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मिथ्यावाक्यं न ते भूतं न भविष्यति राघव।।3.9.4।।कुतोऽभिलाषणं स्त्रीणां परेषां धर्मनाशनम्। | O Rama you never spoke untruth in the past nor will you speak in future. How can there be any desire in you to destroy the virtue of others' wives ? |
तव नास्ति मनुष्येन्द्र न चाभूत्ते कदाचन।।3.9.5।।मनस्यपि तथा राम न चैतद्विद्यते क्वचित्। | O Rama, lord among men, you hadn't it (lust for other women) in the past. You havn't it now. Never does it exist even in your mind. |
स्वदारनिरतस्त्वं च नित्यमेव नृपात्मज।।3.9.6।।धर्मिष्ठस्सत्यसन्धश्च पितुर्निर्देशकारकः। | O prince, you are always faithful to your wife. You are righteous, truthful and obedient to your father's orders. |
सत्यसन्ध महाभाग श्रीमल्लक्ष्मणपूर्वज।।3.9.7।।त्वयि धर्मश्च सत्यं च त्वयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्। | O Rama, you are truthful, honourable, powerful. O elder brother of Lakshmana, in you is established truth and righteousness. |
तच्च सर्वं महाबाहो शक्यं धर्तुं जितेन्द्रियैः।।3.9.8।।तव वश्येन्द्रियत्वं च जानामि शुभदर्शन। | O longarmed one, to contain all this is only possible for those who have conquered the senses. O handsome one, I know your ability to control the senses. |
तृतीयं यदिदं रौद्रं परप्राणाभिहिंसनम्।।3.9.9।।निर्वैरं क्रियते मोहात्तच्च ते समुपस्थितम्। | (But) you are a victim to the third (vice born of lust) i.e. showing violence without cause for enmity |
प्रतिज्ञातस्त्वया वीर दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम्।।3.9.10।।ऋषीणां रक्षणार्थाय वधस्संयति रक्षसाम्। | O valiant one, you have promised to kill the demons in the battle, in order to protect the sages residing in the Dandaka forest. |
एतन्निमित्तं च वनं दण्डका इति विश्रुतम्।।3.9.11।।प्रस्थितस्त्वं सह भ्रात्रा धृतबाणशरासनः। | It is only on account of this that you entered the wellknown Dandaka forest with your brother wielding bow and arrows. |
ततस्त्वां प्रस्थितं दृष्ट्वा मम चिन्ताकुलं मनः।।3.9.12।।त्वद्वृत्तं चिन्तयन्त्या वै भवेन्निश्श्रेयसं हितम्। | I am, therefore, worried in my mind when I see you here and think of your wellbeing. I wish your ultimate good. [The next two lines appear, more or less, a repetition. So omitted : Editor] |
त्वां चैव प्रस्थितं दृष्ट्वा राम चिन्ताकुलं मनः।।3.9.13।।सर्वतचशिन्तय्नत्या मे तव निश्श्रेयसं नृप।न हि मे रोचते वीर गमनं दण्डकान्प्रति।।3.9.14।।कारणं तत्र वक्ष्यामि वदन्त्याश्श्रूयतां मम। | O brave Rama, I do not like your going to Dandaka forest. I shall tell you the reason. Do listen. |
त्वं हि बाणधनुष्पाणिर्भ्रात्रा सह वनं गतः।।3.9.15।।दृष्ट्वा वनचरान्सर्वान्कच्चित्कुर्याश्शरव्ययम्। | Of course, you will go to the forest with your brother, holding the bow and arrows. Release the arrows when you see the forestrangers. |
क्षत्रियाणामपि धनुर्हुताशस्येन्धनानि च।।3.9.16।।समीपतस्स्थितं तेजो बलमुच्छ्रयते भृशम्। | A bow in the hand of a kshatriya is like fuel to fire. It surely swells his strength and his brilliance. |
पुरा किल महाबाहो तपस्स्वी सत्यवाक्छुचिः।।3.9.17।।कस्मिंश्चिदभवत्पुण्ये वने रतमृगद्विजे। | O mightyarmed one, there dwelt in the past an ascetic, noble and truthful in a sacred forest where animals and birds lived merrily together. |
तस्यैव तपसो विघ्नं कर्तुमिन्द्रश्शचीपतिः।।3.9.18।।खङ्गपाणिरथागच्छदाश्रमं भटरूपधृत्। | Once Indra, husband of Sachi, came to his hermitage in the guise of an attendant, sword in hand, in order to hinder his penance. |
तस्मिंस्तदाश्रमपदे निशितः खङ्ग उत्तमः।।3.9.19।।स न्यासविधिना दत्तः पुण्ये तपसि तिष्ठतः। | Then while the sage was practising penance at the hermitage, he gave him that excellent sword to be kept in trust. |
स तच्छस्त्रमनुप्राप्य न्यासरक्षणतत्परः।।3.9.20।।वने तु विचरत्येव रक्षन्प्रत्ययमात्मनः। | Having received the weapon as a trust, the sage went wandering in the forest, always attentive in safeguarding the weapon. |
यत्र गच्छत्युपादातुं मूलानि च फलानि च।।3.9.21।।न विना याति तं खङ्गं न्यासरक्षणतत्परः। | Vigilant about protecting the sword deposited with him, the sage never moved without it even when he went gathering roots and fruits. |
नित्यं शस्त्रं परिवहन्क्रमेण स तपोधनः।।3.9.22।।चकार रौद्रीं स्वां बुद्धिं त्यक्त्वा तपसि निश्चयम्। | While the sage moved about holding the weapon, he gave up the practice of penance gradually and developed a violent mindset. |
ततस्सरौद्रेऽभिरतः प्रमत्तोऽधर्मकर्शितः।।3.9.23।।तस्य शस्त्रस्य संवासाज्जगाम नरकं मुनिः। | By association with the sword, he developed a violent attitude. And in that habitual state of excitement he was dragged into unrighteous ways which (ultimately) took him to hell. |
एवमेतत्पुरा वृत्तं शस्त्रसंयोगकारणम्।।3.9.24।।अग्निसंयोगवद्धेतुश्शस्त्रसंयोग उच्यते।स्नेहाच्च बहुमानाच्च स्मारये त्वां न शिक्षये।।3.9.25।। | Contact with the weapon has led to this in the past. Like contact with fire, it leads man to destruction. I say this out of my love and reverence for you as a reminder and not as an instruction. |
न कथञ्चन सा कार्या गृहीतधनुषा त्वया।बुद्धिर्वैरं विना हन्तुं राक्षसान्दण्डकाश्रितान्।।3.9.26।।अपराधं विना हन्तुं लोकान्वीर न कामये। | While holding a bow, you should not have the intention to kill demons residing in Dandaka with no animosity against you. O valiant one I do not desire that any one should be killed without incurring any offence. |
क्षत्रियाणां तु वीराणां वनेषु निरतात्मनाम्।।3.9.27।।धनुषा कार्यमेतावदार्तानां त्वभिरक्षणम्। | It is the duty of a kshatriya, a warrior to protect with his bow those who practise selfcontrol (penance) in the forest in a state of panic. |
क्वच शस्त्रं क्व च वनं क्व च क्षात्रं तपः क्वच।।3.9.28।।व्याविद्धमिदमस्माभिर्द्देशधर्मस्तु पूज्यताम्। | Where is the question of wielding a weapon and living in the forest, where is the life of a kshatriya and the life of penance? For us, this is an encroachment. Let the law of the land be honoured. |
तदार्य कलुषा बुद्धिर्जायते शस्त्रसेवनात्।।3.9.29।।पुनर्गत्वा त्वयोध्यायां क्षत्रधर्मं चरिष्यसि। | Lord, when we handle the weapon, the mind gets vitiated. (Only) after returning to Ayodhya can you perform the duty of a kshatriya. |
अक्षया तु भवेत्प्रीतिश्श्वश्रूश्वशुरयोर्मम।।3.9.30।।यदि राज्यं परित्यज्य भवेस्त्वं निरतो मुनिः। | You would have been on unlimited source of joy to my fatherinlaw and motherinlaw had you permanently renounced the kingdom for the life of an ascetic. |
धर्मादर्थः प्रभवति धर्मात्प्रभवते सुखम्।।3.9.31।।धर्मेण लभते सर्वं धर्मसारमिदं जगत्। | Righteousness brings wealth. Wealth brings happiness. Righteousness brings everything. In fact, the essence of the world is righteousness. |
आत्मानं नियमैस्तैस्तै कर्शयित्वा प्रयत्नतः।।3.9.32।।प्राप्यते निपुणैर्धर्मो न सुखाल्लभ्यते सुखम्। | The wise earn dharma through getting their bodies emaciated by carefully adopting different means of discipline (selftorture). Happiness does not beget happiness. |
नित्यं शुचिमतिस्सौम्य चर धर्मं तपोवने।।3.9.33।।सर्वं हि विदितं तुभ्यं त्रैलोक्यमपि तत्त्वतः। | O gentle one you may move in this forest of ascetics with a pure mind. The true meaning behind everything in these three worlds is known to you, indeed. |
स्त्रीचापलादेतदुदाहृतं मे धर्मं च वक्तुं तव कस्समर्थः।विचार्य बुद्ध्या तु सहानुजेन यद्रोचते तत्कुरु मा चिरेण।।3.9.34।। | I told you all this out of feminine fickleness. Who can guide you in the ways of dharma? After carefully deliberating the matter with your brother you may act according to your wish. Let there be no delay (hesitation).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे नवमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the ninth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Rama's tells Sita that protection of sages is his supreme righteous duty.]वाक्यमेतत्तु वैदेह्या व्याहृतं भर्तृभक्तया।श्रुत्वा धर्मे स्थितो रामः प्रत्युवाचाथ मैथिलीम्।।3.10.1।। | Having heard these words spoken by Sita who was devoted to her husband, replied Rama who was firm in righteousness. |
हितमुक्तं त्वया देवि स्निग्धया सदृशं वचः।कुलं व्यपदिशन्त्या च धर्मज्ञे जनकात्मजे।।3.10.2।। | O daughter of Janaka, you are conversant with dharma. Whatever you have admonished out of affection for me is befitting your race. |
किन्तु वक्ष्याम्यहं देवि त्वयैवोक्तमिदं वचः।क्षत्रियैर्धार्यते चापो नार्तशब्दो भवेदिति।।3.10.3।। | But permit me, Devi, you have already stated, when a kshatriya holds a bow there will be no cry of distress. (it means you approve of my holding a bow) |
ते चार्ता दण्डकारण्ये मुनयस्संशितव्रताः।मां सीते स्वयमागम्य शरण्याश्शरणं गताः।।3.10.4।। | O Sita, the sages who perform rigorous penance in Dandaka forest came to me personally, seeking shelter although they can be their own protection. |
वसन्तो धर्मनिरता वने मूलफलाशनाः।न लभन्ते सुखं भीता राक्षसैः क्रूरकर्मभिः।।3.10.5।। | The sages living in the forest, eating roots and fruits and ever engaged in righteous activities are afraid of the depredations of the demons, with their happiness gone. |
काले काले च निरता नियमैर्विविधैर्वने।भक्ष्यन्ते राक्षसैर्भीमैर्नरमांसोपजीविभिः।।3.10.6।। | The sages engrossed in various austerities in the forest have been victims to the dreadful demons living on human flesh. |
ते भक्ष्यमाणा मुनयो दण्डकारण्यवासिनः।अस्मानभ्यवपद्येति मामूचुर्द्विजसत्तमा।।3.10.7।। | The ascetics, the best of brahmins living in Dandaka forest being eaten up like that besought me to come to their rescue. |
मया तु वचनं श्रुत्वा तेषामेवं मुखाच्च्युतम्।कृत्वा चरणशुश्रूषां वाक्यमेतदुदाहृतम्।।3.10.8।। | On hearing the words that came from their mouth, I bowed at their feet and said: |
प्रसीदन्तु भवन्तो मे ह्रीरेषा हि ममातुला।यदीदृशैरहं विप्रैरुपस्थेयैरुपस्थितः।।3.10.9।। | Be pleased That brahmins like you have approached me while I should have come to you has put me to shame immeasurable . |
किं करोमीति च मया व्याहृतं द्विजसन्निधौ।सर्वैरेतैस्समागम्य वागियं समुदाहृता।।3.10.10।। | I enquired about what I could do for them. And all the brahmins in one voice said:. |
राक्षसैर्दण्डकारण्ये बहुभिः कामरूपिभिः।अर्दितास्स्म दृढं राम भवान्नस्तत्र रक्षतु।।3.10.11।। | 'O Rama, the demons who can assume any form at their will are mercilessly tormenting us in Dandaka forest. Do protect us from them'. |
होमकालेषु सम्प्राप्ताः पर्वकालेषु चानघ।धर्षयन्ति सुदुर्धर्षा राक्षसाः पिशिताशनाः।।3.10.12।। | 'O sinless one, these cannibals are invincible. They arrive at the time of our sacrificial rituals, on the days of festivities or at the time of lunar conjunctions like no moon or full moon days and attack us. |
राक्षसैर्धर्षितानां च तापसानां तपस्विनाम्।गतिं मृगयमाणानां भवान्नः परमा गतिः।।3.10.13।। | 'You are the supreme refuge for us ascetics, tormented by demons, helpless men in search of shelter. |
कामं तपःप्रभावेन शक्ता हन्तुं निशाचरान्।चिरार्जितं तु नेच्छामस्तपः खण्डयितुं वयम्।।3.10.14।। | null |
बहुविघ्नं तपो नित्यं दुश्चरं चैव राघव।तेन शापं न मुञ्चामो भक्ष्यमाणाश्च राक्षसैः।।3.10.15।। | 'O Rama it is difficult to perform penance which is ever full of obstacles. Therefore, we do not pronounce curses even if eaten up by demons'. |
तदर्ध्यमानान्रक्षोभिर्दण्डकारण्यवासिभिः।रक्ष नस्त्वं सह भ्रात्रा त्वन्नाथा हि वयं वने।।3.10.16।। | 'The demons, dwelling in the Dandaka forest are tormenting us. You alone are our lord in the forest. Do protect us with your brother.' |
मया चैतद्वचश्श्रुत्वा कार्त्स्न्येन परिपालनम्।ऋषीणां दण्डकारण्ये संश्रुतं जनकात्मजे।।3.10.17।। | O daughter of Janaka, on hearing the words of the sages I promised to undertake the entire protection of sages of the Dandaka forest. |
संश्रुत्य च न शक्ष्यामि जीवमानः प्रतिश्रवम्।मुनीनामन्यथा कर्तुं सत्यमिष्टं हि मे सदा।।3.10.18।। | Having promised the sages, I cannot do otherwise as long as I have life in me. To me truth is always dear. |
अप्यहं जीवितं जह्यां त्वां वा सीते सलक्ष्मणाम्।न तु प्रतिज्ञां संश्रुत्य ब्राह्मणेभ्यो विशेषतः।।3.10.19।। | O Sita I may forfeit my life forsake, even Lakshmana and you but will not break the promise made specially to the brahmins৷৷ |
तदवश्यं मया कार्यमृषीणां परिपालनम्।अनुक्तेनापि वैदेहि प्रतिज्ञाय तु किं पुनः।।3.10.20।। | Even before the sages requested me I should have protected them. What to speak of the promise I have already made ? |
मम स्नेहाच्च सौहार्दादिदमुक्तंत्वयाऽनघे।परितुष्टोऽस्म्यहं सीते न ह्यनिष्टोऽनुशिष्यते।।3.10.21।। | O sinless one all that has been said by you is out of your love and affection for me. I am pleased. What is harmful is never advised. |
सदृशं चानुरूपं च कुलस्य तव चात्मनः।सधर्मचारिणी मे त्वं प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसी।।3.10.22।। | Your auspicious words are quite befitting your lineage. You are the follower of my dharma and so dearer to me than my life. |
इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं महात्मा सीतां प्रियां मैथिलराजपुत्रीम्।रामो धनुष्मान्सह लक्ष्मणेन जगाम रम्याणि तपोवनानि।।3.10.23।। | Having said this to Sita, the princess of Mithila, Rama along with Lakshmana, bow in hand, moved about the delightful penancegrove.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे दशमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the tenth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by the sage Valmiki. |
[Meeting with sage Dharmabrata -- episode of sage Mandakarni and Panchapsara lake -- Rama, Sita and Lakshmana go about living in different hermitages -- arrive at Sutikshna's leave for Agastya's -- story of Ilvala and Vatapi.]अग्रतः प्रययौ रामस्सीता मध्ये सुमध्यमा।पृष्ठतस्तु धनुष्पाणिर्लक्ष्मणोऽनुजगाम ह।।3.11.1।। | Rama walked in front, Sita with a beautiful waist, in the middle and Lakshmana holding the bow, behind them৷৷ |
तौ पश्यमानौ विविधान् शैलप्रस्थान्वनानि च।नदीश्च विविधा रम्या जग्मतुस्सीतया सह।।3.11.2।। | Both Rama and Lakshmana walked on, accompanied by Sita, watching several beautiful mountain ranges, forests and rivers. |
सारसांश्चक्रवाकांश्च नदीपुलिनचारिणः।सरांसि च सपद्मानि युक्तानि जलजैः खगैः।।3.11.3।। | (Watching) the swans and ruddy geese on river banks and lakes full of lotuses, and birds on water and in the sky. |
यूथबद्धांश्च पृषतान्मदोन्मत्तान् विषाणिनः।महिषांश्च वराहांश्च नागांश्च द्रुमवैरिणः।।3.11.4।। | (Watching) herds of deer, intoxicated horned buffaloes, wild boars and elephants who are enemies of trees (elephants uproof trees). |
ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं लम्बमाने दिवाकरे।ददृशुस्सहिता रम्यं तटाकं योजनायतम्।।3.11.5।।पद्मपुष्करसम्बाधं गजयूथैरलङ्कृतम्।सारसैर्हंसकादम्बैस्सङ्कुलं जलचारिभिः।।3.11.6।। | As the Sun was setting, they had covered a long distance, watching a yojanalong tank adorned with lotuses, and crowded with herds of elephants and flocks of cranes, swans and aquatic animals. |
प्रसन्नसलिले रम्ये तस्मिन्सरसि शुश्रुवे।गीतवादित्रनिर्घोषो न तु कश्चन दृश्यते।।3.11.7।। | In that lake of clear waters they heard the sounds of songs and musical instruments, while there were none around. |
ततः कौतूहलाद्रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।मुनिं धर्मभृतं नाम प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।3.11.8।। | Out of curiosity, mighty Rama, and Lakshmana started enquiring about the matter from sage Dharmabrata by name: |
इदमत्यद्भुतं श्रुत्वा सर्वेषां नो महामुने।कौतूहलं महज्जातं किमिदं साधु कथ्यताम्।।3.11.9।।वक्तव्यं यदि चेदविप्र नातिगुह्यमपि प्रभो। | O great sage, this very wonderful sound, has whetted our great curiosity. If there is no top secret about this, do disclose it. |
तेनैवमुक्तो धर्मात्मा राघवेण मुनिस्तदा।।3.11.10।।प्रभवं सरसः कृत्स्नमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे। | Thus addressed by Rama, the righteous sage narrated the entire origin of the lake. |
इदं पञ्चाप्सरो नाम तटाकं सार्वकालिकम्।।3.11.11।।निर्मितं तपसा राम मुनिना माण्डकर्णिना। | O Rama this lake called Panchapsara filled with water at all times has been created through penance by a sage called Mandakarni. |
स हि तेपे तपस्तीव्रं माण्डकर्णिर्महामुनिः।।3.11.12।।दशवर्षसहस्राणि वायुभक्षो जलाश्रयः। | Great sage Mandakarni standing in water and living on air performed rigorous penance for ten thousand years. |
ततः प्रव्यथितास्सर्वे देवास्साग्निपुरोगमाः।।3.11.13।।अब्रुवन् वचनं सर्वे परस्परसमागताः। | Thereafter very much perturbed, all the gods led by Agni gathered together at one place and started deliberating among themselves. |
अस्माकं कस्यचित् स्थानमेष प्रार्थयते मुनिः।।3.11.14।।इति संविग्नमनसस्सर्वे ते त्रिदिवौकसः। | 'The gods of heaven became agitated in their minds thinking the sage might usurp one of their places. |
तत्र कर्तुं तपोविघ्नं देवैस्सर्वैर्नियोजिताः।।3.11.15।।प्रधानाप्सरसः पञ्च विद्युच्चलितवर्चसः। | All the gods then engaged five of the important nymphs, glittering like lightning, to disturb the penance of the sage. |
अप्सरोभिस्ततस्ताभिर्मुनिर्दृष्टपरावरः।।3.11.16।।नीतो मदनवश्यत्वं सुराणां कार्यसिद्धये। | The sage, a knower of the inner self and the world of plurality, was gripped by passion for the apsaras, who had come to achieve the target of the gods. |
ताश्चैवाप्सरसः पञ्च मुनेः पत्नीत्वमागताः।।3.11.17।।तटाके निर्मितं तासामस्मिन्नन्तर्हितं गृहम्। | The five apsaras, got the status of wives to the sage who built them an invisible home inside the lake. |
तथैवाप्सरसः पञ्च निवसन्त्यो यथासुखम्।।3.11.18।।रमयन्ति तपोयोगान्मुनिं यौवनमास्थितम्। | The apsaras lived happily with the sage who remained youthful by virtue of his penance. |
तासां सङ्क्रीडमानानामेष वादित्रनिस्स्वनः।।3.11.19।।श्रूयते भूषणोन्मिश्रो गीतशब्दो मनोहरः। | While the apsaras played their musical instruments, their melodious songs mingled with the sounds of ornaments are heard. |
आश्चर्यमिति तस्यैतद्वचनं भावितात्मनः।।3.11.20।।राघवः प्रतिजग्राह सह भ्रात्रा महायशाः। | Glorious Rama and his brother heard the wonderful words of the selfrealised sage and exclaimed, 'How strange ' |
एवं कथयमानस्य ददर्शाश्रममण्डलम्।।3.11.21।।कुशचीरपरिक्षिप्तं ब्राह्म्या लक्ष्म्या समावृतम्। | When the sage Dharmabrata was telling the story, Rama saw a hermitage strewn all over with kusa grass and bark garments, and endowed with pure brahminic grace. |
प्रविश्य सह वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च राघवः।।3.11.22।।उवास मुनिभिस्सर्वैः पूज्यमानो महायशाः। | Illustrious Rama accompanied by Vaidehi and Lakshmana entered the hermitage and, honoured by all the sages, stayed there. |
तदा तस्मिन्सकाकुत्थ्सः श्रीमत्याश्रममण्डले।।3.11.23।।उषित्वा तु सुखं तत्र पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः।जगाम चाश्रमांस्तेषां पर्यायेण तपस्विनाम्।।3.11.24।।येषामुषितवान् पूर्वं सकाशे स महास्त्रवित्। | Rama, the scion of the Kakutstha race, wielder of great weapons, stayed in that beautiful hermitage, accepting the hospitality of the sages extended with due honour, He visited in turn their penancegroves where he repeated his stay. |
क्वचित्परिदशान्मासानेकं संवत्सरं क्वचित्।।3.11.25।।क्वचिच्छ चतुरो मासान् पञ्च षट्चापरान्क्वचित्।अपरत्राधिकं मासादप्यर्धमधिकं क्वचित्।।3.11.26।।त्रीन्मासानष्टमासांश्च राघवो न्यवसत्सुखम्। | Rama lived happily here for about ten months, there one year, here four or five or six months and there over one or half a month or three or eight months in another. |
तथा संवसतस्तस्य मुनीनामाश्रमेषु वै।।3.11.27।।रमतश्चानुकूल्येन ययुस्संवत्सरा दश। | Thus enjoying their stay in the hermitages, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana spent ten favourable years. |
परिवृत्य च धर्मज्ञो राघवस्सह सीतया।।3.11.28।।सुतीक्ष्णस्याश्रमं श्रीमान्पुनरेवाजगाम ह। | Rama went round who was full of grace and full of knowledge on dharma went round with Sita and came back to Suthikshna's hermitage. |
स तमाश्रममासाद्य मुनिभिः प्रतिपूजितः।।3.11.29।।तत्रापि न्यवसद्रामः कञ्चित्कालमरिन्दमः। | On his arrival, Rama, the subduer of enemies, was honoured by the sages at the hermitage where he stayed for a short time. |
तदाश्रमस्थो विनयात्कदाचित्तं महामुनिम्।।3.11.30।।उपासीनस्सकाकुत्स्थस्सुतीक्ष्णमिदमब्रवीत्। | Once while sitting beside sage Sutikshna at the hermitage Rama humbly addressed him: |
अस्मिन्नरण्ये भगवानगस्त्यो मुनिसत्तमः।।3.11.31।।वसतीति मया नित्यं कथाः कथयतां श्रुतम्। | I have heard others saying that lord Agastya, the great sage, lives in this forest. |
न तु जानामि तं देशं वनस्यास्य महत्तया।।3.11.32।।कुत्राश्रमपदं रम्यं महर्षेस्तस्य धीमतः। | I am unable to locate the sacred hermitage of that sagacious sage due to the vastness of this forest. |
प्रसादात्तत्र भवतस्सानुजस्सह सीतया।।3.11.33।।अगस्त्यमभिगच्छेयमभिवादयितुं मुनिम्। | By your grace, I wish to go there with Sita and my brother Lakshmana to offer our respectful salutations. |
मनोरथो महानेष हृदि मे परिवर्तते।।3.11.34।।यद्यहं तं मुनिवरं शुश्रूषेयमपि स्वयम्। | There is a great desire in my heart to serve in person the best of sages, Agastya. |
इति रामस्य स मुनिश्श्रुत्वा धर्मात्मनो वचः।।3.11.35।।सुतीक्ष्णः प्रत्युवाचेदं प्रीतो दशरथात्मजम्। | Hearing the words of Rama, the righteous son of Dasaratha, sage Sutikshna was pleased to reply: |
अहमप्येतदेव त्वां वक्तुकामस्सलक्ष्मणम्।।3.11.36।।अगस्त्यमभिगच्छेति सीतया सह राघव। | I also wished you, O Raghava, to visit Agastya along with Sita and Lakshmana. |
दिष्ट्या त्विदानीमर्थेऽस्मिन् स्वयमेव ब्रवीषि माम्।।3.11.37।।अहमाख्यामि ते वत्स यत्रागस्त्यो महामुनिः। | Luckily you have asked me on your own. I will tell you where the great sage Agastya lives. |
योजनान्याश्रमात्तात याहि चत्वारि वै ततः।।3.11.38।।दक्षिणेन महान् श्रीमानगस्त्यभ्रातुराश्रमः। | Dear Rama, walk from here a distance of four yojanas. There in the southerly direction stands the great, beautiful hermitage of Agastya's brother. |
स्थलप्राये वनोद्देशे पिप्पलीवनशोभिते।।3.11.39।।बहुपुष्पफले रम्ये नानाशकुनिनादिते। | This plain land in the beautiful forest tract is adorned with fig trees,filled with flowers, fruits, and delightful sounds of different birds. |
पद्मिन्यो विविधास्तत्र प्रसन्नसलिलाश्शिवाः।।3.11.40।।हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णाश्चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः।तत्रैकां रजनीं व्युष्य प्रभाते राम गम्यताम्।।3.11.41।। | O Rama, there are lotusponds filled with clear, sacred waters, with different kinds of swans, ducks and ruddy geese. Spend one night there and proceed early in the morning. |
दक्षिणां दिशमास्थाय वनषण्डस्य पार्श्वतः।तत्रागस्त्याश्रमपदं गत्वा योजनमन्तरा।।3.11.42।। | If you go in the southern direction for a yojana you will find Agasthya's hermitage by the side of a cluster of trees. |
रमणीये वनोद्धेशे बहुपादपसंवृते।रंस्यते तत्र वैदेही लक्ष्मणश्च सह त्वया।।3.11.43।।स हि रम्यो वनोद्देशो बहुपादपसङ्कुलः। | Vaidehi will feel happy in your company in that delightful forest region full of many trees.So too will Lakshmana. |
यदि बुद्धिः कृता द्रष्टुमगस्त्यं तं महामुनिम्।।3.11.44।।अद्यैव गमने बुद्धिं रोचयस्व महायशः। | O glorious one, if you have made up your mind to visit that great sage Agastya, think of starting today itself. |
इति रामो मुनेश्श्रुत्वा सह भ्रात्राभिवाद्य च।।3.11.45।।प्रतस्थेऽमुद्दिश्य सानुजस्सीतया सह। | Rama heard the words of the sage, offered him reverential salutations and set out along with his brother and Sita. |
पश्यन्वनानि रम्याणि पर्वतांश्चाभ्रसन्निभान्।।3.11.46।।सरांसि सरितश्चैव पथि मार्गवशानुगाः।सुतीक्ष्णेनोपदिष्टेन गत्वा तेन पथा सुखम्।।3.11.47।।इदं परमसंहृष्टो वाक्यं लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्। | Enjoying the sight of delightful forests, cloudlike mountains, lakes and rivers on the way, and following the directions given by Sutikshna, Rama was happy. He said to Lakshmana: |
एतदेवाश्रमपदं नूनं तस्य महात्मनः।।3.11.48।।अगस्त्यस्य मुनेर्भ्रातुर्दृश्यते पुण्यकर्मणः। | Surely this is the hermitage of great Agastya's brother, a man of holy deeds. |
यथा हि मे वनस्यास्य ज्ञाताः पथि सहस्रशः।।3.11.49।।सन्नताः फलभारेण पुष्पभारेण च द्रुमाः। | This is the glade we were told about with thousands of trees drooping down with abundant fruits and flowers. |
पिप्पलीनां च पक्वानां वनादस्मादुपागतः।।3.11.50।।गन्धोऽयं पवनोक्षिप्तस्सहसा कटुकोदयः। | Feel this sudden astringent smell of ripe figs wafted by the breeze from the forest. |
तत्र तत्र च दृश्यन्ते सङ्क्षिप्ताः काष्ठसञ्चयाः।।3.11.51।।लूनाश्च पथि दृश्यन्ते दर्भा वैडूर्यवर्चसः। | Heaps of firewood are seen here and there on the path. There are blades of grass (used for sacrificial ceremonies) shining like vaidurya (gems). |
एतच्च वनमध्यस्थं कृष्णाभ्रशिखरोपमम्।।3.11.52।।पावकस्याश्रमस्थस्य धूमाग्रं सम्प्रदृश्यते। | In the middle of the forest can be seen like the tip of the dark clouds columns of smoke coming out of the top of hermitages. |
विविक्तेषु च तीर्थेषु कृतस्नाना द्विजातयः।।3.11.53।।पुष्पोपहारं कुर्वन्ति कुसुमैस्स्वयमर्जितै। | Priests are coming out of the solitary sacred spots after their bath and making offerings of flowers they had themselves plucked. |
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