door, before leaning back.*\n\n\"Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes.\" *A few seconds later and the door creaked open as a old elf opened the door welcoming her in. The house was a small shack on the edge of port right near the larger galleons. It was made from a mix of cobble stone and old mortar. A very old house. So old the windows had started to droop. And the roof was off placed by a slight degree. As the minutes passed muffled arguments could be heard. The words couldn't be made out. She yelled at him followed by a slam, she came out slightly ruffed up with the paper work.*\n\"Sorry for taking a while...\"\n*She had slight scuff marks, nothing serious but it looked like she had been strangled briefly. Maybe she wasn't on good terms.*"
] | 440 | 4,125 |
584 | 2020-12-06 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "valethros",
"message": "\"Coin is just a means to an end, as far as I'm concerned. Procuring and making use of it efficiently is more than enough, I don't need to bathe in gold, unlike most the folk here,\" The canine stated gruffly, taking wild ganders across the crowd for anything notable or threatening, voice kept low. \"I've no more wish to know your people more than to run them through if given a good reason to. And I ain't particularly demanding on good reasons when it comes to them.\"\n\nThe stench of so many people in one place caused him to scrunch his nose more than ones, clearly doing no favours in his current mood either. These damn perfumes that *Every damn elf* Seemed to wear in excess, even the males made him sicker than any rancid stench ever could at this point- and he's known his fair share of those, considering his rugged exterior. \n\"I've had more duels than I've kept count for, some less illicit than others. In my tribe, it was for honing my skills, in the pit it was for survival, and it the arena, it was for coin. But there's higher purposes a man can fight for than this.\"\n\nHis posture tensed momentarily, gaze focused back at the kitsune with narrowed eyes. He seemed to contemplate her words and his own, before taking a more grim expression. \"Change like that can't come easy. One can't reach people's hearts with words alone when a blade can do the same so much quicker. Especially when it comes to slavery, that's been around for so many generations.\" The beastkin let a scornful sigh before continuing. \"If you're 'lucky', you're born into slavery and never know true freedom to fight for. The less fortunate are captured and forced into slavery, whipped and lashed until they're broken. Then if you're like me and refuse to grow complacent... Well...\" \n\n.\n\nHe shrugged in resentment like that, stopping before the foreman's house. Nodding to let the girl pass to settle any tedious paperwork he had no intention to partake in, his ears remained focused to the talk all the same. And he had good enough hearing to listen and the most quiet of whispers when focused. And as things always were between elves and those they considered 'lesser' the talk seemed to go far from smoothly. The canine could hardly resist the urge to barge at the moment he heard the yelling, and he was about to, prickled fur on every part of his body standing on end by the time she returned. \n\n\"And what was *That* About?\" He growled, looking over scuff and strangle marks. He would hardly wait long for an answer before clenching his fists with a foreboding snarl, brandishing a pair of massive, curved blades on the sides of his arms. They were twisted past resembling anything like a weapon, inner side barbed, outer segmented, as if they were meant to inflict as much needless anguish as possible when wounding someone. Tapered sides were as wide as a scimitar on the middle, extending towards both directions up and down his arms. Sinister blackened steel coiled around his hand when coarse fur did moments ago.\n\n**\"Run to your ship. I'll join you promptly, after teaching these bastards a lesson or two on how reforms are *Truly* Made,\"** He would snarl in a ravenous voice, and if the kitsune didn't try to stop him, he would kick the door with enough strength to break every hinge and send it flying a few feet to the side, subtlety be damned."
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*As Issotha exited the building, she was noticeably annoyed with what had just happened. She wasn't in the mood to pay more for the same old paperwork. As the canine's concern crossed her eyes briefly pleased her. Still Issotha disregarded those thoughts. As they are not worth chasing, as given last time it was all meaningless. Especially since she would out live almost everyone anyhow.*\n\n\"He wanted me to pay more gold then the normal asking pr-\" Before she could really make a strong response. She watched the canine go into a almost feral like state. Surely the guards would be into onto him. Luckily she believed they wouldn't be able to make a strong account on him. Still she could always throw him under the bus if worse came to worse. The excitement inside her shot up, she longed for a true thriller. Yet this was ever lacking. The moment the canine said run she knew what was about to happen. A load crack whipped out as the door snapped inwards. Ripping itself into the stone wall bending inwards. And an elderly Elven man was at a desk counting a few coins with some messy paper work laid about. He stood in shock and grabbed a knife in concern.*\n\nElf~ \"What do you want fur beast!\"\n*The elf snarled at him in clear distaste. He was in no condition to fight back either. As the elf was old, brittle and probably an even fight for Issotha. As the \"Reforms\" Were about to be made Issotha quickly spoke up to the canine.* \"Look for a two master ship named 'Aravalur', it's on the far end near the smaller ships.\"\n\n*With that said the the commotion just starting it was best for her to dip out. Then at least no one would see her and she wouldn't be a target. Still full of a rush Issotha quickly ran in a panic. Hoping anyone that saw her would believe she was running as she appeared to be wearing some very expensive cloths and jewellery. Perhaps it would look like she was running in fear. As soon as Issotha made it to behind the confused and shocked crowd which had just started to notice the brewing trouble. Issotha slipped down a small alleyway and began to run as quietly as she could. She ran as fast as her short legs would take her. She was surprisingly quick for her statuette. She was small and definitely highly manoeuvrable. Darting towards the peers, once out of the back alleyways she walked calmly out into the bustling streets filled with people. She walked down to the ship which was a small ship. With two masts that towered over the deck. The length of the ship was quite long, being about 100 meters. Still the ship was quite thin making it exceptionally fast. It had a dull glossy black paint covering most of the ship with a white glossy paint covering a stripe that ran along most of the hull. On the stern near the captain's quarters there was a fine gold and silver trim with various decorative features. Making a quite exquisite stern. Three oil lamps unlit laid on the stern five or so meters behind a gold and dark ash wood steering wheel. Issotha jumped onto a on ramp and quickly ran up. She sat down with her legs kicking over the edge of the hull as the gazed down the peer, wondering if the strange canine would find his way over here.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "The beastkin merely glanced at Issotha with a subtle nod at the mention of her ship, his attention fully focused on the frail elven foreman. His glare had all but gone feral, with enough intensity to seemingly melt iron. Searing snarls resonate from his muzzle as his lips and ears tipped back to fully bear ivory fangs at him. His canines were sharp and curved as dervish knives, slow predatory steps padding past the ravaged threshold and stalking their way inside. \n\nAs was the case with most elves, the foreman had a hired brute standing by the other side of the room- in that case, a formidable orcish mercenary clad in the coppery plate to deal with more uncouth parts of the foreman's trade without getting his own hands dirty. The orc had already brandished a massive battleaxe when the front door came crashing down and preparing to rush the beastkin down with an overhead smash.\n\nBig mistake.\n\nBy the time Issotha was able to weave her way between crowds and return to her ship, the beastkin was oddly enough, already there. He was leaning under the shade of its main mast, hood placed over his head. There was a distinct coppery tang of blood in the air permeating him, though no visible signs of it aside from pints of scarlet in his fingertips. Like before, he bore no visible weapons, but he held two hefty pouches on both hands alongside a parchment folded on his hip. \n\nIf the kitsune was savvy enough, she might have noticed his dark silhouette leaping between rooftops not longer after when she went running, his presence subtle as a spectre. Law enforcers would get very little of the culprit out of a horrified old elf, or at least far least than what the kitsune would if she asked for information nicely. \n\n.\n\n\"I believe that covers my travel fee... And a little extra,\" The jackal spoke with a vibrant smirk, the unbridled rage in every fiber of his being from a few minutes when she'd last seen him entirely gone. He dropped the satchels of gold unceremoniously on the deck, the heavy metal clanging when he did so confirming its contents. \"I believe it would wise to set sail before city guards come searching and asking though, hm?\""
"author": "<Issotha>",
"message": "*She didn't notice him right off the bat, as she was far too preoccupied. The motions she would spot in her peripheral vision would give him away. She smiled lightly before returning to her dull cold face. Before she could say much the loud clang of gold coins echoed over the deck. She turned over her shoulder, her tail flickered with interest. As she stood back up she walked over, and picked up the two bags of silver and gold.* \"I wouldn't call it extra, deep waters aren't my thing.\" *She said in a dull tone as she opened the bag to inspect it. She had one issue, no real crew. She was only able to afford a small skeleton crew. Just enough to maybe keep the ship in decent condition.* \"Well one problem about leaving fast or right now, I don't exactly have a crew. By that I mean I have 6 men who are probably below deck resting at the moment. So you'd have to give us a bit to rig the ship for sail.\" *She said with a sigh. Slowly going below deck and giving a few shouts. A 5 elves in there early 20's maybe 30's came up above deck. Clearly poor or middle class due to their lack of clean and exotic clothing they seemed quite contempt with the pay. The six crewman was a half elf who seemed to have it bad, with barely functional clothing likely picked on by the other elves. Issotha was last up. The six men went to work on preparing the ship for sail. Issotha walked up to the canine.* \"Alright we have a deal, I never caught a name. Come let's take somewhere to sit.\" \n\n*Issotha motioned towards the captains quarters door. She walked over, taking a small key out of her pocket she unlocked it and opened it. Inside was a large decretive desk with a map of the surrounding water, with hand drawn marks off in the middle of the ocean with messy handwriting written in a self improvised language. \nSomething only she could read.*\n\n*Piled around the desk was a few small piles of gold coins, at least 60 of them with a few silver coins in the mix. She also had a fine silk bed in the back of the ship. With a smaller desk with several navigational equipment laid about. She picked up and moved a chair in front of the desk for him. \"Take a seat, we have a little before we set sail.\"\n\n*Outside the crew began to unfold the various sails as the anchor was still down. They would have to angle the sails before they could set sail at all since the wind was blowing strongly southeast. One of the crewmen prepared the knots on a rope to get read to measure speed as well as tying things on the deck down to ready for sail.*"
"author": "valethros",
"message": "The canine padded his way across the ship in a little strut, regarding every part of the deck with a mental note. Far from impressive in size compared to the galleon he'd been refused boarding in earlier today, but he wasn't in the best position to be picky. A mutual glare of distaste etched itself to crew hands and the beastkin alike when they showed up to the deck, though a wordless compromise was needed on both ends. \n\n\"Never thought I'd see the day that elves did physical labour by themselves,\" He snarked when returning from his brief exploration back to the kitsune. He made no effort to conceal his smug expression, offering an arm to confirm the deal with her. \"You may call me Jackal,\" He replied with a rather obvious alias, cautious as ever with providing only information she *Needed* To know. \n\n\"Reckon I'll have to keep a low profile in case your boys don't get the ship sailing by the time guards come lookin',\" The beast affirmed, following her to the captain's quarters. Closing the door behind him, Jackal tool another quick sip of his flask before lowering his hood with a sigh. \"The sooner we leave, the better. I don't plan to be dead weight either, considering how much you're lacking of working hands. The elves weren't wrong on that regard, I'll admit. They're far too scrawny compared to my kin for labour- not that it excuses their slaving tendencies.\"\n\nHe took a brief gander at the sailing map before leaning against the door with arms crossed before being offered a seat. Didn't see much of a reason to reject the offer. \"So, captain,\" He drawled in apparent disbelief still that she was one, \"What's your fancy? Sailin' ain't the most favoured work of kitsune in my experience, let alone women,\" He asked in a baritone, inquisitive tone, laying one elbow over the desk, intense eyes looking expectantly."
] | 576 | 2,920 |
259.285714 | 2022-11-30 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "hazerlaser",
"message": "It was a warm day in Huiruor. The cries of eagles and the rustling of the undergrowth disturbed the forest's peace and tranquility, not that such things were unwelcome. There was something unnatural about true silence; the world was not crafted in such a way to be devoid of noise, in all its chaos and discord. There was just something about the empty noise that made you feel like but an observer, as if the world was going on around you, regardless of your choices and decisions. Such meaninglessness was freeing.\n\nA horse's hooves broke through this silence, as the wooden man on its back hummed. This wooden man was a stranger to this forest, from an even stranger land, where such sights were as alien as he. Yet he felt weirdly at home, surrounded by his unliving cousins. His song was one of his people, learned many years ago. Music and company were all that carried him through those trying times, many years ago. Now he only had the former.\n\nThe man-thing, who had claimed the name Gambir, approached a lake, vast and blue. Many herbs and reeds dotted the banks, like little forests of their own, and dragonflies and bees flew around the flowers and plants. He had once prowled such banks for ingredients, but that was many days ago, in a distant land.\n\nGambir dismounted the steed on lead it to the bank of the river, where he procured a stake from its satchel and planted it in the ground, wrapping its reigns around it. The horse began to drink and eat of the rich grass, succulent and of a darkest green. Gambir doffed his large robe and clothing, stripping himself almost bare, bar his hat and cloth that kept his modesty. Even though he was alone, he would not allow the woodland creatures, of which he could converse, to an awkward sight. He looked up and soaked in the sun, before he waddled past the reeds and into the shallow water, where he sat.\n\nA large gash spread from the oaken man's neck to waist, as if a large blade had torn him asunder, along with many scars of a lesser seriousness. Many pink flowers were spread across his body, small but vibrant, many coming off his head and shoulders where they could best reach the light. His eyes were yellow and large, sparkling with the light of the desert sun, as he blankly stared out into the horizon, past the trees and the water and the mountains, to visions of home now lost."
"author": "Mimi slashi",
"message": "It was a quiet day in the forests. Well, every day in the Outskirts was quiet if Mimi had any say over it, but today especially so. There was barely anyone around due to the upcoming winter, which left the few roaming the forest almost bored. And yet Mimi was there, at the center of it all... Drifting slowly on the surface of a lake, if a person was close enough, she appeared dead. She had made her thoughts on this clear: If she was tasked to do something by her master, she would try to accomplish it. Or go home. But that last option held no meaning, as she needed to find the herbs first..\n\nMimi situated herself floating on the lake's surface, her eyes scanning the sandy floor in an attempt to find the underwater herb. She drifted in a manner so practiced it looked mechanical, or it would've were it not for her usual elegance."
"author": "hazerlaser",
"message": "It was only then that Gambir noticed a splotch in the water, distracting him from his daydreams. He had quickly passed it off as a mirage, one of the many he had seen in his life. Yet, he was well-hydrated, well-fed, and the sun did not bare down on the land enough to cause such an illusion. His eyes adjusted and peered forwards at this misshapen lump. It was almost humanoid in shape, yet blue and almost translucent. What could it be? Some creature of the lake, perhaps? Not an animal, not a man. Oh! How could he be so blind?\n\n\"GREETINGS, NAIAD, GUARDIAN AND SPIRIT OF THE LAKE! I MEAN THEE NO HARM!\"\n\nGambir raised his arm and waved at the thing, his limb long and slender and green, his wooden stretching to the sky. His voice was booming and rough, yet his words were pronounced elegantly.\n\n\"I DO HOPE I DID NOT ENCROACH ON THY MOST SACRED GROUND! I MERELY WISHED TO BATHE IN THESE WATERS AND CLEANSE MYSELF! CAN THOU HEAR ME ADEQUATELY?\"\n\nThe plant man was more than loud enough. Perhaps not loud enough to pierce the surface of the water, but his voice echoed on the realm of the land, disturbing a number of birds that simply wished to rest. He had heard of naiads, water spirits, in the words and folklore-tomes of tavern dwellers nearby. Perhaps the Great White Sea even had its own? There were stories of guardian spirits amongst his folk, perhaps they were of such creatures?"
"author": "Mimi slashi",
"message": "The Uzhi would raise her head from the surface of the water, the jellyfish on her head deflated. Mimi watched his body language, unflinching. She didn't make a physical move to approach him nor move from her position. She stood, her back straight and expression cheerful yet reserved. Her dress flowed beautifully down her frame in the water, where the hem almost reached to brush against the lake floor.\n\n\"Mimi says your loud... Why?\" *She questioned in a tone as neutral as her gaze. She was quiet while speaking in the forests, but her voice was clear and words carefully paced so her intention could still be made out easily. One may wonder why she didn't want to answer his question; Maybe she really was just a confused person behind that mask, or maybe she wanted to keep a secret from him."
"author": "hazerlaser",
"message": "\"I APOLOGISE, CREATURE OF THE LAKE, I SHALL LOWER MY VOICE IMMEDIATELY!\"\n\nGambir made a sound like coughing up a hairball, perhaps a poor attempt at clearing his throat. His next words were still loud, but his bellows did not shake the very trees and stones.\n\n\"I have quieted myself now, spirit of the water! Is Mimi thy name? I am Gambir, of land afar, and have come bearing no ill will!\"\n\nGambir continued to sit awkwardly in the shallows, knees tucked tight to his chest. Ignoring the loudness of his voice, many small fish had come to nibble on the moss that furrowed his lower half. He paid no mind to them, simple creatures free of worry, as he was but a curiosity to them.\n\n\"If I may ask, what art thou doing in these waters most splendid? I am always ready to assist a creature as divine as thee!\" In truth, Gambir simply wanted to do something, anything. He felt useless merely traveling, and it was his deepest desire to be of some importance to anyone, anything. Combat was most preferable, but he doubted he'd find such things here."
"author": "Mimi slashi",
"message": "Mimi raised her eyebrows at the sudden interest of assistance. \"How dare you call Mimi a Naiad?\" She said, sounding mildly defensive. Silence, tense and awkward, filled the clearing. It stretched between them, oddly heavy as the sun lowered in the sky. She cleared her throat and dropped her gaze. She was unsure whether to stay or leave, especially since he hadn't said anything outright rude, but at the same time, he hadn't come off as inviting either well.. To Mimi.\n\n \"Mimi does need help however..\" She motioned at the sky, the pale shades of blue now shifting into a melt of tangerine, red, and rosy purple as the first stages of sunset began to sink in. \"Mimi wants to know if flying herbs are real\""
"author": "hazerlaser",
"message": "\"Thou art not a naiad? My apologies, but thou art now but an enigma to me!\"\n\nGambir had never heard of the Uzhi, and therefore could not identify that Mimi was of their ilk. Perhaps he has heard of slime-folk in the same bars or taverns that he had learnt of naiads, but such information was not taken in by him.\n\n\"Flying herbs? Well, herbs only fly if you throw them! But this is a strange land, and perhaps there could be some plants of airborne inclination!\"\n\nGambir followed Mimi's gaze to the sky.\n\n\"But I believe that is the sky, and those art the clouds! Neither of which are herbs, I believe. And if the herbs fly in such a realm, how does thou hope to catch them?\""
] | 186 | 1,815 |
321.333333 | 2023-02-13 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "Terrel Bales",
"message": "*Terrel kept a steady hand at his horse's flank as they managed to make their way to the outskirts of the large city. To this day, it impressed him that beastkin had managed to create an entire kingdom for themselves with their history and, now that he was sharing a border with them, he decided to have this place as his go to for trades and other needed supplies. It was some forest and a river crossing trip away, but by now he had grown used to the back and forth route he took from the constructed town to beastkin lands. Typically he brought his wolves with him, but since it was getting warmer and he simply needed to transfer materials, he decided one of his steeds would be enough. At any rate, it would have been less suspicious than traveling about in a land of beast men with wild beasts at his side. The horse appeared to be equipped with several saddlebags, most of it from him doing a food supply run for the others since the crops needed more time to grow to be enough to sustain them. He didn't mind the time to himself, though anytime he passed through the city streets he was bound to get funny looks. This time was hardly different, but he became used to it. The sun's rays sent notice of it being the later in the day. Despite wanting to simply grab the supplies and return back, he already planned for staying an extra day and setting off the next morning when he had more time to travel.*"
"author": "R.L. Hanami || Mimi",
"message": "*This place was a long ways away from the shop, and it was* **Definitely** *A long ways away from home across the sea, though I suppose that place can't be called home anymore now can it?*\n\n*The closest thing he has now to a home is the ship, the crew, and that's about it I suppose, can't really say it's a miserable existence since he's enjoying it, very much so, of course, Faan Addiction not withstanding, but he'll work on that one soon enough.*\n\n*He gazed upon the large city that dwarfed his small stature, even if he was atop a horse and ontop of a hill overlooked the forest below, he still felt quite small, which was fascinating, a hint of childlike wonder resurfaced, sparking his innocence to life with wishful thinking.*\n\n'Maybe this could also be a home for me, maybe.*\n\n*The warm rays of late day sun caressed him gently, almost as if telling him to look forward to his virtually limitless future, since apparently he escaped the natural mortal coil a few years ago, while the sun hurt a bit, it's warmth and gentle grace was worth the pain.*\n\n*He felt the soft winds soothe his slight burning pain as he gallops forward with his lovely horse Hortensia, a prideful but brave lass one of his employees borrowed him.*\n\n\"We're here Hortensia, this place is beautiful..., Have you ever been here before?\"\n\n*He gently and lovingly brushed Hortensia's mane, making it neigh in delight, he always has been good with animals, well, animals have always been kind towards him would be more accurate, suppose its because of his blood, maybe it's because of his demeanor, maybe a little bit of both.\n\nAs he gets gallops, he notices a familiar figure also galloping slowly on a horse just like him, and a smile couldn't help but form on his face as he gives the man a holler.*\n\n\"Hi Mr. Pig mask!, Over here!\"\n\n*A jolly adorable smile bloomed on him as he waved to Mr. Pig mask with a vigour and energy he hasn't felt in a while.*"
"author": "Terrel Bales",
"message": "*At first, Terrel considered carrying on as if he hadn't heard. He hardly knew anyone here, and last thing he needed was someone looking to inconvenience him when had already took a lot of time having to get supplies. The Silnari turned his head ever so slightly, peering back at the Kemonomimi from the cover of his pig mask. There was something definitely familiar about him, though Terrel's memory often vanished when he didn't think it was something important to remember.\n\n He decided to come to a stop for while, figuring that he was already seen as is which, at that point, would have been too late to pretend otherwise. After sharing a brief look with his horse, he eventually called back.*\"Do I... Know you from somewhere?\"*He asked in mild confusion or what could be sarcasm, though with his low voice it was always hard to tell from him. Terrel supposed he had been traveling long enough for him to have potentially met this person on the way, but for all he knew it could have been ages ago.*"
] | 297 | 964 |
173.25 | 2023-02-17 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "R.L. Hanami || Mimi",
"message": "\"Well, I have this little hobby where I just buy little trinkets that I like and add it to my little collection, I have a small room back home filled with the them.\"\n\n*He shrugs in self deprecation, not really sure if the hobby is healthy or not, but atleast it's better then doing drugs.*\n\n\"Someone I know said there'll be a few auctions this week, one of them of the less legals sort, might be able to find some fascinating thingies, I hope so at least.\"\n\n*His eyes are positively glimmering, his body leans in a little, very much showing his interest, and his worrying levels of transparency.*\n\n\"Also, someone gave me crappy alchemy ingredients, payed good clean money for it, so their gonna pay ;-;\""
"author": "Terrel Bales",
"message": "*Terrel seemed to lighten up a bit, giving his horse a gentle pat of assurance as he gazed over to the vamp.*\"Understandable. Trinkets are very nice to collect.\"*He replied casually in support of the idea. With a single hand gesture, the Elf beckoned for him to follow, figuring walking and talking allowed more progress.*\"Reminds me of someone I know who likes to collect shiny things as well. A bit more concerning considering his history, but hobbies are hobbies.\"\n\n*Terrel glanced back towards Roland at his last statement, raising an eyebrow in curiosity of his words.*\"And what exactly do you plan to do with them?\"*He asked him. By wording alone, one could probably assume what, but it was hard for the Silnari to envision it. Amusing even.*"
"author": "R.L. Hanami || Mimi",
"message": "\"Well back when i was still a pirate, the crew taught me about this thing called 'Water Boarding', essentially, you put a sack over the poor bloke's head, then you pour water on him, rinse and repeat.\"\n\n*He scrunches up his nose when he remembers the utter state of the crap shipment, quite an odd face for a kid to have, a certain amount of coldness and viciousness in glazed those innocent childlike eyes.*\n\n\"It was well hidden as well, it's not the first time that one has done something like this, and as they say, 'You can anger a saint three times, but more than that and beware his wrath', I mean honestly, what if I accidently used them and poisoned my customers, they might die and my shop might go down under!, i really don't want to be a pirate again...\""
"author": "Terrel Bales",
"message": "\"Well drowning a man for it can very well go the same. To you anyways. I'm sure your restaurant will be fine, give or take new management.\"*He said in response. Part of the Silnari doubted Roland would do much, but the kid seemed to have his fair share of experience as far as pirating went.*\"You live you learn though.\"*Terrel gave a shrug, shifting his attention back on ahead to walk in the direction of the outskirts.*\n\n\"I wouldn't have expected many auctions taking place out here, but I guess if a bunch of new jobs can open up in the west, anything can happen around here really. Maybe I'll consider going in my free time. Wouldn't mind seeing what this whole place has to offer.\"*He said thoughtfully. Exploring the town was pretty nice on his leisure time and even now there seemed to be something new about it each time he visited.*"
] | 172 | 693 |
146.65 | 2023-03-07 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott kneels down next to a small creek that branches off of the nearby river, a canteen in his hand. He slips his big duffel bag off of his shoulders and sets it next to him, unbuckling the buckle that holds the canteen onto the side. His bag was a dark greenish/brown color, meant to blend in anywhere .The canteen was in a tan cloth cover, which Scott slips off the container. Scott himself was wearing dark clothing, similar to what his duffel bag looked like, along with bronze glasses and boots.* \n\n*He was an explorer. He makes maps of the places he's been and sells them. The maps contain important information as well, like where any animals/creatures would hang out, where there's edible plants and drinkable water. Trails and markers. Basic things that you'd want on a map if you were going for a hike or traveling. Scott sold his maps at a low price though, which brought more customers and business. Which in turn gave him a bigger profit.*\n\n*Scott dips the canteen into the water next to him, letting the flow of the creek fill it up. He looks around the area, trying to see if he can see any landmarks that he could triangulate his position with. To the East, a long ways away, he sees the Agan mountain peaks that travel up North-East, ending nearly straight North of him. Just South of the peaks, Lake Agan rests, which is where the river is traveling from. To the south of himself, the Besian Sea lies. He must be somewhere between Fuuran and Liri. Usually, if it was night time, he'd be able to use the stars to navigate his position.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*On this particularly average and boring day Kazzi was taking a stroll up the river which connected to the lake her village was situated near. She wasn't actually supposed to be here since there might be a hunting party sent out today, buuut she also felt bored. So here she is, shirking her duties like a totally responsible adult, taking a stroll up a river without a care in the world. Of course she does have her gear with her just in case so things wont go tits up if a animal saw her as a snack*\n\n*As she kicks some rocks around ~~and then promptly stops doing that due to it hurting her paws~~ she spots what looks like a person in the distance. Her instincts immediately kick in and she hurks down, watching them to see what theyre doing. And, if possible, if she could surprise them*"
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*If the cat lady looked closer, she'd be able to see dark ears atop of Scott's head, peeking through his hair, along with a tail protruding from under his shirt. His ears move from side to side quickly, subconsciously. Scott pulls the full canteen out of the water, puts the cap on, along with the cover, and buckles it back to his bag. He then proceeds to dip his hands in the water, forming his hands into a bowl shape and sipping from the creek directly. Refreshing. He washes his hands, then wipes his face down before drying his hands on his pants.* \n\n*Scott sits on his rump and leans against his duffel bag, pulling out an apple and orange from his pocket, along with a black handkerchief. He unfolds the cloth, lays it over his lap and starts peeling the orange, the sun nearly directly overhead. But, he was sitting in such a way that the sun shined everywhere except for his face, warming him up. Scott seemed really relaxed out here in practically the middle of nowhere.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*Kazzi watches the man silently for a few seconds before starting to slowly sneak towards him, her bare paws easily negating any sounds her footsteps may have made as she silently stalks closer to him. She has a wide smile on her face and her ears are twitching and flicking as she closes in, excitement evidently displayed on her face at the thought of whats about to happen*"
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott was oblivious to the person sneaking up on him, even with his sensitive ears. He just continues peeling his orange. When that's done, he sets the empty peel to the side and starts eating his orange, staring at the forest and mountains in the distance. Scott wasn't very easily startled or snuck up on, especially being a beastkin. But he was relaxed and was literally sitting in the middle of a big open field, even though his back was turned to the woman. He wasn't expecting anything to be able to sneak up on him, so he let his guard down as he lays there, eating his orange peacefully.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*Kazzi silently sneaks closer and closer, her ears twitching and twisting in case she catches whiff or sound of anyone else nearby. She continues until she's around 8 feet from the man and then crouches and in an instant jumps forward, letting out a loud screech as she lands right next to his head*\n\n\"SURPRISE BITCH\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott's reaction was quick. Quicker than usual. What in the hell is that? He jumps up, an orange slide still in his mouth as his hand travels to his boot, a knife suddenly appearing in his hand in front of him, pointed at the lady standing next to where he had been sitting. The apple, handkerchief, and rest of the orange slices comedically go flying through the air, some landing in the water and floating away, the apple landing on the ground at Scott's feet. The hair on his arms and tail stand up straight when he jumps up. The blade protruding from Scott's fingers was around four and half / five inches long. It was sharp on both sides, glinting in the sunlight. It was a dagger. But it looked a bit weird, because there was wood lining the sides, mixed in with the metal.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*The small felinid jumps back with a huge smile on her face, just staring at him looking proud of herself. Her short stature and general body structure kinda looked like a teenager or younger, but her attire told a completely different tale*\n\n~~pic for reference cuz yes~~\n\n*She just stood there staring at him with that proud expression*"
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott stood at around 6'8\" When he stands up straight from his stance, sliding his knife back in his boot as he sees that the person who scared him looked to him, like a younger person. A young teenager perhaps. Scott shakes his head, straightens his clothes and starts picking up his food from the ground, gathering it into the handkerchief.* **\"You shouldn't go around scaring people, kid. You could get hurt.\"** *He picks up his apple, which now had some mud and grass all over it. He sighs and sits on his knees next to the creek, washing off his apple. He obviously has mistaken how old the cat person was and wasn't really worried about her.* **\"Where are your parents or guardians? You shouldn't be walking around her alone. It gets dangerous in places.\"** *He wipes his apple off on his pants, glancing at the felinid standing next to him.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*The 'kids' grin grows wider as she stares at him. She starts stroking her whiskers as her ears twitch and tail flicks around, her stance clearly showing that shes not taking him seriously at all*\n\" Man you should've seen your face. Best reaction Ive had in nearly a year!\" *She laughs and saunters over to him and leans down sideways to look at him*\n\"You probably shouldn't be relaxing next to the river though ya know. The forest beasties in the west come drink here pretty often\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott looks over at her, raising an eyebrow when she exclaims loudly about her scaring him. If she didn't stay quiet, then of course they'd attack the monsters. Who was this kid?* **\"I know about the monsters. I've been through here before. I don't need your comments.\"** *He shakes his head, standing back up and going back to his bag.* **\"Listen kid, I don't know who you are, but you should head back to your parents. You're being kind of loud and are going to attract the 'beasties.'\"** *Scott sits back down, leaning back against his bag, peeling the apple with his knife.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*She makes a cheerful non-committal hum and saunters to in front of him, one arm resting on her hip and the other stroking her whiskers. It should be obvious by now that her gear isnt that of a kid. It seems too specialized and expensive considering the composite bow and modified gambeson*\n\"Aahhh lighten up grumpy. The wolves keep them in check at night and the villagers keep the population down at day\" *She jabs a finger in his direction* \"But you I don't recognize. Whenve you come through here?\"\n\n\"Dont think youve passed through the village before thats for sure\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott shrugs when she asks about him.* **\"I've been through the village a few times. Never stopped, just passed through. I have no need to stay there.\"** *He points at his duffel bag.* **\"I have everything I need right here. I'm on my way to the Besian sea.\"** *He watches her closely, just now taking in her attire. Maybe she wasn't a kid. Or she could be a thieving child. He wasn't taking any chances, so he kept an eye on her for now.* **\"My name is Scott Creed. If you're interested in exploring, you may have heard of me. I make and sell maps.\"** *He sets his apple down, wipes his hand off, and holds his hand out for a handshake.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*She strokes her whiskers, thinking for a bit as she shifts her weight to her one leg*\n\"Mmm nope never heard of ya, but sounds like youre on an interesting adventure. Nice to meetcha though, names Kazzi, local felinid\"\n*She grabs his hand and shakes it, her ears twitching and tail flicking*\n\n\"You don't look like youre from nearby hm? Been traveling far?\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott's ears and tail stay relatively still, not moving much as he watches her. He goes back to peeling his apple after shaking her hand, tilting his head a little.* **\"You don't seem young. You look young, but your attitude and clothing says otherwise.\"** *He corrected himself. **\"But nice to meet you too. I've been traveling my whole life, so I'm from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.\"** *He cuts his apple into pieces and washes his knife off in the water before sheathing it.* **\"I'm guessing you're from the village?\"** *He sticks a piece of apple in his mouth and looks up at her questioningly. He's still sitting down in front of her with his legs out in front of him, the handkerchief laying in his lap.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*She grins widely and hops backwards, putting a lil bit of distance between them. She seems quite cheerful and carefree all things considered, but that proud expression is back on her face now*\n\"Ohhh you caught on! Good job bucko, but complimenting me on looking young wont get ya any favors round here\" *She teases, grinning all the while making it clear she isnt being serious whatsoever as her tail lazily swings around*\n\n\"But you are right, I aint that young and Im also from the village. Got a nice community thing going there. The village leader is just kinda weird is all\"\n\n*She frowns, seemingly thinking for a moment*\n\"Have you been to Mentia lately?\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott continues eating his apple slowly, enjoying the warmth of the sun along with the breeze blowing through the fields around them. He rolls his eyes when she praises him about getting his statement right.* **\"I'm not trying to get any favors. I was just stating what I have observered from watching you. You're very hyper, like a child, which is one of the main reasons I thought you were one at first. I've also never met the leader there. And no, I haven't passed through Mentia in a few months. Why do you ask?\"** *Scott finishes his apple and puts his handkerchief away, taking a few sips from his canteen.*"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*She flashes him a cheeky grin, shifting her weight to her other leg this time, her ears flicking as she almost gets more serious in a way*\n\"Playful attitude is the key to using stature ya know. No one has their guard up around kids after all. And dont be so worried about those favors, Im just messin around with ya.\"\n*She starts stroking her whiskers again, kinda looking like one of those super villains who stroke their mustaches for no particular reason*\n\" No reason for asking bout Mentia though. Just curious if its still in that war business\""
"author": "Scott Creed",
"message": "*Scott glances up at the sky, hands folding in his lap.* **\"I don't know anything about the war. I'm not apart of it and I don't really care what happens. Don't get mad at me though, I don't know either side, so I'm not biased towards the 'enemy' or 'ally.' it's all just politics.\"** *He smiles for the first time that day and looks back at Kazzi. He looks down at his hand, cracking his knuckles a couple times.* **\"So, I've never heard of the name Kazzi. Where is I from?\"**"
"author": "Kazzi",
"message": "*She glances at the sky as well and then looks over at the lake, rocking on her feet as she keeps stroking her whiskers*\n\"Hmm.. My names probably a felinid thing? Comes from my parents sooo who knows. I haven't seen many felinids in my lifetime so that might be why it's not common?\" *She speculates thoughtfully as she picks up a rock and tosses it at the water, trying to make it skip and failing miserably*"
] | 136 | 2,933 |
77.823529 | 2019-05-18 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She walked here and sat under a tree*\n\n*She has fallen asleep*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "*Ryland had been walking around the outer edges of the forest, an area void of people, or so he thought. What he didn't know was that there was a Macen sleeping not too far away from him, the intentions of this person of course was just about as know to him about their presence though so all he could do was just continue on as he just took a look around. Ryland wasn't unarmed though, he had a wooden longbow upon his left shoulder, it was definitely been through years of use which was shown by just by it's worn appearance*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She rolled onto her side and she revealed a bloody and dirty bandage wrapped around her arm. She was unaware that there was another Macen there so she kept on sleeping*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "*Soon enough Ryland had come across this other person, a passed out woman by the seems of it, just by chance. Usually he would have walked on by but seeing as this person had a dirtied and bloodied bandage upon their arm, he had to act, this of course causing him to walk over to the woman, crouch down next to her, and gently shake her to make sure that she is alive. He also spoke in a low voice, one almost equal to a whisper, just to try and elicit a response*\n\n\"Hey... Are you okay?\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She would be breathing normally and she would wake up a little* \"Oh hello\" *She would say still sort of asleep*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Yeah hello. Is your arm okay?\"\n\n*Rylad shrugged off the greeting, instead deciding to focus upon the fact that her arm had a bloodied bandage upon it. Now, he wasn't a medical professional but when someone bleeds that much, it never meant that the wound was small. He didn't have to worry about her of course but him being a decent person decided it be best he not just walk off now that he made his presence known*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She would sit up and remove the dirtied bandage to reveal a large gash on her arm* \"It's okay I'm fine\""
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Are ya sure? That gash doesn't seem to be all too great\"\n\n*Just as he inferred, there was a decent sized gash beneath the bandage. This of course was a cause for worry because with large wounds came a large chance of it getting infected, this of course was known to cause death and frankly he didn't want someone to die by something that can be fixed fairly easy. He wasn't sure if he could fix it but there probably was a healer in a nearby town that could help her though*\n\n\"You may want to get it healed soon\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"You have a fair point. I'm Adeliza by the way\" *She smiled and tried to hide her pain*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"It's nice to meet you Adeliza, you can call me Ryland\"\n\n*Ryland gave a small smile as he introduced himself before casting a quick gaze back to the wound, the sight of it bringing a small frown to his face. He stood up from where he was crouching, holding out his hand to help Adeliza up soon after getting up. He honestly couldn't say he remembered if the village he was last at had a healer in it but it was worth a try if he were to be honest, it was better to try instead of stand around and do nothing*\n\n\"Lets go and try a healer then, ain't no point in just sitting around after all\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"Yup and thank you so much for your help\" *She'd take his hand and smile at him. She winced slightly at the pain in her arm but she was very grateful to him for helping her*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Its the least I can do at this point... Say, what are you doing out this far anyways?\"\n\n*They were in the woods with only a vague direction to go if they wanted to reach elven territory after all, not many people could be found out this far in all reality. Ryland, though obviously not being of the elven kind, had his reasons being here but he did want to hear what Adeliza's reason was, especially when she had such a wound on her arm*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"Well my wound is from someone who i risked my own life for but who took me for granted and so i got mad and then he did this to me and so I'm out here because I had no where else to go plus I wanted to explore\" *She started to feel a bit light headed but she didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to be anymore of a burden than she already was*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Well you should've taken care of that gash before thinking of exploring, you realize you could have bled out out and died out here right?\"\n\n*Ryland spoke with a tone more of concern with a little bit of scolding than of anger or anything of the sorts, he wans't a monster after all. He did start leading Adeliza out of the woods as well, the way out wasn't all too tough or labor intensive but it definitely wasn't easy either... This of course could prove tough for those whom aren't physically fit or are heavily wounded, thankfully Ryland wans't either... He wasn't too sure about Adeliza though*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She clung onto him so that she could maintain her balance and strength* \"I know that was a really dumb thing to do but I was so mad that I didn't care I'm sorry that I've already made such a bad impression of myself\"\n\n\"Besides no one would've cared if I died or not because I had no one\""
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"No need to apologize, you are obviously in a pretty bad condition as is\"\n\n*Seeing as Adeliza was using him as a way of support, Ryland decided to take her arm over his shoulder just so it was a bit easier for the both of them. He figured that blood loss was getting on her so he needed to be quick, the wound also needed to be recovered up but he could do that once they reach a less brushy area*\n\n\"As for no one caring, that may have been true before but seeing as I care enough to give you help, well... You have someone that cares for you right now\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She would smile and give him a mini hug and she ripped off a part of her clothes and wrapped it around her gash temporarily* \"Thank you for everything. How can I repay you?\""
] | 85 | 1,323 |
53.944444 | 2019-05-19 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"There is no need to worry about repaying me now, we still have to get you out of the woods after all\"\n\n*Ryland adjudged a little to let her bandage herself as they walked, it was better that she didn't just bleed out as they traversed the land after all*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"But still I do need to repay you so how can I repay you?\" *She started to get a bit weaker and a bit more light headed but she tried her best not to show it and she kept going with his help out of the woods*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"We can worry about that later, for now just hang in there\"\n\n*Ryland was unaware of the fact that she was slowly getting more and more lightheaded, this of course was a bad thing that he couldn't exactly fix easily, he wasn't a healer after all. All he could do was try and get the two of them to safety as quickly and safely as possible.*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"How much farther?\" *Her legs started to get a bit weak*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Not much further, do you need a rest or anything?\"\n\n*Ryland was still fine to go but if Adeliza wasn't he would be fine with stopping for a break if it was needed, he didn't want to push a wounded person too far after all*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"Do you mind if we do?\" *As she finished that sentence she collapsed onto the ground and passed out*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Whelp...\"\n\n*It was the worst case scenario, Adelina had collapsed and passed out soon after speaking. This of course wasn't a good sign so Ryland waisted no time in bending down and scooping the girl up so they could continue moving on. He could see the edge of the woods not even 40 yards away, they could make it hopefully*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She was still breathing and she tried her hardest to hold onto him and she was hoping that her makeshift bandage wasn't going to fall off while they were walking*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "*Ryland continued through the underbrush right up until he exited the woods and found himself by a well worn down dirt road, this was good of course because it meant that a town was nearby. The distance to that town was unknown to him though*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"Ryland...\" *She would say his name in a faint voice*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Stop talking and just conserve your energy\"\n\n*Ryland spoke in a stern and steady tone, one what both showed some worry but not enough to really mean anything deep for all he was doing was making sure a stranger lived to see another day, no more and no less. Frankly he couldn't say that he had ever come across a situation like this before so he was a bit high on adrenaline as he recounted the recent events in his head, his mind had also dabbled in the thought of Adeliza dying but he decided not to think on that... He'd rather not think of having to deal with a corpse after all*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"You don't have to do this i'll be okay\" *She tried to stand up so that she could walk too so that he wouldn't have to carry her. She was extremely grateful to him for all that he had done and she didn't want to be a burden to him*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"You just passed out, there is no way that you can do this on your own\"\n\n*Ryland doubted that Adeliza would get far on her own seeing as she just passed out and had to be carried. This meant that he resisted against her trying to be put down, he didn't want her to use too much energy in trying to support herself after all*\n\n\"So please conserve your energy\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She finally gave in* \"But what happens when you get tired?\" *She was slightly scared for him more than for herself*"
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"Don't worry about that okay?\"\n\n*Ryland may have only been a Macen but he had spent years doing hard work, this of course meant that he had a really decent endurance. Sure, there was a slight burn in his arms as he walked on but he could tell that they were getting near somewhere for the woods slowly started to merge into a flatlands like area, a perfect place that a town may be*\n\n\"We are almost there anyways\""
"author": "beans16",
"message": "\"Are you sure?\" *She was a bit skeptical and then she realized that he might need something* \"Do you need water? Or food?\""
"author": "ryromancer",
"message": "\"*Yes* I am sure. Now will you please just rest, you are the one bleeding out after all\"\n\n*How could someone in such a dire situation be concerned about how he was, that was what Ryland found odd. He was sure that he was perfectly fine though, they were reaching the town of pretty soon, this of course meant that they had a high chance of finding a healer there*"
"author": "beans16",
"message": "*She went quiet and stayed that way until they got there*"
] | 53 | 971 |
99.421053 | 2019-06-20 | GuildTextChat | [
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*The forest was relatively quiet. Perhaps too quite for most people, even the lack of birds singing would make anyone feel somewhat uncomfortable. All that could be heard was the sound of leaves brushing against each other in the gentle breeze, even the grass danced along with the breeze. All seemed still, yet eerily quiet. And the answer to the silence arrived in the form of a kitsune. One leg brushed past some tall grass, before the other came along.\n\nThe female kitsune had her ears perked up high as her body gracefully moved through the forest. Her brown skin shimmered as the sunlight hit her skin, the darkness of her fur on her ears and tail also reflected back the sunlight. Her bright yellow eyes scanned the overall area as she moved, barefoot, through the land. This was good. And she felt good about being in this forest.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*There came a clanking of metal boots that disturbed the eerie silence, its presence alone was wrong. The Dark Elf looked around for the materials he needed, noticing the only sound being him. He would not be phased by the loneliness, he had a job and he wanted to be quick about it.*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*Wow! Now these noises were new and interesting. She could only associate these noises with knights in shining armor, patrolling village perimeters and such. However... They were nowhere near Wakazu. What on Earth- was he lost? Now the kitsune grew curious. With her bare feet, she would move quickly and silently through the grounds, moving in the direction towards the clanking noises, until eventually, she saw sight of the man. Her ears perked in curiosity.\n\nBut she was not willing to go out there just yet.\n\nShe hid a little bit behind the tree she was against. She rose her hand up, allowing a little fiery light to form in her hand. She whispered something under her breath and her entire body gave of the faintest glow. Her form shrunk, smaller and smaller, until eventually she had turned into her 'Lesser' form. Into an arctic fox in their summer coat. From there, she shuffled her way through the bushes and out the other end, now following directly behind the dark elf.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*Oblivious to the creature stalking behind him, he kept clanking through the forest. He had a few thoughts swirling in his mind. What if he met a Wood Elf? Would it be friendly? I wonder if it will take offense to my presence here? As well as \"Did he say red root or blue root... Aw man.\"*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*The little arctic fox followed swiftly behind him, even walking beside him for a moment. The fox appeared normal, but the one different thing about her was the striking, golden yellow eyes the fox had. Completely unlike most foxes, these eyes were supernaturally bright. \n\nAs she walked beside the dark elf, and he was seemingly talking to himself, she was admiring his general appearance. All before she gave a little 'yip' and she around his ankles before darting off in front of him. She went a few feet before she stopped and turned around to face him, the ears of the fox perked up straight.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He intrigued by the fox, but why did it have an arctic coloration in a forest? And those eyes, so beautifully bright. What a funny little thing. He knelt down next to it and reached to pet it with his left hand.* I: \"Doth you know where some Nightshade grows in this forest little fox?\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*The fox leaned into his hand, allowing him to pet her head. The mention of Nightshade made her perk up a bit, her eyes looking back into his own with intelligence. She gave a look no other, regular animal would give. She would immediately dart behind the dark elf and look up at him, making a soft 'yip' noise to indicate for him to follow her. From there, she bounded off in the opposite direction to where he was going. She was certainly quick, but she stopped for him to catch up.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*The Elf was not used to the forest and its inhabitants, so he was tentative about following such a strange fox. But he did anyway, he needed that nightshade for a job and the fox might know something. The quick fox outmatched his speed greatly, but his endurance held up to stay in sight of it.*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*Once he got close enough, she would bound off again, even getting to the point where she gracefully bounced down a steep slope to the very bottom, making some stones roll down to the base. At the base of the slope, she would sit up top a rock and wait patiently for him. Her more humanistic mind thought this was quite cool, acting as though she was a wild animal. Perhaps she could use this form to her benefits... Nah, not her style.\n\nThe fox that sat on the rock appeared to shimmer entirely beneath the sunlight. That fur was thick, yet not thick enough to keep her warm for the winter. It was well kept and the fox appeared to have a very good diet, considering she does not look malnourished in the least bit.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He slid down slope very stylishly before a near fantastic stumble into faceplant. Alas his natural grace saved him from the spectacle and he walked over to the fox, eyeing it again. He couldnt get over its supernaturalness, but it led him this far. Whats the worse that could happen?*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*He could almost feel the fox laugh a little bit as she closed her eyes as if she did laugh. Afterwards, she would stand up, shake her coat off and then hop off the rock and walk up the pathway. They weren't too far now, and she was hoping that after that lovely end to that stunt that he would still be able to catch up with her. She gave a slight pause and looked behind her, making sure he was following along. Her tail even swayed a little bit.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He was following, though he seemed to hurt his ankle a little bit. But it was of no concern, he could heal it with ease after he got back to town. How much further was his question.*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*After what felt like waaayyy too long to be searching for Nightshade, the fox would reach a waterfall area. She made her way onto some rocks that poked just through the surface of the water to go to the other side of the waterfall. Once she reached the ground, she turned and sat down, facing the dark elf. Behind her was a large amount of Nightshade, all in their beauty, for him to pick.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He gave the fox another scratched behind the ears before picking a small bit of Nightshade. He was glad for the fox's assistance.* I: \"What could you be... Certainly no fox Ive heard of.\" *He knelt down again and gave some more head scratches.*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "***\"That is a curious question.\"** The fox then spoke out, followed by a giggle with the head scratches. **\"What exactly could I be...\"**\n\nThe fox lowered her snout to look over her body, giving off a soft little hum as she looked over her body.\n**\"I appear to be an arctic fox, but... Perhaps I'm not?\"** She spoke with such a teasing tone. She knew exactly what she was.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He looked confused as hell, jumping back a bit. It was not everyday a fox talked to you after all.* I: \"W-what? How can you be a talking fox?!\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*The fox then giggled like she was enjoying driving this poor dark elf mad. She then moved back a little bit before shaking her coat again. As she did this, the faintest, red and orange glow would come from her body, her body engulfed by this glow. The outline of her body would grow and grow and grow until eventually, the glow faded, revealing... A woman. A macen-looking woman, except she had... Ears and a tail.\n\nThe rather short woman had long, black, wavy hair that went down to her waist. Her skin was dark and her eyes kept their bright yellow color. She wore a light blue top with a darker, strapped top beneath it, followed by a lighter blue skirt and dark blue leggings. Lotsa blue, this woman seems to like the color.\n\nShe extended a hand out to the dark elf with a big grin, showing her enlarged upper canines.\n**\"Your friendly Kitsune to the rescue for some Nightshade! Name's Bluebell. A pleasure to meet you.\"***"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He was a little mucked up but he knew his manners. He took the hand and shook it firmly as befit a new accquaintance.* I: \"Why uh thank you Bluebell, you've been great help. Never seen a Kitsune, I spose they're rare in Silnaria. You also clearly like the color blue I see, rather... Fitting.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*After the handshake, she pulled back her hand and looked down at her clothing.\n\n**\"One would think! My mother always told me it suited me for my name.\"** She then looked up at the man, a piece of her dark hair falling in front of her face. She took it and pushed it behind her right ear that perked upright. **\"Sir, you did not say your name! You look to be someone important.\"** \n\nShe stood up on her tip toes for a moment before lowering herself.\n**\"And what's with the knight metal on your boots? You're far away from any sort of village if you're a knight. Or a soldier... Unless you're a really bad thief.\"** She giggled mischievously.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He laughed. She was very light-hearted, best to keep it that way, no need to ruin dreams.* I: \"My name is I'halya En'naur. I think that translates to 'The Shade of Fire' in Macen. I'm a Battlemage, a knight that uses magic to help others. The metal boots keep my feet protected from arrows to the heel.\" *He shuffled a little, his violet eyes were pleased with his fluent language speaking skills. Good thing he had those.*"
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She looked at the boots again before she kneeled down, her tail swaying as she curiously looked at the metallic boots. She tapped them with her nails, or were they claws? They were pretty large. She listened for the metallic noises that followed then hummed, as though she was judging and rating the metal on the shoes. She then stood up straight with an index finger to the chin.\n\n**\"Lame. They won't do too well after some time. Should find a black smith willing to make you another set.\"** She then whispered a little bit, her eyes looking up at the male's own violet eyes. **\"Ooorrr you could steal some.\"**\n\nShe then giggled a bit.\n**\"Excuse me, I've been a little reckless recently with my actions. Got a kleptomaniac itch and it won't go away.\"** Her right ear flicked a little bit. She then turned her attention to the Nightshade.\n\n**\"What do you plan to do with the Nightshade?\"** She asked.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He shuffled a little bit. He wasn't used to people that were so... Happy. He led a life in dreary battle and wasnt prepared for this in the slightest.* I: \"Gonna give it to the person who needed it. What they do with it isnt my concern.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She hummed a little bit in thought, putting her arms behind her back as she thought.\n\n**\"I heard the berries make a good way to poison and kill someone.\"** She walked a little bit beside him, looking at her nails as she spoke. **\"Ever heard of 'The King's Final'? It's a special way the Nightshade berries are pressed and put, either in the food or the drink, that is to be handed to a king, or anyone of royalty. It usually happens through the maids in the kitchen quarters. Mercenaries like yourself will sometimes request the maid put the berries into the food or drink for the king. Depending on what the king has that kills him will determine the name's ending. Either it's 'The King's Final Meal' or 'The King's Final Drink'.\"**\n\nAfter her little speech, she looks up from her nails and back at the Dark Elf.\n**\"Been somewhat of a dream of mine to rid my father that way.\"** She smiled then shrugged. **\"Buuuuutt who cares?\"***"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He was astounded at her knowledge and yet her lack of wisdom. But he had a job to do and that was that.* I: \"Well I thank you for that bit of knowledge and your company but I must return to the town to collect my dues. Do you ever go into town?\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She gasped and immediately turned to face her body to him.\n\n**\"May I go with you?! I can stay in my Lesser form for a long time, no one will suspect a thing! I love the forest, but unfortunately I get bored all too easily.\"** She folded her arms and pouted like a little child. **\"Aaaand I can give a liiiittle bittle of help if you need it. Don't have many powers, but I can try my best with what I got, good sir.\"** Her tail behind her swayed side to side.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He sighed and shook his head before looking up at her.* I: \"You can stay in your... Normal form. I dont think anyone should care, after all you are probably considered pretty I guess. Also helps if I can follow closer, you almost lose me when you bolt ahead.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She gasped in awe, which was immediately followed by a giggle.\n\n**\"Excellent!\"** She exclaimed happily. **\"This will be so exciting! Should you require anything, I will be more than happy to pay for it for you! \"** She paused with her one hand on her chest then blinked, realizing she didn't have as much money anymore. **\"Erm, never mind that last statement, that's irrelevant now.\"** She smiled nervously.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He shook his head, but she knew the way to town more than him probably.* I: \"Lets get going, I hope you know the way back to town. I cannot dilly dally much longer and the job is good money for something so easy.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She perked up and she nodded, looking around for a moment before going back across the waterfall, walking over the rocks that poked through the water.\n\n**\"What's the job anyway? Who's head are you going to roll today?\"** She asked quite casually as she got to the other side of the waterfall, making her way back to where they came from. **\"My mother used to be a Mercenary. Didn't last long because the guild didn't accept her.\"***"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He cotemplated his answer, taking in the gained information.* I: \"I dont think Im rolling a head today, poison isnt my expertise and I find it most dishonorable. Mercenaries do very basic work, but not such evil work I think. Atleast we shouldnt.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "***\"Huh, interesting!\"** She said as she climbed back up the slope, struggling a little bit as her upper body strength was not the best. But, through trial and error, she got back to the top, shaking some dirt off her hands. **\"Theeen, are you basically the letter boy for today? What are you getting paid for to do that needs you to be there so timely?\"** She pressed on for answers. She couldn't help it, she was so inquisitive.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*Sometimes annoyingly inquisitive, but I'halya induldged students and curious. He carried on alongside her and spoke.* I: \"Pretty much, getting paid to just be a runner. I do think you've earned a share of the coin though.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "***\"Psssh, I know most of this stuff from my father and mother.\"** She spoke as she walked in the direction of the nearest town, Wakazu. Along the pathway, she hopped up into a tree and pulled down a branch, rummaging through it for a piece of fruit. She pulled out something resembling spikey pears before she let go of the branch. She took one of the pears and ate it, delving into its flesh like a rabid animal.\n\n**\"See, I managed to get lots of information in my own ways. Nuns, my mother, my father, even the horsemen that tended to our horses, lots of sources.\"** She spoke after she swallowed a mouthful of the pear. She offered the other one to him. **\"Hungry?\"***"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He nodded no, he wasnt quite hungry yet, eating before leaving. He kept walking, waiting for her to catch up.* I: \"Ive already eaten, you can have it. But hurry up, time is of the essence.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "*She rolled her eyes before dropping the spare pear to the ground. She took another bite from the pear before dropping hers to the ground. Seeming to be a waste, but the seeds will grow.\n\n**\"Riiight, let's get. Keep straight until you get to the edge of the forest. That's if you lose me.\"** She said before bounding off, rushing through the forest quite swiftly.\n\nShe'd quickly get to the edge of the forest. She had flung herself from a tree and landed within the ground, skidding to a stop. Off in the distance was , a place she didn't really want to go back to, but it seemed to keep beckoning her back. She looked behind her as she waited for I'Halya.*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He came stumbling out of the trees, a little winded. He looked annoyed that she had ran off without him.* I: \"Damn Kitsune, why are you so fast outside of fox form? Ech, lets get to town.\""
"author": ".sneezyanus.",
"message": "***\"Well, you saaaaaiiid that time was of the essence!\"** She exclaimed teasingly, this time walking beside him towards .*"
"author": "goswaldthegoose",
"message": "*He chuckled, she was right after all. He followed alongside her, his boots clanking again.* I: \"Been to Wakazu before?\""
] | 85 | 3,778 |
This dataset is comprised of roleplay chat conversations scraped from several Discord RP fandom servers. The conversations have been split in terms of days, the assumption being that a majority of long-form roleplays are started/continued and completed within a day.
The original dataset consists of ~14K samples. Light filtering striped that down to ~10K samples. Stricter filtering striped it down to ~5k samples. Strictest filtering striped it down to ~4k samples.
Effort was taken to remove emotes, links, reactions, OOC, channel mentions, user mentions, and other superfluous content that could've been destructive to finetuning. Still, there may be imperfections. The dataset is in a continuous state of improvement and is occassionally updated with additional training data as I find more servers to scape from.
In here are several files:
- The original dataset without squashing consecutive messages from the same author. All subsequent files are squashed.discord_logs.json
- The original dataset and default option.discord_logs_two_users.json
- The original dataset limited to conversations to those with only two users. I recommend using this file.discord_logs_split_threads.json
- The original dataset with threads split by timestamp like channels.discord_logs_anonymized.json
- The original dataset with usernames replaced with randomized substitutes.125_tokens_6_messages.json
(Strictest) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 125 and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages.80_tokens_6_messages.json
(Stricter) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 80 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages. The latter contains the former, so use one or the other, but not both.80_tokens_3_messages.json
(Light) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 80 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 3 messages. The latter contains the former, so use one or the other, but not both.opencai_rp.json
- Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages, then processed. Contains descriptions of characters, summary, scenario, chat and genre tags provided bygpt-4o
- Original dataset filtered for an average token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages, then processed and converted to metharme format.
Explanation of Properties:
: Date of the interaction in YYYY-MM-DD formattype
: Whether the interaction originated from a channel (GuildTextChat
) or thread (GuildPublicThread
). Threads were parsed differently than channels and use a static timestamp of1776-07-04
to differentiate them.token_length
: The total token length of all messages in the conversation, calculated usingtiktoken
: The average token length of all messages in the conversation.median_token_length
: The median token length of all messages in the conversation.conversations
: The conversation between the users in the chat. This is represented as a list of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a single utterance and containing two key-value pairs:message
, referring to the utterance itself, andauthor
referring to their discord username.
- Downloads last month
- 807