With the quantity of Frozen water on the moon higher than we previously thought, will there be any dangers with using this as drinking water?
Well, the moon has two very abundant things, sunshine, and cold. It would be very easy to set up a bunch of solar panels, then use the electricity from that to boil the water, then use the cold outside to condense that steam back into distilled water, which would be safe for drinking. Otherwise, it might be technically safe, but would taste terrible. It's got four billion years of dust dissolved in it, doesn't it?
Why does hot air create that gassy shadow? Shouldn't there be any shadow at all?
Changes in temperature cause the air to expand or contract in volume, changing the density and therefore altering how light passes through it. When bent by this transition between densities the light will produce a wavering effect above sources of heat (why you get a mirage, or see the heat effect from objects) and this bending of light means light is diverted from its normal path. As a result there are some areas which get less light, or a shadow.
How can witnesses recall a face enough for a sketch artist?
A) Usually a witness to a crime is a little more aware of the person comitting the crime than 95% of the faces they see just walking around on the street. B) Sketch artists are pretty good at their job and interpreting what people say, it's also not just a 1-and-done drawing, they draw what they think the witness means, show it to them and get corrections, etc. C) The ones who sketch artists work with are the ones who remember the faces of the accused. If they question you and you say "I really don't remember what they looked like other than being maybe 6' male, white, and skinny....but I don't remember his hair color, or length or anything", they probably aren't going to sit down and try to get a sketch with you. D) Sketch artists know the kinds of questions to ask to help improve the likeness of the image. "That face doesn't quite look like I remember"...."Do you remember their nose being bigger or smaller than the sketch? Longer or shorter?"....etc. E) Sketches aren't perfect but are usually close-enough to help find the individual in question. You might not be able to tell a sketch artist the exact nose shape or anything of a celebrity, but given some time you could probably work through to an image that looks extremely similar to some celebrity you know.
How was the Planck Length discovered/derived?
In physics, there are a bunch of equations that include universal constants. For example, E = mc^(2). c is the speed of light. It's the same everywhere. But the specific number it is depends on what units you're using. If you're using meters per second, it's about 300,000,000. If you're using miles per hour it's about 670,000,000. So some physicists said, "Hey it would be great if we could make a system of units where all those constants are equal to 1". And it turns out that's possible to do. The Planck units are what you get when you do that. The Planck length specifically is sqrt(ħG/c^(3)), where ħ is the reduced Planck constant, G is the gravitational constant and c is the speed of light. Some people think the Planck length is the "pixel size" of the universe. Whether that's true or not isn't known.
Why do tamed horses need horseshoes and what happens to horses hooves in the wild?
Horses living that "all organic" lifestyle are basically walking on their toenails for shoes. Their toenails are worn down naturally when hiking around the woods. However, if they take a bad step or just have rough day, their hooves can crack or split. Imagine having a split fingernail and having to put no less than 400lbs on it all day every day. Shit sucks yo. Speaking of which, you're probably mashing literal shit in that wound too, which leads to infections which leads to a pile of bad. Steel Horseshoes take the brunt of sharp and rough surfaces, and tie the hoof together so it never splits. The flipside is that the hoof/toenail doesn't wear naturally anymore, so the horse's people have to trim the hoof down manually on a regular basis.
How can large company executives get paid in huge amounts of company stock and sell that stock without being charged for insider trading?
Exec's sell stock on publicly available schedules. They announce to the public they're going to sell X shares of stock in 3 months. It's not private info anymore
Why does an object get heavier as it goes faster?
They don't! Sort of. But they kind of act like they do. Alright, back to Newton's laws. Force = mass X acceleration. So if you want accelerate a heavier object, you need a bigger force. Einstein found that energy and mass have an equivalence via the famous E = mc\^2 (energy = mass X speed of light squared). He also found that nothing travels faster than light. It turns out if you're close to the speed of light (like 99% the speed of light), it you have to put in an insane amount of energy to go just a little faster (say 99.1%), and *even more* to go slightly faster than that (say 99.2%). To actually *get* to the speed of light is infinite energy. The way people understood this at first was to think "hey, when things go fast, it's harder to make them go faster than it would normally be? What could cause that? Oh hey! They could be heavier!!!". So they said that you have this "relativistic mass" that gets bigger when the object is moving faster. They did this all so Force = Mass X Acceleration is still true. However you can also just say Force = Mass X Acceleration is just wrong, and that really the equation is incomplete. This became a more popular view recently. It also means that the formula for kinetic energy, 1/2 mass X speed squared, is wrong. Then the mass is always the same, no matter the speed. The reason you can have these two totally different views is because of Einstein's discovery that mass and energy are equivalent. Physicists prefer mostly the second view for pedagogical reasons when teaching physics.
Why do bands start their songs by saying "One, two, one, two, three, four" instead of just saying "One, two, three, four"?
A lot of band songs these days are pretty fast. That one-two is half the speed of the one-two-three-four, so denotes one and three rather than one and two, and is a helpful run-up into the song. having two bars to prepare instead of one means that people are much more likely to come in on time. It's also probably a style thing. Bands have been using that so long that it's become a bit of a flair that makes the performance cooler.
How exactly do things like Google home and Alexa work?
The machine constantly listens for the trigger word. Once it hears that, it records the next few seconds of sound and sends them over the Internet to a server, for analysis and response.
How do odds work when I’m looking at a a sporting event and how would they affect the money you’d get if you bet against them.
3:1 and 7:2 are fractional odds. Multiply that number by your stake, and that's how much you'll profit if they win. So 3:1 means multiply your stake by 3, 7:2 means multiply your stake by 7/2 which is of course 3.5 A bet of $100 for the Lakers would profit $300, plus you get your bet back, so if the Lakers win the chip then your $100 ticket would pay you $400. If the Clippers win it, a $100 ticket would pay $450 ($100 times 3.5 plus $100) The Pirates being -115 against the Cards means you have to bet $115 on the Pirates in order to win $100. You can work out the multiplier by dividing 100 by 115 - it's 0.87. So like my above example, if you bet $100 on the Pirates and they win, your ticket will pay $187 - 0.87 times your bet, plus your bet. You'll also see odds written like +150 - that means bet $100, win $150. In American style odds if the number starts with a minus sign, the multiplier is 100/odds - if it starts with a plus sign, the multiplier is odds/100 Easy peasy! I bet in the time I've been writing this, your post has already been removed for either not being flaired or you not searching :)
State restricted bottle returns?
In some states you pay an additional fee (included in the price) when buying recyclable containers. When you return them the fee is supposed to be refunded.
How can the blue light from computers and mobile phones affect us ? Is it really « blue » ?
Yes. If you remove blue light from white light you get yellow light, which is a mixture of green and red light... at least from an anatomical perspective.
Why do small bugs divebomb your ears?
They don't. There are simply more of them flying around , at any one time, due to the increased buoyancy (of warm air rising)
Why do so many trains in the UK (and possibly other places) get cancelled or delayed due to hot weather?
The excessive heat causes the tracks to expand, which can make switches sticky. The trains need to slow down for safety.
How do people develop eating disorders?
Some people feel comfort from eating and, in times of stress, develop a kind of addiction where they must constantly eat to stay comfortable and happy. & #x200B; On the other hand, some people see themselves as overweight and will do everything they can to not eat, or just vomit up the food (bulimia). & #x200B; These are obviously extreme examples and I am nowhere near qualified to go into more detail, but essentially it works like an addiction to help the victim feel more comfortable.
How do announcers/baseball fans identify the type of pitch being thrown?
People familiar with the game can generally figure out the pitch fairly easily, as long as they have a proper view at it. It just takes experience to do so. There are TONs of pitches for baseball fans and players. They see pitches all day, every day, for years and years since they were little kids. They know whats going on. That being said, there's really only 3 main types of pitches. Fastballs, Curveballs (aka breaking balls), and changeups. These three are pretty easy to distinguish from each other. Fastballs, are fast and usually fairly straight. Curveballs (a few varieties) curve or break in the air, and changeups are generally a variation of a fastball that is slower.
Why are some money sharing services such as Venmo able to deposit money into a bank account virtually instantaneously while other services such as PayPal take multiple business days to do the same?
Venmo deposited basically by using your debit card in reverse. Those transactions happen nearly instantaneously. The paypal transfers are done through ACH (basically an electronic check) and since those are done in a few daily batches rather than through a card processing network, there's a day or two delay in those being processed and settled.
Where did the phrase “Kick the Bucket” come from when talking about someone dying?
Upvoting for "trust me, I know" CW: suicide Also, here's what Google has to say on the etymology of that phrase, "A person standing on a pail or bucket with their head in a slip noose would kick the bucket so as to commit suicide. The OED, however, says this is mainly speculative; The OED describes as more plausible the archaic use of "bucket" as a beam from which a pig is hung by its feet prior to being slaughtered." Basically it's derived from hanging in one way or another, which often results in or is immediately followed by death.
Why does ADHD medication have the opposite effect on people who don’t have ADHD?
This is really cool one and none of the answers so far seem to cover it. youre talking about paradoxical effect of stimulants. But it's not really paradoxical. "Focus" is a thing part of our brain does. It's a function that a particular region is responsible for. One way you can think of the brain is as a team made up of many individual players. Each has their role and comes up with their own ideas and suggests them to the mind as to what to work on or think about. If it's a football team, you can think of the players in different positions. ADHD can be thought of as a team where the coach is asleep and unable to get the team organized to make a specific designed play—and although the team as a whole may be full of energy and running around all over, they aren't going to be able to move the ball forward. ADHD medications are stimulants but seem to calm down the brain because there is a partof the brain that is *underactive* in people with ADHD who's job is to **calm down and coordinate** the other parts. Think of this as the "coach". We're bringing coffee for the team, but the coach is the only one who really likes coffee and is the only one asleep. The stimulant affects the entire brain—but preferentially targets the coach. It also happens to be that the coach is just below the level of alertness needed to do his job in people with ADHD. In other people, the coach is already awake, and more stimulants just amp up the whole team.
How are we able to calculate pi accurately with such high precision
Because there are mathematical formulas that allow you to calculate to any number of decimal places if you have the time and computing power. One very inefficient one is π = 4 x (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 .......... ) There is no theoretical reason why you can't calculate out to trillions and trillions of terms of this. The actual formulas used are much more efficient, each extra term added gets towards π much quicker than this one does.
Why did Nixon organize the Watergate Scandel?
It wasn't Nixon who wanted it so much as a few key people. His Republican party wanted information on the Democrats--things they were planning--for the next election. But Nixon knew about it and tried to cover it up.
what is the difference between sleeping from 12 am to 8 am vs sleeping from 4 am to 12 pm?
It's unconventional which means it has a social stigma to it. You will also get a better quality of sleep if you're in a dark environment and that can be tricky to achieve once the sun has come up. But assuming you can get a good quality of sleep then there's no real difference.
How do we know how stars work?
A lot of it is theory combined with practical experimentation. We can look at the surface materials of stars and speculate about what must be happening inside to explain what we see, and we also experimented with fusion in things like bombs to verify the theories. With all that we can be pretty sure of what is going on even if we can't see it directly.
Why is it recommended to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth when exercising?
It slows down your breathing and that then slows your heart back down. Also, your nose helps warm and moisten the air so it doesn’t damage your lungs.
How did a minority of slave holders got a majority of southerners to fight the civil war?
So, part of the issue is that while the primary reason the Civil War was fought was slavery, the deeper reason is that slavery formed the fundamental basis of the South's economy, and without that, their economy would completely collapse. They were so reliant on slavery to function that without it, they couldn't compete with the North's factories. It wasn't just that the rich slave owners wanted to keep their way of life, but that getting rid of slavery would economically ruin the South, and well... there's strong evidence that indeed, it did. Add this to existing racism, that made people willing to fight to maintain a world view where they got to view themselves as poor, sure, but still better than the slaves, and you got a lot of people willing to fight to maintain their way of life.
Why is salt bad for you in high amounts?
Because it dehydrates you. I forget what it’s called but liquid likes to be stable so it goes from high concentration to low concentration and when the salt absorbs water in your body it can’t go anywhere else except leave you. I could be absolutely wrong so if someone knows better than I do please correct me!
How do solar panels work?
Solar panels are two layers of semiconductors, one laced with a substance with fewer electrons (+) and one laced with a substance with more electrons (-). When light passes through the layers, it knocks an electron lose, causing it to jump up from the negative side to the positive side, and another electron from the wire jumps in to fill the gap. It takes energy to force the electrons to go the opposite way, however, meaning that the easiest route for the newly freed electron is through the wire. Interestingly, LED bulbs are the exact same thing, only you force electricity to go through it the other way and it glows. You can even make solar panels glow this way, although it tends to damage them. And, unfortunately, that glow is in the Near-IR spectrum, so it's invisible to the naked eye, but some common cameras can see it anyway.
What does inclusive or mean?
The word "or" can have two different meanings: "Inclusive Or": This is saying "X or Y" and meaning "X is good, but Y is good too". An example in a sentence is "I'd like to get pizza or sushi, but not tacos". "Exclusive Or": This is saying "X or Y" and meaning "If you pick X, you can't have Y". An example in a sentence is "Are you voting for Amy or Bill for class president?" Both inclusive or and exclusive or can be useful when doing logic and programming, so it's sometimes important to specify which one you're talking about. Inclusive or is usually considered the default in those realms. When people want to use exclusive or they'll sometimes write it as "xor".
How do diamonds stay valuable?
Diamonds stay valuable because the Debeers company stockpiles them and keeps an artificial scarcity on them at a global scale. Inherited diamonds do not lower value much because of population growth. This means that there are more people in "need" of diamonds every generation than those that become available due to older generations dying.
How can therapy help you?
Physical therapy: physical therapy is a collection of exercises and practices that can strengthen and heal your body in order to reduce pain and recover from injury Talk therapy: a collection of therapeutic techniques that can help patients learn to cope with problems, overcome emotional pain, and understand life, relationships, and people better Massage therapy: a set of physical techniques that have demonstrated ability to help with stress and other psychosomatic problems
How does money that people spend on space exploration get back in to the economy?
You need to build the stuff that gets us there. Whether that’s research, or the shuttles and rovers and stuff that go out there, somebody’s doing it.
how do crystals/stones travel to the surface/to higher ground areas
Metal ores are pretty much just rocks which have higher than usual concentrations of certain elements. They still require a lot of processing after mining in order to extract the element(s) of interest. Mineral crystals of the sort that people go looking for as collectibles often form in cavities in the rock or ground - these can be from gas bubbles which didn’t quite escape the rock when it was molten, or cavities which exist in the soil due to tree roots breaking up the ground. Anyway, a cavity lends itself well to the unobstructed growth of crystals as water leaches through and deposits stuff that was dissolved in the water. The lack of obstruction to growth means crystal faced can develop well. If an area is uplifted in general then weathering and erosion will wear away the top layers and things inside will gradually get exposed. Uplift may occur due to long term tectonic forces - most obviously in mountain belts, but also just sections of the upper crust not associated with mountains, or blocks of crust like the horsts in [horst and graben structures](_URL_0_) are effectively uplifted compared to the surroundings and so experience more weathering. [Post-glacial rebound](_URL_1_) is another factor which can causes uplift. Then there are cliff faces which experience a fair amount of weathering just from being exposed - fossil hunters often go to such areas after storms to see what new things have been uncovered. One last thing to mention is any place that has winters cold enough to freeze the ground might experience the seemingly magical appearance of rocks welling up from beneath the surface. This is so common in the eastern U.S. that they became known as “New England potatoes” by the farmers there. Rocks are better conductors of heat than soil, so the rock conducts heat away from the warmer soil beneath it. That colder soil under the rock then freezes before other dirt at the same depth. Remember that when water freezes it expands. So, when the water in the soil under the rock freezes, it expands and pushes the rock up a little. When the ground thaws a space is left under the stone which fills with dirt, so the stone rests a little higher. Over a period of time this repeated freezing, expanding, upward push, and filling underneath eventually shoves the rock to the surface.
How is emotional and mental therapy used to help people overcome depression or other cognitive conditions?
It really depending on the tpye of therapy. For example, I am working with CBT, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy at the minute, which key principles revolve around changing your current thought patterns without focusing on the past (too much). Other therapy or counselling techniques, such as exposure therapy involve exposing someone to th source of anxiety in a safe setting to diminish the anxiety it causes over time. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy involves changing your thought patterns and behaviour linked to those thought patterns. So you look at the SITUATION, FEELINGS, THOUGHTS and BEHAVIOUR. The basic principals are you look a situation, say you are invited to a party, this makes you feel anxious, nervous or depressed. Your thoughts might be, I was invited out of pity, I don't have anything to wear, I'm not as pretty as everyone else who will be there, I'm the only single one. So you make the decision to not go. So as a result you feel better, more relaxed. This means next time you are invited somewhere you are less likely to go because you didn't last time and you felt better because of it. So this creates a negative feedback loop. You conclude, I feel better when I dont socialise. CBT aims to challenge and alter this thought pattern. You challenge you own thoughts. 'I was invited out of pity' - Is this likely, would my friends have invited me if they didn't want me there? 'I don't have anything to wear' Maybe I should look at what I do have, do so have time time/money to buy something else/ could I borrow something. 'I'm the only single one' - Why does this bother me? Do I feel I should be in a relationship by now? If so, why? Because of my age? Or comparing myself to my friends? From all of these thoughts I might still decide not to go, but the aim is to work towards diminishing intensity of the negative emotion. So my anxiety might have been a 80% but now I have worked through my thoughts it has lost some of its power now it might be at 40%, and I might feel a little happy that I was invited and included. CBT is primarily about looking at the thought you are having about a particular situation. NOT the feelings, feelings will happen no matter what, it's the thought you focus on. And slowly start to try and pick out the facts. If the thought is 'I was only invited out of pity, no one wants me to go', this can leads to other thoughts, 'No one likes me' 'They will have a better time if I'm not there' 'Even if I go noone will talk to me' NONE of these are facts, they are just thoughts that are shaped by a core belief you have about yourself. For example if you suffer from depression, one of your core beliefs might be I'm useless, or noone likes me they all just pretend. CBT overtime aims to challenge these core beliefs by changing your thought pattern, by trying to differentiate between facts and negative thoughts. There is other elements as well such as focusing on the present using mindfulness and meditation techniques but I don't want to ramble forever.
Why do you look better in some mirrors then others?
I don't know that there's an ELI5 for this, but it's because there is different lighting that changes the features and accents of your face.
How does the earth's atmosphere get colder the higher you get when 'warm' air always rise to the top?
Air also cools as it expands. Because the higher you go the less air is above your position the more the air at that level expands and there is a point that the cooling of expansion is greater than the heat retained in the air as it rises.
Did dinosaurs have things like downsyndrome?
Dinosaurs are living beings, all living beings have DNA, and down syndrome is a disease that results from having 47 chromosomes in your cells rather than the normal 46. Given that this is an error during mitosis and cell division, I don't see why dinosaurs couldn't also have these kind of diseases.
what's the difference between a tailored suit and a fitted suit?
Fitted is a snugger, more form-fitting cut but it's still just buying a size off the rack that is closest to what fits you. A tailored suit is as you described, completely custom to your body's exact dimensions.
Why are so many items and even whole buildings from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire found underground?
You'll find ancient cities that were abandoned for various reasons. Things that remain above ground for too long are exposed to things that often destroy them like weather, sun, animals, and people. However, wind and rain will often bring dirt, burying what's left of the old city. Things that survive long enough to be buried are a bit more protected as there's not much underground to cause the artifacts to degrade.
Who does close the doors when driver gets out of bus
The driver does. There is a mechanism for opening and closing the doors from outside the bus, it’s just not intended for and not advertised to the general public and may be secured.
How exactly do people catch food in their mouths without gagging? Is gagging an actual risk when you're doing that?
Can't speak for others but when I do it I catch it in my mouth. That is I use the back of my tongue to block off my throat so stuff actually gets caught in my mouth instead falling straight into my throat
I have heard Mitch McConnell blocking this blocking that, like the supreme judge seats and the voting security bill, how can he do that, I am not an American, doesn’t every congress or senate member get a vote?
Due to a mix of tradition and senate rules, the senate majority leader is the one who decides what is placed on the senates calendar
what is data mining?
I can think of three possible interpretations for your question: 1. People trying to figure out the details of software, especially games. 2. People trying to find trends or details in statistics. 3. "Mining" cryptocurrencies. ___ Assuming the first one, "data mining" means finding out hidden or unreleased information that is not visible to normal users. It is a hobby for some people. For example, someone might "data-mine" the actual odds the computer is using when it "rolls the dice" to give out a random prize. Or they may reveal a new quest that players can't start yet, by finding where the dialogue between characters is stored. ____ The second interpretation involves getting a lot of data -- like sales and staffing for a company -- and trying to look for something interesting and useful to the company. Finding those interesting trends and results is typically a paid job. ___ The last unlikely option, with crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, is much harder to explain. In short, it means tasking a computer with a hard somewhat-pointless puzzle to prove that you did it, to get internet-points.
Why does our heart beat *harder* sometimes?
Your heart beats to pump oxygenated blood to your body as needed. When you are at rest your heart beats slowly. When you are active your heart beats faster and harder to pump more blood faster through your body. Your lungs provide the oxygen so when you are active you breathe faster and deeper to take in more oxygen
What is a mortgage on a bad option deal?
An "option deal" is presumably referring to stock options. A stock option deal gives someone the ability (but not the obligation) to buy or sell a stock at a given price on a given future date. So for example if you think a particular stock is going to decrease in value in the future you could enter into an option deal to sell the stock at the current price at some later point. When the stock goes down you can buy the required stock at the lower price and sell it at the agreed on higher price, making money on the difference. If the price doesn't go down though you don't have to do anything. When someone has "mortgaged their house on a bad option deal" they have put up their house as collateral for a loan (the mortgage). If they don't pay back the loan then their house is forfeit to defray the debt. The implication of the option deal being "bad" is that it isn't going to make the purchaser money and they paid for a useless ability.
How is television broadcast
Disclaimer, im not an TV expert by any means so someone else may be able to correct me on some places, but i believe this is how things work in a nutshell The signal is like using Morse code at a fixed frequency, or if we want to use sound, a pitch. Let say we can only hear 1 pitch, how can we speak to each other? well, along that pitch, we can use a simple "yes sound/no sound" by alternating the pitch and silence, we can communicate thorough Morse code.If another person enters the conversation, we would have them use a different pitch, so if i was communicating in E, we can get a second person to communicage in G, and you can switch between the two pitches to focus on each source. This is what different channels do, they pick a different frequency, and you can tell your TV which frequency to listen to. The only difference between morse code and tv signals are by using 2 different intensities (loud, soft) to represent 1's and 0's for the TV. To ensure your TV is replaying things correctly, the information from the source is broken up in section, which match the frame rate of the TV. Your TV listens for the start of each packet, then the information for each row of pixels on your TV, then it gets the audio for the TV and whatever other information after.
Why do flamingoes stand on one foot?
Assuming we're talking about a flamingo that has two legs, because otherwise you're just being a jerk to the cripple flamingos. We can't know for sure, due to the poor communication skills of flamingos, but it is believed that it conserves energy by keeping them warm - it both keeps feet out of cold water and keeps it tucked in with the warm body.
If an atomic warhead detonates while the missile is flying at 1,000 mph, do we get a nuclear explosion moving at 1,000 mph?
Yes and no. The amount of energy released by a nuclear weapon far outstrips the kinetic energy it had by flying at 1000mph. This really muddies any measurement you might make about the movement of the plume. Will you get a 1000mph flamethrower that carves out a wide swath of death and destruction? No. Will the body of the mushroom cloud continue with any momentum? No. The kinetic energy will be dispersed very quickly. Yes, technically, that kinetic energy is preserved, but it gets drowned out by the insane amount of heat released and scattered.
How is light scattered? By absorbtion, or reflection?
> is it absorbed and then radiated as a lower energy photon? That is called "reflection". If it is just absorbed it isn't flying around as light anymore so it isn't scattered. > Or is it reflected off of the molecule with the same energy? That would be a perfect mirror and likely can only exist in imagination.
What is bipolar disorder?
Everyone has a neutral mood. It's like your brain has a thermostat and it's set to a certain level. Something good happens, mood goes up, something bad happens, mood goes down, but it always slowly returns to the same neutral point. Bipolar is basically a broken thermostat. Good and bad things still make your mood go up and down, but the neutral point changes.
How does physiotherapy not exacerbate injuries sustained from overuse, like repetitive strain injury (RSI) in hands/fingers for example?
The physical therapy is generally working to strengthen other muscles and tendons around the site of the injury so that they can take load off of the muscles/tendons/etc that are damaged by overuse. Also this helps you make the motion in a more balanced way even after it heals, hopefully preventing a recurrance.
How laughing is different from normal speech. Also, why it hurts after laughing too hard.
Laughing is not talking. Talking is just pushing air through your throat, it's a soft and controlled thing. Laughing means that you are contracting your abdomen a lot to produce bursts of laugh. It hurts because it's the equivalent of doing a lot of crunches. Contracting your muscles in that way, in rapid, erratic succession, will hurt.
What effect does sulphur in its gas state have on people and the environment?
Depends on the gas composition. H2S gas is deadly at very low concentrations. In humans It will irritate the mucous membranes and lungs at around 20-200 ppm. It shuts down the respiratory system at around 500 ppm. This depends on the size of the person. Smaller people will be affected at lower concentrations. Basically, all the humans and livestock would just drop dead. Sulphur dioxide SO2 in the air would react with water to form sulphuric acid H2SO4. Unfortunately again it would react with the mucous membranes or any other water source on the body resulting in acid burns. It is about half as lethal as H2S. There would be more coughing and choking before they dropped. Both gases will react with water forming sulphuric acid which will acid burn vegetation. (Edit: Obligatory apologies for format since on mobile)
How do speakers work?
Current through a wire makes a magnetic field. If you take your right hand and point in the direction the current flows, then stick your thumb out, the magnetic field is in the direction of your thumb. Now imagine you have a coil of wire. Curl your finger and twist, this is the direction of current. The magnetic field is in the direction of your thumb still. Now turn it around. Current flows the opposite way through the wire. The magnetic field is in the opposite direction. Now imagine, attached to one end of the coil is a paper cone, attached to a suspension that lets it move, and there's a permanent magnet behind the coil. As current flows one way, it pulls the cone towards the magnet. As it flows the other way, the cone is pushed away from it. That's how a moving coil speaker works. The audio signal is a current, driven by the amplifier, which pushes and pulls the coil. As it moves it compresses and decompresses air in front of it, making a sound, or pressure wave. Almost all earpbuds, headphones, and speakers work with moving coils. The disadvantage is that they're big and heavy.
Why are restrooms/bathrooms on an airplane called a lavatory?
Basically because a lavatory does not have a bathtub or a shower stall. Only a wash basin and toilet.
how do we know exactly where each country divides?
Most territories were settled by war or a straight up swindle. Then there was the infamous land rush (some say grab.) That's where you get your square states.
Why are names like Aaron and Aaliyah spelled with 2 A’s? How does that double A affect the pronunciation?
Traditionally Aaron is pronounced 'air-on'. It derives from the Hebrew 'Aharon'. Thus, the double a is from the loss of the 'breathy' second a. 'Aaliyah' is spelt with two as presumably to show the long a sound in the Arabic original.
How do game/movie studios store and archive projects?
The best information we have is from games that have been discontinued and then years later there is a project to restore the development of the game or movie in order to make a new release. And the archiving process varies wildly between companies and projects. You should think that it is enough just to make a zip file of all your source files and write it to a tape. However there is still a lot of external dependencies like compilers, libraries, tools and such. So even with the source files you may not have the same versions of the external dependencies and it would take a bit of work to be able to start development again. We even have studios archiving different versions of different source files so they do not actually work together without modifications. Digital archeology can be frustrating.
How much of a cold or flu virus do you have to be exposed to in order to catch it?
In terms of "how much of a virus do you need" - we don't really know, in most cases. Some viruses, such as influenza or adenoviruses, only require 10 particles to cause infection. It depends on how the virus infects (it is harder to get infect through the skin than it is to be taken in as someone breathes, for example). For "why does x person get infected over y person" - it relies on a couple of different factors, all of which are different depending on the virus and the individual person being infected: 1. If you've been exposed to the virus before, your body will have built up what is known as "immunological memory" - it has immune cells stored away from the last infection, which can prevent a second infection from building up (so effectively that you may not even know you have had a repeat infection!) 2. How contagious the virus is. Some viruses are heavy, and when in the air, can't spread well, so don't infect many people. In contrast, the most contagious virus - measles - is an extremely light particle, and can float in a room for hours after it an infected individual has been there. The letter R is used to mark how many people an infected person will infect - for measles, every person infected will infect 17 others, on average. So if the virus is extremely contagious, a lot of people are likely to get it. If not, then only an unlucky few will. 3. Personal immunity. Just like everyone has different DNA, we all have cells and receptors for things in the body to bind to. This is really diverse, even between family members. Some people have receptors for one virus or bacterium to bind to, but others do not. This is why, even between siblings and parents, some people get sick from a certain pathogen, but others don't. In essence, it can come down to luck. 4. Health. A healthy individual may have a better functioning immune system, allowing a more rapid and effective assault on a viral infection. Others who are "immunocompromised" (such as AIDS sufferers) or more elderly don't have this same functionality, so cannot so easily get rid of an infection. This is why people so often get secondary illnesses in hospitals (as well as the fact that there are many sick people concentrated in a small area) - they are already unwell, and don't have the capacity to fight off further infection. 5. Personal hygiene. One of the single biggest factors for preventing viral infection (which most effectively spreads through bodily fluids released from a cough/sneeze) is washing your hands. If someone with the flu touches the button to open the train door, then you touch that some button, and then your mouth/nose/eyes/opening... you see where this is going. When you think that a cough can release hundreds of thousands of these particles, and a sneeze millions, you can see how this could be common! But our immune system has a number of very effective techniques to prevent viruses from entry in the first place (the skin, mucous, chemicals in bodily fluids), and prevents a huge number of foreign pathogens infecting us every day.
Why are most of the houses in US constructed of wood compared to other countries where it's concrete structure? ( Just talking about single homes and not buildings)
The U.S. is heavily forested and has Canada (another forested country) as a neighbor. Wood is cheap, abundant, and can easily be molded/shaped. However, you do get more concrete structures in certain areas like hurricane/tornado zones. Edit: It's also cheaper to repair, replace, and build on to.
Why are people rioting in HK? What does extradition mean and how would it affect the people?
An extradition agreement is a policy signed by two countries that basically declares that each country is not a legal "safe haven" from each other. For instance, if you're wanted in the US, and you flee to the UK, the police in the UK can arrest you and ship you back to the US to stand trial. Most extradition treaties have a clause where one country can revoke extradition if they believe that the suspect's human rights are being violated (in this instance, the UK could demand the return of someone they extradited to the US if they have a legitimate concern that the prisoner is being tortured). The extradition treaty that was proposed between Hong Kong and China was essentially one-way, so the government of China could issue a warrant against anyone in Hong Kong (but Hong Kong couldn't issue a warrant against someone in China), and there was no provision protecting the human rights of the extradited prisoners. Basically, if the extradition treaty had been agreed to and signed, China could have started just forcing the Hong Kong government to send people from Hong Kong to China and 'disappear' them without consequence.
The physics behind seeing water on the road in a distance even though it’s not there.
It's because of light refracting through the heated air just above the surface of the road. Refraction causes light (as well as other things like sound and waves) to bend when they move from one material to another. The heated air is different enough from the cooler air above it (due to density and heat expansion, etc) that the light refracts. It looks wavy like water because the way the light is being refracted changes as the boundary of the hot layer shifts due to wind and heating and stuff.
How does the brain understand/perceive depth?
Depth perception is achievable because of our two eyes. If we had one eye, depth perception would fail. You can try it home, take a basket and a ball and throw the ball into the basket. Then close one eye and try again. Now the science - > our two eyes are a bit seperated and look at the 'focus' from different angles. Now, diagrammatically you can draw a triangle from this. The two corners of the base would be our eyes, the top vertex would be the point of focus. Given basic trigonometric theorems we can calculate the height of the triangle. Right? The same goes on in our brain. It's quite fascinating how our brain calculates it in the background. But this only happens if we have both our eyes. For people like Nick Fury or Odin, things are a bit tough. They would lack natural dept perception and need special treatment and measures to build it. One way is to lie down and try to touch the roof with a ball. As far as our camera is concerned, the bookeh effect came after the 2 camera system was introduced.
Who reviews & approve applications updates on app/play store?
A rough outline. There are a lot of factors that may change this process for different app types, companies, etc. But this should give a general idea. - The developers upload a build of the app to the developer website. - An automated system scans looking for viruses, obvious errors or violations to the terms and conditions. - A person will review the app and make any notes, if relevant (this step will happen for new apps, but not all updates). Google is a lot more lax on the last step and even new apps may not have a physical person look at it.
What is that "blurry effect" seen in photographs when an object like a car or a train moves quickly?
There are many multiple things but the simplest way to explain it would be with exposure time. That's the time the film or light sensors collect light. Since most cameras are digital lets stick to to that. So for however long the exposure time is the sensors collect the information that will determine the color of the pixel. But if something moves quickly then multiple different colors will be collected and in that way cause the blur. & #x200B; That's the simplest way to explain it. Then there is things like focus and more complex parts which I'm not as good in so at its basic think of it that the pixels on the photo are open and collecting light for a brief moment and if there is too much movement they will capture several different points of data instead of what you were expecting.
Why do German cars have seatbelts in the center vs on the outside for backseats?
What exactly do you mean? I'm german, if you elaborate I can maybe help you
How does 'Smart Play' on Headphones work?
There will be a small proximity sensor that when it detects the inside of your ear will start a command to play music, the opposite will happen when you take them out. Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I think that's the answer.
Why can’t our body break down corn yet there is some sort of corn in many foods?
Sweet corn and dent corn are two different species of corn. Dent corn is a hard kernel that is used only as a grain, meant to be processed before being consumed by humans (Doritos, Corn Flakes, and high fructose corn syrup). It is almost pure starch with a little fiber. Sweet corn is corn we eat as kernels of corn There are two distinct parts to a kernel of sweet corn. The fruit and the fiber. Our bodies cans break down the fiber, but does fine with the fruit. The outer fibrous hull is what ends up in our fecal matter.
Why are different animals so much more sensitive to different products like chocolate or alcohol?
Some animals developed as carnivores and therefore are not adapted to eating the chemicals that many plants produced, for example chocolate contains theobromine which is a plant based chemical similar to that of caffeine, however it can bind to the adenosine receptors and alter the oxygen levels and blood flow. In humans the amount of theobromine required to do this is massive, but a much smaller amount is could be fatal to cats or dogs. _URL_0_
Why can't we taste while sucking?
My guess is that because when you're using a straw the fluid gets directly into your throat. Your throat can't really taste something,but your tongue does.
Why are atoms so much "empty space"?
Electrons need that amount of space to make complete waves. Think of a kid spinning in a room, of the kid doesn't have enough space he'll just keep hitting the walls and get upset. Do YOU want upset electron kids?
Digitally transferring money (EFT)
I call this badboy the background highway. So each bank will have a clearing department that will verify the payment was made. If a bank doesn't receive confirmation then the funds will be seen as unpaid and will remain as such until you compete a trace or recall from the bank where the money was being sent from. You can have all the fake proof in the world that money was sent out. But until that trace is complete and verified. They will proceed as though no money has been sent. This is to stop people from opening accounts. And having funds automatically withdrawn when there is no money in the account. As for the fake bank. You might be able to get some wiggle room if the amount was low enough. But also keep on mind you would need a routing number transit number and account number that all check out when the bank goes to verify the funds. If you really want to get away with some fraud. Cheque fraud is still the easiest thing since it relies on the person at the bank which usually has the least amount of experience. A teller.
what is torque? I read definitions and people tel me what it is but I still don’t get it
Any twisting force. When you use force to twist open a bottle or a jar, that is torque. If the jar is stuck and you have to try really hard, that is a lot of torque. If it loose and slides easily, that is only a little bit of torque. Torque is often used to describe cars. It is the same kind of twisting force. It is how hard the car can twist the wheel to get it to spin. Some cars can open a bottle that has already been loosened. Some can open a stuck pickle jar. I hope this analogy didn't make it more confusing.
Why do radios go static when you take your hand away from them?
If your talking about old radios it would probably be something along the lines of you found the signal and when you took your hand away it changed the wavelength because it wasn’t passing through your hand maybe 🤷‍♂️ If it’s happening with anything newer and like 20 yr old it’s just broken
Witness Protection
Witness protection is a service to protect people who testify at great personal risk to themselves, such as against a mob boss with far reaching connections. The US Marshals Service heads it up and would relocate you and give you a new identity (license, SSN, etc). A vast majority of the people in the program are criminals themselves, having turned against somebody in their crime organizations.
How can glass break just like that?
That's probably tempered glass, which means that it has a lot of internal stresses which "pull" it together strongly. That makes it more durable, but if it breaks, the stresses are released at once and it shatters entirely rather than just cracking like normal glass. I assume that the countertop had been nicked during regular use at some point. Not enough to break the thing outright, but enough to form a "seed" from which a crack could explode from when thermal expansion had worked it over enough to make it cascade through the glass.
How do archeologists know where to dig?
Not sure why this is biology, but I can answer the question. In traditional, old school archeology, they don't *really* know where to dig. Basically it works like this: 1. Archeologist comes up with a theory. Let's say they think a particular society was, say, undergoing the process of urbanization at a particular time. 1. If this was occurring, they then theorize that if the society was urbanizing, they would expect to see large settlements along the river. 1. Thus they dig along the river and find exactly what they're looking for. 1. Thus they conclude they were right. The problem is that they didn't dig anywhere else, so this raises huge problems of confirmation and sampling bias. Of course it's impossible to just excavate everywhere, so there's no way around it. Now, there are a lot of cool new tools using sonar that can really help guide excavations. In that case, they are able to use sonar and 3d mapping to guide the exploration and tell them where to dig. This is becoming much more popular and prevalent as the field moves forward.
How can terms of services apply to teenagers when they are underage yet still old enough to use social media platforms?
A term of service isn't a contract. It's just an agreement and one whose primarily function is to absolve platforms of responsibility. So if you go on their platform and violate their terms of service and do something illegal, they can point to it and say, "They knew they weren't supposed to do that, we do did *our* job." Additionally, while they can choose to ban whoever they want from their platform, having a ToS reduces the amount of headache and backlash as it can service as the basis for the ban that everyone agrees to when they join. Lastly, it can be used as a basis for establishing who is authorized to access and use the service. If you violate the ToS then an argument could be made that you were acting as an unauthorized user making your access or use of the site illegal. Laws still apply to minors.
Why is the North Pole considered the top of the world and the South Pole considered the bottom?
Top and bottom are relative. Consider where the most powerful empires are and have been, and where most of the people live and have lived, and that people tend to want to be ‘above’ rather than ‘below’, then you get the orientation we are used to: North as ‘top’ and South as ‘bottom’. But there is no ‘real’ top or bottom: it’s just a social convention.
what makes foamy water white?
The white just means light is being scattered in all different directions. Foamy water = lots of bubbles which make the light scatter. Similar to why snow is also white, or ground up glass vs a window, etc..
Explain how radios work
There are three radio systems: AM, FM, and Digital. They work differently, in detail, but they have a few common characteristics. For example, let's discuss AM. An AM station might transmits with a channel assigned at 1MHz. The ITU regulates radio frequency assignments world wide, through the FCC in the US, and this is one of their standard AM channels. This 1MHz carrier wave has a high amplitude to send a "high" point in the audio waveform and a low amplitude to send a "low" point in the audio signal. Since sound is at about 1KHz, each sound wave is sent as varying amplitude across about 1000 carrier wavetops. Those 1000 points are sufficient to reflect a quite complicated sound wave. Radio stations have different frequencies assigned to them, as previously noted, and the radio receiver "tunes" to only one at a time.
What exactly happens when old elastic gets crusty and loose ?
This is a chemical process. To understand it you have to first understand a bit about the chemical structures that makes elastic stretchy. All polymer plastics consist of long molecule chains. Think really really long pieces of string that get all tangled up with each other. The way they get tangled depends on the chain lengths and kind. (Think ropes with knots in them versus normal string). Elastics have a bunch of the chains loosely bound together most of the time, so when you pull they get bound together more tightly and resist. There are two major pathways for polymer degradation: thermal and oxidative. (This is a gross simplification, but close enough for a reddit comment). In thermal degradation, the elastic can crystalize and become more regular. Rather than being loosely bound together, the chains become tightly packed and get harder to stretch. They may break instead. In oxidative degradation, exposure to oxygen, ozone (from fluorescent lights usually), or UV light causes the chains to chemically degrade. They may get shorter (and so not bind well with other chains), or they might “cross link” where they form chemical bonds to neighboring chains so they can’t slip past other chains. In both cases, the elastic properties will change and become more brittle and less springy. This is very simplified, but I hope it makes sense.
Why can youtubers like ScottTheWoz use music that is licensed in their outros?
Found another more precise answer Nowadays, most professional composers resort to AdRev or similar services to protect their copyright. Don’t let this discourage you. AdRev system allows the composers to easily clear the claims and even to whitelist entire YouTube channels to prevent any future claims Source: SafeMusicList
Why does being in the sun drain your energy?
The body needs to hold his temperature at round about 36°C. So if you heat up due to beeing in the sun, the body needs energy to get the heat out. (Just like a fridge which need energy in form of electricity to transfer heat to the outside)
; To whom or "what" does the world owe it's international debt, and what happens if we don't pay it off?
* Countries owe each other money. * If country A doesn't pay country B, then it's really up to country B to decide how to respond. * They might: * Go to war. * Apply economic sanctions. * Prevent travel to/from country A. * Complain to country C. * An unlimited number of other things.
How come so many crimes in the US carry draconian jail sentences OR laughable fines at the same time?
I don't think what you've stated is quite accurate. What you'll actually see in sentencing guidelines, in my experience, is "*up to* X years in prison AND *up to* $X,XXX fine." The distinction between and and or is important because the sentence is actually any combination of those things, depending on the facts. And the distinction of "up to" is important because, like with sale prices, that doesn't mean that's what you're gonna get. Basically, there's infinity choices instead of two choices. The reason for this is to allow a broad range of sentence possibilities that still gives guidelines to judges. This is because two crimes that are technically the same offense might not deserve the same punishment, but there has to be a rule about what punishment will be, or otherwise basically why have any rules about it... judges can just say "one dollar" or "8 million years" for any crime. With the very large ranges, that allows for a crime that is an assault to be a $500 fine if it's, you know, a high school kid tripping another high school kid, or to carry significant time in prison *and* a significant fine if it was a more dangerous, scarier assault that still is classified as the same "crime."
Why in nature are animals almost uniformly symmetrical, but people are very often not symmetrical?
Animals are often assymetrical. You don't pick up on it as often, mainly because you are not familiar enough to spot the imperfections. Humans are around other humans so much, and have evolved to interpret their facial expressions and moods that they are really really great at spotting when something is not the way you think it should be. We are not nearly as adept at sizing up and noticing details about other creatures at first glance.
Why does the human body experience heat at temperatures lower than it's own?
Because the body is trying to maintain an even temperature which means in high temperatures it becomes increasingly difficult to shed excess heat created by the human body.
Why Isn't the Milk Way expanding as fast as the rest of the universe? Or Is it?
Eli5: Expansion can be thought of as caused by a weak force gently pulling things apart. Gravity is a force that pulls objects together. Gravity gets weaker as you head away from the mass creating it. Expansion gets stronger as you put more distance between you and another point. Where gravity is really weak, far from any mass the expansion is significant. This means neighboring galaxies will drift apart. However close to the Galaxy, the gravity pulling all the stars together is stronger and so it isn't pulled apart
Why do downloads in some websites start "in a couple of seconds"?
Usually it's so they can control the flow of traffic to and from their server so the site doesn't crash from too many connections at the same time.
How does hair dye and hair bleach work. Why does one wash off after some time and the other is permanent?
Bleach oxidizes the melanin molecule - it actually bleaches the color that is inside of the hair strand it self. The peroxide opens the cuticle and allows the bleach to enter the inner parts of the hair strand, and this reaction takes place. With other types: semi and Demi permanent color, depending on the type (and quality) the color usually uses some type of developer, which opens the outer layer of the hair strand, and allows the color to enter the hair.. usually the color molecules are larger so they don’t stick around as long as permanent hair color does. Red tends to be the smallest, and washes out the quickest, even in permanent hair color. I am literally pulling this from my hair school days 15 years ago.. someone please correct anything I missed.
What does a good economy mean for an average person?
Good economy means more tax income, more tax income means better infrastructure, better government services like education, healthcare or welfare programs. Better infrastrucutre and services leads in turn to even better economy. More taxes also means than tax rate can be lowered without hurting infrastructure and services. Good economy means less poverty, less poverty means less diseases, less crime. Vast majority of crime is committed for economic reasons. Less diseases and crime in turn leads to even better economy. Good economy means more jobs. More jobs means that your value is now higher since there are more job opening and less candidates for those jobs. Good economy means that your property is valued more, since there are more people who can afford property. It's quite mind boggling to me that average adult middle class American cannot understand such basic concepts and says that he hasn't noticed any differences.
How are calories of food measured? Is it true to how much calories our body uses when consuming a food?
A calorie is the amount of energy required to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree C. A Calorie (food calorie or kcal) is 1000 calories. To measure the calories in a certain food, a scientific experiment is performed such as burning the food and measuring how much a certain amount of water is heated up.
What does it mean to declare money an the airport?
[You're supposed to declare that you're transporting it.](_URL_0_) Why would you even want to though? Why not just do the bank account thing and not worry about the possibility of all that cash going missing somewhere?
Why do high serotonin levels lead to a lower sexual drive?
Sex produces serotonin among other things. Ergo more serotonin leads to more contentedness resulting in less desire for sex as a means to boost serotonin.
How do HIPAA laws work when a person turns 18 in the context of medical care and insurance?
Keep in mind I'm not at all a lawyer, but an adult who has recently had to learn to navigate healthcare on my own. & #x200B; As an adult for these purposes, HIPAA now gives you the right to decide who gets access to your medical information outside of your care team. You could, for example, ask to speak to your doctor alone, and ask that the details of your discussion not be shared with your parents(or anyone else, for that matter). Most of the time, privacy will now be the default, and you will have to sign papers if you want your parents(or others) to have access to your records or to speak to the doctor on your behalf. & #x200B; There are some exceptions: \- If someone else pays for your health insurance(probably your parents), they will receive summaries of any treatment you receive and the associated costs. e.g. if you get an MRI, the owner of your insurance will be notified that you got an MRI for $3,000 , but will not be given the images without your consent. \-Medical professionals involved in your care can generally freely share information as necessary to coordinate and plan your care. e.g. your doctor can send a prescription to your pharmacist, or share test results with a specialist doctor for further review. \-If you check into a hospital, most will offer basic info to people who ask for you by name. e.g. "Is John Doe here?" "Yes, John Doe is here and is in stable condition". You can usually opt-out of this if you need to.
How does bug spray work?
There are at least two different types of bug sprays: Repellents: These work by keeping bugs away. Typically they use a smell that bugs really dislike. Others, such as DEET, which repels primarily Mosquitoes (But also repels other biting insects), will block the receptors that Mosquitoes use to track down their prey. This basically makes them blind while around someone who's using it, but it does not kill the Mosquito. Insecticides: These are toxins that poison the insect. The most common and quick reacting ones are neurotoxins such as pyrethrin. They basically cause all of the nerve cells in the insects body to fire at once, paralyzing them and causing rapid organ failure and a quick death.
how do big shipping companies like Amazon guaranteed one and two day shipping while remaining efficient?
From what I know from where I work, the business puts a certain amount of product in an amazon distribution centre so they are ready to be shipped upon ordering. We get notices that our inventory are getting low at amazon and we have to send more to the distribution centre.
Why does nearsightedness still exist while looking in a mirror? Why do distant object still appear blurry, when all the reflected light from the mirror remains at the same distance?
It's not the same distance though. The reflected light had to travel from the distant object, to the mirror, then back into the eyes. Thus to focus on something in a mirror, you have to adjust your eyes for the total distance traveled. This differs from a painting, in that with the painting, the object you're focusing on is indeed a set distance away. However, regardless of the angle you view the painting, the picture remains the same. The painting is not reflecting distant objects but rather the object of focus itself. Now, you can focus on the mirror itself, at which point you usually notice scratches, smudges, and other imperfections in the mirror. But focusing your eyes as such puts the reflected objects out of focus just as focusing on something close up puts further objects out of focus.
what does the -RW or R or +RW mean in the empty discs For example dvd-R
Read or Read Write. Disks that are read only cannot be rewritten to, but Read Write ones can be reused even after burning to the first time. (Not sure on the + vs - though, so I won’t pretend to know about that off the top of my head.)
what are the grey areas that we can see in the moon from down here?
They're called mares. It means "sea," but these are actually more like patches of the surface that had melted and re-hardened in the distant past.