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3 classes
Sentence 1: The moment I was out of sight of the crowd, I flopped onto the floor. Sentence 2: I flopped onto the floor when I was out of sight.
Sentence 1: but whtat-you don't forget is the groniing ‘up-it’s really the: period when people become adults i mean ‘people who don't: ‘go. to ‘college ‘become adults in other ways but. really it's the ‘entry inta: adulthood:i think and i think that -the best way to choose a college is fo decide. what kind of environmént you warit to Senterice 2: but what you don't :forget is the greiting up, the ‘college age’ is Hihen peoplé become’ adults;-j mean pesple tho don't go. to-college becorne adults’in other ways but jfeally it's: the entry into. Jadulthiood; and i think that’s'the_ best ‘way to Choose a college: decide ‘what kind of environment you want to be.iri.
Sentence. 1: arid once they da that then people will.be more interested ‘right now. it doesn't.matter how much garbage you -put out to the road it's a flat fee a month Sentence 2: It's a flat feé right now, no hatter how much garbage you ‘putout
Sentence 1: Caleta is the site of recent tourism investment, but as of yet doesn't attract large crowds. Sentence 2: Caleta has had an influx of tourism lately because of the casinos they built there.
Seutsnce 1: Hold it while 1 get, wy, penieife." The unbelievable had happened: ‘Sentence 2:1 needed my-pen knife to cut it open.and| ‘retrieve a wristwatch. . L
Sentence 1: While LSC wil implement these performance measures on January 1, 2001, it will diligently evaluate the chosen method of analysis prior to implementation to ensure it provides useful and meaningful data. Sentence 2: LSC wi implement. these performance measures on January 1, 2001 at about 3pm.
entence 1: So if-all-78 hypotheses are’ rue, theri,roughly 7:8 .6f themeall,it eight- should. be canfirrned overwhelmingly. entence.2: 8.shauld be easily.confirmed.if hey‘are-atl true.
Sentence 1: While the new Third Republic's government under Adolphe Thiers negotiated the terms of surrender, the workers’ communes refused to give in. Sentence 2 The communes didn't want to engage with ‘Adolphe Thiers’ government.
, _ Sentence 1: is lake soiticthing ‘2 “Sentence. 2 The “nainie “is weird, lake = something. Wele sy arse te
Sentence 1: As for, Evie, you temeinber Evie?" Sentence. 2: You never knew Evie.
‘Sentence 1: SOUTHEAST ‘Sentence 2: Our goal is to reach the North Pole,
Sentence't:1¢7s cléae-that-fixing the wrofg probléms, ar even Wworse,- fixing the-right ‘problems poorly, could! cause’ more harm:than' good" in. our: efforts to defend dur country against ‘terrorism. - a hoes ‘Sentence: 2: When’ défénding our couritryagainst tetrdrism, we Seabee wg etendnd ge cartoons tera
Sentence 1: Famous inscriptions on rocks and pilars everywhere bore testimony to Ashoka ren. Sentence 2: There were no carvings about Ashoka.
‘Seritonc’ 1: They stood ready. : Sentence 2: They were-arined- for what:was going. to happen
Séntence 1: LSC strongly: encourages all: its. grantées’to ; obtain’ other. funding forthe “client community that: Congress. has. “ legislated eligible for LSC funding. Sentence Pr KSC hes its grantees ‘obtain funds
Sentence I: and then then Michael went to court and and uh petitioned that they needed to go into solvency because they were so financially in‘bad shape Sentence 2: Michael submitted a petition to the court of insolvency.
1: Perfectly preserved in a cret valley and not rediscovered until he early 19th century, the city of Petra ls an enchanting place of magic, xpressed through its setting and the wirling pink patterns of its rocks as uch as through its dramatic rchitecture. 2: No one has ever found the cret city of Petra.
Sentence 1:A short way along the busy main road is the Garden of Gethsemane. Sentence 2: The Garden of Gethsemane is located several miles along the.main road
Sentence 1 Local columnists have pointed out a number.of efrors and.unsubstantiated stories in Davis" two books about-Los City af Quartz (1990) and Ecology of Fear (1998); Sentence 2° Ecology ‘of Fear was ne of -the books that‘allegedly contained errors, *
tie mages Touch of Boil hae ban :
Sentence 1: For some easy hiking, stop off it the lower station of Plan de l'Aiguille (2,310 m/7,580 ft). 2: Stop by the lower station for me leisure-filled hiking.
Sentence 1: of course who'can't use that Sentence 2: Everyone can use that because its simple.
‘Sentende i: One of hig. Yrécé aghievements wad a code alliance with feck Genyany, overcoming centuries of blesdéhed “bePtweeh thé tw peoples Senbende. 2: Hé wad, alviays’ at wan sith Germany. Wedt
Sentence 4: It was pitch dark,‘lrue Lawrence was fotlmaing with the. candle, sand by its.feeble light: wet saw thite thie bed heid.sioe been’ slepe tn, and she. there"avas-no' sight of the! voor Faeing been occupied : Serizence it Lawrence dnd! litaticed thatthe Foon ‘ds dmess, and the ‘sheets. were torn off of the bed.
Sentence 1: um. like. you know’ like somehow they. missed: the physical or. something ’ Sentence 2: They did not show up for their physical;
Sentence 1:"Machine guns dealt with the overgrown birds: Sentence 2: The birds were dealt with, with guns:
Sentence 1: If there's going to be any fun, now is when it will begin. Sentence 2: It will be fun for a short amount of time.
Sentence 1. Sentence 2.
Sentence i so why'd you move up to _ Colorado Sentence 2: You moved to Colorade for monj.
Sentence 1:1 left the sickbeds with no money and half the weight 1 once had. Sentence 2: | soon found work: at: a loading dock.
Sentence 1: yes right well i've always had big dogs before never had a little dog before and Sentence 2:1 have always had small. dogs; never big ones.
Sentence 1: And Rupert Murdoch ( of Fox TV ) recently bid an estimated $350 million for the Los Angeles Dodgers and their stadium. ‘Sentence 2: Murdoch tried to buy the stadium and the team with the intent of relocating them.
Sentence 1: The New York Times reports that economists with the Army Corps of Engineers, charged with executing a cost- benefit analysis of un-damming the Snake River in eastern Washington, plan to factor in something they call existence value--the value of the psychic benefit people get from knowing the river is running wild. Sentence s: The Army Corps of Engineers’ economists will publish their findings next year.
‘Sentence’. f-Youd never: ‘have believed a pretty young lady like that could have made herself into such a cuffian Sentence 2 The young .ladys: favorite hobby is riding bikes: .
Sentence I: How like a man! ntence 2: He is. such a man!
Sentence 1 Very sad. Sentence 2: This is from a Donald Trump tweet. * *
Sentence 1; Among federal agencies, several USACE's district offices} Certification have received ISO 48! certification for their design and construction Sentence 2: Many offices of BACE's received a ISO SSN certificatio®.® . : »
Sentence 1: you know full cash price for it i mean you know you can't tell what what a company really has to do with it and there's something rather ominous about raving Sentence 2: Paying full cash price for it means that a company will come in and tell us what to do.
Sentence 1: Recruitment and Retention of Minorities Sentence 2: There is no recruitment or retention of minorities.
Sentence 1: However, theré are standards that ¢an be applied to all case studies in evaluation. Sentence :2: Some ‘standards can be-applied to évety case study inthe evaluation: >
Sentence”. ts’ Sightseers:” have . their choiée of +taxi or’. retital” vehicles, inchiding the ubiquitous’ Miriieveke and beach . buggy,” ideal. for ~ etal éonditions: : ‘ Sentence .2:.Thé Minitrioké& is amiong thé'vehicles ‘that can be rented:
Sentence 1: Something that he seemed to see there held his attention. Sentence 2: What he saw was terrifying.
Sentence 1: The renowned Theban queer Nefertari, wife of Ramses Il,’has the most ornate tomb (number. 66) ‘but it.is not always accessible, Sentencé.2: The plainest of all of the ‘tombs ig the one Which houses Qiteeni Nefertari.
Sentence 1: yeah yooh you miss yeah i don't know if you ‘miss it or not but Sentence 2: Maybe you wish it wes still here.
Sentence 1: HHS estimates that the total annual responses will be 3.5 million in 1997 and 3 million in 1998 and 1999 with the total annual burden hours estimated to range from 335,000 to 586,000 hours in 1997; 384,000 to 882,000 hours in 1998; and 377,000 to 882,000 in 1999. Sentence 2: The HHS has no estimate of how many responses there will be.
‘Sentence 1: In. responding to this’ request; EPA modeled the combined impacts of both the emissions caps, and the advanced’ technology, scenarios ‘specified by the Senators. Sentence 2: The EPA ignored the requests, i tryout” the impacts of the emissions caps.
Sentence 1: The Save the Unified Surpluses simulation assumes the entire unified surpluses lare saved and used to reduce federal debt held by the public. Sentence 2: The unified surplusses simulation lassumes the entire surpluses are saved to reduce debt
Sentence 1: there were twii two separate furnace rooms and so:i took the smaller furnace room and now it’s full of trains . : Sentence 2-1 was happy about taking the smaller room.
Sentence 1: Felipe II didnt care for El Grecos revolutionary style, and later critics wondered whether his elongated figures were the result of myopia, but his mystical masterpieces live on. Sentence 2: Felipe II was not in love with El Grecos style.
Sentence tt Forty thousand. dF us, die that Wad each year. “Sentence @, Four: thouséria peGple. die! the same Wau each year,
Sentence 1: Over the next century, the Venetians greatly strengthened the fortifications, but Ghania and Rethymnon fell in 1645. Sentence 2% The Venetians improved thelr city| walls, but that was no match, for the enemys| new fechniques. :
SeatOace4: a 2 (1976) to inchide any exectitive department, independent commission, bodid, bureau, office; agency, or other establishment of the Goverment. Se@gt@ade,2! Government establishryents, ‘like the buireati, are impacted by inchision,
“senteice A “ie Aivgrd. to *. Northwest ~ sti” Proje: *fashinigto streamlities csetefetral from: HEAR’ ‘Ithe state's tetephorie’ intake prokr 0--the, State's other’ legal’sérvicos: pfouigrs: 5 “ Sentence . : 2; Streamlping.cade seterpals. ffi leary ‘ate legates saith states illons toler per yar ‘
Sentence t: The proposed rule’ was published in December 1997; and. i8° intended to establish standards for. organically produced food... - Seintence 2: The rule helped small farmers‘grow more ‘organic foods.
Sentence1-Té-assess performance, the IT-arganization instituted severalsets of measures that link directly to the business objectives and priorities defined. by the CEO inthe companyas strategicplan. Satitence: 2 The iT organization ignored company. objectives and priorities...
Sentence 1: bonus time you have: a ‘bonus 7 Sentence 2: Do you have a bonus Like the rest: at that: time?.
Sentence + Although deductions for lower-income taxpayers oppear fo yield a greater net increose in national saving because they ore less costly for the government. they ako of fer relatively less incentive for laverincome forties 1o save. Sentence 2 Deductions for lower-income toxgnyers offer relatively less incantive for lower-income families to spend.
Sentence wif ypu/te wild to wander tf the Beaten tack you [should be oble fo find <iff-bockéd coves with clear, blue woter or potchies of sand scarcely large enough for two fostlies Sentence 2: The cove & largeendugh for two font ies 10 swirn
Seritence 1:-Severn scowled at him: d. Sentence 2; Severn was ple:
Sentence 1: What about Marlboros, handguns, and malt liquor? ntence and fun ¢ What about all the good gq and guns?
Sentence: “1: The’ progression: -of the. cdmpaigh will also rescue’ Gore from his Vice Presidential Malaise Sentence | 2: The :pragression” Bf the cdinpaigh.-will résull-in .good things” for lols of pédple. YS
Sentence I:'and when you're in jail they take yoii our -just ‘like: they do..in Alabama. or. anywhere else:in what they, call a: chain gang and they élean the city parks Sentence -2: When - you're in jail, you do community service.
Sentericé: 1: have rio: hope. for: salutions' but. lim ido keep’ myself somewhat abreast of the'issue i have worked with uli uh a'little bit with “refugees from’ Southeast “Asia. uh, who've come over urn. you know ‘to escape: the genocide. programs: that aré over there ahd seen you.know heard about some:of the: “problenis that they've had aid i'm also. fairly sensitive .to ‘the ‘issues “about: how open should. the :borders -be.-because i-in. general like a smaller rather. than-a'larger population to.the land ‘aréd and um: : Sentence.2: | dori't work.and |. don't like to stay informed about ‘any different issues:
Sentence 1: And it is evident from the Starr transcripts that she captivated many members lof the grand jury. Sentence 2: It was,¢lear that the grand jury was listening to her carefully.
Sentence & He stared up at the sky, realizing that more than half of it had already fallen. Sentence 2: The sky was falling because of an above average Labor Day sale.
Sentence t: The VSL applied in this analysis is then built up from that VSLY by toking the present valve of the [stream of fie yeors, egein assuming © 3 percent discount rote. Sentence 2: The VSL is opplies in the analysis.
Sentence 1: And the last thing Bradley can afford is to look like a strategist. Sentence 2: Looking like a strategist would be very good for Bradley. a ° .
Sentence 1: Second, auditors should not audit their own work when ‘the work involved is material to the subject matter af the audit. Sentence 2: t's important that auditors do not audit work of thelr ‘own if the wark is material to the purpose ofthe audit.
was a way of working off grievances, improving one's mental circulation. ‘Sentence 2: Kazin hated to argue, he saw deteriorate one's mental circulation.
Senténee 1:1 went back-to the spacé-ship. Sentence 2: 1 went -back-to the spaceship to look foraliens.
Senterice 1: Just, go.on with what you're doing now. Sentence 2: Please do’ not continue with what you are doing and move on to another task:
Sentence 1: Today, it's important to have access to timely and reliable financial and ‘non-financial formance information. Sentence 2: Reliable financial data is important to have access to.
Sentence 1: The industry now plans to strengthen warnings that children should be kept, appropriately harnessed, in the back seat, where they will be neither helped nor harmed by air bags. Sentence 2: The children should be kept in the trunk of the car, in a closed and cramped space with plenty of airbags.
‘Sentence & She looked ar me. ‘Sentence a: She sared at me.
Sentence 1: Pennebaker made about Dylan's previous European tour in 1965, Eat the Document , which was edited by Dylan himself isa pointless coda. Sentence 2: There was a pointless coda made about a previous European tour.
Sentence 1: News Quiz Participants offer } two, addly Contradictory Views. of Princetor Life.
We -" Hig s 1s dant “know who their grandparents are, they've néver seen them
Sentence 1: The Long-Term Budget Outlook, Congressional Budget Office (October 2000). Sentence 2: The outlook projected a budget deficit.
Sentence 1: The ‘cafe scene’ is: surprisingly. Strong: for .a city ‘with: so ey Starbucks. outlets, - Sentence 2:‘The cafe scené-is strong i in: the. oy aay
Sentence 1: Sentence 2
‘Sentence’ 1: The unofficial spin, from James Jones i a puppet of ‘greedy right-wingets, and besides, Clinton is whipping her in the polls. ‘Sentence-2: Clinton is not in last place inthe polls.
Sentence 1: they sand the roads and it just turns into big mess Sentence 2: The road tum into a big mess after they sand them.
Sentence 1: one who is not high- stepping through Neiman Marcus. |Sentence 2: Neiman Marcus is a stuffy, |high end department store.
Sentence 1: On the 10 th anniversary of the liberation of Eastern Europe, we often refer to that vel rthand as the fall of the Berlin Wall Sentence 2: £: ern Europe wa: berated
Sentence 1: and finally at around age thirty’ i managed to ‘keep some weight and not lose so much during the summer. ‘andi hover at a hundred fifty andi‘ six one 's0 si ap ink wip te, _tearned thirty.
Sentence kL: Bulls coach Phil Jackson To Dennis, a Mormon may just be a nickname for people from Utah. Sentence 2: Phil Jackson is the coach of the Bulls and he has won many championships with them.
Sentence 1: It was the best night of my life. Sentence 2: Tonight absolutely blew!
“Sentence ‘I: The entrance: is thraugh ‘a tiny. slxthi-century doorway, so tow you have to bend almost dotible. Sentence 2:Tie doorway is so sniall tit you have to double over tofitthrough.
Sentence 1: At a minimum, the PCAOB will to effectively wor with the other public on enforcement/disciplinary matters. 2: The PCAOB will be required to work with other public regulators. _
LSFO ‘systemis: commonly are more’ resource Sentence. 7: ‘any other FGD technologies. intensive than m' Sentence 2: LSFO systems. require more resqurces FGD technologiés.. ic than other
sentence & Somebody get this editor an editor! Sentence 2 This editor needs an editor:
sentence i: FIND JANE FINN.” Sentence 2 Locate Jade Finn.
Sentence 1: what "Zo you Tink about um The way The criminal justice system handles trials Sentence 2: D0 you think the justice system falls in handling trials well?
Sentence. 1: The: much’ ‘reriovated cathedral -hias. two Superbly : carved’ 12th-century - pulpits, originally commissioned for the cathedral in Pisa. Sentence 2: The cathedral does hot contain any-carved pulpits.
Sentence ¥ Surely not Sentence 2 There: fe “other. factor’. 10 consider. .
Sentence 4: Ever co slowly, the enormous block of stone began to ‘move, while the ropes drew tighter. Sentence 2: The stoue began to slowly move as the ropes drew tighter.
Sentence f MEASUREMENT Sentence 2: Estimating