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Sentence 1: That one strike was the only one that would have succeeded and | am ashamed to have used jt: Sentence 2: | am proiid of niyself for using-the strike that | did. | 22
Sentence. t He striiggled for severat hours’ to keep ‘the.-rebellion together, but “inrumerable .“ weak : finks:. were révealed -in his: improvised ‘chain. of command. Sentence 2: The. improvised: chain’ of ‘command fell apart due to weak (links and'no food, | 11
Senterice 1: thawed. Sentence 2:1 thawed dnce.out of the cold. | 11
Sentence 1: uh that’s the first i've ever ieard “of it i haven't heard of it anything too much about it.um Sentence 2: haveitt heard thuch about thé: tax cuts... - ” re | 11
Sentence. “12. right“, that’s exactly. it so ‘another’ thing that -wé tried to do i7i know your ‘son's too young’ right now but. we're: trying we tried to sign “him! up ‘for after school ‘scouts and stuff like that and Sentence 2: Your son ‘is “too young for any activities: right} now: | 11
Sentence i: That. débacle ‘should have taught the. world that’media éan coexist, and that artists cari even migrate Dpetiveen'thent debending on the flavor they seek Sentence: 2:"If there's-enijthifie We've: feared It6' that. media cahinot:coiskist 7 | 22
1: Will my job be safe? 2: Lam sure my job is safe. | 22
Sentence I: Kom Ombo Temple lies closest to Aswan ' some 60 km (37 miles) south of Edfu. Sentence 2: Kom Ombo Temple is to the south of Edfu. | 00
Sentence 1: Toward Reform of Program Sentence 2 Fixed Program | 22
Sentence 1: they're pretty good i like their Sentence 2: That is absolutely horrible. | 22
ce 2: There’ | 00
Sentence 4: PADI Profesional Asscintion of vg instruct the'mast.comaina: ‘Sentsicb 22 Biving festrvctrs “hae, to nie passed at ‘ertiftation:each year. | 11
Sentence 1: | tried to move back a bit. Sentence 2 It was dangerous to be too glase. | 11
Sentence 1: And then the gong rang and my life changed forever. Sentence’: My life stayed the same forever. | 22
Sentence I: Still, it is unimportant, and need not be taken into account. A groan burst from Poirot. Sentence 2: It's very important and is probably the solution to our problems. | 22
Sentence 1: Gondolas, open, banana- shaped boats powered by a double- ended paddle, are not suitable for small children. oh os Sentence 2: Small children are not suited to gondolas. | 00
Sentence I Js 0 college student forniior urban lingo. | beleve the proper term to contexts bomk Sentence 2:| om not o college student | 22
Sentence 1: And This Week co-host Cokie Roberts. worried that in pursuing it, the press would again be accused of asking too many “questions... Sentence 2:Roberts was committed to get to the bottom of this situation. | 22
Sentonce & bul our black cat has never never once been outside and has no interest in going outside: you can actually leave the. door open-Kell come: jie donhpand. si dowms ett hasten gpeibltelde i ‘Sontencé 2: Our black cat has riever: been inside | 22
Sentence 1: Other caller's just want someone to talk to. ‘Sentence 2: Store. clerks are just looking for someone to talk to. | 22
Sentence 1: well it vas worth the buck i guess Sentence 2: | think it was worth the buck. * | 00
Sentence 1: it takes takes him a lot less time because even though he does have to do it every four or five days um since he doesn't have to bag all of those clippings you know it rather than taking i don't know as an example an hour and a half to do the whole lawn it only takes an hour Sentence 2: How long does it take to do the lawn? An hour or an hour and a half. | 11
Sentence 1: The rise in the number of home runs (a record of 4,962 last year) has been paralleled by increased strikeouts in every year of this decade Sentence 2: The number of home runs has increased every year over the Last ten years, and so has the number of strikeouts: | 00
‘SentenceA; She's sery kind'and pleasant’ said Tulids Thonipson, 45; an attocney at loner City Law Conter andan Usicommon Good eipien te Sentence 2: Tig Law does ndt ease about the: character of the individual ° | 11
Sentence 1: The Pousada dos Vinh?jticos {vinh?. itico Isa. typeof Madeiran. mabogany tree) enjoys: the sort. of views. that ed Alpine hotels would cherish. 4 aloto - Sentence 2: The viowus are poor. | 22
Sentence 1: A note from Tommy lay on his table: "DEAR HERSHEIMMER, ‘Sorry I lost’ my temper. Sentence 2: The note was the last contact that we have seen from Tommy. | 11
Sentence Forbes spent his way into second place. Sentence i Forbes z ied numerous nd failed = reach higher than tenth | 11
2 Sentence Tl am glad none of you ‘| Were hurt, he said | Sentence 2:He said he was glad they hadn't been shot by mob, the angry | 11
"Sentence 1: uh, the Houston. Astros. soi mea you'know i've got quite a few Sentence. 2:.You, realize’i” don’t’ have’ any Houston Aétros in my.possession, | 22
Sentence__1: Nowadays, the _Nemorial “burtding offers films and documents tracing the campaign for independence Sentence 2: The memoriol building now boasts a cinema | 11
Sentence 1: Tips for 1) Settle out of court; 2) make her eign a prenuptial agreement; 3) make her sign a postnuptial agreement; 4) funnel your riches to off-limite, offshore accounts. Protect. yourself from in divorce | 00
Sentence 1:! don't agree with Lemann on a lot of issues, but I'm glad the central flaw of this elite is excessive egalitarianism. Sentence 2:! don't agree with Lemman on a lot of issues. | 00
Sentencs t orc you Native Amencon Sentence 2: Are you of French descent? | 22
Sentence 1: On the filming of Titanic , She told Classic FM magazine that for the first time in my life on a film set I was thinking, 'I wish I wasn't here. Sentence 2: She wished she wasn't there as her mother had just recently died, and she wished to grieve in peace. | 11
‘Sentence 1: i think they just put them in jail and let them think about it Sentence 2: A punishment for a crime is to sit in jail and think about what you've done. | 11
Sete joe tee iat jas, those he have the wealth: - Serrance 2 The Le weakly people. all fo justice | 11
Sentence % They had a greater tolerance for weight gain, saying it would take a 20 pound gain before they took action, as opposed to the 10 pound gain that would trigger action in higher- income women. Sentence 2 Higher-income women would take action after a 10 pound gain. | 00
Sentence:- 1Jt.. might possibly.bring :abéut another war not.with Germany.this time! Sentence. 2:The ...war would’. “be. -.with Ttdlythis-time.’> + 2 : | 11
tenes, 1: yeah: actually “when. we because it hekped my Inisband's work lout wint-ive really would like tobut we nit: Know if “we're going todo it. ness ‘we. ‘stay here'you. Know. e jentonce 2 Wee ‘are: artatn of what's we’) re going té doif.we stay Kere:-- | 22
Sentence 1: Not exactly. Sentence 2: Exactly that. | 22
ware oa) Several: reforms to its Political and social systemis, Sentence 2: The island became independent of all external rule. | 22
Sentence The mustanger walked forward with 2 lurch, his head ‘trown far back so he could Look up at Orew from under the wide brim of bis sombeer. ‘Sentence 2: The somber was tasseled and of high quality. | 11
Séntence -1: Eventually 2 “new. offensive,” the. decisive Gempei War, was launched in 1180.” 5 ’ 2 Sentence .2: In_1180; nolheg- of importange. happened that year,’ | 22
You should see many of the grouper, J or rock hind, stingrays, Atlantic rays and ’ sentence amberjack, Fe moray eels. sentence 2: Be careful of stingrays and moray eels as they ean poison and sl ‘hock you respectively. | 11
Sentence t Apparently Mrs. Vandemeyer slept. Sentence 2 Mrs. Vandemeyer looked rested | 11
Sentence 1. Sentence 2 | 11
sentence 1: ust one of them Sentence 2: Only one of them. | 00
Sentence: 1: From: behind thé. counter, employee David Lopez, who is Mixteo, can call out prices to customers in Mixtecd, Spanish or English Sentence 2: David Lopéz leamed Spanish as his first Jahiquaige but only took up English in‘high schodl | 11
Sentence 2: Approximately one thousand pilgrims visit this place every year. | 11
Sentence 1: Click for an explanation. of the simplest. Sentence 2: The explanation is detailed, but easy to understand. | 11
Sentence k caring fram that background what we pretty much] da is we aur household as Far as ving expenses we lve an af cash budget every manth my husband uh goes to the credit unian| and withdraws yau know H amaunt af dallars For the manth and then that money is used during that manth we have a certain tbudget Sentence 2 We dan't really have a budget. | 22
1er vtation.”. Seéritence 22.) a fsa Wi tir aitir | 22
Sentence 1: oh it's beautiful country up there in the mountains of New Mexico Sentence 2: In the New Mexico mountains, there's beautiful country | 00
Sentence 1: Many important dignitaries have visited the house, and it has become a tradition for trees to be planted to mark each special occasion. Sentence 2: Sever United States have vi residents of the d the House. | 11
Sentence 2: | never spoke co people. | 22
[Sentence 1: South of Montego Bay there are a number ol} attractions that make enjoyable excursions, if, you want ear yourself away trom the beach or book an outing trom your cruise ship. |Senience 2: Most people prefer to stay on the beach ofj Montego Bay. | 11
Sentence 1: At the same time, the new government instituted sweeping, enlightened programs to __ eradicate illiteracy and provide free ag schooling and health care. * Sentence 2: There were no programs to lhelp eradicate literacy and provide free leducation and health care. * * | 22
_ Seintends | 22
Sentence |: God forgive me if | am wronging him!" | looked at my-watch. Sentence 2: | needed to know the time. . *, * | 11
Sentence 1: At the wages I pay him, he knows etter than to do any independent thinking. Sentence 2: He should know better than to think independently. | 00
fe Implement an applicable | 00
Sentence Iz yech oh and i tell you what i worked at McDonald's.as well and jj can Fell you one thing there are just some people that i you know you just came to the point where } mean and oh j eventually worked in a lab in a lab as a lab technician and } worked Front desk and i mean somebody: could walk in the door ond j knew exactly what they were going to do and say Sentence 2:1 worked at McDonald's ond it was gross and dirhy. : | 11
Sentence 1: did you did you introduce your daughter to her before you made your decision Sentence 2: Did your daughter meet her before you decided? | 00
Sentence 1::No; more. than six: meiibers.-of :the i ‘an baard can be from any one political party. Sentence: 2: Only six:inembers.of the board cain, bé. froin one party.astoefisure equality. | 11
Sentence 1: uh when the public whole is at stake Sentence 2: When the general population is at stake. | 00
Sentence 1: After the huge sikhara tower had collapsed, however, the British saved the pyramidal Jagmohan by pouring concrete into its core; now the Archaeological Survey of India is heroicahy performing massive restoration work on the important sculpture. Sentence 2: The’ concrete has to be chipped away now to preserve the remains. | 11
Séntence 1 Sentence 2 | 00
Sentencé':. Writing in’ the New: York Review of.Books , ‘Mark. Danitet as’ argued :that.. the administration's. predilection. for tough talk, coupléd. with its’political timidity, did much to miake matters worse in Bostia: Sentence.2: Mark Danner: thinks. the ‘administration's tough'talk was helpful. in. Bosnic. | 22
Sentence 1: The pyramids of Egypt have exerted a powerful hold on the world since explorers first began to explore this ancient land. Sentence 2: The existence of the pyramids has passed largely unnoticed. | 22
Sentence k uh back to uh uh back to clothes i don’t really i don't really have what youd youd think was an expensive wardrobe i mean some are very very very clothes conscious Sentence 2:| know some people are really into clothing, but | just have a simple wardrobe that isn't too expensive. | 11
Sentence 1: On the other hand, others might Sentence x: Actually, cher people may doit. | 00
Sentence 1: Never mirid, old. chap. Sentence !2 Have. no-'worries, old chap, were here, 0 0S | 11
Sentence % Awora typically packs Rs heot-seekers into modern. luxury hotels whose harsh concrete exteriors hardly reflect the tranquiising pleowses provided within. Sentence 2: There ore hotels in Awora which provide tronquitizing pleasures | 00
Sentence 1: and we had to talk about air pollution too what do you think's causing it and what should we do about it Sentence 2: We took notes of the discussion. | 11
Sentence 1: Congress avoided having to amend the LSC appropriations bills by specifically creating in IRCA the legal fiction that H-2A workers would be deemed lawful permanent resident aliens for the purposes of legal services representation under the existing categories of eligible aliens. Sentence 2: Congress created a legal fallacy in order to avoid amending the LSC appropriations bills. | 00
‘éntenice:1: The--besf’ Known traditional dances on he.Costa’ Blanca aré, the jota valenciana and jota wrcian sentence 2: The Costa, Bianea is home to many raditional dances. | 00
Sentence’ 1: 19° Case Study, Evaluations ‘Appendix. lt Guidelines. for Reviewing Case Study Reports : Sentence 2::The dscument only has 2 appendixes. | 22
Sentence 1; Seeiris-like two" Kirby: turnin’ up" in a-town'this size is <gonna-:make'a few-people dsk some: questions...’ Sentence 2: Pedgleare’ Gaing-td..dsk questions if two: Kirbiys "show up Ig, Chis, Lown | 00
Sentence 1: For now we have.to set the. precedent that presidents of the United States should so behave themselves as‘to merit the confidence of the world. Sentence 2: Another country should haye an exemplary president to be the worthy example for the United States to follow and learn from. | 22
Sentence I: It was going to be a lonely trip back. Sentence 2: It was going to be a long trip back. | 11
intence 1: Subsequent to the issuance of the FFC report, IASA received ISO. 9000 certification for its headquarters fice and each of its centers. sntence 2: NASA did ijot receive ISO 9000 certification. | 22
‘Sento letra the NYT fram 2 woman reader rejects the-use of the term, chairman y | 00
Sentence 1: There is a kind of pseudo-rebelliousness when the ant mocks the elephant, particularly when the ant works for the elephant in some insect-sized capacity, Sentence 2: The arit doesn't work the elephant in any way, shape, or form. | 22
Sentence t: "Johnny. Shaiinon.riow he was a lieutenant’ with: Howard's, Rangers." “Callie gave Drew a shrewd measuring look. ‘Sehtence'.2: Johnny Shanrion was. with Howard's Rangers when they. overtook the village: | 11
‘Sentence 1: Today there is an independent Scottish parliament, a Welsh assembly, qnd a self-governing Northern iréland. Sentence 2: The Scottish parliament is not self- governing. | 22
Sentence t The present Abbey Theatre dates from from 1966, since a fire in 1951 destroyed the original building. ‘Sentence 2: The theater is from 1924 | 22
Sentence I: But yuppies-or at least the suburbanized offspring of Slats Grobnik-were increasingly his audience and his newsroom colleagves. Sentence 2 The audience was increasing among yuppies. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Downtowiiy’ Grand. Central Markét ‘on Broadway is 1-A.' oldest and largest open-air produce market. Sentence 2 Downtowns Grand. Central Market on Broadway draws in people that love to eat healthy. | 11
reigned, and certain battles were Sentence t That certain King: 's true; but all the colouring, all the fought, we can depend upon a: philosophy, of history is conjecture. ans are notoriously unreliable when it comes Sentence 2 Histor ts of their experience. to recording unbiased account | 11
| §entence I: Then abruptly she went ‘out’ of | the room. : | Bantence'2: she had to-leave to make it to ‘er appointment in time. . | 11
Sentence 1: Even Yoffe's example of Julie Steele backfires on her. Sentence 2: Unfortunately, Yoffe's example of Steele worked against her. | 00
‘Seatenee t yeah well | beard Jerry Joues say something lntemesting and | ‘and | must border om legality ox ethnicity on draft day be's got abest thirty ponple thet ae guing out te their potential players ant when (comes their time to chense they get thirty minutes or se these people wil ‘segetate with the players and get them ts sign 2 contract and Ml they wea ‘sign 2 contract they wee't dra them ‘Sentence 2:| beard Jerry Jones say that abeut thirty people are ging to try a contract with them and | think that's pest | 11
‘Seritence 1: and he took it:from there. ‘Sentence 2: He went on-from there, | 00
Sentence 1: calito theary but rm pretty sure of my facts facts that are known to.no one but myseli Sentence 2: This, theory will: soon shake up the world. of science. | 11
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