stringlengths 1
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1784 | a gene is usually __________. | [
"docid": "D367859#0",
"title": "http://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-is-gene-therapy\nWhat is gene therapy?",
"text": "In: Facts Targeting Disease What is gene therapy? Gene therapy is when DNA is introduced into a patient to treat a genetic disease. The new DNA usually contains a functioning gene to correct the effects of a disease-causing mutation. Gene therapy uses sections of The DNA is carefully selected to correct the effect of a mutated gene that is causing disease. The technique was first developed in 1972 but has, so far, had limited success in treating human diseases. Gene therapy may be a promising treatment option for some genetic diseases?, including muscular dystrophy? and cystic fibrosis?. There are two different types of gene therapy depending on which types of cells are treated: Somatic gene therapy: transfer of a section of DNA to any cell of the body that doesn’t produce sperm or eggs. Effects of gene therapy will not be passed onto the patient’s children."
] | [
"docid": "D669194#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_mapping\nGene mapping",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( September 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Thomas Hunt Morgan 's Drosophila melanogastergenetic linkage map. This was the first successful gene mapping work and provides important evidence for the Boveri–Sutton chromosome theory of inheritance. The map shows the relative positions of allelic characteristics on the second Drosophila chromosome. The distance between the genes (map units) are equal to the percentage of crossing-over events that occurs between different alleles. [ 1]Gene mapping describes the methods used to identify the locus of a gene and the distances between genes. [ 2]The essence of all genome mapping is to place a collection of molecular markers onto their respective positions on the genome. Molecular markers come in all forms."
"docid": "D1192971#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Mutations\nmutation",
"text": "Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.mutation (redirected from Mutations) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal .mutation,in biology, a sudden, random change in a genegene,the structural unit of inheritance in living organisms. A gene is, in essence, a segment of DNA that has a particular purpose, i.e., that codes for (contains the chemicalinformation necessary for the creation of) a specific enzyme or other protein...... Click the link for more information., or unit of hereditary material, thatcan alter an inheritable characteristic. Most mutations are not beneficial, since any change in thedelicate balance of an organism having a high level of adaptation to its environment tends to be disruptive. As the environment changes, however, mutations can prove advantageous and thuscontribute to evolutionary change in the species. In higher animals and many higher plants a mutation may be transmitted to future generations only if it occurs in germ, or sex cell, tissue;somatic, or body cell, mutations cannot be inherited except in plants that propagate asexually (seereproductionreproduction,capacity of all living systems to give rise to new systems similar to themselves. The term reproduction may refer to this power of self-duplication of a single cell or a multicellular animal or plant organism...... Click the link for more information.). Sometimes the word mutation is used broadly to include variations resulting fromaberrations of chromosomeschromosome, structural carrier of hereditary characteristics, found in the nucleus of every cell and so named for its readiness to absorb dyes. The term chromosome..... Click the link for more information. ;"
"docid": "D1480447#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gene\ngene",
"text": "\"genenoun \\ ˈjēn \\Popularity: Top 30% of words | Updated on: 12 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: gene in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of geneplural genes: a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance controlling the transmission and expression of one or more traits by specifying the structure of a particular polypeptide and especially a protein or controlling the function of other genetic material See gene defined for English-language learners See gene defined for kids Examples of gene in a Sentence She inherited a good set of genes from her parents. Recent Examples of gene from the Web Schulz said those who are interested in participating first go through a genetic test done by a cheek swab to study their apolipoprotein (APOE) genes, which are found in three variants.— tracy maness, Houston Chronicle, \"\"Alzheimer's trials looking for participants,\"\" 9 Apr. 2018Boosting the prospects of a relative’s child — kinship selection — does help propagate at least a few of an individual’s genes, and thus seems a good general explanation for self-sacrificing behavior.— melissa healy, Washington Post, \"\"The story must be told.,\"\" 7 Apr. 2018There are just too many combinations of genes, environmental exposures, patterns of cell phone use, plus a healthy helping of random chance to consider.— rachel becker, The Verge, \"\"Cell phone radiation may never stop scaring people, no matter what,\"\" 5 Apr. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'gene.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Origin and Etymology of gene German Gen, short for Pangen, from pan- + -gen NEW!"
"docid": "D2271175#0",
"title": "http://www.carolguze.com/text/442-2-mutations.shtml\nMutations",
"text": "\"Biology 442 - Human Genetics Mutations Mutations on the Web Mutations are any permanent heritable change in the genetic material which is passed on to daughter cells. They may or may not be revealed in phenotypic change. Mutations can be categorized many ways. They can occur in the genetic material of both somatic and germinal cells (n DNA) and also in mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA). They may involve whole chromosomes or parts of chromosomes leading to aneuploidy, structural aberrations, and microdeletions, all of which involve many genes. They may occur within exons, introns, splice sites (IVS8G-T,+1), and regulatory regions both 5' and 3' to genes. They may involve deletions or insertions or substitutions of one or a few bases. They may involve the insertion of many copies of a trinucleotide repeat. They may be point mutations involving one or a few bases. They may be silent, quiet, missense, or nonsense mutations (ter) depending on how they change the amino acid sequence of the gene product."
"docid": "D3545813#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/4520709/genetics-post-midterm-flash-cards/\nGenetics Post-midterm",
"text": "\"153 terms sarahussain25Genetics Post-midterm Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Hardy Weinberg Principle Frequency of an allele or genotype is constant in a population over time if: -Population is large -Mating is random (non-selective) -There are no new mutations -There is no selection/discrimination to affect allele frequencies -There is no migration (gene flow) to change allele frequencies Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Frequency of genotype MM + Frequency of genotype MN + Frequency of genotype NN = 1Allele Frequency Proportion of CHROMOSOMES that contain a specific allele Frequency of allele M + Frequency of allele N = 1 (p + q = 1)Genotype Frequency p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 p^2 = frequency of MM genotype 2pq = MN q^2 = NNCarrier frequency 2 x root of disease incidence (root of q^2) In cystic fibrosis, if the incidence is 1 in 2500: q^2 = 1/2500 q = 1/50 Carrier frequency = 2 x 1/50 = 1/25Heterozygote Advantage Often seen when a population has a high prevalence of a condition Sickle Cell Anemia: Autosomal recessive; Single aa change causes Hb to form fibers. Under low O2, Hb S aggregate and form fibrate precipitiates, giving RBCs a spikey appearance In carriers, the presence of malaria parasite causes the RBC to rupture, making the plasmodium unable to reproduce Cystic Fibrosis: MAYBE an advantage to carriers in surviving diseases of body fluid loss (diarrhea, cholera)Sickle Cell Anemia Cause: Single missense point mutation on position 6 of the b globin chain, replacing a glutamate with a valine. Autosomal recessive. Effects: Creates Hb S instead of Hb A, which form fibers and are insolube at deoxygenated states. This causes sickling of the RBCs, which impairs their flow and causes the \"\"sickle cell crisis\"\". Benign for carriers (Hb AS) (although at low O2 saturation, can cause issues), homozygous (Hb SS) causes disease. Symptoms: Pleiotropic effects: Anemia, hemolysis, vaso-occlusion, ischemia around abdomen and long bones, pain, splenic infarction increases bacterial infections (pneumonia), hematuria/renal failure, heart failure, CVAs, splenomegaly, abnormal skull Treatment: Fetal Hb inducers - 5-azacytidine, hydroxyurea, butyrate, which all induce g globin chains by altering methylation and histone deacetylation (epigenetics). Hb F less likely to form polymers than Hb Aa Thalassemia Distribution: South east Asia, Africa, Mediterranean; carrier frequency as high as 1 in 5 Cause: Can be caused by unequal crossing over during meiotic recombination, causing deficiency in a globin chain synthesis. -"
"docid": "D2346403#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/De+novo+mutation\nmutation",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.mutation (redirected from De novo mutation) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal. Related to De novo mutation: back mutation, conditional mutantmutation,in biology, a sudden, random change in a genegene,the structural unit of inheritance in living organisms. A gene is, in essence, a segment of DNA that has a particular purpose, i.e., that codes for (contains the chemicalinformation necessary for the creation of) a specific enzyme or other protein...... Click the link for more information., or unit of hereditary material, thatcan alter an inheritable characteristic. Most mutations are not beneficial, since any change in thedelicate balance of an organism having a high level of adaptation to its environment tends to be disruptive. As the environment changes, however, mutations can prove advantageous and thuscontribute to evolutionary change in the species. In higher animals and many higher plants a mutation may be transmitted to future generations only if it occurs in germ, or sex cell, tissue;somatic, or body cell, mutations cannot be inherited except in plants that propagate asexually (seereproductionreproduction,capacity of all living systems to give rise to new systems similar to themselves. The term reproduction may refer to this power of self-duplication of a single cell or a multicellular animal or plant organism...... Click the link for more information.). Sometimes the word mutation is used broadly to include variations resulting fromaberrations of chromosomeschromosome, structural carrier of hereditary characteristics, found in the nucleus of every cell and so named for its readiness to absorb dyes."
"docid": "D2851799#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Dominant+gene\nDominant gene",
"text": "\"Dominant gene Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .gene [ jēn] one of the biologic units of heredity, self-reproducing, and located at a definite position (locus) on a particular chromosome. Genes make up segments of the complex deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)molecule that controls cellular reproduction and function. There are thousands of genes in thechromosomes of each cell nucleus; they play an important role in heredity because they control theindividual physical, biochemical, and physiologic traits inherited by offspring from their parents. Through the genetic code of DNA they also control the day-to-day functions and reproduction of allcells in the body. For example, the genes control the synthesis of structural proteins and also theenzymes that regulate various chemical reactions that take place in a cell. The gene is capable of replication. When a cell multiplies by mitosis each daughter cell carries a set of genes that is an exact replica of that of the parent cell. This characteristic of replicationexplains how genes can carry hereditary traits through successive generations without change.allelic gene allele.complementary g's two independent pairs of nonallelic genes, neither of which will produce itseffect in the absence of the other. DCC gene ( d eleted in c olorectal c arcinoma) a gene normally expressed in the mucosa of thecolon but reduced or absent in a small proportion of patients with colorectal cancer.dominant gene one that produces an effect (the phenotype) in the organism regardless of thestate of the corresponding allele. An example of a trait determined by a dominant gene is browneye color."
"docid": "D3465163#0",
"title": "https://www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/pituitary-disorders/multiple-endocrine-neoplasia-type-1\nMultiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1",
"text": "\"Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1Disorders of the Parathyroid, Pituitary, and Pancreas Written by James Norman MD, FACS, FACEMultiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Overview Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ( MEN 1) is a relatively uncommon inherited disease. Individuals who inherit the gene for MEN 1 have an increased chance of developing over-activity and enlargement of certain endocrine glands. The endocrine glands most commonly affected by MEN 1 are the parathyroid glands, the pancreas, and the pituitary glands. Almost everyone who inherits MEN 1 develops over-activity of the parathyroid glands ( hyperparathyroidism) at some stage in their life. The other endocrine glands become over-active less frequently; however, people who inherit MEN 1 will usually develop over-activity in more than one endocrine gland. Over-activity in different endocrine glands may occur simultaneously or at separate times during a person's life. How Common is MEN 1? MEN 1 is a rare condition. It occurs in about 1 person in every 30,000 people. 1 MEN 1 is passed down in families from one generation to the next."
"docid": "D3099108#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Describe_the_use_of_plasmids_as_vectors_in_biotechnology\nDescribe the use of plasmids as vectors in biotechnology?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Biotechnology Describe the use of plasmids as vectors in biotechnology? Flag Describe the use of plasmids as vectors in biotechnology? Answer by Hanbert Confidence votes 7.5KPlasmids are often used as expression vectors in biotechnology. Plasmids are small, circular or linear pieces of DNA containing non-essential genes that are found in all life, although much more common in prokaryotes, especially bacteria. These genes confer abilities such as metabolizing a previously unusable compound, building an amino acid previously unbuildable, or even antibiotic resistance. Plasmids are used in research to induce the expression of a gene usually not found in the given organism. For example, you can construct a plasmid with a bacterial promoter connected to the gene for a human protein through a process called 'cloning'. The plasmid with the human gene can then be introduced into bacteria by transforming a competent gram-negative with the plasmid. Usually the plasmid also has an antibiotic resistance gene in addition to the target gene. This antibiotic resistance can be used to select for bacteria containing the plasmid."
"docid": "D1820668#0",
"title": "https://www.chw.org/medical-care/genetics-and-genomics-program/medical-genetics/single-gene-defects/autosomal-recessive\nAutosomal recessive: cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell anemia (SC), Tay Sachs disease",
"text": "\"Home > Medical care > Genetics and Genomics Program > About medical genetics > Single gene defects > Autosomal recessive: cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell anemia (SC), Tay Sachs disease Autosomal recessive: cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell anemia (SC), Tay Sachs disease Genes are inherited from our biological parents in specific ways. One of the basic patterns of inheritance of our genes is called autosomal recessive inheritance. What is autosomal recessive inheritance? Autosomal recessive inheritance means that the gene is located on one of the autosomes (chromosome pairs 1 through 22). This means that males and females are equally affected. \"\" Recessive\"\" means that two copies of the gene are necessary to have the trait, one inherited from the mother, and one from the father. A person who has only one recessive gene is said to be a \"\"carrier\"\" for the trait or disease, but they do not have any health problems from \"\"carrying\"\" one copy of the gene. Most people do not know they carry a recessive gene for a disease until they have a child with the disease. Once parents have had a child with a recessive trait or disease, there is a one out of four, or 25 percent chance, with each subsequent pregnancy, for another child to be born with the same trait or disorder. This means that there is a three out of four, or 75 percent chance, for another child to not have the trait or disease: The birth of a child with a recessive condition is often a total surprise to a family, since in most cases, there is no previous family history of a recessive condition."
"docid": "D972921#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_alleles_does_a_gene_have\nHow many alleles does a gene have?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics How many alleles does a gene have? Flag How many alleles does a gene have? Answer by Bmendonc Confidence votes 271Many genes have more than two possible alleles (such as in human blood groups), but remember; the individual still only has two alleles (one from mom, one from dad). Analogy: no matter how many colors of shirts available to buy in a particular style, so still only can have two (two of the same, or two different ones). But how many colors of shirt are usually available in the store? ( e.g. for blood antigens there are 3 - A, B, & O.) Each gene has two types of alleles: Dominate allele (capital letter) Recessive allele (lower case letter) Dominate traits hide recessive traits unless there's two recessive traits lets say your mom is recessive for blue eyes and your dad is homozygous dominant for brown eyes Male is on the top of the box and Female is on the left side. B B b Bb Bb b Bb Bb you would probably have brown eyes because the capital dominant letter for brown eyes is hiding the lower case recessive allele for blue eyes4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Trevion Miller 207 Contributions How many alleles make one gene?usually two ur mom and dad usually wold make your genes thanks Betaclamp 22,524 Contributions How many alleles of a particular gene can be present in a single individual? An allele of a gene resides on a chromosome; as there are typicallytwo chromosomal copies in an individual Cell, there are typicallytwo alleles of each and every gene in the i …How many alleles per gene do you have in a diploid cell? The number of different variants, or alleles, of a given gene, varies from gene to gene, from species to species."
"docid": "D846237#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alport_syndrome\nAlport syndrome",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Alport syndrome Hearing loss effect of Alport syndrome in 13-year-old boy Specialty Medical genetics Alport syndrome is a genetic disorder [1] affecting around 1 in 50,000 children, characterized by glomerulonephritis, end-stage kidney disease, and hearing loss. [ 2] Alport syndrome can also affect the eyes, though the changes do not usually affect sight, except when changes to the lens occur in later life. Blood in urine is universal. Proteinuria is a feature as kidney disease progresses. The disorder was first identified in a British family by University of Edinburgh Medical School graduate Cecil A. Alport in 1927. [ 3] [4] Alport Syndrome once also had the label hereditary nephritis, but this is misleading as there are many other causes of hereditary kidney disease and 'nephritis'. Alport syndrome is caused by an inherited defect in type IV collagen —a structural material that is needed for the normal function of different parts of the body. Since type IV collagen is found in the ears, eyes, and kidneys, this explains why Alport syndrome affects different seemingly unrelated parts of the body (ears, eyes, kidneys, etc.). Contents [ hide ]1 Signs and symptoms1.1 Hematuria and proteinuria1.2 Hearing loss1.3 Leiomyomatosis1.4 Eye changes1.5 Other abnormalities2 Pathophysiology2.1 Genetics3 Diagnosis3.1 Biopsy of kidneys or skin3.2 Family history3.3 Genetic testing3.4 Other tests4 Treatment4.1 Kidney disease and renal failure4.2 Hearing loss5 Prognosis6 See also7 References8 External links Signs and symptoms [ edit]These descriptions refer to 'classic' Alport syndrome, which usually causes significant disease from young adult or late childhood life. [ 5] Some individuals, usually with milder mutations or 'carrier' status, develop disease later, or show only some of the features of classic disease."
"docid": "D2378980#0",
"title": "http://www.course-notes.org/Biology/Outlines/Chapter_19_Eukaryotic_Genomes\nChapter 19 - Eukaryotic Genomes",
"text": "Home » AP Biology » Outlines Chapter 19 - Eukaryotic Genomes Printer Friendly Chapter 19 Eukaryotic Genomes Lecture Outline Overview: How Eukaryotic Genomes Work and Evolve Two features of eukaryotic genomes present a major information-processing challenge. First, the typical multicellular eukaryotic genome is much larger than that of a prokaryotic cell. Second, cell specialization limits the expression of many genes to specific cells. The estimated 25,000 genes in the human genome include an enormous amount of DNA that does not code for RNA or protein. This DNA is elaborately organized. Not only is the DNA associated with protein, but also this DNA-protein complex called chromatin is organized into higher structural levels than the DNA-protein complex in prokaryotes. Concept 19.1 Chromatin structure is based on successive levels of DNA packing While the single circular chromosome of bacteria is coiled and looped in a complex but orderly manner, eukaryotic chromatin is far more complex. Eukaryotic DNA is precisely combined with large amounts of protein. The resulting chromatin undergoes striking changes in the course of the cell cycle. During interphase of the cell cycle, chromatin fibers are usually highly extended within the nucleus."
"docid": "D1283330#0",
"title": "http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/longlife.html\n\"Long Life Spans: \"\"Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died\"\" New Discoveries in the Biochemistry of Aging Support the Biblical Record By Fazale R. Rana, Ph.D. Hugh Ross, Ph.D. Richard Deem, M. S.\"",
"text": "\"Long Life Spans: \"\"Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died\"\" New Discoveries in the Biochemistry of Aging Support the Biblical Record By Fazale R. Rana, Ph. D. Hugh Ross, Ph. D. Richard Deem, M. S. Introduction\"\"Adam lived 930 years and then he died.\"\" The mere assertion that humans could live more than 900 years-as Genesis 5:5 states-seems, for many people, nothing short of absurdity. The mention of long life spans in Genesis 5 hinders these people from openly exploring the Christian faith. Unable to accept 900-year human life spans, skeptics and others view the Bible as unreliable, a book of human myth rather than divine revelation. This skepticism towards the long life spans of Genesis 5 is understandable. Tremendous advances have been made and will continue to be made in medical science and technology to conquer many dreaded diseases. The Western world has widespread access to health services, and for most Americans, nutrition is not a vital concern. And yet, the average life span in the U. S. is less than 80 years."
"docid": "D2836337#0",
"title": "http://www.athro.com/sheltie.html\nShelties have lots of different coat colors:",
"text": "\"Athro, Limited Biology Genetics Sheltie Coats Sheltie Coat Color Genes The Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) is a breed of small herding dogs. The breed originated in the Shetland Islands. Originally, Shelties were bred by crofters as to keep sheep out of their vegetable gardens and to warn of intruders. During the development of the modern sheltie breed, known crosses were made with Collies. Thus the coat colors and markings of the Sheltie and the Collie are similar. Here we describe what is known about Sheltie coat color genes, and present an interactive coat color calculator that lets you choose the parent's coat colors and see what colors of offspring you could get. Shelties have lots of different coat colors: Golden Sable Shaded Sable Shetland Sheepdog Coat Colors Bi-black Tricolor Blue merle Bi-blue Sable merle Double merle These are the main coat color phenotypes observed in the Sheltie. These coat colors are controled by a set of genes. The genetics of coat color in dogs in general is fairly complex. There are genes that determine basic body color, and others that determine the pattern of the markings, and others that are simply not well understood."
"docid": "D705981#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/39504330/bio-13-flash-cards/\nBio 13",
"text": "\"91 terms ravenmcmullen Bio 13Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Gene expression the process by which information within a gene is made into a functional product,such as RNA molecule or protein. Gene regulation refers to the ability of cells to control the expression of their gene. an important process that allows organisms to proceed through developmental stages Constitutive genes are genes that have relatively constant levels of expression in all conditions over time.they frequently encode proteins that are always required for the survival of an organism,such as certaim metabolic enzymes.cell differentiation the process by which cells becom specialized into particular types How does gene regulation underlie the different morphologies of these cells? Gene regulation causes each cell type to express its own unique set of proteins, which, in turn, are largely responsible for the morphologies and functions of the cells.morphologies are due to what ? differences in the proteins they make.genome a genome carries the same set of genesproteomes the collection of proteins they (genomes) make Regulatory transcription factors proteins that bind to regulatory sequences in the DNA in the vicinity of a promoter and affect the rate of transcription of one or more nearby genes.repressors are regulatory transcription factors that bind to the DNA and decrease the rate of transcription. Negative control when the rate of transcription is decreased due to regulatory transcription factors that bind to the DNA ( repressors)Activators bind to the DNA and increase the rate of transcription, a form of regulation termed positive control.positive control transcriptional regulation by activator proteins. Small effector molecules with regard to transcription,refers to a molecule that exerts its effects by binding to a regulatory transcription factor,causing a conformational change in the protein. Operon when structural genes cluster together and under the transcriptional control of a single promoter."
"docid": "D618963#0",
"title": "https://nei.nih.gov/health/ushers/ushers\nUsher Syndrome Defined",
"text": "This information was developed by the National Eye Institute to help patients and their families search for general information about Usher syndrome. An eye care professional who examined the patient’s eyes and is familiar with his or her medical history is the best person to answer specific questions. Usher Syndrome Defined What is Usher syndrome? Usher syndrome is the most common condition that affects both hearing and vision. A syndrome is a disease or disorder that has more than one feature or symptom. The major symptoms of Usher syndrome are hearing loss and an eye disorder called retinitis pigmentosa, or RP. Retinitis pigmentosa causes night-blindness and a loss of peripheral vision (side vision) through the progressive degeneration of the retina. The retina is a light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye and is crucial for vision. As retinitis pigmentosa progresses, the field of vision narrows, a condition known as “tunnel vision,” until only central vision (the ability to see straight ahead) remains. Many people with Usher syndrome also have severe balance problems."
"docid": "D3531861#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/30948288/genetics-17-23-flash-cards/\nGenetics 17-23",
"text": "\"272 terms labunnie Genetics 17-23Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Eukaryotic genes are not organized in operons and transcribed together as a single m RNA each structural gene has its own promoter and is transcribed independently. Monocistronic m RNA each m RNA codes for a single polypetide Polycistronic m RNA the m RNA codes for 2 or more polypeptides - which is only found in prokaryoteschromatin structure affects gene expression transcription requires unwinding of the DNA from the histone proteinseukaryotic cells have many more transcriptional activators as well as repressors again, transcription and translation are physically separated so the regulatory mechanisms in eukaryotic cells must differ from those in bacteria.efficient transcription requires changes in chromatin structure to make the DNA more accessible to transcription factors, activator proteins and RNA polymerase. DNAse I Hypersensitivity use a nuclease as a tool to \"\"probe\"\" chromatin structure. Rationale - DNA tightly wound around nucleosomes will be resistant to the nuclease since the DNA is protected by the histone proteins. Changes in chromatin that make the DNA LESS TIGHTLY associated with the nucleosomes will be seen as an increased sensitivity to degradation by a nuclease. The DNA located 1,000 bp upstream of the promoter of transcriptionally active genes is hypersensitive to cleavage by DNAse I indicates that the chromatin has become more relaxed and the DNA is more loosely associated with the nucleosomes. Regulatory proteins and RNA polymerase have better access to the gene promoter. Histone Acetylation is Acetyl group which can be transferred to the lysine and arginine amino acids that have the positive charge by acetyl transferases."
"docid": "D560434#0",
"title": "https://bioscienceportal.wordpress.com/recombinant-dna-technology-3/\nRecombinant DNA Technology",
"text": "Recombinant DNA Technology RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE: One of the most significant discoveries which allowed the development of recombinant DNA technology was restriction endonuclease. It cut double stranded DNA at specific sequences, by means of which it protects bacteria from viral infection. The specific sequence upon which it acts may be palindromes i.e. a sequence which is the same when read in either direction. “ Able was I ere I saw Elba”. There are three different classes of restriction endonucleases namely Type – I, Type – II, and Type – III. TYPE – I: Type – I restriction endonucleases are single multifunctional enzymes with three different subunits. They required ATP, Mg 2+ and S-adenosylmethionine for its activity. Their active cleavage site usually present atleast 1000 bp away from the host specificity site. There is no enzyme turnover but translocation occurs. Example: Eco B: TGAN B TGCTTYPE – II: Type – II restriction endonucleases are most common type."
"docid": "D3223637#0",
"title": "https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/split-handsplit-foot-malformation/\nSplit Hand/Split Foot Malformation",
"text": "Split Hand/Split Foot Malformation Synonyms of Split Hand/Split Foot Malformation Ectrodactilia of the Hand Ectrodactyly Ektrodactyly of the Hand Karsch-Neugebauer Syndrome Lobster Claw Deformity Split-Hand/Foot Deformity Split-Hand/Foot Malformation Split Hand Malformation General Discussion Split hand/split foot malformation (SHFM) is a genetic disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of some fingers or toes, often combined with clefts in the hands or feet. There may also be the appearance of webbing between fingers or toes (syndactyly). This may give the hands and/or feet a claw-like appearance. There are many types and combinations of deformities that appear in split hand/split foot malformation. They range widely in severity, even in members of the same family. The malformation may occur alone, or it may occur as a component of a syndrome with other characteristics. Signs & Symptoms Typical cases of split-hand deformity usually appear in two forms. In the lobster claw variety there is usually an absence of the third digit. Located in the position of the third digit is a cone-shaped cleft that tapers in toward the wrist and divides the hand into two parts. The resulting deformed hand resembles a lobster claw."
] |
1791 | a hemiglossectomy is the surgical excision of _________ of the tongue. | [
"docid": "D2975099#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossectomy\nGlossectomy",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Glossectomy ICD-9-CM 25.2 - 25.4Me SH D005927 [ edit on Wikidata]A glossectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the tongue. It is performed in order to curtail malignant growth such as oral cancer. Often only a portion of the tongue needs to be removed, in which case the procedure is called a partial or hemiglossectomy. See also [ edit]List of surgeries by type References [ edit]Monique Laberge. \"\" Glossectomy\"\". Encyclopedia of Surgery. Advameg, Inc. Retrieved 2010-05-28. Jordan Rihani, MD, Larry Myers, MD. \"\" Glossectomy\"\". EMedicine. ["
] | [
"docid": "D2925523#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/847955-overview\nMalignant Tumors of the Base of Tongue",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Malignant Tumors of the Base of Tongue Updated: Jul 30, 2015Author: Talib Najjar, DMD, MDS, Ph D; Chief Editor: Arlen D Meyers, MD, MBA more... Share Email Print Feedback Background The location of the base of tongue malignancy is critical in the diagnosis, management, and prognosis. The base of tongue is the site for the posterior opening of the oral cavity, the entrance of the pharynx and esophagus, and the inferior aspect of the nasopharynx . The surgical management of malignant neoplasms of the tongue base remains difficult despite recent advances in diagnostic techniques. Many patients present at an older age with advanced disease because of the occult nature of associated symptoms. The disease process and treatment often affect adjacent structures, such as the posterior floor of the mouth, larynx, and esophagus. Careful multidisciplinary assessment and treatment selection based on the probability of cure and preservation of function are of paramount importance in the treatment of these patients. High recurrence rates, poor survival, and significant alterations in speech and swallowing function are common experiences for patients with malignancies in these anatomic sites. Despite these frustrations, patients are potentially curable and should be offered regimens that carefully consider morbidity and outcome within the context of the patient's overall medical condition. Etiology Chronic alcohol and prolonged tobacco use, older age, geographic location, and family history are important risk factors for development of base of the tongue carcinoma. Environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, asbestos, and welding fumes may increase the risk of pharyngeal cancer."
"docid": "D1079170#0",
"title": "http://www.mypetsdentist.com/pet-oral-tumors.pml\nAnimal Dentistry & Oral Surgery Specialists LLC",
"text": "\"Oral tumors in cats and dogs It is natural to be very worried and freightened when a mass is identified in your companion animal's mouth, or on the face. Dr. Kressin works dilligently to help you through this difficult time by establishing a diagnosis. He is very familiar with the emotional difficulties because he has diagnosed and treated his own pets for oral tumors. Dr. Kressin works with your family veterinarian as well as, Dr. Reiman, a medical oncologist, and other specialists to establish the stage of your pet's disease, the prognosis and treatment plans. The initial consultation is used to help better understand these important issues, and to address personal concerns.\"\" Cancer's of the mouth are very common in dogs and cats. Dr. Kressin is an essential part of our team in treating my patients with cancer. I want my clients and their pets to receive the highest quality care tempered with compassion. The staff at Animal Dentistry & Oral Surgery Specialists takethe time to clearly explain options for my patients and work with pet owners to achieve the best care available. Quality of life is always emphasized with options to control pain and improve function - allowing my patients to have a better outcome and live life to the fullest extent possible \"\"."
"docid": "D2206823#0",
"title": "http://www.entusa.com/oral_photos.htm\n.",
"text": "Inflammatory Diseases: Back to Top Hairy Tongue: This is a relatively rare condition whose appearance is due to the elongation of filiform papillae. These papillae have a mechanical abrasive function. These papillae do not contain taste buds This condition can be caused by poor oral hygiene, chronic oral irritation or smoking. The far right picture shows a patient who was a heavy smoker and has been treated with radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. Radiation therapy causes a dry mouth with chronic oral inflammation. Treatment involves good oral hygiene, brushing of the tongue, mouth rinses and sometimes the trimming of the elongated papilla. The picture to the left is the same patient two months later after improvement in his oral hygiene. Black Hairy Tongue: This patient has a black hairy tongue which was caused, at least in part, by significant gastroesophageal reflux . Control of her reflux along with the use of a topical anti-fungal medication (Nystatin), cessation of smoking and bushing of her tongue resulted in marked improvement. The pre-treatment picture is the picture on the far right."
"docid": "D623658#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/mastoidectomies\nmastoidectomy",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.mastoidectomy (redirected from mastoidectomies) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus . Mastoidectomy Definition Mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove an infected portion of the bone behind the earwhen medical treatment is not effective. This surgery is rarely needed today because of thewidespread use of antibiotics. Purpose Mastoidectomy is performed to remove infected air cells within the mastoid bone caused by mastoiditis, ear infection, or an inflammatory disease of the middle ear (cholesteatoma). Thecells are open spaces containing air that are located throughout the mastoid bone. They areconnected to a cavity in the upper part of the bone, which is in turn connected to the middle ear. As a result, infections in the middle ear can sometimes spread through the mastoid bone. Whenantibiotics cannot clear this infection, it may be necessary to remove the infected air cells by surgery. Mastoidectomies are also performed sometimes to repair paralyzed facial nerves."
"docid": "D3361554#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/med-term-ch-6/deck/13808119\n.",
"text": "surface elevations of the tongue that perceive taste are calledpapillaebile is produced in theliverthe strucutre that lies beneath the hard enamel surface of the tooth is called thedentinthe liver, gallbladeer, and pancreas play a vital role indigestion and absorption of nutrientswhat is an important function of the livermaintains glucose levels in the bloodwhat section of the large intestine is associated with the appendixcecumwhat section of the large intestine is associated with the liverwhich structure has respiratory and digestive functionsthe lower esophagal sphincter is also known as thefingerlike projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients into the bloodstream are calledwhich is an accessory organ of digestionthe progressive, wavelike movement that occurs involuntraily in hollow tubes of the body ismucosal folds in the stomach wall are calledblood proteins, such as prothrombin, are produced by thewhen bile is needed for digestion, the gallbladder releases it into the duodenum through theproct/o meanscholecyst/o meanscholedoch/ocol/o and colon/oor/o and stomat/oodont/ocholangi/ochol/e-emesis-prandial-pepsia-orexia-rrheadia-peri-does the term congenital hernia meanwhen the blood supply to a herniated structure is cut off, the hernia is said to bean ulcer that produces a hole in the stomach wall is known as what kind of ulcergeneral lack of nutrition and wasting occurring in the couse of a chronic disease is calledwhich term means foul-smelling breaththe word eupepsia refers toirritable bowel syndrome is also known asdifficult or painful swallowing is calledwhat is the disorder that causes telescoping of the intestinedownward displacement of internal organs is calledprotrusion of an organ through the wall that normally contains it is calledwhat is a life-threatening obstruction in which the bowel twists on itselfa gastric ulcer is known asloss of appetite is also calledan accumulation of serous fluid in teh abdominal cavity is calleda condition of stones in the common bile duct is calledchronic inflammatino of the intestinal tract is calledblack tarry stool is calledjaundice is caused by excessive levels ofwhich is a term that means stricture or narrowing of the rectumcrohn disease is a bowel disorder that is also known asacute gastritis or peptic ulcer may causewhich of the following diseases is transmitted by infected bloodbleeding gum is primary symptom ofinflammation of the lips is calledsurgical connection of two tubular structures is calledwhat is the term for a group of procedures used to treat morbid obesitysuture of the second portion of the small intestine is known aswhat is the term for the diagnostic procedure to examine the rectum and the anal canalwhat instrument is used to perform a lower GI endoscopystructural abnormalities of the esophagus may be diagnosed by endoscopy of thewhat is an imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreaswhich instrument is used to perform a gastroscopythe procedure that takes radiographic images of the gallbladder after administration of a contrast medium is calledwhich of the following specialists is correctly matched with the procedures they performan imaging technique that uses a contrast medium to reveal gallstones or other obstruction in the bile ducts is calledwhich test identifies microorganisms or parasites present in fecesgastroplasty is a type of surgery to treatwhich test detects the presence of occult blood in fecesthe endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is calledwhich blood test is used to confirm the specific virus causing hepatitiswhich endoscopic procedure is used to determine the presence of polyps in the colonwhich laboratory test is used to establish cirrhosis associated with heavy alcohol usewhich physician specializes in treatment of the gumswhich medical specialty is concerned with digestive disorderswhich nonivasive procedure uses shock waves to break up stones in the biliary ductsbackflow of gastric contents into the esophagus is abbreviated aswhich abbreviation means pertaining to the stomach and intestinemetamucil is used to treatantiemetics are prescribed tothe route of nutrition or medication adminisered through a tube inserted through the nose and into the stomach is charted aswhich medication is administered to control nausea and vomitingwhich medication is administered to control heartburn and acid refluxa series of radiographic images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is abbreviated asan mri that visualizes the biliary and pancreatic ducts and gallbladder is abbreviated asthe blood test that evaluates liver injury and function is abbreviated as Steatorrhea is another term for fatty stools. Incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements. Melena refers to light-colored feces that contain pus. Cirrhosis is a chronic pancreatic disease. Obstipation is the term for severe constipation. Crohn disease is also known as regional enteritis. Cachexia is a disorder in which a person gains excessive weight. Colorectal cancer usually arises from the epithelial lining of the large intestine. Peptic ulcer disease may occur in the sigmoid colon. Proctoplasty is the surgical repair of the rectum."
"docid": "D2726289#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/tongue-cyst-removal\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Tongue Cyst Removal",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Tongue Cyst Removal Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Kathleen Gilmore1 I had oral cyst removal on the the roof of my mouth and already 2 stitches came out I'm not bleeding but I notice it's swelling what should I do? Contact your Surgeon: Best to check with your surgeon. Until you are able to speak to your surgeon, avoid hot foods and beverages, spicy foods, citrus, and any other irritants. Cool water would be more soothing ... Read more Dr. Donald Alves Mouth (Definition)Mouth (mouth) \"\" n. Pl. Mouths 1. A. The body opening through which an animal takes in food. B. The cavity lying at the upper end of the alimentary canal, bounded on the outside by the lips and inside by the oropharynx and containing in higher vertebrates the tongue, gums, and teeth. C. This cavity regarded as the source of sounds and speech. D. The opening to any cavity or canal ... Read more Dr. Suzanne Galli ENT - Head & Neck Surgery17 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Scott Bobbitt3 doctors agreed:2 I am undergoing oral surgery for the removal if a cyst in the roof of my mouth slightly above my front teeth. What are the possible causes."
"docid": "D2458379#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1079770-overview\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Background Oral tissue biopsy may be necessary for lesions that cannot be diagnosed on the basis of the history and clinical findings alone. A thorough inspection of the oral cavity should be a part of any complete head and neck examination. Approximately 10% of patients who are examined will have some abnormality of the oral mucosa. Biopsy is often the definitive procedure that provides tissue for microscopic analysis when additional information is required to guide any indicated therapy. [ 1, 2]The development of a reasonable differential diagnosis is of prime importance in determining if biopsy is indicated. Furthermore, the differential diagnosis aids the clinician in selecting the appropriate technique if biopsy is necessary. A waiting period of 2 weeks often helps in forming the differential diagnosis; lesions that are related to infection, inflammation, or local trauma may resolve during this time. Biopsy is strongly recommended for the evaluation of most lesions that persist for 2 weeks or longer after the potential irritants are removed. Conventional cytologic examination of the oral cavity is associated with an unacceptably high false-negative rate. However, for clinicians who are uncomfortable with intraoral surgery, brush biopsy with sampling of the full thickness of the mucosa may provide reliable information regarding the presence of cellular atypia."
"docid": "D3215861#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/3675704/medical-terminology-tests-1-14-flash-cards/\nMedical Terminology Tests 1-14",
"text": "313 terms irishmeg701Medical Terminology Tests 1-14Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Cardiology The study of the heart. Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin. Gastrointestinal Refers to the stomach and the intestines. Cerebral Pertaining to the brain. Pathologist Specialist in the study of diseases. Nephritis Inflammation of the kidney. Spasm Involuntary contractions.-osis Condition or disease.-otomy Cutting into; Surgical incision.-oma A tumor, swelling.-ectomy Surgical removal or all or part of. Arthritis Inflammation of a joint."
"docid": "D3240928#0",
"title": "https://www.aafp.org/afp/2014/0601/p882.html\nSalivary Gland Disorders",
"text": "Salivary Gland Disorders PDF PRINT COMMENTSSHAREKEVIN F. WILSON, MD; JEREMY D. MEIER, MD; and P. DANIEL WARD, MD, MS, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah Am Fam Physician. 2014 Jun 1;89 (11):882-888. Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations. Salivary gland disorders include inflammatory, bacterial, viral, and neoplastic etiologies. The presentation can be acute, recurrent, or chronic. Acute suppurative sialadenitis presents as rapid-onset pain and swelling and is treated with antibiotics, salivary massage, hydration, and sialagogues such as lemon drops or vitamin C lozenges. Viral etiologies include mumps and human immunodeficiency virus, and treatment is directed at the underlying disease. Recurrent or chronic sialadenitis is more likely to be inflammatory than infectious; examples include recurrent parotitis of childhood and sialolithiasis. Inflammation is commonly caused by an obstruction such as a stone or duct stricture. Management is directed at relieving the obstruction."
"docid": "D84317#0",
"title": "http://www.identalhub.com/article_types-and-techniques-of-frenectomy-84.aspx\n.",
"text": "Frenectomy also called Oral Frenectomy, frenulotomy, frenulectomy is a surgical procedure wherein a thin layer of tissue called frenulum or frenum observed on various parts of the body is removed. So far as the dental area is concerned, frenectomy is either performed inside the middle of upper lip , which is called labial frenectomy, or under the tongue, called lingual frenectomy. Frenectomy as it is a very common dental procedure in dental world and is performed both on children and adults. Labial frenectomy is very common with patients undergoing denture treatment in order to get the proper fit of dentures or patients who have tissues attached to centre of upper lip and causing recession of gums or gap between the upper front teeth called central incisors. In the case of lingual frenectomy, the dentist removes the tissues / lingual frenum developed too close to the tip of the tongue which is either causing speech problems or hindering the development of teeth. Lingual Frenectomy is quite common in the case of children diagnosed withtongue tie or clipping of tongue problem. Here is some more details of labial and lingual frenectomy. In case the readers have some more questions, dedicated dentists on our panel will be more than happy to offerfree dental advice online. Standard Frenectomy An incision is made across the base of the frenum at its attachment to the incisive papilla. The dissection is carried down to the periosteum,and the incision is then extended along both sides of the frenum to its attachment on the labial mucosa."
"docid": "D1101969#0",
"title": "https://med.uth.edu/orl/newsletter/lip-cancer/\nLip Cancer",
"text": "Lip Cancer Lip cancer is the most common malignant lesion of the oral cavity, constituting 25-30% of all oral cavity cancer cases and is the second most common malignancy of the head and neck overall (after cutaneous malignancy). Unlike other sub-sites of the oral cavity, sun exposure is a well established risk factor for development of lip cancer. This helps explain why 90% of lip cancers occur on the lower lip, since it has a higher level of sun exposure compared to the upper lip which is shielded by the nose and is angled slightly downwards. There is also a pronounced geographic variability in incidence which is consistent with sun exposure patterns. In the US, the incidence is 1.8 per 100,000 population, whereas in Australia the incidence reaches as high as 13.5 per 100,000, and in parts of Asia lip cancer is virtually nonexistent. Thirty percent of patients with lip cancer have outdoor occupations. Tobacco use, including dip, alcohol use and immunosuppression are also risk factors. HPV has been associated with lip malignancy, but its role in the pathogenesis of the disease is not as defined as with other sub-sites in the oral cavity and oropharynx. This malignancy is more common in males, patients with fair complexions, and in the 6th decade of life. Most lower lip cancers (90%) are squamous cell type and involve the vermillion, whereas upper lip cancer is usually basal cell type and arise from the lip skin."
"docid": "D609722#0",
"title": "http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2014/09/alternative-therapies-obstructive-sleep-apnea/\n9 Alternative Therapies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea",
"text": "CPAP is the gold standard for obstructive sleep apnea, but what about patients who can’t—or won’t—tolerate it or who need an additional therapy? We profile the spectrum of FDA-approved therapies, including when to try them, considerations for each, and new developments. Read an updated version of this article: 10 Sleep Apnea Treatments to Consider for Patients Who Fail or Refuse CPAPBy Sree Roy DEVICESOral Appliances Information source: Dr Kathleen Bennett, president, American Academy of Dental Medicine How it works: Oral appliance therapy (OAT) helps prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat by supporting the jaw in a forward position, keeping the airway open during sleep. When to try it: alternative therapy for mild to moderate OSA; after CPAP refusal or failure for all OSA severities; in conjunction with CPAP (may lower CPAP pressure) Appropriate AHI: Up to 30. For severe OSA patients, only after initial trial of CPAP, oral appliances have been shown to be 50% effective. Other considerations: Patients with lower BMI and lower AHI have higher success rates with oral appliances. It is most effective for supine dependent OSA. Patients with craniofacial retrognathism—when the lower jaw sits back behind the upper jaw—also have been shown to have success with oral appliances. Patients with steep mandibular planes or long necks have more difficulties reaping the benefits of an oral appliance. Patients who should NOT try it: those with central sleep apnea or those with morbid obesity; those with poor dentition—it’s best to first restore the patient’s teeth; those with acute TMD derangement or disc displacement resulting in a limited ability to open mouth New developments in 2014: A study showed objective measurement of OAT compliance is feasible using an embedded microsensor."
"docid": "D780276#0",
"title": "http://www.dermadvocate.net/library/articles/derm-coding\nDerm CPT codes",
"text": "Derm CPT codes Dermatology coding List of common dermatology CPT codes CPT Codes For Dermatology Dermatology Procedure Codes AMBULATORY PHLEBECTOMY/VEIN SURGERYCPT Code Description37720 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long or short saphenous veins37730 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long and short saphenous veins37735 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long or short saphenous veins with radical excision of ulcer and skin graft and/or interruption of communicating veins of lower leg, with excision of deep fascia37760 Ligation of perforator veins, subfascial, radical (Linton type), with or without skin graft, open37780 Ligation and division of short saphenous vein at saphenopopliteal junction (separate procedure)37785 Ligation, division, and /or excision of recurrent or secondary varicose veins (clusters), one leg BIOPSY11100 Biopsy skin 1 lesion11101 Biopsy skin, additional lesion __ (number)11755 Biopsy nail plate40490 Biopsy lip41100 Biopsy tongue anterior41108 Biopsy floor of mouth54100 Biopsy penis67810 Biopsy eyelid69100 Biopsy external ear BOTULINUM TOXIN ADMINISTRATIONCPT Code Description17999 Unlisted procedure, skin, mucous membrane and subcutaneous tissue CHEMICAL PEEL: DEEP - DERMALCPT Code Description15789 Chemical peel, facial; dermal15793 Chemical peel, nonfacial; dermal CHEMICAL PEEL: SUPERFICIAL - EPIDERMALCPT Code Description15788 Chemical peel, facial; epidermal15792 Chemical peel, nonfacial; epidermal DERMABRASIONCPT Code Description15780 Dermabrasion; total face (eg, for acne scarring, fine wrinkling, rhytids, general keratosis)15781 Dermabrasion; segmental, face15782 Dermabrasion; regional, other than face15783 Dermabrasion; superficial, any site, (eg, tattoo removal)DESTRUCTION OF LESIONS17000 Premalignant 1st lesion17003 Premalignant 2-14 additional lesions ___ (number)17004 Premalignant 15 or more lesions17110 Benign up to 14 lesions17111 Benign 15 or more lesions54056 Cryosurgery treatment penis simple56501 Destruction lesion vulva simple J7308 Levulan Kerastick96567 Levulan PDT17260 Destruction malignant lesion trunk, arms, legs less than 0.5 cm17261 Destruction malignant lesion trunk, arms, legs 0.6-1.0 cm17262 Destruction malignant lesion trunk, arms, legs 1.1-2.0 cm17263 Destruction malignant lesion trunk, arms, legs 2.1-3.0 cm17270 Destruction malignant lesion scalp, neck, hands, feet less than 0.5 cm17271 Destruction malignant lesion scalp, neck, hands, feet 0.6-1.0 cm17272 Destruction malignant lesion scalp, neck, hands, feet 1.1-2.0 cm17273 Destruction malignant lesion scalp, neck, hands, feet 2.1-3.0 cm17280 Destruction malignant lesion face, ears, nose, lips less than 0.5 cm17281 Destruction malignant lesion face, ears, nose, lips 0.6-1.0 cm17282 Destruction malignant lesion face, ears, nose, lips 1.1-2.0 cm17283 Destruction malignant lesion face, ears, nose, lips 2.1-3.0 cm EXCISION - BENIGN LESIONCPT Code Description11400 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11401 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11402 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11403 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11404 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11406 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter over 4.0 cm11420 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11421 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11422 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11423 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11424 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11426 Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter over 4.0 cm11440 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11441 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11442 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11443 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11444 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11446 Excision, other benign lesion including margins (unless listed elsewhere), face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, mucous membrane; excised diameter over 4.0 cm EXCISION - MALIGNANT LESIONCPT Code Description11600 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11601 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11602 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11603 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11604 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11606 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, trunk, arms, or legs; excised diameter over 4.0 cm 11620 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11621 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11622 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11623 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11624 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11626 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; excised diameter over 4.0 cm11640 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less11641 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm11642 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm11643 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm11644 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm11646 Excision, malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter over 4.0 cm FLAPSCPT Code Description14000 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, trunk; defect 10 sq cm or less14001 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, trunk; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm14020 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, scalp, arms and/or legs; defect 10 sq cm or less14021 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, scalp, arms and/or legs; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm14040 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands and/or feet; defect 10 sq cm or less14041 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands and/or feet; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm14060 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, eyelids, nose, ears and/or lips; defect 10 sq cm or less14061 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, eyelids, nose, ears and/or lips; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm14300 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, more than 30 sq cm, unusual or complicated, any area15574 Formation of direct or tubed pedicle, with or without transfer; forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands or feet15576 Formation of direct or tubed pedicle, with or without transfer; eyelids, nose, ears, lips, or intraoral15600 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at trunk15610 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at scalp, arms, or legs15620 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands, or feet15630 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at eyelids, nose, ears, or lips15650 Transfer, intermediate, of any pedicle flap (eg, abdomen to wrist, Walking tube), any location15732 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; head and neck (eg, temporalis, masseter muscle, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae)15734 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; trunk15736 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; upper extremity15738 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; lower extremity15740 Flap; island pedicle15750 Flap; neurovascular pedicle15756 Free muscle or myocutaneous flap with microvascular"
"docid": "D1618924#0",
"title": "https://www.sleepapnea.org/treat/sleep-apnea-treatment-options/sleep-apnea-surgery/\nSurgery For Sleep Apnea",
"text": "Treat > Sleep Apnea Treatment Options > Surgery For Sleep Apnea Surgery For Sleep Apnea While positive airway pressure therapy is the first line of treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea, patient compliance represents a clear problem. Studies have shown that even in compliant patients, the actual usage of PAP is only approximately 50 percent of the time. Patients often complain of difficulty in being able to wear a tight mask throughout the night and dealing with the high pressure of air blown into their nose. For the noncompliant, surgery for sleep apnea may be a feasible alternative. While there are many surgical options, surgery should be tailored to the area of obstruction in each particular patient. The sites of obstruction could be anywhere in the upper respiratory tract including the nose, tongue, and throat. Below are the most common and effective surgical methods to address these potential sites of obstruction. Nasal surgery Both daytime nasal obstruction and nocturnal nasal congestion have been shown as risk factors for sleep-disordered breathing. Therefore, the treatment of nasal obstruction plays an important role in sleep apnea surgery. Three anatomic areas of the nose that may contribute to obstruction are the septum, the turbinates, and the nasal valve."
"docid": "D1150502#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/flashcards/278078/Medical-Combining-Forms-2/\nMedical Combining Forms 2 Flashcards",
"text": "Terms Definitionscec/ocecumchromat/ocolorbi/olifearteri/oarteryaudit/ohearingaur/oeardipl/odoubleepisi/ovulvaerythem/oredcry/ocoldcorp/obodycruci/ocrossaer/oair Gravid-Pregnantcoccyg/ococcyx (tailbone)emphys/oto inflatebil/ibile, gall Or-Mouth (oral)Chondr-Cartliage (chondrocyte)Gloss-Tongue (hyproglossal)Orchido-Testes (cryptorchidism)Dactyl-Digits (polydactyly)Hyster-Uterus (hysterectomy)Ren-Kidneys (renal)Hydr-Water (hydrated)Hist-Tissue (histology)Odont-Tooth (orthodontist)Ped-Children (pediatican)Phleb-Vein (phlebitis)Cost-Rib (costal)Oophor-Ovary (oophorectomy)Opthalm-Eye (opthalmology)Pod-Foot (orthopedist)Colpo-Vagina (colposcopy)Mast-Breast (mastectomy)Meningo-Membrane (memingitis)Mamm-Breast (mammography)Lith-Stone (lithiasis)Sten-Narrow (stenosis)Blephar-Eyelid (blepharitis)Tox-Poison (toxic)Neuro-Nerve (neuroma)Zygoo-Joined (zygote)Viscer-Organ (visceral)Lipo-Fat (liposuction)Labi-Lip (labial)Scler-Hard (arteriosclerosis)Lingua-Tongue (lingual)bacteri/obacteria (singular, bacterium) bacteriuria - bacteria in the urineankyl/ostiffness; bent, crooked ankylosis - abnormal condition of stiffnessdur/odura mater; hardconjuctiv/oconjunctiva conjuctival - pertaining to the conjunctivaclavicul/oclavicule (collar bone) calvicular - pertaining to the claviclebronchi/obronchus (bronchi) brochiectasis - dialation of (one or more) bronchiepiglott/oepiglottis epiglottitis - inflamation of the epiglottischolecyst/ogallbladder cholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladderesaphag/oesophagus esophagoscope - instrument used to examine the esophagus Derma-, Dermato-Skin (derematitis)Oss-, Osteo-Bone (ossification)Malign-Bad, Harmful (malignant)Ilio-Ilium (iliosactal (pelvis))Laparo-Loin, Abdomen (laparoscopy)Hem-, Hermat-Blood (hematoma)Morpho-Shape, Form (morphology)Phren-Diaphragm (phrenic nerve)Chrom-, Chromat-Color (hyperchromic)Phon-Vocie, Sound (phonograph)Capit-Head (to decapitate)Cerebro-Brain (cerebrospinal fluid)Phag-To Eat (phagocytosis)Vas-Vessel, Duct (vascular)Procto-Anus, Rectum (proctocologist)Psycho-Soul, Mind (psychologist)Part-Birth, Labor (parturition)choroid/ochoroid choroidopathy - disease of the coroidazot/onitrogenous compounds azotemia - nitrogenous compounds in the bloodbalan/oglans penis balanoplasty - surgical repair of the glans peniscerebr/ocerebrum cerebrotomy - incision of the cerebrumcheil/olip cheiloplasty - surgical repair of a defective lipembol/oembolus (plug) embolectomy - removal of an embolusadenoid/oadenoids adenoidectomy - excision of adenoidscycl/ociliary body of eye; circular; cycle cycloplegia - paralysis of the ciliary bodydacry/otear; lacrimal apparatus (duct,sac, or gland) dacryoma - tumorlike swelling of the lacrimal ductdermat/oskin dermatoplasty - surgical repair of the skinadren/oadrenal glands adrenomegaly - enlargement of adrenal glandsencephal/obrain encephalocele - herniation of the braincolp/ovagina colposcopy - visual examination of the vaginaadrenal/oadrenal glands adrenalectomy - excision of (one or both) adrenal glandserythr/ored erythrocyte - red cell Myelo-Marrow, Spinal Cord (polimyelitis)Bucc-Cheek (the buccal muscle)Stasis-, Satat-Stand Still (homeostasis)Soma-, Somato-Body (somatotropic hormone)cholangi/obile vessel cholangiole - small terminal portion of the bile ductanthrac/ocoal, coal dust anthracosis - abnormal condition of coal dust (in the lungs)aden/ogland adenoid - resembling a glandcephal/ohead cephalad - toward the headangi/ovessel (usually blood or lymph) angioplasty - surgical repair of a blood vesselanter/ofront anterior - pertaining to the frontcarp/ocarpus (wrist bone) carpoptosis - wrist dropcardi/oheart cardiology - specialist in the study of & treatment of the heartcore/opupil coreometer - instrument for measuring the pupilcyan/oblue cyanotic - pertaining to bluenessdent/oteeth dentist - specialist who diagnosis & treats diseases & disorders of teethacid/oacid acidic - pertaining to acidcrin/osecrete endocrinology - study of endocrine glands (& their functions)Acr-, Acro-Extremity (acromegaly (excessive growth of jaw, fingers, toes) or acrobat)brachi/oarm brachialgia - pain in the armather/ofatty plaque atheroma - tumor of fatty plaquecol/ocolon colostomy - creation of an opening between the colon & the abdominal wallcervic/oneck; crvix uteri (neck of uterus) cervical - pertaining to the neck cervicitis - inflamation of the cervix Cili-Eyelash or hairlike projections in cells Sep-, Septioic-Toxic Condition due to microbes (septicemia)"
"docid": "D574683#0",
"title": "https://www.wowremedies.com/black-spots-on-tongue-causes-and-treatment/\nBlack Spots on Tongue Causes and Treatment",
"text": "Black Spots on Tongue Causes and Treatment October 9, 2015 By Kat 38 Comments Your tongue can be an excellent indicator about your overall health. That said, it’s ideal to know the common reasons for black spots on tongue and how to cure them. They can be a reaction to medication or a sign of an oral cancer. The dark spots appearing on your tongue can be a cause of alarm. However, most cases are harmless. Black spots can be caused by bacteria or fungi. And the easiest way to get rid of them is to follow good oral hygiene. Contents [ hide]1 Black Spots on Tongue Causes and Treatment1.1 Alcohol and Tobacco1.2 Hyperpigmentation1.3 Oral Fibroma1.4 Oral Cancer1.5 Piercing1.6 Result of Medicines1.7 Oral Hygiene1.8 Lifestyle and Diet1.9 Pregnancy1.10 Tongue Injury1.11 Anemia1.12 HIV and STD1.13 Chemotherapy1.14 Black Tongue in Infants1.15 Conclusion Black Spots on Tongue Causes and Treatment Too much bacteria or yeast in your mouth could cause black spots to appear. They usually build up on the small bumps on the surface of your tongue known as papillae. Normally, they shed."
"docid": "D1757605#0",
"title": "http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm1408030\nVerrucous Tongue Lesion",
"text": "A 67-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of tongue pain, dysphagia, and dysarthria. She was a nonsmoker and did not drink alcohol, but she had diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. On examination, an exophytic mass with a whitish surface and multiple papillary projections was seen, involving the right half of the tongue. The tongue showed limited mobility and was indurated and tender to palpation. No enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes was detectable. Histopathological examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma, but in situ hybridization was negative for p16 as a surrogate marker of human papillomavirus infection. Verrucous carcinoma is a well-differentiated variant of squamous-cell carcinoma that is locally destructive, although it grows slowly and rarely metastasizes. Human papillomavirus infection and smoking are the main recognized etiologic factors. The patient was given methotrexate to reduce the size of the tumor before surgical excision. The patient had a favorable response, and there was no recurrence at 6 months of follow-up."
"docid": "D1618793#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/med-term-exam-1/deck/3246448\nMed. Term. Exam 1",
"text": "\"3 component of most medical terms Root-foundation Suffix-ending Prefix-beginning Most medic terms have _____ or ______ origins. Greek Latin Most diagnostic and surgical terms have a _____ origins. Greek Most anatomical terms have a ______ origins. Latin Medical terms have also been influenced by ____ and _____ languages. German French Many new terms are derived from _____. English Combining vowel Combining form A vowel, usually an __, is used to join a root to another root or to a suffix. The letter ___ is the second most common combining vowel. Rules for constructing terms Rolls of constructing terms (cont. ) Which term is spelled correctly? A. Osteoarthroitis B. osteoarthritis C. Osteoarthritis D. Ostearthritis The prefix in intrarticular means: A. Within B. w/o C. Beside D. Under E. around The prefix in depolarization mean: A. Before B. again C. Not D. With The prefix and metastasis means: A. Stop B. stand C. Beyond D. Middle The suffix in polycythemia means: A. Cell B. blood C. Many D. Large The prefix in infraumbilical mean: A. Outside B. below C. Above D. Around The prefix in diaphysis means: A. Across B. separate C. From D. With E. with out The prefix and aplastic means: A. Away from B. near C. With D. Without The prefix and anti-toxic means: A. Pertaining to B. toward C. Against D. Away from The prefix in tachycardia means: A. Above B. deficient C. Slow D. Fast Superrenal refers to what area of the kidneys?"
"docid": "D655930#0",
"title": "http://www.petmd.com/dog/general-health/evr_dg_melanoma_tumor_in_a_dog\nMelanoma Tumor in a Dog",
"text": "Melanoma tumors in dogs, more than most cancers, demand immediate attention. In fact, early recognition of these malignant tumors of melanocytes can lead to more successful attempts at removal and identification of the grade or stage of cancer. As a group, though, melanomas can be either benign or malignant. The risk of metastasis for benign forms of melanoma is not very high but these can be locally invasive. Malignant melanomas, conversely, can metastasize (spread) to any area of the body especially the lymph nodes and lungs and present very challenging and dangerous prospects for the dog. Benign Melanomas Benign cutaneous melanomas of dogs are usually seen as round, firm, raised, darkly pigmented masses from one-quarter to 2 inches in diameter. They occur most often on the head, digits or back. Malignant Melanomas Lymph node swelling or enlargement may be a clinical sign of malignant spread of a melanoma. An abnormally concentrated amount of melanin (pigment) is often another hallmark of melanomas. However, some melanomas do not display the characteristic darkly pigmented color of most melanomas."
"docid": "D469540#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/10519016/cm-ent-noncancerous-lesions-of-mouth-and-tongue-flash-cards/\nCM ENT- noncancerous lesions of mouth and tongue",
"text": "\"33 terms csheerer CM ENT- noncancerous lesions of mouth and tongue Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortpseudomembranous (thrush) white plaques easily removed with tongue blade or gauze (oral candidiasis)median rhomboid glossitis -loss of papillae on back of tongue -symmetric asymptomatic red lesion of medium posterior tongue -form of oral candidiasis -more common in men (3X)angular chelitis -scaling erythematous fissures at the corners of the mouth -may be co-infected -think older patients with dentures -form of oral candidiasis Fordyce spots oral candidiasis may be confused with these. they are small, painless, raised, pale, red or white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter that may appear on the scrotum, shaft of the penis or on the labia as well as the inner surface (retromolar mucosa) and vermilion border of the lips of the faceherpes labialis -HSV -acute outbreak of oral vesicles; rapidly form zones of erythema and ulceration -may have fever, chills, lymphadenopathy, anorexia (systemic symptoms) -persists in latent state in trigeminal ganglia and reactivates as \"\"cold sores\"\" -HSV 1 and 2 most commonaphthous stomatitis -aka \"\"canker sores\"\" -etiology unknown -recurrent painful solitary or multiple ulcers usually covered by pseudomembrane and surrounded by erythematous halo -usually well demarcated single or multiple ulcers <1cm in diameter that heal within 10-14 dayserythema migrans -\"\"geographic tongue\"\" or \"\"benign migratory glossitis\"\" -etiology unknown -atrophy of filliform papillae and usually surrounded by slightly elevated curving white to yellow borders -tx: condition waxes and wanes, usually asymptomatic so requires no tx -migratoryhairy tongue -elongation and hypertrophy of filliform papillae -etiology is from inadequate desquamination and or increased keratinization -occurs more commonly in heavy smokers and may be caused by medications or oxidizing mouthwashes -may be black, brown or yellowlichen planus -two types: -reticular- asymptomatic white lacy striations (Wickham's striae) or papules on posterior buccal mucosa -erosive- erythematous painful ulcers surrounded by peripheral white radiating striaetori -palatal and mandibular -benign, non-neoplastic, bony protuberances that arise from the cortical plate -no tx required usually unless interferes with dentures or traumatic surface ulcerationpyogenic granuloma -rapidly growing lesions usually in response to local irritation (hygiene, fillings) -not usually painful, erythematous, smooth or lobulated that bleeds easily -common in people with braces (usually teenagers)mucocele -rupture of salivary gland duct and mucin spillage into tissue -usually young children and history of local trauma (bitting) -bluish dome-shaped fluctuant mucosal swelling -treatment is surgical excision (pathology report)fibroma -hyperplastic fibrous connective tissue -reactive process from repetitive trauma (mastication) -along occlusal line of buccal mucosa -asymptomatic moderately firm smooth surfaced pink sessile or pedunculated nodules -surgical excision (pathology report)leukoplakia -premalignant lesion; white plaque or patch that cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically; chronic white mucosal macule which cannot be scraped off; cannot be given another specific diagnostic name, and does not disappear with removal of potential etiologic factors (except tobacco) -needs to be surgically excised (pathology report)erythroplakia -a type of leukoplakia -a chronic red mucosal macule which cannot be given another specific diagnostic name and cannot be attributed to traumatic, vascular or inflammatory causes -needs to be surgically excisederythroleukoplakia -a type of leukoplakia -intermixed red and white lesions -speckled leukoplakia or nonhomogenous leukoplakia -are the most worrisome form of the disease and carry an extremely high risk of malignant transformationlupus erythematosus -autoimmune disease -oral discoid lesions -raised keratotic plaques -erythema -purpura -petechiae -irregulary shaped ulcers -chelitispemphigus -autoimmune disorder -diffuse and painful oral ulceration with scarring -oral lesions more common initially than skin Behcet -autoimmune disorder -painful apthous like ulcers, usually numerous and involve the soft palate and oropharynx -oral lesions most common of lesions with this disease, may be seen first -vasculitic condition Addison's -melanin pigmentation -results from damage to the adrenal cortex (autoimmune, infectious, trauma, blood loss) -damage causes the adrenal cortex to produce less of its hormones Peutz-Jeghers -pigmented lesion -increased melanin around lips and oral mucosa -intestinal polyps -increased risk of cancersystemic (mucosal pallor) anemia- mucosal pallor and atrophic glossitis, burning, pain and tendernessdiabetes -gingivits and periodonitis, candidiasis, generalized atrophy of the tongue papillaeleukemia -mucosal bleeding -ulceration -petechiae -gingival enlargement -secondary infections (HSV, candidiasis)GERD -systemic disease dental erosion -water brash, burning sensation, erosion -ballemic patientsatrophic glossitis -smooth glossy apperance of tongue with red to pink background -atrophy of papillae (smooth) -associated with nutritional deficiencies (iron, folic acid, B12, ribiflavin)fissured tongue -deep groves of the tongue that are physiologic -may be associated with: down syndrome, acromegaly, psoriasis, Sjogrensoral hairy leukoplakia -associated with immunosuppression: consider checking for HIV -lateral border of tongue with white patches -EBV presumptive cause (HHV4)linea alba -benign white thin line caused by thickening of epithelium from trauma (chewing) -may see on buccoal mucosa and lateral tonguetraumatic fibroma -focal thickened area typically dome shaped from chronic irritation -dense collagen connective tissuelingual thyroid nodule -ectopic thyroid tissue on dorsum of tongue -smooth nodular mass midline posterior is common -70% of patients have hypothyroidismpapilloma -HPV type 6 or 11 -single, pedunculated lesion with finger like projection, can have multiple lesions as wellantimalarial drugs most common cause of medication induced pigmentation changes is through these drugs Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Jobs Privacy Terms Follow us Language© 2018 Quizlet Inc. \""
] |
1799 | a measurement of the chemical energy in the food that we eat is known as? | [
"docid": "D758153#0",
"title": "http://biologyjunction.com/energy_in_food.htm\nEnergy in food",
"text": "\"Energy in food The Heat is On – The Energy Stored in Food Introduction: Plants utilize sunlight during photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This glucose has energy stored in its chemical bonds that can be used by other organisms. This stored energy is released whenever these chemical bonds are broken in metabolic processes such as cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process by which the chemical energy of \"\"food\"\" molecules is released and partially captured in the form of ATP. Cellular respiration is the general term which describes all metabolic reactions involved in the formation of usable energy from the breakdown of nutrients. In living organisms, the \"\"universal\"\" source of energy is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can all be used as fuels in cellular respiration, but glucose is most commonly used as an example to examine the reactions and pathways involved. Marathon runners eat a large plate of pasta the night before a competition because pasta is a good source of energy, or fuel for the body. All foods contain energy, but the amount of potential energy stored will vary greatly depending on the type of food. Moreover, not all of the stored energy is available to do work."
] | [
"docid": "D718429#0",
"title": "http://w3.marietta.edu/~biol/102/ecosystem.html\n",
"text": "\"Environmental Biology - Ecosystems Overview Roles of Organisms Energy Flow Through Ecosystems Food Chains and Webs - Pyramids - Biological Magnification Human vs. Natural Food Chains Bio Geo Chemical Cycles - The Water Cycle - Carbon Cycle - Oxygen Cycle - Nitrogen Cycle - Phosphorous Cycle03/02/06Note To Students and Educators: Did you know that this page is accessed by more people than the next two pages at Marietta College combined? I was surprised, humbled and overwhelmed! I'm glad so many people find this page useful. Still..... This page has become a kind of backwater in our own web; we have a lot of NEW features that might be of interest to students and educators alike. Feel free to use these resources and link to them; just be sure to mention Marietta College so I can convince the Dean and the IT people why I need so much space on the server. In any event, you may want to check out these links: Marietta College's Biomes of the World - all the information on this page (check out the ecology pages) plus maps, climate diagrams and photos of biomes the world over. Each biome description includes sections on climate, distribution, indicator plants and animals, ecology, threats and a tour of the biome. The environmental biology pages are being moved there and expanded. There are also links to such things as our Costa Rica Pages, videos, etc. The updated version of this page is located here."
"docid": "D2289693#0",
"title": "https://www.ukessays.com/essays/biology/function-of-water-activity-in-food-quality-biology-essay.php\nFunction Of Water Activity In Food Quality Biology Essay",
"text": "\"Function Of Water Activity In Food Quality Biology Essay Print Reference this Published: 23rd March, 2015Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. The importance of water activity aw in food systems cannot be overemphasized. Throughout history water activity in food has been controlled by optimizing its usage either through drying, addition of sugar, salt or freezing. These methods prevent spoilage and maintain quality of food. Water activity is the ratio of the partial vapor pressure of water in equilibrium with a food: to the partial saturated vapor pressure of water vapor in air at the same temperature. This is equal to the relative humidity of air in equilibrium with the food. The water activity of a food describes the energy state of water in the food, hence it's potential to act as a solvent and participate in chemical/biochemical reactions including growth of microorganisms. This is an important property that is used to predict the stability and safety of food with respect to microbial growth, rates of deteriorative reactions and chemical/physical properties."
"docid": "D3245206#0",
"title": "https://scienceaid.net/biology/ecology/food.html\nFood and Energy: Energy Transfer and Ecological Pyramids",
"text": "\"Food and Energy: Energy Transfer and Ecological Pyramids Edited by Jamie (Science Aid Editor), Jen Moreau, Carlos Spicy Wiener, Sar Mal and 7 others6 Parts: Food Chains Energy Transfer Ecological Pyramids Questions and Answers Referencing this Article Comments You've probably studied food chains since primary school and are familiar enough with the concept to differentiate between herbivores and carnivores to identify those species at the top of the food chain and those species on the bottom. These concepts are the rudimentary basics of the food chain, however, food chains can be much more intricate and are undoubtedly vital parts of our ecosystems. As the name implies, food chains link the consumption of food, the amount of energy wasted and the transfer of energy amongst a species. Food chains always start with a plant source and always end with an animal. A simple example of a food chain would be: a plant is consumed by a herbivore, the herbivore is then consumed by a carnivore. Seems pretty simple right? It is, but there are many more links and transference of energy depending on the food chain. Was this helpful? Yes| No| I need help Ad Food Chains A typical food chain looks like this: A food chain the transference of energy between organisms through consumption, in this case, the rabbit is eating grass and the fox is eating the rabbit. The initial energy source is found in the plant."
"docid": "D2049541#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090123201641AAn1O7z\nWhat is chemical energy in food?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Chemistry What is chemical energy in food? Can it be used to describe the amount of energy available in the food in general or based on basic food chemicals? Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The chemical energy available in food is generally the amount of energy that is released when the food is fully oxidized (like being burned). Your body combines oxidizeable chemicals in food you eat with oxygen that you breathe, in a chemical process that in its result is like slow burning. You inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like other simpler combustion cycles. We generally measure the energy available in the food with the unit \"\"calorie\"\". The \"\"calories\"\" the food have is the energy available in the food to be released by the chemical oxidation in your body. The calorie is an energy unit that can be converted into other energy units such as btu.enginerd · 9 years ago1 1 Comment Asker's rating Food Energy is the energy released by the slow combustion (digestion) reaction of Organic and other Materials in the food. 1.0 Calorie of Food energy is equal to 1,000 heat calories... Note the Upper case 'C' in food Calorie and and the lower case 'c' in heat energy calories. Norrie · 9 years ago0 0 Commentsort of like when you burn things you get energy."
"docid": "D764863#0",
"title": "http://www.muscleforlife.com/how-to-speed-up-metabolism/\nIf youâre struggling with weight loss (or would like to lose weight easier) and want to know how to speed up your metabolism, you want to read this article.",
"text": "\"If you’re struggling with weight loss (or would like to lose weight easier) and want to know how to speed up your metabolism, you want to read this article. When people want to lose weight, the advice they’ll often get is to simply “eat less and move more.” It’s just calories in vs. calories out, they’ll be told. But how does that explain the women that come to me at 140, 150, or 160+ pounds, eating 1,300 calories per day, exercising 6 – 7 hours per week…without losing weight? According to standard calculations, such women should be burning upwards of 2,000 calories per day. So how the hell can they be eating so little without losing fat? And what should they do? Should they suck it up and eat even less? Push through another hour or two of grueling exercise each week? Or is something else needed?"
"docid": "D551043#0",
"title": "http://www.explorit.org/science/energy.html\nABOUT ENERGY",
"text": "Introduction Energy is the source of all change on the planet Earth. Earth is a complex of active physical and biological systems which interact and influence one another and change in response to energy in its various forms. There are various sources and forms of energy on Earth; some exert their influence naturally and others do so through human intervention. Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be (and constantly is) converted from one form to another.1. What is the most important source of energy for Earth? The Sun. Energy radiating from our closest star - the Sun - provides the natural power that fuels most of the physical and biological processes important to life. These processes include the movement of Earth's atmosphere which distributes energy, produces global weather, and oceanic circulation. Sunlight energy also sustains plant and animal life. About half of the Sun's energy is absorbed or reflected back into space as it passes through our atmosphere.2."
"docid": "D2576689#0",
"title": "https://www.disabled-world.com/fitness/metabolism/\nHuman Metabolism: Facts & General Information",
"text": "\"A - A +Human Metabolism: Facts & General Information Synopsis: Last Revised/Updated: 2016-01-06 - Metabolism is a term used to refer to the breakdown of food and its subsequent transformation into energy the persons body needs. Jump to: Definition Facts Publications Metabolism Metabolism is defined as the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. The word metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism. Main Document Defining Metabolism The term, 'Metabolism,' refers to the entire range of biochemical processes that happen within a person or living organism. Metabolism is something that consists of both,' Catabolism,' and, 'Anabolism;' which are the buildup and breakdown of substances. Metabolism is a term used to refer particularly to the breakdown of food and its subsequent transformation into energy the person's body needs. In the field of Biology, Metabolism refers to all of the body's chemical processes, the digestion of food, and the elimination of waste. Every living cell in a person's body has a metabolism, referred to as, Cell Metabolism. Multicellular organisms such as animals and plants do as well."
"docid": "D871219#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/High_School_Earth_Science/Ecosystems\nHigh School Earth Science/Ecosystems",
"text": "\"High School Earth Science/Ecosystems< High School Earth Science This is the latest reviewed version, checked on 10 June 2017. Quality: minimalnavigation search Contents1 Lesson Objectives2 Biological Communities3 Roles in Ecosystems4 Flow of Energy in Ecosystems5 Flow of Matter in Ecosystems6 Relationships Between Species7 Lesson Summary8 Review Questions9 Vocabulary10 Points to Consider An ecosystem is made up of the living creatures and the nonliving things that those creatures need within an area. Energy moves through an ecosystem in one direction. Nutrients cycle through different parts of the ecosystem and can enter or leave the ecosystem at many points. Lesson Objectives [ edit]Discuss the importance of chemical and physical factors to living organisms. Describe the role of different species in an ecosystem. Describe the function of an ecosystem, and how different species fill different roles in different ecosystems. Describe energy transfer from the lowest to the highest trophic level in a chain, including energy loss at every trophic level. Discuss how materials are cycled between trophic levels and how they can enter or leave a food web at any time. Biological Communities [ edit]Figure 18.1: The horsetail Equisetum is a primitive plant."
"docid": "D2919457#0",
"title": "https://authoritynutrition.com/9-ways-that-processed-foods-are-killing-people/\nNine ways that processed foods are harming people",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Nine ways that processed foods are harming people Published Tuesday 1 August 2017By Kris Gunnars, BSc Real vs. processed food1. High in sugar and high-fructose corn syrup2. Engineered for overconsumption3. Contain artificial ingredients4. People can become addicted to junk food5. Often high in refined carbohydrates 6. Low in nutrient7. Low in fiber 8. Require less time and energy to digest9. Often high in trans fats Takeaway Processed foods are bad."
"docid": "D2526863#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-relationship-between-enthalpy-h-free-energy-g-and-entropy-s.html\nThe Relationship Between Enthalpy (H), Free Energy (G) and Entropy (S)",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 127K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Spontaneous Reactions & Gibbs Free Energy The Relationship Between Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant Entropy: Equation & Calculations Free Energy: Predicting the Spontaneity of a Reaction Lesson Transcript Instructor: Nicola Mc Dougal Nicky has taught a variety of chemistry courses at college level. Nicky has a Ph D in Physical Chemistry. In this video lesson, we'll study free energy (G) and its relationship to enthalpy, entropy and temperature. You'll also learn why free energy (G) is the single most useful criterion for predicting the spontaneity and direction of a chemical reaction. What Is Free Energy? Chemical reactions are all around us. They are even inside our body. In fact, the human body is a mass of thousands of chemical reactions. If you are like me, the one you are really familiar with is eating and digesting, scientifically called cellular respiration. I love this chemical reaction."
"docid": "D470323#0",
"title": "https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/metabolism\nMetabolism",
"text": "Home Conditions and treatments Metabolism Metabolism Share Download PDF Listen More Digestive system Hormonal system (endocrine) Hormonal system (endocrine) - Hormonal system explained Summary Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning. The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function. On this page: Two processes of metabolism Metabolic rate Metabolism and age-related weight gain Hormonal disorders of metabolism Genetic disorders of metabolism Where to get help Things to remember Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes going on continuously inside your body that allow life and normal functioning (maintaining normal functioning in the body is called homeostasis). These processes include those that break down nutrients from our food, and those that build and repair our body. Building and repairing the body requires energy that ultimately comes from your food. The amount of energy, measured in kilojoules (k J), that your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism. If we eat and drink more kilojoules than we need for our metabolism and exercise, we store it mostly as fat. Most of the energy you expend each day is used to keep all the systems in your body functioning properly. This is out of your control."
"docid": "D2588589#0",
"title": "http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=vitamins\n.",
"text": "\"Title Length Color Rating Vitamins: Essential for Growth and Development - Vitamins: Essential for Growth and Development A vitamin is an organic compound needed by organisms in tiny amounts as a required nutrient. This must be obtained from the diet as organisms cannot be produced this in sufficient quantities. The term does not include other vital nutrients such as essential fatty acids, dietary minerals or essential amino acids (which are generally needed in larger amounts than vitamins). Vitamins are categorized based on their chemical and biological activities and not on their structure.... [tags: Biochemical Functions, Types]910 words (2.6 pages) Better Essays [preview]The Use of Vitamins to Battle Acne - Beauty begins inside the body, not outside. Washing the face and applying the latest product on the market that promises to clear acne, leaving the face smooth and unblemished is only part of the battle, a small part. Feeding the body with nutrients by ingesting foods and/or vitamin supplements rich with antioxidant properties will sustain health and vitalization that will reflect on the outside, affecting overall appearance. The Vitamin for Acne Guide, http://acnevitamin.org/, answers many of the questions related to acne and vitamin usage necessary to maintain skin that is healthy and blemish free.... [tags: dermatology, nutrition]2598 words (7.4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview]Types of Fat-Soluble Vitamins - Food is the basic necessity for human being to live. Food can be found in anywhere with variety of tastes, texture, colour and physical appearance. Vitamins are the negligible components of food that plays important role in human nutrition. Fat soluble vitamin is one of the types of vitamins in the food. “"
"docid": "D2963338#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/effects-of-different-substrate-in-the-cellular-respiration-in-yeast-page1.html\n\"\"\"Effects Of Different Substrate In The Cellular Respiration In Yeast\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Effects Of Different Substrate In The Cellular Respiration In Yeast\"\" Essays and Research Papers Effects Of Different Substrate In The Cellular Respiration In Yeast Cellular respiration is defined as an enzyme mediated process in which organic compounds such as glucose is broken down into simpler products with the release of energy (Duka, Diaz and Villa, 2009). It is a series of metabolic processes and oxidation-reduction reactions. Oxidation of substrates, such as glucose, is a fundamental part of cellular respiration (Mader, 2009). As a catabolic process, it may or may not require the presence of oxygen. The process that requires oxygen is called aerobic... Carbon dioxide, Cellular respiration, Enzyme 842 Words | 3 Pages Open Document The Effect of the Nature of Substrate on Cellular respiration of yeast Abstract The experiment aims to observe if simpler substrates makes the rate of cellular respiration faster. Using yeast, smith fermentation tubes and different substrates namely, starch, lactose, sucrose, glucose and fructose, which are from different kinds of carbohydrates, ranging from the simplest sugars glucose and fructose to the polysaccharide starch and water as the control, the hypothesis was tested. With the span of thirty minutes with five-minute intervals, the height of carbon dioxide... Carbon dioxide, Cellular respiration, Disaccharide 1775 Words | 6 Pages Open Document The Effect of substrate on the Rate of Respiration on Yeast The Effect of substrate on the Rate of Respiration on Yeast1 Justine Maturan Group 4 Sec. Y – 5L November 18, 2014 ________________________________________________________________ 1A scientific paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements in General Biology I Laboratory under Prof. Susan Sedano, 1st semester 2014-2015 ABSTRACT In order to determine the effect of the substrate on the rate of respiration of yeast, Durham test tube method was used in the first experiment... Carbon dioxide, Cellular respiration, Enzyme 2137 Words | 8 Pages Open Document Cellular Respiration Of Yeast Scientifi ABSTRACT The effect of inorganic cofactor such as Magnesium to the rate of respiration of yeast was determined using Durham tube assembly with the substrate glucose. After thirty minutes, the test tube with the cofactor in the form of Magnesium sulphate Mg SO4 showed the higher amount of carbon dioxide evolved which was measurable through volume and was one of the by- products of cellular respiration."
"docid": "D2111892#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/en/Enzyme\n.",
"text": "\"Article Content Enzyme An enzyme (from Greek, in ferment) is, in biology, special protein molecules whose function is to facilitate or otherwise accelerate most chemical reactions in cells. Many chemical reactions occur within biological cells, but without catalysts most of them happen too slowly in the test tube to be biologically relevant. Enzymes can also serve to couple two or more reactions together, so that a thermodynamically favourable reaction can be used to \"\"drive\"\" a thermodynamically unfavorable one. One of the most common examples is enzymes which use the dephosphorylation of ATP to drive some otherwise unrelated chemical reaction. Chemical reactions need a certain amount of activation energy to take place. Enzymes can increase the reaction speed by favoring or enabling a different reaction path with a lower activation energy (Fig. 1), making it easier for the reaction to occur. Enzymes are large proteins that catalyze (accelerate) chemical reactions. They are essential for the function of cells. Enzymes are very specific as to the reactions they catalyze and the chemicals (substrates) that are involved in the reactions."
"docid": "D3262849#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/97909010/bio-exam-2-flash-cards/\nbio exam 2",
"text": "\"169 terms cayleecantrellbio exam 2Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortmalnutrition the medical condition resulting from the lack of any essential nutrients in the diet, usually associated with starvationnutrients components in food that the body needs to grow, develop and repair itselfmacronutrients nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that organisms must ingest in large amounts to maintain healthessential nutrients nutrients that can't be made by the body, so must be obtained by dietenergy the ability to do work, including building complex moleculesstarch a complex plant carbohydrate made up of glucose molecules, a source of stored energyessential amino acids amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize and must obtain from foodcatabolic reaction any chemical reaction that breaks down complex molecules into simpler moleculesanabolic reaction any chemical reaction that combines simple molecules to build more complex moleculesmetabolism all biochemical reactions occurring in an organism, including reactions that break down food molecules and reactions that build new cell structuresenzyme a protein that speeds up the rate of a chemical reactioncatalyst the process of speeding up the rate of a chemical reactionsubstrate a molecule to which an enzyme binds on and which it actsactive site the part of an enzyme that binds to substratesactivation energy the energy required for a chemical reaction to proceed. enzymes accelerate reactions by reducing this.mineral an inorganic chemical element required by organisms for normal growth, reproduction, and tissue maintenance, examples are calcium, iron, potassium, and zincmicronutrients nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, that organisms must ingest in small amounts to maintain healthvitamin an organic molecule required in small amounts for normal growth, reproduction, and tissue maintenancecofactor an inorganic substance, such as a metal ion, required to activate an enzymecoenzyme a small organic molecule, such as a vitamin, required to activate an enzymebiofuels renewable fuels made from living organisms (plants and algae)fossil fuels carbon rich energy sources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which are formed from the compressed fossilized remains of once living organismschemical energy potential energy stored in the bonds of biological moleculesconservation of energy the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to anotherpotential energy stored energykinetic energy the energy of motion or movementheat the kinetic energy generated by random movement of molecules or atomsphotosynthesis the process by which plants and other autotrophs use sunlight to make energy rich molecules using carbon dioxide and waterautotrophs organisms such as plants, algae, and certain bacteria that capture the energy of sunlight by photosynthesischloroplast the organelle in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occursheterotrophs organisms, such as humans and other animals, that obtain energy by eating organic molecules that were produced by other organismslight energy the energy of electromagnetic spectrum of radiation that is visible to the human eyephotons packets of light energy, each with a specific wavelength and quality of energychlorophyll the pigment present in the green parts of plants that absorbs photons of light energy during the \"\"photo\"\" reaction of photosynthesisadenosine triphosphate (ATP) the molecule that cells use to power energy requiring functions, the cell's energy currencycarbon fixation the conversion of inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide) into organic forms (sugars)body mass index (BMI) an estimate of body fat based on height and weightoverweight having a BMI between 25 and 29.9obese having 20% more body fat than is recommended for one's height, as measured by a body mass index equal to or greater than 30.calorie the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 degree Calorie 1,000 calories or 1 kilocalorie (kcal) , the capital \"\"C\"\" indicates kilocalorie. the common unit of energy used in food nutrition labelsglycogen a complex animal carbohydrate made up of linked chains of glucose molecules, that stores energy for short term usetriglycerides a type of lipid found in fat cells that stores excess energy for long term useaerobic respiration a series of reactions that occurs in the presence of oxygen and converts energy stored in food to ATPglycolysis a series of reactions that breaks down sugar into smaller units; takes place in the cytoplasm and is the first stage of both aerobic respiration and fermentationcitric acid cycle a set of reactions that take place in mitochondria and helps extract energy (in the form of high energy electrons) from food; the second stage of aerobic respiration NAD an electron carrier. can accept electrons, becoming NADH in the processelectron transport chain a process that takes place un the mitochondria and produces the bulk of ATP during aerobic respiration, third stage of aerobic respirationfermentation a series of chemical reactions that takes place in the absence of oxygen and converts some of the energy stored in food into ATP. produces far less ATP than does aerobic respirationunsaturated fat a plant fat, such as olive oil, liquid at room tempcardiovascular disease a disease of the heart or blood vessels or bothcardiovascular system the system that transports nutrients, gases, and other critical molecules throughout the body. consists of heart, blood vessels, and bloodheart the muscular pump that generates force to move blood throughout the bodyatria (atrium) the chambers of the heart that receive blood. the right receives low oxygen blood from the body and the left receives high oxygen blood form the lungsventricles the chambers of the heart that pump blood away from the heart. the right pumps blood to the lungs, and the left pumps blood to the bodyarteries blood vessels that carry blood away from the heartveins blood vessels that cary blood toward the heartcoronary arteries the blood vessels that deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscleheart attack a restriction of blood flow to the heart, resulting in damage to the heart musclepulmonary circuit the circulation of blood between the heart and the lungssystemic circuit the circulation of blood between the heart and the rest of the bodyaorta the large artery that receives blood from the left ventricleatherosclerosis a disease process that restricts blood flow through arteries, also known as hardening of arteriesrisk factor anything that increases the possibility of developing a diseaseplaques raised by fatty deposits that accumulate inside of arteries, limiting the flow of bloodcapillaries the smallest of blood vessels. the sites of gas, nutrient, and waste exchange between the blood and tissue cellsred blood cells (erythrocytes) a type of blood cell specialized for carrying oxygenwhite blood cells (leukocytes) involved in the body's defenses (immune response)platelets fragments of cells involved in blood clottingblood pressure the overall pressure in blood vessels, expressed as the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressuresystolic pressure pressure in arteries at the time the ventricle contractspulse the detectable force of blood entering arteriesdiastolic pressure the pressure in arteries when the ventricle is relaxedhypertension elevated (high) blood pressurestroke a disruption in blood supply to braincholesterol a lipid that is transported in the blood by specialized proteinslow density lipoprotein (LDL) a form of cholesterol and protein in the blood that contributes to CVD, carries cholesterol to body cells, can accumulate on the linings of blood vessels contributing to atherosclerosishigh density lipoprotein (HDL) a form of cholesterol and protein that is protective. helps carry cholesterol out of blood vessels and deliver it to the liver, where it can be processed into a dorm that permits its elimination from the bodydiabetes a disease characterized by chronically elevated levels of blood sugardiffusion the movement of dissolved substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentrationopen circulatory system* a circulatory system in which the blood is not entirely contained within the blood vesselsclosed circulatory system* a circulatory system in which the blood remains in the blood vessels at all timesrespiratory system the organ system that allows us to take in oxygen and unload carbon dioxidelung the major respiratory organ in humans, the site of gas exchange between air and the bloodpharynx the throatlarynx the opening to the lower respiratory tract; also known as the voiceboxtrachea a large airway leading into the lower respiratory tractbronchi two airways that branch from the trachea, one leads into each lungbronchioles smaller airways that branch from the bronchialveoli air sacs in the lung across which gases diffuse between air and bloodrespiratory surface* a surface across which oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leavesgas exchange the process of taking up and releasing oxygen and carbon dioxidered blood cells (RBCs) blood cells specialized for transporting oxygen throughout the bodypartial pressure the proportion of total air pressure contributed by a given gasaltitude sickness an illness that can occur as a result of an abrupt move to an altitude with reduced partial pressure of oxygenventilation the process of moving air in and out of the lungsdiaphragm a sheet of muscle that contributes to breathing and contracting and relaxingacidosis a dangerous condition in which blood is too acidichemoglobin a protein found in red blood cells specialized for transporting oxygenheme group iron containing structures on hemoglobin, the sites of oxygen bindingerythropoietin (EPO) a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production A macronutrient is a nutrient _______."
"docid": "D2547035#0",
"title": "http://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/do-calories-matter\n.",
"text": "In a word, yes. But, technically this is the wrong question. The correct question is probably closer to, “ What is the impact of the calories I consume on my body’s ability to store fat versus burn fat? ” The immediate follow-up question to some variant of this first question is, “ Should I be counting calories? ” In a word, no. But you’ll want to read this post fully to qualify that answer. Before I answer these important questions, let’s spend a few moments reviewing five key concepts. Key concept #1 – the definition of a calorie A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy content. By formal definition a calorie is the amount of heat energy required to raise one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius at atmospheric pressure. One-thousand calories is equal to 1 kilocalorie, or 1 kcal for short."
"docid": "D554289#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/58156105/PBS-Activity-Introductions\nPrinciples of Biomedical Science End of Course Review PBS Activity Introductions",
"text": "\"Principles of Biomedical Science End of Course Review PBS Activity Introductions Activity 1.1.1: The Mystery—Was It a Crime? Introduction The biomedical sciences are involved in a variety of aspects of modern society including but not limited to research, medicine, health care, pharmacology, medical technology, and even forensics. Throughout this course, you will have a chance to explore many of these areas and the career opportunities within them. To begin your work, you find yourself in the middle of a mystery. In Unit One it is your job to solve the mystery of a sudden death. The biomedical sciences are directly involved in all aspects of life including what can cause life to end. Forensic science is a popular field within the biomedical sciences that has been made increasingly fashionable by several television shows with crime solving and forensic themes, especially the CSI series. Forensic science sometimes focuses on tracking down the causes of cell injury, illness and death. The starting point of any work in the biomedical sciences must be the human body. A working knowledge of its structure and function is basic to an understanding of all other aspects of this interesting discipline."
"docid": "D3225237#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/126014649/nutrition-chapter-5-the-proteins-and-amino-acids-flash-cards/\nNutrition Chapter 5 The Proteins and Amino Acids",
"text": "\"146 terms nicolegaito Nutrition Chapter 5 The Proteins and Amino Acids Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort1. What are the building blocks of proteins? The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, there are 20 known amino acids, and they make all the protein we need2. What are essential amino acids? Essential amino acids we have to get them from food and our body can't make them3. What type of bond holds amino acids together? Peptide bonds4. Distortion of the shape of a protein by heat, alcohol, bases or salts of heavy metals is known as ___________ denaturation5."
"docid": "D136949#0",
"title": "http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/metabolism.html\n.",
"text": "\"Kids Health / For Parents / Metabolism What's in this article? Listenen español El metabolismo Metabolism Basics Our bodies get the energy they need from food through metabolism, the chemical reactions in the body's cells that convert the fuel from food into the energy needed to do everything from moving to thinking to growing. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of metabolism, and each chemical reaction is coordinated with other body functions. In fact, thousands of metabolic reactions happen at the same time — all regulated by the body — to keep our cells healthy and working. Metabolism (meh-TAB-uh-liz-um) is a constant process that begins when we're conceived and ends when we die. It is a vital process for all life forms — not just humans. If metabolism stops, a living thing dies. Here's an example of how the process of metabolism works in humans — and it begins with plants. First, a green plant takes in energy from sunlight. The plant uses this energy and the molecule chlorophyll (which gives plants their green color) to build sugars from water and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis."
"docid": "D2956292#0",
"title": "http://www.slideshare.net/guest13161d/big-4-macromolecules\nBig 4 Macromolecules",
"text": "\"Big 4 Macromolecules40,497 views Share Like Download...guest13161d Follow Published on Oct 30, 2007Published in: Technology, Health & Medicine4 Comments9 Likes Statistics Notes Post Download e Books , GET at http://peakebook.com/category/it-ebooks Njce! Thanks for sharing.1 year agoubedullah khan , data entry at Catking - India All those who are clueless about how to ace the GD PI, here is a useful link http://catking.in/2017/01/12/how-to-crack-gd-and-pi/ #Target IIM #CAT2017 #IIMor Nothing1 year agox Xx_MAX123_x Xx Word spacing is awkward in places, but still helpful thanks2 years ago Tisha15Very useful!2 years ago Big 4 Macromolecules1. \"\" THE BIG 4\"\" MACROMOLECULES2. Before you can understand the topics in this unit there are some key vocabulary terms you need to know. Macromolecule Polymer Monomer3. MACROMOLECULE What is a4. Oooooh, BIG Sca Ry Science word!5. MACRO Micro What do these words mean?6. So What Is A Macromolecule? You should be able to define it on your own !"
] |
1806 | a medical term that means state of excessive thyroid (hormones) is | [
"docid": "D491445#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/32351509/mdsc-chp-16-flash-cards/\nMDSC CHP 16",
"text": "\"42 terms Annie Dobry MDSC CHP 16Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort The largest endocrine gland is the thyroid glandthe anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also called the adenohypophysisthe hypothalamus is located near the pituitary gland The islets of Langerhans are clusters of endocrine tissue found throughout the pancreasethe hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex is adrenocorticotropic hormone The hormone that stimulates glandular tissue during pregnancy and produces milk after the birth of an infant is prolactin-releasing hormonethe hormone that stimulates the kidney to reabsorb water is antidiuretic hormonethe combining form meaning thyroid gland is thyr/othe combining form meaning potassium is kal/ithe combining form meaning thirst is dips/o T4 is the abbreviation for thyroxine The word part that best completes the medical term meaning excision of an adrenal gland, ____/ectomy, is adrenalin the medical term corticoid, the word root means: outer layer of a body organ The medical term that means inflammation of the adrenal gland is adrenalitis The meaning of the medical term adrenomegaly is a (n): enlargement of one or both of the adrenal glands The medical term meaning deficient level of sugar in the blood is hypoglycemia The medical term meaning excessive calcium in the blood is hypercalcemia The meaning of the medical term hyperkalemia is excessive potassium in the blood The medical term that means deficient level of sodium in the blood is hyponatremia A patient who has reported recent weight loss, irritability and heat intolerance is diagnosed with ___, which is a state of excessive thyroid gland activity and excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. hyperthyroidism After surgery to remove her thyroid gland, Ella reports recent weight gain and cold intolerance. She is diagnosed with __, which (unsurprisingly, considering her surgery) is a state of deficient thyroid gland activity and diminished secretion of thyroid hormones. hypothyroidsim The meaning of the medical term parathyroidoma is: tumor of a parathyroid gland The medical term that refers to a group of symptoms attributed to the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortices, causing abnormally pigmented skin, \"\"moon face,\"\" and pads of fat of the chest, abdomen, and back is: cushing syndrome A patient who arrives in the ED complaining of palpitations, chest and abdominal pain, headache, diaphoresis and hypertension is eventually diagnosed with ____, a non-malignant tumor of the adrenal medualla pheochromocytoma Hugo is diagnosed with ___, a chronic syndrome caused by a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex and characterized by weakness, darkening of skin, loss of appetitie, depression, and other emotional problems. addisons disease Mr. Nouwen presents with insulin resistance, obesity focused on the waist and abdomen, hypertension, and elevated glycemic and triglyceride levels (with low HDL levels.) These signs indicate: metabolic syndrome The meaning of the medical term tetany is a condition affecting nerves, causing muscle spasms as a result of low amounts of calcium A condition of excessive thyroid hormone secretion is: thyrotoxicosis The meaning of the medical term ketosis is a condtion resulting from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus The medical term meaning enlargement of the thyroid gland is: goiter The medical term adenectomy refers to excision of a glandthe medical term thyroidotomy refers to the incision of the thyroid glandthe medical term thyroparathyroidectomy refers to the excision of the thyroid and parathyroid glandthe medical term that refers to a nuclear medicine test that shows the size, shape, and postition of the thyroid gland is thyroid scanthe medical term meaning excessive development of the adrenal cortex is adrenocorticohyperplasiathe medical term referring to the study of the endorcrine system is endocrinologythe medical term referring to a chemical substance that is secreted by an endocrine gland and carried in the blood to a target tissue is hormonethe narrow strip of tissue that connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland is called the isthmusthe medical term metabolism refers to the sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in a living organismthe abbreviation of the medical term that refers to a chronic disease involving a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is DMRAIU abbreviates the medical term referring to a nuclear medicine scan that measures thyroid functioneuthyroid is a medical term referring to normal thyroid function \""
] | [
"docid": "D835071#0",
"title": "https://www.healthline.com/health/tsh\nWhat Is a Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Test?",
"text": "What Is a Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Test? A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test measures the amount of TSH in the blood. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of your brain. It’s responsible for regulating the amount of hormones released by the thyroid. The thyroid is small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It’s an important gland that creates three primary hormones:triiodothyronine (T3)thyroxine (T4)calcitonin The thyroid controls numerous different bodily functions, including metabolism and growth, through the release of these three hormones. Your thyroid will produce more hormones if your pituitary gland produces more TSH. In this way, the two glands work together to make sure the right amount of thyroid hormones are produced. However, when this system is disrupted, your thyroid can produce either too many or too few hormones. A TSH test is often performed to determine the underlying cause of abnormal thyroid hormone levels."
"docid": "D3498658#0",
"title": "http://www.flashcardmachine.com/med-term-chapter16vocabulary.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "\"Shared Flashcard Set Details Title MED TERM Chapter 16 Vocabulary Description MED TERM Chapter 16 Vocabulary Total Cards 99Subject Medical Level Undergraduate 1Created 04/03/2007Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Medical Flashcards Cards Termpituitary gland, hypophysis cerebri Definitionapproximately the size of a pea and located the base of the brain; divided into two lobes Termanterior lobe or adenohypophysis Definitionproduces and secretes growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), gonadotropic hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactic or lactogenic hormone (PRL)Termgrowth hormone (GH)Definitionregulates the growth of the body Termadrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)Definitionstimulates the adrenal cortex Termthyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)Definitionstimulates the thyroid gland Termgonadotropic hormones Definitionaffect the male and female reproductive systems Termfollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)Definitionregulates development, growth, and function of the ovaries and testes Termluteinizing hormone (LH)Definitionregulate development, growth, and function of the ovaries and testes Termprolactin or lactogenic hormone (PRL)Definitionpromotes development of glandular tissue during pregnancy and produces milk after birth of an infant Termposterior lobe or neurohypophysis Definitionstores and releases antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin Termantidiuretic hormone (ADH)Definitionstimulates the kidney to reabsorb water Termoxytocin Definitionstimulates uterine contractions during labor and postpartum Termhypothalamus Definitionlocated near the pituitary gland in the brain; secretes \"\"releasing\"\" hormone that functions to stimulate or inhibit the release of pituitary gland hormones Termthyroid gland Definitionlargest endocrine gland; located in the neck below the larynx and comprises bilateral lobes connected by an isthmus; secretes the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which require iodine for their production; thyroxine is necessary for body cell metabolism Termparathyroid glands Definitionfour small bodies lying directly behind the thyroid; parathormone (PTH), the hormone produced by the glands, helps maintain the level of calcium in the blood Termislets of Langerhans Definitionclusters of endocrine tissue found throughout the pancreas, made up of different cell types that secrete various hormones, including insulin and glucagon; nonendocrine cells found throughout the pancras perform nonendocrine functions such as digestion Termadrenal glands, suprarenals Definitionpaired glands, one of which is located above each kidney the outer portion is called the adrenal cortex, and the inner portion is called the adrenal medulla; hormones secreted by the adrenal glands include cortisol, aldosterone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine Termcortisol Definitionsecreted by the adrenal cortex; aids the body during stress by increasing glucose levels to provide energy (also called hydrocortisone)Termaldosterone Definitionsecreted by the adrenal cortex; electrolytes (mineral salts) that are necessary for normal body function are regulated by this hormone Termepinephrine (adrenaline)Definitionsecreted by the adrenal medulla; helps the body to deal with stress by increasing the blood pressure, heartbeat, and respirations Termnorepinephrine (noradrenaline)Definitionsecreted by the adrenal medulla; helps the body to deal with stress by increasing the blood pressure, heartbeat, and respirations Termaden/o Definitiongland Termadren/o, adrenal/o Definitionadrenal glands Termcortic/o Definitioncortex (the outer layer of a body organ)Termendocrin/o Definitionendocrine Termparathyroid/o Definitionparathyroid glands Termthyroid/o, thyr/o Definitionthyroid gland Termacr/o Definitionextremities, height Termcalc/i Definitioncalcium Termdips/o Definitionthirst Termkal/i Definitionpotassium Termnatr/o Definitionsodium Term-drome Definitionrun, running Termacromegaly Definitionenlargement of the extremities (and bones of the face, hands, and feet caused by excessive production of the growth hormone by the pituitary gland after puberty)Termadenitis Definitioninflammation of a gland Termadenodynia Definitionpain in a gland Termadenomalacia Definitionabnormal softening of a gland Termadenomegaly Definitionenlargement of a gland Termadenosis Definitionabnormal condition of a gland Termadrenalitis Definitioninflammation of the adrenal gland Termadrenomegaly Definitionenlargement (of one or both) of the adrenal glands Termhypercalcemia Definitionexcessive calcium (Ca) in the blood Termhyperglycemia Definitionexcessive sugar in the blood Termhyperkalemia Definitionexcessive potassium (K) in the blood Termhyperthyroidism Definitionstate of excessive thyroid gland activity (characterized by excessive secretion of thyroid hormones)Termhypocalcemia Definitiondeficient level of calcium in the blood Termhypoglycemia Definitiondeficient level of sugar in the blood Termhypokalemia Definitiondeficient level of potassium in the blood Termhyponatremia Definitiondeficient level of sodium (Na) in the blood Termhypothyroidism Definitionstate of deficient thyroid gland activity (characterized by decreased secretion of thyroid hormones)Termparathyroidoma Definitiontumor of a parathyroid gland Termthyroiditis Definitioninflammation of the thyroid gland Termacidosis Definitioncondition brought about by an abnormal accumulation of acid products of metabolism, seen frequently in uncotrolled diabetes mellitus Term Addison disease Definitionchronic syndrome resulting from a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex; symptoms may include weakness, darkening of skin, loss of appetite, depression, and other emotional problems Termcretinism Definitioncondition caused by congenital absence or atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism; characterized by puffy features, mental deficiency, large tongue, and dwarfism Term Cushing syndrome Definitiongroup of symptoms attributed to the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortices (pl. of cortex); may be the result of a pituitary tumor; symptoms include abnormally pigmented skin, \"\"moon face,\"\" pads of fat on the chest and abdomen, \"\"buffalo hump\"\" (fat on the upper back), and wasting away of muscle Termdiabetes insipidus (DI)Definitionresult of decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland; symptoms include excessive thirst (polydipsia) and large amounts of urine (polyuria) and sodium being excreted from the body Termdiabetes mellitus (DM)Definitionchronic disease involving a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism; caused by underactivity of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, which results in insufficient production of insulin; when the disease is not controlled or is untreated, the patient may develop ketosis, acidosis, and finally coma Termgigantism Definitioncondition brought about by overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland before puberty Termgoiter Definitionenlargement of the thyroid gland Term Graves disease Definitiona disorder of the thyroid gland characterized by the presence of hyperthyroidism, goiter, and exophthalmos Termketosis Definitioncondition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, in whihc the body has an abnormal concentration of ketone bodies (compounds that are a normal product of fat metabolism)Termmyxedema Definitioncondition resulting from a deficiency of the thyroid hormone thyroxine; a severe form of hypothyroidism in an adult; symptoms include puffiness of the face and hands, course and thickened skin, enlarged tongue, slow speech, and anemia Termtetany Definitioncondition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms as a result of low amounts of calcium in the blood caused by a deficiency of the parathyroid hormone Termthyrotoxicosis Definitiona condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones Termyoga Definitionthe practice of physical posture, breathing exercises, and meditation; regular practice of yoga has been linked with decreased blood glucose levels and improved insulin kinetics in those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes Term Diabetes Mellitus, type 1Definitioninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), juvenile-onset diabetes; beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed and eventually no insulin is produced; abrupt onset, occurs primarily in childhood or adolescence; patients often are thin; symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, and hyperglycemia; treatment includes insulin injections and diet Term Diabetes Mellitus, type 2Definitionnoninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), adult-onset diabetes (AODM); resistance of body cells to the action of insulin and also a decrease in insulin secretion; slow onset, usually occurs in middle-aged or elderly adults; many patients are obese; symptoms include fatigue, blurred vision, thirst, and hyperglycemia; may have neural or vascular complications; treatment includes oral hypoglycemics or insulin and diet Termadenectomy Definitionexcision of a gland Termadrenalectomy Definitionexcision of an adrenal gland Termparathyroidectomy Definitionexcision of a parathyroid gland Termthyroidectomy Definitionexcision of the thyroid gland Termthyroidotomy Definitionincision of the thyroid gland Termthyroparathyroidectomy Definitionexcision of the thyroid and parathyroid glands Termradioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU)Definitiona nuclear medicine scan that measures thyroid function; radioactive iodine is given to the patient orally, after which its uptake into the thyroid gland is measured Termthyroid scan Definitiona nuclear medicine test that shows the size, shape, and position of the thyroid gland; the patient is given a radioactive substance to visualize the thyroid gland; an images is recorded as the scanner is passed over the neck area; used to de"
"docid": "D52884#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/graves_disease/article.htm\nGraves' Disease Symptoms, Causes, Diet, and Treatment Options",
"text": "Graves' Disease Symptoms, Causes, Diet, and Treatment Options Center Hyperthyroidism Slideshow Pictures Take the Thyroid Disorder Quiz Thyroid Symptoms and Solutions Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Graves' Disease - Symptoms Patient Comments: Graves' Disease - Causes Patient Comments: Graves' Disease - Treatment Find a local Endocrinologist in your town Graves' disease definition facts written by Dr. Davis*What is Graves' disease? What are the signs and symptoms of Graves' disease? What causes Graves' disease? Is Graves' disease a problem during pregnancy? Who gets Graves' disease? Is it common? What tests daignose Graves' disease? Foods (diet) to avoid if you have Graves' disease What is the treatment for Graves' disease? Can it be cured? Radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease Medications for Graves' disease Surgery for Graves' disease What serious health problems are caused by untreated Graves' disease?"
"docid": "D883421#0",
"title": "http://www.yourhormones.info/endocrine_conditions/thyrotoxicosis.aspx\nAlternative names for thyrotoxicosis",
"text": "Alternative names for thyrotoxicosis The term thyrotoxicosis is sometimes interchanged with hyperthyroidism though their definitions are slightly different. What is thyrotoxicosis? Inflammation of the tissues around the eye of a 58-year-old man with Graves' thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis is the name given to the clinical effects experienced due to an excess of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland control how fast or slow the body works ( metabolic rate ). Too much thyroid hormone ( thyroxine and triiodothyronine) speeds up the metabolism and results in the signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. What causes thyrotoxicosis? The main cause of thyrotoxicosis is hyperthyroidism, which is an overactivity of the thyroid gland resulting in it producing excess levels of thyroid hormones. If the hyperthyroidism is due to an autoimmune cause, it is called Graves' disease. Other rarer causes of thyrotoxicosis include excessive intake of thyroid hormone in patients treated for hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland) and sometimes, inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis), which causes release of large quantities of thyroid hormone into the bloodstream."
"docid": "D3174064#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/np-thyroid-30.html\nNP Thyroid 30",
"text": "NP Thyroid 30Generic Name: levothyroxine, liothyronine Dosage Form: tablet Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons Disclaimer: This drug has not been found by FDA to be safe and effective, and this labeling has not been approved by FDA. On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling For further information about unapproved drugs, click here. NP Thyroid (thyroid tablets, USP) for oral use is a natural preparation derived from porcine thyroid glands. They contain both tetraiodothyronine sodium (T4 levothyroxine) and triiodothyronine sodium (T3 liothyronine) providing 38 mcg levothyroxine (T4) and 9 mcg liothyronine (T3) per grain of thyroid (or per 65 mg of the labeled amount of thyroid). The inactive ingredients are calcium stearate, dextrose monohydrate, maltodextrin and mineral oil. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: The steps in the synthesis of the thyroid hormones are controlled by thyrotropin (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, TSH) secreted by the anterior pituitary. This hormone’s secretion is in turn controlled by a feedback mechanism effected by the thyroid hormones themselves and by thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), a tripeptide of hypothalamic origin. Endogenous thyroid hormone secretion is suppressed when exogenous thyroid hormones are administered to euthyroid individuals in excess of the normal gland’s secretion. The mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their physiologic action are not well understood. These hormones enhance oxygen consumption by most tissues of the body, increase the basal metabolic rate, and the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins."
"docid": "D216153#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hyperthyroidism\nhyperthyroidism",
"text": "\"hyperthyroidism Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to hyperthyroidism: Graves disease, hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Definition Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of thyroid hormones by an overactive thyroid. Description Located in the front of the neck, the thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine (T 4) andtriiodothyronine (T 3) that regulate the body's metabolic rate by helping to form protein ribonucleicacid (RNA) and increasing oxygen absorption in every cell. In turn, the production of thesehormones are controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) that is produced by the pituitarygland. When production of the thyroid hormones increases despite the level of TSH beingproduced, hyperthyroidism occurs. The excessive amount of thyroid hormones in the bloodincreases the body's metabolism, creating both mental and physical symptoms. The term hyperthyroidism covers any disease which results in overabundance of thyroidhormone. Other names for hyperthyroidism, or specific diseases within the category, include Graves' disease, diffuse toxic goiter, Basedow's disease, Parry's disease, and thyrotoxicosis. The disease is 10 times more common in women than in men, and the annual incidence of hyperthyroidism in the United States is about one per 1,000 women. Although it occurs at allages, hyperthyroidism is most likely to occur after the age of 15."
"docid": "D2190395#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/thyroid_problems/page10_em.htm\nThyroid Problems",
"text": "\"Thyroid Problems Overview Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy Goiter in Pregnancy Postpartum Thyroid Disease Thyroid Problems Causes Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Hormone Level) Signs and Symptoms Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid) Signs and Symptoms Thyroid Nodules and Goiter Signs and Symptoms When to Seek Medical Care for Thyroid Problems Thyroid Problems Diagnosis Thyroid Problems Treatment and Medications Supplements and Remedies for Thyroid Disease Thyroid Surgery Follow-up Thyroid Problems Prevention Thyroid Problems Prognosis Thyroid Problems Overview Readers Comments 31 Share Your Story The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate (how fast calories are consumed to produce energy). Thyroid hormones are important in regulating body energy, body temperature, the body's use of other hormones and vitamins, and the growth and maturation of body tissues. Diseases of the thyroid gland can result in either production of too much (overactive thyroid disease or hyperthyroidism ), too little (underactive thyroid disease or hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone, thyroid nodules, and/or goiter. Thyroid problems are much more common in women than in men. Production of thyroid hormones: The process of hormone synthesis begins in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). The TRH travels through the venous plexus located in the pituitary stalk to the pituitary gland, also in the brain. In response, the pituitary gland then releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, also called thyrotropin) into the blood. The TSH travels to the thyroid gland and stimulates the thyroid to produce the two thyroid hormones, L-thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)."
"docid": "D187520#0",
"title": "http://www.humanillnesses.com/original/Gas-Hep/Growth-Disorders.html\nGrowth Disorders",
"text": "\"Growth Disorders Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Growth disorders are conditions of abnormal growth in children. The disorders may be caused by poor nutrition, abnormal levels of certain hormones involved in growth, genetic disorders of bone growth, and other diseases. KEYWORDSfor searching the Internet and other reference sources Endocrinology Genetics Human growth disorders Human growth hormone Puberty Jeremy's Story When Jeremy turned eight, he looked like he was trapped inside the body of a four-year-old. \"\" My friends teased me and called me 'Shorty,'\"\" he said. \"\" I felt terrible being so much shorter than my brother who was three years younger. \"\" His parents took him to see a pediatric endocrinologist * . The doctor took his medical history, blood tests, x-rays, and measurements. Jeremy's parents were told that his body was not making enough growth hormone. Daily shots of human growth hormone have helped Jeremy, and he is now taller than his brother. What Is Normal Growth?"
"docid": "D308177#0",
"title": "http://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/hypothyroidism\nWhat is hypothyroidism?",
"text": "\"What is hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in which your child’s thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. A child with an underactive thyroid may experience fatigue, weight gain, constipation, decreased growth, and a host of other issues. Your child’s thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, just below the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple). Hormones produced by the thyroid affect all aspects of your child’s health including heart rate, energy metabolism (how effectively the body uses calories), growth and development. Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication. Types of hypothyroidism There are several different types of hypothyroidism, including: Congenital hypothyroidism Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) occurs when the thyroid gland does not develop or function normally prior to birth. It is a very common problem, affecting about 1 in every 2,500 to 3,000 babies. In the United States, all states test for CH as part of their routine newborn screening process. Many factors, including your family history, your child’s physical exam, the degree of hypothyroidism in your baby at the time of diagnosis, and the course of treatment over the first two to three years of life, will help your child's physician determine if the cause is hereditary (runs in your family), and if life-long therapy is required."
"docid": "D62577#0",
"title": "http://www.drrind.com/therapies/thyroid-scale\nThyroid Scale Overview",
"text": "Thyroid Scale Overview Dr. Rind's Thyroid Scale™ is a method of evaluating thyroid lab data (TSH, Free T4, and Free T3) relative to optimal values as well as each other to provide a clearer view of what is going on as opposed to simply looking at whether lab values are ‘normal’ or not. To get a brief understanding of Dr. Rind’s approach to identifying and correcting metabolic energy problems read his overview on Metabolic Therapy™. If My Thyroid Labs Are ‘Normal’, Why Do I Feel So Bad? Introduction to Thyroid Hormones Introduction to Interpreting Thyroid Tests Thyroid Function Tests Defining the Thyroid Scale Interpreting Results Thyroid Scale™: Extracting New Meaning from Labs Diagnostic Tool Coming Soon Download the Thyroid Scale Diagrammer: ( pdf) ( excel)If My Thyroid Labs Are ‘Normal’, Why Do I Feel So Bad? When’s the last time you went to the doctor and gave a blood sample – that was then sent to a lab? Chances are that lab result came back ‘normal’. Too often, when interpreting lab values, the doctor looks for normal rather than optimal. A comparison of values relative to each other yields a great deal of information that would be lost if the values were viewed independently of each other. For example, if the normal height for a man is between 5’3” and 6’ and normal weight is between 130 lbs and 200 lbs., scanning the results column of a lab or other report (for flagged abnormal values) would declare a man who is 5’3” tall weighing 200 lbs to be just as normal as a man 6’ tall weighing 135 lbs."
"docid": "D240274#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/hashimotos_disease/article_em.htm\nHashimoto's Thyroiditis",
"text": "\"Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Quick Overview What is Hashimoto's thyroiditis? What is the role of the thyroid gland, and what does it look like (picture)? What causes Hashimoto's thyroiditis? What are the risk factors for Hashimoto's thyroiditis?22 signs and symptomsof Hashimoto's thyroiditis What are the complications of Hashimoto's thyroiditis? How does Hashimoto's thyroiditis affect and pregnancy success, risks, and complications? What kind of doctor treats Hashimoto's thyroiditis? How is Hashimoto's thyroiditis diagnosed? What medications treat Hashimoto's thyroiditis? What are the side effects of thyroid replacement therapy? What about follow-up for Hashimoto's thyroiditis?"
"docid": "D2508932#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/255966229/Laboratory-Assesment-of-Thyroid-Function-PMC2003\nReview Article",
"text": "\"Review Article Assessment of Thyroid Function: Towards an Integrated Laboratory - Clinical Approach Jim Stockigt Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes and Ewen Downie Metabolic Unit, and Monash University Department of Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Prahran, VIC 3181, Australia For correspondence: Prof J Stockigt e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Laboratory assessment of thyroid function is now often initiated with a low pre-test probability, by clinicians who may not have a detailed knowledge of current methodology or testing strategies. Skilled laboratory staff can significantly enhance the choice of appropriate tests and the accuracy of clinical response; such involvement requires both appropriate training and relevant information from the clinician. Measurement of the serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration with an assay of adequate sensitivity is now the cornerstone of thyroid function testing; for untreated populations at risk of primary thyroid dysfunction, a normal TSH concentration rules out an abnormality with a high degree of certainty. However, in several important situations, most notably pituitary abnormalities and early treatment of thyroid dysfunction, serum TSH can give a misleading indication of thyroid status. An abnormal TSH concentration alone is never an adequate basis for initiation of treatment, which should be based on the typical relationship between trophic and target gland hormones, based on serum TSH and an estimate of serum free thyroxine (T4). Six basic assumptions, some clinical, some laboratory-based, need to be considered, together with the relevant limiting conditions, for reliable use of this relationship. Current methods of free T4 estimation remain imperfect, especially during critical illness. Diagnostic approach differs significantly between initial diagnosis and follow-up of treated thyroid dysfunction. In some situations, serum triiodothyronine (T3) is also required, but serum T3 lacks sensitivity for diagnosis of hypothyroidism, and has poor specificity during non-thyroidal illness. Where assay results are anomalous, most atypical findings can be resolved by attention to the clinical context, without further investigation. ("
"docid": "D2865455#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/hypothyroidism_during_pregnancy/page3.htm\nHypothyroidism During Pregnancy (Thyroid Deficiency During Pregnancy)",
"text": "\"Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy (Thyroid Deficiency During Pregnancy) Center Stages of Pregnancy Slideshow Pictures Slideshow of Early Pregnancy Symptoms Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz Patient Comments: Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy - Diet and Medication Patient Comments: Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy - Symptoms Patient Comments: Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy - Diagnosis Find a local Obstetrician-Gynecologist in your town Hypothyroidism during pregnancy facts What is Hypothyroidism? What is the thyroid gland? What happens with thyroid disease? How is hypothyroidism treated during pregnancy? What are the consequences of hypothyroidism during pregnancy? How early does the mother's thyroid hormone affect the unborn baby? What can be done to avoid the consequences of hypothyroidism in pregnancy? Hypothyroidism during pregnancy facts Readers Comments 3 Share Your Story Hypothyroidism, wherein the thyroid gland produces an inadequate amount of thyroid hormone, is a common disorder particularly in women of childbearing age. Hypothyroidism of the mother during pregnancy may result in developmental delay in the child. Treatment of hypothyroidism requires thyroid hormone medication."
"docid": "D424521#0",
"title": "https://www.emedicinehealth.com/thyroid_problems/article_em.htm\nThyroid Problems",
"text": "\"Thyroid Problems Overview Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy Goiter in Pregnancy Postpartum Thyroid Disease Thyroid Problems Causes Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Hormone Level) Signs and Symptoms Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid) Signs and Symptoms Thyroid Nodules and Goiter Signs and Symptoms When to Seek Medical Care for Thyroid Problems Thyroid Problems Diagnosis Thyroid Problems Treatment and Medications Supplements and Remedies for Thyroid Disease Thyroid Surgery Follow-up Thyroid Problems Prevention Thyroid Problems Prognosis Thyroid Problems Overview Readers Comments 31 Share Your Story The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate (how fast calories are consumed to produce energy). Thyroid hormones are important in regulating body energy, body temperature, the body's use of other hormones and vitamins, and the growth and maturation of body tissues. Diseases of the thyroid gland can result in either production of too much (overactive thyroid disease or hyperthyroidism ), too little (underactive thyroid disease or hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone, thyroid nodules, and/or goiter. Thyroid problems are much more common in women than in men. Production of thyroid hormones: The process of hormone synthesis begins in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). The TRH travels through the venous plexus located in the pituitary stalk to the pituitary gland, also in the brain. In response, the pituitary gland then releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, also called thyrotropin) into the blood. The TSH travels to the thyroid gland and stimulates the thyroid to produce the two thyroid hormones, L-thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)."
"docid": "D75014#0",
"title": "https://www.drlam.com/articles/7mistakesofadrenalfatigue.asp\n7 Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Mistakes",
"text": "\"7 Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Mistakes By: Michael Lam, MD, MPHShare Reset Adrenal Fatigue Related Information!Comprehensive Article on Adrenal Fatigue Dr. Lam’s Guide to Adrenal Exhaustion Tachycardia Symptoms and Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Crash and Recovery The Top 75 Signs of Adrenal Fatigue Exposed Is Your Recovery Plan Actually Effective? Adrenal Fatigue and the Thyroid Connection Can Adrenal Fatigue Really Cause Brain Fog? AFS Can Make Detox Tricky, But Still Doable!1. Improper use of nutritional supplements Natural compounds are very different from prescription drugs. Clinical behaviors of prescription drugs usually follow a well defined efficacy curve that is highly predictable. The desired response is usually generated at a therapeutic dose range. Because the body does not have a natural built-in system of metabolizing non-natural compounds such as synthetic drugs, toxicity ensues in high dosages. Compare this with natural compounds: First, many natural compounds have different dose dependent behaviors. In other words, how they behave at one dose can be very different from how they behave at another dose. Second, the exact standardization of what is considered a normal dose is not well known or established."
"docid": "D3098668#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/propylthiouracil/article.htm\npropylthiouracil",
"text": "\"Hyperthyroidism Slideshow Pictures Take the Thyroid Disorder Quiz Thyroid Symptoms and Solutions Slideshow Pictures What is propylthiouracil, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? What brand names are available for propylthiouracil? Is propylthiouracil available as a generic drug? Do I need a prescription for propylthiouracil? What are the side effects of propylthiouracil? What is the dosage for propylthiouracil? Which drugs or supplements interact with propylthiouracil? Is propylthiouracil safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? What else should I know about propylthiouracil? What is propylthiouracil, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?"
"docid": "D2707833#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/thyroid_replacement-oral/article.htm\nThyroid Replacement Hormones",
"text": "Hyperthyroidism Slideshow Pictures Take the Thyroid Disorder Quiz Thyroid Symptoms and Solutions Slideshow Pictures What are thyroid replacement hormones and how do they work? What are the side effects of thyroid replacement hormones? What are some examples of thyroid replacement hormones? For what conditions are thyroid replacement hormones used? Are there any differences among the different types of thyroid replacement hormones? With which drugs do thyroid replacement hormones interact? What are thyroid replacement hormones and how do they work? Thyroid replacement hormones are medications used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition in which the production of thyroid hormone in the body is abnormally low. Thyroid hormones increase cellular metabolism (activity of cells) that is responsible for growth, development of tissues, maintenance of brain function, body temperature regulation and several other cellular processes. Low levels of thyroid hormones in the body can result in many problems given the numerous activities that they mediate."
"docid": "D2974482#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/hyperthyroidism-and-hyperparathyroidism-difference\nTop 20 Doctor insights on: Hyperthyroidism And Hyperparathyroidism Difference",
"text": "\"Top 20 Doctor insights on: Hyperthyroidism And Hyperparathyroidism Difference Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Susan Wingo3 doctors agreed:1 What is the difference between hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism? Different Glands: \"\"Para\"\" means next to. Next to the thyroid gland lie 4 tiny glands called parathyroid glands, which regulate calcium levels. The thyroid make thyroid hormone; hyperthyroidism is having too ... Read more Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. Susan Wingo521 doctors shared insights Overactive Thyroid (Definition)Hyperthyroidism, often called \"\"overactive thyroid,\"\" is a condition where the thyroid secretes too much of the thyroid hormones. Common symptoms include heat intolerance, increased appetite, ... Read more Dr. Clarence Grim Internal Medicine - Endocrinology50 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Peter Kurzweil2 doctors agreed:2 Some confusion on hyperparathyroidism vs hyperthyroidism. What are symptoms and causes? Big difference: See prior answers re: hyperthyroidism. Hyperparathyroidism is entirely different disease. It's a hormonal disorder (with a feedback mechanism in the similar part of the brain); it is even located in thyroid gland (4 small glands)."
"docid": "D1819025#0",
"title": "http://www.vienuetestosterone.com/reference/progesterone.asp\nWhat is Progesterone?",
"text": "\"Reference DHEAEstriol Female Sexual Arousal Male Enhancement Progesterone Low Progesterone Introduction to Low Testosterone Low Testosterone In Men Low Testosterone In Women Vaginal Dryness Vaginal Relaxation & Rejuvenation What is Progesterone? Progesterone is the hormone secreted by the female reproductive system - the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands. The term progestin is used to describe progesterone and synthetic steroid hormones with progesterone-like properties, such as the progestogen levonorgestrel. Progesterone functions mainly to regulate the condition of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) after a woman produces an egg during the middle of her menstrual cycle. Progesterone is the dominant female hormone for the last half of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both sexes. Since most progesterone in males is created during testicular production of testosterone, and most in females by the ovaries, the shutting down or removal of these organs, whether by natural or chemical means, inevitably causes a considerable reduction in progesterone levels. At one time, progesterone was simply considered a \"\"female hormone\"\", and the scientific and medical communities' focus only on the role of progestagens (progesterone and molecules with similar effects) in female reproduction obscured the significance of progesterone's importance elsewhere in both sexes. Widespread research into the potential value of maintaining progesterone levels in both males and females is currently underway. Female hormonal balance between the estrogen hormones and progesterone is essential in order for women to obtain and maintain health and wellness."
"docid": "D109427#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/thyroid_problems/article_em.htm\nThyroid Problems",
"text": "\"Thyroid Problems Overview Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy Goiter in Pregnancy Postpartum Thyroid Disease Thyroid Problems Causes Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Hormone Level) Signs and Symptoms Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid) Signs and Symptoms Thyroid Nodules and Goiter Signs and Symptoms When to Seek Medical Care for Thyroid Problems Thyroid Problems Diagnosis Thyroid Problems Treatment and Medications Supplements and Remedies for Thyroid Disease Thyroid Surgery Follow-up Thyroid Problems Prevention Thyroid Problems Prognosis Thyroid Problems Overview Readers Comments 31 Share Your Story The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate (how fast calories are consumed to produce energy). Thyroid hormones are important in regulating body energy, body temperature, the body's use of other hormones and vitamins, and the growth and maturation of body tissues. Diseases of the thyroid gland can result in either production of too much (overactive thyroid disease or hyperthyroidism ), too little (underactive thyroid disease or hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone, thyroid nodules, and/or goiter. Thyroid problems are much more common in women than in men. Production of thyroid hormones: The process of hormone synthesis begins in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). The TRH travels through the venous plexus located in the pituitary stalk to the pituitary gland, also in the brain. In response, the pituitary gland then releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, also called thyrotropin) into the blood. The TSH travels to the thyroid gland and stimulates the thyroid to produce the two thyroid hormones, L-thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)."
] |
1807 | a meta-analysis is used when | [
"docid": "D734750#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-analysis\nMeta-analysis",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the process in historical linguistics known as metanalysis, see Rebracketing. A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. The basic tenet behind meta-analyses is that there is a common truth behind all conceptually similar scientific studies, but which has been measured with a certain error within individual studies. The aim then is to use approaches from statistics to derive a pooled estimate closest to the unknown common truth based on how this error is perceived. In essence, all existing methods yield a weighted average from the results of the individual studies and what differs is the manner in which these weights are allocated and also the manner in which the uncertainty is computed around the point estimate thus generated. In addition to providing an estimate of the unknown common truth, meta-analysis has the capacity to contrast results from different studies and identify patterns among study results, sources of disagreement among those results, or other interesting relationships that may come to light in the context of multiple studies. [ 1]A key benefit of this approach is the aggregation of information leading to a higher statistical power and more robust point estimate than is possible from the measure derived from any individual study. However, in performing a meta-analysis, an investigator must make choices which can affect the results, including deciding how to search for studies, selecting studies based on a set of objective criteria, dealing with incomplete data, analyzing the data, and accounting for or choosing not to account for publication bias. [ 2]Meta-analyses are often, but not always, important components of a systematic review procedure. For instance, a meta-analysis may be conducted on several clinical trials of a medical treatment, in an effort to obtain a better understanding of how well the treatment works."
] | [
"docid": "D3325918#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-difference-between-a-literature-review-and-a-meta-analysis\n\"What's the difference between a \"\"literature review\"\" and a meta-analysis?\"",
"text": "\"Meta-Analyses Literature Reviews Comparisons What's the difference between a \"\"literature review\"\" and a meta-analysis?2 Answers Trevor Brothers, Cognitive Psychology Researcher Answered Feb 24, 2012 · Author has 109 answers and 209.2k answer views A literature review cites the conclusions of previous studies in order to provide a historical overview of a particular field of research. A meta-analysis also contains a summary of previous research, but in addition it compiles data from multiple studies, performs statistical analyses on this aggregate data, and then draws new conclusions from the results of this analysis. In general, if you see new statistics and estimates of effect sizes then you are looking at a meta-analysis.16k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below How does meta-analysis differ from systematic review? What does meta-analysis involve? What is meta analysis in layman's terms? What is meta-analysis and how should I start? What is the most difficult part of doing a meta-analysis in your experience? Ask New Question Robin P Clarke, The world's \"\"leading expert\"\" on \"\"leading expertise\"\"?"
"docid": "D3008735#0",
"title": "http://www.bmj.com/content/315/7121/1533\nMeta-analysis: Principles and procedures",
"text": "Education And Debate Meta-analysis: Principles and procedures BMJ 1997;315 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.315.7121.1533 (Published 06 December 1997)Cite this as: BMJ 1997;315:1533Article Related content Metrics Responses Matthias Egger, reader in social medicine and epidemiology ( [email protected]) a,George Davey Smith, professor of clinical epidemiology a,Andrew N Phillips, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics b This is the second in a series of seven articles examining the procedures in conducting reliable meta-analysis in medical research Author affiliations Correspondence to: Dr Eggerm Introduction Meta-analysis is a statistical procedure that integrates the results of several independent studies considered to be “combinable.” 1 Well conducted meta-analyses allow a more objective appraisal of the evidence than traditional narrative reviews, provide a more precise estimate of a treatment effect, and may explain heterogeneity between the results of individual studies. 2 Ill conducted meta-analyses, on the other hand, may be biased owing to exclusion of relevant studies or inclusion of inadequate studies. 3 Misleading analyses can generally be avoided if a few basic principles are observed. In this article we discuss these principles, along with the practical steps in performing meta-analysis. Observational study of evidence Meta-analysis should be viewed as an observational study of the evidence. The steps involved are similar to any other research undertaking: formulation of the problem to be addressed, collection and analysis of the data, and reporting of the results. Researchers should write in advance a detailed research protocol that clearly states the objectives, the hypotheses to be tested, the subgroups of interest, and the proposed methods and criteria for identifying and selecting relevant studies and extracting and analysing information. As with criteria for including and excluding patients in clinical studies, eligibility criteria have to be defined for the data to be included. Criteria relate to the quality of trials and to the combinability of treatments, patients, outcomes, and lengths of follow up."
"docid": "D577022#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garlic\nGarlic",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Garlic (disambiguation). Garlic Allium sativum, known as garlic, from William Woodville, Medical Botany, 1793. Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Monocots Order: Asparagales Family: Amaryllidaceae Subfamily: Allioideae Genus: Allium Species: A. sativum Binomial name Allium sativum L. [1]Synonyms Synonymy [show]Garlic ( Allium sativum) is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, [2] and Chinese onion. [ 3] Garlic is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide, with a history of several thousand years of human consumption and use. [ 1] [2] It was known to ancient Egyptians, and has been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine. [ 4] [5]Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 Origin and major types2.1 European garlic3 Subspecies and varieties4 Cultivation4.1 Diseases5 Production6 Uses6.1 Culinary uses6.1.1 Regions6.2 Storage6.3 Historical use6.4 Nutrients6.5 Research6.5.1 Cardiovascular6.5.2 Cancer6.5.3 Common cold6.6 Other uses6.7 Adverse effects and toxicology6.8 Spiritual and religious uses7 Properties8 Gallery9 See also10 References11 Bibliography12 External links Description [ edit]Allium sativum is a bulbous plant. It grows up to 1.2 m (4 ft) in height. Its hardiness is USDA Zone 8. It produces hermaphrodite flowers."
"docid": "D260805#0",
"title": "http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/cruciferous-vegetables\nCruciferous Vegetables",
"text": "\"Read our new content, Bone Health In Brief, and our recently updated articles: Fruit and Vegetables, Bone Health In Depth, and Vitamin D. If you value this website, please consider donating to its maintenance. Cruciferous Vegetables Contents Summary Introduction Metabolism and Bioavailability of Glucosinolates Metabolism Bioavailability Disease Prevention Genetic influences Cardiovascular disease Cancer Nutrient Interactions Iodine and thyroid function Intake Recommendations Bioactive compounds Authors and Reviewers References Summary Cruciferous vegetables are unique in that they are rich sources of sulfur-containing compounds known as glucosinolates. ( More information)Chopping or chewing raw cruciferous vegetables results in the formation of bioactive glucosinolate hydrolysis products, such as isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol. These metabolites are also generated by colonicbacteria, following the ingestion of cooked cruciferous vegetables. ( More information)The biological activities of glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol likely contribute to the potential health-promoting effects of cruciferous vegetables. ( More information)Variations in the sequence of genes coding for Phase II detoxification enzymes, glutathione S -transferases (GSTs), may influence the potential health benefits of consuming cruciferous vegetables. ( More information)A few observational studies have examined the link between cruciferous vegetable consumption and cardiovascular health, but the results have been largely inconsistent. ( More information)High intakes of cruciferous vegetables have been associated with lower risk of bladder, breast, colorectal, endometrial, gastric, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and renal cancer. However, evidence of associations remains largely limited to case-control studies. ( More information)The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend for adults to consume 1½-2½ cup-equivalents of dark-green vegetables per week, including cruciferous vegetables, as part of healthy meals. ("
"docid": "D731749#0",
"title": "https://www.meta-analysis.com/pages/why_do.php\nWhy perform a meta-analysis?",
"text": "Why perform a meta-analysis? What is a meta-analysis? Meta-analysis is the statistical procedure for combining data from multiple studies. When the treatment effect (or effect size) is consistent from one study to the next, meta-analysis can be used to identify this common effect. When the effect varies from one study to the next, meta-analysis may be used to identify the reason for the variation. Why perform a meta-analysis? Decisions about the utility of an intervention or the validity of a hypothesis cannot be based on the results of a single study, because results typically vary from one study to the next. Rather, a mechanism is needed to synthesize data across studies. Narrative reviews had been used for this purpose, but the narrative review is largely subjective (different experts can come to different conclusions) and becomes impossibly difficult when there are more than a few studies involved. Meta-analysis, by contrast, applies objective formulas (much as one would apply statistics to data within a single study), and can be used with any number of studies."
"docid": "D2208303#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/14/health/coffee-health/index.html\nHealth effects of coffee: Where do we stand?",
"text": "\"Health effects of coffee: Where do we stand? By Sandee La Motte, CNNUpdated 6:16 PM ET, Wed January 31, 2018Photos: Coffee's health history1800s headline: Coffee will make you go blind – Postum's ads against coffee were especially negative, claiming that coffee was as bad as morphine, cocaine, nicotine or strychnine and could cause blindness. Hide Caption 8 of 15Photos: Coffee's health history1916 headline: Coffee stunts your growth – Medical concerns and negative public beliefs about the benefits of coffee rose in the early 1900s. Good Housekeeping magazine wrote about how coffee stunts growth. Hide Caption 9 of 15Photos: Coffee's health history1927 headline: Coffee will give you bad grades, kids – In a 1927 Science magazine article, 80,000 elementary and junior high kids were asked about their coffee drinking habits. Researchers found the \"\"startling\"\" fact that most of them drank more than a cup of coffee a day, which was compared with scholarship with mostly negative results. Hide Caption 10 of 15Photos: Coffee's health history1970s headline: Coffee is as serious as a heart attack – In 1978, the same year Baseball Hall of Famer Joe Di Maggio began selling Mr. Coffee on TV, a New England Journal of Medicine study found a short-term rise in blood pressure after three cups of coffee. And a 1973 study found that drinking one to five cups of coffee a day increased risk of heart attacks by 60%, while drinking six or more cups a day doubled that risk to 120%. Hide Caption 11 of 15Photos: Coffee's health history2000 era headline: Time for meta-analysis – Now begins the era of the meta-analysis, in which researchers look at hundreds of studies and apply scientific principles to find those which do the best job of randomizing and controlling for compounding factors, such as smoking. The results for coffee: mostly good."
"docid": "D3258843#0",
"title": "https://examine.com/supplements/glucosamine/\nGlucosamine",
"text": "\"Supplements Nutrition Store SIGN UP LOGINSignup Login My Cart History Quick Navigation Summary Things to Know How to Take FAQHuman Effect Matrix Scientific Research Citations Glucosamine Glucosamine is a supplement derived from shellfish that can provide minor pain relief. Glucosamine sulfate slightly delays the progression of knee osteoarthritis. This page features 190 unique references to scientific papers. History Summary Things to Know How to Take FAQ Human Effect Matrix Scientific Research Citations Summary of Glucosamine Primary Information, Benefits, Effects, and Important Facts Glucosamine is a supplement derived from shellfish. Glucosamine is primarily sold as a joint health supplement. Studies show that supplementing glucosamine sulfate will reduce the rate of collagen (joint tissue) degradation and symptoms of osteoarthritis. Though glucosamine is comparable to acetaminophen, the reference drug for osteoarthritis, in potency, it is not as reliable. Studies on athletes supplementing glucosamine are limited, but preliminary evidence suggests doses as high as 3,000mg of glucosamine sulfate may be able to slow joint degradation. This effect is most relevant for athletes participating in high impact sports, like running. Though preliminary evidence suggested glucosamine supplementation could cause insulin resistance, follow up studies conclude that glucosamine supplementation does not affect glucose metabolism."
"docid": "D235195#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_imbalance\nBiology of depression",
"text": "\"Biology of depression From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chemical imbalance)navigation search Scientific studies have found that numerous brain areas show altered activity in patients suffering from depression, and this has encouraged advocates of various theories that seek to identify a biochemical origin of the disease, as opposed to theories that emphasize psychological or situational causes. Several theories concerning the biologically based cause of depression have been suggested over the years, including theories revolving around monoamine neurotransmitters, neuroplasticity, inflammation and the circadian rhythm. Neural circuits implicated in depression include those those involved in the generation and regulation of emotion, as well as in reward. Abnormalities are commonly found in the lateral prefrontal cortex whose putative function is generally considered to involve regulation of emotion. Regions involved in the generation of emotion and reward such as the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex, and striatum and frequently implicated as well. These regions are innervated by a monoaminergic nuclei, and tentative evidence suggests a potential role for abnormal monoaminergic activity. [ 1] [2]Contents [ hide ]1 Genetic factors2 Circadian rhythm3 Monoamines3.1 Monoamine oxidase3.2 Limitations3.3 Receptor binding4 Emotional processing and neural circuits5 Neuroanatomy5.1 Structural Neuroimaging5.2 Functional neuroimaging5.3 Brain regions5.3.1 Subgenual cingulate5.3.2 Prefrontal cortex5.3.3 Amygdala5.3.4 Hippocampus6 Animal Models6.1 Neurocircuits7 Altered neuroplasticity8 Inflammation and oxidative stress9 Large-scale brain network theory9.1 Central executive network9.2 Default mode network9.3 Salience network10 See also11 References12 Further reading Genetic factors [ edit]Genetic factors involved in depression have been difficult to identify. Historically, candidate gene studies have been a major focus of study. However, as the number of genes reduces the likelihood of choosing a correct candidate gene, Type I errors (false positives) are highly likely. Candidate genes studies frequently possess a number of flaws, including frequent genotyping errors and being statistically underpowered."
"docid": "D689602#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_E\nVitamin E",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Vitamin EDrug class The α-tocopherol form of vitamin EClass identifiers Use Vitamin E deficiency, antioxidant ATC code A11HBiological target Reactive oxygen species Clinical data Drugs.com Med Facts Natural Products External links Me SH D014810In Wikidata Vitamin E refers to a group of compounds that include both tocopherols and tocotrienols. [ 1] [2] Of the many different forms of vitamin E, γ-tocopherol is the most common form found in the North American diet. [ 3] γ-Tocopherol can be found in corn oil, soybean oil, margarine, and dressings. [ 3] [4]α-tocopherol, the most biologically active form of vitamin E, is the second-most common form of vitamin E in the diet. This variant can be found most abundantly in wheat germ oil, sunflower, and safflower oils. [ 3] [5] As a fat-soluble antioxidant, it interrupts the propagation of reactive oxygen species that spread through biological membranes or through a fat when its lipid content undergoes oxidation by reacting with more-reactive lipid radicals to form more stable products. [ 1] [3] [6] U. S. and European Union recommendations are to consume, respectively, 15 mg/day or 11 mg/day (female) and 13 mg/day (male). [ 7] [8]Vitamin E was discovered in 1922, isolated in 1935 and first synthesized in 1938. Because the vitamin activity was first identified as essential for fertilized eggs to result in live births (in rats) it was given the name \"\"tocopherol\"\" from Greek words meaning birth and to bear or carry. [ 9] [10] [11] [12] Vitamin E is sold as a dietary supplement, either by itself or incorporated into a multi-vitamin product."
"docid": "D1748126#0",
"title": "https://nccih.nih.gov/health/diabetes/supplements\nDiabetes and Dietary Supplements: In Depth",
"text": "Diabetes and Dietary Supplements: In Depth Share: On This Page What’s the Bottom Line? About Diabetes What the Science Says About the Effectiveness and Safety of Dietary Supplements for Diabetes Healthy Behaviors: Key to Managing Your Diabetes NCCIH-Funded Research More to Consider For More Information Key References Acknowledgments© Thinkstock What’s the Bottom Line? How much do we know about dietary supplements for diabetes? Many studies have investigated dietary supplements, including vitamins, for preventing or treating type 2 diabetes (the focus of this fact sheet). What do we know about the effectiveness of dietary supplements for diabetes? Most of the supplements studied aren’t effective and some may worsen symptoms of diabetes. For example, using omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil, or cinnamon doesn’t appear to help with diabetes. A number of small studies have looked at whether magnesium or chromium supplements help with diabetes, but the results aren’t definitive. What do we know about the safety of dietary supplements for diabetes? Some dietary supplements have side effects, including interacting with diabetes treatments or increasing the risk of kidney problems."
"docid": "D370244#0",
"title": "http://www.bmj.com/content/335/7613/244\nDressings for venous leg ulcers: systematic review and meta-analysis",
"text": "Research Dressings for venous leg ulcers: systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ 2007;335 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.39248.634977. AE (Published 02 August 2007)Cite this as: BMJ 2007;335:244Article Related content Metrics Responses Peer review This article has a correction. Please see: Dressings for venous leg ulcers: systematic review and meta-analysis - August 30, 2007Simon Palfreyman, research nurse/Smith and Nephew Foundation doctoral student 1,E Andrea Nelson, reader 2, Jonathan A Michaels, professor of vascular surgery 11Sheffield Vascular Institute, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield S5 7AU2School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9UTCorrespondence to: S J Palfreyman simon.palfreyman {at}sth.nhs.uk Accepted 11 June 2007Abstract Objective To review the evidence of effectiveness of dressings applied to venous leg ulcers. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources Hand searches of journals and searches of electronic databases, conference proceedings, and bibliographies up to April 2006; contacts with dressing manufacturers for unpublished studies. Studies reviewed All randomised controlled trials that evaluated dressings applied to venous leg ulcers were eligible for inclusion. Data from eligible studies were extracted and summarised independently by two reviewers using a data extraction sheet. Methodological quality was assessed independently by two reviewers. Results The search strategy identified 254 studies; 42 of these fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Hydrocolloids were no more effective than simple low adherent dressings used beneath compression (eight trials; relative risk for healing with hydrocolloid 1.02, 95% confidence interval 0.83 to 1.28)."
"docid": "D2056980#0",
"title": "http://www.rtinetwork.org/learn/research/response-to-intervention-research-is-the-sum-of-the-parts-as-great-as-the-whole\nResponse-to-Intervention Research: Is the Sum of the Parts as Great as the Whole?",
"text": "\"Response-to-Intervention Research: Is the Sum of the Parts as Great as the Whole?by Matthew K. Burns, Ph. D., University of Minnesota Share Print Email Additional Articles Response to Intervention: A Research Review Universal Screening Within a Response-to-Intervention Model Progress Monitoring Within a Response-to-Intervention Model Selecting a Scientifically Based Core Curriculum for Tier 1Making Decisions About Adequate Progress in Tier 2Additional Resources Center on Instruction Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood IDEA Partnership's Collaborative Work on Response to Intervention National Center on Response to Intervention How often do special education teachers hear that an intervention is \"\"research based?\"\" The answer is, just about every time a publisher tries to the sell them intervention materials. Fortunately, teachers have become more adept at recognizing the ones that are supported by research. This is an important shift because education has such a long history of fads that Ellis (2005) concluded that in education, \"\"today's flagship is often tomorrow's abandoned shipwreck\"\" (p. 200). The best way to avoid fads in educational practice is research. Too often in K-12 schools, interventions without a solid research base are widely implemented and interventions supported by compelling research are not. Thus, teachers are recognizing that when evaluating a potential intervention or educational practice, the first question should be \"\"Is it a scientific, research-based intervention?\"\" Currently, What Works Clearinghouse's (WWC) cites studies with participants randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions as providing the strongest evidence. That does not mean that practitioners cannot benefit from reading other types of studies; it simply indicates that the research about a particular intervention should include studies that represent strong evidence through use of randomized designs."
"docid": "D500695#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/npp/probiotics.html\nProbiotics",
"text": "Probiotics Overview Side Effects Professional Reviews Q & AMore Scientific Name (s): Lactobacillus spp., ( eg, L. acidophilus , L. casei , L. rhamnosus , L. bulgaricus , L. plantarum , L. helveticus ), Bifidobacterium spp. ( eg, B. bifidum , B. longum , B. breve , B. infantis ), Sacchromyces boulardii , Streptococcus salvarius , Enterococcus faecium Common Name (s): Probiotics , yogurt , sour milk , VSL-3 , Indian yogurt , various commercial preparations Uses Sufficient clinical trials have been conducted to enable meta-analyses to be conducted for several clinical conditions. Evidence exists to support the use of probiotics in bacterial vaginosis, diarrhea (acute infectious, antibiotic-associated, and persistent), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates, and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Meta-analyses have shown no effect of probiotics in Crohn disease, eczema, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, or in patients in intensive care. Slideshow Are You IBD Aware? Crohn's and Colitis, Explained Dosing Daily intake of oral probiotic preparations is usual practice, although some trials have used twice-weekly dosing. Preparation strength is commonly measured as colony-forming units per capsule. Contraindications The use of probiotics is not advised in patients at risk of opportunistic infections and in those with badly damaged GI tracts. Pregnancy/Lactation Information regarding safety and efficacy of specific preparations in pregnancy and lactation is lacking."
"docid": "D1036744#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/definition-of-meta-analysis-425254\nMeta-Analysis in Scientific Studies",
"text": "\"Basics Meta-Analysis in Scientific Studies A Meta-Analysis Looks at Multiple Qualifying Studies By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, P | Reviewed by Steven Gans, MDUpdated March 12, 2018Share Pin Email Print Maskot/Getty Images A meta-analysis is basically a study about studies. It is used to get an integrated result. In other words, a researcher reviews previously published studies on a topic, then analyzes the various results to find general trends across the studies. It can be used in psychology, general medical practice, or detailed studies of particular diseases, conditions, and treatments. Why Is Meta-Analysis Important? With new studies from around the world constantly being published, the amount of medical research available is overwhelming. This is true even for the most experienced practitioner. A meta-analysis is helpful because it's a review designed to summarize information. It follows a few general principles in that a meta-analysis:is done systematicallyfollows certain criteriacontains a pool of resultsis based on a quantitative analysis The review provides important conclusions and trends that influence future research, policy-makers' decisions, and how patients receive care. The Main Objectives of Meta-Analysis As you now know, a meta-analysis is a summary of integrated results analyzed for their differences."
"docid": "D2720837#0",
"title": "http://www.sfuedreview.org/undermining-intrinsic-motivation/\nSimon Fraser Ed Review Journal",
"text": "BIANCA LAVORATAThis paper will examine the possible effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation in Preschool to College students and argue that extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. The Overjustification hypothesis by self-perception theory, as well as the cognitive evaluation theory (CET) will be discussed, including some of the benefits of self-motivation for learning. Various studies will be explored to show that extrinsic rewards reduce intrinsic motivation. Results suggest that students that are offered an extrinsic goal subsequently show less intrinsic interest and demonstrate poorer conceptual learning and performance in the long term. Alternately, students that are regulated by intrinsic motivations experience positive consequences at school. This paper will conclude on the note that intrinsic motivation plays a pivotal role in learning, and that teachers and other social agents can help promote intrinsic goals to motivate conceptual learning and performance, even when students hold a stronger extrinsic goal orientation. Finally, various factors that can enhance and develop intrinsic motivation will be discussed, and suggestions will be provided for further research on this topic. There is a great deal of research that investigates the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation; in fact, existing literature indicates that reinforcement can undermine intrinsic motivation, lowering intrinsic interest in students (Deci, Koestner, Ryan, 2001). What exactly is meant by reinforcement for student learning? There are three main types of reinforcers: activity reinforcers, such as allowing a student to participate in a pleasant activity; social reinforcers, such as praise and smiling; and tangible reinforcers, such as students being awarded with stickers or gold stars, in return for obedience or for meeting an established standard (Duncan, Kemple, Smith, 2000)."
"docid": "D1300836#0",
"title": "https://www.slideshare.net/tulasiraman/meta-analysis-an-overview\nMeta Analysis â An Overview",
"text": "Meta Analysis – An Overview18,983 views Share Like... Tulasi Raman, senior pharmacovigilance physician Follow Published on Feb 26, 2013Published in: Health & Medicine30 Comments137 Likes Statistics Notes Post Lewis Latendressevery good presentation, please share if possible to [email protected] months ago Chirayu Parwal , DNB Residentnice work, please share to [email protected] months ago Arief Yunan , Manager at Chevron Very good presentation on this topic!! Appreciate if you could share: [email protected] months ago Ken Nguyen , Chief, Shigella Vaccine Immunology, WRAIRGreat presentation! Please share: [email protected] months ago Ray Ryneer , Studies: Community Counseling and Educational Psychology. at New Mexico State University Please share @ : [email protected] months ago Show More Meta Analysis – An Overview1. META ANALYSIS - AN OVERVIEW Tulasi Raman P2. DEFINITION Meta-analysis is a quantitative approach for systematically combining results of previous research to arrive at conclusions about the body of research. Quantitative: numbers Systematic: methodical Combining: putting together Previous research: whats already done Conclusions: new knowledge A study collects data from individual subjects (such as 100 subjects = 100 “data points”) A meta-analysis collects data from individual studies (such as 100 studies = 100 “data points”)3. HISTORY Karl Pearson is probably the first medical researcher to use formal techniques to combine data from different studies (1904): He synthesized data from several studies on efficacy of typhoid vaccination His rationale for pooling data: “Many of the groups… are far too small to allow of any definite opinion being formed at all, having regard to the size of the probable error involved. ”4. THE TERM META-ANALYSIS 1952: Hans J. Eysenck concluded that there were no favorable effects of psychotherapy, starting a raging debate which 25 years of evaluation research and hundreds of studies failed to resolve 1978: To proved Eysenck wrong, Gene V. Glass statistically aggregated the findings of 375 psychotherapy outcome studies Glass called the method “meta-analysis”5."
"docid": "D1886571#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive-compulsive_disorder\nObsessiveâcompulsive disorder",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Obsessive-compulsive disorder)navigation search\"\"OCD\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see OCD (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder. Obsessive–compulsive disorder Frequent, excessive hand washing occurs in some people with OCDSpecialty Psychiatry Symptoms Feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly [1]Complications Tics, anxiety disorder, suicide [2] [3]Usual onset Before 35 years [1] [2]Causes Unknown [1]Risk factors Child abuse, stress [2]Diagnostic method Based on the symptoms [2]Similar conditions Anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, eating disorders, obsessive–compulsive personality disorder [2]Treatment Counseling, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants [4] [5]Frequency 2.3% [6] [ edit on Wikidata]Obsessive–compulsive disorder ( OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called \"\"rituals\"\"), or have certain thoughts repeatedly (called \"\"obsessions\"\"). [ 1] People are unable to control either the thoughts or the activities for more than a short period of time. [ 1] Common activities include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked. [ 1] Some may have difficulty throwing things out. [ 1] These activities occur to such a degree that the person's daily life is negatively affected. [ 1] This often takes up more than an hour a day. [ 2] Most adults realize that the behaviors do not make sense. ["
"docid": "D3465458#0",
"title": "http://www.pub4sure.com/meta-analysis/how-to-write-a-meta-analysis/\nHOW TO WRITE A META ANALYSIS",
"text": "HOW TO WRITE A META ANALYSISAnurag Tewari Blog, Meta Analysis Facebook Google Plus Linked In Twitter Pinterest Email Google Digg Reddit Vkontakte Tumblr Delicious More... Social Share by76To analyze what has already been analyzed is Meta Analysis Meta-analysis is a valuable process to condense data incorporating many studies but necessitates meticulous consideration, organization, and execution. Meta-analysis involves investing substantial time and energy in development and accomplishment. Thereby, it should not be considered as a nippy way to collect and analyze studies with a sole aim of making a quick publication. Hasselblad wrote an excellent article, with lots of examples and formulae that would be of great value for any researcher who wishes to initiate a meta-analysis 1. After the process of accomplishing systematic review has been completed in any study, the process of conducting meta-analysis can take place subsequently. To put in simple words, meta-analysis is the process coalescing the data collected on the basis of systematic reviews. Combining this data together helps in drawing useful conclusions in any study. However, not all systematic reviews necessarily lead to a good meta-analysis. There are some crucial points that govern the efficient conduction of a meta-analysis that is up to the mark. Being one of the most important statistical approaches, meta-analysis has a direct impact on the outcomes of any research."
"docid": "D2818101#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/the-environmental-footprint-of-organic-vs-conventional-food/2012/09/14/40b16582-fb65-11e1-b2af-1f7d12fe907a_story.html\nThe environmental footprint of organic vs. conventional food",
"text": "A tomato from organic/local CSA, Arganica Farm Club, in DC. Organic food is no better than regular food, a study finds. What about the environmental impact of each? ( Wendy Galietta/WASHINGTON POST)By Brian Palmer September 17, 2012For most people willing to pay a premium for organic food, the reason is some nebulous combination of health, environment and flavor. If pressed, however, few could point to evidence that organic food is better than conventionally grown products on any of those counts. This month, a new piece of evidence emerged on this issue, and the news was bad for organic agriculture. A report out of Stanford University found no consistent differences in nutritional content between organic and conventionally grown crops. So how about the other reasons for buying organic? Let’s start by looking at the environmental differences between conventional and organic farming. Comparing the environmental impacts of two products involves many considerations: chemical runoff into our water supply, soil health and greenhouse gas emissions, to name just a few."
"docid": "D3051151#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673607610502\nArticlesIncidence of cancers in people with HIV/AIDS compared with immunosuppressed transplant recipients: a meta-analysis",
"text": "Volume 370, Issue 9581, 7–13 July 2007, Pages 59-67Articles Incidence of cancers in people with HIV/AIDS compared with immunosuppressed transplant recipients: a meta-analysis Prof Andrew E Grulich Ph D a Marina T van Leeuwen MPH a Michael OFalster BPsych [Hons] a Claire M Vajdic Ph D a Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736 (07)61050-2 Get rights and content Summary Background Only a few types of cancer are recognised as being directly related to immune deficiency in people with HIV/AIDS. Large population-based studies in transplant recipients have shown that a wider range of cancers could be associated with immune deficiency. Our aim was to compare cancer incidence in population-based cohort studies of people with HIV/AIDS and people immunosuppressed after solid organ transplantation. Methods Two investigators independently identified eligible studies through searches of Pub Med and reference lists. Random-effects meta-analyses of log standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated by type of cancer for both immune deficient populations. Findings Seven studies of people with HIV/AIDS (n=444 172) and five of transplant recipients (n=31 977) were included. For 20 of the 28 types of cancer examined, there was a significantly increased incidence in both populations. Most of these were cancers with a known infectious cause, including all three types of AIDS-defining cancer, all HPV-related cancers, as well as Hodgkin's lymphoma (HIV/AIDS meta-analysis SIR 11·03, 95% CI 8·43–14·4; transplant 3·89, 2·42–6·26), liver cancer (HIV/AIDS 5·22, 3·32–8·20; transplant 2·13, 1·16–3·91), and stomach cancer (HIV/AIDS 1·90, 1·53–2·36; transplant 2·04, 1·49–2·79). Most common epithelial cancers did not occur at increased rates. Interpretation The similarity of the pattern of increased risk of cancer in the two populations suggests that it is immune deficiency, rather than other risk factors for cancer, that is responsible for the increased risk."
] |
1809 | a muscle cell is an example of what type of cell | [
"docid": "D19397#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle\nMuscle",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Muscle (disambiguation). Muscle A top-down view of skeletal muscle Details Precursor Mesoderm System Musculoskeletal system Identifiers Latin musculus Me SH D009132TA A04.0.00.000FMA 32558Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Muscle is a soft tissue found in most animals. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Muscles function to produce force and motion. They are primarily responsible for maintaining and changing posture, locomotion, as well as movement of internal organs, such as the contraction of the heart and the movement of food through the digestive system via peristalsis. Muscle tissues are derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells in a process known as myogenesis. There are three types of muscle, skeletal or striated, cardiac, and smooth. Muscle action can be classified as being either voluntary or involuntary. Cardiac and smooth muscles contract without conscious thought and are termed involuntary, whereas the skeletal muscles contract upon command. [ 1] Skeletal muscles in turn can be divided into fast and slow twitch fibers."
] | [
"docid": "D2381037#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/44363951/connective-tissue-flash-cards/\nConnective Tissue",
"text": "205 terms miranda_bailey3Connective Tissue Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort The three basic types of fibers that found in connective are collagen, reticular, and elastic The dominant fiber type in dense connective tissue is collagen The framework of organs such as the spleen and liver is made up of _________ tissue reticular tissue What type of connective tissue is found only in the umbilical cord? mucous connective tissue The type of tissue that consists of living cells embedded in a non-living extracellular matrix is Connective Connective tissue the most extensively distributed body tissue consists of cells and the extracellular matrix those cells secrete Examples of connective tissue Cartilage Adipose Bone Blood areolar, and reticular tissue tendons The matrix of a connective tissue consists of _____. Ground substance and fibersextracellular matrix, which surrounds connective tissue cells, consists of a variety of different protein fibers and a ground substance. The type of fibers and components of the ground substance varies depending on the tissue type. Generally, the ground substance consists of polysaccharides and proteins, which are secreted by the connective tissue cells. The ground substance can range from liquid (blood and lymph) to semi-solid (cartilage) to solid (bone). The three types of protein fibers found in connective tissue are collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers Which of the following are NOT functions of connective tissue? Performs absorption and secretion Adipose tissue functions to store triglycerides, protect internal organs, and insulate against heat loss Tendons, which are formed by dense regular connective tissue, attach muscles to bone.elastic cartilage in the ear has what function maintains shape while affording flexibility Dense irregular connective tissue forms a fibrous capsule found around organs and in the jointsblood functions to transport gases, wastes, and nutrients as well as to provide immunity Mesenchymal cells are most commonly found in what type of connective tissue. embryonic What is the embryonic connective tissue that differentiates into all types of connective tissue? Mesenchyme Mesenchyme undifferentiated embryonic tissue that can give rise to all types of connective tissuesfibroblast immature cell found in loose and dense connective tissues that can still divide and secrete matrixendoderm one of the three primary embryonic germ layers."
"docid": "D1179014#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/20316520/ap-chapter-5-flash-cards/\nA&P Chapter 5",
"text": "\"127 terms acwynn A&P Chapter 5Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What are tissues a group of similar cells and cell products that arise from the same region of embryo and work together to perform specific structural or physiological role in an organ If all somatic body cells have the same DNA, how can they be specialized for form and function Differentiation, tissues of embryo develop into more diverse and specialized types of mature tissue. These cells arrange themselves into 3 distinct germ layers that give rise to specific groups of organs What is histology the study of tissues and how they are arranged into organs What are the 4 major tissue types epithelial connective muscular nervous Where are epithelial found? epidermis, inner lining of digestive tract, and liver and other glands (covers body surface, and lines body cavities and organs, constitutes most glands)What is the function of epithelial in general? protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration, sensation What is the Apical surface and how is it specialized for different functions? upper surface, usually exposed to the environment or an internal space in the body What is the basement membrane, and what is its function? layer between an epithelium and underlying connective tissue -serves to anchor an epithelium to the connective tissue below it -regulates the exchange of materials between the epithelium and the underlying tissues -binds growth factors from below that regulate epithelial development Do epithelial have blood vessels? epithelial layers are avascular, there is no room in between cells for blood vessels How do epithelial get nutrients? receive nourishment via diffusion of substances from the underlying connective tissue, through the basement membrane How many layers of cells do simple epithelial have? 1; every cell touches the basement membrane How many layers does stratified epithelial have? 2-20 or more layers; only the deepest layer attached to the basement membrane How are epithelial labeled?"
"docid": "D2258348#0",
"title": "http://prijom.com/posts/how-do-organelles-found-within-the-tissue-types-cardiac-and-skeletal-help-them-with-its-function.php\n.",
"text": "How Do Organelles Found Within The Tissue Types Cardiac And Skeletal Help Them With Its Function What Is the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum? : Its function is to store calcium ions and then release them into the body, where This organelle is a specialized type of endoplasmic reticulum that is found primarily in cardiac muscle tissue as well as the striated may be treatment options that can help the patient l Chapter 10 Muscular Tissue flashcards : Three functions of ATP in muscle contraction are the following: (1) Its Which type of smooth muscle is more like cardiac muscle than skeletal muscle . The contractile organelles of a skeletal muscle fiber are threadlike structures called AP flashcards : In which of the following tissue types might you expect to find goblet cells? Which of the following terms describe cardiac muscle? Intercalated Discs Striated of living oragnisms, containing a nucleus and a variety of organelles enclosed Different forms different functions : Mammalian calcium pumps are mainly located in either the plasma PMCA isoforms can also have tissuespecific roles, such as the regulation of the rate of the four PMCA isoforms, each differing in its affinity for calcium and calmodulin, BTEC Level 3 National Applied Science Student : 2 be able to relate the structure of the circulatory system to its function in a where you can find activities in this book to help you. a leaflet, e.g. to illustrate different tissue types and their features. distinct from each other ( Cardiac muscle cell : Myocardiocytes show striations similar to those on skeletal muscle cells, but unlike Myocardiocytes have a high mitochondrial density, which allows them to There are two types of cells withi What Organelle Must Be Present in Large Numbers in Muscle Cells : Muscle cells have special characteristics that make them more effective in their What Is the Lowest Number of Cells a Living Organism Can Have? The three general types of muscle tissue smooth, cardiac and skeletal all contain The Actin Myosin and Cell Movement The Cell : In both skeletal and cardiac muscle, the contractile elements of the The actin filaments are attached at their plus ends to the Z disc, which The type of myosin present in muscle (myosin II) is a very large protein (about . in organelle Muscle Tissue : Muscle fibres are typically arranged in parallel arrays, allowing them to work Three types of muscle tissue can be identified histologically: skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle is the type of muscle found in the heart, and at the base of the . MUSCLES AND MUSCLE TISSUE : There are three types of muscle tissues : skeletal, cardiac and smooth found only in the heart and responsible for contraction of cardiac tissue and They contain mitochondria (lots of them), Golgi apparatus, ER, SER and other organelles. ."
"docid": "D639619#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/61166476/a-p-lab-ex-06a\nNAME LAB TIME/DATE",
"text": "\"NAME LAB TIME/DATE_Classification of Tissues Tissue Structure and Function - General Review 1. Define tissue. A group of cells similar to one another in structure that perform a common or related function.2. Use the key choices to identify the major tissue types described below. Key: a. connective tissue b. epithelium c. muscle d. nervous tissueb; epithelium c; muscle d; nervous c; muscle a; connective b; epithelium d; nervous c; muscle1. lines body cavities and covers the body's external surface 2. pumps blood, flushes urine out of the body, allows one to swing a bat 3. transmits electrochemical impulses 4. anchors, packages, and supports body organs5. cells may absorb, secrete, and filter 6."
"docid": "D1168607#0",
"title": "http://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/nervous-system.html\nThe Nervous System",
"text": "The Nervous System57 Incredibly Easy Q&As to Study the Nervous System The Integrative Function of the Nervous System1. What physiological systems are known as integrative systems? What is the reason for this designation? Both nervous system and the endocrine system are considered integrative systems. This designation stems from the fact that both systems control and regulate biological functions and act at distance, receiving information from organs and tissues and sending effector commands (nervous impulses or hormones) to organs and tissues, thus integrating the body. Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. Which structures make up the nervous system? The structures that form the nervous system can be divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The organs of the CNS are the brain (cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum) and spinal cord. The PNS is made of nerves and neural ganglia."
"docid": "D1819071#0",
"title": "https://draxe.com/hyperplasia/\nHyperplasia: Separating Fact from Fiction & How to Treat It",
"text": "Conditions Conditions Hyperplasia: Separating Fact from Fiction & How to Treat It Hyperplasia: Separating Fact from Fiction & How to Treat It160 1 204There is a lot of information out there about hyperplasia — some accurate and some not so accurate. It sure sounds like a scary term, but does that mean it actually is in all cases? Well, it certainly can be. Hyperplasia, also sometimes called hypergenesis, is a condition characterized by an abnormal overgrowth of cells, which can occur in various parts of the body— including the prostate, breasts and uterus. Because it’s the result of an increased rate of cell reproduction, it’s sometimes the initial stage in the development of cancer (although not always) and can also cause enlargement of certain organs. However, not every type is cancerous or even harmful. In fact, certain forms are completely normal and even beneficial in some ways (these types are considered physiologic). ( 1) For example, hyperplasia of the liver allows us to heal from even extensive liver damage. Studies show that up to 75 percent of someone’s liver can be scarred, but that person can still fully recover due to the effects of hyperplasia. ( 2) And when someone gets sick, his or her tonsils might undergo hyperplasia in order to boost production of cells that fight the threatening virus or bacteria."
"docid": "D669688#0",
"title": "http://medcell.med.yale.edu/histology/muscle_lab.php\nHistology@ Yale",
"text": "Muscle Lab Learning Objectives Identify the histological landmarks of skeletal muscle Contrast the structure and function of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue. Identify morphological differences in smooth muscle across tissues. Explain the structure and function of the intercalated disc Identify the functional components of a neuromuscular junction. Identify some key pathological examples relevant to muscle histology. Keywords This is an experimental portion of the website. Each keyword starts a script that searches for the keyword on DBpedia which is the structured data version of Wikipedia. The search returns a description to the keyword and an associated image if available. If the search does not return a results, a link to a Google search is presented.skeletal muscle muscle fiberfasicle endomysiumperimysium epimysiumsarcolemma sarcoplasmic reticulummotor unit neuromuscular junctionacetylcholine myofibrils I-band A-band Z-line H-band M-line myofilamentthick filament thin filamentsarcomere T-tubuleterminal cisternae slow-twitch muscle fibermyoglobin red fiberfast-twitch muscle fiber white fibersmooth muscle involuntary muscleadhesion density focal densitycardiac muscle intercalated discfunctional syncytium fascia adherensdesmosomes gap junction Purkinje fiber Pre-Lab Reading Introduction Muscles are multicellular contractile units. They are divided into three types:skeletal musclesmooth musclecardiac muscle As you read about each type of muscle, think about the similarities and differences between them in terms of structure and function. Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle is mainly responsible for the movement of the skeleton, but is also found in organs such as the globe of the eye and the tongue."
"docid": "D3528679#0",
"title": "https://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/chapter/12-1-basic-structure-and-function-of-the-nervous-system/\n80 12.1 Basic Structure and Function of the Nervous System",
"text": "Chapter 12. The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue80 12.1 Basic Structure and Function of the Nervous System Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify the anatomical and functional divisions of the nervous system Relate the functional and structural differences between gray matter and white matter structures of the nervous system to the structure of neurons List the basic functions of the nervous system The picture you have in your mind of the nervous system probably includes the brain, the nervous tissue contained within the cranium, and the spinal cord, the extension of nervous tissue within the vertebral column. That suggests it is made of two organs—and you may not even think of the spinal cord as an organ—but the nervous system is a very complex structure. Within the brain, many different and separate regions are responsible for many different and separate functions. It is as if the nervous system is composed of many organs that all look similar and can only be differentiated using tools such as the microscope or electrophysiology. In comparison, it is easy to see that the stomach is different than the esophagus or the liver, so you can imagine the digestive system as a collection of specific organs. The Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems The nervous system can be divided into two major regions: the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system (CNS) is the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is everything else ( Figure 1 ). The brain is contained within the cranial cavity of the skull, and the spinal cord is contained within the vertebral cavity of the vertebral column. It is a bit of an oversimplification to say that the CNS is what is inside these two cavities and the peripheral nervous system is outside of them, but that is one way to start to think about it."
"docid": "D1667396#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/hyperkalemia/article_em.htm\nHyperkalemia (High Blood Potassium)",
"text": "\"What is Hyperkalemia? What Causes Hyperkalemia? What Are the Symptoms Hyperkalemia? When to Seek Medical Care for Hyperkalemia? How Is Hyperkalemia Diagnosed? What Is the Treatmentfor Hyperkalemia? Are There Home Remedies for Hyperkalemia? What Is the Medical Treatment for Hyperkalemia? What Are the Medications for Hyperkalemia? What Is the Follow-up for Hyperkalemia?"
"docid": "D773145#0",
"title": "http://www.iupui.edu/~anatd502/Labs.f04/muscle%20lab/Muscle%20Tissue%20Lab.html\n.",
"text": "\"Muscle tissue is used by the body to move it about (skeletal) or move things within the body about (some skeletal but mostly smooth and cardiac) using the actin/myosin motor system. Muscles in general can only actively shorten: they do not actively re-lengthen themselves. As such, something has to re-extend them. Skeletal muscles move you about by their attachment to the skeleton (primarily but not exclusively) and they are usually designed with a prime mover and an antagonist. The prime mover does the primary movement while shortening of the antagonist re-lengthens the prime mover. Some skeletal muscles have no antagonist and re-lengthening occurs via having the fibers at 90 degree angles to each other (the tongue), by gravity (the soft palate) or other means. Cardiac muscle moves blood in the body through its rhythmic pumping activity and it is re-extended by, essentially, diastolic blood pressure. Smooth muscle lines the hollow organs of the body (blood vessels, digestive, reproductive, respiratory and urinary tracts) and re-extension involves filling of the lumen and/or pressurizing the lumen. Smooth muscle is involved in regulating blood pressure when found in blood vessels, involved in moving the digestive contents in the digestive tract, andinvolved in moving products of the reproductive tract, involved in regulating air flow within the respiratory system, and involved in regulating urine flow in the urinary tract. Muscle can be described as striated or smooth."
"docid": "D3312614#0",
"title": "https://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/nervous-system.html\nThe Nervous System",
"text": "The Nervous System57 Incredibly Easy Q&As to Study the Nervous System The Integrative Function of the Nervous System1. What physiological systems are known as integrative systems? What is the reason for this designation? Both nervous system and the endocrine system are considered integrative systems. This designation stems from the fact that both systems control and regulate biological functions and act at distance, receiving information from organs and tissues and sending effector commands (nervous impulses or hormones) to organs and tissues, thus integrating the body. Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. Which structures make up the nervous system? The structures that form the nervous system can be divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The organs of the CNS are the brain (cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum) and spinal cord. The PNS is made of nerves and neural ganglia."
"docid": "D3258073#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-tissues-types-lesson-quiz.html\nWhat Are Tissues? - Types & Explanation",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 201K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Animal Tissues: Types, Structure & Function Permanent Tissues in Plants: Structure & Function What is Human Body Tissue? - Definition, Types & Examples Types of Connective Tissue Lesson Transcript Instructor: Laura Enzor Laura has a Master's degree in Biology and is working on her Ph D in Biology. She specializes in teaching Human Physiology at USC. Learn about the different tissues that are found in humans and plants. This lesson summarizes the four tissue types in humans and the three tissue systems of plants. Examination of Tissues A tissue is one of the building blocks of an organism--either animal or plant. An organism is comprised of tissues, which are made up of individual cells. These cells share a similar structure (how they're built) and function (what they do). The study of tissues is a field known as histology. You may be asking why tissues are important. . ."
"docid": "D3329251#0",
"title": "http://www.tuscany-diet.net/2016/12/18/cori-cycle/\nCori cycle: definition, function, biochemistry, involved tissues",
"text": "Carbohydrates Cori cycle: definition, function, biochemistry, involved tissues18 December 2016 Dr. Nicola Tazzini Leave a comment Cori cycle: contents in brief What is the Cori cycle? Where does the Cori cycle occur? The steps of the Cori cycle Lactate dehydrogenase Other metabolic fates of lactate Energy cost of the Cori cycle Is the Cori cycle a futile cycle? The Cori cycle and glucose-alanine cycle References What is the Cori cycle? The Cori cycle, or glucose-lactate cycle, was discovered by Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Theresa Radnitz, a husband-and-wife team, in the ‘30s and ‘40s of the last century . They demonstrated the existence of a metabolic cooperation between the skeletal muscle working under low oxygen conditions and the liver. This cycle can be summarized as follows:the conversion of glucose to lactic acid, or lactate, by anaerobic glycolysis in skeletal muscle cells;the diffusion of lactate from muscle cells into the bloodstream, by which it is transported to the liver;the conversion of lactate to glucose by hepatic gluconeogenesis;the diffusion of glucose from the hepatocytes into the bloodstream, by which it is transported back to the skeletal muscle cells, thereby closing the cycle. Summarizing, we have: part of the lactate produced in skeletal muscle is converted to glucose in the liver, and transported back to skeletal muscle, thus closing the cycle. Glucose → Lactate →Glucose The importance of this cycle is demonstrated by the fact that it may account for about 40% of plasma glucose turnover. ⇑ Back to the top ⇑Where does the Cori cycle occur?"
"docid": "D3360597#0",
"title": "https://theartofmed.wordpress.com/2015/05/23/cellular-adaptation-to-stress/\nCellular Adaption To Stress",
"text": "\"Cellular Adaption To Stress Cellular adaptation refer to (usually) reversible changes in size, number, phenotype or appearance, metabolic activity or functions of cells in response to adverse environmental conditions or internal bodily stresses. Basically, just as we react to something in our environment, cells don’t just sit there and take their punishment – they change to try to conquer the problem. There are 4 important ways in which they do this: Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Atrophy Metaplasia Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia Hypertrophy is a cellular response that involves the increased size of cells, that results in an increase in size of the affected organ. Note that there is no increase in the number of cells, rather JUST the size. This type of cellular adaptation to stress occurs in a number of different cells, and is usually coupled with another type of cellular adaptation, hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is a cellular response that involves the increase in number of cells in response to a stimulus. Both hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur as compensatory mechanisms to an increased workload on the organ or cell. To remember which is which, think of the prefix and suffix that make up the word. The suffix “plasia” means “development” and thus hyperplasia means “increased development,” corresponding to an increase in the number of cells. Similarly, “-trophy” means “sustenance, nutrition” and thus, hypertrophy refers, in fact to the very mechanism of hypertrophy, an increase in factors that sustain and allow growth of the cells, which will be explained later."
"docid": "D953427#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/34679150/ch-6-the-muscular-system-flash-cards/\nCh. 6: The Muscular System",
"text": "\"95 terms bkamenicky Ch. 6: The Muscular System Chapter Overview Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort CH 6: THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM CH 6: THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM Describe similarities and differences in the structure and function of the three types of muscle tissue, and indicate where they are found in the body Define muscular system Define and explain the role of the following: endomysium, perimysium, epimysium, tendon, and aponeurosis What is the function of the Muscular System? The muscular system provides for movement of the body and its parts, maintains posture, generates heat, and stabilizes joints. Name the three types of muscle tissue Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth What are muscle fibers? The types of muscle (i.e. skeletal and smooth muscle) cells that are elongated What are some characteristics of muscles? 1. Muscle cells are elongated 2. Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of microfilaments 3."
"docid": "D3302036#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/16292237/smooth-muscle-physiology-flash-cards/\nSmooth Muscle Physiology",
"text": "54 terms rush_cmartyn Smooth Muscle Physiology Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Smooth muscle is found in the walls of the hollow internal organs, including all blood vessels except the capillaries, the gastrointestinal tract, and the urinary bladder. Smooth muscle is not X and it is not subject to X control. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of the hollow internal organs, including all blood vessels except the capillaries, the gastrointestinal tract, and the urinary bladder. Smooth muscle is not striated and it is not subject to voluntary control. Functional roles of smooth muscle contraction: X contents through a hollow organ or tube. maintains X against the contents within a hollow organ or tube. regulates internal flow of contents by changing tube X (resistance). Functional roles of smooth muscle contraction: propels contents through a hollow organ or tube."
"docid": "D1592401#0",
"title": "http://www.mauvila.com/ECG/ecg_conduction.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Warning : Use the following information at your own risk. While accuracy is one my goals, there is always the possibility that some of the information could be wrong. There could be typos. I could also be severely mistaken in some of my knowledge. This site is meant to help clarify certain concepts of ECG and at no point should any life-or-death decision be made based upon the information contained within. Remember, this is just some page on the internet. ( If you do find errors, please notify me by feedback. ) Heart muscle Muscles cells are told to contract by electrical impulses. In addition to the ability to contract, muscle cells can conduct these electrical impulses to neighboring cells. In fact, some specialized muscle cells in the heart do nothing except conduction."
"docid": "D1744430#0",
"title": "http://wberesford.hsc.wvu.edu/histol.htm\nCONTENTS",
"text": "\"l Natural light vibrating in all planes is passed through a Nicol prism polarizer, from which it leaves displaying only one plane of vibration. 2 Such plane-polarized light can pass through many biological structures with its plane unaltered. These are called isotropic. 3 Others, having an internal submicroscopic structure, (i) with elements having one dimension longer than the others, and (ii) these elements in an orderly arrangement, alter the plane of light vibration, and are called birefringent or anisotropic. 4 The light leaving such anisotropic objects can be shown to have had its polarization plane altered by passing it through another polarizing filter, used as an analyser. 5 The plane of the analyser is set perpendicular to the plane of the light transmitted through the polarizer to the object. Thus all altered light resulting from the double refraction/anisotropy of the object, except one plane (the analyser's), is blocked. The anisotropic parts appear light against a dark background. 6 Orderly biological structures, showing anisotropy in polarized light, are collagen fibres, muscle fibres, bone matrix, cell membranes, crystals, etc. Stains, e.g., picrosirius red for collagen, can be used to enhance the effect, which is useful for assessing fibrosis in liver, lung, and kidney.2 X-ray diffraction l Used to determine the molecular structure of crystallizable materials."
"docid": "D1031719#0",
"title": "https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/vm15.htm\nMake Your Muscles Grow: All About Cell Volumizing!",
"text": "\"Training Muscle Groups Make Your Muscles Grow: All About Cell Volumizing!Virtual Muscle September 30, 2009 • 7 min read Learn how to start forcing your muscles to grow by learning how they work! Learn the anatomy of your muscles, how they work and much more... NOTE: This is part one, click here for part two!W hen most gym rats talk about getting bigger they are obviously referring to muscle growth, or hypertrophy. Often, however they don't really have a clue as to what's happening within their muscles in order to make them bigger and stronger. For all they know little muscle fairies sneak into their rooms at night and when they wake up in the morning, voila, they're bigger. Without fail, though, this lack of understanding never seems to stop the most ignorant of them from throwing around misinformation with poorer form than the 20 lb dumbbells they use for \"\"cheat\"\" curls. And although I'm not the most brilliant guy in the world, I consider myself fairly knowledgeable at the iron game. For some reason, though, I seem to be a target for these gym \"\"experts\"\" as they are continually instructing me as to how to train and diet!One comment that I hear pretty often that never ceases to amaze me is the comment many gym \"\"experts\"\" make regarding creatine. Perhaps you have heard it too. It goes something like this \"\"So whaddya think about that creatine stuff? I tried it and yea it'll put some pounds on ya, but it's all water weight and I don't like to feel bloated."
"docid": "D945098#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_autorhythmic_fibers\nWhat is in fiber?",
"text": "What is in fiber? Fiber is composed of non-starch polysaccharides, such as celluloseand waxes. It is the indigestible part of plant foods that helps ineasing bowel movements. Amaroque 6,013 Contributions What is autorhythmicity? Autorhythmicity is the tendency for the sinoatrial node of the heart to have a low threshold for depolarization leading to the heart contracting on a regular basis, i.e. in a …Nevernakedman 40 Contributions Are autorhythmic cells located only in the interventricular septum? Not exclusively: Cardiac Muscle cells are either contractile cells or autorhythmic cells. The majority are contractile. Examples of autorhythmic cells: . Sinoatrial (SA), …Autorhythmic cells are located only in the interventricular septum? False, they are located throughout the heart."
] |
1813 | a neonate born at ________ weeks would be considered a term newborn. | [
"docid": "D985001#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/term+infant\nterm infant",
"text": "\"term infant Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. Related to term infant: Neonatesinfant [ in´fant] a human child from birth (see newborn infant) to the end of the first year of life. Emotional andphysical needs at this time include love and security, a sense of trust, warmth and comfort, feeding,and sucking pleasure. Growth and Development. Development is a continuous process, and each child progresses at his own rate. There is a developmental sequence, which means that the changes leading to maturity are specific and orderly. The various types of growth and development and theaccompanying changes in appearance and behavior are interrelated; that is, physical, emotional,social, and spiritual developments affect one another in the progress toward maturity. Development of muscular control proceeds from the head downward (cephalocaudaldevelopment). The infant controls the head first and gradually acquires the ability to control theneck, then the arms, and finally the legs and feet. Movements are general and random at first,beginning with use of the larger muscles and progressing to specific smaller muscles, such as those needed to handle small objects."
] | [
"docid": "D145560#0",
"title": "http://www.drmomma.org/2009/09/treating-gbs-group-b-strep-are.html\n.",
"text": "\"Treating GBS (Group B Strep): Are Antibiotics Necessary? This is a wonderful, useful, well-researched article. However, it was written in 2003, and there was little research at the time of alternative methods of dealing with/treating GBS in pregnant women and during labor. A lot has been done in this area of birth research in the past 6 years and we now know that the use of chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) is as effective (if not more so) in treating GBS without the negative side-effects that antibiotics carry for a newborn baby. Chlorhexidine is commonly used during labor in Europe among women who test positive for GBS, as well as among homebirthing women. Its use is becoming more well known among midwives and mother/baby-friendly birth advocates in the United States. Hibiclens can be purchased upon request at any pharmacy - no prescription needed. Protocol for using chlorhexidine Hibiclens here. By Christa Novelli reprinted with permission Most women who have been pregnant in the last few years are familiar with the terms Group B Strep (for Group B Streptococcus), or GBS. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend that all pregnant women be screened between weeks 35 and 37 of their pregnancies to determine if they are carriers of GBS."
"docid": "D2500619#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1028455909602941\nREVIEW ARTICLEThe Effects of Absent or Reversed End-diastolic Umbilical Artery Doppler Flow Velocity",
"text": "Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 48, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 225-231REVIEW ARTICLEThe Effects of Absent or Reversed End-diastolic Umbilical Artery Doppler Flow Velocity Kuo-Gon Wang a b Chen-Yu Chen a c Yi-Yung Chen a Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S1028-4559 (09)60294-1 Get rights and content Under an Elsevier user license open archive Summary Abnormal umbilical artery flow with absent or reversed end-diastolic velocity (AREDV) during pregnancy is a strong indication of placental insufficiency. When AREDV occurs prenatally, a close follow-up or expeditious delivery should be contemplated. AREDV in the umbilical artery is associated with intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and perinatal mortality. It may be associated with respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment. Available data suggest that women with high-risk pregnancies, such as preeclampsia, gestational hypertension and intrauterine growth restriction, should be evaluated with umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry to reduce the possibility of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Previous article Next article Key Wordsabsent or reversed end-diastolic velocity fetal growth retardation perinatal mortality placental insufficiencypreeclampsia pregnancy complications Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol • September 2009 • Vol 48 • No 3 225 ■ REVIEW ARTICLE ■ Introduction Doppler velocity measurement has been extensively ap- plied in prenatal diagnosis for more than two decades. Blood flow in numerous vessels has been investigated to predict fetal condition, especially in the umbilical artery [1–7]. Histopathologic studies suggest that ab- normal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry is correlated with a pathologic lesion of the placenta characterized by obliteration of arterioles in the tertiary stem villi; the umbilical artery flow velocity waveform is primarily de- termined by placental villous vascular architecture [8,9]. The increased placental vascular resistance is reflected as a decreased diastolic phase of the umbilical artery waveform; moreover, end-diastolic flow of the umbilical artery vanishes and ultimately reverses in the progres- sively worsened condition, and absent or reversed end- diastolic velocity (AREDV) flow is finally present in the Doppler waveform [3,4,10,11]. AREDV during preg- nancy is a strong indication of placental insufficiency. Previous studies have clarified that an increased um- bilical artery systolic/diastolic ratio is a significant risk factor for progression of fetal acidosis, fetal distress, preterm delivery, low Apgar scores, and even perinatal death [12–15]. Mortality and morbidity (such as intra- ventricular hemorrhage [IVH], periventricular leukoma- lacia [PVL], bronchopulmonary dysplasia [BPD], respiratory distress syndrome [RDS], necrotizing entero- colitis [NEC], and long-term neurodevelopmental im- pairment) of fetuses with AREDV in the umbilical artery have been well discussed, especially in growth-restricted fetuses [1,2,10,16,17]. When AREDV occurs prenatally, close follow-up or expeditious delivery should be consid- ered. High-risk pregnancies, such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), have abnormal development of the placenta vasculature which can be revealed in the abnormal Doppler velocimetry [9,18]. THE EFFECTS OF ABSENT OR REVERSED END-DIASTOLIC UMBILICAL ARTERY DOPPLER FLOW VELOCITY Kuo-Gon Wang 1,2 , Chen-Yu Chen 1,3 *, Yi-Yung Chen 1 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, 2 Taipei Medical University, and 3 Mackay Medicine, Nursing and Management College, Taipei, Taiwan. SUMMARY Abnormal umbilical artery flow with absent or reversed end-diastolic velocity (AREDV) during pregnancy is a strong indication of placental insufficiency."
"docid": "D1142187#0",
"title": "http://www.jabfm.org/content/20/3/266.full\nA Comparison of Transcutaneous and Total Serum Bilirubin in Newborn Hispanic Infants at 35 or More Weeks of Gestation",
"text": "The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Skip to main page content HOME CURRENT ISSUE ARCHIVES CONTACT SUBSCRIBE ALERTS HELPSearch for Keyword: GO Advanced Search A Comparison of Transcutaneous and Total Serum Bilirubin in Newborn Hispanic Infants at 35 or More Weeks of Gestation Karyn B. Kolman, MD, Kathleen M. Mathieson, Ph D and Carlos Frias, MD+ Author Affiliations Departments of Family and Community Medicine (KBK, CF), Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZDepartment of Research (KMM), Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZCorresponding author: Dr. Karyn B. Kolman, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Maricopa Medical Center, 601 East Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 85008 (E-mail: [email protected] )Next Section Abstract Introduction: Transcutaneous bilirubin (Tc B) measurement in newborns has been studied extensively in the non-Hispanic population, but its usefulness in the Hispanic population remains unclear. We evaluate the accuracy of Tc B measurements in assessing jaundice in Hispanic neonates by using total serum bilirubin (TSB) measurements as the reference standard and determine the Tc B level that can be used to identify neonates at risk for clinically significant jaundice (above the 95th percentile). Methods: A total of 192 Hispanic neonates were enrolled. Tc B measurements were performed within 30 minutes of obtaining the TSB measurement. The linear relationship between Tc B and TSB was measured by using the Pearson correlation coefficient ( r ). We calculated sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values by using a Tc B level above the 75th percentile to identify neonates with a TSB level above the 95th percentile. Results: TSB ranged from 1.7 to 13.9 mg/d L, with 62% falling below the 75th percentile. Tc B correlated well with TSB in Hispanic neonates ( r = 0.87). A Tc B level above the 75th percentile detected all infants with a TSB level above the 95th percentile, sensitivity 100%, and specificity 66%. Conclusions: In Hispanic newborns, the Tc B level correlated well with the TSB level."
"docid": "D169968#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonatal_jaundice\nNeonatal jaundice",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Neonatal jaundice Synonyms Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal icterus, jaundice in newborns Jaundice in a newborn Specialty Pediatrics Symptoms Yellowish discoloration of the skin and white part of the eyes [1]Complications Seizures, cerebral palsy, kernicterus [1]Usual onset Newborns [1]Types Physiologic, pathologic [1]Causes Red blood cell breakdown, liver disease, infection, hypothyroidism, metabolic disorders [2] [1]Diagnostic method Based on symptoms, confirmed by bilirubin [1]Treatment More frequent feeding, phototherapy, exchange transfusions [1]Frequency >50% of babies [1]Neonatal jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the white part of the eyes and skin in a newborn baby due to high bilirubin levels. [ 1] Other symptoms may include excess sleepiness or poor feeding. [ 1] Complications may include seizures, cerebral palsy, or kernicterus. [ 1]In many cases there is no specific underlying disorder (physiologic). [ 2] In other cases it results from red blood cell breakdown, liver disease, infection, hypothyroidism, or metabolic disorders (pathologic). [ 2] [1] A bilirubin level more than 34 μmol/l (2 mg/d L) may be visible. [ 1] Concerns, in otherwise healthy babies, occur when levels are greater than 308 μmol/L (18 mg/d L), jaundice is noticed in the first day of life, there is a rapid rise in levels, jaundice lasts more than two weeks, or the baby appears unwell. [ 1] In those with concerning findings further investigations to determine the underlying cause are recommended. [ 1]The need for treatment depends on bilirubin levels, the age of the child, and the underlying cause. [ 1] [3] Treatments may include more frequent feeding, phototherapy, or exchange transfusions. ["
"docid": "D195357#0",
"title": "https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/news/when-clamp-umbilical-cord-full-term-babies\nWhen to clamp the umbilical cord for full term babies?",
"text": "December 2016Dr. Elisabeth Semple A review of the current literature comparing early and delayed clamping of the umbilical cord after term births. During the last 20 years evidence has been accumulating about the benefits to the newborn of delayed clamping of the cord after birth. These benefits include increased iron stores and a decreased risk of anemia up to 4-6 months of age. 1,2 Adequate availability of iron is important for the development of the brain during the first years of life 3,4 and transferring the cord blood at birth is an easy way to elevate the ferritin in the blood of newborn. As an increasing number of parents are considering storing or donating their cord blood, is there a way to both benefit the baby and collect cord blood? What does “early” and “delayed” mean? One difficulty when assessing the data is the inconsistency of the definitions of “early” and “delayed” clamping. “ Early” has been defined as any time between 10 sec to 1 min, and “delayed” as between 30 sec to 5 min. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the available data was performed in 2006 by Hutton and Hassan 1 where they compared the outcomes in 15 clinical studies of term babies."
"docid": "D1157728#0",
"title": "http://www.signavitae.com/2016/06/treatment-with-erythropoietin-in-neonatology/\nTreatment with Erythropoietin in Neonatology",
"text": "Treatment with Erythropoietin in Neonatology By Miksić Mirjana, Dukić Vuković Tanja, Pogorevc Robert, Treiber Milena SIGNA VITAE 2016; 11 (SUPPL 2): 61 - 65DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.13On June 14, 2016In Original articles, Volume 11 Supplement 2PDFPRINTAbstract The article presents the basics and control of erythropoiesis in the fetus and the newborn, the development of anaemia of prematurity and its treatment, with an emphasis on the use of human recombinant erythropoietin. The Intensive Care Unit of the Paediatric Clinic Maribor began treating anaemia of prematurity with erythropoietin in 2000. After introducing the treatment, the clinic found that the number of blood product transfusions and the needed blood volume decreased. In addition to erythropoietin, this was the result of stricter criteria for applying transfusion of concentrated erythrocytes. Key words: preterm infant, anaemia of prematurity, erythropoietin, transfusion Introduction After birth, the transition from a hypoxic to a hyperoxic state in all newborns lowers haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations. Improved oxygenation lowers erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations, which in the neonate newborn leads to physiological, mostly asymptomatic anaemia between 8 and 12 weeks of age. ( 1-4) Anaemia of prematurity is the more expressed, deficient response of a premature newborn to this transition. It manifests itself as a normochromic anaemia, which in addition to a severely reduced concentration of Hb is characterized by low EPO serum levels. Many preterm newborns experience anaemia in the first few days of life. Reasons range from a low starting level of Hb (compression, the separation of the umbilical cord stump or bleeding), or multiple venepunctures for laboratory tests and erythrocyte haemolysis because of infection."
"docid": "D1441473#0",
"title": "http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Tins4you-546886-care-of-newborn/\ncare of newborn",
"text": "\"care of newborn Tins4you Download Share Add to Flag Embed Views: 828 Category: Education License: All Rights Reserved Presentation Description No description available. Comments Presentation Transcript SEMINAR ON NORMAL NEWBORN : SEMINAR ON NORMAL NEWBORN PRESENTED BY MRS. N. SAVITHA IIYEAR M.sc NURSINGINTRODUCTION: : INTRODUCTION: Newborn period encompasses the first four weeks of extra uterine life. It is an important link in the chain of events from conception to adulthood. Newborn undergo profound physiologic changes at the birth because they have been released from a warm, snug, darkened, liquid – filled environment, which has met all the basic needs in to a chilly, glaring, gravity based, outside world. Slide 3: TERMINOLOGY: NEONATE—from birth to under four week (<28weeks) of age, the infant is called newborn or neonate. EARLY NEONATE—First week of life (< 7 days or < 168 hours) is known as early neonatal period. LATE NEONATE---- Late neonatal period extends from seventh to < 28 days. TERM BABY-------Any neonate born between 37and 42 weeks (259-293 days) of pregnancy irrespective of the birth weight. Slide 4: PERIODS OF REACTIVITYSlide 5: SKIN: Colour- most term newborns have a ruddy complexion because of the increased concentration of red blood cells in blood vessels."
"docid": "D1290344#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periventricular_leukomalacia\nPeriventricular leukomalacia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article may lack focus or may be about more than one topic. Please help improve this article, possibly by splitting the article and/or by introducing a disambiguation page, or discuss this issue on the talk page. ( May 2012)Periventricular leukomalacia Drawing of the lateral and third ventricles of the brain. Periventricular leukomalacia involves death of the white matter surrounding the lateral ventricles in fetuses and infants. ( Image from Gray's Anatomy, 1918 edition)Classification and external resources Specialty pediatrics ICD - 10 P91.2ICD - 9-CM 779.7Diseases DB 9868Medline Plus 007232e Medicine ped/1773Me SH D007969 [ edit on Wikidata]Periventricular leukomalacia ( PVL) is a form of white-matter brain injury, characterized by the necrosis (more often coagulation) of white matter near the lateral ventricles. [ 1] [2] It can affect newborns and (less commonly) fetuses; premature infants are at the greatest risk of neonatal encephalopathy which may lead to this condition. Affected individuals generally exhibit motor control problems or other developmental delays, and they often develop cerebral palsy or epilepsy later in life. This pathology of the brain was described under various names (\"\"encephalodystrophy\"\", \"\"ischemic necrosis\"\", \"\"periventricular infarction\"\", \"\"coagulation necrosis\"\", \"\"leukomalacia,\"\" \"\"softening of the brain\"\", \"\"infarct periventricular white matter\"\", \"\"necrosis of white matter\"\", \"\"diffuse symmetrical periventricular leukoencephalopathy\"\"), and more often by German scientists, but the worldwide dissemination was the term periventricular leukomalacia, introduced in 1962 B. A. Banker and J. C. Larroche. The term can be misleading, as there is no softening of the tissue in PVL. V. V. Vlasyuk and V. P. Tumanov [3] in 1985 published the world's first monograph devoted to PVL."
"docid": "D26211#0",
"title": "http://www.cps.ca/documents/position/newborns-low-blood-glucose\nScreening guidelines for newborns at risk for low blood glucose",
"text": "Position statement Screening guidelines for newborns at risk for low blood glucose Posted: Dec 1 2004 | Reaffirmed: Feb 28 2018The Canadian Paediatric Society gives permission to print single copies of this document from our website. For permission to reprint or reproduce multiple copies, please see our copyright policy. Principal author (s)K Aziz, P Dancey; Canadian Paediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee Paediatr Child Health 2004;9 (10):723-9Despite decades of scientific observation, investigation and discussion, there is limited evidence-based consensus regarding the screening and management of infants at risk for neonatal hypoglycemia. A number of questions remain unresolved: How is neonatal hypoglycemia defined? Who is at risk for neonatal hypoglycemia? When should at-risk infants be screened? How should screening for neonatal hypoglycemia be performed? What levels of blood glucose require intervention? What interventions should be offered when neonatal hypoglycemia is suspected? How frequently should asymptomatic, at-risk infants be screened?"
"docid": "D1926189#0",
"title": "http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/114/5/1362\nAbstract",
"text": "Abstract Consistent definitions to describe the length of gestation and age in neonates are needed to compare neurodevelopmental, medical, and growth outcomes. The purposes of this policy statement are to review conventional definitions of age during the perinatal period and to recommend use of standard terminology including gestational age, postmenstrual age, chronological age, corrected age, adjusted age, and estimated date of delivery.gestational age postmenstrual age chronological agemenstrual age conceptional age postconceptual agecorrected age adjusted age estimated date of deliveryestimated date of confinement INTRODUCTIONConsistent definitions to describe the length of gestation and age in neonates are needed to compare neurodevelopmental, medical, and growth outcomes. The terms “gestational age,” “postmenstrual age,” “corrected age,” and “postconceptional age” have frequently been defined unconventionally, 1, 2 misapplied, 3 – 5 or left undefined. 6, 7 Inconsistent use of terminology limits the accurate interpretation of data on health outcomes for newborn infants, especially for those born preterm or conceived using assisted reproductive technology. The purposes of this statement are to review conventional definitions of age during the perinatal period and to recommend standard terminology. “Gestational age” (or “menstrual age”) is the time elapsed between the first day of the last normal menstrual period and the day of delivery (Fig 1 ). 8 – 10 The first day of the last menstrual period occurs approximately 2 weeks before ovulation and approximately 3 weeks before implantation of the blastocyst. Because most women know when their last period began but not when ovulation occurred, this definition traditionally has been used when estimating the expected date of delivery. As long as menstrual dates are remembered accurately, this method of estimating the date of delivery is reliable. 11 Minor inaccuracy (4–6 days) in the expected date of delivery determined from menstrual dates is attributable to inherent biological variability in the relative timing of onset of the last menstrual period, fertilization of the egg, and implantation of the blastocyst."
"docid": "D422270#0",
"title": "http://www.acehomework.net/?download=test-bank-of-human-development-a-cultural-approach-1st-edition-by-jeffrey-jensen-arnett\nTEST BANK Of Human Development A Cultural Approach 1st Edition By Jeffrey Jensen Arnett",
"text": "INSTANT DOWNLOAD WITH ANSWERSIF FACE ANY PROBLEM CONTACT US ATWHISPERHILLS@GMAIL. COMChapter 3 Birth and the Newborn Child Section 1 Birth and Its Cultural Context…………………………………………………………… 253Test Item File………………………………………………………………………………………………… 253Multiple Choice Questions………………………………………………………………………….. 253Short Answer Questions……………………………………………………………………………… 281Essay Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………. 282My Development Lab Question Bank………………………………………………………………… 284Pre-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 284Post-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 285Chapter Exam……………………………………………………………………………………………. 287Quick Review……………………………………………………………………………………………. 290Video Guide Questions………………………………………………………………………………….. 293Short Answer Questions……………………………………………………………………………… 293Multiple Choice Questions………………………………………………………………………….. 293Section 2 The Neonate……………………………………………………………………………………… 298Test Item File………………………………………………………………………………………………… 298Multiple Choice Questions………………………………………………………………………….. 298Short Answer Questions……………………………………………………………………………… 326Essay Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………. 327My Development Lab Question Bank………………………………………………………………… 329Pre-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 329Post-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 331Chapter Exam……………………………………………………………………………………………. 333Quick Review……………………………………………………………………………………………. 335Video Guide Questions………………………………………………………………………………….. 338Short Answer Questions……………………………………………………………………………… 338Multiple Choice Questions………………………………………………………………………….. 338Section 3 Caring for the Neonate……………………………………………………………………… 341Test Item File………………………………………………………………………………………………… 341Multiple Choice Questions………………………………………………………………………….. 341Short Answer Questions……………………………………………………………………………… 367Essay Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………. 368My Development Lab Question Bank………………………………………………………………… 370Pre-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 370Post-Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 371Chapter Exam……………………………………………………………………………………………. 373Quick Review……………………………………………………………………………………………."
"docid": "D3390273#0",
"title": "http://www.nature.com/jp/journal/v34/n1/full/jp2013132a.html\nOriginal Article",
"text": "Original Article Journal of Perinatology (2014) 34, 11–15; doi:10.1038/jp.2013.132; published online 24 October 2013Breech presentation at delivery: a marker for congenital anomaly? D Mostello 1, J J Chang 2, F Bai 2, J Wang 3, C Guild 4, K Stamps 2 and T L Leet 2,1 Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, School of Medicine, Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO, USA2 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO, USA3 Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO, USA4 Department of Pediatrics and the Center for Outcomes Research, School of Medicine, Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO, USACorrespondence: Dr D Mostello, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, School of Medicine, Saint Louis University, 6420 Clayton Road, St Louis, MO 63117, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Dr Leet is deceased. Received 1 May 2013; Revised 1 September 2013; Accepted 13 September 2013 Advance online publication 24 October 2013Presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, February 6–11, 2012, Dallas, TX, USA. Top Abstract Objective: To determine whether congenital anomalies are associated with breech presentation at the time of birth. Study Design: A population-based, retrospective cohort study was conducted among 460 147 women with singleton live births using the Missouri Birth Defects Registry, which includes all defects diagnosed during the first year of life. Maternal and obstetric characteristics and outcomes between breech and cephalic presentation groups were compared using χ 2 -square statistic and Student’s t -test. Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (a ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs). Result: At least one congenital anomaly was more likely present among infants breech at birth (11.7 %) than in those with cephalic presentation (5.1 % ), whether full-term (9.4 vs 4.6 %) or preterm (20.1 vs 11.6 % ). The relationship between breech presentation and congenital anomaly was stronger among full-term births (a OR 2.09, CI 1.96, 2.23, term vs 1.40, CI 1.26, 1.55, preterm), but not in all categories of anomalies."
"docid": "D563142#0",
"title": "http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/20/7/e6\nNeonatal Hypoglycemia",
"text": "Advertising Disclaimer »Pediatrics in Review July 1999, VOLUME 20 / ISSUE 7From the American Academy of Pediatrics Neoreviews Neonatal Hypoglycemia Jane E. Mc Gowan Article Figures & Data Info & Metrics Comments Download PDFJane E. Mc Gowan, MD ** Associate Professor of Pediatrics, MCP Hahnemann University and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. OBJECTIVESAfter completing this article, readers should be able to: Describe the most common cause of prolonged neonatal hypoglycemia. List the signs of hypoglycemia. Describe the condition that has been implicated as a mechanism of hypoglycemic brain injury. Case Study A term male infant was born after an uneventful pregnancy to a 28-year-old gravida I woman who had no evidence of hyperglycemia and no chronic diseases. The infant had Apgar scores of 7 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. His growth parameters were in the normal range, with weight at the 60th percentile, head circumference at the 50th percentile, and length at the 50th percentile. The baby was taken to the well baby nursery, examined and bathed, and then taken to the mother for nursing at about 2 hours of age. He appeared slightly jittery at that time and was not very interested in nursing or very aware. A blood glucose concentration of 1.39 mmol/L (25 mg/d L) was obtained using a One Touch ® instrument."
"docid": "D235027#0",
"title": "http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/760750_6\nDecisions and Dilemmas Related to Resuscitation of Infants Born on the Verge of Viability",
"text": "\"Decisions Regarding Resuscitation of Infants at the Edge of Viability Any decision regarding resuscitation of infants at the limits of viability is complex and begins with defining limits of viability. According to Webster, viability is \"\"having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb.\"\" [ 12] In general, viability refers to the gestational age when a fetus reaches an anatomical threshold when critical organs, such as the lungs and kidneys, can sustain life. [ 13] The Nuffield Council on Bioethics specifically defines the borderline of viability as an infant born at or before the gestational age of 25 weeks. [ 4] More commonly, the limit of viability has been defined as the age of fetal maturity that ensures a reasonable chance of extrauterine survival given technological support. [ 10] Seri and Evans [ 13] have made the latter definition more specific by suggesting that viability is the age at which the infant has a 50% chance of long-term survival. In 2002, the Federal Government entered the viability discussion by enacting the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, stating the term \"\"born alive\"\" means \"\"the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles.\"\" [ 14]Neonatal nurses, nurse practitioners, neonatologists, and obstetricians have long recognized that there are other factors relevant to the viability of the extremely premature neonate, and reliance on estimated gestational age alone may not truly reflect an accurate prognosis. This is particularly true given the difficulties of accurate gestational age estimation. Measurement error in fetal gestational age assessment during the first trimester using ultrasonography is only a few days, but after the first trimester, error can be as great as plus or minus 2 weeks. ["
"docid": "D3142949#0",
"title": "http://dc-addicts-durham.wikispaces.com/8+Postnatal+Development+of+Methadone+Babies\n8 Postnatal Development of Methadone Babies",
"text": "8 Postnatal Development of Methadone Babies Edit 0 52 …0 Tags No tags Notify RSSBacklinks Source Print Export (PDF)Postnatal Development of Methadone Babies will cover the withdrawal symptoms of an infant born to a mother in methadone treatment, concerns regarding breast feeding and the long term effects on child development. Addiction Research Foundation, (1991)Withdrawal Symtoms of a Infant Born to a Mother in Methadone Treatment Not all infants born to mothers on methadone will go through withdrawal after birth. This usually begins a few days after birth (48 to 72 hours after), but symptoms could arise two to four weeks after birth and may last several weeks or months. The onset of withdrawal and severity of symptoms vary: during the birth serum and tissue levels begin to fall; the newborn continues to metabolize the drug (s) and abstinence symptoms occur when critically low tissue levels are reached. Less sever withdrawal symptoms can persist until six months of age. Methadone exposed infants generally are reported to have a higher frequency and more lengthy period of abstinence than those whose mothers used heroin. Withdrawal may be mild and short-lived delayed in onset or characterized by a step by step increase in severity. Symptoms may be present irregularly, or have a two stage course that includes severe withdrawal followed by improvement and then become worse again. More severe symptoms seem to occur in infants whose mothers have taken large amounts of drugs for a long time. The development of the infant’s metabolic and excretory systems also plays an important role, since preterm infants generally eliminate the prenatal drug (s) more slowly and seem to show a less active onset of withdrawal. '"
"docid": "D3094921#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/final/deck/9835175\n.",
"text": "\"There are now ________ midwives in the United States, and they are employed in ________ of births7,000, 10%What birthing method has achieved widespread popularity in the United States, and involves breathing techniques and relaxation training? Lamaze What is the term for a delivery of a child who is not alive? This type of birth occurs in less than 1 delivery in 100.stillbirth What does the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest to prevent SIDS?giving the baby a pacifier during naps and bedtime Which of the following is not considered a medical risk during pregnancy?extraordinary growth of the fetus A neonate enters the world with all of the following abilities exceptperfect hearing Labor proceeds in ________ stages. Infants who weigh less than 2,500 grams (5 1/2 pounds) at birth are called The overall rate of infant mortality (defined as death within the first year of life) is All but which one of the following reflect the visual skills of a newborn? William and Sandy's baby was considered preterm because What is the correct term for a baby that is newborn? Infants who weight less than 1,250 grams or, regardless of weight, have been in the womb less than 30 weeks are called Alisha was born earlier than 25 weeks, and would be classified as Which of the following is not measured using the Apgar scale Other than a physician/obstetrician who is licensed, what other person involved in childbirth requires an additional year or two of training and certification Which of the following is not a warning sign during delivery that a Cesarean delivery is appropriate? Martha is holding her new baby while she enjoys a bite of peppermint candy. She notices that when the candy comes close to the baby's face, the baby becomes more physically and facially active. What sense has the peppermint activated? When U. S. infants are compared to infants of the same weight who are born in other countries, the differences in mortality rates What is not an advantage of administering a \"\"walking epidural\"\" or \"\"dual spinal-epidural\"\" during childbirth?"
"docid": "D2986603#0",
"title": "http://www.adhb.govt.nz/newborn/Guidelines/Renal/Renalfailure.htm\n.",
"text": "Newborn Services Clinical Guideline Note: The electronic version of this guideline is the version currently in use. Any printed version can not be assumed to be current. Printed copies of this document are valid for Thursday, April 12, 2018. The general disclaimer regarding use of Newborn Services Guidelines and Protocols applies to this guideline. Care of the Neonate with Severe Renal Failure at Birth Reviewed by William Wong, Max Morris, Tonya Kara, Jane Ronaldson, Sarah Farrell and Malcolm Battin July 2009Incidence Presentation Outlook Considerations Options For Management References Should renal replacement therapy be offered to all neonates? Long term peritoneal dialysis of newborn infants has been successfully undertaken in the majority of patients who have isolated renal failure. For many developed countries in 2009, chronic dialysis of newborns has become the standard of clinical care. However, in newborns with co-existing congenital abnormalities, the prognosis may be poor. In these circumstances, palliative care can be discussed with the family and within the multidisciplinary environment. It is important that the neonatologist/general paediatrician discusses each individual case with the paediatric nephrology service."
"docid": "D221369#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant\nInfant",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the very young child. For other uses, see Infant (disambiguation). \"\" Baby\"\", \"\"Newborn\"\", and \"\"Babyhood\"\" redirect here. For other uses, see Baby (disambiguation), Newborn (disambiguation), and Babyhood (disambiguation). Part of a series on Human growth and development Stages Human embryogenesis Fetus Infant Toddler Early childhood Child Preadolescence Adolescence Adult Middle age Old age Biological milestones Fertilization Childbirth Walking Language acquisition Puberty Menopause Ageing Death Development and psychology Pre- and perinatal Infant and child Adolescent Youth Young adult Adult Maturity Developmental stage theories Attachment Ecological Psychosocial Psychosexual development Moral Cognitive Cultural-historical Evolutionary Human body portalv t e An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning \"\"unable to speak\"\" or \"\"speechless\"\") is the more formal or specialised synonym for \"\" baby \"\", the very young offspring of a human. The term may also be used to refer to juveniles of other organisms. A newborn is, in colloquial use, an infant who is only hours, days, or up to one month old. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate (from Latin, neonatus, newborn) refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth; [1] the term applies to premature, full term, and postmature infants; before birth, the term \"\" fetus \"\" is used. The term \"\"infant\"\" is typically applied to young children between one month and one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, the term \"\" toddler \"\" may be used instead."
"docid": "D2647610#0",
"title": "http://www.bmj.com/content/345/bmj.e6003\nNeonatal seizure: what is the cause?",
"text": "Endgames Picture Quiz Neonatal seizure: what is the cause? BMJ 2012;345 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e6003 (Published 12 September 2012)Cite this as: BMJ 2012;345:e6003Article Related content Metrics Responses Manish Prasad, paediatric neurology grid registrar, Gabriel Chow, consultant paediatric neurologist Author affiliations Correspondence to: M Prasad [email protected] A 7 day old girl presented with a one day history of decreased feeding, lethargy, and shaking of her extremities. She was born at term by normal vaginal delivery. She did not have a fever and there were no maternal risk factors for sepsis. She was hypotonic and minimally responsive on examination, with no signs of focal neurology. Urea, electrolytes, calcium, and glucose values were normal. She was started empirically on intravenous antibiotics and aciclovir after full septic screen. She was ventilated and given an infusion of midazolam because her generalised clonic seizures with apnoea failed to respond to intravenous phenobarbital. Her seizures finally responded and she was extubated after 24 hours; she was maintained on regular phenobarbital with good effect. Urgent neuroimaging (figs 1 ⇓ and 2 ⇓) was arranged because of her acute presentation with seizures and a history of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in her mother and maternal uncle."
"docid": "D359439#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/105763621/newborn-care-flash-cards/\nNewborn Care",
"text": "\"82 terms littletwinkletwinkle Newborn Care Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort A nurse assesses a healthy 8-lb 8-oz (3860-gm) newborn who was given Apgar scores of 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 5 minutes. Which category of the Apgar score received a 1 rating at one minute? 1 Color 2 Heart rate 3 Respirations 4 Reflex irritability A nurse assesses a healthy 8-lb 8-oz (3860-gm) newborn who was given Apgar scores of 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 5 minutes. Which category of the Apgar score received a 1 rating at one minute? Correct1 Color 2 Heart rate Incorrect3 Respirations 4 Reflex irritability Because of inadequate peripheral circulation at birth there is acrocyanosis (body pink, hands and feet blue), which merits 1 point for color. This is a common occurrence in a healthy newborn. The fetal heart rate ranges from 110 to 160 beats/min; a newborn heart rate of more than 100 beats/min is expected in a healthy newborn and merits 2 points. An adequate respiratory rate is evidenced by crying, which is expected in a healthy newborn and merits 2 points."
] |
1818 | a paraphilia is considered to be coercive if | [
"docid": "D3027427#0",
"title": "http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/sexual-deviance-paraphilia.htm\nParaphilia",
"text": "\"Paraphilia Sexual deviants display psychosexual disordered behavior classified as non-coercive paraphilia and coercive paraphilia. Paraphilia literally means “beyond usual or typical love” and is the term generally used to describe sexual behaviors wherein sexual arousal and response are triggered by an unusual object or a bizarre activity. The American Psychiatric Association deems such behavior as a negation of loving relationship and expression of “ psychosexually disordered behavior .” Paraphilia has come to mean a “non-traditional sexual behavior” where the object of sexual arousal is an inanimate object, non-human, or a bizarre activity. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) describes paraphilia as “sexual disorders characterized by recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors generally involving – 1. Nonhuman objects 2. The suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner, or 3. Children or other nonconsenting persons, that occur over a period of 6 months\"\" (Criterion A), “which cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning\"\" (Criterion B). It must be mentioned that there are those who argue that the categorical distinctions between normal and abnormal sexual behavior are unjustified. There is a whole market that thrives on sex toys and other adult novelties that cater to what some would label “ kinky sex ”."
] | [
"docid": "D2516943#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beastiality\nZoophilia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Beastiality)navigation search For plant pollination carried by animals, see Zoophily. Roman oil lamp depicting a zoophilic act, 1st-3rd century A. D. Pan having sex with a goat, statue from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum, 1752Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals. The terms are often used interchangeably, but some researchers make a distinction between the attraction (zoophilia) and the act (bestiality). [ 1]Although sex with animals is not outlawed in some countries, in most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with buggery or crimes against nature. Contents [ hide ]1 Terminology1.1 General1.2 Zoophilia1.3 Zoosexuality1.4 Bestiality2 Extent of occurrence3 Perspectives on zoophilia3.1 Research perspectives3.2 Historical and cultural perspectives3.3 Religious perspectives4 Legal status4.1 Pornography5 Health and safety6 Zoophiles6.1 Non-sexual zoophilia6.2 Zoophile community7 Debate over zoophilia or zoophilic relations7.1 Arguments against bestiality7.2 Arguments for bestiality8 Mentions in the media9 Books, articles and documentaries about zoophilia9.1 Academic and professional9.2 Other books9.3 Print and online media9.4 Film, television and radio10 See also11 References and footnotes12 External links Terminology General Three key terms commonly used in regards to the subject — zoophilia, bestiality, and zoosexuality — are often used somewhat interchangeably. Some researchers distinguish between zoophilia (as a persistent sexual interest in animals) and bestiality (as sexual acts with animals), because bestiality is often not driven by a sexual preference for animals. [ 1] Some studies have found that a preference for animals is rare among people who engage in sexual contact with animals. [ 2] Furthermore, some zoophiles report that they have never had sexual contact with an animal. [ 3] People with zoophilia are known as \"\"zoophiles\"\", though also sometimes as \"\"zoosexuals\"\", or even very simply \"\"zoos\"\". ["
"docid": "D2769997#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Sexual+deviant\nparaphilia",
"text": "\"paraphilia (redirected from Sexual deviant) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal .paraphilia [ par″ah-fil´e-ah] a sexual disorder characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges, sexually arousing fantasies, or behavior involving use of a nonhuman object, the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner, or children or other nonconsenting partners. Paraphilias include transvestic fetishism, other types of fetishism, frotteurism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual masochism, and sexual sadism. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.par·a·phil·i·a ( par'ă-fil'ē-ă ), 1. A condition, in either men or women, of compulsive responsivity and obligatory dependence on an unusual or personally or socially unacceptable external stimulus or internal fantasy forsexual arousal or orgasm.2. In legal parlance, a perversion or deviancy. [ para- + G. philos, fond]Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012paraphilia/para·phil·ia/ ( par″ah-fil´e-ah) a psychosexual disorder marked by sexualurges, fantasies, and behavior involving objects, suffering or humiliation, or children or othernonconsenting partners.paraphil´iac Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.paraphilia (păr′ə-fĭl′ē-ə, -fēl′yə)n.1. A condition, such as exhibitionism or masochism, in which sexual gratification is derivedfrom activities or fantasies that are generally regarded as atypical or deviant.2. Such a condition when it causes distress or impaired functioning in the individual or actual or potential harm to others; a paraphilic disorder.par′a·phil′i·ac n.par′a·phil′ic n. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company."
"docid": "D136064#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadism_and_masochism\nSadomasochism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Sadism and masochism)navigation search\"\"S&M\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see S&M (disambiguation). This article is about the general historical concept of sadomasochism. For consenting partners engaging in sexual play behavior, see BDSM. For the medical condition involving unwilling victims, see Sexual sadism disorder. For the medical condition where pain or humiliation is required for sexual arousal and causes distress or impairment, see Sexual masochism disorder. [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article possibly contains original research. ( August 2014)This article needs additional citations for verification. ("
"docid": "D3027426#0",
"title": "http://www.koofers.com/flashcards/chlh-chapter-10/review\nchapter 10 - Flashcards",
"text": "\"Universities » University of Illinois (UIUC) » CHLH - Community Health » 206 - Human Sexuality » Flash Cardschapter 10 - Flashcards Flashcard Deck Information Class: CHLH 206 - Human Sexuality Subject: Community Health University: University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Term: Fall 20091 of 19Next card »Keyboard Shortcuts for using Flashcards: Space to Flip Up for Correct Down for Incorrect Left for Previous Card Right for Next Card Cards marked as \"\"Correct\"\" will not be shown again until you hit Shuffle or Start Over. Click Card to flip Sexual Variation Paraphilia0 INCORRECT 0 CORRECT 0 SKIPPEDShuffle Remaining Cards Show Definitions First Take Quiz (NEW)Hide Keyboard shortcuts Next card Previous card Mark correct Mark incorrect Flip card Start Over Shuffle List View: Terms & Definitions Hide All 19 Print Front Back Sexual Variation behaviors that are not statistically typical of American sexual behaviors also known as atypical sexual behaviors Paraphilia Paraphilia: a sexual arousal to objects or situations that are not part of normative stimulation and that can cause distress or serious problems for the paraphiliac or persons associated with him or her. Coercive Paraphilia that is a sex offense forced upon another. Sometimes there maybe use of force in non-coercive paraphilias that involve sexual gratification for money as in prostitution. Non-Coercive Paraphilia because some of them are strictly solo activities or they involve consensual adults who agree to participate in a particular variant behavior Fetishism refers to obtaining sexual excitement primarily or exclusively from inanimate objects such as womenâs lingerie, gloves and high-heeled shoes. non-coercive Partialism sexual interest or obsession with a nonsexual part of the human body, ex: feet or hands Non-coercive Transvestitism fetishism sexually aroused by wearing clothes of the opposite sex non-coercive Sexual Sadism the act of finding sexual excitement through inflicting physical or psychological pain on another non-coercive Sexual Masochism refers to being sexually aroused by receiving physical or psychological pain. non-coercive Exhibitionism exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting person coercive Frotteurism rubbing, usually one's pelvis or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual gratification. coercive Voyeurism spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other activity usually considered to be of a private nature. coercive Pedophilia which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. coercive Zoophilia practice of sex between humans and animals (bestiality), or a preference or fixation on such practice."
"docid": "D1035081#0",
"title": "http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/sexinfo/article/urophilia\nUrophilia",
"text": "\"Urophilia, also known as \"\"golden showers\"\" or \"\"watersports,\"\" is a sexual variation where people derive pleasure from urine or urination. 1 The arousal is associated with smelling, feeling, or tasting urine, as well as urinating on someone or being urinated on by someone else. Sometimes, the pleasure derives from the physical urine (i.e., the warmth and the smell). Other times the person associates the urine and urination with intimacy, closeness, and trust. Urination can play a role in sadomasochistic activities, where the sadist will demonstrate dominance by urinating on the masochist. Some women find that their orgasms are more intense and pleasurable when they have a full bladder, or when they urinate during orgasm. 2People who take part in urophilia are referred to as urophiliacs. Although urophilia encompasses a variety of behaviors and sexual practices involving urine, researchers have identified three primary functions of urine for urophiliacs: Urine serves as a fetishistic object. Urination is used for humiliation in sadomasochistism. Urine is used for ritualistic or ceremonial purposes."
"docid": "D1260766#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/paraphilic%20infantilism\nTranslations for paraphilic infantilism",
"text": "\"Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Paraphilic infantilism Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia and adult baby syndrome can be a sexual fetish for some that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers. Individuals may engage in gentle and nurturing experiences or be attracted to masochistic, coercive, punishing or humiliating experiences. Diaper fetishism involves \"\"diaper lovers\"\" wearing diapers for sexual or erotic reasons but may not involve infant-like behavior. Individuals who experience both of these things are referred to as adult baby/diaper lovers. When wearing diapers, infantilists may urinate or defecate in them. There is no recognized etiology for infantilism and little research on the subject. It has been linked to masochism and a variety of other paraphilias. Though commonly confused with pedophilia the two conditions are distinct and infantilists do not seek children as sexual partners. A variety of causes has been proposed, including altered lovemaps, imprinting gone awry and errors in erotic targets, though there is no consensus."
"docid": "D2468170#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/p2i8m5d/False-People-who-are-identified-as-paraphiliacs-tend-to-have-a-variety-of/\nFalse people who are identified as paraphiliacs tend",
"text": "False people who are identified as paraphiliacs tend SCHOOLWashington State University COURSE TITLEPSYCH 230TYPENotes UPLOADED BYrebeca.sainz PAGES 133 RATINGS91 % ( 44)This preview shows pages 65–67. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Documentcharacteristics that predispose them to become rapists. - False People who are identified as paraphiliacs tend to have a variety of characteristics that make thema very homogenous group. - False A rape victim recently moved from one apartment to another and got a new job in an attempt togain some control over her life. What stage of the rape trauma syndrome response is she likelyin? - Long-term reorganization Based on what we know about intimate partner violence, when would be a good time to offereducational programs on intimate partner violence? - All of the above Asian countries place a high value on respect for women, thus are likely to have less tolerancefor rape myths and victim blaming attitudes. - False Men are more likely to be sexually assaulted by someone they know. - True Trying to talk to the attacker to make yourself a real person to him or her is suggested as a safestrategy to deal with a sexual attack. -"
"docid": "D1975039#0",
"title": "http://cogsci.stackexchange.com/questions/587/is-pedophilia-a-sexual-orientation-or-a-mental-disorder\nIs pedophilia a sexual orientation or a mental disorder?",
"text": "\"_Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Is pedophilia a sexual orientation or a mental disorder?up vote23down votefavorite3There are some different claims being made that pedophilia is a sexual orientation rather than a mental disorder. At the moment there seems to be a growing group of psychologists advocating that pedophilia is, or at least should be considered a sexual orientation rather than a mental disorder. For example: GOOD: You're a member of a growing group of psychologists who say pedophilia should be considered a sexual orientation. Why? Quinsey: Part of the definition of pedophilia is a person has a preference for a particular kind of partner. [...] pedophiles, unlike other men, show substantial sexual interest in prepubescent children. As far as we know—and many people have tried—these sexual interests are not modifiable by any method that’s been tried yet. So it appears like pedophilia is a sexual orientation. [...] You also can’t modify that interest; it’s stable through adulthood, just like pedophilia."
"docid": "D3394467#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronophilia\nChronophilia",
"text": "\"Chronophilia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The term chronophilia was used by John Money to describe a form of paraphilia in which an individual experiences sexual attraction limited to individuals of particular age ranges. [ 1] [2] The term has not been widely adopted by sexologists, who instead use terms that refer to the specific age range in question. [ 3] An arguable historical precursor was Richard von Krafft-Ebing 's concept of \"\"age fetishism\"\". [ 4]Sexual preferences based on age [ edit]Pedohebephilia refers to an expansion and reclassification of pedophilia and hebephilia with subgroups, proposed during the development of the DSM-5. [ 5] It refers more broadly to sexual attractions. Under the proposed revisions, people who are dysfunctional as a result of it would be diagnosed with pedohebephilic disorder. People would be broken down into types based on the idea of being attracted to one, the other or both of the subgroups. The proposed revision was not ratified for inclusion in the final published version of DSM-5. Infantophilia (sometimes called nepiophilia) is a subtype of pedophilia describing a sexual preference for toddlers and infants (less than 5 years old). [ 6]Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. ["
"docid": "D3168103#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/paraphilia\nparaphilia",
"text": "paraphilia Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .par·a·phil·i·a (păr′ə-fĭl′ē-ə, -fēl′yə)n.1. A condition, such as exhibitionism or masochism, in which sexual gratification is derivedfrom activities or fantasies that are generally regarded as atypical or deviant.2. Such a condition when it causes distress or impaired functioning in the individual or actual or potential harm to others; a paraphilic disorder.par′a·phil′i·ac n.par′a·phil′ic n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.paraphilia ( ˌpærəˈfɪlɪə) n (Psychiatry) any abnormal sexual behaviour; sexual anomaly or deviation [C20: from para- 1 + -philia, from Greek philos loving]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014paraphiliathe practice of, indulgence in, or addiction to unusual sexual activities. — paraphilic, adj. See also: Sex-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1."
"docid": "D2900051#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salirophilia\nSalirophilia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Salirophilia is a sexual fetish or paraphilia that involves deriving erotic pleasure from soiling or disheveling the object of one's desire, usually an attractive person. It may involve tearing or damaging their clothing, covering them in mud or filth, or messing their hair or makeup. The fetish does not involve harming or injuring the subject, only their appearance. It is related to wet and messy fetishism, bukkake, omorashi, mysophilia, urolagnia and coprophilia, but extends to other areas such as forcing the partner to wear torn or poorly fitting clothing and other actions which would render them normally unattractive. The fetish sometimes manifests itself in the defacing of statues or pictures of attractive people, especially celebrities or fictional characters. It is common to refer to the practice involving ejaculating on a photo as \"\"facepainting\"\". The fetishist finds this sexually exciting, rather than mere vandalism. They sometimes form collections of defaced art for future enjoyment. A video of the fetishist ejaculating on a picture of someone or a photo depicting the result is known colloquially as a \"\"tribute\"\". The term comes from the French for soiling, salir."
"docid": "D3091296#0",
"title": "http://www.vernonjohns.org/nonracists/dvparphl.html\n.",
"text": "\"CHAPTER 13. THE PARAPHILIASDefinition The word paraphilia is from the Greek for love of what is beyond. A paraphilia involves the fixation on an unusual or partial object or act that impairs the capacity for affectionate sexual relations. Occurrence It is very difficult to get estimates on the occurrence of paraphilias. Many of these behaviors face extreme social condemnation, and, thus, tend to be underreported. Moralism Probably in no field is there such moralistic revulsion again deviant acts as against the paraphilias. For instance, pedophilia is considered such a terrible crime, with good reason, that in the prison system the pedophiles are considered the lowest of the low and are subject to violent attacks by other prisoners. Revulsion, however, does not have to be moralistic. We can hate the act, while not hating the perpetrator for even in this most emotionally volatile area, biological disturbances are present. It is not these persons' moral failings, but biological failings that are at work."
"docid": "D962020#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestiality\nZoophilia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Bestiality)navigation search For plant pollination carried by animals, see Zoophily. Roman oil lamp depicting a zoophilic act, 1st-3rd century A. D. Pan having sex with a goat, statue from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum, 1752Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals. The terms are often used interchangeably, but some researchers make a distinction between the attraction (zoophilia) and the act (bestiality). [ 1]Although sex with animals is not outlawed in some countries, in most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with buggery or crimes against nature. Contents1 Terminology1.1 General1.2 Zoophilia1.3 Zoosexuality1.4 Bestiality2 Extent of occurrence3 Perspectives on zoophilia3.1 Research perspectives3.2 Historical and cultural perspectives3.3 Religious perspectives4 Legal status4.1 Pornography5 Health and safety6 Zoophiles6.1 Non-sexual zoophilia6.2 Zoophile community7 Debate over zoophilia or zoophilic relations7.1 Arguments against bestiality7.2 Arguments for bestiality8 Mentions in the media9 Books, articles and documentaries about zoophilia9.1 Academic and professional9.2 Other books9.3 Print and online media9.4 Film, television and radio10 See also11 References and footnotes12 External links Terminology General Three key terms commonly used in regards to the subject — zoophilia, bestiality, and zoosexuality — are often used somewhat interchangeably. Some researchers distinguish between zoophilia (as a persistent sexual interest in animals) and bestiality (as sexual acts with animals), because bestiality is often not driven by a sexual preference for animals. [ 1] Some studies have found that a preference for animals is rare among people who engage in sexual contact with animals. [ 2] Furthermore, some zoophiles report that they have never had sexual contact with an animal. [ 3] People with zoophilia are known as \"\"zoophiles\"\", though also sometimes as \"\"zoosexuals\"\", or even very simply \"\"zoos\"\". ["
"docid": "D463260#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadomasochism\nSadomasochism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"S&M\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see S&M (disambiguation). This article is about the general historical concept of sadomasochism. For consenting partners engaging in sexual play behavior, see BDSM. For the medical condition involving unwilling victims, see Sexual sadism disorder. For the medical condition where pain or humiliation is required for sexual arousal and causes distress or impairment, see Sexual masochism disorder. [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article possibly contains original research. ( August 2014)This article needs additional citations for verification. ("
"docid": "D1983129#0",
"title": "https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/coercion/\nCoercion",
"text": "\"Coercion First published Fri Feb 10, 2006; substantive revision Thu Oct 27, 2011The concept of coercion has two different faces, corresponding to the two parties involved in its most ordinary cases. On one face, it picks out a technique agents (coercers) can use to get other agents to do or not do something. On the other face, it picks out a kind of reason for why agents (coercees) sometimes do or refrain from doing something. Coercion is typically thought to carry with it several important implications, including that it diminishes the targeted agent's freedom and responsibility, and that it is a ( pro tanto) wrong and/or violation of right. Nonetheless, few believe that it is always unjustified, since it seems that no society could function without some authorized uses of coercion. It helps keep the bloody minded and recalcitrant from harming others, and seems also to be an indispensable technique in the rearing of children. A state's legitimacy and sovereignty is sometimes thought to depend on its ability to use coercion effectively and to monopolize its use within its territory against competitors, both internal and external. Because of its usefulness and its sometimes devastating effects, coercion is a matter of longstanding political and ethical concern. Nonetheless, there has been little sustained scholarly attention to its nature until recently; historically, many seem to have been willing to accept the concept of coercion as a primitive. Since the 1970s, however, the nature and function of coercion has come in for significant philosophical discussion."
"docid": "D3482911#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/p7av13/38-Why-engage-in-sexual-relations-with-children-asked-one-survey-taken-of/\n38 why engage in sexual relations with children asked",
"text": "38 why engage in sexual relations with children asked SCHOOLUniversity of Florida COURSE TITLEANT 2301TYPENotes UPLOADED BYalougheed PAGES 34This preview shows pages 19–24. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document38. This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Document“Why engage in sexual relations with children?”, asked one surveytaken of pedophiles. The most-often-given answer was Student Response Value Correct Answer1. children don't resist.2. the child initiated the contact.3."
"docid": "D1262234#0",
"title": "http://www.minddisorders.com/Del-Fi/Fetishism.html\nFetishism",
"text": "\"Fetishism Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Photo by: Wallenrock Definition Fetishism is a form of paraphilia, a disorder that is characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving non-human objects, the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner (not merely simulated), or children or other non-consenting persons. The essential feature of fetishism is recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving specific objects. While any object may become a fetish, the distinguishing feature is its connection with sex or sexual gratification. A diagnosis of fetishism is made only if an individual has acted on these urges, is markedly distressed by them, or if the fetish object is required for gratification. For some people with a paraphilia such as fetishism, paraphilic fantasies or stimuli may be necessary for erotic arousal and are always included in sexual activity, or the presence of the fetish object may occur only episodically. For example, the fetish object may only be necessary for arousal during periods of stress , and at other times, the person is able to function sexually without the fetish or stimuli related to the fetish. Description As stated, a fetish is a form of paraphilia, and in fetishism, the affected person has created a strong association between an object and sexual pleasure or gratification. A fetish is not simply a pleasant memory—it is a dominant component of most sexual situations. Most fetishes are objects or body parts. Common fetishes involve items of clothing, stuffed animals, or other non-sexual objects."
"docid": "D1074316#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Abnormal_Sexual_Psychology/Definition\nAbnormal Sexual Psychology/Definition",
"text": "\"Abnormal Sexual Psychology Preface | Contributors | Manual of Style | Warning to Readers | Further Reading Contents1 Paraphilia1.1 Clinical Meaning1.1.1 Paraphilia as disorder1.1.2 Levels of Exclusivity1.1.3 7 Clinical Paraphilias1.1.4 Fetishism1.2 Cultural Meaning1.3 Sexuality and Paraphilia1.3.1 Interactions1.3.2 Criminal concerns1.3.3 Mental health issues Paraphilia [ edit]A paraphilia is being aroused by factors considered non-standard by mainstream society. Clinical Meaning [ edit]DSM-IV on : Paraphilia Definition Paraphilias all have in common distressing and repetitive sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors. These fantasies, urges, or behaviors must occur for a significant period of time and must interfere with either satisfactory sexual relations or everyday functioning if the diagnosis is to be made. There is also a sense of distress within these individuals. In other words, they typically recognize the symptoms as negatively impacting their life but feel as if they are unable to control them. The DSM-IV classifies paraphilias as an Axis II disorder. [ 1]. This means they are viewed as clinical syndromes or symptomatic personality functions that are evidenced in long lasting symptoms. Typically, all Axis II conditions are believed to affect all parts of the individual's way of interacting with the world, and are called pervasive. [ The DSM-TR-IV identifies paraphilias as Axis I disorders. The only disorders recorded on Axis II are Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation."
"docid": "D3205880#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia\nHybristophilia",
"text": "\"Hybristophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime—such as rape, murder, or armed robbery. The term is derived from the Greek word ὑβρίζειν hubrizein, meaning \"\"to commit an outrage against someone\"\" (ultimately derived from ὕβρις hubris \"\" hubris \"\"), and philo, meaning \"\"having a strong affinity/preference for\"\". [ 1] In popular culture, this phenomenon is also known as \"\" Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome \"\". [ 2]Many high-profile criminals, particularly those who have committed atrocious crimes, receive \"\" fan mail \"\" in prison that is sometimes amorous or sexual, presumably as a result of this phenomenon. In some cases, admirers of these criminals have gone on to marry the object of their affections in prison. [ 3] [4]Hybristophilia is accepted as potentially lethal, among other such paraphilias including, but not being limited to, asphyxiophilia, autassassinophilia, biastophilia, and chremastistophilia. [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Causes2 Examples3 References4 Further reading Causes [ edit]The reason why some people do this is unknown, but some speculations have been offered. For instance, Katherine Ramsland, who is a professor of forensic psychology at De Sales University mentions that some of the women in particular who have married or dated male serial killers have offered the following reasons:\"\"Some believe they can change a man as cruel and powerful as a serial killer. \"\"\"\" Others 'see' the little boy that the killer once was and seek to nurture him. \"\"\"\" A few hoped to share in the media spotlight or get a book or movie deal. \"\"\"\""
"docid": "D2344726#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_fetishism\nMedical fetishism",
"text": "\"This article includes a list of references, related reading or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. ( December 2014) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The attraction to nurses and their uniforms is a common medical fetish. Medical fetishism refers to a number of sexual fetishes involving objects, practices, environments, and situations of a medical or clinical nature. In sexual roleplay a hospital or medical scene involves the sex partners assuming the roles of doctors, nurses, surgeons and patients to act out specific or general medical fetishes. Medical fantasy is a genre in pornography, though the fantasy may not necessarily involve pornography or sexual activity. Medical fetishism may involve sexual attraction to respiratory therapy involving oxygen via nasal cannula or any sort of masks, medical practitioners, medical uniforms, hospital gowns, anaesthesia, intimate examinations (such as rectal examination, gynecological examination, urological examination, andrological examination, rectal temperature-taking ), catheterization, diapering, enemas, injections, insertion (such as suppository insertion, menstrual-cup insertion, and prostatic massage ), medical devices (such as orthopedic casts and orthopedic braces; see also \"\" Abasiophilia \"\"), dental objects (such as dental braces, retainers, and headgear ), medical restraints, and medical gags. Contents [ hide ]1 Physical examination2 Temperature-taking fetish3 Anesthesia fetishism3.1 Acts, behaviour and rituals3.2 Internet influence4 See also5 References6 Bibliography Physical examination [ edit]The film set for a medical fetishism scene Some people eroticize about intimate examinations as part of a medical fetish, and as such are a common service offered by professional dominants. An intimate examination can form part of a scene in medical play where the nurse or doctor inflicts one or more embarrassing and humiliating quasi-medical procedures on the patient. Often frozen or heated objects are introduced to the patient's body to simulate the uncomfortable sensations that can occur during a real examination."
] |
1822 | a polysaccharide that is used for storing energy in human muscle and liver cells is __________. | [
"docid": "D6973#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycogen\nGlycogen",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. Please review the contents of the article and add the appropriate references if you can. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2015)Schematic two-dimensional cross-sectional view of glycogen: A core protein of glycogenin is surrounded by branches of glucose units. The entire globular granule may contain around 30,000 glucose units. [ 1]A view of the atomic structure of a single branched strand of glucose units in a glycogen molecule. Glycogen (black granules) in spermatozoa of a flatworm; transmission electron microscopy, scale: 0.3 µm Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, [2] animals, [3] fungi, and bacteria. [ citation needed] The polysaccharide structure represents the main storage form of glucose in the body. Glycogen functions as one of two forms of long-term energy reserves, with the other form being triglyceride stores in adipose tissue (i.e., body fat). In humans, glycogen is made and stored primarily in the cells of the liver and skeletal muscle. ["
] | [
"docid": "D1583673#0",
"title": "http://www.flashcardmachine.com/nutrition-chapter-57.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "\"Shared Flashcard Set Details Title Nutrition chapter 5 & 7Description Nutrition flashcards Total Cards 162Subject Other Level Undergraduate 4Created 03/08/2010Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Other Flashcards Cards Terma carbohydrate consisting of a single sugar unit Definitionmonosaccharide Terma carbohydrate made of two sugar units Definitiondisaccharide Termmonosaccharides and disaccharides are known as ______ because of their small size Definitionsimple carbohydrates Termsingle sugar units that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in ratio of 1:2:1. Glucose is the most abundant carbohydrate in the body and consists of 6 carbons, 12 hydrogens, and 6 oxygens. Definitiondescription of monosaccharides Term The most abundant monosaccharides found in food are 6-carbon sugars called _____. These include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Definitionhexoses Term What two shapes, or structures do monosaccharides usually exist in? Definitioncyclic or ring structures Term Note: Although fructose has a 5-sided ring structure, it is still classified as a hexose b/c it contains a total of 6 carbons. Definition Term Note: glucose and galactose look identical."
"docid": "D329605#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/96575989/chapter-4-carbohydrates-flash-cards/\nChapter 4: Carbohydrates",
"text": "94 terms mistermary Chapter 4: Carbohydrates Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What are the main nutrients that the body uses for energy and how many kcal per gram do they provide? -Carbohydrates (4 kcal) -Lipids (9 kcal) -Protein (4 kcal)Which nutrient is the MAIN source of fuel for cells -- especially in the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells? Carbohydrates Glycogen A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose with a highly branched structure. It is the storage form of glucose in humans and is synthesized (and stored) in the liver and muscles Carbohydrates are readily available and what 2 forms? Blood glucose and glycogen What does the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommend to obtain adequate energy? They recommend that 45% to 65% of the calories we consume each day be from carbohydrates Glucose A 6-carbon monosaccharide that usually exists in a ring form, found as such in blood and in table sugar bonded to fructose, also known as dextrose Sugar A simple carbohydrate with the chemical composition (CH2O). The basic unit of all sugars is glucose. The primary sugar in the diet is sucrose, which is made up of glucose and fructose Starch A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest; also known as complex carbohydrate Fiber Substances in plant foods not digested by the processes that take place in the stomach or small intestine."
"docid": "D516231#0",
"title": "https://www.medhealthdaily.com/building-blocks-of-carbohydrates/\nBuilding Blocks of Carbohydrates",
"text": "Nutrition and Diet Building Blocks of Carbohydrates By Emma Scott 03468Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter The building blocks of carbohydrates are sugars, starches, and fibers. It is a medically accepted fact and is approved by the U. S. Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. Therefore, it is known as the three main building blocks of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of human energy and it is recommended to include 50 to 60 percent carbohydrate content food in our diet. The carbohydrates are divided into 3 classes as per their nature and structure. In sugar, we have monosaccharide and disaccharides. The monosaccharide is simple sugar and is found in fruits and honey. The disaccharide is two molecule sugars, the multiple sugars, are found in malt sugar and table sugar. The starches are known as complex carbohydrates that are found in vegetables and whole grains. In the third category, fiber, it is predominantly cellulose and hemicelluloses."
"docid": "D1727094#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/21283341/energy-chemical-reactions-and-organic-compounds-flash-cards/\nEnergy, chemical reactions and organic compounds",
"text": "15 terms CKeen02Energy, chemical reactions and organic compounds Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort List the 4 primary categories of organic compounds Organic chemistry is the study of compounds containing carbon. The four primary categories of organic compounds are: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acids. Discuss why carbon is useful forming biological molecules Carbon has only 4 valence electrons, they bond readily to gain more valence electrons. Carbon can form long chains, branched molecules and rings, these serve as the backbone for organic molecules. Carbon also forms covalent bonds with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. Carbon backbones carry a variety of functional groups (small cluster of atoms that determine many properties of an organic molecule). These can include: Hydroxl, methyl, carboxyl, amino and phosphate. Most macromolecules are polymers which are molecules made of repetitive series of identical orsimilar subunits called monomers. The joining of monomers to form a polymer is called polymerisation. Living cells achieve this by means of a reaction called dehydration synthesis (condensation)."
"docid": "D472238#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/10520788/nutrition-chapter-4-flash-cards/\nNutrition Chapter 4",
"text": "\"53 terms juliaz Nutrition Chapter 4Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortcarbohydrates compounds composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen arranged as monosaccharides. Most, but not all, have a ratio of one carbon molecule to one water molecule (CH2O)nmonosaccharides single sugars, (C6H12O6), glucose, fructose, and galactosedisaccharides sugars composed of pairs of monosaccharides linked together; maltose, sucrose, lactosepolysaccharides compounds composed of many monosaccharides linked together. Three types are important in nutrition: glycogen, starches, and (dietary) fiberssimple carbohydrates monosaccharides and disaccharides (the sugars) are sometimes called thiscomplex carbohydrates polysaccharides (starches and fibers) are sometimes called thismaltose disaccharide; glucose + glucose. Produced whenever starch breaks down-as happens in human beings during carbohydrate digestion. Also occurs during the fermentation process that yields alcohol. Minor constituent of a few foodssucrose disaccharide; glucose + fructose. Because the fructose is accessible to the taste receptors, it tastes sweet, accounting for some of the natural sweetness of fruits, vegetables, and grainslactose disaccharide; glucose + galactose. Principle carbohydrate of milk."
"docid": "D2763245#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090121002141AAC8XIx\nRoles of glycogen granules in muscle cell function?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology Roles of glycogen granules in muscle cell function?wat are the roles of glycogen granules in muscle cell function? Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: the major storage form of energy in animals is glycogen stored in glycogen granues. therefore glycogen granues in muscle cell act as stores of energy for the muscle cells which require alot of energy to perform their functions. Source (s): New advaced boilogyjose · 9 years ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating Muscle Cell Function Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8O9Ystollsteimer · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Glycogen is a polysaccharide used as short-term storage and short bursts of energy. We can only survive for 1 day on glycogen reserves. Gua Gua · 9 years ago0 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/e7Onl Myosin (which has ADP and inorganic phosphate bound to its nucleotide binding pocket and is in a ready state) binds to the newly uncovered binding sites on the thin filament. Myosin is now bound to actin in the strong binding state. The release of ADP and inorganic phosphate causes the myosin head to turn, causing a ratchet movement (actin acts as a cofactor in the release of inorganic phosphate, expediting the release). This will pull the Z-bands towards each other, thus shortening the sarcomere and the I-band. ATP binds myosin, allowing it to release actin and be in the weak binding state. ("
"docid": "D200716#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/23721323/carbohydrates-flash-cards/\nCarbohydrates",
"text": "\"65 terms sfarquharson Carbohydrates Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Carbohydrates compounds composed of single or multiple sugars. The name means \"\"carbon and water,\"\" and a chemical shorthand for carbohydrate is CHO, signifying carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O);; an energy-yielding nutrient; contain the sun's radiant energy, captured (photosynthesis) in a form living things can use to drive the processes of life; made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen held together by energy-containing bonds Simple Carbohydrates sugars, including both single sugar units and linked pairs of sugar units. The basic sugar unit is a molecule containing 6 carbon atoms, together with oxygen and hydrogen stoms;; sugars;Complex Carbohydrates long chains of sugar units arranged to form starch or fiber; also called polysaccharides;; starch and fiber;Monosaccharide single sugar units Disaccharide pairs of single sugars linked together Polysaccharide ... Glucose plants combine the sun's energy, water, and carbon dioxide to yield glucose through photosynthesis; provides energy for the work of the plant; the most important monosaccharide in the body (most other mono- and di- saccharides become glucose in body); soluble Fructose a monosaccharide, aka- fruit sugar Galactose a monosaccharide, part of the disaccharide lactose Sucrose a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose; sometimes known as table, beet or cane sugar and , often, simply \"\"sugar\"\"Lactose a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose; sometimes known as milk sugar Maltose a disaccharide composed of 2 glucose units, sometimes known as malt sugar Starch a plant polysaccharide composed of glucose. After cooking, starch is highly digestible by human beings; raw starch often resists digestion; a plant storage form of glucose; insoluble (as opposed to glucose which is soluble- the energy could be more easily lost)Glycogen a highly branched polysaccharide composed of glucose that is made and stored by LIVER and MUSCLE tissues of human beings and animals as a storage form of glucose. Glycogen is not a significant food source of carbohydrate and is not counted as one of the complex carbohydrates in foods. Fiber the indigestible parts of plant foods, largely nonstarch polysaccharides that are not digested by human digestive enzymes, although some are digested by resident bacteria of the colon. Fibers include cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, gums, mucilages, and the nonpolysaccharide lignin; its sugar units are held together by bonds that the human digestive enzymes cannot break Soluble Fiber food components that readily dissolve in water and often impart gummy or gel-like characteristics to foods. An example is pectin from fruit, which is used to thicken jellies."
"docid": "D3496718#0",
"title": "https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/introduction-to-chemistry-general-organic-and-biological/s19-07-polysaccharides.html\n16.7 Polysaccharides",
"text": "\"16.7 Polysaccharides Learning Objective Compare and contrast the structures and uses of starch, glycogen, and cellulose. The polysaccharides are the most abundant carbohydrates in nature and serve a variety of functions, such as energy storage or as components of plant cell walls. Polysaccharides are very large polymers composed of tens to thousands of monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic linkages. The three most abundant polysaccharides are starch, glycogen, and cellulose. These three are referred to as homopolymers because each yields only one type of monosaccharide (glucose) after complete hydrolysis. Heteropolymers may contain sugar acids, amino sugars, or noncarbohydrate substances in addition to monosaccharides. Heteropolymers are common in nature (gums, pectins, and other substances) but will not be discussed further in this textbook. The polysaccharides are nonreducing carbohydrates, are not sweet tasting, and do not undergo mutarotation. Starch Starch is the most important source of carbohydrates in the human diet and accounts for more than 50% of our carbohydrate intake. It occurs in plants in the form of granules, and these are particularly abundant in seeds (especially the cereal grains) and tubers, where they serve as a storage form of carbohydrates."
"docid": "D200719#0",
"title": "http://www.orthomolecular.org/nutrients/glycogen.html\n.",
"text": "\"Glycogen Glycogen is the principal storage form of glucose in animal cells. In humans, the most glycogen is found in the liver (10% of the liver mass), whereas muscles only contain a relatively low amount of glycogen (1% of the muscle mass). In addition, small amounts of glycogen are found in certain glial cells in the brain. Sometimes called \"\"animal starch\"\" for its resemblance with starch found in plants, it is stored in liver and muscle cells and can be converted to glucose if needed. In the liver this conversion is regulated by the hormone glucagon. Under certain conditions, between meals for instance, liver glycogen is an important source of blood glucose. Muscle cell glycogen appears to be only for local use. Glycogen is the primary glucose (energy) storage mechanism. It is stored in the form of granules in the cytosol which is where glycolysis takes place. These granules contain both glycogen and the necessary enzymes for its conversion into glucose."
"docid": "D124650#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbohydrate\nCarbohydrate",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lactose is a disaccharide found in animal milk. It consists of a molecule of D-galactose and a molecule of D-glucose bonded by beta-1-4 glycosidic linkage. It has a formula of C 12 H 22 O 11. A carbohydrate is a biomolecule consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms, usually with a hydrogen–oxygen atom ratio of 2:1 (as in water); in other words, with the empirical formula C m (H 2O) n (where m may be different from n ). [ 1] This formula holds true for monosaccharides. Some exceptions exist; for example, deoxyribose, a sugar component of DNA, [2] has the empirical formula C 5 H 10 O 4. [ 3] The carbohydrates are technically hydrates of carbon; [4] structurally it is more accurate to view them as aldoses and ketoses . [ 5]The term is most common in biochemistry, where it is a synonym of 'saccharide', a group that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose. The saccharides are divided into four chemical groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides and disaccharides, the smallest (lower molecular weight) carbohydrates, are commonly referred to as sugars. ["
"docid": "D1604180#0",
"title": "https://www.srasanz.org/sras/basics-sugar/digestion-absorption-and-transport-carbohydrates/\n.",
"text": "Carbohydrates are broken down to provide glucose for energy Digestion predominantly occurs via enzymes lining the wall of the small intestine Once absorbed, galactose and fructose are metabolised further by the liver to produce glucose and minimal amounts of other metabolites___________________The metabolism of carbohydrates is the process of getting the carbohydrates in the foods we eat into the right format to provide fuel to our body's cells. This process involves digestion, absorption and transportation. Most commonly, carbohydrate metabolism results in the production of glucose molecules which are the most efficient source of energy (ATP) for our muscles and our brains. Energy or fuel from our food is used for cell growth, repair and normal cell functioning. Digestion Carbohydrates are most commonly consumed as polysaccharides (e.g. starch, fibre or cellulose) or disaccharides (e.g. lactose, sucrose, galactose) and therefore need to be broken down into their simpler monosaccharide forms which the body can utilise. The digestion process of polysaccharides such as starch will begin in the mouth where it is hydrolysed by salivary amylase. The amount of starch hydrolysed in this environment is often quite small as most food does not stay in the mouth long. Once the food bolus reaches the stomach the salivary enzymes are denatured. As a result, digestion predominantly occurs in the small intestine with pancreatic amylase hydrolysing the starch to dextrin and maltose. Enzymes classed as glucosidases on the brush border of the small intestine break down the dextrin and maltase, lactase and sucrase convert the other disaccharides into their two monosaccharide units."
"docid": "D2371161#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/19578947/chapter-4-carbohydrates-flash-cards/\nChapter 4 Carbohydrates",
"text": "\"71 terms gasavala Chapter 4 Carbohydrates Nutrition Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Carbohydrates - found primarily in plants - a convenient and economical source of caories - organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - an energy source Simple carbohydrates - organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen - sugars - linked together to form 3 sizes; monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides Monosaccharides composition - composed of a single carbohydrate unit - glucose, fructose, galactose Disaccharides - consists of two single carbohydrates bound together - sucrose, maltose, and lactose Polysaccharides - consists of many units of nomosaccharides joined together. - starch and fiber aare food sources - glycogen is a storage form in the liver and muscles Monosaccharides and Disacchrides simple carbohydrates Polysaccharides complex carbohydrates Carbohydrate function - provide energy, fiber, and naturally occuring sweeteners (sucrose and fructose)Protein-sparing effect if enough carbohydrate is provided to meet the energy needs of the body, protein cand be spared or saved to use for specific protein functions Ketones - form when there are not enough carbohydrates available then fat is metabolized - intermediate prodocts of fat metabolism Ketoacidosis develops when carbohydrate levels contine to be insufficient to meet energy demands - affects the p H balance of the body which can be lethal if uncontrolled GI tract - has the role of digesting carbs into monosaccharides for easy absorption - the digestion process begins in the mouth - mechanical digestion breaks down food into smaller pieces and mixes carb-containing foods with saliva Ptyalin amylase in saliva to help break down carbs Small intestine enzymes and specific pancreatic amylse work on starch to contimue the breakdown to monosaccharides Disaccharide breakdown enzyme specific; lactase/lactose; sucrase/sucrose; maltase/maltose - secreted by the brush border cells which then hydrolyze disaccharides into monosaccharides Glucose, fructose, and galactose once they enter the villi, the portal blood circulatory system tranaports to live- liver removes frructose and galactose and convers to glusose - can be used immediately for energy or for glycogen formation Glycogen - carbohydrate energy stored in the liver and muscles - 150g in the adult muscle; 90g in the liver Glycogenesis the process of converting glucose to glycogen Glycogenolysis - glycogen stored in the liver and muscle tissue is converted back to glucose Gluconeogenesis the process of producing glucose from fat Blood glucose - a source of energy to all cells - glucose may be used imm. as energy or converted to glycogen or fat - both conversions provide energy for the future - glycogen can be converted back to glucose - glucose to fat is irreversible - glucose cannot be formed again but is stored as fat to be used later - GLUCOSE is essential for brain function, and cell formation during pregnancy and growth Ketone bodies - can be used for energy - created when fatty acids are broken down for energy when sufficient carbs are not available - a buildup could caus ketosis, leading to acid-base imbalances Insulin a hormone produced by beta cells of the islets of Langerhans - lowers blood glucose levels by enhancing the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen through glycogenesis of to fat stored in adipose tissue - eases the absorption of glucose into the cells so the use of glucose as energy is increased Glucagon stimulates conversion of liver glycogon to glucose, assisting the regulation of glucose levels during the night Somatostatin - secreted from the hypothalamus and pancreas - inhibits the functions of insulin and glucagon Adrenal hormones - epinephrine - enhances the fast conversion of liver glycogen to glusose - steroid hormones - fxns against insulin, promotes glucose formation from protein - growth hormone & ACTH - function as insulin inhibitors - thyroxin - enhances intestinal absorption of glucose and releasing epinephrine Glycemic index - the level to whicha food raises blood glucose levels compared with a reference food Glycemic load considers the total glycemic index effect of a mixed meal or dietary plan Glucose - blood sugar, most easily used by the body - main source of energy for the CNS and brain - rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestine - needs insulin to be taken into the cells where energyis released Fructose - the sweetest of the sugars - provides the characteristic tast of fruits and honey - liver cells rearrange fructose into glucose Galactose - found as part of the disaccharide lactose, milk sugar - converted to glucose by the liver Sucrose (di) - glucose + fructose - known as \"\"table sugar\"\" - comes from sugar cane and sugar beets (naturally in fruits) - contains fructose so quite sweet Maltose (di) - glucose + glucose - available when cereal grains are about to germinate - in humans, created from the breakdown of starch in sm. intestine - used to make beer and malt beverages - when fermented, alcohol is formed Lactose (di) - glucose + galaactose - called milk sugar - primary carb in milk US commercial law - defines sugar as sucrose - blood glucose levels- blood sugar levels Sources in food supply - refined white sugar, brown sugar, dextrose, crystalline fructose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, corn sweeteners, lactose, concentrated fruit juice, honey, maple syrup, molasses, sugar alcohols ( sorbitol, nannitol, xylitol)Consumption levels - white sugar intake has declined, HFCS intake has risen - HFCS - less expensive to produce Health effects - nutrient displacement - dental caries - obesity and diabetes Nutrient displacement occurs when whole foods are not eaten and are replaced by foods xontaining added sugars ( candy and soda instead of a sandwich)Obesity - may be caused by excessive intake of kcal from energy nutrients - stored in the body as fat - sugared foods are high in fat - fat intake may be more of a risk Diabetes - type 2 DM not caused by consumption of sugar ADHD - myth that sugar consumption by children produces hyperactivity or ADHDSugar alcohols - sugar replacers; nutritive sweeteners providing 2-3 kcal/g - occur naturall in fruits and berries - sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol - reduced-energy or low-energy sweeteners Alternative sweeteners - nonnutritive substances produced to be sweet-tasting - aspartame and saccharin - artificial sweeteners - fns- replace naturally sweet substances such as sugar and honey Aspartame - a noncaloric sweetener - not for individuals with PKU - Nutrisweet or Equal Saccharin - used in excess, can cause bladder cancer - public wanted it though - has bitter aftertaste - Sweet N Low, Sugar Twin Acesulfame K - 200 times sweeter than sucrose - not digestible by humans - can be used for baking, heat does not destroy sweetness - Sunette Sucralose - from chemically altered sucrose - 600 times sweeter than sucrose, provides no energy - passes out through urine - Splenda Starch - all starchy foods are plant foods - the storage form of plant carbohydrates - grains, legumes, some vegetables and fruits - grains are the best source- wheat, oats, barley, rice, corn, rye Legumes - beans and peas - significant source of comples carbohydrates - low in fat - excellent source of fiber, iron, and protein - dried, canned, or fozen Potatoes - leading source of starch - a root vegetable - a powerhouse of complex carbs, fiber, vitamins, some protein - best in least processed form Sweet potatos and yans - same nutrients as white potatoes plus significant amounts of beta-carotene; may protect against some cancers Dietary fiber - human digestive enzymes cannot break down - consists of substaces in plant foods including carbs, ignin - passes through without providing kcal or nutrients - helps regulate movement of food mass through GI tract Soluble dietary fibers - dissolve in fluids - pectin, mucilage, psyllium, sedd husk, guar gum - thickens substances - oatmeal Insoluble dietary fibers - do not dissolve in fluids - provide structure and protection for plants - cellulose, hemicellulose Fiber bebefits - improve the physical functioning of the human body - decreased risk of developing obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, and colon cancer Obesity (fiber) - eating high-fiber foods/lower amounts of fat make weight control easier - makes us feel fuller, so less food is consumed Constipation (fiber) - insoluble fiber, wheat bran, whole grains, prevent dry, hard stools of constipation - sufficient fiber intake pluse adequate fluid amounts ensures larger, softer stools - less straining during elimination also reduces risk fo hemorrhoids (enlarged veins in the anus), and diverticular disease Diverticular disease (fiber) - begins eariler in life due to constant low intake of dietary fiber - affects the large intestine - pockets (diverticular) develop on outside wall of intestine - if feces caught in pocket, bacteria may develop, multiply, and cause serious and painful inflammation (diverticulitis)Colon cancer (fiber) - risk factors; high dietary fat intake and exposure to carrcinogenic substances in the GI tract - fiber-containing foods, fruits, vegetables, may be protective for colon -Heart disease (fiber) - risk factors; high blood cholesterol, high lipid levels - replace high fat foods with fiber foods - soluble fibers move cholesterol throgh the intestime Diabetes control (fiber) - help stabalize blood glucose levels - slower absorption of glusoce may keep levels acceptable Unrefined grains - prepared for consumption containing their original components Whole grain products - food items made usingall the edible portions of kernels Refined grains - have been taken apart - only portions of the edible kernel are included - most often refined; wheat, rice, oats, corn, rye Enrichment - the replacement of nutrients t the leve that was present"
"docid": "D1729641#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_are_starch_and_glycogen_considered_storage_polysaccharides\nWhy are starch and glycogen considered storage polysaccharides?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Biochemistry Why are starch and glycogen considered storage polysaccharides? Flag Why are starch and glycogen considered storage polysaccharides? Answer by Mike Hayes Confidence votes 4.2KStarch and glycogen are both ways of storing glucose, the energy source for most cells. Starch and glycogen are both polymers of glucose, produced by repeated condensation reactions between glucose molecules. When the glucose is needed, they can be broken down by hydrolysis reactions to release the glucose. The advantages of storing glucose as a polymer are that it prevents the glucose from being used up in other reactions, by taking it out of solution, and it also prevents the glucose from altering the water balance of the cell. If large numbers of glucose molecules were produced they would draw water into the cell by osmosis. Similarly when they were used up water could leave the cell by osmosis. Polysaccharides are insoluble and so do not affect the water balance of the cell.11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Glycogen is a polysaccharide used for energy storage by?"
"docid": "D796829#0",
"title": "http://www.herbs2000.com/h_menu/polysacharides.htm\nPolysaccharides",
"text": "Polysaccharides Also known as glycan, polysaccharide is a carbohydrate that can be broken up into two or more molecules of mono-saccharides by means of hydrolysis. In fact, polysaccharide is the basic appearance in which majority of the carbohydrates are found naturally. The molecular structure of polysaccharides may be either linear or branched. While the polysaccharides having a linear molecular structure, for instance, cellulose, are usually compacted to develop into an inflexible formation, the branched form of polysaccharide molecules, for instance, gum Arabic, are usually water soluble to form pastes or adhesives. In other words, polysaccharides may also be defined as polymeric carbohydrate arrangements (one or more carbohydrate compounds formed by polymerization). As the term 'poly' suggests, they are developed of repeating structural units (mono-saccharides or disaccharides) that are bind mutually by glycosidic (a class of compounds that give up a sugar and an aglycon during hydrolysis) bonds or attachments. Very frequently, polysaccharides are found to be heterogeneous or assorted enclosing trivial alterations of the repeating structural units. Compared to the monosaccharide building blocks, these macro molecules may possess dissimilar properties depending on their structure. Such polysaccharides are often amorphous (shapeless) and also not soluble in water. Another description of polysaccharide says that it is an arrangement of carbohydrate that creates a lengthy chain of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen cells."
"docid": "D2012006#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090127131157AAtNmYx\nHow do humans store glucose?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology How do humans store glucose? Where in the body is it most commonly stored? What is starch? Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Glucose can be stored as glycogen (energy reserve) through the process called glycogenesis by the enzyme glycogen synthase. The conversion of glucose to glycogen enables the body to 'park' or store extra carbohydrate calories, for future use. Glycogen are stored in: *Liver (comprising about 10 percent of the liver). Liver-glycogen is more readily available for energy and blood glucose maintenance *Muscles containing a relatively small amount. Muscle-glycogen is used primarily for muscle-energy. * Brain where small amounts of glycogen are found in the glial cells. Liver and muscles are the primary storage area of glycogen."
"docid": "D1086733#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-polysaccharides.htm\nWhat are Polysaccharides?",
"text": "Polysaccharides are chains of sugar units that form in configurations from tens to thousands of units long. They comprise the carbohydrate storage units for plants and animals, and they can also have structural roles in plants, fungi, insects, and crustaceans. Plants make starches as their storage units, while animals store glycogen. Starches and glycogen are homopolysaccharides, meaning that they have the same type of sugar throughout their chain. The polymeric carbohydrate structure for glycogen and starch is made of chains of glucose linked by glycosidic bonds. These are bonds in which the adjoining –OH groups of glucose join together, forming water as a byproduct. These bonds are easily broken, making starch and glycogen ready sources of energy in the form of glucose. Glycogen has thousands of units of glucose with many branches in its structure. There are two forms of starch, amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is an unbranched chain of hundreds of glucose units, while amylopectin is a chain of thousands of units that is branched."
"docid": "D847432#0",
"title": "http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/introduction-to-chemistry-general-organic-and-biological/s19-07-polysaccharides.html\n16.7 Polysaccharides",
"text": "\"16.7 Polysaccharides Learning Objective Compare and contrast the structures and uses of starch, glycogen, and cellulose. The polysaccharides are the most abundant carbohydrates in nature and serve a variety of functions, such as energy storage or as components of plant cell walls. Polysaccharides are very large polymers composed of tens to thousands of monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic linkages. The three most abundant polysaccharides are starch, glycogen, and cellulose. These three are referred to as homopolymers because each yields only one type of monosaccharide (glucose) after complete hydrolysis. Heteropolymers may contain sugar acids, amino sugars, or noncarbohydrate substances in addition to monosaccharides. Heteropolymers are common in nature (gums, pectins, and other substances) but will not be discussed further in this textbook. The polysaccharides are nonreducing carbohydrates, are not sweet tasting, and do not undergo mutarotation. Starch Starch is the most important source of carbohydrates in the human diet and accounts for more than 50% of our carbohydrate intake. It occurs in plants in the form of granules, and these are particularly abundant in seeds (especially the cereal grains) and tubers, where they serve as a storage form of carbohydrates."
"docid": "D516160#0",
"title": "http://seplessons.org/node/362\nTesting for Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates",
"text": "\"Testing for Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates Elementary School (K-5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12) Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Biology/Life Science Chemistry Chemistry of Life SEP's Daly Ralston Resource Center Author (s): SEP staff (Chemistry of Life lesson)Lesson Overview Grade level (s): Elementary School (K-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12), Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10Subjects (s): Biology/Life Science, Chemistry Topic: Organic molecules: Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates Big ideas (s): There are four classes of biological macromolecules: Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids All biological macro-molecule are made up of a small number of elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur Simple tests can detect the presence of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates in given samples (i.e. various food items)Vocabulary words: Lipids, fats, sugar, carbohydrates, proteins, macro-molecule, amino acid, glucose, sucrose, monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide, starch, enzyme, fatty acids, polar/non-polar molecules, nucleic acid, polymer What you need: SEP Testing for lipids, proteins and carbohygrates kit which includes all needed testing reagents (K243). If you do not have access to the SEP resource center, you can order the reagents through WARDS or CAROLINA SCIENTIFIC. Protein station: Biuret reagent, test tubes or clear plastic cups, pipettes, various food items (milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, tofu, apple, potato, yeast, cooked beans, eggs, etc. ), plates Lipid station: Various oils and fats (Olive oil, sesame seed oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, canola oil, walnut oil, margarine, butter, lard, Crisco etc. ), milks with various fat content (fat free, 1%, 2% whole milk), solution of egg white, solution of egg yolk, other solutions with and without lipids for Sudan red test, brown paper bags, cotton swabs, Sudan III solution Carbohydrate station: Various carbohydrates to test (potato, sweet potato, bread, cooked noodles, crackers, corn chips, table sugar, apples, flour, corn starch etc. ), Benedict solution, iodine solution, corn syrup, test tubes, hot plate,Grouping: Student should be divided up into three groups which rotate between the stations. There, students can work independently or in pairs. If you don't use stations, students should work in pairs. Setting: Classroom or lab. You will need sinks (if you want to students to do the clean up) and electric outlets."
"docid": "D2668745#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/43177241/nutritionchapter-3-flash-cards/\nNutrition~Chapter 3",
"text": "62 terms Samantha Joseph Nutrition~Chapter 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Photosynthesis The process by which pants use sunlight to fuel a chemical reaction that combines carbon and water into glucose, which is then stored in their cells. Simple Carbohydrates commonly called sugars and consists of one or two molecules. A monosaccharide or disaccharide Complex Carbohydrates A nutrient compound that consists of long chains of glucose. Plant Foods Most carbohydrates from this source Foods Derived From Milk The only nonplant source of carbs Monosaccharide The simplest of carbs consisting of one molecule of sugar. Their sources are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glycogen The form of glucose that is stored in the liver and muscles Polysaccharide A complex carb consisting of long chains of glucose. Forms are starch and fiber. Why We Should Eat Fiber 1 Promote regular bowel movements 2 Alleviate constipation 3 Reduce risk for diverticulosis 4 Reduces risk for cardiovascular disease Functional Fiber Nondigestible forms of carbs that are extracted from plants or manufactured in the lab and have known health benefits Benefits of Soluble Fiber Easily digested in the colon."
"docid": "D563145#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/49888097/biology-unit-2-flash-cards/\nBiology Unit #2",
"text": "124 terms Charlotte_Jacques Biology Unit #2Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Why are carbon atoms so common in living things? 4 bonds with other atoms3 examples of inorganic molecules? Water (H2O), oxygen (O2), ammonia (NH3)One of the most abundant hydrocarbons in natural gass? Methane (CH4)4 groups that are functional and organic? Hydroxyl, Carbonyl, Carboxyl, Amino group3 shapes the carbon backbones of organic molecules can take? Straight chain, branched chain, ring What determines the properties of a functional group? The carbon skeleton and the attached functional group Using the dehydration reaction, cells construct what from 2 monosaccharides? Disaccharide How meany monomers are polymers built from?"
] |
1832 | a version of a trait that requires a homozygous genotype for expression is called a | [
"docid": "D473335#0",
"title": "http://scienceprimer.com/Alleles-genotype-phenotype\nAlleles, Genotype and Phenotype",
"text": "Genetics is the study of the organization, expression and transfer of heritable information. The ability for information to pass from generation to generation requires a mechanism. Living organisms use DNA. DNA is a chain, or polymer, of nucleic acids. Individual polymers of DNA can contain hundreds of millions of individual nucleic acids molecules. These long DNA strands are called chromosomes. Information is contained in the order of the individual nucleic acids that make up the DNA polymer. The use of DNA as the information molecule is a universal property of all life on Earth. Genetic information is read by our cellular machinery and allows our bodies to synthesize the many enzymes and proteins required for life. Genetic information is carried in discrete units called genes."
] | [
"docid": "D1494500#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-homozygous-and-vs-heterozygous/\nDifference Between Homozygous and Heterozygous",
"text": "\"Difference Between Homozygous and Heterozygous Posted on October 30, 2011 by Naveen Homozygous vs Heterozygous Before understanding the difference between homozygous and heterozygous, a simple introduction about these would make it convenient. The inherited genes from the parental chromosomes control all the characters or traits of animals, plants, and all other living beings. That is the core reason of showing parental characteristics in the progeny. Most of the eukaryotic organisms have two sets of genes known as maternal genes from mother and the paternal genes from father. Therefore, the genetic situation is known as diploid (two sets of chromosomes). That means all the traits have the genetic components from both mother and father. However, those genes could be either dominant or recessive over each other, and that is where the homozygous and heterozygous characteristics are important to know. Homozygous Homozygous genes are composed of two similar type paternal and maternal genes. However, the dominant and recessive characters are important to consider. As an example, let the dominant trait, indicated upper case ‘S’, has been inherited from mother and the same from father for a child."
"docid": "D59044#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/36904039/vcu-biol310-unit-2-chapter-4-flash-cards/\nVCU BIOL310 - Unit 2 - Chapter 4",
"text": "\"136 terms Jennifer_Mc Donald VCU BIOL310 - Unit 2 - Chapter 4VCU Genetics - Smith - Spring 2014 (Text - Sanders)Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort_______ describes how genes interact to express phenotypes. This could mean that alleles of one gene prevent the expression of alleles of another gene. epistasisthe dominance of one allele over another is determined by _______ the protein product of that allelegene interactions: the ways genes collaborate or interact to influence _______ phenotypeloss-of-function mutations of haplosufficient genes are (dominant / recessive) recessivean individual heterozygous for a HAPLOSUFFICIENT gene will have a (functional / non-functional) protein product functionalan individual heterozygous for a HAPLOINSUFFICIENT gene will have a (functional / non-functional) protein product non-functionalif a heterozygous individual has a mutant phenotype, then the (wild type / mutant) allele is dominant mutantalleles are genes at the same _______ locus_______ may produce a heterozygote whose phentotype is different from either homozygote phenotype (this would produce a heterozygous pink flower if homozygotes are either red or white flowers). incomplete dominance (*note - the heterozygous phenotype is likely to resemble one homozygote phenotype more closely than the other)_______ produces heterozygotes that express the phenotype of both parents roughly equally codominance AB blood type is an example of (complete dominance / codominance / incomplete dominance) codominanceanti-A antiserum will clump with blood type (A / B / AB / O) A and ABanti-B antiserum will clump with blood type (A / B / AB / O) B and ABwhat kind of antiserum will clump with blood type O? none! blood type O has no antigens on the red blood cell surfacethe genotype for individuals with blood type O is _____ iiindividuals with blood type A have type A (antigens / antibodies) and type B (antigens / antibodies) blood type A has A-antigens and B-antibodies. (* and the opposite is true - blood type B has B-antigens and A-antibodies)the H-antigen can be modified by _______ to produce _______, or _______ to produce _______. I^A transferase to produce A-antigen / I^B transferase to produce B-antigenwhat does I^A transferase produce that binds to the H-antigen to create A-antigens?"
"docid": "D281025#0",
"title": "http://en.mimi.hu/biology/recessive.html\nRecessive",
"text": "\"Recessiverecessive In genetics, referring to that allele of a gene that is not express ed in the phenotype when the dominant allele is present. Also refers to the phenotype of an individual ( homozygote) carrying two recessive alleles. ( Figure 8-1) Full glossary ... [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21607/def-item/A7767/]recessive character s those traits that are not expressed, even though their genes are present together with the gene for the opposite dominant allele Source: Noland, George B. 1983. General Biology, 11th Edition. St. Louis, MO. C. V. Mosby ... [www.webref.org/biology/r/recessive_characters.htm]Recessive Recessive is a quality found in the relationship between two versions of a gene. Individuals receive one version of a gene, called an allele, from each parent. If the alleles are different, the dominant allele will be expressed, while the effect of the other allele, called recessive, is masked. [ www.genome.gov/glossary/index.cfm?id=172&textonly=true]~ [ ⇑] phenotype distribution The secretion of water-soluble A, B and H antigens in the saliva most widely was studied. A wide variation in the frequency of ~ [ ⇑] phenotype (nonsecretor: se) was registered. ["
"docid": "D362254#0",
"title": "http://biology.about.com/od/geneticsglossary/g/alleles.htm\nAllele: A Genetics Definition",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science Allele: A Genetics Definition Share Flipboard Email Print An allele is one of two or more versions of a gene. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. Darryl Leja / NHGRIby Regina Bailey Updated April 08, 2018An allele is an alternative form of a gene (one member of a pair) that is located at a specific position on a specific chromosome. These DNA codings determine distinct traits that can be passed on from parents to offspring through sexual reproduction. The process by which alleles are transmitted was discovered by Gregor Mendel and formulated in what is known as Mendel's law of segregation. Examples of Dominant and Recessive Alleles Diploid organisms typically have two alleles for a trait. When allele pairs are the same, they are homozygous. When the alleles of a pair are heterozygous, the phenotype of one trait may be dominant and the other recessive. The dominant allele is expressed and the recessive allele is masked. This is known as complete dominance."
"docid": "D494527#0",
"title": "http://biology.about.com/od/geneticsglossary/g/heterozygous.htm\nHeterozygous: A Genetics Definition",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science Heterozygous: A Genetics Definition Share Flipboard Email Print Matthew O'Shea/Photodisc/Getty Imagesby Regina Bailey Updated February 15, 2018In diploid organisms, heterozygous refers to an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait. An allele is a version of a gene or specific DNA sequence on a chromosome. Alleles are inherited through sexual reproduction as the resulting offspring inherit half of their chromosomes from the mother and half from the father. The cells in diploid organisms contain sets of homologous chromosomes, which are paired chromosomes that have the same genes at the same positions along each chromosome pair. Although homologous chromosomes have the same genes, they may have different alleles for those genes. Alleles determine how particular traits are expressed or observed. Example: The gene for seed shape in pea plants exists in two forms, one form or allele for round seed shape (R) and the other for wrinkled seed shape (r). A heterozygous plant would contain the following alleles for seed shape: (Rr). Heterozygous Inheritance Complete Dominance Diploid organisms have two alleles for each trait and those alleles are different in heterozygous individuals. Incomplete dominance inheritance, one allele is dominant and the other is recessive."
"docid": "D97807#0",
"title": "http://www.diffen.com/difference/Allele_vs_Gene\nContents: Allele vs Gene",
"text": "\"Diffen › Science › Biology › Molecular Biology A gene is a stretch of DNA or RNA that determines a certain trait. Genes mutate and can take two or more alternative forms; an allele is one of these forms of a gene. For example, the gene for eye color has several variations (alleles) such as an allele for blue eye color or an allele for brown eyes. An allele is found at a fixed spot on a chromosome. Chromosomes occur in pairs so organisms have two alleles for each gene — one allele in each chromosome in the pair. Since each chromosome in the pair comes from a different parent, organisms inherit one allele from each parent for each gene. The two alleles inherited from parents may be same (homozygous) or different (heterozygotes). Comparison chart Allele versus Gene comparison chart Allele Gene Refers to A specific variation of a gene. A section of DNA that controls a certain trait. Examples Blue eyes, green eyes, type A blood, black skin, white skin Eye color, blood type, skin color Contents: Allele vs Gene1 Function2 Genotype and Phenotype3 Homozygotes and Heterozygotes4 Dominant and Recessive5 Examples5.1 Peas5.2 Blood Group5.3 Wild and Mutant Alleles6 References Function A gene is a stretch of DNA that codes for a polypeptide via an RNA chain."
"docid": "D3434399#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/41656020/biology-flash-cards/\nBiology",
"text": "239 terms auream Biology Biology 1010Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort____ is the study of body plans and structures among groups of organisms. Comparative morphology A codon is three adjacent nucleotides in a molecule of messenger RNA that forms the code for a specific amino acid A cross between a rose comb chicken (RRpp) and a pea comb chicken (rr PP) produces all walnut comb chickens (Rr Pp). This outcome is a result of two interacting gene pairs affecting one trait. A dichotomous key is used to identify an organism A gene codes for a particular protein to be made, is a sequence of nucleotides, is carried within a DNA molecule A gene locus is the location of an allele on a chromosome. A key role which clay particles may have played in the origin of life is the tendency for clay to provide a catalytic surface for the formation of polymers A male, Alfred, has just been informed by his doctor that he suffers from a rare genetic disease which causes his eyes to move in opposite directions when he hears very loud noises (thus explaining his confusion when he is at football games). Alfred's doctor tells him that the disease is caused by a gene defect in the X chromosome which produces the chemical 'opthihallucinogase'. In light of this information, you correctly conclude that Alfred's mother's father (his maternal grandfather) also suffered from this same ailment as evidenced by the grandfather's walking in front of a Boeing 707 while it was landing during his first and last trip to an airport. No one else in Alfred's family apparently suffers from this ailment."
"docid": "D14885#0",
"title": "http://iitg.vlab.co.in/?sub=72&brch=173&sim=1566&cnt=1\n.",
"text": "\"MENDEL’S EXPERIMENTSHow are traits passed from parents to offspring? The answer is by gene transmission. Genes are located on chromosomes and consist of DNA. They are passed from parents to their offspring through reproduction. Genes also contain information about a specific characteristic or trait and can either be dominant or recessive. Each gene has a designated place on every chromosome, called a locus. All copies of a gene are not identical and alternative forms of a gene is called alleles that lead to the alternative or different form of one trait. Alleles are helpful in identification of the two members of a gene pair, which produce opposite contrasting phenotypes, e.g., b is an allele of B and vice versa. When the two alleles of a gene are identical, the individual is homozygous for that trail, and on the other hand, if there are two different alleles, the individual is heterozygous. A homozygous pair can be either dominant (AA, BB) or recessive (aa, bb)."
"docid": "D2268631#0",
"title": "http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/250/25009_16.html\nPopulation Genetics",
"text": "\"Population Genetics is the study of genetic events at the level of the population, and hence, genetics as it pertains to evolution. In studying population genetics, (one branch of evolutionary genetics ), the investigator studies evolution by mathematically modeling changing gene frequencies in populations, and comparing those models to what happens in natural populations. The Terminologypopulation: all individuals of the same species living in a defined geographic (or smaller, organismal) area.deme - a local, actively interbreeding population that shares a distinct gene pool. ( Isolation of a deme fronm other conspecific demes can result in the generation of subspecies (microevolution) or even reproductive isolation (macroevolution/speciation).gene pool: all the genes at all loci in every member of an interbreeding population.evolution: change over timeorganic evolution: change in living organisms over timemicroevolution - genetic change within a speciesmacroevolution - reproductive isolation between members of a previously interbreeding population, resulting in two new (daughter/sibling) species (a.k.a. speciation )adaptation - short term changes in physiology, morphology, metabolism, etc. made by an individual organism in response to environmental changes Remember: Individuals adapt. Only populations evolve. The goal of the population geneticist is to understand the genetic composition of a population and the forces that determine and change that genetic composition. Understanding these forces at the population level helps us reconstruct the course of evolution and the various interacting forces that drive it. How did the tremendous variety of earth's biodiversity evolve?"
"docid": "D1335977#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-genotypes-definition-examples-quiz.html\nWhat are Genotypes? - Definition & Examples",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 94K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses What Is a Phenotype? - Definition & Example Properties of Alleles What is Heterozygous? - Definition, Traits & Example Dominant Trait: Definition & Example Lesson Transcript Instructor: Marta Toran Marta has taught high school and middle school Science and has a Master's degree in Science Education. In this lesson, you will learn about what genotypes are, where they come from and how they play a major role in determining how your body works and what you look like. What is a Genotype? As the name suggests, a person's genotype refers to the types of genes he or she has for a particular inheritable trait. Genotypes determine which characteristics an individual will express, for example: whether they have freckles or not, if they are lactose intolerant, if they have hair on their knuckles or if their eyes will be blue, brown or another color. How do Genotypes Come About? Genes are found on chromosomes, those tightly-packed DNA structures in the cell nucleus. In sexually-reproducing organisms, chromosomes come in pairs, one from the mother and one from the father."
"docid": "D194312#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recessive\nDominance (genetics)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Recessive)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( February 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Inheritance of Dwarfing in Maize. Demonstrating the heights of plants from the two parent variations and their F1 heterozygous hybrid (centre). Dominance in genetics is a relationship between alleles of one gene, in which the effect on phenotype of one allele masks the contribution of a second allele at the same locus. [ 1] [2] The first allele is dominant and the second allele is recessive. For genes on an autosome (any chromosome other than a sex chromosome ), the alleles and their associated traits are autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. Dominance is a key concept in Mendelian inheritance and classical genetics. Often the dominant allele codes for a functional protein whereas the recessive allele does not."
"docid": "D1835398#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/29138818/bio-practice-quiz-exam-3-flash-cards/\nBio practice quiz exam 3",
"text": "\"143 terms danielleleah Bio practice quiz exam 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort1Which transfers information from the nucleus of a cell to the cytoplasm? t RNA b. DNA c. m RNA d. r RNA mrna2Which of the following is NOT a difference between RNA and DNA? RNA contains uracil and DNA Thymine RNA has five bases, but DNA only four DNA contains a deoxyribose sugar, but RNA contains ribose sugar DNA is a double strand of nucleotides, but RNA a single strand rna has five bases, but dna only four3Which of the following most directly transfers information from a chain of nucleotides to a chain of amino acids? t RNA b. DNA c. m RNA d. r RNA trna4Lymphomas and leukemias affect which type of cells? Skin b. Endocrine c. Blood d. Muscle blood5The central dogma of molecular biology states that _________ is transcribed into _______ which is translated into ____. Genes/polypeptides, gene product c. Protein/DNA/RNA DNA/RNA/protein d. DNA/m RNA/t RNA dna rna protein6Cancer may be caused by: Carcinogens b. Viruses c. Substances found in food d. All of these all of these7A single gene specifically contains information for: A single physical trait Synthesis of a single protein Synthesis of a protein, carbohydrate or lipid One or more physical traits, depending on the gene synthesis of a single protein8If a codon were read two bases at a time instead of three bases at a time, how many different possible amino acids could be specified? 2 b. 4 c. 16 d. 64 169Which is true of mutations? Some are visible only under certain conditions c. Occur only in gametes All mutations involve whole chromosomes d. Most are beneficial some are visable only under certain conditions10One of the major direct benefits of mutations for a population is: Introduction of new genetic material c. Weeding out the less fit Reduced ability to reproduce d. Smaller populations introduction of new genetic material11Which is true of mutations?"
"docid": "D1168045#0",
"title": "http://www.plantphys.info/plants_human/seedcolor.shtml\nMendel's Seed Color Trials",
"text": "\"Course Schedule Plant Phys Info Homepage Email Ross Koning Mendel's Seed Color Trials Among Mendel's pea collection he noticed two varieties that differed only in the color of the seeds in the pods. One variety had yellow seeds and the other had green seeds. Today if you visit the grocery store and go to the dry beans section you can see these two colors of split peas sold in bags for making pea soup. Note: the peas are not actually cut or split, but the seed coats have been removed so that the cotyledons fall apart. The colors we are observing, then, are not \"\"seed\"\" colors, but rather cotyledon colors. Mendel's stock plants are true-breeding thanks to their long-term obligate self-crossing for many generations. Here is a diagram of the two varieties that Mendel started with. We call these two stocks the P (parental) generation: P: Green Pea X Yellow Pea What you see above is the \"\"look\"\" of the peas and this is called the phenotype. There is a green phenotype on the left and a yellow phenotype on the right. Mendel grew up the seeds above until the plants flowered, tore open the flowers, and cross pollinated them."
"docid": "D1455864#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/130380453/intro-to-cell-biology-exam-4-chapters-13-flash-cards/\nIntro to Cell Biology - Exam 4 (chapters 13,",
"text": "\"207 terms karajb26Intro to Cell Biology - Exam 4 (chapters 13,Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Trichoplax adhaerens (Tp) is the only living species in the Trichoplax adhaerens (Tp) is the only living species in the phylum Placozoa. Individuals are about 1 mm wide and only 27 μm high, are irregularly shaped, and consist of a total of about 2000 cells, which are diploid (2n = 12). There are four types of cells, none of which are nerve or muscle cells, and none of which have cell walls. They move using cilia, and any \"\"edge\"\" can lead. Tp feeds on marine microbes, mostly unicellular green algae, by crawling atop the algae and trapping it between its ventral surface and the substrate. Enzymes are then secreted onto the algae, and the resulting nutrients are absorbed. Tp sperm cells have never been observed, nor have embryos past the 64-cell (blastula) stage. If Tp sperm are observed by future researchers, how many chromosomes should be found in a Tp sperm nucleus?"
"docid": "D2675339#0",
"title": "http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Recessive_trait\nRecessive trait",
"text": "\"Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social | Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology |Biological: Behavioural genetics · Evolutionary psychology · Neuroanatomy · Neurochemistry · Neuroendocrinology · Neuroscience · Psychoneuroimmunology · Physiological Psychology · Psychopharmacology ( Index, Outline )In genetics, a recessive gene is an allele that causes a phenotype (visible or detectable characteristic) that is only seen in a homozygous genotype (an organism that has two copies of the same allele) and never in a heterozygous genotype. Every person has two copies of every gene on autosomal chromosomes, one from mother and one from father. If a genetic trait is recessive, a person needs to inherit two copies of the gene for the trait to be expressed. Thus, both parents have to be carriers of a recessive trait in order for a child to express that trait. Note that \"\"expression\"\" in this sense does not refer to genetic expression (i.e., transcription and translation) of the gene. Instead, \"\"expression\"\" here refers to the observance of the gene within the phenotype. If both parents are carriers, there is a 25% chance with each child to show the recessive trait in the phenotype. Thus if the parents are closely related (in-breeding) the probability of both having inherited the same gene is increased and as a result the probability of the children showing the recessive trait is increased as well. The term \"\"recessive gene\"\" is part of the laws of Mendelian inheritance created by Gregor Mendel. Examples of recessive genes in Mendel's famous pea plant experiments include those that determine the color and shape of seed pods, and plant height."
"docid": "D2570197#0",
"title": "http://education.seattlepi.com/happens-recessive-allele-present-dominant-6305.html\nWhat Happens When a Recessive Allele Is Present More Than the Dominant?",
"text": "Written by Mallory Malesky Related Articles1What Are the Characteristics of a Homozygous Phenotype?2How Can a Recessive Allele Show Up in a Phenotype?3What Side of Your Family Do You Inherit Hair Traits From?4Can Anyone Have the Same Genetic Trait as You? The study of the human genome continues to provide advancements in medicine and understanding diseases. However, basic genetic principles of recessive versus dominant alleles have been known for many years. The combination of genes your parents donate to you determine everything about you, from your head to your toes. When a recessive allele is present more than the dominant, the recessive trait is expressed. Genes and Alleles Humans have thousands of genes contained on 46 chromosomes. Half of the chromosomes are inherited from your mother and the other half from your father. These genes contain the instructions for the body to build proteins that not only make you a human, but make you different from every other human as well. To make you different, there must be different versions of the same gene. The different versions are called alleles, and you have two for each gene."
"docid": "D3375478#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/129706569/genetics-flash-cards/\nGenetics",
"text": "\"114 terms hannah_78Genetics Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Inheritance process by which traits of organisms are passed to their offspring Gene the unit of inheritance- segment of DNA located at a particular place on a chromosome that encodes the info for the amino acid sequence of a protein; therefore, a trait. Locus A gene's physical location on a chromosome Allele a form of a gene; different versions of a gene at a given locus Homozygous if both homologues have the same allele at a given gene locus ex) RR, or rr Heterozygous if two homologues have different alleles at that locus. They are also known as hybrids. ex) Rr Gregor Mendel an Austrian monk who discovered the principles of inheritance through experiments with peasself-fertilization when an organism's sperm fertilizes its own eggs Cross-fertilization when sperm from an organism fertilizes eggs from a different organism True-breeding organisms through self-fertilization, they produce offspring identical to the parent. They are homozygous for a given trait What are the 3 laws of inheritance? Law of Dominance Law of Segregation Law of Independent Assortment Law of Dominance the dominant gene will overrule the recessive gene, and prevent the appearance of the trait controlled by the recessive gene Law of Segregation during gamete (egg and sperm formation) production, the pair of genes for a trait separate, so that each gamete has only one of the genes for the trait Law of Independent Assortment as gametes are being formed, the genes for various traits separate independently of one another ONLY if they are on different chromosomes. Law of Probability when a procedure can result in two equally likely outcomes (in this case heads or tails), the probability of either outcome occurring is ½ or 50%. When there are four equally likely outcomes, then it's 1/4 or 25%."
"docid": "D3258133#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homozygous_dominant\nDominance (genetics)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Homozygous dominant)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( February 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Inheritance of Dwarfing in Maize. Demonstrating the heights of plants from the two parent variations and their F1 heterozygous hybrid (centre). Dominance in genetics is a relationship between alleles of one gene, in which the effect on phenotype of one allele masks the contribution of a second allele at the same locus. [ 1] [2] The first allele is dominant and the second allele is recessive. For genes on an autosome (any chromosome other than a sex chromosome ), the alleles and their associated traits are autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. Dominance is a key concept in Mendelian inheritance and classical genetics. Often the dominant allele codes for a functional protein whereas the recessive allele does not."
"docid": "D124078#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/allele-a-genetics-definition-373460\nAllele: A Genetics Definition",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science Allele: A Genetics Definition Share Flipboard Email Print An allele is one of two or more versions of a gene. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. Darryl Leja / NHGRIby Regina Bailey Updated April 08, 2018An allele is an alternative form of a gene (one member of a pair) that is located at a specific position on a specific chromosome. These DNA codings determine distinct traits that can be passed on from parents to offspring through sexual reproduction. The process by which alleles are transmitted was discovered by Gregor Mendel and formulated in what is known as Mendel's law of segregation. Examples of Dominant and Recessive Alleles Diploid organisms typically have two alleles for a trait. When allele pairs are the same, they are homozygous. When the alleles of a pair are heterozygous, the phenotype of one trait may be dominant and the other recessive. The dominant allele is expressed and the recessive allele is masked. This is known as complete dominance."
"docid": "D912211#0",
"title": "https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/crash-course-bio-ecology/crash-course-biology-science/v/crash-course-biology-109\n.",
"text": "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:580 energy points Studying for a test? Prepare with these 2 lessons on Crash Course: Biology and Ecology. See 2 lessons Heredity About Transcript Hank and his brother John discuss heredity via the gross example of relative ear wax moistness. Created by Eco Geek. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter Email Questions Tips & Thanks Top Recent Tags Segregation Co-dominance Phenotype Genetics Heterozygous Homozygous Evolution F1 generation Recessive allele Independent assortment Gene Fitness Carrier Gene pool Darwin Allele Punnett Square Incomplete penetrance F2 generation Mendel Natural selection Dominant allele Incomplete dominance Autosomes Chromosome Sex-linked Hybrid Genotype Hardy Weinberg Genetic variation Heredity Video transcript Hank: So, I have this brother, John, you may have heard of him. John: Hi there. Hank: And as it happens, John and I have the exact same parents. John: Yeah, Mom and Dad Green. Hank: And since we have the same parents, it's to be expected that John and I would have similar physical characteristics because the source of our DNA is exactly the same."
] |
1833 | a vertical supply curve represents: | [
"docid": "D1532450#0",
"title": "http://www.s-cool.co.uk/a-level/economics/elasticities/revise-it/price-elasticity-of-supply\nPrice Elasticity of Supply",
"text": "Elastic, inelastic and unitary supply These terms are used in exactly the same way as with demand elasticities. I will summarise their meanings with respect to supply in the following table: Value of the elasticity Price rise or cut? What will happen to the quantity supplied? E s = 0 Price rise The supply curve is vertical, so supply remains the same but with a higher price. ( Perfectly inelastic) Price cut The supply curve is vertical, so supply remains the same but with a lower price.0 < E s < 1 Price rise For a given rise in price, the rise in supply will be proportionately smaller than the rise in price. ( Relatively inelastic) Price cut For a given fall in price, the fall in supply will be proportionately smaller than the rise in price. E s = 1 (Unitary elasticity)Price rise or a price cut For a given change in price (up or down) the change in supply will be proportionately the same as the change in price.1 < E s < ∞ Price rise For a given rise in price, the rise in supply will be proportionately larger than the rise in price. ( Relatively elastic) Price cut For a given fall in price, the fall in supply will be proportionately larger than the fall in price. Again, I have missed out the case where the elasticity is infinite. As with demand, the curve is horizontal, implying that firms can supply as much as they want at a given price."
] | [
"docid": "D157030#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marginal_cost\nMarginal cost",
"text": "\"A typical marginal cost curve with marginal revenue overlaid. Price is on the vertical axis and quantity on the horizontal axis. In economics, marginal cost is the change in the opportunity cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit, that is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. [ 1] Intuitively, marginal cost at each level of production includes the cost of any additional inputs required to produce the next unit. At each level of production and time period being considered, marginal costs include all costs that vary with the level of production, whereas other costs that do not vary with production are considered fixed. For example, the marginal cost of producing an automobile will generally include the costs of labor and parts needed for the additional automobile and not the fixed costs of the factory that have already been incurred. In practice, marginal analysis is segregated into short and long-run cases, so that, over the long run, all costs (including fixed costs) become marginal. If the cost function is differentiable, the marginal cost is the first derivative of the cost function with respect to the quantity. [ 2]The marginal cost can be a function of quantity if the cost function is non-linear. If the cost function is not differentiable, the marginal cost can be expressed as follows.where denotes an incremental change of one unit."
"docid": "D915729#0",
"title": "https://courses.byui.edu/ECON_150/ECON_150_Old_Site/Lesson_04.htm\n.",
"text": "Section 01: Elasticity -- Beyond Supply and Demand Total Revenue Why do move theaters often have empty seats? Would they generate more revenue by lowering the price and selling more tickets? How responsive are movie goers to a change in the price? The answer to these questions are found using elasticities. A firm’s profit is determined by taking the total revenue minus the total cost. Total revenue is equal to the price each unit sells for times the quantity or number of units sold. We will focus on total revenue in this section and leave the discussion on costs for later. One of the key decisions in business is determining what price to charge. We know from the law of demand, that as the price increases (decreases) the quantity demanded decreases (increases), but the question is by how much? Does total revenue increase or decease as we raise or lower the price?"
"docid": "D1958024#0",
"title": "http://www.harpercollege.edu/mhealy/eco212i/assign/ch11/ch11.htm\n.",
"text": "\"11-1 Why is the aggregate demand curve downsloping? Specify how your explanation differs from the rationale behind the downsloping demand curve for a single product. The aggregate demand (AD) curve shows that as the price level drops, purchases of real domestic output increase. The AD curve slopes downward for three reasons. The first is the interest-rate effect. We assume the supply of money to be fixed. When the price level increases, more money is needed to make purchases and pay for inputs. With the money supply fixed, the increased demand for it will drive up its price, the rate of interest. These higher rates will decrease the buying of goods with borrowed money, thus decreasing the amount of real output demanded. The second reason is the wealth or real balances effect."
"docid": "D3515263#0",
"title": "http://econpage.com/201/handouts/profit/profit.html\n.",
"text": "Barry Haworth University of Louisville Department of Economics Economics 201Profit maximization and the Perfectly Competitive firm Our first look at firm behavior comes within the context of perfect competition. What comes below is a step by step explanation of how perfectly competitive firms maximize their profits, both algebraically and graphically, and a discussion of our result. Remember that, in perfectly competitive markets, no individual firm has any influence over the market price (since there are many firms and each is a small player in the overall market). Since each firm's product is identical to that of other firms (i.e. products are homogeneous), all firms face the same price. While firms cannot individually influence the market price through their actions, they can collectively. Therefore, our starting point will be the market demand and supply curves. These are the same demand and supply curves from the earlier material on Consumer Theory (i.e. they do all the same tricks, like demand shifting when there's a change in income, that those other demand and supply curves did). ( Market Demand) P = 100 - .078Q d (Market Supply) P = .02Q s + 2Solving for equilibrium price and quantity, we get: P*= $22 and Q*= 1000 units. These values represent the price that each firm will charge and the total number of units that will be produced overall. A typical firm within this market has the following costs: (Total Costs) TC = q 2 + 2q + 100 (Average Costs) AC = q + 2 + (100/q) (Marginal Costs) MC = 2q + 2Let's note a few things about the first two equations before proceeding."
"docid": "D2587116#0",
"title": "http://economics.about.com/od/money/ss/Nominal-Interest-Rates-and-Money-Supply-and-Demand.htm\nHow Money Supply and Demand Determine Nominal Interest Rates",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Social Sciences How Money Supply and Demand Determine Nominal Interest Rates Share Flipboard Email Printciteby Jodi Beggs Updated October 07, 201701of 09Using Money Supply and Demand to Determine Nominal Interest Rates The nominal interest rate is the rate of interest before adjusting for inflation. Learn how money supply and money demand come together to determine nominal interest rates in an economy. These explanations are also accompanied by relevant graphs that will help illustrate these economic transactions.02of 09Nominal Interest Rates and the Market for Money Like many economic variables in a reasonably free-market economy, interest rates are determined by the forces of supply and demand. Specifically, nominal interest rates , which is the monetary return on saving, is determined by the supply and demand of money in an economy. Obviously, there is more than one interest rate in an economy and even more than one interest rate on government-issued securities. These interest rates tend to move in tandem, so it is possible to analyze what happens to interest rates overall by looking at one representative interest rate.03of 09What Is the Price of Money? Like other supply and demand diagrams, the supply and demand for money is plotted with the price of money on the vertical axis and the quantity of money in the economy on the horizontal axis. But what is the \"\"price\"\" of money? As it turns out, the price of money is the opportunity cost of holding money. Since cash doesn't earn interest, people give up the interest that they would have earned on non-cash savings when they choose to keep their wealth in cash instead."
"docid": "D536319#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_surplus\nEconomic surplus",
"text": "\"This article is about consumers' and producers' surplus. For information about other surpluses, see Surplus. An automated process has detected links on this page on the local or global blacklist. If the links are appropriate you may request whitelisting by following these instructions; otherwise consider removing or replacing them with more appropriate links. ( To hide this tag, set the \"\"invisible\"\" field to \"\"true\"\")List of blacklisted links: [show]Graph illustrating consumer (red) and producer (blue) surpluses on a supply and demand chart In mainstream economics, economic surplus, also known as total welfare or Marshallian surplus (after Alfred Marshall ), refers to two related quantities. Consumer surplus or consumers' surplus is the monetary gain obtained by consumers because they are able to purchase a product for a price that is less than the highest price that they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus or producers' surplus is the amount that producers benefit by selling at a market price that is higher than the least that they would be willing to sell for; this is roughly equal to profit (since producers are not normally willing to sell at a loss, and are normally indifferent to selling at a breakeven price). [ 1] [2]Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Consumer surplus3 Calculation3.1 Calculation from supply and demand3.2 Distribution of benefits when price falls3.3 Rule of one-half4 See also5 References6 Further reading Overview [ edit]In the mid-19th century, engineer Jules Dupuit first propounded the concept of economic surplus, but it was the economist Alfred Marshall who gave the concept its fame in the stream of economics. On a standard supply and demand diagram, consumer surplus is the area (triangular if the supply and demand curves are linear) above the equilibrium price of the good and below the demand curve. This reflects the fact that consumers would have been willing to buy a single unit of the good at a price higher than the equilibrium price, a second unit at a price below that but still above the equilibrium price, etc.,"
"docid": "D2919270#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/29129953/mid-term-review-flash-cards/\nMid Term Review",
"text": "76 terms irmairisd Mid Term Review Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Points CDEH in graph indicate attainable combinations of food and clothinga production possibility curve, inside is ___, outside is____ inefficient, unattainable The combination of 5 drill presses and 2 bread (inside curve) is inefficient combinationslope of line tangent to the curve at point B is (y=6, x=3) 2.00 slope = y/x or x=6/3refer to above table. in moving stepwise from possibility a to b to c to F, the cost of a unit of steel in terms of wheat increases (steady increase while wheat is inconsistent in decrease)movement along the production possibilities curve would imply that society is producing a different combination of outputsan increase in the labor supply due to immigration would shift the PPC to the right truea tradeoff exists between two economic goals, x and y. the trade off means getting more of x requires getting less of ya relationship illustrated by an upsloping graph means decrease in the value of one variable causes the value of the other to decreasea reduction in the level of unemployment would have which effect with respect to the nation's PPC it would not shift the curve, it would be represented by moving from a point inside the curve toward the curvehenry wants to buy a book. the economic perspective suggests that henry will buy the book if the marginal benefit of the book is greater than the marginal costeconomics is a social science that studies how individuals, institutions and society may best use scare resources to achieve the maximum satisfaction of economic wantsin a graph of marginal benefit and marginal ost of national defense goods, a rightward shift or increase in the MB curve will increase the allocation of resources to national defensethe opportunity cost to a consumer who smokes is the products that he could bought instead of cigarettesthe law of increasing opportunity says that along a production possibilities curve, increases in the production of one good make the production of that good become easier and easierthe slope of a straight line is the ratio of the absolute vertical change to the absolute horizontal change between two points on the linerefer to the above diagrams. in which case would the coefficient of income elasticity be negative? Chart: y=quantity demanded X=income. Curve down, high to lowrefer to the above diagrams. In which case would the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand be negative? chart: y=price of A, x=Quantity of B demanded, curve up, high to low.refer to the above diagrams. The case of an inferior good is represented by figure Chart: y=Qty demanded X= income. Curve down, high to lowrefer to the above diagrams."
"docid": "D2214301#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_aggregate_supply_curve_is_vertical\nWhy aggregate supply curve is vertical?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Economics Why aggregate supply curve is vertical? Flag Why aggregate supply curve is vertical? Answer by Magiecake Confidence votes 374Aggregate supply curve in the long run is vertical. This is because in the long run, wages and other input prices rise and fall to coordinate with the price level. Therefore, price level will not affect how much is supplied.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What factors shift aggregate supply curve?-an increase/decrease in government purchases -a reduction/increase in taxes -an increase/decrease in investor confidence -foreigners develop/lose a taste for A …Aggregate supply curve? A graphed line showing the relationship between the aggregate quantity supplied and the average of all prices as measured by the implicit GDP price deflator. Kathryn Orydzuk 1,778 Contributions Why is the aggregate supply curve upward sloping? At a higher price level, producers are willing to supply more real output. The Profit Effect: When the price level rises, output prices rise relative to input prices (costs), …Why is the long-run aggregate supply LRAS curve vertical?"
"docid": "D1103457#0",
"title": "https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/aggregatedemand.asp\nWhat is 'Aggregate Demand'",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load What is 'Aggregate Demand'Aggregate demand is an economic measurement of the sum of all final goods and services produced in an economy, expressed as the total amount of money exchanged for those goods and services. Since aggregate demand is measured by market values, it only represents total output at a given price level and does not necessarily represent quality or standard of living. Next Up Account Aggregation Demand Theory Aggregation Keynesian Economics BREAKING DOWN 'Aggregate Demand'As a macroeconomic term describing the total demand in an economy for all goods and services at any given price level in a given period, aggregate demand necessarily equals gross domestic product (GDP), at least in purely quantitative terms, because the two share the same equation. As a matter of accounting, it must always be the case that the aggregate demand and GDP increase or decrease together. Technically speaking, aggregate demand only equals GDP in the long run after adjusting for the price level. This is because short-run aggregate demand measures total output for a single nominal price level, not necessarily (and in fact rarely) equilibrium. In nearly all models, however, the price level is assumed to be “one” for simplicity. Other variations in calculations can occur depending on methodological variations or timing issues in gathering statistics. Aggregate demand is by its very nature general, not specific. All consumer goods, capital goods, exports, imports and government spending programs are considered equal so long as they traded at the same market value."
"docid": "D935798#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.net/business/finance-business-2/difference-between-movement-and-shift-demand-curve/\nDifference between Movement and Shift in Demand Curve",
"text": "\"Difference between Movement and Shift in Demand Curve• Categorized under Marketing | Difference between Movement and Shift in Demand Curve Movement vs Shift in Demand Curve The graph, which represents the relationship between the price of a certain commodity and its quantity that consumers are able and willing to purchase at a particular price, is known as the demand curve in economics. It is a graphic illustration of a demand schedule. The demand curve is actually used to assess the behavior in a competitive market and is, therefore, combined with a supply curve to estimate the equilibrium quantity and the equilibrium price of the market. Characteristics of a Demand Curve The demand curve is drawn with quantity on the x-axis or horizontal axis, and price on Y-axis or vertical axis. It usually moves downward from left to right and is said to have a negative association. The negative slope is also known as a law of demand, which shows that consumers will buy more of the product and services as their prices fall. The demand curve is usually related to the marginal utility curve because the price an individual is willing to pay for a certain commodity depends on the utility. Nevertheless, the demand is directly dependent on a consumer’s income while utility is not. Thus, it may change indirectly due to the change in demand for other products and services. What is a Shift in the Demand Curve and a Movement along the Demand Curve?"
"docid": "D1312724#0",
"title": "http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/theory-and-applications-of-economics/s12-01-market-supply-and-market-deman.html\n8.1 Market Supply and Market Demand",
"text": "\"8.1 Market Supply and Market Demand Learning Objectives How is the market demand curve derived? What is the slope of the market demand curve? How is the market supply curve derived? What is the slope of the market supply curve? What is the equilibrium of a perfectly competitive market? We begin the chapter with the individual demand curve —sometimes also called the household demand curve—that is based on an individual’s choice among different goods. ( In this chapter, we use the terms individual and household interchangeably.) We show how to build the market demand curve from these individual demand curves. Then we do the same thing for supply, showing how to build a market supply curve from the supply curves of individual firms. Finally, we put them together to obtain the market equilibrium."
"docid": "D1042215#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/economics/micro/elasticity/section1/\nElasticity",
"text": "\"Elasticity<< Prev Section Page 1of 3Next Page >What is Elasticity? Elasticity refers to the degree of responsiveness in supply or demand in relation to changes in price. If a curve is more elastic, then small changes in price will cause large changes in quantity consumed. If a curve is less elastic, then it will take large changes in price to effect a change in quantity consumed. Graphically, elasticity can be represented by the appearance of the supply or demand curve. A more elastic curve will be horizontal, and a less elastic curve will tilt more vertically. When talking about elasticity, the term \"\"flat\"\" refers to curves that are horizontal; a \"\"flatter\"\" elastic curve is closer to perfectly horizontal. Figure %: Elastic and Inelastic Curves At the extremes, a perfectly elastic curve will be horizontal, and a perfectly inelastic curve will be vertical. Hint: You can use perfectly inelastic and perfectly elastic curves to help you remember what inelastic and elastic curves look like: an I nelastic curve is more vertical, like the letter I. An E lastic curve is flatter, like the horizontal lines in the letter E . Figure %: Perfectly Elastic and Perfectly Inelastic Curves Price elasticity of demand, also called the elasticity of demand, refers to the degree of responsiveness in demand quantity with respect to price."
"docid": "D545131#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/economics/aggregate-demand-and-aggregate-supply/aggregate-supply-as-curve\nAggregate Supply (AS) Curve",
"text": "Aggregate Supply (AS) Curve The aggregate supply curve depicts the quantity of real GDP that is supplied by the economy at different price levels. The reasoning used to construct the aggregate supply curve differs from the reasoning used to construct the supply curves for individual goods and services. The supply curve for an individual good is drawn under the assumption that input prices remain constant. As the price of good X rises, sellers' per unit costs of providing good X do not change, and so sellers are willing to supply more of good X‐hence, the upward slope of the supply curve for good X. The aggregate supply curve, however, is defined in terms of the price level. Increases in the price level will increase the price that producers can get for their products and thus induce more output. But an increase in the price will also have a second effect; it will eventually lead to increases in input prices as well, which, ceteris paribus, will cause producers to cut back. So, there is some uncertainty as to whether the economy will supply more real GDP as the price level rises. In order to address this issue, it has become customary to distinguish between two types of aggregate supply curves, the short‐run aggregate supply curve and the long‐run aggregate supply curve . Short‐run aggregate supply curve. The short‐run aggregate supply (SAS) curve is considered a valid description of the supply schedule of the economy only in the short‐run."
"docid": "D1579795#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/p23av/Demand-is-the-willingness-and-ability-of-a-consumer-or-group-of-consumers-to/\nAll consumer behavior is represented by demand demand",
"text": "All consumer behavior is represented by demand demand SCHOOLMichigan State University COURSE TITLEISS 225TYPENotes UPLOADED BYasdas PAGES 16 RATINGS100 % ( 1)This preview shows pages 2–4. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Documentgood or service at every given price. All consumer behavior is represented by demand. Demand is the solution to a consumer’s utility maximization problem. In the utilitymaximization problem, the consumer is able to choose the quantity. Everything else thatis relevant to the consumer’s decision to consume is out of her control. In other words,the consumer has control over certain amount of income and observes a certain set ofprices for the things she wishes to buy. Given those constraints, the consumer chooses tobuy a quantity of each good and service that maximizes her utility. A consumer’s demandtells us what she will buy."
"docid": "D2165486#0",
"title": "http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/income-and-employment-theory\nIncome and Employment Theory",
"text": "Income and Employment Theory Structure of the theory Synthesis of Keynesian and classical models BIBLIOGRAPHYThe modern theory of income and employment, for which we may thank the genius of J. M. Keynes (1936), is without question the most important advance in economic analysis in the twentieth century. Keynes taught us to understand the nature of depressions and radically changed our thinking about how to deal with them. Keynesian principles have been widely applied in the policies of most industrialized countries, and governmental responsibility for the maintenance of “full employment” is now generally accepted. In the United States the growing influence of the “new economics” led, in 1946, to the passage of the Employment Act, which created the Council of Economic Advisers and committed the federal government “to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. ”In addition to its profound influence on economic policy, the modern theory of income and employment has paved the way for important developments in many areas of economic analysis. The purpose of the present essay is to provide a broad, simple outline of the theory. Many subtleties and extensions have necessarily been glossed over or omitted completely. [ The interested reader is urged to consult the separate articles on topics treated only briefly in this article: Consumption Function; Employment AND Unemployment; Fiscal Policy; Inflation AND Deflation; Interest; Investment; Liquidity Preference; Monetary Policy; and Money . ] Meaning of unemployment. It is important at the outset to be clear about the meaning of unemployment."
"docid": "D1085338#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/shifting-the-supply-curve-1147938\nShifting the Supply Curve",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Social Sciences Shifting the Supply Curve Share Flipboard Email Printby Jodi Beggs Updated April 03, 201701of 05The Supply Curve As stated earlier, the quantity of an item that either an individual firm or a market of firms supplies is determined by a number of different factors, but the supply curve represents the relationship between price and quantity supplied with all other factors affecting supply held constant. So what happens when a determinant of supply other than price changes? The answer is that, when a non-price determinant of supply changes, the overall relationship between price and quantity supplied is affected. This is represented by a shift of the supply curve, so let's think about how to shift the supply curve.02of 05An Increase in Supply An increase in supply is represented by the diagram above. An increase in supply can either be thought of as a shift to the right of the demand curve or a downward shift of the supply curve. The shift to the right interpretation shows that, when supply increases, producers produce and sell a larger quantity at each price. The downward shift interpretation represents the observation that supply often increases when the costs of production decrease, so producers don't need to get as high of a price as before in order to supply a given quantity of output. ( Note that the horizontal and vertical shifts of a supply curve are generally not of the same magnitude. ) Shifts of the supply curve need not be parallel, but it's helpful (and accurate enough for most purposes) to generally think of them that way for the sake of simplicity.03of 05A Decrease in Supply In contrast, a decrease in supply is represented by the diagram above. A decrease in supply can either be thought of as a shift to the left of the supply curve or an upward shift of the supply curve."
"docid": "D3245546#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_surplus\nEconomic surplus",
"text": "\"This article is about consumers' and producers' surplus. For information about other surpluses, see Surplus. An automated process has detected links on this page on the local or global blacklist. If the links are appropriate you may request whitelisting by following these instructions; otherwise consider removing or replacing them with more appropriate links. ( To hide this tag, set the \"\"invisible\"\" field to \"\"true\"\")List of blacklisted links: [show]Graph illustrating consumer (red) and producer (blue) surpluses on a supply and demand chart In mainstream economics, economic surplus, also known as total welfare or Marshallian surplus (after Alfred Marshall ), refers to two related quantities. Consumer surplus or consumers' surplus is the monetary gain obtained by consumers because they are able to purchase a product for a price that is less than the highest price that they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus or producers' surplus is the amount that producers benefit by selling at a market price that is higher than the least that they would be willing to sell for; this is roughly equal to profit (since producers are not normally willing to sell at a loss, and are normally indifferent to selling at a breakeven price). [ 1] [2]Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Consumer surplus3 Calculation3.1 Calculation from supply and demand3.2 Distribution of benefits when price falls3.3 Rule of one-half4 See also5 References6 Further reading Overview [ edit]In the mid-19th century, engineer Jules Dupuit first propounded the concept of economic surplus, but it was the economist Alfred Marshall who gave the concept its fame in the stream of economics. On a standard supply and demand diagram, consumer surplus is the area (triangular if the supply and demand curves are linear) above the equilibrium price of the good and below the demand curve. This reflects the fact that consumers would have been willing to buy a single unit of the good at a price higher than the equilibrium price, a second unit at a price below that but still above the equilibrium price, etc.,"
"docid": "D1519559#0",
"title": "http://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/jw/AC.html\nAC circuits: alternating current electricity",
"text": "AC circuits: alternating current electricity Alternating current (AC) circuits explained using time and phasor animations. Impedance, phase relations, resonance and RMS quantities. A resource page from Physclips: a multi-level, multimedia introduction to physics ( download the animations on this page ). AC electricity is ubiquitous not only in the supply of power, but in electronics and signal processing. Here are some of the questions we'll answer: If impedance is voltage over current, why is it different from resistance? What are RMS values? How can you have 100 volts across a capacitor, 100 volts across an inductor, and 10 volts across the two of them in series? What does it mean to say that current and voltage are out of phase? Why does the ratio of voltage to current in capacitors and inductors depend on frequency? The voltage across a resistor (upper trace) and an inductor (lower trace) in series."
"docid": "D1929430#0",
"title": "http://www.consumerpsychologist.com/gasoline_prices.htm\n",
"text": "GASOLINE PRICES, CONSUMERS, AND THE ECONOMYLars Perner, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Marketing Deparment of Marketing, Marshall School of Business University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443, USA (213) 740-7127 Cell: (213) 304-1726 http://www. Consumer Psychologist.comhttp://www. Lars Perner.com [email protected] Rev. August 11, 2008The current gasoline prices are likely to have a large impact on consumer spending but a much smaller impact on the amount of gasoline purchased. Instead, the effect is likely to be felt in other areas of spending (e.g., vacations, entertainment, electronics, or eating out). Source: U. S. Department of Energy http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/pet_pri_gnd_dcus_nus_w.htm Economists generally talk about the “price elasticity” of certain products and will often predict that a one percent increase in the price of a product will result in a, say, two percent decrease consumption or “quantity demanded. ”The idea of this declining consumption can be explained in terms of the traditional concepts of “supply” and “demand. ”Short term for gasoline, however, appears to be relatively “inelastic”—that is, when prices change, there is relatively little change in the quantity demanded. This is why, when the world supply of petroleum changes, very a very large change in price is usually needed to bring supply and demand into balance. Supply and demand chart under inelastic demand looks more like this: NOTE: The numbers in this chart are fictional and used only for illustration purposes."
"docid": "D2165487#0",
"title": "http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/notes/macroeconomics/the-keynesian-theory-of-income-output-and-employment/31036/\nThe Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and Employment",
"text": "The Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and Employment Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: The Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and Employment!In the Keynesian theory, employment depends upon effective demand. Effective demand results in output. Output creates income. Income provides employment. Since Keynes assumes all these four quantities, viz., effective demand (ED), output (Q), income (Y) and employment (N) equal to each other, he regards employment as a function of income. Effective demand is determined by two factors, the aggregate supply function and the aggregate demand function. The aggregate supply function depends on physical or technical conditions of production which do not change in the short-run. ADVERTISEMENTS: Since Keynes assumes the aggregate supply function to be stable, he concentrates his entire attention upon the aggregate demand function to fight depression and unemployment. Thus employment depends on aggregate demand which in turn is determined by consumption demand and investment demand."
] |
1834 | a wart or a callus in which there is overgrowth and thickening of skin is called | [
"docid": "D2147269#0",
"title": "http://byebyedoctor.com/hyperkeratosis/\nHyperkeratosis â Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment",
"text": "Hyperkeratosis – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Written by Dr. Mary IN THIS ARTICLE: What is Hyperkeratosis? Hyperkeratosis Symptoms Hyperkeratosis Causes Hyperkeratosis Treatment What is Hyperkeratosis? This is a skin thickening normally occurring in females with skin that is brown. It is caused by too much buildup of keratin in the outer layers of skin. The thickening of this skin defends it from rubbing, irritation as well as pressure. Most of the types of this condition are painless. While hyperkeratosis can happen anyplace on the body there are several regions that are typically more prone. Hyperkeratosis Symptoms Symptoms of this condition usually depend upon the form of hyperkeratosis. Calluses, corns, as well as plantar warts can be quite painful. In some individual they may just be because of their unsightliness Often hyperkeratosis can just develop on its own, minus any obvious cause, containing areas that are large on the skin."
] | [
"docid": "D839801#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/dry-skin-on-bottoms-of-feet\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Dry Skin On Bottoms Of Feet",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Dry Skin On Bottoms Of Feet Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Jennifer Austin1 doctor agreed:1 I am a heroin addict have been for 5 yrs. My question is I have developed a growth of thick dry skin on the bottom of my feet is this from heroin use? No: This is not a side effect of heroin use, but there are many more serous medical issues that can be occurring that are much more serous, even deadly. There are ways to get clean. Please see an addiction specialist who will help. ... Read more Dr. Scott Keith6 doctors agreed:2 Something on the bottom of my foot. A lot of dry skin around it. Cleared dry skin and it's flat with a bubble looking thing. Advise/explanation? Help!Bubble Up. :"
"docid": "D1572842#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/flashcards/459769/Chapter-12/\nChapter 12 Flashcards",
"text": "Cutaneous Pertaining to the skin Epidermis Outermost layer of skin Dermis Corium, thick layer of living tissue directly below epidermis Subcutaneous layer Located just below layer of skin connects skin to surface muscles Lipocytes Fat cells, predominant in. Subcutaneous layer Dermatologist Physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating of disorders of skin Plastic surgeon Physician who specializes in surgical restoration and reconstruction of body structures Acne vulgaris Acne, chronic inflammation disease characterized by pustular eruptions of skin caused by an overproduction of sebum around hair shaft Comedo Non-infected lesion formed by buildup of sebum and heart in in hair follicle Seborrhea Over activity of sebaceous glands that results in production of an excessive amount of sebum Seborrheic dermatitis Inflammation sometimes resulting from seborrhea that causes scaling and itching of upper layers of skin or scalp example dandruff Seborrheic keratosis Benign skiing growth that has waxy or pasted on look, vary in color from light to black Anhidrosis Abnormal condition of lacking sweat in response to heat Diaphoresis Profuse sweating Hyperhidrosis Is condition of excessive sweating in one area or over the whole body Sleep hyperhidrosis Commonly known as night sweats is the occurrence of hyperhidrosis during sleep Folliculitis Inflammation if hair follicles, common on arms, legs and in bread area of men. Hirsutism Presence of excessive body and facial hair in women, usually occurring in a male pattern Alopecia Baldness, is partial or complete loss of hair, most commonly on the scalp Alopecia areata Autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles, causing well defined bald areas on the scalp or elsewhere on the body Alopecia totalis Uncommon condition characterized by the loss of all hair in the scalp Alopecia universalis Total loss of hair of hair on all parts if body Female pattern baldness Condition in which hair thins in front and on sides of scalp and sometimes in crown. Male pattern baldness Common hair loss pattern in men which hairline receding from the front to the back until only horseshoe shaped area if hair remains in back and at temples Clubbing Abnormal curving of nails that is often accompanied by enlargement of fingertips Koilonychia Spoon nail, malformation of nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like bowl of spoon Onychia Onychitis is inflammation if matrix of nail that often results in loss of nail Onychocryptosis Ingrown toenail Onychomycosis Fungal infection of nail Onychophagia Nail biting or nail eating Paronychia Acute or chronic infection of skin fold around a nail Age spots Solar lent ignites, liver spots, discoloration caused by sun exposure. Albinism Genetic condition characterized by deficiency or absence of pigment in skin, hair, and irises of eyes Chloasma Melasma or mask pregnancy is a pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on face Vitiligo Skin condition resulting from destruction of melanocytes due to unknown causes. Causes irregular patches of white skin Contusion Injury to underlying issues without breaking skin and is characterized by discoloration and pain Ecchymosis Commonly known as bruise, is a large, irregular area of purpleish discoloration due to bleeding under skin Purpura Appearance of multiple purple discoloration if skin caused by bleeding underneath skin Petechiae Very small, pinpoint hemorrhage that are less than 2mm Hematoma Usually caused by injury, is swelling of clotted blood trapped in tissues Lesion Pathological change of tissues due to disease or injury Crust Scab, collection of dried serum and cellular debris Erosion Wearing away of surface, such as epidermis of skin or outer layer of mucus membrane Macule Discolored flat spot that is less than 1cm Nodule Solid, raised skin lesion that is larger than 0.5 and deeper than papule Papule Small raised red lesion that is less than 0.5 cm and does not contain pus. Examples small pimples, insect bits Plaque Scaly, solid raised area of closely spaced papules Scales Flakes or dry patches made up of excess dead epidermal cells Verrucae Warts are small hard skin lesions caused by human papollomavirus Wheal Welt, small bump that itches, can appear as urticaria or hives Abscess Closed pocket containing pus that is caused by bacterial infection Purulent Producing or containing pus Exudate Fluid, such as pus that leaks out of an infected wound Cyst Abnormal sac containing gas, fluid or semisolid material Pustule Pimple, small circumscribed lesion containing pus Vesicle Small blister containing watery fluid Bulla Larger blister Abrasion Injury in which superficial layers of skin are scraped or rubbed away Fissure Groove or crack like break in skin Laceration Torn or jagged wound or accidental cut wound Pressure sore Decubitus ulcer, bedsore. Open ulcerated wound that is caused by prolonged pressure on area of skin Puncture wound Deep hole made by sharp object such as rusty nail or ice pick. Wound carries high risk of infection Open lesion of skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss around edges Ulcer Capillary hemangioma Strawberry birthmark is a soft raised pink or red vascular birthmark Port wine strain Flat vascular birthmark made up of dilated blood capillaries, creating a large reddish purple discoloration on face or neck. Dermatitis Inflammation of skin Contact dermatitis Localized allergic response caused by contact with an irritant, such as diaper rash."
"docid": "D2552427#0",
"title": "https://www.quia.com/jg/2538384list.html\n.",
"text": "Java Games: Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search. Med Term Chapter 12 Review Tools Copy this to my account E-mail to a friend Find other activities Start over Help A BChronic condition that produces redness, tiny pimples, and broken blood vessels on the face rosecea Diffuse infection of connective tissue within the layers of skin cellulitissurgical reduction of the upper and lower eyelids blepharoplastyany skin growth (wart or callus) where there is overgrowth and thickening of the skin keratosistissue death (necrosis) associated with a loss of circulation gangrenetype of biopsy cytology performed using cells scraped from the tissue and examined under a microscope exfoliativecircumscribed elevation of skin containing fluid that is less than 0.5 cm (small blister) vesicletorn or jagged wound or an accidental cut wound lacerationflat, persistent, dark red birthmark made of pigmented cells port-wine stainabnormal hairiness hirsutismatypical moles that may develop into skin cancer dysplastic nevidegree of burn involves blisters and damage to the epidermis and dermis secondautoimmune disorder that causes abnormal tissue thickening usually starting on hands, feet, or face, and may spread to other body systems and become fatal sclerodermasmall pinpoint hemorrhages petechiaeitching and is associated with most forms of dermatitis pruitusclosed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material cystsoft, raised, dark, reddish purple birthmark that is a benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels strawberry hemangiomaingrown toenail onchocryptosisany disorder of the pigmentation of the skin or hair dyschromiagroove or crack-like sore of the skin fissuresurgical procedure where excess skin is removed for the elimination of wrinkles rhytidectomyhighly contagious bacterial skin infection (staphylococci and streptococci) impetigosurgical removal of fat beneath the skin with the aid of suction liposuctionform of skin cancer spreads quickly to other body systems squamous cell carcinomatechnique for the destruction of tissue by burning for therapeutic purposes cauterizationcluster of boils carbunclelocalized collection of pus within a circumscribed area associated with tissue destruction abscessinherited deficiency or absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes due to an abnormality in production of melanin albinisminfestation with body lice pediculosis corporislarge blister that is a circumscribed elevation of skin containing fluid that is more than 0.5 cm in diameter bullareplacement of damaged skin with tissue taken from a donor site on the pt's body dermatoplastysubstance produces itching when released in response to allergens histamineremoval of dirt, foreign objects, damaged tissue, and cellular debris from a wound to prevent infection and to promote healing debridementautoimmune disorder that is characgterized bya a red, scaly rash on the face and upper trunk, and may involve other body systems lupus erythematosuslarge tender, swollen area caused by staphylococcal infection around hair follicles furuncleexcessive sweating hyperhidrosisflaking or a dry patch of excess dead epidermal cells scalehives urticariaprecancerous skin lesion caused by excessive exposure to the sun actinic keratosispurplish area caused by hemorrhaging within the skin (bruise) ecchymosisfungal skin disease affecting different areas of the body (ringworm, athlete's foot, jock itch) tineapartial or complete loss of hair (baldness) alopecianormal scar resulting from the healing of a wound cicatrixsmall knotlike swellings of granulation tissue, resulting from inflammation, injury, or infection granulomaulcerated area caused by prolonged pressure that cuts off circulation to a body part (bedsore) decubitus ulcerinjury that does not break the skin and is characterized by swelling, discolorization, and pain contusionfungal infection of the nail onychomycosischronic skin inflammation characterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crusts, scabs, and possibly itching eczemainjury in which superficial layers of skin are scraped or rubbed away abrasioninfestation with the itch mite scabieschange in nails that indicates an iron deficiency anemia koilonychiaoil gland sebaceous glandderma cutaneousfat adiposenail unguissweat perspirationpustular eruptions in or near the sebaceous glands common during puberty and adolescence acne vulgarislesion formed by buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicle comedowithout sweat anhidrosisexcessive sweating hyperhidrosisheat rash miliariatotal loss of hair on all of body alopecia universalisabnormal curving of the nail accompanied by enlargement of the fingertips clubbingmask of pregnancy chloasmadiscolored, flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter (freckle) maculesmall solid bump noduleplantar warts verrucaeblister vesiclesmall elevation of the skin containing pus pustuleexcessively dry skin xerodermacluster of furuncles (boils) carbuncleringworm tineanormal scar cicatrixabnormally raised or thickened scar keloidcut into incisioncomplete removal of a lesion or organ excisionmedication applied to a specific location on the skin topicalapplication of medicine to unbroken skin so that it is absorbed continuously to produce a systemic effect transdermallight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lasertreatment of spider veins sclerotherapy Functions of the integumentary system: 1) skin waterproofs the body and prevents fluid loss, 2)intact skin plays important roles in the immune system, 3)skin is the major receptor for the sense of touch, 4)skin helps the body synthesize (manufacture) vitamin D from the sun's ultraviolet light while screening out harmful ultraviolet radiation Sebaceous glands (oil glands) lubricate the skin and discourages the growth of bacteria on the skin Sweat glands help regulate body temperature and water content by secreting sweat; also a small amt of metabolic waste is excreted thru the sweat glands Hair helps control the loss of body heat Nails protect the dorsal surface of the last bone of each toe and fingerderma and cutaneous both used to describe the skin3 layers of the skin epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer Epithelial tissues form a protective covering for all of the internal and external surfaces of the bodyepidermis outermost layer of the skin Squamous epithelial tissue forms the upper layer, consists of flat, scaly cells that are continuously sloughed offsquamous scalelikeepidermis does not contain any blood vessels or connective tissue and is dependent on lower layers for nourishment Keratin fibrous, water-repellent proteinmelanocytes produce and contain a dark brown to black pigment called melaninmelanin the type and amt of melanin pigment determine the color of the skin and it also protects the skin against some of the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sundermis (corium) thick layer of living tissue directly below the epidermis; it contains connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers, plus hair follicles and sebaceous and sweat glandstactile pertaining to touchperception ability to recognize sensory stimulus Collagen (glue) tough, flexible, fibrous protein material; also found in bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments Mast cells respond to injury or infection by producing and releasing substances including heparin and histamine Heparin released in response to injury ; is an anticoagulant Histamine released in response to allergens; causes itching and increased mucus secretionsubcutaneous layer connects the skin to the surface muscles; is made up of loose connective tissue and fatty adipose tissueadipose fat Cellulite nontechnical term for the subcutaneous deposit of fat, espceially in the thighs and buttocks Lipocytes (fat cells) predominantly in the subcutaneous layer where they manufacture and store large quantities of fat Sebaceous glands located in the dermis layer and are closely associated with hair follicles; secrete sebum which lubricates the skin; is slightly acidic so it discourages the growth of bacteria on the skin Sweat glands tiny, coiled glands found on almost all body surfaces; most numerous in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the forehead, and the armpitssweat )perspiration) is secreted by sweat glands and is made up of 99 percent water plus some salt and metabolic waste products; is a means of excreting excess water; it cools the body as the sweat evaporates into the air; body odor associated with sweat comes from the interaction of the perspiration with bacteria on the skin's surface Hidrosis production and excretion of sweat Hair rodlike structures composed of tightly fused, dead protein cells filled with hard keratin; the darkness of the hair is determined by the amt of melanin produced by the melanocytes that surround the core of the hair shaftunguis (nail) keratin plate covering the dorsal surface of the last bone of each toe and finger Each nail consists of : 1) nail body, 2)nail bed, 3)free edge, 4)cuticle, 5)lunula, 6)rootdermatologist specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skincosmetic surgeon (plastic surgeon) specializes in the surgical restoration and reconstruction of body structures Acne vulgaris chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by pustular eruptions of the skin in or near the sebaceous glands; is common during puberty and adolescence, but also occurs in adultscomedo lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair folliclesebaceous cyst cyst of a sebaceous gland that contains yellow, fatty materialcyst closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material Seborrhea any of several common skin conditions where there is an overproduction of sebum Seborrheic dermatitis inflammation of the upper layers of the skin which results in scaling of the scalp known as dandruffseborrheic keratosis benign flesh-colored, brown, or black skin tumor; occur most often in the elderly Anhidrosis condition of lacking or being without sw"
"docid": "D2147268#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_benign_overgrowth_and_thickening_of_the_epidermis_called\nWhat is a thickened area of the epidermis with types of actinic and seborrheic?",
"text": "Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology What is a thickened area of the epidermis with types of actinic and seborrheic? A lesion caused by a thickened area of epidermis is known as a keratosis. Answered In Medical Terminology What is the medical term meaning any skin growth such as wart or a callus in which there is overgrowth and thickening of the skin? Hyperkeratosis is any lesion with overgrowth and thickening of the skin, such as warts, calluses, and corns. GB. Plan 18,583 Contributions Wiki Answers Senior Supervisor - Jobs & Education Answered In Health What is the boney overgrowth at the midline of the palate called? The hard part of the palate is called the hard palate. If you move your tongue to the back and begin feeling a softer part that still feels boney, it's called the velum, or so …Mercy Ogbebor 31 Contributions Answered In Uncategorized Which skin condition such as a wart or s callus is characterized by a benign overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis? Keratosis is the term for any condition that is a benign overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis. Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology What is the thickened area of the epidermis called?keratosis"
"docid": "D3261046#0",
"title": "https://www.emedicinehealth.com/corns_and_calluses/article_em.htm\nCorns and Calluses",
"text": "\"What Are Calluses and Corns? What Is the Difference Between a Corn and a Callus? What Causes and Risk Factors of Corns and Calluses? What Are Signs and Symptoms of Calluses and Corns? When Should One Seek Medical Care for Corns and Calluses? How Do Health-Care Professionals Diagnose Corns and Calluses? What Are Home Remediesfor Calluses and Corns? What Are Treatmentsfor Corns and Calluses? Is Follow-up Necessary After Treatment of Corns and Calluses? How Can One Prevent Corns and Calluses?"
"docid": "D426586#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/71129197/med-terms-chapter-5-flash-cards/\nMed Terms - Chapter 5",
"text": "164 terms aegochen Med Terms - Chapter 5Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which glands produce sweat? Sudoriferous Which cells produce black pigment? Melanocytes Which is the deepest layer of the epidermis? Basallayer A primary function of sebum is: Protection against infection The visible part of the hair is called the: Hair shaft Sebaceous glands are also known as: Oil glands The term metastasis means the tumor: Cells travel to remote regions of the body The basal layer includes special cells called: Melanocytes Which skin barrier protects from cancer-causing UV radiation? Melanin Skin is relatively waterproof because of: Keratin The growth area of the nail is the: Lunula Which is the first line of defense against the invasion of pathogens? Skin Which is a hard protein found in the epidermis? Keratin Exocrine glands secrete substances: Through ducts to an outer body surface Skin is also called: Integument The combining form (CF) onych/o means: Nail The CF pil/o means: Hair The CF ichthy/o means: Dry, scaly The CF for fat is: Steat/o The CF for fungus (plural fungi) is: Myc/o The suffix -cyte means: Cell The suffix -logist means: Specialist in the study of The prefix an- means: Without, not The prefix homo- means Same The prefix sub- means: Under, below The prefix dia- means: Through, across The CF ungu/o means: Nail The CF cutane/o means: Skin The CF xer/o means: Dry The CF trich/o means: Hair Which term means an inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture? Impetigo Dermatomycosis is a: Fungal infections of the skin Which is a type of fungal infection of the skin commonly called ringworm?"
"docid": "D2552426#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/olt28nun64ub/integumentary-system/\nIntegumentary System",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like Integumentary System Foundation of Health Scienceby Leena Patelon 15 April 2014Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Integumentary System By: Chelsea Alvarado Caitlin Gilstrap Sarah Mowery Leena Patel The Integumentary System Questions All of the following are functions of the integumentary system except: a. protection b. temperature regulation c. move muscle d. supports sensory receptors What is the order of the different layers of skin from the surface to the deep? a. dermis, epidermis, hypodermis b. epidermis, dermis, hypodermis c. hypodermis, epidermis, dermis d. hypodermis, dermis, epidermis Answers C B Physiology of the Integumentary System Diseases & Treatments Associated Career Paths Related Medical Terminology Test Anatomy of the Integumentary System Reference Page http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001451.htm http://www.medicinenet.com/melanoma/article.htm Shier, David, Jackie Butler, and Ricki Lewis. \"\" Integumentary System.\"\" <i>Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology</i>. 11th ed. New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 2007. 169-189. Print. Ehrlich, Ann, and Carol L. Schroeder. \"\" Skin: The Integumentary System.\"\""
"docid": "D2390330#0",
"title": "http://www.footdoc.ca/www.FootDoc.ca/Website%20Warts.htm\n.",
"text": "\"PLANTAR WARTS (Verrucae Plantaris, Papillomas)What are warts? Warts are viral infections that occur in the skin, changing the appearance of the skin. What's a plantar wart, and how are they different from regular warts? The word \"\"plantar\"\" is a descriptive term relating to where they are located, the bottom (or plantar surface) of the foot. Thus, the term describes where they are located more than describing a unique type of wart. So plantar warts are the same as regular warts? They are the same type of infective virus, yes. But plantar warts are a little different than regular warts because they tend to grow inward from the forces of your weight being placed on it when you stand, and because the skin on the plantar portion of the foot is quite a bit thicker than most other portions of your skin. This makes them harder to treat than warts on other parts of the body. What do warts look like?"
"docid": "D148144#0",
"title": "https://patient.info/health/corns-and-calluses\nCorns and Calluses",
"text": "Corns and calluses on the feet are thickened areas of skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure or rubbing (friction) on the skin. The common cause is wearing poorly fitting shoes. A person who is qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders (a podiatrist) can cut away (pare) corns and calluses and can advise on footwear, shoe insoles and padding to prevent recurrences. In this article What are corns and calluses? What causes corns and calluses? What are the treatments for corns and calluses? What are corns and calluses? Corns A corn is a small area of skin which has become thickened due to pressure on it. A corn is roughly round in shape."
"docid": "D2390021#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bunion\nbunion",
"text": "\"bunion Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to bunion: Tailor's bunion Bunion Definition A bunion is an abnormal enlargement of the joint (the first metatarsophalangeal joint, or MTPJ) at the base of the great or big toe (hallux). It is caused by inflammation and usually results fromchronic irritation and pressure from poorly fitting footwear. Description A displacement of two major bones of the foot (hallux valgus) causes bunions, although noteveryone with this displacement will develop the joint swelling and bone overgrowth thatcharacterize a bunion. One of the bones involved is called the first metatarsal bone. This bone is long and slender, with the big toe attached on one end and the other end connected to footbones closer to the ankle. This foot bone is displaced in the direction of the four othermetatarsals connected with the toes. The other bone involved is the big toe itself, which is displaced toward the smaller toes. As the big toe continues to move toward the smaller toes, it may become displaced under or over the second toe. The displacement of these two foot bonescauses a projection of bone on the inside portion of the forefoot."
"docid": "D2956431#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/172459.php\nAll about corns and calluses",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login All about corns and calluses Last updated Thu 21 December 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by William Morrison, MDCorns vs. calluses Symptoms Removal Causes and risk factors Home treatment Prevention Corns and calluses are hard, painful areas of skin that often develop on the feet in response to pressure or friction. They happen when the skin tries to protect an underlying area from injury, pressure, or rubbing. Neither is dangerous, but they can cause irritation. They are more common among people who wear ill-fitting shoes, have sweaty feet, and those who stand for long periods each day. They affect women more than men. Fast facts about corns and calluses Here are some facts about corns and calluses. There is more detailed information in the main article,Corns have a distinct, often hard, center, which may be surrounded by inflamed skin. Corns can be painful when pressed, but calluses are not usually painful. Calluses are usually larger than corns, and they vary in shape, while corns tend to be smaller, round and well-defined. Calluses normally develop on the soles of the feet, especially under the heels or balls, on the palms of the hands, and also on the knees."
"docid": "D2480198#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/20313027/medical-terminology-ch-12-flash-cards/\nMedical Terminology Ch. 12",
"text": "54 terms morganasbill Medical Terminology Ch. 12Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Actinic Keratosis Precancerous skin growth that occurs on the sun-damaged skin Blepharoplasty (blephar/o-eyelid, plasty-surgical repair) Lid lift; surgical reduction of the upper and lower eyelids by removing sagging skin Bulla Large blister that is usually more than 0.5cm in diameter Capillary Hemangioma (hem-blood, anti-blood or lymph vessels, oma-tumor) Benign tissue made up of newly formed small blood vessels that in birthmarks are visible through the skin Carbuncle Cluster of a connected furuncles (boils)Cellulitis Acute, rapidly spreading bacterial infection within the connective tissues that is characterized by malaise, swelling, warmth, and red streaks Chloasma Melasma; Pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on the face Cicatrix Normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound Comedo Non infected lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicle often associated with acne vulgaris Debridement Removal of dirt, foreign objects, damaged tissue, and cellular debris from a wound to prevent infection and promote healing Diaphoresis (dia-through or complete, phor-movement, esis) Profuse sweating Dysplastic Nevi Atypical moles that can develop into skin cancer Ecchymosis (ecchym-pouring out of juice, osis-abnormal condition) Bruise; large, irregular area of purplish discoloration due to bleeding under the skin Erythema (erythem-flushed, a-noun ending) Redness of the skin due to capillary dilation Erythroderma (erythro-red, derma-skin) Abnormal redness of the entire skin surface Exanthem Widespread rash, usually in children Exfoliative Dermatitis Condition in which there is wide-spread scaling of the skin Furuncles Boils, large tender, swollen areas caused by a staphylococcal infection around hair follicles or sebaceous glands Granuloma (granul-granular, oma-tumor) General term used to describe a small, knot-like swelling of granulation tissue in the epidermis Hematoma (hemat-blood, oma-tumor) Swelling of clotted blood trapped in the tissues Hirsutism (hirsut-hairy, ism-condition) Presence of excessive body and facial hair in women, usually occurring in a male pattern Ichthyosis (ichy-dry or scaly, osis-abnormal condition) Group of hereditary disorders characterized by dry, thickened, and scaly skin Keloid (kel-growth or tumor, oid-resembling) Abnormally raised or thickened scar that expands beyond the boundaries of the original incision Keratosis (kerat-hard or horny, osis-abnormal condition) Any skin growth such as a wart or a callus, in which there is overgrowth and thickening of the skin Koilonychia (koil-hollow, concave, onych-fingernail or toenail) Malformation of the nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like the bowl of a spoon Lipedema (lip-fat, edema-swelling) Chronic abnormal condition that is characterized by the accumulation of fat and fluid in the tissues just under the skin of the hips and legs Lipoma (lip-fatty, oma-tumor) Benign, slow-growing fatty tumor located between the skin and muscle layer Macule Discolored flat spot that is less than 1cm in diameter Malignant Melanoma (melan-black, oma-tumor) Melanoma, type of skin cancer that occurs in the melanocytes Necrotizing Fasciitis Severe infection caused by Group A strep bacteria, which is also known as flesh-eating bacteria Onychocryptosis (onych-fingernail or toenail, crypt-hidden, osis-abnormal condition) Ingrown toenail Onychomycosis (onych-fingernail or toenail, myc-fungus, osis-abnormal condition) Fungal infection of the nail Papilloma (papill-nipple, oma-tumor) Benign, superficial wart-like growth on the epithelial tissue or elsewhere in the body, such as in the bladder Papule Small, raised red lesion that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter and does not contain pus Paronychia (par-near, onych-fingernail or toenail, ia-condition) Acute or chronic infection of the skin fold around a nail Pediculosis (pedicul-lice, osis-abnormal condition) Infestation with lice Petechiae Very small, pinpoint hemorrhages that are less than 2mm in diameter Pruritus (pruit-itching, us-singular noun ending) Itching; associated with most forms of dermatitis Psoriasis Common skin disorder characterized by flare-ups in which red papules covered with silvery scales occur on the elbows, knees, scalp, back, or butt Purpura Appearance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin Purulent Producing or containing pus Rhytidectomy (rhytid-wrinkle, ectomy-surgical removal) Facelift, surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the face to eliminate wrinkles Rosacea Adult acne; characterized by tine red pimples and broken blood vessels Scabies Skin infection cause by an infestation of itch mites Scleroderma (scler/o-hard, derma-skin) Autoimmune disorder in which the connective tissues become hard and swollen Seborrhea (seb-sebum, orrhea-flow or discharge) Overactivity of the sebaceous glands that results in the production of an excessive amount of sebum Squamous Cell Carcinoma malignant tumor of the scaly squamous cells of the epithelium; however it can quickly spread to other body systems Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Lupus; autoimmune disorder characterized by a red, scaly rash on the face and upper trunk Tinea Fungal infection that can grow on the skin, hair, or nails Urticaria (urtic-rash, aria-connected with) Hives; itchy wheals caused by an allergic reaction Verrucae Small, hard skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus Vitiligo Skin condition resulting from the destruction of melanocytes due to unknown causes Wheal Small bump that itches Xeroderma (xer/o- dry, derma-skin) Excessively dry skin"
"docid": "D509831#0",
"title": "http://www.treatcure.com/corns/corns-feet-bottom-ball-side-heel-hard-painful-pictures-causes-removal-treatment-prevention/\nCorns on Feet, Bottom, Under, Ball, Side, Heel, Hard, Painful, Pictures, Causes, Removal, Treatment & Prevention.",
"text": "Corns on Feet, Bottom, Under, Ball, Side, Heel, Hard, Painful, Pictures, Causes, Removal, Treatment & Prevention.185 shares24 22 138 0 1Tweeter What is a foot corn? Gain in-depth insight into corns on feet, including those located on the bottom of or under your feet. Can corns also occur on the ball of foot or side of foot? Explore foot corn causes and how to remove or get rid of them. Learn how to treat and prevent them from occurring or recurring. The post also presents descriptive pictures of foot corns at various sections. Read on to learn much more about corns on the feet. Summary of Page Contents [ show]What is a Corns on Your Foot? A corn is small, occasionally painful, area of thickened skin on various parts of the foot due to excess pressure or friction. Some people refer to corns on feet simply as hard skin on feet."
"docid": "D502157#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/skin-lumps/overview.html\nSkin Lumps",
"text": "Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > s > Skin Lumps Skin Lumps Overview Considerations Causes Home Care When to Contact a Medical Professional What to Expect at Your Office Visit Related Topics Tumor Illustrations Warts, Multiple - on Hands Lipoma - Arm Warts, Flat on the Cheek and Neck Wart (verruca) With a Cutaneous Horn on the Toe Skin Lumps Skin lumps are any abnormal bump or swelling on the skin. Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Considerations Many people wonder if small bumps or lumps on the body are something to worry about. Most lumps and swellings are benign (not cancerous) and are harmless, especially the kind that feel soft and roll easily (lipomas). A lump or swelling that appears suddenly (over 24 - 48 hours) and is painful is usually caused by an injury or an infection. Back to Top Causes Lipomas, fatty lumps under the skin Enlarged lymph glands, usually in the armpits, neck, and groin Cyst, a closed sac in or under the skin that is lined with skin tissue and contains fluid or semisolid material Benign skin growths such as seborrheic keratoses or neurofibromas Boils, painful, red bumps usually involving a hair follicle Corn or callus, caused by skin thickening in response to continued pressure (for example, from shoes) and usually occurring on a toe or foot Warts, a skin virus that develops a rough, hard bump, usually appearing on a hand or foot and often with tiny black dots in the bump Moles, skin-colored, tan, or brown bumps on the skin Abscess, infected fluid trapped in a closed space from which it cannot escape Cancer of the skin (colored or pigmented spot that bleeds easily, changes size or shape, or crusts and doesn't heal)Back to Top Home Care Skin lumps from trauma can be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Most other lumps should be looked at by your health care provider before you try any home treatments. Back to Top When to Contact a Medical Professional Call your provider if there is any unexplained lump or swelling. Back to Top What to Expect at Your Office Visit Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms, including: Where is the lump? When did you first notice it? Is there more than one lump?"
"docid": "D1012222#0",
"title": "http://footlaw.com/glossary.html\nIllustration showing bones of the foot.",
"text": "\"Illustration showing bones of the foot. Achilles Tendon Rupture: The Achilles Tendon is the heel cord in the back of the heel. Achilles tendons can rupture for many reasons, including age, sex (males are more susceptible), and sports. However, the Achilles Tendon may also rupture secondary to medical negligence - e.g., giving cortisone injections into the Achilles Tendon. Amputation: Amputations are the loss of a body part. Amputations are divided into Traumatic Amputations (those involving loss of a body part caused by an injury) and Non-traumatic Amputations. The later often occurs secondary to diabetes, poor circulation, or infection. Arthritis: Artho means joint and itis means inflammation. There are approximately 38 causes of arthritis and most of these conditions affect the human foot. The most common of these conditions is osteoarthritis."
"docid": "D1867524#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/wart-or-mole-how-to-tell-the-difference\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Wart Or Mole How To Tell The Difference",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Wart Or Mole How To Tell The Difference Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Robert Uyeda1 I noticed my daughter has a wart/mole looking thing on her leg. It's a bump, not flat. It bothers her. What's the difference and how to treat it? Treatment: Depends on exact diagnosis. Show it to a dermatologist. Impossible to describe all the appearances among different skin lesion here. ... Read more Dr. Coyle Connolly1,108 Doctors shared insights Moles (Definition)A mole (also called a nevus) is a localized overgrowth of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the skin. Most moles are benign. However, these cells can become cancerous."
"docid": "D1331713#0",
"title": "http://www.skinsight.com/adult/plantarWartHPV.htm\nPlantar Wart",
"text": "\"Plantar Wart Information for This image displays the thick scale associated with plantar warts (warts on the feet). Images of Wart, Plantar (HPV) (9)Close Video Overview Warts are growths of the skin and mucous membranes (the mouth or genitals) that are caused by over 100 types of the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus causes thickening of the top skin layer. A plantar wart occurs on the sole of the foot. It can look and feel like a callus. Plantar warts can be small, or they can grow to cover most of the sole of the foot. They are usually painless and go away on their own, sometimes taking a few months to resolve (but can take up to 2 years). Warts are usually acquired from person-to-person contact. The virus is not highly contagious but can cause an infection by entering through a small break in the skin. In the same way, warts can be spread to other places on your own body."
"docid": "D2249724#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7183541/skin-medical-terminology-flash-cards/\nSkin Medical Terminology",
"text": "208 terms croppercm Skin Medical Terminology Ch 12 Skin: The Integumentary System Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortsebaceous glands secrete sebum (oil) that lubricates the skin and discourages growth of bacteria on skinsweat glands help regulate body temperature and water content by secreting sweathair help control the loss of body heatnails protect that dorsal surface of the last bone of each toe and fingerskin covers the external surfaces of the bodycutaneous relating to the skinepidermis outermost layer of the skin; made up of several specialized epithelialepithelial tissues form a protective covering for all the internal and external surfaces of the bodybasal layer lowest layer of the epidermis; it's here that cells are produced and then pushed upward; when these cells reach the surface, they die and become filled with keratinkeratin fibrous, water-repellent proteinsoft keratin primary component of the epidermishard kertain found in hair and nailsmelanocytes special cells in the basal cell layer that produce and contain a dark brown to black pigment called melaninmelanin protects the skin against some of the harmful UV rays of the sunultraviolet (UV) refers to light that is beyond the visible spectrum at the violent end; some UV rays help the skin produce vitamin Ddermis also known as the corium; it's the thick layer of living tissue directly below the epidermis.sensory nerve endings located in the dermis; are the sensory receptors stimuli such as touch, temperature, pain and pressurecollagen a tissue within the dermis, meaning 'glue'; is a tough, yet flexible, fibrous protein material found in the skin and in the bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligamentsmast cells found in the connective tissue of the dermis; respond to injury, infection or allergy by producing and releasing substances, including heparin and histamineheparin an anticoagulant released in response to an injuryhistamine released in response to allergens; causes the signs of an allergic response, including itching and increased mucus secretionsubcutaneous layer located just below the skin; connects the skin to the surface musclesadipose tissue fatty tissue that makes up the subcutaneous layercellulite term sometimes used to describe deposits of dimpled fat; not a medical term and medical authorities agree that cellulite is simply ordinary fatty tissuelipocytes aka fat cells; predominant in the subcutaneous layer where they manufacture and store large quantities of fatsebaceous glands located in the dermis layer of the skin and are closely associated with hair folliclessebum secreted by the sebaceous glands; released through ducts opening into the hair follicles; from here, sebum moves onto the surface and lubricates the skinmammary glands modified sebaceous glandssweat glands aka sudoriferous glands; tiny, coiled glands found on almost all body surfaces; most numerous in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, forehead and the armpitspores openings on the surface of the skin for the ducts of the sweat glandsperspiration aka sweat; secreted by the sweat glands and is made up of 99% water plus some salt and metabolic waste productsperspiring aka sweating; one way in which the body excretes excess waterhidrosis production and excretion of sweathair fibers rod-like structures composed of tightly fused, dead protein cells filled with hard keratinhair follicles sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers; shape of the follicle determines whether the hair is straight or curlyarrector pili tiny muscle fibers attached to the hair follicles that cause the hair to stand erectunguis commonly known as a fingernail or toenail; it's the keratin plate protecting the dorsal surface of the last bone of each finger and toe; consists of nail body, nail bed, and free edge which grows over th etip of the finger/toe.lunula pale half-moon-shaped region at every nail root that is generally most easily seen in the thumbnail; active area of the nail where new keratin cells formcuticle narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail just in front of the root, protecting the new keratin cells as they formnail root fasten the nails to the finger or toe by fitting into a groove in the skindermatologist physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skincosmetic surgeon aka plastic surgeon; physician who specializes in the special restoration and reconstruction of body structuresacne vulgaris aka acne; chronic inflammatory disease characterized by pustular eruptions of the skin caused by an overproduction of sebumcomedo noninfected lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicleblackhead when a sebum plug is exposed to air and oxidizessebaceous cyst closed sac associated with a sebaceous gland that is found just under the skinseborrhea overactivity of the sebaceous glands that results in the production of excessive amount of sebumseborrheic dermatitis an inflammation that causes scaling and itching fot he upper layers of the skin or scalp; examples: extensive dandruff and cradle capseborrheic keratosis benign skin growth that has a waxy or 'pasted on' look; these growths, which can vary in color from light tan to black, occur most commonly in the elderlyanhidrosis abnormal condition of lacking sweat in response to heatdiaphoresis profuse sweating; normal condition when brought on by heat or exertion, but can also be the body's response to emotional or physical stresshyperhidrosis condition of sweating in one area or over the whole bodymiliaria aka heat rash or prickly heat; intensely itching rash caused by blockage of sweat glands by bacteria and dead cellssleep hyperhidrosis night sweats; the occurrence of excessive hyperhidrosis during sleepfolliculitis inflammation of the hair follicles; condition is especially common on the limbs and in the beards of menhirsutism pressure of excessive body hair and facial in women, usually occurring in a male patternalopecia aka baldness; partial or complete loss of hair, most commonly on the scalpalopecia areata autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles, causing well-defined bald areas on the scalp or elsewhere on the body; this condition often begins in childhoodalopecia capitis totalis uncommon condition characterized by the loss of all the hair on the scalp; capitis means headalopecia universalis total loss of hair on all parts of the bodyfemale pattern baldness condition in which the hair thins in the front and on the sides of the scalp and sometimes on the crownmale pattern baldness common hair-loss pattern in men, with the hairline receding from the front to the back until only a horse-shoe shaped area of hair remains in the back and at the templesclubbing abnormal curving of the nails that is often accompanied by enlargement of the fingertips; can be heredity, but usually is caused by changes associated with oxygen deficiencies related to coronary or pulmonary diseasekoilonychia aka spoon nail; malformation of the nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like the bowl of a spoon; often an indication of iron-deficiency anemiaonychia aka onychitis; an inflammation of the matrix of the nail that usually results in the loss of the nailonychocryptosis ingrown toenail; edges of toenail curve inward and cut into the skin; 'onych/o' means fingernail/toenail; 'crypt' means hidden, '-osis' means abnormal conditiononychomycosis fungal infection of the nailonychophagia nail biting or nail eatingparonychia acute or chronic infection of the skin fold around a nailalbinism genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises of the eyeschloasma aka melasma or the mask of pregnancy; pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on the facemelanosis any condition of unusual deposits of black pigment in different parts of the bodyvitiligo a skin condition results from the destruction of the melanocytes due to unknown causes; characterized by irregular white patchescontusion injury to underlying tissues without breaking the skin and is characterized by discoloration and pain; discoloration is caused by an accumulation of blood within the skinecchymosis aka bruise; large, irregular area of purplish discoloration due to bleeding under the skinpurpura the appearance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin; these areas of discoloration are smaller than ecchymosis and larger than petechiaepetechiae very small, pinpoint hemorrhages that are less than 2 mm in diameter; these hemorrhages sometimes result from high fevershematoma usually caused by an injury; a swelling of clotted blood trapped in the tissues; often named for the area where it occurslesion pathologic change of the tissues due to disease or injurycrust aka scab; a collection of dried serum and cellular debrismacule aka macula; a discolored, flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter; freckles or flat moles are examplesnodule solid, raised skin lesion that is larger than 0.5 cm in diameter and deeper than a papule; in acne, these can cause scarringpapule small, raised red lesion that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter and does not contain pus; ex: small pimples and insect bitesplaque scaly, solid raised area of closely spaced papules; ex: lesions of psoriasis are plaquesscales flakes or dry patches made up of excess dead epidermal cells; excessive shedding is associated with skin disorders such as psoriasisverrucae aka warts; small, hard skin lesions caused by human papilloma viruswheal aka welt; small bump that itches; can be a symptom of an allergic reactionabscess closed pocket containing puss that is caused by a bacterial infectionpurulent producing or containing puscyst abnormal sac containing gas, fluid or a semisolid materialpustule aka pimple; a small, circumscribed lesion containing pusvesicle a small blister, less than 0.5 cm in diameter, con"
"docid": "D3250316#0",
"title": "https://www.emedicinehealth.com/plantar_warts/article_em.htm\nPlantar Warts",
"text": "\"What Are Plantar Warts? What Are Causesand Risk Factors of Plantar Warts? What Are Plantar Wart Symptoms and Signs? What Specialists Treat Plantar Warts? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Plantar Warts? How Do Doctors Diagnose Plantar Warts? Are There Home Remediesfor Plantar Warts? What Are Treatmentsfor Plantar Warts? Follow-up for Plantar Warts Is It Possible to Prevent Plantar Warts? What Is the Prognosis of Plantar Warts?"
"docid": "D2966848#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/keratotic\nkeratosis",
"text": "keratosis [ ker″ah-to´sis] any horny growth, such as a wart or callosity.actinic keratosis a sharply outlined wartlike or keratotic growth, which may develop into a cutaneous horn, and may become malignant; it usually occurs in the middle aged or elderly and is due to excessive exposure to the sun. Called also senile or solar keratosis. ( See Atlas 3, Part F).keratosis follicula´ris a slowly progressive autosomal dominant disorder of keratinizationcharacterized by pinkish to tan or skin-colored papules on the seborrheic areas of the body thatcoalesce to form plaques, which may become crusted and secondarily infected; over time, thelesions may become darker and may fuse to form papillomatous and warty malodorous growths. Called also Darier's disease and Darier-White disease.keratosis palma´ris et planta´ris palmoplantar keratoderma.keratosis pharyn´gea horny projections from the tonsils and pharyngeal walls. Called alsopharyngokeratosis.keratosis pila´ris hyperkeratosis limited to the hair follicles.keratosis puncta´ta a hereditary hyperkeratosis in which the lesions are localized in multiplepoints on the palms and soles.seborrheic keratosis ( keratosis seborrhe´ica) a benign, noninvasive tumor of epidermal origin,marked by numerous yellow or brown, sharply marginated, oval, raised lesions.senile keratosis ( solar keratosis) actinic keratosis. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.ker·a·to·sis, pl.ker·a·to·ses ( ker'ă-tō'sis, -sēz ), Any lesion on the epidermis marked by the presence of circumscribed overgrowths of thehorny layer. [ kerato- + G. -osis, condition]Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012keratosis/ker·a·to·sis/ ( ker″ah-to´sis) pl. kerato´ses any horny growth, such as a wart or callosity.keratot´icactinic keratosis a sharply outlined verrucous or keratotic growth, which may develop into a cutaneous horn, and may become malignant; it usually occurs in the middle-aged or elderly and is due to excessive exposure to the sun.keratosis blennorrha´gica keratoderma blennorrhagicum.keratosis follicula´ris a hereditary form marked by areas of crusting, itching, verrucous papulargrowths which may fuse to form papillomatous and warty malodorous growths.inverted follicular keratosis a benign usually solitary epithelial tumor originating in a hairfollicle and occurring as a flesh-colored nodule or papule.keratosis palma´ris et planta´ris palmoplantar keratoderma.keratosis pharyn´gea that characterized by horny projections from the tonsils and the orifices of the lymph follicles in the pharyngeal walls.keratosis pila´ris hyperkeratosis limited to the hair follicles.keratosis puncta´ta a hereditary hyperkeratosis in which the lesions are localized in multiplepoints on the palms and soles.seborrheic keratosis , keratosis seborrhe´ica a benign tumor of epidermal origin, marked by soft friable plaques with slight to intense pigmentation, most often on the face, trunk, and limbs.senile keratosis , solar keratosis actinic k. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.keratosis (kĕr′ə-tō′sĭs)n."
] |
1862 | andy name meaning | [
"docid": "D1276841#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/andy\nAndy",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / A / Boy / Andy Andy The name Andy is a baby boy name. Meaning English Meaning: The name Andy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Andy is: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew. American Meaning: The name Andy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Andy is: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew. French Meaning: The name Andy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Andy is: Manly; brave. Andrew."
] | [
"docid": "D2904371#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campbell%27s_Soup_Cans\nCampbell's Soup Cans",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Campbell's Soup Cans (disambiguation). Campbell's Soup Cans Artist Andy Warhol Year 1962Medium Synthetic polymer paint on canvas Dimensions 20 by 16 inches (51 cm × 41 cm) each for 32 canvases Location Museum of Modern Art. Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, New York, NY (32 canvas series displayed by year of introduction)Accession 476.1996.1–32Campbell's Soup Cans, [1] which is sometimes referred to as 32 Campbell's Soup Cans, [2] is a work of art produced in 1962 by Andy Warhol. It consists of thirty-two canvases, each measuring 20 inches (51 cm) in height × 16 inches (41 cm) in width and each consisting of a painting of a Campbell's Soup can—one of each of the canned soup varieties the company offered at the time. [ 1] The individual paintings were produced by a printmaking method—the semi-mechanized screen printing process, using a non- painterly style. Campbell's Soup Cans' reliance on themes from popular culture helped to usher in pop art as a major art movement in the United States. Warhol, a commercial illustrator who became a successful author, publisher, painter, and film director, showed the work on July 9, 1962, in his first one-man gallery exhibition as a fine artist [3] [4] in the Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles, California. The exhibition marked the West Coast debut of pop art. [ 5] The combination of the semi-mechanized process, the non-painterly style, and the commercial subject initially caused offense, as the work's blatantly mundane commercialism represented a direct affront to the technique and philosophy of abstract expressionism. In the United States the abstract expressionism art movement was dominant during the post- war period, and it held not only to \"\"fine art\"\" values and aesthetics but also to a mystical inclination."
"docid": "D2343852#0",
"title": "http://www.biblical-baby-names.com/meaning-of-andrew.html\n.",
"text": "Name Meaning and Biblical Context of Andrew Name Andrew ( Add to Favourite List? ) Gender Meaning Manliness. Biblical context The Biblical baby name Andrew is the English version of the Greek name Andreas. The meaning of this name is manliness. Andrew is pronounced an-droo. Andrew was the first of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He was a native of Galilee. His brother was Simon Peter. Both Andrew and Peter were fishermen by occupation and initially disciples of John the Baptist. Tradition has it that Andrew was crucified at Patrae in Archaia."
"docid": "D3472711#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Andrea\nWhat does Andrea mean?",
"text": "\"What does Andrea mean? Andrea as a boys' name (also used more commonly as girls' name Andrea) is a Greek name, and the meaning of Andrea is \"\"man, warrior\"\". Andrea is a variant form of Andrew (Greek). STARTS WITH An-ASSOCIATED WITH greek, warrior Variations VARIANTS Ondrey, Ondrei, Ohndrae, Andruw, Andru, Andro, Andrey, Andrei, Andre, Aindrea RELATIONS VIA ANDREW Adem, Aindreas, Anders ▲, Andie, Andonia, Andor, Andras, Andreas, Andrej, Andres ▲, Andresj, Andrewes, Andrews, Andrezj, Andrian, Andriel, Andries, Andrij, Andrija, Andrius, Andros, Andrzej, Andy, Mandrew, Ohndre, Ondre, Ondrej FEMININE FORMS Andie, Deandra, Keandra, Kendra, Ondrea, Vondra CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Andrea Siddharth (A. S.), .. How popular is Andrea? Andrea is a somewhat popular first name for men (#900 out of 1220, Top 74%) and an even more popular surname for all people (#17613 out of 150436, Top 12%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D2780256#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/bey/about\nBey",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Bey Embed Bey Family Tree Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name 5kin the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Bey means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons Named Bey Notable Persons With the Last Name Bey Regional Popularity Ethnicity Distribution Fun Facts What Beys Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Bia (More Popular)<100 Bb (More Popular)145 Bow (More Popular)778 Boe (More Popular)1k Bao (More Popular)<100 Sanesuite1k Ardath<100 Olushehgoun<100 Albeyga<100 Kamsing<100 Charlyson<100 Betsun<100 Bayleaf279 El576 Bay (More Popular)<100 Beyette<100 Moorish651 Boy (More Popular)<100 Bae (More Popular)2k Bea (More Popular)33k Beau (More Popular)2k Bee (More Popular)10k Bo (More Popular)How to Pronounce Bey Bey Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Bey? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Bey mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Bey Submit the origin and/or meaning of Bey to us below Origin of Bey Bey Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun Bey A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a beg; as, the bey of Tunis. Etymology: See Beg a bey Other Dictionary Sources The governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire (formerly) a title of respect for a man in Turkey or Egypt (\"\" he introduced me to Ahmet Bey \"\")Wiktionary From Turkish bey (“gentleman, chief”), from Old Turkic ( bég, “chief, titled man”). ( historical) A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominionsin various other places, a prince or noblemanbey was also found in the following language (s): French, German, and Turkish Back to Top Notable Persons Named Bey Bey Soo Khiang His military service ended in 2000. Bey was born in Singapore. Popularity: Bey Logan Bey Logan is a film producer, screenwriter, actor, and author. Bey was born on November 15th, 1961 in Stamford, England."
"docid": "D3529756#0",
"title": "http://www.patheos.com/blogs/paperbacktheology/2012/11/andy-stanley-and-charles-stanley-what-really-happened.html\nAndy Stanley and Charles Stanley â What Really Happened?",
"text": "\"Home About Bio buy Contact Talks Progressive Christian Andy Stanley and Charles Stanley – What Really Happened? November 18, 2012 by Tim Suttle 29 Comments For years I’ve heard the whispers about what happened between Andy Stanley, one of the most famous and influential pastors and leaders, and his father Charles Stanley, equally famous and possibly even more influential. These two famously large preaching personalities had parted ways years back amid a divorce between Charles and his wife, Andy’s mom. Some say that Charles had an affair that broke up his marriage and never even missed a day in the pulpit through the whole thing. Some say that his mom had literally lost her mind and it was all her fault. The truth is something that most of us will never know exactly what broke up the marriage of the two time president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and how it tore apart his family – which is probably right given that it’s not really our business. But I’ve always kind of wondered. CNN ran a story yesterday that gives a rare peek inside the relationship between Andy Stanley and his famous father, how it played out, and how they stuck together. It’s a pretty moving story and it’s well worth the read. I know that there is always another side to every story, and that this article puts these two leaders in the best possible light."
"docid": "D1276842#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Andy\nWhat does Andy mean?",
"text": "\"What does Andy mean? A ndy as a boys' name (also used less widely as girls' name Andy) has its roots in Greek and Latin, and the meaning of the name Andy is \"\"man, warrior\"\". Andy is an alternate spelling of Andrew (Greek). Andy is also a variant of Anthony (Latin). ASSOCIATED WITH An-, greek, warrior Variations VARIANT Andie ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANDREW, ANTHONY Adem, Analu, Anders ▲, Andor, Andras, Andre, Andrea, Andrei, Andrej, Andres, Andrey, Andrij, Andro, Andros, Andru, Andruw, Antal, Antin, Anton ▼, Antony, Antun, Dandy, Ondre, Ondrey, Toney, Tony ▼CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Andy Connor (A. C.), .. How popular is Andy? Andy is a very prominent first name for men (#284 out of 1220, Top 23%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#33563 out of 150436, Top 22%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D1985228#0",
"title": "https://www.wired.com/2013/10/see-the-most-popular-toys-of-the-1880s/\n32 of the Most Popular Toys From the Last 145 Years",
"text": "\"Zoetrope reel, 1870s — Before there was Pixar, there was the Zoetrope. The optical illusion was first demonstrated in 1836, over a hundred years before the first Saturday morning cartoons. The device was patented in 1867 by Milton Bradley, the man, not the company, and in many ways can be considered one of the first mass-market toys. Photo: Andy Brown Sindy, 1960s — While she doesn't have the name recognition of Barbie, this doll has friends in important places. \"\" My favorites are the Sindy doll—I had one myself—and any of the teddy bears,\"\" says Howell who helped curate the photo subjects. \"\" I always preferred soft toys to dolls and now I get to look after them in the Museum.\"\" Photo: Andy Brown Paper soldiers, 1890s — \"\"This is my favorite image,\"\" says Brown. \"\" I love how camp they look today.\"\" Photo: Andy Brown Clackers, 1970s — Paradoxically, some of the best selling toys were the hardest to track down. Clackers were a popular noise making toy in the 1970s, but was fairly cheap, disposable, and liable to crack. \"\""
"docid": "D1013221#0",
"title": "http://www.stereogum.com/1118/famous_helping_people/news/\nFamous Helping People",
"text": "Famous Helping People Stereogum | January 6, 2005 - 8:22 am Email Share Tweet Pin It Reddit In tsunami-related rock news…UK concert promoters are trying to put together a massive Live-Aid-style benefit concert to take place at Millennium Stadium in Wales on 1/22 and 1/23. Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, U2, and the Darkness have reportedly been approached to take part. U2 posted a message on its website assuring fans that Adam Clayton was not harmed during the tsunamis as was rumored. Meanwhile, Bono is encouraging fans to help tsunami victims by donating to The U. N. World Food Program. Sheryl Crow and Christina Aguilera are the first artists to sign on to the tsunami-relief telethon airing 1/15 on NBC. Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne donated £100,000 to Britain’s Disasters Emergency Committee and have recorded a public service announcement asking for donations from around the world. Sting’s planned concert in Sri Lanka next month has been cancelled. Instead he has scheduled a 2/10 show in Perth, Australia with all proceeds benefiting victims of the disaster. Linkin Park have kicked in $100,000 to start their own charity to aid tsunami victims. It’s called Music For Relief."
"docid": "D3098705#0",
"title": "http://www.momjunction.com/articles/august-baby-names_00394504/\n31 Great Names For Babies Born In August",
"text": "Home » Baby » Baby Names31 Great Names For Babies Born In August Arshi July 22, 2016Image: Shutterstock Selecting a name for the baby is both exciting and petrifying. The number of suggestions coming your way can baffle even the sanest of parents. Floral, classic, and trendy names are familiar, but have you considered the birth month for naming for your child? If you are welcoming a new addition to your family in August, we suggest you to keep this adventurous month in mind while naming your child. August may not be having as many related names as May or July, but it still deserves its due. Mom Junction has compiled a list of names for August-born babies. From historical figures to celebs, these famous personalities will inspire you to find a perfect August baby name. Check them out below!August Baby Names For Boys:1. August: August is one of the most popular baby names for boys born in this month. The name is at #333 but was as high as 170 at the end of the 19th century."
"docid": "D1152579#0",
"title": "http://www.enochmagazine.com/articles/band-interviews/we-came-as-romans-interview-with-andy-glass\n.",
"text": "We Came As Romans Interview with Andy Glass Written by Nate ·Nate Smith interviews Andy Glass, bassist of We Came as Romans Enoch Magazine ) Who was an influential person in your life that exposed you music or playing music? Andy ) I would have to say a lot of my friends I went to school with. Back in 6th or 7th grade, we had all started skateboarding and the music just kind of came along with it. Another big influence would have to be my Dad – he took me to see Rush which was my first concert ever so he definitely played a huge role in entering music into my life. Enoch Magazine ) Tell us about the writing process and band practice. What do both of these things look like? Andy ) Basically what happens is Josh, our guitarist, will write a song on a program we use called Tabit. Then we all sit down together and do some restructuring of the song till we are all satisfied with the final piece of music. This process does take a long time and some changes are even made last minute when we are in the studio. So our songs evolve a tremendous amount to virtually have everyone in the band be content and happy with the songs."
"docid": "D2110733#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/trivia\nTrivia",
"text": "\"Edit The Shawshank Redemption (1994)Trivia Showing all 173 items Jump to: Spoilers (31)Andy and Red's opening chat in the prison yard, in which Red is throwing a baseball, took nine hours to shoot. Morgan Freeman threw the baseball for the entire nine hours without a word of complaint. He showed up for work the next day with his arm in a sling.1,991 of 2,001 found this interesting | Share this Morgan Freeman 's favorite film of his own.1,874 of 1,896 found this interesting | Share this Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Paul Newman, and Robert Redford were all considered for the part of Red. In the original novel, Red is a middle-aged Irishman with graying red hair. However, Frank Darabont always had Morgan Freeman in mind for the role, because of his authoritative presence, demeanor and deep voice. Darabont alluded to the casting choice, by having Red jokingly reply to Andy's inquiry about his nickname with the line, \"\"Maybe it's because I'm Irish. \"\" 715 of 723 found this interesting | Share this When Andy goes to the library to begin work as Brooks' assistant and Brooks' crow, Jake, is squawking, Tim Robbins had to time his line, \"\"Hey, Jake. Where's Brooks?\"\" so that the crow wouldn't squawk over him, since the bird could not be trained to squawk on cue. Robbins was able to adapt to this and time his line perfectly by learning the bird's squawking patterns, for which Writer and Director Frank Darabont praised him."
"docid": "D577813#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Andrew\nWhat does Andrew mean?",
"text": "\"What does Andrew mean? Andrew ▼ as a boys' name (also used less commonly as girls' name Andrew) is pronounced AN-droo. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Andrew is \"\"man, warrior\"\". English form of the Greek name Andreas. Biblical: the first chosen of the 12 apostles. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and Russia. The \"\"Saint Andrew's Cross\"\", representing Scotland, appears on the flag of the United Kingdom. See also Andino, Jedrek, and Kendrew. American Presidents Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson; industrialist Andrew Carnegie; Prince Andrew, Duke of York; actors Andy Devine, Andy Griffith, Andy Garcia; artists Andrew Wyeth, and Andy Warhol; baseball player Andruw Jones. STARTS WITH An-ASSOCIATED WITH greek, warrior, biblical, saint, scotland, prince (king), duke (noble)Variations VARIANTS Adem, Aindrea, Aindreas, Analu, Anders ▲, Andie, Andonia, Andor, Andras, Andre, Andres ▲, Andrea, Andreas, Andrei, Andrej, Andres ▲, Andresj, Andrewes, Andrews, Andrey, Andrezj, Andrian, Andriel, Andries, Andrij, Andrija, Andrius, Andro, Andros, Andru, Andruw, Andrzej, Andy, Antero, Dandie, Dandy, Drew, Dru, Drud, Drue, Drugi, Mandrew, Ohndrae, Ohndre, Ondre, Ondrei, Ondrej, Ohnrey, Ondrey SEE ALSO Andrik, Tandie ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANDREAS, JEDREK Andreus, Andris FEMININE FORMS Andrea, Drew, Tandy CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Andrew Tru (A. T.), .. How popular is Andrew?"
"docid": "D2860521#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_for_Dogs\nHotel for Dogs",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the film, see Hotel for Dogs (film). This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Hotel for Dogs Author Lois Duncan Language English Genre Young adult fiction Pages 178ISBN 978-0-395-12364-5Hotel for Dogs (1971) is a children's novel by Lois Duncan. It was adapted into a film of the same name by Nickelodeon Movies for Dream Works Pictures, released on January 16, 2009. When the book was originally released in 1971, Andi's name was Liz, and Friday's name was Sadie. The book was re-released December 1, 2008, to promote the film with the names changed. Two sequels were released: News for Dogs in 2009 and Movie for Dogs in 2010. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Characters2.1 Humans2.2 Dog characters3 External links Plot [ edit]Andrea Walker, known as Andi, is a girl who does not want to move to her animal-allergic great-aunt Alice because to do so would mean having to say goodbye to her beloved dog Bebe, which will be living with another family until Andi's family finds a new home for themselves because of her."
"docid": "D615307#0",
"title": "https://www.thrillist.com/drink/nation/dranking-and-ranking-20-of-americas-favorite-tallboys\nDranking and ranking 20 of America's favorite tallboys",
"text": "\"Food & Drink Dranking and ranking 20 of America's favorite tallboys By Andy Kryza Published On 09/15/2013@apkryza As fancy microbrews slowly make the transition to 16oz \"\"pounder\"\" cans, let us take pause and celebrate the macro forefathers that pioneered the God-given right to slug back a watery beer, then slam their containers over your head. They are the beers that guided you through college, the beers that make tailgates possible. They are the \"\"ice\"\", \"\"lite\"\", \"\"high-gravity\"\", and \"\"heavy\"\" beers that get no love from the brewing world... except behind closed doors. We salute you, oh pioneers, by ranking your 20 greatest hits. And then doing the head-crushing thing. Recommended Video Lifestyle France's Fête des Lumières Is a Light Festival Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen Watch More Andy Kryza20. Steel Reserve How did this \"\"high-gravity lager\"\" that tastes like somebody dropped a dried apricot in a bucket of antifreeze and nail polish-remover become a favorite of college freshmen and park-bench dwellers alike? Oh, it's 8.1% alcohol. And costs about that many pennies. Andy Kryza19."
"docid": "D159393#0",
"title": "http://pixar.wikia.com/wiki/Buster\nBuster",
"text": "\"Appeared in: Toy Story (mentioned and heard)Toy Story 2Toy Story 3Buster is Andy 's pet dachshund in the Toy Story series. Contents [ show]Toy Story In Toy Story, Andy receives Buster as a puppy for his Christmas present at the film's resolution. Buster isn't seen, but he can be heard barking, and Andy says, \"\"Wow, a puppy!\"\" Both Woody and Buzz exchange worried smiles when they hear Andy say this because of their experience with Scud . Toy Story 2In Toy Story 2, Buster makes his first appearance as a brown miniature dachshund. He is able to understand the toys when they talk to him and is shown to be friends with Woody. He is first shown as he bursts into Andy's room to find Woody, and after he takes Woody out of Andy's backpack, he pins Woody to the ground and growls at him, but quickly begins to lick him repeatedly after sensing that Woody is actually alive. It turns out that Buster and Woody were playing hide-and-seek. Woody then asks Hamm how Buster did, and it is revealed that Buster set a new record of 13.5 seconds, as shown on Mr. Spell. A little later, when Andy's mother takes Wheezy with a broken squeaker, out to be sold at a yard sale, Woody, thinking quickly, whistles for Buster (though Woody had to use his other arm due to his good arm having been inadvertently broken by Andy earlier), and he takes him out to the yard sale (though Buster, when told to be \"\"subtle,\"\" does it in an exaggerated manner before Woody pointed out he didn't mean that level of subtlety), where Woody climbs into a box to dig out Wheezy and bring him back to Andy's room."
"docid": "D3318961#0",
"title": "http://networthcelebrities.com/andy-griffith-net-worth/\nHow much is Andy Griffith worth?",
"text": "Actors July 21, 2016How much is Andy Griffith worth? Katy Botnar Share Tweet Pin How rich is Andy Lau? How rich is Andrew Mc Carthy? Andy Griffith net worth is $45 million Date of Birth: 1 June, 1926Date of Death: 3 March, 2012 (Age: 86)Place of Birth: Mount Airy, USANationality: American Source of wealth: film, TV, song production Andy Griffith Andy Griffith was a unique and talented movie presenter, American origin, whose career was a pattern for starters, whose life was bright as a real star has got. What he did brought not only fame and moral satisfaction, but also money. Even now the family gets regular payments. That is the best prove that the memory about him is still alive and will exist forever. How much is Andy Griffith worth? This successful man could have be proud of $45,000,000 material state, which now inherited his family. But how did it all start?"
"docid": "D1206643#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/7235\nRon Howard",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Celebrities Film Directors Ron Howard Unanswered | Answered Ron Howard Parent Category: Film Directors Ron Howard is an American film director and actor who became famous while playing Opie Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show. After retiring from acting he started his directing career with many films such as Apollo 13 and The Da Vinci Code. Here you can ask questions about Ron Howard such as his career, awards won, and much more.1 2 >1999 Ron Howard film? EDtv What are ron howards kids names? Fatty Patty Ratty Hatty Ron Howard directed this movie? All answers are correct Who is Ron Howard's actor brother?couple of teasers? he played an alien as a child in an episode of star trek, he also played a hick in waterboy hanging out with felow hick Jon Stewart, he also played a serial killer on Seinfeld and the piece de whatever he played the ultra genius eaglebauer in rock and roll high school ............... What two spin-off shows did Ron Howard act in besides The Andy Griffith Show? Mayberry RFD and Happy Days. Is Frank Howard alive? Yes, he's 71."
"docid": "D3148303#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/mccluskey/about\nMccluskey",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Mccluskey Embed Mccluskey Family Tree Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name 6kin the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Mccluskey means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons With the Last Name Mccluskey Regional Popularity Ethnicity Distribution Fun Facts What Mccluskeys Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Mcclusky<100 Smothers<100 Consigli<100 Gouslin<100 Robbhy<100 Midskee<100 Inc<100 Moksud<100 Ducu<100 Lambdin<100 Iovanni<100 Cardelle How to Pronounce Mccluskey Mccluskey Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Mccluskey? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Mccluskey mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Mccluskey Submit the origin and/or meaning of Mccluskey to us below Origin of Mccluskey Mccluskey Means Cited Source Submit Alt. Meaning M is for munificent, for you are extremely liberal in giving. C is for cuddle, those intimate moments you cherish. C is for confident, no doubts here!L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go. U is for upstanding, the honorable way to be S is for sensitive, another side shows. K is for knowledge, an avid learner E is for empathy, and your consideration for the feelings of others Y is for youthful, your eternal look."
"docid": "D2054076#0",
"title": "http://www.funnyordie.com/articles/44d557e1bd/6-reasons-andy-kaufman-might-still-be-alive\n6 Reasons Andy Kaufman Might Still Be Alive",
"text": "\"6 Reasons Andy Kaufman Might Still Be Alive Real Jack Bristow Follow More Info Six Reasons Andy Kaufman Might Still Be Alive We all get tired of that one conspiracy theorist friend of ours who tells us that 9/11 was an inside job–or that Michael Jackson faked his death, and is now sharing an apartment with Elvis Presley and Heath Ledger. Most of the stories of celebrities rumored to be alive aren’t just absurd but flat‐out preposterous. Elvis used a waxed body double at his funeral and still is alive? Tupac Shakur is still alive and kicking somewhere, waiting to make his comeback, when there are autopsy photos of his bullet‐riddled corpse on the Internet? Jim Morrison is currently going by Mr. Mojo Rising and residing in some remote location in Africa and enchanting the beautiful topless tribal native women with his beautiful poetry… There is no shortage of crackpot theories about dead celebrities faking their deaths in this world. And since I have always been a firm subscriber of the “If you can’t beat them, join them” mentality, I too have decided to add a celebrity name to said crackpot theories list: Andy Kaufman. Yes, there I said it. I believe Andy Kaufman‐‐yes that Andy Kaufman, the guy from “Taxi\"\"‐‐faked his death in 1984. Now I know your first thought might be I’m just another one of the aforementioned crackpots‐‐and hell, maybe I am. However, if it turns out there was one celebrity who faked his death, Kaufman’s name would be topmost in my list."
"docid": "D1465492#0",
"title": "https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Shawshank_Redemption\nThe Shawshank Redemption",
"text": "\"navigation search Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 film about a banker named Andy Dufresne, who is accused of double murder in the 1940s and begins a life sentence at the fictional Shawshank prison, where he be friends an older inmate named Red. During his long stretch in prison, Dufresne comes to be admired by the other inmates for his upstanding moral code and his quietly indomitable spirit. Written and directed by: Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Contents [ hide ]1 Andy Dufresne2 Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding3 Warden Samuel Norton4 Brooks Hatlen5 Captain Byron Hadley6 Dialogue7 Cast8 External links Andy Dufresne [ edit]Yeah, right. That's the way it is. It's down there and I'm in here."
] |
1865 | asin what is | [
"docid": "D280463#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Standard_Identification_Number\nAmazon Standard Identification Number",
"text": "\"\"\"ASIN\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Asin (disambiguation). The Amazon Standard Identification Number ( ASIN) is a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by Amazon.com and its partners for product identification within the Amazon organization. [ 1]Usage and structure [ edit]Although ASINs used to be unique worldwide, global expansion has changed things so that ASINs are only guaranteed unique within a marketplace. [ citation needed] The same product may be referred to by several ASINs though, and different national sites may use a different ASIN for the same product. [ citation needed] In general, ASINs are likely to be different between the country sites unless they are for a class of product where the ASIN is based on an externally defined and internationally consistent identifier, such as ISBN for books. [ citation needed]Each product sold on Amazon.com is given a unique ASIN. For books with 10-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN), the ASIN and the ISBN are the same. [ 2] The Kindle edition of a book will not use its ISBN as the ASIN, although the electronic version of a book may have its own ISBN. In most cases, it is possible to convert an ASIN to obtain a corresponding EAN code. ["
] | [
"docid": "D1293557#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hale_telescope\nHale Telescope",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Hale telescope)navigation search For the smaller Hale Telescope at Mt Wilson, see 60-inch Hale Telescope Hale telescope Named after George Ellery Hale Observatory Palomar Observatory Location (s) Palomar Mountain, California, USCoordinates 33°21′23″N 116°51′54″WCoordinates: 33°21′23″N 116°51′54″WAltitude 1,713 m (5,620 ft)Built 1936–1948First light January 26, 1949, 10:06 pm PSTTelescope style optical telescopereflecting telescope Diameter 200 in (5.1 m)Collecting area 31,000 sq in (20 m 2)Focal length 16.76 m (55 ft 0 in)Mounting Equatorial mount Website www .astro .caltech .edu /palomar /about /telescopes /hale .html Location of Hale Telescope Related media on Wikimedia Commons [ edit on Wikidata]The Hale Telescope is a 200-inch (5.1 m), f /3.3 reflecting telescope at the Palomar Observatory in California, US, named after astronomer George Ellery Hale. With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, he orchestrated the planning, design, and construction of the observatory, but did not live to see its commissioning. The Hale was groundbreaking for its time, with double the diameter of the next largest telescope and pioneering the use of many technologies such as vapor deposited aluminum and low thermal expansionglass. It is still in active use. It was the largest optical telescope in the world from its completion in 1948 until the BTA-6 was built in 1976, and the second largest until the construction of the Keck 1 in 1993. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Components2.1 Mounting structures2.2 200-inch mirror3 Direct imaging of exoplanets4 Comparison5 See also6 References7 Further reading8 External links History [ edit]Hale supervised the building of the telescopes at the Mount Wilson Observatory with grants from the Carnegie Institution of Washington: the 60-inch (1.5 m) telescope in 1908 and the 100-inch (2.5 m) telescope in 1917. These telescopes were very successful, leading to the rapid advance in understanding of the scale of the Universe through the 1920s, and demonstrating to visionaries like Hale the need for even larger collectors. The chief optical designer for Hale's previous 100-inch telescope was George Willis Ritchey, who intended the new telescope to be of Ritchey–Chrétien design. Compared to the usual parabolic primary, this design would have provided sharper images over a larger usable field of view. However, Ritchey and Hale had a falling-out."
"docid": "D3095465#0",
"title": "http://ssc.channeladvisor.com/amazons-brand-registry\nAmazon's Brand Registry Program",
"text": "Home » Strategy » Marketplaces » Amazon Marketplace » Amazon's Brand Registry Program Amazon's Brand Registry Program Visit our new Community site! The SSC is no longer updated. If you have bookmarked this page, click on the banner below – this will lead you to the corresponding page in the Community. Then, you can use the Star to save it there to show in the new ‘My Support Center’, in your Favourite Articles section. Use the search bar to find any other topics you're interested in. Program Overview At Channel Advisor we hear concerns from retailers who manufacturer and sell their own products. Often the feeling is that they do not have control over the product details for products that they manufacturer. Additionally, some manufacturers may have private label brands or specialized products that do not have UPCs/EANs. Some categories may allow sellers to request exemptions to list products that do not have standard product IDs via this program. To address this concern, Amazon created the Amazon Brand Registry program for sellers who manufacture or sell their own branded products."
"docid": "D2287239#0",
"title": "http://www.durango-songwriters-expo.com/worlds-greatest-songs-georgia-on-my-mind.html\n.",
"text": "\"World's Greatest Songs—Georgia On My Mind<table align=\"\"center\"\"> <tr> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=0306808994&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B000008E11&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00004R5ZP&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B0000296J3&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table> <OBJECT classid=\"\"clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"\" codebase=\"\"http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab\"\" id=\"\"Player_315eeda7-a637-4a66-a5d0-39505f95267c\"\" WIDTH=\"\"125px\"\" HEIGHT=\"\"125px\"\"> <PARAM NAME=\"\"movie\"\" VALUE=\"\"http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q? 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Service Version=20070822&Market Place=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fdurangosongco-20%2F8014%2F315eeda7-a637-4a66-a5d0-39505f95267c&Operation=No Script\"\">Amazon.com Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT><p><b>Georgia on My Mind</b> Lyrics<br> <i> (Words and Music by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell)</i><p>Note: Not unlike Rodgers and Hart's \"\"<a href=\"\"http://www.events-in-music.com/who-wrote-my-funny-valentine.html\"\" target=\"\"_blank\"\">My Funny Valentine</a>,\"\" \"\"Georgia\"\" begins with a prelude that is almost always ommitted in performances and recordings.<p>PRELUDE<p> Melodies bring memories<br> That linger in my heart<br> Make me think of Georgia<br> Why did we ever part?<br> Some sweet day when blossoms fall<br> And all the world's a song<br> I'll go back to Georgia<br> 'Cause that's where I belong.<p>REFRAIN<p>Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through<br> Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.<p>Georgia, Georgia, a song of you<br> Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.<p>Other arms reach out to me<br> Other eyes smile tenderly<br> Still in peaceful dreams I see<br> The road leads back to you.<p>Georgia, Georgia, no peace I find<br> Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.<p><center><a href=\"\"http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&offerid=90283.412545&type=2&subid=0\"\" >Hoagy Carmichael - Georgia On My Mind - Sheet Music (Digital Download)</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src=\"\"http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&bids=90283&type=2&subid=0\"\" ></center><p><center><a href=\"\"http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&offerid=90283.460256&type=2&subid=0\"\" >Georgia On My Mind - Sheet Music (Digital Download)</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src=\"\"http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&bids=90283&type=2&subid=0\"\" ></center><p><center>A nice, easier arrangement:</br> <a href=\"\"http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&offerid=90283.406079&type=2&subid=0\"\" >Ray Charles - Georgia on My Mind - Piano Solo - Sheet Music (Digital Download)</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src=\"\"http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&bids=90283&type=2&subid=0\"\" ></center><p><center><a href=\"\"http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&offerid=90283.458817&type=2&subid=0\"\" >Stardust - Sheet Music (Digital Download)</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src=\"\"http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=VNu Mi JG6r Oc&bids=90283&type=2&subid=0\"\" ></center> <table align=\"\"center\"\"> <tr> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=0306808994&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B000008E11&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00004R5ZP&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> <td> <iframe src=\"\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=durangosongco-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B0000296J3&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\"\" style=\"\"width:120px;height:240px;\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" marginwidth=\"\"0\"\" marginheight=\"\"0\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table>Next World's Greatest Song Share this page: What’s this? Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest Tumblr Reddit Copyright 2006-2014 Durango Song.com LLC and Durango-Songwriters-Expo.com. All rights reserved. SBI! \""
"docid": "D3018525#0",
"title": "http://www.synccentric.com/features/convert-amazon-asin/\nConvert Amazon ASIN Numbers",
"text": "Convert Amazon ASIN Numbers Convert your list of Amazon ASIN numbers to other identifiers including UPC, EAN, MPN, SKU, and ISBN. Retrieve additional product and listing data associated with the ASIN. Get Started1. Import your ASIN file Import your CSV file containing ASINs and any other custom data in separate columns.2. Search by ASINs in bulk Convert your ASINs to a number of different identifiers including UPC, EAN, SKU, Part Number, and ISBN. Collect analytical data like lowest FBA/Merchant offers, buy buy price, shipping costs, Amazon sales rank, FBA estimates fees, and other product data3. Manage or export results View, search, compare, and manage your results within a user-friendly interface or export your results and filter the data columns you'd like to download. Explore more product & listing data Product attributes and listing data Retrieve lots of content relevant to your imported ASINs. This includes product titles, descriptions, image urls, brands, item dimensions, pricing, and much more!See all features & product data We have been using Synccentric for a variety of things...including leveraging your platform to help us with finding specific shipping dimensions and weight for items via ASINs...your platform is extremely helpful!Brock Strasbourger, FANCY. COMImport your ASINs & start collecting data!Join our Basic plan for free and start retrieving product & Amazon listing data by ASIN search."
"docid": "D3532161#0",
"title": "http://speedydeletion.wikia.com/wiki/Ethereal_beings\nEthereal beings",
"text": "\"in: Candidates for history merging, Articles containing Japanese language text, Deities, spirits, and mythic beings, and 7 more Ethereal beings Edit Comments Share It is requested that the page history of Ethereal being be merged into the history of this page. This action must be performed by an administrator. Please consider placing { {subst: db-copypaste-notice |Ethereal being|Ethereal beings}} ~~~~ or { {subst: Uw-c&pmove |Ethereal being|to=Ethereal beings}} ~~~~ on the talk page of the editor who performed the copy-and-paste move. Water nymph by John Collier, 1923. Ethereal beings is a denomination that characterizes entities not made of ordinary matter. Despite the fact that they are pictured essentially as nonphysical, they do interact with the material universe and travel between the mystical and the everyday world. Given the lack of scientific evidence of their existence, science does not acknowledge them as factual, though paranormal researchers and psychics claim them as real. Several belief systems and occult theories describe these entities as ghosts, mythological entities, nature spirits, angels, thoughtforms, jinns, [1] [2] and they are mentioned in religious, folkloristic, and magic texts. Since the 19th century, the existence of immaterial beings has been claimed by various spiritualist philosophies as well, and they are found in the popular imagination and represented in movies, TV series and cartoons. Contents [ show]Etymology“ Dancing elves ”: Älvalek by August Malmström, 1866."
"docid": "D413625#0",
"title": "http://opensitemobile.com/latlon/\nMovable Type Scripts",
"text": "Page Code Module Code |Movable Type Scripts Calculate distance, bearing and more between Latitude/Longitude points This page presents a variety of calculations for latitude/longitude points, with the formulæ and code fragments for implementing them. All these formulæ are for calculations on the basis of a spherical earth (ignoring ellipsoidal effects) – which is accurate enough * for most purposes… [In fact, the earth is very slightly ellipsoidal; using a spherical model gives errors typically up to 0.3% – see notes for further details]. Enter the co-ordinates into the text boxes to try out the calculations. A variety of formats are accepted, principally:deg-min-sec suffixed with N/S/E/W (e.g. 40°44′55″N, 73 59 11W), orsigned decimal degrees without compass direction, where negative indicates west/south (e.g. 40.7486, -73.9864): Point 1: ,Point 2: ,Distance: km Initial bearing: Final bearing: Midpoint: And you can see it on a map (aren’t those Google guys wonderful! ) Distance This uses the ‘ haversine ’ formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two points – that is, the shortest distance over the earth’s surface – giving an ‘as-the-crow-flies’ distance between the points (ignoring any hills, of course!). Haversine formula:a = sin² (Δlat/2) + cos (lat 1 ).cos (lat 2 ).sin² (Δlong/2) c = 2.atan2 (√ a, √ (1−a)) d = R.cwhere R is earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km); note that angles need to be in radians to pass to trig functions!Java Script:var R = 6371; // km var d Lat = (lat2-lat1).to Rad (); var d Lon = (lon2-lon1).to Rad (); var lat1 = lat1.to Rad (); var lat2 = lat2.to Rad (); var a = Math.sin (d Lat/2) * Math.sin (d Lat/2) + Math.sin (d Lon/2) * Math.sin (d Lon/2) * Math.cos (lat1) * Math.cos (lat2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2 (Math.sqrt (a), Math.sqrt (1-a)); var d = R * c;The haversine formula 1 ‘remains particularly well-conditioned for numerical computation even at small distances’ – unlike calculations based on the spherical law of cosines. The ‘versed sine’ is 1-cosθ, and the ‘half-versed-sine’ (1-cosθ)/2 = sin² (θ/2) as used above. It was published by R W Sinnott in Sky and Telescope , 1984, though known about for much longer by navigators. ( For the curious, c is the angular distance in radians, and a is the square of half the chord length between the points). A (surprisingly marginal) performance improvement can be obtained, of course, by factoring out the terms which get squared. Spherical Law of Cosines In fact, when Sinnott published the haversine formula, computational precision was limited."
"docid": "D718698#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/gp/seller/asin-upc-isbn-info.html\nWhat are UPCs, EANs, ISBNs. and ASINs?",
"text": "\"ISBN The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique commercial book identifier barcode. Each ISBN code identifies uniquely a book. ISBN have either 10 or 13 digits. All ISBN assigned after 1 Jan 2007 have 13 digits. Typically, the ISBN is printed on the back cover of the book. For example, the ISBN code for J. K. Rowling's \"\"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows\"\", Adult Edition, Paperback, UK edition is 978-0747595823, and this code identifies uniquely this book and edition. ASIN s Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. You can find the ASIN on the item's product information page at Amazon.com. For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN number, but for all other products a new ASIN is created when the item is uploaded to our catalogue. You will find an item's ASIN on the product detail page alongside further details relating to the item, which may include information such as size, number of pages (if it's a book) or number of discs (if it's a CD)."
"docid": "D310004#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenn_treasure\nFenn treasure",
"text": "\"The Fenn Treasure is a treasure reportedly worth over a million dollars supposedly hidden by art dealer and author Forrest Fenn in the Rocky Mountains. [ 1] Fenn has said he is going to go back and get it when the value is inflated to 10 million dollars. [ 2] When asked why he created the treasure hunt, Fenn said he \"\"just wanted to give people some hope.\"\" [ 3]According to Fenn, many people have claimed to have found the treasure, but no one has provided any evidence to him supporting their claim. As of July 2017, Fenn has stated \"\"The treasure remains where I hid it about 7 years ago\"\". In May 2017, Fenn was asked: \"\"Has anyone determined the nine clues and what they represent?\"\" and his response was: \"\"I don't know that anybody has told me the clues in the right order\"\", leading to speculation all of the clues have been solved, but the chest remains hidden. Forrest reconfirmed searchers have been within 200 feet (60 m) of the treasure and many within 500 feet (150 m). [ 4] The Thrill of the Chase and Too Far to Walk books chronicle Fenn's life as an adrenaline junkie and the treasure hunt has attracted many thrill seekers. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Deaths3 Books and media about the Fenn Treasure4 References5 External links History [ edit]Forrest Fenn was a pilot for the United States Air Force with the rank of Major and was awarded the Silver Star for his service in the Vietnam War where he flew 328 missions. ["
"docid": "D3513238#0",
"title": "http://www.cpcstrategy.com/blog/2015/06/how-to-increase-organic-search-amazon/\n22 Questions on How to Increase Organic Search Visibility on Amazon â Answered",
"text": "22 Questions on How to Increase Organic Search Visibility on Amazon – Answered Posted by Tara Johnson on June 2, 2015 in Amazon Marketplace Increase Organic Search Visibility Amazon The ability for a third party seller to have their offers seen on the Amazon Marketplace has become increasingly more difficult and pertinent as the competitive landscape has grown. Understanding which factors influence organic search visibility on Amazon is just the first in approaching this challenge. But what are the practical applications? Last week, CPC Strategy’s Pat Petriello, Head of Marketplace Strategy hosted a live course on how sellers can actually manipulate the factors that most profoundly influence Amazon SEO. There were a lot of questions we didn’t get a chance to touch on, so here they are now with answers from Sprigley Allan, Head of Amazon Program Development, at CPC Strategy: Q. How many clicks/impressions are enough to get a clue of the value of a keyword before you pause it? A. It’s not so much a magic number for clicks or impressions about when you should take action on a keyword – it’s how much spend has that keyword accrued relative to the ASP, selling price of the item and the advertising cost of sale. This could also be relative to your cost of sale goals. Q. How do you track paid traffic to Amazon without an intermediary landing page? A. You can’t really track conversions – you can only track sessions and organic ranking. Q. So you recommend automatic vs. manual campaigns if your content is optimized?"
"docid": "D601415#0",
"title": "http://asintool.com/includes/redirect.php?convertfrom=asin-to-upc.php&=Submit+Query\nAmazon ASIN to UPC Lookup Export Tool",
"text": "Register to upload your data file. You'll save so much time with our tool!Amazon ASIN to UPC Lookup Export Tool Our new software enables our customers to convert their own product list containing UPC numbers into a matching list of Amazon ASIN numbers. Convert Product Information Quickly and Easily Regardless of the size of a company, one thing most professionals have in common is the desire to run their business more efficiently. With our ASIN to UPC bulk conversion tool, our customers are able to convert their own list of Amazon ASIN numbers into a list of UPC product numbers. How it Works? See the search tool in action!Increase Efficiency, Decrease Stress Thanks to technology and a little ingenuity, our new bulk ASIN to UPC converter eliminates the need to hand search for the UPC codes associated with your ASIN numbers. In the past this could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the number of ASIN numbers you were looking to match. How it Works Simply create a list of your ASIN numbers in either a .csv or an .xls (Excel) file, and upload to our conversion tool. In just a few seconds you will be given an option to export a document to excel, which will contain your requested product information in an organized and easy-to-use format. Technology Behind the Tools We developed our system to promote efficiency and productivity, and our customers believe that we have achieved this goal."
"docid": "D942893#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asin_(band)\nAsin (band)",
"text": "\" [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article does not cite any sources. ( August 2009)This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. ( August 2009)ASINAlso known as Salt of the Earth Asin ng Lupa Origin Manila, Philippines Genres Folk rock, Manila Sound Years active 1976–80, 1983–85, 1988-90, 1992-present Labels Vicor Music, Ivory Music Associated acts Nene Band Noyginji Interaktiv Ang Grupong Pendong Website www .asinpilipinas .com Members Mike Pillora Jr. Lolita Carbon Past members Cesar Bañares Jr. (deceased) Pendong Aban Jr. Asin (sometimes spelled ASIN, in all capital letters) is a Pinoy folk rock band from the Philippines. They started as a trio in the late 1970s before becoming a quartet, and was originally known as the Salt of the Earth. \"\" ASIN\"\" means salt in Filipino language. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Formation and early success1.2 Death of Bañares1.3 Later years2 Legacy of Asin3 Members4 References to Asin in popular culture4.1 \"\"Balita\"\"4.2 \"\"Masdan Mo ang Kapaligiran\"\"4.3 \"\"Himig Ng Pag-Ibig\"\"5 Discography5.1 Albums5.2 Compilation albums5.3 Singles5.4 Album appearances6 Awards7 See also8 References History [ edit]Formation and early success [ edit]ASIN was formed in late 1976, the nucleus of which was the duo of Mike Pillora Jr. of Negros Occidental and Cesar Bañares Jr. of South Cotabato, who were playing at folk joints and pub houses in Manila as 'Mike and Cesar'. A year later, Lolita Carbon was recruited by the duo to fill in the missing middle voice and eventually became the third member. Pillora named the trio 'Salt of the Earth' after the song recorded originally by The Rolling Stones and later by Joan Baez, written and composed by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards."
"docid": "D2161163#0",
"title": "http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/11/03/itunes.html\nAbout the Library",
"text": "\"Hacking i Tunes November 3, 2004Niel Bornstein The i Tunes music player and download service took the world by storm in 2003 and 2004, and promises to continue its popularity for the forseeable future. While the music is stored in simple files on disk, metadata -- information about the music -- is stored in a single XML file. In this article I'll explore ways to work with the i Tunes Music Library file, an XML document, for fun and education, including transforming the library into an HTML page using various technologies, and querying Amazon and Google's web services for other suggested recordings and related information. For demonstration purposes, and as a shameless plug for my other work, I'll be using the Mono open source, common language runtime to build cross-platform tools, though the techniques will be applicable to other platforms and languages. About the Library The i Tunes library file, a file called i Tunes Music Library.xml, is created automatically when you launch i Tunes. On Mac OS X, it can be found in the directory $HOME /Music/i Tunes/, while on Windows, you'll find it in My Documents\\My Music\\i Tunes\\. It's an XML file, the format of which is defined by a Document Type Declaration (DTD) located at www.apple.com/DTDs/Property List-1.0.dtd (reformatted for legibility): ENTITY % plist Object \"\" (array | data | date | dict | real | integer | string | true | false )\"\" ELEMENT plist %plist Object; ATTLIST plist version CDATA \"\"1.0\"\" <!-- Collections --> ELEMENT array (%plist Object;)* ELEMENT dict (key, %plist Object;)* ELEMENT key (#PCDATA) <!--- Primitive types --> ELEMENT string (#PCDATA) ELEMENT data (#PCDATA) <!-- Contents interpreted as Base-64 encoded --> ELEMENT date (#PCDATA) <!-- Contents should conform to a subset of ISO 8601 (in particular, YYYY '-' MM '-' DD 'T' HH ':' MM ':' SS 'Z'."
"docid": "D2417192#0",
"title": "http://www.i-programmer.info/programming/wpf-workings/446-how-xaml-works.html\n.",
"text": "\"How XAML works - Creating Objects With XAMLTuesday, 17 March 2015Article Index How XAML works - Creating Objects With XAMLProperties Page 1 of 2XAML can be confusing - especially if you think it is a markup language like HTML - it isn't. XAML is a general purpose object instantiation language and to find out what this means - read on. XAML is a, mostly declarative, object instantiation language – that is it’s a way of describing using XML what objects should be created and how they should be initialised before your program starts running. If you keep this in mind then XAML is becomes a lot more transparent and easier to understand. Its use in conjunction with WPF is just one of its many possible applications and indeed it has started to appear in other places – Windows Workflow for example and of course it is the UI design language for Windows Store apps i.e. Win RT apps. To explain exactly what XAML is this article works with custom classes that have nothing to do with WPF so that we can find out about XAML in a completely general context that will help you understand all of its uses potential and current. Declaritive Instantiation We could start with a non-WPF project to prove how general XAML is we but this would waste a lot of time adding references and “usings”. So let’s start with a simple WPF Application using Visual Studio Community Edition say. You don’t need to modify any of the generated code but you do need to add a simple custom class with which to try out XAML:public class My Class { public My Class () { } }All that is necessary for a class to be instantiable by XAML is that it has a parameterless constructor and it can’t be a nested class. It can have other constructors but these play no part in its working with XAML."
"docid": "D2004806#0",
"title": "http://besttrainerelliptical.com/\nBest Elliptical",
"text": "Best Elliptical Why Buy an Best Elliptical Trainer? Working out at home made easier with Elliptical trainer. In our busy life, sometimes it’s become difficult to join the local gym to be fit. Besides, not everyone feels comfortable exercising around other people. Whenever you have decided to be fit, the next step will be to get the best elliptical machine per your requirement. It is the newer technology than treadmill but becoming very popular for their low-impact approach and different facilities. We will guide you here to select the best elliptical trainer that best fit in your need. It is compatible for all age group and fitness level. Also, it allows you to adjust difficulty level by changing incline and intensity settings. It can simulate the motion experiences of walking, stepping, skiing, and cycling."
"docid": "D1937427#0",
"title": "http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Bulbasaur\nBulbasaur",
"text": "\"Bulbasaur Name Bulbasaur Pokédex Number 1Hoenn Number 203Johto Number 226Stage Basic Signature Attack Vine Whip Species Seed Pokémon Type Grass/Poison Height 2'04\"\" (0.7 m)Weight 15.2 lb (6.9 kg)Gender distribution 87.0% male, 13.0% female Ability Overgrow First Appearance Pokémon Red and Blue Bulbasaur is one of the original 151 Pokémon that first appeared in Pokémon Red and Blue. It is a more popular Pokémon among the others, due to being one of the first three starting Pokémon that the player can choose from when beginning a new game. According to Pokédex entries, Bulbasaur's bulb is planted at birth, not born with it naturally. The bulb also stores energy from the sun, which allows Bulbasaur to go without eating for days. Bulbasaur's name originates from bulb and -saur, meaning \"\"lizard\"\". Its Japanese name, Fushigidane (フシギダネ) is a pun meaning both \"\"Isn't it strange?\"\" and \"\"strange seed\"\". As one of the three examples of the \"\"more popular Pokémon\"\", it is noted as \"\"Fushigidane, a dinosaur with a green garlic bulb on its back, became Bulbasaur\"\"The character was created by Ken Sugimori for the Pocket Monsters Aka (ポケットモンスター 赤, Poketto Monsutā Aka?, \"\" Pocket Monsters Red\"\") and Pocket Monsters Midori (ポケットモンスター 緑, Poketto Monsutā Midori?, \"\" Pocket Monsters Green\"\") Game Boy games in Japan."
"docid": "D969306#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai_Jack\nSamurai Jack",
"text": "\"Samurai Jack Genre Action - adventure comedy-drama [1] [2]Dystopian sci-fi - fantasy [3]Created by Genndy Tartakovsky Written by Genndy Tartakovsky Bryan Andrews Brian Larsen Chris Reccardi Darrick Bachman Charlie Bean Paul Rudish Aaron Springer Chris Mitchell Erik Wiese Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky Randy Myers Robert Alvarez Rob Renzetti Chris Savino Voices of Phil La Marr Mako Iwamatsu (seasons 1–4)Greg Baldwin (season 5)Sab Shimono John Di Maggio Kevin Michael Richardson Jeff Bennett Tom Kenny Tara Strong Grey Griffin Theme music composer Will Adams George Pajon, Jr. Tyler Bates (season 5)Opening theme \"\"Samurai Jack\"\" (seasons 1–4)Ending theme \"\"Samurai Jack\"\"Composer (s)James L. Venable (seasons 1–4)Tyler Bates, Joanne Higginbottom, and Dieter Hartmann (season 5)Paul Dinletir (additional music, seasons 1–4)Country of origin United States Original language (s)English No. of seasons 5No. of episodes 62 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Genndy Tartakovsky Producer (s)Genndy Tartakovsky Dana Ritchey (associate producer, seasons 1–4)Kelly Crews (supervising producer, season 5)Running time 22 minutes Production company (s)Cartoon Network Studios Williams Street (season 5)Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution Release Original network Cartoon Network (2001–04)Adult Swim (2017)Picture format480i ( 4:3 SDTV) (2001–04)1080i ( 16:9 HDTV) (2017)1080p ( 4:3 / 16:9 HDTV) (Blu-ray)Original release August 10, 2001 – May 20, 2017External links Website Samurai Jack is an American action-adventure animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network. The series follows \"\"Jack\"\", an unnamed samurai sent through time to a dystopian future ruled by the tyrannical shape-shifting demon \"\"Aku\"\". Jack quests to travel back in time and defeat Aku before he can take over the world. The series premiered on August 10, 2001, with a TV movie called The Premiere Movie, before ending in its fourth season on September 25, 2004, without concluding the story. A revival was produced twelve years later, resulting in a fifth season that concluded the series. The fifth season premiered on Adult Swim 's Toonami block on March 11, 2017, and the series finale aired on May 20. All episodes of Samurai Jack are directed by Tartakovsky, usually in collaboration with others. The series has garnered critical acclaim, and won eight Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Animated Program, as well as six Annie Awards and an OIAF Award."
"docid": "D681591#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saga_of_Tanya_the_Evil\nThe Saga of Tanya the Evil",
"text": "\"The Saga of Tanya the Evil From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Saga of Tanya the Evil)navigation search The Saga of Tanya the Evil First light novel volume cover幼女戦記 ( Yōjo Senki)Genre Military, Fantasy [1]Light novel Written by Carlo Zen Illustrated by Shinobu Shinotsuki Published by Enterbrain English publisher NA Yen Press Demographic Male Original run October 31, 2013 – present Volumes 9Manga Written by Carlo Zen Illustrated by Chika TōjōPublished by Kadokawa Shoten English publisher NA Yen Press Demographic Seinen Magazine Comp Ace Original run April 26, 2016 – present Volumes 7Anime television series Yōjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil Directed by Yutaka Uemura Produced by Shō Tanaka Norifumi Kikujima Takuya Tsunoki Noritomo Isogai Keisuke Arai Written by Kenta Ihara Music by Shūji Katayama Studio NUTLicensed by NA Crunchyroll [2]Original network AT-X, Tokyo MX, SUN, KBS, TVA, BS11Original run January 6, 2017 – March 31, 2017Episodes 12Anime film Directed by Yutaka Uemura Studio NUTAnime and Manga portal The Saga of Tanya the Evil, known in Japan as Yōjo Senki ( 幼女戦記, literally \"\"The Military Chronicles of a Little Girl\"\"), is a Japanese light novel series written by Carlo Zen and illustrated by Shinobu Shinotsuki. Enterbrain has published nine volumes since October 31, 2013. A manga adaptation with art by Chika Tōjō began serialization in Kadokawa Shoten 's Comp Ace magazine from April 26, 2016. An anime television series adaptation by NUT aired from January 6, 2017 to March 31, 2017. In January 2018, it was announced that a theatrical film, taking place after the events of the TV anime series, is currently in production. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Characters2.1 Empire2.2 Legedonia3 Media3.1 Light novels3.2 Manga3.3 Anime4 Note5 References6 External links Plot [ edit]An atheist Japanese salaryman, in the moment of being murdered, is confronted by a self-righteous entity he refers to as \"\"Being X\"\", who condemns the man for not believing that \"\"Being X\"\" is God. He is sentenced to be reborn in a world that is similar to World War I Europe, mixed with early aspects of World War II and magic, in an empire torn apart by countless wars with all nearby countries. The salaryman is reborn as a girl, Tanya Degurechaff. According to \"\"Being X\"\", if she's not able to die a natural death, or she refuses to have faith in Him, her soul will leave the circle and be sent to hell for the countless sins that Tanya has committed in her previous life. In search for an escape, Tanya decides to enter into the Empire's Mages Division and fight in the world war, hoping to reach a high enough rank as fast as possible to remain far from the battlefield, and in this way avoid the risk of being killed."
"docid": "D3484189#0",
"title": "http://www.nairaland.com/2182561/some-animal-birds-names-yoruba/1\nNairaland Forum",
"text": "\"Re: Some Animal And Birds Names In Yoruba. by Lavidah: 6:17pm On Mar 07, 2015You didn't mention the Yoruba name for Pigeon. Can anyone help out? Re: Some Animal And Birds Names In Yoruba. by johnshagb ( m ): 6:21pm On Mar 07, 201518. hamster - aşin correction shrew- asin1 Like Re: Some Animal And Birds Names In Yoruba. by petitmonde ( m ): 6:22pm On Mar 07, 2015Peacock-Okin who remembers okin biscuit? Okin is the national bird (in fact the symbol) of the Offa people. Okin biscuit industiry was owned by an indigene. Hence,the name and brand 'Okin biscuit' giraffe-agbanrere fox-kolokolo Re: Some Animal And Birds Names In Yoruba."
"docid": "D3273151#0",
"title": "https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/54875/what-is-the-meaning-of-phase-difference\nWhat is a phase of a wave and a phase difference?",
"text": "\"_Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is a phase of a wave and a phase difference?up vote7down votefavorite7What do you mean by phase of a wave and phase difference? Waves have always confused me, as it's difficult to visualize them. I am no good at waves mechanics, so if anyone could explain in simple terms. Also, if anyone could direct me to complete solution to my problem as to study waves from where? How do you visualize it? How did you study and understand?wavesshare cite improve this questionedited Mar 10 at 21:54nbro170 10asked Feb 23 '13 at 18:20Harsh82 1 3 7add a comment9 Answers active oldest votesup vote7down vote Here is a graph of a sine function. It is a function of the angle, which goes from to, and the value of is bounded by and. This function of carried on further on the x-axis repeats itself every. From the graphic, one can see that it looks like a wave, and in truth sines (and cosines) come as solutions of a number of wave equations, where the variable is a function of space and time."
"docid": "D2022378#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaware_Indians\nLenape",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Delaware Indians)navigation search\"\"Delaware Indians\"\" and \"\"Delaware people\"\" redirect here. For other Native American peoples from present-day Delaware, see Category: Native American tribes in Delaware. For individual people from the state of Delaware, see List of people from Delaware. For other uses, see Lenape (disambiguation). Lenape Delaware people Lenapehoking, the original Lenape territory. [ 1] Munsee speakers in the north, Unami-speakers in the center, and Unalichtigo-speakers in the south. [ 2] [3] West/left side geographic limits correspond closely to ridgelines ( drainage divides) between the Susquehanna and Delaware river valleys. Total populationc. 16,000 [4]Regions with significant populations United States ( Oklahoma) 11,195 (2010) [5]United States ( Wisconsin) 1,565 [6]Languages English, Munsee, and Unami [4]Religion Christianity, Native American Church, traditional tribal religion Related ethnic groups Other Algonquian peoples Jennie Bobb and her daughter, Nellie Longhat (both Delaware), Oklahoma, 1915 [7]The Lenape ( English: / l ə ˈ n ɑː p i / or / ˈ l ɛ n ə p i / ), [8] also called the Leni Lenape, [9]Lenni Lenape and Delaware people, [10] are an indigenous people of the Northeastern Woodlands, who live in Canada and the United States. [ 4] Their historical territory included present-day New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania along the Delaware River watershed, New York City, western Long Island, and the Lower Hudson Valley. ["
] |
1867 | atom hockey age | [
"docid": "D257576#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_ice_hockey\nMinor ice hockey",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Minor league ice hockey. \"\" Youth ice hockey\"\" redirects here. It is not to be confused with junior ice hockey. Minor hockey is an umbrella term for amateur ice hockey which is played below the junior age level. Players are classified by age, with each age group playing in its own league. The rules, especially as it relates to body contact, vary from class to class. In North America, the rules are governed by the national bodies, Hockey Canada and USA Hockey, while local hockey associations administer players and leagues for their region. Many provinces and states organize regional and provincial championship tournaments, and the highest age groups in Canada and USA also participate in national championships. Minor hockey is not to be confused with minor league professional hockey. Contents [ hide ]1 Canada1.1 Age categories1.2 Skill categories1.2.1 Non-competitive1.2.2 Competitive1.2.3 British Columbia1.2.4 Quebec1.3 Controversy regarding age distribution in Canadian minor hockey2 Finland3 France4 Germany5 Sweden6 Switzerland7 United States7.1 AAU8 Officials9 See also10 References11 External links Canada [ edit]Minor hockey players in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario celebrate the third goal of the game in Central Ontario Junior C Hockey League action In Canada, the age categories are designated by each provincial hockey governing body based on Hockey Canada 's guidelines, [1] and each category may have multiple tiers based on skill."
] | [
"docid": "D3038647#0",
"title": "http://thearkcyc.com/activity/atom-ball-hockey-league-age-9-12/\nAtom Ball Hockey League (age 9-12)",
"text": "Atom Ball Hockey League (age 9-12)Leagues Registration is now open online. Program registration will be held at The Ark January 10 from 600pm-800pm. You can register online or register at The Ark to secure a spot in the league. Season begins January 10, 2018 @ 615pm Cost per season is $100.00. Please contact us or register online to secure a spot. The team lists will be posted on board above water fountain. It is subject to change. Atom is every Wednesday evening. If the numbers allow us we are going to be moving to a three team league. This means that there is going to be two games on that starts at 6:30 and the other at 7:20."
"docid": "D1410696#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._T._Miller\nJ. T. Miller",
"text": "\"J. T. Miller From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search J. T. Miller Miller as a Ranger in October 2014Born March 14, 1993 (age 25)East Palestine, Ohio, U. S. Height 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)Weight 200 lb (91 kg; 14 st 4 lb)Position Center / Right Wing Shoots Left NHL team Former teams Tampa Bay Lightning New York Rangers NHL Draft 15th overall, 2011New York Rangers Playing career 2012–present Jonathan Tanner \"\" J. T. \"\" Miller (born March 14, 1993) is an American professional ice hockey left winger for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the National Hockey League (NHL). [ 1] He was selected by the New York Rangers in the first-round, 15th overall, at the 2011 NHL Entry Draft. A versatile player, Miller can play as a center or winger. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Playing career2.1 Amateur2.2 Professional3 International play4 Career statistics4.1 Regular season and playoffs4.2 International5 References6 External links Early life [ edit]Miller grew up in a residential area in East Palestine, Ohio, blocks away from the East Palestine Ohio Elementary, Middle and High Schools, attending all three, albeit only for the sophomore year of the latter. [ 2] He began playing ice hockey at a young age and also participated in other organized athletics, including baseball and football. Miller played for several ice hockey teams from the age of five through 12 before ending up with the Pittsburgh Hornets from age 12 to age 16, as at the time his family was living in the Pittsburgh suburb of Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. [ 3] In 2009, Miller moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to participate in USA Hockey 's two-year National Team Development Program (US NTDP). Playing career [ edit]Amateur [ edit]Miller began 2009–10 with the US NTDP of the United States Hockey League (USHL). [ 4] After two seasons playing in the program, he was then selected in the first round, 15th overall, at the 2011 NHL Entry Draft by the New York Rangers. [ 5]For the 2011–12 season, Miller transitioned to major junior ice hockey, joining the Plymouth Whalers of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL)."
"docid": "D2734763#0",
"title": "http://www.nba.com/heritageweek2007/newleague_071207.html\n.",
"text": "\"The NBA -- 1946: A New League Posted Dec 7 2007 2:37PMBy Leonard Koppett When Germany surrendered in May 1945, it became clear that World War II would soon end, and the civilian world could start thinking about a future. In America, the sports world was no exception. Related Items NBA Heritage Week NBA Heritage Week Photo Gallery Baseball, the unquestioned top spectator sport for more than half a century, could look forward to a return to its established normality. Pro football, struggling for a foothold just before the war, was on the road to further development because an expanded college population would keep turning out stars. Hockey, reduced to two Canadian and four American cities during the war, nonetheless retained a firm grip on the northern half of the continent. Boxing and horse racing, the other two major commercial sports, could resume contexts that were as well defined as baseball's. Buy photos The key man was George Mikan, who had come out of De Paul in 1946. At 6-10, he was college basketball's dominant player, but instead of coming into the BAA he had joined the Chicago American Gears. NBA Photos/NBAE/Getty Images A group very interested in looking ahead consisted of the operators of big arenas in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Toronto and elsewhere. These had been built in the boom time of the 1920s to house boxing, the circus, track meets, horse shows, rodeos and other special events, and had brought hockey south of the border to fill their many other open dates."
"docid": "D2329397#0",
"title": "https://explorecuriocity.org/Explore/ArticleId/166/who-were-the-very-first-animals-to-set-foot-on-the-earth-166.aspx\nWho were the very first animals to set foot on the earth?",
"text": "\"Who were the very first animals to set foot on the earth? Comments Stan Megraw 23 January 2012Palaeontology Fossils Prehistoric Life Geology Rocks & Minerals Time Above: Image © Ghedoghedo, Wikimedia Commons As a kid, many of us were fascinated by dinosaurs (and maybe still are). They were certainly awesome looking creatures, unlike anything we see today. Roaming the earth some 230 million years ago, they are commonly thought to be one of the first animals in the world. But the first animals on earth actually appeared about 400 million years earlier than dinosaurs and they were discovered right here in Canada! Once I reveal their identity to you, you would never have guessed they were animals at all. But first, a little background. Learning about Early Life Before the internet became popular, much of our knowledge came from books. This is especially true when studying history. Because so many people wrote about important events, we have a good record of things like the Confederation of Canada, War of 1812, etc."
"docid": "D2450501#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweeney_(name)\nSweeney (name)",
"text": "\"Sweeney (name)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Sweeney is a surname that, though closely associated with Ireland, is of Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic Mac Suibhne meaning \"\"son of Suibhne \"\". [ 1] [2] The Gaelic personal name Suibhne was originally a byname meaning \"\"pleasant\"\" or \"\"well-disposed\"\". [ 3] The Gaelic personal name was also used an equivalent to the unrelated Old Norse personal name Sveinn, meaning \"\"boy\"\", \"\"servant\"\". [ 1]In the United States, the surname Sweeney can also be an Americanization of the French surname Choinière. This French surname is derived from choin, meaning white, and probably originated as an occupational name for a baker. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 People with the surname2 People with the given name3 Fictional characters4 See also5 References People with the surname [ edit]A. William Sweeney, (born 1920), Ohio Supreme Court justice Alison Sweeney (born 1976), American television actress Anne Sweeney (born 1957), Co-Chair of Disney Media Networks and President of Disney-ABC Television Group Antony Sweeney (born 1983), English footballer Antony G. Sweeney, English director of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image Bill Sweeney (first baseman) (1904–1957), baseball player Bill Sweeney (footballer) (1914–1973), Australian footballer Bill Sweeney (ice hockey) (1937–1991), Canadian ice hockey player Bill Sweeney (infielder) (1886–1948), American baseball player Bill Sweeney (pitcher) (1858–1903), baseball player Bill Sweeney (CEO), CEO of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems Bo Sweeney (1862–1917), American politician Bob K. O. Sweeney (1894–1961), American boxer Bob Sweeney (ice hockey) (born 1964), American retired National Hockey League player Bob Sweeney (TV director and producer) (1918–1992) American actor, director and producer Brian Sweeney (born 1974), American former baseball player Brody Sweeney, Irish entrepreneur Bruce Sweeney ( fl. 1995-present ), Canadian film director Calvin Sweeney (born 1955), American former National Football League player Ceri Sweeney (born 1980), Welsh rugby union footballer Charles Sweeney (1919–2004), American Massachusetts Air National Guard major general and World War II pilot who flew the bomber that dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan Charlie Sweeney (1863–1902), American Major League Baseball pitcher Ciaran Sweeney (born 1971), Irish designer Claire Sweeney (born 1971), English actress and singer Craig Sweeney (born 1982), Welsh child sex offender D. B. Sweeney (born 1961), American actor Daisy Sweeney (1920–2017), Canadian music teacher Daren Sweeney (born 1970), Montserratian cricketer Dennis Sweeney, murderer of American politician Allard K. Lowenstein in 1980Don Sweeney (born 1966), Canadian former National Hockey League player Dora M. Sweeney (1907-2001), American politician Ed Sweeney, (1888–1947), professional baseball player Ed Sweeney (American football) (born 1949), American football coach and former player Ed Sweeney, inventor of the Aerocar 2000 and Gemini Hummingbird Eric Sweeney (1903–1968), English footballer Fionnuala Sweeney, (born 1965), Irish anchorwoman and reporter for CNN International Frances Sweeney (1908–1944), American journalist and activist Francis E. Sweeney (1934–2011), American politician and Ohio Supreme Court justice Francis J. Sweeney (1862–? ), Canadian lawyer and politician George Sweeney (actor) ( fl. 1971-present ), British actor Hank Sweeney (1915–1980), American professional baseball player James Sweeney (disambiguation), several people Jim Sweeney (disambiguation), several people Joel Sweeney (1810–1860), American musician and early blackface minstrel performer John Sweeney (disambiguation)Joseph Sweeney (Irish politician), (1897–1980), Irish politician Joseph Sweeney (actor), (1884–1963), American actor Julia Sweeney, (born 1959), American actress and comedian Justin Sweeney, (born 1987), Australian rules footballer Kevin Sweeney (American football) (born 1963), American former football quarterback Kevin Sweeney (consultant), author and consultant Kevin Sweeney, British businessman convicted of murder in 2001 - see Kevin Sweeney case Kyle Sweeney (born 1981), American lacrosse player Larry Sweeney (born 1981), American professional wrestler Latanya Sweeney, American computer scientist and Harvard University professor Madeline Amy Sweeney (1965–2001), a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11 on 9/11Margaret Sweeney (swimmer) (born 1929/1930), former New Zealand long-distance swimmer Mark Sweeney (born 1969), American former Major League Baseball player Martin L. Sweeney (1885–1960), American politician Mary Sweeney, American film editor and film producer Matt Sweeney ( fl. 1989-present ), American guitarist, singer and producer Matthew Sweeney (born 1951), Irish poet Mavis Sweeney (1909–1986), Australian hospital pharmacist Michelle Sweeney, American-born Canadian actress and musician Michael or Mike Sweeney (disambiguation)Monroe Sweeney, (1892–1950), American baseball umpire Neil Sweeney (born 1977), Australian rugby player Nigel Sweeney, UK barrister and High Court judge Patrick Sweeney (disambiguation)Peter Sweeney (born 1984), Scottish footballer Peter Sweeney (footballer) ( fl."
"docid": "D983753#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_skating\nIce skating",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Outdoor Ice Skaters in the 1920s Ice skating is the act of motion by wearer of the ice skates to propel the participant across a sheet of ice. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including exercise, leisure, traveling, and various sports. Ice skating occurs both on specially prepared ice surfaces (arenas, tracks, parks), both indoors and outdoors, as well as on naturally occurring bodies of frozen water, such as ponds, lakes and rivers. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Early history of ice skating1.2 Rising popularity and first clubs1.3 Emergence as a sport1.4 Figure skating2 Physical mechanics of skating3 Safety4 Communal games on ice5 Pictures6 Videos7 See also8 References9 External links History [ edit]Early history of ice skating [ edit]'Skating fun' by 17th century Dutch painter Hendrick Avercamp Research suggests that the earliest ice skating happened in southern Finland more than 4,000 years ago. This was done to save energy during winter journeys. [ 1] Originally, skates were merely sharpened, flattened bone strapped to the bottom of the foot. Skaters did not actually skate on the ice, but rather glided on top of it. ["
"docid": "D1441814#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-Cities,_Washington\nTri-Cities, Washington",
"text": "\"Tri-Cities, Washington From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Tri-Cities Nickname (s): Wine Country, Atomic Town Location of the Tri-Cities in Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla counties. State Washington County Benton, Franklin Settled 1891Elevation 550 ft (170 m)Population ( 2010 results)• City 193,567 (Kennewick, Pasco, West Richland and Richland)• Metro 253,340 (US: 169th)Time zone PST ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP code 99301, 99302, 99323, 99336, 99337, 99338, 99352, 99353, 99354Area code (s) Area code 509Website [4]The Tri-Cities are a group of three closely tied cities— Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco [1] [2] —located at the confluence of the Yakima, Snake, and Columbia rivers in the desert region of Southeastern Washington. Each city borders at least one other city or one of the area's rivers, making the Tri-Cities seem like one uninterrupted mid-sized city. The three cities function as the center of the Tri-Cities metropolitan area, which also includes the city of West Richland. The official 2016 estimate of MSA population of Tri-Cities is 283,846. This is over a 12% increase from 2010. ( 2016 US MSA estimates) 2017 estimates now show Tri-Cities as over 300,000. The combined population of the three cities was 193,567 at the 2010 Census. As of April 1, 2016, the Washington State Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division estimates the cities as having a combined population of 217,430 [3] The Tri-Cities Airport located in Pasco provides the region with commercial and private air service. Pasco is the seat of Franklin County, while the other cities are located in Benton County."
"docid": "D687616#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amer_Sports\nAmer Sports",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Amer Sports Oyj Type Julkinen osakeyhtiöTraded as Nasdaq Helsinki : AMEASIndustry Sports equipment Founded 1950; 68 years ago Headquarters Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland Area served Worldwide Key people Anssi Vanjoki (Chairman)Heikki Takala (President and CEO)Jussi Siitonen (CFO)Products Sports equipment, apparel, footwear Revenue€2.622 billion (2016)€2.534 billion (2015)Operating income€205 million (2016)€168 million (2015)Net income€127 million (2016)€122 million (2015)Total assets€2.715 billion (2016)€2.556 billion (2015)Total equity€1.003 billion (2016)€950 million (2015)Number of employees 8,617 (July 2017)Subsidiaries Wilson Sporting Goods Arc'teryx Mavic Suunto Precor Atomic Skis Salomon Group ENVE Composites Sports Tracker Website www.amersports.com Footnotes / references [1]Amer Sports Oyj (formerly Amer-Yhtymä Oyj) is a Finnish headquartered sporting goods company with brands including Salomon, Wilson Sporting Goods, Atomic Skis, Arc’teryx, Mavic, Suunto, ENVE Composites, and Precor. [ 2]Established in 1950 as an industrial conglomerate with interests as diverse as tobacco trading, ship owning and publishing, Amer has gradually evolved into a multinational firm devoted to the production and marketing of sporting goods. Today, the company employs just over 8,000 people. The company shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Industrial past1.2 Focus on sport2 Operations3 See also4 References5 External links History [ edit]Industrial past [ edit]The company began life as a tobacco manufacturer and distributor, Amer-Tupakka, in 1950 [4] and acquired the right to produce and sell Philip Morris cigarettes in Finland in 1961. [ 5] In the 1960s, the significant profits from the company's tobacco interests were invested in three commercial ships. [ 5] A publishing and printing division was added in 1970 with the purchase of the Finnish company Weilin+Göös, and the company listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange in 1977, four years after changing its name to Amer-Yhtymä (English: Amer Group ). [ 4] In the 1980s, Amer moved into the vehicle import industry by acquiring the firm Korpivaara, and with it the exclusive rights to import and distribute such brands as Citroën and Toyota. [ 5] The decade also saw the company expand into the textiles and plastics markets. Focus on sport [ edit]In 1986, Amer established a sports division after acquiring a majority stake in the golf equipment maker Mac Gregor Golf from Jack Nicklaus. ["
"docid": "D741733#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richland,_Washington\nRichland, Washington",
"text": "\"Richland, Washington From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Richland, Washington City Richland as seen from Badger Mountain Flag Nickname (s): The Windy City, City Of the Bombers, Atomic City [1]Location of Richland, Washington Coordinates: 46°16′47″N 119°16′53″WCountry United States State Washington County Benton Government• Type Council–manager government• Mayor Robert Thompson• Mayor Pro Tem Terry Christensen Area [2]• City 39.11 sq mi (101.29 km 2)• Land 35.72 sq mi (92.51 km 2)• Water 3.39 sq mi (8.78 km 2)Elevation 384 ft (117 m)Population ( 2010) [3]• City 48,058• Estimate (2015) [4] 54,248• Rank US: 692nd• Density 1,345.4/sq mi (519.5/km 2)• Metro 279,116 (US: 169th)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP codes 99352, 99353, 99354Area code (s) 509FIPS code 53-58235GNIS feature ID 1513395 [5]Website www.ci.richland.wa.us Richland is a city in Benton County in the southeastern part of the State of Washington, at the confluence of the Yakima and the Columbia Rivers. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 48,058. April 1, 2013, estimates from the Washington State Office of Financial Management put the city's population at 51,150. [ 6] Along with the nearby cities of Pasco and Kennewick, Richland is one of the Tri-Cities, and is home to the Hanford nuclear site. Contents1 History1.1 Formative years1.2 World War II1.3 The end of the war1.4 The Cold War boom1.5 Transition to private property1.6 Unclassified Hanford1.7 After the production boom2 City of Richland services3 Police services4 Economy4.1 Technology4.2 Agriculture4.3 Business and industry4.4 Top employers5 Education6 Recreation6.1 Golf6.2 Outdoor activities6.3 Sports7 Geography7.1 Climate8 Demographics8.1 2010 census8.2 2000 census9 Transportation10 Notable people11 Sister city12 See also13 Footnotes14 Further reading15 External links History [ edit]For centuries, the village of Chemna stood at the mouth of the current Yakima River. Today that village site is called Columbia Point. From this village, the Wanapum, Yakama and Walla Walla Indians harvested the salmon runs entering the Yakima River. Captain William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition visited the mouth of the Yakima River on October 17, 1805. Formative years [ edit]In 1904–1905, W. R. Amon and his son Howard purchased 2,300 acres (9 km 2) and proposed a town site on the north bank of the Yakima River. Postal authorities approved the designation of this town site as Richland in 1905, naming it for Nelson Rich, [7] a state legislator and land developer."
"docid": "D2527844#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warroad,_Minnesota\nWarroad, Minnesota",
"text": "\"Warroad, Minnesota From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Warroad City Nickname (s): Hockeytown, USA [1]Location of Warroad within Roseau County and state of Minnesota Coordinates: 48°54′19″N 95°18′52″WCountry United States State Minnesota County Roseau Area [2]• Total 2.90 sq mi (7.51 km 2)• Land 2.79 sq mi (7.23 km 2)• Water 0.11 sq mi (0.28 km 2)Elevation [3] 1,066 ft (325 m)Population ( 2010) [4]• Total 1,781• Estimate (2016) [5] 1,794• Density 610/sq mi (240/km 2)Time zone Central (CST) ( UTC-6)• Summer ( DST) CDT ( UTC-5)ZIP code 56763Area code (s) 218 Exchange: 386FIPS code 27-68224 [6]GNIS feature ID 0653790 [3]Warroad is a city in Roseau County, Minnesota, United States, at the southwest corner of Lake of the Woods. The population was 1,781 at the 2010 census. [ 7] Warroad was incorporated in 1901. [ 8]Minnesota State Highways 11 and 313 are two of the main routes in the community. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Father Aulneau2 Geography3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Local media5 Notable people6 Popular culture7 References8 External links History [ edit]The name Warroad seems to come from the practice of Indian tribes using the location, which is now the town, as a route to war upon each other. In the 20th century, the town had a strong commercial fishing industry, which gradually turned to sport fishing and tourism. For many years, commercial boats provided regular service to the islands and to Kenora, Ontario, at the north end of Lake of the Woods. Several flying services carried sport fishermen and tourists to lodges and fishing camps in Lake of the Woods until economics and increasing regulations drove them out of business. Warroad is known for the great fishing on Lake of the Woods. Warroad, called \"\"Hockeytown USA\"\", [1] is also noted for its strong hockey tradition."
"docid": "D3248197#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_types_of_hockey_is_there\nHow many types of hockey is there?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Jobs & Education Education Colleges and Universities India Colleges and Universities Indian Institute of Management IIM How many types of hockey is there? Flag How many types of hockey is there? Answer by Coach Taff Confidence votes 1.2KSupervisor: Field Hockey Category and definitely a Hockey Addict always willing to help the hockey family... Just ask!Field Hockey Indoor Hockey - Field Hockey Indoors Mini Hockey - Field Hockey with a minimum of 5 players on each team including Goalkeeper. Ice hockey Inline hockey (Single Bladed Weels)Roller Hockey (Quad Wheels)Street hockey - (played the same as ice hockey with the same gear (excluding inline skates) but usually on a street or other paved area [not recommended to play in traffic])Unicycle Hockey Uni Hoc - Played with plastic sticks (both sides flat) and plastic hollow ball as an introduction to hockey also known as Floor Ball or Floor Hockey Bandy - in some ways field hockey on ice Power Hockey - a form of hockey played in electric wheelchairs for disabled people Underwater Hockey Shinty - Scottish from of hockey played in the highlands Hurling or Camogie - there are some resembalance to Hockey11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Lukas Chesla 283 Contributions How many players are there in a hockey team?22 for ice hockey How many Canadians play hockey?at least 5 000 000 people play hockey Redwing fan 123 63 Contributions How many fights in hockey? It usally depends. If there is a rivalry then there may be quite a few fights. or if there is a rough team there may be a few fights How many types of hockey are there? Ice hockey, street hockey, feild hockey, floor hockey, air hockey, table hockey, knee hockey, mini hockey, water hockey, under water hockey. 10."
"docid": "D2084354#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Horton\nTim Horton",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the ice hockey player. For the eponymous restaurant chain that he co-founded, see Tim Hortons. Tim Horton Hockey Hall of Fame, 1977Horton in 1965Born January 12, 1930 Cochrane, Ontario, Canada Died February 21, 1974 (aged 44) St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada Height 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)Weight 180 lb (82 kg; 12 st 12 lb)Position Defence Shot Right Played for Toronto Maple Leafs New York Rangers Pittsburgh Penguins Buffalo Sabres Playing career 1949–1974Miles Gilbert \"\"Tim\"\" Horton (January 12, 1930 – February 21, 1974) [1] [2] [3] was a Canadian professional ice hockey player, a defenceman for 24 seasons in the National Hockey League until his death following a single-vehicle crash in 1974, at the age of 44. He played for the Toronto Maple Leafs, New York Rangers, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Buffalo Sabres. In 2017 Horton was named one of the ' 100 Greatest NHL Players ' in history. [ 4] Also a successful businessman, Horton was the co-founder of the Tim Hortons restaurant chain. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Playing career3 Career statistics4 Doughnut industries5 Death and aftermath6 Awards and achievements7 See also8 References9 External links Early life [ edit]Horton was born in Cochrane, Ontario, at Lady Minto Hospital, to Ethel May (née Irish) and Aaron Oakley Horton, a Canadian National Railway mechanic. Tim had one brother, Gerry Horton. [ 5]The family moved in 1935 to Duparquet, Quebec, returning to Ontario in 1938 to Cochrane; the family moved to Sudbury in 1945. [ 6]Playing career [ edit]Horton grew up playing ice hockey in Cochrane, and later in mining country near Timmins."
"docid": "D1271791#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_New_York_Rangers\nHistory of the New York Rangers",
"text": "\"History of the New York Rangers From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The history of the New York Rangers hockey team began in 1926 when the NHL granted a franchise to Tex Rickard, the founder of the team. The Rangers experienced early success, winning the Stanley Cup in only their second season of existence, and would go on to win two more in the next 12 years. After their Cup win in 1940, the Rangers then suffered through one of the longest championship droughts in NHL history, which became known as the Curse of 1940. The 54-year drought ended with a Cup win in 1994 by a team led by captain Mark Messier, Brian Leetch, Adam Graves, and Mike Richter, all of whose numbers have since been retired by the team. Contents [ hide ]1 Early years2 1927–1928 Stanley Cup3 1932–1933 Stanley Cup4 1939–1940 Stanley Cup5 The post-Original Six era6 1993–1994 Stanley Cup: the ending of the curse7 1994–2004: expensive acquisitions8 2005–2013: post-lockout revival9 2013–2014: Return to the Final10 2014–present11 Traditions11.1 The Chief11.2 Dancing Larry11.3 Goal song11.4 Victory song11.5 Salute the crowd11.6 The blue seats11.7 John Amirante12 See also13 References14 External links Early years [ edit]Tex Rickard In 1925, the New York Americans joined the National Hockey League, playing in Madison Square Garden. The Amerks proved to be a greater success than expected, leading Garden president Tex Rickard to seek his own franchise for the Garden, despite promising the Amerks that they would be the only hockey team to play there. Rickard was granted a franchise, which he originally planned to name the \"\"New York Giants\"\". [ citation needed] By the time the franchise was granted in April 1926, the name \"\"New York Rangers Professional Hockey Club\"\" was the official name. [ 1] The origin of the name Rangers, as in \"\"Tex's Rangers\"\" is variously attributed to Rickard himself or the New York press. [ 2] [3] Rickard managed to get future legendary Toronto Maple Leafs owner Conn Smythe to assemble the team."
"docid": "D1565866#0",
"title": "https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Open+Enrollment+Period\nperiod",
"text": "\"period (redirected from Open Enrollment Period) Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia .period The period (also known as a full stop, especially in British English) is a punctuation mark ( .) primarily used to indicate the end of a sentence. It appears as a single dot on the bottom line of thetext, and it comes immediately after the last word of the sentence without a space. Continue reading... The Farlex Grammar Book © 2016 Farlex International. All rights reserved.pe·ri·od (pîr′ē-əd)n.1. An interval of time characterized by the occurrence of a certain condition, event, or phenomenon: a period of economic prosperity.2. An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology, or technology: artifacts of the pre-Columbian period.3. An interval regarded as a distinct evolutionary or developmental phase: Picasso's earlycareer is divided into his blue period and rose period.4. Geology A unit of time, longer than an epoch and shorter than an era.5. Any of various arbitrary units of time, especially:a."
"docid": "D3249721#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eveleth,_Minnesota\nEveleth, Minnesota",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Eveleth, Minnesota City Motto (s): \"\"Home of the U. S. Hockey Hall of Fame Museum\"\"Location of the city of Eveleth within Saint Louis County, Minnesota Coordinates: 47°27′46″N 92°32′25″WCoordinates: 47°27′46″N 92°32′25″WCountry United States State Minnesota County Saint Louis Incorporated 1913Area [1]• Total 6.45 sq mi (16.71 km 2)• Land 6.29 sq mi (16.29 km 2)• Water 0.16 sq mi (0.41 km 2)Elevation 1,591 ft (485 m)Population ( 2010) [2]• Total 3,718• Estimate (2016) [3] 3,647• Density 580/sq mi (220/km 2)Time zone Central (CST) ( UTC−6)• Summer ( DST) CDT ( UTC−5)ZIP codes 55734Area code (s) 218FIPS code 27-19934GNIS feature ID 0661233 [4]Website City of Eveleth Eveleth is a city in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 3,718 at the 2010 census. [ 5]U. S. Highway 53 and State Highway 37 (MN 37) are two of the main routes in Eveleth. The city briefly entered the national news in October 2002 when U. S. Senator Paul Wellstone, along with seven others, died in a plane crash, two miles away from the airport of Eveleth. It was also the site of the conflict that resulted in the court case Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Co., and the film North Country, which was based on it. Eveleth is home of the United States Hockey Hall of Fame. Eveleth is part of the Quad Cities of Virginia, Gilbert, and Mountain Iron. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Economy5 Arts and culture5.1 Hockey6 Notable people7 References8 External links History [ edit]The Village of Eveleth was platted on April 22, 1893, and was founded in 1894, located approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) southwest of the present location, on land then included in the Adams-Spruce Mine (Douglas Avenue between Jones and Monroe Streets). The community was named after Erwin Eveleth, a prominent employee of a timber company in the area. In 1895, iron ore was discovered beneath the village site and a post office was established."
"docid": "D95638#0",
"title": "http://www.topendsports.com/world/lists/popular-sport/\nThe World's Most Popular Sport is Soccer / Football",
"text": "\"Sport > World > Lists > Most Popular Sports The World's Most Popular Sport is Soccer / Football Questions about what is the world's most popular sports is often asked and possibly has never been definitively determined. A quick search online found many references to the top sports of the world, and soccer / association football is nearly always on top no matter what the criteria for the list. What Does Popular Mean? The problem with listing the world's most popular sports is coming up with a clear defining meaning for popular. By popular, do you mean most watched, the most played, or the most talked about! Just some of the factors which could help determine the lists of popular sports include the number of spectators, the number of registered participants, the number of national associations, the number of people that play the game, stadiums and facilities worldwide, tournaments held all over, and merchandise sold. Many of these should be factors in a list of the world's top sports, though it would be difficult to combine them into a single list (hence the many popular sport lists ). Soccer is King Most of the lists we have seen, whether based on most fans or most participants or whatever the definition of popular, World Football / Soccer is top of the list. Depending on what criteria you use for popularity, the next sports in the list may include basketball, cricket, volleyball, baseball and other versions of football (American, rugby). Most Watched (Most Fans) Sports Watching sport can include watching live, on TV and even online."
"docid": "D2031237#0",
"title": "http://andrewbiersack.blogspot.com/2011/01/hockey-interview-with-andy-six.html\nHockey Interview with Andy Six",
"text": "\"Hockey Interview with Andy Six You'd never know it by his stage appearance, but Andy Six used to be a hockey player. Growing up in Ohio, the future Black Veil Brides front man was actively involved in the sport for nearly 10 years, playing, forming teams and even coaching. [ +] Enlarge Chad Michael Ward Andy Six, center, chose mascara and music over hockey and hasn't looked back with the Black Veil Brides. During the offseason, Six played other sports, upstaging the kids who teased his ghoulish hair and makeup at their own game. \"\" It was just a way of proving, just because I looked weird and listened to rock 'n' roll, that doesn't mean I'm not an athlete and not talented at what I do. \"\" But it always came back to hockey until music became his priority. Since the former Andrew Biersack hung up his skates and moved to California several years ago, his Black Veil Brides have exploded. Their debut album, \"\"We Stitch These Wounds\"\" ( i Tunes | Amazon ), made an impact on the Billboard charts, and videos for \"\"Perfect Weapon\"\" and \"\" Knives and Pens \"\" have scored millions of views on You Tube. These days, Six, 20, is hardly recognized as a former all-state and Junior Olympian goalie. After a pair of Las Vegas shows before the Black Veil Brides were preparing to support the Murderdolls in Europe, he got back on the ice with The Life."
"docid": "D3330141#0",
"title": "http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/static-electricity-4/\nStatic Electricity 4: Static Electricity and Lightning",
"text": "\"Photo Credit: Clipart.com Purpose To help students understand concepts related to static electricity, based on a single example: lightning. Context This lesson is the first of a four-part series on static electricity. These lessons are meant to help students understand that static electricity is a phenomenon that involves positive and negative charges. An understanding of static electricity must begin with the concept that all matter is composed of atoms, and all atoms are composed of subatomic particles among which are the charged particles known as electrons and protons. Protons carry a positive charge (+), and electrons carry a negative charge (-). The number of electrons in an atom—ranging from one up to about 100—matches the number of charged particles, or protons, in the nucleus, and determines how the atom will link to other atoms to form molecules. Electrically neutral particles (neutrons) in the nucleus add to its mass but do not affect the number of electrons and so have almost no effect on the atom's links to other atoms (its chemical behavior). To further understanding about static electricity, you should help your students to make connections between their day-to-day experiences with static electricity—such as lightning, receiving shocks after shuffling across a carpet, taking clothes that cling to each other out of the dryer, combing their hair in the wintertime—with the static activities conducted in the classroom. Ask them to try to describe and explain their everyday experiences with static in the terms they are learning: repel, attract, static charge, electron transfer. It is important that students grasp the concept that oppositely charged objects attract each other and like charged objects repel each other."
"docid": "D686810#0",
"title": "http://jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution%20Hoax/old_earth-young_man.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Up until recently I had remained neutral in my position of a Young Earth verses an Old Earth view. Since it's not a fundamental Biblical doctrine pertaining to salvation, I didn't take sides in the issue; however, I can no longer remain neutral. I'm generally slow to figure things out, and it took me awhile to see the truth, but I clearly see it now. After reading this article I am confident that you will too. Basically, proponents of an Old Earth view believe that the earth was created by God—did not evolve—has existed for millions (if not billions) of years—and that the human race is young, having only been in existence for 6,000 years (since 4,004 BC). Dr. Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) and Pastor Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951) believed this and so do I. This is often called the 'Gap Principle' (that is, a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2). However, I do not, nor have I ever, believed the bogus fraud of Evolution. Nothing has evolved. Proponents of a Young Earth (i.e., Ken Ham, Henry Morris, Kent Hovind, John Whitcomb) regularly (and very dishonestly) portray Old Earth supporters such as myself as believing Evolution, using legitimate arguments against the lies of Evolution in a wrongful and unscholarly attempt to discredit the legitimacy of an Old Earth. The Bible teaches a very old earth, millions and likely billions of years old."
"docid": "D204949#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_age_of_a_NCAA_Division_1_freshmen_hockey_player\nHow many players are on an NCAA Division 1 football team?",
"text": "Rosie32 368 Contributions How many players are on an NCAA Division 1 football team? Answer . \\n I think the average would be around 125. Rosie32 368 Contributions How many NCAA Division 1 football players were there in 2005? W A G . \\n In Division 1a, 119 times approximately 125 (85 scholarship/balance non-scholarship) = 14,875. Goaliegirl3432 3 Contributions Are most NCAA Division 1 Freshman Hockey players 19 or older? A large majority of them are. But it is not uncommon to have a 18 year old freshman. Who has the most championships in NCAA Division 1 Ice Hockey?"
] |
1875 | abbreviation for both ears | [
"docid": "D2952472#0",
"title": "http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-abbreviation-for-right-and-left-ear\nWhat is the abbreviation for right and left ear.",
"text": "\"Anonymous What is the abbreviation for right and left ear. Topics: Health › Anatomy › Ears, Science Answer Kathryn Vincent\"\"AS,\"\" \"\"AD,\"\" and \"\"AU\"\" are the medical abbreviations for left ear, right ear, and both ears.0 6 years ago Do you know the answer? Login or Sign Up to answer this question.data-config-site-section=\"\"chacha\"\">Related Ears Questions Are you gay if you have an earring on the left or right ear According to society, its if it is on your right ear. Left or right ear your gay with an earring? Rumor has it that in the 80s and 90s wearing a single earring in his LEFT ear was... If someone is gay, is the earing on the left ear or right? The old stereotype is that if only your right ear is pierced with an earring it... Why do you have to use the left ear phone in the left ear and the right ear phone in the right ear Who says you have to follow the norm? I definitely don't! I have found myself... Does it matter if you put the left ear phone on your right ear And the right ear phone on the left? No it doesn't matter. I do that all the time! !"
] | [
"docid": "D3455458#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swara\nSvara",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Swara)navigation search This article is about a concept in Indian classical music. For other uses, see Swara (disambiguation). Indian classical music Carnatic music Hindustani music Concepts Shruti Swara Alankar Raga Rasa Tala Sangita Vadyav t e Swara (Hindi स्वर), also spelled swara, is a Sanskrit word that connotes a note in the successive steps of the octave. More comprehensively, it is the ancient Indian concept about the complete dimension of musical pitch. [ 1] [2]The swara differs from the shruti concept in Indian music. A shruti is the smallest gradation of pitch that a human ear can detect and a singer or instrument can produce. [ 3] A swara is the selected pitches from which the musician constructs the scales, melodies and ragas. The ancient Sanskrit text Natya Shastra identifies and discusses twenty two shruti and seven swara. [ 3] The swara studies in ancient Sanskrit texts include the musical gamut and its tuning, categories of melodic models and the raga compositions. [ 4]The seven notes of the musical scale in Indian classical music are shadja (षड्ज), rishabh (ऋषभ), gandhar (गान्धार), madhyam (मध्यम), pancham (पञ्चम), dhaivat (धैवत) and nishad (निषाद)."
"docid": "D975943#0",
"title": "https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/14873/singular-form-for-headphones\nSingular form for âheadphonesâ?",
"text": "\"_English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Singular form for “headphones”?up vote5down votefavorite Can you wear headphones (plural) in only one ear? Or would I have to use a singular form? She wore headphones in one ear and listened to him with the other. EDIT: I want to show that even though she has a set of headphones, she's only wearing a singular piece of it in one ear.grammatical-numbershare improve this questionedited Mar 3 '11 at 15:19asked Mar 3 '11 at 14:43The English Chicken5,872 12 48 92add a comment3 Answers active oldest votesup vote3down voteaccepted Earphones/earbuds are those worn in the ears without a headband. While they come in pairs, one can have an earphone/earbud in one ear, leaving the other dangling. Some, but not all, headphones have a band. The earphones or earcups (you may not find this in the dictionary) that make up the pair are worn over or on the ears. Thus, one can wear headphones with only one earcup/earphone on. Your example could be correctly written in a number of equivalent ways: She wore an earphone in one ear and listened to him with the other."
"docid": "D3496394#0",
"title": "https://www.health.harvard.edu/a-through-c\nMedical Dictionary of Health Terms: A-C",
"text": "\"Medical Dictionary of Health Terms: A-CPublished: December, 2011Browse dictionary by letter: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZA5-alpha reductase: A chemical that changes the sex hormone testosterone into a substance called dihydrotestosterone. This hormone can cause the prostate gland to grow abnormally.abdominal muscles: A flat sheet of muscles on the front of the abdomen, between the ribcage and the pelvis.abdominoplasty: A procedure to remove excess abdominal skin and tighten the underlying stomach muscles. Also known as a tummy tuck.abduction: Movement of a body part, such as an arm or leg, away from the center of the body.ablation: A form of treatment that uses electrical energy, heat, cold, alcohol, or other modalities to destroy a small section of damaged tissue.abrasion: A scraping or rubbing away of the skin or other surface.abscess: Pus that collects in a pocket of swollen, red tissue. Often occurs on the surface of the skin.abutment: A tooth or implant to which a fixed prosthesis is anchored.acceptance-based therapies: Psychotherapy techniques that use mindfulness to help a person recognize and accept thoughts and feelings but not be controlled by them.accommodation: The eye's ability to focus on objects that are close. ACE: Abbreviation for angiotensin-converting enzyme, an enzyme that converts the inactive form of the protein angiotensin (angiotensin I) to its active form—angiotensin II. ACE inhibitor: Abbreviation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, a drug used to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.acetabulum: A curved, bowl-shaped depression in the outer part of the hipbone. The ball-shaped portion at the top of the thighbone fits into this space to form the hip joint.acetaldehyde: The main breakdown product of alcohol metabolism; accumulation of it in the bloodstream may produce flushing (a feeling of heat in the face or chest) and vomiting.acetaminophen: A common, over-the-counter drug used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain, but which does not reduce redness or swelling (inflammation).acetylcholine: A neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger that sends signals between brain cells) that plays roles in attention, learning, and memory. Achilles' tendon: A band of connective tissue that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. This tissue is prone to swelling and/or rupture.achlorhydria: A condition in which the stomach produces little or no acid. This can affect digestion, cause stomach pain, and keep the body from absorbing vitamins and nutrients.acne: An inflammatory disease resulting from excess sebum production, follicle plugging, and increased bacterial production.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: Usually abbreviated as AIDS."
"docid": "D403974#0",
"title": "https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/43029/what-is-the-unit-for-sound-intensity\nWhat is the unit for sound intensity?",
"text": "\"_Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for musicians, students, and enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the unit for sound intensity?up vote2down votefavorite I hear people say \"\"decibel\"\" for sound intensity, but a d B is just the ratio between two sound intensity levels, so it's really not a unit. So, if r and p represent the reference power level and measured power level, respectively (where r is a measurement of power also), then:d B = 10log (p/r). What are the two sounds measured in however, to achieve this ratio? In other words, what reference power level is used? Also, since I expressed the two measurements, r and p, in power, you could say that the Watt the unit of measurement. Though one could also use voltage, amperage, or perhaps other such units. All those units are actually related by the way, one affects the other, so it can't just be an arbitrary measurement. If you know this already then I don't want to sound patronizing, just being safe so as not to cause confusion :)sound acousticsshare improve this questionedited Mar 28 '16 at 13:14Todd Wilcox26.3k 2 44 91asked Mar 28 '16 at 1:19user108262324 2 93I'm guessing you're looking to measure sound intensity. Since there are multiple aspects of sound that can be measured, it doesn't make sense to ask for a \"\"unit for sound\"\"."
"docid": "D1471756#0",
"title": "http://allnurses.com/gastroenterology-nursing/difference-between-g-168778.html\nDifference Between G Tube And Peg Tube",
"text": "\"Latest Products Conferences Nursing Specialties › Gastroenterology Nursing ›Difference Between G Tube And Peg Tube WIN your own pot o' gold - $100! March 2018 Caption Contest Help select the $100 February Caption Contest winner.by nursesearl (Updated: Nov 15, '16) Views: 305,610 Comments: 9 Featured Could someone tell me the difference if there is any? Any different care of either? Mostly thinking of patients who have them at home. Thanks in advance for your help. Last edit by Joe V on Nov 15, '169 Comments Comment Jul 19, '06Bump......... I have the same question. Jul 19, '06PEG stands for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube. Most are now placed in either the GI lab, or in interventional radiology. The procedure starts off with an EGD, where they look at the stomach from inside, then shine a light thru, if the light is visualized, then a small stab wound is made, and the catheter can be placed that way. This is just an abbreviated version of how it is done, steps were left off."
"docid": "D2655101#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_jewelry_sizes\nBody jewelry sizes",
"text": "\"Body jewelry sizes express the thickness of an item of body jewelry, using one of several possible systems. Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Conversion table3 Usage of the systems4 Standard sizes of body piercings by location5 Units and notation6 See also7 External links8 Notes Background [ edit]Main article: American Wire Gauge § Nomenclature and abbreviations in electrical distribution Items of body piercing jewelry have an important common factor: the diameter of the part of the item of jewelry where it will rest in the piercing site. With the wearing of European-traditional kinds of earrings, that thickness is not an issue, because jewelry is made to use only thin wire for support, and the wearer need only have a narrow piercing hole to accommodate it. But with body jewelry, there is a wide variety of possible sizes, and wearers generally want jewelry that is the same size as their piercing site. Some wearers want increasingly larger sizes to deliberately stretch the hole. So that wearers can choose the size they want, there are standards for body jewelry sizes, used by jewelry makers and sellers. Generally, the system of gauge-and-inches is used: In gauge notation, jewelry less than 1⁄ 2 ″ thick is typically measured in a system originally devised for measuring wire thickness. A gauge number denotes a thickness on a standardized scale which, for most purposes, starts at 20g (0.812 mm thick— often used for the posts for nose studs ), and increases in thickness (as the gauge number decreases) to 0g, then 00g, and rarely goes any further as these thicknesses come closer and closer to 1⁄ 2 ″. From there, sizes of 1⁄ 2 ″ and thicker are always specified in fractions of an inch. ( But note that sizes thinner than 1⁄ 2 ″ are also sometimes specified as fractions of an inch; see the Conversion Table to see how these interleave with gauges. ) Even though the gauge system was originally meant for wire, it is now used regardless of whether an item of body jewelry is an actual wire, or is instead a wooden plug, a plastic ring, or any other material."
"docid": "D836807#0",
"title": "http://www.firehouse.com/article/10504968/300-plus-abbreviations-acronyms-every-firefighter-should-know\n300 Plus Abbreviations & Acronyms Every Firefighter Should Know",
"text": "\"300 Plus Abbreviations & Acronyms Every Firefighter Should Know We are expected to use clear text when talking, to ensure the sender understands our message. Have you ever heard someone talk and you only comprehended a fraction of what they said? Steve Prziborowski July 24, 20060Tweet Share In the fire service, we enjoy using abbreviations and acronyms for things. Some fire service personnel tend to go a bit overboard when talking, by using too much \"\"alphabet soup.\"\" I'm not providing this information to encourage you to use more abbreviations in your everyday life. I'm providing this information to educate you and better prepare you for talking with fire service personnel or reading fire service (yes, like it or not, EMS is also fire related) textbooks or publications. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the better off you are. Communications are a problem everywhere, and in the fire service, we have our share of communication problems. In the fire service, we try not to pattern ourselves after our law enforcement counterparts and use \"\"9 or 10-codes\"\" when talking. We are expected to use clear text when talking, to ensure the sender understands our message."
"docid": "D624904#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/41234499/Abbreviations-Medication-Administration-Routes\nAbbreviations and Conversions",
"text": "Abbreviations and Conversions Abbreviations: Medication Administration Routes Abbreviations: Medication Administration Routes a.d. or A. D. a.s. or A. S. a.u. or AU HHN I. D. I. M. or IM I. T. I. V. or IV IVP IVPB NGT od or O. D. os or O. S. ou or O. U. po or P. O. or PO P. R. or PR SQ, sub q, subcut SL or s.l. S&S V or P. V. Right ear Left ear Each ear or both ears Hand held nebulizer Intradermal route Intramuscular route Intrathecal route Intravenous route Intravenous push Intravenous piggyback Nasogastric tube Right eye Left eye Each eye or both eyes By mouth By rectum Subcutaneous route Sublingual route Swish and swallow Vaginal route Abbreviations RT Medication Administration Times Abbreviations RT Medication Administration Times Ac ad lib ASAP b.i.d. or BID h.s. or HS NOC pc or P. C. p.r.n. or PRN q or Q q AM Before meals As desired / needed As soon as possible Twice daily (not the same as q 12 °) At bedtime (hour of sleep) Nighttime [archaic usage] After meals As needed Every Every morning4. 3. or TID Every hour Every day Four times a day Every other day Every 1.d."
"docid": "D2548845#0",
"title": "https://www.aapc.com/memberarea/forums/8094-hent-abbreviation.html\nHENT abbreviation",
"text": "Forum Medical Coding Medical Coding General Discussion HENT abbreviation If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ & read the forum rules. To view all forums, post or create a new thread, you must be an AAPC Member. If you are a member and have already registered for member area and forum access, you can log in by clicking here. If you've forgotten your username or password use our password reminder tool. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Results 1 to 5 of 5HENT abbreviation Thread Tools09-20-2008, 03:42 PM #1mcandia Networker Posts 76HENT abbreviation Can anyone tell me what the abbreviation HENT stands for? It was used in the same sentence with HEENT but supposedly stands for something different. Thanks, Maria A. Candia CPC09-20-2008, 05:33 PM #2amolson1325Networker Location Bradenton, Fl Posts 82Marie, I searched all my references and couldn't come up with anything. I looked it up on the web and came up with (Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter) but I don't know if that's what your looking for. Were they maybe just referencing the head, ears, nose, throat from the HEENT???"
"docid": "D587673#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalbillingandmedicalcoding.com/medicalterminologyabbreviations.html\nMedical Terminology: Abbreviations 0-A",
"text": "\"Medical Terminology: Abbreviations 0-AMedical abbreviations that begin with 0-A are listed here. Remember that capitalization and punctuation can alter meaning with these abbreviations - ab may not necessarily be synonomous to Ab or AB for that matter. Medical Abbreviations 0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z0-9Abbreviation: Δ Meaning: diagnosis; change Abbreviation: ΔΔ Meaning: differential diagnosis (the list of possible diagnoses, and the effort to narrow that list)Abbreviation: # Meaning: fracture Abbreviation: #NOF Meaning: fracture to the neck of the femur Abbreviation: ℞ Meaning: (R with crossed tail) prescription Abbreviation: Ψ Meaning: psychiatry Abbreviation: Σ Meaning: sigmoidoscopy Abbreviation: x/12 Meaning: x number of months Abbreviation: x/40 Meaning: x number of weeks of pregnancy Abbreviation: x/52 Meaning: x number of weeks Abbreviation: x/7 Meaning: x number of days Abbreviation: 3TC Meaning: lamivudine Abbreviation: 5-FU Meaning: 5-fluorouracil Abbreviation: 5-HIAA Meaning: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid Abbreviation: 5-HT Meaning: 5-hydroxytryptamine, that is, serotonin Abbreviation: 6MP Meaning: 6-mercaptopurine AAbbreviation: ā Meaning: (a with a bar over it) before (from Latin ante); artery Abbreviation: A Meaning: adenosine; apical Abbreviation: a.a. Meaning: of each (from Latin ana ana); amino acids: A or Ala -- alanine C or Cys -- cysteine D or Asp -- aspartic acid E or Glu -- glutamic acid F or Phe -- phenylalanine H or His -- histidine I or Ile -- isoleucine K or Lys -- lysine L or Leu -- leucine M or Met -- methionine N or Asn -- asparagine O or Pyl -- pyrrolysine P or Pro -- proline Q or Gln -- glutamine R or Arg -- arginine S or Ser -- serine T or Thr -- threonine U or Sec -- selenocysteine V or Val -- valine W or Trp -- tryptophan Y or Tyr -- tyrosine Abbreviation: A1C Meaning: glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c)Abbreviation: Aa. Meaning: arteria, see Artery Abbreviation: AAA Meaning: abdominal aortic aneurysm (pronounced \"\"triple-A\"\")Abbreviation: AAD Meaning: antibiotic-associated diarrhea Abbreviation: AAPMC Meaning: antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis Abbreviation: AAT Meaning: activity as tolerated; atypical antibody test Abbreviation: AAL Meaning: anterior axillary line Abbreviation: AAOx3 Meaning: awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, and time)Abbreviation: A/B Meaning: acid-base ratio Abbreviation: ab Meaning: abdomen, abdominal; abortion Abbreviation: Ab Meaning: antibody Abbreviation: AB Meaning: abortion Abbreviation: ABC Meaning: airway, breathing, circulation; aspiration biopsy cytology Abbreviation: ABCD Meaning: airway, breathing, circulation, disability; asymmetry, borders, color, diameter (features on considering \"\"Is it a malignant melanoma? \"\"); ABCD rating (a staging system for prostate cancer)Abbreviation: ABCs; ABCDs;ABCDEs Meaning: airway, breathing, circulation, etc. Refers to priority of needs in emergency situations. Exact spell-out and details after \"\"C\"\" vary by institution, but the \"\"ABCs\"\" theme is recurrent. Abbreviation: Abd Meaning: abdomen; abdominal Abbreviation: ABD Meaning: army battle dressing Abbreviation: ABE Meaning: acute bacterial endocarditis Abbreviation: ABG Meaning: arterial blood gas Abbreviation: ABI Meaning: acquired brain injury; ankle brachial pressure index Abbreviation: ABMT Meaning: autologous bone marrow transplantation Abbreviation: Abn Meaning: abnormal Abbreviation: ABO Meaning: Landsteiner's blood grouping system Abbreviation: ABPA Meaning: allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis Abbreviation: ABPI Meaning: ankle brachial pressure index Abbreviation: ABVD Meaning: Doxorubicin (adriamycin), bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine (first-line treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma)Abbreviation: ABX Meaning: antibiotics Abbreviation: a.c.; AC Meaning: before a meal (from Latin ante cibum)Abbreviation: AC Meaning: abdominal circumference; assisted controlled ventilation Abbreviation: ACB Meaning: aortocoronary bypass Abbreviation: AC&BC Meaning: air conduction and bone conduction, as in Weber test Abbreviation: Acc Meaning: accommodation (eye)Abbreviation: ACCU Meaning: acute coronary care unit Abbreviation: ACD Meaning: anemia of chronic disease Abbreviation: ACDF Meaning: anterior cervical discectomy and fusion Abbreviation: Ace Meaning: acetone Abbreviation: ACE Meaning: angiotensin-converting enzyme Abbreviation: ACEI Meaning: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (s)Abbreviation: ACh Meaning: acetylcholine Abbreviation: ACh E Meaning: acetylcholine esterase Abbreviation: ACL Meaning: anterior cruciate ligament Abbreviation: ACLS Meaning: advanced cardiac life support Abbreviation: ACS Meaning: altered conscious state; acute coronary syndrome Abbreviation: ACTH Meaning: adrenocorticotropic hormone Abbreviation: ACPO Meaning: acute colonic pseudo-obstruction Abbreviation: ACU Meaning: ambulatory care unit Abbreviation: ad."
"docid": "D1955352#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/TCR\nTCR",
"text": "Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now. TCRAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . TCRAbbreviation for T-cell receptor. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012receptor (ri-sep'tor) [L. receptor, a receiver]1. In cell biology, a structure in the cell membrane or within a cell that combines with a drug,hormone, chemical mediator, or an infectious agent to alter an aspect of the functioning of thecell.2. A sensory nerve ending. Synonym: ceptoraccessory receptor Any of the proteins on the surface of T lymphocytes that enhance the response of the T-cellreceptor to foreign antigens and stimulate signals from the receptor to the cytoplasm. See: antigen-presenting cell; T-cell receptoradrenergic receptor A cell membrane protein that mediates the effects of adrenergic stimulation on target organs by catecholamines.alpha-adrenergic receptor A site in autonomic nerve pathways responsive to the adrenergic agents norepinephrine andepinephrine In general, alpha-1 receptors produce excitatory responses, and alpha-2 receptorsproduce inhibitory responses. See: beta-adrenergic receptorantigen receptor Receptors, primarily on white blood cells, that bind with the epitope on foreign antigens, stimulating an immune response."
"docid": "D2480835#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/nitrogenous-bases-hydrogen-bonding-lesson-quiz.html\nNitrogenous Bases: Hydrogen Bonding, Overview",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 82K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Nitrogenous Base: Definition & Pairs Base Pairs: Definition & Types Deoxyribose: Definition & Structure What are Purines? - Definition & Explanation Lesson Transcript Instructor: Beth Skwarecki Adenine, cytosine, thymine, guanine, and uracil! They are the 'rungs' in the DNA ladder. Learn how these ring-shaped molecules spell out your genes and pair with each other in this lesson. Nitrogenous Bases If you think of DNA as a twisted ladder, nitrogenous bases are the 'rungs.' They are shaped like flat rings stacked on top of each other in the middle of the DNA strand. Their function is to spell out the sequences that we call genes; you can think of the bases as letters and the genes they make as words or sentences. There are four bases in DNA, and each one is different than the others, making four 'letters.' Amazingly, this is enough variety to spell out all the genes in all living things! The related molecule RNA also has four bases: three are the same as in DNA and one is different."
"docid": "D3127973#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Inflammatory+response\ninflammatory response",
"text": "\"inflammatory response Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. Related to inflammatory response: inflammation, Systemic inflammatory response syndromeresponse [ re-spons´] any action or change of condition evoked by a stimulus.acute phase response a group of physiologic processes occurring soon after the onset of infection, trauma, inflammatory processes, and some malignant conditions. The most prominentchange is a dramatic increase of acute phase proteins in the serum, especially C-reactiveprotein. Also seen are fever, increased vascular permeability, and a variety of metabolic andpathologic changes.anamnestic response the rapid reappearance of antibody in the blood following introduction of an antigen to which the subject had previously developed a primary immune response.auditory brainstem response ABR; a special hearing test that tracks the nerve signals arising in the inner ear as they travel along the auditory nerve to the brain region responsible for hearing. A small speaker placed near the ear makes a clicking sound, and special electrodes record thenerve signal as it travels. The test can determine where along the nerve there is a lesionresponsible for sensorineural hearing loss. It is often used for individuals with such loss in justone ear; this is often caused by a benign tumor along the auditory nerve, but if the ABR reading is normal in a given region, the chances of there being a tumor there are small. This test canalso be used on infants since it requires no conscious response from the person being tested.autoimmune response the immune response in which antibodies or immune lymphoid cells areproduced against the body's own tissues. See also autoimmune disease.conditioned response see conditioned response.dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response a nursing diagnosis adopted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as inability of a patient to adjust to loweredlevels of mechanical ventilator support, which interrupts and prolongs the process of weaning. See also mechanical ventilatory weaning.galvanic skin response the alteration in the electrical resistance of the skin associated withsympathetic nerve discharge.immune response see immune response.inflammatory response the various changes that tissue undergoes when it becomes inflamed;see inflammation.post-trauma response former name for the nursing diagnosis post-trauma syndrome.reticulocyte response increase in the formation of reticulocytes in response to a bone marrowstimulus.triple response (of Lewis) a physiologic reaction of the skin to stroking with a blunt instrument:first a red line develops at the site of stroking, owing to the release of histamine or a histamine-like substance, then a flare develops around the red line, and lastly a wheal is formed as a result of local edema.unconditioned response an unlearned response, i.e., one that occurs naturally, in contrast to a conditioned response."
"docid": "D925433#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/75504740/tutored-exam-pharm-tech-flash-cards/\ntutored exam pharm tech",
"text": "\"99 terms Jlsportmedtutored exam pharm tech Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What questions can be answered by MSDS: -what precautions must be taken when preparing and dispensing Adriamycin -how should an employee exposed to Adriamycin be treated -how should a chemotherapy spill be cleaned -all of the above all of the abovecertification is the process : -of granting recognition or vouching for conformance with a standard -by which a non-governmental agency or association grants recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualifications specified by that agency or association -of formally recognizing professional or technical competence by a governmental agency -of making a list or being enrolled in an existing list -by which a non-governmental agency or association grants recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualifications specified by that agency or association The two parts of the syringe that should not be touched and remain sterile are: -tip and barrel -collar and barrel -tip and plunger -collar and plunger tip and plunger Which dosage form is Phenytoin available: tablet, capsule, iv, all of the above all of the abovehow often must a laminar flow hood be checked: 3months, 6 months, yearly, when it breaks down 6 months What is the maximum number of refills permitted for a Schedule III medication: -5 refills in 6 months -no refills -1 refill in 6 months -pm refills in 12 months 5 refills in 6 months Which of the following types of medications would not be used on the skin antiseptic, anti-infective, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatories anthelmintic Which of the following is not a type of amino acid product used in admixing TPN: -branched chain amino acid sln -essential amino acid solutions -mixed essential and non-essential amino acid solutions -none of the above none of the abovewhich of the following dosage forms best masks the unpleasant taste of a drug: -film coated tablets -chewable tablet -buccal tablet -SL tablet Film coated tablets How much 90% ethanol must be mixed with 10% ethanol to make 1 pint of a 40% sln. -161ml of 90% + 312 ml of 10% -177 ml of 90% + 296 ml of 10% -196 ml of 90% + 277 ml of 10% -207 ml of 90% + 266 ml of 10% 177 ml of 90% and 296 ml of 10%What auxiliary label would you use for this particular sig: ii gtts AU bid: take with meals, for the ear, avoid sunlight, for the eye for the ear AU means both ears A prescription states \"\"Procardia XL 30 mg #100 1 tab po qd\"\". If the third party coverage limits the dispensing to a 30 day supply, the pharmacy should: -dispense a 30 day supply with no refills -dispense a 100 day supply and have the patient pay the difference - call the third party payer and get special permission to dispense 100. -dispense a 30 day supply with refills dispense a 30 day supply with refillshow long may a schedule class II drug be refilled: 1 yr., 6 months or 5 refills, no refills, as many refills as physician indicates no refills The pharmacy technician is filling a prescription for Zithromax and notices in the patient profile that the patient is taking EES tablets. This is an example of : -drug interaction, a contraindication, a therapeutic duplication, an adverse reaction therapeutic duplication; they are both antibiotics in the same class of drugs (macrolides)the purpose of a formulary is a document: the pharmacy reference sources approved for use, the use of experimental drugs only, list of approved generics only, listing of committee-approved pharmaceuticals and therapeutics in stock listing of committee-approved pharmaceuticals and therapeutics in stock Which of the following is a schedule II drug: diazepam, methylphenidate, pentazocine, lomotil methylphenidate (Ritalin)The purpose of OSHA is to: ensure safe and effective drug therapy, assign drug recall classifications, monitor 010 labeling requirements, assure a safe and healthful workplace assure a safe and healthful workplace The directions for the use of Gentamicin Opthalmic drops are \"\"ii gtts au q4h x 5d\"\". The proper interpretation of au is: in both eyes, in both ears, in right eye, in right ear both earswhat is the total amount of hydrocortisone found in eight 1oz tubes of hydrocortisone cream 2.5% 6 gm Which drugs is an antiarrhythmic: etodolac, pravachol, levothyroxine, procainamide procainamide What reference book should a pharmacy technician look to find storage requirements for a particular medication: handbook on injectable drugs, facts and comparisons, American drug index, usp-nf USP-NF standards provide essential specifications for product development, quality control, production, labeling and storage Which of the following is not a defining characteristic of an intravenous solution: isotonicity, effervescence, acid content, color and clarity effervescence A tracking log should be kept for: schedule IV order forms, all cash transactions, schedule II order forms, drug price increases schedule II order forms Position or job descriptions: -are the same for technicians from pharmacy to pharmacy -are written descriptions outlining employee responsibilities and duties -are the same for pharmacists and doctors -apply only to head technicians -are written descriptions outlining employee responsibilities and duties A doctor wants to phone in a prescription for Demerol: -you inform the doctor that he can not call the prescription in -you ask the doctor if it is okay to use a generic -you inform the pharmacist of the call and only the pharmacist can make the determination -you take the order, but inform the pharmacist before filling inform the pharmacist and only the pharmacist can make the determination; schedule II drugs can only be phone in during an emergency situation. A hand written script is usually required. Which label is required when dispensing Metronidazole: -may discolor urine -may cause drowsiness -shake well and refrigerate -do not drink alcoholic beverages do not drink alcoholic beverages; metronidazole (flagyl) should not be taken with alcohol because it can cause vomiting reaction MSDS reports provide what information: -info concerning side effects -info relating to contraindications -info describing clinical trials -info regarding product ingredients regarding product ingredientswhich of the following is not a schedule II drug: codeine, meperidine, fentanyl, oxazepam oxazepama script read \"\"hydrocortisone 1%, aa ap qhs\"\" how many gms of hydrocortisone would be required to make 90 gms. 60/30 30/60 90/10 45/45 45 gm each; the abbreviation aa is of each."
"docid": "D1788767#0",
"title": "https://www.internetslang.com/TI-meaning-definition.asp\nInternetSlang.comThe slang word / acronym / abbreviation TI",
"text": "\"TI-Internet Slang.com The slang word / acronym / abbreviation TITrending Now Top Ten most popular slang look ups today1. IM 2. PETA 3. BTW4. THT 5. DFTT 6. SAS7. HZ 8. QQ 9. SML50 More Top Terms... What does TI mean?"
"docid": "D2575890#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/TMS\nTMS",
"text": "TMSAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . TMSAbbreviation for:tandem mass spectrometrytelemetry monitoring servicethallium myocardial scintigraphytotal motile spermtrace mineral salt Transaction Messaging Servicetranscranial magnetic stimulationtrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.stimulation (stim?yu-la'shon) [L stimulare, to goad]1. An irritating or invigorating action of agents on muscles, nerves, or sensory end organs by which excitation or activity in a part is evoked.2. A stimulus.breast stimulation In pregnancy, nipple rolling or the application of heat to the breasts to elicit release of endogenousoxytocin and to generate uterine contractions. The procedure also has been used to evaluateplacental sufficiency in the third trimester and to increase contractions in patients with rupturedmembranes and when contractions are absent, rare, irregular, or of poor quality. See: oxytocin challenge testcognitive stimulation A treatment for patients with mild dementia, in which patients are exposed to and tasked withmentally challenging exercises to improve their ability to think and interact effectively with theirenvironment and with other people. It is used as an adjunct to medical therapy, often in a recreational setting, to make the activity fun and socially engaging. Synonym: psychostimulationdeep brain stimulation The application of pulsed electrical energy via electrodes to the pars interna of the globus pallidus or the subthalamic nucleus. It is used to treat movement disorders, such as Parkinson disease.dorsal cord stimulation The relief of pain with electric stimulation of the posterior spinal cord.double simultaneous stimulation In a neurological examination, a test of unilateral neglect."
"docid": "D3246340#0",
"title": "https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-669825\n.",
"text": "Special Senses Medical Terminology- The Eyes and Ears Question Answer The term meaning the turning outward of the edge of the eyelid is ... Ectropion An ocular ... may be fitted to replace a missing eyeball Prosthesis A surgical incision into the labyrinth is konwn as an ... Labyrinthotomy Photo-refractive ... is used to correct refractive errors by shaving away some of the top layer of the cornea. Keratectomy The term meaning drooping of the upper eyelid is ... Blepharoptosis The pressure-related ear discomfort often caused by changes in pressure when flying is konwn as ... Barotrauma The diagnostic precedure used to detect corneal abrasions is konwn as ... staining Fluorescein The medical term for the substance commonly known as earwax is ... Cerumen Speech ... measures the threshold of speech reception and speech discrimination Audiometry The medical term for the condition commonly konwn as an earache is ... Otalgia The condition is which the pupils are unequal in size is konwn as ... Anisocoria Involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eyeball is known as ... Nystaginus An inflammation anywhere in the uveal tract is konwn as ... Iritis Also known as a stye, an infection of one or more glands at the border of the eyelid is konwn as a ... Hordeolum The medical term for an inflammation of the conjunctiva is ... Conjunctivitis The surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear is a ... Stapedectomy A sense of whirling, dizziness, and the loss of balance is known as ... Vertigo When the retina is pulled away from its normal position of being attached to the choroid, this is known as a ... detachment. Retinal An inflammation of the white of the eye is known as ... Scleritits Also konwn as double vision, the medical term for the perception of two images of a single ofject is ... Diplopia Also known as color blindness, the medical term for the lack of the ability to distinguish colors is ... Monochromatism The term used to describe the changes in the eyes that occur with aging is ... Presbyopia A condition in which the lens and cornea do not bend light so that it focuses properly on the retina is known as a ... disorder Refractive Ther term meaning a ringing, buzzin, or roaring sound in the ears is ... Tinnitus An inflammation of the eustachian tube is known as ... Eustachitis Which term describes a non-cancerous growth that develops on the cornea that may grow large enough to distort vision? A. adnexa B. anisocoria C. pteryguim D. synechia C. pteryguim Which term describes the simultaneous inward movement of both eyes toward each other to maintain single binocular vision? a. accommodation b. convergence c. emmetropia d. refraction b. convergence Which ear structures are important in maintaining equal atmospheric pressure within the middle ear? a. auditory ossicles b. eustachian tubes c. external auditory canal d. semicircular canals b. eustachian tubes Pterygium non cancerous growth that develops on the cornea that may grow large enough to distort visionconvergence Simultabeous inward movemet of both of the eyes toward each other as they focus to maintain a singular binocular vision Eustachian Tubes Ear structures that are important in maintaining equal atmospheric pressure within the middle of the ear. Macular Degeneration condition in which central vision is lost, and peripheral vision may remain. Macula Region where vision is sharpest on the retina Sympotoms of Meniere Disease Symptons: Dizziness, fluctuating hearing loss in 1 ear, ringing of the ears Astigmatism unequal curvature along the refractive surface of the eye Laser retinopexy laser treatment used to reatach a detached retina Choroid opaque middle layer of the eyeball Abbreviation for Left Eye OSmyringotomy surgical incision in the eardrum to create an opening for the placement of tympanostomy tubes The term meaning the turning outward of the edge of the eyelid is ... Ectropionn An ocular ... may be fitted to replace a missing eyeball Prosthesis A surgical incision into the labyrinth is konwn as an ... Labyrinthotomy Photo-refractive ... is used to correct refractive errors by shaving away some of the top layer of the cornea. Keratectomy The term meaning drooping of the upper eyelid is ... Blepharoptosis The pressure-related ear discomfort often caused by changes in pressure when flying is konwn as ... Barotrauma The diagnostic precedure used to detect corneal abrasions is konwn as ... staining Fluorescein The medical term for the substance commonly known as earwax is ... Cerumen Speech ... measures the threshold of speech reception and speech discrimination Audiometry The medical term for the condition commonly konwn as an earache is ... Otalgia The condition is which the pupils are unequal in size is konwn as ... Anisocoria Involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eyeball is known as ... Nystaginus An inflammation anywhere in the uveal tract is konwn as ... Iritis Also known as a stye, an infection of one or more glands at the border of the eyelid is konwn as a ... Hordeolum The medical term for an inflammation of the conjunctiva is ... Conjunctivitis The surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear is a ... Stapedectomy A sense of whirling, dizziness, and the loss of balance is known as ... Vertigo When the retina is pulled away from its normal position of being attached to the choroid, this is known as a ... detachment. Retinal An inflammation of the white of the eye is known as ... Scleritits Also konwn as double vision, the medical term for the perception of two images of a single ofject is ... Diplopia Also known as color blindness, the medical term for the lack of the ability to distinguish colors is ... Monochromatism The term used to describe the changes in the eyes that occur with aging is ... Presbyopia A condition in which the lens and cornea do not bend light so that it focuses properly on the retina is known as a ... disorder Refractive Ther term meaning a ringing, buzzin, or roaring sound in the ears is ... Tinnitus An inflammation of the eustachian tube is known as ... Eustachitis Which term describes a non-cancerous growth that develops on the cornea that may grow large enough to distort vision?"
"docid": "D1458401#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/6082842/The-A-to-Z-of-Anatomical-Histological-and-Medical-Terms\nThe A to Z of Medical Terms",
"text": "\"The A to Z of Medical Terms Dr A. L. Neill BSc MSc MBBS Ph D FACBS ©D a N eillr A ma nd Table of contents Acknowledgement Dedication Anatomical, Medical and Clinical Abbreviations and Acronyms in common use Common Histological Stains and their uses Dimensions in Histology Notes on how to name muscles Common Exogenous materials found in tissues How to use the Pronunciation guide Summary of prefixes, word roots and suffixesr A ma nd Common organ specimens sent to Pathology Laboratories The A to Z of Histopathology specimen preparation common errors The A to Z of Anatomical, Histological, Medical and Pathological terms Taking the Body Apart Guide to Surface Anatomy and Surface Markers Guide to Anatomical Planes and Relations Anatomical Layers Organ Weights and Measurements©DAnatomical Descriptions Degrees, Diplomas, Postnominals and other Qualifications, specifically medical Abbreviations of common medical qualifications Common Abbreviations and Terminology guide in academic and university use Other A to Z titlesa N eill 1 1 2 11 19 20 21 21 22 48 52 63 158 175 176 178 179 180 181 182 186 206 © A. L. Neill Introduction1 The A to Z of Medical terms INTRODUCTION This is now the 3rd edition of the original glossary of anatomical and histological (microscopic anatomy) terms and their etymology derivation where relevant, their word roots, prefixes, suffixes and their pronunciation - this guide and common explanation of some terms are maintained in red. Due to strong feedback other common medical terminology used in health studies are also included, along with a limited number of pathological terms, particularly dermatological descriptive terms. Pathology uses a vast array of words from different origins and although there is a trend to make the terms more aetiological than descriptive - these descriptive terms are commonplace and used extensively - it is these common terms which are now included here. The whole structure of the book has been updated and revised but the same tables of organs, word roots, prefixes and suffixes, organizations and abbreviations are maintained and expanded, as these are one of the book’s most popular features included but with more histology particularly with respect to laboratory preparation and specific stains. The histology atlas, present on the supportive sites for all the A to Zs and well used by students and professionals alike, is in the process of becoming a complete book in itself, but in the meantime some of its main points are included here, particularly the more practical aspects. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThank you ASPENpharmacare Australia for your support and assistance in this valuable project, particularly Mr. Greg Lan, CEO of Aspenpharmacare Australia, Rob Koster, Richard Clements and Ante Mihaljevic of TMDesign and everyone who provided valuable feedback. DEDICATION©DTo words and their meanings - let them always be understood and be true - not used as tools to spread misinformation & misunderstanding. As usual your feedback is important for upgrades and subsequent productions and is highly valued. This book is cross-referenced with all the other A to Zs. Thank you Amanda Neill BSc MSc MBBS Ph D FACBS fax 9365 1000 mobile 0410 018 681 email [email protected] www.amandasatoz.com ISBN 978-0-9806840-6-3 © A. L. Neill 1r A ma nda N eill ©D 2AA = amino acids / androgenic alopecia AAA = abdominal aortic aneurysm AAD = antibiotic-associated diarrhoea AAO = alert, awake, and orientated A&O = alert & orientated Ab = antibody ABD/Abd = abdomen ABG = arterial blood gas AC = before eating ACD = acute contact dermatitis ACLS = advanced cardiac life support ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone ad libitum/ad lib = take as needed / no restrictions ADD = attention deficit disorder ADH = anti-diuretic hormone ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adj."
"docid": "D2483105#0",
"title": "https://www.abbreviations.com/EAR\nWhat does EARstand for?",
"text": "\"We've got 30 definitions for EAR »What does EARstand for? What does EAR mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: EAR. Filter by: Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Acronym Definition Options Rating EARExport Administration Regulations Business » International Business -- and more... Rate it: EAREvaluation And Appraisal Report Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EARExpired Air Resuscitation Medical » Physiology Rate it: EARHearx, LTD. Business » AMEX Symbols Rate it: EAREquivalent Annual Rate Business » Accounting Rate it: EAREsoteric Audio Research Academic & Science » Research Rate it: EAREmerging Artist Representative Business » Occupation & Positions Rate it: EARExclusive Allow Read Computing » Assembly Rate it: EARKearney, Nebraska USARegional » Airport Codes Rate it: EAREmergency Artificial Respiration Medical » Physiology Rate it: EAREarnings After Retirement Business » Occupation & Positions Rate it: EAREasy Affordable Reliable Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EARExpired Air Rescusitation Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EARElectronic Arteficial Recordings Academic & Science » Electronics Rate it: EARExtrapolated Area Response Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EARExpired Air Resussitation Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EAREffective Annual Rate Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EAREngineering Analysis Report Governmental » NASARate it: EAREngineering and Recording Academic & Science » Engineering Rate it: EAREarly Access Release Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EARElectronically Activated Recorder Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EAREstimated Average Requirement Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: EAREuropean Agency for Reconstruction Regional » European Rate it: EAREuropean Area of Recognition Regional » European Rate it: EAREcho Resources Ltd Business » ASX Symbols Rate it:1 2 ALLWhat does EAR mean?ear (noun)the sense organ for hearing and equilibriumsee more »Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of EAR? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: EAPS - EAPU - EAPV - EAPW - EAQ - EARA - EARAS - EARB - EARC - e ARDSDiscuss these EAR abbreviations with the community: Know what is EAR? Got another good explanation for EAR? Don't keep it to yourself!Add it HERE!Still can't find the acronym definition you were looking for? Use our Power Search technology to look for more unique definitions from across the web!Search the web Citation: Use the citation options below to add these abbreviations to your bibliography. Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"EAR.\"\""
"docid": "D1420011#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/87009194/med-100-flash-cards/\nMed 100",
"text": "\"98 terms chrystal_case Med 100Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Kidney What does the root of the word nephrectomy refer to Nephreology The medical specialty that relates to disease of the kidney Excretion What is the term for the removal of metabolic waste Amino acids Which of the following is Not considered metabolic waste Ammonia This is produced when amino acid is broken down Bladder The hollow sac that holds fluids is the Loop of henle Which of the following refers to the kidney Around In the term peri tubular, what does the prefix mean Pertaining to What does the suffix in the word Nitrogenous mean Cortex Outer layer of an organ Left Kidney The organ located on one side of the vertebral column, behind the peritoneum and the spleen and against the deep muscles of the back Cortices The plural of the term Cortex Kidney The root of the word renal Maintain CSF Which is not a function of the kidneys Glomerulus What is the medical term for a plexus of capillaries in the nephron Urea What is the end product of nitrogen metabolism Renal artery Which vessel carries waste-laden blood to the kidney Filtration What is the process by which excess water and waste products are removed from the blood Hilum What is the medical term for the part of an organ where vessels and nerves enter and leave TIA A short-term stroke with symptoms lasting less than 24 hours is abbreviated as Hemiplegia A condition involving paralysis of one side of the body The disease is chronic, progressive and irreversible Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Which of the following statements best describes a patient with this condition Paresthesia Which of the following words forms the plural by adding \"\"s\"\"Arachnoidmater Has a word element meaning cobweb or spider Dementia Word containing a prefix,root,and suffix refers to a condition involving the chronic progressive and irreversible loss of the mind's cognitive and intellectual functions Oculomotor The cranial nerve that moves the eye Cranial Pertaining to the skull Neck The word Cervical means pertaining to the TPA A Thrombolytic Agent is abbreviated as Hard fibrous outer layer meninges The Dura Mater Relationship to low levels of oxygen in the brain Statement that best describes a child with CPQuadriplegia A person who is paralyzed in All Four Limbs Athetosis Means Slow, writhing, involuntary movements Ataxia Means inability to coordinate muscle activity leading to jerky movements Mono neuropathy Effecting a single nerve Encephalopathy Disease involving the brain Consciousness The C in LOC means Brachytherapy Has a prefix meaning short CJD & BSE Prions are linked to the following diseases Aura Sensory experience preceding an epileptic seizure or a migraine headache Intramuscular Which word elements complete the term that means Pertaining to within a muscle Red rash on central part of the face Symptoms of Rosacea Papule Means small,circumscribed elevation on the skin Tineapedis/Candida Example of fungal infections of the skin Pressure that cuts off blood supply What is the cause of Decubitus Ulcers Allergy Hypersensitive to an allergen Psoriasis Red rash with flakey patches and silver scales Alopecia Means a Partial or Complete loss of Hair, either naturally or from medications Vesicle Means Small blister containing fluid Burnt dead tissue laying upon top of 3rd degree burns Eschar Nail What does the root in the term Paronychia mean Lice Osis-suffix In the term pediculosis, identify the root and the suffix and the correct meaning of the term Impetigo Which term is derived from a Latin word meaning scabby eruption and refers to an Infection of the skin producing thick, yellow crusts Butterfly red rash above an across the bridge of the nose Which of the following sets of signs and symptoms is most likely to indicate that a patient has Systemic Lupus Erythematosous (SLE)Hardening and shrinking of the skin Which of the following sets of signs and symptoms is most likely to indicate that a patient has Sceroderma Prefix- an-means without Suffix- ic- means pertaining to Root- Esthet-means sensation For the term Anesthetic,choose the prefix,suffix and root and the correct meaning for each Prefix-anti-means against Suffix-ic-means pertaining to Root-Prurit-means itchy For the term Antipruritic,choose the prefix,suffix and the root and the correct meanings for each Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands The best definition for the term Acne Comedones The plural form of the term Comedo Esthetician A therapist who enhances the beauty of the skin Cholestatoma Which of the following conditions is a Complication of Chronic OME and requires surgery Otosclerosis A condition where Spongy bone forms around the junction of the stapes and oval window,preventing the stapes from conducting the sound vibrations to the inner ear that causes loss of hearing Paroxysmal A patient reports dizziness that begins and goes away suddenly with no warning Tinnitus The medical term that best describes a Persistent ringing,whistling,clicking or booming noise in the ears Cochlea Which of the following words is derived from the Latin meaning Snail Shell Blaepharoptosis The medical term for Drooping of the upper eyelid due to excess skin Hordeolum Another name for Stye Paresis The medical term that means Partial Paralysis Strabismus The medical term which means Squinting or Cross-eyed Iris The colored portion of the eye Near sidedness Another name for Myopia Pertaining to within the eye The term intraocular means Fixation In the term Cryopexy the suffix means Retinopathy A disease of the light-sensitive inner most layer of the eyeball Otoscope An instrument used to examine the ear Audiology They Study of hearing disorders AU The abbreviation which means Both Ears Simicocular canals The organ of balance in the ear Vertigo-tinist and hearing loss Which of the following statements best describes Ménière's disease Optician A specialist who is licensed to make corrective lenses, adjust and repair glasses and fit contact lenses Tumor In the word Oncology, the root/combining form means Neoplasm Which of the following words means Pertaining to a new growth or tumor Non malignant The word Benign means Cancer Which of the following words is derived from the Latin meaning Crab Neoplastic Which of the following words means Pertaining to a malignant neoplasm Monoclonal Which word containing a prefix, suffix and root means Derived from a single clone of cells Onocologist A medical specialist in the science dealing with cancer Infiltration Which of the following words means the Invasion into a tissue or cell Carcinogensis Which of the following words,meaning the Origin and development of cancer Tumor Means Any abnormal swelling Breast & prostate The 2 types of cancer which are most prevalent in the U. S. Proliferate Of the following words, which one has an element meaning Offspring Metastases & Metastasis The word meaning Transport of cancer cells through the bloodstream is And the plural is Malignant The word which means Capable of invading surrounding tissues and metastasizing to distant organs Malignant & melanoma Which of the following terms refers to a Cancerous tumor of pigment-producing skin cells Leukemia The Class of cancer that originates from blood-forming tissues CA The abbreviation for cancer Mesothelioma Which of the following words containing a prefix,suffix and root means Cancer arising from cells lining the pleural cavity \""
] |
1882 | abraham maslow's term “primary creativity” would best be described as | [
"docid": "D970398#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization\nSelf-actualization",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( November 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Self-actualization is a term that has been used in various psychology theories, often in slightly different ways. The term was originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential. Expressing one's creativity, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to give to and/or positively transform society are examples of self-actualization. In Goldstein's view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: \"\"the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive... the drive of self-actualization.\"\" [ 1] Carl Rogers similarly wrote of \"\"the curative force in psychotherapy – man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities ... to express and activate all the capacities of the organism.\"\" [ 2] The concept was brought most fully to prominence in Abraham Maslow 's hierarchy of needs theory as the final level of psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are essentially fulfilled and the \"\"actualization\"\" of the full personal potential takes place, [3] although he adapted this viewpoint later on in life, and saw it more flexibly. ["
] | [
"docid": "D3074735#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/bus-3310-study-guide-2012-13-dickens/deck/9717174\nPopular Study Materials from Business 3310",
"text": "\"Without ____, no company can survive over the long run.innovation One of the important ideas in the text's definition of management isthe management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Selecting goals and ways to attain them refers toplanning. Which of these can best describe organizing? Assigning responsibility for task accomplishment. Which of these is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals? Leading____ is the management function concerned with monitoring employees' activities, keeping the organization on track toward its goals, and making corrections as needed. Controlling The degree to which an organization achieves a stated goal refers to Which of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal? Which skills include specialized knowledge and analytical ability?____ managers are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills. Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments?"
"docid": "D308005#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivation\nMotivation",
"text": "\"Motivation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Motivate\"\" redirects here. For the bike-sharing system management company, see Motivate (company). For other uses, see Motivation (disambiguation). Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. An individual is not motivated by another individual. Motivation comes from within the individual. Contents [ hide ]1 Neuroscience2 Psychological theories2.1 Natural theories2.1.1 Self-management through teamwork2.1.2 Wage incentives2.1.3 Autonomy2.2 Rational motivations2.3 Incentive theories: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation2.3.1 Intrinsic motivation2.3.2 Extrinsic motivation2.4 Behaviorist theories2.4.1 Classical and operant conditioning2.4.1.1 Incentive motivation2.4.2 Motivating operations2.4.3 Motivation and psychotherapy2.5 Socio-cultural theory2.6 Push and pull2.7 Self-control2.8 Drives2.9 Drive-reduction theory2.10 Cognitive dissonance theory2.11 Content theories2.11.1 Maslow's hierarchy of needs2.11.2 Herzberg's two-factor theory2.11.3 Alderfer's ERG theory2.11.4 Self-determination theory2.12 Temporal motivation theory2.13 Achievement motivation2.14 Cognitive theories2.14.1 Goal-setting theory2.14.2 Expectancy theory2.15 Models of behavior change2.16 Thematic apperception test2.17 Intrinsic motivation and the 16 basic desires theory2.18 Attribution theory2.19 Approach versus avoidance3 Practical applications3.1 Implementations of Natural theories3.1.1 Delegation of responsibilities3.1.2 Participative management3.1.3 Job enlargement3.1.4 Firm membership3.2 Employee motivation3.2.1 Job characteristics model3.2.1.1 Motivating potential score3.2.2 Employee recognition programs3.3 Education3.4 Impact of teaching style on student intrinsic motivation3.4.1 Indigenous education and learning3.4.2 Self-determination in education3.4.3 Physical activity in education3.5 Business3.6 Games4 See also5 References6 Further reading7 External links Neuroscience [ edit]Main article: Motivational salience Motivation as a desire to perform an action is usually defined as having two parts, directional such as directed towards a positive stimulus or away from a negative one, as well as the activated \"\"seeking phase\"\" and consummatory \"\"liking phase\"\". This type of motivation has neurobiological roots in the basal ganglia, and mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways. Activated \"\"seeking\"\" behavior, such as locomotor activity, is influenced by dopaminergic drugs, and microdialysis experiments reveal that dopamine is released during the anticipation of a reward. ["
"docid": "D1043328#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/bhmasl.html\n.",
"text": "\"Abraham Maslow 1908 - 1970\"\"I was awfully curious to find out why I didn't go insane,\"\" remarked Abraham Maslow, one of the founders of humanistic psychology. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, the eldest of seven children. He was smart but shy, and remembered his childhood as lonely and rather unhappy. Maslow attended City College in New York. His father hoped he would pursue law, but he went to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin to study psychology. While there, he married his cousin Bertha, and found as his chief mentor Professor Harry Harlow. At Wisconsin he pursued an original line of research, investigating primate dominance behavior and sexuality. He went on to further research at Columbia University, continuing similar studies. He found another mentor in Alfred Adler, one of Freud 's early followers. From 1937 to 1951, Maslow was on the faculty of Brooklyn College."
"docid": "D2614251#0",
"title": "http://www.flashcardmachine.com/m341.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "Shared Flashcard Set Details Title Psych Exam 4Description Module 34Total Cards 68Subject Psychology Level Undergraduate 1Created 04/29/2014Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Psychology Flashcards Cards Term Which theory has been most severely criticized for offering after-the-fact explanations without advancing testable predictions? Definitionpsychoanalytic theory Term Contemporary psychodynamic theorists are most likely to emphasize the importance of Definitioninner conflicts Term Neo-Freudians placed greater emphasis than did Freud on the role of ________ in personality development. Definitionthe conscious mind Term According to Freud, a fixation involves the focus of one's energies on Definitionan earlier psychosexual stage Term Freud referred to the remembered story line of a dream as its Definitionmanifest content Term Which defense mechanism involves expressing feelings that are the exact opposite of their anxiety-arousing unconscious feelings? Definitionreaction formation Term Psychoanalytic theory suggests that the ego disguises threatening impulses and reduces anxiety by means of Definitiondefense mechanisms Term According to Freud, boys develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother during the ________ stage. Definitionphallic Term Although Eduardo has repressed his own homosexual desires, he is distressed by a false suspicion that many men frequently stare lustfully at his body. According to psychoanalytic theory, Eduardo's thinking best illustrates Definitionprojection Term A religious leader who attempts to overcome his hidden doubts with intense expressions of spiritual certainty illustrates most clearly the defense mechanism of Definitionreaction formation Term Freud emphasized that unresolved childhood conflicts often lead to Definitionfixation Term Survivors of traumatic events, such as rape or torture, are often haunted by persistent and vivid memories of this experience. This most clearly serves to challenge Freud's concept of Definitionrepression Term The pleasure principle is to the ________ as the reality principle is to the ________."
"docid": "D1488479#0",
"title": "http://www.aapb.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=3394\n.",
"text": "\"The Roots and Geneology of Humanistic Psychology News You Can Use > News Archive > Articles of Interest Chapter 1: The Roots and Geneology of Humanistic Psychology Author: Donald Moss, Ph DA prepublication copy of a chapter to be included in: K. Schneider, J. Bugental, & J. Pierson (Ed.) ( in press), Handbook of humanistic psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Reprinted with permission of Sage Publications. This book will be available from AAPB's Bookstore or from Sage at phone 800-818-7243, website www.sagepub.com and e-mail [email protected] The humanistic movement in psychology has emphasized the search for a philosophical and scientific understanding of human existence that does justice to the highest reaches of human achievement and potential. From the beginning humanistic psychologists have cared deeply about what it means to be fully human, and have sought pathways and technologies that assist human beings to reach full humanness. Humanistic psychologists criticized the mainstream psychological schools of the first half of the twentieth century for proclaiming a diminished model of human nature. Their strivings for a new and better concept of humanity provided much of the motivation for the early flourishing of humanistic psychology. What Does it Mean to be Fully Human? Concepts of Human Nature in Psychological Science Articulate humanistic scholars such as Abraham Maslow and Rollo May criticized psychoanalysis and behaviorism for attempting to explain the full range of human nature in terms of mechanisms drawn from the study of neurotic patients and laboratory rats."
"docid": "D160750#0",
"title": "http://www.famouspsychologists.org/abraham-maslow/\nAbraham Maslow",
"text": "[Cite This]Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow was an American psychology professor who was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 1, 1908. Maslow remains famous for his contributions to psychology in terms of the theory he proposed otherwise known as The Hierarchy of Needs. He is also known the empathetic, compassionate founder of Humanistic Psychology which entails the focus on every individual’s potential and stresses upon significance of growth and self actualization. Humanistic Psychology, according to Maslow and his kind, states that people are innately good natured. According to his theory, mental and social disorders result as a deviation from a human’s natural ‘goodness. ’Abraham Maslow migrated from Russia; he was the first child among seventh others in his Jewish family. In his notes, he mentioned his childhood as lonesome and rather abysmal and that he enjoyed spending his time perusing fiction and nonfiction in the library. Initially Maslow intended on studying law at City College in New York but he decided to change to University of Wisconsin where he developed interest in psychology. It was in Wisconsin where Maslow found a great mentor and guide in his doctoral advisor Harry Harlow. Maslow commenced teaching at Brooklyn College in 1937 where he continued working as a member to the faculty of the institute."
"docid": "D3090738#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_humanistic_theory\nWhat is humanistic theory?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Social Sciences Psychology Psychological Disciplines What is humanistic theory? Flag What is humanistic theory? Answer by Pbrothers01 Confidence votes 156Humanistic Theory (Maslow) The focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self, which translates into \"\"YOU\"\", and \"\"your\"\" perception of \"\"your\"\" experiences. This view argues that you are free to choose your own behavior, rather than reacting to environmental stimuli and reinforcers. Issues dealing with self-esteem, self-fulfillment, and needs are paramount. The major focus is to facilitate personal development. Two major theorists associated with this view are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Carl Rogers feels that each person operates from a unique frame of reference in terms of building Self Regard or their self concept. Self Concept is one's own belief about themselves. These beliefs stem, in part, from the notion of Unconditional Positive Regard and Conditional Positive Regard."
"docid": "D970519#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/how-do-you-think-your-graduate-educational-experience-will-be-different-from-your-undergraduate-experience-page1.html\n\"\"\"How Do You Think Your Graduate Educational Experience Will Be Different From Your Undergraduate Experience\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"How Do You Think Your Graduate Educational Experience Will Be Different From Your Undergraduate Experiencecontributed to your own self-development? 2 Describe a situation in which you had significant responsibility and what you learned from it. 3 Describe your strengths and weaknesses in two areas: setting and achieving goals, and working with other people. 4 Your career aspirations and factors leading you to apply to this course at this time. Describe a challenge to which you have successfully responded. What did you learn about yourself as you responded to this challenge? Describe a challenge you anticipate... College, Curriculum, Essay 861 Words | 2 Pages Open Document Experience Brings Success Experience Brings Success Bonnie R. Humpherys Instructor: Carol Bartlo Daemen College April 24, 2012 Introduction After graduating college, many students are often confused about the next step in life. While the main goal is to achieve success, college students are faced with many different opportunities after graduation. Some of these opportunities include becoming and entrepreneur, pursuing more education or working for an existing business to gain experience. The cost of college tuition... Academic degree, Bachelor's degree, Doctorate 1414 Words | 6 Pages Open Document How Do You Think It Makes Your Mother Feel How Do You Think It Makes Your Mother Feel Having a comfortable conversation with family is a good way to be a harmonious family."
"docid": "D2089953#0",
"title": "http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html\nMaslow's Hierarchy of Needs",
"text": "\"Perspectives » Humanism » Maslow Maslow's Hierarchy of Needsby Saul Mc Leod, updated 2017Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so on. Deficiency needs vs. growth needs This five-stage model can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. The first four levels are often referred to as deficiency needs ( D-needs ), and the top level is known as growth or being needs ( B-needs ). Deficiency needs arise due to deprivation and are said to motivate people when they are unmet. Also, the motivation to fulfill such needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. For example, the longer a person goes without food, the more hungry they will become. Maslow (1943) initially stated that individuals must satisfy lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs."
"docid": "D368521#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_theory\nPersonality psychology",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Personality theory)navigation search Part of a series on Psychology Outline History Subfields Basic types [hide]Abnormal Behavioral genetics Biological Cognitive / Cognitivism Comparative Cross-cultural Cultural Differential Developmental Evolutionary Experimental Mathematical Neuropsychology Personality Positive Quantitative Social Applied psychology [show]Lists [show]Psychology portalv t e A picture of the depictions of personality dimensions. Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals. It is a scientific study which aims to show how people are individually different due to psychological forces. [ 1] Its areas of focus include:construction of a coherent picture of the individual and their major psychological processesinvestigation of individual psychological differencesinvestigation of human nature and psychological similarities between individuals\"\"Personality\"\" is a dynamic [ clarification needed] and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely [ clarification needed] influences their environment, cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations. The word \"\"personality\"\" originates from the Latin persona, which means mask. Personality also refers to the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited over time that strongly influences one's expectations, self-perceptions, values, and attitudes. Personality also predicts human reactions to other people, problems, and stress. [ 2] [3] Gordon Allport (1937) described two major ways to study personality: the nomothetic and the idiographic. Nomothetic psychology seeks general laws that can be applied to many different people, such as the principle of self-actualization or the trait of extraversion. Idiographic psychology is an attempt to understand the unique aspects of a particular individual."
"docid": "D2040782#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/31752896/human-resources-ch-13-motivation-at-work-flash-cards/\nHuman Resources CH 13 Motivation at Work",
"text": "79 terms learningohya Human Resources CH 13 Motivation at Work Human Resources CH 13 Motivation at Work Denisi/Griffin Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Motivation Determines how a person will exert effort. Represents the forces operating on the person to exert effort, as well as the direction in which the effort will be exerted. Motivation and Needs Need-based (Content) Theories Focus on what motivates a person, rather than on how that motivation occurs. Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow) Specifies five levels of needs capable of motivating behavior: Physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Motivation and Needs Theories ERG Theory (Alderfer) Identifies three rather than two levels of needs Allows for regression from a higher-level need to a lower-level need. Dual-Factor Theory (Herzberg) Posits motivators and hygiene factors as separate sets of work conditions that can satisfy needs Process Theories of Motivation Process Theories Focus on how a person becomes motivated and what they are motivated to do, rather than on what motivates them. Reinforcement Theory (Skinner) Proposed that all behavior is a function of its consequences. Positive Reinforcement A behavior followed by positive consequences is likely to be repeated."
"docid": "D2089950#0",
"title": "http://www.businessballs.com/maslow.htm\nMaslow's hierarchy of needs",
"text": "\"BACKMaslow's hierarchy of needs Each of us is motivated by needs. Our most basic needs are inborn, having evolved over tens of thousands of years. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs helps to explain how these needs motivate us all. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs states that we must satisfy each need in turn, starting with the first, which deals with the most obvious needs for survival itself. Only when the lower order needs of physical and emotional well-being are satisfied are we concerned with the higher order needs of influence and personal development. View Files Table of contents1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs 1.1. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs motivational model1.2. maslow's hierarchy of needs - free pdf diagram and free doc diagram1.3. 1970s adapted hierarchy of needs model, including cognitive and aesthetic needs - free pdf diagram and free doc diagram1.4."
"docid": "D1694451#0",
"title": "http://www.iloveulove.com/psychology/maslowhon.htm\nMASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS",
"text": "\"MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDSAbraham Maslow developed a theory of personality that has influenced a number of different fields, including education. This wide influence is due in part to the high level of practicality of Maslow's theory. This theory accurately describes many realities of personal experiences. Many people find they can understand what Maslow says. They can recognize some features of their experience or behavior which is true and identifiable but which they have never put into words. Maslow is a humanistic psychologist. Humanists do not believe that human beings are pushed and pulled by mechanical forces, either of stimuli and reinforcements (behaviorism) or of unconscious instinctual impulses (psychoanalysis). Humanists focus upon potentials. They believe that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities. Humans seek the frontiers of creativity, the highest reaches of consciousness and wisdom."
"docid": "D65269#0",
"title": "http://www.simplypsychology.org/humanistic.html\nHumanism",
"text": "Humanism Saul Mc Leod, updated 2015Humanistic, humanism and humanist are terms in psychology relating to an approach which studies the whole person, and the uniqueness of each individual. Essentially, these terms refer the same approach in psychology. Sometimes the humanistic approach is called phenomenological. This means that personality is studied from the point of view of the individual’s subjective experience. For Rogers the focus of psychology is not behavior ( Skinner ), the unconscious ( Freud ), thinking ( Wundt) or the human brain but how individuals perceive and interpret events. Rogers is therefore important because he redirected psychology towards the study of the self. The humanistic approach in psychology developed as a rebellion against what some psychologists saw as the limitations of the behaviorist and psychodynamic psychology. The humanistic approach is thus often called the “third force” in psychology after psychoanalysis and behaviorism (Maslow, 1968). Humanism rejected the assumptions of the behaviorist perspective which is characterized as deterministic, focused on reinforcement of stimulus-response behavior and heavily dependent on animal research. Humanistic psychology also rejected the psychodynamic approach because it is also deterministic, with unconscious irrational and instinctive forces determining human thought and behavior."
"docid": "D3479938#0",
"title": "http://www.psy.dmu.ac.uk/drhiles/HPpioneers.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Pioneers of Humanistic-Existential Psychology Carl Jung (1875-1961)Carl Jung is possibly one of the most important figures in psychology, and yet he remains controversial. For many psychologists he is little more than a historical curiosity. Someone who worked with Freud in the early days of the founding of psychoanalysis, and then went his own way, founded his own school of psychology, became rather eccentric, and is worthy of only the most cursory of mentions in introductory text books. To other psychologists, he is possibly the most complete psychologist that there has ever been. He made radical and significant contributions to all four of the major areas of psychology. A feat that is quite unequalled by anyone else. For example:- (i) in behavioural psychology , his research on word association, was fundamental to the development of the lie-detector test, and was recognized by the award of an honorary degree by Clark University, USA, on a visit in 1909; (ii) in psychodynamic psychology, he was second only to Freud in status, and was elected the first president of the International Psychoanalytic Association; he developed his own school of Analytical Psychology , and pushed the boundaries of psychodynamic theory much further than Freud ever could have expected, indeed further than Freud was prepared to accept; (iii) in humanistic psychology, it is clear that Jung�s work anticipated all of the major themes of the humanistic-existential approach, especially his concepts of \"\"Self\"\" (an integrating principle of the human psyche), active imagination and human consciousness; and (iv) in transpersonal psychology, Jung was a pioneer of this field for some fifty of so years before it was ever recognized as a new branch of psychology. Indeed, the work of some of the most important current researchers in the transpersonal field, i.e. Stanislav Grof, Michael Washburn, etc., is almost entirely dependent on the theoretical ideas of Jung. Any evaluation of Jung�s work needs to take into account the breadth of his scholarship and vision."
"docid": "D866729#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/what-are-some-criticisms-of-biological-and-psychological-theories-page1.html\n\"\"\"What Are Some Criticisms Of Biological And Psychological Theories\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"What Are Some Criticisms Of Biological And Psychological Theories Biological Theories “ Biological theories of crime focus on the physiological, biochemical, neurological, and genetic factors that influence criminal behavior. However, such theories also stress the complex link between a person's biology and the broad span of social or environmental factors that sociological theories examine” (Denno, 2009). Biological factors that contribute to crime are something neurological or chemical related, which is not to be confused with a genetic factor that is inherited... Crime, Criminology, Juvenile delinquency 1081 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Biological/psychological factors of crime Crime therefore resulted not from what criminals had in common with others in society, but from their distinctive physical or mental defects. The positivists understood themselves as scientists and were concerned with scientifically identifying the causes of criminal behavior in individual offenders. Biological Factors in Crime Not many want to believe there is any such thing as a \"\"bad seed;\"\" that heredity can make criminal behavior unavoidable and inevitable for some individuals. Of course, bio-psychologists... Cesare Lombroso, Crime, Criminology 1197 Words | 5 Pages Open Document What Biological, Psychological and Social Facts Underlie Addiction ? What biological, psychological and social facts underlie Addiction ? Clinical health psychology can be defined as the study of psychological and behavioral processes in health and illnesses. In other words health psychology is a branch of study that examines the interrelationship between biology, social factors and behaviour. A health psychologist is interested to know more about the person with the disease, to understand the educational or socioeconomic background, the behaviour that may influence... Behavior, Behaviorism, Brain 2297 Words | 7 Pages Open Document Psychological Theories Explain the principal psychological perspectives (P1) In this section, I will be talking about psychological perspectives that influence an individual’s personality and behaviour towards their actions and view on life."
"docid": "D2771527#0",
"title": "https://www.ukessays.com/essays/business/motivation-and-rewards-of-apple-inc-business-essay.php\nMotivation And Rewards Of Apple Inc Business Essay",
"text": "\"Motivation And Rewards Of Apple Inc Business Essay Print Reference this Published: 23rd March, 2015Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. Apple Inc. is a multinational technology company that designs and creates i Pod and i Tunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary i Phone and i Pad. In April 1,1976 Apple's headquarter based in Cupertino, California, USA and was founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak, and incorporated in January 3, 1977 as Apple Computer, Inc. In the year of 1997, the first of Apple Computer was born. Apple Inc. is mainly focused on consumer electronics such as i Pod, i Phone, i Pad, i Mac, etc. instead of only emphasizing on personal computers. In the year of 2001, the i Pod has been introduced into the market and the i Pod is successfully become the main market leader in music players. Apple had joined the phone industry in 2007 with i Phone. i Phone is a smart phone and it changes the world."
"docid": "D3319245#0",
"title": "https://psychcentral.com/news/2010/08/23/updated-maslows-pyramid-of-needs/17144.html\nUpdated Maslowâs Pyramid of Needs",
"text": "Updated Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs By Rick Nauert Ph D ~ 3 min read A team of psychologists have updated a cornerstone of modern psychology — Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Maslow’s pyramid describes human motivations from the most basic to the most advanced. According to experts, Maslow’s time-tested pyramid, first proposed in the 1940s, needed to be updated to reflect the last 50 years of research. A team of psychologists, including two from Arizona State University, recast the pyramid. In doing so, they have taken on one of psychology’s iconic symbols and have generated some controversy along the way. The revamp of Maslow’s pyramid reflects new findings and theory from fields like neuroscience, developmental psychology and evolutionary psychology, said Douglas Kenrick, an ASU professor of psychology and lead author of the paper, “Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations. ”Despite being one of psychology’s most memorable images, Maslow’s pyramid hasn’t always been supported by empirical research, said Steven Neuberg, an ASU Foundation professor and coauthor of the paper. “Within the psychological sciences, the pyramid was increasingly viewed as quaint and oldfashioned, and badly in need of updating,” Neuberg added. “It was based on some great ideas, several of which are worth preserving,” Kenrick said. “But it missed out on some very basic facts about human nature, facts which weren’t well understood in Maslow’s time, but were established by later research and theory at the interface of psychology, biology and anthropology."
"docid": "D1876571#0",
"title": "http://www.positive-parenting-ally.com/abraham-maslow.html\nAbraham Maslow Biography: The Father of Humanistic Psychology & Self Actualization Theory",
"text": "\"Abraham Maslow Biography: The Father of Humanistic Psychology & Self Actualization Theory Abraham Maslow was one of the strongest proponents of the humanistic movement in psychology and also one of the biggest critics of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. The Positive Basis of Maslow's Theory Maslow viewed human beings in a very positive light and believed that everyone has a natural tendency to pursue progress and achieve their highest potential. Maslow argued that we are all innately good, kind, and virtuous, and that psychologists had spent far too much time focusing on the negative aspects of humanity. He said,\"\"Human nature is not nearly as bad as it has been thought to be. \"\" While he believed that parenting and childhood experiences were vitally important, he also proposed that we are responsible for our own development and that we can consciously choose how to shape our future. Despite Universal Needs, We are All Individuals Yes, we are all born with what Maslow called \"\"instinctoid needs\"\" or \"\"innate needs\"\" that drive us to grow, develop, and do whatever is necessary to fulfill these needs. BUT, he was also one of the first people to suggest that individuals are unique beings. In a time dominated by the stimulus-response theory, this idea was quite shocking. Behaviorists such as John B. Watson denied individuality but believed that you could create any behavior you wanted by using the right punishments and rewards. Still others argued that everything about personality was biological and had nothing to do with social environment or personal experience."
"docid": "D828#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/midterm-quizzes/deck/16587559\nPopular Study Materials from Health And Human Services 105",
"text": "\"a lab tech is speaking loudly about the reason a patient is having a blood test outside patient's door. What principle of health care ethics has the tech violated?confidentialitya nurse caring for older adults in a nursing home has paternalistic view about telling patients the truth about their conditions. Which of the following best describes the practice of paternalism? Thinking that \"\"what the patient doesn't know won't hurt them. \"\" a child tells a nurse that he stole money from his mother's purse because he needed money to buy some candy. he also states that he knows what he did was wrong & will not do it again. based on this conversation, what stage of moral development would this child be experiencing?formal operational stagea doctor prescribes a placebo for a patient who he feels is complaining of pain that's not there. this is an example of a violation of what principle of health care ethics?veracitya patient who was injured in a fall in a health care facility due to negligence of the nurse is filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. which ethical principle applies in the situation?justicea physician running a busy practice makes decisions for his employees on a regular basis. the physician would describe himself as \"\"moral man with common sense, a sense of justice, and courage who makes the right decisions in life by focusing on these moral traits.\"\""
] |
1883 | absurdity synonyms | [
"docid": "D2276309#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-synonyms/absurd\n.",
"text": "Search Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definitionabsurdcrazy (informal) daft (informal) farcical, foolish, idiotic, illogical, inane, incongruous, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, silly, stupid, unreasonable Antonymsintelligent, logical, prudent, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sensible, smart, wise English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurusabsurd If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense. adj oft it v-link ADJ to-inf/that (disapproval) (=ridiculous)It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers..., I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds... The absurd is something that is absurd. FORMAL n-sing the NParkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd. ♦ absurdly adv Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion... ♦ absurdity ( absurdities plural) n-var I find myself growing increasingly angry at the absurdity of the situation. Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary See also:absurdly, absurdity, absorbed, assured Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition"
] | [
"docid": "D138376#0",
"title": "https://nobullying.com/egocentric/\nWho is an Egocentric?",
"text": "In A Better You, Syndromes & Disorders Who is an Egocentric? Modified : December 22,2015Definition of Egocentric According to the Oxford Dictionary, egocentric means “thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others, centered in or arising from a person’s own existence or perspective.” Here are a few examples of how the term egocentric is commonly used:“As a consequence, this advance in consumerism has led to a selfish, egocentric culture where one’s own needs come first at the exclusion of the needs of others. ’‘“I don’t want to sound egocentric, but I was the reason we won the game. ’‘Egocentric Derivatives Egocentric has a few derivatives that are used frequently. Here are a few examples: Egocentrically, adverb: “As people will tend to view information egocentrically, how objective one’s perspective is on this information helps apply it to whatever it may be at hand. ”Egocentricity, noun: “If you give to charity 100 times, the repetition breaks down your egocentricity. ”Egocentrism, noun: “Studies have found adolescent egocentrism to be more prevalent among females than males. ”Egocentric synonyms Direct synonyms of egocentric are:self-centeredegomaniacalegoisticself-interestedselfishself-absorbednarcissisticvain Egocentric Antonyms Antonyms for the opposite of egocentric are: Altruistic Humble Modest Reserved Selfless Shy Submissive Timid What is Egocentric Predicament? Egocentric predicament, a term coined by Ralph Barton Perry in an article titled, “Journal of Philosophy 1910”, is defined as the problem of not being able to view reality outside of our own perceptions."
"docid": "D1230151#0",
"title": "http://www.the-crossword-solver.com/word/sugar+cane+spirit\nSUGAR CANE SPIRIT",
"text": "\"SUGAR CANE SPIRIT'SUGAR CANE SPIRIT' is a 15 letter phrase starting with S and ending with TCrossword clues for 'SUGAR CANE SPIRIT'Clue Answer Sugar cane spirit (3) RUMSpirit; odd (3) RUMAlcoholic spirit (3) RUMCuba libre ingredient (3) RUMGrog ingredient (3) RUMIngredient in a Dark 'n' Stormy (3) RUMCane spirit (3) RUM\"\"Demon\"\" beverage (3) RUMCoke companion (3) RUMPirate's swig (3) RUMVirgin Islands export (3) RUMJamaican export (3) RUM\"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" quaff (3) RUMMai tai ingredient (3) RUMTar's tope (3) RUMCoke complement (3) RUMMojito ingredient (3) RUMCoke go-with (3) RUMCoke's frequent partner (3) RUMPirate's drink (3) RUMSpirit distilled from sugar cane (3) RUMLight brown cane sugar (8) DEMERARASynonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SUGAR CANE SPIRIT [rum]We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word rum will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.2 letter words OK3 letter words BAD - FAB - GIN - HOT - ODD - OFF - OUT - RUM4 letter words BOSS - BREW - COOL - GAME - GEAR - GROG - HARM - HURT - KEEN - MEAN - NEAT - OKAY5 letter words BOOZE - BULLY - DANDY - DRINK - DUCKY - FUNNY - GREAT - HEAVY - JAM-UP - KOOKY - MARVY - NIFTY - NOBBY - QUEER - RUMMY - SOLID - SWELL - TOUGH - WEIRD6 letter words ABSURD - BANG-UP - BONZER - BRIDGE - FREAKY - GROOVY - LIQUOR - PEACHY - QUAINT - SLAP-UP - SPIFFY - SPIRIT - THE CUP - WIZARD7 letter words ACE-HIGH - ALCOHOL - BIZARRE - BUT GOOD - CORKING - CURIOUS - ODDBALL - POTABLE - RIPPING - SPIRITS - STRANGE - UNUSUAL - WHISKEY8 letter words BEVERAGE - PECULIAR - POTATION - SCHNAPPS - SINGULAR - SMASHING - SPIFFING - STUNNING - TOXICANT9 letter words AQUA VITAE - BLACKJACK - DELICIOUS - ECCENTRIC - HUNKY-DORY - INEBRIANT - JUST DANDY - PUNCH BOWL - THE BOTTLE - UNEARTHLY10 letter words FREAKED OUT - HARD LIQUOR - INTOXICANT - OFF THE WALL - OUT OF SIGHT - OUTLANDISH - PEACHY-KEEN11 letter words CRACKERJACK - DEMON LIQUOR - SCRUMPTIOUS - STRONG DRINK - THE DEMON RUM - THE RUDDY CUP - WATER OF LIFE12 letter words FINE AND DANDY - STRONG WATERS13 letter words ARDENT SPIRITS - IDIOSYNCRATIC - SOMETHING ELSE14 letter words ALCOHOLIC DRINK - JOHN BARLEYCORN - LITTLE BROWN JUG - OUT OF THIS WORLD - PASSING STRANGE - THE FLOWING BOWL15 letter words SOCIAL LUBRICANT - WONDROUS STRANGE17 letter words ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - THE LUSCIOUS LIQUOR18 letter words INTOXICATING LIQUORDefinition of rumliquor distilled from fermented molasses Anagrams of rum MRU - MURThanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a definition for the word if we have one. We hope that you find the site useful. Regards, The Crossword Solver Team \""
"docid": "D2882458#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonsense\nNonsense",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Nonsense (disambiguation). For Wikipedia policy regarding nonsense, see Wikipedia: Patent nonsense or Wikipedia: Criteria for speedy deletion § G1. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( September 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Nonsense is a communication, via speech, writing, or any other symbolic system, that lacks any coherent meaning. Sometimes in ordinary usage, nonsense is synonymous with absurdity or the ridiculous. Many poets, novelists and songwriters have used nonsense in their works, often creating entire works using it for reasons ranging from pure comic amusement or satire, to illustrating a point about language or reasoning. In the philosophy of language and philosophy of science, nonsense is distinguished from sense or meaningfulness, and attempts have been made to come up with a coherent and consistent method of distinguishing sense from nonsense. It is also an important field of study in cryptography regarding separating a signal from noise."
"docid": "D255020#0",
"title": "https://www.thesaurus.net/pen-name\nWhat is another word for pen name?",
"text": "What is another word for pen name?36 synonyms found Pronunciation: [ p_ˈɛ_n n_ˈeɪ_m], [ pˈɛn nˈe͡ɪm], [ pˈɛn nˈeɪm]Tweet Enter your text below to find synonyms and click here Synonyms for Pen name:alias (noun)assumed name, anonym.eastern poison oak (noun)disguise, sobriquet.false name (noun)pseudonym, alias.name (noun)name.nom de plume (noun)false name, nom de plume, allonym, fictitious name, professional name, false names.pen name (noun)nom de plume.eastern poison oakpseudonym, anonym, nom de guerre. Other synonyms:disguise, name, nickname, pseudonym, sobriquet, alias, assumed name, false name, anonym, nom de guerre, hypocorism, nom de plume, AKA, allonym, ananym, bic, fictitious name, professional name,false names. Related words for Pen name:misnomer. Loading... Adjectives for Pen name:goddam, joint, absurd, literary, male, secret, alternate, suitable,stupid, favorite, usual."
"docid": "D2546375#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/jibe\njibe 1",
"text": "\"jibe 1or gibe, gybe, jib, jibb [jahyb] Nautical Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used without object), jibed, jibing.1. to shift from one side to the other when running before the wind, as a fore-and-aft sail or its boom.2. to alter course so that a fore-and-aft sail shifts in this manner.verb (used with object), jibed, jibing.3. to cause to jibe.noun4. the act of jibing. Origin of jibe 1Expand Dutch1685-16951685-95; variant of gybe < Dutch gijben, more commonly gijpenjibe 2 [jahyb]Spell Syllablesverb (used with or without object), jibed,jibing, noun1. gibe 1 .jibe 3 [jahyb]Spell Syllablesverb (used without object), jibed, jibing.1. to be in harmony or accord; agree: The report does not quite jibe with the commissioner's observations. Origin Expand An Americanism dating back to 1805-15; origin uncertain Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comconform, accord, fit.gibe 1or jibe [jahyb]Spell Syllablesverb (used without object), gibed, gibing.1. to utter mocking or scoffing words; jeer.verb (used with object), gibed, gibing.2."
"docid": "D259943#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridiculous\nRidiculous",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Ridiculous (disambiguation). This ridiculously small hat is incongruous with the man's head size. The term ridiculous is that which is highly incongruous or inferior, sometimes deliberately so to make people laugh or get their attention, and sometimes unintended so as to be considered laughable and earn or provoke ridicule and derision. It comes from the 1540s Latin \"\"ridiculosus\"\" meaning \"\"laughable\"\", from \"\"ridiculus\"\" meaning \"\"that which excites laughter\"\", and from \"\"ridere\"\" meaning \"\"to laugh\"\". [ 1] \"\"Ridiculous\"\" is an adjective describing \"\"the ridiculous\"\". In common usage, \"\"ridiculousness\"\" is used as a synonym for absurdity or nonsense. [ 2] [3] From a historical and technical viewpoint, \"\"absurdity\"\" is associated with argumentation and reasoning, \"\"nonsense\"\" with semantics and meaning, while \"\"ridiculous\"\" is most associated with laughter, superiority, deformity, and incongruity. Reductio ad absurdum is a valid method of argument, while reductio ad ridiculum is invalid. Argument by invective declaration of ridiculous is invalid, while arguments involving declarations of nonsense may summarize a cogent semantic problem with lack or meaning or ambiguity. Historically, the ridiculous was central to initial theories of humor and laughter as first put forth by philosopher Thomas Hobbes."
"docid": "D2912220#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/avow\navow",
"text": "\"avow [ uh - vou]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used with object)1. to declare frankly or openly; own; acknowledge; confess; admit: He avowed himself an opponent of all alliances. Origin of avow Expand Middle English Old French Latin1150-12001150-1200; Middle English avowen < Old Frenchavoue (r) < Latin advocāre. See advocate Related forms Expandavowable, adjectiveavower, nounreavow, verb (used with object)unavowable, adjectiveunavowableness, noununavowably, adverb Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for avow Expand Contemporary Examples And if they refuse to so avow, suddenly finding themselves with a challenge from the right? Impeaching Obama May Be Absurd, but That Won’t Stop the Right-Wing Fringe Michael Tomasky August 28, 2013And if they do so avow —well, the worst scenario is as follows. Impeaching Obama May Be Absurd, but That Won’t Stop the Right-Wing Fringe Michael Tomasky August 28, 2013Historical Examples It is wise, and may be useful, on all proper occasions, to avow our convictions. Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. IFrancis Augustus Cox All mankind are like us, but they have not the candour to avow it. ' Barnaby Rudge Charles Dickens As it was, I found it impossible to avow the one without the other."
"docid": "D3227143#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/folly\nfolly",
"text": "\"folly Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .fol·ly (fŏl′ē)n. pl. fol·lies1. Lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight: an act of folly2.a. An act or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth.b. A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.3. follies (used with a sing. or pl. verb) An elaborate theatrical revue consisting of music,dance, and skits.4. A structure, such as a pavilion in a garden, that is chiefly decorative rather than practical in purpose. ["
"docid": "D2520505#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/saunter\nsaunter",
"text": "\"saunter [ sawn -ter, sahn -]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used without object)1. to walk with a leisurely gait; stroll: sauntering through the woods.noun2. a leisurely walk or ramble; stroll.3. a leisurely gait. Origin of saunter Expand1660-1670First recorded in 1660-70; of uncertain origin Related forms Expandsaunterer, noun Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com1–3. amble, ramble, meander. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for saunter Expand Contemporary Examples How often do you look up at the facades looming overhead as you saunter down the street? The Royal Academy Wants You to Finish This Artwork Chloë Ashby January 24, 2014We are spared, thankfully, the standard liberal talisman of his saunter across the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln. The SEALs’ Big-Screen Moment David A. Graham September 4, 2011So instead of marching into Starbucks for a morning cup of brew, saunter in for a big bowl of bud."
"docid": "D790972#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/untenable\nuntenable",
"text": "\"untenable [uhn- ten - uh -b uh l]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc. ; indefensible.2. not fit to be occupied, as an apartment, house, etc. Origin of untenable Expand1640-1650First recorded in 1640-50; un- 1 + tenable Related forms Expanduntenability, untenableness, noun Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com1. baseless, groundless, unsound, weak, questionable. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for untenable Expand Contemporary Examples Does this hunk of glass make up for his untenable relationships? And The Escort of The Year Is… Backstage at The Sex Oscars Scott Bixby March 24, 2014What exists now is unworkable, untenable, and damn near unendurable. Memo to the South: Go Ahead, Secede Already!Lee Siegel April 30, 2013Some calculating pol, realizing that his position had become unpopular or untenable, would execute a backflip off the high board."
"docid": "D2500140#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/extravagant\nextravagant",
"text": "\"extravagant [ik- strav - uh -g uh nt]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful: an extravagant shopper.2. excessively high: extravagant expenses; extravagant prices.3. exceeding the bounds of reason, as actions, demands, opinions, or passions.4. going beyond what is deserved or justifiable: extravagant praise.5. Obsolete. wandering beyond bounds. Origin of extravagant Expand Middle English Medieval Latin1350-14001350-1400; Middle English < Medieval Latinextrāvagant- (stem of extrāvagāns ), present participle of extrāvagārī, equivalent to extrā- extra- + vagārī to wander Related forms Expandextravagantly, adverbextravagantness, nounoverextravagant, adjectiveoverextravagantly, adverbunextravagant, adjectiveunextravagantly, adverb Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com1. imprudent, spendthrift, prodigal. 2."
"docid": "D1388365#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AReductio_ad_absurdum\nTalk:Reductio ad absurdum",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Philosophy portal This article is within the scope of Wiki Project Philosophy, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of content related to philosophy on Wikipedia. If you would like to support the project, please visit the project page, where you can get more details on how you can help, and where you can join the general discussion about philosophy content on Wikipedia. Start This article has been rated as Start-Class on the project's quality scale. Mid This article has been rated as Mid-importance on the project's importance scale. [ show] Additional information: Contents [ hide ]1 Text from previous article2 Reductio de absurdum?3 Merge with Proof by contradiction?4 Better example5 \"\"The opposite of every great idea is another great idea. \"\" 6 The Definition and the description of \"\"Proof by Contradiction\"\"7 The Addition of a New Example8 Addition of a simpler example9 Niels Bohr Example Removed10 Ontological argument11 Poor example12 Strawman vs RAA13 Mathematics Example in Intro14 Straw man argument example15 Straw man argument16 Recent changes to introduction17 Removal of example from introduction18 New world Encyclopedia19 Example is actually a straw man argument20 PM's formal definition of a reductio ad absurdum + Reichenbach + Tarski21 Supposedly22 Conflated with proof by contradiction Text from previous article [ edit]Below copied from previous article. Only relevant to the common reductio ad absurdum, not the proof by contradiction: However, Reductio ad absurdum is also often used to describe any argument where a conclusion is derived in the belief that everyone (or at least those being argued against) will accept that it is false or absurd. This is a comparatively weak form of reductio, as the decision to reject the premise requires that the conclusion is accepted as being absurd. Although a formal contradiction is by definition absurd (unacceptable), a weak reductio ad absurdum argument can be rejected simply by accepting the purportedly absurd conclusion. Such arguments also risk degenerating into strawman arguments, an informal fallacy caused when an argument or theory is twisted by the opposing side to appear ridiculous."
"docid": "D2882451#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/nonsense\nnonsense",
"text": "\"nonsense Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Wikipedia .non·sense (nŏn′sĕns′, -səns)n.1. Words or signs having no intelligible meaning: a message that was nonsense untildecoded.2. Subject matter, behavior, or language that is foolish or absurd.3. Extravagant foolishness or frivolity: a clown's exuberant nonsense.4. Matter of little or no importance or usefulness: a chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense.5. Insolent talk or behavior; impudence: wouldn't take any nonsense from the children.adj. Genetics Of or relating to a mutation in a structural gene that changes a nucleotide triplet into a stop codon, thus prematurely terminating the polypeptide chain during protein synthesis.interj. Used to express disagreement or exasperation. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company."
"docid": "D491814#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/humor\nhumor",
"text": "\"1humornoun hu·mor \\ ˈhyü-mər, ˈyü- \\Popularity: Top 30% of words | Updated on: 6 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: humor in a Sentence Editor's Note: Did You Know? Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of humor1 a: a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (such as the blood or lymph)b physiology: a secretion (such as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity2 a in medieval physiology: a fluid or juice of an animal or plant; specifically: one of the four fluids entering into the constitution of the body and determining by their relative proportions a person's health and temperamentb: characteristic or habitual disposition or bent: temperamentof cheerful humorc: an often temporary state of mind imposed especially by circumstanceswas in no humor to listend: a sudden, unpredictable, or unreasoning inclination: whim… conceived the humor of impeaching casual passers-by … and wreaking vengeance on them. — Charles Dickensthe uncertain humors of nature3 a: that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous: a funny or amusing quality Try to appreciate the humor of the situation.b: the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous: the ability to be funny or to be amused by things that are funnya guy with a great sense of humorc: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing The book is a collection of American humor.not a fan of the comedian's brand of humor— out of humor: out of sorts See humor defined for English-language learners See humor defined for kids Examples of humor in a Sentence He didn't appreciate the humor of the situation. Someday, you'll see the humor in this. Everyone likes the gentle humor of his stories of family life. She doesn't care for ethnic humor. The book is a collection of American humor. His humor is one of his most attractive qualities. Recent Examples of humor from the Web First performed in Milan in 1832, the opera is lauded for its humor and character development, and as an excellent representation of the bel canto tradition.—"
"docid": "D2790818#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/absurd\nabsurd",
"text": "\"1absurdadjective ab·surd \\ əb-ˈsərd, -ˈzərd \\Popularity: Top 30% of words | Updated on: 6 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: absurd in a Sentence Editor's Note: Making Sense of absurd Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of absurd1: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruousan absurd argument: extremely silly or ridiculousabsurd humor2: having no rational or orderly relationship to human life:meaninglessan absurd universe; also: lacking order or valuean absurd existence3: dealing with the absurd (see 2 absurd) or with absurdismabsurd theater—absurdlyadverb—absurdnessnoun See absurd defined for English-language learners See absurd defined for kids Examples of absurd in a Sentence In an era when federal judges issue rulings that in their impact often rival the lawmaking of any legislature in the land, it is increasingly absurd that their proceedings should remain off-limits to the same wider public scrutiny that news cameras have brought to courts in 48 states.— Editor & Publisher , 14 July 2003By the time Showalter was fired one day after the end of last season, the stories of how he carried his attention to detail to absurd lengths—including his insistence that the A on the players' socks be completely visible—had been well circulated. — Phil Taylor , Sports Illustrated , 30 July 2001This criticism, patently absurd to anyone who has read even a handful of Updike's more than 40 books, nevertheless has been made so often that it is worth Pritchard's long rebuttal. — Jonathan Wilson , New York Times Book Review , 24 Sept. 2000Yet from time to time, virtually every parent falls back on threats, often absurd ones that leave Mom and Dad feeling foolish and the problem unresolved. — Dorothy Foltz-Gray , Parenting , December/January 1996The charges against him are obviously absurd.absurd claims of having been abducted by UFO's Recent Examples of absurd from the Web Steeplechase fans may remember the absurd disqualification of all-time maestro Ezekiel Kemboi at the 2016 Olympics.— martin fritz huber, Outside Online, \"\"It's Time to Change the Rules of Track and Field,\"\" 28 Mar. 2018Known for producing sensitive work underscored by the absurd, her long-term projects focus on gender, representations of otherness, dispossession and ever-shifting sociopolitical dynamics in the Middle East.— refinery29.com, \"\"On Muslim Women's Day, Portraits Of Resilience And Strength,\"\" 27 Mar. 2018Williams' candor is certainly a departure from the often-blithe tabloid message that celebrities return, flat-abbed and fierce, two weeks after leaving the maternity ward, setting an absurd and impossible standard for normal women everywhere.— michelle ruiz, Vogue, \"\"Serena Williams Gets Real About How Hard It Is to Return From Maternity Leave—Even For A Superstar,\"\"22 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'absurd.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors."
"docid": "D770724#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/repartee\nrepartee",
"text": "\"reparteenoun rep·ar·tee \\ ˌre-pər-ˈtē, -ˌpär-, -ˈtā \\Popularity: Top 40% of words | Updated on: 1 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: repartee in a Sentence Editor's Note: Did You Know? Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of repartee1 a: a quick and witty replyb: a succession or interchange of clever retorts: amusing and usually light sparring with words2: adroitness and cleverness in reply: skill in repartee See repartee defined for English-language learners See repartee defined for kidsrepartee was our Word of the Day on 04/25/2010. Hear the podcast!Unable to load episode: error Not Available Download00:00 / 00:00Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAPGet Word of the Day daily email, delivered to your inbox!Examples of repartee in a Sentence The two comedians engaged in witty repartee.that repartee to the reporter's question drew laughs from the bystanders Recent Examples of repartee from the Web Giving all these obvious bits of business a welcome kick is some very funny dialogue, especially for the devilish Dewey, whose repartee deflates stuffy adults or attitudinal kids with equal snap.— tim smith, baltimoresun.com, \"\"'School of Rock' gives upbeat lessons on growing up, finding your voice,\"\" 22 Mar. 2018The repartee between Aukerman and Scott is special, but the subject matter is undeniably narrow.— david sims, The Atlantic, \"\"Why a Podcast About R. E. M. Is a Must-Listen,\"\" 1 Mar. 2018If the example of Quentin Tarantino is unmistakable, so too are the influences of Oscar Wilde and Harold Pinter in a movie that grows intoxicated with its own caustic repartee.— charles mcnulty, latimes.com, \"\"Why 'Three Billboards' and 'Call Me by Your Name' leave this theater critic cold,\"\" 1 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'repartee.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Did You Know?"
"docid": "D2993778#0",
"title": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/preposterous\npreposterous",
"text": "\"preposterouspre·pos·ter·ous Use preposterous in a sentence It is preposterous to believe that Earth is flat. Licensed from Getty Imagesadjective The definition of preposterous is something that is absurd or ridiculous. An example of a preposterous idea is that the world is flat. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by Love To Know Corp Link/Citepreposterous Obs. with the first last and the last first; invertedso contrary to nature, reason, or common sense as to be laughable; absurd; ridiculous Origin of preposterous Classical Latin praeposterus from prae-, before (see pre-) + posterus, following: see posterior Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Link/Citepreposterousadjective Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd. See Synonyms at foolish. Origin of preposterous From Latin praeposterus inverted, unseasonable prae- pre- posterus coming behind ( frompost behind ; see apo- in Indo-European roots. )"
"docid": "D3241820#0",
"title": "https://www.thesaurus.net/contention\nWhat is another word for contention?",
"text": "What is another word for contention?456 synonyms found Pronunciation: [k_ə_n_t_ˈɛ_n_ʃ_ə_n], [kəntˈɛnʃən], [kəntˈɛnʃən]Tweet See CONTENTION definition at Dictionary.net >>>Find antonyms of the word CONTENTION >>>Enter your text below to find synonyms and click here Synonyms for Contention:conflict (noun)altercation, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, brawl, cacophony,clamor, clash, collision, commotion, conflict, difference, disagreement,discord, discordancy, disharmony, dissension, dissidence,dissonance, enmity, feud, friction, harshness, hassle, hostility,hubbub, imbroglio, raucousness, riot, row, squabble, squall, strife,tension, warfare.contention (noun)argument, confrontation, contrariety, controversy, dispute, encounter,opposition, protest, quarrel, resistance, struggle.disagreement (noun)challenge, complaint, defiance, disaccord, dissent, disunity,divisiveness, nonagreement, rejection, repudiation.discordance (noun)discordance, incompatibility.dissertation (noun)analysis, article, assertion, commentary, conjecture, criticism, critique,discussion, dissertation, essay, examination, hypothesis,interpolation, opinion, position, postulation, premise, research, thesis.enmity (noun)adverseness, alienation, averseness, bad blood, bitterness, coldness,combativeness, coolness, dislike, hard feelings, hatred,inharmoniousness, inimicality, loathing, malevolence, malice, polarity,quarrelsomeness, rancor, resentment, spitefulness, surliness,unfriendliness, wrath.topic (noun)assumption, axiom, basis, belief, concept, consideration, exposition,idea, inference, issue, matter, motif, paradigm, point, presumption,principle, problem, query, question, statement, subject, text, theme,theorem, topic. Other synonyms and related words:action, advancement, affidavit, affirmation, allegation, antithesis,apology, arguing, avowal, battle, beef, bellicose, belligerent, bicker,bickering, brief, broil, brush, campaigning, captious, carping, case,caviling, charge, claim, clashing, combat, combative, competitor,contentious, contest, contradiction, contrary, contrast, contravention,controversial, counteraction, crossing, debate, declaration, defense,deity, denial, deposition, difficulty, disagree, disorder, disposition,division, emulation, engagement, enigma, estrangement, explanation,faction, feuding, fiery, fight, fighting, focus, fracas, fuss, God, goddess,grapple, ground, grudge, hasty, hate, hostilities, hotheaded,impetuous, inclination, influence, intrigue, item, jar, lawlessness, lean,leaning, line, list, litigation, logic, maintaining, match, meeting,militant, mischief, misunderstanding, moot point, negation,noncooperation, notion, opposing, peppery, perverse, plea, pleading,postulate, precept, profession, pronouncement, proposition,quarrelsome, questioning, race, rally, reasoning, rebuttal, refusal,representation, repugnance, rift, rival, rivalry, rock, rub, rule, rupture,rush, scene, scramble, scrap, scuffle, secret, sedition, service, slogan,snarl, spar, spite, split, squabbling, stand, static, story, striving,substance, sway, sweepstakes, tangle, testimony, theory, tilt,truculent, trumpet, tussle, unlikeness, unpleasantness, variance,version, view, vying, war, warlike, word, words, wrangle, wrangling,deviance, rappel, flak, duel, affray, fray, belligerence, unrest, apologia,argumentative, contestation, disputation, argumentation,independent variable, literary argument, disputatious, litigious,asseveration, averment, premiss, battle cry, war cry, war whoop,Marathon, scrimmage, belligerency, blood feud, vendetta, falling out,bugle, careen, challenger, competition, contender, pandemonium,clarion, skirmish, competitiveness, difference of opinion, polemic,polemical, crosscurrent, defence, demurrer, dialectic, froward, run-in,embroilment, face-off, foot race, free-for-all, spat, pugnacious, hassel,hurrah, insistence, importunity, question mark, jangle, joust,malignity, parameter, password, watchword, rhubarb, point of view,polarization, predication, rumpus, sidelight, schism, scrappy, scrum,scrummage, tiff, traversal, undercurrent, disunion, faultfinding,disabuse, despitefulness, dogfight, infighting, Inharmony, tug-of-war,active service, anteposition, apologetics, apple of discord, barney,bone of contention, bone to pick, bucking, casuistry, casus belli,contraposition, contraversion, desideratum, disceptation,dissentience, donnybrook, dust-up, field of inquiry, head wind,impugnation, impugnment, incompatibleness, insusceptibility,logomachy, open question, oppugnation, passage of arms, point in question, polar opposition, polemics, quarrelling, quodlibet,renitence, renitency, set-to, tom-tom, velitation, war of words, beat of drum, calumet of war, fire cross, kriegspiel, passage d-armes,pibroch, tented field, word of command, donnybrook fair, or melee,way of thinking, strained relations, confrontment, fliting, open quarrel, paper war, sharp words, disaffinity, counterworking,opposure, unharmoniousness, posing against, flyting, verbal engagement, brand of discord, disputed point, ground of quarrel,question at issue, subject of dispute, subject of inquiry, vexata quaestio, vexed question, lack of harmony, point at issue, rebutment,standing against, open conflict, horse-race, rallye, porism, fair question, knotty point, matter in dispute, plain question, point in dispute, subject of controversy, moot case. Loading... Rhymes for Contention:pension, tension, mention;dimension, detention, ascension, attention, pretension, invention, suspension, prevention, convention, retention, dissension, extension;condescension, apprehension, hypertension, hypotension, comprehension;misapprehension;Quotes for Contention: Contention is inseparable from creating knowledge. It is not contention we should try to avoid, but discourses that attempt to suppress contention Joyce Appleby. There are no contests in the Art of Peace. A true warrior isinvincible because he or she contests with nothing. Defeat means to defeat the mind of contention that we harbor within . Morihei Ueshiba. We have seen that no religion stands on the basis of thingsknown; none bounds its horizon within the field of humanobservation; and, therefore, as it can never present us with indisputable facts, so must it ever be at once a source of error andcontention Francis Wright. Idioms of Contention:bone of contentiona bone of contention Adjectives for Contention:incred\\-ibly bitter, subsequent bull-headed, profoundly childish,arbitrary and baseless, always vigorous, vain and childish, further remarkable, much vain, violent physical, long and violent, such strenuous, mere logical, whole terrible, such dire, long and bitter,factional, bull-headed, own original, semantic, baseless, great social,unsupported, medal, oft-repeated, infuriating, basal, fatuous,inordinate, viable, belligerent, ostentatious, tricky, invariable,disgraceful, global, oncoming, interstellar, arbitrary, creative,instinctive, brisk, precise, frightful, dramatic, slightest, loyal,formidable, quaint, sheer, obvious, tremendous, admirable, proud,bald, italian, mental, military, social, solid, proper, wonderful, mighty,least, modern, subterranean, fatal, old and unsettled, wholly laudable and reasonable, hot and even riotous, chief and most valid, barren stark, smug and confident, fierce and undying, probably bitter,acrimonious and warlike, fresh vexatious, crass contemporary,eternal irreconcilable, chief and most puzzling, plausible and damaging, habitual inner, desperate and interminable, illogical and unfair, grammatico-political, bitter scientific, laudable and reasonable, mild but resolute, bitterest partisan, continual, nagging,ever exciting, customary amicable, usual illogical, endless destructive,wholly laudable, angry partisan, strange parallel, ferocious political,main actual, amicable little, vain and endless, verbal, sturdy and wholesome, old and tiresome, vast metaphysical, bitter mutual,palpably absurd, long and sore, public legal, mere wordy, utterly untrue, furious and implacable, high and fierce, selfish, greedy, long and stern, hard and fierce, much generous, long and vain, sudden and excessive, present unexpected, better such, much eager, simple and comprehensive, frequent and serious, zero-sum, ancient baronial, whole revolutionary, intersectional, old and common, whole romantic, late famous, great and popular, scarcely worth, rather astonishing, pitiful human, great secular, long, fierce, perfectly open,other and lesser, old and worn-out, fierce and angry, long and cruel,such angry, more courteous, long political, same blind, violent political, merely political, ill-understood, great and dangerous, hard-line, such harsh, quite clear, extreme southern, own present, still finer, much further, long-held, quite distinct, own former, gladiatorial,loyalist, longstanding, polygonal, untrue, acrimonious, slanderous,managerial, political and religious, far-fetched, fractious, combative,feminist, fallacious, contentious, blood-thirsty, baronial, narrow-minded, unremitting, socialistic, unalterable, nagging, keener,inglorious, napoleonic, doctrinal, laudable, skeptical, harmful,uttermost, inconsistent, damaging, mutinous, tacit, vexatious,unsettled, puerile, apologetic, specious, conjugal, undying, optimistic,hottest, unfair, bulgarian, arduous, clamorous, wrathful, life-long,noiseless, irritable, competitive, carnal, scholastic, outright, never-ending, venomous, smug, more recent, riotous, perennial, brazilian,envious, protracted, ongoing, tumultuous, parental, windy,thoughtless, sinful, shameless, courteous, wary, profane, righteous,unwilling, convincing, resolute, metaphysical, alarming, own little,zealous, superfluous, conscientious, implacable, tiresome, wanton,worn-out, stormy, cynical, subterranean, dubious, outrageous,spirited, confident, comprehensive, hopeful, explosive, secular,rebellious, spontaneous, senseless, danish, swedish, poetical, martial,victorious, perilous, disgusting, virtuous, aforesaid, gre"
"docid": "D1330717#0",
"title": "https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/refutation\nrefutation",
"text": "refutation A refutation proves that something is false. Refutations pop up often in law debates and philosophical arguments. While a validation tells you something is true, a refutation does the opposite: it says or proves that something is untrue, refuting the claim. In court, a witness might offer a refutation of a suspect's alibi to show he's lying. If someone calls you a liar, you probably should give them a refutation — make the case that you're a person who tells the truth. Thesaurus Definitions of refutation1n the act of determining that something is false Synonyms: disproof, falsification, falsifying, refutal Type of: determination, findingthe act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculationn the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions“his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive”Synonyms: defence, defense Types: confutationthe speech act of refuting conclusivelyrebuttalthe speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument Type of: answerthe speech act of replying to a questionn any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something Synonyms: disproof, falsification Types: reductio, reductio ad absurdum (reduction to the absurd) a disproof by showing that the consequences of the proposition are absurd; or a proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradictionconfutationevidence that refutes conclusivelycounterexamplerefutation by example Type of: evidence, groundsyour basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief Word Family Usage Examples"
"docid": "D2993777#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/preposterous\npreposterous",
"text": "\"preposterous Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal. Related to preposterous: besiegingpre·pos·ter·ous (prĭ-pŏs′tər-əs)adj. Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd. See Synonyms at foolish. [ From Latin praeposterus, inverted, unseasonable : prae-, pre- + posterus, coming behind (from post, behind; see apo- in Indo-European roots ). ] pre·pos′ter·ous·ly adv.pre·pos′ter·ous·ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.preposterous ( prɪˈpɒstərəs) adjcontrary to nature, reason, or sense; absurd; ridiculous [C16: from Latin praeposterus reversed, from prae in front, before + posterus following]preˈposterously advpreˈposterousness n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014pre•pos•ter•ous (prɪˈpɒs tər əs, -trəs)adj.completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; senseless; foolish. [ 1535–45; < Latin praeposterus in the wrong order."
] |
1903 | accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is known as _____. | [
"docid": "D1192509#0",
"title": "http://www.cat-world.com.au/Cat-Health-Collection/ascites-in-cats.html\nAscites in Cats â Causes, Symptoms and Treatment",
"text": "Ascites in Cats – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment What is ascites? Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment At a glance: About: Ascites is a medical condition in which fluid builds up in the abdomen. Causes: There are a number of causes including heart failure, kidney or liver disease, ruptured bladder, cancer and bleeding disorders. Diagnosis: Baseline tests, ultrasound, and sometimes biopsy. Treatment: Address the cause and removing the fluid which may include abdominocentesis and diuretics. What is ascites? Also known as abdominal effusion, ascites (pronounced ass-eye-tees), is a condition in cats characterised by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Most commonly a pale/straw coloured fluid known as transudates (fluids with a low protein and cell content that pass through a membrane or tissue) or exudates (fluid with a high protein content containing cells and cellular substances from the blood vessels), however other fluids such as chyle (highly fatty lymphatic fluid draining from the intestine), blood and urine can also occur. The abdominal cavity is located below the chest and is separated by the diaphragm, a thin sheet of muscle and tendon. Several organs are contained within the abdomen including the liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, and kidneys."
] | [
"docid": "D835874#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/paracentesis\nparacentesis",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.paracentesis Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to paracentesis: abdominal paracentesis Paracentesis Definition Paracentesis is a procedure during which fluid from the abdomen is removed through a needle. Purpose There are two reasons to take fluid out of the abdomen. One is to analyze it. The other is to relieve pressure. Liquid that accumulates in the abdomen is called ascites. Ascites seeps out of organs forseveral reasons related either to disease in the organ or fluid pressures that are changing. Liver disease All the blood flowing through the intestines passes through the liver on its way back to the heart. When progressive disease such as alcohol damage or hepatitis destroys enough liver tissue, thescarring that results shrinks the liver and constricts the blood flow."
"docid": "D185424#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/pleural-cavity-function-conditions-2249031\nDisorders of the Pleural Cavity",
"text": "\"Cancer Lung Cancer Disorders of the Pleural Cavity Buildup of fluid or air in the pleural space seriously impairs breathing By Lynne Eldridge, MD | Reviewed by Grant Hughes, MDUpdated August 17, 2017Share Pin Email Print Science Photo Library - SCIEPRO / Getty Images What is the pleural cavity, and what is its purpose? What medical conditions can involve problems with this part of the body? A pleural effusion is the buildup of excess fluid in the pleural cavity, the fluid-filled space surrounding the lungs. It is one of several disorders affecting the pleural cavity and one that can directly interfere with the expansion of the lungs and a person’s ability to breathe. The accumulation of fluids can range from anything from a few extra ounces to several liters. Viral infection and congestive heart failure are among the many causes. Similar conditions involve the buildup of air or blood in the pleural space. Anatomy of the Pleural Cavity The pleural cavity is the space that lies between the pleura, the two thin membranes that line and surround the lungs. The pleural cavity contains a small amount of liquid known as pleural fluid, which provides lubrication as the lungs expand and contract during respiration. The pleural cavity consists of the parietal pleura attached to the chest wall and the visceral pleura attached to the lungs."
"docid": "D940422#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/normotensive+hydrocephalus\nhydrocephalus",
"text": "\"hydrocephalus (redirected from normotensive hydrocephalus) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to normotensive hydrocephalus: noncommunicating hydrocephalus, communicating hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Definition Hydrocephalus is an abnormal expansion of cavities (ventricles) within the brain that is caused by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Hydrocephalus comes from two Greek words: hydrosmeans water and cephalus means head. There are two main varieties of hydrocephalus: congenital and acquired. An obstruction of thecerebral aqueduct (aqueductal stenosis) is the most frequent cause of congenital hydrocephalus. Acquired hydrocephalus may result from spina bifida, intraventricular hemorrhage, meningitis, head trauma, tumors, and cysts. Description Hydrocephalus is the result of an imbalance between the formation and drainage of cerebrospinalfluid (CSF). Approximately 500 milliliters (about a pint) of CSF is formed within the brain eachday, by epidermal cells in structures collectively called the choroid plexus. These cells linechambers called ventricles that are located within the brain. There are four ventricles in a humanbrain."
"docid": "D958230#0",
"title": "http://teachmeanatomy.info/abdomen/areas/peritoneal-cavity/\nThe Peritoneal (Abdominal) Cavity",
"text": "Contents [ show]The peritoneal cavity is a potential space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum. It normally contains only a thin film of peritoneal fluid, which consists of water, electrolytes, leukocytes and antibodies. This fluid acts as a lubricant, enabling free movement of the abdominal viscera, and the antibodies in the fluid fight infection. While the peritoneal cavity is ordinarily filled with only a thin film of fluid, it is referred to as a potential space because excess fluid can accumulate in it, resulting in the clinical condition of ascites (see clinical applications). In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the peritoneal cavity – its subdivisions, structure and clinical correlations. By Teach Me Series Ltd (2018)Fig 1 – The peritoneal cavity is a potential space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum. Subdivisions of the Peritoneal Cavity The peritoneal cavity can be divided into the greater and lesser peritoneal sacs. The greater sac comprises the majority of the peritoneal cavity. The lesser sac (also known as the omental bursa) is smaller and lies posterior to the stomach and lesser omentum. Greater Sac The greater sac is the larger portion of the peritoneal cavity."
"docid": "D835871#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/abdominal+paracentesis\nabdominal paracentesis",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.abdominal paracentesis Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia .paracentesis [ par″ah-sen-te´sis] surgical puncture of a cavity for the aspiration of fluid. adj., adj paracentet´ic.abdominal paracentesis insertion of a trocar through a small incision and into the peritoneal cavity to remove ascitic fluids or inject a therapeutic agent. This is most often done to removeexcess fluid in a patient with cirrhosis of the liver. Called also abdominocentesis andperitoneocentesis. Before the procedure the patient is instructed to empty the bladder to reduce the danger of accidental puncture of the bladder. The skin below the umbilicus and overlying the rectus muscle is cleansed with an antiseptic. A local anesthetic is used to anesthetize the skin and underlyingtissues at the site of insertion of the trocar. During the procedure the patient may be placed in a sitting position with the feet resting on a foot stool or on the floor."
"docid": "D1632579#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/subject/ascites/\n\"Study sets matching \"\"ascites\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Study sets matching \"\"ascites\"\"Study sets Diagrams Classes Users Options51 terms dwray01Ascitesascites portal vein... transudation... peritoneal cav… albumin, oncotic pressurean accumulation fo fluid in the abdominal cavity ascites develosp as a result of back pressure in teh branches… another cause of ascites is that _____ cannot be produced in a…12 terms rubzbootsascitescause of ascites main pathogenesis Distension and enlarged adbomen, soft o…high pressure in the blood vessels of the liver (portal hypert… Disharmony between Liver and spleen, water, qi and blood stagn… ascites from qi stagnation with accumulation of dampness... chai…14 terms giacomo_hatanakaasciteswhat is ascites primary TCM cause of ascites factors contributing to ascitesfluid build up in the abdominal cavity Liver attacking Spleen, with qi, blood, and water stag in the… excessive: alcohol, stress, sex... Sp qi xu... parasites14 terms niamhhynes1Ascites What are ascites? How do ascites form in cirrhosis? Which main cancers cause ascites? Fluid in peritoneal cavity due to portal hypertension 1) Peripheral vasodilation; activates RAS; water and salt rete… Malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract (carcinoma of stoma…32 terms travis_johnson62Ascitesascites 2 liters portal hypertension... primary peritoneal…accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity amount of fluid needed to develop recognizable ascites mechanisms by which ascites develops38 terms Avery3592ascitespathway that leads to ascites HVPG > 12 (inc sinusoidal press) portal vein obstruction=... hepatic vein o…-portal hyper... -splanchnic arterial vasodilation... -dec effective… -ascites... -variceal dvlp portal=NO ascites... hepatic=ascites51 terms dwray01Ascitesascites portal vein... transudation... peritoneal cav… albumin, oncotic pressurean accumulation fo fluid in the abdominal cavity ascites develosp as a result of back pressure in teh branches… another cause of ascites is that _____ cannot be produced in a…51 terms Emily_Sher8 PLUSAscitesascites portal vein... transudation... peritoneal cav… albumin, oncotic pressurean accumulation fo fluid in the abdominal cavity ascites develosp as a result of back pressure in teh branches… another cause of ascites is that _____ cannot be produced in a…58 terms rahul0774 PLUSASCITESWhat is ascites? How much fluid is normally found within… In order to develop recognizable ascite…-Ascites is the accumulation of fluid within the abdominal cav… -A small amount of fluid is normally found within the abdomina… -2 L11 terms Jacob_Hambrick44Ascites Pathogenesis of Ascites Portal Hypertension and Ascites Ascites due to Primary Peritoneal Disea…Fluid normally totals <50m L and is rich and immunoglobulin but… Cirrhosis is most common cause ... Cardiac ascites occurs in rig… Malignant ascites can occur from a number of different mechani…6 terms maryanneregan Ascites Defintion Pathophysiology Associated cancers Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity Cancer cells attach to peritoneal lining and spread ... Impaired… Ovarian 38%... Endometrial ... Uterine... Breast... Lung... Lymphatic ... Colon…6 terms peilingoestoschool PLUSAscites Ascite腹水 acrohypothermy Palmar Abnormal accumulation of the fluid in the pertioneal cavity Abnormal coldness of the extremities Palmar23 terms drdave1 PLUSAscites Development of ascites is associated wi… IV ________ given with LVP reduces circ… Development of _________ requires exped…44% albumin (8g/L) HRS Type 118 terms littleprince2606AscitesĐịnh nghĩa Tiếp cận Cơ chế Do xơ gan (75%)Tụ dịch/ khoang màng bụng Phụ thuộc cách khởi phát... - Lần đầu => tìm nguyên nhân... - Tái ph… Tăng áp cửa, tăng NO => dãn mạch thận, hoạt hóa RAA => tăng th…6 terms GLR2415Ascites-ASCITES-... Pathophysiology -ASCITES-... Risk Factors -ASCITES-... Signs and Symptoms Fluid accumulating in the peritoneal cavity. Increased blood f… Liver damage. Increased abd. girth, weight gain, swelling of the lower extre…9 terms megan_doan39Ascites Ascites Most Likely Pathophysiology of Ascities Venous Obstructionabnormal fluids in peritoneal cavity... presenting symptom = abd… Inc. Hydrostatic Pressure... - venous = R heart fail, obstruction… anatomic location changes protein content of effusion ... (take s…26 terms cmhammertime08Ascites What is ascites? What are the two main causes of ascites? What is the most common cause of ascite…accumulation of at least 2L of fluid in the abdominal cavity portal hypertension and primary peritoneal diseases cirrhosis (85%)... right heart failure, sarcoidosis, HCC, metast…25 terms msilver73Ascites Ascites Ascitic fluid Portal HTN causing ascites Accum of fluid within the abdominal cavity; common cause of ab… peritoneal fluid typically <50 m L, rich in Ig, few leukocytes… Cirrhosis 85% of ascites; other: cardiac, malignant; less comm…8 terms jenna_grimm PLUSAscites Pathophysiology Tx Why do we use both agents?portal HTN > NO > vasodilation in belly > decreased arterial B… furosemide 40 mg daily PO + spironolactone 100 mg daily PO to balance potassium21 terms walker_ueland PLUSAscites What is normal fluid in the abdominal c… What are the two main mechanisms by whi… What are some etiologies of portal hype…Rich in immunoglobulin but contains few leukocytes."
"docid": "D3468581#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Peritonitus\nperitonitis",
"text": "\"peritonitis (redirected from Peritonitus) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to Peritonitus: Acute peritonitis Peritonitis Definition Peritonitis is an inflammation of the membrane which lines the inside of the abdomen and all of the internal organs. This membrane is called the peritoneum. Description Peritonitis may be primary (meaning that it occurs spontaneously, and not as the result of someother medical problem) or secondary (meaning that it results from some other condition). It is most often due to infection by bacteria, but may also be due to some kind of a chemical irritant (such as spillage of acid from the stomach, bile from the gall bladder and biliary tract, or enzymes from the pancreas during the illness called pancreatitis ). Peritonitis has even beenseen in patients who develop a reaction to the cornstarch used to powder gloves worn duringsurgery. Peritonitis with no evidence of bacteria, chemical irritant, or foreign body has occurred in such diseases as systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, and familial Mediterranean fever. When the peritoneum is contaminated by blood, the blood can both irritate the peritoneumand serve as a source of bacteria to cause an infection. Blood may leak into the abdomen due to a burst tubal pregnancy, an injury, or bleeding after surgery. Causes and symptoms Primary peritonitis usually occurs in people who have an accumulation of fluid in their abdomens ( ascites )."
"docid": "D340530#0",
"title": "http://www.healthhype.com/distended-stomach-causes-entire-abdomen-or-certain-quadrants.html\nDistended Stomach Causes (Entire Abdomen or Certain Quadrants)",
"text": "Distended Stomach Causes (Entire Abdomen or Certain Quadrants)Posted by Dr. Chris Tweet What is a distended stomach? The stomach is a hollow organ that fills with food after eating. Its walls are able to stretch and the entire stomach can distend to several times its size when empty. This distention is usually not visible from the exterior as space within the abdominal cavity allows for the stomach to expand. The term ‘stomach’ is also commonly used, and quite incorrectly, to refer to the abdominal cavity as a whole. Yet the stomach only occupies a small portion of the abdominal cavity, mainly sitting in the left upper quadrant. The term ‘distended stomach’ is therefore often used to refer to a distended abdomen. The abdominal cavity is covered by the abdominal wall comprising skin, subcutaneous tissue including variable amounts of fat, muscles and and inner abdominal lining known as the peritoneum. There is no skeletal system offering a rigid framework to protect the abdominal cavity. Therefore the abdomen can expand with accumulation of fluid, blood, gas or any mass within the cavity."
"docid": "D2929636#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/urine+peritonitis\nperitonitis",
"text": "\"peritonitis (redirected from urine peritonitis) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . Peritonitis Definition Peritonitis is an inflammation of the membrane which lines the inside of the abdomen and all of the internal organs. This membrane is called the peritoneum. Description Peritonitis may be primary (meaning that it occurs spontaneously, and not as the result of someother medical problem) or secondary (meaning that it results from some other condition). It is most often due to infection by bacteria, but may also be due to some kind of a chemical irritant (such as spillage of acid from the stomach, bile from the gall bladder and biliary tract, or enzymes from the pancreas during the illness called pancreatitis ). Peritonitis has even beenseen in patients who develop a reaction to the cornstarch used to powder gloves worn duringsurgery. Peritonitis with no evidence of bacteria, chemical irritant, or foreign body has occurred in such diseases as systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, and familial Mediterranean fever. When the peritoneum is contaminated by blood, the blood can both irritate the peritoneumand serve as a source of bacteria to cause an infection. Blood may leak into the abdomen due to a burst tubal pregnancy, an injury, or bleeding after surgery. Causes and symptoms Primary peritonitis usually occurs in people who have an accumulation of fluid in their abdomens ( ascites )."
"docid": "D1276994#0",
"title": "http://www.healthhype.com/swollen-stomach-bloat-common-causes.html\nSwollen Stomach (Bloat) â Common Causes",
"text": "Swollen Stomach (Bloat) – Common Causes Posted by Dr. Chris Tweet The term ‘swollen stomach’ is often used to describe generalized abdominal distension or bloating. However, it may also indicate swelling in only one quadrant of the abdomen. The general approach to abdominal bloating is to consider the 5 F’s which are : F latus F at F luid F eces F etus Common Causes of Swollen Stomach Flatus In this case, the abdominal distention is due to gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Gas in the gut may be due to : Gas from swallowing of air ( aerophagia) – this gas contains mainly oxygen and nitrogen and is more likely to be found in the esophagus, stomach and first part of the small intestine. Gas from bacterial action on food – this as contains mainly carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen and is more likely to be found in the small intestine and large intestine. Gas that diffuses from the blood into the gastrointestinal tract – mainly nitrogen. At any time, the gut contains less than 200 ml of gas because the gas is usually passed out as a belch, flatus or certain elements like hydrogen are even absorbed into the blood and passed out through the lungs. However, the total movement of gas in and out of the gut can be between 7 to 10 liters per day. Only about 600 to 700ml of this gas is passed out as flatus (average 15 expulsions per day). Apart from abdominal bloating, excessive gastrointestinal gas may be evident as : Excessive belching (burping) – refer to a Excessive Belching, Burping and Bloating for a list of causes."
"docid": "D1565786#0",
"title": "https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/peritoneal/tab/all/\nPeritoneal Fluid Analysis",
"text": "Peritoneal Fluid Analysis Share this page: Was this page helpful? Formal name: Peritoneal Fluid Analysis Related tests: Pleural Fluid Analysis, Pericardial Fluid Analysis, Gram Stain, Susceptibility Testing, Glucose Tests, Albumin, White Blood Cell Count, Red Blood Cell Count, AFB Testing, Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD), Adenosine Deaminase All content on Lab Tests Online has been reviewed and approved by our Editorial Review Board. At a Glance Why Get Tested? To help diagnose the cause of peritonitis, an inflammation of the membrane lining the abdomen, and/or peritoneal fluid accumulation, where fluid builds up in the abdomen or around internal organs (called ascites)When to Get Tested? When you have abdominal pain and swelling, nausea, and/or fever and your healthcare practitioner suspects you have peritonitis or ascites Sample Required? A peritoneal fluid sample obtained by inserting a needle into the abdominal cavity Test Preparation Needed? You will be asked to empty your bladder prior to sample collection. The Test Sample What is being tested? Peritoneal fluid is a liquid that acts as a lubricant in the abdominal cavity. It is found in small quantities (generally 5-20 m L) between the layers of the peritoneum that line the abdominal wall."
"docid": "D2191729#0",
"title": "http://www.health24.com/Medical/Digestive-health/Common-digestive-disorders/Peritonitis-20120721\nPeritonitis",
"text": "Home > Medical > Digestive Health > Digestive disorders Updated 25 April 2017Peritonitis Peritonitis is an inflammation of internal organ membranes.0Alternative names Abdominal cavity inflammation What is peritonitis? Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and internal organs. The condition can be life-threatening if not identified and treated promptly. There are three types of peritonitis: Spontaneous peritonitis Secondary peritonitis Dialysis-associated peritonitis What causes peritonitis? Spontaneous peritonitis is caused by an infection in the blood that occurs when irritant fluid accumulates in the space between the layers of the peritoneum. This is most commonly one of the complications of cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis. However, it is also sometimes related to peptic ulcer disease, appendicitis or diverticulitis. Secondary peritonitis is a chronic or acute inflammation caused by bacteria entering the peritoneum following perforation of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, ruptured appendix). The irritant can be gastric juice, small bowel contents or faeces from the colon. Dialysis-associated peritonitis occurs in people receiving peritoneal dialysis for chronic renal failure."
"docid": "D1732073#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/ascites/page4_em.htm\nAscites",
"text": "\"What Is Ascites? Definition Causesof Ascites Ascites Symptoms When to Seek Medical Care for Ascites Exams and Tests for Ascites Ascites Self-Care at Home Medical Treatment for Ascites Follow-up for Diuretic Therapy Ascites Prevention Ascites Outlook ( Prognosis)What Is Ascites? Definition The organs of the abdomen are contained in a sac or membrane called the peritoneum. Normally the peritoneal cavity contains only a small amount of fluid, although in women this can vary (by 20ml, or less than an ounce) depending on the menstrual cycle. \"\" Ascites is the term used to denote increased fluid in the peritoneal cavity, a situation that is not normal. There are a variety of diseases that can cause the fluid to accumulate and the reasons that the ascites occurs may be different for each disease. Cancer that spreads to the peritoneum can cause direct leakage of fluid, while other illnesses cause an excess accumulation of water and sodium in the body. This fluid can eventually leak into the peritoneal cavity. Most commonly, ascites is due to liver disease and the inability of that organ to produce enough protein to retain fluid in the bloodstream as well as obstruction to flow through the scarred cirrhotic liver. Normally, water is held in the bloodstream by oncotic pressure."
"docid": "D359006#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/med-term-final-2/deck/16165882\nKenedee W.Size: 224Hirsutism is caused by:hypersecretion of androgens by the adrenal cortexThe lab test showed that a client's calcium levels were low. The client has:hypocalcemiaParathyroidectomy is removal or excision of:one or more parathyroid glandsWhich word root means 'gland'?adenThe adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine or adrenaline, which is responsible for the body's 'fight or flight' response.trueWhich gland secretes growth hormone (GH)?anterior lobe of the pituitary glandThe medical term for 'abnormal condition of a gland' is:Myxedema results from hyper secretion of the thyroid gland and is characterized by goiter, rapid heart rate, and weight loss. Cushing's syndrome is a chronic syndrome caused by hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex and is characterized by darkening of the skin, loss of appetite, mental depression, and muscle weakness.The prefix '-syn- means: The suffix which means 'condition of' is:Endocrine disease results in either an abnormal increase in hormone production, or hypersecretion, or an abnormal decrease, or hyposecretion. Congenital hypothyroidism in children, which results in reduced mental development and dwarf-like physical stature, is known as:Which medical term is spelled correctly?The glucose tolerance test is a diagnostic test used to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and other abnormalities in glucose metabolism.Ketosis is a deficiency of ketone bodies in the blood and urine, which is often seen in uncontrolled diabetes and starvation. The word root 'kal' means 'potassium'.The combining form 'acr/o' means 'extremity' or 'extreme'. Tetany, which leads to excitation of nerves and muscle spasms, is caused by a deficiency of:An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by a tumor, lack of iodine in the diet, or infection is a goiter. Which endocrine gland is known as the 'master gland' due to the control it maintains over other glands?The use of radioactive iodine to treat a disease of the thyroid gland, such as a thyroid tumor, is: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism.Aldosterone, which regulates body fluid balance and blood pressure, is secreted by the: A condition resulting from excessive thyroid hormone levels is known as:A recording of a procedure in which the electrical events associated with the beating of the heart are evaluated is a (n): Which word root means 'fat'?Which suffix means 'record ing'?The medical term for persistently high blood pressure is:The valve that channels blood to flow in one direction from the left atrium to the left ventricle is the: A clients x-ray showed an abnormal enlargement of the heart. The client has:Chest pain usually caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart is: The combining form which means narrowness or constriction is 'thromb/o'.Phlebotomy is the surgical removal of a vein. A disturbance or abnormality of the heartâs normal rhythmic cycle is known as:A coronary stent is a plastic scaffold that is implanted in a coronary artery to prevent closure of the artery after angioplasty or atherectomy. A heart block is blockage of an artery supplying the heart, often due to atherosclerosis.An ultrasound procedure that evaluates blood flow in an effort to determine the cause of a localized reduction in blood flow is: The prefix 'brady' means:A cluster of cells in the right atrium that serves as the pacemaker of the heart is the sinoatrial node. Angioplasty is general surgical repair of a blood vessel that includes procedures to reopen blocked vessels.A congenital defect in which the opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta that allows blood to pass across during fetal circulation before birth, fails to close after birth is known as:Cardiac tamponade is:Heart murmurs are extremely rapid, but regular, contractions of the heart. The thin inner lining of the heart is the:Ventricular contraction (systole) causes blood pressure to rise. Atherosclerosis is hardening of the arteries, in which the artery walls lose their elasticity and become brittle.Endarterectomy is the surgical removal of a floating blood clot or embolus. Which medical term is spelled correctly?A chronic condition characterized by the inability of the left ventricle to pump enough blood through the body to adequately supply systemic tissues is: The combining form 'blast/o' means germ or bud.A therapeutic treatment involving administration of a substance with known toxicity to bacteria is: The medical term for surgical fixation of the spleen is:The prefix 'ana-' means 'again' or 'more of'. A loss of blood from circulation is known as:Anemia that is caused by an inadequate supply of folic acid is: A viral disease characterized by enlarged lymph nodes, an increased number of monocytes and lymphocytes, sore throat, and fatigue is:Vaccination is the inoculation of a culture that has reduced virulence as a means of providing a cure or a prophylaxis. The medical term for abnormally large red blood cells is:An antibody is any foreign substance, usually a protein, against which an immune response is directed. (T/F) White blood cells that fight infection by phagocytizing unwanted foreign particles are:Nosocomial infections are caused by bacteria and contracted during a hospital stay, usually due to antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococcus. (T/F) Which medical term is spelled correctly?Botulism is a disease caused by a powerful neurotoxin released by the common bacteria 'Clostridium tetani' that results in convulsions and paralysis. Hemochromatosis is:A differential count is a microscopic count of the number of each type of white blood cells using a stained blood smear. (T/F) A disease caused by a bacterium and its toxin, resulting in inflammation of mucous membranes primarily in the mouth and throat, is:Which blood cells perform the role of preventing fluid loss following an injury by releasing proteins that result in the formation of blood clots through coagulation? A cancer of the blood-forming tissue in bone, red bone marrow, is:Tonsils are small, oval organs in the throat region that are filled with white blood cells that fight infection. (T/F) White blood cells are continually produced from stem cells in the white bone marrow during the process known as hematopoiesis. (T/F)What suffix means an abnormal reduction in number? Immunity is the status of being successfully resistant to infection. (T/F)The process of dissolving a blood clot is: Diseases that are caused by a personâs own immune response attacking otherwise healthy tissues are known as:In internal respiration, oxygen moves out of the alveoli and into the capillaries and carbon dioxide moves in the opposite direction. (T/F) The word root 'rhin' means:The suffix which means 'incision' or 'surgical cut into' is: Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease characterized by excess mucus production in the respiratory tract and elsewhere. (T/F)An inflammation of the lungs caused by chronic inflammation of fine particles, which leads to the formation of a fibrotic tissue around the alveoli and reduces their ability to stretch with incoming air is: `The medical term bronchiectasis means dilation of the bronchi. (T/F)Which structure of the respiratory system arises from the trachea and divides to form extensive branching within the lungs? Respiration is the process of breathing, which includes inhalation and exhalation.The medical term 'hypopnea' means: A condition of the lungs characterized by widespread narrowing of the bronchioles and formation of mucus plugs producing symptoms of wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing is:A surgical puncture into the chest cavity to aspirate fluid is known as thoracentesis. (T/F) The medical term which means 'difficulty breathing' is:Pulmonary edema is: The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx during swallowing. (T/F)The prefix which means 'normal' or 'good' is:The medical term which means 'deficient levels of oxygen in the blood' is:The word root which means 'breathe' is: A pneumothorax is the presence of blood in the pleural cavity. (T/F)A clientâs x-ray showed atelectasis, which is an absence of gas in the lungs due to a failure of alveolar expansion. (T/F) Fluid discharge from the nose is rhinorrhea. (T/F)Narrowing of the trachea is known as tracheostenosis. (T/F) Which medical term is spelled correctly?The suffix '-cele' means: The medical term 'tracheotomy' means:A blockage in the pulmonary circulation caused by a moving blood clot is a (n): An ileus is:Which is a segment of the large intestine? The gallbladder receives bile from the liver and delivers bile to the small intestine when a meal is digested so it can aid in fat digestion. (T/F)Which medical term is spelled correctly? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder involving repeated gorging with food that is followed by induced vomiting or laxative abuse. (T/F)A vagotomy is defined as: Proctoptosis is the prolapse of the rectum. (T/F)A cholangiogram is an x-ray image of the bile ducts between the liver, gallbladder, and duodenum. (T/F) Gastric lavage is the process of feeding a patient through a tube inserted into the nose that drops into the stomach. (T/F)Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cheilitis is an inflammation of the colon. (T/F)An accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is known as ascites. (T/F) Inflammation of the tongue is known as:Visual examination of the abdominal cavity with an instrument that includes a camera, fiber optics, and a long flexible tube is a (n): A drug that prevents or stops vomiting is an antacid. (T/F)The surgical creation of an opening into the colon, by way of the abdominal wall is a (n): A varicose condition of veins in the anus that results in painful swellings is:The organ that is responsible for the production of bile, the recycling of red blood cell components, and the removal of toxins from the blood is the: A chronic, progressive liver disease resulting from hepatic cell failure is:Diverticulitis means the inflammation of diverticula or abnormal small pouches in the wall of the colon. (T/F) A medication that is used to decrease peristalsis in the GI tract to stop diarrhea is:The medical term for indigestion is: The combining form that means 'small intestine' is 'enter/o'. (T/F)A protrusion of a loop of the small intestine through the abdominal wall in the groin region is a (n):A combining form which means 'abdomen' is:The suffix '-trophy' means:A combining form which means 'kidney' is:The presence of one or more stones in the kidney is known as: In a retrograde pyelogram, a contrast medium is injected into the kidney using a nephroscope. (T/F)A surgical procedure that destroys living tissue with an electric spark is known as fulguration. (T/F) A client is having difficulty voiding after surgery and the nurse notes that the bladder is full. Abnormal accumulation of urine in the bladder resulting from an inability to void is known as:The definition of polycystic kidney is:A coiled capillary called the glomerulus is located in the urinary bladder and involved in the filtration of blood. (T/F)A procedure using an endoscope modified to view the bladder is a: Which medical term is spelled correctly?An x-ray technique imaging the urinary bladder and ureters is a: The client reports that he has to get up twice a night to urinate. The health care worker should chart that the client has:An ultrasound procedure in which a kidney is imaged with the use of sound waves is known as: The structure (s) that join the kidneys to the urinary bladder is the:Stress incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine due to a cough, sneeze, or strained movement. (T/F) Urinary catheterization is the insertion of a flexible tube for channeling fluids into the bladder to drain urine. (T/F)Enuresis is the inability to pass urine. (T/F) The medical term 'ureterostenosis' means:Surgical fixation of the urethra to correct stress incontinence is known as urethropexy. (T/F) An infection of the kidney is commonly known as a urinary tract infection. (T/F)The definition of the medical term 'lithotripsy' is: Excretion is the elimination of waste from the body. (T/F)The subunits of each kidney are known as nephrons. (T/F) A procedure that removes nitrogenous wastes and excess ions from the blood, replacing the normal function of the kidneys, is known as:The medical term 'dysuria' means: A gland which surrounds the urethra as it emerges from the bladder and secretes a milky alkaline fluid that contributes to the semen is the:An abnormally persistent erection of the penis, usually accompanied by pain and tenderness, is known as: As the male urethra emerges from the bladder, what does it receive before passing through the prostate gland?The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea: The site (s) of sperm cell production in the testes is / are the:The primary organs of the male reproductive system are the penis and prostate gland. (T/F) The word root which means 'male' is:The ejaculatory fluid which normally consists of sperm cells and secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands is known as semen. (T/F) Surgical fixation of a testis, which draws an undescended testis into the scrotum, is known as:Excessive growth of the prostate gland that is nonmalignant and results in constriction of the urethra is known as: The organs that transport sperm are tubules that include the epididymis, vas deferens, and the urethra. (T/F)The absence of one or both testes is known as anorchism. (T/F The most common bacteria-caused sexually transmitted disease in North America, with symptoms of urethritis and proctitis, is:Which medical term is spelled correctly? The absence of living sperm in semen, which is a sign of infertility, is known as:trueA clinical test that measures the level of a protein in the blood, which, if elevated, suggests the probable presence of prostate cancer, is the prostate-specific antigen test or PSA. (T/F)A swelling of the scrotum caused by fluid accumulation within the seminiferous tubules of the testes is known as a hydrocele. (T/F)A congenital narrowing of the prepuce opening that prevents it from being drawn back over the glans penis is known as a priapism. (T/F) The definition of the medical term 'orchitis' is inflammation of the:Male gametes are known as:The combining form which means 'testicle' is:A sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium called a spirochete that appears first as red painless papules that erode to form small ulcers known as chancres is genital herpes. (T/F) A skin-covered pouch that hangs below the wall of the pelvic cavity and contains the testes is the scrotum. (T/F)An abnormal dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord, caused by failure of the valves within the veins, is a: The medical term for sexual intercourse is 'orgasm'. (T/F)The suffix '-atresia' means 'openingâ. (T/F) A client complains of irregular and excessive bleeding other than during menstruation. The health care worker would chart that the client has:Inflammation of a fallopian tube is known as: A fistula is an abnormal passage from one hollow organ to another. (T/F)The female gametes are known as: The condition of a sagging breast is known as:A fibroid tumor is a cancerous tumor containing fibrous tissue that arises from the myometrium of the uterus. (T/F) An abnormal condition of the endometrium in which endometrial tissue grows in various locations in the pelvic cavity is known as endometritis. (T/F)Collectively, the female external genitalia are known as the perineum. (T/F) A parovarian cyst is an abnormal fluid-filled sac of a fallopian tube. (T/F)A diagnostic procedure in which a sample of cells from the cervix and vagina are removed and examined microscopically for abnormalities is a: Which word root means woman?Endoscopic examination of the vagina and cervix using a modified endoscope is known as a: An excision of a breast that includes removal of muscles and lymph nodes is known as a:Ovulation involves the bursting of an ovum out of a mature ovarian follicle, or graafian follicle, through the ovarian wall into the peritoneal cavity. (T/F) A surgical puncture into the pelvic cavity to remove fluid from the rectouterine pouch is known as culdocentesis. (T/F)An infectious disease characterized by a rapid onset of symptoms including high fever, skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, myalgia, and hypotension is:The combining form 'ov/o' means:An x-ray image of the uterus and fallopian tubes after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium is known as a: Suture of the wall of the cervix is known as trachelorrhaphy. (T/F)Excision of a fallopian tube and ovary is a (n): The primary organs of the female reproductive system are the:Suturing of the vulva to repair a tear is known as a (n): Which medical term is spelled correctly?Surgical repair of a protrusion of the bladder against the anterior vaginal wall and protrusion of the rectum against the posterior vaginal wall is known as anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. (T/F) A false pregnancy is known as a pseudocyesis. (T/F)Which medical term is spelled correctly? An incision through the amnion which ruptures the membrane as an inducement to labor is known as an:Measurement of the size of the fetus is known as: Abnormal discharge of amniotic fluid is known as:A termination of pregnancy by natural expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus is known as a miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion. (T/F) A complication of pregnancy with premature separation of the placenta of the uterine wall resulting in either premature birth or fetal death is known as:The suffix '-orrhexis' means: The combined form 'gravid/o' means:A client is pregnant for the first time. She is known as a person who is: The embryonic and fetal membrane that encloses the embryo and fetus is known as the amnion, or amniotic sac. (T/F)A medical term for 'breastfeeding' is 'parturitionâ. (T/F) A surgical delivery accomplished by making an incision through the abdomen and uterus is known as a (n):Preeclampsia is an abnormal development of high blood pressure that may be accompanied with proteinuria and edema during pregnancy. (T/F) The care of the elderly is managed by a physician specialist known as a (n):The medical term 'lactogenic' is defined as: Respiratory distress syndrome, or hyaline membrane disease, is a disease of newborns, especially premature infants, in which certain cells of the lungs fail to mature by birth, leading to a tendency for lung collapse. (T/F)The term for the developing human from the second day after conception until the eighth week is: The combining form that means 'umbilicus' is:A woman who has given birth to an infant, either alive or dead, is known as a 'gravidaâ. (T/F) An omphalocele is:The medical term for 'occurring during labor and childbirth' is 'antepartum'. (T/F) Cervical effacement is the progressive dilation of the cervix during labor. (T/F)A congenital defect of the vertebral column resulting from an absence of vertebral arches is known as:",
"text": "Kenedee W. Size: 224Hirsutism is caused by:hypersecretion of androgens by the adrenal cortex The lab test showed that a client's calcium levels were low. The client has:hypocalcemia Parathyroidectomy is removal or excision of:one or more parathyroid glands Which word root means 'gland'?aden The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine or adrenaline, which is responsible for the body's 'fight or flight' response.true Which gland secretes growth hormone (GH)?anterior lobe of the pituitary gland The medical term for 'abnormal condition of a gland' is: Myxedema results from hyper secretion of the thyroid gland and is characterized by goiter, rapid heart rate, and weight loss. Cushing's syndrome is a chronic syndrome caused by hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex and is characterized by darkening of the skin, loss of appetite, mental depression, and muscle weakness. The prefix '-syn- means: The suffix which means 'condition of' is: Endocrine disease results in either an abnormal increase in hormone production, or hypersecretion, or an abnormal decrease, or hyposecretion. Congenital hypothyroidism in children, which results in reduced mental development and dwarf-like physical stature, is known as: Which medical term is spelled correctly? The glucose tolerance test is a diagnostic test used to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and other abnormalities in glucose metabolism. Ketosis is a deficiency of ketone bodies in the blood and urine, which is often seen in uncontrolled diabetes and starvation. The word root 'kal' means 'potassium'. The combining form 'acr/o' means 'extremity' or 'extreme'. Tetany, which leads to excitation of nerves and muscle spasms, is caused by a deficiency of: An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by a tumor, lack of iodine in the diet, or infection is a goiter."
"docid": "D2244511#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Pulmonary+effusion\npleural effusion",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.pleural effusion (redirected from Pulmonary effusion) Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia. Related to Pulmonary effusion: atelectasis, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, Pericardial effusion Pleural Effusion Definition Pleural effusion occurs when too much fluid collects in the pleural space (the space between thetwo layers of the pleura). It is commonly known as \"\"water on the lungs.\"\" It is characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain, gastric discomfort ( dyspepsia ), and cough. Description There are two thin membranes in the chest, one (the visceral pleura) lining the lungs, and theother (the parietal pleura) covering the inside of the chest wall. Normally, small blood vessels in the pleural linings produce a small amount of fluid that lubricates the opposed pleuralmembranes so that they can glide smoothly against one another during breathing movements. Any extra fluid is taken up by blood and lymph vessels, maintaining a balance. When either toomuch fluid forms or something prevents its removal, the result is an excess of pleural fluid—aneffusion. The most common causes are disease of the heart or lungs, and inflammation or infection of the pleura."
"docid": "D724273#0",
"title": "https://acpmp.org/about-acpmp\nAbout ACPMP",
"text": "\"It is the ACPMP Research Foundation’s goal to be a resource to everyone who visits our site. We’ve created a list of questions commonly asked by those diagnosed with Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP), Appendix Cancer and related Peritoneal Surface Malignancies (PSM), and their caregivers. If you don’t find an answer to your question here, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Click here to view the ACPMP Brochure Click here to view the PMP Appendix Cancer Patient Resources Sheet Click here to view the PMP Appendix Cancer Fact Sheet For a glossary of commonly used terms in discussing AC/PMP, please view our AC/PMP Glossary. The following is provided for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice. Your diagnosis, medical questions, and treatment plan are issues to be handled directly with your doctor. What is Appendix Cancer? Appendix cancer is cancer that starts in the cells lining the inside of the appendix. There a number of different types of cancers of the appendix."
"docid": "D3262604#0",
"title": "https://craigcameron.us/ascites/156-why-do-patients-with-liver-disease-develop-ascites-and-edema/\nWhy do patients with liver disease develop ascites and edema?",
"text": "Why do patients with liver disease develop ascites and edema? By craig | September 3, 2012Ascites and Edema In patients with chronic diseases of the liver, fibrosis (scarring) of the liver often occurs. When the scarring becomes advanced, the condition is called cirrhosis of the liver. Ascites is excessive fluid that accumulates in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity. It is a complication of cirrhosis and appears as an abdominal bulge. The peritoneum is the inner lining of the abdominal cavity, which also folds over to cover the organs inside the abdomen such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and intestines. Ascites develops because of a combination of two factors:increased pressure in the vein system that carries blood from the stomach, intestines, and spleen to the liver (portal hypertension); anda low level of the protein albumin in the blood (hypoalbuminemia). Albumin, which is the predominant protein in the blood and which helps maintain blood volume, is reduced in cirrhosis primarily because the damaged liver is not able to produce enough of it. Other consequences of portal hypertension include dilated veins in the esophagus (varices), prominent veins on the abdomen, and an enlarged spleen. Each of these conditions is due primarily to the increased pressure and accumulation of blood and excess fluid in the abdominal blood vessels."
"docid": "D1323324#0",
"title": "http://www.caninecushings.net/forums/showthread.php?t=182\n.",
"text": "# 1 11-25-2003, 04:05 PMkkw Guest Posts: n/a Medical complications associated with untreated Cushings Disease Okay, I've been asking, and asking and even my vet can't tell me what medical complications there are for a dog that has Cushings. I finally found some information and thought I'd share it with everyone.... http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/dcs/sac...ings/home.html Quote: Hypertension (high blood pressure) is associated with about half of the cases of Cushing’s disease. It can cause blindness due to detachment of the sight receptors in the eyes (retina) and bleeding. Kidney problems are related to protein loss due to damage of the filtering system by the high blood pressure. Loss of the protein antithrombin III, which prevents clots, can cause thromboembolism (clots). Heart problems are associated with hypertrophy (thickening of the heart muscle) and failure due to the pumping of the heart against the increased pressure. Glomerulopathy is damage to the filtering system of the kidney, causing protein loss. Up to 75% of dogs with Cushing’s have some protein loss, although most do not have severe complications. Proteins, especially albumin, are important in holding fluid within the blood vessels, and excessive loss can cause fluid accumulation in body cavities, underneath the skin, and the lungs. There are other proteins, such as antithrombin III, which are important in helping the body to prevent clotting within the blood vessels."
"docid": "D618381#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/pleurisy/article.htm\nPleurisy (Pleuritis)",
"text": "\"Pleurisy facts Pleurisy involves inflammation of the tissue layers (pleura) lining the lungs and inner chest wall. Pleurisy is often associated with the accumulation of fluid between the two layers of pleura, known as pleural effusion. Pleurisy is caused by a variety of conditions, such asinfections,tuberculosis ( TB ),congestive heart failure,cancer,pulmonary embolism, andcollagen vascular diseases. Symptoms of pleurisy include pain in the chest, which is aggravated by breathing in, shortness of breath, and local tenderness. This pain can effect the chest cavity in either the front or back of the cavity, and sometimes patient's have back or shoulder pain. The diagnosis of pleurisy is made by the characteristic chest pain and physical findings on examination of the chest. The sometimes-associated pleural accumulation of fluid ( pleural effusion) can be seen by imaging studies ( chest X-ray, ultrasound, or CT). Analysis of pleural fluid aspirated from the chest can help determine the cause of the pleurisy. Treatment of the underlying conditions is key to the proper management of pleurisy. Quick Guide COPD Lung Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Shortness of Breath Common Pleurisy Symptom Causes of shortness of breath include Anemia Asthma Bronchitis Congestive heart failure Lung cancer Obesity Pneumonia Pneumothorax Pulmonary embolism... Read more about shortness of breath causes »What is pleurisy?"
"docid": "D835872#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/abdominal-paracentesis-why-paracentesis-is-performed-3157256\nWhen Peritoneal Fluid Becomes Ascites in Hepatitis Patients",
"text": "Hepatitis Symptoms When Peritoneal Fluid Becomes Ascites in Hepatitis Patients By Charles Daniel Updated August 25, 2017Share Pin Email Print Getty Images/Axel Bueckert/Eye Em Peritoneal fluid is a normal, lubricating fluid found in the peritoneal cavity -- the space between the layers of tissue that line the belly's wall and the abdominal organs (such as the liver, spleen, gall bladder, and stomach). The fluid is mostly water with electrolytes, antibodies, white blood cells and other biochemicals. What Is the Purpose of Peritoneal Fluid? The primary function of peritoneal fluid is to reduce the friction between the abdominal organs as they move around during digestion. In a healthy person, there is normally a small amount of peritoneal fluid present in the peritoneal cavity. However, some problems in the body can cause excess fluid to accumulate in the cavity. This fluid is called ascitic fluid and leads to ascites, one of the complications of cirrhosis. How Does Ascites Develop? Ascites is most common in patients who have diseases affecting the liver. Damage to the liver can cause high blood pressure in the veins that deliver blood to the liver, a condition known as portal hypertension."
] |
1909 | adam schefter net worth | [
"docid": "D2035722#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-athletes/nfl/adam-schefter-net-worth/\nAdam Schefter Net Worth",
"text": "\"Adam Schefter Net Worth How much is Adam Schefter Worth?in Richest Athletes › NFL Players Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Adam Schefter net worth:$4 Million Adam Schefter's Salary$1.2 Million Per Year Adam Schefter net worth and salary: Adam Schefter is an American sports writer who has a net worth of $4 million dollars and a salary of $1.2 million per year. Born in Valley Stream, New York, Adam Schefter graduated from the University of Michigan, and then went on to graduate from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. After completing an internship in Seattle, he relocated to Denver, Colorado, where he worked for the Rocky Mountain News, and was subsequently hired by The Denver Post. He began working as part of ESPN's \"\"The Sports Reporters\"\". He then became a regular substitute for Woody Paige on ESPN's show, \"\"Around the Horn\"\". He officially joined the NFL Network in 2004, working as both an analyst and a writer for NFL.com. He also worked as a sideline reporter for NBC occasionally. By 2009, he had become the most popular sportswriter and analyst in the United States, and ESPN quickly grabbed him from the NFL Network. He currently works for both ESPN and ESPN radio. Drew Brees To Sign Back On With New Orleans Saints For Two Years – $50M The Raiders Sign Jon Gruden To The Longest Deal In NFL History Jon Gruden's NFL Contract Is Expected To Be Worth More Than Any Other Coach Has Ever Made Adam Schefter Journalist Date of Birth Dec 21, 1966 (51 years old)Profession Journalist, Sports analyst, Writer Nationality United States of America Share on Facebook All net worths are calculated by applying a proprietary algorithm."
] | [
"docid": "D1501348#0",
"title": "http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2017/03/nfl_free_agency_2017_get_the_l.html\nNFL Free Agency 2017: Recapping the Browns' big day",
"text": "\"Cleveland Browns NFL Free Agency 2017: Recapping the Browns' big day Updated March 10, 2017 at 11:04 AM; Posted March 9, 2017 at 11:41 AMTerrelle Pryor With free agency set to begin at 4 p.m. Thursday, will the Browns reach a deal with wide receiver Terrelle Pryor? And which other players will the team pursue? Keep up with free agency news in the post below. ( John Kuntz, cleveland.com)Comment By Scott Patsko, cleveland.com CLEVELAND, Ohio - The NFL's free agency period officially began at 4 p.m. Thursday. It also marked the beginning of the official 2017 league year. The Browns have the most salary cap space of any team, and are poised to add new players to their roster. Mary Kay Cabot reported Thursday that the team is expected to sign former former Rams wide receiver Kenny Britt. Here's how the day went:6:24 p.m. Here we go Brownies, here we go!! Woof, woof!!! !-- Joe Thomas (@joethomas73) March 9, 20176:15 p.m. GIF of the day."
"docid": "D2996326#0",
"title": "http://www.nj.com/sports/nfl/2017/01/nfl_black_monday_2017_live_blo.html\nNFL Black Monday 2017 LIVE blog: Which head coaches, general managers are out?",
"text": "NFLNFL Black Monday 2017 LIVE blog: Which head coaches, general managers are out? Updated on January 2, 2017 at 3:14 PM Posted on January 2, 2017 at 3:13 PMColin Kaepernick,Chip Kelly San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) and head coach Chip Kelly watch from the sideline during the first half of an NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks in Santa Clara, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017. ( Tony Avelar/AP Photo)Comment By Joe [email protected],NJ Advance Media for NJ.com Welcome to Black Monday , NFL fans. With the playoff field set, every non-contender will begin to assess what went wrong in 2016. That often means a rash of firings immediately following Week 17's action --and this year doesn't look like an exception. How many coaches will be fired? Which general managers will be canned? The Bills ( Rex Ryan ), Jaguars (Gus Bradley) and Rams (Jeff Fisher) got an early start with weeks to go in the regular season. Prior to Week 17, news began to emerge about a housecleaning in San Francisco involving head coach Chip Kelly and general manager Trent Baalke. With the Jets bringing back both head coach Todd Bowles and general manager Mike Maccagnan, one potential shakeup seems to be out."
"docid": "D2455963#0",
"title": "http://www.searchnetworth.com/joe-jonas-net-worth/\nJoe Jonas Net Worth",
"text": "\"Joe Jonas Net Worth· In Celebrities, Featured, Singers Joe Jonas Net Worth is $18 Million Joe Jonas deserves the money? Rating: 2.5/ 5 (109 votes cast)Would you date Joe Jonas ? Rating: 2.8/ 5 (90 votes cast)Profession: Singer-songwriter, Musician, Keyboard player, Actor, Dancer, Singer Date of Birth: Aug 15, 1989 Nicknames: Joseph Adam Jonas, Joseph Jonas, Jonas, Joe, the Jonas Brothers, The High Flier, JJ, DJ Danger Height: 1.73 m Ethnicity: Italian American, Irish American Country: United States of America What is Joe Jonas Net Worth? Joseph Adam \"\"Joe\"\" Jonas is an American actor, singer, musician and dancer with a net worth of $18 million. Joe Jonas gained his net worth by being in the band the Jonas Brothers and starring as Joseph Lucas in the Disney television series, Jonas. Jonas was born in Casa Grande, Arizona, to a song writer and sign language teacher. Jonas also appeared in the Disney movie Camp Rock. Joseph Adam \"\"Joe\"\" Jonas (born August 15, 1989) is an American pop singer, musician, actor, and dancer. He is a member of the Jonas Brothers, a pop-rock band made up of him and his two brothers, Nick and Kevin. He starred as Joseph Lucas on the Disney Channel original series Jonas, and released his debut solo studio album, Fastlife in October 2011."
"docid": "D1669909#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/_/name/mia/miami-dolphins\nFins' Quinn says he was 'suffocating' with Rams",
"text": "5d Fins' Quinn says he was 'suffocating' with Rams Robert Quinn told reporters Wednesday he was shocked the Rams traded him to the Dolphins but is happy with his change of scenery.6d Dan Graziano Ranking the NFL teams most likely to trade up to draft a QBThe Patriots acquired the 23rd overall pick -- their second in the first round -- in exchange for Brandin Cooks. Could they be getting ready to move up the board for the next Jimmy Garoppolo?6d ESPNAre Patriots still the team to beat in the AFC East? While each of their division rivals has made significant moves in free agency, the Patriots still appear to be the clear favorite in the AFC East.10d Jeff Legwold Dolphins' free agency grade reflects roster getting older While signing free agent Frank Gore certainly makes Miami's roster older, the Dolphins added the veteran running back for his ability to lead.13d Gase: 'Alpha dogs' will change Dolphins' culture Adam Gase talked Tuesday at the NFL owners meetings about the Dolphins' roster turnover and said he is confident the changes will make his team better in 201814d Alden Gonzalez Source: Suh lands 1-year, $14M deal with Rams By signing with the Rams, five-time Pro Bowl defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh will create a formidable interior tandem alongside Aaron Donald, the reigning NFL Defensive Player of the Year. Hannah Foslien/Getty Images New York Giants 14d Jordan Raanan Giants sign former Dolphins safety Thomas The Giants signed former Dolphins safety Michael Thomas to a two-year deal on Monday. Why don't free agents want to sign with Jets? ( 2:06)AP Photo/Nick Wass27d Jeff Legwold Miami Dolphins' 2018 free agency: Brock Osweiler gives Miami another veteran option Osweiler has seen the job done as well as it can be done after he spent four seasons alongside Peyton Manning. Dustin Bradford/Getty Images17d Osweiler on move again, signs with Dolphins Brock Osweiler is on to a fourth NFL team in seven seasons, as the quarterback has signed with the Dolphins. Le Batard saddened by death of Huizenga (1:49)Lynne Sladky/AP Photo17d South Florida sports owner Huizenga dies at 80H. Wayne Huizenga, the first person to own teams in three major sports leagues, has died at age 80. He owned three South Florida teams: the Dolphins, Marlins and Panthers. AP Photo/Darron Cummings18d Source: Gore returns to Miami, signs with Fins Running back Frank Gore, who ranks fifth on the all-time rushing list with 14,026 yards, is signing a one-year deal with the Dolphins, a source confirmed to ESPN."
"docid": "D2254781#0",
"title": "http://www.getnetworth.com/tag/bryan-adams-date-of-birth/\nBryan Adams Date Of Birth",
"text": "\"Profession: Singer, Photographer, Musician, Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Social activist, Producer, Bassist, Songwriter, Artist Date of Birth: Nov 5, 1959 Nicknames: Brian Adams, Adams, Bryan, Bryan Guy Adams, Bryan Adams, bryan_adams Height: 1.72 m Country: Canada Bryan Adams Date Of Birth· In Celebrities, Rock Stars Read more... Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Net Worth is $65 Million. Bryan Adams is a Canada-born singer-songwriter, musician, artist, and activist, with an estimated net worth of $65 million dollars. With a career spanning over 30 years, Bryan Adams has sold over 100 million alb. Bryan Adams, OC OBC (born Br... Bryan Adams Net Worth is $65 Million. Bryan Adams Net Worth is $65 Million. Bryan Adams is a Canada-born singer-songwriter, musician, artist, and activist, with an estimated net worth of $65 million dollars. With a career spanning over 30 years, Bryan Adams has sold over 100 million alb Bryan Adams, OC OBC is a Canadian rock singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, producer, actor and photographer. For his contributions to music, Adams has many awards and nominations, including 20 Juno Awards among 56 nominations, 15 Grammy Award nominations including a win for Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or Television in 1992. He has also won MTV, ASCAP, and American Music awards. In addition, he has won two Ivor Novello Awards for song composition and has been nominated for several Golden Globe Awards and three times for Academy Awards for his songwriting for films."
"docid": "D2200849#0",
"title": "https://www.si.com/nfl/2015/10/18/nfl-week-6-actives-inactives-fantasy-news\nNFL Actives/Inactives: T.J. Yeldon out, Alshon Jeffery in for Week 6",
"text": "NFLNFL Actives/Inactives: T. J. Yeldon out, Alshon Jeffery in for Week 6Maddie Meyer/Getty Images By SI Wire October 18, 2015Welcome to Week 6 of the NFL season! There are 12 games scheduled for Sunday, and news is trickling out about whether or not players listed as questionable on injury reports earlier this week will be starting. Stay up do date on who’s playing, and who’s sitting out in Week 6.• NEW: One-week $2M fantasy league. First place wins $150K and top 90K teams win cash! Sponsored by Fan Duel• Jaguars running back T. J. Yeldon is INACTIVE with a groin injury, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports. Yeldon left the team’s Week 5 loss to Tampa Bay in the fourth quarter and did not return. He sat out practice all week and was listed as questionable. Toby Gerhart and Denard Robinson will see an increased workload in the Jacksonville backfield against Houston.• Bears wideout Alshon Jeffery is ACTIVE after sitting out four straight weeks due to a hamstring issue. Jeffery sustained the injury during practice leading up to Week 2. He’ll be paired with quarterback Jay Cutler once again after Chicago’s starting signalcaller returned last Sunday."
"docid": "D3233081#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/15413146/philadelphia-emerges-favorite-host-2017-nfl-draft\nPhiladelphia emerges as favorite to host 2017 NFL draft",
"text": "Philadelphia emerges as favorite to host 2017 NFL draft Apr 27, 2016ESPN.com Facebook Twitter Facebook Messenger Pinterest Emailprintcomment After two years in the Windy City, it looks like the NFL draft is on the move yet again. Philadelphia has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Chicago as host of the draft beginning in 2017, league sources told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter on Wednesday. The NFL had been considering Philadelphia and Los Angeles, sources told Schefter. Neither city has a first-round pick next year. This year's draft -- which begins Thursday (8 p.m., ESPN) -- is the second in Chicago after moving out of New York City, where it had been held since 1956, including nine years at Radio City Music Hall. Sponsored Headlines Comments"
"docid": "D3004762#0",
"title": "https://twitter.com/DanGrazianoESPN\nDan Graziano",
"text": "Dan Graziano@ Dan Graziano ESPNNFL Insider for ESPN. Father, husband, runner, golfer, coach. Published novelist. Former sleeper. Instagram: dangrazianoespn Southport, CTinstagram.com/dangrazianoesp…Joined January 2009551 Photos and videos New to Twitter? Sign up now to get your own personalized timeline!Sign up You may also like·Refresh Ralph Vacchiano@ RVacchiano SNYJordan Raanan@ Jordan Raanan Adam Schefter@ Adam Schefter Mike Garafolo@ Mike Garafolo Kevin Seifert@ Seifert ESPNWorldwide trends Real Madrid657K Tweets#ريال_مدريد_يوفنتوس184K Tweets Juventus507K Tweets#Got Talent Live Final11.1K Tweets#اليوم_العالمي_للقصيرات52.7K Tweets Cristiano Ronaldo195K Tweets#National Pet Day310K Tweets#Chiringuito Polémica15.5K Tweets Champions691K Tweets David Price4,834 Tweets© 2018 Twitter About Help Center Terms Privacy policy Cookies Ads info"
"docid": "D3004766#0",
"title": "http://www.shermanreport.com/espn-nfl-insiders-to-get-their-own-show-producer-different-than-anything-else/\nESPN NFL Insiders to get their own show; Producer says no former players allowed",
"text": "ESPN NFL Insiders to get their own show; Producer says no former players allowed Posted on May 14, 2013Perhaps it was the wildy popular John Clayton TV commercial, or the fact that Adam Schefter has more than 2.2 million followers on Twitter, but ESPN has decided to give its NFL information gurus their own show. ESPN will announce today that NFL Insiders will make its debut on Aug. 5. The one-hour daily show will be hosted by Suzy Kolber. Schefter and Chris Mortensen will be the main players with aid from Clayton, Ed Werder, Bill Polian, and other contributors such as former GMs Phil Savage and Billy Devaney. It won’t feature former players or coaches. “We have one rule: If you played in the league, you’re not going to be on the show,” said producer Seth Markman. Indeed, ESPN figures there are plenty of Xs and Os shows on the various networks. It wants a program strictly dedicated to information about the NFL. Who is doing what and why?“I think the time has come for this kind of show,” Markman said. “ It’s going to be different from anything else currently on TV."
"docid": "D136627#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/\nDraft Academy, episode 1: 100 days until the NFL draft",
"text": "\"Draft Academy, episode 1: 100 days until the NFL draft ESPNMeet the kids waiting to hear 'Shaquem Griffin' at the draft All across the country, kids will watch the NFL draft, waiting to hear the name of the football player who's shown them they can do anything.13-year-old emotional sharing her bond with Griffin. Annika Emmert shares how her bionic arm affects others' perception of her and how Shaquem Griffin's story inspires her.1:44Full coverage of NFL draft NFL Headlines See All Source: Kap workout postponed over stance Source: Browns near big deal with Landry Officials charge 49ers' Foster with 3 felonies Ex-Miami cheerleader alleges discrimination Reports: Texans tell OT Newton he'll be cut Unions want seat at table if gambling legal Best free-agency values, worst overpays Top draft prospects See All How 2018 QBs grade vs. first-rounders from past decade Sam Darnold is Todd Mc Shay's top-ranked quarterback in the 2018 class. Here's where Darnold grades out among the likes of Andrew Luck, Carson Wentz and 27 others. Insider Projections for the top 2018 RB prospects Saquon Barkley is a great prospect. We project how he and the rest of the running back class will fare in the NFL. NFLSee All Most memorable NFL draft moments for all 32 teams From the Chargers selecting Eli Manning (only to trade him) to Eagles fans booing Donovan Mc Nabb, here's a look back at top draft-day highlights. Preseason breakdown2018 preseason schedule for all 32 teams A rematch of Super Bowl LII between the Eagles and Patriots is one of the many highlights in this year's preseason schedule. NFL DRAFTApril 26-28See All Insider Kiper's three-round mock draft: Playing GM for all 32 teams That's 100 picks from the mind of Mel, with every team getting an 'A.' Enjoy, Browns fans. Insiders predict the perfect Patriots draft: How Belichick will use 2018 picks Two first-round picks. Four picks in the first two rounds."
"docid": "D2089649#0",
"title": "http://www.rotoworld.com/recent/nfl/5192/mark-sanchez\nMark Sanchez | Quarterback | #6",
"text": "\"Player News Date: Mark Sanchez - QB - Free Agent Bears declared QB Mark Sanchez, ILB Nick Kwiatkoski, ILB John Timu, WR Markus Wheaton, C Hroniss Grasu, DL John Jenkins, and RB Tiquan Mizzell inactive for Week 6 against the Ravens. Wheaton is out indefinitely with a groin tear. Sanchez is the Bears' No. 3 quarterback behind Mitchell Trubisky and game-day backup Mike Glennon. Sun, Oct 15, 2017 11:44:00 AMPlayer Outlook Game Log Career Stats Draft Advice Mark Sanchez - QB - Free Agent Mark Sanchez (knee) is participating in the first practice of Bears camp. Sanchez missed most of the offseason program after suffering a knee injury during OTAs. Getting on the field at the start of camp is a good step, but Sanchez could be hard-pressed to make the roster behind starter Mike Glennon and No. 2 overall pick Mitchell Trubisky. Source: Jeff Dickerson on Twitter Thu, Jul 27, 2017 11:42:00 AMPlayer Outlook Game Log Career Stats Draft Advice Mark Sanchez - QB - Free Agent Bears No. 3 QB Mark Sanchez will be sidelined for the rest of the offseason program with a left knee injury."
"docid": "D1352770#0",
"title": "http://www.rotoworld.com/recent/nfl/4169/adrian-peterson\nAdrian Peterson | Running Back | #23",
"text": "\"Player News Date: Adrian Peterson - RB - Free Agent Cardinals released Adrian Peterson. ESPN's Adam Schefter reports the move will become official on Monday. Peterson had spurts of effectiveness after arriving via a mid-season trade, but he averaged just 3.5 yards on 129 carries before landing on injured reserve with a neck issue. With David Johnson returning healthy, the Cardinals had little reason to keep Peterson and his nearly $3 million cap hit around. Despite his name value, Peterson is unlikely to find a hot market. Related: Cardinals Source: Adam Schefter on Twitter Mar 12 - 8:41 AMPlayer Outlook Game Log Career Stats Draft Advice Adrian Peterson - RB - Free Agent Adrian Peterson thinks he can play \"\"four or five more years. \"\" Peterson will turn 33 in March and is likely to be released from the Cardinals this offseason. Playing another four years would be a tall feat for an aging running back with over 2,500 rushing attempts and coming off a season-ending neck injury. Peterson will likely be an early-down back for a new team in 2018. Source: Chris Tomasson on Twitter Feb 3 - 12:46 PMPlayer Outlook Game Log Career Stats Draft Advice Adrian Peterson - RB - Free Agent Arizona Sports' Mike Jurecki reports the Cardinals will release Adrian Peterson this offseason."
"docid": "D1217477#0",
"title": "http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/7486/kirk-cousins\nKirk Cousins | Quarterback | #8",
"text": "Kirk Cousins | Quarterback | #8Team: Minnesota Vikings Age / DOB: ( 29) / 8/19/1988Ht / Wt: 6'3' / 202College: Michigan State Drafted: 2012 / Rd. 4 (102) / WASContract: view contract details Share: Tweet Latest News Recent News Vikings signed Kirk Cousins, formerly of the Redskins, to a three-year contract. The deal is believed to be for around $86 million, and ESPN's Adam Schefter reports it will be fully-guaranteed, a landmark for an NFL free agent. The contract is expected to be finalized after Cousins visits the Vikings' facility on Thursday. It always made sense for Cousins to land in Minnesota, an organization with a strong roster and good coaching which gives him a chance to win right away. This is also an ideal spot for Cousins from a fantasy perspective. With Adam Thielen, Stefon Diggs, and Kyle Rudolph to target and Dalvin Cook in the backfield, Cousins looks like a locked-in QB1. Mar 13 - 12:16 PMSource: Adam Schefter on Twitter MIN, Cousins agree to 3-year, fully-gtd deal Mar 13 - 12:16 PMReport: Kirk Cousins will visit Vikings first Mar 13 - 11:06 AMReport: Cards 'in the mix' for Kirk Cousins Mar 12 - 5:01 PMCousins could get fully guaranteed, 3-yr deal Mar 12 - 9:03 AMMore Kirk Cousins Player News"
"docid": "D2293338#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/9926139/richie-incognito-miami-dolphins-used-slurs-messages-jonathan-martin\nSlurs in Incognito's messages",
"text": "\"Slurs in Incognito's messages Nov 5, 2013ESPN.com news services Facebook Twitter Facebook Messenger Pinterest Emailprintcomment Transcripts of voice mail messages and text messages left for the Miami Dolphins ' Jonathan Martin by teammate Richie Incognito indicate a pattern of racial epithets and profane language. Multiple sources confirmed to ESPN that the following is a transcript of a voice message Incognito left for Martin in April 2013, a year after Martin was drafted:\"\"Hey, wassup, you half n----- piece of s---. I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. [ I want to] s--- in your f---ing mouth. [ I'm going to] slap your f---ing mouth. [ I'm going to] slap your real mother across the face [laughter]. F--- you, you're still a rookie. I'll kill you. \"\" Sources tell ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter that officials from both the NFL and the Dolphins have heard the tape and have copies of the message. Sources familiar with the tapes say these are terms Incognito used over time and were not isolated incidents, including the use of the racial epithet multiple times. Sources also say Martin received a series of texts that included derogatory terms referring to the female anatomy and sexual orientation."
"docid": "D11623#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/_/name/car/carolina-panthers\n2017 ScheduleAll times PT",
"text": "\"Kim Klement/USA TODAY Sports5h David Newton Suspension shouldn't taint the career of Panthers' Thomas Davis Thomas Davis' philanthropy and on-field production are what he should be recognized for, not a mistake involving PEDs that he has admitted to making.6h Mike Sando Ranking NFL's biggest free-agency overpays, value deals: What were Chiefs thinking? Sammy Watkins has shown flashes of potential, but there's a reason that Kansas City is his third team in eight months. Here are the top 10 head-scratching moves and the top 10 bargain deals.3d David Newton Cam Newton OK after run-in with dump truck Panthers quarterback Cam Newton was not injured when he was involved in a collision with a dump truck Thursday in Atlanta.3d David Newton Panthers' Davis suspended first 4 of final year Entering his final season, Panthers linebacker Thomas Davis will be suspended for the team's first four games after he violated the league's performance-enhancing drug policy. David Newton ESPN Staff Writer Panthers linebacker Thomas Davis will begin the last season of his NFL career suspended for four games for testing positive to a banned substance. This is thé message he wrote on Twitter accompanied by a video: ‘'This is by far one of the saddest days of my NFL career. I never thought that this would happen to me. I've worked extremely hard to do things the right way on and off the field. Panther Nation please know that I am not a cheater. # Keep Pounding''share6d David Newton ESPN Staff Writer University of South Carolina tight end Hayden Hurst is visiting with the Panthers today, according to multiple reports. He would be an interesting selection at No."
"docid": "D1407996#0",
"title": "http://ans-wer.com/biography/sara-eisen.html\nSara Eisen",
"text": "\"Sara Eisen By in People on Jan 10, 2018, 7:00:26 AM | Comment Share On Facebook Share On Twitter Share On Pinterest Sara Eisen is an American on-air News anchor and contributor. Sara Eisen is notably known as an anchor of CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange. Previously, she worked as a correspondent for Bloomberg television and radio. Quick Info: Birthday: 1985 (age 33)Ethnicity: White Nationality: American Profession: TV host & Reporter Advertisement1. Family and Personal Life1/5Born in the early 70's, Sara Eisen is the daughter of Dr. Drore Eisen and Dr. Jane Eisen. Her father is dermatologist as well as founder and director of CDx Diagnostics whereas mother is a former pediatric dentist. Quick Info: Parents: Dr. Jane Eisen (Mother), Dr. Drore Eisen (Father Husband: Matthew Levine Children: N/AMarital Status: married She attended Medill School of Journalism. She then enrolled at the University of New York and earned Bachelor degree in television reporting and business coverage. To earn Masters’ degree in Journalism, she joined the University of Northwestern. Sara Eisen married Matthew Stone Levine on May 29, 2016."
"docid": "D1439007#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2015/08/11/jets-qb-geno-smith-gets-sucker-punched-by-teammate-out-6-10-weeks-with-broken-jaw/\nJets QB Geno Smith gets punched by teammate, out 6-10 weeks with broken jaw",
"text": "\"New York Jets starting quarterback Geno Smith will miss six to 10 weeks of the upcoming NFL season after a teammate broke his jaw during an altercation in the locker room on Tuesday. Linebacker Ikemefuna “I. K.” Enemkpali doled out the season-altering punch, Coach Todd Bowles later said, adding he was immediately cut from the team. “It’s something we don’t tolerate, something we can’t stand,” Bowles said (via ESPN ), speaking of his zero-tolerance policy for the 24-year-old’s actions. “ You don’t walk up to a man and punch him in the face. ”“It was nothing to do with football. … It was very childish,” Bowles added. “ He got cold-cocked … sucker punched, whatever you want to call it, in the jaw.” [ Aaron Rodgers, Darrelle Revis and other NFL players weigh in on Geno Smith incident]After Bowles’s comments, reports began to emerge that the fight was about money. CBS analyst and former Jets quarterback Boomer Esiason posted a tweet to that effect: Bottom line if you owe somebody money pay your debt. Don't be surprised if you get punched in the face if you don't.—"
"docid": "D2587293#0",
"title": "http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2016/2/25/11055350/colin-kaepernick-trade-request-49ers-combine-rumors\nBroncos trade for Colin Kaepernick is close to done, but stuck in neutral",
"text": "\"There is a deal in place that would send Colin Kaepernick to the Denver Broncos, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter, but haggling over the salary of the quarterback has kept the San Francisco 49ers from pulling the trigger. While Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk called it a \"\"real stretch\"\" to say that a deal has been reached between the two teams, Schefter says \"\"it would take two seconds\"\" if the two teams can agree which one will pay Kaepernick's $11.9 million salary. Denver has offered to pay $7 million of the salary, but the remaining $4.9 million is reportedly the sticking point. The Broncos don't want to pay the rest and want the 49ers to front some of the bill, while San Francisco doesn't want to spend money on a player it trades away. The Broncos made a push to try and get the young quarterback at the end of March, as Kaepernick and John Elway met on Thursday, according to Eric Branch of the San Francisco Chronicle. Kaepernick asked the 49ers for a trade and his agents received permission to seek one. An early report said that the 49ers and Broncos have decided on the compensation, and restructuring the quarterback's contract is the task at hand now. But it's been some time since that early report, and a lot has happened, including Kaepernick getting his base salary guaranteed for 2016 even if he is traded. The only way to prevent his 2016 team from paying him $11.9 million in base salary is to re-do his contract. Kaepernick has had an odd career trajectory thus far, and what happens next is one if the more interesting questions of the offseason."
"docid": "D854528#0",
"title": "https://www.celebritynetworth.com/category/richest-businessmen/\nRichest Businessmen",
"text": "Richest Businessmen These are the richest businessmen in the world! Here you will find a listing of all the highest paid businessmen, like Wall Street Tycoons, Hollywood Producers and more! See them in order in the Top 50 Richest Businessmen list. Compare salaries and read about what it's like to be a millionaire... or a billionaire. Subcategories CEOs Companies Criminals Designers Executives Lawyers Producers Richest Billionaires Wall Street What's New Brian Koppelman Net Worth Brian Koppelman net worth: Brian Koppelman is an American filmmaker, essayist, television series creator, record producer, and music business executive who has a net View Net Worth Ali-A Net Worth Ali-A net worth: Ali-A is a British video producer and vlogger who has a net worth of $3 million. Ali-A was born in November View Net Worth Satoru Iwata Net Worth Satoru Iwata net worth: Satoru Iwata was a Japanese video game programmer who had a net worth of $50 million. Satoru Iwata was born View Net Worth Mino Raiola Net Worth Mino Raiola net worth: Mino Raiola is an Italian football (soccer) agent who has a net worth of $50 million. Mino Raiola was born View Net Worth Charlotte Jones Anderson Net Worth Charlotte Jones Anderson net worth: Charlotte Jones Anderson is an American businesswoman who has a net worth of $100 million dollars. Charlotte Jones Anderson View Net Worth Jeff Koons Net Worth Jeff Koons net worth: Jeff Koons is an American artist who has a net worth of $200 million. Jeff Koons was born in York,View Net Worth Olcay Gulsen Net Worth Olcay Gulsen net worth: Olcay Gulsen is a Dutch fashion designer who has a net worth of $20 million."
"docid": "D2414921#0",
"title": "http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/3/4/8149007/nfl-free-agent-rumors-2015-list-tracker\nEvery important NFL free agency rumor in one place",
"text": "\"Today's NFL News NFLEvery important NFL free agency rumor in one place19Keep up with the latest from the NFL rumor mill. By Ryan Van Bibber Updated Jun 14, 2015, 9:34am EDTShare NFL free agency officially started Tuesday, March 10 at 4 p.m. ET. Teams didn't wait that long to get a head start on the offseason. General managers have busied themselves making roster cuts, negotiating with their own free agents and creating a little buzz on the rumor mill with trade talk. The wildest news cycle in recent NFL history got underway with the completely unforeseen deal sending Le Sean Mc Coy from the Eagles to the Bills in exchange for Kiko Alonso. It was off the races after that. The free agency tampering window, er, negotiating period, opened on Saturday, March 7, and the rumor mill has been cranking overtime since then, interrupted only by a long string of tweets from the various NFL insiders delivering shocking news about trades and signings and contracts and everything else that makes pro football's version of the hot stove so darn fun. At any rate, it can be a lot to monitor when your Twitter feed is moving fast enough to generate electricity and one report would seemingly contradict the next one. That's why we have our handy rumor tracker, for you, the excited fan who only wants to see your team do something to make itself a little better next season. So follow along with the endless flow of information and speculation."
] |
1913 | address of citi visa | [
"docid": "D2966399#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_mailing_address_for_citibank_visa\nWhat is mailing address for citibank diamond rewards credit card payment?",
"text": "What is mailing address for citibank diamond rewards credit card payment? CITI CARDS REGULAR PAYMENTS Citibank / Choice P. O. Box 6000 The Lakes, NV 89163-6000. Additional information directly available at this Citi Bank link below:. https: …What is mailing address for chase visa credit card payment? I MISPLACED THRE ENVELOPE TO MAKE PAYMENT. w HAT IS TH PAYMENT ADDRESS? What is mailing address for citibank master-card payment? The mailing address for Citibank Master Card payment is located in Ohio. The full mailing address is Citibank/Choice, P. O. Box 183037,Columbus, Ohio 43218-3051. MONICA crudup 1 Contribution Can funds be added to your citibank prepaid debit visa card?can funds be added to your prepaid debit visa account with a money loan?"
] | [
"docid": "D7754#0",
"title": "http://www.us-passport-service-guide.com/azusa-passport.html\nAzusa Passport - Applying for a Passport in Azusa, Ca.",
"text": "Azusa Passport - Applying for a Passport in Azusa, Ca. There are currently two passport offices in Azusa so we have included application acceptance facilities in nearby cities on the list below. United States citizens can visit these locations to submit completed forms and supporting documents to get a new passport. Besides the facilities below, there are close to 500 passport offices in California where authorized agents will receive applications. Most passport offices require an appointment. Please call before visiting. Once the applicant takes an oath and signs the form, the application is placed in an envelope with supporting documents and payment. The packet should be mailed to one of two different locations. One address is for standard processing and the other is for expedited service. Expect a four to six week wait for standard processing and two to three weeks wait for expedited service."
"docid": "D3229540#0",
"title": "https://www.learn4good.com/travel/usembassy-consulates-philippines.htm\nU.S. Embassy for Philippines - Address / Phone Number",
"text": "Travel Visa & Embassy information U. S. Visa Information US Embassy in Philippines, address, phone number U. S. Embassy for Philippines - Address / Phone Number U. S. Embassy in Philippines Address: 1201 Roxas Boulevard, 1000 Manila City: Manila (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours) Tel. : ( 632) 301-2000 Fax: (632) 301-2017 Emergency tel. : 202-647-4000 Working hours: Monday to Friday, 7.30 - 16.30U. S. Consular Agency in Cebu Address: Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City City: Cebu City (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours) Tel. : ( 63 32) 231-1261Fax: (63 32) 231-0174 Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 - 11.00Services provided by the Embassy are related to: Legal assistance;Voting;Assistance in case of death of an American;Issuance of passports;Notary services;Getting married in Philippines;Adoption;Federal benefits;Dual nationality;If an American passport has been stolen, a police report will be needed when applying for a new passport at the U. S. Embassy. In case of an emergency, American citizens can apply for an emergency passport. The Philippines has not been added to the list of countries eligible for participation in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Citizens of the Philippines must apply for a visitor visa to visit the U. S. Visa requirements: DS-160 online nonimmigrant visa electronic application;Passport;Photo;Extension of stay/change of status;Evidence of ties and financial status of the applicant, or the applicant’s parents, if minor, in the Philippines;Documents concerning purpose and length of the trip and ability to cover the costs of the trip;Proof of travel medical insurance for applicants who might be at risk of requiring medical care while in the United States. There are three ways to pay the machine-readable visa fee: Pay in cash (prevailing Philippine peso equivalent of the machine-readable visa fee) at any branch of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI). Pay through online bill payment option provided by BPI for their customers. Online payment through Bancnet."
"docid": "D608440#0",
"title": "http://www.immigroup.com/uk-passport-application-canada\nUK Passport Application in Canada",
"text": "\"If you are a British citizen by birth, naturalisation, or descent (British parent), you are a British citizen and entitled to carry a UK passport. UK passports can be renewed within one year of their expiration, or at any time if the visa pages are full. British Passports that have been lost or stolen can be replaced at any time. If you have never had a United Kingdom passport, but you were born in the UK or one of your parents was a British citizen at the time of your birth, you can apply for your first British passport at any time. The UK recognises dual citizenship, so you can carry both a British and a Canadian passport. Are you in the United States? Get a British Passport from America Download UK Passport Application Renewal First Renew ADULT UK Passport Get Your FIRST ADULT UK Passport Renew CHILD UK Passport Get Your FIRST CHILD UK Passport INDEXUK Passport Cost and Processing Time Who can get a British Passport? Overseas United Kingdom Passport Application from Canada What documents do you need to renew a UK Passport? ( Or get your first)Applying for a child's British Passport UK Passport photo requirements UK Passport Countersignatory Born outside the UK to a British Mother before 1983 or to an Unmarried Father before July 1, 2006 (Registration as a British Citizen)Living and Working in the UKOther types of UK passports Birth Certificate to Prove Your Citizenship British Passport Cost and Processing Time British passport applications submitted from Canada take an average of 6 to 8 weeks for processing. It is not possible to expedite the processing in any way, so it is recommended that you do not make travel plans until you have received your new passport."
"docid": "D2404194#0",
"title": "http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-costco-visa-20150302-story.html\nCostco names Citi, Visa as new credit card partners after AmEx deal ends",
"text": "\"Many customers reported problems with Costco's new Visa-branded credit card from Citi. Costco switched from American Express to Visa on Monday. ( Rick Bowmer / Associated Press)Citigroup Inc. will become the exclusive issuer of Costco's credit cards and Visa Inc. will replace American Express as the credit-card network for Costco's stores starting in 2016, the retailer announced Monday. UPDATE: Costco picks Visa and Citigroup as new credit card partners Am Ex has been the only credit card accepted at Costco for the last 15 years. The deal had been a boon for both companies, analysts said, but they ended their partnership last month. The Costco partnership represented 8%, or $80 billion, of Am Ex's billed business and about 20%, or about $14 billion, of its interest-bearing credit portfolio, Richard Shane of JP Morgan Chase & Co told The Times last month. Under the new agreement, transactions will be processed by Visa, and Citi will become the exclusive issuer of co-branded credit cards on April 1, 2016. The membership-only business otherwise accepts only cash or debit cards. The deal is subject to the purchase of Costco's existing co-branded credit card portfolio by Citi, Costco said in a statement. The retailer expects the existing portfolio to be sold, spokesman Bob Nelson said."
"docid": "D2581435#0",
"title": "http://www.thailandguru.com/visa-to-thailand.html\nTravel Visas",
"text": "\"Travel Visas General Visa Information �� Visa Runs �� Tips General Visa Information This section covers the different kinds of entry visa, how to renew visas, tips and related matters. Visa regulations are subject to change. Most changes are minor, though there have been some very significant changes from time to time. As of early 2009, major changes are not expected. Nevertheless, you should check with a Thai consulate or embassy in your country, or the Immigration Dept. in Bangkok (see the map at the bottom of this page), or a good lawyer regarding any and all of the following. News in 2008: Shortly after the military coup of 2006, back to back tourist visas were disallowed and a \"\"90 out of 180 days rule\"\" was imposed (discussed below). Never mind this rule because that was discontinued in 2008 by the democratically elected administration. You can now get back to back tourist visas and stay in Thailand a long time without any problems, or just get visas on arrival -- the so called \"\"border runs\"\" or \"\"visa runs\"\" whereby you can take a bus to go step over a border and back. Details below."
"docid": "D258448#0",
"title": "http://www.mzv.cz/sofia/en/visa_and_consular_information/visa_information/instructions_on_how_to_complete_the.html\nInstructions on how to complete the Application for Schengen Visa",
"text": "\"Instructions on how to complete the Application for Schengen Visa30.12.2007 / 16:13 | Aktualizováno: 02.04.2010 / 13:17 (This article expired 31.03.2010. ) Please use black or blue ballpoint pen to complete the form and complete it in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS according to the following instructions... Please note: If the application is not completed legibly, you risk a delay in processing or the application will not be processed at all!Please use black or blue ballpoint pen to complete the form and complete it in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS according to the following instructions: I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSa) The form must be completed in legible Roman capitals. Complete the boxes from left to right. b) Do not complete the application form in red ink. c) Complete all sections with the exception of those for office use only. d) If you do not know the requested data, leave the boxes blank. e) If the question offers more than one answer, mark the boxes which apply with an \"\"X.\"\" f) The data should be completed in the place reserved for them; if there is not enough space left, a separate sheet of paper may be used and enclosed with the application form. g) Corrections in the form should be made by drawing a horizontal line through unwanted writing. Correct data should be completed in the remaining vacant boxes under the heading (or a separate sheet of paper to be enclosed with the application form). h) Applicant's identification data must be completed as written in his/her travel document."
"docid": "D3397029#0",
"title": "http://www.ask-aladdin.com/visas_and_passports.htm\n",
"text": "Click on Thumbnail to enlarge Most tourists and visitors to Egypt can obtain its an entry visa at any ports of entry. All foreigners arriving in Egypt should have a valid passport (with at least 6 months left before expiry) to get your entry visa. However, the entry visa can also be obtained from Egyptian Diplomatic and Consular Missions abroad, or when in Egypt ( for extension or renewal) from the visa department at the Travel Documents, Immigration and Nationality Administration (TDINA) at Mogamma building located at Tahrir squire in Cairo city centre. There are 2 types of Egypt Visa: Residence Visa : is required for any foreigner arriving in Egypt for purposes other than tourism, e.g. work, study, etc. The possession of a valid entry visa is needed to complete the residence procedure in Egypt. Tourist Visa: is usually valid for a period not exceeding one month granted on either single or multiple entry basis. Egypt Entry Visa is valid only for travel within three months from the date of issue and is valid only for One- month stay in Egypt, beginning on the date of arrival. If you have a reason to extend your stay, you can do that from the ministry of interior affairs in Egypt after declaring the reasons for that and their acceptance for that reasons. Egyptian with foreign passports: Any Egyptian citizen holding foreign passport will be granted a courtesy visa after declaring proof for Egyptian nationality like Egyptian (passport, personal or family identification card or birth certificate), also the foreign wife to Egyptian husband will be granted a courtesy visa after declaring a proof for their marriage. How Tourists get their visa at the airport: The Egyptian visa is simply a stamp (like a mail or postage stamp ) that you can buy from the visa office located at arrival hall at port of entry just before the immigration booth; you can't really miss it!The visa stamp costs $25 USD only."
"docid": "D2664107#0",
"title": "https://www.expatinfodesk.com/expat-guide/deciding-on-the-right-country/top-expatriate-destinations/india/\nLiving in India",
"text": "\"Living in India Living in India can offer expats a taste of life in an exotic and diverse place. It is a bright and vibrant country with an eclectic mix of different cultures and people. India is a huge country whose population currently represents a sixth of the world's total population. However, despite the large numbers of people that are living in India, it is a relatively small country that covers only 2% of the world's total land. This makes India a very crowded and busy place. India has many different religious and ethnic groups. The most popular religion is that of Hindu (approx 80%), followed by Muslim (12%), Christian (2%) and other religions such as Sikh, Buddhist and Jain. India as an expat destination Whilst historically Indian represented a destination that people moved away from to find their wealth in the west, a reverse trend is slowly emerging and a growing number of people are leaving their home countries to sample expat life in India. At present, there are believed to be between 20,000 and 30,000 expatriates living in India and, whilst this is just a fraction of the 100,000 foreigners in China, the number is increasing on a yearly basis. India's expatriate community has a wide range of different people."
"docid": "D430993#0",
"title": "https://www.englishintaiwan.com/life-in-taiwan/visa-facts\nTaiwan Visa Facts - How To Get a Travel or Work Visa for Teaching English, Resident Visas, Student Visas, ARC",
"text": "\"Taiwan Visa Facts - How To Get a Travel or Work Visa for Teaching English, Resident Visas, Student Visas, ARCRelated Links To Getting a Taiwan Visa: Where to Eat and Drink in Taiwan Night Markets: Taipei City Night Markets: Kaohsiung City Shopping in Taiwan Where to Visit: Taipei Where to Visit: Kaohsiung Getting a Teaching Job in Taiwan Jobs in Taiwan Visa Exempt Entry / Resident Visa, Working Permit, Alien Resident Card / Teaching in Taiwan / Student Visas / Marriage ARC / Renewing your ARC / Overstay Visa Taiwan allows for a Visa Exempt Entry or a Landing Visa30 Day Landing Visa requirements are as follows: Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries eligible for visa-exempt entry. A confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure. An application form with 1 passport sized photo A visa fee of NT$ 1,600 (citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of NT$ 800. The 30 day landing visa is not extendable: Additional Notes: Passengers entering the Republic of China through the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport may apply for a landing visa at the Visa Office of Consular Affairs Bureau at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Passengers who enter the Republic of China through the Taipei Song Shan Airport, the Taichung Airport and the Kaohsiung International Airport shall apply for \"\"temporary entry permit\"\" at Border Affairs Corps of National Immigration Agency located at the airport. USA Passport holders: Holders of USA passport with validity less than six months are eligible for a landing visa. Passengers shall apply for a visa at ROC Overseas Missions and be charged US$160 (NT$4,800) . Passengers who apply for visas upon arrival at the ports of entry in the ROC shall be charged US$160 (NT$4,800) plus an additional fee of US$24(NT$800)Visa Exempt Entry Foreign nationals, who hold ordinary passports or other legal travel documents and who intend to stay in Taiwan for no more than six months for the purposes of transit; tour; visit relatives; undertake visits; undertake inspection tours; attend international conferences; conduct business; pursue short-term study; undertake short-term employment; undertake short-term missionary work. This Taiwan visa grants you a lot more flexibility than the 30-day visa-free permit. The visitor visa can be extended twice for a maximum of 180 days."
"docid": "D382155#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Azerbaijan\n.",
"text": "\"YOU CAN EDIT THIS PAGE! Just click any blue \"\"Edit\"\" link and start writing!Earth : Europe : Caucasus : Azerbaijannavigation search Azerbaijan Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Celebrate Climate Terrain Electricity Get in Visa Requirements How to apply By plane By train By bus By car By boat Get around By road By train See Do Buy Eat Sleep Stay safe Safety tips Emergency contact numbers Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Baku (Baki)Government Republic Currency Azerbaijani manat (AZN)Area 86,600km²Population 9,047,000 (Aug 2010)Language Azerbaijani (Azeri) 93.4% (official), Russian 2.5%, Lezgin 2.2%, other 1.9%Religion Muslim 95.4%, Russian Orthodox 2.8%, other 1.8%Electricity 220V/50Hz (European plug)Country code +994Internet TLD .az Time Zone UTC+4This article is about the country of Azerbaijan. There is also a region of Iran called Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus and variously considered part of Europe or Asia. The country lies on the Caspian Sea. It borders Russia and Georgia to the north, Armenia to the west, and Iran in the south. Through the autonomous exclave of Nakhchivan, which lies between Armenia and Iran, Azerbaijan also shares a short border with Turkey . Understand [ edit]The majority of the population (over 90%) is composed of Azeris, who share a culture very similar to Turkey. History, with Russian and Persian influence, has left the Azeris of Azerbaijan and Iran with some moderate differences. Minorities in Azerbaijan include Lezghins, Russians, Avars, Turks, Tatars, Ukrainians, and Georgians."
"docid": "D2966400#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_mailing_address_for_citibank_master-card_payment\nWhat is mailing address for citibank master-card payment?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Personal Finance Money Management Credit Credit and Debit Cards Master Card What is mailing address for citibank master-card payment? Flag What is mailing address for citibank master-card payment? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The mailing address for Citibank Master Card payment is located in Ohio. The full mailing address is Citibank/Choice, P. O. Box 183037, Columbus, Ohio 43218-3051.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is mailing address for citibank visa?100 Citibank Drive P. O. Box 769004 San Antonio, TX 78245-9004What is mailing address for citibank diamond rewards credit card payment? CITI CARDS REGULAR PAYMENTS Citibank / Choice P. O. Box 6000 The Lakes, NV 89163-6000. Additional information directly available at this Citi Bank link below:. https: …What is the mailing address for HSBC credit card payment?p.o. box 80084 salinas, ca 39312-0084What is mailing address for chase visa credit card payment?"
"docid": "D2706281#0",
"title": "https://vietnamvisa.govt.vn/vietnam-visa/faqs/\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "Frequently Asked Questions Apply Now1. What is Visa on Arrival ? Vietnam Visa on Arrival ( VOA ) is a legal document approved by the Department of Immigration. There are four major benefits to a VOA: Legitimate: VOA is granted and approved by the Vietnam Department of Immigration. Convenient: easy online application, no need to send passport or photos, and no waiting or delays. Cheap: lowest fee and best service Fast: a VOA can be completed in two business days2. Is the “Visa on Arrival” legitimate ? Yes, it is! Vietnam Visa on Arrival is an alternative way to get your visa to visit Vietnam. It has also been prominently featured in many famous news publications, such as The New York Times, USA TODAY, Trip Advisor, and CNNGo."
"docid": "D1040757#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-does-Visa-Checkout-differ-from-MasterPass-for-credit-card-issuers\nHow does Visa Checkout differ from MasterPass for credit card issuers?",
"text": "Masterpass & Visa checkout largely serve the same purpose: help consumers checkout with a single button without having to sign-in or create a new account on every single website they purchase products from. They differ in one major way: Masterpass works with bank issuers to allow the user to use to sign-in using their existing bank credentials. For example, if you already have a citibank credit card, when you log into masterpass you’ll be able to sign in using your citibank username/password. Masterpass will then retrieve all your citi related bank cards and allow you to pick one as well as take care of the billing and shipping address (the default shipping address will be your billing address). Pros: Don’t have to create a new account, already have my billing info/shipping info Cons: If I have multiple banks that I have accounts with I have to manage/log-in with multiple accounts Visa Checkout doesn’t work with the bank issuer at all. The user signs up for Visa checkout and can add all their cards. The user is also not limited to Visa cards, they can actually add Mastercard, Discover, Amex etc. Pros: User has a single account for all their cards. Cons: User has to add every single card manually, create a shipping/billing address, and manage yet another log-in In general both of these solutions have pros/cons. The bigger issue that both of these products will face is merchant adoption."
"docid": "D858416#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/sample-billing-letters-past-due-2317065\nSample Billing Letters for Past Due Balances Over $250",
"text": "How can you craft an appropriate and effective billing letter for overdue accounts? Here are sample letters of each statement mailer for patients with balances greater than $250.00. If these get no response, you must progress to exploring what to do when patients refuse to pay. Edit these templates with the specifics for your practice and payment methods accepted. If your patients owe less than $250.00, try these sample letters instead. Timeline for Sending Patient Statements Peathegee Inc/Getty Images The suggested timeline for sending out patient statements for past due balances includes: Patient account balances are one day past due Patient account balances are 15 days past due Patient account balances are 45 days past due Patient account balances are 60 days past due Account Past Due One Day This statement is sent on day 1 of the patient statement timeline. Sample Letter Any Doctor Medical Practice 1234 Any Street Any City, Any State, 12345 Phone # 555-555-5555 Fax # 555-555-5556 Email: [email protected] Website: www.anydoctormedicalpractice.com Date Patient Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State and Zip Code Dear _____________,This letter is a reminder that the balance on your account in the amount of $________ is due now. We accept Master Card, VISA and Discover. If your payment is already on its way, we thank you and ask that you please disregard this notice. If not, we would appreciate receipt of your payment as soon as possible."
"docid": "D2088618#0",
"title": "http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/find-low-cost-free-classes-citizenship-article-1.257966\nFind low-cost & free classes for citizenship",
"text": "\"Find low-cost & free classes for citizenship Thursday, November 15, 2007, 4:00 AMfacebook Tweet email Where can I get information about free and low-cost citizenship classes? I am a parent coordinator at a New York City school. Some of our parents have asked about where they can take classes to prepare them for the citizenship exam. Monsie Felicier, New York A. Free and low-cost citizenship classes are available at many New York City libraries, at City University of New York (CUNY) campuses and at community-based organizations. You can get information about these classes by calling 311, New York City's information hotline. You also can visit the Web site of the CUNY Citizenship and Immigration Project, http://www1.cuny.edu/about/citizenship/faqs/ESLand Civics Classes.html, or the Web site of the New York Public Library, http://www.nypl.org - click on \"\"classes. \"\" Free and low-cost citizenship classes are available at many New York City libraries, at City University of New York (CUNY) campuses and at community-based organizations. You can get information about these classes by calling 311, New York City's information hotline. You also can visit the Web site of the CUNY Citizenship and Immigration Project, http://www1.cuny.edu/about/citizenship/faqs/ESLand Civics Classes.html, or the Web site of the New York Public Library, http://www.nypl.org - click on \"\"classes. \"\"Q. My sister came here on a B-1 business visitor visa, then overstayed."
"docid": "D681869#0",
"title": "http://user.xmission.com/~daina/known_scammers.html\nMr. Pinball's Blacklist--Known Scammers",
"text": "\"Name Email Address Date of Last Contact Notes Rogerdat [email protected] Mon 19 Mar 2018 Uses stolen photos. Has strong foreign accent. Claims to be in Boone, Iowa. Phone: 814-651-8530.jack humpal, Gray Scott [email protected], [email protected] Wed 14 Mar 2018 Concocts sympathy story about daughter dying from cancer in order to get your money faster. Patrick Hepditch [email protected] Sat 17 Feb 2018 Uses stolen photos. Claims to be in Atlanta, Georgia but really in Lagos, Nigeria. George Liberman [email protected] Sun 25 Feb 2018 Uses stolen photos. Claims to be in Nashville, Tennessee 37211. Martin [email protected] Wed 13 Feb 2018 Claims to be in Atlanta, Georgia 30345, yet his IP address is in El Paso, Texas. Chris Hood [email protected] Sun 11 Feb 2018 Claims to be in Los Angeles, California and have phone: +1-323-886-4172Brian Poage [email protected] Fri 9 Feb 2018 Wants a money order."
"docid": "D715118#0",
"title": "http://www.visitdubai.com/en/travel-planning/travel-tools/visa-and-entry-information\nDubai Visa & Entry Information",
"text": "Your guide to applying for a visa to Dubai The type of visa needed to enter Dubai depends on several factors such as your nationality, the purpose of your planned visit and its duration.30-day visa 90-day visa GCC Residents Visa types Apply Now Visa Types Service Visa Duration: 14 days from the date of entry Validity: 14 days from the date of issue Tourist Visa Duration: long-term visa for 60 days or short-term visa for 30 days from the date of entry, depending upon the visa type Validity: 60 days from the date of issue Prerequisites: Sponsorship from a hotel or tour operator and prearrangement*Visit Visa Duration: 90 days/30 days from the date of entry, depending upon the visa type Validity: 60 days from the date of issue Prerequisites: Sponsorship from a UAE resident, company or hotel*Transit Visa Duration: 96 hours Validity: 14 days from the date of issue Prerequisites: This type of visa can only be provided by airlines Work Visa Regulations for a Work Visa application: Passport must be valid for a minimum of six months at the time of entry to the UAE. Only recent colour photographs are accepted (Non-Polaroid) with a white background Those who are already in the UAE can apply for a change of status inside the country or they can exit the UAE and come back Change of status option is subject to approval, depending upon the visa type. If you do not fall into one of the above categories, you will require a visa and a sponsor for your visit, and the sponsor normally applies for the visa on your behalf For more information, please visit https://www.dnrd.ae/en/visa-information-and-tips Apply for Visa Valid Sponsors Hotels and tourist companies can apply on your behalf for a Service Visa (14 days), Tourist Visa (30 days) or a Visit Visa (90 days)Other organizations based in the UAE may only apply for Visit Visas and Service Visas Individuals (relatives or friends) who are UAE residents may, subject to guidelines, also apply on your behalf for a Visit Visa If you are coming here to work, you will require a visa that can be obtained on your behalf by your employer or sponsor Online You can apply for visa through Emirates Visa Services. Contact General Directory of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Toll Free (Int. ): +971 4 313 9999 Fax: +9714 5011111 E-Mail: [email protected] Mail Address: General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai P. O BOX: 4333 Dubai United Arab Emirates30-day visa on arrival Citizens of the following countries do not require advance visa arrangements to enter the UAE and can obtain a visa upon arrival for 30 days with a 10-day grace period for extension: Andorra Australia Brunei Canada Vatican City Hong Kong Ireland Japan Malaysia Chile Monaco Russia San Marino Seychelles Singapore Ukraine Mauritius China Kazakhstan New Zealand United Kingdom United States of America Please note: Citizens of the countries listed above can obtain a visa upon arrival for 30 days from the date of entry with their normal passports The visa is extendable and the total validity, if extended, would be 60 days from the date of entry Passports should be normal and valid for more than six months This visa is considered a multi-entry visa, which allows the visa holder to consume the 30-day visa validity regardless of whether the visa holder is inside or outside the UAE. Any number of days the visa holder stays outside the UAE would be calculated from the 30-day validity of the visa90-day visa on arrival Citizens of the following countries do not require advance visa arrangements to enter the UAE and can obtain a visa upon arrival for 90 days: Visa is valid for 90 days. Extendable. South Korea Argentina Bahamas Solomon Islands Nauru Please note: Citizens of the countries listed above can obtain a visa upon arrival for 90 days from the date of entry with their normal passports The visa is extendable Passports should be normal and valid for more than six months Visa is valid for 90 days. Not Extendable. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Switzerland Finland Poland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Liechtenstein Czech Republic Please note: Citizens of the countries listed above can obtain a visa upon arrival for 90 days from the date of entry with their normal passports This visa type is not renewable Passports should be normal and valid for more than six months The visa holder can use the 90-day visa upon arrival to be consumed within 180 days from first entry GCC Residents If you are a national citizen of one of the GCC countries, you don't need a visa or a sponsor to visit the UAE."
"docid": "D719110#0",
"title": "http://www.ustraveldocs.com/cn/cn-niv-passporttrack.asp\nTrack & Retrieve My Passport Passport/Visa Collection Locations",
"text": "\"You are here: Home / Track & Retrieve My Passport | Passport/Visa Collection Locations Track & Retrieve My Passport Passport/Visa Collection Locations Overview Change Delivery Options Check the Status of Your Visa Passport Tracking Options Collecting Your Passport/Visa Expedited Pick-up Location Required Documents for Passport Retrieval FAQOverview If your application is approved, your passport and visa will be returned either:to the CITIC Bank branch you previously selected. Please note that CITIC will hold your passport for only 15 days, after which it will be returned to the Embassy/Consulate. You must collect your passport within 15 days. Please do not come to your selected CITIC branch before you have been informed by our services that your passport is ready for pickup. You can only pick up your passport at the location you have selected.to your home/office address (Premium Delivery Option). This service does not cover outside mainland China and if applicants add an address outside of Mainland China, it will result in non-delivery. There is an additional fee associated with this service that is paid directly to EMS on delivery of your passport: For NIV applications, the fee will be: RMB 24 per passport for delivery within the city you applied;RMB 34 per passport if outside the city you applied. For interview waiver, prices for home delivery may be as much as RMB 34 per passport. For IV applications, prices will vary as per the below (including a RMB 20 insurance fee): Guangdong Province: 59 RMB per passport Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan: 79 RMB per passport Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia: 94 RMB per passport Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang: 119 RMB per passport Change Delivery Options You may change your preferred document delivery address online or through the call center until midnight on the day of your interview appointment. There is no cost to change your delivery preferences."
"docid": "D3393453#0",
"title": "http://www.aplikante.info/get-sss-salary-loan-proceeds-fast-3-days/\nHow to get your SSS Salary Loan Proceeds in as fast as 3 days?",
"text": "home Documents Processing How to get your SSS Salary Loan Proceeds in as fast as 3 days? How to get your SSS Salary Loan Proceeds in as fast as 3 days? By MNM | Author Posted in Documents Processing Posted on September 27, 2016Did you know that, you can get your SSS Salary Loan proceeds in as fast as 3-5 days upon loan approval? This is the added feature of SSS to help its members ease their waiting time on urgent situations. With the partnership of SSS with Citi Visa Prepaid Card from Citibank Philippines and Quick Card from Union Bank of the Philippines (UBP), they made possible the faster receipt of SSS salary loan proceeds for every SSS member. It also aids the problems on stolen, undelivered, misplaced or lost checks. This makes SSS salary loan experience fast, safe and convenient. How to apply for SSS Salary Loan using SSS-Citi Prepaid Card or SSS-UBP Quick Card option? Get an SSS Member Loan Application form at any SSS branches. You may also download the SSS Member Loan Application at sss.gov.ph Fill out the required field at the loan application form Select the cash card option as preferred mode of payment Submit the filled-out SSS loan application form at any participating SSS branches."
"docid": "D137247#0",
"title": "http://www.learn4good.com/travel/italyembassy-consulates-uk.htm\nItalian Embassy for UK - Address / Phone Number",
"text": "\"Travel Visa & Embassy information Italy Visa Information Italian Embassy in UK, address, phone number Italian Embassy for UK - Address / Phone Number Italian Embassy in United Kingdom Address: 14 Three Kings’ Yard Davies Street W1K 4EH City: London (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hours)Tel . : 020 7312 2200 Fax: 020 7312 2230 Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 – 17.00 Italian General Consulate in London Address: \"\"Harp House\"\", 83/86 Farringdon Street. London EC4A 4BL City: London (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hours)Tel . : +44 (0)20 7936 5900 Fax: +44 (0)20 7583 9425 Consular hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 – 12.00 Jurisdiction: England, Wales, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands, Gibraltar and South Georgia & Sandwich Islands. Italian General Consulate in Manchester Address: 20 Dale Street (4th floor) Manchester M1 1EZ City: Manchester (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hours)Tel . : +44 (0)161 236 9024 Fax: +44 (0)161 236 5574 Consular hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 – 12.30Italian General Consulate in Edinburgh Address: 32 Melville Street - Edinburgh EH3 7HA City: Edinburgh (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hours)Tel . : +44 (0)131 220 3695 / 226 3631 Fax: +44 (0)131 2266260 Consular hours: Monday to Thursday, 9.30 – 12.30 Jurisdiction: Scotland and Northern Ireland The consular services provided are based on the following principles: equality of treatment, impartiality, efficiency and transparency. Consulates ensure all co-nationals protection against the violation of their fundamental rights and the limitation or privation of their personal freedom. They also ensure emergency assistance; help in locating family members, inheritance procedures initiated abroad and with the repatriation of human remains. Moreover, they help them in cases of emergency, in their search for family members, for inheritance matters abroad and for the repatriation of human remains to Italy: Residence Office Welfare Citizenship Military Service Notary Services Electoral Services Passports In the event of a lost or stolen passport Identity Card Pensions Registry Office Education Adoptions Translations Visa, etc."
] |
1920 | advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise | [
"docid": "D133089#0",
"title": "https://www.business.qld.gov.au/business/starting/business-startup-options/buying-franchise/advantages-disadvantages-buying-franchise\nAdvantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise",
"text": "Home Starting a business Buying a business Buying a franchise Advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise Advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise In a franchise business, the franchisor provides a developed way of doing business, ongoing guidance, systems and assistance in return for periodic payment of fees and/or purchases. Buying a franchise can be a viable alternative to starting your own business. Listed below are some advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise. Advantages of buying a franchise Franchises offer the independence of small business ownership supported by the benefits of a big business network. You don't necessarily need business experience to run a franchise. Franchisors usually provide the training you need to operate their business model. Franchises have a higher rate of success than start-up businesses. You may find it easier to secure finance for a franchise. It may cost less to buy a franchise than start your own business of the same type. Franchises often have an established reputation and image, proven management and work practices, access to national advertising and ongoing support."
] | [
"docid": "D2205391#0",
"title": "http://www.whichfranchise.com/resales/advice.cfm\nWhy buy a franchise resale",
"text": "Why buy a franchise resale Franchise resales are big business in 21st century and investing in such an opportunity presents certain advantages over a new franchise location or independent business. Nationally renowned Franchise Resales Consultant for Franchise Sales & Resales, Jess Bains, elaborates. As with any business transaction, when investing in a franchise resales opportunity, it is imperative that you recognise what you are receiving in return for the money paid to the franchisor. While the franchisor does provide assistance in exchange for the fees they receive; not all of them are identical. Franchisors provide value in different areas depending on the strengths and strategy of their business model. You should identify why you are buying one franchise over others and set appropriate expectations before making your decision. A franchise Resale provides advantages in the categories listed below: Established Track Record When you buy a franchise resale, you are usually investing in a franchise concept, which has products and services that have sold successfully. You will have trading history to learn from and to support your forecast for the future. Investing in a franchise resale is based on an already existing business model that, in most cases, has worked successfully for the franchise owner. Brand Recognition A franchise owner can profit from the brand recognition that a franchise resale provides."
"docid": "D133087#0",
"title": "http://franchises.businessmart.com/advantages-disadvantages-of-owning-a-franchise.php\nAdvantages & Disadvantages of Owning a Franchise",
"text": "\"Small Business Resources > Advantages & Disadvantages of Owning a Franchise Advantages & Disadvantages of Owning a Franchise When considering life as an entrepreneur, it is important to understand the definitions of a franchise, business opportunity and a start-up business. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages to each style of business. In this article we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owning a franchise. FRANCHISE: A franchise is a right granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services within a certain territory or location. The franchisor (the company owner) sells the rights to the franchisee and then typically receives a fee for ongoing support, therefore having a vested interest in the success of each franchise. Franchising began back in the 1850's when Isaac Singer invented the sewing machine. In order to distribute his machines outside of his geographical area, and also provide training to customers on the use of the machines, Singer began selling licenses to entrepreneurs in different parts of the country. Today many such franchise opportunities are advertised via the Web and other media. Examples of franchises include Carvel, Tutoring Club and Liberty Tax Service. Advantages: There is a higher likelihood of success since a proven business formula is in place."
"docid": "D1333881#0",
"title": "http://www.incorporatecalifornia.com/llcs.html\n.",
"text": "\"California LLC formation by attorney / MBA . Every California limited liabilty company formation includes a consultation to determine whether an LLC is right for you / your business (versus a corporation, limited liability partnership); what state to form the LLC in (California? Nevada? ); and to make sure that all your questions and concerns are addressed. Also included is perhaps the most important step in the LLC formation process: drafting an Operating Agreement customized to your needs and explaining its significance and operation to all of the LLC members. Flat fee one-owner small business LLC formation services start at $1,500 inclusive of standard filing fees and costs. For this purpose, husbands and wives and legally-sanctioned domestic partners count as one owner. Multiple owner LLCs start at $2,000, inclusive of standard filing fees and costs; however, in more complex situations, a higher flat rate or an hourly rate of $375+ may apply for all - or for additional - work. Nevada LLC's are $350 more, due to increased filing fees versus California's for the state business license and initial annual list (but potentially lower taxes in the long run), and LLCs with foreign national ownership are an additional $250. Please contact me with information about your legal needs to receive a more detailed quote."
"docid": "D1581932#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/10201919/301-forms-of-business-ownership-flash-cards/\n3.01 Forms of Business Ownership",
"text": "25 terms mcvictory3.01 Forms of Business Ownership Small Business Entrepreneurship Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Three basic forms of business ownership: Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation Sole proprietorship: A business owned and operated by one person; easiest and most popular form of business ownership. Partnership: A form of business ownership in which two or more people share the assets, liabilities, and profits. General partnership: A partnership in which all partners have unlimited personal liability and take full responsibility for the management of the business. Limited partnership: A partnership in which the partners' liability is limited to their investment. Joint venture: A partnership in which two companies join to complete a specific project. The partnership ends after a specified period of time. Strategic alliance: A partnership in which two businesses work together for mutual benefit. ( Example: A business forms a partnership with a manufacturer that agrees to produce the business's products. )"
"docid": "D2992256#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-intermediate-sanction-page1.html\n\"\"\"Advantages And Disadvantages Of Intermediate Sanction\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Advantages And Disadvantages Of Intermediate Sanction\"\" Essays and Research Papers Advantages And Disadvantages Of Intermediate Sanctionrehabilitated and are no longer a danger to society. Over the years the United States jurisdictions and judges offer intermediate sanctions to probationers (offenders who are released from detention under supervision due to a period of good behavior). The objective of intermediate sanctions in the criminal justice practice is to create stability among various offenders. These sanctions are mid-range dispositions that fall between probation and incarceration. First, we have discretionary parole. Discretionary... Arrest, Crime, Criminal law 921 Words | 3 Pages Open Documentadvantages and disadvantages Advantages of Total Quality Management (TQM) Improves Reputation - TQM programs have the advantage of improving corporate as well as product reputations in the marketplace, because errors and defective products are discovered much more rapidly than under a non-TQM system, and often before they are ever sent to market or found in the hands of the public. Higher Employee Morale - Compared to employees who are motivated, disengaged workers are less efficient, miss more workdays and cost organizations... Employment, Ethics, Human 1366 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Advantages and Disadvantages of Parolediscussed prolong and many controversies related to it have arisen. The essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the existence of parole in the criminal justice system. Firstly, various community measures addressing offenders will be explored. Next, a definition of the concept of parole will be provided, followed by a discussion of its' aims and objectives."
"docid": "D372313#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/franchise.asp\nWhat is a 'Franchise'",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load What is a 'Franchise'A franchise is a type of license that a party (franchisee) acquires to allow them to have access to a business's (the franchiser) proprietary knowledge, processes, and trademarks in order to allow the party to sell a product or provide a service under the business's name. In exchange for gaining the franchise, the franchisee usually pays the franchisor an initial start-up and annual licensing fees. Next Up Franchisee Franchisor Franchise Factor Franchise P/EBREAKING DOWN 'Franchise'When a business wants to increase its market share or increase its geographical reach at a low cost, it may create a franchise for its product and brand name. A franchise is a joint venture between a franchiser and a franchisee. The franchiser is the original or existing business which sells the right to use its name and idea. The franchisee is the individual who buys into the original company by purchasing the right to sell the franchisor’s goods or services under the existing business model and trademark. Franchises are a very popular method for people to start a business, especially for those who wish to operate in a highly competitive industry like the fast-food industry. One of the biggest advantages of purchasing a franchise is that you have access to an established company's brand name; meaning that you do not need to spend further resources to get your name and product out to customers. History of the ‘Franchise’The United States is the world leader in franchise businesses and has a storied history with the franchise business model. The concept of the franchise dates back to the mid-19th century, the most famous example of which is Isaac Singer."
"docid": "D3268186#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/domestic-environment-in-business-definition-lesson-quiz.html\nDomestic Environment in Business: Definition & Overview",
"text": "Instructor: Ashley Johns Ashley has taught college business courses and has a master's degree in management. Owning a business means you must decide if you want to enter international markets. This lesson reviews the domestic environment in business. You will see the advantages and disadvantages, as well as how it compares to the international environment. What Is the Domestic Environment? You've always dreamed of owning a restaurant. After contemplating your options, you decide to buy into a franchise. You have a couple in mind but need to make a final decision. This decision has come down to purchasing a franchise that does business globally versus one that is only in the United States. A friend tells you to take a look at the domestic environment prior to diving into becoming a business owner."
"docid": "D2717628#0",
"title": "http://www.doityourself.com/stry/buying-or-building-sheds-the-advantages-and-disadvantages\nBuying or Building Sheds: The Advantages and Disadvantages",
"text": "Buying or Building Sheds: The Advantages and Disadvantages Sheds are a great option to choose should you have the need to store some of your belongings. While you can buy or build your own shed, there are some significant advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before you make a decision. Please read the information below which will highlight the good and bad about building a shed, buying a shed, and the materials commonly used for sheds. Advantages and Disadvantages Building a Shed As the builder of the shed, you have maximum control over its design. This is important because you will be able to build the shed to serve your exact needs. Additionally, it will be a bit cheaper to build a shed since you will only have to pay for the materials and tools. Along with being less expensive, you can build your shed according to your schedule, which can be significantly faster than having a professional build it for you. Professionals generally have other projects and may not dedicate themselves fully to your particular project. While you may have more creative control, you will need to put in a great deal of time and effort when building a shed. If you are intending to build your own shed, you should be prepared to see the entire project through, which will require some organization and careful planning."
"docid": "D2385878#0",
"title": "http://fabjob.com/program/become-chocolate-shop-owner/\nBecome a Chocolate Shop Owner",
"text": "Become a Chocolate Shop Owner Open Your Own Chocolate Shop Do you love chocolate? Imagine owning a rewarding retail business that allows you to profit from your passion for fine chocolate. You can when you open your own gourmet chocolate shop. About a Career as a Chocolate Shop Owner Gourmet chocolate (also known as premium, prestige, or luxury chocolate) is the fastest growing segment of the chocolate industry, with sales increasing at double-digit rates every year for the past seven years. Gourmet chocolates often are imported or handcrafted (also known as artisan chocolates), and consumers are willing to pay more to enjoy this “everyday indulgence. ”There are many benefits to opening your own gourmet chocolate business. When you open a gourmet chocolate business you will have a shop that is exciting and festive. You will be surrounded by high quality merchandise, artfully displayed, with customers eagerly exploring your store. You will have the pleasure of helping people find that perfect gift, and watching your customers enjoy special chocolate treats. As a chocolate shop owner, you will have the freedom to make your own decisions and express your own creative spirit throughout your store."
"docid": "D87712#0",
"title": "http://www.bizfilings.com/learn/s-corporation-advantages-and-disadvantages.aspx\nS Corp (S Corporation) Advantages & Disadvantages",
"text": "\"S Corp (S Corporation) Advantages & Disadvantages Category: Incorporating Your Business Get Started Includes 6 months FREE Registered Agent service Whether you are just starting your business, or have been operating as a sole proprietor or general partner, you may be wondering about the advantages of incorporating your business as an S corporation . Many business owners assume it will be too costly or time-consuming—but neither is the case. What is an S corporation? An S corporation is a corporation that is treated, for federal tax purposes, as a pass-through entity through an election made with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to be considered an S corporation. What does that mean? As a corporation, an S corporation is created through filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State or similar government body. It issues stock and is governed as a corporation, with directors, officers, and shareholders who function in the same manner as their C corporation counterparts. The owners (the shareholders) have the same protection from liability as shareholders of a C corporation. An S corporation shareholder’s personal assets, such as personal bank accounts, cannot be seized to satisfy business liabilities. However, like a sole proprietorship or a partnership, an S corporation passes through most of its income and loss items to the shareholders."
"docid": "D486604#0",
"title": "https://ifranchise.ph/minute-burger-franchise/\nHow to Start a Minute Burger Franchise",
"text": "How to Start a Minute Burger Franchise They say the inspiration of burgers came from Hamburg, Germany but ironically, this particular beef sandwich - the hamburger is America’s favorite food. Whatever the history is and whoever invented this tasty sandwich, one thing is for sure, it has become so famous and is probably one of the world’s favorite snack . In fact, today for the record seventy - five (75) hamburgers per second are being prepared, sold and eaten. Hence, this is how the entire planet loved and adored this beef patty sandwich. Even the Filipinos were not spared of this burger popularity. Almost all restaurants, canteens, snack bars offers this menu to complete the choices of their short snack orders. Interestingly, even the franchising world was hooked with this food idea. Today, it is with no doubt that investing in the burger business is one of the most interesting and exciting ventures you will ever engage into. Not only that the industry is very competitive (as big fast food chain also offers this snack treat), it will also help hone entrepreneurial skills as well as marketing skills of an interested franchisee. So read the information below as you might be the next Minute Burger partner."
"docid": "D36626#0",
"title": "http://www.whichfranchise.co.za/questions-need-ask-buy-franchise/\n.",
"text": "Questions you need to ask before you buy a franchise The franchise model has proven to be hugely popular and successful all over the world. Franchise owners brought together under one trademark or brand will achieve things that individual businesspeople simply could not. Centralised advertising, buying power and the exchange of ideas are just some examples of these synergies. However, buying a franchise is not a guarantee of success. Carefully evaluating yourself and the franchise you want to purchase, will greatly improve your chances of success. Therefore, would-be franchise owners need to ask many questions and do thorough research before plunging headlong into the business, and investing their hopes and dreams, and often, the bulk of their assets. Before buying a franchise, there are 10 important questions that you need to think about carefully and answer honestly:1. Will I be willing and able to take on the responsibilities for managing my own business? Before buying a franchise you need to carefully analyse your personality and motives for owning your own business and you need to ensure that your ‘house’ is good order on a personal level. While the franchise system will provide start-up training for your business and offer ongoing support, as the franchisee, you must be prepared to accept the responsibility of managing the business yourself."
"docid": "D2213518#0",
"title": "http://info.finweb.com/investing/common-stock.html\nCommon Stock - Advantages and Disadvantages",
"text": "Common Stock - Advantages and Disadvantagescomments Part 1: Advantages and Disadvantages Every share of common stock represents a proportional ownership, or equity, in a company. If a company has only one share of common stock and an investor owns it, the investor owns the entire company and is entitled to one hundred percent of the company’s profits. If a company has 100,000 shares of common stock and an investor owns one of them, then the investor owns 1/100,000th of the company, and as such, has an interest in 1/100,000th of the company’s profits. Common stock has a number of advantages which make it a desirable investment vehicle, some of which are listed below: Common stock has the potential for delivering very large gains, unlike bonds, Certificates of Deposit, or some other alternatives. Annual returns-on-investment (ROIs) of over 100% have occurred on a somewhat regular basis. The potential loss from stock purchased with cash is limited to the total amount of the initial investment. This is considerably better than that of some leveraged transactions, where the maximum loss can well exceed the total of the funds invested. Stocks offer limited legal liability. Passive stockholders (those who take no active part in the running of the company) are protected against any liability stemming from the company’s actions beyond their financial investment in the company. Most stocks are very liquid; in other words, they can be bought and sold quickly at a fair price."
"docid": "D2509853#0",
"title": "http://www.bizmove.com/general/m6c.htm\nStrategic Planning: How To Develop A Strategic Plan for a Business",
"text": "\"Now Free! 300 Business Guides To Help you Succeed In Business >>>>Strategic Planning: How To Develop A Strategic Plan for a Business To many people, strategic planning is something meant only for big businesses, but it is equally applicable to small businesses. Strategic planning is matching the strengths of your business to available opportunities. To do this effectively, you need to collect, screen and analyze information about the business environment. You also need to have a clear understanding of your business - its strength's and weaknesses - and develop a clear mission, goals and objectives. Acquiring this understanding often involves more work than expected. You must realistically assess the business you are convinced you know well. Familiarity can breed contempt for thorough analysis; you cannot properly evaluate your firm's strengths or shortcomings. The Business Environment Strategic planning focuses largely on managing interaction with environmental forces, which include competitors, government, suppliers, customers, various interest groups and other factors that affect your business and its prospects. Your ability as a small business owner-manager to deal with these groups will vary widely depending on the group and on the timing."
"docid": "D1712092#0",
"title": "http://www.scorporationsexplained.com/scorporation-advantage-disadvantage.htm\nS Corporation Advantages and Disadvantages: The Complete Run-down",
"text": "\"S Corporation Advantages and Disadvantages: The Complete Run-down Tweet Business owners, especially new business owners, often struggle with making sense of the advantages and disadvantages of S corporation status. Sure, you know that many businesses operate as S corporations, but you also sense that they can burden you and your accountant with extra work and expense. Accordingly, in the paragraphs below, I explain and discuss the most significant \"\"advantages and disadvantages of an S corporation\"\" issues for small businesses: Disadvantage #1: Extra Tax Accounting S Corporations present their owners and managers with several disadvantages, but perhaps the biggest disadvantage for a previously un-incorporated business concerns the extra accounting required. For the sole proprietorship that's considering an S corporation, the S corporation choice may require more or better bookkeeping and accounting. And this \"\"extra accounting\"\" disadvantage means that either you'll need to learn more accounting or you'll need to pay a bookkeeper or accountant to do it. You'll also, as a practical matter, need to buy a copy of an accounting software program like Quick Books. As compared to a sole proprietor, S corporation tax returns also cost more to prepare. Partly, the extra cost stems from the increased complexity of a corporate return. And partly, the extra cost stems from the fact that a corporate return is typically many more pages than a simple sole proprietorship tax return. An S corporation, for example, would often be required to prepare and submit balance sheets as part of its tax return."
"docid": "D2879792#0",
"title": "http://www.finweb.com/financial-planning/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-capital-budgeting.html\nAdvantages and Disadvantages of Capital Budgeting",
"text": "Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Budgetingcomments Capital budgeting is an important tool for leaders of a company when evaluating multiple opportunities for investment of the firm’s capital. Every company has both a limited amount of capital available and a desire to deploy that capital in the most effective way possible. When a company is looking at, for example, acquisitions of other companies, development of new lines of business or major purchases of plants or equipment, capital budgeting is the method used to determine whether one option is better than another. There are several capital budgeting methods, each with its pros and cons. Capital Budgeting by Payback Period The most-used method of capital budgeting is determining the payback period. The company establishes an acceptable amount of time in which a successful investment can repay the cost of capital to make it. Investment alternatives with too long a payback period are rejected. Investment alternatives inside the payback period are evaluated on the basis of the fastest payback. Payback method disadvantages include that it does not account for the time value of money. Net Present Value Capital Budgeting In net present value capital budgeting, each of the competing alternatives for a firm’s capital is assigned a discount rate to help determine the value today of expected future returns."
"docid": "D1448128#0",
"title": "https://www.indiafilings.com/learn/different-types-franchise-agreements/\nDifferent Types of Franchise Agreements",
"text": "Guides » Business Startup » Different Types of Franchise Agreements Different Types of Franchise Agreements Once the parties decide to establish a franchise, the next decision is deciding the structure and ownership of the franchise program. Based on the nature of understanding between the franchisor and franchisee, different types of franchise agreements could be entered into as follows: Development Agreement A development agreement is entered into if the franchisor and franchise decide to develop a franchise outlet in a particular area. The development agreement gives the franchisee an exclusive right to open a store in a particular area within a particular period of time. Development agreement only provides the right to develop a store. Once development is complete, a franchisee agreement must be executed to operate the store. Development agreements are usually executed to provide the franchisee with an exclusivity to establish a store at a certain location, for a certain amount of time. Franchise Agreement Once the development is complete or the store is setup, a franchise agreement is executed. Franchise agreement provides the franchisee the right to operate the store for a particular period of time. It is important to have exclusivity clauses in the franchise agreement to ensure no other stores of the same brand are opened/operated within a certain distance from the store for which franchise agreement is executed. Some of the major elements in a franchise agreement are: Initial fee Initial investment Product and/or services to be offered Financing Franchisor Obligations Franchisee Obligations Exclusivity Trademark, Patent, Copyrights Period of agreement Franchisee fee Termination Sub-Franchise Agreement A sub-franchise agreement is entered into between the franchisee and a third-party, to operate the franchise for a period of time for a payment of fee."
"docid": "D2936768#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-buying-an-existing-business.htm\nWhat are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying an Existing Business?",
"text": "If you want to start your own business, the number of choices available are almost infinite: starting from zero, buying a franchise, partnering. If you don't have previous business experience, however, it may make sense to consider buying an existing business, which can put you ahead of the competition by throwing you directly into the business world. Before you make the final decision, though, here are some of the pros and cons of previously established businesses and how to deal with them. Some advantages include the following: The main benefit of buying an existing business is the fact that all legwork has already been done for you. Getting a business off the ground is often the hardest part, so you are guaranteeing a head start by skipping the first stage. No need to file paperwork, obtain permits, and consult with lawyers. It gives you the advantage of an established customer base. People will already know the place, so the costs of advertising will be less. You will also avoid the uncertain initial period, where attracting customers to the business can turn into a full-time job in itself. When you buy an existing business, you may get employees who are already working there to stay and work for you."
"docid": "D31455#0",
"title": "http://www.mastertanning.com/tips/20/starting-a-tanning-salon/\n.",
"text": "\"Master Tanning.com Tip Center Starting a Tanning Salon (return to Tip Center home)Starting a Tanning Salon Starting a salon? Check out our Bronze, Silver, and Gold salon packages!A lucrative tanning salon needs only a few things to get started; the products, the proper start up business plan and proper financing. You might be interested in joining a local Small Business Administration charter for more information about starting a business. Before starting your own business, check for any local or federal regulations that govern a new tanning salon. Some states have specific regulations listed at the Chamber of Commerce websites or with local business information websites. Starting a Tanning Salon - What Products You Will Need The products will be the tanning beds, the tanning lotions and all the little extras you will need for your business. This may also include space available to you for starting your tanning salon. This may also include the location of the business. Your business may need: · A building to operate in · Tanning beds in both the stand up and the lie down styles · Indoor tanning lotions · Eye protection for each client · Safety signs and notices · Replacement parts for your tanning beds Starting a Tanning Salon Business - Your Business Plan The proper start up business plan for your tanning salon is your core business. This describes your ideas, the products you need, what your project business will be like and the profits you mean to make."
"docid": "D2222029#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/032515/why-did-howard-schultz-decide-keep-starbucks-chain-rather-allow-franchising.asp\nWhy did Howard Schultz decide to keep Starbucks a chain rather than allow franchising?",
"text": "A: Starbucks does, in fact, franchise on a limited basis. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz long resisted franchising in the United States to maintain control over the Starbucks brand and culture, but he has opened a small number of franchise-owned stores in Europe. Keeping Starbucks a chain in the U. S. has allowed the company to offer a high degree of continuity across American stores. Starbucks plans to increase franchising in Europe, however, and the Starbucks subsidiary Seattle's Best Coffee franchises its cafés and kiosks in the U. S. In addition to the decision to keep Starbucks a chain, market maker Howard Schultz has made several decisions over the years that have brought the world's leading coffee chain back to the top. Schultz has expressed his desire to resist letting stock price define the company. Schultz has stated that the renewed success of Starbucks is due in large part to this philosophy. For example, even when times were tough for Starbucks, he refused to stop offering health care to part-time and temporary employees to save money, which kept employee morale high and encouraged low employee turnover. The other key decisions tycoon Howard Schultz has made as a renowned entrepreneur include his efforts to avoid stagnation by constantly reinventing and expanding Starbucks products and interior designs. He also ensures Starbucks offers customers innovative loyalty incentives, such as rewards cards and mobile payment options. RELATED FAQSWhat is Howard Schultz's educational and professional background?"
] |
1926 | after making a child abuse report to the hotline, the mandated reporter must submit a written confirmation of the report within ____________ hours. | [
"docid": "D2292652#0",
"title": "http://www.pa-fsa.org/Mandated-Reporters/Understanding-Mandated-Reporting/Making-a-Report\nReporting Abuse",
"text": "Reporting Abuse To fulfill his legal mandate, when a mandated reporter has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is being abused, he must immediately make the report. This can now be done in two ways: Call Child Line at 1-800-932-0313Child Line is available 24 hours/ 7 days a week. As a mandated reporter, you must provide your name and contact information when making the call. After making the call, mandated reporters must follow up with an electronic report or a written report completed on the CY-47 form within 48 hours of making the oral report. Submit the report electronically. The report is submitted directly to Child Line via Child Welfare Information Solution portal. You will need to include your name, telephone number and email address. You also will need to include any other actions you have taken (see below). You will receive an email confirmation that your report has been received; you should print and keep this confirmation for your records. After making the report to Child Line, the mandated reporter must tell the person in charge of the organization or program (for example, a school principal or the director of a child-serving program or the head Little League coach)."
] | [
"docid": "D2827230#0",
"title": "http://www.aclupa.org/our-work/duvall-reproductive-freedom-project/minorsaccesstoconfidential/referencecardminorsaccesst/\nReference Card: Minors' Access to Confidential Health Care in Pennsylvania",
"text": "Reference Card: Minors' Access to Confidential Health Care in Pennsylvania Copyright © 2014 (PDF versions available English | Spanish . ) March 2014Who Can Consent to Health Services Generally, Pennsylvania law requires the consent of a parent or guardian for the medical treatment of anyone younger than 18 years of age (a “minor”). However, Pennsylvania law permits a minor to consent to all medical, dental, and other health services, except abortion, if the minor has: (1) graduated from high school, or (2) been married, or (3) been pregnant. An emancipated minor may consent to all health services including abortion. No other consent is required—a minor who meets one of these criteria enjoys the same rights to consent and confidentiality as an adult patient. All minors have the ability to consent confidentially to certain medical services under Pennsylvania and U. S. law, which are described in detail below. Confidentiality Fear of disclosure prevents some minors from seeking health services. When young people are assured that providers will maintain their confidentiality, they are more likely to seek care. Generally the right to consent entitles the patient to confidentiality. When a minor has the right to consent, a provider generally may not disclose the minor’s health care information to anyone, including the minor’s parents or guardians, without the minor’s consent, unless there is an explicit exception in the law that permits or requires the disclosure."
"docid": "D683255#0",
"title": "https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/child-abuse-reporting-procedures\nChild abuse - reporting procedures",
"text": "Summary Child Protection protects children and young people from harm caused by abuse or neglect within the family. Community-based family support services may be able to help families having difficulties. A report to Child Protection is appropriate when the risk to children is significant. Some professionals are legally obliged to report to Child Protection if they encounter abuse in the course of their work. Anyone who is concerned about a child’s wellbeing can voluntarily make a child abuse report to Child Protection or a referral to a family support agency. On this page: Potential signs of child abuse Responding to signs of child abuse Responsibilities of a mandated notifier Contacting Child Protection How to make a report Your ongoing role when making a report Where to get help Things to remember Some professionals such as doctors, nurses, police and school teachers are legally obliged to report suspected child abuse (they are mandated notifiers). In addition, any person who believes, on reasonable grounds, that a child needs protection can make a report to Child Protection. Child Protection will assess and, where necessary, investigate if a child or young person is at risk of significant harm. Child Protection is part of the Victorian Department of Human Services. It provides child-centred, family-focused services to protect children and young people from significant harm caused by abuse or neglect within the family."
"docid": "D1911692#0",
"title": "http://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/abuse-hotline\nAbuse Hotline",
"text": "\"Abuse Hotline A new and improved online abuse reporting tool for the Florida Department of Children and Families’ Florida Abuse Hotline is now available. This new reporting tool is available to professionally-mandated reporters, as well as the general public, as an additional avenue to report suspected cases of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation of children or vulnerable adults. The new online reporting tool is in addition to the existing toll free line at1-800-96-ABUSE, TTY 1-800-955-8771, and fax at 1-800-914-0004. Features of the new online form: Does not require a login and password Allows attachment of important documents Personal information of the individual reporting abuse will always remain confidential, and individuals can remain confidential. The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. To make a report you can -report online at https://reportabuse.dcf.state.fl.us/call 1-800-962-2873Florida Relay 711 or TTY 800-955-8771fax your report to 800-914-0004If you suspect or know of a child or vulnerable adult in immediate danger, call 911. Legislation, signed by Gov. Rick Scott, requires any individual who suspects that a child has been abused by any person to report that to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Any allegations a child was abused or neglected by a caregiver will be investigated by the Department of Children and Families, while allegations of child abuse by someone other than a caregiver will be accepted at the Hotline and immediately electronically transferred to the appropriate local law enforcement agency where the child lives. Penalties for those who suspect a child is being abused but fail to report it have been increased from a misdemeanor to a felony. Financial penalties also have increased."
"docid": "D1097201#0",
"title": "http://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/abuse-hotline/frequently-asked-questions\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions:1. What is abuse? For children: \"\" Abuse \"\" means any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or is likely to cause the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired. Abuse of a child includes acts or omissions. Corporal discipline of a child by a parent or legal custodian for disciplinary purposes does not in itself constitute abuse when it does not result in harm to the child. For adults: \"\" Abuse \"\" means any willful act or threatened act by a relative, caregiver, or household member which causes or is likely to cause significant impairment to a vulnerable adult's physical, mental, or emotional health. Abuse includes acts and omissions.2. What is neglect? For children: “ Neglect \"\" occurs when a child is deprived of, or is allowed to be deprived of, necessary food, clothing, shelter, or medical treatment or a child is permitted to live in an environment when such deprivation or environment causes the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired or to be in danger of being significantly impaired. For adults: \"\" Neglect \"\" means the failure or omission on the part of the caregiver or vulnerable adult to provide the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the physical and mental health of the vulnerable adult, including, but not limited to, food, clothing, medicine, shelter, supervision, and medical services, which a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of a vulnerable adult."
"docid": "D2292651#0",
"title": "http://www.pa-fsa.org/Mandated-Reporters/Recognizing-Child-Abuse-Neglect/Reporting-Abuse-ChildLine\nReporting Abuse - ChildLine",
"text": "Reporting Abuse - Child Line Child Line provides information, counseling, and referral services for families and children to ensure the safety and well-being of the children of Pennsylvania. The toll-free intake line, 1-800-932-0313, is available 24 hours/7 days a week to receive reports of suspected child abuse. Professionals who come into contact with children (i.e., mandated reporters) are required to report when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child under the care, supervision, guidance or training of that person or of their agency, institution or organization is an abused child. However, any person may report suspected abuse. All mandated reporters must submit their name and contact information when making a report. Other members of the community who report can choose to remain anonymous. Each call is answered by a trained intake specialist who interviews the caller to determine the most appropriate course of action. Actions include forwarding a report to a county agency for investigation as child abuse or general protective services, forwarding a report directly to law enforcement officials, or referring the caller to local social services. If you are a mandated reporter, you must report suspected abuse immediately, either by phone or electronically. Reporting Abuse By Phone Call Child Line at 1-800-932-0313."
"docid": "D1426958#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_person\nMissing person",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Missing people\"\" redirects here. For the UK charity, see Missing People. For other uses, see Missing Persons (disambiguation). A missing person is a person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as his or her location and fate are not known. A person may go missing through a voluntary disappearance, or else due to an accident, crime, death in a location where they cannot be found (such as at sea), or many other reasons. Often, the missing person is found quickly. While criminal abductions are some of the most widely reported missing person cases, these account for only 2–5% of missing children in Europe. By contrast, some missing person cases remain unresolved for many years. Laws related to these cases are often complex since, in many jurisdictions, relatives and third parties may not deal with a person's assets until their death is considered proven by law and a formal death certificate issued. The situation, uncertainties, and lack of closure or a funeral resulting when a person goes missing may be extremely painful with long-lasting effects on family and friends."
"docid": "D1657113#0",
"title": "https://adoptionnetwork.com/homestudy-requirements-by-state\nAdoption Homestudy Requirements by State",
"text": "Learn & Connect Types of Adoption Options Domestic Adoption Adoption Homestudy Requirements by State Adoption Homestudy Requirements by State - Start the adoption process today call 1-800-367-2367Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:36REQUEST A FREE PACKET!Before an adoption or foster care arrangement can take place, there are specific qualifications that must be met by the potential adoptive parents or foster parents. Eligibility is determined by an evaluation called a home study that verifies that the adoptive or foster parent is mentally sound, financially, stable, healthy, and prepared to have a child in their home. To help you understand more about what might be asked of you during the home study process, we’ve provided a list of requirements for a home study according to each state, courtesy of Child Welfare Information Gateway. Child Welfare Information Gateway. Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virgin Islands | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming Homestudy Requirements by State Alabama Who Must Be Studied for adoption in Alabama Citation: Ann. Code § 26-10A-19 (a)A preplacement investigation shall be made to determine the suitability of each petitioner and the home in which the child to be adopted will be placed. Agency or Person Conducting the Study for adoption in Alabama Citation: Ann. Code § 26-10A-19A preplacement investigation or a postplacement investigation must be performed by one of the following: The Department of Human Resources A licensed child-placing agency An individual or agency licensed by the department to perform investigations A licensed social worker Qualifications for Adoptive Parents for adoption in Alabama Citation: Admin. Code R. 660-5-22-.03 (6)General requirements for applicants include: Both husband and wife must be at least age 19."
"docid": "D839255#0",
"title": "https://www.illinois.gov/dcfs/Pages/default.aspx\n.",
"text": "Article number 1- April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Article number 2- Protecting Children…it’s the law in Illinois Article number 3- Children in Need of a Forever Family Article number 4- Reporting Abuse or Neglect Article number 5- Stopping Child Abuse in Your Community April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Show your support for child abuse prevention efforts in your community!Please join us at the kickoff event nearest you Read Governor Rauner’s proclamation Download the poster Wear blue on April 6 to show your support for strong families and healthy kids Learn the warning signs of child abuse and neglect Call 1-800-25-ABUSE if you suspect a child is being abused or neglected Protecting Children…it’s the law in Illinois If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected you have a social responsibility to report it to the hotline. Most professionals in education, health care, law enforcement and social work are required by law to report suspected neglect or abuse. These individuals are called mandated reporters. To help mandated reporters understand their critical role in protecting children, DCFS administers a free online training course entitled Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Training for Mandated Reporters, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information about the guidelines for mandated reporters in Illinois, read the Mandated Reporter Manual in English or en español. Children in Need of a Forever Family Every child deserves to grow up safe, secure and loved. Children from all across the state of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are taken into temporary care when it is not safe for them to remain at home. Many are in need of a loving home not only for themselves, but also a little brother or sister. Most children waiting to be adopted are living temporarily with loving relatives or licensed foster families. Some live in larger, professionally-staffed group settings."
"docid": "D875982#0",
"title": "http://scstatehouse.gov/code/t16c003.php\nSouth Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated",
"text": "\"South Carolina Law > Code of Laws > Title 16South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses CHAPTER 3Offenses Against the Person ARTICLE 1Homicide SECTION 16-3-5. Person causing injury which results in death at least three years later not to be prosecuted for homicide. A person who causes bodily injury which results in the death of the victim is not criminally responsible for the victim's death and must not be prosecuted for a homicide offense if at least three years intervene between the injury and the death of the victim. HISTORY: 2001 Act No. 97, Section 1. SECTION 16-3-10. \"\" Murder\"\" defined. \"\" Murder\"\" is the killing of any person with malice aforethought, either express or implied. HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 16-51; 1952 Code Section 16-51; 1942 Code Section 1101; 1932 Code Section 1101; Cr. C. '22 Section 1; Cr."
"docid": "D1514959#0",
"title": "https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/178\nS.178 - Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 114th Congress (2015-2016)",
"text": "\"There are 5 summaries for S.178. Bill summaries are authored by CRS. Shown Here: Public Law No: 114-22 (05/29/2015) (Although this measure has not been amended since it was passed by the Senate, the text was changed by H. Con. Res. 47 which made enrollment corrections, and the summary has been modified as necessary. ) Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015TITLE I--JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING (Sec. 101) This section amends the federal criminal code to impose an additional assessment until the end of FY2019 of $5,000 on any non-indigent person or entity convicted of an offense involving: (1) peonage, slavery, and trafficking in persons; (2) sexual abuse; (3) sexual exploitation and other abuse of children; (4) transportation for illegal sexual activity; or (5) human smuggling in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (exempting any individual involved in the smuggling of an alien who is the alien's spouse, parent, son, or daughter). An assessment is not payable, however, until the person being assessed has satisfied all outstanding court-ordered fines, orders of restitution, and any other obligation related to victim compensation. This section also establishes the Domestic Trafficking Victims' Fund into which revenues from such assessments shall be deposited and used in in FY2016-FY2019 to award grants to states and localities to combat trafficking, provide protection and assistance for victims of trafficking, develop and implement child abuse investigation and prosecution programs, and provide services for victims of child pornography. None of the amounts in the Fund may be used to provide health care or medical items or services, except for medical items or services to victims of trafficking. ("
"docid": "D91833#0",
"title": "http://www.popcenter.org/problems/child_abuse/\nChild Abuse and Neglect in the Home",
"text": "\"Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home Guide No. 55 (2010)by Kelly Dedel The Problem of Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home What This Guide Does and Does Not Cover This guide begins by describing the problem of child abuse and neglect in the home, and reviewing factors that increase its risks. It then identifies a series of questions to help you analyze your local child maltreatment problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice. This guide is not intended to provide specific guidance on investigative techniques.†† See American Prosecutors Research Institute, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse (2004), California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (1998), and Sahonchik, Columbo, and Boggis (1996) for detailed guidance on investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect in the home is but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to child maltreatment that occurs in a variety of places and by people with varied relationships to the victim.†† This guide is limited to addressing the particular harms created by child abuse and neglect that occurs in the home, typically by the child's caretaker or someone close to the caretaker (e.g., the mother's boyfriend). Related problems not directly addressed in this guide, each of which requires separate analysis, include:child physical and sexual abuse in institutions (e.g., correctional facilities, churches, youth organizations, foster care);commercial sexual exploitation of children and organized child sex rings;child pornography on the Internet;child fatalities (including shaken-baby deaths and Munchausen syndrome by proxy);child abuse among immigrant populations (e.g., excessive discipline of children or other instances in which cultural norms conflict with child welfare laws);exposure of children to hazardous materials (see, also, Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs in this series);abandoned children; andjuvenile runaways.†† See the National Center for Victims of Crime, www.ncvc.org , for additional guidance on the police—victim relationship. Some of these related problems are covered in other guides in this series, all of which are listed at the end of this guide. For the most up-to-date listing of current and future guides, see www.popcenter.org. General Description of the Problem Child maltreatment is a leading cause of childhood serious injuries and fatalities."
"docid": "D2214769#0",
"title": "http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?Cite=26.44.030\n.",
"text": "\"*** CHANGE IN 2018 *** (SEE 6309-S. SL) *** (1) (a) When any practitioner, county coroner or medical examiner, law enforcement officer, professional school personnel, registered or licensed nurse, social service counselor, psychologist, pharmacist, employee of the department of early learning, licensed or certified child care providers or their employees, employee of the department, juvenile probation officer, placement and liaison specialist, responsible living skills program staff, HOPE center staff, state family and children's ombuds or any volunteer in the ombuds's office, or host home program has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect, he or she shall report such incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency or to the department as provided in RCW 26.44.040. ( b) When any person, in his or her official supervisory capacity with a nonprofit or for-profit organization, has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect caused by a person over whom he or she regularly exercises supervisory authority, he or she shall report such incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency, provided that the person alleged to have caused the abuse or neglect is employed by, contracted by, or volunteers with the organization and coaches, trains, educates, or counsels a child or children or regularly has unsupervised access to a child or children as part of the employment, contract, or voluntary service. No one shall be required to report under this section when he or she obtains the information solely as a result of a privileged communication as provided in RCW 5.60.060. Nothing in this subsection (1) (b) shall limit a person's duty to report under (a) of this subsection. For the purposes of this subsection, the following definitions apply: (i) \"\"Official supervisory capacity\"\" means a position, status, or role created, recognized, or designated by any nonprofit or for-profit organization, either for financial gain or without financial gain, whose scope includes, but is not limited to, overseeing, directing, or managing another person who is employed by, contracted by, or volunteers with the nonprofit or for-profit organization. ( ii) \"\"Organization\"\" includes a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, association, financial institution, governmental entity, other than the federal government, and any other individual or group engaged in a trade, occupation, enterprise, governmental function, charitable function, or similar activity in this state whether or not the entity is operated as a nonprofit or for-profit entity. ( iii) \"\"Reasonable cause\"\" means a person witnesses or receives a credible written or oral report alleging abuse, including sexual contact, or neglect of a child. ( iv) \"\"Regularly exercises supervisory authority\"\" means to act in his or her official supervisory capacity on an ongoing or continuing basis with regards to a particular person. ( v) \"\"Sexual contact\"\" has the same meaning as in RCW 9A.44.010. ( c) The reporting requirement also applies to department of corrections personnel who, in the course of their employment, observe offenders or the children with whom the offenders are in contact."
"docid": "D1307705#0",
"title": "https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=626.557\n2017 Minnesota Statutes",
"text": "\"626.557 REPORTING OF MALTREATMENT OF VULNERABLE ADULTS. Subdivision 1. Public policy. The legislature declares that the public policy of this state is to protect adults who, because of physical or mental disability or dependency on institutional services, are particularly vulnerable to maltreatment; to assist in providing safe environments for vulnerable adults; and to provide safe institutional or residential services, community-based services, or living environments for vulnerable adults who have been maltreated. In addition, it is the policy of this state to require the reporting of suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults, to provide for the voluntary reporting of maltreatment of vulnerable adults, to require the investigation of the reports, and to provide protective and counseling services in appropriate cases. Subd. 2. [ Repealed, 1995 c 229 art 1 s 24]Subd. 3. Timing of report. ("
"docid": "D2361989#0",
"title": "http://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Pages/Act-31-Frequently-Asked-Questions.aspx\nPA .gov",
"text": "Frequently Asked Questions Act 31 of 2014 – Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Requirements1. What is Act 31 of 2014 and who is required to comply with the new law? Act 31 of 2014 states that the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA), in conjunction with the Department of Human Services (DHS) is required to ensure that all persons applying for issuance of an initial license as a health-related licensee or funeral director (mandatory reporters under section 6311 of the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) (23 P. S.§ 6311)) shall be required to complete 3 hours of DHS-approved training in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements as a condition of licensure. Additionally, effective with the first license renewal after January 1, 2015, all health related licensees and funeral directors applying for the renewal of a license issued by the Board are required to complete at least 2 hours of Board-approved continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements as a condition of renewal. Act 31 applies to all health-related licensees (except for licensees of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine), regardless of whether they are subject to the continuing education requirements of the applicable Board. For example, although licensed practical nurses have no independent continuing education requirement at this time, they are required to complete the Act 31 continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements.2. Where can I obtain a copy of Act 31 of 2014? Act 31 of 2014 may be viewed at the following link:http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/Legis/LI/ucons Check.cfm?txt Type=HTM&yr=2014&sess Ind=0&smth Lw Ind=0&act=313. Where do I find Act 31 of 2014 approved training from the Department of Human Service (DHS - formerly Department of Public Welfare) and or the Department of State? A complete list of DOS/Board approved providers can be found on our website at the link entitled, “Mandated Child Abuse Reporter Training Under Act 31 of 2014.”"
"docid": "D1107491#0",
"title": "https://in.gov/dcs/2971.htm\nChild Abuse Hotline",
"text": "DCS Contact Us Child Abuse Hotline Child Abuse Hotline National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2018 Don't Wait! Make the Call. Report Child Abuse and Neglect in Indiana. Public Online Training and Information Course Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline1-800-800-5556If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call Indiana's Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline today. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You do not have to be afraid anyone will find out who made the report because you can report abuse and neglect anonymously. What is the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline? The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) established the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Hotline) to ensure consistent handling of calls alleging child abuse and neglect. The Hotline serves as the central reporting center for all allegations of child abuse or neglect in the State of Indiana. The Hotline is staffed with specially-trained Family Case Managers, know as Intake Specialists, who are professionally trained to take reports of abuse and neglect."
"docid": "D1570218#0",
"title": "http://www.sc.pima.gov/?tabid=210\n.",
"text": "\"Wednesday, April 11, 2018Web Site Search Job Opportunities Home General Information Judges Court Divisions Juror Information Court Calendar Self-Service Forms Formas de autoservicio en español Law Library Conciliation Court Community Relations Court Night Security Restrictions Public Attire ADA Accessibility Court-Related Links Case Information If you are looking for case files, filing fees, case documents, case filings, images of case documents, rulings or marriage records please click on the link for the Clerk of Court website below. Clerk of Court Court Records Glossary of Legal Terms Law Library > Glossary of Legal Terms A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z1 5150-Day Minute Entry: A minute entry issued by court administration on behalf of the civil presiding judge approximately 150 days after the initial filing of a complaint. The purpose is to move cases forward according to the rules and prepare cases for trial. The minute entry directs parties to file documents, most of which are required by Rule 38.1, Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure. A 5Abandoned/Abandonment: (general) The relinquishment of a right or interest with the intention of never claiming it, such as to a car, house or trademark. ( family law, juvenile law) A parent/custodian's failure to provide reasonable care, support and regular contact with a child, including providing normal supervision, for an excessive period of time. Abeyance: The condition of being suspended or temporarily set aside. Absent Parent: A person who is absent from the home and legally responsible for providing financial support for a dependent child. Absentia/In Absentia: Proceedings held without the defendant's presence. Abuse: The infliction or allowing of physical injury, impairment of bodily function, disfigurement, serious emotional damage, sexual abuse, sexual conduct with a minor, sexual assault, molestation of a child, commercial sexual exploitation of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, incest, child prostitution or physical injury to a child that results from abuse."
"docid": "D3306556#0",
"title": "https://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/eur/154431.htm\nU.S. Department of State",
"text": "\"Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor2010 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Report April 8, 2011This is the basic text view. SWITCH NOW to the new, more interactive format. Italy is a multiparty parliamentary democracy with a population of approximately 60 million. The bicameral parliament consists of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The constitution vests executive authority in the Council of Ministers, headed by the president of the council (the prime minister). The president, who is the head of state, nominates the prime minister after consulting with the leaders of all political forces in the parliament. International observers considered the 2008 national parliamentary elections free and fair. Security forces reported to civilian authorities. Principal human rights problems were lengthy pretrial detention; excessively long court proceedings; violence against women; trafficking in persons; and reports of negative attitudes and harassment of gays, lesbians, Roma, and other minorities. RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTSSection 1 Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom From:a."
"docid": "D2282857#0",
"title": "http://driverslicenseback.com/published-articles/formal-hearings/\nFormal Hearings",
"text": "Formal Hearings Revocation, Reinstatement, and Recovery– David Winer The revocation of driving privileges is one of the most serious long term consequences of a DUI conviction while penalties for a DUI based Driving While License Revoked ticket are extremely harsh. Defendant’s convicted for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) face increasingly complex administrative hearings before the Secretary of State (SOS) to obtain a Restricted Driving Permit or reinstatement. Although the SOS has implemented difficult regulations to obtain a permit or reinstatement, petitioner’s who prove they have are no longer a risk to public safety can, with perseverance and hard work, succeed in obtaining driving privileges. This article will primarily deal with the Formal Hearing procedure in obtaining a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) or reinstatement following a DUI conviction. ( A) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SUSPENSION AND REVOCATIONSuspension A suspension is a temporary withdrawal of a petitioner’s driving privileges for a determined period of time. The Secretary of State determines the length of the suspension based on the type of offense, prior driving history, age of driver and other factors. If the driver does not obtain any convictions for a moving violation during the period of the suspension then it will end on the termination date. A reinstatement fee must be paid, and the amount is determined by the type of suspension. Revocation Unlike a suspension, a revocation is indefinite and unless the petitioner requests a SOS hearing the petitioner will never be valid to drive again. A revocation does not automatically terminate even though there is an eligibility date set forth on the Notice of Revocation."
"docid": "D3330011#0",
"title": "https://www.testprepreview.com/mltexam.htm\nFree Medical Laboratory Technician Practice Test",
"text": "Free Medical Laboratory Technician Practice Test MLT Exam - Medical Laboratory Technician Exam: MLT Test Study Guide with Practice Questions The MLT exam is a certification examination created by American Medical Technologies (AMT) and administered by Pearson VUE that is used to determine if an individual has the knowledge necessary to be a competent entry-level medical laboratory technician. This exam is required in order to receive a medical laboratory technician certification, which is usually all that is required in order for an individual to work as a laboratory technician. However, some states may require an individual to become licensed or registered with the local licensing authority, which may have other requirements in addition to or instead of the MLT exam. The exam consists of 200 - 210 multiple-choice questions that are related to six main areas, which includes: Chemistry (19%)Hematology (23%)Immunology and Immunohematology (14%)Microbiology focusing on Bacteriology and Parisitology (13%)General Laboratory Knowledge and Procedures (15%)Urinalysis (17%)The exam-taker will have three hours to complete the exam with no scheduled breaks during that period. The exam is scored based on a scale of 0 - 100 with 70 considered as the minimum score necessary to pass the exam. This score is not an exact percentage score as each question is assigned a weight based on the difficulty of the question and the final score is determined using these weights. To register for the exam, you must have an associate's degree from an accredited medical technology program or have attended school for 2 years with at least 60 semester hours at an accredited university and at least 25 of those hours must have been devoted to medical technology related courses. Instead of fitting one of the above requirements, you may also be eligible if you are a graduate of an accredited medical laboratory program or have completed a 50-week military training program for laboratory procedure as long as you have received credit for that program with an accredited university. If you meet these requirements, you can register for the exam by mailing a completed application to AMT. After you register, you will receive a confirmation letter with instructions on how to schedule a testing date with Pearson VUE."
"docid": "D1259152#0",
"title": "http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Contact_Us/report_abuse.asp\nReport Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation",
"text": "Contact DFPSContact Us Report Abuse or Neglect Send an Email Questions and Complaints Hotlines Office Directory Regional Contacts Regional Map Counties in DFPS Regions and Districts More Information About DFPSAnnual Report Budget and Finance Data Book Find a Form Jobs News Public Meetings Reports and Presentations Volunteers & Interns Report Abuse By Phone: 1-800-252-5400Online: Texas Abuse Hotline External Link Call our Abuse Hotline toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide, or report with our secure website and get a response within 24 hours. We cannot accept email reports of suspected abuse or neglect. Emergencies Call your local law enforcement agency or 911 immediately if you have an emergency or life-threatening situation. Got Questions About Reporting? Read our Frequently Asked Questions. Online Texas Abuse Hotline User Guide PDF Document Online Reporting: A Video Tutorial Training for Texas School Staff on Reporting Abuse Guide to Reporting Suspected Abuse, Neglect or Financial Exploitation of Adults Need Help Reporting Abuse? Call: 1-800-252-5400. If you can't use the Texas Abuse Hotline you can: Report online atwww. Tx Abuse Hotline.org External Link Use the Texas Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2989 Voice or TTY. Tell the relay agent you need to call the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400."
] |
1934 | ai weiwei sunflower seeds meaning | [
"docid": "D1358218#0",
"title": "http://www.dezeen.com/2010/10/11/sunflower-seeds-2010-by-ai-weiwei/\nSunflower Seeds 2010 by Ai Weiwei",
"text": "Sunflower Seeds 2010 by Ai Weiwei Rose Etherington | 11 October 2010 55 comments Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has covered the floor of the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern in London with more than 100 million individually handmade replica sunflower seeds. Top image is by Marcus Leith & Andrew Dunkley Commissioned for the The Unilever Series, the installation invites visitors to walk over the porcelain pieces, which cover 1000 square metres of the hall. Each seed was moulded, fired, hand-painted and fired again in the Chinese city of Jingdezhen over a two year period. Photographs are copyright Tate Photography. Above image is by Marcus Leith & Andrew Dunkley Here's some more information from Tate: Tate Modern today unveils the latest commission in The Unilever Series, Sunflower Seeds, by the renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. The sculptural installation appears at first to be a vast, flat landscape of sunflower seed husks, covering the east end of the Turbine Hall. Visitors are invited to walk across the surface of the work and discover that each seed is in fact a unique porcelain replica, one of over 100 million individually handmade objects which have been specially produced for the commission. This is the largest work Ai has made using porcelain, one of China’s most prized exports, with which he has previously created imitation fruit, clothes and vases. Although they look identical from a distance, every seed is different, and far from being industrially produced, ‘readymade’ or found objects, they have each been intricately handcrafted by skilled artisans. All of them have been produced in the city of Jingdezhen, which is famed for its production of Imperial porcelain."
] | [
"docid": "D2138533#0",
"title": "http://www.seedguides.info/sunflower-seeds/\nSunflower Seeds: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and Side Effects",
"text": "Sunflower Seeds: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and Side Effects Contents Sunflower Seeds Health Benefits Sunflower Seeds Nutrition Benefits Sunflower Seeds Side Effects Sunflower Seeds Nutrition Facts Sunflower seeds are the seeds of sunflowers, large flowering plants which are native to North America. Many people eat sunflower seeds as a snack around the world, and they are reasonably nutritious dietary supplement, as long as they are eaten in moderation and not heavily salted. Sunflower seeds are also used in seed mixtures for birds, and they may appear in bird feeders or feeds for pet avians. Most markets sell sunflower seeds, usually in both shelled and unshelled forms, and they are often used as filler in trail and nut mixes. The sunflower, or Helianthus annuus, is a distinctive annual plant which produces large bright yellow flowers which resemble small suns. The flowers grow on tall stalks with simple leaves, and they have been known to reach the height of nine feet (three meters) in ideal growing conditions. In fact, the head of a sunflower is composed of a tightly compacted mass of small flowers, each of which matures into a kernel surrounded by a dry husk. Incidentally, sunflowers are often used to demonstrate the appearance of Fibonacci sequences in nature, since the arrangement of seeds exhibits mathematically predictable symmetry. Native Americans realized the potential of sunflower seeds as a food source several thousand years ago, and they have been growing them ever since. When European explorers first visited the Americas, they brought seeds back with them to attempt cultivating sunflowers on their own."
"docid": "D2901417#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USRDA\nDietary Reference Intake",
"text": "\"Dietary Reference Intake From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from USRDA)navigation search The Dietary Reference Intake ( DRI) is a system of nutrition recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies (United States). [ 1] It was introduced in 1997 in order to broaden the existing guidelines known as Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs, see below). The DRI values differ from those used in nutrition labeling on food and dietary supplement products in the U. S. and Canada, which uses Reference Daily Intakes (RDIs) and Daily Values (%DV) which were based on outdated RDAs from 1968 but were updated as of 2016. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Parameters2 History3 Current recommendations for United States and Canada3.1 Vitamins and minerals3.2 Macronutrients4 Calculating the RDA5 Standard of evidence6 Adherence7 See also8 References9 External links Parameters [ edit]DRI provides several different types of reference values: [1]Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of the people in that age group based on a review of the scientific literature. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine to meet the requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals in each life-stage and sex group. The definition implies that the intake level would cause a harmful nutrient deficiency in just 2.5%. It is calculated based on the EAR and is usually approximately 20% higher than the EAR (See Calculating the RDA ). Adequate Intake (AI), where no RDA has been established, but the amount established is somewhat less firmly believed to be adequate for everyone in the demographic group. Tolerable upper intake levels (UL), to caution against excessive intake of nutrients (like vitamin A) that can be harmful in large amounts. This is the highest level of daily nutrient consumption that is considered to be safe for, and cause no side effects in, 97.5% of healthy individuals in each life-stage and sex group."
"docid": "D1749771#0",
"title": "https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Tranquility\nTranquility",
"text": "\"navigation search Tranquility (also spelled tranquillity) is the quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; serenity n. The word tranquillity appears in numerous texts ranging from the religious writings of Buddhism, where the term passaddhi refers to tranquillity of the body, thoughts and consciousness on the path to enlightenment, to an assortment of policy and planning guidance documents, where interpretation of the word is typically linked to engagement with the natural environment. Alphabetized by author or source A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z · Anon · External links A [ edit]We fluctuate long between love and hatred before we can arrive at tranquillity. Peter Abelard, in Christian Books, 22 August 2013), p. 2053It is in your power to withdraw yourself whenever you desire. Perfect tranquility within consists in the good ordering of the mind, the realm of your own. Marcus Aurelius, in Treasures of love & inspiration Galahad Books, 1993, p. 278B [ edit]Buddhism: Passaddhi, calm or tranquillity, is the fifth factor of enlightenment. We must try to keep the mind in tranquility. For just as the eye which constantly shifts its gaze, now turning to the right or to the left, now incessantly peering up and down, cannot see distinctly what lies before it, but the sight must be fixed firmly on the object in view if one would make his vision of it clear, so too man's mind when distracted by his countless worldly cares cannot focus itself distinctly on the truth. Basil of Caesarea, Letters, translated by R. Deferrari (1926), vol. 1, p. 9That perfect tranquillity of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library . Aphra Behn, in The Wonders of Solitude, 21 December 2011, p. 53To a woman, the consciousness of being well-dressed gives a sense of tranquility which religion fails to bestow Helen Olcott Bell, in The Curmudgeon Woman, 2000, p. 31Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility Bible, in The Holy Bible, According to the Authorized Version (A. D. 1611): Ezekiel ..., 1876), p. 291Passaddhi, calm or tranquillity, is the fifth factor of enlightenment ."
"docid": "D1474074#0",
"title": "http://www.eattheweeds.com/sunflowers-seeds-and-more/\nSunflowers: Seeds and More",
"text": "Sunflowers: Seeds and Moreby DEANE in beverage , Edible Raw , Flour/Starch , Grain/Nuts/Seeds , Miscellaneous , Oil , plants When the seeds in the center are ripe just take the entire blossom inside and let dry Sunflowers: Sun Sentinels His name was Bob Davis and he grew sunflowers some 15-feet high. I dated his niece, Edie May. I remember her and the flowers with affection though it is approaching a half a century ago. More so, he managed to get these gigantic flowers up and fruiting in the very short Maine summer, which from frost to frost, can sometimes be less than two months. In fact, I once saw it spit snow on the Fourth of July, a prime reason why I have lived in Florida since 1977. Striped-hull seeds are for eating Despite the fact sunflowers sometimes have a head a foot across they are not the largest native blossom in North America. That distinction goes to the much smaller American lotus. Apparently petal size is the issue, not seed bed. None the less, sunflowers look like they should be the largest flowers in North America, certainly the tallest. One Florida summer I grew seven or so of these mammoth plants and managed to keep the gigantic heads away from the birds long enough to harvest them. I put them in my Florida room to cure."
"docid": "D2310733#0",
"title": "https://www.artsy.net/\nLearn about and collect art from leading galleries, fairs, and museumsSign up to get updates on your favorite artistsSign UpExclusively on ArtsyBid in the online-only auction featuring works by Kerry James Marshall, Sol LeWitt, KAWS, and moreBid NowSol LeWitt, Brushstrokes: Horizontal and Vertical (One Vertical Plate), 1996, Courtesy of Alpha 137 GalleryLive on ArtsyBid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Jonas Wood, Samara Scott, Yayoi Kusama, and moreBid NowA.R. Penck, Zerstörte Form Rot, 2001; Courtesy of PhillipsExclusively on ArtsySupport Free Arts NYC by bidding on works by Katherine Bernhardt, Glenn Ligon, Eddie Martinez, Lawrence Weiner, Christopher Wool, and moreBid NowLawrence Weiner, With the Advent of Glue, 2006, Courtesy of Free Arts NYCArtsy ConsignmentsGet competitive offers from the world's top auction houses and galleries to take your works on consignment. It's simple and free to submit.Submit Now© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New YorkExclusively on ArtsyCollect works by Ai Weiwei, Yinka Shonibare MBE, and Harold Ancart, to support Public Art FundBid NowYinka Shonibare MBE, Addio del Passato Film Still 3, 2011. Courtesy of Yinka Shonibare MBE and James Cohan, New York.Live on ArtsyBid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Robert Indiana, Josef Alberts, David Hockney, and moreBid NowRobert Indiana, NUMBERS ONE through ZERO, 1978-2003; Courtesy of PhillipsLive on ArtsyBid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mimmo Rotella, Lucio Fontana, and moreBid NowPiero Dorazio, Soul, 1999; Courtesy of Aste BoettoExclusively on ArtsyBid via Artsy in the online-only auction supporting First Star and First Star AcademiesBid NowNancy Dwyer, Check, 1985, Courtesy of Rago Auctions",
"text": "Learn about and collect art from leading galleries, fairs, and museums Sign up to get updates on your favorite artists Sign Up Exclusively on Artsy Bid in the online-only auction featuring works by Kerry James Marshall, Sol Le Witt, KAWS, and more Bid Now Sol Le Witt, Brushstrokes: Horizontal and Vertical (One Vertical Plate), 1996, Courtesy of Alpha 137 Gallery Live on Artsy Bid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Jonas Wood, Samara Scott, Yayoi Kusama, and more Bid Now A. R. Penck, Zerstörte Form Rot, 2001; Courtesy of Phillips Exclusively on Artsy Support Free Arts NYC by bidding on works by Katherine Bernhardt, Glenn Ligon, Eddie Martinez, Lawrence Weiner, Christopher Wool, and more Bid Now Lawrence Weiner, With the Advent of Glue, 2006, Courtesy of Free Arts NYCArtsy Consignments Get competitive offers from the world's top auction houses and galleries to take your works on consignment. It's simple and free to submit. Submit Now© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Exclusively on Artsy Collect works by Ai Weiwei, Yinka Shonibare MBE, and Harold Ancart, to support Public Art Fund Bid Now Yinka Shonibare MBE, Addio del Passato Film Still 3, 2011. Courtesy of Yinka Shonibare MBE and James Cohan, New York. Live on Artsy Bid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Robert Indiana, Josef Alberts, David Hockney, and more Bid Now Robert Indiana, NUMBERS ONE through ZERO, 1978-2003; Courtesy of Phillips Live on Artsy Bid via Artsy in the live auction featuring works by Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mimmo Rotella, Lucio Fontana, and more Bid Now Piero Dorazio, Soul, 1999; Courtesy of Aste Boetto Exclusively on Artsy Bid via Artsy in the online-only auction supporting First Star and First Star Academies Bid Now Nancy Dwyer, Check, 1985, Courtesy of Rago Auctions Featured Fair Dallas Art Fair Featured Fairmiart Featured Fair SP-Arte Featured Fair The Photography Show presented by AIPADFeatured Fair Art Paris Art Fair Featured Fair Market Art Fair Browse Works for Sale View All Painting Photography Sculpture Prints & Multiples Works on Paper Film & Video Design All Mediums Artists to Follow Trending Most Popular"
"docid": "D1854732#0",
"title": "http://www.gardenfairy.com/garden/sunflower.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Links to the other garden flowers Sunflower Pansy Nasturtium Four O'Clockclick on picture for more info!links open in new window Email us your amazing sunflower! We'd love to share it... SUNFLOWER FAMILY TREE What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been... Would you believe that the Sunflower has been on this planet for at least 8,000 years? Archeologists believe that Native Americans cultivated sunflowers as early as 2300 B. C., well before they cultivated corn, beans and squash. The sunflower was used by various Indian tribes in many ways. Seed was ground or pounded into flower, mixed with other vegetables, or cracked and eaten for a snack. Seed was also squeezed into oil for making breads. Sunflowers also used to obtain a purple dye for textiles, body painting and other decorations. Some parts of the plant were used medicinally for snakebite remedies and other ointments. Native Americans used the dried stalks as building materials as well as using the plant and seeds in ceremonies. In the 1500's, sunflowers traveled with explorers to Europe and were widely used as a cultivated, ornamental flower."
"docid": "D1627889#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/51833316/art-157-exam-1-flash-cards/\nArt 157 Exam 1",
"text": "\"88 terms bethkmueller Art 157 Exam 1Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Elements of Art Color Form Line Mass Shape Space Texture Time/Motion Value Volume Color derived from reflected light {Hue, Value, Tint, Shade, Saturation, Primary, Secondary, Analogous, Complementary}Form {Organic, Geometric, Relief, In-the-Round}Line {Contour, Regular, Irregular, Implied, Directional}Mass weight, density (ie. Colossal Head)Shape visually perceived area created either by an enclosing line or by color and value changes {Organic, Geometric, Implied}Space distance between points {Size, Overlapping, Position, Perspective (Atmospheric, Linear, Isometric, One, Two, and Multi Point Perspective, Vanishing Point, Horizon Line), Foreshortening, Positive/Negative Space, Illusion}Texture surface quality of a work {Implied, Actual, Subversive}Time/Motion {Actual, Implied, Illusion of Motion}Value lightness or darkness {Chiaroscuro, Hatching/Cross-Hatching}Volume the amount of space occupied by an object Principles of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Focal Point Pattern Proportion Rhythm Scale Unity Variety Balance arrangement of the parts to give a sense of overall equality in visual weight {Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial}Contrast emphasizes the difference between two things {Negative Space/Positive Shape}Emphasis drawing attention to specific content {Subordination}Focal Point center of interest (there can be more than one) {Line, Contrast, Placement}Pattern arrangement of predictably repeated elements, creates visual interest {Motif, Simple, Alternating}Proportion relationship between sizes and parts of a work {Human, The Golden Mean}Rhythm the regular or ordered repetition of elements in a work {Simple, Alternating, Rhythmic Design Structure}Scale size relative to another object {Hierarchical, Distorted, Monumental}Unity imposition of order and harmony on a design {Compositional, Conceptual, Gestalt}Variety diversity of different ideas, art media, or elements Abstract Art that departs from recognizable images from the natural world, opposite of realistic Realistic closely resembling real life Hyper Realistic resembling a high-resolution photograph, advancement of photo-realism (ie. Chuck Close)Tromp-l'oeil \"\"fool the eye\"\"Representational \"\"Objective\"\" depicts identifiable figure from the physical world Non-representational \"\"Nonobjective\"\" no identifiable figures are depicted (ie. Pollock)Abstract Expressionism 20th century American movement based on non-figurative dramatic expressiveness (Pollock, Rothko)Pop Art an American school of the 1950s that imitated the techniques of commercial art (as the soup cans of Andy Warhol) and the styles of popular culture and the mass media Fauvism 1905, Paris. Fauvism was a short-lived movement concerned with the liberation of color and the formal structure of a work of art. Fauve is a title which means \"\"wild beast.\"\" This group first exhibited paintings in 1905 in Paris. The leader of this group was Henri Matisse, who painted pictures of revolutionary simplicity and high chroma, arbitrary color."
"docid": "D2696458#0",
"title": "http://www.herbsarespecial.com.au/free-sprout-information/sunflower.html\nSunflower",
"text": "Sunflower Helianthus annuus F. Asteraceae This information on Sprouts is provided free from Isabell Shipard’s Sprout book.… … have been used to indicate omitted text. Please see Isabell’s book on sprouting seeds How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food? for full text. Sprout Book Commendations Isabell’s book is life enhancing and belongs in every health professional’s library and in every household, in every country. Her out standing research and practical information will help to protect from degenerative diseases (e.g. cancer, heart diseases, arthritis, chronic fatigue, to name a few). Adopt the pro-active health approach, now and reap the rewards of a life time of good health and vitality. Look after your greatest asset, your body. One's Health is One's Wealth. The Choice is Yours, Choose Wisely."
"docid": "D68652#0",
"title": "http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5019e/y5019e0j.htm\nLivestock production, protein supplies and the animal feed industry in Malawi - Andy C.L. Safaloah",
"text": "Livestock production, protein supplies and the animal feed industry in Malawi - Andy C. L. Safaloah Andy C. L. Safaloah Senior Lecturer in Monogastric Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, University of Malawi; Bunda College of Agriculture Lilongwe, Malawi This paper outlines the current status of livestock production, protein supplies and the animal feed industry in Malawi. Livestock production in Malawi is primarily subsistent where the majority of animals and poultry are kept under the extensive free-range system of management with little or no supplementation. Large-scale commercial livestock and poultry enterprises are few in number and are primarily the intensive type where the use of concentrates and/or protein feed ingredients is common. Available feed resources are either of animal (fishmeal, meat and bone meal) or plant origin (soybean meal, sunflower meal, cottonseed cake and groundnut cake). Neglected or underutilized protein sources include pigeon peas, cowpeas and chickpeas. Some protein sources used in the animal feed industry are imported from neighbouring countries. Most protein sources are incorporated in compounded feed for intensive poultry, pig, beef cattle and dairy production. The animal feed manufacturing industry is generally small with two main feed manufacturers supplemented by on-farm feed mixing. There is urgent need to explore the utilization of unconventional feedstuffs in order to increase the protein resource base and so improve livestock productivity. INTRODUCTIONLivestock production is an integral part of agricultural production in Malawi."
"docid": "D3298403#0",
"title": "http://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/flowers-and-plants/flowers/sunflower-seeds-nutrition-and-health-benefits\nSunflower Seeds: Nutrition and Health Benefits",
"text": "Sunflower Seeds: Nutrition and Health Benefits Grow your own sunflower seeds to have a ready supply of a crunchy, nutrient-dense snack. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Julie Martens Forney Related To: Flowers Plants Seeds Harvest sunflower seeds for a nutritious snack straight from the back yard. Try your hand at growing sunflower seeds, a tasty snack that blends a satisfying crunch with nutritional value. Some have claimed sunflower seeds’ reputed health benefits can encompass everything from possible help in fighting disease, to lowering cholesterol, to reducing asthma. They’re also super versatile in the kitchen, taste great solo or mixed with salads, veggies, fruits or homemade breads. Best of all, these tiny, health-promoting seeds are ones you can easily grow yourself. Sunflower seeds’ nutrition starts with protein. Roasted or raw, sunflower seeds contain nearly 25 percent protein. A 1-ounce serving of hulled seeds dishes up 5 grams of protein, making sunflower seeds a healthy snack in a weight loss or workout plan. That same ounce of seeds serves 14 grams of fat, but 93 percent of that fat is the good kind—the kind that helps remove and prevent plaque in blood vessels."
"docid": "D1134061#0",
"title": "http://www.healthbeckon.com/vitamin-e-rich-foods/\nTop 20 Vitamin E Rich Foods To Include In Your Diet",
"text": "Top 20 Vitamin E Rich Foods To Include In Your Diet By Vineetha in Diet Plans June 18, 2014 0 Comment Image: Shutterstock Youthful and flawless skin, healthy immune system, enhanced metabolism.. All these can be acquired with sufficient amounts of Vitamin E in the body. Are you aware of the importance, functioning and the best food sources of vitamin E? Even if your answer is no, you can delve into reading them through the post. Vitamin E is a collective name of eight fat-soluble vitamins with distinct antioxidant properties. The naturally occurring vitamin E exists in eight chemical forms- alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. Alpha tocopherol is the only form of vitamin E that is recognized to meet the human requirements. Functions of Vitamin E: It plays a vital role in preventing oxidative damage and fighting off a variety of degenerative health conditions. It helps to maintain the circulatory system, improve healing ability and decrease the premenstrual syndrome in women. Vitamin E is also required for maintaining a healthy and youthful skin. Scientists have claimed Vitamin E’s role in preventing degenerative mental imbalances like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly."
"docid": "D1715265#0",
"title": "https://draxe.com/sunflower-seeds/\nSunflower Seeds: Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes",
"text": "Food Nuts, Seeds & Legumes Sunflower Seeds: Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes Sunflower Seeds: Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes911 66 369Sunflower Seeds Health Benefits Sunflower seeds are a unique food, rich in many types of essential, and sometimes hard to get, nutrients. In fact, sunflower seeds make my Top 10 List for foods rich in Vitamin E, copper, B Vitamins like thiamine, phosphorus, selenium, and more. Sunflower seeds, like nearly all types of nuts and seeds, provide a healthy source of essential fatty acids; their specific fatty acids are in the form of linoleic acid. Additionally, sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of fiber, amino acids (especially tryptophan) which make up the building blocks of proteins, B Vitamins, phytosterols, and more. Although as a culture we have been led to believe that consuming fat can lead to unwanted weight gain, the opposite is in fact true; consuming healthy fats actually leads to a healthy cardiovascular system, a stable healthy body weight, and reduced levels of body-wide inflammation. Healthy sources of fats like those found in sunflower seeds are actually the building blocks for cell membranes, allow your body to balance hormones, help to slow down absorption of food during meal time so that we can go longer without feeling hungry, and also act as carriers for important fat- soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. By adding healthy sources of fats into your diet, like the polyunsaturated kind that is found in sunflower seeds, and replacing trans-fats and low-quality easily oxidized fats, you can experience multiple health benefits. Sunflower Seeds History Sunflower seeds come from, of course, sunflowers! The yellow flowers produce small edible seeds which are gray or greenly colored and are found naturally in dark green, gray, or black shells called “husks”. According to the National Sunflower Association, Sunflowers are actually native to North America. There is evidence that sunflowers were cultivated by native americans as long as 3000 B. C!"
"docid": "D2978345#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/377522-are-sunflower-seeds-healthy-to-eat/\nAre Sunflower Seeds Healthy to Eat?",
"text": "Are Sunflower Seeds Healthy to Eat?by LAURA MORGAN Oct. 03, 2017Sunflower seeds can be found in one of two forms: either within their shell or removed from their shell in the form of a kernel, which is the edible part of the sunflower seed. As with most foods, sunflower seeds can be part of a healthy diet when eaten with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and lean meat sources. Sunflower seeds are a good source of protein and when combined with legumes can be used to substitute for meat. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Nutritional Benefits Sunflower seeds are high in unsaturated fat, which can help lower blood pressure and total cholesterol. In addition, the National Sunflower Foundation refers to them as a functional food, meaning they nourish the body with substances other than calories. Sunflower seeds contain phytochemicals, such as vitamin E, choline, arginine and lignans. Phytochemicals can help protect against diseases such as heart disease, cancer and high cholesterol. Food Label When shopping for sunflower seeds, it’s important to choose those that have not been over-processed. It’s common for nuts and seeds to be fried and salted to make them more palatable. Look for sunflower seeds that are raw or check the food label for ingredients like oil and sodium."
"docid": "D284660#0",
"title": "http://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/flowers-and-plants/flowers/sunflower-meaning-and-symbolism\nSunflower Meaning and Symbolism",
"text": "Sunflower Meaning and Symbolism Discover the imagery behind a familiar and beloved bloomer: the sunflower. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Julie Martens Forney Related To: Flowers Plants Mary Beth Shaddix Enhance the beauty of sunflowers by investigating the symbolism of these cheery bloomers. Sunflower meaning varies based on cultural and religious roots, but many aspects of sunflower symbolism remain constant in legends and mythology. Explore the botanical name of this annual flower, Helianthus annuus, and you learn that it derives from Greek “helios” (meaning sun) and “anthos” (meaning flower). The word “annuus” translates as annual, so the botanical name’s literal translation is sunflower annual — a perfect description of this pretty plant. Sunflower meaning in various cultures runs counter to the idea of a short-lived annual. In China, for instance, sunflower symbolism includes the idea of longevity and long life. Many groups associate sunflowers with prolonged constancy and loyalty, reflecting the flower bud’s tendency to follow the sun across the sky. Greek mythology celebrates a sunflower’s apparent dedication to the sun in the tale of a water nymph who fell in love with the god of the sun, Apollo. In her adoration of Apollo, she would sit on the earth and gaze at the sun (Apollo) day after day."
"docid": "D2819712#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/undifferentiated\nundifferentiated",
"text": "\"undifferentiatedadjective un·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed \\ ˌən-ˌdi-fə-ˈren (t)-shē-ˌā-təd \\Popularity: Bottom 10% of words | Updated on: 24 Feb 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTime Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of undifferentiated: not divided or able to be divided into different elements, types, etc. : not differentiatedundifferentiated cellsan undifferentiated mass See undifferentiated defined for English-language learners Recent Examples of undifferentiated from the Web Conventional commodity exchanges favour bulk trading in undifferentiated products.— The Economist, \"\"Beneath the bruises A new market for old and ugly fruit and vegetables takes shape,\"\" 11 Jan. 2018Today the state has more than 100 distilleries — which is good news for craft spirits fans and the farmers who supply ingredients, but worrisome for a distiller looking at all that undifferentiated competition.— clay risen, New York Times, \"\"You’ve Heard of Tennessee Whiskey? Meet New York State Rye,\"\" 16 Oct. 2017This difficulty in isolating specific people — really seeing them as sovereign beings rather than as an undifferentiated mass — is crucial to the meaning of the documentary, which charts the global refugee and migrant crisis.— manohla dargis, New York Times, \"\"Review: Ai Weiwei’s ‘Human Flow’ Tracks the Global Migrant Crisis,\"\" 12 Oct. 2017These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'undifferentiated.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. First Known Use of undifferentiated1862Medical Dictionaryundifferentiatedadjective un·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed \\ -ˌdif-ə-ˈren-chē-ˌāt-əd \\medical Definition of undifferentiated: not differentiatedan undifferentiated sarcoma Seen and Heard What made you want to look up undifferentiated?"
"docid": "D2265081#0",
"title": "http://sunflowerguide.com/growing-sunflowers.html\nGrowing Tips For Sunflowers",
"text": "Growing Tips For Sunflowers Hardy and majestic, sunflowers grace many spaces Children love growing sunflowers, adults love growing sunflowers, everybody loves growing sunflowers. So it should come as no surprise that sunflower seeds are sold in almost every garden store and seed catalogue around the world. If you have your own garden, you should definitely look into growing sunflowers on your own. They are a no-fuss, relatively easy to care for plant. Plus, after enjoying the beauty of the sunflower in the summer, you get to eat the seeds once the head has matured. How many flowers do you get to enjoy both for visual effect and to snack on later! On this page, you will learn more about growing sunflowers, what you need to consider and watch out for. Keep on reading, then get planning your summer sunflower garden. Growing Sunflowers – Germination First of all, to get good results, you cannot simply toss those sunflower seeds into the ground and hope for the best. If you want to get a head start (for a small planting only) you can apply a little natural selection to see which seeds have the best potential for growth."
"docid": "D1687986#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/specials/asian-pacific-american-heritage-month/\n.",
"text": "To know a people, know their stories. Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month this May and every day with a special PBS collection of stories that explores the history, traditions and culture of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Share Your Story More than 50 Films are available on WORLD Channel through your local PBS Station this May. Take a look and check your local listings for air times. If you miss them on TV (or they're not avilable in your area), come back to watch many programs online. Watch Video On Demand Culture & Identity Play Video Show Captions Mute Hide Controls Related Videos Play Video Again Little Women Official Trailer Dolores Dolores - Trailer The Child in Time Trailer Play Video Again Problems with CC? Return to Video AMERICA BY THE NUMBERSPass or Fail in Cambodia Town By the numbers, the untold story of Southeast Asian dropouts Premiere Date: Nov 08th, 2014Embed Video Return to Video Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town By the numbers, the untold story of Southeast Asian dropouts (26:46)Width Height Please copy this text to your clipboard. Share this Video Return to Videofacebooktwitteremailgoogle Buy It Return to Video Your purchase helps support PBS and the programs you love Closed Captioning Settings×Preview Captions look like this Captions size15Captions font family Edge style Captions color Background color Window color Text Opacity100%Background Opacity100%Window Opacity0%Save Settings Reset SPOTLIGHT | Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town By the numbers, the untold story of Southeast Asian dropouts. PBS Indies Employed Identity | Duong Khach Linh Duong Khach Linh proves that music truly is a universal language. PBS Indies Employed Identity | Kathy Uyen Witness the rise of an emerging Bay Area to an international star. PBS Indies Employed Identity | Jenni Trang Le A producer discovers her stride in Vietnam through film, food, and love."
"docid": "D2433930#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Nomenclature_of_Cosmetic_Ingredients\nInternational Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients",
"text": "International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, abbreviated INCI, is a system of names for waxes, oils, pigments, chemicals, and other ingredients of soaps, cosmetics, and the like, based on scientific names and other Latin and English words. [ 1] INCI names often differ greatly from systematic chemical nomenclature or from more common trivial names. Contents [ hide ]1 Table of common names2 INCI labeling3 See also4 References5 External links Table of common names [ edit]Here is a table of several common names and their corresponding INCI names. [ 1]Common name INCI name Purified water Water (Aqua) [1]Sodium Coco Sulfate Sodium Coco-Sulfate [1]Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (from coconut oil) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate [1]Sodium laureth sulfate (from coconut oil) Sodium Laureth Sulfate [1]Cocamidopropyl betaine (from coconut oil) Cocamidopropyl Betaine [1]Decyl glucoside Decyl Glucoside * [1]Citric acid Citric Acid * [1]Paraben Methylparaben [1]Cetyl alcohol Cetyl Alcohol [1]Vitamin E Tocopherol [1]Beeswax Beeswax * [1]Vegetable Glycerin Glycerin [1]Oat bran Avena Sativa (Oat) Bran [1]Shea butter Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) [1]Passion Fruit Juice Passiflora Edulis Fruit Juice [1]Red rose water Rosa Damascena Flower Water [1]Raspberry extract Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract [1]Yucca herbal extract Yucca Schidigera Stem Extract [1]Aloe vera leaf gel Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice [1]Tea tree oil Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil [1]Peppermint leaf oil Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil [1]Spearmint leaf oil Mentha Viridis (Spearmint) Leaf Oil [1]Wintergreen leaf oil Gaultheria Procumbens (Wintergreen) Leaf Oil [1]Lavender oil Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil [1]Cinnamon leaf oil Cinnamomum Cassia Leaf Oil [1]Lemon peel oil Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil [1]Valencia orange peel oil Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil [1]Pink grapefruit peel oil Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil [1]Roman chamomile oil Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil [1]Jasmine oil Jasminum Officinale (Jasmine) Oil [1]Extra virgin olive oil Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil [1]Saponified oil of coconut Sodium Cocoate [1]Saponified oil of palm Sodium Palmate [1]Hemp oil Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil [1]Jojoba oil Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil [1]Sunflower oil Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil [1]* Some common names and INCI names are the same name. [ 1]INCI labeling [ edit]In the U. S., under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, certain accurate information is a requirement to appear on labels of cosmetic products. [ 2] In Canada, the regulatory guideline is the Cosmetic Regulations. [ 3] Ingredient names must comply by law with EU requirements by using INCI names. [ 4]The cosmetic regulation laws are enforceable for important consumer safety. For example, the ingredients are listed on the ingredient declaration for the purchaser to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to an ingredient the user has had an allergy to before. INCI names are mandated on the ingredient statement of every consumer personal care product."
"docid": "D1358222#0",
"title": "http://artasiapacific.com/Magazine/72/SunflowerSeedsAiWeiwei\nSunflower Seeds",
"text": "Sunflower Seeds Ai Weiwei Reviews BY John Jervis from Mar/Apr 2011Tate Modern China UKAlso available in: It is difficult to gauge whether Ai Weiwei anticipated the initial impact of the large-scale commission Sunflower Seeds (2010) in the gray volume of Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall. For many among its audience, the installation—a vast field of life-size porcelain seeds—appeared from a distance to be made not of real husks but of carefully raked gravel or chippings. Yet, whether the components were handcrafted sculptures or industrial materials, the intended sense of dislocation, curiosity and altered perception still arose. Confusion and wonderment mixed as the mind struggled to grasp the relationship between the individual and the whole. Covering 1,000 square meters to a depth of ten centimeters, the work’s 100 million seeds were manufactured by traditional methods and delicately painted by hand in the city of Jingdezhen, the major center for the production of Imperial porcelain for over a thousand years. Ai has long been fascinated by the cultural traditions of materials and objects, and of porcelain in particular—the survival of its artisan production, its supreme quality, its early traditions of mass production and global export and the value still invested in it as a cultural artifact in China today. Fabrication of the required 150 tonnes of seeds, from trials to completion, took almost two and a half years, and at its peak employed around 1,600 artisans, placing Ai—a frequent visitor to the community—in the ambiguous positions of factory boss and art patron, controlling workers’ destinies just as the old elites had done. And, like the fragile porcelain seeds themselves, this curious project may bear limited fruit. The Jingdezhen workshops are much reduced—deregulation in the 1980s and the closure of state-owned porcelain firms have left the city exposed to competition from provinces specializing in cheaper wares. Sunflower Seeds, despite its unusual creation, paralleled the growth of materialism, globalization and mass-production in China, and the increasing impotence of the modern worker, creating meaningless products for distant, demanding markets."
"docid": "D979833#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_a_sunflower_symbolize\nWhat does a sunflower tattoo symbolize?",
"text": "Crystal Ponti 102,820 Contributions Crystal Ponti is the founder of Blue Lobster Book Co., a full-service, self-publishing boutique. What does a sunflower tattoo symbolize?\\n. \\n Sunflower Tattoo \\n. \\n Common Name Botanical Name Meanings \\n Sunflower Helianthus Adoration; Pride; Sunshine \\naccording to http://www.clareflorist.co.uk/meani …Vincent Beers 2,357 Contributions How do you get sunflower seeds out of sunflowers Do you have to kill the sunflower? When the heads are ripe: cut and tie them together and dry in the sun for a week or so. Then you can remove the seeds by either rubbing them out or by laying them …Zaf 12,624 Contributions Why is a sunflower called a sunflower?it looks like sun hence it is called as sunflower its head also follows the sun on its course during the day.zaf. Jayvee Rouge 36,747 Contributions What is a sunflower?sunflower is a plant It is a flower which usually blossom on sunny days or summertime. The color of the petals are yellow with a round shape in the middle which is color …Ramkishore Singh Rathore 9,008 Contributions Ph. D., F. B. S. is Ex- Head of Botany Department, R B S College, Agra and Ex- Principal Government College, Port Blair What is sunflower? Sunflower is a plant of family Asteraceae having its flowers facing the sun at the time of anthesis."
] |
1935 | air travel container size | [
"docid": "D316305#0",
"title": "http://www.luggageonline.com/travel-guides/tsa-airline-regulations/\nCurrent TSA & Airline Regulations",
"text": "Current TSA & Airline Regulations Air travelers may now carry 3.4oz liquids, gels and aerosols in their carry-on bag when going through security checkpoints. With certain exceptions for prescription and over-the-counter medicines, baby formula, breast milk, and juice, and other essential liquids, gels, and aerosols, the following rules apply to all liquids, gels, and aerosols you want to carry through a security checkpoint. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in 3.4 ounce (100ml) or smaller containers. Larger containers that are half-full or toothpaste tubes rolled up are not allowed. Each container must be 3.4 ounces (100ml) or smaller. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be placed in a single, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag. Gallon size bags or bags that are not zip-top such as fold-over sandwich bags are not allowed. Each traveler can use only one, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag. Each traveler must remove their quart-sized plastic, zip-top bag from their carry-on and place it in a bin or on the conveyor belt for X-ray screening. X-raying separately will allow TSA security officers to more easily examine the declared items."
] | [
"docid": "D2216750#0",
"title": "https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g1-i10702-k4083984-Carry_On_backpack_size-Air_Travel.html\nCarry-On backpack size",
"text": "\"Watch this Topic Browse forums All Air Travel forum Air Travel forumsdoubledown76Austin, Texas Level Contributor21 posts14 reviews Save Topic Carry-On backpack size Dec 2, 2010, 5:30 PMOn my last few trips abroad, I've noticed that Most airlines let people carry-on travel packs that seem WAY bigger than the official size criteria. I'm thinking about getting a 65 (or 85) liter pack for my next trip. Is that too big? Does it depend on the airline??? Thanks Report inappropriate content1-10 of 13 replies Sorted by « 1 2 »gracie-boo Seattle, Washington Level Contributor10,857 posts94 reviews Save Reply1. Re: Carry-On backpack size Dec 2, 2010, 5:42 PMI have absolutely no idea how big a 65 or 85 liter pack is. Your carry-on, no matter what type bag, needs to be within the carry-on size limit that is outlined on each airline's webpage. Edited: 5:43 pm, December 02, 2010Report inappropriate content Lynn BSydney, Australia Level Contributor25,624 posts61 reviews Save Reply2. Re: Carry-On backpack size Dec 2, 2010, 6:55 PMThe trouble is that many airlines now charge for checked baggage so everyone tries to squash all their gear into a carry-on. Fine if you are flying all with an airline that allows it."
"docid": "D2832971#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080621183652AA5l8o0\nWhat exactly is the deal with liquid containers and airplane travel these days? What can you carry-on?",
"text": "\"Travel Air Travel What exactly is the deal with liquid containers and airplane travel these days? What can you carry-on? Like, how many of how many ounce bottles can you carry-on? Because I'm travelling to Europe this summer and we're not checking in any of the luggage... Follow 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The reason why there is a restriction on liquids is because there was a terrorist plot in 2006 in which liquid chemicals were going to be mixed to blow up several transatlantic flights - specifically targeting American airline companies, like American Airlines, US Airways, etc. The new TSA policy states that only liquids in containers 3 fluid ounces or smaller in volume are allowed through security. These containers must fit in 1 quart-sized (sandwich sized) Ziploc bag, and only 1 bag is allowed per passenger. That way, the amount of liquids is severely limited, for security's sake. I suggest buying travel-sized products for your journey - and buy at least 2 tubes of travel-sized toothpaste, 3 if you're going to be in Europe for more than a couple of weeks. As far as cosmetics go, invest in products that multi-task, such as Benefit Cosmetics' Benetint - it's a lip and cheek stain, so it works as blush and lip color in one small bottle. Here's the link: http://sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?..."
"docid": "D326656#0",
"title": "https://www.delta.com/content/www/en_US/traveling-with-us/special-travel-needs/pets/pet-requirements-restrictions.html\nPET TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS & RESTRICTIONS",
"text": "\"Health Requirements Health Requirements Follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth process when traveling with your pets. Health Certificate A health certificate is required when shipping your pet as cargo and for all pets checked as baggage Some destination states may require a health certificate for your pet. Your veterinarian, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, or the Department of Agriculture for your destination state may provide you with more information. If a health certificate is required, it must be issued by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of transport and must include: Shipper's name and address Tag numbers or tattoos assigned to the animal Age of the animal being shipped: USDA regulations require animals be at least 10 weeks old and fully weaned before traveling domestically, at least 16 weeks old before traveling to the U. S. from other countries and at least 15 weeks old for European travel Statement that the animal is in good health (If the shipper knows that the pet is pregnant, it must be noted on the health certificate)List of administered inoculations, when applicable Signature of the veterinarian Date of the certificate Live Animal Checklist/Confirmation of Feeding When you check in your pet, you will be asked to complete a live animal checklist. When you sign this checklist, you are confirming that your pet has been offered food and water within 4 hours of check-in. On the checklist, you must also provide feeding and watering instructions for a 24-hour period. If in-transit feeding is necessary, you must provide food. Tranquilizers The use of pet tranquilizers at high altitudes is unpredictable. If you plan to sedate your pet, you must have written consent from the pet's veterinarian. This information must be attached to the kennel."
"docid": "D2186706#0",
"title": "http://www.fireworksforever.com/FAQ/\nGeneral FAQ",
"text": "FAQGeneral FAQSafety Our Rating System Glossary of Terms General FAQDo you sell M-80s and/or Cherry Bombs? No. M-80’s and Cherry Bombs are not fireworks; they are illegal explosive devices and have been Federally banned since 1966. What fireworks are legal in Minnesota? In general, any firework that leaves the ground or has report is illegal in MN. If the warning label reads, “Emits showers of sparks,” and does not say “with report” it may be a Minnesota approved firework device. We do the best we can to label all our MN legal products as such. If you are unsure, contact the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) of the area in which you plan to discharge fireworks. The AHJ may be the local Mayor, Fire Chief, etc. What fireworks are legal to use in my area?"
"docid": "D538466#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_oxygen_concentrator\nPortable oxygen concentrator",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( May 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)A lightweight portable oxygen concentrator: Inogen One G3 (2,2 kg)Sequal Equinox, transportable concentrator with a high oxygen flow rate Portable oxygen concentrator (POC) is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to people requiring greater oxygen concentrations than the levels of ambient air. It is similar to a home oxygen concentrator, but is smaller in size and more mobile. The portable oxygen concentrator makes it easy for patients to travel freely; they are small enough to fit in a car and many concentrators are now FAA -approved for use on airplanes. Contents [ hide ]1 Development2 How does it work?3 Benefits4 The difference between on-demand & continuous flow5 FAA approval6 Economics7 Comparison of POCs8 See also9 References Development [ edit]Oxygen concentrators were developed in the 1970s. Beginning in the 2000s, manufacturers developed portable versions. The first generation of POCs were bulky, unreliable, and were not permitted on airplanes. Since that time, reliability has been continuously improved, and POCs now produce between one and six liters per minute (LPM) of oxygen. The portable concentrators can be powered by grid electricity, by low-voltage vehicle electrical current, or from an internal battery."
"docid": "D2086248#0",
"title": "http://www.bikeradar.com/us/gear/article/mountain-bike-suspension-forks-a-buyers-guide-55/\nMountain bike suspension forks - a buyer's guide",
"text": "news By Bike Radar May 29, 2014 9:00 am GMTComment Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus Share on Reddit Mountain bike suspension forks - a buyer's guide What to look for, jargon buster and more1 / 2Buyer's guide to suspension forks (Sebastian Schieck)Mountain bike suspension forks vary massively when it comes to travel, shock damping ability, stiffness and weight – and that's before we even get onto price, which can run into hundreds or even thousands of pounds. That means it's important to know what to look for when buying a new fork. What to think about when buying a fork Travel Mountain biking is a very diverse sport and there are suspension forks designed for every type of bike: cross-country bikes generally offer 80 to 120mm of suspension travel, trail bikes range from 120 to 140mm, enduro and all-mountain bikes have between 150 to 170mm, and gravity/downhill rigs go from 180 to 210mm. The first question is, how much travel will work best for you? All other things being equal, the further your fork can move, the more smoothly it can absorb impacts. But longer-legged forks have to be heavier to cope with the extra leverage and bigger impacts. An extra 10mm of travel will tip head and seat angles back by roughly one degree, which makes steering slower and more stable. Running too long a fork can also overstress your frame and void the warranty, so always check what the recommended travel is for your bike before upgrading. In general, it's best to replace your existing suspension fork with one with that offers a similar amount of suspension. That said, many forks have travel-adjust features."
"docid": "D3530741#0",
"title": "http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/sign-here-glossary/\n\"Glossary for \"\"Sign Here!\"\" words\"",
"text": "\"Glossary for \"\"Sign Here!\"\" words Share: Tweet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAAndromeda Galaxy The closest major galaxy to our own Milky Way. It is 2.5 million light-years away. Like our Milky Way, Andromeda is a large, spiral galaxy.asteroid Rocky objects that are part of the solar system. They are too small to be dwarf planets. They vary in size from 10 meters (33 feet) to a few hundred kilometers (100 kilometers is 60 miles). Most asteroids are found in the asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.arms In astronomy, the long, glowing streamers of stars, gas, and dust that swirl around a spiral galaxy.astronauts Humans who travel in space.astronomy The study of matter in outer space, such as planets, stars, and galaxies. Astronomy also includes the study of energy (light) from objects in space and from the formation of the universe.atom The smallest particle of any element that still looks and acts like that element.aurora Colorful curtains of moving light in the night sky caused by charged particles from the Sun interacting with Earth's atmosphere near the North and South Poles.axis The imaginary line through the middle of a rotating object around which the object spins. Back to top BBig Bang The name scientists give to the events that started the universe. Big Dipper A constellation shaped like a soup ladle or dipper."
"docid": "D2396391#0",
"title": "http://traveltips.usatoday.com/explain-3-1-1-rule-air-travel-11207.html\nExplain 3-1-1 Rule for Air Travel",
"text": "\"The TSA monitors airline safety. Figuring what to bring in a carry-on bag can be stressful. Travelers don't always realize the exact rules for carry-on luggage when flying, although there's an easy way to help remember what to do when it comes to liquids. The Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, sets and enforces the rules for air travel in the United States and its 3-1-1 rule limits the amount of liquid a passenger can bring on in airplane. Knowing the 3-1-1 rules will help you pack successfully for your trip, stress-free. Knowing the Rules The 3-1-1 rule limits the amount of liquid you can bring on an airplane in your carry-on luggage. Passengers are limited to using containers no larger than 3.4 oz. for their liquids. All containers of liquid which must be placed in a 1 qt., transparent, plastic, sealable bag."
"docid": "D2226942#0",
"title": "http://www.evrmemories.com/Cremation-Urn-TSA-transporting-s/188.htm\nTSA and Airline requirements for urns and ashes",
"text": "The loss of loved ones is an emotional experience and adding in the additional stress of air travel with the ashes of the deceased can elevate an already precarious emotional state. Knowing what to expect when you arrive at the airport can make the ordeal a little less taxing mentally and emotionally. Flying with Cremated Ashes – Know What to Expect The first step to take is to contact the airline directly to see what their policies are on travelling with cremated human ashes. Some airlines such as Delta give passengers the option of checking the cremated remains as carry on item or as checked baggage like typical luggage. Other airlines require cremated ashes to be sent only via cargo. Contacting the airline will help ensure that you are not held up for unnecessary and preventable reasons. The carry-on container for cremated ashes varies from airline to airline as well. When travelling with ashes, the ashes need to be in a container of light material such as plastic or wood so that it can pass through the X-ray machine. Metal containers may prevent the screener from seeing what is inside and under no circumstances will the container be opened – even at the request of the customer. FAQ’s about traveling with cremated ashes and human remains: How big of a container can I put the ashes in?"
"docid": "D3108143#0",
"title": "http://www.snow-forecast.com/pages/nsidc-faq\nQuestions and Answers about Snow",
"text": "\"Questions and Answers about Snow How big can snowflakes get? Snowflakes are agglomerates of many snow crystals. Most snowflakes are less than one-half inch across. Under certain conditions, usually requiring near-freezing temperatures, light winds, and unstable, convective atmospheric conditions, much larger and irregular flakes close to two inches across in the longest dimension can form. No routine measure of snowflake dimensions are taken, so the exact answer is not known. See also the NOAA Question of the Month: How do snow flakes form into so many uniquely different shapes? Why is snow white? Visible sunlight is white. Most natural materials absorb some sunlight which gives them their color. Snow, however, reflects most of the sunlight."
"docid": "D1100034#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passports\nPassport",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Passports)navigation search This article is about the travel document. For a gallery and links to articles about specific passports, see List of passports. For other uses, see Passport (disambiguation). A passport is a travel document, usually issued by a country 's government, that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder primarily for the purpose of international travel. [ 1] Standard passports may contain information such as the holder's name, place and date of birth, photograph, signature, and other identifying information. Many countries are moving towards including biometric information in a microchip embedded in the passport, making them machine-readable and difficult to counterfeit. [ 1] As of 2017, there are over 120 jurisdictions issuing these e-Passports. [ 2] Previously issued passports usually remain valid until each expires. A passport holder is normally entitled to enter the country that issued the passport, though some people entitled to a passport may not be full citizens with right of abode. A passport does not of itself create any rights in the country being visited or obligate the issue country in any way, such as providing consular assistance."
"docid": "D2986233#0",
"title": "http://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/airport/baggage/security.html\nRestricted and Prohibited Items",
"text": "\"While specific restrictions apply to the transport of some items, other items cannot be brought onto the plane at all. Please refer to the links below to see what you can and can’t bring in your carry-on and checked baggage. You can also find essential information on the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Opens in New Window External site which may not meet accessibility guidelines. ( CATSA) website. Common Items Batteries Lithium metal or lithium ion cells and batteries Portable electronic devices with lithium metal or lithium ion cells or batteries, such as watches, calculating machines, cameras, cellular phones, laptop computers*, camcorders, etc., are accepted under the following conditions: Lithium metal or alloy cells and batteries: Only lithium metal cells or batteries with a maximum lithium content of 2 grams are allowed. The following are allowed in carry-on baggage only*: Consumer electronic devices containing accepted lithium metal cells or batteries;Spare lithium metal cells or batteries (in reasonable quantities). Batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits, e.g. exposed terminals can be taped over, each individual battery can be in a protective pouch or separate plastic bag, or batteries can be in their original retail packaging. Lithium ion cells and batteries up to 100 Watt Hours (Wh) each The following are allowed in carry-on baggage only*: Consumer electronic devices containing accepted lithium ion cells or batteries with a rating of not more than 100 Wh each;Spare lithium ion cells or batteries with a rating of not more than 100 Wh each. Lithium ion batteries with a rating of 100 but not exceeding 160 Watt Hours (Wh)A maximum of two (2) individually protected spare lithium ion batteries with a rating of 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh may be carried per passenger in carry-on baggage only*, pending approval by Air Canada airport agents."
"docid": "D1340738#0",
"title": "http://www.weldguru.com/flux-core.html\nGuide to Flux Core Welding (FCAW)",
"text": "\"Guide to Flux Core Welding (FCAW)Table of Contents Process Tips Equipment Wire Guns Gases Electrodes Wire Classification System Cables Advantages and Limitations Troubleshooting Pictures and Video Free FCAW Handbook Summary: Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) uses a tubular wire that is filled with a flux. The arc is initiated between the continuous wire electrode and the workpiece. The flux, which is contained within the core of the tubular electrode, melts during welding and shields the weld pool from the atmosphere. Direct current, electrode positive (DCEP) is commonly employed as in the FCAW process. There are two basic process variants; self shielded FCAW (without shielding gas) and gas shielded FCAW (with shielding gas). The difference in the two is due to different fluxing agents in the consumables, which provide different benefits to the user. Usually, self-shielded FCAW is used in outdoor conditions where wind would blow away a shielding gas. The fluxing agents in self shielded FCAW are designed to not only deoxidize the weld pool but also to allow for shielding of the weld pool and metal droplets from the atmosphere. The flux in gas-shielded FCAW provides for deoxidation of the weld pool and, to a smaller degree than in self-shielded FCAW, provides secondary shielding from the atmosphere. The flux is designed to support the weld pool for out-of position welds."
"docid": "D233058#0",
"title": "http://monograms.com/Travel-FAQs/\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions Why Travel with Monograms? Why Book a Hotel Upgrade? Does Monograms offer early booking Benefits? How is Monograms different? Where can I see customer testimonials? When will new vacations be announced? Will I have the flexibility to choose the places that I want to see? How does Monograms compare to DIY (do-it-yourself)? Are Monograms vacations the same everywhere? Will someone be available to assist me at the destination?"
"docid": "D2461599#0",
"title": "http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/741245_3\nControversy: Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers",
"text": "\"Perspective > Medscape Infectious Diseases > Expert Reviews and Commentary COMMENTARYControversy: Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers Kathleen H. Harriman, Ph D, MPH, RN; Lisa M. Brosseau, Sc DDisclosures April 28, 2011In This Article Disease Transmission Theories Surgical Masks vs Respirators How Does Aerosol Transmission Occur? Risk to Healthcare Professionals Is the Controversy Settled? References How Does Aerosol Transmission Occur? A second area of controversy is whether pathogens can be aerosolized and transmitted by inhalation. NIOSH defines aerosols as a suspension of tiny particles or droplets in the air. [ 22] Aerosol transmission has been defined as person-to-person transmission of pathogens through the air by means of inhalation of infectious particles. Particles up to 100 μm in size are considered inhalable (inspirable). These aerosolized particles are small enough to be inhaled into the oronasopharynx, with the smaller, respirable size ranges (eg, < 10 μm) penetrating deeper into the trachea and lung (Figure). [ 23, 24] Aerosols are emitted not only by \"\"aerosol-generating procedures,\"\" [ 19] but may also be transmitted whenever an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or exhales. Pathogens transmitted by respiratory aerosols can travel short or long range from the source depending on the size and shape of the particles, the initial velocity (eg, cough vs exhalation), and environmental conditions (eg, humidity, airflow). ["
"docid": "D2953369#0",
"title": "http://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/airport/baggage/carry-on.html?src=rt\nCarry-on Baggage",
"text": "\"Carry-on Baggage Overview Liquids and Gels Other Special Items Carry-on Baggage Not sure what you can bring on board with you? Take the guesswork out of packing by reviewing our carry-on guidelines. For starters, you can bring: Regardless of your destination, you can bring 1 standard article + 1 personal article. * Standard Article Personal Article Maximum dimensions include wheels and handles. Your carry-on baggage must be light enough that you can store it in the overhead bin unassisted. * If you’re travelling with an infant on your lap, you can bring 1 additional standard article for your child’s belongings. Important: All carry-on baggage rules are strictly enforced. All bags that do not respect maximum sizes will need to be checked, and additional checked baggage charges may apply. Examples of standard or personal articles (as determined by their size)Carry-on bag, roller bag, backpack, briefcase, laptop Sport racquet (e.g. tennis, squash, badminton), musical instrument Cat or small dog in its carrier Camera bag, diplomatic or consular bag Airport shopping and duty-free purchases Garment bag (size and weight restrictions apply)Restricted and prohibited items While specific restrictions apply to the transport of some items, other items cannot be brought onto the plane at all. We’ve provided a partial list on our Restricted and Prohibited Items page."
"docid": "D2096536#0",
"title": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/physicsclassroom/galleries/72157625102649965/\nRefraction and Lenses",
"text": "Turtleby summersun121The Physics Classroom says: Have you ever looked at a turtle that is partly submerged in water? If so, you've likely observed the distorted image. Light traveling from the water to your eye refracts or bends as it passes from the water to the air. Yet light traveling from the part of the turtle above the water travels in a straight line through the air. The result of the bending is that your eye and mind perceives a distorted or even broken turtle. Refraction / Reflectionby towert7The Physics Classroom says: This bending of the path of light is known as refraction. It happens at the boundary or interface between two distinctly different materials. It occurs because light changes speed as it passes into a new material. This change in speed is accompanied by a change in direction. In this photo, we observe a beam of red laser light (originating at the top left) traveling through air and approaching a boundary with water."
"docid": "D1829434#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baggage\nBaggage",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Luggage\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Luggage (disambiguation) and Baggage (disambiguation). \"\" Left Luggage\"\" redirects here. For the 1998 Dutch film, see Left Luggage (film). For the cryptography standard, see PKCS. A trunk. Baggage or luggage consists of bags, cases, and containers which hold a traveller 's articles while the traveler is in transit. [ 1]The modern traveller can be expected to have packages containing clothing, toiletries, small possessions, trip necessities, and on the return-trip, souvenirs. For some people, luggage and the style thereof is representative of the owner's wealth. Baggage (not luggage), [2] or baggage train, can also refer to the train of people and goods, both military and of a personal nature, which commonly followed pre-modern armies on campaign."
"docid": "D917065#0",
"title": "http://www.geologynet.com/pyro.htm\nPyroclastic Deposits",
"text": "\"Pyroclastic Deposits© Copyright, 2001 by R. A. Kanen, All Rights Reserved Pyroclastic rocks are the products of volcanic explosions; that is, they are fragmental pieces of rock, whether they be minerals, crystals or glass, ejected from the vent. Characteristically there are more pyroclastics associated with acid magmas than basic. Acid magmas are more viscous, hence they are reluctant to release gas and this results in high explosiveness. Pyroclastics form by the expansion of gas contained in the parent magma. This may occur when the rising magma comes into contact with ground water. Large amounts of ash from the country rock are associated with eruption when this happens. Pyroclastics may also form when a lava flows into the sea, or even a lake. On such occasions, the products are usually crossbedded breccias that have a foreset dip of approximately 25 degrees. Submarine eruptions also produce pyroclastics, however, the hydrostatic pressure at extreme depths prevents explosions, limiting the production of pyroclastics to shallow depths. Rocks formed from this type of eruption include pumice and hyaloclastites, which is the brecciated product."
"docid": "D1484272#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_cup\nCoffee cup",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Espresso being poured into a demitasse A coffee cup is a container that coffee and espresso -based drinks are served in. Coffee cups are typically made of glazed ceramic, and have a single handle for portability while the beverage is hot. Ceramic construction allows a beverage to be drunk while hot, providing insulation to the beverage, and quickly washed with cold water without fear of breakage, compared to typical glassware. A coffee cup may also be a disposable cup in which hot beverages, including coffee, can be contained. Disposable coffee cups may be made out of paper or styrofoam. At coffee shops, paper cups are commonly used to give beverages to customers on the go, usually with a coffee cup sleeve to provide insulation against heat transferred through the container. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Coffee cup lids2 Shapes and sizes2.1 Cafe drinkware2.2 Cappuccino2.3 Demitasse2.4 Gibraltar or cortado2.5 Shape innovation3 Materials3.1 Porcelain3.2 Paper3.3 Polystyrene3.4 Coffee cup sleeve4 References History [ edit]In the past, other materials which have been used to make coffee cups are clay, wood, strengthened glass, metal, ceramic and porcelain. [ citation needed]Coffee cup lids [ edit]Usually made of plastic, the first patent for a coffee cup lid design was filed in 1967, and focused on creating a tight seal between the cup and the lid to reduce leaking and a vent hole to allow steam to escape. [ 1] [2] [3] However, there was no opening for drinking, and the consumer would have to tear into the lid. [ 4] In 1986, the Solo Traveler lid was created; it is found in the Museum of Modern Art's 2004 exhibit \"\"Humble Masterpieces\"\". ["
] |
1936 | akbar birthplace | [
"docid": "D2202329#0",
"title": "http://www.biography.com/people/akbar-the-great-9178163\nAkbar the Great Biography",
"text": "\"Quick Facts Name Akbar the Great Occupation Emperor Birth Date October 15, 1542Death Datec. October 27, 1605Place of Birth Umarkot, Sindh, India Place of Death Agra, India AKAAkbar the Great Full Name Ab al-Fat Jall al-Dn Muammad Akbar Synopsis Early Life Expanding the Empire Administration Religion Patronage of the Arts Death and Succession Cite This Page IN THESE GROUPSFamous Emperors Famous People Who Died in India Famous Indians Famous Government Show All Groups Akbar the Great Biography Emperor (1542–c. 1605)325SHARESAkbar the Great, Muslim emperor of India, established a sprawling kingdom through military conquests, but is known for his policy of religious tolerance. Synopsis Born on October 15, 1542 in Umarkot, India, and enthroned at age 14, Akbar the Great began his military conquests under the tutelage of a regent before claiming imperial power and expanding the Mughal Empire. Known as much for his inclusive leadership style as for his war mongering, Akbar ushered in an era of religious tolerance and appreciation for the arts. Akbar the Great died in 1605. Early Life The conditions of Akbar's birth in Umarkot, Sindh, India on October 15, 1542, gave no indication that he would be a great leader. Though Akbar was a direct descendent of Ghengis Khan, and his grandfather Babur was the first emperor of the Mughal dynasty, his father, Humayun, had been driven from the throne by Sher Shah Suri. He was impoverished and in exile when Akbar was born. Humayun managed to regain power in 1555, but ruled only a few months before he died, leaving Akbar to succeed him at just 14 years old."
] | [
"docid": "D2140223#0",
"title": "http://www.india.com/travel/agra/places-to-visit/\nPLACES TO VISIT IN AGRA",
"text": "Home > Travel > Uttar Pradesh > Agra > Places to visit PLACES TO VISIT IN AGRA0 Shares Facebook share Twitter share Share on Google+How can you be in India not visit Agra? Popular as the home of the world renowned Taj Mahal, Agra is one of the most famous tourist cities in the world. However, there is a lot more to Agra than the Taj Mahal. Other historical monuments like Agra Fort, Tomb of Akbar the great, and Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah are worth visiting due to their historic significance. Mankameshwar Mandir is a popular ancient temple in Agra. It is said that wishes of devotees get fulfilled on visiting this temple. Agra tour: 3-day itinerary in 60 seconds Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:22Agra is also located close to the historic Mughal city of Fatehpur Sikri which is now in ruins. Agra forms one vertex of the Golden triangle of India, the other two being Delhi and Jaipur. When in Agra, you must try out the amazing pethas that are its specialty."
"docid": "D1868486#0",
"title": "http://mocomi.com/why-do-we-sneeze-and-cough/\nWhy do we Sneeze and Cough?",
"text": "Why do we Sneeze and Cough? Biology | 7-10 yrs | Video, Animation Leave a Reply2When we catch a cold, germs spread to our nose, throat and other air passages. Our body fights off the germs and produces a slimy mucus to get rid of them. Sneezing and coughing blows out the germs with the mucus. Sneezing stops the tickling in our nose for a short while. It blows out the germs and mucus too. When we cough, it helps clear our throat. We may cough up mucus from our lungs. Other Reasons Why We Cough Sometimes we sneeze if we look at the sun too long, or if dry peppers tickles our nose. If we eat our food too quickly and it goes down the wrong way, we have to cough to stop it from blocking our windpipe."
"docid": "D252224#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/01/opinions/allahu-akbar-meaning/index.html\nWhat 'Allahu Akbar' really means",
"text": "\"What 'Allahu Akbar' really means By Imam Omar Suleiman Updated 3:42 PM ET, Wed November 1, 2017JUST WATCHEDWitnesses: Driver yelled 'Allahu Akbar'Replay MUST WATCHWitnesses: Driver yelled 'Allahu Akbar' 00:35Story highlights The phrase \"\"Allahu Akbar,\"\" which means \"\"God is greater\"\" in Arabic, should be known as a celebration of life, not death and destruction, says Imam Omar Suleiman Imam Omar Suleiman is the founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and an adjunct professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. Imam Omar Suleiman is the founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and an adjunct professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University. ( CNN) I'll never forget the day a US army veteran who had fought in Iraq embraced Islam at my former mosque in New Orleans. He arrived in his full uniform, and was overcome with emotion when he heard the congregation shout \"\"Allahu Akbar\"\" after he uttered the Islamic declaration of faith. The army veteran never thought that the words that had terrified him in Iraq would be the very same that would welcome him to his new faith. They are words that he now uses in prayer. Contrary to what many people seem to think, the words \"\"Allahu Akbar\"\" simply mean \"\"God is greater.\"\" It is a powerful declaration used by Muslims on many occasions and in many prayers. It is a celebration of life, the first words fathers whisper in the ears of their newborns."
"docid": "D2932551#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Akbar\nAkbar - Meaning of Akbar",
"text": "\"What does Akbar mean? Pronounce Akbar [ 2 syll. ak - bar, akb - ar ] The baby boy name Akbar is pronounced as aa KB AA R †. Akbar is primarily used in Arabic and Urdu. Its language of origin is Arabic. The meaning of Akbar is greatest. The names Acbar, Acbarr, Ackbar, Ackbarr, Akbara, and Akbarr are forms of Akbar. See also the related category arabic. Akbar is uncommon as a baby boy name. It is not in the top 1000 names. Baby names that sound like Akbar include Abeer, Abhear, Abheir, Abher, Abhir, Abhyr, Abrao, Ackbar, Ackbarr, Akbarr, Abhier, Asbury, Okparo, Okparro, Abeeri, Abeerie, Abheer, and Abyr.† English pronunciation for Akbar: AA as in \"\"odd (AA."
"docid": "D427923#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agra\nAgra",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the municipality in Uttar Pradesh India. For its namesake district, see Agra district. For other uses, see Agra (disambiguation). Agra Metropolitan City Taj Mahal in Agra Nickname (s): Akbarabad; The Taj City Agra Show map of Uttar Pradesh Show map of India Show all Coordinates: 27.18°N 78.02°ECoordinates: 27.18°N 78.02°ECountry India State Uttar Pradesh Division Agra District Agra Government• Type Municipal Corporation• Body Agra Municipal Corporation• Mayor Naveen Jain ( BJP)• Divisional Commissioner K. Ram Mohan Rao , IAS• District Magistrate Gaurav Dayal , IAS• Inspector General, Agra Range Mutha Ashok Jain , IPS• Senior Superintendent of Police Amit Pathak , IPSElevation 171 m (561 ft)Population (2011) [1]• Metropolitan City 1,585,704• Rank 24th• Metro [2] 1,760,285Languages,• Official Hindi, English Time zone IST ( UTC+5:30)PIN 282 X [3]Telephone code 0562Vehicle registration UP-80Sex ratio 0.868 ♂ / ♀Literacy 71.58%Website Official District Website Agra ( / ˈ ɑː ɡ r ə / ( listen); Urdu: آگرہ Āgrā) is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India. [ 4] It is 378 kilometres (235 mi) west of the state capital, Lucknow, 206 kilometres (128 mi) south of the national capital New Delhi, 58 kilometres (31 mi) south of Mathura and 125 kilometres (78 mi) north of Gwalior. Agra is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh, and the 24th most populous in India. [ 5]Agra is a major tourist destination because of its many Mughal-era buildings, most notably the Tāj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpūr Sikrī, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. [ 4] Agra is included on the Golden Triangle tourist circuit, along with Delhi and Jaipur; and the Uttar Pradesh Heritage Arc, tourist circuit of UP state, along Lucknow and Varanasi. Agra falls within the Braj cultural region. The city was first mentioned in the epic Mahābhārata, where it was called Agrevaṇa (derived from Sanskrit (अग्रेवण) meaning \"\"the border of the forest\"\"). ["
"docid": "D1454601#0",
"title": "http://www.gatewayforindia.com/history/muslim_history.htm\n.",
"text": "\"History Religion Culture Tourism Health IT/Business Articles Cuisines Sports Entertainment Write articles for 'Gatewayfor India'Ancient History Muslim Period Maratha & Sikhs British Period The Muslim Period in Indian History Early Muslim Invasions The Slave Dynasty The Khilji Dynasty The Tughlaq Dynasty The Saiyyid The Lodhi dynasty Mughal dynasty Babur Sher Shah and the Sur Dynasty Return of Humayun Akbar Jahangir Shah Jahan Aurangzeb Medieval History in South of India Vijaynagar Kingdom The Nizam Shahi Dynasty of Ahmadnagar The Adil Shahi Shahi Dynasty of Bijapur The Qutab Shahi Shahi Dynasty of Golkanda Bahamani Kingdom of Deccan The Imad Shahi Dynasty of Berar The Barid Shahi Dynasty of Bidar Policy of Muslim rulers in India There were many causes for Muslim conquest but the major reason was the spread of Islam. The Muslim dominated Kabul, the Punjab, and Sind, before intruding in to India. The wealth in India lured the Muslim rulers. Further the inter-rivalry between the kingdoms in India paved the way for their entry in to India. Early Muslim Invasions The very first Muslim attack on India in Sindh in the year 715 A. D was by Arabs led by Mohammad Bin Qasim. They displaced Raja Dahir who ruled Sindh from his capital Deval (near modern Karachi). Arabs even unsuccessfully tried to attack Malwa. After this invasion, which was limited to Sindh, for a period of 300 years, kings like Raja Bhoja and other Gurjara Kings thwarted further Muslim attacks. The next invasion was by Turk Sabuktagin. He had established himself in Khorasan and extended his kingdom to Kabul and Ghazni."
"docid": "D2852816#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaithal\nKaithal",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the municipality in India. For its namesake district, see Kaithal district. Kaithal Kapisthalcity Pehowa Chowk, Kaithal Kaithal Location in Haryana, India Show map of Haryana Show map of India Show all Coordinates: 29.8015°N 76.3998°ECoordinates: 29.8015°N 76.3998°ECountry India State Haryana District Kaithal Named for Hanuman Government• Member of Parliament Raj Kumar Saini• Member of the Legislative Assembly Randeep Singh Surjewala Elevation 250 m (820 ft)Population (2011) [1]• Total 144,915Languages• Official Hindi Time zone IST ( UTC+5:30)PIN 136027Telephone code 01746ISO 3166 code IN-HRVehicle registration HR -08, HR-64 (for commercial vehicles)Sex ratio 887 ♂ / ♀ [2]Lok Sabha constituency Kurukshetra Website kaithal .gov .in Kaithal is a city and a municipal council in Kaithal district in the Indian state of Haryana. Kaithal was previously a part of Karnal District and later, Kurukshetra District until 1 November 1989, when it became the headquarters of the Kaithal District of Haryana. Kaithal shares common boundary with Patiala (Punjab), Kurukshetra, Jind and Karnal. Kaithal district is situated in the North-West of the Haryana state. Its North-West boundaries which include Guhla-Cheeka is attached to Punjab State. Contents [ hide ]1 Geographics2 Mythology3 History3.1 Sikh rule in Kaithal4 Demographics5 Landmarks5.1 Kaithal Fort5.2 Tomb of Razia Sultana5.3 One of the highest flag of India5.4 48 Kos Temples5.5 Vidkyar Teerth (Vriddh Kedaar)5.6 Shree Gyarah Rudri Mandir6 Religious places6.1 Anjani Teela6.2 Ancient Khandeshwar Temple6.3 Gyrah Rudri Shiva Temple6.4 Other Temples6.5 Gurudwaras6.6 Islamic religious places6.7 Dharamshalas7 Transport8 Educational Institutes8.1 Government Schools8.2 Private Schools9 Notable people10 See also11 References12 External links Geographics [ edit]Kaithal is located at 29.8015°N 76.3996°E. [3] It has an average elevation of 220 metres (721 feet). Mythology [ edit]Kaithal was known as Kapisthala during the Vedic period as seen in the Map of the Indian subcontinent Historically, it was known as Kapisthal, meaning \"\"Abode of Kapi \"\", another name of Lord Hanuman, and it is said to have been founded by the Pandava Emperor, Yudhishthira of Mahabharata. It is traditionally connected with Hanuman, and has a temple dedicated to Anjani, the mother of Hanuman."
"docid": "D2932547#0",
"title": "http://baby-names.familyeducation.com/name-meaning/akbar\nMeaning and Origin of: Akbar",
"text": "Save Name Boy name origins & meanings: Arabic : Powerful Family name origins & meanings: Muslim (mainly Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh; also Iran) : from a personal name based on Arabic akbar ‘greater’, ‘greatest’, an elative adjective from kabīr ‘great’. Allahu Akbār (‘Allah is the Greatest’) is a slogan of Muslims throughout the world. The Mughal emperor known in English as Akbar the Great (Jalāl ud-Dīn Akbar; 1542–1605) extended his rule from a base in Panjab to cover most of the Indian subcontinent by the time of his death. His rule was notable for the integration of Hindus and Muslims in positions of power."
"docid": "D2202328#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_did_Akbar_rule\nDid AKbar the great rule Saudi Arabia?",
"text": "Prioktan 918 768,711 Contributions Law school student at Fordham University. Studied before at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. Answered In Saudi Arabia Did AKbar the great rule Saudi Arabia? No. Akbar the Great ruled the modern countries of India, Pakistan,Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Anjana Narayanan 24,216 Contributions A History Buff!Answered In Mughal Empire Who ruled mughal dynasty after akbar? His eldest son, Nur-ud-din Mohammad Salim later known as Jahangir succeeded Akbar (1605-1627)Answered In Relationships What was the main difference between Akbar and Aurangzeb mughal rules? Akbar was a kind hearted king..he was a great warrior of all time.and the one of the great mughal rular..he worked for people....thts why people give him the name AKBAR. Aura …Akfara Faruq Ahmad 7,952 Contributions Life continues. Be honest."
"docid": "D2815264#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-correct-translation-of-Allahu-Akbar\n\"What is the correct translation of \"\"Allahu Akbar\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Quora User, Islam scholar from a constructive logical standpoint Answered Aug 22, 2015 · Upvoted by Joe Devney, Professional writer and editor, Master's in Linguistics. · Author has 1.8k answers and 2.6m answer views Allah literally means \"\"The God\"\". Elah means God, and Al in Arabic is the equivalent of The in English. So it's Al-Elah (ال اله) which would be one word Allah (الله). So even though it means God, it means that particular God and not any God. Akbar (اکبر), is from the root Kibr (کبر). Kabir (کبیر) means great. That's the title of Cyrus for example, Cyrus the Great (کوروش کبیر). Akbar is different from Kabir, in that it means greater than Kabir (more great). It can mean greater, and it can also mean greatest."
"docid": "D2932548#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Akbar\nWhat does Akbar mean?",
"text": "\"What does Akbar mean? A kbar as a boys' name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Akbar is \"\"greatest\"\". ASSOCIATED WITH -ar, arabic, greatest Variations CREATIVE FORMS (male) Akar, .. (female) Akbard, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Akbar Mayson (A. M.), .. How popular is Akbar? Akbar is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#14495 out of 150436, Top 10%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D2710746#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/17217199/Mughals\nMughal Empire",
"text": "\"Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire 1526 ± 1858The Mughal Empire at its greatest extent (1700). Capital Language (s)Government Lahore, Delhi, Agra, and Kabul Persian (initially also Chagatai; later also Urdu) Absolute monarchy, unitary government with federal structure Babur Humayun Akbar Jahangir Shah Jahan Aurangzeb April 21, 1526 September 21, 1857 3,000,000 km² (1,158,306 sq mi)Emperor - 1526±1530 - 1530±1539, 1555± 1556 - 1556±1605 - 1605±1627 - 1628±1658 - 1659±1707 History - Established - Ended Area Population - 1700 est. Currency150,000,000 Rupee, Toman Historical map of the Mughal Empire. The Mughal Empire was an Islamic imperial power of the Indian subcontinent which began in the early 1500 hundreds, ruled most of the subcontinent by the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and ended in the mid-19th century. [ 1] The Mughal Emperors were of Turko-Mongol, later Rajput and Persian, descent, and developed a highly sophisticated mixed Indo-Persian culture. At the height of its power, around 1700, it controlled most of the Subcontinent - extending from present-day Bangladesh to Kashmir and part of what is now Badakshan. Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 130 million, over a territory of over 4 million km² (1.5 million mi²). [ 2] Following 1725 it declined rapidly. Its decline has been variously explained as caused by wars of succession, agrarian crises fueling local revolts, the growth of religious intolerance, and British colonialism. The last Emperor, Bahadur Shah II, whose rule was restricted to the city of Delhi, was imprisoned and exiled by the British after the Indian Rebellion of 1857."
"docid": "D1176039#0",
"title": "http://mocomi.com/lever/\nWhat is a Lever?",
"text": "What is a Lever? Physics | 8-12 yrs | Animation, Video Leave a Reply3Find out about the lever, one of the most basic forms of a machine, which helps lift heavy objects with much less effort, through this fun and animated learning module. Also learn about a variety of levers from this very same module. The lever is one of the most basic forms of a machine. Levers help us lift loads with lesser effort. Even though this looks simple there are many things going on in order to lift the object easily. A lever can be described as a long rigid body with a fulcrum along its length. Load : The object you’re lifting. Fulcrum : Point at which the lever pivots. Effort : The force applied to make the object move."
"docid": "D1802971#0",
"title": "http://www.internetstones.com/emperor-akbars-baroque-pearl-drop-pendant.html\nEmperor Akbar's Baroque Pearl Drop Pendant",
"text": "\"Emperor Akbar's Baroque Pearl Drop Pendant Open FREE Unlimited Store Join Our Newsletter Origin of Name The pendant which is of late 16th century origin as indicated by the date inscribed on its enameled gold cap, belongs to the period of the first of the great Mughal emperors of the classic period of the empire, Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, whose reign extended from 1556 to 1605. The classic period of the Mughal empire, during which it reaches the peak of its power and glory, excelling in the arts, literature, architecture and building construction, and the Mughal court attains its greatest pomp and pageantry, begins with the accession of Akbar the Great in 1556 and ends with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. It was during this period that the domains of the empire reach their greatest extent, and their most visible legacies such as the Taj Mahal at Agra, the Red Fort of Delhi, and numerous other palaces, mosques, tombs, minars and forts that stand today in Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Lahore, Dhaka, and other cities of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh originated. The use of jewels and jewelry to enhance the brilliance of the Mughal court and its rulers also reached its zenith, during this period. Diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies and sapphires were freely used to embellish the crowns, headdresses, royal robes, thrones, carpets, and ornaments used by the emperors, empresses and their family members. The Mughal treasury had chests full of loose diamonds, pearls, and other precious stones, that were used by the court artisans in turning out fabulous pieces of jewelry for the court. Jewelry designing and crafting also attained a high state of refinement during this period, and thousands of experienced and well-trained craftsmen who had been practicing their trade for generations, were on the regular pay roll of the emperors. Emperor Akbar's Baroque Pearl Drop Pendant, is just one piece of jewelry, originating from this rich tradition, and was perhaps part of a more elaborate necklace of unknown design, worn by the emperor, or one of his empresses or a member of the royal family. Characteristics of the pendant The pearl is large and oval-shaped, but slightly baroque, with a height of 4.0 cm. The diameter of the pearl, and its weight whether combined with its accessories such as the bell cap, or alone, are not known."
"docid": "D2912099#0",
"title": "http://allstarpics.famousfix.com/pictures/fiona-gubelmann\nFiona Gubelmann Pics",
"text": "\"Fiona Gubelmann Pics VIEWS: 6,355 VOTES: 3 RATE Next »Fiona Gubelmann Snapshot First Name Fiona Last Name Gubelmann Gender Female Full Name at Birth Fiona Victoria Gubelmann Birthday 1980-03-30Zodiac Sign Aries Birthplace Los Angeles County, California, USANationality American Occupation Text Actress Claim to Fame Parenthood Build Slim Hair Color Blonde Ethnicity White Official Websites www.fionagubelmann.com/Age 37Wikipedia Text Fiona Victoria Gubelmann (born March 30, 1980) is an American actress. A native of California, she has appeared in a number of single-episode roles in television, including CSI: NY, My Name Is Earl and Knight Rider, as well as a handful of films including Employee of the Month and Downstream. She starred as Jenna in the FX comedy series Wilfred. Film Role Actor/Actress Has Detailed Data (New) 1Height 67Year (s) Active 2004–present Official Websites www.fionagubelmann.com/Dating Status Single Fiona Gubelmann Picture Gallery Fiona Gubelmann - Knight Rider Bikini Stills Fiona Gubelmann - Knight Rider Bikini Stills Fiona Gubelmann - Knight Rider Bikini Stills Fiona Gubelmann - White Top Photoshoot Fiona Gubelmann - White Top Photoshoot Fiona Gubelmann - White Top Photoshoot Fiona Gubelmann - White Top Photoshoot Fiona Gubelmann - White Top Photoshoot Fiona Gubelmann - Knight Rider Bikini Stills Fiona Gubelmann Knight Rider See all 138 pics of Fiona Gubelmann Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #1 Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #2Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #3 Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #4Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #5 Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #6Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #7 Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #8Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #9 Fiona Gubelmann Photo Gallery #10Fiona Gubelmann Movie and TV Show Credits Blades of Glory (53 pics) ... Woodland Fairie Californication (371 pics) ... Young Wife Castle (385 pics) ... Linda Weinberg Cold Case (31 pics) ... Bobbi Jean Banks 1968Criminal Minds (209 pics) ... Erika CSI: NY (207 pics) ... Isabella Cooksey Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (44 pics) ... Stephanie Employee of the Month (8 pics) ... Amber Family Guy (90 pics)i Zombie (14 pics) ... Houdina Joey (27 pics) ... Anna Key and Peele (3 pics) ... Sex Addict #1Knight Rider (64 pics) ... Courtney Flynn Don't Blink (3 pics) ... Ella Lethal Weapon (1 pics) ... Andi Canter Mad Men (2004 pics) ... Eve Melissa & Joey (20 pics) ... Noelle Devereux Modern Family (424 pics) ... Lisa Mommy's Little Girl (3 pics) ... Theresa Malcolms My Name Is Earl (132 pics) ... Lucy New Girl (366 pics) ... Val One Day at a Time (1 pics) ... Lori Parenthood (58 pics) ... Sandy Telenovela (17 pics) ... Kelly The Closer (49 pics) ... Lisa Price The League (6 pics) ... Berkley The Mullets (3 pics) ... Valley Girl Wilfred (9 pics) ... Jenna Mueller World's End (2 pics) ... Tabitha Share This on the Web/pictures/fiona-gubelmann Link Code<a href=\"\"/pictures/fiona-gubelmann\"\">Fiona Gubelmann Pics</a>HTML Code Post a Comment Your Name: Your Email: This will not appear on the site Message: DISCLAIMER: You are solely responsible for the comments and other content that you post. All Star Pics. Net accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with or arising from such content.« Fiona Georgiadi Pics Fiona Hefti Pics »F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | F13 | F14 | F15 | F16Latest Site Comments Alexis Dziena Pics Posted by big black c0ck Oct 11, 2017lol, that view of your pu$$y with your legs spread and your mouth open make... Miley Cyrus Pics Posted by big black c0ck Oct 11, 2017i love how you love flashing your ti*ts and pu$$y for everyone to see!! i b... Charlize Theron Pics Posted by DOUGLAS J. KIRKHAM Oct 10, 2017Who is the most searched actor and actress on your website? Iman Pics Posted by jay Oct 8, 2017where can I buy pictures of IMAN? Browse Movie Galleries Fort Apache Pics Gigli Pics Girl, Interrupted Pics Gods and Generals Pics Hackers Pics Harold and Maude Pics Instinct Pics It Happened to Jane Pics Jodhaa Akbar Pics King Kong Pics \""
"docid": "D3414663#0",
"title": "http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/ikram/part2_12.html\n.",
"text": "\"XII. Religion at Akbar's Court [ [156]] OF ALL the aspects of Akbar's life and reign, few have excited more interest than his attitude toward religion. There is every indication that he began his rule as a devout, orthodox Muslim. He said all the five prayers in the congregation, often recited the call for prayers, and occasionally swept out the palace mosque himself. He showed great respect for the two leading religious leaders at the court, Makhdum-ul-Mulk and Shaikh Abdul Nabi. Makhdum-ul-Mulk, who had been an important figure during the reign of the Surs, became even more powerful in the early days of Akbar. Shaikh Abdul Nabi, who was appointed sadr-ul-sadur in 1565, was given authority which no other holder of the office (the highest religious position in the realm) had ever enjoyed. Akbar would go to his house to hear him expound the sayings of the Prophet, and he placed his heir, Prince Salim, under his tutorship. \"\" For some time the Emperor had so great faith in him as a religious leader that he would bring him his shoes and place them before his feet.\"\" /1/Further indication of Akbar's orthodoxy and of his religious zeal was shown in his devotion to Khwaja Muin-ud-din, the great Chishti saint whose tomb at Ajmer was an object of veneration."
"docid": "D1725777#0",
"title": "http://sensiblereason.com/muslim-hindu-religious-interactions-in-the-mughal-empire-the-birth-and-death-off-a-cohesive-culture/\nMuslim Hindu Religious Interactions in the Mughal Empire: The Birth and Death of a Cohesive Culture",
"text": "Muslim Hindu Religious Interactions in the Mughal Empire: The Birth and Death of a Cohesive Cultureby Greg Sarafan · November 6, 2011Like this: The Indian Subcontinent has experienced many religions over the centuries and is one of the oldest cradles of human civilization on earth. The river valleys of India are a petri dish of religion and cultural diversity in practices and beliefs. India has seen times of peace and hegemony, while also experiencing war and conflict with millions perishing in ethno-religious conflicts. Islam and Hinduism have been the two most prominent religions in India. Throughout its history the region has seen both times of cohesion and times of strife and conflict. The Mughal Empire was a time period of peaceful religious and cultural flourishing between the Hindus and Muslims of India, culminating in a golden age of Islamic-Hindu cross cultural pollination. The last Mughal Emperor ’s policy of intolerance towards the religious plurality is what led to the fragmentation of this cohesive system, which continued to deteriorate for centuries. Central Asian tribes invaded India some time around 1500 B. C. E. The Central Asian invaders conquered India and created what is referred to as Classical Indian culture; putting and end to the Golden Age of the Mughal Empire. The Subcontinent was transformed though a successive rulers and mighty empires, before the arrival of Muslims in the 8th Century. The first Muslim contact with India and the attempted conquest was not a assimilative effort on the part of the Muslim generals coming out of the Central Asian dynasties."
"docid": "D632394#0",
"title": "http://www.culturalindia.net/indian-history/akbar.html\nAkbar the Great",
"text": "Akbar was the third and the greatest Mughal Emperor. Let’s have a look at his life history, reign, administration, contribution, achievements and timeline. Cultural India : History of India : Akbar the Great Akbar the Great Full Name: Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar Dynasty: Timurid; Mughal Predecessor: Humayun Successor: Jahangir Coronation: February 14, 1556Reign: February 14, 1556 – October 27, 1605Date of Birth: October 15, 1542Parents: Humayun (Father) and Hamida Banu Begum (Mother)Religion: Islam (Sunni); Din-i-Ilahi Spouse: 36 chief wives and 3 chief consorts - Ruqaiya Sultan Begum, Heera Kunwari and Salima Sultan Begum Children: Hassan, Hussain, Jahangir, Murad, Daniyal, Aram Banu Begum, Shakr-un-Nissa Begum, Khanum Sultan Begum. Biography: Akbarnama; Ain-i-Akbari Mausoleum: Sikandra, Agra Image Credit: Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, more famously known as Akbar the Great, was the third emperor of the Mughal Empire, after Babur and Humayun. He was the son of Nasiruddin Humayun and succeeded him as the emperor in the year 1556, at the tender age of just 13. Succeeding his father Humayun at a critical stage, he slowly enlarged the extent of the Mughal Empire to include almost all of the Indian sub-continent. He extended his power and influence over the entire country due to his military, political, cultural, and economic dominance. He established a centralised system of administration and adopted a policy of marriage alliance and diplomacy. With his religious policies, he won the support of his non-Muslim subjects as well. He was one of the greatest emperors of the Mughal dynasty and extended his patronage to art and culture."
"docid": "D1675078#0",
"title": "https://brainly.com/question/543502\nWho was a powerful sultan in the Ottoman Empire? Justinian I. Mehmet II. Babur. Akbar.",
"text": "High School History 5 points Who was a powerful sultan in the Ottoman Empire? Justinian I. Mehmet II. Babur. Akbar. Ask for details Follow Reportby Jannie369 08/08/2015Verified answer What is a Verified Answer? Log in to view the full answer. Unlock Verified Answers and get help from subject experts. Unlock verified answer Answers Maureen3 Ambitious A powerful sultan in the Ottoman Empire was Mehmet II also known as Mehmed the Conqueror. He ended the Byzantine Empire and conquered Constantinople (which was then the capital of the Ottoman Empire). Mehmed is still considered a highly influential and inspirational figure in modern-day Turkey and many sites around the country are named after him."
"docid": "D875746#0",
"title": "http://www.hajjumrahguide.com/hajj_stepbystep.html\n.",
"text": "\"I n this article the procedure to wear Ihram and to perform the rites of Hajj and Umrah are presented in a simplified way. Also included is the procedure to visit the Holy Prophet (pbuh)'s Tomb and his Mosque. 1. IHRAMThe literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden). When a haji pronounces the Niyyah (intention) of Hajj and Umrah and utters Talbiyah, certain halaal (permissible) things become haraam for him. This combined action (Niyyah and Talbiyah) is called Ihram. The two sheets that a haji wears are figuratively known as Ihram but the real Ihram is Niyyah & Talbiyah. If someone wears these two sheets and does not declare his intention and utter Talbiyah, he does not become a Muhrim. That is why, before Niyyah and Talbiyah, he can cover his head during two rakahs of Nafl, an act which is not allowed in the real state of Ihram. PROCEDUREPreparations for Ihram."
] |
1943 | aleesha name meaning | [
"docid": "D2689122#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Aleesha\nWhat does Aleesha mean?",
"text": "\"What does Aleesha mean? A leesha as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Aleesha is \"\"noble, exalted\"\". Aleesha is a variant form of Alicia (Old German): modern Latinate respelling of Alice. STARTS/ENDS WITH Ale-, -sha ASSOCIATED WITH noble, exalted Variations VARIANTS Elisha ▼, Alysha ▼, Alishia, Alisha ▼, Alieshea, Aleshia, Alesha ▼, Aleisha RELATIONS VIA ALICIA Alecia ▼, Aleecia, Aleesa, Aleeza, Alesia ▼, Alisa ▼, Alisia, Alissa ▼, Allysa, Allyssha, Alysa ▼, Alysia ▼, Alyssa ▼, Alyssia, Leisha, Lesha CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Aleesha Chandler (A. C.), .. How popular is Aleesha? Aleesha is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Aleesha is an equivalently unusual last name too for both adults and children. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D309014#0",
"title": "http://baby-names.emedtv.com/baby-names-articles-a-to-z-page-76.html\nBaby Names A-Z",
"text": "\"Baby Names Channel Topics Top 100 Boys' Names Meaning of Names Top Ten Baby Names Top 100 Baby Names Middle Name Meanings Baby Boys' Names Uncommon Baby Names Top Ten Boys' Names Top 100 Girls' Names Baby Girl Names First Name Meanings Top Ten Girls' Names Advertisement Related Channels Pregnancy Women Advertisement Baby Names Home > Baby Names Baby Names A-ZBaby Names From Sherlyn to Simmone Info on the Name Sherlyn About Sherm About Sherman Shermie Name Information Shermika Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shermy Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Sheron (F)Information on Sheron (M) -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Info on the Name Sherralee Sherree -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Sherri Information on Sherridan -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Sherriden -- Name Info Sherrie Name Information Sherrill (F) Name Information Sherrill (M) -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Sherrilyn Sherron Name Information Information on Sherry -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Sherryl Information on Sherwin -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Sherwood Information on Sherwynd About Sheryce Info on the Name Sherye About Sheryl Info on the Name Sheryll Information on Sheryn -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Shevaughn Shevaun -- Name Info Info on the Name Shey Information on Sheyanne Sheyda Name Information Info on the Name Sheydin Sheyenn Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Info on the Name Sheyenne Sheyla -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Sheylee Sheyma Name Information Sheymus -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Sheyrena About Shezzay Information About Shi (F)Shi (M) -- Name Info Information on Shi'loh -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Shi-Ann Shi-Anne Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Shiamba Shian Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shiana Name Information Shiani -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Shiann Shianna Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shianne -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Shiara About the Name Shiarni Shie-Anne -- Name Info About the Name Shieann Information About Shieeka Shiela Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Shifa Information About Shifra Shifrah -- Name Info Shigekazu Name Information Information on Shiha Shika -- Name Info Shikae Name Information Shikara -- Name Info Shikarne Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shikayah Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Shikera -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shikira Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Shikirah Information on Shikyla -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shikyra Name Information Shikyra-Lee Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shikyrah -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Shilo (F)Information About Shilo (M)Shiloe (F) -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Info on the Name Shiloe (M)Information About Shiloh (F)Information on Shiloh (M) -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shima Name Information Info on the Name Shimay Information About Shimiss Information on Shimona Information About Shin Shina Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Shinae Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Continues on Next Page >1 2 3 Next >>Description of Baby Names Info on the Name Sherlyn This e Med TV Web page explains name information related to Sherlyn. This includes the meaning, origin, and other forms of Sherlyn. About Sherm Sherm means \"\"Shearer.\"\" This page of the e Med TV library provides more information related to the name Sherm. About Sherman Sherman means \"\"Shearer.\"\" This page of the e Med TV library provides more information related to the name Sherman. Shermie Name Information Shermie means \"\"Shearer.\"\" This page of the e Med TV library provides more information related to the name Shermie. Shermika Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information This e Med TV Web page highlights information about the name Shermika. This may include information about variations, and meaning."
"docid": "D2492086#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_did_they_end_ghost_whisperer\nWhy did they end ghost whisperer?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts TV Programming and Commercials TV Shows and Series Drama TV Shows Ghost Whisperer Why did they end ghost whisperer? Flag Why did they end ghost whisperer? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Jennifer didn't want to end the Series, but the producers had said that they thought the show had been on for too long, I mean, there were like 22 episodes in each season, which was quite alot. Jennifer Love Hewitt said; \"\"For me, it was a total shock,\"\" she says of realizing the series wouldn't continue. \"\" I thought our next season probably would be the last, just because the show had been on for a really long time. It's hard to come up with new things that will keep people intrigued, but I never thought in a million years that was going to have been our last season. \"\" 4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Who is shadow was missing at the end of series 3 in ghost whisperer? I think it is him seeing as he dies the season after."
"docid": "D3393164#0",
"title": "http://scbsfm.blogspot.com/2010/09/baby-names-meaning-moon.html\n\"Baby Names Meaning \"\"MOON\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Find out list of baby names which mean \"\" MOON \"\". These names for males and females originated from Turkish, Latin, French, Hindu, Cambodian, Greek, Biblical, Vietnamese, American, Swahili, Hawaiian and Indian background. - AYSEL: Turkish female name meaning Moonlight - CELINA: Latin female name meaning Moon - CELINE: French female name meaning Moon - CHANDRA: Hindu female name meaning Moon Goddess - CHANNARY: Cambodian female name meaning Full Moon - CHANTREA: Cambodian female name meaning Moon - CYNTHIA: Greek female name meaning The Moon Personified - DIANA: Biblical female name meaning Moon Goddess - HANG: Vietnamese female name meaning Moon - ILANDERE: American female name meaning Moon Woman - KAMARIA: Swahili female name meaning Like The Moon - KYNTHIA: Greek female name meaning Moon - LUCINE: Armenian female name meaning Moonlight - LUNA: Latin female name meaning The Moon - LUNETTE: French female name meaning Little Moon - MAHDIS: Persian female name meaning Moon-Like - MAHINA: Hawaiian female name meaning Moon - MAHSA: Persian female name meaning Like The Moon - MIAKODA: Native American female name meaning Power of The Moon - NEONA: Greek female name meaning New Moon - PARVANI: Hindu female name meaning Full Moon - QAMRA: Greek female name meaning Moon - SELENA: Greek female name meaning Selina, Moon - SELENE: French female name meaning Moon - SELINA: Greek female name meaning Moon - SOHALIA: Hindu female name meaning Moon Glow - BADE: Unknown male name meaning Full Moon - BADRANI: African male name meaning Full Moon - BADRU: African male name meaning Born At Full Moon - JERICHO: Persian male name meaning Moon City - QAMAR: Persian male name meaning Moon - ARTEMIS: Greek unisex name meaning Goddess of The Moon and Hunt - ARTEMUS: Greek unisex name meaning Of The Moon - JACE: American unisex name meaning Moon-Var. of Jacey - LONDON: English unisex name meaning Fortress of The Moon - MING: Chinese unisex name meaning Yue Bright Moon - MOON: American unisex name meaning From The Moon - MOON-UNIT: American unisex name meaning One that Orbits The Moon - YUE: Chinese unisex name meaning Moon, beautiful - SHASHI: Indian male name meaning Moon - AADHIRA: Indian male name meaning Moon - AMALENDU: Indian male name meaning Pure like the moon - AMRITAMBU: Indian female name meaning Moon Amritambu - BADR UDEEN: Indian male name meaning Full moon of the Faith - BADRIYA: Indian female name meaning Resembling full moon Badriya - BALACHANDAR: Indian male name meaning Young moon - CHANDANI: Indian female name meaning Moon light Chandani - CHANDRA: Indian female name meaning Moon Chandra - CHANDRAN: Indian male name meaning Moon - CHANDRESH: Indian male name meaning Lord Shiva; Moon - CHANDRIKA: Indian female name meaning Moon Chandrika - CHANDRIMA: Indian female name meaning Moon Chandrima - CHITRESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - DIPENDU: Indian male name meaning Moon - DURIJESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - DWIJAIN: Indian male name meaning Moon - HARMENDRA: Indian male name meaning Moon - HELA: Indian female name meaning Moonlight Hela - HIMANSHU: Indian male name meaning Moon - INDU: Indian female name meaning Moon Indu - INDUJA: Indian female name meaning Moon's daughter Induja - INDULEKHA: Indian female name meaning Moon Indulekha - INDUMATI: Indian female name meaning Full moon Indumati - KALAP: Indian male name meaning Moon - KAUMUDI: Indian female name meaning Full moon Kaumudi - KUMUDESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - MADHUMATHI: Indian female name meaning Delight moon Madhumathi - MAHTAB: Indian female name meaning Moon Mahtab - MAIMOONA: Indian female name meaning Auspicious; Blessed Maimoona - MALTI: Indian female name meaning Moonlight Malti - MAYANK: Indian male name meaning Moon - MRIGAJ: Indian male name meaning Son of the moon - MUDIL: Indian male name meaning Moonshine - NABHENDU: Indian male name meaning New moon - NEELESH: Indian female name meaning Lord Krishna; The moon Neelesh - NILABH: Indian male name meaning Moon - NISHESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - POONAM: Indian female name meaning Full moon Poonam - PURNENDU: Indian male name meaning Full moon - PURNIMA: Indian female name meaning Full Moon Purnima - RAJNISH: Indian male name meaning Moon - RAKESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - RISHIMA: Indian female name meaning Moonbeam Rishima - ROHINI: Indian female name meaning Moon Rohini - ROHINISH: Indian male name meaning Moon - SAASHI: Indian female name meaning Moon Saashi - SARAS: Indian male name meaning Moon - SASHANK: Indian male name meaning Moon - SASI: Indian male name meaning Moon - SAUMYI: Indian female name meaning Moonlight Saumyi - SHASHA: Indian female name meaning Moon Shasha - SHASHANK: Indian male name meaning Moon - SHASHI: Indian female name meaning Moon Shashi - SHASHIN: Indian male name meaning Moon - SHASHINI: Indian female name meaning Moon Shashini - SHIVENDU: Indian male name meaning Moon - SHVETANSHU: Indian male name meaning Moon - SITANSHU: Indian male name meaning Moon - SOHAIL: Indian male name meaning Moon - SOMADEV: Indian male name meaning Lord of the moon - SOMALI: Indian male name meaning Moon's love - SOMANSHU: Indian male name meaning Moonbeam - SOMESH: Indian male name meaning Moon - SUDHANG: Indian male name meaning Moon - SUDHANSHU: Indian male name meaning Moon - SUHAILA: Indian female name meaning Moonshine Suhaila - SUSHIM: Indian male name meaning Moonstone - VARALI: Indian female name meaning Moon Varali - VENNELA: Indian female name meaning Moonlight Vennela - VIPRA: Indian female name meaning Moon Vipra - YAMIR: Indian male name meaning Moon BABY NAMES: Return Back to Full List of Names which have same meaning \""
"docid": "D2072281#0",
"title": "http://www.behindthename.com/name/alice\nGiven Name ALICE",
"text": "Contribute Add to List Given Name ALICEGENDER: Feminine USAGE: English, French, Portuguese, Italian PRONOUNCED: AL-is (English), A-LEES (French), a-LEE-che (Italian) [details]Expand Name Links Meaning & History From the Old French name Aalis, a short form of Adelais, itself a short form of the Germanic name Adalheidis (see ADELAIDE ). This name became popular in France and England in the 12th century. It was borne by the heroine of Lewis Carroll's 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' (1865) and 'Through the Looking Glass' (1871). Categories American Horror Story characters, Animal Crossing characters, Aria characters, authors, British royal family, civil rights, Code Geass characters, Desperate Housewives characters, directors, Discworld characters, Disney characters, Frasier characters, Harry Potter characters, Kingdom Hearts characters, literature, movies, music, musicians, never out of the US top 1000, place names, Pokemon characters, princesses, Quantico characters, Shokugeki no Soma characters, space, Stephen King characters, storms, Tales characters, top 10 in France, top 10 in Sweden, top 10 in the US, top 100 Portugal, TV show titles, Twilight characters, womens history See All Relations · Show Family Tree Related Names VARIANTS: Alease, Alecia, Alesha, Alesia, Alicia, Alisha, Alissa, Alyce, Alycia, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa, Alyssia, Aleesha, Alise, Alishia, Alisia, Alisya, Allissa, Allycia, Elicia (English), Alix (French), Alícia (Portuguese)DIMINUTIVES: Ali, Alison, Allie, Ally, Lisha, Lecia (English), Alison (French)OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Kalisha, Talisha (African American), Adalheidis, Adelais, Adela, Adelina (Ancient Germanic), Alisa (Bosnian), Adelina (Bulgarian), Alícia (Catalan), Adéla (Czech), Heidi (Danish), Adelheid, Aleid, Aleida, Alida (Dutch), Aliisa, Alisa, Adele, Alli, Heidi (Finnish), Elke (Frisian), Adelheid, Ada, Adele, Adelina, Alida, Heida, Heidi (German), Aliki, Kiki (Greek), Adelaida, Aliz, Ada, Adél, Alida, Alíz (Hungarian), Ailís (Irish), Alise (Latvian), Aalis (Medieval French), Heidi (Norwegian), Adelajda, Alicja, Ada, Adela (Polish), Adela, Adelina (Romanian), Alisa (Russian), Aileas (Scottish), Alica (Slovak), Adelaida, Alicia, Adela, Adelia, Adelina (Spanish), Adelita (Spanish (Latin American)), Heidi (Swedish), Alisa (Ukrainian), Alis (Welsh)See Popularity Detail Popularity United States762016Australia (NSW)362016Belgium52015Canada (BC)352015Chile942014Czech Republic702014England and Wales172016France42016Ireland402015Italy52015Netherlands3332016New Zealand342016Northern Ireland642015Portugal142016Scotland462016Sweden12017Switzerland402013"
"docid": "D773886#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/baby-articles/names-meaning-fire/\nNames Meaning Fire â Discover more than 100 Fiery Baby Names",
"text": "Names Meaning Fire – Discover more than 100 Fiery Baby Names Fire, since time immemorial, has been one of the most important things human beings came to acknowledge. It has become a necessity—capable enough to provide illumination even in the darkest of nights, warmth in the coldest of winters and an essential component to turn animal flesh into something that is pleasing to the human palate. That is why fire names give such meaning if you give them to your little ones. Keep on reading to find cool boy and girl names meaning fire. Fire has been a constant metaphor associated with an exceptional level of intensity, passion, and even temptation. Its characteristics are widely used in the figurative language, which adds depth to its meaning. Even love was no stranger to it. Even the most rational of men can awaken the inner god in themselves with nothing but relying on their pure instincts. The body itself inadvertently succumbs to the hedonistic desire that is found in another human body, grazing one’s skin against the other while bathing themselves to the pleasure brought by their burning passion for love. Why New Parents Love Baby Names Meaning Fire Children are the lights to our candles, which is why names meaning “fire” is just a good choice for them."
"docid": "D1522347#0",
"title": "https://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/english\nEnglish Names",
"text": "\"AALIYAH f Arabic, English (Modern) Feminine form of AALI. It was popularized in the English-speaking world by the singer Aaliyah Haughton (1979-2001), who was known simply as Aaliyah. AAREN m & f English (Rare) Variant or feminine form of AARON. AARON m English, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek From the Hebrew name אַהֲרֹן ('Aharon) which is most likely of unknown Egyptian origin. Other theories claim a Hebrew derivation, and suggest meanings such as \"\"high mountain\"\" or \"\"exalted\"\". In the Old Testament this name is borne by the older brother of Moses. He acted as a spokesman for his brother when they appealed to the pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Aaron's rod produced miracles and plagues to intimidate the pharaoh. After the departure from Egypt and arrival at Mount Sinai, God installed Aaron as the first high priest of the Israelites and promised that his descendants would form the priesthood. ... [ more]ABBEY f English Diminutive of ABIGAIL."
"docid": "D1286452#0",
"title": "http://www.japanese-names.org/\nJapanese Names And Meanings",
"text": "\"Japanese Names And Meanings Tweet Whether you are looking for that perfect cutest Japanese name for your new baby or you are simply interested in Japanese names and meanings in English, our goal at japanese-names.org is to have the most complete online list of both Japanese girl names and boy names. Included in the list is the name, meaning, and most common kanji (Japanese characters) used: AI meaning \"\"love\"\" (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning \"\"love song\"\" (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning \"\"child of love\"\" (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning \"\"love beautiful\"\" (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning \"\"love vegetables\"\" (愛菜) - Japanese girl name. AIRI meaning \"\"love jasmine\"\" (愛莉) - Japanese girl name. AKANE meaning \"\"brilliant red\"\" (茜) - Japanese girl name. AKEMI meaning \"\"bright beautiful\"\" (明美) - Japanese girl name. AKI meaning \"\"bright / autumn\"\" (明 / 秋) - Japanese unisex name."
"docid": "D537859#0",
"title": "http://20000-names.com/element_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"***Element Names Classical element names. Names that mean fire, earth, air, or water. [ Suggest Names for this page ]FIRE: UNISEX: HUO ( 霍 ): Chinese unisex name meaning \"\"fire. \"\" TLACHINOLLI : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire. \"\" TLEXICTLI : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire navel. \"\" XIPIL : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"noble of the fire. \"\" XIUHCOATL : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire serpent\"\" or \"\"weapon of destruction. \"\" MALE: ADEN : Anglicized form of Gaelic Áedán , meaning \"\"fire.\"\" Compare with another form of Aden. ADROUSHAN : Armenian name meaning \"\"temple of fire-worship. \"\""
"docid": "D1324155#0",
"title": "http://monsaventinus.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Greek_Female_Names_%28Greek_Community%29\nAncient Greek Female Names (Greek Community)",
"text": "\"ADONI (Greek: ¨Αδωνς): Feminine form of Greek Adonis, meaning \"\"he who fights dragons. \"\" ADRASTEIA (Greek: Αδράστεια): Feminine form of Greek Adrastos, meaning \"\"he who stands his ground,\"\" in other words \"\"courageous. \"\" AGATHE (Greek: Αγαθη): Original Greek form of English Agatha, derived from the Greek word agathos, meaning \"\"good. \"\" AGAUE (Greek: Αγαθε): \"\"Illustrious; noble.\"\" Greek myth name of one of the four daughters of Kadmos, king of Theben in Boiotia, and his wife Harmonia. The name derives from agauos \"\"noble,\"\" itself possibly from agasthai \"\"to wonder at,\"\" from gaiein \"\"to rejoice,\"\" with the intensive prefix a-. AGLAIA (Greek: Αγλαια): Greek myth name of one of the three Graces, meaning \"\"beauty, splendor.\"\" The other two are Thalia, \"\"blossoming, luxuriant,\"\" and Euphrosyne, \"\"joy, merriment. \"\" AGLEA (Greek: Αγλεα): Variant of Greek Aglaia, meaning \"\"beauty, splendor. \"\" AIGLE (Greek: Αιγλε): Greek form of Latin Aegle, meaning \"\"light, radiance. \"\""
"docid": "D2993717#0",
"title": "http://spotmegirl.com/female-biggest-biceps/2/\nTop 10 Female Bodybuilders With Biggest Biceps",
"text": "Top 10 Female Bodybuilders With Biggest Biceps Who is the bulgiest belle of the ball?by Jessica Sep 1, 201617k SHARESWhen speaking of the best bodybuilders ever to have hit the stage we tend to glorify the biggest names of the men’s division, but what about those greats who have come and gone in the women’s class? As quick as the rise of male bodybuilding has been over the past 40 years or so, it’s undoubtedly worth noting a long line of female amazons have rocked the stage, many of whom were renowned for their biceps in particular. Many of us head to the gym and devote entire months strictly with the intention of growing those mounds of muscle on our arms, and many of us will never come close to these heavyweights. Take Alina Popa, for example, a staple of the IFBB pro circuit in recent years and the owner of some of the most jacked pythons we’re ever likely to see on a woman. But the list doesn’t stop there. We’ve seen countless female athletes come through the halls of fitness fame bringing some of the most memorable physiques in history, and stellar arms are a running theme among many of them. Read on for a breakdown of the top 10 female bodybuilder biceps; just be careful to not stare too close to your screen and having an eye poked out. Continued on the next page…1. Debi Laszewski A five-time podium finisher on the Ms. Olympia stage, Debi Laszewski took a four-year hiatus from bodybuilding altogether in the early 2000s before returning the stage in 2005 and discovering her biggest success. And aren’t we glad?2."
"docid": "D103804#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/metallic_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Metallic Names Names that mean anvil, brass, bronze, gold, iron, iron-like, metal, silver. Strong as iron. Names of deities of metal. Metal-related names. [ Suggest Names for this page ]Page 1 of 1UNISEX: KIN ( 欽 ): Japanese unisex name meaning \"\"gold. \"\" SILVER : English unisex name meaning \"\"silver,\"\" which may refer to either the precious metal or the color. VANNA : Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning \"\"golden.\"\" Compare with another form of Vanna. MALE: ALTAN ( Алтан ): Mongolian name meaning \"\"gold. \"\" ARDIT ( Ардит ): Albanian name meaning \"\"golden day. \"\""
"docid": "D1560813#0",
"title": "https://www.behindthename.com/name/alyssa\nGiven Name ALYSSA",
"text": "\"Contribute Add to List Given Name ALYSSAGENDER: Feminine USAGE: English PRONOUNCED: ə-LIS-ə [details]Expand Name Links Meaning & History Variant of ALICIA. The spelling has probably been influenced by that of the alyssum flower, the name of which is derived from Greek α ( a), a negative prefix, combined with λυσσα ( lyssa) \"\"madness, rabies\"\", since it was believed to cure madness. Categoriesactresses, athletes, Final Fantasy characters, flowers, nature, plants, Power Rangers characters, Ru Pauls Drag Race contestants, song titles, Star Trek characters, trendy, Y vowels See All Relations · Show Family Tree Related Names VARIANTS: Alease, Alecia, Alesha, Alesia, Alice, Alicia, Alisha, Alissa, Alyce, Alycia, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssia, Aleesha, Alise, Alishia, Alisia, Alisya, Allissa, Allycia, Elicia DIMINUTIVES: Lesia, Lisha, Lyssa, Lecia OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Kalisha, Talisha (African American), Adalheidis, Adelais, Adela, Adelina (Ancient Germanic), Alisa (Bosnian), Alícia (Catalan), Adéla (Czech), Adelheid, Aleid, Aleida, Alida (Dutch), Aliisa, Alisa, Alli (Finnish), Adélaïde, Alice, Alix, Adèle, Alison (French), Adelheid, Ada, Alida, Heida, Heidi (German), Aliki, Kiki (Greek), Adelaida, Aliz, Ada, Adél, Alida, Alíz (Hungarian), Ailís (Irish), Adelaide, Alice (Italian), Alise (Latvian), Aalis (Medieval French), Adelajda, Alicja, Ada, Adela (Polish), Adelaide, Alice, Alícia (Portuguese), Adela (Romanian), Alisa (Russian), Aileas (Scottish), Alica (Slovak), Adelaida, Alicia, Adela (Spanish), Alisa (Ukrainian), Alis (Welsh)See Popularity Detail · U. S. State Animation Popularity United States1192016Australia (NSW)762016Belgiumnot ranked 2015Canada (BC)752015England and Wales1982016France1702016Italy1792015Netherlands2642016New Zealandnot ranked 2016Scotlandnot ranked 2016Switzerlandnot ranked 2013 \""
"docid": "D750786#0",
"title": "http://sina.echineselearning.com/english/chinese-name/chinese-name-for-girls.html\n.",
"text": "Home >> Chinese Resources >> Get A Chinese Name >> Chinese Names for Girls Chinese Names for Girls Have you ever wondered how your English name will appear in Chinese characters? There are nearly 1000 English names translated into Chinese. Get your own Chinese name based on the pronunciation of your English name. We also provides a pronunciation guide by Pinyin . Get a personalized Chinese name NOW!A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAAbie 阿碧 Ā bì Get Chinese meaning for this name Adele 阿黛尔 Ā dài ĕr Get Chinese meaning for this name Adeline 艾德琳 Aì dé lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Adriana 阿德里亚娜 Ā dé lĭ yà nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Aeryn 艾琳 Aì lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Agnès 阿涅斯 Ā niè sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Ailann 爱兰 Aì lán Get Chinese meaning for this name Alanis 阿拉尼斯 Ā lā ní sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Alberta 阿尔伯塔 Ā ĕr bó tă Get Chinese meaning for this name Alberte 阿尔贝特 Ā ĕr bèi té Get Chinese meaning for this name Alessia 阿莱西亚 Ā lái xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Alexa 阿蕾科沙 Ā lĕi kē shā Get Chinese meaning for this name Alexandra 亚历山德拉 Yà lì shān dé lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Alexia 亚莉克希亚 Yà lì kè xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Alice 爱丽丝 Aì lì sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Alicia 艾莉西亚 Aì lì xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Aline 艾琳 Aì lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Alisa 艾莉莎 Aì lì shā Get Chinese meaning for this name Alison 阿莉森 Ā lì sēn Get Chinese meaning for this name Alissa 阿莉萨 Ā lì sà Get Chinese meaning for this name Alisson 阿莉森 Ā lì sēn Get Chinese meaning for this name Allison 艾莉森 Aì lì sēn Get Chinese meaning for this name Alycia 艾莉西亚 Aì lì xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Alyssa 艾莉莎 Aì lì shā Get Chinese meaning for this name Alyssia 艾莉西亚 Aì lì xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Amanda 阿曼达 Ā màn dá Get Chinese meaning for this name Amber 安伯 Ān bó Get Chinese meaning for this name Amelia 阿梅丽娅 Ā méi lí yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Amie 艾米 Aì mĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Amy 艾美 Aì mĕi Get Chinese meaning for this name Anael 亚纳尔 Yà nà ĕr Get Chinese meaning for this name Anaïs 阿耐斯 Ā nài sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Anastasia 阿娜丝塔西亚 Ā nà sī tă xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Anca 昂卡 Áng kă Get Chinese meaning for this name Anders 安德斯 Ān dé sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Andrea 安德丽娅 Ān dé lì yă Get Chinese meaning for this name Andree 安德莉 Ān dé lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Angee 安吉 Ān jí Get Chinese meaning for this name Angela 安吉拉 Ān jí lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Angelina 安吉丽娜 Ān jí lì nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Angelique 安吉里克 Ān jí lĭ kè Get Chinese meaning for this name Angie 安吉 Ān jí Get Chinese meaning for this name Anis 阿妮斯 Ā nī sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Anisa 安妮莎 Ān ní shā Get Chinese meaning for this name Anissa 安妮莎 Ān ní shā Get Chinese meaning for this name Ann 安 Ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Anna 安娜 Ān nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Anne 安 Ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Anne-Lise 安·丽丝 Ān lí sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Annette 安妮特 Ān nī té Get Chinese meaning for this name Annick 安尼克 Ān ní kè Get Chinese meaning for this name Annie 安妮 Duō lí sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Anouk 阿努克 Ā nŭ kè Get Chinese meaning for this name Anthea 安西娅 Ān xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Antonette 安托内特 Ān tuō nèi tè Get Chinese meaning for this name April 艾普尔 Aì pŭ ĕr Get Chinese meaning for this name Ariana 艾丽安娜 Aì lí ān nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Ariane 艾丽安 Aì lí ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Arianna 艾丽安娜 Aì lí ān nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Arianne 艾丽安 Aì lí ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Artemis 阿特弥斯 Ā té mí sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Ashley 艾什莉 Aì shí lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Ashlyn 阿什琳 Ā shí lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Aswimi 阿斯薇米 Ā sī wēi mĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Audrey 奥黛丽 Aō dài lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Aurelia 奥蕾莉娅 Aò lĕi lì yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Avril 艾薇儿 Aì wēi ér Get Chinese meaning for this name Avrile 艾薇儿 Aì wēi ér Get Chinese meaning for this name Aya 阿娅 Ā yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Ayleen 艾琳 Aì lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Aymerick 艾默里克 Aì mò lĭ kè Get Chinese meaning for this name Azura 阿苏拉 Ā sū lā Get Chinese meaning for this name BBabette 芭贝特 Bā bèi té Get Chinese meaning for this name Bambi 斑比 Bān bĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Barbara 笆笆拉 Bā bā lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Becky 贝基 Bèi jī Get Chinese meaning for this name Berenice 贝伦妮斯 Bèi lún ní sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Bernice 柏妮丝 Băi nī sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Betsy 贝琪 Bèi qí Get Chinese meaning for this name Betty 贝蒂 Bèi dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Beyonce 碧昂斯 Bì áng sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Bianca 碧昂卡 Bì áng kă Get Chinese meaning for this name Bibi 碧碧 Bì bì Get Chinese meaning for this name Bobbie 博比 Bó bĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Bonnie 伯尼 Bó ní Get Chinese meaning for this name Brenda 布兰达 Bù lán dá Get Chinese meaning for this name Bridget 布里吉特 Bù lĭ jí tè Get Chinese meaning for this name Brigitte 布里吉特 Bù lĭ jí té Get Chinese meaning for this name Britanny 布里塔尼 Bù lĭ tă ní Get Chinese meaning for this name Brittany 布里塔尼 Bù lĭ tă ní Get Chinese meaning for this name Brooke 布鲁克 Bù lŭ kè Get Chinese meaning for this name Bryanna 布莱娅娜 Bù lái yà nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Bryony 布莱妮 Bù lái nī Get Chinese meaning for this name CCailin 凯琳 Kăi lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Caitlin 凯特琳 Kăi tè lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Caly 卡里 Kă lĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Camellia 卡梅莉娅 Kă méi lì yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Cameron 卡梅隆 Kă méi lóng Get Chinese meaning for this name Camyl 卡米尔 Kă mĭ ĕr Get Chinese meaning for this name Candace 坎迪斯 Kăn dí sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Candice 坎迪丝 Kăn dí sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Candie 甘蒂 Gān dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Candy 甘蒂 Gān dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Caoimhe 卡奥恩 Kă ào ēn Get Chinese meaning for this name Carena 卡蕾娜 Kă lĕi nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Carina 卡莉娜 Kă lì nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Carlee 卡尔莉 Kă ĕr lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Carmen 卡门 Kă mén Get Chinese meaning for this name Caro 卡罗 Kă luō Get Chinese meaning for this name Carol 卡罗尔 Kă luō er Get Chinese meaning for this name Carrie 凯莉 Kăi lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Cassandra 卡桑德拉 Kă sāng dé lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Catherina 凯瑟琳娜 Kăi sè lín nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Catherine 凯瑟琳 Kăi sè lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Cathy 凯西 Kăi xī Get Chinese meaning for this name Cecile 赛茜儿 Sài xī er Get Chinese meaning for this name Cecilia 塞西莉亚 Sāi xī lì yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Celeste 西莱斯特 Xī lái sī tè Get Chinese meaning for this name Celestine 塞莱斯汀 Sāi lái sī tīng Get Chinese meaning for this name Celia 希莉娅 Xī lì yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Charleen 查琳 Chá lín Get Chinese meaning for this name Charlena 查莲娜 Chá lián nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Charlene 查莲 Chá lián Get Chinese meaning for this name Charlène 夏莲 Xià lián Get Chinese meaning for this name Charlize 查理兹 Chá lĭ zī Get Chinese meaning for this name Charlotte 夏绿蒂 Xià lǜ dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Chelsea 切尔西 Qiè ĕr xi Get Chinese meaning for this name Chelsey 切尔西 Qiè ĕr xi Get Chinese meaning for this name Cheryl 谢丽尔 Xiè lì ĕr Get Chinese meaning for this name Christiane 克里斯蒂安 Kè lĭ sī dì ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Christie 克里斯蒂 Kè lĭ sī dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Christin 克里斯丁 Kè lĭ sī dīng Get Chinese meaning for this name Christina 克里斯蒂娜 Kè lĭ sī dí nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Christine 克莉斯婷 Kè lì sī tíng Get Chinese meaning for this name Christy 克里斯蒂 Kè lĭ sī dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Chrystalle 克里斯泰 Kè lĭ sī tài Get Chinese meaning for this name Cindy 辛迪 Xīn dí Get Chinese meaning for this name Claire 克莱尔 Kè lái er Get Chinese meaning for this name Clara 克莱拉 Kè lái lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Clarette 克拉瑞特 Kè lā ruì tè Get Chinese meaning for this name Clary 克莱莉 Kè lái lì Get Chinese meaning for this name Claudia 克劳迪娅 Kè láo dí yà Get Chinese meaning for this name Claudina 克劳迪娜 Kè láo dí nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Claudine 克劳汀 Kè láo tīng Get Chinese meaning for this name Claudy 克劳迪 Kè láo dí Get Chinese meaning for this name Clea 克丽 Kè lí Get Chinese meaning for this name Clementine 克莱门蒂娜 Kè lái mén dì nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Cleopatra 克蕾奥帕特拉 Kè lĕi ào pà té lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Clothilde 克洛蒂尔 Kè luò dì er Get Chinese meaning for this name Colette 柯莱特 Kē lái té Get Chinese meaning for this name Conny 科妮 Kē nī Get Chinese meaning for this name Constance 康斯坦斯 Kāng sī tăn sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Corinna 科琳娜 Kē lín nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Courtney 考特尼 Kăo tè ní Get Chinese meaning for this name Cristi 克莉斯蒂 Kè lì sī dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Cristie 克莉斯蒂 Kè lì sī dì Get Chinese meaning for this name Cynthia 辛西娅 Xīn xī yà Get Chinese meaning for this name DDaisy 戴西 Dài xī Get Chinese meaning for this name Dalila 达利拉 Dá lì lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Dan 丹 Dān Get Chinese meaning for this name Dana 丹娜 Dān nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Daniela 丹涅拉 Dān niè lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Danielle 丹妮尔 Dān nī er Get Chinese meaning for this name Daphne 达芙妮 Dá fú nī Get Chinese meaning for this name Davina 戴维娜 Dài wéi nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Dayana 达娅娜 Dá yà nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Debby 德比 Dé bĭ Get Chinese meaning for this name Deborah 黛博拉 Dài bó lā Get Chinese meaning for this name Denise 丹妮丝 Dān nī sī Get Chinese meaning for this name Destiny 黛丝蒂妮 Dài sī dì nī Get Chinese meaning for this name Diana 黛安娜 Dài ān nà Get Chinese meaning for this name Diane 黛安 Dài ān Get Chinese meaning for this name Dina 迪娜"
"docid": "D635705#0",
"title": "http://www.momjunction.com/articles/indian-baby-names-for-your-little-girl-with-meanings_00329491/\n133 Most Popular And Unique Indian Baby Girl Names",
"text": "Home » Baby » Baby Names133 Most Popular And Unique Indian Baby Girl Names Kalpana MMarch 14, 2018Image: Shutterstock India is a land of rich cultural heritage! These cultures influence the everyday lives of people, and the influence is seen in their food, clothing, traditions, and way of life! And thanks to a diverse cultures, there is no deficiency of Indian names. Choosing an Indian name for your baby can be challenging as every name seems beautiful, rich, stylish, and has a significant meaning. So, Mom Junction brings you an extensive list of Indian girl names to spoil you for choice, yet help you choose better. Indian Girl Names With Meanings:1. Aabha: The glow on your baby’s face is matchless and naming her Aabha would be apt as it means ‘glow’ in Sanskrit.2. Aahna: Sponsored Aahna means ‘exist’. This name is fast gaining popularity in India.3. Aakanksha: What is life without desire or hope?"
"docid": "D2072280#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Aleece\nâAleece",
"text": "\"Home > Aleece♀Aleece What does Aleece mean? A leece as a girls' name is of Old German origin, and Aleece means \"\"noble, exalted\"\". Aleece is an alternate spelling of Alice (Old German). ASSOCIATED WITH Ale-, noble, exalted Variations VARIANTS Ilysse, Alyss, Alyse, Alys, Alyce ▼, Allyse, Allys, Allyce, Alliss, Allis, Allice, Alless, Alleece, Aliz, Alise, Alis RELATIONS VIA ALICE Adelice, Aleceea, Alecia ▼, Alica, Alicea, Alicen, Alidee, Alie, Allecia, Alleeceea, Alles, Allicea, Allie ▲, Leece, Leese CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Aleece Oakleigh (A. O. ), .. How popular is Aleece? Aleece is an uncommon given name for females. Aleece is an equivalently unique surname too for all people. ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Which version is better? Alice (#87 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Allie (#255), Alyse (#1689), Alyce, Alys, Allice, Alica, Alise and Alecia are the prominent varying forms of Aleece (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Allecia, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Aleece was widespread among parents in the 1880s (USAGE OF 2.26%) and is now much lower (USAGE 0.33%, 85% LESS)."
"docid": "D1880676#0",
"title": "http://20000-names.com/female_a_names_4.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female \"\"A\"\" Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male \"\"A\"\" Names ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4 ] [ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8]ALCMENE : Latin form of Greek Alkmene, meaning \"\"might of the moon.\"\" In Greek mythology, this is the name of the mortal mother of Hercules by Zeus. ALCYONE : Latin form of Greek Alkyone, meaning \"\"kingfisher.\"\" In mythology, this is the name of a star-nymph loved by Poseidon. She is the daughter of Atlas and Plêionê. ALDA : Feminine form of Italian Aldo, meaning \"\"noble. \"\" ALDONZA: Spanish name meaning \"\"sweet; nice. \"\" ALEA : English variant spelling of Arabic Aliya, meaning \"\"the high, exalted one. \"\" ALEASE : Perhaps a variant spelling of English Alice, meaning \"\"noble sort. \"\" ALECTO : Latin form of Greek Alekto, meaning \"\"unceasing.\"\""
"docid": "D2230289#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_did_malaria_originate\nWhere did malaria originate?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases Infectious Diseases Where did malaria originate? Flag Where did malaria originate? Answer by Mepyro911 Confidence votes 34bugs from southwest asia. -Unknown- Malaria has been infecting humans for at least 50,000 years, and may have existed as a pathogen in other species for even longer. For this reason it is impossible to know where the first cases of malaria appeared. While the earliest references to a malaria-like illness come from China, that is by no means an indication that malaria originated in Asia.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Where was malaria originated? Africa . Jaron001 10 Contributions What is malaria? Malaria is transmitted to humans form the Anopheles mosquito."
"docid": "D1307748#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/female_a_names_8.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female \"\"A\"\" Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male \"\"A\"\" Names ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8 ]ASIA: English unisex name derived from the name of the continent, possibly derived from Assyrian asu, meaning \"\"east. \"\" Short form of Polish Joasia , meaning \"\" Yahweh is gracious. \"\" ÁSLAUG : Old Norse name composed of the elements áss \"\"god\"\" and laug \"\"betrothed woman,\"\" hence \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLAUG : Norwegian form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ÁSLAUGUR : Icelandic form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLI : Turkish name meaning \"\"genuine. \"\" ÅSLÖG : Swedish form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLØG: Danish form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASMA ( أسمى ): Arabic name meaning \"\"prestige. \"\" ASNAT ( אָסְנַת ): Variant spelling of English Asenath , meaning \"\"belonging to the goddess Neith . \"\""
"docid": "D238152#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/male_hebrew_names_02.htm\n.",
"text": "\"BENZECRY : Hebrew patronymic name meaning \"\"son of Zechariah . \"\" BETHUW'EL ( בְּתוּאֵל ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"God destroys\"\" or \"\"man of God.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a town and also the name of the father of Rebecca . BETSALEL ( בְּצַלְאֵל ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"in the shadow.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a son of Uri who was one of the architects of the tabernacle, and the name of an Israelite. BIGVAY ( בִּגְוַי ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"gardener, husbandman\"\" or \"\"in my bodies.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a man who was a leader amongst the Babylonian exile returnees. BILHAN ( בִּלְהָן ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"modest.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a Benjamite. BINYAMIN ( בִּנְיָמִין ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"son of the right hand.\"\""
"docid": "D2526222#0",
"title": "http://scbsfm.blogspot.com/2010/09/baby-names-meaning-peace.html\n\"Baby Names Meaning \"\"PEACE\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Find out list of fifty seven (57) baby names which mean \"\" PEACE \"\". These names for boys and girls with originated of Irish, Slavic, American, German, African, Greek, Biblical, English, Chinese, Scandinavian and Indian background.- ALANA: Irish girl name It's mean Peaceful, Serene - ALANNA: Slavic/Irish A female name means Peaceful - ALLENE: Irish female name It's meaning Attractive, Peaceful - AQUENE: Native American Name for a girl meaning Peace - CHAMOMILE: American origin Female name meaning Peace, Spice - CHENOA: Native American female name meaning Dove, Bird of Peace - CHESNA: Slavic female name meaning Bringing Peace, Calm - CHESSA: Slavic female name meaning Peaceful - ERASTO: African female name meaning Man of Peace - FARICA: German female name meaning Chief of Peace - FREDERICA: German female name meaning Peaceful Ruler - FREDRICA: German female name meaning Peace - FREDRICKA: German female name meaning Peaceful Ruler - FRIEDA: German female name meaning Peace, Joy - GZIFA: African female name meaning Peaceful One - IREN: Greek female name meaning Peace - IRENE: Greek female name meaning Peaceful - IRINA: Slavic female name meaning Peaceful - JERENI: Slavic female name meaning Peaceful - LANA: Irish female name meaning Peaceful, Attractive - LIV: Latin female name meaning Olive Tree, Peace - LIVI: Latin female name meaning Olive Branch, Peace Fifty Seven (57) baby names which mean \"\"PEACE\"\"- MALIA: Hawaiian female name meaning Calm and Peaceful) - OLIVE: Latin female name meaning Olive Branch, Peace - OLIVIA: Latin female name meaning Peace - of The Olive Tree - REINA: Spanish female name meaning Peaceful, Queen - REYNA: Spanish female name meaning Peaceful, Queen - SALAMA: Egyptian female name meaning Peaceful - SALEEMA: Persian female name meaning Peaceful - SALOME: Biblical female name meaning Shalom/Welcome, Peace - SELAM: African female name meaning Peace - SELIMA: Biblical female name meaning Brings Comfort, Peace - SERENITY: English female name meaning Peaceful Disposition - SHEEHAN: Irish female name meaning Peacemaker - TAO: Chinese female name meaning Peach - WINIFRED: Irish girl name meaning Friend of Peace - ZULEMA: Biblical female name meaning Peace - ABSOLOM: Biblical male name meaning My Father is Peace - AN: Chinese male name meaning Peaceful - ARAV: Hindu male name meaning Peaceful - BARIS: Turkish male name meaning Peaceful - BENJIRO: Japanese male name meaning Enjoys Peace - CASIMIR: Slavic male name meaning Peacemaker - DEMBE: African male name meaning Peace - DINH: Vietnamese male name meaning Peace, Calm - ERIN: Irish male name meaning Peaceful - ERON: Biblical male name meaning Peace, Enlightened - FEDERICO: Spanish name for a baby boy means Peaceful Ruler - FELETI: Italian male name meaning Peace - FRED: German male name meaning Peaceful Ruler - FREDERICK: German male name meaning Friedrich Peaceful Ruler - GARVEY: Irish baby name for a boy which meaning Peace - GEOFF: German male name meaning Peace - GEOFFREY: English male name meaning Gift of Peace - GODFREY: German male name meaning God is Peace - HUME: English male name meaning Supporter of Peace - HUMPHREY: German male name meaning Peace - JEFFERY: English male name meaning Gift of Peace - JEFFREY: English male name meaning Gift of Peace - MIRON: Polish male name meaning Peace - MIROSLAV: Russian male name meaning Peace Celebration - NOAH: Biblical male name meaning Peaceful, Restful - OLIVER: Latin male name meaning Olive Tree- Peace - ON: Chinese baby boy name that means Peace - ONOFRE: Spanish male name meaning Defender of Peace - SALAAM: African male name meaning Peach - SALIM: African male name meaning Peaceful - SHLOMO: Biblical male name meaning Peaceful - SIEGFRIED: German male name meaning Victorious Peace - SOLOMON: Biblical boy name with meaning Peaceful - WILFRED: English male name meaning Peaceful or Willow Tree Near Ford - WINFRED: Irish male name meaning Friend of Peace - WYATT: French male name meaning Peaceful - YASUO: Japanese male name meaning Peaceful One - ZALMAN: Biblical male name meaning Peaceful & Quiet - ERIC: German name for boy that mean Peaceful Ruler - AMANI: African unisex name meaning Peace - AREN: Scandinavian unisex name meaning Eagle, Ruler, Peace - NOE: French unisex name meaning Born on Christmas, Peace - PALMER: English unisex name meaning Palm Bearer, Peacemaker - PAX: Greek unisex name meaning Peace - PAXTON: Latin unisex name meaning Town of Peace - PAZ: Spanish unisex name meaning Peace or Gold - SHALOM: Biblical unisex name meaning Peace - Hello - SHILOH: Biblical unisex name meaning Peaceful - XOLA: African unisex name meaning Stay In Peace - AARAV: Indian male name meaning Peaceful - AMAN: Indian male name meaning Peace - CHAIN: Indian male name meaning Peace - MAYUR: Indian male name meaning Peacock - MAYURAKHSI: Indian girl name - Eye of the peackock Mayurakhsi - NISHANT: Indian male name meaning Peaceful; Early Morning; Dawn - RUSHAM: Indian girl name meaning Peaceful Rusham - SALMA: Indian female name meaning Peaceful Salma - SAMIK: Indian male name meaning Peaceful - SAMIKA: Indian name for girl that mean Peaceful Samika - SHAMAK: Indian male name meaning Makes peace - SHANTA: Indian female name meaning Peaceful; Calm Shanta - SHANTI: Indian female name meaning Peace Shanti - SHANTIDEV: Indian male name meaning Lord of peace - SHANTINATH: Indian male name meaning Lord of peace - VITOLA: Indian male name meaning Peaceful - WADEE': Indian boy name that means Calm; Peaceful BABY NAMES: Return Back to Names which have same meaning \""
] |
1947 | alicia etheridge net worth | [
"docid": "D1430454#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/business-executives/alicia-etheredge-net-worth/\nAlicia Etheredge Net Worth",
"text": "\"Alicia Etheredge Net Worth How much is Alicia Etheredge Worth?in Richest Businessmen › Executives Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Alicia Etheredge net worth:$500 Thousand Alicia Etheridge net worth: Alicia Etheridge is an American manager who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Alicia Etheridge is best known for being the wife of singer Bobby Brown. The two met in 2007 and in 2009 Etheridge gave birth to their first son Cassius. The couple became engaged in 2010 at the Funk Fest in Jacksonville, Florida. In June 2012 Brown married Etheridge in Hawaii. Alicia also serves as Brown's manager. Bobby Brown Net Worth Alicia Etheredge Television producer Share on Facebook Ads by Revcontent From the Web The 10 Most Popular Luxury Suvs and Crossovers Remember \"\"Ozzie & Harriet\"\"? Here's What You Never Realized Healthcare Jobs Are on the Rise. Discover How to Earn Your Degree in Nursing You Should Never Shop on Amazon Again After Seeing This Site You're Overpaying on Amazon - Here's How to Fix That The App Millennials and Gen X'ers Are Using To Learn A Language In 21 Days All net worths are calculated by applying a proprietary algorithm. The results are then fact checked and confirmed by a team of editors."
] | [
"docid": "D1267800#0",
"title": "http://www.getnetworth.com/tag/etheridge-melissa-salary/\nEtheridge Melissa Salary",
"text": "\"Profession: Singer, Musician, Singer-songwriter, Social activist, Composer, Actor, Songwriter, Artist Date of Birth: May 29, 1961 Nicknames: Etheridge Melissa, Melissa Etherige, Melissa Lou Etheridge, Etheridge, Melissa Height: 1.575 m Country: United States of America Etheridge Melissa Salary· In Celebrities, Rock Stars Read more... Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Net Worth is $25 Million. Melissa Etheridge is a musician, singer and songwriter whose net worth equals $25 million. Melissa Etheridge accomplished her net worth through the many hit songs, performances and musical achievements. She. Melissa Lou Etheridge (born ... Melissa Etheridge Net Worth is $25 Million. Melissa Etheridge Net Worth is $25 Million. Melissa Etheridge is a musician, singer and songwriter whose net worth equals $25 million. Melissa Etheridge accomplished her net worth through the many hit songs, performances and musical achievements. She Melissa Lou Etheridge is an American rock singer-songwriter and musician. Etheridge is known for her mixture of confessional lyrics, pop-based folk-rock, and raspy, smoky vocals."
"docid": "D389738#0",
"title": "http://www.worldstopmost.com/2017-2018-2019-2020/celebrities/richest-wwe-divas-world-top-10-highest-paid-list/\nTop 10 Richest WWE Divas in The World",
"text": "Top 10 Richest WWE Divas in The Worldby Worlds Top Most The world of wrestling is not only famous for the male wrestlers but fans are also crazy for beautiful divas of WWE world. These divas have amazing skills, perfect body, great entertaining ability and fighting talent to be the best WWE Divas. Many of the divas get featured on sports magazine and high-end fitness magazine covers. Some of the WWE divas are also established models. WWE divas earn good amount of salaries and offline projects related to ad campaigns and photo shoots keeps them busy and add to their earnings. Some of the top slots are taken by WWE Divas due to their popularity in WWE and their extreme ability to make it big and successful. Here is list of the world’s top 10 richest WWE divas in 2018.10. Layla El, Net worth: $1.5 million Share Share on Pinterest Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Layla EI appears with the name Layla in WWE ring. She is an English sexiest wrestler, model, dancer and wrestling valet. She started her career with Smack down and later moved to ECW In 2006 she won the WWE Diva Search and won the contract with WWE."
"docid": "D217583#0",
"title": "https://networth123.com/the-police-net-worth/\nThe Police Net Worth",
"text": "Home / Richest Celebrities / The Police Net Worth Richest Celebrities The Police Net Worth Jennifer Field September 7, 2017 0 Comments 5 6 minutes read The Police Net Worth is$1.1 Million The Police Bio/Wiki 2017Nominally, the authorities had been punk rock, but that’s just in the loosest feeling of the word. The trio’s anxious, reggae-injected pop/rock and roll was punky, nonetheless it wasn’t always punk. All three users were somewhat more theoretically proficient compared to the normal punk or fresh wave music group. Andy Summers experienced a precise acoustic guitar attack that produced thick, interlocking waves of noises and results. Stewart Copeland could play polyrhythms easily. And Sting, along with his high, keening tone of voice, was with the capacity of building infectiously catchy pop tunes. While they weren’t punk, the authorities certainly demonstrated the punk soul could have another in pop music. As their profession progressed, the authorities grew somewhat more adventurous, tinkering with jazz and different world musics. Even while, the band’s restricted delivery and mastery from the pop one kept their market raising, and by 1983, these were typically the most popular rock and roll & roll music group in the globe. Though these were on the elevation of their popularity, internal tensions triggered the music group to splinter aside in 1984, with Sting picking right up a lot of the band’s market to become a global superstar."
"docid": "D2328029#0",
"title": "http://tlc.wikia.com/wiki/Waterfalls\nWaterfalls",
"text": "\"CD single cover art\"\" Waterfalls \"\" is a single by American R&B/Hip-Hop girl group TLC. It was written by Lisa Lopes with Marquez Etheridge and Organized Noize for TLC's second studio album Crazy Sexy Cool, featuring production by the latter. The song was released as the album's third single on May 29, 1995 in the United States and was released in the United Kingdom in August 1995. Often considered their signature song, \"\"Waterfalls\"\" reached the top five in many territories. The song spent seven weeks at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, giving the group their second U. S. #1. The song was #2 of the year on the Billboard' s 1995 year-end chart. \"\" Waterfalls\"\" recieved critical acclaim from contemporary music critics, earning two Grammy Award nominations at the 1996 Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. The song famously tackeled issues of illegal drug trade, promiscuity and HIV/AIDS. The accompanying music video for the song reflects its socially-concious lyrics. With a million-dollar budget, the video was an MTV staple for giving the single much success."
"docid": "D1267798#0",
"title": "http://heightweighnetworth.com/melissa-etheridge/\nMelissa Etheridge Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio",
"text": "Melissa Etheridge Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio Last Updated 4 weeks ago Musicians Leave a comment Contents [ hide]1 Melissa Etheridge Net Worth1.1 Youtube1.2 Short biography, height, weight, dates:1.3 Pictures1.4 Summary Melissa Etheridge Net Worth Melissa Etheridge made money by Musicians niche. For all time, at the moment, 2018 year, Melissa Etheridge earned $19 Million. Exact sum is $19000000. Youtube Melissa Etheridge - I'm The Only One (Music Video)Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:00Short biography, height, weight, dates: Birth date: May 29, 1961 Birth place: Leavenworth, Kansas, United States Height:5 3 (1.6 m) Profession: Soundtrack, Actress, Composer Spouse: Linda Wallem (m. 2014), Tammy Lynn Michaels (m. 2003Р 2010) Children: Johnnie Rose Etheridge, Miller Steven Etheridge, Bailey Jean Cypher, Beckett Cypher Pictures Summary Wikipedia Source: Melissa Etheridge Melissa Lou Etheridge is an American rock singer-songwriter, guitarist, and activist. Her self-titled debut album Melissa Etheridge was released in 1988 and became an underground hit. The album peaked at #22 on the Billboard 200, and its lead single, Bring Me Some Water, garnered Etheridge her first Grammy Award nomination for Best Rock Vocal Performance, Female. In 1993, Etheridge won her first Grammy award for her single Aint It Heavy from her third album, Never Enough. Later that year, she released what would become her mainstream breakthrough album, Yes I Am. The album featured three Top 40 hits, including Im the Only One and Come to My Window, the latter which scored Etheridge her second Grammy award."
"docid": "D2425239#0",
"title": "http://www.ethnicwho.com/alicia-keys/\nAlicia Keys",
"text": "Alicia Keys By Riya | February 29, 2016 0 Comment Alicia Keys is a well known name born in NY, however her grandfathers were from other countries. Find her ethnicity, siblings, family, nationality & net worth. Alicia Keys, whose parents are Craig Cook and Teresa Augello, is an American singer, songwriter, actress and song producer. Her father is an American of African descent while her mother is an American who has English, Irish, Italian and Scottish roots. She was born and raised in the United States of America. She is the only child of her parents. Ethnicity: African-American (from Father side) and Italian, Sicilian, Irish and Scottish (from Mother side)Name Alicia Keys Date of Birth January 25, 1981Birth Place Hell’s Kitchen, New York City, New York, United States Alicia Keys Net Worth $60 million Occupation Acting, Singing, Songwriting Parents Father : Craig Cook Mother : Terria Joseph Body Measurement 34-2-38Sibling Brother : Cole Cook Education Columbia University Languages English Religion Christian Children’s Son : Egypt Daoud Dean Son : Genesis Ali Dean Relationship Status Married Husband Swizz Beatz (2010)Sun Sign Aquarius This 34-year old singer first appeared on the TV at the age of 4 when she was featured in The Cosby Show and she officially started singing in the year 1996 at the age of 15 after attending dance and music classes as a kid. She has gone on to perform lots of award winning songs, some of which are Fallin, You Don’t Know My Name, My Boo and Girl on Fire. As a top singer who has sold millions of singles and albums, she has performed with lots of other top musical celebrities such as Stevie Wonder, Usher Raymond, Drake, Beyonce, Eve and so on. For her immense contribution to the music industry, she has won multiple Grammy awards and other top awards globally."
"docid": "D3156945#0",
"title": "http://www.bornrich.com/swizz-beatz.html\nSwizz Beatz Net Worth",
"text": "Swizz Beatz Net Worth Net Worth $ 65 Million Estates and Homes Autos and Cars Holiday Destinations (Getaways) Cause Brands About Quotes Trivia Born on: 13th Sep 78Born in: United States Marital status: Married Occupation: Recording artist Swizz Beatz net worth is estimated at $65 million. Swizz Beatz is a renowned American rapper, radio jockey, and hip hop recording artist. Known as one of the Top 50 Greatest Hip Hop Producers of all time, Beatz's first compilation album hit the market in the year 2002. As per mid 2012, the estimated Swizz Beatz net worth has reached a total of $65 million. The rapper not only earns from his musical career but is also actively attached to some other part time activities, most notably painting and fashion designing. He is also a brand promoter for Lotus Cars and the popular clothing brand, Kidrobot. Recently, the renowned show manufacturing company Reebok has signed a whooping $10 million USD deal with Swizz Beatz which means an additional source for Swizz Beatz net worth. However, the major share of his wealth has come from the hit singles he has produced in the year 2009 (often considered to be the turning point in his career). Most of these singles achieved a listing in UK as well US Top 10 hit singles list and sold over some millions of copy soon after their release. This made Swizz Beatz a big gainer."
"docid": "D2694401#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/melissa-etheridge-uncovers-scandalous-family-history/story?id=30558720\nMelissa Etheridge Uncovers Scandalous Family History",
"text": "\"Melissa Etheridge Uncovers Scandalous Family History By Andrea Tuccillo Apr 24, 2015, 12:57 PM ETRebecca Sapp/Getty Images Melissa Etheridge is pictured on April 8, 2015 in Los Angeles. Email Melissa Etheridge recently uncovered some scandalous truths about her family’s distant past. On Sunday’s season finale of TLC’s genealogy series, \"\"Who Do You Think You Are?\"\" the singer discovers that an ancestor in French Canada seduced and impregnated a woman, a scandal that resulted in a trial. \"\" I was shocked, yes, and delighted, too,\"\" she told Billboard. \"\" I didn't take anything personally -- although when you start realizing there were these people in the 1600s going to court to clear their daughter's name, and, of course, it's so salacious and about sexuality, I'm like, 'Duh -- welcome to my line of making our sexuality public,' and that sort of makes me laugh at those parallels. \"\" Etheridge, 53, told the magazine she agreed to be on the show partly because her wife, Linda Wallem, is friends with one of the executive producers, but also because she wanted to fill some gaps in her ancestral history. Watch Melissa Etheridge Sing 'A Little Bit of Me'Melissa Etheridge Is Married! Meet Her Wife, Linda Wallem\"\"I knew stories from my mother's family,\"\" she said, \"\"but with my father I didn't know anything past his parents, so it was a delight to all of a sudden open a door to all these stories and be like, 'Oh, that's where my father came from? '\"\" She acknowledged that the newfound branches in her family tree might spark some song ideas one day, but, first, she has a busy summer of touring ahead. \"\""
"docid": "D1267795#0",
"title": "http://celebritynetworth.wiki/melissa-etheridge-net-worth/\nMelissa Etheridge Net Worth",
"text": "\"Home / Celebrity Net Worth / Musicians / Melissa Etheridge Net Worth Musicians Melissa Etheridge Net Worth Frank Iwanowski January 11, 2017 0 Comments 72 2 minutes read Melissa Etheridge Net Worth is$25 Million Melissa Etheridge Biography Melissa Lou Etheridge was born on the 29th May 1961, in Leavenworth, Kansas USA, and is a rock singer, songwriter and guitarist, probably most famous for her hit singles “Bring Me Some Water”, “Ain’t It Heavy” and “Come to My Window” which have brought her two Grammy Awards. Have you ever wondered how much wealth this rock star has accumulated so far? How rich Melissa Etheridge is? According to sources, it is estimated that the total amount of Melissa Etheridge’s net worth, as of late 2016, is $25 million, acquired through her music career which has been active since 1985. Melissa Etheridge Net Worth 25 million Melissa Etheridge is the second of two daughters to Elizabeth and John Etheridge, a computer consultant and a high school teacher. After attending David Brewer School, she enrolled at Leavenworth High School from which she matriculated in 1979. During her high school days, Melissa was a member of school’s first “Power and Life” musical ensemble; her interest in music, dating from her childhood age when she started playing guitar, led Melissa to perform with various country music bands during her teenage years. In order to pursue her passion, Melissa Etheridge moved to Boston where she enrolled at Berklee College of Music. Although she left college after three semesters, it didn’t stop her from making a successful career in music. After leaving Berklee, Melissa moved to Los Angeles, California where she started circuiting at lesbian clubs and bars."
"docid": "D2694402#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/This-M-Melissa-Etheridge/dp/B00MGSTND4\nThis is M.E.",
"text": "\"CDs & Vinyl › Pop Share 20+ Shares Go Unlimited Start your 30-day free trial Listen to any song, anywhere with Amazon Music Unlimited. Learn More Buy New $6.75Qty: FREE Shipping on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$6.75& FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Details Sold by: Big_Box_Bargains Have one to sell? Sell on Amazon This is M. E. Melissa Etheridge Format: Audio CD4.6 out of 5 stars 203 customer reviews See all 3 formats and editions Streaming Unlimited MP3$10.49Listen with our Free App Audio CD$6.757 Used from $3.058 New from $6.55Vinyl$22.982 Used from $45.7311 New from $17.96Includes FREE MP3 version of this album. Provided by Amazon Digital Services LLC. Terms and Conditions. Does not apply to gift orders."
"docid": "D2033788#0",
"title": "http://www.rhymeswithsnitch.com/2012/04/bobby-brown-breaks-his-silence.html\n.",
"text": "\"Bobby Brown Breaks His Silence In his first interview since the tragic death of Whitney Houston Bobby Brown sits down with The Today Show's Matt Lauer and reveals some shocking and not so shocking truths.... In the two part interview airing on Wednesday and Thursday Bobby Brown and his three children Landon, Bobby Jr., and La’Princia and Bobby's fiancée, Alicia Etheridge, discuss Bobby's negative portrayal in the media and the rumors surrounding his relationship with daughter Bobbi Kristina. Bobby Brown opens up about his 15 year marriage to Whitney Houston and insists he wasn't the one who introduced her to drugs telling Matt Lauer, \"\"I didn't get high [on narcotics] before I met Whitney. I smoked weed, I drank the beer, but no, I wasn't the one that got Whitney on drugs at all... drugs were a part of her life \"\"way before\"\" [we] got together. \"\" It's just ... it's just unexplainable how one could, you know, [say that I] got her addicted to drugs. I'm not the reason she's gone.\"\" Bobby also admits his reality show 'Being Bobby Brown' was the last straw in their marriage, \"\"We looked at the bubble and saw ourselves. We was able to see what other people were saying about us, you know? We was able to see that our drug use had affected our relationship, had affected the love that we felt for each other. \"\" Posted by Rhymes With Snitch at 9:54 PM Email This Blog This! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Labels: Bobby Brown , Whitney Houston \""
"docid": "D2336189#0",
"title": "https://heightline.com/alicia-keys-married-kids-family-wiki/\nAlicia Keys Married, Husband, Kids, Parents, Mother, Father, Family, Wiki",
"text": "Home Musicians Alicia Keys Married, Husband, Kids, Parents, Mother, Father, Family, Wikiimage source Musicians Alicia Keys Married, Husband, Kids, Parents, Mother, Father, Family, Wiki While she’s a lot of things including singer, songwriter, record producer, pianist, actress, and activist, Alicia Augello Cook who is professionally known as Alicia Keys stands out for her spectacular voice. She’s an accomplished singer who has sold over 35 million albums and 30 million copies worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists in history. Alicia Keys Wiki The American beauty was born on January 25, 1981, in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan, New York City as the only child of her mother and one of three children of her father. However, her parents separated when she was only two, leaving her to be raised by her mother during her formative years in Hell’s Kitchen. Also Read: Molly Ephraim Bio, Husband, Net Worth, Height, Body Measurements Often referred to as the “Queen of R&B” by various media outlets, Alicia is a force to reckon with in Hollywood and she has all it takes to hold her ground. While she may have shot to prominent fame in the early 2000s, in 1985, Alicia made an appearance on The Cosby Show at the age of four, where she and a group of girls played the parts of Rudy Huxtable’s sleepover guests in the episode “Slumber Party”. Her mother helped in inspiring the career she followed as throughout her childhood, she sent Alicia to music and dance classes where she studied classical piano from age seven, playing composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin and enrolled in the Professional Performing Arts School at the age of 12, where she majored in choir and began writing songs at the age of 14. She graduated in four years as valedictorian at the age of 16. While in high school, Alicia was already attracting record company executives, and after what seems like a bidding war for the talented young lady, she signed with Arista Records in 1998. Though she was accepted to Columbia University on a full scholarship, after a four-week stint at the school Alicia departed to devote herself fully to music."
"docid": "D1298279#0",
"title": "http://www.therichest.com/celebnetworth/athletes/baseball/mike-piazza-net-worth/\nMike Piazza Net Worth",
"text": "Mike Piazza Net Worth The Richest Richest Baseball Players Net Worth:$100.9 Million Source of Wealth: Baseball Age:49Birth Place: Norristown, Pennsylvania Weight:200 lb (90 kg)Marital Status: Married (Alicia Rickter)Full Name: Michael Joseph Piazza Nationality: American More Stats View More About Michael Joseph Piazza Mike Piazza is a former American professional baseball player who has an estimated net worth of $ 100.9 million. Mike Piazza got inspired over his father's passion in baseball. When he was 12 years old, he was given tips by Ted Williams. In the 1988 Major League Baseball Amateur Draft, he was chosen by the Los Angeles Dodgers. While with the Dodgers, he was named as the MLB Rookie of the Year, and was selected to play during the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in 1993. Piazza's stint with the team for seven seasons ended when he was traded off to Florida Marlins in 1998. One week after Piazza moved to Marlins, he transferred to New York Mets. He also played for the San Diego Padres, and Oakland Athletics. He announced his retirement on May 20, 2008. Michael Joseph Piazza was born on September 4, 1968 in Norristown, Pennsylvania."
"docid": "D3346220#0",
"title": "https://heavy.com/entertainment/2016/09/alicia-keys-net-worth-how-much-money-does-have-family-age-home-charity-the-voice-songs-swizz-beatz-no-makeup/\nAlicia Keysâ Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know",
"text": "Alicia Keys’ Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know185 Views 0 Shares 0 Comments By Daniel S. Levine Sep 1, 2016 at 10:50am Alicia Keys performing at the Democratic National Convention in July 2016. ( Getty)Alicia Keys burst onto the music scene in 2001 with Songs In A Minor, an album fueled by critical praise and hits like “Fallin'” and “A Woman’s Worth.” It was the perfect launch pad for a career that has included a string of hits that she continues to build on. In 2012, she released Girl On Fire and this fall, she stars on season 11 of NBC’s The Voice. The 35-year-old Keys has also built a fortune along the way. Here’s a look at Keys’ wealth, how she’s earned it and what she does with it.1. Keys’ Net Worth is Estimated at $60 Million & Husband Swizz Beatz’s Wealth is Estimated at $65 Million Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz at the 2016 MTV VMAs. ( Getty)Keys, who first entered the entertainment industry by appearing on The Cosby Show at age four, has an estimated net worth of $60 million, Celebrity Net Worth estimates. The same site estimates that her husband, Swizz Beatz, has a net worth of $65 million. However, The Richest estimates that Keys’ net worth is even higher, at an estimated $130 million."
"docid": "D1919294#0",
"title": "https://hitberry.com/how-much-is-reba-mcentires-net-worth-know-about-her-business-ventures-house-career-and-awards/\nHow much is Reba McEntire's Net Worth? Know about her Business Ventures, House, Career, and Awards",
"text": "\"How much is Reba Mc Entire's Net Worth? Know about her Business Ventures, House, Career, and Awards September 24, 2017 First published on: September 24, 2017 by John Reba Mc Entire is one of the most successful country artists in the history and overall has a great number of sold records. Apart from singing, she has also dabbled in songwriting, record producing and acting. Her ventures continued on television and movies from which she still earns a huge amount of income that adds up more in her net worth. Award-winning Reba Mc Entire's versatile career brought much popularity to her but it was her singing career that initially launched her fame and made her successful. A lot of people refer to her as \"\"The Queen Of Country\"\" and it is rightfully so as she is one of the best-selling artists of all time. Well, let's get to know more about her net worth and salary. Stay with us, here is the detail: Reba Mc Entire’s Net Worth and Annual Income The queen of the music industry, Reba Mc Entire is one of the most loved music-star who has a massive fan following in the country. She is the woman who has broken more than 90 million records and won numerous awards in that honor. Reba Mc Entire, Source: Billboard Mc Entire is ruling the charts of being the most prevalent and dazzling performer in the town."
"docid": "D941353#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doesn%27t_Mean_Anything\nDoesn't Mean Anything",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Doesn't Mean Anything\"\"Single by Alicia Keysfrom the album The Element of Freedom B-side \"\"Dreaming\"\"Released September 22, 2009Format Digital download, CD single Recorded 2009 at Long Island, New York The Oven Studios Los Angeles, California Conway Studios Genre R&B, soul Length 4: 36 (album version) 3:53 (radio edit)Label JSongwriter (s) Alicia Keys, Kerry Brothers, Jr. Producer (s) Alicia Keys, Kerry \"\"Krucial\"\" Brothers Alicia Keys singles chronology\"\" Empire State of Mind \"\" (2009) \"\" Doesn't Mean Anything \"\" (2009) \"\" Looking for Paradise \"\" (2009)\"\" Doesn't Mean Anything \"\" is a song by American recording artist Alicia Keys. It written and produced by Keys and longtime partner Kerry \"\"Krucial\"\" Brothers for her fourth studio album, The Element of Freedom (2009), with its lyrics speaking about the importance of love against materialism and fake needs. The track debuted on September 15, 2009, on Keys' official website and was released as the album's lead single the following month, It attained chart success in several territories, reaching the top ten in Belgium, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, and although it did not experience success in the US, \"\"Doesn't Mean Anything\"\" managed to reach number fourteen on the US Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. This was her first lead single from a studio album to miss the Top 10 on the Hot 100 and R&B/Hip-Hop chart. Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Reception2.1 Chart performance2.2 Critical reception3 Music video4 Track listing5 Charts5.1 Peak positions5.2 Year-end charts6 References7 External links Background [ edit]Keys called the song as \"\"very different—it almost feels like you're flying. It has that piano, heavy-drum feeling.\"\" She elaborated the song's meaning, saying, \"\"You dream of having all these things, you dream of going all these places. But what's the point of doing that, having that, if the one you want to be there isn't with you?\"\" [ 1] The song was released through Keys' You Tube channel on September 22, 2009, after her performance at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards along Jay-Z, singing \"\" Empire State of Mind \"\". [ 2]Reception [ edit]Chart performance [ edit]The single was released on the i Tunes Store on September 22, 2009 and debuted on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs at number 32, making her highest debut on that chart, [ citation needed] and has peaked at number 14. ["
"docid": "D3462122#0",
"title": "https://heightweights.com/alicia-vikander-height-weight-measurements-net-worth/\nAlicia Vikander Height, Weight, Measurements, Net Worth and more",
"text": "Home Actors/Actress Alicia Vikander Height, Weight, Measurements, Net Worth and more August 26, 2016SHARE Facebook Twitter Bio Full Name Amanda Alicia Vikander Nick Name Alicia, Alicia Vikander Occupation Actress, dancer and director Personal Life Date of Birth October 3, 1988Birth Place Gothenburg, Sweden Age (as in 2016) 28Sun-sign Libra Nationality Swedish Ethnicity White Education Royal Swedish Ballet School Hobbies Dancing Family Father Name Svante Vikander Mother Name Maria Fahl Vikander Brother Name None Sister Name None Alicia Vikander Height Weight and Body Measurements Alicia Vikander Height Height in feet: 5 feet 5 inches Height in cm: 165 cm Height in meter: 1.65 m Weight Weight in Kg: 58 kg Weight in Pounds: 126 pounds Body Measurements 34-24-35 in or 86-62.5-90.5 cm Bra Size 34ADress size 2-4 USShoe Size 7.5 USHair Color Black Eye Color Dark Brown Sexuality Straight Alicia Vikander Net Worth: $6 million Boyfriends and Affairs: Currently, Alicia is in relation with Actor Michael Fassbender. The duo has been together for more than 2 years. Alicia Vikander Facts She is a trained ballet dancer. She like to work with direcotes Lars Von Trier, Terrence Malick and Quentin Tarantino one day. Marion Cotillard, Isabelle Huppert and Jennifer Lawrence are her favorite actresses. She auditioned for the role of Cinderella in movie Cinderella but Lily James was cast instead. She was dropped out acting in Assassin’s Creed and The Circle. She was replaced by Ariane Labed in Assassin’s Creed and Emma Watson in The Circle. She was named as one of European film’s Shooting Stars by European Film promotion. You Might Also Like After Weeks Of Rumors, Joanna Gaines Comes Clean These Pictures Have Not Been Edited Look Closer She Had No Idea Why The Crew Was Staring One Cup of This (Before Bed) Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy!6 Money Lessons Your Kid Should Know 1 Simple Trick Removes Eye Bags & Lip Lines In Seconds Celeb No-Bra-Day Caught On Camera Buckingham Confirms Unfortunate News?"
"docid": "D2949566#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/richest-rappers/niatia-lil-mama-kirkland-net-worth/\nLil Mama Net Worth",
"text": "\"Lil Mama Net Worth How much is Niatia Lil Mama Kirkland Worth?in Richest Celebrities › Rappers Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Niatia Lil Mama Kirkland net worth:$6 Million Lil Mama Net Worth: Lil Mama is an American hip-hop recording artist who has a net worth of $6 million dollars. Born Niatia Jessica Kirkland on October 4, 1989 in Harlem, New York City, New York, she is most commonly known by her stage name, Lil Mama. Her first solo album VYP (Voice of the Young People), released in 2008, made Billboard placement and spawned the hit single Lip Gloss. Being the third of eight children and the eldest girl resulted in her family nickname 'Lil Mama'. She signed with Jive Records in 2006 and was featured in Dr. Luke's remix of Avril Lavigne's song Girlfriend (2007). She also starred as Lisa \"\"Left Eye\"\" Lope in the VH1 TLC biographical film Crazy Sexy Cool: The TLC Story, alongside Keke Palmer and Drew Sidora. Kirkland has been nominated for two BET Awards, one MTV Award, one MTV Asia Award and five Teen Choice Awards (two of which she won). At the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards she unexpectedly came on stage with Jay-Z and Alicia Keys as they were performing Empire State of Mind. It was during the last verse of the song that Kirkland left her seat in the audience, came onstage and started bobbing her head to the beat. Jay-Z, though surprised, continued to perform."
"docid": "D1267796#0",
"title": "https://www.richestnetworth.com/melissa-etheridge-net-worth/\nMelissa Etheridge Net Worth",
"text": "Melissa Etheridge Net Worth· In Celebrities, Rock Stars Melissa Etheridge Net Worth is $25 Million Melissa Etheridge deserves the money? Rating: 4.4/ 5 (8 votes cast)Would you date Melissa Etheridge ? Rating: 3.0/ 5 (4 votes cast)add this information to your site/blog Profession: Singer, Musician, Singer-songwriter, Social activist, Composer, Actor, Songwriter, Artist Date of Birth: May 29, 1961 Nicknames: Etheridge Melissa, Melissa Etherige, Melissa Lou Etheridge, Etheridge, Melissa Height: 1.575 m Country: United States of America What is Melissa Etheridge Net Worth? How much is Melissa Etheridge Net Worth? How much is Melissa Etheridge Salary? Melissa Etheridge is a musician, singer and songwriter whose net worth equals $25 million. Melissa Etheridge accomplished her net worth through the many hit songs, performances and musical achievements. She was born in Leavenworth, Kansas and has been active in the music field since 1988. Flash News about Melissa Etheridge Pitbull is performing at Ribfest? Yes, Mr. Worldwide will be there He's the last headliner to be announced for the annual bash that this year also features Melissa Etheridge, the Stray Cats and fireworks on July 4; country stars Jake Owen, Chris Janson and Jordan Davis on July 6; and rocker Steven Tyler and the Loving ... Posted: April 3, 2018, 10:03 am Why Did Applebee’s Destroy The Lesbian Love Story in Their New Take-Out Commercial? !"
"docid": "D1825529#0",
"title": "https://makehow.net/info/antifa-started-riot-in-charlottesville\nMake How News",
"text": "\"Mob Wives - Wikipedia Mob Wives is an American reality television series that aired on VH1 for six seasons from April ... Carla Facciolo; Karen Gravano; Renee Graziano · Angela Raiola; Ramona Rizzo; Love Majewski; Alicia Di Michelle Garafalo; Natalie Guercio. en.wikipedia.org Mob Wives star accused of cheating arrives at court to support ... Dec 7, 2013 ... Mob Wives star Alicia Di Michele denied claims that she has been ... Jailed: Di Michele's husband Edward Garofalo Jr was sentenced to seven ... www.dailymail.co.uk Mob Wives: New Blood Alicia Di Michele's Cheating and High Living ... Mob Wives: New Blood Alicia Di Michele's Cheating and High Living With Rob La Scala Exposed (PHOTOS) Shadyyyy chick. www.pinterest.com Last Days of the Gotti Gang & Building the 911 World Trade Center ... May 9, 2011 ... http://www.thelaborers. net /lexisnexi...d_mob_ties.htm ..... ALICIA DIMICHELE, also known as “ Alicia Garofalo ” ... foundation work, which is worth tens of millions of dollars, was awarded to his youngest son, Dino Tomassetti Jr., ... letsrollforums.com Mob Wives: New Blood Vegas Drug Abuse: Natalie Guercio and Big ... Drita D'avanzo.you bad badd bitch youuu. See More. Mob Wives Star Alicia Di Michele Garofalo's Husband Gets 7 Years In Prison; Dishes On Joining ... www.pinterest.com25+ Best Ideas about Mob Wives on Pinterest | Mob wives quotes ...and fan favorite Angela (Big Ang) Raiola (far l.), who will be joined by Alicia Di Michele Garofalo (far r.) and Natalie Guercio (center r.) — who come with plenty of ... uk.pinterest.com Salute to Service 2013 by Philadelphia Row Home Magazine - issuu62_ FASHION Sexy and the City: The Fresh Breath of Fall Fashion by Alicia De Leo & Phyllis ..... The 18th & Snyder Ski Trip Reunion is a tradition worth sharing with their kids. ... team Anthony Di Michele & Alicia Di Michele - Garofalo, celebrating the grand opening of their ..... 8740 www.croconstruction. net rowhome magazine. issuu.com25+ Best Ideas about Vh1 Mob Wives on Pinterest | Mob wives, Mob ...... R) Angela \"\"Big Ang\"\" Raiola and Alicia Di Michele Garofalo of VH1's \"\"Mob Wives \"\" ...... Up Like Co-Star Renee Graziano: I Fought My Whole Life, It's Not Worth It ... uk.pinterest.com25+ Best Ideas about Mob Wives on Pinterest | Mob wives quotes ... Mob Wives Star Alicia Di Michele Garofalo Husband Gets 7 Years Prison .... Mob Wives: New Blood Alicia Di Michele's Cheating and High Living With Rob ... in.pinterest.com Paulie Walnuts' Colombo Crime Family Ties He has played gangsters in numerous films, some poorly made, some pretty decent, including Fingers (probably his earliest mob film worth watching), ... www.cosanostranews.comalicia dimichele garofalo net worth \""
] |
1952 | all roman numerals | [
"docid": "D947567#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_all_the_Roman_Numerals\nWhat are all the Roman Numerals?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Math and Arithmetic Numbers Roman Numerals What are all the Roman Numerals? Flag What are all the Roman Numerals? Answer by Pkkao Confidence votes 1.3KI II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L CM Roman Numerals Well, you can mix them up to get other numbers, but here are the seven main numerals: 1: I 5: V 10: X 50: L 100: C 500: D 1000: M If you'd like to write a number but not type forever, just add a line on top of any number, making it 1,000 times itself. In another form, putting a line on top of any Roman Numeral will make it multiplied by 1,000. Putting a line on top of M will make 1,000,000, since 1,000*1,000=1,000,000. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L CM Improved Answer:- M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1 and S=1/23 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Scienceguy22 1,927 Contributions What are all of the Roman numerals for the alphabet and its values? The following is a list of the basic Roman numerals:. I - one . V - five ."
] | [
"docid": "D1829553#0",
"title": "http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/r/Roman_numerals.htm\nRoman numerals",
"text": "\"Roman numerals Related subjects: Mathematics Background Information SOS Children has tried to make Wikipedia content more accessible by this schools selection. SOS Child sponsorship is cool!Roman numerals are a numeral system originating in ancient Rome, adapted from Etruscan numerals. The system used in classical antiquity was slightly modified in the Middle Ages to produce the system we use today. It is based on certain letters which are given values as numerals. Roman numerals are commonly used today in numbered lists (in outline format), clockfaces, pages preceding the main body of a book, chord triads in music analysis, the numbering of movie publication dates, successive political leaders or children with identical names, and the numbering of some sport events, such as the Olympic Games or the Super Bowl. For arithmetics involving Roman numerals, see Roman arithmetic and Roman abacus. Numeral systems by culture Hindu-Arabic numerals Western Arabic Eastern Arabic Indian family Tamil Telugu Burmese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian numerals Chinese Japanese Suzhou Korean Vietnamese Counting rods Alphabetic numerals Abjad Armenian Āryabhaṭa Cyrillic Ge'ez Greek Georgian Hebrew Other historical systems Aegean Attic Babylonian Brahmi Egyptian Etruscan Inuit Kharosthi Mayan Quipu Roman Positional systems by base Decimal (10)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 911 12 13 14 15 16 2024 26 27 32 36 60 64 85Balanced ternary List of numeral systems Entrance to section LII of the Colosseum, with numerals still visible Symbols Symbol Value I 1 ( one) ( unus)V 5 ( five) ( quinque)X 10 ( ten) ( decem)L 50 ( fifty) ( quinquaginta)C 100 ( one hundred) ( centum)D 500 ( five hundred) ( quingenti)M 1000 ( one thousand) ( mille)Multiple symbols may be combined to produce numbers in between these values, subject to certain rules on repetition. In cases where it may be shorter, it is sometimes allowable to place a smaller, subtractive, symbol before a larger value, so that, for example, one may write IV or iv for four, rather than iiii. Sometimes, especially in medical prescriptions, a final i becomes j, such as iij for 3 or vij for 7. This was originally done to prevent forgery."
"docid": "D2752896#0",
"title": "https://www.math-drills.com/numbersense.php\nNumber Sense Worksheets",
"text": "\"Number Sense Worksheets Sub-Topics Learning Numbers Counting Rounding Numbers Comparing & Ordering Numbers Expanded Form Written Numbers Scientific Notation Roman Numerals Factors & Factoring Multiples & LCMExponents & Roots Binary & Other Base Number Systems Welcome to the number sense page at Math-Drills.com where we've got your number! This page includes Number Worksheets such as counting charts, representing, comparing and ordering numbers worksheets, and worksheets on expanded form, written numbers, scientific numbers, Roman numerals, factors, exponents, and binary numbers. There are literally hundreds of number worksheets meant to help students develop their understanding of numeration and number sense. In the first few sections, there are some general use printables that can be used in a variety of situations. Hundred charts, for example, can be used for counting, but they can just as easily be used for learning decimal hundredths. Rounding worksheets help students learn this important skill that is especially useful in estimation. Comparing and ordering numbers worksheets help students further understand place value and the ordinality of numbers. Continuing down the page are a number of worksheets on number forms: written, expanded, standard, scientific, and Roman numerals. Near the end of the page are a few worksheets for older students on factors, factoring, exponents and roots and binary numbers. Most Popular Number Sense Worksheets this Week Squares and Square Roots ( 657 views this week)Blank Number Line ( 336 views this week)Cubes and Cube Roots ( 316 views this week)Prime Factor Trees (Range 4 to 48) ( 170 views this week)Learning Numbers Worksheets for learning numbers including poster sized number sets and writing numerals worksheets."
"docid": "D2572614#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_VII_in_Roman_Numerals\nWhat is roman numeral vII?",
"text": "Einstein91 21 Contributions What is roman numeral v II?7 - V is five, and the two I's afterward add two to the five. Ehelloff 4 Contributions What number is VII in roman numerals? Seven Fuzzy Logic 58,402 Contributions What does VII Roman Numeral mean? The roman numeral VII or vii represents the number 7. What does XXV vii mean in roman numeral?25 7Gd Here 41,285 Contributions What is the roman numeral VII plus XV?7 + 15 = 22 (XXll)Strongerthenthehulk 17 Contributions What is vii xxiv mmviii in roman numerals? These numbers are already in roman numerals. However each of those roman numerals have a numerical value. VII = 7 XXIV = 24 MMVII = 2007 Correction:- mmviii or MMV …Mark Swarthout 794,173 Contributions Contract attorney. When not working I teach karate, collect stamps, write books, and play the ukulele. What is roman numeral mxxx vii?1037David Gambell 112,046 Contributions What is VII XCI in roman numerals?171 Improved Answer:- They represent 7 and 91 respectively Mark Swarthout 794,173 Contributions Contract attorney."
"docid": "D2533471#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/24530704/us-history-1-terms-flash-cards/\nus history 1 terms",
"text": "\"378 terms dmeangreenus history 1 termsus history 1 terms Renaissance \"\"re-birth\"\", Italian: Rinascimento, from rinascere \"\"to be reborn\"\") [1] was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. Though availability of paper and the invention of metal movable type sped the dissemination of ideas from the later 15th century, the changes of the Renaissance were not uniformly experienced across Europe. As a cultural movement, it encompassed innovative flowering of Latin and vernacular literatures, beginning with the 14th-century resurgence of learning based on classical sources, which contemporaries credited to Petrarch, the development of linear perspective and other techniques of rendering a more natural reality in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform. In politics, the Renaissance contributed the development of the conventions of diplomacy, and in science an increased reliance on observation. Historians often argue this intellectual transformation was a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. Although the Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual pursuits, as well as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term \"\"Renaissance man\"\". [ 2] [3] There is a consensus that the Renaissance began in Florence, Italy, in the 14th century. [ 4] Various theories have been proposed to account for its origins and characteristics, focusing on a variety of factors including the social and civic peculiarities of Florence at the time; its political structure; the patronage of its dominant family, the Medici; [5] [6] and the migration of Greek scholars and texts to Italy following the Conquest of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. [ 7] [8] [9] The Renaissance has a long and complex historiography, and in line with general scepticism of discrete periodizations, there has been much debate among historians reacting to the 19th-century glorification of the \"\"Renaissance\"\" and individual culture heroes as \"\"Renaissance men\"\", questioning the usefulness of Renaissance as a term and as a historical delineation. [ 10] The art historian Erwin Panofsky observed of this resistance to the concept of Renaissance It is perhaps no accident that the factuality of the Italian Renaissance has been most vigorously questioned by those who are not obliged to take a professional interest in the aesthetic aspects of civilization— historians of economic and social developments, political and religious situations, and, most particularly, natural science— but only exceptionally by students of literature and hardly ever by historians of Art. ["
"docid": "D1422216#0",
"title": "http://quatr.us/math/geometry/radius.htm\nWhat is a radius? Radius of a circle",
"text": "The geometry of a circle The radius of a circle is the distance from the center point to the edge of the circle. It’s the same distance anywhere on the circle, because the circle has radial symmetry. So it doesn’t matter where you measure the radius on the circle, and if you know one radius measurement for a circle, then you know all of them. Try it for yourself and see!But suppose you *don’t* know the radius of this circle? Suppose all you know is that the circumference is 30 centimeters? Measuring the circumference of a tree. One example would be if you were trying to measure a big tree. It would be pretty easy to take a rope and wrap it around the tree, and then measure the length of the rope to find out how big around the tree was (the circumference ), but you’d have to cut the tree down to measure the radius. We don’t want to cut this big tree down, so we’ll need to use math to figure out the radius instead. Luckily we know that the radius of any circle is always the same as half of the circumference divided by π ( pi )."
"docid": "D2105267#0",
"title": "http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/roman-numerals-converter.htm\nRoman numerals converter",
"text": "Roman numerals converter Roman numerals conversion calculator and how to convert. Roman numerals converter Enter the Roman numeral or number and press the Convert button: Roman number: Convert Decimal number: Convert Reset Roman numerals ►Roman numerals conversion table Number Roman numeral Calculation0 not defined1 I 12 II 1+13 III 1+1+14 IV 5-15 V 56 VI 5+17 VII 5+1+18 VIII 5+1+1+19 IX 10-110 X 1011 XI 10+112 XII 10+1+113 XIII 10+1+1+114 XIV 10-1+515 XV 10+516 XVI 10+5+117 XVII 10+5+1+118 XVIII 10+5+1+1+119 XIX 10-1+1020 XX 10+1021 XXI 10+10+122 XXII 10+10+1+123 XXIII 10+10+1+1+124 XXIV 10+10-1+525 XXV 10+10+526 XXVI 10+10+5+127 XXVII 10+10+5+1+128 XXVIII 10+10+5+1+1+129 XXIX 10+10-1+1030 XXX 10+10+1031 XXXI 10+10+10+132 XXXII 10+10+10+1+133 XXXIII 10+10+10+1+1+134 XXXIV 10+10+10-1+535 XXXV 10+10+10+536 XXXVI 10+10+10+5+137 XXXVII 10+10+10+5+1+138 XXXVIII 10+10+10+5+1+1+139 XXXIX 10+10+10-1+1040 XL -10+5041 XLI -10+50+142 XLII -10+50+1+143 XLIII -10+50+1+1+144 XLIV -10+50-1+545 XLV -10+50+546 XLVI -10+50+5+147 XLVII -10+50+5+5+148 XLVIII -10+50+5+1+1+149 XLIX -10+50-1+1050 L 5051 LI 50+152 LII 50+1+153 LIII 50+1+1+154 LIV 50-1+555 LV 50+556 LVI 50+5+157 LVII 50+5+1+158 LVIII 50+5+1+1+159 LIX 50-1+1060 LX 50+1061 LXI 50+10+162 LXII 50+10+1+163 LXIII 50+10+1+1+164 LXIV 50+10-1+565 LXV 50+10+566 LXVI 50+10+5+167 LXVII 50+10+5+1+168 LXVIII 50+10+5+1+1+169 LXIX 50+10-1+1070 LXX 50+10+1071 LXXI 50+10+10+172 LXXII 50+10+10+1+173 LXXIII 50+10+10+1+1+174 LXXIV 50+10+10-1+575 LXXV 50+10+10+576 LXXVI 50+10+10+5+177 LXXVII 50+10+10+5+1+178 LXXVIII 50+10+10+5+1+1+179 LXXIX 50+10+10-1+580 LXXX 50+10+10+1081 LXXXI 50+10+10+10+182 LXXXII 50+10+10+10+1+183 LXXXIII 50+10+10+10+1+1+184 LXXXIV 50+10+10+10-1+585 LXXXV 50+10+10+10+586 LXXXVI 50+10+10+10+5+187 LXXXVII 50+10+10+10+5+1+188 LXXXVIII 50+10+10+10+5+1+1+189 LXXXIX 50+10+10+10-1+1090 XC 100-1091 XCI 100-10+192 XCII 100-10+1+193 XCIII 100-10+1+1+194 XCIV 100-10-1+595 XCV 100-10+596 XCVI 100-10+5+197 XCVII 100-10+5+1+198 XCVIII 100-10+5+1+1+199 XCIX 100-10-1+10100 C 100200 CC 100+100300 CCC 100+100+100400 CD 500-100500 D 500600 DC 500+100700 DCC 500+100+100800 DCCC 500+100+100+100900 CM 1000-1001000 M 10005000 V10000 X50000 L100000 C500000 D1000000 MDate to roman numerals converter ►See also How to convert number to roman numerals How to convert roman numerals to number Roman numerals chart Date to roman numerals converter Roman numerals 1-100 chart Roman numerals 1-20 chart Roman numerals 1-10 chart Number conversion"
"docid": "D2676893#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/numeral\nnumeral",
"text": "\"numeral Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to numeral: Roman numeralnu·mer·al (no͞o′mər-əl, nyo͞o′-)n. A symbol or mark used to represent a number.adj. Of, relating to, or representing numbers. [ From Middle English, of number, from Late Latin numerālis, from Latin numerus, number; seenumber . ] nu′mer·al·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.numeral ( ˈnjuːmərəl) n (Mathematics) a symbol or group of symbols used to express a number: for example, 6 ( Arabic ), VI ( Roman ), 110 ( binary)adj (Mathematics) of, consisting of, or denoting a number [C16: from Late Latin numerālis belonging to number, from Latin numerus number]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014nu•mer•al (ˈnu mər əl, ˈnyu-; ˈnum rəl, ˈnyum-)n.1."
"docid": "D2537588#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_IV_mean_in_Roman_numerals\nWhat is the roman numeral IV?",
"text": "\"Peter Cranny 821,924 Contributions What is the roman numeral IV? IV = 4. Hiramito 8,578 Contributions What does the Roman numeral IV stand for? IV = 4Ligand 7,255 Contributions What is IV in roman numerals? The Roman numerals IV represent 4 . The \"\"V\"\" means 5, and the I means 1. Roman numerals are written with the largest first, next largest second, and so on, except that if ( …Jute 25,139 Contributions What does IV-XX mean in roman numerals? IV = 4 (1 less than 5) and XX = 20 (10 + 10) so IV-XX means 4-20. Fuzzy Logic 58,402 Contributions What is the meaning of the roman numeral IV in a dream? According to Parkers' Complete Book of Dreams: The Definitive Guide to the Meaning of Dreams , \"\"if a particular number is prominent in a dream, it may be worth considering it …Mark Swarthout 794,175 Contributions Contract attorney."
"docid": "D2662178#0",
"title": "http://www.abacuslessons.com/roman-abacus.html\nRoman Abacus",
"text": "Home Abacus Learning Roman Abacus Category: Learn | Comments (1)It was during the Ancient Times from the period of c. 300 B. C to c. 500 A. D that the Roman Abacus was invented. It was properly termed as Roman hand abacus. Sponsored Links Development of Roman Abacus There was no recorded discovery of the existence of the Roman hand abacus or even a specimen that would prove that indeed there was such as Roman hand abacus. However, language one of the most reliable sources of past culture or history would prove to the fact that indeed there was such a counting device Roman hand abacus. It would confirm as such that the Greek has psephoi its Roman counterpart is calculi. In Latin the word calx would mean pebble. Thus, a calculus means little stones that would be used as counters. It served as a proof that Romans had an actual counting board which they will use this calculi as counters. This counting board was the Roman hand abacus. Structure of Roman Abacus The Roman Abacus was made of metal plate and this was where the beads ran in slots."
"docid": "D2043928#0",
"title": "https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/numeral-systems-and-numbers-conversion-in-sql/\nNumeral Systems and Numbers Conversion in SQL",
"text": "Numeral Systems and Numbers Conversion in SQLNumeral systems can be fascinating. In everyday programming, we are now becoming quite insulated from the need to convert between binary numbers and their representation, so it is a novelty to try out ways of doing it in SQL, and experiment with other number systems from the past. My fascination with numbers started when I was about two years old. One of my parents used to bend my fingers, saying “One, Two, Three…” and all our guests smiled, when I tried to repeat “Four, Five, Six…”At that time, I believed that people need the numbers in order to count their fingers and to make their parents and relatives laugh. When I grew up, I discovered that numbers could be helpful in a few more situations, for example to identify time and count money. However, I did not pay much attention to the fact that the counting rules for time and money are different. In one day, among the old documents, stored in our family, I found my grandfather’s watch. The watch had a beautiful watch face with strange symbols on it, instead of numbers. My mother told me that these symbols are the Roman numbers. That fact, however, did not make me curious about the Roman numbers."
"docid": "D950777#0",
"title": "http://homeworktips.about.com/od/mathhomework/a/romannumerals.htm\nHow to Write Roman Numerals",
"text": "Resources ›For Students & Parents How to Write Roman Numerals Share Flipboard Email Print Servulo Torres/Moment Open/Getty Imagesby Grace Fleming Updated December 28, 2017Roman numerals have been around for a long time. In fact, as the name suggests, Roman numerals started in ancient Rome between 900 and 800 B. C. Roman numerals originated as a set of seven basic symbols, symbolizing numbers. As time and language progressed, those markings transformed into the letters we use today. While it may seem strange to use Roman numerals when numbers can be used, knowing how to use them can come in handy. Roman Numerals in Everyday Life Roman numerals are all around us and you've almost certainly seen and used them, even without realizing it. Once you familiarize themselves with the letters and how to use them, you'll be surprised at how often they come up. Below are several places that Roman numerals are often found: Roman numerals are often used in books, and chapters are counted for by using them. Pages are also numbered with Roman numerals in appendices or introductions. When reading a play, the acts are separated into sections marked with Roman numerals. Roman numerals can be seen on fancy clocks and watches."
"docid": "D1560560#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_number_does_Xll_mean_in_roman_numerals\nWhat does XLL represent in Roman numerals?",
"text": "Pkkao 1,951 Contributions What does XLL represent in Roman numerals? First, XL represents 40 since L is 50 and X is 10. A larger number following a smaller one causes you to subtract the numbers. L is another 50, so XLL is 90. XLL is not used s …Jayson Gungon Isidro 523 Contributions What number do the roman numerals XL mean?40Kjerne 18,602 Contributions What number do the Roman numerals CCCLXXIII mean? That's 373 (CCC = 300, L = 50, XX = 20, III = 3). Janus13 74 Contributions What number does X mean in Roman numerals?10David Gambell 112,064 Contributions The roman numeral DCXXVII means what number?627Mark Swarthout 794,175 Contributions Contract attorney. When not working I teach karate, collect stamps, write books, and play the ukulele. What do roman numerals MDCXCV mean in numbers?1695Eric Barnes 485,820 Contributions What does this number mean in roman numerals DLXXXII?582David Gambell 112,064 Contributions What DOES NUMBER 10 mean in roman numerals? It is: 10 = XDavid Gambell 112,064 Contributions What does the number 82 mean in roman numerals?"
"docid": "D412855#0",
"title": "https://uk.pinterest.com/explore/roman-numeral-tattoos/\nRoman numeral tattoos",
"text": "\"Pinterest Roman numeral tattoos Tattoo ideas Couple tattoos Small tattoos Tattoo placements Tattoos Quote tattoos Wrist tattoos Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo quotes Small wrist tattoos Finger tattoos Thigh tattoos Tattoo women Rose tattoos Little tattoos Sister tattoos Floral tattoos Mandala tattoo Lotus tattoo Roman Numeral Tattoos Roman Numeral Tattoos Roman Numeral Font Roman Numbers Tattoo 15 In Roman Numerals Roman Numeral Numbers Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Couple Tattoo Ideas Couple Tattoos Couples Tattoos Quotes What are Roman Numeral Tattoos? Here are 25 of the hottest Roman Numeral Tattoo Designs and why you should. See more30 Roman Numeral Tattoos That Will Mark Your Most Memorable Date Roman Numerals Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Roman Numeral Date Tattoo Minimalist Tattoos Minimal Tattoo Birthday Date Tattoos Wedding Date Tattoos Small Back Tattoos Spine Tattoos Moda: I minimal tattoo che fanno tendenza - Ultime Notizie See more Loki Tattoo Tattoo Stechen Piercing Tattoo Piercings Rib Tattoos Tattos Feminine Tattoos Tattoo Time Roman Numeral Tattoos Like the font See more Dope Tattoos Art Tattoos Ankle Tattoos Tatoos Small Tattoo Tiny Tattoo Placement Roman Numeral Tattoos Roman Numbers Tattoo Roman Numeral 3Placement Of Roman Numeral Tattoo ❤See more30 Roman Numeral Tattoos That Will Mark Your Most Memorable Date Tattoo Forearm Tattoo Finger Small Tattoos Cute Tattoos On Wrist Small Leo Tattoo Small Forearm Tattoos Roman Numeral Tattoos Roman Numerals Roman Numbers Tattoo Pin for Later: 30 Roman Numeral Tattoos That Will Mark Your Most Memorable Date Sexy Sleeve See more Tattoo Fonts Tattoo Ink Club Tattoo Rn Tattoo Small Tattoos Unique Tattoos Hot Tattoos Baby Tattoos Tatoos Italic font Roman numeral tattoo. Club Tattoo, Las Vegas. See more Roman Numeral Tattoos Roman Numerals Tiny Tattoo Small Tattoos Date Tattoos Number Tattoos Tattoo Designs Tattoo Ideas Special Tattoos Hailey loves to get tattoos with and for people she loves. This one depicts the Roman numerals for her parents’ wedding date. See moreby JB Lacroix Sweet Sparrow Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Roman Numbers Tattoo Roman Numeral Wrist Tattoo Roman Numeral Font Tattoo Placement Arm Sexy Tattoos Tattos Mini Tattoos Location Tattoo30 Roman Numeral Tattoos That Will Mark Your Most Memorable Date See more Tattoo Designs with Roman Numerals Roman Numeral Wrist Tattoo Roman Numeral Tattoo Font Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Tattoo Fonts Cursive Tattoo Script Roman Numerals Roman Numbers Tattoo Wedding Date Tattoos Birthday Date Tattooslove the lowercase version of this roman numeral tat, Wedding Date tattoo!See more36 Exquisite Roman Numeral Tattoo Designs Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Roman Numeral Date Tattoo Roman Numeral Font Roman Numbers Tattoo Number Tattoo Fonts Girl Rib Tattoos Date Tattoos Twin Tattoos Family Tattoos Roman numeral tattoos have become so popular. In this collection we have collected most beautiful roman numeral tattoo designs for inspiration. See more Roman Numeral Date Tattoo Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Roman Numbers Tattoo Sons Birthday Kids Birthday Tattoo Birthday Date Tattoos Tattoo Placements Wedding Date Tattoos Collar Bone Piercing Roman numeral tattoo- GG and GP's Wedding date under the collar bone See more Roman Numerals Chart Roman Numeral 14 Roman Numeral Birthday Tattoo Roman Numeral Wrist Tattoo Roman Numeral Numbers Tattoos For Your Child Child Tattoos Birthdate Tattoo Roman Numbers Tattoo I'm really liking this idea of roman numerals for a date tat. Children's birth dates in roman numerals - placement See more30 of the Most Popular Shoulder Tattoo Ideas for Women Feminine Shoulder Tattoos Shoulder Tattoos For Women Feminine Tattoos Inspiring Tattoos Awesome Tattoos Jasmine Tattoo Fashion Tattoos Small Tattoos Sweet Tattoos Feminine Shoulder Tattoo Ideas for Women with Meaning - Mandala Feather Roman Numerals Script idées de tatouage pour les femmes - www."
"docid": "D950778#0",
"title": "http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/08/27/even-when-not-in-romeyou-should-know-your-roman-numerals/\nEven When Not In Romeâ¦You Should Know Your Roman Numerals",
"text": "Brett and Kate Mc Kay | August 27, 2014Manly Knowledge, Travel & Leisure Even When Not In Rome…You Should Know Your Roman Numerals Despite the fall of the Roman Empire millennia ago and despite the ubiquitous, worldwide use of Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc. ), Roman numerals still pop up regularly in modern society. We see them in the names of popes and monarchs and august events like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, and Wrestle Mania (who can forget the drama and excitement of Wrestle Mania III?). They sometimes appear on the pillars of docks and the outside of the hulls of ships, to indicate how high the water is, and they’re often engraved on the cornerstones of buildings, to indicate the date they were laid. And for some odd reason, Roman numerals are used to designate the year of production on films. There are a lot of folks who can’t remember the Roman numerals for even 1-10 (they often get hung up on 4 and 6…does the “I” go before the “V” or after? ), let alone going above and beyond that. I do okay up to 50, but then things start getting fuzzy for me. The other day I was reading an old book and came across a long string of Roman numerals that was used to signify a year, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I decided it was time for a little refresher on my Roman numerals."
"docid": "D1751922#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/math/number-xlviii-ca3346b88e32a63a\nWhat Number Is XLVIII?",
"text": "\"Math Numbers Q: What Number Is XLVIII? A: Quick Answer The Roman numeral XLVIII is the equivalent of the number 48. Roman numerals are actually upper case letters that are used to represent numbers. The basic Roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D and M, which stand for one, five, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000, respectively. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Roman Numeral XLVIII? What Is the Roman Numeral for \"\"42\"\"? What Number Is Written XV in Roman Numerals? Full Answer A Roman numeral may be used as many as three times in succession. In XLVIII, 40 is represented by XL. The X, which stands for 10, cannot be used four times, so it is placed to the left of the L, which stands for 50, to indicate that 10 is subtracted from 50."
"docid": "D1112377#0",
"title": "http://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-roman-numerals\nWhat are Roman numerals?",
"text": "Start your trial for £1.97 today!Access thousands of brilliant resources to help your child be the best they can be. What are Roman numerals? Children in KS2 are expected to read and write Roman numerals as part of the 2014 primary curriculum. We explain how Roman numerals are introduced in the classroom and how you can help your child practise reading Roman numerals at home. What are Roman numerals? Roman numerals are the numbers that were used in ancient Rome, which employed combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet (I, V, X, L, C, D and M). Numbers are represented by combinations of the following symbols: Numbers are represented by putting the symbols into various combinations in different orders. The symbols are then added together, for example, I + I + I, written as III, is 3. To write 11 we add X (10) and I (1) and write it as XI. For 22 we add X and X and I and I, so XXII."
"docid": "D1560563#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060704131043AAfAJRF\nIs XXL a roman numeral or something else?",
"text": "\"Computers & Internet Other - Computers Is XXL a roman numeral or something else? A friend called and asked me to translate it to a number, but XXL doesn't make sense as a roman numeral. What is it?4 following 22 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: As a clothing size it can braodly be translated to 42 (\"\"e Xtra e Xtra Large). As a roman numeral, XXL = 30 = XXX. In roman numerals, a trailing numeral represents addition where as a leading one means subtraction. So theoretically, you could rifht XXL for 30. Lone Ranger · 1 decade ago4 2 Comment Asker's rating This Site Might Help You. RE: Is XXL a roman numeral or something else? A friend called and asked me to translate it to a number, but XXL doesn't make sense as a roman numeral. What is it?"
"docid": "D2853660#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/numeral\nnumeral",
"text": "\"numeral [ noo -mer- uh l, nyoo -; noom -r uh l, nyoom -]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. a word, letter, symbol, or figure, etc., expressing a number; number: the Roman numerals.adjective2. of, relating to, or consisting of numbers or numerals.3. expressing or noting a number or numbers. Origin of numeral Expand Late Latin1520-15301520-30; < Late Latin numerālis of, belonging to number, equivalent to Latin numer (us) number + -ālis -al 1Related forms Expandnonnumeral, noun, adjective Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for numeral Expand Contemporary Examples If you are invited into the office of its director, you can see a clock on the wall that has a small hole near the numeral 1. Anne Frank’s Amsterdam Russell Shorto October 12, 2013We all dance the entire DSM IV (and its coming progeny, the Roman numeral –free DSM 5) right down the line. ‘Girls’ Shows Us the Real OCD With Hannah’s Brutal Q-Tip Scene Kent Sepkowitz March 11, 2013Historical Examples And if these Kufic characters reached there, then why not the numeral forms as well? The Hindu-Arabic Numerals David Eugene Smith We have in this paragraph examples of the use of three of the “ numeral particles."
"docid": "D670926#0",
"title": "http://preparatorychemistry.com/Bishop_cation_names_formulas_help.htm\n.",
"text": "Cation Names and Formulas Help Metallic atoms hold some of their electrons relatively loosely, and as a result, they tend to lose electrons and form cations. In contrast, nonmetallic atoms attract electrons more strongly than metallic atoms, and so nonmetals tend to gain electrons and form anions. Thus, when a metallic element and a nonmetallic element combine, the nonmetallic atoms often pull one or more electrons far enough away from the metallic atoms to form ions. The positive cations and the negative anions then attract each other to form ionic bonds. Predicting Monatomic Cation Charges The atoms of the noble gases found in nature are uncombined with other atoms. The fact that the noble gas atoms do not gain, lose, or share their electrons suggests there must be something especially stable about having 2 (helium, He), 10 (neon, Ne), 18 (argon, Ar), 36 (krypton, Kr), 54 (xenon, Xe), or 86 (radon, Rn) electrons. This stability is reflected in the fact that some metallic atoms form cations in order to get the same number of electrons as the nearest noble gas. See below. The metallic elements in groups other than 1, 2, or 3 also lose electrons to form cations, but they do so in less easily predicted ways. It will be useful to memorize some of the charges for these metals."
"docid": "D3012085#0",
"title": "https://www.archimedes-lab.org/numeral.html\nNumbers' & Numeral systems' history and curiosities",
"text": "\"Numbers' & Numeral systems' history and curiosities Origins of the Numerals Page 1 / Page 2 / More... Nombres – Numeri – Números – Zahlen – Liczba – 数 – Число́ – ΑριθμόςToday's numbers, also called Hindu-Arabic numbers, are a combination of just 10 symbols or digits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , and 0. These digits were introduced in Europe within the XII century by Leonardo Pisano (aka Fibonacci ), an Italian mathematician. L. Pisano was educated in North Africa, where he learned and later carried to Italy the now popular Hindu-Arabic numerals. Hindu numeral system is a pure place-value system, that is why you need a zero . Only the Hindus, within the context of Indo-European civilisations, have consistently used a zero. The Arabs, however, played an essential part in the dissemination of this numeral system. The Earliest Evidence of The Use of Numbers All numeration systems started as simple tally marks, using single strokes to represent each additional unit... Our prehistoric ancestors would have had a general sensibility about amounts and quantities, and would have instinctively known the difference between one, two or many antelopes. But the intellectual leap from the concrete idea of two things to the invention of a symbol for the abstract idea of \"\"two\"\" took many ages to come about. Mathematics along with a formal system of numbers initially developed when civilizations settled and developed agriculture - for the measurement of plots of land, the taxation of individuals, and so on - and this first occurred in the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations of Mesopotamia (roughly, modern Iraq) and in ancient Egypt. The Ishango stick (recto/verso)."
] |
1953 | all of the chemical reactions that occur in a cell are called | [
"docid": "D1856534#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_chemical_reactions_that_occur_in_cells_called\nWhat are the chemical reactions that occur in cells called?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology What are the chemical reactions that occur in cells called? Flag What are the chemical reactions that occur in cells called? Answer by Meave Gilchrist Confidence votes 36.1K\"\"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.\"\" Marie Curie The reactions that occur in cells are both anabolic (building up) and catabolic (breaking down). The catabolic reactions provide the energy for the anabolic reactions. The sum total of all catabolic and anabolic reactions in the cell is called metabolism.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Where do all chemical reactions occur in a cell?cytoplasm The diversity of chemical reactions occurring in a cell depends mostly on certain molecules present in the cells which are called?enzymes Alvin Lam 660 Contributions All chemical reactions which occur in cells? Generally it is called metabolism Wolfgang schwartzschild 16,616 Contributions What is a series of chemical reactions in a cell called?metabolism All of the chemical reactions of the cell are called?metabolism In a prokaryotic cell where do chemical reactions occur? Cytoplasm. Cytoplasm What is the chemical reaction called that occurs in chloroplast?photosynthesis Meave Gilchrist\"\"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.\"\""
] | [
"docid": "D2199255#0",
"title": "http://www.herbs2000.com/h_menu/enzymes.htm\nEnzymes",
"text": "\"Enzymes All living organism depend on catalytic proteins called enzymes, these compound are responsible for metabolism and biochemical regulation of energy, there are millions of enzymes and hundreds of enzymes have been identified in the human body as well. All living system posses enzymes as vital components of the body, enzymes are found in all organisms. Life is based on the interaction of enzymes within the body of an organism, thus they are critical for life and necessary in all living systems and near living replicating systems like viruses. The identification to date of three thousand different enzymes in the human body by scientists is an indication of the myriad roles that enzymes play in the living body. Enzymes are degraded and renewed almost every second in the human body mostly at an unbelievable rate. They perform numerous chemical functions vital to the existence and survival of the body. The performance as well as the strength and the total number of the enzymes in the human body directly influence the ability of the body to function, to repair itself when injured, and to resist diseases. Enzymes mediate all biochemical actions in the body of a living person and this is the main reason for the fact that an enzyme deficiency causes such a severe problem. Life and the chemical processes that underlie it can be said to consist of a chain or complex series of chemical reactions that take place at the cellular level in the body. The general term \"\"metabolism\"\" is used to point to these life sustaining reactions."
"docid": "D2109391#0",
"title": "https://chem.libretexts.org/Core/Analytical_Chemistry/Electrochemistry/Basics_of_Electrochemistry/Electrochemical_Cells\nElectrochemical Cells",
"text": "Skills to Develop To understand the basics of voltaic cells To connect voltage from a voltaic cell to underlying REDOX chemistry In any electrochemical process, electrons flow from one chemical substance to another, driven by an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction. A redox reaction occurs when electrons are transferred from a substance that is oxidized to one that is being reduced. The reductant is the substance that loses electrons and is oxidized in the process; the oxidant is the species that gains electrons and is reduced in the process. The associated potential energy is determined by the potential difference between the valence electrons in atoms of different elements. Because it is impossible to have a reduction without an oxidation and vice versa, a redox reaction can be described as two half-reactions, one representing the oxidation process and one the reduction process. For the reaction of zinc with bromine, the overall chemical reaction is as follows: (20.3.1) Zn 2The half-reactions are as follows:reduction half-reaction: (20.3.2) 2 2oxidation half-reaction: (20.3.3) Zn 2Each half-reaction is written to show what is actually occurring in the system; Zn is the reductant in this reaction (it loses electrons), and Br 2 is the oxidant (it gains electrons). Adding the two half-reactions gives the overall chemical reaction (Equation ). A redox reaction is balanced when the number of electrons lost by the reductant equals the number of electrons gained by the oxidant. Like any balanced chemical equation, the overall process is electrically neutral; that is, the net charge is the same on both sides of the equation. In any redox reaction, the number of electrons lost by the reductant equals the number of electrons gained by the oxidant."
"docid": "D2894798#0",
"title": "http://www.biology-online.org/9/5_protein_activity.htm\nProtein Activity and Cellular Metabolism - The Human Physiology",
"text": "Protein Binding Sites The ability of various molecules and ions to bind to specific sites on the protein surface forms the basis of the wide variety of protein functions. A ligand is any molecule or ion that is bound to the protein surface by either (1) oppositely charged ionic or polar groups or (2) van der Waals forces between nonpolar regions and a binding site is the protein region where a ligand binds. Chemical specificity and affinity are distinct properties of a binding site. Chemical Specificity A protein may have several binding sites, each site is specific for a particular or a particular type of ligand. This high chemical specificity is due to the complementary shapes of the ligand and the protein. Affinity Affinity is the strength of ligand-protein binding. A binding site could have a high or low affinity for a ligand, depending on the nature of the groups in both and proximity to each other. Saturation A single binding site could be occupied or unoccupied and the fraction of sites that are occupied is called saturation. The percent saturation depends on (1) the concentration of unbound ligand and (2) the affinity of the binding site. This saturation will be reflected in the biological activity of the of the protein-ligand complex."
"docid": "D405330#0",
"title": "http://www.rsc.org/Education/Teachers/Resources/cfb/metabolism.htm\nMetabolism and energy",
"text": "Metabolism and energy Metabolism: chemical reactions in cells Countless chemical reactions take place in cells and are responsible for all the actions of organisms. Together, these reactions make up an organism's metabolism. The chemicals taking part in these reactions are called metabolites. In all reactions:chemical bonds in the reacting molecules are broken; this takes in energynew chemical bonds form to make the products; this gives out energy When a chemical reaction takes place energy is either taken in or released. This depends on the relative strengths of bonds being broken and bonds being formed. In an exergonic reaction, energy is released to the surroundings. The bonds being formed are stronger than the bonds being broken. In an endergonic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings. The bonds being formed are weaker than the bonds being broken. Chemical reactions and energy changes Hydrogen and chlorine - an exergonic reaction You may also come across the terms exothermic and endothermic reactions."
"docid": "D1794870#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/8974530/chapter-8-flash-cards/\nChapter 8",
"text": "87 terms irelalor14Chapter 8Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Trophic level each step in a food chain or food web Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the most important biological molecule that provides chemical energy Cellular Respiration is the catabolic pathway in which organic molecules are broken down to release energy for use by a cell. Energy the ability to do work Metabolism all of the chemical reactions in a cell Photosynthesis is the anabolic pathway in which light energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy for use by the cell Thermodynamics is the study of the flow and transformation of energy in the universe What are at least seven of your body's cell processes that require energy -active transport -cellular respiration -photosynthesis -metabolism -endocytosis -exocytosis -reproduction (mitosis and meiosis)Whats the first law of thermodynamics? and an example? -law of conservation of energy, energy can be converted from one form to another, not created nor destroyed -stored energy in food is converted to chemical energy What is the second law of thermodynamics? and an example? -energy can not be converted without the loss of usable energy. the amount of entropy is always increasing -food chains -> energy is lost at each trophic level. Sequence the flow of energy from the Sun to heterotroph -plants and other autotrophs capture energy from the Sun -plants convert it to chemical energy -chemical energy is stored as food -heterotrophs obtain this energy by eating other organisms Catabolic -releases energy -breaks down large molecules to small molecules -metabolic pathways -chemical reactions in the cell Anabolic -uses energy releases -builds large molecules from small molecules -metabolic pathways -chemical reactions in the cell Explain how your body uses ATP, and list the three parts of the molecule -Energy carrier -Cells use it for quick energy -adenine base -ribosome sugar -3 phosphate groups Explain how ADP is made from ATP ATP releases energy when the bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken, forming ADPCarbohydrate an organic compound containing only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in a 1:2:1 ratio Calvin cycle second phase in photosynthesis, energy is stored in organic molecules such as glucose."
"docid": "D2880497#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/chapter-06-metabolism-energy-and-enzymes/deck/10133834\nChapter 06 - Metabolism: Energy And Enzymes",
"text": "\"Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning enzymatic activity? A) Each enzyme has a preferred p H at which the enzyme reaction rate is highest. B) Above a certain temperature, an enzyme will become denatured. C) As the temperature increases, most enzymatic reactions will still proceed at the same rate. D) Enzymatic reactions proceed quite rapidly. E) Enzyme activity increases as substrate concentration increases until the maximum rate is achieved. C) As the temperature increases, most enzymatic reactions will still proceed at the same rate. When heat dissipates into the environment, it is no longer usable by the individual who produced it. True or False? True The removal of electrons and/or hydrogen atoms from a substrate is called what?oxidation Free energy is calculated bysubtracting the free energy content of the reactants from that of the products."
"docid": "D151993#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Human_Physiology/Cell_physiology\nHuman Physiology/Cell physiology",
"text": "\"Human Physiology/Cell physiology< Human Physiologynavigation search← Homeostasis — Human Physiology — Integumentary System →Homeostasis — Cells — Integumentary — Nervous — Senses — Muscular — Blood — Cardiovascular — Immune — Urinary — Respiratory — Gastrointestinal — Nutrition — Endocrine — Reproduction (male) — Reproduction (female) — Pregnancy — Genetics — Development — Answers Contents1 Cell Structure and Function1.1 What is a Cell?1.2 Specialized Cells of the Human Body1.3 Cell Size1.4 Cellular Organization1.4.1 Cell Membranes1.4.2 Protein and Cholesterol1.4.3 Passive Transport Across the Cell Membrane1.4.4 Active Transport Across the Cell Membrane1.4.4.1 Protein Pumps1.4.4.2 Vesicular Transport2 Parts of the Cell2.1 Cytoplasm2.2 Organelles2.2.1 Nucleus2.2.2 Centrioles2.2.3 Ribosomes2.2.4 Mitochondria2.2.5 Endoplasmic Reticulum2.2.6 Golgi Apparatus2.2.7 Vacuoles2.2.8 Lysosomes2.2.9 Peroxisomes2.3 Extracellular structures3 Cell Junctions4 Cell Metabolism4.1 Energy Rich Molecules4.1.1 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)4.1.2 Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD)4.1.3 Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH)4.1.4 Cellular Respiration4.2 Glycolysis4.3 Krebs Cycle4.4 Electron Transport System4.4.1 Redox Reaction5 Cell Building Blocks5.1 Lipids5.2 Carbohydrates5.3 Proteins5.4 Enzymes6 Review Questions7 Glossary Cell Structure and Function [ edit]What is a Cell? [ edit]A cell is a structure as well as a functional unit of life. Every living thing has cells: bacteria, protozoans, fungi, plants, and animals are the main group of living things. Some organisms are made up of just one cell are called unicellular. ( e.g. bacteria and protozoans), but animals, including human beings, are multi-cellular. An adult human body is composed of about 100,000,000,000,000 cells! Each cell has basic requirements to sustain it, and the body's organ systems are largely built around providing the many trillions of cells with those basic needs (such as oxygen, food, and waste removal). There are about 200 different kinds of specialized cells in the human body. When many identical cells are organized together it is called a tissue (such as muscle tissue, nervous tissue, etc). Various tissues organized together for a common purpose are called organs (e.g. the stomach is an organ, and so is the skin, the brain, and the uterus)."
"docid": "D1439968#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/5292777/electrochemistry-flash-cards/\nElectrochemistry",
"text": "115 terms jennytu Electrochemistry Chapter 17Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Biological example of electrochemistry nerve impulses All electrochemistry processes involve __________ _____________ redox reactions What causes electricity? movement of charged particleschemical energy to electrical energy voltaicelectrical energy to chemical energy electrolyticoxidation:anode, reduction: cathode In voltaic cell, cathode is positive In voltaic cell, anode is negative In electrolytic cell, cathode is negative In electrolytic cell, anode is positive Common example of voltaic electrochemistry batteries Common example of electrolytic electrochemistry electroplating Closed loop of electron flow circuit True or false: Only electrolytic cells involve electrodes false (both)True or false: Both electrochemical cells involve circuits true True or false: electrons flow from the anode to the cathode true In voltaic cell, energy released is from (spontaneous/nonspontaneous) redox reaction spontaneous In electrolytic cell, energy is absorbed to drive a (spontaneous/nonspontaneous) redox reaction nonspontaneous True or false: In the electrolysis of pure water, there is no current flow or electrolysis true Products of the electrolysis of water + low concentration electrolyte H2 + O2True or false: water+low-concentration-electrolyte conducts electricity and electrolysis true Refers to loss e- anode Refers to gain e- cathode Process that refers to losing e- oxidation Process that refers to gaining e- reduction For any two metal sin an activity series, the more active metal is the more readily __________ oxidized Any device that converts the chemical energy into electrical energy or vice versa. electrochemical cell This kind of reaction is in all electrochemical cells redox Electrochemical cells used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy voltaic cell ONe part of a voltaic cell in which either oxidation or reduction occurs half-cell Connect half-cells salt bridge Salt bridges are usually made of agar A conductor in a circuit that carries electrons to and from a substance electrode When a compact, prtable electrical energy source is required, a _______ cell is usually chosen dry A voltaic cell in which the electrolyte is a paste dry cell Group of cells connected together battery What electrolyte is used in an alkaline battery? KOH paste Cell with renewable electrodes fuel cells Voltaic cells in which a fuel substance undergoes oxidation and rom electrical energy is continuously obtained fuel cells These kinds of voltaic cells do not need to be recharged fuel cells Simplest fuel cell hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell Astronauts use this kind of cell fuel cell Voltaic cell is a measure of the cell's ability to produce an electric current electrical potential Electrical potential is usually measured in volts The electrical potential of a cell results from a competition for electrons between two ______-_____ half-cells The tendency of a given half-reaction to occur as a reduction reduction potential Difference between the reduction potentials of the two half-cells cell potential The half-cell in which _______ occurs has a greater _____________ than the half-cell in which _______ occurs reduction, reduction, oxidation The measured cell potential when the ion concentrations in the half-cells are 1M standard cell potential Because half-cell potentials cannot be measured directly, scientists have chosen an _______ __________ to serve as a reference. arbitrary electrode Used with other electrodes so the reduction potentials of the others cells can be measured standard hydrogen electrode The standard reduction potential of the hydrogen electrode has been assigned a value of 0.00 VDevice that measures volts voltometer You can determine the standard reduction potential of a half-cell by using a standard ____________ ______________ and the equation for standard _____ __________ hydrogen electrode, cell potential If cell potential for a redox reaction is positive, then it is spontaneous If a cell potential for a redox reaction is negative, then it is nonspontaneous If the cell potential for a redox reaction is spontaneous, then it is positive If the cell potential for a redox reaction is nonspontaneous, then it is negative The process in which electrical energy is used to bring about such a chemical change is called electrolysis An electrochemical cell used to cause a chemical change through the application of electrical energy. electrolytic cell The redox process in the voltaic cell is (spontaneous, nonspontaneous) spontaneous The redox reaction in an electrolytic cell is (spontaneous, nonspontaneous) nonspontaneous In an electrolytic cell, the cathode is consedered to be the (positive, negative) electrode negative In the voltaic cell, the _______ is the negative electrode anode In the voltaic cell, the ______ is the positive electrode cathode The products of the electrolysis of water are ________ and _____________ gas hydrogen, oxygen During electrolysis of brine, _____________ ions are oxidized to produce chlorine gas at the anode chloride During electrolysis of brine, chloride ions are oxidized to produce _________ gas at the anode chlorine During electrolysis of brine, water is reduced to produce ______________ gas at the (anode, cathode) hydrogen, cathode Electrode Anode or cathode in an electrochemical cell. Voltaic cell A device in which a spontaneous reaction produces electrical energy. Cathode Electrode at which reduction occurs and toward which cations move. Anode Electrode at which oxidation occurs and toward which anions move. Electrolytic cell A cell in which the flow of electrical energy from an external source causes a redox reaction to occur."
"docid": "D1219538#0",
"title": "http://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/metabolism-2\nMetabolism",
"text": "Metabolism Resources Metabolism refers to the highly integrated network of chemical reactions by which living cells grow and sustain themselves. This network is composed of two major types of pathways: anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism uses energy stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to build larger molecules from smaller molecules. Catabolic reactions degrade larger molecules in order to produce ATP and raw materials for anabolic reactions. Together, these two general metabolic networks have three major functions: (1) to extract energy from nutrients or solar energy; (2) to synthesize the building blocks that make up the large molecules of life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and combinations of these substances; and (3) to synthesize and degrade molecules required for special functions in the cell. These reactions are controlled by enzymes, protein catalysts that increase the speed of chemical reactions in the cell without themselves being changed. Each enzyme catalyzes a specific chemical reaction by acting on a specific substrate, or raw material. Each reaction is just one of a in a sequence of catalytic steps known as metabolic pathways. These sequences may be composed of up to 20 enzymes, each one creating a product that becomes the substrate — or raw material — for the subsequent enzyme. Often, an additional molecule called a coenzyme, is required for the enzyme to function."
"docid": "D698834#0",
"title": "http://www.homeoint.org/site/ahmad/antibiotics.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Antibiotics. Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. ( London)Antibiotic is a substance produced by certain bacteria or fungi that kills other cells or interferes with their growth. In nature, these substances help some microbes survive by limiting the multiplication of other microbes that share the same environment. Antibiotics that attack pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes without severely harming normal body cells are useful as drugs. Antibiotics are especially useful for treating infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics came into widespread use during the 1940's. At that time, they were often called \"\"wonder drugs\"\" because they cured many bacterial diseases that were once fatal. The number of deaths caused by meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever declined drastically after antibiotics became available. Today, physicians prescribe antibiotics to treat many diseases caused by bacteria."
"docid": "D1439966#0",
"title": "http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Di-Fa/Electrochemistry.html\nElectrochemistry",
"text": "\"Electrochemistry Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Photo by: Bernardo Varela Electrochemistry deals with the links between chemical reactions and electricity. This includes the study of chemical changes caused by the passage of an electric current across a medium, as well as the production of electric energy by chemical reactions. Electrochemistry also embraces the study of electrolyte solutions and the chemical equilibria that occur in them. Many chemical reactions require the input of energy. Such reactions can be carried out at the surfaces of electrodes in cells connected to external power supplies. These reactions provide information about the nature and properties of the chemical species contained in the cells, and can also be used to synthesize new chemicals. The production of chlorine and aluminum and the electroplating and electrowinning of metals are examples of industrial electrochemical processes. Electrochemical cells that produce electric energy from chemical energy are the basis of primary and secondary (storage) batteries and fuel cells. Other electrical phenomena of interest in chemical systems include the behavior of ionic solutions and the conduction of current through these solutions, the separation of ions by an electric field ( electrophoresis ), the corrosion and passivation of metals, electrical effects in biological systems (bioelectrochemistry), and the effect of light on electrochemical cells (photoelectrochemistry). Electrochemical Cells An electrochemical cell generally consists of two half-cells, each containing an electrode in contact with an electrolyte."
"docid": "D1558009#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemical\nElectrochemistry",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Electrochemical)navigation search English chemist John Daniell ( left) and physicist Michael Faraday ( right ), both credited as founders of electrochemistry today. Electrochemistry is the branch of physical chemistry that studies the relationship between electricity, as a measurable and quantitative phenomenon, and identifiable chemical change, with either electricity considered an outcome of a particular chemical change or vice-versa. These reactions involve electric charges moving between electrodes and an electrolyte (or ionic species in a solution ). Thus electrochemistry deals with the interaction between electrical energy and chemical change. When a chemical reaction is caused by an externally supplied current, as in electrolysis, or if an electric current is produced by a spontaneous chemical reaction as in a battery, it is called an electrochemical reaction. Chemical reactions where electrons are transferred directly between molecules and/or atoms are called oxidation-reduction or (redox) reactions. In general, electrochemistry describes the overall reactions when individual redox reactions are separate but connected by an external electric circuit and an intervening electrolyte. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 16th-to-18th-century developments1.2 19th century1.3 20th century and recent developments2 Principles2.1 Oxidation and reduction2.2 Balancing redox reactions2.2.1 Acidic medium2.2.2 Basic medium2.2.3 Neutral medium3 Electrochemical cells4 Standard electrode potential5 Spontaneity of redox reaction6 Cell emf dependency on changes in concentration6.1 Nernst equation6.2 Concentration cells7 Battery8 Corrosion8.1 Iron corrosion8.2 Corrosion of common metals8.3 Prevention of corrosion8.3.1 Coating8.3.2 Sacrificial anodes9 Electrolysis9.1 Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride9.2 Electrolysis of water9.3 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions9.3.1 Electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride9.4 Quantitative electrolysis and Faraday's laws9.4.1 First law9.4.2 Second law10 Applications11 See also12 References13 Bibliography14 External links History [ edit]Main article: History of electrochemistry16th-to-18th-century developments [ edit]German physicist Otto von Guericke beside his electrical generator while conducting an experiment. Understanding of electrical matters began in the sixteenth century. During this century, the English scientist William Gilbert spent 17 years experimenting with magnetism and, to a lesser extent, electricity."
"docid": "D2039128#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/chemistry/textbooks/boundless-chemistry-textbook/chemical-kinetics-13/activation-energy-and-temperature-dependence-100/factors-that-affect-reaction-rate-415-3638/\nActivation Energy and Temperature Dependence",
"text": "Activation Energy Activation energy is the energy required for a reaction to occur, and determines its rate. Learning Objectives Discuss the concept of activation energy Key Takeaways Key Points Reactions require an input of energy to initiate the reaction; this is called the activation energy (E A ). Activation energy is the amount of energy required to reach the transition state. The source of the activation energy needed to push reactions forward is typically heat energy from the surroundings. For cellular reactions to occur fast enough over short time scales, their activation energies are lowered by molecules called catalysts. Enzymes are catalysts. Key Termsactivation energy: The minimum energy required for a reaction to occur.catalysis: The increase in the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering its activation energy.transition state: An intermediate state during a chemical reaction that has a higher energy than the reactants or the products. Many chemical reactions, and almost all biochemical reactions do not occur spontaneously and must have an initial input of energy (called the activation energy) to get started. Activation energy must be considered when analyzing both endergonic and exergonic reactions. Exergonic reactions have a net release of energy, but they still require a small amount of energy input before they can proceed with their energy-releasing steps."
"docid": "D550629#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemistry\nElectrochemistry",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search English chemist John Daniell ( left) and physicist Michael Faraday ( right ), both credited as founders of electrochemistry today. Electrochemistry is the branch of physical chemistry that studies the relationship between electricity, as a measurable and quantitative phenomenon, and identifiable chemical change, with either electricity considered an outcome of a particular chemical change or vice-versa. These reactions involve electric charges moving between electrodes and an electrolyte (or ionic species in a solution ). Thus electrochemistry deals with the interaction between electrical energy and chemical change. When a chemical reaction is caused by an externally supplied current, as in electrolysis, or if an electric current is produced by a spontaneous chemical reaction as in a battery, it is called an electrochemical reaction. Chemical reactions where electrons are transferred directly between molecules and/or atoms are called oxidation-reduction or (redox) reactions. In general, electrochemistry describes the overall reactions when individual redox reactions are separate but connected by an external electric circuit and an intervening electrolyte. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 16th-to-18th-century developments1.2 19th century1.3 20th century and recent developments2 Principles2.1 Oxidation and reduction2.2 Balancing redox reactions2.2.1 Acidic medium2.2.2 Basic medium2.2.3 Neutral medium3 Electrochemical cells4 Standard electrode potential5 Spontaneity of redox reaction6 Cell emf dependency on changes in concentration6.1 Nernst equation6.2 Concentration cells7 Battery8 Corrosion8.1 Iron corrosion8.2 Corrosion of common metals8.3 Prevention of corrosion8.3.1 Coating8.3.2 Sacrificial anodes9 Electrolysis9.1 Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride9.2 Electrolysis of water9.3 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions9.3.1 Electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride9.4 Quantitative electrolysis and Faraday's laws9.4.1 First law9.4.2 Second law10 Applications11 See also12 References13 Bibliography14 External links History [ edit]Main article: History of electrochemistry16th-to-18th-century developments [ edit]German physicist Otto von Guericke beside his electrical generator while conducting an experiment. Understanding of electrical matters began in the sixteenth century. During this century, the English scientist William Gilbert spent 17 years experimenting with magnetism and, to a lesser extent, electricity."
"docid": "D684292#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080908233526AAsM01g\nWhat is the function of enzymes in living things?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology What is the function of enzymes in living things? Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Enzyme Function: In simple terms, an enzyme functions by binding to one or more of the reactants in a reaction. The reactants that bind to the enzyme are known as the substrates of the enzyme. The exact location on the enzyme where substrate binding takes place is called the active site of the enzyme. The shape of the active site just fits the shape of the substrate, somewhat like a lock fits a key. In this way only the correct substrate binds to the enzyme. Once the substrate or substrates are bound to the enzyme, the enzyme can promote the desired reaction in some particular way. What that way is depends on the nature of the reaction and the nature of the enzyme. An enzyme may hold two substrate molecules in precisely the orientation needed for the reaction to occur. Or binding to the enzyme may weaken a bond in a substrate molecule that must be broken in the course of the reaction, thus increasing the rate at which the reaction can occur."
"docid": "D61049#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox\nRedox",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Redox (disambiguation). The two parts of a redox reaction Rust, a slow oxidation reaction A bonfire; combustion is a fast oxidation reaction Sodium and fluorine bonding ionically to form sodium fluoride. Sodium loses its outer electron to give it a stable electron configuration, and this electron enters the fluorine atom exothermically. The oppositely charged ions are then attracted to each other. The sodium is oxidized, and the fluorine is reduced. Play media Demonstration of the reaction between a strong oxidising and a reducing agent. When few drops of glycerol (reducing agent) are added to powdered potassium permanganate (strong oxidising agent), a vigorous reaction accompanied by self-ignition starts. Redox (short for red uction– ox idation reaction) (pronunciation: / ˈ r ɛ d ɒ k s / redoks or / ˈ r iː d ɒ k s / reedoks [1]) is a chemical reaction in which the oxidation states of atoms are changed. Any such reaction involves both a reduction process and a complementary oxidation process, two key concepts involved with electron transfer processes. [ 2] Redox reactions include all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed; in general, redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons between chemical species."
"docid": "D610703#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/enzyme\nEnzyme",
"text": "Enzyme, a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process. In the induced-fit theory of enzyme-substrate binding, a substrate approaches the surface of an enzyme (step 1 in box A, B, C) and causes a change in the enzyme shape that results in the correct alignment of the catalytic groups (triangles A and B; circles C and D represent substrate-binding groups on the enzyme that are essential for catalytic activity). The catalytic groups react with the substrate to form products (step 2). The products then separate from the enzyme, freeing it to repeat the sequence (step 3). Boxes D and E represent examples of molecules that are too large or too small for proper catalytic alignment. Boxes F and G demonstrate binding of an inhibitor molecule ( I and I ′) to an allosteric site, thereby preventing interaction of the enzyme with the substrate. Box H illustrates binding of an allosteric activator ( X ), a nonsubstrate molecule capable of reacting with the enzyme. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. A brief treatment of enzymes follows. For full treatment, see protein: Enzymes. The biological processes that occur within all living organisms are chemical reactions, and most are regulated by enzymes."
"docid": "D1856535#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_sum_of_all_the_chemical_reactions_that_occur_in_a_cell_collectively\nWhat is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell collectively?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell collectively? Flag What is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell collectively? Answer by Blue Confidence votes 39.7KMetabolism2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Where do all chemical reactions occur in a cell?cytoplasm What is the sum of chemical reactions in a cell? The sum of chemical reactions in a cell is called metabolism Betaclamp 22,524 Contributions What is the sum of all of the bio-chemical reactions that occur in the body? Metabolism. The sum of all the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism?ion people Alvin Lam 660 Contributions All chemical reactions which occur in cells? Generally it is called metabolism P Torquemada 54,812 Contributions Polymer/Physical/Computational Chemist Proteins that are responsible for all chemical reactions that occur in cells? No, they are not. What is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism?"
"docid": "D1372587#0",
"title": "http://www.wellness.com/reference/allergies/immune-response\nImmune response",
"text": "\"Immune responsebackground The immune response is a defensive reaction against harmful substances, such as viruses or bacteria, which enter the body. The immune response helps protect the body from disease, infection, and cancer. The immune system is a complex network of cells, proteins, tissues, and organs in the body that work together to fight off harmful substances and disease-causing microorganisms, called pathogens. The immune system is also responsible for allergic reactions. An allergic reaction occurs when the body overreacts to substances called allergens, which are normally harmless in healthy individuals. For instance, if the immune system mistakes substances, such as pollen, fungus spores, parasites, or animal dander, for a harmful invader, the body will launch an attack. This reaction causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and hives. If the immune system is not functioning properly, individuals are more susceptible to diseases, infections, and cancers. This is because the immune system is the body's first line of defense against these conditions. Some patients may be born with immune disorders, such as Nijmegen breakage syndrome."
"docid": "D2889628#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/metabolism\nmetabolism",
"text": "Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.metabolism Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Wikipedia .metabolism,sum of all biochemical processes involved in life. Two subcategories of metabolism are anabolism, the building up of complex organic molecules from simpler precursors, andcatabolismcatabolism, subdivision of metabolism involving all degradative chemical reactions in the living cell. Large polymeric molecules such as polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and proteins arefirst split into their constituent monomeric units, such as amino acids, after which the..... Click the link for more information., the breakdown of complex substances into simpler molecules, often accompanied by therelease of energy. Organic molecules involved in these processes are called metabolitesmetabolite,organic compound that is a starting material in, an intermediate in, or an end product of metabolism. Starting materials are substances, usually small and of simple structure,absorbed by the organism as food. These include the vitamins and essential amino acids...... Click the link for more information., and theirinterconversions are catalyzed by enzymesenzyme,biological catalyst. The term enzyme comes from zymosis, the Greek word for fermentation, a process accomplished by yeast cells and long known to the brewing industry,which occupied the attention of many 19th-century chemists...... Click the link for more information.. The transformation of one molecule into another, and theninto another and another in sequence, is termed a metabolic pathway; the intermediates in thesepathways are often identified with the aid of a chemical tracertracer, an identifiable substance used to follow the course of a physical, chemical, or biological process."
] |
1967 | ambulances have the word ‘ambulance’ written backwards, why do you think this is? | [
"docid": "D2861328#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100302150448AANBCF4\nWhy is ambulance written backwards sometimes on ambulances?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Words & Wordplay Why is ambulance written backwards sometimes on ambulances? Do you know how most ambulances have the word ambulance spelled backwards? Well why do they do it? i know there is like some kind of answer for it that makes sense. Hurry!1 following 20 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It is spelled backwards on the front of the ambulance below the windshield so that drivers ahead of them can look in their rearview mirror and quickly identity the word and hopefully move out of the way. ( if it was printed correctly, drivers would need to take too long to recognize it while driving; it's a time-saving measure for ambulance drivers)gd101108 · 8 years ago1 0 Comment In sec 2 science class, it was taught that images reflected by mirrors cause lateral inversion (standing in front of a mirror if you raise your right hand your image raises its left). So reinstating all the other answers before mine, if the word is spelt normally then you would see spelt backwards in a mirror. Also, if I am correct, the word at the back of the ambulance is spelt normally cos drivers look at it through their windshield (no mirrors involved) but the word at the front of the ambulance is backwords since drivers infont of the ambulance will see the ambulance through their rear view mirror.? · 8 years ago1 0 Comment So that, when a siren is sounded, anyone in front of the ambulance can look in their rear-view mirrors and the word Ambulance will be reversed. If it was written normally you would look into your mirror and it would be backwards."
] | [
"docid": "D2371600#0",
"title": "http://www.medlaw.com/handout.htm\nExecutive Summary:",
"text": "\"Executive Summary: Vers. 3.0 --SEPT. 2003 Revisions Included This summary represents a synthesis of statute, regulations, court cases, and administrative enforcement actions to provide an over-view of the current status of the law. Detailed exceptions or special requirements are not included unless they are frequently involved in litigated or administrative actions. The intellectual position of this paper is that avoidance of citation is the primary goal, and comments reflect that position. This paper is intended for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a legal opinion. Legal opinions should be sought from local counsel familiar with CMS activities and EMTALA (formerly known as EMTALA). Although this information is prepared, maintained, and offered as educational material by Stephen A. Frew JD and Frew Consulting Group, Ltd., no direct legal or consulting services are available from Stephen A. Frew JD or Frew Consulting Group, Ltd. after March 1, 2002, THIS IS A SUMMARY OF HIGH POINTS ONLY. IT IS NOT A FULL STATEMENT OF EMTALA RESPONSIBILITIES OR LIABILITIES. Contents... History of EMTALAEnforcement Enforcement procedures OIG Enforcement QIO Activity State Enforcement Agencies Appeal Rights EMTALA Duties of a Hospital Scope of Medical Screening Exams Emergency Medical Conditions Managed Care Conflict with EMTALAResource List HISTORY OF EMTALA: The COBRA law (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act --COBRA) was passed in 1986, with a four-page portion addressing the problem of \"\"patient dumping\"\" -- denial of care or transfer of patients based on inability to pay for care."
"docid": "D1014107#0",
"title": "http://biography.yourdictionary.com/articles/how-did-jimi-hendrix-die.html\nHow Did Jimi Hendrix Die?",
"text": "\"Home Biographies How Did Jimi Hendrix Die? How Did Jimi Hendrix Die? The circumstances surrounding the death of the rock, blues, and jazz legend Jimi Hendrix remains rather mysterious, and how Hendrix passed away is still a matter of debate. Jimi Hendrix's Death Some conspiracy theorists contend that Hendrix’s death was the result of a government conspiracy involving his then-girlfriend Monika Dannemann. Other more reasonable explanations include that Hendrix committed suicide, or that he simply asphyxiated after overdosing on barbiturates . Jimi Hendrix was a tortured soul and a longtime recreational drug user in spite of his early death at the age of 27. Those who knew Jimi Hendrix have come up with dozens of explanations as to what happened the night of September 18, 1970. Accident, suicide, or murder—how did Jimi Hendrix die? Although it may be impossible to know for sure, here are the circumstances, and some of the theories, surrounding the death of rock legend Jimi Hendrix. Night of September 17After spending the night at a party with friends, Jimi Hendrix was met by his girlfriend, who planned to take him home."
"docid": "D3038923#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/In-America-why-does-an-ambulance-ride-across-town-cost-more-than-a-plane-ticket-to-Europe\nIn America why does an ambulance ride across town cost more than a plane ticket to Europe?",
"text": "\"James Dinwiddie, Paramedic and always inquisitive Updated Jun 1, 2013 · Upvoted by Kate Simmons, myofascial pain specialist I'm a paramedic on an ALS ambulance (I respond to 911 calls), but I don't work in the billing department or administration so I can only give you my best guess. That being said... Everything in medicine is expensive and everybody wants to maximize profits (especially if the ambulance is owned by a private company). Obviously the patient pays for more than just the gas to get to the hospital, he/she pays for: -EMS Salaries (which I can tell you is the lowest expense) -Ambulance -Equipment -Medications -Administration Salaries -Etc. The same really can be said of an airline ticket as well, so here's the difference: When you purchase an airline ticket, if you don't pay, you don't fly. This is not the case in emergency medicine. Everyone in this country whether they be insured, uninsured, legal or illegal is guaranteed emergency care. In my opinion, that's how it should be. However here are two things to think about: 1) If someone can't pay their bill, who pays for it? Some of it is covered by federal subsidies (taxes), but my guess is a lot of it is also carried by those who do pay (inflated bills). 2) No individual or company wants to be liable or sued."
"docid": "D2891555#0",
"title": "http://www.ovrlnd.com/FalseDoctrine/slaininthespirit.html\n\"\"\"Slain in the Spirit,\"\" non-Christian and unbiblical!\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Slain in the Spirit,\"\" non-Christian and unbiblical!Slain in the Spirit: Does The Bible Support A Doctrine of Being Slain in the Spirit \"\"? By Robert Liichow Comparison of Charismatics and the Bible Comparison Chart What produces (ed) the \"\"falling \"\"Purpose of the \"\"falling \"\"How did/do people \"\"fall \"\"Being slain in the spirit according to charismatic Christianshuman imposition of handsthe individuals who fall (1) fake it, (2) are pushed over, (3) are under a form of hypnotic suggestion, (4) demonic force weakens them physicallymany diverse reasons, physical & emotional healing, giving of \"\"gifts, \"\" anointing for service 99% fall backwards, there is the need for others to \"\"catch \"\" them when they fall. Women who fall have their legs covered with clothes due to immodest positions they fall in Biblical accounts of people falling supernatural appearance of angels, or God Himself revelation of Gods will, usually set down in the canon of Scripture All fell forward, no one \"\"caught \"\" them, no women fell in the Scriptures Does The Bible Support A Doctrine of Being Slain in the Spirit\"\"? By Robert Liichow The following is a copy of my booklet \"\" Does the Bible Support A Doctrine of Being Slain in the Spirit ? You may purchase this book by sending me a e-mail at Bliichow\"\"juno.com for more information. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Truth Matters, 15005 E. Jefferson, Suite 1, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230.1Being Slain in the spirit \"\"This booklet will set forth the charismatic attempt to prove Biblically that the manifestations people are experiencing are in fact Scriptural. However, it will become evident to the reader that what they have done is to twist the Scripture, wrest It from its context, in a vain attempt to validate the emergence of fleshly and demonic activity in their midst. To many who have not ever been to a charismatic service the terminology may be unfamiliar so I will begin with a definition, historical background, their misuse of Scripture, and what the Bible actually says regarding the issue at hand. Being Slain in the Spirit Defined Being slain in the spirit denotes the phenomena that occurs when hands are laid on an individual and they swoon or fall to the ground in an altered state of consciousness."
"docid": "D2861326#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_is_the_word_ambulance_written_backwards_on_the_front_of_an_ambulance\nWhy is the word ambulance written backwards on the front of an ambulance?",
"text": "\"Flag Why is the word ambulance written backwards on the front of an ambulance? Answer by Molly Crowley Confidence votes 281So that drivers ahead of it on the road can read it (correctly) as AMBULANCE in their rear-view mirrors, and yield the right of way. If the word was not reversed, the drivers of the cars ahead of the vehicle would see: \"\"ECNALUBMA.\"\" Of course, if it has flashing lights and sirens going, they would yield to it anyway. Perhaps this was done so that drivers would not mistake an ambulance for a police vehicle with similar lights.98 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No \""
"docid": "D2440813#0",
"title": "http://www.gradesaver.com/breakfast-of-champions/study-guide/summary-chapters-23-24\nBreakfast of Champions",
"text": "\"Section Navigation Home Study Guides Breakfast of Champions Chapters 23-24 Summary and Analysis Breakfast of Championsby Kurt Vonnegut Buy Study Guide Breakfast of Champions Summary and Analysis of Chapters 23-24Summary Chapter 23 begins with Dwayne still reading Now It Can Be Told. He reads the following passage:\"\"You are surrounded by loving machines, hating machines, greedy machines, unselfish machines, brave machines, cowardly machines, truthful machines, lying machines, funny machines, solemn machines,\"\" he read. \"\" Their only purpose is to stir you up in every conceivable way, so the Creator of the Universe can watch your reactions. They can no more feel or reason than grandfather clocks. \"\" The following paragraph that Dwayne reads references two other very important themes: the destruction of the planet and its overpopulation:\"\"The Creator of the Universe would now like to apologize not only for the capricious, jostling companionship he provided during the tes, but for the trashy, stinking condition of the planet itself. The Creator programmed robots to abuse it for millions of years, so it would be a poisonous, festering cheese when you got here. Also, He made sure it would be desperately crowded by programming robots, regardless of their living conditions, to crave sexual intercourse and adore infants more than almost anything. \"\" Mary Alice Miller walks through the cocktail lounge to get to the lobby to get a crown and scepter for her performance that night at the arts festival. Abe Cohen notices her and says out loud, \"\"Pure tuna fish!\"\" Kilgore Trout is unable to make sense of that exclamation."
"docid": "D1426230#0",
"title": "http://www.jobshadow.com/interview-with-a-paramedic/\nInterview with a Paramedic",
"text": "Interview with a Paramedicin Health Care, Jobs where you get Hourly Pay, Physical Work, Public Service13Kelly Grayson gives an excellent interview about his career as a Paramedic. You can find Kelly at www.ambulancedriverfiles.com. You can also follow him on his Twitter feed found in the sidebar of this interview. What do you do for a living? I’m a critical care paramedic for Acadian Ambulance in southwest Louisiana. How would you describe what you do? Long hours of boredom and drudgery, interspersed with occasional moments of sheer terror. Okay, maybe “terror” is too strong a word. How about, “tense and thrilling interludes?”What does your work entail? I answer 911 calls for sick and injured people in my service area, assess them and provide stabilizing treatment, and bring them to the local Emergency Departments for more definitive care."
"docid": "D2201582#0",
"title": "http://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach05/NewportBeach0514.html\n.",
"text": "Chapter 5.14 AMBULANCE REGULATIONSSections:5.14.010 Intent and Purpose.5.14.020 Definitions.5.14.030 License Required.5.14.040 Emergency Ambulance Transportation Service Providers.5.14.050 Emergency Ambulance Transportation Service Agreement Specifications.5.14.060 Agreements.5.14.070 Termination or Suspension of Agreement.5.14.080 Business License Required.5.14.090 Advanced Life Support Ambulance Transportation Service Providers.5.14.100 Nonemergency Ambulance Transportation Service Providers.5.14.110 Permit for Drivers and Attendants.5.14.120 File Report with Police.5.14.130 Public Liability Insurance.5.14.140 Violations.5.14.010 Intent and Purpose. It is the intent of this chapter to establish general operating procedures and standards for emergency ambulance services operating within the City of Newport Beach. The City Council, in enacting the ordinance codified in this chapter intends to provide a fair and impartial means of allowing responsible, private ambulance service operators to provide emergency and nonemergency services within the limits of the City of Newport Beach and to ensure that such service is prompt, efficient and reasonably priced, and in the best interest of the public. ( Ord. 93-21 (part), 1993: Ord. 91-4 § 1 (part), 1991)5.14.020 Definitions. “Advanced life support” as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 1797.52, as now in existence or hereafter amended or changed, means special services designed to provide definitive prehospital emergency medical care, including, but not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac monitoring, cardiac defibrillation, advanced airway management, intravenous therapy, administration of specified drugs and other medical preparations, and other specified techniques and procedures administered by authorized personnel under the direct supervision of a base hospital as part of a local EMS system at the scene of an emergency, during transport to an acute care hospital, during interfacility transfer, and while in the emergency department of an acute care hospital until responsibility is assumed by the emergency or other medical staff of that hospital. “Basic life support” as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 1797.60, as now in existence or hereafter amended or changed, means emergency first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures which, as a minimum, include recognizing respiratory and cardiac arrest and starting the proper application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to maintain life without invasive techniques until the victim may be transported or until advanced life support is available. “Ambulance” means any motor vehicle that is specifically designed, constructed, modified, equipped, or arranged and operated for the purpose of transporting patients requiring immediate or ongoing medical services. “Ambulance attendant” means a trained, qualified individual who, regardless of whether he or she also serves as a driver, is responsible to care for sick, injured or disabled persons while they are being transported in an ambulance."
"docid": "D2167895#0",
"title": "https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/what-is-status-post-and-how-to-use-it.144476/\nwhat is 'status post' and how to use it?",
"text": "\"Dismiss Notice SDN members see fewer ads and full resolution images. Join our non-profit community!what is 'status post' and how to use it? Discussion in ' Medical Students - MD ' started by EPO, Aug 19, 2004 . Previous Thread Next Thread EPOJunior Member Joined: Jan 17, 2004Messages: 23Likes Received: 0okay, i keep hearing the phrase 'status post' but i don't know what it means. can someone explain it? and how is it used?#1EPO, Aug 19, 2004Thread continues after this sponsor message. SDN Members do not see this ad.doc052K Member Joined: May 24, 2003Messages: 3,102Likes Received: 781are you serious? do you speak english?#2doc05, Aug 19, 2004JP2740 and Derm Viser like this.imtiazi cant translate stupid Moderator Emeritus Joined: Jul 26, 2000Messages: 2,615Likes Received: 15Status: Attending Physicianstatus post is used to designate when someone has had a significant procedure/event happen. if some guy comes in with chest pain, you want to know if he's had a coronary artery bypass graft, or has had a heart attack before. so you'd say something like: this is a 55yo caucasian male status post MI in 1992, status post CABG x 2, etc."
"docid": "D3099729#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Poisoning/Pages/Treatment.aspx\nTreatment",
"text": "Treatment Being poisoned can be life-threatening. If someone has swallowed a poisonous substance, don't try to treat them yourself – seek medical help immediately. If they're showing signs of being seriously ill, dial 999 to request an ambulance or take them to your local A&E department. Symptoms associated with serious poisoning include:being sickdizzinesssudden, noticeable heartbeats (palpitations)breathing difficultiesuncontrollable restlessness or agitationseizures (fits)drowsiness or loss of consciousness Call NHS 111 for advice if a person who's been poisoned doesn't appear to be seriously ill. Helping someone who's conscious If you think someone has been severely poisoned and they're still conscious, ask them to sit still and stay with them while you wait for medical help to arrive. If they've been poisoned by swallowing something, try to get them to spit out anything that is remaining in their mouth. If a harmful substance has splashed onto their skin or clothes, remove any contaminated items and wash the affected area thoroughly with warm or cool water. Be careful not to contaminate yourself in the process. Helping someone who is unconscious If you think someone has swallowed poison and they appear to be unconscious, try to wake them and encourage them to spit out anything left in their mouth. Don't put your hand into their mouth and don't try to make them sick."
"docid": "D287791#0",
"title": "https://consumerist.com/2016/02/22/164-per-mile-surprise-ambulance-bills-are-a-growing-problem-difficult-to-avoid/\n$164 Per Mile: Surprise Ambulance Bills Are A Growing Problem & Difficult To Avoid",
"text": "Updated: 11.2.163:30 PM EDT By Ashlee Kieler@akielerget well... pay more Surprise Medical Billsambulance billsmedical servicestransportinsuranceinsurance coverage We’ve already seen that unconscious patients can end up with huge medical bills when an ambulance takes them to a hospital that doesn’t accept their insurance. But even if you’re conscious enough to point the driver toward the right hospital, you could still be stuck owing hundreds, even thousands, of dollars because that ambulance ride isn’t covered by your insurance. As a sheriff’s deputy in his Rocky Mountain community, Don * regularly serves others with bills or summons from hospitals, doctor’s offices, or law firms related to medical services. But when Don’s wife needed an emergency lift to the hospital, even he didn’t expect that the short ambulance trip would result in thousands of dollars in bills. Don, whose wife has since passed away, says that he’s come to learn more than he ever dreamed he would about medical transports and the resulting bills. “I just could not believe the flood of bills that we’d get,” he recalls. “ After the first experience with the ambulance, I didn’t do that anymore. I’d carry her and put her in the car. ”Don’s story is no outlier. Nearly 600 individuals from around the country have submitted their stories of surprise ambulance bills to our colleagues at Consumers Union."
"docid": "D292468#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/does-your-insurance-cover-an-air-ambulance-2645679\nDoes Your Insurance Cover an Air Ambulance?",
"text": "\"Insurance Health Insurance Does Your Insurance Cover an Air Ambulance? What you need to know about air transfers Share Flip Pin Email•••By Mila Araujo Updated April 04, 2018Air ambulance coverage may come in handy if you are injured while traveling or if you require medical care due to an emergency or a medical condition that requires specialized care that is not available in your local hospital or health-care services center. It may be used during an emergency or to obtain specialized services. Air Ambulance coverage may be included in health insurance or travel insurance policies. Air ambulance services and air medical transport are not something we usually think about when we are healthy. It's important to review your travel insurance or healthcare insurance coverage in advance to choose a policy that offers air ambulance coverage with lower out-of-pocket expenses, reasonable deductibles and the co-insurance that works best for you. What is an air ambulance? The definition of an air ambulance, also known as a medical air transport, is any form of aircraft equipped with medical supplies, equipment and qualified medical professionals that will provide mobile medical care to a patient during transport to a medical facility specialized in responding to the medical needs of the patient in transport. An air ambulance transports patients to medical facilities when other transportation will not be adequate for them to receive necessary medical care. An air ambulance may be a helicopter or an airplane, its mission is to ensure the best possible medical care during transport of a patient to a medical center or hospital equipped to best deal with the condition, injury or illness."
"docid": "D2510126#0",
"title": "http://www.neurolaw.com/visual-midline-shift-syndrome/\nVisual Midline Shift Syndrome",
"text": "Visual Midline Shift Syndrome Many patients who have had a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other neurological insult, experience a somatic and visual shift in their concept of midline. The shift may be lateral, anterior, or posterior, and is usually in the direction away from the affected side. When the visual midline shifts, it causes the person to unconsciously think that the body center is shifted in the direction of the visual midline. In turn, the person will lean toward the midline shift. This can cause problems with balance, center of gravity, weight bearing, transfer, or ambulation (walking). For example, if a hemiparesis or hemiplegia has occurred, a lateral shift in visual midline may cause the patient to posture laterally away from the affected side. Some patients may have an anterior visual midline shift, causing a forward lean (flexion), or a posterior midline shift, causing a backward lean (extension). When a patient develops a visual midline shift, physical therapy or occupational therapy treatments for balance, transfer, or ambulation may plateau. Yoked prism glasses are prescribed by optometric physicians skilled in neuro-optometric rehabilitation for patients with midline shift. Yoked prisms alter a patient’s perception of visual space and increase the patient’s ability to transfer their weight to achieve better posture and balance."
"docid": "D2777509#0",
"title": "http://www.intrepid247.com/tips-resources/travelling-within-canada\nIntrepid 24/7",
"text": "\"Travelling Within Canada: What Could a Medical Emergency Outside of My Province Cost Me? By James Daw, Contributing Writer Gaps in public health care could prove costly to Canadians visiting another province. One of the largest potential costs could be transportation to the nearest hospital, particularly if the only hospital capable of dealing with your injury or medical emergency is a long distance away. Costs could mount into the thousands of dollars if you need to be transported home by air, under the watch of medical personnel. As Alberta warns its citizens: Always make sure “supplementary health insurance or travel medical insurance will assist with the cost of ground or air ambulance services. ”What will it cost if I need an ambulance out of province? It could cost an out-of-province traveller more than $700 for a ground ambulance in Nova Scotia, and in Ontario $240. The cost of an air ambulance could cost $2,700 an hour in British Columbia, and nearly $3,000 per hour in Quebec. Other provinces may have similar charges, but they are not generally disclosed on government websites. Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-term Care simply warns visitors they could pay the “actual cost” in some circumstances, without saying what a fully staffed air ambulance could potentially cost."
"docid": "D1717027#0",
"title": "https://www.nursinghomelawcenter.org/nursing-home-abuse/how-do-i-get-a-copy-of-medical-records-from-a-nursing-home\nHow do I get a copy of medical records from a nursing home?",
"text": "\"October 5, 2009How do I get a copy of medical records from a nursing home?by Nursing Home Law Center Staff“How do I get a copy of medical records from a nursing home?”– Rhonda P., Sacramento, CAOne of the most important steps in determining if a cause of action exists against a nursing home or hospital is to review the medical records. The records will help determine what– if any– mistakes were made by the facility in the care of the individual. Getting medical records from a nursing home, physician or hospital can be a daunting task due to privacy regulations (HIPPA) and misunderstanding of the laws that apply to obtaininging the records– both on the part of the person requesting the records and on the part of the medical facility. Nonetheless, federal and state laws ensure patients and their authorized representatives are entitled get copies of medical records when the laws are complied with. This includes the right to inspect and copy the resident’s clinical records and other records regarding the resident’s care and maintenance that are kept by the facility or by the resident’s physician. ( Illinois Nursing Home Care Act – 210 ILCS 25/2-104)A resident’s contract with a nursing home facility should designate the name of the resident’s representative, if any, which authorizes the representative to inspect and copy the resident’s records. ( 210 ILCS 45/2-202 ) Nursing home residents also have the right to privacy regarding the content of resident records. When a nursing home survey is performed at a facility, the Illinois Department of Health will respect resident confidentiality and not disclose the contents of a record in a manner which identifies a resident, except upon a resident’s death to a relative or guardian or under judicial proceedings. Also, any confidential medical, social, personal, or financial information identifying a resident will not be made available for public inspection in a manner which identifies a resident. ("
"docid": "D1038099#0",
"title": "http://www.naic.org/documents/consumer_alert_understanding_air_ambulance_insurance.htm\n.",
"text": "\"UNDERSTANDING AIR AMBULANCE INSURANCEMinutes matter after an accident, heart attack, stroke or other major medical emergency. Air ambulances, also known as medevac services, quickly transport a patient to a medical facility. While some health insurance policies provide coverage for this service, coverage gaps can leave patients struggling to pay large bills. Here are the basics of what you should know about air ambulances from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). What is an air ambulance? When a ground ambulance can't reach a patient, or get there fast enough, an air ambulance is called. Air ambulances are often equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and staffed by paramedics, emergency medical technicians and sometimes doctors and nurses. Air ambulances most commonly transport patients with traumatic injuries, pregnancy complications, heart attacks, strokes and respiratory diseases. The Association of Air Medical Services estimates that more than 550,000 patients in the U. S. use air ambulances each year. However, using air ambulances is expensive and might not be covered by the patient's health insurance policy."
"docid": "D3211056#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7351551/scotts-chapter-18-flash-cards/\nscotts chapter 18",
"text": "\"71 terms scottlin63scotts chapter 18Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later1. The patient is a 68-year-old male who is hearing impaired. He asks you to write your question on a piece of paper. The patient's hearing deficit is a problem with what phase of communication? a. Decoding b. Encoding c. Medium d. Message c2. Why is it important to repeat the address back to your dispatcher upon receiving a call? a. For documentation purposes b. So that the dispatch information can be recorded c. To encode the message correctly d. To provide feedback to ensure the message was received correctly d3. Which of the following best describes electronic communications in EMS?"
"docid": "D510283#0",
"title": "https://www.senior65.com/medicare/article/does-medicare-cover-ambulance-services\nDoes Medicare Cover Ambulance Services?",
"text": "\"Does Medicare Cover Ambulance Services? Learn if Medicare covers emergency and non-emergency ambulance servicesby Amy De Vore+ on Jun 23, 2015 | 10 Comments Tweet Ambulance services are meant to transport emergency and non-emergency patients to a hospital, critical care facility, or Skilled Nursing Facility. Ambulatory services can be expensive, and can require specific conditions to qualify for an ambulance ride. Many Medicare eligible wonder if Medicare covers this cost. Does Medicare Cover Ambulance Services? Emergency Ambulance Services Medicare Part B will partially cover (you pay 20% and deductible apply: $183) emergency ambulance ground and air services if you meet certain qualifications such as: you are in shock, bleeding heavily, and/or need medical treatment while be transported to a facility. Air services are partially covered if there is a lot of traffic or if it would be difficult for ground transportation to reach you. Non-Emergency Ambulance Services Medicare will partially (you pay 20% and deductible apply: $183) cover non-emergency ambulance ground services if ALL of these apply: Ambulance transportation is needed to obtain treatment or diagnose your health condition. The use of any other transportation method (car, taxi, subway) could endanger your health. You have a written order from your doctor stating that ambulance transportation is necessary."
"docid": "D2705896#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-spell-croneck-pain\nHow do you spell croneck pain?",
"text": "\"Spelling Words How do you spell croneck pain? Update Cancel Answer Wiki4 Answers Diane Mc Carty, Researcher About Airlines Answered Aug 3, 2015Spell for croneck pain is \"\"Chronic pain\"\". Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Any pain lasting more than 12 weeks is called Chronic Pain. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic pain is very different from acute pain. The normal pain that alerts us to possible injury is called Acute Pain. Chronic Pain presists often for months or longer too. Reference: Chronic Pain: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment69 Views Related Questions More Answers Below Why is spelling important? How do you spell psychosis?"
"docid": "D1094029#0",
"title": "https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2013/09/07/plenty-firefighters-but-where-are-fires/isCPrIPauX078UKHdixu0K/story.html\nPlenty of firefighters, but where are the fires?",
"text": "Plenty of firefighters, but where are the fires? As ‘emergency’ changes its meaning, some critics are arguing it’s time to revisit a century-old system John Reynolds for the Boston Globe/File By Leon Neyfakh Globe Staff September 08, 2013Is there such a thing as too many heroes? Walking past a neighborhood fire station can be one of the most deeply reassuring experiences of city life—a reminder that there are people in our midst ready to pull on their helmets and stride into danger whenever and wherever something goes wrong. But as a recent Globe story reported, city records show that major fires are becoming vanishingly rare. In 1975, there were 417 of them. Last year, there were 40. That’s a decline of more than 90 percent. A city that was once a tinderbox of wooden houses has become—thanks to better building codes, automatic sprinkler systems, and more careful behavior—a much less vulnerable place. Advertisement As this has happened, however, the number of professional firefighters in Boston has dropped only slightly, from around 1,600 in the 1980s to just over 1,400 today. The cost of running the department, meanwhile, has increased by almost $43 million over the past decade, and currently stands at $185 million, or around 7.5 percent of the city’s total budget."
] |
1990 | an important difference between mrna and dna is | [
"docid": "D1173598#0",
"title": "http://classroom.synonym.com/important-difference-between-chemical-structure-mrna-dna-22059.html\nWhy DNA Is the Most Favorable Molecule for Genetic Material & How RNA Compares to It in This Respect",
"text": "\"Home » Biology Why DNA Is the Most Favorable Molecule for Genetic Material & How RNA Compares to It in This Respect By Michael Graw; Updated March 13, 2018With the exception of certain viruses, DNA rather than RNA carries the hereditary genetic code in all biological life on Earth. DNA is both more resilient and more easily repaired than RNA. As a result, DNA serves as a more stable carrier of the genetic information that is essential to survival and reproduction. DNA Is More Stable Both DNA and RNA contain the sugar ribose, which is essentially a ring of carbon atoms surrounded by oxygen and hydrogen. But whereas RNA contains a complete ribose sugar, DNA contains a ribose sugar that has lost one oxygen and one hydrogen atom. Fun fact: This minor difference explains the different names assigned to RNA and DNA – ribonucleic acid versus deoxyribonucleic acid. The extra oxygen and hydrogen atoms in RNA leave it prone to hydrolysis, a chemical reaction that effectively breaks the RNA molecule in half. Under normal cellular conditions, RNA undergoes hydrolysis almost 100 times faster than DNA, which makes DNA a more stable molecule. DNA Is More Easily Repaired In both DNA and RNA, the base cytosine frequently undergoes a spontaneous chemical reaction known as \"\"deamination.\"\" The result of deamination is that cytosine changes into uracil, another nucleic acid base."
] | [
"docid": "D2295169#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Which_molecule_carries_the_instructions_for_producing_mrna-\nWhich molecule carries the instruction for producing mRNA?",
"text": "\"Answered In Genetics Which molecule carries the instruction for producing m RNA? DNAMeave Gilchrist 24,958 Contributions\"\"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.\"\" Marie Curie Answered In Genetics What molecule carries the instructions for producing Mrna? DNA carries the instructions for producing m RNA. During transcription, the DNA molecule is used as a template to build an m RNA molecule. Stijn Hommes 1,634 Contributions Answered In Genetics What molecule carries instructions for making proteins? In the nucleus of the cell you have the DNA; the big archive with all the instructions for the cell including the one to make each protein. m RNA carries these instructions o …Cirric 626 Contributions Answered In Science What is the molecule that carries instructions for growth and function of a cell? DNA. Answered In Biology What part of a DNA molecule carries genetic instructions?red blood cells carry genetic instructions \""
"docid": "D2731361#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-chromatin-and-chromosomes/\nDifference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes",
"text": "\"Difference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes• Categorized under Science | Difference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes Chromatin vs Chromosomes All human beings are made up of cells. Every one of us is basically broken down into these microscopic, living things that are each have a role to play in our body. Each organ that we have, even our bones, is made up of cells that have different forms and functions. But even with this knowledge, there are still a lot of people who ask these questions, what makes each cell so special? And what do these cells have? In answer to the first question, cells are special because they are basically the ones that make up our own body. No part is less important and each part has a role to play to make sure that we remain healthy and function normally. This is why doctors take samples of our cells to determine whether abnormalities occur, which if not properly intervened, could develop into serious complications. Now for the second question, our cells have different simple parts that allow it to live and to growth. These parts have basic functions that contribute to the overall welfare of your body."
"docid": "D1460545#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/transcription-of-messenger-rna-mrna-from-dna.html\nTranscription of Messenger RNA (mRNA) from DNA",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 157K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Examples of Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes DNA: Discovery, Facts, Structure & Function in Heredity DNA Repair: Fixing Double-Strand Breaks Translation of m RNA to Protein: Initiation, Elongation & Termination Steps Lesson Transcript Instructor: April Koch April teaches high school science and holds a master's degree in education. In this lesson, you will gain a thorough understanding of how transcription works. We will investigate how DNA is transcribed into RNA with the help of a promoter and RNA polymerase. Learn the purpose of messenger RNA and explore the three phases of transcription. Introduction to Transcription Everyone knows that DNA contains the instructions for living things. But if you've ever been confused about how DNA actually turns into a living creature, then you're not alone. Most people, even scientists, get overwhelmed at the details involved in all the steps of the central dogma. The central dogma describes the entire flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to the final product, a protein. To simplify it all in my head, I think of it like I'm following a recipe. DNA is like the master cookbook and RNA is like the card that I copy a recipe onto."
"docid": "D2874433#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_mRNA_do\nWhat does mRNA do?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What does m RNA do? Flag What does m RNA do? Answer by Urmi Tomar Confidence votes 18It transfers information of protien in the form of codon from the DNA in the nucleus to cytosol where its message is decoded by ribosomes in the form of amino acid chain or protien.....7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Joshua Smith 37 Contributions What is m RNA? A RNA copy of a DNA gene How does m RNA get out of the nucleus? It gets out through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm. How do m RNA produce? Messenger RNA, otherwise known as m RNA, produces molecules by wayof transcription. It is wherein the DNA of a gene serves as atemplate for complementary base pairing. Where does m RNA go?"
"docid": "D1166071#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/function-rna-polymerase-619d6a39992c47d0\nWhat Is the Function of RNA Polymerase?",
"text": "Science Biology Molecular Biology & DNAQ: What Is the Function of RNA Polymerase? A: Quick Answer The function of RNA polymerase II is to synthesize m RNA using a DNA strand as a template, explains UC Davis Bio Wiki. The process, by which an m RNA strand is constructed from a DNA strand, is called transcription, and the product is called a primary transcript, notes North Dakota State University. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Does RNA Polymerase Do? What Is the Difference Between DNA Polymerase Vs. RNA Polymerase? Which Enzyme Is Responsible for RNA Synthesis? Full Answer To begin transcription, RNA polymerase II binds to a segment on a gene called a promoter, explains North Dakota State University. The promoter consists of nucleotide sequences, which are TATAAT and TTGACA in eukaryotes and TATA and CAAT in prokaryotes. T stands for a thymine nucleotide, A for adenine, G for guanine and C for cytosine, notes Pearson Prentice Hall."
"docid": "D2252014#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-mrna-and-vs-trna/\nDifference Between mRNA and tRNA",
"text": "\"Difference Between m RNA and t RNAPosted on July 18, 2012 by admin Last updated on: July 18, 2012m RNA vs t RNADNA and RNA are macromolecules which are polymers of nucleotides. Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA is responsible for carrying genetic information from generation to generation while Ribonucleic Acid or RNA mainly involve in protein synthesis. Although DNA is the main genetic material for most living organisms, RNA is the genetic material of some viruses. RNA composed of pentose carbon sugar and nitrogenous bases. These bases are again categorized as purines and pyrimidines. The purines bases are Adenine (A) and Guanine (G) and pyrimidines are Cytosine (C) and Uracil (U). RNA is located normally within the cytoplasm. There are three classes of RNA: m RNA, t RNA and r RNA are these three classes which are involved in protein synthesis using information of DNA.m RNAMessenger RNA or m RNA contains ribonucleotides which involve in protein synthesis. They encode the amino acid sequence of proteins which is called translation. In the translation m RNA is read as the triplet codons."
"docid": "D1821755#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/process-assembling-protein-rna-called-959a1873415db41b\nWhat Is the Process of Assembling a Protein From RNA Called?",
"text": "Science Biology Molecular Biology & DNAQ: What Is the Process of Assembling a Protein From RNA Called? A: Quick Answer The process of assembling a protein from RNA is called translation. A strand of messenger RNA, or m RNA, travels from the nucleus of a cell to the ribosomes, the site where proteins are assembled. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is DNA Translation? What Is the Function of Transfer RNA? Why Are Start and Stop Codons Important? Full Answer An m RNA strand is synthesized from a DNA template within the nucleus of an atom in the process called transcription. The m RNA strand passes through the nuclear membrane and travels to a ribosome, where the m RNA strand attaches. Transfer RNA, or t RNA molecules carry amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, to the ribosome. Many t RNA molecules exist, and each carries a specific amino acid."
"docid": "D2849238#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071202162109AAcj7KS\nHow do you transcribe DNA into mRNA?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology How do you transcribe DNA into m RNA?1 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: just like the guy below me said, all DNA has to start with the same codon, AUG (Methionine). the process of making an m RNA strand from a portion of a DNA copy is the process of transcription. the difference between m RNA and DNA is that m RNA uses Uracil (U) instead of Thymine (T). so instead of Adenine (A) pairing with Thymine (T), it pairs with Uracil (U). Here is an example of a DNA strand TACCGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAG Its complimentary m RNA strand would look like this AUGGCGAUCGAUCGAUCGAUCGAUCGAUCGAUC Complimentary Base Pairs DNA m RNA T --------- A A --------- U C ---------- G G --------- Cadf · 1 decade ago11 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw Tw U Yes it does, provided that the DNA you have does not contain any introns (non-transcribed DNA stretches) and substituting T with U. so it woud be: 3'-atg catc gac tac atc g-5' 5'-uac gua cug aug uag c-3'Cynthia · 2 years ago0 0 Commentall dna starts with he code \"\" AUG\"\" and all A-Ts and C-Gs are compadible... so you find the opposite code for AUG on (parralell to AUG) and then you copy down the answers compadible from then on example it goes from A to U (urasil) U A G C T A C G G C G C A Usmart · 1 decade ago1 0 Commentwell there is amino acids such as METHIONINE ARGININE ISLEUCINE TRYPTOPHAN LEUCINE USE THEM OR USE THE INTERNET AND STOP READING MY COMMENT GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!Nathanael · 3 years ago1 4 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Get a Master's Degreee Online Find Moving Container Services Graphic Design Degrees Portfolio Management Options \""
"docid": "D1759864#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080320154507AAsiNEC\nWhat information is coded into DNA?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology What information is coded into DNA? Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: DNA contains the code for synthesizing proteins. DNA transcribes itself into MRNA (memory RNA), which then leaves the nucleus and translates into TRNA (Transfer RNA) which goes around the cell to retrive the amino acids that were coded into the DNA. It comes back to the MRNA which is now attached to a ribosome and proteins are created.3daysgrace · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment DNA codes for proteins, binding sites, RNAs (of which messenger RNAs or m RNAs are then used to make proteins by the ribosomes, which have r RNAs and proteins), regulatory sequences, etc, along with a ton of stuff we probably don't even know about yet.siwedlarm · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is pretty much a genetic blueprint. Basically, DNA tells the cells of an organism how to make everything it needs to survive such as proteins, or segments of RNA. Mango Man · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment The instructions for building proteins.jonmcn49 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment That is tough. Definitely all physical characteristics are encoded. There is debate about sexuality being encoded and general behaviour. ( We tend to think it is, often fallaciously. ie. \"\""
"docid": "D2874432#0",
"title": "http://www.abbreviations.com/MRNA\nAcronyms &Abbreviations",
"text": "\"We've got 3 definitions for MRNA »What does MRNAstand for? What does MRNA mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: MRNA. Filter by: Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Acronym Definition Options Ratingm RNAMessenger Ribo Nucleic Acid Medical » Human Genome -- and more... Rate it: MRNAMad River Neighborhood Association Community » Associations Rate it: MRNAMean Renal Nerve Activity Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: What does MRNA mean?messenger RNA, m RNA, template RNA, informational RNA (noun)the template for protein synthesis; the form of RNA that carries information from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome sites of protein synthesis in the cellsee more »Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of MRNA? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: MRMR - MRMSA - MRMU - MRMY - MRN - MRNG - MRNI - MRNJ - MRNS - MRNTDiscuss these MRNA abbreviations with the community: Know what is MRNA? Got another good explanation for MRNA? Don't keep it to yourself!Add it HERE!Still can't find the acronym definition you were looking for? Use our Power Search technology to look for more unique definitions from across the web!Search the web Citation: Use the citation options below to add these abbreviations to your bibliography. Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"MRNA.\"\" Abbreviations.com."
"docid": "D429442#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/about_5033460_mrna-rrna-trna.html\nWhat Are mRNA, rRNA and tRNA?",
"text": "\"Home »Biology What Are m RNA, r RNA and t RNA? By Robert Mullis; Updated April 24, 2017RNA is a critical component of every single living cell in the universe. Without it, life as we know it could not exist. There are three types of RNA, each with a unique function. m RNA is used to produce proteins from genes. r RNA, along with protein, forms the ribosome, which translates m RNA. t RNA is the link between the two other types of RNA. RNA Features RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a linear polymer of adenine, thymine, cytosine, and uracil that is created in the cell by a process called transcription, and it differs from DNA in several ways. First, the ribose sugars on DNA nucleotides are short one hydroxyl group compared to RNA, hence the name deoxyribonucleic acid. This key modification makes RNA much more chemically reactive."
"docid": "D1835398#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/29138818/bio-practice-quiz-exam-3-flash-cards/\nBio practice quiz exam 3",
"text": "\"143 terms danielleleah Bio practice quiz exam 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort1Which transfers information from the nucleus of a cell to the cytoplasm? t RNA b. DNA c. m RNA d. r RNA mrna2Which of the following is NOT a difference between RNA and DNA? RNA contains uracil and DNA Thymine RNA has five bases, but DNA only four DNA contains a deoxyribose sugar, but RNA contains ribose sugar DNA is a double strand of nucleotides, but RNA a single strand rna has five bases, but dna only four3Which of the following most directly transfers information from a chain of nucleotides to a chain of amino acids? t RNA b. DNA c. m RNA d. r RNA trna4Lymphomas and leukemias affect which type of cells? Skin b. Endocrine c. Blood d. Muscle blood5The central dogma of molecular biology states that _________ is transcribed into _______ which is translated into ____. Genes/polypeptides, gene product c. Protein/DNA/RNA DNA/RNA/protein d. DNA/m RNA/t RNA dna rna protein6Cancer may be caused by: Carcinogens b. Viruses c. Substances found in food d. All of these all of these7A single gene specifically contains information for: A single physical trait Synthesis of a single protein Synthesis of a protein, carbohydrate or lipid One or more physical traits, depending on the gene synthesis of a single protein8If a codon were read two bases at a time instead of three bases at a time, how many different possible amino acids could be specified? 2 b. 4 c. 16 d. 64 169Which is true of mutations? Some are visible only under certain conditions c. Occur only in gametes All mutations involve whole chromosomes d. Most are beneficial some are visable only under certain conditions10One of the major direct benefits of mutations for a population is: Introduction of new genetic material c. Weeding out the less fit Reduced ability to reproduce d. Smaller populations introduction of new genetic material11Which is true of mutations?"
"docid": "D154421#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG2USAFq1Rg\nDifference Between Polymer and Macromolecule",
"text": "\"Difference Between Polymer and Macromolecule Difference Between Subscribe 2KAdd to Share More2,205 views311Published on Jan 20, 2016Difference between polymer and macromolecule romance youtube . , . . . . Difference between polymer and macromolecule . Polyemer vs differencebetween difference between polymer and vs macromolecule a class \"\"_zkb\"\" href \"\" url?q webcache. Googleusercontent search. Here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. What is the difference between polymer and macromolecule polymers are macromolecules with a repeating unit called monomer throughout in my notes (from my highschool class) i have that cells make most of their large molecules (macromolecules) by joining smaller organic below information will help you to get some more though about the subject as nouns the difference between polymer and macromolecule is that polymer is (organic chemistry) a long or larger molecule consisting of a chain or network of poly many, meros parts a macromolecule is defined as a molecule which consists of around (it's arbitrary) atoms addition polymers; Chain reaction polymerisation; Condensation polymerisation are determined by the intramolecular forces between these long chains anyway if you want for more info, you would better continue reading. . The macromolecules of life are lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and what is the difference between statistical significance and practical the term polymer and macromolecules are often used interchangeably but there are some very important differences between both of them. Polymers are made the modern concept of polymers as covalently bonded macromolecular the essential difference between the two is that in chain growth polymerization, think of a monomer as being a brick, and a polymer, or macromolecule, differences between rna and dna & types of rna (mrna, trna & rrna) we will then look at the monomers in each major type of macromolecule to see what specific structural of the relationship between the structures of biological polymers and their monomer subunits. The difference between the two is that macromolecules are polymers, built from monomers carbohydrates include sugars and the polymers of sugars the differences between the complex in polymer chemistry, polymerization is a process of reacting molecule, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits."
"docid": "D1110417#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/p5bc26/Terminator-region-of-DNA-at-end-of-gene-that-causes-termination-of/\n5 utr untranslated region the part of the mrna",
"text": "\"5 utr untranslated region the part of the mrna SCHOOLUC Davis COURSE TITLEBIS 2ATYPENotes UPLOADED BYkristenpham PAGES 4This preview shows pages 2–4. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Documenta hairpin secondary structure in the RNA.5' UTR, Un Translated Region. The part of the m RNA between the first nucleotide and the AUGcodon.3' UTR, Un Translated Region. The part of the m RNA between the STOP codon and the lastnucleotide.5' UTR-------START-codon --> STOP 3' UTR- 2 -This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Documentaagugugaaugccug aug ggg .......... ugc uaa ucguaugagagau ORF, Open Reading Frame, uninterrupted run of codons starting from AUG and ending in a STOP codon (UAA, UAG, UGA). In eukaryotes, it is also important to consider ORF that donot start with AUG because of the presence of introns (see coming lectures)NTP, ribonucleotide triphosphates. The building blocks of RNA: ATP, UTP, GTP, CTP. Notethat the ATP is same molecule used to store and transfer energy in energy metabolism."
"docid": "D1184929#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_mRNA_and_DNA\nWhat is the difference between mRNA and DNA?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What is the difference between m RNA and DNA? Flag What is the difference between m RNA and DNA? Answer by Euc Confidence votes 2.2K\"\"m RNA\"\" is an abbreviation for Messenger RNA. It carries the genetic code for protein to the r RNA (ribosomal RNA) and enzymes in the ribosomes where t RNA (transfer RNA) carries amino acids which are matched to the m RNA to form protein. DNA is the originating molecule containing the master copy of the code. This is copied to the m RNA first. The differences between DNA and RNA are that 1) RNA has uracil in place of thymine and 2) RNA uses ribose instead of the 2-deoxyribose in DNA. There are both double stranded and single stranded DNA and RNA in nature so this is not a defining difference. It depends on what sort of organism it is as to where these compounds are in the cell but the process is similar. In the eukaryotes, there is an extra step that takes place in the nucleus where the m RNA is first cut and spliced.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D1853039#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_distinguishes_RNA_from_DNA\nWhat distinguishes RNA from DNA?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What distinguishes RNA from DNA? Flag What distinguishes RNA from DNA? Answer by Wisha Pend76 Confidence votes 268First of all, RNA has ribose, which is what the R stands for. DNA had deoxyribose, which is what the D stands for. Also, RNA is a single strand, while DNA id double- stranded and has a double helix shape. Thirdly, DNA has Thymine, while RNA has Uracil.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Artstoregirl 7 Contributions What is DNA and RNA? DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. RNA is ribonucleic acid. They are both nucleic acids."
"docid": "D3440191#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/differences-between-rna-and-dna-types-of-rna-mrna-trna-rrna.html\nDifferences Between RNA and DNA & Types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA & rRNA)",
"text": "Instructor: Greg Chin In this lesson, you'll explore RNA structure and learn the central dogma of molecular biology. Along the way, you'll meet the three types of RNA and see how the cell uses them most effectively. Review of DNAPreviously, on 'DNA and RNA:'Professor Pear: Today, we know that permanently changing the characteristics of an organism can be accomplished by changing its DNA content. James Watson and Francis Crick devised a model of the structure of DNA based on the evidence produced by several different laboratories at the time. Miss Crimson: I can attest that my client is innocent of the murder. In fact, based on the DNA evidence, we have reason to believe that Mr. Teal murdered Mr. Bones in the staircase with the lead pipe. RNA Structure vs. DNA Structure The structural components of RNAMiss Ivory: Professor, you said that you found DNA evidence at the scene of the crime; however, you said nothing about RNA evidence. Didn't you say that there are two types of nucleic acids? What about this ribonucleic acid, or RNA? It seems like you've conspicuously avoided talking about RNA altogether."
"docid": "D884315#0",
"title": "http://www.nature.com/scitable/nated/topicpage/translation-dna-to-mrna-to-protein-393\nTranslation: DNA to mRNA to Protein",
"text": "\"Translation: DNA to m RNA to Protein By: Suzanne Clancy, Ph. D. & William Brown, Ph. D. ( Write Science Right) © 2008 Nature Education Citation: Clancy, S. & Brown, W. (2008) Translation: DNA to m RNA to Protein. Nature Education 1 ( 1) :101How does the cell convert DNA into working proteins? The process of translation can be seen as the decoding of instructions for making proteins, involving m RNA in transcription as well as t RNA. Aa Aa Aa The genes in DNA encode protein molecules, which are the \"\"workhorses\"\" of the cell, carrying out all the functions necessary for life. For example, enzymes, including those that metabolize nutrients and synthesize new cellular constituents, as well as DNA polymerases and other enzymes that make copies of DNA during cell division, are all proteins. In the simplest sense, expressing a gene means manufacturing its corresponding protein, and this multilayered process has two major steps. In the first step, the information in DNA is transferred to a messenger RNA ( m RNA) molecule by way of a process called transcription. During transcription, the DNA of a gene serves as a template for complementary base-pairing, and an enzyme called RNA polymerase II catalyzes the formation of a pre-m RNA molecule, which is then processed to form mature m RNA (Figure 1)."
"docid": "D2656677#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/role-of-mrna-in-protein-synthesis.html\nRole of mRNA in Protein Synthesis",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 17K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses What Is the Role of RNA in Protein Synthesis? Role of Ribosomes in Protein Synthesis What Is the Purpose of Protein Synthesis? What Is the Role of DNA in Protein Synthesis? Lesson Transcript Instructor: Dominic Corsini How does the message hidden within our DNA actually become something? This lesson discusses the vital role m RNA plays in protein synthesis. It helps explain how DNA is used within a living organism. What is Protein Synthesis? You've likely heard of protein, but do you know what it's made of and why it's important? Protein is a chain-like structure made up of sub-units called amino acids. Protein is used for building muscle, repairing tissue, and functioning as enzymes. _"
"docid": "D888505#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_role_of_mRNA_during_translation\nWhat is the role of mRNA in translation?",
"text": "What is the role of m RNA in translation? It provides the code for the protein. It sends the message to the DNA! ! Is m RNA produced during translation? FARTSWhat role does m RNA play in transcription and translation?m RNA is messenger RNA. m RNA is transcribed from DNA, and carries coding information to the ribosomes. Here, the RNA is translated into a protein. In m RNA genetic information i …Bufferz 3 Contributions The region in a t RNA that bonds with m RNA during translation is the?anticodon Juwan Brown-Mc Cloud 18 Contributions What is the role of r RNA during translation? It links the correct amino acids together. What pairs with an m RNA codon during translation?t RNA anticodon Mcsidney123 7,131 Contributions MRNA is translated into?"
] |
1999 | andrew name meaning | [
"docid": "D2343852#0",
"title": "http://www.biblical-baby-names.com/meaning-of-andrew.html\n.",
"text": "Name Meaning and Biblical Context of Andrew Name Andrew ( Add to Favourite List? ) Gender Meaning Manliness. Biblical context The Biblical baby name Andrew is the English version of the Greek name Andreas. The meaning of this name is manliness. Andrew is pronounced an-droo. Andrew was the first of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He was a native of Galilee. His brother was Simon Peter. Both Andrew and Peter were fishermen by occupation and initially disciples of John the Baptist. Tradition has it that Andrew was crucified at Patrae in Archaia."
] | [
"docid": "D1807954#0",
"title": "http://keepitjiggy.com/jamaican-unusual-place-names/\nUnusual Place Names in Jamaica",
"text": "\"Jamaica’s Unusual Place Names Sometimes place names in Jamaica tell their own stories. And Jamaica’s towns, districts, rivers and streets have some really interesting ones – some are misleading, some are derived from family names, and some don’t mean what you think they mean!Often the names denoted a geographic feature or landmark ( Above Rocks, Red Ground, Blue Mountains, Corner Shop), or were named after the original landowners ( Tommy Bush, Sanguinetti ), or were named for the homelands of immigrants who settled there ( Dublin Castle, Irish Town, Egypt, Bengal, Skibo, Aberdeen). Some have Arawak names ( Jamaica, Liguanea ), or Spanish ( Oracabessa, Ocho Rios, Rio Grande ), or British ( Somerset, High Gate). Many of the place names in Jamaica are humorous ( Jackass Alley, Beverly Hills); others describe the distance from somewhere else ( Three Mile, Four Mile, Six Mile, Seven Mile, Nine Mile and Eleven Mile)! Some are Biblical ( Bethlehem, Siloah, Mount Horeb) and some reflect the abundance of a plant or animal in the area ( Annotto Bay, Cashew, Hog Hole, Breadnut Bottom, and Soursop Turn). But many of the names are just purely Jamaican! Jamaicans enjoy naming things and they call it as they see it, so these place-names might describe an incident that happened there or a particular feeling or sentiment they wanted to convey ( Rest-and-Be-Thankful, Me-No-Sen-You-No-Come, Bad Times, Broke Neck Gully, Half Way Tree, Putogether Corner, Dump, Shambles, Rat Trap, Poor Mans Corner, Sally’s Delight, Betty’s Hope, Thankful Hill, Boldness, Good Design, Excellent Town, Happy Retreat, Heart Ease, Friendship and Welcome). Yes, those are all the names of real places in Jamaica! I don't dream up the origins; you can see my sources at the bottom of the page. More interesting place names in Jamaica There are stories behind most of these Jamaican place names and it’s quite interesting to learn how they originated!"
"docid": "D3166553#0",
"title": "http://geology.about.com/od/rocks/ig/metrockindex/rocpicserpentinite.htm\nTypes of Metamorphic Rocks",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science Types of Metamorphic Rocks Share Flipboard Email Print Metamorphic rock is formed by heat and pressure. Fotografías Jorge León Cabello / Getty Imagesby Andrew Alden Updated November 03, 2017Metamorphic rocks are those that form by the effects of heat, pressure, and shear upon igneous and sedimentary rocks. Some form during mountain-building by forces of others from the heat of igneous intrusions in regional metamorphism others from the heat of igneous intrusions in contact metamorphism. A third category forms by the mechanical forces of fault movements: cataclasis and mylonitization .01of 18Amphibolite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2006 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com ( fair use policy )Amphibolite is a rock composed mostly of amphibole minerals. Usually, it's a hornblende schist like this as hornblende is the commonest amphibole. Amphibolite forms when basaltic rock is subjected to higher temperatures between 550 C and 750 C) and slightly greater pressure range than that which yields greenschist. Amphibolite is also the name of a metamorphic facies -- a set of minerals that typically forms at a specific range of temperature and pressure. For more photos see the metamorphic rocks gallery .02of 18Argillite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2013 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com (fair use policy)This is the rock name to remember when you find a hard, nondescript rock that looks like it could be slate but doesn't have slate's trademark cleavage."
"docid": "D2343850#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/english-names/andrew.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of English Names > What does Andrew mean? Meaning of Andrew - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Andrew\"\"English name Other origins for the name Andrew include - English, Biblical, Scottish. The name Andrew is most often used as a boy name or male name. In English, the name Andrew means - Manly; brave. In the bible the first of the twelve apostles chosen. Andrew is patron saint of Scotland and Russia. See also Jedrick and Kendrick.. English Name Meaning - Manly; brave. In the bible the first of the twelve apostles chosen. Andrew is patron saint of Scotland and Russia. See also Jedrick and Kendrick."
"docid": "D449277#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Andrew\nAndrew - Meaning of Andrew",
"text": "\"What does Andrew mean? Pronounce Andrew [ 2 syll. an - drew, and -r- ew ] The baby boy name Andrew is pronounced in English as AE N-DRuw †. Andrew is largely used in the English, Greek, and Russian languages, and it is derived from Old Greek origins. A biblical name, it is derived from the element 'andreia' meaning male, manly, brave, virility. Andreas (Latin and Old Greek) is an original form of Andrew. In the Bible, Andrew was the first chosen of the twelve apostles, and the brother of Simon Peter; the name Andrew was a Greek translation of his Hebrew name, which is not known. He was later thought to be crucified at Patras in Achaia, and was thereafter venerated as Saint Andrew and adopted as the patron saint of Scotland, Greece, Russia, and Romania; various forms of the name have thus become popular in these countries. In Scotland, the city of St Andrews was named after him, and in England, more than 600 churches were dedicated to him. Other saints of the same name include Saint Andrew of Crete (650-740), who was cured of dumbness after his Holy Communion; Andrew Avellino (1521-1608), the patron saint of Naples and Sicily; and Andrew Fournet (1752-1834), who helped establish the order of the Daughters of the Cross. In literature, the name is borne by the slow and comic Sir Andrew Aguecheek in Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night (1601); this association, together with the use of the term 'Merry Andrew' to refer to a clown during the Tudor period lent a comic touch to the name during the time."
"docid": "D507896#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_was_Andrew_Jackson%27s_position_in_the_Tennessee_Militia\nWhat are the names of Andrew Jackson's kids?",
"text": "Mikestone8 1,179 Contributions What are the names of Andrew Jackson's kids? The Jacksons had three children, all adopted. Andrew Jackson Jr was born to Andrew Jackson's brother Severn and Severn Jackson's wife, Elizabeth Rucker Donelson, but his twin …Tesiasanders 1 Contribution Who was Andrew Jackson's father? Andrew Jackson, the president was named after his father who died before his birth His father had died two weeks before Andrew was born Edit What Was Andrew Jackson's Position on Nullification? He made a strong legal case against the idea and made it clear that he would use all the means he had available to enforce federal laws even if there were nullified by a state …J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia What was Andrew Jackson's position on the Bank of the US? President Andrew Jackson did not like the idea of a centralized Bank of the United States, which was not equivalent of today's Federal Reserve, but made loans to individuals a …Describe Andrew Jackson's practice of rewarding his supporters with government positions?spoils system Edit J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia Who was Lyncoya from Andrew Jackson's family? Lyncoya was a Creek Indian infant whose mother had been killed in the attack on Tallaseehatchee, located in what is now Calhoun County, Alabama, The few women not killed durin …J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia How was Andrew Jackson's inauguration unusual? There were problems after the inauguration when many of his supporters converged in the White House. Jackson must have invited some of them and welcomed them to a point, but t …What were Andrew Jackson's achievements in office?spaghetti Edit What is Andrew Jackson's favorite music?classic ;)Edit What were Andrew Jackson's polocies designed to do? Create an agrarian society."
"docid": "D928756#0",
"title": "https://andrewminalto.com/eori-number/\nEORI Number â Your Questions ANSWERED!",
"text": "September 1, 2014 by Andrew Minalto - 282 Comments EORI Number – Your Questions ANSWERED!Every day I receive countless questions about shipping and customs, and I’ve noticed a lot of these questions refer specifically to the EORI scheme… so I’ve decided to create an article on that specifically – to clarify all the confusion once and for all. Let’s get to it!The Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) scheme was introduced on 1st July 2009 (replacing the Trader Unique Reference Number system previously used in the UK) and it’s basically a method for tracking imports and exports within the EU. An EORI number is assigned to an individual legal identity (i.e. sole trader, partnership, company or individual) by your local member state (so if you’re in the UK – by HMRC) and that EORI number is then used to identify you and your shipments across all EU countries. And really it’s as simple as that – it is just a number given to importers and exporters throughout Europe that can be easily and consistently identified by customs. Do I Need An EORI Number? Although the official explanations are slightly more complicated, to keep things simple and easy to understand – if you are involved with imports OR exports to or from the EU, then you do need an EORI number, as without it you won’t be able to complete the Entry Summary Declaration or Exit Summary Declaration. How Do I Get An EORI Number? To get an EORI number, you simply fill in the application form and send it to HMRC. Which form you need to complete depends on whether or not you’re VAT registered –Form C220 is for VAT registered applicants and can be downloaded here. And if you are not VAT registered, then you need form C220A, which can be downloaded here."
"docid": "D591342#0",
"title": "http://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/english\nEnglish Names",
"text": "\"AALIYAH f Arabic, English (Modern) Feminine form of AALI. It was popularized in the English-speaking world by the singer Aaliyah Haughton (1979-2001), who was known simply as Aaliyah. AAREN m & f English (Rare) Variant or feminine form of AARON. AARON m English, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek From the Hebrew name אַהֲרֹן ('Aharon) which is most likely of unknown Egyptian origin. Other theories claim a Hebrew derivation, and suggest meanings such as \"\"high mountain\"\" or \"\"exalted\"\". In the Old Testament this name is borne by the older brother of Moses. He acted as a spokesman for his brother when they appealed to the pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Aaron's rod produced miracles and plagues to intimidate the pharaoh. After the departure from Egypt and arrival at Mount Sinai, God installed Aaron as the first high priest of the Israelites and promised that his descendants would form the priesthood. ... [ more]ABBEY f English Diminutive of ABIGAIL."
"docid": "D2791532#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/saul/about\nSaul",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: 39k Saul Embed Saul Origin: Hebrew Meaning: Borrowed Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Gender: Boy First Name 39kin the U. S. since 1880Last Name 7kin the U. S. in 2010Girls Boys First Last On This Page Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons Named Saul Notable Persons With the Last Name Saul Popularity by Year and Gender Regional Popularity Ethnicity Distribution Fun Facts What Sauls Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names1.4m Paul146 Soul9k Sol<100 Sual226k Jesus4k Sal3.6m David87k Abraham575k Peter5.1m John560k Jose31k Solomon (Formal)50k Sallie (More Popular)54k Celia (More Popular)204k Sally (More Popular)How to Pronounce Saul Saul Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)Play User from Washington, United States Play User from United Kingdom Play User from United States How difficult is it to pronounce Saul? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Saul mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Saul\"\"Saul\"\" is a name of Hebrew origin, and it means \"\"Borrowed\"\". It's a name commonly given to boys. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun Saul Soul.noun Saul Same as Sal, the tree. Other Dictionary Sources (New Testament) a Christian missionary to the Gentiles; author of several Epistles in the New Testament; even though Paul was not present at the Last Supper he is considered an Apostle (\"\" Paul's name was Saul prior to his conversion to Christianity \"\")Synonyms: apostle of the gentiles, apostle paul, paul, paul the apostle, saint paul, saul of tarsus, and st. paul (Old Testament) the first king of the Israelites who defended Israel against many enemies (especially the Philistines)Wiktionary From Hebrew ש×ול (“asked forâ€). The first king of Israel in the Old Testament The original name of Apostle Paul in the New Testament."
"docid": "D551456#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Andrei.html\nAndrei Meaning",
"text": "\"Andrei Meaning Name: What does Andrei mean? The name Andrei is of Romanian and Russian origin. The meaning of Andrei is \"\"strong, manly, brave\"\". Andrei is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced An-drei. The Given Name Andrei Andrei is a form of Andrew. See Andrew for further details. Delightful and luminous, it is a name considered by many parents. A simple name, Andrei possesses great character. Andrei is also great as a middle name."
"docid": "D577813#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Andrew\nWhat does Andrew mean?",
"text": "\"What does Andrew mean? Andrew ▼ as a boys' name (also used less commonly as girls' name Andrew) is pronounced AN-droo. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Andrew is \"\"man, warrior\"\". English form of the Greek name Andreas. Biblical: the first chosen of the 12 apostles. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and Russia. The \"\"Saint Andrew's Cross\"\", representing Scotland, appears on the flag of the United Kingdom. See also Andino, Jedrek, and Kendrew. American Presidents Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson; industrialist Andrew Carnegie; Prince Andrew, Duke of York; actors Andy Devine, Andy Griffith, Andy Garcia; artists Andrew Wyeth, and Andy Warhol; baseball player Andruw Jones. STARTS WITH An-ASSOCIATED WITH greek, warrior, biblical, saint, scotland, prince (king), duke (noble)Variations VARIANTS Adem, Aindrea, Aindreas, Analu, Anders ▲, Andie, Andonia, Andor, Andras, Andre, Andres ▲, Andrea, Andreas, Andrei, Andrej, Andres ▲, Andresj, Andrewes, Andrews, Andrey, Andrezj, Andrian, Andriel, Andries, Andrij, Andrija, Andrius, Andro, Andros, Andru, Andruw, Andrzej, Andy, Antero, Dandie, Dandy, Drew, Dru, Drud, Drue, Drugi, Mandrew, Ohndrae, Ohndre, Ondre, Ondrei, Ondrej, Ohnrey, Ondrey SEE ALSO Andrik, Tandie ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANDREAS, JEDREK Andreus, Andris FEMININE FORMS Andrea, Drew, Tandy CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Andrew Tru (A. T.), .. How popular is Andrew?"
"docid": "D2970426#0",
"title": "http://geology.about.com/od/rocks/ig/metrockindex/rocpicschist.htm\nTypes of Metamorphic Rocks",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science Types of Metamorphic Rocks Share Flipboard Email Print Metamorphic rock is formed by heat and pressure. Fotografías Jorge León Cabello / Getty Imagesby Andrew Alden Updated November 03, 2017Metamorphic rocks are those that form by the effects of heat, pressure, and shear upon igneous and sedimentary rocks. Some form during mountain-building by forces of others from the heat of igneous intrusions in regional metamorphism others from the heat of igneous intrusions in contact metamorphism. A third category forms by the mechanical forces of fault movements: cataclasis and mylonitization .01of 18Amphibolite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2006 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com ( fair use policy )Amphibolite is a rock composed mostly of amphibole minerals. Usually, it's a hornblende schist like this as hornblende is the commonest amphibole. Amphibolite forms when basaltic rock is subjected to higher temperatures between 550 C and 750 C) and slightly greater pressure range than that which yields greenschist. Amphibolite is also the name of a metamorphic facies -- a set of minerals that typically forms at a specific range of temperature and pressure. For more photos see the metamorphic rocks gallery .02of 18Argillite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2013 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com (fair use policy)This is the rock name to remember when you find a hard, nondescript rock that looks like it could be slate but doesn't have slate's trademark cleavage."
"docid": "D1546579#0",
"title": "https://www.scotweb.co.uk/info/anderson-2/\nAnderson",
"text": "Anderson Origins and history Anderson is an English and Scottish patronymic surname, meaning ’son of Andrew ‘. In this form, it is more common in the Lowlands, but it is widespread in Scotland in different forms. In the Highlands, it was rendered as Mac Andrew, of medieval Scottish origin. Both names share the same Scottish Gaelic derivation of ‘Gilleaindreas’ - literally a servant of St. Andrew, Scotland’s patron saint. Though it is said there is no exact place of origin, the Kinrara manuscript contains details of a claim that the Mac Andrews came to Badenoch from Moidart c.1400. The tales of the vengeance of Iain beg Mac Aindrea on cattle lifters who raided Badenoch may confirm this. However, there is no disputing the intellectual pedigree that his kinfolk subsequently established. The tradition of scholarly erudition has significant roots in Anderson clan history throughout all the disciplines. This tradition was first established by Alexander Anderson who published works on geometry and algebra in Paris between 1612 and 1619. His cousin, David Anderson of Finshaugh, shared a similar skill in mechanics and mathematics that he applied to removing a large rock that had obstructed the entrance to Aberdeen harbour."
"docid": "D242072#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Andrews\nSt Andrews",
"text": "\"For other uses, see St Andrews (disambiguation). St Andrews Scottish Gaelic: Cill Rìmhinn Scots: Saunt Aundraes St Andrews, seen from the top of St Rule's Tower St Andrews St Andrews shown within Fife Population 16,800 [1]OS grid reference NO507168Council area Fife Lieutenancy area Fife Country Scotland Sovereign state United Kingdom Post town ST ANDREWSPostcode district KY16Dialling code 01334Police Scottish Fire Scottish Ambulance Scottish EU Parliament Scotland UK Parliament North East Fife Scottish Parliament North East Fife List of places UK Scotland56.3404°N 2.7955°WCoordinates: 56.3404°N 2.7955°WSt Andrews ( Latin: S. Andrea (s); [2] Scots: Saunt Aundraes; [3]Scottish Gaelic: Cill Rìmhinn) [4] is a town on the east coast of Fife in Scotland, 10 miles (16 km) southeast of Dundee and 30 miles (50 km) northeast of Edinburgh. The town is home to the University of St Andrews, the third oldest university in the English-speaking world and the oldest in Scotland. [ 5] According to some rankings, it is ranked as the third best university in the United Kingdom, behind Oxbridge. [ 6] [7] The University is an integral part of the burgh and during term time students make up approximately one third of the town's population [ citation needed]. St Andrews has a population of 16,800 (in 2012). [ 8]The town is named after Saint Andrew the Apostle. There has been an important church in St Andrews since at least the 8th century, and a bishopric since at least the 11th century. [ citation needed] The settlement grew to the west of St Andrews cathedral with the southern side of the Scores to the north and the Kinness burn to the south. The burgh soon became the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland, a position which was held until the Scottish Reformation. The famous cathedral, the largest in Scotland, now lies in ruins."
"docid": "D482358#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/anders/2325\nAnders",
"text": "Anders Rating : Very good0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4 / 515 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Anders Gender: Boy Origin: Nordic Number of syllables: 2Ranking popularity: 891Pronunciation: AN-dәrs Simple meaning: Manly, warrior Characteristics of Anders Mystical Wise Eccentric Intuitive Imaginative Philosophical Solitary Etymology & Historical Origin - Anders Anders is the Scandinavian form of Andrew, which are both ultimately derived from the Greek “Andreas”, stemming from the Greek “andros” meaning “man, manly, warrior”. It was also a common name among the Jews two centuries before Christ. Andreas became a popular name among later Christians in homage to Saint Andrew from the New Testament, one of Christ’s disciples (in fact, the first disciple called by Jesus). A Galilean fisherman and the brother of Simon Peter (St. Peter), St. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and one of the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. After the Resurrection, St. Andrew went on to preach in Asia Minor and Greece. He became one of the most popular saints in the Middle Ages and was chosen to be the patron saint of Russia, Greece and Scotland. He is also considered the founder and first bishop of the Byzantium Church (just as his brother St. Peter is considered the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church). Like most of the Twelve Disciples (Peter, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Thaddeus/Jude, Simon and Judas), usage of Andrew as a given name has perpetuated into modern times. Not only is there Andrew (English) and Anders (Nordic), but there’s also Andreas (Greek, Latin, German), André (French), Andrea (Italian), Andrei (Russian) and Andrés (Spanish). In fact, due to Andrew’s significance among Eastern orthodox Christians, there are actually many Slavic variations of this name, as well."
"docid": "D201313#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/metamorphic-rock-types-4122981\nTypes of Metamorphic Rocks",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science Types of Metamorphic Rocks Share Flipboard Email Print Metamorphic rock is formed by heat and pressure. Fotografías Jorge León Cabello / Getty Imagesby Andrew Alden Updated November 03, 2017Metamorphic rocks are those that form by the effects of heat, pressure, and shear upon igneous and sedimentary rocks. Some form during mountain-building by forces of others from the heat of igneous intrusions in regional metamorphism others from the heat of igneous intrusions in contact metamorphism. A third category forms by the mechanical forces of fault movements: cataclasis and mylonitization .01of 18Amphibolite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2006 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com ( fair use policy )Amphibolite is a rock composed mostly of amphibole minerals. Usually, it's a hornblende schist like this as hornblende is the commonest amphibole. Amphibolite forms when basaltic rock is subjected to higher temperatures between 550 C and 750 C) and slightly greater pressure range than that which yields greenschist. Amphibolite is also the name of a metamorphic facies -- a set of minerals that typically forms at a specific range of temperature and pressure. For more photos see the metamorphic rocks gallery .02of 18Argillite Pictures of Metamorphic Rock Types. Photo (c) 2013 Andrew Alden, licensed to About.com (fair use policy)This is the rock name to remember when you find a hard, nondescript rock that looks like it could be slate but doesn't have slate's trademark cleavage."
"docid": "D2343851#0",
"title": "http://www.babynames.com/name/Andrew\nAll about the name Andrew",
"text": "\"All about the name Andrew Andrew Greek Origin\"\"Manly\"\"Add to my Favorites Andrew is a... Fictional Character Name Share this: The meaning of the name Andrew is Manly. The origin of the name Andrew is Greek. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Nicknames for the name Andrew include Andy and Drew. There were two American presidents named Andrew: Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson. Andrew Wyeth was a renowned artist as was Andy Warhol. Prince Andrew is the Duke of York and son of Elizabeth II. Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon were philanthropists and businessmen. Andrew Lincoln is on the television show The Walking Dead. Andy Kaufman was a comedian as is Andrew “Dice” Clay."
"docid": "D46961#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/warrior_names_fighter_names_male.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Male Warrior Names, Fighter Names Fight-related and war-related names. Names that mean army, battle, fighter, soldier, war/warrior. [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Female Warrior Names ] [ 1 ] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4]ABRAFO : African Ghanaian name meaning \"\"warrior\"\" or \"\"executioner.\"\" Originally, it was a byname for a troublemaker or someone who is hyper. ACHASHVEROSH ( אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹש ): Hebrew form of Babylonian Achshiyarshu , meaning \"\"great warrior\"\" or \"\"lion-king.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. ACHSHIYARSHU : Babylonian form of Persian Khashayarshah , meaning \"\"great warrior\"\" or \"\"lion-king.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. His Hebrew name is Achashverosh .ÆLFHARE: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf \"\"elf\"\" and hari \"\"army,\"\" hence \"\"elf army. \"\" ÆLFHERE : Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælfhare , meaning \"\"elf army. \"\""
"docid": "D1349788#0",
"title": "http://geology.about.com/od/rocks/ig/sedrockindex/rocpicsiltstone.htm\nTypes of Sedimentary Rock",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science Types of Sedimentary Rock Share Flipboard Email Printciteby Andrew Alden Updated October 18, 2017Sedimentary rocks form at or near the Earth's surface. Rocks made from particles of eroded sediment are called clastic sedimentary rocks, those made from the remains or living things are called biogenic sedimentary rocks, and those that form by minerals precipitating out of solution are called evaporites.01of 25Alabaster Pictures of Sedimentary Rocks. Photo courtesy Lanzi via Wikimedia Commons Alabaster is a common name, not a geological name, for massive gypsum rock. It is a translucent stone, usually white, that is used for sculpture and interior decorations. It consists of the mineral gypsum with a very fine grain, massive habit, and even coloring. Alabaster is also used to refer to a similar type of marble, but a better name for that is onyx marble...or just marble. Onyx is a much harder stone composed of chalcedony with straight bands of color instead of the curved forms typical of agate. So if true onyx is a banded chalcedony, a marble with the same appearance should be called banded marble instead of onyx marble; and certainly not alabaster because it is not banded at all. There is some confusion because the ancients used gypsum rock, processed gypsum and marble for the same purposes under the name alabaster.02of 25Arkose Pictures of Sedimentary Rock Types. Photo (c) 2007 Andrew Alden licensed to About.com Arkose is a raw, coarse-grained sandstone deposited very near its source that consists of quartz and a significant proportion of feldspar."
"docid": "D695174#0",
"title": "http://www.meaningslike.com/name-stands-for/andrew\nWhat Does Andrew Stand For",
"text": "What Does Andrew Stand For The meaning of the given name Andrew represents intuition, enlightenment, dreams, incoherence, anxiety, charisma and a timid persona. Advertisement❶ What Does Andrew Mean? A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment! Your main strengths are related to introspection and intuition. Essentially you are able to unite the feminine and masculine. Finding balance within two opposing forces which stop confronting and start complementing each other, is an ability few possess. This however does not mean that you are superior to others. Thoughts like this can only lead to emotional imbalance. Personality of Andrew Names Like Andrew Ana 44% Anaahat 31%Anaaya 33% Anab 40%Anabel 50% Anabela 46%Anabell 46% Anabella 43%Anabelle 43% Anabeth 46%Anabia 33% Anaceli 46%Anacelia 43% Anaclara 43%Anael 55% Anaeli 50%Anaelle 46% Anaely 50%Anagha 33% Anah 40%Anahat 33% Anahi 36%Anahit 33% Anahita 31%Anahla 33%Advertisement❷ What Is The Meaning Of Andrew? They can become great spiritual guides, fantastic psychologists or very good physicians thanks to their ability to connect with everyone on a human level."
"docid": "D880013#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_mellon_collie_mean\nWho was Andrew mellon?",
"text": "\"Who was Andrew mellon? Andrew Mellon was one of the major figures who were involved in theindustrial and financial development of the Trans-Allegheny region. He was then appointed Secretary of Treasu …What was the Mellon plan? The Mellon Plan was devised by Andrew Melon. It consists of fourmajor points which are: government efficiency, Federal Estate taxreduction, Tax cuts for low incomes and cut to …What does collie mean?a collie is a sheepdog. it is meant to be the most intelligent dog breed. Mike Davis 2,543 Contributions What is Mellon Arena? Mellon Arena (formerly the Civic Auditorium and Civic Arena, nicknamed The Igloo) is an arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is named for Mellon Financial, which purchased t …Jp15 3 Contributions Where is the mellon arena? Mellon Arena is in Pittsburgh, PA."
] |
2001 | andy griffith net worth | [
"docid": "D2599629#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/andy-griffith-net-worth/\nAndy Griffith Net Worth",
"text": "Andy Griffith Net Worth How much is Andy Griffith Worth?in Richest Celebrities › Actors Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Andy Griffith net worth:$60 Million Andy Griffith net worth: Andy Griffith was an American actor and singer who had a net worth of $60 million. Born June 1, 1926 in Mount Airy, North Carolina, Griffith died of a heart attack at the age of 86 at his coastal home in Manteo, Roanoke Island in North Carolina on July 3, 2012. Though he gained recognition for his role in the 1957 file A Face in the Crowd, Griffith became more widely known in the '60s for his lead role in the situation comedy The Andy Griffith Show. He also went on to play in the television legal drama Matlock. His first television appearance was in 1955 in No Time for Sergeants. In 1960, he appeared as the county sheriff in an episode of Make Room for Daddy, starring the late Danny Thomas. This appearance served as the catalyst for Griffith's placement in The Andy Griffith Show, as Sheriff Andy Taylor. Both shows were produced by Sheldon Leonard. For most of the '70s, Griffith was cast in roles for television films to include Go Ask Alice, The Strangers in 7A, Winter Kill and his first villainous role in Pray for the Wildcats. His last appearance in a leading role was in a romantic comedy called Play the Game (2009)."
] | [
"docid": "D2273348#0",
"title": "http://andygriffithmuseum.com/\nThe Andy Griffith Museum",
"text": "The Andy Griffith Museum The Andy Griffith Museum is a place both for learning about and celebrating Andy Griffith, who was born in Mount Airy in 1926. Home of the single largest collection of artifacts and memorabilia related to Andy Griffith, the museum features hundreds of items from Andy’s life and his career in theater, film, and music. Highlights of the collection include actual props, wardrobe, and other artifacts from The Andy Griffith Show and Matlock that were donated by Cindi and Andy Griffith, members of the casts and crews, and other individuals and organizations. Many essential and rare items in the museum were lovingly collected by lifelong Mount Airy resident Emmett Forrest, the founding curator of the museum and a friend of Andy’s since childhood. Forrest shepherded the collection to its current building, which was dedicated in 2009. Though Forrest died in 2013, his passion and vision continue to guide the museum in its mission to preserve and share Andy Griffith’s legacy. Part of that mission was a substantial renovation of the museum’s exhibits that was completed in 2017. The state-of-the art improvements are intended not only to greatly enhance the museum experience for visitors, but also to ensure the careful preservation of the collection for generations to come. The Andy Griffith Museum is open year-round, seven days a week, except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Audio Guides For an additional fee of $2, you can enhance your experience at the museum with an easy-to-use portable audio guide."
"docid": "D1957274#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2871832/\nCedar Cove",
"text": "\"FULL CAST AND CREW | TRIVIA | USER REVIEWS | IMDb Pro | MORESHARE6.9/ 101,740Rate This Cedar Cove42min | Drama, Romance | TV Series (2013–2015)Episode Guide36 episodes Follows the professional and personal life of Municipal Court Judge Olivia Lockhart and the surrounding townsfolk of Cedar Cove. Stars: Andie Mac Dowell, Dylan Neal, Sarah Smyth |See full cast & crew »Reviews17 user | 2 critic Popularity1,395 ( 32 )Watch Nowon Prime Video Top-Rated Episodes S1. E12A New Life Christmas is approaching. A young, seven month pregnant woman named Shelly arrives in Cedar Cove, she not telling anyone why she chose Cedar Cove as her getaway. Moon offers her Justine's old job - ...8.8 Rate S3. E3Something's Gotta Give Jack gives Olivia space after their fight; Justine goes into business with a surprising opponent; all of Cedar Cove realises a picture is worth a thousand words.8.8 Rate S2. E2Letting Go: Part 2Feeling like Shelly, Jack and Olivia are conspiring against him to take his yet unborn child away, Eric threatens to call in a lawyer of his own so that he can get custody of his unborn daughter. ... 8.7 Rate See more episodes »Can You Guess This Celeb From His Yearbook Photo? Here's a hint: He just might be your favorite superhero. See if you can guess these other celebrities by their yearbook photos."
"docid": "D3318960#0",
"title": "http://heightweighnetworth.com/andy-griffith/\nAndy Griffith Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio",
"text": "Andy Griffith Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio Last Updated March 10, 2018 Actors Leave a comment Contents [ hide]1 Andy Griffith Net Worth1.1 Youtube1.2 Short biography, height, weight, dates:1.3 Pictures1.4 Summary Andy Griffith Net Worth Andy Griffith made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2018 year, Andy Griffith earned $45 Million. Exact sum is $46350000. Youtube Short biography, height, weight, dates: Birth date: June 1, 1926, Mount Airy, North Carolina, United States Death date: July 3, 2012, Manteo, North Carolina, United States Birth place: Mount Airy Height:6 ft (1.83 m) Profession: Actor, Screenwriter, Singer, Television producer, Comedian, Voice Actor, Writer Nationality: United States of America Spouse: Cindi Knight (m. 1983Р 2012), Solica Casuto (m. 1973Р 1981), Barbara Griffith (m. 1949Р 1972) Children: Andy Griffith Jr., Dixie Griffith Pictures Summary Wikipedia Source: Andy Griffith Andy Samuel Griffith was an American actor, television producer, Southern gospel singer, and writer. He was a Tony Award nominee for two roles, and gained prominence in the starring role in director Elia Kazans film A Face in the Crowd before he became better known for his television roles, playing the lead character in the situation comedy, The Andy Griffith Show, and in the legal drama, Matlock. Share Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest"
"docid": "D2746663#0",
"title": "https://networthpost.com/richard-crenna-net-worth/\nRichard Crenna Net Worth",
"text": "\"Home / Celebrity Net Worth / Actors / Richard Crenna Net Worth Actors Directors Richard Crenna Net Worth Frank Iwanowski April 2, 2017 0 Comments 177 2 minutes read Richard Crenna Net Worth is$10 Million Richard Crenna Biography Richard Donald Crenna was born on 30 November 1926, in Los Angeles, California USA, to Edith J., a hotel manager, and Domenick Anthony Crenna, a pharmacist of Italian descent. He was a film, television and radio actor and director, best known for his roles in the series “Our Miss Brooks” and “The Real Mc Coys”, and in the films “The Sand Pebbles”, “Un Flic”, “Wait Until Dark”, “Body Heat”, the first three “Rambo” movies, plus “The Flamingo Kid” and the remake of “Sabrina”. So just how wealthy was Richard Crenna? Sources state that Crenna acquired a net worth over $10 million during his acting career which spanned over six decades from the late 1930s. Richard Crenna Net Worth $10 Million Crenna grew up in Los Angeles, where he attended Virgil Junior High School and Belmont High School. He later enrolled in the University of Southern California, majoring in English. His career in the entertainment industry started when he was 11 years old, becoming part of the LA radio show “Boy Scout Jamboree”, remaining on the show on and off for 17 years. Meanwhile, he did numerous other radio shows, such as “The Great Gildersleeve”, “My Favorite Husband” and “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show”. Upon matriculating, he joined the US Army during World War II, where he served as a radioman. After the war, Crenna went on with his radio career, playing Walter Denton in “Our Miss Brooks”, which eventually became a hit television show, enabling him to gain recognition in the acting world."
"docid": "D2830777#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/clint-howard-net-worth/\nClint Howard Net Worth",
"text": "Clint Howard Net Worth How much is Clint Howard Worth?in Richest Celebrities › Actors Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Clint Howard net worth:$4 Million Clint Howard net worth: Clint Howard is an American actor who has a net worth of $4 million. Clint was born in Burbank, California in April 1959. He is the young brother of actor/director Ron Howard. When he was a young child Clint appeared in five episodes of his brother's TV show, The Andy Griffith Show. Clint Howard voiced the part of the elephant Haithi Jr. in the 1967 Disney film The Jungle Book. He also voiced the part of Roo in 3 Winnie the Pooh animated featurettes. His first big role came on the TV series Gentle Ben from 1967 to 1969. Clint Howard appeared in multiple episodes of Star Trek as well. All told, Clint Howard has over 200 acting credits to his name. He appeared in popular television shows The Odd Couple, Gunsmoke, Happy Days, Seinfeld, Married with Children, and many more."
"docid": "D1325364#0",
"title": "http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/all-about/scotland-football-team\nScotland football team",
"text": "Home Sport Scotland football team The Scottish national football team is led by former Celtic manager, Gordon Strachan and captained by Manchester United midfielder Darren Fletcher. Scotland play their home matches at the national stadium, Hampden, in Glasgow. The national team has competed in eight World Cup finals and the European Championship finals in 1992 and 1996 but have failed to reach the knockout stages in both international competitions. Scotland are presently competing in the qualification matches ahead of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.13:34, 9 APR 2018World football Johnny Russell outshines Zlatan Ibrahimovic and skins Ashley Cole as he dazzles against MLS stars Hibernian FCNeil Lennon backs Paul Hanlon for Scotland as he hands Hibs skipper new three-year deal Neil Doncaster My appointment can unite Scottish football insists Neil Doncaster Ayr News Walking footballers show that you're never too old Andy Robertson Liverpool fans hail Andy Robertson as 'Scottish Roberto Carlos' after latest brilliant display Rangers FCThe most heartfelt Ray Wilkins tribute you might ever read Leigh Griffiths Leigh Griffiths targets Celtic goals Century and double Treble after finally overcoming injury hell Aberdeen FCFacing Motherwell in semi-final won't distract us from league duties insists Aberdeen assistant Tony Docherty Scott Mc Tominay Sir Alex Ferguson reveals exactly why Manchester United star Scott Mc Tominay chose Scotland over England Alex Mc Leish Sir Alex Ferguson reckons Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths is key for Scotland and claims Alex Mc Leish has a point to prove Dylan Mc Geouch Hibs forward Martin Boyle eyes cap call with Australia Scotland football team Jack Hendry and Scott Mc Kenna can be like Alan Hansen insists Scotland boss Alex Mc Leish Hibernian FCNeil Lennon insists John Mc Ginn's Scotland performance reinforces belief he's worth £5m World Cup 2018FIFA reveal World Cup referees and there's not a Scot among them Scotland football team30 Scotland players to take country to Euro 2020Alex Mc Leish Alex Mc Leish delivers in-depth verdict on new look Scotland and reveals his next steps Rangers FCRangers managerial future to be decided within two weeks believes Ally Mc Coist Scotland football team Barry Douglas explains why he can challenge Kieran Tierney and Andy Robertson for Scotland's left-back role Jack Hendry Celtic star Jack Hendry insists Scotland's defensive problems are over Rangers FCRangers don't need to win the Scottish Cup to have a successful season insists Ally Mc Coist Celtic FCKieran Tierney will be at Celtic all his life so there's no point debating value - Hotline Jack Hendry Jack Hendry reveals what he has learned at Celtic in less than two months Leigh Griffiths Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths' ex reveals bookies knocked her back for bet on son playing for Scotland Scotland football team How Scotland can become Unofficial World Champions again1 2 3 4 5"
"docid": "D3318956#0",
"title": "http://www.getnetworth.com/tag/andy-griffith-died/\nAndy Griffith Died",
"text": "\"Profession: Comedian, Singer, Writer, Actor, Television Producer, Television Director Date of Birth: Jun 1, 1926 Nicknames: Andy Samuel Griffith, Andrew Samuel Griffith, andy_griffith, Andy Griffith, Griffith, Andy Height: 1.83 m Country: United States of America Andy Griffith Died· In Actors, Celebrities Read more... Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Net Worth is $45 Million. Andy Griffith was born in North Carolina and has an estimated net worth of $45 million dollars. An actor, producer, director, singer, and writer, Andy Griffith began his career performing monologues and then m. Andy Samuel Griffith (born J... Andy Griffith Net Worth is $45 Million. Andy Griffith Net Worth is $45 Million. Andy Griffith was born in North Carolina and has an estimated net worth of $45 million dollars. An actor, producer, director, singer, and writer, Andy Griffith began his career performing monologues and then m Andy Samuel Griffith is an American actor, director, producer, Grammy Award-winning Southern-gospel singer, and writer. He gained prominence in the starring role in director Elia Kazan's epic film, A Face in the Crowd before he became better known for his television roles, playing the lead characters in the 1960-68 situation comedy, The Andy Griffith Show, and in the 1986-95 legal drama, Matlock. Griffith was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President George W. Bush on November 9, 2005. Griffith was born in Mount Airy, North Carolina, the only child of Geneva and Carl Lee Griffith. At a very young age, Griffith had to live with relatives until his parents could afford to get a home of their own."
"docid": "D2599633#0",
"title": "http://www.richestnetworth.com/andy-griffith-net-worth/\nAndy Griffith Net Worth",
"text": "\"Andy Griffith Net Worth· In Actors, Celebrities Andy Griffith Net Worth is $45 Million Andy Griffith deserves the money? Rating: 4.4/ 5 (37 votes cast)Would you date Andy Griffith ? Rating: 2.6/ 5 (5 votes cast)add this information to your site/blog Profession: Comedian, Singer, Writer, Actor, Television Producer, Television Director Date of Birth: Jun 1, 1926 Nicknames: Andy Samuel Griffith, Andrew Samuel Griffith, andy_griffith, Andy Griffith, Griffith, Andy Height: 1.83 m Country: United States of America What is Andy Griffith Net Worth? How much is Andy Griffith Net Worth? How much is Andy Griffith Salary? Andy Griffith was born in North Carolina and has an estimated net worth of $45 million dollars. An actor, producer, director, singer, and writer, Andy Griffith began his career performing monologues and then moved to film. He later began working on television and gained widespread fame for his role on \"\"The Andy Griffith Show\"\". He then went on to star or guest-star in multiple successful television series including, \"\"Matlock\"\", \"\"Hawaii Five-O\"\", and \"\"The Bionic Woman\"\". Flash News about Andy Griffith Santa Clarita Diet Season 2: How The Addams Family and Bewitched Paved the Way for Netflix's Horror Comedy At the time, the small screen had been saturated with safe, wholesome narratives such as The Andy Griffith Show and The Donna Reed Show."
"docid": "D2898076#0",
"title": "http://www.richestnetworth.com/ron-howard-net-worth/\nRon Howard Net Worth",
"text": "\"Ron Howard Net Worth· In Celebrities, Directors Ron Howard Net Worth is $140 Million Ron Howard deserves the money? Rating: 4.5/ 5 (13 votes cast)Would you date Ron Howard ? Rating: 3.9/ 5 (7 votes cast)add this information to your site/blog Profession: Actor, Film Director, Film Producer, Television Producer, Screenwriter Date of Birth: Mar 1, 1954 Nicknames: Ronald William Howard, Howard, Ron, Ronnie Howard, Ronny Howard Height: 1.75 m Ethnicity: White American Country: United States of America What is Ron Howard Net Worth? How much is Ron Howard Net Worth? How much is Ron Howard Salary? Ron Howard was born in Oklahoma and has an estimated net worth of $140 million dollars. Ron Howard began his career in show business as a child actor on \"\"The Andy Griffith Show\"\", and then moved on to \"\"Happy Days\"\". He began to focus on directing and producing in the early 80's and has since gone on to direct a number of critically and commercially successful films including, \"\"Apollo 13\"\", \"\"A Beautiful Mind\"\", \"\"Cocoon\"\", and \"\"The Da Vinci Code\"\". Flash News about Ron Howard Ron Howard says 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' is in 'final stages'April 2 (UPI) --Ron Howard gave fans an update on his upcoming Star Wars prequel film Solo on Twitter saying that the project is in its \"\"final stages\"\" of completion ahead of its May 25 release date. \"\" Final stages of post on #Solo It's gratifying to see ... Posted: April 2, 2018, 8:20 am Ron Howard says Solo is nearly finished, teases TIE fighter battle Solo: A Star Wars Story is nearly finished, said director Ron Howard (American Graffiti, Cocoon) on Twitter this past week."
"docid": "D3318959#0",
"title": "https://networth123.com/andy-griffith-net-worth/\nAndy Griffith Net Worth",
"text": "Home / Richest Actors / Andy Griffith Net Worth Richest Actors Andy Griffith Net Worth Jennifer Field October 5, 2017 0 1,072 1 minute read Andy Griffith Net Worth is$45 Million Andy Griffith Bio/Wiki 2018From the time of his departure several years back, Andy Griffith net worth stood at $45 million dollars. Even though the actor, vocalist, writer and television producer has been having serious health issues because the early 1980s, he stayed active well into the 2000s. His last original music record, titled The Christmas Guest, has reached the shops in 2003, the final film he’s filmed in (Play the Game) was constructed in 2008 and his last television appearance happened in 2003 at the same time. But let us take a closer look at the remarkable profession developed purchase this guy and point out the primary sources of Andy Griffith net worth. Andy Griffith Net Worth $45 Million What started Andy’s livelihood on stage, films and television was a humor record “What It Was, Was Football,” a folksy yarn of a country deacon’s first soccer match. The record sold some 50 thousand copies upon the initial release and another 800 thousand after it was published the exact same year. Eventually What It Was, Was Football went to sell more than 1 million copies and with this particular record it is still among the most popular comedy albums ever. Andy has additionally released quite a few commercially successful records of classic Christian hymns for Sparrow Records. As about Andy’s religiosity, it’s a good idea to hear his own words: I was baptized alongside my mom after I was 8 years old. Ever since then, I’ve tried to walk a Christian life."
"docid": "D2226864#0",
"title": "http://www.surryarts.org/agmuseum/index.html\nThe Andy Griffith Museum",
"text": "The Andy Griffith Museum The Andy Griffith Museum is a place both for learning about and celebrating Andy Griffith, who was born in Mount Airy in 1926. Home of the single largest collection of artifacts and memorabilia related to Andy Griffith, the museum features hundreds of items from Andy’s life and his career in theater, film, and music. Highlights of the collection include actual props, wardrobe, and other artifacts from The Andy Griffith Show and Matlock that were donated by Cindi and Andy Griffith, members of the casts and crews, and other individuals and organizations. Many essential and rare items in the museum were lovingly collected by lifelong Mount Airy resident Emmett Forrest, the founding curator of the museum and a friend of Andy’s since childhood. Forrest shepherded the collection to its current building, which was dedicated in 2009. Though Forrest died in 2013, his passion and vision continue to guide the museum in its mission to preserve and share Andy Griffith’s legacy. Part of that mission was a substantial renovation of the museum’s exhibits that was completed in 2017. The state-of-the art improvements are intended not only to greatly enhance the museum experience for visitors, but also to ensure the careful preservation of the collection for generations to come. The Andy Griffith Museum is open year-round, seven days a week, except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Audio Guides For an additional fee of $2, you can enhance your experience at the museum with an easy-to-use portable audio guide."
"docid": "D2061865#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Did_Andy_and_Helen_ever_marry_on_the_Andy_Griffith_Show\nDid Andy and Helen ever marry on the Andy Griffith Show?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts TV Programming and Commercials TV Shows and Series Classic Television Did Andy and Helen ever marry on the Andy Griffith Show? Flag Did Andy and Helen ever marry on the Andy Griffith Show? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Yes and no. They did not get married on the Andy Griffith show, but they did get married on the spin off show Mayberry R. F. D. I believe it was in the first episode.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jhughie 2 Contributions On Andy Griffith show did Andy ever spank opie? Not being a fan of the show, one can only look at the facts. Andy Griffith was classed as a comedy. there is nothing funny about corporal punishment and it is controversial be …Jacob Johnson 46,318 Contributions I love online gaming and coin collecting! I also like meeting new people and trying exotic foods!What was Helen crumps job on the Andy Griffith show?"
"docid": "D1841928#0",
"title": "https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/dakota-johnson-net-worth/\nDakota Johnson Net Worth",
"text": "\"Dakota Johnson Net Worth How much is Dakota Johnson Worth?in Richest Celebrities › Actors Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Dakota Johnson net worth:$10 Million Dakota Johnson net worth and salary: Dakota Johnson is an American model and actress who has a net worth of $10 million dollars. Dakota Johnson was born in Austin, Texas, and is the daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. Her stepfather is actor Antonio Banderas. She was focused on a career in dance as a child. She began modeling when she was 12, after appearing in a spread in Teen Vogue. She signed with IMG Models and began appearing in ad campaigns, including a national campaign for MANGO. She began her on-camera acting career in 1999, with a role in \"\"Crazy in Alabama\"\", playing the daughter of her real-life mother, Melanie Griffith\"\". Since then, she has gone on to appear in both film and television projects, including \"\"The Social Network\"\", \"\"Beastly\"\", \"\"Goats\"\", \"\"21 Jump Street\"\", \"\"The Five-Year Engagement\"\", and \"\"The Need for Speed\"\". She also co-starred on the short-lived series, \"\"Ben and Kate\"\", as Kate. In 2015 she starred in \"\"Fifty Shades of Grey\"\"."
"docid": "D2303964#0",
"title": "http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/03/entertainment/la-et-ms-andy-griffith-bluegrass-champion-20120703\nAndy Griffith, a champion of bluegrass",
"text": "\"Andy Griffith, a champion of bluegrass July 03, 2012 | By Randy Lewis Andy Griffith’s background as a singer and guitarist were obvious during the long run of “The Andy Griffith Show,” in which he would periodically pull out a guitar to strum and sing a bit. He also welcomed the opportunity to incorporate other bona-fide musicians onto the set when producers invited the Dillards bluegrass group from the Ozark Mountains to portray a family band called the Darlings. The Dillards -- fronted by brothers Douglas and Rodney Dillard -- had moved to Los Angeles from Missouri in the early '60s looking to broaden their audience. Rodney Dillard recently told The Times that they chose Los Angeles over Nashville because “we felt people were more open-minded, creative-wise. Nashville was formula cut-and-dried at the time. ”After signing with Elektra Records in 1962, they were hired to perform on “The Andy Griffith Show,” which was filmed in Hollywood. Photos: Andy Griffith | 1926 - 2012“Andy Griffith became more than an icon,” Dillard said in a statement issued Tuesday. “ He represented American family values and has given comfort and hope in these uncertain times. He gave The Dillards [The Darlings] an opportunity to be part of this. Andy was kind, generous and patient with an inexperienced group of pickers from the Ozark Mountains."
"docid": "D1720435#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Ellie_not_return_to_the_Andy_Griffith_Show\nWhy did Ellie not return to the Andy Griffith Show?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts TV Programming and Commercials TV Shows and Series Comedy TV Shows Why did Ellie not return to the Andy Griffith Show? Flag Why did Ellie not return to the Andy Griffith Show? Answer by Jacob Johnson Confidence votes 7.3KI love online gaming and coin collecting! I also like meeting new people and trying exotic foods!Ellie or as the they often call her on the show \"\"the lady druggist\"\" played on the Andy Griffith Show for one season. She was supposed to be on the show for three seasons but asked for early release.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What was Ellie May Walkers Uncle's Name on the Andy Griffith show? Answer Fred Modern Mode 144,381 Contributions Why did Andy Griffith leave the Andy Griffith show? He felt it was time and wanted to end it while the quality was still high. Friskeyper 94 Contributions How old was Andy griffith when he started the show Andy griffith? Andy Griffith turned 33 years old on June 1, 1960."
"docid": "D2567346#0",
"title": "http://www.witn.com/home/headlines/SHERIFF__EMS_Called_To_Andy_Griffiths_Home_161201175.html\nDeath Certificate Says Andy Griffith Had Heart Attack",
"text": "\"Death Certificate Says Andy Griffith Had Heart Attack Posted: Tue 9:51 AM, Jul 03, 2012 | Updated: Thu 5:51 PM, Jul 05, 2012The death certificate for Andy Griffith says the actor's death earlier this week was caused by a heart attack. The certificate says the 86-year-old had suffered the attack 24 hours before he died at 7 a.m. Tuesday. It also says he had suffered for years from other illnesses, including coronary artery disease, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, which can be a form of high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Griffith's death certificate was filed Thursday with the vital records office in Dare County. It says he's buried in the Griffith Family Cemetery in Manteo. Dr. Johnny Farrow of Manteo signed the certificate. Griffith was best known for playing Sheriff Andy Taylor in \"\"The Andy Griffith Show,\"\" which aired from 1960 to 1968. He was born in Mount Airy and lived in Manteo. Previous Story Andy Griffith's gift to the show that bore his name wasn't just the homespun wisdom of the plain-spoken sheriff he played. It was the place he created: a small town where all foibles are forgiven and friendships are forever, full of characters who felt like family."
"docid": "D3057755#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/TheAndyGriffithShowTV\nThe Andy Griffith Show",
"text": "\"The Andy Griffith Show@The Andy Griffith Show TVHome About Photos Videos Posts Community Create a Page Like Share Suggest Edits See more of The Andy Griffith Show on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Interest Community See All780,567 people like this744,908 people follow this About See All Contact The Andy Griffith Show on Messenger Interest · TV · TV Show People780,567 likes People Also Like The Beverly Hillbillies TV Show Gilligan’s Island TV Show I Love Lucy TV Show Pages liked by this Page CBS Home Entertainment English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2017Photos See All Videos Clip from Opening Night 1962786142Merry Christmas, everyone! Tune into The Andy Griffith Show Christmas Special TONIGHT 8/7c on CBS for more ho-ho-holiday fun!4K108Join us around the Christmas tree for a very special The Andy Griffith Show Christmas Special colorized for the first time! Only on CBS, December 25, 8/7c.5K151See All Posts The Andy Griffith Show November 28 at 6:10pm ·What was your favorite moment from this classic episode? Like Comment Chronological Barb Mike Martin, Ken Peck, Michelle Mifsud and 1,359 others like this.72 Shares View all 287 comments The Andy Griffith Show November 23 at 6:10pm ·How would you spend Thanksgiving Day with the cast of The Andy Griffith Show? Like Comment Chronological Jim Honeywell, Mary Mefford, Jeffrey Martin and 2,077 others like this.124 Shares View all 299 comments See All Posts The Andy Griffith Show November 15 at 6:09pm ·Caption this!Like Comment Chronological Melody Dayka Mc Kenzie, Marshall Foote, Romey Waldrop and 1,659 others like this.115 Shares View previous comments Mark Robertson \"\"Gooome? Gomer??? November 22 at 9:38pm Remove The Andy Griffith Show November 7 at 6:09pm ·Which The Andy Griffith Show moments did you emotionally connect with the most? Like Comment Chronological Marshall Foote, Mia M. Gentry, Romey Waldrop and 1,598 others like this.100 Shares View previous comments Angel Stetson Andy selling his fishing pole to get the bed jacket for Aunt Bee's birthday.1 · November 10 at 10:51pm Remove Anne Conrad Mr. Mc Beevy November 28 at 6:18pm Remove The Andy Griffith Show October 26 ·How would you and Andy Griffith spend Halloween? Like Comment Chronological Marshall Foote, Romey Waldrop, Shirley Whaley and 1,173 others like this.65 Shares View previous comments Dale Feltner Hang around with the fun girls October 30 at 3:23am Remove William Kubat In the jail with Otis, passing out treats. October 31 at 5:54am Remove The Andy Griffith Show October 18 ·Which episode of The Andy Griffith Show could you watch on repeat?"
"docid": "D3523686#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_is_Andy's_girlfriend_on_the_Andy_Griffith_show\nHow many girlfriends did Andy Griffith have on the show?",
"text": "\"Friskeyper 94 Contributions How many girlfriends did Andy Griffith have on the show? Andy had several girlfriends in the series starting with Ellie Walker, then Mary Simpson, Mary the county nurse (no last name), Peggy Mc Millan, and Helen Crump. His only past …What was Andy's height and weight on the Andy Griffith sow?six feet tall, 190 pounds What is Andy's height and weight on the Andy Griffith show? Andy height was six foot and barny was 5'7\"\"What picture hung above Andy's fireplace on the Andy Griffith show?old man & woman in field Who is Andy's girlfriend on the Andy griffth show? Well he had a couple but the one that he ended up marrying was Helen Crump, Opie's teacher. Guardian18 697 Contributions On The Andy Griffith Show who played Andy's son Opie? Ron Howard124C41 47,324 Contributions Who was Andy Griffith girlfriend? Helen Crump Who is Barney's girlfriend on the Andy Griffith show? Thelma Lou was the name of Barney's girlfriend.124C41 47,324 Contributions What was the name of Andy's girlfriend on The Andy Griffith Show? Helen Crump , played by the late Aneta Corsaut (November 3, 1933 - November 6, 1995) ."
"docid": "D1720437#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_Played_Ellie_May_Waker_on_the_Andy_Griffith_Show\nWhat was Ellie May Walkers Uncle's Name on the Andy Griffith show?",
"text": "\"What was Ellie May Walkers Uncle's Name on the Andy Griffith show? Answer Fred Edit Jacob Johnson 46,318 Contributions I love online gaming and coin collecting! I also like meeting new people and trying exotic foods!Who played Floyd on the Andy Griffith show? Howard Mc Near played as Floyd Lawson on the Andy Griffith Show. Edit Jacob Johnson 46,318 Contributions I love online gaming and coin collecting! I also like meeting new people and trying exotic foods!Who played the drunk on the Andy Griffith show? Otis cambell was the town drunk in The Andy Griffth Show. He was played by Hal Smith. Edit Friskeyper 94 Contributions Who plays Barney on the Andy Griffith show?35 year old Don Knotts appeared in the second episode, 'The Manhunt' as Andy's cousin and Deputy Edit Who played Arnold on the Andy Griffith show?mr collins Edit Who played Gus on the Andy Griffith Show? Burt Mustin Edit Jacob Johnson 46,318 Contributions I love online gaming and coin collecting!"
"docid": "D2066828#0",
"title": "http://mayberry.wikia.com/wiki/The_Andy_Griffith_Show\nThe Andy Griffith Show",
"text": "\"The Andy Griffith Show is a syndicated family situation comedy series created by Sheldon Leonard and Aaron Ruben, which was broadcast on CBS for eight seasons from 1960 to 1968. Episodes involve Sheriff Andy Taylor (played by Andy Griffith) and his family and friends' life in a small rural town called Mayberry, North Carolina . Contents [ show]Plot Edit Andy Taylor is a widower raising a young son, Opie, with the help of his Aunt Bee. The Sheriff's only employee at the Court House is Deputy Barney Fife. Andy's girlfriend is Opie's schoolteacher, Helen Crump. Thelma Lou is Barney's main squeeze. Gas station attendant Gomer Pyle was one of the stars of the spinoff series Gomer Pyle U. S. M. C.. After The Andy Griffith Show was canceled, it was replaced by Mayberry R. F. D., a series about a widower farmer named Sam Jones who had been introduced at the end of the eighth season, by winning a seat on the City Counsel. The Andy Griffith Show is itself a spinoff series from Make Room for Daddy starring Danny Thomas. The series received Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Humor (1961 and 1962) and for Outstanding Comedy Series (1967). In 1986 the cast was reunited for a television movie called Return to Mayberry, which aired on NBC."
] |
2003 | angela- name meaning- what does my name mean | [
"docid": "D1028121#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Angela\nWhat does Angela mean?",
"text": "\"What does Angela mean? Angela ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced AN-je-lah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Angela is \"\"messenger; angel, messenger of God\"\". From Church Latin, a feminine form of the boy's name Angelus. The older feminine form Angelis has been replaced by Angela, which became popular in Britain and America from the 18th century. The word \"\"angel\"\" is also used as an affectionate term for a good (or pretty) girl. Angie is the pet form; Aingeal is the Irish Gaelic version. Actresses Angela Lansbury, Angelis Dickinson, Angela Bassett, Angelina Jolie, Angie Harmon. STARTS/ENDS WITH An-, -ela ASSOCIATED WITH greek, messenger (prophet), angel, britain (england), 18th century, good, pretty (beautiful)Variations VARIANTS Aingeal, Andjelija, Andjelka, Ange, Angel ▼, Angele, Angelee, Angelena, Angelene, Angeles, Angeleta, Angeli, Angelia ▼, Angelica ▼, Angelika, Angeliki, Angelina ▼, Angeline ▼, Angelique, Angelita, Angell, Angella, Angelle, Angellina, Angelyn, Angelynn, Angie ▼, Angil, Angila, Angla, Anglea, Angy, Angyola, Aniela, Anjel, Anjela, Anjelica, Anjelika, Anjewela, Anngela, Anngil, Anngilla, Anngiola, Annjela, Annijilla, Gelya, Tangela SEE ALSO Anela, Dangelis, Evangeline, Onnjel CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Angela Makena (A. M.), .. How popular is Angela? Angela is a very prominent first name for females (#29 out of 4276, Top 1%) and a slightly less prominent last name for both adults and children (#77742 out of 150436, Top 52%). ("
] | [
"docid": "D1593134#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/tsun/about\nTsun",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Tsun Embed Tsun Family Tree Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name 100in the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Tsun means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons With the Last Name Tsun Ethnicity Distribution Fun Facts What Tsuns Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names527 Dason (More Popular)568 Dawsyn (More Popular)645 Dayson (More Popular)675 Tayson (More Popular)934 Tysean (More Popular)1k Dasean (More Popular)1k Dyson (More Popular)1k Dasani (More Popular)1k Tysen (More Popular)4k Desean (More Popular)34k Dawson (More Popular)41k Tyson (More Popular)<100 Rexrode<100 Liera<100 Namood<100 Hovsepian<100 Tuson<100 Tisun<100 Alii<100 Amrec<100 Rising<100 Esyraf189 Tison<100 Alisande How to Pronounce Tsun Tsun Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Tsun? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Tsun mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Tsun Submit the origin and/or meaning of Tsun to us below Origin of Tsun Tsun Means Cited Source Submit Alt. Meaning T is for treat, that you always are. S is for sweetheart, you really are!U is for understanding, you show for others. N is for noble, your regal bearing. Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Tsun Angela Tsun Angela Tsun is a presenter. Angela was born on August 27th, 1982 in Darlinghurst, New South Wales."
"docid": "D903794#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/angie/518\nAngie",
"text": "\"Angie Rating : Excellent0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4.5 / 527 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Angie Gender: Girl Origin: English, Greek Number of syllables: 2Ranking popularity: 497Pronunciation: AN-gee Simple meaning: Angel, messenger of God Characteristics of Angie Multi-talented Intuitive Oneness Idealistic Philanthropy Independent Perfection Etymology & Historical Origin - Angie Angie is a diminutive or pet form of Angela (or any name that begins with “Angel”). The name Angela is derived from Church Latin as the feminine version of the boy’s name Angelus (meaning ‘angel’). The classical Greek word “angelos” means ‘messenger’ but it has acquired its full meaning (messenger of God, specifically) from the Bible (i.e., an angel). The name took off in Great Britain and the United Sates in the 18th century onwards, but Angela has been in use throughout Europe. As such, the name does not feel distinctly Italian, Spanish, Greek or English. It’s a rare example of a universal crossover name through its widespread adoption in many languages, cultures and geographies. Angela is currently a Top 30 name in Spain (based off 2009 data) while Angeliki is a Top 10 choice in Greece. Elaborate versions of this name include Angelina and Angelique. Angie is mainly an English pet form, but it is also used in France and Germany. It’s been an independently given name in its own right for over a century."
"docid": "D2367677#0",
"title": "http://blog.minitab.com/blog/michelle-paret/alphas-p-values-confidence-intervals-oh-my\nAlphas, P-Values, and Confidence Intervals, Oh My!",
"text": "\"Alphas, P-Values, and Confidence Intervals, Oh My!Michelle Paret 1 October, 201236Trying to remember what the alpha-level, p-value, and confidence interval all mean for a hypothesis test—and how they relate to one another—can seem about as daunting as Dorothy’s trek down the yellow brick road. Rather than sitting through a semester of Intro Stats, let's get right to the point and explain in clear language what all these statistical terms mean and how they relate to one another. What Does Alpha Mean in a Hypothesis Test? Before you run any statistical test, you must first determine your alpha level, which is also called the “significance level.” By definition, the alpha level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. Translation: It’s the probability of making a wrong decision. Thanks to famed statistician R. A. Fisher, most folks typically use an alpha level of 0.05. However, if you’re analyzing airplane engine failures, you may want to lower the probability of making a wrong decision and use a smaller alpha. On the other hand, if you're making paper airplanes, you might be willing to increase alpha and accept the higher risk of making the wrong decision. Like all probabilities, alpha ranges from 0 to 1."
"docid": "D3308895#0",
"title": "http://www.nstperfume.com/2014/06/16/tom-ford-velvet-orchid-fragrance-review/\nTom Ford Velvet Orchid ~ fragrance review",
"text": "\"Tom Ford Velvet Orchid ~ fragrance review Posted by Angela on 16 June 2014 87 Comments The old saying has it that “everything old is new again.” Tom Ford Velvet Orchid, a salute to the grand oriental perfumes of the 1980s, seems to have taken that saying to heart. Lovers of Yves Saint Laurent Opium, Estée Lauder Cinnabar, Boucheron de Boucheron, and other room-permeating, spicy-woody-ambery fragrances will want to give it a try. Fans of Velvet Orchid’s older sibling, Black Orchid, will probably see no reason to switch. Velvet Orchid’s notes include bergamot, mandarin, honey, vanilla, orange blossom, rose, jasmine, narcissus, magnolia, Cattleya leopoldii orchid, heliotrope, rum, suede, labdanum, sandalwood, and myrrh — not that any of these notes stand out distinctly. Even without the gorgeous deco bottle and “orchid” in its name, a single whiff ties Velvet Orchid to Black Orchid. Although Velvet Orchid has the guts to take the ring with any of the big orientals, it’s billed as a floriental fragrance. And maybe compared to Black Orchid, it is. I imagine the Velvet Orchid’s team of perfumers, including big names Antoine Maisondieu, Shyamala Maisondieu, Calice Becker and Yann Vasnier, plus a crowd of interns and not-yet famous noses, pondering how to transform Black Orchid. “We’ve got to make it more feminine,” Yann Vasnier might have said. “"
"docid": "D1570425#0",
"title": "http://new.euro-med.dk/20150928-is-angela-merkel-europes-evil-spirit-or-who-is-managing-her.php\nIs Angela Merkel Europe´s Evil Spirit? Or Who Is Managing Her?",
"text": "Is Angela Merkel Europe´s Evil Spirit? Or Who Is Managing Her? Posted on September 28, 2015 by Anders Abstract: The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the EU’s most powerful person and is, sadly, thus influencing the fate of all other EU countries. She has made the career of a wind bag: Spyess for the STASI and agitator and propagandist for the Communist FDJ. Her father was the “only one” who defected from West to East Germany. He had the nickname “Red”. She’s Rotary club member. Rotary is an arm of Freemasonry for those who are women and do not want to go so far as Freemasonry – but Rotary originated from Freemasonry, and its spiritual father is the US Illuminatus, Benjamin Franklin. Some of its emblems have the Masonic logo (compasses and square). As with Freemasons, the initiates have to swear on the Rotary Constitution (state within the state)."
"docid": "D681537#0",
"title": "http://eartrim.com/pictures.html\nWe crop hundreds more than most clinics. Experience is Key to results. Prices start at $125.00.",
"text": "\"We crop hundreds more than most clinics. Experience is Key to results. Prices start at $125.00. Houston Texas is the Ear Cropping Capital of the world. And Ear Trim.com is Houston's first choice in ear cropping, making us one of the premier ear cropping authorities in the world. Thank you Houston. World Class Knowledge, affordable for everyone..... let our picture page speak for itself.... Flex owned by the Lowry Family of Lake Jackson, Texas. Actual Patient. \"\" My Flex got a very high quality ear crop with zero problems. No doubt.. ."
"docid": "D2142473#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071220143704AAdBcqi\nWhat does mothers maiden name mean ??",
"text": "\"Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce What does mothers maiden name mean ? ? 6 following 24 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: her surname before marriage Mrs Robinson 2 B · 1 decade ago10 2 1 comment Mothers Maiden Name Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a71A5? · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Mother's Maiden Name Source (s):https://shrink.im/a73Ym? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Hong Kong's mixture of feng shui and financing, trams and temples however intrigue the tourist so let yourself go and allow it to be possible with Hotelbye . In Hong Kong you will eat some of the best food you have actually tasted, you will end up surprised by the spectacular harbor and you'll feel revived by a combination of the metropolitan, the rural and the maritime. If you are in Hong Kong you can't miss out the Golden Bauhinia Square outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on the Wan Chai waterfront marks the unification of Hong Kong with the motherland. Also, in Hong Kong you can see the Symphony of Lights, you will surely get surprise by that wonderful piece of art. Diana · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Your mothers surname before she married the first time. Maiden means first, like a ship on a maiden voyage, the first journey. Tango · 1 decade ago5 0 Comment My mothers maiden name would be the last name of my mother before she got married."
"docid": "D876731#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_mother%27s_maiden_name\nWhat is a mother's maiden name?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Genealogy What is a mother's maiden name? Flag What is a mother's maiden name? Answer by Gregg Anderton Confidence votes 28.0KCommunity Manager who loves to wrench on cars, grow plants in the garden, remodel my home, and observe nature. In the English-speaking world, until recently it was the universal custom that upon marriage the woman would take the surname of her husband. Before marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a \"\"maiden,\"\" a woman who never had sexual relations. So the \"\"maiden name\"\" of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father. Your mother's maiden name is the surname your mother used before she ever married, and is thus her father's (your maternal grandfather's) surname. Before computers were widely used for activities such as genealogy and fan gossip, knowledge of the maiden name of one's mother was not readily available to people outside the immediate family. That name was therefore used as a security device by banks and other institutions."
"docid": "D3053954#0",
"title": "https://propheticdreamers.com/colors-in-dreams/\nColors in Dreams",
"text": "\"Colors in dreams are only important when they are not details. They generally carry positive or negative meanings and are discerned primarily from the context. Strength of meaning is indicated by the depth or lightness of the colors. Neon indicates imitation or counterfeit while mixed/blended colors my be mixing positives with negatives, positives with positives, or negatives with negatives. The ancient Hebrews, like other ancient societies, experienced colors primarily through creation: blue the color of sky, green of vegetation, red of blood, white of wool and snow. These peoples believed that God or the gods deliberately designed colors with deeper purpose than meets the eye. These color associations remain universal, but are enhanced by the fact that nature was so close to them in contrast to today when we derive color meanings from manufactured and synthetic items. Below we explore colors and metals influenced by the Hebrew scriptures as well as universal color symbolism. BLUE, PURPLE, RED at times may symbolize royalty, authority, and wealth since the natural dyes for the colors blue, purple, and scarlet were rare and expensive in ancient and Biblical times and only available to royalty or the wealthy. BLUEPURPLEREDWHITEBLACKAMBERYELLOWORANGEGREENPINKGRAYBROWNSILVERGOLDCAUTION ADVISEDIn addition to element symbolism, dream interpretation is based on a myriad of factors which should be considered before drawing conclusions."
"docid": "D2439772#0",
"title": "http://nymag.com/thecut/2013/04/ratchet-the-rap-insult-that-became-a-compliment.html\nRatchet: The Rap Insult That Became a Compliment",
"text": "etymology April 11, 20133:38 pm Ratchet: The Rap Insult That Became a Compliment By John Ortved Photo: Clockwise from top left: beyonce/Instagram; beyonce/Instagram; ladygaga/Instagram Last December, when Beyoncé posted a picture on Instagram wearing doorknocker earrings inscribed with the word ratchet, the Internet exploded with speculation: It would be the title of a new single; she and Lady Gaga were collaborating again; she was shaking up her image; it was the name of her next album. Fueling the fires were comments Azealia Banks made to MTV Brazil that she and Lady Gaga were working on a song called “Ratchet.” Because Lady Gaga had posted a picture with earrings similar to those in the Beyoncé photograph in September, it was thought that the two megastars, and perhaps Banks, too, could be working on a follow-up to their hit single “Telephone.” Eventually, Beyoncé’s representative told the Cut: “There is no confirmation on any song titles. ”One of Beyoncé’s skills is trend-spotting, and indeed ratchet has been all over popular culture in the past year. LL Cool J released a single named “ Ratchet ” last November, using the word as an adjective to describe a woman who is only after a man’s money. In his September single “ Bandz a Make Her Dance ,” Juicy J boasts of his inability to refuse the advances of “ratchet” women. And in March of 2012, Nicki Minaj dropped “ Right By My Side ,” with Chris Brown, in which she lamented that “all them bitches is ratchet.” At the same time, the “ Ratchet Girl Anthem ,” a parody track recorded by Philip and Emmanuel Houston, collected tens of millions of Youtube hits. In it, the Atlanta brothers pretend to be ratchet women describing their ilk: They carry outdated flip phones, go clubbing while pregnant, and try to punch other women in the face. “"
"docid": "D2522995#0",
"title": "http://boymeetsworld.wikia.com/wiki/Shawn_Hunter\nShawn Hunter",
"text": "\"Shawn Hunter First appearance Pilot (BMW) Girl Meets Home for the Holidays (GMW)Final appearance Brave New World: Part 2 (BMW) Girl Meets Goodbye (GMW)Information Name Shawn Patrick Hunter Role Cory 's best friend, Chet 's son, Jack 's half-brother, Virna 's step-son, Angela 's boyfriend/ex-boyfriend, George Feeny 's student/mentee Final Status Photographer & Writer for \"\"Hit the Road\"\"/Marries Katy Hart/adopts Maya Hart Portrayed by Rider Strong“ I'm afraid of getting hurt, okay? I've seen the pain on my father's face every time a woman walks out because he's not good enough. ”— Shawn Hunter Shawn Patrick Hunter is the deuteragonist of Boy Meets World and Cory's best friend. His rebellious attitude and popularity is often used as a foil to Cory's awkwardness and neurotics. Contents [ show]Personality Though best friends, Shawn and Cory are almost complete opposites of one another. Outwardly, Shawn is a rebel, giving him more of a \"\"bad boy\"\" reputation and a popularity boost; he is occasionally given to stormy emotional outbursts, but his closest friends know that these are due mainly to his familial circumstances, having lived much of his life with little or no parental guidance. Beginning in his middle school years Shawn is a skirt-chaser, usually never staying in a relationship longer than two weeks. While Cory is jealous of Shawn's prowess with girls, Shawn is likewise envious of Cory's burgeoning relationship with Topanga. Shawn often did poorly in grade school but during college he developed an affinity for prose and poetry. After graduating high school, Shawn (with Cory and Topanga) enrolls at Pennbrook University where Mr. Feeny also moves up to becoming a professor."
"docid": "D2422077#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-word-mica-mean-in-Italian\nWhat does the word 'mica' mean in Italian?",
"text": "\"Learning Italian Italian (language) Word Definitions, Terminology, and Jargon What does the word 'mica' mean in Italian?7 Answers Anna Valle, lives in Italy Answered Apr 25, 2017 · Author has 82 answers and 306.2k answer views The adverbial expression “mica” comes from the Latin “MICA” which literally meant “bread crumb” which is a very little thing. So it was used to mean “a very little part”, and in negative sentences it assumed the meaning of “in no way, none, at all”. So saying “Non mi piace mica” (I don't mica like it) was like saying “I like it even less than a crumb” which is the same as saying “I don't like it at all”. So now it's used in spoken italian to reinforce a negative sentence with this meaning: “not at all”. I hope it helped :)1.5k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below Italian (language): What does the word camerata mean? Why is the Italian word for German \"\"Tedesco\"\"? Is \"\"negretto\"\" a racist word in Italian? Do Italian names have root word meanings? What is the Italian word for disgrace? Ask New Question Francesco Rinarelli, La mia maestra diceva che ero bravo nei temi Answered Nov 3, 2014 · Author has 53 answers and 52.1k answer views If you happen to speak French, you will recognize the \"\"ne... pas\"\" form for negating: \"\" Je ne suis pas riche \"\", \"\"I am not rich\"\"."
"docid": "D1378951#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/angel\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Angel Pronunciation: AYN-jəl (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Angel: Derived from the vocabulary word angel (divine messenger, a messenger of God) which has its root in the Greek angelos (messenger). Var: Angela, Angele, Angella, Anngele. Pet: Angie. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Angela, Angelle, Angie Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Angel Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know an Angel? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAllen Amber Andre Angelyn Anna Anthony Bless Crystal Daniel Faith Gabriel Gabriel J Jason Joshua Joy Katie Lakota Michael Oscar Princess Sarah Spirit Thomas Tyler Name Lists Featuring Angel Filipino Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Phillipines Contribute your knowledge to the name Angel Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Angel: | Edit I find it interesting that English speakers use \"\"Angel\"\" and \"\"Angela\"\" for girls, while Spanish speakers use \"\"Angel\"\" for boys only and \"\"Angela\"\" for girls only. Ironically, the only people I know with the name \"\"Angel\"\" are quite the opposite from their name. Angel and Galen are anagrams of each other; they contain the same letters."
"docid": "D3309909#0",
"title": "http://officequotes.net/no2-01.php\n.",
"text": "\"Season 2 - Episode 01 \"\"The Dundies\"\" Written by Mindy Kaling Directed by Greg Daniels Michael: Tonight is the Dundies, the annual employee awards night here at Dunder Mifflin. [ holds up a trophy of a business man] And this is everybody's favorite day. Everybody looks forward to it, because, you know, a lot of the people here don't get trophies, very often. Like Meredith or Kevin, I mean, who's gonna give Kevin an award? Dunkin' Donuts? Plus, bonus, it's really, really funny. So I, you know, an employee will go home, and he'll tell his neighbor, \"\"Hey, did you get an award?\"\" And the neighbor will say, \"\"No man. I mean, I slave all day and nobody notices me.\"\" Next thing you know, employee smells something terrible coming from neighbor's house."
"docid": "D1028122#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/italian-names/angela.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Italian Names > What does Angela mean? Meaning of Angela - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Angela\"\"Italian name Other origins for the name Angela include - Italian, Latin-American, French, Spanish. The name Angela is most often used as a girl name or female name. In Italian, the name Angela means - Feminine form of Angelo: Messenger of God; angel.. Italian Name Meaning - Feminine form of Angelo: Messenger of God; angel. Origin - Italian Alternate Origins - Latin-American French Spanish Expression num - 22Soul Urge num - 7Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
"docid": "D1243310#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_name_Angela_mean_in_the_Bible\nWhat does the name Angela mean in the Bible?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Religion & Spirituality Christianity The Bible Old Testament What does the name Angela mean in the Bible? Flag What does the name Angela mean in the Bible? Answer by Jaireidca Confidence votes 218The name Angela does not occur in the Bible. Angela, however is a name that comes from the Greek \"\"Angelos\"\" which means \"\"messenger\"\" and is used to speak of Angels - spiritual beings who are messengers of God.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Ang3pak 37 Contributions What does Angela mean? Angela means the heart of god. Doughboy20211 21 Contributions What does the name David mean in the Bible? David, in the Bible, means \"\"beloved\"\"Roy rau 2,808 Contributions What does the name Angela mean in spanish? Angela is a female form in names of the word Angel. But you say angel (same spelling in spanish) to refer on the spirtual being."
"docid": "D769066#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/angela\nAngela",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / A / Girl / Angela Angela The name Angela is a baby girl name. Meaning French Meaning: The name Angela is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel. Spanish Meaning: The name Angela is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel. American Meaning: The name Angela is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel. Italian Meaning: The name Angela is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Angela is: Messenger of God; angel. Latin Meaning: The name Angela is a Latin baby name."
"docid": "D1325325#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/andrea\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Andrea Pronunciation: AN-dree-ə, AHN-dree-ə, ahn-DRAY-ə (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Andrea: English feminine form of the Greek Andreas, which is derived from the element andros (man). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Andee, Andi, Andie, Andra, Andreia Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Andrea Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know an Andrea? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAdam Alex Allison Amanda Amy Andrew Angela Anthony Brian Christopher Daniel David Elizabeth Eric Erin Jennifer Jessica Jonathan Joshua Kevin Matthew Michael Ryan Sarah Stephanie Name Lists Featuring Andrea Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2014Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2014Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark, 2010Norwegian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Norway, 2010Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain, 2010Chilean Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Chile 2010Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2012Filipino Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Phillipines Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2015Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland Contribute your knowledge to the name Andrea Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Andrea: | Edit Pronounced: an-DRAY-uh You do not have my way. I have met 12 others who pronounce it this way. we were all born in the 70's. Please add this to your list. Each girl I have met, has met others with this pronunciation."
"docid": "D1543479#0",
"title": "https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/opinion-and-analysis/2016-07-10-mmusi-maimane-the-kasie-boy-who-knows-the-value-of-discipline/\nMmusi Maimane: The kasie boy who knows the value of discipline",
"text": "\"Mmusi Maimane addresses a DA ’fighting for jobs’ rally in 2014. Image: ESA ALEXANDERThabo Shole-Mashao started school a few days later than the other pupils. On his first day at St Angela's Primary School, his teacher, Sister Christine Obotseng - by all accounts a strict disciplinarian who was feared and loved in equal measure by the entire school population - decided to put her Grade 1 class to the test. She instructed the children to write down the numerical figure 1 in their exercise books. Shole-Mashao did not know how to write at all. But sitting next to him was a taller boy who seemed an old hand in what, to Shole-Mashao, was a new world of writing and reading.story_article_left1The young Shole-Mashao watched in despair as the other boy effortlessly did as the teacher had instructed. He must have looked really desperate, because, without uttering a word, the other boy quickly took the exercise book and scribbled the figure for him. On seeing her new pupil's effort, with the number written down so well, as if by a hand that had practised it several times, Sister Christine became suspicious. Who had done the work for him, she demanded to know. Frightened, Shole-Mashao pointed to the boy sitting next to him, who he would soon know as Mmusi Aloysias Maimane."
"docid": "D1843619#0",
"title": "http://www.hopesandfears.com/hopes/culture/television/216489-mr-robot-episodes-titles-explained\n",
"text": "\"What’s in a name? In USA Network’s surprise summer hit Mr. Robot, there's quite a bit. Just ask Mr. Robot himself. The title character (played by Christian Slater), who up until Episode 9 was Elliot Alderson (Rami Malek), has actually been our hero and (unreliable) narrator, all along. Or take the name of the big bad corporation, E-Corp, which has been referred to by every character as \"\"Evil Corp\"\" beginning with Episode 1, when Elliot informs us that’s just what he always hears. Likewise, the titles of Mr. Robot episodes always carry at least two meanings. One relates to a specific technical term related to hacking, a technical action being taken in the main plot. The other relates to a character-based development or quality. ( Episode 3 “eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4” refers to daemon, a computer program, as well as metaphorical demons - Elliot's and, perhaps, our own. And so on.)"
] |
2007 | annelids have a(an) ____ circulatory system, in which blood is contained in a network of blood vessels. | [
"docid": "D1426676#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110407211054AA7GULV\nDo annelids have a open or closed circulatory system?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology Do annelids have a open or closed circulatory system?help Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Annelids have closed circulatory systems, which means that blood is always contained by blood vessels. Some mollusks and arthropods, on the other hand, have open circulatory systems, which means that at some time, blood from the heart will pump into the hemocoel or \"\"blood cavity\"\". Source (s): Past biology lessons and books :)emw3 · 7 years ago1 0 Comment Asker's rating Annelid Circulatory System Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a91t Hfotheringham · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Annelida Circulatory System Source (s):https://shrinke.im/a7V1xleonides · 1 year ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: Do annelids have a open or closed circulatory system? help Source (s):annelids open closed circulatory system: https://biturl.im/mom Gm Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment Just flowing of blood in blood vessels is called closed blood vascular system. When blood vessels end up with capillaries, then only we have to call it as closed Blood Vascular System (BVS). In Annelids, the blood vessels end up with capillaries. Hence called closed BVS. In cockroach it is open BVS as blood vessels don't end up with capillaries. Hence, the blood vessels bluntly open into body cavities."
] | [
"docid": "D2875501#0",
"title": "https://mbbiology.wikispaces.com/Annelida\nAnnelida",
"text": "Annelida Edit 0 20 …Nick and Zach Annelida (Earthworms, polychaetes, leeches)Life Processes: Annelida live in many different areas and the life processes of annelida is very diverse from one area to another. Aquatic annelida hatch into larvae while land annelida hatch into smaller versions of their adult form. The aquatic annelida must metamorphosize into its adult form while the land annelida simply grow. Some reproduce asexually by budding, fissure, or fragmentation. Although they usually have separate sexes and hermaphrodite annelida is not rare. The annelida on land only mate after a heavy rainfall when the air is moist enough for them, but many of them die from predators. A huge evolutionary advantage for annelida is the ability to regrow body segments. This allows for the animal to survive longer and protect itself from predators. The life of a basic annelida, in a nut shell, is find a home, get food, and hide from predators. Method of Acquiring Nutrition: The methods used by annelids to acquire nutrients are different according to each polychaetes."
"docid": "D3533361#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/79947946/annelids-mollusks-and-worms-flash-cards/\nAnnelids Mollusks and worms",
"text": "57 terms hdapson Annelids Mollusks and worms Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Describe what a round worm look like Slender and not segmented w/ tapering at the ends Where are round worms found Soil and water. Aquatic Sedement. Inside hosts What is a cavity that is partially lined with tissue from the mesoderm Pseudocoelom In round worms, food passage is in what direction one Roundworms depend on diffusion to carry nutrients and wastes through their bodies diffusion What does their nervous system consist of Several ganglia in their head w/ extensions of nerves Round worms' hydrostatic skeleton consists of what and fluid with in the what muscles and pseudocoelom Are round worms hermaphroditic No Describe three human diseases cause by roundworms Trichinosis: is caused from eating infected meat (pork) The eggs then hatch in your intestine. The larva gets into your muscles and cause severe pain Filariel worms: When filarial worms block the body's lymph vessels and clog them. Then the fluid builds up causing swelling. You can the elephenitis from bug bites. Ascarid worms live in your intestines. The eggs are released when you defecate anf the get on the food you ate, like uncooked or on unwashed produce."
"docid": "D2232498#0",
"title": "http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/MISC/MISC/Earthworm.htm\n.",
"text": "common name: earthworm scientific name: suborder Crassiclitellata, cohort Terrimegadrili (Jamieson, 1988)Introduction - Distribution - Morphology and Anatomy - Life Cycle - Ecological Importance - Economic Importance - Management - Selected References Introduction (Back to Top)Like insects, earthworms ( Figure 1) are among the animals most frequently encountered by many Floridians. Our kids play with them ( Figure 2 A, B) and dissect them in middle school biology, we fish with them, they crawl across our sidewalks and live in our flower pots. Despite this, their ecological and economic importance often goes unrecognized. Earthworms have several important ecological roles. Additionally, some species are used commercially for bait, animal feed, environmental remediation, and composting. Figure 1. Earthworms collected from a parking lot following a heavy rainfall. Photograph by William T. Crow, University of Florida. The term earthworm is commonly assigned to certain worms in the class Clitellata in the phylum Annelida. Annelid worms are distinguished from other important worms like nematodes by having a coelum or true body cavity, a circulatory system, and a body divided into segments."
"docid": "D418983#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circlatory_system\nCirculatory system",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Circlatory system)navigation search\"\"Bloodstream\"\" redirects here. For the song by Ed Sheeran, see Bloodstream (song). This article is about the animal circulatory system. For plants, see Vascular tissue. Circulatory system The human circulatory system (simplified). Red indicates oxygenated blood carried in arteries, blue indicates deoxygenated blood carried in veins. Capillaries, which join the arteries and veins, and the lymphatic vessels are not shown. Identifiers Me SH D002319TA A12.0.00.001FMA 7161Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes ), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and p H, and maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. [ 1] The passage of lymph for example takes much longer than that of blood. ["
"docid": "D12486#0",
"title": "http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/BioBookcircSYS.html\nTHE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM",
"text": "\"THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEMTable of Contents Types of Circulatory Systems | Vertebrate Cardiovascular System | Vertebrate Vascular Systems The Heart | The Vascular System | Blood | The Lymphatic System | Learning Objectives | Links Types of Circulatory Systems | Back to Top Living things must be capable of transporting nutrients, wastes and gases to and from cells. Single-celled organisms use their cell surface as a point of exchange with the outside environment. Multicellular organisms have developed transport and circulatory systems to deliver oxygen and food to cells and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes. Sponges are the simplest animals, yet even they have a transport system. Seawater is the medium of transport and is propelled in and out of the sponge by ciliary action. Simple animals, such as the hydra and planaria (shown in Figure 1), lack specialized organs such as hearts and blood vessels, instead using their skin as an exchange point for materials. This, however, limits the size an animal can attain. To become larger, they need specialized organs and organ systems. Figure 1. Structures that serve some of the functions of the circulatory system in animals that lack the system."
"docid": "D532751#0",
"title": "http://www.biologyjunction.com/earthworm_dissection.htm\nearthworm dissection",
"text": "\"earthworm dissection Earthworm Dissection Pictures: Modern Biology, Holt The following is a classification of a species in the earthworm family Lumbricidae. This common species is Lumbricus terrestris also known as the night crawler or dew worm. Phylum – Class – Family – Genus – Species –Annelida Oligochaeta Lumbricidae Lumbricus terrestris Objectives: • Describe the appearance of various organs found in the earthworm. • Name the organs that make up various systems of the earthworm. Materials: Safety goggles, dissecting pins, gloves, forceps, lab apron, scissors, paper towel, scalpel, water, dissecting probe, preserved earthworm, hand lens, dissection tray. Purpose: In this lab, you will dissect an earthworm in order to observe the external and internal structures of earthworm anatomy. Background: Among the most familiar invertebrate animals are the earthworms, members of the phylum Annelida. The word annelida means \"\"ringed\"\" and refers to a series of rings or segments that make up the bodies of the members of this phylum. Internally, septa, or dividing walls, are located between the segments. External segments are called metameres."
"docid": "D717177#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/The+Circulatory+System.\ncirculatory system",
"text": "\"circulatory system (redirected from The Circulatory System.) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to The Circulatory System. : Human circulatory systemcirculatory [ ser´ku-lah-tor″e] pertaining to circulation.circulatory system the major system concerned with the movement of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. ( See also color plates.) The circulatory systemtransports to the tissues and organs of the body the oxygen, nutritive substances, immunesubstances, hormones, and chemicals necessary for normal function and activities of the organs; it also carries away waste products and carbon dioxide. It equalizes body temperature and helpsmaintain normal water and electrolyte balance. An adult has an average of 5 liters of blood in the body; the circulatory system carries this entirequantity on one complete circuit through the body every minute. In the course of 24 hours, over6500 liters of blood pass through the heart. The rate of blood flow through the vessels depends upon several factors: force of the heartbeat, rate of the heartbeat, venous return, and control of the arterioles and capillaries by chemical, neural, andthermal stimuli."
"docid": "D3022761#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/4407513/unit-8-flash-cards/\nUnit 8",
"text": "\"131 terms woman Unit 8Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Invertebrate Animal that does not have a backbone, or vertebral column (657)Vertebrate Animal that has a vertebral column, or backbone (567)Endoderm Innermost germ layer of most animals; develops into the lining of the digestive tract and much of the respiratory system (661)Mesoderm Middle germ layer of most animals; gives rise to muscles and much of the circulatory, reproductive, and excretory systems (661)Ectoderm Outermost germ layer of most animals; gives rise to outer layer of the skin, sense organs, and nerves (661)radial symmetry Body plan in which body parts repeat around the center of the body; characteristic of sea anemones and sea stars (662, 748)bilateral symmetry Body plan in which only a single, imaginary line can divide the body into two equal halves; characteristic of worms, arthropods, and chordates (662, 748)Cephalization Concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at the front of an animal's body (633, 748)Coelom Fluid-filled body cavity lined with mesoderm (683, 749)Polyp Usually sessile stage of the life cycle of cnidarian that has a cylindrical body with armlike tentacles (670)Medusa Motile stage of the lifecycle of a cnidarian that has a bell-shaped body (670)nerve net Loosely organized network of nerve cells that together allow cnidarians to detect stimuli (671)hydrostatic skeleton Layers of circular and longitudinal muscles, together with the water in the gastrovascular cavity, that enable movement (671, 756)Acoelomate Animal lacking a coelom, or body cavity (683)Pharynx Muscular tube at the end of the gastrovascular cavity, or throat, that connects the mouth with the rest of the digestive tract and serves as a passageway for air and food (684, 956)flame cell Specialized cell that filters and removes excess water from the body of a flatworm (684)Eyespot Group of cells that can detect changes in the amount of light in the environment (507, 685)Pseudocoelom Body cavity between the endoderm and mesoderm tissues that is partially lined with mesoderm tissue (689)Crop In earthworms, part of the digestive system in which food can be stored; in birds, structure at the lower end of the esophagus in which food is stored and moistened (695, 809)Gizzard In earthworms, part of the digestive system in which food is ground into smaller pieces; in birds, a muscular organ that helps in the mechanical breakdown of food (695, 809)Nephridia Excretory organ of an annelid that filters fluid in the coelom (696)closed circulatory system System in which blood is contained within a network of blood vessels (695, 754)open circulatory system System in which blood is not always contained within a network of blood vessels (703, 754)Foot Muscular part of a mollusk (702)Mantle Thin layer of tissue that covers most of a mollusk's body (702)Shell Structure in mollusks made by glands in the mantle that secrete calcium carbonate (702)visceral mass Area beneath the mantle of a mollusk that contains the internal organs (702)Exoskeleton External skeleton; touch external covering that protests and supports the body of many invertebrates (715, 757)Chitin Complex carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of fungi; also found in the external skeletons of arthropods (527, 715)jointed appendage ...tracheal tube One of many branching, air-filled tubes that extend throughout the bodies of many terrestrial arthropods (717)Spiracle Small opening located along the side of the body through which air enters and leaves the body of many terrestrial arthropods (717)book lung Organ that has layers of respiratory tissue that is used by some terrestrial arthropods for the exchange of gases (717)Malpighian tubule Saclike organ in most terrestrial arthropods that extracts wastes from the blood, adding them to feces that move through the gut (717)Molting Process in which an arthropod sheds its exoskeleton and manufactures a large one to take its place (719)Head ... Thorax Body part of a crustacean that lies just beneath the head and houses most of the internal organs (721)Abdomen Posterior part of an arthropod's body (721)Metamorphosis ... Society Group of closely related animals of the same species that work together for the benefit of the group (732)Endoskeleton Structural support located inside the body of an animal (734, 757)water vascular system System of internal tubes in echinoderms that carriers out essential functions such as feeding, respiration, and circulation, and movement (735)tube foot Suction-cuplike structure attached to radial canals of echinoderms; used to walk and to open shells (735)Chordate Member of the phylum Chordata; animal that has, for at least some stage of its life, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a muscular tail Notochord Long supporting rod that runs through a chordate's body just below the nerve cord (767, 849)pharyngeal pouch One of a pair of structures in the throat (pharynx) region of a chordate (767)Tail ...dorsal nerve cord ...swim bladder Internal gas-filled organ in many bony fishes that adjusts their buoyancy (777)Gills Filamentous organ in aquatic animals specialized for the exchange of gases with water (696)Cloaca A muscular cavity at the end of the large intestine through which digestive wastes, urine, and eggs or sperm leave the body (748)tympanic membrane Eardrum of amphibians inside the skull; vibrates in response to sound, allowing hearing (787)Ectotherm Animal that relies on interactions with the environment to help it control body temperature (800, 855)amniotic egg Egg composed of shell and membranes that create a protected environment in which the embryo can develop out of water (802)Feather Structure made mostly of protein that develops from a pit in a bird's skin (806)Endotherm Animal that generates its own body heat and controls its body temperature from with (808, 855)air sac One of several sacs attached to a bird's lungs into which air moves when a bird inhales; allows for the one-way flow of air through the respiratory system (810)mammary gland Gland in mammals that produces milk to nourish the young (821)fur/hair ... Monotreme Egg-laying mammal (828)Marsupial Mammals which bear live young that complete their development in an external pouch (829)Placenta Organ in placental mammals through which nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and wastes are exchanged between embryo and mother (829, 1019)binocular vision Ability to merge visual images from both eyes, which provides depth perception and a three-dimensional view of the world (834)Hominid Primate that walks upright, has opposable thumbs, and possesses a large brain; only living members are humans (835)Behavior The way an organism reacts to changes in its internal condition or external environment (871)Stimulus A signal to which an organism responds (19, 871)Response Single, specific reaction to a stimulus (871)innate behavior Instinct, or inborn behavior; behavior that appears in a fully functional form the first time it is performed (873)learned behavior Alterations in behavior as a result of experience; also called acquired behavior (873)Habituation Learning process by which an animal decreases or stops its response to a repetitive stimulus that neither rewards nor harms it (874)classical conditioning Learning process in which an animal makes a mental connection between a stimulus and some kind of reward or punishment (874)operant conditioning Learning process in which an animal learns to behave in a certain way through repeated practice, in order to receive a reward or avoid punishment; also called trial-and-error learning (875)insight learning Also called reasoning; learning process in which an animal applies something is has already learned to a new situation without a period of trial and error (875)Imprinting Learning based on early experience; once imprinting has occurred, the behavior cannot be changed (876)Migration Periodic movement and return of animals from one place to another (878)circadian rhythm Behavioral cycle that occurs in a daily pattern (878)courtship Type of behavior in which an animal sends out stimuli in order to attract a member of the opposite sex (789)Communication Passing of information from one organism to another (881)True All the members of Kingdom Animalia are HETEROTROPHS. Invertebrates Worms and insects are both VERTEBRATES. Sessile Sponges are MOTILE, meaning they live their entire adult lives attached to a single spot. True Cnidarians have a central MOUTH surrounded by numerous tentacles. Hydrostatic A sea anemone moves its body by using a STATOCYSTIC skeleton. Flatworms ROUNDWORMS are the simplest animals to have three embryonic germ layers. True Annelids and mollusks, both of which possess a COELOM, may be more closely related to each other than either is to flatworms or roundworms. True MOLLUSKS are soft-bodied animals that usually have an internal or external shell."
"docid": "D1546824#0",
"title": "http://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/mollusca.html\nMolluscs",
"text": "Molluscs Molluscs Facts: Examples and Characteristics Examples of Molluscs1. What are some species of the phylum Mollusca? Snails, octopuses, squids and oysters are examples of molluscs. More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. In which habitats do molluscs live? Molluscs can be found in the sea, in fresh water and on land. Molluscs Morphology3. What morphological feature gives the phylum Mollusca its name? The word “mollusc” means “soft thing”. Molluscs have soft bodies and this feature explains the name of the phylum."
"docid": "D81522#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/main-function-circulatory-system-b0f2487b1ce21397\nWhat Is the Main Function of the Circulatory System?",
"text": "Full Answer One primary function of the circulatory system is completed by pulmonary circulation. During pulmonary circulation, blood rich in oxygen is pumped into the left atrium of the heart from the lungs, whereas blood low in oxygen exits the heart through the right ventricle to the lung. The blood that is low in oxygen is also high in carbon dioxide, which is expelled through the lungs. Another function of the circulatory system is completed by systemic circulation, which takes blood rich in oxygen from the heart throughout the body, and takes blood low in oxygen back to the heart. This process involves the ventricles, arteries and capillaries. Circulatory Systems in Living Creatures Some scientists separate the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems because both systems operate using the same biological pathways, but many scientists categorize them together as the circulatory system. All vertebrates, such as mammals, birds and reptiles, as well as annelids and cephalopods, have closed circulatory systems, in which the blood travels through vessels to organs and back to the heart. Other animals, such as mollusks, have open circulatory systems in which the blood bathes the organs directly. However, in both types of circulatory systems, the purpose is the same: to get nutrients to the cells and carry waste away from the cells. Improving Blood Circulation There are things people can do to improve their blood circulation."
"docid": "D1573498#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemic_circulation\nCirculatory system",
"text": "\"Circulatory system From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Systemic circulation)navigation search\"\"Bloodstream\"\" redirects here. For the song by Ed Sheeran, see Bloodstream (song). This article is about the animal circulatory system. For plants, see Vascular tissue. Circulatory system The human circulatory system (simplified). Red indicates oxygenated blood carried in arteries, blue indicates deoxygenated blood carried in veins. Capillaries, which join the arteries and veins, and the lymphatic vessels are not shown. Identifiers Me SH D002319TA A12.0.00.001FMA 7161Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes ), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and p H, and maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. [ 1] The passage of lymph for example takes much longer than that of blood. ["
"docid": "D2294754#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_system\nCirculatory system",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Blood system)navigation search\"\"Bloodstream\"\" redirects here. For the song by Ed Sheeran, see Bloodstream (song). This article is about the animal circulatory system. For plants, see Vascular tissue. Circulatory system The human circulatory system (simplified). Red indicates oxygenated blood carried in arteries, blue indicates deoxygenated blood carried in veins. Capillaries, which join the arteries and veins, and the lymphatic vessels are not shown. Identifiers Me SH D002319TA A12.0.00.001FMA 7161Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes ), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and p H, and maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. [ 1] The passage of lymph for example takes much longer than that of blood. ["
"docid": "D144774#0",
"title": "https://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/breathing-process.html\nThe Respiratory System",
"text": "The Respiratory System34 Q&As to Study the Respiratory System Gas Exchange Definition1. What is the difference between respiration in the sense of gas exchange and cellular respiration? Respiration in the sense of gas exchange is the process by which an organism absorbs the gases necessary for its cellular metabolism from the environment and expels the gases that are the products of this metabolism. Cellular respiration (aerobic or anaerobic) is the chemical reaction in which organic molecules are broken down to produce ATP molecules, the main energy source for the metabolism. Gas exchange is fundamental for cellular respiration, since the supplying of reagents (oxygen, in aerobic cellular respiration) and the expelling of products (e.g., carbon dioxide) of this chemical reaction depends on gas exchange. More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. What is the chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration? The chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration is the following: C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6 O₂ + 36 ADP + 36 P --> 6 CO₂ + 6 H₂O + 36 ATP3. Keeping in mind the chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration, which molecules does the cell need and which molecules does it release in the process? Keeping in mind the chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration, we can observe that glucose and molecular oxygen are needed as reagents and carbon dioxide and water are released."
"docid": "D3414284#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/18050819/biology-ch-5-16-flash-cards/\nBiology Ch 5-16",
"text": "\"344 terms mnsmb7Biology Ch 5-16Circulatory systems and Immunology In plants circulation is called translocation. The plant stem is the primary organ of transport in the plant. Vascular bundles run up and down the stem. The fibrovascular bundle at the center of the stem contains the xylem, phloem, and cambium cells. Circulatory systems and Immunology: Xylem thick-walled, often hollow cells located on the inside of the vascular bundle. They carry water and nutrients up the plant and their thick walls give the plant support. The outer layer of the xylem is alive and called sapwood. Process of rising water Transpiration- as water evaporates from the leaves of plants, a vacuum is created that pulls water up the stem capillary action- any liquid within a thin tube will rise due to its surface tension of the liquid and interactions between the liquid and the tube. root pressure- water entering the root hairs exerts a pressure that pushes water up the stem. Circulatory systems and Immunology: Phloem thin-walled cells on the outside of the vascular bundle."
"docid": "D2357811#0",
"title": "http://rjfisherjoanides.pbworks.com/w/page/36528137/Flatworms%2C%20Roundworms%20and%20Annelids%202\n",
"text": "\"by William and Nate An Invertebrate means you have no backbone Here is some proof; the picture shows that worms do not have a backbone.this picture is from http://academic.scranton.edu/faculty/cannon/kidsjudge/kj04/collinsl2.html Worms have three types, Nematodes (roundworms), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Annelida (segmented worms). Their characteristics are being flat-bodied, cylindrical/round bodied. Below is a flatworm and a parasitic worm. Pictures are from http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/marlin/tribollet/belles%20photos/flat%20worm.jpg Worms are in the category invertebrates, and 95% of animals are invertebrates. Other animals in their invertebrate category, are insects, starfish, and a lot more. Worms and starfish dont have a backbone, both live in the ocean, and are both able to regenerate lost limbs. Even a type of worm is distantly related to humans, you can read more about this at www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110209131832.htm . All About Roundworms from http://cienciasnaturaleslazafra1eso.wikispaces.com/file/view/starfish.jpg/101529335/starfish.jpg Scientific Name: Nematodes What they eat: Fungi, bacteria, and intestinal objects (if found in host)Where they live: In the ground, or found inside host There are over 15,000 named species of roundworms, did you know that they can be microscopic to over 20 feet long. They can have male and female organs, called hermaphroditic which means they can produce their own young.the info below is from http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/roundworms-000144.h The various roundworm infections includ e:• Ascariasis: People become infected when they eat food or drink that contains the eggs of the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. That can happen when people eat food grown in soil that has been mixed with human feces."
"docid": "D3259018#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/11589679/ch-27-worms-and-mollusks-flash-cards/\nCh 27 Worms and Mollusks",
"text": "45 terms menglish15Ch 27 Worms and Mollusks Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortwhat is a flatworm? flat bodies soft as jelly many are parasites some are free living List the three groups of flatworms and give an example of each. Turbellarians, Flukes, and Tapeworms. Turbellarians free living flatworms. Flukes are parasitic flatworms. Turbellarians are long flat parasitic worms. How do the feeding methods of parasitic and free-living flatworms relate to their specific environments? Free living flatworms can be scavengers or they can eat on tiny aquatic animals. Parasitic flatworms feed on blood, tissue fluid or pieces of cells. Describe the life cycle of the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni."
"docid": "D1449076#0",
"title": "https://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookcircSYS.html\nTHE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM",
"text": "\"THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEMTable of Contents Types of Circulatory Systems | Vertebrate Cardiovascular System | Vertebrate Vascular Systems The Heart | The Vascular System | Blood | The Lymphatic System | Learning Objectives | Links Types of Circulatory Systems | Back to Top Living things must be capable of transporting nutrients, wastes and gases to and from cells. Single-celled organisms use their cell surface as a point of exchange with the outside environment. Multicellular organisms have developed transport and circulatory systems to deliver oxygen and food to cells and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes. Sponges are the simplest animals, yet even they have a transport system. Seawater is the medium of transport and is propelled in and out of the sponge by ciliary action. Simple animals, such as the hydra and planaria (shown in Figure 1), lack specialized organs such as hearts and blood vessels, instead using their skin as an exchange point for materials. This, however, limits the size an animal can attain. To become larger, they need specialized organs and organ systems. Figure 1. Structures that serve some of the functions of the circulatory system in animals that lack the system."
"docid": "D1133357#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/80326723/worms-notes-flash-cards/\nWorms - Notes",
"text": "36 terms George Hernando Worms - Notes Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Name 8 characteristics common to all worms 1. Cold-blooded Invertebrates 2. Have long, narrow, moist outer bodies without legs 3. The simplest organisms with brains 4. Have a complex organization: tissues, organs, and organ systems 5. Bilateral symmetry 6. Definite anterior and posterior end 7. Reproduce both sexually and asexually 8. Some worms can regenerate new body parts How do we classify worms studied in our class? By worm body shape What are the three main groups of worms?"
"docid": "D3247985#0",
"title": "https://www.pmfias.com/classification-animalia-animal-kingdom/\nClassification of Animal Kingdom (Animalia)",
"text": "Classification of Animal Kingdom (Animalia)Previous Post: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants Next Post: Classification of Vertebrata (Phylum Chordata)March 11, 2016 by PMF IAS Leave a Comment Table of Contents1 Basis for Animal Kingdom Classification1.1 Levels of Organisation1.2 Symmetry1.3 Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation1.4 Coelom1.5 Segmentation1.6 Notochord2 Classification of Animal Kingdom3 Phylum – Porifera4 Phylum – Coelenterata (Cnidaria)5 Phylum – Ctenophora6 Phylum – Platyhelminthes7 Phylum – Aschelminthes (Nemotoda)8 Phylum – Annelida9 Phylum – Arthropoda9.0.1 Arachnids9.0.2 Crustaceans9.0.3 Insects10 Phylum – Mollusca11 Phylum – Echinodermata12 Phylum – Hemichordata13 Phylum – Chordata13.1 Vertebrata Share Whats App Tweet +1 Email Classification of Animal Kingdom – Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Chordata. ] Source | Credits | Picture Credits: NCERT General Science Basis for Animal Kingdom Classification Classification of Animal Kingdom is based on various fundamental features like –Levels of Organisation,Symmetry,Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation,Coelom development,Segmentation of the body and Presense or absence of Notochord. The broad classification of Animalia based on common fundamental features: Levels of Organisation Though all members of Animalia are multicellular, all of them do not exhibit the same pattern of organisation of cells. For example, in sponges, the cells are arranged as loose cell aggregates, i.e., they exhibit cellular level of organisation. Some division of labour (activities) occur among the cells. In coelenterates, the arrangement of cells is more complex. Here the cells performing the same function are arranged into tissues, hence is called tissue level of organisation. A still higher level of organisation, i.e., organ level [ organ level of organisation] is exhibited by members of Platyhelminthes and other higher phyla where tissues are grouped together to form organs, each specialised for a particular function. In animals like Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs, Echinoderms and Chordates, organs have associated to form functional systems, each system concerned with a specific physiological function. This pattern is called organ system level of organisation."
"docid": "D344572#0",
"title": "http://creationwiki.org/Segmented_worm\nSegmented worm",
"text": "\"navigation search Marine Annelids Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Annelida Classes Polychaeta Clitellata Oligochaeta - ( Earthworms, etc. ) Hirudinea - Leeches Acanthobdellida Branchiobdellida Myzostomida Archiannelida Segmented worms are any of the species of worms belonging to the taxonomic phylum Annelida. They are best known for the segments that divide their body externally by shallow ring-like constrictions, and are separated internally in many species by septa. They include the polychaetes (meaning \"\"many bristles\"\") that have many bristles on their body, and the earthworms and leeches that have fewer bristles. There are about 9000 species of annelids known today. Contents [ hide ]1 Anatomy2 Reproduction3 Ecology4 Gallery5 References Anatomy Ontogenesis of a polychaete (annelid)Annelid is made up of segmented worms divided into three main groups: Oligochaetes - earthworms and aquatic worms such as Tubifex, Polychaetes - Nereis and thousands of other species that live mostly in muddy marine habitats, and Leeches, also known as Hirudinea. Their segmented bodies, similar internal anatomy, and developmental stages unite these diverse worms. The annelid has an extensive closed circulatory system. Hemoglobin-containing blood moves anteriorly in a dorsal blood vessel and then is pumped by five pairs of hearts into a ventral blood vessel. As the ventral blood vessel takes blood toward the posterior regions of the worm's body, it gives off branches in every segment."
] |
2009 | anomia is characterized as | [
"docid": "D1764779#0",
"title": "http://www.sociologyindex.com/anomia.htm\n.",
"text": "Sociology Index ANOMIAAnomia is a social psychological ( social psychology) condition, rather than a societal condition which anomie refers to, characterized by a breakdown in values and a feeling of isolation. Anomia describes the individual's lack of integration in social life. Anomia is more closely related to occupational aspiration than to occupational level. The term anomia has proved much easier to measure than has David Emile Durkheim's concept of ‘anomie’. In the philosophy of law and political science, anomia is the state of the absence of law, the negation of law in the sense of lex. Anomia in the sense of the lack of a positive law promulgated by the authority of the state (lex) occurs in conceptions that accept the existence of a pre-social and pre-political state of nature as a historical fact or as a mere hypothesis. Sociological concept of anomie has undergone important transformations when applied in psychiatric research. It is argued that these transformations are not fully in concordance with the original theories of anomie as they were set forth by Durkheim and Merton. Two approaches in social and cross-cultural psychiatry are examined in this context. First, the concept of anomia as introduced and applied in the research of Leo Srole is discussed."
] | [
"docid": "D3484616#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Alzheimer+disease\nAlzheimer disease",
"text": "\"Alzheimer disease Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia. Related to Alzheimer disease: Parkinson disease Alz·hei·mer dis·ease (AD), ( awlts'hī-mĕr ), [MIM*104300]a progressive degenerative disease of the brain that causes impairment of memory anddementia manifested by confusion, visual-spatial disorientation, impairment of languagefunction progressing from anomia to fluent aphasia, inability to calculate, and deterioration of judgment; delusions and hallucinations may occur. The most common degenerative braindisorder, AD makes up 70% of all cases of dementia. Onset is usually in late middle life, anddeath typically ensues in 5-10 years. Synonym (s): Alzheimer dementia, presenile dementia (2), dementia presenilis, primary senile dementia In 1906 the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer reported a case of presenile dementia in a 51-year-old woman whose brain showed distinctive changes at autopsy, but the high prevalence of thisdisorder went unrecognized until the later decades of the 20th century. Alzheimer disease (AD)currently ranks fourth as a cause of death in the U. S. Its estimated prevalence in this country is 2.5-4 million, with 360,000 new cases yearly, and its annual cost to the national economy is $75-100billion. The lifetime risk of developing AD is about 9%. Women are 1.5 times as likely as men to be affected. Onset is typically insidious, with a progressive deterioration in the ability to learn and retaininformation. In recalling and repeating new material, the patient makes intrusion errors (insertion of irrelevant words or ideas) and resorts to confabulation."
"docid": "D3271315#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6053428/module-8-alterations-of-neurologic-function-flash-cards/\nModule 8: Alterations of Neurologic Function",
"text": "51 terms cherryobebe Module 8: Alterations of Neurologic Function Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which of the following is a structure that carries the nervous impulse away from the neuron cell body? A) Ganglion B) Dendrite C) Microtubule D) Axon D) Axon Which cells are responsible for forming the blood-brain barrier? A) Neurons B) Microglia C) Astrocytes D) Schwann cells C) Astrocytes Which of the following substances is released at a synapse? A) Hormones B) Myelin C) Sodium and potassium D) Neurotransmitters D) Neurotransmitters The primary motor and sensory areas of the brain are located in the: A) brain stem. B) cerebral cortex. C) diencephalon. D) cerebellum. B) cerebral cortex."
"docid": "D1328808#0",
"title": "https://psychcentral.com/encyclopedia/asceticism/\nAsceticism",
"text": "Asceticism By Renée Grinnell ~ Less than a minute read A form of self-discipline, often religiously motivated, based on the virtue of renunciation. Living an ascetic lifestyle involves giving up various worldly pleasures, such as sexual activity, overeating, or material gain. Example: A successful investment analyst gives up his Manhattan penthouse and retires to a small town where he can avoid the intense stimulation of city life. Last updated: 17 Jul 2016 Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy. D. on 17 Jul 2016 Published on Psych Central.com. All rights reserved. Related Terms Suicidal Ideation Xenophobia Client Active Listening Anomia"
"docid": "D3402898#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080622121756AAJFAJ6\nA word for lack of social or moral standards?",
"text": "Education & Reference Words & Wordplay A word for lack of social or moral standards?crossword clue - 6 letters -n-m-e Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: anomie Variant (s): also an·o·my \\ˈa-nə-mē\\ Function: noun Etymology: French anomie, from Middle French, from Greek anomia lawlessness, from anomos lawless, from a- + nomos law, from nemein to distribute — more at nimble Date:1933 : social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values; also : personal unrest, alienation, and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals Source (s):http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionar...mabelle_dj · 10 years ago0 0 Comment Standards Crossword Clue Source (s):https://shrink.im/ba LWUherlinda · 2 years ago0 0 Commentanomie 1. lack of moral standards in a society 2. personal state of isolation and anxiety resulting from a lack of social control and regulation Sally · 10 years ago0 0 Comment Ignorant!♥An Sw Er Me♥ · 10 years ago0 0 Commentbritney spears :-)ashreipinkus · 10 years ago1 0 Commentanomie? am i close? this was a guess....blah blah blah · 10 years ago0 0 Comment STUPID sorry it doesn't fit..... Anonymous · 10 years ago0 0 Comment Perhaps you would like to learn more about one of these? Portfolio Management Options Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms? VPN options for your computer Train To Be a Project Manager"
"docid": "D3287904#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/16074718/neuroscience-brain-and-behavior-flash-cards/\nNeuroscience Brain and Behavior",
"text": "\"245 terms mir51Neuroscience Brain and Behavior Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Left Hemisphere Brain verbal processing Right Hemisphere Brain spatial cognition Stuttering is a tendency of otherwise normal people to have difficulty producing speech sounds Williams syndrome is characterized by impairments of spatial cognition and IQ, but excellent verbal skills\"\"Ke\"\" Family Language problems, problem learning verb tenses FOXP2 gene Brain activation during language has been altered Phonemes Basic speech sounds From birth, babies can distinguish phonemes from any language Morphemes smallest units of meaning, assembled into words with meaning—semantics Syntax Words are assembled into meaningful strings according to syntax, or rules Sensitive period (or critical period) Language development depends on experience during this time Nonhuman Primates electrical stimulation of subcortical regions, but not the cortex, can elicit calls Brain region that elicits calls are associated with emotional behaviors such as defense, attack, feeding, and sex Vocalizations -are more common with stimulation to the left hemisphere, indicating its role in primate communication -can learn other systems of communication such as American Sign Language (ASL) and arranging symbols on a board Other Species Display Vocalization -Sounds may distinguish species, signal readiness to mate, or alert others to danger -Mice with FOXP2 mutations have impaired ultrasonic vocalizations, usually used to communicate emotional information—similar to some human deficits -Birds range from simple sounds to complex songs in their vocalizations -In songbirds, complex vocalizations are critical for reproductive behaviors Parallels between birds and humans -A specialized neural system for control of vocal behavior -Juveniles must be exposed to sounds of adults during a distinct critical period -When FOXP2 expression is blocked, errors are produced resembling those in humans Differences between birds and humans -Birdsong is only produced in males -Birdsong crystallizes after the sensitive period ends and the same song is always produced Aphasia an impairment in language ability in varying degrees caused by brain injury, usually to the left hemisphere -Most patients also have: 1. Agraphia 2. Alexia 3. Apraxia Paraphasia substitution for a word by a sound, an incorrect word, or an unintended word Agraphia Impairment in writing Alexia Impairment in reading Apraxia a motor impairment characterized by difficulty in making a sequence of movements Left-Hemisphere Speech and Language Areas in Humans 1. Broca's Area 2. Primary Auditory Area 3. Wernicke's Area 4. Angular Gyrus 5."
"docid": "D795506#0",
"title": "http://neuroscience.uth.tmc.edu/s4/chapter12.html\n.",
"text": "\"Brain tissue is composed of neurons and other supporting cells, such as glia. Neurons in the brain are interconnected to make functional circuits. If these connections are interrupted as a result of trauma, brain function is impaired. Neurons are post-mitotic and therefore cannot divide to produce new neurons making neuronal loss as a result of trauma profoundly detrimental to normal brain function. At present, there is no effective therapy available to treat victims of brain trauma.12.1 Epidemiology and Demographics Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains the leading cause of death and disability for those under the age of 44 years. It has been estimated that nearly 2 million people suffer some degree of head injury every year in the United States alone. Although the vast majority of these do not seek medical treatment, approximately 400,000 to 500,000 TBI victims require hospitalization. In the US, the societal cost for TBI has been estimated at between $48 and $83.5 billion per year. Only 12.5% of the annual financial expense is accounted for by direct cost (e.g. hospitalization, physician costs). Since most TBI patients are young and in their peak productive years, the indirect costs (reduced or loss of productivity) represent the greatest loss to society."
"docid": "D3031297#0",
"title": "http://www.galtsgulch-cr.com/?page_id=24\nDonât Make A Million Dollar Mistake",
"text": "Don’t Make A Million Dollar Mistake If you’re a US citizen, and you make the decision to buy property abroad, you need to immediately find out what your obligations are in reporting these offshore assets to the IRS. You may think that since you have only purchased a vacation or retirement property and there is little or no income associated with it, that you have no reporting requirements. Boy, does the IRS have a million dollar surprise waiting for you!Let’s look at an example: John & Julie traveled to Costa Rica in 2002 and just fell in love with the place. They found a home that was just perfect for $250,000. Their attorney in Costa Rica advised them that, since they were foreigners, they should form a Costa Rican corporation, a Sociedad Anomia (S. A.) to buy and hold the property. So, with the help of the attorney, John & Julie formed the corporation and they each acted as officers, directors, and shareholders. John wired the $250,000 to his attorney to buy the house and the sale went off without a hitch. John & Julie never thought to report the purchase to the IRS as there was no income there to be taxed. It was just a vacation home, and hopefully someday, a retirement home. For the next decade, John & Julie enjoyed their home in paradise having no idea of the bomb that is ticking just for them."
"docid": "D2035650#0",
"title": "http://www.dartmouth.edu/~dons/part_3/chapter_24.html\nChapter 24 - Degenerative diseases of the nervous system",
"text": "\"On this page Introduction Spinocereballar atrophy Alzheimer disease Pick's disease References Chapter 24 - Degenerative diseases of the nervous system Introduction The degenerative disorders generally are characterized by the loss of neurons and secondary gliosis (scarring) without evidence of major inflammation or necrosis of tissue. Many diseases previously classified as degenerative are now known to be associated with specific metabolic deficiencies or have other definite causes (Table 24-1 ). Others are transmitted by infectious agents (see Chapter 25 ). However, we are still left with a large number of progressive diseases of unknown etiology, and their classification is based on pathologic and clinical findings. This is true of many of the disorders of the basal ganglia and the rest of the extrapyramidal system. However these disorders will be discussed in Chapter 26. As time passes, it is quite likely that the specific biochemical and pathophysiological processes underpinning many of these diseases will be elucidated and their classifications will change. In this chapter we discuss the more common of these conditions (designated by asterisks in Tables 24-2 ). They range from extremely common (Alzheimer disease) to quite rare (the spinocerebellar degenerations). Many are devastating conditions that often affect people in the prime of life."
"docid": "D3283517#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/subject/adult-cognitive-disorders/\n\"Study sets matching \"\"adult cognitive disorders\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Study sets matching \"\"adult cognitive disorders\"\"Advanced27 terms the Ashley Lyon Adult Language & Cognitive Communication Disorders Thalamus Insula The corpus callosum Gray matter... Relays sensory and motor signals to the cerebral c… process convergent information to produce an emotionally relev… Whitematter... provides a link between the 2 hemispheres70 terms scafuran Adult cognitive disorders Quiz 2Hospitalization without knowing the cau… Closed head injury may be caused by What age group is most likely to incur…Over 65 years Blast injury, car accident, or assault. Not from a gunshot wou… 0-4 years old. Still learning to walk/run/etc78 terms scafuran Adult cognitive disorders Quiz 1Concussion definition All concussions are a form of But not all m TBI are Transitory brain injury resulting from a bump, jolt to the hea… m TBI Concussions56 terms marina_midthun CSD 717 Adult Cognitive Disorders Neurologists What do Neurologists do? Physiatristsresponsible for medical care of patients with brain injury or… Carries out examinations in respective areas... Order the treatm… responsible for patients admitted to rehab wards34 terms Greer95Older Adult Neuro Degenerative/Cognitive Disorders Aging is the number one risk for factor Term \"\"Dementia\"\" has been replaced with What two diseases are the elderly most…neurodegenerative and neurocognitive diseases... *they affect th… \"\"Neurocognitive disorder (NCD)\"\" Parkinson's DIsease... Alzheimer's Disease... - non curable... - progr…98 terms cassidy_suggett Adult disorders: Cognitive impairmentscognition what processes does cognitive communica… where do we see impairments?the process of knowing ... -discrimination between and selection… executive function, attention, processing of info, memory, vis… In:... -attention... -memory... -executive functioning skills... -language…56 terms eel1984CSD 717 Adult Cognitive Disorders Neurologists What do Neurologists do? Physiatristsresponsible for medical care of patients with brain injury or… Carries out examinations in respective areas... Order the treatm… responsible for patients admitted to rehab wards57 terms cataniaka28CSD 717 Adult Cognitive Disorders Neurologists What do Neurologists do? Physiatristsresponsible for medical care of patients with brain injury or… Carries out examinations in respective areas... Order the treatm… responsible for patients admitted to rehab wards40 terms mallory_wilkins Adult Language Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfunction Aphasia Definition Aphasia Considerations Aphasia Classification Language disorder that is acquired sometime after an individua… Aphasia is not a developmental disorder, a psychiatric problem… Taxonomy. Draws upon thsoe characteristics of aphasia that mos…40 terms Dat Nerd Ch. 8: Adult Language Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfunction Aphasia Definition Aphasia Considerations Aphasia Classification Language disorder that is acquired sometime after an individua… Aphasia is not a developmental disorder, a psychiatric problem… Taxonomy. Draws upon thsoe characteristics of aphasia that mos…17 terms mynnv Older Adults with Cognitive Disordersreminiscing strategies most common cause of delirium in older… chronic use of what medication has been…older adults can remember distant things better than recent th… polypharmacy diazepam23 terms Shelbyabby HSL 755- Adult Neurogenic Cognitive & Communication Disorders Acquired Communication Disorders Higher level to lower-level processing Apraxia Disorders can be associated wit a specific site of lesion or a… Cognitive Communication Disorder... Aphasia... Apraxia (planning m… Cognitive planning disorder for the processes of speech ... Apra…36 terms cbryals NUR 322 Cognitive disorders in Adults Suicide SSRIs SNRIs Risks for ... in older adults include: ... -Psychiatric illness... -… .... are first line treatment for depression. ... are given if pain/diabetic retinopathy is present.21 terms vee_chim Adult Language disorders/ cognition and communication Alexia Acalculia Anomia Cannot read words ... the inability to see words or to read, cau… loss of the ability to perform simple arithmetic calculations,… a form of aphasia in which the patient is unable to recall the…16 terms carrillo0930Adult Language & cognitive Disorders SPA 301Aphasia Dysarthria Apraxia Disturbance in the language system afterlanguage has been esta… motor speech disorder characterized by disruption in the range… difficulty in planning and executing the volitional movements…18 terms hrtmonster Adult Language Disorders and Cognitive Dysfunction COMD 133CVA TIA Hemorrhage Stroke Cerebrovascular Accident."
"docid": "D1808127#0",
"title": "http://www.csuchico.edu/~pmccaffrey/syllabi/SPPA336/336unit9.html\n.",
"text": "Unit 9. Aphasia: Diagnosis The Diagnosis of Aphasia Several standardized tests are commonly used in the diagnosis of aphasia. Some of these are the Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis (MTDDA ), the Porch Index of Communicative Ability (PICA), and the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE). The MTDDA was developed by Schuell in 1965. This comprehensive test assesses the patient's strengths and weakness in all language modalities. The PICA (Porch, 1967) samples fewer language behaviors than the MTDDA. However, it is known for its elaborate scoring system, which allows the examiner to differentiate between responses elicited with different degrees of cueing, various types of errors, and also to note the immediacy of the response. The BDAE, developed by Goodglass and Kaplan in 1972, has been revised twice, in 1983 and 2001. I was one of the reviewers for the new edition. It's good, but perhaps a bit lengthy for many patients."
"docid": "D10672#0",
"title": "http://www.csuchico.edu/~pmccaffrey/syllabi/CMSD%20320/362unit4.html\n.",
"text": "\"Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into four lobes; the frontal , parietal, temporal, and the occipital. The Frontal Lobe is the most anterior lobe of the brain. Its posterior boundary is the fissure of Rolando, or central sulcus , which separates it from the parietal lobe. Inferiorly, it is divided from the temporal lobe by the fissure of Sylvius which is also called the lateral fissure . This lobe deals with with higher level cognitive functions like reasoning and judgment. Sometimes called executive function, it is associated with the pre-frontal cortex. Most importantly the frontal lobe contains several cortical areas involved in the control of voluntary muscle movement, including those necessary for the production of speech and swallowing. Broca's Area is found on the inferior third frontal gyrus in the hemisphere that is dominant for language. This area is involved in the coordination or programming of motor movements for the production of speech sounds. While it is essential for the execution of the motor movements involved in speech it does not directly cause movement to occur."
"docid": "D3285627#0",
"title": "https://www.allinahealth.org/Health-Conditions-and-Treatments/Health-library/Patient-education/Understanding-Stroke/Effects-of-stroke/Effects-of-right-sided-stroke/\nEffects of right-sided stroke",
"text": "Effects of right-sided stroke Stroke usually affects one side of the brain. Movement and sensation for one side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain. Some problems that happen after stroke are more common with stroke on one side of the brain than the other. The right side of the brain controls the ability to pay attention, recognize things you see, hear or touch, and be aware of your own body. In most people, the left side of the brain controls the ability to speak and understand language. In some left-handed people, language is controlled by the right side of the brain and awareness by the left side of the brain. If your stroke affected the right side of your brain, you will have problems with the left side of your body. Anomia You may not recognize faces or pictures of familiar people or objects. Attention span You may be unable to focus attention on a conversation or tasks for long periods of time. Denial You may deny that you had a stroke."
"docid": "D2226175#0",
"title": "https://seashellsbymillhill.com/tag/mermaids-toenails/\nThe Mermaidâs Toenails Turned Black",
"text": "The Mermaid’s Toenails Turned Black04/21/2017 Seashells black seashells, jingle shells, mermaid's toenails Dustytoes The common jingle shell ( Anomia ephippium) is easy to identify, but maybe not from a distance. While walking along the shoreline, spotting a black shell could mean you’ve found just about anything. Any shell can end up turning dark gray or black in color if the conditions are right. On my latest visit to the beach, I gathered some jingle shells, of which most were black, as you can see in my photo. One is somewhat silver, and another has bits of lighter tan, which means it still retains some of it’s original color. But jingle shells don’t start out as black. Just like the lightning whelk below, shells turn black because of sea and sand conditions. According to a comment left on another blog, The Ocracoke Island Journal, shells that have been washed into a low oxygen area will turn black due to the presence of iron sulfide. Click the link to see photos of an impressive collection of shells that were washed up on the beach after Hurricane Irene, many of which are black in color. Scroll down the page to read the comment about black seashells."
"docid": "D728363#0",
"title": "http://wordinfo.info/unit/2560\nnom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic",
"text": "\"nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic (Latin: name)Don't confuse this element with the Greek nomo- which means \"\"law\"\"; or with nomo- meaning \"\"meadow, pasture\"\" and by extension, \"\"acute ulcerative process\"\" and \"\"gangrene\"\".agnomen (s) (ag NOH muhn) ( noun); agnomina (pl) (ag NUHM uh nuh), agnomens1. A fourth name, or a nickname, presented by Romans; an additional name subsequently acquired as an honor for some special achievement; such as, military victories: \"\"An example of a Roman agnomen is Publius Caius Scipio Africanus (Scipio the Elder or Scipio Sr.) who was a hero of the Punic Wars and victorious over Hannibal.\"\"\"\" Ferdinand the Great is another example of an agnomen which has been used since the Roman times. \"\"2. Etymology: from Late Latin ag-, a form of ad-, \"\"toward\"\" [\"\"addition to\"\"] + nomen, \"\"name\"\".allonomous Controlled by external stimulation.anomia (s) ( noun), anomias (pl)The inability to name objects or of recognizing and recalling their names: As a result of her increasing dementia, her friend's mother was experiencing periodic anomia and was unable to remember the names of her children.anomie (or) anomy (s) ( noun), anomies (pl)1. A condition in society in which acceptable standards of conduct and belief are weak or lacking; also, a similar condition in an individual commonly characterized by disorientation, anxiety, and isolation: The anomy of the public scene was disrupted by riots on the streets; thus, breaking down the usual standards of conduct. 2. A reference to a lack of social or ethical standards when the absence of self-control has permitted desires to grow beyond all hope of satisfaction: There is such a thing as suicide that can result from suffering anomy when a person is convinced that there is no hope of satisfying his or her goals or objectives. 3."
"docid": "D2915373#0",
"title": "http://www.d.umn.edu/~mmizuko/2230/sym.htm\nSymptoms of Aphasia",
"text": "\"Spoken Language - Inadequate or inappropriate use of language through speech is the most readily observed. There are symptoms of omission in which linguistic units cannot be retrieved or are partially omitted, and symptoms of commission in which incorrect elements are selected unintentionally. Anomia refers to word finding difficulty. Patient is unable to evoke, retrieve, or recall a particular word. The problem is most evident in the case of nouns, but this may be because nouns constitute a large proportion of a speaker's word use. Some patients, unable to evoke an elusive word, substitute another word, phrase, gesture or use circumlocutions (i.e., they talk around or about the specific word. Verbal paraphasia and circumlocutions may be examples of a more generalized category of symptoms called anomia. Paraphasias - A paraphasia is a symptom of commission in that it is an incorrect word substituted for an intended or target word. It is the product of a breakdown at a stage of word-retrieval process and is a dominant symptoms within the more general category of anomia. Phonemic paraphasias also called literal paraphasias, involve the substitution, addition, or rearrangement of speech sounds so that the error can be identified as sounding like the target."
"docid": "D183985#0",
"title": "http://www.braininjury.com/symptoms.shtml\nSymptoms of Brain Injury",
"text": "\"Symptoms of Brain Injury Any brain function can be disrupted by brain trauma: excessive sleepiness, inattention, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory, faulty judgment, depression, irritability, emotional outbursts, disturbed sleep, diminished libido, difficulty switching between two tasks, and slowed thinking. Sorting out bonafide brain damage from the effects of migraine headaches, pain elsewhere in the body, medications, depression, preoccupation with financial loss, job status, loss of status in the community, loss of status in the family, and any ongoing litigation can be a formibable task. The extent and the severity of cognitive neurologic dysfunction can be measured with the aid of neuropsychological testing. Neuropsychologists use their tests to localize dysfunction to specific areas of the brain. For example, the frontal lobes play an essential role in drive, mood, personality, judgment, interpersonal behavior, attention, foresight, and inhibition of inappropriate behavior. The ability to plan properly and execute those plans is known as \"\"executive function.\"\" Frontal lobe injury is often associated with damage to the olfactory bulbs beneath the frontal lobes. Patients may note reduced or altered sense of smell. One recent study (Varney 1993) showed that 92% of brain injured patient suffering anosmia (loss of smell) had ongoing problems with employment, even though their neuropsychological testing was relatively normal. The effects of brain injury on the patient may be equaled or even surpassed by the effect on the patient's family."
"docid": "D3150625#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/11012177/psyc-215-a02-4-flash-cards/\npsyc 215 A02 #4",
"text": "\"201 terms saveadpsyc 215 A02 #4Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Operant Conditioning In operant conditioning, responses are followed by reinforcement or punishment that either strengthen or weaken the behaviour. Reinforcers are events that increase the probability that the response will occur again. Punishments are events that decrease the probability that the response will occur again. Pavlov's View of the Physiology of Learning Pavlov believed that conditioning strengthened connections between the CS centre and UCS centre in the brain. In Search of the Engram Karl Lashley set out to prove this by searching for such engrams, or physical representations of what had been learned. Believed that a knife cut should abolish the newly learned response. example of types of cuts in various rats. His results- Lashley's studies attempted to see if disrupting certain connections between cortical brain areas would disrupt abilities to learn associations. Found that learning and memory did not depend entirely on connections across the cortex. Also found that learning did not depend on a single area of the cortex."
"docid": "D2886521#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/slp/comments/1yov7r/aphasia_vs_apraxia_vs_dysarthria/\n.",
"text": "\"all 27 commentssorted by: best Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment!Create an account [–] Boodle Brown 8 points 4 years ago This isn't my area at all, but no one was replying! As far as I remember: Aphasia: language disorder following stroke or other brain injury. Can take many forms based on the location of the lesion. Check out the PALPA assessment for a good model of the cognitive processes involved. Apraxia: difficulties with motor planning and initiation of movement. So you have the language but it doesn't come out when you consciously plan to initiate the speech movements. Some automatic speech (like swearing) may be preserved. Can be after neuro damage or developmental. Dysarthria: difficulty with speech production, often due to weak or insufficient motor movements needed for clear speech."
"docid": "D1307769#0",
"title": "http://www.sms.si.edu/IRLSpec/Oyster_reef.htm\nIndian River Lagoon Species Inventory",
"text": "SMS Home › IRLSI Home › The IRL › IRL Habitats › Oyster Reefs ›Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory Oyster Reef Habitats Oyster reefs, often referred to as oyster bars, are common submerged habitats in the southern United States. Oyster reefs in Florida are found in nearshore areas and estuaries of both coasts, but grow especially vigorously near estuarine river mouths where waters are brackish and less than 10 meters deep. For example, the Apalachicola River in northern Florida is a particularly productive area for oysters, and supplies over 90% of the state's annual oyster catch. Within the Indian River Lagoon, oyster reefs may be found in the vicinity of spoil islands and impounded areas. In addition to being commercially valuable, oyster reefs serve a number of important ecological roles in coastal systems: providing important habitat for a large number of species; improving water quality; stabilizing bottom areas, and influencing water circulation patterns within estuaries. Oyster reefs are built primarily by the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, through successive reproduction and settlement of larvae onto existing reef structure. Oysters in Florida spawn from late spring through the fall. The planktonic larvae that develop require a hard substratum to settle upon in order to complete development to the juvenile stage, and prefer to settle on the shells of other oysters. Thus, over time, continued settlement and subsequent growth of generations of oysters may form massive reef structures consisting of staggering numbers of individuals. Luntz (1960), estimated that 5,895 oysters, the equivalent of 45 bushels, occurred within a single square yard of oyster reef."
"docid": "D2319845#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/focal-neurological-deficits/overview.html\nFocal Neurological Deficits",
"text": "Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > f > Focal Neurological Deficits Focal Neurological Deficits Overview Alternative Names Considerations Causes Home Care When to Contact a Medical Professional What to Expect at Your Office Visit References Related Topics Muscle Function Loss Alertness - Decreased Numbness and Tingling Weakness Hypotonia Visual Field Vision Problems Movement - Uncoordinated Horner Syndrome Eyelid Drooping Illustrations Brain A focal neurologic deficit is a problem with nerve, spinal cord, or brain function. It affects a specific location, such as the left side of the face, right arm, or even a small area such as the tongue. Speech, vision, and hearing problems are also considered focal neurological deficits. The type, location, and severity of the problem can indicate which area of the brain or nervous system is affected. In contrast, a nonfocal problem is NOT specific to a certain area of the brain. It may include a general loss of consciousness or emotional problem. Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Alternative Names Neurological deficits - focal Back to Top Considerations A focal neurologic problem can affect any of these functions: Movement changes including paralysis, weakness, loss of muscle control, increased muscle tone, loss of muscle tone, or movements a person cannot control (involuntary movements, such as tremor)Sensation changes include paresthesia (abnormal sensations), numbness, or decreases in sensation Other examples of focal loss of function include: Horner's syndrome: small pupil on one side, one-sided eyelid drooping, lack of sweating on one side of the face, and sinking of one eye into its socket Not paying attention to a person's surroundings or a part of the body (neglect)Loss of coordination or loss of fine motor control (ability to perform complex movements)Poor gag reflex, swallowing difficulty, and frequent choking Speech or language difficulties such as aphasia (a problem understanding or producing words) or dysarthria (a problem making the sounds of words), poor enunciation, poor understanding of speech, difficulty writing, lack of ability to read or understand writing, inability to name objects (anomia)Vision changes such as reduced vision, decreased visual field, sudden vision loss, double vision (diplopia)Back to Top Causes Anything that damages or disrupts any part of the nervous system can cause a focal neurologic deficit. Examples include: Abnormal blood vessels (vascular malformation)Brain tumor Cerebral palsy Degenerative nerve illness Disorders of a single nerve or nerve group (for example, carpal tunnel syndrome)Infection Injury Stroke Back to Top Home Care Home care depends on the type and cause of the problem. Back to Top When to Contact a Medical Professional If you have any loss of movement, sensation, or function, call your health care provider. Back to Top What to Expect at Your Office Visit The health care provider will take your medical history and perform a physical examination."
] |
2028 | approximately what percentage of people will have iq scores between 85 and 115?: | [
"docid": "D1793537#0",
"title": "http://www.weegy.com/?ConversationId=84YN0N8N\n.",
"text": "Question and answer Q: IQ test scores have a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Approximately what proportion of people have an IQ between 85 and 115? A: IQ test scores have a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Approximately 68% people have an IQ between 85 and 115. Get an answer Search for an answer or ask Weegy (Free)IQ test scores have a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Approximately what proportion of people have an IQ between 85 and 115? Original conversation User: IQ test scores have a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Approximately what proportion of people have an IQ between 85 and 115? Weegy: The variability of IQ within a population, as with many other measurable characteristics subject to manifold influences (e.g. [ the height and weight of individuals), appears to follow what is referred to as the normal (gaussian) distribution, otherwise known colloquially as the the bell curve. ] Expert answered| immortal009 |Points 70|Log in for more information."
] | [
"docid": "D45452#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/world-view/average-american-iq-ab54c97eb8a3080a\nWhat Is the Average American IQ?",
"text": "World View Social Sciences Population & Demography Q: What Is the Average American IQ? A: Quick Answer The average American IQ ranges between 90 and 100. Individuals with IQ scores between 160 and 165 are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those with scores of 145 to 179 are considered geniuses. A score of 115 to 144 is considered above average, and scores between 85 and 114 are considered average. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Average IQ of a 13-Year-Old? Which Country Has the Highest Average IQ? How Does an IQ of 138 Compare to the Rest of the United States? Credit: Justin Lewis Stone Getty Images Full Answer IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. It is a score that combines the mental age of a person with his chronological age. For testing purposes, the mental age is determined by a series of standardized test questions, known as the IQ test."
"docid": "D494759#0",
"title": "http://www.i3mindware.com/5-iq-factors/general-intelligence\nDefinitions of General Intelligence (G) â TheGFactor",
"text": "Definitions of General Intelligence (G) – The GFactor52 experts in the field of intelligence have defined general intelligence as as:…a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. General intelligence may more generally be defined as: Your ability to reason, problem solve, decide, learn & act successfully in the pursuit of your valued goals. David Wechsler – the creator of the most widely used psychometric IQ test, the WAIS – defined intelligence as: The global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment. An excellent collection of definitions of general intelligence and IQ is found in the paper A Collection Of Definitions Of Intelligence. IQ Tests and General Intelligence (G)While people have different cognitive strengths and weaknesses, psychologists have found that there is a common component called ‘general intelligence’ or ‘ G ‘. Individuals differ in their ‘G Factor’ & valid IQ tests give a good measure of those individual differences. IQ tests are widely used in our society. Universities use IQ tests (e.g. SAT) to select students, companies use IQ tests (job aptitude tests) to screen applicants, and high IQ societies such as Mensa use IQ test scores as membership criteria. IQ scores have a distribution that looks like a bell curve.. IQ tests are designed so that the average IQ score is 100. In this graph, you can see that 68% of the population has an IQ score between 85 and 115."
"docid": "D792218#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Average_iq_of_a_man\nWhat is the average IQ of an Asian person?",
"text": "Yourmumgoestocollege 48 Contributions What is the average IQ of an Asian person? The IQ scales in Asian countries will be normed for those countries, so the answer will always be 100. What is Average IQ?the average iq in the united states is 98Doc Thermo 26,675 Contributions Truth is knowledge of things as they really are, as they really were and as they really will be. What is the average IQ? A more accurate representation is: Genius 145 and above Gifted 130 to 145 Smart 115 to 130 Normal 90 to 115 Below average 80 to 90 Slow 65 to 80 Retarded Under 65 Note that t …What is the average IQ for a 29 year old man?100 (the average IQ is 100 by definition). However, there are different average IQs determined by region of the world. In all actuality, the average IQ of a person from the U. …What is considered an average IQ score?85-99 is a low average a high average is 100-114What is the average IQ of a 60 year old man? I scored 120 on an Internet Test - is that good? What is the average mans IQ?130Joyce Galloway Parker 21,774 Contributions Majored in psychology, studied domestic violence, spousal and child abuse, have a lifetime of observing people, their actions and reactions. What is the average IQ score for a 22 year old man?"
"docid": "D174135#0",
"title": "https://www.test-iq.org/iq-scores-and-iq-levels/\nIQ Scores and IQ Levels",
"text": "IQ Scores and IQ Levels1. IQ Scores2. IQ Levels3. What is the average IQ?4. BMI IQ Classification Scale1. IQ SCORESIQ Scores demonstrate an individual’s performance in the test compared to everyone else in the same age group who has taken the test. As IQ research progressed through the years, different tests were developed and each was given its own scoring system. Therefore, an IQ of 130 is an insignificant claim unless you know the exact test that was used to measure your score. In order to compare different IQ tests against each other, their scores have to be converted to ‘percentiles’. For example converting your IQ score to a percentile will tell you how you rank compared to the rest of the population by percentage."
"docid": "D3131205#0",
"title": "http://www.highiqpro.com/iq-tests-iq-scores-iq-questions/preparing-for-the-mensa-challenge\nPreparing For The Mensa Challenge â How To Get Into Mensa",
"text": "In this tutorial you will be given the following: The IQ score you need to become a Mensa member. An explanation of how a Mensa IQ score compares to an average IQ. The official IQ tests that qualify you for Mensa membership. Where to find practice IQ tests for Mensa. How to prepare for taking a Mensa qualifying IQ test to maximize your chances of success. What is Mensa and what are advantages to being a Mensa member. Note that we are not affiliated with Mensa – this is independent advice by researchers specializing in intelligence augmentation through cognitive training interventions. An IQ in the Top 2%Getting into Mensa is NOT EASY. You have to score at or above the 98th percentile – the top 2% – on a standardized, professionally administered IQ test. This is typically a score of 130 or more."
"docid": "D3158654#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-considered-a-good-IQ\nWhat is considered a good IQ?",
"text": "\"Considerations Mensa Good IQ Testing Intelligence Quotient Intelligence What is considered a good IQ? Answer Wiki Here's the IQ Bell Curve for reference : The entry requirement for Mensa on the most commonly used scales is: Cattell - 148Culture Fair - 132Ravens Advanced Matrices - 135Ravens Standard Matrices - 131Wechsler (WAIS) - 132The maximum IQ achievable on all but the Cattell Culture Fair III test is generally <= 161IQ classification: Terman's>141 very good120-141 good intelligence110-120 bad intelligence100 + Answers Peter Knutsen, Your standard geeky polymath, good memory, smart, knows a bunch about a variety of topics (except sports, o... Answered May 7, 2015 · Author has 168 answers and 299.3k answer views Originally Answered: Is an IQ of 122 good? It's not bad, 122, but what IQ scale was used? What was the standard deviation, the SD, of the scale? Good intelligence tests, scientifically constructed ones, all try to measure the same thing, general intelligence, the g -factor, but as with height or distance, intelligence can be measured in several units. If talking about a person's height, you can usually deduce the unit used from the figure, for instance if I tell you that I'm 180 tall, you can deduce that I mean 180 centimeters, because neither 180 meters, nor 180 feet or 180 niches, would be a plausible height for a person of my species. IQ is much trickier, in that the three scales are close together (the ratio between centimeters and inches is 2.5, whereas the ratio between the two most commonly used IQ scales is 1.07) and are all based on an average of 100 (whereas the basis for height, or indeed any distance, is zero, the minimum possible distance between two points in space). The two most common scales use an SD of 15 and 16, respectively, so that a score of 115 on the one is the same as a score of 116 on the other. The difference between those two are so small that you can ignore them. The problem is the 3rd scale, the Cattell scale, having an SD of 24, so that on that a score of 124 is the same as a score of 116 and 115, respectively, on the two other scales."
"docid": "D156268#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-is-considered-a-low-iq-2795282\nHow Low IQ Scores Are Determined and What They Mean",
"text": "\"Theories Cognitive Psychology How Low IQ Scores Are Determined and What They Mean How They're Classified and What a Score Under 70 Means By Kendra Cherry Updated March 06, 2018Share Pin Email Print Alessio Damato, Mikhail Ryazanov / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)While we often hear a lot of talk about high and low intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, many people aren't quite sure what these designations really mean. Definition of a Low IQ Score An IQ score of 70 or below is considered a low score. Remember, on most standardized tests of intelligence, the average score is set at 100. Anything over 140 is considered high or genius-level. Sixty-eight percent of all scores fall within plus or minus 15 points of the mean (so between 85 and 115). So what does it mean to have a score 70 or below? In the past, an IQ score below 70 was considered a benchmark for mental retardation, an intellectual disability characterized by significant cognitive impairments. Today, however, IQ scores alone are not used to diagnose intellectual disability. Instead, the criteria for a diagnosis includes an IQ of 70 or below, evidence that these cognitive limitations existed before the age of 18, serious limitations in areas such as learning and reasoning, and severe limitations in adaptive areas such as communication and self-help skills. Intellectual disability is the most common type of developmental disorder and affects approximately 0.05 percent to 1.55 percent of all people."
"docid": "D3494200#0",
"title": "https://www.darkmoon.me/2012/world-iq-figures-a-complete-chart-with-notes-and-comments/\nWorld IQ Figures: A Complete Chart with Notes and Comments",
"text": "World IQ Figures: A Complete Chart with Notes and Comments Lasha Darkmoon January 29, 2012 March 25, 2017 Articles, Recommended Reading Including Additional Material on high Jewish, Chinese and Indian IQs Click to expand COLOR CODERED = All higher IQs of 100 and over BLACK = All mediocre IQs in the 80-100 range GREEN = All lower IQs of under 801 Afghanistan 832 Albania 903 Algeria 84 4 Angola 695 Antigua & Barbuda 75 6 Argentina 96 7 Armenia 93 8 Australia 98 9 Austria 102 10 Azerbaijan 8711 Bahamas 7812 Bahrain 8313 Bangladesh 8114 Barbados 7815 Belarus 9616 Belgium 10017 Belize 8318 Benin 6919 Bhutan 7820 Bolivia 8521 Botswana 7222 Brazil 8723 Brunei 9224 Bulgaria 9325 Burkina Faso 6626 Burma (Myanmar) 8627 Burundi 7028 Cambodia 89 29 Cameroon 7030 Canada 9731 Cape Verde 7832 Central African Rep. 68 33 Chad 72 34 Chile 93 35 China 100 36 Colombia 88 37 Comoros 7938 Congo (Braz) 73 39 Congo (Zaire) 6540 Costa Rica 9141 Côte d’Ivoire 42 Croatia 90 43 Cuba 85 44 Cyprus 9245 Czech Republic 9746 Denmark 9847 Djibouti 68 48 Dominica 75 49 Dominican Republic 8450 Ecuador 80 51 Egypt 83 52 El Salvador 84 53 Equatorial Guinea 59 54 Eritrea 68 55 Estonia 97 56 Ethiopia 6357 Fiji 84 58 Finland 97 59 France 9860 Gabon 66 61 Gambia 64 62 Georgia 93 63 Germany 10264 Ghana 71 65 Greece 92 66 Grenada 75 67 Guatemala 79 68 Guinea 6369 Guinea-Bissau 63 70 Guyana 8471 Haiti 72 72 Honduras 8473 Hong Kong 107 74 Hungary 9975 Iceland 98 76 India 81 (But see ‘Update on Indian IQ’ below)77 Indonesia 89 78 Iran 84 79 Iraq 87 80 Ireland 93 81 Israel 94 (Ashkenazi Jews = 110-115. But see endnote on Jewish IQ)82 Italy 10283 Jamaica 7284 Japan 105 85 Jordan 8786 Kazakhstan 93 87 Kenya 72 88 Kiribati 84 89 Korea, North 105 90 Korea, South 106 91 Kuwait 83 92 Kyrgyzstan 87With the single exception of Ashkanazi Jews (see Endnote), the “yellow races” enjoy the highest IQs in the world, with the Hong Kong Chinese scoring most (107), South Koreans (106), North Koreans (105), Japanese (105). In comparison, the average Caucasian has an IQ of 100 or less.93 Laos 89 94 Latvia 97 95 Lebanon 86 96 Lesotho 72 97 Liberia 64 98 Libya 84 99 Lithuania 97* 100 Luxembourg 101101 Macedonia 93 102 Madagascar 79 103 Malawi 71 104 Malaysia 92 105 Maldives 81 106 Mali 68 107 Malta 95 108 Marshall Islands 84 109 Mauritania 73 110 Mauritius 81 111 Mexico 87 112 Micronesia 84 113 Moldova 95 114 Mongolia 98 115 Morocco 85 116 Mosambique 72117 Namibia 72 118 Nepal 78119 Netherlands 102 120 New Zealand 100 121 Nicaragua 84 122 Niger 67 123 Nigeria 67124 Norway 98125 Oman 83126 Pakistan 81 127 Panama 84 128 Papua New Guinea 84 129 Paraguay 85 130 Peru 90 131 Philippines 86 132 Poland 99 133 Portugal 95 134 Puerto Rico 84135 Qatar 78136 Romania 94137 Russia 96138 Rwanda 70139 Samoa (Western) 87 140 Sao Tome/Principe 59 141 Saudi Arabia 83 142 Senegal 64 143 Seychelles 81 144 Sierra Leone 64145 Singapore 100 146 Slovakia 96 147 Slovenia 95 148 Solomon Islands 84 149 Somalia 68 150 South Africa 72151 Spain 99 152 Sri Lanka 81 153 St. Kitts & Nevis 75 154 St. Lucia 75 155 St. Vincent/Grenadines 75156 Sudan 72 157 Suriname 89 158 Swaziland 72159 Sweden 101160 Switzerland 101 161 Syria 87162 Taiwan 104 163 Tajikistan 87 164 Tanzania 72 165 Thailand 91 166 Togo 69 167 Tonga 87 168 Trinidad & Tobago 80 169 Tunisia 84 170 Turkey 90 171 Turkmenistan 87172 Uganda 73 173 Ukraine 96 174 United Arab Emirates 83 175 United Kingdom 100176 United States 98 177 Uruguay 96 178 Uzbekistan 87179 Vanuatu 84 180 Venezuela 88 181 Vietnam 96182 Yemen 83 183 Yugoslavia 93184 Zambia 77 185 Zimbabwe 66Notes on Jewish IQ: ASHKENAZI JEWS: Unlike the “average” Jew in Israel whose IQ is given above as 94, the Ashkenazi Jew is said to have an average IQ of 110-115, sometimes as high as 117. This is 10 points above the Hong Kong Chinese (107), 20 points above the Canadians (97), 30 points above the Mexicans (87), and 50 points above the Nigerians (67).“The 2005 paper “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence” by Cochran, Hardy, and Harpending, argued on the basis of inherited diseases and the peculiar economic situation of Ashkenazi Jews in medieval Europe, that Ashkenazi Jews as a group now inherit a cognitive profile that includes higher verbal and mathematical intelligence than other ethnic groups, along with lower spatial intelligence. One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is their prevalance in intellectually demanding fields. From 1901–2010, 21.5% of Nobel prize winners were Jewish, while Jews make up a much smaller fraction of the population of the countries represented. For example, 36% of Nobel prize winners from the United States have been Jewish, while Jews make up 2.1% of the U. S. population. G. Cochran, J. Hardy and H. Harpending additionally cite the disproportionately high percentage of Ashkenazi Chess Grandmasters and Fields Medalists in mathematics, as well as winners of the Turing Award in computer science. Their median IQ is calculated at 117 in From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice (2000), published by Cambridge University Press. This is 10 points higher than the generally-accepted IQ of their closest rivals—Northeast Asians—and almost 20% higher than the global average."
"docid": "D3529825#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_an_IQ_of_135_mean\nWhat does an IQ of 135 mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Social Sciences Psychology IQ What does an IQ of 135 mean? Flag What does an IQ of 135 mean? Answer by Joe Schmoe Confidence votes 6Assuming that a score of 135 was earned on a test with a standard deviation of 15 (not 16 or 24) (e.g. Wechsler, as opposed to Stanford-Binet or Cattell), said score places one at the 99th percentile (assuming a mean score of 100; globally, mean IQ is approximately 88, circa 2015, placing a score of 135 above the 99.9th percentile [one per one-thousand people]). There are some intellectual (high-IQ) societies that accept only individuals who have scored at or above the top 1% (mean 100); the largest and oldest of these is Intertel.15 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Sean2236 10,699 Contributions Is 135 a good IQ for a 15 year old boy? All else being equal an IQ of 135 is high for anyone, so it would be very good for a 15 year old boy. Indication of IQ score of 135? The IQ score 134 lies within the range of 120-140 which indicatesvery superior intelligence. IQ is the test of intelligence level ofa human being. Is an IQ of 135 good?"
"docid": "D73623#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_classification\nIQ classification",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Score distribution chart for sample of 905 children tested on 1916 Stanford–Binet Test IQ classification is the practice by IQ test publishers of labeling IQ score ranges with category names such as \"\"superior\"\" or \"\"average\"\". [ 1] [2] [3] [4] There are several publishers of tests of cognitive abilities. No two publishers use exactly the same classification labels, which have changed from time to time since the beginning of intelligence testing in the early twentieth century. IQ scores have been derived by two different methods since the advent of cognitive ability tests. The first method historically was the \"\"ratio IQ\"\", based on estimating a \"\"mental age\"\" of the test-taker (rounded to a specified number of years and months), which was then divided by the test-taker's \"\"chronological age\"\" (rounded to a specified number of years and months). For example, a mental age score of thirteen years and zero months for a test-taker with the chronological age ten years and zero months results in a quotient of 1.3 after doing the division. The division result was then multiplied by 100 so that scores could be reported without decimal points. Thus the score in the example would be reported as IQ 130. The current scoring method for all IQ tests is the \"\"deviation IQ\"\". In this method, an IQ score of 100 means that the test-taker's performance on the test is at the median level of performance in the sample of test-takers of about the same age used to norm the test."
"docid": "D1034684#0",
"title": "http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/race-iq-and-wealth/\nRace, IQ, and Wealth",
"text": "Race, IQ, and Wealth What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz • July 18, 2012Tweetcarlosgardel / shutterstock At the end of April, Charles Kenny, a former World Bank economist specializing in international development, published a blistering attack in Foreign Policy entitled “ Dumb and Dumber ,” with the accusatory subtitle “Are development experts becoming racists?” Kenny charged that a growing number of development economists were turning towards genetic and other intrinsic human traits as a central explanation of national economic progress, often elevating these above the investment and regulatory issues that have long been the focus of international agencies. Although Kenny suggested that many of his targets had been circumspect in how they raised these highly controversial ideas, he singled out IQ and the Wealth of Nations, published in 2001 by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, as a particularly extreme and hateful example of this trend. These authors explicitly argue that IQ scores for different populations are largely fixed and hereditary, and that these—rather than economic or governmental structures—tend to determine the long-term wealth of a given country. Kenny claimed that such IQ theories were not merely racist and deeply offensive but had also long been debunked by scientific experts—notably the prominent biologist Stephen Jay Gould in his 1980 book The Mismeasure of Man. As Kenny soon discovered from the responses to his online article, he had seriously erred in quoting the authority of Gould, whose fraud on race and brain-size issues, presumably in service to his self-proclaimed Marxist beliefs, last year received further coverage in the New York Times. Science largely runs on the honor system, and once simple statements of fact—in Gould’s case, the physical volume of human skulls—are found to be false, we cannot trust more complex claims made by the particular scholar. Despite Kenny’s obvious lack of familiarity with the technical questions he raised, these issues remain important ones to explore, given today’s globalized world. After all, it is generally acknowledged that some people are smarter than other people, and this almost syllogistically raises the possibility that some peoples may be smarter than other peoples. Most nations prefer material wealth to poverty, and it seems plausible that smarter people might be better at generating the productivity needed to achieve this goal."
"docid": "D1793538#0",
"title": "http://mhhe.com/socscience/intro/cafe/common/stat/dstats10.mhtml\n.",
"text": "The Normal Curve and Percentiles As shown in the histograms in Figure 2, the normal curve is a bell-shaped graph that represents a hypothetical frequency distribution in which the frequency of scores is greatest near the mean and progressively decreases toward the extremes. In essence, the normal curve is a smooth frequency polygon based on an infinite number of scores. The mean, median, and mode of a normal curve all have the same value. This falls at the center of this symmetric distribution and splits it in half, such that 50% of the observations are above and 50% of the observations are below it. Many physical or psychological characteristics, such as height, weight, and scores on many standardized intelligence tests fall on a normal curve. One useful characteristic of a normal curve is that certain percentages of scores fall at certain distances (measured in standard deviation units) from its mean. A special statistical table makes it a simple matter to determine the percentage of scores that fall above or below a particular score or between two scores on the curve. For example, about 68 percent of scores fall between plus and minus one standard deviation from the mean; about 95 percent fall between plus and minus two standard deviations from the mean; and about 99 percent fall between plus and minus three standard deviations from the mean. Figure 4 contains a normal distribution with the percentage of scores at +/- 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from the mean shown. Figure 4."
"docid": "D494758#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iq\nIntelligence quotient",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Iq)navigation search\"\"IQ\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see IQ (disambiguation). Intelligence quotient Medical diagnostics An example of one kind of IQ test item, modeled after items in the Raven's Progressive Matrices test ICD-10-PCS Z01.8ICD-9-CM 94.01 [ edit on Wikidata]An intelligence quotient ( IQ) is a total score derived from several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. The abbreviation \"\"IQ\"\" was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests at University of Breslau he advocated in a 1912 book. [ 1] Historically, IQ is a score obtained by dividing a person's mental age score, obtained by administering an intelligence test, by the person's chronological age, both expressed in terms of years and months. The resulting fraction is multiplied by 100 to obtain the IQ score. [ 2] When current IQ tests were developed, the median raw score of the norming sample is defined as IQ 100 and scores each standard deviation (SD) up or down are defined as 15 IQ points greater or less, [3] although this was not always so historically. By this definition, approximately two-thirds of the population scores are between IQ 85 and IQ 115. About 2.5 percent of the population scores above 130, and 2.5 percent below 70. [ 4] [5]Scores from intelligence tests are estimates of intelligence."
"docid": "D3204750#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/meaning-of-iq-test-scores-1449360\nThe Meaning of an IQ Test Score",
"text": "\"Gifted Kids Is My Child Gifted? The Meaning of an IQ Test Score By Carol Bainbridge Updated March 13, 2018Share Pin Email Print Emmeci74/i Stock/Getty Images Your child takes an IQ test and you get the score back. You learn that your child, with an IQ score of 150, falls into the highly gifted range. What does that mean? Before you can understand what it means for a child to be highly gifted (or moderately gifted, or profoundly gifted), you need to understand what IQ scores represent. How IQ Scores Are Measured An IQ score is an Intelligence Quotient. This is a measure of intelligence, primarily of a person's reasoning ability. The higher the score, the greater that person's reasoning ability. If we took everyone's IQ scores and plotted them, we would see them distributed in a normal bell curve. That means that most scores would fall somewhere in the center of that bell curve."
"docid": "D1203608#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_an_IQ_of_117_good\nIs an IQ of 117 good?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Law & Legal Issues Business Law Intellectual Property Is an IQ of 117 good? Flag Is an IQ of 117 good? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. First things first, if you took an online IQ test then chances are the score is not accurate as the online sites often score you higher than normal to give you a confidence boost so that you'll pay for the full results. You would need to take a monitored test at either a college or high school by a licenced proctor. However, as to your question yes a 117 is good. An average person scores in the 85 to 115 range. 85 being borderline and 115 being high average. 116 and above places you in the top 2/3 in your peer group. So consider yourself above average."
"docid": "D2503982#0",
"title": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/testthenation/iq_norms.shtml\n.",
"text": "Determine your IQ Use the look up table below to cross reference your test score with your age to determine your IQMeaning of IQ85 to 115 - Two thirds of us have an IQ in this range: the ’average’ IQ is 100. Over 115 - Only a third of people have an IQ this high Over 120 - Only 9% of people have an IQ this high Over 125 - Only 5% of people have an IQ this high Over 130 - Only 2.5% of people have an IQ this high Over 135 - You are in the top 1%.raw IQ score 16-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+15 70 70 70 70 7016 70 70 70 70 7117 70 70 70 71 7318 70 70 70 73 7519 70 70 70 75 7820 70 70 70 76 8021 70 70 72 78 8322 70 70 74 80 8623 70 70 76 82 8824 70 72 77 84 9025 70 74 79 86 9226 70 75 81 88 9527 70 77 82 90 9828 70 79 83 92 10129 72 80 84 94 10330 74 81 86 96 10631 75 83 88 98 11032 77 85 90 101 11333 79 87 91 103 11634 80 88 93 105 11835 81 90 94 108 12136 83 92 95 111 12437 85 93 97 113 12738 87 95 99 115 13139 88 97 101 117 13540 90 99 102 120 13941 92 101 104 122 14242 93 102 106 125 14343 95 105 108 129 14544 97 107 110 132 14645 99 109 112 135 14646 101 111 113 138 14647 102 113 115 140 14648 105 115 117 142 14649 107 117 120 143 14650 109 119 122 143 14651 111 122 125 145 14652 113 124 127 146 14653 115 127 129 146 14654 117 130 131 146 14655 119 132 133 146 14656 122 134 135 146 14657 124 136 138 146 14658 127 139 141 146 14659 130 142 141 146 14660 132 145 143 146 14661 134 145 144 146 14662 136 146 144 146 14663 139 146 146 146 14664 142 146 146 146 14665 145 146 146 146 14666 145 146 146 146 14667-70 146 146 146 146 146bbc.co.uk links: Comedy Quizzes Drama Quizzes Teens Quizzes Film Quizzes East Enders Quizzes Mastermind Quizzes The Weakest Link Game Science and Nature Quizzesexternal links: Fun Trivia Sudoku Fun Crossword Puzzles The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites"
"docid": "D808639#0",
"title": "http://us.mensa.org/join/testing/scoreevaluation/\nAmerican Mensa, Ltd.",
"text": "\"Take our admission test Interpret your score Pre-purchase testing Submit qualifying testing Take our practice test Gifted Youth admission International members Rejoin American Mensa Redeem your MVP code Interpret your supervised test score American Mensa offers two test batteries that may qualify you for membership. The first includes both the Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test and the Mensa version of the Wonderlic ®; this is the battery of tests given most frequently. The second battery is a “culture fair\"\" battery that includes the Cattell Culture Fair, the Nonverbal Reasoning Test and the SRA Pictorial Reasoning Test. After you test with one of our local, volunteer Proctors, your tests are sent to our National Office for scoring. Within seven to 10 business days, your tests are scored and a letter with your Mensa qualification status is mailed. This letter also contains the raw scores for each of the tests you take, and you need qualify on only one of the tests to be offered membership. Interpret Your Scores Due to partnership restrictions, we are not able to publish an IQ conversion for the Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test. Raw scores, percentile rank and IQEach test score is calculated based on the number of questions you answered correctly, and the number of potentially correct answers varies from test to test. Additionally, depending on the test, adjustments in scoring may take into account your age when you take the test. The resulting score is your raw score — but this number is not your IQ."
"docid": "D1524062#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/whats-an-iq-questions-about-iq-testing-620981\nThe Meaning of an IQ Test Score",
"text": "\"Gifted Kids Is My Child Gifted? The Meaning of an IQ Test Score By Carol Bainbridge Updated March 13, 2018Share Pin Email Print Emmeci74/i Stock/Getty Images Your child takes an IQ test and you get the score back. You learn that your child, with an IQ score of 150, falls into the highly gifted range. What does that mean? Before you can understand what it means for a child to be highly gifted (or moderately gifted, or profoundly gifted), you need to understand what IQ scores represent. How IQ Scores Are Measured An IQ score is an Intelligence Quotient. This is a measure of intelligence, primarily of a person's reasoning ability. The higher the score, the greater that person's reasoning ability. If we took everyone's IQ scores and plotted them, we would see them distributed in a normal bell curve. That means that most scores would fall somewhere in the center of that bell curve."
"docid": "D273053#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_reference_chart\nIQ classification",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from IQ reference chart)navigation search Score distribution chart for sample of 905 children tested on 1916 Stanford–Binet Test IQ classification is the practice by IQ test publishers of labeling IQ score ranges with category names such as \"\"superior\"\" or \"\"average\"\". [ 1] [2] [3] [4] There are several publishers of tests of cognitive abilities. No two publishers use exactly the same classification labels, which have changed from time to time since the beginning of intelligence testing in the early twentieth century. IQ scores have been derived by two different methods since the advent of cognitive ability tests. The first method historically was the \"\"ratio IQ\"\", based on estimating a \"\"mental age\"\" of the test-taker (rounded to a specified number of years and months), which was then divided by the test-taker's \"\"chronological age\"\" (rounded to a specified number of years and months). For example, a mental age score of thirteen years and zero months for a test-taker with the chronological age ten years and zero months results in a quotient of 1.3 after doing the division. The division result was then multiplied by 100 so that scores could be reported without decimal points. Thus the score in the example would be reported as IQ 130. The current scoring method for all IQ tests is the \"\"deviation IQ\"\". In this method, an IQ score of 100 means that the test-taker's performance on the test is at the median level of performance in the sample of test-takers of about the same age used to norm the test."
"docid": "D131691#0",
"title": "http://www.i3mindware.com/what-is-an-iq-test-and-iq-score\nWhat Is An IQ Test? What Is A High IQ Score?",
"text": "What is an IQ Test? What is an Accurate IQ Test? While people have different cognitive strengths and weaknesses (e.g. language, music, math, visual), consistent correlations between them show us there is a common component to all of these. This common, underlying factor is called ‘general intelligence’ or ‘ g ‘.g is measured with a variety of psychometric assessments that are often referred to as “IQ tests”. IQ tests are the most reliable (e.g. consistent) and valid (e.g. accurate and meaningful) type of psychometric test that psychologists make use of. They are well-established as a good measure of a general intelligence or g. IQ tests are widely used in many contexts – educational, professional and for leisure. Universities use IQ tests (e.g. SAT entrance exams) to select students, companies use IQ tests (job aptitude tests) to screen applicants, and high IQ societies such as Mensa use IQ test scores as membership criteria. Note that many IQ tests on the internet are not standardized or valid. Their scores are not meaningful, and they do not accurately measure your intelligence. A lot of scientific work goes into developing an accurate, valid IQ test that is standardized."
] |
2033 | arden name meaning | [
"docid": "D1025715#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/celtic-names/arden.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Celtic Names > What does Arden mean? Meaning of Arden - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Arden\"\"Celtic name Other origins for the name Arden include - Celtic, Latin-American, English. The name Arden is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). In Celtic, the name Arden means - Eager; ardent.. Celtic Name Meaning - Eager; ardent. Origin - Celtic Alternate Origins - Latin-American English Expression num - 6Soul Urge num - 6Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
] | [
"docid": "D1409303#0",
"title": "http://hyacinthgirl.com/2014/08/06/skin-hell-chemical-exfoliant/\nSKIN | What the hell is a chemical exfoliant?",
"text": "SKIN | What the hell is a chemical exfoliant? August 6, 2014 Morgan I think most people know that exfoliating is good for your skin, but the new trend of chemical exfoliators is a bit harder to get your head around. What the hell is a chemical exfoliant, and why should you choose it over a scrub? Because I like to understand what I’m putting on my skin and what it does, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this. The benefit of this is that I will now translate it into a (hopefully) easy to understand blog post for you! So if you’re wondering what AHAs and BHAs are, and why people keep going on about acid toners, READ ON. First of all, why should we exfoliate? In essence, exfoliating removes dead skin cells. This improves the texture and appearance of your skin (makes it look nicer), reduces breakouts (makes it behave nicer) and can improve absorption of other skincare products you’re using (making it all-around better). There are benefits to scrubs and other products that exfoliate in the ‘normal’ way, also known as physical or manual exfoliators."
"docid": "D1025716#0",
"title": "http://babynames.allparenting.com/list/Celtic_Baby_Names/Arden/details/\n.",
"text": "\"Search 30000 Baby Name Meanings Advanced Baby Names Search And get more name ideas later on. Baby names Baby Name Meanings Celtic Baby Names \"\"0\"\" Status: Communication Error Baby names meanings search results: The name Arden is a baby boy name. The name Arden comes from the Celtic origin. In Celtic The meaning of the name Arden is: Eager; ardent. Name Information Boy or Girl ? : boy Origin of name: Celtic Meaning: Eager; ardent. Expression number: 6Soul Urge Number: 6Average Visitor Rating: 4.30 (Out of 5)Number of ratings: 20More From She Knows Explorer Comments (0)Subscribe to this comment's feed Write comment You must be logged in to a comment. Please register if you do not have an account yet. Find The Perfect Name - Join Free!Recent Baby Names And Pregnancy Questions The French Chef My Seventh Husband Walking Talllouis vuitton discount outletcheap nfl jerseys china This baby name and get more help later on \""
"docid": "D1872321#0",
"title": "http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/03/american-horror-story-asylum-the-name-game-review\n\"American Horror Story: Asylum - \"\"The Name Game\"\" Review\"",
"text": "\"Review by Matt Fowler The Name Game/ 2 Jan 2013American Horror Story: Asylum - \"\"The Name Game\"\" Review Share. Banana fanna, indeed. By Matt Fowler Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow... Firstly, I'll admit that I was flat-out wrong regarding Monsignor Timothy in my review from a few weeks back for \"\"The Coat Hanger.\"\" I kvetched a little bit about him being a dim character who met his end before he could redeem himself in any manner. Then, of course, it was immediately apparent from the \"\"Next time on...\"\" tag at the end of the episode that Timothy was meant to live on. But not only do I purposefully not watch \"\"Next time\"\" tags for shows in general, but the screeners I watch for American Horror Story don't even come with them. FX is nice enough to make their AHS episodes available for critics ahead of time online, and since I pre-write my reviews in order to get them up in a timely fashion, I never have any prior knowledge about what lies in wait. And, frankly, I also like to go into an episode with as little spoiled for me as possible. That being that, Timothy more than redeemed himself this week on \"\"The Name Game,\"\" when it all came down to a war of faith which pitted him directly against Sister Mary. Unfortunately (or fortunately? ),"
"docid": "D2471255#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_O%27Lakes\nLand O'Lakes",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the American agricultural cooperative. For other uses, see Land O'Lakes (disambiguation). Land O'Lakes Type Agricultural cooperative Industry Food and agriculture Founded July 8, 1921; 96 years ago Headquarters Arden Hills, Minnesota, U. S. Key people Christopher Policinski, (President & CEO)Products Dairy foods, animal nutrition, seed and crop protection Revenue $14.24 billion (2013)Total assets $6.75 billion (2013)Members 4,535 farmer-owners (2013)Number of employees 10,000Website www .landolakesinc .com Land O'Lakes, Inc. is a member-owned agricultural cooperative based in the Minneapolis-St. Paul suburb of Arden Hills, Minnesota, focusing on the dairy industry. The co-op states that it has about 3,600 direct producer-members, 1,000 member- cooperatives, and about 10,000 employees who process and distribute products for about 300,000 agricultural producers; [1] handling 12 billion pounds of milk annually. [ 2] It is ranked third on the National Cooperative Bank Co-op 100 list of mutuals and cooperatives. [ 3] The co-op is one of the largest producers of butter and cheese in the United States. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Recent history2 Corporate affairs3 Brands3.1 Dairy foods3.2 Animal feed3.3 Seed/crop protection4 Northwest Food Products Transportation, L. L. C.5 Butter packaging6 Allegations of animal mistreatment by supplier7 Licensing8 See also9 References10 Bibliography11 External links History [ edit]Processing plant in Kiel, Wisconsin Land O'Lakes was founded on July 8, 1921 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, by representatives from 320 co-op creameries as the Minnesota Cooperative Creameries Association. This organization aimed to improve marketing and quality of butter, and thus increase the profitability of dairying. The Association developed and implemented the systematic inspection, grading and certification of butter from member creameries, resulting in greater uniformity of product."
"docid": "D3058969#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Paint_(musical)\nWar Paint (musical)",
"text": "\"War Paint (musical)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search War Paint Music Scott Frankel Lyrics Michael Korie Book Doug Wright Basis 2004 book War Paint by Lindy Woodhead 2007 film The Powder & the Glory by Ann Carol Grossman & Arnie Reisman Premiere July 18, 2016: Goodman Theatre, Chicago Productions 2016 Chicago 2017 Broadway War Paint is a musical with book by Doug Wright, music by Scott Frankel, and lyrics by Michael Korie, based both on Lindy Woodhead's 2004 book War Paint and on the 2007 documentary film The Powder & the Glory by Ann Carol Grossman and Arnie Reisman. The musical focuses on the lives of and rivalry between 20th-century female entrepreneurs Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Productions3 Plot3.1 Act I3.2 Act II4 Musical numbers4.1 Goodman Theatre (2016)4.2 Original Broadway production (2017)5 Cast6 Critical response7 Awards and nominations7.1 Original Broadway Production8 References9 External links Overview [ edit]The musical relates the rivalry between two important women of the cosmetics industry, Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein, from the 1930s to the 1960s. Elizabeth Arden was the daughter of a Canadian farmer and presented her products as emblems of an upper-class life of comfort. Helena Rubinstein, from Poland, \"\"emphasized science\"\", promising an \"\"exotic look.\"\" That was \"\"code for Jewish\"\" according to Scott Frankel. [ 1]Doug Wright noted: “Together, they not only forged an industry, but a way of life... They absolutely shattered glass ceilings as women in industry.\"\" [ 2] Frankel, explaining the musical style, said: \"\"I’m a huge fan of music from the 1930s, ‘40s, ‘50s and ’60s and, without making it a pastiche, I soaked my brain in the fluids of those periods to see what absorbed naturally.\"\" [ 2]Productions [ edit]War Paint premiered at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago in the summer of 2016. Under the direction of Michael Greif, the Chicago production began performances on June 28, 2016, officially opened on July 18, and ran through August 21, 2016. ["
"docid": "D976377#0",
"title": "http://www.first-names-meanings.com/names/name-ARDEN.html\nMeaning of name Arden",
"text": "\"Discover for free which first names would suit you or your baby ! Meaning of name Arden Etymology : From an English surname, originally taken from various place names, which were derived from a Celtic word meaning \"\"high\"\". Saint : Origin : English Rate this first name :note 8.3 number of particpipant 6Find our baby names ranking!Gender : girl Country : Numbers : Meaning of those numbers? Share this page : Who is she? Beneath the aloof and sometimes glacial exterior, Arden is more sensitive and emotional than the average person. Her intuition is considerably well developed, and she applies it with mastery in her personal interactions. Indeed, she tends to be passive, even a little lazy at times and is often far away in a daydream; although her faculties of observation are excellent. She is very attentive to the needs of others, but often forgets about herself. She is generally shy, and can be very touching, however she is just as capable of showing quite formidable character. She is discreet, modest even, to such an extent that she can appear frosty and distant."
"docid": "D593086#0",
"title": "http://www.movingideas.org/arden-nc/\n.",
"text": "\"Arden, NC City Data Arden, NC is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 14,782 people who live in Arden and approximately 206,330 who live in Buncombe County. We want to help people moving to or living in Arden to understand the dynamics of the city, so we have put together information gathered from various creditable sources to give you a better understanding of Arden. We have included Arden housing information, demographics, social and education characteristics, and even economic information. General Arden Information Buncombe County where Arden resides is 659.8 square miles. The resident population of this county is 206,330 and has a population rank of 269 out of all the places in the United States. Arden has a total of 14,782 people and of those residents there are 7,163 males and 7,619 females. The median age of the male population is 37.2 and the female population is 39.4. There are approximately 2,599 births each year and around 2,207 deaths. The race breakdown of the population in Arden varies per year, but currently 14,610 are one race and 172 are two or more races."
"docid": "D168713#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare%27s_style\nShakespeare's writing style",
"text": "\"Shakespeare's writing style From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from William Shakespeare's style)navigation search Shakespeare and His Friends at the Mermaid Tavern (1850, oil on canvas) by John Faed. The painting depicts (from left in back) Joshua Sylvester, John Selden, Francis Beaumont, (seated at table from left) William Camden, Thomas Sackville, John Fletcher, Sir Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson, John Donne, Samuel Daniel, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Raleigh, the Earl of Southampton, Sir Robert Cotton, and Thomas Dekker. William Shakespeare 's style of writing was borrowed from the conventions of the day and adapted to his needs. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Form3 Similarities to contemporaries4 Differences from contemporaries5 References6 Sources Overview [ edit]Shakespeare's first plays were written in the conventional style of the day. He wrote them in a stylised language that does not always spring naturally from the needs of the characters or the drama. [ 1] The poetry depends on extended, sometimes elaborate metaphors and conceits, and the language is often rhetorical —written for actors to declaim rather than speak. For example, the grand speeches in Titus Andronicus, in the view of some critics, often hold up the action, and the verse in Two Gentlemen of Verona has been described as stilted. [ 2] [3]Soon, however, Shakespeare began to adapt the traditional styles to his own purposes. The opening soliloquy of Richard III has its roots in the self-declaration of Vice in medieval drama. At the same time, Richard's vivid self-awareness looks forward to the soliloquies of Shakespeare's mature plays. ["
"docid": "D2137517#0",
"title": "http://www.shakespeare-online.com/biography/shakespeareancestry.html\n.",
"text": "\"Shakespeare's Ancestry As a brief introductory detail it should be mentioned that, during the sixteenth century, there were many families with the name Shakespeare in and around Stratford. Shakespeare appears countless times in town minutes and court records, spelled in a variety of ways, from Shagspere to Chacsper. Unfortunately, there are very few records that reveal William Shakespeare's relationship to or with the many other Stratford Shakespeares. Genealogists claim to have discovered one man related to Shakespeare who was hanged in Gloucestershire for theft in 1248, and Shakespeare's father, in an application for a coat of arms, claimed that his grandfather was a hero in the War of the Roses and was granted land in Warwickshire in 1485 by Henry VII. No historical evidence has been discovered to corroborate this story of the man who would be William Shakespeare's great-grandfather, but, luckily, we do have information regarding his paternal and maternal grandfathers. The Bard's paternal grandfather was Richard Shakespeare (d. 1561), a farmer in Snitterfield, a village four miles northeast of Stratford. There is no record of Richard Shakespeare before 1529, but details about his life after this reveal that he was a tenant farmer, who, on occasion, would be fined for grazing too many cattle on the common grounds and for not attending manor court. There is no record of Richard Shakespeare's wife, but together they had two sons (possibly more), John and Henry. Richard Shakespeare worked on several different sections of land during his lifetime, including the land owned by the wealthy Robert Arden of Wilmecote, Shakespeare's maternal grandfather. Robert Arden (d. 1556) was the son of Thomas Arden of Wilmecote, Shakespeare's maternal great-grandfather, who probably belonged to the aristocratic family of the Ardens of Park Hall."
"docid": "D876731#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_mother%27s_maiden_name\nWhat is a mother's maiden name?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Genealogy What is a mother's maiden name? Flag What is a mother's maiden name? Answer by Gregg Anderton Confidence votes 28.0KCommunity Manager who loves to wrench on cars, grow plants in the garden, remodel my home, and observe nature. In the English-speaking world, until recently it was the universal custom that upon marriage the woman would take the surname of her husband. Before marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a \"\"maiden,\"\" a woman who never had sexual relations. So the \"\"maiden name\"\" of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father. Your mother's maiden name is the surname your mother used before she ever married, and is thus her father's (your maternal grandfather's) surname. Before computers were widely used for activities such as genealogy and fan gossip, knowledge of the maiden name of one's mother was not readily available to people outside the immediate family. That name was therefore used as a security device by banks and other institutions."
"docid": "D1210446#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/names/1/faithful\nBoy Names associated withFaithful",
"text": "\"Home > Faithful Names Boy Names associated with Faithful SEARCH \"\"FAITHFUL\"\"By Association By Meaning Only F aithful baby names and what they mean, for faithful, dedicated, steadfast, honest, with 46 results. These boy names reached the height of their popularity a century ago (USAGE OF 8.45%) and are now much less common (USAGE 2.84%, ▼ 66.3%), with names such as Martin falling out of fashion. The trendier birth names in this list are Liam (#2), Milan (#449), Emiliano (#228), Miles (#105) and Hamza (#569), while Homza (TOP 51%) and Moles (7%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of Determined names for girls. Amin - Honesto | Ignatius - Truesdale | Truman - Yves Amin - Honesto Amin Derivative of Arabic. \"\" Honest, faithful, trustworthy.\"\" Amun is also a marginally favored boys' name. [ Amyn, Ameen, .. 2 more]Antioco From Italian. \"\" Stubborn, resistant.\"\" Rare."
"docid": "D1872320#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Name_Game_(American_Horror_Story)\nThe Name Game ( American Horror Story)",
"text": "\"The Name Game ( American Horror Story)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\" The Name Game \"\"American Horror Story episode Episode no. Season 2 Episode 10Directed by Michael Lehmann Written by Jessica Sharzer Featured music\"\" I Put a Spell on You \"\" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins\"\" The Name Game \"\" by Jessica Lange Production code 2ATS10Original air date January 2, 2013Running time 40 minutes Guest appearance (s)Frances Conroy as The Angel of Death Mark Consuelos as Spivey Barbara Tarbuck as Mother Superior Claudia Naomi Grossman as Pepper Episode chronology← Previous \"\" The Coat Hanger \"\" Next → \"\" Spilt Milk \"\"American Horror Story: Asylum List of American Horror Story episodes\"\" The Name Game \"\" is the tenth episode of the second season of the FXanthology television series American Horror Story. The episode, written by Jessica Sharzer and directed by Michael Lehmann, originally aired on January 2, 2013. The episode is named for the 1964 song \"\" The Name Game \"\" which is performed by the cast in the episode. The cast version of \"\"The Name Game\"\" was available for purchase through i Tunes. This episode is rated TV-MA (LSV). In the episode, Dr. Arden ( James Cromwell) puts an end to his experiments; Kit ( Evan Peters) and Lana ( Sarah Paulson) continue to pressure the killer Dr. Thredson ( Zachary Quinto ), who reveals several secrets to Kit; now a patient and known by her common name, Judy Martin, Sister Jude ( Jessica Lange) gets subjected to the asylum's inhumane treatments; and Monsignor Howard ( Joseph Fiennes) takes the fight to the possessed Sister Mary Eunice ( Lily Rabe ). Contents1 Plot2 Production3 Reception4 References5 External links Plot [ edit]Dr. Arden revives Kit, who asks if the plan to make the aliens return was successful. Arden, who has placed Grace in his laboratory, lies to Kit that the aliens did not visit."
"docid": "D1093786#0",
"title": "https://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=97524/Ceramide-Gold-Ultra-Restorative-Capsules/Elizabeth-Arden/Treatments-(Face)\nElizabeth Arden Ceramide Gold Ultra Restorative Capsules",
"text": "\"Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Gold Ultra Restorative Capsules4.346 reviews76% would repurchase WRITE A REVIEWINGREDIENTSFilter by skin/hair/eye All Filter by age All Sort By Date Start your review54321Khnfmlyon 11/1/2016 11:38:00 PMMore reviews by Khnfmly Age: 44-55Skin: Dry, Fair-Medium, Not Sure Hair: Brunette, Other, Other Eyes: Blue Love them- I have used for over 20 years!Report Abusepolmaysaundon 5/10/2014 3:20:00 PMMore reviews by polmaysaund Age: 18 & Under Skin: Acne-prone, Fair, Not Sure Hair: Blond, Other, Other Eyes: Blue I got a few of these free because my workplace stocks arden and they are good :) very oily so i need to put them on before bed but they leave my skin feeling so smooth and lovely and definitely firm it too. however i don't think i would buy them myself because theyre so so expensive Report Abuse Walkoon 11/29/2013 7:16:00 AMMore reviews by Walko Age: 56 & Over Skin: Combination, Medium, Not Sure Hair: Other, Other, Other Eyes: Brown These are wonderful little capsules. On application,they seem like they're going to be greasy and not absorb. But just give it a couple of minutes and they absorb perfectly. My skin is combination. A really luxurious treatment,that can be applied even around the eyes. It's helped fine lines and crepiness in that area with no irritation at all. My skin seems more plumped up since using these, but it wasn't bad to start with. I bought these mainly to keep skin in good condition . I use under moisturiser as recommended."
"docid": "D1324556#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080745/reviews\nUser Reviews",
"text": "\"Flash Gordon (1980)User Reviews Review this title260 Reviews Hide Spoilers Sort by: Filter by Rating:7 /10The best bad film ever made. Jonathon Dabell 15 August 2004Warning: Spoilers80 out of 94 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Yes No| Report this There are films out there that can be described as a guilty pleasure - you know they're quite bad, but somewhere deep down in your heart you can't bring yourself to admit it. Flash Gordon is, in my opinion, the guiltiest pleasure of them all. Cardboard characters, lunatic script, embarrassing dialogue, trashy performances (apart from Max Von Sydow), and hilarious special effects... yet the one thing that comes out in the film's favour is that, despite its seemingly countless faults, it is still irresistibly entertaining. American football legend Flash Gordon (Sam J. Jones) and sexy babe Dale Arden (Melody Anderson) are aboard a private flight when a weird red-storm forces them to perform an emergency landing. They crash into the back garden of wacky ex-NASA scientist Hans Zarkov (Topol), an eccentric madman who believes the world is under attack from alien forces and who has built his own spaceship to do battle with the enemy. Astonishingly, it turns out that Zarkov was right - and pretty soon, Flash, Dale and Zarkov find themselves on the planet Mongo, battling against its tyrannical emperor Ming the Merciless (Max Von Sydow), with a little help from Ming's treacherous daughter (Ornella Muti), her lover Barin (Timothy Dalton), and the winged warrior Vultan (Brian Blessed). Flash Gordon is an absolutely insane film."
"docid": "D1373488#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Shakespeare%27s_plays\nChronology of Shakespeare's plays",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Edmond Malone was the first scholar to construct a tentative chronology of Shakespeare's plays in An Attempt to Ascertain the Order in Which the Plays attributed to Shakspeare were Written (1778), an essay published in the second edition of Samuel Johnson and George Steevens ' The Plays of William Shakespeare. This article presents a possible chronological listing of the composition of the plays of William Shakespeare. Shakespearean scholars, beginning with Edmond Malone in 1778, have attempted to reconstruct the relative chronology of Shakespeare's oeuvre by various means, using external evidence (such as references to the plays by Shakespeare's contemporaries in both critical material and private documents, allusions in other plays, entries in the Stationers' Register, and records of performance and publication), and internal evidence (allusions within the plays to contemporary events, composition and publication dates of sources used by Shakespeare, stylistic analysis looking at the development of his style and diction over time, and the plays' context in the contemporary theatrical and literary milieu ). Most modern chronologies are based on the work of E. K. Chambers in \"\"The Problem of Chronology\"\" (1930), published in his book William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems, Vol. I. Contents [ hide ]1 Introduction2 Scholarship2.1 E. K. Chambers2.2 Modern Complete Works3 Chronology3.1 The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1589–1591)3.2 The Taming of the Shrew (1590–1591)3.3 Henry VI, Part 2 (1591)3.4 Henry VI, Part 3 (1591)3.5 Henry VI, Part 1 (1591–1592)3.6 Titus Andronicus (1591–1592)3.7 Richard III (1592–1593)3.8 Edward III (1592–1593)3.9 The Comedy of Errors (1594)3.10 Love's Labour's Lost (1594–1595)3.11 Love's Labour's Won (1595–1596)3.12 Richard II (1595)3.13 Romeo and Juliet (1595)3.14 A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595)3.15 King John (1596)3.16 The Merchant of Venice (1596–1597)3.17 Henry IV, Part 1 (1596–1597)3.18 The Merry Wives of Windsor (1597)3.19 Henry IV, Part 2 (1597–1598)3.20 Much Ado About Nothing (1598–1599)3.21 Henry V (1599)3.22 Julius Caesar (1599)3.23 As You Like It (1599–1600)3.24 Hamlet (1599–1601)3.25 Twelfth Night (1601)3.26 Troilus and Cressida (1600–1602)3.27 Sir Thomas More (1592–1595; Shakespeare's involvement, 1603–1604)3.28 Measure for Measure (1603–1604)3.29 Othello (1603–1604)3.30 All's Well That Ends Well (1604–1605)3.31 King Lear (1605–1606)3.32 Timon of Athens (1605–1606)3.33 Macbeth (1606)3.34 Antony and Cleopatra (1606)3.35 Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1607–1608)3.36 Coriolanus (1608)3.37 The Winter's Tale (1609–1611)3.38 Cymbeline (1610)3.39 The Tempest (1610–1611)3.40 Cardenio (1612–1613)3.41 Henry VIII (1612–1613)3.42 The Two Noble Kinsmen (1613–1614)4 References5 External links Introduction [ edit]Since the surviving evidence is fragmentary, there is not, nor can there be, a definitive or precise chronology. Performance history is often of limited use, as the first recorded performance of many plays was not necessarily when that play was first performed. For example, the first recorded performance of Romeo and Juliet was not until 1662, yet we know the play was performed in Shakespeare's lifetime. [ 1] Thus, performance history reveals nothing about the date of composition. Similarly, dates of first publication are often relatively useless in determining a chronology, as roughly half the plays were not published until seven years after Shakespeare's death, in the First Folio (1623), prepared by John Heminges and Henry Condell, and published by Edward Blount, William Jaggard and Isaac Jaggard. Performance dates and publication dates are also problematic insofar as many of the plays were performed several years before they were published."
"docid": "D1787361#0",
"title": "http://www.make-upusa.com/articles/cosmeticterms.htm\nBeauty & Skincare Articles",
"text": "\"Glossary of Cosmetics Terms and Definitions – Put Your Face Onby Arden Mellor If you’ve really delved into cosmetics and their makeup, their ingredients, and their properties, you’ve probably found that they can be quite technical. But you don’t need all that technicality – you just want to look good. So we’ve compiled this glossary of cosmetics terms and definitions to help clear up the picture. Review it carefully, and your cosmetics will start to make more sense to you. Acne Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that’s made evident by pimples that can appear on almost any part of the body, but are usually on the face. Acrylic Something that’s acrylic has the property of being able to repel water or moisture. Allergen An allergen is something that produces an allergic reaction. Allantoin Allantoin, extracted from a plant, is used in creams and skin preparations to heal and soothe. Almond oil Almond oil is vegetable oil made with almonds. It’s used in cosmetic products that soften the skin."
"docid": "D1471944#0",
"title": "https://www.filmsite.org/superheroesonfilm1a.html\n.",
"text": "\"Super-Heroes on Film Flash Gordon Greatest Super-Hero Films (chronological by time period and film title)Introduction | Flash Gordon | Buck Rogers | Superman | Batman | Spider-Man | X-Men Marvel Cinematic Universe | The DC Extended Universe Iron Man | Hulk | Thor | Captain America | The Avengers | Guardians of the Galaxy Others: A - F | Others: G - N | Others: O - ZGreatest Super-Hero Films: Flash Gordon (chronological by time period and film title)Flash Gordon - was a super-hero derived from the science-fiction adventure comic strip by Alex Raymond, first published as a King Features syndicated Sunday comic strip on January 7, 1934. Cartoonist Austin Briggs began a daily Flash Gordon strip beginning on May 27, 1940. Raymond's authoring of the Sunday comic strip lasted until April 30, 1944, although the strip (both daily and Sunday) continued to exist with new stories until March 16, 2003. First Flash Gordon Comic Strip January 7, 1934, Sunday comic strip Earth Bombarded by Meteors Another Example of Flash Gordon Sunday Strip February 25, 1934Reprints of the Austin Briggs Comic Strip Dailies Flash Gordon Dailies (1940-42) Flash Gordon Dailies (1940-42)Many iterations of the character were developed (to compete with Buck Rogers) in the adventurous, sci-fiction/fantasy Flash Gordon serials of the late 1930s (with Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon and Jean Rogers as blonde Dale Arden). Flash fought daring intergalactic battles to save mankind. The action-oriented episodes were filled with fantastic spaceships, androids, death rays, futuristic scenes and cities, monsters, exotic enemies and other imaginative creations. Title Screen Super-Hero Films Poster Flash Gordon (1936) - Theatrical Serial A 13-installment serial from Universal, the first Flash Gordon screen adventure, and the first pure science-fiction serial. The original and the best of its type, with Buster Crabbe as adventurer Flash Gordon, Jean Rogers as girlfriend Dale Arden, Frank Shannon as scientist Dr. Zarkov, and Charles Middleton as Planet Mongo tyrant Ming the Merciless. Later retitled for its home video release in the mid-1950s as Flash Gordon's Space Soldiers , to differentiate it from the same-titled TV series. It was condensed from the 245-minute serial into two feature films (cutting out the repetitive opening titles, duplicate footage, etc. ),"
"docid": "D2281029#0",
"title": "http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/AudioPlay/HorribleHistories\nAudio Play / Horrible Histories",
"text": "\"Watch Edit Page Add Review Related Discussion History More Share Audio Play / Horrible Histories Main Audio Play Awesome Awesome Music Drinking Game Fridge Funny Heartwarming Literature Quotes Radar Series Shout Out Trivia Western Animati… YMMVCreate New Collect the horrible lot! \"\" History is horrible! Well it was when I went to school. \"\"— Terry Deary, many of the BBC Audio tapes In between the post-cartoon years and the live action TV series, Terry Deary starred in many Horrible Histories audiobooks that were released in the mid-2000s, either starring himself or himself with other voice actors. Some of the audiobooks were released by the BBC, featuring regular actors along with Terry Deary which are basically set up like the live action show, but in audio form, with regular sketches, musical numbers and recurring characters; full of humour and references too old for many children listening to understand (and in many cases, their own parents too). The other audio pieces, only featuring Deary, were released in several strange ways. Some of them came free in many children's Kelloggs cereals, whereas others were also came free, but inside several editions of the Daily Telegraph. These ones were completely opposite to the BBC's; it felt like you were listening to a radio play in which Terry Deary read out the entirety of a Horrible Histories book and occasionally had a musical number (although, in some cases, these musical numbers were recycled from the BBC's audio-plays.) The BBC audio series (in no particular order)The Savage Stone Age The Rotten Romans The Groovy Greeks The Vicious Vikings The Stormin' Normans The Measly Middle Ages The Terrible Tudors The Vile Victorians The Frightful First World War The Woeful Second World War The other audio series (in no particular order): The Rotten Romans The Vicious Vikings The Measly Middle Ages The Vile Victorians Incredible Ireland The Terrible Tudors The Awful Egyptians The Ruthless Romans The Frightful First World War The Woeful Second World War The Villainous Victorians The Savage Stone Age The Angry Aztecs The Incredible Incas The Cut Throat Celts The Groovy Greeks The Barmy British Empire Tropes featured in the BBC Series include: A Good Name for a Rock Band: Deary refuses to call the ancient Greeks anything that could insult the people of Greece today, so he decides to call them the \"\"groovy\"\" Greeks. Audio Announcer Character: [scoffs] \"\"The Groovy Greeks\"\"?"
"docid": "D29201#0",
"title": "http://www.tmz.com/2014/07/09/justin-bieber-nicki-minaj-taylor-swift-elizabeth-arden-lawsuit-trademarks/\nJustin, Nicki & TaylorSmells Like a Total Rip-OffPerfume Co. Sues Over Celeb Fragrances",
"text": "Justin, Nicki & Taylor Smells Like a Total Rip-Off Perfume Co. Sues Over Celeb Fragrances1 7/9/2014 1:45 PM PDTJustin Bieber, Nicki Minaj & Taylor Swift -- Smells Like a Rip-Off ... Perfume Co. Sues Over Celeb Fragrances EXCLUSIVE Something stinks in the perfume world -- someone is trying to cash in on the huge success of Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift 's signature fragrances and cosmetics ... allegedly by mimicking products created by Elizabeth Arden. Cosmetics giant Elizabeth Arden is the licensed manufacturer of the celebrity scents bearing Justin, Taylor and Nicki's names ... and in a new federal lawsuit it claims a company called Preferred Fragrance has been trying to horn in on their massive biz. Two Bieber perfumes (Someday and Justin Bieber's Girlfriend) have raked in $87 million in retail sales -- while Taylor's Wonderstruck perfumes and lotions hauled in $60 million ... so, there's a TON of money on the line here. In the suit, Elizabeth Arden says Preferred's Bieber knock-offs -- called Today and Be My Girl -- use packaging that almost exactly mirrors the packaging of EA's Bieber perfumes. The lawsuit points out a bunch of similar infractions related to the Minaj and Swift products Elizabeth Arden claims Preferred has repeatedly infringed on its trademarks ... and now it's demanding a jury trial. SHARE ON FACEBOOK TWEET THISRelated Articles Snooki Sues Perfume Company -- Your Rip-Off Stinks Selena Gomez Pays HUGE Bucks to End Stinky Perfume Lawsuit Justin Bieber Taylor Swift Nicki Minaj CELEBRITY JUSTICE ™ Exclusive Music You Might Want to Rethink Comments Click To View ADVERTISEMENTMore From"
"docid": "D2611509#0",
"title": "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/19/theater/review-war-paint-recalls-two-cosmetics-titans.html\nReview: âWar Paintâ Recalls Two Cosmetics Titans",
"text": "Theater Review: ‘War Paint’ Recalls Two Cosmetics Titans By BEN BRANTLEY JULY 19, 2016From left, Christine Ebersole, Mary Ernster and Patti Lu Pone in “War Paint.” Joan Marcus CHICAGO — For a musical that covers so many years — and so many shades of lipstick — “War Paint” never really seems to move forward. This portrait of battling cosmetic titans, which opened on Monday at the Goodman Theater here starring a deliciously paired Patti Lu Pone and Christine Ebersole, doesn’t just show its whole hand from the get-go; it does so as eagerly as a debutante with a fabulous new manicure. Written by Doug Wright (book), Scott Frankel (music) and Michael Korie (lyrics), and directed by Michael Greif, “War Paint” lets you know exactly what it is and where it’s going (or not going) in a prologue, so you can decide right away if it’s your cup of skin toner. Seated on opposite sides of the stage at vanity tables are two middle-aged women in peignoirs appraising themselves in the mirror and applying the ritualistic goo of the show’s title — that is, their makeup. They are, it turns out, Helena Rubinstein (1872-1965) and Elizabeth Arden (1881-1966), masters of self-invention who ruled the American beauty market during the mid-20th century. As embodied here, these glamorous gals look as joltingly different as, well, Ms. Lu Pone (playing Rubinstein) and Ms. Ebersole (Arden), marquee Broadway performers who have dominated many a musical, though in utterly dissimilar styles. ( For the record, they are both in top form here. ) But wait a minute. The Polish-born Rubinstein may have the exotic and imperious countenance of an aging silent-movie vamp (crossed with Cloris Leachman’s Frau Blücher in “Young Frankenstein”), while the perky, blond Arden could pass as Beaver Cleaver’s mother."
] |
2038 | are kurds christian or muslim | [
"docid": "D1471228#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/culture-miscellaneous/difference-between-kurds-and-arabs-2/\nDifference Between Kurds and Arabs",
"text": "\"Difference Between Kurds and Arabs• Categorized under Culture | Difference Between Kurds and Arabs Kurds vs Arabs Many ethnic groups live in Asia, particularly in the Middle East. Two of these ethnic groups are the Arabs and the Kurds. These two ethnic groups are mainly found in southwestern Asia. The terms “Arab” and “Kurd” can be used as nouns and adjectives. As adjectives, they pertain to the certain characteristics or affiliations of that particular ethnic group. A person can be said to be an Arab or a Kurd by looking at the genealogy, linguistic or cultural affinity of the person. Taken literally, an Arab means “a native, inhabitant, or descendant from Arabia.” The same is used for a Kurd – someone that lives or hails from Kurdistan. Kurds and Arabs are not affiliated with any religion but the majority are Muslims. Arab and Kurds can also be members of other religions including Christianity, Judaism or other minor sects."
] | [
"docid": "D2923188#0",
"title": "http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/26599-Did-you-know-that-Kurds(Kurdish-PeoPle)-are-Europeans\n.",
"text": "\"07-07-11, 10:40 #1Kurdish Aryan Regular Member Achievements: Join Date 07-07-11Posts 18Ethnic group KURDISH Country: Did you know that Kurds (Kurdish Peo Ple) are Europeans?hi guys.. here i want to tell you some informations about Kurds.. here: Kurds are a nation/Peo Ple of \"\" unofficial \"\"Kurdia/Kurdistan state and \"\"official \"\" Peo Ple of Kurdia/Kurdistan settlement area . Language: Kurdish ,is an indoeuro Pean language. more info of kurdish language here : http://www.institutkurde.org/en/language/http://www.kurdishacademy.org/?q=node/41Population 2011 : about 50.000.000 and Religion of Kurds: Christianity, Judaism,Islam,Yezidi,Alevi. and a lot of kurds were assimilated by turkish ottomans.. Flag of Kurdistan: Kurdia/Kurdistan ´s \"\"unofficial\"\" map ,\"\"official \"\" settlement area . : now official Kurdia/Kurdistan autonomous republic in Southkurdistan :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_Kurdistan --------------------------------------… Kurdish Peo Ple : Studies show that Kurds have a stronger european genetic make-up then Greeks,Southern italians and Spanish people. Y-DNA Haplogroups in North Kurdistan : I -25% R1a -19.5% R1b -8% G -12.5% J2 - 7% J1 -0% E -2.5% T- 6.5% Here see , scroll completedown... :http://www.eupedia.com/europe/europe...logroups.shtml --------------------------------------… and see here ALL EUROPEAN MINORITIES including kurdish Peo Ple :http://www.eurominority.eu/version/e...alpha-list.asp...and kurdia/kurdistan @ALL EUROPEAN MINORITIES :http://www.eurominority.eu/version/e...minorities=337 ------------ and see here kurdish aryan European race .. kurdish Peo Ple (video) . : 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j Hm C2u WESEM 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h HMw CE3ECU 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kn6u..._order&list=ULKurdia/Kurdistan and EUROPE : CLICK! http://www.eurominority.eu/images/po...ions-grand.jpg ----- See dna tests kurds have not asian dna tests but dna s like greek/italian/s Panish people ,thats fact . im north kurd so kurd from northkurdistan (\"\"turkish kurdistan\"\" ) and see dna tests here: See (turkish kurdistan) http://www.eupedia.com/europe/europe...logroups.shtml and why you think why these europeans placed kurdistan to europe ? if kurds would be not europeans then they would not put kurdistan to europe map and to european MINORITIES see : http://www.eurominority.eu/version/e...alpha-list.asp why these european website have not put iraq or iran to europe ? .."
"docid": "D406055#0",
"title": "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/jul/02/religion-wars-conflict\nDoesn't religion cause most of the conflict in the world?",
"text": "\"Australia news Opinion Doesn't religion cause most of the conflict in the world? In this extract from the book For God's Sake, one question is asked to four Australian writers with very different beliefs Rachel Woodlock, Antony Loewenstein, Jane Caro, Simon Smart Mon 1 Jul 2013 19.03 EDT19.03 EDT1,810 1,619A crusader is shot by a Muslim warrior during the Crusades in c1250. Photograph: Hulton Archive/Getty Rachel Woodlock (Islam)Religion is powerfully motivating and belligerent humans fight over it. Heck, religion has caused conflict even in my diverse and tolerant family. Taking our daughter to visit her Irish-Catholic relatives, I asked my husband to make sure they didn't give her any pork. Like Jews, Muslims steer clear of anything with an oink. My gentle, peaceable mate, wanting to avoid one of those conversations, said: \"\"Mam, Yazzy doesn't like pork so don't give her any.\"\" A few days later, my beaming mother-in-law proudly announced: \"\"She does like pork. I gave her some sausages and she ate them right up!\"\" It took a few days for my blood pressure to return to normal."
"docid": "D491194#0",
"title": "https://thekurdishproject.org/history-and-culture/kurdish-history/\nKurdish History",
"text": "Kurdish History Kurdish history is deeply intertwined with the geography and the politics of the modern Kurdish regions. Historic Ethnicities of Kurdistan The contiguous Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Turkey , and Syria sit in the north central area of the Middle East. Over the millennia, numerous ethnicities have migrated, settled or natively inhabited the area including Turks, Persians, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Chechens, Azeris and others. From the beginning of recorded history until the present day, all of these ethnic groups have strived politically and violently both offensively and defensively for a secure homeland. As one of the crossroads of the Middle East, Kurdistan has been home to both ethnic battlegrounds, as well as peaceful ethnic coexistence. Conquerors in the Kurdish Region The Kurdish region has seen a long list of invaders and conquerors: Ancient Persians from the east, Alexander the Great from the west, Muslim Arabs in the 7th Century from the south, Seljuk Turks in the 11th Century from the east, the Mongols in the 13th Century from the east, medieval Persians from the east and the Ottoman Turks from the north in the 16th Century and most recently, the United States in its 2003 invasion of Iraq. “No Friends But The Mountains”Fortunately for the Kurds, they have been able to retreat into the mountains for sanctuary. This protection is what saved the Kurds from destruction and allowed them to survive as a distinct ethnic group. Their traditional nomadic lifestyle and the inhospitable mountain homeland provide a natural means to evade marauding armies that would subject indigenous people to rape, murder and genocide. Because the Kurds have remained a separate ethnic group, they’ve always sought autonomy and independence."
"docid": "D997894#0",
"title": "http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/regional-geography-of-the-world-globalization-people-and-places/s11-north-africa-and-southwest-asi.html\nChapter 8 North Africa and Southwest Asia",
"text": "\"Chapter 8 North Africa and Southwest Asia Identifying the Boundaries The realm of North Africa and Southwest Asia is large and expansive in terms of physical area, but its regions share a number of common qualities. The physical area of this realm is divided into three regions: North Africa, Southwest Asia, and the countries of Turkestan (the geographic region of Central Asia). The countries in the North African region include the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea from Morocco to Sudan. The realm borders the Atlantic Ocean, the Sahara Desert, and the African Transition Zone. Egypt has territory in both Africa and Asia through its possession of the Sinai Peninsula. The second region, Southwest Asia, includes Turkey, Iran, the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula. The land on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea is frequently referred to as the Levant and is often included as a part of the Middle East. Technically, the term Middle East only includes the five countries of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, but in common practice Middle East refers to all of Southwest Asia. Central Asia, also referred to as Turkestan, includes the “stan” countries from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan in the region between China and the Caspian Sea. The suffix stan, meaning “land of,” is a common suffix for country names in Central Asia."
"docid": "D1673798#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Iraq\nDemographics of Iraq",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Ethnic groups in Iraq)navigation search Further information: Iraqi people This article needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. ( January 2017)This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article is about the demographic features of the population of Iraq, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. The population is estimated to be 37,202,572 as of 2016, with most of the population being Arab (75-80%), followed by Kurds (15-20%) and others (5%). Iraqis are 0.6% - 3% Christian (down from 6% before 2003), 3% Yazidis, 2% Shabaks with numerous other faiths Sunna Muslims make up 65% and form the majority and the rest belong to other religious minorities. Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Population3 Vital statistics3.1 UN estimates [4]3.2 Fertility ages average in 1997-2006 [6] [7]3.3 Structure of the population [5]4 Ethnic and religious groups5 Languages6 Religions7 Demographic statistics7.1 Age structure7.2 Ethnic groups7.3 Religions7.4 Languages7.5 Median age7.6 Population growth rate7.7 Crude birth rate7.8 Crude death rate7.9 Total fertility rate7.10 Net migration rate7.11 Urbanization7.12 Sex ratio7.13 Maternal mortality rate7.14 Infant mortality rate7.15 Life expectancy at birth7.16 Contraceptive prevalence rate7.17 Health expenditures7.18 Physicians density7.19 Hospital bed density7.20 Obesity - adult prevalence rate7.21 Children under the age of 5 years underweight7.22 Nationality7.23 Literacy8 See also9 References10 External links Background [ edit]See also: History of Iraq Iraq is the region known outside the Islamic world as Mesopotamia. The population estimate in 1920 was 3 million."
"docid": "D2153143#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/place/Mosul\nMosul",
"text": "Mosul, Arabic Al-Mawṣil, city, capital of Nīnawā muḥāfaẓah (governorate), northwestern Iraq. From its original site on the western bank of the Tigris River, the modern city expanded to the eastern bank and now encircles the ruins of the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. Located 225 miles (362 km) northwest of Baghdad, Mosul is Iraq’s second largest city and constitutes the chief commercial centre of the northwestern portion of the country. Nabi Yunus Mosque Nabi Yunus Mosque, Mosul, Iraq. Prince-of-Mosul Mosul, capital of Nīnawā governorate, Iraq. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Probably built on the site of an earlier Assyrian fortress, Mosul succeeded Nineveh as the Tigris bridgehead of the road that linked Syria and Anatolia with Persia. By the 8th century ce it had become the principal city of northern Mesopotamia. In succeeding centuries a number of independent dynasties ruled the city, which reached its political zenith under the Zangid dynasty (1127–1222) and under Sultan Badr al-Dīn Luʾluʾ (reigned 1222–59). Famous schools of metalwork and miniature painting arose in Mosul at that time, but the region’s prosperity ended in 1258 when it was ravaged by the Mongols under Hülegü. The Ottoman Turks ruled the region from 1534 to 1918, during which time Mosul became a trade centre of the Ottoman Empire and the headquarters of a political subdivision."
"docid": "D1471231#0",
"title": "http://shoebat.com/2015/06/18/five-muslim-kurds-take-two-major-christian-militia-leaders-tie-them-with-ropes-and-torture-them-the-kurds-then-execute-one-of-the-christians-in-point-blank-range-and-then-shoot-the-other-christian/\nFive Muslim Kurds Take Two Major Christian Militia Leaders, Tie Them With Ropes, And Torture Them. The Kurds Then Execute One Of The Christians In Point Blank Range, And Then Shoot The Other Christian In The Throat (STOP TRUSTING THE KURDS, THEY WILL SLAUGHTER THE CHRISTIANS)",
"text": "\"You are here: Home › Featured › General › Five Muslim Kurds Take Two Major Christian Militia Leaders, Tie Them With Ropes, And Torture Them. The Kurds Then Execute One Of The Christians In Point Blank Range, And Then Shoot The Other Christian In The Throat (STOP TRUSTING THE KURDS, THEY WILL SLAUGHTER THE CHRISTIANS)Five Muslim Kurds Take Two Major Christian Militia Leaders, Tie Them With Ropes, And Torture Them. The Kurds Then Execute One Of The Christians In Point Blank Range, And Then Shoot The Other Christian In The Throat (STOP TRUSTING THE KURDS, THEY WILL SLAUGHTER THE CHRISTIANS)By Ted on June 18, 2015 in Featured, General By Theodore Shoebat Five Muslim Kurds, all members of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces (YPG), attacked two major Christian militia leaders, David Antar Gindo and Elias Naser. They first used trickery. They arrived unexpectedly to David’s home, having friendly conversation over tea. The Kurds then invited the two Christian commanders to a secret location. The Christians agreed and in the middle of the journey the Kurds said that the place is so secretive that they would have to be blind folded. They blind folded them. As they were traveling, the Kurds ambushed them, tied them with rope and commenced torturing them. They executed David at point blank range and shot Elias in the throat."
"docid": "D704931#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Armenia\nEthnic minorities in Armenia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Ethnic groups in Armenia)navigation search Part of a series on the Culture of Armenia History People Languages Traditions Mythology and folklore Cuisine Festivals Religion Art Literature Music and performing arts Media Sport Monuments Symbols Armenia portalv t e The Ethnic groups in Armenia is about the ethnic groups features of the population of Armenia. The demographic trends in modern Armenia during its history. While Armenians formed a consistent majority, Azerbaijanis were historically the second largest population in the republic under Soviet rule (forming about 2.5% in 1989 [1] ). However, due to hostilities with neighboring Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh virtually all Azeris emigrated from Armenia. Conversely, Armenia received a large influx of Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan, thus giving Armenia a more homogeneous character. This forceful population exchange also affected the Christian Udi people of Azerbaijan, many of whom were perceived as Armenians due to close cultural ties between both peoples. [ 2] The number of Udis residing in Armenia has increased from 19 in 1989 [1] to about 200 by 2006. [ 2]Additionally since independence, several other ethnic groups have emigrated especially Russians (who decreased from 51,555 persons in 1989 [1] to 14,660 in 2001 [3] ), Ukrainians (8,341 in 1989 [1] to 1,633 in 2001 [3] ),Armeno-Tat (? in ? [ 4] to?"
"docid": "D1189144#0",
"title": "http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/08/20/who-are-the-iraqi-kurds/\nWho are the Iraqi Kurds?",
"text": "August 20, 2014Who are the Iraqi Kurds? By Besheer Mohamed A Kurdish peshmerga fighter flashes the sign for victory after re-capturing the village of Tel Asquf from Islamic State (IS) militants. Credit: Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP/Getty Images In the continuing conflict in Iraq, Kurds frequently are mentioned alongside Iraq’s Sunni and Shia Muslim populations as one of the key groups involved in power struggles for which sharp religious divides have played a major part. But while the Kurds are a crucial part of Iraq’s political makeup, they are an ethnic group, not a distinct religious sect within Islam. Kurds are more appropriately compared to Arabs, the largest ethnic group in Iraq, or other regional ethnic groups such as Assyrians or Turkmen. Much has been reported about the desire of many Kurds for greater autonomy or even independence from Baghdad. However, when it comes to religion, Kurds share a good deal in common with the Arab majority, especially Sunni Muslims. Overall, Arabs represent 78% of Iraq’s population, while Kurds are 16% and other, smaller ethnic groups constitute the remainder, according to a 2011 Pew Research survey. In terms of religious sect, Iraqi Arabs are somewhat split: Our survey found that most said they were Shia Muslims (62%), but about three-in-ten identified themselves as Sunnis (30%) and 6% said they were “just Muslim. ”Nearly all Iraqi Kurds consider themselves Sunni Muslims."
"docid": "D1273507#0",
"title": "http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/08/140809-iraq-yazidis-minority-isil-religion-history/\nWho Are the Yazidis, the Ancient, Persecuted Religious Minority Struggling to Survive in Iraq?",
"text": "\"Who Are the Yazidis, the Ancient, Persecuted Religious Minority Struggling to Survive in Iraq? The U. S. contemplates sending military aircraft and possible ground troops to rescue the Yazidis, as more American military advisers arrive in Iraq to help plan an evacuation of the displaced people. Displaced Iraqi Yazidis demand more aid at the Bajid Kandala camp in Kurdistan on August 13, 2014. Photograph by Ahmad Al-Rubaye, AFP/Getty By Avi Asher-Schapiro, for National Geographic News PUBLISHED August 11, 2014For their beliefs, they have been the target of hatred for centuries. Considered heretical devil worshippers by many Muslims—including the advancing militants overrunning Iraq—the Yazidis have faced the possibility of genocide many times over. Now, with the capture of Sinjar and northward thrust of extremists calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL (also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS), Iraq's estimated 500,000 Yazidis fear the end of their people and their religion. In less than two weeks, nearly all the Yazidis of Sinjar have fled north, seeking refuge in Kurdish territory, while thousands remained trapped in the rugged Sinjar mountains, awaiting rescue. \"\" Sinjar is (hopefully not was) home to the oldest, biggest, and most compact Yazidi community,\"\" says Khanna Omarkhali, a Yazidi scholar at the University of Göttingen. \"\" Extermination, emigration, and settlement of this community will bring tragic transformations to the Yazidi religion,\"\" she adds. Related Content President George Washington: Calm, Cool, and Collected Commander in Chief See the Abandoned WWII Base on Greenland Leaking Toxic Waste A New Generation of Kids Learns to Live Like Soldiers The Yazidis have inhabited the mountains of northwestern Iraq for centuries, and the region is home to their holy places, shrines, and ancestral villages."
"docid": "D3499904#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurds\nKurds",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Kurd\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Kurd (disambiguation). Kurds Kurd کوردTotal population30-40 million [1] ( The World Factbook, 2015 estimate) 36.4–45.6 million [2] ( Kurdish Institute of Paris, 2017 estimate)Regions with significant populations Turkey estimates from 14.3 to 20 million [1] [2]Iran estimates from 8.2 million to 12 million [1] [2]Iraq estimates from 5.6 to 8.5 million [1] [2]Syria estimates from 2 to 3.6 million, [1] [2]Diaspora (outside Greater Kurdistan) 2 million Germany 800,000 [3]France 150,000 [4]Sweden 83,600 [5]Netherlands 70,000 [6]Belgium 50,000 [7]Russia 63,800 [8]United Kingdom 50,000 [9]Kazakhstan 42,300 [10]Armenia 37,500 [11]Switzerland 35,000 [12]Denmark 30,000 [13]Jordan 30,000 [14]Austria 23,000 [15]Greece 22,000 [16]United States 15,400 [17]Georgia 13,861 [18]Kyrgyzstan 13,200 [19]Canada 11,685 [20]Finland 10,700 [21]Australia 7,000 [22]Azerbaijan 6,100 [23]Languages Kurdish and Zaza–Gorani, Turkish (in Turkey), Persian (in Iran), Arabic (in Syria and Iraq) In their different forms: Sorani, Kurmanji, Pehlewani, Zaza, Gorani Religionmajority Islam ( Sunni Muslim, but also Shia Muslim and Sufism) with minorities of deism, agnosticism, Yazdânism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity Related ethnic groupsother Iranian peoples Part of a series on Kurdish history and Kurdish culture People Population History Culture Ancient history Medieval history Modern history Languages Religionv t e The Kurds ( Kurdish: کورد ) or the Kurdish people ( Kurdish: گەلی کورد ), are an ethnic group [24] in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a contiguous area spanning adjacent parts of southeastern Turkey ( Northern Kurdistan ), northwestern Iran ( Eastern Kurdistan ), northern Iraq ( Southern Kurdistan ), and northern Syria ( Western Kurdistan ). [ 25] The Kurds are culturally, historically and linguistically classified as belonging to the Iranian peoples. [ 26] [27] [28]Globally, the Kurds are estimated to number anywhere from a low of 30 million, to possibly as high as 45 million, [29] [2] with the majority living in the region they regard as Greater Kurdistan. However, there are significant Kurdish diaspora communities in the cities of western Turkey, in particular Istanbul. A recent Kurdish diaspora has also developed in Western countries, primarily in Germany. The Kurds are the majority population in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, and are a significant minority group in the neighboring countries of Turkey, Iran, and Syria, where Kurdish nationalist movements continue to pursue greater autonomy and cultural rights. Contents1 Language2 Population3 History3.1 Antiquity3.2 Medieval period3.3 Safavid period3.4 Zand Period3.5 Ottoman period3.6 Kurdish nationalism of the 20th century3.7 Name4 Kurdish communities4.1 Turkey4.2 Iran4.3 Iraq4.4 Syria4.5 Transcaucasus4.6 Diaspora5 Religion5.1 Islam5.1.1 Alevism5.2 Ahl-i Haqq (Yarsan)5.3 Yazidism5.4 Zoroastrianism5.5 Christianity6 Culture6.1 Education6.2 Women6.3 Folklore and mythology6.4 Weaving6.5 Handicrafts6.6 Tattoos6.7 Music and dance6.8 Cinema6.9 Sports6.10 Architecture7 Gallery8 See also8.1 Modern Kurdish-majority governments9 References10 Further reading10.1 Historiography11 Sources12 External links Language Main article: Kurdish languages Geographic distribution of the Kurdish languages (2007)Kurdish-inhabited areas in the Middle East (1992)Kurdish (Kurdish: Kurdî or کوردی) is a collection of related dialects spoken by the Kurds. [ 30] It is mainly spoken in those parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey which comprise Kurdistan. ["
"docid": "D643594#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saladin\nSaladin",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses see Saladin (disambiguation). Salah ad-Din Yusuf Al-Malik an-Nasir A possible portrait of Saladin, found in a work by Ismail al-Jazari, circa 1185Sultan of Egypt and Syria Reign 1174 – 4 March 1193Coronation 1174, Cairo Predecessor New office Successor Al-Aziz Uthman (Egypt)Al-Afdal (Syria)Born 1137 Tikrit, Upper Mesopotamia, Abbasid Caliphate Died 4 March 1193 (aged 55–56) Damascus, Syria, Ayyubid Sultanate Burial Umayyad Mosque, Damascus Spouse Ismat ad-Din Khatun Full name An-Nasir Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb Dynasty Ayyubid Father Najm ad-Dīn Ayyūb Religion Sunni Islam ( Shafi'i) [1] [2] [3]An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub ( Arabic: صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب / ALA-LC: Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb; Kurdish: سەلاحەدینی ئەییووبی / ALA-LC: Selahedînê Eyûbî ), known as Salah ad-Din or Saladin ( / ˈ s æ l ə d ɪ n /; 1137 – 4 March 1193), was the first sultan of Egypt and Syria [4] and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. A Sunni Muslim of Kurdish ethnicity, [5] [6] [7] Saladin led the Muslim military campaign against the Crusader states in the Levant. At the height of his power, his sultanate included Egypt, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia, the Hejaz, Yemen and other parts of North Africa. Originally sent to Fatimid Egypt in 1164 accompanying his uncle Shirkuh, a general of the Zengid army, on orders of their lord Nur ad-Din, an atabeg of the Seljuks, to consolidate Shawar amid his ongoing power struggle for vizier to the teenage Fatimid caliph al-Adid. With Shawar reinstated as vizier, he engaged in a power struggle with Shirkuh, which saw the former realigning himself with Crusader king Amalric. Saladin climbed the ranks of the Fatimid government by virtue of his military successes against Crusader assaults against its territory and his personal closeness to al-Adid. With Shawar assassinated in 1169 and Shirkuh's natural death later that year, al-Adid appointed Saladin vizier, a rare nomination of a Sunni Muslim to such an important position in the Isma'ili Shia caliphate. During his tenure as vizier, Saladin began to undermine the Fatimid establishment and, following al-Adid's death in 1171, he abolished the Fatimid Caliphate and realigned the country's allegiance with the Sunni, Baghdad -based Abbasid Caliphate. In the following years, he led forays against the Crusaders in Palestine, commissioned the successful conquest of Yemen, and staved off pro-Fatimid rebellions in Upper Egypt."
"docid": "D2022177#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070512175514AAsUM3W\nDifference (s) Between Iran and Iraq?",
"text": "Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups Difference (s) Between Iran and Iraq? I was searching and chating in vast world of the internet that opposed a funny fact, many european and american doesn't know what is difference between Iran and Iraq. Do you know their differeneces? some differences like: what is their race? What is their religion? What their cultures are alike? How their... show more1 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Iran was Persia and people were once Zoroastrians there. The people of this religion were overthrown and thrown out of (now) Iran when Islam took over as the main religion. Many Zoroastrians went to India. Racially, the people of Iran were 'Arians', who thousands of years ago migrated into India, mixing with the indigenous population there."
"docid": "D1189143#0",
"title": "http://islam.uga.edu/iraq.html\n.",
"text": "\"Muslims, Islam, and Iraq Prof. Alan Godlas, University of Georgia The focus of this webpage, unlike most websites dealing with Iraq (which focus on the political aspects of the war), is to inform the public in a scholarly manner both about Islam and Muslims in Iraq, as well as about the relationship of the war in Iraq to Islam and Muslims, including Shi'ites, Kurdish Sunnis, and Arab Sunnis. Table of Contents Breaking News on Iraq with Scholarly Commentary Maps of Iraq Modern History of Islam in Iraq Muslim Sects and Organizations in Iraq Shi'ites in Iraq Iraqi Shi'ite News Iraqi Shi'ite History The Future of Iraqi Shi'ites Links for Shi'ism in Iraq Kurdish Sunnis in Iraq Arab Sunnis in Iraq Underlying Causes of the War Muslim Responses American Muslim Responses Responses from Muslim Scholars and Leaders Responses from non-Islamic Religions Iraqi Americans Iraqi Christians Ben Ladin, al-Qa'ida, and Iraq General Websites on the Iraq Crisis Resources in Print on Muslims and Islam in Iraq Iraqi Governing Council Miscellaneous Relevant Links The shrine of the Shi'ite Imam 'Ali in Najaf (click to enlarge) (link fixed 11 March 2006)Kurds fleeing during the 1991 mass exodus, in the vicinity of Kirkuk (link fixed 24 December 2005)By Dr. Alan Godlas, Associate Professor of Religion (Islamic Studies and Arabic) at the University of Georgiaand webmaster of Islam and Islamic Studies . Many of the links on this page have been provided by the scholars who comprise the Study of Islam Section of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) . This is a work in progress and is continually being updated. If you are aware of links that are relevant to the Islamic focus of this website, please email them to me at [email protected]. Breaking News on Iraq, with Scholarly Commentary Informed Comment, a weblog dealing with the changing events in Iraq from a scholarly perspective; currently very frequently updated, by Professor Juan Cole, Middle Eastern and South Asian History, University of Michigan. Maps of Iraq Map of Iraq from the CIA 1993, from CIA Atlas of the Middle East, relief map, high resolution. Political Map of Iraq from the CIA, 2004. ( link changed 11 March 2006)Map Comparing the Area of Iraq with the USMap of Ethnic and Religious Groups of Iraq from the University of Texas archive."
"docid": "D2545785#0",
"title": "http://www.atour.com/maps/\n.",
"text": "\"Information Assyria Maps Partners Name: Assyria Capital: Nineveh36° 21′ 34″ N — 43° 9′ 10″ ERegions: northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, southeastern Turkey and eastern Syria. Language: Aramaic (Syriac)Religion: Christian Nationality: Assyrian Population: 4,036,250Welcome to the home of the indigenous Aramaic -speaking Christian Assyrians of the Middle East. The Assyrians of today are the descendants of the ancient Assyrian people, one of the earliest civilizations emerging in the Middle East, and have a history spanning over 6760 years. Assyrians are not Arabian or Arabs, we are not Kurdish, our religion is not Islam. The Assyrians are Christian, with our own unique language, culture and heritage. Although the Assyrian empire ended in 612 B. C., history is replete with recorded details of the continuous presence of the Assyrian people till the present time. Assyria, the land of the indigenous Assyrians [\"\" Our Smallest Ally \"\"], was partitioned after World War I by the victorious Allies, and is currently under occupation by Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Persians. The Assyrians are a stateless people and continue to be religiously and ethnically persecuted in the Middle East due to Islamic fundamentalism, Arabization and Kurdification policies, leading to land expropriations and forced emigration to the West. Nineveh, Assyria [Bet-Nahren]The Assyrian homeland is located in northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, southeastern Turkey and eastern Syria. The word Atour means Assyria in the Aramaic language and the land of the stateless Assyrians."
"docid": "D295571#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_people\nLebanese people",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lebanese people Total population Lebanon: 4,017,095 [1]Lebanese diaspora: 8 [2]–14 million [3] [4]Regions with significant populations Brazil 1,000,000 [5] - 6,000,000 - 7,000,000 [6] [7] [8]Lebanon 4,130,000 [1]Argentina 1,500,000 [9]Colombia 700,000 [10]United States 504,000 [11]Mexico 400,000 [12]Venezuela 340,000 [13]Canada 250,000 [14]France 225,000 [15]Australia 203,139 [16]Dominican Republic 80,000 [17]United Arab Emirates 80,000 [18]Uruguay 70,000 [19]Germany 50,000 [20]Senegal 30,000 [21]Sierra Leone 33,000-40,000 [22]South Africa 20,000 [23]Cyprus 20,000 [ citation needed]Spain 11,820 [15]United Kingdom 10,459 [24]Israel 7,000 [25]Liberia 4,000 [26]Languages Spoken Vernacular Lebanese Arabic & Cypriot Maronite Arabic [27]Diaspora French, English, Spanish, Portuguese Religion Islam ( 59.5% ): 2 ( Shia, 3 Sunni, 3 Alawites, Ismailis, progressive Muslims [28] and Druze) 4Christianity ( 40.5% ): 1 ( Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Melkite and Protestant)Related ethnic groups Other Semitic-speaking peoples# Lebanese Christians of all denominations constitute the majority of all Lebanese worldwide, but represent only a large minority within Lebanon. Lebanese Muslims of all denominations represent a majority within Lebanon, but add up to only a large minority of all Lebanese worldwide. Shias and Sunnis account for 54% of Lebanon's population together, even split in half (27%). In Lebanon, the Druze quasi-Muslim sect is officially categorized as a Muslim denomination by the Lebanese government. This article contains Arabic text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols. The Lebanese people ( Arabic: الشعب اللبناني / ALA-LC: ash-shaʻb al-LubnānīLebanese Arabic pronunciation: [eʃˈʃaʕeb ellɪbˈneːne]) are the people inhabiting or originating from Lebanon. The religious groups among the Lebanese people are Shias (27%), Sunnis (27%), Maronites (21%), Greek Orthodox (8%), Melkites who are Greek Catholics (5%), Druze (5.6%), 6.5 Other Christians such as Armenians Syrians, Assyrians and Copts, and Protestants (1%). [ 29] There is a large diaspora in North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Africa. The term may also include those who had inhabited Mount Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountains prior to the creation of the modern Lebanese state."
"docid": "D1692213#0",
"title": "http://www.mideastweb.org/Middle-East-Encyclopedia/saladin.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Saladin - Salahuddin Ayyubi (Yusuf Salah al din ibn Ayyub) ( Arabic: صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب; Kurdish: سهلاحهدین ئهیوبی Selah'edine Eyubi; c. 1137 - March 4, 1193), a Kurdish Sultan, known to Europeans as Saladin, especially medieval Europe, was the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty and the liberator of Jerusalem ( Al-Quds) from the third Crusade. His name means \"\"righteousness of the faith. \"\" Saladin is remarkable for having earned a reputation as a clement and chivalrous warrior among Christians in medieval Europe. Though the record shows that he committed his share of barbarous acts such as execution of prisoners, his cruelty was mild compared to that of his Christian adversaries. Jews remember Saladin with kindness because the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem ended Jewish exclusion from that city. Because he liberated Jerusalem from foreign rule, Saladin became a role model for modern Arab leaders who want to \"\"liberate\"\" Palestine from Jewish rule, such as Yasser Arafat . Early life of Saladin Saladin's father, Najm ad-Din Ayyub, a Kurd, and his family, were from Tovin, a Kurdish town in Northern Armenia, near Georgia, where they were of some consequence. Najm ad-Din's friend, Bihruz, was caught making love to the wife of the local emir and castrated and banished. Bijruz migrated to Baghdad, and Najm ad-Din and his family accompanied him. The Sultan or Caliph of Iraq recognized the talents of Bihruz as an administrator and Najm ad-Din rose to power with him."
"docid": "D1560613#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Kurdish_people\nHistory of the Kurds",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from History of the Kurdish people)navigation search Part of a series on Kurdish history and Kurdish culture People [show]Population [show]History [show]Culture [show]Ancient history [show]Medieval history [show]Modern history [show]Languages [show]Religion [show]v t e The Kurds (Kurdish: کورد, Kurd), also the Kurdish people (Kurdish: گەلی کورد, Gelê Kurd), are a Northwestern Iranic ethnic group in the Middle East. They have historically inhabited the mountainous areas to the South of Lake Van and Lake Urmia, a geographical area collectively referred to as Kurdistan. Most Kurds speak Northern Kurdish ( Kurmanji) or Sorani, which both belong to the Kurdish languages. There are various hypotheses as to predecessor populations of the Kurds, such as the Carduchoi of Classical Antiquity. The earliest known Kurdish dynasties under Islamic rule (10th to 12th centuries) are the Hasanwayhids, the Marwanids, the Rawadids, the Shaddadids, followed by the Ayyubid dynasty founded by Saladin. The Battle of Chaldiran of 1514 is an important turning point in Kurdish history, marking the alliance of Kurds with the Ottomans. The Sharafnameh of 1597 is the first account of Kurdish history. Kurdish history in the 20th century is marked by a rising sense of Kurdish nationhood focused on the goal of an independent Kurdistan as scheduled by the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. Partial autonomy was reached by Kurdistan Uyezd (1923–1926) and by Iraqi Kurdistan (since 1991), while notably in Turkish Kurdistan, an armed conflict between the Kurdish insurgent groups and Turkish Armed Forces was ongoing from 1984 to 1999, and the region continues to be unstable with renewed violence flaring up in the 2000s. Contents [ hide ]1 Name2 Early history2.1 Muslim conquests2.2 Early Kurdish principalities2.3 Ayyubid period2.4 Kurdish principalities after the Mongol period3 Safavid period3.1 Displacement of the Kurds3.2 Massacre of Ganja3.3 Battle of Dimdim4 Ottoman period4.1 Janpulat Revolt4.2 Battle against Yazidis4.3 Rozhiki Revolt4.4 Bedr Khan of Botan4.5 Shaikh Ubaidullah's Revolt and Armenians5 20th century history5.1 Rise of nationalism5.2 After World War I6 Current situation6.1 Turkey6.2 Iraq6.3 Iran6.4 Syria6.5 Armenia6.6 Azerbaijan6.7 Kurds In Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon7 Genetics7.1 Similarity to Europeans and peoples of the Caucasus7.1.1 Similarity to Azeris of Iran7.1.2 Similarity to Georgian people7.2 Similarity to Jewish people8 See also9 Notes10 References11 Further reading12 External links Name [ edit]There are different theories about the origin of name Kurd."
"docid": "D2145105#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rise_of_nationalism_under_the_Ottoman_Empire\nRise of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)History of the Ottoman Empire Social structure Court and aristocracy Ottoman court Slavery Devshirme Millets Muslims Christians Armenians Bulgarians Greeks Jews Rise of nationalism Tanzimat Ottomanismv t e The rise of the Western notion of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire eventually caused the breakdown of the Ottoman millet concept. An understanding of the concept of the nationhood prevalent in the Ottoman Empire, which was different from the current one as it was centered on religion, helps us to understand what happened during the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Albanians3 Arabs4 Armenians5 Assyrians6 Bulgarians7 Greeks8 Kurds9 Jews10 Macedonians11 Romanians12 Serbs13 Turks14 See also15 References16 Sources Background [ edit]Main article: Millet (Ottoman Empire)In the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic faith was the official religion, with members holding all rights, as opposed to non-Muslims who were restricted. [ 1] Non-Muslim ( dhimmi) ethno-religious [2] legal groups were identified by different millets, meaning \"\"nations\"\". [ 1]Ideas of nationalism emerged in Europe as a result of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. In the early 19th century most of the Balkans were still under Ottoman rule. The Christian peoples of Serbs and Greeks, under Ottoman yoke for four centuries but nevertheless preserving national counsciousness, rose up and succeeded in obtaining autonomy through the Serbian Revolution of 1804–17 and Greek War of Independence of 1821–29, establishing the Principality of Serbia and Hellenic Republic. ["
"docid": "D683757#0",
"title": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/daily/feb99/kurdprofile.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Who Are the Kurds? A largely Sunni Muslim people with their own language and culture, most Kurds live in the generally contiguous areas of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Syria – a mountainous region of southwest Asia generally known as Kurdistan (\"\"Land of the Kurds\"\"). Before World War I, traditional Kurdish life was nomadic, revolving around sheep and goat herding throughout the Mesopotamian plains and highlands of Turkey and Iran. The breakup of the Ottoman Empire after the war created a number of new nation-states, but not a separate Kurdistan. Kurds, no longer free to roam, were forced to abandon their seasonal migrations and traditional ways. Background: The Kurds The Kurds have been subjugated by neighboring peoples for most of their history. In modern times, Kurds have tried to set up independent states in Iran, Iraq and Turkey, but their efforts have been crushed every time. The Kurdish People* 15 million to 20 million Kurds live in a mountainous area straddling the borders of Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. About 8 million live in southeastern Turkey. * The Kurds are a non-Arabic people who speak a language related to Persian."
] |
2039 | are led lights safe to use at home | [
"docid": "D2933383#0",
"title": "http://www.fashiontimes.com/articles/21074/20150526/led-teeth-whitening-kits-light-safety-reviews-hydrogen-peroxide-baking-soda-braces-photoshop-nyc-cost-strips-product-sensitive-gums-whitener-diy-home-trays-before-after-best.htm\nThe Truth About At-Home LED Teeth Whitening Kits",
"text": "\" (Photo : Instagram)Print This Text + -Share This Facebook Share Twitter Tweet Related Best Celebrity Grills: Tips On How To Whiten Teeth, Remove Stains & Brighten Your Smile On An Affordable Budget How Straws Can Save Your Smile: 4 Ways To Get Your Teeth Perfect For Spring & Avoid Tooth Stains Teeth Whitening, Braces, Invisalign, Veneers: Tips To Look Younger & Take 10 Years Off Your Smile The images all over Instagram of celebs with their at-home LED teeth whitening kits got us really wondering just how safe and effective these kits are. So we turned to our resident smile expert, dentist Jospeh Banker to get a mouthful on the best way to choose your own and get the grin you crave: Dr. Banker, what has triggered the new LED light teeth whitening craze? The in-office whitening lights were previously halogen, which caused significant sensitivity as a result of tooth dehydration. Teeth did appear whiter, but patients were often extremely uncomfortable. The heat from the halogen lights caused significant sensitivity. ( Photo : Instagram)New technology incorporates high powered LED lights which have a higher light output with significantly less heat. These LED lights have been shown to accelerate the whitening process. The battery operated \"\"at-home\"\" kits cannot duplicate the strength of the \"\"in-office\"\" LED lights, so therefore are simply not as effective. Is LED at-home teeth whitening safe? LED whitening at home is safe but not as effective as in-office treatment."
] | [
"docid": "D755660#0",
"title": "https://van.physics.illinois.edu/qa/listing.php?id=574\nQ & A: Powering a light bulb with a battery",
"text": "Most recent answer: 05/14/2015Q: How can I power a lightbulb with a battery? - marci a D. A. Dorsey Ed. Center, Miami, FLA: Just connect the positive terminal of the battery with one electrical contact of your light bulb and the negative terminal with the other electrical contact of the bulb. Many bulbs have one electrical contact with screw threads on it, with the other contact as a round dot on the end of the base. Other bulbs will have metal prongs sticking out. It's notoriously hard to get good electrical contact on batteries and bulbs by soldering wires on. The spring contacts in flashlights work much better (but even they are troublesome from time to time). It's important to select a bulb which matches what your battery can put out. If the battery has too low a voltage, the current flowing through the bulb will be small and the bulb's filament won't get hot enough to visibly glow. If the battery has too high a voltage, so much current will flow that the filament will get too hot and vaporize."
"docid": "D2454413#0",
"title": "https://www.landscapelightingworld.com/LED-Lighting-Color-Temperature-a/323.htm\nNeed Help? 813-978-3700",
"text": "Need Help? 813-978-3700NEED HELP? 813-978-3700 M-F 8am-8pm ET | Sat-Sun 10am-6pm ETVOLT PRO PORTAL FOR CONTRACTORSLogin or Sign Up Quick Order My Cart Item (s) in your cart Checkout You have no items in your cart. Landscape Lighting Fixtures Low Voltage Fixtures (12V)Low Voltage Lighting View All 12V Fixtures Landscape Lighting Kits Spot Lights Flood Lights Path & Area Lighting In-Ground Well Lights Deck Lights Step Lights Hardscape Lights Underwater Lights Downlights Specialty Fixtures Dark Sky Approved Line Voltage Fixtures (120V)All Line Voltage Lighting LED Commercial Wall Packs Bistro, String & Decorative Lights LED Spot Lights LED Flood Lights Solar Security Lighting Make It Easy View Make It Easy Complete Kits Build Your Own System Visit Our Learning Center Shop Landscape Lighting Kits Landscape Lighting Accessories All Landscape Accessories Fixture Mounting Extensions & Risers Tools Glare Guards Lens, Filters & Optics Wiring & Transformers Low Voltage Transformers Transformer Accessories Direct Burial Cable Wire Connectors & Hubs Landscape Bulbs LED MR16 Bulbs LED PAR36 Bulbs LED G4 Bi Pin Bulbs LED MR11 Bulbs LED S8 Wedge Bulbs LED T5 Wedge Bulbs LED SCB Bulbs All LED Landscape Bulbs Halogen Landscape Bulbs Shop All Connectors INDOOR LIGHTINGLED Strip Lighting All LED Strip Lighting LED Strip Light Reels LED Strip Light Accessories LED Strip Lighting Kits LED Strip Lights by the Foot LED Fixtures LED Flat Panel Lights LED High Bay Lights Home Decor LED Flameless Candles BUZZNew Products Offers & Promotions Overstock Bulk Discounts Clearance Recently Added VOLT® 100-Watt Slim Line LED Transformer VOLT® Pro Macro-Junction Direct Burial Connector 8 Way | 2 Pack VOLT® Pro Junction Hub VOLT® Salty Dog MR16 Well Light View All New Products PHOTO GALLERYBringing the Fence into the Lighting Design Lighting a Lush Tropical Landscape Sheraton Turtle-Safe Lighting Deck Over Water Fire & light Define a Modern Home Dramatic Flag Lighting Light in a Meditation Garden View All Projects Featured Design GREAT IDEA!Set Nighttime Frames with Light VIEW PROject View our Photo Gallery Resource Center How-To Videos Product Videos How-To Articles Product News Product Documents Forum - NEW!Build Your Own System VOLT PRO Portal - NEW!10% off for active duty military members & veterans Home / Learning Center / Landscaping Lighting Ideas / LED Lighting & Color Temperature LED Lighting & Color Temperature Color temperature is a measurement that indicates the extent of yellowish or bluish tint to a white light. High color temperatures are bluish while low color temperatures are yellowish. Of interest is that human vision compensates for these tints, and perceives both high and low color temperature lights as being white. It is only when two sources of different color temperatures are side-by-side that they appear different. There are, however, other subtle effects of these differences discussed in this article. This measurement began in the late 1800s, when William Kelvin experimented with heat and a block of carbon. As the carbon heated, he noticed that it produced an array of colors as the temperature was increased."
"docid": "D1803809#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/American_Revolution/Lexington_and_Concord\nAmerican Revolution/Lexington and Concord",
"text": "\"American Revolution/Lexington and Concord< American Revolutionnavigation search Contents [ hide ]1 Before the Battles1.1 Warning the Colonists2 Lexington3 Concord4 Continued Fighting5 Aftermath Before the Battles [ edit]The Battles of Lexington and Concord are generally considered the start of the American Revolution. British General Thomas Gage, the military governor and commander-in-chief, received instructions, on April 14, 1775, from Secretary of State William Legge, the Earl of Dartmouth to disarm the rebels, who had supposedly hidden weapons in Concord, and to imprison the rebellion's leaders. On the morning of April 16, Gage ordered a mounted patrol of about 50 men under the command of Major Mitchell of the 5th Regiment into the surrounding country to intercept messengers who might be out on horseback. This patrol behaved differently from patrols sent out from Boston in the past, staying out after dark and asking travelers about the location of Samuel Adams and John Hancock. This had the unintended effect of alarming many residents and increasing their preparedness. The Lexington Militia in particular began to muster early that evening, hours before receiving any word from Boston. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith received orders from Gage on the afternoon of April 18 with instructions that he was not to read them until his troops were underway. They were to proceed from Boston \"\"with utmost expedition and secrecy to Concord, where you will seize and destroy… all Military stores… But you will take care that the soldiers do not plunder the inhabitants or hurt private property. \"\" The rebellion's ringleaders – with the exception of Paul Revere and Joseph Warren – had all left Boston by April 8. They had received word of Dartmouth's secret instructions to General Gage from sources in London long before they had reached Gage himself."
"docid": "D2986490#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/gds/How-to-Change-the-Headlight-Bulb-in-a-Hyundai-Elantra-/10000000188950112/g.html\nHow to Change the Headlight Bulb in a Hyundai Elantra",
"text": "\"Home Buying Guides Parts & Accessories Car & Truck Parts Lighting & Lamps How to Change the Headlight Bulb in a Hyundai Elantrae Bay Like May 23, 2017Headlights are crucial to safe driving at night and during inclement weather such as rain, fog, and snow. Many accidents that happen at night are caused by a driver’s inability to see properly. While headlights should provide 45.72 metres or more of visibility directly ahead of the vehicle, a burned out or damaged headlight bulb can reduce visibility to 15.24 metres or less. Fortunately, changing a dim or burned-out headlight bulb in a Hyundai Elantra only requires a few simple steps. Checking the Headlights Checking the headlights should be a regular part of a Hyundai Elantra’s maintenance. Determine whether the headlight bulbs need changing or if dim light stems from another problem by taking these steps: Observe the front of the Hyundai Elantra in broad daylight with the headlights off. If headlights are cloudy, dull looking, or appear to have internal condensation, they warrant replacing. Faded lenses block the light needed to safely see the road at night or under other poor lighting conditions. Visibility may be reduced by as much as two-thirds, making it difficult to avoid a dog, deer, or other obstacle in the road. Faded and cloudy lenses should be cleaned or refinished so they are clear and allow light to pass through."
"docid": "D444503#0",
"title": "https://airneeds.com/best-essential-oil-diffuser/\nHow to Choose the Best Essential Oil Diffuser",
"text": "Nowadays, many customers are looking for a useful device that is good for their health. An essential oil diffuser will be a great choice for them. Moreover, this product also has many amazing advantages. The essential oil diffuser can satisfy even picky customers. Users feel happy and comfortable while using this product. They can breathe in the air that has essential oil elements. However, buying the best Essential Oil Diffuser will be pretty difficult if you do not know some tips and basic information. This Essential Oil Diffuser Reviews and Buying Guide will be a valuable guide for you while choosing a perfect product for your place. Contents [ hide]What is an Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser exactly? Types of Oil Diffuser Nebulizer vs Ultrasonic vs Evaporative vs Heat Diffuser Things to consider buying the best Aromatherapy Diffuser Water Capacity Operating Time Program and Timer Options Variable Airflow Output Room Coverage Size and Shape Others Top 8 Best Essential Oil Diffuser Reviews1."
"docid": "D1167323#0",
"title": "http://www.yoursolarlink.com/blog/replacing-nicd-rechargeables-with-nimh-rechargeable-batteries-in-solar-lights-the-better-choice/\nReplacing NiCd rechargeables with NiMH rechargeable batteries in solar lights, the better choice!",
"text": "Replacing Ni Cd rechargeables with Ni MH rechargeable batteries in solar lights, the better choice!Posted By: Mario Villalobos on March 29, 2015 in Solar Gardening, Solar News - Comments: 13 Comments »Many people have asked “can I use Ni MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries in my solar lights that have Ni Cd (Nickel Cadmium )?” And the answer is, yes! Not only can you replace with Ni MH, but they are the better choice of battery as they have benefits that their Ni Cd counterparts don’t. The powerful AA Ni MH rechargeable batteries from Your Solar Link. 10-packs and 5-packs available. Image courtesy of www.yoursolarlink.com. Ni MH battery benefits:1. Long shelf-life. They can remain unused for anywhere between 3 and 5 years. However, we recommend using your new Ni MH rechargeable batteries sooner than that, gotta keep those solar lights shining.2."
"docid": "D2821657#0",
"title": "https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=most_efficient.me_large_fridges_freezers\nENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 â Medium, Large, and X-Large Refrigerators",
"text": "ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 — Medium, Large, and X-Large Refrigerators The Year's Best of ENERGY STAR for Energy Efficiency and Innovation WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DOIntroducing ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018, a new distinction that recognizes products that deliver cutting edge energy efficiency along with the latest technological innovation. It is an award that truly represents the best of ENERGY STAR. Price and Location Information EPA is adding price and location information for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products to enhance the consumer experience and make it easier to locate models. Data on price and availability are sourced from retail web sites for informational purposes only. Please share any issues or feedback with the features by reporting it here . All products are available in the U. S. and many are also available in Canada. All Bottom Freezer (27) Top Freezer (67) Side-by-Side (1)Daewoo FR-1020ARWAutomatic Defrost Yes Features Spill proof glass shelf (Optional)Low Noise2.0L bottle rack High efficient compressor Twist tube ice maker Can storage condenser Lock (optional)Reversible door Foldable shelf Deodorizer Thru the Door Dispenser No Capacity (Total Volume) (ft3) 9.9Annual Energy Use (k Wh/yr) 296Low High$306.81 - $306.81 at 1 Online stores Summit FF1085SSAutomatic Defrost Yes Features Frost-free refrigerator-freezer in white Reversible doors Glass shelves Door storage Two crispers Thru the Door Dispenser No Capacity (Total Volume) (ft3) 9.9Annual Energy Use (k Wh/yr) 296Low High$679.00 - $760.48 at 3 Online stores Summit FF1084WAutomatic Defrost Yes Features Frost-free refrigerator-freezer in white Reversible doors Glass shelves Door storage Two crispers Thru the Door Dispenser No Capacity (Total Volume) (ft3) 9.9Annual Energy Use (k Wh/yr) 296Low High$546.00 - $720.00 at 3 Online stores Insignia NS-RTM10WH7Automatic Defrost Yes Features9.9 cu. ft. top mount freezer features a 7.24 cu. ft."
"docid": "D1909054#0",
"title": "http://www.theledlight.com/cost_reduction.html\n.",
"text": "Phone:1-775-841-4490My Account My Wishlist Checkout Log In All Categories Shopping Cart0 item $0.00Home New Arrivals About us Call Me Back Contact us Categories LED Light Bulbs LED Light Fixtures LED Landscape Lighting Commercial LED Lighting LED Cabinet Lights Flexible LED Strips Aluminum Channel Crown Molding for Cove Lighting RGB Color Changing LED Lights Bare Rigid LED Strips Waterproof LED Light Bars LED Sign Lighting Battery Operated LED Lights More Categories LED Flush Mount Fixtures LED Cabinet Lightingico policy Customer Satisfaction Guarantee ico policy We Ship Anywhere in USA & Canada ico policy Ask us for a quote ico policy safe shopping guarantee RECOMMENDEDMost Selling Most Visited Top Rating Most Reviews Price Previous Next Remote Controlled$29.95Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Rectangular Wall$396.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Indoor Only Linear$270.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Indoor-Outdoor$315.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Round Wall Washer$396.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist12VDC RGB Color$29.64Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Non waterproof$30.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Non waterproof$60.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist New Arrivals All Products LED Light Fixtures Made in the USAPrevious Next4' Wrap Fixture$59.95Add to Cart Add to Wishlist1' Rigid Strip Light$20.95Add to Cart Add to Wishlist LED Light Box$350.00Add to Cart Add to Wishlist5.5 inch square LED$35.95Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Collections LED Light Blubs LED Light Fixtures LED Landscape Lighting Commercial LED Lighting LED Cabinet Lighting Flexible LED Strips Hot categories View more LED Light Bulbs Need Help? About Market About us Blog Terms of Use Privacy Policy Site Map Lumens Help Color Chart LEDBulb Primer Call me Back Crown Molding Shipping Cost Download Crown Molding PDFDimmers Resistance Calculator Customer Service Contractors Warranty Return Policy Contact Us LED Definitions LED101LED Lighting For Home Accents RGB Colors Transformers Crown Molding Samples Crown Molding Order Page Direct Replacement LED T8 Tubes Flexible LED Stripes Transformers12 Volt LED Bulb Payment & Shipping Terms of Use Shipping Guide Shipping Canada Locations We Ship To Trustwave RGB Colors1Technical Technical1Catalogwhybuyfromus Crown Molding for LEDs Crown Molding Corner Blocks LED HID Replacement Lamps Installation Accessories Contact usicon Address : The LED Light, Inc 511 Fairview Drive Carson City NV 89701.icon Email : Sales@The LEDLight.comicon Phone :1-775-841-4490 Fax : 1-775-841-4491Newsletter Please sign up to the Market mailing list to receive updates on new arrivals, special offers and other discount information Subscribe© 1997-Present The LED Light Inc. All Rights Reserved.payment1 payment2 payment3 payment4 payment5 payment6Theme setting Reset Theme Color Yellow Blue Tangerine Emerald Green Menu style"
"docid": "D1495173#0",
"title": "https://www.ledlight.com/LED-Information.aspx\n.",
"text": "\"Information on LED Lighting Products The LED Light Bulb saves 90% energy, LED lights last longer up to 60,000 hours, LEDs are cool to touch, LED Bulbs are unbreakable, and LED Lighting saves time, money and the environment. Using a 3 Watt LED Light versus a 60 light bulb will save you $405.01 Per LED Bulb at 11¢ per k Wh/60000hrs. Most of the LED Lights sold by LEDLight.com are CE and/or UL listed. If every U. S. household replaced just one standard 60 watt bulb with a LED Light bulb it could save 24,184.4 mega (million) watts per day . LED Lighting Life Span and Energy Usage Beneficiaries Vs. Incandescent Lights LED Light (1.3 Watt Light Bulb)1.3 Watt LED Light Incandescent Lights Life Span How long will the light bulb last? Greater Than 60,000 Hours1,000 Hours Number of Bulbs Used over a 60,000 Hour Time Period1 LED Light Bulb60 Light Bulbs Bulb Cost$14.99$40.20 ( 60 Bulbs At 67¢ Each)Electricity Usage Over a 60,000 Hour Time Period78,000 k Wh36,000,000 k Wh Cost of Electricity$20.40$612.00Total Cost After 60,000 Hours$35.39$652.20Total Savings Residential incandescent light bulb cost vs. LED Light cost$616.81Total Savings Commercial incandescent light bulb cost vs. LED Light cost Labor Costs $65 per hour, Boom lift $350 per day, Operator Pay, etc.$415,405.01Frequently Asked Questions Q: What are LEDs? A: LEDs are Light-Emitting Diodes. Q: Do we carry a catalog? A: Yes, we carry both a Household Catalog and Automotive Catalog and Low Voltage Catalog."
"docid": "D3312740#0",
"title": "https://www.thesimpledollar.com/the-light-bulb-showdown-leds-vs-cfls-vs-incandescent-bulbs-whats-the-best-deal-now-and-in-the-future/\nLight Bulb Showdown: LED vs. CFL vs. Incandescent",
"text": "Just a couple decades ago, light bulbs were light bulbs. No matter your budget, you really had only one choice when it came to interior lighting options for your home: Head to the hardware store and pick up some incandescent bulbs, choosing a wattage based on how bright you needed the light to be. But in recent years, technology has brought us bulbs — namely, CFLs and LEDs — that put incandescent lighting to shame. Not only are these new options more energy efficient, they can also last years, or even decades, longer than the standard light bulb we all remember from our childhoods. And while prices for LED light bulbs were astronomical when we first covered this topic just a few years ago — upwards of $100 for one bulb — you can now pick up a cheap, 60-watt-equivalent LED light bulb for less than $5. That’s probably why incandescent light bulbs are being phased out: An almost complete ban on their sale started in 2014 and will take full effect in 2020. Simply put, they waste a lot of energy and don’t last very long. As incandescent light bulbs around the country burn out for the last time, let’s look at the other options available. Cost will obviously be a factor as you make your decision, but there are other variables you should consider as well. CFL vs. LED Light Bulbs: What’s the Difference?"
"docid": "D92754#0",
"title": "http://www2.meethue.com/en-us/about-hue/get-started/\nYour personal Wireless lighting system",
"text": "Your personal Wireless lighting system Philips Hue combines brilliant and energy-efficient LED light with intuitive technology. Together, the light, the bridge and the smart controls will forever change the way you control and experience light. View products Follow these4 easy steps If you have a starter kit, screw the bulbs into your existing light fittings and turn on your wall light switches. For other Philips Hue lights, such as Philips Hue lightstrip plus, you only have to plug them in and power them. Simple. Power your light sources Set up your bridge Download the Philips Hue app… Play around and experience light…More about the system3 types of Philips Hue lights Philips Hue offers three types of smart lights that come in different shapes, sizes and models. Choose Hue white for easy control and comfort, Hue white ambiance for relaxing warm white light to cool daylight to support your daily activities, or Hue white and color ambiance for an immersive experience. They all work together to make your home smarter, comfortable and energy efficient. White and color ambiance Limitless possibilities View products Watch video With Philips Hue you can transform your everyday lighting into an extraordinary experience. Connected home lighting offers infinite possibilities for playing with colors, syncing lights to your music, TV and games for immersive effects."
"docid": "D2617232#0",
"title": "http://www.finestshower.com/best-infrared-sauna-reviews/\nBest Infrared Sauna Reviews â Guide and Comparison 2017",
"text": "Best Infrared Sauna Reviews – Guide and Comparison 2017April 8, 2017 [ Show Table Of Contents]If you have ever used a sauna before, you’ll know how beneficial they can be. Whether you want to use one as part of a fitness regime, for relaxation or simply to improve your overall health, you can find the best home saunas can be used to provide all the benefits you want. Saunas can be easy to install within the home and have plenty of safety features to ensure that you can have an enjoyable experience with no problems. There are a few different kinds of sauna for you to choose from, so if you want to find out what is the best sauna for you, read these infrared sauna reviews to view just a handful of the saunas available to buy today. At the end of this article, we have included a useful guide to choosing the best infrared sauna for your home, which we hope you will find helpful. Best 1-Person Infrared Saunas DYNAMIC SAUNAS AMZ-DYN-6106-01 Barcelona4.7 Customer rating6 heating panels Outlet: 15 amp 110 volt Main features: Canadian Hemlock wood construction, MP3 Auxiliary Connection, foot heater, interior and exterior control panel Warranty: 3 year limited warranty Check on Amazon Better Life BL61094.8 Customer rating8 heating panels Outlet: 15 amp 110 volt Main features: exterior and interior control panel, chromotherapy, MP3 Auxiliary Connection, floor and lower bench heater Warranty: 7 Year Limited on heating elements and electronics, 3 year limited on wood and 1 year limited on radio Check on Amazon Better Life 1-2 person sauna4.6 Customer rating6 heating panels Outlet: 15 amp 120 volt Main features: exterior and interior control panel, chromotherapy, MP3 Auxiliary Connection, floor and lower bench heater Warranty: 7 Year Limited on heating elements and electronics, 3 year limited on wood and 1 year limited on radio Check on Amazon Better Life BL6109 1-Person Infrared Sauna The Better Life BL6109 is a great home sauna that has plenty of room for one person. You can fit 2 people in this sauna if you wish, although it may feel a little cramped. This is an infrared sauna that offers complete relaxation. You can soothe your tired muscles, open your pores so that toxins can drain from your skin and enjoy better blood circulation. There are 8 carbon heaters that make up this sauna and these are placed strategically to ensure that this sauna targets specific areas of your body for the best possible therapy."
"docid": "D1281773#0",
"title": "http://ask-the-electrician.com/how-to-fix-a-dusk-to-dawn-light-fixture/\nHow to Fix a Dusk to Dawn Light Fixture",
"text": "» Home» Electrical Wiring Directory» Guide to Home Wiring How to Fix a Dusk to Dawn Light Fixture How to Repair a Dusk to Dawn or Motion Detector Light Fixture: Security Light Fixture TEST Setting Functions, Replacing a Motion Detector Head on a Dusk to Dawn Fixture, How to Test a Photo Cell. What To Do If Your Dusk To Dawn Fixture is Erratic Electrical Question: My dusk to dawn light has become erratic, coming on at dusk, staying on a while, going out, coming back on for a few minutes, going out, coming on for a while, going out. The security light fixture has worked perfectly for several years. Should I change the light bulb, sensor or the whole light? Thanks. This electrical wiring question came from: Rick who is a Handyman from California. See more about Electrical Wiring in California Dave’s Reply: Thanks for your electrical question Rick. How to Repair a Dusk to Dawn or Motion Detector Light Fixture Application: Repair a Dusk to Dawn Light Fixture. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate – Best performed by a Licensed Electrician. Tools Required: Basic Hand Tools and Safe Ladder."
"docid": "D1884036#0",
"title": "http://www.hometips.com/diy-how-to/install-christmas-lights.html\nHow to Hang Christmas Lights",
"text": "How to Hang Christmas Lightsby Don Vandervort, Home Tips © 1997-2017November 22, 2016© Filtv | Dreamstime.com Hang lights like a pro in under two hours. In This Article: Tips for Hanging Outdoor Lights Hanging Holiday Lights: Step by Step How to Store Outdoor Holiday Lights Hang holiday lights like a pro in two hours or less with these expert step-by-step tips for planning, choosing, and hanging Christmas and holiday lights. Buy Christmas Lights at Amazon Now!The best time for hanging Christmas and outdoor holiday lights is before your weather turns wet and cold. Not only is it easier and more comfortable to work outdoors in mild weather, but it is also safer. Safely climbing ladders and working along the eaves of a roof can be a dangerous challenge in bad weather. Even if you don’t actually hang your light strings well ahead of the season, you can get much of the preparation done, such as running outdoor extension cords, installing hooks and hangers, and so forth. It’s also smart to test your Christmas lights before it’s time to hang them. ( You can buy an inexpensive Christmas light tester on Amazon.) Pull them out of storage and check them to make sure they’re functional. This way you will have plenty of time to make repairs and a shopping list for replacements and other supplies."
"docid": "D479450#0",
"title": "http://www.johnlewis.com/inspiration-and-advice/home-garden/how-to-match-lamp-shades-and-bases-video\nSelect delivery and currency options",
"text": "BUYING GUIDECHOOSING YOUR LIGHTINGWhat type of lights do I need? Brighten up your desk, give living rooms a warm glow or place a security light outside: lighting your home is often as much about creating a mood as it is about functionality. CEILING LIGHTSPENDANT CEILING LIGHTSPerfect as a feature in stairwells Hang between landings or suspend from high ceilings Often surrounded by a light shade Create a focus in your room - over a kitchen island or breakfast bar Shop pendant ceiling lights CLUSTER LIGHTSDraws single pendant lights together Create a group for a striking effect Great over dining tables Shop cluster lights MULTI ARM AND CHANDELIERSA number of lights coming from a single central fixture Available in many styles Create a design statement Shop multi arm and chandeliers FLUSH CEILING LIGHTSPerfect for lower ceilings Lie flat against the ceiling to save space Shop flush ceiling lights SPOTLIGHTSSmall, bright lights that sit fairly close to the ceiling Sometimes made up of several adjustable lights along a metal bar Enhance visibility where you need it Shop spotlights LAMPSWALL LAMPSAffixed to the wall, for an elegant up-lighted look Create statement walls Brighten dark corners Shop wall lamps TABLE LAMPSUsually decorative Available in a variety of shapes3-stage touch dimmers available Offer softer light Shop table lamps TASK LAMPSProduce targeted light to assist you as you work, read or apply makeup Help to focus attention and reduce eye strain Shop task lamps FLOOR LAMPSOffer freestanding light around rooms We stock matching or coordinating table and floor lamps Illuminate darker corners Shop floor lamps SAD AND WAKE UP LAMPSMimic sunrise, sunset and daylight Help to regulate your sleep/wake cycle Help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)Boost mood, energy and productivity levels Shop SAD and wake up lamps OTHER LIGHTINGLED LIGHTINGSave up to 90% energy The latest light bulb technology An average 25,000 hour lifespan Stays cool, unlikely to overheat Shop LED lighting OUTDOOR AND SECURITY LIGHTINGSensor and PIR lights detect movement and then turn on Add ambience with outdoor pendants, lanterns and line lights Shop outdoor and security lighting SMART LIGHTINGUse your smartphone or tablet to adjust your lighting levels and colour ambience Control remotely or at home Great for energy saving or to give you peace of mind Shop smart lighting Tip For outdoor or bathroom lighting check the IP (Ingress Protection) rating. The higher the rating, the more protected lighting is. You need a minimum IP44 rating. The first digit refers to the degree you’re protected from any contact with moving parts, and the degree the light is protected from anything getting inside. This ranges from ‘0’ (no special protection) to ‘6’ (dust tight). The second digit indicates how much moisture (drips, spray or jets) the light can withstand. This ranges from ‘0’ (no special protection) to ‘8’ (protection from complete, continuous submersion in water). For example, an IP44 rating means nothing bigger than 1mm can get in, and it’s safe from splashing water."
"docid": "D2235232#0",
"title": "http://www.danielsternlighting.com/tech/bulbs/Hid/conversions/conversions.html\n.",
"text": "\"Thinking of converting your halogen headlamps to HID or LED? Good HID and LED headlamps are terrific; they can offer excellent safety performance and driver comfort, but only if they're designed and built from the start as HID or LED headlamps. Installing an \"\"HID kit\"\" or \"\"LED bulbs\"\" in a halogen headlamp isn't an upgrade, it's a large and serious safety downgrade. So you've read about HID and LED headlamps—maybe you've driven a car equipped with them—and now you want to convert your car. A few mouse clicks on the web, and you've found dozens of outfits offering to sell you an \"\"HID kit\"\" or a set of \"\"LED bulbs\"\" that will fit right in place of your car's halogen bulbs. Sounds great, right? It's not. STOP! Put away that credit card. This article primarily discusses the problems with \"\"HID kits\"\", but the concept and most of the issues apply equally to the \"\"LED bulbs\"\" now flooding the market."
"docid": "D2377031#0",
"title": "http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/categories/departments/lighting/\nIt's okay. We're afraid of the dark, too.",
"text": "\"Lighting : Smart lighting | Ceiling lights | Table lamps | Floor lamps | Work lamps | Shades, bases & cords | Integrated lighting | Spotlights | Wall lamps | Children's lighting | LED Light bulbs | Power Cables & Chargers | LED lights | Decorative lighting | Outdoor lighting | Bathroom lighting | Children's lighting 8-12 | Serieslight fixtures It's okay. We're afraid of the dark, too. Lighting is what turns your home into a place for doing things you love – whether it's reading a book, preparing dinner or getting cozy on the sofa. That’s why you'll find so many light fixtures to make your home a little brighter – and energy efficient ways of keeping it that way. Sustainable life at home with LED lighting. Table lamps (46)Floor lamps (45)Work lamps (25)LED Light bulbs (47)Smart lighting (18)Ceiling lights (77)Integrated lighting (36)Wall lamps (24)Spotlights (34)Shades, bases & cords (54)Bathroom lighting (32)Children's lighting (28)Decorative lighting (37)RIGHT NOW AT IKEAIntroducing Smart lighting Choose a light for early mornings, another for late evenings and a third for cooking or working at home. Dim, turn off, turn on, and switch from warm to cold light using a remote control or app. These products enable you to have better lighting at home, in an easy and affordable way. And they are plug-and-play solutions, meaning there is no need for new wiring or hiring an electrician. Brilliant."
"docid": "D3005194#0",
"title": "http://www.utilitechlighting.org/led-puck-lights/\nLED Puck Lights are Efficient and Adaptable",
"text": "LED Puck Lights are Efficient and Adaptable LED puck lights are an excellent choice for the person who wants to experiment with different types of lighting in the home. One of the many advantages of this type of lighting is that it can be purchased in wired or wireless forms. Because LED bulbs use so little power, a single wireless puck light can be run for months on just three AAA batteries. Most models of puck light are able to swivel and pivot in their base, this makes them very adjustable, allowing you to tune the direction of the lighting until you have it just right. Some models even feature dimmer switches to add control over the brightness and ambiance of your lighting setup. Some of the many common uses for LED puck lights are under cabinet lighting, accent lighting (such as architectural features of a property), convince lighting where there is no power supply and safety/backup lighting to be used in the event of a power outage. Using LED Puck Lights as Under Cabinet Lighting LED puck lights are great to use as under cabinet lighting. These lights are ideal for use as under cabinet lighting, they are extremely easy to install compared to traditional strip under cabinet lights, they will also fit under virtually any cabinet. Old, custom made and foreign designed cabinets sometimes do not have sufficient depth, straight lines and length to accommodate traditional strip under cabinet lighting, LED puck lights are quite compact and can be easily fitted independently of each other. Installing individual puck lights underneath a cabinet instead of a continuos strip light also gives the added advantage to the user of not having to have the whole counter illuminated."
"docid": "D1890362#0",
"title": "https://www.ebay.com/itm/NOCO-Genius-GB70-Boost-HD-Jump-Starter-2000A-/401036498063\nNOCO Genius GB70 Boost HD Jump Starter - 2000A",
"text": "\"Skip to main contente Bay Shop by category Advanced Hi! Sign in or register Daily Deals Gift Cards Help & Contact Sell My e Bay Expand My e Bay Notification Back to home page | Listed in category: Consumer Electronics > Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Electronics Accessories >Other Car Electronics Accs People who viewed this item also viewed SPONSOREDNoco Genius Boo…$199.95Free shipping NOCO Genius Boost HD GB70…$172.95Free shipping NOCO Genius Boost GB70 HD…$184.99Free shipping NOCO Genius Boost GB70 HD…$199.95Free shipping NOCO Genius GB70 Boost HD J…$199.95Free shipping Image not available Have one to sell? Sell now NOCO Genius GB70 Boost HD Jump Starter - 2000A104 product ratings| Add to watch list Seller informationhappy_iguana_inc ( 60722)99.9% Positive feedback Save this Seller Contact seller Visit store See other items Condition: New Quantity: More than 10 available14 sold / See feedback Price: US $199.95Add to cart Add to watch list Add to collection100% buyer satisfaction 30-day returns 10 watchers Shipping: FREE Standard Shipping | See details Item location: Bayville, New Jersey, United States Ships to: United States See exclusions Delivery: Estimated on or before Tue. Apr. 17to Payments: Credit Cards processed by Pay Pal6 months to pay on $99+. Apply Now | See terms See details Returns:30 day returns. Buyer pays for return shipping | See details Guarantee: | See details Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Covers your purchase price and original shipping. Report item Description Shipping and paymentse Bay item number: 401036498063Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on Apr 06, 2018 09:49:41 PDT View all revisions Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read more Brand: NOCOMPN: GB70UPC:046221150056Happy Iguana Electronics Visit my e Bay store Boat Accessories VHF Marine Radio GPS Mapping Cards Watersports Reviews and Guides Store Categories Store home Battery Charger110/120v AC90-230v ACBattery Life Saver Trolling Motors Minn Kota Motorguide Humminbird Fishfinder GPS Combo Garmin Fishfinder Lowrance Humminbird Garmin Ice Fishing Marine Wi-Fi GPS Mapping Cards Navionics Lake Master C-Map RAM Mounts Downriggers Cannon Scotty Big Jon Pacific Aerials Thermos Sunglasses Tifosi Tigress G enius GB70 Boost HD Jump Starter - 2000A The NOCO Genius® Boost GB70 is an ultra-compact and portable lithium-ion jump starter for highdisplacement gas and diesel engines in cars, trucks, boats and more. Safe to use on engines of any size."
"docid": "D3457074#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Is-it-safe-to-place-non-dimmable-LED-bulbs-in-a-fixture-that-is-dimmable-even-if-one-doesnt-use-the-dimmer\nIs it safe to place non-dimmable LED bulbs in a fixture that is dimmable even if one doesn't use the dimmer?",
"text": "\"Rob Tweedie, Electrical Contractor, LED Lighting consultant, Control Systems and designs Answered Sep 2, 2015There shouldn't be any safety concerns with fitting a non dimmable LED onto a circuit which has a dimmer, the main drawback to doing this however is that the light may not perform as well as if there was no dimmer in the circuit. Operating the dimmer will likely cause flickering, it may glow even when the circuit is switched off, possible noise from either the fixture if Fully-integrated or from the LED Driver if it is a Semi-integrated Fixture. It is also likely that the lifetime of the LED may be compromised. Without knowing what the LED fixture is and the details of the lighting circuit and dimmer it's difficult to provide you with a definitive answer, it is always worthwhile ensuring that the LED fixture is actually approved for use in your country by assessing the certification details which have to be provided. Most reputable manufacturers will ensure their LED fixtures are approved and provide the relevant details, however there are some untested products which still slip past without being certified which may in fact become a safety hazard. Dimmer or not, it's not worth risking your home and family with a non-certified LED fixture. I would personally recommend having the dimmer removed from the circuit if possible, however if you don't want to spend the money calling in an electrician it may be worthwhile simply buying a dimmable LED which may cost slightly more but at least you know that it has been designed to comply and last with a dimmable supply36.3k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below What happens if you dim a non dimmable led? Is it safe to install a dimmable LED bulb in a fixture that is not dimmable and has only on and off settings?"
] |
2040 | are palm trees poisonous | [
"docid": "D369112#0",
"title": "http://www.gardenguides.com/98437-toxic-palm-trees-florida.html\nToxic Palm Trees in Florida",
"text": "Home »Trees Toxic Palm Trees in Florida By Regina Sass; Updated September 21, 2017With most palm trees, the biggest problems are razor-sharp leaves and equally sharp thorns. There are a few, however, that are toxic and can cause serious medical problems and even death if ingested. Do not plant toxic palm trees where young children and pets can get access to them. Pick up and dispose of any leaves, fruit or stems that fall to the ground. Being extra cautious is better than not being cautious enough. Formosa Palm Formosa palm (Arenga engleri) is also called Taiwan sugar palm, dwarf sugar palm and Taiwan arenga palm. The fruit is toxic and can cause a severe allergic skin reaction. The tree grows to 10 feet tall with a spread of 16 feet and produces dark olive, fishtail-shaped leaves that grow up to 8 feet long. The red, orange or green flowers grow on stalks and are both male and female. The female flowers produce red or deep purple fruits less than 1 inch in diameter."
] | [
"docid": "D2957436#0",
"title": "http://goodcats.com/toxicplants.html\n.",
"text": "TOXIC PLANTS for CATSLilies are DEADLY to cats !! ( ie. Tiger Lily, Easter Lily, Japanese Show Lily, Oriental Lily, Stargazer Lily, Lily of the Valley, floral lilies). Ingesting any part of the plant causes irreversible kidney failure within 36-72 hours. Please rush your cat to your vet if you even suspect that he ate any part of a lily. When a cat starts showing signs of distress, it is often too late to save him. Emergency After Hours Care List of Toxic Plants for Cats (List is not all inclusive) Eating house plants is a common behavior in cats that do not get vegetable matter in their diet. By providing a small flower pot with grass or catnip, an owner often can eliminate the problem. For the cat that has developed a habit or preference, putting the plant where the cat cannot get to it or using aversive taste-smell conditioning with pepper sauce or vinegar usually works. You can also use a fine mist water sprayer at the cat when caught in the act or other scare tactics like making a loud noise to startle it."
"docid": "D2319857#0",
"title": "http://homeguides.sfgate.com/fruit-palm-tree-59935.html\nWhat Is the Fruit of a Palm Tree?",
"text": "Related Articles What Fruit Grows on Palm Trees? What Are the Balls on My Palm Tree? Are the Berries on Palm Trees Bad for Dogs to Eat? Are Queen Palm Tree Nuts Poisonous to Dogs? Tall and exotic, palm trees dot tropical and semitropical landscapes with rugged, irregular trunks topped by a tuft of green fronds. Palm trees are the only members of the monocot order, Arecales, although there are dozens of genera and hundreds of species within the order. Despite their primeval appearance, palms are angiosperms -- they flower and produce a wide variety of fruits. Importance The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) fruit’s husk provides coir, a stringy substance used in horticulture; oil from the seeds of the cohune palm (Attalea cohune) is used in soap. Palm trees are not harvested for their fruits alone, though -- dozens of varieties are important to local economies in tropical countries and have provided food, medicines and building products for centuries. Palm tree sap and pith contain a variety of oils, starches, sugars and even the basis for a wine called arrack."
"docid": "D1925059#0",
"title": "http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-1_u-20_t-205_c-688/nsw/hsie/global-environments-rainforests/flora-and-fauna/the-daintree-a-tropical-rainforest\nThe Daintree - a tropical rainforest",
"text": "The Daintree - a tropical rainforest Unit Home Topic Home Chapter Home 5 Pictures 2 Animations 0 Videos Chapter Summary 5 Activities 0 Exams Chapter summary The Daintree is a tropical rainforest in Queensland, Australia. It is listed as a World Heritage Area, and has over 700 species of plants and animals that can only be found there. The Daintree is the home of the biggest conifer in the world, which is the bull kauri. The bunya pine and the plum pine are also in the Daintree. The tallest cycad in the world is also found in the Daintree. This is Hope's cycad. The smallest cycad in Australia is also in the Daintree, the Bowenia. Mammals, such as tree kangaroos, bats and tropical bettongs live in the Daintree. Birds, including the cassowary, also live in the Daintree. Some of the reptiles in the forest include snakes, crocodiles, geckos and lizards."
"docid": "D2225568#0",
"title": "http://www.allaboutworms.com/poisonous-worms\nPoisonous Worms",
"text": "Poisonous Worms August 27, 2010The majority of worms living on planet earth are not poisonous. However, some worms can be parasitic in nature. Some feed on the intestines of animals, including humans, while others destroy plants and crops. Overall, most worms, specifically earthworms, are crucial to the survival of plants, flowers, trees, and crops. Without them, the earth’s landscape and vital crops would suffer. Earthworms help trees, plants, vegetables and fruits thrive by aerating the soil. When earthworms burrow through the soil, the tunnels allow air in to help plant roots breathe. Additionally, as earthworms digest organic matter, their bodies expel it and produce excrement that is rich in calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. Called castings, the nutrients enrich the soil to make plants happy. The earthworm castings also help the soil retain water."
"docid": "D2247708#0",
"title": "http://ucanr.edu/sites/poisonous_safe_plants/Safe_Plants_by_Scientific_Name/\nSafe Plants (by scientific name)",
"text": "\"Print Safe Plants (by scientific name)A note on \"\"safe\"\" plants: The plants on this list are generally believed to be safe. However, if you suspect that a child (or adult) has eaten quantities of any of these plants (or any of their parts), or if you notice symptoms such as illness or dermatitis after handling these plants, call your Poison Control Center for additional information: (800) 222-1222. It is assumed that the plants listed here are not being used as teas, herbs, or medicines. To search for photos of these plants, check the UC Berkeley Cal Photos: Plants site. Common name Safe plants: Scientific name Abutilon; Flowering maple Abutilon spp. Maidenhair fern Adiantum spp. Coral berry bromeliad *; Urn plant bromeliad * Aechmea spp. Lipstick plant Aeschynanthus spp. Carpet bugle Ajuga reptans Albizia; Silk tree Albizia julibrissin Alyssum Alyssum spp. Snapdragon Antirrhinum spp."
"docid": "D1651808#0",
"title": "http://www.ms-starship.com/sciencenew/coconuts_and_copra.htm\nâThe Tree of Lifeâ - Coconuts and Copra",
"text": "“The Tree of Life” - Coconuts and Copra The life history of a coconut tree The vegetation on the islands and coasts of the South Pacific is dominated by the coconut palm ( Cocos nucifera ). All of us are familiar with the typical “Robinson Crusoe-style” desert island – a mound of golden sand with a solitary palm tree growing on it, and in fact, this is not just a picture book scenario, coconut palms really do grow on islands like that -the coconuts tolerance to the salt environment and poor sandy soil is incredible. Coconuts can float for thousands of miles until they are cast up onto a sandy shore. After lying quiescent for a while, in the heat of the tropical sunshine, the coconut eventually sprouts into life. Roots sprout out of two of the eyes in the nut, plunging down into the sand, seeking water and nutrients. Through the third eye, a green shoot grows upwards towards the sunlight. Once established, the embryo palm grows rapidly, and within five to six years the coconut will have matured into a graceful palm tree. Sprouting coconut Palmae , the palm family, to which the coconut belongs, is one of the oldest and most diverse of the plant families. Palms have many botanical characteristics such as a woody trunk, perennial growth, leaves which are folded like a fan and the production of a single ‘seed leaf’ which, along with grasses, lilies and other families classifies them as monocotyledons. There have been sixty other species under the genus Cocos, but the coconut palm stands by itself and is monotypic - meaning that within the genus Cocos only one species, nucifera , is recognized."
"docid": "D3248215#0",
"title": "https://www.bhg.com/gardening/houseplants/projects/easiest-houseplants-you-can-grow/\nThe Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow",
"text": "BHG.com Gardening Houseplants Choosing Houseplants Series: The Indoor Gardener The Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow Grow these no-fuss houseplants to bring life and color to your home. Each is durable and low-maintenance. By Denny Schrock Pin Print Facebook Twitter Google Plus Email Prev1 of 28 View all Next Norfolk Island Pine The secret to keeping Norfolk Island pine healthy is to give it ample light and humidity. In low light, the lower branches may turn brown and fall off. If the air is too dry, it becomes a prime target for spider mites, a common houseplant pest. In its native habitat, Norfolk Island pine can reach 200 feet tall, but don't worry—indoors, it seldom grows taller than 10 feet. Why We Love It: This tree is perfect for decorating for Christmas—or giving as a holiday gift. Outside the holidays, its soft texture adds a cozy feeling to any room. Name: Araucaria heterophylla Growing Conditions: Bright light; 60-75 degrees F.; allow the soil surface to dry between waterings Size: To 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide Discover the perfect plant for you with Houseplant Finder!Prev1 of 28 View all Next Popular In Choosing Houseplants Indoor Plants for Low Light24 Beautiful Blooming Houseplants Top Fragrant Houseplants10 Fresh Ways to Add Succulents to Your Home Everything In This Slideshow Norfolk Island Pine The secret to keeping Norfolk Island pine healthy is to give it ample light and humidity. In low light, the lower branches may turn brown and fall off."
"docid": "D1873215#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/mango-seeds-poisonous-cd784a19d3204e45\nAre Mango Seeds Poisonous?",
"text": "Food Food Facts Fruits & Veggies Q: Are Mango Seeds Poisonous? A: Quick Answer Mango seeds are not poisonous; however, the stem, skin and leaves of mangoes can cause skin irritation in people who are sensitive. People who have had contact dermatitis caused by urushiol, which is found in poison oak and poison ivy, are at the greatest risk for skin irritation from mangoes. Mango seeds are not poisonous to dogs but can cause dangerous blockages of the esophagus or intestines. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Difference Between a Fruit and a Vegetable? What Are Hearts of Palm? What Fruit Is Good for Constipation? Full Answer The mango is a tropical fruit that grows on trees in parts of Asia. It is one of the most widely grown fruits in tropical regions and is sold around the world. About half the mangoes in the world are grown in India, and most Indian mangoes are consumed in India."
"docid": "D542349#0",
"title": "http://www.treenames.net/common_tree_names.html\nList of Trees by Common Names A-Z",
"text": "\"Home » List of Common Tree Names » List of Latin Botanical Tree Names List of Trees by Common Names A-ZThis alphabetical list of common tree names are organized by genus, then species, subspecies, and variety. This allows searches for the genus name of a tree (example Apple - Malus) so if you don't know the species name of Apple tree, you can locate it using the genus name and looking through the species names with tree descriptions and pictures. Common tree names are not as specific as Latin, Botanical, Scientific Tree Names, so cross reference is necessary to ensure the correct tree is identified. Many common names are the same for different species of trees. For example the common name \"\" Palm Tree \"\" can refer to many different species of trees in may different taxonomic groups. For example; type the name \"\"Palm\"\" into the table filter box below, and the list will adjust to show you all the species of trees that have \"\"Palm\"\" within their common name. Common Tree Names - Listed Alphabetically A-Z with botanical name Click list headers to sort by name, and or use name filter search: (Type the name you are looking for) and the table will adjust to show trees with matching names. Common Tree Name List by Botanical Tree Name Searchable List of Common Tree Names Acacia, Catclaw, Gum Arabic Trees, Gum Acacia, Gum Senegal Tree, Rfaudraksha Senegalia Genus Acacia, Sweet Acacia, Huisache, Pokemeboy Vachellia Genus (Includes some Species previously in the Acacia Genus)Acacia, Wattle Trees Acacia Genus - All Species Acerola, Dwarf Holly, Wild crepemyrtle Malpighia Genus African Mahogany Trees Khaya Genus African oil palm, Macaw-fat, American oil palm, Oil palm Trees Elaeis Genus African Podocarps, Musengera, Zigba, Outeniqua Yellowwood Afrocarpus Genus African Rosewood, Akume, Waka, Bindinga, Bubinga, Essingang, Kevazingo, Ovang Guibourtia Genus Albizia Trees Silk Tree, Persian Silk Tree, Pink Silk Tree, Pink Siris, Nemu Tree, Mimosa Tree, Bastard Tamarind, Lenkoran Acacia Albizia Genus - All Tree Species Alder Trees - All Species Alnus Genus - All Species Alexandra Palm, King Palm, Bangalow Palm, Piccabeen Palm Archontophoenix Genus Alexandrian laurel, Santa Maria Tree, Guanandi, Beauty leaf Calophyllum Genus Almond Trees Prunus dulcis Amborella Trees Amborella trichopoda, 1 Species Angelica Tree, Devil's Walkingstick Aralia Genus, 2 Species Anise-tree, Anise Tree, Star-anise Illicium Genus Apple Trees Malus Genus - All Species Apricot Trees Prunus Genus - Subgenus Prunus Arborvitae, Thujas, Oriental Cedar Thuja Genus - All Species Argan, Argantree, goat-tree Argania spinosa Ash Trees Fraxinus Genus Aspen Tree Species Populus Genus, Section Populus Autograph Tree, Balsam apple, Copey, Pitch-apple, Scotch attorney, Florida Clusia, Rose Clusia Clusia Genus Avocado, Coyo, Swampbay, Bay Trees Persea Genus Axlewood, (Hindi: bakli, dhau, dhawa, dhawra, dhaora) Anogeissus latifolia, 1 Species Açaí palm, Acai Berry Palm Euterpe oleracea Baccharis, Groundsel Bush, Sea Myrtle, Saltbush, Cotton-seed Tree, Groundsel Tree, Menguilié, Silverling Baccharis halimifolia, 1 Species Balsa Tree Ochroma pyramidale (syn. Ochroma lagopus) 1 Species Banana, Plantain Musa Genus Baobab, boab, boaboa, bottle Tree, upside-down Tree, monkey bread Tree Adansonia Genus - All Species Bayberry Trees, Bay-rum Tree, Candleberry, Wax-myrtle Trees Myrica Genus Beech Trees, European or Common Beech Fagus Genus - All Species Birch Trees - All Species Betula Genus - All Species Bismarck Palm Tree Bismarckia nobilis, 1 Species Black Mangrove Tree Lumnitzera Genus, 2 Species Blackbead Trees Pithecellobium Genus Bloodwood Trees, Ghost gum, Spotted gum Corymbia Genus Blue Mahoe, Purau teruere, Tahiti hibiscus Talipariti Genus Bolivian Rosewood, Espuela de Gallo, Canela do Brejo, Jacarandá-do-Cerrado Machaerium Genus Bombax, Mùmián, Simal, Silk Cotton Tree, Red Cotton Tree, Kapok Bombax Genus - All Tree Species Boobialla Trees, Ngaio, Mousehole Tree Myoporum Genus Boojum Tree Fouquieria columnaris, syn. Idria columnaris Bottle Palm Tree, Spindle Palm Hyophorbe Genus Bottlebrush Trees Callistemon Genus - All Tree Species Bottletree, Kurrajong Brachychiton Box Shrubs, Box Trees, Boxwood (only species that can also grow as Trees are listed) Buxus Genus, Tree Species only Brazil Nut Tree Bertholletia excelsa, 1 Species Brazilian Cherry, Jatobá, South American cherry, Jatoba, Guapinol, Algarrobo Hymenaea Genus Brazilwood, Pau-Brasil, Sappanwood, Divi-divi, Pernambuco Trees Caesalpinia Genus, Tree Species Only Breadnut, Maya Nut, Snakewood Brosimum Genus Bristlecone Hemlock Nothotsuga longibracteata (syn."
"docid": "D25725#0",
"title": "https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/mamey.html\nMamey",
"text": "\"Index | Search | Home | Morton Morton, J. 1987. Mamey. p. 304–307. In: Fruits of warm climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL. Mamey Mammea americana L. Description Origin and Distribution Climate Soil Propagation Culture Season Harvesting Yield Food Uses Toxicity Other Uses The mamey stands almost midway between \"\"major\"\" and \"\"minor\"\" tropical fruits and is unique in remaining virtually static in the past 40 years, receiving little attention at home or abroad. Botanically, it is identified as Mammea americana L., of the family Guttiferae, and therefore related to the mangosteen, q.v. Among alternative names in English are mammee, mammee apple, St. Domingo apricot and South American apricot. To Spanish-speaking people, it is known as mamey de Santo Domingo, mamey amarillo, mamey de Cartagena, mata serrano, zapote mamey, or zapote de Santo Domingo. In Portuguese it is called abricote, abrico do Pará, abrico selvagem, or pecego de Sao Domingos."
"docid": "D2348819#0",
"title": "https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/plants-poisonous-to-dogs.htm\nToxic Plants To Dogs â Plants That Are Poisonous To Dogs",
"text": "Toxic Plants To Dogs – Plants That Are Poisonous To Dogs Printer Friendly Version Image by Ret0dd By Nikki Tilley (Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden)There’s no avoiding it. Dogs can be extremely vigilant in their quest for something to nibble on — a bone here, a shoe there, and even a plant or two. The problem is that there are many toxic plants to dogs; therefore, knowing what plants are poisonous to dogs can go a long way in preventing something tragic from happening and keeping your pet safe around the house. What Plants are Poisonous to Dogs? There are numerous plants that are poisonous to dogs. Because of this, it would be nearly impossible to go through and name each one (along with symptoms) in one brief article. Therefore, I’ve decided to split some of the mast common toxic plants to dogs into three categories: those that are mildly poisonous, moderately poisonous, and severely toxic. Plants Poisonous to Dogs with Mild Effects While many plants can result in mild toxicity, these are some of the most common: Ivy, poinsettia, tansy, nettle, wisteria (seeds/pods), and iris can all result in mild to severe digestive upset. Buttercups ( Ranunculus) contain juices that can severely irritate, or even damage, a dog’s digestive system. Jack-in-the-pulpit can lead to intense burning and irritation of the mouth and tongue."
"docid": "D1112975#0",
"title": "http://ucanr.edu/sites/poisonous_safe_plants/Toxic_Plants_by_Scientific_Name_685/\nToxic Plants (by scientific name)",
"text": "Print Toxic Plants (by scientific name)To search for photos of these plants, check the UC Berkeley Cal Photos: Plants site. Toxicity Class (third column in table below)Major Toxicity: These plants may cause serious illness or death. If ingested, immediately call the Poison Control Center -- (800) 222-1222 -- or your doctor. Minor Toxicity: Ingestion of these plants may cause minor illnesses such as vomiting or diarrhea. If ingested, call the Poison Control Center or your doctor. Oxalates: The juice or sap of these plants contains oxalate crystals. These needle-shaped crystals can irritate the skin, mouth, tongue, and throat, resulting in throat swelling, breathing difficulties, burning pain, and stomach upset. Call the Poison Control Center or your doctor if any of these symptoms appear following ingestion of plants. Dermatitis: The juice, sap, or thorns of these plants may cause a skin rash or irritation. Wash the affected area of skin with soap and water as soon as possible after contact."
"docid": "D1628107#0",
"title": "http://www.dorsetdog.com/poisonous-to-dogs\nDorsetdog - Foods poisonous to dogs",
"text": "Dorsetdog - Foods poisonous to dogs Topic quick jumps Click here to see the list of poisonous foods Click here to see a list of toxic plants This University site has an incredible searchable database for plants, and specific to various animals Cornell University - Plants poisonous to livestock Whilst some will say that their dog eats this or that, poisonous does not just mean that it will kill your dog instantly, but might have adverse effects on the dogs health over time which could help to reduce its life span. This list is not exhaustive, so please add any that you are aware of Known Food Toxins To Dogs Apple, Almond, Apricot, Peach, Wild Cherries, Plum, Balsam Pear, Prunes and similar fruit: Diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, (Stem, Seeds and Leaves) The seeds of most fruits contain Cyanogenic Glycosides resulting in cyanide poisoning which is poisonous to dogs as well as humans – though the fruit itself is OK. Avocados: The fruit, pit and plant are all toxic. They can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart Baby food: often contains onion powder, which is toxic for dogs. Beer/Wine/Alcohol of any kind (Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol which can be lethal for canines of any kind. Could lead to coma or even death.) Broccoli: Broccoli is only toxic in large quantities but is reported to be pretty potent gastrointestinal irritant Caffeine: is a strong nervous system excitant that will cause vomiting and cause nervous system damage. Watch out for tea or other foods that may contain caffeine. Cherry: rapid breathing, shock, mouth inflammation, heart rate increase Chocolate: ( contains Theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. This can be fatal to dogs.)"
"docid": "D728706#0",
"title": "http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/brinkley/article/Palm-oil-proving-unhealthy-for-people-environment-5063474.php\nPalm oil proving unhealthy for people, environment",
"text": "\"Opinion Palm oil proving unhealthy for people, environment By Joel Brinkley Published 6:23 pm, Friday, December 13, 2013Photo: Atar, AFP/Getty Images Palm oil fruits at a plantation in Medan, North Sumatra province, Indonesia. Millions of acres of forest have been cleared to create palm oil farms. What's so wrong with palm oil, from the palm trees that bear fruit, not coconuts? Well, if you listen to environmentalists and animal-rights advocates along with nutrition and health experts, they'll tell you it's something close to poison. Once the United States and other Western countries began condemning and banning trans-fat oils a few years ago, palm oil became a popular substitute. You can find it in shampoo, lipstick, soap and a host of snack and other foods, including some ketchups, margarine, chewing gum, candy bars and cooking oil. Oil-palm trees, as they're called, are grown primarily in Indonesia and Malaysia, and that's where the problems begin. To create oil-palm farms, the two states have cleared millions of acres of tropical forest. In all of the 1980s, Indonesia cleared 674,000 acres, but by 2009 the total had reached 18 million. The two states, together, have clear-cut an area roughly the size of Denmark, an environmental journal reported - all to plant oil-palm plantations."
"docid": "D2226662#0",
"title": "http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150817-earths-most-poisonous-plants\nFollow BBC Earth",
"text": "Some common species rank as the deadliest plants in the world By Ella Davies14 August 2015In 2014, a gardener on a country estate in the UK mysteriously died of multiple organ failure. The cause of his death remains unclear, but an inquest heard evidence suggesting he had been killed by a popular flowering plant, a member of the buttercup family. The plant in question, called Aconitum, has blooms said to resemble monk’s hoods. But the plant is also known by other more sinister names; wolf’s bane, Devil’s helmet and the Queen of Poisons. The poison slows the heart which can result in death These do more than hint at its villainous reputation. For Aconitum is among the most deadly plants in the world. The most poisonous part is the roots, though the leaves can pack a punch too. Both contain a neurotoxin that can be absorbed through the skin. Early symptoms of poisoning are tingling and numbness at the point of contact or severe vomiting and diarrhoea if it has been eaten. In 2010, Lakhvir Singh was convicted of the murder of her lover after dosing his curry with Indian aconite."
"docid": "D1489345#0",
"title": "http://www.earthclinic.com/pets/poisonous_plants.html\nList of Poisonous Plants for Cats and Dogs",
"text": "There are over 700 plants that could kill or injure your dog or cat! Some could well be growing in your yard right now. Here is a comprehensive list of plants that could injure or kill your beloved pet. The list included here cannot possibly begin to cover every single poisonous plant in existence. Also, some of these plants are much more toxic than others. It is important to use your best judgment when determining whether or not these plants should remain in your home or garden. Consider your personal situation and the normal behavior of your pets. If you keep any of these plants in areas that cannot be accessed by your pet, or if you have a pet that has never bothered with getting into your plants in the past, then it is likely you shouldn't have a problem with keeping those particular plants in a home with pets. The most important thing for you do to when assessing your current plant situation is to dig a little bit deeper and find out exactly how toxic certain plants can be and how they can affect your animal. The 10 Most Common Poisonous Plants: Marijuana - Animals who attempt to snack on this plant can suffer serious consequences such as diarrhea, vomiting, increased heart rate, drooling, in-coordination, and even possibly seizures and coma."
"docid": "D171072#0",
"title": "https://pethelpful.com/cats/Houseplants-Poisonous-to-your-Cats\nA-Z of Houseplants that are Poisonous to your Cats.",
"text": "\"Pet Helpful » Cats » Cat Care & Feeding A-Z of Houseplants that are Poisonous to your Cats. Updated on May 20, 2013Cindy Lawson more Contact Author There are many plants you may bring into your home without realising that they are poisonous to cats. Not all of them will prove fatal if eaten or chewed, but some most definitely can kill your much loved cat. Never assume a cat will instinctively not try to eat a poisonous plant, as all too often cats end up being rushed into the vets suffering from poisoning as a result of chewing on or eating a number of different houseplants. Those of you who read my previous hub about the dangers of Lilies to your cats will know what I am talking about here. In this article I hope to list most of the more common houseplants that are dangerous to cats so that you can either ensure you don't bring them into your home or at least you can keep them out of the reach of your pets. I am guessing that many of the plants on this list will come as quite a surprise to you. Aloe Vera Amaryllis Arum Lily Asian Lily Asparagus Fern Azalea A. Aloe Vera. This is toxic to both cats and dogs. The signs to look out for are vomiting, depression, diarrhea, anorexia, tremors and change in urine color."
"docid": "D110193#0",
"title": "http://ucanr.edu/sites/poisonous_safe_plants/Toxic_Plants_by_common_Name_659/\nToxic Plants (by common name)",
"text": "Print Toxic Plants (by common name)To search for photos of these plants, check the UC Berkeley Cal Photos: Plants site. Toxicity Class (third column in table below)Major Toxicity: These plants may cause serious illness or death. If ingested, immediately call the Poison Control Center -- (800) 222-1222 -- or your doctor. Minor Toxicity: Ingestion of these plants may cause minor illnesses such as vomiting or diarrhea. If ingested, call the Poison Control Center or your doctor. Oxalates: The juice or sap of these plants contains oxalate crystals. These needle-shaped crystals can irritate the skin, mouth, tongue, and throat, resulting in throat swelling, breathing difficulties, burning pain, and stomach upset. Call the Poison Control Center or your doctor if any of these symptoms appear following ingestion of plants. Dermatitis: The juice, sap, or thorns of these plants may cause a skin rash or irritation. Wash the affected area of skin with soap and water as soon as possible after contact."
"docid": "D2762051#0",
"title": "https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep220\nIdentification of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac, and Poisonwood 1",
"text": "\"�Identification of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac, and Poisonwood 1Sydney Park Brown 2Introduction Florida's beautiful parks and woodlands are favorite places for many people who enjoy outdoor activities. Unfortunately, a few native plants—namely poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and poisonwood—can make these outings a miserable experience (Figure 1). All four contain urushiol, a plant oil that can cause a severe skin rash (dermatitis) when any part of the plant is contacted. Allergic reaction can occur directly by touching the plant or indirectly by coming into contact with the oil on animals, tools, clothes, shoes, or other items. Even the smoke from burning plants contains oil particles that can be inhaled and cause lung irritation. Figure 1. Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and poisonwood. Credit: Cook (2012); Larry Korhnak, UF/IFAS [Click thumbnail to enlarge. ] Individuals vary in their susceptibility to these plants. Some people are not sensitive, but may become sensitive after repeated exposure."
"docid": "D462998#0",
"title": "http://whangareiflora.weebly.com/invasive-plants.html\nINVASIVE PLANT SRECIES IN NORTHLANDPLANTS NOT RECOMENDED FOR PLANTING IN WHANGAREI & DISTRICTS - Weedbusters Northland in conjunction with The Whangarei District Council; Whangarei Regional Council; Department of Conservation; Far North Council & Kaipara DistrictCouncil, advise people not to plant certain species of plant in Whangarei. There is a colour book available from Council Offices free of charge that list these plants. 'PLANT ME INSTEAD' has excellent colour photography and text. (Picture above shows Morning Glory - Ipomoea - almost killing a Puriri tree).",
"text": "\"INVASIVE PLANT SRECIES IN NORTHLANDPLANTS NOT RECOMENDED FOR PLANTING IN WHANGAREI & DISTRICTS - Weedbusters Northland in conjunction with The Whangarei District Council; Whangarei Regional Council; Department of Conservation; Far North Council & Kaipara District Council, advise people not to plant certain species of plant in Whangarei. There is a colour book available from Council Offices free of charge that list these plants. ' PLANT ME INSTEAD' has excellent colour photography and text. ( Picture above shows Morning Glory - Ipomoea - almost killing a Puriri tree). ACACIAThis photograph of the Black Wattle shows the flower and developing seed pods. Acacia mearnsii: Black Wattle. BOTANICAL NAME: Acacia mearnsii. Common name Black Wattle. A member of the leguminosae family, or legume. A large genus which includes the African species known as Thorn Tree."
] |
2043 | are baking powder and baking soda the same thing | [
"docid": "D3085239#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006030106053\nAre baking powder and baking soda the same thing?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes Are baking powder and baking soda the same thing?2 following 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: They are completely different things and are not interchangeable. If you use the other one, it will be one of those memorable failures that you will not repeat. Baking powder comes in a little can that always comes with a plastic lid, because you need to seal it up when you are not using it--if you don't it reacts with the air and will have lost all its ability to make your baked thing rise by the time you want to use it again. Baking soda comes in a box that usually has a list of some of the 20,000+ household uses for baking soda. It can sit around forever and still be good for baking. Durian · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Baking powder and baking soda are almost the same thing, but baking powder has a heat activated acid that causes it to produce CO2 when its in the oven. hence the term 'doulbe acting'. Powder also needs an acid to activate it. Baking soda is used mainly for adjusting the p H of a baked good. For instance, when you are baking a chocolate cake using cocoa powder the recipe will call for baking soda to off set the acidity.ph62198 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment No, and so you'll know what you're looking for Baking Soda is in a yellow box and an open box can be left in a refrigerator to absorb odors."
] | [
"docid": "D2556918#0",
"title": "http://www.finecooking.com/articles/how-to/make-ahead-muffin-batters.aspx\nMake-Ahead Muffin Batters",
"text": "How-To Make-Ahead Muffin Batters Balanced ingredients and a quick chill make batters that will last a week for delicious corn, pumpkin, or chocolate muffins By Kathleen Stewart Fine Cooking Issue 29Photos: Ben Fink Save to Recipe Box Print Add Private Note Related Recipe Cornmeal-Cherry Muffins Recipe Rich Chocolate Muffins Recipe Pumpkin-Spice Muffins Imagine enjoying a fresh-from-the-oven corn muffin with your morning coffee… at home… on a Tuesday… without mixing a single ingredient. How is that possible? The answer lies in a muffin batter that you can make on the weekend and keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. Then, whenever you’re craving a muffin for breakfast or for an afternoon snack with tea, all you have to do is scoop some batter into a tin and bake. At the Downtown Bakery, we make lots of delicious breakfast pastries every morning. But even for us, making batters from scratch every day is time-consuming. I began wondering how we could make larger batches less frequently. Ideally, I wanted to make the batters at the beginning of the week when we’re less busy. Then, as the crowds thicken at the end of the week, we’d only have to bake the muffins. The right amount of leavening is key We were already making rich chocolate brownie-style muffins from a batter that’s made ahead, refrigerated, and then scooped and baked daily, so I knew the concept was feasible."
"docid": "D2045513#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090208193334AALHCh3\nHow much baking soda/baking powder?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How much baking soda/baking powder? Hey everyone! I am a vegan baker and I bake and cook a lot. I have a question on how to determine how much baking soda/ baking powder to use in a cake or in anything? Is there like a baking formula? I would love to create my own recipes but don't know where to start? Is determing baking soda/ baking powder... show more Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: While making a cake, I would say put in 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Baking soda and baking powder are two different things: Baking soda is basic and will yield a bitter taste unless countered by the acidity of another ingredient, such as buttermilk. Baking powder contains both an acid and a base and has an overall neutral effect in terms of taste. Recipes that call for baking powder often call for other neutral-tasting ingredients, such as milk."
"docid": "D2045514#0",
"title": "http://www.wkiri.com/today/?p=233\n.",
"text": "How much baking powder to use April 24th, 2009 at 9:10 pm ( Cooking, Food )I posted previously about a dramatic biscuit failure I experienced when I forgot to include baking powder, due to a careless reading of the recipe. Instead of regular flour, it called for “self-rising flour”, which already has baking powder mixed in. The strange thing is, no one seems to agree on exactly how much baking powder should go into self-rising flour. Casual googling turned up recommendations for 0.5 tsp, 1 tsp, 1.25 tsp, and 1.5 tsp (same as 0.5 Tbsp) as the amount of baking powder to add for each 1 cup of flour. Now the difference between 0.5 and 1.5 tsp may not sound like a lot, but consider that it represents a 50% increase or decrease from a middle value of 1.0 tsp. For something as sensitive to stoichiometry as baking is, I’d expect that to make a difference. Then again, it seems reasonable that the desired amount would vary depending on the item being baked and how much loft you hope to get — which sort of defeats the purpose of a pre-mixed flour-baking powder product. But even specialized biscuit recipes disagree on this, but seem to choose either 1 tsp or 0.5 Tbsp (1.5 tsp, in agreement with my mom’s recipe). ( As a side note, they also vary widely on how much shortening or butter to use, as well as how much milk or buttermilk to use and whether or not to chill the dry ingredients + butter. The number of permutations sent me into a brief paralysis (gosh darn it, shouldn’t we have converged on a solution by now?!)"
"docid": "D1571436#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_corn_flour_and_self_raising_flour_the_same_thing\nIs corn flour and self raising flour the same thing?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Grains Corn Cornflour and Cornstarch Is corn flour and self raising flour the same thing? Flag Is corn flour and self raising flour the same thing? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. No. Cornflour is made from corn and does not rise. It's used for different reasons than self raising flour which is wheat flour with bicarb already added. Be aware with cornflour that it can also be wheat flour if it says wheaten cornflour. That concept baffles me.50 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Is self raising flour the same as all purpose flour? Definitely not."
"docid": "D3085240#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Are_baking_soda_and_baking_powder_the_same_thing\nAre baking soda and baking powder the same thing?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Baking Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) Are baking soda and baking powder the same thing? Flag Are baking soda and baking powder the same thing? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. No, baking soda and baking powder are not the same thing. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate Na2 (CO2). Baking powder is mixture of several ingredients including sodium bicarbonate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate and corn starch, but the ingredients in baking powder can vary according to the manufacturer. When sodium bicarbonate is combined with an acid or acid salt, it produces carbon dioxide bubbles such as those in a soda and some other stuff based on the acid used. When baking powder is mixed with water it makes carbon dioxide bubbles, which in turn with flour and a bit of oil and some heat makes an nice fluffy cake. Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents, which means they are added to baked goods before cooking to produce carbon dioxide and cause them to 'rise'. Baking powder contains baking soda, but the two substances are used under different conditions."
"docid": "D1749218#0",
"title": "http://culinaryarts.about.com/od/makeyourown/ht/bakingpowder.htm\nHow To Make Your Own Baking Powder",
"text": "Basic Ingredients Learning How to Cook Cooking Techniques & Tips Ingredient Information How To Make Your Own Baking Powder By Danilo Alfaro Updated 10/03/17Share Pin Email Tetra Images / Getty Images Baking powder is one of those ingredients that has an annoying habit of not being in your cupboard when you need it. Brown sugar is another example. But unlike brown sugar, which you can easily distinguish from granulated white sugar, it's not at all apparent how baking powder is different from baking soda. This can make it tempting to substitute baking soda in a recipe that calls for baking powder. Or vice-versa. Either way, big mistake. What Are Baking Powder and Baking Soda? Baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents that make your baked goods rise. Baking soda is alkaline, so it's activated by combining it with an acid like vinegar — or, more commonly in baking, buttermilk. When that happens, it produces CO2 gas, which gives your muffins their lift."
"docid": "D74311#0",
"title": "http://bakerbettie.com/baking-101/baking-powder-and-baking-soda/\nBaking Science: Baking Soda and Baking Powder",
"text": "\"Baking Science: Baking Soda and Baking Powder Home » Baking 101 » Baking Science: Baking Soda and Baking Powder Learn the difference between baking soda and baking powder and what to do in a pinch if you do not have one on hand!Baking soda and baking powder are both chemical leavening agents used in baking. This means that when these two substances are mixed into a dough or batter and baked, a chemical reaction occurs causing the baked goods to rise. The leavening process not only raises the baked good, but also makes it more tender and supports browning. While baking soda and baking powder serve the same main function, the way in which they work to make a baked good rise is different. What Is Baking Soda? Baking soda, also sometimes referred to as “sodium bicarb,” is just plain sodium bicarbonate. On the ph scale, it is considered a basic. In order for it to do it’s job of leavening your baked good, it needs an acidic component to react with. When the basic properties of baking soda mix with the acidic properties of another ingredient the baking soda works to neutralize the acid and this is what causes the air bubbles (carbon dioxide) that leaven the baked good. In baking, the usual acidic components include: buttermilk, brown sugar, molasses, vinegar, yogurt, lemon juice (or other citrus juice), natural cocoa powder (dutch processed cocoa powder is not acidic), and chocolate."
"docid": "D1181847#0",
"title": "http://www.cakecentral.com/forum/t/667455/can-cake-batter-be-refrigerated-and-used-later\nCan Cake Batter Be Refrigerated And Used Later?",
"text": "Can Cake Batter Be Refrigerated And Used Later? Decorating By jolie1977 Updated 2 Feb 2010 , 3:33am by jolie1977Follow Conversationjolie1977 Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 2:52ampost #1 of 13I often don't have time to bake all my cakes in one evening and have leftover batter... if I have the time, I'll make some cupcakes right away, but this time I have LOTS of leftover cake batter and more cakes to bake tomorrow... can the leftover batter be refrigerated and used at a later time?12 repliesindydebi Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:06ampost #2 of 13Yep. Did it / do it all the time.kellykake Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:12ampost #3 of 13Thanks for this - I was wondering the same thing.artscallion Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:12ampost #4 of 13Depends. If your recipe uses baking soda, it should be fine, as baking soda's reaction that causes rising does not begin until heated. If your cake uses baking powder,however, the reaction is activated by contact with liquid. So it begins as soon as you mix the batter. Once you go to bake it, the reaction will have completed, and a good deal of the gases created will have risen through the batter and escaped. Even double acting baking powder which is designed to react partially with liquid and partially with heat will only give you half the needed rise if you don't bake it immediately.mamawrobin Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:17ampost #5 of 13Do it all the time and it works fine for me. Love2Bake Cakes Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:23ampost #6 of 13Often wondered about this myself. Good to know, thanks for posting.jolie1977 Posted 2 Feb 2010 , 3:24ampost #7 of 13I use the WASC recipe... is the worse thing that could happen is that it might not rise as much as it would if baked immediately?"
"docid": "D3085243#0",
"title": "http://www.cupcakes-singapore.com/blog/baking-powder-vs-baking-soda/\nBaking powder Vs Baking soda?",
"text": "Baking powder Vs Baking soda?by : zihui comment : 0Is baking powder and baking soda the same thing? How many of us have tried substituting one of these ingredients for the other and did not achieve the kind of cake texture we were hoping for? Read on to find out about the difference between baking soda and baking powder and also in which recipes to use them in! Both baking soda and baking powder are used as a leavening agent that causes cakes to rise due to the carbon dioxide produced when they are added into the cake batter. Although both these ingredients have the same function, they are used in different conditions. Baking soda Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate and when combined with moisture and an acidic ingredient, a chemical reaction occurs forming carbon dioxide air bubbles which expand when heated in the oven. As this reaction is immediate, recipes that use baking soda should be baked immediately to prevent the cake from turning out flat. Baking powder Baking powder contains sodium bicarbonate, an acidifying agent (cream of tartar) and a drying agent (starch). There are two types of baking powder: single-acting and double-acting. Single-acting baking powder is activated by moisture and, like baking soda, should be baked immediately upon addition to the batter."
"docid": "D2102386#0",
"title": "https://www.yahoo.com/style/baking-soda-vs-baking-powder-whats-the-deal-78584199350.html\nWhat's the Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder?",
"text": "What's the Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder? Yahoo Food • March 7, 2014Lauren Salkeld Anyone who’s done any from scratch baking is familiar with baking soda and baking powder. But what’s the difference and are they interchangeable? As odorless white powders they certainly seem similar, but baking soda and baking powder are indeed two distinct leavening agents. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and when combined with an acidic ingredient (buttermilk, lemon juice, etc. ), it creates carbon dioxide gas, which expands in the heat of the oven and helps cookies, cakes, and other baked goods rise. The acid also neutralizes baking soda’s by-product, sodium carbonate, which happens to have a rather unpleasant metallic flavor. One very important thing to take away from all this is that you need to be careful with substitutions. For instance, in a recipe calling for baking soda and buttermilk, you can’t just use regular milk and get the same results (you’ll need to add an acid like lemon juice or vinegar). SEE MORE: Baking Emergencies, Solved Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda, an acid, and cornstarch."
"docid": "D3085242#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070615083709AASzA4S\n~~** Is 'Baking Soda' & 'Baking Powder' the same thing **~~ ??",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes~~** Is 'Baking Soda' & 'Baking Powder' the same thing **~~ ? ? ~~**Spread smiles**~~ :-)Update: ~~** THANKS EVERYONE **~~ :-)5 following 21 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: There is a difference between the two. Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents, but the two substances are used under different conditions. Baking Soda Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate. When baking soda is combined with moisture and an acidic ingredient (e.g., yogurt, chocolate, buttermilk, honey), the resulting chemical reaction produces bubbles of carbon dioxide that expand under oven temperatures, causing baked goods to rise. The reaction begins immediately upon mixing the ingredients, so you need to bake recipes which call for baking soda immediately, or else they will fall flat! Baking Powder Baking powder contains sodium bicarbonate, but it includes the acidifying agent already (cream of tartar), and also a drying agent (usually starch). Baking powder is available as single-acting baking powder and as double-acting baking powder. Single-acting powders are activated by moisture, so you must bake recipes which include this product immediately after mixing. Double-acting powders react in two phases and can stand for a while before baking."
"docid": "D3407070#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/baking-soda-substitute.html\n2 Essential Baking Soda Substitutes That Every Baker Swears By",
"text": "2 Essential Baking Soda Substitutes That Every Baker Swears By Very few things can stand in for baking soda and replicate effects it has in baked products - taste- as well as texture-wise. However, when your larder does not have it, you need to opt for something else. As the name suggests, baking soda is a leavening agent, which is primarily used for baking purposes. Also called sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda (alkali), it is alkaline in nature and commonly used in recipes containing acidic ingredients, like vinegar, citrus juice, sour cream, yogurt, buttermilk, chocolate, cocoa (not Dutch-processed), honey, molasses (also brown sugar), fruits, and maple syrup. It combines with moisture and an acidic ingredient present in the batter, which results in a chemical reaction that produces bubbles of carbon dioxide that expand under oven temperatures, causing the baked food items to rise. Due its ability to turn cocoa powder reddish-brown when baked, baking soda is commonly used in Devil's food cake and many other cake recipes. However, excess of this added to a recipe can result in a soapy taste with a coarse, open crumb. Since it has a definite shelf life, it works best if stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Alternatives for Baking Soda Double-acting Baking Powder Double-acting baking powder (substitute the acidic liquids in the recipe with non-acidic ones. For example, use an equal amount of water or milk instead of citrus juices/vinegar OR an equal amount of whole milk instead of buttermilk/yogurt.)"
"docid": "D2045512#0",
"title": "http://chemistry.about.com/od/foodchemistryfaqs/f/powdersoda.htm\nHow Do I Substitute Baking Powder and Baking Soda?",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science How Do I Substitute Baking Powder and Baking Soda? Easy Baking Powder and Baking Soda Substitutions Share Flipboard Email Print Baking Soda and Baking Power Substitutes. Illustration by Hugo Lin. © 2018 Thought Co.by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph. D. Updated March 27, 2018Baking powder and baking soda both are leavening agents, which means they help baked goods to rise. They are not the same chemical, but you can substitute one for another in recipes. Here's how to work the substitutions and what to expect: Substitute for Baking Soda: Using Baking Powder Instead of Baking Soda You need to use 2-3 times more baking powder than baking soda. The extra ingredients in the baking powder will have an effect on the taste of whatever you are making, but this isn't necessarily bad. Ideally, triple the amount of baking powder to equal the amount of baking soda. So, if the recipe called for 1 tsp baking soda, you would use 3 tsp baking powder."
"docid": "D873088#0",
"title": "http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2015/06/11/baking-powder-vs-baking-soda/\nBaking Basics: Baking Powder vs Baking Soda.",
"text": "Baking Basics: Baking Powder vs Baking Soda.posted on June 11, 2015 280 comments »Become a better baker by learning the real differences between baking powder and baking soda– in easy-to-understand language!Welcome back to my Baking Basics series! In the past few weeks, I had a little logo made. You like? ( Thanks Kath ! ) Today I’m discussing one of the most confusing subjects in the entire realm of baking. Something that boggles (I accidentally just typed “boogles” ??) the mind of nearly everyone on earth. Or at least those who care. ( Me! Me!)"
"docid": "D658068#0",
"title": "https://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/3078/how-to-make-thick-and-fluffy-pancakes\nHow to make thick and fluffy pancakes?",
"text": "\"_Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How to make thick and fluffy pancakes?up vote23down votefavorite8I recently had thick and fluffy pancakes at a restaurant and I am eager to figure out how to make them. Anyone know the secret behind getting thick and fluffy pancakes? Is it adding baking soda? Using carbonated water (does this even work? )? pancakesshare improve this questionedited Mar 26 '11 at 15:51Martha F.6,407 4 26 65asked Jul 24 '10 at 11:11zachary1,294 9 18 38add a comment13 Answers active oldest votesup vote25down voteaccepted Separating the eggs and whipping the egg whites before folding into the batter could assist in this. At home it's not a problem, but if it's a very busy that you had them in they're not likely to be doing this due to the fact that this will need to be done in batches. Adding a bit of baking soda in addition to the baking powder could assist as well, but only if you're using buttermilk. If you're using regular milk the baking soda is going to create a soapy taste. In the case of buttermilk and baking soda, the primary leavening would be coming from the baking powder and then the acidity of the buttermilk would provide the reaction for the soda to give that extra \"\"oomph\"\"."
"docid": "D1048184#0",
"title": "http://www.diynatural.com/how-to-clean-a-washing-machine/\nHow to Clean Your Top Loading Washer Naturally",
"text": "\"5.3K 73.2K 262 78.8KShares How to Clean your Washing Machine Naturally These instructions are for a top loading washer. If you have a front loader, you can find directions for cleaning your front load washer naturally here. The other day I received this request from a DIY Natural community member:“I am looking for a way to make the Affresh washing machine tablets or a recipe to clean my new top load washer. The tablets smell of vinegar and baking soda. Any ideas would be helpful. THANKS!”I quickly thought of my own dirty washing machine and took this as an opportunity to write a post that would hopefully help many others. Why clean your washing machine? If the idea of cleaning your washing machine sounds odd to you, let’s talk about some reasons it might be helpful: Some washers have the tendency to smell bad due to their design. HE washers tend to hold water in certain components, becoming a breeding ground for mold and mildew and causing unpleasant odors. Odors in a washing machine can eventually come off on clean clothing."
"docid": "D492139#0",
"title": "https://crunchybetty.com/the-great-baking-soda-anti-hoax/\nThe Great Baking Soda Anti-Hoax",
"text": "The Great Baking Soda Anti-Hoax Last Updated on March 26, 2018 by Crunchy Betty I like to imagine it went something like this: Five women were sitting around a table eating sprouted whole grain scones, talking about the latest in health scandals. Martha turned to Jody and with a sly smile whispered into Jody’s perfect curly-q ear, “Did you know baking powder has aluminum in it? I bet Janice used baking powder in her scones! We’re all going to get Alzheimer’s now. Thanks a lot, Janice. ”Jody squinted her eyes and gave it a bit of thought, and turned to the manicured Steffi and whispered, “Did you hear? Baking powder has aluminum in it!”Steffi, not quite sure what to make of this information, leaned over and whispered to Maggie, “What’s the deal with baking soda containing aluminum? I thought that was BAD!” And Maggie, ever the first to know of shameful health trends, stands up, flips over the table and says, “YOUR BAKING SODA HAS ALUMINUM IN IT, JANICE! WE WILL NOT BE LUNCHING HERE TODAY.”Then all the ladies, except for poor, confused Janice, march out the door and into their nearest Whole Foods to find aluminum-free baking soda."
"docid": "D503004#0",
"title": "https://www.craftybaking.com/learn/ingredients/leaveners\nLeaveners",
"text": "\"Leaveners Copyright © 2000 Sarah Phillips Crafty Baking.com All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 Sarah Phillips Sarah Phillips, Inc. All rights reserved. Baked goods, leavened with baking soda, baking powder and the like are known as chemical leaveners (as opposed to yeast, a natural leavener). Their siblings are baker's ammonia and cream of tartar. They produce leavening gases which are responsible for the volume in most baked food products; \"\"to leaven\"\" means to make light; to raise. They are responsible for expanding the air bubbles that have been mixed, creamed, kneaded or whipped into the batter or dough. These millions of bubbles are trapped in the batter by the gluten structure formed and are enlarged by the leavener, either triggered by moisture and/or heat. Leaveners also contribute to baked goods' taste, coloring and texture. For a successful recipe you want to balance the leavening system to achieve a neutral p H, otherwise your recipe can taste bitter, have an off or dull color, not set properly, fall apart easily, crack, and so on. SARAH SAYS: Chemical leaveners can weaken a baked goods' structure."
"docid": "D3260254#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/can-baking-soda-substitute-baking-powder-recipes-47eaacb254524a6e\nCan Baking Soda Substitute for Baking Powder in Recipes?",
"text": "Food Cooking Substitutions Q: Can Baking Soda Substitute for Baking Powder in Recipes? A: Quick Answer Baking soda can be substituted for baking powder as long as an acidic ingredient is used in the recipe. Baking soda is four times stronger than baking powder, so the substitution will not be an identical measurement. If a recipe calls for a teaspoon of baking powder, use only 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Continue Reading Keep Learning Can You Substitute Baking Powder for Baking Soda? What Is a Baking Powder Substitute? Are Baking Powder and Baking Soda the Same? Credit: skhoward E+ Getty Images Full Answer The activation of baking soda is a result of the sodium bicarbonate mixing with an acidic ingredient. The chemical reaction causes a recipe to rise and produce a nice texture while baking. Common acidic ingredients used in baking include buttermilk, yogurt, and lemon juice."
"docid": "D3260256#0",
"title": "https://whatscookingamerica.net/Q-A/BakingSoda.htm\nHow To Substitute Baking Soda",
"text": "How To Substitute Baking Soda Pin 2 Share Tweet Stumble Yum Email Questions and Answers – Substitute Baking Soda Question: I recently moved to Germany, but still love to bake good ol’ American chocolate chip cookies. However, I have encounter a problem in getting all of the needed ingredients together. First, there is no “packed” brown sugar, so I have to use natural raw brown sugar (basically the same as white, only brown). Secondly, I cannot buy baking soda anywhere. Can I use baking powder as a substitute? Do you know of any substitutes I could use? Answers: Baking powder and/or baking soda is used as leavening in many cookie recipes. Baking soda helps neutralize acidic ingredients. Baking powder and baking soda are not interchangeable and there is no substitution for baking soda. Try the local pharmacy, or the pharmacy section of the supermarket, and ask for bicarbonato."
] |
2060 | arnold schwarzenegger son | [
"docid": "D3076926#0",
"title": "http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/29/arnold-schwarzenegger-son-joseph-baena-high-school-graduation-photo/\nArnold SchwarzeneggerSon Graduates H.S.... Arnold MIA",
"text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger Son Graduates H. S.... Arnold MIA1 5/29/2015 6:35 AM PDTArnold Schwarzenegger -- Son Graduates High School ... Arnold MIAArnold Schwarzenegger 's son, Joseph Baena, donned a cap and gown Thursday as he graduated Frontier High School in Bakersfield, California ... but dear ol' dad was MIA. Mildred -- Baena's mother/Arnie's former maid -- posed for pics with her son, who proudly displayed his diploma. As for Arnie's whereabouts -- he was busy having lunch with his daughter Katherine in Santa Monica on Thursday. Still, there's an argument to be made for him not showing up at Joseph's graduation. It almost certainly would have taken the spotlight off his son. Plus, who knows what Joseph actually wanted. Either way ... congrats, kid!"
] | [
"docid": "D270701#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29\nTwins (1988 film)",
"text": "\"For other uses, see Twins (disambiguation). Twins Theatrical release poster Directed by Ivan Reitman Produced by Ivan Reitman Written by William Davies Timothy Harris William Osborne Herschel Weingrod Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger Danny De Vito Kelly Preston Chloe Webb Bonnie Bartlett Tony Jay Music by Georges Delerue Randy Edelman Cinematography Andrzej Bartkowiak Edited by Donn Cambern Sheldon Kahn Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date December 9, 1988Running time 107 minutes [1]Country United States Language English Budget $18 million [2]Box office $216.6 million Twins is a 1988 American buddy film produced and directed by Ivan Reitman about unlikely twins (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny De Vito) who were separated at birth. The core of the film is the contrast between De Vito's streetwise persona and Schwarzenegger's character, who is highly intelligent yet innocent and socially inexperienced. The original music score was composed by Georges Delerue and Randy Edelman (Edelman would score three more films for the director, whereas this was Delerue's only work for him). The film was a commercial success, earning $11 million on its opening weekend, and going on to gross $216 million worldwide. Instead of taking their usual salaries for the film, Schwarzenegger and De Vito both agreed with the studio to take 20% of the film's box office returns; this resulted in them receiving the biggest paychecks of their movie careers. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Cast3 Filming4 Reception5 Sequel6 See also7 References8 External links Plot [ edit]Julius Benedict and Vincent Benedict are fraternal twins, the result of a secret experiment carried out at a genetics laboratory to combine the DNA of six fathers to produce the perfect child. To the surprise of the scientists, the embryo split and twins were born. The mother, Mary Ann Benedict, was told that Julius died at birth, and not told about Vincent at all. Vincent was placed in an orphanage run by nuns in Los Angeles and told his mother abandoned him."
"docid": "D1931411#0",
"title": "http://www.about-muscle.com/profiles/arnold-schwarzenegger.php\nArnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Biography",
"text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Biography By James Shaw [getsocial app=sharing_bar]Arnold Schwarzenegger is without one the biggest names in bodybuilding, he is an idol to hundreds of thousands of young bodybuilders. He has made bodybuilding the sport it is today and still to this day inspires and motivates other to follow in his footsteps. VITAL STATS: Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger Date Of Birth: July 30, 1947Residence: Los Angeles Height: 6’2″Weight: 260lbs Occupation: Bodybuilder/Actor Website: Schwarzenegger.com Arnold Schwarzenegger Biography Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on the 30th of July 1947 in Thal, Austria, a small town 4 miles from Graz. Arnold grew up in the household with his father Gustav Schwarzenegger who was the local police chief, his mother Aurelia Jadrny and his older brother Meinhard. His parents had been married since the 20th of October 1945, Arnolds father was 38 and his mother was only 23. Arnold had a good relationship with his mother and kept in touch with her until her death. Arnolds father Gustav was a strict father, and favoured Meinhard, Arnolds older brother. Meinhard died in a car accident in 1971 at age 20, followed by Arnolds father the following year. Arnolds Early Years Arnold Schwarzenegger played many sports in his youth, but found his a true passion for bodybuilding during his mid-teens when his soccer coach took him and his team weight training. Arnold joined a gym in Graz, it was where he started to visit the local cinemas, wathching his idols such as Reg Park and Steve Reeves, on the big screen."
"docid": "D1979558#0",
"title": "http://www.bornrich.com/arnold-schwarzenegger.html\nArnold Schwarzenegger Net Worth",
"text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger Net Worth Net Worth $ 300 Million Estates and Homes Private jets Hobbies Autos and Cars Wedding Holiday Destinations (Getaways)Cause Brands About Quotes Trivia Born on: 30th Jul 47Born in: United States Marital status: Divorced Occupation: Governor of California, Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger net worth is estimated at $300 million. For a person who landed on the shores of America as an immigrant with the great American dream, few would have given him a chance even in their wildest dreams. On the contrary, Arnold Schwarzenegger ’s rise to prominence has been as formidable as his universally admired physicality. A millionaire many, many times over, he's made a fortune for himself both through acting and some smart property deals that comprises Arnold Schwarzenegger net worth . Plus, the fact that he's married into the Kennedy family, only pumps up his reputation. Born in the small and isolated Austrian village of Thal, Arnold devoted himself to his first passion, bodybuilding, from a very young age, his first step to Arnold Schwarzenegger net worth . His hard work bore fruit as a twenty-year old Schwarzenegger became the youngest ever winner of the coveted Mr. Universe title in 1967. He won the crown again in 1969 and went on to dominate every major bodybuilding competition ever since, including Mr. Universe, Mr. World, and Mr. Olympia which augmented Arnold Schwarzenegger net worth . After officially retiring from his beloved sport at the age of 33, Arnold decided it was time to make his larger-than-life presence felt in Hollywood as well. What transpired is well-known to all as the beefy actor delivered a slew of hits which included the iconic Terminator series that gave him a cult status and made Arnold and his inimitable style a household commodity expanding Arnold Schwarzenegger net worth in return."
"docid": "D1609103#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Terminator\nThe Terminator",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the 1984 film. For the franchise it initiated, see Terminator (franchise). For the eponymous character, see Terminator (character). For other uses, see Terminator (disambiguation). The Terminator Theatrical release poster Directed by James Cameron Produced by Gale Anne Hurd Written by James Cameron Gale Anne Hurd Additional Dialogue: William Wisher Jr. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger Michael Biehn Linda Hamilton Paul Winfield Music by Brad Fiedel Cinematography Adam Greenberg Edited by Mark Goldblatt Production companies Hemdale Pacific Western Productions Cinema '84Distributed by Orion Pictures Release date October 26, 1984Running time 107 minutes [1]Country United States [2] [3] [4]Language English Budget $6.4 million [5]Box office $78.3 million [5]The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor ( Linda Hamilton ), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. The screenplay is credited to Cameron, along with producer Gale Anne Hurd. Executive producers John Daly and Derek Gibson of Hemdale Film Corporation were instrumental in the film's financing and production. [ 4] [6] [7]The Terminator topped the US box office for two weeks and helped launch Cameron's film career and solidify Schwarzenegger's."
"docid": "D2567391#0",
"title": "http://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/lifestyle/unfortunate-celebrity-ski-accidents/\nUnfortunate Celebrity Ski Accidents",
"text": "Unfortunate Celebrity Ski Accidents Shanon Lee 04.02.14 Life Style7Shares Share On Facebook Advertising [x]Celebrity sightings at ski resorts have becoming increasingly common. Every winter, Hollywood stars vacation at premiere skiing destinations for skiing, snowboarding, tubing and more. Seal, Harry Styles, Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are among the stars that vacationed at luxury ski resorts in December of 2013. Aspen, Colorado, the French Alps, and Quebec are frequented by the rich and famous because they boast some of the word’s top ski resorts. The stunning views, charming ski towns, luxury accommodations and one-of-a-kind amenities available at exclusive ski resorts make them an attractive option for celebrities that want to travel. Yet, despite the growing popularity of ski holidays, skiing can be a very dangerous sport. Celebrities have been hurt and some have even died after suffering severe injuries while out on the ski slopes. Safety devices, such as ski helmets, cannot do much to protect those skiing at top speeds. Stars increase their odds of peril by skiing off-piste, The climbing number of star fatalities may be why some now view the sport as a death trap. Michael Kennedy - 1997Advertising [x]Michael Kennedy died in 1997 after sustaining fatal injuries from colliding into a tree while skiing at the Copper Bowl Ski Run on Aspen Mountain."
"docid": "D1643308#0",
"title": "https://www.unbelievable-facts.com/2015/05/facts-about-andre-the-giant.html\n15 Unseen Pics And Facts About Andre the Giant That Will Make You Feel Very Small!",
"text": "15 Unseen Pics And Facts About Andre the Giant That Will Make You Feel Very Small!Maanya Sachdeva May 14, 2015 Humans, List, Rare Photos André René Roussimoff, a.k.a André the Giant was a French professional wrestler and actor. He was diagnosed with gigantism, or a disorder that is characterized by excessive growth and significantly above average height. This, later, resulted in acromegaly. André the Giant was a massive 7 feet 4 inches tall and weighed in at a remarkable 520 pounds. He is often referred to as ‘The Eighth Wonder of the World’. Here’s a look back on this star wrestler’s life with rare photographs and facts that will make you feel very small. Literally.1. By the age of 12, André the Giant was so large that he did not fit on the school bus. So, playwright Samuel Beckett would drive him to school on his truck. Image source: biography.com When he turned 12, André weighed 240 pounds, was over 6 feet tall, and could no longer fit on his school bus."
"docid": "D1925782#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3592338/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Emilia Clarke Biography Showing all 64 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Trade Mark (5) | Trivia (36) | Personal Quotes (15) | Salary (3)Overview (4)Born October 23, 1986 in London, England, UKBirth Name Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke Nickname Milly Height 5' 2\"\" (1.57 m)Mini Bio (1)British actress Emilia Clarke was born in London and grew up in Berkshire, England. Her father is a theatre sound engineer and her mother is a businesswoman. Her father was working on a theatre production of \"\"Show Boat\"\" and her mother took her along to the performance. This is when, at the age of 3, her passion for drama began. From 2000 to 2005, she attended St. Edward's School of Oxford, where she appeared in two school plays. She went on to study at the prestigious Drama Centre London, where she took part in 10 plays. During this time, Emilia first appeared on television with a guest role in the BBC soap opera Doctors (2000). In 2010, after graduating from the Drama Centre London, Emilia got her first film role in the television movie Triassic Attack (2010). In 2011, her breakthrough role came in when she replaced fellow newcomer Tamzin Merchant on Game of Thrones (2011) after the filming of the initial pilot. Emilia won the 2011 EWwy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama for her role as Daenerys Targaryen."
"docid": "D2085252#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_3:_Rise_of_the_Machines\nTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines",
"text": "\"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the film. For the video game, see Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (video game). Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Theatrical release poster Directed by Jonathan Mostow Produced by Mario Kassar Andrew G. Vajna Joel B. Michaels Hal Lieberman Colin Wilson Screenplay by John Brancato Michael Ferris Story by John Brancato Michael Ferris Tedi Sarafian Based on Characters by James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger Nick Stahl Claire Danes Kristanna Loken Music by Marco Beltrami Cinematography Don Burgess Edited by Nicolas de Toth Neil Travis Production company Intermedia [1]C2 Pictures [1]Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (United States)Columbia Pictures (International)Release date July 2, 2003Running time 109 minutes [2]Language English Budget $187.3 million ($167.3 million excluding production overhead)Box office $433.4 million Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (also referred to as Terminator 3 or T3) is a 2003 American science-fiction action film [3] directed by Jonathan Mostow and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl, Claire Danes and Kristanna Loken. It is the third installment in the Terminator film series, following Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and The Terminator (1984). It does not involve James Cameron, who directed and wrote the first two films. It grossed over $434 million worldwide. After Skynet failed to kill Sarah Connor before her son John Connor (Stahl) was born, and also failed to kill John Connor as a child, Skynet now sends another Terminator back in time, the T-X (Loken), in an attempt to wipe out as many Human Resistance officers as possible. This includes John Connor's future wife, Kate Brewster (Danes), but not John himself as his whereabouts are unknown to Skynet. John's life is placed in danger when the T-X finds him while pursuing Kate. The Resistance has also sent their own Terminator (Schwarzenegger) back to protect the T-X's targets."
"docid": "D642985#0",
"title": "http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/arnold-schwarzenegger-love-child-chip-old-block-article-1.1473952\nArnold Schwarzenegger's love child Joseph Baena is spitting image of his former body-building champ dad",
"text": "\"Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child Joseph Baena is spitting image of his former body-building champ dad BY Nancy Dillon NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 12:36 PMfacebook Tweet email Arnold Schwarzenegger's son Joseph Baena leaves his high school swim team practice with his mom Mildred Baena in Bakerfield, Calif., Tuesday — a day ahead of his 16th birthday. ( Karl Larsen/INFphoto.com)Arnold Schwarzenegger 's love child turned 16 Wednesday, and new photos show he's the spitting image of his Sperminator dad. Joseph Baena was snapped Sunday looking like a junior Conan the Barbarian with big muscles and shaggy blond hair outside a store in Bakersfield, Calif. The teen was seen smiling as he walked alongside mom Mildred Baena, the longtime Schwarzenegger housekeeper who became pregnant with the former California governor's spawn during a brief extramarital affair in the late 1990s. Schwarzenegger, 66, kept the fling a secret for years, but wife Maria Shriver eventually put the pieces together and confronted Mildred \"\"point blank\"\" in late 2010, the former maid previously told Hello! magazine. Joseph Baena is the spitting image of his famous father — and sources told TMZ that he is in contact with Schwarzenegger. ( Karl Larsen/INFphoto.com)\"\"I just broke down. I dropped to my knees and I was crying, saying that yes, he was, and I was so sorry,\"\" Mildred told Hello! in the exclusive interview after the bombshell broke. \"\" She was so strong."
"docid": "D1931412#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHTSq2UyQFM\nArnold Schwarzenegger real height is 179 - 180 cm, and in his youth 181 -183 cm",
"text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger real height is 179 - 180 cm, and in his youth 181 -183 cm Great Way Subscribe 42Add to Share More60,451 views13127Published on Dec 28, 2014Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jeff Bridges as a young man, footage from the film Stay Hungry. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth had a height of 183 centimeters and Jeff Bridges had a height of 185 centimeters. To his old age, height Arnold Schwarzenegger became less now his real and true height is 179-180 cm Arnold Schwarzenegger has never had a height of 188 centimeters. 188 centimeters is a myth and advertising for the show business and film industry. Actor Jeff Bridges as a young man, taller, with height of 185 centimeters, Arnold Schwarzenegger height 182 -183 in his youth, his height is below. Show more Loading..."
"docid": "D2906147#0",
"title": "http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-name-of-the-restaurant-that-sylvester-stallone-and-arnold-schwarzenegger-own\nWhat is the name of the restaurant that Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger own",
"text": "\"Anonymous What is the name of the restaurant that Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger own December 28, 2010 (12 months ago)In: Entertainment › Celebrities Answer Sylvester Stallone was part owner of the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain with Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.12 months ago Last Week's Popular Questions for Celebrities What does Gabriel Iglesias' wife and son look like Gabriel is not married or divorced. He might have had affairs (rumors about... Did comedian Gabriel Iglesias son Frankie die?33 year old comedian Gabriel Iglesias lives with his girlfriend and her son, but...is Nicolette Scorsese related to Martin Scorsese Nicolette Scorsese is not related in any way to Martin Scorsese. It seems... Is the girl from the show \"\"its always sunny in Philadelphia\"\" related to the Olsen twins\"\"? Google is -paying 97$ per hour!... Are Claude Banks and Ray Gibson, the two characters portrayed by Edie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in the movie Life, still alive? Life is a 1999 American comedy-drama film directed by Ted Demme, and starring... See All Questions ▶ \""
"docid": "D396409#0",
"title": "http://www.tmz.com/2013/05/21/arnold-schwarzenegger-maria-shriver-marriage-divorce-not-over/\nARNOLD & MARIAIt's NOTOver Yet",
"text": "ARNOLD & MARIAIt's NOTOver Yet1 5/21/2013 1:00 AM PDTArnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver -- It's NOT Over Yet EXCLUSIVEArnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are in no rush to get divorced ... and there are 2 lines of speculation -- either they're so rich it doesn't matter, or they may actually get back together. Several sources connected to the former couple tell TMZ ... neither Arnold nor Maria feel any urgency to get a judge to make the divorce official, even though all of the money and custody issues have been worked out. The reason, they say, is simple ... They're worth approximately $400 million -- which they agree they'll split down the middle -- so it's not like they need the divorce to buy a house. Short story -- neither one of them is in a hurry to pull the trigger, because it will have NO IMPACT on their day-to-day lives. And other sources say there's a different reason why they haven't gotten divorced -- they are not done with each other, and there's still a chance they'll get back together. Our sources say both Arnold and Maria have sent mixed messages to their friends and family -- at times saying they want the divorce, and other times talking about how they still feel love for their longtime partner. One source says ... lately Maria is more amenable to divorce because she's hearing that Arnold has a girlfriend. FYI, Arnold and Maria were together last weekend at their daughter Christina's graduation ... looking pretty happy. Stay tuned ... SHARE ON FACEBOOK TWEET THISRelated Articles Arnold Schwarzenegger & Maria Shriver -- Stomach Each Other for Easter Brunch Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Chick -- I Know My Way Around the Male Body Arnold Schwarzenegger Maria Shriver CELEBRITY JUSTICE ™ Celebrity Divorce Schwarzenegger Scandal Politix Comments Click To View ADVERTISEMENTMore From"
"docid": "D2234036#0",
"title": "http://www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/arnold-schwarzenegger\nArnold Schwarzenegger Austrian Actor",
"text": "Long-Term Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian Actor134 82edit Rank1738-375Age70years old Zodiac Leo Relationships13total Children6 children Who is he dating right now? Heather Milligan started dating Arnold Schwarzenegger on 2013. view relationship Relationships Arnold Schwarzenegger was previously married to Maria Shriver (1986 - 2011). Arnold Schwarzenegger has been in relationships with Brigitte Nielsen (1984 - 1985), Sue Moray (1977 - 1978), Kay Show (1973) and Barbara Baker (1969 - 1974). Arnold Schwarzenegger has had encounters with Mildred Patricia Baena (1996 - 1997), Rachel Ticotin (1989), Gigi Goyette (1989 - 1996), Debra Wrenn (1982), Eleanor Mondale (1979) and Kellie Everts (1972). More about Arnold Schwarzenegger"
"docid": "D2997456#0",
"title": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/film/terminator-genisys/timeline-franchise/\nThe Terminator timeline: a guide for the (understandably) confused",
"text": "\"The Terminator timeline: a guide for the (understandably) confused1Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2Rebecca Hawkes28 September 2017 • 12:57pm A s more details about Terminator 6 are revealed, courtesy of James Cameron and director Tim Miller, it’s time to whack open the paracetamol. Here, we unravel the (highly confusing, often contradictory) events of Terminators one to five – and explore how the next film, which will see the welcome return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, will fit into one of sci-fi’s most complex timelines. Terminator (James Cameron, 1984)In the first Terminator movie, things are simple enough. By “simple”, we mean mildly confusing and paradoxical, because that’s always the way with time travel – but there’s still a satisfying sort of logic to the way in which events play out. Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator T o recap: in 2029, the Future War, between the human race and machines (led by an AI system called Skynet) is ongoing. The machines aren’t too happy about the threat posed by the resistance’s leader, John Connor, and decide to go back in time to make sure that John is never born. A Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is consequently sent back to 1984 to kill John's mother, a young waitress named Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). Understandably, John isn’t thrilled by the idea of having his entire existence wiped out, and sends back a human resistance fighter named Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) to protect Sarah. Why it's a little confusing The big, mind-boggling twist? Reese, who sleeps with Sarah and causes her to become pregnant during the course of the film, is actually John’s father."
"docid": "D2591457#0",
"title": "http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18702719\nWhat It Means to Be a California Republican",
"text": "\"What It Means to Be a California Republican Listen Queue Download Embed Embed< iframe src=\"\"https://www.npr.org/player/embed/18702719/18698174\"\" width=\"\"100%\"\" height=\"\"290\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" title=\"\"NPR embedded audio player\"\">Transcript February 5, 2008 1:04 PM ETHeard on Day to Day Rob Longistockphoto.com About the best thing you can say about the California Republican party is that it is not dead. No, not dead, but it is sitting in the day room, staring out the window, waiting for the nurse to bring its meds. It's trying to remember exactly who it is. Or was. Imagine, if you can, lifting up the eastern edge of the country into a gentle westward tilt. Maybe wiggle it back and forth to shake loose the rootless bits and tumble them all out our way. What you have, then, is California Conservatism. And so the California Republican party is a loose — very loose — confederation of a lot of different, incompatible cultures. The Establishment Republican In places like Pasadena, Hillsborough, Rancho Santa Fe, it's a little bit of the Yankee-style East Coast Republican establishment: Finance types, stock types, cut my capital gains taxes, eliminate the death tax, let my lesbian daughter adopt, not so much with the Jesus, and let's play polo. These are George H. W. Bush Republicans."
"docid": "D1462500#0",
"title": "http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2012/12/stanley-tookie-williams-deserve-to-die.html\nSTANLEY TOOKIE WILLIAMS DESERVE TO DIE! [ARTICLES ON THE DEATH PENALTY OF THE WEEK ~ SUNDAY DECEMBER 9, 2012 TO SATURDAY DECEMBER 15, 2012]",
"text": "\"STANLEY TOOKIE WILLIAMS DESERVE TO DIE! [ ARTICLES ON THE DEATH PENALTY OF THE WEEK ~ SUNDAY DECEMBER 9, 2012 TO SATURDAY DECEMBER 15, 2012]NOTICE: The following articles are written by the authors themselves and not by me, I am not trying to violate their copyright. I will give some information on them. On this day (December 13, 2005), Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams was executed by lethal injection by the State of California. He deserved to die for what he did and there is no way, I would honor him for writing children’s’ books. I will post some quotes from the victims’ families and several articles from different people who felt he must die. Summary: In the early morning hours of February 28, 1979, Williams and three friends were riding around in two cars, smoking PCP-laced cigarettes, looking to \"\"make some money.\"\" After making two unsuccessful restaurant and liquor store robbery attempts, they eventually went to a 7-Eleven store where 26 year old Army veteran and father of two, Albert Lewis Owens, was working the overnight shift and sweeping the parking lot. Armed with a shotgun, Williams led Owens to the back room of the store. While one of the companions emptied the cash register drawer and took $120, the defendant ordered Owens to get on his knees and then shot him twice in the back with the shotgun."
"docid": "D1609105#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_Genisys\nTerminator Genisys",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Terminator Genisys Theatrical release poster Directed by Alan Taylor Produced by David Ellison Dana Goldberg Written by Laeta Kalogridis Patrick Lussier Based on Characters by James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger Jason Clarke Emilia Clarke Jai Courtney J. K. Simmons Dayo Okeniyi Matt Smith Courtney B. Vance Lee Byung-hun Music by Lorne Balfe Cinematography Kramer Morgenthau Edited by Roger Barton Production company Skydance Productions Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 22, 2015 ( Berlin)July 1, 2015 (United States)Running time 126 minutes [1]Country United States Language English Budget$155 million (gross) [2]$124.9 million (net) [3]Box office $440.6 million [2]Terminator Genisys is a 2015 American science fiction film directed by Alan Taylor and written by Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier. The fifth installment in the Terminator franchise, it serves as a soft reboot to the film series, using the plot element of time travel to erase the events of the previous films of the franchise from the series' continuity. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, who reprises his role as the eponymous character, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney and J. K. Simmons. The plot follows soldier Kyle Reese in the war against Skynet; Kyle is sent from the year 2029 to 1984 by John Connor, leader of the Human Resistance, to protect Connor's mother Sarah. When Kyle arrives in the past, he discovers that the timeline has been altered and Sarah has been raised by a reprogrammed Terminator. Megan Ellison and her production company, Annapurna Pictures, acquired the franchise rights in May 2011. The following year, production of another installment in the series was set up in collaboration with Skydance Productions (owned by Ellison's brother, David ). The Ellisons consulted Terminator creator James Cameron in the hope of returning to the spirit of the original film, The Terminator, and its sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Principal photography was primarily in New Orleans, with some in the on-screen setting of San Francisco. Six companies handled the film's visual effects; its prosthetic make-up and animatronics were created by Legacy Effects."
"docid": "D991680#0",
"title": "http://www.simplyshredded.com/golden-era-pics.html\nSculpted To Perfection: 38 Photos From The Golden Era Of Bodybuilding",
"text": "Sculpted To Perfection: 38 Photos From The Golden Era Of Bodybuilding Share 8K Tweet8KNobody had imagined that what started at the Muscle Beach in Venice California in 1950 would go on to become a revolution in the sport of bodybuilding. Decades later, we call it the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. Back then there were less supplements, more heart. Fewer excuses, longer workout hours. Less talk, more sweat. This resulted in the rise of the greatest bodybuilders the world would ever see. Here are 38 photos that will take you back in time, and make you say, ‘They don’t make ‘em like this anymore!’A vintage shot of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, photographed during the 1960’s!Francis Benfatto Steve Reeves Master of Aesthetics: Bob Paris Two champions. Two friends. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu. Franco Columbu & Arnold Schwarzenegger Mike Mentzer & Joe Weider“The mind is the limit."
"docid": "D783635#0",
"title": "http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/10/arnold-schwarzenegger-maria-shriver-divorce-money-net-worth/\nArnold Schwarzenegger200 Million Reasons to Stay Married to Maria",
"text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger200 Million Reasons to Stay Married to Maria1 1/10/2014 1:00 AM PSTArnold Schwarzenegger -- 200 Million Reasons To Stay Married to Maria EXCLUSIVEArnold Schwarzenegger has 2 very good reasons NOT to finalize his divorce ... and one has to do with writing a big fat check to Maria Shriver. As you know ... Maria filed for divorce in July, 2011, after finding out her hubby had been banging the maid and produced a son. Sources familiar with Arnold's situation tell TMZ ... there's no prenup so under California law it's pretty simple -- 50/50. And our sources say there's no real issue over custody of their only minor child. So why, you ask, has this divorce dragged on 2 1/2 years? We're told Arnold doesn't want to write a gargantuan check to Maria ... and we know how much -- and it hurts. Sources tell us their net worth is around $400 million. We're told Arnold knows Maria is entitled to half -- but knowing it and watching around $200 million leave your bank account are 2 very different things. As for the second reason Arnold's in no hurry ... we're told he's getting pretty serious with his girlfriend, physical therapist Heather Milligan. If Arnold gets divorced, the pressure's on for him to pop the question ... and Arnold's not necessarily a one woman kind of guy."
"docid": "D508687#0",
"title": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/oct/04/california-failing-state-debt\nWill California become America's first failed state?",
"text": "\"California The Observer Will California become America's first failed state? Los Angeles, 2009: California may be the eighth largest economy in the world, but its state government is issuing IOUs, unemployment is at its highest in 70 years, and teachers are on hunger strike. So what has gone so catastrophically wrong? Paul Harris@paulxharris Sat 3 Oct 2009 19.05 EDT19.05 EDT139 734Patients without medical insurance wait for treatment in the Forum, a music arena in Inglewood, Los Angeles. The 1,500 free places were filled by 4am. Photograph: John Moore/Getty Images California has a special place in the American psyche. It is the Golden State: a playground of the rich and famous with perfect weather. It symbolises a lifestyle of sunshine, swimming pools and the Hollywood dream factory. But the state that was once held up as the epitome of the boundless opportunities of America has collapsed. From its politics to its economy to its environment and way of life, California is like a patient on life support."
] |
2070 | as defined by worldview what is scientism | [
"docid": "D726105#0",
"title": "http://skepdic.com/scientism.html\nscientism",
"text": "\"scientism Scientism, in the strong sense, is the self-annihilating view that only scientific claims are meaningful, which is not a scientific claim and hence, if true, not meaningful. Thus, scientism is either false or meaningless. This view seems to have been held by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his Tractatus Logico-philosophicus (1922) when he said such things as \"\"The totality of true propositions is the whole of natural science...\"\" He later repudiated this view. In the weak sense, scientism is the view that the methods of the natural sciences should be applied to any subject matter. This view is summed up nicely by Michael Shermer: Scientism is a scientific worldview that encompasses natural explanations for all phenomena, eschews supernatural and paranormal speculations, and embraces empiricism and reason as the twin pillars of a philosophy of life appropriate for an Age of Science ( Shermer 2002 ). On the other hand, the dictionary definition of 'scientism' is the attitude and method of the typical natural scientist, whoever that might be. See also naturalism.further readingbooks and articles Haack, Susan. \"\" Science, Scientism, and Anti-Science in the Age of Preposterism,\"\" Skeptical Inquirer, Nov/Dec 1997. Haack, Susan. 2013. \"\""
] | [
"docid": "D3190702#0",
"title": "http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/polprop.htm\n.",
"text": "Background: This article is taken from the Nazi monthly for propagandists. It is an unusually complicated explication of Nazi propaganda. The author, born in 1902, was an early Nazi. In 1934, he was the head of the district propaganda office of the Propaganda Ministry Berlin-Brandenburg-Kurmark, and a Reichsredner. The source: “Politische Propaganda,” Unser Wille und Weg, 4 (1934), pp. 323-332. Political Propagandaby Schulze-Wechsungen No one today will doubt that political propaganda has been of major significance in the past decades. Waves of propaganda hit Germany, leaving a world in confusion. We had nothing similar with which to defend ourselves. Our leaders realized too late the power and effects of this modern weapon, a weapon without limits, that thunders more loudly than cannon fire, that is more destructive than a gas attack."
"docid": "D585377#0",
"title": "http://www.compellingtruth.org/Christian-worldview.html\n.",
"text": "\"Subscribe to our Compelling Mail Newsletter: Email Address *Privacy - Termsprotected by re CAPTCHAPrivacy - Terms Christian worldview - What is it? The term \"\"worldview\"\" is used to describe a core set of values and principles through which the world is understood. A worldview is a compilation of an individual's perceptions of the world, essentially the way a person understands reality. A person's worldview is very important, as it impacts virtually every decision in life. A specifically Christian worldview, then, would be viewing the world through a Christian/biblical lens. A Christian worldview is one in which the Bible is formative. A worldview must come to grips with the three following questions: (1) Where did we come from and why are we here? ( 2) Why is there something terribly wrong with the world? ( 3) Can what is wrong with the world be fixed? Different worldviews answer these three core questions very differently."
"docid": "D1839738#0",
"title": "http://www.gotquestions.org/falling-away.html\nWhy are so many young people falling away from the faith?",
"text": "\"Why are so many young people falling away from the faith? Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: \"\"Why are so many young people falling away from the faith?\"\" Answer: Not every child who starts out in church stays in church; in fact, many young people are falling away from the faith and walking away from the church as they grow older. A recent survey conducted by the Barna Group, a leading research organization whose focus is on the relationship of faith and culture, found that less than 1 percent of the young adult population in the United States has a biblical worldview. Even more startling, the data shows that less than one half of one percent of Christians between the ages of 18 and 23 has a biblical worldview. The Barna Group defined a biblical worldview as belief in the following: • absolute moral truth exists • the Bible is completely inerrant • Satan is a real being, not symbolic • a person cannot earn his way into the kingdom of God though good works • Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth • God is the supreme Creator of the heavens and the earth and reigns over the whole universe today Another study by Fuller Seminary also looked at why young people are falling away from the faith. The Fuller study determined that the most important factor in whether young people leave the church or remain steadfast in their faith is whether they have a safe haven to express their doubts and concerns regarding their faith before leaving home. Such a refuge is found in two places: their home and their church youth ministry. The Fuller study also found that most church youth programs tend to focus on providing entertainment and pizza rather than building up young people in their faith. As a result, teens are ill-equipped to face the challenges they will encounter upon leaving home."
"docid": "D918789#0",
"title": "http://www.inplainsite.org/html/postmodernism.html\n.",
"text": "\"Surveys confirm that while the majority of people may be unable to define postmodernity, they are increasingly becoming products of it. In other words, we not only live in a postmodern era (we can’t help that) but most of us have become postmodernist – even many who claim to be Christians. \"\" Tolerance of other views is one of the pillars of postmodernism. However, there is one group of people to whom this “tolerance” is not extended... those who believe truth to be important! \"\" Postmodernism From a broad overview of history and a look at the three philosophical and religious eras that have dominated Western civilization to postmodernity’s encroachment on Western society/the church, and the dangers and impact of this worldview. And the question of What we can do now? The answer to which is we must be willing to go against the grain of a condoning society and display some holy intolerance. ( A long article but well worth the read). Postmodernism and You Postmodernism may have originated in the province of academics and eggheads, but you will encounter it in your daily life, no matter who you are. Pick one of these nine areas to learn how you will see postmodernism affecting you and your children."
"docid": "D726104#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientism\nScientism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Scientology. Scientism is a term generally used to describe the facile application of science in unwarranted situations not amenable to application of the scientific method. In philosophy of science, the term \"\"scientism\"\" frequently implies a critique of the more extreme expressions of logical positivism [1] [2] and has been used by social scientists such as Friedrich Hayek, [3] philosophers of science such as Karl Popper, [4] and philosophers such as Hilary Putnam [5] and Tzvetan Todorov [6] to describe (for example) the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the reduction of all knowledge to only that which is measured or confirmatory. [ 7]More generally, scientism is often interpreted as science applied \"\"in excess\"\". The term scientism has two senses: The improper usage of science or scientific claims. [ 8] This usage applies equally in contexts where science might not apply, [9] such as when the topic is perceived as beyond the scope of scientific inquiry, and in contexts where there is insufficient empirical evidence to justify a scientific conclusion. It includes an excessive deference to the claims of scientists or an uncritical eagerness to accept any result described as scientific. This can be a counterargument to appeals to scientific authority. It can also address the attempt to apply \"\"hard science\"\" methodology and claims of certainty to the social sciences, which Friedrich Hayek described in The Counter-Revolution of Science (1952) as being impossible, because that methodology involves attempting to eliminate the \"\"human factor\"\", while social sciences (including his own field of economics) center almost purely on human action. \"\" The belief that the methods of natural science, or the categories and things recognized in natural science, form the only proper elements in any philosophical or other inquiry\"\", [10] or that \"\"science, and only science, describes the world as it is in itself, independent of perspective\"\" [5] with a concomitant \"\"elimination of the psychological [and spiritual] dimensions of experience\"\". ["
"docid": "D2960475#0",
"title": "http://www.road-signs.org/What-Is-Magical-Realism-Magical-Realism-Examples\nWhat is Magical Realism: What is the debate?",
"text": "\"What Is Magical Realism : Magical Realism Examples What is Magical Realism: What is the debate? Tweet Please give me feedback and suggestions about the content you find on this site. Magical Realism happens when a highly realistic setting is invaded by the supernatural as a matter-of-fact. The reader accepts ‘the reality’ of ‘the magical’. Despite its widespread use, the term 'magical realism' has proven notoriously difficult to define amongst literary critics. This is largely due to a variety of applications of the term and its changing meaning over time. In literary circles there’s a vigorous debate with strong reactions both for and against the use of ‘magical realism’ to describe various works of fiction. For example,Is magical realism restricted to the geographic location of Latin America, where it had the largest initial popular impact? Does magical realism have room for a diverse variety of subject matters, or is it restricted to themes of political or cultural discourse? Can magical realism be a narrative mode chosen solely for the purposes of literary exploration, without having its source in the writer’s mythological or cultural background?"
"docid": "D2441192#0",
"title": "http://barthimeous.blogspot.com/2011/03/relationship-between-culture-and.html\nIntroduction",
"text": "\"The relationship between culture and language Diposting oleh Kelompok 18 di 18.20 Jumat, 25 Maret 2011POINT IIntroduction A. Background Appearing of the culture always be supported by many languages. In any culture or region, language is much more than semantics, much more than what the written page or the spoken word can contain. This especially becomes clear when studying a foreign language and learning the ways of a particular culture. For example, the use of introductions, salutations, everyday sayings, etc. This area in particular gives more weight to culture then to the words themselves. Anyone studying a foreign language has to be bicultural as well as bilingual to speak the new language in a way that it is not disparaging to the culture and its origin. Language does not end at the meaning or the use of words associated to a culture\"\" words represent beliefs, history, and the culture of their origin and they must be used accordingly. B. Setting of problem1. What is culture and language?2. What is the relationship between language and culture?3."
"docid": "D2536482#0",
"title": "http://www.christianity.com/theology/other-religions-beliefs/8-questions-every-worldview-must-answer.html\n8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer",
"text": "\"8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer James Sire Few people have anything approaching an articulate philosophy—at least as epitomized by the great philosophers. Even fewer, I suspect, have a carefully constructed theology. But everyone has a worldview. Whenever any of us thinks about anything—from a casual thought (Where did I leave my watch?) to a profound question (Who am I? )— we are operating within such a framework. In fact, it is only the assumption of a worldview—however basic or simple—that allows us to think at all. What, then, is this thing called a worldview that is so important to all of us? I've never even heard of one. How could I have one?"
"docid": "D1955308#0",
"title": "http://nursingtheories.weebly.com/madeleine-m-leininger.html\n.",
"text": "Madeleine M. Leininger Culture Care Diversity and Universality Leininger’s Sunrise Model The cultural care worldview flows into knowledge about individuals, families, groups, communities, and institutions in diverse health care systems. This knowledge provides culturally specific meanings and expressions in relation to care and health. The next focus is on the generic or folk system, professional care system (s), and nursing care. Information about these systems includes the characteristics and the specific care features of each. This information allows for the identification of similarities and differences or cultural care universality and cultural care diversity. Next are nursing care decisions and actions which involve cultural care preservation/maintenance, cultural care accommodation/negotiation and cultural care re-patterning or restructuring. It is here that nursing care is delivered. Major Concepts Transcultural nursing is defined as a learned subfield or branch of nursing which focuses upon the comparative study and analysis of cultures with respect to nursing and health-illness caring practices, beliefs, and values with the goal to provide meaningful and efficacious nursing care services to people according to their cultural values and health-illness context. Ethnonursing is the study of nursing care beliefs, values, and practices as cognitively perceived and known by a designated culture through their direct experience, beliefs, and value system (Leininger, 1979). Nursing is defined as a learned humanistic and scientific profession and discipline which is focused on human care phenomena and activities in order to assist, support, facilitate, or enable individuals or groups to maintain or regain their well-being (or health) in culturally meaningful and beneficial ways, or to help people face handicaps or death."
"docid": "D3207048#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/xs8gwpehwoor/systemic-oppression-trust-mistrust-credibility-and-world/\nSystemic Oppression: Trust, Mistrust, Credibility, and World",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like Systemic Oppression: Trust, Mistrust, Credibility, and World No descriptionby James Nixonon 29 May 2014Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Systemic Oppression: Trust, Mistrust, Credibility, and World Therapeutic Impact of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism Past and present discrimination from majority again minority groups is a basis for distrust of the majority group. This can cause many minority clients to act distrustful, suspicious, and guarded when working with a white (majority) counselor. White therapists are not immune from having racists biases, attitudes, and stereotypes about minorities despite having a desire to help. Therapist Credibility and Expertness Credibility can be defined as the constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable, and trustworthy. Within this Expertness is an ability variable, where Trustworthiness is a motivational variable. Credibility and Attractiveness in Multicultural Counseling Counseling and Psychotherapy try to outline an approach to multicultural counseling but this is not possible through a single theory due to multiple factors Systemic Oppression: Trust, Mistrust, Credibility, and Worldviews By: James Nixon Ethnocentric- is to judge another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Understanding Individual and Systemic Worldviews A persons world view has a major influence on the dimensions of trust/mis-trust and credibility. Worldviews determine how people perceive the world around them, relationships to nature, institutions, and other people. This view is highly correlated with a person's cultural upbringing and life experiences."
"docid": "D3198224#0",
"title": "https://answersingenesis.org/what-is-science/what-is-science/\nWhat Is Science?",
"text": "Sign In or Sign Up English/USAnswers Store Outreach Media Kids Education Donate Evolution Exposed: Biology Buy Book Answers in Genesis Answers Science What Is Science? What Is Science? Chapter 1What Is Science?by Roger Patterson on February 22, 2007; last featured July 29, 2014Share: Shop Now Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic.—Dr. Scott Todd, Kansas State University, Nature 401 (6752):423, Sept. 30, 1999What You Will Learn Many people do not realize that science was actually developed in Christian Europe by men who assumed that God created an orderly universe. If the universe is a product of random chance or a group of gods that interfere in the universe, there is really no reason to expect order in nature. Many of the founders of the principle scientific fields, such as Bacon, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton, were believers in a recently created earth. The idea that science cannot accept a creationist perspective is a denial of scientific history. To help us understand that science has practical limits, it is useful to divide science into two different areas: operational science and historical (origins) science. Operational science deals with testing and verifying ideas in the present and leads to the production of useful products like computers, cars, and satellites. Historical (origins) science involves interpreting evidence from the past and includes the models of evolution and special creation."
"docid": "D2319106#0",
"title": "http://www.christiananswers.net/q-sum/sum-r002.html\nWhat is Secular Humanism?",
"text": "What is Secular Humanism? A ccurate definitions are difficult to come by. When one hears the word “humanism,” several different ideas may come to mind. For example, Mr. Webster would define humanism something like this:“any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, or dignity predominate.” [ 1]Others may think of a liberal arts education. Both of these are well and good, but what we are seeking is a definition of the worldview known as Secular Humanism. First, Secular Humanism is a worldview. That is, it is a set of beliefs through which one interprets all of reality—something like a pair of glasses. Second, Secular Humanism is a religious worldview. [ 2] Do not let the word “secular” mislead you."
"docid": "D194826#0",
"title": "https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/garcinia-probably-works-but-is-far-from-a-weight-loss-miracle/\nGarcinia Probably Works But Is Far From a Weight Loss Miracle",
"text": "\"Share this: Tweet Share on Tumblr More Women make up a majority of Dr. Oz’s audience. The majority of women would like to lose weight. That is a match made in heaven, a marketer’s dream. And Oz has never hesitated to exploit that fact to increase audience share, playing fast and loose with sensationalized evidence instead of giving his viewers science-based advice. Garcinia cambogia extract (GCE) comes from a tropical fruit from India and Southeast Asia. The active ingredient, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is said to block fat and suppress the appetite. Dr. Oz has promoted a series of weight loss supplements on his show. Raspberry ketones were presented as a fat-busting miracle, then green coffee bean extract was touted as “magic,” “staggering,” and “unprecedented.” And now both of those miracles have apparently been superseded by an even greater miracle: Garcinia cambogia extract. Dr. Oz calls it “ The newest, fastest fat buster .”"
"docid": "D245319#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/discourse-definition-3026070\nWhat Is Discourse?",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Social Sciences What Is Discourse? A Sociological Definition Share Flipboard Email Print Word cloud from Republican presidential debate, 2011.by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph. D. Updated January 16, 2018Discourse refers to how we think and communicate about people, things, the social organization of society, and the relationships among and between all three. Discourse typically emerges out of social institutions like media and politics (among others), and by virtue of giving structure and order to language and thought, it structures and orders our lives, relationships with others, and society. It thus shapes what we are able to think and know any point in time. In this sense, sociologists frame discourse as a productive force because it shapes our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values, identities, interactions with others, and our behavior. In doing so it produces much of what occurs within us and within society. Sociologists see discourse as embedded in and emerging out of relations of power, because those in control of institutions—like media, politics, law, medicine, and education—control its formation. As such, discourse, power, and knowledge are intimately connected, and work together to create hierarchies. Some discourses come to dominate the mainstream (dominant discourses), and are considered truthful, normal, and right, while others are marginalized and stigmatized, and considered wrong, extreme, and even dangerous."
"docid": "D2001387#0",
"title": "https://faculty.gcsu.edu/custom-website/mary-magoulick/defmyth.htm\n.",
"text": "\"What is Myth? By Mary Magoulick (first published 2004; revised 2015)What other scholars say about myths (especially as connected to HEROISM)Patterns in Heroic Myths (and tales)MYTHOLOGY LINKS\"\"Myth\"\" refers to colorful stories that tell about the origins of humans and the cosmos. Attitudes towards myth vary greatly. Some regard it as a source of spiritual growth, while others see only falsehood. Some see in myth the distinct character of particular cultures, while others see universal patterns. Some regard myth as \"\"contemporary\"\" and \"\"alive\"\", while others think of it as \"\"ancient\"\" and/or \"\"dead.\"\" Gregory Schrempp, Indiana University (see the Mythology Studies program at Indiana University)Defining Myth Characteristics of Myth Scholarship as Myth Native American Myths Conceptual Frameworks Sacred Narrative? Structuralism Feminism and Myth Background on Mythology Generic Fluidity Functionalism Myths and Literature (& Women)DEFINING MYTHFrom the Greek mythos , myth means story or word. Mythology is the study of myth. As stories (or narratives ), myths articulate how characters undergo or enact an ordered sequence of events."
"docid": "D1803151#0",
"title": "https://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/the-human-genome-project-faq.htm\nThe Human Genome Project",
"text": "\"Home >> The Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project QUESTION: The Human Genome Project - What is its Purpose? ANSWER: The Human Genome Project was a 13-year project coordinated by the U. S. Department of Energy and the National Institute of Health. It completed its initial mission in 2003. The initial purpose or goals were to:identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA,determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA,store this information in databases,improve tools for data analysis,transfer related technologies to the private sector, andaddress the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project. Identifying the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA was an enormous achievement of the Human Genome Project which some say is akin to developing the periodic table of elements. However, deriving meaningful knowledge from DNA sequence will define biological research through the coming decades and require the expertise and creativity of teams of biologists, chemists, engineers, and computational scientists, among others. Many research challenges remain in genetics even with the full human sequence in hand. Some of the application areas where specific goals (additional purposes) have been defined are as follows: Molecular Medicine Energy and Environmental Applications Risk Assessment Bioarchaeology, Anthropology, Evolution, and Human Migration DNA Forensics (Identification)Agriculture, Livestock, Breeding, and Bioprocessing A short list of the many challenges (the purpose is to overcome these challenges) include the following: Gene number, exact locations, and functions Gene Regulation DNA sequence organization Chromosomal structure and organization Noncoding DNA types, amount, distribution, information content, and functions The purposes of the Human Genome Project and the ongoing effort to understand the relationship between the code and life is more than just a set of objectives, goals and challenges to overcome. The purpose also includes the significance and appropriateness of what is being done to our world and how it relates to our worldview and its values. The project team realized this and included an ethical, legal and social issues topic as part of their objectives and they spent about 3%-5% of their budget in this area."
"docid": "D2584783#0",
"title": "http://www.albertmohler.com/2014/01/08/is-the-enemy-of-my-enemy-my-friend-an-old-question-in-a-new-age/\nIs the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend?âAn Old Question in a New Age",
"text": "<Topic Tag>Post</Topic Tag>Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend?—An Old Question in a New Age January 8, 2014Tweet Share We are not living in a season of peace. Thinking Christians must surely be aware that a great moral and spiritual conflict is taking shape all around us, with multiple fronts of battle and issues of great importance at stake. The prophet Jeremiah repeatedly warned of those who would falsely declare peace when there is no peace. The Bible defines the Christian life in terms of spiritual battle, and believers in this generation face the fact that the very existence of truth is at stake in our current struggle. The condition of warfare brings a unique set of moral challenges to the table, and the great moral and cultural battles of our times are no different. Even ancient thinkers knew this, and many of their maxims of warfare are still commonly cited. Among the most popular of these is a maxim that was known by many of the ancients: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend. ”That maxim has survived as a modern principle of foreign policy. It explains why states that have been at war against one another can, in a very short period of time, become allies against a common enemy. In World War II, the Soviet Union began as an ally of Nazi Germany."
"docid": "D468169#0",
"title": "http://www.psychosocial.com/IJPR_10/Peer_Support_What_Makes_It_Unique_Mead.html\n.",
"text": "Peer support in mental health has recently gained significant attention. There is increasing talk about funding and credentialing, standards and outcomes. But what is peer support and how is it different than services, even services delivered by people who identify themselves as peers? In this paper we would like to present a perspective on peer support that defines its difference and also maintains its integrity to the movement from which it came. We will offer some thinking about practice and evaluation standards that may help different types of peer initiatives sustain real peer support values in action. Introduction Peer support for people with similar life experiences (e.g., people who’ve lost children, people with alcohol and substance abuse problems, etc.) has proven to be tremendously important towards helping many move through difficult situations (Reissman, 1989; Roberts & Rappaport, 1989). In general, peer support has been defined by the fact that people who have like experiences can better relate and can consequently offer more authentic empathy and validation. It is also not uncommon for people with similar lived experiences to offer each other practical advice and suggestions for strategies that professionals may not offer or even know about. Maintaining its non-professional vantage point is crucial in helping people rebuild their sense of community when they’ve had a disconnecting kind of experience."
"docid": "D1706704#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/essays/Why-Leadership-Is-Important-381977.html\nWhy Leadership Is Important",
"text": "\"Why Leadership Is Important Topics: Leadership, Management, Servant leadership Pages: 4 (1224 words) Published: August 18, 2010LEADERSHIP AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS LEADERSHIP AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS In our severely competitive world today, leadership skills are so essential to any growing business. For example, we can see some outstanding leaders of great firms like Steve Job from Apple or Bill Gates from Microsoft. So how to define what leadership ship is? Leadership is characterized by planning, directing people to achieve the target. If you are an entrepreneur, the role of leadership plays an important part because your employees lean on you how to build a better business. A good leader make workers understand what is expected of them and how to work more smoothly and thus more efficiently by staying focused on business goals, decreasing lost time and effort; most important of all, most workers are much more comfortable and even \"\"happier\"\" at their jobs with good leadership ( James). A good leader also should follow Business ethics; that means running a business ethically is good for business as well as for society. In my opinion, associating ethics in business is very important because a business that behaves ethically will be a model for other businesses and their associates to behave ethically as well. A good leadership may be influenced by a person’s world view and inner maturity. A world view reflects about the world, viewpoint of life, a comprehensive system of beliefs."
"docid": "D2121916#0",
"title": "http://cafehayek.com/2011/01/what-is-economics-good-for.html\nWhat is economics good for?",
"text": "What is economics good for?by Russ Roberts on January 5, 2011in Complexity & Emergence, Economics, Hayek, Science, Uncategorized Tweet In three recent posts ( here, here, and here ), I have argued that macroeconomics is deeply flawed and not a science. Or at least not scientific in the conventional sense of the word. Let me try to make my claims a little more precise and react to some of the comments. Just because economics isn’t like physics doesn’t mean it’s useless. So I will also try to talk about what it is useful for. Hayek condemned scientism–the use of the tools of science to give a field such as economics the aura of science without it’s predictive or descriptive power. He didn’t just say this was a waste of time, he said it was dangerous because it led to a false sense of precision and understanding. The way I understand this (and I agree with Hayek) is that the tools of physics–advanced dynamic equations that treat the economy as a planetary body or even a group of planets interacting, is not just wrong, but deeply misleading. Was Hayek right about this? I think so, but the defenders of the mathematical approach to either macroeconomics (Bob Lucas, say) or microeconomics (the game theorists, for example, pick your favorites) would argue otherwise, saying either that we haven’t quite mastered the full set of equations but will eventually, or that we are close enough now and sometimes, the unexpected comes along and we have to modify our models."
] |
2075 | asset turnover definition | [
"docid": "D2768774#0",
"title": "http://financial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Asset+turnover\nasset turnover",
"text": "\"asset turnover Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia . Asset turnover The ratio of net sales to total assets. Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved. Asset Turnover A ratio of a company's net sales to total assets. It is a measure of how efficiently management is using the assets at its disposal to promote sales. A high ratio indicates that the company is using its assets efficiently to increase sales, while a low ratio indicates the opposite. It is alsoknown as total asset turnover. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reservedasset turnover See total asset turnover."
] | [
"docid": "D177495#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_and_medium_enterprises\nSmall and medium-sized enterprises",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Small and medium enterprises)navigation search Small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs, also small and medium enterprises) or small and medium-sized businesses ( SMBs) are businesses whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation \"\"SME\"\" is used in the European Union and by international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Small enterprises outnumber large companies by a wide margin and also employ many more people. SMEs are also said to be responsible for driving innovation and competition in many economic sectors. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Definition around the world2.1 Africa2.1.1 Egypt2.1.2 Ethiopia2.1.3 Kenya2.1.4 Nigeria2.1.5 Somalia2.1.6 South Africa2.2 Asia2.2.1 India2.2.2 Indonesia2.2.3 Bangladesh2.2.4 Singapore2.3 Europe2.3.1 European Union2.3.1.1 Poland2.3.1.2 United Kingdom2.3.2 Switzerland2.4 North America2.4.1 Canada2.4.2 Mexico2.4.3 United States2.5 Oceania2.5.1 Australia2.5.2 New Zealand3 See also4 References5 External links Overview [ edit]This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. ( January 2017)Petrakis and Kostis (2012) explore the role of interpersonal trust and knowledge in the number of small and medium enterprises. They conclude that knowledge positively affects the number of SMEs, which in turn, positively affects interpersonal trust. Note that the empirical results indicate that interpersonal trust does not affect the number of SMEs. Therefore, although knowledge development can reinforce SMEs, trust becomes widespread in a society when the number of SMEs is greater. ["
"docid": "D2106163#0",
"title": "https://www.business-case-analysis.com/account-payable.html\nAccount Payable, Payables, and Accounts Payable Definition, Meaning Explained, Example Transactions",
"text": "\"Home > Encyclopedia > A > Account Payable Account Payable, Payables, and Accounts Payable Definition, Meaning Explained, Example Transactions Business Encyclopedia ISBN 978-1929500109Updated 2018-04-12 © 2018 Solution Matrix Ltd An account payable is a bill to be paid, or money otherwise owed to a creditor. Accounts payable is a liabilities account, representing all such payables due for payment in the near term. Does the firm manage its accounts payable obligations effectively? Financial metrics such as Accounts Payable Turnover provide an answer. What Is An Account Payable? An account payable is a liability for an amount owed to a creditor, usually for purchase of goods or services. Consider a buyer who makes a purchase and takes delivery of the goods, but does not pay the seller immediately. The seller is therefore selling \"\"on credit.\"\" As a result, buyer and seller now have a creditor-debtor relationship. And, the relationship lasts until the buyer actually pays."
"docid": "D1715906#0",
"title": "http://www.accountingtools.com/questions-and-answers/what-is-the-total-asset-turnover-ratio.html\nTotal asset turnover ratio",
"text": "Total asset turnover ratio December 27, 2017The total asset turnover ratio compares the sales of a company to its asset base. The ratio measures the ability of an organization to efficiently produce sales, and is typically used by third parties to evaluate the operations of a business. Ideally, a company with a high total asset turnover ratio can operate with fewer assets than a less efficient competitor, and so requires less debt and equity to operate. The result should be a comparatively greater return to its shareholders. The formula for total asset turnover is: Net sales ÷ Total assets = Total asset turnover For example, a business that has net sales of $10,000,000 and total assets of $5,000,000 has a total asset turnover ratio of 2.0. It is best to plot the ratio on a trend line, to spot significant changes over time. Also, compare it to the same ratio for competitors, which can indicate which other companies are being more efficient in wringing more sales from their assets. There are several problems with the ratio, which are: The measure assumes that additional sales are good, when in reality the true measure of performance is the ability to generate a profit from sales. Thus, a high turnover ratio does not necessarily result in more profits. The ratio is only useful in the more capital-intensive industries, usually involving the production of goods."
"docid": "D787611#0",
"title": "http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/turnover-ratios.html\nturnover ratios",
"text": "turnover ratios Definition Popular Terms Financial ratios that measure an asset's activity or efficiency in generating or turning-over cash. For example, inventory turnover ratio (Cost of sales ÷ inventory value) shows how many times an inventory was turned into cash during an accounting period.accountingpayment termsaccounting conc...financial manag...marginal benefi...letter of credi...assetrevenue You Also Might Like... Jeffrey Glen Qualitative vs. Quantitative When analyzing a company from an investment perspective it is important to assess it from both a qualitative and a quantitative perspective. So what does this mean? Qualitative analysis means looking at the intangibles. The factors about a company ... Leo Sun Setting an Annual Budget for your Business ADVERTISEMENTLeo Sun Important Business Valuation Metrics Adam Colgate How to Read a Financial Statement"
"docid": "D1313204#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/8358363/Human-Resource-Accounting\nMBA âH4020",
"text": "\"MBA –H4020Human Resource Accounting HUMAN RESOURCE ACCOUNTING UNIT – I The Non accounting of human resources and the change occurring therein, of an organization may provide a poor picture of the profits and profitability of the organization. Likert Objectives of the Study: This unit aims to provide a basis for the conceptual framework of Human Resource Accounting. An attempt is made to highlight the following aspects. Development of the Concept of HRA An Historical Score Card Meaning and Definition of HRA Importance Objectives of Human Resource Accounting Limitations of Human Resource Accounting HRA for managers & HR Professionals Investment in Human Resources Quality of Work Force and Organizations’ Performance Efficient use of Human Resource Enumerating the Assets Calculating the Market Value of Assets Human Capital.1 MBA –H4020Human Resource Accounting INTRODUCTION To ensure growth and development of any orgnisation, the efficiency of people must be augmented in the right perspective. Without human resources, the other resources cannot be operationally effective. The original health of the organization is indicated by the human behaviour variables, like group loyalty, skill, motivation and capacity for effective interaction, communication and decision making. Men, materials, machines, money and methods are the resources required for an organization. These resources are broadly classified into two categories, viz., animate and inanimate (human and physical) resources. Men, otherwise known as the human resources, are considered to be animate resources."
"docid": "D2705828#0",
"title": "http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/ratio-net-sales-average-total-assets-11410.html\nRatio of Net Sales to Average Total Assets",
"text": "Related Articles How to Calculate a Return on Sales Ratio With Revenue and Expenses How to Fix Your Profit Margin The Percentage of Inventory to Total Assets What Does the Quick Ratio Tell Us About a Company? Net-Sales-to-Inventory Ratio Does a Company Want High or Low Inventory Turnover? Assets are the resources a company owns, such as buildings and machinery. These resources often require a significant investment, so you want to make sure you generate enough revenue to justify the cost. You can measure this efficiency using the asset turnover ratio, which equals net sales divided by average total assets. This ratio reveals how much revenue your small business produces for every dollar invested in assets. In general, a higher ratio suggests greater efficiency than a lower one. Net Sales A business reports net sales on its income statement. This figure represents the total revenue it earned in an accounting period minus any refunds, allowances and sales discounts given to customers. An allowance is a price reduction given to an unsatisfied customer."
"docid": "D1407186#0",
"title": "http://smallbusiness.chron.com/companys-asset-turnover-ratio-mean-60811.html\nWhat Does the Company's Asset Turnover Ratio Mean?",
"text": "\"Related Articles1What Does It Mean When a Company Has a High Fixed-Asset Turnover Ratio?2What Does the Inventory Turnover Ratio Tell You About the Company?3Companies With High Asset Turnover & Low Profit Margin4Remedy for Low Asset Turnover Your company's asset turnover ratio helps you understand how productive your small business has been. In short, it reveals how much revenue the company is generating from each dollar's worth of assets -- everything from buildings and equipment to cash in the bank, accounts receivable and inventories. Formula To calculate your company's asset turnover ratio for a given period, such as a year or a quarter, divide your total sales revenue for the period by your average total assets for the period. The most common way to determine average total assets is simply to add the total value of your assets at the beginning of the period to the value at the end of the period and divide by 2. So, if your company began the year with $100,000 in assets and ended it with $110,000, your total average assets would be $105,000. If your sales revenue for the year was $500,000, then your asset turnover ratio is: $500,000 divided by $105,000 which equals 4.76. Interpretation An asset turnover ratio of 4.76 means that every $1 worth of assets generated $4.76 worth of revenue. In general, the higher the ratio -- the more \"\"turns\"\" -- the better. But whether a particular ratio is good or bad depends on the industry in which your company operates. Some industries are simply more asset-intensive than others are, so their overall turnover ratios will be lower."
"docid": "D440537#0",
"title": "http://www.treasury.nl/blog/the-net-stable-funding-ratio-nsfr/\n.",
"text": "The Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)28 maart, 2011 in Columns-Artikelen door George Lekatis The net stable funding (NSF) ratio measures the amount of longer-term, stable sources of funding employed by an institution relative to the liquidity profiles of the assets funded and the potential for contingent calls on funding liquidity arising from off-balance sheet commitments and obligations. The standard requires a minimum amount of funding that is expected to be stable over a one year time horizon based on liquidity risk factors assigned to assets and off-balance sheet liquidity exposures. The NSF ratio is intended to promote longer-term structural funding of banks’ balance sheets, off-balance sheet exposures and capital markets activities. To promote more medium and long-term funding of the assets and activities of banking organisations, the Committee has developed the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). This metric establishes a minimum acceptable amount of stable funding based on the liquidity characteristics of an institution’s assets and activities over a one year horizon. This standard is designed to act as a minimum enforcement mechanism to complement the liquidity coverage ratio standard and reinforce other supervisory efforts by incenting structural changes in the liquidity risk profiles of institutions away from short-term funding mismatches and toward more stable, longer-term funding of assets and business activities. In particular, the NSFR standard is structured to ensure that investment banking inventories, off-balance sheet exposures, securitisation pipelines and other assets and activities are funded with at least a minimum amount of stable liabilities in relation to their liquidity risk profiles. The NSFR aims to limit over-reliance on wholesale funding during times of buoyant market liquidity and encourage better assessment of liquidity risk across all onand off-balance sheet items. In addition, the NSF approach would help to counterbalance the cliff-effects of the liquidity coverage ratio and offset incentives for institutions to fund their stock of liquid assets with short-term funds that mature just outside the supervisory defined horizon for that metric. The NSF measure builds on traditional “net liquid asset” and “cash capital” methodologies used widely by internationally active banking organisations, bank analysts and rating agencies."
"docid": "D607060#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/128153952/accounting-1-test-3-flash-cards/\naccounting 1 test 3",
"text": "119 terms alexadamssaccounting 1 test 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortconsistency principle a business should use the same accounting methods and procedures from period to perioddisclosure principle a business's financial statements must report enough information for outsider to make knowledgeable decisions about the companymateriality concept a company must perform strictly proper accounting only for items that are significant to the business's financial situationconservatism a business should report the least favorable figures in the financial statements when two or more possible options are presentedinventory costing method a method of approximating the flow of inventory costs in a business that is used to determine the amount of cost of goods sold and ending merchandise inventoryspecific identification method an inventory costing method based on the specific cost of particular units of inventoryfirst in, first out (FIFO) method an inventory costing method in which the first costs into inventory are the first costs out to cost of goods sold. ending inventory is based on the costs of the most recent purchases (pg 330)cost of good valuable for sale the total cost spend on inventory that was available to be sold during a periodlast in, first out (LIFO) method an inventory costing method in which the last costs into inventory are the first costs out to cost of goods sold. the method leaves the oldest costs-those of beginning inventory and the earliest purchases of the period-in ending inventoryweighted average method an inventory costing method based on the weighted average cost per unit of inventory that is calculated after each purchase. weighted average cost per unit is determined by dividing the cost of good available for sale by the number of units available. `lower of cost of market (LCM) rule rule that merchandise inventory should be reported in the financial statements at whichever is lower-its historical cost or its market valueinventory turnover measures the number of times a company sells its average level of merchandise inventory during a period. COGS/average merchandise inventorydays' sales inventory measures the average number of days that inventory is held by a company. 365 days/inventory turnoverinternal control the organizational plan and all the related measures adopted by an entity to safeguard assets, encourage employees to follow company policies, promote operational efficiency, and ensure accurate and reliable accounting recordspublic company a company that sells its stock to the general publicsarbanes-oxely act (SOX) requires companies to review internal control and take responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of their financial reportsinternal control report a report management describing its responsibility for and the adequacy of internal controls over financial reportinginternal auditor and employee of the business who ensures the company;s employees are following company policies, that the company meets all legal requirements, and that operations are running efficiencyexternal auditor and outside accountant, completely independent of the business, who evaluates the controls to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAPseparation of duties dividing responsibilities between two or more people to limit fraud and promote accuracy of accounting recordsencryption rearranging plain-tect messages by a mathematical process-the primary method of achieving security in e-commercefirewall a device that enables members of a local network to access the network, while keeping nonmembers out of the networkcollusion two or more people working together to circumvent internal controls and defraud a companyremittance advice an optional attachment to a check that tells the business the reason for the paymentlock box system a system in which customers send their checks to a post office box that belongs to a bank. a bank employee empties the box daily and records the deposits into the company's bank accountevaluated receipts settlement (ERS) a procedure that compresses the payment approval process into a single step by comparing the receiving report to the purchase orderelectronic data interchange (EDI) a streamlined process that bypasses paper documents altogether. computers of customers communicate directly with the computers of suppliers to automate routine business transactions.petty cash a fund containing a small amount of cash that is used to pay for minor expendituresimprest system a way to account for petty cash by maintaining a constant balance in the petty cash account. at any time, cash plus petty cash tickets must total the amount allocated to the petty cash fund.signature card a card that shows each authorized person's signature for a bank accountdeposit ticket a bank form that is completed by the customer and shows the amount of each depositcheck a document that instructs a bank to pay the designated person or business a specified amount of moneymaker the party who issues the checkpayee the individual or business to whom the check is paidrouting number on a check, the 9-digit number that identifies the bank upon which the payment is drawnaccount number on a check, the number that identifies the account upon which the payment is drawn.bank statement a document from the bank that reports the activity in the customers account."
"docid": "D2768775#0",
"title": "http://www.mysmp.com/fundamental-analysis/total-asset-turnover.html\nTotal Asset Turnover Definition & Formula",
"text": "\"Home • Fundamental Analysis • Total Asset Turnover Definition & Formula Total Asset Turnover Definition & Formula May 20, 2011Share Email Print Table of Contents Total Asset Turnover Definition Total Asset Turnover Formula Interpreting the Total Asset Turnover Why do Investors Care About the Total Asset Turnover Real-Life Example of Using the Total Asset Turnover Ratio Ford's Big Turnaround Summary Related Articles Does the data in the above table mean anything to you? There are three key financial ratios listed: (1) net fixed asset turnover, (2) total asset turnover, and (3) equity turnover for Wal-Mart going back to January 2009. Well, if none of these ring a bell, by the end of this study, you will understand the significance of the total asset turnover ratio. Total Asset Turnover Definition The total asset turnover represents the amount of revenue generated by a company as a result of its assets on hand. This equation is a basic formula for measuring how efficiently a company is operating. Total Asset Turnover Formula Total Asset Turnover = Sales/Total Assets While this article does a lovely job of displaying how the total asset turnover can impact a company's stock price, if you really want more information around how to calcualte the total asset turnover and some working examples, please visit total asset turnover examples. Now that we have redirected all of the hardcore mathematicians, let's resume our breakdown of the total asset turnover ratio. The sales represents all the revenue generated by the company and is disclosed on a company's income statement . The total assets represent the assets listed on the company's balance sheet . The higher the ratio of sales to total assets, the better."
"docid": "D2540738#0",
"title": "https://blog.udemy.com/efficiency-ratios/\nTypes of Efficiency Ratios Used in Measuring Business Performance",
"text": "Types of Efficiency Ratios Used in Measuring Business Performance May 5, 2014 by Lindsay TMost businesses exist for the purpose of generating profit and satisfying the consumers’ needs. It is the role of the management to ensure such objectives are attained, and hence must gather sufficient data to inform them how the business is doing. As a manager, you must ask yourself questions such as whether the company’s market share has improved, or whether the assets are generating enough revenue relative to the amount of money invested, the last of which can be calculated using efficiency ratios. To do this, most managers rely on ratio analysis to help them understand trends and financial statements, which provide crucial information about the company’s performance. Ratio analysis helps them detect strengths and weaknesses of various initiatives and strategies. The tools can also be used to analyze the company’s performance against other firms in the industry, as well as pinpoint any actions that require corrective measures before it is too late. For example, a quick acid ratio, which measures whether the company has sufficient liquid assets to meet its immediate liabilities, can provide a warning before its debts spiral out of control. Classification of Financial Ratios Ratios can be grouped into profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage (gearing) ratios and efficiency ratios, with the former being the focus of this article. Before we explore efficiency ratios, let’s have a look at the qualities of useful financial ratios. You can learn more about the efficiency ratios in this course, which may further expand your knowledge of them."
"docid": "D647195#0",
"title": "http://www.investorwords.com/6496/Du_Pont_analysis.html\nDu Pont analysis",
"text": "Du Pont analysis Save to Favorites Definition A type of analysis that examines a company's Return on Equity (ROE) by breaking it into three main components: profit margin, asset turnover and leverage factor. By breaking the ROE into distinct parts, investors can examine how effectively a company is using equity, since poorly performing components will drag down the overall figure. To calculate a firm's ROE through Du Pont analysis, multiply the profit margin ( net income divided by sales ), asset turnover (sales divided by assets) and leverage factor ( total assets divided by shareholders' equity) together. The higher the result, the higher the return on equity. Use Du Pont analysis in a sentence“You may want to do a du pont analysis that will let you know how your company stands at that time.” Was this Helpful? YES NO6 people found this helpful. “The Du Pont analysis that Hank performed on the Fin and Feather account showed that they were very robust in their profit margin.” Was this Helpful? YES NO9 people found this helpful."
"docid": "D569082#0",
"title": "http://www.aaii.com/journal/article/breaking-down-roe-using-the-dupont-formula.touch\nBreaking Down ROE Using the DuPont Formula",
"text": "AAII Journal > December 2012Read Comments (5)Breaking Down ROE Using the Du Pont Formulaby Joe Lan, CFAReturn on equity (ROE) is a commonly used profitability ratio that measures the effectiveness of management in generating earnings for shareholders. Return on equity measures net income less preferred dividends against total stockholder’s equity. The three primary drivers of ROE are better sales (or turnover), greater margins and higher debt levels, each of which can lead to a higher ROE. Although return on equity is a useful tool, it does not tell you what factors are helping or hurting the company’s performance. The Du Pont formula addresses this concern by breaking down ROE and allowing investors to see which characteristics are driving ROE. Analysis of the Du Pont formula allows you to determine whether management is generating value for shareholders effectively. Return on Equity Return on equity measures the level of income attributed to shareholders against the investment that shareholders put into the firm. In other words, it measures how efficiently a company is able to generate profits using shareholder’s equity, which includes stock offerings and retained earnings. There are different ways to calculate ROE. The denominator of the equation, total shareholder’s equity, can simply be the shareholder’s equity at the end of the period, which is found on the balance sheet."
"docid": "D353794#0",
"title": "http://www.csun.edu/~nrd36607/files/chap09.htm\n.",
"text": "\"CHAPTER 9Reporting and Analyzing Long-Lived Assets Study Objectivesv Describe how the cost principle applies to plant assets.v Explain the concept of depreciation.v Compute periodic depreciation using the straight-line method, and contrast its expense pattern with those of other methods.v Describe the procedure for revising periodic depreciation.v Explain how to account for the disposal of plant assets.v Describe methods for evaluating the use of plant assets.v Identify the basic issues related to reporting intangible assets.v Indicate how long-lived assets are reported on the balance sheet. Chapter Outline Study Objective 1 - Describe how the Cost Principle Applies to Plant Assets¨ Plant assets are resources that have physical substance (a definite size and shape), are used in the operations of a business, and are not intended for sale to customers.¨ It is important for companies to (1) keep assets in good operating condition, (2) replace worn-out or outdated assets, and (3) expand its productive assets as needed.¨ The cost principle requires that plant assets be recorded at cost.¨ Cost consists of all expenditures necessary to acquire an asset and make it ready for its intended use.¨ If a cost is not included in a plant asset account, then it must be expensed immediately. Such costs are referred to as revenue expenditures. Costs that are not expensed immediately, but are instead included in a plant asset account are referred to as capital expenditures.¨ Cost is measured by the cash paid in a cash transaction or by the cash equivalent price paid when noncash assets are used in payment. The cash equivalent price is equal to the fair market value of the asset given up or the fair market value of the asset received, whichever is more clearly determinable.¨ Once cost is established, it becomes the basis of accounting for the plant asset over its useful life.§ Land – Land is often used as a building site for a manufacturing plant or office. The cost of land includes: (1) The cash purchase price (2) Closing costs such as title and attorney's fees (3) Real estate brokers’ commissions (4) Accrued property taxes and other liens on the land assumed by the purchaser§ All necessary costs incurred in making land ready for its intended use increase (debit) the Land account.§ Land improvements – Land improvements are structural additions made to land such as driveways, parking lots, fences, and underground sprinklers.· The cost of land improvements includes all expenditures necessary to make the improvements ready for their intended use.· The cost of a new company parking lot includes the amount paid for paving, fencing, and lighting.· The total of all these costs would be debited to Land Improvements.· Because land improvements have limited useful lives, their costs are expensed (depreciated) over their useful lives.§ Buildings – Buildings are facilities used in operations, such as stores, offices, factories, warehouses, and airplane hangers.·"
"docid": "D1919176#0",
"title": "http://www.accountingtools.com/fixed-asset-turnover-ratio\nFixed asset turnover ratio",
"text": "\"Fixed asset turnover ratio September 11, 2017The fixed asset turnover ratio compares net sales to net fixed assets. It is used to evaluate the operating performance of a business. A high ratio indicates that a business is: Doing an effective job of generating sales with a relatively small amount of fixed assets Outsourcing work to avoid investing in fixed assets Selling off excess fixed asset capacity A low ratio indicates that a business: Is overinvested in fixed assets Needs to issue new products to revive its sales Has made a large investment in fixed assets, with a time delay before the new assets start generating revenues Has invested in areas that do not increase the capacity of the bottleneck operation, resulting in no additional throughput The concept of the fixed asset turnover ratio is most useful to an outside observer, who wants to know how well a business is employing its assets to generate sales. A corporate insider has access to more detailed information about the usage of specific fixed assets, and so would be less inclined to employ this ratio. The formula for the ratio is to subtract accumulated depreciation from gross fixed assets, and divide into net annual sales. It may be necessary to obtain an average fixed asset figure, if the amount varies significantly over time. Do not include intangible assets in the denominator, since it can skew the results. The formula is: Net annual sales ÷ (Gross fixed assets - Accumulated depreciation)For example, ABC Company has gross fixed assets of $5,000,000 and accumulated depreciation of $2,000,000. Sales over the last 12 months totaled $9,000,000. The calculation of ABC's fixed asset turnover ratio is:$9,000,000 Net sales ÷ ($5,000,000 Gross fixed assets - $2,000,000 Accumulated depreciation)= 3.0 Turnover per year Here are several cautions regarding the use of this measurement: Industry specific."
"docid": "D2068283#0",
"title": "http://www.tdbank.com/small_business/workshops/Ratios/textratio_analysis.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Print this page | Close this window Analyzing Your Financial Ratios Overview Any successful business owner is constantly evaluating the performance of his or her company, comparing it with the company's historical figures, with its industry competitors, and even with successful businesses from other industries. To complete a thorough examination of your company's effectiveness, however, you need to look at more than just easily attainable numbers like sales, profits, and total assets. You must be able to read between the lines of your financial statements and make the seemingly inconsequential numbers accessible and comprehensible. This massive data overload could seem staggering. Luckily, there are many well-tested ratios out there that make the task a bit less daunting. Comparative ratio analysis helps you identify and quantify your company's strengths and weaknesses, evaluate its financial position, and understand the risks you may be taking. As with any other form of analysis, comparative ratio techniques aren't definitive and their results shouldn't be viewed as gospel. Many off-the-balance-sheet factors can play a role in the success or failure of a company. But, when used in concert with various other business evaluation processes, comparative ratios are invaluable. This discussion contains descriptions and examples of the eight major types of ratios used in financial analysis: Income, Profitability, Liquidity, Working Capital, Bankruptcy, Long-Term Analysis, Coverage, and Leverage."
"docid": "D1449537#0",
"title": "https://csimarket.com/Industry/industry_Efficiency.php?s=800\nHealthcare Sector",
"text": "At a Glance Growth Rates Profitability Valuation Financial Strength Efficiency Mgmt. Effectiveness Performance Dividend Healthcare Sector Efficiency Information & Trends Tweet Industry: Healthcare ▼Accident & Health Insurance Advertising Aerospace & Defense Agriculture Production Airline Alcoholic Beverages Aluminum Apparel, Footwear & Accessories Appliance & Tool Audio & Video Equipment Auto & Truck Manufacturers Auto & Truck Parts Automotive Aftermarket Biotechnology & Drugs Blank Checks Broadcasting Media & Cable TVCasinos & Gaming Chemical Manufacturing Chemicals - Plastics & Rubber Coal Mining Commercial Banks Communications Equipment Communications Services Computer Hardware Computer Networks Computer Peripherals & Office Equipment Computer processing and cloud services Conglomerates Construction & Mining Machinery Construction Raw Materials Construction Services Consulting Services Consumer Electronics Consumer Financial Services Containers & Packaging Department & Discount Retail Diversified Educational Services Electric & Wiring Equipment Electric Utilities Electronic Instruments & Controls Employment Agencies Environmental Services Food Processing Forestry & Wood Products Furniture & Fixtures Grocery Stores Healthcare Facilities Home Improvement Hotels & Leisure Industrial Machinery and Components Insurance Brokerage Internet Services & Social Media Internet, Mail Order & Online Shops Investment Services Iron & Steel Laboratory Analytical Instruments Legal Marijuana Life Insurance Major Pharmaceutical Preparations Marine Transportation Medical Equipment & Supplies Medical Laboratories Metal Mining Miscellaneous Fabricated Products Miscellaneous Financial Services Miscellaneous Manufacturing Money Center Banks Movies and Entertainment Natural Gas Utilities Nonalcoholic Beverages Office Supplies Oil & Gas Integrated Operations Oil And Gas Production Oil Refineries Oil Well Services & Equipment Paper & Paper Products Personal & Household Products Personal Services Pharmacy Services & Retail Drugstore Print Media & Newspaper Publishing Professional Services Property & Casualty Insurance Railroads Real Estate Investment Trusts Real Estate Operations Recreational Products Regional Banks Renewable Energy Services & Equipment Rental & Leasing Restaurants Retail Apparel S&Ls Savings Banks Scientific & Technical Instruments Security & Armored Car Services Semiconductors Software & Programming Special Transportation Services Specialty Retail Technology Retail Tires Tobacco Transport & Logistics Water Supply Wholesale Category: Efficiency▼Growth Rates Revenue Growth Operating Inc. Growth Inc. Cont. Ops. Growth Net Income Growth EPS Cont. Ops. Growth EPS Net Growth Free Cash Flow Growth Net Cash Flow Growth Capex Growth Profitability Effective Tax Rates Valuation Price to Earnings Price to Sales Price to Book PBPrice to Cash Flow Financial Strength Efficiency Mgmt. Effectiveness Performance Dividend Period:2018 ▼Current20172016201520142013201220112010Healthcare Sector 1 Q 4 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q2018 2017 2017 2017 2017Revenue/Employee (TTM) $ - 1,015,248 973,767 966,361 969,426Sales/Employee Ranking # # 3 # 3 # 3 # 3Net Income/Employee (TTM) $ - 32,546 70,041 93,343 93,673Net Income/Employee Ranking # # 9 # 4 # 3 # 2Receivable Turnover Ratio (TTM) 18.37 6.58 6.87 6.95 6.79Receivable Turnover Ranking # 2 # 7 # 7 # 7 # 7Inventory Turnover Ratio (TTM) Sales 13.09 10.4 11.23 11.46 10.95Inventory Turnover (Sales) Ranking # 5 # 8 # 7 # 7 # 7Inventory Turnover Ratio (TTM) COS 9.93 3.89 4.21 4.24 4.13Inventory Turnover (COS) Ranking # 4 # 11 # 11 # 11 # 11Asset Turnover Ratio (TTM) 1.79 0.51 0.56 0.57 0.56Asset Turnover Ranking # 2 # 9 # 9 # 9 # 9New: More Healthcare Sectors' historic efficiency information >>Revenue per Employee Comment Revenue per employee total ranking has impoved so far to, from total ranking in previous quarter at 3. Note, first quarter Numbers include only companies who have reported first quarter earnings results. Numbers change as more businesses report financial results. See the full List."
"docid": "D1928180#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/average-collection-period-formula-analysis.html\nAverage Collection Period: Formula & Analysis",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 9.7K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Activity Ratios: Definition, Formula & Analysis How to Calculate the Return on Equity: Definition, Formula & Example How to Calculate Asset Turnover Ratio: Formula & Example Liquidity Ratio: Definition, Calculation & Analysis Lesson Transcript Instructor: Tammy Galloway Tammy teaches business courses at the post-secondary and secondary level and has a master's of business administration in finance. In this lesson, you'll learn the purpose of calculating the average collection period and the two-step process. We'll also discuss which financial statements are needed to find the data and the importance of comparing the average collection period to the credit policy. Average Collection Period The average collection period is a measurement of the average number of days that it takes a business to collect payments from sales that were made on credit. Businesses of many kinds allow customers to take possession of merchandise right away and then pay later, typically within 30 days. These types of payments are considered accounts receivable because a business is waiting to receive these payments on an account. Accounts receivable are an asset, or something a business owns or is owed. As you might expect, businesses keep a close eye on these types of accounts, because if they don't receive the money that they're owed when it is due, they won't be able to pay their own bills. In this lesson, we're going to explore how a company tracks its accounts receivable and what equations it uses to find an average collection period by looking at a real-world example. Collection in Real Life Jenny Jacks is a high-end clothing store that sells men's and women's clothing, shoes, jewelry, and accessories."
"docid": "D907772#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-the-Total-Asset-Turnover\nHow to Calculate the Total Asset Turnover",
"text": "Expert Reviewed How to Calculate the Total Asset Turnover Two Parts: Calculating the Total Asset Turnover Analyzing the Total Asset Turnover Community Q&AThe total asset turnover ratio is a valuable tool that can help you determine how well you are using your assets. It is a simple ratio that can be calculated quickly if you have all of the relevant numbers in front of you. After you have calculated the total asset turnover, you can use it to make adjustments to how you use your assets and improve your earnings. Keep reading to learn more about how to calculate the total asset turnover."
"docid": "D1919177#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/033015/what-considered-be-good-fixed-asset-turnover-ratio.asp\nWhat is considered to be a good fixed asset turnover ratio?",
"text": "\"A: The fixed asset turnover ratio is a metric that measures sales to the value of fixed assets. It measures how well a company uses its fixed assets to generate sales. There is no standard for a fixed asset turnover ratio to be \"\"good.\"\" An investor must compare fixed asset turnover ratios within an industry to analyze how efficiently a company uses its fixed assets. The fixed asset turnover ratio varies throughout every sector and should only be compared to other companies within the same sector. If a company has a higher fixed asset turnover ratio than its competitors, it shows the company is effectively using its fixed assets to generate sales better than its competitors. The fixed asset turnover ratio is calculated by dividing a company's net sales by its net property, plant and equipment. For example, suppose an investor is comparing the fixed asset turnover ratios of companies in the manufacturing sector. The investor is comparing companies ABC, DEF and GHI. Company ABC had $2 million in net sales and net fixed assets of $500,000 for the year."
] |
2089 | at what age do adults normally begin to lose bone mass? | [
"docid": "D1879599#0",
"title": "http://www.womensguide.org/osteoporosis/overview.html\nWhat is Osteoporosis?",
"text": "What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become weak and are thus more likely to break. Your bones lose calcium and the insides become porous, like a honeycomb. Technically speaking, this is called losing “bone mass”. People with low bone mass are more susceptible to breaking bones. Bone mass generally peaks around the age of 30-35, and then starts to slowly decline at around age 50 in women (60 in men) when you start to lose bone mass faster than your body can grow it back. This happens to all adults, however critical loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) is much more common in women. This is because women tend to have lower bone mass to begin with, live longer on average (more time to lose to bone mass), and generally take in less calcium. Women also need estrogen (a female hormone) to keep their bones strong, and estrogen production falls for all women once menopause hits. Broken bones are a serious impediment to the quality of your life, particularly when you are at an advanced age."
] | [
"docid": "D1683923#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis_and_calcium/page6_em.htm\nOsteoporosis and Calcium",
"text": "\"Osteoporosis and Calcium Facts Calcium and Bone Mass How Does Calcium Help Prevent Osteoporosis? How Much Calcium Is Needed? What Foods Contain Calcium? What Impairs the Absorptionof Calcium? What Assists the Absorption of Calcium? Calcium Supplements Treatment With Calcium For More Information About Osteoporosis and Calcium Osteoporosis Pictures Osteoporosis and Calcium Facts Calcium is an important nutrient and is needed for many of the body's functions, including blood clotting and the proper function of the heart, muscles, and nerves. Calcium is also critical for the health and strength of bones. Not getting enough calcium can contribute to the development of osteoporosis (porous bones). Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by bones that are thin and fragile and can break ( fracture) easily. People with osteoporosis have low bone mass, and low bone mass can result in bone fractures."
"docid": "D2742239#0",
"title": "http://www.precisionnutrition.com/all-about-bone-health\nNutrition for bone health: Calcium, vitamin D, and other strategies to prevent osteoporosis.",
"text": "Nutrition for bone health: Calcium, vitamin D, and other strategies to prevent osteoporosis. By Ryan Andrews Share Strong bones are crucial to good health, and good nutrition is crucial to strong bones. Find out what you need to protect the health of your skeleton for years to come. Nutrition strongly affects bone health throughout our lives. For instance, what our mothers eat while pregnant with us will affect our eventual bone mass as adults. As children, our bones are almost exploding with rapid growth. If we break something, no problem — we knit back together like Plastic Man. ( Which is good, considering how many times we’ll probably fall face-first off the monkey bars. ) By around 18 or 19 years old, we’ve reached about 95% of our peak bone mass. We can continue to build some bone in our 20s."
"docid": "D2091523#0",
"title": "http://www.musclechemistry.com/upload/bodybuilding-steroid-and-training-articles/73750-growth-hormone-hgh-igf-1-lr3-insulin-like-growth-factor-type-i-igf-1-a.html\nREGISTER HERE",
"text": "Growth Hormone, HGH, IGF-1 lr3 Insulin-like Growth Factor Type I (IGF-1). Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone Secretagogues August 7, 2014 bodybuilding peptides Store= GHRP, HGH, IGFWhat is the best way to look and feel younger? Most anti-aging physicians agree that growth hormone and growth factors are the keys to cellular rejuvenation. Fortunately, technology has now made them available and affordable. Growth Hormone What Is Human Growth Hormone (h GH)? Human Growth hormone (h GH) is a small protein molecule, which contains 191 amino acids in a single polypeptide chain. It is the most common hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Its rate of production peaks during adolescence when accelerated growth occurs. However, it generally remains in abundance in the pituitary gland ready to be secreted into the body. For some reason unknown, the amount of growth hormone secreted starts to slow after peaking."
"docid": "D110198#0",
"title": "http://home.bway.net/rjnoonan/humans_in_space/blood.html\nBLOOD AND ITS COMPONENTS",
"text": "\"Archived by Raymond J. Noonan, Ph. D., Health and Physical Education Department, Fashion Institute of Technology of the State University of New York (FIT-SUNY), and Sex Quest/The Sex Institute, NYC, for the benefit of students and other researchers interested in the human aspects of the space life sciences. Return to first page for background information on these pages. BLOOD AND ITS COMPONENTSIntroduction Blood supplies oxygen and nutrients to all of the parts of the body, and it carries away waste products from cells. The blood vessels serve as the transportation pathways in the body for the flow of fluid, blood cells, platelets, gases, waste products, nutrients, lipids, sugars, amino acids, vitamins, proteins, hormones, electrolytes, and other substances. Blood contains all of these elements. One could easily enlarge this list, and specify what kind of fluids, what kind of cells, what kind of gases, and what kind of waste products, etc. are found in the blood. It is beyond the scope of this discussion to present a full description of every component that we have mentioned; however, we will attempt to characterize the general nature of blood and how this nature is changed when a human enters the microgravity environment. Figure 1."
"docid": "D77187#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis/article_em.htm\nOsteoporosis",
"text": "\"What Is Osteoporosis? What Causes Osteoporosis? What Are Symptomsand Signs of Osteoporosis? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Osteoporosis? What Exams and Tests Do Health-Care Professionals Use to Diagnose Osteoporosis? What Is the Medical Treatmentfor Osteoporosis? Are There Home Remedies for Osteoporosis? Which Doctors Treat Osteoporosis? Can Any Foods Help Prevent Osteoporosis? What Foods Should Be Avoided With Osteoporosis?"
"docid": "D2223336#0",
"title": "http://uhealthsystem.com/health-library/spine/disorder/osteop\nOsteoporosis",
"text": "\"Osteoporosis What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease in which there is a loss of bone mass and destruction of bone tissue. This process causes weakening of the bones and makes them more likely to break. The bones most often affected are the hips, spine, and wrists. Who is affected by osteoporosis? Osteoporosis affects over 10 million Americans, with women four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Another 34 million have low bone mass and therefore have an increased risk for osteoporosis. Estrogen deficiency is one of the main causes of bone loss in women during and after menopause. Women may lose up to 20 percent of their bone mass in the five to seven years following menopause. Other risk factors for osteoporosis: Although the exact medical cause for osteoporosis is unknown, a number of factors contribute to osteoporosis, including the following:aging Bones become less dense and weaker with age.race Caucasian and Asian women are most at risk, although all races may develop the disease.body weight Obesity is associated with a higher bone mass, therefore people who weigh less and have less muscle are more at risk for developing osteoporosis.lifestyle factors The following lifestyle factors may increase a person's risk of osteoporosis:physical inactivitycaffeineexcessive alcohol usesmokingdietary calcium and vitamin D deficiencycertain medicationsfamily history of bone disease In 2006, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) reviewed and updated its guidelines on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis."
"docid": "D132949#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis_in_men/article_em.htm\nOsteoporosis in Men",
"text": "\"Facts on Osteoporosis in Men Why Osteoporosis is Underdiagnosed in Men Risk Factors for Osteoporosis and Fractures in Men Screening for Osteoporosis in Men Prevention of Osteoporosis in Men Treatment of Osteoporosis in Men Osteoporosis Pictures Facts on Osteoporosis in Men Share Your Story Osteoporosis (or porous bone) is a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to break. Without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress without pain or symptoms until a bone breaks (fractures). Fractures commonly occur in the hip, spine, and wrist. Although women are more likely to get osteoporosis, it is not just a disease of elderly women. Osteoporosis is more common in white or Asian women older than 50 years of age, but osteoporosis can occur in almost any person at any age. Many people who have osteoporosis and risk factors for osteoporosis often do not know they have thin or weak bones. This is because most patients with osteoporosis have no symptoms and are not aware of their weak bones until they have an unexpected fracture. For example, a simple everyday movement such as picking up a grocery bag causes a broken bone or a slip and fall in a parking lot causes a broken hip, and that is their first \"\"symptom of osteoporosis. \"\" Osteoporosis is often not recognized in men. There are many reasons for underdiagnosis in men."
"docid": "D1161966#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis_and_calcium/page5_em.htm\nOsteoporosis and Calcium",
"text": "\"Osteoporosis and Calcium Facts Calcium and Bone Mass How Does Calcium Help Prevent Osteoporosis? How Much Calcium Is Needed? What Foods Contain Calcium? What Impairs the Absorptionof Calcium? What Assists the Absorption of Calcium? Calcium Supplements Treatment With Calcium For More Information About Osteoporosis and Calcium Osteoporosis Pictures Osteoporosis and Calcium Facts Calcium is an important nutrient and is needed for many of the body's functions, including blood clotting and the proper function of the heart, muscles, and nerves. Calcium is also critical for the health and strength of bones. Not getting enough calcium can contribute to the development of osteoporosis (porous bones). Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by bones that are thin and fragile and can break ( fracture) easily. People with osteoporosis have low bone mass, and low bone mass can result in bone fractures."
"docid": "D2798607#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/hip_pain/page4_em.htm\nHip Pain",
"text": "\"Facts on Hip Pain What Causes Hip Pain? What Are Causes of Traumatic Hip Pain? What Are Causes of Nontraumatic Hip Pain? What Other Symptomsand Signs May Accompany Hip Pain? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Hip Pain? What Tests Do Health-Care Professionals Use to Diagnose Hip Pain? What Is the Treatment for Hip Pain? What Are Hip Pain Home Remedies? What Are Medical Treatmentsfor Hip Pain? What Are Hip Pain Medications?"
"docid": "D1113008#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/When-do-various-bones-stop-growing\nWhen do various bones stop growing?",
"text": "\"Bart Loews, There's always something more to know about the human body Updated Jan 17, 2018 · Author has 8.4k answers and 19.3m answer views Originally Answered: At what age does height growth stop? There is no REAL EXACT DEFINITE age that your height growth stops, in Men or women. For some unfortunate people, it never stops. Men start puberty anywhere between 10 and 15 years old (and there are outliers in both directions). Puberty lasts usually 2-5 years (again, with outliers in both directions). So you could be going through a growth spurt potentially between the ages of 9 and 24 [1] [2]There are plenty of factors that go into when your puberty starts and how long it lasts, genetics, nutrition, and other environmental factors that we don't really know about yet. Studies performed on both fraternal twins (to try to control environmental issues), and identical twins (to try to control genetics) are constantly being performed to learn more about this. Here's a standard growth chart based on population averages: This is for boys aged 2 to 20. You can see how most boys grow pretty steadily until they're about 16 or 17 and then it tapers off. This is simply the average."
"docid": "D1967049#0",
"title": "https://www.hgh.tv/sermorelin.php\nSermorelin Therapy",
"text": "\"Sermorelin Therapy FREE HGH CONSULTATION: 1-800-996-9664What is Injectable Sermorelin Acetate Part 1Download the video: What Is Injectable Sermorelin Acetate 1What is Sermorelin? Sermorelin is a synthetic drug which is derived from GH-RH, which is also known as Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone. GH-RH is the hormone responsible for the production of Human Growth Hormone, commonly referred to as HGH. GH-RH is secreted by the hypothalamus and functions as a chemical messenger which sends the signal to the pituitary to secrete more Human Growth Hormone to be delivered throughout the body. Sermorelin is not naturally produced by the human body, but it is functionally identical to Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone produced by the human body. Sermorelin contains the same initial 44 proteins that are present in GH-RH, and scientists and researchers have discovered that this truncated version of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone is the shortest known derivative that produces an identical effect upon the body as GH-RH, which is to enhance pituitary secretion of HGH. HGH and Human Development In our preteen and early teenage years, Human Growth Hormone is primarily responsible for the increase in growth rate associated with puberty. Children that suffer from a deficiency in Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone do not produce sufficient levels of Human Growth Hormone and therefore do not grow at the same rate as their peers. Human beings complete the process of normal growth and reach their final adult height after the epiphyseal plates of their long bones close at the end of puberty. After this point, the role of Human Growth Hormone changes, yet the role of GH-RH remains the same."
"docid": "D3324508#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/79491445/nutrition-exam-3-flash-cards/\nNutrition Exam 3",
"text": "143 terms sarah_rafalko Nutrition Exam 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Iron absorption is impaired by ___ phytates Which of these people is least likely to develop an iron deficiency? A) 3 year old boy B) 52 year old man C) 17 year old girl D) 24 year old woman 52 year old man Which of these would NOT describe the blood cells of a severe iron deficiency? A) anemic B) microcytic C) pernicious D) hypochromic pernicious Which provides the most absorbable iron? A) 1 apple B) 1 c milk C) 3 oz steak D) 1/2 c spinach 3 oz steak The protein in the intestinal absorptive cells that helps to regulate zinc absorption is ___ metallothionen A classic sign of zinc deficiency is ___ growth retardation Goiters and cretinism are caused by a deficiency of ___ iodine The mineral best known for its role as an antioxidant is ___ selenium Fluorosis occurs when fluoride is ___ excessive Which mineral enhances insulin activity? chromium Which of these must be available for thyroxine (T4) to be synthesized? A) iron B) iodine C) zinc D) fluoride iodine Which of the following impairs iron absorption? A) polyphenols in coffee or tea B) phytates C) vitamin C D) a and b E) b and c polyphenols in coffee or tea and phytates Which of the following foods provides the highest amount of zinc? A) legumes B) whole-grain bread C) shellfish D) spinach shellfish Chromium works closely with ___ insulin Do high intakes of iron from foods pose a danger to healthy people? no, because the body adjusts the amount of iron absorbed. You are working with a child in a health clinic who has growth retardation, impaired immunity, and a poor appetite."
"docid": "D1280196#0",
"title": "https://www.womentowomen.com/nutrition/is-vitamin-d-deficiency-casting-a-cloud-over-your-health/\nIs vitamin D deficiency casting a shadow over your health?",
"text": "Vitamin D has been a hot topic in both conventional and alternative medicine lately because vitamin D deficiency is widespread and seems to be related to so many health concerns: osteoporosis, depression, heart disease and stroke, cancer, diabetes, parathyroid problems, immune function — even weight loss. Many of today’s conventional clinicians received little to no training in medical school for this problem. They may not be in the habit of testing for vitamin D deficiency or, if they are testing their patients, familiar with treatment. But practitioners from both sides of the aisle are seeing more cases of vitamin D deficiency and awareness is on the rise. How can this be happening? And what should you do about it for you and your family? The answer isn’t as simple as drinking more fortified milk. When it comes to vitamin D deficiency there are effective, natural strategies that work in most cases. Diagnosis is easy, and treatment with supplementation is easy, safe, affordable, and can bring wonderful results. So let’s explore vitamin D’s role in your health and how to determine what you should do."
"docid": "D2274467#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/111458396/osteoporosis-disease-state-101-flash-cards/\nOsteoporosis Disease State 101",
"text": "\"54 terms DU123Osteoporosis Disease State 101Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Bone (Osteoid and Mineralization) A living tissue composed of osteoid (protein matrix) that is strengthened by the deposition of bone salts (hydroxyapatite crystals) in a process called mineralization. Hydroxyapatite: A complex of phosphate and calcium that occurs as a mineral. Bone Remodeling Bone is a living, metabolically active tissue that requires continual replacement of older or damaged bone with new bone to maintain biomechanical strength. This process is called the bone remodeling or \"\"bone turnover,\"\" It is required to maintain the structural integrity of the bone. After Menopause Both bone formation and bone resorption rates are increased. The bone resorption rate (taking away existing bone) is faster than formation (adding new bone), resulting in a net loss of bone. Glucocorticoid Certain medications such as glucocorticoid steroids can cause an imbalance, resulting in a decrease in bone formation and an increase in resorption, which can lead to bone loss. Bone Formation (Structure) Bones are formed with an outer layer of dense cortical bone (also called compact bone)."
"docid": "D2876118#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis/page7_em.htm\nOsteoporosis",
"text": "\"What Is Osteoporosis? What Causes Osteoporosis? What Are Symptomsand Signs of Osteoporosis? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Osteoporosis? What Exams and Tests Do Health-Care Professionals Use to Diagnose Osteoporosis? What Is the Medical Treatmentfor Osteoporosis? Are There Home Remedies for Osteoporosis? Which Doctors Treat Osteoporosis? Can Any Foods Help Prevent Osteoporosis? What Foods Should Be Avoided With Osteoporosis?"
"docid": "D449718#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/osteoporosis/page6_em.htm\nOsteoporosis",
"text": "\"What Is Osteoporosis? What Causes Osteoporosis? What Are Symptomsand Signs of Osteoporosis? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Osteoporosis? What Exams and Tests Do Health-Care Professionals Use to Diagnose Osteoporosis? What Is the Medical Treatmentfor Osteoporosis? Are There Home Remedies for Osteoporosis? Which Doctors Treat Osteoporosis? Can Any Foods Help Prevent Osteoporosis? What Foods Should Be Avoided With Osteoporosis?"
"docid": "D1879603#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_does_age_affects_bone_loss\nHow does age affects bone loss?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Uncategorized How does age affects bone loss? Flag How does age affects bone loss? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. From birth through adolescence, more bone is produced than is lost during bone remodeling. In young adults, the rates of bone production and loss are about the same. As the levels of sex steroids diminish during middle age, especially in women after menopause, a decrease in bone mass occurs because bone destruction outpaces bone formation. Because women's bones generally are smaller than men's bones to begin with, loss of bone mass in old age typically causes greater problems in women. These factors contribute to a higher incidence of osteoporosis in women. Aging has two main effects on the skeletal system: Bones become more brittle and lose mass. Bone brittleness results from a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and in the production of human growth hormone, which diminishes the production of the collagen fibers that give bone its strength and flexibility."
"docid": "D2641567#0",
"title": "https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/004015.htm\nAging changes in the bones - muscles - joints",
"text": "Changes in posture and gait (walking pattern) are common with aging. Changes in the skin and hair are also common. The skeleton provides support and structure to the body. Joints are the areas where bones come together. They allow the skeleton to be flexible for movement. In a joint, bones do not directly contact each other. Instead, they are cushioned by cartilage in the joint, synovial membranes around the joint, and fluid. Muscles provide the force and strength to move the body. Coordination is directed by the brain, but is affected by changes in the muscles and joints. Changes in the muscles, joints, and bones affect the posture and walk, and lead to weakness and slowed movement."
"docid": "D388041#0",
"title": "https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/004015.htm\nAging changes in the bones - muscles - joints",
"text": "Changes in posture and gait (walking pattern) are common with aging. Changes in the skin and hair are also common. The skeleton provides support and structure to the body. Joints are the areas where bones come together. They allow the skeleton to be flexible for movement. In a joint, bones do not directly contact each other. Instead, they are cushioned by cartilage in the joint, synovial membranes around the joint, and fluid. Muscles provide the force and strength to move the body. Coordination is directed by the brain, but is affected by changes in the muscles and joints. Changes in the muscles, joints, and bones affect the posture and walk, and lead to weakness and slowed movement."
"docid": "D406035#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/300795-what-is-the-normal-testosterone-range/\nWhat Is the Normal Testosterone Range?",
"text": "What Is the Normal Testosterone Range?by FRED SCHUBERT Aug. 14, 2017Testosterone is the primary male hormone. It is responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, maintaining muscle mass and other body traits. Testosterone also plays a role in women, primarily as a precursor for forming estrogen. Normal testosterone levels are higher in men than women and depend on age and sexual stage of development. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Testosterone Testosterone in men is primarily produced by specialized cells in the testes, with smaller amounts made in the adrenal glands. The ovaries are the main source of testosterone in women until menopause, with some contribution by the adrenal glands and soft tissues. Most of the testosterone circulating in your bloodstream is tightly attached to a transport protein, making it unavailable for activity in the tissues. Smaller amounts of the hormone are loosely attached to the protein albumin or circulating free of any protein. These forms of testosterone are biologically active, or bioavailable. Testosterone Effects Testosterone is the major androgenic, or male category, hormone."
] |
2090 | at what age do dogs finish getting their adult teeth | [
"docid": "D135099#0",
"title": "http://www.dog-health-guide.org/infoonpuppyteeth.html\nInfo On Puppy Teeth",
"text": "\"Info On Puppy Teeth\"\"Info on puppy teeth is needed when the first teeth appear approximately 2 to 3 weeks after birth. Adult teeth start to form at 4 months of age. \"\" Puppies are born without teeth and get their puppy teeth between the 6 and 8th week of life and grow 28 teeth (called deciduous or baby teeth). The first teeth to emerge are the incisors at 2 to 3 weeks followed by the canines and the premolars. Puppies do not have molars. The upper and lower canines are at the back of the mouth and are larger teeth, with the upper and lower incisors in the middle. Info on Puppy Teeth: Puppy Teething Puppy teething continues on and off for several months just like in humans. Unfortunately like humans it can be painful or uncomfortable for your dog. You can tell when your dog is teething from her increased chewing and biting on everything imaginable. Teething is something all puppies must go through."
] | [
"docid": "D1770997#0",
"title": "http://k91training.tripod.com/id24.html\n.",
"text": "The inside scoop to expanding the lives of our best friends – by Mike D’Abruzzo The average life span of our dogs is only between 13 and 14 years, yet they have the potential to live a much longer life. Breed type and genetics do play a role, however there are many factors that are within your control that can add many years to the life expectancy of your buddy. Your dog is at the complete mercy of the choices you make for his well-being. Your choices will not only decide how long he will be by your side, but also his quality of life and comfort while there. Below are some factors to consider: Teeth - Dogs 3 years and older have an 85% chance of getting some form of gum disease! Did you know that plaque and tartar is made up of mostly harmful bacteria? If allowed to build up and cause gingivitis and other forms of disease in the oral cavity the bacteria and its toxins will enter the body via the bleeding gums and wreak havoc on the heart, kidneys, liver, and even the brain. Many older dogs that succumb to diseases of their vital organs would still be around if their owners only paid attention to their oral health. Some veterinarians believe that good oral hygiene alone will add up to 4 years of longevity to the average dog. What to do?"
"docid": "D2810008#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Do_cats_lose_baby_teeth\nDo cats lose baby teeth?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Cats (Felines) Cat Health Do cats lose baby teeth? Flag Do cats lose baby teeth? Edit Answer by Renar Confidence votes 1.9KYes, kittens do lose their baby teeth when the adult teeth start to come in at around four months of age. Most of the time owners do not notice as the old teeth are swallowed when they fall out, and just like humans the gums are unlikely to bleed. Also, some kittens do not show any symptoms of teething. Kittens usually have all their adult teeth at around seven months old.10 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Do dogs lose baby teeth? Yes at around 4 months then they will grow new ones. Edit Vampyria 17,457 Contributions Do cats lose their teeth? Yes, kittens lose their milk teeth, usually somewhere between 4 months and 6 months."
"docid": "D710676#0",
"title": "http://www.fidosavvy.com/puppy-teeth-information.html\nPuppy Teeth Information & Help",
"text": "Puppy Teeth Information & Help All the puppy teeth information you've been looking for is here :)Does one of these fit the bill? Find out when a puppy gets his first teeth Or what age he will be when he starts losing his baby teeth Get help for a pup who's in the throes of teething Advice on how to keep those tiny puppy pearly whites clean & shiny Puppies grow their first teeth without your help - and then they lose them and grow adult teeth in pretty much the same way. However, during little Fido's teething process you'll both feel better if you have the right puppy teeth information and know what to do about loose teeth and sore gums. Plus, once he has a full set of shiny, new 'choppers', you'll want access to the tips and information that will help you keep his mouth clean and healthy. Preventing your pup from suffering the pain of tooth decay or gum disease later on. Puppy Teeth Information & FAQ's I often get asked about the age at which puppy's begin to get those little pearly-whites... and how old they are when they start to exchange those baby teeth for adult ones. So here are some answers to the most common puppy teeth timeline questions: When will my puppy have teeth? Newborn puppies are born with their tiny teeth buried below the gums, but within 2 - 3 weeks those needle-sharp points begin to push their way upwards and break through the gum line. The first ones to appear are the 'Incisors' (which are the tiny ones right at the front of his mouth), there are twelve of these, six in the top jaw and six in the bottom. Next are the four 'Canines' (these are the long 'fangs'), there are two in the top and two in the bottom."
"docid": "D26695#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire_Terrier\nYorkshire Terrier",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Yorkshire Terrier Common nicknames Yorkie Origin England [ hide] Traits Life span 13 to 20 years [1] [2] [ hide] Classification / standards FCI Group 3, Section 4 Toy Terriers #86 standard AKC Toy Group standard ANKC Group 1 (Toys) standard CKC Group V, Toys standard KC (UK) Toy Group standard NZKC Toy Group standard UKC Companion Breeds Domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris)The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed of terrier type, developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England, to catch rats in clothing mills. [ 3] Ideally its maximum size is 7 pounds (3.2 kg), [4] although some may exceed this and grow up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg). It is placed in the Toy Terrier section of the Terrier Group by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and in the Toy Group or Companion Group by other kennel clubs, including the American Kennel Club. A popular companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has also been part of the development of other breeds, such as the Australian Silky Terrier. It has a grey, black, and tan coat, and the breed's nickname is Yorkie. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Huddersfield Ben1.2 In North America2 Coat2.1 Hypoallergenic coats2.2 Other colours2.3 Puppy coats2.4 Coat care3 Temperament4 Health4.1 Teeth4.1.1 Genetic defects4.1.2 Hypoglycemia4.2 Docking5 Similar breeds and crosses6 \"\"Teacup Yorkies\"\"7 Yorkie gatherings8 Notability8.1 Show dogs8.2 Small dogs8.3 War dogs8.4 White House dogs9 See also10 References11 External links History [ edit]Yorkshire Terrier from 1915The Yorkshire Terrier (also called a \"\"Yorkie\"\") originated in Yorkshire, a county in northern England (and the adjoining Lancashire ). [ 3] [5] In the mid-19th century, workers from Scotland came to Yorkshire in search of work and brought with them several different varieties of small terriers. Breeding of the Yorkshire Terrier was \"\"principally accomplished by the people—mostly operatives in cotton and woolen mills—in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire.\"\" [ 6] Details are scarce. Mrs A. Foster is quoted as saying in 1886, \"\"If we consider that the mill operatives who originated the breed...were nearly all ignorant men, unaccustomed to imparting information for public use, we may see some reason why reliable facts have not been easily attained.\"\" ["
"docid": "D151446#0",
"title": "http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?articleid=2842\nPuppy Tooth Loss: What Age?",
"text": "Puppy Tooth Loss: What Age? Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff TOP VIEWED ARTICLESPuppy Tooth Loss: What Age?4th Premolar (Carnassial Tooth) Infections Dental Treat Comparison Chart One of the biggest challenges in raising a puppy is dealing with all of the chewing they do. It can be a bit less frustrating if you consider that for almost the first year of his life, your puppy is dealing with some big changes going on in his mouth. Dogs have two sets of teeth: 28 deciduous (baby) teeth, which will eventually be replaced by 42 permanent (adult) teeth. When a puppy is two or three weeks old, the deciduous teeth begin to erupt through the gums, starting with the incisors, followed by the canine teeth, and finally the premolars. All of the deciduous teeth should be in place by about eight weeks of age. These first teeth are small, and painfully sharp, as owners of young puppies know. This is part of the reason most mother dogs begin to wean their pups at five or six weeks of age. Losing Their Baby Teeth By eight to twelve weeks of age, the roots of the deciduous teeth are starting to resorb and the teeth begin to loosen and fall out."
"docid": "D501517#0",
"title": "http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/retained-deciduous-teeth-baby-teeth-in-dogs/2248\nRetained Deciduous Teeth (Baby Teeth) in Dogs",
"text": "\"Retained Deciduous Teeth (Baby Teeth) in Dogs By Jan Bellows, DVM, Dipl. AVDC, ABVPCare & Wellness, Surgical Conditions How many sets of teeth do dogs have? Like humans, dogs have two sets of teeth in their lifetime. There are 28 deciduous teeth, also known as their primary, baby, milk, or puppy teeth, and 42 permanent teeth, also known as their adult teeth. When do puppies get their deciduous teeth? Puppies are born without any visible teeth. The deciduous teeth start erupting through the gums around three weeks of age and are normally finished erupting by four months of age. The pup will have 28 primary teeth in all. A healthy mouth depends on healthy teeth. The ideal time to begin brushing a puppy's teeth is when you first bring him home, before the discomfort of teething begins."
"docid": "D283398#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/pets-animals/many-teeth-dog-e0134b9f376f0d4c\nHow Many Teeth Does a Dog Have?",
"text": "Pets & Animals Pets Dogs Q: How Many Teeth Does a Dog Have? A: Quick Answer Adult dogs have 21 teeth in each jaw for a total of 42 teeth. Puppies have 14 teeth in each jaw and 28 total teeth until they shed their milk teeth for adult dentition. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Do You Find Out How Old Your Dog Is? How Many Teeth Do Elephants Have? Do Dogs Have Tonsils? Full Answer Puppies begin to achieve adult dentition at an age of 3 weeks. The main difference between the dental formula of puppies and fully grown dogs is that puppies lack molars. Molars are the most rearward teeth with large, ridged grinding surfaces for gnawing. Premolars, which puppies do have, are smaller than molars."
"docid": "D1320925#0",
"title": "http://bmdinfo.org/bernerpedia/Bernese_Mountain_Dog_Puppy_Growth.php\nBMDINFO.ORG",
"text": "\"Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Growth A common question new Berner owners ask: \"\"Is my puppy the 'right' size for how old he/she is? The answer is: size of adult Berners varies; so naturally the size of Berner pups at any given point in their development will vary. If your puppy looks smaller or larger, is taller or shorter, has heavier or lighter bones or a slighter or bulkier build, a longer or shorter coat than a Berner puppy of the same age you met somewhere - DON'T WORRY. Focus on keeping your puppy happy, healthy, work on training and on providing a nurturing, supportive environment. Your pup will grow up. Genes your pup inherited from his mother and father and ancestors control how your dog will look as an adult. Make the most of the genetic potential your pup inherited. Provide your pup with adequate nutrition and physical conditioning (exercise) during development. This photo shows the same Berner as a young adult and a mature adult. Bernese are SLOW MATURING DOGS."
"docid": "D3086865#0",
"title": "https://www.labradortraininghq.com/infobites/how-many-teeth-do-dogs-have-when-do-puppies-lose-theirs/\nHow Many Teeth do Dogs Have? When do Puppies Lose Their Teeth?",
"text": "How Many Teeth do Dogs Have? When do Puppies Lose Their Teeth?written by LTHQ last updated September 15, 2017Photo Credit: © Depositphotos.com / tonodiaz Although your dog’s teeth may look more like those of wolves, especially when you catch them in a snarl, your pet dog actually has a lot more in common with humans when it comes to dentistry. That’s right – they have ‘baby’ teeth too and should also have their teeth regularly cleaned! This surprises many people as dogs teeth and dental health is often overlooked when it comes to our canine friends. In this article, we answer the questions: How many teeth do dogs have? Do dogs have more than one set of teeth? When do puppies lose their baby teeth? And how can you best care for your pooches teeth? Contents & Quick Navigation [ hide]How Many Sets of Teeth do Dogs Have? How Many Teeth do Dogs Have?"
"docid": "D2203319#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_age_do_your_teeth_stop_moving\nWhat age do your teeth stop moving?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Law & Legal Issues Children and the Law Emancipation and Ages for Moving Out What age do your teeth stop moving? Flag What age do your teeth stop moving? Answer by Valeriyaaa123 Confidence votes 4Everybodys differant. Peoples teeth sometimes begin to fall out or \"\"move\"\" in a late age. And some peoples begin in an early age. Its unpredictable. Sorry.7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Sooner922 8 Contributions At what age do people stop growing back teeth to replace the ones lost? Answer . The last molar should come in around 14 until the wisdom teeth come in usually between 16 and 18 depending on the individual."
"docid": "D2804134#0",
"title": "http://www.bmdinfo.org/bernerpedia/Bernese_Mountain_Dog_Puppy_Growth.php\nBMDINFO.ORG",
"text": "\"Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Growth A common question new Berner owners ask: \"\"Is my puppy the 'right' size for how old he/she is? The answer is: size of adult Berners varies; so naturally the size of Berner pups at any given point in their development will vary. If your puppy looks smaller or larger, is taller or shorter, has heavier or lighter bones or a slighter or bulkier build, a longer or shorter coat than a Berner puppy of the same age you met somewhere - DON'T WORRY. Focus on keeping your puppy happy, healthy, work on training and on providing a nurturing, supportive environment. Your pup will grow up. Genes your pup inherited from his mother and father and ancestors control how your dog will look as an adult. Make the most of the genetic potential your pup inherited. Provide your pup with adequate nutrition and physical conditioning (exercise) during development. This photo shows the same Berner as a young adult and a mature adult. Bernese are SLOW MATURING DOGS."
"docid": "D2126965#0",
"title": "https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Understanding-Puppy-Teeth-Stages\nUnderstanding Puppy Teeth Stages",
"text": "\"Pet Helpful » Dogs » Dog Care & Feeding Understanding Puppy Teeth Stages Updated on February 22, 2016Adrienne Janet Farricelli more Adrienne is a former veterinary hospital assistant, certified dog trainer, behavior consultant, and author of \"\"Brain Training for Dogs. \"\" Source The development of a puppy's teeth is an interesting process as some phases have an important function for the puppy's development. If you are interested in the why's and how's of it, this article will provide you with something to \"\"put your teeth into. \"\" If you're the owner of a young puppy, you may want to learn more about the process, some causes for concern and how you can best take care of your puppy's teeth. Why Are Puppy's Teeth So Sharp? One obvious purpose is that, back in time, pups needed some teeth in order to chomp on their very first samples of meat. Speculation has it that the sharpness had two more specific purposes: starting the weaning process and aiding the pups in learning the basics of bite inhibition. Weaning When the pups are growing, their teeth start irritating the mother dog when she nurses. It's totally normal, therefore, for her to start resenting nursing (and who can blame her!) and start moving away."
"docid": "D1374897#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_does_a_puppy_lose_their_puppy_teeth\nWhen does a puppy lose their puppy teeth?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Domestic Dogs Dog Behavior When does a puppy lose their puppy teeth? Flag When does a puppy lose their puppy teeth? Answer by Jennylopez13 Confidence votes 102Around 4 to 5 months of age, puppies will start to lose their \"\"baby teeth\"\" and their permanent teeth begin to grow in. Puppies lose their teeth in a specific order: first the smaller front teeth come out, then the premolars, molars and finally the canine teeth come out. Most of the time teeth fall out while eating/playing/etc so they are often swallowed.23 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Compendium 93,459 Contributions Do puppys lose teeth? Yes, they have milk teeth just like us. That's why its good for them to have chew toys. Do puppies lose their teeth? Yes, puppies begin losing their teeth between 4 months and 6 months of age."
"docid": "D2345881#0",
"title": "http://blog.yorkieshampoo.com/to-spay-or-neuter-your-yorkie/\n3 thoughts on â To Spay or Not to Spayâ",
"text": "To Spay or Not to Spay Posted on December 5, 2012 By Sarah Spread the love267Shares When it comes to spaying or neutering your Yorkie, the consensus of experts is that pet owners should get it done. There are some things you should know about spaying and neutering, and here we will attempt to give you some information about when and why you should spay or neuter your Yorkie. Spaying and neutering are forms of surgical sterilization for your Yorkie. Spaying is the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus of a female dog. Neutering is the surgical removal of a male dog’s testicles. Both spaying and neutering make reproduction impossible. There are a myriad of benefits to spaying or neutering. Why should you have your Yorkie spayed or Neutered? The main benefits of sterilization of your Yorkie are: Preventing pregnancies Can be a health risk for the mother Can create numerous problems if the owner is inexperienced Contributes to pet overpopulation Preventing issues related to sexual organs and hormones Reproductive Cancers Hormone Related behavior issues When should you have your Yorkie spayed or neutered? In general, Yorkies should be spayed or neutered by about 6 months of age."
"docid": "D1149207#0",
"title": "https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/pet-advice/what-happens-when-your-puppy-begins-to-get-their-adult-teeth.html\nWhat Happens When Your Puppy Begins To Get Their Adult Teeth?",
"text": "What Happens When Your Puppy Begins To Get Their Adult Teeth? Share Tweet +1 Pin it Anyone who has owned a puppy or a juvenile dog will be all too familiar with the ins and outs of teething, when the pup begins to grow in their permanent adult teeth and lose their baby teeth to make room for them. This is the time at which your pup or young dog will be obsessed with their mouths and teeth, exploring everything orally and always remaining on the lookout for potential things that they can chew!A lot of good advice is written on how to get through the teething stage itself without losing your mind (and your cherished possessions!) but information on what actually happens during this stage and what is going on in your dog’s mouth can be somewhat harder to come by. In this article, we will look at the basics of the process that occurs as your pup loses their baby teeth and grows in their adult set, and what you can expect to happen during this time. Read on to learn more. The baby and adult teeth When your pup is little, they possess 28 baby teeth in their mouths. These are referred to as deciduous teeth, and are a temporary set that are only present for a few months, before your pup starts to lose them and grow in their permanent teeth. Pups start to get their baby teeth at around 2-3 weeks of age, starting with the incisors, then the canine teeth, and eventually the premolars. All of the 28 baby teeth should be present and in place by around eight weeks of age."
"docid": "D112358#0",
"title": "http://care4yourpets.com/how-many-teeth-does-an-adult-dog-have/\nHow Many Teeth Does An Adult Dog Have?",
"text": "Misc December 12, 2015 posted by admin How Many Teeth Does An Adult Dog Have? With the title, ‘ How Many Teeth Does An Adult Dog Have ?’ it comes into mind the unseen parts of our pet dogs which are their teeth. Pet owners take care of their dogs in terms of nutrition, hygiene, and manners. However, there are times that some parts are neglected considering that they are not easily seen such as teeth. True enough that the dog’s teeth on the front are visible, but what about those on the insides? Are they in good condition too? Dogs’ teeth are very important on their lives as much as our human teeth are important to us. Dogs use their teeth to chew their food and playfully pick and nibble dog toys. The teeth of the adult dogs are also used to attack and bite anyone they think as threats and danger to them or the family that they protect."
"docid": "D898995#0",
"title": "http://pets.thenest.com/determine-age-dog-its-teeth-3729.html\nHow to Determine the Age of a Dog by Its Teeth",
"text": "Dog Health How to Determine the Age of a Dog by Its Teethby Cindy Quarters Your dog's teeth can be a clue to his age. Figuring out how old a dog is by looking at her teeth is more of an art than a science, but a close look can often give you a pretty good idea. It’s easier if she’s a young puppy, but the teeth on older dogs hold some clues as well. Open the dog’s mouth so that you can see all of the teeth. Dogs that aren’t used to this may resist, so be prepared to stop and have a veterinarian do the checking if necessary. A dog that is uncomfortable might pull back forcefully, try to keep her mouth away from you, lick her lips a lot or tighten her jaw muscles. Dogs that are very upset might growl. Do not ignore these warnings. Any of these indicators mean it’s time to let the vet step in. Look to see if she has puppy teeth, adult teeth, or a mix of the two."
"docid": "D135100#0",
"title": "http://pets.thenest.com/lab-puppy-teeth-growth-3864.html\nLab Puppy Teeth Growth",
"text": "\"That sweet, mischievous little face hides a mouth full o' chompers. You didn't notice them when you fell in love with puppy kisses. They were awfully cute during that first game of tug-o'-war. But your Labrador retriever pup's rapidly developing chompers may soon have you mourning over your latest pair of perforated pumps and wondering what you've gotten yourself into. Labrador Retriever Baby Teeth Like most mammals, your Lab puppy was born toothless. The rate at which pups grow their first teeth may vary slightly, but by the time you got your new Lab puppy, he was probably at least 6 weeks old and had his full set of milk teeth (properly called deciduous teeth). These are the needle-like little teeth you've probably felt during play. The first to show up around 3 weeks of age are the aptly named canines. The final premolar comes in around 6 weeks. Puppies do not have molars."
"docid": "D1653367#0",
"title": "https://www.petmd.com/dog/care/puppy-teeth-everything-you-need-know\nPuppy Teeth: Everything You Need to Know",
"text": "An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-04-11:635b716eeec7c8b434d61cd5 Player ID: vjs_video_3OKBy Matt Soniak There’s enough to think about and keep track of when caring for a puppy—feeding, walking, training, housebreaking (and don’t forget playtime! )— that you might not give their teeth a whole lot of thought. But in their first eight months or so, puppies will develop two sets of teeth, and there’s more to caring for those chompers than just making sure they don’t leave marks on your furniture legs. Here’s all information you need to know about those cute (and sharp!) little puppy teeth. How Many Teeth Do Puppies Have? In the beginning, none. Like us, dogs are born toothless. Puppies will quickly develop a set of 28 teeth, though, and as adults they’ll have 42. When Do Puppies Get Their Teeth“Puppy teeth erupt starting at about 2 weeks of age, and are usually completely in by about 8-10 weeks old,” says Dr. Kris Bannon, veterinarian and owner of Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery of New Mexico."
"docid": "D3227801#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/At_what_age_do_German_Shepherds_stop_growing_at_height\nAt what age do German Shepherds stop growing at height?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Domestic Dogs Dog Breeds German Shepherds At what age do German Shepherds stop growing at height? Flag At what age do German Shepherds stop growing at height? Answer by Shtal Confidence votes 62German Shepherd usually slow down rapid growth at 6 months and slow down growing at height 8 - 8.5 months of age, and at nearly 9 months when German Shepherd gets their undercoat and following after when head gets wider and body chest gets wider; and continues to mature and becoming adult looking German Shepherd. German Shepherd don't reach their full adult size till they are 14 months of age; however, they get muscular at 18++ months of age, fully at the peak 36 months of age.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No At what age does a person stop growing in height? A Male Stops Growing Around 19-21 Years Old, Depends on Your Health. If You Smoke You Dont Grow Much. A Female Stops Growing Around 16-20 Years Old. KPK9 five o 1 Contribution At what age do German Shepherds stop growing? Dogs are full grown at one year old."
] |
2094 | at what age does the average child with achondroplasia start to walk? | [
"docid": "D3035194#0",
"title": "http://www.socialstyrelsen.se/rarediseases/achondroplasia\nAchondroplasia",
"text": "\"Achondroplasia RSSThis is part of Rare diseases. Diagnosis: Achondroplasia Synonyms: --Publication date: 2013-11-01 Version: 1.1ICD 10 code Q77.4The disease Achondroplasia is a hereditary condition associated with very short stature. It primarily affects the limbs, while the trunk is only slightly shorter than normal. The condition has been known for thousands of years. The term achondroplasia (a = no, chondros = cartilage, plasia = formation) was used for the first time in 1878 by French physician M J Parrot. However, the term is not strictly correct as cartilage formation in achondroplasia is generally normal and impaired growth is caused by abnormalities in the growth zones of the skeleton. Several hundred inherited skeletal dysplasias are currently recognised. Some affect the whole skeleton while others affect specific parts of the body. In the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare’s Database of Rare Diseases there is information on other skeletal dysplasias including chondrodysplasia punctata, diastrophic dysplasia, congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, pseudoachondroplasia and late-onset spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. Occurrence Achondroplasia is thought to be equally common in all the world’s populations, affecting approximately five children in every 100,000 newborns."
] | [
"docid": "D1576727#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-causes-down-syndrome-1120486\nWhat Causes Down Syndrome?",
"text": "\"Brain & Nervous System Down Syndrome What Causes Down Syndrome? Chromosomes, Trisomy Types, Heredity, and Down Syndrome By Kathleen Fergus Updated February 26, 2018Share Pin Email Print Article Table of Contents Understanding the Genetics Trisomy Causes of Trisomy Types of Trisomy 21Can Down Syndrome Be Inherited? Risk Factors Research and the Future Back To Top What causes Down syndrome and what is a trisomy?. Istockphoto.com/Stock Photo©Den Kuvalev Down syndrome is caused by an extra number 21 chromosome, but what does this really mean? What causes an extra chromosome? Can Down syndrome be inherited? To really understand what causes Down syndrome, you need to have a thorough understanding of what chromosomes are, and what they do. Understanding the genetics of Down syndrome is challenging, yet taking the time to digest this information can be reassuring to both parents-to-be who have concerns during pregnancy, and parents who have a child with Down syndrome who are asking themselves that difficult question: \"\"Why? \"\" Understanding the Genetics Packages of Genetic Information The easiest way to think of chromosomes is as packages of genetic information. The human body is made up of all different types of cells and inside each of these cells, in the nucleus, are our genes."
"docid": "D2732775#0",
"title": "http://www.circleofmoms.com/june-2010-mommas/at-what-age-did-your-baby-start-pulling-them-selves-up-612215\nAt what age did your baby start pulling them selves up",
"text": "All Communities > June 2010 Mommas! > At what age did your baby start pulling them selves up At what age did your baby start pulling them selves up Emma - posted on 12/29/2010 ( 15 moms have responded )42170Hey I just wondering what age your babies started pulling themselves up I have a 6 n a half month old n she is pulling herself up on everything b standing n walking around holding on to furniture n anything that she can I worry cause she can't sit herself down and so If she wants to get down she just falls n even in her Cot when I'm tryin to get her to sleep she just stands up n walks around n then cries if she falls is this normal Helpful Nice Funny Encouraging (1) Hugs MOST HELPFUL POSTSJuli - posted on 01/05/201125256My 7 month old has been pulling herself up and walking around four almost a month now. You just really have to watch her and kinda pull her down into a sitting position when she is trying to sit so she learns that's what i did. Or when you are playing with her, sit on the ground and hold her hands let her stand and kinda make her sit/stand/sit/stand but make it fun and you know praise her for sitting the right way. She will figure it out. Helpful (1) Nice Funny Encouraging Hugs Risha - posted on 01/05/20112300At 4 1/2 months my daughter was sitting up, at 5 mos she was crawling & pulling up, 6 mos walking holding on to things, she is so busy!Helpful (1) Nice Funny (1) Encouraging Hugs Emma - posted on 01/04/201140116My little man is exactly the same, pulls himself up on everything and can't really get himself back down. I love that he developing so quickly but he seems to have no fear , and keeps bumping his head on everything as he crawls into things while trying to get something to stand up on,Helpful (1) Nice (1) Funny (1) Encouraging Hugs15 Comments View replies by Kayla - posted on 02/03/201110330mine is almost 8 months she has been crawling is News Years Day 6 1/2 months old and pulling her self up since 7 1/2months old. She cant sit her self down or pull herself into a sitting position. But she can sit up once she is there. Dont worry they do things at there own pace Helpful Nice Funny Encouraging Hugs Becky - posted on 01/31/20118320lol... thats the way my son is.. His twin sister on the other hand if I set her down right next to him, when I come back into the room she will be on the other side of the room playing with my older kids toys... go figure :-)Helpful Nice Funny Encouraging Hugs (1)Toni - posted on 01/10/201118500My baby did it the first time today pulled him self to standing position using the recliner ... He is a few days off 7 months Helpful Nice Funny Encouraging Hugs Stacey - posted on 01/05/20111651My son is 6 months and two weeks and he started to do it last week a few times."
"docid": "D221838#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/kyphosis/page2.htm\nKyphosis",
"text": "\"Kyphosis Center Low Back Pain Slideshow Take the Back Pain Quiz!Back Pain Myths & Facts Pictures Patient Comments: Kyphosis - Treatments Patient Comments: Kyphosis - Symptoms Patient Comments: Kyphosis - Causes and Types Patient Comments: Kyphosis - Tests Patient Comments: Kyphosis - Therapy and Prognosis Find a local Orthopedic Surgeon in your town Kyphosis facts What is kyphosis? What are the symptoms of kyphosis? What causes abnormal kyphosis? What are the types of kyphosis? When should you seek medical attention? What tests is your physician likely to obtain? How is abnormal kyphosis treated? What are the potential complications of surgery for kyphosis? What ongoing care is required for patients with kyphosis? How can I prevent kyphosis?"
"docid": "D732742#0",
"title": "https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/pseudoachondroplasia\nPseudoachondroplasia",
"text": "Description Pseudoachondroplasia is an inherited disorder of bone growth. It was once thought to be related to another disorder of bone growth called achondroplasia, but without that disorder's characteristic facial features. More research has demonstrated that pseudoachondroplasia is a separate disorder. All people with pseudoachondroplasia have short stature. The average height of adult males with this condition is 120 centimeters (3 feet, 11 inches), and the average height of adult females is 116 centimeters (3 feet, 9 inches). Individuals with pseudoachondroplasia are not unusually short at birth; by the age of two, their growth rate falls below the standard growth curve. Other characteristic features of pseudoachondroplasia include short arms and legs; a waddling walk; joint pain in childhood that progresses to a joint disease known as osteoarthritis; an unusually large range of joint movement ( hyperextensibility) in the hands, knees, and ankles; and a limited range of motion at the elbows and hips. Some people with pseudoachondroplasia have legs that turn outward or inward (valgus or varus deformity). Sometimes, one leg turns outward and the other inward, which is called windswept deformity. Some affected individuals have a spine that curves to the side ( scoliosis) or an abnormally curved lower back ( lordosis )."
"docid": "D583600#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/hydrocephalus/article.htm\nHydrocephalus",
"text": "\"Hydrocephalus Center Dementia Slideshow Pictures Take the ADHD Quiz Brain Foods Slideshow Patient Comments: Hydrocephalus - Describe Your Experience Patient Comments: Hydrocephalus - Causes Patient Comments: Hydrocephalus - Signs and Symptoms Find a local Neurologist in your town Hydrocephalus facts What is hydrocephalus? What are the different types of hydrocephalus? Who gets this hydrocephalus? What causes hydrocephalus? What are the symptoms and signs of hydrocephalus? How is hydrocephalus diagnosed? What is the current treatment for hydrocephalus? What are the possible complications of a shunt system? What is the prognosis for hydrocephalus? What research is being done on hydrocephalus?"
"docid": "D3439680#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dwarfism/basics/treatment/con-20032297\nDiagnosis",
"text": "Print Diagnosis Your pediatrician will likely examine a number of factors to assess your child's growth and determine whether he or she has a dwarfism-related disorder. Diagnostic tests may include: Measurements. A regular part of a well-baby medical exam is the measurement of height, weight and head circumference. At each visit, your pediatrician will plot these measurements on a chart to show your child's current percentile ranking for each one. This is important for identifying abnormal growth, such as delayed growth or a disproportionately large head. If any trends in these charts are a concern, your pediatrician may make more-frequent measurements. Appearance. Many distinct facial and skeletal features are associated with each of several dwarfism disorders. Your child's appearance also may help your pediatrician to make a diagnosis. Imaging technology."
"docid": "D2763661#0",
"title": "http://www.babycenter.com.my/a564598/dads-how-your-age-affects-your-fertility-and-your-babys-health\nDads: how your age affects your fertility and your baby's health",
"text": "Dads: how your age affects your fertility and your baby's health Share In this article Can a man's age affect his fertility? How do men and women's biological clocks differ? How are men's and women's biological clocks similar? Are genetic problems linked to older men? Why are genetic problems more common as we get older? Does weight affect male fertility? What can older men do to boost their fertility? Men can go on fathering children into their 50s, 60s and 70s. Just take a look at Bruce Willis, Hugh Grant, Michael Douglas and Paul Mc Cartney. But what are the implications for dads-to-be if they leave it later to start a family?"
"docid": "D157737#0",
"title": "http://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-is-achondroplasia\nWhat is achondroplasia?",
"text": "In: Facts Targeting Disease What is achondroplasia? Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder affecting bone development that results in short-limb dwarfism. Achondroplasia is the most common form of short-limb dwarfism, a disorder in which bone tissue does not develop properly, especially the long bones of the arms and legs. Affects about 1 in 25,000 individuals of all ethnic groups. Genetics Achondroplasia is a single gene disorder? caused by FGFR3Two different mutations in the FGFR3 gene cause more than 99 per cent of cases of achondroplasia. It is a dominant? genetic disease so only one copy of the FGFR3 gene needs to be mutated for symptoms to develop. Achondroplasia can be inherited? from a parent with the disease."
"docid": "D157738#0",
"title": "http://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/achondroplasia\nWhat is achondroplasia?",
"text": "\"What is achondroplasia? Achondroplasia is a group of rare genetic (inherited) bone disorders. Achondroplasia is the most common type of what was once called dwarfism, in which the child's arms and legs are short in proportion to body length. The head is often large and the trunk is normal size. The average height of adult males with achondroplasia is about 52 inches (or 4 feet, 4 inches). The average height of adult females with achondroplasia is about 49 inches (or 4 feet, 1 inch). What causes achondroplasia? Achondroplasia is a genetic disease that causes abnormal cartilage formation. Males and females are equally affected. It is an autosomal dominant disease, which means that only one abnormal gene inherited from one parent is necessary to have the condition."
"docid": "D325541#0",
"title": "http://omim.org/entry/100800\nACHONDROPLASIA; ACH",
"text": "ICD+# 100800ACHONDROPLASIA; ACHPhenotype-Gene Relationships Location Phenotype Phenotype MIM number Inheritance Phenotype mapping key Gene/Locus Gene/Locus MIM number4p16.3 Achondroplasia 100800 AD 3 FGFR3 134934Clinical Synopsis▼ TEXTA number sign (#) is used with this entry because achondroplasia (ACH) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 gene (FGFR3; 134934) on chromosome 4p16.3. ▼ Description Achondroplasia is the most frequent form of short-limb dwarfism. Affected individuals exhibit short stature caused by rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, characteristic facies with frontal bossing and midface hypoplasia, exaggerated lumbar lordosis, limitation of elbow extension, genu varum, and trident hand (summary by Bellus et al., 1995 ). ▼ Clinical Features Whereas many conditions that cause short stature have inappropriately been called achondroplasia in the past, the phenotype of this osteochondrodysplasia is so distinctive and so easily identified clinically and radiologically at birth that confusion should not occur. It is characterized by a long, narrow trunk, short extremities, particularly in the proximal (rhizomelic) segments, a large head with frontal bossing, hypoplasia of the midface and a trident configuration of the hands. Hyperextensibility of most joints, especially the knees, is common, but extension and rotation are limited at the elbow. A thoracolumbar gibbus is typically present at birth, but usually gives way to exaggerated lumbar lordosis when the child begins to ambulate. Mild to moderate hypotonia is common, and motor milestones are usually delayed. Intelligence is normal unless hydrocephalus or other central nervous system complications arise."
"docid": "D1737682#0",
"title": "https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001577.htm\nAchondroplasia",
"text": "Achondroplasia Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth that causes the most common type of dwarfism. Causes Achondroplasia is one of a group of disorders called chondrodystrophies, or osteochondrodysplasias. Achondroplasia may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, which means that if a child gets the defective gene from 1 parent, the child will have the disorder. If 1 parent has achondroplasia, the infant has a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder. If both parents have the condition, the infant's chances of being affected increase to 75%. However, most cases appear as spontaneous mutations. This means that 2 parents without achondroplasia may give birth to a baby with the condition. Click to Keep Reading Dwarfism Read more NIH Medline Plus Magazine Read more Health Topics A-ZRead more"
"docid": "D1583624#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_named_achondroplasia\nWho discovered achondroplasia?",
"text": "\"Arianblom 2,377 Contributions Who discovered achondroplasia? Achondroplasia was discovered in the year 1994 by a group of scientists led by Dr. John Wasmuth. According to findings, this type of dwarfism resulted from the mutation of the …Maggie Mehaffiie 23,033 Contributions What is achondroplasia? Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that results in abnormalbone growth, short stature and short limbs. How was achondroplasia named? By Pierre Maroteaux When was achondroplasia discovered?in 1994 by dr. john wasmuth and his colleagues Who does achondroplasia affect?it affects all the animals of the world! (: What are the effects of achondroplasia? Achondroplasia can affect many parts of the body, Some people with this condition can find it hard to walk for a long time, or they can suffer from back pain caused by the spi …Who is affected achondroplasia? The offspring of the parents are affected How is Achondroplasia inherited?uhh uba scuba diver Is there a cure for achondroplasia?"
"docid": "D325537#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/941280-overview\nGenetics of Achondroplasia",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Pediatrics: Genetics and Metabolic Disease Genetics of Achondroplasia Updated: Sep 02, 2016Author: Germaine L Defendi, MD, MS, FAAP; Chief Editor: Maria Descartes, MD more... Share Email Print Feedback Background Achondroplasia, a nonlethal form of chondrodysplasia, is the most common type of short-limb dwarfism. This skeletal dysplasia is inherited as a Mendelian autosomal dominant trait with complete penetrance. Approximately 80% of cases are due to a new ( de novo) dominant mutation, with the mutation rate estimated to be 1.4 x 10 -5 per gamete per generation. [ 1] Salient phenotypic features include disproportionate short stature, megalencephaly, a prominent forehead (frontal bossing), midface hypoplasia, a normal trunk length, rhizomelic (proximal) shortening of the arms and legs, prominent lumbar lordosis, genu varum (bowed legs), and a trident-hand configuration. Graphs illustrating linear growth (height), growth velocity, upper and lower segment length, and head circumference (occipitofrontal circumference [OFC]), for both females and males diagnosed with achondroplasia, are shown below. Height for females with achondroplasia (mean/standard deviation [SD]) compared to normal standard curves. The graph is based on information from 214 females. Adapted from Horton WA, Rotter JI, Rimoin DL, et al. Standard growth curves for achondroplasia. J Pediatr."
"docid": "D164958#0",
"title": "http://www.mommypage.com/2012/04/dwarfism-signs-in-pregnancy-and-young-children/\nDwarfism: Signs in Pregnancy and Young Children",
"text": "SHARE THIS STORY WITH YOUR FRIENDS!Share!Tweet!Email!More!Advertisement Facts about Dwarfism Dwarfism (skeletal dysplasia or short stature) is a genetic condition that results in shortened bones. There are over 200 disorders that include some form of skeletal dysplasia. Only about 20 percent of cases occur to babies born to parents who already carry the genetic mutation; 80 percent of cases occur with neither parent passing the mutation along. A baby born with short stature will grow to an average height of 4 foot 4 inches if male, and 4 foot 1 inch if female. The two main types of dwarfism are disproportionate and proportionate dwarfism. Most people are familiar with disproportionate dwarfism where some of the parts of the body are small or average or above-average in size. In proportionate dwarfism, all the parts of the body are small to the same degree. ( Mayo Clinic)The most common form of dwarfism is achondroplasia. It accounts for one out of every 25,000 births worldwide. Most babies born with achondroplasia have: Normal life expectancy Normal cognitive abilities Moderate to marked short stature (sometimes as small as 3 feet 8 inches)Large heads Constriction of the craniocervical junction (where the skull and neck join, and where the spinal cord connects with the brain through a large hole (foramen magnum) )Short fingers with longer space between the middle and ring fingers Joint hypermobility Low nasal bridge and narrow nasal passages Enlargement of the brain (megalenephaly)Obstructive sleep apnea (ages 2 to 10)Recurrent or persistent middle ear dysfunction with hearing loss Kyphosis or hunching of the upper back Arching of the lower back (hyperlordosis)Limited elbow extension (only 20 to 60 degrees)Hypermobility of the wrists Knock-knees and/or bowed legs (about 60-80 percent of children)“If one parent has achondroplasia, the infant has a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder."
"docid": "D1893179#0",
"title": "https://www.hawaii.edu/medicine/pediatrics/pedtext/s01c02.html\n.",
"text": "\"Chapter I.2. Growth Monitoring Vince K. Yamashiroya, MD May 2013Return to Table of Contents A 4 month old female comes to your office for her scheduled well baby checkup. She was born at 39 weeks gestation by normal spontaneous vaginal delivery without any complications. At birth, her weight was 3856 g, length 53 cm, and head circumference 34 cm. She was discharged from the nursery by 48 hours of life. She has been breast-fed since birth, although her mother started to also use formula between one to two months of age. She is now being breast-fed once a day, given pumped breast milk in a bottle two to three times a day, and formula the rest of the time (about 16 oz or 480 ml per day). She has 2 to 3 bowel movements a day with many wet diapers. Her past medical history is otherwise significant for a vibratory heart murmur heard from the second week of life, which was thought to be innocent. Parents have no concerns."
"docid": "D992038#0",
"title": "http://bones.emedtv.com/achondroplasia/what-causes-achondroplasia.html\nWhat Causes Achondroplasia?",
"text": "\"Bones Channel Topics & Medications Achondroplasia ACL Surgery Avascular Necrosis Bone Bone Densitometry Bone Density Test Osteogenesis Imperfecta Didronel Jakafi Skelid Advertisement Quicklinks Bone Achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Avascular Necrosis Bone Density Test Related Channels Arthritis Bone Cancer Osteoporosis Carpal Tunnel Advertisement Tweet Bones Home > What Causes Achondroplasia? What Causes Achondroplasia? People concerned about the condition in their families may wonder, \"\"What causes achondroplasia?\"\" In most cases, this common type of short-limbed dwarfism is related to a genetic mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. However, one or both parents passing the altered gene to their children is also what causes achondroplasia. What Causes Achondroplasia? -- An Overview There are two possible causes of achondroplasia. One possible cause is a genetic mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene located on chromosome 4. The other possible cause is that the condition can be inherited from a parent with achondroplasia. What Causes Achondroplasia? --"
"docid": "D1227323#0",
"title": "http://bones.emedtv.com/achondroplasia/inheritance-pattern-of-achondroplasia.html\nInheritance Pattern of Achondroplasia",
"text": "Bones Channel Topics & Medications Achondroplasia ACL Surgery Avascular Necrosis Bone Bone Densitometry Bone Density Test Osteogenesis Imperfecta Didronel Jakafi Skelid Advertisement Quicklinks Bone Achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Avascular Necrosis Bone Density Test Related Channels Arthritis Bone Cancer Osteoporosis Carpal Tunnel Advertisement Tweet Bones Home > Inheritance Pattern of Achondroplasia Inheritance Pattern of Achondroplasia Achondroplasia occurs when cartilage has difficulty converting to bone, which usually results in dwarfism. There are two possible causes of achondroplasia: A mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene Inheriting the gene from a parent with achondroplasia. In the second cause, the inheritance pattern of achondroplasia occurs in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. Therefore, if one of the parents with achondroplasia passes the FGFR3 gene on to the child, the child will likely develop the condition. If one parent has achondroplasia, a child has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the FGFR3 gene (located on chromosome 4) and subsequently developing achondroplasia. If both parents have the disorder, the child has a three in four (75 percent) chance of developing achondroplasia. Also, in these cases, the child has a one in four chance of inheriting the gene from both parents. Newborns who inherit both genes are considered to have a severe form of achondroplasia, where survival is usually less than 12 months after birth. ( Click Achondroplasia Genetics to read more detailed information on the FGFR3 gene and how it mutates. ) e Med TV's free Health Savvy service can help you stay up-to-date on this topic."
"docid": "D325539#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/achondroplasia/overview.html\nAchondroplasia",
"text": "\"Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > a > Achondroplasia Achondroplasia Overview Causes Symptoms Exams and Tests Treatment Outlook (Prognosis)Possible Complications When to Contact a Medical Professional Prevention References Related Topics Growth Hormone Deficiency - Children Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth that causes the most common type of dwarfism. Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Causes Achondroplasia is one of a group of disorders called chondrodystrophies or osteochondrodysplasias. Achondroplasia may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, which means that if a child gets the defective gene from one parent, the child will have the disorder. If one parent has achondroplasia, the infant has a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder. If both parents have the condition, the infant's chances of being affected increase to 75%. However, most cases appear as spontaneous mutations. This means that two parents without achondroplasia may give birth to a baby with the condition. Back to Top Symptoms The typical appearance of achondroplastic dwarfism can be seen at birth. Symptoms may include: Abnormal hand appearance with persistent space between the long and ring fingers Bowed legs Decreased muscle tone Disproportionately large head-to-body size difference Prominent forehead ( frontal bossing)Shortened arms and legs (especially the upper arm and thigh)Short stature (significantly below the average height for a person of the same age and sex)Spinal stenosis Spine curvatures called kyphosis and lordosis Back to Top Exams and Tests During pregnancy, a prenatal ultrasound may show excessive amniotic fluid surrounding the unborn infant. Examination of the infant after birth shows increased front-to-back head size."
"docid": "D289290#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/ear_tubes/article.htm\nEar Tubes (Myringotomy & Tympanostomy Tubes)",
"text": "\"Ear Tubes (Myringotomy & Tympanostomy Tubes) Center Brain Foods: Healthy Food for Kids' Brains Childhood Illnesses Picture Slideshow Take the ADHD Quiz Patient Comments: Ear Tubes - Experience Find a local Ear, Nose, & Throat Doctor in your town Ear tubes facts Introduction What is the purpose of ear tubes? What are risks and complications of ear tubes? What happens before surgery? What to do the day of surgery? What happens during surgery? What happens after surgery? What are the general instructions and follow-up care? Ear tubes facts Recurrent ear infections may require insertion of ear tubes. Ear tube placement involves a tiny incision in the ear drum. It is helpful to understand what to expect before, during, and after surgery."
"docid": "D43597#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/short-stature/overview.html\nShort Stature",
"text": "Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > s > Short Stature Short Stature Overview Alternative Names Considerations Causes When to Contact a Medical Professional What to Expect at Your Office Visit References Illustrations Height/weight Chart Short stature refers to any person who is significantly below the average height for a person of the same age and sex. The term often refers to children or adolescents who are significantly below the average height of their peers. Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Alternative Names Idiopathic short stature; Non-growth hormone deficient short stature Back to Top Considerations A growth chart is used to show a child's current height and how fast he or she is growing. It can compare your child to other children of the same age and gender (male or female). A child may be shorter or taller than the average child of the same age. A measurement called standard deviation (SD) is used to compare the height of different children. If a child's height is more than 2 SD's below the average height of other children the same age, the child is said to have short stature. This means that almost all of the other children that age (more than 95% or 19 out of 20) are taller. Your health care provider will monitor your child's growth rate over time. Many parents become worried if their children are shorter than most or all of the children around them."
] |
2102 | atherosclerosis definition | [
"docid": "D146550#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atherosclerosis\nAtherosclerosis",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the journal, see Atherosclerosis (journal). Atherosclerosis Synonyms Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD)The progression of atherosclerosis (narrowing exaggerated)Specialty Cardiology, angiology Symptoms None [1]Complications Coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, kidney problems [1]Usual onset Youth (worsens with age) [2]Causes Unknown [1]Risk factors High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, unhealthy diet [3]Prevention Healthy diet, exercise, not smoking, maintaining a normal weight [4]Medication Statins, high blood pressure medication, aspirin [5]Frequency ~100% (>65 years old) [6]Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the build up of plaque. [ 7] Initially, there are generally no symptoms. [ 1] When severe, it can result in coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or kidney problems depending on the arteries affected. [ 1] Symptoms, if they occur, generally do not begin until middle age. [ 3]The exact cause is not known. [ 1] Risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet. [ 3] Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. [ 7] The narrowing of arteries limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body. [ 7] Diagnosis is based upon a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and exercise stress test, among others. ["
] | [
"docid": "D636243#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clogged_arteries\nAtherosclerosis",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Clogged arteries)navigation search For the journal, see Atherosclerosis (journal). Atherosclerosis Synonyms Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD)The progression of atherosclerosis (narrowing exaggerated)Specialty Cardiology, angiology Symptoms None [1]Complications Coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, kidney problems [1]Usual onset Youth (worsens with age) [2]Causes Unknown [1]Risk factors High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, unhealthy diet [3]Prevention Healthy diet, exercise, not smoking, maintaining a normal weight [4]Medication Statins, high blood pressure medication, aspirin [5]Frequency ~100% (>65 years old) [6]Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the build up of plaque. [ 7] Initially, there are generally no symptoms. [ 1] When severe, it can result in coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or kidney problems depending on the arteries affected. [ 1] Symptoms, if they occur, generally do not begin until middle age. [ 3]The exact cause is not known. [ 1] Risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet. [ 3] Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. [ 7] The narrowing of arteries limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body. [ 7] Diagnosis is based upon a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and exercise stress test, among others. ["
"docid": "D1124002#0",
"title": "https://www.news-medical.net/health/Arteriosclerosis-Types.aspx\nArteriosclerosis Types",
"text": "Arteriosclerosis Types Download PDF Copy By Dr Ananya Mandal, MDThe types and definitions of arteriosclerosis were described in January of 1954 in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology by S. M. Rabson titled, “Arteriosclerosis: Definitions”. He said that atherosclerosis is defined as arteriosclerosis with atheromatosis. At present arteriosclerosis or arterial stiffness is classified into three lesions:-Atherosclerosis – Atherosclerosis affects the elastic and large arteries in which there is atheroma formation. Moenckeberg medial calcific sclerosis Arteriolosclerosis Pathology The arteriosclerosis lesions begin as the intima in the arterial wall starts to enlarge with the deposition of variable amounts and types of lipids, inflammatory cells, connective tissues as well as matrix proteins, enzymes and calcium deposits. As these lesions mature, they are called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is atheroma with arteriosclerosis. This is the largest killer in industrialized countries leading to hundreds of thousands of heart attacks and strokes. There are several subclassifications of atherosclerosis including one adopted by the American Heart Association. Moenckeberg medial calcific sclerosis is the deposition of calcium in the tunica media of the large and medium sized arteries. It is rarely seen in patients younger than 50 years."
"docid": "D5593#0",
"title": "http://full-health.com/artery_cleanse_formula.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Micronutritional Cardiovascular Support™Sufferer-Centered Natural Solution for Healing the Most Common Cardiovascular Problem Our plea to you: Take action. Don’t fall victim to atherosclerosis that is taking so many lives away from so many people, even at the very moment you are reading this page. A man is as old as his arteries ( Dr. Thomas Sydenham, 1680)Micronutritional Cleansing: Unclog Your Arteries Naturally Just because (almost) every medical doctor thinks that atherosclerosis is incurable and it is not unanimously proven that it might regress, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. In 1998, I began recommending the micronutritional artery cleansing to my friends and acquaintances in need. This concept represented for me everything that natural, targeted cardiovascular support should be to stop and reverse the catastrophic effects of atherosclerosis. My recommendation was also based on the strong belief that it could help save their lives. And, believe me, it did! Today, that belief soundly confirmed by years of experience and the growing body of nutritional research is stronger than ever. That's why I'm sharing this concept with you. Once you know it, accept it and, most importantly, apply it, you will be in better control of the quality of your cardiovascular health."
"docid": "D2340680#0",
"title": "http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/cardiovascular-disorders/hypertension/renovascular-hypertension\nRenovascular Hypertension",
"text": "Renovascular Hypertension By George L. Bakris, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, ASH Comprehensive Hypertension Center, University of Chicago School of Medicine Click here for Patient Education NOTE: This is the Professional Version. CONSUMERS: Click here for the Consumer Version Renovascular hypertension is blood pressure elevation due to partial or complete occlusion of one or more renal arteries or their branches. It is usually asymptomatic unless long-standing. A bruit can be heard over one or both renal arteries in < 50% of patients. Diagnosis is by physical examination and renal imaging with duplex ultrasonography, radionuclide imaging, or magnetic resonance angiography. Angiography is done before definitive treatment with surgery or angioplasty. ( See also Overview of Hypertension . ) Renovascular disease is one of the most common causes of curable hypertension but accounts for < 2% of all cases of hypertension. Stenosis or occlusion of a main renal artery, an accessory renal artery, or any of their branches can cause hypertension by stimulating release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells of the affected kidney. The area of the arterial lumen must be decreased by ≥ 70% and a significant poststenotic gradient must also be present before stenosis is likely to contribute to BP elevation."
"docid": "D3303214#0",
"title": "https://www.emedicinehealth.com/heart_attack/glossary_em.htm\nMedical Dictionary",
"text": "\"Heart Attack Main Article Glossary Heart Attack Glossary of Terms A Visual Guide to Heart Disease Medical Illustrations of the Heart Image Collection Take the Heart Disease Quiz!The following are health and medical definitions of terms that appear in the Heart Attack article. Abdomen: The belly, that part of the body that contains all of the structures between the... See the entire definition of Abdomen Acute: Of abrupt onset, in reference to a disease. Acute often also connotes an illness th... See the entire definition of Acute Adrenaline: A stress hormone produced within the adrenal gland that quickens the heart bea... See the entire definition of Adrenaline Anemia: The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity ... See the entire definition of Anemia Angina: Chest pain due to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. The pain is ... See the entire definition of Angina Angiogram: An X-ray image of blood vessels. The vessels can be seen because a contrast dye... See the entire definition of Angiogram Angioplasty: Procedure with a balloon-tipped catheter to enlarge a narrowing in a coronary... See the entire definition of Angioplasty Anterior: The front, as opposed to the posterior. The anterior surface of the heart is tow... See the entire definition of Anterior Aorta: The largest artery in the body, the aorta arises from the left ventricle of the he... See the entire definition of Aorta Aortic: Pertaining to the aorta, the largest artery in the body. Aortic dissection: A progressive tear in the aorta. The inner lining (intima) of the aorta... See the entire definition of Aortic dissection Arms: An appendage in anatomy and in clinical trials. See: Arm. Artery: A vessel that carries blood high in oxygen content away from the heart to the far... See the entire definition of Artery Aspirin: Once the Bayer trademark for acetylsalicylic acid, now the common name for this a... See the entire definition of Aspirin Atherosclerosis: A process of progressive thickening and hardening of the walls of medium-... See the entire definition of Atherosclerosis Atherosclerotic: Pertaining to atherosclerosis, the process of progressive thickening and ... See the entire definition of Atherosclerotic Atypical: Unusual, or not fitting a single diagnostic category."
"docid": "D3165514#0",
"title": "http://myheartiwanttokeepit.com/heart_attack.htm\nHeart Attack",
"text": "Heart Attack What is a heart attack? Main Menu Book Overview Home Contact About Us Services Catalog FAQs Hypertension Heart Attack Photo Gallery Privacy Photography Exhibits Save a Life Learn CPRContact the American Heart Association For a center near you WHAT IS A HEART ATTACKThe definition of heart attack is the slow or complete interruption of blood flow to the myocardium (cardiac muscle). A heart attack is technically known as MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION or for short MI. ( MYO means muscle; CARDIO means heart; INFARCTION means death of the tissue). ATHEROSCLEROSISAs described earlier, the cardiac muscle receives its nutrients and oxygen supply from two arteries, namely the LEFT and RIGHT CORONARY ARTERIES. Each artery divides into several branches and each branch supplies a specific area of the cardiac muscle. The main cause of myocardial infarction is ATHEROSCLEROSIS, or hardening of the arteries, which is responsible for about 95 % of all heart attacks. ATHEROSCLEROSIS and ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, this terminology is used interchangeably, but the following definitions are more accurate ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (ahr teer ee o’ skle ro’sis). Arteriosclerosis, the general term used for the process and damage of the arteries in general. ARTERIO means (artery) SCLEROSIS means (hardening or scarring)."
"docid": "D844902#0",
"title": "http://www.dantest.com/dtr_pwv.htm\nPulse Wave Velocity Analysis (PWV)",
"text": "Pulse Wave Velocity Analysis (PWV)The Pulse Wave Velocity assessment is performed using an infrared finger clip probe that measures blood volume changes. The amount of light absorbed is directly proportionate to the volume of blood in the finger. When the heart contracts, it produces a direct wave that travels down to the finger. This wave is reflected in the lower body as well as down to the finger. It is this combination of the direct wave and reflected wave that is measured and recorded by the finger probe. The pulse wave is a physiological phenomenon, observable and measurable in the arterial system during blood circulation. During one heart systole a certain blood volume is expelled. This propagates through the arteries due to the reciprocal transformation between kinetic energy of a segment of the expelled blood volume and the potential energy of a stretched segment of the resilient vascular wall. We can observe the changes in pressure, blood flow, velocity and profile throughout the whole pulse wave. It can be used for classification of the artery elasticity."
"docid": "D1133464#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atherosclerotic\nAtherosclerosis",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Atherosclerotic)navigation search For the journal, see Atherosclerosis (journal). Atherosclerosis Synonyms Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD)The progression of atherosclerosis (narrowing exaggerated)Specialty Cardiology, angiology Symptoms None [1]Complications Coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, kidney problems [1]Usual onset Youth (worsens with age) [2]Causes Unknown [1]Risk factors High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, unhealthy diet [3]Prevention Healthy diet, exercise, not smoking, maintaining a normal weight [4]Medication Statins, high blood pressure medication, aspirin [5]Frequency ~100% (>65 years old) [6] [ edit on Wikidata]Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the build up of plaque. [ 7] Initially, there are generally no symptoms. [ 1] When severe, it can result in coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or kidney problems depending on the arteries which are affected. [ 1] Symptoms, if they occur, generally do not begin until middle age. [ 3]The exact cause is not known. [ 1] Risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet. [ 3] Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. [ 7] The narrowing of arteries limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body. [ 7] Diagnosis is based upon a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and exercise stress test among others. ["
"docid": "D3335162#0",
"title": "https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/34/8/1094/283348\nDefinitions of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease in Transplant Recipients",
"text": "Definitions of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease in Transplant Recipients Per Ljungman Paul Griffiths Carlos Paya Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 34, Issue 8, 15 April 2002, Pages 1094–1097, https://doi.org/10.1086/339329Published: 15 April 2002 Article history A correction has been published: Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 34, Issue 11, 1 June 2002, Pages 1540,https://doi.org/10.1086/513158PDF Cite Permissions Share Abstract Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease are important causes of morbidity and mortality among transplant recipients. For the purpose of developing consistent reporting of CMV in clinical trials, definitions of CMV infection and disease were developed and published. This study seeks to update the definitions of CMV on the basis of recent developments in diagnostic techniques, as well as to add to these definitions the concept of indirect effects caused by CMV. Topic:diagnostic techniques and procedures infection cytomegalovirus infectionscytomegalovirus transplant recipients Issue Section: Invited Articles During the past decade, major advances have been achieved regarding the management of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease. These advances have been made possible through the development of new diagnostic techniques for the detection of the virus and through the performance of prospective clinical trials of antiviral agents. It was apparent early in the development of these advances that it would be of value if similar definitions of important concepts could be used in these studies to allow for comparison of results from different trials. Therefore, a first set of CMV definitions was developed and published as part of the proceedings of the 4th International CMV Conference in Paris in 1993 [ 1 ]. These definitions were updated at the 5th International CMV Conference in Stockholm in 1995 [ 2] and have since been used in many published studies. However, since 1995, many new developments in diagnostic technologies have occurred, and new concepts, such as the indirect effects of CMV, have been recognized. Therefore, the aim of this report is to update and expand the published definitions of CMV, taking into account current knowledge."
"docid": "D73252#0",
"title": "http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/116/20/2346\nCardiovascular Manifestations of Rheumatologic Diseases",
"text": "Cardiovascular Involvement in General Medical Conditions Cardiovascular Manifestations of Rheumatologic Diseases Mary J. Roman, Jane E. Salmonhttps://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.678334Circulation. 2007; 116: 2346-2355Originally published November 12, 2007Article Figures & Tables Info & Metrics e Lettersspondylitis, ankylosing arthritis, psoriatic rheumatoid arthritissystemic lupus erythematosus systemic sclerosis The prevalence and importance of cardiovascular disease in rheumatologic disorders have increased in the setting of therapeutic advances, resulting in longer life expectancy, a growing understanding of the importance of inflammation and the immune system in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, and enhanced disease detection with the use of sophisticated noninvasive cardiac and vascular diagnostic technology. This article will briefly review cardiovascular manifestations of rheumatologic diseases with an emphasis on recent clinical research. Rheumatologic diseases will be discussed individually for ease of reference, although pathophysiology and basis for cardiovascular abnormalities may be common among some of them. When applicable, cardiovascular disease will be categorized as vascular (accelerated atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness, small-vessel disease, aortic disease), myocardial (abnormalities of structure and function), valvular, pericardial, and conduction diseases. Endothelial dysfunction, although reported in some rheumatologic diseases, will not be systematically discussed in view of space limitations and the nonspecific and incompletely characterized nature of this abnormality. Discussion of suggested mechanisms underlying cardiovascular manifestations of rheumatologic diseases is beyond the scope of this review. Rheumatologic diseases with vasculitis as the primary manifestation, such as giant cell arteritis and Takayasu’s arteritis, will not be discussed. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common chronic autoimmune disease associated with systemic inflammation, a female predominance, and a prevalence of ≈1% that increases with age. 1 The diagnosis is a clinical one, based on the characteristic joint manifestations ( Table 1 )."
"docid": "D687168#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/external-carotid-artery-stenosis-symptoms\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: External Carotid Artery Stenosis Symptoms",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: External Carotid Artery Stenosis Symptoms Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Shadi Abu Halimah1 doctor agreed:1 Carotid artery stenosis is how common at which age groups? Above 50: There is different numbers depending on age (more common above 50), sex (more common in males), presence of symptoms and severity of stenosis. Generally incidence of asymptomatic more than 50% stenosis in people above 50 years of age is around 6-11% in men and 5-7% in women. ... Read more Dr. Lawrence Kessler1 Doctor shared a insight Artery (Definition)Arteries are defined as blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart (to either the body or lungs). Arteries: higher pressure, thicker walls, stretch (pulse) with each heart contraction & deliver blood to the arterioles which control the flow to individual capillaries. Veins are blood vessels which carry blood from capillaries back to the heart (body to right heart; ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Edward Smith6 doctors agreed:2 What is carotid artery stenosis and stroke?2 things: Carotid artery stenosis means narrowing of the artery. Stroke is death or damage to brain due to circulatory issues. Many strokes (approx 1/3rd) are due to carotid artery disease. Although frequently connected, they are not the same. Many strokes occur without carotid stenosis."
"docid": "D1208797#0",
"title": "http://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/3/6/1599.full\nMedia Calcification and Intima Calcification Are Distinct Entities in Chronic Kidney Disease",
"text": "Skip to main page content HOME CURRENT ISSUE ADVERTISE SUBSCRIBE ARCHIVES FEEDBACK ALERTS HELPSearch Submit Advanced Search User Name Password Sign In Advertising Disclaimer Media Calcification and Intima Calcification Are Distinct Entities in Chronic Kidney Disease Kerstin Amann+ Author Affiliations Department of Pathology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany Correspondence: Prof. Kerstin Amann, Department of Pathology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Krankenhausstrasse 8–10, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany. Phone: 0049-9131-8522291; Fax: 0049-9131-8522601; [email protected] Next Section Abstract Calcification of the vascular tree is common in physiologic and pathologic conditions, i.e., aging, diabetes, dyslipidemia, genetic diseases, and diseases with disturbances of calcium metabolism. In chronic kidney disease, vascular calcification is even more common, develops early, and contributes to the markedly increased cardiovascular risk in this particular population. Pathomorphologically, atherosclerosis ( i.e., plaque-forming degenerative changes of the aorta and of large elastic arteries) and arteriosclerosis ( i.e., concentric media thickening of muscular arteries) can be distinguished. Increasing knowledge about calcification together with improved imaging techniques provided evidence that also vascular calcification has to be divided into two distinct entities according to the specific sites of calcification within the vascular wall: Patchy calcification of the intima in the vicinity of lipid or cholesterol deposits as present in plaque calcification and calcification of the media in the absence of such lipid or cholesterol deposits, known as Mönckeberg-type atherosclerosis. The two types of calcification may vary according to the type of vessel (large elastic versus smaller muscular type artery) and proximal versus distal sites of the arterial tree. Furthermore, clinical studies showed that it is not purely academic to distinguish between intimal and medial calcification but rather relevant for the clinical presentation, treatment, and prognosis because each type leads to different clinical consequences. In vivo studies in animal models provided evidence in favor of common pathomechanisms between vascular calcification and atherosclerosis; however, there is other, strong experimental and clinical evidence that pleads for the continued distinction between intimal and medial calcification. Cardiovascular calcification is frequent in elderly patients or populations with a particularly high atherogenic risk profile ( e.g., diabetes, chronic kidney disease [CKD])."
"docid": "D736202#0",
"title": "http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/109/21/2605.full\nAtherosclerotic Vascular Disease Conference",
"text": "AHA Conference Proceedings Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease Conference Writing Group I: Epidemiology Richard C. Pasternak, Michael H. Criqui, Emelia J. Benjamin, F. Gerald R. Fowkes, Eric M. Isselbacher, Peter A. Mc Cullough, Philip A. Wolf and Zhi-Jie Zhenghttp://dx.doi.org/10.1161/01. CIR.0000128518.26834.93 Published: June 1, 2004Article Figures & Tables Info & Metricse Letters Jump to Article Cerebrovascular Atherosclerotic Disease Aortic Atherosclerotic Disease Renal Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease Peripheral Arterial (Lower-Extremity) Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease Recommendations Footnotes References Figures & Tables Info & Metricse Letters AHA Conference Proceedingsatherosclerosisperipheral vascular diseasecerebrovascular disordersepidemiology Our knowledge of the epidemiology of coronary heart disease (CHD) is extensive. Although CHD mortality peaked in the 1960s and then declined dramatically, 1,2 CHD remains the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. The aging of the United States population contributes to the high prevalence of CHD. By the year 2020, it is estimated that ischemic heart disease will be the number one cause of disability and death worldwide. 3 Data on noncoronary atherosclerotic vascular disease (AVD) are far less available than data on CHD. Studies of the atherosclerotic process underlying ischemic stroke are hampered by the differing vascular mechanisms that lead to stroke, including large-artery atherosclerosis with occlusion and distal embolization and small penetrating arterial disease with lacunar infarction. Also, there are a considerable number of ischemic stroke events for which the mechanism is unclear and the infarct is of undetermined cause. What is known about the epidemiology of atherosclerotic disease in different territories tends to come from snapshots based on several prevalence studies, which often reflect a medical milieu very different from the one today in which many preventive interventions, including lipid-lowering therapy, hypertension control, and antiplatelet therapies, are more widely used. Epidemiologic, pathophysiological, and therapeutic studies of noncoronary atherosclerotic disease have tended to focus on individual territories rather than on the vascular tree in its totality."
"docid": "D1118490#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/claudication/basics/definition/con-20033581\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Claudication Claudication is pain caused by too little blood flow, usually during exercise. Sometimes called intermittent claudication, this condition generally affects the blood vessels in the legs, but claudication can affect the arms, too. At first, you'll probably notice the pain only when you're exercising, but as claudication worsens, the pain may affect you even when you're at rest. Although it's sometimes considered a disease, claudication is technically a symptom of a disease. Most often, claudication is a symptom of peripheral artery disease, a potentially serious but treatable circulation problem in which the vessels that supply blood flow to your legs or arms are narrowed. Fortunately, with treatment, you may be able to maintain an active lifestyle without pain. Symptoms Claudication symptoms include: Pain when exercising. You may feel pain or discomfort in your feet, calves, thighs, hips or buttocks, depending on where you might have artery narrowing or damage. Claudication can also occur in your arms, although this is less common. Intermittent pain."
"docid": "D2152598#0",
"title": "https://health.stackexchange.com/questions/1865/whats-the-difference-between-etiology-pathogenesis-pathology-pathophysiology\nWhat's the difference between etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, pathophysiology and epidemiology?",
"text": "\"_Health Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for medical specialists, students, dietitians, and anyone with health-related questions. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What's the difference between etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, pathophysiology and epidemiology?up vote3down votefavorite1Most of my searches either end up explaining any of the above words in terms of the other four, or explaining the concept in simple words in such a way that makes it difficult to see the difference between them. EDIT 1A simple google search took me to medicinenet.com -pathology - \"\"that branch of medicine which treats of the essential nature of disease. \"\" etiology - \"\"The study of causes, as in the causes of a disease. \"\" Pathogenesis: \"\"The development of a disease and the chain of events leading to that disease. \"\" So I decided to try wikipedia as, I felt, all definitions will necessarily fail to actually explain the differences between them as the differences are pretty nuanced. But wikipedia articles on these terms were either very detailed or very general, in the sense that although I understood what they were saying in any particular article, I still couldn't figure out how the rest of the terms were referring to something different. All seemed to mean - understanding why and how diseases work/spread and how to control them. The only term I understood distinctly here was epidemiology, which means studying the occurrence of diseases in a given population (thus putting a geographical limitation). I guess I'm looking more for an explanation which draws a parallel to convey the message."
"docid": "D1889603#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrovascular_disease\nMacrovascular disease",
"text": "\"This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( December 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Macrovascular disease is a disease of any large ( macro) blood vessels in the body. It is a disease of the large blood vessels, including the coronary arteries, the aorta, and the sizable arteries in the brain and in the limbs. This sometimes occurs when a person has had diabetes for an extended period of time. Fat and blood clots build up in the large blood vessels and stick to the vessel walls. Three common macrovascular diseases are coronary disease (in the heart), cerebrovascular disease (in the brain), and peripheral vascular disease (in the limbs)Macrovascular disease (macroangiopathy) refers to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a form of arteriosclerosis (thickening and hardening of arterial walls), characterized by plaque deposits of lipids, fibrous connective tissue, calcium, and other blood substances. Atherosclerosis, by definition, affects only medium and large arteries (excluding arterioles)."
"docid": "D2509889#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/health-guide/high-cholesterol-hypercholesterolemia.html\nHigh Cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia)",
"text": "\"High Cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia)Health Guide Disease Reference Care Notes Medication List Encyclopedia More What Is It? Cholesterol is a fatty substance that occurs naturally in the body. It performs several vital functions. It is needed to make the walls surrounding the body's cells and is the basic material that is converted to certain hormones. Your body makes all the cholesterol you need. You need only a small amount of fat in your diet to make enough cholesterol to stay healthy. The fat and cholesterol you eat are absorbed in the intestine and transported to the liver. The liver converts fat into cholesterol, and releases cholesterol into the bloodstream. There are two main types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the \"\"bad\"\" cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the \"\"good\"\" cholesterol). High levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of cholesterol-rich fatty deposits in arteries."
"docid": "D3111832#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atherogenesis\nAtherosclerosis",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Atherogenesis)navigation search For the journal, see Atherosclerosis (journal). Atherosclerosis Synonyms Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD)The progression of atherosclerosis (narrowing exaggerated)Specialty Cardiology, angiology Symptoms None [1]Complications Coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, kidney problems [1]Usual onset Youth (worsens with age) [2]Causes Unknown [1]Risk factors High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, unhealthy diet [3]Prevention Healthy diet, exercise, not smoking, maintaining a normal weight [4]Medication Statins, high blood pressure medication, aspirin [5]Frequency ~100% (>65 years old) [6]Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the build up of plaque. [ 7] Initially, there are generally no symptoms. [ 1] When severe, it can result in coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or kidney problems depending on the arteries affected. [ 1] Symptoms, if they occur, generally do not begin until middle age. [ 3]The exact cause is not known. [ 1] Risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet. [ 3] Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. [ 7] The narrowing of arteries limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body. [ 7] Diagnosis is based upon a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and exercise stress test, among others. ["
"docid": "D405985#0",
"title": "http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/0613p35.shtml\n.",
"text": "Home | Subscribe | Resources | Reprints | Writers' Guidelines June 2013Coding for Acute Coronary Syndrome For The Record Vol. 25 No. 9 P. 35Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is an umbrella term used to describe chest pain caused by either an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or unstable angina. When myocardial cells do not receive adequate blood flow or oxygenation, one of the following conditions may occur: myocardial ischemia, myocardial injury, or myocardial infarct. ACS is classified to ICD-9-CM code 411.1, which is the same code assigned for unstable angina. It is vital to review the entire medical record to make sure the information presented supports the final code assignment. Therefore, if the record contains evidence that the patient may have experienced an AMI but only ACS is documented, then it may be appropriate to query the physician for clarification of the final diagnosis. Final code assignment always is based on physician documentation. MI is the death of myocardial tissue usually caused by a blocked coronary artery. AMI is classified to ICD-9-CM category 410."
"docid": "D2222009#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/which-type-of-doctor-specializes-in-peripheral-vascular-diseases\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Which Type Of Doctor Specializes In Peripheral Vascular Diseases",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Which Type Of Doctor Specializes In Peripheral Vascular Diseases Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Steve Kagan4 doctors agreed:1 Which type of doctor specializes in peripheral vascular diseases? Vascular Surgeon: Don't let the name scare you... Vascular surgeons (unlike cardiologists and radiologists) are trained in all aspects of PVD management (not just surgery ) go to vascularweb. Org and search for a ... Read more Dr. Joel Gotvald297 doctors shared insights Vascular Conditions (Definition)Vascular conditions = diseases of the circulatory ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Shoaib Shafique1 doctor agreed:2 Which type of doctor specializes in peripheral vascular diseases? Vascular surgeon: Can offer both open and Endovascular options for treatment ... Read more Dr. Norman Chideckel7 doctors agreed:3 Please suggest what type of doctor specializes in peripheral vascular diseases? Pvd: Vascular surgeon Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. Gary Tannenbaum5 doctors agreed:4 What type of doctor specializes in treating peripheral vascular diseases? Vascular surgeon: Vascular surgeons are specially trained to treat peripheral vascular disease both with our without surgery. This includes disease involving the aorta, arteries of the neck, limbs, and abdominal organs. Other specialties can treat some of these issues but a board-certified vascular ... Read more Dr. Peter H'doubler3 doctors agreed:5 What type of doctor specializes in treating peripheral vascular diseases? Vascular Surgeon: Vascular surgery is a medical discipline that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems of the arterial, venous and lymphatic systems, exclusive of the heart."
] |
2106 | atticus name meaning | [
"docid": "D1870683#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/english-names/atticus.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of England Names > What does Atticus mean? Meaning of Atticus - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Atticus\"\"English name The name Atticus originated as an English name. The name Atticus is most often used as a boy name or male name. In English, the name Atticus means - father-like. English Name Meaning - father-like Origin - England Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
] | [
"docid": "D2515401#0",
"title": "https://www.netessays.net/viewpaper/128143.html\nSearch over 10,000 FREE Essays!",
"text": "\"In \"\"To Kill a Mockingbird,\"\" by Harper Lee, characters Jem, Scout and Dill are living during the depression-era in Maycomb County, Alabama. Jem, Scout and their friend Dill are children, but throughout the course of the novel, they are thrown into the middle of a very adult situation; the murder of a white woman, the accused black man and a town caught up in the fever of racism. The kids grow up learning many lessons from Atticus or from their own experiences. In her depiction of Jem, Scout, and Dill, Lee reveals their maturation from being the children they are to having a thorough understanding of their society and the people within it. Jem's maturity is shown through his understanding of true courage and Boo's true personality. A few months after that, she dies and Atticus explains about the reason he makes Jem read: \"\" [Mrs. Dubose] had her own views about things, a lot different from mine I wanted you to see something about her I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her.\"\" According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody."
"docid": "D406270#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_in_To_Kill_a_Mockingbird\nList of To Kill a Mockingbird characters",
"text": "\"List of To Kill a Mockingbird characters From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from List of characters in To Kill a Mockingbird)navigation search To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was instantly successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a classic of modern American literature, widely read in US high schools and middle schools. [ 1] The story takes place during three years of the Great Depression in the fictional Maycomb, Alabama. This is a list of the characters: Contents [ hide ]1 Primary characters1.1 Atticus Finch1.2 \"\"Scout\"\" Finch1.3 \"\"Jem\"\" Finch1.4 Dill Harris1.5 Calpurnia1.6 Arthur “Boo” Radley1.7 Judge John Taylor1.8 Miss Maudie Atkinson1.9 Bob Ewell1.10 Mayella Ewell1.11 Tom Robinson1.12 Aunt Alexandra2 Minor characters2.1 Jack Finch2.2 Francis Hancock2.3 Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose2.4 Mr. Heck Tate2.5 Mr. Braxton Underwood2.6 Mr. Horace Gilmer2.7 Dr. Scott Reynolds2.8 Dolphus Raymond2.9 Link Deas2.10 Miss Caroline Fisher2.11 Reverend Sykes2.12 Miss Stephanie Crawford2.13 Miss Rachel Haverford2.14 Helen Robinson2.15 Nathan Radley2.16 Jessie2.17 Burris Ewell2.18 Lula2.19 Mrs. Grace Merriweather2.20 Walter Cunningham, Jr.2.21 Walter Cunningham, Sr.2.22 Little Chuck Little2.23 Mr. Dick Avery2.24 Miss Gates2.25 Eula May2.26 Cecil Jacobs2.27 Tim Johnson2.28 Simon Finch2.29 Maxwell Green2.30 Mr. X Billups2.31 The Barber Sisters (Miss \"\"Tutti\"\" and Miss \"\"Frutti\"\")2.32 Mrs. Gertrude Farrow2.33 Mr. Conner2.34 Zeebo3 References Primary characters [ edit]Atticus Finch [ edit]Main article: Atticus Finch Atticus Finch is the middle-aged father of Jem and Scout Finch. He is a lawyer and was once known as \"\"the deadliest shot in Maycomb County\"\". Although he was a good shot, he does not like to mention the fact as he does not like the thought of having an advantage over people. He appears to support racial equality and was appointed to represent Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. The town disapproves of him defending Tom especially when he makes clear his intent to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities. He is portrayed by Gregory Peck in the film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird. \"\" Scout\"\" Finch [ edit]Jean Louise \"\"Scout\"\" Finch is the narrator and To Kill a Mockingbird is told by an adult Scout who often comments on how she could not understand something at the time but now can appreciate it."
"docid": "D161188#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_does_aunt_alexandra_change_the_family\nHow does aunt Alexandra change the family?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Literature Classics To Kill a Mockingbird How does aunt Alexandra change the family? Flag How does aunt Alexandra change the family? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Aunt Alexandra keeps the kids confined to the yard. She tries to make Scout become a more proper lady. Alexandra also tries to get rid of Calpurnia. She stresses out Atticus more than he needs it. Finally Scout and Jem have started fighting a lot more ever since Alexandra moved in.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Why does Aunt Alexandra get angry with Atticus?k. she gets angry with Atticus, because Atticus aid that she hated people in front of calpurnia Knixx777 46 Contributions Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family?"
"docid": "D283366#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Kill_a_Mockingbird_characters\nList of To Kill a Mockingbird characters",
"text": "\"List of To Kill a Mockingbird characters From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was instantly successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a classic of modern American literature, widely read in US high schools and middle schools. [ 1] The story takes place during three years of the Great Depression in the fictional Maycomb, Alabama. This is a list of the characters: Contents1 Primary characters1.1 Atticus Finch1.2 \"\"Scout\"\" Finch1.3 \"\"Jem\"\" Finch1.4 Dill Harris1.5 Calpurnia1.6 Arthur “Boo” Radley1.7 Judge John Taylor1.8 Miss Maudie Atkinson1.9 Bob Ewell1.10 Mayella Ewell1.11 Tom Robinson1.12 Aunt Alexandra2 Minor characters2.1 Jack Finch2.2 Francis Hancock2.3 Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose2.4 Mr. Heck Tate2.5 Mr. Braxton Underwood2.6 Mr. Horace Gilmer2.7 Dr. Scott Reynolds2.8 Dolphus Raymond2.9 Link Deas2.10 Miss Caroline Fisher2.11 Reverend Sykes2.12 Miss Stephanie Crawford2.13 Miss Rachel Haverford2.14 Helen Robinson2.15 Nathan Radley2.16 Jessie2.17 Burris Ewell2.18 Lula2.19 Mrs. Grace Merriweather2.20 Walter Cunningham, Jr.2.21 Walter Cunningham, Sr.2.22 Little Chuck Little2.23 Mr. Dick Avery2.24 Miss Gates2.25 Eula May2.26 Cecil Jacobs2.27 Tim Johnson2.28 Simon Finch2.29 Maxwell Green2.30 Mr. X Billups2.31 The Barber Sisters (Miss \"\"Tutti\"\" and Miss \"\"Frutti\"\")2.32 Mrs. Gertrude Farrow2.33 Mr. Conner2.34 Zeebo3 References Primary characters [ edit]Atticus Finch [ edit]Main article: Atticus Finch Atticus Finch is the middle-aged father of Jem and Scout Finch. He is a lawyer and was once known as \"\"the deadliest shot in Maycomb County\"\". Although he was a good shot, he does not like to mention the fact as he does not like the thought of having an advantage over people. He appears to support racial equality and was appointed to represent Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. The town disapproves of him defending Tom especially when he makes clear his intent to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities. He is portrayed by Gregory Peck in the film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird. \"\" Scout\"\" Finch [ edit]Jean Louise \"\"Scout\"\" Finch is the narrator and To Kill a Mockingbird is told by an adult Scout who often comments on how she could not understand something at the time but now can appreciate it."
"docid": "D1230898#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/to-kill-a-mockingbird-context/deck/12784860\nTo Kill A Mockingbird Context",
"text": "\"Who is narrating the novel? Approximately how old is the narrator? In what point of view is the novel told? Scout Finch, 9, First Person Point of View What happened to Jem when he was nearly thirteen? Broke his Arm at the elbow Where does this story take place (give details)? Maycomb, Alabama Why do you think the children call their father Atticus rather than “Dad”?to show him respect What does Atticus Finch do for a living?lawyer Who were his first two clients? What happened to them? Why? How did this casechange Atticus as a lawyer? The Haverfords, They were hanged because they shot a blacksmith and refused to accept an offer from the state."
"docid": "D40418#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-yendi-398585.htm\nYendi Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Yendi Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity Save to list See your list Popularity#15,514in 2014+2,657from 2013Previous2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Yendi? What about: Yanet, Yanette, Yande, Wyanet, Yonit, Yente, Yandi, Yinette, Yannette, Yandy, Yannit, Yentae Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Anabelle or Katie? Atticus or Lincoln ? Atticus or Lincoln ? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-04-03:6e628746920705e8a2b02f76 Player ID: featured Video Player OKBaby name inspiration See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D3019140#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_Atticus_mean_when_he_tells_Jem_not_to_let_his_discovery_inspire_him_to_further_glory\nWhat does Atticus mean when he tells Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Literature Classics To Kill a Mockingbird What does Atticus mean when he tells Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory? Flag What does Atticus mean when he tells Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory? Answer by Freddyjim Confidence votes 33since he got so close to seeing boo, that he shouldnt try something that might get him in trouble to try to get closer to seeing boo2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does Atticus tell Jem about shooting mocking birds? ' That it is a sin to kill a mockingbird'What does Atticus mean by telling Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory is there any reason why Jem might now do as his father says? Atticus, being a self centered character that does not like to boast, is trying to pass his characteristics to his young son, hoping that he will understand what Atticus is tr …Explain what Atticus means by telling Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory? Atticus means, that jem was an accident. Does Atticus tell jem that bob Ewell kills himself? This question cannot be answered at all because there isn't a second book. Most likely Atticus did."
"docid": "D129668#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-hondo-601545.htm\nHondo Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Hondo Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity Save to list See your list Popularity#12,643in 2014+2,794from 2013Previous2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Hondo? What about: Lucas, Tucker, Samuel, Luke, Leevi, Tex, Lougan, Kye, Logan, Healey, Stephens, Theadore Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Anabelle or Katie? Atticus or Lincoln ? Atticus or Lincoln ? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video This video is either unavailable or not supported in this browser Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf you are using an older browser please try upgrading or installing Flash. Session ID: 2018-04-03:cf7b07894132f93e741a6434 Player ID: featured Video Player OKBaby names: Hot trends in 2015See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D1520230#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_according_to_Miss_Maudie_does_Atticus_believe_it's_a_sin_to_kill_a_mockingbird\nWhy according to Miss Maudie does Atticus believe it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Literature Classics To Kill a Mockingbird Why according to Miss Maudie does Atticus believe it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird? Flag Why according to Miss Maudie does Atticus believe it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. She believes it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they are signs of innocence: They do not do any damage to the community and they make the world a better place with their cheerful singing all day long. To kill a mockingbird, in that sense, would be taking an innocent life away from something that didn't deserve it. This relates also to Tom Robinson, a man condemmed to a crime that he didn't commit.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What page does in To Kill a Mockingbird does atticus say it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird? It says it on the back of some books. It is on page 103. He says \"\"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.\"\""
"docid": "D796114#0",
"title": "http://revolutioonmedia.blogspot.com/2010/04/to-kill-mocking-bird-answer-sheet.html\nTo Kill A Mocking bird answer sheet",
"text": "To Kill A Mocking bird answer sheet To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide (Parent Version with answers)Chapter 11. Who is the narrator of this novel? ( Scout) Jean Louis Finch2. How do we know that the narrator is an older person looking back to her youth? As the novel opens, she tells her story in the past tense, going back years to the time when her brother was 13 years old.3. What other information do we get in the first two paragraphs? Dill came to town that summer and brought with him the idea of getting Boo Radley to come out.4. What is the setting of the novel? The story takes place in Maycomb, Alabama sometime during the Great Depression (1933).5. What is the mood of Maycomb?"
"docid": "D3076390#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-altus-632645.htm\nAltus Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Altus Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity Save to list See your list Popularity#7,952in 2014-551from 2013Previous2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Altus? What about: Aldous, Aldus, Aldis, Altezza Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Anabelle or Katie? Atticus or Lincoln ? Atticus or Lincoln ? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-04-03:251d22f5820c4e3b22f6cca Player ID: featured Video Player OKBaby names: Hot trends in 2015See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D3259717#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/t/to-kill-a-mockingbird/summary-and-analysis/part-2-chapters-1416\nSummary and Analysis Part 2: Chapters 14-16",
"text": "\"Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapters 14-16Bookmark this page Summary As Scout innocently recounts her trip to Calpurnia's church for Atticus, Aunt Alexandra is mortified and vehemently refuses Scout's request to go to Calpurnia's house. With Scout out of the room, she comments that they really don't need a housekeeper now that she's come to stay, recommending that Atticus let Calpurnia go. Now it's Atticus' turn to vehemently deny Alexandra's request. Jem and Scout retreat to let the adults work out their differences, but end up in a fistfight with each other. Sent to bed early, Jem and Scout get themselves ready for sleep. Crossing the floor in the darkened room, Scout feels what she thinks is a snake. Jem discovers that the \"\"snake\"\" is Dill with a fantastic story of his runaway voyage to Maycomb. Jem calls Atticus who arranges for Dill to spend the night. Dill's mother gives him permission to spend the summer in Maycomb and the children begin to enjoy their time together. Then Sheriff Tate and a group of other men come by the house to tell Atticus that Tom Robinson is being moved to the county jail and that there may be trouble."
"docid": "D1652159#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_reason_did_Atticus_give_Scout_for_defending_Tom_Robinson\nWhat reason did Atticus give Scout for defending Tom Robinson?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Literature Classics To Kill a Mockingbird What reason did Atticus give Scout for defending Tom Robinson? Flag What reason did Atticus give Scout for defending Tom Robinson? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.it is his job to defend whoever he is assigned to defend no matter who the person is.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Atticus Finch defends tom Robinson? If you are looking for the name of the movie It is to Kill a Mocking Bird. Esthershirag 9 Contributions Why is Atticus defending Tom Robinson? He was appointed by the judge and accepted. That is a good answer but he took the case because he thought that the town might see that racism is not the code of life to liv …What reason did Atticus give Scout for the fact that he was defending a black man? Atticus believes in human rights. He believes everyone has a right to a fair trial and a competent defense."
"docid": "D2647520#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/8837\nHarper Lee",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Authors, Poets, and Playwrights Harper Lee Unanswered | Answered Harper Lee Parent Category: Authors, Poets, and Playwrights Harper Lee is an American author, best known for her novel \"\"To Kill a Mockingbird.\"\" She based the novel off her observations of racism growing up in Alabama in the 1920s and 30s. Subcategories To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird1 2 3 >How does Harper Lee show that miss Caroline is not familiar with Maycomb customs? One of the fi rst things that Miss Caroline tells the students is that she is from Winston County, which the students know seceded from Alabama and sided with the Union during the Civil War. Lee has Miss Caroline use a different method of teaching than the other teachers in the school. The reader... To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.. Miss Caroline struggles with her first year of teaching What did she do wrong? She first has a different way of teaching.. hands on stuff another.. is that she gives the little Cunningham boy money for a lunch even though he can't pay it off bc he is so poor another is that she tries to make the Ewell boy stay for schooll. What is Harper Lee's marital status? She is NOT married. What are nelle Harper lee's siblings names?"
"docid": "D2866906#0",
"title": "http://articlebio.com/atticus-mitchell\nAtticus Mitchell Biography",
"text": "Home Biography Atticus Mitchell Atticus Mitchell Biography Biography by Clarence Published on 13. Apr.2016Contents: Synopsis Early Life and Career Personal Life Net Worth and Awards Facts of Atticus Mitchell Date of Birth: 1993 , May-16Age: 24 years old Birth Nation: United States of America Height: 6 Feet View more / View Less Facts of Atticus Mitchell Synopsis Atticus Dean Mitchell, a Canadian actor/musician, is known best for his roles as Benny Weir in the television film My Babysitter’s a Vampire and series of the same name. He has appeared in few movies and TV series including Bunks, Living in Your Car, Fargo and Second Jen. He appeared in the TV series Killjoys. Mitchell currently filming thriller movie Darker Than Night alongside Erik Knudsen, Melinda Shankar, Bea Santos, Paul Popowich and other stars. Mitchell is a drummer in a band The Fishwives that plays local shows in Toronto. Early Life and Career Atticus Mitchell was born as Atticus Dean Mitchell on May 16, 1993, in Ontario, Canada. Atticus is 24 years old now. From 2009 he started his career as actor and musician. Atticus mostly is recognized for his performance in My Babysitter’s Vampire with the role of Benny Weir which is a popular television film."
"docid": "D402020#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/iuvjop3nqh-2/atticus-finch-is-the-same-in-his-house-as-he-is-on-the-publ/\n\"\"\"Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the publ\"",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like\"\"Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the publ No descriptionby Garrett Bradishon 20 January 2015Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of \"\"Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the publ Courage Quote 1 \"\"Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.\"\" Page 46 paragraph 5 Miss Maudie Quote 2 \"\"So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that's something I'll gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and I'd rather it be me than that houseful of children out there.\"\" atticus Page 292-293 paragraph 10 Quote 2 Explanation Atticus showed a lot of courage in this quote for a two reasons. Firstly, because he would rather something bad happen to him rather than to Bob's house of children. Secondly, because he didn't fight back when he could have easily just got in a fight with him. Quote 1 Explanation Most people are a lot different in public than they are behind closed doors. But it takes real courage to act the same way no matter who is looking, and Atticus shows this very. Explanation of Music video In this music video a young man has his best friend kidnapped, but he promised his friend that if anything ever happened to him he would always have his back."
"docid": "D1870685#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Atticus\nAtticus - Meaning of Atticus",
"text": "\"What does Atticus mean? Pronounce Atticus [ 3 syll. at - ti - cus, att -ic- us ] The baby boy name Atticus is pronounced as AA -Tiy-Kah S- or AE T-ay K-ah S- †. Atticus is used mostly in English and it is of Latin origin. Atticus, meaning 'from Attica', was the nickname of Titus Pomponius (112-35 BC), a prominent philosopher and close friend of Cicero. Attica is a region in Greece containing Athens. In recent times, the name has been popularized after it appeared in Harper Lee's Pulitzer prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) as the name of the wise and just lawyer Atticus Finch. Lee based the name of his protagonist on the Roman philosopher. The names Atickus, Aticus, Atikus, Attickus, and Attikus are derivatives of Atticus. Another variant of the name is the familiar form Cus. See also the related categories, prominent, wise, philosopher (scholar), lawyer, roman, and athens."
"docid": "D21561#0",
"title": "http://sedillo8.blogspot.com/2007/01/chapter-8.html\nChapter 8",
"text": "Miss Sedillo - Reading Wednesday, January 24, 2007Chapter 8Choose one of the following questions and answer in paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences). Note which question you are responding to. 1. Identify at least two details in this chapter that reveal the setting (time period and place) of this novel. 2. Why is Jem's snowman creation so unacceptable to both Atticus and Miss Maudie? 3. What does the fire at Miss Maudie's house reveal about the people living in Alabama in the 1930's? 4. Besides Atticus, identify a new character who supports Jem and Scout."
"docid": "D2292172#0",
"title": "http://www.hngn.com/articles/79766/20150324/the-middle-star-atticus-shaffer-talks-playing-brick-his-namesake-and-being-yourself-exclusive-interview.htm\nâThe Middleâ Star Atticus Shaffer Talks Playing Brick, His Namesake and âBeing Yourselfâ (EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW)",
"text": "\"The future of air travel in the Middle East - Chance and challenge HNGN caught up with Atticus Shaffer, star of ABC's \"\"The Middle,\"\" who plays the beloved, 13-year-old Brick Heck alongside co-stars Patricia Heaton and Neil Flynn. Shaffer, who is 16 years old, was born with Osteogenesis imperfecta, a congenital condition that causes fragile bones, but the young actor has an optimistic attitude and a hunger to devour every experience that life throws in his direction. Truth is, Atticus is just as funny and quirky in real life as he is on the family sitcom. Surprised? We're not!Shaffer prides himself on being unique - or a nerd, as he says - and he is an advocate for individuality. Read about what he has to say in this exclusive interview with Headlines & Global News. HNGN: You've been going for six seasons now. What do you see for the future of \"\"The Middle?\"\" How long do you think it's going to be staying on the air? Atticus: That's actually a really good question because obviously, like you said, we are in our sixth season and shows don't last forever, unfortunately."
"docid": "D1703343#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/In_To_Kill_a_Mockingbird_why_does_Scout_forget_what_Atticus_told_her_about_fighting\nIn To Kill a Mockingbird why does Scout forget what Atticus told her about fighting?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Symbolism and Symbolic Meanings In To Kill a Mockingbird why does Scout forget what Atticus told her about fighting? Flag In To Kill a Mockingbird why does Scout forget what Atticus told her about fighting? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. While Scout recalled what Atticus told her about fighting anyone who says something about him, she put that aside when Francis called Dill a runt and Atticus a derogatory name. After the fight, Scout informed Jack of the promise she made to Atticus and asked him not to tell.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Austin Hodgkinson 29 Contributions What are Jem and Scout shocked to discover about Atticus in to kill a mockingbird? That he is the best shot in Maycomb County What does scout forget that atticus told her about fighting? * If you are from Mrs. Mc Queen's Language Arts Class, you may not use these answers and is considered cheating. For the rest of you: Read the book. The end."
] |
2107 | aurel name meaning | [
"docid": "D178362#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/polish-names/aurel.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Poland Names > What does Aurel mean? Meaning of Aurel - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Aurel\"\"Polish name The name Aurel originated as an Polish name. The name Aurel is most often used as a boy name or male name. In Polish, the name Aurel means - derived from aurek, fair-haired. Polish Name Meaning - derived from aurek, fair-haired Origin - Poland Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
] | [
"docid": "D1194811#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Ansel\nWhat does Ansel mean?",
"text": "\"Home > Ansel♂Ansel What does Ansel mean? Ansel as a boys' name is pronounced AN-sul. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ansel is \"\"follower of a nobleman\"\". Also variant of Anselm (Old German) \"\"God's helmet\"\". Use is likely to refer to photographer Ansel Adams, who photographed the American wilderness so eloquently. STARTS WITH An-ASSOCIATED THEMES follower (servant), nobleman, old, helmet (defender)Variations VARIANTS Ancell, Ansell OTHER FORMS VIA ANSELM Anse, Anselme, Anselmi, Anselmo, Anso CREATIVE FORMS (male) Absel, .. (female) Andel, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Ansel Braylon (A. B. ), .. How popular is Ansel? Ansel is a rare given name for men but a very popular surname for all people (#21113 out of 150436, Top 14%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Ansel reached its peak position of #944 in the U. S. in the 1890s, and is presently at #1190. ( 2016 U. S. SSA RECORDS)Which version is better? The only other prominent varying form of Ansel (#1190 VIA LATEST LIST) appearing in the Top 2000 is Anselmo."
"docid": "D1692314#0",
"title": "https://twitter.com/arkedostudio\nArkedo Studio",
"text": "Arkedo Studio@ Arkedo Studio Home of everything Hell Yeah!Paris, Francearkedo.com Joined October 201146 Photos and videos New to Twitter? Sign up now to get your own personalized timeline!Sign up You may also like·Refresh Pastagames@ pastagames Aurelien Regard@ Aurel Regard Swing Swing Submarine@ swingswingsub Dimitri Péan@ Mihtree Frederick Raynal@ Ludoid_Raynal Worldwide trends#MLK50224K Tweets#Cifuentes Dimite YA82.3K Tweets#Milan Inter18.5K Tweets#Lula Livre49.9K Tweets Caputo57.8K Tweets Ray Wilkins159K Tweets#National Hug ANews Person Day18.2K Tweets Cutrone2,430 Tweets Cerruti6,260 Tweets Martin Luther King Jr.242K Tweets© 2018 Twitter About Help Center Terms Privacy policy Cookies Ads info"
"docid": "D281933#0",
"title": "https://www.madinamerica.com/2015/03/long-term-use-lithium-can-cause-kidney-failure/\nLong-term Use of Lithium Can Cause Kidney Failure",
"text": "Long-term Use of Lithium Can Cause Kidney Failure By Rob Wipond March 19, 2015347739Facebook Twitter Email Print Friendly A third of patients who have taken the common psychiatric medication lithium for over ten years have developed “chronic renal failure” from the drug, according to a study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. Lithium is commonly prescribed to people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia or eating disorders. The team of Swedish researchers stated that they had previously found that “1.5% of people who took lithium from the 1960s and 1970s developed end-stage renal disease,” but that more modern approaches to administering the drug and monitoring side effects seemed to have reduced the prevalence of the damaging side effect. For this new study, they wanted to assess the prevalence and extent of kidney damage in more recent long-term users. The researchers studied 4,879 patients who took lithium for at least 10 years between 1981 and 2010. They found that about one-third of the patients who had taken lithium for 10–29 years had evidence of “chronic renal failure,” while 5% were in the “severe or very severe category. ”“The results indicate that a substantial proportion of adult patients who are treated with lithium for more than a decade develop signs of renal functional impairment, also when treated according to modern therapeutic principles,” they wrote. “ Our results emphasise that lithium treatment requires continuous monitoring of kidney function. ”Aiff, Harald, Per-Ola Attman, Mattias Aurell, Hans Bendz, Bernd Ramsauer, Staffan Schön, and Jan Svedlund. “ Effects of 10 to 30 Years of Lithium Treatment on Kidney Function.”"
"docid": "D2563158#0",
"title": "http://www.scandikitchen.co.uk/useful-scandinavian-words-start-using-english/\nUseful Scandinavian words to start using in English",
"text": "Useful Scandinavian words to start using in English Posted by Bronte Aurell | Community, Fun stuff, Scandi Life The best untranslatable Scandi words you need to include in your everyday use from now on and forever Image: The utterly brilliant satwcomic.com We have some great words that deserve to be used outside their humble Scandi origins. Thank you to everybody who wrote in with suggestions – we got far too many words to use them all, but we have included our best ones here. Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̀ːɡɔm]). A very Swedish word. It means not too much, not too little. Just the right amount. You can have a lagom amount of coffee, for example. How many meatballs do you want? Lagom, please. Your shower can be lagom hot."
"docid": "D2236288#0",
"title": "https://www.librarything.com/author/wadeeverett\nWade Everett",
"text": "Wade Everett Author of Fort Starke Includes the names: Everett Wade Members Reviews Popularity Rating Favorited Events89 1 136,913 (1.78) 0 0Disambiguation Notice Pseudonym by William Everett Cook and Giles A. Lutzorganize | filter Works by Wade Everett The Warrior 9 copies Killer 9 copies Fort Starke 9 copies First Command 9 copies, 1 review Shotgun Marshal (Leisure Western) 8 copies Texas Ranger 6 copies Cavalry Recruit 6 copies Last Scout 5 copies Bullets for the Doctor 5 copies Top Hand 4 copies Vengeance 3 copies The Whiskey Traders 3 copies Texas Yankee 2 copies Big Man, Big Mountain 2 copies The Big Drive 1 copy Broken Gun 1 copy Shotgun Marshal 1 copy Vengeance 1 copy Snigskytten (Texas Bog 137) 1 copy Bullet Range 1 copy Temporary Duty 1 copy The Horse Trader 1 copy Temporary Duty 1 copy Members Top members (works)Book Haven AZ ( 13 ), Aurel Arkad ( 8 ), millercrowe ( 6 ), cctesttc1 ( 3 ), Die_Boekrak ( 3 ), lamour ( 3 ), vhaverhahls ( 2 ), Mitra Library ( 2 ), Last Call ( 2 ), steelprimate ( 2 ), Welly Pub Lib ( 2 ), mazlynn ( 2 ), mucker28 ( 1 ), scrantonlibrary ( 1) — more Recently added Last Call ( 2 ), Welly Pub Lib ( 2 ), Book Haven AZ ( 13 ), chipper35 ( 1 ), Mike Futcher ( 1 ), cctesttc1 ( 3 ), calum-iain ( 1 ), mskarbiniks ( 1 ), debicakes77 ( 1 ), steelprimate ( 2)Member favorites Members: None Add to favorites Related tags19th century A PB Apr2014 Arizona Ballantine Books Box 49 BR donated En Texas Bogfictionkiosklitteratur Large Print LP Montana ODR_6 pb pulp stock090910 Texas USAWade Everett WES Westwestern WESTERN HITLIST Western Novel Westerns~Tag This Events on Library Thing Local No events listed. ( add an event)history Common Knowledge You must log in to edit Common Knowledge data. For more help see the Common Knowledge help page . Canonical name Everett, Wade Legal name Other names Date of birth Date of death Burial location Gender Nationality Country (for map)Birthplace Place of death Places of residence Education Occupations Relationships Organizations Awards and honors Agents Short biography Disambiguation notice Pseudonym by William Everett Cook and Giles A. Lutz"
"docid": "D679765#0",
"title": "http://www.silk-road.com/dunhuang/dhreview.html\nDunhuang Studies - A Critical Review",
"text": "\"Dunhuang Studies - A Critical Review CREDIT - The Dunhuangology webpages are researched and contributed by Prof. Ning Qiang In 1900, the first year of this century, a Daoist monk named Wang Yuanlu who lived near the Mogao Caves at Dunhuang, discovered the secret \"\"library cave,\"\" which was sealed and covered by fresh murals about 1000 years ago. At first, Wang's discovery did not attract much attention. Only a few Chinese scholars heard the news and collected some manuscripts and silk paintings from the secret cave. For example, Ye Changzhi, the chief official of Education Department of Gansu Province, collected five volumes of Buddhist sutras and two scroll-paintings. However, this exciting news soon attracted the attention of foreign explorers. The newly discovered old Chinese cultural relics were just the things they were looking for. When Sir Aurel Stein came into the small Dunhuang town and heard the exciting rumor, the discovery of many antiquities in one of the Mogao caves, he decided to visit the secret cave right away. Besides the relics discovered in the library cave, he found hundreds of caves decorated with paintings and sculptures. The Dunhuang Caves were \"\"re-discovered\"\" by the Western world."
"docid": "D3366367#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papsmear\nPap test",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Papsmear)navigation search Pap test High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion Specialty anatomical pathology ICD-9-CM 795.00Me SH D014626Medline Plus 003911 [ edit on Wikidata]The Papanicolaou test (abbreviated as Pap test, also known as Pap smear, cervical smear, or smear test) is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix (opening of the uterus or womb). Abnormal findings are often followed up by more sensitive diagnostic procedures, and, if warranted, interventions that aim to prevent progression to cervical cancer. The test was invented by, and named for, the prominent Greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou. A Pap smear is performed by opening the vaginal canal with a speculum, then collecting cells at the outer opening of the cervix at the transformation zone (where the outer squamous cervical cells meet the inner glandular endocervical cells). The collected cells are examined under a microscope to look for abnormalities. The test aims to detect potentially pre-cancerous changes (called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or cervical dysplasia; the squamous intraepithelial lesion system (SIL) is also used to describe abnormalities), which are caused by human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted DNA virus. The test remains an effective, widely used method for early detection of pre-cancer and cervical cancer. While the test may also detect infections and abnormalities in the endocervix and endometrium, it is not designed to do so. In the United States, Pap smear screening is recommended starting around 21 years of age until the age of 65. However, other countries do not recommend pap testing in non-sexually active females. ["
"docid": "D294445#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stein_(surname)\nStein (surname)",
"text": "\"Stein is a surname with different origins. It is a common German-Jewish name. The name derived from German [1] ( [ʃtaɪn]) means \"\"stone\"\" or \"\"rock\"\", the Scottish name ( / s t iː n /; also Steen) a form of Steven. [ 2]Notable people with the surname include: Aaron Marc Stein, nom de plume of American novelist George Bagby (1906–1985)Abby Stein (born 1991), Transgender activist, writer, and public speaker Allan Stein, nephew of Gertrude Stein and the title of a novel by Matthew Stadler Alon Stein (born 1991), Israeli basketball player Andrew Stein (born 1945), American politician Andy Stein, American saxophone and violin player Arthur Stein, American professor of political science Aurel Stein (1862–1943), Hungarian-British archaeologist Ben Stein (born 1944), American actor, writer, and attorney Blake Stein (born 1973), American baseball pitcher Boris Shtein (or Stein) (1892–1961), Soviet diplomat Brian Stein (born 1957), English association football player Burton Stein (1926–1996), American historian Charles Stein (disambiguation), several people Charlotte von Stein (1742–1827), lady-in-waiting at the court in Weimar Clarence Stein (1882–1975), American urban planner, architect, and writer Colin Stein (born 1947), Scottish footballer Chris Stein (born 1950), American guitarist Daniel Stein (disambiguation), several people David Stein (disambiguation), several people Dieter Stein (born 1967), German journalist Edith Stein (1891–1942), German-Jewish philosopher Eduardo Stein (born 1945), Guatemalan diplomat and politician Elias M. Stein (born 1931), American mathematician Ernst Stein (1891–1945), Austrian Byzantinist Erwin Stein (1885–1958), Austrian musician and writer Freimut Stein (1924–1986), German figure skater Fritz Stein 1879–1961), German theologian, conductor, musicologist and church musician Garth Stein (born 1964), American author, film producer, playwright, and teacher Gertrude Stein (1874–1947), American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector Gordon Stein (1941–1996), American author, physiologist, and activist Greg Stein (born 1967), American programmer, speaker, and open-source software advocate Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein (1757–1831), Prussian statesman Herb Stein (1898–1980), American football player Herbert Stein (1916–1999), American economist Herman Stein (1915–2007), American composer Horst Stein (1928–2008), German conductor Jason Stein, American college baseball coach James Stein (c1804-1877), Australian pastoralist Jake Stein (born 1994), Australian rules footballer Jimmy Stein (1907–? ), Scottish association footballer Jill Stein (born 1950), American politician and presidential candidate Jock Stein, Scottish football manager Johann Andreas Stein (1728–1792), German maker of keyboard instruments John Stein (disambiguation)Joseph Allen Stein (1912–2001), American architect Jules C. Stein (1896–1981), American musician, physician, and business leader Karl Stein (mathematician) (1913–2000), German mathematician Konrad Stein (1892–1960), German wrestler Leo Stein (1872-1947), American art critic and brother of Gertrude Stein Leon Stein (1910-2002), American composer and music analyst Leonid Stein, Soviet chess grandmaster Peter Stein (born 1937), German theatre and opera director Philip Stein (1919–2009), American painter Rick Stein (born 1947), English chef, restaurateur and television presenter Robert Stein (disambiguation), several people Samuel Friedrich Stein (1818–1885), Czech entomologist William A. Stein (born 1974), American mathematician William Howard Stein (1911–1980), American biochemist Fictional characters [ edit]Chase Stein, a superhero in the Marvel Comics series Runaways Franken Stein, a mad scientist in the manga and anime series Soul Eater Franny K. Stein, the titular character of an ongoing children's series by Jim Benton Martin Stein, one half of the original incarnation of the DC comics superhero Firestorm References [ edit]^ https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Stein^ Black, George F. (1993) [1946]. The Surnames of Scotland. Edinburgh: New York Public Library/Birlinn. p. 746. ISBN 1-874744-07-6. Syncopated form of STEVEN. This page lists people with the surname Stein."
"docid": "D1245835#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Ariel\nWhat does Ariel mean?",
"text": "\"Home > Ariel♂Ariel What does Ariel mean? A riel ▲ as a boys' name (also used more regularly as girls' name Ariel) is pronounced AR-ee-el. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ariel is \"\"lion of God\"\". Biblical place name for Jerusalem. Also the scriptural name for a place in Sumeria. Literary: Shakespeare gave this name to a prankish spirit who can disappear at will in \"\"The Tempest\"\". The name has otherwordly connotations, and though Shakespeare's Ariel is male, it is more frequently used for girls in modern times. Israeli statesman Ariel Sharon. STARTS WITH Ari-ASSOCIATED WITH lion, biblical, literary, modern Variations VARIANTS Aeriel, Aeriell, Airel, Airyel, Airyell, Arel, Ari ▲, Arie, Ariell, Arik, Aryel, Aryell CREATIVE FORMS (male) Aral, .. (female) Arli, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Ariel Kenji (A. K.), .. How popular is Ariel? Ariel is a somewhat prominent first name for males (#830 out of 1220, Top 68%) and an even more prominent surname for both adults and children (#46331 out of 150436, Top 31%). ("
"docid": "D326286#0",
"title": "https://weatherspark.com/m/93241/3/Average-Weather-in-March-in-Bucharest-Romania\nAverage Weather in March in Bucharest Romania",
"text": "Average Weather in March in Bucharest Romania In Bucharest, the month of March is characterized by rapidly rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing by 13°F, from 45°F to 58°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 71°F or dropping below 32°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 9°F, from 30°F to 39°F, rarely falling below 19°F or exceeding 46°F. For reference, on July 31, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Bucharest typically range from 63°F to 86°F, while on January 20, the coldest day of the year, they range from 24°F to 36°F. Average High and Low Temperature in March The daily average high (red line) and low (blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The thin dotted lines are the corresponding average perceived temperatures. The figure below shows you a compact characterization of the hourly average temperatures for the quarter of the year centered on March. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the color is the average temperature for that hour and day. Average Hourly Temperature in March The average hourly temperature, color coded into bands: frigid < 15°F < freezing < 32°F < very cold < 45°F < cold < 55°F < cool < 65°F < comfortable < 75°F < warm < 85°F < hot < 95°F < sweltering. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. From a purely temperature perspective, Columbus, Ohio, United States (5,140 miles away) is the far-away foreign climate most similar to Bucharest ( view comparison )."
"docid": "D876281#0",
"title": "https://css-tricks.com/almanac/selectors/p/placeholder/\n# The difference between :placeholder-shown and ::placeholder",
"text": "\"Home» CSS Almanac» Selectors» P» ::placeholder By Chris Coyier Last Updated On September 6, 2017::placeholder The ::placeholder pseudo element (or a pseudo class, in some cases, depending on the browser implementation) allows you to style the placeholder text of a form element. As in, the text set with the placeholder attribute:< input type = \"\" email \"\" placeholder = \"\" [email protected] \"\" >You can style that text across most browsers with this smattering of vendor-prefixed selectors:::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */color: pink;}::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */color: pink;}:-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE 10+ */color: pink;}:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */color: pink;}Important warning: this syntax is non-standard, thus all the naming craziness. It doesn't appear in the spec at all. : placeholder-shown is standard, and even spec authors seem to think ::placeholder will be the standardized version. Like any psuedo, you can scope it to specific elements as needed, like:input [type=\"\"email\"\"] .big-dog ::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: orange;}# Example HTML CSS Result EDIT ONlabel { display: block; color: white; margin: 0 0 4px; } input { border: #000; padding: 10px; font-size: 1.2em; width: 100%; } input:: placeholder { color: red; } label, input { font-family: sans-serif; } form { width: 65%; } body { background: #333; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } * { box-sizing: border-box; }School Name: Rerun# The difference between :placeholder-shown and ::placeholder:placeholder-shown is for selecting the input itself when it's placeholder text is being shown. As opposed to ::placeholder which styles the placeholder text. Here's a diagram: I found this highly confusing asthe specs only have :placeholder-shown and not ::placeholder:placeholder-shown can still affect the styling of the placeholder text, since it's a parent element (e.g. font-size). Note that :placeholder-shown is a pseudo class (it's an element in a particular state) and ::placeholder is a pseudo element (a visible thing that isn't really in the DOM). Distinguishable by single-versus-double colons. Tab Atkins cleared it up for me via email::placeholder-shown, being a pseudo-class, has to select an existing element - it selects the input whenever you're in the placeholder-showing state."
"docid": "D326096#0",
"title": "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_100_greatest_NHL_players_by_The_Hockey_News\nList of 100 greatest NHL players by The Hockey News",
"text": "List of 100 greatest NHL players by The Hockey News From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This is The Hockey News top 100 National Hockey League players of all-time. The Hockey News is a newspaper that write about ice hockey. This list is included in the book The Top 100 NHL Players of All-Time ( ISBN 978-07710-4175-4 ). Judges The judges who helped make the selections for this list included writers, journalists, and broadcasters ( Don Cherry, John Davidson, Milt Dunnell, Stan Fischler, Dick Irvin, Brian Mc Farlane, Bob Mc Kenzie, Jim Matheson, Harry Neale, Frank Orr), as well as coaches, referees, general managers, and former players ( Al Arbour, Scotty Bowman, Emile Francis, Howie Meeker, Scotty Morrison, Roger Neilson, Bud Poile, Sam Pollock, Marcel Pronovost, Billy Reay, Glen Sather, Harry Sinden, Red Storey ). The list Players in boldface were active when the list was published in early 1998. Flags of players born outside of Canada (regardless of nationality) are included next to their names. Wayne Gretzky Bobby Orr Gordie Howe Mario Lemieux [1]Maurice Richard Doug Harvey Jean Beliveau Bobby Hull Terry Sawchuk [2]Eddie Shore Guy Lafleur Mark Messier Jacques Plante Ray Bourque Howie Morenz Glenn Hall Stan Mikita [3]Phil Esposito Denis Potvin Mike Bossy Ted Lindsay Patrick Roy Red Kelly Bobby Clarke Larry Robinson Ken Dryden Frank Mahovlich Milt Schmidt Paul Coffey Henri Richard Bryan Trottier Dickie Moore Newsy Lalonde Syl Apps Bill Durnan Charlie Conacher Jaromir Jagr [4]Marcel Dionne Joe Malone Chris Chelios [5]Dit Clapper Bernie Geoffrion Tim Horton Bill Cook Johnny Bucyk George Hainsworth Gilbert Perreault Max Bentley Brad Park Jari Kurri Nels Stewart King Clancy Bill Cowley Eric Lindros Busher Jackson Peter Stastny Ted Kennedy Andy Bathgate Pierre Pilote Turk Broda Frank Boucher Cy Denneny Bernie Parent Brett Hull Aurel Joliat Toe Blake Frank Brimsek Elmer Lach Dave Keon Grant Fuhr Brian Leetch Earl Seibert Doug Bentley Borje Salming Georges Vezina Charlie Gardiner Clint Benedict Steve Yzerman Tony Esposito Billy Smith Serge Savard Alex Delvecchio Babe Dye Lorne Chabot Sid Abel Bob Gainey Johnny Bower Sprague Cleghorn Mike Gartner Norm Ullman Sweeney Schriner Joe Primeau Darryl Sittler Joe Sakic Dominik Hasek Babe Pratt Jack Stewart Yvan Cournoyer Bill Gadsby Frank Nighbor Notes↑ Lemieux was retired at the time the list was published, but returned later for parts of five more seasons.↑ Sawchuk is the highest-ranked goaltender.↑ Mikita is the highest-ranked European-born player, though he was raised in Canada from a young age.↑ Jagr is the highest-ranked European-born-and-trained player.↑ Chelios is the highest-ranked player born in the U. S. A. [ show]v t e List of NHL -related topics Category: Lists of ice hockey players"
"docid": "D625377#0",
"title": "http://www.flutemonkey.com/FamousFlutePlayers.html\nFamous Flute Players",
"text": "Famous Flute Players It's difficult to come up with a long list of famous flute players. I’m sure everyone has Sir James Galway on their list, but most of us can’t go a whole lot further than that. If you can name five, that’s pretty good. If you can name ten, I’m impressed. There are dozens of really wonderful flute players out there. Unfortunately flute players just don’t command as much name recognition as pianists, violinists or artists in more popular genres. Nonetheless, the professional flute world is teeming with talent. Many of the best flutists, like Jeanne Baxtresser and Alexa Still can be found teaching at our great music schools. Others, like Robert Langevin of the New York Philharmonic are orchestral players. Then there are the artists in the non classical genres."
"docid": "D2743694#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/color_names_02.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Color Names Names that mean a specific color. Names that mean the color of something, such as the sky or smoke. [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3] [ 4]BROWN COLOR NAMES: MALE: BAYARD : Old French name derived from the word baie, meaning \"\"reddish brown\"\" or \"\"bright bay color.\"\" In medieval romances, this was the name of a magic horse from the legends of the chansons de geste (\"\"Songs of Heroic Deeds\"\") which was given to Renaud by Charlemagne. It belonged to the four sons of Aymon, and had the ability to grow larger or smaller as one or more riders mounted it. According to tradition, one of its foot-prints may still be seen in the forest of Soignes, and another on a rock near Dinant. BRODERICK : Welsh surname transferred to forename use, derived from the personal name Rhydderch , meaning \"\"reddish-brown. \"\" BRUIN : Dutch form of German Bruno, meaning \"\"brown. \"\" BRUNO : German name derived from the word braun, meaning \"\"brown. \"\" BRUNS : Variant form of German Bruno , meaning \"\"brown. \"\""
"docid": "D2471079#0",
"title": "https://communitytable.parade.com/5762/fayeflam/are-dogs-smarter-than-cats/\nAre Dogs Smarter Than Cats?",
"text": "\"Family Are Dogs Smarter Than Cats? April 18, 2013 – 11:00 AM – 11 Comments By Higgs, the Science Cat @cosmic_tabby More by Higgs,Lose Weight While You Sleep? You’re Already Doing It Meet the World's Biggest Rodent Get Ready for This Weekend’s Supermoon (Istock)Who’s smarter—cats or dogs? Addressing this question is the first task I’ve been assigned as Science Cat. ( Don’t think just because I’m a cat I won’t be able to answer this objectively. I can assure you that I employ only rigorous scientific thinking and consult only top-rated scientists.) The Wall Street Journal recentlyran a piece arguing that dogs were smarter than cats. My own independent research has revealed something quite different. My assistant and I started our investigation with noted veterinary behaviorist Debra Horwitz. “ The key to understanding differences between cats and dogs comes down to understanding their ecology,” she said."
"docid": "D2930078#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Lovaza\n1 result for Lovaza",
"text": "All Listings Auction Buy It Now Sort: Best Match Time: ending soonest Time: newly listed Price + Shipping: lowest first Price + Shipping: highest first Distance: nearest first View: Gallery view Customize...1 result for Lovaza Save this search Did you mean: lavaza ( 3,672 items)? Items in search results DRUG REP PENS Lot - Pharmaceutical - Aciphex, Avodart, Lovaza, Ultram, Levitra$10.00Buy It Now+$4.00 shipping Results matching fewer words1925 Aurel Stein INNERMOST ASIA Archaeological PRE-BOOK Color Maps 5-6$175.00Buy It Now Free Shipping Tell us what you think"
"docid": "D2594957#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/254577.php\nCervical cancer screening: What you need to know",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Cervical cancer screening: What you need to know Last updated Mon 3 April 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph D, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHTCervical cancer Screening tests What the results mean Screening: Who and how often? Is it worth screening? Cervical screening makes it possible to find and treat cervical cancer in the early stages. The test involves scraping a small sample of cells from the surface of the woman's cervix. According to the National Cancer Institute, regular screening reduces the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer by 80 percent . In the United States, in 11,955 women were diagnosed, and 4,217 women died from cervical cancer in 2013. Deaths from cervical cancer in the U. S., however, are declining by around 2 percent each year due to progress in diagnosis and treatment. Cervical cancer The risk of cervical cancer can be severely reduced with regular screenings. Cervical cancer affects the cervix, the narrow portion of the lower part of the uterus, where it joins the top end of the vagina. It has a conical or cylindrical shape, and it protrudes through the end of the vagina."
"docid": "D1543268#0",
"title": "http://communitytable.parade.com/222621/smccook/what-is-sriracha-and-what-is-a-good-brand-substitute/\nWhat is Sriracha and Why is Everyone Talking About it?",
"text": "\"Food What is Sriracha and Why is Everyone Talking About it? November 1, 2013 – 7:18 PM – 1 Comment By Shannon Mc Cook @shannonmccook More by Shannon How Long Does it Take to Cook the Perfect Ham? How Much Ham Will You Need Per Person for Your Holiday Dinner? The Secret to Roasting a Juicy Turkey You’ve probably seen the bottle. Clear, filled with an almost neon reddish-orange sauce, proudly donning an illustration of a pompous-looking rooster and a splashy all-caps “HOT”, topped off with a lime-green squirt cap. You’ve maybe even heard it referred to lovingly by those in-the-know as “rooster sauce”. But what IS it really? And why does it have such a cult following? For starters, the sauce is actually called sriracha, and my first introduction to the stuff was through a fiery red-headed roommate in college. If I hadn’t known any better, I might have been convinced she dyed her hair with it."
"docid": "D805971#0",
"title": "http://babynames.net/all/hungarian?page=2\nHungarian Baby Names",
"text": "Hungarian Baby Names A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZRubik’s Cube, Tokaji wine and Goulash – all these have a common denominator – Hungary. From the country of thermal lakes and spicy sausages comes a naming tradition as unique as the Hungarian language itself!Boys Girls Andris Virile, manly Angyalka God's messenger Aniko Gracious, merciful Antal Worthy of admiration or praise Aurel Gilded or golden Balazs Stammering, stuttering Balint Hale and healthy Bandi Virile, manly Barbara Stranger, foreigner Barnat As strong as a bear"
"docid": "D561412#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Alfred\nWhat does Alfred mean?",
"text": "\"Home > Alfred♂Alfred What does Alfred mean? Alfred ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced AL-fred. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Alfred is \"\"elf or magical counsel\"\". A rather common name before the Norman Conquest of Britain, being the name of Alfred the Great (ninth century), King of Wessex. Queen Victoria named her second son Alfred. The name was revived in the 19th century, but has faded since. An unlikely choice to parents due to gap-toothed Alfred E. Neuman from \"\"Mad Magazine\"\". Alfie is a pet form; Alfredo (al-FRAY-doh) is the Latin form. Poet Alfred Tennyson; movie director Alfred Hitchcock. STARTS/ENDS WITH Al-, -ed ASSOCIATED WITH old english, elf, magical, counsel, norman, conquest (victory), britain (england), great, 19th century Variations VARIANTS Ahlfred, Ailfred, Ailfrid, Ailfryd, Al ▼, Alf, Alfeo, Alfey, Alfie, Alfre, Alfredas, Alfrey, Alfredo, Alfredos, Alfy, Avery ▲, Elfred, Fred ▼, Freddie ▼, Freddy, Fredo SEE ALSO Alured RELATED FORM VIA ALFIE Alfo FEMININE FORMS Alfreda, Alverdine, Avery CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Alfred Maxton (A. M.), .. How popular is Alfred?"
] |
2113 | autosomal genetic disease and what it is | [
"docid": "D1049110#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/genetics/dominant.htm\nInheritance of Autosomoal Dominant Genetic Diseases",
"text": "\"Inheritance of Autosomoal Dominant Genetic Diseases Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome. There are also X-linked dominant genetic diseases affecting the 23rd X chromosome. Some examples of autosomal dominant diseases are Huntington's disease and achondroplasia (dwarfism). See autosomal dominant diseases and autosomal dominant for a full list. Dominance: A genetic trait is often said to be dominant or recessive. A dominant trait is more likely to cause disease, because only one of the two copies of each gene needs to be damaged."
] | [
"docid": "D3258128#0",
"title": "http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/5/10/a017129.long\nGenes and Mutations Causing Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa",
"text": "Skip to main page content HOME ABOUT SUBJECT COLLECTIONS ARCHIVE SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE ALERTS FEEDBACK HELPSearch for Keyword: GO Advanced Search Genes and Mutations Causing Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa Stephen P. Daiger, Sara J. Bowne and Lori S. Sullivan+ Author Affiliations Human Genetics Center, School of Public Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas 77030Correspondence: [email protected] Next Section Abstract Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) has a prevalence of approximately one in 4000; 25%–30% of these cases are autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ad RP). Like other forms of inherited retinal disease, ad RP is exceptionally heterogeneous. Mutations in more than 25 genes are known to cause ad RP, more than 1000 mutations have been reported in these genes, clinical findings are highly variable, and there is considerable overlap with other types of inherited disease. Currently, it is possible to detect disease-causing mutations in 50%–75% of ad RP families in select populations. Genetic diagnosis of ad RP has advantages over other forms of RP because segregation of disease in families is a useful tool for identifying and confirming potentially pathogenic variants, but there are disadvantages too. In addition to identifying the cause of disease in the remaining 25% of ad RP families, a central challenge is reconciling clinical diagnosis, family history, and molecular findings in patients and families. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited dystrophic or degenerative disease of the retina with a prevalence of roughly one in 4000 ( Haim 2002; Daiger et al. 2007 ). Typically, the disease progresses from the midperiphery of the retina into the central retina and, in many cases, into the macula and fovea ( Heckenlively and Daiger 2007; Fahim et al. 2013 )."
"docid": "D2006584#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joubert_syndrome\nJoubert syndrome",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Joubert syndrome Joubert syndrome is inherited via an autosomal recessive manner Specialty Medical genetics Joubert syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects the cerebellum, an area of the brain that controls balance and coordination. Joubert syndrome is one of the many genetic syndromes associated with syndromic retinitis pigmentosa. [ 1] The syndrome was first identified in 1969 by pediatric neurologist Marie Joubert in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, while working at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Mc Gill University. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Signs and symptoms2 Genetics3 Diagnosis4 Treatment5 Prognosis6 Research7 References8 External links Signs and symptoms [ edit]Most of the signs and symptoms of the Joubert syndrome appear very early in infancy with most children showing delays in gross motor milestones. [ 3] Although other signs and symptoms vary widely from individual to individual, they generally fall under the hallmark of cerebellum involvement or in this case, lack thereof. Consequently, the most common features include ataxia (lack of muscle control), hyperpnea (abnormal breathing patterns), sleep apnea, abnormal eye and tongue movements, and hypotonia in early childhood. Other malformations such as polydactyly (extra fingers and toes), cleft lip or palate, tongue abnormalities, and seizures may also occur. Developmental delays, including cognitive, are always present to some degree. [ 4]Those suffering from this syndrome often exhibit specific facial features such as a broad forehead, arched eyebrows, ptosis (droopy eyelids), hypertelorism (widely spaced eyes), low-set ears and a triangle shaped mouth. Additionally, this disease can include a broad range of other abnormalities to other organ systems such as retinal dystrophy, kidney diseases, liver diseases, skeletal deformities and endocrine (hormonal) problems. ["
"docid": "D76761#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/genetics/chromosome.htm\nIntroduction to Chromosome Diseases",
"text": "\"Introduction to Chromosome Diseases Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Chromosome diseases are genetic diseases where a large part of the genetic code has been disrupted. Chromosomes are long sequences of DNA that contain hundreds or thousands of genes. Every person has 2 copies of each of the 23 chromosomes, called chromosomes 1..22 and the 23rd is the sex chromosome, which is either X and Y. Men are XY and women are XX in the 23rd chromosome pair. Causes of chromosome diseases: Chromosomal diseases arise from huge errors in the DNA that result from having extra chromosomes, large missing sequences, or other major errors. These are usually caused by a random physical error during reproduction and are not inherited diseases (i.e. both parents are usually free of the condition). Spontaneous chromosome errors: Most chromosomal diseases arise spontaneously from parents where neither has the disease. A large genetic mistake typically occurs in the woman's egg, which may partially explain why older women are more likely to have babies with Down syndrome ."
"docid": "D1332813#0",
"title": "http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Genetic-Disorders\nGenetic Disorders",
"text": "FAQ094, April 2017PDF Format Genetic Disorders What are genes? What are chromosomes? What determines my baby’s sex? What causes genetic disorders? What causes chromosome disorders? What is aneuploidy? What is an inherited disorder? What is an autosomal dominant disorder? What is an autosomal recessive disorder? What is a carrier?"
"docid": "D233534#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_disorder\nGenetic disorder",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For a non-technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Genetic disorder A boy with Down syndrome, one of the most common genetic disorders Classification and external resources Specialty Medical genetics Diseases DB 28838Me SH D030342 [ edit on Wikidata]A genetic disorder is a genetic problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a condition that is present from birth ( congenital ). Most genetic disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions. Genetic disorders may be hereditary, passed down from the parents' genes. In other genetic disorders, defects may be caused by new mutations or changes to the DNA. In such cases, the defect will only be passed down if it occurs in the germ line. The same disease, such as some forms of cancer, may be caused by an inherited genetic condition in some people, by new mutations in other people, and mainly by environmental causes in other people."
"docid": "D51820#0",
"title": "https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/gard/8378/autosomal-recessive-polycystic-kidney-disease/resources/1\nAutosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease",
"text": "\"Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease Other Names: ARPKD; Polycystic kidney disease, infantile type Categories: Congenital and Genetic Diseases; Kidney and Urinary Diseases; Male Reproductive Diseases Summary Listen Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a genetic condition that is characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidneys (which lead to kidney failure) and liver and problems in other organs, such as the blood vessels in the brain and heart. The severity varies from person to person. [ 1] The signs of ARPKD frequently begin before birth, so it is often called “infantile PKD” but some people do not develop symptoms until later in childhood or even adulthood. Children born with ARPKD often, but not always, develop kidney failure before reaching adulthood; babies with the worst cases die hours or days after birth due to respiratory difficulties or respiratory failure. Liver scarring occurs in all patients. [ 2] The condition is caused by a mutation in the PKHD1 gene and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Some symptoms of the condition may be controlled by medicines, antibiotics, healthy diet, and growth hormones. [ 1]Last updated: 4/24/2011Symptoms Listen This table lists symptoms that people with this disease may have. For most diseases, symptoms will vary from person to person. People with the same disease may not have all the symptoms listed."
"docid": "D824532#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/1427463/unit-7-genetics-flash-cards/\nUnit 7 - Genetics",
"text": "\"89 terms smorey Unit 7 - Genetics Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortgene a segment of DNA that codes for a proteinallele alternate forms of a genehomozygous the alleles for a trait are the same (Ex: AA or aa)heterozygous the alleles for a trait are different (Ex: Aa)dominant Trait that is automatically seen even when paired with a recessive allele. Represented by a capital letter.recessive Trait that is only seen when two recessive alleles are present. Represented by a lowercase letter.genotype Genetic make-up of an individual. ( DD, Dd, dd)phenotype Physical characteristic. How you see the trait. Ex: Dimples or no dimples. Purebred Alleles of the organism are the same. ( AA or aa - homozygous)Hybrid Result of cross between 2 different purebreds Punnett square A box that is used to predict the probability of offspring when crossing two parents."
"docid": "D1307781#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/autosomal_dominant_disease.htm\nAUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » A » Autoinjector ... Autosomal Recessive Defect AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASEDictionary entry overview: What does autosomal dominant disease mean?• AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE (noun) The noun AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE has 1 sense:1. a disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome Familiarity information: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE (noun)Sense 1 autosomal dominant disease [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome Classified under: Nouns denoting stable states of affairs Synonyms:autosomal dominant disease; autosomal dominant disorder Hypernyms (\"\"autosomal dominant disease\"\" is a kind of...):congenital disease; genetic abnormality; genetic defect; genetic disease; genetic disorder; hereditary condition; hereditary disease; inherited disease; inherited disorder (a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"autosomal dominant disease\"\"): Huntington's chorea; Huntington's disease (hereditary disease; develops in adulthood and ends in dementia)malignant hyperthermia (hereditary condition in which certain anesthetics (e.g., halothane) cause high body temperatures and muscle rigidity)Marfan's syndrome (an autosomal dominant disease characterized by elongated bones (especially of limbs and digits) and abnormalities of the eyes and circulatory system)neurofibromatosis; von Recklinghausen's disease (autosomal dominant disease characterized by numerous neurofibromas and by spots on the skin and often by developmental abnormalities)osteogenesis imperfecta (autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue characterized by brittle bones that fracture easily)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Where one door shuts, another opens.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"If you're a liar, then have a good memory.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"He who leads an immoral life dies an immoral death.\"\" ( Corsican proverb)AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASE: related words searches» genetic defect definition » inherited disorder meaning » What does osteogenesis imperfecta mean? » genetic abnormality: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » Huntington's chorea definition Related FAQs:» AUTOSOMAL » DOMINANTAUTOPSYAUTORADIOGRAPHAUTORADIOGRAPHICAUTORADIOGRAPHYAUTOREGULATIONAUTOSEMANTICAUTOSEXINGAUTOSOMALAUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISEASEAUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISORDEREnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does flourish mean » smiley » meaning of prenatal » hopeless » what does persnickety mean Page delivered in 0.0393 seconds \""
"docid": "D2758650#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autosomal\nAutosome",
"text": "\"This article is about a type of chromosome. For the ancestral discovery method using autosomal DNA, see Genealogical DNA test § Geographic origin tests. An autosome is a chromosome that is not an allosome (a sex chromosome). [ 1] The members of an autosome pair in a diploid cell have the same morphology unlike those in allosome pairs which may have different structure. The DNA in autosomes is collectively known as at DNA or au DNA. [ 2]For example, humans have a diploid genome that usually contains 22 pairs of autosomes and one allosome pair (46 chromosomes total). The autosome pairs are labeled with numbers (1–22 in humans) roughly in order of their sizes in base pairs, while allosomes are labelled with their letters. [ 3] By contrast, the allosome pair consists of two X chromosomes in females or one X and one Y chromosome in males. ( Unusual combinations of XYY, XXY, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX or XXYY, among other allosome combinations, are known to occur and usually cause developmental abnormalities. ) Autosomes still contain sexual determination genes even though they are not sex chromosomes."
"docid": "D675736#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinocerebellar_ataxia\nSpinocerebellar ataxia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Spinocerebellar ataxia Cerebellum (in blue) of the human brain Specialty Neurology Spinocerebellar ataxia ( SCA ), also known as spinocerebellar atrophy or spinocerebellar degeneration, is a progressive, degenerative, [1]genetic disease with multiple types, each of which could be considered a disease in its own right. An estimated 150,000 people in the United States have a diagnosis of spinocerebellar ataxia at any given time. SCA is hereditary, progressive, degenerative, and often fatal. There is no known effective treatment or cure. SCA can affect anyone of any age. The disease is caused by either a recessive or dominant gene. In many cases people are not aware that they carry a relevant gene until they have children who begin to show signs of having the disorder. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Signs and symptoms2 Cause3 Diagnosis3.1 Classification4 Treatment4.1 Medication4.2 Rehabilitation5 References6 Further reading7 External links Signs and symptoms [ edit]Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is one of a group of genetic disorders characterized by slowly progressive incoordination of gait and is often associated with poor coordination of hands, speech, and eye movements. A review of different clinical features among SCA subtypes was recently published describing the frequency of non-cerebellar features, like parkinsonism, chorea, pyramidalism, cognitive impairment, peripheral neuropathy, seizures, among others. [ 3] As with other forms of ataxia, SCA frequently results in atrophy of the cerebellum, [4] loss of fine coordination of muscle movements leading to unsteady and clumsy motion, and other symptoms."
"docid": "D215066#0",
"title": "http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/inheritance/inheritancepatterns\nWhat are the different ways in which a genetic condition can be inherited?",
"text": "Some genetic conditions are caused by mutations in a single gene. These conditions are usually inherited in one of several patterns, depending on the gene involved: Patterns of inheritance Inheritance pattern Description Examples Autosomal dominant One mutated copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient for a person to be affected by an autosomal dominant disorder. In some cases, an affected person inherits the condition from an affected parent. In others, the condition may result from a new mutation in the gene and occur in people with no history of the disorder in their family. Huntington disease, Marfan syndrome Autosomal recessive In autosomal recessive inheritance, both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition. Autosomal recessive disorders are typically not seen in every generation of an affected family.cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease X-linked dominant X-linked dominant disorders are caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes in each cell. In females (who have two X chromosomes), a mutation in one of the two copies of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In males (who have only one X chromosome), a mutation in the only copy of the gene in each cell causes the disorder. In most cases, males experience more severe symptoms of the disorder than females."
"docid": "D3374274#0",
"title": "http://messybeast.com/gene-anomalies.htm\n.",
"text": "\"GENETIC ANOMALIES OF CATS2008-2015, Sarah Hartwell The following categories of defect are frequently used to describe feline genetic anomalies. As with all things, there will be different opinions as to which category a particular defect is assigned to. The availability of medical or surgical care may be a factor in many regions; country-specific legislation also plays a part. The definitions used here are those in current usage by cat breeders and veterinarians. Researchers working independently of each other may use different terms for what is later found to be the same syndrome or anomaly and have slightly different descriptions. The list of genetic anomalies continues to grow with better reporting and better genetic screening. CATEGORYSUB-DIVISIONLETHALClassical Lethal: kittens die in utero or are reabsorbed Teratological lethal: kittens are stillborn or die shortly after birth (major birth defects; \"\"teratological\"\" means \"\"monster-like\"\") Deferred lethal (sub-lethal, semi-lethal): lethal if the kitten inherits 2 copies of the mutated gene, impairing or not evident if only 1 copy is inherited (e.g. Manx mutation, polycystic kidney disease [PKD])IMPAIRINGNon-lethal, non-cosmetic, but difficult or impossible to control with medicine or surgery at the current state of knowledge. Non-lethal, non-cosmetic, but requires surgery to give cat good quality of life (e.g. mild cleft palate) Non-lethal, non-cosmetic, but requires long-term or lifelong medical treatment COSMETICCosmetic with medical or physical repercussions Cosmetic, but cat can live healthy life without surgery or medical treatment, but with some limitations e.g. indoor only Cosmetic with no known medical or physical repercussions In genetics-speak, mutations are often referred to as \"\"defects\"\" as they are different from normal. Since one person's defect is another person's breed trait, the term \"\"anomaly\"\" is preferred by breeders. Genetic anomalies are most often noted in purebreds for several reasons: Purebreds have pedigrees maintained over 3 or more generations making familial links easier to identify; some breeds are based on genetic anomalies."
"docid": "D854521#0",
"title": "http://kidneys.emedtv.com/polycystic-kidney-disease/polycystic-kidney-disease-types.html\nPolycystic Kidney Disease Types",
"text": "\"Kidneys Channel Topics & Medications Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic Kidney Disease Azasan Cell Cept Epogen Everolimus Inlyta Mycophenolate Myfortic Neoral Nexavar NULOJIXOmontys Orthoclone OKT3Prograf Rapamune Simulect TORISELVOTRIENTAdvertisement Quicklinks Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic Kidney Disease Diet Epogen Prograf Cell Cept Nexavar Related Channels Kidney Stones Diabetes Women Bladder Advertisement Tweet Kidneys Home > Polycystic Kidney Disease Types Polycystic Kidney Disease Types The three types of polycystic kidney disease are autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, and acquired cystic kidney disease. Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive are inherited. Acquired cystic kidney disease is not an inherited condition, but is linked to long-term kidney problems, dialysis, and old age. Roughly 90 percent of polycystic kidney disease cases are autosomal dominant. Polycystic Kidney Disease Types: An Overview There are three types of polycystic kidney disease (PKD): Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease Acquired cystic kidney disease. Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive are inherited polycystic kidney disease types. Acquired cystic kidney disease is not inherited, but it is associated with long-term kidney problems, dialysis, and old age. Polycystic Kidney Disease Types: Autosomal Dominant Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is one type of PKD. It is also one of the most common inherited conditions. An inherited condition is one that is passed from parent to child through a defect (mutation) in a gene."
"docid": "D1664393#0",
"title": "http://www.muscle.ca/about-muscular-dystrophy/genetics/\nGenetics",
"text": "print Geneticshome About Muscular Dystrophy Genetics Answers to frequently asked questions Types of Neuromuscular Disorders Genetics For Parents For Schools What causes muscular dystrophy? Muscular dystrophy and many related neuromuscular disorders are genetic diseases caused by errors in genes associated with muscle function. What are genes? Genes are the basic functional units of heredity. Each gene contains the code to make a message to tell the cells how to make a particular product such as a protein. The proteins are responsible for all living cells’ structures and functions – from eye colour to muscle movement. If a gene is mutated, the protein will be damaged, faulty or even non-existent. Where do mutated genes come from? We all have variations in our DNA which is why we are unique. Very rarely, these changes make a gene faulty and can result in a genetic condition."
"docid": "D653330#0",
"title": "https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Genetic-Disorders\nGenetic Disorders",
"text": "FAQ094, April 2017PDF Format Genetic Disorders What are genes? What are chromosomes? What determines my baby’s sex? What causes genetic disorders? What causes chromosome disorders? What is aneuploidy? What is an inherited disorder? What is an autosomal dominant disorder? What is an autosomal recessive disorder? What is a carrier?"
"docid": "D534795#0",
"title": "https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002048.htm\nGenetics",
"text": "\"Genetics Genetics is the study of heredity, the process of a parent passing certain genes to their children. A person's appearance -- height, hair color, skin color, and eye color -- is determined by genes. Other characteristics affected by heredity are: Likelihood of getting certain diseases Mental abilities Natural talents An abnormal trait (anomaly) that is passed down through families (inherited) may: Have no effect on your health or well-being. For example, the trait might just cause a white patch of hair or an earlobe that is longer than normal. Have only a minor effect, such as color blindness. Have a major effect on your quality or length of life. For most genetic disorders, genetic counseling is advised. Many couples may also want to seek prenatal diagnosis if one of them has a genetic disorder. Information Human beings have cells with 46 chromosomes. These consist of 2 chromosomes that determine what sex they are (X and Y chromosomes), and 22 pairs of nonsex (autosomal) chromosomes."
"docid": "D1783247#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Molecular+Diagnostics\ngenetic testing",
"text": "\"genetic testing (redirected from Molecular Diagnostics) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia . Genetic Testing Definition A genetic test examines the genetic information contained inside a person's cells, called DNA, to determine if that person has or will develop a certain disease or could pass a disease to his or her offspring. Genetic tests also determine whether or not couples are at a higher risk than thegeneral population for having a child affected with a genetic disorder. Purpose Some families or ethnic groups have a higher incidence of a certain disease than the population as a whole. For example, individuals from Eastern European, Ashkenazi Jewish descent are at higher risk for carrying genes for rare conditions that occur much less frequently in populationsfrom other parts of the world. Before having a child, a couple from such a family or ethnic groupmay want to know if their child would be at risk of having that disease. Genetic testing for thistype of purpose is called genetic screening. During pregnancy, a baby's cells can be studied for certain genetic disorders or chromosomalproblems such as Down syndrome. Chromosome testing is most commonly offered when themother is 35 years or older at the time of delivery. When there is a family medical history of a genetic disease or there are individuals in a family affected with developmental and physicaldelays, genetic testing also may be offered during pregnancy."
"docid": "D1511403#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetics\nHuman genetics",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Human Genetics\"\" redirects here. For the journal, see Human Genetics (journal). For a non-technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. Human genetics is the study of inheritance as it occurs in human beings. Human genetics encompasses a variety of overlapping fields including: classical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, genomics, population genetics, developmental genetics, clinical genetics, and genetic counseling. Genes can be the common factor of the qualities of most human-inherited traits. Study of human genetics can be useful as it can answer questions about human nature, understand the diseases and development of effective disease treatment, and understand genetics of human life. This article describes only basic features of human genetics; for the genetics of disorders please see: medical genetics. Representation of the double helix structure of human DNAContents [ hide ]1 Genetic differences and inheritance patterns1.1 Autosomal dominant inheritance1.2 Autosomal recessive inheritance1.3 X-linked and Y-linked inheritance1.4 Pedigrees1.5 Karyotype2 Genomics3 Medical genetics4 Population genetics5 Mitochondrial DNA5.1 Genes and sex5.2 X-linked traits5.3 Human traits with possible monogenic or oligogenic inheritance patterns5.4 Handicapping conditions6 See also7 References8 Further reading9 External links Genetic differences and inheritance patterns [ edit]Autosomal dominant pattern, a 50/50 chance. Inheritance of traits for humans are based upon Gregor Mendel 's model of inheritance."
"docid": "D915682#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/congenital_disease.htm\nCONGENITAL DISEASE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » C » Confit ... Congested CONGENITAL DISEASEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does congenital disease mean?• CONGENITAL DISEASE (noun) The noun CONGENITAL DISEASE has 1 sense:1. a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically Familiarity information: CONGENITAL DISEASE used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• CONGENITAL DISEASE (noun)Sense 1 congenital disease [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A disease or disorder that is inherited genetically Classified under: Nouns denoting stable states of affairs Synonyms:congenital disease; genetic abnormality; genetic defect; genetic disease; genetic disorder; hereditary condition; hereditary disease; inherited disease; inherited disorder Hypernyms (\"\"congenital disease\"\" is a kind of...):disease (an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"congenital disease\"\"):monogenic disease; monogenic disorder (an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes)otosclerosis (hereditary disorder in which ossification of the labyrinth of the inner ear causes tinnitus and eventual deafness)autosomal dominant disease; autosomal dominant disorder (a disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome)autosomal recessive defect; autosomal recessive disease (a disease caused by the presence of two recessive mutant genes on an autosome)congenital pancytopenia; Fanconi's anaemia; Fanconi's anemia (a rare congenital anemia characterized by pancytopenia and hypoplasia of the bone marrow)juvenile amaurotic idiocy; Spielmeyer-Vogt disease (a congenital progressive disorder of lipid metabolism having an onset at age 5 and characterized by blindness and dementia and early death)congenital afibrinogenemia (a rare congenital disorder of blood coagulation in which no fibrinogen is found in the blood plasma)Albers-Schonberg disease; marble bones disease; osteopetrosis (an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated)nevoid elephantiasis; pachyderma (thickening of the skin (usually unilateral on an extremity) caused by congenital enlargement of lymph vessel and lymph vessel obstruction)dwarfism; nanism (a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature)lactase deficiency; lactose intolerance; milk intolerance (congenital disorder consisting of an inability to digest milk and milk products; absence or deficiency of lactase results in an inability to hydrolyze lactose)porphyria (a genetic abnormality of metabolism causing abdominal pains and mental confusion)oligodontia (congenital condition in which some of the teeth are missing)oligodactyly (congenital condition in which some fingers or toes are missing)polygenic disease; polygenic disorder (an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once)achondroplasia; achondroplasty; chondrodystrophy; osteosclerosis congenita (an inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism)abetalipoproteinemia (a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism; characterized by severe deficiency of beta-lipoproteins and abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytes) and abnormally low cholesterol levels)inborn error of metabolism (any of a number of diseases in which an inherited defect (usually a missing or inadequate enzyme) results in an abnormality of metabolism)congenital megacolon; Hirschsprung's disease (congenital condition in which the colon does not have the normal network of nerves; there is little urge to defecate so the feces accumulate and cause megacolon)mucopolysaccharidosis (any of a group of genetic disorders involving a defect in the metabolism of mucopolysaccharides resulting in greater than normal levels of mucopolysaccharides in tissues)hyperbetalipoproteinemia (a genetic disorder characterized by high levels of beta-lipoproteins and cholesterol; can lead to atherosclerosis at an early age)ichthyosis (any of several congenital diseases in which the skin is fishlike (dry and scaly))branched chain ketoaciduria; maple syrup urine disease (an inherited disorder of metabolism in which the urine has a odor characteristic of maple syrup; if untreated it can lead to mental retardation and death in early childhood)Mc Ardle's disease (an inherited disease in which abnormal amounts of glycogen accumulate in skeletal muscle; results in weakness and cramping)dystrophy; muscular dystrophy (any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system characterized by weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles)hepatolenticular degeneration; Wilson's disease (a rare inherited disorder of copper metabolism; copper accumulates in the liver and then in the red blood cells and brain)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"All frills and no knickers.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself.\"\" ( Native American proverb, Minquass) \"\"He who plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"All too good is neighbours fool.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)CONGENITAL DISEASE: related words searches» What does disease mean? » Definition of juvenile amaurotic idiocy » Definition of lactose intolerance » What does inborn error of metabolism mean? » ichthyosis meaning Related FAQs:» CONGENITALCONGENIALITYCONGENIALLYCONGENIALNESSCONGENITALCONGENITAL ABNORMALITYCONGENITAL AFIBRINOGENEMIACONGENITAL ANOMALYCONGENITAL DEFECTCONGENITAL DISEASECONGENITAL DISORDEREnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does obnoxious mean » pushover » what does condescending mean » rico » what does confrontation mean Page delivered in 0.0453 seconds \""
"docid": "D1687570#0",
"title": "https://www.ukessays.com/essays/biology/polycystic-kidney-disease-current-interests-biology-essay.php\nPolycystic Kidney Disease Current Interests Biology Essay",
"text": "\"Polycystic Kidney Disease Current Interests Biology Essay Print Reference this Published: 23rd March, 2015Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life threatening genetic disorder and affects many people worldwide. It can vary in certain parts of the world from 1 to 400 people to 1 in 1000 people affected worldwide depending on the part of the world. PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous fluid - filled cysts on the kidneys which dramatically enlarge kidneys which severely compromises kidneys function. PKD is prevalent, inherited condition for which there is currently no effective specific clinical therapy. The cysts are derived from renal tubular epithelial cells which gradually compress the parenchyma and compromise renal function. Current interests in the research field focus on understanding and exploiting signalling mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis as well as the role of the primary cilium in cystogenesis. The primary purpose is to highlight pathogenetic pathways underlying renal cyst formation as well as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of PKD. ("
] |
2116 | average credit limit | [
"docid": "D3184442#0",
"title": "http://creditcardforum.com/finance-charges-apr-compare/1565-average-credit-limit.html\nAverage credit limit?",
"text": "\"Average credit limit?11 posts1 2 Nextplainjane Green Member Posts: 3Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:16 am Location: ILAverage credit limit?by plainjane » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:19 am (Updated 2013) What is the average credit limit on a credit card? I recently applied for (and was approved) for a card from my bank but the credit limit was only $1,500. I have good credit too with no negatives on my record. Would this be an average credit limit for a new credit card account? Top Featured Deals (as of November 11, 2017)sponsored Cash Back Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases and cash back never expires. No annual fee or foreign transaction fees. Rewards Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express6% cash back at U. S. supermarkets on up to $6,000 per year in purchases (then 1%); Terms and limitations apply. Hotel Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express Redeem Starpoints® at over 1,300 participating hotels and resorts and for flights on more than 150 airlines No Annual Fee HSBC Cash Rewards Mastercard® Credit Card Limited Time Offer: Earn unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases made 6 months of account opening, then 1.5% thereafter. Business travel The Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express OPEN3X Pts on your choice of 1 of 5 categories, 2X pts on 4 remaining categories, 1X pts on all other spending. Terms apply."
] | [
"docid": "D1498333#0",
"title": "http://catalog.cpp.edu/content.php?catoid=4&navoid=769\nAcademic Policies",
"text": "\"A h P H [ARCHIVED CATALOG]Academic Policies Academic Renewal Academic Standing College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Credit College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit Course Numbering System Courses Taken By Undergraduates for Graduate Or Undergraduate Credit Credit for Continuing Education Course Work Credit for Military Service Credit for Non-Traditional College-Level Work Credit Hour Determination of Graduation Requirements Double Majors General Education Requirements Grade Appeals Policy and Procedure Grade Forgiveness Grading Information Grading System (See also “Graduate Studies” section)Graduation Writing Test (GWT) Requirement Honors and Honorary Societies International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination Credit Limited Enrollment—Courses Open to Majors Only Minimum Grade Point Average Minors Repetition of Courses Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Retroactive Withdrawal Satisfactory Progress Scholastic Requirements Second Baccalaureate Degree Transfer Credit University Wide Honorary Societies Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree General Requirements A candidate for the bachelor’s degree shall havecompleted the courses in one of the listed baccalaureate curricula with a minimum \"\"C\"\" grade average (GPA of 2.0) in the major (core and designated subplan) courses, in all college-level courses taken at Cal Poly Pomona, and in all completed college-level course work;completed the required general education courses;completed the required courses in American history and government, including state and local government. This requirement is met by completing PLS 201 and HST 202;completed at least one four-unit course that meets the American Cultural Perspectives Requirement;spent not less than three quarters in residence, two of these quarters immediately preceding graduation;earned not fewer than 50 quarter units in residence applicable to the bachelor’s degree; of which 36 units must be in upper division courses, 18 units must be in the major core, and 12 units in general education courses;earned a total number of grade points at least equal to twice the number of units attempted (achieve a \"\"C\"\" grade average e.g. GPA of 2.0) in all courses taken at Cal Poly Pomona and overall coursework;completed all coursework requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, with a minimum of 60 of those units being of 300- or 400- level courses, 18 of which must be in the major core; completed all coursework requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree, with at least 27 of these units being in 300- or 400-level courses in the major core; completed all coursework requirements for the Bachelor of Architecture degree, with 67.5 units required for the major and with at least 40.5 of these units being in 300- or 400-level courses. No major will contain less than 54 quarter units of courses required in the core for the major. Within these 54 units must be at least 15 units of 100 and 200-level courses. The courses in the major must be exclusive of those courses taken to satisfy the general education requirements;met the Graduation Writing Test requirement;had a graduation check. A graduation check request can be made in the Registrar’s Office when a senior has no more than 10 classes (40 units) left to take to complete degree requirements. Processing of the graduation check takes 60-90 days and the graduation check is sent to the student’s Cal Poly Pomona e-mail address. This policy is currently under revision. Please refer to the online catalog for the current policy.filed an application for graduation in the Registrar’s Office in the quarter in which all requirements will be completed, prior to the deadline listed in the academic calendar. Determination of Graduation Requirements In determining graduation requirements, students have three basic options open to them."
"docid": "D539300#0",
"title": "https://www.thesimpledollar.com/how-much-does-car-insurance-cost/\nHow Much Does Car Insurance Cost?",
"text": "How much is car insurance going to cost you? It’s not an easy question to answer. The quote you receive could be painfully high or comfortably low based on a number of different factors. But for what it’s worth, the average amount spent to insure a car in the U. S. was $815 a year in 2012, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. However, as anyone who pays much less — or more — than $815 a year can tell you, there are a lot of variables that affect your car insurance rates. Some factors, including where you live and what kind of car you drive, can be tough to change. Others, such as your driving habits and the level of coverage you choose, are a bit easier to tweak. I’ll break down these factors and discuss what (if anything) you can do to save a dime on your car insurance. Comparison Shop to Lower Your Car Insurance Cost Before we get started, it’s important to mention one thing you can always do to save some money: Shop around. It’s easiest to start online."
"docid": "D2120136#0",
"title": "http://www.marshmma.com/Blog/HoursofService.aspx\nHOURS OF SERVICE RULES",
"text": "\"HOURS OF SERVICE RULESJuly 1, 2013Hours of service are used in determining full-time employee status for purposes of the employer shared responsibility rules. The regulations provide that an employee’s hours of service include the following: Each hour for which an employee is paid, or entitled to payment, for the performance of duties for the employer; and Each hour for which an employee is paid, or entitled to payment, on account of a period of time during which no duties are being performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or leave of absence. Additional things to keep in mind: Hours of service include all paid leave. All hours of service performed for entities treated as a single employer (i.e., controlled group, common control, or affiliated service groups) must be taken into account. Hours of service include all hours of service for which an employee receives U. S. sources of income, but do not include hours of service compensated by a foreign source of income. Therefore, hours of service worked outside the United States, such as employees that work overseas, generally will not count toward hours of service. Hourly Employees For hourly employees, the employer must calculate the actual hours of service from records of hours worked and hours for which payment is made or due for vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or leave of absence. Non-Hourly Employees For non-hourly employees, the employer may calculate the number of hours of service under any of the following three methods: Use the same calculation method used for hourly employees;Use the days-worked equivalency method where the employee is credited with 8 hours of service for each day the employee would be credited with at least one hour of service; or Use the weeks-worked equivalency method where the employee is credited with 40 hours of service per week for each week the employee would be credited with at least 1 hour of service. It is important to note that the regulations prohibit use of the days-worked or weeks-worked equivalency method if the result would substantially understate an employee’s hours of service in a way that would cause that employee not to be treated as a full-time employee. The number of hours of service calculated using either of the equivalency methods must generally reflect the hours actually worked and the hours for which payment is made or due."
"docid": "D1612253#0",
"title": "https://wallethub.com/edu/strictest-and-most-lenient-states-on-speeding/14211/\nStrictest And Most Lenient States on Speeding and Reckless Driving",
"text": "\"Strictest And Most Lenient States on Speeding and Reckless Driving Jul 21, 2016 | Alina Comoreanu, Senior Researcher Speed kills. We have all been told that since driver’s education class, and yet America drivers routinely exceed the speed limit. Before you underestimate the danger of exceeding the speed limit, consider that in 2014, speeding was a factor in 28 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths. Speeding is costly, too. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that the annual economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is $40.4 billion. Another important issue is the impact of speeding on fuel consumption. According to the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE), as a rule of thumb, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph will cost you 7 percent more for gasoline. Some states are tougher on speeding and reckless drivers than others. To find out which states take the hardest line on dangerous driving behavior, Wallet Hub compared driving laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The results and our detailed methodology – along with expert commentary – can be found below.1 Main Findings2 Detailed Findings3 Ask The Experts4 Methodology Main Findings1=Strictest Embed on your website Overall Rank (1=Strictest)State Overall Score Reckless Penalties Rank Speeding Enforcement Rank1 Colorado 18.00 2 102 Arizona 17.00 11 22 Delaware 17.00 1 234 New Mexico 16.50 11 45 Illinois 16.00 8 65 Oregon 16.00 8 67 Virginia 15.00 8 148 Iowa 14.50 25 18 Massachusetts 14.50 2 3210 Alabama 14.00 11 1511 District Of Columbia 13.50 16 1012 Arkansas 13.00 4 4312 California 13.00 5 3212 Washington 13.00 21 615 West Virginia 12.50 6 3216 Kansas 12.00 11 2716 Mary Land 12.00 28 618 Indiana 11.50 28 1018 Missouri 11.50 41 218 North Carolina 11.50 16 1921 Oklahoma 11.00 6 4721 Wyoming 11.00 15 2721 Vermont 11.00 16 2324 New York 10.50 41 525 Hawaii 10.00 28 1725 Alaska 10.00 21 2325 Louisiana 10.00 40 1025 Maine 10.00 21 2329 Idaho 9.00 16 4330 Tennessee 8.50 41 1531 Connecticut 8.00 28 3231 Georgia 8.00 28 3231 Minnesota 8.00 28 3231 Nevada 8.00 25 3831 New Hampshire 8.00 16 4831 North Dakota 8.00 25 3837 Florida 7.50 37 2737 Rhode Island 7.50 28 3839 Michigan 7.00 21 4839 Wisconsin 7.00 45 1741 Kentucky 6.50 45 1941 Montana 6.50 36 4341 Nebraska 6.50 37 3841 Ohio 6.50 45 1941 South Carolina 6.50 45 1946 New Jersey 6.00 37 4347 Mississippi 5.50 45 2747 Pennsylvania 5.50 45 2747 South Dakota 5.50 41 3847 Utah 5.50 28 5051 Texas 2.50 45 50Nearly three quarters of the states and D. C. have “absolute” speed limits, which means that exceeding the limit is enough evidence for a conviction."
"docid": "D936707#0",
"title": "https://blog.creditkarma.com/credit-cards/\nThe Real Reasons Retailers Push Branded Credit Cards Read Morekeyboard_arrow_right",
"text": "Three Things Consumers Should Know About Gift Cards This Holiday Season December 16, 2016Gift card purchases are expected to increase to $27.5 billion this year. Do you know what that means for retailers and consumers? Read More Did the CARD Act Really Protect College Student Credit Scores? October 3, 2016The CARD Act went into effect in 2009 as a way to protect college students and their credit scores from the danger of too easy debt sweetened by branded swag. The results have been dramatic and part of a larger trend in the credit industry. Read More How Do Credit Card Companies Decide Who to Send Junk Mail? September 26, 2016When it comes to sending credit card promotions in the mail, credit scores are only one data point among many used by card issuers to target mailboxes for their avalanche of offers. You might be surprised when you find out why you have so many limited time offers in your mailbox. Read More What is Black Market Value of Stolen Credit Card Info? September 8, 2016Major security breaches have become too common of a story, with retailers and websites hacked with alarming frequency."
"docid": "D277112#0",
"title": "https://www.madisonmortgageguys.com/announcements/conventional-loan-limits/\n2018 Conventional Loan Limits",
"text": "2018 Conventional Loan Limits176 Shares Pinterest 106 Tweet 29 Linked In 27 Buffer 6Facebook 3 E-mail 2 Print 1 Stumble Upon 1 Flipboard 1Google+ 0 Pocket 0Every year the new conventional loan limits are announced. Some years the amounts increase while other years they decrease. For 2018 the conventional loan amounts are increasing, much the same way they did for the year 2017. Past Performances The new conforming amount of conventional loans will be $453,100 which is higher than last year’s $424,100. This marks only the 2 nd increase over the last 10 years. The mortgage crisis that happened from 2006 to 2009 had a long-term impact on the overall lending environment. Thankfully, home prices have steadily increased. Since the middle of 2014, the average price of a home across the country has been on a steady increase. In fact, the average price from 2016 to 2017 jumped by over 6%. This is due to a healthy demand for homes along with a lower than average supply."
"docid": "D927640#0",
"title": "https://www.valuepenguin.com/charge-card-vs-credit-card-differences\nCharge Card vs Credit Card: What is the Difference?",
"text": "\"How are charge cards different from credit cards, and which one is the best card option for me? These are two types of plastic issued by banks with crucial differences in spending limits and payment terms that consumers need to understand before picking one over the other. Our article will explain the major features of each type, and the delve into detail about how credit cards and charge cards compare, and which type makes more sense for particular consumers. What are Credit Cards? Credit Cards let users make a purchase \"\"on credit\"\", and put off having to pay for it until their credit card bill is due - it's a means of receiving quick and small loans when making everyday purchases. One of the most important aspects of a credit card is payment flexibility. Credit cardholders do not have to pay back the entire amount spent on the card each month. Instead, they can elect to pay a minimum amount (decided by the card issuer) or any amount between that and the full balance. If the full balance due is not paid, cardholders must pay additional fees called Annual Percentage Rates (APR) on the remaining balance due. With credit cards, consumers are given the choice to repay this balance or to break it up and pay it over time (referred to as ‘carrying a balance’), at the cost of these added fees."
"docid": "D230983#0",
"title": "http://www.moneycrashers.com/best-secured-credit-cards-bad-credit/\n6 Best Secured Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit â Reviews & Comparison",
"text": "6 Best Secured Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit – Reviews & Comparison By Brian Martucci Posted in: Credit Cards, Get Out of Debt Share 14 Tweet 19 Pin 51 Comments 13Advertiser Disclosure: This post includes references to offers from our partners such as American Express. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. However, the opinions expressed here are ours alone and at no time has the editorial content been provided, reviewed, or approved by any issuer. How’s your credit these days? If you’d prefer not to answer that question, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have imperfect credit due to bankruptcy, foreclosure, crushing medical or student loan debts, and other financial black marks. A bad credit score can affect your ability to secure an affordable home loan, rent an apartment, get a cell phone, and even find a job. While credit counseling and debt management plans can help you repair your credit over time, there’s no magic cure. For other folks, the problem isn’t bad credit so much as no credit. Consumers who haven’t previously used credit are ciphers to lenders and credit card companies, which are understandably wary about lending to people without a track record of timely repayments."
"docid": "D1744324#0",
"title": "http://money.stackexchange.com/questions/6341/whats-the-average-credit-limit\nWhat's the average credit limit?",
"text": "\"_Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who want to be financially literate. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What's the average credit limit?up vote20down votefavorite1For a number of reasons, I recently asked my credit card company for a credit limit increase. I was hoping they'd propose a new limit to me, but they instead the reverse happened: they asked how much I wanted. I decided to play it conservative; the new limit puts me at under 50 percent peak utilization, but I suspect I could have asked for more and gotten it. So now I'm looking for data relevant to that problem. I hear stories of people who rack up tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt, way above my current credit limit. But they could just be racking up over the limit fees and interest. What I suppose I really care about is the average credit limit in the US. To eliminate some outliers and keep the question broadly relevant, what I really want to know is: what's the optimal available credit for the median income household in the US?united-states credit-card credit-score credit-limitshare improve this questionasked Feb 16 '11 at 22:58jldugger5,509 2 21 52A bit of background: before I financed my car in 2009, I had a score of around 800. I assume the limit took a hit, so I may be hovering around the cutoff for best rates (I'll probably check my FICO again pretty soon)."
"docid": "D84065#0",
"title": "https://www.nationaldebtrelief.com/states/northcarolina-debtrelief/\nNorth Carolina",
"text": "North Carolina We have relatives and friends who live in North Carolina and have visited the state several times. It is truly beautiful and offers an amazing variety of terrain ranging from the Blue Ridge Mountains on the west to the Outer Bank Islands on the east. North Carolina’s economic condition also differs widely. Its unemployment rate is 6.9% or 31st in the U. S. Its largest city, Raleigh, has an unemployment rate of 7.6% but the unemployment rate of its neighbor, West Raleigh, is just 6.2%. And Greensboro, the state’s third largest city has an unemployment rate of 8.3%. Raleigh’s population is listed as 403,892. The state’s second largest city, West Raleigh’s population is 338,779. This means the total population of the Raleigh metropolitan area is close to 730,000. In comparison, North Carolina’s third largest city, Greensboro, has a population of 277,080 making it only about 38% the size of the Raleigh metro area. As you may know, the first powered airplane flight occurred in North Carolina when Orville Wright took off briefly on Kill Devil Hill near Kitty hook."
"docid": "D2681711#0",
"title": "http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/14/ACAREGS.html\nAcademic Policies and Regulations",
"text": "\"Academic Policies and Regulations Academic Policies and Regulations Page Navigation Academic Honesty Attendance in Class Auditing Courses Credit Hour Classification of Students by Class Level Course Credit Policies Course Registration, Change of Program, and Withdrawal Policies Course Selection Policies Planned Educational Leave Grading System and Policies Definition of Letter Grading Symbols Use of Plus/Minus Symbols Computation of Grade Point Average Credit/No Credit Grading Other Grading Symbols Course Objectives Narrative Evaluations in Major Courses Assignment and Change of Grades Grievance Procedure Related to Grades Academic Probation and Disqualification Repeating Courses Academic Forgiveness You are responsible for knowing and meeting all degree requirements and for making every reasonable effort to obtain academic advising. Frequent communication with your faculty advisor will help insure that you have current academic information and are making adequate progress towards your educational goals. All departments recommend, and some require, that you see your advisor at least once a semester. To be assigned a faculty advisor, call or visit the department office of your major. In some major programs, it is important to specify your area of specific interest within the major when you request your advisor. If you are an undergraduate and have not yet declared your major, you are advised through Academic Advising Programs. Direct your general academic problems and concerns to Academic Advising Programs, Student Services Center 210. If you are considering a teaching credential, you should also see Education in this catalog for detailed information on teaching credentials and programs, and where and how to get appropriate advising. If you are a new or readmitted student, you are required to see an advisor in your major department either prior to your initial registration or during the first two weeks of the semester you first enroll. If you change your major, you are required to see an advisor in the major to which you are changing and obtain approval on the Undergraduate Plan Change Form at http://www.csuchico.edu/sro/plan_change.shtml."
"docid": "D597665#0",
"title": "https://manoa.hawaii.edu/records/register/grades.html\nGrades & Credits",
"text": "Records Home > Registration > Grades & Credits Grades & Credits Commonly-requested information about credits and grades is provided below. For more details on credit hours, grades, grading options, grade points, and grade point averages, refer to the University Catalog. Credits & Enrollment Status Maximum Credit Overload Grade Availability View & Print Grades Grading Options Grade Point Average (GPA)Credits & Enrollment Status Enrollment status for fall and spring semesters is determined by the number of credits for which you enroll each semester. Credits taken for audit are not counted in determining full- or part-time enrollment status. Any changes to your enrollment status may impact benefits you are receiving, particularly financial aid. You are encouraged to consider the implications of changing your credit load carefully before adding or dropping classes. Enrollment Status Credits Full-time 12 or more Half-time 6 to 11Less than half-time 1 to 5Note: Office of Graduate Education regulations determine classified graduate student enrollment status. Return to top Maximum Credit Overload Undergraduate students are limited to 19 credits per semester. Graduate and other students are limited to 16 credits per semester. If you wish to exceed the credit limit, you must obtain approval from your college or school's Advising office."
"docid": "D2095281#0",
"title": "https://www.savvyoncredit.com/how-long-does-credit-card-debt-stay-on-your-report/\nHow Reducing Credit Card Debt Affects Credit Scores",
"text": "How Reducing Credit Card Debt Affects Credit Scores Reducing credit card debt ratios affects FICO and Vantage credit scores in unique ways. The method you choose to shrink balances determines where and when you qualify to borrow money again. Tread carefully and weigh the pros and cons of several different approaches. Credit card debt settlement hurts credit ratings but offers significant relief. Credit card debt consolidation loans have a lesser impact on credit ratings as you are just restructuring terms. The same holds true for balance transfers. Paying down credit card debt helps credit scores the most – if you have the resources. Be careful to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of closing the accounts afterward. How Reducing Credit Card Debt Affects Credit Reducing your credit card debt will affect your FICO and Vantage credit score. The direction it moves depends on the method used to shrink what you owe."
"docid": "D236390#0",
"title": "http://www.cardhub.com/d/cabelas-credit-card-1478c/\nCabela's Credit Card",
"text": "\"Ad Disclosure All Credit Cards » World's Foremost Bank Credit Cards Cabela's Credit Card442 Reviews By: World's Foremost Bank Info about the Cabela's Credit Card has been collected by Wallet Hub to help consumers better compare credit cards. The financial institution did not provide the details. JUMP TO: REWARDS | APRs | REVIEWS | Q&A | CUSTOMER SERVICE INFOMin imum Credit Score Needed Good Cabela's Credit Card's Rewards Receive 2000 CLUB Points ($20) upon approval. Plus, earn an additional 1000 ($10) points after 5 purchases made within 30 days of opening your account. Access to member-only CLUB events & offers. Earn 2 Points on all Cabela’s purchases and at Cenex convenience store locations. Earn 1 Point on other purchases anywhere else. Get free gear at Cabela's U. S. retail stores, cabelas.com, and Cabela's catalog orders with your points. Points never expire and there is no maximum number you can earn on accounts in good standing. Cabela's Credit Card's Key APRs & Fees Purchase Intro APRNot Offered Transfer Intro APRNot Offered Regular APR9.99% - 25.87% (V)ANNUAL FEE None BALANCE TRANSFER FEE 3% (min $10)Cabela's Credit Card's Additional Info MAX LATE FEE $37MAX OVERLIMIT FEE None MAX PENALTY APR None GRACE PERIOD 25 days ONLINE RESPONSE No CASH ADVANCE APR 26.87% (V)CASH ADVANCE FEE 4% (min $10)FOREIGN TRANSACTION FEE None SMART CHIP Yes, unknown Free Online Services."
"docid": "D115853#0",
"title": "http://www.savingtoinvest.com/american-opportunity-tax-credit-extension-for-2011-and-2012-eligiblity-income-and-phase-out-limits/\n2016-2017 American Opportunity Education Tax Credit (AOTC) Extension â Eligibility, Income and Phase-out Limits",
"text": "2016-2017 American Opportunity Education Tax Credit (AOTC) Extension – Eligibility, Income and Phase-out Limits8 comments Congress and the Obama administration reached an agreement a few years ago that extended the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) through 2018. The AOTC allows parents and students to receive a tax credit of up to $2,500 for qualified college expenses, based on certain income limits. The AOTC replaced the smaller Hope credit (which would have been the only credit available had the fiscal cliff deal failed). The expanded credit will benefit almost 12 million families on an annual basis who will get an average credit of $1,900For 2016-2017 your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must be $80,000 or less ($160,000 or less for married filing jointly) to qualify fully for this credit. You receive a reduced amount of the credit if your MAGI is over $80,000 but less than $90,000 (over $160,000 but less than $180,000 for married filing jointly). You cannot claim the credit if your MAGI is over $90,000 ($180,000 for joint filers). To be eligible for AOTC, the student must (per Turbo Tax)Be pursuing a degree or other recognized education credential Be enrolled at least half time for at least one academic period* beginning in the tax year Not have finished the first four years of higher education at the beginning of the tax year Not have claimed the AOTC or the former Hope credit for more than four tax years Not have a felony drug conviction at the end of the tax year________________________ [Prior updates] Congress extended the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), which was initially created under the Recovery Act, for an additional two years as part of President Obama’s compromise tax cut package. The AOTC allows parents and students to receive a tax credit of up to $2,500 for college expenses, based on certain income limits. The AOTC replaced the Hope credit for 2009 and 2010 and with this extension will continue to do so for 2011 and 2012. This education tax credit is expected to provide $18.2 billion in tax relief to make college more affordable next year, and 9.4 million families are expected to benefit from an average credit of $1,900."
"docid": "D1781251#0",
"title": "https://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/consumer-texas/\nConsumer Debt in Texas",
"text": "Consumer Debt in Texas Even with the oil industry dragging in 2016, Texas economy packs a strong punch. Residents owe far less on mortgages and student loans than the national average. However, there are still problems with credit card debt and credit scores that are far below the national average. Get Financial Help Now Average Credit Card Debt$5,960Average Credit Score649Average Student Loan Debt$26,250More on Texas Debt Where Texas Debt Ranks The Texas economy generates $1.65-trillion — second only to California in terms of revenue-producing economies in the United States. It showed the second-fastest rate of job gains in 2015, while 121 of the 1,000 largest public and private companies are in the state, including giants such as AT&T, Exxon Mobil and Dell. The oil industry has taken a hit — once trading at more than $100 a barrel in 2014, but down to $46 in mid-2016 — but the state’s economy has become much more diversified with expansion into healthcare and technology. Residents owe far less on mortgages and student loans than the national average. But there are lingering problems with credit card debt and credit scores that surpass the national average. Where Texas Credit Scores Ranks Texans have among the lowest credit scores in the country, a result of falling behind on bills and making late payments. The state also has one of the highest rates of identity theft in the country, although this rate has decreased in recent years."
"docid": "D139439#0",
"title": "http://www.experian.com/live-credit-smart/state-of-credit-2015.html\nState of Credit: 2017",
"text": "State of Credit: 2017January 11, 2018by Bob Sullivan In this article: The United States of Credit Minnesota Has the Highest Credit Score, Mississippi Has the Lowest Gen X Have the Most Credit Card Debt, Gen Z the Lowest Credit Score Credit Card Debt Hits Record High What Is Credit Card 'Debt' Anyway? Student Loans, Auto Debt and Bigger Signs of Trouble Millennials Are Getting into Mortgage Debt3 Steps for 20182017 was a year of contradictions for American consumers, based on Experian’s eighth annual State of Credit survey. Higher average credit scores and higher debt offer reasons for both optimism and caution heading into 2018. A decade since the Great Recession crashed into the American economy our relationship with debt, credit and the future is… well, it’s complicated. That’s why the rest of this report is devoted to digging much deeper into all these numbers. First, the good news: the economy seems to have mostly recovered from the 2008 financial crisis. Housing prices and foreclosure rates are back to normal, and the unemployment rate is at a historic low. Consumer confidence hit a 17-year high in late 2017 and holiday sales jumped nearly 5% vs. 2016, the largest year-over-year increase since 2011, according to Mastercard’s Spending Pulse, which tracks retail spending — excluding autos — by all payment types. After a rocky few years, average credit scores began a steady climb in 2013. The average Vantage Score was 675 in 2017, compared to 673 the year before and only four points from the 2007 average of 679.675Highest average credit score since 2012Dig deeper into those credit score numbers, and there’s even more good news."
"docid": "D1211252#0",
"title": "https://www.valuepenguin.com/average-credit-score\nAverage Credit Score in America: 2017 Facts & Figures",
"text": "The average FICO score in America is 695 and the average Vantage score stands at 673. Currently, Fair Isaac Corp's FICO score and Vantage are two of the most widely used scoring models in the country. Both models range between 300 and 850 - the higher the score, the better. Due to the high economic diversity within the U. S., the average credit score varies greatly among different populations, ages, and income levels, some of which are explored below. Average Credit Score Average Credit Score by Age Average Credit Score by Income Credit Score Variations by State Average Credit Score of Home Buyers What Is The Average Credit Score In America? The average credit score in the United States is currently at an all-time high of 695. Though different scoring models exist, which cause this figure to fluctuate by a few points, most fall between 660 to 720. This coincides with what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defines as 'prime' - an average score. Approximately 14% of the population has no credit score whatsoever, and is labeled as credit invisible. As a result, these underbanked individuals will have difficulty obtaining new lines of credit."
"docid": "D2802044#0",
"title": "https://www.valuepenguin.com/banking/wells-fargo\nWells Fargo Review: Should You Open an Account?",
"text": "\"Wells Fargo Review: Should You Open an Account? Wells Fargo's account rates and fees are fairly average, but its huge network of branches and ATMs make it a convenient choice for many. Apply Now Editor's Rating3.0Good for Competitive sign-up bonus for new checking accounts Small business loans and merchant services Low fees on international remittances Bad for Recent history of mishandling customer information Low interest rates on savings accounts Average level of account fees and few waivers Our Top Picks The Best Banks Best Checking Account Picks Best Savings Account Rates Best Online Checking Account Best High-Yield Savings Accounts Statistics and Studies U. S. Average Savings Statistics Average U. S. Checking Balance Average Savings Account Rates Average CD Rates Banking 101 - Guides Checking Accounts Explained What is a Savings Account? Understanding Money Market Accounts What is a Certificate of Deposit (CD)? Tools to Compare Bank Accounts Compare Checking Account Comparing Savings Account Rates Money Market Accounts Compared Compare Interest-Bearing Accounts Wells Fargo's financial products cover every major area of consumer finance, but the recent scandals around its abuse of customer information should make most new customers think twice. Wells Fargo's interest rates, fees and bonus offers aren't much different from its largest competitors in Chase and Bank of America, but its huge network of branches and ATMs may make it a convenient choice despite its many errors. Review: Should You Open a Wells Fargo Account? Checking Account Features Savings Account Features How Does Wells Fargo Compare to Other Banks?vs. Chasevs. Bank of Americavs."
"docid": "D903601#0",
"title": "http://www.osc.ct.gov/empret/hybridspd/hybridplan.htm\n.",
"text": "\"CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM HYBRID PLAN SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION (SPD)PDF version - Follow this hyperlink to view the Hybrid Plan as a *. PDF file, 132KB. YOUR RETIREMENTConnecticut State Employees Retirement Commission Medical Examining Board for Disability Retirement YOUR PLAN MEMBERSHIPNew Employees Rehired Employees CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLANBy You By The State Your Beneficiary SERVICE AND BENEFIT INFORMATIONActual State Service Vesting Service Credited Service Breaks In Service And Permanent Breaks In Service Rules Reference Chart for Actual State, Vesting And Credited Service Detailed Information On Purchase Opportunities Part-Time Service Benefit Calculation Factors Average Salary Breakpoint Minimum Guarantee IRC 415 (b) Defined Benefit Limitations TYPES OF RETIREMENTNormal Retirement Early Retirement Disability Retirement NORMAL RETIREMENTEligibility Requirements The Benefit Formula EARLY RETIREMENTHow Your Benefit Is Figured An Example DISABILITY RETIREMENTTypes Of Disability Disability Standard Disability Retirement Application Process How Your Disability Benefit is Calculated If You Recover Special Note BENEFIT PAYMENT OPTIONSBenefit Options Important Information To Consider When Making Your Option Election“CASH OUT” OPTIONSURVIVOR BENEFITSBefore You Retire Spousal Benefits Before You Retire Spousal Benefits If You Leave With 25 years Of Vesting Service If A Spousal Benefit Is Not Applicable After You Apply For Retirement - But Before Benefits Begin - The 90 Day Protection Window After Retirement Benefits Have Started Job Related Death IF YOU LEAVE BEFORE RETIREMENTVested Rights How Your Benefit Is Figured If You Are Not Vested - Withdrawal Of Contributions REEMPLOYMENT AFTER RETIREMENTReemployment In A Temporary Position Reemployment In A Permanent Position COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTWHEN YOU ARE READY TO RETIREThe Application Process Counseling Services OTHER INFORMATIONAssignment Of Benefits Divorce - Plan Approved Domestic Relations Order (PADRO) Reporting And Disclosure YOUR RETIREMENTRegardless of your age, you should start thinking about retirement now. You need money to enjoy your retirement years, and that takes careful planning. Maintaining your pre-retirement living standard usually requires an income from various sources. The State of Connecticut understands this and provides you with retirement benefits through the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System. The State also offers you the option of participation in the Deferred Compensation Plan and 403 (b) Program retirement savings plans to supplement your retirement income from the State Employees Retirement System; information on these and other miscellaneous employee benefits can be obtained on the Office of the State Comptroller’s website at www.osc.ct.gov under Employees Resources. The State Employees Retirement System is based on a Connecticut state law enacted in 1939. Since 1939, the law has been changed by legislation and collective bargaining. Current plan provisions are in effect until June 30, 2022 in accordance with the 2011 agreement between the State of Connecticut and the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition."
] |
2119 | average snowfall in portland oregon | [
"docid": "D714481#0",
"title": "http://www.bestplaces.net/climate/city/oregon/portland\nClimate",
"text": "Climate Download .xls CLIMATE OVERVIEWPortland, Oregon, gets 44 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 3 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 100. On average, there are 144 sunny days per year in Portland, Oregon. The July high is around 80 degrees. The January low is 35. Sperling's comfort index for Portland is a 79 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54."
] | [
"docid": "D2988751#0",
"title": "http://portlandor.about.com/od/cityservicesgovernment/a/PDX_weather.htm\nWhat's the Weather Like in Portland, Oregon?",
"text": "\"United States Oregon Portland Guide What's the Weather Like in Portland, Oregon? By Nancy Levenson Updated 01/23/18Share Pin Email The Pacific Northwest is known for warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters -- and Portland is no exception. Compared with Seattle and Vancouver, however, Portland is both warmer and dryer all year round. A quick comparison of averages tells us that Portland gets much more rain than the average American city (42 inches versus an average of 37 inches). But then again, there are 144 sunny days and an average temperature of 71 degrees. And even though many days may be cloudy and drizzly, it's rare to hit stormy weather or a full day of heavy rain. A \"\"Mediterranean\"\" Climate Portland is near both mountains and sea, which means it has what is called a \"\"Mediterranean\"\" climate--though the reality is that Portland is nowhere near as warm as southern Italy! In general, Portland's summers are warm and dry, its winters are cool and rainy, and snow is rare. Summer is a great time to visit Portland. There is little rainfall (only about 4.5 inches during the entire summer), and days are warm and dry."
"docid": "D58981#0",
"title": "http://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Oregon/Places/portland-temperatures-by-month-average.php\nPortland Temperatures: Averages by Month",
"text": "Portland Temperatures: Averages by Month The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is in Portland, Oregon during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for Portland, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. Maximums and minimums are only part of the temperature picture. To fill in the rest, there's information on how many days a month get above or below a given temperature. To find out how often it rises over 70, 80 or 90 °F each month in Portland, scroll down farther. There are also monthly and yearly counts of days with cold weather. All the numbers are long-term historical averages based on climate data gathered from 1981 to 2010. Average Portland temperatures High °F Low °F High °C Low °C47 36 January 8 251 37 February 11 357 39 March 14 462 43 April 16 669 48 May 20 973 52 June 23 1181 56 July 27 1381 57 August 27 1475 52 September 24 1164 46 October 18 852 41 November 11 545 35 December 7 263 45 Year 17 7Days of Hot Weather in Portland Most of Portland's 90-degree weather is confined to July and August. Although extremely unusual, a hot summer day can spike into the 100s F. Days with temperature highs in the 80s generally show up here from May to September. Occasionally, Portland also has a day that hot in April or October."
"docid": "D903380#0",
"title": "http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/narratives/OREGON.htm\n.",
"text": "CLIMATE OF OREGONTOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES – Oregon enjoys a mild, though varied climate with only a rare occurrence of devastating weather elements such as cloudbursts, tornadoes, or hailstorms severe enough to cause serious widespread damage. The single most important geographic feature of the climate of Oregon is the Pacific Ocean whose coastline makes up the western border. Because of the normal movement of air masses from west to east, most of the systems moving across Oregon have been modified extensively in traveling over the Pacific. As a result, winter minimum and summer maximum temperatures in the west, and to a lesser extent in the eastern portion, are greatly moderated. The occurrence of extreme low or high temperatures is generally associated with the occasional invasion of the continental air masses. The unlimited supply of moisture available to those air masses that move across the Pacific is largely responsible for the abundant rainfall over western Oregon and the higher elevations of the eastern portion. Beginning near and following the coast the full length of the State, the Coast Range is the farthest west of the three mountain ranges that exert an important influence on Oregon’s climate. This range rises to between 2,000 and 3,000 feet above sea level in the northern part of the State and between 3,000 and 4,000 feet in the southern portion with occasional peaks rising another 1,000 to 1,500 feet. This range, athwart the path of the moisture laden marine air moving in from the Pacific, forces it to rise as it moves eastward. The resultant cooling and condensation produces some of the heaviest annual rainfalls in the United States along the higher western slopes, and materially reduces the available moisture in the air."
"docid": "D405382#0",
"title": "https://weather.com/news/climate/news/winter-2016-2017-warmest-coldest-wettest-driest-records\nWhere Winter 2016-17 Ranked as One of the Warmest, Coldest, Wettest or Driest on Record",
"text": "01:15Winter Extremes Nationwide Meteorologist Danielle Banks explains who saw the wettest, driest, coldest and warmest winters on record. At a Glance Many cities in the eastern U. S. recorded a top-10 warmest winter. Parts of California and Nevada had the wettest winter on record. Winter 2016-17 was much warmer and wetter than average for parts of the United States, according to preliminary data compiled by the Southeast Regional Climate Center. One region, however, saw much colder temperatures than average, while a few areas reported one of the coldest winters on record. Temperatures were very mild in much of the eastern half of the U. S., and for many, it didn't feel like winter. Meanwhile, chilly air gripped the Northwest, which gave the region one of its coldest winters on record. ( MORE: Winter Misery Index: Who's Had It the Worst? ) In terms of precipitation, winter will be remembered for the series of storms that brought heavy rain and mountain snow to California. For all the superlatives below, December through February is considered winter in meteorological record-keeping."
"docid": "D147585#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene,_Oregon\nEugene, Oregon",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Eugene, Oregon City City of Eugene Clockwise: Downtown Eugene from Skinner Butte, Lane County Farmers' Market, Hiking on Spencer Butte, University of Oregon Autzen Stadium, Delta Ponds pedestrian bridge Seal Nickname (s): Emerald Valley, The Emerald City, Track Town Motto (s): A Great City for the Arts and Outdoors Eugene, Oregon Location in the United States Coordinates: 44°03′07″N 123°05′12″WCoordinates: 44°03′07″N 123°05′12″WCountry United States State Oregon County Lane Founded 1846Incorporated October 17, 1862Government• Type Council-manager• Mayor Lucy Vinis• City manager Jon Ruiz Area [1]• City 43.74 sq mi (113.29 km 2)• Land 43.72 sq mi (113.23 km 2)• Water 0.02 sq mi (0.05 km 2)Elevation 430 ft (131.1 m)Population ( 2010) [2]• City 156,185• Estimate (2016 [3]) 166,575• Rank US: 155th• Density 3,572.4/sq mi (1,379.3/km 2)• Urban 247,421 (US: 151st)• Metro 369,519 (US: 146th)Demonym (s) Eugenean [4] [5]Time zone PST ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP codes 97401–97405, 97408, 97440Area code (s) 458 and 541FIPS code 41-23850GNIS feature ID 1120527 [6]Website www.eugene-or.gov Eugene ( / juː ˈ dʒ iː n / yoo- JEEN) is a city of the Pacific Northwest in the U. S. state of Oregon. It is at the southern end of the Willamette Valley, near the confluence of the Mc Kenzie and Willamette Rivers, about 50 miles (80 km) east of the Oregon Coast. [ 7]As of the 2010 census, Eugene had a population of 156,185; it is the state's second most populous city (after Portland) and the county seat of Lane County. [ 8] The Eugene-Springfield, Oregon metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is the 146th largest metropolitan statistical area in the US and the third-largest in the state, behind the Portland Metropolitan Area and the Salem Metropolitan Area. [ 9] The city's population for 2014 was estimated to be 160,561 by the US Census. [ 10]Eugene is home to the University of Oregon and Lane Community College. [ 11] [12] The city is also noted for its natural environment, recreational opportunities (especially bicycling, running / jogging, rafting, and kayaking ), and focus on the arts. Eugene's official slogan is \"\"A Great City for the Arts and Outdoors\"\". [ 13] It is also referred to as the \"\"Emerald City\"\" and as \"\"Track Town, USA\"\". [ 14] The Nike corporation had its beginnings in Eugene. ["
"docid": "D2144325#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Point,_Oregon\nCentral Point, Oregon",
"text": "\"Central Point, Oregon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Central Point, Oregon City Nickname (s): The Fair City Location in Oregon Coordinates: 42°22′N 122°55′WCoordinates: 42°22′N 122°55′WCountry United States State Oregon County Jackson Incorporated 1889Government• Mayor Hank Williams Area [1]• Total 3.90 sq mi (10.10 km 2)• Land 3.90 sq mi (10.10 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation 1,272 ft (388 m)Population ( 2010) [2]• Total 17,169• Estimate (2012 [3]) 17,411• Density 4,402.3/sq mi (1,699.7/km 2)Time zone Pacific ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) Pacific ( UTC-7)ZIP code 97502Area code (s) 541FIPS code 41-12400 [4]GNIS feature ID 1118785 [5]Website www.centralpointoregon.gov Central Point is a city in Jackson County, Oregon, United States. The population was 17,169 as of 2010. [ 6] The city shares its southern border with Medford and is a part of the Medford metropolitan area. Central Point is home of the Jackson County Fair that occurs in July. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography3 Climate4 Demographics4.1 2010 census4.2 2000 census5 Economy5.1 Top employers6 Notable people7 References8 External links History [ edit]Isaac Constant, a pioneer who settled here in 1852, named the location Central Point because of its location at a crossroads in the middle of the Rogue Valley. At this point, the main north–south road from the Willamette Valley met the road between Jacksonville and settlements along the Rogue River. In about 1870, Magruder Brothers opened a store at the crossroads. In 1872, a post office was established here under the name Central Point. [ 7]Geography [ edit]According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 3.90 square miles (10.10 km 2 ), all of it land. [ 1]The city lies at an elevation of about 1,272 feet (388 m) along Oregon Highway 99 and Interstate 5 northwest of Medford."
"docid": "D959262#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Oregon\nClimate of Oregon",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Köppen climate types in Oregon Trewartha climate types of Oregon Oregon's climate is generally mild. West of the Cascade Mountains, winters are chilly with frequent rain, while light snowfall occurs a few days a year; temperatures can get very cold, but only occasionally, as the result of Arcticcold waves. The high desert region of the state is much drier, with less rain, more snow, colder winters, and hotter summers. An oceanic climate (also called \"\"marine west coast climate\"\") predominates in Western Oregon, and a much drier semi-arid climate prevails east of the Cascade Range in Eastern Oregon. Major factors determining Oregon's climate include the large semi-permanent high pressure and low pressure systems of the north Pacific Ocean, the continental air masses of North America, and the Cascade mountains. [ 1] Oregon's population centers, which lie mostly in the western part of the state, are generally moist and mild, while the lightly populated high deserts of Central and Eastern Oregon are much drier. Contents [ hide ]1 Precipitation1.1 Snow2 Temperature3 Selected climate charts4 See also5 References5.1 Works cited Precipitation [ edit]Oregon rainfall varies widely from region to region. Precipitation in the state varies widely: some western coastal slopes approach 200 inches (5,100 mm) annually, while the driest places, such as the Alvord Desert (in the rain shadow of Steens Mountain) in eastern Oregon, get as little as 5 inches (130 mm). [ 2] [3]The Pacific Ocean, the moisture-laden air above it, and the storms moving from it over the Oregon coast, are major factors in the state's precipitation patterns. As humid ocean air flows east from the ocean and encounters the Coast Range, it rises steeply, cools, and loses moisture through condensation, which produces heavy rain."
"docid": "D1953823#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashland,_Oregon\nAshland, Oregon",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ashland City Ashland, Oregon The Plaza Location of Ashland in Jackson County and in the state of Oregon Coordinates: 42°11′29″N 122°42′03″WCoordinates: 42°11′29″N 122°42′03″WCountry United States State Oregon County Jackson Settled 1852Government• Mayor John Stromberg ( D) [1] [2]Area [3]• Total 6.59 sq mi (17.07 km 2)• Land 6.59 sq mi (17.07 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation [4] 1,949 ft (594 m)Population ( 2010) [5]• Total 20,078• Estimate (2015) [3] 20,861• Density 3,046.7/sq mi (1,176.3/km 2)Time zone Pacific ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) Pacific ( UTC-7)ZIP code 97520Area code (s) 541 and 458FIPS code 41-03050 [6]GNIS feature ID 1137318 [4]Website City of Ashland Ashland is a city in Jackson County, in the State of Oregon. It lies along Interstate 5 approximately 16 miles (26 km) north of the California border and near the south end of the Rogue Valley. As of 2015, the city's population was approaching 21,000. The city is the home of Southern Oregon University (SOU) and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF). These are important to Ashland's economy, which also depends on restaurants, galleries, and retail stores that cater to tourists. Lithia Park along Ashland Creek, historic buildings, and a paved intercity bike trail provide additional visitor attractions. Ashland, originally called Ashland Mills, was named after Ashland County, Ohio, the original home of founder Abel Helman, and secondarily for Ashland, Kentucky, where other founders had family connections. Ashland has a mayor-council government assisted by citizen committees. Historically, its liberal politics have differed, often sharply, with much of the rest of southwest Oregon. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics4 Government5 Economy6 Arts and culture6.1 Museums and other points of interest7 Parks8 Education9 Media10 Infrastructure and public services11 Sister city12 Notable people13 References13.1 Works cited14 External links History [ edit]Prior to the arrival of white settlers in mid-19th century, the Shasta people lived in the valley along Ashland Creek approximately where today's city is located. ["
"docid": "D1887370#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_Elevation_of_Bend_oregon\nAverage snowfall in bend Oregon?",
"text": "Average snowfall in bend Oregon?32.2 inches annually. Chopper77 382 Contributions What is the distance from Bend Oregon to Pendleton Oregon?about 231 miles to drive 5 hours Rzeto 7 Contributions What is the elevation of Oregon city Oregon? The elevation of Oregon City is about 141 feet. Denis Thiessen 27,389 Contributions What is the elevation of Oregon? Well the state of Oregon ranges from sea level at 0 feet (0 meters) all along its western edge, to the highest point in the state on top of Mt. Hood at 11,240 feet (3,426 mete …Distance from Portland Oregon to Bend Oregon?this is not 100% accurate but it is around 250 miles Denis Thiessen 27,389 Contributions How far from powers to bend Oregon? It is 248 miles from Powers, Oregon to Bend, Oregon. Denis Thiessen 27,389 Contributions How far from Bend Oregon to Toledo Oregon? It is 175 miles from Bend Oregon to Toledo Oregon. USCitizen 477,196 Contributions What is the distance from Portland Oregon to Bend Oregon? It is 162 miles according to Google Maps."
"docid": "D440565#0",
"title": "http://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/OR/Portland\n2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Portland, OR",
"text": "\"2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Portland, ORShare: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Email Print Friendly Search for Other Locations Enter a Location See long range weather forecasts for the next 60 days from The Old Farmer’s Almanac! Our long range forecasts can be used to make more informed decisions about future plans that depend on the weather, from vacations and weddings to sporting events and outdoor activities. To see long term forecasts for the entire year, pick up a copy of the annual Old Farmer’s Almanac, available online and in stores. Note: Long range forecasts are regional, not city-specific. If your city is located inside a region, the region's forecast will apply to you. Free 2-Month Weather Forecast March 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Northwest Dates Weather Conditions Mar 1-9 Rainy periods, cool Mar 10-14 Rain and snow, cool Mar 15-17 Sunny, mild Mar 18-25 Rainy periods, cool Mar 26-31 Sunny, mild March temperature 46° (1° below avg.) precipitation 2\"\" (2\"\" below avg. ) April 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Northwest Dates Weather Conditions Apr 1-5 Sunny, warm Apr 6-11 Rainy periods, cool Apr 12-14 Sunny, cool Apr 15-20 Showers, cool Apr 21-25 Sunny, warm Apr 26-30 Rainy, cool April temperature 50° (avg.) precipitation 2\"\" (1\"\" below avg. ) Annual Weather Summary: November 2017 to October 2018Winter will be drier and slightly colder than normal, with near- to below-normal snowfall."
"docid": "D58983#0",
"title": "http://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/portland/oregon/united-states/usor0275\nTemperature - Precipitation - Sunshine - Snowfall",
"text": "Climate Portland - Oregon°C | °FJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average high in °F: 47 51 57 61 68 74Average low in °F: 36 36 40 43 49 54Av. precipitation in inch: 4.88 3.66 3.66 2.72 2.48 1.69Days with precipitation: - - - - - -Hours of sunshine: - - - - - -Average snowfall in inch: 1 2 0 0 0 0Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average high in °F: 81 81 76 64 53 46Average low in °F: 58 58 53 46 40 35Av. precipitation in inch: 0.67 0.67 1.46 2.99 5.63 5.47Days with precipitation: - - - - - -Hours of sunshine: - - - - - -Average snowfall in inch: 0 0 0 0 0 1Climate data for portland kgw tv, Longitude: -122.689, Latitude: 45.5181 Average weather Portland, OR - 97209 - 1981-2010 normals Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December"
"docid": "D3142191#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect,_Oregon\nProspect, Oregon",
"text": "\"Prospect, Oregon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Prospect Unincorporated community Prospect Hotel Prospect Location within the state of Oregon Show map of Oregon Show map of the USShow all Coordinates: 42°45′4″N 122°29′16″WCoordinates: 42°45′4″N 122°29′16″WCountry United States State Oregon County Jackson Elevation 2,566 ft (782 m)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)Coordinates and elevation from Geographic Names Information System [1]Prospect is an unincorporated community in Jackson County, in the U. S. state of Oregon. [ 1] It lies along Oregon Route 62 on the Rogue River, in the Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Local events and sites of interest3 Climate4 References5 External links History [ edit]Historical population Census Pop. % ±1930 125 —1940 125 0.0%1950 500 300.0%1960 500 0.0%1970 200 −60.0%1980 1,200 500.0%1990 1,200 0.0%source: [3]Prospect began as a logging town; its first sawmill began operating in 1870. [ 4] Prospect had a post office established in 1882 that was first named \"\"Deskins\"\" after the first postmaster. [ 5] In 1888, there was a mill named Deskins Sawmill. The name of the community was changed to \"\"Prospect\"\" in 1889 because of plans made to run a railroad up the Rogue River, which would ostensibly improve the community's prospects. [ 5]The Prospect Hotel, which opened in 1892, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. [ 4] [6]As of 2013, the population of the community was 650. [ 4]Local events and sites of interest [ edit]On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, Prospect holds the Mill Creek Memorial festival."
"docid": "D2594621#0",
"title": "http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/winter-forecast-for-seattle-po/56158\nWinter Forecast for Seattle, Portland: Wet Start, Frigid End",
"text": "\"NEWS VIDEOS BLOGS PERSONALITIESWinter Forecast for Seattle, Portland: Wet Start, Frigid End By By Heather Buchman, Meteorologist October 13, 2011, 1:35:21 AM EDTFollowing a fairly typical start to winter, people in Seattle and Portland may have to gear up for a frigid February. The Accu Weather.com Long-Range Forecasting Team is predicting a major shift to cold weather for the northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest in February and lasting into March. \"\" The brunt of the winter season, especially when dealing with cold, will be over the north-central U. S.,\"\" stated Paul Pastelok, expert long-range meteorologist and leader of the Accu Weather.com Long-Range Forecasting Team. However, in February, that core of cold weather is predicted to shift westward over the northern Rockies with colder-than-normal conditions extending all the way to the Washington and Oregon coasts. Not too far away, Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, are predicted to have one of their top three coldest winters in the past 20 years, according to Accu Weather.com Expert Senior Meteorologist and Canadian Blogger Brett Anderson. Though February is expected to be a drier month for Seattle and Portland, chances for any snow events would be highest during this month with the colder air in place. In contrast, the earlier part of the season is forecast to feature more moderate temperatures that average near normal. December is likely to be a wetter month for both cities with above-average precipitation. Near-normal precipitation is predicted for January. As for the Cascades, the Long-Range Forecasting Team anticipates near- to slightly above-normal snowfall this season."
"docid": "D105477#0",
"title": "https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Oregon/average-yearly-precipitation.php\nAverage Annual Precipitation for Oregon",
"text": "The tables below give yearly averages for rainfall plus snowfall at cities, towns and parks in Oregon. Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives in a year. Most locations also have information on the number of days with wet weather. That includes the days when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more. The annual precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 for the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Oregon Coast, Willamette Valley, Cascade Mountains, Central Oregon and Eastern Oregon. Oregon Coast Average yearly precipitation Days Place Inches Millimetres191 Astoria 67.3 1708141 Brookings 77.2 1961145 Gold Beach 77.1 1957153 Honeyman State Park 71.0 1803174 Newport 67.2 1708– North Bend 64.9 1649154 Port Orford 72.6 1844181 Seaside 75.4 1914194 Tillamook 88.0 2235Willamette Valley Annual averages for rainfall plus snowfall Days Place Inches Millimetres166 Corvallis 42.7 1085144 Eugene 46.1 1171164 Portland 43.5 1104144 Salem 39.7 1008Cascade Mountains Average amount of rain and snow a year Days Place Inches Millimetres146 Crater Lake Park 66.2 1682176 Detroit Lake Dam 90.7 2304176 Government Camp 87.3 2217115 Howard Prairie Lake Dam 31.5 79990 Klamath Falls 14.2 36091 Lakeview 14.7 373– Mc Kenzie Bridge 68.4 1736103 Medford 18.4 466176 Three Lynx 70.5 1791151 Toketee Falls 48.3 1227108 Wickiup Reservoir Dam 21.3 542Central Oregon Average annual precipitation Days Place Inches Millimetres72 Bend 11.4 289135 Hood River 31.3 79571 Madras 10.5 26593 The Dalles 14.6 370Eastern Oregon Annual precipitation totals Days Place Inches Millimetres– Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge 12.5 318108 Heppner 14.0 35697 La Grande 16.5 42079 Lake Owyhee Dam 9.7 24667 Malheur Wildlife Refuge 10.0 25370 Ontario 10.1 25698 Pendleton 12.7 322106 Seneca 13.8 352104 Summer Lake 13.3 338"
"docid": "D609407#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boardman,_Oregon\nBoardman, Oregon",
"text": "\"Boardman, Oregon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Boardman, Oregon City Boardman Chamber of Commerce and water tower Motto (s): On the river, on the way Location in Oregon Coordinates: 45°50′8″N 119°41′57″WCoordinates: 45°50′8″N 119°41′57″WCountry United States State Oregon County Morrow Incorporated May 20, 1921Government• Mayor Sandy Toms [1]Area [2]• Total 4.17 sq mi (10.80 km 2)• Land 3.79 sq mi (9.82 km 2)• Water 0.38 sq mi (0.98 km 2)Elevation 308 ft (94 m)Population ( 2010) [3]• Total 3,220• Estimate (2012 [4]) 3,335• Density 849.6/sq mi (328.0/km 2)Time zone Pacific ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) Pacific ( UTC-7)ZIP code 97818Area code (s) 541FIPS code 41-07200 [3]GNIS feature ID 1136082 [5]Website www.cityofboardman.com Boardman is a city in Morrow County, Oregon, United States on the Columbia River and Interstate 84. As of the 2010 census the population was 3,220. It is part of the Pendleton – Hermiston Micropolitan Statistical Area. Contents [ hide ]1 Geography2 History3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Transportation5 Economy5.1 Coal export6 Climate7 References8 External links Geography [ edit]Boardman is in northeastern Oregon, along Interstate 84 south of the Columbia River. [ 6] The city is 308 feet (94 m) above sea level. [ 5] It is 25 miles (40 km) west of Hermiston and 164 miles (264 km) east of Portland. [ 6] [7]According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 4.17 square miles (10.80 km 2 ), of which, 3.79 square miles (9.82 km 2) is land and 0.38 square miles (0.98 km 2) is water. [ 2]History [ edit]Boardman was homesteaded in 1903, by Samuel Herbert Boardman, [8] the first superintendent of the Oregon State Parks System. [ 9] Boardman and his wife worked for 13 years to develop irrigation for their land; during those years his wife taught school, and Boardman at times worked on railroad construction projects. The Union Pacific Railroad passed through Boardman, where it had a station."
"docid": "D321761#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astoria,_Oregon\nAstoria, Oregon",
"text": "\"Astoria, Oregon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Astoria. Astoria, Oregon City Clockwise from top: View of Astoria and the Astoria–Megler Bridge; the Captain George Flavel House Museum; the Columbia River Maritime Museum; the Astoria Riverfront Trolley; the replica of Fort Astoria. Seal Location in Oregon Astoria, Oregon Location in the United States Coordinates: 46°11′20″N 123°49′16″WCoordinates: 46°11′20″N 123°49′16″WCountry United States State Oregon County Clatsop Founded 1811Incorporated 1876 [1]Government• Mayor Arline J. La Mear ( D) [2]Area [3]• Total 10.11 sq mi (26.18 km 2)• Land 6.16 sq mi (15.95 km 2)• Water 3.95 sq mi (10.23 km 2)Elevation 23 ft (7 m)Population ( 2010) [4]• Total 9,477• Estimate (2012 [5]) 9,527• Density 1,538.5/sq mi (594.0/km 2)Time zone PST ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP code 97103Area code (s) 503 and 971FIPS code 41-03150 [6]GNIS feature ID 1117076 [7]Website www.astoria.or.us Astoria is a port city and the seat of Clatsop County, Oregon, United States. [ 8] Situated near the mouth of the Columbia River where it meets the Pacific Ocean, the city was named after John Jacob Astor, an investor from New York City whose American Fur Company founded Fort Astoria at the site in 1811, 207 years ago. Astoria was incorporated by the Oregon Legislative Assembly on October 20, 1876. [ 1]It holds the distinction of being the first permanent United States settlement on the Pacific coast and for having the first U. S. post office west of the Rocky Mountains. Located on the south shore of the Columbia River, the city is served by the deepwater Port of Astoria. Transportation includes the Astoria Regional Airport with U. S. Route 30 and U. S. Route 101 as the main highways, and the 4.1-mile (6.6 km) Astoria–Megler Bridge connecting to neighboring Washington across the river. The population was 9,477 at the 2010 census. [ 9]Contents1 History1.1 19th century1.2 20th and 21st centuries2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Government5 Education6 Media7 In popular culture and entertainment8 Warships named Astoria9 Museums and other points of interest10 Sister cities11 Notable people12 See also13 Image gallery14 Notes and references14.1 Notes14.2 References15 Further reading16 External links History [ edit]19th century [ edit]The Lewis and Clark Expedition spent the winter of 1805–1806 at Fort Clatsop, a small log structure south and west of modern-day Astoria."
"docid": "D1159773#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsea,_Oregon\nAlsea, Oregon",
"text": "\"Alsea, Oregon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Alsea, Oregon Unincorporated community & census-designated place Alsea Mercantile Alsea, Oregon Location within the state of Oregon Show map of Oregon Show map of the USShow all Coordinates: 44°22′53″N 123°35′47″WCoordinates: 44°22′53″N 123°35′47″WCountry United States State Oregon County Benton Named for Alsea River Elevation 292 ft (89 m)Population ( 2010) [1]• Total 164Time zone PST ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP codes 97324Area code (s) 541Coordinates and elevation from Geographic Names Information System [2]Alsea is an unincorporated community in Benton County, in the U. S. state of Oregon. It is on Oregon Route 34 and the Alsea River. For statistical purposes, the United States Census Bureau has defined Alsea as a census-designated place (CDP). The census definition of the area may not precisely correspond to local understanding of the area with the same name. As of the 2010 Census, the population was 164. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Climate3 Covered bridge4 References5 External links History [ edit]Alsea was named for the Alsea River, whose name was a corruption of \"\"Alsi\"\" (also spelled \"\"Ulseah\"\" and \"\"Alsiias\"\") the name of a Native American tribe, now known as the Alsea, that lived at the mouth of the river. The Alsea area was settled by Europeans early as 1855, when the name \"\"Alseya Settlement\"\" appeared on the Surveyor General's map. Alsea post office was established in 1871. [ 3]In the early 1850s settlers moved from the Willamette Valley into the Alsea area to take up donation land claims. [ 4] While logging was once the primary industry in Alsea, it is now known as a place for fishing on the Alsea River, particularly for steelhead, [5] and a favorite stopping point on a well-traveled cycling loop. ["
"docid": "D1962920#0",
"title": "https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Oregon/Places/portland-weather-in-december.php\nPortland Weather in December",
"text": "by Liz Osborn Current Results.com December is the time for extreme weather in Portland, Oregon. This is the coldest, cloudiest, rainiest and snowiest month of the year. This page gives detailed information on the typical December weather for Portland. You can jump directly to data and descriptions for: Temperature Precipitation Snow Sun Humidity Wind Storms The numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered near the Portland International Airport, located a few miles from downtown Portland. Temperature45 °F December average high 7 °C35 °F December average low 2 °CIn most years, Portland averages a daily maximum temperature for December that's between 42 and 48 degrees Fahrenheit (6 to 9 degrees Celsius). The minimum temperature usually falls between 32 and 38 °F (0 to 4 °C). December is the coldest month overall for Portland and the 22nd to 23rd are its chilliest days. They have daily highs averaging 43.9 °F (6.6 °C) and lows of 34.4 °F (1.3 °C).25 days 40 °F max. or more (4 °C)8 days 32 °F min. or less (0 °C)Portland averages 6 days in December when the thermometer reaches into the 50s °F (over 10 °C)."
"docid": "D263884#0",
"title": "https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Oregon/average-oregon-weather.php\nOregon Weather Averages",
"text": "Select a link for the average weather, by month or year, in cities, towns and parks throughout Oregon. The links take you to data for normal temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, sunshine and humidity. Farther down the page you'll find links to in-depth weather information for Portland, Eugene and more. Temperature January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Precipitation January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Snowfall January February March April November December Year Sunshine January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Humidity January February March April May June July August September October November December Year"
"docid": "D3243079#0",
"title": "http://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Oregon/precipitation-january.php\nAverage Precipitation for Oregon in January",
"text": "The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall plus snowfall during January at cities, towns and parks in Oregon. Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month. Most sites also have information on the number of days with wet weather. That includes the days when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more. The precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 for the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Oregon Coast, Willamette Valley, Cascade Mountains, Central Oregon and Eastern Oregon. Oregon Coast Average monthly precipitation in January Days Place Inches Millimetres21 Astoria 10.2 25918 Brookings 11.8 30119 Gold Beach 11.4 29119 Honeyman State Park 11.0 28021 Newport 10.4 264– North Bend 10.2 25920 Port Orford 11.6 29621 Seaside 10.9 27723 Tillamook 13.5 343Willamette Valley January averages for total rainfall plus snowfall Days Place Inches Millimetres22 Corvallis 6.4 16318 Eugene 6.9 17421 Portland 6.1 15418 Salem 6.0 151Cascade Mountains Average amount of rain and snow in January Days Place Inches Millimetres18 Crater Lake Park 9.4 23920 Detroit Lake Dam 12.7 32220 Government Camp 12.5 31715 Howard Prairie Lake Dam 4.5 11511 Klamath Falls 2.0 5111 Lakeview 1.8 44– Mc Kenzie Bridge 8.9 22713 Medford 2.4 6220 Three Lynx 9.6 24318 Toketee Falls 6.3 16113 Wickiup Reservoir Dam 3.1 77Central Oregon Precipitation totals for January Days Place Inches Millimetres9 Bend 1.5 3919 Hood River 5.3 1358 Madras 1.3 3314 The Dalles 2.6 65Eastern Oregon Total precipitation during January Days Place Inches Millimetres– Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge 1.0 2412 Heppner 1.5 3710 La Grande 1.6 419 Lake Owyhee Dam 0.9 238 Malheur Wildlife Refuge 1.0 248 Ontario 1.2 3012 Pendleton 1.4 3612 Seneca 1.3 3411 Summer Lake 1.5 37"
] |
2124 | average cost of a funeral | [
"docid": "D682154#0",
"title": "http://resources.yourtribute.com/funeral-planning/average-cost-of-a-funeral/\nAverage Cost of a Funeral in the United States",
"text": "Average Cost of a Funeral in the United States Jason Ropchan | Your Tribute Founder Share this: Loved ones must be accorded respect in both life and death. By knowing the average cost of a funeral you can plan the perfect memorial service to honor the life of your loved one. When someone in your family passes away it is important to pay tribute to their life and lay his or her body to rest in the best way possible. The life of a person must be commemorated properly. The information provided below will help you understand what each component of a funeral costs on average. This will help you to set your budget and make sure that you are making educated decisions when purchasing items for your loved one’s funeral. Average Cost of a Funeral In the United States, the average cost of a funeral is roughly $6,560, according to a 2010 National Funeral Directors Association survey. The $6,560 price includes the typically chosen items for a conventional funeral, like a funeral ceremony, car service, casket, and so on. The average cost of a funeral does not include cemetery costs. If you plan to bury your loved one, the cost of a burial plot can range from $1,000 to $10,000+."
] | [
"docid": "D3124296#0",
"title": "http://www.funeral-arrangements-guide.com/philippines-funeral-cost-philippines-funeral-costs-guide/\nPhilippines Funeral Cost â Philippines Funeral Costs Guide",
"text": "Philippines Funeral Cost – Philippines Funeral Costs Guide Funeral Cost Funeral homes, cemeteries and other service providers in Philippines expect to receive payment in full at the time of the funeral. With the average cost of a funeral around $8,000 in the United States for example, it can be a hardship if you have not planned ahead for this expenditure. There are several ways to manage your Philippines funeral costs and spare loved ones the financial burden. The first step in managing funeral expenses is to do some advance funeral planning. At a minimum, you need a basic funeral plan to determine your expected funeral price. Average Philippines Funeral Costs. advertisement According to last year’s funeral price survey, the average Philippines funeral costs for an adult funeral is $7,775. This is based on the most commonly selected items for a traditional funeral including a casket and vault. However, it does not include cemetery costs in Philippines. A grave space, a grave marker, and opening/closing the grave can easily cost another $1,500 to $2,500 in Philippines."
"docid": "D2560412#0",
"title": "https://www.theseniorlist.com/2015/11/how-much-does-a-funeral-cost-2/\nHow Much Does A Funeral Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does A Funeral Cost? Nov 4, 2015 6 Comments Sign up for our newsletter!Get The Senior List news and latest offers straight to your inbox!Name Email*Submit Share 21 Tweet +1 Pin 2 Share 2In 2014, the average cost of a funeral was $7,181 according to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA). We get asked about funeral planning a lot here at The Senior List®, so we thought we’d begin a multi-part series on the subject. Today we’ll investigate and answer this most important question. How Much Does A Funeral Cost? The real answer of course is… that “it depends”. According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the median price for a funeral (viewing + burial) in 2014 was $7,181. Tack on another $1,327 for a vault (if one is required). The reason it depends is that you can request (and funeral directors must provide) a la carte pricing if you request it from them. More on the FTC Funeral Rule below."
"docid": "D861931#0",
"title": "http://www.headstonesusa.com/how-much-does-the-average-funeral-cost-.html\n.",
"text": "Home > Headstones U. S. A. Information center > How much does the average funeral cost ? Funeral Costs: How Much Does an Average Funeral Cost? Funeral prices, like everything else, have increased with inflation. Today, the average North American traditional funeral costs between $7,000 and $10,000. This price range includes the services at the funeral home, burial in a cemetery, and the installation of a headstone. While cremation is gaining in popularity, the traditional funeral is still the most popular manner for disposing of the deceased. Although funeral prices vary considerably between funeral homes and geographic areas of the country, here is a reasonable estimate of the main costs that are involved: fee for the funeral director’s services: $1,500 casket - $2300 embalming - $500 cost for using the funeral home for the actual funeral service: $500 cost of a gravesite: $1,000 cost to dig the grave: $600 cost of a grave liner or outer burial container: $1,000 cost of a headstone: $1,500 In this example, total costs was approximately $9,000….and that’s just for the “main” items. There could be additional charges for things like placing the obituary in the newspaper, buying flowers, and limousine rental. There could also be additional charges for prayer cards, use of the hearse, and a donation to the organist, soloist, or officiating clergy. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce the cost of funeral services to a more reasonable level."
"docid": "D843503#0",
"title": "http://www.mydollarplan.com/average-funeral-cost/\nHow Much Does a Funeral Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does a Funeral Cost? Posted by Guest Author on June 9, 2010A loved one dying is always difficult and the stress can be overwhelming. Despite your grief you will probably find yourself asking, “How much does a funeral cost?”You may have life insurance to cover funeral expenses, but average funeral costs are still pretty steep. Researching the costs before planning your loved one’s funeral will help set forth a sensible plan to help you through the funeral process. Average Funeral Costs According to the Federal Trade Commission, the average funeral costs in the United States can be well over $10,000 by the time you add floral arrangements, prayer cards and family transportation. Traditionally, when people think of funeral expenses they think of things like a casket and flowers. However, there are other items to take into consideration when planning a funeral, especially if you already cashed out your life insurance policy. Cemetery Cost. Most people understand that cemetery costs can be profound. Headstones often start around $500 and run upwards of $4000."
"docid": "D530981#0",
"title": "https://www.parting.com/blog/how-much-does-the-average-funeral-cost/\nHow Much Does the Average Funeral Cost?",
"text": "This article provides average funeral cost data for American funerals. The average cost for an American funeral, like other goods and services, has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. Anyone that has seen a late-night television commercial for funeral insurance knows the typical American funeral costs more than $6,000 – but is this an accurate estimate? The short answer is “no. ”Unfortunately, this $6,000 estimate is several years old and doesn’t take into consideration the additional expenses associated with burial in a cemetery and the purchase of a headstone. Once all funeral-related costs are factored in, the typical traditional funeral service will cost the average family closer to $8,000 - $10,000. But before we discuss specific funeral costs, we need to spend a few minutes discussing how the funeral industry works. This will help us understand where our money goes when planning a funeral. Average Funeral Costs: How the Funeral Industry Works Most people planning a funeral use the services of a funeral home. The funeral director is either the owner of a funeral home or, more commonly, an employee of a large corporate-owned chain of funeral homes."
"docid": "D364963#0",
"title": "http://www.us-funerals.com/funeral-homes/state/tx/city/italy\nFuneral Homes in Italy",
"text": "Funeral Homes in Italy Below you will find a list of all the funeral homes in Italy. Each listing provides full address details, map and directions to the funeral home and contact phone numbers. What is the average cost of a funeral in Italy? How much a funeral is going to cost can be an important question to many families today, and a deciding factor in which funeral home or cremation provider in Italy to select. The cost of a funeral can vary quite significantly, depending on the services provider you select and the type of funeral service you opt for. The average cost of a funeral has been surveyed at $8,350 by the Cremation Association of North America (CANA), and $7,045 by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA). This cost does not include any cemetery fees, so the full cost for a funeral is likely to be nearer $10,000. Funeral costs are made up of professional service fees and funeral merchandise. It is possible to reduce funeral costs by selecting a more affordable funeral services provider in Italy and purchasing funeral merchandise, such as a casket, from a third-party seller. How much does a cremation cost in Italy?"
"docid": "D479661#0",
"title": "http://www.funeral-arrangements-guide.com/minneapolis-mn-funeral-cost-minneapolis-mn-funeral-costs-guide/\nMinneapolis MN Funeral Cost â Minneapolis MN Funeral Costs Guide",
"text": "Minneapolis MN Funeral Cost – Minneapolis MN Funeral Costs Guide Funeral Cost Funeral homes, cemeteries and other service providers in Minneapolis MN expect to receive payment in full at the time of the funeral. With the average cost of a funeral around $8,000 in the United States for example, it can be a hardship if you have not planned ahead for this expenditure. There are several ways to manage your Minneapolis MN funeral costs and spare loved ones the financial burden. The first step in managing funeral expenses is to do some advance funeral planning. At a minimum, you need a basic funeral plan to determine your expected funeral price. Average Minneapolis MN Funeral Costs. advertisement According to last year’s funeral price survey, the average Minneapolis MN funeral costs for an adult funeral is $7,775. This is based on the most commonly selected items for a traditional funeral including a casket and vault. However, it does not include cemetery costs in Minneapolis MN. A grave space, a grave marker, and opening/closing the grave can easily cost another $1,500 to $2,500 in Minneapolis MN."
"docid": "D2712238#0",
"title": "http://dfsmemorials.com/cremation-blog/funeral-costs-cremation-costs-west-virginia/\nFuneral costs and cremation costs in West Virginia",
"text": "Funeral costs and cremation costs in West Virginia Posted on May 14, 2014 by Cremation Advisor The economy and the Internet are changing the way we purchase many goods and services….even funerals! Today more families either cannot afford full funeral services, or simply do not want to spend unnecessarily on funeral costs. Some of these families find themselves quoted funeral prices that they cannot afford, and they turn to the internet to find more affordable funeral alternatives. We have put together this brief guide to funeral costs in West Virginia to assist those families who wish to understand what options are available to them. How much does a funeral cost in West Virginia? Understanding funeral costs is not always easy. The cost of a funeral can vary so much depending upon the funeral services provider you choose and what kind of funeral services you select. It is important to understand that the price for a funeral can be very different – even for the exact same services – but from different funeral homes. A full service traditional funeral home can often have higher prices as they have more overhead to maintain. A traditional funeral package (including viewing, ceremony, embalming, funeral coach, flower vehicle, 20 gauge casket and burial liner) can be purchased for a complete price of $4,595."
"docid": "D2469611#0",
"title": "http://dfsmemorials.com/cremation-blog/funeral-costs-arrange-low-cost-cremation-new-orleans-la/\nFuneral costs: Arrange a low cost cremation in New Orleans, LA",
"text": "Funeral costs: Arrange a low cost cremation in New Orleans, LAPosted on December 20, 2015 by Cremation Advisor Are you worried about how to afford a funeral? With more families financially struggling today, the sudden responsibility of a funeral, and the associated funeral costs, can be overwhelming. A funeral can be one of the biggest expenses we have in our lifetime, and if a family are unprepared for it, it can be an overwhelming experience and cost. That is why we have put together this brief guide to help you find a low cost alternative to an expensive funeral. What are funeral costs in New Orleans? This is the question in the forefront of many families’ minds today. How much is this funeral going to cost me? The problem is that funeral costs do vary so much between different providers, and for different types of funeral services, that it is difficult to quote a general cost. According to the National Association of Funeral Directors [2012] the average cost of a funeral is $7,045, and this does NOT include any cemetery costs. This puts the overall average cost for a funeral at around $9,000 – $10,000."
"docid": "D407008#0",
"title": "http://personalfinance.costhelper.com/funeral.html\nFuneral Cost",
"text": "\"Direct Burial: $700-$2,400 Direct Cremation: $1,000-$9,000+ Full-Service Funeral Package: $6,000-$15,000+E-mail Post Tweet Total funeral costs can refer to not just the ceremony but also to all the products and services that can add thousands of dollars to the process of paying final respects to a loved one. Typical costs: Funeral homes and mortuaries must offer an \"\"immediate burial\"\" or \"\"direct burial\"\" package without a ceremony, although a small graveside service might be included. The body is buried in a simple container shortly after death, with no viewing. This costs $700-$2,400, not including the cemetery plot ($200-$5,000) and internment fees ($350-$3,000 for opening and closing the grave), bringing total expenses to $1,250-$10,400. See How Much Does a Gravesite Cost. A direct cremation package consists of simple containers for the body and ashes; and no viewing, embalming or funeral service. It typically averages $1,000-$2,500 when purchased from a funeral home, mortuary or crematory. Cremation plus a full traditional funeral package, including embalming and visitation, can cost $2,000-$9,000 or more (not including the gravesite and internment fees). See How Much Does Cremation Cost. Although funeral homes and mortuaries usually offer funeral \"\"packages\"\" with standard services and products included, federal law allows consumers to pick just the items they want."
"docid": "D2625098#0",
"title": "http://www.us-funerals.com/funeral-homes/state/va/city/richmond\nFuneral Homes in Richmond",
"text": "Funeral Homes in Richmond Below you will find a list of all the funeral homes in Richmond. Each listing provides full address details, map and directions to the funeral home and contact phone numbers. What is the average cost of a funeral in Richmond? How much a funeral is going to cost can be an important question to many families today, and a deciding factor in which funeral home or cremation provider in Richmond to select. The cost of a funeral can vary quite significantly, depending on the services provider you select and the type of funeral service you opt for. The average cost of a funeral has been surveyed at $8,350 by the Cremation Association of North America (CANA), and $7,045 by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA). This cost does not include any cemetery fees, so the full cost for a funeral is likely to be nearer $10,000. Funeral costs are made up of professional service fees and funeral merchandise. It is possible to reduce funeral costs by selecting a more affordable funeral services provider in Richmond and purchasing funeral merchandise, such as a casket, from a third-party seller. How much does a cremation cost in Richmond?"
"docid": "D649111#0",
"title": "http://childrensburial.org/first48hours/\nWhat To Do â The First 48 Hours of Your Childâs Death",
"text": "What To Do – The First 48 Hours of Your Child’s Death While you find your way in the painful time, challenging decisions have to be made about the best way to honor your child and give them a proper burial or cremation. Children’s Burial Assistance, Inc. (CBA) offers some valuable tips on what to do in the first 48 hours of your child’s death. * Assess Your Resources You do not want to add to the stress of unmanageable funeral, burial, or cremation costs. The average cost of a burial plot is between $900 and $14,000. The average vault cost is between $800 and $4,500. The average cost to open and close of the grave is between $800 and $1,500. The average funeral cost is between $3,500 and $8,000. The average burial cost is between $900 and $1,500. Take a realistic inventory of your financial resources. Do have a life insurance policy for your child?"
"docid": "D74025#0",
"title": "https://www.funeralwise.com/plan/costs/\nHow Much a Funeral Costs and Average Funeral Costs: Your Complete Guide",
"text": "How Much a Funeral Costs and Average Funeral Costs: Your Complete Guide Funeral Cost Calculators and Tips on Managing Funeral Costs Estimating how much a funeral will cost can be tricky. Average funeral costs continue to rise and there are many elements to consider: services, casket, vault, embalming, gravesite, and more. To make matters worse, funeral service providers and cemeteries expect payment in full at the time of the funeral. It’s little wonder that shopping for a funeral can be overwhelming. How much does a funeral cost? Funeral costs vary widely depending on where you live and what components you want to be included in the funeral ceremony. Based on our research and industry studies, average funeral costs are: The average cost of cremation with a traditional funeral service (the casket is present and you have a visitation) is $10,000-$12,000. The average cost of cremation with a memorial service (takes place sometime after the cremation, the casket is not present, and does not include a visitation) is $8,000-$10,000. The average cost of cremation with no funeral or memorial service is $2,000. The average cost of burial with a traditional funeral service (visitation and the casket is present) is $15,000."
"docid": "D905162#0",
"title": "http://www.thesimpledollar.com/a-funeral-costs-how-much/\nA Funeral Costs How Much?",
"text": "A death in the family is staggering enough without having to face the cost of a funeral. Photo: Family Funeral The loss of a family member can be too much for some people to bear, but learning how much a funeral can cost is enough to send many over the edge. I’ve seen it too many times to count. My husband has been a funeral director for most of his adult life, and I worked alongside him for almost seven years. And the story, while always tragic and heartbreaking in its own way, is almost always the same. A family member dies unexpectedly or after a long illness. Spouses, siblings, aunts, and uncles gather to make meaningful plans for a burial or cremation. Almost always, someone in the family balks at the cost. “ This is going to cost how much?” they’ll exclaim."
"docid": "D3416619#0",
"title": "https://bizfluent.com/info-7968368-average-salary-funeral-home-owner.html\nAverage Salary of a Funeral Home Owner",
"text": "\"Average Salary of a Funeral Home Ownerby Kristine Tucker; Updated September 26, 2017A funeral home owner usually holds the title of funeral home director. He uses his expertise in mortuary science to prepare bodies for funerals, and communicates sympathy with grieving friends and relatives of the deceased. A funeral home owner supervises the upkeep of his facility and instructs staff in areas of embalming, hearse transportation and funeral preparation. A funeral home owner's salary is dependent upon his geographic location, education and type of industry. Geographic Location A funeral home owner's salary varies depending upon the geographic location of his business. Community economic factors, cost of living considerations and the demand for funeral home services affect that salary level. According to May 2009 figures from the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a funeral home owner/director in Kentucky earns an average annual salary of $43,350. A funeral home owner/director in Massachusetts earns an average annual salary of $82,780. Education Educational achievements and academic accomplishments affect a funeral home owner's annual salary. A funeral home owner who has an educational degree typically earns a higher average salary than a director who does not have a degree."
"docid": "D1925217#0",
"title": "http://agraveinterest.blogspot.com/2012/03/high-cost-of-dying-traditional-funeral.html\nThe Cost of Dying â Traditional Funeral Services & Burial",
"text": "\"The Cost of Dying – Traditional Funeral Services & Burial A Wedding We love to plan and prepare for the major events in our lives; graduations, weddings, births, anniversaries, reunions, but when it comes to planning our death – that seems to flummox us like nothing else. Yet, it is a major life event, and it does need our attention and planning. Maybe now more than ever!Invoice Example Death is a $12 to $15-billion industry in the United States. As we continue to die, rates continue to climb. Expenses for a funeral service can vary dramatically, depending on what type of funeral you decide on and where you are located. According to the 2010 Funeral Price Survey by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) http://www.nfda.org/, Americans spent, on average, $7,775.00 for an adult funeral in 2009, based on the elements of a regular, traditional funeral. Grave monument Opening a Grave This does notinclude the cemetery costs which include the gravesite, vault, opening and closing of the grave, or the grave marker. These charges can run another $2,000 to $3,000 for interment in ‘regular’ cemeteries. ( Remember, the larger, more popular or exclusive a cemetery is, the higher the cost to get admitted.) And the price of a grave marker or monument depends on what you choose."
"docid": "D894523#0",
"title": "http://funeralcostshelp.co.uk/\nHelp with Funeral Costs: Everything Explained",
"text": "Help with Funeral Costs: Everything Explained After the passing of a loved one, arranging their funeral can be overwhelming. Knowing what costs to expect will help you make better decisions and can relieve any unnecessary stress. The aim of this website is to assist those who have recently lost a loved one and are unable to find accurate information about funeral costs. If you take on the responsibility of payment, it’s important to understand what fees are both applicable and optional. Most people enlist the help of a funeral director to help with the administration and final arrangements. Arranging a Funeral When emotions are running high, dealing with finances and the deceased’s estate is never easy. Most funerals are arranged by either the next of kin or a close friend. If there is nobody to undertake the procedures, the local health authority will arrange a simple funeral. Using a Funeral Director The majority of funerals are arranged by a funeral director. They will take on the responsibility of arranging the logistics of the funeral on your behalf and ensure that everything is legally sound."
"docid": "D1709967#0",
"title": "http://www.hopesandfears.com/hopes/city/city_index/214309-cost-death-funeral\nCity Index How much does it cost to die in cities around the world?",
"text": "\"City Index How much does it cost to die in cities around the world? This week in City Index we compare global funeral and end-of-life costs. Ana Bezanilla We already know the cost of living is getting higher, but what about dying? Yesterday, the Guardian reported that the cost of funerals has increased dramatically in the United Kingdom, leaving many families to struggle with end of life costs (\"\"Too poor to die\"\"). Around the world, these costs have been rising substantially over the past ten years and countries are increasingly choosing cremation to curb burial costs. We looked at ten global cities to compare funeral and end-of-life costs, specifically. ( Please note that dollar equivalents are based on the current exchange rates which fluctuate regularly. ) We chose ten cities across the globe from London to Beijing to retrieve our data. Tokyo Japan$1,629 - $80,393¥200,000 to ¥10 million National average funeral cost: 2.31 million Yen In Japan, funerals are a mix of religious customs and elaborate preparation. Although 98% choose to cremate their loved ones, the ceremonies are no small affair."
"docid": "D2388543#0",
"title": "http://dfsmemorials.com/cremation-blog/average-cremation-costs-alberta/\nAverage cremation costs in Alberta",
"text": "Average cremation costs in Alberta Posted on September 13, 2013 by Cremation Advisor Cremation is the preferred disposition choice in Alberta, with around 65% of the population choosing a cremation for their final disposition. Cremation can be considered a more environmentally-friendly alternative to burial, and of course, cremation can also cost significantly less than traditional burial services. What is the average cost of a cremation in Alberta? The cost of a cremation can vary, depending on what cremation services provider you opt for, what kind of cremation services you choose and where in Alberta you live. In the metro areas of Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer you can expect to arrange a simple, direct cremation for just $795.00. Whereas in the more rural areas of Alberta you will find it difficult to arrange a direct cremation for this price. Cremation Services Providers in Alberta As cremation is such a popular choice for Canadians, most funeral homes in Alberta also offer cremation services. Some have their own crematorium and others will use the services of a local crematorium. Either way, you can rest assured that your loved one will be handled with the greatest care and respect, and strict cremation regulations are adhered to. The cost of a cremation can be determined by whether the funeral services provider operates their own crematorium, so this is something you may wish to check."
"docid": "D2791914#0",
"title": "http://www.us-funerals.com/funeral-articles/cremation-costs-in-pittsburgh.html\n.",
"text": "Cremation costs: Average cost of cremation in Pittsburgh With cremation on the increase in Pennsylvania, more families are seeking out information on cremation costs in Pittsburgh. This article aims to provide families with an overview of cremation costs and cremation options in Pittsburgh. Families can save hundreds of dollars by selecting an affordable cremation services provider, but many families do not know where to start in comparing cremation services, or understanding how best to select cremation services and cut costs. What is the best way to compare cremation costs in Pittsburgh? It can be a daunting task trying to compare cremation services and costs between different funeral homes and crematories in Pittsburgh. We have put together a cremation cost comparison for the top low cost cremation providers in Pittsburgh to help give you an idea of how cremation costs compare. Disclaimer: This cremation cost information was obtained from providers in October 2013. Prices are posted to help families make informed decisions. However, periodically providers change their prices. We make every effort to ensure the prices are accurate, but prices must be verified directly with the listed funeral homes."
] |
2131 | average cost of house cleaning inmassachusetts | [
"docid": "D236369#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/house-cleaning-service.html\nHouse Cleaning Cost",
"text": "Low: $74-$200 Medium: $95-$300 High: $150-$400E-mail Post Tweet Comments (335)House cleaning service (sometimes called maid service) varies in cost according to frequency of service, condition and size of home. Prices are generally based either on the number of rooms, the square footage or by the hour. Typical costs: One-time cleaning of a 900-square foot two-bedroom apartment with five rooms, costs $74-$200. A 1,300 square-foot single-story home with seven rooms runs $95-$300. A 2,200 two-story three-bedroom home with nine rooms averages $149-$400. Biweekly cleaning of the same five-room apartment costs $59-$124, the seven-room single-story home runs $79-$150, and the larger nine-room two-story home costs $104-$180. More Hands.com in Texas offers a website calculator to help determine cleaning costs according to the number and type of rooms. Related articles: Carpet Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Cleaning Window Drapes, Cleaning Window Blinds, Area Rug Cleaning or Restoration, Duct Cleaning What should be included: A typical regular cleaning includes vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing sinks, floors, countertops and range hoods. Some services include loading the dishwasher and changing bed linen. Generally, a cleaning service will bring all the cleaning products and tools."
] | [
"docid": "D122980#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/power-washing-cost\nAverage Cost of Power Washing Services",
"text": "When certain materials start to look aged or dirty, homeowners think immediately of power washing. This method of cleaning can be an effective way of giving driveways, fences, patios, decks and the exterior of houses a fresh and clean new look, but it is often necessary to pay for professionals to get the job done. Learn more about the average cost of these jobs as well as how to pick the best professional cleaners for the project you have in mind. National Powerwash Exterior Surfaces Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$269Average Cost$53Min imum Cost$600Max imum Cost Average Range:$217 to $301Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data? This info is based on 14173 cost profiles, as reported by Improve Net members. Average Power Washing Costs: All Projects Before pricing the cost of a power washing project, homeowners should fully understand the process. Power washing uses a combination of a powerful stream of water as well as a hot temperature for best results, but pressure washing just uses cold water. Make sure that anyone you employ knows the difference and can use high-quality equipment for the cleanest possible finish. While the cost of a power washing project will differ substantially from home to home, expect to pay somewhere between $474 and $690 for the average job."
"docid": "D248442#0",
"title": "http://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/cleaning-services/clean-ducts-and-vents/\nHow Much Does It Cost To Clean Ducts & Vents?",
"text": "\"The cost of cleaning your air ducts is determined by the size of your air duct system and the extent of contamination. On average, homeowners spend between $265 and $471, with $353 being the national average. Did you know that cleaning your ducts and vents can help airflow and increase energy efficiency? According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), keeping your air ducts and vents clear can increase energy efficiency and indoor air quality. While the cost to clean ducts and vents might sound high, the benefits to homeownersespecially those sensitive to allergensis worth considering. On This Page: Air Duct Cleaning Costs Residential vs. Commercial Removal of Mold/Mildew Custom-Design Dryer Vents A/C and Furnace Costs By Unit Cleaning Evaporator and Condenser Coils Estimates by Service Sears Stanley Steemer Coit FAQs Average Cleaning Cost Cleaning ducts and vents generally costs between $263 and $472, but as with many services, the bigger and dirtier the project, the more you'll need to pay. When a professional comes to assess the needs of your system, they will consider: The size of your ductwork The degree to which it is contaminated The ease with which they can reach various parts of the system Residential vs Commercial The average cost of keeping your residential ductwork orderly is going to vary greatly from that of a commercial building. This is because commercial air ducts are often larger and more extensive. Residential cleanings can cost an average of about $20-$30 per vent. For commercial buildings, service providers must do an estimate of your space before they can provide an accurate quote."
"docid": "D2340935#0",
"title": "https://www.howmuchisit.org/bike-tune-up-cost/\nHow Much Does a Bike Tune Up Cost?",
"text": "Transportation Costs > How Much Does a Bike Tune Up Cost? How Much Does a Bike Tune Up Cost? A bike tune-up is very similar to a car tune-up and is suggested every six months. A tune-up usually, at a minimum, involves checking the tires, brakes, the chain and the gears for multi-speed bikes.“ Bicycle ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by Michael PGHow much does a bike tune-up cost? On average, a standard bike tune-up can cost $30 to $80. This price will depend on the professional you choose, where you live and what’s included in the tune-up. A simple $30 to $50 job will include a quick clean and adjustment, while the costs can be much higher if you were to add more services to the job. For example, replacing all of the brake and shift cable/housing could be in the $100 to $150 range, while doing everything mentioned, plus removing the parts, rebuilding the bearing assemblies and performing a deeper clean can be closer to $200. Refer to our table below to see what the different tiers of service would cost at the average bike shop."
"docid": "D2029490#0",
"title": "https://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/cleaning-walls\nHow Much Does a Wall Cleaning Service Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does a Wall Cleaning Service Cost? Most homeowners spend between $229 to $352 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Clean Walls & Ceilings . Get Started!Cleaning walls in a home can make the home a healthier environment by removing bacteria and mold. Cleaning and painting walls is a fairly common do-it-yourself project for homeowners. Although it's a known fact that a fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into a room, the appearance of clean walls may surprise you. After a proper cleaning, you may decide that your walls do not need to be painted after all. By cleaning your walls instead of repainting them, you may be able to save money. If it's been awhile since the walls and ceilings have been painted or cleaned, you should thoroughly clean them before painting as it can extend the life of a paint job by helping the paint to adhere better. National Clean Walls & Ceilings Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location."
"docid": "D2576017#0",
"title": "http://www.removal-companies.london/how-much-does-it-cost-to-move-house.php\nHow to calculate moving costs?",
"text": "How to calculate moving costs? Packing costs The best and the quickest way of calculating average house moving costs is chatting to us online. We will gather all relevant information and generate the time scale, resource schedule and removal costs involved in your move. You can also give us a quick call or use our online form to obtain the quote. Our typical moving costs calculator will take in to account the cubic volume of your move, number of boxes, requested services, the distance between your current and new address, the moving date and time. Some people ask us for average house moving costs in London. From the experience we know that the approximate cost of moving 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bedroom house usually just a guess and in most cases does not much with the final fixed cost estimate. There are a few reasons why there average costs are far from the real ones. What makes the difference to the price? Furniture dismantling and reassembly - it takes a lot of time to dismantle and reassemble a wardrobe for example."
"docid": "D3466685#0",
"title": "https://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/cleaning-services/\nHouse Cleaning Services - Average Prices & Costs",
"text": "Select your Cleaning Service project Hire a Maid Service (52,743 projects)Average National Cost: $159View Costs in Your Area Clean Carpeting (35,221 projects)Average National Cost: $175View Costs in Your Area Clean Gutters & Downspouts (21,635 projects)Average National Cost: $150View Costs in Your Area Power Wash Exterior Surfaces (19,911 projects)Average National Cost: $280View Costs in Your Area Remove Waste (16,486 projects)Average National Cost: $236View Costs in Your Area Clean Windows (15,327 projects)Average National Cost: $207View Costs in Your Area Clean a Chimney (14,420 projects)Average National Cost: $224View Costs in Your Area Clean Ducts & Vents (13,686 projects)Average National Cost: $353View Costs in Your Area Clean Dryer Vents (6,339 projects)Average National Cost: $128View Costs in Your Area Clean Furniture (5,800 projects)Average National Cost: $159View Costs in Your Area Clean a Roof (3,852 projects)Average National Cost: $408View Costs in Your Area Rent a Dumpster (1,934 projects)Average National Cost: $396View Costs in Your Area Clean Construction Site (1,255 projects)Average National Cost: $447View Costs in Your Area Clean Window Treatments (1,183 projects)Average National Cost: $233View Costs in Your Area Repair a Central Vacuum (1,175 projects)Average National Cost: $248View Costs in Your Area Clean Walls & Ceilings (513 projects)Average National Cost: $337View Costs in Your Area Install a Central Vacuum (326 projects)Average National Cost: $1,538View Costs in Your Area Install a Whole House Air Cleaner (148 projects)Average National Cost: $1,659View Costs in Your Area Sandblast an Exterior Surface (45 projects)Average National Cost: $1,056View Costs in Your Area"
"docid": "D544146#0",
"title": "http://pressurewashr.com/pressure-washer-rental-cost/\nPressure Washer Rental â Hereâs The Costs To Hire a Power Washer",
"text": "Pressure Washer Rental – Here’s The Costs To Hire a Power Washer Here you will discover the pressure washer rental cost for a hot water, heavy-duty and medium-duty pressure washer. The cost to hire from Home Depot and 6 other rental shops have been compared and displayed in 4 charts for you below. We’ll also take a look at the pros and cons of renting vs. buying or hiring a pro to do your pressure washing. There’s two reasons to rent a pressure washer to use around your house or jobsite: You don’t want to spend money to buy a pressure washer for the 1 day you plan to use it each year. You don’t want to hire a pressure washing contractor for $110 – $350 to do the work you think you can do yourself (and enjoy doing). The Pros of Renting are: Don’t have to do maintenance. When you rent a pressure washer you only have it for 1 day and the rental shops takes care of the maintenance. Doesn’t take room up in your garage. You may have a large garage and this is not an issue but it is definitely a pro of renting. Don’t have to go through the steps to winterize and store it."
"docid": "D422710#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/sewer-line.html\nSewer Line Replacement Cost",
"text": "\"Traditional Process: $50-$250+ per foot Trenchless Process: $60-$250+ per foot E-mail Post Tweet Comments (72)Typical costs: The traditional dig-up-and-replace method requires excavating a long, deep trench or trenches to remove the old pipes and install new ones. This method can cost $50-$250 or more a foot, depending on the length and depth of the existing pipes, local rates and the ease of access. Replacing an average sewer line from the house to where it connects to the public sewer system typically costs $3,000-$6,000. However, if the project is complex and/or if the connection to the public system is in the middle of the street it can cost $7,000-$25,000 or more. Cost Helper readers report paying $4,500-$13,000, or $50-$100 per foot traditional replacement of 50'-100' of sewer line, for an average cost of $7,493 or $106 per foot. Trenchless sewer replacement uses minimal digging with one of several methods -- pipe-bursting, in which a machine breaks and pushes out the old pipe while pulling through and installing a new pipe in its place. Expect to pay about $60-$200 per foot, or $3,500-$20,000 for an average household sewer line depending on the type, length and depth of the existing pipe, plus the cost of any required permits or sidewalk repairs. The trenchless slip-lining method (in which a new, smaller-diameter is installed inside the existing sewer line) or relining (both of which reduce the overall interior diameter of the sewer line) typically cost $80-$250 or more a foot, or $4,000-$25,000 or more for a typical household sewer. Cost Helper readers report paying $6,000-$12,000 or about $92-$238 per foot for trenchless sewer repair, with an average cost of $8,900 ($162 per foot). Smaller projects generally cost more per foot."
"docid": "D3553830#0",
"title": "https://www.homeyou.com/ca/gutter-cleaning-west-sacramento-costs\nHow Much Does it Cost to Clean Gutters in West Sacramento?",
"text": "Gutter Cleaning can increase the value of your home by $125Gutters serve a critical service for your home. It doesn’t take long for improperly working or clogged gutters to show wear and tear on your home and devalue your investment. A clogged or damaged gutter can cause basement leaks which can accumulate around the foundation of the house. It can also cause the fascia board of a roof to rot. Stagnant water in broken or clogged gutters are good nesting place for mosquitos and other insects that thrive in water. Water is indeed a very important part of a person’s life, however, if not controlled and managed properly, it can cause property damages that can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace. That is why it is very important to get professionals to do West Sacramento gutter cleaning on your gutters and downspout on a regular basis. Fair price breakdown The cost of gutter cleaning in West Sacramento on average is $178. Regularly cleaned gutters on an average sized house can cost as low as $178, while gutters of larger homes provide extra risk and may typically cost as much as $226 for cleaning. There are several factors that need to be considered when estimating the cost of gutter cleaning such as the height of the house, gutter size, gutter condition, gutter extras, and the downspout installation."
"docid": "D3416438#0",
"title": "http://themembersedge.blogs.realtor.org/2012/05/29/top-six-home-improvements-for-selling-a-house/\nTop Six Home Improvements for Selling a House",
"text": "Top Six Home Improvements for Selling a House Posted in Benefits, Housing Market, Marketing, Residential Real Estate, Sales Tips & Techniques, Trends, by NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS on May 29, 2012With increased competition for home sales, it’s more important than ever for sellers to consider cost-effective home improvements to help maximize their return on investment. There are two kinds of home improvements – giant kidney-shaped pools, state of the art home offices and the best privately owned topiary in the Midwest, or more practical improvements that are optimized to maximize your average cost and return on investment. A number of factors that affect how much of your costs you’ll recoup – the value of homes in the neighborhood, the state of the housing market as a whole and the timing of your sale, but here are the top six home improvements for selling a house that REALTORS® can use to get results for their clients. Remodel the Kitchen One of the most prominent turnoffs from prospective home buyers is an unattractive kitchen. Today’s kitchen is where families spend most of their time together and size doesn’t matter as much as appearance. Cabinets are the first thing that buyers notice but they’re also one of the more expensive items to replace. Have your sellers repaint or resurface them first, unless they are sorely dated or beat-up, then it’s a good idea to replace them entirely. Counter tops are more durable and can be upgraded with simple laminates. New faucets or shiny sinks will also help catch the eye of prospective buyers. Avoid the professional chef’s stove and the granite counter tops if your client wants the best return on investment and advise them to stick with more cost-effective upgrades and improvements."
"docid": "D497946#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/cost-of-house-cleaning-services\nCost of House Cleaners",
"text": "Cost of House Cleaners Most homeowners spend between $122 to $167 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Hire a Maid Service . Get Started!With the hectic schedule that modern life often demands, it can be difficult to keep your home as clean as it should be. Hiring a maid or cleaning service can ease the burden of household chores. This kind of help isn't limited to the extremely affluent; many people rely on maids to keep their homes tidy when they can't manage it themselves. National Hire a Maid Service Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$157Average Cost$52Min imum Cost$333Max imum Cost Average Range:$122 to $167Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data? This info is based on 42118 cost profiles, as reported by Improve Net members. Average House Cleaning Costs The average national cost of hiring a maid service is $185, with apartment cleaning on average being a cheaper $95. Many factors may influence this price, including the size, number, and types of rooms you want cleaned and how often you want the cleaning done."
"docid": "D1188075#0",
"title": "http://www.answermefast.com/How_much_does_it_cost_to_clean_up_a_burned_house_site-qna156211.html\n.",
"text": "Q How much does it cost to clean up a burned house site? When your house burns down and it is a total loss who pays for the clean up Topic: Asked by: Tomas In Home & Garden > Cleaning & Laundry > Insurance>A Top Solutions What the avegege cost to pay for cleaning up complely burned down home?~What the averge pr ... read more Visitors to this page also searched for: House burned down clean up Cost for concrete removal of fire burned homes Cost to fix burnt house Time limit to remove burned out homes Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Add Your Answer How much does it cost to clean up a burned house site? When your house burns down and it is a total loss who pays for the clean up Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Users who viewed this problem also viewed:user209485Level 1 (Contributor)1 Answer0 0What the avegege cost to pay for cleaning up complely burned down home? What the averge price to pay to have a cleanup on completely burned down home insureance has paid me for my lost just need it cleaned up now Comment Reply Report This discussion closely relates to: Cost of cleaning a burned out lot House burned down cost to clean up Cost of a house that is burned down Can you help us by answering one of these related questions? I am newly to become a member of this site asking to grant free for two weeks time newly visitor of this site? What is this site about, and does it have any thing to do with the site that sent me here? How much does it cost to stucco a 5 000 house? How much does it cost to wire house in bc? How much does it cost to get a house recarpeted? How much does it cost to replumb gas in a house?"
"docid": "D1171077#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_price_for_stripping_and_waxing_a_floor\nWhat is the average price for stripping and waxing a floor?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Home Improvement Flooring What is the average price for stripping and waxing a floor? Flag What is the average price for stripping and waxing a floor? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Usually for stripping and waxing you charge a per square foot price. The actual price varies depending on the job but usually it is around .30 / sqft. Kyle Deep Cleaning Systems4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Kmanderuk 1 Contribution How do you strip wax build up from a laminate floor and then clean it? First, do NOT wax laminate floors in the first place! They are not supposed to be waxed. However, if you are in a situation like I am, namely the previous owners waxed your …What is the cost for stripping and waxing VCT floors?27 cents a sq foot Floor stripping and wax application charges?"
"docid": "D113797#0",
"title": "http://www.themovingblog.com/average-moving-costs/\nWhat are the Average Moving Costs?",
"text": "What are the Average Moving Costs? During moving the most important question that you may be asking yourself is what is the average moving cost that you may have to pay for your moving. Depending on the distance of your move you have a local and cross state move and that would give two different types of pricing explained below. Average Full Service Moving Costs When you are moving at a smaller distance the average cost of moving for you is going to be calculated by hour. Once you receive your moving estimate, it should have a price based on the calculated hours of work of the movers and it should have a price per hour. Sometimes movers may apply an additional fee so definitely ask movers any question related to the price of your move. A service that may have additional cost for example is moving furniture up and down the stairs as it requires extra time for work on behalf of the movers. For any service that you need or any price that you would like to know put forward the question about it to the moving company. Ask movers to give you an estimate of your moving costs. Once you get a feedback from a few companies you can compare the prices and take a final decision on which one to hire."
"docid": "D647745#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/articles/what-are-average-carpet-cleaning-prices.htm\nWhat Are Average Carpet Cleaning Prices?",
"text": "\"What Are Average Carpet Cleaning Prices? The cost falls between $25 to $75 per room for carpet cleaning, or an average of $51 per room, according to Angie's List members. Larger whole house cleaning projects can cost more than $550. Homeowners often wonder how much they should expect to pay for carpet cleaning, and how to know whether they're being overcharged. Going the DIY carpet cleaning route with a carpet cleaner rental may be tempting, but to keep your carpets looking new and minimize wear and tear, sometimes it's best to hire professional carpet cleaners. Whether you opt for a steam cleaner or dry carpet cleaning, Let Angie's List help guide you through the process. SEARCH THE LIST: Ready for some clean, fluffy carpets in your home? Search Angie's List to find the best carpet cleaner near you! Or if you need three quotes right away see below: Need professional help with your project? Get quotes from top-rated pros."
"docid": "D599483#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/articles/how-much-does-air-duct-cleaning-cost.htm\nHow Much Does Air Duct Cleaning Cost?",
"text": "\"How Much Does Air Duct Cleaning Cost? Air duct cleaning for most homes costs on average between $300 and $500. Dear Angie: I’m looking to have my air ducts cleaned but I’ve seen prices vary from $99 to $800. I have not been given an explanation, that I believe, that describes the reason for the price difference. What are your thoughts on the reasons for the wide range of costs? — D. C., Landisville, Pennsylvania. SEARCH THE LIST: Need to get your air ducts cleaned? Search Angie's List to find an air duct cleaning company to get started. RELATED VIDEO: Avoid air duct cleaning scams Dear D. C.: My advice is simple: avoid those lowball offers. Companies offering a super low price on air duct cleaning might do more harm and no good."
"docid": "D3157571#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_price_per_square_foot_in_lexington_kentucky\nWhat is the average cost per square foot to paint the interior of a house in the Kentucky area?",
"text": "Deb Answers 954,969 Contributions What is the average cost per square foot to paint the interior of a house in the Kentucky area? The cost depends on whether you paint it yourself or pay a professional painter to paint it, the grade of paint you buy, how many coats of paint is applied, and other factors. … What is the average cost per square foot to build a house in Butler County Kentucky? For most of the state of Kentucky, the cost to build a new home with average finishings and trims is around $100-$110/square ft. As soon as you start upgrading with fancier fa …What is an average price per square foot in stucco? The cost is about $6-$8 square foot. That means measuring the length by height of all walls. This will give you a fairly accurate answer. The guys who advertise through mailer …What is the average price per square foot for carpet cleaning? The best quote I've received so far is $0.60/sq.ft."
"docid": "D2510212#0",
"title": "http://www.corkd.com/cleaning-services/tx/cleaning-services-fort-worth-tx.php\nCompare & Save On Cleaning Services in Fort Worth, TX",
"text": "Call a Cleaning Services Specialist (866) 537-0373Compare & Save On Cleaning Services in Fort Worth, TXDo you need fast, professional and low cost cleaning services in Fort Worth for your house or business? You are in luck because Cork'd Fort Worth house cleaning services covers everything including dusting/sweeping/washing your floors, bathrooms, kitchen and more. Whether you need house cleaning in Fort Worth for a seasonal clean up or you need monthly service, our pros can get your house clean as new. Weigh the cost of cleaning service in Fort Worth vs. the value of your free time and the choice is clear. So check out the Cork'd Ballpark estimator for prices then enter a few details about your cleaning job to get started!Cleaning Services Costs in Fort Worth, TXAverage Cost in Fort Worth: $142.10Range $129.73 - $154.47Lowest Price Paid $94.71Highest Price Paid $198.89Estimated Cleaning Services Cost in Fort Worth: $142.10This cost is based on Tarrant County labor costs and is based on an average home size and standard (bathrooms, floors, kitchen, dusting of surfaces, etc.) cleaning services in Fort Worth. Refrigerator, oven and other internal appliance cleaning cost extra, taxes not in estimate. Non-Verified Cleaning Services Companies Verify Your Information Working Hands Cleaning Service1124 N Highway 377Roanoke , TX 76262Amanda's Cleaning Services4081 Harrison Court Krum , TX 76249Handy Hank Of Keller1389 Sweetgum Keller , TX 762481St Choice Chimney Sweep Keller , TX 76248Ace Clean Keller , TX 76248Joyful Kleaning691 Buttercup Drive Keller , TX 76248CAA Cleaning Services858 Keller Pkwy Keller , TX 76248Ripley Services4700 Keller Haslet Road Keller , TX 76244Crystals A Plus Cleaning3012 Glen Vista Drive Fort Worth , TX 76244Hawkins Cleaning Service4317 Summer Star Lane Keller , TX 76244"
"docid": "D1060960#0",
"title": "http://www.jamarhouses.com/Remodeling/Cleaning/HouseCleaningPricesAticleH.html\n.",
"text": "A Guide To Help You Determine How Much To Pay For Your House Cleaning Services House Cleaning by: Jamar Remodeling Inc Building trust and Quality in North Carolina Custom Homesand NC Investment Properties Jamar Properties offers custom home building and house remodeling services in the Charlotte – Concord area, NC Please call us at 704-796-1437 or email us at : Marlen@Jamar Houses.com Address: 229 Patrick Avenue, Concord, NC 28025Additional House Cleaning Articles Let our House Cleaning Sometimes it's necessary to use a house cleaning service. Whether your lifestyle is too busy to allow you to clean as regularly as you'd like, you want to clean for a special occasion, or you're getting ready to move, a professional could be just the thing you need. However,professional house cleaning servicescan also get expensive. While they're often worth the price, it's important to know in advance how much you'll end up paying for your service. Here's a rough guide to house cleaning rates, depending on what you need cleaned and how often. Every house or apartment is different, so you'll find that your house cleaning priceswill be based on a number of things. These include how big your home is, whether you're having it cleaned just once or on a regular basis, how often regular cleaning will occur, how many people live there, the number of bathrooms and the number of pets, and similar factors. Larger cleaning companies will use a standardized formula to calculate your estimate. Smaller companies may not have a system this formalized. Commonly, cleaning franchises charge about seventy-five dollars per hour to have two people clean for two hours."
"docid": "D1169246#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/articles/how-much-does-window-cleaning-cost.htm\nHow Much Does Window Cleaning Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does Window Cleaning Cost? Most professional window cleaners charge per pane, but a number of variables can affect the final price. You have windows so that you can look outside. When you can no longer tell the windows from the walls, it’s time to think about window cleaning. Let’s face it: No one likes to wash windows. And if your house is two stories or taller, making your glass gleam again can be dangerous. That’s why it may be a good idea to hire a professional window cleaner. Video: How to clean windows Paying by the pane Window cleaning generally is priced by the number of panes of glass. An ordinary double-hung window consists of two panes. The typical window washing cost runs from $2 to $7 per pane, according to Cost Helper."
] |
2132 | average cost of laminate flooring installed | [
"docid": "D325669#0",
"title": "http://www.fixr.com/costs/install-laminate-flooring\nHow much does it cost to install laminate flooring?",
"text": "\"How much does it cost to install laminate flooring? Laminate flooring is a manufactured multi-layered synthetic floor that is fused together using a lamination process, which simulates the look of wood, stone, or tile with a photographic layer under a clear protective layer. There are many benefits to installing it due to its durability (up to 30 years) cheaper price, and ability to withstand exposure to debris and water. The average project of installing a laminate floor in the average 200 square foot kitchen (measuring 10'x20') costs $1,600-$5,000 This cost does NOT include removal of old flooring, re-installation of molding or baseboards, furniture removal, and delivery and installation fees. Factors affecting the cost One would assume that the smaller the square footage, the lower the price. For lamination installation however, this is not true. The smaller the area in which the floor is being placed, the higher the cost will be per square foot. This is because a lot of trimming will be involved and it is more time-consuming. Location is another factor taken into account in the cost estimate you will receive. For example, if you have a set of stairs or a landing in the area, you can expect the price per square foot to be higher."
] | [
"docid": "D1953821#0",
"title": "http://ehowmuchdoesitcost.org/cost-to-install-laminate-flooring/\nHow Much Does It Cost To Install Laminate Flooring?",
"text": "Lifestyle How Much Does It Cost To Install Laminate Flooring?by Vishal Sanjay4 years ago7.6k Views18SHARESShare Tweet Celeb No-Bra-Day Caught On Camera Last Photos Taken Seconds Before Tragedy Struck Drink This Before Bed, Watch Your Body Fat Melt Like Crazy Sponsored Content? How much does it cost to install laminate flooring? This is a commonly asked question given the popularity of laminate over other forms of flooring. Laminates are easy to install and require low maintenance. They are also just as beautiful as wood floors without all the associated costs. Laminates act as a moisture barrier and thus, prolong your home’s longevity. Popular Stories Drink This Before Bed, Watch Your Body Fat Melt Like Crazy Here's Why You Should Never Squash A Centipede Melania's IQ Vs Michelle's IQ Is Pretty Unnerving Celeb No-Bra-Day Caught On Camera The Cameramen Captured More Than Expected Last Photos Taken Seconds Before Tragedy Struck 1 Simple Trick Removes Eye Bags & Lip Lines In Seconds The MLB Can't Look The Other Way This Time? For these reasons and more, many home-owners are switching from other types of floors to laminate flooring. The cost of installing a laminate floor will be determined by the following important factors. Cost of Moving Furniture To save on costs of laminating floors, move your furniture yourself before the contractors get there."
"docid": "D784292#0",
"title": "http://freshome.com/2010/11/01/the-pros-and-cons-of-hardwood-vs-laminate-wood-flooring/\nThe Pros and Cons of Hardwood vs. Laminate Wood Flooring",
"text": "The Pros and Cons of Hardwood vs. Laminate Wood Flooring By Ronique Gibson November 1, 2010 in Decorating Ideas15One of the most sought-after amenities in a home is wood flooring. Because of its natural appearance and warmth underfoot, wood is beautiful and timeless. Original hardwood floors are among the benefits of older traditional homes. Newer homes that have a lower price point but that still want the natural look of wood often use laminate to win over homebuyers. No matter your preference, there are pros and cons when it comes to hardwood versus laminate wood flooring. This article will help you determine which one is best for your lifestyle, budget and home. Also be sure to read our 10 Most Popular Eco-Friendly Flooring Solutions. If you are interested in getting free quotes on floor installation, click here. Price The reality of flooring costs and what you can afford may be miles apart. Take into consideration the cost of laminate and hardwood flooring to determine what is best for you."
"docid": "D3028360#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-carpet-tiles/\nCost of Carpet Tiles",
"text": "Cost of Carpet Tiles Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Carpet Tiles is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Carpet Tiles materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Carpet Tiles cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Carpet Tiles installed in your home. Carpet Tiles costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Carpet Tiles – Material Prices$180.00 - $245.00 $250.00 - $295.00 $320.00 - $395.00Carpet Tiles – Installation Cost$125.00 - $135.00 $150.00 - $165.00 $170.00 - $190.00Carpet Tiles – Total$305.00 - $380.00 $400.00 - $460.00 $490.00 - $585.00Carpet Tiles – Total Average Cost per square foot$3.42 $4.30 $5.38Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Carpet Tiles installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Carpet Tiles contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Carpet Tiles Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run."
"docid": "D212031#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/laminate-flooring.html\nLaminate Flooring Cost",
"text": "Basic Flooring, DIY: $450-$950 Mid-Range, DIY: $1,300-$3,000 Installed: $1,250-$5,000E-mail Post Tweet Comments (8)Also referred to as a floating floor or Pergo (the Swedish company that developed the concept), laminate flooring is a completely manufactured product that simulates the look of hardwood, tile, stone or other natural flooring materials. Laminate flooring usually has an under layer; about a half-inch composite-wood/fiber core; a print/design layer with a photograph of the desired wood grain or other natural flooring style; and a top coating of clear melamine plastic resin that resists scratching, cutting and fading. ( Laminate flooring is sometimes confused with laminated wood flooring -- another name for engineered wood flooring -- which has an actual layer of wood veneer on top. ) Typical costs: Installing laminate flooring is a relatively common weekend project for two people with intermediate-level do-it-yourself skills. Low-cost laminate starts around 90 cents-$2 for thinner flooring (6-7mm). With some additional costs for underlayment and matching baseboards/trim, it can run $450-$950 for basic laminate materials for a 20x20-square-foot living room. Laminate prices are based in large part on how realistic-looking the flooring is; inexpensive laminate may look artificial. Thicker (8-12mm) and more realistic laminate could run $3-$7 a square foot, with total materials costs of $1,300-$3,000 for a living room. Other factors affecting the price include the efficiency and strength of the locking mechanism, higher levels of melamine in the core to improve moisture resistance, and options such as joints impregnated with Paraffin wax to repel water. Professional installation costs vary considerably by location, but can add $2-$5 a square foot. ("
"docid": "D1030245#0",
"title": "http://costowl.com/home-improvement/flooring-pergo-cost.html\nHow Much Does Pergo Flooring Installation Cost?",
"text": "\"Home > Home Improvement > Flooring > Cost of Laminate Hardwood Flooring How Much Does Pergo Flooring Installation Cost? Pergo Flooring Prices Pergo was the first company to offer laminate flooring and today, its laminate products are among the best quality and best-selling in the world. Pergo floors look like hardwood but are engineered to perform better and cost less than the real thing. What is Pergo Flooring? Pergo flooring, like other laminates, is made from several layers of heat and pressure bonded materials. The core consists of melamine resin and fiber board, over which a decorative layer (the part that you see) is placed. The outermost layer, a clear protective coat, is what makes Pergo so easy to maintain. While hardwoods require regular applications of sealer and wax for protection, Pergo needs virtually zero maintenance aside from occasional sweeping and mopping. Benefits of Pergo Flooring Pergo is available in a wide variety of styles and colors. Every wood color and grain pattern imaginable, and even stone tile, can be accurately mimicked by Pergo flooring."
"docid": "D645380#0",
"title": "https://trustedpros.com/forum/home-improvements/what-is-the-average-cost-for-finishing-a-basement\nWhat is the average cost for finishing a basement?",
"text": "What is the average cost for finishing a basement? Posted by: Marcy from Brooklyn5/29/2012 at 4:52:06 PMMy husband and I are trying to plan and budget for a basement renovation that is around 1000 sq ft and will include framing, drywall, flooring (laminate or carpet...not sure yet) and a two piece bathroom. Is there a basic rule or guide we can use to calculate the potential cost of finishing our basement? I understand that the materials will play a big part but is there a cost per square foot average that we can use? I appreciate your time and look forward to your responses. POST A REPLY TRACK THIS POSTINGREPLIES ( 13 )Xhemali from Egnatia Construction Inc. in Brooklyn5/29/2012 at 5:16:49 PMThere is not a set price for this kind of work but to get decent materials and the labor will around $16000Katrina from TDS Services in Houston5/29/2012 at 5:25:06 PMIt will depend on what type of material you want to be installed in this basement, the lay out etc. Any experienced contractor usually will give you 2-3 budget options to choose from. Labor will also depend based on the work you want the contractors to put in. M. C.'s Home Improvements in Mount Laurel5/29/2012 at 5:36:01 PMi'm finishing a 1200 sq ft basement now and with the materials the client has picked out with labor its at $28.00 sq ft.....no wet bar, 30 recessed lights, finished crawl space, entertainment system, gym, 1/2 bath with ejector system, 2 vinyl windows, stairs opened to install banister with spindles (both sides). Every option comes with a price, so the more basic you keep it the better the pricing should be."
"docid": "D306723#0",
"title": "http://www.fixr.com/costs/kitchen-remodeling\nHow much does it cost to remodel a kitchen?",
"text": "\"How much does it cost to remodel a kitchen? Kitchen remodeling can be done in many ways, and for this discussion we will consider the costs and requirements for a kitchen update of a 200 square foot kitchen. On average, kitchen remodel costs $57,000. For the kitchen update, the typical costs include: According to Hanley Wood and their \"\"Remodeling\"\" magazine the average kitchen update in which cabinetry and countertops are replaced with \"\"medium-grade\"\" components, all appliances are upgraded to energy efficient models, laminate countertops are replaced, a new sink and faucet are installed, flooring is replaced, and walls and trim repainted will cost $20,320. The resale value of this update would hold at $16,234. According to Calfinder, 70 percent of kitchen remodeling costs are recouped upon resale. The above figures place the kitchen update at $101.6 per square foot. This pricing structure assumes that carpenters charge an average of $70 per hour, electricians between $65 to $85 per hour, painters between $20 and $35 per hour and plumbers between $45 and $65 per hour. Cost breakdown What needs to be included:30 linear feet of cabinetry using same design / size with medium-grade oak cabinets - Average of $117 to $140 per linear foot for a total of $4200. This does not take into consideration the removal of old cabinetry and the potential for reinforcement of walls and floors."
"docid": "D220255#0",
"title": "https://www.bobvila.com/articles/7725-bathroom-floor-tile-which-is-best-for-your-bath/\nBathroom Floor Tile: Which Is Best for You?",
"text": "Bathroom Bathroom Floor Tile: Which Is Best for You? While there are many bathroom floor tile options, knowing the pros and cons for each will help you make the right choice in your home. By Joe Provey Vinyl floor tiles are among the most popular choices for the bath, and for good reason.. Photo: Bathroom Design Ideas XDon’t miss Bathroom Floor Tile: 14 Top Options Bathroom floor tile is available in a surprising number of materials. Ceramic, porcelain, and vinyl tiles are what come to mind first, and for good reason. They are the most popular choices and perhaps the most practical. But there are many options available today, from wood and cork to stone and glass. Here is a quick guide to help you determine the best floor tile for your bath. VINYL TILES Vinyl is the most popular bathroom flooring material, because of its low cost and high degree of practicality. It is well-suited for every bathroom in the house, from the master bath to the powder room. Hands down, it beats other popular choices for safety, comfort, and durability."
"docid": "D3250595#0",
"title": "https://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/flooring-cost-estimator\nHow Much Does New Flooring Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does New Flooring Cost? Most homeowners spend between $168 and $32,566 nationally. Get free estimates from local flooring contractors. Get Started!Deciding what type of floor you want is not easy. There’s too much to choose from. If you want hardwood, what type of hardwood? You want tile? What kind of tile? Would bamboo be better? The Flooring Estimator is here to make your life a little easier."
"docid": "D1111655#0",
"title": "https://www.homeimprovementpages.com.au/article/costing_your_kitchen_renovation\nWhat is the Cost of a Kitchen Renovation?",
"text": "What is the Cost of a Kitchen Renovation? Last Updated Oct 12, 2017 · Written by Craig Gibson Kitchen Renovation Renovation Costs If you are thinking of renovating your kitchen, you're probably wondering how much it is going to cost. It is a major expense and a room that gets a ton of use, so you want to get it right. If you want a ballpark figure, expect to outlay anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000+. Factors that affect the cost of your project include the size of your kitchen, the materials and appliances you select as well as labour costs. Assuming a new kitchen includes all new appliances, plumbing and electrical installation, tiling and installation, expect to pay:$10,000 to $22,000 for a small or budget kitchen$22,000 to $35,000 for a mid-range kitchen$35,000+ for a high-end kitchen© IKEAHow long will my kitchen renovation take? Depending on the scale of your project, the timeframe for your kitchen renovation could be impacted by a number of factors, including:any structural worksmoving plumbing and/or electrical elementsunforeseen events, like discovering asbestos in your wall or floor cavity If you are working with a kitchen designer you should allow at least 6 to 8 weeks to design your kitchen. This includes time to to meet with them, measure up and then develop and tweak the plans until you are happy with a final concept. Getting everything to fit, especially in a custom kitchen can take time. You also need to lock in your appliances, cabinetry and all the other finishes you want at this stage."
"docid": "D1342475#0",
"title": "https://www.eplans.com/community/cost-to-build-overview\nHow Much Will it Cost to Build a Home?",
"text": "\"How Much Will it Cost to Build a Home? Frequently Asked Questions Related to a House Plan's Cost to Build Report How much would it cost to build a home? Do you have a certain house plan in mind? We want to help you stay on budget. That’s why we offer Cost to Build Reports that take into account your chosen plan, location, upgrade levels, and more. We’ll help you calculate the cost of building a house. And if you want to make changes to lower your cost to build, our house plan modification service can help with that. Below are our most frequently asked Cost to Build questions.1. How do I order a Cost to Build Report? 2."
"docid": "D68406#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-pergo-flooring/\nCost of Pergo Flooring",
"text": "Cost of Pergo Flooring Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Pergo Flooring is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Pergo Flooring materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Pergo Flooring cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on how much it should cost to have Pergo Flooring installed in your home. Pergo Flooring costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Pergo Flooring – Material Prices$130.00 - $195.00 $260.00 - $295.00 $360.00 - $495.00Pergo Flooring – Installation Cost$125.00 - $135.00 $150.00 - $165.00 $170.00 - $190.00Pergo Flooring – Total$255.00 - $330.00 $410.00 - $460.00 $530.00 - $685.00Pergo Flooring – Total Average Cost per square foot$2.92 $4.35 $6.08Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Pergo Flooring installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Pergo Flooring contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Pergo Flooring Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run."
"docid": "D1125267#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-rubber-flooring/\nCost of Rubber Flooring",
"text": "Cost of Rubber Flooring Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Rubber Flooring is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Rubber Flooring materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Rubber Flooring cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Rubber Flooring installed in your home Rubber Flooring costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Rubber Flooring – Material Prices$320.00 - $350.00 $380.00 - $400.00 $415.00 - $455.00Rubber Flooring – Installation Cost$105.00 - $110.00 $130.00 - $150.00 $165.00 - $175.00Rubber Flooring – Total$425.00 - $460.00 $510.00 - $550.00 $580.00 - $630.00Rubber Flooring – Total Average Cost per square foot$4.42 $5.30 $6.05Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Rubber Flooring installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Rubber Flooring contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Rubber Flooring Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run. Rubber Flooring – Pricing and Installation Cost Checklist Get at least 3-5 estimates before hiring a Rubber Flooring contractor — estimates are typically free, unless it’s a service call for a repair."
"docid": "D2929847#0",
"title": "http://www.diyornot.com/Project.aspx?ndx2=2&Rcd=275\nCost to Lay a Basement Floor",
"text": "By Gene and Katie Hamilton The challenge of remodeling a basement often revolves around the cement floor and whether or not dampness is an issue. In the past, to lay interlocking laminate flooring in a basement, a subfloor of plywood was needed to provide a barrier between the cement and new flooring material. Today, there's a new interlocking underlayment that can be used called Delta® FL. The underlayment is a thin, 7/8-inch-high dimpled plastic sheeting that protects the flooring laminate from problems caused by damp concrete, allowing the dimpled underside to handle minor leaks other floor treatments cannot. The underlayment costs .51 cents a square foot. To lay the underlayment and laminate floor in a 10-by-12-foot room, a contractor will charge $815 for the labor and material. You can buy the material for $560 and do it yourself and save 31 percent. To find out if a cement floor is damp, conduct this simple test: Tape a piece of aluminum foil to the floor and wait a few weeks to see if an accumulation of moisture appears on the inside of the foil when it is removed. If it's dry, there's a good chance the cement doesn't hold moisture; if there are beads of moisture, consider painting the cement instead of finishing the floor. Click here to watch an installation video of Delta® FL."
"docid": "D42883#0",
"title": "http://www.calculator.net/square-footage-calculator.html\nSquare Footage Calculator",
"text": "\"Home / Other Calculators / Square Footage Calculator Square Footage Calculator The Square Footage Calculator estimates the square footage of a lot, house, or other surfaces. Select the appropriate shape of the property and modify the values in order to calculate square footage. If the property is complex in shape, it may be possible to section the property into simple shapes, estimate the square footage of said shapes, and add their square footages together to estimate a total value for the property. Rectangle Length: feet inches Edge: feet inches Cost: $ per square foot Triangle with Edge Lengths Edge 1: feet inches Edge 2: feet inches Edge 3: feet inches Cost: $ per square foot Triangle with Base & Height Base: feet inches Height: feet inches Cost: $ per square foot Trapezoid Top: feet inches Bottom: feet inches Height: feet inches Cost: $ per square foot Circle Radius: feet inches Cost: $ per square foot Reference:1 acre = 43,560 square foot 1 square yard = 9 square foot 1 square meter = 10.76 square foot 1 square inch = 0.00064516 square foot Calculating Cost Per Square Foot When painting a house, installing flooring, or building a home, the square footage of the property is often used to determine cost or materials to be used. Painting a house: Professional house painters often base price quotations on the square footage of a property. Alternatively, even if a person plans to paint their house themselves, measuring square footage can yield accurate estimates of the amount of paint required. Total cost encompasses more factors than the just amount of paint required including the cost of materials such as brushes, turpentine, and any materials necessary for preparing, mixing, applying, and cleaning up paint. These considerations are typically included in a quote from a professional painter, in addition to labor costs. Accordingly, the larger the size of a property or area, the higher the cost requirement to paint it. Depending on the surface being painted, whether wood, metal, plastic, or something else, paint primer, which helps finishing paint adhere more effectively to a given surface can be used."
"docid": "D54874#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/bathroom-renovation-cost-estimator\nBathroom Addition & Remodeling Costs",
"text": "Bathroom Addition & Remodeling Costs Most homeowners spend between $6,569 to $9,872 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Remodel a Bathroom . Get Started!There are plenty of reasons to renovate or add a bathroom in your home. First, it’s the most trafficked room in the house. Second, everyone enjoys a luxurious bathroom to relax and unwind in. But before you jump to your dream bathroom, it pays to know how much adding a bathroom costs or the average bathroom renovation cost near you. Continue reading to see those answers and more. Once you’re ready to remodel or add a bathroom, Improve Net can connect you with up to four bathroom contractors in your town. National Remodel a Bathroom Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$8,820Average Cost$100Min imum Cost$20,000Max imum Cost Average Range:$6,569 to $9,872Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data?"
"docid": "D2881397#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-terrazzo-flooring/\nCost of Terrazzo Flooring",
"text": "Cost of Terrazzo Flooring Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Terrazzo Flooring is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Terrazzo Flooring materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Terrazzo Flooring cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Terrazzo Flooring installed in your home. Terrazzo Flooring costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Terrazzo Flooring – Material Prices$240.00 - $250.00 $365.00 - $390.00 $435.00 - $595.00Terrazzo Flooring – Installation Cost$225.00 - $235.00 $250.00 - $265.00 $330.00 - $390.00Terrazzo Flooring – Total$465.00 - $485.00 $615.00 - $655.00 $765.00 - $985.00Terrazzo Flooring – Total Average Cost per square foot$4.75 $6.35 $8.75Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Terrazzo Flooring installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Terrazzo Flooring contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Terrazzo Flooring Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run."
"docid": "D395771#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-porcelain-tile-flooring/\nCost of Porcelain Tile Flooring",
"text": "Cost of Porcelain Tile Flooring Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Porcelain Tile Flooring is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Porcelain Tile Flooring materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Porcelain Tile Flooring cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Porcelain Tile Flooring installed in your home. Porcelain Tile Flooring Carpeting costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Porcelain Tile Flooring Carpeting – Material Prices$360.00 - $380.00 $450.00 - $495.00 $525.00 - $575.00Porcelain Tile Flooring Carpeting – Installation Cost$105.00 - $110.00 $130.00 - $150.00 $165.00 - $175.00Porcelain Tile Flooring Carpeting – Total$465.00 - $490.00 $580.00 - $645.00 $690.00 - $750.00Porcelain Tile Flooring Carpeting – Total Average Cost per square foot$4.78 $6.13 $7.20Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Porcelain Tile Flooring installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Porcelain Tile Flooring contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Porcelain Tile Flooring Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run."
"docid": "D547288#0",
"title": "https://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-carpet-tiles/\nCost of Carpet Tiles",
"text": "Cost of Carpet Tiles Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Carpet Tiles is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Carpet Tiles materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Carpet Tiles cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Carpet Tiles installed in your home. Carpet Tiles costs Zip Code Sq. ft. Basic Better Best Carpet Tiles – Material Prices$180.00 - $245.00 $250.00 - $295.00 $320.00 - $395.00Carpet Tiles – Installation Cost$125.00 - $135.00 $150.00 - $165.00 $170.00 - $190.00Carpet Tiles – Total$305.00 - $380.00 $400.00 - $460.00 $490.00 - $585.00Carpet Tiles – Total Average Cost per square foot$3.42 $4.30 $5.38Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Carpet Tiles installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Carpet Tiles contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Carpet Tiles Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run."
"docid": "D8529#0",
"title": "http://flooringpost.com/hardwood-flooring-3/carpet-tiles-labor-cost-to-install-carpet-tiles/\nCARPET TILES LABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET TILES",
"text": "CARPET TILES LABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET TILESLABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET TILESContents [ hide]1 LABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET TILES2 HOW MUCH TO CHARGE TO INSTALL 1` X 1` CARPET TILES — WILL INCLUDE.3 HOW MUCH DOES LABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET — HOW MUCH DOES IT COST.4 CARPET INSTALLATION COST, CARPET PRICES.5 HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO BUY/INSTALL TILE/HARDWOOD FLOOR? — YAHOO. HOW MUCH TO CHARGE TO INSTALL 1` X 1` CARPET TILES — WILL INCLUDE. CERAMIC TILE$6.00 — $8.00 to install (All pricing per square foot) you a ballpark figure on installation costs. How much does it cost to buy/install tile/hardwood floor? Home Service Labor Cost Calculator Cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring. I have about 1500 sq ft that I want to buy ceramic tile and hardwood floor to replace all the carpet. I have about 1500 sq ft that I want to buy ceramic tile and hardwood floor to replace all the carpet. How much should I expect to spend per sq ft on materials and labor? What is the labor cost to install carpet tiles with pressure sensitive adhesive?"
] |
2133 | average cost of permanent eyebrows | [
"docid": "D1177777#0",
"title": "http://health.costhelper.com/permanent-makeup.html\nPermanent Makeup Cost",
"text": "Beauty Mark: $50-$150 Eyeliner: $200-$600 Full Lip Color: $600-$800E-mail Post Tweet Comments (3)Permanent makeup is cosmetic tattooing to create the appearance of makeup. Typical costs: Permanent makeup typically costs $50 to $800 per procedure, depending on the type of makeup, the body part and number of visits required. A permanent beauty mark generally costs $50 to $150. For example, the Permanent Makeup Clinic in Virginia charges $50 for a beauty mark, and SD Permanent makeup [ 1] in San Diego, California, charges $100. The Triad Permanent Cosmetic Clinic in North Carolina charges $150. Permanent eyebrows, which usually require two visits, usually cost $400 to $600. For example, the Permanent Makeup Clinic charges $400 for eyebrows, and SD Permanent makeup charges $400 to $450. The Triad Permanent Cosmetic Clinic charges $595. Permanent eyeliner usually costs $200 to $400 for just upper or just lower eyeliner, or $400 to $600 for upper and lower. For example, the Permanent Makeup Clinic charges $250 for upper or lower and $450 for both."
] | [
"docid": "D2497795#0",
"title": "http://tattooeyebrowshq.com/eyebrow-tattoo-removal/\nTattoo Eyebrows Removalâ¦And Costs!",
"text": "Tattoo Eyebrows Removal…And Costs!Tweet There are several reasons why people choose to have their eyebrow tattoos removed. Some are dissatisfied with the outcome, for others its a health issue, while others may feel they simply don’t work with ones personal needs or lifestyle anymore. Whatever the reason, tattoo removal is a difficult process that can be time consuming and expensive, and comes with its own set of potential problems. Below are several methods that are considered the most effective means of tattoo removal. Be aware that results may vary in terms of effectiveness whereby complete removal is possible sometimes, but other times, the tattoo can only be lightened or intentionally faded. Also remember, a proper eyebrow tattoo uses semi-permanent ink that naturally fades over time and needs touched up about once a year. This is not the same as a tattoo in a regular tattoo parlor with permanent ink. That said, many of these techniques are in fact used for regular tattoos as well, and are not specified only for the removal of cosmetic makeup. The information provided is to help you discuss your options with your health advisor and certified permanent cosmetic professional (CPCP) about tattoo removal before deciding to go ahead with it. Methods For Tattoo Removal."
"docid": "D2941012#0",
"title": "http://health.costhelper.com/eyebrow-transplants.html\nEyebrow Transplant Cost",
"text": "\"With Health Insurance: $300-$3,000 Without Health Insurance: $3,000-$6,000E-mail Post Tweet An eyebrow transplant can be an option for patients who have no eyebrows or thinning eyebrows due to congenital conditions, diseases, infection or overplucking. Typical costs: An eyebrow transplant typically costs between $3,000 and $6,000, including the surgeon fee, anesthesia and facility fee. For example, South Center Cosmetic Surgery and Med Spa [ 1] in the Seattle area, charges about $2,900. Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration [ 2] in New York City charges $175 for an initial consultation and $5,500 for the transplant. An eyebrow transplant typically is considered cosmetic and is not covered by health insurance. However, if the transplant is necessary due to a disease or injury, it might be covered, according to plastic surgeon D. J. Verret [ 3] . For example, Aetna [ 4] considers a hair transplant medically necessary if it corrects permanent hair loss caused by disease or injury. For patients covered by health insurance, costs would typically include doctor visit copays and coinsurance of 10% to 50% for the procedure, which could total $300-$3,000. Related articles: Hair Transplant, Hair Loss Treatments What should be included: In the initial consultation, the doctor will determine if the patient is a candidate for an eyebrow transplant and will discuss the desired look and shape. Factors that probably would rule a patient out as a candidate include: alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss, or trichotillomania, an obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes the patient to pull out hair."
"docid": "D166888#0",
"title": "http://www.jhonjhon.com/definition-brows.html\n",
"text": "Hablamos Español! Contactanos Ahora! Interested in learning how to Microblade? Click here. Urgent Please Note: It is ILLEGAL in the state of New Jersey to perform Permanent Cosmetic tattooing in a salon or spa. Please ensure the person performing your procedure is certified by the AAM (American Academy of Micropigmentation), Licensed in their town by the local Board of Health, following all State regulations, in full compliance with precautions pertaining to bloodborne pathogens, and legally performing procedures with proper qualifications. Cheaper is Not better, you get what you pay for! We are Certified, Licensed, and LEGAL!!! There is a reason we are known to be THE BEST!!! ... because we love what we do and we care ... Microblading, also known as Eyebrow Embroidery and/or Eyebrow Feathering, is a form of Permanent Makeup, Soft Tap Technique or Japanese Method Makeup which is implemented using a handheld tool comprised of between 6-14 micro needles in the shape of a blade, hence the name Microblade."
"docid": "D2421487#0",
"title": "https://worldmicroblading.com/eyebrows-microblading-usa/\nBecome a Microblading Technician⦠In Just 5 Days!",
"text": "Become a Microblading Technician… In Just 5 Days!If you are serious about dramatically increasing your income, doing work that fills you with passion,with customers who will love you, then watch the video below…Career Opportunity The average procedure costs between $450 and $800 (USD) and takes two hours to complete. YES! $400 (USD) per hour really is achievable as a microblading technician. A microblading technician can treat 2 clients per day (or 48 a month). That’s $38,400 (USD) in monthly revenue, minus the disposable tools (48 x $25), leaving profits of $37,200 per month before overheads and taxes. ** All numbers are approximate and may vary depending on clientele, location and marketing. Get Trained by America’s #1 Microblading Academy What do you get when you combine a lifetime of artistic talent, over a decade of hands on experience, and an unwavering dedication to doing passionate work? You get Irina Chen —founder of World Microblading and one of the most recognized Microblading artists in the world. Microblading has been pioneered over the last decade by Irina Chen to help women boost their confidence and self-esteem creating perfect, natural-looking eyebrows. We are the innovators of modern Microblading techniques, operator of the world’s most trusted Microblading company and provide the gold standard in Eyebrows Microblading training."
"docid": "D2477936#0",
"title": "https://www.realself.com/question/permanent-makeup-eyebrows-wash-face#!\nWashing Face After Permanent Eyebrow Makeup?",
"text": "Washing Face After Permanent Eyebrow Makeup?lilaznsurfersan francisco, ca How long after my permanent makeup for eyebrows do I have to wait until I can wash my face?eyebrows Answers ( 1)24 Hours Before Washing Face Post Permanent Make-up1I recommend to patients that they wash their face the following morning post-procedure with a gently cleanser. Use just your fingers to wash the area where you had the permanent makeup and pat the area dry. Do not use a cleanser that has any kind of acid such as glycolic or alpha-hydroxy acid in it. I would also avoid any cleansers with exfoliating beads. You don't want SHOW MOREJeffrey W. Hall, MDAustin Plastic Surgeon24 reviews This question is about Permanent Makeup66% of Real Self users think it's WORTH ITProviders Photos (53)Reviews (409)Cost ($450 Average)Questions (531)Permanent Makeup What effect are you trying to achieve? Thicken eyebrows Permanent eyebrows Thin eyebrows Other Related Content*Treatment results may vary Lip Blush Tattoo29 Years Old/Lip Tattoo and Ombre Eyebrow Tatoo3 comments4 thanks3d Digital Permanent Eyebrows and Full Lip Tattoo - Nevada View all Permanent Makeup reviews These answers are for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship. You Might Also Like... Related Content How Long is the Recovery from Permanent Eye Makeup?3 doctor answers How long does it take for newly tattooed eyebrows to fade and heal...2 doctor answers Permanent Makeup Eyebrows5 doctor answers Why is my Permanent Eyeliner Fading So Soon?2 doctor answers View all Permanent Makeup Q&As Ask a Provider Get personalized answers from board-certified doctors. FOR FREE."
"docid": "D2141195#0",
"title": "http://www.enhancemyself.com/brow-lift/\nBrow Lift (Forehead Lift)",
"text": "Brow Lift (Forehead Lift)A brow lift, also commonly referred to as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the browline and forehead. A brow lift can elevate droopy brows and smooth deep forehead creases or lines between the eyebrows. These worry lines and creases can make patients look tired, angry, or older than they really are. Often, patients combine brow lifts with eyelid surgery to reduce sagging skin near the eyes, or a facelift to improve the appearance of the lower portion of the face. On this page: Candidates Types Risks Recovery Tips to reduce swelling Compression garments Healing time Cost Fees involved Determining factors Insurance Are You A Good Candidate? Most patients who choose a brow lift are seeking to reverse the signs of aging such as visible forehead lines and sagging eyebrows. Overactive muscles and heredity can also play a role in the appearance of the forehead. These conditions may make you look fatigued or angry. In this case, you may benefit from a brow lift. A good candidate for brow lift surgery is typically: In good overall health."
"docid": "D1885143#0",
"title": "http://www.besthairtransplantdelhiindia.com/\n.",
"text": "Best Hair Transplant Surgery Delhi India Hair Replacement Hair loss is a very disturbing concept for everyone, since thick shiny hair is the epitome of health and youth. Hair loss occurs due to a combination of different factors such as family history or genetics, aging, stress, un-healthly lifestyle, or a change in hormone balance. Early onset of hair loss can cause extensive baldness later on in life. If you have visible scalp area or receding hair line, do not ignore it. It is a major concern for both women and men alike. You can now get rid of hair loss by opting for hair surgery in Delhi. Let your search for the best hair transplant procedure in Delhi come to an end with best hair transplant surgeon in India, Dr. Ajaya Kashyap. With an experience spanning over 26 years in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery, he has emerged as the leading hair transplant surgeon in India. Tag: hair replacement surgery in Delhi, best hair replacement surgeon in India, hair replacement clinic in delhi, hair replacement cost in south delhi FUT STRIP GRAFTINGFollicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical procedure where hair is transplanted from the DHT resistant area, in the back and sides of the scalp where hair is more resistant to balding. The hair is then transplanted into the recipient area where the balding has occurred."
"docid": "D3432996#0",
"title": "https://www.howmuchisit.org/permanent-makeup-cost/\nHow Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost?",
"text": "Beauty Costs > Tattoo > How Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost? How Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost? Permanent makeup, often referred to as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is the process of permanently applying makeup to the upper layer of the skin, making it appear as if you have makeup on 24 hours per day. Just like getting a tattoo, a pen will be used to inject ink underneath the skin. Permanent makeup can be done on the lips, eyes and eyebrows.“ new things 7 ” ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) by Idhren How much is it? The cost of permanent makeup will depend on the medical professional you use, what procedure you want to have done and where you geographically live. On average, a single procedure for eye, eyebrow or lip makeup can cost about $200 to $1,000 per session, but if more than one session is done at once, the costs may go down by as much as 60 percent. The costs really come down to the quality of service being provided and the surgeon you choose. Doc Shop.com says the average procedure can cost about $200 to $800, which should include one follow-up visit and some post-procedure skin products."
"docid": "D2098001#0",
"title": "http://www.beautyhows.com/eye/eyebrow/best-eyebrow-powder-tips-how-to-choose-and-apply-eyebrow-powders/\nBest Eyebrow Powder â Tips, How to Apply, Use and Choose Brow Powders Tutorial",
"text": "Home Eye Eyebrow Best Eyebrow Powder – Tips, How to Apply, Use and Choose Brow... Best Eyebrow Powder – Tips, How to Apply, Use and Choose Brow Powders Tutorial SHARENothing defines eyebrows better and naturally more that eyebrow powder. Learn what they are, how to choose them as well as some of the best eyebrow powder brands. You will afterwards go through a step-by-step guide or tutorial for using them before you learn some secrets, tips and ideas for perfect looks. You will also know how to decided whether to go for brow pencil or powder. Best Brow Powders What Eye Eyebrow Powders Contents What Eye Eyebrow Powders How to the Best Choose Eyebrow Colors Best Eyebrow Powder – Top Brands How to Apply Eyebrow Powder – How to Use Tutorial Steps to Follow When Applying Eyebrow Powders Eyebrow Powders Tips, Ideas, Advices and Secrets Conclusion See More on Eyebrow Makeup Suggested Further Reading Eyebrow powders are beauty cosmetic powder/cake products used to fill, define, and create subtle natural looks on brows when compared to brow pencils or liquid tints. In addition to that, it can create more volume to people with sparse eyebrows as well as add color for those who have eyebrows with a very faint color. When compared pencils, they are much easier to apply and will give even looks, especially if applied with a good eyebrow stencil in place. It is normal to find eye brow powder packed with tinted brow wax or eyebrow powder pencil as well as an brow brush or applicator. How to the Best Choose Eyebrow Colors There are many types and brands of eyebrow powders. It is therefore very important to ensure you are careful in choosing them."
"docid": "D157345#0",
"title": "http://tattooeyebrowshq.com/eyebrow-tattoo-healing-process/\nTattoo Eyebrows Healing Process",
"text": "Tattoo Eyebrows Healing Process Tweet The healing process is a fascinating and important aspect of your permanent makeup procedure. It differs from person to person and is based on several factors. Here we will explain those factors, and show you what to expect during all the stages of the tattoo eyebrows healing process to help you recover as quickly and successfully as possible. Healing Factors A tattoo is effectively a skin deep flesh wound, and it will heal in much the same way. There are several physiological factors that help determine the average speed, healing time, and effectiveness of the healing process. They include: A ge – Gen erally, as with any type of skin trauma, older looser skin tends to take a bit longer than younger skin to heal and regenerate. Skin Type – Scarring affects different skin types differently based on collagen production. Darker skin, for example is susceptible to raised keloid scars, while lighter skin may have a more sunken pitted appearance. Circulation – Good circulation facilitates healthy fresh blood flow through the wounded area, and cuts down considerably on healing time. Estrogen Levels – Estrogen affects wound healing by regulating a variety of genes associated with regeneration."
"docid": "D1039569#0",
"title": "https://www.reigninriches.com/what-is-eyebrow-microblading-toronto\nMICROBLADING EYEBROWS BY REIGN IN RICHES",
"text": "MICROBLADING EYEBROWS BY REIGN IN RICHESOUR COMPLETE MICROBLADING GUIDEWhether you’re interested in getting microblading done or want to learn more about this trending eyebrow treatment, you came to the right place! Our complete microblading guide will tell you everything you need to know about microblading eyebrows and what you can expect to experience when you are ready to transform those brows!WHAT IS MICROBLADING? Microblading is a process executed by a certified and experienced cosmetic eyebrow tattoo artist using a hand held instrument with a small blade at the end. The cosmetic eyebrow tattoo artist will manually and carefully make little incisions in the skin that mimic the existing natural hair creating the perfect blend for the most natural looking eyebrows. This treatment is only semi-permanent due to how the pigments are inserted into the skin. The skin is made of 3 layers; the dermis, epidermis and the subcutaneous. The epidermis is the thin, tough, outer layer of skin that we see and touch. The dermis is the layer below and it contains nerve endings, sweat glands and hair follicles. The final layer is the subcutaneous fat layer which serves as a protective padding. When a client receives microblading, the cosmetic eyebrow tattoo artist will precisely penetrate only the first layer and by doing this the pigments only sit on the surface of the skin."
"docid": "D161174#0",
"title": "https://www.roofingcalc.com/top-10-roof-dormer-types-and-costs/\nTop 10 Roof Dormer Types, Plus Costs and Pros & Cons",
"text": "\"Top 10 Roof Dormer Types, Plus Costs and Pros & Cons Leave a reply Roof dormers can improve architectural design of your home, add living space, and provide other benefits, but what are your options? How much does a roof dormer cost? This guide covers major dormer types and how much they cost to build. Before we delve into various dormer types, let’s quickly explore feasibility considerations and pros and cons of building a dormer: Feasibility Considerations Question: Is a roof dormer even feasible for your property? Answer: It depends on the type of your roof frame; A stick-framed roof with an attic has room for adding a dormer, while a truss-framed roof doesn’t have any attic space to add a dormer to. You can still add a purely decorative make-believe dormer to a truss-framed roof, but not a real dormer. The Pros There are several good reasons for a roof dormer: Dormers add architectural interest, accent, and detail: Having one or more dormers as part of a roof’s structure can boost the curb appeal of a home that might otherwise be a bit bland. The new design features can look good inside too. You’ll enjoy the improved aesthetics of your home, and the upgrade will make it more appealing to buyers, if you decide to put it up for sale. Dormers have an average return on investment or recouped value of 65-70 percent."
"docid": "D1629888#0",
"title": "http://www.etopical.com/electrolysis-hair-removal-cost-face-back-chin-underarms/\nElectrolysis Hair Removal Cost â How Much for Face, Back, Chin & Underarms",
"text": "Electrolysis Hair Removal Cost – How Much for Face, Back, Chin & Underarms This post explores extensively electrolysis hair removal cost. Get an answer to the question; how much does electrolysis hair removal cost: this is further expounded through electrolysis hair removal for face, back chin and underarm. How Much Does Electrolysis Hair Removal Cost? The process of electrolysis hair removal involves directing some current which then destroys the root of the hair. A fine electrolysis probe is used to penetrate the hair follicle. The current passed through the probe is then converted into heat energy which helps in deactivating the hair root and hair germinating cells. The whole process does not harm the skin’s surface. With some knowledge about what it is, the question that is likely to follow is; how much does electrolysis hair removal cost? Electrolysis being the only method that has been approved for permanent hair removal is a cost effective and excellent method in the long run. It can be used on both large areas such as the chin as well as on larger areas such as the back."
"docid": "D3364629#0",
"title": "https://www.realself.com/question/long-for-newly-tattooed-eyebrows-fade-and-heal-completely\nHow long does it take for newly tattooed eyebrows to fade and heal completely?",
"text": "How long does it take for newly tattooed eyebrows to fade and heal completely? Bubble1234Hi! I got my eyebrows tattooed on Dec 2. It's been 2 weeks now. The color has faded a bit but it is definitely still a lot darker than I would like. I'm hoping that it will continue to fade in the next couple of weeks but I'm starting to panick and feel like they'll still be too dark. How long does it normally take for newly tattooed eyebrows to fade and completely heal? I know that technicians can easily darken the color but is it possible to lighten them? I'm now paranoid that people are constantly looking at my too dark eyebrows.eyebrowshealingtattoodarkfadelongevity Answers ( 2)Permanent Make Up Thank you for your question. Allow yourself to heal for 3-6 months."
"docid": "D3432952#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Permanent-Makeup-by-Tina/714782278617691\nPermanent Makeup by Tina",
"text": "Permanent Makeup by Tina@Permanent Makeupby Tina Otey Home Services Reviews Photos Posts About Community Create a Page Like Recommend Call Now Message Makeup Artist in Princeton, West Virginia4.9· Closed Now Community See All1,746 people like this1,753 people follow this About See All2310 Old Bluefield Rd Princeton WV Princeton, West Virginia 24739 (304) 888-6219Typically replies within a few hours Contact Permanent Makeup by Tina on Messengerpermanentmakeupbyt.com Makeup Artist · Professional Service Opens tomorrow Closed Now People1,746 likes4 visits People Also Like Amazing & Beautiful Photos Residence H Town Musician/Band Solar Energy Experts Energy Company Makeup Artists in Princeton, West Virginia Places Princeton, West Virginia Professional Service Permanent Makeup by Tina English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2017Services Eye Liner Organic Pigment is placed just beneath the surface of the skin. I can apply as heavy or as light as you would like. During the consultation we will discuss all options for the eyeliner.200 for soft top Or bottom. 300 for soft top and bottom. 350 for heavy top and soft bottom. 400 for heavy top and bottom. Wings and Tails are additional charge. Lips Micropigmentation for Lips include Full lip color Blended Lip liner color or a fine lip liner. Color lasting for years. Make your bow show and you lips fuller."
"docid": "D1073673#0",
"title": "https://www.liveabout.com/tweezing-hair-removal-101-1717127\nTweezing Hair Removal 101",
"text": "Tweezing hair removal, also known by the less professional term of plucking, uses tweezers to remove hair one by one. When done correctly it takes the entire hair from the follicle, with results lasting up to six weeks. The Pros It's convenient. So you have a lone, stray hair hanging out somewhere that you want gone right now? Tweezing can quickly get rid of it, without any prep work or other products. In fact, tweezers are what professionals use to remove any stray hairs left behind after waxing and sugaring. Great for control. You have more control and accuracy when shaping your own brows. It can be a lot trickier to get wax or sugar right where it needs to go when doing a d.i.y. eyebrow shaping."
"docid": "D1293462#0",
"title": "http://www.howmuchisit.org/permanent-makeup-cost/\nHow Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost?",
"text": "Beauty Costs > Tattoo > How Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost? How Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost? Permanent makeup, often referred to as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is the process of permanently applying makeup to the upper layer of the skin, making it appear as if you have makeup on 24 hours per day. Just like getting a tattoo, a pen will be used to inject ink underneath the skin. Permanent makeup can be done on the lips, eyes and eyebrows.“ new things 7 ” ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) by Idhren How much is it? The cost of permanent makeup will depend on the medical professional you use, what procedure you want to have done and where you geographically live. On average, a single procedure for eye, eyebrow or lip makeup can cost about $200 to $1,000 per session, but if more than one session is done at once, the costs may go down by as much as 60 percent. The costs really come down to the quality of service being provided and the surgeon you choose. Doc Shop.com says the average procedure can cost about $200 to $800, which should include one follow-up visit and some post-procedure skin products."
"docid": "D3247603#0",
"title": "http://yourguidetoplasticsurgery.com/lower-eye-lid-surgery-blepharoplasty\nLower Eye Lid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Info â Cost, Risks, Results",
"text": "The eyes are the one feature of a face to show the first signs of aging. To correct sagging eyelids, a cosmetic procedure known as lower eye lid surgery or blepharoplasty is performed. This procedure involves the removal of excess skin, muscle or fat from droopy eyelids. Blepharoplasty is effective in improving the appearance of the skin particularly in the areas under the eye. It also reduces baggy skin, receding upper eyelids and droopy eyelashes that affect vision. Eyelid surgery is also used to correct ptosis, a type of medical condition that leads to drooping eyelids as a result of nerve damage or inadequate muscle tone. Because of the abnormally low position of the eyelids in people with ptosis, they also suffer from blocked vision. Lower eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) corrects drooping eyelids but it will not correct wrinkles around the eye area or drooping eyebrows. It is usually performed along with other cosmetic procedures, particularly a facelift or a brow lift to improve facial sagging and diminish crow’s feet and droopy eyebrows. Eyelid surgery: A Necessity?"
"docid": "D175824#0",
"title": "https://toolboxstudiosalon.com/microblading-permanent-makeup-everything-you-wish-you-knew/\nMicroblading Permanent Makeup | Everything you wish you knew",
"text": "Microblading Permanent Makeup | Everything you wish you knewby Heather Cooper | Mar 3, 2017 | Makeup | 4 comments Permanent Makeup with Microblading So you are thinking of getting some permanent makeup and you don’t know where to begin. Eyebrows are all the rage and with trends forever changing, thin, thick high arch , no arch dark in color or natural. The fashion industry is a large contributor to the fads and fashions in our world today. Women of all ages see these changes in fashion and often strive to recreate the looks at home. Makeup can provide the needed changes in our daily look but that can be time consuming and often difficult for many. Permanent makeup is an option however many people are afraid of the commitment and discomfort so that will never be an option.. So let’s talk Microblading.. What is is it? How does it work? If there pain? How long will it last? Many questions may run through your head so let’s talk about all the big ones that may help you decide if this is a good option for your next eyebrow procedure."
"docid": "D2347200#0",
"title": "https://foreheadcare.com/botox-on-forehead/\nBotox On Forehead",
"text": "20SHARESShare Tweet Botox On Forehead Botox has now become the most discussed beauty term of this century because people are surely overwhelmed with the magical mechanism of botox on forehead. From decreasing frown lines to bringing cuteness on the face, botox is surely a pro technique or a secret weapon, which can help you in achieving some beauty goals irrespective of your gender and age. Botox is commonly used to prevent or decrease the frown lines on the face and make it look younger, without any exaggeration. Some people confuse the usage of botox with topical medications, which can be used anytime. However, there is more to botox and its usage which needs to be uncovered!What is Botox? Botox is a muscles relaxant injection, which is designed to reduce the stress from the congested muscles on the forehead (or any other face part) and relax them. When muscles of our face are overly active then, they tend to bring unwanted harsh expressions on the face thus, decreasing the natural beauty. These expressions are sometimes referred as the beginning of frown lines and wrinkles on the face. Scientifically, botox is an A type liquid injection, which consists of neurotoxin and is processed with the help of bacterium called as Clostridium Botulinum. For advanced safety, the injection of Botox is properly sterilized under harsh medical conditions by the certified company “Allergan”."
] |
2150 | avery name meaning | [
"docid": "D1795096#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/avery\nAvery",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / A / Boy / Avery Avery The name Avery is a baby boy name. Meaning French Meaning: The name Avery is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Avery is: Rules with elf-wisdom. American Meaning: The name Avery is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Avery is: Rules with elf-wisdom. Anglo-Saxon Meaning: The name Avery is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Avery is: Rules the elves. English Meaning: The name Avery is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Avery is: Counselor; sage; wise. Numerology Soul Urge Number: 6People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated."
] | [
"docid": "D561412#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Alfred\nWhat does Alfred mean?",
"text": "\"Home > Alfred♂Alfred What does Alfred mean? Alfred ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced AL-fred. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Alfred is \"\"elf or magical counsel\"\". A rather common name before the Norman Conquest of Britain, being the name of Alfred the Great (ninth century), King of Wessex. Queen Victoria named her second son Alfred. The name was revived in the 19th century, but has faded since. An unlikely choice to parents due to gap-toothed Alfred E. Neuman from \"\"Mad Magazine\"\". Alfie is a pet form; Alfredo (al-FRAY-doh) is the Latin form. Poet Alfred Tennyson; movie director Alfred Hitchcock. STARTS/ENDS WITH Al-, -ed ASSOCIATED WITH old english, elf, magical, counsel, norman, conquest (victory), britain (england), great, 19th century Variations VARIANTS Ahlfred, Ailfred, Ailfrid, Ailfryd, Al ▼, Alf, Alfeo, Alfey, Alfie, Alfre, Alfredas, Alfrey, Alfredo, Alfredos, Alfy, Avery ▲, Elfred, Fred ▼, Freddie ▼, Freddy, Fredo SEE ALSO Alured RELATED FORM VIA ALFIE Alfo FEMININE FORMS Alfreda, Alverdine, Avery CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Alfred Maxton (A. M.), .. How popular is Alfred?"
"docid": "D505121#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/cooper\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Cooper Pronunciation: KOO-per (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Cooper: Transferred use of the English surname that originated as an occupational name for a cooper, a cask or barrel maker or seller. It is derived from the Middle English couper (a cask). Short: Coop. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Cooper Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Cooper? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FBrody Carson Carter Chloe Connor Ella Ethan Griffin Harper Hunter Jack Jackson Jake Logan Mason Max Noah Olivia Owen Paige Parker Riley Spencer Taylor Tucker Name Lists Featuring Cooper Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (New South Wales) 2014Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Victoria) 2014New Zealand Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in New Zealand 2014Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (New South Wales), 2010Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Victoria), 2010New Zealand Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in New Zealand, 2010Scottish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Scotland for 2012Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (New South Wales) for 2012Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Victoria) for 2012New Zealand Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in New Zealand for 2012Scottish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Scotland Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (New South Wales)Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Victoria)New Zealand Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in New Zealand Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Western)Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Southern)Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Queensland)Contribute your knowledge to the name Cooper Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Cooper: | Edit This is def a boys name!My first son's name is Cooper. I still love the name.when I was pregnant, my niece (2 at the time) called him Pooker for a long time. We loved it, and still occasionally refer to him as Pooker."
"docid": "D296688#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/making-murderer-steven-avery-guilty-deeper-netflix-series/story?id=36420677\n'Making a Murderer': Is Steven Avery Guilty? A Deeper Look Into Netflix Series",
"text": "'Making a Murderer': Is Steven Avery Guilty? A Deeper Look Into Netflix Series By Dan Harris, IGNACIO TORRES,ASHLEY LOUSZKO, JENNA MILLMAN,BEN NEWMAN Lauren Effron Jan 21, 2016, 3:04 PM ETPlay Dan Powers/Post-Crescent/AP Photo WATCH 'Making a Murderer' Prosecutor, Filmmakers on Evidence Left Out: Part 1Email The Netflix docu-series “Making a Murderer” explores the strange legal odyssey of Steven Avery, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 2007 for the murder of Teresa Halbach. In the four weeks since the series was released, the story has captivated the nation, launching a frenzy of binge-watching, and fueling conspiracy theories and outrage, both among those who think Avery was wrongfully convicted – even framed – and those who think the documentary was misleading. SLIDESHOW: 'Making a Murderer': Evidence Presented at the Murder Trial The documentary begins in 2003 in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, when Avery had just been released from prison after serving 18 years for a rape he didn’t commit. He had been exonerated by DNA evidence. Two years later, in 2005, just as Avery was in the middle of a $36 million dollar lawsuit against the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s department related to his 1985 wrongful rape conviction, he was arrested for murder. Avery had gone from being a celebrated face of wrongful convictions to being accused of raping and dismembering Halbach. Halbach, 25, was a freelance photographer working for Autotrader magazine when she went missing on Oct. 31, 2005. She had come to the Avery family’s salvage yard in Mishicot, Wisconsin, to take pictures of a vehicle Avery was selling. Her charred remains were found in a burn-pit near his trailer."
"docid": "D3203082#0",
"title": "http://boatnerd.com/swayze/shipwreck/\nThe Great Lakes Shipwreck File: Total Losses of Great Lakes Ships 1679 - 1999by Dave Swayze © 1998 - 2001 - David D. Swayze, Lake Isabella, MI All Rights ReservedFor the latest version visit greatlakeshistory.homestead.com/home.html",
"text": "\"The Great Lakes Shipwreck File: Total Losses of Great Lakes Ships 1679 - 1999by Dave Swayze © 1998 - 2001 - David D. Swayze, Lake Isabella, MI All Rights Reserved For the latest version visit greatlakeshistory.homestead.com/home.html For MORE old-time shipping information, see my personal Great Lakes History web page at: greatlakeshistory.homestead.com/home.html Release 6.0 - More than 1000 pieces of new information have been added to this revised edition, including nearly 50 entirely new entries. All new material and references since the July, 2000, release are indicated in RED type. Updated February, 2001. ( Next projected general update: June 2001)Welcome to the Great Lakes Shipwreck File!This document is the most complete and accurate list of losses of Great Lakes commercial vessels in existence, but it may be considered to be a work in progress, since my research continues. It includes commercial vessels which were total losses or were declared total losses and later recovered, plus a few wrecks which were significant for other reasons (e.g. loss of life), but were later recovered. I am happy to share this with any and all interested parties, but as of Apr, 2000, it represents about 13 years of steady work, so if you use any of the material herein, PLEASE CREDIT to David D. Swayze, Lake Isabella, MI. Iwelcome your contributions to this web page. Any information submitted and used will be attributed to your collection. Items should include reliable documentation. Newspaper articles by themselves are not necessarily reliable without supporting documentation."
"docid": "D3053418#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Avery/m\nAvery - Meaning of Avery",
"text": "\"What does Avery mean? Pronounce Avery [ 3 syll. a- ve - ry, av - ery ] The baby boy name Avery is also used as a girl name, and more frequently so. It is pronounced as EY -Vah-Riy- †. Avery is used predominantly in the English language, and it is derived from Germanic and Old French origins. From Old French roots, its meaning is inspired advice; old peace. The first name is derived from the surname, itself from the Norman pronunciation of Alfred. The 11th-century Norman French pronounced Alfred as Avery due to difficulties in enunciating English words with multiple consonants. In addition, Avery is a variant of the name Aubrey (English and French). Avery has 14 variants. Variants include Avary, Avere, Averea, Avereah, Averee, Averey, Averi, Averie, Avrea, Avree, Avrey, Avri, Avrie, and Avry."
"docid": "D2754053#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bugs-Bunny\nBugs Bunny",
"text": "Alternative Title: Happy Rabbit Bugs Bunny, a cartoon rabbit, perhaps the most celebrated and enduring lagomorph in worldwide popular culture. Bugs Bunny was conceived at Leon Schlesinger’s animation unit at Warner Brothers studios. Nicknamed “Termite Terrace” because of its spartan accommodations on the Warner lot, the unit boasted some of the top names in animation, including Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Bob Clampett, and Friz Freleng, as well as renowned voice artist Mel Blanc and musician Carl Stalling. Bugs Bunny was the product of combined inspiration. Animator Ben (“Bugs”) Hardaway inadvertently christened him when his casual sketch of a proposed rabbit character was labeled “Bugs’s Bunny” by a fellow employee. Robert Mc Kimson drew the model sheet for the character, Freleng developed Bugs’s personality, Avery and Jones made further refinements, and Blanc infused him with his familiar wisecracking Brooklynese delivery. Embryonic versions of the character appeared in Warner cartoons as early as 1938, but not until A Wild Hare (1940) did Bugs appear in his familiar incarnation. Excerpt from the Warner Brothers cartoon Fresh Hare (1942), featuring Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, both voiced by Mel Blanc. Public Domain Only Walt Disney ’s Mickey Mouse rivals Bugs Bunny as the most popular cartoon character of all time. Unlike Mickey’s indistinct everyman persona, however, Bugs is shrewd, irreverent, quick-witted, and outspoken, and he has a strong predisposition for carrots, practical jokes, and catchphrases such as “What’s up, Doc?” “"
"docid": "D69134#0",
"title": "https://partners.avery.com/help.jsp\n.",
"text": "\"Help Image Library Search Image Library Search Results Brand Logos Product Catalog Search Product Catalog Search Results Cart Order CDCD Order Confirmation Sign In Registration Download File Viewer Order Status IMAGE LIBRARY SEARCHThe Image Library Search function is designed to make it easy to find what you need quickly. All images are in JPG format and RGB color. Your designer can convert these files to other formats to meet any application need. Step One: Select a shot type Please select the shot type that best reflects what you need. After viewing your images, you can go back to Image Library Search to select a different shot type. Application: Shows the product in use. Family: Shows a group shot of all items in the family. Package: Shows complete image of package front. Close Up: Shows a closer view of the product. Steps: Shows each step in formatting or using the product."
"docid": "D1990759#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Avery.html\nAvery Meaning",
"text": "\"Avery Meaning Name: What does Avery mean? The name Avery is of English origin. The meaning of Avery is \"\"elf counsel\"\". Avery is used as both a boys and girls name. It consists of 5 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced A-ve-ry. The Given Name Avery Transferred use of the surname which itself was a medieval Norman French form of Alfred. Avery is a form of Alfred. See Alfred for further details. Embraced by many parents, the name Avery, is one of warmth and class. Want to make this name more unique?"
"docid": "D1437252#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/names/0/elf\nGirl Names associated with Elf",
"text": "\"SEARCH \"\"ELF\"\"By Association By Meaning Only E lf baby names and what they mean, with 13 results. Adoption of these girl names was at its most widespread less than a decade ago (USAGE OF 1.43%) and is almost as conventional today (USAGE 1.19%, ▼ 17%), but with names such as Alfreda becoming less in vogue. Aubrey (#25) and Avery (#16) are two of the more contemporarily stylish girl names here, while Alvear (TOP 12%) and Alvare (65%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Elf names for boys. Ailsa - Nissa Ailsa .. personal name meaning elf or magical .. Aissa is also a slightly favored girl's name. [ Elshe, Elsha, Ailis, .. 2 more]Albreda Source fr. Old German element. \"\" Elf counsel.\"\" Unusual. Compare Albreda with common -eda last names Arboleda (TOP 11%), Abeleda (83%)."
"docid": "D1903280#0",
"title": "https://www.thetoptens.com/worst-disney-channel-shows/dog-with-576420.asp\nDog With a Blog",
"text": "\"Dog With a Blog Uploaded by Selfiefan68Info Dog with a Blog is an American television sitcom that premiered on Disney Channel on October 12, 2012, and ended on September 25, 2015. The series stars G Hannelius, Blake Michael, Francesca Capaldi, Stephen Full, Regan Burns, and Beth Littleford. The series was co-created by Michael B. Kaplan. Comments 8Top Wow. Totally unrealistic family life. The kids are such rude brats to their parents and they get away with everything while their parents either sit around and don't care or join them. And a dog that can talk and has a blog that he types up when his family is asleep? Seriously.. Talk about running out of ideas. Its another lame and pointless show for profits, and the sad part is that kids think it's the greatest thing in the world. Disney needs to start creating interesting shows with a meaning to it.. Just ratings and profits nowadays."
"docid": "D1478570#0",
"title": "http://news.averydennison.com/press-release/corporate/avery-dennison-names-mitchell-r-butier-president-and-chief-executive-officer\nAvery Dennison Names Mitchell R. Butier President and Chief Executive Officer",
"text": "\"Avery Dennison Names Mitchell R. Butier President and Chief Executive Officer Current CEO Dean Scarborough to stay on the Board as Executive Chairman Category: Corporate Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:30 pm PST\"\"We’re strategically well-positioned, with excellent prospects for profitable growth. I look forward to working with our board and our leadership team to build on our solid foundation as we continue to create value for our customers, employees, and shareholders. \"\" GLENDALE, Calif.-- ( BUSINESS WIRE )--Avery Dennison Corporation (NYSE: AVY) announced today that its board of directors has elected President and Chief Operating Officer Mitchell R. Butier as president and chief executive officer, effective May 1, 2016, and nominated him for election to the board at the company’s upcoming Annual Meeting of Stockholders on April 28, 2016. Current Chairman and CEO Dean Scarborough will serve as the Executive Chairman of the company’s board of directors. “Mitch has worked in various businesses and regions across Avery Dennison and in roles of increasing responsibility, including chief financial officer and president and chief operating officer,” said Dean Scarborough. “ He has been a close thought partner of mine and has been at the center of our most successful business strategies. Most recently, he has been the driver behind increasing the higher-value market segments of our portfolio. Just as important, Mitch is a champion of the values, integrity and high ethical standards that define Avery Dennison. ”“Avery Dennison is a great company,” said Butier. “ We’re strategically well-positioned, with excellent prospects for profitable growth."
"docid": "D2918194#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Alfred\nAlfred - Meaning of Alfred",
"text": "\"What does Alfred mean? Pronounce Alfred [ 2 syll. al - fred, alf -r- ed ] The baby boy name Alfred is pronounced as AE L-FRah D in English, AA L-FRah T in Dutch, ae L-FR EH D in French, or AA L-FReh T in German and Polish †. Alfred is largely used in the Dutch, English, French, German, Polish, and Scandinavian languages, and it is derived from Old English origins. The name's meaning is inspired advice; old peace. A two-element name, it is from the elements 'aelf' meaning elf, supernatural being ; 'raed' counsel, advice. The name could be derived from Aelfraed (Old English), meaning 'inspired advice', or Ealdfrith (Old English) or Alfrid, meaning 'old peace'. It was rather common before the Norman Conquest, and was borne by Alfred the Great (849-899), King of Wesse; he was widely respected for his inspiring rule, for driving the Danes out of England, and for his patronage of learning and culture. After the conquest, it was adopted in different forms by the Normans, and was one of the few Old English names that became popular beyond England and across the continent. It later fell into disuse by the end of the Middle Ages before experiencing a revival among other medieval names in the 19th century. The form Alured was first coined in the 19th century, from a misreading of 'u' for the 'v' in the Latin form Alvred; 'v' was the transcription used for the alphabet 'f'."
"docid": "D1021874#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droopy\nDroopy",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the Star Wars character, see Droopy Mc Cool. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2014) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Droopy MGM Cartoons character First appearance Dumb-Hounded March 20, 1943Created by Tex Avery Voiced by Bill Thompson (1943–1945, 1951–1958) Tex Avery (1945–1946, 1955) Don Messick (1949–1950, 1956, 1990–1994) Frank Welker (1980–1982) Richard Williams (1988–1989) Corey Burton (1990–1993) Jeff Bergman (2001–2010, 2017–present) Joe Alaskey (2011–2016) ( see below)Information Aliases Happy Hound Species Dog Gender Male Family Drippy (twin brother) Dripple (son)Directors Tex Avery Dick Lundy Michael Lah Producers Fred Quimby William Hanna and Joseph Barbera Music Scott Bradley Droopy is an animated cartoon character from the Golden Age of American Animation: an anthropomorphic dog with a droopy face, hence the name Droopy. He was created in 1943 by Tex Avery for theatrical cartoon shorts produced by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio. Essentially the polar opposite of Avery's other famous MGM character, the loud and wacky Screwy Squirrel, Droopy moves slowly and lethargically, speaks in a jowly monotone voice, and—though hardly an imposing character—is shrewd enough to outwit his enemies. When finally roused to anger, often by a bad guy laughing heartily at him, Droopy is capable of beating adversaries many times his size with a comical thrashing (\"\"You know what? That makes me mad!\"\"). The character first appeared, nameless, in Avery's 1943 cartoon Dumb-Hounded."
"docid": "D652287#0",
"title": "https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/Narrative/CC/p-nid/157\nThe Oswald T. Avery Collection",
"text": "\"The Oswald T. Avery Collection DNA as the \"\"Stuff of Genes\"\": The Discovery of the Transforming Principle, 1940-1944Biographical Information From Physician to Researcher: Early Laboratory Career and World War I, 1904-1919The \"\"Sugar-Coated Microbe\"\" and the Search for a Cure for Pneumonia, 1919-1929Shifting Focus: Early Work on Bacterial Transformation, 1928-1940DNA as the \"\"Stuff of Genes\"\": The Discovery of the Transforming Principle, 1940-1944After the Discovery: The Transforming Principle's Reception by the Scientific Community Further Readings Glossary Documents Visuals\"\"If we are right, and of course that is not yet proven, then it means that nucleic acids are not merely structurally important but functionally active substances in determining the biochemical activities and specific characteristics of cells and that by means of a known chemical substance it is possible to induce predictable and hereditary changes in cells. This is something that has long been the dreams of geneticists.\"\" --Oswald T. Avery, 1943In 1940, Avery once again focused on the problem of bacterial transformation. After Colin Mac Leod left to join the faculty at New York University later that year, Maclyn Mc Carty joined the laboratory in 1941 and aided Avery in this research. Avery and Mc Carty focused first on purifying the transforming substance. Using refined versions of Colin M. Mac Leod's preparation techniques, Avery and Mc Carty isolated biologically active \"\"transforming principle\"\" from samples of pneumococci. After jump-starting the research, Avery was increasingly preoccupied with the step-by-step purification of the transforming agent and its identification. Initially, transformation had been a tentative and delicate phenomenon that was difficult to consistently recreate. Avery later told Rollin Hotchkiss, \"\"Many are the times we were ready to throw the whole thing out the window!\"\" Eventually, Avery and Mc Carty were able to take a culture of pneumococci of an R form that had been attenuated from an S of Type II over the course of thirty generations, and add to it to the highly purified deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from an S of Type III."
"docid": "D2921428#0",
"title": "http://uncharted.wikia.com/wiki/Henry_Avery\nHenry Avery",
"text": "\"\"\" I am a Man of Fortune, and I must seek my Fortune. \"\" — Henry Avery, 1694Henry Avery Biographical information Status: Deceased Born: August 23, 1659 Newton Ferrers, England Died: September 1718 (aged 59) The Fancy, Libertalia, Madagascar Nationality: English Political information Affiliates: Thomas Tew (formerly) †Adam Baldridge (formerly) †Anne Bonny (formerly) †Christopher Condent (formerly) †Edward England (formerly) †Joseph Farrell (formerly) †Richard Want (formerly) †Tariq bin Malik (formerly) †William Mayes (formerly) †Yazid al-Basra (formerly) †Guy Wood (formerly) †Occupation: Pirate Former Royal Navy servicemen Game information Appearances: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ( mentioned/corpse only)Captain Henry Avery, also known as Henry Every and Benjamin Bridgeman, was an English pirate, famous for the largest heist in the 1600s and become a wanted man to the world. Making his way to Libertalia, Avery and his group, the Founders, settled and began their own society until Avery's paranoia turned him into an enemy. His treasure and expedition would be followed by other treasure hunters in the years, starting with Cassandra Morgan, whose children, Samuel and Nathan Drake, picked up and finished it. While Avery never makes a physical appearance within the game, outside of his skeletal corpse, his influence can be felt in nearly every area that Nathan and Samuel Drake explore to find his treasure, with the legends surrounding the pirate captain serving as inspiration for other greedy individuals, specifically Rafe Adler and Nadine Ross, to locate his stolen fortune to satisfy their own designs and desires. Contents [ show]Biography Henry Avery was born on August 23rd, 1659 and joined the Royal Navy later in life. Becoming captain of the Fancy, Avery eventually left the Royal Navy, seeking out riches for gain. The Gunsway heist In August 1695, Avery — aboard his ship the Fancy — joined forces with other pirate captains, including Thomas Tew, and sailed to the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb. Despite the fact that Tew had more experience, Avery was elected admiral of the pirate ship flotilla and commanded a total of over 400 pirates. [ 1] There, they ambushed the Mughal fleet making its annual pilgrimage to Mecca."
"docid": "D3010304#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080706031614AAgAyp8\nDoes anyone know the roots/origin of the surname Fenwick?",
"text": "\"Arts & Humanities Genealogy Does anyone know the roots/origin of the surname Fenwick? All I know is that it came from Northumberland in England (I think! ) 1 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I found this for you on www.ancestry.com Fenwick Name Meaning and History Northern English and Scottish: habitational name from either of two places in Northumberland or from one in West Yorkshire, all of which are so named from Old English fenn ‘marsh’, ‘fen’ + wic ‘outlying dairy farm’. There is also a place in Ayrshire, Scotland, which has the same name and origin. This last is the source of at least some early examples of the surname: Nicholaus Fynwyk was provost of Ayr in 1313, and Reginald de Fynwyk or Fynvyk appears as bailie and alderman of the same burgh in 1387 and 1401. The name is usually pronounced ‘Fennick’. And the information below came from http://www.surnamedb.com/ Surname: Fenwick This early surname is from the English-Scottish border country, where it was very prominent over many centuries. It is locational and derives either from the villages of Fenwick in Northumberland, near Kylow and Stamfordham, or if Scottish from the village of Fenwick in the county of Ayrshire. There is also a village called Fenwick in the West Riding of Yorkshire, but it is unclear whether this produced any surname holders. What is ceratin is that with all the villages names and hence the surname, the translation is the same."
"docid": "D296689#0",
"title": "http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/deception-experts-jury-is-correct-steve-avery-is-guilty/\n.",
"text": "\"Phil Houston is CEO of QVerity, a training and consulting company specializing in detecting deception by employing a model he developed while at the Central Intelligence Agency. He used this model to analyze Steven Avery in the popular documentary Making a Murderer. His colleague Don Tennant contributed to this report. It’s extraordinarily difficult to watch the immensely popular Netflix documentary series Making a Murderer without feeling an overwhelming bias in favor of Steven Avery, the program’s hapless protagonist. After all, Avery had served 18 years in prison for a rape he didn’t commit, only to find himself back in prison a few years later, sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for the murder of photographer Teresa Halbach. Whether or not the filmmakers intentionally portrayed Avery as a victim, attempting to see him in any other light was an elusive quest. Compounding the empathy that audiences around the world have felt toward Avery is the fact that his conviction in the horrific death of the young photographer came largely at the hands of the seemingly seedy Manitowoc County, Wisc., Sheriff’s Department—the same law enforcement agency that had, perhaps knowingly, bungled the rape investigation that stole nearly two decades of Avery’s life from him. But what if we somehow had the ability to watch Making a Murder without the encumbrance of the natural bias and empathy we feel as decent human beings? What would we conclude about Avery’s culpability then?"
"docid": "D758752#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/addison\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Addison Pronunciation: A-di-sən (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Addison: Transferred use of the English surname derived from the Middle English Addisone (son of Addy). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Addison Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know an Addison? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAbiana Aiden Alexandra Amelia Avery Avery Brendan Brenna Bryson Cameron Cassidy Eli Emily Hayden Ian Jasmine Joseph Macy Noah Orion Sadie Savannah Seth Tyler Zahara Name Lists Featuring Addison Contribute your knowledge to the name Addison Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Addison: | Edit USAGE: English PRONOUNCED: AD-i-sən Personal experiences with the name Addison: | Edit Much better as a boy's name. Still don't understand why or how it was changed to a girl's name. Nicknames for Addison: | Edit Share what you know!Meanings and history of the name Addison: | Edit Addison is an English surname meaning \"\"son of Adam\"\". Addison is now more popular for a girl, which is strongly discouraged because it has such a masculine meaning and sound, it even has the word SON in it which gives the clue that it is a male name. From an English surname meaning \"\"son of ADAM\"\"."
"docid": "D1795094#0",
"title": "https://www.houseofnames.com/avery-family-crest\nAvery History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms",
"text": "\"Buy JPG Image »PDF Coat of Arms + Extended History Buy PDF History »Framed Surname History and Coat of Arms - Black Buy Now »Coffee mugs (set of four)Buy Mugs »Set of 10 Keychains Buy Keychains »Find us on Facebook The origins of the name Avery are with the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from the given name Averary. For example, the first recorded instance of the name is Rogerus filius Averary. His name means Rogerus son of Averary. Over time, the name changed until it achieved its modern form. Early Origins of the Avery family The surname Avery was first found in the county of Northumberland where they held a family seat from very ancient times. Rogerus filius Averary resided in the year 1166, and held manors and estates. One branch of the family was found in Egginton, Derbyshire from ancient times. \"\" The church [of Egginton], an ancient structure with a nave, chancel, aisles, and a neat low tower, contains several monuments to the Every family, and has some remains of stained glass.\"\" [ 1]CITATION [CLOSE] Lewis, Samuel, A Topographical Dictionary of England."
"docid": "D1990760#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/avery/\nAvery",
"text": "Avery What does the name Avery mean? The different meanings of the name Avery are: English meaning: Elf counsel French meaning: Elf counsel The meaning of the name “Avery” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available. Additional information: The name Avery is taken from the surname Avery, a Norman French translation of the Old English name Alfred, which in turn was derived from Ælfræd, meaning ‘Elf Counsel’. Avery is a gender neutral name; it is more common as a boys name in the United Kingdom, and more common as a girls name in the USA, reaching the thirteenth most popular name in the USA in 2014. It didn’t enjoy any substantial popularity as either a boys or a girls name before the 1990s. It is the name of several towns and counties in the U. S.; there is also a crater on the Moon named Avery. Although Avery is a boys name in its own right, names like Everett may ensure that there isn’t any confusion over the gender of the baby – this is also the case for Ivory for a girl. Alternate spellings include Averi or Averie, and in Russian Avery is a diminutive of the given name Averky. Avery is sometimes misspelled as Avry, and modern typing can sometimes result in spelling Avery as Cavery. Avery Brooks is an American actor, best known for his role as Benjamin Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."
] |
2152 | ayahuasca is a name for the cactus containing mescaline true or false | [
"docid": "D2951002#0",
"title": "http://biopark.org/peru/mescaline-healing.html\nmescaline-healing",
"text": "\"mescaline-healing San Pedro, Peyote, and Mescaline: A Visionary Catalyst for Healing An insightful articleon mescaline-containing cacti,including history and anthropology of Huachuma (San Pedro) and Peyote cultural practices.author unknown Western society has a negative view of hallucinogenic drugs and the psychedelic experiences that they produce. Hallucinogenic drugs are seen as inherently worthless and inherently dangerous, producing negative societal changes. In contrast to this view is the fact that hallucinogenic plants have been used as religious sacrament, healing medicine, and spiritual guides for thousands of years. As an example of beneficial use of a plant hallucinogen, I will use the ancient traditional healing ceremonies, ceremonies still functioning today, which use the San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi). The key factor in the use of the cactus is the mescaline that it contains. The hallucinogenic effects of the mescaline is necessary for the healing ceremony to function properly. The beneficial use of psychedelic effects in the San Pedro cactus healing ritual contrasts with the negative associations society has about hallucinogens. The legal statutes and the societal taboo against researching the effects of plant hallucinogens is an example of the general attitude toward plants with psychoactive effects. These laws and opinions are crippling mostly to those who want to preserve traditional knowledge about beneficial plants. These laws and attitudes have come about because of misinformation about the psychedelics as well as widespread misuse of them."
] | [
"docid": "D139645#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine\nN, N -Dimethyltryptamine",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. Please review the contents of the article and add the appropriate references if you can. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2017)N, N -Dimethyltryptamine Clinical data Routes of administration Oral (with an MAOI ), insufflated, rectal, vaporized, IM, IVATC codenone Legal status Legal status AU: S9 (Prohibited)CA: Schedule IIIDE: Anlage I (Authorized scientific use only)UK: Class AUS: Schedule IUN: Psychotropic Schedule IIdentifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number61-50-7Pub Chem CID6089IUPHAR/BPS141Drug Bank DB01488Chem Spider5864UNIIWUB601BHAAKEGGC08302Ch EBICHEBI:28969Ch EMBLCHEMBL12420ECHA Info Card 100.000.463Chemical and physical data Formula C 12 H 16 N 2Molar mass 188.269 g/mol3D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Density 1.099 g/cm 3Melting point 40 °C (104 °F)Boiling point 160 °C (320 °F) @ 0.6 Torr (80 Pa) [1] also reported as 80–135 °C (176–275 °F) @ 0.03 Torr (4.0 Pa) [2]SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Part of a series on Psychedelia Arts [show]Culture [show]Drugs [show]Experience [show]History [show]Law [show]Related topics [show]Pharmacy and Pharmacology portalv t e N, N -Dimethyltryptamine ( DMT or N, N -DMT) is a tryptamine molecule which occurs in many plants and animals. [ 3] It can be consumed as a powerful psychedelic drug and has historically been prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes. [ 4] Rick Strassman labeled it \"\"the spirit molecule\"\". [ 5] In most countries, DMT is illegal. DMT has a relatively short duration of action, intense effects and rapid onset. For that reason, DMT was known as the \"\"businessman's trip\"\" during the 1960s in the United States, as a user could access the full depth of a psychedelic experience in considerably less time than with other substances such as LSD or magic mushrooms. [ 6] DMT can be inhaled, injected, vaped or orally ingested, and its effects depend on the dose."
"docid": "D911805#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/32594130/hallucinogens-flash-cards/\nHallucinogens",
"text": "\"140 terms sarahbowman4Hallucinogens Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Serotonergic hallucinogens LSD, psilocybin, mescaline - all work on serotonin as neurotransmitter - visual hallucinogens first drug class for hallucinogens - though they have differing structures but all effect serotonergic transmission in the brain Methylated amphetamines derivative of amphetamines with similar effects MDMA (ecstacy) - effect mood and conscious with little to no sensory change work on dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine (similar to cocaine and other amphetamines)Anticholinergic hallucinogens atropine block ach receptors in the brain in low doses used for medical uses - low and more mild effects -produce a dream like trance in users from which they awaken and have little to no memory of the experience Dissociative anaesthetics very modern - can alter perception of color Phencyclidine, ketamine includes PSP (angel dust) - can produce surgical anesthesia while an individual remains at least semiconscious LSD is a what? synthetic derivativewhat was LSD used for in ancient times and why? Religious purposes - believed to have mystical components and allows user to have amazing insight could reveal the future, solve other mysteries, help in decision making, aid medicine man or shaman in treating the sick Entheogen any psychoactive substance used for religious or spiritual effects Psilocybin mushrooms - Psilocybe mushrooms used by Aztec and Mayan people - found by the Spanish conquistadors when exploring Central and south americateonanácatl what aztec and mayans called psilocybinmushrooms meaning \"\"flesh of the gods\"\"- mushrooms viewed as sacred Mescaline from what plant? Peyote cactus Who were the first to uses Mescaline? Aztecs and ancient tribes How did ancient tribes and aztecs prepare Mescaline? sliced and dried - then chewed or boiled in water What do some ancient tribes and native american churches still use today in rituals? Mescaline - peyote cactus How did aztecs and mayans prepare Psilocybin and eat it? eat with honey or dry and store itwhat are Lysergic acid amide otherwise known as? Morning glory Where can Lysergic acid amide be found? Flowers that grow in south and central americawhat is Lysergic acid amide related to?"
"docid": "D859176#0",
"title": "http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/drugs/peyote.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Peyote Profile Peyote (Lophophora williamsii or Lophophora diffusa) is a spineless cactus with small protrusions called \"\"buttons\"\" that are used for psychoactive hallucinogenic purposes. Mescaline, an amphetamine, is the principal active psychedelic compound in peyote. It is a hallucinogen derived from several different cacti— the Peyote cactus that grows in the southwestern United States and Mexico, the San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi) found in Peru, 1 or the Peruvian Torch cactus (Trichocereus peruvianus). The limited growing area of this cactus restricts drug supply severely, so it is a common practice to sell other drugs such as PCP or LSD as mescaline. 2 Mescaline can also be produced in a laboratory by chemical synthesis. 3 A white crystalline material, mescaline sulfate, is the pure form of mescaline and can be put in capsule form. 4 Peyote and mescaline are listed as Schedule I hallucinogens under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. 5 In a rare exception, \"\"the nondrug use of peyote in bona fide religious ceremonies of the Native American Church, and by members of the Native American Church\"\" is legal. 6History Peyote is one of the oldest psychedelic agents known. Aztecs of Pre-Columbian Mexico who considered the cactus magical and divine often used it."
"docid": "D44331#0",
"title": "https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/commonly-abused-drugs-charts\nOn This Page:",
"text": "\"Revised January 2018On This Page: Alcohol Ayahuasca Central Nervous System Depressants Cocaine DMTGHBHallucinogens Heroin Inhalants Ketamine Khat Kratom LSDMarijuana (Cannabis)MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)Mescaline (Peyote)Methamphetamine Over-the-Counter Medicines--Dextromethorphan (DXM)Over-the-Counter Medicines--Loperamide PCPPrescription Opioids Prescription Stimulants Psilocybin Rohypnol® (Flunitrazepam)Salvia Steroids (Anabolic)Synthetic Cannabinoids Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts)Tobacco Most drugs of abuse can alter a person’s thinking and judgment, leading to health risks, including addiction, drugged driving and infectious disease. Most drugs could potentially harm an unborn baby; pregnancy-related issues are listed in the chart below for drugs where there is enough scientific evidence to connect the drug use to specific negative effects. For information about treatment options for drug addiction, see NIDA’s Treatment pages. For drug use trends, see our Trends and Statistics page. Copies of the Commonly Abused Drug Charts are also available to order via the NIDA publication warehouse. Commonly Abused Drugs and Withdrawal Symptoms (PDF, 159 KB)Expand All Alcohol People drink to socialize, celebrate, and relax. Alcohol often has a strong effect on people—and throughout history,people have struggled to understand and manage alcohol’s power. Why does alcohol cause people to act and feel differently? How much is too much? Why do some people become addicted while others do not?"
"docid": "D3015952#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poly_drug_use\nPoly drug use",
"text": "\"Poly drug use From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Poly drug use Classification and external resources Specialty psychiatry ICD - 10 F19 [ edit on Wikidata]Caffeinated alcoholic beverage is widespread and legal. Ayahuasca being prepared in the Napo region of Ecuador Poly drug use refers to the use of two or more psychoactive drugs in combination to achieve a particular effect. In many cases one drug is used as a base or primary drug, with additional drugs to leaven or compensate for the side effects of the primary drug and make the experience more enjoyable with drug synergy effects, or to supplement for primary drug when supply is low. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Combinations1.1 Common combinations1.2 Dangerous interactions2 Risks3 Scheduling4 Research5 See also6 References Combinations [ edit]Common combinations [ edit]Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Poly drug name [2]Intoxication name Comment Any drug Nicotine Cooler A cigarette laced with a drug Any depressant Any stimulant Over and under Any pharmaceutical Any pharmaceutical Pharming Alcohol Caffeine Caffeinated alcoholic drink Alcohol Benzodiazepine Time Flip Alcohol Cannabis Herb and Al Cross fading Alcohol Cocaine Snow-coning Metabolized into a cocaethylene Amphetamine Cocaine Snow seals Banisteriopsis caapiβ-Carbolines containing plants (eg Peagnum harmala)Ayahuasca, changa Caffeine Cannabis Hippie-speedballing Caffeine Methamphetamine Biker's coffee Cannabis Any drug Amp joint Marihuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic Cannabis Crack-cocaine Crack weed (less known: champagne, chronic, cocktail, dirty joint, fry daddy, gimmie, gremmies, juice joint, lace, oolies, p dog, primo, splitting, thirty eight, turbo, wollie, yeola) Cocoa puffs Cannabis Crack-cocaine PCP Jim Jones Cannabis DXM Nicotine Candy blunt Cannabis Heroin Atom bomb, stuff Cannabis Heroin or opium A-bomb Cannabis Opium Buddha Cannabis PCPKiller weed (less known: clickums, donk, dust blunt, illies, illing, leak, love leaf, lovelies, parsley, zoom)Cannabis Nicotine Joint, blunt, spliff Stoned A rolled marijuana cigarette usually made with rolling paper. A blunt is a cigar hollowed out and filled with marijuana. It is rolled with the tobacco-leaf \"\"wrapper\"\" from an inexpensive cigar. Blunts take their name from Phillies Blunt brand cigars. Cocaine Heroin Snowball, murder one, whiz bang Snowballing Cocaine Heroin LSD Frisco special Cocaine Heroin Nicotineflamethrower, primos Cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin Cocaine Heroin or morphine Speedball, powerball Speedballing, powerballing Speedballing, powerballing is often used to describe intravenous use. The term can also be applied to use of pharmaceutical opioids, benzodiazepines or barbiturates along with stimulants. Cocaine Ketamine CK1, Calvin Klein Cocaine LSD Cracid (or outer limits)Cocaine Morphine C & MCodeine Glutethimide Pancakes and syrups Combination of glutethimide and codeine cough syrup Codeine Promethazine Purple drank Crack-cocaine Benzocaine Fire Crack cut with benzocaine Crack-cocaine Heroin Chocolate rock, dragon rock, eightball, moonrock, smoking gun, tar Crack-cocaine LSD Outerlimits Crack-cocaine Methamphetamine Fire, twisters Crack-cocaine PCP Nicotine Ozone PCP and crack cigarette Crack-cocaine PCPMissile basing, P-funk, space basing, spaceball, space cadet, space dust, tragic magic Crack-cocaine Nicotine Coolie, crimmie, woolas A cigarette laced with crack DMT MAOIs Pharmahuasca DXM LSD LSDXMDXMPsilocybin or psilocybin mushroom Cherry-bombing GHB Methamphetamine Cherry meth Hashish Belladonna Alamout Black Hash [3] Mixed Hashish LSDRoyal Temple Ball The hashish is mixed with LSD and rolled into a ball intended for oral use, because LSD cannot be smoked."
"docid": "D378649#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/hallucinogens-definition-types-examples.html\nHallucinogens: Definition, Types & Examples",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 65K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Dangers of Hallucinogens: Ecstasy, PCP & Ketamine Dependence on Hallucinogens: Definition and Examples What Are Stimulants? - Definition, Types & Examples Depressants: Types, Examples & Facts Lesson Transcript Instructor: Gary Gilles Gary has a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and has been teaching and developing courses in higher education since 1988. Hallucinogens are mind-altering drugs that are commonly known as psychedelics. Learn more about hallucinogens, the most common types and the various effects they have on people. What Are Hallucinogens? Hallucinogens are certain types of drugs that distort a person's mental and perceptual abilities and often produce bizarre images and sensations. These sensations are so unusual that they're sometimes referred to as trips. Users often see images, hear sounds and experience sensations that seem realistic but do not exist. For example, a person using a hallucinogen may feel as though bugs are crawling over their entire body when there are, in fact, no insects on them at all. Hallucinogens have been used throughout history both as a source of natural medicine and in religious traditions around the world."
"docid": "D98646#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mescaline\nMescaline",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with mezcal, mesclun, or mexamine. Mescaline Clinical data Synonyms 3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenethylamine AHFS / Drugs.com mescaline Pregnancy category US: C (Risk not ruled out)Routes of administration Oral, intravenous ATC codenone Legal status Legal status AU: S9 (Prohibited)CA: Schedule IIIDE: Anlage I (Authorized scientific use only)UK: Class AUS: Schedule IPharmacokinetic data Biological half-life 6 hours Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number54-04-6Pub Chem CID4076Chem Spider3934UNIIRHO99102VCKEGGC06546Ch EBICHEBI:28346Ch EMBLCHEMBL26687ECHA Info Card 100.000.174Chemical and physical data Formula C 11 H 17 N O 3Molar mass 211.26 g·mol −13D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Melting point 35 to 36 °C (95 to 97 °F)Boiling point 180 °C (356 °F)SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Mescaline ( 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine) is a naturally occurringpsychedelic alkaloid of the phenethylamine class, known for its hallucinogenic effects comparable to those of LSD and psilocybin. It occurs naturally in the peyote cactus ( Lophophora williamsii ), [1] the San Pedro cactus ( Echinopsis pachanoi ), [2] the Peruvian torch ( Echinopsis peruviana ), [3] and other members of the Cactaceae plant family. It is also found in small amounts in certain members of the Fabaceae (bean) family, including Acacia berlandieri. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 History and use1.1 Potential medical usage2 Biosynthesis of mescaline3 Synthetic mescaline4 Pharmacokinetics5 Behavioral and non-behavioral effects6 Mechanism of action7 Legality7.1 United States7.2 United Kingdom7.3 Other countries8 Notable users9 See also10 References11 External links History and use [ edit]Peyote has been used for at least 5,700 years by Native Americans in Mexico. [ 5] Europeans noted use of peyote in Native American religious ceremonies upon early contact, notably by the Huichols in Mexico. Other mescaline-containing cacti such as the San Pedro have a long history of use in South America, from Peru to Ecuador. In traditional peyote preparations, the top of the cactus is cut off, leaving the large tap root along with a ring of green photosynthesizing area to grow new heads. These heads are then dried to make disc-shaped buttons. Buttons are chewed to produce the effects or soaked in water to drink."
"docid": "D565368#0",
"title": "http://www.hangthebankers.com/why-is-dmt-ayahuasca-illegal/\nWhy is DMT and ayahuasca illegal?",
"text": "Why is DMT and ayahuasca illegal? December 25, 2016138SHARESShare Tweet Share Print Send DMT is not illegal because of any scientific research which states that it is dangerous, or because there have been committees which have investigated its effects. DMT is illegal because of a United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Drugs in 1971, that all countries signed except East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kiribati, Liberia, Nauru, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. DMT is illegal because LSD was made illegal in the United States in the 1966, which then catalyses the United Nations blanket ban on all psychotropic compounds in 1971. The United Nations convention put LSD and DMT into the schedule 1 category, even higher than morphine or amphetamine (which are in Schedule 2), stating that compounds in schedule 1 pose a serious risk to public health and have no therapeutic value – and yet, no evidence for these claims and resulting legislation were ever made. Amazonian shaman holding ayahuasca brew LSD is not as dangerous as many people think it is, with extremely few people taking it dying, compared to the very large numbers of people who are taking it globally.https://erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_death.shtml However, the establishment in the United States clearly considered LSD dangerous due to its culturally destabilising effect, because under its influence the baby boomers began to reject the status quo, and protest against foreign wars, and so LSD was perceived to promote social unrest and upheaval. There are no reported deaths from anyone smoking DMT and neither have I heard of anyone becoming physically injured from smoking DMT. DMT is non-addictive and no physical harm has ever been shown to be demonstrated with the administration of DMT. So why is DMT still illegal then? I would say it is still illegal because it is presumably easier and convenient of governments to maintain its illegality, and there is a lack of lobbying to make DMT legal."
"docid": "D83731#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreational_drug_use\nRecreational drug use",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Adriaen Brouwer, The Smokers (1636) Edgar Degas, L’Absinthe (1873)Recreational drug use is the use of a psychoactive drug to induce an altered state of consciousness for pleasure, by modifying the perceptions, feelings, and emotions of the user. When a psychoactive drug enters the user's body, it induces an intoxicating effect. Generally, recreational drugs are in three categories: depressants (drugs that induce a feeling of relaxation and calm); stimulants (drugs that induce a sense of energy and alertness); and hallucinogens (drugs that induce perceptual distortions such as hallucination ). In popular practice, recreational drug use generally is a tolerated social behaviour, rather than perceived as the serious medical condition of self-medication. However, heavy use of some drugs is socially stigmatized. Recreational drugs include alcohol (as found in beer, wine, and distilled spirits ); cannabis and hashish; nicotine ( tobacco ); caffeine ( coffee and black tea ); and the controlled substances listed as illegal drugs in the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961) and the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971) of the United Nations. What controlled substances are considered illegal drugs varies by country, but usually includes methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine, and club drugs. In 2009, it was estimated that about 3% to 6% of people aged 15 to 65 had used illegal drugs at least once (149 to 270 million). [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Reasons for use1.1 Evolution2 Risks2.1 Responsible use3 Prevention4 Demographics4.1 Australia4.2 United States5 Society and culture6 Common recreational drugs7 Routes of administration8 Types8.1 Depressants8.2 Stimulants8.3 Euphoriants8.4 Hallucinogens8.5 Inhalants9 List of drugs which can be smoked10 List of psychoactive plants, fungi and animals11 Gallery12 See also13 References14 External links Reasons for use [ edit]Hadzabe tribe members smoking. Many researchers have explored the etiology of recreational drug use."
"docid": "D302222#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus\nCactus",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the plant family. For the former genus Cactus, see Mammillaria, Melocactus, and Opuntia. For other uses, see Cactus (disambiguation). For the landmark book on cactus, see The Cactaceae. \"\" Cacti\"\" redirects here. For the software, see Cacti (software). Cactus Temporal range: 35–0 Ma PreЄ Є O S D C P T J K Pg N Late Paleogene - Recent Various Cactaceae Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Order: Caryophyllales Family: Cactaceae Juss. [ 1]Subfamilies Cactoideae Maihuenioideae Opuntioideae Pereskioideae See also Classification of the Cactaceae Synonyms [2]Opuntiaceae Desv. Leuchtenbergiaceae Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff. Cultivated cacti in the Singapore Botanic Gardens Many species of cactus have long, sharp spines, like this Opuntia."
"docid": "D98649#0",
"title": "http://hallucinogens.com/peyote/\nPeyote",
"text": "Peyote Take Back Your Life. Call The 24Hr Addiction Hotline800-454-6704Peyote is a psychoactive alkaloid that comes from a small cactus that grows wildly in the Chihuahuan Desert. The cactus can be found in areas of Texas and Mexico and is common among scrub where there is limestone settlement. This plant, particularly the mescaline within the plant, can produce a wide range of effects including deep insight into one’s spiritual side. Auditory and visual hallucinations are also common with the use of Peyote. For more information about Peyote and its effects, call 800-592-1193. What is Peyote? There are a number of different species of the cactus responsible for producing mescaline. Peyote often grows in groups of cactuses the form close to the ground. The plants may be blue, green, yellow or a combination of reds and greens."
"docid": "D967358#0",
"title": "http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/drug-facts/hallucinogens\nHallucinogens",
"text": "What are hallucinogens? Hallucinogens (also known as psychedelics) can make a person see, hear, smell, feel or taste things that aren’t really there or are different from how they are in reality. 1Some plants such as magic mushrooms can cause hallucinations. Hallucinogens such as LSD can also be made in a lab. 1Types of hallucinogens LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)Also known as acid, trips, tabs, microdots, dots. In its pure state, LSD is a white odourless powder. However, it usually comes in squares of gelatine or blotting paper that have been dipped or soaked in LSD. LSD is also sometimes sold as a liquid, in a tablet or in capsules. 2LSD is usually swallowed, but it can also be sniffed, injected or smoked. 2,3Magic mushrooms Also known as shrooms, mushies, blue meanies, golden tops, liberty caps."
"docid": "D98650#0",
"title": "http://www.talktofrank.com/drug/mescaline\nMescaline",
"text": "Mescaline Related terms: peyote buttons, peyote. The Drug The Effects The Risks The Law Overview Appearance Use What is mescaline? Mescaline is a psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug whose use leads to altered perceptions. It comes from button-shaped ‘seeds’ found in the Peyote cactus and also from some other members of the Cactaceae plant family and from Fabaceae bean family. Mescaline has been used for thousands of years and is best known as a drug used by some Native Americans in Mexico as part of their religious ceremonies. Most users chew the button shaped ‘seeds’ to produce the hallucinogenic effects, which can last for between 12 - 18 hours. The key effects and risks of mescaline include: An altered state of consciousness – with altered thinking and changes in time perception – often described as enjoyable and illuminating Prominent changes in visual perceptions with intense visual distortions and possibly hallucinations (seeing things that aren’t really there)Development of vomiting, headaches and feelings of anxiety Next Getting Help Emergency help Dealing with Peer Pressure Worried about a child? Worried about a friend? Drug Treatment Find Support Near You"
"docid": "D1096201#0",
"title": "http://www.addictionhope.com/peyote/\nPeyote Abuse Causes, Statistics, Addiction Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects",
"text": "Peyote Abuse Causes, Statistics, Addiction Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects What is Peyote? Peyote is a hallucinogenic drug that has was originally used in Native American tribal ceremonies for thousands of years to assist the user in a spiritual journey. Mescaline is the active ingredient in Peyote. Peyote is a spineless cactus that grows in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The mescaline comes from the crown which is on top of the cactus. The crown consists of small disc shaped buttons which contains the mescaline. These buttons are removed from the cactus and dried. They are then eaten or brewed into a tea and then consumed. Peyote can be synthetically produced as well. A peyote trip can last for 12 hours."
"docid": "D3129183#0",
"title": "http://www.gaiasagradaspiritualretreatcenter.com/Ayahuasca-San-Pedro/Ayahuasca-Brew-Recipe-Tea-Preparation.php\n.",
"text": "\"Ayahuasca Brew Recipe & Tea Preparation For the most up to date information, visit our new website, gaiasagrada.com. Ayahuasca is a combination of different plants. It is not just one plant, like the San Pedro medicine, which is the cactus by itself, with nothing else mixed in. Ayahuasca is a more complicated tea recipe, and brewing and preparation takes much time and patience. The shamans usually need an entire day to prepare Ayahuasca medicine. They might need to continue into the night depending on how long they decide to brew it. It is brewed in a large pot over an open fire, with prayer and intention, which is another important ingredient. This is divine medicine, after all, that is meant for healing and transformation. Sometimes the ingredients are prepared separately in different pots and then mixed together later. It depends on the shaman and how he or she prefers to prepare it."
"docid": "D3499343#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/kluver-bucy-syndrome-2488644\nKluver-Bucy Syndrome",
"text": "\"Brain & Nervous System More Neurological Diseases Kluver-Bucy Syndrome A Classic Combination of Symptoms By Peter Pressman, MD | Reviewed by Claudia Chaves, MDUpdated April 16, 2017Share Pin Email Print John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images The Klüver-Bucy syndrome was first described by neuropsychologist Heinrich Klüver and neurosurgeon Paul Bucy. The story of this syndrome begins with a cactus. Mescaline is a chemical, derived from a cactus, that causes vivid hallucinations. It was studied (sometimes quite personally) by the psychologist Heinrich Klüver, who noticed that monkeys given mescaline often smacked their lips, which reminded him of patients with seizures arising from the temporal lobe. To try to find the brain region affected by mescaline, the pair worked with an aggressive monkey named Aurora. They removed a large part of Aurora's left temporal lobe, due to the lobe's association with seizures, to investigate it under a microscope. When Aurora woke, her previously aggressive demeanor had vanished, and she was instead placid and tame. Symptoms At this point, Heinrich Klüver lost interest in mescaline and focused on the temporal lobe instead. In a series of different procedures and tests on 16 monkeys, Klüver and Bucy found that monkeys with bilateral temporal lobe surgery often had the following symptoms: Psychic Blindness - This is a term that signifies a lack of meaning in what was being viewed, and the monkey would view the same object over and over. In the words of the researchers, \"\"the monkey seemed just as eager to examine the tongue of a hissing snake, the mouth of a cat, a wire cage, or a wagon as a piece of food.\"\""
"docid": "D522239#0",
"title": "http://www.ayahuasca-info.com/faq\nFAQ",
"text": "FAQI WOULD LIKE TO PARTAKE IN AN AYAHUASCA CEREMONY. WHERE SHOULD I GO? On the Ceremonies page you can read more about finding the right ayahuasca ceremony. We recommend you to go to a place that you´ve already heard good stories about, preferably from someone you trust. Also useful may be the website Aya Advisor. On our website we provide a list of groups and people that organise ceremonies. Please be aware that we don´t have personal experience with these groups and that we do not recommend any place in particular!Can you recommend ayahuasca ceremonies in your country? Please let us know. We do our best to keep the list up to date. WOULD AYAHUASCA BE APPROPRIATE FOR ME (AS A MEDICINE)?"
"docid": "D859173#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_drug_tests_are_done_for_peyote\nWhat drug tests are done for peyote?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Medication and Drugs What drug tests are done for peyote? Flag What drug tests are done for peyote? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Mescaline is the common known active ingredient in Peyote. It is not tested for in any drug test. It would only be tested for in a situation in which peyote was suspected to be used. It is not tested for in standard drug test or an extended drug test. This includes hair, urine, blood, sweat and saliva tests.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jwilde222 106,528 Contributions Can peyote be detected by a drug test? Answer ."
"docid": "D324892#0",
"title": "http://www.life.illinois.edu/ib/425/lecture32.html\n.",
"text": "\"Isoquinoline and Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids Alkaloids that possess an isoquinoline skeleton are among the most common of all alkaloids. These are derived from a 3,4-dihydroxytyramine (dopamine) precursor that undergoes a Schiff base addition with aldehydes of different origin. At least 4000 compounds of this structural type are known. The simplest type of isoquinoline alkaloids is based on carbonyl compounds such as glyoxylic acid, pyruvic acid, and an aldehyde derived from leucine. The second major structural type, benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIQ) and tetrahydrobenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (THBIQ) is based a 3,4-dihydroxytyramine (dopamine) precursor and an aldehyde derived from tyrosine, 4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde. A third group, includine emetine and a series of structurally related alkaloids, involves the same amine precursor condensing with secologanin, an iridoid monoterpene. Isoquinoline alkaloids These alkaloids are mostly found in the Cactaceae, but in some other families as well. About 130 isoquinoline alkaloids are known. They are derived from a 3,4-dihydroxytyramine (dopamine) precursor and have an isoquinoline skeleton. The skeleton is based on a 3,4-dihydroxytyramine (dopamine) precursor and carbonyl compounds such as glyoxylic acid, pyruvic acid, and an aldehyde derived from leucine."
"docid": "D2529100#0",
"title": "https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/hallucinogens/\nHallucinogens",
"text": "Hallucinogens There are many psychoactive drugs widely abused in America, with alarming side effects and potential for abuse. Learn more about the most common mind-altering drugs. Hallucinogens Info Hallucinogens Ketamine Get started on the road to recovery. Find Out How Questions about treatment? Get confidential help 24/7. Call now for: Access to top treatment centers Caring, supportive guidance Financial assistance options (855) 826-4464See how Jerry overcame his addiction. Watch Jerry's Story Get Answers to Your Questions Can I Use Medicaid And Medicare? How Much Does Treatment Cost? Can I Use Insurance For Rehab? What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?"
] |
2157 | bcg is which type of vaccine | [
"docid": "D2202040#0",
"title": "http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/BCG_Vaccine\nBCG Vaccine",
"text": "\"Contents [ hide ]1 Introduction2 Origin3 Tuberculosis Function4 BCG'S response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis5 Structural and Functional Differences of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and BCG6 Problems with BCG7 Conclusion and Potential New Treatments8 References Introduction Figure 1. Image of a dendritic cell after ingesting a small amount of the BCG vaccine. Image: Institute for Animal Health http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/health/2012/120126-pr-how-to-make-better-vaccines.aspx Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) is the most common vaccine administered to combat tuberculosis disease in the world. ( 1) The vaccine contains a weakened live strain of Mycobacterium bovis, which is present in cows and shares a common ancestor with the human tubercule bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2). Similar to other vaccines, BCG triggers the formation of antibodies from the harmless strain of Myobacterium bovis to help prevent tuberculosis (Figure 1) (1). The efficacy of BCG vaccine varies from 0-80% depending on age, the type of BCG vaccine, and the population (1). Although BCG remains as the primary vaccine against tuberculosis, it has only produced variable amounts of success. Many factors, including recent findings that distinct BCG strains have very different biochemical characteristics due to mutations, have further complicated the issue (1). Researchers are currently searching for a more effective way to treat tuberculosis disease, but none have been found to date (1). Origin The origin of the Bacile Calmette Guerin virus began when Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin started working on Mycobacterium bovis in 1908."
] | [
"docid": "D2738078#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Tuberculosis/Pages/Introduction.aspx\nOverview",
"text": "Page contents Symptoms of TBWhat causes TB? Treating TBVaccination for TBCountries with high TB rates Overview Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection spread through inhaling tiny droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person. It mainly affects the lungs, but it can affect any part of the body, including the tummy (abdomen) glands, bones and nervous system. TB is a serious condition, but it can be cured if it's treated with the right antibiotics. Symptoms of TBTypical symptoms of TB include:a persistent cough that lasts more than three weeks and usually brings up phlegm, which may be bloodyweight lossnight sweatshigh temperature (fever)tiredness and fatigueloss of appetiteswellings in the neck You should see a GP if you have a cough that lasts more than three weeks or you cough up blood. Read more about the symptoms of TB and diagnosing TB. What causes TB? TB is a bacterial infection. TB that affects the lungs (pulmonary TB) is the most contagious type, but it usually only spreads after prolonged exposure to someone with the illness. In most healthy people, the body's natural defence against infection and illness (the immune system) kills the bacteria and there are no symptoms."
"docid": "D1312955#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/attenuated+vaccine\nattenuated vaccine",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.attenuated vaccine Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to attenuated vaccine: inactivated vaccinevaccine [ vak-sēn´] a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administeredfor prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.anthrax vaccine a cell-free protein extract of cultures of Bacillus anthracis, used forimmunization against anthrax.attenuated vaccine a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms or viruses cultured underadverse conditions, leading to loss of their virulence but retention of their ability to induceprotective immunity.autogenous vaccine a vaccine prepared from microorganisms which have been freshly isolatedfrom the lesion of the patient who is to be treated with it.bacterial vaccine a preparation of killed or attenuated bacteria used as an active immunizingagent. BCG vaccine see bcg vaccine.cholera vaccine a preparation of killed Vibrio cholerae, administered intradermally,subcutaneously, or intramuscularly for immunization against cholera.diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine DTP vaccine: a combination of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine; administered intramuscularly forsimultaneous immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. When thepertussis vaccine is an acellular form, the combination may be abbreviated DTa P.diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine adsorbed and Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine a combination of diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine, and Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine; administered intramuscularly to children 18 months to 5 years of age for simultaneous immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, andinfection by Haemophilus influenzae type b. DTP vaccine diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine. Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (Hb CV) a preparation of Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide covalently bound to diphtheria toxoid or to a specific diphtheriaprotein, meningococcal protein, or tetanus protein; it stimulates both B and T lymphocyteresponses and is much more immunogenic than the polysaccharide vaccine. Administeredintramuscularly as a routine immunizing agent in infants and young children. Haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine (Hb PV) a preparation of highly purified capsularpolysaccharide derived from Haemophilus influenzae type b, which stimulates an immune response in B lymphocytes only; administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously as an immunizing agent in children ages 18 months to 5 years.hepatitis A vaccine inactivated an inactivated whole virus vaccine derived from an attenuatedstrain of hepatitis A virus grown in cell culture; administered intramuscularly.hepatitis B vaccine a preparation of hepatitis B surface antigen, derived either from humanplasma of carriers of hepatitis B (hepatitis B vaccine inactivated) or from cloning in yeast cells (hepatitis B vaccine [recombinant]); administered intramuscularly.heterologous vaccine a vaccine that confers protective immunity against a pathogen thatshares cross-reacting antigens with the microorganisms in the vaccine.human diploid cell vaccine rabies vaccine prepared from rabies virus grown in cultures of human diploid embryo lung cells and inactivated; administered intramuscularly or intradermally.influenza virus vaccine a killed virus vaccine used in immunization against influenza; it is trivalent, usually containing two influenza A virus strains and one influenza B virus strain.live vaccine a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms that have been attenuated but retaintheir immunogenic properties. Lyme disease vaccine (recombinant Osp A) a preparation of outer surface protein A (Osp A), a cell surface lipoprotein of Borrelia burgdorferi, produced by recombinant technology;administered intramuscularly for active immunization against lyme disease.measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine live (MMR) a combination of live attenuatedmeasles, mumps, and rubella viruses, administered subcutaneously for simultaneousimmunization against measles, mumps, and rubella.measles and rubella virus vaccine live a combination of live attenuated measles and rubella viruses, administered subcutaneously for simultaneous immunization against measles andrubella.measles virus vaccine live a live attenuated virus vaccine used for immunization againstmeasles, although it is usually administered as the combination measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine.meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine a preparation of a capsular antigen of Neisseriameningitidis, administered subcutaneously to provide immunity to meningitis.mumps virus vaccine live a live attenuated virus vaccine used in immunization against mumps; usually administered as the combination measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine.pertussis vaccine a preparation of killed Bordetella pertussis bacilli (whole-cell vaccine) or of purified antigenic components thereof (acellular vaccine), used to immunize against pertussis; generally used in combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids ( DTP or DTa P ).plague vaccine a preparation of killed Yersinia pestis bacilli, administered intramuscularly as an active immunizing agent against plague.pneumococcal heptavalent conjugate vaccine a preparation of capsular polysaccharidesfrom the seven serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae most commonly isolated from children 6 years of age or younger, coupled to a nontoxic variant of diphtheria toxin; used as an activeimmunizing agent for infants and children at risk for pneumococcal disease, administeredintramuscularly.pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent a preparation of purified capsular polysaccharides from the 23 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae causing the majority of pneumococcal disease;used as an active immunizing agent in persons over 2 years of age, administeredintramuscularly.poliovirus vaccine inactivated (IPV) a preparation of killed polioviruses of three types, given in a series of intramuscular or subcutaneous injections to immunize against poliomyelitis. It doesnot induce intestinal immunity and so is not effective for poliovirus eradication in areas wherewild-type polioviruses still exist in large numbers."
"docid": "D1485123#0",
"title": "http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/type-1-diabetes-vaccine-clears-hurdle-article-1.2250827\nType 1 diabetes vaccine clears first hurdle",
"text": "\"Type 1 diabetes vaccine clears first hurdle REUTERSMonday, June 8, 2015, 3:33 PMfacebook Tweet email A larger five-year trial of BCG comes next. ( verve231/Getty Images/i Stockphoto)Diabetes researchers are hoping that an almost century-old vaccine for preventing tuberculosis may also reverse type 1 diabetes. The FDA has approved a mid-stage trial to test the vaccine, called bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), in 150 adults with advanced cases of the disease. The approval was announced Sunday at the 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association by Dr. Denise Faustman, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Immunobiology Laboratory in Boston and principal investigator of the study. According to the American Diabetes Association, 5 percent of people with diabetes — or roughly three million individuals — have type 1, in which the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Faustman told Reuters Health that the BCG vaccine temporarily raises levels of a substance called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF — and the higher TNF levels can eliminate the damaging T cells in the blood of individuals with type 1 diabetes. In a small preliminary trial, Faustman’s team found that two BCG injections given four weeks apart temporarily eliminated diabetes-causing T cells. Patients also showed evidence of small, temporary return of insulin secretion. This summer, she and her colleagues will begin enrolling patients ages 18 to 60 in a larger five-year trial. Participants will have low but detectable levels of insulin secretion from the pancreas."
"docid": "D2476286#0",
"title": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1463969/\nPulmonary tuberculosis: diagnosis and treatment",
"text": "BMJ. 2006 May 20; 332 (7551): 1194–1197.doi: 10.1136/bmj.332.7551.1194PMCID: PMC1463969Pulmonary tuberculosis: diagnosis and treatment Ian A Campbell, consultant chest physician 1and Oumou Bah-Sow, professor 2Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ►This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Tuberculosis remains a worldwide problem despite well documented, well publicised methods of prevention and cure. Poverty and HIV infection are major reasons for its persistence. 1, 2 We review the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of tuberculosis. Go to: How is pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed? Symptoms and signs Literature, opera, and art have popularised the traditional symptoms and signs of pulmonary tuberculosis (box): cough, sputum, haemoptysis, breathlessness, weight loss, anorexia, fever, malaise, wasting, and terminal cachexia figure in various combinations, not only in the descriptions of the heroes, heroines, and villains but also among the artists, poets, and musicians themselves. 3 However, none of these symptoms is peculiar to tuberculosis. Nowadays, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who present the full spectrum of symptoms and signs are unusual in developed countries, but doctors and health workers often see such patients in developing countries. Lung cancer has become a more common cause of some or all of these symptoms in developed countries, and, as cigarette smoking increases, this may well become the case in developing countries."
"docid": "D257591#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantoux_test\nMantoux test",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Mantoux skin test consists of an intradermal injection of one-tenth of a milliliter (ml) of PPD tuberculin. The size of induration is measured 48–72 hours later. Erythema (redness) should not be measured. Mantoux test injection site in a subject without chronic conditions or in a high-risk group clinically diagnosed as negative at 50 hours The Mantoux test or Mendel-Mantoux test (also known as the Mantoux screening test, tuberculin sensitivity test, Pirquet test, or PPD test for purified protein derivative) is a tool for screening for tuberculosis (TB) and for tuberculosis diagnosis. It is one of the major tuberculin skin tests used around the world, largely replacing multiple-puncture tests such as the tine test. The Heaf test, a form of tine test, was used until 2005 in the UK, when it was replaced by the Mantoux test. The Mantoux test is endorsed by the American Thoracic Society and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was also used in the USSR and is now prevalent in most of the post-Soviet states. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Procedure3 Classification of tuberculin reaction4 False positive result5 False negative result6 BCG vaccine and the Mantoux test7 Anergy testing8 Two-step testing9 Recent developments10 Heaf test11 See also12 References History [ edit]Tuberculin is a glycerol extract of the tubercle bacillus. Purified protein derivative (PPD) tuberculin is a precipitate of species-nonspecific molecules obtained from filtrates of sterilized, concentrated cultures."
"docid": "D3274011#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Tuberculosis/Pages/Introduction.aspx\nOverview",
"text": "Page contents Symptoms of TBWhat causes TB? Treating TBVaccination for TBCountries with high TB rates Overview Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection spread through inhaling tiny droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person. It mainly affects the lungs, but it can affect any part of the body, including the tummy (abdomen) glands, bones and nervous system. TB is a serious condition, but it can be cured if it's treated with the right antibiotics. Symptoms of TBTypical symptoms of TB include:a persistent cough that lasts more than three weeks and usually brings up phlegm, which may be bloodyweight lossnight sweatshigh temperature (fever)tiredness and fatigueloss of appetiteswellings in the neck You should see a GP if you have a cough that lasts more than three weeks or you cough up blood. Read more about the symptoms of TB and diagnosing TB. What causes TB? TB is a bacterial infection. TB that affects the lungs (pulmonary TB) is the most contagious type, but it usually only spreads after prolonged exposure to someone with the illness. In most healthy people, the body's natural defence against infection and illness (the immune system) kills the bacteria and there are no symptoms."
"docid": "D462247#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/bcg-vaccine-twice-given-mistake\nBcg vaccine twice given mistake",
"text": "Health Topics » Drug/Medication » Bcg »Showing results for : Bcg vaccine twice given mistake Premium Questions BCG vaccine, bump Baby got a puncture on her BCG vaccine bump ... What causes puss discharge from BCG vaccination site? Hello Doctor, My son was born in USA on 4th Feb 2013 and he didn't get BCG vaccination .... He gave him a BCG vaccination on 27th Feb 2014 and everything was fine for a month. But after around ... Is BCG vaccine safe to take for prevention of lepromatous leprosy?two full months of MDT as a prophylaxis? 3) We also understand that the BCG vaccine can have ... received the BCG as infants and one did not. My husband received the BCG as a child but I did not. Should ... Is it important to see scar formation after BCG vaccination? As per doctor s file, we have given her BCG vaccine . However no mark on left arm as chkd by doctor ... vaccine still if no mark then ignore. Request your view. ... What causes swelling on left arm after BCG vaccine?"
"docid": "D768930#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Recombinant+vaccines\nvaccine",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.vaccine (redirected from Recombinant vaccines) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia .vaccine [ vak-sēn´] a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administeredfor prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.anthrax vaccine a cell-free protein extract of cultures of Bacillus anthracis, used forimmunization against anthrax.attenuated vaccine a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms or viruses cultured underadverse conditions, leading to loss of their virulence but retention of their ability to induceprotective immunity.autogenous vaccine a vaccine prepared from microorganisms which have been freshly isolatedfrom the lesion of the patient who is to be treated with it.bacterial vaccine a preparation of killed or attenuated bacteria used as an active immunizingagent. BCG vaccine see bcg vaccine.cholera vaccine a preparation of killed Vibrio cholerae, administered intradermally,subcutaneously, or intramuscularly for immunization against cholera.diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine DTP vaccine: a combination of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine; administered intramuscularly forsimultaneous immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. When thepertussis vaccine is an acellular form, the combination may be abbreviated DTa P.diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine adsorbed and Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine a combination of diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine, and Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine; administered intramuscularly to children 18 months to 5 years of age for simultaneous immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, andinfection by Haemophilus influenzae type b. DTP vaccine diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine. Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (Hb CV) a preparation of Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide covalently bound to diphtheria toxoid or to a specific diphtheriaprotein, meningococcal protein, or tetanus protein; it stimulates both B and T lymphocyteresponses and is much more immunogenic than the polysaccharide vaccine. Administeredintramuscularly as a routine immunizing agent in infants and young children. Haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine (Hb PV) a preparation of highly purified capsularpolysaccharide derived from Haemophilus influenzae type b, which stimulates an immune response in B lymphocytes only; administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously as an immunizing agent in children ages 18 months to 5 years.hepatitis A vaccine inactivated an inactivated whole virus vaccine derived from an attenuatedstrain of hepatitis A virus grown in cell culture; administered intramuscularly.hepatitis B vaccine a preparation of hepatitis B surface antigen, derived either from humanplasma of carriers of hepatitis B (hepatitis B vaccine inactivated) or from cloning in yeast cells (hepatitis B vaccine [recombinant]); administered intramuscularly.heterologous vaccine a vaccine that confers protective immunity against a pathogen thatshares cross-reacting antigens with the microorganisms in the vaccine.human diploid cell vaccine rabies vaccine prepared from rabies virus grown in cultures of human diploid embryo lung cells and inactivated; administered intramuscularly or intradermally.influenza virus vaccine a killed virus vaccine used in immunization against influenza; it is trivalent, usually containing two influenza A virus strains and one influenza B virus strain.live vaccine a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms that have been attenuated but retaintheir immunogenic properties. Lyme disease vaccine (recombinant Osp A) a preparation of outer surface protein A (Osp A), a cell surface lipoprotein of Borrelia burgdorferi, produced by recombinant technology;administered intramuscularly for active immunization against lyme disease.measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine live (MMR) a combination of live attenuatedmeasles, mumps, and rubella viruses, administered subcutaneously for simultaneousimmunization against measles, mumps, and rubella.measles and rubella virus vaccine live a combination of live attenuated measles and rubella viruses, administered subcutaneously for simultaneous immunization against measles andrubella.measles virus vaccine live a live attenuated virus vaccine used for immunization againstmeasles, although it is usually administered as the combination measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine.meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine a preparation of a capsular antigen of Neisseriameningitidis, administered subcutaneously to provide immunity to meningitis.mumps virus vaccine live a live attenuated virus vaccine used in immunization against mumps; usually administered as the combination measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine.pertussis vaccine a preparation of killed Bordetella pertussis bacilli (whole-cell vaccine) or of purified antigenic components thereof (acellular vaccine), used to immunize against pertussis; generally used in combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids ( DTP or DTa P ).plague vaccine a preparation of killed Yersinia pestis bacilli, administered intramuscularly as an active immunizing agent against plague.pneumococcal heptavalent conjugate vaccine a preparation of capsular polysaccharidesfrom the seven serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae most commonly isolated from children 6 years of age or younger, coupled to a nontoxic variant of diphtheria toxin; used as an activeimmunizing agent for infants and children at risk for pneumococcal disease, administeredintramuscularly.pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent a preparation of purified capsular polysaccharides from the 23 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae causing the majority of pneumococcal disease;used as an active immunizing agent in persons over 2 years of age, administeredintramuscularly.poliovirus vaccine inactivated (IPV) a preparation of killed polioviruses of three types, given in a series of intramuscular or subcutaneous injections to immunize against poliomyelitis. It doesnot induce intestinal immunity and so is not effective for poliovirus eradication in areas wherewild-type polioviruses still exist in large numbers. However, it does not cause vaccine-associatedparalytic poliomyelitis and so is preferred for routine immunization in areas where the risk of infection by a wild-type poliovirus is very low, as in the United States."
"docid": "D2361235#0",
"title": "http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=733853\n.",
"text": "\"# 1 09-11-2014, 09:49 AMJackknifed Juggernaut Guest Join Date: Oct 2000Location: Lenni Lenape Land Posts: 5,395Why did the smallpox vaccine application leave such a prominent scar? And how come no other vaccines did the same? Reply With Quote# 2 09-11-2014, 11:07 AMkunilou Charter Member Join Date: Apr 1999Posts: 22,869The vaccination was given intradermally (i.e., barely under the surface of the skin), in a cluster of pinpricks, and created a rather large pustule at the site, which was the body's response (hence the meaning of the name \"\"smallpox.\"\") Tuberculosis vaccinations also sometimes leave scars. The actual size of the scar depended on the person's normal reaction to scarring. E.g., I have a barely noticeable scar while my daughter has a really nasty one. But every scar my daughter gets is really nasty. Reply With Quote# 3 09-11-2014, 11:12 AMGiles Charter Member Join Date: Apr 2004Location: Newcastle NSWPosts: 12,865I had a smallpox vaccination about 60 years ago, but the scar is no longer visible. Reply With Quote# 4 09-11-2014, 11:16 AMJackknifed Juggernaut Guest Join Date: Oct 2000Location: Lenni Lenape Land Posts: 5,395Quote: Originally Posted by kunilou.... E.g., I have a barely noticeable scar while my daughter has a really nasty one. But every scar my daughter gets is really nasty."
"docid": "D2425281#0",
"title": "http://www.austincc.edu/microbio/2421a/tb.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Tuberculosisby Beth Lynn Disease: Tuberculosis (TB); Etiological Agent— Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1). Transmission: TB is spread from person to person through the air usually when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks tiny droplets containing tubercle bacilli are suspended in the air for the next victim to breathe it in (2). Reservoirs: Humans are the only known reservoir for M. tuberculosis. ( 2, 3). General Characteristics: M. tuberculosis is an acid-fast bacteria, and neither Gram positive nor Gram negative. When Gram stained, it gives the appearance of “ghost” cells (3, 4). The Ziehl-Neelsen stain may be used to identify M. tuberculosis, and if present will appear pink in color on the slide. It is a nonmotile rod-shaped obligate aerobe that does not form spores. Mycolic acids are present in the cell walls of M. tuberculosis which are composed of peptidoglycan. Two types of media are used to grow M. tuberculosis Middlebrook's medium which is an agar based medium and Lowenstein-Jensen medium which is an egg based medium."
"docid": "D199307#0",
"title": "https://www.cancer.org/cancer/melanoma-skin-cancer/treating/immunotherapy.html\nImmunotherapy for Melanoma Skin Cancer",
"text": "Immunotherapy for Melanoma Skin Cancer Immunotherapy is the use of medicines to stimulate a person’s own immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells more effectively. Several types of immunotherapy can be used to treat melanoma. Immune checkpoint inhibitors These newer drugs have shown a lot of promise in treating advanced melanomas. An important part of the immune system is its ability to keep itself from attacking normal cells in the body. To do this, it uses “checkpoints”, which are proteins on immune cells that need to be turned on (or off) to start an immune response. Melanoma cells sometimes use these checkpoints to avoid being attacked by the immune system. But these drugs target the checkpoint proteins, helping to restore the immune response against melanoma cells. PD-1 inhibitors Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and nivolumab (Opdivo) are drugs that target PD-1, a protein on immune system cells called T cells that normally help keep these cells from attacking other cells in the body. By blocking PD-1, these drugs boost the immune response against melanoma cells. This can often shrink tumors and help people live longer (although it’s not yet clear if these drugs can cure melanoma)."
"docid": "D206997#0",
"title": "http://www.thetruthabouttb.org/do-i-have-tb/testing-for-tb/\nTesting for TB",
"text": "If your GP suspects you may have TB, they will send you for testing. If you do have TB, it’s best to know as soon as possible. Delaying treatment makes it more likely you may develop long-term health problems and could put people close to you at risk. Types of TB test There are a range of tests to show if you have TB, such as a sputum test, a culture test and x-rays. Chest x-ray A chest x-ray can show damage in your lungs, but you might need further tests to prove you have TB, such as sputum and culture tests or scans. Testing sputum A lab will use a microscope to look at any sputum (phlegm) that you cough up. If there are TB germs in your sputum, you have tuberculosis of the lungs or throat (pulmonary TB). This test also helps doctors to understand how infectious you may be. Biopsy If it is thought that you have TB, but not in your lungs or throat, the doctor may take a biopsy to test for TB. This is a small sample of tissue or fluid taken from the area where the TB is thought to be."
"docid": "D3273299#0",
"title": "http://www.oxforddiagnosticlaboratories.eu/resources/faqs/\nFAQâs",
"text": "What is the intended use of the T‑SPOT. TB test? What regulatory approvals does the T‑SPOT. TB test have? What are the advantages of the T‑SPOT. TB test? Do I have to collect the blood specimen in a special collection tube? How can I start sending samples to the laboratory? How much does the test cost? When will I get the results?"
"docid": "D2361237#0",
"title": "http://www.utmb.edu/newsroom/article9605.aspx\nVaccine Smarts - Scar on upper arm is from BCG vaccine",
"text": "Vaccine Smarts - Scar on upper arm is from BCG vaccine Galveston County Daily News June 17, 2014Vaccine Smarts By Dr. Richard Rupp and Bridget Hawkins, Ph. D. Dear Vaccine Smarts, I have a scar on my upper arm. I think it is ugly and wish it wasn’t there. I was born in Mexico. My mother has a similar scar, but my younger brothers and sister who were born in Texas do not. My mother tells me the scar is from a vaccine but she is not sure which one. My high school biology teacher thinks it may be from the Smallpox vaccine. Will you tell me which vaccine and why my siblings do not have scars? Maria Friendswood Dear Maria, You are very observant and have done most of the detective work. Both the Smallpox and BCG vaccines leave a scar on the upper arm."
"docid": "D1350413#0",
"title": "http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/464057.html\n.",
"text": "\"Thank you for the question. I have outlined the vaccination guidelines for both Japan and the U. S. below and noted the differences between the two schedules and potential reasons for those differences. I hope this helps. Please request clarification if you need further assistance with your question. -adiloren-ga -----------------------Japanese Vaccination Guidelines--------------------------- \"\"Please note that there is no duty to receive vaccinations in Japan. It is a matter of parental choice, but they are strongly recommended.\"\" http://www.hyogo-ip.or.jp/hiaf/eg/hlgmne/31.htm Appropriate Ages for Vaccinations http://www.hyogo-ip.or.jp/hiaf/eg/hlgmne/31.htm Polio (live attenuated vaccine) From age 3-90 months twice (at more than 6 week intervals) ------------------------------------ Diptheria (D) Pertussis (P) Tetanus Toxoid (T) (DPT vaccine) Stage 1 (DPT triple combined) First injectionfrom age 3-90 months, three times (at 3-8 week intervals) Booster injection from age 3-90 months (after first injection wait more than 6 months), once Stage 2 (DT double combined) Once between age 11 and 12 From age 3-12 months After first injection complated From age 12-18 months Sixth year of elementary school (Age 12) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Measles (live attenuated vaccine) From age 12-90 months once -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubella (live attenuated vaccine) From age 12-90 months once --------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Encephalitis (Japanese encephalitis vaccine) Stage 1 First injection from age age 6-90 months, twice (at 1-4 week intervals) Booster injection from age age 6-90 months (after the first injection, generally one year later), once Stage 2 From age 9-13, once Stage 3From age 14-15, once Age 3 Age 4 4th year of elementary school (Age 9) 2nd year of junior high school (Age 14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuberculosis (BCG) 1. Before age 4 2. First year of elementary school 3. Second year of elementary school (only for those vaccinated in first year of elementary school) 4."
"docid": "D1375744#0",
"title": "https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5415a4.htm\nGuidelines for Using the QuantiFERON ®-TB Gold Test for Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection, United States",
"text": "\"Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: [email protected]. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. Guidelines for Using the Quanti FERON ®-TB Gold Test for Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection, United States Please note: An erratum has been published for this article. To view the erratum, please click here. Prepared by Gerald H. Mazurek, MD, John Jereb, MD, Phillip Lo Bue, MD, Michael F. Iademarco, MD, Beverly Metchock, Ph D, Andrew Vernon, MD Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention The material in this report originated in the National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Kevin Fenton, MD, Ph D, Director, and the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Kenneth G. Castro, MD, Director. Corresponding address: CDC/National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention/Division of Tuberculosis Elimination; 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E-10, Atlanta, GA 30333. Telephone: 404-639-8120; Fax: 404-639-8604; E-mail: [email protected]. Summary On May 2, 2005, a new in vitro test, Quanti FERON ® -TB Gold (QFT-G, Cellestis Limited, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia), received final approval from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as an aid for diagnosing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. This test detects the release of interferon-gamma (IFN-g) in fresh heparinized whole blood from sensitized persons when it is incubated with mixtures of synthetic peptides representing two proteins present in M. tuberculosis: early secretory antigenic target--6 (ESAT-6) and culture filtrate protein--10 (CFP-10)."
"docid": "D1661076#0",
"title": "http://allnurses.com/general-nursing-student/tb-chest-xray-76059.html\nTB chest xray, how often to get the chest xray?",
"text": "Latest Articles Programs Products Conferences Nursing Student › General Student Discussions ›TB chest xray, how often to get the chest xray?allnurses Magazine: New Quarterly Publication For Nursesby Animaniacs, BSNViews: 106,484 Comments: 9i was given a ppd skin test last year, i tested positive. the nurse tells me that if my chest x-ray turns out to be normal, then all i have to do is get a chest xray to be tested for TB for the rest of my life. i dont have to go through the ppd skin test again because it will always turn out positive. i had a ppd skin test done when i was just a little kid, and it came out positive. my dad tells me i was given a BCG vaccine when i was younger. i read something about the BCG vaccine online and it says they give it on your shoulder, which gives you a permanent scar in that area of the shoulder. i looked at my shoulder and i see a scar there that i've had since i can remember. but i'm not sure if thats from the BCG vaccine or what. okay enough rumbling, my question is, what is the time requirements for the TB chest xray, is it yearly, every 2 years? About Animaniacs, BSNJoined: Feb '04; Posts: 108; Likes: 4 RN Specialty: 6 year (s) of experience in Med-Surg/Telemetry9 Comments Topic Closed Aug 17, '04If you haven't yet had a CXR, you will have to have one."
"docid": "D639056#0",
"title": "http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp068015\nTransmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Health Care Workers",
"text": "Perspective Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Health Care Workers Timothy R. Sterling, M. D., and David W. Haas, M. D. Article Figures/Media5 References 15 Citing Articles The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a health care worker to patients in New York City. 1 Several aspects of the episode were notable: the health care worker was foreign-born; latent tuberculosis infection had previously been diagnosed by tuberculin skin testing, but the health care worker had declined treatment; and after active disease developed in the health care worker, 1500 persons were exposed, which necessitated a large-scale contact investigation to determine the extent of transmission and prevent further spread. Today, the incidence of tuberculosis in the United States is the lowest ever recorded. This downward trend has been driven largely by steady decreases in incidence among persons born in this country. However, case rates have not decreased among foreign-born persons living in the United States, and tuberculosis in the foreign-born now accounts for most of the reported domestic cases. Latent tuberculosis infection is also more common among foreign-born persons: one third of the world's population, but less than 10 percent of the U. S. population, has latent infection. In recent decades, the proportion of foreign-born health care workers in this country has increased. One fourth of all practicing physicians in the United States graduated from foreign medical schools, and the number of foreign-born nurses employed here has increased in response to a shortage of registered nurses. Although these health care workers play a crucial role in health care delivery, one consequence is that an increasing proportion of U. S. health care providers are infected with M. tuberculosis. From the CDC/George Kubica Recommended approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of M. tuberculosis infection in foreign-born health care workers are the same as those for health care workers who were born here."
"docid": "D1697435#0",
"title": "http://www.tbfreeengland.co.uk/vaccination/\nVaccination",
"text": "Vaccination TB Free England Explained: Vaccination Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:23Video Defra chief scientific adviser, Prof Ian Boyd, explains the current situation with badger and cattle vaccinations against bovine TB. Watch more of our videos here. Vaccination will be an important tool to help control bovine TB in the future. But the evidence suggests it will not work on its own – and where both cattle and badgers are concerned, a realistic programme remains a number of years away. Vaccination won’t work on an animal that already has bovine TB, and no country in the world where wildlife carries the disease has eradicated it in cattle without tackling it in wildlife too. Vaccination and cows There are calls for cows to be vaccinated against b TB. However there is no legal vaccine available. Currently the only option is the BCG vaccine (Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guérin – ref 1,2,3,4,5). The problem is that at present it is impossible to distinguish between a BCG-vaccinated and TB-infected cow."
"docid": "D2774758#0",
"title": "https://www.fleetstreetclinic.com/services/travel-health-specialist-vaccines/vaccinations/vaccine-clinic/bcg-vaccine/\nBCG Vaccine",
"text": "BCG Vaccine BCG Vaccine – Fleet Street Clinic Fleet Street Clinic is a specialist vaccine clinic in the heart of London. Our family-friendly clinic has over 20 years of expertise administering vaccines to patients of all ages. We offer the BCG vaccination privately to babies, children and adults. If your child was born in London it is strongly recommended to have your baby vaccinated against TB. WHAT IS THE BCG VACCINE? The BCG Vaccine protects against TB, also known as Tuberculosis. BCG is short for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. A weakened strain of tuberculosis is injected to protect against the infection. WHAT IS TUBERCULOSIS? TB is a serious infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis TB affects mainly the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, joints, and bones Transmission normally requires extended, close contact with an infected person, and is usually via inhalation of droplets from an infected person’s coughs or sneezes The BCG vaccination is thought to protect against the most serious types of TB infection WHO SHOULD HAVE THE BCG VACCINE?"
] |
2159 | bepanthene what is the generic | [
"docid": "D2774600#0",
"title": "http://drug-info.in/bepanthene-vitamin-b5-dexpanthenol-roche/\nBepanthene - Roche",
"text": "The drug brand named Bepanthene contains generic salt-Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) and is manufactured by Roche. Bepanthene is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A11HA30-Dexpanthenol. Generic Salts Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol)Available types of drugs Cream; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 5% Injectable; Injection; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 125 mg / ml Injectable; Injection; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 250 mg / ml Ointment; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 5% Tablets; Oral; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 100 mg Medical categories Human Drug Dermatologicals Emollients and skin protectives Vitamin B complex Vitamin supplements Usage-Diseases A11HA30-Dexpanthenol D03AX03-Dexpanthenol S01XA12-Dexpanthenol Manufacturers Roche Bayer Schering Pharma"
] | [
"docid": "D2774599#0",
"title": "http://drug-info.in/bepanthen-vitamin-b5-dexpanthenol-roche/\nBepanthen - Roche",
"text": "The drug brand named Bepanthen contains generic salt-Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) and is manufactured by Roche. Bepanthen is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A11HA30-Dexpanthenol. Generic Salts Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol)Available types of drugs Cream; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 5% Foam; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 5% Lotion; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 2.5% Ointment; Topical; Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol) 5%Medical categories Human Drug Dermatologicals Emollients and skin protectives Vitamin B complex Vitamin supplements Usage-Diseases A11HA30-Dexpanthenol D03AX03-Dexpanthenol S01XA12-Dexpanthenol Manufacturers Roche Bayer Schering Pharma DKSH Famar GP Grenzach Produktions"
"docid": "D679878#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_salary_for_a_general_manager_of_a_sonic\nWhat is the salary for a general manager of a sonic?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Games Video Games What is the salary for a general manager of a sonic? Flag What is the salary for a general manager of a sonic? Answer by Myra (myrab51) Confidence votes 59.0KIf a sword had memory, it might be grateful to the forge fire, but never fond of it. - Rand Al'Thor The average pay for a Sonic general manager is between $26K and $55K, with the average being around $40K per year. It can vary depending on location, length of employment, and experience.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the salary of an NFL General Manager? The general manager of an NFL team is usually the highest paidemployee of the club and reports to the CEO of the team. The salaryof an NFL general manager is typically between …Elizabeth Baldwin 10 Contributions Dollar general store manager salary?31,000 to 35,000 depending on your experiences, the economy, the store's sales, and the area! More experience gets you a higher salary!Akcgl23 1 Contribution What is an La fitness general manager salary? I've worked at a LA Fitness in PA about a year ago and from what I've heard its around $110K w/bonuses."
"docid": "D3378383#0",
"title": "http://www.cosmetictattooist.com/aftercare.htm\n.",
"text": "Bookmark This Page All my clients are provided aftercare advice, support, and a free aftercare kit which includes an advice sheet and materials to care for their cosmetic tattoo for the initial post procedure period. This is all part of difference in quality of service provided by Cosmetic Tattooist.com Aftercare Please take the time to read this sheet and follow the simple steps to get the best post procedure results, this way your skin will heal within the minimum time and without any complications. You will be provided a small container of Bepanthen cream to get you started, this is an antiseptic and moisturizing cream, if more is required it is advised that you obtain a tube of Bepanthen, this can be purchased from any pharmacy or the supermarket (in the baby care section) and some cotton tips to apply the cream. Remember never reuse a cotton tip, always use a fresh tip every time you dip into the cream. The idea is to keep the area that has been tattooed clean and moistened with the cream as this will help with the healing process. Always wash and dry your hands at a hygienic location prior to touching your face and performing your aftercare during the healing process. With all Cosmetic Tattoos the colour will appear 20 - 30% darker for the first few days, and due to slight swelling your lips and eyeliner may not look straight. It will take about a week for the colour to settle in and the swelling to have settled and surface healing to be complete (deeper healing takes 4-6 weeks). Any adjustments to colour and shape are made on your second visit. With all Cosmetic Tattoo treatments for the first week No cleansers, makeup, swimming, spas, saunas direct running water on the area (this means do not have the shower running onto your face)."
"docid": "D2436238#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_salary_of_dollar_general_manager\nWhat is the salary of dollar general manager?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Business and Industry Industries and Professions Companies Dollar General What is the salary of dollar general manager? Flag What is the salary of dollar general manager? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. General managers at Dollar General make $25,000-$50,000 per year depending upon store volume. Assistant managers make $9.00-$17.00 per hour and 3rd keys make $8.00-$13.00 per hour depending upon store volume.7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the salary of an NFL General Manager? The general manager of an NFL team is usually the highest paidemployee of the club and reports to the CEO of the team. The salaryof an NFL general manager is typically between …What is the a store manager for family dollar salary?\\nits about average 700- 950 weekly before tax depend on the volume of store \\ni used to be manager of family dolar. \\nits about average 700- 950 weekly before tax depend on …Elizabeth Baldwin 10 Contributions Dollar general store manager salary?31,000 to 35,000 depending on your experiences, the economy, the store's sales, and the area! More experience gets you a higher salary!Akcgl23 1 Contribution What is an La fitness general manager salary?"
"docid": "D2898822#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/topic/Greatest-Generation\nGreatest Generation",
"text": "\"Ask New Question Sign In Greatest Generation Read Answer Feed Answer · Greatest Generation What has been the worst generation in America so far? Marc Clamage, Reveres John Hanson, first President of the USA in Congress Assembl'd. Answered Dec 27, 2015 · Author has 749 answers and 1.2m answer views Mine. The Baby Boomers. We are the smuggest, most entitled, laziest and most selfish generation at least since the Roaring Twenties, and probably before that. In the 60's we introduced mainstream A... (more)Answer · Greatest Generation How did “the greatest generation” produce “the hippie generation”? Ben Skirvin, Photographer, Aspiring Comic Book Writer and Entrepreneur Answered May 15, 2017 · Author has 2.5k answers and 6m answer views Hippies were the result of America's massive wealth following WWII. All of the major world economies had been physically decimated by punishing bombing campaigns which devastated industrial infrast... (more)Answer · Greatest Generation What has been the worst generation in America so far? Alex Wieder Answered Jan 30, 2016 · Author has 239 answers and 154.7k answer views Depending on who you ask, it will always be theirs, their previous, or their next generation. In reality, I don't believe there is a best or worst generation."
"docid": "D3346659#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/how-long-does-insulin-stay-in-the-system-after-injection\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Does Insulin Stay In The System After Injection",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Does Insulin Stay In The System After Injection Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Vered Lewy-Weiss2 doctors agreed:1 How long does insulin stay in the system after injection? Type of insulin? : This is entirely dependent on the type and the dose. Therefore you may see effects ranging from several hours to over 24 hours. ... Read more Dr. Quang Nguyen2,755 Doctors shared insights Insulin (Definition)A hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of langerhans that regulates the amount of ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Georgia Latham2 doctors agreed:2 How long does humalog (insulin lispro) insulin usually stay in your system after an injection? Short acting insulin: Such as Humalog, (insulin lispro) generally begins lowering your blood sugar with 15 minutes of an injection. Its peak action is between 30 minutes - 1.5 hours. It may still be having an effect on blood sugar for as long as 6 - 8 hours after an injection. ... Read more Dr. Richard Shewbridge3 How long can a type 1 diabetic last without insulin injection? It depends. :"
"docid": "D40479#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/81595156/chapter-13-endocrine-system-flash-cards/\nChapter 13: Endocrine System",
"text": "\"99 terms brii1030Chapter 13: Endocrine System Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Endocrine system (made up of; function) -Made up of the cells, tissues, and organs that secrete hormones into body fluids such as the blood stream. -Functions to control physiological activities and maintain homeostasis. Endocrine Gland Gland that secretes hormones that circulate in the blood. Exocrine Gland Gland that secretes substances into ducts that exit the body. What is the difference between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland? -Endocrine: secretes hormones that circulate in the blood. -Exocrine: secretes substances into ducts that exit the body. What is the tissue called that hormones affect?"
"docid": "D2780453#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/8367\nUS Civil War Generals",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History War and Military History US Civil War US Civil War Generals Unanswered | Answered US Civil War Generals Parent Category: US Civil War Ask questions here about famous US Civil War generals, on both the Union and Confederate side. Subcategories James Longstreet Robert E. Lee Stonewall Jackson Ulysses S. Grant James Longstreet Robert E. Lee Stonewall Jackson Ulysses S. Grant1 2 3 >What are six important elements in Robert E. Lee's life? Robert E. Lee had more than six important elements in his life. They can be summarized as follows; * loyalty to wife and family; * loyalty to God and Country * loyal to Virginia * loyal to the US; * loyal to the South; and * loyalty to his soldiers. Who is Nathan Bedford Forrest? He was a Confederate Lieutenant General who served as one of themost gifted cavalry and guerrilla commanders of the American Civil War. After the war he became involved in the newly formed Ku Klux Klan and opposed Reconstruction in his home state of Tennessee. Within a few years of taking over the KKK... Was PGT Beauregard successful at all the battles he fought in the civil war? No, he wasn't. Was Robert E. Lee in the union or the confederacy?"
"docid": "D1554569#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Can_a_7000_watts_generator_power_a_house\nCan a 7000 watts generator power a house?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Home Improvement Home Electricity New Electrical Work Can a 7000 watts generator power a house? Flag Can a 7000 watts generator power a house? Answer by Sparkfighter Confidence votes 1.7KA 7000 watt generator us typically intended for 2 - 15 or 20 amp circuits at 120 volts or 1 - 30 amp circuit at 240 volts. When you say, \"\"power a house,\"\" if you mean the whole house the answer is, No. You would need a generator capable of supplying a continuous 24000 watts or more to do that. But a 7000 watt generator is a nice one for powering some lights and your gas furnace blower during a power outage when properly connected. I do not know what the wattage is of an electric furnace to know if it can run one of those.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Martinel 84,705 Contributions What can you power with a 1000 watt generator? The questioner probably already knows there are dozens of answers to this question.. A 1000 watt generator that can output the same voltage as your normal mains electricity s …Dave Woodruff 30,626 Contributions Passion, is the electrical trade. Downfall, is being a perfectionist."
"docid": "D1310599#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090120203718AAHUgLG\nLotion for new Tattoo?",
"text": "Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos Lotion for new Tattoo? I just got a tattoo on Friday and am switching to lotion tomorrow. I have some Vaseline Total Moisture Conditioning with vitamin A&E. Is this ok to use on my tattoo? Update: I have been using Ink Fixx (my artist recomended) All I have right now is that lotion. It isnt sented. Its not going to ruin it correct? Follow 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Lubriderm Dye and Perfume free Supermn 2K · 9 years ago0 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/a DHi1 These product claims are merely gimmicks. ANY lotion will temporarily make your color appear brighter because the lotion makes the outer layer of skin appear more transparent. Keep the skin over the tattoo lotioned regularly - sunblock is always good for any skin. Exfoliate regularly."
"docid": "D3511811#0",
"title": "http://secondskintattoo.net/aftercare.php\nLeave That Bandage Alone!",
"text": "Now, you have your fresh new tattoo, and you want to take good care of it! From this point on, your artist is not responsible for any infection or problems you may have with your tattoo if you don't take proper care of it. It is very important that you follow these guidelines. A really beautiful tattoo can turn into a disaster if the proper aftercare is not taken. Leave That Bandage Alone!Your artist took the care to cover up your new tattoo for a very good reason - to keep air-born bacteria from invading your wound. Yes, as pretty as your new tattoo is, it is still a wound. Open flesh is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. Leave the bandage on for a minimum of two hours. Excitement of having a new tattoo will make you want to remove the bandage so you can show your friends, but your friends will just have to wait until later. Wash and Treat After you remove the bandage, you will want to wash your tattoo."
"docid": "D280636#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_generator\nWhat is a generator?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts TV Programming and Commercials TV Shows and Series Animated TV Series Cartoons Ben 10 Cartoons What is a generator? Flag What is a generator? Answer by Martinel Confidence votes 17.4KA generator is an electrical machine that produces electricity. It must be turned by a prime mover that can be an internal combustion engine (driven, usually, by diesel oil or gasoline), or it can be a turbine, driven either by superheated steam or by water falling from a reservoir. ( The latter is known as \"\"hydro-electric power generation.\"\") Before today's solid-state voltage inverters were invented, electric motors were often used to drive generators to produce a different type of electrical power (for example, to produce dc power from an ac service or to produce 3-phase ac power from a single-phase ac service). For more information, see the answers to the Related Questions shown below. In electricity generation, a generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy for use in an external circuit. The source of mechanical energy may vary widely from a hand crank to an internal combustion engine. Generators provide nearly all of the power for electric power grids."
"docid": "D3448174#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_can_you_power_on_a_2000_watt_generator\nWhat can you power on a 2000 watt generator?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Home Improvement Home Electricity What can you power on a 2000 watt generator? Flag What can you power on a 2000 watt generator? Answer by Dave Woodruff Confidence votes 28.4KPassion, is the electrical trade. Downfall, is being a perfectionist. Results of the two; Priceless. It depends on what voltage outputs you have on the generator. Some generators have 120V only. Some have a combination of 120V and 240V. Watts = Amps x volts. If the generator has only 120V output then you can pull, Watts/volts = 16.6 amps from the machine. If you have 240V capacity then you can pull, Watts/volts = 8.3 amps from the machine."
"docid": "D1817235#0",
"title": "http://www.experienceproject.com/question-answer/Do-I-Need-To-Keep-My-New-Tattoo-Covered-And-Whats-The-Best-Way-To-Take-Care-Of-It/397\nDo I need to keep my new tattoo covered and whats the best way to take care of it?",
"text": "Do I need to keep my new tattoo covered and whats the best way to take care of it? I recently got a tattoo and it's my first. I am following the instructions that the artist gave me, but I am still a little confused,.....should i keep it covered? whats the best ointment to use (A&D, Tattoo Goo...etc. ) btgrad05 22-25, F 14 Answers 1 Sep 14, 2008SEND TO A FRIEND: Sort The main thing to do is keep it moist and not to let it scab over, bepanthen is really good for keeping moist aply every 2 to 3 hours and stay out of swimming pools and direct sunlight how it helps Cool69ninja 26-30 May 8, 2013 1Heart Reply If you get your tattoo after 5 p.m., then keep it covered overnight. When you wake up, take your bandage off and then take a shower. After you shower, wash your hands with PROVON Antimicrobial soap and then apply a thin la<x>yer of Bacitracin to your tattoo. The shop I go to sells both for $5 each. Keep applying a thin la<x>yer of Bacitracin 2-3 times a day for 3 days after you get the tattoo then switch to a unscented lotion like Lubriderm for the next 10 days. Keep your tattoo moisturized for two weeks by following these instructions and you'll be fine."
"docid": "D1378066#0",
"title": "https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/natural-remedies-age-spots.html\nNatural Cures for Age Spots",
"text": "\"Home Ailments Natural Cures for Age Spots Nov 10, 2017Everyone hates age spots, especially age spots on the face! Well, the cosmetic industry loves them; just look at all the expensive creams and lotions on the shelves. Rich women used to bathe in milk to get rid of the spots. Age spots (\"\"Solar lentigo\"\") are also known as liver spots. They often appear on fair-skinned people who spent too much time in the sun, suffering skin damage. However, the spots can appear on people of all skin types. After 40, the skin is unable to regenerate as rapidly. Spots can be light brown, reddish brown or black and are normally flat, although some people report raised spots. Dermatologists treat spots with retinol, HQ creams, chemical peels and spot treatments, microdermabrasion, laser treatments and light therapy. The biggest danger the spots present is that they could hide skin cancer."
"docid": "D3378522#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/nmls/deck/135396\n.",
"text": "\"TILA Finance Charge Mortgage Fee No 3rd party Fees TILA Violation by Lender Actual Damages2x Finance Charges100 to 1000 lesser TILA Compliance2 Year records keeping TILA Business Days for Recision Everyday except sunday and federal holidays TILA Must Show Pre-payment penalty APRFinance Charge (CHARM Booklet)TILA Class Action5000 + 1 Year in Jail1% networth TILA Oversite Impound / Escrow Transmitial Summary HUD Settlement Cost Regulation CDon't Call List SRPECOADuplicating Costs Pushing Subprime RESPA Transfer payments RESPA Violations Section 8HMDAReason for 2 diffrent Business Days FHA Laon Insurance RESPA Violationss Individual non-compliance RESPA Violation Class action law su A borrower must receive the disclosure to the right to receive a copy of the appraisal required by ECOA: (ECOA) A creditor may ask about an applicant’s marital status. ( ECOA) A creditor must notify an applicant of its intended action on an application within (ECOA) A mortgage broker may inform an applicant that Federal law requires the broker to ask about the race, sex, marital status, and age by putting the information on a web site. ( ECOA) According to ECOA, how quickly after a credit decision must the borrower request a free copy of their appraisal report? ( ECOA) According to ECOA, how quickly must the appraisal be delivered to the borrower when they have requested said report within 90 days of a credit decision? ( ECOA) According to ECOA, one must retain proof of compliance for how long? ( ECOA) According to ECOA, the appraisal disclosure generally must be delivered to the borrower when? ( ECOA) Any person who regularly extends, renews, or continues credit; any person who regularly arranges for the extension, renewal, or continuation of credit; or any assignee of an original creditor who participates in the decision to extend, renew, or continue credit is a: (ECOA) ECOA protects borrowers based on: (ECOA) Entities making business or commercial loans must maintain records or other data relating to those loans for a period of no less than ___ year (s), in order to _______________________________. ( ECOA) Entities making residential mortgage loans must maintain records or other data relating to those loans for a period of no less than _________, in order to _______________________________. ( ECOA) How many years does a consumer have to take civil action against a creditor suspected of violating the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)? ( ECOA) If a borrower is denied a loan request due to the credit score not meeting lender's guidelines, what must be done next? ("
"docid": "D1779589#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-an-alternator-and-a-generator\nWhat is the difference between an alternator and a generator?",
"text": "Alternators Generators Comparisons What is the difference between an alternator and a generator? Update Cancel Answer Wiki31 Answers Govind Singh Selakoti, studied at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur Answered Feb 19, 2017Alternator vs Generator Alternators and generators are two devices which generate electricity. An alternator can be called a type of generator. Although both these devices serve the same function, they are quite different in every other aspect. An alternator is a charging system for cars that produces electricity. Generators are used in the production of large-scale electricity. Both alternators and generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The main difference between them is in regard to what spins and what is fixed. In an alternator, electricity is produced when a magnetic field spins inside the stator (windings of wire). In a generator, on the other hand, the armature or windings of wire spin inside a fixed magnetic field to generate electricity."
"docid": "D962717#0",
"title": "https://forum.gateworld.net/threads/35373-What-rank-is-higher-Major-or-Colonel\nThread: What rank is higher? Major or Colonel?",
"text": "\"Forum The General's Office General Stargate Discussion What rank is higher? Major or Colonel? If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Results 1 to 20 of 20Thread: What rank is higher? Major or Colonel? Thread Tools September 16th, 2006, 08:57 AM #1Fallen Angel IIBrigadier General Member Since Dec 2005Location Lemming Prophet/Lemming Slasher Posts 8,147What rank is higher? Major or Colonel? Never mind, found it."
"docid": "D3150785#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_general_purpose_map\nWhat is a general purpose map?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Definitions What is a general purpose map? Flag What is a general purpose map? Answer by Astronomer MR Confidence votes 8The first of many types of maps encountered by social studies students is the general purpose map. Maps can show thousands of features of the human and physical geography of the earth. Routes Are Easy To Plan General purpose maps show common features of land such as roads and political boundaries. The most common general purpose map is the road map. Attractions Are Easily Found General purpose maps show many points of interest. Users can find parks, national forests, cemeteries, churches and many other destinations. Planning a Trip Is Simple Travelers find general maps useful for planning trips, as distances are shown. Other symbols on the map will indicate information that will be useful in trip planning, such as national parks and recreation areas."
"docid": "D1536123#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110717070940AAPkGXr\nHow long should I use aquaphor for my tattoo?",
"text": "Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos How long should I use aquaphor for my tattoo? So I got my tattoo three days ago and I've been putting aquaphor on three times daily. It's healing very nicely and now I think it's almost at the peeling stage. The tattoo artist told me to apply aquaphor for two weeks. But, I've been reading a lot that after a few days I should switch to an... show more Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: what my tattoo artist (s) have told me is that to use the aquaphor for 3 to 5 days three times a day then after that use unscented lotion 5 times a day. i have three tattoos and i'v used this method each time and i cant complain Deidre Robbert · 7 years ago1 1 Comment Asker's ratinghey there is no need to switch creams as they will both do the same job only the aqua cream will work better you need to keep using it even past the peeling stage and if you are peeling DO NOT remove the scabbs this will remove some of the ink in the skin. you will notice when it is dry there will be a slight shine to the skin with the ink in it, this needs to completely disappear before you can stop using the cream, keep using it as often as possible it does not need to be at regular times but your tattoo should never be dry it should always have a layer of cream on it. another good cream to use is bepanthen, its a nappy cream but it is amazing on tattoos, its good for putting on and leaving as it doesnt rub of easily but there is no need to switch creams and do not stop cream all together!? · 7 years ago1 0 Comment Aquaphor is fine, but I would only use it for 6-7 days. Then switch to lotion."
] |
2192 | basaltic definition | [
"docid": "D300588#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basalt\nBasalt",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Basalt (disambiguation). This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. ( August 2014) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Basalt Igneous rock Composition Mafic: amphibole and pyroxene, sometimes plagioclase, feldspathoids, and/or olivine. Basalt ( pronounced / b ə ˈ s ɔː l t /, / ˈ b æ s ɒ l t / or / ˈ b æ s ɔː l t /) [1] is a common extrusiveigneous ( volcanic) rock formed from the rapid cooling of basaltic lava exposed at or very near the surface of a planet or moon. Flood basalt describes the formation in a series of lava basalt flows. Contents [ hide ]1 Definition1.1 Etymology1.2 Types2 Petrology2.1 Geochemistry2.2 Morphology and textures2.2.1 Subaerial eruptions2.2.1.1 Columnar basalt2.2.2 Submarine eruptions2.2.2.1 Pillow basalts3 Life on basaltic rocks4 Distribution4.1 Occurrence4.1.1 Europe4.1.2 Asia4.1.3 Africa4.1.4 North America4.1.5 Celestial bodies5 Lunar and Martian basalt6 Alteration of basalt6.1 Metamorphism6.2 Weathering7 Uses8 See also9 References10 Further reading11 External links Definition Columnar basalt flows in Yellowstone National Park, USABy definition, basalt is an aphanitic (fine-grained) igneous rock with generally 45-53% silica (Si O 2) [2] and less than 10% feldspathoid by volume, and where at least 65% of the rock is feldspar in the form of plagioclase. This is as per definition of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) classification scheme. [ 3] [4] [5] It is the most common volcanic rock type on Earth, being a key component of oceanic crust as well as the principal volcanic rock in many mid-oceanic islands, including Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Réunion and the islands of Hawaii. Basalt commonly features a very fine-grained or glassy matrix interspersed with visible mineral grains."
] | [
"docid": "D914021#0",
"title": "http://www.minsocam.org/msa/collectors_corner/arc/tempmagmas.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Volume 14, pages 81-94, 1929THE TEMPERATURES OF MAGMAS*ESPER S. LARSEN, Harvard University INTRODUCTION RHYOLITIC MAGMAS HAVE LOWER TEMPERATURES THAN BASALTIC MAGMAS SUPERHEAT TEMPERATURES OF LAVAS GENERAL STATEMENT DIRECT MEASUREMENT MELTING TEMPERATURES OF MINERALS MELTING INTERVALS OF ROCKS INVERSION TEMPERATURES OF MINERALS TEMPERATURES AT WHICH MINERALS BREAK DOWN OR SOLID SOLUTIONS UNMIXTHE EFFECT ON INCLUSIONS FLUID INCLUSIONS TEMPERATURES OF DEEP SEATED MAGMAS CONCLUSIONSINTRODUCTIONIn the recent literature so much difference of opinion has been expressed as to the temperatures of magmas and even as to whether magmas of basaltic composition have higher or lower temperatures than do those of rhyolitic composition, that a connected attempt to reach as definite a conclusion as possible on the subject, seems highly desirable. Much good evidence, from field and laboratory petrology, from geophysics, and from physical chemistry is now available and some fairly definite conclusions seem possible. I have therefore selected as the subject of my address: The Temperatures of Magmas. RHYOLITIC MAGMAS HAVE LOWER TEMPERATURES THAN BASALTIC MAGMASMany economic geologists and some petrographers still adhere to the belief that rhyolitic magmas have higher temperatures than basaltic magmas. So far as I am aware, the only evidence for this is the fact that basaltic rocks on heating become fluid at lower temperatures than do rhyolitic rocks. However, a careful study of the evidence, mostly petrographic, shows conclusively that the opposite is true and we explain the apparent discrepancy as due to the water and other mineralizers which are in the rhyolitic magma but are not in the rhyolitic rock melted in an open crucible. It has long been known that an obsidian with considerable water becomes fluid before the blowpipe at a rather low temperature but on continued heating it loses its water and thereafter can be made liquid only at a much higher temperature. Let us consider the crystallization on slow cooling of a magma intermediate in composition between a rhyolite and a basalt yielding a basalt porphyry, or a gabbro porphyry, containing more or less quartz and orthoclase. The study of thin sections of such rocks shows that, with few exceptions, the early crystals to form are calcic plagioclase and dark minerals and, as crystallization proceeds, the feldspar becomes progressively more sodic. The remaining liquid will become poorer and poorer in the material for calcic feldspar and dark minerals and richer in that for quartz, orthoclase, and sodic feldspar."
"docid": "D3317261#0",
"title": "https://www.flashcardmachine.com/igneous-rocks9.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "\"Shared Flashcard Set Details Title Igneous Rocks Description Basic Terms, defintions and explanations Total Cards 76Subject Geology Level Undergraduate 1Created 10/28/2013Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Geology Flashcards Cards Term How do igneous rocks form? Definition From the crystallization of minerals Term What are Intrusive Igneous Rocks? Definition Igneous rocks that form inside Earth (will eventually come to Earth's surface)Term What are extrusive Igneous Rocks? Definition Igneous rocks that form at Earths surface Term What is the rock cycle? Definition The interaction of plate tectonic and climate systems. ( Rocks can skip phases in the cycle, there is no particular order. ) Term What is Magma?"
"docid": "D1665726#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pahoehoe\nLava",
"text": "\"Lava From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Pahoehoe)navigation search\"\"Lava flow\"\" redirects here. For the programming anti-pattern, see Lava flow (programming). For other uses, see Lava (disambiguation). Further information: Magma10-metre-high (33 ft) fountain of pāhoehoe lava, Hawaii, United States Lava flow during a rift eruption at Krafla, Iceland in 1984Lava is molten rock generated by geothermal energy and expelled through fractures in planetary crust or in an eruption, usually at temperatures from 700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 to 2,192 °F). The resulting structures after solidification and cooling are also sometimes described as lava. The molten rock is formed in the interior of some planets, including Earth, and some of their satellites, though such material located below the crust is referred to by other terms. A lava flow is a moving outpouring of lava created during a non-explosive effusive eruption. When it has stopped moving, lava solidifies to form igneous rock. The term lava flow is commonly shortened to lava. Although lava can be up to 100,000 times more viscous than water, lava can flow great distances before cooling and solidifying because of its thixotropic and shear thinning properties. ["
"docid": "D528536#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology_of_Washington\nGeology of the Pacific Northwest",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Geology of Washington)navigation search The Pacific Northwest from space The geology of the Pacific Northwest includes the composition (including rock, minerals, and soils ), structure, physical properties and the processes that shape the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and Canada. The geology of the region is responsible for some of area's scenic beauty as well as some of its hazards, such as volcanoes and earthquakes. There are at least five geologic provinces in the area: the Cascade Volcanoes, the Columbia Plateau, the North Cascades, the Coast Mountains, and the Insular Mountains. The Cascade Volcanoes are an active volcanic region along the western side of the Pacific Northwest. The Columbia Plateau is a region of subdued geography that is inland of the Cascade Volcanoes, and the North Cascades are a mountainous region in the northwest corner of the United States, extending into British Columbia. The Coast Mountains and Insular Mountains are a strip of mountains along the coast of British Columbia, each with its own geological history. The geology of the Pacific Northwest is vast and complex. Most of the region was formed about 200 million years ago as the North American Plate started to drift westward during the rifting of Pangaea. Since that date, the western edge of North America has grown westward as a succession of island arcs and assorted ocean-floor rocks have been added along the continental margin. Contents [ hide ]1 Volcanoes1.1 The Cascade Volcanoes1.2 Volcanism outside the Cascades1.3 Volcanic disasters1.4 Recent volcanic activity2 Seismic activity3 Columbia Plateau3.1 The Ice Age floods4 The North Cascades5 Coast Mountains6 Insular Mountains7 See also8 References9 External links Volcanoes [ edit]The Cascade Volcanoes [ edit]Main article: Cascade Volcanoes The Cascades Province forms an arc-shaped band extending from southwestern British Columbia to Northern California, roughly parallel to the Pacific coastline."
"docid": "D2616713#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_definition_of_Basaltic_Lava\nIf basalt is in lava is the volcano explosive?",
"text": "Wolfgang schwartzschild 16,616 Contributions If basalt is in lava is the volcano explosive? No. The more basalt the quieter the eruption. Basalt is deep deepmaterial, from down where there are few volatiles to make lavaexplosive. What is the definition of basalt?what is the definition for basalt. what is the definition for basalt Types of basaltic lava?-Pillow -AA lava -Pa hoe hoe -Fire hose Nikin99 6 Contributions Is basalt formed by lava?\\nyes basalt is formed from lava. it is formed when lava cools just above the earth's surface. How is acidic lava different from basaltic lava? Acidic lava is different from basaltic lava because it has a higher silica content in it than basaltic lava. The higher the silica level in a lava, the more viscous and less r …Geocardona 10 Contributions Is the basalt viscous lava?"
"docid": "D270269#0",
"title": "http://www.geoclassroom.com/101online/REVQST3.html\n.",
"text": "\"6. The statements that follow relate to terms describing igneous rock textures. For each statement, identify the appropriate term. ( a) Openings produced by escaping gases - vesicles (b) Obsidian exhibits this texture - glassy (not crystalline) (c) A matrix of fine crystals surrounding phenocrysts - the finer-grained matrix is the groundmass and the texture is porphyritic (d) Crystals are too small to be seen with the unaided eye - aphanitic texture (e) A texture characterized by two distinctly different crystal sizes - a porphyritic texture (phenocrysts and groundmass) (f) Coarse grained, with crystals of roughly equal size - phaneritic texture; the equal-size or equigranular idea helps students understand the difference between phaneritic and porphyritic-phaneritic textures (g) Exceptionally large crystals exceeding 1 centimeter in diameter - these may be phenocrysts, such as K-feldspar, in phaneritic, porphyritic granite; many crystals in pegmatites exceed 1 centimeter in diameter. In any case, these coarse mineral grains point to a long, sustained period of grain growth in the magma or to specific compositional factors, such as high water content, that greatly facilitate growth of large-size silicate mineral grains from a magma.7. Why are the crystals in pegmatites so large? Very large silicate mineral grains (crystals) indicate extremely fast, in-melt transport of the mineral constituents to the growing crystals. We know that pegmatite magmas are small volume, relatively low temperature melts that are extremely rich in water and other dissolved volatiles. The volatiles promote very fast rates of material transfer, thus accounting for rapid growth of very large crystals.8. What does a porphyritic texture indicate about igneous rock?"
"docid": "D534588#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/oceanic-crust-definition-composition-facts.html\nOceanic Crust: Definition, Composition & Facts",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 71K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses The Continental Crust: Definition, Formation & Composition Inner Core of the Earth: Definition, Composition & Facts Asthenosphere: Definition, Temperature & Density Outer Core of the Earth: Definition, Composition & Facts Lesson Transcript Instructor: Suzanne Rebert Suzanne has taught college economics, geography, and statistics, and has master's degrees in agricultural economics and marine affairs (marine resource management). A thin layer of rock separates the Earth's oceans from the hot mantle beneath them. In this lesson, you'll read about the composition and life cycle of this oceanic crust. Then you can take a quiz to test your understanding. What Is Oceanic Crust? All over the Earth, just a few miles below our feet, the powerful tectonic forces that create and destroy the Earth's crust are at work 24 hours a day. We're usually unaware of them until a violent earthquake, volcanic eruption, or tsunami threatens lives and property, but this cycle is essential to all life. It creates the crust of the Earth we walk on, and the crust that lies at the ocean floor. Oceanic crust is the part of the Earth's crust that makes up the seafloor. It's thinner, denser, and simpler in structure than the continental crust."
"docid": "D152989#0",
"title": "http://geology.about.com/od/more_igrocks/a/granite.htm\nWhat Is Granite?",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science What Is Granite? Share Flipboard Email Print Granite rock formations at Capo Testa, Sardinia, Italy. Gunter Ziesler/Stockbyte/Getty Imagesby Andrew Alden Updated October 17, 2017Granite is the signature rock of the continents. More than that, granite is the signature rock of the planet Earth itself. The other rocky planets— Mercury, Venus and Mars—are covered with basalt, as is the ocean floor of Earth. But only Earth has this beautiful and interesting rock type in abundance. Granite Basics Three things distinguish granite. First, granite is made of large mineral grains (its name is Latin for \"\"granum,\"\" or \"\"grain\"\") that fit tightly together. It is phaneritic, meaning its individual grains are large enough to distinguish with the human eye. Second, granite always consists of the minerals quartz and feldspar, with or without a wide variety of other minerals (accessory minerals)."
"docid": "D206495#0",
"title": "https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/mauisoil/a_factor_form.aspx\nSoil Formation",
"text": "Soil Formation Soil fertility is greatly influenced by the factors of soil formation. As soils form, nutrients are being continually removed from and added to the soil with time. The conditions that are present during soil formation ultimately determine how much and what kind of nutrients the soil can naturally supply and hold. In the previous section, we discussed how soil profiles vary from place to place. In fact, differences in soil make-up cause soils to behave and perform in many different ways. We have mentioned the process of weathering when we discussed soil mineral composition. Now, we will discuss the processes of weathering in terms of soil formation. We will begin by looking at the 5 factors of soil formation that cause great differences in the development of soil profiles on Maui. The 5 factors of soil formation are: Parent material Climate Biota Time Topography For a more detailed presentation of soil formation, click on the United States Department of Agriculture link below. This website contains definitions of the extensive classification system that is used to describe soils: http://soils.usda.gov/education/facts/formation.html Parent Material Parent material affects soil fertility in many ways."
"docid": "D93865#0",
"title": "http://www.mantleplumes.org/DefinitionOfAPlume2.html\n.",
"text": "A cactoplume, by Erik Lundin Definition of a Plume Don L. Anderson Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA [email protected]…you cannot prove a vague theory wrong. – Richard P. Feynman It is impossible to dissociate language from science or science from language, because every natural science requires words in which the concepts are expressed. To call forth a concept, a word is needed; to portray a phenomenon, a con cept is needed… – Antoine Lavoisier Overview The fluid dynamic definition of a plume in an homogeneous fluid may not be appropriate for features in the mantle. Thus, the petrological and geochemical usages of the term have become vague and flexible and it is difficult to obtain agreement among workers. As Lavoisier famously said “ …it is impossible to dissociate science from language… ”; in order to make progress we need clear concepts and a precise language. Introduction Recent studies do not support the existence of Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) type temperatures (ΔT~1500°C) or thermally driven mantle plumes originating from the CMB as the cause of ocean-island magmatism. Most Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) have inferred temperatures that overlap the range inferred at midocean ridges (see Thermal pages). In some studies, the temperatures inferred from magma at Hawaii fall outside the range of MORB but this is the only such location, for modern basalts, and the maximum anomaly is ΔT < 150°C. Even these modest temperature anomalies are contested [see Primary magmas at mid-ocean ridges ]. Hawaiian xenoliths do not support such high temperatures and other studies of magmas have a smaller excess temperature."
"docid": "D865283#0",
"title": "http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/geol204/volcan&magma.htm\n.",
"text": "EENS 3050Natural Disasters Tulane University Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Volcanoes, Magma, and Volcanic Eruptions This page last updated on 15-Sep-2015Since volcanic eruptions are caused by magma (a mixture of liquid rock, crystals, and dissolved gas) expelled onto the Earth's surface, we must first discuss the characteristics of magma and how magmas form in the Earth. Characteristics of Magma Types of Magma Types of magma are determined by chemical composition of the magma. Three general types are recognized: Basaltic magma -- Si O 2 45-55 wt%, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na Andesitic magma -- Si O 2 55-65 wt%, intermediate. in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, KRhyolitic magma -- Si O 2 65-75%, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na Gases in Magmas At depth in the Earth nearly all magmas contain gas dissolved in the liquid, but the gas forms a separate vapor phase when pressure is decreased as magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. This is similar to carbonated beverages which are bottled at high pressure. The high pressure keeps the gas in solution in the liquid, but when pressure is decreased, like when you open the can or bottle, the gas comes out of solution and forms a separate gas phase that you see as bubbles. Gas gives magmas their explosive character, because volume of gas expands as pressure is reduced. The composition of the gases in magma are: Mostly H 2 O (water vapor) & some CO 2 (carbon dioxide)Minor amounts of Sulfur, Chlorine, and Fluorine gases The amount of gas in a magma is also related to the chemical composition of the magma. Rhyolitic magmas usually have higher gas contents than basaltic magmas."
"docid": "D2144502#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Definition_of_igneous_rocks\nWhat are igneous rocks?",
"text": "Jake Weatherby 139,353 Contributions What are igneous rocks? Igneous rocks are rocks that form from the cooling of molten rockeither on the surface as lava or tephra or underground as magma. Paul Jones 112,553 Contributions Owner of Jones Mineral Cabinet, Geology and Paleontology Supervisor, interested in Earth and Planetary sciences What is an igneous rock? An igneous rock is one formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. Examples include basalt, rhyolite, pumice, scoria, granite, diorite, gabbro, and obsidian. … Paul Jones 112,553 Contributions Owner of Jones Mineral Cabinet, Geology and Paleontology Supervisor, interested in Earth and Planetary sciences What is igneous rock? Igneous rock is one of the three main rock types based on the method of its formation. It is also referred to as plutonic or volcanic rock depending on where it formed. In a n …What is the definition of Igneous Rock?what is the definition of igneous rocks Robert Hunter 1,150 Contributions What is the definition of an igneous rock? Solidified magma or lava."
"docid": "D189697#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/basalt\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "Princeton's Word Net (2.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:basalt (noun)the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark grey fine-grained igneous rock that is composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene Wiktionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:basalt (Noun)A hard rock of varied mineral content; volcanic in origin, it makes up much of the Earth's oceanic crust.basalt (Noun)A type of unglazed pottery. Webster Dictionary (4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Basalt (noun)a rock of igneous origin, consisting of augite and triclinic feldspar, with grains of magnetic or titanic iron, and also bottle-green particles of olivine frequently disseminated Basalt (noun)an imitation, in pottery, of natural basalt; a kind of black porcelain Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Basalt Basalt is a common extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of basaltic lava exposed at or very near the surface of a planet or moon. By definition, basalt is an aphanitic igneous rock with less than 20% quartz and less than 10% feldspathoid by volume, and where at least 65% of the feldspar is in the form of plagioclase. Basalt is usually grey to black in colour, but rapidly weathers to brown or rust-red due to oxidation of its mafic minerals into rust. It almost always has a fine-grained mineral texture due to the molten rock cooling too quickly for large mineral crystals to grow, although it can sometimes be porphyritic, containing the larger crystals formed prior to the extrusion that brought the lava to the surface, embedded in a finer-grained matrix. Basalt with a vesicular or frothy texture is called scoria, and forms when dissolved gases are forced out of solution and form vesicles as the lava decompresses as it reaches the surface. On Earth, most basalt magmas have formed by decompression melting of the mantle. Basalt commonly erupts on Io, the third largest moon of Jupiter, and has also formed on Earth's Moon, Mars, Venus, and the asteroid Vesta. Source rocks for the partial melts probably include both peridotite and pyroxenite. The crustal portions of oceanic tectonic plates are composed predominantly of basalt, produced from upwelling mantle below ocean ridges."
"docid": "D1518509#0",
"title": "http://www.sandatlas.org/basalt/\nBasalt",
"text": "Basalt Basalt is a very common dark-colored volcanic rock composed of calcic plagioclase (usually labradorite), clinopyroxene ( augite) and iron ore (titaniferous magnetite ). Basalt may also contain olivine, quartz, hornblende, nepheline, orthopyroxene, etc. Basalt is a volcanic equivalent of gabbro. Basalt is a fine-grained and dark-colored rock. Black color is given to basalt by pyroxene group mineral augite. Width of the sample is 12 cm. Basalt is usually black or dark gray and relatively featureless. It is composed of mineral grains which are mostly indistinguishable to the naked eye. Basalt may also contain volcanic glass. Basalt may contain phenocrysts (larger crystals within fine-grained groundmass) and vesicules (holes that were filled by volcanic gases )."
"docid": "D1992560#0",
"title": "http://geology.com/articles/east-africa-rift.shtml\nEast Africa's Great Rift Valley: A Complex Rift System",
"text": "\"Home » Plate Tectonics » The East Africa Rift System East Africa's Great Rift Valley: A Complex Rift Systemby James Wood and Alex Guth - Michigan Technological University Lake Bogoria and geyser - Image copyright Alex Guth. Figure 1: Colored Digital Elevation Model showing tectonic plate boundaries, outlines of the elevation highs demonstrating the thermal bulges and large lakes of East Africa. Click to Enlarge. The basemap is a Space Shuttle radar topography image by NASA. Part I. The East African Rift System The East African Rift System (EARS) is one the geologic wonders of the world, a place where the earth's tectonic forces are presently trying to create new plates by splitting apart old ones. In simple terms, a rift can be thought of as a fracture in the earth's surface that widens over time, or more technically, as an elongate basin bounded by opposed steeply dipping normal faults. Geologists are still debating exactly how rifting comes about, but the process is so well displayed in East Africa (Ethiopia-Kenya-Uganda-Tanzania) that geologists have attached a name to the new plate-to-be; the Nubian Plate makes up most of Africa, while the smaller plate that is pulling away has been named the Somalian Plate (Figure 1). These two plates are moving away form each other and also away from the Arabian plate to the north. The point where these three plates meet in the Afar region of Ethiopia forms what is called a triple-junction. However, all the rifting in East Africa is not confined to the Horn of Africa; there is a lot of rifting activity further south as well, extending into Kenya and Tanzania and Great Lakes region of Africa."
"docid": "D529112#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/mantle-plume-definition-lesson-quiz.html\nMantle Plume: Definition & Explanation",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 24K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Slab Pull: Definition & Theory Island Arc: Definition & Formation Ridge Push: Definition & Overview Batholith: Definition & Formation Lesson Transcript Instructor: Charles Spencer Charles teaches college courses in geology and environmental science, and holds a Ph. D. in Interdisciplinary Studies (geology and physics). Exactly what a mantle plume is and whether such things even exist, is not certain. Yet, they are proposed as an explanation for many volcanic features. You'll learn what geologists think they are in this lesson. What Is a Mantle Plume? A mantle plume is a large column of hot rock rising through the mantle. The heat from the plume causes rocks in the lower lithosphere to melt. The largest (and most persistent) mantle plumes are presumed to form where a large volume of mantle rock is heated at the core-mantle boundary, about 1,800 miles below the surface, although smaller plumes may originate elsewhere within the mantle. Once the temperature increases sufficiently to lower the rock density, a column of the hotter-than-normal rock (perhaps 2,000 kilometers in diameter) starts to rise very slowly through the surrounding mantle rocks."
"docid": "D1518506#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Basalt\nTalk:Basalt",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Basalt has been listed as a level-4 vital article in Science, Physics. If you can improve it, please do. This article has been rated as C-Class. [ hide] This article is of interest to the following Wiki Projects: Wiki Project Volcanoes [ show] (Rated C-class, Top-importance)Wiki Project Geology [ show] (Rated C-class, Top-importance)Wiki Project Rocks and minerals [ show] (Rated C-class, Top-importance)Contents [ hide ]1 Basalt2 Transitional alkalic basalts3 Recent changes4 Small usage fix5 Extremely confusing6 What about it's uses?7 Basalts' Uses8 Traprock8.1 What is being said?9 More data needed10 Commom uses11 Columnar Basalt and Trap Rock quite different12 Hexagonal Columns13 Hacked with Sex14 Higher Resolution Image Available15 Silica content16 Possible typo at the end of the \"\"Petrology\"\" section17 Basalt types18 Rework of the Basalt article19 Pillow basalts20 External links modified (January 2018)Basalt [ edit]Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock, sometimes porphyritic, and is often both fine-grained and dense. Basalt in the tops of subaerial lava flows and cinders will often be highly vesiculated, imparting a lightweight \"\"frothy\"\" texture to the rock. The term basalt is often casually applied to shallow intrusive rocks with a composition typical of basalt, but rocks of this composition with a phaneritic groundmass should generally be referred to as gabbro. The crustal portions of oceanic tectonic plates are predominantly made of basalt. This rock has bubbles in it for an interesting reason. The reason is that they were melted by lava. Frankly, I do not get a word of what it means."
"docid": "D2211539#0",
"title": "http://www.sandatlas.org/volcanic-glass/\nObsidian",
"text": "Obsidian Obsidian is a massive volcanic glass. The term ‘massive’ has several (although related) meanings in geology but here it means that the rock (obsidian is a rock type, not a mineral) is homogenous. It lacks layering, cleavage, foliation, phenocrysts, etc. It is just a piece of volcanic glass without further conditions. In the majority of cases obsidian solidified subaerially (on land). Volcanic glass that formed underwater has alternative names like tachylite and hyaloclastite. Typical obsidian is either black or slightly reddish and often demonstrates beautiful conchoidal fracture. Width of sample 11 cm. So the volcanic glass and obsidian are not synonyms although in many cases you can freely use both terms. It is definitely not wrong to use ‘volcanic glass’ instead of ‘obsidian’ but you should be careful the other way around — volcanic glass is not always obsidian."
"docid": "D1518510#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/basalt\nbasalt",
"text": "\"basaltnoun ba·salt \\ bə-ˈsȯlt, ˈbā-ˌ \\Popularity: Bottom 30% of words | Updated on: 3 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTime Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of basalt: a dark gray to black dense to fine-grained igneous rock that consists of basic plagioclase, augite, and usually magnetite—basalticplay \\ bə-ˈsȯl-tik \\ adjective See basalt defined for English-language learners See basalt defined for kids Recent Examples of basalt from the Web Though the country’s volcanoes are no longer active, violent eruptions millennia ago left behind spectacular basalt deposits in several parts of the country.— Bloomberg.com, \"\"Volcanic Wines Are Heating Up Around the Globe,\"\" 30 Mar. 2018Terry Maley will speak about basalt, one of the most recognizable and common rocks in Earth’s crust.— idahostatesman, \"\"A guided hike at Squaw Butte among upcoming outdoors events | Idaho Statesman,\"\" 26 Mar. 2018Nearby, at the striking basalt columns of the Giant's Causeway, the new Clifftop Experience is a three-hour guided trek exploring 5 miles of the Causeway coast.— USA TODAY, \"\"Rick Steves: What’s new in Britain and Ireland for 2018,\"\" 3 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'basalt.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Origin and Etymology of basalt Latin basaltes, manuscript variant of basanites touchstone, from Greek basanitēs ( lithos ), from basanos touchstone, from Egyptian bḫnw NEW! Time Traveler First Known Use: 1601See Words from the same year Other Geology Termsanthracite, boulder, cwm, erratic, igneous, intrusive, mesa, sedimentary, silt, swale BASALT Defined for English Language Learnersbasaltnoun Definition of basalt for English Language Learners: a type of dark gray to black rock Learn More about basalt See words that rhyme with basalt Spanish Central: Translation of basalt Nglish: Translation of basalt for Spanish speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about basalt Seen and Heard What made you want to look up basalt? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).show \""
"docid": "D72423#0",
"title": "http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/Natural_Disasters/volcan%26magma.htm\n.",
"text": "EENS 3050Natural Disasters Tulane University Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Volcanoes, Magma, and Volcanic Eruptions This page last updated on 15-Sep-2015Since volcanic eruptions are caused by magma (a mixture of liquid rock, crystals, and dissolved gas) expelled onto the Earth's surface, we must first discuss the characteristics of magma and how magmas form in the Earth. Characteristics of Magma Types of Magma Types of magma are determined by chemical composition of the magma. Three general types are recognized: Basaltic magma -- Si O 2 45-55 wt%, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na Andesitic magma -- Si O 2 55-65 wt%, intermediate. in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, KRhyolitic magma -- Si O 2 65-75%, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na Gases in Magmas At depth in the Earth nearly all magmas contain gas dissolved in the liquid, but the gas forms a separate vapor phase when pressure is decreased as magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. This is similar to carbonated beverages which are bottled at high pressure. The high pressure keeps the gas in solution in the liquid, but when pressure is decreased, like when you open the can or bottle, the gas comes out of solution and forms a separate gas phase that you see as bubbles. Gas gives magmas their explosive character, because volume of gas expands as pressure is reduced. The composition of the gases in magma are: Mostly H 2 O (water vapor) & some CO 2 (carbon dioxide)Minor amounts of Sulfur, Chlorine, and Fluorine gases The amount of gas in a magma is also related to the chemical composition of the magma. Rhyolitic magmas usually have higher gas contents than basaltic magmas."
] |
2200 | bath and body works winter scents 2014 | [
"docid": "D2294035#0",
"title": "http://www.musingsofamuse.com/2014/09/bath-body-works-holiday-2014-candles-launch.html\nBath & Body Works Winter 2014 Candles Launch",
"text": "Bath & Body Works Winter 2014 Candles Launch By Isabella Muse on September 25, 2014 10 Commentsin Bath and Body Works, Holiday Collections 2014, Home Fragrance Already? Yes, the Bath & Body Works Winter and Holiday 2014 Candles have launched! There are a new range of Fall/Thanksgiving 2014 White Barn Candles as well as a sneaky little peek at upcoming Holiday 2014 Candle scents as well. Take a little look!Mahogany Teakwood Mahogany, cedar, oak and relaxing lavender. Marshmallow Fireside Toasted marshmallows and sumptuous vanilla cream. Spiced Apple Toddy A blend of apple brandy and spiced plum, infused with mulled cider and tart cranberry. Hot Buttered Rum Buttered rum, vanilla and a hint of smooth caramel. Thanksgiving Feast aka Frosted Cranberry Cranberry with fall woods and fresh vanilla bean!Bergamot Woods Bergamot, lavender and deep green cypress. Sandalwood Citrus Mint leaves and sandalwood wrapped in musk. Thanksgiving Morning aka Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Pumpkin pecan waffles, pure maple syrup and a touch of brown sugar."
] | [
"docid": "D1467881#0",
"title": "https://www.ebates.com/bathandbodyworks.com\nBath and Body Works Coupons, Promo Codes & Cash Back",
"text": "1.0% Cash Back Shop Now Add to My Favorites Cash Back Terms Cash Back will be automatically added to your Ebates account tomorrow. Exclusions: Cash Back is not available on gift cards. About Bath and Body Works Coupons, Deals and Cash Back Bath and Body Works is a specialty personal care store offering the latest beauty products, fragrances, candles, lotions and more. Shop your signature scent and save on body sprays and fragrance mist with Cash Back at Ebates. Use Bath and Body Works coupons for special offers on candles, foaming hand soaps and dazzling home décor deals. Get stunning skin with luxurious body creams, hand lotions, beauty serums and night creams while saving with Bath and Body Works promo codes. Kick the germs to the curb with fragrant hand sanitizers and tantalizing deep cleansing soaps on sale. Transport your senses with Cash Back at Ebates on wallflowers plug-ins, room sprays and the best candle deals online. Sign up for Bath and Body Works emails to get an exclusive sneak peek on products, plus special offers and surprises. Freshen up with the best body care deals including shower gels and affordable travel body care while saving with Bath and Body Works coupon codes."
"docid": "D3308899#0",
"title": "https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Tom-Ford/Black-Orchid-1018.html\nBlack Orchid Tom Ford for women",
"text": "\"Designers » T-Z » Tom Ford Oriental Floral « Groups Black Orchid Tom Ford for women Sponsored Buy Tom Ford at Lucky Scent Buy it online BIG SALE on or Many items for sale on Online shops offers: Fragrance Net.com 7 items for 44.19 - 100.74 USDSephora.com, Inc. 6 items for 45.00 - 171.00 USDCos Bar 5 items for 56.00 - 171.00 USDMacys.com 5 items for 56.00 - 171.00 USDJet.com 11 items for 71.53 - 216.03 USDPerfumania.com 2 items for 85.00 - 137.50 USDNORDSTROM.com 6 items for 88.40 - 171.00 USDFragrance X.com 3 items for 105.29 - 142.19 USDLord & Taylor 1 product for 122.00 USDWalgreens 2 items for 167.99 - 167.99 USDView products... I have it I had it I want itlove like dislike winter spring summer fall day night Total people voted: 7019female 25- 25+ male 25- 25+I have it: 5513 I had it: 1476 I want it: 3906 My signature: 275main accordswarm spicysweetearthybalsamiccacao Pictures Black Orchid was created by perfume creators of fragrance company Givaudan in 2006. It was announced as oriental chypre. The top notes are French jasmine, black truffle, ylang-ylang, black currant and effervescent citrus. In the floral-spicy heart, dwells the Tom Ford 's black orchid, imaginary more than real, and the base combines woodsy notes (patchouli and sandalwood), dark chocolate, incense, amber, vetiver, vanilla and balsam.\"\" Black Orchid is opulent, classically dark; its fragrance is in line with the best creations of the best perfume houses. Luxurious and sensual fragrance with rich dark trace of black orchid and spices, modern and timeless. \"\" It remains to be said that Black Orchid is long lasting and with wide spread aura. \"\" This is not about an ordinary orchid, it's about something a little more strange and rare. I wanted the blackest orchid, and those aren't easy to find.\"\" The perfume is luxurious and the product range includes Eau de Parfum in 50ml (at US$90) and 100ml (at US$135) bottles, and limited edition of 5.000 15ml bottles of Parfum at US$600."
"docid": "D1382062#0",
"title": "http://www.healthyhomecleaning.com/which-norwex-face-cloths/\nNorwex has a whole line of bath & body microfiber, and the most popular (and my personal favorites) would have to be the Norwex face cloths â the Body Pack Cloths & the Makeup Removal Cloths . You can read my reviews of them here, and here, but in a nutshell, these cloths completely clean & exfoliate your skin with JUST WATER â no soaps or cleansers needed.",
"text": "You are here: Home / Norwex Product Reviews / 5 Star Reviews / Which Norwex Face Cloth Should I Use? Which Norwex Face Cloth Should I Use? October 15, 2012 by Suzanne Holt Share Tweet Norwex has a whole line of bath & body microfiber, and the most popular (and my personal favorites) would have to be the Norwex face cloths – the Body Pack Cloths & the Makeup Removal Cloths . You can read my reviews of them here, and here, but in a nutshell, these cloths completely clean & exfoliate your skin with JUST WATER – no soaps or cleansers needed. I often get emails from customers asking, “So, what’s the difference between the 2 types of Norwex Face Cloths; the Body Pack and the Makeup Removal Cloths ? Well, I’m glad you asked!they are velvety soft & have a suede like texture.extremely gentle for those with sensitive skin… great for kids faces.great for the tender skin around your eyes.they exfoliate your skin, but they’re not SUPER exfoliators… they just give your face a mild dose of dead skin removal! This makes them ideal for everyday use, you can use them both morning & night.they remove all traces of makeup, from foundation to mascara.they are smaller than the Body Pack, which makes them easy for kids to wrangle!even with my oily skin, these cloths are my pick for the dry winter months, when my poor cheeks take a beating from the cold.—————————————————————————————————they are a looser weave and a fuzzier texture.these are SUPER exfoliating cloths! If you have rough, dull skin from dead skin build up, you will be amazed at the transformation in the look and feel of your skin when you use one of these cloths. When I first started washing my face with the Body Pack Cloths, I just wanted to touch my face all the time because it felt so velvety & smooth.they are great for every day use IF you have oilier, “tougher” skin (like I do), but I don’t recommend them for daily use if you have sensitive or dry skin. If your skin is sensitive & prone to dryness, you should use the Makeup Removal Cloths daily, and only use the Body Pack Cloths once or twice a week for extra exfoliation."
"docid": "D3063179#0",
"title": "http://www.caretricks.com/skincare/how-to-get-rid-of-underarm-odor/\nHow to eliminate underarm odor",
"text": "How to eliminate underarm odor May 8, 2014 Sara Patz Taking regular baths and wearing clean clothes are the best way to get rid of underarm odor quickly. To eliminate and stop armpit odor naturally use home remedies like vinegar, baking soda, lemon, tea tree oil, aloe vera and honey. Following these tips daily will eliminate the bad smell from underarms in a week. Bad odor from body can lead to a very embarrassing situation. The actual reason for this bad scent is not sweat, the main offenders are the bacteria on skin that work on sweat leading to the unpleasant aroma. Take regular baths Taking regular baths is an important step for removing the sweat on skin. If you don’t take daily showers the number of bacteria on skin increases tremendously that can lead to body odor. Hence during baths properly wash both your underarms to prevent it from darkening and for removing the skin impurities. Use dry towels for body as moist ones contain a lot of bacteria in it. Also after a workout when you reach home, remove sweaty clothes, take a small shower and wear clean clothes."
"docid": "D876807#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warm\nwarm",
"text": "\"warm Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .warm (wôrm)adj. warm·er, warm·est1. Somewhat hotter than temperate; having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat; moderately hot: a warm climate.2. Having the natural heat of living beings: a warm body.3. Preserving or imparting heat: a warm jacket.4. Having or causing a sensation of unusually high body heat, as from exercise or hard work;overheated.5. Marked by enthusiasm; ardent: warm support.6. Characterized by liveliness, excitement, or disagreement; heated: a warm debate.7. Marked by or revealing friendliness or sincerity; cordial: warm greetings.8. Loving; passionate: a warm embrace.9."
"docid": "D1532615#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-babble/201501/smells-ring-bells-how-smell-triggers-memories-and-emotions\nSmells Ring Bells: How Smell Triggers Memories and Emotions",
"text": "Smells Ring Bells: How Smell Triggers Memories and Emotions Brain anatomy may explain why some smells conjure vivid memories and emotions. Posted Jan 12, 2015SHARETWEETEMAILMORESource: Wikimedia Commons Guest post by Amanda White Winter has arrived with a vengeance, blasting us with subzero wind chills and furious snow squalls. Though I don’t enjoy shoveling the driveway in these unhospitable conditions, it gives me the chance to savor the piercingly fresh scent of snow. This scent can instantly transport me back in time to one of those rare days in my childhood when there was enough snow to go sledding: We got the call around 5:30am that school was cancelled. I spent the entire day propelled by that euphoria – climbing up and riding down the sledding hill, building snow forts with the neighbors, and finally collapsing next to the fire, exhausted and content, after a mug of hot chocolate. That complex emotion and memory can be triggered by a simple sensory cue: the smell of winter air. How do smells trigger such strong emotions and memories? The answer is likely due to brain anatomy. Incoming smells are first processed by the olfactory bulb, which starts inside the nose and runs along the bottom of the brain. The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two brain areas that are strongly implicated in emotion and memory: the amygdala and hippocampus."
"docid": "D1614588#0",
"title": "http://www.theflowersavenue.com/freesia/\n",
"text": "March 21, 2012 Leave a comment Maya Barnes Flowers You can call the freesia flower the most fragrant flower. Freesia Alba was received very well in the 1878 when she was cultivated for the first time. There are 14 different species of freesias and their origin is African. Freesia flower has a very strong scent and you will see with their common colors white or yellow. It’s a favorite among all the springtime flowers. The freesia flower is part of the kingdom plantae, division Magnoliophyta, class liliopsida, order Asparagales, family Iridaceae and genus Freesia. Freesia flower is grown from a solid bulb like the Gladiolus and is native from South Africa. Its leaves are sword shaped of a light green color and can grow up to 1 feet high. The name of this beautiful flower was given by the Dr. Freese native form Germany. Freesia has a big variety of colors (white, yellow, orange, red, pink, mauve, lavender and purple) and also you can find bicolor versions."
"docid": "D654319#0",
"title": "http://humanheartnature.com/buy/index.php/feminine-care/natural-feminine-wash-chamomile-fresh.html\n.",
"text": "\"Chamomile Fresh Fem Wash63 Review (s)98.7% Natural | Hypoallergenic Genuinely safe cleansing Stay fresh and confident with nature's gentle touch for intimate care without any harmful chemicals that cause irritation, unwanted odor or health issues. ✓ Coconut-based, p H-balanced cleansing ✓ Protection from dryness with aloe extract ✓ Clinically tested safe for senstive skin ✓ Soothing chamomile scent100% no harmful chemicals ✓ Free from irritating SLS/SLES ✓ Paraben-free ✓ Synthetic fragrance-free Also available in Powder Cool and Chamomile Cool (with cooling sensation) scents, and with germ-fighting tea tree for your periods. Let's Chat Thank goodness I found this product, the best feminine wash ever. So mild and gentle, plus it's non irritating. Other commercial products gave me itch and burning sensation but this one is super super gentle.- Crystal Galemore reviews Php325.67Free Shipping within Metro Manila for orders above PHP2,000MONEY BACK GUARANTEEAdd To Cart Add to Wishlist BEAUTY TIPS INGREDIENTS REVIEWS AS SEEN INIt's a very nice feminine wash. It does the job by leaving a fresh,clean feeling after every use.... September Cruz (04/03/2011)read more reviews I like that it's natural and doesn't irritate, but I hope Human Nature improves the scent. ( We do want to smell extra great down there!) Also, I'm not sure if it's just me but after just a few months of opening the bottle, it kinda smells off already. I check the label and it's not yet expired, but the... Anna (10/08/2017)read more reviews The best feminine wash for me. It makes my intimate area feel fresh and clean."
"docid": "D3451119#0",
"title": "http://www.yorkieinfocenter.com/yorkshire-terrier-smell\nYorkshire Terrier Smells and Odors",
"text": "\"Member Sign Up The Book - Print & e Book Yorkshire Terrier Smells and Odors Overview We've heard quite a few owners ask if it is true that the Yorkshire Terrier breed has a particular smell or odor or if it is common for this dog to be smelly. In general, the Yorkshire Terrier breed does not have any breed related reasons for having a bad smell. However, there are reasons why a bad odor would permeate through the coat, ears, mouth and other areas. We are going to look at the explanations of why a smell may be coming from a Yorkie and steps that you can take to keep your puppy or dog from maintaining a fresh, clean scent. The Coat and Skin There are 2 elements that can build up on the coat that will combine to create a disagreeable odor:1- It is true that dogs mainly perspire through their paws, however this does not mean that the coat stays dry. A small amount of perspiration is emitted through hair follicles from the coat. While this is very light, in time - without the proper grooming and baths- this will begin to smell bad.2- Natural body oils are found on the skin and these are produced to keep both skin and coat healthy. This has a very light scent as well, but as with perspiration, it can build up to the point of having a bad odor. Skin conditions such as dry, irritated skin (sometimes due to allergies) can trigger the body to produce more oil than normal, and therefore without a few extra baths with a quality product that is both moisturizing and protecting, an odor can begin to build up. How to Resolve This -If your Yorkie has any sort of skin irritation (dry skin, yeast, mites), this should be treated."
"docid": "D1450307#0",
"title": "https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Houbigant/Chantilly-2685.html\nChantilly Houbigant for women",
"text": "\"Designers » F-H » Houbigant Oriental « Groups Chantilly Houbigant for women Sponsored Buy Houbigant at Lucky Scent Buy it online BIG SALE on or Right now there are 2 items on I have it I had it I want itlove like dislike winter spring summer fall day night Total people voted: 684female 25- 25+ male 25- 25+I have it: 535 I had it: 423 I want it: 144 My signature: 7main accordswarm spicycitruswoodybalsamicaromatic Pictures Chantilly by Houbigant is a Oriental fragrance for women. Chantilly was launched in 1941. The nose behind this fragrance is Marcel Billot. Top notes are fruity notes, neroli, bergamot and lemon; middle notes are spices, carnation, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose and orange blossom; base notes are leather, tonka bean, musk, benzoin, oakmoss, vanilla and sandalwood. Perfume rating: 3.51 out of 5 with 684 votes. Perfume Pyramid Top Notes Middle Notes Base Notes Main Notes According to Your Votes198 197186 167 164157 143 133123 116 115 11097 91 86 79 65Longevitydrag slider to vote User votespoor 2weak 12moderate 53long lasting 35very long lasting 13Sillagedrag slider to vote User votessoft 14moderate 73heavy 21enormous 20This perfume reminds me of10 noyes 6 noyes 5 noyes Advertisement Chantilly Fragrance Reviewsmschnabel666After wearing vintage heavier concentrations (EDT or Parfum) I do agree the drydown of Chantilly and Shalimar are almost exact. You won't find the heavy incense/smoke of Shal in Chantilly, but the drydowns are def very very similar. Love them both! For Chantilly tho-- vintage only! Luckily it's cheap and everywhere on ebay.mschnabel666There are 8oz body wash/bubble baths on ebay."
"docid": "D1467885#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/bhp/bath-and-body-works-wholesale\nBath and Body Works Wholesale",
"text": "\"NEW! BATH & AND BODY WORKS SCENTED BODY LOTION 8 FL OZ WHOLESALE CHOOSE VARIETY$9.13Buy It Now Free Shipping8 FL OZ SEALED FRESH BOTTLE. WE BUY FIRST PICK INVENTORY ALL YEAR AT LOWER THAN SALE PRICES!Condition: New Time left: 22d 9h 30m Sold by: indulge-beauty-boutique ( 25276)Bath and Body Works Moon Light Path DIAMOND Shimmer Mist New %99 full 8oz No Cap$12.99Buy It Nowor Best Offer Free Shipping BATH&BODY WORKS CHAMPAGNE APPLE HONEY FRAGRANCE MIST 8oz AS PICTURED READ DESC$14.77Buy It Now Free Shipping Bath and Body Works Moon Light Path Fine Fragrance Mist New %99 full 8oz No Cap$11.50Buy It Nowor Best Offer Free Shipping5 Bath and & Body Works Bourbon Strawberry Vanilla Ultra Shea Butter Body Cream$39.95Buy It Now3 Bath and & Body Works Plumeria Vitamin E & Shea Butter Body Lotion 8oz ea Lot$24.95Buy It Now Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Body Lotion 6.5 Fl Oz 192 Ml Night Time Tea$37.81Buy It Now Free Shipping Set of 5 Bath and & Body Works Plumeria Vitamin E & Shea Butter Body Lotion 8 oz$39.95Buy It Now3 Bath and & Body Works SPARKLING LIMONCELLO Hand Lotion Olive Oil Italian Lemon$39.95Buy It Now4x Bath Body Works Champagne Toast Shea Butter Vitamin E Body Lotion Shower Gel$39.95Buy It Now2 watching | 1 sold7pc Bath Body Works Apple Blossom & Lavender Body Lotion Shea Butter Milled Soap$34.95Buy It Now4x Bath Body Works Cocktail Dress Shea Butter Vitamin E Body Lotion Shower Gel$32.95Buy It Now5 Bath Body Works Honolulu Sun Ultra Shea Hand & Body Cream Lotion 24hr Moisture$49.95Buy It Now4 Bath Body Works WRAPPED IN SUGAR SOFT MARSHMALLOW Ultra Shea Hand & Body Cream$39.95Buy It Now2 watching Lot 5 Bath Body Works Cocktail Dress Shower Gel Shea Vitamin E Body Wash Set 10z$39.95Buy It Now3 watching | 2 sold4 Bath Body Works Apple Blossom & Lavender Body Lotion 8 oz Shea Butter & Vit E$49.95Buy It Now2 Bath Body Works Beach Nights Summer Marshmallow Fine Fragrance Mist Body Cream$25.95Buy It Now JAFRA ROYAL ALMOND *3 piece set* BODY LOTION +BODY OIL+ SHOWER GEL REG.$58.00$39.95Buy It Now JAFRA ROYAL ALMOND BODY LOTION +BODY OIL+ SHOWER GEL+WITH PUMPS 3 PC SET$56.00Buy It Now Free Shipping12 watching | 12 sold Bath And Body Works Essential Oils Almond & Vanilla Body Oil With Olive Oil 6 oz$14.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Avon 63pc Below Wholesale Mixed Lot Tanning, Kids, Bags, Samples, Mens, Bug New$38.00Buy It Now1 PC La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Souffle Body Cream 5.2oz,150ml Anti-Aging #8755$282.90Buy It Nowor Best Offer Free Shipping Bath & Body Works Get Happy White Peach Sabrina Fragrance Mist 8oz AS PIC READ DESC$12.77Buy It Now Free Shipping BRAND NEW BATH & BODY WORKS \"\"WINTER CANDY APPLE\"\" LOTION-8 FL. OZWINTER CANDY APPLE LOTION-BRAND NEW-8 FLOZ.-5% OFF$8.54Buy It Now JAFRA ROYAL ALMOND *2 piece set* BODY cream +BODY OIL REG.45.00$35.00Buy It Now***PERSONALIZED*** HAND & BODY SHEA BUTTER LOTION **Peppermint Fragrance 8oz$12.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Methode Physiodermie Calming Soothing Bath (CN) 100ml Fast Ship #da$70.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Hand & Body Lotion 8 ounce * Cinnamon Apples w/ Shea Butter Aloe Vera$9.99Buy It Now SHEA BUTTER AVOCADO Hand & Body Lotion 8 ounce **** CANDY APPLES FRAGRANCE$9.99Buy It Now Methode Physiodermie Slimming Bath Oil (DS) Salon 400ml Fast Ship #da$195.92Buy It Now Free Shipping See all results Browse Related Victoria Secret Wholesale Wholesale Makeup Wholesale Perfume Bath and Body Works Huge Lot Victoria Secret \""
"docid": "D343524#0",
"title": "http://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/blogs/how-often-do-you-really-need-to-shower\nHow often do you really need to shower?",
"text": "\"How often do you really need to shower? Most people think showering once a day is the norm, but there are plenty of people who don't — and it might be healthier. Starre Vartan January 28, 2014, 5:43 p.m.22k Tweet358147Is it really important to shower every single day? ( Photo: Nadya Korobkova/Shutterstock)If you don't shower much — but generally keep that information to yourself because of the negative stigma — you're not alone. Following hot on the heels of the no-shampooing hair care revolution, some folks are taking the logical next step: If no or reduced shampooing results in healthier, shinier hair, what about skipping soaping up the body? Unlike the modified hair-washing schedule, which tends to elicit commentary about shampoos and parabens, conditioners and hair-drying time, skipping showers altogether seems to bring up plenty of other opinions on the subject. Many people who do shower every day think that not doing so is inherently wrong and unhealthy. It's assumed that people who don't shower on the regular are stinky and/or greasy and maybe even visibly dirty — and it certainly can't be good for you. But considering that it has really only been the last 100 years or so that people have bathed more than once a week (Saturday night baths were the norm for most of American history), daily showering is actually not objectively healthier or better; and in fact, one of the most common reasons that people cut down on showering is actually for skin-health reasons, not laziness. As far as being actually physically dirty, most of us who don't work outside or aren't otherwise involved in daily work where we might get covered in dust, dirt or grease probably don't get any real dirt on anything other than our faces and hands most weeks."
"docid": "D2993641#0",
"title": "http://www.refocusonbeing.com/diy-essential-oil-diffuser-locket-necklaces/\nDIY Essential Oil Diffuser Locket Necklaces",
"text": "DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Locket Necklaces November 10, 2014 | 35 Comments A lthough it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, I am going to get you started on the path to an ultra-creative DIY Christmas. Have you made your own gifts for giving for Christmas before? If so, you know that it’s a process that requires both patience and time, so we are going to take advantage of having enough time to do it, and to do it right!So I’m teaming up with some of my favorite blogging friends to bring you our 12 Days of DIY Christmas series, where we’ll be sharing our favorite homemade gift ideas! ( The other participating posts are listed, and will keep growing, at the bottom of this post)The important thing to remember about this blog hop is to keep coming back to this post over the next two weeks and see what kind of great ideas we’re thinking up. New posts from these bloggers will keep getting added on here as they are published! How exciting is that? So, hit “bookmark” and start getting your D-I-Y on!HOW TO MAKE A DIY ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSER LOCKET NECKLACEI’ve started making my own essential oil diffuser necklaces. And when I started to do that, I wanted an option of something that was a little different than the clay necklaces (that are also beautiful, effective and can be a DIY project). I love metal jewelry. I love lockets."
"docid": "D3452531#0",
"title": "http://www.todayshomeowner.com/how-to-make-homemade-insecticidal-soap-for-plants/\nHow to Make Homemade Insecticidal Soap for Plants",
"text": "How to Make Homemade Insecticidal Soap for Plants By: Julie Day Use pure, natural soap and water when making insecticidal soap for your plants Thanks to insecticidal soap, controlling soft-bodied insects in your garden and on houseplants has never been easier! Here’s a simple recipe for making your own homemade insecticidal soap using ordinary household ingredients. Homemade Insecticidal Soap Recipe The simplest insecticidal soap is nothing more than a 2% soap solution. To make this at home, you will need: Sprayer: Any clean spray bottle or garden sprayer will work fine for spraying insecticidal soap. Make sure the sprayer or bottle hasn’t been used for herbicides. Pure Soap: Use a pure liquid soap, such as Castile, or all-natural soap. The active ingredient in insecticidal soap comes from the fatty acids in animal fat or vegetable oil, so it’s important to use the real thing. Don’t use detergents (which aren’t actually soaps), dish soaps, or any products with degreasers, skin moisturizers, or synthetic chemicals. Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap is usually pretty easy to find in stores, or check your local natural-foods store for other options. Pure Water: Tap water is fine for making insecticidal soap."
"docid": "D1662052#0",
"title": "https://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=86800/Semi--Annual-Sale/Bath-and-Body-Works/Other\nBath and Body Works Semi -Annual Sale",
"text": "\"Bath and Body Works Semi -Annual Sale4.88 reviews100% would repurchase WRITE A REVIEWINGREDIENTSFilter by skin/hair/eye All Filter by age All Sort By Date Start your review54321Princesa7on 1/11/2015 7:00:00 PMMore reviews by Princesa7Age: 36-43Skin: Combination, Tan, Neutral Hair: Brunette, Curly, Medium Eyes: Brown I love B&BW in general but their SAS's are awesome!! Two times a year in late December (right after Christmas) and in June are when they have them..this is the best time to stock up on the scents you love! My main suggestion is if you see something you want/need/like get it! If you wait it might be gone! Also get there early in the day if you can. You might run into long lines but its worth it due to the savings!!! ! Report Abusebeautyqueenstylebabyon 1/10/2015 10:13:00 PMMore reviews by beautyqueenstylebaby Age: 18 & Under Skin: Acne-prone, Medium, Not Sure Hair: Black, Wavy, Medium Eyes: Brown Best sales here ever! I went to my first semi annual sale here today and it was just DIVINE! Since almost everything thing in BBW is just around about $14USD originally, I ended up paying $3 for almost everything in my bag. It'd be great if it were everything in the store was 75% off ... but I guess that'd be too generous."
"docid": "D3128225#0",
"title": "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/168603579776529569/\nExplore Salt Recipe, Aromatherapy Recipes, and more!",
"text": "\"Salt Recipe Aromatherapy Recipes Aromatherapy Essential Oils Recipes For Bath Salts Recipe Weight Benches Essential Oils Muscle Relaxer Essential Oils Sore Muscles Epsom Salt We recently set up a weight bench in our basement… and the teenager started running track… The results? Lots of sore muscles in my house (not mine… I haven’t been that motiv…See more Homemade Recipe Homemade Crafts Homemade Soaps Diy Beauty Homemade Beauty Beauty Secrets Household Tips Lemongrass Essential Oil Essential Oils Make your own inflammation fighting bath salts with this easy homemade recipe featuring Bergamot and Lemongrass Essential oils. See more Back Pain Bath Salts Bath Salts Recipe Homemade Bath Salts Diy Herbal Bath Salts Diy Detox Bath Salts Bath Detox Esential Oils Homemade Christmas Diy Christmas Homemade Gifts Made with muscle-loving Epsom salts and anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic essential oils, relief is guaranteed with these Back Pain Bath Salts. See more10 DIY Recipes For The Most Relaxing Bath You Will Ever Have Bath Salts Recipe Diy Bath Salts Diy Baths Salt Recipe Peppermint Oil Bath Soak Epsom Salt Tea Tree Oil Young Living Essential Oils Cold Care Bath Soak Recipe with Apothecary Extracts Tea Tree Oil & Peppermint Oil See more Sore Muscle Soak Bath Salts (using essential oils)Homemade Bath Salts Bath Salts Recipe Pure Essential Oils Essential Oils Sore Muscles Diy Bath Salts With Essential Oils Detox Baths Xmas Gifts Diy Gifts Bath Bombs Take a luscious bath to sooth sore muscles with these bath salts using pure essential oils and other items you can find at the dollar store. Makes a great gift for only a few dollars. ( Fir needle, eucalyptus and lemongrass for this recipe)See more Sore Muscle Soak Bath Salts (using essential oils)Neighbor Gifts Sore Muscles Last Minute Gifts Pure Essential Oils Bath Salts Bath Bombs Christmas Crafts Homemade Christmas Great Gifts Sore Muscle Soak Bath Salts (using essential oils) - My Life Cookbook - low carb healthy everyday recipes. See more Valor Essential Oil Uses Essential Oils For Add Calming Essential Oils Essential Oil Blends Young Living Essential Oils Bath Salts Recipe Homemade Bath Salts Young Living Copaiba Young Living Oils Add 3 drops each Aroma Siez and Copaiba and 2 drops each and Peace and to 2 cups of Epsom Salts. Add to hot bath and soak. Smells amazing and helps relieve aching muscles and tension. See more Homemade Bath Soak – Bubbling Bath Salts Bath Bomb Recipes Homemade Beauty Diy Beauty Bath Soak Bath And Body Bubble Baths Bath Salts Beautiful Bathrooms Bath Bombs Try this easy homemade bath soak."
"docid": "D3185896#0",
"title": "http://www.attarmist.co.uk/what-is-attar/\nWhat is Attar?",
"text": "Home FAQ's What is Attar? What is Attar? Attar Mist Categories Sale Attar Oud Collection Incense Bakhoor Bakhoor Burners Unique Favors Gift Sets Attar ( Arabic: عطر ) also known as ittar is a natural perfume oil derived from botanical sources, such as flowers ( jasmine, rose, sandalwood and more), herbs, spices, or barks. Oils can also be expressed by chemical means but generally natural perfumes which qualify as Attars are distilled naturally. Once obtained, these oils are generally distilled into a wood base such as sandalwood and then aged. The aging period can last from one to ten years depending on the botanicals used and the results desired. These all-natural perfumes are highly concentrated and therefore are usually offered for sale in small quantities and have traditionally been offered in decorated crystal cut type bottles or small jewelled decanters. Attars are popular throughout the Middle East, South Asia (Far East of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) and parts of Africa. Attars have been used in Eastern world for thousands of years. These 100% pure and natural perfumes are free of alcohol and chemicals and so the problems faced in the West by perfume lovers are irrelevant to most Eastern perfume lovers."
"docid": "D1290400#0",
"title": "https://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=6245/Stress-Relief-Aromatherapy-Line/Bath-and-Body-Works/Skincare---Body\nBath and Body Works Stress Relief Aromatherapy Line",
"text": "Bath and Body Works Stress Relief Aromatherapy Line4.718 reviews83% would repurchase WRITE A REVIEWINGREDIENTSFilter by skin/hair/eye All Filter by age All Sort By Date Start your review54321BADKITTY13on 7/28/2015 1:07:00 AMMore reviews by BADKITTY13Age: 44-55Skin: Combination, Fair-Medium, Not Sure Hair: Brunette, Other, Other Eyes: Brown Love the bubble bath lotion and the candle is the best!!!! Soooo relaxing! By fat my favorite!!! ! Report Abuseseaof Love87on 1/25/2014 7:32:00 PMMore reviews by seaof Love87Age: 19-24Skin: Dry, Medium, Warm Hair: Brunette, Straight, Fine Eyes: Brown I have the Eucalyptus Spearmint body wash/foam bath, but I use it as a bubble bath & it's amazing. After a long day of work and school I absolutely look forward to coming home and filling my bath up with this stuff. It bubbles up really well and the smell is very calming and relaxing. The bottle says to breathe deep and when I do I can feel the days stress just melting away. Not sure if it's because the bottle says 'stress relief' or what, but it's nice. The scent is perfect, the spearmint is just lovely. The packaging is attractive and easy to use."
"docid": "D2455626#0",
"title": "http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php/7622-Using-Pheromones-for-Attraction-amp-Bonding-Article\nUsing Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Article",
"text": "\"Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Article Found this on-line recently... thought it made some interesting points. I\\'m not sure though how accurate it actually may be or if perhaps assumptions were presented as fact. So take it as most information detailed on this medium... skeptically with a grain of salt so to speak. However, for those who are more typically in the know, please feel free correct any or all errors. Thanks [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif [/img] Using Pheromones for Attraction and Bonding The purest union that can exist between a man and a woman is that created by the sense of smell and sanctioned by the brain\\'s normal assimilation of the animate molecules emitted by the secretions produced by two bodies in contact and sympathy, and in their subsequent evaporation. --Auguste Galopin in \\\"\"The Perfume of Women and the Sense of Smell in Love\\\"\" Make Them Look at Your Face! When you wear clothes, your body heats the air around it. This causes the air to rise toward your highest opening in your clothes. As the heated air rises, it picks up the pheromones secreted from your skin, and, as this air emerges around your neck, it causes people to look at you more directly and notice your face. However, human pheromone levels peak at around age 18, then slowly decline throughout our lives."
"docid": "D2785337#0",
"title": "http://lavishlynatural.com/ylangylang/\n9 Ylang Ylang Benefits for Your Hair & Body",
"text": "9 Ylang Ylang Benefits for Your Hair & Body January 9, 2014 by Erica King Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) Oil, is a balancing, soothing fragrance for many natural hair and body care solutions. This oil comes from the big droopy yellow flowers of the cananga tree. These fast growing trees are often found in tropical climates (India, Indonesia, the Philippines), and used for their fabulous fragrance. The oil has a strong, sweet, floral scent and is sold in 4 commercial grades: Extra – the finest, comes from the first distillation One Two Three (what I’m currently using)I was surprised when my oldest daughter Asia (who is quite the mixtress herself:) wanted to shake some in our nightly hair oil. Depending on the style, I’ll braid or twist her hair at night, and take it down in the morning. It gives her hair a pretty curly effect without heat. It also saves me lots of time so I can do Laila’s hair (also thick and luscious), mine, and still get them to school on time!Shiny…these were taken before bed, but you can still see a few of her curls We’ve been on a heavy coconut oil spree over the last few weeks (we bought a big jar from Costco) and I use this to apply to her hair after detangling with spritz (water with lavender oil and nettle). It makes her hair super soft and shiny. I added more water to the spray bottle and shook in a little ylang ylang because I love the smell (and it calms the house before bedtime). She asked me – What’s ylang ylang Mommy, what’s it do?"
] |
2201 | bathroom renovations cost | [
"docid": "D54870#0",
"title": "http://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/bathrooms/remodel-a-bathroom/\nHow Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Bathroom?",
"text": "Find more information below on the costs of common accessories included in a bathroom remodel, along with design ideas and considerations concerning hiring a remodeling bathroom contractor. You want to get the best bathroom possible for your dime, so make sure you are armed with plenty of knowledge before you start calling. Return to Top Estimating Bathroom Remodel Costs Determining your budget could be tricky when planning your renovation. A large factor in determining cost will be the size of your bathroom, ranging from small to medium or master bathroom size. The fixtures you will need to fit in your bathroom will range in price depending on their size. The list of fixtures involved in remodeling a bathroom can include elements like faucets and fixtures, floor plan changes (like converting a half bath to full bath ), new showers or baths, new flooring, countertops, cabinets and lighting. This long list of comes with a lot of different prices and options to compare before choosing what to buy for your bath remodel. Here is a chart with some of the many options involved in a bathroom remodel, including the least expensive (small) to most expensive (master) costs for each: Option Low Range Mid Range High Range Install bathtub$400 - $1,500 $2,600 - $4,100 $6,000 - $8,000Install cabinets$1,200 - $3,500 $4,700 - $7,000 $8,000 - $13,000Install countertops$900 - $2,000 $2,800 - $4,100 $5,000 - $6,500Install flooring$800 - $2,000 $2,500 - $3,600 $5,000 - $7,000Install lighting fixture $120 - $900 $1,100 - $1,700 $2,500 - $4,000Install shower$450 - $2,000 $3,000 - $4,800 $6,000 - $10,000Install sink$190 - $900 $1,400 - $2,300 $3,500 - $6,500Install toilet $130 - $250 $340 - $480 $550 - $780Remember: you don't have to include all of these items in your bathroom remodel, unless you're building a whole new bathroom from scratch. You always have the option to add some pieces–sink, toilet and lighting fixtures–after you've done the bigger projects to spread out costs. Also consider that some of these projects–bathtub installation/remodel, shower installation or cabinet installation–have smaller, cheaper alternatives."
] | [
"docid": "D2613397#0",
"title": "http://singaporedesignrenovation.com/hdb-renovation-singapore/hdb-4-room-renovation-singapore/\nHDB 4 Room Renovation",
"text": "HDB 4 Room Renovation HDB 4-room renovation packages offered in Singapore are highly versatile for our customers as 4-room flat types remain the most common, making up the highest percentage of HDB dwellings in Singapore. Although the sizes of 4-room HDB flats have decreased over time (today’s average size of a HDB 4-room unit is approximately 90 sqm, or 969 sqft), renovating or remodeling 4-room HDB unit types still offer a good base size for HDB contractors to work on due to the various 4 room models (4A, 4NG, 4I, 4S & 4STD) made available by the Housing and Development Board. They are also often of regularly-shaped layouts. The 4A type is generally bigger than the rest of the four-room flat type floor plans; some are even up to 105 sqm in size.4-Room HDB Renovation – what to note? HDB 4-room flats typically come with a living room (doubled up as living/ dining areas), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite to master bedroom, 1 common bath), and a kitchen. Key areas of consideration when renovating, revamping or re-configuring a 4-room HDB flat: Flooring Beside the type of floor finishes you select, the floor area largely determines the cost of new flooring. An average 4-room HDB flat is of 90 sqm, or 969 sqft in area. Assuming an average per square foot price for laminate flooring (simulated wood flooring finish) to be at $4.00 psf. Taking 85% of the total floor area as living and bedrooms floor space, expect to pay at least about $3,300 for laminate flooring alone. If you opt for better quality flooring such as hardwood floors or marble finish, be prepared to pay about 2 or 3 times of what it would have costs you for laminate flooring, respectively (> $6,000 for hardwood flooring and >$9,000 for marble floors)."
"docid": "D2668945#0",
"title": "http://costowl.com/home-improvement/bathroom-remodeling-cost.html\nHow Much Does It Cost To Remodel a Bathroom?",
"text": "Home > Home Improvement > Bathrooms > Remodel a Bathroom How Much Does It Cost To Remodel a Bathroom? Bathroom Remodel Prices If you asked 100 homeowners about bathroom remodeling you'd probably get 100 different answers about what the project would entail. There is one point, however, that everyone would agree upon: a bathroom renovation isn't cheap. That said, updates to the bathroom hold their value well and overall, the investment is a sound one for homeowners. As for the difficult job of estimating bathroom remodeling cost, this buying guide looks at what people around the country are paying in an effort to help you start budgeting and planning your own remodel. Factors Influencing the Cost of Bathroom Renovation The complexities of estimating bath remodeling costs cannot be overstated. When individual homeowner preferences, bathroom size, and the enormous range of fixtures, flooring, bathtubs, shower surrounds, cabinets, countertops, and other options are considered, it's easy to see why options, and potential price tags, are virtually limitless. Still, certain factors make more of an impact than others on project cost. Some of the most significant are explained below. Home Location: Bathroom remodeling estimates tend to be the lowest in southern states, while homeowners in the West and the Northeast should expect to pay more."
"docid": "D2821358#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelormove.com/cost-calculators/\nCost Calculators",
"text": "Renovation Calculator Q&AQ: How do Remodeling Cost Calculators Work? A: The remodel cost calculators here on remodelormove.com use a combination of room size, location, a homeowners preference for quality of material, how much work a homeowner will do themselves and the homes location to calculate remodel costs. Q: Remodel Cost Estimator versus a Remodel Cost Calculator? A: A remodel cost estimator is another name for a remodel cost calculator. Both provide a remodeling cost estimate for a project like a kitchen, bathroom, or finishing a basement or for a whole house Q: What Renovation Calculators are available? A: Remodelormove.com had renovation calculators for kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations, basement finishing, attic finishing, bedroom additions and renovations and whole house renovations. Q. When should I use a Home Renovation Calculator? A: A home renovation calculator is very helpful when you first start considering a home addition or home renovation project and need a calculator to help you get an idea of the cost for your specific home renovation. The home renovation calculators here on www.remodelormove.com use a number of variables including your location, who you will hire to do the home renovation, the size of the home addition, and the types of materials you will use to calculate your home renovation costs. Q. Should I still get a remodeling cost estimate from a contractor?"
"docid": "D3452161#0",
"title": "https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/raise-the-value-of-your-home-with-these-remodeling-tips/\nRaise the Value of Your Home with These 7 Remodeling Tips",
"text": "When it comes to home renovations, the money that you put in cannot always be recouped when it comes time to sell. Most people want to get the best value for their dollar when doing home renovations and there are some important things to keep in mind. Before you decide on a remodel, consider the cost versus the value, and decide if the remodel you want to do is a worthy investment. Ultimately, you want to improve your home and then when it comes time to sell, you can command a higher price. The following remodel ideas may help you add some value to your home.1. Increase Light and Space Dark, cramped rooms are no good when it comes to real estate. One thing that homeowners can do to increase the appeal of their property is open up the house to create more of a flow and enhance natural light. Consider knocking down some walls to brighten up a space. An open floor plan will also make a home feel much larger and is better for entertaining. Perhaps you’ve wanted to do this for years, but worried about the cost."
"docid": "D586826#0",
"title": "http://www.rempros.com/installation-prices/bathroom_remodeling_cost.html\nBathroom remodeling cost",
"text": "Bathroom remodeling cost2017 Bathroom remodeling cost calculators - bathroom renovation labor fees estimator. 1Labor charges and associated with remodeling fees for bathroom renovation projects. Before using calculator read about remodeling costs and estimating labor expenses Input parameters Bathroom dimensions (feet) 2 Width Length Height Bathroom type Property details Project details Demolishing Garbage disposal Bathroom window (s) replacement Bathroom door replacement Framing Insulation Plumbing Electrical Drywall / backer boards installation Sq. Ft. of drywall Sq. Ft. of backer boards Tile installation Sq. Ft. of floor tile Sq. Ft."
"docid": "D353630#0",
"title": "http://www.london-bathroomfitters.com/bathroom-renovation-cost/\nBathroom renovation cost",
"text": "Bathroom installation cost Our Pricing Policy Installation costs will be quantified after a design and schedule of products to be fitted has been prepared. We will provide a firm quotation, not an estimate. The typical bathroom renovation includes:removal and dispose wall and floor tiles; removal and dispose units: bath, toilet, washbasin; plumbing for new bath , toilet, washbasin and radiator and installation of all units; tiling all walls and floor; building bath panel and tile over; fitting bath screen; fitting accessories. Average labour cost of bathroom renovation starts from £2800 up to £5000While estimate the cost we take into account the size of the bathroom, type of tiles and units you want to install The whole project of bathroom installation usually takes from 10 up to 14 days. Below are two examples. Please note: this are estimates, not quotations. You can browse our portfolio page HERE and check the prices!"
"docid": "D2613398#0",
"title": "http://singaporedesignrenovation.com/tag/hdb-4-room-renovation/\nHDB 4 Room Renovation",
"text": "HDB 4 Room Renovation HDB 4-room renovation packages offered in Singapore are highly versatile for our customers as 4-room flat types remain the most common, making up the highest percentage of HDB dwellings in Singapore. Although the sizes of 4-room HDB flats have decreased over time (today’s average size of a HDB 4-room unit is approximately 90 sqm, or 969 sqft), renovating or remodeling 4-room HDB unit types still offer a good base size for HDB contractors to work on due to the various 4 room models (4A, 4NG, 4I, 4S & 4STD) made available by the Housing and Development Board. They are also often of regularly-shaped layouts. The 4A type is generally bigger than the rest of the four-room flat type floor plans; some are even up to 105 sqm in size.4-Room HDB Renovation – what to note? HDB 4-room flats typically come with a living room (doubled up as living/ dining areas), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite to master bedroom, 1 common bath), and a kitchen. Key areas of consideration when renovating, revamping or re-configuring a 4-room HDB flat: Flooring Beside the type of floor finishes you select, the floor area largely determines the cost of new flooring. An average 4-room HDB flat is of 90 sqm, or 969 sqft in area. Assuming an average per square foot price for laminate flooring (simulated wood flooring finish) to be at $4.00 psf. Taking 85% of the total floor area as living and bedrooms floor space, expect to pay at least about $3,300 for laminate flooring alone. If you opt for better quality flooring such as hardwood floors or marble finish, be prepared to pay about 2 or 3 times of what it would have costs you for laminate flooring, respectively (> $6,000 for hardwood flooring and >$9,000 for marble floors)."
"docid": "D703367#0",
"title": "https://www.plumbers911.com/bathroom-repair-cost/\nUnderstanding How A Bathroom Repair Cost Is Estimated",
"text": "Categories24 Hour Plumbing Service Air Conditioning Repair Backflow Prevention Bathroom Plumbing Bathroom Remodeling Bathroom Repair Boiler Repair Commercial Drain Cleaning Commercial Plumbing DIY Plumbing Drain Pipe Cleaning Drain Repair Faucet Repair Fire Sprinkler System Garbage Disposal Gas Submetering Gas System Installation Grease Trap Maintenance Home Plumbing HVAC Maintenance Hydrojetting Service Kitchen Plumbing Kitchen Remodeling Lawn Sprinkler Systems Leak Detection Mainline Video Inspection Pipe Repair Plumbing Appliances Plumbing Fixture Installation & Repair Plumbing Repair Repiping Residential Plumbing Seasonal Tips Septic Tank Care Sewer Cleaning Sewer Repair Sewer System Maintenance Shower Installation and Repair Sprinkler System Sub-metering Installation and Repair Sump Pump Repair Sump Pumps Toilet Installation Toilet Repair Uncategorized Water Filtration Systems Water Heater Installation & Maintenance Water Heater Repair Water Softener Systems Water Sub-Metering Understanding How A Bathroom Repair Cost Is Estimated Your once beautiful bathroom will surely deteriorate over time. The tiles will eventually have molds. Your ceramic throne will turn yellowish. The flooring might get chipped off or incur cracks on it. Pipes will get corroded. All these things are normal and the only way to bring your toilet and bath back to its fabulous self is to have it renovated or repaired. Thus, leading us to the big question, “How much does a bathroom repair cost?” There are many factors that affect the cost of renovating a bathroom. It may be influenced by the average fee charged by professional contractors based on the area where you live in. It may be affected by the price of bathroom construction materials in the market."
"docid": "D76157#0",
"title": "http://homeguides.sfgate.com/much-cost-renovate-house-58530.html\nHow Much Does it Cost to Renovate a House?",
"text": "Written by Kimberlee Leonard; Updated July 19, 2017Homeowners often fear that a home renovation opens a financial and emotional can of worms. Renovation costs vary from DIY with no labor costs to high-end materials and contractors. Each situation is unique, although you can get an idea with these home renovation project average prices. Kitchen Renovation A typical range for a kitchen remodel is between $12,000 and $33,000. The national average is about $21,000. So many things go into these renovation numbers that its hard to trust them until you look at your own kitchen. Establish the basic floor plan, including square footage, number of lower and upper cabinets, appliances and the location of utilities and windows. To gut and replace existing items with home improvement box store cabinetry and low-end appliances yourself is much less expensive than moving water or gas lines, taking a wall down and buying high-end appliances. Stock cabinets cost anywhere from $60 to $200 per linear foot, while custom cabinets range between $500 and $1,200 per linear foot or more. Appliance packages start around $1800 and go all the way up to $20,000 for top-end units."
"docid": "D923860#0",
"title": "https://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/bathrooms/remodel-a-bathroom/\nHow Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Bathroom?",
"text": "Find more information below on the costs of common accessories included in a bathroom remodel, along with design ideas and considerations concerning hiring a remodeling bathroom contractor. You want to get the best bathroom possible for your dime, so make sure you are armed with plenty of knowledge before you start calling. Return to Top Estimating Bathroom Remodel Costs Determining your budget could be tricky when planning your renovation. A large factor in determining cost will be the size of your bathroom, ranging from small to medium or master bathroom size. The fixtures you will need to fit in your bathroom will range in price depending on their size. The list of fixtures involved in remodeling a bathroom can include elements like faucets and fixtures, floor plan changes (like converting a half bath to full bath ), new showers or baths, new flooring, countertops, cabinets and lighting. This long list of comes with a lot of different prices and options to compare before choosing what to buy for your bath remodel. Here is a chart with some of the many options involved in a bathroom remodel, including the least expensive (small) to most expensive (master) costs for each: Option Low Range Mid Range High Range Install bathtub$400 - $1,500 $2,600 - $4,100 $6,000 - $8,000Install cabinets$1,200 - $3,500 $4,700 - $7,000 $8,000 - $13,000Install countertops$900 - $2,000 $2,800 - $4,100 $5,000 - $6,500Install flooring$800 - $2,000 $2,500 - $3,600 $5,000 - $7,000Install lighting fixture $120 - $900 $1,100 - $1,700 $2,500 - $4,000Install shower$450 - $2,000 $3,000 - $4,800 $6,000 - $10,000Install sink$190 - $900 $1,400 - $2,300 $3,500 - $6,500Install toilet $130 - $250 $340 - $480 $550 - $780Remember: you don't have to include all of these items in your bathroom remodel, unless you're building a whole new bathroom from scratch. You always have the option to add some pieces–sink, toilet and lighting fixtures–after you've done the bigger projects to spread out costs. Also consider that some of these projects–bathtub installation/remodel, shower installation or cabinet installation–have smaller, cheaper alternatives."
"docid": "D780859#0",
"title": "http://www.realtor.com/advice/home-improvement/how-much-does-a-bathroom-remodel-cost/\nWhat Does a Bathroom Remodel Cost? You'd Better Sit Down First",
"text": "\"A bathroom remodel cost might not be the highest in the house, but for as long as humankind has been renovating bathrooms, contractors have been raking in a pretty penny on the process. That's because, along with your bedroom, the bathroom is the space in your home that you're guaranteed to spend time in every day. And if yours looks like something out of the Middle Ages, maybe it's time for an update. But just how much does a bathroom remodel cost? On average, a bathroom renovation will set you back $17,908, according to Remodeling magazine. That number will range dramatically, though, depending on a variety of factors from whether you're moving plumbing to which materials you use. Related Articles Try These 4 Tricks to Make a Tiny Bathroom Feel Huge7 Bathroom Renovations That Really Pay Off Ridiculously Easy Ways to Update Your Bathroom in One Weekend—on the Cheap\"\"On average, you should budget $10,000 to $30,000 for a bathroom remodel,\"\" says Paloma Contreras , a Houston-based interior designer behind La Dolce Vita and member of the National Kitchen & Bath Association’s new trend forecasting panel, the NKBA K+B Insiders. Here's more of what you need to know below, how to save money on a bathroom renovation, and how it'll pay off in spades when you decide to sell your home. Bathroom remodel cost breakdown What's with the big price tag to renovate what's usually a small room? Well, it's because of the midrange prices for the big-ticket items: Cabinets: $4,700 to $7,000Shower: $3,000 to $4,800Countertops: $2,800 to $4,100Bathtub: $2,600 to $4,100Flooring: $2,500 to $3,600Lighting: $1,100 to $1,700Toilet: $340 to $480Custom carpentry and luxury materials such as marble and high-end plumbing fixtures will increase remodel costs substantially."
"docid": "D878213#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/where-we-live/post/estimating-the-cost-of-your-home-renovation-project/2012/10/02/52314cfa-0ca4-11e2-a310-2363842b7057_blog.html\nEstimating the cost of your home renovation project",
"text": "Many a would-be real estate flipper has underestimated renovation costs. All too often, I receive an e-mail from someone saying they have a great deal for me on a home that only needs about $10,000 in fix up. I normally send those right to junk mail because in most cases $10,000 doesn’t even buy new carpet and paint. Rosy renovation estimates are probably the No. 1 killer of real estate flippers. Before you dive into the first flip project or even that home remodeling project, do some homework and get real about the material and labor costs. View Photo Gallery: Northern Virginia real estate investor Justin Pierce transforms neglected houses into remarkable homes. “I don’t need to know the labor costs,” says the do-it-yourselfer. You’d still better have a realistic estimate on time. The labor costs may not hit your wallet but they will certainly hit your lower back, knees and possibly personal life."
"docid": "D1017919#0",
"title": "https://www.finder.com.au/bathroom-renovation-costs-australia\nHow much does a bathroom renovation cost?",
"text": "How much does a bathroom renovation cost? Discover how much you’ll need to dish out to spruce up your bathroom. Revamping your bathroom is a pursuit that can add significant value to your home, so it’s important to plan ahead to ensure a smooth execution. The cost of bathroom renovations can depend on a number of variables, including the location of your home, the size of the area, the type of materials used (not to mention the cost of construction materials), the quality of finish and independent installation and labour costs. Find out what you’ll need to fork out for your next project. Using the Home Design Directory calculator, we’ve estimated how much you may need to spend for a budget, mid-range and premium bathroom renovation project. What’s the cost of a bathroom renovation? Home Safe Group provides the estimate range for different bathroom renovation projects: Budget - $5,000 - $15,000Standard - $15,000 - $25,000Premium - $25,000+How about the average cost? As the “average” bathroom renovation cost can be misleading, the best way to budget for your bathroom renovation is to source several itemised quotes from suppliers. Once you have several quotes, you can compare the costs to help guide your budget planning."
"docid": "D2947799#0",
"title": "https://www.thepricers.com/bath-fitter-cost/\nHow Much Does Bath Fitter Cost",
"text": "Appliances, Family & Lifestyle, Home and Garden How Much Does Bath Fitter Cost Before talking about prices, we should take a moment and explain what bath fitters are, for those that have never heard of one before. A bath fitter is what we call the liner made of acrylic molded sheets, that is placed between the walls of the bathroom and your tub. Most people dislike the look of water stained old tiles in the bathroom, so a simple way to fix these problems is to install a bath fitter on the walls that touch the tub, to give them an ongoing clean and fresh look. This brings us to the most important question: How much will bath fitters cost you? As you can already tell, the price of bath fitter is a lot smaller than the cost of replacing your tub and the stained tiles around it. You will find an average bath fitter price somewhere between $600 and $1,200, depending on the shop you pick. While you’re installing bath fitters, you should also look for other bathroom accessories or furniture, like soap holder, hanging rack for your shampoo and other bathing products. They will cost a little extra, but you might be able to snatch a small discount for getting more items within a single buy, depending on the store you buy them from. Bath Fitter Price Detailed If you’re looking for a cheap solution, then you can find tub liners for around $600 to $1,000, but those will only cover the tub. If you’re looking for a more complex bathroom redecoration, then the cost of bath fitter and other accessories will be a little higher."
"docid": "D492366#0",
"title": "https://www.realtor.com/advice/home-improvement/how-much-does-it-cost-to-renovate-a-house/\nHome Renovation Costs That Add Up Fast: The Numbers You Should Know",
"text": "\"Home renovations costs may not be easy to swallow on top of the purchase price of a house, but if you're buying a fixer-upper or you moved into your home ages ago, eventually the time may come when you start itching to make some updates. And that will get you wondering: How much does it cost to renovate a house? Knowing your numbers ahead of time is crucial, lest you end up with plans that are bigger than your budget. So before you so much as eye a tile sample, check out this detailed breakdown on how much your dream upgrades will set you back. Home renovation costs The exact cost of revamping your living space will depend on its size, the region you live in, and just how much of a face-lift it needs. To get a rough idea, Than Merrill, founder of Fortune Builders.com, says the general costs associated with a remodel look like this: Low ($25,000 to $45,000): Interior and exterior painting, small repairs (like refinishing cabinets) and new landscaping. Medium ($46,000 to $75,000): The low-cost upgrades above, plus a total kitchen renovation and minor bathroom upgrade. High ($76,000 and up): Low- and medium-cost upgrades, plus fixing any foundation issues, roof and sewer line problems. The largest renovation expenses Sure, paint can play a big part in a remodel, but gallons of semi-gloss will be a drop in the bucket compared with big-ticket items for certain rooms (we're looking at you, kitchen and bathroom ). Remember, it's the appliances and cabinets in those rooms that eat up the biggest chunk of money."
"docid": "D1235406#0",
"title": "http://www.homedesigndirectory.com.au/calculators/kitchen-cost-estimates.php\nKitchen cost calculator",
"text": "\"Wonder what your home is worth? Find out with our free service. HOME DESIGN KITCHENS & BATHROOMS HOME CONSTRUCTION DIY GARDENING PROPERTY & REAL ESTATEAll articles Q&A pages House design Renovations Interior design Furniture Privacy screens Flooring Lighting Featured products Environmental house design Good environmental house design allows the occupants to be comfortably warm in winter and cool in summer - with minimal energy usage. Bushfire safety Bushfire safety. Hot spells around the country and the disaster in Victoria in 2008 have given rise to the important topics of bushfires and safety. Seven deadly sins of home design Seven deadly sins of home design . Learn about the seven common mistakes people frequently make when designing their home. Kitchen design Redecorating Smart makeovers Choosing fittings Japanese toilets Splashback Rangehoods Ovens Benchtops Polished concrete benchtops Kitchen cost calculator Wondering what your new kitchen will cost? Use our handy (and free) kitchen cost calculator to help you come up with an estimate. Bathroom cost calculator Building or renovating a bathroom?"
"docid": "D1702550#0",
"title": "http://www.homedesigndirectory.com.au/diy/diy-floor-tiling.php\nDIY Floor Tiling",
"text": "\"Wonder what your home is worth? Find out with our free service. HOME DESIGN KITCHENS & BATHROOMS HOME CONSTRUCTION DIY GARDENING PROPERTY & REAL ESTATEAll articles Q&A pages House design Renovations Interior design Furniture Privacy screens Flooring Lighting Featured products Environmental house design Good environmental house design allows the occupants to be comfortably warm in winter and cool in summer - with minimal energy usage. Bushfire safety Bushfire safety. Hot spells around the country and the disaster in Victoria in 2008 have given rise to the important topics of bushfires and safety. Seven deadly sins of home design Seven deadly sins of home design . Learn about the seven common mistakes people frequently make when designing their home. Kitchen design Redecorating Smart makeovers Choosing fittings Japanese toilets Splashback Rangehoods Ovens Benchtops Polished concrete benchtops Kitchen cost calculator Wondering what your new kitchen will cost? Use our handy (and free) kitchen cost calculator to help you come up with an estimate. Bathroom cost calculator Building or renovating a bathroom?"
"docid": "D149444#0",
"title": "http://blog.sweeten.com/renovation-101/cost-guides/nyc-bathroom-renovation-cost/\nBudget Basics: Bath Renovation Costs in NYC",
"text": "\"Cost Guides / By Carol Wang / January 2, 2018Budget Basics: Bath Renovation Costs in NYCBreaking down the costs of renovating a bathroom in New York City With a steady flow of inspiring Pinterest boards and design blogs, it’s easy to reimagine how your dream bathroom can become your sanctuary. Renovating even a small space, however, can involve a lot of decisions and behind-the-scenes costs. Sweeten, a free service matching homeowners with vetted general contractors, offers an overview of bathroom renovation costs. From building requirements and permits to demolition and design, this guide will help nail down your scope and better align real costs with a realistic budget. The current national average for a mid-range bathroom remodel is $18,546, with an upscale renovation average cost of $59,979, according to Remodeling’s 2017 Cost vs. Value Report. In New York City, these costs are higher: a mid-range renovation is $24,688, while an upscale one will run you $102,137. At Sweeten, we recommend budgeting at least $20,000 for a gut renovation with standard, off-the-shelf materials, fixtures, and finishes. This baseline number is for a holistic project that includes plumbing and electrical work, but no significant layout changes. COMMON MISCONCEPTIONWhile it can be tempting to apply à la carte prices to individual elements of the work, a full bathroom renovation is an integrated process that involves design, materials, installation, and plumbing. If your bathroom has one or two areas of concern, you might decide to swap out an individual fixture or two."
"docid": "D54874#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/bathroom-renovation-cost-estimator\nBathroom Addition & Remodeling Costs",
"text": "Bathroom Addition & Remodeling Costs Most homeowners spend between $6,569 to $9,872 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Remodel a Bathroom . Get Started!There are plenty of reasons to renovate or add a bathroom in your home. First, it’s the most trafficked room in the house. Second, everyone enjoys a luxurious bathroom to relax and unwind in. But before you jump to your dream bathroom, it pays to know how much adding a bathroom costs or the average bathroom renovation cost near you. Continue reading to see those answers and more. Once you’re ready to remodel or add a bathroom, Improve Net can connect you with up to four bathroom contractors in your town. National Remodel a Bathroom Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$8,820Average Cost$100Min imum Cost$20,000Max imum Cost Average Range:$6,569 to $9,872Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data?"
"docid": "D1318509#0",
"title": "https://www.thepricer.net/bath-fitter-cost/\nHow Much Does Bath Fitter Cost",
"text": "Appliances, Family & Lifestyle, Home and Garden How Much Does Bath Fitter Cost Before talking about prices, we should take a moment and explain what bath fitters are, for those that have never heard of one before. A bath fitter is what we call the liner made of acrylic molded sheets, that is placed between the walls of the bathroom and your tub. Most people dislike the look of water stained old tiles in the bathroom, so a simple way to fix these problems is to install a bath fitter on the walls that touch the tub, to give them an ongoing clean and fresh look. This brings us to the most important question: How much will bath fitters cost you? As you can already tell, the price of bath fitter is a lot smaller than the cost of replacing your tub and the stained tiles around it. You will find an average bath fitter price somewhere between $600 and $1,200, depending on the shop you pick. While you’re installing bath fitters, you should also look for other bathroom accessories or furniture, like soap holder, hanging rack for your shampoo and other bathing products. They will cost a little extra, but you might be able to snatch a small discount for getting more items within a single buy, depending on the store you buy them from. Bath Fitter Price Detailed If you’re looking for a cheap solution, then you can find tub liners for around $600 to $1,000, but those will only cover the tub. If you’re looking for a more complex bathroom redecoration, then the cost of bath fitter and other accessories will be a little higher."
] |
2217 | benefits of arginine akg | [
"docid": "D2453478#0",
"title": "https://www.exercise.com/supplements/arginine-akg--3\nArginine AKG",
"text": "Arginine AKGBurn Fat / Aid Overall Health / Increase Energy Arginine AKG (alpha ketoglutarate) is a sports supplement usually taken by athletes such as weight lifters and body builders. These athletes are always looking for help in increasing the size and strength of their muscles. Arginine AKG is one way to achieve these results. Arginine is one of the amino acids and alpha ketoglutarate is a form of glutamine, another amino acid. Amino acids help to build proteins in the body. The specific combination of these two amino acids also helps to increase the body’s production of nitric oxide. Arginine AKG is a supplement that is offered by many health and vitamin stores and is available in a variety of doses. As with all supplements, you should know the benefits, side effects, and dosage requirements before you start taking arginine AKG. Not all types of physical activity are suitable for everyone. Users take training advice at their own personal risk."
] | [
"docid": "D1758842#0",
"title": "https://www.kmraudio.com/slate-digital-vms-virtual-microphone-system.php\nMicrophones",
"text": "Microphones Items found 620Show Sort By Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK 3 Zigma Master 4 x 10 Tool-Kit£2,699.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Berlin-47 T£1,249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Cremona-251 T£1,249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Frankfurt-49 T£1,249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Hamburg-67 T£1,249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK TC-12£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK TC-251£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK TC-47£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK TC-49£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK TC-67£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Vienna-12 T£1,249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-12 (Copper)£3,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-12 (Silver)£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-251 (Copper)£3,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-251 (Silver)£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-47 (Copper)£3,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-47 (Silver)£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-49 (Copper)£3,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-49 (Silver)£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-67 (Copper)£3,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product ADK Z-67 (Silver)£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA 4038SA Stand Adapter for Coles 4038£90.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA A440£4,894.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA KU4£4,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA N22 NUVO Series Ribbon Microphone£899.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA N22 NUVO Stereo Mic Kit with FREE Stereo Bar£1,949.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA N8 NUVO Active Ribbon Microphone£1,080.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA N8 NUVO Stereo Mic Kit£1,999.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R44C£3,499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R44CE£2,459.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R44CX£4,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R44CXE£2,899.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R84 Ribbon Microphone£999.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R84 Ribbon Microphone & Cloud CL-1£1,138.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R84A£1,199.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R88 MKII£1,739.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R92£779.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R92 & TRP Bundle£999.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA R92 Dual & TRP Bundle£1,649.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AEA SMT2 - Stereo Bar£240.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C12VR£3,949.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C214£279.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C214 Stereo Pair Condenser Microphone Set£589.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C314£599.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C314 Stereo Pair£1,099.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C414 XL II£899.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C414 XL II/ST£1,799.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C414 XLS£739.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C414 XLS/ST£1,400.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C451B£225.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG C451B Matched Pair£449.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG D112£119.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product AKG D12VR£295.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Apogee Mi C 96k Microphone for i OS£219.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Halo Reflection Filter£229.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Halo Shadow Reflection Filter£229.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Origin Large Diaphragm Condenser Microphone£249.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Spirit Large Diaphragm Condenser Microphone£349.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Starlight£349.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Aston Starlight Stereo Pair£699.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audio Technica AT4040SM£350.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audio Technica AT4040SM (B-Stock)£350.00£289.00Sale0 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix Cab Grabber£49.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix CX-212B£299.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix CX112B£227.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix D2£109.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix D6£169.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix DP Elite£2,025.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix DP-5A£699.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix DP4£429.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix DP7£999.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix Fireball£149.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix FP5 5-Piece Fusion Drum Microphone Package£299.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix SCX-1 HC Transformerless Condenser Microphone£499.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Audix SCX-25A£699.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone BV-1£949.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone BV12 Large Diaphragm Valve Microphone£1,093.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CK-1£149.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CK-6£197.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CK-7£289.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CK40 Stereo Large Diaphragm Microphone£629.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CR-14£275.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CV-12£550.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Avantone CV28£525.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Beyerdynamic M130£390.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Beyerdynamic M160£379.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Beyerdynamic MC 930£330.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Beyerdynamic MC 930 Stereo-Set£669.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Beyerdynamic ST600£49.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Baby Bottle£359.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Blueberry£969.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Bluebird£299.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Bottle£3,999.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Bottle Rocket Stage 1£1,025.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Cactus£2,699.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Dragonfly£969.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Blue Hampton Small Diaphragm Condenser Microphone£P. O. A0 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Blue Hampton Stereo Pair Small Diaphragm Condenser Mic£P. O. A0 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Kiwi£1,899.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Mouse£1,179.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product BLUE Woodpecker£969.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Bock Audio 241£3,210.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Bock Audio 251£5,514.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Bock Audio 407£5,100.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Bock Audio 507£6,954.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Bock Audio i Fet£1,974.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Phanthera£1,625.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Phanthera V£2,909.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Phantom Classic£1,495.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Phantom V - Variable Polar Patterns£2,500.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Valvet£3,069.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner Valvet X£2,799.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VM1£4,379.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VM1 Pure Cardioid£3,300.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VM1S Stereo£9,695.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VMA£7,079.001 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VMX£5,279.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Brauner VMX Cardioid£4,198.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Chandler Limited / Abbey Road REDD Microphone£4,599.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Cloud Microphones 44-A Active Ribbon Microphone£1,549.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-1£139.000 Review (s)Add to Wishlist Add to Basketview product"
"docid": "D273876#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Miami-FL/Radiologist-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Radiologist Miami, FL Salary34 75 37Radiologist Miami, FL average salary is $73,573, median salary is $62,200 with a salary range from $21,954 to $1,040,000. Radiologist Miami, FL salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Radiologist Miami, FL salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low21,954Average73,573Median62,200High1,040,000 Radiologist at Miami, FL Jobs Total 4 Salaries. Sorted by Salary, page 1 Ranked By: Jobtitle Company Salary City Year Radiologist Akg North American Operations $230,000 Miami, FL, 33101 12/14/2015Radiologist Akg North American Operations $220,000 Miami, FL, 33101 07/15/2013Radiologist Maquipment Usa $166,400 MIAMI, FL, 33166 07/01/2014Radiologist Public Health Trust $56,131 Miami, FL, 33101 07/01/20111Related Radiologist Miami, FL Salary Radiologist Salary Miami, FL Salary Module Lead Salary Computer Systems Analyst 3 Salary Programmer Analyst Level 1 Salary It Specialist Salary Computer Systems Engineer/architect Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D3423213#0",
"title": "http://www.sixstarpro.com/products/pre-workout-explosion/\nPRE-WORKOUT EXPLOSION",
"text": "PRE-WORKOUT CATEGORYPRE-WORKOUT EXPLOSIONBUY NOWSix Star Pre-Workout Explosion4.6K views • No comments Watch later Share Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:14Clinically Proven Ingredient Fueling Muscle Growth & Performance GET READY FOR THE BEST WORKOUT OF YOUR LIFE!Get ready to crush the weights with Six Star ® Explosion! This premium, delicious-tasting pre-workout powder is formulated by world-leading supplement researchers to deliver an incredible energy boost, enhanced mental focus and skin-splitting muscle pumps for explosive workouts like you’ve never experienced before!SIX STAR ® EXPLOSION DELIVERS MORE SIZE, STRENGTH AND FORCES INCREDIBLE MUSCLE PUMPS FOR THE BEST WORKOUTS OF YOUR LIFE!Loaded with powerful ingredients like arginine AKG and ultra-clean caffeine anhydrous, Six Star ® Explosion is the smartest choice you can make to fuel your hardest workouts and take your strength and performance to new levels! Six Star ® Explosion is from the makers of Muscle Tech ®, America’s #1 Selling Body Building Supplement Brand, so you know it’s a premium formula you can trust to deliver results you can see and feel! Boosts energy with a scientifically researched dose of caffeine. THE INCREDIBLE BENEFITS OF SIX STAR ® EXPLOSIONBoosts energy with a scientifically researched dose of caffeine Elevates mental focus & workout intensity Delivers arginine AKG, a unique form of arginine Delivers powerful muscle pumps Increases muscle carnosine levels to buffer lactic acid and support muscle endurance TEST SUBJECTS BUILT MORE MUSCLE1 In just one study on 31 weight-trained test subjects randomly assigned to one of three groups, subjects consuming this same form of creatine in Six Star ® Explosion significantly increased their strength capacity on the bench press by 18.6% compared to baseline (6,658 vs. 5,613 joules) in just 10 days!Mouth Watering Flavors!Fuel your training and give your taste buds a thrill at the same time with these three delicious flavors of Pre Workout Explosion!How To Take Pre-Workout Explosion Directions: Read the entire label before use and follow directions provided. Assess your tolerance by mixing 1 serving (1 scoop) with 6 oz. of cold water and drink about 30 minutes before your workout. Then, increase the dosage to 2 servings mixed with 12 oz. of cold water before your workout."
"docid": "D852260#0",
"title": "http://aminoacidstudies.org/\namino acid health benefits â top examples",
"text": "Amino acids are the basic building blocks of the body. They are also sources of energy, like fats and carbohydrates. However, amino acids are structurally characterised by the fact that they contain nitrogen (N), whereas fats and carbohydrates do not. Therefore, only amino acids are capable of forming tissues, organs, muscles, skin and hair. The importance of amino acids as the precursors of enzymes and neurotransmitters is often underestimated. As such, amino acids regulate almost all of the metabolic processes in the human body, and they are essential for a healthy body. You will learn Which significant benefits various amino acids provide to the human body,how amino acids are classified and why it is useful to be aware of this,which meats and plant foods contain lots of amino acids,Examples of health benefits provided by three important amino acids L-arginine (cardiovascular health), L-methionine (hair and joint health) and L-glutathione (anti-aging)amino acid health benefits Amino acids are extremely versatile. Although more than 200 different amino acids exist, the most well known are the 22 so-called proteinogenic amino acids. This website is about this group of amino acids. We will show you the most important benefits in the fields of medicine and sports explaining clearly how you can use them to balance your general health and well-being."
"docid": "D1289434#0",
"title": "http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/health-supplements/l-arginine-benefit-side-effect.html\nL-Arginine Benefit & Side Effect",
"text": "L-Arginine Benefit & Side Effect L Arginine Benefit Arginine is a non-essential amino acid found in a variety of foods. It plays a role in several important body functions, including cell division, wound healing, immune function, and the removal of ammonia from the body. Arginine may also be important during growth periods, since experts believe it may stimulate secretion of human growth hormone. Arginine helps make nitric oxide, which dilates or relaxes arteries, making blood flow more freely and thus lowering blood pressure. Nitric oxide also helps prevent clot formation and plaque buildup on artery walls that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Because of arginine's role in the production of nitric oxide, it has been suggested that the amino acid may be useful as a treatment for a variety of heart conditions. Doses as large as 30 grams of arginine per day have been used to treat congestive heart failure. Experts have also looked at the role of arginine in intermittent claudication (painful cramping in the calf as a result of poor circulation). Individuals with advanced hardening and narrowing of the arteries often have difficulty walking due to a lack of blood flow to the legs. In one study, individuals who consumed snack food bars containing arginine were able to improve their walking distance."
"docid": "D1219541#0",
"title": "https://nutritionreview.org/2013/04/krebs-cycle-intermediates/\nKrebsâ Cycle Intermediates",
"text": "Nutrition Review Archive Krebs’ Cycle Intermediates By Nutriton Review.org - April 22, 2013 890779Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Maximizing Your Body’s Performance By Ward Dean, MD and Jim English Production and management of sustainable biological energy resources is of vital concern for everyone. Disruptions in the normal production of mitochondrial energy can contribute to a wide range of metabolic disturbances and symptoms, including fatigue, immune system dysfunction, dementia, depression, behavioral disturbances, attention deficiency, muscle weakness and pain, angina, heart disease, diabetes, skin rashes, and hair loss. These symptoms of metabolic impairment are also present in persons suffering from acquired diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and in those with inherited mitochondrial diseases, such as mitochondrial myopathy. As these conditions share a common link in mechanisms of metabolic energy production, they may also benefit from nutritional strategies that optimize energy production and metabolic pathways. The Krebs’ Cycle All cells must produce energy to survive. Hans A. Krebs first elucidated the process of cells converting food into energy, the Citric Acid Cycle, in 1937. Krebs proposed a specific metabolic pathway within the cells to account for the oxidation of the basic components of food – carbohydrates, protein and fats – w for energy. The Krebs’ cycle takes place inside the mitochondria or ‘power plant’ of cells and provides energy required for the organism to function. Mitochondria are found in all cells in the human body, with the exception of mature red blood cells. The primary function of these tiny organelles (each cell contains between 500 and 2,000 mitochondria) is to convert energy found in nutrient molecules and store it in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)."
"docid": "D2453481#0",
"title": "http://www.argininealpha-ketoglutarate.com/how-arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate-benefits-outweigh-side-effects/\nHow Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate Benefits Outweigh Side Effects",
"text": "How Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate Benefits Outweigh Side Effects There are many muscle building supplements that are available in the market today. Most of these supplements contain the amino acid, L-arginine which is known to have many benefits as far as body building is concerned. However, when the arginine alpha ketoglutarate muscle building supplement was introduced in the market, the first bodybuilders who tried the new supplement were the first ones to gain the arginine alpha ketoglutarate benefits. By taking the arginine-akg supplement, the body builders experienced a rapid increase in muscle size, strength and endurance, a reduction in their body fats and stimulation of their immune system. During strenuous workouts their muscles were ripped but were healed fast. Bodybuilders experienced continuous pump hence the flow of blood is enhanced thereby releasing toxins and replaced it with energy and oxygen. The use of arginine-akg supplement also boosted the men’s sexual capability. The human body produces amino acids like arginine and alpha ketoglutarate to create nitric oxide. The arginine supplied by the human body is not enough to boost nitric oxide that is why a person eats more nuts and seeds to increase the supply of arginine-akg in the body. But if you are doing muscle building, you should have enough supply of arginine-akg because your body will need so much nitric oxide to increase your blood flow so that the nutrients needed by your muscles are carried to the muscles."
"docid": "D2827734#0",
"title": "http://www.antiagingprime.com/l-citrullineandl.html\n.",
"text": "L-Citrulline and L-Arginine: This One-Two Amino Acid Punch Can Improve Circulation—And Your Love Life!Scientific studies show the combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine increases Nitric Oxide production for cardiovascular, immune boosting, and sexual health benefits!You have probably heard of the amino acid L-arginine, which is also called simply arginine. It is well known in the nutrition science community for its ability to increase nitric oxide production resulting in a wide variety of health benefits. But you probably have not heard much about its powerful amino acid cousin, L-citrulline, or just citrulline. If you eat at least six cups of watermelon every day then you’re getting an adequate dose of the amino acid citrulline. Citrulline’s name is actually derived from the Latin word for watermelon—citrullus—because it was first isolated from the fruit in 1930.1What does L-Citrulline and L-Arginine do? Together they help:• Support cardiovascular health by boosting nitric oxide production and helping blood flow more easily throughout the body• Support healthy blood pressure and boost the immune system• Detoxify the liver and eliminate ammonia from the body• Improve sexual stamina and enhance recovery from an intense workout Who might benefit from taking a supplement containing both citrulline and arginine?• Anyone who wants to support healthy blood pressure Individuals who want to avoid angina (chest pain)• Individuals who want to avoid leg pain due to poor blood circulation• Anyone who wants protection from heart attack and stroke• Men suffering from erectile dysfunction• Athletes who want a faster recovery How are citrulline and arginine related? As soon as citrulline enters the kidney, vascular endothelium and other tissues, it is converted into arginine. Plasma and tissue levels of arginine increase, which is necessary for the production of nitric oxide and relaxation of blood vessels. An additional benefit of supplemental citrulline is that it helps eliminate ammonia, a highly toxic substance, from the liver. Will citrulline and arginine help my sex life?"
"docid": "D2637363#0",
"title": "http://www.nutritional-supplements-health-guide.com/benefits-of-l-arginine.html\nBenefits of L Arginine",
"text": "Benefits of L Arginine Keeping Your Immune System In Top Shape The benefits of l-arginine include enhancing the function of the immune system, helping to detoxify the liver, and helping with fertility in men. L arginine also plays a vital role in the release of both insulin and growth hormones in the body. What is L-Arginine? L-Arginine is one of the non-essential amino acids which means, that it can be produced by the body. Amino acids are compulsory for our health and well being and are the basic components in all cells and are also known as the building blocks of protein. Although it can be produced in the body, l-arginine is also available as a supplement and can be found in food. If you maintain a healthy and balanced diet then it is most likely that you will not need l-arginine supplements. What are the Foods High in Arginine? Some of the foods high in arginine include chocolate, carob, peanuts, coconut, almond, soybeans, diary products, white flour, meat, oats, walnuts, and wheat. What are the Health Benefits of L-arginine Let's talk about the benefits of taking l-arginine: Immune Enhancer: One of the effects of l-arginine on the body is to raise thymus gland activity."
"docid": "D2884909#0",
"title": "https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/bodybuilding/c4-extreme.html\nC4 Extreme Review: How Safe and Effective Is This Product?",
"text": "Bodybuilding C4 Extreme Review: How Safe and Effective Is This Product?3.3 / 5.0Page Score:? Advertising Disclosure? What is C4 Extreme? This is one of the supplements types that bodybuilders, weightlifters and those in the general world of strength training keep on raving about; the new potent pre-workout supplement known as C4extreme. Those in the strength training world say this product has very minimal side effects. C4 is most definitely a solid rock pre-workout supplement with a pretty straight forward label. It is great for those looking to get a supplement product that is based on stimulants like caffeine only. C4 extreme is geared towards great muscle pumps, is a good workout regimen and gives users mind blowing focus. It contains an advanced compound infusion known as NO3 that promotes* unbelievable muscle pumps, this greatly increases* the effectiveness of C4extreme. Fitness geeks always need a beneficial pre-workout supplement for additions to any serious workout regimens."
"docid": "D3231498#0",
"title": "http://www.healthline.com/health/arginine-heart-health\nWhat is arginine?",
"text": "What is arginine? Arginine, or L-arginine, is one of 20 amino acids that you get from proteins in your diet. It’s typically considered a semi-essential amino acid. That means you can usually get enough of it from diet alone. If you eat a well-balanced diet, you probably don’t need to take arginine supplements. But if you have certain health conditions, your doctor may recommend adding them to your routine. In other cases, your doctor may encourage you to avoid them. For some people, taking arginine supplements may actually increase their risk of health problems. Sources Where can you get arginine? Arginine is found in several different food products, including:red meatpoultryfishdairyseedsnutsbeansleafy vegetablessome fruits For example, turkey, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and soybeans are rich sources of arginine."
"docid": "D2827735#0",
"title": "http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/23/this-amino-acid-help-protect-you-from-different-diseases.aspx\nFlush Away Artery Plaque with a Natural Remedy that Can Help End Erectile Problems",
"text": "\"Flush Away Artery Plaque with a Natural Remedy that Can Help End Erectile Problems1.5KJuly 23, 2011 • 532,238 views Edition: English Previous Next. Dr. Mercola's Comments: We have known for 20 years that the amino acid L-arginine offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors. L-arginine is a key nutrient in promoting efficient blood flow and overall cardiovascular function. L-arginine is considered one of the \"\"semi-essential\"\" amino acids—meaning, your body can't produce it in sufficient quantities, so you must obtain most of it from your diet. But new research is emerging every day that this little powerhouse-nutrient plays a number of other important roles in your health, with benefits stretching far beyond your heart and blood. It appears that cardiovascular benefits may have just been the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what L-arginine can do for you—including possibly slowing down the aging process itself. My aim of this article is to present the scope of the bulk of the research to date. This is no small endeavor, because at least 800 scientific studies have been published on this one amino acid, which has been studied with respect to its role in more than 150 diseases. Before I get into some of the other health areas, let's first review what L-arginine is and why it's so important for your cardiovascular health. Meet 1992 \"\"Molecule of the Year\"\": Nitric Oxide What do L-arginine, car exhaust, dynamite and fireflies have in common?"
"docid": "D1931674#0",
"title": "https://www.healthline.com/health/arginine-heart-health\nWhat is arginine?",
"text": "What is arginine? Arginine, or L-arginine, is one of 20 amino acids that you get from proteins in your diet. It’s typically considered a semi-essential amino acid. That means you can usually get enough of it from diet alone. If you eat a well-balanced diet, you probably don’t need to take arginine supplements. But if you have certain health conditions, your doctor may recommend adding them to your routine. In other cases, your doctor may encourage you to avoid them. For some people, taking arginine supplements may actually increase their risk of health problems. Sources Where can you get arginine? Arginine is found in several different food products, including:red meatpoultryfishdairyseedsnutsbeansleafy vegetablessome fruits For example, turkey, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and soybeans are rich sources of arginine."
"docid": "D281756#0",
"title": "http://thesupplementreviews.org/male-enhancement/l-arginine-benefits-erectile-dysfunction-and-side-effects/\nL-Arginine Benefits and Side Effects",
"text": "0 Flares L-Arginine Benefits and Side Effects While there are many amino acids taken from proteins that are beneficial to health, one specifically stands among the others when it comes to sexual health. The amino acid in question that has been receiving a lot of attention is L-Arginine. L-Arginine has a growing list of potential benefits for maintaining a healthy heart, a healthy body, and a healthy libido. It has perhaps been most proven for its sexual health benefits, which is why it is commonly found in male enhancement supplements. If you’re looking to use L-Arginine primarily as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction, click here to read our review of our favorite male enhancement supplement. L-Arginine Benefits L-Arginine benefits are often understated. I’m sure you’ve heard that it “could be good,” otherwise you wouldn’t be reading an L-Arginine review. However, L-Arginine is “definitely good” by every measurable standard that a nutritional supplement would have to measure up to. The human body requires amino acids in order to accomplish all the incredible feats that allow us to continue to survive, fueling the many different simultaneously occurring processes that keep our bodies going. L-Arginine has been shown to directly benefit your body’s ability to heal, your excretory system, your immune/endocrine system functions, and the flow of blood through your veins and arteries."
"docid": "D2070646#0",
"title": "https://nootriment.com/l-arginine-food-sources/\nL-Arginine Food Sources & Dietary Intake Recommendations",
"text": "Advertising Disclosure L-Arginine Food Sources & Dietary Intake Recommendations Posted By: Nootriment | 0 5 5If you want to raise your levels of the amino acid L-Arginine naturally, there are a number of foods that you should look to include in your diet. Arginine is an amino acid and it is a precursor to nitric oxide (NO). It helps reduce healing time of injuries, especially bone injuries (as it increases collagen). It also reduces the healing time for damaged tissue. It is popular as a bodybuilding supplement for weight lifting and increased muscle mass. It is also used as a sexual health supplement as it can support erectile function, libido and stamina. This supplement is normally obtained through diet from a number of healthy foods. But if injured from burns, broken bones and for wounds, eating more Arginine rich foods and supplements may be needed. L-Arginine Amino Acid Pre-Workout Muscle Growth Sexual Health How It Works: Boosts nitric oxide production for workouts Reduces fatigue & promotes muscle growth Supports immune function & sexual health Dosage: Between 3 - 6 g per day Safety: Rated Possibly Safe Top L-Arginine Products ❯ View User Ratings ❯What is Arginine Used for? Related Topics L-Arginine L-Arginine Benefits Benefits for Men Benefits for Bodybuilding Effects on Blood Pressure Arginine Aspartate Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Arginine Pyroglutamate Arginine Ornithine and Lysine Suggested Dosages Food Sources Comparison to L-Citrulline Best Supplement Topical Cream500 mg Tablets Arginine Extreme Buy L-Arginine Powder Side Effects As a supplement, L-Arginine is used in weight lifting regimes as it builds up muscle mass and may promote fat loss."
"docid": "D2746363#0",
"title": "https://nootriment.com/how-much-l-arginine-should-i-take-per-day/\nHow much L-Arginine should I Take per Day and When to Use?",
"text": "Advertising Disclosure How much L-Arginine should I Take per Day and When to Use? Posted By: Nootriment | 0 4.5 0Intro Why Take L-Arginine? Boost Nitric Oxide How It Works Supplementing How Much To Take When To Take How much L-Arginine should you take for optimal health benefits? When determining how much L-arginine to use and when to take L-arginine, it is important to consider the reason for which it is being taken. According to Web MD, L-arginine in supplement form is known to provide a variety of benefits, especially for cardiovascular function and in the treatment of some cardiovascular diseases. Recommended dosages for oral L-arginine range from 400 mg to 6,000 mg per day, depending on the reason it is being supplemented. Dosages are typically split into two or three administrations per day. This compound is also used as a pre- or post-workout supplement. L-Arginine products can also be used in topical formulations to promote skin health or to improve sexual performance. L-Arginine Amino Acid Pre-Workout Muscle Growth Sexual Health How It Works: Boosts nitric oxide production for workouts Reduces fatigue & promotes muscle growth Supports immune function & sexual health Dosage: Between 3 - 6 g per day Safety: Rated Possibly Safe Top L-Arginine Products ❯ View User Ratings ❯Why Take L-Arginine Supplements?"
"docid": "D1027697#0",
"title": "http://www.supplementhq.com/10-best-creatine-supplements/\n10 Best Creatine Supplements",
"text": "10 Best Creatine Supplements May 20, 2013 by Supplement HQ 8 Comments Forget what you may have heard from skeptics, creatine is essential and one of the most important supplements for bodybuilding. If it wasn’t important, your body wouldn’t naturally produce it. Oh, you didn’t know that? Yep its true. Creatine is simply a combination of 3 amino acids – arginine, glycine, and methionine. This threesome works to convert spent ATP (aka ADP) back into ATP to be used for muscle energy. In essence, creatine helps recycle energy. Quick note on water weight, the #1 fear people have in regards to creatine: Yes, creatine will increase your bodies overall water weight, but not dramatically. The first 1-2 pounds of weight gain can be attributed to water, the subsequent gains are do to increased muscle mass as creatine helps to BUILD MUSCLE. It works by pulling more water into your muscle’s cells, increasing protein synthesis and enabling increased physical output."
"docid": "D2408882#0",
"title": "http://www.wirerealm.com/guides/best-studio-headphones-for-mixing-mastering\nThe Best Headphones for Mixing and Mastering in the Studio",
"text": "The Best Headphones for Mixing and Mastering in the Studio Last Updated: January 11, 2018 By Sean Mixing music is an art, and to fully capture the truest form of your sounds, you need a proper pair of headphones to do so. Not just any pair of studio headphones will do, either. We’ve seen the headphone market become saturated with popular brands and their celebrity marketing, claiming to be ‘studio’, ‘professional’ or any other adjective you can think of that will get a person to buy a pair of their headphones. Those of us who are truly into music equipment know that when it comes to being an audiophile, the overall headphone type and design and various other features you need depends on what exactly you’re using the pair cans of for. Riding in the bus or using these at the gym isn’t really the main concern here, although you can technically use any pair of headphones for that. Today we review the best headphones specifically for mixing and mastering. As perhaps you’ve already read it, we have some of these models listed in our best studio headphones article. However, that post is a bit broad covering all types of headphones, so in this case we will be specifically speaking about mixing and mastering for complete sound accuracy. You need a certain type of build for even frequency distribution as opposed to perhaps total isolation (like a lot of popular studio headphones do) when it comes to recording. Let’s see what exact kind you need below."
"docid": "D2722717#0",
"title": "http://us.myprotein.com/thezone/supplements/non-essential-amino-acids/\nNon-Essential Amino Acids | Why Should I Use Them?",
"text": "Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are around 100 available amino acids and humans needs only 20 of them. Amino acids are not only required for protein synthesis but they have a major role to play in cell shape generation as well as transportation of minerals and storage of nutrients. Amino acids are required in the repair of damaged tissues as well and they do help to maintain metabolism of the human body. The article aims at covering some of the aspects of non-essential amino acids and their benefits to the human body in detail. There are numerous health benefits associated with each of the amino acid. The article lists the major ones. Types of Amino Acids Amino acids are of two types – Essential Amino Acids and Non-Essential Amino acids. As humans we need a total of 20 amino acids. Essential Amino Acids: They are 9 in number namely Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Histidine."
"docid": "D1036908#0",
"title": "http://www.supplementinnercircle.com/cellucor-c4-ripped-c4-mass-ingredients-revealed/\nCellucor C4 Ripped & C4 Mass Ingredients Revealed!",
"text": "Cellucor C4 Ripped & C4 Mass Ingredients Revealed!Posted on April 2, 2015 by Supplement Inner Circle If you have never heard of C4, not sure which rock you have been hiding under for the past 5+ years. C4 is one of the most popular pre-workout supplements on the market. Why? Great formula and even better marketing. So now Cellucor is expanding this name out and releasing C4 Mass and C4 Ripped. So what is the difference? C4 Mass vs Original C4BUY C4 MASS HERE NOW!The biggest difference between the two C4 products is that C4 Mass is push on muscle building the product. As you can see with the label below, you are getting some great ingredients with this product from Creatine to Beta Alanine, to carbs (for energy and recovery) and a bunch of others. This product really is heavily dosed with some great ingredients. Before it was thought that this would be a non-stimulant pre-workout formula, but as you can see there are a bunch of stimulants and caffeine in it."
] |
2218 | benefits of cranial sacral massage | [
"docid": "D400484#0",
"title": "http://www.massageenvy.com/types-of-massage/cranial-sacral.aspx\nCranial Sacral Therapy",
"text": "\"Types of Massage Cranial Sacral Therapy Cranial sacral therapy (also known as craniosacral therapy) is a gentle, noninvasive form of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. The goal is to release compression in those areas which alleviates stress and pain. Cranial sacral therapy seeks to restore the natural position of the bones and can decrease stress from chronic injuries as well as provide relief from migraine headaches, neck and back pain, temporomandibular joint disorder (the inflammation of the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull) and more. According to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Often, migraines are triggered or exacerbated by stress and poor sleep. In a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers found that participants who received bodywork like Cranial Sacral Therapy had better quality sleep and fewer migraines than participants who didn't. Effects even lasted up to three weeks after therapy ended. Another way to address pain in the head is through scalp massage, which can be extremely relaxing. \"\" Many people don't realize we have muscles on our scalp,\"\" says Melissa Wheeler, a massage therapist and the teacher training coordinator for the National Holistic Institute in Emeryville, California. \"\" Those muscles are responsible for making our facial expressions, and there can be a lot of tension there, especially when staring at a computer all day or when we are under a lot of stress.\"\""
] | [
"docid": "D660015#0",
"title": "http://anatomy.uams.edu/bones_alpha.html\nBones of the Body - Organized by Region",
"text": "\"Bones of the Body - Organized by Region Copyright © 2009, Department of Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Back Thorax Abdomen Pelvis and Perineum Upper Limb Lower Limb Head and Neck Bones of the Back Region - Listed in Superior to Inferior Order Bone Structure Description Notesoccipitalthe bone forming the posterior surface of the skull it articulates superolaterally with the parietal bones through the lambdoid suture, anteroinferiorly with the temporal bone and anteriorly with the body of the sphenoid boneexternal occipital protuberance a low process on the external surface of the occipital bone in the midline it is an attachment site for the ligamentum nuchae; the superior nuchal lines of the two sides meet in the midline at the external occipital protuberance; also known as: inioninferior nuchal line a low ridge that runs transversely on the external surface of the squamous part of the occipital bone inferior to the superior nuchal line it is an attachment site for deep neck musclessuperior nuchal line a low ridge that runs transversely on the external surface of the squamous part of the occipital bone it is an attachment site the for the trapezius and splenius mm.occipital condyle a low, wide projection from the inferior surface of the lateral part of the occipital bone paired; it articulates with the atlasvertebra one of a series of irregular bones that form the spine a vertebra has two parts: the vertebral body and the vertebral arch; there are 33 vertebrae total: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 fused to form the sacrum, 4 coccygeal; features of a typical vertebra include: body, pedicles, transverse processes, laminae, articular processes, spinous processvertebral body the largest part of the vertebra it is shaped like a short cylinder; adjacent vertebral bodies articulate through a symphysisvertebral arch the ring of bone formed by the paired pedicles and paired laminae of the vertebra the transverse processes and spinous process are attached to the neural arch; the neural arch protects the spinal cordpedicle short strong process that extends posteriorly from the posterolateral surface of the vertebral body paired; it connects the body with the transverse process; it is marked by superior & inferior vertebral notches;transverse process a lateral process the extends from the junction of the pedicle and the lamina of the vertebra a site for muscle attachment and rib articulationlamina a broad flat plate of bone located between the transverse process and the spinous process of the vertebra paired; it is flattened markedly in the anteroposterior direction; ligamenta flava span the interval between the laminae of adjacent vertebraearticular processes processes that project inferiorly and superiorly from the junction of the lamina and pedicle of the vertebra two pair on each vertebra (superior and inferior); the superior articular processes of one vertebra articulate with the inferior processes of the adjacent vertebra through synovial jointsintervertebral notch a notch on the superior and inferior surface of the vertebral pedicle the superior intervertebral notch of one vertebra combined with the inferior intervertebral notch of the adjacent vertebra forms the intervertebral foramenintervertebral foramen an opening between the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae adjacent intervertebral notches form the intervertebral foramen; an opening for passage of the spinal nervevertebral canal the opening formed by the combination of the body and the vertebral arch it contains the spinal cord, meninges, epidural fat and the internal vertebral plexus of veinsspinous process a posterior midline process arising from the junction of the two laminae of the vertebra it projects inferiorly; it is an important site of muscle attachment; spinous processes of cervical vertebra 2-6 are bifidcervical vertebrae the seven vertebrae of the neck cervical vertebrae have the features of the typical vertebra plus all have transverse foramina (for passage of the vertebral artery); C2-C6 have bifid spinous processes; cervical vertebrae have relatively small bodies; several cervical vertebra are named: atlas, axis, vertebra prominensatlas (C1) the first cervical vertebrait is called atlas in comparison the mythological Greek Titan Atlas, who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders; it has no vertebral body, only anterior & posterior arches; it articulates with the odontoid process of the axisaxis (C2) the second cervical vertebra the odontoid process (dens) projects superiorly from its body; it articulates with the anterior arch of the atlasvertebra prominens the seventh cervical vertebra it has a long, non-bifid spinous process which is prominent at the nape of the neck, hence its namethoracic vertebrae the 12 vertebrae associated with the thoracic region thoracic vertebrae have the features of a typical vertebra plus they are characterized by long slender spines that project inferiorly; they have facets for articulation with ribs; thoracic vertebrae have bodies of intermediate sizecostal articular facet on the body small smooth areas at the junction of the body and the vertebral arch most thoracic vertebrae have 2 costal facets on each side (one superior and one inferior); the superior costal facet of one vertebra and the inferior costal facet of the adjacent vertebra both articulate with the head of the same rib; also known as demifacetscostal articular facet on the transverse process a small smooth area on the transverse process of the thoracic vertebra it articulates with the articular facet on the tubercle of the riblumbar vertebrae the 5 vertebrae located in the lumbar region lumbar vertebrae have the features of a typical vertebra plus they are characterized by short, blunt spines that project posteriorly; lumbar spines do not overlap making the lumbar level a good one for spinal tap; lumbar vertebrae are built strong and have the largest bodies of all vertebraesacrum a triangular bone that is the posterior skeletal element forming the pelvis it is formed by 5 fused vertebrae; the sacrum and two os coxae bones form the pelvisanterior sacral foramina an opening in the anterior surface of the sacrum there are four pairs; each transmits the ventral primary ramus of the respective sacral spinal nerve; branches of the lateral sacral aa. enter the sacral canal through these openingsposterior sacral foramina an opening in the posterior surface of the sacrum there are four pairs; each transmits the dorsal primary ramus of the respective sacral spinal nervepromontory a projection of the superior part of the sacrum in an anterior direction the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra sits on the sacral promontory and articulates with it through a symphysissacral canal the opening in the center of the sacrum it is the continuation of the vertebral canal at sacral vertebral levelsarticular surface the roughened area located on the lateral surface of the sacrum this surface articulates with the ilium in the sacroiliac articulationbody the central portion of the sacrum the body is equivalent to the bodies of the other vertebrabase the superior surface of the sacrum the base of the sacrum articulates with the fifth lumbar vertebra through an intervertebral disksacral hiatus an opening in the posterior surface of the sacrum in the midline it is a normal feature that results from the failure of fusion of the laminae of the fifth sacral segment (and sometimes the fourth) during developmentala the lateral portion of the sacrum paired; it projects laterally from the body of the sacrum; it represents the fused costal and transverse processes of the first sacral vertebracoccyx the most inferior portion of the vertebral column the coccyx results from the fusion of the four coccygeal vertebrae; it may be a single bone or the first coccygeal vertebra may be separated from the other three; it articulates with the fifth sacral segment; coccygeal vertebrae are reduced in complexity, having no pedicles, laminae or spines Bones of the Upper Limb - Listed in Proximal to Distal Order Bone Structure Description Notesclavicle an \"\"S\"\" shaped bone located between the sternum and the scapula it articulates medially with the manubrium of the sternum and laterally with the acromion process of the scapula; it forms a strut that supports the upper limb; it is frequently fractured; it is the first bone to begin ossification during developmentsternal extremity the thickened proximal end of the clavicle it is triangular in cross-section; it articulates with the clavicular notch of the sternum through a synovial joint with two joint cavities separated by an articular disk; the sternoclavicular joint has the action of a ball and socket joint, but not the physical shape of oneacromial extremity the flattened lateral end of the clavicle it is marked on its inferior surface at the junction of the medial 2/3 and the lateral 1/3 by a roughened area for attachment of the coracoclavicular ligament; it articulates with the coracoid process of the scapula through a syndesmosis; it articulates with the acromion process of the scapula through a synovial joint; due to the shape of the distal clavicle, the acromion process passes inferior to the clavicle in acromioclavicular dislocationsscapula the bone of the shoulder the scapula floats in a sea of muscles, so it is difficult to fracture; it articulates with only one bone - the clavicle at the coracoclavicular and acromioclavicular jointssuperior border the superior edge of the scapula the superior border of the scapula is marked by the scapular notch laterallymedial border the border of the scapula that runs from the superior angle to the inferior angle it is an important site of muscle attachments for the intermediate layer of back musclessuperior angle the angle of the scapula formed at the union of the superior and medial borders it is the attachment site for the levator scapulae m.l"
"docid": "D536909#0",
"title": "http://www.chiroaccess.com/Articles/Chiropractic-Technique-Summary--Sacro-Occipital-Technique-SOT.aspx?id=0000291\nChiropractic Technique Summary: Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)",
"text": "\"HISTORY S. O. T. or Sacro Occipital Technique was discovered and developed by Major Bertrand De Jarnette. Born on December 23, 1899 Major De Jarnette was raised in Havelock, Nebraska. In high school he considered a career in mechanical and design engineering and earned a four-year scholarship as an apprentice in the field of experimental engineering. In 1918 he moved to Detroit, Michigan to pursue a career in the automobile industry. After an explosion in the factory left him severely crippled, he discovered the osteopathy as a possible way to restore his health. He traveled to the Dearborn College of Osteopathy in Elgin, Illinois for treatment. Due to his limited financial resources De Jarnette decided to enroll in the college since there was no charge for students to receive treatments. After his graduation De Jarnette returned to Lincoln, Nebraska. However still suffering from serious back problems he met a chiropractor who convinced him to receive chiropractic care. So “the Major” similarly chose to attend chiropractic college as an economical manner to received chiropractic care and decided to enroll in the Nebraska College of Chiropractic where he received his degree in 1924."
"docid": "D2951128#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Parasympathetic+tone\nparasympathetic nervous system",
"text": "\"parasympathetic nervous system (redirected from Parasympathetic tone) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia .parasympathetic nervous systempart of the autonomic nervous system, the preganglionic fibers of which leave the central nervoussystem with cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and the first three sacral nerves; postganglionic fibersare distributed to the heart, smooth muscles, and glands of the head and neck, and thoracic,abdominal, and pelvic viscera. ( See also Color Plates.) Almost three-fourths of all parasympatheticnerve fibers are in the vagus nerves, which serve the entire thoracic and abdominal regions of thebody. The predominant secretion of the nerve endings of the parasympathetic nervous system is acetylcholine, which acts on organs of the body to either excite or inhibit certain activities. Forexample, stimulation of the parasympathetic system causes constriction of the pupil of the eye andcontraction of the ciliary muscle; increase of the glandular secretion of enzymes, as in the case of the pancreas; increased peristalsis; and a slowed heart rate. It often happens that excitation of thesympathetic nervous system results in an effect opposite that of the parasympathetic system;however, most organs are under the almost exclusive control of either one or the otherof the twonervous systems that compose the autonomic nervous system. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.parasympathetic nervous systemn. The part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the brainstem and the lower part of the spinal cord that, in general, inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of thesympathetic nervous system, as in tending to stimulate digestive secretions, slow the heart,constrict the pupils, and dilate blood vessels. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company."
"docid": "D1845773#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7359361/chapter-7-anatomy-of-bones-and-joints-flash-cards/\nChapter 7: Anatomy of Bones and Joints",
"text": "\"285 terms ssh2011Chapter 7: Anatomy of Bones and Joints Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort7.1 General Considerations of Bones ...7.2 Axial Skeleton -Skull -Superior View of Skull -Posterior View of Skull -Lateral View of Skull -Anterior View of Skull -Inferior View of Skull -Inferior of the Cranial Cavity -Hyoid Bone -Vertebral Column -General Plan of the vertebrae -Intervertebral Disks -Regional Differences in Vertebrae -Thoracic Cage -Ribs and Costal Cartilages -Sternum7.3 Appendicular Skeleton -Pectoral Girdle -Upper Limb -Arm -Forearm -Wrist -Hand -Pelvic Girdle -Comparison of the Male and Female Pelvis -Lower Limb -Thigh -Leg -Foot7.4 Joints -Fibrous Joints -Sutures -Syndesmoses -Gomphoses -Cartilage Joints -Synchondroses -Symphyses -Synovial Joints -Types of Synovial Joints7.5 Types of Movement -Gliding Movements -Angular Movements -Flexion & Extension -Abduction & Adduction -Circular Movements -Rotation -Pronation & Supination -Circumduction -Special Movements -Elevation & Depression -Protraction & Retraction -Excursion -Opposition & Reposition -Inversion & Eversion -Combination Movements7.6 Description of Selected Joints -Temporomandibular Joint -Shoulder Joint -Elbow Joint -Hip Joint -Knee Joint -Ankle Joint and Arches of the Foot7.7 Effects of the Aging on the Joints ...paired bone 2 bones of the same type located on the right and left sides of the bodyunpaired bone a bone located on the midline of the bodytubercle lumpprocess bone projectionforamen a hole in the bonecondyle a bone knuckle, where the bone has a smooth, rounded end, covered with articular cartilage, that is part of a jointaxial skeleton forms the upright axis of the body; divided into the skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and the thoracic cavityskull cranium formed by the bones of the head; divided into braincase and facebraincase consists of 8 bones that immediately surround and protect the brainfacial bones form the structure of the facemastication chewingauditory ossicles ear bonescalvaria the top of the skull (skull cap)parietal bones bones at the middle of the skullsagittal suture joins the parietal bones at the middlefrontal bone bones at front of the skullcoronal suture connects the parietal bones to the frontal boneoccipital bone bone at the back of the skulllambdoid bone bone at the back of the skullsutural bones extra small bones that form along the lambdoid sutureexternal occipital protuberance present on the posterior surface of the occipital bone; site of attachment for ligamentum nuchaeligamentum nuchae an elastic ligament that extends down the neck and helps keep the head erect by pulling on the occipital region of the skullnuchal lines a set of small ridges that extend laterally from the occipital protuberance and are the points of attachment for several neck musclessquamous suture joins the parietal and temporal bonesexternal acoustic meatus (auditory meatus) a large hole in the temporal bone, transmits sound waves toward the eardrummastoid process a large interior projection just posterior to the ear where neck muscles involved in rotation of the head attachmastoid air cells cavities that fill the mastoid process and are connected to the middle eartemporal lines the superior and inferior lines arch across the later surface of the parietal bone; are attachment points of the temporalis muscle, one of the muscles of masticationgreater wing of the sphenoid bone the lateral surface of the greater wing is anterior to the temporal bone; the sphenoid bone is one wedge-shaped bone that extends completely across the skullzygomatic bone the cheekbone; anterior to the sphenoid bonezygomatic arch consists of joined processes from the temporal and zygomatic bones; forms a bridge across the side of the skullmaxilla upper jaw; anterior to the zygomatic bonemandible lower jaw; interior to the maxilla; consists of body and ramusangle of the mandible where the body and the ramus joinmandibular condyle located on the superior end of the ramus; articulate with the temporal bone, allowing movement of the mandiblecoronoid process the attachment site of the temporalis muscles to the mandiblealveolar processes sockets for the attachment of the teethorbits provide protection for the eyes and attachment points for the muscles moving the eyessuperior and inferior orbital fissures the largest openings in the orbit through which nerves and blood vessels communicate with the orbit or pass to the faceoptic canal the canal through which the optic nerve passes from the eye to the cranial cavitynasolacrimal canal passes from the orbit into the nasal cavity; contains a duct that carries tears from the eyes to the nasal cavitynasal septum bony partition that divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves; composed of the vomer, the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, and hyaline cartilagevomer bony part of the nasal septum inferiorlyperpendicular plate of the ethmoid the bony part of the nasal septum superiorlyseptic cartilage the anterior part of the nasal septum, formed of hyaline cartilagenasal conchae the 3 bony shelves of the lateral wall of the nasal cavityparanasal sinuses large, air-filled cavities within several of the bones associated with the nasal cavityfrontal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses the paranasal sinuses named for the bones in which they are locatedethmoidal/sinuses consist of 3 large to 18 small air-filled cavities on each side side and are also called ethmoid air cellsforamen magnum located in the occipital bone; though which the spinal chord and brain are locatedoccipital condyles located next to the foramen magnum; articulate with the vertebral column, allowing movement of the skullcarotid canals put to sleep canals, which pass thought the foramen magnumjugular foramina located lateral to the occipital condyles, through which the internal jugular veins exitstyloid processes project from the inferior surface of the temporal bonemandibular fossa where the mandibular condyle articulates with the skull; anterior to the mastoid processmedial pterygoid plates and lateral pterygoid plates bound the posterior opening of the nasal cavity on each side; they are vertical bony plates of sphenoid bonehard palate/bony palate forms the floor of the nasal cavitycranial cavity cavity in the skull occupied by the brainanterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae formed as the developing skull conforms to the shape of the brain; divides up the floor of the cranial cavity when it is viewed from above with the calvaria cut awaycrista galli of the ethmoid bone; a prominent ridge located in the center of the anterior fossameninges thick connective tissue membrane that supports and protects the braincribriform plates on each side of the crista galli of the ethmoid boneolfactory foramina sievelike perforations in the cribriform plate through which olfactory nerves extend from the cranial cavity into the roof of the nasal cavitysella turcica a structure resembling a saddle that the center of the sphenoid bone is modified into, which is occupied by the pituitary gland in lifepetrous part rocky part of the temporal bone that is a thick, bony ridge lateral to the foramen magnum; it is hollow and contains the middle and inner earsinternal acoustic meatus foramina that do not open to the outside; the vestibulocochlear nerve for hearing and balance passes through to connect to the inner ear within the temporal bonesubacromial bursa located near the joint cavity but it is separated from the cavity by the joint capsulerotator cuff ligaments and 4 muscles which help the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavityelbow joint a compound hinge joint consisting of the humeroulnar joint and humeroradial jointhumeroulnar joint between humerus and ulnahumeroradial joint between humerus and radiusproximal radioulnar joint between the proximal radius and ulna; closely related to the elbow jointolecranon bursa covers the proximal and posterior surfaces of olecranonhip joint a BALL-AND-SOCKET joint between the coxal bone and femuracetabular labrum lip of fibrocartilage that deepens and strengthens the acetabulumligament of the head of the femur located inside the hip joint between the femoral head and the acetabulumknee joint a modified hinge joint between the femur and the fibia that allows flexion, extension, and a small amount of rotation of the leglateral and medial menisci build up the margins of the tibial condyles and deepen their articular facetsanterior cruciate ligament attaches to the tibia anterior to the intercondyler eminence and prevents anterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femurposterior cruciate ligament attaches to the tibia posterior to the intercondylar eminence and prevents posterior displacement of the tibiafibular (lateral) collateral ligament/tibial (medial) collateral ligament strengthen the sides of the knee joint and prevent the femur from tipping side to side on the tibiasuprapatellar bursa bursae of the knee that is the largest and superior extension of the joint capsule that allows for movement of the anterior thigh muscles over the distal end of the femursubcutaneous prepatellar bursa/deep intrapatellar bursa other knee bursaeankle joint/ talocrural joint a highly modified hinge joint formed by the distal tibia and fibula and the talushyoid bone unpaired and u-shaped bone between the mandible and the larynxvertebral column backbone; the central axis of the skeleton, extending from the base of the skull to slightly past the end of the pelviscervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral bone, and coccygeal bone makeup vertebral cavity body, the weight-bearing portion of the vertebrapedicles stalk or base of the vertebral arch; 2 to each vertebral arch, attached to the bodylaminae the thinner portion of the vertebral arch; 2 extend from the transverse process to the spinous processvertebral foramen a large opening surrounded by"
"docid": "D185325#0",
"title": "https://en.wikivet.net/Bovine_Hindlimb_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology\nBovine Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology",
"text": "navigation search Bovine Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology Created by the veterinary profession for you - find out more about Wiki Vet Did you know you can edit or help Wiki Vet ® in other ways? NEW CONTENT!Contents [ hide ]1 Pelvic Girdle and Hip1.1 Bones1.1.1 Bovine Bone Specifics2 Joints and Synovial Structures2.1 Sacroiliac Joint2.2 Coxafemoral/Hip Joint3 Musculature4 Proximal Hindlimb including Stifle and Tarsus4.1 Bones4.1.1 Bovine Bone Specifics4.2 Joints and Synovial Structures4.3 Musculature5 Vasculature of the Hindlimb Pelvic Girdle and Hip Bones The pelvic girdle is formed by two hip bones which are joined ventrally at the cartilagenous pelvic symphysis and articulate dorsally with the sacrum. The three components of each hip bone are the Ilium, pubis and ischium. The bone that articulates with the hip bones to form the hip joint is the Femur . Bovine Bone Specifics Ilium In the cow the tuber coxae is visible and is readily palpable. The sacral tuber has two prominences; the cranial and caudal dorsal iliac spines. The iliac crest is thin and concave. The ileal wing is orientated in a vertical manner. Ischium The ischial tuberosity is triangular in shape. Femur The greater trochanter extends further dorsally compared to the femoral head."
"docid": "D2588781#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/scrotal+nerves%2c+posterior\nnerve",
"text": "\"nerve (redirected from scrotal nerves, posterior) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia .nerve [ nerv] a macroscopic cordlike structure of the body, comprising a collection of nerve fibers that conveyimpulses between a part of the central nervous system and some other body region. See Appendix2-6 and see color plates. Depending on their function, nerves are known as sensory, motor, or mixed. Sensory nerves,sometimes called afferent nerves, carry information from the outside world, such as sensations of heat, cold, and pain, to the brain and spinal cord. Motor nerves, or efferent nerves, transmitimpulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. Mixed nerves are composed of both motorand sensory fibers, and transmit messages in both directions at once. Together, the nerves make up the peripheral nervous system, as distinguished from the centralnervous system (brain and spinal cord). There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which carry messages to and from the brain. Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and pass out between the vertebrae;there are 31 pairs, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. The various nervefibers and cells that make up the autonomic nervous system innervate the glands, heart, bloodvessels, and involuntary muscles of the internal organs."
"docid": "D3245169#0",
"title": "https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/nerve\nnerve",
"text": "\"nerve Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to nerve: sciatic nerve, nerve painnerve [ nerv] a macroscopic cordlike structure of the body, comprising a collection of nerve fibers that conveyimpulses between a part of the central nervous system and some other body region. See Appendix2-6 and see color plates. Depending on their function, nerves are known as sensory, motor, or mixed. Sensory nerves,sometimes called afferent nerves, carry information from the outside world, such as sensations of heat, cold, and pain, to the brain and spinal cord. Motor nerves, or efferent nerves, transmitimpulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. Mixed nerves are composed of both motorand sensory fibers, and transmit messages in both directions at once. Together, the nerves make up the peripheral nervous system, as distinguished from the centralnervous system (brain and spinal cord). There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which carry messages to and from the brain. Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and pass out between the vertebrae;there are 31 pairs, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal."
"docid": "D2160857#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/75461671/anatomy-ch-7-flash-cards/\nAnatomy Ch. 7",
"text": "\"157 terms trulymaggie Anatomy Ch. 7The Axial Skeleton Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Axial Skeleton Forms the longitudinal axis of the body. Consists of the skull, bones associated with the skull, the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage.22 and cranium The skull contains ___ bones: 8 form the ______, or braincase, and 14 are associated with the face. Cranial Bones, Cranial Cavity The cranium consists of 8 _______ _____ that enclose the _______ ______, a chamber that supports the brain. Joints AKA articulations. Forms where two bones connect. Nasal Septum Wall that divides the nasal cavity into let and right halves. Sinuses Several bones of the skull contain these air-filled chambers. Sutures The connections between the skull bones of adults are immovable joints. Bones are tied firmly together with dense fibrous connective tissue."
"docid": "D1548363#0",
"title": "http://www.cranialtherapycentre.com/the-therapeutic-value-of-the-craniosacral-system/\nThe Therapeutic Value of the Craniosacral System",
"text": "The Therapeutic Value of the Craniosacral System By John Upledger The very existence of the cardiovascular and respiratory rhythm is not disputed today. But for eons, the debate raged on in medical communities, in cultures around the globe, concerning the reality of these systems. Even today, treatment of afflictions associated with these systems and especially health maintenance are remarkedly varied, as diverse as the numerous disciplines found throughout the world and their individual practitioners. For nearly 15 years I’ve been a chief proponent of the use of the Craniosacral System as another rhythm to help evaluate the proper functioning of the body … and to help solve problems of pain and dysfunction. I’ve been dedicated to teaching the therapeutic value of the Craniosacral System to all healthcare professionals, physicians and non-physicians, including massage therapists, physical therapies, occupational therapists, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and even dentists. If it seems odd that so many different practices can derive benefit from an understanding of this System, an explanation of how is functions may be helpful. The Craniosacral System is a physiological system that exists in humans as well as those animals possessing a brain and spinal cord. Its formation begins in the womb and continues to function until death. When there is an imbalance in your Craniosacral System, your brain and spinal cord suffer. These organs are the core of your being."
"docid": "D3459703#0",
"title": "http://what-when-how.com/neuroscience/meninges-and-cerebrospinal-fluid-gross-anatomy-of-the-brain-part-1/\nMeninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid (Gross Anatomy of the Brain) Part 1",
"text": "\"Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid (Gross Anatomy of the Brain) Part 1The Meninges The tissues comprising the brain and spinal cord are very delicate and require special protection. This is provided by the bony cranial vault, the bony vertebral canal, and the meninges. The cranial cavity is generally divided into three regions known as the anterior, middle, and posterior fossae, which house the anterior frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the cerebellum and brain stem, respectively. Within the cranial cavity, the brain is surrounded by meninges. The meninges consist of three layers of connective tissue membranes (dura, arachnoid, and pia mater). The arachnoid and pia are known as the leptomeninges (\"\"lepto\"\" means thin and fine in Greek). There are several differences in the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord, and, accordingly, they are discussed separately. The menin-ges consist of fibroblasts and collagen fibrils. The amount of collagen varies in different meningeal layers. For example, the dura mater contains copious amounts of collagen fibrils, whereas the arachnoid mater has no collagen."
"docid": "D3200102#0",
"title": "http://www.integrativehealthcare.org/mt/archives/2007/01/hypertension_ma.html\nHypertension: Massage Indication or Contraindication?",
"text": "Previous Next Hypertension: Massage Indication or Contraindication? Nicole Cutler L. Ac. January 18th, 2007Being a responsible massage therapist often means combining information from various sources to arrive at an educated conclusion. In the case of treating a client with hypertension, choosing the best way to proceed can be tricky. While modern research touts its ability to reduce blood pressure, massage therapy is also one of the most commonly taught contraindications for hypertension. Want to earn continuing education credit for this article? Learn more. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious condition affecting one in four American adults. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries."
"docid": "D2839224#0",
"title": "http://www.bodyinkneadmassage.com/index.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Each Client Is Unique Massage therapy catered to your individual needs! We understand that no two clients are alike. More Than 20 Years Experience Janice Gorman has been a licensed massage therapist for 20 years. Quiet, Convenient Office Conveniently located at the corner of Broad Street & Hartman Road in Wadsworth . Main Menu: Home About Us Massage Menu Craniosacral Reiki FAQs Links Whats New New research suggests that Cranio Sacral therapy can provide “significant reduction in pain” in fibromyalgia patients.$50 Massage Offer Enjoy a 60 minute Cranio Sacral session for only $50.00 plus tax. Our Facility Our office is loacated at: 730 Broad Street ~ Ste. 4 Wadsworth, OH 44281. What Is Massage Therapy Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. It employs many different techniques, including but not limited to: deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point therapy, shiatsu, acupressure, manual lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy. It should be performed by a trained health care professional."
"docid": "D3502385#0",
"title": "http://www.lalecheleague.org/llleaderweb/lv/lvaugsep01p82.html\nConsidering CranioSacral Therapy in Difficult Situations",
"text": "\"Considering Cranio Sacral Therapy in Difficult Situations Carol Brussel, BA, IBCLC Denver CO USA From: LEAVEN, Vol. 37 No. 4, August-September 2001, pp. 82-83. When a baby is unable to nurse or nurses so poorly that he causes pain to his mother, he presents a true challenge. A mother who experiences pain or who perceives that her baby is not breastfeeding effectively is a mother who is at risk of prematurely weaning this baby (Riordan and Auerbach 1999). After working through all of the usual avenues of information and resources that can help in this kind of situation, some Leaders have found a new therapy, called Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST), can be helpful. CST is a light-touch manual therapy used to encourage the body's self-correcting mechanisms. Generally using about five grams of pressure, or about the weight of a small coin, the practitioner evaluates the body's craniosacral system. This system plays a vital role in maintaining the environment in which the central nervous system functions."
"docid": "D56957#0",
"title": "http://quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/cranial.html\nWhy Cranial Therapy Is Silly",
"text": "\"Why Cranial Therapy Is Silly Stephen Barrett, M. D. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is one of many terms used to describe a various methods based on fanciful claims that: The human brain makes rhythmic movements at a rate of 10 to 14 cycles per minute, a periodicity unrelated to breathing or heart rate. Small cranial pulsations can be felt with the fingertips. Restriction of movement of the cranial sutures (where the skull bones meet) interfere with the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord) and cause disease. Diseases can be diagnosed by detecting aberrations in this rhythm. Pain (especially of the jaw joint) and many other ailments can be remedied by pressing on the skull bones. Most practitioners are osteopaths, massage therapists, chiropractors, dentists, or physical therapists. The other terms used to describe what they do include cranial osteopathy, cranial therapy, bio cranial therapy, and two chiropractic variants called craniopathy and sacro occipital technique (SOT). Dubious Claims Osteopaths attribute the origin of CST to osteopath William G. Sutherland (1873-1954), who published his first article on this subject in the early 1930s. From the mid-1970s onward, the leading proponent was John E. Upledger, D. O., who founded the Upledger Institute of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Various Institute publications have claimed: Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle, noninvasive manipulative technique."
"docid": "D2259080#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/13077551/chapter-15-autonomic-nervous-system-flash-cards/\nChapter 15: Autonomic Nervous System",
"text": "\"54 terms acornell8317Chapter 15: Autonomic Nervous System Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortperipheral nervous system divisions - somatic - autonomicsomatic PNS - afferent stimulation comes from exteroreceptors (sensory receptors on surface of body) - efferent stimulation causes actions to occur at somatic effectors (skeletal muscle) - most sensory and motor events of the somatic nervous system we are consciously aware ofautonomic PNS - afferent stimulation comes from interoreceptors (sensory receptors located from within the body's internal environment - efferent stimulation causes actions to occurs at autonomic effectors (smooth and cardiac muscle, glandular tissue) - most events of the ANS we are not consciously aware ofhow do autonomic neurons regulate visceral actions by either increasing (exciting) or decreasing (inhibiting) ongoing activities in their effector tissuescan autonomic actions be conscously monitored? - most cannot be consciously altered to any degree - however, signals from the general and somatic senses, acting via the limbic system, can influence responses of autonomic motor neurons - ex) hearing the squeling brakes of a nearby car can increase your HR and RRsympathetic autonomic actions - stimulation from this division of the ANS results in increased altertness and metabolic activities in order to prepare the body for certain actions - fight or flight - E situations: embarassment, emergency, excitement, exercise - HR increases, RR increases,, divert blood to skeletal muscles, breakdown glycogenparasympathetic autonomic actions - activities that restore and conserve energy and replenish nutrient stores for certain actions - rest and digest - SLUDD: salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defecationdual innervation - most organs are able to receive impulses from both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons - in general, nerve impulses from one division of the ANS will stimulate an organ to increase its activity (excitation) while impulses from the other division would decrease (inhibit) that same organ's activitywhat 2 centers regulate the ANS? centers in the hypothalamus and brainstem serve to regulate autonomic actions by way of negative feedback mechanismscomponents of an autonomic reflex 1) receptor 2) sensory neuron 3) integrating center (hypothalamus and brainstem, except urination and defecation, which are in the spinal cord) 4) motor neuron 5) effector (smooth or cardiac muscle, glands) = responses that occur when nerve impulses pass through an autonomic reflex arc → play a key role in regulating controlled conditions of the body by regulating the opening and closing of sphincters ANS motor (efferent) pathways - 2 neuron pathways - preganglionic neuron → ganglion → postganglionic neuronganglion - collection of cell bodies outside the CNSautononic ganglia - sites of synapses between the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons2 places for symphathetic ganglia 1) just outside spinal cord - vertical chain ganglia - run lateral to spinal cord → innervate organs above the diaphragm 2) anterior to spinal cord - prevertebral ganglia → innervate organs below the diaphragm → include celiac, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, aorticorenal, and renal ganglionpreganglionic motor neurons - the first neuron in the efferent pathway of an autonomic response - has its cell body located in the brain or spinal cord - its axon exits from either a cranial or spinal nerve - synapses in a ganglion (except for motor neurons to the adrenal glands)postganglionic motor neurons - the second neuron in the efferent pathway of an autonomic response - has its cell body in an autonomic ganglion (outside of CNS) - its axon extends from the autonomic ganglion directly to the effectorsympathetic pathway - preganglionic motor neuron cell bodies are in the lateral gray horns (only located in T2-L1), leaves through spinal nerve to spinal cord (short), synapses with ganglion, postganglion neuron starts here and goes to effector (long) preganglionic motor neuron (lateral gray horns) → spinal nerve → spinal cord → ganglion (S) → postganglion → effector - preganglionic neuron axons are B fibers and are short, ACh is NT - postganglionic neuron axons are C fibers and are long, NORE is NT* * except if sweat gland (then is ACh)preganglionic neurons of sympathetic ANS - \"\"thoracolumbar\"\" division - the cell bodies of the preganglionic neurons are located in the lateral gray horns of T1-L1/L2 - short B fibersdifference in sympathetic system with adrenal glands - there is only 1 neuron and NT is ACh, which triggers the release of NORE and EPE - release of NORE triggers fight or flight responsesympathetic autonomic ganglia - sympathetic trunk ganglia lie in a vertical row on either side of the vertebral column → postganglionic axons from these sites primarily innervate the organs above the diaphragm → superior ganglia (head and a little heart), middle and inferior ganglia (heart) - prevertebral ganglia lies anterior to the vertebral column and close to the large abdominal arteties → primarily innervate the organs below the diaphragm → 5 gangliapostganglionic sympathetic neurons - long C fibers - once axons of the sympatheti preganglionic neurons pass to the sympathetic trunk ganglia, they may synapse with postganglionic neurons in one of 4 ways 1) at the first sympathetic chain ganglion it reaches 2) may ascend or descend within the sympathetic chain 3) pass through without synapsing to go to synapse at prevertebral ganglion 4) may go directly through to the chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland to stimulate the release of NORE which serve to futher enhance sympathetic actions ** a single preganglionic fiber has many collaterals and may synapse with 20 or more postganglionic neurons → this is an example of divergence and explains why many sympathetic responses affect almost the entire body simultaneouslypathways from the sympathetic trunk ganglia - the cell bodies for the sympathetic preganglionic are located in the lateral gray horns of T1-L2 - once they leave the gray horns, one of 4 pathways can be taken 1) spinal nerves 2) cephalic periarterial nerves 3) sympathetic nerves 4) splanchnic nervessympathetics in spinal nerves - when a preganglionic sympathetic neuron synapses in the sypathetic (lateral) trunk, the postganglionic neuron will leave the trunk via the short gray rami communicans and then merge with the anterior ramus of a spinal nerve - these axons will go on to supply sympathetic innervation to the effectors in the skin of the neck, trunk, and limbs, including sweat glands, smooth muscle in the BVs of the skin, and the arrector pili musclescephalic periarterial nerves - some preganglionic neurons that enter the sympathetic trunk ascend to the superior cervical ganglion to synapse with postganglionic neurons - the axons of these postganglionics leave the sympathetic trunk by forming cephalic periarterial nerves that extend to the head by wrapping around such vessels as the carotid arteries - these fibers give sympathetic innervation to effectors in the skin of the face (sweat glands, vessels, arrector pili muscles) and to the eye, nose, and salivary glandssympathetic nerve formation - are formed when sympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic neurons in the sympathetic trunk and then travel to the thoracic cavity → enter the cardiac plexus to supply the heart → enter the pulmonary plexus to supply the air passagessplanchnic nerves - when preganglionic neurons pass through the sympathetic trunk without synapsing but travel to the prevertebral ganglion to synapse, that passage is called a splanchnic nerve - when the postganglionic axons leave the prevertebral ganglion they will follow the course of arteries to supply the abdominal and pelvic organs - 5 splanchnic nerves → 1) greater splanchnic nerve - celiac ganglion, celiac plexus to supply the stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys, and small intestine → 2) lesser splanchnic nerve - aorticorenal and superior mesenteric ganglia, superior mesenteric plexus to supply the small intestine and proximal colon → 3) least splanchnic nerve - renal plexus to supply the renal vessels and ureterns → 4) lumbar splanchnic nerve - inferior messenteric ganglia, inferior mesenteric plexus to supply the remainder of the large intestine and rectum → 5) to the chromaffun cells of the adrenal medulla, causing the release of EPE and NORE which enhance sympathetic actionssympathetic responses - fight or flight - pupils dilate - HR and BP increases - airways dilate - slowing of urine formation and digestion - blood is diverted to skeletal and and cardiac muscle - glucose is broken down********** **************parasympathetic pathway - preganglionic motor neuron comes from cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, or 10 or sacral segments S2, S3, or S4 - preganglionic is a B fiber (long) - ganglion is far from spinal cord (near effector) - postganglionic neuron is a short C fiber - uses ACh - preganglionic motor neuron from cranial nerve or sacral segment → ganglion @ spinal cord (S) → postganglionic neuronpreganglionic neurons of parasympathetic ANS - \"\"craniosacral\"\" division - the cell bodies for these are from cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, or 10 and in the gray matter of spinal segments S2-S4 - long, B fibersparasympathetic autonomic ganglia - terminal (intramural) ganglia - near effectors - preganglionic axons of the P-ANS synapse with postganglionic neurons in ganglia that are located just outside of or actually within the wall of the visceral organ effector → preganglionic axons travelling in cranial nerves 3, 7, and 9 synapse with ganglia and are involved with parasympathetic innervation to effectors of the head → preganglionic axons travelling in cranial nerve 10 travel to innervate the heart, lungs, and digestive organs → the organs of the reproductive system and bladder receive innervation from axons that arise in the pelvic s"
"docid": "D1654069#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123745538001040\nBRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM | Autonomic Nervous System of Fishes",
"text": "Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology From Genome to Environment2011, Pages 80–88BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM | Autonomic Nervous System of Fishes S. Nilsson Current as of 31 October 2016Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374553-8.00104-0 Get rights and content Abstract The fish autonomic nervous system (ANS) comprises three different portions: the cranial ANS, the spinal autonomic system, and, finally, the enteric nervous system (autonomic nerves intrinsic to the gut). In the absence of lachrymal and salivary glands in fish, cranial autonomic pathways generally occur only in cranial nerves III and X. Segmental paravertebral ganglia, or true sympathetic chains, are present in fish other than cyclostomes. As examples of ANS function in fishes, cardiac control (especially adrenergic control), and the nervous control of the iris are summarized. Keywords Acetylcholine; Adrenaline; Autonomic nervous system; Catecholamine; Cranial nerves;Neurotransmitter; Oculomotor; Vagus Nomenclature Glossary Adrenergic A general term pertaining to processes or structures related to catecholamines. For example, neurons that release noradrenaline as transmitter; catecholamines binding to adrenergic receptors (adrenoceptors), and adrenergically activated (catecholamine-activated) physiological processes. Autonomic nervous system A collection of motor neurons (ganglia) ordered segmentally from cranial to caudal levels. The system controls the inner organs (viscera) through reflexes without conscious control. Catecholamine Any of a class of amines derived from a catechol that acts as chemical messangers (a hormone or neurotransmitter). The main catecholamines are dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline and these are secreted by neurons of the autonomic nervous system or specific chromaffin cells of the head kidney. Cholinergic A general term pertaining to processes or structures related to acetylcholine."
"docid": "D2017627#0",
"title": "http://www.integrativehealthcare.org/mt/archives/2013/08/muscle-memory-trauma-and-massage-therapy.html\nMuscle Memory, Trauma and Massage Therapy",
"text": "\"Previous Next Muscle Memory, Trauma and Massage Therapy Linda Fehrs LMTAugust 1st, 2013Free Report Riding a bicycle, playing the piano, handwriting, dancing, typing on a keyboard, learning to speak a language – even learning how to give a good massage – all these things, and more, are thanks to muscle memory. Other things that can be included are life events causing not only physical, but also emotional trauma. Everything we do and everything that happens to us and around us affects the nervous system, including the brain and the muscles enervated by each experience. Learn how massage therapy can help to release and even assist in healing the imbalance caused by trauma to the body and mind. The body remembers what the mind forgets is something mind/body therapists say when it comes to both physical or psychological trauma and the body. Massage therapists often see proof in this when working on clients. The client starts to tense up when a certain part of the arm is touched, may laugh when getting a foot massage, or start to cry as they relax during a back massage. It seems to come out of nowhere and may startle or confuse both the therapist and the client. Why and how does this happen? What Is Muscle Memory?"
"docid": "D2021171#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/gluteal+nerve%2c+inferior\nnerve",
"text": "\"nerve (redirected from gluteal nerve, inferior) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia .nerve [ nerv] a macroscopic cordlike structure of the body, comprising a collection of nerve fibers that conveyimpulses between a part of the central nervous system and some other body region. See Appendix 2-6and see color plates. Depending on their function, nerves are known as sensory, motor, or mixed. Sensory nerves,sometimes called afferent nerves, carry information from the outside world, such as sensations of heat, cold, and pain, to the brain and spinal cord. Motor nerves, or efferent nerves, transmit impulsesfrom the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. Mixed nerves are composed of both motor and sensoryfibers, and transmit messages in both directions at once. Together, the nerves make up the peripheral nervous system, as distinguished from the central nervoussystem (brain and spinal cord). There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which carry messages to and fromthe brain. Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and pass out between the vertebrae; there are 31 pairs, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. The various nerve fibers and cellsthat make up the autonomic nervous system innervate the glands, heart, blood vessels, and involuntarymuscles of the internal organs."
"docid": "D800423#0",
"title": "http://www.quackwatch.com/04ConsumerEducation/QA/osteo.html\nDubious Aspects of Osteopathy",
"text": "\"Dubious Aspects of Osteopathy Stephen Barrett, M. D. Osteopathic physicians (DOs) are the legal equivalents and, in most cases, are the professional equivalents of medical doctors (MDs). However, before deciding whether to use the services of a DO it is useful to understand osteopathy's history and the practical significance of its philosophy. Cultist Roots Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917) originally expressed the principles of osteopathy in 1874, when medical science was in its infancy. He is commonly said to have had an MD degree, but Martin Gardner, one of the 20th century's leading science writers, concluded that \"\"there is no evidence Still had any medical training other than helping his father, a Methodist missionary, take care of Shawnee indians.\"\" [ 1]Still claimed that diseases were caused by mechanical interference with nerve and blood supply and were curable by manipulation of \"\"deranged, displaced bones, nerves, muscles—removing all obstructions—thereby setting the machinery of life moving.\"\" His autobiography states that he caused a bald-headed man to grow hair three inches long in one week and that he could \"\"shake a child and stop scarlet fever, croup, diphtheria, and cure whooping cough in three days by a wring of its neck.\"\" [ 2] He was antagonistic toward the drug practices of his day and regarded surgery as a last resort. Rejected as a cultist by organized medicine, he founded the first osteopathic medical school in Kirksville, Missouri, in 1892. As medical science developed, osteopathy gradually incorporated all of its theories and practices [3] and achieved licensure in all 50 states. In 1901, California became the first state to license DOs; in 1989, Nebraska became the last."
"docid": "D1628496#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6069648/chapter-7-the-skeleton-flash-cards/\nChapter 7: The skeleton",
"text": "\"88 terms packgirl85Chapter 7: The skeleton Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort These very small bones are at the medial wall of each orbit. Lacrimal bone Failure of these anterior bones to fuse causes a condition known as cleft palate. Maxillae This bone houses the apparatus of the internal and middle ear. Temporal bones This bone is wing-shaped and extends behind the eyes and forms part of the floor of the cranial vault. Sphenoid The bones that contain teeth. Maxillae This bone has a passageway into the nasal cavity Lacrimal bones The sella turcica is a portion of this bone. Sphenoid Region of vertebreal column that articulates with hip bones of the pelvis. The Sacrum Region of the vertebral column that attaches to the robs Thoracic Curvature Region of the vertebral column that recieves the most stress The lumbar curvature Region of the vertebral column where transverse formina are present The cerival vertebrae Region of verteral column where no foramen or canals are present Coccyx Region of vertebral column where the axis and atlas are present Cervical Region of the vertebral column that contains the joint that allows you to shake your head yes and no Cervical Part of the ethmoid bone that forms the nasal septum perpendicular plate Part of the ethmoid bone that contains the orbital areas orbital plate Part of the ethmoid bone where the olfactory bulb sits Crista galli Part of the ethmoid bone that is also called the \"\"roosters comb\"\" Crista Galli Part of the sphenoid bone that anchors the pterygoid muscles Pterygoid processes Part of the sphnoid bone that is the passageway for the optic nerve optic canal Part of the sphenoid bone that forms parts of the middle cranial fossa, dorsal walls of the orbits, and external walls of the skull."
] |
2219 | benefits of speed bag workout | [
"docid": "D957010#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/287647-speed-bag-workout/\nSpeed Bag Workout",
"text": "Speed Bag Workoutby LUKE SCHMALTZ Sept. 11, 2017As you pound into the blur in front of you with increasing intensity, your reflexes fire, your shoulders burn and the rhythm locks your concentration onto the task at hand and little else. This is a speed bag workout and along with fast hands you are developing strength, focus and endurance. Effectively working out with a speed bag requires that you learn to hit the bag with both hands in random rotation for at least 30 seconds without stopping. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Building Speed Set your workout timer for 30 seconds. While punching at a medium pace, count how many times you connect with the bag during one interval. If the number is 50, then aim to hit the speed bag that many times for another round. Increase your hit target number to 51 for two rounds, then to 52 and so on for a total of eight 30-second rounds. Remember to always keep your hands up by your head. This not only helps you connect effectively, it also enforces the important habit of keeping your guard up at all times. Training for Strength The bigger and less inflated a speed bag is, the more force is required to get it to rebound multiple times."
] | [
"docid": "D3228659#0",
"title": "https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/getting-fit-and-strong-the-bruce-lee-way.htm\nEnter The Six-Pack: Train Like Bruce Lee",
"text": "\"Training Programs Enter The Six-Pack: Train Like Bruce Lee Arnav Sarkar April 01, 2016 • 8 min read40 years ago, young athletes found inspiration in Bruce Lee's peerless intensity and wiry strength. Not much has changed since. Get out the heavy bag and make Lee's training style work for you! \"\" Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless.\"\" These legendary words are often attributed to Bruce Lee, and while it's debatable whether they actually originated with him, there's no doubt that they strike at the core of his martial philosophy. His legendary and eclectic fighting style of Jeet Kune Do, \"\"the way of the intercepting fist,\"\" focused on crafting his strikes around his opponent's incoming attack, at a moment when anything extraneous would just slow him down with tragic results. As a result, he was as unpredictable as he was entertaining. Openness and flexibility also defined how Lee approached his physical training. While trainers and his peers wasted their time with territorial squabbles and quests for one-size-fits-all training programs, Lee was receptive to a wide range of traditions."
"docid": "D49942#0",
"title": "http://livehealthy.chron.com/tell-size-punching-bag-need-2220.html\nHow to Tell What Size Punching Bag You Need",
"text": "Related Articles1 [Great Punching] | Great Punching Bag Workouts to Build Muscle2 [Heavy Bag] | Heavy Bag Workout Routines for Beginners3 [Best Heavy] | The Best Heavy Bag to Burn Fat4 [Punching Bag] | Things to Learn on a Punching Bag Choosing the proper size and weight punching bag has a lot to do with the type of workout that you'll be using it for. Hitting a heavy bag that is too light can cause too much rebound when practicing power shots, but it may be great for a hybrid quickness-and-power workout. On the other hand, switching to a bag that is too heavy can make you feel like you're punching a wall. While heavy bag selection is largely based on how hard you intend to hit it, speed bag training is far more technique oriented. Thus, your level of experience correlates strongly with the size bag that you should choose. Heavy Bag Sizing1. Choose a small, 25- or 40-pound heavy bag if building quickness or improving punching accuracy is the primary goal of your workout. You'll need a heftier heavy bag if your goal is improving strength and punching force.2. Calculate the approximate-size heavy bag that you need to train power. Divide your weight by two, then round the result to the nearest multiple of ten."
"docid": "D1193473#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/388660-how-much-do-you-have-to-walk-to-lose-weight/\nHow Much Do You Have to Walk to Lose Weight?",
"text": "How Much Do You Have to Walk to Lose Weight?by ANDREA CESPEDES July 18, 2017You don't need a gym to get a quality workout -- just head out the front door for a brisk walk. It's the most popular way to stay fit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2012. Walking as an exercise can even help you lose weight, if combined with a low-calorie diet. How much you need to walk to make weight loss happen depends on the intensity of the walk and on your size. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Walking for Weight Loss Walking helps you lose weight when it contributes to a calorie deficit. By increasing your activity and decreasing the number of calories you eat, you force your body to dip into your fat stores to fuel you. A deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories yields a loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week. Most people can afford to cut 250 to 500 calories from their meal plan without dipping below 1,200 calories, which can cause your metabolism to slow down and can also cause nutritional deficiencies. This means that to make notable weight loss happen, you need to burn another 250 to 500 calories daily by walking. The American College of Sports Medicine makes a general recommendation that 250 minutes per week of moderate activity, such as brisk walking, is necessary for significant weight loss."
"docid": "D309384#0",
"title": "https://www.livestrong.com/article/105668-exercises-improve-cardiovascular-endurance/\nExercises to Improve Cardiovascular Endurance",
"text": "Exercises to Improve Cardiovascular Enduranceby JIM SLOAN Sept. 11, 2017The best exercises for improving cardiovascular endurance are activities that elevate your heart rate and keep it elevated for a sustained period of time. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, these activities include fast-paced walking, running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, jumping rope and in-line skating. By elevating your heart rate with exercise, you strengthen your heart, improve blood flow, burn fat and improve your body's ability to deliver oxygen and energy to working muscles. These are the hallmarks of cardiovascular endurance. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Walking Walking burns fewer calories than other forms of exercise, but it is good exercise for many people because they can do it anytime and anywhere. The key is to walk fast. To improve your cardiovascular endurance, your heart rate should be at least 60 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR), which is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. To reach 60 percent of your MHR, you may have to walk from 3.5 to 4.5 mph. Jogging A typical 154-pound person jogging at the relatively easy pace of 5 mph will burn twice as many calories in a half hour as the same person walking 3.5 mph. Because jogging is considered a more vigorous form of exercise, many people like to run to improve their cardiovascular endurance."
"docid": "D957008#0",
"title": "http://woman.thenest.com/health-benefits-using-speed-bag-punching-bag-5806.html\nThe Health Benefits of Using a Speed Bag & Punching Bag",
"text": "\"Leave your frustrations at your workout. If you've ever seen a \"\"Rocky\"\" montage you know how cool it looks to beat on a punching bag -- if you haven't, just imagine taking out all the frustration you've ever had on something that can't fight back or complain. Using a speed bag and punching bag provides more than just giving you a chance to look like a tough chick, it also provides benefits that can improve your health and overall well-being. Muscle Conditioning If you're devoted to a punching bag and speed bag workout, chances are good that you'll develop a pretty toned body. Punching a bag, especially a heavy bag, is like an intense version of lifting weights. Working against the resistance of the bag strengthens the muscles in your arms when you punch, legs when you kick, and core with nearly any type of strike. The repetitive movements of a punching bag and speed bag workout improve your muscular endurance. The first time you do a bag workout, your arms will probably feel like limp noodles within few minutes, but after a couple weeks you should be able to beat on the bag for much longer. Cardiovascular Fitness The high intensity used with a speed bag do wonders to improve your cardiovascular fitness. In fact, even hitting a punching bag for several minutes will have your heart pumping like you can't believe."
"docid": "D2764912#0",
"title": "https://www.onnit.com/onnit-sandbags/\n.",
"text": "\"Onnit Sandbags Destabilized training for real world strength. Onnit Sandbags are temporarily unavailable. Email me when they’re available: Notify me Destabilized Training For Real World Strength The Onnit Sandbag is our take on a sandbag, a simple and effective unconventional training tool comprised of a durable outer bag, with typically an inner bag filled with sand. Unlike typical workout implements, the sandbag's weight shifts and moves when you do, creating a much more dynamic and challenging workout. It requires you to utilize a variety of stabilization muscles that wouldn't typically be used for basic lifts, especially for higher repetitions. The benefits of using sandbags are many, but the two that really distinguish them from other implements are their functionality and versatility. Sandbags have a way of showing you exactly how \"\"functionally fit\"\" you really are. That's because the weights that you're going to be lifting on a day to day basis are not going to cooperate with you... think of picking up your kids, carrying groceries, or doing yard work; none of these have form-fitted handles for you to grip. The same is true with many sandbag drills. This type of training will be instantly translated into benefits for your next Jiu Jitsu match, playground day with the kids, or backyard weekend chores."
"docid": "D1366376#0",
"title": "https://www.orthocanada.com/en/nustep-t5xr\nNuStep T5XR recumbent cross trainer",
"text": "\"Nu Step T5XR recumbent cross trainer Nu Step SKU: OC-040072Accessories Accessory Storage Bag Floor mat Hip and Torso Belt Leg Stabilizer, Unilateral Bundle Stability Essentials Package Total Essentials Package Transporter Wellgrip Set Request a quote Add to Favorite Email this page Print this product Opening a clinic or expanding? Get expert advice Description** Compare models**Nu Step T5XR Recumbent Cross Trainer An industry standard when it comes to total body conditioning of the cardiovascular and muscular systems, the T5XR represents the height of Nu Step innovation with an extended range of features, adjustments and versatility, all designed to offer the benefits of life-transforming exercise to more users. A favourite among cardiac-rehab programs across Canada, the T5XR is accessible, supportive and versatile. Whatever the user’s level of fitness or ability, the T5XR offers safe, effective and adaptive exercise. The T5XR includes more than 40 new features and design improvements, all developed through extensive field research and testing. Overview - Total body conditioning of the cardiovascular and muscular systems. - Use arms alone, legs alone, or both. - Closed-kinetic chain exercise. - Low 3”–4” step-through height for easy access. - Biomechanically correct workout position. -"
"docid": "D3206066#0",
"title": "http://www.daveywaveyfitness.com/cardio/5-reasons-dont-hold-the-treadmill-while-walking-or-running\n5 Reasons: Donât Hold the Treadmill While Walking or Running.",
"text": "5 Reasons: Don’t Hold the Treadmill While Walking or Running. March 2, 2012 By Davey Wavey 25 Comments The treadmill can be a hugely effective piece of exercise equipment – when used properly. The problem is, many gym-goers make one very big mistake when using it: They hold on to the machine for support while walking or running. Unfortunately, holding onto the machine has some negative consequences: Fewer calories burned. Holding onto the machine makes the exercise easier and less intense. That means fewer calories burned. The treadmill may display one number for total calories burned – but the treadmill doesn’t know that you’re holding on. It’s estimated that holding onto the treadmill results in 20% to 25% fewer calories burned. Doesn’t translate to the real world. If you’re walking or running while holding onto the treadmill, it gives you a false sense of progress."
"docid": "D2793621#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/284325-calories-burned-in-a-jump-rope-workout/\nCalories Burned in a Jump Rope Workout",
"text": "Calories Burned in a Jump Rope Workoutby JENNIFER WILLIAMS Sept. 11, 2017Jumping rope is part of training programs for Olympic wrestlers, boxers and other athletes. Trimming off pounds is just one of the benefits of jumping rope. The USDA emphasizes the positive effect jumping rope has on building bone mass, and the American Heart Association promotes jumping rope for cardiovascular fitness. Best of all, you can jump rope as part of a workout regimen to lose weight. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load History Jumping plays a big part in how children play. From ancient times to the early 1900s, only men competed in speed and endurance jump rope contests. Women were not believed to have the physical ability to jump rope. Today, males and females of all ages jump rope to build coordination as well as burn calories. Weight Loss The basics of any weight loss plan should include diet and exercise. To lose weight you need to expend more calories than you consume."
"docid": "D22533#0",
"title": "http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=664\nHow to Use the Stationary Bike",
"text": "\"By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor 9/29/2006If you’ve never tried a stationary bike, you’re missing out on a fantastic cardio exercise that strengthens your legs and lungs at the same time. A stationary bike is a low-impact option that's easy on your joints. Types of Bikes Not all stationary bikes are alike. There are two main types, an upright bike and a recumbent bike: The first option, an upright bike, is like a regular bicycle (your legs extend below your torso and your back is not supported), only stationary. Recumbent bikes offer a more relaxed, supported sitting position. Like a chair, they have seat backs to support your back, and instead of pedaling below, your legs usually extend in front of you. The Set-Up Proper bike set-up will give you an effective workout and reduce your risk of injury. Adjusting a bike to fit you usually involves three to four variables: Seat height: On an upright bike, start by adjusting your seat to about the height of your hip. Have a seat, placing your feet on/into the pedals. With one leg fully extended (foot flat and parallel to the floor), you should have only a small bend in your knee—about 5-10 degrees."
"docid": "D2066131#0",
"title": "http://www.mightyfighter.com/bodylastics-review/\nBodylastics Review â The Best Resistance Bands Around?",
"text": "Bodylastics Review – The Best Resistance Bands Around? Samuel Ha Fitness Equipment Products A few months back, I spent several weeks looking for a piece of equipment that embodies a full and intense workout that’s ideal for athletes in high impact sports, most notably boxing and MMA. It had to meet several criteria’s: Quality, functionality and value. Since I purchased their Max XT 142lbs set, I found Bodylastics’ Resistance Bands to not only meet those criteria’s, but surpass them. To give you a very brief overview of what Bodylastics is all about, here are some main points. High Quality System: Their resistance bands are made from the highest quality materials as a result of continuous improvement since its release. It has a patented D. G. S technology, designed for preventing the elastic from snapping, something that often happens to many other similar but lesser products. Ideal for Any Athlete: The system is so flexible that it can be used to replicate any type of movement that occurs in the gym and in any real life sports. They’re even used by the US Military Arm, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Suits Any Purpose: Whether your goal is to build muscle strength or to lose weight, you can simply achieve it by incorporating a series of specific workouts that cater to your goal."
"docid": "D958616#0",
"title": "https://draxe.com/tendonitis/\n6 Natural Treatments for Tendonitis",
"text": "Conditions Tendonitis 6 Natural Treatments for Tendonitis6 Natural Treatments for Tendonitis450 17 741Tendonitis (which is also sometimes spelled tendinitis) is a form of painful inflammation in the tendons, which are the chord-like parts of the body that connect muscles to bones. Usually caused by repetitive movements (like exercise or sitting in the same position for many hours), injuries or built-up inflammation over time, tendonitis can cause a lot of pain. People who are over 40 years old tend to get tendonitis more than younger people, but really anyone can development symptoms depending on how damaged versus elastic tendons become. It’s true that as we age, our ligaments, bones and tendons slowly weaken with everyday wear and tear, so we’re more likely to experience things like muscle or joint pain. Tendonitis comes down to experiencing inflamed tendons that are more susceptible to stress, strain, movement and tears. Despite what most people assume, this can affect people of all ages, sizes and physical activity levels, not just serious athletes or the elderly. Tendonitis is treated in different ways depending on where it’s located on the body, how long it’s been present and the person’s physical activity level. If you visit an orthopedic or doctor to help treat your tendonitis, he or she might prescribe a treatment plan involving getting plenty of rest, taking time off from exercise, using ice/heat packs, attending physical therapy, or taking pain-killing and anti-inflammatory medications. Most of the time drastic measures like having surgery performed or getting ongoing injections isn’t needed, but in the case where a tendon ruptures, these can be used to manage the situation quickly. Tendonitis Signs and Symptoms Tendonitis symptoms can vary in terms of how long they last, some healing within a couple weeks with others lasting for more than a few months."
"docid": "D2418933#0",
"title": "http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-tips/5-ways-jumping-rope-can-help-you-look-and-perform-better\n5 Ways Jumping Rope Can Help You Look and Perform Better",
"text": "Workout Tips5 Ways Jumping Rope Can Help You Look and Perform Better Ultimate portability and maximum effectiveness make the rope a must-have tool in your gym bag.by Dave Hunt Previous story Two Spine Mistakes Revealed Next story One-Leg Leg Press Share Tweet Print +/-Comments Everyone wants to be leaner, so everyone does (or at least should do) cardio. But the treadmill gets old, the bike can get a little chafe-y and the stepmills are all taken. When traditional cardio methodologies fail you – or bore you – just grab your jump rope out of your bag, find some open space and go to town. This simple piece of equipment is one of the most versatile yet effective tools in your quest to get leaner, only the benefits don’t stop there. We may never convince you to completely abandon your other forms of cardio but here, we make a strong case for why you should be mixing this type of training into your normal routine.1. IT BURNS FATTraditionally, jumping rope falls under the category of cardiovascular exercise . When jump ropes are used for longer duration sessions, you can burn a lot calories. The great thing about varying your jump rope training to include shorter, high-intensity interval sets (especially with a weighted rope) is that you are getting much higher muscle activation and recruiting more muscle fibers for both upper and lower body. This will actually help you build muscle over time, which can make your body more efficient at burning calories. Think of the difference between a distance runner’s physique and a sprinter’s physique and that will give you a good analogy of the different results you can get from varied jump rope training routines.2."
"docid": "D2706347#0",
"title": "http://www.30somethingmotherrunner.com/epsom-salt-baths-soothe-muscles-and-get-better-sleep/\nEpsom Salt Baths â Soothe Muscles and Get Better Sleep",
"text": "INJURY, TRAININGEpsom Salt Baths – Soothe Muscles and Get Better Sleep Share 36 Pin 17 Tweet Stumble53There are a lot of great tips that my coach has given me. One of the best is to take an Epsom salt bath the night after a really hard workout or a long run. Although I had heard of Epsom salts, I had never used them in a bath until this past year. There is nothing better than taking a nice long soak in a bath to relax and unwind, and it’s a bonus if you can get rid of muscle soreness and sleep better too!What Are Epsom Salts? Epsom salts are actually magnesium sulfate (not technically a salt), and they got their name because they were discovered in Epsom, England. Magnesium plays an important role in various physiological processes. I came across an interesting fact when researching this article: about 68% of all Americans are deficient in magnesium!One of the best benefits for runners is that magnesium helps to soothe sore muscles. Without getting too technical, calcium is the mineral that helps muscles contract or “bind,” whereas magnesium helps muscles relax or “unbind.” Soaking for about 15 minutes in an Epsom salt bath works wonders when you are sore after a tough workout. Epsoak Epsom Salt 19.75 Lbs – 100% Pure Magnesium Sulfate, Made in USA Dr Teals Lavender Epsom Salt – Soothe and Sleep – 3lbs How Do Epsom Salts Help Reduce Stress and Other Deficiencies?"
"docid": "D3194724#0",
"title": "https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/professional/expert-articles/5495/7-different-types-of-strength-and-their-benefits\n7 Different Types of Strength and Their Benefits",
"text": "Fitness7 Different Types of Strength and Their Benefitsby Pete Mc Call on June 29, 2015Filter By Category Are your clients following the right strength-training program to achieve their fitness goals? Increasing muscle strength is a frequently cited reason for starting an exercise program; however, not all strength training is the same and achieving a specific strength-training goal requires following the right type of workout program. For example, training for maximum strength requires heavy weights for limited repetitions, while improving explosive strength requires moving light-to-moderate weights as fast as possible. Strength training is the functional application of Newton's second law of physics, which defines force as the product of a mass and its acceleration (Force = MA). Generally speaking, strength is the ability to accelerate a mass from a state of rest, which results in the production of muscular force. From a physiological perspective, strength is the ability to activate muscle motor neurons and their attached muscle fibers (together called a motor unit) to generate the force necessary to achieve a specific outcome. To achieve a strength-based goal, it is important to first define the specific type of strength required for success and then design an exercise program to develop that strength. The magnitude and rate of force production are determined by the efficiency at which all of the involved muscle motor units are recruited. Both intramuscular coordination (the ability to recruit all of the motor units within a specific muscle) and intermuscular coordination (the ability to have a number of different muscles working together to generate a force) are required to achieve optimal levels of strength. The prerequisite for any strength-training program is the structural integrity of the musculoskeletal system to control stability of the stable joints, while allowing the mobile joints to move through unrestricted, multiplanar motion."
"docid": "D2128217#0",
"title": "http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/08/02/10-ways-to-burn-100-calories-in-10-minutes.html\n10 ways to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes",
"text": "\"Mind and Body10 ways to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes Published August 02, 2013Facebook Twitter Email (i Stock)Got 600 seconds? You could run a mile...or get creative. Try any of these fun ways to squeeze in a calorie-torching workout, indoors or out. ADVERTISEMENT1. Mix stairs and burpees If you've only got 10 minutes, keeping your heart rate up throughout is important, Kristen Stehly, a personal trainer and fitness blogger at Stuft Mama.com, said. But that doesn't mean you need to do the same thing at the same intensity the whole time. \"\" Intervals work better at blasting calories than steady-state exercise,\"\" she said. And one of her favorite quickie workouts requires nothing but a set of stairs: Run them at full speed, then do five burpees at the top, then run back down and repeat as many times as you can.2. Climb a rock wall You may not be covering much ground horizontally, but scaling a vertical surface takes plenty of energy: Ascending can burn about 118 calories in 10 minutes. You'll also earn you a toned butt and sexy, sculpted legs."
"docid": "D3048690#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/155576-boxing-training-for-children/\nBoxing Training for Children",
"text": "Boxing Training for Childrenby MIKE MCLAUGHLIN Sept. 11, 2017Evander Holyfield began his boxing training when he was 8 years old and weighed 65 pounds. He went on to become an Olympic medalist and four-time world heavyweight champion. Your child may not ever become the heavyweight champion, but he or she can reap several benefits from the sport of boxing. Training in this sport helps children excel both physically and mentally. Video of the Day Error setting up player: Invalid license key Safety Before you sign your child up for a boxing program, make sure it is affiliated with one of the sport's governing bodies. These organizations can be contacted via the International Boxing Association. A boxing club should follow certain safety precautions. Children should wear protective headgear, mouthpieces and boxing gloves when sparring each other. They should always be closely supervised by a boxing coach who ensures the children don't throw improper techniques. When sparring with each other or hitting a heavy bag, children should also wear hand wraps."
"docid": "D3207561#0",
"title": "https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hit-the-ground-running-get-ripped-with-hiit.html\nHit The Ground Running: Get Ripped With HIIT",
"text": "\"Training Cardio Hit The Ground Running: Get Ripped With HIITRoger Lockridge August 02, 2017 • 4 min read Slow, boring, steady-state cardio doesn't cut it! Transform your workout and take cardio sessions from the track to the pool with this customizable program!You might be used to slugging it out on the treadmill or slowly making your way up the stair stepper, but steady state shouldn't be your only form of cardio. While it does have its benefits, moseying over to the treadmill for 30 minutes at 3 mph can start to sound more like an extended cool-down than a chest-burning, adrenaline-pumping workout. As important as it is to use cardio to get lean and show off all that hard work you put in the weight room, it's also important to remember that quality counts. If you're looking to get shredded to the bone and step away from treadmill-band boredom, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the way to go. HIIT will ramp up your once-boring cardio sessions and challenge you at different points throughout every workout. It could even provide the mental stimulation you need to fuel your physical transformation! If you're ready to torch fat, improve your speed, and hit the ground running, this article is for you. HIIT ITHIIT is a form of training that involves changing your pace at different points throughout a workout. It keeps your body from adapting and getting too comfortable with any one exercise while, simultaneously, helping you burn calories post-workout."
"docid": "D3350553#0",
"title": "https://kbandstraining.com/speed-agility-lateral-shuffle-football-drills/\nSpeed & Agility | Lateral Shuffle | Football Drills",
"text": "\"Football Drills and Videos Equipment Run Fast | Lateral Agility Training A running back who approaches a defender must move laterally to make the defender miss. When an offensive lineman slides to the right or left to block a defensive end who is trying to sack the quarterback, the offensive lineman must be able to move laterally quickly and effectively. These football players must maintain balance while moving laterally in order to beat their opponent to a spot. Quick feet and quick footwork can enhance a football player's ability to compete at a higher level. Use our Kbands Lateral High Knee Drill to build leg strength and the footwork needed to be a better football player. Watch the video below for a visual of the drill, set up, and technique training. Football Agility Drills Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 3:02Running Workouts | Lateral High Knees A football player or coach needs to set up 6 rows of bags or cones for the Lateral High Knee Drill. In the video above we use cones. Cones can be found very cheap at any local athletic store, but bags are often tough to find and are very expensive."
"docid": "D2972913#0",
"title": "http://blog.sweatcentral.com.au/index.php/benefits-of-the-free-standing-bag-and-workouts/\nBenefits of the Free Standing Bag and Workouts",
"text": "Benefits of the Free Standing Bag and Workouts Free Standing Bags Vs Hanging Punching Bags Free standing punching bags, or free standing boxing bags provide very similar resistance to the traditional hanging heavy bags found at the gym. Since they are free standing, they are portable, require almost no installation, and are ideal for home gyms. They work by containing a reservoir in the base filled with water, sand or combination of. This keeps the bag sturdy and provides resistance. The main difference and benefit of a free standing boxing bag is the portability and convenience whether its in a gym or home. Where space is an issue or you may not wish to drill a boxing bracket hanger into the wall – the free standing punching bag is a great alternative to consider. However if you are serious hitter, whether it’s boxing or kick boxing – a traditional boxing bag with bracket installed into a solid wall or surface will be your better option. It is more likely that any hard hits and repeated tough use will ensure that the product will be more durable. Filling up the base of a Free Standing Punching Bag From the beginning, the main purpose for self-supporting punching bags was to fill the tank with water —which is still a widespread technique. Water is the largest advantage over other choices."
] |
2223 | bernie sanders religion | [
"docid": "D2860929#0",
"title": "http://www.christianpost.com/news/6-interesting-facts-about-bernie-sanders-and-religion-140197/\n6 Interesting Facts About Bernie Sanders and Religion",
"text": "\"6 Interesting Facts About Bernie Sanders and Religion Share on facebook Share on twitter By Ray Nothstine, Christian Post Reporter | Jun 10, 2015 10:50 AM (Photo: Reuters/Mike Segar) U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., waves to the audience before speaking at the opening of the 2015 National Action Network Convention in New York City April 8, 2015. Perhaps no candidate is attracting crowds as large as Bernie Sanders in the race for the presidency. Sanders, 73, is drawing thousands at single stops in Iowa as he bewails corporate influence in politics and income inequality. A self-described socialist from Vermont, Sanders is known for his Jewish background and as a champion for a secular worldview. An independent in Congress, Sanders is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for the presidency. Below are six interesting facts about his faith background and how religion intersects with his liberal politics. Free sign up cp newsletter!Sign up Related Old Column Claiming Women Fantasize About Being Gang-Raped a 'Dumb Attempt at Dark Satire,' Bernie Sanders Campaign Says7 Interesting Facts About Rand Paul's Christian Faith5 Interesting Facts About Ted Cruz's Christian Faith6 Interesting Facts About Mike Huckabee's Christian Faith6 Interesting Facts About Ben Carson's Christian Faith6 Interesting Facts About Hillary Clinton's Christian Faith1. According to Bernie Sanders' Roll Call profile,his religious affiliation is Jewish. Sanders was born to Jewish parents in Brooklyn, New York."
] | [
"docid": "D812890#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/h-a-goodman/33-percent-of-bernie-sanders-not-vote-hillary_b_9475626.html\n33 Percent of Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Not Vote for Hillary Clinton. Hereâs Why",
"text": "Bernie Sanders is the only Democrat not linked to an FBI investigation. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then you’re too terrified of Trump’s rallies to realize that Clinton could get indicted. Also, if you can’t fathom the possibility of Donald Trump winning, then keep in mind that most Americans don’t trust or like Hillary Clinton. A general election isn’t a popularity contest among Democrats. In 10 out of 10 national polls regarding favorability, Hillary Clinton has negative favorability ratings nationally in all 10. Be very careful what you wish for, because most Americans have an unfavorable view of Clinton and Bernie Sanders already beats Trump by a wider margin. I’m only voting for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and I explain why in this You Tube segment. Most importantly, Democrats should remember that 33% of Bernie Sanders voters will refuse to vote for Clinton in November, if she becomes nominee. As stated by The Wall Street Journal, there are a great many Bernie Sanders supporters like H. A. Goodman: A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll indicates one third of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters cannot see themselves voting for Hillary Clinton in November. This could spell trouble for Clinton who will likely need Sanders’ backers in order to win the White House."
"docid": "D990486#0",
"title": "https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/04/30/17261/12-things-know-about-bernie-sanders\n12 things to know about Bernie Sanders",
"text": "12 things to know about Bernie Sanders By Carrie Levine Jared Bennett5:00 am, April 30, 2015 Updated: 3:29 pm, October 21, 201548likes533tweets Comment Print Conventional wisdom says he’s a long shot, but Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., today will announce he’s running for president. Sanders, known as a populist liberal and a self-described socialist, will run as a Democrat. He’s hoping to raise $50 million for his bid, Bloomberg reports — almost certainly far less than Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is expecting to pull in. But it’s still sizable sum for a U. S. senator from a small state who has traditionally leaned heavily on small-dollar donors. Here’s more on Sanders’ financial history: Don't miss another investigation Sign up for the Center for Public Integrity's Watchdog email and get the news you want from the Center when you want it. Since 2009, Sen. Bernie Sanders has raised about $7.6 million for his campaign committee. Most of it — more than 60 percent — came from small-dollar donors who gave $200 or less. SHARE THIS: The metro area where Sanders raises the largest amount of money? Los Angeles-Long Beach — a long way from his Vermont home."
"docid": "D1527987#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH1dpzjCEiGAt8CXkryhkZg\nBernie Sanders",
"text": "\"America | Bernie Sanders Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:00America | Bernie Sanders4,247,060 views 2 years ago\"\"They’ve all come to look for America...\"\" --------- ★ Join the political revolution at www.berniesanders.com ★ Connect with Bernie: Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/be... Twitter →https://twitter.com/bernies... Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/b... Tumblr →http://berniesanders.tumblr... Snapchat → bernie.sanders ★ About Bernie: Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. He is serving his second term in the U. S. Senate after winning re-election in 2012 with 71 percent of the vote. Sanders previously served as mayor of Vermont’s largest city for eight years before defeating an incumbent Republican to be the sole congressperson for the state in the U. S. House of Representatives. He lives in Burlington, Vermont with his wife Jane and has four children and seven grandchildren. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York, to immigrant parents and grew up in a small, rent-controlled apartment. His father came to the United States from Poland at the age of 17 without much money or a formal education. While attending the University of Chicago, a 20-year-old Sanders led students in a multi-week sit-in to oppose segregation in off-campus housing owned by the university as a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) officer. In August of 1963, Sanders took an overnight bus as an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech firsthand at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. After graduation, Bernie moved to Vermont where he worked as a carpenter and documentary filmmaker."
"docid": "D2248127#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/09/politics/spike-lee-produces-new-ad-for-bernie-sanders/index.html\nSpike Lee produces new ad for Bernie Sanders",
"text": "\"Spike Lee produces new ad for Bernie Sanders By Elizabeth Landers, CNNUpdated 7:22 PM ET, Sat April 9, 2016JUST WATCHEDProjection: Sen. Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming Replay MUST WATCHBernie Sanders gets emotional at DNC roll call Secret Service rush stage at Bernie Sanders rally Bernie Sanders takes the DNC stage, crowd goes crazy It's 'Bernie or bust' for some Sanders supporters Sanders walks fine line on Clinton hacked audio tape Sanders' new message to his supporters Who voted for Sanders and can Trump win them over? What the end of the Sanders primary campaign looks like Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming Democratic caucuses Bernie Sanders still feels the bern Sanders: Democrats will work with Trump if ... Can Trump be trusted with nuclear weapons? Five moments from Bernie Sanders' improbable run Fear, anger over potential 'Muslim registry'Bernie Sanders says he will work with Donald Trump Student bashes Clinton ... at Clinton event Bernie Sanders gets emotional at DNC roll call Secret Service rush stage at Bernie Sanders rally Bernie Sanders takes the DNC stage, crowd goes crazy It's 'Bernie or bust' for some Sanders supporters Sanders walks fine line on Clinton hacked audio tape Sanders' new message to his supporters Who voted for Sanders and can Trump win them over? What the end of the Sanders primary campaign looks like Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming Democratic caucuses Bernie Sanders still feels the bern Sanders: Democrats will work with Trump if ... Can Trump be trusted with nuclear weapons? Five moments from Bernie Sanders' improbable run Fear, anger over potential 'Muslim registry'Bernie Sanders says he will work with Donald Trump Student bashes Clinton ... at Clinton event Story highlights Lee, a Sanders surrogate, cut a 30-second spot for the Vermont senator Harry Belafonte begins the ad saying, \"\"People of color have a deeply vested interest in what Bernie Sanders brings to us\"\"New York (CNN) With the New York primary contest heating up, Bernie Sanders' campaign on Saturday released a new television ad produced by director Spike Lee that features younger and older generations of New Yorkers who support Sanders. The Academy Award-nominated director and Sanders surrogate cut a 30-second spot for the Vermont senator, which features various surrogates for the Sanders campaign speaking directly to the camera and potential voters. These Are Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:33Singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte begins the ad, saying, \"\"People of color have a deeply vested interest in what Bernie Sanders brings to us in this election. \"\" Activists Erica Garner and Shaun King also offer praise for the presidential candidate. RELATED: Sanders to Clinton: 'Stop being vague' about tax, Social Security plans Muslim-American activist Linda Sarsour concludes the short spot: \"\"Bernie Sanders sees all of me."
"docid": "D3215405#0",
"title": "http://heavy.com/news/2015/10/bernie-sanders-family-wife-jane-ex-deborah-shilling-children-levi-democratic-debate-2016-presidential/\nBernie Sandersâ Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know",
"text": "Bernie Sanders’ Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know593 Views 0 Shares 17 Comments By Laura Amato Oct 13, 2015 at 5:00pm Bernie Sanders is making presidential moves. He’s also got a pretty large support system working behind him; his family. ( Getty)Bernie Sanders has seen his political star skyrocket over the past six months. Every angle of his political stance has been analyzed, dissected and then debated. Now, the spotlight is on his family. Sanders, who grew up in Brooklyn, has, perhaps, one of the most interesting families in the entire 2016 presidential campaign, a group that includes his wife, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, children, step-children and parents he’d really rather not talk about. So, who exactly makes up the Sanders family? Here’s what you need to know about the Sanders’ family and Bernie’s own personal support system:1. Sanders Has Been Married to Jane O’Meara Sanders For 27 Years Jane and Bernie Sanders first met when he became mayor of Burlington and the pair have been together ever since. ( Getty)Sanders and O’Meara, 64, have been married for 27 years and her own resume is just as impressive as her husband’s."
"docid": "D519294#0",
"title": "https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wikileaks-emails-show-dnc-favored-hillary-clinton-over_us_57930be0e4b0e002a3134b05\nWikiLeaks Emails Show DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders During The Democratic Primary",
"text": "H. A. Goodman, Contributor H. A. Goodman is an author, columnist and journalist. His You Tube Channel is almost at 100K and his books have hundreds of five star reviews on Amazon Wiki Leaks Emails Show DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders During The Democratic Primary07/23/2016 02:39 am ET Updated Jul 23, 2016Tom Williams via Getty Images On July 22, 2016 Wiki Leaks released around 20,000 emails apparently from top DNC officials, illustrating that Democratic officials favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. The email release, only days away from the Democratic Primary, shed light into potential election fraud (the DNC hasn’t confirmed the accuracy of the email release) and questions regarding how Clinton won the presumptive Democratic nomination. Bernie’s faith and belief in God was questioned by DNC strategists in one Wiki Leaks email, as illustrated in a Washington Post article by Tom Hamburger and Karen Tumulty titled Wiki Leaks releases thousands of documents about Clinton and internal deliberations: One email written May 5 to DNC communications director Luis Miranda from another party official suggests looking at Bernie Sanders’ faith. [ Wiki Leaks: Democratic Party officials appear to discuss using Sanders’s faith against him]“It might may [sic] no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief,” the email from “[email protected]” says. “ Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist."
"docid": "D3172270#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/vote-your-conscience-and-vote-dr-jill-stein-congress_us_57b10ae6e4b0ae60ff02ec20\nVote Your Conscience And Vote Dr. Jill Stein. Congress Would Block Donald Trumpâs Policies",
"text": "H. A. Goodman, Contributor H. A. Goodman is the creator of Counter Propa.com. Read his writing on politics and sports at www.counterpropa.com Vote Your Conscience And Vote Dr. Jill Stein. Congress Would Block Donald Trump’s Policies On war and Wall Street, Clinton and Trump have similar policies.08/14/2016 08:43 pm ET Updated Aug 14, 2016Photo: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle Jill Stein’s platform and value system correlate directly to the ideals Bernie Sanders championed in 2016. For Americans who refuse to abide by the political “extortion” of voting for Clinton because Trump is frightening (even though Bill Clinton likely urged Trump to run), Ajamu Baraka and Dr. Stein represent a viable option. Regardless of Bernie’s endorsement, a great many progressives around the country feel the Democratic Primary was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. Nothing illustrates this skewed playing field better than a POLITCO piece titled Heads roll at the DNC: With just three months until Election Day and the Democrats’ official party apparatus struggling to right itself from months of dysfunction and the scandal caused by the Wiki Leaks email hack, interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile cleaned house Tuesday with the ouster of three top officials. CEO Amy Dacey, communications director Luis Miranda and chief financial officer Brad Marshall are all leaving the organization, the DNC announced Tuesday afternoon, shortly after staffers were informed of the changes in a meeting. The announcement praised all three outgoing officials, but people familiar say the departures were heavily encouraged…Former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down on the eve of the Democratic National Convention after a mass email hack spawned a host of unflattering revelations — including what’s been interpreted as bias by the committee toward Hillary Clinton during her primary contest with Bernie Sanders… Marshall has been under fire since the hack unearthed an email in which he suggested questioning Sanders’ religion during the primary. Similarly, Miranda was seen as talking up Clinton internally and drawing up public arguments on her behalf…After spreading the viewpoint that Bernie never had his act together, and even contacting Chuck Todd to complain about coverage, DNC officials manipulated the media to undermine Bernie’s campaign. I explain in this You Tube segment how the Wiki Leaks DNC emails show massive election fraud and in this You Tube segment why progressives should vote for Jill Stein (without fear of Trump) in 2016."
"docid": "D2757173#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/06/bernie-sanders-campaign_n_7224630.html\nBernie Sanders Raises $3 Million In Four Days",
"text": "POLITICS 05/06/2015 01:59 pm ET Updated Jun 17, 2015Bernie Sanders Raises $3 Million In Four Days By Sam Stein With the help of a crew of former aides to President Barack Obama, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) campaign has raised $3 million in four days for his presidential campaign — a dramatic indication that he won’t be confined simply to a long-shot role in the Democratic primary. Sanders, who is running for president as a Democrat, announced on Wednesday that he has retained the services of the firm Revolution Messaging to run digital ads and online fundraising. The staffers with the firm who will be working on Sanders’ campaign include Revolution Messaging’s founder, Scott Goodstein, who ran the 2008 Obama campaign’s social media and mobile programs; Arun Chaudhary, who was the first official White House videographer; Shauna Daly, who served as deputy research director on Obama’s 2008 campaign; and Walker Hamilton, who was a lead programmer for that campaign. “Like a lot of Obama supporters, we were looking for a candidate with a track record of doing the right thing — even if it meant taking on Wall Street billionaires and other powerful interests. A candidate who could inspire a movement,” said Goodstein. “ Bernie Sanders is that candidate.” Due to his long-standing criticism of the influence of big-money interests on government, Sanders has strong online and grassroots appeal, which he hopes to leverage to raise the money needed to fund a presidential campaign. And so far, the strategy looks savvy. The campaign has received roughly 75,000 contributions, and the average amount is $43."
"docid": "D927824#0",
"title": "http://www.inquisitr.com/2896715/jane-omeara-sanders-10-facts-about-jane-omeara-sanders-bernie-sanders-wife/\nJane OâMeara Sanders: 10 Facts About Jane OâMeara Sanders, Bernie Sandersâ Wife",
"text": "March 17, 2016Jane O’Meara Sanders: 10 Facts About Jane O’Meara Sanders, Bernie Sanders’ Wife US Politics Heather Tooley Jane O’Meara Sanders is Bernie Sanders’ wife of 27 years. While Bernie is busy campaigning against Hillary Clinton as a Democratic presidential candidate, his wife has an impressive resume herself. What are some facts about Bernie Sanders’ wife? To sum it up, Jane O’Meara Sanders is an advocate for the disabled and economically challenged. Learn 10 interesting facts about Mrs. Sanders.1. Jane and Bernie have been married for 27 years. Between them, they have four children and seven grandchildren. Jane met Bernie when he was elected Burlington mayor in 1981. Ever since, O’Meara Sanders has played a crucial role in his public and political life.2. While growing up, O’Meara Sanders lived just 15 blocks away from her future husband in Brooklyn, Bloomberg reports."
"docid": "D1452731#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign,_2016\nBernie Sanders presidential campaign, 2016",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bernie Sanders for President Campaign U. S. presidential election, 2016Candidate Bernie Sanders U. S. Senator from Vermont (2007–present)Affiliation Democratic Party (previously served as an Independent in Senate)Status Announced: April 30, 2015 Formal launch: May 26, 2015 Endorsed Hillary Clinton: July 12, 2016 [1] Lost Nomination: July 26, 2016Headquarters 131 Church Street, Suite 300 Burlington, Vermont Key people Jeff Weaver (campaign manager) [2]Tad Devine (senior campaign strategist) [3]Symone D. Sanders [5] (press secretary) [6]Receipts US$180,630,234.25 [7] (2016-3-31)Slogan A Future To Believe In Not me. Us. A Political Revolution Is Coming Not For Sale Enough Is Enough Feel the Bern Chant Websiteberniesanders .comv t e This article is part of a series about Bernie Sanders Political positions Electoral history Campaign for the presidency Primaries Endorsements U. S. Senator from Vermont2010 Tax Relief Act filibuster 2006 election2012 reelection 2018 campaign U. S. Representative for Vermont's at-large CPC 1990 election 1992 reelection1994 reelection 1996 reelection1998 reelection 2000 reelection2002 reelection 2004 reelection1962 University of Chicago sit-ins We Shall Overcome Outsider in the White House Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolutionv t e The 2016 presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders, the junior United States Senator and former Representative from Vermont, began with an informal announcement on April 30, 2015, [8] [9] and a formal announcement that he planned to seek the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States on May 26, 2015, in Burlington, Vermont. Sanders had been considered a potential candidate for president since at least September 2014. [ 10] Though he had previously run as an independent, he routinely caucused with the Democratic Party, as many of his views align with Democrats. [ 11] Running as a Democrat made it easier to participate in debates and get his name on state ballots. [ 9]Sanders's chief competitor for the nomination was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sanders drew large crowds to his speaking events [12] and his populist, socialist, and social democratic politics won him particular support among Americans under 40. He performed strongly with white voters, but consistently trailed Clinton by 30 or more percentage points among black voters; polls showed a close race among Hispanic voters. [ 13]Sanders focused on income and wealth inequality, which he argued is eroding the American middle class, and on campaign finance reform."
"docid": "D2860933#0",
"title": "http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/monitor_breakfast/2015/0611/Bernie-Sanders-I-m-proud-to-be-Jewish\nBernie Sanders: 'Iâm proud to be Jewish'",
"text": "Bernie Sanders: 'I’m proud to be Jewish'At a Monitor breakfast Thursday, Bernie Sanders spoke of how his Jewish heritage informs his politics. The day before, radio host Diane Rehm had asserted, mistakenly, that he was a dual US-Israeli citizen. By Linda Feldmann, Staff writer June 11, 2015Michael Bonfigli/The Christian Science Monitor View Caption About video ads View Caption Washington — How does Sen. Bernie Sanders’s religious heritage inform his politics?“I’m proud to be Jewish,” the Independent from Vermont – and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination – responded Thursday at a press breakfast hosted by the Monitor. Though, he added, “I’m not particularly religious. ”As a child, Sanders said, being Jewish taught him “in a very deep way what politics is about. ”Recommended: Beyond Hillary Clinton: 7 other Democrats possibly (or definitely) running for president“A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932,” the senator said. “ He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important. ”Beyond Hillary Clinton: 7 other Democrats possibly (or definitely) running for president Photos of the Day Photos of the day 05/05Chances are, Sanders’s religion would not have come up at the Monitor breakfast, except for a controversy the day before. During an interview broadcast by NPR, host Diane Rehm had asserted, mistakenly, that Sanders was a dual US-Israeli citizen."
"docid": "D749815#0",
"title": "http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/bernie-sanders-popular/\nBernie Sanders Is the Most Popular Politician in America",
"text": "Marla Brose/Albuquerque Journal via ZUMALooking for news you can trust? Subscribe to our free newsletters. One of the tightest House races in the country this year is in New York’s Hudson Valley, where Democrat Zephyr Teachout and Republican John Faso are vying to replace retiring GOP Rep. Chris Gibson. Faso, a former assemblyman and pipeline lobbyist, and Teachout, a fiercely anti-fracking Fordham law professor, are natural rivals. But it’s the flood of outside money that has defined the race. The latest effort: a new spot from the National Republican Congressional Committee, attacking Teachout as an ally of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: NY-19: Zany Professor Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:31As a narrator explains that Teachout is supported by “socialist senator” Bernie Sanders, the actress playing Teachout reads a book called Socialism for Beginners (shouldn’t an actual socialist already know what socialism is?). The ad has it all: a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker, a Bernie Sanders mouse pad, a photo of Sanders and Teachout together—even a pair of Birkenstocks. There is one major flaw with this message, though: Bernie Sanders is super popular. As of this writing, he is the most popular politician in America."
"docid": "D3551248#0",
"title": "https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/democrats/bernie-sanders-net-worth/\nBernie Sanders Net Worth",
"text": "\"Bernie Sanders Net Worth How much is Bernie Sanders Worth?in Richest Politicians › Democrats Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Random Celebrity Bernie Sanders net worth:$2 Million Bernie Sanders net worth: Bernie Sanders is an American politician who has a net worth of $2 million dollars. According to his June 2017 Senate financial disclosure, Bernie earned around $1 million in 2016, the majority of which ($795,000) came from a book advance. When his various royalties and speaking engagement fees are combined with his $174,000 Senate salary, Bernie's total income in 2016 was $1,052,000. After taking into account mortgages and retirement accounts, Bernie estimated his net worth to be as high as $2 million. Bernie Sanders was born in New York City, New York in September 1941. Sanders is a United States Senator representing Vermont. He is an independent and is affiliated with the Democratic and Vermont Progressive parties. He was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the Civil Rights Movement and participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. Bernie graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964. Sanders was elected Mayor of Burlington, Vermont in 1981 and served until 1989."
"docid": "D194754#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassroots\nGrassroots",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Grass roots (disambiguation). A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one which uses the people in a given district, region, or community as the basis for a political or economic movement. [ 1] Grassroots movements and organizations use collective action from the local level to effect change at the local, regional, national, or international level. Grassroots movements are associated with bottom-up, rather than top-down decision making, and are sometimes considered more natural or spontaneous than more traditional power structures. [ citation needed] Grassroots movements, using self-organization, encourage community members to contribute by taking responsibility and action for their community. [ 2] Grassroots movements utilize a variety of strategies from fundraising and registering voters, to simply encouraging political conversation. Goals of specific movements vary, but the movements are consistent in their focus on increasing mass participation in politics. [ 3] These political movements may begin as small and at the local level, but grassroots politics as Cornel West contends are necessary in shaping progressive politics as they bring public attention to regional political concerns. [ 4]The idea of grassroots is often conflated with participatory democracy. The Port Huron Statement, a manifesto seeking a more democratic society, says that to create a more equitable society, \"\"the grass roots of American Society\"\" need to be the basis of civil rights and economic reform movements. ["
"docid": "D2340838#0",
"title": "http://heavy.com/news/2015/08/jane-sanders-bernie-sanders-president-wife-age-burlington-socialist/\nJane OâMeara Sanders, Bernieâs Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know",
"text": "Jane O’Meara Sanders, Bernie’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know231 Views 0 Shares 82 Comments By Stephanie Dube Dwilson Aug 25, 2015 at 1:58pm (Getty)Senator Bernie Sanders has been married to his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, 64, for 27 years. And while the Democratic presidential hopeful wears many hats – he’s recorded folk songs, served in the Senate and House of Representatives, and is a bonafide Socialist – his wife is fairly impressive, too. Jane holds a bachelor’s degree in child development from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, a Master’s in social work from Goddard College, and a Ph D in Leadership Studies in Politics and Education from the Union Institute and University. She has organized youth services, served as a college president, and raised four children with Bernie (three her own from a previous marriage, and one of Bernie’s from his college sweetheart. ) Jane has recently predicted that her husband is going to have a slew of victories in May and still has a big chance at getting the nomination, Politico reported in late April. Things have been tough, but don’t count Bernie out yet, she said. Most of the primaries going forward are open and he fares much better in those. Here’s what you need to know about Jane O’Meara Sanders:1. She Was Accused Of Bankrupting Burlington College Bernie Sanders' wife Jane is a social worker http://t.co/wx Yt9x AGOJ @Bernie Sanderspic.twitter.com/8WBp8z Py IZ— NASW (@nasw) August 20, 2015From 2004 to 2011, Jane served as Burlington College’s president. According to an interview with Vermont Women, she was involved in relocating the campus from a 16,000-square-foot area to one which was 77,000 square feet."
"docid": "D3101488#0",
"title": "https://ballotpedia.org/Bernie_Sanders\nBernie Sanders",
"text": "\"Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders U. S. Senate Vermont Tenure2007 - Present Term ends2019Years in position11Prior offices U. S. House of Representatives Independent Report an officeholder change Compensation Base salary$174,000/year Net worth$460,506Elections and appointments Last election November 6, 2012Next election August 14, 2018Education High school James Madison High School, Brooklyn, NYBachelor's University of Chicago Contact Website How will 2018 influence the direction of the Democratic and Republican parties? Get the important Democratic or Republican Party news from Ballotpedia this primary season, including elections for U. S. Senate & House, governor, and other statewide offices. Sign up for free today Bernard \"\"Bernie\"\" Sanders (b. September 8, 1941, in Brooklyn, N. Y.) is an independent member of the U. S. Senate from the state of Vermont. Sanders was first elected to the Senate in 2006. He was re-elected in 2012 by 46 percentage points. He describes himself as a democratic socialist and ran as an independent, and he is a member of the Senate Democratic Caucus. [ 1] [2]Sanders announced on October 22, 2017, his intention to run for re-election in 2018 as an independent. [ 3] He most recently won re-election to the Senate in 2012. [ 4]On April 30, 2015, Sanders officially announced that he would seek the presidency in 2016. [ 5] On July 12, 2016, he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. ["
"docid": "D1457863#0",
"title": "http://moneynation.com/bernie-sanders-net-worth/\nWhat is Bernie Sandersâ Net Worth?",
"text": "What is Bernie Sanders’ Net Worth? Tom Gerencer Jul 26, 2016Bernie Sanders’ net worth is $528,014. Our Bernie Sanders net worth calculations come from analyzing his U. S. Senate financial disclosure forms. U. S. Senators aren’t required to disclose their exact net worth. The closest anyone can get to Bernie Sanders’ net worth is to dig through disclosure forms and do the math. Since senators report assets and debts within preset ranges, finding Bernie Sanders’ net worth means averaging reported max and min figures. In August of 2015, Bernie Sanders reported net worth assets at a minimum of $187,026 and a max of $759,004. Sanders also owns a condominium in Vermont valued at about $100,000. He has debts of at least $25,002 and as much as $65,000. Figuring Sanders’ maximum possible debt and minimum possible assets gives a minimum possible Bernie Sanders net worth of $222,026."
"docid": "D2277464#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0761471/\nBernie Sanders",
"text": "\"SEE RANKBernie Sanders Actor | Soundtrack Bernie Sanders was born on September 8, 1941 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA as Bernard Sanders. He is an actor, known for My X-Girlfriend's Wedding Reception (1999), Courting Des Moines (2016) and Undecided: The Movie (2016). He has been married to Jane Sanders since May 28, 1988. He was previously married to Deborah Shiling. See full bio »Born: September 8, 1941 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA16 photos | 4 videos »Quick Links Biography Awards Photo Gallery Filmography (by Job)Trailers and Videos Explore More Are You Team Emily or Team John? Emily Blunt or John Krasinski: Who would survive in a post-apocalyptic world? The cast of A Quiet Place place their bets. Watch now Share this page: Related News‘The President Show’ Finds Its Special Counsel: Griffin Dunne30 March 2018 | Variety - TV News'Ready Player One' among 13 things to look out for at SXSW 201808 March 2018 | Screen Daily Mark Ruffalo - Help Stop The Illegal War In Yemen01 March 2018 | Look to the Stars See all related articles »Around The Web Powered by Zerg Net On Prime Video Watch Now Undecided: The Movie See more on Prime Video »Watch on TVSnowden Fri, Apr 13 6:00 AM PDT on SHOW (094)Explore more on IMDb TV »Create a list »User Lists Related lists from IMDb usersthe greatest douchebags of all timea list of 49 people created 4 months ago Pop Culture Can Do Without...a list of 32 people created 10 months ago U. S. Presidential Candidates (2016)a list of 47 people created 23 May 2015Celebrities I am sick of, hate, despise, loathe, revile, deprecate, abhor, execrate, detest, spurn, dislike, nauseate, disapprove of, (or just don't care about) mosta list of 295 people created 08 Sep 2014Kithkina list of 24 people created 26 Nov 2013See all related lists »Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDb Page Find out more at IMDb Pro »How Much Have You Seen? How much of Bernie Sanders's work have you seen?1 nomination."
"docid": "D191106#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Wasserman_Schultz\nDebbie Wasserman Schultz",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Debbie Wasserman Schultz Member of the U. S. House of Representatives from Florida 's 23rd district 20th (2005–2013)Incumbent Assumed office January 3, 2005Preceded by Peter Deutsch Chair of the Democratic National Committee In office May 4, 2011 – July 28, 2016Preceded by Tim Kaine Succeeded by Donna Brazile (acting)Member of the Florida Senate from the 34th district 32nd (2000–2002)In office November 7, 2000 – November 2, 2004Preceded by Howard Forman Succeeded by Nan Rich Member of the Florida House of Representatives from the 97th district In office November 3, 1992 – November 7, 2000Preceded by Redistricted Succeeded by Nan Rich Personal details Born Deborah Wasserman September 27, 1966 (age 51)New York City, New York, U. S. Political party Democratic Spouse (s) Steve Schultz Children 3Education University of Florida ( BA, MA)Signature Deborah Wasserman Schultz ( / ˈ w ɒ s ər m ə n ˈ ʃ ʌ l t s /; born September 27, 1966) is an American politician. She is the U. S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district. She is a member of the Democratic Party and was a former chairperson for the Democratic National Committee. Wasserman Schultz previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate, and was a national campaign co-chair [1] for Hillary Clinton 's unsuccessful 2008 run for president. She is the first Jewish congresswoman elected from Florida. Her district covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, including parts of Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and Miami Beach. Wasserman Schultz was elected chairperson of the Democratic National Committee in May 2011, replacing Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. [ 2] [3] On July 24, 2016, Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation from her position after Wikileaks released a collection of hacked emails indicating that Wasserman Schultz and other members of the DNC staff showed bias against the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton's campaign. [ 3] Her resignation was finalized on July 28 following the 2016 Democratic National Convention. [ 4] She was subsequently appointed honorary chair of the Clinton campaign's \"\"50 state program\"\". ["
"docid": "D3538823#0",
"title": "http://observer.com/2015/06/berniemania-why-socialist-bernie-sanders-is-the-sensation-of-the-presidential-race/\nBerniemania! Why Is Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders So Popular?",
"text": "Berniemania! Why Is Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders So Popular? Brooklyn-born, Vermont-fueled, Bernie Sanders promises a revolution if he's somehow elected president next year. Does Hillary have to watch her back? By Ross Barkan • 06/16/15 10:50pm (Illustration: Josh Gosfield/New York Observer)Brattleboro, VT.—Of all the people buzzing at the start of the Strolling of the Heifers parade on a recent Saturday morning—the clowns, the teen stilt-walker, the theater kids in witch’s garb—the 73-year-old grandpa in khakis and Adidas sneakers did not seem like the most probable candidate for a selfie. But even tweens more used to fawning over Ariana Grande can barrel toward Sen. Bernie Sanders to beg for a picture. “Can we get a selfie?” members of a marching band, holding trumpets and saxophones, squealed. “I think we can!” the Vermont senator replied."
] |
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"docid": "D1249400#0",
"title": "http://www.bodymeasurements.org/melissa-rauch/\nMelissa Rauch",
"text": "Melissa Rauch Melissa Rauch is a young American actress with hot measurements. She has petite apple shaped body with large natural breasts. Rauch wears 34C bra size and weighs 130 pounds. She showed her assets for Maxim magazine, wearing just black miniskirt, leather gloves, and black lace bra. Check out also measurements of Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Kat Dennings, and Kate Upton. Melissa Rauch measurements Body shape: Apple ( explanation)Dress size: 6Breasts-Waist-Hips: 37-27-35 inches (94-69-89 cm)Shoe/Feet: unknown Bra size: 34CCup size: CHeight: 5’0″ (152 cm)Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)Natural breasts or implants? Natural ( how do we know this? ) Melissa was born June 23, 1980 in Marlboro Township, New Jersey. Her role as Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz in T he Big Bang Theory series made her widely popular and many fans admire her plus size bra and other measurements. Melissa doesn’t have breast implants or other type of breast enhancement surgery."
] | [
"docid": "D490771#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Training_bra\nTraining bra",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Sports bra. A 19th-century illustration of a young girl wearing a camisole; prior to c. 1950, this was typical wear for pre-pubescent girls A training bra (also trainer bra, starter bra, first bra or bralette) is a lightweight brassiere designed for girls who have begun to develop breasts during puberty when the girl's breasts are not yet large enough to fit a standard-sized bra. Breast growth is usually defined by the Tanner scale. Girls who are developing breasts are at Tanner stage I and II. Training bras are usually a lightweight, unlined, pullover style bra and feature a soft, elastic bra band and soft bra cups. Prior to the marketing of training bras, a pre-teen or young teen girl in Western countries usually wore a one-piece \"\"waist\"\" or camisole without cups or darts. When a girl receives her first bra, it may be seen as a long-awaited rite of passage in her life [1] [2] signifying her coming of age. [ 3] [4] [5] [6] Bras for pre-teens and girls entering puberty were first marketed during the 1950s. Contents [ hide ]1 Styles2 History3 Social considerations3.1 Opposition to training bras4 Marketing to young girls5 Controversy6 References Styles [ edit]Training bras are usually a lightweight, soft-cup design, unlined, and may resemble a crop top. They are often made of a mixed cotton spandex or cotton Lycra fabric with thin straps and elastic under the growing breasts to hold the garment in place."
"docid": "D931767#0",
"title": "http://www.venus.com/customerservice/bikini_tops.aspx\nBikini Tops Glossary",
"text": "Bikini Tops Glossary BIKINI TOPS | BIKINI BOTTOMS | ONE-PIECE BATHING SUITS | COVER-UPS | FIT GUIDE | SIZE CHARTSelect a term to view the swimwear definition: Adjustable strap – Elastic straps have a metal piece that slides along the strap to increase or decrease the length. Bandeau – A strapless style offering bare shoulders for no tan lines. Bikini – A swimsuit consisting of a top and a bottom. Boning – A fabric covered plastic or metal support that is sewn into garments to support or stabilize. Bra top – A swim style that has over the shoulder straps and looks like a bra. Enhancer top – A bikini top that adds cleavage, fullness, size and shape to the bustline with cups, wires or other functional components. Enhancer triangle – A triangle shaped bikini that uses a molded foam cup to add shape and fullness to the bust. Floating underwire – Underwire that is sewn into a shelf bra but is not secured to the frame of the exterior garment. Full coverage – Coverage that fully covers your bottom and no cheeks hanging out. Full cut top – A bikini top or one piece that offers better than average bust coverage and support."
"docid": "D1734046#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2617239/The-cast-Little-House-Prairie-reunites-Today-Show-40th-anniversary.html\n'I got tears in my eyes': The cast of Little House on the Prairie reunites on Today Show for 40th anniversary",
"text": "\"'I got tears in my eyes': The cast of Little House on the Prairie reunites on Today Show for 40th anniversary By Cassie Carpenter Published: 17:35 EDT, 30 April 2014 | Updated: 19:55 EDT, 31 January 201624View comments Eight cast members from Little House on the Prairie reunited for the show's 40th anniversary on the Today Show in Manhattan Wednesday. It was the first time Karen Grassle - who played Caroline 'Ma' Ingalls - had seen her onscreen family since 1991. ' I got tears in my eyes,' 72-year-old Karen said after watching their 'best of' intro. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO+19'It's a very emotional experience': Eight cast members from Little House on the Prairie reunited for the show's 40th anniversary on the Today Show in Manhattan Wednesday+19Reunited! Joining the ladies were Dean Butler (Almanzo 'Manley' Wilder), Matthew Labyorteaux (Albert Ingalls), Melissa Sue Anderson (blind Mary Ingalls), and Lindsay Greenbush (who played Carrie Ingalls with twin sister Sidney)+19Wholesome hit: The popular NBC series - which aired between 1974-1982 - centered on the Ingalls family living in Minnesota circa 1870s Little House on the Prairie cast reunite after 40 years Loaded Progress 0:00/0:00'First of all, I'm sitting here with these three daughters, really for the first time since (Michael Landon's] funeral. And then to see them come running [down the hill in clip]...just kills me. I'm not really that sentimental. ' Melissa Gilbert scored a Golden Globe nod for her role as Laura 'Half-pint' Ingalls from age 9-19. ' Yeah, well, I'm a crier anyway — and I'm also incredibly co- dependent,' Melissa, who turns 50 next week, said. ' So Ma goes, I go, I guess."
"docid": "D2419027#0",
"title": "https://www.earnthenecklace.com/what-happened-to-bernadette-on-the-big-bang-theory-pregnant/\nWhat Happened to Bernadette on âThe Big Bang Theory?â Is She Pregnant in Real Life?",
"text": "The Big Bang Theory is in its eleventh season, and viewers just can’t seem to get enough of the hit show! However, many are worried about the character of Bernadette because she was put on bed rest after her latest pregnancy checkup! What happened to Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory? Is Bernadette from The Big Bang Theory pregnant in real life? Get the scoop right here. The Big Bang Theory season 11 premiered on September 25, 2017. Since the start of the show in 2007, it has become one of the funniest sitcoms on CBS—possibly on TV, in general! Fans definitely can’t get enough of it, so it’s no surprise that it keeps getting renewed season after season!One of the most beloved characters on the show is Bernadette, Howard Wolowitz. It was revealed in season 11 that she was put on bed rest, which got viewers worried. So, why is Bernadette on bed rest?"
"docid": "D398259#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-172958/Binge-eating-genes.html\nBinge-eating is in the genes",
"text": "\"Binge-eating is in the genesby ROSALIND RYAN, femail.co.uk Binge-eaters often say they have no control over their eating habits - now science has managed to prove them right. New research has found that a faulty gene, rather than feeble willpower, could be responsible for binge-eating. Binge-eaters frequently and compulsively stuff themselves with food, often in secret, and tend to feel ashamed afterwards. They are usually, but not always, overweight. Traditionally, eating behaviour has always been seen as a product of complex cultural causes. But scientists in Switzerland say a particular gene that stimulates the hunger 'centre' in the brain, has a central role to play. The gene, known as the melanocortin 4 receptor, makes a protein that triggers your appetite in a certain area of the brain. It has previously been linked to obesity in earlier studies. But if this gene mutates and produces too little protein, the body feels constantly hungry, prompting binge-eating. Researchers from the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland, studied 469 adults with obesity."
"docid": "D2419029#0",
"title": "https://en.mediamass.net/people/melissa-rauch/pregnancy-rumors.html\nMelissa Rauch Pregnant?",
"text": "Melissa Rauch Pregnant? By Katie Dawson Washington Last updated on April 12, 2018Translations Français Español Deutsch Italiano Português Tweeter“Baby Time” for the 37-year-old Actress? Melissa Rauch »See more news, pictures and video. Hot news Love April 12, 2018Melissa Rauch: Secretly Married? Shocker April 12, 2018Melissa Rauch Nude Photos Leaked Online Rumor Central April 2018Is Melissa Rauch secretly gay and hiding in the closet? American tabloids recently reported Melissa Rauch was pregnant after she sported what some interpreted to be a ‘ baby bump ’. According to the report, a source close to the couple confirmed they were expecting a child. UPDATE 12/04/2018 : This story seems to be false. ( read more)Is Melissa Rauch about to be a mom to a little boy or girl? Speculation is rampant that the actress best known for her role on the television series The Big Bang Theory is expecting a baby with long-time partner after she was spotted with a prominent stomach bulge on Tuesday evening (April 10, 2018), during romantic dinner date nearby her place."
"docid": "D3230299#0",
"title": "https://www.morningnewsusa.com/big-bang-theory-season-10-melissa-rauch-really-pregnant-bernadettes-baby-bump-photo-revealed-23113704.html\nThe Big Bang Theory Season 10: Melissa Rauch Really Pregnant, Bernadetteâs Baby Bump Photo Revealed",
"text": "The Big Bang Theory/Facebook TV Show Spoilers The Big Bang Theory Season 10: Melissa Rauch Really Pregnant, Bernadette’s Baby Bump Photo Revealed By Barnali Pal Sinha Published on October 18, 2016Share Tweet“Big Bang Theory” Season 10 episode 5 aired on Monday. This is the first time that viewers got a glimpse of Bernadette Rostenkowski’s baby bump. Spoilers ahead read at our own risk Is Melissa Rauch really pregnant? The episode is titled “The Hot Tub Contamination.” In the new episode of “Big Bang Theory” Season 10, Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) and Howard decide to on a mini vacation before their baby arrives. But, unfortunately does not feel too well to travel. CBS released some exclusive photos from the episode. Bernadette and her growing baby bump was on show in the new episode of the series. Also Read: ‘ The Big Bang Theory’ Season 10 Spoilers: Sheldon Gets A Roommate; Raj Gets A Girlfriend? Viewers saw eight months back that Bernadette found out that she was pregnant."
"docid": "D1380535#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2790613/lauren-conrad-new-husband-william-tell-felt-like-married-couple-tying-knot.html\n'It doesn't feel too different': Lauren Conrad and new husband William Tell already felt like a married couple before tying the knot",
"text": "'It doesn't feel too different': Lauren Conrad and new husband William Tell already felt like a married couple before tying the knot By Mail Online Reporter Published: 03:14 EDT, 13 October 2014 | Updated: 20:06 EDT, 13 October 201411View comments Lauren Conrad and William Tell felt married before they'd even exchanged their vows. The 28-year-old designer and the 34-year-old hunk tied the knot at a winery in California last month but they admit they don't feel any different after their nuptials. Speaking to Us Magazine, Lauren said of married life: 'It doesn't feel too different -- we felt married before we were actually married. ' Scroll down for video+2Love hasn't changed them: Lauren Conrad and William Tell told Us Weekly that married life doesn't feel any different so far compared to when they were dating Stars attend the 2014 Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic At the fifth Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic in Pacific Palisades, California, the newlyweds attended their first public appearance since getting married. Lauren looked chic in a printed floral top with navy skirt and tan high heels while her husband William dressed dapper in a teal coloured shirt with dark blue trousers. Both wearing sunglasses, the couple showed off their new wedding bands.+2Mrs Tell: The blonde beauty showed off her wedding band while posing for pictures on the red carpet with her left hand on her hip However, although their relationship hasn't changed after the wedding, William admits he's glad they've finally made it official after two years of dating. Pointing to his ring, he said: 'I could get used to this. ' After exchanging their vows, the newly-weds spent their honeymoon driving around the countryside in Italy and then travelling on to Greece to take in the sights. Lauren explained: 'We did Sicily in Italy and then Santorini in Greece. I think our favourite part about Sicily was the food."
"docid": "D3230300#0",
"title": "https://www.morningledger.com/raunch-is-bernadette-really-pregnant/13122656/\nMelissa Rauch: Is Bernadette Really Pregnant",
"text": "Yes you’re seeing a baby bump. Is Bernadette really pregnant? ( Instagram @themelissarauch)Usually, when a character gets pregnant onscreen, the actress behind it is actually expecting a baby in real life. This strategy, as witnessed in various programs already, is to avoid maternity leaves and assure the show’s continuous airtime. That being said, one actress in the The Big Bang Theory looks like she’s about to spawn the newest addition to her onscreen family. Is Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) pregnant? The more interesting question is: Is Bernadette really pregnant in real life? Read on to find out. Is Bernadette really pregnant? Yes!"
"docid": "D1773937#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3088505/Melissa-McCarthy-shows-trimmer-waist-honoured-Hollywood-Walk-Fame.html\nShrinking star! Melissa McCarthy shows off trimmer waist as she is honoured on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame",
"text": "\"Shrinking star! Melissa Mc Carthy shows off trimmer waist as she is honoured on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame By Ross Mcdonagh For Dailymail.com Published: 18:00 EDT, 19 May 2015 | Updated: 04:53 EDT, 20 May 2015693shares502View comments She's fast becoming one of the biggest female stars in show business... even if there is less of her. Melissa Mc Carthy was awarded a star on the Hollywood walk of fame on Tuesday. And despite boasting a much trimmer new figure, the actress appeared to do her best to hide it in an unflattering billowing frock. Scroll down for video+15Shooting star: Melissa Mc Carthy showed off a new trimmer figure as she was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame on Tuesday‹ Slide me ›Slimmimg: Melissa's drastic weight drop since the Emmys in September of 2011 is plain to see The 44-year-old looked smashing after dropping a significant amount of weight, but her new curves were lost beneath the blaring purple and white floral ensemble. Nevertheless there was no hiding the Spy star's smile as she accepted the honour with her husband and frequent collaborator Ben Falcone on Hollywood Boulevard. Ellen De Generes and Bridesmaids director Paul Feig were among actress's friends and family who gathered for the ceremony on the iconic sidewalk. Melissa Mc Carthy honored with star on Walk of Fame in May+15Delighted: Husband Ben Falcone (Top left), Bridesmaids director Paul Feig (Top right) and Ellen De Generes were among the family and friend there to celebrate+15Not his first rodeo: Hollywood Chamber CEO and president Leron Gubler (bottom right) also helped unveil the star+15Rare breed: Melissa is one of very few actors to get an Oscar nomination for a comedy role, for 2011's Bridesmaids+15Hollywood honour: The actress held up a plaque commemmorating her star on the Walk Of Fame The Saturday Night Live alum has gone from bit parts to leading lady in the space of a few short years, and is now one Hollywood's most bankable female stars. Her movie-stealing breakout performance in 2011's Bridesmaids earned her an Oscar nomination, one of the very few comedy nods given out by the Academy. That and her subsequent four films - This is 40, Identity Thief, The Hangover Part III, and The Heat - collectively brought in more that $500million at the box office.+15Got it, flaunt it: The 44-year-old has lost a significant amount of weight, despite hiding her new trimmer figure beneath a billowing frock+15Muse: Feig has directed Mc Carthy three times already, in Bridesmaids, The Heat and Spy+15Who you gonna call?"
"docid": "D2305548#0",
"title": "http://www.simplybeach.com/departments/WomensSwimwear/CupSizedSwimwear.aspx\nCup Sized Swimwear",
"text": "Cup Sized Swimwear Our exquisite range of cup-sized swimwear is ideal for those with a larger bust, meaning you get the support and reliability you need in designs that reflect your personal tastes. The collection includes a variety of colour combinations and vibrant patterns to get you noticed on the beach. So, if you want to choose from a range of cup-sizes, underwired bikinis and underwired swimming costumes, our Simply Beach collection of bra size swimwear has what you're looking for this summer. <... read more Home > Cup Sized Swimwear Brand Price Size Cup Size Colour Style1 to 80 of 340 items total Charmline Wildlife Passion Ruched One Piece£109.00Maryan Mehlhorn Greenhouse One Piece - Garden£189.00Maryan Mehlhorn Aquaria Tank One Piece - Coral£179.00Marie Jo Romy Push Up Padded Bikini Top - Colibri Blue£88.00Marie Jo Catherine Padded Triangle Halter - Blue Moon£76.00Marie Jo Catherine Boat Neck Padded One Piece - Blue Moon£118.00Pour Moi Heatwave Removable Straps Padded Top - Tropical£30.00Pour Moi Heatwave Halter Underwired Top - Tropical£29.00Pour Moi Barcelona Underwired Rope Top - Red£27.00Pour Moi Barcelona Padded Halter Underwired Top - Red£28.00Panache Leila Balconnet Bikini Top - Ikat Zig Zag£34.00Panache Florentine Moulded Bandeau Swimsuit - Animal Print£56.00Panache Florentine Moulded Bandeau Bikini Top - Animal Print£36.00Panache Marina Moulded Sweetheart Bikini Top - Cobalt£36.00Panache Alanis Bandeau Bikini Top - Blue Floral£36.00Panache Milano Balconnet Bikini Top - Navy Print£34.00Fantasie Ottawa UW Scoop Neck Tankini Top - Pacific£67.00Fantasie Ottawa UW Wrap Front Full Cup Bikini Top - Pacific£42.00David Blue Reef Bikini - Blue£80.00Lingadore Swimwear Paradise Wire Triangle Bra - Toucan£41.00Lingadore Swimwear Paradise Sports Top - Toucan£41.00Lingadore Swimwear Wander Bustier Top and Brief Set - Black£64.00Charmline Chromatic Leaves One Piece - Black£89.00Charmline Starfish Mariner Cross Front One Piece - Blue£99.00Charmline Starfish Mariner Bandeau One Piece - Blue£99.00Pour Moi Barracuda Underwired Halter Suit - Black/Blue£45.00Pour Moi Barracuda Underwired Top - Black/Blue£30.00Pour Moi Barracuda Padded Halter UW Top - Black/Blue£29.00Pour Moi Barracuda Ring Neck UW Top - Black/Blue£29.00Pour Moi Fiesta Halter Underwired Top - Red£26.00Pour Moi Fiesta Strapless Underwired Top - Red£30.00Lepel Beach Life Moulded Balconette Bikini Top - Navy£32.00Lepel Beach Life Moulded Balconette Swimsuit - Navy£45.00Fantasie Byron Bay UW Moulded Bikini Top - Black Cream£44.00Fantasie Byron Bay UW Deep Plunge Suit - Black Cream£86.00Maryan Mehlhorn Cruise Plunge Lace Up Detail One Piece - Navy£179.00Maryan Mehlhorn Elixir Surplice One Piece - Aqua£189.00Prima Donna Sunset Love Padded Strapless Bikini Top - Beach Party£84.95Prima Donna Maya Padded Balcony Bikini Top - Black£84.95Prima Donna Freedom Padded Balcony Bikini Top - Blue£84.95Prima Donna Freedom Padded One Piece - Black£131.95Prima Donna Freedom Padded Strapless Bikini Top - Black£89.95Prima Donna Sherry Padded Strapless Bikini Top - Khaki£84.95"
"docid": "D1719487#0",
"title": "https://www.herroom.com/wacoal.shtml\nWacoal Lingerie",
"text": "Wacoal Lingerie Why Buy Wacoal Lingerie? With a wide range of bra styles from t-shirt bras to balconettes, minimizers, push-up bras, bralettes and more, Wacoal lingerie for women is one of the most popular brands on the market for their attention to fit and style. Read more... SHARE Clear All FILTER: Size (s)Color (s)Department SORT: Best Sellers165 items VIEW: 50 100 150 1 2 3 4Wacoal 855170 Sports Underwire Bra$65.00 - $41.95Wacoal 85567 Awareness Full Figure Seamless Underwire Bra$65.00 - $44.95Wacoal 853192 Basic Beauty Underwire Spacer T-shirt Bra$55.00 - $39.95Wacoal 855186 Retro Chic Full Figure Underwire Bra$60.00 - $47.95Wacoal 855192 Basic Beauty Full Figure Seamless Underwire Bra$50.00Wacoal 853281 Ultimate Side Smoother Seamless T-Shirt Bra$68.00 - $54.95Wacoal 851205 Halo Lace Molded Underwire Bra with J-Hook$48.00 - $28.95Wacoal 853117 La Femme Underwire T-Shirt Bra$60.00 - $35.95... Wacoal 834175 Smooth Hi Cut Brief Panty$15.00 - $11.953 for $39.00Wacoal 65124 Body by Wacoal Front Close Racerback Underwire Bra$46.00Wacoal 851256 Lace Affair Underwire Bra$56.00 - $27.95Wacoal 857109 Simple Shaping Full Coverage Minimizer Bra$50.00Wacoal 857210 Visual Effects Minimizer Bra$65.00 - $39.95Wacoal 65191 Embrace Lace Underwire Bra$50.00 - $32.95Wacoal 853209 Contour Underwire Sports Bra$68.00 - $39.95... Wacoal 838175 B Smooth Brief Panty$15.00 - $5.953 for $39.00Wacoal 852247 Casual Beauty Wireless Bra$48.00Wacoal 854119 The Red Carpet Strapless Full-Busted Underwire Bra$65.00 - $39.95Wacoal 65115 Body by Wacoal Seamless Underwire Bra$46.00Wacoal 875235 Cotton Suede New Brief Panty$18.003 for $45.00Wacoal 89371 Hi-Cut Lace Trim Brief Panties$18.003 for $45.00Wacoal 85154 Slimline Seamless Underwire Minimizer Bra$65.00Wacoal 852189 How Perfect Wireless T-Shirt Bra$60.00 - $39.95Wacoal 871235 Cotton Suede New Hi-Cut Brief Panty$18.003 for $45.00Wacoal 853191 Embrace Lace Contour Bra$60.00 - $41.95Wacoal 85185 Body Suede Full Figure Seamless Underwire Bra$60.00... Wacoal 811205 Halo Lace Wireless Bra$30.00 - $9.99Wacoal 855280 First Instinct Underwire Bra$55.00Wacoal 871254 Skinsense Hi-Cut Brief Panty$18.00 - $14.953 for $45.00Wacoal 64391 Embrace Lace Bikini Panties$27.00 - $21.95Wacoal 835175 B-Smooth Seamless Bralette$20.00 Now: $15.95Wacoal 855290 Basic Benefits Unlined Underwire Bra$55.00 - $26.95Wacoal 871101 Awareness Hi Cut Brief Panty$15.00 - $11.953 for $39.00Wacoal 841186 Retro Chic Brief Panty$32.00 - $15.95Wacoal 855225 Stark Beauty Underwire Bra$62.00Wacoal 835275 B-Smooth Wireless Bra with Removable Pads$34.00 - $21.95Wacoal 853292 Basic Beauty Front Close Underwire T-shirt Bra$55.00Wacoal 853256 Lace Affair T-shirt Bra$60.00 - $39.95Wacoal 85999 No Peek Pads$12.00Wacoal 85121 Feather Embroidery Underwire Bra$56.00Wacoal 853222 Zip Front Underwire Sports Bra$72.00 Now: $46.95Free Wacoal Drawstring Bag Wacoal 85814 Bodysuede Ultra Full Figure Seamless Underwire Bra$60.00Wacoal 855264 Distinguished Elegance Underwire Bra$65.00 - $44.95Wacoal 870205 Halo Lace Boyshort Panty$15.00 - $7.953 for $39.00Wacoal 852210 Visual Effects Wire Free Minimizing Bra$62.00Wacoal 852191 Embrace Lace Soft Cup Non-Wire Bra$38.00 - $24.95Wacoal 852389 How Perfect Full Figure Wirefree Bra$55.00Wacoal 843256 Lace Affair Bikini Panty$22.001 2 3 4Having only entered the American marketplace a few years ago, Wacoal brings an impressive range of fit and style to the lingerie arena. Wacoal Eveden quickly became a brand of choice, providing women everywhere with a better fit. Her Room customers love Wacoal bras for full figures, including the Body Suede Full Figure Seamless Bra 85185, a best seller in plus-size bras. Petites also get special consideration with cups that are placed closer together. Many average size bandless front bra styles also work well for petites and women with shorter torsos. With their attention to the best possible fit, Wacoal bras tend to have generous cup sizing. They're designed to offer full breast coverage and support. Underwires are flat instead of round to sit comfortably against your skin and fastenings are lined for extra comfort."
"docid": "D2565690#0",
"title": "http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/news/a39027/women-shut-down-body-shamers/\n22 Women Who Expertly Shut Down Their Body Shamers",
"text": "\"By Olivia Bahou Apr 14, 2015Youtube Body shaming doesn't discriminate. Whether you're a celeb in the spotlight or a new mom breaking out an old bikini, no one is immune to hateful comments, whether you're \"\"too fat,\"\" \"\"too skinny,\"\" or even \"\"too pregnant.\"\" Take inspiration from these 22 women to shut down the haters and embrace your unique and beautiful body, no matter your size.1. Serena Williams Getty During an acceptance speech for Sport Illustrated 's Sportsperson of the Year award, Serena addressed all the shit she gets for being super strong: \"\"I've had people look down on me, put me down because I didn't look like them — I look stronger,\"\" she said. \"\" I've had people look past me because the color of my skin, I've had people overlook me because I was a woman, I've had critics say I [would] never win another Grand Slam when I was only at no. 7 — and here I stand today with 21 Grand Slam titles, and I'm still going. \"\"2. Kelly Clarkson Getty Images After British television personality Katie Hopkins joked that Kelly had \"\"eaten all her backup singers,\"\" the star responded, \"\"I'm awesome! It doesn't bother me.\"\" In a later interview on The Ellen De Generes Show, she added, \"\"It's like, you are who you are."
"docid": "D1196103#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4110170/Football-goes-best-pancakes-Map-reveals-popular-game-day-foods-state-Utah-Arkansas-Montana-unexpected-favorites.html\nFootball goes best with⦠pancakes? Map reveals the most popular game day foods in every state - and Utah, Arkansas, and Montana have some VERY unexpected favorites",
"text": "Football goes best with… pancakes? Map reveals the most popular game day foods in every state - and Utah, Arkansas, and Montana have some VERY unexpected favorites A map produced by Direc TV shows the most popular foods to post on Instagram with the hashtag #gameday in every state While chicken wings, pulled pork, and pizza are undeniably popular, there are a few surprises Utah favors pumpkin, Arkansas likes pancakes, and Montana, Maine, and Kansas all like eggs benedict By Carly Stern For Dailymail.com Published: 12:42 EDT, 11 January 2017 | Updated: 15:17 EDT, 11 January 2017149shares68View comments Chicken wings, chips and dip, and sliders are staples for game watches — but a few US states appear to have some unexpected food traditions when it comes to watching sports. A new graphic created by Direc TV reveals the most popular game day foods across the country, and there are quite a few surprises. In Utah, for instance, the most popular food is pumpkin, while people in Arkansas love pancakes on football and baseball days.+5Eat up! A map by Direc TV shows the most popular game day foods in every state+5Traditional: Most people like chips, hot dogs, pizza, pulled pork, and chicken wings The cable company compiled their data by looking at posts tagged #gameday on Instagram, as well as which pictures earned the most likes. They measured the posts through the year from January through October, meaning the results included people watching sports through several seasons. But while pizza, burgers, and cheese plates were all top picks across the country, some states favored eggs benedict and pasta. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next Cristiano Ronaldo hits back at Dwayne Wade (again) and this... 'I've had three glasses of wine and one shrimp for dinner':... Share this article+5Vegan food, really? Their findings, from Instagram, has some big surprises+5Most people like to chow down on unhealthy snacks while watching football Pizza was the top choice in Arizona, Delaware, and Indiana, and pulled pork came out on top in Vermont and Michigan. Mozzarella sticks won in California, and cheese topped the lists in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Hawaii."
"docid": "D1883655#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2507740/Penelope-Cruz-soon-turn-40-admits-shes-scared-getting-old-smoulders-magazine-shoot.html\nAs she approaches her 40th birthday, Penelope Cruz admits she's not scared of ageing as she smoulders in magazine shoot",
"text": "As she approaches her 40th birthday, Penelope Cruz admits she's not scared of ageing as she smoulders in magazine shoot Actress will turn 40 next April She said she has 'so much to look forward to'Just launched lingerie line with her sister Juggling work alongside caring for two children She said family is her priority By Lucy Waterlow for Mail Online Published: 04:58 EDT, 15 November 2013 | Updated: 07:55 EDT, 15 November 2013116View comments Penelope Cruz is embracing the saying 'life begins at 40' as she approaches the milestone birthday next April. The actress told this month's The Edit magazine that ageing doesn't frighten her because she has 'so much to look forward to'. The mother-of-two certainly belies her years as she poses for the magazine in a number of smouldering in pictures. Life begins at 40: Penelope Cruz isn't phased as she approaches the milestone birthday Busy working mother: The actress has just launched her lingerie line with Agent Provocateur Her face also doesn't show a hint of the sleepless nights she said she's been having as she nurses her four-month-old daughter Luna. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next Smoky gets in your eyes: Victoria Beckham goes overboard... So THAT'S the secret to her pregnancy style! Jennifer Love... Share this article Penelope has packed a lot already into her 40 years after making her film debut age 18. She was nominated for an Oscar for her part in Volver in 2007 and after being nominated again in 2009 for Vicky Cristina Barcelona, b ecame the first Spanish actress to win the coveted award. Alongside her acting career, she also built up a reputation as a fashion designer, collaborating with Mango and now launching her owndiffusion lingerie line for Agent Provocateur with her sister, Monica. Penelope Cruz behind the scenes with Net-A-Porter No sign of sleepless nights: Penelope is currently nursing her four-month-old daughter Luna Family first: She said her husband and two children are now her priority She had a romance with Tom Cruise before marrying fellow Oscar winner Javier Bardem with whom she has her daughter and son Leo, two. And now she has a family, the actress admitted they are her main priority."
"docid": "D878496#0",
"title": "http://www.bodymeasurements.org/mayim-bialik/\nMayim Bialik",
"text": "Mayim Bialik Mayim Bialik is famous American actress and neuroscientist with attractive body measurements. Bialik wears 34B bra size and weighs 135 pounds. She became popular as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory. Check out also measurements of Kaley Cuoco, Melissa Rauch, and Kat Dennings. Mayim Bialik measurements Body shape: Hourglass ( explanation)Dress size: 6Breasts-Waist-Hips: 36-25-36 inches (91-64-91 cm)Shoe/Feet: 8.5Bra size: 34BCup: BHeight: 5’4″ (163 cm)Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)Natural breasts or implants? Natural ( how do we know this? ) Short Bio Mayim was born December 12, 1975 in San Diego, California. Her ancestry is Jewish, her grandparents emigrated from Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary before WWII. She became famous as neuroscientist Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler in TV show The Big Bang Theory. But what most people don’t know, that she’s neuroscientist in real-life too."
"docid": "D3196987#0",
"title": "http://www.yaelp.com/s_Elizabeth+Montgomery+Measurements+Height+Weight/p10/\nElizabeth Montgomery Measurements Height Weight",
"text": "Ads: Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements Height Weight - Yaelp Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements - Bing images Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements Related Keywords ... Elizabeth Pena Body Height Weight Plastic Surgery Star | Holidays OO. 480 x 600 jpeg 62k B.http://www.yaelp.com/s_ Elizabeth+Montgomery+Measurements+Height+Weight /p10Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements Height Weight - Yaelp Elizabeth Mc Govern Height, Weight, Bra Size and Measurements. Elizabeth Mc Govern Height, Weight, Bra Size and Measurements August 21, 2017 celebot Actress, database Elizabeth Lee Mc Govern is an American film, television, and theater actor, and musician.http://www.yaelp.com/s_ Elizabeth+Montgomery+Measurements+Height+Weight /p30Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements - Bing images Elizabeth Montgomery Measurements Related Keywords ... Elizabeth Banks Bra Size, Age, Weight, Height, Measurements - Celebrity Sizes. 426 x 640 jpeg 51k B.https://www.windowssearch-exp.com/images/search?q= Elizabeth ... Elizabeth Mc Govern Bra Size, Age, Weight, Height ... Elizabeth Mc Govern Bra Size, Age, Weight, Height, Measurements. Posted on October 17, 2013 by Jena Leave a comment. ... Elizabeth Lail Bra Size, Age, Weight, ...https://www.celebrity sizes .com/ elizabeth-mcgovern - bra-size -age... Poppy Montgomery Age, Height, Weight ... - Bra Size | Height Poppy Montgomery Age, Height, Weight, Bra Size, Measurements. Poppy Montgomery Personal Details. Poppy Montgomery ’s Birth Name : Poppy Petal Emma Elizabeth. Poppy Montgomery ’s Age : 45http://thecelebguide.com/ poppy-montgomery -age- height ... Elizabeth Montgomery Height - Celeb Heights Find out how tall Elizabeth Montgomery is, discover other Celebrity Heights and Vote on how tall you think any Celebrity is!https://www.celeb height s.com/s/ Elizabeth-Montgomery -47368.html Elizabeth Mc Govern Height, Weight, Age, Net Worth Read More Genelia D’Souza Height, Weight, Net Worth, Measurements Elizabeth Mc Govern Family. Elizabeth Father Name: William Montgomery Mc Govern Jr. Elizabeth Mc Govern Mother Name: Katharine Wolcott."
"docid": "D2030665#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Rauch\nMelissa Rauch",
"text": "\"Melissa Rauch From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Melissa Rauch Rauch at Paley Fest 2013 for The Big Bang Theory Born Melissa Ivy Rauch June 23, 1980 (age 37)Marlboro Township, New Jersey, U. S. Occupation Actress, comedian Years active 2006–present Television The Big Bang Theory Spouse (s) Winston Rauch (né Beigel) [1] [2]Children 1Melissa Ivy Rauch (born June 23, 1980) [3] is an American actress and comedian. She is known for playing Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Career3 Personal life4 Filmography5 References6 External links Early life [ edit]Rauch was born to a Jewish family in Marlboro Township, New Jersey. [ 4] [5] Her parents are Susan and David Rauch. [ 6] [3] She has a brother, Ben. [ 3] She developed an interest in acting while attending Marlboro High School. [ 7] Rauch graduated from Marymount Manhattan College in New York City in 2002. [ 8]Career [ edit]Some of Rauch's early work was as a regular contributor to VH1 's Best Week Ever television show. [ 9]In 2009, Rauch began playing the recurring role of Bernadette Rostenkowski, a co-worker of Penny who began to date Howard Wolowitz, in the third season of TV's The Big Bang Theory. [ 10] The following season her character became Howard's fiancée and Rauch was promoted to a series regular."
"docid": "D3230302#0",
"title": "http://www.cbs.com/shows/the_talk/news/1006232/melissa-rauch-on-playing-pregnant-people-treat-you-so-wonderfully-/\n.",
"text": "\"Posted on Dec 2, 2016 04:25pm On Friday, Dec. 2, Melissa Rauch sat down with the hosts of The Talk to discuss Bernadette's big pregnancy reveal on The Big Bang Theory and what it was like to walk around with a baby bump. In the latest all-new episode of The Big Bang Theory entitled \"\" The Property Division Collision ,\"\" Bernadette and her husband Howard get the surprise of a lifetime when she goes into labor; but, they're not the only ones who were thrown off-guard throughout the pregnancy. Rauch, too, said she was thrown for a loop while in her costume. \"\" I have to say, people treat you so wonderfully when you're walking around with a baby bump,\"\" Rauch said. It turns out that Rauch wasn't the only one who found some surprising benefits from her latest storyline. \"\" My parents have been scoring big time on the Bernadette pregnancy because a lot of their friends sort of treat The Big Bang Theory like it's a reality show,\"\" Rauch said. \"\" So, when Bernadette announced she was pregnant, my parents went into the local bagel store, and they got free bagels—it's New Jersey, and free bagels are a sign of congratulations!\"\" To follow Bernadette and Howard's baby bliss, watch The Big Bang Theory on Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS and CBS All Access. Watch The Talk weekdays on CBS and CBS All Access. \""
"docid": "D3467922#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2837321/Melissa-McCarthy-continues-45-pound-weight-loss-Arts-Education-event-LA.html\nMelissa McCarthy continues to show off her 45 pound weight loss at Arts Education event in LA",
"text": "\"Melissa Mc Carthy continues to show off her 45 pound weight loss at Arts Education event in LABy Heidi Parker for Mail Online and Karen Mizoguchi for Mail Online Published: 22:08 EDT, 16 November 2014 | Updated: 13:43 EDT, 17 November 2014826shares86View comments She has gone from 265 lbs to 220 lbs. And Melissa Mc Carthy showed off her recent weight loss wearing a slimming black ensemble at the P. S. ARTS Express Yourself 2014 in Santa Monica, California. The 44-year-old actress has reportedly 'lost 45 pounds thanks to a low carb, high protein diet' and been focusing on her health for her children and family. Scroll down for video+7Smaller figure: Melissa Mc Carthy showed off her 45 pound weight loss on Sunday at the P. S. ARTS Express Yourself 2014 in Santa Monica, California At the event, Melissa wore a black top under a multi-print jacket that had patterns of blue and white with sleeves of orange and navy. The comedienne completed her outfit with black trousers, matching Converse sneakers and a leather shoulder bag. She wore her long brunette locks around her shoulders and applied rosy blush on her noticeably thinner face.+7Happy! The 44-year-old actress looked overjoyed and in good spirits at the event The Heat actress has shed the weight by cutting back on pasta and bread. ' She has been on a high protein, low carb diet,' said an insider for Star. But the cousin of Playboy model Jenny Mc Carthy is not about to go overboard when it comes to dieting. ' Melissa knows that fans love her big and beautiful, and she's not obsessed with dieting,' said the source. '"
] |
2250 | black actor on chicago fire | [
"docid": "D1206401#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1854211/\nCharlie Barnett (IV)",
"text": "\"SEE RANKCharlie Barnett (IV)Actor View Resume | Official Photos »Charlie Barnett is an actor, known for Private Romeo (2011), Men in Black 3 (2012) and Chicago P. D. (2014). See full bio »More at IMDb Pro »Contact Info: View agent, manager and legal Represent Charlie Barnett? Add contact information40 photos | 6 videos »Quick Links Biography Awards Photo Gallery Filmography (by Job)Trailers and Videos Explore More Best (and Worst) Superpowers According to Superfan Patton Oswalt Sorry Aquaman, but Patton Oswalt thinks talking to fish is the most useless superpower. See Patton's superpower picks Share this page: Related News Valor Cancellation Coming Soon? Male Lead Joins CW 's Skinny Dip Pilot01 March 2018 | TVSeries Finale Valor: Would You Watch Season Two of the CW Series?06 February 2018 | TVSeries Finale Valor: Is the CW TV Series Cancelled or Renewed for Season Two?18 January 2018 | TVSeries Finale See all related articles »Around The Web Powered by Zerg Net On Prime Video Watch Now Men in Black 3Watch Now Private Romeo Watch Now The Happy Sad Watch Now Gayby See more on Prime Video »Watch on TVChicago P. D. At Least It's Justice (S1, Ep10) Fri, Apr 13 3:00 PM PDT on USA (060)Chicago P. D.8:30 PM (S1, Ep12) Fri, Apr 13 5:00 PM PDT on USA (060)Explore more on IMDb TV »Create a list »User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Celebs I' ea list of 37 people created 07 Jul 2014I Kissed a Boy and I Liked It!a list of 42 people created 26 Oct 2013Celebsa list of 25 people created 19 May 2014HOTTEST MEN ON TV 2013a list of 33 people created 23 May 2013Favourite peoplea list of 254 people created 02 Aug 2014See all related lists »Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDb Page Find out more at IMDb Pro »How Much Have You Seen? How much of Charlie Barnett's work have you seen? User Polls Fall 2015 TV Premieres: Sept. 27-Oct. 3Best Classic Sci-Fi Movie Score/Soundtrack Which Shakespeare Play Has the Best Film Adaptations? Rolling Stones Songs in Films Fall 2015 TV Premieres: Sept. 20-26Emmy Nominees for Outstanding Drama Series from the '90s See more polls »1 win."
] | [
"docid": "D1912655#0",
"title": "http://www.searchnetworth.com/lara-flynn-boyle-net-worth/\nLara Flynn Boyle Net Worth",
"text": "\"Lara Flynn Boyle Net Worth· In Actors, Celebrities Lara Flynn Boyle Net Worth is $10 Million Lara Flynn Boyle deserves the money? Rating: 2.6/ 5 (10 votes cast)Would you date Lara Flynn Boyle ? Rating: 2.3/ 5 (3 votes cast)Profession: Actor Date of Birth: Mar 24, 1970 Nicknames: L. F., Laura Flynn Boyle Height: 1.68 m Country: United States of America What is Lara Flynn Boyle Net Worth? What is Lara Flynn Boyle's net worth? Lara Flynn Boyle's net worth is $10 million dollars. Born in Davenport, Iowa, Lara Flynn Boyle was raised between Chicago, Illinois and Wisconsin. She graduated from the Chicago Academy for the Arts with a degree in Art, and began her professional performance career in the late 80s. Her first role, a small part in \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\", was cut from the final edit of the film. The following year, however, proved to be a bit of a breakout for her, and she appeared in the miniseries, \"\"Amerika\"\", and guest starred on the television show, \"\"Sable\"\". From there, she would go on to steady work both on film and television, appearing in such projects as \"\"Twin Peaks\"\", \"\"The Rookie\"\", \"\"Mobsters\"\", \"\"Wayne's World\"\", \"\"The Temp\"\", \"\"Threesome\"\", \"\"The Practice\"\", \"\"Ally Mc Beal\"\", \"\"Men in Black II\"\", \"\"Huff\"\", \"\"Las Vegas\"\", \"\"Law and Order\"\", and \"\"Baby on Board\"\"."
"docid": "D1064841#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3517274/The-end-era-Oprah-Winfrey-returns-Harpo-Studios-final-time-shut-Chicago-operation-layoff-final-37-employees.html\nThe end of an era: Oprah Winfrey returns to Harpo Studios for the final time to shut down Chicago operation and layoff final 37 employees",
"text": "The end of an era: Oprah Winfrey returns to Harpo Studios for the final time to shut down Chicago operation and layoff final 37 employees Harpo Studios was shut down this week with Oprah Winfrey returning to Chicago for one last farewell with the final 37 employees Winfrey posted photos of herself with the last employees, who will be out of a job on Friday, on Twitter and Instagram'Today was final goodbye to the greatest team in television. This is the team that will be the last to leave Harpo Chicago,' wrote Winfrey The company began to layoff its remaining 183 employees in Chicago last December Winfrey told employees in March 2015 she would be relocating the company to California Earlier this year, OWN moved into a space called The Lot in West Hollywood, setting the stage for the shutdown of Harpo after 26 years By Chris Spargo For Dailymail.com Published: 08:39 EDT, 31 March 2016 | Updated: 10:31 EDT, 31 March 2016139shares3View comments The famed Chicago studio where Oprah Winfrey filmed her eponymous talk show for over 20 years has been shut down. The self-made billionaire and former daytime queen posted photos on Twitter and Instagram Wednesday night as she bid farewell to Harpo Studios and the operation's final employees, who will have their last day on Friday. ' Today was Final ,FINAL goodbye to the greatest team in television. This is the team that will be the last to leave the Harpo Chicago building on Friday,' wrote Winfrey. ' They've been sorting, discarding ,packing , storing, archiving for a year now. Our goodbye luncheon today,a few tears and LOTS of great memories. Thank You to all. ' Scroll down for video+5End of an era: Harpo Studios was shut down this week with Oprah Winfrey returning to Chicago (above) for one last farewell with the final 37 employees+5Last ones standing: Winfrey posted photos of herself with the last employees (above), who will be out of a job on Friday+5Farewell: Today was final goodbye to the greatest team in television. This is the team that will be the last to leave Harpo Chicago,' wrote Winfrey (Harpo Studios in Chicago above)Winfrey posted a similar photo of the team on Twitter, writing; 'The final 37 of the Greatest team in television."
"docid": "D3316735#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary,_Indiana\nGary, Indiana",
"text": "\"Gary, Indiana From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Gary, Indiana City City of Gary The Genesis Towers (originally the Hotel Gary) and Gary State Bank Building in downtown Gary Seal Nickname (s): City in Motion, City of the Century, GI, Magic City of Steel, The Steel City, City on the Move Motto (s): We Are Doing Great Things Location of Gary in Lake County, Indiana. Coordinates: 41°35′44″N 87°20′43″WCoordinates: 41°35′44″N 87°20′43″W [1]Country United States State Indiana County Lake Townships Calumet and Hobart Incorporated July 14, 1906Named for Elbert Henry Gary Neighborhoods List [show]Government [2]• Type Council-Strong Mayor• Mayor Karen M. Freeman-Wilson ( D)• City Council Members [show]• City Clerk Suzette Raggs ( D)• City Judge Deidre L. Monroe ( D)Area [3]• Total 57.21 sq mi (148.17 km 2)• Land 49.72 sq mi (128.78 km 2)• Water 7.49 sq mi (19.40 km 2)Elevation [1] 607 ft (185 m)Population ( 2010) [4]• Total 80,294• Estimate (2016) [5] 76,424• Density 1,537.06/sq mi (593.46/km 2)Standard of living ( 2008-12) [4]• Per capita income $15,764• Median home value $66,900Time zone Central ( UTC−6)• Summer ( DST) Central ( UTC−5)ZIP codes 46401-46411Area code 219FIPS code 18-27000GNIS feature ID 2394863 [1]Interstates U. S. Routes State Routes Airport Gary/Chicago International [6]Waterways Grand Calumet River Lake Michigan South Shore Line stations Adam Benjamin Metro Center Gary/Chicago Airport – Miller Public transit Gary Public Transportation Corp. Website Official website Gary ( / ɡ ɛər i /) is a city in Lake County, Indiana, United States, 25 miles (40 km) from downtown Chicago, Illinois. The population of Gary was 80,294 at the 2010 census, [7] making it the ninth-largest city in the state of Indiana. From the middle of the twentieth century to the present, Gary has experienced drastic population loss, falling by 55 percent from its peak of 178,320 in 1960. [ 8]Gary is adjacent to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and borders Lake Michigan. [ 9] [10] The city is known for its large steel mills, and for being the birthplace of The Jackson 5 music group. [ 11]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Founding and early years1.2 Post-World War II1.3 Recent history1.4 National Register of Historic Places2 Neighborhoods2.1 Downtown Gary2.2 West2.3 South2.4 North and East3 Geography3.1 Climate4 Demographics4.1 2010 census4.2 2000 census5 Arts and culture5.1 Arts and film5.2 Historic Places on the National Register5.3 Public libraries6 Sports7 Education7.1 Public schools7.2 Charter schools7.3 Higher education8 Media8.1 Newspapers8.2 Television and radio9 Infrastructure9.1 Medical facilities9.2 Police9.3 Fire department9.4 Transportation10 Notable people10.1 The Jacksons10.2 Other notable people11 Sister cities12 See also13 References14 Further reading15 External links History [ edit]Founding and early years [ edit]5th Ave and Broadway in 1908Gary, Indiana, was founded in 1906 by the United States Steel Corporation as the home for its new plant, Gary Works. The city was named after lawyer Elbert Henry Gary, who was the founding chairman of the United States Steel Corporation. Gary was the site of civil unrest in the Steel Strike of 1919. On October 4, 1919, a riot broke out on Broadway, the main north-south street through downtown Gary, between striking steel workers and strike breakers brought in from outside."
"docid": "D3508791#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2996182/Painting-streets-green-Cities-country-celebrate-St-Patrick-s-Day.html\nPainting the streets green: Cities across the country celebrate St. Patrick's Day",
"text": "Painting the streets green: Cities across the country celebrate St. Patrick's Day Over 33 million Irish-Americans are set to be involved in the festivities Chicago River was dyed green for the 32nd time this year St. Patrick's Day will see $4.6 billion in sales Reports suggest around 13 million pints of Guinness will be drunk globally By Wills Robinson and Zoe Szathmary for Mail Online and Associated Press Published: 18:13 EDT, 15 March 2015 | Updated: 17:13 EDT, 16 March 2015220shares49View comments Cities across the country are turning to green as they take part in annual St. Patrick's Day parades. The day itself is not until Tuesday - but many cities have already held parades, with attendees decked out in green to celebrate. In the northeast, Boston's St. Patrick's Day parade included two gay and lesbian groups for the first time on Sunday. Scroll down for videos+39Pride: Boston's St. Patrick's Day parade included two gay and lesbian groups for the first time on Sunday+39Celebrating the Emerald Isle: The Chicago River was dyed green for the 32nd time to mark the city's St. Patrick's Day Parade+39Color change: The boat sped through the water, casting out the green dye from the rear+39Crowds filled up a staircase to the see the Chicago River be dyed green on Saturday Americans paint their towns green for St. Patrick's Day Loaded Progress 0:00/0:00+39 +39Queen of the scene: St. Patrick's Day Parade queen Lauren Elizabeth Corry waved during the Chicago parade (left). Crowd member Brian Mc Clard is seen holding his five month-old son Conell Aengus (right).+39Spirit: A man waves an Irish flag in the Chicago River on Saturday+39Music: A band wearing green hats and blazers walk along the parade route in Raleigh, North Carolina Saturday+39Alternative transport: A man rides past the crowds in Raleigh, North Carolina, on a unicycle Over 33 million Irish-Americans are set to be involved in the festivities this year, ABC7 Chicago reported. According to the television station and Wallet Hub, St. Patrick's Day will see $4.6 billion in sales this year. Around 13 million pints of Guinness will be drunk, the ABC affiliate reported. Chicago has followed its 32-year-old tradition by dying the river green in front of thousands of people who traveled to the city from across the country. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 2 Next Nerds across America to celebrate National Pi Day on 3/14/15 Pope Francis says he believes he will only remain as pontiff... The ultimate model boat for the man with a very big bath:... Share this article On Saturday, parades were held in a number of US cities as well as further afield in Tokyo and Rio. In America these included Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; Charlotte, North Carolina; Raleigh, North Carolina; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; and San Francisco, California."
"docid": "D1439676#0",
"title": "http://bobcanada92.blogspot.com/2017/12/happy-30th-anniversary-to-planes-trains.html\n.",
"text": "\"Happy 30th Anniversary To Planes, Trains And Automobiles Happy 30th Anniversary to one of my all-time favorite movies, Planes, Trains And Automobiles! The film premiered back on November 25, 1987. The movie was written and directed by the late, great John Hughes, who was responsible for some of the most iconic films of the 1980s and 1990s. He wrote Mr. Mom, National Lampoon's Vacation, European Vacation, Pretty in Pink, Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Dutch, Beethoven and Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, among many others. He wrote and directed Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Weird Science, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, She's Having A Baby and Uncle Buck. Now that's a resume!Planes, Trains And Automobiles is one of the very few Thanksgiving movies out there, and I make a point to watch it every year on the holiday. The story couldn't be simpler. Neal Page (played by Steve Martin) is an uptight Chicago marketing director who finds himself stuck in New York City a few days before Thanksgiving. He runs into Del Griffith (played by the late John Candy), a slovenly, talkative shower curtain ring salesman. The two of them are thrown together by circumstances and find themselves traveling by... well, plane, train and automobile as theydesperately try to make their way back home before Thanksgiving."
"docid": "D2141351#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Williams_(actor)\nJesse Williams (actor)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Jesse Williams Jesse Williams, New York City, 2008Born Jesse Wesley Williams August 6, 1981 (age 36)Chicago, Illinois, United States Alma mater Temple University Occupation Actor, model, activist Years active 2006–present Spouse (s) Aryn Drake-Lee ( m. 2012; sep. 2017)Children 2 [n 1]Jesse Wesley Williams (born August 5, 1981) [2] is an American actor, director, teacher and activist, best known for his role as Dr. Jackson Avery on the ABC Television series Grey's Anatomy. He also appeared in the 2013 film The Butler as civil rights leader Rev. James Lawson. His other roles have included Holden in The Cabin in the Woods (2012); Officer Eddie Quinlan in Brooklyn's Finest (2009); and Leo in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008). Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Career2.1 Television2.2 Theater2.3 Film2.4 Activism2.5 Modeling3 Personal life4 Filmography5 References6 Footnotes7 External links Early life [ edit]Williams was born in Chicago, Illinois, [3] to Johanna Chase, a professional potter, and Reginald Williams. [ 4] Of mixed race, Williams has said his mother is Swedish and his father is African American, with some Seminole ancestry, from Georgia. [ 5] [6] His two younger brothers specialize in visual arts. Williams graduated from Moses Brown School in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1998. [ 4] After he graduated from high school, his parents each began teaching in the public school system, while his mother maintained her work in pottery. [ 4] [6]Williams graduated from Temple University with a double major in African American Studies and Film and Media Arts. ["
"docid": "D2573805#0",
"title": "http://www.thewrap.com/inside-chicago-fire-chicago-pd-and-law-order-svu-mega-crossover/\nInside NBCâs âChicago Fire,â âChicago PDâ and âLaw & Order: SVUâ Mega-Crossover",
"text": "\"NBC is taking the crossover concept into new territory with a mega-event of three signature dramas. The groundbreaking crossover — timed for the November sweep — centers on a child pornography ring that brings the cops, firefighters and district attorneys of three Dick Wolf procedurals together. It kicks off Tuesday night on “Chicago Fire” and continues Wednesday with “Law & Order: SVU” and “Chicago P. D.”“It invariably raises interest in all of the shows,” “Fire” and “P. D.” Executive Producer Matt Olmstead told The Wrap. Olmstead also mentioned he couldn’t recall ever seeing a three-show crossover before. Also read: Big Screen to Small Screen: 27 Movies Being Made Into TV Shows (Photos)On “Chicago Fire,” the firefighters discover the child porn stash during a response to a blaze. “ P. D.’s” Erin Lindsay ( Sophia Bush) is even more shocked when she discovers one of the young victims is her somewhat estranged half-brother. Insisting on playing a role in the case, Lindsay follows the path to New York City, where she and the “SVU” team are able to reconstruct the ring from there — but they all must go back to Chicago to find the kingpin and bring the perp to justice. Enter “P. D.,” and the finale to the two-night event. Also read:'Shaft' Star Richard Roundtree Joining 'Chicago Fire' for Multi-Episode Arc The sequential nature of the participating series’ regular weekly schedule determined the natural order of the lineup, and thus, the story. While Olmstead’s two shows have the coveted bookend slots, he promised “SVU’s” turn would not feel like “middle relief,” and would contain payoffs of its own."
"docid": "D2410278#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Harris\nEd Harris",
"text": "\"Ed Harris From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other people with the same name, see Edward Harris (disambiguation). Ed Harris Harris speaking at the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con Born Edward Allen Harris November 28, 1950 (age 67)Englewood, New Jersey, U. S. Residence Malibu, California, U. S. Occupation Actor, producer, director, screenwriter Years active 1975–present Spouse (s) Amy Madigan ( m. 1983)Children 1Edward Allen Harris (born November 28, 1950) is an American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter. His performances in Apollo 13 (1995), The Truman Show (1998), Pollock (2000) and The Hours (2002) earned him critical acclaim as well as Academy Award nominations. Harris has appeared in several leading and supporting roles, such as The Right Stuff (1983), The Abyss (1989), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), Nixon (1995), The Rock (1996), Stepmom (1998), A Beautiful Mind (2001), Enemy at the Gates (2001), A History of Violence (2005), Gone Baby Gone (2007), Snowpiercer (2013) and Mother! ( 2017). In addition to directing Pollock, Harris also directed the western Appaloosa (2008). In television, Harris is notable for his roles as Miles Roby in the miniseries Empire Falls (2005), as United States Senator John Mc Cain in the television movie Game Change (2012), which earned him the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film, and currently stars as The Man in Black in the HBO science fiction - western series Westworld (2016-present). Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Career2.1 Early plays2.2 Television roles2.3 Subsequent success and acting career3 Personal life4 Filmography4.1 Film4.2 Television5 Other credits5.1 Video games5.2 Stage6 Awards and nominations7 References8 External links Early life [ edit]Harris was born at the Englewood Hospital in Englewood, New Jersey, and was raised in Tenafly, New Jersey, [1] the son of Margaret ( née Sholl), a travel agent, and Robert L. \"\"Bob\"\" Harris (1922–2014), who sang with the Fred Waring chorus and worked at the bookstore of the Art Institute of Chicago. [ 2] He has two brothers, Paul and Robert. [ 2] Harris was raised in a middle-class Presbyterian family. ["
"docid": "D1951555#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2657490/Michael-Jordan-billionaire-professional-athlete-increasing-ownership-stake-Charlotte-Hornets-basketball-team.html\nMichael Jordan becomes the only billionaire professional athlete after increasing his ownership stake in the Charlotte Hornets basketball team",
"text": "Michael Jordan becomes the only billionaire professional athlete after increasing his ownership stake in the Charlotte Hornets basketball team Jordan owns 89.5 per cent of the Charlotte Hornets NBA team which is believed to be worth more than $600million Combined with his other earnings, that hypothetical profit margin would put him over the $1billion mark By Associated Press and Meghan Keneally Published: 17:18 EDT, 13 June 2014 | Updated: 17:20 EDT, 13 June 201432View comments+2Money man: Michael Jordan recently increased his ownership stake in the Charlotte Hornets and that helped push his net worth over $1billion Basketball legend Michael Jordan has become the only current billionaire who shot to fame as a professional athlete. Forbes estimates that Jordan's equity as owner of the NBA's Charlotte Hornets is $416million and his net worth outside of the team to be $600million. It reported Jordan now owns 89.5 per cent of the Hornets, which marks an additional stake in the team since he previously owned just 80 per cent. Jordan's spokeswoman, Estee Portnoy, confirmed that Jordan purchased an additional stake in the Hornets in January 2013, but wouldn't say how much. Portnoy had no comment on whether or not Jordan is a billionaire. A six-time NBA champion with Chicago Bulls, Jordan earned fame and fortune on the basketball court, as well as through endorsements and movies. The 51-year-old became the majority owner of the Hornets (formerly the Bobcats) in 2010 when he bought out Bob Johnson's share of the team for $175million. It is that team, and not the various athletic gear or his infrequent film projects that have launched him into the realm of the extremely wealthy. A recent evaluation of the team predicted that the Hornets are worth $410million, but Forbes states that number may be low-balling it a bit considering the Milwaukee Bucks, long considered the least valuable team in the NBA, sold for $550million last month.+2Ulitmate slam dunk: Jordan made a name for himself on the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s Forbes' experts pits the Hornets' true value at somewhere between $600million and $625million, and once the money he has spent on the team is subtracted out from his portion of that estimate then coupled with his unrelated earnings of $600million, the total would put him just slightly above the billion-dollar mark. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next EXCLUSIVE: 'I still feel like I'm dreaming': Shock and... Revealed: Chelsea Clinton earned an annual salary of... Share this article Technically Jordan is not the first professional athlete to reach billionaire status, but he is believed to be the only person to currently hold that title."
"docid": "D1499490#0",
"title": "http://tvtrippin.com/travel/catching-fire-in-chicago-a-fans-guide-to-the-windy-city/\nCatching âFireâ in Chicago: A fanâs guide to the Windy City",
"text": "By Lori Rackl CHICAGO SHOWS, TRAVEL July 28, 2015Catching ‘Fire’ in Chicago: A fan’s guide to the Windy City Chicago firefighter-paramedic Tommy Young gives most of the tours at Engine 18. | Lori Rackl Former Chicago firefighter Steve Chikerotis knew “Chicago Fire” was going to draw even higher ratings when it returned last fall for its third season. What tipped him off?“Tourists,” the retired deputy district chief said during an interview at Engine 18, the Near West Side firehouse better known as the home of Engine 51 on the NBC drama. “ I’d seen a big increase in the number of tourists coming around. ”For folks in the Windy City wanting to follow in the bootsteps of “Chicago Fire,” Engine 18 should be at the top of your To Do list. It’s one of several hot spots worth a visit for fans of the series: Chicago Fire Department Engine 181360 S. Blue Island Ave. “Fire” producers originally planned to use a downtown firehouse to film the pilot in 2012. Chikerotis, a consultant who’d worked on the 1991 film “Backdraft,” persuaded them to check out this one near Pilsen instead. “I said, ‘I want you to see where my office is because you’re going to love it when you see the skyline,’” Chikerotis recalled. The first episode of the series was shot here, back when they wanted fictional Firehouse 51 to have a fire pole — a prop that’s still standing in the apparatus bay even though it’s a one-story building."
"docid": "D3024010#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2943568/Five-year-old-boy-convinced-reincarnated-black-woman-Chicago-called-Pam-died-fire-1993.html\n'When I woke up, I was a baby and you named me Luke': Mom claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire",
"text": "\"'When I woke up, I was a baby and you named me Luke': Mom claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire Luke Ruehlman, from Cincinnati, Ohio, made claims about his past life Mother says he 'remembered' being Pam, 30, before he was born Later pieced together than he was referring to real woman from Chicago Pamela Robinson died when the Paxton Hotel caught fire in 1993Said he recalls meeting God and being 'pushed back down' as baby boy According to his mother, Luke's story can be verified by the facts By Kieran Corcoran For Dailymail.com Published: 01:51 EDT, 7 February 2015 | Updated: 13:39 EDT, 7 February 201511kshares973View comments A five-year-old boy is convinced that he was a 30-year-old black woman in another life - and claimed to remember dying in a fire. Luke Ruehlman, from Cincinnati, Ohio, thought he was once called Pam and lived in Chicago - until he leaped from a burning building in 1993. The child claims he was then reincarnated and - remembers being named Luke by his parents. Scroll down for video Before and after? Luke Ruehlman, now five, claimed that he used to be Pamela Robinson, right, who died in+5Beginnings: According to Luke's mother, Erika, at first he simply named things Pam, then started referring to when he 'used to be a girl'Though the recollections have since stopped, Luke's mother Erika told local station Fox8 how from the age of two Ruehlman would make references to his apparent alter ego. At first, she said, he would simply name things Pam and seemed fixated with the name. Later, she said, he would start making references to his apparent past life as a female. She said: 'He used to say: \"\"When I was a girl, I had black hair\"\"’ or he would say, \"\"I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl. \"\"' +5Fire: Pamela Robinson died when the Paxton Hotel in Chicago caught fire in 1993. According to his mother, Luke identified facts from the event with no prior knowledge of them+5Uncanny: Luke's mother said internet searches based on information from Luke led her to reports of the 1993 blaze The 1993 Paxton Hotel fire where Pam Robinson died Loaded Progress 0:00/0:00She added that when confronted about who Pam could be, he said that he in fact used to be her, and said he remembered a bizarre process of reincarnation when he was 'pushed back down' to earth as a newborn."
"docid": "D1670187#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_PD_(TV_series)\nChicago P.D. (TV series)",
"text": "\"Chicago P. D. (TV series)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chicago PD (TV series))navigation search Chicago P. D. Genre Police procedural Drama Created by Dick Wolf Matt Olmstead Developed by Derek Haas Michael Brandt Starring Jason Beghe Jon Seda Sophia Bush Jesse Lee Soffer Patrick Flueger Marina Squerciati La Royce Hawkins Archie Kao Elias Koteas Amy Morton Brian Geraghty Tracy Spiridakos Composer (s) Atli Örvarsson Country of origin United States Original language (s)English No. of seasons 5No. of episodes 102 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Dick Wolf Matt Olmstead Danielle Gelber Michael Brandt Derek Haas Mark Tinker Arthur W. Forney Peter Jankowski Rick Eid Terry Miller Producer (s)Terry Miller Jamie Pachino Jeremy Beim Michele Greco Maisha Closson Running time 42 minutes Production company (s)Wolf Films Universal Television Distributor NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network NBCOriginal release January 8, 2014 – present Chronology Related shows Chicago Justice External links Website Chicago P. D. is an American police procedural drama television series created by Dick Wolf and Matt Olmstead as the second installment of Dick Wolf's Chicago franchise. The series premiered on NBC as a mid-season replacement on January 8, 2014. The show follows the uniformed patrol officers and the Intelligence Unit of the 21st District of the Chicago Police Department as they pursue the perpetrators of the city's major street offenses. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Cast2.1 Main2.2 Recurring3 Episodes3.1 Crossovers3.2 Spin-off4 Production4.1 Filming4.2 Casting5 Reception5.1 Ratings5.2 Reviews6 Broadcast and streaming7 Awards and nominations8 References9 External links Plot [ edit]Chicago P. D. follows the Chicago Police Department uniformed cops who patrol the beat and go head-to-head with the city's street crimes and the detectives of the Intelligence Unit that combats the city's major offenses, including organized crime, drug trafficking, and high-profile murders. [ 1]Cast [ edit]Main article: List of Chicago P. D. characters Main [ edit]Jason Beghe as Sergeant Henry \"\"Hank\"\" Voight, the enigmatic head of the Chicago P. D.'s Intelligence Unit. Despite his brusque, tough exterior and take-no-prisoners approach to police work, he is loyal to the cops and detectives serving under him and highly dedicated to the victims of the crimes his unit investigates. He is first introduced in Chicago Fire as a dirty cop who clashes with CFD Lt. Matthew Casey after Voight's son Justin causes an accident in which a teenager is paralyzed, and Casey, who was first on scene, had intended to testify that Justin was DUI."
"docid": "D2560350#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Thinnes\nRoy Thinnes",
"text": "\"Roy Thinnes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This biographical article needs additional citations for verification, as it includes attribution to IMDb. IMDb may not be a reliable source for biographical information. Please help by adding additional, reliable sources for verification. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. ( November 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. You can help. The discussion page may contain suggestions. ( March 2015)Roy Thinnes Thinnes in 1971. Born April 6, 1938 (age 79)Chicago, Illinois, U. S. Occupation Actor Years active 1957–present Spouse (s) Barbara Ainslee ( m. 1962; div. 1967)Lynn Loring ( m. 1967; div."
"docid": "D2714393#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._Epatha_Merkerson\nS. Epatha Merkerson",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search S. Epatha Merkerson Born S. Epatha Merkerson November 28, 1952 (age 65)Detroit, Michigan Alma mater Wayne State University class of 1976 (BFA)Occupation Actor Years active 1976–present Spouse (s) divorced -2006S. Epatha Merkerson is a celebrated American film, stage, and television actor. She has received numerous high profile accolades for her work, including an Emmy Award, two Tony Award nominations, a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, 2 Obie Awards and four NAACP Image Awards. Ms. Merkerson is also the recipient of 4 honorary doctorate degrees. She is best known for her award-winning portrayal of Lieutenant Anita Van Buren on the NBC police procedural drama series Law & Order, a role she played from 1993 to 2010. [ 1] She appeared in 395 episodes of the series—more than any other cast member. [ 2]In 2012, Merkerson became the host of Find Our Missing, a reality-reenactment series on TV One which profiles missing people of color. [ 3]In 2015, she was cast as Sharon Goodwin, Chief of Medical Services of the fictional Gaffney Chicago Medical Center Hospital on the NBC medical drama Chicago Med. Contents1 Early life2 Career3 Personal life4 Filmography4.1 Film4.2 Television5 Awards and nominations6 References7 External links Early life [ edit]Merkerson has four siblings and is a native of Detroit, Michigan. Her mother, Anna was a trailblazer in the United States Postal Service as the only female in the Detroit vehicles operation unit. During a segment on the January 31, 2012, episode of The Wendy Williams Show, when questioned about the origin of her name, Merkerson shared that \"\"Epatha\"\" was the name of \"\"a grade-school teacher who was influential in keeping [her father] in school.\"\" ["
"docid": "D633462#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Granger\nStewart Granger",
"text": "\"Stewart Granger From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the actor. For the Canadian former basketball player, see Stewart Granger (basketball). Stewart Granger Granger circa 1970. Born James Lablache Stewart 6 May 1913 Kensington, London, England Died 16 August 1993 (aged 80) Santa Monica, California, U. S. Resting place Ashes given to family Other names Jimmy Stewart Occupation Actor Years active 1933–1993Spouse (s) Elspeth March (1938–48; divorced) Jean Simmons (1950–60; divorced) Caroline Le Cerf (1964–69; divorced)Children 4 [1] [2]Stewart Granger (born James Lablache Stewart; 6 May 1913 – 16 August 1993) was an English film actor, mainly associated with heroic and romantic leading roles. He was a popular leading man from the 1940s to the early 1960s, rising to fame through his appearances in the Gainsborough melodramas. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Career2.1 Extra and theatre work 1933-402.2 War service and after 1940-432.3 Stardom: Gainsborough melodramas 1943-462.4 Rank Organisation 1947-492.5 Hollywood 1950-602.5.1 MGM2.5.2 Leaving MGM2.6 Continental European career2.7 US television2.8 Retirement3 Personal life4 Appraisal5 Complete filmography5.1 Unmade films6 Box office ranking7 Partial television credits8 Partial theatre credits9 Partial radio performances10 References11 External links Early life [ edit]He was born James Lablache Stewart in Old Brompton Road, Kensington, West London, the only son of Major James Stewart, OBE and his wife Frederica Eliza (née Lablache). Granger was educated at Epsom College and the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. He was the great-great-grandson of the opera singer Luigi Lablache and the grandson of the actor Luigi Lablache. [ 3] [ self-published source] When he became an actor, he was advised to change his name in order to avoid being confused with the American actor James Stewart. Granger [4] was his Scottish grandmother's maiden name."
"docid": "D1651085#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Joker_(The_Dark_Knight)\nJoker ( The Dark Knight)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from The Joker (The Dark Knight))navigation search The Joker The Dark Knight character Heath Ledger as the Joker First appearance The Dark Knight (2008)Created by Christopher Nolan David S. Goyer Portrayed by Heath Ledger The Joker is a fictional character who appears as the main antagonist in Christopher Nolan 's 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight. Based upon the DC Comics character of the same name, he was played by Australian actor Heath Ledger. A psychopathic mass murderer with a sadistic sense of humor, the Joker's arc follows his attempt to undermine the efforts of Batman ( Christian Bale ), James Gordon ( Gary Oldman ), and Harvey Dent ( Aaron Eckhart) to rid Gotham City of crime. The character embodies themes of chaos, anarchy and obsession: throughout the film, he expresses a desire to upset social order through crime, and defines himself by his conflict with Batman. Ledger's interpretation of the character is specifically influenced by the graphic novels Batman: The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. In the film, he wears the character's traditional color palette, while his facial appearance includes clown makeup that covers facial scars of a Glasgow smile. The character also explores techniques found in Ledger's previous performances, including his clown act in Terry Gilliam 's fantasy film The Brothers Grimm. Further, it references paintings by artist Francis Bacon, Anthony Burgess ' novel A Clockwork Orange and various punk rock musicians. Ledger's casting as the Joker was initially controversial, who seemed an unlikely choice for the role. The Joker is considered Ledger's finest performance; he himself regarded it as his most enjoyable."
"docid": "D3367194#0",
"title": "http://www.ranker.com/list/tv-actors-and-actresses-from-australia/reference\naustralian peopleFamous TV Actors from Australia",
"text": "\"australian people Famous TV Actors from Australia Reference214.9k views 1,490 items Follow Embed In this list, famous TV actors from Australia are listed alphabetically for Aussie fans and lovers of television Down Under. Australia has produced a lot of talented television actors who have gone on to star in comedies, dramas, soap operas, and more. These are some of the funniest and most talented Australian TV stars that have ever lived, so if you're an aspiring Aussie actor or actress, this list probably contains many of your idols. If you're looking for a particular popular actor or actress from Australia, just keep scrolling down under and you'll find them. List TV actors include Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Patrick Harvey, and many more Australian actors and actresses, some of whom have gone on to Hollywood success. This list answers the questions, \"\"Who are the best Australian TV actors?\"\" and \"\"Which television actors are from Australia? \"\" You can click on the names of these legendary TV stars of Australia. If you're a TV junkie, this list of talented Australian actresses and actors will help you find some new TV stars that you don't already know.1 Rachel Griffiths Six Feet Under, Brothers & Sisters, Comanche Moon2 Nicole Kidman Bangkok Hilton, Hemingway & Gellhorn, A Country Practice3 Christopher Lee Shaka Zulu, The Colour of Magic, Gormenghast4 Anthony La Paglia Without a Trace, Murder One, Father Dowling Mysteries5 Isla Fisher Home and Away, Oliver Twist, Paradise Beach6 Ben Mendelsohn Love My Way, The Henderson Kids, Tangle7 Anna Torv Fringe, The Secret Life of Us, Young Lions8 Emilie de Ravin Lost, Once Upon a Time, Roswell9 Melissa George Grey's Anatomy, Alias, In Treatment10 Cate Blanchett G. P., Heartland, Bordertown11 Kylie Minogue Neighbours, The Henderson Kids12 Hugh Jackman The Man from Snowy River, An Aussie Goes Bolly, Correlli13 Kat Stewart Underbelly, Supernova, Offspring14 Matt Passmore The Glades, Mc Leod's Daughters, Last Man Standing60+ Adopted Celebrities15 Dominic Purcell Prison Break, John Doe, Heartbreak High16 Greta Scacchi Broken Trail, Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King, Two Twisted17 Mel Gibson Punishment18 Ryan Kwanten True Blood, Home and Away, Summerland19 Naomi Watts Sleepwalkers, Hey Dad..!, Brides of Christ20 Portia de Rossi Arrested Development, Ally Mc Beal, Better Off Ted21 Claudia Black Stargate SG-1, Haven, Farscape The Best Reasons to Drink at Home22 Holly Valance Neighbours23 Anne Curtis Komiks, Maging Sino Ka Man, Love Spell24 Miriam Margolyes The Black Adder, Tinga Tinga Tales, Monkey25 Pippa Black Outsourced, Neighbours26 Peter Phelps Underbelly, Sons and Daughters, Fire27 James Sorensen Blue Water High, Conspiracy 36528 Dannii Minogue Home and Away, Skyways, Nickelodeon UK Kids Choice Awards The 17 Greatest Simpsons Religion Jokes29 Stefan Dennis Neighbours, River City30 Poppy Montgomery Unforgettable, Without a Trace, Relativity31 Ray Barrett Thunderbirds, Emergency – Ward 10, Stingray32 Gigi Edgley Farscape, Stingers, The Secret Life of Us33 Rick Springfield Forever Knight, Human Target, Mission: Magic!34 Alana Mansour Terra Nova35 Elle Macpherson The Beautiful Life: TBL, Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model, Britain's Next Top Model The Hottest Women Currently In Prison36 Rose Byrne Damages, Echo Point, Casanova37 Peter O'Brien Neighbours, Underbelly, Queer as Folk38 Gary Sweet The Pacific, Dancing with the Stars, Stingers39 Jesse Spencer House, Chicago Fire, Hercules40 Briony Behets Number 96, E Street, Bellbird41 Andrew Mc Farlane Paradise Beach, The Sullivans, The Flying Doctors42 Kate Kendall Stingers, Conspiracy 365The Best Episodes of Four Weddings43 Geoffrey Rush Kath & Kim, The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, Twisted Tales44 Simon Baker The Mentalist, The Guardian, Into the West45 Abbie Cornish Wildside, White Collar Blue, Outriders46 Julia Zemiro The Wedge, Comedy Slapdown, Conspiracy 36547 Olivia Newton-John Sordid Lives: The Series48 Diane Craig E Street, Out of the Blue, The Young Doctors49 Alan Dale NCIS, The O. C., Ugly Betty50 John Waters'Til Death Do Us Part, I Love the '70s: Volume 2, Offspring \""
"docid": "D2911100#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Tom\nLauren Tom",
"text": "\"Lauren Tom From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lauren Tom Tom in July 2010. Born August 4, 1961 (age 56)Highland Park, Illinois, U. S. Occupation Actress, voice actress Years active 1978–present Spouse (s) Glenn Lau-Kee ( m. 1982; div. 19??) Curt Kaplan ( m. 1999)Children 1Website www .laurentom .com Lauren Tom (born August 4, 1961) [1] is an American actress and voice actress. Her roles include Lena St. Clair in The Joy Luck Club, Julie in the NBC sitcom Friends, Dot in the final season of Grace Under Fire, and the voices for both mother and daughter characters on three animated TV comedy series: on Futurama she voiced Amy Wong and her mother Inez, on King of the Hill she voiced Minh and Connie Souphanousinphone and finally she voiced Numbuh 3 and her mother Genki in Codename: Kids Next Door. She portrays Celia Mack in the Disney Channel series Andi Mack. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Theatre3 Film4 Television4.1 Voice acting5 Personal life6 Filmography7 References8 External links Early life [ edit]Tom was born in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, Illinois, [2] the daughter of Nancy ( née Dare) and Chan Tom, Jr., who worked in the frozen food business. [ 3] [1] She has a brother named Chip. [ 3] Their parents were born in Chicago, and their grandparents came from Hoiping, Kwangtung, China. [ 2] Raised in Highland Park, Tom was teased as a child about her Chinese heritage, making her introverted and eventually inspiring her to study dance. ["
"docid": "D2850559#0",
"title": "http://observer.com/2014/11/chicago-fire-svu-and-chicago-pd-exec-producers-discuss-complicated-crossover/\nâChicago Fire,â âSVUâ and âChicago PDâ Exec-Producers Discuss Complicated Crossover",
"text": "‘Chicago Fire,’ ‘SVU’ and ‘Chicago PD’ Exec-Producers Discuss Complicated Crossover By Anne Easton • 11/10/14 1:41pm Sergeant Benson visits Chicago P. D. as part of Crossover Week. ( NBC)This Tuesday night’s episode of Chicago Fire kicks off a two night, three episode storyline that arcs through that show as well as Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD. All three shows air on NBC and are productions of Wolf Films, headed by procedural guru, Dick Wolf. In fact, it was Wolf himself who came up with the idea for the trilogy, says SVU Executive Producer Warren Leight. “ He knew it would be good for all three shows. ”But that doesn’t mean that Leight and Chicago Fire/Chicago PD Executive Producer Matt Olmstead didn’t have their reservations about the endeavor. “I think my first reaction was anxiety,” admits Leight. “ I know the fans will like it, but I know how much extra work is involved and also, legitimately these are two different kinds of police shows and I wasn’t sure how the cross-pollination would work. ”Olmstead agrees but adds that there’s a certain amount of excitement that comes with tackling such a large-scale production. “ There’s a great quote that says, ‘If you don’t have butterflies before you go on the stage then you should get out of the business.’"
"docid": "D1876624#0",
"title": "http://www.globaltv.com/chicagofire/cast/\nChicago Fire cast",
"text": "\"Chicago Fire cast Jesse Spenceras Lt. Matthew Casey An Australia native, Spencer made his American television debut on the critically acclaimed series House, playing Dr. Robert Chase opposite Hugh Laurie for the show's eight seasons until the series ended in 2012. Spencer's film credits include a starring role in Uptown Girls with Brittany Murphy, the biopic Swimming Upstream with Geoffrey Rush and Judy Davis, as well as Spike Lee's independent feature The Girl Is in Trouble. He has worked extensively in the U. K. and Australia, both in television and theater. He starred in the acclaimed BBC drama Death in Holy Orders and has had starring roles in the BBC adaptation of Lorna Doone and Hallmark's Stranded. He began his career starring on the long-running Australian soap Neighbours. Lead roles in U. K. theater have included playing Terrence in \"\"The Modernists,\"\" directed by Robert Delamare at the Sheffield Crucible Theatre, and the title role in \"\"Peter Pan\"\" at the White Rock Theatre. Spencer currently resides in Los Angeles. Spencer's birthday is February 12, 1979. Find him on Twitter at @Jesse_Spencer David Eigenbergas Christopher Hermann David Eigenberg is known to film and television audiences for his role as Steve Brady, the good-hearted husband and quintessential New York bar owner in the box office hit and Emmy Award-winning series Sex and the City."
] |
2255 | blood smear is examined to determine the shape or form of cells | [
"docid": "D2669731#0",
"title": "http://www.findtestanswers.com/Medical/Medical_Terminology/213908/Blood_smear_is_examined_to_determine_the_shape_or_form_of_cells%3Cbr%3E_A__Erythrocyte_sedimentation.html\nBlood smear is examined to determine the shape or form of cells: A) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate B) Hematocrit C) White blood cell differential D) Coagulation time E) Red blood cell morphology",
"text": "Blood smear is examined to determine the shape or form of cells: A) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate B) Hematocrit C) White blood cell differential D) Coagulation time E) Red blood cell morphology Answer: E) Red blood cell morphology"
] | [
"docid": "D2163053#0",
"title": "http://firearmsid.com/KSP%20Evidence%20Manual/Biological%20Evidence.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Evidence Collection Handbook - BLOOD AND OTHER BODY FLUIDSEvidence in this category includes blood of human or animal origin, semen, saliva, urine, and skin tissue submitted for the purpose of identification and characterization according to genetic factors such as isoenzymes and DNA profiles. This evidence is called biological evidence. It does not include samples of blood or urine submitted for the determination of the presence of drugs, alcohol, or poisons. See the section on Toxicology for such evidence. DNA typing is based on the understanding that no two persons, except identical twins, have the same DNA. Conventional serological techniques may still be employed to eliminate suspects. If the suspect cannot be eliminated by conventional techniques, the samples will then be forwarded for DNA analysis. DNA analysis gives an extremely high power of discrimination. DNA profiles from semen stains in sexual assault cases are maintained in a computer database. This database is routinely searched against itself and also a separate database containing DNA profiles from persons convicted of specific felony offenses."
"docid": "D2551840#0",
"title": "http://umm.edu/health/medical/ency/articles/blood-smear\nBlood smear",
"text": "Blood smear Toggle: English / Spanish Definition A blood smear is a blood test that gives information about the number and shape of blood cells. It is often done as part of or along with a complete blood count (CBC). Alternative Names Peripheral smear; Complete blood count - peripheral; CBC - peripheral How the Test is Performed A blood sample is needed. The blood sample is sent to a lab. There, the lab technician looks at it under a microscope. Or, the blood may be examined by an automated machine. The smear provides this information: The number and kinds of white blood cells ( differential, or percentage of each type of cell)The number and kinds of abnormally shaped blood cells A rough estimate of white blood cell and platelet counts How to Prepare for the Test No special preparation is necessary. How the Test will Feel When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain. Others feel only a prick or stinging. Afterward, there may be some throbbing or a slight bruise."
"docid": "D821929#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/cervical_cancer/page3.htm\nCervical Cancer (Cancer of the Cervix)",
"text": "\"Cervical Cancer (Cancer of the Cervix) Center Cervical Cancer Slideshow Pictures15 Cancer Symptoms Women Ignore Slideshow Ovarian Cancer Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Risk Factors Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Symptoms Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Treatments Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Share Your Experience Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Diagnosis Patient Comments: Cervical Cancer - Share Surgery Experience Find a local Oncologist in your town Cervical cancer facts What is cervical cancer? How do women get cervical cancer? What causes cervical cancer? What are the symptoms and signs of cervical cancer? What are the risk factors for cervical cancer? What are cervical cancer screening guidelines? What tests are used to diagnose cervical cancer? What are the stages of cervical cancer? What is the treatment for cervical cancer? What are methods of treatment for cervical cancer?"
"docid": "D2982859#0",
"title": "http://biology.tutorvista.com/cell/barr-bodies.html\nBarr Body",
"text": "Biology Cell Genetics Barr Bodies Barr Body Barr bodies can be defined as an inactive X chromosome in a female’s somatic cell. What is chromosome and X chromosome? Structure of Chromosomes Chromosomes can be defined as an organized structure, which consists of a single, long piece of DNA and its size varies from 1 to 30µm in length and 0.2 to 2µm in diameter. They are composed of proteins, which includes protamines and histones and nucleic acids mainly DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). XX Chromosomes Back to Top In a normal individual, there are about 23 pairs of chromosomes and every chromosome in a cell contains a single strand of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). These DNA plays a vital role in carrying the genetic codes for a couple of thousand genes. Chromosomes are also responsible for determining our sex (male or female). All living organism carry definite number of chromosomes. In 23 pairs of chromosomes, there are 22 autosomes and one pair of sex chromosome (X and Y are sex chromosome). In female there is 2 copies of “X” chromosomes (xx chromosomes), among which one is active and other one is inactive."
"docid": "D83781#0",
"title": "http://www.scripps.org/articles/2266-blood-smear\nBlood smear",
"text": "Definition A blood smear is a blood test that gives information about the number and shape of blood cells. It is often done as part of or along with a complete blood count (CBC). How the Test is Performed A blood sample is needed. The blood sample is sent to a lab. There, the lab technician looks at it under a microscope. Or, the blood may be examined by an automated machine. The smear provides this information: The number and kinds of white blood cells ( differential, or percentage of each type of cell)The number and kinds of abnormally shaped blood cells A rough estimate of white blood cell and platelet counts How to Prepare for the Test No special preparation is necessary. How the Test will Feel When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain. Others feel only a prick or stinging. Afterward, there may be some throbbing or a slight bruise."
"docid": "D1588924#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/ch-3-practice/deck/16083941\nKatrine K.Size: 74The resolution of a microscope can be improved by changing the:wavelength of the lightWhich microscope takes advantage of differences in the refractive indexes of cell structures?phase-contrast microscopeWhich microscope is used to observe viruses and internal structure of thinly sectioned cells?transmission electron microscopeWhich type of stain is most useful in helping clinicians to decide which antibiotic to prescribe for a bacterial infection?gram stainWhich microscope is used to see intracellular detail in a living cell?two-photon microscopeA virus measures 100 nm in length. What is its length in μm?Select one:a. 0.1 μmb. 0.01 μmc. 1 μmd. 0.001 μme. 10 μm a.0.1 μmWhich microscope is most useful for visualizing a biofilm?Which microscope is used to observe a specimen that emits light when illuminated with an ultraviolet light? Simple staining is often necessary to improve contrast in which microscope?In microscopy, the term resolution: The purpose of a mordant in the Gram stain is to:You are performing a Gram stain on a gram-positive bacteria and you stop after the addition of the first dye. What is the appearance of the bacteria at this point? Which microscope achieves the highest magnification and greatest resolution?Which microscope uses two beams of light to produce a 3-d color image? Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a) fluorescence microscope : uses a fluorescent lightb) scanning tuneling microscope : allowss visualization of atomsc) darkfield microscope : uses visible lightWhat is the purpose of the ocular lens? Which microscope is used to see detail of a 300nm virus?Which microscope is used to see internal structures of cell in a natural state? Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a) safranin : acid-dyeb) carbolfuchsin : basic dyec) Iodine : mordantd) crystal violet : basic dyeWhat is the total magnification of a specimen viewed with a 10x ocular lens and a 45x objective lens? Assume you stain Bacillus by applying malachite green with heat and then counterstaining with safranin. Through the microscope, the green structures are.Which microscope uses visible light? In using this microscope, the observer does NOT look directly at an image through a lens.What structure does light pass through after leaving the condenser in a compound light microscope? Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a) methylene blue: simple stainb) acidic dye: capsule stainc) crystal violet: simple staind) nigrosin: negative staine) basic dye: negative stainPlace the steps in the correct sequence: 1-staining2-making a smear3-fixingYou are studying a cell structure that is approximately 100nm in size. Which of the following provides the lowest magnification you can use to see this structure?Place the steps of the Gram stain in the correct order: 1 = alcohol-acetone2 = crystal violet3 = safranin4 = iodineYou are performing a Gram stain on gram-negative bacteria and you stop after the addition of the mordant. What is the appearance of the bacteria at this point?You are performing a Gram stain on a gram-positive bacteria and you stop after the addition of the counterstain. What is the appearance of the bacteria at this point? This microscope produces an image of a light cell against a dark background; internal structures are not visible.A student is looking at bacterial specimen using the oil immersion lend, but has forgotten to put immersion oil on the slide. The specimen will appear: Which microscope can be used to visualize DNA or botulinum toxin?The negative stain is used to: Which of the following is NOT true regarding the acid-fast stain? a) acid-fast cells retain the primary dye after treatment with acid-alcoholb) if cells are acid-fast, they are gram-negativec) acid-fast cells appear red in a completed acid-fast staind) Non-acid fast microbes appear blue in a completed acid-fast staine) is is used to identify member of the genus MycobacteriumWhich step in the Gram stain is the critical step in differentiating gram-positive cells from gram-negative cells? You are performing a Gram stain on gram-negative bacteria and you stop after the decolorized step. What is the appearance of the bacteria at this point?Which microscope is the best used for observing the surfaces of intact cells and viruses? A microorganism measures 5um in length. its length in mm would be:Bacterial smears are fixed before staining to: Which of the following is NOT useful for observing living cells? a) darkfield microscopeb) scanning electron microscopec) brightfield microscopeYou find colorless areas in cells in a gram-stained smear. What should you apply next? Trace the path of light through the compound microscope:True or False: The greater the resolution of the electron microscope compared to the compound microscope is due to the longer wavelengths of the electrons used to examine specimens. True or False: Both phase-contrast microscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy are used to view that internal structures of cells without staining.The counterstain in the Gram stain isA) A negative stain.B) A mordant.C) A basic dye.D) An acid dye.E) Necessary to determine the Gram reaction.True or False: The limit of resolution of the compound microscope illuminated with visible light is approximately 0.2um.True or False: the capsules and flagella of bacteria can be observed in gram-stained smears. True or False: If the acid-fast bacteria are stained with the Gram stain, they will stain gram-negative.True or False: In a completed Gram stain, gram-positive bacteria are purple. True or False: Scanned probe microscopy is used to examine fine detail of molecular complexes, such as blood clots, or molecules, such as DNATrue or False: In a completed Gram stain, gram-negative bacteria are colorless. True or False: Cells viewed in darkfield microscopy appear similar to those stained with the negative stain.What is the function of the diaphragm on a compound microscope?Brightfieldillumination is produced by the:Most ocular lenses magnify specimens by a factor of:The ability of the lenses to distinguish fine detail and structure is called:Objects smaller than about 0.2 micrometers, such as viruses, must be examined with a (n):In electron microscopy, the specimen is placed on a:Shadow casting is useful:In a scanning electron microscope, objects are generally magnified:In a transmission electron microscope, objects are generally magnified:Why are smear preparations fixed?Basic dyes are _________ ions and are _________ to most types of bacteria.What is staining?To stain an organism correctly, one must first:Distortions of cell size and shape are minimized in:What is the mordant in the Gram stain?Purpose of mordant:Flagella are stained with a (n):Capsules are stained with a (n):Endospores are stained with a (n):What color are gram-negative bacteria at the completion of the Gram staining process?The appearance ofMycobacterium lepraeafter they are stained with an acid-fast stain is:",
"text": "Katrine K. Size: 74The resolution of a microscope can be improved by changing the:wavelength of the light Which microscope takes advantage of differences in the refractive indexes of cell structures?phase-contrast microscope Which microscope is used to observe viruses and internal structure of thinly sectioned cells?transmission electron microscope Which type of stain is most useful in helping clinicians to decide which antibiotic to prescribe for a bacterial infection?gram stain Which microscope is used to see intracellular detail in a living cell?two-photon microscope A virus measures 100 nm in length. What is its length in μm? Select one:a. 0.1 μmb. 0.01 μmc. 1 μmd. 0.001 μme. 10 μm a.0.1 μm Which microscope is most useful for visualizing a biofilm? Which microscope is used to observe a specimen that emits light when illuminated with an ultraviolet light? Simple staining is often necessary to improve contrast in which microscope?"
"docid": "D707992#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staining\nStaining",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Staining (disambiguation). A stained histologic specimen, sandwiched between a glass microscope slide and coverslip, mounted on the stage of a light microscope. Staining is an auxiliary technique used in microscopy to enhance contrast in the microscopic image. Stains and dyes are frequently used in biology and medicine to highlight structures in biological tissues for viewing, often with the aid of different microscopes. Stains may be used to define and examine bulk tissues (highlighting, for example, muscle fibers or connective tissue ), cell populations (classifying different blood cells, for instance), or organelles within individual cells. In biochemistry it involves adding a class-specific ( DNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) dye to a substrate to qualify or quantify the presence of a specific compound. Staining and fluorescent tagging can serve similar purposes. Biological staining is also used to mark cells in flow cytometry, and to flag proteins or nucleic acids in gel electrophoresis. Simple staining is staining with only one stain/dye. There are various kinds of multiple staining, many of which are examples of counterstaining, differential staining, or both, including double staining and triple staining."
"docid": "D1478787#0",
"title": "http://www.elearn.ascp.org/AngelUploads/Content/LQPB1302/_assoc/PB_13-02.html\nLearning Objectives",
"text": "\"Learning Objectives On completion of this exercise, the participant should be able todescribe 2 causes of thrombocytopenia.differentiate thrombocytopenia from pseudothrombocytopenia.explain how preanalytic variables can affect hematologic specimens.choose an appropriate anticoagulant for hematologic testing.describe 3 strategies to prevent reporting of inaccurate platelet counts by the clinical laboratory scientist. History A 45-year-old woman was referred to a hematopathologist after an incidental finding of thrombocytopenia on routine blood testing. Initial laboratory findings were as follows: white blood cell count, 7900/µL (reference range, 4500-11,000/µL; to convert to ×10 9 /L, multiply by 0.001); hemoglobin, 12.1 g/d L (reference range, 12.0-16.0 g/d L; to convert to g/L, multiply by 10.0); and platelet count, 15 ×10 3 /µL (reference range 150-400 ×10 3 /µL; to convert to 10 9 /L, multiply by 1.0). The patient had no history of recent infection, weight loss, or drug use. The patient had no chief complaints or family history of bleeding disorders, and during physical examination, no evidence of bruising or bleeding was noted. Because of the low platelet count, obtained at a different clinical laboratory, additional blood was drawn at the hospital laboratory, and the complete blood cell count was ordered by the hematopathologist. The platelet count on the automated hematology instrument was 20 ×10 3 /µL; however, a flag alerted the technologist to platelet clumps. She reviewed the peripheral blood smear and noted clusters of platelet clumps. The technologist suspected that a preanalytic error may have caused the patient's platelets to clump. The phlebotomist reported that there were no problems during the phlebotomy procedure and that the specimen tube had been mixed correctly."
"docid": "D554292#0",
"title": "https://courseapproval.asu.edu/content/principles-biomedical-sciences\nPrinciples of the Biomedical Sciences",
"text": "Home ›Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 14:20Course Prefix: SC210Pre-requisite: Application and Approval. Concurrent Enrollment in math and science. Course Description: This course will explore concepts of human medicine, and introduce students to processes and bioinformatics. Hands-on projects will enable students to investigate human body systems and various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. Students will be encouraged to participate in the Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA), a student oriented professional association. Campo Verde High School – Project Lead The Way Laboratory Descriptions Activity 1.1.4: The Evidence Introduction Evidence at a crime scene, such as blood, DNA, fingerprints, or shoeprints all help forensic investigators determine what might have occurred and help identify or exonerate potential suspects. We all have things in common biologically, but there are differences that make us all unique. Forensic scientists use these differences to help identify potential suspects. In the last activity, you were introduced to the crime. After you examined the scene at Anna’s house, a crime scene investigator walked through the scene and collected all of the evidence."
"docid": "D825644#0",
"title": "https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/platelet+count\nplatelet count",
"text": "\"platelet count Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia . Platelet Count Definition A platelet count is a diagnostic test that determines the number of platelets in the patient'sblood. Platelets, which are also called thrombocytes, are small disk-shaped blood cellsproduced in the bone marrow and involved in the process of blood clotting. There are normallybetween 150,000-450,000 platelets in each microliter of blood. Low platelet counts or abnormallyshaped platelets are associated with bleeding disorders. High platelet counts sometimesindicate disorders of the bone marrow. Purpose The primary functions of a platelet count are to assist in the diagnosis of bleeding disorders and to monitor patients who are being treated for any disease involving bone marrow failure. Patientswho have leukemia, polycythemia vera, or aplastic anemia are given periodic platelet counttests to monitor their health. Description Blood collection and storage Platelet counts use a freshly-collected blood specimen to which a chemical called EDTA hasbeen added to prevent clotting before the test begins. About 5 m L of blood are drawn from a vein in the patient's inner elbow region."
"docid": "D76389#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/uterine_cancer/page2.htm\nCancer of the Uterus (Uterine Cancer or Endometrial Cancer)",
"text": "Cancer of the Uterus (Uterine Cancer or Endometrial Cancer) Center Cervical Cancer Slideshow Pictures15 Cancer Symptoms Women Ignore Slideshow Ovarian Cancer Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Describe Your Experience Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Treatments Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Risk Factors Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Diagnosis Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Stages Patient Comments: Uterine Cancer - Symptoms Find a local Oncologist in your town Uterine cancer facts*What is endometrial cancer? What are risk factors for endometrial cancer? What are signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer? What tests and procedures diagnose endometrial cancer? What factors affect prognosis and treatment options for uterine cancer? How is uterine cancer staging determined? How does cancer spread in the body? What is metastasis? What are the stages of endometrial cancer? What is recurrent endometrial cancer?"
"docid": "D3397878#0",
"title": "https://www.thefreedictionary.com/smear\nsmear",
"text": "\"smear Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .smear (smîr)v. smeared, smear·ing, smearsv. tr.1.a. To spread or daub (a surface, for example) with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance.b. To apply by spreading or daubing: smeared suntan lotion on my face and arms.c. To cause to be blurry or spread in unwanted places: The ink on the poster wassmeared.2. To stain or attempt to destroy the reputation of; vilify: political enemies who smeared hisname.3. Slang To defeat utterly.v. intr. To spread easily in an undesired way: This mascara smears when it gets wet.n.1."
"docid": "D2054908#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/physiology/textbooks/boundless-anatomy-and-physiology-textbook/appendix-a-diseases-injuries-and-disorders-of-the-organ-systems-1416/blood-diseases-and-disorders-1444/hemostasis-disorders-1445-8278/\nBlood Diseases and Disorders",
"text": "Hemostasis Disorders The most common blood disorders involve defects in the amount or activity of factors involved in coagulation. Learning Objectives Differentiate among the hemostasis disorders of Von Willebran disease, hemophilia, and factor V Leiden thrombophilia Key Takeaways Key Points Von Willebrand disease is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. People with type 1 and type 2 von Willebrand disease may have mild-to-moderate bleeding symptoms, while those with type 3 can have severe bleeding episodes. Hemophilia is a disease where there is a low level of, or are no, blood proteins important for clotting, causing an inability to produce blood clots. There are two types: Type A, which is a deficiency in factor VIII, and Type B, also known as Christmas disease, which is a deficiency in factor IX. The opposite of hemophilia is Factor V Leiden thrombophilia, a disorder of human factor V blood protein that causes a hypercoagulability disorder or overactive clotting resulting in dangerous blood clots. In sickle- cell disease, red blood cells undergo a change in shape upon deoxygenation because of polymerization of the abnormal sickle hemoglobin. Polycythemia is a condition in which there is a net increase in the total circulating erythrocyte (red blood cell). Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal proliferation of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). Key Terms Hemophilia: A group of hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body’s ability to control blood clotting or coagulation, which is used to stop bleeding when a blood vessel is broken.coagulation: The process by which blood forms solid clots.thrombophilia: The tendency to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality in the system of coagulation."
"docid": "D1342972#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002561961265469X\nA Histologic and Cytologic Method for the Spatial Definition of Gliomas",
"text": "Mayo Clinic Proceedings Volume 62, Issue 6, June 1987, Pages 435-449A Histologic and Cytologic Method for the Spatial Definition of Gliomas CATHERINE DAUMAS-DUPORT M. D. BERND W. SCHEITHAUER M. D. PATRICK J. KELLY M. D. Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0025-6196 (12)65469-X Get rights and content Because of the increasing application of stereotactic neurosurgical techniques not only in the diagnosis but also in the treatment of brain tumors, a demand for data regarding the spatial delimitation of gliomas is being created. Traditional histologic criteria were not established for detecting isolated tumor cells located at the boundaries of gliomas. Standard histologic techniques used for processing surgical specimens result in preparations of insufficient quality to allow the detection of minimal tumor infiltrates within normal brain parenchyma. Consequently, histologic examination has been considered an unreliable method of determining the boundaries of gliomas. In this study, we describe in detail an improved technique of biopsy specimen preparation that involves the use of glutaraldehyde-fixed and hemalum-phloxine-stained paraffin sections as well as alcohol-fixed and hemalum-phloxine-stained smears. In concert, these methods allow visualization of delicate cytologic details and are complementary in assessing the presence of isolated tumor cells at the periphery of gliomas. We define morphologic criteria for the accurate identification of isolated neoplastic cells and for their distinction from normal or reactive glial elements. These morphologic criteria include classic cytologic features of malignant lesions (such as nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia) as well as the assessment of tumor architecture and cellular spatial relationships. Previous article Next article Historically, before the development of stereotactic methods for the treatment of glial neoplasms, no great demand existed for the precise determination of tumor boundaries. Removal or decompression of gliomas by traditional craniotomy was largely an exercise in eye-hand coordination."
"docid": "D29763#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/353411/medical-terminology-chapter-13-flash-cards/\nMedical Terminology - Chapter 13",
"text": "114 terms tab11576Medical Terminology - Chapter 13Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Albumin Protein found in blood. Anisocytosis Inequality in the size of red blood cells. Antibody Protein made by white blood cells in response to foreign substances (antigens) in the blood. Anticoagulant Substance that prevents blood clotting. Antigen Foreign agent that stimulates the production of an antibody. Basophil White blood cell (leukocyte) containing dark granules that stain with a basic dye. Bilirubin Orange-yellow pigment found in bile. It is released from the breakdown of hemoglobin when red blood cells die."
"docid": "D3149830#0",
"title": "http://www.ithanet.eu/ithapedia/index.php/Protocol:Hb_S_detection_-_sickling_and_solubility_tests\nProtocol:Hb S detection - sickling and solubility tests",
"text": "Protocol: Hb S detection - sickling and solubility testsnavigation search Contents [ hide ]1 Sickling test1.1 Principle1.2 Sample1.3 Reagents1.4 Method1.5 Interpretation2 Solubility test2.1 Reagents2.2 Method2.3 Interpretation3 References Sickling test Carrying out the sickling test is part of the diagnostic work up in patients suspected of having a sickle cell syndrome. The test should be also carried out if there is an abnormal electrophoretic or chromatographic haemoglobin fraction in the position of Hb S (eg Hb D or G, see table below). Many tests have been described and several commercial kits are available. Described here is a simple method that has proved very reliable and simple to carry out. Principle Sodium metabisulphite reduces the oxygen tension inducing the typical sickle-shape of red blood cells. Sample Fresh blood in any anticoagulant. Reagents0.2 g of sodium metabisulphite in 10 ml of distilled water. Stir until dissolved. Prepare fresh each time. Method Mix 1 drop of blood with 1 drop of 2% sodium metabisulphite solution on a microscope slide."
"docid": "D1611134#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7745677/ch-24-laboratory-procedures-flash-cards/\nCH 24 Laboratory Procedures",
"text": "\"258 terms Krystine CH 24 Laboratory Procedures Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Medical assistant's role Depending on the laws of the state in which you live, you may collect and process blood specimens, conduct blood tests, and complete necessary paperwork. Hematology The study of blood and blood-forming tissues. Functions of blood To distribute oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to body cells; to eliminate waste products from body cells; to attack infecting organisms or pathogens; to maintain the body's acid-base balance; and to regulate body temperature. Hematopoiesis The normal formation and development of blood cells in the bone marrow. Whole blood Consists of plasma and the formed elements. In adults, total blood volume normally makes up 7% to 8% of body weight, or 70 m L/kg of body weight in men and about 65 m L/kg in women. Blood is pumped through the body at a speed of about 30 cm per second, with complete circulation in 20 seconds. Plasma The liquid in which the other components of blood are suspended. Plasma accounts for 55% of the body's total blood volume. Water makes up about 90% of plasma."
"docid": "D531579#0",
"title": "http://www.clinmedres.org/content/4/3/236.full\nClinical Medicine & Research",
"text": "Clinical Medicine & Research Skip to main page content HOME CURRENT ISSUE RAPID RELEASE ARCHIVES FEEDBACK SUBSCRIPTIONS ALERTS HELPSearch for Keyword: GOAdvanced Search© 2006 Marshfield Clinic Megaloblastic Anemia and Other Causes of Macrocytosis Florence Aslinia, MD, Joseph J. Mazza, MD, MACP and Steven H. Yale, MD, FACP+ Author Affiliations Florence Aslinia, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Marshfield Clinic, 1000 N. Oak Avenue, Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449. Joseph J Mazza, MD, MACP, Department of Hematology/Oncology, Marshfield Clinic, 1000 N. Oak Avenue, Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449. Steven H. Yale, MD, FACP, Department of Internal Medicine, Marshfield Clinic and Clinical Research Center, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, 1000 N. Oak Avenue, Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449. Reprint Requests: Steven H. Yale, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Marshfield Clinic, 1000 North Oak Avenue, Marshfield, WI 54449, Telephone: 715-387-5436, Fax: 715-389-3808, Email: [email protected] Anemia Macrocytosis Megaloblastic The term macrocytosis refers to a blood condition in which red blood cells (RBC) are larger than normal. Macrocytosis is reported in terms of mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Normal MCV values range from 80 to 100 femtoliters (fl) and vary by age and reference laboratory. 1 MCV is calculated according to the following formula: Macrocytosis can be identified by reviewing peripheral blood smears and/or by automated RBC indices. The peripheral blood smear is more sensitive than RBC indices for identifying early macrocytic changes because the MCV represents the mean of the distribution curve and is insensitive to the presence of small numbers of macrocytes. 2 However, compared to the peripheral blood smear, MCV may underestimate macrocytosis in over 30% of cases. 3Although determination of the MCV by automated blood cell counter is rarely inaccurate, hyperglycemia, marked leukocytosis and cold agglutinins may result in false elevations of the MCV."
"docid": "D180842#0",
"title": "https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/blood-smear/tab/sample\nBlood Smear",
"text": "At a Glance Why Get Tested? To evaluate your red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets, to distinguish between the different types of WBCs, and to determine their relative percentages in the blood; to help detect, diagnose, and/or monitor a range of deficiencies, diseases, and disorders involving blood cell production, function, and lifespan When To Get Tested? When complete blood count (CBC) and/or automated WBC differential results are abnormal or when you have signs and symptoms that a health practitioner suspects are due to a condition affecting your blood cells Sample Required? A blood sample drawn from a vein in your arm or by pricking a finger, ear or, in the case of an infant, a heel Test Preparation Needed? None Looking for Test Results? Looking for Reference Ranges? What is being tested? A blood smear is a drop of blood spread thinly onto a glass slide that is then treated with a special stain and examined under a microscope by a trained laboratorian. It is a snapshot of the cells that are present in the fluid portion of the blood ( plasma) at the time the sample is obtained. The blood smear allows for the evaluation of these cells: White blood cells (WBCs, leukocytes) — help fight infections Red blood cells (RBCs,... See More Common Questions How is it used?"
"docid": "D2247043#0",
"title": "http://www.columbia.edu/itc/hs/pubhealth/modules/reproductiveHealth/anatomy.html\nSECTION I: Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology",
"text": "SECTION I: Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology Table of Contents Introduction Sexual Maturity Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive System Fertilization Introduction Effective public health programs, research, and policy relating to human sexuality, pregnancy, contraception, and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) depends upon knowledge of the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the male and female reproductive systems. Sexual and Reproductive Development Human beings are sexual throughout life. Sexuality encompasses more than sexual behavior - it is not only the physical, but the mental and spiritual as well. Sexuality is a core component of personality and a fundamental part of human life. While the problems usually associated with sexual behavior are real and need to be addressed, human sexuality also has significant meaning and value in each individual's life. Reproductive Biology Reproductive physical maturity and the capacity for human reproduction begin during puberty, a period of rapid growth and change experienced by both males and females. Puberty is not an isolated event, but a process which takes place over several years. During puberty, the hypothalamus (a gland located at the base of the brain which regulates temperature, sleep, emotions, sexual function and behavior) produces hormones (chemicals that originate in a gland or organ and travel through the blood to another organ, stimulating it by chemical action to increase functional activity and secretions). These hormones stimulate the gonads, the reproductive glands (the testes in males and the ovaries in females) to produce testosterone (males) and estrogen and progesterone (females). Male puberty generally occurs between the ages of 13-15 and is characterized by the secretion of the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates spermatogenesis (sperm production), and the development of secondary sexual characteristics (increased height and weight, broadening shoulders, growth of the testes and penis, pubic and facial hair growth, voice deepening, and muscle development)."
] |
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"docid": "D1654669#0",
"title": "http://www.glockforum.net/forum/glock-talk-discussion/13411-glock-43-prices-4.html\nGlock 43 prices",
"text": "04-27-2015, 02:01 PM #31hjcook1Junior Member Join Date Mar 2013Location Virginia Posts 4Town Police Supply, Richmond, VA, blue label price OTD, $379. Picked up one on Saturday. Share Share this post on Digg Twitter Share on Facebook Reddit!04-27-2015, 02:21 PM #32Bama Glock27Junior Member Join Date May 2014Posts 11$383.00+tax at adventure outdoors. Share Share this post on Digg Twitter Share on Facebook Reddit!04-28-2015, 03:44 AM #33NUTTBALLJunior Member Join Date Feb 2014Posts 25I got it right here... I have their pro kit in my 19 and its awesome. Guy said there is a pro due out in like two weeks but I figured try this one first. glock | glock accessories | glock parts | glock trigger | glk | Ruger Triggers | glock custom G42&G43 EDGE CONNECTOR glock | glock accessories | glock parts | glock trigger | glk | Ruger Triggers | glock custom Share Share this post on Digg Twitter Share on Facebook Reddit!Sponsored Links Remove Advertisements Glock Forum.net Advertisements04-28-2015, 07:48 AM #34cpippen Senior Member Join Date Mar 2015Location A Galaxy Far Far Away Posts 2,063WOW. I will have to look into that. Share Share this post on Digg Twitter Share on Facebook Reddit!“In proper hands, the Glock serves just as well as the 1911 - at conversational distances. And such distances are the rule in defensive combat.” - Jeff Cooper04-29-2015, 06:53 PM #35NUTTBALLJunior Member Join Date Feb 2014Posts 25Got the Ghost Inc Edge Connector in."
] | [
"docid": "D2806563#0",
"title": "http://www.youcancarry.com/\nMantisX Firearm Training Device",
"text": "State Laws Learn more about each states' concealed carry permit laws, and how to get your own concealed carry permit. Featured Content Mantis X Firearm Training Device January 18, 2018Comments Off on Mantis X Firearm Training Device Most of the firearm instruction that I do is in the classroom setting for the Utah Concealed Firearm course, but I do some instruction on the range with live fire as well. A tool that I was given to test out has enhanced my training and instruction over the last several months. Whether in the classroom or […]Continue reading... Mission First Tactical TP15MRS AR15 Carbine Drop in Polymer MLOK Handguard December 20, 2017Comments Off on Mission First Tactical TP15MRS AR15 Carbine Drop in Polymer MLOK Handguard Mission First Tactical has announced the release of the TP15MRS AR15 Carbine Drop in Polymer MLOK Handguard. This new polymer AR15 handguard is a lightweight drop-in handguard that uses the M-Lock™ rails system and provides a secure platform for mounting Picatinny rails and accessories. The installation is a simple swap and no gunsmithing is required. […] Continue reading... Peace Officer: A Documentary on the Use of Force by Police July 10, 2016Comments Off on Peace Officer: A Documentary on the Use of Force by Police Last night I had the opportunity to re-watch a documentary called “Peace Officer”. I attended a screening of the film about 9 months ago and enjoyed the opportunity to re-visit the issue. The film documents the use of force by police officers recounting several instances in Utah of SWAT Team deployment. I’ve spoken of this […]Continue reading... April 19, 2016Comments Off on Hydrapak Water Collapsable Water Bottle and Soft Flask Review Hydrapak Water Collapsable Water Bottle and Soft Flask Review A while ago I wrote about a hydration solution that I found to be excellent for trips out into the field."
"docid": "D3219299#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_and_Wesson\nSmith & Wesson",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Smith and Wesson)navigation search This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. ( April 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Smith & Wesson Type Part of public company American Outdoor Brands Corporation Founded 1852; 166 years ago Founders Horace Smith, Daniel B. Wesson Headquarters Springfield, Massachusetts, United States Key people P. James Debney (CEO), Jeffrey D. Buchanan (CFO), Leland A. Nichols (COO),Products Firearms and ammunition Revenue US$903 million (2016) [1]Operating income US$199.94 million (2016) [1]Net income US$191.31 million (2016) [1]Total assets US$326.989 million (2013) [2]US$261.674 million (2012) [3]Number of employees 2,204 (2017) [4]Subsidiaries Thompson/Center Website Smith-Wesson.com Smith & Wesson ( S&W) is an American manufacturer of firearms, ammunition and restraints. The corporate headquarters are in Springfield, Massachusetts. Smith & Wesson was founded in 1852 and after various corporate changes is now a unit of American Outdoor Brands Corporation. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Early history1.2 19th century1.3 20th century1.4 Clinton agreement1.5 Acquisition1.6 Recent history2 Products2.1 Cartridges2.2 Revolvers2.3 Semi-automatic pistols2.4 Rifles and carbines2.5 Submachine gun2.6 Shotguns2.7 Other products3 See also4 References4.1 Footnotes4.2 Sources5 External links History Early history Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson founded the Smith & Wesson Company in Norwich, Connecticut in 1852 to develop the Volcanic rifle. Smith developed a new Volcanic Cartridge, which he patented in 1854. The Smith & Wesson Company was renamed Volcanic Repeating Arms in 1855, and was purchased by Oliver Winchester. Smith left the company and returned to his native Springfield, Massachusetts, while Wesson stayed on as plant manager with Volcanic Repeating Arms. [ 5]As Samuel Colt 's patent on the revolver was set to expire in 1856, Wesson began developing a prototype for a cartridge revolver."
"docid": "D1794850#0",
"title": "https://www.eaglegunrangetx.com/review-springfield-armory-xd-s-9mm/\nReview: Springfield Armory XD-S 9mm",
"text": "Review: Springfield Armory XD-S 9mmby Andy Rutledge | Aug 7, 2015 | Blog |The Springfield Armory XD-S is a pistol that I waited for with great anticipation before its release. The photos and specs made it seem like an almost perfect carry pistol. Then shortly after release they largely disappeared from store shelves due to a voluntary recall in 2013. When the upgraded versions were available and after shooting an XD-S rental pistol, my suspicions about its quality and feel were confirmed. So I added one to my collection and for specific reason: deeper concealment. By Andy Rutledge* * *The XD-S comes in both 9mm and .45ACP calibers and in 3.3″ and 4.0″ barrel versions. This review will deal specifically with the 3.3″ version chambered in 9mm. Why Consider The Springfield XD-S 9mm? The XD-S 3.3″ 9mm belongs to a specific category of carry pistols and is not meant to compete with or replace compact double-stack 9mm pistols like the Glock 19 or a Sig P250. Rather, the XD-S is made for when a thin, single-stack subcompact ( read: more-concealable) pistol is appropriate, but without giving up the 9mm chambering —or— when you want to own only one carry gun that will work in just about any carry context."
"docid": "D2289614#0",
"title": "http://www.gunbroker.com/Gun-Parts/BI.aspx\nAdvancedSign In RegisterBrowse CategoriesBuy Sell Deals Video Help",
"text": "\"All > Gun Parts Show Category Information Gun Parts For Sale Narrow Your Search Has Pictures No Reserve Has Quick Look Factory New New Old Stock Used Ship International Big Ticket Hot Items Immediate Checkout Save this Search | Tips Per Page You Searched For Categories [remove]Gun Parts Narrow Your Search Subcategories Other Gun Accessories & Parts (93038)Gun Holsters & Gun Leather (74693)Scope Accessories & Scope Parts (45240)Pistol Magazines & Pistol Clips (40337)AR15 Parts (34938)Gun Scopes (27919)Rifle Magazines & Rifle Clips (20970)Gun Cleaning Kits & Gun Cleaning Supplies (20616)Pistol Grips (19762)Gun Sights (19349)Rifle Stocks (16364)Gun Cases & Gun Storage (13978)Small Rifle Parts (11899)Other Rifle Accessories & Parts (11706)Other Shotgun Accessories & Parts (10540)Shotgun Chokes (8361)Small Pistol Parts (8073)Gunsmithing Tools & Gunsmith Supplies (7267)Shooting Glasses & Hearing Protection (5665)AK47 Parts (5505)See more All Items Auctions Buy Now!Displaying the first 10000 items that match your criteria. Please refine your search. Item Title Click Headers to Sort Relevance Quantity Bids Price Time Left763082306 AR-15, A2 Stock Assy., M-16, AR151 0 $69.95< 1m +763082309 DEL-TON AR15 Complete Lower Receiver AR-15 NEW1 0 $169.95< 1m +763082342 M-16 LPK, Lower Parts Kit, M161 1 $100.051m +762608449 Accuracy International AE Barrel 7.62x51 .3081 0 $350.002m +763082366 AR-15 Complete Stock Set, New Tactical Superiority1 0 $49.953m +763082398 2 Glock 42 Magazines 9rd 380 ACP Clear ETS MAG NEW1 0 $42.954m +763082407 REM 700 X-MARK PRO TRIGGER RH MATTE BLACK1 0 $23.004m +763082417 HS PRECISION REM 700 BDL LA PRO-SERIES SAND COLOR1 0 $348.004m +763082430 WYATTS REM 700 SA DETACHABLE MAGAZINE CONVERSIONFREE SHIPPING NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CC OR PAYPAL1 0 $248.004m +763082427 REM 700 TIMNEY TRIGGER LH NP SS W/SAFETY 1.5-4 LBS1 0 $124.004m +763082424 (4) GLOCK 17 10rd Magazines 9mm G17 10rd Gen 51 0 $89.754m +763082462 Silencer Co Sig P320 Full Size Threaded Barrel 9mm1 0 $159.955m +763082457 AR-15 M4 6 POS. Stock Assembly, AR151 0 $34.955m +763082463 Glock 22 23 Drum Magazine 40 S&W 50rd MAG NEW1 0 $72.955m +763082460 Sig Sauer 516 Gen2 7\"\" Full Auto Capable AR15 Upper1 0 $779.005m +761672423 Franklin Armory Binary Trigger BSFIII AR-C11 6 $330.997m +763082551 5 Thermold AR-15 M16 20 RD Magazine 223 5.56 Matte1 0 $32.957m +760849051 2 Lyman 57SME 57 SME Receiver Sight Springfield1 0 $65.007m +760849052 Sight Mark Red Dot Holographic Reflex Sight1 1 $40.007m +763082581 NIGHTFORCE 5-25x56mm MOART .250 MOA ATACR NEWNEW HS TURRETS FREE RINGS & SHIPPING W/BUY IT NOW1 0 $1,000.008m +761672585 [2] Daewoo DP51 Magazines 9MM 13rd OEM LN1 0 $65.009m +763082624 2 Sig Sauer P226 Magazines 12rd 40cal Original Mag1 0 $52.999m +763082625 Colt 1911 Extended Magazine 15rd 45 ACP PRO MAG1 0 $26.959m +763082656 Colt AR15 30rd Magazine 223 National Mag AR 151 0 $14.959m +763082652 PSA LBK Magpul MOE AR Palmetto State Armory1 0 $139.999m +762608993 KCI AR- 100 Round Drum KCI Product Sale1 0 $129.009m +762608997 AK-47 Drum 7.62x39 KCI Product Sale1 0 $80.009m +763082715 AERO PRECISION, .308 Charging Handle, AR101 0 $39.9510m +763082709 Glock 22 Magazine 15rd 40 Cal Factory Mag G221 0 $19.9510m +736762925 Thompson T10 45 ACPStick Magazine 20 rd1927A1M17 0 $50.6410m +749364018 Beretta Px4 Storm Sub-Compact 9mm 13rd JMPX4S9F2 0 $28.5711m +736763016 Laser Max Center Fire-Beretta Nano-Red laser CFNANO28 0 $134.0011m +743392250 Beretta USA Pico Standard 380 ACP 6 rd JMPP316116 0 $25.7011m +736763086 Beretta Mag 9mm Nano 6rd JM6NANO918 0 $20.6411m +743392035 Beretta USA Pico Extension 380 ACP 6 rd JMPP316238 0 $30.9311m +736763102 Beretta Mag 9mm Px4 17rd JM4PX91750 0 $28.5711m +763082762 2 Glock 17 Magazines 17rd 9mm NEW OEM G17 Mag1 0 $42.9511m +763082783 T/C Stainless Match 22 LR 10\"\" Barrel Contender TCSights Thompson Center Arms SS Grade I BUY TRADE!1 0 $395.0011m +754628119 Promag BERETTA M92F 9mm 15 Round Magazine BER-A119 0 $15.7811m +754571629 Beretta Mag 22LR U22 Neos 10rd SSJMU2242 0 $18.2811m +736763165 T/C Arms Hawken 1x32 Center Plex and Inner Circle350086584 0 $106.0712m +736763170 Thompson Center In Line Cleaning Kit .50 Cal31007471 Cleaning Kit11 0 $15.4312m +763082800 Marlin 22lr Rifle Magazine 7rd For Post 1996 Semi1 0 $16.9512m +763082832 Sig Sauer CPL-RM-R Rail Mounted Laser RMR - NIBFeatured Listing1 0 $129.0013m +761673150 Remington 700 Long Action G-1291 0 $200.0015m +763082887 FN FAL Magazine 308 WIN 20rd Metric Steel MAG 7.621 0 $29.9915m +763082905 XLR ELEMENT LIGHT TACTICAL REMINGTON 700 SA STOCKFREE SHIPPING SHIPS SAME DAY NO 4 WEEK WAIT1 0 $594.0015m +763082902 TIMNEY AR15 AR-15 SOLID TRIGGER LARGE PIN 4 LBS1 0 $199.0015m +763082914 RM02-C-700607 Trijicon rmr type 2 LED 6.5 moa NEW1 0 $485.0015m +761673246 Remington 700 Long Action 1281 0 $200.0016m +Key: Pictures Fixed Price Reserve Buy Now! Featured Item Quick Look Immediate Checkout Ending times displayed are scheduledending times subject to our 15 minute rule Updated:4/8/2018 11:01:39 AM ESTCheck Gun Broker.com official time \""
"docid": "D1162572#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_State_Patrol\nGeorgia State Patrol",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( September 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Georgia State Patrol Abbreviation GSPPatch of the Georgia State Patrol Badge of the Georgia State Patrol Motto WISDOM, JUSTICE, MODERATIONAgency overview Formed 1937Employees 1,268 (as of 2004) [1]Legal personality Governmental: Government agency Jurisdictional structure Operations jurisdiction *State of Georgia, USAGeorgia State Patrol Troop Map Size 59,425 square miles (153,910 km 2)Population 9,544,750 (2007 est.) [ 2]Legal jurisdiction State Wide General nature Law enforcement Civilian police Operational structure Headquarters Atlanta, Georgia Troopers 777 (as of June 2016) [3]Civilians 412 (as of 2004) [4]Agency executives Colonel Mark W. Mc Donough, Commissioner Lt. Colonel Russell Powell, Deputy Commissioner Parent agency Georgia Department of Public Safety Troops 10Facilities Posts 52Website Official Site Footnotes* Divisional agency: Division of the country, over which the agency has usual operational jurisdiction. The Georgia State Patrol ( GSP) was established in March 1937 in the U. S. state of Georgia and is a division of the Georgia Department of Public Safety. GSP troopers investigate traffic crashes and enforce traffic and criminal laws on the state's roads. Contents [ hide ]1 Rank structure2 Patrol troops and posts3 Other divisions of the Georgia DPS3.1 Capitol Police3.2 Executive Security3.3 Motor Carrier Compliance4 Equipment4.1 Current equipment4.2 Previously issued equipment5 Fallen officers6 See also7 References8 External links Rank structure [ edit]Title Insignia Colonel (Commissioner)Lieutenant Colonel (Deputy Commissioner)Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant First Class Sergeant Corporal Trooper No insignia Patrol troops and posts [ edit]Troops (A-I) and Posts (1-52)Troop A - Includes the following counties: Bartow, Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Dade, Floyd, Gordon, Haralson, Murray, Paulding, Pickens, Polk, Walker, Whitfield. Post 3 - Cartersville, Post 5 - Dalton, Post 28 - Jasper, Post 29 - Paulding, Post 38 - Rome, Post 41 - La Fayette, Post 43 - Calhoun."
"docid": "D3058645#0",
"title": "http://www.officer.com/article/10248833/choosing-an-off-duty-carry-gun\nChoosing An Off Duty Carry Gun",
"text": "\"Choosing An Off Duty Carry Gun Size and caliber matter, but most importantly, it needs to be a gun you can count on. June 9, 20080Tweet Share Using a smaller off duty weapon with the same features and functions as the larger duty weapon is ideal if the duty weapon can't be carried off duty. Shown as an example is the Glock 19 9mm over the Glock 26 9mm. Frank Borelli I'm often asked for recommendations for a concealed carry handgun. Because much of my response also applies to selecting an off duty carry gun, I thought that I would address it here this month. There are two differences, however, that apply to police officers. The first is that you should give serious consideration to carrying your regular duty weapon. Many officers discover that when they get their duty gun out of the bulky duty holster and think seriously about carrying it concealed, it is not as difficult as they first imagine. The advantages of doing this are that:it is a gun you already haveit is the same one you train with regularlyyou can use the same ammunition that you use on duty There is a lot to be said for being familiar with the basic operation and controls and the performance you should expect from the gun and ammo combination. Second, it should not cost you any extra money."
"docid": "D2126361#0",
"title": "https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=united+states+plates\n735,072 results for united states plates",
"text": "\"Items in search results COMPLETE SET 50 UNITED STATES License Plates - ALL 50 USA States + BONUS Plate!Pre-Owned$199.97Buy It Now+$19.95 shipping Only 1 left!396 Sold Complete Set of 50 UNITED STATES License Plates - Low Grade Pre-Owned$150.00Buy It Now+$19.95 shipping Only 1 left!15 Watching License Plate Map of the United States Art Print Poster 36x24Brand New$6.99Buy It Now Free Shipping2 new & refurbished from $6.99Retro United States Car License Plates Sign Metal Home Bar Auto Tags Decorations Brand New$6.60Buy It Now Free Shipping From China UNITED STATES, SCOTT # 1735, PLATE BLOCK OF RATE A ORANGE EAGLE, MINT NEVER HING$1.05Buy It Now+$0.50 shipping Mint NH United States Plate Blocks Scott #3261-62 FV $59.80$52.99Buy It Now+$3.00 shipping Only 1 left!1 Watching UNITED STATES Vintage Car License Plate Bar Room Home Decor Tags Collectible Brand New$6.99Buy It Now Free Shipping6+ Watching From China KNS Pins Anti-Walk Pins Non-Rotating Gen ST BLACK Spike's Side Plates .154 Pin Brand New$30.77Buy It Now Free Shipping208 Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Thu, Mar. 8STRIKE INDUSTRIES GEN 2 Anti Walk Rotation Trigger Hammer Pins Black Nitride AUTHENTIC & AUTORIZED DEALER - GEN 2 - BEWARE OF FAKESBrand New$15.92Buy It Now Free Shipping190 Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 9For Glock Front Sight Tool + Armorers Takedown Disassembly Punch + Mag Plate Includes our Magazine Base Plate Removal Tool Brand New38 product ratings$24.95Buy It Now Free Shipping1372 Sold Custom Engraved Plate BRASS 2\"\"x4\"\" Name Plate Plaque Art Label Tag Gift Trophy BUY 3 GET 1 FREE!! 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Magazine W/Extra Base Plate #90333Brand New293 product ratings$20.89Buy It Now Free Shipping32 new & refurbished from $20.6950 GUARD Heel Plates Taps Plastic-Shoe Boot Heel Savers- WITH NAILS - ALL SIZES!Brand New$14.25 to $17.50Buy It Now Free Shipping88+ Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 91/10 Scale Aluminum Mounted RC License Plates (1 Set) CUSTOMIZEDBrand New$12.50Buy It Now+$2.85 shipping25pcs- 6\"\"x12\"\" .026 Dye White Sublimation Aluminum License Plate/ Car Tag Blanks Brand New$37.50or Best Offer Free Shipping Pearce Grip PG-XD Springfield XD Magazine Extension XD9/XD40 Mod-2 9mm/40 HS2000Brand New170 product ratings$9.95Buy It Now Free Shipping13 new & refurbished from $9.675% off 2Phase 5 Tactical Curved Steel Side Plate Extension V1 BOLT ON Version 1 plate Brand New$24.95Buy It Now Free Shipping34 Sold LS EGR DELETE PLUG INTAKE EXHAUST BLOCK OFF Plate LSX Silverado 4.8L 5.3L 6.0LBrand New$16.50Buy It Now Free Shipping199 Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Thu, Mar. 8USA State Custom Aluminum Any Name Text Number Novelty Car License Plate Brand New$13.90Buy It Now Free Shipping55+ Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 9US UNITED STATES AIR FORCE METAL MILITARY License Plate Frame Tag Holder Brand New$12.50Buy It Now Free Shipping Acrylic Display Easel stand wholesale plate / tile Brand New$1.00 to $2.50Buy It Now+$3.25 shipping1324+ Sold Choose your size Wall Edge Corner Guard Angle .063 Aluminum Diamond Plate Brand New6 product ratings$14.99Buy It Now Free Shipping341 Sold2 new & refurbished from $14.99FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 9Pearce Grip PG-TCP Taurus TCP Magazine Extension Floorplate 6-round 380ACP PT738Brand New230 product ratings$9.95Buy It Now Free Shipping18 new & refurbished from $9.115% off 2Primary Weapons Systems PWS Ratchet Lock Castle Nut &QD Sling End Plate 5.56/223Brand New$29.95Buy It Now Free Shipping44 Watching FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 9SPONSOREDLicense Plate Map of the United States Art Print Poster 36x24Brand New$6.99Buy It Now Free Shipping SPONSOREDVINTAGE 1776 - 1976 United States Bi Centennial Automobile License PLATE$19.96Buy It Now+$4.80 shipping Tell us what you think1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Items per page:5025100200 \""
"docid": "D3011899#0",
"title": "http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/archive/index.php/t-513526.html\n.",
"text": "\"Calguns.net > POLITICS, LITIGATION AND ACTIVISM > California 2nd Amend. Political Discussion & Activism > FFDO count as a CCW? PDAView Full Version : FFDO count as a CCW? Kauf 12-20-2011, 5:02 PMQuestion from my dad that some of you could answer. If he becomes an FFDO (Federal Flight Deck Officer) does that count as a California CCW as well, like the state police recieve in California? Dr Rockso 12-20-2011, 5:15 PMI'm fairly sure that FFDOs are not covered under LEOSA since they don't have statutory powers of arrest.edlegault 12-20-2011, 5:33 PMI don't think so. I think their firearms must be unloaded and loaded at the flight deck (stupid). Seems like there was a pilot arrested for having a loaded firearm off the flight deck or there was a discharge on the flight deck or something and this subject came up before. Ubermcoupe 12-20-2011, 5:34 PMDont think so: FFDOs are considered Federal law enforcement officers only for the limited purposes of carrying firearms and using force, including lethal force, to defend the flight deck of an aircraft from air piracy or criminal violence. FFDOs are not granted or authorized to exercise other law enforcement powers such as the power to make arrests, or seek or execute warrants for arrest, or seizure of evidence, or to otherwise act as Federal law enforcement outside the jurisdiction of aircraft flight decks."
"docid": "D5568#0",
"title": "http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/08/robert-farago/are-wilson-combat-1911s-worth-4000/\nAre Wilson Combat 1911s Worth $4000?",
"text": "Are Wilson Combat 1911s Worth $4000?by Robert Farago |Aug 30, 2011 |45 commentsfacebook twitter linkedin email When TTAG announced the arrival of the new Wilson Combat X-TAC Compact, more than a few members of our Armed Intelligentsia wondered why in the world anyone would pay $2680 for a pistol. ( And that, 1911 fans, is a non-customized “entry level” model.) Sid put it succinctly: “The price! My God! The price!” So I asked John May to justify the cost of his employer’s 1911s. Billy Boy’s marketing maven sent the following bullet points explaining “why Wilson Combat Pistols are more highly valued than other makers pistols”:1. All of our pistols are hand built, one at a time from the best components. Wilson Combat has more collective experience than any other custom builder. Calling on that experience and the world’s best components gives you the best final products.2."
"docid": "D667834#0",
"title": "http://inthesetimes.com/article/15972/permatemps_in_manufacturing\nForever Temp?",
"text": "\"On November 14, 2013, members of the Chicago Workers Collaborative stage an action about wage theft in the temp. industry. ( Sarah Jane Rhee)Features » January 6, 2014Forever Temp? Once a bastion of good jobs, manufacturing has gone gaga for temps. BY Sarah Jaffe Share Tweet Reddit Stumble Upon Email Print Despite the many drawbacks of a temp job, anemic job growth during the economic recovery has meant that many blue-collar workers have few options beyond putting in their time as a temp in the hope that they’ll get hired full-time one day. Betty Mc Cray, 53, has moved around a bit in her lifetime. She’s worked as a chef, a nursing home attendant and a welder. Throughout, she says proudly, she has “worked union,” even in states with anti-labor right-to-work laws, such as Tennessee, where she moved in 2010 to be closer to her son. That changed in 2011, when she found work at a Nissan auto plant in Smyrna, Tenn., preparing parts for the assembly line. Not only is this job non-union, but Mc Cray doesn’t technically work for Nissan—she’s employed through Yates Services, a temporary staffing agency."
"docid": "D2395891#0",
"title": "http://alltoptens.com/top-ten-9mm-pistols-of-2014/\nTop Ten Best 9mm Pistols in the world",
"text": "Top Ten Best 9mm Pistols in the world Facts, Science & Technology 22 Comments Facebook Twitter Google + Stumbleupon Linked In Pinterest Related Articles Top 10 Rubik’s Cube Facts to blow your mind Top 10 Largest Earthquakes in Recorded History Top Ten Countries with Largest Coal Reserves If you’re passionate about Pistols/Handguns then we have something amazing for you. Do you have a passion for shooting? Need a pistol for self-defense or military purposes? Whatever your reason is, the 9mm Parabellum 9x19mm is the most reliable and widely used handgun because of its features such as compact size, magazine capacity and high velocity. We all have different choices when it’s about Pistols. If you are in search of the best 9mm pistol that won’t miss a shot? In this article we’ll discuss Top Ten best 9mm pistols in the world based on product quality and user reviews. Top Ten 9mm Pistols in the world They are certainly the best 9mm pistols you would love to try this year. So let’s begin the countdown :10. The FN Herstal FNX-9The FN Herstal FNX-9Herstal FNX-9 is the best choice for anyone looking for a long-lasting, user-friendly and solid 9mm gun."
"docid": "D1476675#0",
"title": "https://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/b/304/johnnie-walker-blended-scotch-whisky\nJohnnie Walker Blended Whisky",
"text": "Johnnie Walker Blended Whisky We have an extensive range of Johnnie Walker blended whiskies available at great prices, including an engraved Johnnie Walker Blue Label bottling. Johnnie Walker was created in 1860 when John Walker & Sons began to export the family's whisky. More than 150 years later, it is world's biggest-selling Scotch whisky brand, available in almost every country worldwide. Discover more »Brand Johnnie Walker Price Range Age Size All (42) Standard (29) Old & Rare (13)Grid List Price Name Latest Johnnie Walker Black 12 Year Old Half Bottle35cl / 40%£17.25 (£49.29 per litre)Johnnie Walker Red Label70cl / 40%£20.95 (£29.93 per litre)Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 Year Old70cl / 40%£29.25 (£41.79 per litre)Johnnie Walker Red Label Litre100cl / 40%£29.65Free Gift Johnnie Walker Double Black70cl / 40%£29.95 (£42.79 per litre)Johnnie Walker Blenders' Batch Rum Cask Finish50cl / 40.8%£29.95 (£59.90 per litre)Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve70cl / 40%£43.95 (£62.79 per litre)Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Bullion Bottle70cl / 40%£44.95 (£64.21 per litre)Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Gift Pack70cl / 40%£47.95 (£68.50 per litre)Johnnie Walker Spice Road Explorer's Club Collection100cl / 40%£48.95Johnnie Walker Swing70cl / 40%£51.45 (£73.50 per litre)Johnnie Walker Blue Label Small Bottle20cl / 40%£56.65 (£28.32 per 10cl)Free Gift Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old70cl / 40%£69.95 (£99.93 per litre)Johnnie Walker Swing Superior75cl / 43%£70.55 (£94.07 per litre)Johnnie Walker Collection80cl / 40%£99.95 (£124.94 per litre)Johnnie Walker Explorer's Club Collection 3x20cl60cl / 40%£99.95 (£166.58 per litre)Johnnie Walker Gold Route Explorer's Club Collection100cl / 40%£104Johnnie Walker XR 21 Year Old70cl / 40%£130 (£185.71 per litre)Johnnie Walker Blue Label70cl / 40%£135 (£192.86 per litre)Johnnie Walker The Royal Route Explorer's Club Collection100cl / 40%£135Showing: 1 to 20 of 42 Show per page 1 2 3 Next"
"docid": "D283866#0",
"title": "http://www.lapdonline.org/lapd_equipment\nLAPD Equipment",
"text": "\"LAPD Equipment Ford Black & White Vehicle with Red & Blue Light bar Ford Black & White Vehicle (Slicktop) Dodge Charger LAPD BMW Motorcycle Handcuffs Flex Cuffs Ballistic Helmet Taser X26 Female Tactical Vest Tactical Vest Air Gas Mask Motorola Radio Pelican Flashlight HANDGUNSBeretta 92FS, 9mm Beretta 92F, 9mm Beretta 845F, .45 caliber Glock 17, 9mm Glock 19, 9mm Glock 21 .45 caliber Glock 22 .40 caliber Glock 23, .40 caliber Glock 26, 9mm Glock 27, .40 caliber Glock 30, .45 caliber Glock 36, .45 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 4506 .45 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 4566 .45 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 4516 .45 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 3914 9mm Smith & Wesson, model 3913 9mm Smith & Wesson, model 457 .45 caliber Smith & Wesson, model CS9 9mm Smith & Wesson, model 6904 9mm Smith & Wesson, model 5906 9mm Smith & Wesson, model 69069mm Smith & Wesson, model 649 .38 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 442 .38 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 14 .38 caliber Smith & Wesson, model 67 .38 caliber Smith & Wesson, Bodyguard .380 caliber Kimber Custom 2 .45 caliber Kimber Classic .45 caliber SHOTGUNS/ RIFLES Benelli M4 Shotgun Remington 870 Shotgun Heckler & Koch, 416D caliber 5.56 mm Smith & Wesson M&P 15T Rifle Colt 6920 Rifle Colt 6940 Rifle Bushmaster BCW A3F-16D Rifle Bushmaster BCW A3F- 16M4 Bushmaster BCW A3F-16 Pepper Ball Launcher37 mm40 mm Beanbag 30 & 40 Round Rifle Magazines .45 caliber ammunition .40 caliber ammunition9mm ammunition OO Buck Shotgun Pellets.38 caliber ammunition Winchester 1oz Slugs Beanbag Shotgun 2588 Sock5.56 Rifle ammunition380 ammunition MK046, MK-IX OC's Foam Baton 37mm Black Powder Foam Baton 37 mm Black Powder O. C. MK 3 519 CS Handtoss Grenade White Smoke-110 HC 40 mm Ferret OC Barricade Penetrating Projectile Liquid No.14 CS 37/38 mm Liquid Agent-Barricade Projectile Round No.27B (Stinger) 37&38 mm caliber1006 Exact Impact 40mm S&W 37mm Short Range-Muzzle Dispersion Riot Agent MOUNTED UNIT Sunlite Stampede Sl (4 Horse Trailer) Western Stock Saddle Broken Horn Saddle Pad Leg Guards (Combo Boots) Horse Face Shield & Nose Guard Horse Bridles Spurs Hat 36\"\" Baton, (Riot Stick) Bokken, 40 \"\" Baton AIR SUPPORTAStar B-2, Black & White Helicopter AStar B-2 Helicopter AStar B-2, Interior Cabin Bell Jet 206 B3, Black & White Helicopter Bell Jet 206 B3 Fix Wing Airplane Pilot Helmet and Binoculars ASD Nomex Uniform Offroad Enforcement Unit Kawasaki KLX400Oneal motorcross helmet Thor motorcross gloves Oneal motorcross boots Thor motorcross uniform K9Bite Uniform Pole Camera Pole Camera & Inferred Equipment Tactical Laser MK 46 Oleoresin Capsicum OC Punch II M-5-G Heckler & Koch 416 .223 cal Benelli M4 12 Gauge Shotgun Tactical Vest & Tactical Helmet K9 Black & White Patrol Vehicle Metro/ SWAT37mm ferrett OC Sponge 40MM Exact Impact Round 40mm Pump Baton 36 Bokken Bear Rescue Rescue 2 Rescue 3 SWAT Truck SWAT Pistol Kimber 1911 Extended Range XREP Less Lethal XREP Rifle AR-10 Barrett m82 Rifle Car 9mm Rifle HK416-14 Rifle M4 Rifle Remington 700 Rifle Springfield Armory M1A Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR) Sage 37mm Gas Gun Sage Impact L3AOS Submachine MP5 Shockwave Shotgun Benelli M42 Shotgun Remington 870UNDERWATER DIVE UNITMoose Boats \"\"F. E. Cuesta\"\"BOAT 2O'Neill Wetsuit Hazmat Rated Dry Suit Dive Fins Bearskin Dive Booties Bearskin Gloves O'Neill Hoodie Knife Holster Breathing Mask with Communications System Dive Rig Dive Rig and Breathing Tank Regulator and Dive Computer Underwater Flashlight Compass Board Surface Marker Buoy and Reel Safety Diver Tenderline & Buoy Weight Belt Emergency Oxygen Kit Diver Recall System Air Control System Surface to Diver Communications Set Miscellaneous Cutting Tools Repair Kit Box \"\"Go Box\"\"Underwater Sonar Unit Underwater Metal Detector BOMB SQUAD UNITBAT Bomb Assessment Truck TCV Total Containment Vessel BAT CAT (Bomb Assessment Tactical Counter Assault Tool) Talon Robot Andros F6B Robot KHEM Bio TCV \""
"docid": "D1101341#0",
"title": "http://www.glockmeister.com/G22-GLOCK-Factory-Barrel/productinfo/G4452/\nG22 GLOCK Factory Barrel",
"text": "Home / Barrels / GLOCK Barrels / Standard / .40G22 GLOCK Factory Barrel Item Number: G4452Review Average: Number of Reviews: 1View Reviews | Review this item Unit Price: $125.00Out of Stock Quantity Bookmark This Page Refer this page to a friend Detailed Description This is the factory Glock .40 barrel that comes stock in the Glock model 22. It can also be used to convert the 22C to shoot as a non-compensated. Converting the 31 or 31C to shoot .40 s&w is also possible. Using it to convert the 17 to shoot .40 s&w is not safe as it will not fit into the slide properly. Calibers can only be converted down, not up. This barrel will not work extended in the 23 or 32 due to the difference in the locking blocks. Barrel Info: Caliber: .40 s&w Height: 1.26 inches Length: 4.49 inches Rifling: right hand, hexagonal Length of Twist: 9.84 inches Travels at: ~ 985 feet per second Using reloaded or lead ammunition in Glock barrels is NOT recommended!Product Reviews Click here to review this item WOW! Great Factory Replacement Barrel I have thought about getting a .40 barrel for my 2nd Gen G31 in 357 Sig for years. I was always concerned that it would not shoot to the same point of aim and I would have to get adjustable sights. I finally broke down a purchased one a week or so ago from Glockmeister."
"docid": "D2786966#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=beretta+32\n1,570 results for beretta 32",
"text": "\"Items in search results BERETTA 3032 TOMCAT .32 ACP 7 Round MAGAZINE JM32 Factory NEW *FAST SHIP*! ! Brand New66 product ratings$24.94Buy It Now Free Shipping533 Sold27 new & refurbished from $24.94FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Beretta Tomcat 32 & Bobcat 25 Firing Pin Brand New$19.95Buy It Now Free Shipping Beretta Factory Grips for 3032 Tomcat .32 auto Pistol JG32PBrand New3 product ratings$18.76Buy It Now Free Shipping3 new & refurbished from $18.76FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Pearce Grip Beretta Bobcat 21A Tomcat 3032 Wrap-Around GRIP PG-32 *FAST SHIP*! ! Brand New21 product ratings$14.85Buy It Now Free Shipping37 Sold13 new & refurbished from $14.85FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Beretta 3032 & Model 21 Tomcat/Alleyca t/Bobcat Walnut Checkered Pistol Grips NEWBrand New$69.95Buy It Now+$5.95 shipping18 Watching Tactical Grip Glove for Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Kel-Tec P3AT, P32, Beretta Nano Brand New$7.99Buy It Now Free Shipping122 Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Wed, Mar. 7Beretta Tomcat 32 and 21A Factory Grips Early Style Brand New$16.95Buy It Now Free Shipping Grip Glove for Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Kel-Tec P3AT, P32, Beretta Nano 2 Packs Brand New$9.99Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Wed, Mar. 7Beretta 32 Auto, flashbang bra holster Pre-Owned$10.000 bids$25.00Buy It Now+$7.34 shipping2d 4h left (Saturday, 7AM)Beretta 950,21A, 3022, 32, AMT380 | Outbags Nylon Neoprene Ankle Holster New (Other)$21.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Glock, Sig Sauer, S&W, Beretta Thigh strap/ drop leg platform with Cytac Holster Brand New$48.55Buy It Now Free Shipping9+ Watching FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6New Beretta Factory Model 3032 Tomcat 32 Black Plastic Grips New (Other)$17.85Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Pistol Pack Belt Pouch Beretta 950, Tomcat; Keltec P32, P3AT; Seecamp 25/32 R... Brand New$20.81Buy It Now Free Shipping36 Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Pearce Grip Beretta Bobcat & Tomcat Wraparound Rubber Grip-PG-32Brand New21 product ratings$14.86List price: $19.95Buy It Now Free Shipping86 Sold13 new & refurbished from $14.85FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5SPONSOREDT3 Titanium Turbo Blanket Heat Shield Cover Barrier Turbo charger Cover Wrap New Brand New$28.29Buy It Now Free Shipping10 Watching From China SPONSOREDCar 32In1 Metal Blade Feeler Gauge Dual Reading Combination Measuring Meter Tool Brand New$7.10Was: $7.89or Best Offer Free Shipping10% off From China N Pocket Holster Beretta 21; NAA Guardian; RAVEN .25 Sterling 22; Seecamp 25/32Brand New15 product ratings$18.98Buy It Now Free Shipping43 Sold10 new & refurbished from $18.97FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Gun Holster ANKLE Astra Cub Davis P32 P380 Beretta Tomcat 20 21 950 3032 A7Brand New$14.95Buy It Now Free Shipping IWB Trigger Guard Holster for Beretta DB GLOCK Kahr Kimber Ruger S&W Sig Walther New (Other)$17.95Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Beretta Pico | Nylon IWB Conceal Carry Holster. MADE IN USANew (Other)$12.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta Tomcat 32 cal factory plastic grips Brand New$17.00or Best Offer Free Shipping Beretta 950 21A 3022 32 | Nylon IWB Inside Pants Conceal Holster. MADE IN USA!New (Other)$12.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta Pico | IWB Conceal Carry Slim Tuck Holster w/ Sweat Guard. MADE IN USANew (Other)$16.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6SPONSOREDAftermarket Wheel Center Hub Cap 14079987 2\"\" fits Chevy Beretta REPCH32$10.00or Best Offer Free Shipping SPONSOREDMicrofiber Cloth Clean 32x Set Towel Duster Rag for Car Truck Van SUV Motorcycle#1 Seller - Colors May Vary - 32 pack - For Home & Auto Brand New$14.95List price: $29.95Buy It Now Free Shipping332 Sold Beretta 21A, 32, 950 | Nylon Inside Pocket Holster. MADE IN USA!New (Other)$12.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns28 new & refurbished from $12.99FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6TWO BERETTA 3032 TOMCAT .32 ACP 7 Round MAGAZINES JM32 Factory NEW *FAST SHIP*! ! Brand New3 product ratings$49.34Buy It Now Free Shipping87 Sold2 new & refurbished from $49.34FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Pachmayr 05174 Handgun Grip Glove For Glock 19/23/25/32/38 & Beretta Cougar 8000Brand New12 product ratings$10.68 Trending at $11.09Buy It Now Free Shipping37 Sold18 new & refurbished from $10.68FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Gun Holster Shoulder Beretta 21 22 32 Raven, Jennings J22, Cobra CA32 CA380 S1Brand New$15.95Buy It Now Free Shipping ALL DPM Multiple Springs Recoil Reduction Systems Brand New8 product ratings$82.00 to $157.00Buy It Now Free Shipping54+ Sold102 new & refurbished from $82.00From Israel Beretta 950 21A 3022 32 | Nylon AIWB Appendix Conceal Carry Holster. MADE IN USANew (Other)$14.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta Tomcat 32 IWB In Waistband Leather Concealed Carry Holster CCW TAN RHBrand New$39.95Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6CYTAC CQC holster for Glock Sig Sauer,S&W, M&P, Beretta , R, L, Black, FDEBrand New$19.95Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6CAMOUFLAGE SHOULDER GUN HOLSTER, BERETTA 21,JENNINGS J22,RAVEN,COBR A CA32,CA380New (Other)$14.99Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5Barsony IWB Gun Concealment Holster for Astra, Beretta Full Size 9mm 40 45Brand New$17.99Buy It Now Free Shipping99+ Sold FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6NOS Beretta factory manual for model 3032 Tomcat 32 auto New (Other)$15.00or Best Offer+$3.50 shipping Conceal Holster Pink Small Auto .22 .25 32 Beretta Bobcat & Tomcat Brand New$16.00Buy It Now+$2.90 shipping De Santis Trickster Leather Black Ambidex Holster fits Beretta Tomcat Keltec p32Brand New$18.95Buy It Now+$4.90 shipping SPONSORED300x Assorted Auto Snap Ring Car Circlip Shop Retaining Ring 18 Size 3-32mm 65Mn Brand New$9.80Was: $10.89or Best Offer Free Shipping10% off From China SPONSORED12-32V Auto Car 10 Way Circuit Standard Blade Fuse Box Block Holder w/ Fuses Kit Brand New$16.10Was: $17.89or Best Offer Free Shipping10% off From China Beretta Tomcat 32 Caliber Factory Grips Late Style Black Plastic Pristine Brand New$14.99Buy It Now+$3.00 shipping Beretta Factory 3032 Tomcat .32 ACP 7 Round Magazine Pistol Mag Clip JM32Brand New66 product ratings$24.97Buy It Now Free Shipping27 new & refurbished from $24.94FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Mon, Mar. 5BERETTA 1934 1935 PISTOL BARREL 7.65MM 32 AUTO 1915/1919Pre-Owned$80.00Buy It Now+$3.00 shipping#10 UNCLE MIKES Gun Holster for NAA 32 RAVEN 25 COLT 25 BROWNING BERETTA Jetfire Brand New$12.88Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Gun Holster Hip Glock 32 37 38 39 41 42 Beretta PX4 Storm Sub Compact H8Brand New$12.95Buy It Now Free Shipping Kel-Tec P32 | Nylon Inside Pocket Holster. Proudly handcrafted in USANew (Other)4 product ratings$12.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns9 Watching63 new & refurbished from $12.99FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta 92 96 M9 spare internal part blued/black X32Brand New$12.00Buy It Now Free Shipping Beretta OEM Semi-Auto Handgun Various Pistol Mags Gun Magazine 6 7 8 10 Round RDChoose Your Magazine - Available In Several Variations!Brand New66 product ratings$23.91 to $38.01List price: $36.99Buy It Now Free Shipping27 new & refurbished from $24.94FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Wed, Mar. 7Bianchi 19222 100 Professional Beretta 30/32 Tomcat/ 20/21 Bobcat Leather Tan Brand New1 product rating$37.80List price: $40.94Buy It Now Free Shipping2 Watching19 new & refurbished from $37.80Beretta Tomcat 32 Factory Grips Late Style Brand New$17.89Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Pro Mag Beretta 3032 Tomcat 32 ACP 10-Round Steel Magazine Brand New9 product ratings$19.58Buy It Now Free Shipping10 new & refurbished from $19.57FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Wed, Mar. 7New listing Beretta Tomcat 3032 32ACP Parts Pre-Owned$19.99or Best Offer+$5.95 shipping Pearce Grip PG-32 PG32 Fits Beretta Bobcat / Tomcat Rubber Wrap-Around Grips NEWBrand New21 product ratings$15.30Buy It Now Free Shipping26 Sold13 new & refurbished from $14.85FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta Pistol- Model 1935- Firing Pin- 32 ACP- NOSBrand New$25.00Buy It Now+$11.00 shipping Beretta Tomcat 32 ACP 2.4375\"\" Sticky Holster SM1 Waistband Conceal Carry Brand New$26.95Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6Beretta Tomcat 32 IWB In Waistband Leather Concealed Carry Holster CCW BLACK RHBrand New7 product ratings$39.95Buy It Now Free Shipping10 new & refurbished from $39.95FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Tue, Mar. 6SPONSORED5D 14\"\"inch 168W LED Work Light Bar Offroad PK 12\"\"16\"\"20\"\"22\"\"24 \"\"30\"\"32\"\"50\"\"52\"\"5 4\"\"42\"\"$29.50Was: $36.88or Best Offer Free Shipping20% off SPONSORED32mm (1.25\"\") | 5x100 to 5x100 | Hubcentric Wheel Spacers 57.1mm | 12x1.5 Studs Brand New$31.54List price: $52.99Buy It Now Free Shipping43 Sold Tell us what you think1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Items per page:5025100200 \""
"docid": "D2729427#0",
"title": "http://www.midwayusa.com/product/136977/tactical-solutions-tsg-22-rimfire-conversion-kit-glock-19-23-32-38-22-long-rifle-with-15-round-magazine-black-factory-reconditioned\nTactical Solutions TSG-22 Rimfire Conversion Kit Glock 19, 23, 32, 38 22 Long Rifle with 15-Round Magazine Black Factory Reconditioned",
"text": "Gun Parts Gun Parts by Gun Make & Model Glock G19, G23, G25, G32, G38 Caliber Conversion Kits Tactical Solutions TSG-22 Rimfire Conversion Kit Glock 19, 23, 32, 38 22 Long Rifle with 15-Round Magazine Black Factory Reconditioned Product #: 136977 Tactical Solutions #: TSG-22 STD 19/23-15Enlarge Zoom in Email to Friend Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Pinterest$370.00Not available - One time run One Time Offer Made in USAQuantity: Add to Cart Add to Wish List Questions? Let us help!Chat Now Overview Specifications Reviews Delivery Info The Tactical Solutions TSG-22 is a .22 Long Rifle conversion top end for Glock pistols. Purposefully designed for a realistic training experience, the TSG-22 is manufactured from 4140 steel to give the converted handgun an authentic weight and feel. With the TSG-22 conversion kit installed, the shooter can train with 22 LR ammunition at a fraction of the cost compared to standard centerfire ammunition. Each TSG-22 kit includes a set of factory Glock sights and comes with one 15 round polymer magazine, and a hard case. Notes: This kit is designed to function with Plated, Round Nose 40 Grain High Velocity Ammunition. Malfunctions may occur when using sub-sonic, target or standard velocity ammunition. Hyper-velocity ammunition is NOT recommended. Made In United States of America Was this information helpful? Yes No NOTE: Prices, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice."
"docid": "D1099292#0",
"title": "http://buyaholster.com/h770aashoulderrigbackstrapsoldseparately.aspx\nDon Hume H770AA Shoulder Rig (Back Strap Sold Separately)",
"text": "\"Don Hume H770AA Shoulder Rig (Back Strap Sold Separately)See Reviews MSRP: $191.95Price: $170.00You Save: $21.95 (11 %)Manufacturer: Don Hume Leathergoods Personalization* denotes required field Choose Right or Left Hand *Right Hand Left Hand Color Choice *Black Saddle Brown Available Models *26-5 Beretta 92/9610-5 Colt 1911/Para P14/Kimber 5\"\"10-4 1/4 Colt Commander/Para P13/Kimber Pro Carry10-3 1/2 Colt Officers/Para P1210P10 Colt Defender/Para P10/Kimber Ultra Carry36-4 1/2 Glock 17/22/3136-4 Glock 19/23/32/3636-1 Glock 26/27/3341 Glock 20/2141-1 Glock 29/3025USPC HK USP 9/40/45 Compact/P200037M Ruger P85/89/89DC/P90/90DC/P913-2 S&W J Frame30-4 1/4 Sig Sauer 220/266 (rails included)30-1 Sig Sauer 228/229 (rails included)XD 40-4 Springfield 9/40 4\"\"XDC Springfield Sub Compact26-5 Taurus 100/1013-2 Taurus 85 Blue Steel Revolver21 SF-45 Glock 21 SF 45Quantity: H770AA, This shoulder holster features hand boned detail for a classy look. The shoulder holster is to be worn horizontally. The carry rings provide total range of motion, yet allow for excellent concealment. The holster also features a reinforced thumb break and body-tension screw adjustment. A sewn on belt loop to accomodate a tie down. The double side harness allows easy carry and balance. Each side is connected at the back center with a 2 inch wide elestic band. This provides freedom of movement and great comfort. It is fully adjustable. Specify make and model of weapon."
"docid": "D1166967#0",
"title": "http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/05/benjamin-t-shotzberger/gun-review-hi-point-c9-9mm-pistol/\nGun Review: Hi-Point C9 9mm Pistol",
"text": "Gun Review: Hi-Point C9 9mm Pistolby Benjamin T. Shotzberger |May 23, 2011 |639 commentsfacebook twitter linkedin email TTAG contacted the Hi Point Firearms PR peeps in late January / early February. We were up front about our plan: test the pistol to destruction. To prove (we hoped) that what the Hi-Point C9 lacked in refinement it made up for in simplicity and reliability. When asked if the pistol would be in “sellable” condition after the tests, we politely responded in the negative. We were going to break the Hi Point and chronicle the punishment it took along the way. Hi-Point got the point and signed-up for our torture test. Then, time went by . . . The candles at my dinner table burned to the nub with no one showing up to enjoy the cuisine I’d slaved over for hours on end. Eventually, Hi Point’s rep emailed me. They’d decided against sending us a pistol."
"docid": "D1812379#0",
"title": "http://www.worldofseeds.eu/\nWorld Wide Daily offer at 4:20 pm Stay Tunned!! 4:20-4:30 pm (GMT+1)",
"text": "World Wide Daily offer at 4:20 pm Stay Tunned!! 4:20-4:30 pm (GMT+1)Time Remainingto Start Deal Hours6Minutes58Seconds2715% OFFBrazil amazonia 3 seeds€17.50 €14.88Strawberry blue 3 seeds€16.65 €14.15Sugar mango ryder 7 seeds€49.00 €41.65Top THC Awarded3-7%CBD OG Regular - 10 SEEDS3-7%CBD OG - 6 SEEDS27%Royal Gorilla26%Y GRIEGA26%Golosa25%Sugar Candy25%SUGAR BLACK ROSE REGULAR25%SUGAR BLACK ROSE EARLY VERSION25%SUGAR BLACK ROSE25%Cookies Haze More Productive Top Ratings600g/m2. ... Lemon Venom600g/m2 I... Narco Purps Auto600-750 g... Big Bud XXL600-700 g... Tonic Ryder600-700 g... BLUEBERRY OG600-650 g... SKUNK XL600-650 g... SHINING SILVER HAZE600-650 g... AMNESIA HAZE600+ g/m2...707 TRUTHBAND BY EMERALD MOUNTAIN600 gr/m2... PUNKY LIONStrains HAZE KUSH DIESEL CHEESEBLUE WHITE SKUNK AK47AMNESIA G13 JACK HERER NORTHERN LIGHTEffect Cerebral Energetic Euphoric Introspective Medicinal Narcotic Taste Sweet Noble wood Liquorice Sweet Fruit Incensed Citric Fruit Genotype Indica Sativa Hybrid Sex Feminized Regular Fem Auto Top Price Discounted Assorted Auto €3.50SPECIAL KUSH #1 €4.00SPECIAL QUEEN #1 €4.50DOUBLE GLOCK €5.00GRAPEGUM €5.00Auto Skunk Mass €5.50AUTO SKUNK €5.99PURE KUSH €5.99PURPLE HAZE AUTO €5.99Road Runner Auto €6.00Faster More Medicinalfrom 50... FRISIAN DEWfrom 45... Dubfrom 45... El alquimista Autofrom 50... Bubble Kush Automaticfrom 45... NORTHERN LIGHTS FEM (WHITE LABEL)from 45... CRITICAL+from 50... BLACK DOMINA FEM (Sensi Seeds)from 50... SUGAR BLACK ROSE REGULARfrom 50... ROYAL CRITICAL AUTOMATICfrom 50... Kritikal Bilbo CBDUser Images Tweets por el @World Of Seeds."
"docid": "D1012800#0",
"title": "http://www.awardrobeofwhisky.com/distillery/johnnie-walker/1\nJohnnie Walker",
"text": "\"Login“Because you can't buy happiness... but you can buy whisky and that's pretty much the same thing”Browse Tastings The Awards Recommended Gifts Whisky-o-matic Links Archive Home » Distilleries and Brands » Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker is the story of a brand that started in a humble grocery at Scotland and became one of the best selling whisky company in the world. Johnnie Walker openend many countries to Scotch whisky: Keep walking. John Walker, born at Kilmarnock in 1805, was a shopkeeper at Kilmarnock, in Ayrshire, Scotland. He founded his grocery in 1819 with only fourteen years. John Walker managed to sell almost everything, even his own whisky, under the Walker�s Kilmarnock Whisky, which was surely a single or blended malt, as blended whisky was forbidden up to 1860. In 1843, with the arrival of the railway at Kilmarnock, John and his son Alexander realize the potential of the train for their enterprise. In 1860 they decide to use squared bottles, that remains an icon of the mark, together with the slanted johnnie walker label, that is inclined 24 degrees. Having squared bottles was good because they stock in less space and there were less broken bottles. Five years later, Alexander Walker create their first blend. Each type of blend: Old Highland Whisky, Special Old Highland Whisky and Extra Special Old Highland Whisky, had its label of a different color."
] |
2261 | bone marrow role in immune system | [
"docid": "D2107492#0",
"title": "http://www.lymphomainfo.net/articles/lymphoma/organs-of-the-immune-system-the-bone-marrow\nOrgans of the Immune System: The Bone Marrow",
"text": "Organs of the Immune System: The Bone Marrow Share this Tweet By Ross Bonander, September 20, 2013Among the organs that contribute to our immune response, there are two categories: primary lymphoid organs and secondary lymphoid organs. The bone marrow is one of two primary lymphoid organs, along with the thymus. Bone marrow is a sponge-like tissue found at the center of the body's large, flat bones. The Job of the Bone Marrow Bone marrow is where B-cells are selected, developed and matured in a process called hematopoiesis. Two types of stem cells are made in the bone marrow: stromal cells, which make fat, cartilage and bone, and hematopoietic stem cells, which make blood cells. Furthermore, two types of marrow are found in bone marrow: red marrow, where blood cells and platelets come from, and yellow marrow, which has a high amount of fat cells and makes some white blood cells. Like we saw in the thymus, at birth there is almost exclusively red marrow, but as we age, more of the red marrow converts into the yellow marrow, with the high fat content. Bone Marrow in Lymphoma Because the bone marrow is where hemopoietic stem cells are made, it plays a very important role in lymphoma. When you consider how important the job of the bone marrow is — creating the cells that will become the blood cells that carry oxygen through the body and remove carbon dioxide from tissue, defending the body against infection and disease, and helping the process of clotting so that we don't bleed to death with a simple cut — you can begin to see how devastating any bone marrow disease can be. After all, blood cells have a short life span; they are always being replaced, and this production process is of crucial importance in maintaining not just good health, but life itself."
] | [
"docid": "D2188984#0",
"title": "http://www.easynotecards.com/notecard_set/3175\n.",
"text": "1lymphatic system The interconnected system of spaces and vessels between cells in the body's connective tissues and the specialized organs (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, and diffuse nodular lyphatic tissues) through which lymph circulates throughout the body.2functions of the lymphatic system Its functions include transport of absorbed lipids from meals, the return of excess extracellular/interstitial fluid to the cardiovascular system, and a variety of immune defense functions.3lymph The specific name given to the clear, yellowish protein-poor fluid located between cells in all tissues except blood after it has been collected into the vessels of the lymphatic drainage system4lymph functions Its functions include transport of lipids from the meals, the return of excess extracellular/interstitial fluid to the cardiovascular system, and a variety of immune defense functions5lymph flow regulation Lymph flow is regulated by Interstitial Fluid Hydorstatic Pressure, the muscular pump in the limbs, the thoracic pump in the chest, and valves which prevent backflow.6lymph capillary The smallest lymph vessels which are open at the distal end to admit lymph (interstitial/extracellular fluid/tissue fluid)from the tissue spaces7walls of lymph capillaries The walls consist of a simple squamous endothelium with a poorly developed basement membrane8lymph vessel Any of the delicate thin-walled vascular tubes, lined with endothelium and a very thin outer areolar connective tissue wrapping, which transport lymph from the tissue spaces back to systemic circulation; some of the larger vessels have valves to preven backflow; these vessels anastamose freely with one another; these vessels are interrupted in various locations by lymph nodes. AKA--lymphatic vessels, lymphatics9anchoring filaments Collagen fiber which attach the endothelial cells of lymph capillaries to the surrounding tissue structures ao that any increase in interstitial fluid volume opens the miinivalves (loose connections between endothelial cells), rather than causing the lymph capillaries to collapse10lacteal Any of the numerous minute lymph capillaries, located in the intestinal villi, which convey chyle (lymph containing lipids absorbed from the meal and packaged in chylomicrons) from the intestines to the lymphatic circulation and therby to the thoracic duct and then to the system blood circulation11chyle A milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat packaged in chylomicrons, extracted from chyme (the liquid contents of the small intestines) by the lacteals during digestion, and passed to the bloodstream through the lymphatic system to the thoracic duct and then to the systemic blood circulation12lymph trunks The next-to-largest lymphatic vessels which collect lymph fluid form the various regional lymphatic collecting ducts and units to form the two largest lymphatic vessels, the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct (left lymphatic duct)13walls of lymph trunks These vessels are delicate thin-walled vascular tubes, lined with endothelium and a thin outer areolar connective tissue wrapping14thoracic duct/left lymphatic duct The main lymphatic channel of the body which drains lymph back to the systemic circulation from the entire body except for the right arm, thorax, head and neck; it begins as a continuation of the cisterna chyli at the level of T12 and runs parallel to the aorta for much of its length until it turns to merge with the left subclavian vein15walls of the thoracic duct/left lymphatic duct This vessel is a delicate thin-walled vascular tube, lined with endothelium and a thin outer areolar connective tissue wrapping16cisterna chyli The distal (inferior) portion of the thoracic duct, sometimes slightly larger in diameter, which collects lymph fluid from the various lymph trunks of the lower legs and lower abdominal cavity17cisterna chyli location It is located ot the level of L218right lymphatic duct The minor lymphatic channel of the body which drains lymph back to the systemic circulation from only the right arm, thorax, head and neck; it is quite short, forming several nearby lymphatic trunks, and usually merges with the right jugular vein.19walls of te right lymphatic duct This vessle is a delicat thin-walled vascular tube, lined with endothelium and a thin outer areolar connective tissue wrapping20resistance (to disease)/nonspecific resistance The general term for all body defenses against injury and disease which are non-specific in the sense of not being generated in response to a specific foreign antigen (s)21examples of nonspecific resistanceexamples include surface barriers (skin and mucous membranes), and their protective secreations (sweat, sebum, cerumen, saliva, the acidity of urine, vaginal, and gastric secretions), the process of vomiting (to expel toxins), inflammation and fever, various antimicrobial proteins (lysozymes, complement, transferrins, interferons) and mediators of inflammation and fever (histamine, kinins, protaglandins, leukotrienes, etc) and the actions of the Natural Killer (NK) lymphocytes22susceptability (to disease)The property of an individual, an organ system, organ or tissue to be affected by disease; it is affected by environmental factors as well as genetics, developmental, and nutrition factors which lower one's resistance23the functions of the lymphatic system1. to return excess interstital fluid (lymph) and its dissolved solutes (electrolytes, nutrients, wastes, regulatory substances, immune system molecules) to systemic circulation 2.to transport dietary fats/lipids (in form of chylomicrons) absorbed from meals at the intestines to the adipocytes via the systemic circulation 3. to contribute to specific immune defenses by a.serving as a route for leukocyte movements, b.filtering lymph at the lymph nodes, c.filtering blood in the spleen, d.providing the location and opportunity for specific leukocytes, especially lymphocytes, to encounter and respond to foreign and tumor antigens243 means/mechanisms by which lymph flow (return to the circulartory system) is facilitated1. valves in lymphatic vessels which prevent backflow within the lymphatic drainage system 2.skeletal muscle pump- the contraction of skeletal muscles in the limbs to assist with lymph return from the limbs; the skeletal muscle action provides an extracellular compression on these lymph vessels which moves the lymph foward back toward the systemic circulation 3.respiratory pump- the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles in the thoracic cavity assists with lymph return to systemic circulation because each time a person inhales, there is a slight but significant drop in internal thoracic pressure which creates a pressure gradient which assists in the flow of lymph25How are lymph vessels similar to blood vessels?they are both 1. lined with a simple squamous endothelium, 2. have varying amounts of fibrous connective tissue adventitia wrapping their outer surfaces, 3. transmit a fluid in a single direction with little or no backflow permitted26How are lymph vessels different from blood vessels?1. lymph vessels are delicate and thin-walled and lack a tunica media with smooth muscle, while blood vessels are thicker walled and always have some amount of smooth muscle in their walls 2. lymph vessels transmit lymph, while blood vessels transmit blood 3."
"docid": "D794288#0",
"title": "https://clinicalgate.com/cells-tissues-and-organs-of-the-immune-system/\nCells, Tissues, and Organs of the Immune System",
"text": "Chapter 2 Cells, Tissues, and Organs of the Immune System Summary• Most cells of the immune system derive from hemopoietic stem cells. The primary lymphoid organs in mammals are the thymus and bone marrow, where lymphocyte differentiation occurs.• Phagocytic cells are found in the circulation as monocytes and granulocytes. Monocytes differentiate into macrophages that reside in tissues (e.g. Kupffer cells in the liver). Neutrophils are short-lived phagocytes present in high numbers in the blood and at sites of acute inflammation.• Eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, and platelets, together with cytokines and complement, take part in the inflammatory response.• NK cells recognize and kill virus-infected cells and certain tumor cells by inducing apoptosis.• Antigen-presenting cells link the innate and adaptive immune systems and are required by T cells to enable them to respond to antigens.• Lymphocytes are heterogeneous phenotypically, functionally, and morphologically.• B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes express specific antigen receptors called the B cell receptor (BCR) and T cell receptor (TCR) respectively.• There are three major subpopulations of T cells which have helper, cytotoxic and regulatory activities (T H, T C and Treg).• B cells can differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells and memory cells.• T cells developing in the thymus are subject to positive and negative selection processes.• Mammalian B cells develop mainly in the fetal liver and from birth onwards in the bone marrow. This process continues throughout life. B cells also undergo a negative selection process at the site of B cell generation.• Lymphocytes migrate to, and function in, the secondary lymphoid organs and tissues.• Secondary lymphoid organs and tissue protect different body sites – the spleen responds to blood borne organisms; the lymph nodes respond to lymph-borne antigens; and the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT) protects the mucosal surfaces.• Most lymphocytes recirculate around the body; there is continuous lymphocyte traffic from the blood stream into lymphoid tissues and back again into the blood via the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. Cells of the immune system There is great heterogeneity in the cells of the immune system, most of which originate from hematopoietic stem cells in the fetal liver and in the postnatal bone marrow – mainly in the vertebrae, sternum, ribs, femur and tibia (Fig. 2.1 ). This morphological heterogeneity reflects the fact that cells of the immune system are called on to provide a wide variety of functions including:• phagocytosis;• antigen presentation;• lysis of virus-infected cells; and• secretion of specific antibodies. Fig."
"docid": "D95339#0",
"title": "http://www.saanendoah.com/immunesystem.html\n.",
"text": "\"Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have have to do is look at what happens to anything once it dies. That sounds gross, but it does show you something very important about your immune system. When something dies its immune system (along with everything else) shuts down. In a matter of hours the body is invaded by all sorts of bacteria, microbes, parasites... None of these things are able to get in when your immune system is working, but the moment your immune system stops the door is wide open. Once you die it only takes a few weeks for these organisms to completely dismantle your body and carry it away, until all that's left is a skeleton. Obviously your immune system is doing something amazing to keep all of that dismantling from happening when you are alive!The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. And there are at least two good reasons for you to know more about it. First, it is just plain fascinating to understand where things like fevers, hives, inflammation, etc."
"docid": "D2403714#0",
"title": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/infectious_diseases/immune_system_85,P00630\nImmune System",
"text": "See related health topics and resources<< Back to Infectious Diseases What is the immune system? The immune system works to keep germs out of the body and destroy any that get in. The immune system is made up of a complex network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection. The Immune System - Click to Enlarge Lymph nodes are part of the immune system. They release lymphocytes, a certain type of white blood cell that fights infection. The blood vessels and lymph vessels carry the lymphocytes to and from different areas in the body. Each lymphoid organ plays a role in the production and activation of lymphocytes. Organs in the lymph system include: Adenoids. Two glands located at the back of the nasal passage. Blood vessels."
"docid": "D2515798#0",
"title": "http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=11+2077&aid=2975\n.",
"text": "\"The lymphatic system performs three important tasks in the mammalian body. It is closely tied to the cardiovascular system and helps maintain the fluid balance between the blood vessels and the tissues. The lymphatic system plays a large role in immunity. This important system also absorbs digested fats from the small intestine. The components of the lymphatic system are divided into two groups the primary organs and the secondary organs. Primary Organs: The thymus gland and the bone marrow are primary organs. They regulate the production and differentiation of lymphocytes the cells that make up the immune system. Secondary Organs: The secondary organs include the lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, aggregated lymphoid tissue, and spleen. These secondary organs are involved, to some extent, in all three lymphatic functions. Primary organs Thymus The mammalian thymus has two lobes and is situated slightly above the heart and ventral to (below) the trachea."
"docid": "D481294#0",
"title": "http://biology.about.com/od/organsystems/ss/lymphatic-aystem.htm\nLymphatic System Components",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science Lymphatic System Components Share Flipboard Email Print Illustration of male lymphatic system showing lymph vessels and lymph nodes (green), the spleen (red), and thymus (yellow). PIXOLOGICSTUDIO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Imagesby Regina Bailey Updated November 08, 2017The lymphatic system is a vascular network of tubules and ducts that collect, filter, and return lymph to blood circulation. Lymph is a clear fluid that comes from blood plasma, which exits blood vessels at capillary beds. This fluid becomes the interstitial fluid that surrounds cells. Lymph contains water, proteins, salts, lipids , white blood cells, and other substances that must be returned to the blood. The primary functions of the lymphatic system are to drain and return interstitial fluid to the blood, to absorb and return lipids from the digestive system to the blood, and to filter fluid of pathogens, damaged cells, cellular debris, and cancerous cells. Lymphatic System Structures The major components of the lymphatic system include lymph, lymphatic vessels, and lymphatic organs that contain lymphoid tissues. Lymphatic Vessels Lymphatic vessels are structures that absorb fluid that diffuses from blood vessel capillaries into surrounding tissues. This fluid is directed toward lymph nodes to be filtered and ultimately re-enters blood circulation through veins located near the heart. The smallest lymphatic vessels are called lymph capillaries."
"docid": "D2543189#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673609602373\nSeminarGraft-versus-host disease",
"text": "Volume 373, Issue 9674, 2–8 May 2009, Pages 1550-1561Seminar Graft-versus-host disease Prof James LM Ferrara MD a Prof John E Levine MD a Pavan Reddy MDa Prof Ernst Holler MD b Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736 (09)60237-3 Get rights and content Summary Haemopoietic-cell transplantation (HCT) is an intensive therapy used to treat high-risk haematological malignant disorders and other life-threatening haematological and genetic diseases. The main complication of HCT is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), an immunological disorder that affects many organ systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, skin, and lungs. The number of patients with this complication continues to grow, and many return home from transplant centres after HCT requiring continued treatment with immunosuppressive drugs that increases their risks for serious infections and other complications. In this Seminar, we review our understanding of the risk factors and causes of GHVD, the cellular and cytokine networks implicated in its pathophysiology, and current strategies to prevent and treat the disease. We also summarise supportive-care measures that are essential for management of this medically fragile population. Previous article Next article Introduction The number of allogeneic haemopoietic-cell transplantations (HCTs) continues to rise, with more than 25 000 procedures undertaken annually. The graft-versus-leukaemia or graft-versus-tumour effect during this procedure effectively eradicates many haematological malignant diseases. 1 Development of novel strategies that use donor leucocyte infusions, non-myeloablative conditioning, and umbilical-cord blood transplantation has helped expand the indications for allogeneic HCT over the past few years, especially for older patients. 2 Improvements in infectious prophylaxis, immunosuppressive treatments, supportive care, and DNA-based tissue typing have also contributed to enhanced outcomes after the technique. 1 Yet, the major complication of allogeneic HCT—graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)—remains lethal and limits use of this important procedure."
"docid": "D2971729#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/about_5591539_role-spleen-marrow-circulatory-system_.html\nWhat Is the Role of the Spleen & Marrow in the Circulatory System?",
"text": "\"Home »Biology What Is the Role of the Spleen & Marrow in the Circulatory System? By Palmer Owyoung; Updated April 24, 2017The circulatory system is made up of various organs that produce both white and red blood cells found in the immune system. The lungs, heart, veins and arteries must coordinate to efficiently transport almost 5 liters of blood around the body. While red blood cells transport oxygen, it is the white blood cells that fight infectious organisms and perform blood clotting. The spleen and marrow are considered the birthplace and nursery of these cells. Function Of The Spleen The spleen is a multifunctional organ. In the circulatory system, its main role is to destroy and remove old or defective red blood cells and cell debris or bacteria from the blood stream. It also produces red blood cells when required, as well as lymphocytes, plasma cells, and antibodies. It therefore acts as both a storage reservoir for stem cells and mature blood cells, which it will release into the blood circulation when the body requires it (e.g. to fight infections). It also acts as a filtration system to purify blood."
"docid": "D820543#0",
"title": "http://www.upmc.com/Services/pathology/biopsies-lab-tests/biopsy/common/Pages/bone-blood-lymph.aspx\nBone Marrow/Blood/Lymph Node Biopsy",
"text": "Bone Marrow/Blood/Lymph Node Biopsy Your doctor may order a biopsy of the bone marrow or analysis of a peripheral blood smear, if he or she suspects you have a blood disorder. He or she may also order a biopsy of one or more lymph nodes — in the groin, armpit, neck, or elsewhere. As part of the immune system, lymph nodes nurture white blood cells, which help to fight infection. They also trap bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Types of Bone Marrow, Blood, and Lymph Node Diseases Testing may indicate one of the following diseases: Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or of the bone marrow; its hallmark is an increase in the number of white blood cells. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphoid tissues, which are part of the immune system. Anemia is a disorder characterized by a decrease in red blood cells. Swollen lymph nodes may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases, infection, or cancer. Each of these conditions present in several forms, and it's not possible to determine what kind of disease is present through observation alone. Your doctor may refer you for further testing, which may involve a biopsy or blood sample."
"docid": "D800962#0",
"title": "http://www.slideshare.net/nadiegem/structure-and-function-of-the-cells-of-the-immune-system\nStructure and function of the Cells of the Immune System",
"text": "Structure and function of the Cells of the Immune System71,241 views Share Like Download... Angelica Nhoj Gemora Follow Published on Nov 6, 2012Published in: Education3 Comments80 Likes Statistics Notes Post Hildak1thanks for the some more information8 months agosreeharsha Yeturi , Attended SVVUthank you for providing this information. I learnt certain new things from this.2 years ago Km Mohanan Very valuable informations. I got a lot knowledge fromhere. Thanks to publish it. http://bestimmunity.blogspot.com2 years ago Structure and function of the Cells of the Immune System1. Structure and Function of the Cells of the Immune System Ana Christiana Joy M. Arroyo BMLS 3-A July 20,20122. LYMPHOCYTES Small white blood cells which are responsible for much of the work of the Immune System. Lymphocytes can be divided into three classes: B cells, T cells and Natural Killer cells (NKC) . Mature lymphocytes all have a similar appearance. They are small cells with a deeply basophilic nucleus and scanty cytoplasm.3."
"docid": "D2122190#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_marrow\nBone marrow",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Red marrow)navigation search Bone Marrow Details System Immune system [1]Identifiers Latin Medulla ossium Me SH D001853TA A13.1.01.001FMA 9608Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue which may be found within the spongy or cancellous portions of bones. [ 2] In birds and mammals, bone marrow is the primary site of new blood cell production or hematopoiesis. [ 3] It is composed of hematopoietic cells, marrow adipose tissue, and supportive stromal cells. On average, bone marrow constitutes 4% of the total body mass of humans; in an adult having 65 kilograms of mass (143 lb), bone marrow typically accounts for approximately 2.6 kilograms (5.7 lb). [ 4] Human marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells per day, which join the systemic circulation via permeable vasculature sinusoids within the medullary cavity. [ 5] All types of hematopoietic cells, including both myeloid and lymphoid lineages, are created in bone marrow; however, lymphoid cells must migrate to other lymphoid organs (e.g. thymus) in order to complete maturation. Bone marrow transplants can be conducted to treat severe diseases of the bone marrow, including certain forms of cancer such as leukemia. Additionally, bone marrow stem cells have been successfully transformed into functional neural cells, [6] and can also potentially be used to treat illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease. [ 7]Contents [ hide ]1 Structure1.1 Hematopoietic components1.2 Stroma2 Function2.1 Mesenchymal stem cells2.2 Bone marrow barrier2.3 Lymphatic role2.4 Compartmentalization3 Society and culture4 Clinical significance4.1 Disease4.2 Application of Stem Cells in Therapeutics4.3 Imaging4.4 Histology4.5 Donation and transplantation4.5.1 Harvesting5 Fossil record6 See also7 References8 External links9 Further reading Structure [ edit]The composition of marrow is dynamic, as the mixture of cellular and non-cellular components (connective tissue) shifts with age and in response to systemic factors. In humans, marrow is colloquially characterized as \"\"red\"\" or \"\"yellow\"\" marrow ( Latin: medulla ossium rubra, Latin: medulla ossium flava, respectively) depending on the prevalence of hematopoetic cells vs fat cells."
"docid": "D1956600#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070709000423AAuLu7u\nLymphocytes?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Homework Help Lymphocytes? What is the principle function of lymphocytes? Differentiate between the two lymphocyte types and between humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Follow Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Lymphocytes are specialized white blood cells whose function is to identify and destroy invading antigens. All lymphocytes begin as “stem cells” in the bone marrow, the soft tissue that fills most bone cavities, but they mature in two different places. Some lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and are called B lymphocytes. B lymphocytes, or B cells, make antibodies, which circulate through the blood and other body fluids, binding to antigens and helping to destroy them in humoral immune responses. Other lymphocytes, called T lymphocytes, or T cells, mature in the thymus, a small glandular organ located behind the breastbone. Some T lymphocytes, called cytotoxic (cell-poisoning) or killer T lymphocytes, generate cell-mediated immune responses, directly destroying cells that have specific antigens on their surface that are recognized by the killer T cells. Helper T lymphocytes, a second kind of T lymphocyte, regulate the immune system by controlling the strength and quality of all immune responses."
"docid": "D1319819#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/mcd/aplastic-anemia\nAplastic anemia",
"text": "Health Guide Disease Reference Care Notes Medication List Encyclopedia Q & AMore Overview Symptoms Causes Risk factors Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Lifestyle and home remedies Coping and support Preparing for an appointment Aplastic anemia Overview Aplastic anemia is a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. Aplastic anemia leaves you feeling fatigued and with a higher risk of infections and uncontrolled bleeding. A rare and serious condition, aplastic anemia can develop at any age. Aplastic anemia may occur suddenly, or it can occur slowly and get worse over a long period of time. Treatment for aplastic anemia may include medications, blood transfusions or a stem cell transplant, also known as a bone marrow transplant. Symptoms Aplastic anemia symptoms may include: Fatigue Shortness of breath with exertion Rapid or irregular heart rate Pale skin Frequent or prolonged infections Unexplained or easy bruising Nosebleeds and bleeding gums Prolonged bleeding from cuts Skin rash Dizziness Headache Aplastic anemia can progress slowly over weeks or months, or it may come on suddenly. The illness may be brief, or it may become chronic. Aplastic anemia can be very severe and even fatal. Causes Aplastic anemia develops when damage occurs to your bone marrow, slowing or shutting down the production of new blood cells. Bone marrow is a red, spongy material inside your bones that produces stem cells, which give rise to other cells."
"docid": "D3455005#0",
"title": "http://textbookofbacteriology.net/adaptive_2.html\n.",
"text": "\"Print this Page Immune Defense against Bacterial Pathogens: Adaptive or Acquired Immunity (page 2) (This chapter has 6 pages)© Kenneth Todar, Ph DThe immunological System The immunological system is comprised of the lymphoid tissues and organs of the body. Lymphoid tissues are widely distributed: they are concentrated in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, thymus, and Peyer's patches scattered in linings of the GI tract. The lymphoid system is encompassed by the system of mononuclear phagocytes . Lymphocytes are the predominant cells, but macrophages, dendritic cells, and plasma cells are also present. Lymphocytes are cells which circulate, alternating between the circulatory blood stream and the lymphatic channels. The distribution of lymphatic tissues that make up the immunological system in humans is illustrated in the figure below. Figure 1. Anatomy of the Immunological System. ( A): The major components of the immunological system are lymph nodes connected by lymph ducts, Peyer's patches (masses of lymphocytes in the lower gastrointestinal tract), thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. ( B): A lymph node."
"docid": "D2978444#0",
"title": "https://www.ucsfbenioffchildrens.org/education/bone_marrow_transplant_glossary/\nBone Marrow Transplant Glossary",
"text": "\"Bone Marrow Transplant Glossary The Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital is a leader in special treatment options for children with primary immunodeficiency diseases, marrow failure syndromes, genetic diseases, cancers and other life-threatening illnesses. Below is a glossary of common terms used when discussing the bone marrow transplant (BMT) process. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAcyclovir: A drug used specifically against and for the prevention of herpes virus; given IV or orally. Allogeneic Transplant: A transplant between 2 individuals who are not genetically identical. Alopecia: Hair loss Amphotericin: A drug used specifically against fungal infections: given IV. ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count represents the total number of white cells that are capable of fighting bacterial infections. Anemia: A condition in which blood has a low number of red blood cells. Signs and symptoms of anemia may include: fatigue, weakness, pale color, headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure and elevated heart rate. Antibodies: Protein substances in the blood stream that react against bacteria, viruses and other materials harmful to the body. Antibiotics: Drugs used to fight infections."
"docid": "D2068926#0",
"title": "http://uhealthsystem.com/health-library/infectious/immune\nThe Immune System",
"text": "\"Health Library » Infectious Diseases The Immune System What is the immune system? The purpose of the immune system is to keep infectious microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi, out of the body, and to destroy any infectious microorganisms that do invade the body. The immune system is made up of a complex and vital network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection. Click Image to Enlarge The organs involved with the immune system are called the lymphoid organs, which affect growth, development, and the release of lymphocytes (a certain type of white blood cell). The blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are important parts of the lymphoid organs, because they carry the lymphocytes to and from different areas in the body. Each lymphoid organ plays a role in the production and activation of lymphocytes. Lymphoid organs include:adenoids (two glands located at the back of the nasal passage)appendix (a small tube that is connected to the large intestine)blood vessels (the arteries, veins, and capillaries through which blood flows)bone marrow (the soft, fatty tissue found in bone cavities)lymph nodes (small organs shaped like beans, which are located throughout the body and connect via the lymphatic vessels)lymphatic vessels (a network of channels throughout the body that carries lymphocytes to the lymphoid organs and bloodstream)Peyer's patches (lymphoid tissue in the small intestine)spleen (a fist-sized organ located in the abdominal cavity)thymus (two lobes that join in front of the trachea behind the breast bone)tonsils (two oval masses in the back of the throat)What are lymphocytes? Lymphocytes - a type of infection-fighting white blood cell - are vital to an effective immune system. Lymphocytes \"\"patrol\"\" the body for infectious microorganisms. How are lymphocytes formed?"
"docid": "D644117#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/8982600/cells-and-organs-of-the-immune-system-flash-cards/\nCells and Organs of the Immune System",
"text": "80 terms Acenoz Cells and Organs of the Immune System Immunology Spring 2012Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What are immune system cells derived from? Pluripotent hematopoetic stem cells in the bone marrow Which cells are considered granulocytes (are also polymorphs)? Neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil Which cells are considered mononuclear cells? T and B cells, NK cells, and Monocytes Which cells are phagocytic? Neutrophils and monocytes What are basophils called when in the tissue? Mast cells What are B cells called when in the tissue? Plasma cell Which cells are lymphocytes? T and B cells, and NK cells Which cells are provide non-specific innate immunity and are the first line of defense? Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils/mast cells, monocytes/macrophages/dendritic cells Which lymphoid cells provide non specific immunity? Natural Killer cells Which lymphoid cells provide humoral and cell mediated specific immunity?"
"docid": "D2078969#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/non-hodgkins-lymphoma/print.html\nLymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's In-Depth Report",
"text": "Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's In-Depth Report Background Lymphomas are malignancies of the lymph system that are generally subdivided into two groups, Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Hodgkin's disease accounts for about 15% of all lymphomas. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas is a term for malignancies that range from a very slow disease to an extremely aggressive but curable condition. They have certain features in common. The lymphatic system filters fluid from around cells. It is an important part of the immune system. When people refer to swollen glands in the neck, they are usually referring to swollen lymph nodes. Common areas where lymph nodes can be easily felt, especially if they are enlarged include the groin, armpits (axilla), above the clavicle (supraclavicular), in the neck (cervical), and the back of the head just above hairline (occipital). The Lymphatic System Lymphomas, such as non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease, represent tumors of the lymphatic system. This system is a network of organs, ducts, and nodes."
"docid": "D247033#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/organs-of-the-immune-system.html\nOrgans of the Immune System: Your Shield Against Diseases",
"text": "Organs of the Immune System: Your Shield Against Diseases The major organs of the immune system are bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. These organs produce lymphocytes required to destroy bacteria, virus, tumor cells, etc. This article dwells on these major immune system organs that protect the human body from infections. Just as the army, navy and air force is trained to protect the country from infiltrators and other countries, the various organs of the immune system are responsible for protecting the body from parasitic, bacterial, viral, fungal infections and growth of tumor cells. The immune system comprises immune system organs, which in turn are composed of several interdependent cells, that kill tumor and parasitic cells, destroy viral-infected cells and engulf bacteria. Organs of the immune system make cells, that either contribute in the immune response, or act as sites for the immune function. Major Organs of the Immune System The main organs in the immune system are the bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. Let us have a look at these immune system organs and functions. Bone Marrow: All the cells of the human immune system are formed in the bone marrow, found within the bones, by a process called hematopoiesis. The process of hematopoiesis involves differentiation of bone-marrow-derived stem cells, either into mature cells of the immune system or precursor of cells which move out of the bone marrow and continue their maturation elsewhere."
"docid": "D2286339#0",
"title": "https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Transplantation/The_HLA_System_and_HLA_Typing\nTransplantation/The HLA System and HLA Typing",
"text": "Transplantation/The HLA System and HLA Typing< Transplantationnavigation search Contents1 The biological function of the MHC molecule2 Structure and genetics of the HLA molecule3 The HLA system in clinical practice3.1 The HLA system and transfusion medicine3.2 The HLA system and bone-marrow transplantation3.3 The HLA system and solid-organ transplantation3.4 Disease association of HLA alleles4 Population genetics of the HLA system4.1 Boundaries of HLA genetic diversity4.2 Measuring the genetic diversity4.3 A catalogue of HLA alleles for clinical transplantation4.4 Importance of the concept of haplotypes in full linkage disequilibrium.5 HLA Typing5.1 HLA Typing Methodologies5.2 The interpretation of HLA typing results in bone-marrow transplantation5.3 Errors and mistakes in HLA typing:6 Detection and identification of anti-HLA antibodies7 HLA and transplantation: Matching donors and recipients7.1 The logic of matching donors and recipients7.2 The matching score7.3 Measuring histocompatibility in bone marrow transplantation7.4 Antigen-antibody match7.5 KIR match7.6 DQ heterodimers8 Conclusion9 Additional Reading10 See also The biological function of the MHC molecule [ edit]There are three classes of T cells. CD8 T cells are cytotoxic and are specialized to respond to intracellular sources of infection. CD4 TH2 cells stimulate B cells to produce antibodies against extracellular antigens. CD4 TH1 cells stimulate macrophages to destroy pathogens by phagocytosis. There are two classes of MHC molecules. MHC class I molecules present peptides of intracellular origin to CD8 T cells. MHC class II molecules present peptides of extracellular origin to CD4 T cells. The MHC is called HLA in humans. Peptides of intracellular origin are generated in the cytosol by the proteasome and are transported by the TAP transporter into the endoplasmic reticulum, where they bind to HLA class I molecules. Peptides of extracellular origin presented by HLA class II molecules are generated in acidified intracellular vesicles."
] |
2266 | both dna and rna are made up of building blocks known as | [
"docid": "D132551#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_building_blocks_of_DNA_and_RNA\nWhat are the building blocks of DNA and RNA?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What are the building blocks of DNA and RNA? Flag What are the building blocks of DNA and RNA? Answer by NIBF Confidence votes 283Nucleotides Nucleotides are the monomers, building blocks, of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Each nucleotide includes three components: a phosphate, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base. The phosphate is bonded to the sugar through phosphodiester bonds and makes up the backbone of the molecule. The nitrogenous bases form the \"\"rungs\"\" of the ladder and are connected through hydrogen bonds. The phosphate is the same in DNA and RNA, but the sugar can be a ribose (for RNA) or a deoxyribose (for DNA). The latter is a ribose without \"\" de- \"\" one oxygen \"\" -oxy- \"\". There are four available nitrogenous bases in a DNA's nucleotides: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. RNA nucleotides feature the same bases with the exception of uracil, which replaces thymine."
] | [
"docid": "D1759863#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-does-DNA-hold-genetic-information-Are-A-T-C-and-G-the-genetic-information\nHow does DNA hold genetic information? Are A, T, C, and G the genetic information?",
"text": "\"Emily Czinege, Bioinformathician Answered Nov 20, 2015 · Author has 512 answers and 630.6k answer views Originally Answered: How is information stored in DNA? That is a very broad question, and tough to answer in detail. I can see three interpretations of the question, and will briefly discuss each. How is information kept in DNA? DNA is a long sequence of building blocks called nucleotides, which occur in four forms called A, T, C and G. This code contains almost all of the information, and is usually considered static. More transient information can also be stored in the DNA in the form of DNA modifications. These are small extensions (such as a methyl or acetyl group) that are attached to the DNA sequence. They influence the binding of certain proteins to DNA, and thus have an effect on the regulation on how the information present in the DNA sequence is used. Modification also indirectly influences the DNA folding, which influences the accessibility of the information stored in certain regions to the rest of the cell. How does information end up in the DNA?"
"docid": "D1489276#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060726112129AAcH3Wi\nI want informations on Biochemistry, genetics, food technology and soil science.?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology I want informations on Biochemistry, genetics, food technology and soil science. ? emphasises should be given on them. Follow 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Biochemistry Biochemistry, study of the substances found in living organisms, and of the chemical reactions underlying life processes. This science is a branch of both chemistry and biology; the prefix bio- comes from bios, the Greek word for “life.” The chief goal of biochemistry is to understand the structure and behavior of biomolecules. These are the carbon-containing compounds that make up the various parts of the living cell and carry out the chemical reactions that enable it to grow, maintain and reproduce itself, and use and store energy. A vast array of biomolecules is present in the cell. The structure of each biomolecule determines in what chemical reactions it is able to participate, and hence what role it plays in the cell's life processes. Among the most important classes of biomolecules are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Nucleic acids are responsible for storing and transferring genetic information."
"docid": "D338034#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_cell\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Biology cell)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D2522796#0",
"title": "http://www.virology-online.com/general/Replication.htm\n.",
"text": "\"VIRUS REPLICATIONAnimals were first used for experimental or diagnostic work, followed by chick embryos and finally cell cultures. Numerous types of animal cell culture have found application in virology. The choice of species, tissue of origin, and type of culture (primary, cell strain, or cell line) depends on the virus and experimental objectives. Each animal virus can replicate only in a certain range of cells. Among non-susceptible cells, some have a block at an early step. ( e.g. they lack suitable receptors or a factor required for expression of viral genes), so that the expression of all viral functions is prevented (resistant cells) Other cells lack a factor required for a later step, so that some, but not all viral activities are expressed (non-permissive cells). In either case, a heterokaryon formed by fusing a susceptible and a non-susceptible cell has the required functions and is usually susceptible. Role of nucleic acid - transfection The cells of higher organisms can be infected by naked viral nucleic acid, yielding normal virions. There are several important differences between infections by nucleic acid (transfection) and by virions.1. The efficiency of infection with nucleic acid is much lower, by a factor of 10 -6 to 10 -8 in ordinary media, showing the importance of the viral coat in infectivity."
"docid": "D2924107#0",
"title": "https://www.dnalc.org/view/15480-Transcription-DNA-to-RNA-3D-animation-with-sound-effects-only.html\n.",
"text": "\"Website Search ID 15480Transcription: DNA to RNA, 3D animation with sound effects only Description: Transcription is the process by which the information in DNA is copied into messenger RNA (m RNA) for protein production. Transcription begins with a bundle of factors assembling at the promoter sequence on the DNA (in red). Here, two transcription factors are already bound to the promoter. Other proteins arrive, carrying the enzyme RNA polymerase (in blue). To initiate transcription, these assembled proteins require contact with activator proteins that bind to specific sequences of DNA known as enhancer regions. Once the contact is made, the RNA polymerase races along the DNA to transcribe the gene. ( This animation with voice over found at www.dnai.org: Code > Copying the Code > putting it together > Transcription Transcript: What you are about to see is DNA's most extraordinary secret — how a simple code is turned into flesh and blood. It begins with a bundle of factors assembling at the start of a gene. A gene is simply a length of DNA instructions stretching away to the left. The assembled factors trigger the first phase of the process, reading off the information that will be needed to make the protein."
"docid": "D2357841#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parts_of_a_cell\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"Cell (biology)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Parts of a cell)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D2855744#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/105806280/chapter-9-flash-cards/\nChapter 9",
"text": "\"60 terms pineapplelovesguava Chapter 9Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort RNA polymerase the enzyme that catalyzes transcription (it binds with a promoter during the initiation stage of transcription)Transcription the transfer of genetic information from the base sequence of DNA to the base sequence of RNATranslation Conversion of information encoded in the nucleotide sequence of an m RNA molecule into the linear sequence of amino acids in a protein Messenger RNA (m RNA) messenger RNA- a single stranded complementary copy of the amino acid coding nucleotide sequence of a gene Template strand the single stranded DNA that serves to specify the nucleotide sequence of a synthesized polynucleotide strand Coding strand the strand of DNA that is not used for transcription and is identical in sequence to m RNA, except it contains uracil instead of thymine Transfer RNA (t RNA) An RNA molecule that functions as an interpreter between nucleic acid and protein language by picking up specific amino acids and recognizing the appropriate codons in the m RNA. Codon A group of 3 nucleotides (triplets) in m RNA which encodes the information for a specific amino acid in a protein Anticodon A group of 3 nucleotides in a t RNA molecule that pairs with a complementary sequence ( a codon) in an m RNA molecule Promoter Regulatory region located at the beginning of a gene- a region of a DNA molecule to which RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription Ribosomal RNA (r RNA) RNA molecules that form part of the ribosome Transcription factor A regulatory protein that binds to DNA and affects transcription of specific genes Ribosome Cytoplasmic particles that aide in the production of protein Intron removed in pre-m RNA- nucleotide sequences present in genes that are not translated into the amino acid sequence of a protein and therefore not present in mature m RNAExon DNA sequences that are transcribed, joined to other exons during m RNA processing and translated into the amino acid sequence of a proteinm RNA splicing Process that removes introns from pre-m RNAs and joins exons together. Degenerate codon a codon that specifies the same amino acid as another codon. Amino acid One of 20 subunits of proteins. Protein A class of cellular macromolecules composed of amino acid monomers linked together and folded into a 3-d shape Start codon a codon present in m RNA that signals the location for translation to begin. The codon AUG functions as a start codon and codes for the amino acid methionine Stop codon (UAA, UGA, & UAG) A codon in m RNA that signals the end of translation (protein synthesis)cap added on the 5' prime end in pre-m RNA- a modified base of guanine nucleotide Poly-A tail a series of 30 to 100 \"\"A\"\" nucleotides added on the 3' prime end in pre-m RNAExplain what is meant by the statement \"\"Every gene has a control panel and a coding sequence.\"\" What does the control panel do? What does the coding sequence do?"
"docid": "D3367648#0",
"title": "http://www.alrc.gov.au/publications/2-genetics-and-human-health-primer/dna-rna-genes-and-chromosomes2\n02. Genetics and Human Health: A Primer",
"text": "02. Genetics and Human Health: A Primer DNA, RNA, genes and chromosomes [2]2.2 Every cell in the human body contains a nucleus, with the exception of red blood cells, which lose this structure as they mature. Within the nucleus are tightly coiled threadlike structures known as chromosomes (see Figure 1). Every chromosome has a long arm and a short arm, with a pinch point known as a ‘centromere’. Humans normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one member of each pair derived from the mother and one from the father (see Figure 2). One those pairs consists of the sex chromosomes—with two X chromosomes determining femaleness, and one X and one Y determining maleness. The other 22 chromosomes are known as ‘autosomes’.2.3 Each chromosome has within it, arranged end-to-end, hundreds or thousands of genes (see Figure 3), [3] each with a specific location, consisting of the inherited genetic material known as DNA. Some chromosomes are significantly larger than others, and some are more densely packed with genes. Under the standard system of identification, scientists have numbered these autosomes from 1–22 in size order (that is, the number of base pairs), [4] with chromosome 1 being the largest (279 million base pairs, and an estimated 2968 genes). [ 5] Of the sex chromosomes, the X (163 million base pairs and an estimated 1184 genes) is similar in size to chromosome 7, while the Y is the smallest chromosome (51 million base pairs and an estimated 231 genes). ["
"docid": "D96972#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/enzyme-catalyzes-dna-synthesis-83ddd56116d304d4\nWhat Enzyme Catalyzes DNA Synthesis?",
"text": "Science Biology Molecular Biology & DNAQ: What Enzyme Catalyzes DNA Synthesis? A: Quick Answer DNA polymerases is the enzyme that catalyzes DNA synthesis, but it is different from RNA polymerases. This particular type of polymerases have specific conditions and requirements that must be met for them to be produced. Without these enzymes, the nucleotides that are the building blocks of DNA cannot be made. Continue Reading Keep Learning Which Enzyme Is Responsible for RNA Synthesis? How Does Protein Synthesis Work? What Are the Roles of DNA and RNA in Protein Synthesis? Full Answer The enzymes work in pairs to create the two identical DNA strands needed to build the familiar double helix shape that the chromosomes have. The DNA polymerases being to add nucleotides to the 3' end of the DNA strand, which results in the elongation of the chain. There is no known way for these enzymes to begin a chain from nothing, but must add onto an existing 3'-OH group."
"docid": "D430986#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/nucleic-acid\nNucleic acid",
"text": "Alternative Title: nuclein Nucleic acid, naturally occurring chemical compound that is capable of being broken down to yield phosphoric acid, sugars, and a mixture of organic bases (purines and pyrimidines). Nucleic acids are the main information-carrying molecules of the cell, and, by directing the process of protein synthesis, they determine the inherited characteristics of every living thing. The two main classes of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA) and ribonucleic acid ( RNA ). DNA is the master blueprint for life and constitutes the genetic material in all free-living organisms and most viruses. RNA is the genetic material of certain viruses, but it is also found in all living cells, where it plays an important role in certain processes such as the making of proteins. Portion of polynucleotide chain of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The inset shows the corresponding pentose sugar and pyrimidine base in ribonucleic acid (RNA). Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. This article covers the chemistry of nucleic acids, describing the structures and properties that allow them to serve as the transmitters of genetic information. For a discussion of the genetic code, see heredity, and for a discussion of the role played by nucleic acids in protein synthesis, see metabolism. Nucleotides: building blocks of nucleic acids Basic structure Nucleic acids are polynucleotides—that is, long chainlike molecules composed of a series of nearly identical building blocks called nucleotides."
"docid": "D335071#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/397054-how-are-protein-nucleic-acids-related/\nHow Are Protein & Nucleic Acids Related?",
"text": "\"How Are Protein & Nucleic Acids Related?by KIRSTIN HENDRICKSON Aug. 14, 2017Proteins are important structural and functional biomolecules that are a major part of every cell in your body. There are 2 nucleic acids -- DNA and RNA. Your cells make proteins by following the instructions encoded in your DNA, which is genetic material and a type of nucleic acid. Other nucleic acids, various types of RNA, assist in the protein-production process. Video of the Day Error setting up player: Invalid license key Proteins Proteins are large biomolecules that consist of long chains of building block molecules called amino acids. There are 20 common amino acids, and proteins may be hundreds of amino acids long, allowing for enormous variety with regard to protein structure and function. Amino acids are made up mostly of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, but they may also contain sulfur. Each assembled chain of amino acids folds in a specific way, producing a three-dimensional protein with a specific cellular function. Nucleic Acids There are two major classes of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA. DNA -- deoxyribonucleic acid-- contains genetic material arranged as genes that contain all the information an organism needs to function."
"docid": "D171608#0",
"title": "http://internal.champaignschools.org/staffwebsites/isabelgi/Soph_Bio/RNA.htm\nContent Goals: To understand what is RNA and how DNA makes RNA through the process of transcription.",
"text": "\"NAME: Please print out this webpage once you have typed in all your responses. ... Don't forget to type in your name at the top! DO NOT CLOSE THIS WEBSITE DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE A PRINTED COPY OF YOUR WORK IN YOUR HAND. THIS WILL NOT SAVE. ONCE CLOSED ITS GONE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REDO. ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU ARE CONFUSED BEFORE YOU PRINT... Instructions - You can type your answers directly onto this website. This will NOT save your work. Once you are completed please print out this webpage. If in class computer lab, click File, Print, then choose Find Printer, in Location Box type 220, choose printer listed then click OK. Exploring RNAContent Goals: To understand what is RNA and how DNA makes RNA through the process of transcription."
"docid": "D3545154#0",
"title": "https://www.quia.com/jg/1165527list.html\n.",
"text": "\"Java Games: Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search. AP Chapter 5 - Macromolecules (detailed)Tools Copy this to my account E-mail to a friend Find other activities Start over Help Use NON-JAVA to enter A BThe repeating building blocks of larger molecules are known as ____. monomers Many monomers linked together make up a ____. polymer A polymer is a large molecule made up of many ____. monomers The root word \"\"poly\"\" means ____. many The root word \"\"mono\"\" means ___. one The four categories of biological macromolecules are ___, ___, ___, and ___. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids,The type of macromolecule that is used primarily as a source of quick energy is ___. carbohydrates,Bread, pasta, cereal and fruits are high in which type of macromolecule? carbohydrates,The monomers of complex carbohydrates are ___."
"docid": "D2301945#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/237108898/Riboswitches\n50 SCI ENT I FI C AMERI C AN JANUARY 2007",
"text": "50 SCI ENT I FI C AMERI C AN JANUARY 2007Discovering relics from a lost world run by RNA molecules may lead to modern tools for fighting disease A mystery surrounding the way bacteria manage their vitamins piqued our interest in the fall of 2000. Together with growing evidence in support of a tan- talizing theory about the earliest life on earth and our own efforts to build switches from biological molecules, the bacte- rial conundrum set our laboratory group at Yale University in search of an answer. What we found was a far bigger rev- elation than we were expecting: it was a new form of cellular self-control based on one of the oldest types of molecule around—ribonucleic acid, or RNA. Long viewed as mostly a lowly messenger, RNA could have considerable authority, as it turned out, and sophisti- cated mechanisms for asserting it. Although the workings of this newfound class of RNA molecules that we dubbed ribo- switches are still being characterized, it is already clear that they may also provide novel ways of fighting human diseases. Many pathogenic bacteria rely on riboswitches to control as- pects of their own fundamental metabolism, for instance. That this ancient form of self-regulation persists in modern organisms attests to its importance. Bacterial cells are aston- ishingly adaptive and self-reliant chemical factories dedicated to making one final product: endless copies of themselves. But only strains that have been able to maintain this hurried chain of descent in the face of cutthroat competition for resources in changing environments have survived this long. Inventory Control a bacteri um’s abi li ty to craft the hundreds of elabo- rate molecules required to replicate itself in as little as 20 minutes starts with the double-stranded DNA genome that every living organism faithfully copies from generation to generation."
"docid": "D1472891#0",
"title": "http://www.microbe.net/simple-guides/fact-sheet-dna-rna-protein/\nFact Sheet: DNA-RNA-Protein",
"text": "Fact Sheet: DNA-RNA-Protein Summary/Key Points DNA is the genetic material of all cellular organisms. RNA functions as an information carrier or “messenger”. RNA has multiple roles. Ribosomal RNA (r RNA) is involved in protein synthesis. Introduction At their core, all organisms on the planet have very similar mechanisms by which they handle their genetic information and use it to create the building blocks of a cell. Organisms store information as DNA, release or carry information as RNA, and transform information into the proteins that perform most of the functions of cells (for example, some proteins also access and operate the DNA library). This “central dogma” of molecular biology is an extremely simplistic model, but useful for following the flow of information in biological systems. Among the core features:1. DNA is the genetic material of all cellular organisms. Cytosine, a nucleotide Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the material substance of inheritance."
"docid": "D1964324#0",
"title": "https://publications.nigms.nih.gov/thenewgenetics/chapter1.html\nThe New Genetics",
"text": "\"Chapter 1: How Genes Work People have known for many years that living things inherit traits from their parents. That common-sense observation led to agriculture, the purposeful breeding and cultivation of animals and plants for desirable characteristics. Firming up the details took quite some time, though. Researchers did not understand exactly how traits were passed to the next generation until the middle of the 20th century. Now it is clear that genes are what carry our traits through generations and that genes are made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). But genes themselves don't do the actual work. Rather, they serve as instruction books for making functional molecules such as ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins, which perform the chemical reactions in our bodies. Proteins do many other things, too. They provide the body's main building materials, forming the cell's architecture and structural components. But one thing proteins can't do is make copies of themselves."
"docid": "D3087992#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/22610205/phenotype-and-genotype-flash-cards/\nPhenotype and Genotype",
"text": "51 terms Crystalneal Phenotype and Genotype Nucleic Acids Chromosomes, Genes, Proteins, and DNA Storage of Hereditary Information Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort The physical expressions of genetic traits. ( body characteristic) Phenotypeorganism underlying genetic make up or code. Genotype______ are the entire set of genes in organisms, while ______ are the characteristics and traits that are expressed by those genes. Genotype, Phenotype Different coat colors between cat breeds are example of genotypes or of phenotypes? Phenotypes In which of the following do mutations in human DNA originate? -Protein -Mitochondria -Phenotype -Genotype Genotype Located in the nucleus and contain stretches of DNA called genes? Chomosomes_____contain coded information that controls the hereditary of particular traits, such eye and hair color. Genes Group of three nucleotides on RNA and DNA that encodes for a single specific amino acid Condon Building Blocks of proteins Amino Acids It is the _______ that are responsible for the expression of genetic traits."
"docid": "D1691594#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_cells\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Living cells)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D246777#0",
"title": "http://preuniversity.grkraj.org/html/1_CELL_STRUCTURE.htm\n.",
"text": "CELL STRUCTURECELLCell is the unit of structure and function. They are the building blocks of an organism. Irrespective of the nature of organisms (plant or animal) they are either made up of single cell or many cells, the former are called unicellular and the latter are called multicellular organisms; in the latter, cells are differentiated into various kinds and they are grouped into tissues, which perform special and special function. For example: meristematic cells perform repeated cell divisions, phloem cells - conduct food material, sclerenchyma - mechanical, xylem - conduction of water and mineral salts and so on. Nevertheless, all these different types of cells are derived from the same embryonic cells. The development of various cell types from a single cell is determined and regulated by a process called differentiation, which in turn is controlled by differential concentrations of plant hormones. Added to this, organ differentiation is another fascinating aspect of development. All these processes are regulated by differential gene regulation in response to environmental stimulus and phytohormones. Cellular composition: All cells are made up of a semi viscous fluid called protoplasm, which is considered as the physical basis of life, for it controls all biochemical reactions of the cell. In fact it is the microcosm of life with many secrets not known to us."
"docid": "D2848811#0",
"title": "http://dnaftb.org/glossary.html\nGlossary",
"text": "\"Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZTalking Glossary of Genetic Terms from National Human Genome Research Institute. AActivator ( Ac) An autonomous transposable element in maize that also controls the movement of another transposon, Dissociator ( DS ). 32 Animation, 32 Videoadenine One of the four bases that make up DNA. Abbreviated with an 'A.' 15 Animation; 19 Animation; 20 Animation; 21 Animation; 22 Animation; 23 Animation, 23 Problem; 26 Animation; 28 Animationadenovirus Adenoviruses contain double-stranded DNA and are unusually stable, allowing them to survive for prolonged periods outside of the body. Adenoviruses infect membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, intestines, and urinary tract, and can cause respiratory infections and gastrointestinal upsets. 24 Animation, 24 Bioagarose gel electophoresis A matrix composed of a highly purified form of agar is used to separate larger DNA and RNA molecules ranging from 100 to 20,000 nucleotides. 23 Animation; 24 Animation, 24 Video, 24 Bio; 29 Animationalkaptonuria A rare inherited condition in which a person's urine turns a dark brownish-black color when exposed to air. A mutation on the HGD gene causes the condition. 13 Bio, 13 Problem; 16 Animationallele An alternate version of a gene, e.g., Gregor Mendel's pea plants have flowers with two colors: white and reddish-purple. The flower color gene in this case has two alleles, one for white and the other for reddish-purple."
] |
2273 | boundary definition | [
"docid": "D119009#0",
"title": "http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/boundary\nboundary",
"text": "Ask the Editor Word of the Day Quizzes Core Vocabulary Most Popular My Saved Words Log in Learner's Dictionaryboundary1 ENTRIES FOUND:boundary (noun)Saveboundary / ˈbaʊndri/ nounplural boundaries Learner's definition of BOUNDARY1 [ count]: something (such as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line) that shows where an area ends and another area begins Those two trees mark the boundary of our property. The river forms the country's western boundary.2 [ count]: a point or limit that indicates where two things become differentat/on the boundary between fact and fiction3 boundaries [ plural]: unofficial rules about what should not be done: limits that define acceptable behavior You need to set boundaries with your children. Did he violate the boundaries of the doctor-patient relationship? They're pushing the boundaries of [=doing things that are unusual in] traditional French cooking.know no boundaries1: to be capable of affecting people everywhere This is a disease that knows no boundaries.2: to have no limits My admiration for him knows no boundaries. [ = knows no bounds]Comments & Questions What made you want to look up boundary ? Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safari"
] | [
"docid": "D2600369#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borders_of_the_continents\nBoundaries between the continents of Earth",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Borders of the continents)navigation search Color-coded map of continents: Americas North America South America Afro-Eurasia Africa Eurasia Asia Europe Antarctica Australia / Australasia / Oceania Map of island countries: these states are not located on any continent-sized landmass, but they are usually grouped geographically with a neighbouring continent A map of transcontinental countries, countries that control territory in more than one continent Contiguous transcontinental countries Non-contiguous transcontinental countries Countries that could be considered transcontinental depending on definitions and claim legality The boundaries between the continents of Earth are generally a matter of geographical convention. Several slightly different conventions are in use. The number of continents is most commonly considered seven but may range as low as four when the Americas and Afro-Eurasia are each considered a single continent. According to the definition of a continent in the strict sense, an island cannot be part of any continent, but by convention and in practice most major islands are associated with a continent. There are three overland boundaries subject to definition:between Europe and Asia (dividing Eurasia ): along the Turkish Straits, the Caucasus and the Urals (historically also north of the Caucasus, along the Kuma–Manych Depression or along the Don River)between Asia and Africa (dividing Afro-Eurasia into Africa and Eurasia ): at the Isthmus of Suezbetween North America and South America (dividing the Americas ): the Isthmus of Panama While the isthmus between Asia and Africa and that between North and South America are today navigable, via the Suez and Panama canals, respectively, diversions and canals of human origin generally are not accepted on their own accord as continent-defining boundaries; the Suez Canal happens to traverse the isthmus between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea, dividing Asia and Africa. The remaining boundaries concern the association of islands and archipelagos with specific continents, notably:the delineation of Southeast Asia from Australasiathe delineation between Africa, Europe and Asia in the Mediterranean Seathe delineation between Asia and Europe in the Arctic Oceanthe delineation between Europe and North America in the Atlantic Oceanthe delineation between North and South America in the Caribbean Seathe delineation of Asia from North America in the North Pacific Ocean Contents [ hide ]1 Europe and Africa2 Europe and Asia2.1 History2.2 Modern definition2.3 Islands3 Europe and North America3.1 Islands4 Africa and Asia5 North and South America5.1 Mainland5.2 Islands6 Asia and North America7 The Americas and Oceania8 Asia and Oceania9 Antarctica10 See also11 References Europe and Africa [ edit]The Mediterranean Sea The Atlantic Ocean around the boundary The European and African mainlands are non-contiguous, and the delineation between these continents is thus merely a question of which islands are to be associated with which continent. At its nearest point, Morocco and the European portion of Spain are separated by only 13 kilometres (8.1 miles). The Portuguese Atlantic island possession of the Azores is 1,368 km (850 mi) from Europe and 1,507 km (936 mi) from Africa, and is usually grouped with Europe if grouped with any continent. By contrast, the Canary and Madeira islands off the Atlantic coast of Morocco are much closer to, and usually grouped with, Africa (the Canary Islands are only 100 km (62 mi) from the African coast at their closest point, while Madeira is 520 km (320 mi) from Africa and 1,000 km (620 mi) from Europe). [ 1]The Mediterranean island nation of Malta is approximately 81 km (50 mi) from the coast of Sicily in Europe - much closer than the 288 km (179 mi) distance to the closest African coast."
"docid": "D1645763#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/ural\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Ural (Proper Noun)A river that rises in the Urals and flows through Russia and Kazakhstan Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Ural (adj)pertaining to, or designating, the Urals, a mountain range between Europe and Asia Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Ural The Urals are a geographical region located around the Ural Mountains, between the East European and West Siberian plains. It extends approximately from north to south, from the Arctic Ocean to the bend of Ural River near Orsk city. The boundary between Europe and Asia runs along the eastern side of the Ural Mountains. Ural mostly lies within Russia but also includes a part of northwestern Kazakhstan. This is an historical, not an official entity, with the boundaries overlapping its western Volga and eastern Siberia neighbor regions. At points in time, parts of the Urals were considered a gateway to Siberia, if not Siberia itself, or were combined with the Volga administrative divisions. At present time, there are two official namesake entities, the Ural Federal District and the Ural economic region. While the latter follows the historical boundaries, the former is a political product; the District omits Western Urals and includes Western Siberia instead. The historical center of the Urals is Cherdyn, nowadays it is the small town in Perm Krai. Perm was an administrative center of the gubernia with the same name by 1797."
"docid": "D848501#0",
"title": "http://aboutcivil.org/atterberg-limits.html\nAtterberg's Limits of Soil Classification - Atterberg Test",
"text": "\"Soil Mechanics Atterberg's Limits of Soil Classification - Atterberg Test By: Haseeb Jamal / On: Mar 23, 2017 / Notes,Definition,Types of A fine-gained soil can exist in any of several states; which state depends on the amount of water in the soil system. When water is added to a dry soil, each particle is covered with a film of adsorbed water. If the addition of water is continued, the thickness of the water film on a particle increases. Increasing the thickness of the water films permits the particles to slide past one another more easily. The behavior of the soil, therefore, is related to the amount of water in the system. Approximately sixty years ago, A. Atterberg defined the boundaries of four states in terms of \"\"limits\"\" as follows: Atterberg's Definitions Liquid limit: The boundary between the liquid and plastic states;Plastic limit: The boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states;Shrinkage limit: The boundary between the semi-solid and solid states. Procedure for Determination of Liquid Limit | Procedure for Determination of Plastic Limit Casagrande's Definition These limits have since been more definitely defined by A. Casagrande as the water contents which exist under the following conditions: Liquid limit: The water content at which the soil has such a small shear strength that it flows to close a groove of standard width when jarred in a specified manner. Plastic limit: The water content at which the soil begins to crumble when rolled into threads of specified size. Shrinkage limit: The water content that is just sufficient to fill the pores when the Liquid Limit Definition The Liquid Limit, also known as the upper plastic limit, is the water content at which soil changes from the liquid state to a plastic state. ORIt is the minimum moisture content at which a soil flows upon application of very small shear force."
"docid": "D2032981#0",
"title": "https://www.flashcardmachine.com/ap-human-geographychapter8.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "\"Shared Flashcard Set Details Title AP Human Geography Chapter 8Description Political Geography Total Cards 55Subject Geography Level 9th Grade Created 12/01/2010Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Geography Flashcards Cards Term Political geography Definition THe study of the political organization of the world Termterritoriality Definition\"\"The attempt by an individual or group to affect, influence or control people, phenomena, and relationships by delimiting and asserting control over a geographic area\"\" Robert Sack Term Robert Ardrey's Territorial Imperative Definition Human territoriality is analogous to the instinct in animals to control and defend territory. Termsovereignty Definitionhaving the the last say, or control, over a territory -- politically and militarily. Termterritorial integrity Definitionthe right of a state to defend sovereign territory against incursion from other states. Term Peace of Westphalia Definitionpeace negotiated in 1648 to end the 30-years war, Europe's most destructive internal struggle over religion. The treaties contained new language recognizing statehood and nationhood, clearly defined borders, and guarantees of security. Termmercantilism Definition In a general sense associated with the promotion of commercialism and trade. More specifically, a protectionist policy of European states during the 16th - 18th century that promoted a state's economic position in the contest with other countries."
"docid": "D897243#0",
"title": "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/07/09/geography-in-the-news-eurasias-boundaries/\nChanging Planet",
"text": "Changing Planet Geography in the News: Eurasia’s Boundaries In Changing Planet Tags Neal Lineback July 9, 2013 19 Comments Neal Lineback By Neal Lineback and Mandy Lineback Gritzner, Geography in the News TMTHE GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS OF EUROPE AND ASIAEurope and Asia, while often considered two separate continents, both lie on the same landmass or tectonic plate, the Eurasian supercontinent. The historic and geographic story of the Eurasian boundary is intriguing. Most students of history, political science, economics and geography through the 20th century learned that Europe and Asia were two separate continents. The reasoning, however, was based more on cultural variables than on physical facts. In recent years, students began learning that Europe and Asia are not separate continents at all. A continent is defined conventionally as one of several large, continuous and discrete landmasses on Earth, residing on a separate tectonic plate, usually separated from others by water. Traditionally, most geographers and historians identified seven continents. Listed from largest size to smallest were Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Other than the conflicts surrounding Europe and Asia, the other continents are more clearly, but not perfectly, separated from one another. In reality, North America and South America are joined by the Isthmus of Panama."
"docid": "D593484#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_definition_of_artificial_boundaries\nWhat are artificial boundaries?",
"text": "What are artificial boundaries? An artificial boundary is a boundary that is man made instead ofnaturally formed by nature. These boundaries include fences anddams. What is an artificial boundary?one of europes bounderies like a golf course Kelly Jameson 34,271 Contributions What is the definition of artificial immunity? Having immunity to something means that you will be unaffected by that particular disease or condition. Artificial immunity is when a person is deliberately exposed to an anti …Ms.holliepop 1 Contribution What is the definition for boundaries? Something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent.artificial boundaries are languages What is The definition of boundary?the point where a system ends and surroundings begin Nathen Gomez 1 Contribution What are some examples of artificial boundaries? The line that separates the U. S and Canada!Austin erik 99 Contributions What are some examples artificial boundaries?\\na fence, wall, or trench. What is some examples of artificial boundaries? Some examples of artificial boundaries are state borders that donot follow a river or other natural feature, such as the boundarybetween Oregon and California."
"docid": "D1767110#0",
"title": "https://joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/how_many_people_groups_are_there\nHow Many People Groups Are There?",
"text": "\"How Many People Groups Are There? PDF Version How many People Groups are there in the world? Some say 24,000. Others say 16,000. Some suggest 11,500 or 13,000. Which numbers are correct? Could they all be correct? The many different answers to this question often cause confusion. Different sources quote significantly different numbers. If we are commanded to make disciples of all people groups, just how many are there?"
"docid": "D599176#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/bound\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does bound mean? Definitions for bound baʊnd Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word bound. Princeton's Word Net (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:boundary, edge, bound (noun)a line determining the limits of an areaboundary, bound, bounds (noun)the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of somethinglimit, bound, boundary (noun)the greatest possible degree of something\"\"what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior\"\"; \"\"to the limit of his ability\"\"leap, leaping, spring, saltation, bound, bounce (adj)a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwardsbound (adj)confined by bonds\"\"bound and gagged hostages\"\"bound (adj)held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical unionbound (adj)secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form\"\"bound volumes\"\"; \"\"leather-bound volumes\"\"bound (p), destined (adj) (usually followed by `to') governed by fate\"\"bound to happen\"\"; \"\"an old house destined to be demolished\"\"; \"\"he is destined to be famous\"\"bandaged, bound (adj)covered or wrapped with a bandage\"\"the bandaged wound on the back of his head\"\"; \"\"an injury bound in fresh gauze\"\"bound, destined (adj)headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'\"\"children bound for school\"\"; \"\"a flight destined for New York\"\"bound (adj)bound by an oath\"\"a bound official\"\"apprenticed, articled, bound, indentured (adj)bound by contractbound (p) (verb)confined in the bowels\"\"he is bound in the belly\"\"jump, leap, bound, spring (verb)move forward by leaps and bounds\"\"The horse bounded across the meadow\"\"; \"\"The child leapt across the puddle\"\"; \"\"Can you jump over the fence? \"\" bound, border (verb)form the boundary of; be contiguous torestrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle (verb)place limits on (extent or access)\"\"restrict the use of this parking lot\"\"; \"\"limit the time you can spend with your friends\"\"bounce, resile, take a hop, spring, bound, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochet (verb)spring back; spring away from an impact\"\"The rubber ball bounced\"\"; \"\"These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide\"\"Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Boundof Bind Boundof Bind Bound (noun)the external or limiting line, either real or imaginary, of any object or space; that which limits or restrains, or within which something is limited or restrained; limit; confine; extent; boundary Bound (verb)to limit; to terminate; to fix the furthest point of extension of; -- said of natural or of moral objects; to lie along, or form, a boundary of; to inclose; to circumscribe; to restrain; to confine Bound (verb)to name the boundaries of; as, to bound France Bound (verb)to move with a sudden spring or leap, or with a succession of springs or leaps; as the beast bounded from his den; the herd bounded across the plain Bound (verb)to rebound, as an elastic ball Bound (verb)to make to bound or leap; as, to bound a horse Bound (verb)to cause to rebound; to throw so that it will rebound; as, to bound a ball on the floor Bound (noun)a leap; an elastic spring; a jump Bound (noun)rebound; as, the bound of a ball Bound (noun)spring from one foot to the other Boundimp. & p. p. of Bind Boundrestrained by a hand, rope, chain, fetters, or the like Boundinclosed in a binding or cover; as, a bound volume Boundunder legal or moral restraint or obligation Boundconstrained or compelled; destined; certain; -- followed by the infinitive; as, he is bound to succeed; he is bound to fail Boundresolved; as, I am bound to do it Boundconstipated; costive Boundready or intending to go; on the way toward; going; -- with to or for, or with an adverb of motion; as, a ship is bound to Cadiz, or for Cadiz Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Bound Bound is a 1996 American neo-noir crime thriller film written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers. Violet, who longs to escape her relationship with her mafioso boyfriend Caesar, enters into a clandestine affair with alluring ex-con Corky, and the two women hatch a scheme to steal $2 million of mafia money. Bound was the first film directed by the Wachowskis, and they took inspiration from Billy Wilder to tell a noir story filled with sex and violence. Financed by Dino De Laurentiis, the film was made on a tight budget with the help of frugal crew members including cinematographer Bill Pope. The directors initially struggled to cast the lesbian characters of Violet and Corky before securing Tilly and Gershon. To choreograph the sex scenes, the directors employed 'sex educator' Susie Bright, who has a bit part in the film."
"docid": "D136723#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/limited\nlimited",
"text": "\"limited [ lim -i-tid]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. confined within limits; restricted or circumscribed: a limited space; limited resources.2. Government. restricted with reference to governing powers by limitations prescribed in laws and in a constitution, as in limited monarchy;limited government.3. characterized by an inability to think imaginatively or independently; lacking originality or scope; narrow: a rather limited intelligence.4. Chiefly British.responsible for the debts of a company only to a specified amount proportionate to the percentage of stock held. ( of a business firm) owned by stockholders, each having a restricted liability for the company's debts. ( usually initial capital letter) incorporated; Inc. Abbreviation: Ltd.5. ( of railroad trains, buses, etc.) making only a limited number of stops en route.noun6."
"docid": "D2040310#0",
"title": "http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcIII/GreensTheorem.aspx\n.",
"text": "Calculus III (Notes) / Line Integrals / Green's Theorem [ Notes] [ Practice Problems] [ Assignment Problems]Calculus III - Notes Multiple Integrals Previous Chapter Next Chapter Surface Integrals Conservative Vector Fields Previous Section Next Section Curl and Divergence Green’s Theorem In this section we are going to investigate the relationship between certain kinds of line integrals (on closed paths) and double integrals. Let’s start off with a simple ( recall that this means that it doesn’t cross itself) closed curve C and let D be the region enclosed by the curve. Here is a sketch of such a curve and region. First, notice that because the curve is simple and closed there are no holes in the region D . Also notice that a direction has been put on the curve. We will use the convention here that the curve C has a positive orientation if it is traced out in a counter-clockwise direction. Another way to think of a positive orientation (that will cover much more general curves as well see later) is that as we traverse the path following the positive orientation the region D must always be on the left. Given curves/regions such as this we have the following theorem. Green’s Theorem Let C be a positively oriented, piecewise smooth, simple, closed curve and let D be the region enclosed by the curve. If P and Q have continuous first order partial derivatives on D then,Before working some examples there are some alternate notations that we need to acknowledge."
"docid": "D294213#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/transform-boundary-definition-facts-examples.html\nTransform Boundary: Definition, Facts & Examples",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 192K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Divergent Boundary: Definition & Examples Transform Fault: Definition & Characteristics Convergent Boundary: Definition, Facts & Examples Subduction Zone: Definition, Location & Example Lesson Transcript Instructor: David Wood David has taught Honors Physics, AP Physics, IB Physics and general science courses. He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics. In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of the term 'transform boundary' in the context of plate tectonics. A number of features and examples of transform boundaries will be introduced. A short quiz will follow. What is a Transform Boundary? The Earth is like a pool covered with floats of different sizes and shapes that we call tectonic plates. Although it seems like the Earth's crust is huge and immovable, the ground is actually moving all the time as it floats on a sea of hot magma. And just like with a pool, the floats sometimes randomly hit each other. They can move towards each other, move away from each other, and slide alongside each other."
"docid": "D240564#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/term\nterm",
"text": "\"1termnoun \\ ˈtərm \\Popularity: Top 20% of words | Updated on: 4 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: term in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of term1 a: a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subjectlegal termsb terms plural: expression of a specified kinddescribed in glowing terms2 a: a limited or definite extent of time; especially: the time for which something lasts: duration, tenureterm of officelost money in the short termb: the whole period for which an estate is granted; also: the estate or interest held by one for a termc: the time during which a court is in session3: division in a school year during which instruction is regularly given to students4 terms plural: provisions that determine the nature and scope of an agreement: conditionsterms of saleliberal credit terms5 terms plurala: mutual relationship: footingon good termsb: agreement, concordcome to terms after extensive negotiationsc: a state of acceptance or understandingcame to terms with the failure of his marriage6 a: the time at which a pregnancy of normal length terminateshad her baby at full termb: end, termination; also: a point in time assigned to something (such as a payment)7 a: a unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or minus signb: an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence8: any of the three substantive elements of a syllogism9: a quadrangular pillar often tapering downward and adorned on the top with the figure of a head or the upper part of the body— in terms of: with respect to or in relation tothinks of everything in terms of money— on one's own terms: in accordance with one's wishes: in one's own wayprefers to live on his own terms See term defined for English-language learners See term defined for kids Examples of term in a Sentence“I had the feeling that I had been there before.” “ The term for that is ‘déjà vu. ’”That's an outdated term that no one uses anymore. He spoke about them in glowing terms. The law had been understood in broad terms. The governor will run for a second term. He is currently serving his third term in the U. S. Senate. He was sentenced to a ten-year term in the state penitentiary. The term of the contract is 60 months."
"docid": "D1836216#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/subduction-zone-definition-location-example.html\nSubduction Zone: Definition, Location & Example",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 46K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Subduction: Definition & Process Transform Fault: Definition & Characteristics Divergent Boundary: Definition & Examples Convergent Boundary: Definition, Facts & Examples Lesson Transcript Instructor: David Wood David has taught Honors Physics, AP Physics, IB Physics and general science courses. He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics. This lesson will discuss the meaning of the term 'subduction zone,' and where they occur in terms of tectonic plate boundaries. A few examples will be included, and a short quiz will follow. What is a Subduction Zone? The top layer of the Earth is called the crust. But as much as we like to think of the surface of the Earth as one continuous thing, it's not. The world is more like an egg shell, cracked all over. These sections of the Earth's crust are called tectonic plates, and they float on a sea of hot magma. The crust of the Earth is broken into plates The cracks in the egg are like boundaries between plates."
"docid": "D1123596#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/precinct\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:precinct (noun)a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:precinct (Noun)An enclosed space having defined limits, normally marked by walls.precinct (Noun)A pedestrianized and uncovered shopping area.precinct (Noun)A subdivision of a city under the jurisdiction of a specific group of police; the police station situated in that district.precinct (Noun)A subdivision of a city or town for the purposes of voting and representation in city or town government. In cities, precincts may be grouped into wards. Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Precinct (noun)the limit or exterior line encompassing a place; a boundary; a confine; limit of jurisdiction or authority; -- often in the plural; as, the precincts of a state Precinct (noun)a district within certain boundaries; a minor territorial or jurisdictional division; as, an election precinct; a school precinct Precinct (noun)a parish or prescribed territory attached to a church, and taxed for its support Origin: [LL. praecinctum, fr. L. praecingere, praecinctum, to gird about, to encompass; prae before + cingere to gird, surround. See Pre-, and Cincture. ] Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Precinct A precinct is a space enclosed by the walls or other boundaries of a particular place or building, or by an arbitrary and imaginary line drawn around it. The term has several different uses. It can, for example, refer to a division of a police department in a large city. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Precinctprē′singkt, n. limit or boundary of a place: a district or division within certain boundaries: limit of jurisdiction or authority. ["
"docid": "D3147517#0",
"title": "http://www.circularecology.com/glossary-of-terms-and-definitions.html\nGlossary of Terms and Definitions",
"text": "\"Glossary of Terms and Definitions Definitions of some common terms used in carbon footprinting, resource efficiency and life cycle assessments: Allocation Allocation is a term used in carbon footprinting and LCA. Allocation is a procedure that is used to divide (\"\"allocate\"\") a single input (i.e. energy) between two different outputs. For example in the case of a combined heat and power (CHP) system it may consume a single fuel, such as natural gas. However the CHP system produces both heat and electricity. The GHG emissions from the combustion of the gas needs to be divided between the generation of heat and electricity. The common ways of doing this are by energy content (i.e. MJ, k WH produced..etc), economic value (i.e. the total economic value of heat versus total value of electricity generated) or in this case of CHP to consider the relative quality of the heat and electricity. Allocation methods can be influential to results and therefore it's important to pick a fair allocation method. Boundary conditions Boundary conditions are used to define what is included in a study. The common boundary conditions are cradle to gate, cradle to site and cradle to grave. However full boundaries should also define what was excluded (i.e. due to a lack of data, or inputs that were assumed negligible)."
"docid": "D1263107#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_definition_of_divergent_question\nWhat is the definition of divergent question?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Definitions What is the definition of divergent question? Flag What is the definition of divergent question? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The definition of divergent question is a question that has no specific answer. The divergent question exercises your ability to think about a certain topic broadly.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Kyle Mabe 1 Contribution What is the definition of cultural divergence? The result of the restriction of a culture from the outside cultural influences;Cultural divergence is the tendency for cultures to become increasingly dissimilar with time (a …What is the definition of divergent boundary? A divergent boundary is a physical feature that can be seen that divides 2 spaces. This feature makes the 2 spaces appear to be moving away from each other. What is the definition of interactional questions?"
"docid": "D437773#0",
"title": "http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/marine/jurisdiction/maritime-boundary-definitions\nMaritime Boundary Definitions",
"text": "Maritime Boundary Definitions Contents Nautical Mile Territorial Sea Baseline Coastal Waters (3 nautical mile limit)Territorial Sea (12 nautical mile limit)Contiguous Zone (24 nautical mile limit)Exclusive Economic Zone (200 nautical mile limit)Australian Fishing Zone Continental Shelf Nautical Mile A nautical mile (M) is a unit of distance equal to 1 852 metres. This value was adopted by the International Hydrographic Conference in 1929 and has subsequently been adopted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. It is also the unit adopted for the purposes of Australian Maritime Legislation. Refer to Schedule 1. ( 1) of the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 as published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S29, 9 February 1983. The length of the nautical mile is very close to the mean value of the length of 1 minute of latitude, which varies from approximately 1 843 metres at the equator to 1 861.6 metres at the pole. Maritime zone definitions Maritime features, limits and zones Australia's Maritime Zones Map Territorial Sea Baseline The term Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) refers to the line from which the seaward limits of Australia's Maritime Zones are measured. These include the breadth of the territorial sea; the seaward limits of the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and, in some cases, the continental shelf. The territorial sea baseline may be of various types depending upon the shape of the coastline in any given locality: The Normal baseline corresponds with the low water line along the coast, including the coasts of islands."
"docid": "D305215#0",
"title": "http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/201/018/150.htm\n.",
"text": "\"201 KAR 18:150. Standards of practice. RELATES TO: KRS 322.290 (1) (a), (2) (f)STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 322.290 (2) (f)NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 322.290 (1) (a) authorizes the board to administer KRS Chapter 322. KRS 322.290 (2) (f) requires the board to establish standards of practice. This administrative regulation establishes standards of practice for professional land surveyors in Kentucky. Section 1. Definitions. ( 1) \"\"Boundary\"\" means the perimeter of a parcel or tract of land. ( 2) \"\"Boundary survey\"\" means a survey to: (a) Determine either the entire perimeter of a parcel or tract of land, or a portion of the perimeter of a parcel or tract of land; (b) Establish or reestablish a parcel or tract of land’s corner or monument; or (c) Divide or consolidate the parcels or tracts of land surveyed. ( 3) \"\"Completion Date of Survey\"\" means the last date when all the monuments were either found or set for the plat of survey area. ("
"docid": "D1946957#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_of_Juan_de_Fuca\nStrait of Juan de Fuca",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Strait of Juan de Fuca is the wide waterway stretching from the Pacific Ocean on the west to the San Juan Islands on the east, with Vancouver Island to the north and the Olympic Peninsula to the south. The Strait of Georgia lies north of the San Juans. Puget Sound is the narrower waters south of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The Strait of Juan de Fuca (officially named Juan de Fuca Strait in Canada [1]) is a large body of water about 154 kilometres (96 mi) long [2] that is the Salish Sea 's outlet to the Pacific Ocean. The international boundary between Canada and the United States runs down the center of the Strait. It was named in 1787 by the maritime fur trader Charles William Barkley, captain of the Imperial Eagle, for Juan de Fuca, the Greek navigator who sailed in a Spanish expedition in 1592 to seek the fabled Strait of Anián. Barkley was the first non-indigenous person to find the strait, unless Juan de Fuca's story was true. [ 3] The strait was explored in detail between 1789 and 1791 by Manuel Quimper, José María Narváez, Juan Carrasco, Gonzalo López de Haro, and Francisco de Eliza. Contents [ hide ]1 Definition2 Climate3 Ferries4 Boundary dispute5 Salish Sea6 Counties and regional districts7 Fauna8 Other9 See also10 References11 External links Definition [ edit]The USGS defines the Strait of Juan de Fuca as a channel. It extends east from the Pacific Ocean between Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, to Haro Strait, San Juan Channel, Rosario Strait, and Puget Sound."
"docid": "D1597864#0",
"title": "http://www.drdelmath.com/elementary_agebra/chapter_summary/elementary_algebra_chapter3_summary.htm\nLinear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables",
"text": "Elementary Algebra – Chapter 3Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables Some good supplemental material as well as worked examples are available HEREFrom Section 3.1 Graphing Using the Rectangular Coordinate System Definition: A rectangular coordinate system (Cartesian coordinate system) consists of two perpendicular number lines. One number line is drawn horizontally and the other is drawn vertically. Definition: The horizontal number line is usually called the x-axis. Definition: The vertical number line is usually called the y-axis. Definition: The point of intersection of the two number lines is called the origin of the coordinate system. Definition: The two axes form a coordinate plane and divide it into four quadrants named Quadrant I, Quadrant II, Quadrant III, and Quadrant IV as shown in the diagram here. Definition: Each point in a coordinate plane can be identified by a pair of real numbers x and y written in the form (x, y). The first number is called the x-coordinate and represents a number on the horizontal number line. The second number is called the y-coordinate and represents a number on the vertical number line. The numbers in the pair are called the coordinate of the point."
] |
2274 | brain percentage use | [
"docid": "D2865474#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/04/ted-ed-percentage-brain-richard-cytowic_n_4719173.html\nWhat Percentage Of Our Brains Do We Actually Use? Popular Myth Debunked In TED-Ed Video",
"text": "SCIENCE 02/04/2014 01:51 pm ET Updated Feb 04, 2014What Percentage Of Our Brains Do We Actually Use? Popular Myth Debunked In TED-Ed Video By Cate Matthews What percentage of your brain do you use? - Richard E. Cytowic Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 5:16It’s commonly said that we humans use only about 10 percent of our brains, with some people attributing Einstein’s brilliance to his ability to stretch that paltry figure to 15 percent. But in the video above, neurologist Dr. Richard Cytowic debunks these familiar notions, arguing that brain regions once believed to be “silent” are actually humming with activity. What exactly do these “silent” regions do? According to Cytowic, they’re intimately involved with our ability to plan, make decisions, adapt to evolving situations, and reason abstractly. And evidence suggests that at any moment up to 16 percent of our brain cells are active. So next time your friends bring up the 10-percent nonsense, you’ll be able to set them 100-percent straight. BEFORE YOU GOPHOTO GALLERY7 Bizarre Brain Disorders You've Probably Never Heard Of (CLONED)Cate Matthews Suggest a correction MORE: Myths About The Brain Ted Talks Richard Cytowic Brain Science Richard Cytowic Debunks Brain Myth"
] | [
"docid": "D1571868#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_percent_of_the_brain_myth\nTen percent of the brain myth",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Human brain and skull The 10 percent of the brain myth is a widely perpetuated urban legend that most or all humans only use 10 percent (or some other small percentage) of their brains. It has been misattributed to many people, including Albert Einstein. [ 1] By extrapolation, it is suggested that a person may harness this unused potential and increase intelligence. Changes in grey and white matter following new experiences and learning have been shown, but it has not yet been proven what the changes are. [ 2] The popular notion that large parts of the brain remain unused, and could subsequently be \"\"activated\"\", rests in popular folklore and not science. Though mysteries regarding brain function remain—e.g. memory, consciousness—the physiology of brain mapping suggests that all areas of the brain have a function. [ 3] [4]Contents [ hide ]1 Origin2 Analysis3 In popular culture4 See also5 References Origin [ edit]One possible origin is the reserve energy theories by Harvard psychologists William James and Boris Sidis in the 1890s who tested the theory in the accelerated raising of child prodigy William Sidis; thereafter, James told audiences that people only meet a fraction of their full mental potential, which is a plausible claim. [ 5] In 1936, American writer Lowell Thomas summarized this idea (in a foreword to Dale Carnegie 's How to Win Friends and Influence People) by adding a falsely precise percentage: \"\"Professor William James of Harvard used to say that the average man develops only ten percent of his latent mental ability\"\". [ 6] This book was not the first to use the 10 percent figure, which was already circulating within the self-help movement before then; for example, the book Mind Myths: Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain includes a chapter on the ten percent myth that shows a self-help advertisement from the 1929 World Almanac with the line \"\"There is NO LIMIT to what the human brain can accomplish."
"docid": "D971027#0",
"title": "http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/759837_3\nClinical Applications of Imaging Disease Burden in Multiple Sclerosis",
"text": "Brain Atrophy in MSBrain volume measurements are not used in routine clinical practice, but it is a very attractive MRI metric in MS because it is clinically relevant, robust and could offer an in vivo measure of neurodegeneration. In general, brain volume in MS patients decreases by 0.7–1.0% per year, [ 15] which is approximately three-times the rate of normal controls. It can be seen as early as CIS. [ 16, 17] It has been shown to correlate with cognitive impairment, [ 18] EDSS [ 19] and quality of life. [ 20]Overall, brain atrophy (pathological loss of tissue) represents the net effect of tissue damage in MS. The exact mechanism by which brain atrophy occurs remains incompletely understood. Axonal loss within white matter lesions probably contributes to brain atrophy by two mechanisms: the amount of tissue lost within the lesions themselves, and Wallerian degeneration in pathways related to the lesions. [ 15, 21] Some studies have found a tight correlation between white matter lesion burden and brain volume; [ 22] however, other studies suggest that this correlation is only modest, suggesting that separate pathologic processes are also contributing to the loss of brain volume. [ 21] Gray matter lesions occur but may not be directly associated with cortical thinning; one pathologic study of 22 MS patients and 17 controls failed to find a significant correlation between gray matter lesions and cortical thinning. [ 23] Iron deposition may also potentially contribute to brain atrophy. ["
"docid": "D985860#0",
"title": "https://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/ugc/how-florida-workers-compensation-works--indemnity-benefits-under-florida-workers-compensation-law\nHow Florida Workers' Compensation Works-Indemnity Benefits Under Florida Workersâ Compensation Law,1",
"text": "\"LEGAL GUIDEWritten by attorney Michael Paul Sullivan | Aug 9, 2011Save How Florida Workers' Compensation Works-Indemnity Benefits Under Florida Workers’ Compensation Law,1Types of personal injuries Work-related personal injuries Personal injury and brain injury Show 7 more Chapter 2Show Me the Money: Indemnity Benefits Under the Florida Workers’ Compensation Law Part 1When you suffer an on-the-job injury, the Florida workers’ compensation law entitles you to certain indemnity benefits (money) to replace your lost income while you recover. These benefits don’t fully reimburse you for your lost wages; the amount you receive depends on your past earnings as well as the work restrictions placed on you by the doctor authorized to treat you for the work injury. Under Florida law, you will not be paid for the first seven days that you are injured unless your injury results in disability for more than 21 days. In that case, you will be paid back for the first seven days after the injury. Generally speaking, you can expect your first check 21 days after your accident. Your money benefits are tax-free. Average Weekly Wage The amount of money you get will be based on your “average weekly wage\"\" (AWW). Your average weekly wage is calculated using the wages you earned in the 13 weeks prior to the date of your injury, not counting the week you were hurt. If you worked less than 75% of the prior 13 weeks with your current employer, the wages of a similar employee who did work 75% of those weeks will be used to make the calculation. If there is no similar employee who meets this test, then your full-time weekly wage will be used."
"docid": "D777272#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-their-brain-do-dolphins-use\nWhat percentage of their brain do dolphins use?",
"text": "\"Behrgen Fletcher, Enthusiastic of the chemical arts Answered Jun 5, 2017A dolphin uses 100% of it’s brain, as do humans. In fact, all animals use 100% of their brain; it’s just a matter of consciousness used to govern their bodies. The “myth” (as I can safely call it) regarding the percentage of brain-use is that we humans use only 10% of the organ in our heads. This is a little exaggerated. In actuality, it’s the conscious cognitive part of our brains that is only put to labor 10% of the time. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, either. If my brain setting on “conscious cognitive” was always set to 100%, that would mean everything I do, every breath I take, every unit of work my body has to preform to merely keep itself alive - it would require a conscious, manual effort. I’d have to remember to pump blood, expand and compress my diaphragm, blink, etc., which is exactly why I wouldn’t last an hour being conscious of my bodily movements - I don’t know about you, but my brain literally forgets everything I try to remember. I think I’m good with 10%."
"docid": "D959546#0",
"title": "https://cathe.com/happens-brain-youre-hungry/\nWhat Happens to Your Brain When Youâre Hungry",
"text": "What Happens to Your Brain When You’re Hungry What Happens to Your Brain When You’re Hungry When you’re hungry and your stomach growls, it feels like hunger is coming from your tummy, but your tummy is actually a secondary player in the “hunger game.” It’s actually your brain that makes you yearn for something to eat, hopefully, something healthy. So, what actually is going on when you are ravenously hungry? More importantly, how can you make quiet those signals when your desire to eat is out of control? It All Begins in Your Brain Although your brain plays the biggest role in hunger control, it responds to feedback from other parts of your body, particularly your stomach. The portion of your brain most closely involved in controlling hunger is the hypothalamus, a part of your brain that also regulates other bodily functions like temperature, thirst, memory, sleep, growth, and more. One signal the hypothalamus uses to decide whether you need to eat is how distended your stomach is. If your stomach stretches in response to a meal, this information feeds back to your hypothalamus. In response, your hypothalamus gives you that full sensation. If you haven’t eaten in a while and your stomach is empty, the opposite happens."
"docid": "D735935#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/424820-minimum-amount-of-carbohydrates-for-brain-sugar/\nMinimum Amount of Carbohydrates for Brain Sugar",
"text": "\"Minimum Amount of Carbohydrates for Brain Sugarby JESSICA BRUSO Oct. 03, 2017Your body needs carbohydrates to supply it with energy. It can also use protein and fat for some of its energy needs, but carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for your brain. Severely limiting carbohydrates can affect your brain function. For example, a study published in \"\"Appetite\"\" in February 2009 found that low-carb dieters did worse on a memory test than people following a balanced, reduced-calorie diet. Video of the Day Error setting up player: Invalid license key Recommended Intake Recommendations vary on what percentage of calories you should get from carbohydrates. Medline Plus recommends you consume between 40 percent and 60 percent of calories from carbohydrates. The World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommend you get at least 50 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, lowering their previously recommended range of 55 percent to 75 percent of calories, in an article published in the \"\"European Journal of Clinical Nutrition\"\" in 2007. Minimum Recommended Amount The University of Maryland Medical Center website notes a minimum recommended carbohydrate intake of 100 grams to 150 grams per day. The Institute of Medicine, the organization that sets the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients, recommends consuming at least 130 grams of carbohydrates per day. For most people, this is still below the recommended percentage of calories from carbohydrates."
"docid": "D806875#0",
"title": "http://healthland.time.com/2011/08/16/why-the-new-definition-of-addiction-as-brain-disease-falls-short/\nWhy the New Definition of Addiction, as âBrain Disease,â Falls Short",
"text": "Addiction Why the New Definition of Addiction, as ‘Brain Disease,’ Falls Short By Maia Szalavitz @maiasz Aug. 16, 2011Read Later Getty Images Email Print Share Follow @TIMEHealth In 1956, the American Medical Association declared alcoholism a “disease.” More than half a century later, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has proclaimed addiction, including alcoholism and “process” addictions like gambling, to be the same. According to the ASAM’s definition, published on the group’s website on Monday, addiction is a “primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.” This clarification, which was based on consultations with more than 80 experts, is aimed in part at de-stigmatizing addictive disorders. That’s an admirable goal. The scientific evidence shows that addiction is rooted in distinct brain changes, just like other mental illnesses such as depression (though in both instances, the same changes are not found in all people with the conditions). The research does clearly show that evidence-based treatment is far more effective at resolving drug abuse problems than law enforcement efforts like incarceration. There’s no justification for treating people with addiction any differently than other patients. MORE: Q&A: The Author of Unwasted Talks About Socializing Sober But if you want to reduce stigma, calling something a brain disease may not be the best way to go. Studies that have looked at this question have found that labeling a disorder as “neurobiological” tends to have either no effect on stigma or actually increases it."
"docid": "D777273#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_percentage_of_the_brain_does_the_average_person_use\nWhat percentage of the brain does the average person use?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Demographics What percentage of the brain does the average person use? Flag What percentage of the brain does the average person use? Answer by P Torquemada Confidence votes 49.7KPolymer/Physical/Computational Chemist All of it. The \"\"10 percent\"\" figure you occasionally see is nonsense that a lot of people believe just because they've seen it so much. The number of neurons firing at any given time is usually low, but that's like saying you only use ten percent of your muscles because you're not running and jumping and waving your arms and bending over and straightening up all at the very same time.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Doctorwolfman 1 Contribution What percentage of energy is used by the brain? Previous answer: between six and 10 percent... 4 percent if you are a politician ;). Popular misconceptions don't come any more popular and misconceptiony than this one. Indee …What percentage of the brain does the average human use? About 10 percent Lei Lana Delgado 3 Contributions What percentage of our brain do we use?"
"docid": "D1171241#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278239113010410\nCraniomaxillofacial traumaDefining Predictable Patterns of Craniomaxillofacial Injury in the Elderly: Analysis of 1,047 Patients",
"text": "Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Volume 72, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 352-361Craniomaxillofacial trauma Defining Predictable Patterns of Craniomaxillofacial Injury in the Elderly: Analysis of 1,047 Patients Jonathan A. Zelken MD ∗ Saami Khalifian BA † Gerhard S. Mundinger MD ‡Jinny S. Ha MD § Paul N. Manson MD ‖ Eduardo D. Rodriguez MD, DDS ¶Amir H. Dorafshar MBCh B #Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.joms.2013.08.015 Get rights and content Purpose Currently, nearly 1 in 5 Americans is at least 60 years of age. Bone atrophy, decreased capacity for tissue repair, and chronic disease are known to influence fracture patterns and operative algorithms in this age group. This study presents craniofacial trauma injury patterns and treatment in an elderly population at a major urban trauma center. Methods Patient records were retrospectively reviewed from February 1998 through December 2010. Patients at least 60 years of age who met the inclusion criteria for craniofacial fractures identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code review and confirmed by author review of available computed tomograms were studied. Demographic information, fracture type, concomitant injuries, and management were recorded. Results Of 11,084 patients presenting with facial fracture, 1,047 were older than 60 years. The most common mechanism of injury was falls (50%), and most patients were men (59%). Commonly fractured areas included the nose (n = 452, 43%), maxilla (316, 30%), zygoma (312, 30%), orbital floor (280, 27%), and mandible (186, 18%), with 51 patients (5%) having a concomitant basilar skull fracture. Inpatient mortality and length of stay were significantly increased compared with the nongeriatric population ( P < .01), although only 5% of all fractures were treated operatively."
"docid": "D1184151#0",
"title": "https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-dominant-side/\nSide-Dominant Science: Are You Left- or Right-Sided?",
"text": "\"Bring Science Home Side-Dominant Science: Are You Left- or Right-Sided? A sidedness selection from Science Buddies By Science Buddies on February 7, 2013Credit: George Resteck Key concepts Brain Laterality Handedness Sidedness Left/right dominance Introduction If you write with your right hand, you might also prefer to draw a picture, throw a ball or eat food with the same hand. But have you ever wondered if your right foot is also more dominant than your left foot? What about your right eye and ear—do you prefer to use them more than your left ones? In this activity you'll get to find out whether people have a sidedness—that is, whether they generally prefer to do most activities with one side of their body—and which side that is. Background Each person's brain is divided into two sides—the left and right hemispheres. In some cases, one hemisphere may be more active than the other during a certain activity. For example, when someone processes language, one hemisphere is usually more active than the other. Doing this or other activities, however, is not absolutely limited to using one hemisphere or the other, or even certain hemispheric parts. Different brain areas are important and work together for different activities, such as speech, hearing and sight."
"docid": "D1347000#0",
"title": "https://www.livehelfi.com/en/blogs/helfi-blog/mct-oil-vs-brain-octane-oil/\nMCT Oil vs Brain Octane Oil",
"text": "MCT Oil vs Brain Octane Oil Posted on 08-Jun-2015 15:13:00 Eduard de Wilde Posted in Products , Product comparison , Advice , MCT Oil1Comparing different kinds of MCT oil MCT oil can be divided into four subcategories. These are: C6 (also called Capron acid or Hexanoic Acid)C8 (also called Caprylic Acid or Octanoic Acid)C10 (also called Capric Acid or Decanoic Acid)C12 (also called Lauric acid or Dodecanoic Acid)These numbers show how long a fatty acid chain is. In this case, C6 would be the shortest chain, while C12 is the longest chain. The length of the chain determines how quickly the fatty acids are metabolized as energy. MCT C6 - Capron acid Coconut oil only contains a minor percentage of C6. Although it quickly converts to ketones, it has some disadvantages. It tastes bad. and it often results in stomach/gastric upset. MCT C8 - (Brain) Octane Oil - Caprylic acid Caprylic acid is found in coconut oil, palm oil, butter, and breast milk. Only around 6% of coconut oil is C8. ("
"docid": "D3150626#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/22822304/lifespan-developmental-psychology-flash-cards/\nLifespan Developmental Psychology",
"text": "\"327 terms anna_whitfield Lifespan Developmental Psychology Quizzes and exams for final Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort_______ development is the field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan. Lifespan A student reads a flyer on the campus bulletin board that says a researcher is searching for students to volunteer for a long-term study. Participation includes completing testing that measures traits such as temperament, attitudes, and adaptability, as well as being available for follow-up for the next 10 years. The researcher who is developing this study is most likely interested in ___________ development. Personality development Which age range is considered a social construction and does not have a clear-cut boundary? Middle adulthood ends with retirement To gain a clearer understanding, developmentalists must consider all of the following broad cultural factors except how subcultures are exactly like cultures in their views and attitudes A group of people who are born around the same time in the same place is called a (n) cohart Alice's symptoms of menopause include hot flashes and cessation of her monthly menstrual cycle. Alice's doctor tells her she is experiencing a (n) Age-graded influence In ___________, development is ________, with achievements at one level building on those of previous levels. Continuous change; gradual If a child develops into a person who integrates into society and maintains a good awareness of safety, Freud may say that person has a well-developed Ego Kimberly is a young woman who has a fear of relationships with others."
"docid": "D2679720#0",
"title": "http://medicalschoolhq.net/important-details-about-almost-every-medical-specialty/\nImportant Details About (Almost) Every Medical Specialty",
"text": "An ever-changing list of medical specialties Check out the post about choosing a medical specialty, then use the details below to help narrow down your choice!At the time of this writing, there are 26 medical and surgical specialities to choose from when applying for residency in the Match. These include: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Child Neurology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Genetics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pathology, General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology (ENT), Ophthalmology, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, Anesthesiology, and Preventative Medicine. Many of these fields contain subspecialties which can be pursued during fellowship training after residency. This means that there truly is something for everyone! Let’s begin by looking into each specialty: Internal Medicine Back to Top…Internists take care of adults from the age of 18 to the very elderly. The field focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart, lungs, GI tract, blood, joints, as well as cancers, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, local and systemic infections, autoimmune diseases, end-of-life care, and care for the elderly. Preventive medicine is also an important part of the field. Internal Medicine contains many subspecialties with fellowship training after residency, such that internal medicine can range from the very broad (primary care) to the very subspecialized (e.g. Transplant Medicine). Length of Residency Training3 years2011 NRMP Match Data381 programs 7874 applicants for 5407 positions 95% match rate among US seniors in 2011Average Step 1 score for matched US seniors226Average Step 2 score for matched US seniors237Mean number of research experiences: 2.3 Mean number of publications: 3.2Percentage of matched US seniors in AOA: 15.5% Percentage of matched US seniors with Ph D: 5.7%Fellowships Available Fellowships for subspecialty training (1-3 years): Cardiology, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Disease, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Transplant Medicine, Palliative Care, Sleep Medicine, and Geriatrics Work Environment Practice types/location: Outpatient office practice, hospitalist medicine, consult services, nursing homes Average Salary of an Internist The average salary: ranges widely depending on specialty and type of practice with Cardiology and Gastroenterology being the most lucrative and Primary care being the least well compensated; the average is listed as $184,200 to $231,691.2More information American Board of Internal Medicine, American College of Physicians Pediatrics Back to Top…Pediatricians take care of children from birth until the age of 18 or 21, depending on the pediatrician. They deal with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart, lungs, GI tract, blood, joints, as well as cancers, growth conditions, hormonal imbalance, local and systemic infections, autoimmune diseases."
"docid": "D840490#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/1017972/hsc1100-flash-cards/\nHSC1100",
"text": "152 terms brook612HSC1100Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortinsulin diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly respond to:lung cancer leading cause of cancer death in men and women is:carcinogens cancer causing chemicals are known as:papilloma viruses virus that may be a contributing factor in the development of cervical cancerhypertension term for high blood pressurecigarette smoking single most preventable cause of cancer death in the USmalignant a tumor is considered cancerousticks bacterial infection called lyme disease is spread by Type A personality type that has been linked to the development of heart diseasetesticular most common type of cancer among college-aged menchemotherapy type of cancer treatment that uses pwoerful drugs to interefere with the reproduction of cancer cellsis not life threatening a tumor is benignheart disease myocardial infarctiongenetic predisposition not considered a controllabe risk factor for heart diseasestroke blood supply to a portion of the brain is blockedmetastasized cancer cells spread through the blood stream or lymphatic system haveangina pectris temporary drop in the oxygen supply to the heart causing paincapillaries smallest blood vessels, which supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the tissues50% young people of college age account for about what percentage of new cases of STDscut back on high fat foods blood cholesterol levels can most effectively be lowered by executing which of the following lifestyle changesoptimism an inclination to expect the best possible outcomebiofeedback would employ this technique electronic monitoring device to gain control over muscle tension and heart ratecompulsive behaviors when determining risk factors for suicide, this would not be consideredbecoming aware of the behavior to change a negative behavior, the first step to take is:neuron basic working units of the brainclosed spaces claustrophobia is the fear ofaction when a person is now practicing his/her new behavorial change, the person is said to be in this stagesix months generalized anxiety disorder is an unrealistic apprehension that causes physical symptoms and lasts for more thandeath this event would not cause eustressunderstanding that the self should be the center of the universe an emotionally healthy person might exhibit characteristics except for:stressors things that upset or excite us are known as General Adaption Syndrome biological theory of stress developed by Hans Selye is known asmental health perceiving reality as it is, responding to its challenges, and developing rational strategies demonstratesdistress negative effects of stress17% recent survey found that this percentage of college students never drink alcoholcompulsion repetitive behavior performed according to certain rulesmental stability this is not associated with intellectual healthabsence of disease or infirmity this does not describe wellnessschizophrenia debilitating mental disorder that impairs an individuals sense of realitybeing suspicious of the motivations of others not a characteristic of mental healthlosing a family member after an extended illness this will not cause a posttraumatic stress disorderprogressive relaxation to apply a relaxation technique that works by intentionally increasing and then decreasing tension in the muscles, you wouldvisualization when you use a relaxation technique that involves creating mental pictures that calm you down and focus your mind, you are usingeustress positive stress77.4 years Average life expectancy in the US is:autonomy individuals who are true to themselves and develop independence demonstrate this characteristicspiritual intelligence this translates into a capacity to sense, understand, and tap into the highest parts of ourselves, others, and the world around uspsychiatrist therapist that is also a medical doctor allowed to prescribe medicationself-actualization according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, this would be achieved by individuals who function at the highest possible levela phobia an irrational, intense, and persistent fear of certain objects is known asmajor depression having feelings of emptiness, hopelessness and a sadness that does not end is distinguishing characteristic of:stress nonspecific response on the body to any demand that is madehostility trait relevant to the Type A personality most harmfulhomeostasis means that our body is in a stable and consistent physiological statesocial ability to develop satisfying interpersonal relationships is an example of this component of healthan obsessive-compulsive disorder individual who feels the need to check and rechek repeatedly whether or not the stove was turned off is probably suffering fromlife expectancy african americans have higher rates than whites for all except thispoverty health barriers for minorities are most significant because offat source of energy that also serves as a carrier for certain vitamins4.6 pounds average weight gain for freshmen who do put on weight is:glucose basic fuel that our body needs is found in sugars known asbotulism improper home canning is the most common cause ofanaerobic when we do an activity that causes an oxygen deficit, this is known as what type of activitycardiorespiratory fitness ability of the heart to pump blood through the body efficiently25 an individual is considered overweight if their body mass index is abovethe elderly cases of anorexia nervosa are increasing among groups except25 and 35 in men and women, bone mass peaks between the ages ofosteroporosis a condition in which bones lose their mineral density and become soft and more susceptible to injury is known asexercise slows matabolism not a true statement concerning exercise and weight controlfat lean tissue in the body does not consist of thiscalorie foods produced without the use of chemicals at any stage are calledbinge eating rapidly consuming large quantities of food in a short timefelxibility classify what the range of motion around specific joints refers toimproved complexion not a benefit of exercisespinning type of cardiorespiratory exercise for the whole body that uses special stationary bikes is called:free radicals antioxidents help prevent damage to our cells caused by oxygen molecules that are formed by normal metabolic processes, molecules are also known asbody composition shows amount of fat and lean tissue we havestrength when a person is using maximum weight to push or lift in one effort they are developing:salmonella bacterium found mainly in undercooked meat, poultry, and eggs is called4 each gram of carbohydrate supplies this many calories60% water makes up this percentage of the bodyreduce harmful effects caused by oxidation anti-oxidants do this:hunger physiological drive to consume food is known aswarming up when you start any aerobic workout your first step should beprotein basic frameowrk for muscles, bones, blood, hair, and fingernails iswater soluble vitamins that are absorbed directly into the blood and then used up or washed out of the body are known assevere obesity life threatening condition in which body mass index is above 4060% in order to get most from your workout, the minimum target heart rate you should work at is:9 each fram of fat supplies this many calorieswalking if you have been sedentary and want to begin a running program your first step should beprotein and fiber in order to stabilize blood glucose, you should incorporateanabolic steroids different drugs are abused by some people to increase muscle size or strength, an example of such a synthetic derivative would be4 protein supplies how many calories per gramresting heart rate your pulse when you are lying or sitting down ischicken not a carbohydratefat-soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K that are absorbed through the intestinal membrane and stored in the body are also calledcomplex carbohydrate grains would eb classified as this type of nutrientsmall, frequent meals healtiest eating pattertarget heart rate in order to get the maximum benefit from cardiorespiratory training you should work within a range called:vegans pure vegetarians who eat only plant foods are known asendorphines exercise may boost the production of mood-elevating brain chemicals known asaerobic exercise we achieve cardiorespiratory fitness throughaerobic activity increases oxygen consumptionhypotension sedentary living does not increase the likelihood ofcomplete proteins that provide nine essential amino acids are calledloss of appetite anorexia comes from Latin meaningneural tube defects primary benefit of folic acid is that it helps preventbinge drinking when a man has more tha five drinks in a single seating, this is an example of8 seconds nicotine travels through the bloodstream to the brain in this amount of timemotor vehicle crashes leading cause of death among college-age men and women iswhich brand of beer you drink all of the following are factors that might influence your blood alcohol concentrationdiabetes not associated with cigarette smokingyou cannot become addicted to smokeless tobacco products not true about smokeless tobacco50% a bottle of 100-proof bourbon is what percent alcohol15 minutes how long does it take the alcohol in a typical drink to reach the bloodstreamheart attack identify the leading cause of death for smokersweight not a risk factor for accidentshuffing placing inhalants in a bag, putting the bag over the mouth and nose, and tkaing deep breaths describescarbon monoxide what is the deadly gas that is found both in burning cigarettes as well as in car exhaust calledstimulates the brain what results when cocaine is used in the body50% percentage of all bicycle riders in the US wear bike helmets regularlymethadone drug that is udes as an opiod substitute to help control cravings is called.40% blood alcoh"
"docid": "D3536588#0",
"title": "http://cancer.emedtv.com/pancreatic-cancer/pancreatic-cancer-survival-rates.html\nPancreatic Cancer Survival Rates",
"text": "Cancer Channel Topics Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Angiogenesis Bladder Cancer Brain Cancer Brain Stem Glioma Brain Tumor Cancer Childhood Liver Cancer Colorectal Cancer Ependymoma Hodgkin's Disease Hodgkin's Lymphoma Kidney Cancer Liver Cancer Medulloblastoma Monoclonal Gammopathy Multiple Myeloma Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic Islet Cell Cancer Pheochromocytoma Plasmacytoma Retinoblastoma Stomach Cancer Testicular Cancer Thyroid Cancer Transitional Cell Carcinoma (of the Ureter and Renal Pelvis)Uterine Cancer Uterine Sarcoma Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Wilms' Tumor Medications Abiraterone Abstral Acetaminophen and Pentazocine Actiq Adcetris Aldesleukin Alemtuzumab Alkeran Aloxi Altretamine Anastrozole Anzemet Aranesp Axitinib Bendamustine Bevacizumab Bexxar Bicalutamide Bi CNUBosutinib Busulfan Injection Cabazitaxel Caphosol Caprelsa Cee NUCetuximab Chemotherapy Chlorambucil Cladribine Clofarabine Cometriq Crizotinib Dasatinib Degarelix Diindolylmethane Duraclon Emend Enzalutamide Epirubicin Eribulin Erlotinib Estramustine Etoposide Injection Etoposide Phosphate Eulexin Exemestane Fentanyl Sublingual Spray Fentora Fludarabine Folotyn Fulvestrant Gefitinib Gliadel Green Tea Hecoria Histrelin Implant Hydromorphone ERIfosfamide Imatinib Ipilimumab Irinotecan Kyprolis Kytril Lapatinib Lazanda Letrozole Liposomal Vincristine Marinol Mercaptopurine Morphine Sulfate ERMorphine Sulfate/Naltrexone Hydrochloride Mutamycin Myleran Neulasta Neupogen Nilotinib Nilutamide Nolvadex Nucynta EROfatumumab Omacetaxine Onsolis Ontak Oxaliplatin Oxymorphone ERPamidronate Panitumumab Pazopanib Pentostatin Pertuzumab Photodynamic Therapy Pomalyst Ponatinib Procrit Propoxyphene Napsylate Protein-Bound Paclitaxel Rasburicase Regorafenib Revlimid Romidepsin Sancuso Sipuleucel-TSorafenib SUTENTTemodar Temsirolimus Thalidomide Thioguanine Toremifene Tramadol ERTrametinib Trastuzumab Trexall Triptorelin Velcade Vemurafenib Vincasar PFSVinorelbine Vismodegib Xgeva Zanosar Zevalin Ziv-Aflibercept Zofran Zolinza Zometa Zortress Zuplenz Advertisement Quicklinks Pancreatic Cancer Testicular Cancer Liver Cancer Brain Cancer Stomach Cancer Bladder Cancer Multiple Myeloma Thyroid Cancer Kidney Cancer Uterine Cancer Retinoblastoma Pheochromocytoma Hodgkin's Disease Zofran Green Tea Related Channels Bone Cancer Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Leukemia Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Prostate Cancer Skin Cancer Advertisement Tweet Cancer Home > Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates When looking at survival rates for pancreatic cancer, it's important to know that the numbers relate to the percentage of people with the disease who remain alive for a certain period after their diagnosis. In most cases, statistics refer to five-year survival rates. The survival rates discussed in this article are based on the relative survival rate, which measures the survival of cancer patients in comparison to the general population. The overall five-year relative survival rate for 1995-2001 was 4.6 percent. Depression Introduction This video clip introduces depression, including what it is, what causes depression, and how it is treated. Watch This and Other Videos Now >Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates: An Introduction Pancreatic cancer survival rates indicate the percentage of people who survive the disease for a specific period of time after their diagnosis. Often, statistics refer to the five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer, which refers to the percentage of people who remain alive five years after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. This includes patients who have few or no signs or symptoms of pancreatic cancer, are free of disease, or are receiving treatment for pancreatic cancer. Survival rates are based on large groups of people; they cannot be used to predict what will happen to a particular patient. It is important to note that no two patients are exactly alike, and pancreatic cancer treatment and responses to treatment vary greatly from patient to patient."
"docid": "D53646#0",
"title": "http://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/the-vagus-nerve-a-back-door-for-brain-hacking\nThe Vagus Nerve: A Back Door for Brain Hacking",
"text": "\"Feature Biomedical Biomedical Devices29 May 2015 | 11:00 GMTThe Vagus Nerve: A Back Door for Brain Hacking Doctors stimulate a nerve in the neck to treat epilepsy, heart failure, stroke, arthritis, and a half dozen other ailments By Samuel K. Moore Advertisement Illustration: Tavis Coburn“This is a bottle of pills,” says J. P. Errico, showing me something that’s obviously not a bottle of pills. Errico, who is cofounder and CEO of Electro Core Medical, is holding the Gamma Core, a noninvasive vagus nerve stimulator. If Electro Core’s R&D work holds up, this device is about to turn decades of evidence about the importance of a single nerve into a new kind of medicine: an electrical therapy as benign as a morning swim and as straightforward as popping a pill with your coffee. Look at an anatomy chart and the importance of the vagus nerve jumps out at you. Vagus means “wandering” in Latin, and true to its name, the nerve meanders around the chest and abdomen, connecting most of the key organs—heart and lungs included—to the brain stem. It’s like a back door built into the human physiology, allowing you to hack the body’s systems. Vagus nerve stimulation, or VNS, got its start in the 1990s, when Cyberonics, of Houston, developed an implanted stimulator to treat particularly tough cases of epilepsy. That application was just the beginning. Researchers soon found that stimulation had the potential to treat a variety of ailments, including painful neurological conditions such as migraine headaches and fibromyalgia, inflammatory problems such as Crohn’s disease and asthma, and psychiatric ailments such as depression and obsessive- compulsive disorder. Scientific enthusiasm notwithstanding, the clinical history of VNS has been mixed."
"docid": "D364674#0",
"title": "https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Symptoms-Diagnosis/Diagnosing-Tools/MRI\nMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)",
"text": "\"In this article Overview Uses in MSDifferent scan types provide different information Possible safety concerns with gadolinium contrast agents Different magnets provide different information Additional resources Overview Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the diagnostic tool that currently offers the most sensitive non-invasive way of imaging the brain, spinal cord, or other areas of the body. It is the preferred imaging method to help establish a diagnosis of MS and to monitor the course of the disease. MRI has made it possible to visualize and understand much more about the underlying pathology of the disease. How it works Unlike a computed tomography (CT) scan or conventional X-ray, MRI does not use radiation. Instead, MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to measure the relative water content in tissues — both normal tissue and abnormal — in the body . MRI works in the following way: A very strong magnetic field causes a small percentage of the hydrogen protons in water molecules to line up in the direction of the magnetic field. The percentage lined up is small, but large enough to give a strong signal for imaging. Once the hydrogen protons have been lined up, radio waves and some additional but weaker magnetic fields are used to knock them out of line. When the radio waves are stopped, the protons relax back into line. As they relax, the protons release resonance signals that are transmitted to a computer."
"docid": "D1669218#0",
"title": "http://www.indiana.edu/%7Ep1013447/dictionary/assn_cor.htm\n.",
"text": "To return to the exercise, close this browser window. Association Cortex Association cortex is the cerebral cortex outside the primary areas (Figure 1). It is essential for mental functions that are more complex than detecting basic dimensions of sensory stimulation, for which primary sensory areas appear to be necessary. In humans the association areas are by far the most developed part of the cerebral cortex, and the brain in general. These areas are necessary for perceptual activities, like recognizing objects (toasters, horses, trees, words, etc), rather than simple contours, edges or sensory qualities like color or pitch. Association areas take up an increasingly larger percentage of the cerebral cortex as brain size increases among different species. Figure 2-1e illustrates the increase in relative size of association areas as the brain gets bigger. Association cortex is shown as the pink area outside the primary cortical areas. It is much larger and takes up a much greater percentage of cortex on the human's cerebral hemisphere than on the rat's. The surface area of the human cerebral cortex (and monkey's, dog's, and horse's as well) is further enlarged by the sulci and gyri shown by the curving lines on the cerebral hemispheres."
"docid": "D142229#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/how-much-of-your-body-is-water-609406\nHow Much of Your Body Is Water?",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science How Much of Your Body Is Water? The percentage of water in the human body varies by age and gender Share Flipboard Email Print The amount of water in your body could be anywhere from 50-75%. Illustration by Hugo Lin. © 2018 Thought Co.by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph. D. Updated March 15, 2018Have you ever wondered how much of your body is water? The percentage of water varies according to your age and gender. Here's a look at how much water is inside you. The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age."
"docid": "D977083#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/percentage-human-brain-water-95a44af7a3c23ad3\nWhat Percentage of the Human Brain Is Water?",
"text": "Science Human Anatomy Organs Q: What Percentage of the Human Brain Is Water? A: Quick Answer Water makes up about 73 percent of the human brain and helps make hormones and neurotransmitters. The human heart also is composed of about the same percentage of water. The mature human body overall has a water composition of about 60 percent. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Percentage of the Average Human Brain Is Water? What Is the Anatomy of the Human Brain? What Is the Average Weight of the Human Brain? Full Answer The human brain has an average mass of roughly three pounds, largely consisting of fat and protein and about 100 billion nerve cells. The cerebrum is the largest section of the brain, followed by the cerebellum. The cerebrum makes up 85 percent of the total mass and has two hemispheres."
] |
2276 | brandon name meaning | [
"docid": "D227650#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/brandon\nBrandon",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / B / Boy / Brandon Brandon The name Brandon is a baby boy name. Meaning Irish Meaning: The name Brandon is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Brandon is: Prince, or brave. Some scholars believe Brendan means 'stinking hair'. American Meaning: The name Brandon is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Brandon is: Prince, or brave. Some scholars believe Brendan means 'stinking hair'. Teutonic Meaning: The name Brandon is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Brandon is: From the beacon hill. English Meaning: The name Brandon is an English baby name."
] | [
"docid": "D524589#0",
"title": "http://www.jimandellen.org/austen/s&s.calendar.html\n.",
"text": "\"© Ellen Moody. No part of this website page may be reproduced without express permission from the author and website/blog owner. All uses of information or evaluative commentary should be acknowledged and documented. Linking is encouraged. In order to make the calendar section of this homepage complete, I have decided to place here the complete published paper which appeared as \"\"A Calendar For Sense and Sensibility\"\" in Philological Quarterly, 79 (Fall 2000), 233-266. The argument of the paper is that the extant calendar of the 1811 Sense and Sensibility reveals an underlying set of features typical of epistolary novels. It is improbable Austen would have gone to the difficult trouble of erecting such a calendar or her novel had such features had it not been that the original calendar was written as letters. Then its ironic and juxtaposed events would have emerged naturally from the way epistolary narrative allows the writer to escape chronological time within a letter. If I were to revise it, I would stress the obsessive telling of time throughout the book, how each phase of action moves in hours, days, weeks, months, carefully calculated against distances and places. I omitted many of the citations of lengths of time that were not necessary for my calendar, but they are there and part of what went into the timeline and feel of the book, its inner structuring."
"docid": "D1812882#0",
"title": "http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Lyanna_Stark\nLyanna Stark",
"text": "\"Lyanna Stark Season (s)6, 7First seen\"\" Home \"\"Last seen\"\" The Dragon and the Wolf \"\"Appeared in5 episodes (see below)Titles Princess Consort Status Deceased Death281 AC at the Tower of Joy Died giving birth to Jon Snow Death shown in episode\"\" The Winds of Winter \"\" (vision)Origin Winterfell Allegiance House Stark (by birth)House Targaryen (by marriage)Culture Northmen Religion Old Gods of the Forest Father { Rickard Stark }Spouse { Rhaegar Targaryen }Children Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen)Siblings { Brandon Stark } { Eddard Stark } { Benjen Stark }Portrayed by Aisling Franciosi (adult)Cordelia Hill (child)\"\" His name is Aegon Targaryen. If Robert finds out, he'll kill him. You know he will. You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned. Promise me. \"\" ―Lyanna's final wish for her son, Jon Snow, to her brother Ned. [ src]Princess Lyanna Stark was the daughter of Lord Rickard Stark and sister of Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen Stark. She went on to be the wife of Rhaegar Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone, and mother to his son . Her alleged kidnapping by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen contributed to the outbreak of Robert's Rebellion ."
"docid": "D2452717#0",
"title": "https://www.tumblr.com/search/the%20fosters%20wyatt\nthe fosters wyatt",
"text": "the fosters wyattwyattfoster wyattfoster.tumblr.com Follow WYATT FOSTERHello there :)missiconic missiconic.tumblr.com Follow Miss Iconic Just for funfoster-wyatt-blog foster-wyatt-blog.tumblr.com Follow Hall of Fame;wyatt foster cause you burn with the brightest flame; //willowhi: Maybe i’m actually trying to hibernate or something but I don’t know it. Maybe i’m a bear. That’s what i’ve basically been doing, actually. Sitting around is really boring, just so you know. That’d be really fucking awesome, actually. Have you been around the town any? You could use one of those nights and walk around, I’m sure you’ll see a lot of things. Keep readingwillowhi: Well, if that’s the case, they suck. I like it, it’s really nice here, despite the fact that Australians use really weird words and stuff. How are you liking it?"
"docid": "D15390#0",
"title": "http://dorkdiaries.wikia.com/wiki/Branikki\nBranikki",
"text": "\"! This article contains spoilers. Read at your own risk! !“ It’s much more fun to be around friends and people you miss while you’re away. ”– Brandon to Nikki in My Great Idea to Get Rid of Mac Kenzie Branikki Status Friends/Possibly dating Characters Nikki Maxwell Brandon Roberts Ages14, 15Related Pairings Bran Kenzie Briandon Nikloey Branikki is the pairing of Bran don and N ikki. The whole series seems to revolve around their relationship. As of now in the book series, both characters are stuck between \"\"just friends\"\" and \"\"in a boyfriend/girlfriend\"\" relationship due to numerous romantic approaches made. Brandon has not yet asked Nikki out officially in any of the books in the Dork Diaries series other than saying how he felt. Contents [ show]Moments throughout the series Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life When Brandon hands Nikki a napkin, their fingers accidentally touched. Brandon asked Nikki to be biology partners."
"docid": "D15388#0",
"title": "http://dorkdiaries.wikia.com/wiki/Nikki_Maxwell\nNikki Maxwell",
"text": "\"! This article contains spoilers. Read at your own risk! !“ I'M SUCH A DORK! ”– Nikki, at the end of every book Nikki Maxwell Gender Female Age14Occupation Student, Singer, Dancer, Artist, Actress (in TV star)Family Mr. Maxwell (Dad) Mrs. Maxwell (Mom) Brianna Maxwell (Sister) Grandma Maxwell (Grandmother) Billy-Bob (Cousin) Great-Grandma Maxwell (Gertrude ) (Great-grandmother) Aunt Janet (Aunt) Sophia (Cousin) Ethan (Cousin) Luke \"\"Lucifer\"\" (Cousin) Samuel (Cousin) Samantha (Cousin) Brooke (Cousin)Friends Brandon Roberts (crush) Zoey Franklin Chloe Garcia Marcy Simms Theodore L. Swagmire IIIMarcus Marcy Simms Violet Baker Nicole Jullianne Maxwell is the main protagonist and narrator of all the Dork Diaries books, and was briefly mentioned in The Misadventures of Max Crumbly as \"\"Brandon's friend\"\"Nikki is a self-proclaimed dork and goes to Westchester Country Day on a scholarship, because her father is the school's exterminator. One of her biggest fears is that someone will find out that she attends Westchester Country Day on her dad's bug extermination scholarship. She lives in Westchester, New York. Nikki becomes very close friends with Chloe Garcia and Zoey Franklin, and develops a crush on Brandon Roberts. Her enemies are Mackenzie Hollister and Jessica Hunter. We get to learn that in the twelfth book of Dork Diaries Nikki's full name is Nicole but she prefers being called by her nickname Nikki."
"docid": "D2250374#0",
"title": "http://thefosters.wikia.com/wiki/Season_3\nSeason 3",
"text": "\"in: Seasons, Season 3, 3A, and 4 more Season 3Edit Comments (397) Share Season 3Premiere Airdate June 8, 2015Finale Airdate March 28, 2016No. of Episodes 20Episode Guideprevious Season 2next Season 4Season 3 of The Fosters premiered on June 8, 2015 and consisted of 20 episodes. The season was announced on January 13, 2015. On April 14, 2015, it was announced that the new season will begin on Monday, June 8, 2015, at 8PM ET/PT. Now in its third season, the critically acclaimed drama “The Fosters” picks up during summer, a few weeks after the cliffhanger finale left off, as the family deals with the aftermath of the terrible car accident involving Mariana, Jesus, and their pregnant biological mother Ana. Now that Callie is back at the Adams Foster's home, she is feeling secure for the first time in a long time and determined to have a summer of free-spirited fun, including trying her best to get over Brandon. Meanwhile, Brandon is going to Idyllwild Music Program, where he will be faced with serious competition. Jude and Connor continue to develop their relationship and what it means to be a young teen exploring new love. Stef and Lena continue to face challenges as a couple and as parents yet are determined to fight through them together. The first half of the season premiered on Monday, June 8, at 8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT and returned for the second half on January 25, 2016, at 8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT."
"docid": "D932328#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/william\nWilliam",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / W / Boy / William William The name William is a baby boy name. Meaning Shakespearean Meaning: The name William is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name William is: Henry VI, 2' Sir John Stanley. ' Henry VI, Part III' Sir William Stanley. ' As You Like It' A country fellow, in love with Audrey. ' The Merry Wives of Windsor' A boy, son to Page. ' Richard III' Sir William Catesby. ' Richard III' Sir William Brandon. American Meaning: The name William is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name William is: Henry VI, 2' Sir John Stanley. '"
"docid": "D2843270#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Carson\nList of Beverly Hills, 90210 characters",
"text": "\"List of Beverly Hills, 90210 characters From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Stuart Carson)navigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. ( December 2011)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( December 2011)The original \"\"teenage\"\" cast from the early seasons. Center: Dylan Mc Kay; Clockwise from far left: Kelly Taylor, Steve Sanders, Andrea Zuckerman, Brandon Walsh, Brenda Walsh, Donna Martin, David Silver The following is a list of characters from Beverly Hills, 90210, an American drama series which aired from October 4, 1990 to May 17, 2000 on the Fox television network, and went into syndication afterwards. It is the first show of the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. Throughout its decade-long run, the series had substantial cast changes. Contents [ hide ]1 Main characters2 Brandon Walsh3 Brenda Walsh4 Kelly Taylor5 Steve Sanders6 Andrea Zuckerman7 Dylan Mc Kay8 David Silver9 Scott Scanlon10 Donna Martin11 Jim and Cindy Walsh12 Nat Bussichio13 Jesse Vasquez14 Clare Arnold15 Valerie Malone16 Ray Pruit17 Carly Reynolds18 Noah Hunter19 Janet Sosna20 Matt Durning21 Gina Kincaid22 Other characters22.1 Jackie Taylor22.2 Emily Valentine22.3 Nikki Witt22.4 Stuart Carson22.5 D' Shawn Hardell22.6 John Sears22.7 Joe Bradley22.8 Antonia \"\"Toni\"\" Marchette22.9 Colin Robbins22.10 Susan Keats22.11 Tracy Gaylian22.12 Camille Desmond22.13 Dr. John and Felice Martin22.14 Abby Malone22.15 Gil Meyers22.16 Lucinda Nicholson22.17 Other characters' parents23 References Main characters [ edit]Character Actor Seasons1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Count Brandon Walsh Jason Priestley Main 1 Guest243Brenda Walsh Shannen Doherty Main112Kelly Taylor Jennie Garth Main290Steve Sanders Ian Ziering Main290Andrea Zuckerman Gabrielle Carteris Main Guest Guest Guest142Dylan Mc Kay Luke Perry Main 2 Main 3195David Silver Brian Austin Green Main289Scott Scanlon Douglas Emerson Main Recurring18Donna Martin Tori Spelling Main291Cindy Walsh Carol Potter Main Guest Guest145Jim Walsh James Eckhouse Main Guest142Valerie Malone Tiffani-Amber Thiessen Main 4 Guest136Jesse Vasquez Mark Damon Espinoza Recurring Main48Nat Bussichio Joe E. Tata Recurring Main237Clare Arnold Kathleen Robertson Recurring Main100Ray Pruit Jamie Walters Recurring Main 5 Guest40Carly Reynolds Hilary Swank Main 616Noah Hunter Vincent Young Main84Janet Sosna Lindsay Price Recurring Main71Matt Durning Daniel Cosgrove Main50Gina Kincaid Vanessa Marcil Main 737note: \"\"Guest\"\" refers to a previous main character returning for only one or two episodes in that season.^ Jason Priestley leaves in \"\"Brandon Leaves\"\" (episode 9.05)^ Luke Perry leaves in \"\"One Wedding and a Funeral\"\" (episode 6.10)^ Perry returns in \"\"You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello\"\" (episode 9.07)^ Tiffani-Amber Thiessen leaves in \"\"You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello\"\" (episode 9.07)^ Jamie Walters leaves in \"\"Courting\"\" (episode 6.13) and returns for one episode as a guest: \"\"Ray of Hope\"\" (season 6.30)^ Hilary Swank left the series in \"\"The Elephant's Father\"\" (episode 8.17)^ Vanessa Marcil first appears in \"\"You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello\"\" (episode 9.07) and departs from the series in \"\"Doc Martin\"\" (episode 10.17)Brandon Walsh [ edit]Jason Priestley appeared as male lead Brandon for Seasons 1–9, special guest Season 10, and worked extensively behind the scenes. Jason Priestley portrays Brandon Andrew Walsh (main, season 1–9; special guest, season 10), the moral center of the show and the glue that holds the gang together (and Priestley was the group's off-screen \"\"quarterback\"\"). ["
"docid": "D227651#0",
"title": "http://www.behindthename.com/name/brandon\nGiven Name BRANDON",
"text": "\"Contribute Add to List Given Name BRANDONGENDER: Masculine USAGE: English PRONOUNCED: BRAN-dən [details]Expand Name Links Meaning & History From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning \"\"hill covered with broom\"\" in Old English. It is sometimes also used as a variant of BRENDAN. Categoriesactors, athletes, Game of Thrones characters, landforms, place names, Pokemon characters, Quantico characters, Shakespearian characters, song titles, surnames, television, top 10 in the US, trendy, Winx Club characters See All Relations · Show Family Tree Related Names VARIANT: Branden See Popularity Detail · U. S. State Animation Popularity United States992016Australia (NSW)not ranked 2016Canada (BC)not ranked 2015England and Wales2472016Francenot ranked 2016Irelandnot ranked 2015Mexico582013Netherlands3232016Northern Irelandnot ranked 2015Scotlandnot ranked 2016 \""
"docid": "D1727436#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Brennan\nâBrennan (boy)",
"text": "\"Home > Brennan♂Brennan (boy)What does Brennan mean? Brennan as a boys' name (also used less commonly as girls' name Brennan) is pronounced BREN-an. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Brennan is \"\"teardrop\"\". Variant of Brendan. Also form of Brandon. STARTS/ENDS WITH Bre-, -an ASSOCIATED WITH irish Variations VARIANTS Brenan, Brenn, Brennen ▼, Brennin, Brennon, Brenyn RELATED FORMS VIA BRENDAN Breandan, Bren, Brendano, Brenden ▼, Brendin, Brendon ▼, Brendyn FEMININE FORM Brenna CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Brennan Shayne (B. S.), .. How popular is Brennan? Brennan is a rare given name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#642 out of 150436, Top 1%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Brennan was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its highest position of #243 in the U. S. in the year 2009, and is at #534 presently. ( 2016 U. S. SSA RECORDS)Which version is better? Prominent variation forms of Brennan (#534 IN RECENT RANKINGS) appearing in the Top 2000 are Brandon (#99), Brendan (#451), Brenden (#996), Brendon (#1402), Brendyn, Brennen (#1403) and Brennon."
"docid": "D1963928#0",
"title": "https://plus.google.com/+Dxf1com\n î",
"text": "Free DXF Files Public Nov 19, 2014Thanks + Brandon Leibowitz Originally shared by Brandon Leibowitz V25 #Growth Circle #Top Engagers I wanted to create a new #Google Circle Share for top engagers. These are people that will share and re-post your circles and other content you produce. I highly suggest adding each and every person in this #Google Circle as they will be sure to interact with you. If you would like to be a part of my top engagers #Bosmol Circle then please do the following: 1. Add me to your circles, if you haven't done so already 2. +1 this circle 3. Publicly share this circle to public, your circles and extended circles. 4. Leave a comment on this circle so I know you have done the three steps above SEO & Google Ad Words training courses at http://training.seooptimizers.com Make sure to check out my social media blog at http://bosmol.com For all you SEO and social media marketing needs visit my company http://www.seooptimizers.com Learn how to increase Google Plus followers at http://Get Plus Followers.com/tutorials#bosmol #Bosmol Circle #Growth CIrcle#Google Plus #Circle Share#sharedpubliccircles #sharedcircles#circlesharing #circleshared#publiccirclesproject #publicsharedcircles#circleoftheday #google #circle #circles#publiccircle #sharedcircles #sharedcircle#morefollowers #sharingcircles #circleshare#sharedpubliccircles #sharedpublicircles#sharedcircle #Add Circle #Find Circles#addcircle #circlemeup #circlesdiscovery#circleshare #circlesharing #publiccircle#publicsharedcircles #Shared Circles#circlesharing #circleshare #circleoftheday#sharedpubliccircles #sharedcircle#sharedcircles #sharedpubliccircles#circleshare #circlesharing #fullcircleshare#topsharedcircle #circleoftheday #sharedcircle#topsharedcircle #socialmedia #SEO#socialmediamarketing #socialnetworking I am confident that together we can get this to over 420+ plusses just like we did last time at https://plus.google.com/113366971528616805489/posts/2Ca Yeejd E2Y Add a comment... Free DXF Files Public Nov 5, 2014Thanks + Brandon Leibowitz Originally shared by Brandon Leibowitz Learn how to increase Google Plus followers at http://Get Plus Followers.com/tutorials V23 #Growth Circle #Top Engagers I wanted to create a new #Google Circle Share for top engagers. These are people that will share and re-post your circles and other content you produce."
"docid": "D276655#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1iift6/spoilers_all_coldhands_the_nights_king_and_brans/\n.",
"text": "\" (Spoilers All) Coldhands, the Night's King and Bran's Weirwood Visions. ( self.asoiaf)submitted 4 years ago * by Aerion Targaryen Hello all, I wish to make the case that Coldhands is the Night's King and that Bran witnesses his execution in his final weirwood vision. If you are unfamiliar, read up: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Night%27s_King Bran's final weirwood vision in Dw D: And now the lords Bran glimpsed were tall and hard, stern men in fur and chain mail. Some wore faces he remembered from the statues in the crypts, but they were gone before he could put a name to them. Then, as he watched, a bearded man forced a captive down onto his knees before the heart tree. A white-haired woman stepped through a drift of dark red leaves, a bronze sickle in her hand. \"\" No,\"\" said Bran, \"\"no, don't,\"\" but they could not hear him, no more than his father had. The woman grabbed the captive by the hair, hooked the sickle round his throat, and slashed. And through the mist of centuries the broken boy could only watch as the man's feet drummed against the earth . . . but as the life flowed out of him in a red tide, Brandon Stark could taste the blood."
"docid": "D1812881#0",
"title": "http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Eddard_Stark\nEddard Stark",
"text": "\"from Screen Prism Eddard Stark Season (s)1, 4, 6, 7First seen\"\" Winter Is Coming \"\"Last seen\"\" Baelor \"\" (alive) \"\" Fire and Blood \"\" (corpse) \"\" The Dragon and the Wolf \"\" (Bran's vision)Appeared in17 episodes ( see below)Titles Lord of Winterfell Lord Paramount of the North Warden of the North Hand of the King (to Robert I and Joffrey I)Lord Regent of the Seven Kingdoms (for Joffrey I)Protector of the Realm (for Joffrey I)Also known as Ned Stark The Honorable Ned Stark Status Deceased Death298 AC at King's Landing Beheaded with Ice by Ser Ilyn Payne on the orders of Joffrey Baratheon Death shown in episode\"\" Baelor \"\"Origin Winterfell (birthplace)The Eyrie (trained)Allegiance House Stark House Baratheon of King's Landing Predecessor { Rickard Stark } ( Lord Paramount of the North) { Jon Arryn } ( Hand of the King)Successor { Roose Bolton } ( Lord Paramount of the North) { Robb Stark } ( Lord of Winterfell)Tyrion Lannister ( Hand of the King)Culture Northmen Religion Old Gods of the Forest Father { Rickard Stark }Spouse { Catelyn Tully }Children { Robb Stark } Sansa Stark Arya Stark Brandon Stark { Rickon Stark }Jon Snow (nephew raised as bastard son)Siblings { Brandon Stark } { Lyanna Stark } { Benjen Stark }Portrayed by Sean Bean (adult)Robert Aramayo (young)Sebastian Croft (child)\"\" When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. \"\" ―Eddard Stark [src]Lord Eddard Stark, also known as Ned Stark, was the head of House Stark, the Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount and Warden of the North, and later Hand of the King to King Robert I Baratheon. He was the older brother of Benjen, Lyanna and the younger brother of Brandon Stark. He is the father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon by his wife, Catelyn Tully, and uncle of Jon Snow, who he raised as his bastard son. He was a dedicated husband and father, a loyal friend and an honorable lord. Eddard's execution and revealing the illegitimacy of Cersei's children was the spark of the War of the Five Kings between Joffrey Baratheon, Robb, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon and Balon Greyjoy, being posthumously responsible for the involvement of four of the kings in this war. Contents [ show]Biography Background Ned and Benjen as children, training at Winterfell. Eddard Stark was the head of House Stark and Lord Paramount of the North of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms, and House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the realm. House Stark rules the region from their seat of Winterfell, and Eddard also held the title Lord of Winterfell. In addition, he was the Warden of the North. ["
"docid": "D524592#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense_%26_Sensibility\nSense and Sensibility",
"text": "\"Sense and Sensibility From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Sense & Sensibility)navigation search This article is about the novel. For other uses, see Sense and Sensibility (disambiguation). Sense and Sensibility Title page from the original 1811 edition Author Jane Austen Country United Kingdom Language English Genre Romance novel Publisher Thomas Egerton, Military Library (Whitehall, London)Publication date 1811OCLC 44961362Followed by Pride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen, published in 1811. It was published anonymously; By A Lady appears on the title page where the author's name might have been. It tells the story of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor (age 19) and Marianne (age 16 1/2) as they come of age. They have an older, stingy half-brother, John, and a younger sister, Margaret, 13. The novel follows the three Dashwood sisters as they move with their widowed mother from the estate on which they grew up, Norland Park, to their new home, Barton Cottage. The four women must move to a meagre cottage on the property of a distant relative, where they experience love, romance, and heartbreak. The novel is likely set in southwest England, London and Sussex between 1792 and 1797. [ 1]The novel, which sold out its first print run of 750 copies in the middle of 1813, marked a success for its author."
"docid": "D470990#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Bran\nBran - Meaning of Bran",
"text": "\"What does Bran mean? Pronounce Bran [ 1 syll. bran, br - an ] The baby boy name Bran is pronounced as BRae N †. Bran is primarily used in the English language and its language of origin is Old English. Bran is a form of the Dutch, English, and Hebrew name Bram. Bran is also a form of the English name Brandon. Bran is a rarely used baby name for boys. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names. In 2016, among the group of boy names directly linked to Bran, Brandon was the most regularly used. Baby names that sound like Bran include Brann, Baern, Baerne, Bairne, Barn (English), Barne, Barnem, Barnhem, Barym, Baryn, Bayrn, Beirne (Irish), Bern (English and German), Bernón, Birne, Bjarne (Scandinavian), Bjoern (Scandinavian), Bjorn (Scandinavian), Bjorne (Scandinavian), and Björn (Scandinavian and German).† Pronunciation for Bran: B as in \"\"be (B. IY)\"\" ; R as in \"\"race (R. EY. S)\"\" ; AE as in \"\"at (AE."
"docid": "D2041920#0",
"title": "https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17332218-words-of-radiance\nWords of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive #2)",
"text": "\"Want to Read Rate this book1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive #2)by Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author)4.77 · Rating details · 127,235 Ratings · 8,365 Reviews From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance, Book Two of the Stormlight Archive, continues the immersive fantasy epic that The Way of Kings began. Expected by his enemies to die the miserable death of a military slave, Kaladin survived to be given command of the royal bodyguards, a controversial first for a low-status \"\"darkeyes.\"\" Now he mu ...more Get A Copy Amazon UK Online Stores ▾ Libraries Hardcover, 1087 pages Published March 4th 2014 by Tor Books More Details... edit details Friend Reviews To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Reader Q&ATo ask other readers questions about Words of Radiance , please sign up . Popular Answered Questions Should I need to read the First book to understand the plot?18 likes · like 3 years ago See all 28 answers Kevin Read book 1 first! Why would you want to skip the first book? ... the first book is amazing!flag This question contains spoilers… (view spoiler)1 like · like 3 years ago See all 7 answers Jan This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)flag See all 27 questions about Words of Radiance…Lists with This Book Best Fantasy of the 2010s1,062 books — 1,371 voters Best Fantasy Books of the 21st Century2,130 books — 7,517 voters More lists with this book... Community Reviews (showing 1-30)Rating details Sort: Default|Filter Dec 16, 2016Petrik rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: epic/high fantasy fans Shelves: favorites, owned-physical Okay, this is finally happening. I’m ranking The Stormlight Archive as my number one favorite book series of all time, overtaking the throne previously held by Mistborn trilogy, and I don’t think this will change anytime soon. The Gods of the Cosmere knows how much I love the original Mistborn trilogy but Brandon Sanderson really raised the bar for the epic fantasy genre sky high with this series. Words of Radiance, only the second book in The Stormlight Archive series and the sequel to The Way o ...moreflag555 likes · Like · see review Dec 02, 2014Pierce Brown rated it it was amazing Holy crap on a stick."
"docid": "D2459868#0",
"title": "https://www.geni.com/people/Charles-Brandon/6000000003572141177\nCharles Brandon",
"text": "\"Charles Brandon‹ Back to Brandon surname Is your surname Brandon? Research the Brandon family Start your family tree now Charles Brandon's Geni Profile Contact profile manager View family tree Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love Build your family tree online Share photos and videos Smart Matching™ technology Free!Get Started Share Tweet This Related Projects Historic Buildings of Oxfordshire, England Field of the Cloth of Gold Locked profiles The Court of Henry VIII, King of England Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk Birthdate: April 1484 (61)Birthplace: Bishops Lynn, Norfolk, , England Death: August 22, 1545 (61) Guildford Palace, Guildford, Surrey, England Place of Burial: St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, England Immediate Family: Son of Sir William Brandon, Kt. and Elizabeth Mallory Husband of Margaret Neville; Anne Browne; Mary Tudor, Queen of France and Catherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk Fiancé of Elizabeth Grey, Viscountess Lisle Partner of NN NN, Mistress (es) Father of Duchess of Suffolk Francis Grey; Sir Charles Brandon; Frances Brandon; Mary Brandon; Mary Brandon and 7 others Brother of Margaret Brandon; Sir Thomas Brandon; William Brandon, IV; Sir Robert Brandon and Catherine Brandon Half brother of Hugh Terrill; John Tyrrell and William Tyrell of South Ockenham Occupation: 1st Duke of Suffolk Managed by: Ofir Friedman Last Updated: today View Complete Profile Matching family tree profiles for Charles Brandon Charles Brandon in Family Search Family Treeview all 36Immediate Family Duchess of Suffolk Francis Greydaughter Elizabeth Grey, Viscountess Lislefiancée NN NN, Mistress (es)partner Sir Charles Brandonson Frances Brandondaughter Mary Brandondaughter Margaret Nevillewife Anne Brownewife Mary Brandondaughter Anne Brandondaughter Mary Tudor, Queen of Francewife Henry Brandon, 1st Earl of Lincolnson About Charles Brandon Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 1st Viscount Lisle, KG (c.1484 – 22 August 1545) was the son of Sir William Brandon and Elizabeth Bruyn. Through his third wife Mary Tudor he was brother-in-law to Henry VIII. His father was the standard-bearer of Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond (later King Henry VII). Suffolk died of unknown causes at Guildford. Charles Brandon was the second but only surviving son [1] of Sir William Brandon, Henry Tudor's standard-bearer at the Battle of Bosworth Field, where he was slain by Richard III. His mother, Elizabeth Bruyn (d. March 1494), was daughter and co-heiress of Sir Henry Bruyn (died 1461). [ 2] [a]Charles Brandon was brought up at the court of Henry VII. He is described by Dugdale as \"\"a person comely of stature, high of courage and conformity of disposition to King Henry VIII, with whom he became a great favourite\"\"."
"docid": "D924458#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111205051348AAUM02G\nCan Brandon be a girl's name as well as a boy's?",
"text": "Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys Can Brandon be a girl's name as well as a boy's? I'm writing a story and I want to use that name for the daughter of one of my characters. I don't want to seem stupid if Brandon isn't a girl's name...... Update: BTW, she's not a lesbo, thank you very much. The girl's straight as a ruler!Update 2: John and Miss Giri, thank you for not judging me for my name choice! =) I always thought if a girl's name was Brandy....what's her real name? I mean, c'mon! Just like Joey for a girl. Josephine! Duh! But, thank you, thank you, thank you for not judging me!"
"docid": "D70409#0",
"title": "http://www.123helpme.com/spring-break-preview.asp?id=169210\nSpring Break Essay example",
"text": "No Works Cited Length: 1392 words (4 double-spaced pages) Rating: Blue Open Document- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -There is not much to do during spring break in Smallville except for going out and making your own fun. Now what I mean by that is you can have good fun. For example, you can go bowling, have a party or just chill out with your friends. Then there is bad fun. For example, go egging or buy paintball guns and shoot stuff. My friends and I decided to have bad fun for spring break. When we first started egging it was only six of us. Earl, David, Charles, Brandon, Jerrid, and myself. As the first couple of days went by we realized that other people in the city was starting to form teams of their own to get us back for egging them. Let me tell you a little bit about my crew."
"docid": "D2889605#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Brandyn\nâBrandyn",
"text": "\"Home > Brandyn♂Brandyn What does Brandyn mean? B randyn ▼ as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Brandyn) is an Old English name, and the name Brandyn means \"\"broom, gorse hill\"\". Brandyn is a variant form of Brandon (Old English): refers to the plant. ASSOCIATED WITH Br-, -yn, old english, broom (flower), hill (mountain)Variations VARIANTS Brandin, Branden ▼, Brandan ▼RELATED FORMS VIA BRANDON Brand, Brannon, Branton, Brennan CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Brandyn Reagan (B. R.), .. How popular is Brandyn? Brandyn is a rare first name for men. Brandyn is also a rare surname for all people. ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Brandyn entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its apex rank of #639 in the U. S. in the year 1992, but is not found in the list at the moment. ( TOP 2000 NAMES, 2015)Which version is better? Prominent alternative forms of Brandyn are Brandon (#82 IN 2015), Brennan (#446), Branden (#1064), Brannon, Brandan and Brandin. Usage of these forms of Brandyn was widespread 21 years ago (USAGE OF 1.65%) and has become much diminished since (USAGE 0.31%, ▼ 81%), with forms such as Brandyn falling out of fashion."
] |
2282 | breonna name meaning | [
"docid": "D622836#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Breonna\nâBreonna",
"text": "\"Home > Breonna♀Breonna What does Breonna mean? Breonna ▼ as a name for girls. The meaning of the name Breonna is \"\"high, noble, exalted\"\". Breonna is a version of Breanna (English, Irish, Gaelic, Celtic): respelling of Brianna. STARTS/ENDS WITH Bre-, -na ASSOCIATED WITH high (great), noble, exalted Variations VARIANTS Breona, Breina, Breiana, Breeauna, Breeanna, Breeana, Breawna, Breauna, Breana ▼RELATED FORMS VIA BREANNA Brea, Breanda, Breann ▼, Breanne ▼, Breaunne, Breea, Breean, Breeann, Breeanne, Breiann, Breila, Breonda CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Breonna Journie (B. J. ), .. How popular is Breonna? Breonna is an uncommon given name for females. Breonna is also a rare surname for all people. ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Breonna entered the list in 1990 and reached its highest position of #736 in the U. S. in 1995, but is not in the list at the moment. ( TOP BABY NAMES, 2016)Which version is better? Brea (#1988 IN 2016), Breana, Breann, Breanna (#787), Breanne, Breauna, Breeana, Breeann, Breeanna and Breona are the prominent related forms of Breonna."
] | [
"docid": "D1357727#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamegenie.com/polls/352239/results\nBaby Name Poll Results",
"text": "\"Baby Name Poll Resultsnames similar to Goldie or meaning vs. Gold/golden Please suggest names similar to Goldie or having the meaning Gold/Golden or modern ways to use the name Goldie. I would like to honor this important family member without using the exact name. Thank you The Top Baby Name is... Names Similar To Goldie Or Meaning0%Gold/golden0%Poll created: Apr 10, 2012 Total Votes: 0post a comment | report poll | create poll | more polls Christa ... Chrysta’s spelling may refer to the Greek word for \"\"gold\"\" or \"\"golden\"\". [ 11] Chrystal ... [1] Cressida ... \"\"Gold.\"\" ... [ 2] Crystal ... Chrystal a variant spelling probably influenced by Greek \"\"khrysos\"\" meaning \"\"gold\"\" ... [75] Eldora ... \"\"Gold.\"\" ... [ 4] Kim ... Kim is also a Korean name meaning \"\"gold\"\" ... [8] Marigold ... Flower name: the golden flower’s name is a combination of Mary and \"\"gold\"\". [ 2] Ophira ... Ophir is depicted as a rich source of gold, sandalwood, precious stones ... [2] Ora ... meaning \"\"gold\"\" or \"\"wind\"\". [ 5] Oracia ... The name is also related to prayer or gold. [ 3] Orinda ... Possibly related to the Spanish word \"\"oro\"\" meaning \"\"gold\"\" or a variant of the Spanish word \"\"linda\"\" meaning \"\"pretty\"\" ...posted by guest :: 5 years ago | report ASJAD: in Arabian, this name means “gold, jewel”. 2."
"docid": "D3017903#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/element_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"***Element Names Classical element names. Names that mean fire, earth, air, or water. [ Suggest Names for this page ]FIRE: UNISEX: HUO ( 霍 ): Chinese unisex name meaning \"\"fire. \"\" TLACHINOLLI : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire. \"\" TLEXICTLI : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire navel. \"\" XIPIL : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"noble of the fire. \"\" XIUHCOATL : Nahuatl unisex name meaning \"\"fire serpent\"\" or \"\"weapon of destruction. \"\" MALE: ADEN : Anglicized form of Gaelic Áedán , meaning \"\"fire.\"\" Compare with another form of Aden. ADROUSHAN : Armenian name meaning \"\"temple of fire-worship. \"\""
"docid": "D2525456#0",
"title": "http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1165652-demon-angel-guardian-names\nAnime Couples rp discussion",
"text": "\"message 1: by -Mika Yuu- (Aka Lucy) (last edited Jan 28, 2013 03:03AM) (new) Jan 11, 2013 05:14AMMod first its going to be angel girl names then angel boy names, then demon girl names and demon guy names, on the left is the names, the middle is the meanings and on the right is were your names will be if you chose that name, if you dont see a name you like, just ask me to put another name up and put the gender and ill add it, theres only one guard per character and you can only use one name once so ask me for promission to have the name first before you pick Angel girls: Ai LOVE Aiko BELOVED ONE, LITTLE LOVE Akako RED Akina SPRING FLOWER Ami FRIEND Aneko OLDER SISTER Ayame IRIS Chika NEAR Cho BUTTERFLY Dai GREAT Emiko BLESSED, BEAUTIFUL CHILD Etsu DELIGHT Gen SPRING Gin SILVER Gina SILVERY Hana FLOWER, BLOSSOM; FOWER, GRACEFUL, MERCIFUL Haya QUICK, LIGHT Hide EXCELLENT Hiroko MAGNANIMOUS Hisa LONG-LASTING Hisano OPEN PLAIN Hoshiko STAR Inari SUCCESSFUL ONE Kaede MAPLE LEAF Kagami MIRROR Kaida LITTLE DRAGON Kaiya FORGIVENESS Kaiyo FORGIVENESS Kameko TORTOISE-CHILD, SYMBOL FOR LONG-LIFE Kana POWERFUL Kaori FRAGRANT BEAUTIFUL GIRL Kaoru FRAGRANT Kata WORTHY Kei RAPTURE, REVERENCE Keiko ADORED ONE Kichi FORTUNATE Kimi SHE WHO IS WITHOUT EQUAL Kioko MEETS WORLD WITH HAPPINESS Kita NORTH Kohana LITTLE FLOWER Koto HARP Kumiko BRAID Kuniko CHILD FROM THE COUNTRY Kura TREASURE HOUSE Kyoko MIRROR Leiko ARROGANT Machi TEN THOUSAND Machiko CHILD OF MACHI Maeko TRUTHFUL CHILD Mai BRIGHTNESS;COYOTE Angel Boys: Aki Japanese unisex name meaning autumn; bright Akihiko Japanese name meaning bright/shining prince Akihiro Japanese name meaning bright scholar; shining abroad Akio Japanese name meaning bright man Akira Japanese unisex name meaning bright; clear; dawn Arata Japanese name meaning fresh Atsushi Japanese name meaning cordial; industrious Daichi Japanese name meaning great first son or great land Daiki Japanese name meaning of great value Daisuke Japanese name meaning great helper Eiji Japanese name meaning excellent second son; splendid ruler Fumio Japanese name meaning literary/scholarly child Goro Japanese name meaning fifth son Hachiro Japanese name meaning eighth son Hajime Japanese name meaning beginning Haruo Japanese name meaning springtime man Hideaki Japanese name meaning shining excellence; splendid brightness Hideki Japanese name meaning splendid opportunity Hideo Japanese name meaning splendid man Hikaru Japanese name derived from the word hikari, meaning light hiro Hiroaki Japanese name meaning widespread brightness Hiroki Japanese name meaning abundant joy/strength Hiromi Japanese unisex name meaning wide-seeing; widespread beauty Hiroshi Japanese name meaning abundant; widespread Hiroyuki Japanese name meaning widespread happiness Hisao Japanese name meaning long-lived man Hisashi Japanese name meaning long-lived Hisoka Japanese name meaning reserved Hitoshi Japanese name meaning even-tempered; level Hotaka Japanese name, possibly meaning \"\"step by step,\"\" derived from the name of the highest peak in what is known as the Japanese Alps. Ichiro Japanese name meaning first son Isamu Japanese name meaning courageous; warrior Isao Japanese name meaning honor; merit Iwao Japanese name meaning stone man Izanagi Japanese myth name of a deity and husband of Izanami, meaning male who invites Jiro Japanese name meaning second son jun Juro Japanese name meaning tenth son Katashi Japanese name meaning firmness Katsu Japanese name meaning victory Katsuo Japanese name meaning victorious child Katsuro Japanese name meaning victorious son Kazuhiko Japanese name meaning first/harmonious prince Kazuhiro Japanese name meaning harmony widespread kazuki Kazuo Japanese name meaning harmonious man Keiichi Japanese name meaning respectful first (son) Keiji Japanese name meaning respectful second (son) Ken Japanese name meaning healthy and strong Ken'ichi Japanese name meaning first builder/governor Kenji Japanese name meaning intelligent ruler Kenshin Japanese name meaning modest truth Kenta Japanese name meaning healthy, stout Kichiro Japanese name meaning lucky son Kioshi Japanese name meaning quiet Kiyoshi Japanese name meaning pure; saintly Kohaku Japanese unisex name meaning amber Koichi Japanese name meaning shining/widespread first (son) Koji Japanese name meaning filial ruler; happy second (son) Kunio Japanese name meaning countryman Kuro Japanese name meaning ninth son Kyo Japanese name meaning approval, ginger, or large Madoka Japanese unisex name meaning tranquil Makoto Japanese name meaning true Mamoru Japanese name meaning protect Manabu Japanese name meaning studious Masa Unisex nickname for Japanese names beginning with Masa-. Masaaki Japanese name meaning correct brightness Masahiko Japanese name meaning correct prince Masahiro Japanese name meaning govern widely Masaki Japanese name meaning correct record; elegant tree Masanori Japanese name meaning correct principles; prosperous government Masao Japanese name meaning correct man Masaru Japanese name meaning intelligent; victorious Masashi Japanese name meaning correct; splendid official Masato Japanese name meaning correct/elegant man Masayoshi Japanese name meaning govern righteously; shining goodness Masayuki Japanese name meaning correct happiness Masuyo Japanese name meaning increase the world1 Demon Girl: Yami (Darkness) Hoshimi (Starlight) Usagi (Moon) Kuro (Black) Akumu (Nightmare) : black star Rin (Cold) Chi (Blood) : Molly~Angel of death~ Tora (Tiger) Mika (New Moon) Fuyu (Born in winter) Yumi (Archery bow) Demon Boys: Hotaru-darkness and despair: me Ankoku-darkness: Lana Akuhei-evil Kurai-dark Myou-dark Kumori-cloudy, shadow Shadou-shadow Yakunan-evil, misfortune Fuzen-evil, mischief, sin, imperfect Neikan-wicked, trecherous Erai-terrible, awful Hidou- hate hirai-hate : L Akuma-demon Akki-demon Tenma-demon hekeriki-thunder Rein-rain Ame-rain Kouu-rain Raikou-lightning Kurai: ☂ηøḯя☂-☆-◆яawя◆™reply | flag * \""
"docid": "D290910#0",
"title": "http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/anime/articles/152196/title/japanese-names-with-meanings\njapanese names with their meanings",
"text": "\"310 fansjapanese names with their meanings List by soran posted over a year ago AI meaning \"\"love\"\" (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning \"\"love song\"\" (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning \"\"child of love\"\" (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning \"\"love beautiful\"\" (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning \"\"love vegetables\"\" (愛菜) - Japanese girl name. AIRI meaning \"\"love jasmine\"\" (愛莉) - Japanese girl name. AKANE meaning \"\"brilliant red\"\" (茜) - Japanese girl name. AKEMI meaning \"\"bright beautiful\"\" (明美) - Japanese girl name. AKI meaning \"\"bright / autumn\"\" (明 / 秋) - Japanese unisex name. AKIHIRO meaning \"\"great brightness\"\" (明宏) - Japanese boy name."
"docid": "D238150#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/male_hebrew_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"ABDOWN ( עַבְדּוֹן ): Hebrew name meaning \"\"servant, worshiper.\"\" In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including one of the judges who ruled over Israel. Also spelled Avdon. ABE : Short form of Hebrew Abraham, meaning \"\"father of a multitude,\"\" and other names beginning with Ab-. ABEY : Variant spelling of Hebrew Abie, meaning \"\"father of a multitude. \"\" ABI : Pet form of Hebrew Abraham , meaning \"\"father of a multitude.\"\" Also spelled Avi . Compare with feminine Abi. ABICHAIL ( אֲבִיחַיִל ): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Abiyhayil , meaning \"\"father of might. \"\" ABIE : Pet form of Hebrew Abe, meaning \"\"father of a multitude. \"\""
"docid": "D1364298#0",
"title": "http://baby-names.emedtv.com/baby-names-articles-a-to-z-page-25.html\nBaby Names A-Z",
"text": "\"Baby Names Channel Topics Top 100 Boys' Names Meaning of Names Top Ten Baby Names Top 100 Baby Names Middle Name Meanings Baby Boys' Names Uncommon Baby Names Top Ten Boys' Names Top 100 Girls' Names Baby Girl Names First Name Meanings Top Ten Girls' Names Advertisement Related Channels Pregnancy Women Advertisement Baby Names Home > Baby Names Baby Names A-ZBaby Names From Ebonii-Lynn to Elih Information on Ebonii-Lynn Ebonni -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ebonny -- Name Info Information on Ebony -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ebony-Jade Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ebony-Lee Name Information Ebony-Michaela Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Ebony-Paige -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Ebony-Rose Ebrhim -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ebubekir Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Echo -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ector -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Ed About the Name Eda About the Name Edan Information on Edd -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edda Name Information Edde-Rose Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Eddi Information About Eddie (F)About Eddie (M)Information About Eddison Eddy -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Ede -- Name Info Eden (F) Name Information About the Name Eden (M)Information on Eden-Jade -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Edena Edene Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Info on the Name Edenia Edeth Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About Edgar (F)Information About Edgar (M)Edgard Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edgardo -- Name Info Edi -- Name Info Information About Edie (F)Info on the Name Edie (M)Information on Edik Edin -- Name Info About the Name Edina Information About Edisofi Information on Edison -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information About the Name Edita Edith (F) -- Name Info Information on Edith (M) -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Editha Edithe -- Name Info Info on the Name Edition Edla -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information on Edlin About Edmario Information on Edmon -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Edmond About the Name Edmondo Info on the Name Edmonia About the Name Edmund About the Name Edmundo About Edna (F)Information on Edna (M)Ednah Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edon -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edona Name Information Information About Edonah Edone Name Information Edouard Name Information Information on Edra -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edrie Name Information Information About Edris Info on the Name Edsel Information About Edson Eduard Name Information Eduardo -- Name Info About the Name Eduino Information About Edvard About Edw Information on Edward (F)Edward (M) Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Information About Edwardo Edwin -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information Edwina Name Information Information on Edwyna About Edye About Edyn (F)Information About Edyn (M)About the Name Edyne About the Name Edyth About Edythe Information About Eeliyah Continues on Next Page >1 2 3 Next >>Description of Baby Names Information on Ebonii-Lynn This e Med TV Web page highlights information about the name Ebonii-Lynn. This may include information about variations, and meaning. Ebonni -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information This e Med TV article provides a detailed overview of the name Ebonni, including its origin and meaning. Ebonny -- Name Info This e Med TV Web page highlights information about the name Ebonny. This may include information about variations, and meaning. Information on Ebony -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information The meaning of Ebony is \"\"A hard, dark wood.\"\" This e Med TV article provides other information on the name Ebony, including its origin and other forms. Ebony-Jade Information -- Meaning, Origin, and/or Other Information This e Med TV Web page explains name information related to Ebony-Jade. This includes the meaning, origin, and other forms of Ebony-Jade. Ebony-Lee Name Information This e Med TV Web page explains name information related to Ebony-Lee."
"docid": "D2013929#0",
"title": "https://coschedule.com/blog/blog-post-length/\nHow Long Should a Blog Post Be to Get the Most Traffic and Shares?",
"text": "\"How Long Should a Blog Post Be to Get the Most Traffic and Shares? By Breonna Bergstrom on January 8, 2018Follow on Twitter Follow on Google+71My Headline Score“How long should my blog post be?”We hear this question a lot. There’s a ton of advice out there that says everything from 275 to 2,500 words. That’s … not a very helpful range. So, we did some research to definitively determine the answer. The following studies will show you what length of content gives you the best chance of ranking on Google. Plus, we’ve included some raw data we compiled from our own top-performing blog posts (and will show you how to analyze your own top content to determine your own best blog post length). Optimize Your Blog Content With This Template Bundle Don’t just guess at the best blog content length. Know the best length for every post on your blog. Snag this template bundle, and you’ll get: A Blog Post Template to help you write posts that are the optimal length for the best results."
"docid": "D1179372#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/tree_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female Tree Names Tree-related names. Names that mean grove, tree, tree trunk, sapling, acacia, alder, ash, aspen, bamboo, birch, cedar, cottonwood, cypress, elm, fir, fruit tree, hazel, juniper, laurel, linden, magnolia, maple, mimosa, myrtle, oak, palm, pine, poplar, spice tree, storax, sweet gum, sycamore, willow, yew, etc. [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Tree Names ]Page 1 of 1ACACIA : English name derived from the tree name, from Latin acacia, from Greek akakia, meaning \"\"thorny Egyptian tree.\"\" Besides the flowering shrub or tree, Acacia is also the name of a fraternity. In Freemasonry, the Acacia symbolizes immortality of the soul, innocence and purity, and birth into a new life. The acaica seyal is believed to have been the biblical shittah-tree (Isaiah 41:19) which furnished the wood for the Ark of the Covenant and for the Tabernacle. AGHAVEAGH: Irish name meaning \"\"from the field of the old tree. \"\" ALAMEDA : Native American Indian name meaning \"\"grove of cottonwood. \"\" ALANI : Hawaiian name meaning \"\"orange tree. \"\" ALAQUA: Native American name meaning \"\"sweet gum tree. \"\""
"docid": "D773886#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/baby-articles/names-meaning-fire/\nNames Meaning Fire â Discover more than 100 Fiery Baby Names",
"text": "Names Meaning Fire – Discover more than 100 Fiery Baby Names Fire, since time immemorial, has been one of the most important things human beings came to acknowledge. It has become a necessity—capable enough to provide illumination even in the darkest of nights, warmth in the coldest of winters and an essential component to turn animal flesh into something that is pleasing to the human palate. That is why fire names give such meaning if you give them to your little ones. Keep on reading to find cool boy and girl names meaning fire. Fire has been a constant metaphor associated with an exceptional level of intensity, passion, and even temptation. Its characteristics are widely used in the figurative language, which adds depth to its meaning. Even love was no stranger to it. Even the most rational of men can awaken the inner god in themselves with nothing but relying on their pure instincts. The body itself inadvertently succumbs to the hedonistic desire that is found in another human body, grazing one’s skin against the other while bathing themselves to the pleasure brought by their burning passion for love. Why New Parents Love Baby Names Meaning Fire Children are the lights to our candles, which is why names meaning “fire” is just a good choice for them."
"docid": "D673505#0",
"title": "http://www.japanese-names.org/japanese-girl-names.php\nJapanese Girl Names",
"text": "\"Japanese Girl Names Tweet Here is the complete list of Japanese girl names with most common kanji (Japanese characters) used, and name meanings: AI meaning \"\"love\"\" (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning \"\"love song\"\" (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning \"\"child of love\"\" (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning \"\"love beautiful\"\" (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning \"\"love vegetables\"\" (愛菜) - Japanese girl name. AIRI meaning \"\"love jasmine\"\" (愛莉) - Japanese girl name. AKANE meaning \"\"brilliant red\"\" (茜) - Japanese girl name. AKEMI meaning \"\"bright beautiful\"\" (明美) - Japanese girl name. AKI meaning \"\"bright / autumn\"\" (明 / 秋) - Japanese unisex name. AKIKO meaning \"\"bright child\"\" (明子) - Japanese girl name."
"docid": "D418401#0",
"title": "http://20000-names.com/female_native_american_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female Native American Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Native American Names ] [ 1 ] [ 2]ABEDABUN : Native American Chippewa name meaning \"\"dawn; sight of day. \"\" ABEQUA : Native American Chippewa name meaning \"\"stays at home. \"\" ABEQUE : Variant spelling of Native American Chippewa Abequa, meaning \"\"stays at home. \"\" ADSILA : Native American Cherokee name meaning \"\"blossom. \"\" AILEN : Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen , meaning \"\"clear\"\" or \"\"happiness. \"\" AIYANA : This name was coined by professor Bryan Sykes, author of The Seven Daughters of Eve , for a particular Native American genetic line, one of four reconstructed mt DNA lines believed to have colonised America. The name was adopted into English usage, mostly by Americans. It may mean \"\"ever-blooming. \"\" AIYANNA : Variant spelling of Native American Aiyana, possibly meaning \"\"ever-blooming. \"\" ALAMEDA : Native American Indian name meaning \"\"grove of cottonwood. \"\""
"docid": "D3266320#0",
"title": "http://www.learnpakistan.com/tips-in-urdu/baby-girl-muslim-names-with-their-meanings-in-urdu-good-muslim-names-for-girls.html\nstandard Unique Baby Girl Muslim Names With Their Meanings in Urdu-Good Muslim Names for Girls",
"text": "standard Unique Baby Girl Muslim Names With Their Meanings in Urdu-Good Muslim Names for Girls May 14, 2011 By The Shahzad Pakistanis Love Sharing0 0Advertisements Babies are the blessings of God, since God created Adam and Eve the history naming the humans started. The girls are blessings of God. Choosing a girl’s unique name can be a easy job, here is the list of Muslim name for baby girl with their meanings. Which name you like the most, please tell me via comments below. Always choose the girl Muslim names that you like. Remember its baby girl Muslim names so choose it likely that is a baby girl name, avoid mix gender names like tabusam, noor etc. It is always best to know baby girl Muslim name with meaning because its girl. Always choose the short and unique baby girl Muslim name. Baby/Female Muslim Names With Their Meanings Advertisements Girl Baby Muslim Name Meaning In Urdu/English‘Aakifa girl name means A lady who worship Allah in solitude. ‘Aatika girl name means Lady who is richly perfumed."
"docid": "D1373147#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/female_native_american_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female Native American Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Native American Names ] [ 1 ] [ 2]ABEDABUN : Native American Chippewa name meaning \"\"dawn; sight of day. \"\" ABEQUA : Native American Chippewa name meaning \"\"stays at home. \"\" ABEQUE : Variant spelling of Native American Chippewa Abequa, meaning \"\"stays at home. \"\" ADSILA : Native American Cherokee name meaning \"\"blossom. \"\" AILEN : Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen , meaning \"\"clear\"\" or \"\"happiness. \"\" AIYANA : This name was coined by professor Bryan Sykes, author of The Seven Daughters of Eve , for a particular Native American genetic line, one of four reconstructed mt DNA lines believed to have colonised America. The name was adopted into English usage, mostly by Americans. It may mean \"\"ever-blooming. \"\" AIYANNA : Variant spelling of Native American Aiyana, possibly meaning \"\"ever-blooming. \"\" ALAMEDA : Native American Indian name meaning \"\"grove of cottonwood. \"\""
"docid": "D1307748#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/female_a_names_8.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Female \"\"A\"\" Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male \"\"A\"\" Names ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8 ]ASIA: English unisex name derived from the name of the continent, possibly derived from Assyrian asu, meaning \"\"east. \"\" Short form of Polish Joasia , meaning \"\" Yahweh is gracious. \"\" ÁSLAUG : Old Norse name composed of the elements áss \"\"god\"\" and laug \"\"betrothed woman,\"\" hence \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLAUG : Norwegian form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ÁSLAUGUR : Icelandic form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLI : Turkish name meaning \"\"genuine. \"\" ÅSLÖG : Swedish form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASLØG: Danish form of Old Norse Áslaug, meaning \"\"God-betrothed woman. \"\" ASMA ( أسمى ): Arabic name meaning \"\"prestige. \"\" ASNAT ( אָסְנַת ): Variant spelling of English Asenath , meaning \"\"belonging to the goddess Neith . \"\""
"docid": "D2055935#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_gene_pair\nWhat is a gene pair that consits of a dominant allele and a recessive allele?",
"text": "\"Breonna B 22 Contributions Answered In Biology What is a gene pair that consits of a dominant allele and a recessive allele? An organism that has a dominant and recessive allele is called Heterozygote, or heterozygous. Answered In Biology What is a gene pair called when is consist of two dominant alleles or two recessive alleles? Homozygous Neodarwinian 16,472 Contributions Answered In Biology What is a gene pair that consists of two dominant allelles or two recessive traits? Homozygous dominant. or, Homozygous recessive. Neodarwinian 16,472 Contributions Answered In Biology What is a gene pair that consists of a dominent allele and a recessive allele? Heterozygous dominant pair. Meave Gilchrist 24,958 Contributions\"\"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.\"\" Marie Curie Answered In Genetics Which gene in a gene pair is the gene that is expressed?"
"docid": "D364472#0",
"title": "https://www.bellybelly.com.au/post-natal/your-period-and-ovulation-after-baby/\nMenstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby",
"text": "Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby By Kelly Winder in Post Natal. Updated: October 14, 2015Immediately following the birth of your baby, your blood loss will be bright red and slightly heavier than a normal period – though it shouldn’t exceed what can be managed with a sanitary pad every four hours. If it does, please refer to your midwife or doctor. The loss and blood flow will decrease over the next week, and the colour will alter to a paler red, then a brownish-red colour. The discharge (also known as lochia) can become yellow-white in colour before it ceases. You will notice an odour, which is strong but not offensive. The blood flow should stop after a week or so, but light blood loss might last for about 6 weeks after the birth and is not a cause for concern – it differs for each woman. If you’re worried, contact your midwife or doctor for advice. It’s important that you use sanitary pads and not tampons after the birth of your baby. Tampons obstruct the blood flow and can encourage the growth of bacteria, which could lead to infection."
"docid": "D103804#0",
"title": "http://www.20000-names.com/metallic_names.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Metallic Names Names that mean anvil, brass, bronze, gold, iron, iron-like, metal, silver. Strong as iron. Names of deities of metal. Metal-related names. [ Suggest Names for this page ]Page 1 of 1UNISEX: KIN ( 欽 ): Japanese unisex name meaning \"\"gold. \"\" SILVER : English unisex name meaning \"\"silver,\"\" which may refer to either the precious metal or the color. VANNA : Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning \"\"golden.\"\" Compare with another form of Vanna. MALE: ALTAN ( Алтан ): Mongolian name meaning \"\"gold. \"\" ARDIT ( Ардит ): Albanian name meaning \"\"golden day. \"\""
"docid": "D1331515#0",
"title": "http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names/colournames.htm\n.",
"text": "\":: Male & Female Colour Names :: More Colour Names :: Period Mongolian Names Of Colours :::: Abenaki Colours :: Lakhota Colours :: Colours In Cherokee :: Colours In Aymara :: Ojibwe Colours :::: Basque Names Of Colours :: Colours In Persian :: Colours In Euskera :: Gaelic Names For Colour :::: Female Names That Mean Golden :: Silver Names :: 16th Century Italian Colour Names :: White Names :::: Black Names :: Colour Names Links :::: Back to NATURE NAMES :: MALE & FEMALE COLOUR NAMES| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |-A-ADHAM: AFFERA: AFFERY: AFFRA: AFRA: AL-ASHAB: ALBICANT: AMBER: APHRA: ARGENT: ASWAD: AZUR: AZURA: Male Arabic name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Male Arabian name meaning \"\"the grey\"\" Shining bronze colour Muslim female name meaning \"\"amber, brownish-yellow,\"\" or \"\"jewel\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Like the white of an eye or an egg; white-coloured Male Arabic/Arabian and Egyptian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Persian name meaning \"\"blue\"\" Female Persian name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-B-BLAEC: BLAKE: BRON: BRUN: BRUNO: BRUNON: Male English name meaning \"\"black or white\"\" Male English name meaning \"\"black or white\"\" Male Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"brown or dark\"\" Male Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"brown or dark\"\" Male German name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Male German name meaning \"\"brown\"\"-C-CERNY: CIARDUBHAN: CONAIRE: CONROY, CRONAN: Male Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"wise, red\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"wise, red\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark brown\"\"-D-DEARG: DEBBANI: DEVAKI: DHUMAVARNA: DON: DONN: DONNAN: DONOVAN: DOWAN: DUBH: DUBHAGAIN: DUBHAN: DUGGAN: DUFF: DWYER: Male Scottish name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"grey colour\"\" Female Indian (India) name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"the colour of smoke\"\" Male Irish diminutive of Donald, \"\"powerful worldwide\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Irish name meaning dark brown\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Scottish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Scottish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\"-E-EARC: EBONY: EL-ZARKA: ERC: Male Irish name meaning \"\"red\"\" Name taken from the valuable black wood of the same name. Female Arabian name meaning \"\"the grey one\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"red\"\"-F-FLAVIAN: FLAVIO: FLAWIUSZ: FLOYD: Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Celtic name meaning \"\"grey\"\"-G-GARNETT: GINGER: GOLDIE: GORMAIN: GORMAN: Old French name meaning \"\"red like a pomegranate\"\" Unisexual Nickname for a person with red hair or a fiery temper From word \"\"gold,\"\" usually given to children with blond or red hair Male Irish name meaning \"\"blue\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-H-HARKIN: HINTO: HNEDY: HONG: HUONG: HUYEN: HYACINTH: HYACINTHE: HYUNH: Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark red\"\" Male Native American Dakota name meaning \"\" blue\"\" Male Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"rose, pink\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"fragrance, perfume; rose or pink colour Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"having a reflective black colour\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"yellow\"\"-I-- --J-JACINTA: JETTA: JETTE: Female Spanish name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Latin name meaning \"\"jet-black\"\" Female Latin name meaning \"\"jet-black\"\"-K-KADEER: KADIR: KALA: KALA: KALI: KANIKA: KERWEN: KERWIN: KERWYN: KIERAN: KIERON: Male Arabic name meaning \"\"the colour green or green crop\"\" Male Arabic name meaning \"\"the colour green or green crop\"\" Female Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) / Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) / Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Egyptian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark, swarthy, black\"\" Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black-haired one\"\"-L-LILIA: LLOYD: LOOTAH: Female Russian name. A form of Lilac; having a bluish colour Celtic / Welsh name meaning \"\"grey\"\". Variants include Floyd and Loyd Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"red\"\"-M-MATLAL: MELENA: MELINA: MEOQUANEE: MIDORI: MUSTANEN: Male Nahuatl name meaning \"\"dark green; or net\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"yellow as canary\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"yellow as canary\"\" Female Native American Cheyenne name meaning \"\"wears red\"\" Female Japanese name meaning \"\"green\"\" Male Finnish surname meaning \"\"black\"\"-N-NELIA: NILA: Female Spanish name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-O-OBHARNAIT: ODHRAN: ODRAN: OGALEESHA: ORAN: ORNA: ORNAT: Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"wears a red shirt\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\" Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\"-P-PORFIRIO: PORFIRO: PRUNELLA: PRUNELLIE: Male Greek name meaning \"\"purple stone\"\" Male Spanish name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female French name meaning \"\"the colour of plum\"\" Female French name meaning \"\"the colour of plum\"\"-Q-- --R-RAD: RAED: RAKTIM: RORY: ROUSEEL: ROUX: ROY: RUDD: RUFUS: RURIK: RUSSELL: Male English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"bright red\"\" Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male French names meaning \"\"reddish; red-skinned; red-haired Female French name meaning \"\"red\"\" Gaelic name meaning \"\"red.\"\" Also a French name meaning \"\"king\"\" Male English names meaning \"\"ruddy-coloured\"\" Biblical name name meaning \"\"red\"\" or \"\"red-haired\"\" Male Slavic name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male French names meaning \"\"reddish; red-skinned; red-haired-S-SAVARNA: SCARLET: SCARLETT: SHABHA: SILVER: SOUMRA: SUCKI: Female Indian (India) name meaning \"\"same colour\"\" Female English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"grey colour\"\" Female Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"white\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"brownish colour\"\" Male Native American Algonquin name meaning \"\"black\"\"-T-TAJI: TALE: TALUTAH: THANH: Unisexual Japanese name. Means \"\"silver and yellow colour\"\" Female Egyptian name meaning \"\"green\"\" Female Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"blood-red\"\" Male Vietnamese name meaning means the \"\"colour of the sky\"\"-U-- --V-VIOLETA: Female Romanian name meaning \"\"purple\"\"-W-WARDEE: Female Arabian name meaning \"\"rose coloured\"\"-X-XANTHA: XANTHE: Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\"-Y-YAHTO: YARKONA: Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\" blue\"\" Female Hebrew name meaning \"\"green\"\"-Z-ZANTHE: ZELENKA: ZELENY: ZUKRA: Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Female Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"little green one\"\" Male Czech name meaning \"\"green\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"blue\"\"| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |:: Male & Female Colour Names :: More Colour Names :: Period Mongolian Names Of Colours :::: Abenaki Colours :: Lakhota Colours :: Colours In Cherokee :: Colours In Aymara :: Ojibwe Colours :::: Basque Names Of Colours :: Colours In Persian :: Colours In Euskera :: Gaelic Names For Colour :::: Female Names That Mean Golden :: Silver Names :: 16th Century Italian Colour Names :::: Colour Names Links :::: Back to NATURE NAMES :: A Names and Naming Webring< Prev / Forum / Like / Sites / Join / Surprise / Next >Visit a complete list of Web Ring memberships here< Previous Forum Like Easy Surf A Names and Naming Webring Off Suprise Me! Next >.. \""
"docid": "D1230240#0",
"title": "http://scbsfm.blogspot.com/2010/09/baby-names-meaning-pure.html\n\"Baby Names Meaning \"\"PURE\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Find out list of baby names which mean \"\" PURE \"\". These names for males and females originated from Welsh, Irish, German, English, Persian, Spanish, Greek, American, Biblical, African, Slavic, Polish and Indian background. - AGNES: Greek female name meaning Pure - BRONWEN: Welsh female name meaning Dark, Pure - BRONWYN: Welsh female name meaning Dark, Pure - CADEE: American female name meaning Pure - CAITIR: Irish female name meaning Pure, Unsullied - CAITLYN: Irish female name meaning Pure Beauty - CANDACE: Greek female name meaning Fire White, Pure - CANDIDA: Latin female name meaning Pure, Bright - CANDRA: Greek female name meaning Pure and Chaste - CATALIN: Spanish female name meaning Pure - CATALINA: Spanish female name meaning Pure - CATE: Greek female name meaning Pure - CATHERINE: Greek female name meaning Pure, Virginal - CATHY: Greek female name meaning Pure - CATRIN: Welsh female name meaning Pure - CATRIONA: Irish female name meaning Pure - INA: Greek female name meaning Pure - JEZEBEL: Biblical female name meaning Impure - KAETHE: German female name meaning Pure - KAITLIN: Irish female name meaning Pure, Beautiful - KAITLYN: Irish female name meaning Pure - KAREN: Greek female name meaning Pure - KARENA: Scandinavian female name meaning Pure One - KARI: Greek female name meaning Pure - KARIN: Greek female name meaning Pure - KASSIA: Polish female name meaning Pure, from Katherine - KATALIN: Hungarian female name meaning Pure - KATARINA: Latin female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATE: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATELIN: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATELYN: Irish female name meaning Pure Beauty - KATEN: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHARINE: Greek female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHERINE: Greek female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHIE: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHLEEN: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHRYN: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATHY: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATIA: Slavic female name meaning Pure - KATIE: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KATINA: Greek female name meaning Pure, Unsullied - KATOKA: Hungarian female name meaning Pure - KATRINA: German female name meaning Pure - KATY: Irish female name meaning Pure, Virginal - KAYLEEN: American female name meaning Pure Lass - KERA: Irish female name meaning Pure - KERRYN: American female name meaning Dusky and Pure - KOLINA: Greek female name meaning Pure - MANTREH: Persian female name meaning Pure - NAKIA: Egyptian female name meaning Pure, Faithful - NIESHA: American female name meaning Pure - SADA: Japanese female name meaning Pure One - SOOK: Korean female name meaning Pure - TAHIRAH: Egyptian female name meaning Pure - THUY: Vietnamese female name meaning Pure - TRINA: Slavic/Greek female name meaning From Katarina, Triana Pure - TRINH: Vietnamese female name meaning Pure - VIRGINIA: Latin female name meaning Virginal, Pure - VIRGINIE: French female name meaning Form of Virginia, Which Means Pure - AMAL: Hindu male name meaning Pure - ASHO: Persian male name meaning Pure of Heart - CASTA: Spanish male name meaning Pure - GALAHAD: English male name meaning Pure, Noble and Selfless - KARAN: Greek male name meaning Pure - MANCHU: Chinese male name meaning Pure - TAHIR: African male name meaning Pure - AZRA: Biblical unisex name meaning Pure - CADE: American unisex name meaning Pure - CANDIDE: Latin unisex name meaning Pure, Bright - CAREY: Irish unisex name meaning Pure - CARY: Irish unisex name meaning Pure - JIE: Chinese unisex name meaning Pure - KASEN: Scandinavian unisex name meaning Pure - KENDIS: American unisex name meaning Pure - MARIATU: African unisex name meaning Pure - YU: Chinese unisex name meaning Jie Pure, Beautiful Jade - ABEZAG: Indian male name meaning Pure; Holy - AMAL: Indian male name meaning Pure; Hope; Aspiration - AMALENDU: Indian male name meaning Pure like the moon - AMALESH: Indian male name meaning Pure - AMISH: Indian male name meaning Pure - AMISHI: Indian female name meaning Pure Amishi - AMLA: Indian female name meaning Pure KLSLM - BARISHA: Indian female name meaning Pure Barisha - BIMAL: Indian male name meaning Pure - BIMALA: Indian female name meaning Pure Bimala - CATHERINE: Indian female name meaning Pure Catherine - CATHY: Indian female name meaning Pure Cathy - HUSNAIN: Indian male name meaning Pure in the eyes - KATRINA: Indian female name meaning Pure Katrina - KETAN: Indian male name meaning Pure gold - MINAL: Indian female name meaning Pure Minal - NAZEEH: Indian male name meaning Pure; Chaste - NIRMAY: Indian male name meaning Pure - PAVITRA: Indian female name meaning Pure Pavitra - PUNEET: Indian male name meaning Pure - SADASHIV: Indian male name meaning Pure - SAFIYA: Indian female name meaning Untroubled; Serene; Pure; Best friend Safiya - SEJAL: Indian female name meaning Pure; Depth in character Sejal - SHAUCHIN: Indian male name meaning Pure - SHUCHI: Indian female name meaning Pure Shuchi - SIDDHANGANA: Indian female name meaning Accomplished; Female Saint; Divine; Pure Siddhangana - TAAHIRA: Indian female name meaning Pure; Chaste Taahira - VANISHA: Indian female name meaning Pure Vanisha - ZAKIY: Indian male name meaning Pure - ZAKIYAA: Indian female name meaning Pure Zakiyaa BABY NAMES: Read More - List of Names which have same meaning \""
"docid": "D2743693#0",
"title": "http://www.pandecats.com/x/names-based-on-color.shtml\nCat Names Based On Color",
"text": "\"Cat Names Based On Color CLICKA AQUI para leer este artículo en Español ( CLICK HERE to read this article in Spanish)Published September 2007Looking for a name for your cat based on the color of its coat? Or its eyes? Check out the names below for ideas...-A-ADHAM: AFFERA: AFFERY: AFFRA: AFRA: AL-ASHAB: AMBER: APHRA: ASWAD: AZUR: AZURA: Male Arabic name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Male Arabian name meaning \"\"the grey\"\" Muslim female name meaning \"\"amber, brownish-yellow,\"\" or \"\"jewel\"\" Female Arabic name meaning \"\"colour of earth\"\" Male Arabic/Arabian and Egyptian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Persian name meaning \"\"blue\"\" Female Persian name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-B-BLAEC: BLAKE: BRON: BRUN: BRUNO: BRUNON: Male English name meaning \"\"black or white\"\" Male English name meaning \"\"black or white\"\" Male Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"brown or dark\"\" Male Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"brown or dark\"\" Male German name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Male German name meaning \"\"brown\"\"-C-CERNY: CIARDUBHAN: CONAIRE: CONROY, CRONAN: Male Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"wise, red\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"wise, red\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark brown\"\"-D-DEARG: DEBBANI: DEVAKI: DHUMAVARNA: DON: DONN: DONNAN: DONOVAN: DOWAN: DUBH: DUBHAGAIN: DUBHAN: DUGGAN: DUFF: DWYER: Male Scottish name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"grey colour\"\" Female Indian (India) name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"the colour of smoke\"\" Male Irish diminutive of Donald, \"\"powerful worldwide\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Irish name meaning dark brown\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Scottish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Scottish name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"black\"\"-E-EARC: EBONY: EL-ZARKA: ERC: Male Irish name meaning \"\"red\"\" Name taken from the valuable black wood of the same name. Female Arabian name meaning \"\"the grey one\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"red\"\"-F-FLAVIAN: FLAVIO: FLAWIUSZ: FLOYD: Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Latin name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Celtic name meaning \"\"grey\"\"-G-GARNETT: GINGER: GOLDIE: GORMAIN: GORMAN: Old French name meaning \"\"red like a pomegranate\"\" Unisexual Nickname for a person with red hair or a fiery temper From word \"\"gold,\"\" usually given to children with blond or red hair Male Irish name meaning \"\"blue\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-H-HARKIN: HINTO: HNEDY: HONG: HUONG: HUYEN: HYACINTH: HYACINTHE: HYUNH: Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark red\"\" Male Native American Dakota name meaning \"\" blue\"\" Male Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"brown\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"rose, pink\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"fragrance, perfume; rose or pink colour Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"having a reflective black colour\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Vietnamese name meaning \"\"yellow\"\"-I-- --J-JACINTA: JETTA: JETTE: Female Spanish name meaning \"\"purple\"\" Female Latin name meaning \"\"jet-black\"\" Female Latin name meaning \"\"jet-black\"\"-K-KADEER: KADIR: KALA: KALA: KALI: KANIKA: KERWEN: KERWIN: KERWYN: KIERAN: KIERON: Male Arabic name meaning \"\"the colour green or green crop\"\" Male Arabic name meaning \"\"the colour green or green crop\"\" Female Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) / Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Indian (India) / Hindi name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Egyptian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black one\"\" Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"dark, swarthy, black\"\" Male Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"little black-haired one\"\"-L-LILIA: LLOYD: LOOTAH: Female Russian name. A form of Lilac; having a bluish colour Celtic / Welsh name meaning \"\"grey\"\". Variants include Floyd and Loyd Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"red\"\"-M-MATLAL: MELENA: MELINA: MEOQUANEE: MIDORI: MUSTANEN: Male Nahuatl name meaning \"\"dark green; or net\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"yellow as canary\"\" Female Greek name meaning \"\"yellow as canary\"\" Female Native American Cheyenne name meaning \"\"wears red\"\" Female Japanese name meaning \"\"green\"\" Male Finnish surname meaning \"\"black\"\"-N-NELIA: NILA: Female Spanish name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"blue\"\"-O-OBHARNAIT: ODHRAN: ODRAN: OGALEESHA: ORAN: ORNA: ORNAT: Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"wears a red shirt\"\" Male Irish name meaning \"\"pale green\"\" Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\" Female Irish name meaning \"\"the colour of olive\"\"-P-PORFIRIO: PORFIRO: PRETO: PRETA: PRUNELLA: PRUNELLIE: Male Greek name meaning \"\"purple stone\"\" Male Spanish name meaning \"\"purple\"\"Male Brazilian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female Brazilian name meaning \"\"black\"\" Female French name meaning \"\"the colour of plum\"\" Female French name meaning \"\"the colour of plum\"\"-Q-- --R-RAD: RAED: RAKTIM: RORY: ROUSEEL: ROUX: ROY: RUDD: RUFUS: RURIK: RUSSELL: Male English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male Indian (India) name meaning \"\"bright red\"\" Irish/Gaelic name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male French names meaning \"\"reddish; red-skinned; red-haired Female French name meaning \"\"red\"\" Gaelic name meaning \"\"red.\"\" Also a French name meaning \"\"king\"\" Male English names meaning \"\"ruddy-coloured\"\" Biblical name name meaning \"\"red\"\" or \"\"red-haired\"\" Male Slavic name meaning \"\"red\"\" Male French names meaning \"\"reddish; red-skinned; red-haired-S-SAVARNA: SCARLET: SCARLETT: SHABHA: SILVER: SOUMRA: SUCKI: Female Indian (India) name meaning \"\"same colour\"\" Female English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female English name meaning \"\"red\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"grey colour\"\" Female Anglo-Saxon name meaning \"\"white\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"brownish colour\"\" Male Native American Algonquin name meaning \"\"black\"\"-T-TAJI: TALE: TALUTAH: THANH: Unisexual Japanese name. Means \"\"silver and yellow colour\"\" Female Egyptian name meaning \"\"green\"\" Female Native American Sioux name meaning \"\"blood-red\"\" Male Vietnamese name meaning means the \"\"colour of the sky\"\"-U-- --V-VIOLETA: Female Romanian name meaning \"\"purple\"\"-W-WARDEE: Female Arabian name meaning \"\"rose coloured\"\"-X-XANTHA: XANTHE: Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\"-Y-YAHTO: YARKONA: Male Native American Sioux name meaning \"\" blue\"\" Female Hebrew name meaning \"\"green\"\"-Z-ZANTHE: ZELENKA: ZELENY: ZUKRA: Greek name meaning \"\"yellow\"\" Female Czechoslovakian name meaning \"\"little green one\"\" Male Czech name meaning \"\"green\"\" Female Arabian name meaning \"\"blue\"\"Your cat can be a star!Would you like to have a photo of your cat featured in the graphic at the top of this page? Or another article of your choice? CLICK HERE to find out how!Top Back Home Copyright ©Show Cats Online.com/Pand Ecats.com All Rights Reserved Copying or redistribution of this article is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Show Cats Online.com/Pand Ecats.com Website Designed and Maintained by Show Cats Online Web Design We'd love to design YOUR cattery website \""
] |
2285 | briefly explain how a biometric authentication system works | [
"docid": "D2463022#0",
"title": "http://www.bioelectronix.com/what_is_biometrics.html\n.",
"text": "\"What is Biometrics? Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. Among the features measured are face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice. Biometric data are separate and distinct from personal information. Biometric templates cannot be reverse-engineered to recreate personal information and they cannot be stolen and used to access personal information. Using a unique, physical attribute of your body, such as your fingerprint or iris, to effortlessly identify and verify that you are who you claim to be, is the best and easiest solution in the market today. That is the simple truth and power of Biometrics Technology today. Although biometric technology has been around for many years, modern advances in this emerging technology, coupled with big reductions in cost, now make biometrics readily available and affordable to consumers, small business owner, larger corporations and public sector agencies alike. How Does a Fingerprint Optical Scanner Work? A fingerprint scanner system has two basic jobs -- it needs to get an image of your finger, and it needs to determine whether the pattern of ridges and valleys in this image matches the pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned images."
] | [
"docid": "D3165630#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/23636372/biometrics-seminar-ppt\nâBIOMETRICSâ",
"text": "“BIOMETRICS”BYVARTIKA PAUL 4IT55 BIOMETRICS Definition “ Biometrics is the identification or verification of human identity through the measurement of repeatable physiological and behavioral characteristics” Categories of BIOMETRICS: Biometrics can be sorted into two classes: • Physiological Examples-face,fingerprints,hand geometry and iris Recognition,dna.• Behavioral Examples-signature and voice. Basic characteristics of BIOMETRIC Technologies: • Universality: Every person should have the characteristic. People who are mute or without a fingerprint will need to be accommodated in some way. • Uniqueness: Generally, no two people have identical characteristics. However, identical twins are hard to distinguish. • Permanence: The characteristics should not vary with time. A person's face, for example, may change with age. • Collectibility: The characteristics must be easily collectible and measurable. • Performance: The method must deliver accurate results under varied environmental circumstances. • Acceptability: The general public must accept the sample collection routines."
"docid": "D3492148#0",
"title": "http://www.datacenterjournal.com/what-is-a-mantrap-and-do-you-need-one/\nWhat Is a Mantrap and Do You Need One?",
"text": "Design Feature What Is a Mantrap and Do You Need One?written by Jeff Clark October 17, 2012Although a large portion of data center security focuses on virtual threats, such as hackers, malware and so forth, physical site security is nevertheless critical as well. A thief or saboteur in the flesh can cause as much—if not more—damage than one in cyberspace. One of the keys to strong data center security is careful control of access to the facility. But every security procedure can be compromised; even the most stringent multifactor biometric authentication system can be defeated, particularly in the case where an intruder “piggybacks” or “tailgates” legitimate personnel into a secure area. That’s where so-called mantraps can offer some benefits. Mantraps: Basically What the Name Indicates A mantrap is essentially just that: a small room designed to “trap” those who would enter a secure area of a facility. This “trap” enables security—whether a system or an employee—to verify the credentials of the entrant and either allow access or trigger alerts indicating an unauthorized entry attempt. Mantraps, which are sometimes called security vestibules, are small rooms with two or more doors. Authentication procedures may be required either at just the door to the secure area or at all doors. The simplest implementation of a mantrap involves two doors: one connects the vestibule to the secure area, and one connects to the nonsecure area."
"docid": "D767134#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/32000581/a-220-802-study-questions-flash-cards/\nA+ (220-802) Study Questions",
"text": "\"180 terms Eric_Basoco A+ (220-802) Study Questions Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort You just clicked Start -->Run on a Windows XP workstation. Which of the following can you type to open a command prompt? ( Choose two.) A. RUN B. CMD C. COMMAND D. OPEN B, C. To open a command prompt, you can use CMD or COMMAND (though the latter does not work in Windows 7). Which part of the operating system can be described as extremely specific software written for the purpose of instructing the OS on how to access a piece of hardware? A. Source B. Application C. Kernel D. Driver D. A driver is extremely specific software written for the purpose of instructing a particular OS on how to access a piece of hardware. The Taskbar can be increased in size by__________. A. Right-clicking the mouse and dragging the Taskbar to make it bigger B. Left-clicking the mouse and double-clicking the Taskbar C. Moving the mouse pointer to the top of the Taskbar, pausing until the pointer turns into a double-headed arrow, and then clicking and dragging D. Highlighting the Taskbar and double-clicking in the center C. You can increase the Taskbar's size by moving the mouse pointer to the top of it, pausing until the pointer turns into a double-headed arrow, and then clicking and dragging. Keep in mind that in Windows XP, you have to unlock the Taskbar first by right-clicking on it and deselecting Lock The Taskbar. Which of the following file attributes are available to files on a FAT32 partition? A. Hidden, Read Only, Archive, System B. Compression, Hidden, Archive, Encryption, Read Only C. Read Only, Hidden, System, Encryption D. Indexing, Read Only, Hidden, System, Compression A. FAT32 does not have as many options as NTFS, such as Encryption and Compression."
"docid": "D197064#0",
"title": "http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/cse571-11/ftp/biomet/\nA Survey of Biometrics Security Systems",
"text": "\"A Survey of Biometrics Security Systems Chien Le, [email protected] (A project report written under the guidance of Prof. Raj Jain )Download Abstract: In today's society, advances in technology have made life easier by providing us with higher levels of knowledge through the invention of different devices. However, each technological innovation harbors the potential of hidden threats to its users. One major threat is theft of private personal data and information. As digital data become more prevalent, users try to secure their information with highly encrypted passwords and ID cards. However, the misuse and theft of these security measures are also on the rise. T aking advantage of security flaws in ID cards result in cards being duplicated or counterfeited and being misused. This increasing battle with cyber security has led to the birth of biometric security systems. Outlining the main differences between the methods of biometric technology used to verify user identities will shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of personal data security systems. Keyword: Biometric, biometric security system, biometrics concerns, recognition methods, identification, access control, facial recognition, fingerprint reader, voice recognition, iris/retinal recognition, vein recognition, DNA recognition, privacy, safety."
"docid": "D3188302#0",
"title": "http://www.investorideas.com/BPS/Stock_List.asp\nBorder and Port Security Stocks â Biometrics",
"text": "\"Defense Stocks Directory: Biometrics Stocks, Security Stocks, Facial Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition, Voice Recognition, Iris Recognition Do you want to invest in this sector? Then this is the starting point... This is our preview of our global stock directory of publicly traded biometrics stocks on leading Stock Exchanges To get the full directory Join Investor Ideas and get all of our stock directories for just $49 a year ... tech, mining, cannabis and more - and we update the directories each week as more companies join the sector. You will also get podcast alerts and news alerts as a member. So get started today in one of the hottest sectors out there!Already a member? login here; Not a Member? Join Today to Access to our stock directories 24/7 for a full year!Featured Biometrics Stocks at Investorideas.com NXT-ID, Inc. ( NASDAQ: NXTD) provides a comprehensive platform of technology products and services that enable the Internet of Things (Io T). With extensive experience in access control, biometric and behavior-metric identity verification, security and privacy, encryption and data protection, payments, miniaturization and sensor technologies, NXT-ID develops and markets groundbreaking solutions for payment and Io T applications. Its industry-leading technology products and solutions include Mobile Bio (R), a suite of biometric solutions that secure consumers' mobile platforms, the Wocket™, a next-generation smart wallet and the Flye, a digital credit card developed in collaboration with World Ventures. NXT-ID includes three mobile and Io T-related subsidiaries: Logic Mark, LLC, a manufacturer and distributor of non-monitored and monitored personal emergency response systems (\"\"PERS\"\") sold through dealers/distributors and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; Fit Pay, Inc., a proprietary technology platform that delivers end-to-end solutions to device manufacturers for contactless payment capabilities, credential management, authentication and other secure services within the Io T ecosystem, and 3D-ID LLC, which is engaged in biometric identification and authentication. Learn more about NXT-ID at http://nxt-id.com/. Fit Pay and the Fit Pay Payment Platform are the sole property of Fit Pay, Inc. For NXT-ID Inc. corporate information contact: [email protected] Get News Alerts on NXT-ID, Inc. Border and Port Security Stocks – Biometrics Accel Path Inc ( OTC: ACLP) through its subsidiaries develops and provides pathology diagnostics solutions."
"docid": "D490870#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_dynamics\nKeystroke dynamics",
"text": "\" [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. ( January 2014)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( February 2014)This article possibly contains original research. ( February 2014)Keystroke dynamics, keystroke biometrics, typing dynamics and lately typing biometrics, is the detailed timing information which describes exactly when each key was pressed and when it was released as a person is typing at a computer keyboard. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Science of Keystroke Dynamics2 Origin of Keystroke Dynamics3 Use as Biometric Data4 Authentication versus identification5 Legal and regulatory issues6 Patents7 Other uses8 See also9 References9.1 Other references10 Further reading Science of Keystroke Dynamics [ edit]The behavioral biometric of Keystroke Dynamics uses the manner and rhythm in which an individual types characters on a keyboard or keypad. [ 2] [3] [4] The keystroke rhythms of a user are measured to develop a unique biometric template of the user's typing pattern for future authentication. [ 5] Vibration information may be used to create a pattern for future use in both identification and authentication tasks. Data needed to analyze keystroke dynamics is obtained by keystroke logging."
"docid": "D229748#0",
"title": "http://www.smartcardalliance.org/smart-cards-faq/\nSmart Card Technology FAQ",
"text": "About Smart Cards : Frequently Asked Questions Smart Card Technology FAQWhat is a smart card? What are the ISO/IEC 14443 and ISO/IEC 7816 standards? What is a contactless smart card? How do contactless smart cards work? What is contactless payment? How do smart cards help to protect privacy? Why are smart cards better than other ID token technologies? How can smart cards be used to help assure privacy in a biometrics-based system? What is an RFID tag? Is contactless smart card technology the same as RFID technology?"
"docid": "D1485554#0",
"title": "http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2462559,00.asp\nKeeper Password Manager & Digital Vault",
"text": "\"The main point of storing your login credentials in a password manager is that doing so lets you use a different, strong password for every website. However, it's also important that you can get at your passwords from every one of your devices. Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault has you covered. It offers native apps for Windows, mac OS, Android, i OS, Kindle, Windows Phone, and Linux, as well as browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer (though the IE extension doesn't yet have the very latest features). Similar Products Dashlane$39.99 at Dashlane - Synced Sticky Password Premium$14.99 at Special Offer Log Me Once Password Management Suite Ultimate 5.2$39.00 at Log Me Once Last Pass Premium$24.00 at Last Pass Password Boss Premium v2.0$29.00 at Password Boss Agile Bits 1Password$35.88MSRPAuthentic8 Silo$10.00 at Authentic8Robo Form 8 Everywhere$19.95 at Robo Form True Key by Intel Security$19.99MSRPZoho Vault$12.00 at Zoho You pay $29.99 per year for a Keeper subscription, the same as for Sticky Password and just a little more than the $24 per year price of Last Pass Premium. Dashlane and Log Me Once both cost $10 more per year. Keeper's family plan makes it a real bargain, though. For $59.99 per year, you get five licenses, plus 10GB of secure file storage. Given that secure file storage would normally cost an extra $9.99 per year, the family plan is a better deal even if you just have two users. View All 12 Photos in Gallery With version 11, the Keeper app got a user-interface makeover."
"docid": "D1414699#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_recognition\nFingerprint",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Fingerprint recognition)navigation search This article is about human fingerprints. For other uses, see Fingerprint (disambiguation). \"\" Thumbprint\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Thumbprint (disambiguation). Part of a series on Forensic science Physiological [show]Social [show]Criminalistics [hide]Accounting Body identification Chemistry Facial reconstruction Fingerprint analysis Firearm examination Footwear evidence Forensic arts Profiling Gloveprint analysis Palmprint analysis Questioned document examination Vein matching Digital forensics [show]Related disciplines [show]Related articles [show]Outline Categoryv t e A fingerprint in its narrow sense is an impression left by the friction ridges of a human finger. [ 1] The recovery of fingerprints from a crime scene is an important method of forensic science. Fingerprints are easily deposited on suitable surfaces (such as glass or metal or polished stone) by the natural secretions of sweat from the eccrine glands that are present in epidermal ridges. These are sometimes referred to as \"\"Chanced Impressions\"\". In a wider use of the term, fingerprints are the traces of an impression from the friction ridges of any part of a human or other primate hand. A print from the sole of the foot can also leave an impression of friction ridges."
"docid": "D2739206#0",
"title": "https://timewellscheduled.com/biometric-time-and-attendance-system/\nBiometric Time and Attendance System",
"text": "\"Biometric Time and Attendance Systemby admin | Apr 23, 2014 | Resources |What is a Biometric Time and Attendance System? Biometrics is the identification of people based upon their physical characteristics; most commonly their fingerprints, hands, eyes, or facial features. While time and attendance systems are used to manage employee attendance, scheduling, and associated payroll tasks. Within time and attendance, biometric devices are often used as a punch clock in order to add an extra layer of security, accountability and efficiency. How Does Biometric Time and Attendance Software Work? Step 1: Biometric Devices: Using biometric time and attendance systems allows employees to clock in and out using their fingerprint, retinal scan, etc. Often times this process is also accompanied by a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which must also match the fingerprint or other scan. Step 2: Time and Attendance Software: Pairing your biometric device with a time and attendance software allows for more efficient payroll and attendance processing. Rather than spending hours adding up manually submitted clock-in and clock-out times, your biometric time and attendance software will allow you to automatically import data into your payroll software. This will significantly cut down on processing time and will eliminate errors derived from manually inputting information."
"docid": "D1180851#0",
"title": "https://www.techopedia.com/definition/13657/multi-factor-authentication-mfa\nMulti-Factor Authentication (MFA)",
"text": "Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Definition - What does Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) mean? Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security mechanism in which individuals are authenticated through more than one required security and validation procedure. MFA is built from a combination of physical, logical and biometric validation techniques used to secure a facility, product or service. Techopedia explains Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)MFA is implemented in an environment where an individual's authentication and validation is the highest priority. Examples include a nuclear power plant or a bank’s data warehouse. To gain access to a secured location or system, MFA typically requires three different security mechanism layers and formats, as follows: Physical security: Validates and authenticates a user based on an employee card or other type of physical token Logical/knowledge base security: Validates and authenticates a user based on a required password or personal identification number (PIN), which is memorized by the user Biometric security: Validates and authenticates based on a user's fingerprints, retinal scan and/or voice"
"docid": "D197065#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometrics\nBiometrics",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the academic journal of statistics in biology, see Biometrics (journal). For the application of statistics to topics in biology, see Biostatistics. For the fraudulently marketed \"\"thigh contour treatment\"\", see Peter Foster. At Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, biometric measurements are taken from the fingers of guests to ensure that a ticket is used by the same person from day to day Biometrics is the technical term for body measurements and calculations. It refers to metrics related to human characteristics. Biometrics authentication (or realistic authentication) [note 1] is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control. [ 1] [2] It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. Biometric identifiers are the distinctive, measurable characteristics used to label and describe individuals. [ 3] Biometric identifiers are often categorized as physiological versus behavioral characteristics. [ 4] Physiological characteristics are related to the shape of the body."
"docid": "D197070#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_control\nAccess control",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( February 2012)This article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings about a topic. ( June 2014)A sailor allows a driver to enter a military installation. In the fields of physical security and information security, access control ( AC) is the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource. [ 1] The act of accessing may mean consuming, entering, or using. Permission to access a resource is called authorization. Locks and login credentials are two analogous mechanisms of access control. Contents1 Physical security1.1 Access control system operation1.2 Credential1.3 Access control system components1.4 Access control topology1.5 Types of readers1.6 Access control system topologies1.7 Security risks1.7.1 The need-to-know principle2 Computer security3 Access control models4 Telecommunication5 In object-oriented programming5.1 Comparison of use of access modifier keywords in different OOP languages5.2 Attribute accessors6 Public policy7 See also8 References9 External links Physical security [ edit]Main article: Physical security Drop Arm Optical Turnstiles Manufactured by Q-Lane Turnstiles LLc Underground entrance to the New York City Subway system Physical security access control with a hand geometry scanner Example of fob based access control using an ACT reader Geographical access control may be enforced by personnel (e.g., border guard, bouncer, ticket checker), or with a device such as a turnstile."
"docid": "D938708#0",
"title": "http://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1718488\nUnderstanding the Three Factors of Authentication",
"text": "Understanding the Three Factors of Authentication By Darril Gibson Jun 6, 2011⎙ Print + Share This Page 1 of 1Authentication is the first step in access control, and there are three common factors used for authentication: something you know, something you have, and something you are. This article provides you with good understanding of the three factors of authentication and how they can be used together with multifactor authentication. Like this article? We recommend Comp TIA Security+ SY0-301 Exam Cram, 3rd Edition Learn More Buy One of the first steps of access control is the identification and authentication of users. There are three common factors used for authentication: Something you know (such as a password)Something you have (such as a smart card)Something you are (such as a fingerprint or other biometric method)Identification occurs when a user professes an identity (such as with a username), and authentication occurs when users prove their identity. For example, users are authenticated when they provide both their username and correct password. Permissions, rights, and privileges are then granted to users based on their proven identity. Certifications that Include Authentication If you’re planning on taking the Comp TIA Security+ exam, the (ISC)2 SSCP exam, or the (ISC)2 CISSP exam, you should understand the three factors of authentication. They are specifically referenced in the following objectives: Comp TIA Security+ (SY0-201)3.6 Summarize the various authentication models and identify the components of each Comp TIA Security+ (SY0-301)5.2 Explain the fundamental concepts and best practices related to authentication, authorization and access control (ISC)2 SSCPAccess Controls domain (ISC)2 CISSPAccess Control domain Something You Know The something you know factor is the most common factor used and can be a password or a simple personal identification number (PIN). However, it is also the easiest to beat."
"docid": "D1343011#0",
"title": "http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/biometric-payment\nbiometric payment",
"text": "Biometric payment is a point of sale ( POS) technology that uses biometric authentication to identify the user and authorize the deduction of funds from a bank account. Fingerprint payment, based on fingerscanning, is the most common biometric payment method. Often, the system uses two-factor authentication, in which the finger scan takes the place of the card swipe and the user types in a PIN (personal ID number) as usual. Download this free guide Your Guide to Info Sec Certifications We’ve collected 30+ certifications for you. Which vendor-neutral and vendor-specific security certifications are best for you? Save time by downloading our list organized by experience level. Corporate E-mail Address: By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. Here's an example of how one fingerprint payment system works: The shopper registers for a biometric program at a store kiosk by presenting valid identification and bank account information. The shopper scans his index finger using the kiosk's fingerscan reader."
"docid": "D822327#0",
"title": "http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/two-factor-authentication\ntwo-factor authentication (2FA)",
"text": "Definitiontwo-factor authentication (2FA)This definition is part of our Essential Guide: Windows 10 security guide to fortify your defenses Posted by: Margaret Rouse What Is.com Contributor (s): Michael Cobb Two-factor authentication (2FA), often referred to as two-step verification, is a security process in which the user provides two authentication factors to verify they are who they say they are. 2FA can be contrasted with single-factor authentication (SFA), a security process in which the user provides only one factor -- typically a password. Download this free guide PDF: Windows 10 Security Guide to Fortify Your Defenses Windows 10 didn’t reinvent the security wheel, but they did put a new spin on it. This Windows 10 Security Guide covers the basics, key features, critical changes, and everything else you will need to know to get started. Download the full guide for more related content. Corporate E-mail Address: By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security and makes it harder for attackers to gain access to a person's devices and online accounts, because knowing the victim's password alone is not enough to pass the authentication check. Two-factor authentication has long been used to control access to sensitive systems and data, and online services are increasingly introducing 2FA to prevent their users' data from being accessed by hackers who have stolen a password database or used phishing campaigns to obtain users' passwords. What are authentication factors?"
"docid": "D1155651#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/biometric_authentication.htm\nBIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » B » Biological Warfare Defence ... Biquadrate BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATIONDictionary entry overview: What does biometric authentication mean?• BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION (noun) The noun BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION has 1 sense:1. the automatic identification of living individuals by using their physiological and behavioral characteristics Familiarity information: BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION (noun)Sense 1 biometric authentication [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The automatic identification of living individuals by using their physiological and behavioral characteristics Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms:biometric authentication; biometric identification; identity verification Context examples:negative identification can only be accomplished through biometric identification / if a pin or password is lost or forgotten it can be changed and reissued but a biometric identification cannot Hypernyms (\"\"biometric authentication\"\" is a kind of...):identification (evidence of identity; something that identifies a person or thing)Domain category:act of terrorism; terrorism; terrorist act (the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"biometric authentication\"\"): DNA fingerprint; genetic fingerprint (biometric identification obtained by examining a person's unique sequence of DNA base pairs; often used for evidence in criminal law cases)automatic face recognition; face recognition; facial recognition (biometric identification by scanning a person's face and matching it against a library of known faces)fingerprint (biometric identification from a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger; often used as evidence in criminal investigations)finger scan; finger scanning (biometric identification by automatically scanning a person's fingerprints electronically)iris scanning (biometric identification by scanning the iris of the eye)signature recognition (biometric identification by automatically scanning a person's signature and matching it electronically against a library of known signatures)retinal scanning (biometric identification by scanning the retina of the eye)voiceprint (biometric identification by electronically recording and graphically representing a person's voice)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Do as you would be done by.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"All dreams spin out from the same web.\"\" ( Native American proverb, Hopi) \"\"Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"After a battle, everyone is a general.\"\" ( Czech proverb)BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION: related words searches» act of terrorism: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does automatic face recognition mean? » Meaning of finger scan » iris scanning definition » What does retinal scanning mean? BIOMEDICAL SCIENCEBIOMEDICINEBIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATIONBIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATIONBIOMETRICSBIOMETRYBIONICBIONIC MANBIONIC WOMANBIONICSEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» regrets meaning » caste system » what does hustler mean » unfeigned » what does repression mean Page delivered in 0.063 seconds \""
"docid": "D1851086#0",
"title": "http://sic.ca/smartphones/\nSecure Access Control to Critical Data, Systems and Applications on Smartphones",
"text": "Secure Access Control to Critical Data, Systems and Applications on Smartphonesi FMID is the first fingerprint reader module for the i Phone; this state-of-the-art identity management technology offers mobile personnel secure biometric authentication with single sign-on ( SSO) to critical data, systems and applications. The i FMID for Smartphones is the perfect mobile biometric security solution for organizations, from both public and private sectors, concerned with identity authentication management on-the-go and data access control and security. S. I. C. Biometrics has developed a remote biometric matching infrastructure that can run either on your premises or in hosting mode within our secure facilities.i FMID comes with 3 different types of fingerprint data matching process: Match on device Match on S. I. C. ID-Engine system Match on your matching system N. B. All S. I. C. product development and manufacturing are being done in North America.i FMID for Smartphones Key Benefits: Important Reduction of Identity Management Cost Increased Mobile Personnel Productivity Enhanced Environment Security Safe Deployment of Mobile Devices Overview of the Mobile Fingerprint Authentication Process Architecture involved in the i FMID technology.i FMID state-of-the art multi-technology readers interact with the most popular mobile devices on the market including i OS and Android. The core technology is on-board fingerprint, complemented with contact and contactless smart reading and writing technologies. Need more information? Feel free to contact us to find out how we can help you enhance both security and productivity while reducing Identity Management cost S. I. C. Biometrics – World Leader in Mobile Fingerprint Biometric Solutions"
"docid": "D409723#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/p4oosam/13-Identify-what-should-an-AUP-should-specify-An-AUP-should-specify-the/\n13 identify what should an aup should specify an aup",
"text": "13 identify what should an aup should specify an aup SCHOOLCommunity College of Philadelphia COURSE TITLECIS 103TYPETest Prep UPLOADED BYghost1774PAGES 11 RATINGS100 % ( 1)This preview shows pages 3–5. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document13. Identify what should an AUP should specify. An AUP should specify the acceptable use of technology by employees for personalreasons.14. Explain how an organization uses access controls and audit trails. An access control is a security measure that defines who can access a computer, deviceor network; when they can access it; and what actions they can take while accessing it. An audit trail records in a file both successful and unsuccessful access attempts to acomputer, device, or network.15. Differentiate among user names, passwords, and passphrases. A user name, or user ID, is a unique combination of characters that identifies onespecific user."
"docid": "D1335440#0",
"title": "https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2005/11/authenticating.html\nAuthenticating People by their Typing Pattern",
"text": "\"Blog >Authenticating People by their Typing Pattern The University of Regensburg in Germany has released authentication software that makes use of the fact that each person's typing behavior is unique. It works by requesting that the person who seeks access to a computer or a password-protected file type a short passage on an ordinary keyboard: the longer the passage, the more reliable the authentication. Tags: authentication, biometrics Posted on November 2, 2005 at 8:06 AM • 53 Commentsnot connected to Facebook not connected to Twitter not connected to Google+ Settings Comments David Frier • November 2, 2005 8:57 AMIf it works, could this be the one biometric that really can't be spoofed?stacy • November 2, 2005 9:08 AMThere is a company flogging a product that uses this idea. http://www.biopassword.com I know nothing about them except what you can read on the web page. They claim they can do it accurately based on an eight character username and an eight character password. I am also curious about the claim to be able to work for web applications... I don't see how that is possible without a client side agent and I don't see how you could trust the client side agent for an internet facing application. Erik Ableson • November 2, 2005 9:09 AMAn interesting idea, although there's one area where this breaks down and that's in the international arena where you run across different keyboard layouts. As an anglophone transplanted in France, I'm just starting to get my touch typing speeds back up to where I find them reasonable, and I'm now ruined as a typist on US layout keyboards. Switching back and forth from the english at the house and french at the office has definitely changed my psycho-motor profile for typing. Just something to keep in mind for highly mobile professionals - they'll need about 6 months of acclimatization before they can rekey their typing pattern with any degree of consistency."
] |
2291 | britney name meaning | [
"docid": "D2469597#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/britney\nBritney",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / B / Girl / Britney Britney The name Britney is a baby girl name. Meaning English Meaning: The name Britney is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Britney is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France to become the Bretons of England. American Meaning: The name Britney is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Britney is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France to become the Bretons of England. Numerology Soul Urge Number: 5People with this name have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure, and want to set their own pace in life without being governed by tradition. Expression Number: 3People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely."
] | [
"docid": "D2120823#0",
"title": "http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/britney-spears-boyfriend-charlie-ebersol-split-breakup-details-2015226\nBritney Spears, Boyfriend Charlie Ebersol Split After 8 Months of Dating: Details on the Breakup",
"text": "\"Celebrity News Britney Spears, Boyfriend Charlie Ebersol Split After 8 Months of Dating: Details on the Breakup By Rachel Mc Rady June 22, 2015Britney Spears and Charlie Ebersol have split after eight months of dating, Us Weekly exclusively confirms. Jason Merritt/Getty Images Britney’s single, one more time. Britney Spears and her boyfriend of eight months, Charlie Ebersol, have called it quits, Us Weekly exclusively confirms. PHOTOS: Britney's love life The pair, who started dating in October 2014, last attended a public event together at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards in mid-May. \"\" I just felt that he was in it for the wrong reasons,\"\" a source tells Us. PHOTOS: Britney's Us Weekly covers Spears, 33, deleted all photos of her ex from her Instagram account, though many of her Twitter pics remain. For Valentine’s Day, the son of Saturday Night Live co-creator Dick Ebersol and actress Susan Saint James gifted his former love with a massive cake that read “Charlie [hearts] Britney,” and Spears posted it on Twitter, writing, “Cake war over! Charlie wins!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. ”PHOTOS: Britney's music video looks Ebersol, 32, had also spent a lot of quality time with Spears’ sons Jayden, 8, and Sean, 9, even posing with the trio in the family Christmas photo."
"docid": "D2035468#0",
"title": "http://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/music/news/a48921/hit-me-baby-one-more-time-meaning/\n\"The Meaning of \"\"...Baby One More Time\"\" Has Finally Been Explained\"",
"text": "\"Vevo By Eliza Thompson Nov 06, 2015If you've spent the last 17 years wondering what Britney Spears meant when she sang \"\"hit me baby one more time,\"\" good news, because the mystery has been solved. It is not, as many concerned college professors have believed for years, about domestic violence. It turns out the Swedish guys who wrote it just didn't understand American slang! Phew. In his book The Song Machine, author John Seabrook says the team behind \"\"... Baby One More Time\"\" just wanted to come up with a fun way to say \"\"call me. \"\" Advertisement - Continue Reading Below It's hard to imagine that anyone for whom English is a first language would write the phrase \"\"hit me baby\"\" without intending it as an allusion to domestic violence or S&M. That was the furthest thing from the minds of the gentle Swedes, who were only trying to use up-to-the-minute lingo for \"\"call me.\"\" [ Britney's label] Jive, concerned that Americans might get the wrong idea, changed the title to \"\"…Baby One More Time. \"\" And there you have it. Somewhere Christian Grey is removing every Britney Spears song from all of his playlists. Follow Eliza on Twitter. \""
"docid": "D3092774#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4787894/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Lana Del Rey Biography Showing all 63 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Trade Mark (3) | Trivia (26) | Personal Quotes (29)Overview (4)Born June 21, 1985 in New York City, New York, USABirth Name Elizabeth Woolridge Grant Nicknames Lizzy Gangster Nancy Sinatra Height 5' 6½\"\" (1.69 m)Mini Bio (1)Vocalist Lana Del Rey makes atmospheric, orchestral, retro-'60s-sounding pop that showcases her torchy image and sensuously husky singing style. Del Rey was born Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in New York City, to Patricia Ann (Hill), an account executive, and Robert England Grant, Jr., a copywriter turned entrepreneur. She has English and Scottish ancestry. Del Rey was raised in Lake Placid, New York. Del Rey released the single, \"\"Kill Kill\"\", under her given name, Lizzy Grant, in 2009, before remaking herself into the pop femme fatale character, Lana Del Rey. A video for the single, \"\"Video Games\"\", appeared online in August of 2011 and drew considerable buzz, as did a secret show she performed at Brooklyn's Grasslands Gallery that September. Del Rey's EP, featuring the songs \"\"Video Games\"\" and \"\"Blue Jeans\"\", was released in fall 2011. Amidst a heavy dose of hype, her debut album, \"\"Born to Die\"\", was announced by Interscope for release early the following year. Del Rey cemented the anticipation around the album with an appearance on Saturday Night Live (1975), becoming the first artist since Natalie Imbruglia, in 1998, to perform on the show before the release of her debut album.- IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous Trade Mark (3)Contralto singing voice Often references Old Hollywood Lolita aesthetic Trivia (26)Her stage name came from a series of managers and lawyers over the last 9 years (as of 2014) who wanted a name that they thought better fit the sound of the music. It's a combination of the late old Hollywood actress Lana Turner and the Ford Del Rey (car)."
"docid": "D1165377#0",
"title": "http://www.vox.com/2014/8/19/6030479/ariana-grande-who-is-pop-star-vmas\n9 questions you're too embarrassed to ask about Ariana Grande",
"text": "\"9 questions you're too embarrassed to ask about Ariana Grande By Kelsey Mc Kinney and Jen Trolio Updated Jul 8, 2015, 7:10pm EDTShare Ariana performs in Chicago. ( Timothy Hiatt / Getty)Ariana Grande is one of the biggest names in pop music. For those who haven't been paying attention, it might seem like she came out of nowhere and rocketed into the national spotlight. And indeed, with two albums in two years, Grande's ascent to pop stardom was swift. However, the singer is now under fire for being an unpatriotic doughnut licker. Here's a recap of her career thus far.1) Who is Ariana Grande? Ariana Grande (pronounced grahn-day) is a 22-year-old actress turned singer-songwriter. She is known for her hit songs \"\" The Way \"\" and \"\" Problem .\"\" She's 5 feet tall, she (almost) has the lungs of Mariah Carey, and she opened for Justin Bieber after her debut album launched.2) Is that her real name? Ariana Grande is unamused. ("
"docid": "D2281898#0",
"title": "http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/list-of-celebrities-with-herpes.452635999/\nList of Celebrities with Herpes",
"text": "\"Boards Recent Activity Search Boards Jump to... Boards > Community Central > The Vestibule > List of Celebrities with Herpes >List of Celebrities with Herpes Discussion in ' The Vestibule ' started by hypno HUSKY, Aug 23, 2012 . Tweet Page 1 of 31 2 3 Next >hypno HUSKY♫$♫$♫$♫Joined: Dec 29, 2011Messages: 18,882Date Posted: Aug 23, 2012 #1Advertisement Female Celebrities Anne Heche - Revealed she has been battling the disease since childhood in her biography. Sad stuff. Lauren Hutton Sheryl Crow Paris Hilton - See Photo of Valtrex Perscription Victoria Beckham Pamela Anderson Lucie Arnaz Janet Jackson - The Smoking Gun has the story of her attempt to use her former chef, Ricardo Macchi, name to buy multiple types of prescriptions which includes Zovirax. The case eventually went to court. Tawny Kitaen Britney Spears (seen buying Zovirax while in Kentwood) Katie Holmes Alyssa Milano Jessica Alba - She got it from former boyfriend Derek Jeter according to the rumored story. Jessica Biel - She also got it from Jeter. Mariah Carey - Another Derek Jeter victim. Vanessa Minnillo - Once again…do not spread for Derek Jeter. Scarlett Johansson - Derek Jeter …AGAIN Mary Kate Olsen Kim Kardashian - Has dated Ray J. and Reggie Bush."
"docid": "D1377065#0",
"title": "http://www.ibtimes.com/watch-hollywood-medium-tyler-henry-channel-brittany-murphy-premiere-episode-video-2277931\nWatch 'Hollywood Medium' Tyler Henry Channel Brittany Murphy In Premiere Episode [VIDEO]",
"text": "\"Watch 'Hollywood Medium' Tyler Henry Channel Brittany Murphy In Premiere Episode [VIDEO]By Amanda Remling @Amanda TVScoop On 01/24/16 AT 3:10 PM\"\"Hollywood Medium\"\" star Tyler Henry contacts Brittany Murphy in premiere episode. Pictured: Henry at the 2016 Winter TCA Tour in Pasadena, California, on January 14. Photo: Getty Images E! ’s new show “Hollywood Medium” is already promising a chilling premiere. A sneak peek preview of Sunday’s episode reveals that 20-year-old medium Tyler Henry will channel late actress Brittany Murphy during a session with “Mom” star Jaime Pressly. The new clip, which was released Sunday afternoon, shows Henry, who is clairvoyant, talking to Pressly about a loved one. However, Henry gets distracted when a “younger woman” steps forward. “This is going to sound a little strange,” he warns Pressly, 38. “ I don’t know if I want to bring this person through. ”Henry explains that this mysterious woman feels as if she “passed away too soon.”"
"docid": "D1721636#0",
"title": "http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=467\n.",
"text": "\"Artistfacts ® Lyrics Songfacts ®Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. This was Britney's first hit, and it propelled her to stardom. The slick sound earned plenty of radio play, but it was the image of the schoolgirl Spears, just 16 when the song was released on October 23, 1998, that made her a sensation. MTV played the video, but it was the internet that gave her the most traction, as teenage girls and guys of all ages logged into their AOL accounts and typed some variation of \"\"Britney Spears\"\" into Alta Vista to see more of the starlet. Over the next 10 years, Spears led the world in celebrity news, with one incident after another documented by eager paparazzi. But it all started with this: a very slick pop song about a girl who wants another chance with the guy she broke up with. Max Martin wrote this song and produced it. Martin is a Swedish citizen with a knack for catchy pop songs. He created hits for The Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC in addition to Spears."
"docid": "D32469#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1411125/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Selena Gomez Biography Showing all 80 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Trivia (50) | Personal Quotes (24) | Salary (1)Overview (4)Born July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas, USABirth Name Selena Marie Gomez Nicknames Sel Selly Selenita Conchita Height 5' 5\"\" (1.65 m)Mini Bio (1)Actress and singer Selena Gomez was born on July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas. She is the daughter of Mandy Teefey and Ricardo Gomez. Her mother is of part Italian ancestry, and her father is of Mexican descent. She was named after Tejano singer Selena, who died in 1995. Her first acting role was as \"\"Gianna\"\" in the popular 90's children's television show Barney & Friends (1992), alongside Demi Lovato from 2002-2004. Gomez also had roles in Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003), Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005), and House Broken (2006). Gomez moved to Los Angeles, California when she booked the lead role of \"\"Alex Russo\"\" and rose to fame in the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place (2007). She then starred in Another Cinderella Story (2008) on ABC Family, had her first voice-role in the animated film Horton Hears a Who! ( 2008), and co-starred with childhood friend, Demi Lovato, in Princess Protection Program (2009). In 2009, Gomez released her first album with her band called \"\"Selena Gomez & the Scene,\"\" which ranked #9 on the Billboard 200 album charts."
"docid": "D3512844#0",
"title": "http://www.becomegorgeous.com/topics/what-brand-does-nicky-minaj-wear\nWhat Brand Does Nicky Minaj Wear",
"text": "\"What Brand Does Nicky Minaj Wear Britney Spears Signs Nicki Minaj for Tour Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, nicky minaj Britney is making a comeback and her latest hit songs and upcoming tour are proof that she is trying to give back to her fans. Britney has been making a few changes as far as her music and show go, so people should expect an intense and entertaining performance. To make things hot Britney Spears has signed Nicki Minaj to perform the opening act on her tour. Nicki Minaj was not actually Britney's first pick as before her, she actually announced Enrique Iglesias as her opening act. However, it seems that soon after Britney's announcement, Enriq... Read More Nicki Minaj Hairstyles Nicki Minaj, nicki minaj hairstyles, nicki hairstyles Nicki Minaj is definitely one female in the hip hop industry which attracts attention instantly whenever she makes an appearance. Her bold style and fabulous lyrics make Nicki a source of inspiration for many women when it comes to fashion as well as hairstyles, so take a peek at her best hairstyle choices and copy her fabulous style. Celebrities have access to some of the best hairstylists and thus can make bold choices and still look fabulous. Image is a very important thing for a celebrity and it seems that Nicki Minaj understood this fa... Read More Nicki Minaj Pink 4 Friday Lipstick for MAC Cosmetics Nicki Minaj, nicky minaj, nicki minaj lipstick Nicki Minaj, the well known female rapper has managed to once again surprise her fans with a fabulous album titled Pink Friday but that isn't all. To spice things up a bit Nicki Minaj has collaborated with MAC Cosmetics and created her own limited edition Pink 4 Friday lipstick, which suits the album perfectly. This will enable her fans to not only listen to a fabulous music album but look great as well."
"docid": "D2020514#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will.i.am\nwill.i.am",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation searchwill.i.amwill.i.am attending his #willpower album release party in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California on August 14, 2012Background information Birth name William James Adams Jr. [note 1]Born March 15, 1975 (age 43)Los Angeles, California, U. S. [1]Genres Hip hop pop EDM R&BOccupation (s)Rapper Singer Songwriter DJ Record Producer Entrepreneur Actor Philanthropist Instruments Vocals keyboards bass Years active 1988–present Labels Warner Sunset will.i.am Atlantic Ruthless Interscope Columbia Associated acts The Black Eyed Peas Britney Spears Estelle Eazy-E Cheryl 2NE1 Nas Usher Common Daddy Yankee Michael Jackson Snoop Dogg John Legend Website will .i .am William James Adams Jr. (born March 15, 1975), known professionally as will.i.am (pronounced \"\"will I am\"\"), is an American musician and actor. He is best known as a founding member of the hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. Will.i.am has also released four solo albums. The first, Lost Change, was released on October 2, 2001 through Atlantic Records and is an original album. The second solo album, Must B 21, was released on September 23, 2003. The track \"\"Go! \"\", was regularly used as the theme for the NBA Live 2005 and Madden NFL 2005 seasons. The third album, Songs About Girls, was released on September 25, 2007. He released his fourth studio album, #willpower, in 2013. Will.i.am is also a music producer."
"docid": "D451525#0",
"title": "http://www.hollywoodmemorabilia.com/celebrity/Britney-Spears\nBritney Spears Memorabilia",
"text": "\"Britney Spears Memorabilia89 total items Filter Best Match Lowest Price Highest Price Name (A-Z)Items Per Page: Page of 2 next Britney Spears Steven Tyler Super Bowl XXXV Halftime Framed 11x14Price: $47.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera Dual Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Price: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info BRITNEY SPEARS VINTAGE SIGNED PROMO CD Baby One More Time PSA/DNAPrice: $2,309.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Baby One More Time,oops I Did It Again #2 W/coa Price: $326.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 16x20 CD & Photo Display JSA Kissing Price: $1,226.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Baby One More Time,oops I Did It Again W/coa Signed Price: $326.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Brittany Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Singer 8x10 inch Photo Price: $354.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed & Matted CD & 16x20 Photo Display Autographed Price: $387.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 28x41 Poster Photo Display PSA/DNAPrice: $2,044.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed 1999 Rolling Stone Magazine PSA/DNA #AB40950Price: $671.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Singer - Songwriter 8x10 inch Price: $299.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info BRITNEY SPEARS HAND SIGNED 5x7 PHOTO+COA GORGEOUS+SEXY SINGERPrice: $122.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 28x41 Poster Photo Display JSAPrice: $2,044.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Brittany Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Singer 8x10 inch Photo -Price: $299.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Framed Oops! I Did It Again CD & Photo Display Price: $94.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Original Britney Spears 2002 Dream Within A Dream Concert Tour Shirt Price: $24.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears signed autographed card with worn dress swatch!Price: $270.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Color Photo Jsa Coa Loa Rare Rare Rare!!!! ! Price: $708.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed 2002 Britney's Dance Beat Game Boy Box JSAPrice: $817.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Facsimile Signed Framed 16x20 Photo & My Prerogative Price: $108.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA + BAS Beckett Authentic Price: $739.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 31x41\"\" 2001 Pepsi Tour Poster Display Price: $2,044.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed HUGE 30x41 Crossroads Movie Poster Price: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTICPrice: $734.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears 16x20 Framed Rolling Stone Cover Display Price: $108.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55690Price: $302.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55574Price: $302.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Autographed Allure June 2000 Magazine PSA/DNAPrice: $744.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Poster Display JSAPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Poster Display JSA CPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed 2002 Britney's Dance Beat Game Boy Box JSA BPrice: $817.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Circus Framed 12x18 CD & Photo Display Price: $94.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Music Star Jsa Coa Signed Autograph Photo Double Price: $926.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears 1999 Baby One More Time Framed 16x20 CD & Photo Price: $108.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Music Star Jsa Coa Signed Autograph Photo Double Price: $926.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears 2002 Framed 11x14 Photo Display Price: $47.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTICPrice: $734.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTICPrice: $734.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Singer - Songwriter 8x10 inch Price: $354.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Set JSA CPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears - 2011 Pop Century #BABS2 SP - Beckett Graded 9.5 GEMPrice: $1,232.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Framed 12x18 Glory CD & Photo Display Price: $94.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Set JSAPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55688Price: $302.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Young 8x10 Photo Early Auto with Drawn Heart &Price: $1,098.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo & Oops I Did It Again CDPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed 2000 View Master Pocket Viewer JSAPrice: $817.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Framed 12x18 CD & Photo Display Price: $94.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Circus Framed 11x14 Photo Display Price: $47.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Pop Singer - Songwriter Price: $472.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Pop Singer - Songwriter Price: $472.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Singer - Songwriter 8x10 inch Price: $354.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Facsimile Signed Framed 16x20 Photo Display Price: $108.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Set JSA BPrice: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Music Star Jsa Coa Signed Autograph Photo Double Price: $926.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Pop Singer - Songwriter Price: $363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears signed autographed CD! RARE! Not a Girl, Not Yet APrice: $270.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears 16x20 Framed 2008 Blender Magazine Cover & Femme Price: $108.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Signed Framed 2016 Glory 16x20 Record Album Display Price: $1,363.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Britney Spears Candie's Heels Kohl's Framed 11x14 Photo Display Price: $47.99QTY ADD TO CARTMore info Page of 2 next Items Per Page:89 items Filters Filters Filter By Category Music Memorabilia (90)Photos (23)Albums (7)Posters (3)Magazines (6)Plaques and Collages (23)Trading Cards (24)Miscellaneous Memorabilia (4)Movie Memorabilia (1)Posters (1)Authentication Useful Links1 of 2Britney Spears Steven Tyler Super Bowl XXXV Halftime Framed 11x14 Photo Display$47.99Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera Dual Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Display JSA$1,363.99BRITNEY SPEARS VINTAGE SIGNED PROMO CD Baby One More Time PSA/DNA RARE #Z11392$2,309.99Britney Spears Baby One More Time,oops I Did It Again #2 W/coa Signed 8x10 Photo$326.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 16x20 CD & Photo Display JSA Kissing Madonna$1,226.99Britney Spears Baby One More Time,oops I Did It Again W/coa Signed 8x10 Photo$326.99Brittany Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Singer 8x10 inch Photo BLACK CUSTOM FRAME - Guaranteed to pass PSA or JSA$354.99Britney Spears Signed & Matted CD & 16x20 Photo Display Autographed JSA #K55551$387.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 28x41 Poster Photo Display PSA/DNA$2,044.99Britney Spears Signed 1999 Rolling Stone Magazine PSA/DNA #AB40950$671.99Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Singer - Songwriter 8x10 inch Photo - Guaranteed to pass PSA or JSA$299.99BRITNEY SPEARS HAND SIGNED 5x7 PHOTO+COA GORGEOUS+SEXY SINGER TO DAVE$122.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 28x41 Poster Photo Display JSA$2,044.99Brittany Spears Signed - Autographed Sexy Singer 8x10 inch Photo - Guaranteed to pass PSA or JSA$299.99Britney Spears Framed Oops! I Did It Again CD & Photo Display$94.99Original Britney Spears 2002 Dream Within A Dream Concert Tour Shirt XL Crew$24.99Britney Spears signed autographed card with worn dress swatch! Vintage! JSA COA!$270.99Britney Spears Signed Color Photo Jsa Coa Loa Rare Rare Rare!!!! ! $708.99Britney Spears Signed 2002 Britney's Dance Beat Game Boy Box JSA$817.99Britney Spears Facsimile Signed Framed 16x20 Photo & My Prerogative CD Display$108.99Britney Spears Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA + BAS Beckett Authentic Autograph$739.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 31x41\"\" 2001 Pepsi Tour Poster Display JSA$2,044.99Britney Spears Signed Framed HUGE 30x41 Crossroads Movie Poster Display AW$1,363.99Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTIC COA$734.99Britney Spears 16x20 Framed Rolling Stone Cover Display$108.99Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55690$302.99Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55574$302.99Britney Spears Signed Autographed Allure June 2000 Magazine PSA/DNA #Z64215$744.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Poster Display JSA$1,363.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Poster Display JSA C$1,363.99Britney Spears Signed 2002 Britney's Dance Beat Game Boy Box JSA B$817.99Britney Spears Circus Framed 12x18 CD & Photo Display$94.99Britney Spears Music Star Jsa Coa Signed Autograph Photo Double Matted Framed C$926.99Britney Spears 1999 Baby One More Time Framed 16x20 CD & Photo Display$108.99Britney Spears Music Star Jsa Coa Signed Autograph Photo Double Matted Framed B$926.99Britney Spears 2002 Framed 11x14 Photo Display$47.99Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTIC COA$734.99Brittany Spears Signed Autographed Pepsi Trading Card JSA AUTHENTIC COA$734.99Britney Spears Signed - Autographed Singer - Songwriter 8x10 inch Photo BLACK CUSTOM FRAME - Guaranteed to pass PSA or JSA$354.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Set JSA C$1,363.99Britney Spears - 2011 Pop Century #BABS2 SP - Beckett Graded 9.5 GEM MINT$1,232.99Britney Spears Framed 12x18 Glory CD & Photo Display$94.99Britney Spears Signed Framed 18x24 Photo Set JSA$1,363.99Britney Spears Vintage Signed Pepsi Trading Card JSA #K55688$302.99Britney Spears S"
"docid": "D1997067#0",
"title": "http://www.indeed.com/forum/job/flight-attendant/Virgin-America/t34336\nVirgin America",
"text": "\"Virgin America Get new comments by email Comments (1 to 50 of 13873) Page: 1 2 3 4 Next » Last »Suzy Q in Sacramento, California125 months ago Does anyone have any insight on Virgin America? This airline was suggested to me by a kind person on here and I went to their website to check them out. Looks like it is a newer airline, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.... And best of all- THEY ARE HIRING! So if anyone lives near the San Francisco, CA area where their HUB is located here is an opportunity for you :)- Was this comment helpful? /Reply - Report abuse Britney Kidd in Birmingham, Alabama125 months ago Hi Suzy! Yes it is a new airline. Their first flight was actually August 8th. Very new, and VERY exciting. I applied for the FA job (\"\"In Flight Team Member\"\") yesterday. I've been doing my research over the past couple of days - the more I learn, the more excited I get about this company's fresh, fun and experience-oriented approach to the airline business."
"docid": "D3200252#0",
"title": "http://www.nola.com/music/index.ssf/2015/01/the_britney_spears_museum_a_qu.html\nThe Britney Spears Museum: A quirky pop star shrine in Tangipahoa Parish",
"text": "\"The Britney Spears Museum The Britney Spears Museum, located inside the Kentwood Museum in the rural Tangipahoa Parish town of Kentwood, is a quirky shrine for fans of the pop superstar who is a Kentwood native. The museum contains memorabilia, fan-donated items such as a miniature stage diorama created by one of her fans, and even the pop singer's entire bedroom set from her childhood home. The collection creates a stark contrast to the exhibits on rural life and local history found in adjacent rooms of this museum that looks from the outside like an ordinary old house, with a doorbell the rare visitor rings to be admitted. Print Email By Kara Martinez Bachman Email the author | Follow on Twitter on January 30, 2015 at 8:14 PM, updated January 30, 2015 at 9:40 PM0 shares North shore spotlight Real life married couple explores fictional family strife in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'Danny Kaye tribute is next show in well-received On STAGE in Covington theatrical series New CD highlights 'best of' active St. Tammany musician, Christian Serpas Covington-shot short film pays tribute to fallen heroes of WWII'Escape room' problem-solving attractions all the rage around New Orleans area All Stories From the outside, the Britney Spears Museum, located inside her hometown Kentwood Museum, looks like an ordinary old house where a grandma might live. You'd never guess that it's a shrine to a princess of pop, or that inside are huge feathered wings, boxed Britney Barbie dolls, or the actual bed and bedspread a young Spears would lie on when she began to make headlines. A line of Britney calendars greets you in the first of four rooms. Visitors on the pilgrimage see the superstar grinning, staring sensually, or flashing a bit of skin. The calendars -- donated by a European fan -- are juxtaposed against an antique Victrola in the adjacent room, where an exhibit is devoted to domestic life and rationing during the tough time of the World War II era. On Friday (Jan. 30), a tour guide named Fay (she preferred to not give her last name or be photographed) described the visitors to the quirky museum; there are almost as many Europeans as there are Americans. She shows the sign-in book."
"docid": "D1553649#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...Baby_One_More_Time_(song)\n...Baby One More Time (song)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Hit Me Baby One More Time\"\" redirects here. For TV series, see Hit Me, Baby, One More Time (TV series). For other uses, see Baby One More Time.\"\"... Baby One More Time\"\"Single by Britney Spearsfrom the album ... Baby One More Time B-side \"\"Autumn Goodbye\"\"Released October 23, 1998 [1]Format Cassette CD 12\"\"Recorded 1998Studio Cheiron Studios ( Stockholm, Sweden)Genre Teen pop dance-pop Length 3: 31Label Jive Songwriter (s) Max Martin Producer (s)Max Martin Rami Britney Spears singles chronology\"\" ... Baby One More Time \"\" (1998) \"\" Sometimes \"\" (1999)Music video\"\"... Baby One More Time\"\" on You Tube\"\" ... Baby One More Time \"\" is a song recorded by American singer Britney Spears from her debut studio album of the same title (1999). It was written by Max Martin and produced by Martin and Rami. After recording and sending a demo tape with an unused song from Toni Braxton, Spears signed a multi-album deal with Jive. \"\"... Baby One More Time\"\" is a teen pop and dance-pop song that refers to a girl's feelings after a break-up with her boyfriend.\"\"... Baby One More Time\"\" was released on October 23 1998 through Jive Records. It reached number one in every country it charted in, including the United Kingdom, where it earned double-platinum certification from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) and became the country's best-selling song of 1999. The song is one of the best-selling singles of all time, with over ten million copies sold."
"docid": "D451526#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/gds/Britney-Spears-Memorabilia-Buying-Guide-/10000000177627548/g.html\nBritney Spears Memorabilia Buying Guide",
"text": "\"Home Buying Guides Artists S Spears, Britney Other Britney Spears Mem Britney Spears Memorabilia Buying Guidee Bay 5.6K Views 1 Like Like Share March 10, 2016Rising to international superstardom while still only a teenager, Britney Spears is undoubtedly one of the hardest working women in show business. Rising above publicized setbacks in her personal life, she continues to reinvent herself, managing to stay relevant and irresistible in the ever-changing world of pop music. She has been credited with influencing the resurgence of teen pop music idols in the late 1990s, and she herself is one of the best-selling musical artists of all time. With over 100 million albums sold around the world, Spears has been recognized by numerous organizations for her undeniably important position in the music industry. Before the age of thirty, she received a Grammy, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV, and these are only a few of her many awards. Those who remain loyal to the reigning \"\"Queen of Pop\"\" can feel closer to her by owning a collection of Britney Spears memorabilia. Available items include promotional materials for albums and tours, autographed photos, and concert memorabilia. Though Britney Spears merchandise can be found in many retail stores, rare and limited edition memorabilia tends to be sold through dealers, or by individuals looking to sell off their personal collection. Many examples of Britney Spears memorabilia can be found through online auction sites like e Bay. Popular Examples of Britney Spears Memorabilia As of 2012, Britney Spears had recorded seven hit studio albums, all of which have been awarded either Diamond or Platinum status by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)."
"docid": "D566087#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/50-popular-women-web-google-search-results/story?id=10573331\n50 Most Popular Women on the Web, Per Google Search Results",
"text": "\"50 Most Popular Women on the Web, Per Google Search Results By LIZ HERONMay 6, 2010ABCNews.com WATCH Lady Gaga Named Woman of the Year Email Which women are searched most often on Google? COED Magazine has compiled a list based on Google search results that is flying around the Internet, sporting some surprises -- Justin Bieber comes in at No. 7 -- and some givens -- Lady Gaga tops the list at No. 1. SEE PHOTOS: Celebrity Beach Bods Here are the top 10:1. Lady Gaga2. Kesha3. Madonna4. Beyonce5. Rihanna6."
"docid": "D24150#0",
"title": "http://glee.wikia.com/wiki/Brittany_Pierce\nBrittany Pierce",
"text": "\"in: Characters, Former Main Characters, LGBT Characters, and 3 more Brittany Pierce Edit Comments (1k) Share Brittany S. Pierce General Information Gender: Female Age: 23Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Birthday: April 16, 1994Height: 5'8\"\"Address: Lima, Ohio Occupations: Back-up singer and back-up dancer in Sony Music Entertainment Records Aliases: The Human Brain Britt Family & Friends Family: Pierce Pierce (father) Whitney Pierce (mother) Stephen Hawking (biological father) Unnamed Younger Sister Santana Lopez (wife) Maribel Lopez (mother-in-law) Unnamed father-in-law Alma Lopez (grandmother-in-law)Relationships: Santana Lopez (wife, in love with) Noah Puckerman (slept with, ended) Kurt Hummel (dated, made out with, ended)Mike Chang (ex-boyfriend) Artie Abrams (ex-boyfriend) Sam Evans (ex-boyfriend) The Unholy Trinity (best friends)Friends: Quinn Fabray Santana Lopez Sue Sylvester Tina Cohen-Chang Becky Jackson Mercedes Jones Sam Evans Noah Puckerman Mike Chang Lord Tubbington Kurt Hummel Rachel Berry Artie Abrams Finn Hudson Rory Flanagan Lauren Zizes Ryder Lynn Sugar Motta Blaine Anderson Joe Hart Kitty Wilde Unique Adams Marley Rose Jake Puckerman Matt Rutherford Cheerios Pets: Lord Tubbington (tabby cat) Lady Tubbington (cat)Other Information Interests: Performing, cats, Britney Spears, dancing, astrology, \"\"sweet lady kisses. \"\" Clique: Cheerios (former) New Directions (former) The Troubletones (former) The Secret Society of Superheroes Club (former) The Brainiacs (former)Education: William Mc Kinley High School (graduated)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (formerly)Talent: Dancing, singing, cheerleading Vulnerabilities: Being called stupid Strengths: Popularity, dancing, setting trends, comforting others, math Weaknesses: Academics Series Information First episode: Showmance Last episode: Dreams Come True Portrayer: Heather Morris Loryn Shay Charbonnier (Toddler Brittany) Amber Riley ( Tina's Dream )“Family is a place where everybody loves you no matter what. And they accept you for who you are. ”—Brittany Pierce, New York Brittany Susan Pierce is a major character on Glee. She is an alumnus of William Mc Kinley High School as of All or Nothing and New Directions. She is a former member of the school's glee club, the New Directions. She was the senior class president for the school year 2011-2012. She is bisexual and she dated her best friend, Santana Lopez, the former co-captain of the Cheerios, but they broke up due to the obstacles of a long distance relationship in Season Four. She was in a relationship with Sam Evans from Swan Song, until All or Nothing. She has also been in a relationship with Artie Abrams, which started between Duets and Never Been Kissed and ended in Rumours ."
"docid": "D2432590#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2591\nPop Music",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Genres Pop Music Unanswered | Answered Pop Music Parent Category: Music Genres First used in 1926, the term Pop Music referred to music that had a popular appeal. Since the 1950s, the term Pop Music has been used to designate a separate music genre. That genre includes a perceptible rhythm, melodies and choruses or \"\"hooks\"\", a customary structure, and mainstream style. Subcategories ABBA Adam Lambert Adele (singer)Alexandra Burke Amy Grant Andrea Bocelli Austin Mahone (Singer) Avril Lavigne B5 (band)Show all 101 subcategories ABBAAdam Lambert Adele (singer)Alexandra Burke Amy Grant Andrea Bocelli Austin Mahone (Singer)Avril Lavigne B5 (band)Backstreet Boys Barry Manilow Becky GBeyonce Blink-182Boy George Britney Spears Bruno Mars Carly Rae Jepsen (singer)Cascada Celine Dion Cher Cher Lloyd Cheryl Cole Christina Aguilera Clay Aiken Cody Simpson Colbie Caillat Connie Talbot David Archuleta Destiny's Child Drew Seeley Ed Sheeran Ellie Goulding Elton John Enrique Iglesias George Michael Girls Aloud Greyson Chance Gwen Stefani Hey Monday Jackson 5James Bourne Janet Jackson Jasmine Villegas Jedward Jennifer Lopez Jesse Mc Cartney Jessica Simpson Jessie JJimmy Buffett John Mayer Johnny Mathis Jonas Brothers Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Katy Perry Kelly Clarkson Kesha Kidz Bop Albums Kris Allen Kylie Minogue Lady Gaga Leona Lewis Lily Allen Little Mix (band)Madonna Matty BRaps Mc Fly (band)Metro Station Michael Jackson Miley Cyrus Mindless Behavior (band)Naked Brothers Band Natasha Bedingfield Ne-Yo Neil Diamond Nelly Furtado Nicole Scherzinger Olivia Newton-John Olly Murs One Direction (band)Owl City Paula Abdul Pixie Lott Prince (musician)Ricky Martin Robbie Williams Selena Quintanilla Shakira Simple Plan Spice Girls Susan Boyle The Bee Gees The Cheetah Girls The Pussycat Dolls The Saturdays (band)The Wanted (band)Tom Jones (singer)Travis Mc Coy Willow Smith Yoko Ono1 2 3 >Why does Justin Bieber wear a bandage? Well, when he was opening for Taylor Swift in London, he said there was a dip in the stage and he broke his foot so he wore a big cast for a couple weeks. When did Britney Spears have her second child? September 12th 2006Mileys face goes red when she cry or laughs?yes everyody hates Miley Cyrus now cuz she is getting 3 ears pearused 5 bellie botton 4 noses 2 tongue and 4eye lashes How did Lady Ga Ga die? Lady Ga Ga is still alive. Does Lady Gaga really sing bad romance? Yes, she does."
"docid": "D3291821#0",
"title": "http://celebrityinside.com/body-measurements/musicians/britney-spears-body-measurements-height-weight-shoe-bra-size-stats/\nBritney Spears Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Bra Size Stats",
"text": "Musicians Home Body Measurements Musicians Britney Spears Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Bra Size Stats Britney Spears Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Bra Size Stats Britney Jean Spears is an American singer and actress born on December 2, 1981. In her childhood she performed in the TV show The All New Mickey Mouse Club but soon Britney got fame as a pop artist. Spear’s first album Baby One More Time gained international success and became the best selling album by a teenage solo singer. After the success as a singer, Britney released several albums in coming years including Oops!.. I Did It Again, Britney, In the Zone, Circus, Blackout and Britney Jean and all of them got appreciation in the music industry. Britney Spear as well worked in the film industry. She played the several roles in the movies such as, Crossroads, Austin Powers in Goldmember and Fahrenheit 9/11. Spear also served as a judge during the second season of the singing competition show The X Factor. Britney’s work earned several awards including Grammy Award, six MTV Video Music Awards, nine Billboard Music Awards and Lifetime Achievement Award and she is also titled as the Princess of Pop. Beside singing and acting spear got a generous heart that’s why she established The Britney Spears Foundation to help the poor and needy children."
"docid": "D1797899#0",
"title": "https://britneyspears.com/\n.",
"text": "\"Swipe/Scroll Left or Right Britney Spears give the first televised music performance of 2018 on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year Britney Spears announces new Sunset Fantasy fragrance2018Britney announces new Fantasy In Boom fragrance. Britney wins Favorite Female Artist, Favorite Pop Artist, Favorite Social Media Celebrity and Favorite Comedic Collaboration at the People’s Choice Awards Receives First-Ever Radio Disney Icon Award Choice Awards Britney begins first-ever Asia Tour Britney reveals new “VIP Private Show” fragrance Blackout 10th Anniversary Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation Officially Opens the Britney Spears Campus Britney Spears wins 4 Best of Las Vegas Awards for 'Piece of Me' residency Britney Spears concludes 'Piece of Me' residency in Las Vegas2017Britney Covers V Magazine's 100th Issue Britney Performs Medley of Hits during the Billboard Music Awards. New Fragrance \"\"Maui Fantasy\"\" Revealed Britney Releases Her Newest Fragrance, Private Show. Britney Releases the Music Video for “Make Me”. Britney Releases Her 9th Studio Album, Glory. Britney and G-Eazy take to the VMA’s Stage to Perform “Make Me”!Britney Performs at the i Heart Radio Music Festival in Las Vegas Britney Brings a Little of Her Piece of Me Show to the UK for the Apple Music Festival Slumber Party ft. Tinashe is released Slumber Party ft. Tinashe video premieres Britney covers the Fall 2016/Winter 2017 issue of Vegas Player magazine.2016\"\"Piece Of Me\"\" Voted Best Show in Vegas\"\"Pretty Girls\"\" with Iggy Azalea Music Video Premieres Britney and Iggy Azalea perform \"\"Pretty Girls\"\" at the Billboard Music Awards New scent \"\"Fantasy Intimate Edition\"\" revealed2015Britney wins Favorite Pop Artist at 40th People's Choice Awards New perfume scent \"\"Stage Fantasy\"\" released to USVariety Names Britney a 2014 Billion-Dollar Entertainer Britney debuts lingerie line \"\"Intimate Britney Spears\"\"Las Vegas declares November 5th as \"\"Britney Day\"\"2014\"\"Ooh La La\"\" Music Video Premieres Britney Annouces Vegas Residency at Planet Hollywood\"\"I Am Britney Jean\"\" documentary airs on E!Work B**ch Video Premieres Britney Jean studio album released Britney kicks off Las Vegas residency show \"\"Piece Of Me\"\"\"\"Perfume\"\" video premiere2013Britney joins the judging panel on The X Factor USA for Season 2\"\"Scream & Shout\"\" Music Video Premieres2012\"\"Hold It Against Me\"\" Music Video Premieres Femme Fatale studio album released\"\"Till The World Ends\"\" Music Video Premieres Femme Fatale Tour kicks off\"\"I Wanna Go\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"Criminal\"\" Music Video Premieres2011Britney appears on \"\"Britney/Brittany\"\" episode of Glee2010The Circus Starring Britney Spears Tour kicks off\"\"If U Seek Amy\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"Radar\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"Kill The Lights\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"3\"\" Music Video Premieres The Singles Collection compilation album released2009\"\"Break The Ice\"\" Music Video Premieres Britney appears on \"\"Ten Sessions\"\" episode of How I Met Your Mother\"\"Piece of Me\"\" wins Best Female Video, Best Pop Video, and Video of the Year at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards\"\"Womanizer\"\" Music Video Premieres Britney: For The Record documentary premieres on MTVCircus studio album released\"\"Circus\"\" Music Video Premieres2008\"\"Gimme More\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"Piece of Me\"\" Music Video Premieres Blackout studio album released2007Britney appears on \"\"Buy, Buy Baby\"\" episode of Will & Grace2006\"\"Do Somethin\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"My Prerogative\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"Toxic\"\" wins a GRAMMY award for Best Dance Recording\"\"Someday (I Will Understand)\"\" Music Video Premieres B In The Mix: The Remixes remix album release2005\"\"Toxic\"\" Music Video Premieres The Onyx Hotel Tour kicks off\"\"Everytime\"\" Music Video Premieres Greatest Hits: My Prerogative compilation album released2004Britney performs at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards\"\"Me Against the Music\"\" Music Video Premieres In The Zone studio album released2003Crossroads movie premieres\"\"Overprotected (The Darkchild Remix)\"\" Music Video Premieres\"\"I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll\"\" single released & video premiere\"\"Boys: The Co-Ed Remix\"\" Music Video Premieres2002\"\"Don’t Let Me Be The Last To Know\"\" Music Video Premieres Britney performs at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards\"\"I’m a Slave 4 U\"\" single released & Music Video Premieres Dream Within a Dream Tour kicks off Britney studio album released\"\"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\"\" Music Video Premieres2001\"\"Oops!... I Did It Again\"\" Music Video Premieres Oops!... I Did It Again studio album released\"\"Oops!..."
] |
2302 | buenos aires must see how many days | [
"docid": "D875263#0",
"title": "http://www.fodors.com/community/south-america/how-many-days-in-buenos-aires.cfm\nHow many days in Buenos Aires?",
"text": "How many days in Buenos Aires? Thread Tools Search this Thread Jul 15th, 2008, 09:55 AM # 1barry3040Original Poster Join Date: Apr 2008Posts: 162How many days in Buenos Aires? We would like to visit Buenos Aires in late October/early November. Have 12 days available. How many days would we need in Buenos Aires and what should we see? Also, should we go to Colonia and Montivideo for a day or two? Also thinking maybe we should divert to Santiago Chile for a few days? Any suggestions? Jul 15th, 2008, 02:25 PM # 2ahc Join Date: Jul 2008Posts: 604-5 days in BA minimum, it's a beautiful city. Definitely recommend Colonia, not so much Montevideo, it was just a big, dirty city in my opinion."
] | [
"docid": "D639432#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Uruguay\nUruguay",
"text": "\"Uruguay Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Climate History Get in By plane By train By car By bus By boat Get around Bus Taxi By remise or private transfer Car Hitch Hiking See Do Buy Eat Sleep Stay safe Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Montevideo Government Constitutional republic Currency Uruguayan peso (UYU)Area 176,220km² land: 173,620km² water: 2,600km²Population 3,386,575 (Jul 2002 estimate)Language Spanish (official), Portuñol, or Brasilero (Portuguese-Spanish mix on the Brazilian frontier)Religion Roman Catholic 66%, Protestant 2%, Jewish 1%, nonprofessing or other 31%Country code 598Internet TLD .uy Time Zone UTC -3h Uruguay is a country in South America. It has a South Atlantic Ocean coastline and lies between Argentina to the west and Brazil to the north. It is the second-smallest country in South America (after Suriname ). Understand [ edit]The name Uruguay means river of the colorful birds. It is a word in Guarani that was spoken by the natives of the area. Often called the Switzerland of South America not for geographical features but for a stable democracy and social benefits such as free education, but mostly due to a developed financial sector based on bank secrecy. In 2002 Uruguay faced one of its biggest economic crises which had very negative effects on crime. Although economic activity by 2008 had returned to pre-crisis levels, crime remains relatively high compared to historical levels, but is still low by South American standards. Long a desired country for immigration, Uruguay has been suffering from high levels of emigration for almost four decades, mainly of highly trained workers and people with high-level studies (\"\"brain drain\"\") seeking better opportunities abroad. Uruguay has a rich agricultural and civic history among its indigenous people."
"docid": "D98310#0",
"title": "http://www.worldofwanderlust.com/the-top-25-best-destinations-in-the-world/\nThe âTop 25â Best Destinations in the World",
"text": "ADVENTUREThe “Top 25” Best Destinations in the World830 shares+A few days ago a list of the top 25 Best Destinations in the World surfaced. According to Trip Advisor, these are the top 25 travellers’ favourites…. including locations throughout Asia, Northern Africa, The UK, USA, Latin America, and even Australia. But the big question is… how many have you visited!?1. Marrakech, Morocco What is there not to love about Marrakech!? This city is an abundance of colours and fabrics, an endless maze of souks, and with many mosques, palaces and gardens to keep you exploring for days on end. Be sure to avoid the warmer months, as Marrakech experiences extremely high temperatures year-round. Watch out for the snake charmers in the Djemaa el-Fna!Image via Wikicommons2. Siem Reap, Cambodia As the gateway to the ruins of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap attracts tourists from around the world and has recently become one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions.3. Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul has all the bustling Byzantine romance of the past and all the chaotic charm of the present."
"docid": "D2071362#0",
"title": "http://www.cyborlink.com/besite/argentina.htm\nArgentina Introduction",
"text": "\"Argentina Introduction Argentina has a population of 33 Million with an ethnic composition of 85 percent European descent, primarily Spanish or Italian. Indians, mestizos (people of mixed Indian and Spanish ancestry), and blacks together make up the remaining 15 percent. The Republic of Argentina is a democracy for now, but has had a long history of military power. Spanish is the official language, although many people speak English, Italian, or other languages. Argentine Spanish is heavily influenced by Italian and is unlike Spanish spoken anywhere in Latin America. Church and state are officially separate, but about 90 percent of the population considers itself Roman Catholic. Jews and Protestants account for 2 percent each. Argentina Fun Fact Argentina is the homeland the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church known as the Bishop of Rome. Jorge Bergoglio, is the first Pope selected from outside Europe in over 100 years and the first from the Americas. He will be known as Pope Francis."
"docid": "D2245080#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Argentina\nHistory of Argentina",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Part of a series on the History of Argentina Pre-Columbian [show]Colonial Argentina [show]Independence [show]Civil Wars [show]Rise of Argentine Republic [show]Peronism [show]Post-WW II (1955 to 1976) [show]National Reorganization Process [show]Return to democracy [show]Argentina portalv t e The history of Argentina can be divided into four main parts: the pre-Columbian time or early history (up to the sixteenth century), the colonial period (1530–1810), the period of nation-building (1810-1880), and the history of modern Argentina (from around 1880). Prehistory in the present territory of Argentina began with the first human settlements on the southern tip of Patagonia around 13,000 years ago. Written history began with the arrival of Spanish chroniclers in the expedition of Juan Díaz de Solís in 1516 to the Río de la Plata, which marks the beginning of Spanish domination in this region. In 1776 the Spanish Crown established the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, an umbrella of territories from which, with the Revolution of May 1810, began a process of gradual formation of several independent states, including one called the United Provinces of Río de la Plata. With the declaration of independence on July 9, 1816 and the military defeat of the Spanish Empire in 1824, a federal state was formed in 1853-1861, known today as the Republic of Argentina. Contents [ hide ]1 Pre-Columbian era2 Spanish colonial era3 War of independence4 Historical map5 Argentine Civil Wars6 Liberal Governments (1862–1880)7 National Autonomist hegemony (1880–1916)8 Radical governments (1916–30)9 Infamous Decade (1930–43)10 Revolution of '43 (1943–46)11 Peronist years (1946–55)12 Revolución Libertadora (1955–1958)13 Fragile radical administrations (1958–1966)14 Revolución Argentina (1966–73)15 Growing instability (1969–76)15.1 Subversive years (1969–73)15.2 Cámpora's tenure (1973)15.3 Return of Perón (1973–74)15.4 Isabel's government (1974–76)16 National Reorganization Process (1976–83)16.1 Beagle conflict17 New democracy (1983–present)17.1 Alfonsín era (1983–1989)17.2 Menemist decade (1989–99)17.3 New millennium crisis (1999–2003)17.3.1 De La Rúa presidency (1999–2001)17.3.2 Corralito (2001)17.3.3 Recovery (2002–03)17.4 Kirchner governments (2003–2015)17.5 Macri Administration (2015-Present)18 See also19 References20 Further reading20.1 In Spanish21 External links Pre-Columbian era [ edit]Cueva de las Manos is an indigenous cave artwork depicting hands. The fortification of Pucará de Tilcara in Jujuy Province, part of the Inca Empire. The area now known as Argentina was relatively sparsely populated until the period of European colonization. The earliest traces of human life are dated from the Paleolithic period, and there are further signs in the Mesolithic and Neolithic. [ 1] However, large areas of the interior and Piedmont were apparently depopulated during an extensive dry period between 4000 and 2000 B. C. [2]The Uruguayan archaeologist Raúl Campá Soler divided the indigenous peoples in Argentina into three main groups: basic hunters and food gatherers, without development of pottery; advanced gatherers and hunters; and basic farmers with pottery. ["
"docid": "D2550370#0",
"title": "http://adst.org/2014/10/argentinas-dirty-war-and-the-transition-to-democracy/\nMoments in U.S. Diplomatic History",
"text": "It was one of the darkest periods in Latin American history. From 1976-1983, a brutal military junta ruled Argentina in what was called “the Dirty War,” when some 10,000 persons were “disappeared” and human rights abuses were rampant. Many of the disappeared were believed to have been abducted by agents of the Argentine government during these years; the disappeared were often tortured and killed before their bodies were disposed of in rural areas or unmarked graves. In response the movement called “Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo” arose, wearing signs with photos and names of their children who had vanished, standing in silent protest. The junta remained in power until Argentina’s cratering economy and woefully unsuccessful attempt to seize the Falklands/Malvinas Islands from the United Kingdom further undermined any remaining shred of credibility. The military leaders, with some convincing from the U. S. and others, stepped down; the general election on October 30, 1983 — and the surprising defeat of the Peronist party — marked the return of constitutional rule. Over 85% of eligible voters participated. With the return to democracy, Argentina and the United States developed a very close bilateral relationship, which was highlighted by President Clinton’s visit to Argentina in October 1997. In July 1998, the United States Government recognized Argentina as a major non-NATO ally. In March 2016 President Barack Obama honored the victims of the Dirty War and ordered the declassification of thousands of military and intelligence documents related to the period."
"docid": "D330646#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrods\nHarrods",
"text": "\"This article needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. ( January 2015)Harrods Limited Type Private company Industry Retail Genre Department store Founded 1834; 184 years ago Founder Charles Henry Harrod Headquarters Kensington & Chelsea, London, SW3 United Kingdom Key people H. E. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani H. E. Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Saud Al Thani H. E. Hussain Al Abdulla Michael A. Ward John P. Edgar Products Quality and luxury goods Revenue £769 million (2015)Net income £126 million (2015)Owner Qatar Holdings Number of employees 12,000 (2013)Subsidiaries Harrods Estates Harrods Aviation Harrods Buenos Aires Website www .harrods .com Harrods is a luxury department store located on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, London. It is now owned by the state of Qatar. [ 1] The Harrods brand also applies to other enterprises undertaken by the Harrods group of companies including Harrods Estates, Harrods Aviation and Air Harrods, and to Harrods Buenos Aires, sold by Harrods in 1922 and closed as of 2011. [ 2]The store occupies a 5-acre (20,000 m 2) site and has 330 departments covering one million square feet ( 90,000 m 2) of retail space. The Harrods motto is Omnia Omnibus Ubique, which is Latin for \"\"all things for all people, everywhere\"\". [ 3] Several of its departments, including the seasonal Christmas department and the food halls, are well known. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Qatar Holdings ownership1.2 Significant event timeline2 Products and services3 Royal warrants4 Memorials5 Dress code6 Size7 Criticism8 Crime9 Litigation9.1 Harrods Ltd v. Harrods Limousine Ltd10 Further reading11 See also12 References13 External links History [ edit]Fashion plate of 1909 showing wealthy Londoners walking in front of Harrods In 1824, at the age of 25, Charles Henry Harrod established a business at 228 Borough High Street in Southwark. He ran this business, variously listed as a draper, mercer, and a haberdasher, until 1831 at least. ["
"docid": "D2970076#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Buenos_Aires\nBuenos Aires",
"text": "\"Buenos Aires Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Districts Get in By air Returning to airport By train By car By bus By boat By freighter Get around On foot By taxi By bus By commuter train Subte (subterraneo) By train By Helicopter By car By Private Car By bicycle See Football Tango Bike Tours Street Art Gaucho party Skydiving Football Tours Food Tours Wine events Polo Gay travelers Helicopter tours Golf Jewish travelers Spas Medical tourism Festivals Pope Francis Buy Opening times Exchanging money Traveller's checks Banks ATM Banking Fees Change Credit cards Souvenirs Shopping districts Book stores Markets and fairs Eat Meat Pizza Vegetarian Sweets Restaurant Guides Service Budget Mid-range Splurge Sleep Budget Mid-range Splurge Stay safe Emergency numbers Crime Money Ezeiza International Airport Stay healthy For other places with the same name, see Buenos Aires (disambiguation). Buenos Aires is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings — have a look at each of them. Flag Quick Facts Government Argentine Autonomous City & Capital of Argentina Currency Argentine Peso (ARS)Area 4,758 km 2 (Metro Incl. ) Population 2,890,151 (2010 est. ) Language Official Spanish Religion n/a Electricity 220V/50Hz (Argentina Type I & Europlug)Time Zone UTC-3Buenos Aires (the official name 'is Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, also called Capital Federal / Federal Capital) is the capital of the Argentine Republic. The name means fair winds, or literally good airs in Spanish. It is one of the largest cities in Latin America, with a lot of cultural offerings, and is the point of departure for travelling to the rest of the country. Inhabitants of Buenos Aires are called porteños, \"\"people from the port\"\", implying that many of the inhabitants are immigrants in some ways or another. Buenos Aires is a singular, open, and integrating destination that allows the visitor not only to view the city but also to have an exceptional urban adventure. Understand [ edit]Aerial View of Buenos Aires The city is geographically contained inside the province of Buenos Aires, but it is politically autonomous."
"docid": "D1297361#0",
"title": "http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/100535/sec_id/100535\nUruguayâs Bilingual Heritage and Portuñol",
"text": "\"Uruguay’s Bilingual Heritage and Portuñolby Norman Berdichevsky (November 2011)Like Belgium, Uruguay was established as a buffer state between two major nations (Brazil and Argentina), near the strategic mouth of the La Plata River, where the Rio Parana and the Rio Uruguay join. At the beginning of Uruguayan independence in 1828, the country had a scarce population of only 75,000. Only one major city, the capitol, Montevideo existed. The rest of the population was scattered in a northwestern, Portuguese speaking region and Spanish speaking South. Today, Uruguay is recognized as a monolingual Spanish speaking country but a closer look reveals a more nuanced dual heritage and development of national identity almost by an accident of history as a “lost province” of both its powerful neighbors and then as a neutral buffer state. Uruguayan historians have even cast the original Charrua Indians that killed the first Spanish settlers on the ‘Left’ (Eastern) Bank of the Parana as “founders of the nation.” The Charrúas delayed the settlement of the east bank for another hundred and fifty years allowing Buenos Aires on the opposite bank to become the major port and settlement center of the Rioplatense region and leaving Montevideo in its shadow. In Uruguay, the national language was determined by the policy of the central government to favor one language – Spanish – over its competitor, Portuguese. Like the great dispute between English and French in Canada, the centuries-old rivalry between Spain and Portugal was transferred to the New World. The poorly defined and contested border between the Spanish and the Portuguese empires had been in dispute since the “Division of the World” agreed to between the two Iberian powers with the support of the Pope in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494."
"docid": "D499892#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/buenos%20dias\nbuenos dias translation | Spanish-English dictionary",
"text": "\"Search Definition Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definitionbuenos días exp.good morning Entry related to: bueno Additional comments: Marihemyl E : BUENA TRADEEze G :bueno Collaborative Dictionary Spanish-English¡ buenos dias ! adv. good morning!¡ buenos dias ! adv. good morning!¡ buenos días! exp. good morning! [ Latam] Cono Sur¡ buenos días !"
"docid": "D1951744#0",
"title": "http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/barrons/candide2.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Candide Voltaire THE NOVELTHE PLOTCandide, a young man educated by the optimist philosopher Pangloss, believes that he is living in \"\"the best of all possible worlds.\"\" This world is Westphalia- more specifically, the castle of the Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh. ( Voltaire here is making fun of the pompous names of many German petty nobles of the time.) The other members of the baron's household are his wife, his son, and his beautiful daughter, Cunegonde. Candide's happy world is disrupted when he is booted out the door for having the nerve to kiss Cunegonde. Alone, penniless, and hungry, Candide is aided by two strangers who proceed to enroll him in the Bulgar army. After many troubles, Candide deserts and makes his way to Holland. Here, he is again aided, this time sincerely, by an honest merchant named Jacques. Walking through town one day, Candide meets his old teacher, Pangloss. Pangloss tells Candide that the castle of Thunder-ten-tronckh has been destroyed and its inhabitants have been savagely murdered."
"docid": "D2459537#0",
"title": "http://transargentina.com/\n.",
"text": "Special Payments Please use this button to make a payment quoted by one of our agents or based on the rate chart Back to top Concerned about paying online? Read the Payments FAQ.�N eed to change or cancel your reservation? Please send us an Email with your reservation number. Cancellation Fees: $0 USD for changes $12.50 USD per person in shuttle $20USD for Sedan (taxis) 20% for $100+ services All changes and cancellations must be put in writing via e-mail. Please no phone calls unless you are already in Buenos Aires. Back to top Frequently Asked Questions and more information How do I make a reservation? - Back to top Simply fill out the reservation form and you will be directed to payment section. An e-voucher will be sent to your e-mail account. Please print it out and bring it with you. Do I need to make a reservation?"
"docid": "D2098259#0",
"title": "http://landingpadba.com/things-to-do-in-buenos-aires/\nThings to do in Buenos Aires: Messi, milongas and steak",
"text": "Buenos Aires Basics, City Experiences, What to do in Buenos Aires?, Best of City Experiences, Most Popular, Buenos Aires things to do Things to do in Buenos Aires: Messi, milongas and steak By Jed Rothenberg | September 23, 2011 | 3 comments Football, fernet, steak and tango. The must see and unusual things to do in Buenos Aires. Make sure you don’t miss anything, updated for 2017. Here is your list of things that you must do in Buenos Aires. The sights to see, foods to taste and some of the more unusual things to do that you may not have considered. Enjoy!Food and Drinks to Try____________________________________________________Ice Cream It is debatable who holds the #1 title for ice cream worldwide, Italy or Argentina. You be the judge. Home to some of the finest beef in the world, it makes sense that Argentina would also have excellent dairy. Their cheeses come up very short when competing internationally, but their sweet-tooth obsession has led to the world’s finest frozen treats."
"docid": "D1796031#0",
"title": "http://www.transitionsabroad.com/listings/living/articles/living-in-buenos-aires-argentina.shtml\nLiving in Buenos Aires",
"text": "Living in Buenos Aires Enjoy a Better Life in the Capital of Argentina Article and photo by Shanie Matthews The lively street life in San Telmo, Buenos Aires amidst European-influenced architecture. Which city is “Paris of the Southern Hemisphere,” the birth place of sultry, sensual Tango and Latin America’s Polo capital? The center of non-stop action, beautiful people, and European architecture is none other than Buenos Aires. A city that seduces in so many ways, Buenos Aires remains a hotspot for those looking to live abroad. The trend for those looking to move outside their motherland is growing. People are looking to expand their horizons given the ease of travel, communication via the Internet, and the global economy. Even though the world is becoming smaller, there are still a plethora of choices when choosing where to live overseas. Buenos Aires has slowly made its way up the ranks as one of the best options. The city offers a multitude of enjoyable activities, an exciting nightlife, a high standard of living, and excellent housing options in a variety of neighborhoods. Most importantly, the city offers a rich and varied culture and is home to a population who are open to foreigners."
"docid": "D1189743#0",
"title": "http://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-argentina/\n23 Top Tourist Attractions in Argentina",
"text": "23 Top Tourist Attractions in Argentina Last updated on February 20, 2017 in Argentina 7 Comments Argentina is a land of natural and man-made wonders. From the glaciers and sky-scraping peaks of the Andes to the vineyards of Mendoza and the bustle of Buenos Aires, there’s so much to see in this dynamic and incomparably unique country. There are many reasons why Argentina is a top destination for tourists. It has the largest waterfalls, the highest peak in the Americas and some of the most extraordinary scenery that travelers will find anywhere. It’s not just the overall excellence. It’s the extreme variety of tourist attractions in Argentina that keeps visitors coming back for more.23. Volcan Lanin (Plan your Visit)On the border region between Argentina and Chile is Volcan Lanin, a volcano that is wildly popular with hikers and rock climbers. The truly adventurous can seek permission at the Lanín national park office, show proof of supplies, and then trek to the summit on an often snow-capped route. Alternatively, a short walk of under an hour can take visitors to the Volcán Lanín’s Cara Norte, or north face, which also offers views of the lake called Lago Tromen and the surrounding forest.22. Quebrada de Cafayate (Plan your Visit)Quebrada de Cafayate is a spectacular canyon in the Valles Calchaquíes region."
"docid": "D2459539#0",
"title": "https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g294266-i977-k5537454-How_much_time_between_EZE_and_AEP_airports-Argentina.html\nHow much time between EZE and AEP airports",
"text": "\"Watch this Topic Browse forums All South America forums Argentina forum Argentina forumspln1961Rochester, Minnesota Level Contributor820 posts124 reviews Save Topic How much time between EZE and AEP airports Jun 25, 2012, 11:04 PMOur Delta flight from Atlanta will arrive at EZE airport around 8AM on a Monday. We are thinking about taking a domestic flight from Buenos Aires out of AEP airport to go to Salta the same day. How much time should we give ourselves for a transfer between these 2 airports on a Monday and also to allow sufficient time to clear Immigration, etc. ( We will have only carry-on luggage.) Would a noon flight out of AEP for Salta be unrealistic for us to take? There is a later flight around 2 PM, 3PM, etc., which probably would be a safer bet? Unfortunately, we won't have a lot of time with this trip, so continuing on to Salta after arriving from the US would actually be more efficient for us; we will then come back to BA at the end, from where we will be flying out to return to the US. Thank you in advance for your input!Mentioned in this post Atlanta Georgia Buenos Aires Capital Federal District, Argentina Report inappropriate content Related: What are the most popular tours in Argentina? See all Full Day Tour to the Perito Moreno...185 Reviewsfrom $125.00*Special Offer Buenos Aires Tour, Tigre Delta...152 Reviewsfrom $138.36*$150.63Buenos Aires Highlights Tour with...253 Reviewsfrom $35.00*Estancia in San Antonio de Areco in...72 Reviewsfrom $170.00*1-4 of 4 replies Sorted by 1ricardo BASan Clemente... Destination Expertfor Buenos Aires, Argentina Level Contributor11,898 posts5 reviews Save Reply1."
"docid": "D228593#0",
"title": "https://www.neverendingvoyage.com/top-10-foods-to-eat-in-buenos-aires-that-are-not-steak/\nTop 10 Foods to Eat in Buenos Aires That Are NOT Steak",
"text": "Medialunas y Facturas Top 10 Foods to Eat in Buenos Aires That Are NOT Steak Erin • May 11, 2010 • 36This page may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info. Buenos Aires is the steak capital of the world, so we were a little worried about how we’d get on as vegetarians. Our fears were quickly eased on our first day when Simon sniffed out a local bakery and came back with a pile of sugary doughnuts, sticky medialunas and dulce de leche filled pastries – all for just 7 pesos (about £1). OK, so it may not make a nutritious, healthy meal but it was gooood. Things got even better in the coming days as we discovered some wonderful Buenos Aires vegetarian restaurants and some tasty Argentine snacks. These are our top food choices in Buenos Aires for vegetarians or for those just looking for a break from great slabs of beef.1) Empanadas – These popular Argentine savoury pastries are one of our favourite snacks here. Although meat fillings are most common it’s easy to find queso & cebolla (cheese & onion) versions. Great for a quick and cheap meal.2) Alfajores – The classic sweet snack is the Alfajor – two round biscuits filled with copious amounts of dulce de leche (see below). There are many variations, most commonly a chocolate coating, but I prefer the simple version."
"docid": "D2597117#0",
"title": "https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/what-do-you-call-somebody-who-is-unable-to-speak.968068/\nWhat do you call somebody who is unable to speak?",
"text": "\"Dictionary and thread title search: Forums > English Only > English Only >What do you call somebody who is unable to speak? Discussion in ' English Only ' started by audiolaik, May 21, 2008 . Previous Thread Next Thread Page 1 of 21 2 Next >audiolaik Senior Member Poland Polish Hello, I am wondering what you, native speakers, call people unable to speak. I have found the following, but it says it is old fashioned. Thank you!audiolaik, May 21, 2008 #1Porteño Senior Member Buenos Aires British English Another word is dumb, as in 'deaf and dumb'. I have often seen the expression 'deaf mute' to describe the same condition. Porteño, May 21, 2008 #2Parergon Senior Member Switzerland Italiano, Italia I would say that mute is correct, but you can also say dumb or unvoiced. Anyhow, I am not a native speaker, so please wait for further suggestions. Parergon, May 21, 2008 #3bibliolept Senior Member Northern California AE, Español A common term in AE is \"\"speech-impaired. \"\" bibliolept, May 21, 2008 #4Thomas1Senior Memberpolszczyzna warszawska Porteño said: ↑Another word is dumb, as in 'deaf and dumb'."
"docid": "D2171494#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_people\nArgentines",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Argentine people)navigation search\"\"Argentine\"\" redirects here. For the country, see Argentina. For other uses, see Argentine (disambiguation). Argentines Argentinos Flag of Argentina Total populationc. 44 million Regions with significant populations Argentina 43 million [1]United States 224,952 [2]Spain 70,011 [3]Paraguay 59,115 [2]Chile 53,192 [2]Israel 48,312 [2]Brazil 42,202 [4]Uruguay 22,743 [2]Canada 19,210 [2]Australia 14,190 [2]Mexico 13,696 [2]France 11,899 [2]Italy 11,239 [2]United Kingdom 10,200 [2]Languages Spanish ( Rioplatense dialect, Cordobés dialect)Religion Predominantly Roman Catholic [5]Related ethnic groups Other Latin Americans (primarily Uruguayans and Paraguayans) Europeans, Amerindians Argentines, also known as Argentinians ( Spanish: argentinos; feminineargentinas ), are the citizens of the Argentine Republic, or their descendants abroad. Argentina is a multiethnic society, which means that it is home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds. As a result, Argentines do not consider their nationality as an ethnicity but as a citizenship with various ethnicities. Aside from the Indigenous population, nearly all Argentines or their ancestors immigrated within the past five centuries. In fact, among countries in the world that have received the most immigrants in modern history, Argentina, with 6.6 million, ranks second to the United States (27 million), and ahead of other immigrant destinations such as Canada, Brazil and Australia. [ 6] [7]According to the 2010 census [ INDEC], Argentina had a population of 40,091,359 inhabitants, of which 1,805,957 or 4.6%, were born abroad."
"docid": "D921504#0",
"title": "http://www.the-wombat.com/argentina.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Home Milano!My trip to Argentina Nova Scotia Viburnum, MOState of the Union Hurricane Katrina 2005In 2003, I took a trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was there to collaborate with some wonderful people from the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences) at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (University of Buenos Aires). My trip started with a fairly long flight (7,124 kilometers, 4,427 miles) that left at about 10:00 p.m. from Miami, and arrived at about 7:00 the next morning in Buenos Aires. You should note that there is a 1 hour time difference between east coast time and Buenos Aires. Before I landed, I got to see the most wonderful sunrise I have ever seen. Southern Hemisphere, nothing but ocean, from about 30,000 feet (9,144 meters). I arrived at the airport, picked up my luggage, and was in turn picked up by our first contact: Patricia Kandus. Patricia kindly drove us to our hotel the Loi Suites Arenales which is a wonderful hotel in downtown Buenos Aires. There we changed clothes, and cleaned up a little bit before we visited the university. I really like the way they work down there."
"docid": "D2782227#0",
"title": "https://sciencing.com/do-calculate-latitude-differences-8319618.html\nHow Do I Calculate Latitude Differences?",
"text": "\"Home »Math How Do I Calculate Latitude Differences? By Michael Mason; Updated April 25, 2017Here's a Calculator to Help You1234567890+-x/.=CFor convenience in locating the geographic position of different places on the Earth’s surface, the surface is covered by an imaginary grid, which is depicted on maps as vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical lines, which join the two poles, are called lines of longitude, and the horizontal lines, which are parallel to the equator, are called lines of latitude. Longitude is split into 360 degrees, 180 degrees to the east and to the west of Greenwich, through which the Zero degree meridian passes. Latitude is split into 180 degrees, 90 degrees north and south of the equator. Determine the Latitude In order to calculate the difference in latitude of two places, you first need to know the latitude of each of the two individual locations. There are several ways of determining this. The traditional way is to look up the location on a map that shows latitude and longitude and to measure the latitude using a pair of dividers. The second, and probably the easiest way, is to look it up on an Internet search, and the third is to use a program such as Google Earth, and read it off the screen. Making the Calculation Here’s where your math is put to test."
] |
2304 | buna n temperature range | [
"docid": "D796969#0",
"title": "http://www.adrubber.com/materials.html\n.",
"text": "Click on any of the materials below to get information about them: Click on any of the materials below to get information about them: Elastomer EPDMNeoprene Hypalon ®Buna-N or Nitrile Natural Buna-S or SBR Silicone Butyl Urethane Viton ®Elastomer An Elastomer is a material that can be, or already is, modified to a state exhibiting little plastic flow and has quick and nearly complete recovery from an extending force. Such material before modification is called, in most instances, a raw or crude rubber, and, by appropriate processes, can be converted into a finished product. When the basic elastomer is converted to an essentially non-plastic state and tested at room temperature, 15° to 30† C (60° to 90† F), it must meet the following test requirements, according to ASTM: Capable of being stretched 100%. After being stretched 100%, held for 5 minutes and then released, it is capable of retracting to within 10% of its original length within 5 minutes after release. Neoprene Neoprene rubber is a homopolymer of chloroprene. It is more resistant than natural rubber to gasoline, sunlight, ozone and oxidation. It is also flame resistant and will not support combustion. It has good resistance to corrosive action of chemicals, bacterial enzymes, and its water resistance is as good as natural rubber. It has good resistance to heat and does not soften as does natural rubber, but where increased resistance to heat, ozone, weathering, gasoline or oil is required. The temperature range is -40° to +135°C (-40° to 275° F)Buna-N Buna-N is known as Nitrile or NBR, it is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile."
] | [
"docid": "D1840496#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypsizygus_tessellatus\nHypsizygus tessellatus",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Shimeji ( Hypsizygus tessellatus)Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Tricholomataceae Genus: Hypsizygus Species: H. tessellatus Binomial name Hypsizygus tessellatus Synonyms Hypsizygus marmoreus [ citation needed]Buna shimeji ( Hypsizygus tessellatus) is an edible mushroom native to East Asia. It is cultivated locally in temperate climates in Europe, North America and Australia and sold fresh in super markets. In nature, shimeji are gilled mushrooms that grow on wood. Most often the mushroom is found on beech trees, hence the common name, Beech Mushroom. They are often small and thin in appearance and popular in many nations across the world. [ 1]Two variations are known: Buna-shimeji ( ja:ブナシメジ ), Hypsizigus tessellatus, ( Brown Beech Mushroom , Beech Mushroom, Beech Brown Clamshell Mushroom );Bunapi-shimeji ( ja:ブナピー ), ( White Beech Mushroom, White Clamshell Mushroom ); bunapi was selected from buna-shimeji and registered by Hokto Corporation. Contents [ hide ]1 Cooking2 Gallery3 See also4 References5 External links Cooking [ edit]The Shimeji should be cooked, having a bitter taste when raw which disappears completely upon cooking. The cooked mushroom has a firm, slightly crunchy texture and a nutty flavor. Preparation makes the mushroom easier to digest. It is often eaten with stir-fried foods including wild game and seafood."
"docid": "D1666915#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Albania\nGeography of Albania",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Geography of Albania Continent Europe Region Southern Europe Coordinates 41°00′N 20°00′EArea Ranked 145• Total 28,748 km 2 (11,100 sq mi)• Land 97,70%• Water 2,30%Coastline 362 km (225 mi)Borders Greece 212 km (132 mi), Montenegro 186 km (116 mi), Macedonia 181 km (112 mi), Kosovo [a] 112 km (70 mi)Highest point Mount Korab, 2,764 m (9,068 ft)Lowest point Adriatic Sea, 0 m Longest river Drin, 335 km (208 mi)Largest lake Shkodër 530 km 2 (200 sq mi)The geography of Albania is defined by its location. Albania is a small predominantly mountainous country in Southeastern Europe, on facing the Adriatic and Ionian Seas within the Mediterranean Sea. About 20% of the Albania‘s territory consist of coastal plains, while the remaining by a mass of high rugged mountain ranges. The country covers a territory of 28,748 km 2 (11,100 sq mi), making it the 145th largest country in the world. [ 1] [2] It lies mostly between latitudes 42° and 39° N and longitudes 21° and 19° E. Albania shares borders with Montenegro in the northwest, Kosovo in the northeast, Macedonia in the east and Greece in the south. [ 3] Its coastline length on the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas is 476 km (296 mi). [ 4] The lowlands of the west face the Adriatic Sea and the strategically important Strait of Otranto, which puts less than 72 km (45 mi) of water between Albania and the heel of Italy. Topographically, Albania encompasses coastal plains in the west to the Albanian Alps in the north, the Sharr Mountains in the northeast, Skanderbeg Mountains in the center, Korab Mountains in the east, Pindus Mountains in the southeast and Ceraunian Mountains in the southwest along the Albanian Riviera. The hydrographic network of the country includes several of the largest and most ancient bodies of freshwater in Southern Europe. Lake Shkodër is located on the border between Albania and Montenegro, with an area that seasonally can vary between 370 km 2 (140 sq mi) to 600 km 2 (230 sq mi). ["
"docid": "D1558432#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimeji\nShimeji",
"text": "Japanese popular mushrooms, clockwise from left, enokitake, buna-shimeji, bunapi-shimeji, king oyster mushroom and shiitake (front). Lyophyllum shimeji Bunapi (developed by Hokuto Corporation)Shimeji ( Japanese language : シメジ, 占地) is a group of edible mushrooms native to East Asia, but also found in northern Europe. [ 1]Hon-shimeji ( Lyophyllum shimeji) is a mycorrhizal fungus and difficult to cultivate. Other species are saprotrophs, and buna-shimeji is now widely cultivated. Shimeji is rich in umami tasting compounds such as guanylic acid, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid. [ 2]Contents1 Species2 Cooking3 Cultural reference4 See also5 References6 External links Species [ edit]Several species are sold as shimeji mushrooms. All are saprotroph except Lyophyllum shimeji. Mycorrhiza Hon-shimeji ( ja:ホンシメジ ), Lyophyllum shimeji The cultivation methods have been patented by several groups, such as Takara Bio [3] and Yamasa, [4] and the cultivated hon-shimeji is available from several manufacturers in Japan. [ 5] [6]Saprotroph Buna-shimeji ( ja:ブナシメジ lit. beech shimeji), Hypsizygus tessellatus, also known in English as the brown beech or brown clamshell mushroom Hypsizygus marmoreus is a synonym of Hypsizygus tessellatus."
"docid": "D137055#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrile_rubber\nNitrile rubber",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( March 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Nitrile rubber Identifiers CAS Number9003-18-3Chem Spidernone ECHA Info Card 100.107.385Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 k Pa).verify ( what is ? ) Infobox references Nitrile rubber, also known as Buna-N, Perbunan, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, and NBR, is a synthetic rubber copolymer of acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene. Trade names include Nipol, Krynac and Europrene. Nitrile butadiene rubber ( NBR) is a family of unsaturated copolymers of 2-propenenitrile and various butadiene monomers (1,2-butadiene and 1,3-butadiene). Although its physical and chemical properties vary depending on the polymer’s composition of nitrile, this form of synthetic rubber is unusual in being generally resistant to oil, fuel, and other chemicals (the more nitrile within the polymer, the higher the resistance to oils but the lower the flexibility of the material). It is used in the automotive and aeronautical industry to make fuel and oil handling hoses, seals, grommets, and self-sealing fuel tanks, since ordinary rubbers cannot be used. [ 1] It is used in the nuclear industry to make protective gloves."
"docid": "D2152503#0",
"title": "http://www.pspglobal.com/rubber-o-rings.html\nRubber O-rings",
"text": "\"Home > Products > Rubber O-rings Rubber O-rings When we talk about \"\"rubber\"\" o-rings, we are using the term \"\"rubber\"\" to describe a whole host of o-rings that are made from a synthetic rubber-like material called an elastomer. We are not talking about o-rings made from natural rubber. Even though today the properties of natural rubber can be enhanced during the manufacturing process through a combination of adding ingredients to the liquid rubber mixture and then vulcanization or heating the mixture, the synthetic elastomers have superior properties over the natural rubber ones. We offer all types of rubber o-rings from many compounds. We have rubber o-rings in a wide range of standard and non-standard sizes, everything needed for almost all sealing applications. One measures o-ring sizes by the inside diameter (ID) and the cross section (W). We carry all the standard sizes in the PSP standard sizes charts. In addition, we have many non-standard sizes in both inches and metric measurements. If we do not have the size you need, we can custom design and make anything you need. We also provide rubber o-rings in many types of elastomers including FKM fluorocarbon, Kalrez®, Simriz®, nitrile (Buna-N), hydrogenated nitrile (HNBR), silicone, fluorosilicone, ethylene-propylene (EPR, EPDM), neoprene, polyurethane, ethylene propylene, and FEP encapsulated elastomers."
"docid": "D256316#0",
"title": "http://www.nciweb.net/mercoid4.htm\nDwyer Sales Department: 1-201-419-6111 ext. 26 for Sales Group | [email protected]",
"text": "\"MERCOID-DWYER LEVEL PRODUCTSMercoid level products include level switches, level indicators, level transmitters and more. Dwyer_Level_Switches_Line_Card (1236 KB)Indicators Controllers Continuous Level Transmitters Ultrasonic Level Transmitters Submersible Level Transmitters Liquid Level Transmitters Float Type Level Switches Chamber Type Level Switches Optical Level Switches Multi-Station Level Switches Sludge/Slurry Level Switches Conductivity Level Switches Ultrasonic Level Switches Radio Frequency Switches Dry Bulk Switches Proximity Sensor Check Out Our Photo Line Up (click to open/close)Indicators View-Rite Level Indicator - Series VRCustomized, Visual Level Indication, 316 SS Housing and Float Mini View-Rite Level Indicator - Series MVRCustomized, Visual Level Indication, Compact Size Tank Level Indicator - Series TLIVisual Level Indication, Ultra-Pure or Corrosive Liquids Controllers Mercoid Flanged Chamber Level Controls - Series 211External Mount, Pressures to 450 psig (31 bar), Temperatures to 500°F (260°F), Hermetically Sealed Switches Mercoid Flanged Chamber Level Controls - Series 221External Mount, Pressures to 1000 psig (69 bar), Temperatures to 475°F (246°C), Hermetically Sealed Switches Mercoid Flanged Chamber Level Controls - Series 1211External Mount, Pressures to 450 psig (31 bar), Temperatures to 500°F (260°C), Hermetically Sealed Switches, Minimum Specific Gravity 0.40Mercoid Flanged Chamber Level Controls - Series 1221External Mount, Pressures to 1000 psig (69 bar), Temperatures to 475°F (246°C), Hermetically Sealed Switches, Minimum Specific Gravity 0.40. Mercoid Flanged Chamber Level Controls - Series 215Pressures to 450 psig (31 bar), Temperatures to 500°F (260°C), Hermetically Sealed Switches, Adjustable Deadband 12\"\" to 24\"\"Mercoid Lever Arm and Float Controls - Series 40-41, 46-47, 49Counter Balance Snap-Action Movement Conductivity Controller - Series LLCSingle Point or Differential Level Service, Compact Size, Up to 6 ft. ( 1.82 m) Probes Pump Controller - Series MPCOne or Two Pump Control with Built-in Alternation, Over Temperature Protection and Seal Failure Monitoring Relay/Controller/Power Supply - Series PCP10A SPDT Relay, 24 VDC Power Supply, Latching Circuit for Level Control Continuous Level Transmitters Ultrasonic Level Transmitter - Series ULTExplosion-proof, Mapping Software Continuous Level Transmitter - Model CRFLoop-Powered, 4-20 m A Output, RF Admittance Technology Continuous Level Transmitter - Series CLTCustomized to Fit Application, 316 SS or Buna-N Stem/Floats Ultrasonic Level Transmitters Ultrasonic Level Transmitter - Model UT±0.25% Accuracy, 10 ft. Range Ultrasonic Level Transmitter - Series UL±0.3% Accuracy, 15 ft. or 35 ft. Range Submersible Level Transmitters Submersible Level Transmitter - Series PBLT316SS Construction, ±0.25% Accuracy, Lightning Protected Submersible Level Transmitter - Series SBLT316SS Construction, ±1% Accuracy, Lightning Protected Submersible Level Transmitter - Series SLT316SS Construction, ± 0.25% Accuracy Submersible Level Transmitter - Series SPTStainless Steel/ABS Construction, ±0.25% Accuracy Liquid Level Transmitters Piezoresistive Level Transmitter - Series PLTLoop-Powered, ±0.25% Accuracy Float Type Level Switches Mercoid Level Float Switch - Series B-190Top Mounted Displacer Type, Adjustable Setpoints Top Mount/Displacer Type Level Controls - Series 190/195 (206KB PDF File)Single or Two Stage for Pumps and Alarms, Hermetically Sealed Switches, Fixed or Adjustable Deadband Flotect™ Level Float Switch - Model L4Protects against high or low liquid level. Magnetically operated switch - leak proof body. Flotect® Liquid Level Switch - Model L6Explosion-proof. Easy in-wall or external installation."
"docid": "D428085#0",
"title": "http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=123605\nBuna N vs. NBR",
"text": "pollack (Chemical) (OP) 11 May 05 11:34In regards to using NBR as a replacenent for Buna N in small motors, are there any significant differences that could affect performance. My company uses Buna N, but our new plant in China does not have it available. The research I have done seems to suggest the two are interchangable and that Buna N is just the old name for NBR. However, if that is the case, why are they having a problem? If the percent of acrylonitrile is the same, is this essentially the same material? Any help would be appreciated, thanks. BCAREY (Specifier/Regulator) 12 May 05 10:03BUNA-N, NITRILE, NBR, HYCAR, PARACRIL are all the same material. a co polymer of Butadiene ( which provides the resilience properties of rubber) and acrylonitrile ( which provides the oil resistance property). The ratios may vary, but if your ratios are the same then it is the same compound and your source in China is simply not correctpollack (Chemical) (OP) 12 May 05 13:02Thanks. I was pretty sure this was the case, but I wanted some confirmation.aholloway (Materials) 27 Jul 05 18:14To elaborate further on BCAREY's response, Buna-N, NBR and Nitrile are the same base co-polymer as he described."
"docid": "D1328995#0",
"title": "http://magnehelic.com/\nSeries 2000 Magnehelic",
"text": "Series 2000 Magnehelic Series 2000 Magnehelic ®Indicate Positive, Negative or Differential, Accurate within 2%Magnehelic Series 2000Select the Series 2000 Magnehelic gage for high accuracy–guaranteed within 2% of full scale–and for the wide choice of 81 models available to suit your needs precisely. Using Dwyer’s simple, frictionless Magnehelic® gage movement, it quickly indicates low air or non-corrosive gas pressures–either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration and over-pressures. No manometer fluid to evaporate, freeze or cause toxic or leveling problems. It’s inexpensive, too. The Magnehelic® gage is the industry standard to measure fan and blower pressures, filter resistance, air velocity, furnace draft, pressure drop across orifice plates, liquid levels with bubbler systems and pressures in fluid amplifier or fluidic systems. It also checks gas-air ratio controls and automatic valves, and monitors blood and respiratory pressures in medical care equipment. Note: May be used with Hydrogen. Order a Buna-N diaphragm. Pressures must be less than 35 psi."
"docid": "D2100576#0",
"title": "http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=3794362\nBUNA vs HNBR vs VITON",
"text": "\"04-18-2012, 10:26 PM # 1L3G0Mini Master Join Date: Jul 2011Location: Windsor, ONFeedback: 3 /0/ 0BUNA vs HNBR vs VITONWhat is the difference between Buna, Viton and HNBR orings? and whats the difference with Buna and Buna Quad? I was on oring monkey and just a bit confused as to which ones are usable and which aren't. are the Buna quad's better to use then the standard buna's? Last edited by L3G0 : 04-18-2012 at 10:29 PM . Sponsored Links Remove Advertisement Pb Nation.com Advertisement04-19-2012, 02:29 AM # 2Nexxux Squish Squish Join Date: Oct 2009Location: ***502***Feedback: 43 /0/ 0buna, viton and hnbr are just different materials used to make orings. typically, buna's wear out quicker. but are much cheaper. hnbr orings are 70's (which is the hardness or rigidness of the oring, the higher the harder :-) ). and are green."
"docid": "D2210615#0",
"title": "http://www.globalspec.com/learnmore/flow_control_flow_transfer/valves/ball_valves\nBall Valves Information",
"text": "Ball Valves Information Show all Ball Valves Manufacturers Ball valves are quarter-turn, straight-through valves that have a round closure element with matching rounded seats that permit uniform sealing stress. The valve gets its name from the ball that rotates to open and close the valve. Ball valves are used in situations where tight shut-off is required. They are wide duty valves, able to transfer gases, liquids and liquids with suspended solids (slurries). Find Ball Valves by Specification or See Our Directory of Suppliers Ball Valve Animation Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:11Ball valve animation. Video Credit: Hangloose Mig / CC BY-SA 4.0Advantages Disadvantages Superior ease of operation Poor throttling characteristics Maintains and regulates high volume,high pressure, and high temp flow Difficult to clean, leads to contamination Rugged construction and longservice life Low purchase and maintenance cost Able to function without side loads Permits inspection and repair of seatsand seals without removing the valves' bodyfrom the line Does not require lubrication See IEEE Global Spec Engineering360's Valves page for more general information on industrial valves. Ball Valve Applications Ball valves are commonly found in flowing systems on ships, fire safe protection services and chlorine manufacturers. They are not recommended for use in pharmaceutical, bioprocessing, or food and beverage applications because they cannot be cleaned easily. Exceptions can be made for chemical or non-sterile applications See IEEE Global Spec Valve Application and Valve Standards pages for more information."
"docid": "D1065471#0",
"title": "https://www.discounthydraulichose.com/O_Ring_Face_Seal_Hydraulic_Tube_Fittings_s/53.htm\nO-Ring Face Seal (ORFS)",
"text": "You are here: Home > Fittings & Adapters > Steel > O-Ring Face Seal O-Ring Face Seal (ORFS)SAE J5143The best leak protection available today. The male fitting has a straight thread and O-ring in the face. The female has a straight thread and a machined flat face. The seal takes places by compressing the O-ring onto the flat face of the female, similar to a split flange fitting. The threads hold the connection mechanically. Click here to view Size Chart FS2403 | Face Seal Tube Union FS2403 | Face Seal Tube Union More Info ›FS2404 | Face Seal x Male Pipe FS2404 | Face Seal x Male Pipe More Info ›FS2406 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Reducer FS2406 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Reducer More Info ›FS2407 | Face Seal Insert Reducer FS2407 | Face Seal Insert Reducer More Info ›FS2408 | Face Seal Plug FS2408 | Face Seal Plug More Info ›FS2500 | Face Seal Union 90°FS2500 | Face Seal Union 90°More Info ›FS2501 | Face Seal x Male Pipe 90°FS2501 | Face Seal x Male Pipe 90°More Info ›FS2503 | Face Seal x Male Pipe 45°FS2503 | Face Seal x Male Pipe 45°More Info ›FS2601 | Face Seal x Male Pipe Branch Tee FS2601 | Face Seal x Male Pipe Branch Tee More Info ›FS2603 | Face Seal Union Tee FS2603 | Face Seal Union Tee More Info ›FS2650 | Face Seal Union Cross FS2650 | Face Seal Union Cross More Info ›FS2700LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union FS2700LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union More Info ›FS2701LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union 90°FS2701LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union 90°More Info ›FS2702LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union 45°FS2702LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union 45°More Info ›FS2703LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union Branch Tee FS2703LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union Branch Tee More Info ›FS2704LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union Run Tee FS2704LN | Face Seal Bulkhead Union Run Tee More Info ›FS304C | Face Seal Cap FS304C | Face Seal Cap More Info ›FS306 | Face Seal Bulkhead Locknut FS306 | Face Seal Bulkhead Locknut More Info ›FS318 | Face Seal Braze Nut FS318 | Face Seal Braze Nut More Info ›FS319 | Face Seal Braze Sleeve FS319 | Face Seal Braze Sleeve More Info ›FS4000 | Buna N O-Ring for Face Seal (ORFS)FS4000 | Click photo to order Buna N O-Ring for Face Seal (ORFS)More Info ›FS418 | No-Braze Seal Tube Nut FS418 | No-Braze Seal Tube Nut More Info ›FS419 | No-Braze O-Ring Face Seal Tube Sleeve FS419 | No-Braze O-Ring Face Seal Tube Sleeve More Info ›FS6400 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB)FS6400 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB)More Info ›FS6400L | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Long FS6400L | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Long More Info ›FS6402 | Face Seal x JIC 37° Swivel Nut FS6402 | Face Seal x JIC 37° Swivel Nut More Info ›FS6403 | Face Seal x JIC 37°FS6403 | Face Seal x JIC 37°More Info ›FS6412 | Face Seal Female Swivel x Straight Thread (ORB)FS6412 | Face Seal Female Swivel x Straight Thread (ORB)More Info ›FS6500 | Face Seal Swivel Nut 90°FS6500 | Face Seal Swivel Nut 90°More Info ›FS6502 | Face Seal Swivel Nut 45°FS6502 | Face Seal Swivel Nut 45°More Info ›FS6504 | Face Seal Female Swivel x JIC 37°FS6504 | Face Seal Female Swivel x SAE 37°More Info ›FS6600 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Branch Tee FS6600 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Branch Tee More Info ›FS6602 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Run Tee FS6602 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Run Tee More Info ›FS6801 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) 90°FS6801 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) 90°More Info ›FS6802 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) 45°FS6802 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) 45°More Info ›FS6803 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Branch Tee FS6803 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Branch Tee More Info ›FS6804 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Run Tee FS6804 | Face Seal x Straight Thread (ORB) Run Tee More Info ›FS6809 | Face Seal Female Swivel x Straight Thread (ORB) 90°FS6809 | Face Seal Female Swivel x Straight Thread (ORB) 90°More Info ›FS719 | No-Braze Face Seal Ferrule FS719 | No-Braze Face Seal Ferrule More Info ›FS7504 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Connector FS7504 | Face Seal Swivel Nut Connector More Info ›Sort By: Hydraulic O-Ring Assortment Kit, FF16087-01DRG-24 Kit includes 288 assorted O-rings and metal carrying case. Catalog: $216.78Online: $203.77Standard Industrial Buna N O-Ring Kit Kit includes 382 O-Rings in 30 standard AS568A sizes and red plastic case with size chart on lid. Catalog: $65.97Online: $62.01"
"docid": "D428087#0",
"title": "http://www.solenoidvalvesuk.com/solenoidvalveseals.asp\nSeal / Diaphragm Material Selection.",
"text": "Seal / Diaphragm Material Selection. Selecting the correct sealing material for your solenoid valve requires an understanding of available sealing materials. Seals are usually the most limiting factor of a solenoid valve. The seal selection should take the following items into consideration: Chemical properties of the media Temperature of the media Pressure to be used The next sections describe the most common seal materials available for solenoid valves. Usually more than one seal material is available for each valve type. Connexion Developments Ltd cannot be held responsible for any information provided below. If you need more detailed information on chemical compatibility please contact us or your chemical supplier directly. See full details of our Chemical Resistance Guide Nitrile Rubber (NBR / Buna-N)The chemical name for Nitrile rubber is Butadiene Acrylonitrile. However, most commonly it is referred to as NBR or Buna-N. NBR is probably the most common solenoid valve seal material and it is considered the standard material for neutral fluids by many. NBR is also the standard material for O-rings."
"docid": "D535282#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/nitrile%20rubber\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does Nitrile Rubber mean? Definitions for Nitrile Rubber Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Nitrile Rubber. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:nitrile rubber (Noun)a membrane whose predominant resinous ingredient is a synthetic rubber made by polymerization of acrylonitrile with butadiene. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Nitrile rubber Nitrile rubber, also known as Buna-N, Perbunan, or NBR, is a synthetic rubber copolymer of acrylonitrile and butadiene. Trade names include Nipol, Krynac and Europrene. Nitrile butadiene rubber is a family of unsaturated copolymers of 2-propenenitrile and various butadiene monomers. Although its physical and chemical properties vary depending on the polymer’s composition of nitrile, this form of synthetic rubber is generally resistant to oil, fuel, and other chemicals. It is used in the automotive and aeronautical industry to make fuel and oil handling hoses, seals, and grommets. It is used in the nuclear industry to make protective gloves. NBR’s ability to withstand a range of temperatures from -40 °C to +108 °C makes it an ideal material for aeronautical applications."
"docid": "D2820651#0",
"title": "http://www.countyoffice.org/buna-tx-courts/\nBuna Court",
"text": "Buna Court Home Law Enforcement & Military Offices Courts Texas Jasper County Buna Find Buna Texas courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Courts provide information on legal cases, law documents, case searches, and appeals. Buna Justice of Peace Court 33625 U.s. 96Buna TX 77612409-994-2595Evadale Justice of Peace Court 225 Farm to Market 105Silsbee TX 776569.0 miles from Buna 409-276-1440Silsbee Justice of Peace Court II 2270 Farm to Market 92Silsbee TX 7765613.3 miles from Buna 409-385-7195Silsbee Municipal Court 1102 North 5th Street Silsbee TX 7765614.1 miles from Buna 409-385-7991Deweyville Justice of Peace Court 222 Hwy 272Deweyville TX 7761414.9 miles from Buna 409-746-7190Silsbee Justice of Peace Court I 1290 Highway 327Silsbee TX 7765615.2 miles from Buna 490-385-3740Kirbyville Justice of Peace Court 201 East Lavielle Street Kirbyville TX 7595615.5 miles from Buna 409-423-2281Kirbyville Municipal Court 105 South Elizabeth Avenue Kirbyville TX 7595615.6 miles from Buna 409-423-5953Fred Justice of Peace Court 20316 Farm to Market 92Spurger TX 7766016.0 miles from Buna 409-429-9500Starks Justice of Peace Court 4954 Alligator Park Road Starks LA 7066116.9 miles from Buna 337-743-5318Lumberton Justice of Peace Court 160 East Chance Road Lumberton TX 7765718.6 miles from Buna 409-755-2862Lumberton Municipal Court 120 East Chance Road Lumberton TX 7765718.7 miles from Buna 490-755-1491Pine Forest Municipal Court 305 Nagel Street Vidor TX 7766219.0 miles from Buna 409-786-4100Municipal Court 1330 1st Street Vidor TX 7766220.9 miles from Buna 409-769-7452Kountze Municipal Court 835 Redwood Avenue Kountze TX 7762521.7 miles from Buna 409-246-4168Hardin County Court 300 West Monroe Street Kountze TX 7762521.8 miles from Buna 409-246-5120Hardin District Court 300 West Monroe Street Kountze TX 7762521.8 miles from Buna 409-246-5151Kountze Justice of Peace Court 300 West Monroe Street Kountze TX 7762521.8 miles from Buna 409-246-5115Vidor Justice of Peace Court 190 Camp Street Vidor TX 7766222.1 miles from Buna 409-769-2284Fields Justice of Peace Court 290 Ray Brown Rd Fields LA 7065323.7 miles from Buna 337-743-6375Showing 1-20 of 99 Courts. 1 2 3 4 5"
"docid": "D3560305#0",
"title": "http://www.warco.com/sheet-rubber/\nSheet Rubber Products",
"text": "Sheet Rubber Products Specification Grade Sheet Neoprene Sheet EPDM Sheet Nitrile (Buna-N) Sheet SBR Sheet Natural Rubber Sheet Viton® & Fluoroelastomer Sheet Silicone Sheet Cloth Inserted (CI) Sheet Butyl Sheet Thermoplastic Elastomer Chute Lining & Skirtboard WARCO BILTRITE is a leading diversified, vertically integrated manufacturer of organic and inorganic elastomer products. WARCO BILTRITE proudly executes on its heritage as the premier domestic producer of commercial, as well as custom, application-specific engineered sheet rubber products; stocking a broad line of thin gauge and heavy sheet rubber products – including specification grade (Military, ASTM, AMS) and commercial unsupported sheet rubber, cloth-inserted, skirtboard, PSA Ready, FDA, chute lining, and Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) product offerings available for immediate shipment from either our California or Mississippi warehouse facilities. We offer our sheet products in thicknesses ranging from 1/64 inch to 4 inches; in standard widths of 36, 48, 55, and 72 inches, in either trimmed rolls, untrimmed rolls or molded sheets. Our manufacturing capabilities include custom mixing and compounding, calendering, rotocuring, custom dimensions, color matching, stenciling, private branding, slitting and a variety of finishes including smooth cellophane finish, matte, paper and fabric. All of our rubber sheeting products meet RMA Standard Specifications; however, very tight tolerances can also be met. With thousands of sheet rubber formulations, you can order the materials you need for any environment or application including products that meet DOD and Military, AMS, ASTM, NSE, NSF, FDA and many more specifications. Or we can work with you to develop and manufacture a product that will meet your specific needs and applications; with the confidence of knowing that at each step in the process, WARCO BILTRITE's ISO approved quality systems ensure the highest product quality. Our high-quality, spec grade and commercial lines of sheet rubber are available in several grades of Nitrile (Buna-N), EPDM, Neoprene, Silicone, Natural Rubber, SBR, Chlorosulfonated Polyethelene (CSPE), Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), Hydrin, Butyl and Viton® and Fluoroelastomer. View Available Sheet Inventory >Our rubber products are a proprietary blend of various polymers formulated to meet stated physicals and specifications. The named product polymer is not necessarily the primary polymer representing the highest percentage of the polymer blend."
"docid": "D1384381#0",
"title": "http://www.sealfast.com/a_pressure_temperature.html\n.",
"text": "\"Pressure and Temperature Ratings Replacement Gaskets: All Seal Fast couplers are supplied with Buna-N as standard. This sealing compound may not be compatible with all applications. The gasket materials listed below comprise a general guide to aid in the selection of the correct seal for customer application. Other factors must also be considered. Buna-N: Color code Blue. Buna-N is standard. It is generally recommended for petroleum derivatives, natural or slightly acidic salt solutions, alcohols, ethers,glycols, fats, oils, and greases. This compound should give good service From -40° to +250° F. Neoprene: Color code Red. Recommended for alkaline and acid salt solutions and aldehydes such as formaldehyde -65°F to 250°F. Viton A: Color code Green."
"docid": "D1228772#0",
"title": "https://www.grainger.com/category/differential-pressure-gauges/pressure-and-vacuum-measuring/test-instruments/ecatalog/N-gfx\nDifferential Pressure Gauges",
"text": "\"Differential Pressure Gauge, 1/8\"\", FNPT, Gauge Connection Location: Back and Side Differential Pressure Gauge, 1/8\"\"\"\", FNPT, Gauge Connection Location: Back and Side These analog gauges help measure the difference in pressure on 2 inputs. Die-Cast Aluminum models are highly resistant to shock and vibration, and can be used to measure fan and blower pressure, filter resistance, air velocity, furnace draft, pressure drop across orifice plates, and low air or gas pressure. Stainless Steel models are ideal for use where ambient corrosion is a concern. They offer excellent resistance to chemical, weather, and corrosion attacks. Brands ASHCROFT, CECOMP and DWYER INSTRUMENTSGauge Accuracy Gauge Nominal Dial Size Basic Gauge Wetted Parts Body Material Rated Total Pressure Brand Item #Price Differential Pressure Range Value: -0.25 to 0 to 0.25 In. H2O+/-3.00% 3-1/2\"\" - Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi DWYER INSTRUMENTS 1W471 $106.50 / each+/-3.00% 4-1/2\"\" Silicone Rubber Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi CECOMP 48LV79 $78.50 / each Differential Pressure Range Value: -1 to 0 to 1 In. H2O+/-2.00% 3-1/2\"\" - Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi DWYER INSTRUMENTS 1W469 $91.75 / each+/-2.00% 4-1/2\"\" Silicone Rubber Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi CECOMP 48LV81 $78.50 / each Differential Pressure Range Value: -15 to 0 to 15 In. H2O+/-2.00% 3-1/2\"\" - Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi DWYER INSTRUMENTS 1W465 $91.75 / each Differential Pressure Range Value: -2 to 0 to 2 In. H2O+/-2.00% 4-1/2\"\" Silicone Rubber Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi CECOMP 48LV82 $78.50 / each Differential Pressure Range Value: -5 to 0 to 5 In. H2O+/-2.00% 3-1/2\"\" - Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi DWYER INSTRUMENTS 1W467 $91.75 / each+/-2.00% 4-1/2\"\" Silicone Rubber Die Cast Aluminum -20\"\" Hg to 15 psi CECOMP 48LV83 $78.50 / each Differential Pressure Range Value: 0 to 0.25 In."
"docid": "D1840501#0",
"title": "http://www.recipetips.com/glossary-term/t--38085/honshimeji-mushroom.asp\nHonshimeji Mushroom",
"text": "\"Honshimeji Mushroom+ Larger Image Rate & Review Provided By Recipe Tips Share this!Save Rate & Review Email Print (Scientific Name: Lyophyllum shimeji) Small in size, this type of Asian mushroom is one of the numerous Shimeji varieties common to Japan. The term \"\"Shimeji\"\" is often used to describe one of over 20 species such as the Clamshell, the Beech, or the Pioppino mushroom. However, when referred to as the Hon shimeji (also Honshimeji or Hon-shimeji), the name is typically, but incorrectly, referencing the similar looking Brown Beech (Buna shimeji or Buna-shimeji) or the White Beech (Bunapi shimeji or Bunapi-shimeji) mushrooms, which are also known as the Brown and White Clamshell mushrooms. The Pioppino Mushroom (Agrocybe aegerita) most often refers to the Velvet Pioppino which also has an appearance that is very similar to the Brown or White Beech with a distinctively different shade of coloring. The Hon shimeji is really the only true shimeji species and is a delicacy in Japan. The Hon shimeji has been more difficult to obtain in the past but has started to be cultivated in the recent years, making this species more obtainable. The Honshimeji mushroom grows in bunches of delicate, compact white stems 1 to 2 inches high, topped with small light brown or off white caps. The flesh of this mushroom is crisp in texture, providing a crunchy and juicy meat that may taste somewhat nutty or herb flavored when cooked. It is not a good mushroom to serve raw, since the flavor and ability to digest it will not be favorable. It is a good mushroom to serve in stir-fried foods, with wild game or seafood, in soups or stews, and in a variety of sauces."
"docid": "D1590215#0",
"title": "http://www.valvias.com/type-diaphragm-valve.php\n.",
"text": "\"Diaphragm Valve Search Diaphragm valve Search Diaphragm valve company Send Diaphragm valve enquires to Valvias Diaphragm valves are used on shut-off and throttling service for liquids, slurries and vacuum/gas. The seal is achieved by a flexible membrane, usually elastomer, and possibly reinforced with a metal part. The membrane is tensed by the effect of a stem/compressor with lineal movement until contact is made against the seal of the body. The operating parts of the diaphragm valve are isolated from the flow. This makes this valve suitable for viscous flows and also hazardous, abrasive and corrosive flows as its sealing system avoids any contamination towards or from the environment. Diaphragm valves are available in a wide variety of metals, solid plastics, plastic, rubber and glass linings. They are well suited to the handling of multiple chemical applications both clear fluids as well as slurries. The diaphragm valve has an extended use for applications at low pressures and slurry fluid where most other kinds of valves corrode or become obstructed. It is a quick opening valve. There are two types of diaphragm valves:• Weir: The Weir Diaphragm valve can be used for either off/on and throttling services• Straightway: named also Straight-Thru is only used for on/off services."
"docid": "D2047614#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea_campaign\nNew Guinea campaign",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search New Guinea Campaign Part of the Pacific Theater of World War IIAustralian forces attack Japanese positions near Buna Date 23 January 1942 – August 1945Location New Guinea Result Allied victory Belligerents Australia New Guinea United States United Kingdom Netherlands Imperial Japan Commanders and leaders U. S. Army: Douglas Mac Arthur George Kenney Robert Eichelberger U. S. Navy: Arthur Carpender Daniel Barbey Australian Army: Thomas Blamey I. J. Army: Hitoshi Imamura Hatazō Adachi Tomitarō Horii †Heisuke Abe † [2] I. J. Navy: Isoroku Yamamoto Jisaburo Ozawa Jinichi Kusaka Masatomi Kimura Strength350,000 [3]Casualties and losses42,000 total [4]12,291 (4,684 killed) [5]127,600 (New Guinea only) [6] [ show]v t e New Guinea campaign The New Guinea campaign of the Pacific War lasted from January 1942 until the end of the war in August 1945. During the initial phase in early 1942, the Empire of Japan invaded the Australian -administered territories of the New Guinea Mandate (23 January) and Papua (8 March) and overran western New Guinea (beginning 29/30 March), which was a part of the Netherlands East Indies. During the second phase, lasting from late 1942 until the Japanese surrender, the Allies —consisting primarily of Australian and US forces—cleared the Japanese first from Papua, then the Mandate and finally from the Dutch colony. The campaign resulted in a crushing defeat and very heavy losses for Empire of Japan. As in most Pacific War campaigns, disease and starvation claimed more Japanese lives than enemy action. Most Japanese troops never even came into contact with Allied forces, and were instead simply cut off and subjected to an effective blockade by the US Navy. Garrisons were effectively besieged and denied shipments of food and medical supplies, and as a result, some claim that 97% of Japanese deaths in this campaign were from non-combat causes. [ 7]According to John Laffin, the campaign \"\"was arguably the most arduous fought by any Allied troops during World War II\"\". [ 8]Contents [ hide ]1 19421.1 Strategic situation1.2 Japanese seizure of Lae and Salamaua1.3 Japanese attempt on Port Moresby1.4 Crossing the Owen Stanleys1.5 Air operations1.6 Allied capture of Milne Bay1.7 Allied recapture of Buna and Gona2 19432.1 Holding Wau2.2 Final Japanese drive on Wau2.3 Operation I-Go2.4 Allied strategy toward Rabaul3 1944–454 See also5 Notes6 References7 Further reading8 External links1942 [ edit]Strategic situation [ edit]Papua New Guinea, the Bismarcks and the Northern Solomons The struggle for New Guinea began with the capture by the Japanese of the city of Rabaul at the northeastern tip of New Britain Island in January 1942 (the Allies responded with multiple bombing raids, of which the Action off Bougainville was one). Rabaul overlooks Simpson Harbor, a considerable natural anchorage, and was ideal for the construction of airfields."
] |
2306 | burly man definition | [
"docid": "D252283#0",
"title": "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Burly%20Man\n.",
"text": "\"Top definition Burly Man A man with a Grizzly Adams look. A man with a big burly beard, burly arms, burly chest, burly man ass and big burly hairy balls.\"\" WOW! Look at that Burly Man, he's super sexy !\"\" \"\" Look at those Big Burly Man balls! \"\"# big balls #man ass #grizzly adams #burly #grizlly bearsby Barnacle December 07, 200661 31The Urban Dictionary Mug One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids. Buy the mug \""
] | [
"docid": "D1755470#0",
"title": "http://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/sandra-bullocks-new-baby-daddy/\nSANDRA BULLOCKâS NEW âBABY DADDYâ",
"text": "SANDRA BULLOCK’S NEW ‘BABY DADDY’By LIZ CROKIN & MICHAEL GLYNN, NATIONAL ENQUIRERDec 31, 2012 @ 12:49PMS ANDRA BULLOCK may not have a special man in her life, but that hasn’t stopped her son LOUIS from finding a new father!The adorable little boy, who turns 3 in January, has grown so close to the Oscar winner’s primary bodyguard that the tyke is now referring to him as “Daddy”!“Much to Sandy’s surprise, Louis has adopted their silver-haired bodyguard as his stand-in father,” revealed a source. “ The situation caught Sandy off-guard and she’s not sure how to handle it. “She’s happy that Louis has a strong, steady male influence in his life now, but she wishes it was someone she was dating. ”It seems that the burly bodyguard is already taken. He can be seen wearing a wedding ring in photos taken at California’s Disneyland in mid-December, when he accompanied Sandra and Melissa Mc Carthy, her co-star in the upcoming film “The Heat,” for an outing at the iconic theme park. The tightknit trio was also spotted out in New Orleans, along with Sandra’s brother-in-law Raymond Prado, in November. “The bodyguard enjoys carrying Louis, taking him to school, tucking him in at night and reading him bedtime stories. “Sandy didn’t want Louis to get too attached – but it’s too late now!”As The ENQUIRER has previously reported, Sandra, 48, is a stickler for hiring the best security after terrifying 2010 kidnap and death threats directed at Louis were detected and thwarted by the FBI. She was also mugged in New York before becoming a star. “Sandy has always hired top notch security and she treats them like family,” explained the source."
"docid": "D2132344#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0015826/\nMarc Alaimo",
"text": "\"SEE RANKMarc Alaimo Actor Marc Alaimo was born on May 5, 1942 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA as Michael Anthony Alaimo. He is an actor, known for Total Recall (1990), Tango & Cash (1989) and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993). See full bio »Born: May 5, 1942 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA27 photos »Quick Links Biography Awards Photo Gallery Filmography (by Job)Trailers and Videos Explore More Can You Guess This Celeb From His Yearbook Photo? Here's a hint: He just might be your favorite superhero. See if you can guess these other celebrities by their yearbook photos. Start the game Share this page: Related News Star Trek: what Discovery can take from its past28 August 2016 | Den of Geek Star Trek: The Next Generation’s 25 must-watch episodes28 January 2016 | Den of Geek Star Trek: The Next Generation’s 25 must-watch episodes28 January 2016 | Den of Geek See all related articles »Around The Web Powered by Zerg Net On Prime Video Watch Now Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult Watch Now The Last Starfighter Watch Now Total Recall Watch Now The Dead Pool Watch Now Seems Like Old Times See more on Prime Video »Watch on TVStar Trek: The Next Generation The Wounded (S4, Ep12) Tue, Apr 10 10:00 AM EDT on BBCA (225)Star Trek: The Next Generation The Wounded (S4, Ep12) Wed, Apr 11 12:00 AM EDT on BBCA (225)Explore more on IMDb TV »Create a list »User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Best Star Trek Actorsa list of 36 people created 22 Jan 2013Best Pros in Film and TVa list of 395 people created 4 months ago100 Definitive Performances in Screen Villainya list of 100 people created 07 Mar 2015yahooa list of 4354 people created 20 Sep 2015See all related lists »Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDb Page Find out more at IMDb Pro »How Much Have You Seen? How much of Marc Alaimo's work have you seen? User Polls Most Overused Lines in Films - Part 1That Wasn't the Name of the Book... Bleakest dystopian films Half a Face The Last Will Be The First Which Worst Picture Will You Watch? See more polls »1 nomination."
"docid": "D756395#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/upheaval\nupheaval",
"text": "\"upheavalnoun up·heav·al \\ ˌəp-ˈhē-vəl, (ˌ)ə-ˈpē- \\Popularity: Bottom 50% of words Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: upheaval in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of upheaval1: the action or an instance of upheaving especially of part of the earth's crust2: extreme agitation or disorder: radical change; also: an instance of this See upheaval defined for English-language learners See upheaval defined for kids Examples of upheaval in a Sentence The civil rights movement marked a period of social upheaval in the U. S.the emotional upheaval of divorcea period of cultural and social upheavals The island was created by an upheaval of the ocean floor. The lake was formed by geologic upheaval. Recent Examples of upheaval from the Web In this fierce and unsettling novel, the ability to generate a dangerous electrical force from their bodies lets women take control, resulting in a vast, systemic upheaval of gender dynamics across the globe.— New York Times, \"\"11 New Books We Recommend This Week,\"\" 2 Nov. 2017Where there’s the constant pressure of roster upheaval due to promotion and relegation.— mark zeigler, sandiegouniontribune.com, \"\"The best thing that ever happened to US soccer,\"\" 11 Oct. 2017But the revelation comes at a time of major upheaval in the university's athletics ranks that some worry could jeopardize the arena's financial future.— phillip m. bailey, The Courier-Journal, \"\"Brown-Forman drops KFC Yum Center luxury suite; denies it is related to U of L troubles,\"\" 5 Oct. 2017These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'upheaval.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. First Known Use of upheaval1838upheaval Synonyms Synonymscataclysm, convulsion, earthquake,paroxysm, storm, tempest, tumult,uproar Related Wordsinsurgency, insurrection, mutiny,overthrow, overturn, rebellion, revolt,revolution, subversion, unrest,uprising, upset;fit, seizure, spasm;eruption, flare-up, outbreak,outburst;bluster, bobbery, bustle,coil, commotion, furor, furore, fuss,hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly,pandemonium, rout, row, ruckus,ruction, rumpus, shindy, squall, stew,stir, to-do, turmoil, welter, williwaw;quaking, rocking, shaking, trembling Other Geology Termsanthracite, boulder, cwm, erratic, igneous, intrusive, mesa, sedimentary, silt, swale UPHEAVAL Defined for English Language Learnersupheavalnoun Definition of upheaval for English Language Learners: a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, anger, etc. :"
"docid": "D1783953#0",
"title": "http://www.cabelas.com/category/Mens-Rubber-Hunting-Boots/104806080.uts\nMuck® Fieldblazer⢠Rubber Boots",
"text": "\"Cabela's Men's Zoned Comfort Trac™ 800-Gram Rubber Boots (51)Three different weights of insulation for optimal thermal regulation Side gussets with cinch buckles yield a secure and custom fit3.5mm neoprene and rubber overlays insulate and block out moisture Molded, polyurethane footbeds include nylon shanks for more support Item: IK-832475$99.99Cabela's Men's Zoned Comfort Trac 1,200-Gram Rubber Boots (35)Three different weights of insulation for optimal thermal regulation Side gussets with cinch buckles yield a secure and custom fit3.5mm neoprene and rubber overlays insulate and block out moisture Molded, polyurethane footbeds include nylon shanks for added foot support Item: IK-832476$109.99Muck® Fieldblazer™ Rubber Boots (298)Waterproof, breathable and buoyant CR flex-foam booties Breathable Airmesh linings Stretch-fit uppers trap warmth Self-cleaning, all-terrain outsoles Item: IK-831281$129.99Cabela's Men's Scent-Free Uninsulated Rubber Boots (13)Scent-free performance Waterproof, flexible rubber construction Ankle fit locks feet into place Ground-gripping lug patterns on outsoles Item: IK-832866$89.99Muck® Men's Wetland Rubber Boots (231)5mm CR flex-foam for warmth and comfort Breathable Airmesh lining Seamless, easy-to-clean overlays Outsoles offer superior traction Item: IK-830670$154.99Cabela's Men's Scent-Free 400-Gram Rubber Boots (16)Ankle-fit construction reduces blister-causing friction Cold-busting 400-gram Thinsulate Ultra Insulation Mesh linings enhance breathability Cushioning removable insoles Side gussets and heel kicks for easy on and off Traction-enhancing outsoles with aggressive lugs Item: IK-832884$99.99La Crosse® Alpha Burly® Pro Uninsulated 18\"\" Rubber Boots (28)Waterproof rubber uppers Contoured ankle-fit Burly Pro outsoles for increased traction Item: IK-832154$159.99Muck® Men's Equalizer Rubber Boots (24)A Cabela's Exclusive5mm CR Flex-Foam cushioning Breathable mesh lining Rubber soles with aggressive tread pattern Item: IK-832926$164.99La Crosse® Men's Alpha Burly® Pro 800-gram Rubber Boots (93)Back gussets with cinch straps for custom fit Contoured Ankle-Fit design prevents slippage Burly Pro outsoles grip a variety of terrain Item: IK-832183$169.99Muck® Woody Max Boots (155)Breathable Airmesh lining Seamless, easy-to-clean overlays Outsoles offer superior traction Item: IK-830671$194.99Muck® Muckmaster Hi Boots (2)Waterproof 5mm CR Flex-Foam booties Four-way-stretch fit for all-day comfort2mm thermal foam underlays for added warmth EVA molded midsoles for cradled, cushioned comfort Rugged, aggressive MS-I molded outsoles Item: IK-831790$139.99La Crosse® Men's Aero Head® Sport Snake Rubber Boots (4)Lightweight 3.5mm neoprene100% waterproof with sealed seams Highly abrasion-resistant with superior traction Flexible Snake Guard material for reliable protection Item: IK-833145$199.99Cabela's Men's Dura-Trax 1,000-Gram Rubber Boots with Thinsulate™ (81)1000-gram Thinsulate Insulation keeps feet warm Side gussets with cinch buckles yield a secure and custom fit8mm wool-felt midsoles cushion and barricade feet from cold ground Ground-grabbing lug pattern for optimum traction Item: IK-832621$149.99Lacrosse® Men's Alphaburly Pro 1600-Gram Rubber Boots (1)Alpha technology combines quality, scent-free rubber with neoprene1,600-gram Thinsulate Ultra Insulation keeps feet warm Thick cushioning EVA midsoles for comfort and shock absorption Adjustable rear gussets provide a customizable fit Ankle-Fit narrowed ankle pockets reduce rubbing and chafing Non-loading Burly Pro outsoles provide optimal traction Item: IK-832813$189.99La Crosse® Men's Burly® Air Grip 18\"\" Rubber Boots (87)Nylon-net lining with Ag ION™ antimicrobial protection prevents bacteria, odor and fungal growth. Ht: 18\"\". Avg. wt: 5.3 lbs./pair. Men’s whole Item: IK-820632$99.99 \""
"docid": "D3086206#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/tumult\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "Princeton's Word Net (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:tumult, tumultuousness, uproar, garboil (noun)a state of commotion and noise and confusiontumult, turmoil (noun)violent agitationcommotion, din, ruction, ruckus, rumpus, tumult (noun)the act of making a noisy disturbance Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:tumult (Noun)The noise as made by a crowd.tumult (Noun)A riot or uprising.tumult (Verb)To make a tumult; to be in great commotion. Importuning and tumulting even to the fear of a revolt. u E000104594u E001 Milton. Origin: From tumultus. Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Tumult (noun)the commotion or agitation of a multitude, usually accompanied with great noise, uproar, and confusion of voices; hurly-burly; noisy confusion Tumult (noun)violent commotion or agitation, with confusion of sounds; as, the tumult of the elements Tumult (noun)irregular or confused motion; agitation; high excitement; as, the tumult of the spirits or passions Tumult (verb)to make a tumult; to be in great commotion Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Tumulttū′mult, n. uproar of a multitude: violent agitation with confused sounds: high excitement.— adv. Tumult′ūarily .— n. Tumult′ūariness .— adjs. Tumult′ūary, Tumult′ūous, full of tumult: disorderly: agitated: noisy.—"
"docid": "D3497005#0",
"title": "https://woodworking.stackexchange.com/questions/3879/what-is-the-difference-between-a-worm-and-sidewinder-drive-circular-saws\nWhat is the difference between a worm and sidewinder drive circular saws?",
"text": "\"_Woodworking Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and amateur woodworkers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the difference between a worm and sidewinder drive circular saws?up vote6down votefavorite1I didn't even know this was a thing. Then I read comments in this question Worm drive saws are long and unwieldy for all but the burliest of men. I found them a real pain to work with. A Makita is a nicely-balanced tool and will last a woodworker 200 years. We used them like rental cars for years with nothing more than motor brush and cord changes. I aspire to be a burly man on occasion. What is the difference between a worm drive and sidewinder drive circular saws? Do each lend better to certain applications? What do I need to know to use each properly?"
"docid": "D1630560#0",
"title": "https://www.boilermakers.org/resources/what_is_a_boilermaker/purdue_boilermakers\nWhy are Purdue students and alumni called Boilermakers?",
"text": "\"Why are Purdue students and alumni called Boilermakers? The Boilermaker Special, Purdue's mascot, helps keep a legend alive. Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana, has had winning sports teams since the 19th century, when both our union and the university were young. In 1889, Purdue's football team traveled to Crawfordsville, Indiana, to play Wabash College, whom they defeated 18-4. Wabash students and the people of Crawfordsville were devastated by the defeat. According to one correspondent from the era, the town began referring to the Purdue team as \"\"a great big burly gang of corn-huskers,\"\" \"\"rail-splitters,\"\" \"\"foundry molders,\"\" and \"\"log-haulers.\"\" One newspaper reporter wrote this line: \"\"A blacksmith they had would come into the Wabash boys like a mogul engine and the more they choked him the happier he seemed to be. \"\" Over the next few years, Purdue's reputation did not dim, and when their team gave Wabash College a 44-0 drubbing in 1891, the local press wrote wildly about the carnage. One sports writer for the Daily Argus headlined his story \"\"Slaughter of Innocents,\"\" with the line under that reading, \"\"Wabash Snowed Completely Under by the Burly Boiler Makers from Purdue. \"\" By the next football season, the name had stuck."
"docid": "D239851#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/muscular\nmuscular",
"text": "\"muscularadjective mus·cu·lar \\ ˈməs-kyə-lər \\Popularity: Bottom 40% of words | Updated on: 5 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: muscular in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of muscular1 a: of, relating to, or constituting muscleb: of, relating to, or performed by the muscles2: having well-developed musculature3 a: of or relating to physical strength: brawnyb: having strength of expression or character: vigorousmuscular prosec: characterized by forcefulness or resolvemuscular foreign policyd: full-bodiedmuscular wines—muscularityplay \\ ˌməs-kyə-ˈla-rə-tē \\ noun—muscularlyplay \\ ˈməs-kyə-lər-lē \\ adverb See muscular defined for English-language learners See muscular defined for kids Examples of muscular in a Sentence He has a muscular physique. His legs are very muscular. Recent Examples of muscular from the Web Aside from their underdeveloped lungs and guts, babies born too early don’t yet have the reflexes or muscular control to suck and swallow simultaneously.— eva holland, WIRED, \"\"Saving Baby Boy Green,\"\" 27 Mar. 2018For example, 24 Hour Fitness offers Silver & Fit classes, designed to increase flexibility, joint stability, balance, coordination, agility, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.— mike candelaria, Orlando Sentinel.com, \"\"If you're 50+, you still need to exercise,\"\" 23 Mar. 2018In addition, the wing is bi-stable, holding itself in place during flight with minimal input from muscles and folding up entirely without any muscular energy being expended.— john timmer, Ars Technica, \"\"Earwig’s wing inspires compact designs that fold themselves,\"\" 23 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'muscular.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. First Known Use of muscular1670muscular Synonyms Synonymsbrawny, rugged, sinewy, stalwart,stout, strong Antonymsdelicate, feeble, frail, weak,weakling, wimpy Near Antonymschallenged, disabled,incapacitated, paralyzed;impotent, powerless;puny, slight,small, unathletic, unfit, unhealthy Related Wordsforceful, forcible, mighty, potent,powerful, puissant;able-bodied,athletic, fit, trim;beefy, burly,husky, strapping;masculine,virile;hard, inured, strengthened,sturdy, tough, toughened;energetic, energized, invigorated,lusty, red-blooded, robust,vigorous, vitalized;hale, healthy,hearty, sound MUSCULAR Defined for English Language Learnersmuscularadjective Definition of muscular for English Language Learners: of or relating to muscles: having large and strong muscles MUSCULAR Defined for Kidsmuscularadjective mus·cu·lar \\ ˈmə-skyə-lər \\Definition of muscular for Students1: of, relating to, or done by the musclesmuscular strengthmuscular activity2: having large and strong musclesmuscular legsa muscular athlete Medical Dictionarymuscularadjective mus·cu·lar \\ ˈməs-kyə-lər \\medical Definition of muscular1 a: of, relating to, or constituting muscleb: of, relating to, or performed by the muscles2: having well-developed musculature—muscularlyplay \\ ˈməs-kyə-lər-lē \\ adverb Learn More about muscular Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for muscular Spanish Central: Translation of muscular Nglish: Translation of muscular for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of muscular for Arabic speakers Seen and Heard What made you want to look up muscular?"
"docid": "D1814448#0",
"title": "http://www.buddytv.com/articles/teen-wolf/teen-wolf-recap-is-derek-dead-50491.aspx\n",
"text": "\"Morgan Glennon Contributing Writer, Buddy TVAdd as Buddy TV Friend »Tweet Email This week on Teen Wolf, an endless bus ride becomes an excuse for a labyrinthine flashback-centric narrative. There's a flashback-within-a-flashback, within a flashforward, within the snow globe of a child with autism. This episode makes the narrative structure of Inception look linear. The structure of the episode leads to a strange whiplash effect within the first five to 10 minutes of the episode, during which time I became sure I had missed an episode somewhere in between. But that's impossible! I literally recap this show, how could I forget Scott being mauled and ... wait, did they just say Derek is dead?! With twice the amount of episodes as last season, the show is definitely experimenting a bit with the freedom of having more room to tell the story. They can take an episode to get really funky with the storytelling in order to help us connect emotionally with the characters without sacrificing the nonstop forward momentum that has already become this season's hallmark. I like this episode, even if it doesn't feel like all of the wacky structuring is entirely necessary. And the reason I like it is because it takes time for the character beats, especially when it comes to Scott and Allison."
"docid": "D2301175#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/husky\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Eskimo dog, husky (adj)breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dogbeefy, burly, husky, strapping, buirdly (adj)muscular and heavily built\"\"a beefy wrestler\"\"; \"\"had a tall burly frame\"\"; \"\"clothing sizes for husky boys\"\"; \"\"a strapping boy of eighteen\"\"; \"\"`buirdly' is a Scottish term\"\"gruff, hoarse, husky (adj)deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion\"\"gruff voices\"\"; \"\"the dog's gruff barking\"\"; \"\"hoarse cries\"\"; \"\"makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky\"\"- Virgil Thomson Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Husky (noun)abounding with husks; consisting of husks Husky (adj)rough in tone; harsh; hoarse; raucous; as, a husky voice Origin: [Prob. for husty; cf. OE. host cough, AS. hwsta; akin to D. hoest, G. husten, OHG. huosto, Icel. hsti. See Wheeze. ] Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Husky Husky is a studio album by Skerik's Syncopated Taint Septet released 2006. It was recorded at the Sound Factory in Los Angeles, California March 2004."
"docid": "D372761#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/hurly-burly\nhurly-burly",
"text": "\"hurly-burly [ hur -lee- bur -lee, -bur-]Spell Syllables Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun, plural hurly-burlies.1. noisy disorder and confusion; commotion; uproar; tumult.adjective2. full of commotion; tumultuous. Origin of hurly-burly Expand1520-15301520-30; alteration of hurling ( and) burling, rhyming phrase based on hurling in its (now obsolete) sense of tumult, uproar Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for hurly-burly Expand Historical Examples I went on, a thought coming to the surface in the hurly-burly of my mind. In the Valley Harold Frederic In the hurly-burly and the general shriek for mercy his reassurances were not heard. Soldiers Three, Part II. Rudyard Kipling They tell me you were the man who pulled me out of that hurly-burly. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908Lucy Maud Montgomery It was all hurly-burly, and every one was ordered immediately to quarters. Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680Jasper Danckaerts But what can have brought you into this hurly-burly of folly and wickedness?"
"docid": "D274124#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fat\nfat",
"text": "\"1fatadjective \\ ˈfat \\Popularity: Top 40% of words | Updated on: 1 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: fat in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of fatfatter; fattest1: notable for having an unusual amount of fat:a: plumpa cute, fat little babyb: having excessive body fat… a woman of medium height, a little plump but not fat … —Mary Mc Carthyc of a meat animal: fattened for marketd of food: oily, greasya fat, rich cheese2 a: well filled out: thick, biga fat bookb: full in tone and quality: richa gorgeous fat bass voice — Irish Digestc: well stockeda fat larderd: prosperous, wealthygrew fat on the war — Timee: being substantial and impressivea fat bank account3 a: richly rewarding or profitablea fat part in a moviea fat contractb: practically nonexistenta fat chance4: productive, fertilea fat year for crops5 informal: stupid, foolish\"\" … if he had had any sense in his fat head, he would have done it long ago, dash him!\"\" — P. G. Wodehouse6: being swollengot a fat lip from the fight7 of a baseball pitch: easy to hit—fatnessnoun See fat defined for English-language learners See fat defined for kids Examples of fat in a Sentence The dog is getting fat because you feed him too much. I can't believe I've let myself get so fat.a fat book of poemsa truck with fat tires Recent Examples of fat from the Web The obesity epidemic is caused by an increase in fat and sugar in people’s diets.— havovi chichger, Smithsonian, \"\"How Your Low-Calorie Sweetener Could Be Making You Fat,\"\" 21 Mar. 2018Our bodies primarily burn fat and carbohydrates for fuel.— amy marturana, SELF, \"\"The Myth of the Fat-Burning Zone,\"\" 20 Mar. 2018Other great additions are a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese, a drizzle of simple yogurt sauce, or my favorite weird twist: full- fat cottage cheese with plenty of salt and pepper.— alyse whitney, Bon Appetit, \"\"You Can Carve Ina Garten's Zucchini Pancakes Recipe Onto My Tombstone,\"\" 19 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'fat.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Origin and Etymology of fat Middle English, from Old English fǣtt, past participle of fǣtan to cram; akin to Old High German feizit fat NEW!"
"docid": "D2402064#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/hefty\n.",
"text": "Search Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definitionheftyadj, heftier, heftiest Informal1 big and strong2 characterized by vigour or forcea hefty blow3 large, bulky, or heavy4 sizable; involving a large amount of moneya hefty bill, a hefty wage ♦ heftily adv ♦ heftiness n English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurushefty1 beefy (informal) big, brawny, burly, hulking, husky (informal) massive, muscular, robust, strapping, strong2 forceful, heavy, powerful, thumping (slang) vigorous3 ample, awkward, bulky, colossal, cumbersome, heavy, large, massive, ponderous, substantial, tremendous, unwieldy, weighty Antonymsagile, diminutive, feeble, frail, inconsequential, ineffectual, infinitesimal, insignificant, light, little, mild, minute, narrow, pocket-sized, scanty, short, slight, slim, small, soft, thin, tiny, weak, weedy (informal) wimpish or wimpy (informal)English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus See also:heft, heftily, hefter, het Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition"
"docid": "D252279#0",
"title": "http://www.quickbabynames.com/meaning-of-Burly.html\nMeaning of Burly",
"text": "Meaning of Burlyand the Origins of this baby name Meaning The name Burly has the following meaning: A meadow of trees. It is a male name, suitable for baby boys. Origins The name Burly is very likely a (n) English variant of the name Burleigh. See other suggested English boy baby names . You might also like to see the other variants of the name Burleigh ."
"docid": "D2944499#0",
"title": "http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Gaston_(song)\nGaston (song)",
"text": "\"Gaston General information Feature films Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast (2017)Albums Beauty and the Beast: Original Soundtrack Classic Disney - Volume II Mc Donald's Celebrates Disney Music - Volume 2: Rascal Songs Disney's Greatest Volume 3 Disney Villains: Simply Sinister Songs Composer Alan Menken Lyrics Howard Ashman Performers Gaston ( Richard White / Luke Evans) Le Fou ( Jesse Corti / Josh Gad) Villagers Bimbettes Preceded by\"\" Belle \"\" \"\" Home \"\" (musical)Followed by\"\" Be Our Guest \"\" \"\" How Long Must This Go On? \"\" ( musical)Video Source\"\" Gaston \"\" is a song sung by Gaston, Le Fou, Gaston's buddies, and the villagers in Beauty and the Beast. It was sung to cheer up Gaston after Belle rejects his marriage proposal, and was started by Lefou. It is most famous for the memetic phrase \"\"No one [verb] s like Gaston,\"\" which became so popular it even appeared as Gaston's catchphrase in House of Mouse . The version of the song featured on the soundtrack notably includes a small scene where Le Fou tries to spell Gaston's name. This scene was cut from the film's version, however. This stanza was reinstated in the 2017 version, with Le Fou justifying why he is unable to spell it by mentioning that he is illiterate. Contents [ show]Lyrics First Le Fou: Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, Gaston Looking so down in the dumps Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston Even when taking your lumps There's no man in town as admired as you You're everyone's favorite guy Everyone's awed and inspired by you And it's not very hard to see why! No one's slick as Gaston No one's quick as Gaston No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston For there's no man in town half as manly! Perfect, a pure paragon!"
"docid": "D2516913#0",
"title": "http://www.wordreference.com/definition/bluff\n.",
"text": "Word Reference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2018bluff 1 /blʌf/adj., -er, -est, n.adj.good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank: a bluff way of speaking that is refreshing. Geology presenting a bold, broad, and very steep front: a bluff cliff.n. [ countable]Geology, Geography a cliff, headland, or hill with a broad, steep face: leaning carefully out over the bluffs.bluff•ness, n. [ uncountable] [ His bluffness is just an act* he's really very sneaky. ] bluff 2 /blʌf/v.to mislead or deceive (someone) by putting on a bold front: [ ~ + object] Don't try to bluff me; I know all your tricks. [ no object] [ He's bluffing* I'm sure he can't overrule you.] [ ~ + object] to achieve by bluffing: I tried to bluff my way into the job. Games to deceive (an opponent in poker) by betting heavily on a weak hand: [ no object] [ I think you're bluffing, so I'll meet your bet.] [ ~ + object] [ He tried to bluff me with a pair of two's. ] n.an act or instance of bluffing: [ countable] It's just a bluff to get me to show what I know. ["
"docid": "D3193212#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080314075756AAx8amT\nWhat is animal imagery referring to a book?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Homework Help What is animal imagery referring to a book? For school, i have to write and essay comparing and contrasting ppl in the Scarlet Pimpernel. I also have to include how the author used animal imageryto point out their differences. I cannot find what animal imagery is so i reallllly need help.1 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It's a long time since I read the book, and I can't find my copy, but I'm sure that animal imagery would be using animals to describe people, like \"\"that old fox, Robespierre.\"\",. so that Robespierre is seen as being as cunning as a fox. Hope this helps. SKCave · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Asker's rating Animal Imagery Source (s):https://shrink.im/bayx2pierrelouis · 2 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: What is animal imagery referring to a book? For school, i have to write and essay comparing and contrasting ppl in the Scarlet Pimpernel. I also have to include how the author used animal imageryto point out their differences."
"docid": "D542489#0",
"title": "http://www.ricedigital.co.uk/thank-review/\nNo, Thank You!!! Review (PC)",
"text": "It happened! It finally happened! Nine years after JAST USA’s Absolute Obedience and Enzai, sixteen years after Joinac’s Graduation, BL ( Boys’ Love) fans finally have an official English release of a visual novel in the form of No, Thank You!!! by Parade. Translated and localised by Manga Gamer, this 18+ BL game came to the English speaking audience on February 27th 2015. BL is a genre where male characters romance other male characters. Despite what people may think at first, the genre is less targeted at a male audience (though it does have male fans), and more targeted at a female fan base. Saying that, No, Thank You!!! has made a great effort to attract male fans, even going as far as to create sexual scenes in the form of male- eroge, rather than the slightly sweeter scenes a fujoshi (female BL fan) may expect. This mixture of audiences is one of the key reasons why Manga Gamer chose No, Thank You!!!"
"docid": "D152212#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/robust\nrobust",
"text": "\"robustadjective ro·bust \\ rō-ˈbəst, ˈrō- (ˌ)bəst \\Popularity: Top 20% of words | Updated on: 8 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: robust in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of robust1 a: having or exhibiting strength or vigorous healthb: having or showing vigor, strength, or firmnessa robust debatea robust faithc: strongly formed or constructed: sturdya robust plasticd: capable of performing without failure under a wide range of conditionsrobust software2: rough, rudestories … laden with robust, down-home imagery — Playboy3: requiring strength or vigorrobust work4: full-bodiedrobust coffee; also: heartya robust dinner5: relating to, resembling, or being a specialized group of australopithecines characterized especially by heavy molars and small incisors adapted to a vegetarian diet Note: Robust australopithecines are included in the genus Australopithecus along with gracile forms or placed in the separate genus Paranthropus. — comparegracile3—robustlyadverb—robustnessplay \\ rō-ˈbəs (t)-nəs, ˈrō- (ˌ)bəs (t)- \\ noun See robust defined for English-language learners See robust defined for kids Examples of robust in a Sentence If Singapore, just seven miles to the north with its glittering skyline and robust economy, is Southeast Asia's Cinderella, Batam is her dark sister.—Peter Gwin , National Geographic , October 2007The greatest gains in mine mechanization came in a burst of innovation following World War II, when robust new machines were developed …—Robert L. Marovelli , Scientific American , September 1982Humfry was a man whom everyone noticed. His stature was above ordinary, his complexion sanguine, his conversation lively, and his constitution robust. — Samuel Eliot Morison , The European Discovery of America , 1971Why is almost every robust healthy boy with a robust healthy soul in him, at some time or other crazy to go to sea? — Herman Melville , Moby Dick , 1851robust young men and women He is in robust health. The sauce has a robust flavor. Recent Examples of robust from the Web Now, as Sarah Kaplan reports for the Washington Post, new research in the savannah-like region near Brazil’s border with Bolivia shows that ancient human activity in the Amazon was far more robust and wide-ranging than experts previously thought.— brigit katz, Smithsonian, \"\"Satellite Images Reveal 81 Pre-Hispanic Settlements in the Amazon,\"\" 2 Apr. 2018Goldstein said while advance ticket sales were solid, the walk-up business was particularly robust on Friday and Saturday.— Fox News, \"\"'Ready Player One' scores major holiday box office win,\"\"1 Apr. 2018He is asked pregame about his rotation again being robust, only to find himself with a postgame follow-up about his team's latest injury.—"
"docid": "D252277#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/burly\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:beefy, burly, husky, strapping, buirdly (adj)muscular and heavily built\"\"a beefy wrestler\"\"; \"\"had a tall burly frame\"\"; \"\"clothing sizes for husky boys\"\"; \"\"a strapping boy of eighteen\"\"; \"\"`buirdly' is a Scottish term\"\"Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:burly (Adjective)Large, well-built, and muscular. He's a big, burly rugby player who works as a landscape gardener.burly (Adjective)Originating from the east end of London, England. An expressive term to mean something is good, awesome, amazing, unbelievable. e.g That goal was burly, or Ru00E4ikku00F6nen is a burly Formula 1 driver.burly (Adjective)Originating from surfer culture and/or Southern California. An expressive term to mean something is of large magnitude, either good or bad, and sometimes both. e.g. \"\"That wave was burly!\"\" ( meaning it was large, dangerous and difficult to ride). \"\" This hike is going to be burly, but worth it because there is good body surfing at that beach.\"\" ( meaning the hike is going to be hard work). Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Burly (adj)having a large, strong, or gross body; stout; lusty; -- now used chiefly of human beings, but formerly of animals, in the sense of stately or beautiful, and of inanimate things that were huge and bulky Burly (adj)coarse and rough; boisterous Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Burlybur′li, adj."
] |
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"docid": "D3086165#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeEGtXS-h5w\nMY $600 AR-15 DPMS SPORTICAL",
"text": "MY $600 AR-15 DPMS SPORTICALMy Damn Channel Subscribe 4.2KAdd to Share More29,645 views997Published on Sep 10, 2013DPMS sportical my $600 AR-15. I have been wanting to get into the AR market for some time now. Prices are now back down to normal for the most part and I found this AR-15 at Walmart of all places for $612.00. This carbine might just be the most simplistic, straight forward AR on the market. Lightweight barrel, adjustable stock, and a slick sided low profile upper make this rifle the perfect choice for the recreational shooter on a budget. Show more Loading..."
] | [
"docid": "D3086164#0",
"title": "http://www.gunbroker.com/Bushmaster-AR-15/Browse.aspx?Keywords=Bushmaster+AR+15\nBushmaster AR-15 For Sale â Buy a Bushmaster AR-15",
"text": "Bushmaster AR-15 For Sale – Buy a Bushmaster AR-15Find the Bushmaster AR-15 you're looking for right here at Gun Broker.com, the world's largest online auction site dedicated to firearms, hunting, shooting, and accessories. We aim to provide you with all the necessary information you need to make an informed Bushmaster AR-15 purchase. Explore the basics of Bushmaster AR-15s, then browse the listings of our trusted sellers to make your purchase. Be sure to check back often if you can't find exactly what you're looking for. Our sellers are constantly updating their listings. We also have a wide selection of AR-15s from Colt. Bushmaster AR-15 Basics Bushmaster has a rich tradition of creating quality AR series firearms, and the Bushmaster AR-15 is no exception. The Bushmaster AR-15 is a highly customizable weapon that comes in many sizes and models, with the ability to add a host of different accessories and add-ons. Known for its reliability, accuracy and design, the Bushmaster AR-15 is used by hunters, target shooters and even law enforcement. The Bushmaster AR-15 is a variant of the AR-15 rifle originally designed by Arma Lite in 1959."
"docid": "D301998#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magpul_Industries\nMagpul Industries",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Magpul Industries Corporation Type Private Industry Firearms Founded 1999Founder Richard M. Fitzpatrick Headquarters Headquarters in Austin, Texas Key people Richard Fitzpatrick, Mike Mayberry, Doug Smith Products Accessories Services Consulting, training Owner Richard M. Fitzpatrick Divisions Magpul Industries Corp., Magpul Core,Website www.magpul.com Modified AR-15 with Magpul accessories Magpul Industries Corporation is an American designer and manufacturer of polymer and composite high-tech firearms accessories. The corporate headquarters is in Austin, Texas in the United States. Magpul Industries takes its name from its first product, an accessory for US and NATO armed forces STANAG magazines that aided users in pulling the magazine out of its pouch, hence \"\"Magpul\"\". Magpul announced its intention to leave Colorado in 2013 when new gun control laws caused many of its products to become illegal in the state in which they were manufactured; it has relocated its factories to Wyoming and its offices to Texas. Contents [ hide ]1 Background1.1 Chronology2 Firearms accessories2.1 Rifle stocks2.2 Standards3 Complete firearms3.1 Magpul Masada3.2 Magpul Massoud3.3 Magpul PDR3.4 Magpul FMG-94 Political advocacy4.1 Boulder Airlift4.2 Farewell to Arms Freedom Festival4.3 Relocation5 References6 External links Background [ edit]Magpul Industries Corp was founded in 1999 by Richard M. Fitzpatrick, a Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps Reconnaissance. [ 1] The company currently has two divisions: Magpul Industries, which manufactures firearms accessories etc. ; and Magpul Core (formerly Magpul Dynamics), founded in 2008, which delivers firearms training, including instructional videos. [ 2]Magpul primarily designs, manufactures, and distributes accessories for the AR-15 / M16 rifles, AK-47 rifles, Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 /590 12ga. shotguns, and it has also expanded into the area of rifle chassis for the Remington 700 and Ruger 10/22. Chronology [ edit]1999: Richard Fitzpatrick develops the original Magpul 5.56 and introduces it at NDIA.2000: The Magpul 7.62 and Magpul 9mm are introduced.2001: First Magpul patent, U. S. Patent 6,212,815, is awarded.2002: First official military order (100 M93 stocks for the USMC . )"
"docid": "D2398299#0",
"title": "http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/defensive-rifles-shotgun-discussion/124370-eagle-arms-ar15-armalite.html\nEagle Arms AR15, by Armalite",
"text": "\"June 7th, 2011 09:25 PM #1zacii [OP]VIP Member Join Date Apr 2009Location arizona Posts 3,964Eagle Arms AR15, by Armalite I did a search on the forum, and on the web in general. I can find zero useful information on the Eagle Arms AR. I touched one in a LGS and I wanted to do some recon, but I'm having difficulty. It had a flat top, 16\"\" barrel and collapsible stock. That's all I got on it. I went to the Eagle Arms website pretty useless. That might be a clue I also checked out the Armalite website. Yeah nothing there either. does anybody here have any info; first hand experience on these? Share Share this post on Digg Twitter Share on Facebook Reddit!Trust in God and keep your powder dry \"\"A heavily armed citizenry is not about overthrowing the government; it is about preventing the government from overthrowing liberty."
"docid": "D3086163#0",
"title": "http://m14forum.com/m16-ar15/139780-ar-15-rifles-wal-mart.html\nAR-15 rifles at Wal Mart",
"text": "\"May 13th, 2013, 09:56 PM # 1wheres the bears Squad Leader Join Date: Sep 2012Location: Missouri Posts: 267AR-15 rifles at Wal Mart Wal mart where I live has four ARs for sale three Colt and one Bushmaster. Prices aren't much different than they were before the panic buying. It's nice seeing them for sale at a good price again. Remove Ads May 13th, 2013, 09:59 PM # 2angelonm Master Gunner Join Date: Jun 2011Location: New York Posts: 851They wouldnt sell a toy AR15 in a Walmart near me...... May 13th, 2013, 10:02 PM # 3jake2far Old Salt Join Date: Feb 2010Location: Oregon Posts: 1,703Quote: Originally Posted by angelonm They wouldnt sell a toy AR15 in a Walmart near me...... Perhaps you meant couldn't? Jim Thanks from Pants May 13th, 2013, 10:19 PM # 4angelonm Master Gunner Join Date: Jun 2011Location: New York Posts: 851Perhaps. They can but they wont..... Rosie O'Donnell grew up around here. Thanks from cachunk May 13th, 2013, 11:05 PM # 5Albud3Old Salt Join Date: Dec 2008Location: In the Heart of Dixie, Alabama!Posts: 1,548They're showing up down here in dribs and drabs, one or two every 3-4 says and are gone within the morning. Surprisingly, the sporting goods guy said the Colt was the easiest to get. Mini-14s and 10-22s are extremely hard to find and ammo is rarer than Unicorn's horn. Doesn't seem to be getting back to normal yet."
"docid": "D401441#0",
"title": "http://corporateofficehq.com/walmart-corporate-office/\nWalMart Corporate Office",
"text": "Wal Mart Corporate Office How would you rate your experience with Wal Mart ? [ Total: 66 Average: 1.9/5]Wal Mart Corporate Office Address Wal-Mart Stores Inc.702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72716Contact Wal Mart Phone Number: (479) 273-4000 Fax Number: (479) 277-1830 Website: http://www.walmart.com Email: Email Wal Mart Wal Mart Facts Founder: Sam Walton Date Founded: July 2, 1962 Founding Location: Rogers, Arkansas Number of Employees: 2300000Wal Mart Executives CEO: C. Douglas Mc Millon CFO: M Brett Biggs COO: Tracey D. Brown Wal Mart History Wal-Mart Stores Inc., usually just called Wal Mart, was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. Walton purchased one if the Ben Franklin stores in 1945. His focus was on the profit margin. Walton believed that selling products at a lower selling price, but in high volume sales, would make both customer and himself happy with the deal. Walton was on to something, as sales increased 45% during his first year in business with his Ben Franklin store. When his 5-year lease with the company expired, he was unable to reach a new agreement. Walton opened his own store on Main Street in Bentonville, calling it Waltons Five and Dime. The original store is now a Walmart museum. In 1962, Walton opened his second location on Walnut Street in Rogers, Arkansas."
"docid": "D2813707#0",
"title": "http://www.headquartersinfo.com/walmart-headquarters-information/\nWalmart Headquarters Information",
"text": "Home Retailers Walmart Headquarters Information Walmart Headquarters Information Contacting Walmart Headquarters Walmart is considered the world’s leading retailer. With thousands of stores in the United States alone, there is literally a Walmart within driving distance of most cities and towns. Walmart offers discount prices on many major food, clothing and housewares brands, but the company also sells Walmart branded merchandise comparable to major brands at an even sharper discount. There are several Walmart locations, including supercenters, neighborhood markets and express. Walmart headquarters is also responsible for Sam’s Club. Walmart Headquarters Info The Walmart headquarters is located in Bentonville, Arkansas – the location of the first Walmart stores. The company was founded by Sam Walton. The Walton family retains ownership of the stores to this day with several of the family members considered some of the richest people in the world. Address: The address for Walmart headquarters is: Walmart Headquarters 702 S. W. 8 th St. Bentonville, AK 72716Phone Number: The corporate phone number for Walmart headquarters is 1-800-925-6278 or 1-800-WALMART. The phone number for investor relations is 1-479-273-6463."
"docid": "D351619#0",
"title": "https://qz.com/595877/heres-a-list-and-map-of-all-the-walmart-store-closings-in-the-us/\nHereâs a list and map of all the Walmart store closings in the US",
"text": "ROLLBACKHere’s a list and map of all the Walmart store closings in the USNikhil Sonnad, Christopher Groskopf & Zachary M. Seward January 15, 2016Walmart is shutting down 269 stores as the company tries to cut costs and focus on e-commerce. More than half of these stores are in the US. Included among the closures are all 102 locations of Walmart Express, its smallest stores. Express began in 2011 as an experiment with bodega-like Walmarts in spots, mostly urban and rural areas, where the company couldn’t open the sprawling “Supercenters” for which it is best known. But they weren’t successful. Walmart hasn’t yet disclosed all of its closures outside the US. Here is a map and list of the store closures in the company’s home country: Store number Type Address Closing date2173 Walmart Express 14331 Count Rd. 99, Headland, AL 1/28/162011 Walmart Express 18 Apple Way, Ashford, AL 1/28/162165 Walmart Express 952 E. Lawrence Harris Hwy, Slocomb, AL 1/28/162186 Walmart Express 407 West Washington St., Abbeville, AL 1/28/162235 Walmart Express 6361 Hwy 72 East Gurley, AL 1/28/162260 Walmart Express 87395 US Hwy 278, Snead, AL 1/28/163769 Walmart Express 3530 Cathedral Caverns Hwy, Grant, AL 1/28/163779 Walmart Express 10188 Hwy 431 South, New Hope, AL 1/28/162498 Walmart Express 720 N Hwy 71, Mansfield, AR 1/28/162578 Walmart Express 3500 Mulberry Hwy 64 W, Mulberry, AR 1/28/162601 Walmart Express 814 W. Main, Charleston, AR 1/28/162669 Walmart Express 1531 E Hwy 64, Coal Hill, AR 1/28/163819 Walmart Express 8848 N Hwy 59, Van Buren, AR 1/28/163878 Walmart Express 5 Hwy 124 West, Damascus, AR 1/28/164217 Walmart Express 154 E Roller, Decatur, AR 1/28/163032 Walmart Express 905 S Gentry Blvd, Gentry, AR 1/28/163033 Walmart Express 800 1st Ave SE, Gravette, AR 1/28/163034 Walmart Express 881 W Buchanan, Prairie Grove, AR 1/28/163358 Walmart Express 1113 S. R. 20, Interlachen, FL 1/28/164265 Walmart Express 1209 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 1/28/164267 Walmart Express 15726 SE Hwy 19 Cross City, FL 1/28/164228 Walmart Express 560 S. Broad St., Ellaville, GA 1/28/164229 Walmart Express 1041 S US Hwy 1, Alma, GA 1/28/164234 Walmart Express 155 West Washington Ave., Ashburn, GA 1/28/164251 Walmart Express 398 Barrow Ave SW, Pelham, GA 1/28/164254 Walmart Express 907 Marianna Hwy, Donalsonville, GA 1/28/164261 Walmart Express 290 Albany Ave. West, Pearson, GA 1/28/164263 Walmart Express 142 S. Valdosta Road, Lakeland, GA 1/28/163065 Walmart Express 3636 N Broadway St., Chicago, IL 1/17/163039 Walmart Express 225 W Chicago Ave.,"
"docid": "D2554414#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYUKhY1w7r4\n.223 AMMO: PRICE PER ROUND AT WALMART",
"text": ".223 AMMO: PRICE PER ROUND AT WALMARTLead Therapy Subscribe 10KAdd to Share More86,355 views39828Published on Jul 11, 2013I took some ones suggestion and made a video on the price per round you would pay for .223 ammo at Walmart. I have other .223 ammo and 5.56 ammo that I purchased at Walmart but don't know the prices. I hope this helps. 5.56 ammunition, Tul Ammo, Remington umc, Winchester, Federal, fmj,full metal jacket, hollow point, Varmint X, shtf,wrol, prepper, ar-15,Show more Loading..."
"docid": "D61733#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Combat_Optical_Gunsight\nAdvanced Combat Optical Gunsight",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search TA31RCO variant of the ACOG which is designated as the M150 RCO in United States Army service Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (abbreviated ACOG) is a series of telescopic sights manufactured by Trijicon. The ACOG was originally designed to be used on the M16 rifle and M4 carbine, but Trijicon has also developed ACOG accessories for other firearms. Models provide fixed power magnification levels from 1.5× to 6×. [1] ACOG reticles are illuminated at night by an internal phosphor. Some versions have an additional daytime reticle illumination via a passive external fiber optic light pipe or are LED-illuminated using a battery. The first ACOG model, known as the TA01, was released in 1987. [ 2] [3]Contents [ hide ]1 Design2 Bindon aiming concept3 Users4 Related Images5 Controversy6 See also7 References8 External links Design [ edit]The ACOG is available in a variety of configurations from the manufacturer with different reticles, illumination, and other features. Most ACOGs do not use batteries for reticle illumination, [4] being designed to use internal phosphor illumination provided by the radioactive decay of tritium. The tritium illumination has a usable life of 10–15 years. [ 5] Some versions of the ACOG have an additional daytime reticle illumination via a passive external fiber optic light pipe. Normally this allows the brightness of the reticle to match the field of view since it collects ambient light from around the sight, although this can lead to a mismatch in lighting - such as sunlight hitting the light pipe directly, or standing in a shadow - causing the reticle to be much brighter or darker than the target. ["
"docid": "D3176828#0",
"title": "http://www.gunbroker.com/All/BI.aspx?Keywords=+and+(Ranch+Hand)\nAdvancedSign In RegisterBrowse CategoriesBuy Sell Deals Video Help",
"text": "\"All Show Category Informationand (Ranch Hand) All For Sale Narrow Your Search Has Pictures No Reserve Has Quick Look Factory New New Old Stock Used Ship International Big Ticket Hot Items Immediate Checkout Save this Search | Tips Per Page You Searched For Keywords [remove]and Ranch Hand Narrow Your Search Subcategories Revolvers (26)Gun Holsters & Gun Leather (22)Semi Auto Rifles (11)Bolt Action Rifles (9)Lever Action Rifles (8)Other Rifles (8)AR15 Parts (6)Pistol Magazines & Pistol Clips (6)Gloves (4)Camo Clothing & Accessories (4)Tactical Gear (3)Other Pistols (2)Air Pistols (2)Other Clothing (2)Pocket Knives (2)Scope Accessories & Scope Parts (2)Cowboy Action Shooting (1)Old West Collectibles (1)Semi Auto Pistols (1)Rifle Stocks (1)See more All Items Auctions Buy Now!There are 128 items that match your criteria. Item Title Click Headers to Sort Relevance Quantity Bids Price Time Left727892010 Mossberg MVP Thunder Ranch 223 Rem 19\"\" 10+127794 Thunder Ranch 5.56 NATO 5561 0 $556.78 12h 30m +727873485Ruger American Ranch 450 BUSHMASTER 16\"\" LEFT HAND!Exclusive Model Randy's Hunting Center FACTORY NEW4 0 $529.00 38d 10h +727881705 UBERTI 1873 RANCH HAND 357 Mag 4.75\"\" 6rd CH/BL1 0 $425.00 11h 57m +728135007 Ruger American 450 Bushmaster FDE Ranch 169501 0 $499.99 21h 33m +719801787 Ruger Mini-14 Ranch 5.56 NATO 16.12\"\" 20+1582039 0 $841.48 67d 12h +723982450 Smith and Wesson 325 Thunder Ranch .45 ACP S&WNo CC Fee! No Reserve! New In Box! 1703161 0 $1,004.99 5d 9h +719492355 Mossberg MVP Thunder Ranch 7.62 NATO 18.5\"\" 11+12779810 0 $589.15 66d 12h +696282049 Ruger Mini-14 Ranch 223 Remington 18.5\"\" 20+1581711 0 $829.90 8h 4m +724040009 Smith and Wesson 325 Thunder Ranch 45ACP Revolver1 0 $0.01 5d 14h +727966790 Smith & Wesson M 325 Thunder Ranch .45 ACP 1703161 0 $1,149.99 16h 28m +728105162 S&W M325 Thunder Ranch 4\"\" 45 ACP 170316 - NIB1 0 $995.00 20h 50m +725059875 F1 FIREARMS DEMOLITION RANCH UDR-15-3G WITH CASE1 1 $2,200.00 14h 52m +728130666 BLASER R8 CUSTOM, LEFT HAND, ANY CALIBER1 0 $31,999.95 21h 25m +Learn more about Featured Auctions. Get listed in this section and be seen by hundreds of thousands.726235818 Uberti Taylor Ranch Hand .3571 0 $400.00 2d 21h +725406509 Trapper Rossi Ranch Hand Style2 0 $111.99 24d 8h +727037513 Rossi Ranch Hand 45LC NIB RH92-572031 0 $539.00 13h 49m +724918814 HUN TRAPPER HOLSTER RANCH HAND & MARES LEG2 0 $102.00 23d 8h +723919867 Hunter Trapper, Ranch Hand-Style Holster4 0 $104.00 21d 4h +724927152 Hunter Company Trapper Rossi Ranch Hand Style2 0 $99.00 23d 9h +728120904 Hun Trapper Holster Ranch Hand & Mares Leg2 0 $96.99 89d 21h +725007286 Hunter Company Trapper - Ranch Hand-Style Holster2 0 $93.39 23d 12h +724912073 Trapper - Ranch Hand-Style Holster Rossi | 1892C2 0 $99.48 23d 8h +726799128 Hun Trapper Holster Ranch Hand & Mares Leg2 0 $103.56 27d 2h +708921317 Hun Trapper Holster Ranch Hand & Mares Leg2 0 $96.99 30d 11h +704485992 Tf Uberti Ranch Hand Dlx 357mag 5.52 0 $600.99 19d 7h +725671380 Marlin 336y Ranch Hand 30/301 0 $719.00 1d 18h +725398030 Hunter Company Trapper Rossi Ranch Hand Style2 0 $99.99 84d 8h +728140465 Tf Uberti Ranch Hand Dlx 357mag 5.52 0 $600.99 89d 21h +718551622 SARGE RANCH HAND 3 5/8\"\" BLK DERLIN2 0 $15.71 3d 2h +725488942 Taylor's & Co. 450DE UBERTI 1873 RANCH HAND 45LC1 0 $597.34 24d 12h +728004550 Rossi M92 Ranch Hand 45LC NIB RH92-572031 0 $539.00 2d 17h +718555634 SARGE RANCH HAND 3 5/8\"\" BLK DERLIN2 0 $14.43 3d 3h +723958358 Taylor's and Co. 1873 Ranch Hand 45 Colt Revolver2 0 $594.67 21d 7h +725896442 Mint Remington 1999 R103 Ranch Hand Bullet Knife1 0 $79.95 9d 9h +727484560 Taylors & Co Ranch Hand 45 LC 5.5\"\" CASE HARD RCVR1 0 $429.99 3d 14h +723958352 Taylor's Ranch Hand Deluxe 5.5\"\" 6 Rd Blued Revolve2 0 $594.67 21d 7h +727854084 Taylor's & Co Uberti 1873 Ranch Hand 45Lc 4.75 Tun1 0 $581.99 10h 37m +701262062 Tf Uberti 1873 Ranch Hand 45lc 4.75 Tuned2 0 $600.99 11d 5h +728140467 Tf Uberti 1873 Ranch Hand 45lc 4.75 Tuned2 0 $600.99 89d 21h +727804347 Taylor's & Co Uberti Ranch Hand Dlx 357Mag 5.51 0 $581.99 8h 42m +721001056 Taylor's & Co 1873 Ranch Hand Deluxe Edition Singl2 0 $589.00 11d 7h +720063634 Magpul Core Ranch Gloves, Tan, Large10 0 $27.68 8d 6h +720030914 Magpul Core Ranch Gloves, Tan, Medium2 0 $37.95 8d 4h +720030912 Magpul Core Ranch Gloves, Tan, Large14 0 $27.04 8d 4h +720063628 Magpul Core Ranch Gloves, Tan, Medium2 0 $37.95 8d 6h +727032453 MAGPUL GLOVES RANCH MEDIUM TAN GOAT SKIN2 0 $37.95 27d 13h +719105658 Henry Special Edition Philmont Ranch Lever Action3 0 $504.00 4d 21h +727032451 MAGPUL GLOVES RANCH LARGE TAN GOAT SKIN4 0 $37.95 27d 13h +719459489 Mossberg MVP Thunder Ranch BA Rifle 556NATO 277947 0 $585.96 6d 10h +727032455 MAGPUL GLOVES RANCH SMALL TAN GOAT SKIN6 0 $37.95 27d 13h +Key: Pictures Fixed Price Reserve Buy Now! Featured Item Quick Look Immediate Checkout Ending times displayed are scheduledending times subject to our 15 minute rule Updated:12/14/2017 2:14:41 AM ESTCheck Gun Broker.com official time Help Contact Us FAQAbout Register Site Map My Support Page Buyers Tools for Buyers New Buyers How To Buy Buyer's Protection Find An FFLGun Broker.com Pricing Report Sellers Tools for Sellers New Sellers How To Sell Fees & Services Join our FFL Network FFL/Dealer Services Dealer Store Related Sites FFL Unleashed Forums Gun Genius Video Areas of Interest The Gun Broker Store Gold Membership Gold Deals Deals Firearm Industry News Industry Relations Advertise with Us Investor and Media Relations Follow Us Popular Auctions Glock Kahr Heckler & Koch Handguns Para Ordnance9mm Ammo Weatherby Gun Safes Smith and Wesson M&PUberti Popular Topics Popular Searches Popular Gun Accessories Popular Ammo Gun Models Manufacturers Gun Manufacturers Rifle Manufacturers Pistol Manufacturers Shotgun Manufacturers Parts/Accessories Manufacturers FFL Unleashed Ramp up your business with FFL Unleashed Get Zone.com The best in outdoor videos Gun Genius The world's most powerful firearm database Gun Broker.com Forums Discussion forums for Gun Broker.com users Gun Up Self-defense, target shooting & concealed carry focused Marketplace Insight Providing buying, selling, pricing & demographic data Media Lodge Delivering the most engaged outdoor enthusiasts© 1999-2017 Gun Broker.com, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide. ( 10 & Trademarks User Agreement Privacy Policy \""
"docid": "D1073573#0",
"title": "http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/05/chris-dumm/which-plinker-is-your-favorite/\nWhich Plinker Is Your Favorite?",
"text": "Which Plinker Is Your Favorite?by Chris Dumm |May 20, 2012 |66 commentsfacebook twitter linkedin email TTAG reader Brian asks: Would you guys be able to recommend some good .22 plinkers, specifically the Phoenix Arms Rangemaster? Mission accepted, Brian! I’ve shot a lot of .22s over the years and I’m happy to make a few suggestions. I’ll break it to you now, though: the Phoenix Arms Rangemaster is not among them. A good plinker has to be simple, affordable and rugged. Tack-driving accuracy and tactical good looks are not required, since tin cans and magpies aren’t too small and they’ll never know what shot them. ‘Mission-Critical’ reliability is also not exactly mission-critical for plinking, when a jam or misfire is only an inconvenience. That being said, a plinker should be fairly reliable with the kinds of low-grade .22 ammunition (purchased at least 500 rounds at a time) that will be its exclusive diet. If you’re looking for a plinker, remember to include pawn shops and smaller gun stores in your search because used guns often make the best plinkers. First of all they’re cheap, and second you’ll never get too upset if your nephew accidentally scratches or dings a gun that’s already covered in dings and scratches."
"docid": "D542704#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_allied_military_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War_(1965)\nList of allied military operations of the Vietnam War (1965)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ show]v t e Military engagements of the Vietnam War This article is a list of known military operations of the Vietnam War in 1965, conducted by the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States and their allies. Date Duration Operation Name Unit (s) – Description Location VC – NVAKIA 's Allied KIA's1965–72Operation Footboy [1]MACVSOG covert operations in North Vietnam and North Vietnamese waters for the purpose of collecting intelligence, conducting psychological warfare operations, and other activities to create dissension among the populace, and for diversion of North Vietnamese resources North Vietnam Jan 5 Unnamed [2]Six-company CIDG and Special Forces A-114 and A-411 Detachments operation Tây Ninh Province Feb 7–24Operation Flaming Dart [3]Phase I (February 7): USAF reprisal bombing attacks against NVA units and military barracks near Đồng Hới and the Demilitarized Zone. Phase II (February 11): USAF and VNAF strike the Chanh Hoa and Vit Thu Lu barracks, respectively, in North VietnamĐồng Hới, Demilitarized Zone, Chanh Hoa and Vit Thu Lu8Mar 2 – Nov 1 1968Operation Rolling Thunder [4]USAF, U. S. Navy and VNAF sustained and escalating bombing campaign of North Vietnam to destroy military infrastructure, interdict supply routes and undermine the North's willingness to continue the war North Vietnam 20,000 est. 835Mar 11 – 1972Operation Market Time [5]Combined U. S. Navy and South Vietnamese Navy effort to stop the flow of supplies from North Vietnam into South Vietnam South China Sea Mar 31Operation Quyet Thang 512 [6]ARVN 5th Airborne Battalion, MAG-16, HMM-163 and HMM-162 air assault near Tam Ky 40 km south of Da Nang, Quảng Tín Province2 USApr 3 – Nov 11 1968Operation Steel Tiger [7] (part of Operation Barrell Roll) U. S. 2nd Air Division aerial interdiction effort targeted against the infiltration of NVA men and material moving south from North Vietnam southeastern Laos May 31 – Jun 3 Unnamed [8]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team first brigade sized operation in Vietnam, a series of airmobile assaults near Bien Hoa, Biên Hòa Province7Jun 18 – Aug 15 1973Operation Arc Light [9]B-52 Stratofortress bombing campaign against communist base areas throughout South Vietnam Jun 27–30 Unnamed [10]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team first major offensive action by launching an operation, along with ARVN airborne units and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, into War Zone \"\"D\"\", about 32 km northeast of Saigon Long Khánh Province Jul 6–9Operation 17-65 [1] 173rd Airborne Brigade operation Phước Thành Province Jul 6–10 Unnamed [11] [12]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and ARVN 43rd Regiment operation involving multiple air assaults into War Zone \"\"D\"\" just north of the Đồng Nai River Long Khánh Province Jul 8 – Aug 19Operation Than Phong II [13]ARVN II Corps operation to reopen Route 19349Jul 28Operation Lien Ket 4 [1]2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, ARVN 51st Regiment and VNMC 3rd Battalion first combined land operation in the war Jul 28 – Aug 2Operation 19-65 [1] [12]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment operation to disrupt VC movement from the Rung Sat Special Zone into Phước Tuy Province Phước Tuy Province Aug 2 -3Operation Blast Out [14]1st Battalion, 3rd Marines and ARVN 4th Regiment first search and clear operation in Cam Ne village. The operation was filmed by a CBS news crew who showed the Marines setting fire to Vietnamese huts with their Zippo lighters 16 km southwest of Da Nang, Quảng Nam Province7Aug 3Operation Dan Thang 5 [15]52nd Aviation Battalion operation to lift 1,150 troops in six lifts from Camp Holloway to Duc Co airfield during the Siege of Duc Co Pleiku Province Aug 4–5Operation Marble Mountain [1]USMC search and destroy operation I Corps Aug 6–7Operation Thunderbolt [16]4th Marines and ARVN 51st Regiment joint search and destroy operation against the 1st VC Regiment south of the Tra Bong River Aug 7–11Operation Frag Order 12-65 [1]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operation Phước Thành Province Aug 7–11Operation Frag Order 15-65 [1] [12]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operation Biên Hòa Province Aug 10–11Operation Binh Dinh [1] USMC search and destroy operation II Corps Aug 10–21 Unnamed [17]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division operation southwest of Nha Trang Aug 11 – Sep 8Operation Barracuda [1] [18]2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, the newly arrived 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry search and destroy operation 19 km west of Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa Province25Aug 12Operation Midnight [19] 3rd Marines search and destroy mission Elephant Valley, about 16 km northwest of Da Nang, Quảng Nam Province2Aug 16–17Operation Anvil [1]Search and destroy operation III Corps Aug 17–24Operation Starlite / Operation Starlight [20]2nd Battalion 4th Marines, 3rd Battalion 4th Marines, 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines and 3rd Battalion 7th Marines operation Van Tuong peninsula (south of Chu Lai ), Quảng Trị Province700 242Aug 19–22Operation Cutlass [1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 5th Special Forces Group search and destroy operation south of Nha Trang Aug 25 – Oct 1Operation Highland [1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines route security operation to open Route 19 between Qui Nhơn and An Khe for debarkation and deployment of the 1st Cavalry Division Bình Định Province692 21Aug 25 – Sep 10Operation Quin Thang 165 [21]ARVN road clearing operation. 21st TASS FAC's from Qui Nhơn directed fifty A-1E strikes, four F-100 strikes and one B-57 strike, against constant ground fire, ambushes and automatic weapons fire for sixteen days Aug 28 – Sep 3Operation Than Phong III [21]ARVN II Corps operation to open Route 21 to Ban Me Thuot from Nha Trang. One hundred and thirteen air strikes were conducted by the USAF, Navy and Marines Route 21Sep 1Operation Talon [22]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation An Khe Pass, Bình Định Province Sep 1 Unnamed [23]1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry and supporting elements operation near Kon Tum, Kon Tum Province Sep 4Operation Venture [22]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation An Khe area, Bình Định Province Sep 5–7Operation Stomp [24]2nd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operation Ky Son Mountains, 16 km north of Qui Nhơn, Bình Định Province26Sep 6–9Operation Tam Thang 118 [21]ARVN II Corps operation near Ban Me Thout Sep 7Operation Bayonet [22]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation as part of Operation Highland An Khe area, Bình Định Province Sep 7–10Operation Piranha [25]BLT 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines and 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines and ARVN 2d Battalion, 4th Regiment and 3rd Vietnamese Marine Battalion operations on the Batangan Peninsula and An Ky Peninsula aimed at the remnants of the 1st VC Regiment and to counter seaborne infiltration Batangan and An Ky Peninsulas183 2 Marines, 5 ARVNSep 7 - Oct 8Operation BIG REDhttps://www.1rar.org.au/vietnam-1965-66/173rd-airborne/173rd Airborne Brigade, 1st Battalion, 1RAR, Search & Destroy Operation, in Ben Cat, Phuoc Vinh, Di An, Phu Loc Sep 9Operation Cacti [22]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation as part of Operation Highland An Khe area, Bình Định Province Sep 10Operation Than Phong IV [21]ARVN II Corps operation near Qui Nhơn Sep 10–11Operation Cold Steel [1]US search and destroy operation II Corps Sep 13–14Operation Cactus [1]US search and destroy operation II Corps Sep 14–28 Unnamed [23]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team search and destroy operation Ben Cat, Biên Hòa Province46Sep 14–28Operation 24-65 [1] [12]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operation Bình Dương Province Sep 18–22Operation Gibralter [26]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division and ARVN operation Qui Nhơn Sep 21 – 1968Operation Shining Brass [27]A series of cross-border reconnaissance and intelligence operations conducted by mixed Special Forces and Montagnard teams to counter NVA infiltration through Laos into South Vietnam, perform bomb damage assessment, and control airstrikes. Shining Brass was renamed Prairie Fire in 1968 and finally Phu Dung on 8 April 1971 eastern Laos Sep 22 – Oct 19Operation Good Friend [1]2nd Battalion, 502nd Airborne Infantry Regiment relief of 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment at Cam Ranh Bay and securing the area for the arrival of the ROK 2nd Marine Brigade Cam Ranh Bay Sep 26–27Operation Hard Rock [1]USMC search and destroy operation I Corps Sep 28 – Nov 13Operation Sayonara [1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines area and route security operation to cover the deployment of the ROK Capital Division Qui Nhơn, Bình Định Province Sep 29 – Oct 25Operation Red One [1]2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy and area security operation Biên Hòa Province Oct Operation Phu Yen 7 [1]ARVN rice harvest operation near Tuy Hòa Oct Operation Spread Out [1]2nd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operation Vân Canh Valley, Bình Định Province Oct 1Operation Checkerboard I [1]2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operation Bình Dương Province Oct 1–9Operation Blue Bonnet [1] 3/1 Cavalry security operation Route 19, Bình Định Province Oct 1 – Nov 13Operation Good Friend II [1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines and ARVN 22nd Division operation in the vicinity of Qui Nhơn to secure the area for the arrival of the ROK Capital Division Qui Nhơn Oct 2–4Operation Quick Draw [1]3rd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operation Quảng Ngãi Province Oct 4–6Operation Xray I [1]173rd Airborne Brigade search and destroy operation Biên Hòa Province Oct 4–25Operation Hopscotch [1]2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division searc"
"docid": "D2594962#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_AK-47_and_M16\nComparison of the AK-47 and M16",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search M16A2 (top) and AK-47 (bottom) assault rifles Firearm AK-47 M16A1Manufacturer Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash) [1]Arma Lite, Colt, GM, H&R, FN, Remington [2] [3]Design year 1947 1957Weight (with loaded 30-round magazine) 4.78 kg (10.5 lb) [4] [5]3.6 kg (7.9 lb) [6]Overall length 87.0 cm (34.3 in) 99.0 cm (39.0 in)Barrel length 40.6 cm (16.0 in) 50.8 cm (20.0 in)Height (with magazine) 26.7 cm (10.5 in) 26.7 cm (10.5 in)Sight radius 37.8 cm (14.9 in) 50.0 cm (19.7 in)Cartridge (M43) 7.62×39mm (M193) 5.56×45mm Bullet weight 122 gr (7.9 g) [7]55 gr (3.6 g) [7]Velocity 2,330 fps (710 m/s) [7]3,250 fps (990 m/s) [7]Energy 1,469 ft.lbs (1,991 J) [7]1,302 ft.lbs (1,764 J) [7]Effective range 380 yd (350 m) [8] [9]500 yd (460 m) [10]Accuracy @ 100 meters 5.9 in (15 cm) [11]4.3 in (11 cm) [11]Penetration (ballistic Gelatin) ≈29 in (74 cm) [12] [13]≈14 in (36 cm) [12]Rate of fire 600 rounds/min [14]700–950 rounds/min [15]Standard magazine capacity 30 rounds 30 rounds Designer Mikhail Kalashnikov Eugene Stoner Numbers made ~100 million AK-47 type rifles [16] [17]~8 million M16 type rifles [18]The two most common assault rifles in the world are the Soviet AK-47 and the American M16. [ 21] [22] These Cold War -era rifles have been used in conflicts both large and small since the 1960s. They are used by military, police, security forces, revolutionaries, terrorists, criminals and civilians alike and will most likely continue to be used for decades to come. [ 23] [24] As a result, they have been the subject of countless comparisons and endless debate. [ 5] [25] [26]The AK-47 was finalized, adopted and entered widespread service in the Soviet Army in the early 1950s. [ 27] Its firepower, ease of use, low production costs, and reliability were perfectly suited for the Soviet Army's new mobile warfare doctrines. More AK-type weapons have been produced than all other assault rifles combined. [ 28] In 1974, the Soviets began replacing their AK-47 and AKM rifles with a newer design, the AK-74, which uses 5.45×39mm ammunition. The M16 entered U. S. service in the mid-1960s. [ 29] Despite its early failures, the M16 proved to be a revolutionary design and stands as the longest continuously serving rifle in American military history."
"docid": "D911996#0",
"title": "http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/newtown.asp\nSandy Hook Exposed?",
"text": "\"Sandy Hook Exposed? A video supposedly documenting that the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School were a staged hoax is full of misinformation.3KCLAIMA video documents that the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School were a staged hoax. RATINGFalse ORIGINA video widely circulated after the 14 December 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, which left 26 victims dead at that school, purported to show many contradictions in facts surrounding the Sandy Hook shootings which established that the incident was a staged “hoax”: The information presented in that video was a mixture of misinformation, innuendo, and subjective interpretation, such as the following:1) In the immediate aftermath of the terror and tragedy of the Sandy Hook shootings, there was naturally a great deal of confusion among witnesses, police, and the news media about subjects such as the number of shooters involved, the identities of those involved, and the number of guns used. It’s hardly surprising or revelatory to note that some witnesses gave contradictory statements, that police initially followed up on the possibility of multiple shooters, or that some news outlets initially reported inaccurate information. All of this is typical in the crush for information from the news media, public, and relatives of victims that follows in the wake of disasters involving large numbers of deaths.2) In their initial sweep of the crime scene, police detained or investigated some people who were soon cleared of any involvement with the shootings: According to the Newtown Bee, a “reliable local law enforcement source” told them that a man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an “off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town. ”Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends Sandy Hook, was briefly handcuffed by police after he ran around the school trying to reach his daughter (who had been locked in a room with her teacher). An unidentified man whom some children reported seeing pinned down on the ground in handcuffs outside a nearby firehouse was also briefly detained and then released when police determined he was merely an innocent passerby. Contrary to claims, Christopher Rodia (not to be confused with Chris Manfredonia), whose name can be heard on a recording of a police radio transmission reporting the license plate of a “possible suspect vehicle” parked at Sandy Hook Elementary (because he was being pulled over in a traffic stop elsewhere), was not a suspect in the shootings nor was he the registered owner of the car that accused shooter Adam Lanza drove to the school. The black Honda that police impounded at the scene belonged to a relative of Adam Lanza’s and not to Rodia. Chris Rodia himself was not at Sandy Hook Elementary when the shootings took place; he was driving a different vehicle in another town at the time."
"docid": "D138111#0",
"title": "https://www.glassdoor.ca/Salary/Walmart-Salaries-E715.htm\nWalmart Salaries",
"text": "Walmart Salaries Updated 27 March, 20182,056 employee salaries in CA (for 536 job titles) | 36,921 salaries in USHow much do Walmart employees make? Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates. Canada - All Cities Canada - All Cities– Amherst, NS– Belleville, ON Area– Brandon, MB– Brooks, AB– Calgary, AB Area– Campbell River, BC– Campbellton, NB– Charlottetown, PE– Cobourg, ON– Cold Lake, AB– Corner Brook, NL– Courtenay, BC– Cranbrook, BC– Dauphin, MB– Dawson Creek, BC– Dieppe, NB– Drayton Valley, AB– Dufferin, NS– Durham, ON– Edmonton, AB Area– Edson, AB– Estevan, SK– Fort Frances, ON– Fort Mc Murray, AB– Fort Saint John, BC– Fredericton, NB Area– Gander, NL– Grand Falls, NB– Grand Falls-Windsor, NL– Grande Prairie, AB– Greater Napanee, ON– Greater Sudbury, ON– Halifax, NS Area– Hanover, ON– Kamloops, BC Area– Kenora, ON– Kingston, ON– Kitchener, ON Area– Labrador City, NL– Lethbridge, AB– Lloydminster, SK– London, ON Area– Medicine Hat, AB– Midland, ON– Miramichi, NB– Moncton, NB– Montreal, QC Area– Napanee, ON– Nelson, BC– New Glasgow, NS– New Liskeard, ON– New Yarmouth, NS– North Battleford, SK– North Bay, ON– North Red Deer, AB– Orillia, ON– Ottawa, ON Area– Owen Sound, ON– Parry Sound, ON– Peace River, AB– Pembroke, ON– Penticton, BC– Pincher Creek, AB– Port Elgin, ON– Powell River, BC– Prince Albert, SK– Prince George, BC– Quebec, QC Area– Red Deer, AB– Regina, SK Area– Rivière-du-Loup, QC– Saint John, NB Area– Saint John's, NL Area– Saint-Hubert, QC– Saskatoon, SK Area– Sault Ste. Marie, ON– Slave Lake, AB– Sudbury, ON– Summerside, PE– Sydney, NS– Sydney River, NS– Sylvan Lake, AB– Temiskaming Shores, ON– Terrace, BC– Thompson, MB– Thunder Bay, ON Area– Timmins, ON– Toronto, ON Area– Trail, BC– Vancouver, BC Area– Victoria, BC Area– Wainwright, AB– West Vancouver, BC– Whitecourt, AB– Williams Lake, BC– Windsor, ON Area– Winnipeg, MB Area– Woodstock, NB– Yellowknife, NT– Yorkton, SKAustralia - All Cities Brazil - All Cities– Sao Paulo Area China - All Cities Egypt - All Cities France - All Cities Germany - All Cities– Munich, Bayern Greece - All Cities India - All Cities– Bangalore Area– Chennai Area– Hyderabad Area– Ludhiana– Mumbai Area– New Delhi Area– Thiruvananthapuram– Vijayawada Ireland - All Cities Malaysia - All Cities Mexico - All Cities– Mexico City Area Netherlands - All Cities Singapore - All Cities Turkey - All Cities UK - All Cities– Edinburgh Area– Glasgow Area– London Area– Plymouth Area US - All Cities– Abbeville, LA Area– Aberdeen, SD Area– Aberdeen, WA Area– Abilene, TX Area– Ada, OK Area– Adel, GA– Adrian, MI Area– Ahoskie, NC– Akaska, SD– Akron, OH Area– Alamogordo, NM Area– Alamosa, CO– Albany, GA Area– Albany, NY Area– Albany, OR Area– Albemarle, NC Area– Albert Lea, MN Area– Albertville, AL Area– Albuquerque, NM Area– Alert, NC– Alexander City, AL Area– Alexandria, LA Area– Alexandria, MN Area– Alice, TX Area– Allegan, MI Area– Allentown, PA Area– Almeda, TX– Alpena, MI Area– Altoona, PA Area– Amarillo, TX Area– America, OK– Ames, IA Area– Amsterdam, NY Area– Anadarko, OK– Anchorage, AK Area– Andalusia, AL– Anderson, IN Area– Anderson, SC Area– Angola, IN Area– Ann Arbor, MI Area– Anna, IL– Anniston, AL Area– Antigo, WI– Appleton, WI Area– Arcadia, MI– Arcadia, FL Area– Ardmore, OK Area– Ark, MO– Arkadelphia, AR Area– Ash Flat, AR– Ashdown, AR– Asheville, NC Area– Ashland, OH Area– Atchison, KS Area– Athens, GA Area– Athens, OH Area– Athens, TN Area– Athens, TX Area– Atlanta, TX– Atlanta, MO– Atlanta, GA Area– Atlantic, IA– Atlantic City, NJ Area– Atoka, OK– Auburn, AL Area– Auburn, IN Area– Auburn, NY Area– Augusta, GA Area– Augusta, ME Area– Aurora, MO– Austin, TX Area– Ava, MO– Avon, AR– Bad Axe, MI– Bainbridge, GA Area– Bakersfield, TX– Bakersfield, CA Area– Ballinger, TX– Baltimore, MD Area– Bangor, ME Area– Baraboo, WI Area– Barbourville, KY– Barnstable Town, MA Area– Barnwell, SC– Barre, VT Area– Batavia, NY Area– Batesville, MS– Batesville, AR Area– Baton Rouge, LA Area– Battle Creek, MI Area– Baxley, GA– Bay City, MI Area– Bay City, TX Area– Beardstown, IL– Beatrice, NE Area– Beaufort County Landing, SC– Beaumont, TX Area– Beaver Dam, WI Area– Beckley, WV Area– Bedford, PA– Bedford Hills, VA– Bedford, IN Area– Beeville, TX Area– Belfry, KY– Bellefontaine, OH Area– Bellingham, WA Area– Bemidji, MN Area– Ben, AR– Bend, OR Area– Bennettsville, SC Area– Bennington, VT Area– Benton, KY– Benton, IL– Benton Harbor, MI– Berea, SC– Berlin, WI– Berlin, NH Area– Berryville, AR– Bethany, MO– Big Rapids, MI Area– Big Spring, TX Area– Big Stone Gap, VA– Biggers, AR– Billings, MT Area– Binghamton, NY Area– Birmingham, AL Area– Bismarck, ND Area– Bixby, TX– Black River Falls, WI– Blacksburg, VA Area– Blackstone, VA– Blairsville, GA– Bloomingdale, FL– Bloomington, IL Area– Bloomington, IN Area– Bloomsburg, PA Area– Blue Earth, MN– Blue Ridge, GA– Bluefield, WV Area– Blytheville, AR Area– Boise, ID Area– Bolivar, TN– Bonifay, FL– Bonsack, VA– Boone, NC Area– Booneville, AR– Booneville, MS– Boonville, MO– Borger, TX Area– Boston, MA Area– Bottineau, ND– Boulder, CO Area– Bowie, TX– Bowling Green, MO– Bowling Green, KY Area– Bozeman, MT Area– Bradford, PA Area– Bradley, AR– Brady, TX– Brainerd, MN Area– Branson, MO Area– Brenham, TX Area– Brewton, AL– Bricktown, NJ– Bridgeport, CT Area– Brigham City, UT Area– Brimfield, OH– Bristol, TN– Broken Bow, OK– Brookfield, MO– Brookhaven, MS Area– Brookings, SD Area– Brownsville, Lonoke, AR– Brownsville, TN Area– Brownsville, TX Area– Brownwood, TX Area– Brunswick, GA Area– Bryan, OH– Buckhannon, WV– Buffalo, WY– Buffalo, NY Area– Burley, ID Area– Burlington, CO– Burlington, IA Area– Burlington, NC Area– Burlington, VT Area– Butte City, CA– Butte, Montana Area– Cadillac, MI Area– Cairo, GA– Calais, ME– Calallen, TX– Calhoun, GA Area– Cal-Vel, NC– Cambridge, MD Area– Camden, TN– Camden, AR Area– Camdenton, MO– Campbellsville, KY Area– Canada, KY– Canon, CO– Canon City, CO Area– Canton, TX– Canton, IL Area– Canton, OH Area– Cape Coral, FL Area– Cape Girardeau, MO Area– Carbondale, IL Area– Caribou, ME– Carlsbad, NM Area– Carmi, IL– Caro, MI– Carrizo Springs, TX– Carroll, IA– Carrollton, KY– Carson City, NV Area– Carsonville, MI– Carthage, TX– Casper, WY Area– Cassville, MO– Catskill, NY– Cedar City, UT Area– Cedar Rapids, IA Area– Cedartown, GA Area– Celina, OH Area– Center, TX– Central, CA– Central, TX– Central City, FL– Central College, OH– Centralia, WA Area– Centre, AL– Chadron, NE– Chambers, NE– Chambersburg, PA Area– Champaign, IL Area– Chanute, KS– Charleston, IL Area– Charleston, SC Area– Charleston, WV Area– Charlotte C H, VA– Charlotte, NC Area– Charlottesville, VA Area– Charlottsville, PA– Chatt, TX– Chattanooga, TN Area– Cheboygan, MI– Checotah, OK– Chester, IL– Chester, SC Area– Cheyenne, WY Area– Chicago, WI– Chicago, IL Area– Chico, CA Area– Chiefland, FL– Childress, TX– Chillicothe, MO– Chillicothe, OH Area– Chipley Park, NC– Chippewa, PA– Cincinnati, MO– Cincinnati, OH Area– Claremont, NH Area– Clarion, PA– Clarksburg, WV Area– Clarksdale, MS Area– Clarksville, AR– Clarksville, TN Area– Clayton, GA– Clearfield, KY– Clearlake, CA Area– Cleveland, GA– Cleveland, MS Area– Cleveland, OH Area– Clewiston, FL Area– Clifton Forge, VA– Clinton, MO– Clinton, NC– Clinton, IL– Clinton, AR– Clovis, NM Area– Cochran, GA– Cocoa, FL– Cody, WY– Coeur d'Alene, ID– Coeur d'Alene, ID Area– Coffeyville, KS Area– Colby, KS– Coldwater, MI Area– College Station, TX Area– Colorado Springs, CO Area– Columbia, MS– Columbia, KY– Columbia, MO Area– Columbia, SC Area– Columbia, TN Area– Columbus, TX– Columbus, GA Area– Columbus, MS Area– Columbus, NE Area– Columbus, OH Area– Colville, WA– Commerce, MI– Commerce, GA– Concord, NH Area– Concordia, KS– Connersville, IN Area– Cookeville, TN Area– Coos Bay, OR Area– Corbin, KY Area– Cordele, GA Area– Corinth, MS Area– Corning, NY Area– Corpus Christi, TX Area– Corsicana, TX Area– Cortez, CO– Cortland, NY Area– Corvallis, OR Area– Coshocton, OH Area– Covington, VA– Craig, CO– Crawfordsville, IN Area– Crescent City, CA Area– Creston, IA– Crestwood, Cook, IL– Crete, NE– Crockett, TX– Cross Road, TX– Cross Roads, Fisher, TX– Crossville, TN Area– Crowley, LA Area– Cuero, TX– Culpeper, VA Area– Cumberland, MD Area– Cummings Heights, VA– Cynthiana, KY– Da Costa, NJ– Dahlonega, GA– Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Area– Dalton, GA Area– Dana, KY– Danville, IL Area– Danville, VA Area– Daphne, AL Area– Davenport, IA Area– Dayton, TN– Dayton, OH Area– Daytona Beach, FL Area– De Land, FL– De Queen, AR– Decatur, AL Area– Decatur, IL Area– Decatur, IN Area– Decorah, IA– Defiance, OH Area– Defuniak Springs, FL– Del Rio, TX Area– Delray, MI– Delta, CO– Deming, NM Area– Demopolis, AL– Denison, IA– Dent, OH– Denton, MD– Denver, MO– Denver, CO Area– Derby, VT– De Ridder, LA Area– Des Moines, IA Area– Detroit, TX– Detroit Lakes, MN– Detroit, MI Area– Devils Lake, ND– Dexter, MO– D'Iberville, MS– Dickinson, ND Area– Dickson, OK– Dillon, SC Area– Dixon, IL Area– Dodge City, KS Area– Dothan, AL Area– Douglas, GA Area– Dover, DE Area– Du Bois, PA– Du Pont, GA– Du Quoin, IL– Dublin, GA Area– Du Bois, PA Area– Dubuque, IA Area– Duluth, MN Area– Dumas, TX Area– Duncan, OK Area– Dunn, NC Area– Durango, CO Area– Durant, OK Area– Dyersburg, TN Area– Eagle Pass, TX Area– East Birmingham, AL– East Brainerd, TN– East Creston, IA– East Ellijay, GA– East Gastonia, NC– East Houston, TX– East Liverpool, OH Area– East Mesa, AZ– East Sioux Falls, SD– East Spartanburg, SC– East Stroudsburg, PA Area– East Tulsa, OK– Eastern, KY– Eastlake, CA– Eastland, TX– Eastman, GA– Easton, MD Area– Eatonton, GA– Eau Claire, WI Area– Edwards, CO Area– Effingham, IL Area– El Camino, CA– El Campo, TX Area– El Centro, CA Area– El Dorado, AR Area– El Paso, TX Area– Elberton, GA– Eldon, MO– Eldorado, TX– Elizabeth City, NC Area– Elizabethtown, KY Area– Elk City, OK Area– Elkhart, IN Area– Elkins, WV– Elko, NV Area– Ellijay, GA– E"
"docid": "D2471658#0",
"title": "https://www.glassdoor.co.in/Salary/Walmart-Salaries-E715_P2.htm\nFlagSelect CountryAustraliaBelgië (Nederlands)Belgique (Français)Canada (English)Canada (Français)DeutschlandFranceIndiaIrelandNederlandÃsterreichSchweiz (Deutsch)Suisse (Français)United KingdomUnited StatesJobsCompany ReviewsSalariesInterviewsAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersSign In to Employer CentrePost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch",
"text": "Walmart Salaries143 salaries (for 4 job titles) Updated Mar 15, 2018How much do Walmart employees make? Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates. Job Title Australia– Canberra, Australia Area– Sydney, Australia Area Brazil– Curitiba, Brazil Area– Porto Alegre, Brazil Area– Recife, Brazil Area– Sao Paulo, Brazil Area Canada– Belleville, ON, Canada Area– Calgary, AB, Canada Area– Edmonton, AB, Canada Area– Fredericton, NB, Canada Area– Halifax, NS, Canada Area– Kamloops, BC, Canada Area– Kitchener, ON, Canada Area– London, ON, Canada Area– Montreal, QC, Canada Area– Ottawa, ON, Canada Area– Quebec, QC, Canada Area– Regina, SK, Canada Area– Saint John's, NL, Canada Area– Saint John, NB, Canada Area– Saskatoon, SK, Canada Area– Thunder Bay, ON, Canada Area– Toronto, ON, Canada Area– Vancouver, BC, Canada Area– Victoria, BC, Canada Area– Windsor, ON, Canada Area– Winnipeg, MB, Canada Area China– Beijing, China Area– Guangzhou, China Area– Shanghai, China Area Egypt– Cairo, Egypt Area France– Paris, France Area– Toulouse, France Area Germany– Frankfurt, Germany Area Greece– Athens, Greece Area Guatemala– Escuintla, Guatemala Area India– Bangalore, India Area– Calcutta, India Area– Chennai, India Area– Hyderabad, India Area– Indore, India Area– Jaipur, India Area– Mumbai, India Area– New Delhi, India Area– Patna, India Area– Pune, India Area Iran Ireland– Dublin, Ireland Area Malaysia– Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Area Mexico– Mexico City, Mexico Area– Monterrey, Mexico Area– Tijuana, Mexico Area Netherlands– Amsterdam, Netherlands Area– Rotterdam, Netherlands Area– The Hague, Netherlands Area Philippines– Cebu City, Philippines Area Singapore Turkey– Ankara, Turkey Area United Kingdom– Birmingham, UK Area– Crewe, UK Area– Derby, UK Area– Edinburgh, UK Area– Glasgow, UK Area– Guildford, UK Area– Leeds, UK Area– London, UK Area– Luton, UK Area– Nottingham, UK Area– Plymouth, UK Area– York, UK Area United States– Abbeville, LA Area– Aberdeen, SD Area– Aberdeen, WA Area– Abilene, TX Area– Ada, OK Area– Adrian, MI Area– Akron, OH Area– Alamogordo, NM Area– Albany, GA Area– Albany, NY Area– Albany, OR Area– Albemarle, NC Area– Albert Lea, MN Area– Albertville, AL Area– Albuquerque, NM Area– Alexander City, AL Area– Alexandria, LA Area– Alexandria, MN Area– Alice, TX Area– Allegan, MI Area– Allentown, PA Area– Alpena, MI Area– Altoona, PA Area– Amarillo, TX Area– Ames, IA Area– Amsterdam, NY Area– Anchorage, AK Area– Anderson, IN Area– Anderson, SC Area– Angola, IN Area– Ann Arbor, MI Area– Anniston, AL Area– Appleton, WI Area– Arcadia, FL Area– Ardmore, OK Area– Arkadelphia, AR Area– Asheville, NC Area– Ashland, OH Area– Atchison, KS Area– Athens, GA Area– Athens, OH Area– Athens, TN Area– Athens, TX Area– Atlanta, GA Area– Atlantic City, NJ Area– Auburn, AL Area– Auburn, IN Area– Auburn, NY Area– Augusta, GA Area– Augusta, ME Area– Austin, TX Area– Bainbridge, GA Area– Bakersfield, CA Area– Baltimore, MD Area– Bangor, ME Area– Baraboo, WI Area– Barnstable Town, MA Area– Barre, VT Area– Batavia, NY Area– Batesville, AR Area– Baton Rouge, LA Area– Battle Creek, MI Area– Bay City, MI Area– Bay City, TX Area– Beatrice, NE Area– Beaumont, TX Area– Beaver Dam, WI Area– Beckley, WV Area– Bedford, IN Area– Beeville, TX Area– Bellefontaine, OH Area– Bellingham, WA Area– Bemidji, MN Area– Bend, OR Area– Bennettsville, SC Area– Bennington, VT Area– Berlin, NH Area– Big Rapids, MI Area– Big Spring, TX Area– Billings, MT Area– Binghamton, NY Area– Birmingham, AL Area– Bismarck, ND Area– Blacksburg, VA Area– Bloomington, IL Area– Bloomington, IN Area– Bloomsburg, PA Area– Bluefield, WV Area– Blytheville, AR Area– Boise, ID Area– Boone, NC Area– Borger, TX Area– Boston, MA Area– Boulder, CO Area– Bowling Green, KY Area– Bozeman, MT Area– Bradford, PA Area– Brainerd, MN Area– Branson, MO Area– Brenham, TX Area– Bridgeport, CT Area– Brigham City, UT Area– Brookhaven, MS Area– Brookings, SD Area– Brownsville, TN Area– Brownsville, TX Area– Brownwood, TX Area– Brunswick, GA Area– Buffalo, NY Area– Burley, ID Area– Burlington, IA Area– Burlington, NC Area– Burlington, VT Area– Butte, Montana Area– Cadillac, MI Area– Calhoun, GA Area– Cambridge, MD Area– Camden, AR Area– Campbellsville, KY Area– Canon City, CO Area– Canton, IL Area– Canton, OH Area– Cape Coral, FL Area– Cape Girardeau, MO Area– Carbondale, IL Area– Carlsbad, NM Area– Carson City, NV Area– Casper, WY Area– Cedar City, UT Area– Cedar Rapids, IA Area– Cedartown, GA Area– Celina, OH Area– Centralia, WA Area– Chambersburg, PA Area– Champaign, IL Area– Charleston, IL Area– Charleston, SC Area– Charleston, WV Area– Charlotte, NC Area– Charlottesville, VA Area– Chattanooga, TN Area– Chester, SC Area– Cheyenne, WY Area– Chicago, IL Area– Chico, CA Area– Chillicothe, OH Area– Cincinnati, OH Area– Claremont, NH Area– Clarksburg, WV Area– Clarksdale, MS Area– Clarksville, TN Area– Clearlake, CA Area– Cleveland, MS Area– Cleveland, OH Area– Clewiston, FL Area– Clovis, NM Area– Coeur d'Alene, ID Area– Coffeyville, KS Area– Coldwater, MI Area– College Station, TX Area– Colorado Springs, CO Area– Columbia, MO Area– Columbia, SC Area– Columbia, TN Area– Columbus, GA Area– Columbus, MS Area– Columbus, NE Area– Columbus, OH Area– Concord, NH Area– Connersville, IN Area– Cookeville, TN Area– Coos Bay, OR Area– Corbin, KY Area– Cordele, GA Area– Corinth, MS Area– Corning, NY Area– Corpus Christi, TX Area– Corsicana, TX Area– Cortland, NY Area– Corvallis, OR Area– Coshocton, OH Area– Crawfordsville, IN Area– Crescent City, CA Area– Crossville, TN Area– Crowley, LA Area– Culpeper, VA Area– Cumberland, MD Area– Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Area– Dalton, GA Area– Danville, IL Area– Danville, VA Area– Daphne, AL Area– Davenport, IA Area– Dayton, OH Area– Daytona Beach, FL Area– De Ridder, LA Area– Decatur, AL Area– Decatur, IL Area– Decatur, IN Area– Defiance, OH Area– Del Rio, TX Area– Deming, NM Area– Denver, CO Area– Des Moines, IA Area– Detroit, MI Area– Dickinson, ND Area– Dillon, SC Area– Dixon, IL Area– Dodge City, KS Area– Dothan, AL Area– Douglas, GA Area– Dover, DE Area– Du Bois, PA Area– Dublin, GA Area– Dubuque, IA Area– Duluth, MN Area– Dumas, TX Area– Duncan, OK Area– Dunn, NC Area– Durango, CO Area– Durant, OK Area– Dyersburg, TN Area– Eagle Pass, TX Area– East Liverpool, OH Area– East Stroudsburg, PA Area– Easton, MD Area– Eau Claire, WI Area– Edwards, CO Area– Effingham, IL Area– El Campo, TX Area– El Centro, CA Area– El Dorado, AR Area– El Paso, TX Area– Elizabeth City, NC Area– Elizabethtown, KY Area– Elk City, OK Area– Elkhart, IN Area– Elko, NV Area– Elmira, NY Area– Emporia, KS Area– Enid, OK Area– Enterprise, AL Area– Erie, PA Area– Escanaba, MI Area– Espanola, NM Area– Eufaula, AL Area– Eugene, OR Area– Eureka, CA Area– Evanston, WY Area– Evansville, IN Area– Fairbanks, AK Area– Fairmont, WV Area– Fallon, NV Area– Fargo, ND Area– Faribault, MN Area– Farmington, MO Area– Farmington, NM Area– Fayetteville, AR Area– Fayetteville, NC Area– Fergus Falls, MN Area– Fernley, NV Area– Findlay, OH Area– Fitzgerald, GA Area– Flagstaff, AZ Area– Flint, MI Area– Florence, AL Area– Florence, SC Area– Fond du Lac, WI Area– Forest City, NC Area– Forrest City, AR Area– Fort Collins, CO Area– Fort Leonard Wood, MO Area– Fort Madison, IA Area– Fort Morgan, CO Area– Fort Payne, AL Area– Fort Polk, LA Area– Fort Smith, AR Area– Fort Wayne, IN Area– Frankfort, IN Area– Frankfort, KY Area– Freeport, IL Area– Fremont, NE Area– Fremont, OH Area– Fresno, CA Area– Gaffney, SC Area– Gainesville, FL Area– Gainesville, GA Area– Gainesville, TX Area– Galesburg, IL Area– Gallup, NM Area– Garden City, KS Area– Georgetown, SC Area– Gettysburg, PA Area– Gillette, WY Area– Glens Falls, NY Area– Gloversville, NY Area– Goldsboro, NC Area– Granbury, TX Area– Grand Forks, ND Area– Grand Island, NE Area– Grand Junction, CO Area– Grand Rapids, MI Area– Grants Pass, OR Area– Grants, NM Area– Great Bend, KS Area– Great Falls, MT Area– Greeley, CO Area– Green Bay, WI Area– Greensboro, NC Area– Greenville, MS Area– Greenville, NC Area– Greenville, OH Area– Greenville, SC Area– Greenwood, MS Area– Greenwood, SC Area– Grenada, MS Area– Gulfport, MS Area– Guymon, OK Area– Hagerstown, MD Area– Hanford, CA Area– Hannibal, MO Area– Harriman, TN Area– Harrisburg, IL Area– Harrisburg, PA Area– Harrison, AR Area– Harrisonburg, VA Area– Hartford, CT Area– Hattiesburg, MS Area– Havre, MT Area– Hawaiian Islands Area– Hays, KS Area– Heber City, UT Area– Helena, MT Area– Henderson, NC Area– Hickory, NC Area– Hilton Head Island, SC Area– Hinesville, GA Area– Hobbs, NM Area– Holland, MI Area– Homosassa Springs, FL Area– Hood River, OR Area– Hope, AR Area– Hot Springs, AR Area– Houghton, MI Area– Houma, LA Area– Houston, TX Area– Hudson, NY Area– Humboldt, TN Area– Huntingdon, PA Area– Huntington, IN Area– Huntington, WV Area– Huntsville, AL Area– Huron, SD Area– Hutchinson, KS Area– Hutchinson, MN Area– Idaho Falls, ID Area– Indianapolis, IN Area– Iowa City, IA Area– Iron Mountain, MI Area– Ithaca, NY Area– Jackson, MI Area– Jackson, MS Area– Jackson, TN Area– Jackson, WY-ID Area– Jacksonville, FL Area– Jacksonville, IL Area– Jacksonville, NC Area– Jacksonville, TX Area– Jamestown, ND Area– Jamestown, NY Area– Janesville, WI Area– Jasper, IN Area– Jefferson City, MO Area– Jesup, GA Area– Johnson City, TN Area– Johnstown, PA Area– Jonesboro, AR Area– Joplin, MO Area– Juneau, AK Area– Kalamazoo, MI Area– Kalispell, MT Area– Kankakee, IL Area– Kansas City, MO Area– Keene, NH Area– Kennett, MO Area– Kennewick, WA Area– Kill Devil Hills, NC Area– Killeen, TX Area– Kingsport, TN Area– Kingston, NY Area– Kingsville, TX Area– Kinston, NC Area– Kirksville, MO Area– Klamath Falls, OR Area– Knoxville, TN Area– Kodiak, AK Area– Kokomo, IN Area– La Crosse, WI Area– La Follette, TN Area– La Grande, OR Area– La Grange, GA Area– Laconia, NH Area– Lafayette, IN Area– Lafayette, LA Area– Lake Charles, LA A"
"docid": "D2709161#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_is_the_largest_glass_manufacturer_in_the_US\nWho are the 10 largest windmill manufacturers in the US?",
"text": "\"Who are the 10 largest windmill manufacturers in the US? general electric What mineral when in the form of sand can be used to manufacture glass? Quartz What state is the glass ball manufacturing center of the US located? It is located in West Virginia I don't know where in West Virginia though What US state contains the nation's largest manufacturing center? It is Indiana. What glass manufacturer uses a G with an arrow through it? I have some glasses with that sign, that I thougt were initials. Found it after a long, long search: Imperial Glass Ohio. ( it's not an arrow it's the letter \"\"i\"\"). Emily Wilson 12 Contributions Which is the largest manufacturing city in US?"
"docid": "D2707612#0",
"title": "https://www.glassdoor.com/Hourly-Pay/Walmart-Wal-Mart-Cashier-Hourly-Pay-E715_D_KO8,24.htm\nWalmart Wal Mart Cashier Hourly Pay",
"text": "Walmart Wal Mart Cashier Hourly Pay598 Salaries Updated Mar 17, 2018Canada– Calgary, AB, Canada Area– Edmonton, AB, Canada Area– Kamloops, BC, Canada Area– Ottawa, ON, Canada Area– Toronto, ON, Canada Area– Vancouver, BC, Canada Area United States– Aberdeen, SD Area– Akron, OH Area– Albany, NY Area– Albuquerque, NM Area– Anchorage, AK Area– Ann Arbor, MI Area– Asheville, NC Area– Atlanta, GA Area– Auburn, AL Area– Augusta, GA Area– Augusta, ME Area– Austin, TX Area– Baltimore, MD Area– Bangor, ME Area– Baton Rouge, LA Area– Battle Creek, MI Area– Beaumont, TX Area– Bedford, IN Area– Binghamton, NY Area– Birmingham, AL Area– Blacksburg, VA Area– Bloomington, IN Area– Bluefield, WV Area– Boston, MA Area– Bridgeport, CT Area– Brownsville, TX Area– Buffalo, NY Area– Burlington, NC Area– Camden, AR Area– Canton, OH Area– Cape Girardeau, MO Area– Cedar Rapids, IA Area– Charleston, SC Area– Charleston, WV Area– Charlotte, NC Area– Chattanooga, TN Area– Chicago, IL Area– Cincinnati, OH Area– Clarksdale, MS Area– Cleveland, OH Area– Colorado Springs, CO Area– Columbia, SC Area– Columbus, GA Area– Columbus, OH Area– Corpus Christi, TX Area– Crossville, TN Area– Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Area– Dalton, GA Area– Daphne, AL Area– Daytona Beach, FL Area– Denver, CO Area– Des Moines, IA Area– Detroit, MI Area– Dickinson, ND Area– Dothan, AL Area– Dover, DE Area– Duluth, MN Area– Eau Claire, WI Area– El Paso, TX Area– Elkhart, IN Area– Enid, OK Area– Erie, PA Area– Eugene, OR Area– Evansville, IN Area– Faribault, MN Area– Fayetteville, AR Area– Fayetteville, NC Area– Fitzgerald, GA Area– Florence, AL Area– Fort Collins, CO Area– Fort Smith, AR Area– Fort Wayne, IN Area– Fremont, OH Area– Gainesville, FL Area– Gainesville, GA Area– Goldsboro, NC Area– Grand Island, NE Area– Grand Rapids, MI Area– Great Bend, KS Area– Green Bay, WI Area– Greensboro, NC Area– Greenville, NC Area– Greenville, SC Area– Gulfport, MS Area– Hagerstown, MD Area– Harrisburg, PA Area– Harrisonburg, VA Area– Hawaiian Islands Area– Hickory, NC Area– Hot Springs, AR Area– Houston, TX Area– Huntsville, AL Area– Indianapolis, IN Area– Jackson, TN Area– Jacksonville, FL Area– Jamestown, NY Area– Janesville, WI Area– Joplin, MO Area– Kalamazoo, MI Area– Kansas City, MO Area– Knoxville, TN Area– La Crosse, WI Area– Lancaster, PA Area– Laramie, WY Area– Las Cruces, NM Area– Las Vegas, NV Area– Lebanon, MO Area– Lima, OH Area– Little Rock, AR Area– London, KY Area– Longview, TX Area– Los Angeles, CA Area– Louisville, KY Area– Macon, GA Area– Madisonville, KY Area– Manhattan, KS Area– Mankato, MN Area– Mansfield, OH Area– Mc Allen, TX Area– Memphis, TN Area– Meridian, MS Area– Mexico, MO Area– Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL Area– Midland, MI Area– Milwaukee, WI Area– Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Area– Monroe, LA Area– Montgomery, AL Area– Moultrie, GA Area– Mount Sterling, KY Area– Muncie, IN Area– Muscatine, IA Area– Myrtle Beach, SC Area– Napa, CA Area– Naples, FL Area– Nashville, TN Area– Natchez, MS Area– New Castle, PA Area– New Haven, CT Area– New Orleans, LA Area– New York City, NY Area– Newton, IA Area– Norfolk, VA Area– Ocala, FL Area– Ogden, UT Area– Oklahoma City, OK Area– Olympia, WA Area– Opelousas, LA Area– Orlando, FL Area– Oskaloosa, IA Area– Palestine, TX Area– Peoria, IL Area– Philadelphia, PA Area– Phoenix, AZ Area– Pittsburg, KS Area– Pittsburgh, PA Area– Plattsburgh, NY Area– Plymouth, IN Area– Port St. Lucie, FL Area– Portales, NM Area– Portland, OR Area– Prescott, AZ Area– Providence, RI Area– Puerto Rico Area– Raleigh-Durham, NC Area– Rapid City, SD Area– Reading, PA Area– Reno, NV Area– Richmond, KY Area– Richmond, VA Area– Riverside, CA Area– Riverton, WY Area– Rochester, NY Area– Rockford, IL Area– Rockingham, NC Area– Russellville, AR Area– Sacramento, CA Area– Safford, AZ Area– Salem, OR Area– Salisbury, NC Area– Salt Lake City, UT Area– San Antonio, TX Area– San Diego, CA Area– San Francisco, CA Area– San Jose, CA Area– Sarasota, FL Area– Savannah, GA Area– Sayre, PA Area– Seattle, WA Area– Sedalia, MO Area– Sheboygan, WI Area– Shreveport, LA Area– Sierra Vista, AZ Area– Spartanburg, SC Area– Springfield, IL Area– Springfield, MA Area– Springfield, MO Area– Springfield, OH Area– St. Louis, MO Area– State College, PA Area– Statesboro, GA Area– Stockton, CA Area– Tallahassee, FL Area– Tampa, FL Area– Texarkana, TX Area– Toledo, OH Area– Troy, AL Area– Tucson, AZ Area– Tulsa, OK Area– Tupelo, MS Area– Utica, NY Area– Vernal, UT Area– Visalia, CA Area– Washington, DC Area– Wausau, WI Area– Wichita Falls, TX Area– Wichita, KS Area– Worcester, MA Area– Yakima, WA Area Any Experience0-1 Years1-3 Years4-6 Years7-9 Years10-14 Years15+ Years Search Avg Base Pay$9$7 $15Avg Total Pay$19KAvg Additional Pay$678$2 $6KAdditional Pay Average Low High Cash Bonus ( 55)$534$2 $2KStock Bonus ( 3)$140$4 $406Profit Sharing ( 15)$736$4 $5KCommission Sharing ( 2)$7$4 $10Tips ( 3)$1,669$4 $5KRelated Searches: All Wal Mart Cashier Salaries | All Walmart Salaries The typical Walmart Wal Mart Cashier salary is $9. Wal Mart Cashier salaries at Walmart can range from $7 - $15. This estimate is based upon 598 Walmart Wal Mart Cashier salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a Wal Mart Cashier at Walmart can expect to make an average total pay of $19,341 . See all Wal Mart Cashier salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market. Are you paid fairly? Get a free, personalized salary estimate based on today's market Get Your Estimate Salaries > Wal Mart Cashier > Walmart< / > Embed this report"
"docid": "D129640#0",
"title": "http://ecorporateoffices.com/WalMart-188\nWal-Mart Corporate Office & Headquarters",
"text": "\"Wal-Mart Corporate Office & Headquarters702 SW 8th St. Bentonville AR 72716Wal-Mart corporate phone number: (479) 273-4000Average Rating and Total Reviews Avg. Rating2.1Reviews1469Write A Review Edit1469 Reviews For Wal-Mart Headquarters & Corporate Office Dirty store Very dirty store ,,poor service,broken carts,,no staff,,long line ups,ect ect Jan. 5, 2016-by Fern Belangersupport Americasupport of gun rights . America if wal mart wants to help American people why take guns out of your stores? America is only as strong as it's people if i wer wal mart i would sell hand guns ,shot guns, assault weapons,reloading supplies and all weapons in all stores IF THIS COMPANY SUPPORTS AMERICA AND IT'S PEOPLE LIKE THEY SAY WHY ARE THEY BANNING ASSAULT WEAPONS? Sep. 26, 2015-by robert brant Employee Recommendations My wife and I purchased two Cell Phones with Family Mobile and we would like two employees at the Walmart Store No.1225 in Orange Park, Florida get some recognition for their expertise in setting up our Cell Phones. They are both outstanding employees in all ways. They are the type employees that you are looking for in all respects. We were very impressed and Walmart should show some recognition to them in their personnel files. There names are: Allyson Brennen and Mark Sisnecos. They work in the Connection Center, Walmart Store 1225 as previously noted."
"docid": "D2311569#0",
"title": "https://www.walmart.com/store/167/crossett-ar/whats-new\nCrossett Walmart Supercenter# 167",
"text": "Departments All Reorder Items Sign In Cart FREE 2-Day Shipping Pickup Today Grocery Pickup Weekly Ads Gift Cards Credit Card Store Finder Track Order Help Stores Arkansas Crossett Walmart Supercenter Sorry, we have no imagery here. Map data ©2018 Google Terms of Use Store overview Find items Weekly Ads News and events Coupons Find another store Low Price. Every Day. On the go. Download App Crossett Walmart Supercenter# 167Make this your store Store Address910 Unity Rd Crossett , AR 71635 (870) 364-2165Get directions Store hours Mon - Sun Open 24 Hours Top Services and Departments Auto Care Center Open until 7pm (870) 304-2341Pharmacy Open until 6pm (870) 364-7205Photo Center Open until 9pm (870) 364-1185Pickup Open until 8pm See All Find items in this store Search News and events Mar. 6, 2018Refill your prescriptions easily with the Walmart Pharmacy app. Download our free app for your i Phone and Android today. www. Walmart.com/Mobile Rx Feb. 3, 2018Its not too late for a flu shot! Stop by today and your Walmart pharmacist will arm you against the flu! No appointment needed."
] |
2320 | c4 definition blood test | [
"docid": "D3127846#0",
"title": "https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003354.htm\nComplement component 4",
"text": "Complement component 4Complement component 4 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of proteins that move freely through your bloodstream. The proteins work with your immune system and play a role in the development of inflammation. The complement system protects the body from infections, dead cells and from foreign material. Rarely, people may inherit deficiency of some complement proteins. These people are prone to certain infections or autoimmune disorders. There are nine major complement proteins. They are labeled C1 through C9. This test measures C4."
] | [
"docid": "D379925#0",
"title": "https://www.hss.edu/conditions_undifferentiated-connective-tissue-disease-overview.asp\nDefinition",
"text": "\"Definition The term \"\"undifferentiated connective tissue disease\"\" (UCTD) is used to describe a condition in people who have symptoms and lab test results that indicate a systemic autoimmune disorder or connective tissue disease, but which do not meet enough such characteristics to indicate a diagnosis for a well-defined connective tissue disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) or scleroderma. Thus, they seem to have another, similar disorder that doctors call undifferentiated connective tissue disease. Although the word \"\"undifferentiated\"\" sounds vague, it describes a real problem. It does not mean that a doctor does not know what to call the condition, it just means that all or most of the clinical features (problems) traditionally seen in lupus or another connective tissue disease aren't present but some of those features are present. This undifferentiated category is distinctly separate from another group of vague-sounding disorders called \"\"overlap syndromes.\"\" People with overlap syndromes have the clear features of at least two or more CTDs, and thus may meet the diagnoses for several at the same time. In contrast, patients with UCTD do not have enough of the features of a definite CTD (systemic lupus, systemic sclerosis, or dermatomyositis/polymyositis) to be firmly classified with such a diagnosis. However, because they may have a few features from several known diseases, they are said to be \"\"undifferentiated.\"\" ( See Fig. 1)Figure 1The term \"\"undifferentiated connective tissue disease\"\" was first used in 1980s to identify people who were recognized as being in the early stages of a CTD but who did not yet meet the standard criteria for a well-defined CTD."
"docid": "D2828810#0",
"title": "http://nyulangone.org/conditions/systemic-lupus-erythematosus-in-adults/diagnosis\nDiagnosing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus",
"text": "Diagnosing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Share: Systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly known as lupus, is a chronic autoimmune disease. This means that the immune system, which attacks viruses and bacteria, instead attacks healthy tissue, causing inflammation throughout the body and, sometimes, damaging tissue. Lupus can affect the blood vessels, brain, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, nervous system, or skin. Another type of lupus, cutaneous (discoid) lupus, affects only the skin. Symptoms of lupus can range from mild to serious, depending on the organs affected. Lupus involves periodic flare-ups, in which symptoms intensify, and remission, in which symptoms lessen or disappear. The most common symptoms include fatigue, painful and swollen joints, skin rashes—most notably, a butterfly-shaped rash across the face—unexplained fever, and mouth or nose ulcers. More severe lupus can cause pleuritis, an inflammation of the lining of the lungs; kidney disease; neurological conditions—those affecting the brain and spinal cord—such as weakness or memory loss; and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac that covers the heart. Experts don’t know what causes lupus. But a family history of the disease increases risk, and hormones or chemicals may also play a role."
"docid": "D964646#0",
"title": "http://www.esupplements.com/article/side-effects-of-pre-workout-supplements/\nSide Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements",
"text": "Moses January 14, 2014Side Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements I recently started taking Neurocore Pre-Workout and the first time i took it i started getting itchy and my heart started to race a little, What are some things i should look for to know i should stop taking a product and what are normal reactions to all pre workouts? Reply Mike Jackson January 23, 2014Side Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements Hey Moses, that’s a great question and probably the one I get asked more than any other as it relates to pre-workouts supplements. The sensation that you’re feeling is called paresthesia and it’s triggered by the amino acid beta-alanine, one of the principle ingredients in your product. About 10 years ago beta-alanine broke through as one of the most promising pre-workout ingredients and since has become something of a staple in most pre-workout supplements because of how well it works. Unfortunately, it does cause that itchy feeling you’re noticing and sometimes can cause visible redness similar to a “niacin-rush.” There are no studies to suggest it’s in anyway harmful. If it’s something you’d rather avoid then look for pre-workout products that don’t contain either beta-alanine or niacin. December 3, [email protected] Thankful for this post. I too have extreme itchiness after about the 4 th time taking Six Star preworkout blend. Will stop taking it amd return it to Amazon."
"docid": "D1146779#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/test/complement/overview.html\nComplement",
"text": "\"Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > c > Complement Complement Overview Alternative Names How the Test Is Performed How to Prepare for the Test How the Test Will Feel Why the Test Is Performed Normal Results What Abnormal Results Mean Risks Considerations Related Topics Protein in Diet Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Complement Component 3 (C3)Complement Component 4Rheumatoid Arthritis Septicemia Shock Malaria Ulcerative Colitis Hereditary Angioedema Cirrhosis Glomerulonephritis Hepatitis Lupus Nephritis Kidney Transplant Complement is a blood test that measures the activity of certain proteins in the liquid portion of your blood. The complement system is a group of proteins that move freely through your bloodstream. The proteins work with your immune system and play a role in the development of inflammation. There are nine major complement proteins. They are labeled C1 through C9. Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Alternative Names Complement assay; Complement proteins Back to Top How the Test Is Performed A blood sample is needed. This is usually taken through a vein. The procedure is called a venipuncture. Back to Top How to Prepare for the Test There is no special preparation. Back to Top How the Test Will Feel When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain, while others feel only a prick or stinging sensation."
"docid": "D1104766#0",
"title": "http://www.lupusinternational.com/About-Lupus-1-1/What-is-Lupus-.aspx\nWhat is Lupus?",
"text": "\"What is Lupus? WHAT IS LUPUS? Robert G. Lahita, M. D., Ph. D. Chairman of Medicine, Newark Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, N. J. Liberty Health Campus of Mount Sinai Hospital Medical School Jersey City, N JProfessor of Medicineat the New York College University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Definition Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various systems of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances (antigens) and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against \"\"self.\"\" These antibodies, called \"\"auto-antibodies,\"\" react with the \"\"self\"\" antigens to form immune complexes. The immune complexes build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain."
"docid": "D1266866#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-low-protein-in-blood-work-mean\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Low Protein In Blood Work Mean",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Low Protein In Blood Work Mean Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Gurmukh Singh1 doctor agreed:1 What does a high protein count mean in my blood work? Depends: If all the proteins were elevated, you were probably dehydrated. If a specific protein is elevated then it needs to be determined which protein. Some causes of elevated proteins are chronic infections ... Read more Dr. Sewa Legha Protein (Definition)Proteins are large molecules made up of a smaller class of molecules called amino acids. Proteins play an enormous role in the function of our bodies including enzymes, messengers, replicating dna, ... Read more Dr. Stephen Berns Pathology13 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Alan Ali2 What exactly does high protein count mean in blood work? High protein: Inflammation . Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. Gurmukh Singh3 My Protein total serum was extremely low at. 3 all other blood work was normal. What could be the cause?"
"docid": "D314226#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/c4-plants-definition-types-examples.html\nC4 Plants: Definition, Types & Examples",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 67K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Long-Day Plants: Examples & Explanation C3 Plants: Definition, Types & Examples Short-Day Plants: Examples & Explanation How Solutes and Pressure Affect Water Potential in Plants Lesson Transcript Instructor: Brekke Peterson Munks After exploring this lesson, you'll be able to define and identify C4 plants. Learn about what a C4 plant is and what makes C4 plants unique. Then you can test your knowledge with a quiz. What Is a C4 Plant? A C4 plant sounds like something that should be associated with Hollywood action movies! However, it is just a type of plant that uses a specific photosynthesis mechanism (C4 photosynthesis) in order to avoid photorespiration. Photorespiration is a wasteful reaction that occurs when plants take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide instead of taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. All plants make energy during the Calvin cycle (the process where plants take up CO 2 and turn it into sugar energy); however, in hot, sunny, dry climates, C4 plants are much more efficient than C3 plants (plants that perform C3 photosynthesis - the most common type). The difference between C3 and C4 plants is that C4 plants make a four-carbon sugar during the Calvin cycle instead of two three-carbon sugars as in C3 plants. This larger sugar in C4 plants brings more CO 2 to the Ru Bis CO enzyme, reducing oxygen levels and making the process energy-intensive."
"docid": "D699030#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/causes-of-low-platelets-in-adults\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of Low Platelets In Adults",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of Low Platelets In Adults Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Keith Stockerl-Goldstein2 doctors agreed:1 What could cause low platelets? Many things: Low platelets are caused either because the bone marrow is not making enough platelets, or they are being destroyed. This is a potentially serious problem and should be evaluated by a hematologist. ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Adam Lewis Low Platelets (Definition)In the blood. They \"\"bud\"\" ie break off from cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes. A normal platelet count is 140-400. Platelets are the first line of defense in blood vessel bleeding. They \"\"plug holes\"\" until the coagulation proteins can begin ... Read more Dr. Gurmukh Singh2 What are causes for mildly low platelets? See below: Please consult this site for information on this topic. http://www."
"docid": "D330010#0",
"title": "https://musculoskeletalkey.com/the-cervical-spine-7/\nThe Cervical Spine",
"text": "CHAPTER 25The Cervical Spine CHAPTER OBJECTIVESAt the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: Describe the anatomy of the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the cervical intervertebral segment. Describe the biomechanics of the cervical spine, including coupled movements, normal and abnormal joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to various stresses. Perform a detailed objective examination of the cervical musculoskeletal system, including palpation of the articular and soft tissue structures, specific passive mobility tests, passive articular mobility tests, and stability tests. Perform and interpret the results from combined motion testing. Assess the static and dynamic postures of the cervical spine and implement the appropriate intervention. Apply manual therapy techniques using the correct grade, intensity, direction, and duration. Evaluate intervention effectiveness in order to progress or modify the intervention. Plan an effective home program, including spinal care, and instruct the patient in this program. Help the patient to develop self-reliant intervention strategies. OVERVIEWThe cervical spine ( Fig."
"docid": "D221262#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/complement\ncomplement",
"text": "\"complement Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to complement: compliment, Complement systemcomplement [ kom´plĕ-ment] a term originally used to refer to the heat-labile factor in serum that causes immune cytolysis (lysis of antibody-coated cells). It is now used to refer to the entire functionally related system comprising at least 20 distinct serum proteins, their cellular receptors, and related regulatory proteins; thissystem is the effector not only of immune cytolysis but also of other biologic functions includinganaphylaxis, phagocytosis, opsonization, and hemolysis. Complement activation occurs by two different sequences, the classical pathway and the alternativepathway. All of the “components of complement,” designated C1 through C9 (C1 being composed of three distinct proteins, C1q, C1r, and C1s), participate in the classical pathway; the alternativepathway lacks components C1, C2, and C4 but adds factor b, factor d, and properdin. Regulatoryproteins include factor h, factor i, clusterin, C3 nephritic factor, decay accelerating factor, homologous restriction factor, C1 inhibitor, C4 binding protein, membrane cofactor protein, protectin, and vitronectin. The classical pathway is primarily activated by the binding of C1 to antigen-antibody complexescontaining the immunoglobulins Ig M or Ig G. The alternative pathway can be activated by Ig A immunecomplexes and also by nonimmunologic materials including bacterial endotoxins, microbialpolysaccharides, and cell walls. Activation of the classical pathway triggers an enzymatic cascadeinvolving C1, C4, C2, and C3; activation of the alternative pathway triggers a cascade involving C3 and factors B and D and properdin. Both pathways result in cleavage of C5 and formation of themembrane attack complex, which in its final state creates a pore in the cell wall and causes celllysis. Complement activation also results in the formation of many biologically active complementfragments that act as anaphylatoxins, opsonins, or chemotactic factors."
"docid": "D1130403#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/109191090/soft-tissue-calcificationmaxillary-sinus-flash-cards/\nSoft Tissue Calcification/Maxillary Sinus",
"text": "\"102 terms babu227Soft Tissue Calcification/Maxillary Sinus Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What is soft tissue calcification? pathologic calcification of soft tissues occurs when calcium salts are deposited in soft tissue. What are the 3 types of calcification: Dystrophic Metastic Idiopathic What is dystrophic calcification? calcification which occurs in degenerating, inflammed, and necrotic tissues. -chronic long standing inflammation What is metastic calcification? calcification which occurs when calcium salts are precipitated in normal tissue as a result of abnormal high levels of blood calcium. -high blood calcium levels What is Idiopathic calcification? occurs in normal tissue despite normal blood calcium level."
"docid": "D3395052#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/low-serum-globulin-levels\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Low Serum Globulin Levels",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Low Serum Globulin Levels Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. John Chiu1 Does low serum globulin affect blood tests that assess immunoglobulin levels? For example if an illness caused proteinuria, could a disease actually cause the test for it to be falsely negative? Depends: If your immunoglobulin (s) is low especially when it involves igg, your immune system is likely impaired. It is not a \"\"false-postive\"\" result although the cause for the deficiency may vary and treated accordingly. ... Read more Dr. Debra Rosenblatt Serum (Definition)Serum is the component of blood that does not contain cells or clotting factors. It does contain electrolytes an ... Read more Dr. David Masiello Internal Medicine - Hematology & Oncology11 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Richard Amerling1 doctor agreed:2 I have high ESR high serum globulin protine levels and low albumin levels plus ive had right sided pelvic/hip pain for the past 10 months? See your doctor: Without actual numbers, I can't be of much help. You should definitely be fully worked up, with protein and urine electrophoresis, and X-rays of your pelvis and hip. ... Read more Dr. Gurmukh Singh3 My total bilurubin 0.88 direct bilurubin 0.37 indirect bilurubin is 0.51, serum globulin is 3.27 Are these levels normal? See below: All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that."
"docid": "D410310#0",
"title": "http://www.lupusmctd.com/index.php?topic=483.0;wap2\n.",
"text": "\"Adminஐﻬ: Lab Testing for Lupus (The following information are excerpts taken from an article written by Dr. Michael Lockshin entitled, Laboratory Testing in Lupus.) Are you confused by the names of the blood tests doctors use to diagnose or monitor lupus? Do you know what the tests mean? If you are confused, perhaps the information below will help: An antibody is a protein (such as gamma globulin and other globulins) that the body normally makes to defend itself against bacteria (germs), viruses, and other things that cause harm. In lupus, the body mistakenly makes antibodies against a person’s normal tissue. An antibody is named according to the substance (antigen) which it is made to fight. Thus, an antibody induced by a polio vaccination is called an anti polio virus antibody. Because the basic abnormality of lupus is an immune system that is in overdrive, most of the tests measure the degree to which the immune system is active. Other tests measure the function of specific organs such as the kidneys. ANA, FANA (Common name of test, including synonyms) Translation of name: (Fluorescent) Anti-Nuclear Antibody Brief Explanation of what the test is designed to look for: An antibody against the nucleus, or central controlling part of each cell."
"docid": "D3202565#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/15936334/anatomy-chapter-16-spinal-cord-and-spinal-nerves-flash-cards/\nAnatomy Chapter 16 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves",
"text": "\"109 terms Black_Orchid Anatomy Chapter 16 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Cervical Part Supermost region of spinal cord Continuous with the medulla oblongata Contains motor neurons whose axons contribute to the cervical spinal nerves and receives input from sensory neurons through these spinal nerves. Thoracic Part Lies inferior to the cervical part Contains the neurons for the thoracic spinal nerves Lumbar Part A shorter segment of the spinal cord Contains neurons for the lumbar spinal nerves Sacral Part Lies inferior to the lumbar part and contains the neurons for the sacral spinal nerves Coccygeal Part Most inferior \"\"tip\"\" of the spinal cord One pair of coccygeal spinal nerves arises from this region Conus Medullaris The tapering inferior end of the spinal cord Marks the official \"\"end\"\" of the spinal cord proper (usually at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae)Cauda equina Inferior to conus medullaris a group of axons project inferiorly from the spinal cord Filum terminale Located within the cauda equina A thin strand of pia mater that helps anchor the conus medullaris to the coccyx Posterior median sulcus located on the exterior surface of the spinal cord Dips internally on the posterior surface Anterior median fissure located on the exterior surface of the spinal cord A slightly wider groove located on the anterior surface Cervical enlargement Located in the inferior cervical part of the spinal cord Contains neurons that innervate the upper limbs Lumbosacral enlargement Extends through the lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal cord and innervates the lower limbs Spinal nerves Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because they contain both motor and sensory axons. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that connect to the CNS to muscles, receptors, and glands. Each side has: 8 cervical nerves (C1-C8) 12 thoracic nerves (T1-T12) 5 lumbar nerves (L1-L5) 5 sacral nerves (S1-S5) 1 coccygeal nerve (Co1)Cross Sections of Spinal Cord Spinal Cord Meninges Protects and encapsulates the spinal cord Continuous with the cranial meninges Spaces between some of the meninges have clinical significance. Outermost to innermost: vertebra, epidural space, dura mater, subdural space, arachoid mater, subarachnoid space, and pia mater. Epidural Space Lies between the dura mater and the periosteum covering the inner walls of the vertebra, and houses areolar CT, blood vessels, and adipose CT. * Epidural anesthetic is given here. Dura mater Lies deep to the epidural space Most external of the meninges Spinal dura mater has only one meningeal layer, whereas the cranial dura mater has two. Provides stability to the spinal cord At each intervertebral foramen, the dura mater extends between adjacent vertebrae and fuses with the CT layers that surround the spinal nerves. Arachnoid sudural space A narrow space that separates the dura mater from the arachnoid mater."
"docid": "D1987659#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalhealthtests.com/blood-tests/complement-ch50.html\nReasons For Elevated & Low Levels of Complement CH50",
"text": "Medical Health Tests Blood Tests Complement CH50Reasons For Elevated & Low Levels of Complement CH50Submitted on March 27, 2012Tweet Complement CH50ABO Blood Typing Blood Calcium Levels Blood Carbon Dioxide Level Blood Carbon Monoxide Level Blood Cortisol Levels Blood Lead Level Blood Magnesium Test Blood Osmolality Test Blood Phosphate Level Blood Potassium Level Blood Protein Test Blood Sodium Level Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Blood Uric acid Level Hb A1c blood test Fasting Blood Sugar Test Blood Coagulation Factors Test Cyclosporin Blood Test D-dimer Blood Test Estradiol Blood Test Ethanol Blood Test Carboxyhaemoglobin Blood Test Anion Gap Blood Test STD Lab Test Abnormal Blood Test ESR Blood Test Blood Test EGFRBlood Tests GGTBlood Test ASTOvulation Blood Test Leukemia Blood Test Lymphoma Blood Test Nicotine Blood Test MCH Blood Test CRP Blood Test Vasculitis Tests Pancreatic Cancer Blood Tests Protein Blood Test Blood Tests Eosinophils INR Blood Test Lupus Blood Test Scleroderma Blood Test Fibromyalgia Blood Test Autoimmune Blood Test Rheumatoid Arthritis Blood Test PLT Blood Test Lymphocytes Blood Test Platelet Blood Test Eosinophils Blood Test Wbc Blood Test Rbc Test Neutrophils Blood Test Lead Blood Test Menopause Blood Test LDH Blood Test Globulin Blood Test Iron Blood Test Bleeding Time Kidney Blood Test Sed Rate Blood Test Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Immunoglobulins Test Carbohydrate Antigen (CA-125) Test Mononucleosis Test Complement CH50 is a blood test that helps us determine whether protein abnormalities and deficiencies in the complement system are responsible for any increase in autoimmune activity. The test basically helps to closely monitor autoimmune disease activity. The test is also known as CH50, Total Hemolytic Complement activity, Total complement, C3, CH100 and C4. The test also goes by the formal names of Complement Component C3, Complement activity and Complement Component C4. The complement system is composed of a set of blood proteins that circulate and work with each other to boost immunity and to promote inflammatory responses. They primary perform the function of destroying viruses and bacteria. The primary components of the complement system are nine in number and they are designated from C1 to C9. The complement system is different from the acquired immune system, as it does not generate specific antibodies that can destroy a viral agent on target. The complement system thus need not be exposed to a virus earlier to remember to destroy it. Instead, it forms part of the body's innate immune system which responds to foreign substances very quickly and can identify them by studying the outer membranes of these foreign cells and microorganisms."
"docid": "D512609#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Digestive-Disorders---Gastroenterology/Fluctuating-Liver-Enzymes/show/234776\nFluctuating Liver Enzymes",
"text": "\"Fluctuating Liver Enzymesdartmouth03Hello Dr, I'm a 24 year old male nonsmoke and nondrinker, 5'7 133 w/ no family history of liver problems. In late August of 2003 i started taking Restoril for sleep w/ occasional xanax (never take tylonel or other pain meds). A month later on Sept. 7 I started taking Toprol Xl (12.5mgs) until Dec. 4. On Dec. 4 2003 i stopped taking all medicines. That November i started noticing that my toes were red/bluish color so we went to the doctor. Went to rhuematologist and complete workup was negative so they said my toes were Raynaud's possibly made worse by Toprol. My digits on my right hand also occasionally would swell up as well until just recently. The only thing that would show up as a blip on the radar from all my blood work was periodic elevations in my ALT and rarely AST. I went to several Gastro doctors for complete workups and have found one that I'm currently working with. They have done all the tests you mention on here in the archives for elevated alt's except for a liver biopsy."
"docid": "D1255153#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_spine\nCervical vertebrae",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cervical spine)navigation search Cervical vertebrae Position of human cervical vertebrae (shown in red). It consists of 7 bones, from top to bottom, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7. A human cervical vertebra Details Identifiers Latin Vertebrae cervicales Me SH D002574TA A02.2.02.001FMA 9915 72063, 9915Anatomical terms of bone [ edit on Wikidata]In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull. Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also belong to the trunk, but do not carry ribs. In reptiles, all trunk vertebrae carry ribs and are called dorsal vertebrae. In many species, though not in mammals, the cervical vertebrae bear ribs. In many other groups, such as lizards and saurischian dinosaurs, the cervical ribs are large; in birds, they are small and completely fused to the vertebrae. The vertebral transverse processes of mammals are homologous to the cervical ribs of other amniotes. [ citation needed] Most mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae. ["
"docid": "D2296655#0",
"title": "http://www.travisroyfoundation.org/sci/resources/spinal-cord-injury-levels-classification/\nSpinal Cord Injury Levels & Classification",
"text": "Spinal Cord Injury Levels & Classification Wise Young, Ph. D., M. D. W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJPeople with spinal cord injury are often told that they have an injury at a given spinal cord level. They are often told that the injury is “complete” or “incomplete”. They sometimes be told that they have a bony fracture or other involvement of one or more spinal vertebral levels. They may also be told that they are classified according to the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Classification, as a ASIA A, B, C, D, or E. What is the meaning of the different spinal cord injury levels, the definition of complete and incomplete injury, and the different classification of spinal cord injury? In the early 1990’s, there was no single definition of level, completeness of injury, or classification. Doctors frequently had different definitions of spinal cord injury levels and complete and incomplete injuries. In this article, I will try to explain the currently accepted definitions of spinal cord injury levels and classification. Figure 1. Spinal cord and vertebral levels."
"docid": "D3127847#0",
"title": "http://www.healthline.com/health/complement-component\nWhat Is a Complement Component 4 Test?",
"text": "What Is a Complement Component 4 Test? Your complement system consists of a group of important proteins in your bloodstream. These proteins help your immune system fight off harmful invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and other foreign substances. There are nine major complement proteins, which are labeled C1 through C9. Complement C4 plays an important role in eliminating certain infections. The complement component 4 (C4) test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of complement C4 circulating in your bloodstream. A low level of C4 is associated with autoimmune disorders and collagen vascular diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The complement C4 test only requires basic preparation and carries few risks. The sample of your blood will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results will then be sent to your doctor."
"docid": "D1036819#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_vertebrae\nCervical vertebrae",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Cervical vertebrae Position of human cervical vertebrae (shown in red). It consists of 7 bones, from top to bottom, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7. A human cervical vertebra Details Identifiers Latin Vertebrae cervicales Me SH D002574TA A02.2.02.001FMA 9915 72063, 9915Anatomical terms of bone [ edit on Wikidata]In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull. Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also belong to the trunk, but do not carry ribs. In reptiles, all trunk vertebrae carry ribs and are called dorsal vertebrae. In many species, though not in mammals, the cervical vertebrae bear ribs. In many other groups, such as lizards and saurischian dinosaurs, the cervical ribs are large; in birds, they are small and completely fused to the vertebrae. The vertebral transverse processes of mammals are homologous to the cervical ribs of other amniotes. [ citation needed] Most mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae. ["
] |
2326 | carcinogen definition | [
"docid": "D2284976#0",
"title": "http://www.ilpi.com/msds/ref/carcinogen.html\n.",
"text": "\"Find all of your laboratory and workplace supplies at Safety Emporium!Carboxylic Acid Glossary Index Carcinoma MSDS Topics Free Sites FAQ's Regulations Glossary Software Suppliers Books Forum Poll Fun stuff Quiz Store Understand your MSDS with the MS-Demystifier Search ALL our MSDS info Carcinogen Definition A carcinogen is a substance that causes cancer (or is believed to cause cancer). A carcinogenic material is one that is known to cause cancer. The process of forming cancer cells from normal cells or carcinomas is called carcinogenesis. Additional Info A known human carcinogen means there is sufficient evidence of a cause and effect relationship between exposure to the material and cancer in humans. Such determination requires evidence from epidemiologic (demographic and statistical), clinical, and/or tissue/cell studies involving humans who were exposed to the substance in question. Obviously, it is unethical to deliberately test potential carcinogens on humans, so \"\"proving\"\" something (in the rigorous scientific sense) to be a carcinogen in humans is a difficult, demanding and lengthy task!Substances that are reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens meet any of the following descriptions: Ensure a safe workplace with safety signs and labels from Safety Emporium!There is limited evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans. A cause and effect interpretation is credible, but that alternative explanations such as chance, bias, other variables etc. can not be ruled out. Again, science can never prove a hypothesis, only disprove one. Scientific \"\"facts\"\" are established only when a preponderence of the evidence supports a hypothesis and there is 1) no evidence to disprove it and 2) no equally viable (plausible) alternative hypotheses (theories)."
] | [
"docid": "D1458639#0",
"title": "http://www.prevor.com/en/carcinogens-different-classifications\nCarcinogens: Different Classifications",
"text": "Carcinogens: Different Classifications Three main lists of internationally recognized carcinogens exist: those of IARC 1, of the ACGIH 2and of the European Union (CLP 3). It becomes thus difficult to find one's way as a novice!In particular when there are disparities as regards their classification as well as the list of chemicals concerned. The different classifications and their definitions are grouped below, so as to bring more light and better understanding regarding these differences. IARC Classification The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC or CIRC in French) distinguishes four main groups or physical factors on the basis of existing scientific data to assess their carcinogenic potential. GROUP 1: the agent may be a carcinogenic mixture for humans (proven carcinogen or certainly carcinogenic). The exposure circumstance entails exposures that are carcinogenic to humans. This category is only used when sufficient indications of carcinogenicity for humans are available. Beginning of August 2012, 108 agents are classified in Group 1 of IARC. This group is divided in sub-groups: agents and groups of agents, complex mixtures, occupational exposures and others. GROUP 2A: The mentioned agents are probably carcinogenic for human beings."
"docid": "D1584168#0",
"title": "http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34620617\nWhat is processed meat?",
"text": "\"What is processed meat?26 October 2015Share Thinkstock The World Health Organization says processed meat does cause cancer and red meat is probably carcinogenic too. So what is processed meat? Processed meat has been modified to either extend its shelf life or change the taste and the main methods are smoking, curing, or adding salt or preservatives. Simply putting beef through a mincer does not mean the resulting mince is \"\"processed\"\" unless it is modified further. Processed meat includes bacon, sausages, hot dogs, salami, corned beef, beef jerky and ham as well as canned meat and meat-based sauces. Red meat is a darker colour than white meat and includes beef, lamb and pork because of higher levels of proteins that bind to oxygen, haemoglobin and myoglobin in blood and muscle. Why do they cause cancer? Suspected carcinogenic chemicals can form during meat processing. These include N-nitroso compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Cooking the meat at high temperatures, especially on a barbecue, can also produce these dangerous chemicals."
"docid": "D2762994#0",
"title": "http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC36490\nPAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals",
"text": "\"PAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals Home > Chemical Search Help | Feedback Biobor JF - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and regulatory information Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA . Chemical IDIdentifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Poisoning Symptoms Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Toxicity Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U. S. and California. Water Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential."
"docid": "D1327243#0",
"title": "http://www.inchem.org/documents/iarc/vol62/wood.html\n.",
"text": "International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Summaries & Evaluations WOOD DUST (Group 1)For definition of Groups, see Preamble Evaluation . VOL. : 62 (1995) (p. 35)5. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation5.1 Exposure data Wood is one of the world's most important renewable resources. At least 1700 million m 3 are harvested for industrial use each year. Wood dust, generated in the processing of wood for a wide range of uses, is a complex substance. Its composition varies considerably according to species of tree. Wood dust is composed mainly of cellulose, polyoses and lignin and a large and variable number of substances of lower relative molecular mass which may significantly affect the properties of the wood. These include non-polar organic extractives (fatty acids, resin acids, waxes, alcohols, terpenes, sterols, steryl esters and glycerols), polar organic extractives (tannins, flavonoids, quinones and lignans) and water-soluble extractives (carbohydrates, alkaloids, proteins and inorganic material). Trees are characterized botanically as gymnosperms (principally conifers, generally referred to as softwoods) and angiosperms (principally deciduous trees, generally referred to as hardwoods)."
"docid": "D2662629#0",
"title": "http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC35428\nPAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals",
"text": "\"PAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals Home > Chemical Search Help | Feedback Chlorsulfuron - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and regulatory information Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA . Chemical IDIdentifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Poisoning Symptoms Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Toxicity Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U. S. and California. Water Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential."
"docid": "D3227824#0",
"title": "https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=10100\nUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR",
"text": "\"Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents• Part Number: 1910• Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards• Subpart: Z• Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances• Standard Number: 1910.1200 App A• Title: Health Hazard Criteria (Mandatory)• GPO Source: e-CFRAppendix A TO §1910.1200—Health Hazard Criteria (Mandatory)A.0 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION CONSIDERATIONSA.0.1 Classification A.0.1.1 The term \"\"hazard classification\"\" is used to indicate that only the intrinsic hazardous properties of chemicals are considered. Hazard classification incorporates three steps: (a) identification of relevant data regarding the hazards of a chemical; (b) subsequent review of those data to ascertain the hazards associated with the chemical; (c) determination of whether the chemical will be classified as hazardous and the degree of hazard. A.0.1.2 For many hazard classes, the criteria are semi quantitative or qualitative and expert judgment is required to interpret the data for classification purposes. A.0.2 Available data, test methods and test data quality A.0.2.1 There is no requirement for testing chemicals. A.0.2.2 The criteria for determining health hazards are test method neutral, i.e., they do not specify particular test methods, as long as the methods are scientifically validated. A.0.2.3 The term \"\"scientifically validated\"\" refers to the process by which the reliability and the relevance of a procedure are established for a particular purpose. Any test that determines hazardous properties, which is conducted according to recognized scientific principles, can be used for purposes of a hazard determination for health hazards. Test conditions need to be standardized so that the results are reproducible with a given substance, and the standardized test yields \"\"valid\"\" data for defining the hazard class of concern. A.0.2.4 Existing test data are acceptable for classifying chemicals, although expert judgment also may be needed for classification purposes. A.0.2.5 The effect of a chemical on biological systems is influenced, by the physico-chemical properties of the substance and/or ingredients of the mixture and the way in which ingredient substances are biologically available."
"docid": "D1548446#0",
"title": "https://www.fooducate.com/community/post/Nine%20Facts%20about%20Sodium%20Benzoate%20a%20Preservative/57A323D0-69C9-A6A3-46CD-9F933B9F5FA9\nDiet Tidbit",
"text": "\"Diet Tidbit Fooducate Mar 08 2009Nine Facts about Sodium Benzoate, a Preservative1. Sodium Benzoate (E211) is a preservative used to prevent food from molding. 2. It is especially used to preserve acidic foods and beverages such as pickles, salad dressings, fruit juices, and soft drinks. 3. An unfortunate side effect is that when mixed with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) sodium benzoate transforms into benzene, a known carcinogen and DNA damager. 4. The rate at which benzene is formed is affected by light and heat, as well as the time spent on a shelf from production to consumption. 5. The FDA has limited usage of sodium benzoate to 0.1% of a product by weight."
"docid": "D2324265#0",
"title": "https://aflatoxin.askdefine.com/\nDictionary Definition",
"text": "« Define aflame Define afloat »Go to Dictionary Definition Go to User Contributed Dictionary Go to Extensive Definition Dictionary Definitionaflatoxin n : a potent carcinogen from the fungus Aspergillus; can be produced and stored for use as a bioweapon User Contributed Dictionary English Noun Any of a family of mycotoxin s, produces by mold s of the Aspergillus genus, that can be toxic , carcinogenic , mutagenic or teratogenic; typically found as contaminant s of animal food or peanut s. Extensive Definition Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxin s that are produced by many species of Aspergillus, a fungus, most notably Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxins are toxic and among the most carcinogen ic substances known. After entering the body, aflatoxins are metabolized by the liver to a reactive intermediate, aflatoxin M1, an epoxide. Aflatoxin is frequently misspelled as aflotoxin and alfatoxin, which could be confused with alpha toxin. Contamination conditions Aflatoxin producing members of Aspergillus are common and widespread in nature. They can colonize and contaminate grain before harvest or during storage. Host crops are particularly susceptible to infection by Aspergillus following prolonged exposure to a high humidity environment or damage from stressful conditions such as drought, a condition which lowers the barrier to entry. The native habitat of Aspergillus is in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains undergoing microbiological deterioration and it invades all types of organic substrates whenever conditions are favorable for its growth. Favorable conditions include high moisture content (at least 7%) and high temperature. Crops which are frequently affected include cereal s ( maize, sorghum, pearl millet, rice, wheat ), oilseed s ( peanut, soybean, sunflower, cotton ), spice s ( chile pepper s, black pepper, coriander , turmeric, ginger ), and tree nut s ( almond, pistachio, walnut, coconut, brazil nut )."
"docid": "D3277394#0",
"title": "https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Chemophobia&item_type=topic\nChemophobia",
"text": "\"Save Chemophobia (or chemphobia or chemonoia [1] [2]) is an aversion to or prejudice against chemicals or chemistry. The phenomenon has been ascribed both to a reasonable concern over the potential adverse effects of synthetic chemicals, and to an irrational fear of these substances because of misconceptions about their potential for harm. [ 3] [4] People marketing products react to widespread chemophobia with products marketed with an appeal to nature. Definition and uses There are differing opinions on the proper usage of the word chemophobia. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry defines chemophobia as an \"\"irrational fear of chemicals\"\". [ 5] According to the American Council on Science and Health, chemophobia is a fear of synthetic substances arising from \"\"scare stories\"\" and exaggerated claims about their dangers prevalent in the media. [ 6]Despite containing the suffix -phobia, the majority of written work focusing on addressing chemophobia describes it as a non-clinical aversion or prejudice, and not as a phobia in the standard medical definition. Chemophobia is generally addressed by chemical education [7] [8] [9] [10] and public outreach. [ 7] [4] [11]Michelle Francl has written: \"\"We are a chemophobic culture. Chemical has become a synonym for something artificial, adulterated, hazardous, or toxic.\"\""
"docid": "D309686#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinogen\nCarcinogen",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The international pictogram for chemicals that are sensitising, mutagenic, carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction. A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes. Several radioactive substances are considered carcinogens, but their carcinogenic activity is attributed to the radiation, for example gamma rays and alpha particles, which they emit. Common examples of non-radioactive carcinogens are inhaled asbestos, certain dioxins, and tobacco smoke. Although the public generally associates carcinogenicity with synthetic chemicals, it is equally likely to arise in both natural and synthetic substances. [ 1] Carcinogens are not necessarily immediately toxic; thus, their effect can be insidious. Cancer is any disease in which normal cells are damaged and do not undergo programmed cell death as fast as they divide via mitosis. Carcinogens may increase the risk of cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in cells, which interferes with biological processes, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the formation of tumors. Usually, severe DNA damage leads to programmed cell death, but if the programmed cell death pathway is damaged, then the cell cannot prevent itself from becoming a cancer cell."
"docid": "D3333340#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/Benzene\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does benzene mean? Definitions for benzene ˈbɛn zin, bɛnˈzin Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word benzene. Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:benzene, benzine, benzol (noun)a colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly inflammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compounds Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:benzene (Noun)An aromatic hydrocarbon of formula CH whose structure consists of a ring of alternate single and double bonds.benzene (Noun)Sometimes used in place of the phenyl group Origin: A technical term in chemistry, adopted in English in 1835 as benzine (benzene from 1872), from German Benzin, which was coined in 1833 by Eilhardt Mitscherlich based on Benzoesäure \"\"benzoic acid\"\", plus the technical ending -ene (German -in) denoting hydrocarbons. Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Benzene (noun)a volatile, very inflammable liquid, C6H6, contained in the naphtha produced by the destructive distillation of coal, from which it is separated by fractional distillation. The name is sometimes applied also to the impure commercial product or benzole, and also, but rarely, to a similar mixed product of petroleum Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Benzene Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula C6H6. Its molecule is composed of 6 carbon atoms joined in a ring, with 1 hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom. Because its molecules contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms, benzene is classed as a hydrocarbon. Benzene is a natural constituent of crude oil, and is one of the most elementary petrochemicals. Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon and the second [n]-annulene, a cyclic hydrocarbon with a continuous pi bond. It is sometimes abbreviated Ph–H. Benzene is a colorless and highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell."
"docid": "D232423#0",
"title": "http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC109\nPAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals",
"text": "\"PAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals Home > Chemical Search Help | Feedback Alcohol ethoxylate (C9-C11, 6 EO) - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and regulatory information Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA . Chemical IDIdentifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Poisoning Symptoms Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Toxicity Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U. S. and California. Water Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential."
"docid": "D2835149#0",
"title": "http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC35933\nPAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals",
"text": "\"PAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals Home > Chemical Search Help | Feedback Sodium tetraborate (anhydrous) - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and regulatory information Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA . Chemical IDIdentifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Poisoning Symptoms Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Toxicity Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U. S. and California. Water Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential."
"docid": "D1258133#0",
"title": "http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cpdb/chempages/SELENIUM%20SULFIDE.html\n.",
"text": "Selenium sulfide (CAS 7446-34-6)SMILES, In Ch I and Structure are below. Rats and Mice: Cancer Test Summary Rat Target Sites Mouse Target Sites TD 50 (mg/kg/day)Male Female Male Female Rat Mouseliv liv no positive liv lun 8.01 m 69.3Key to the Table Above Positivity: For each chemical with a positive (carcinogenic) experiment in the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), results are included on carcinogenic potency (TD 50) in each species and target sites in males and females. Positivity is determined by an author’s opinion in a published paper. If all experimental results in the CDPB are negative in a sex-species group, “no positive” appears. If the CPDB has no experiments in the sex-species group, “no test” appears. The summary presents the strongest evidence of carcinogenicity in each group. If there are both positive and negative experiments in a sex-species, the negative results are ignored in this Summary Table. Target Site Codes: liv = liver. lun = lung. Target sites are listed if any author of published experimental results concluded that tumors were induced in that organ by the test agent."
"docid": "D1484720#0",
"title": "http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cpdb/chempages/PREDNISONE.html\n.",
"text": "Prednisone (CAS 53-03-2)SMILES, In Ch I and Structure are below. Rats and Mice: Cancer Test Summary Rat Target Sites Mouse Target Sites TD 50 (mg/kg/day)Male Female Male Female Rat Mouseno test no test no positive no positive no test no positive Key to the Table Above Positivity: For each chemical with a positive (carcinogenic) experiment in the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), results are included on carcinogenic potency (TD 50) in each species and target sites in males and females. Positivity is determined by an author’s opinion in a published paper. If all experimental results in the CDPB are negative in a sex-species group, “no positive” appears. If the CPDB has no experiments in the sex-species group, “no test” appears. The summary presents the strongest evidence of carcinogenicity in each group. If there are both positive and negative experiments in a sex-species, the negative results are ignored in this Summary Table. Target Site Codes: Target sites are listed if any author of published experimental results concluded that tumors were induced in that organ by the test agent. If there is more than one positive experiment in a sex-species, target sites listed may be from more than one experiment, e.g. if liver and lung are both listed, then liver may have been a target in one experiment and lung in another. TD 50: Our standardized measure of carcinogenic potency, TD 50, is the daily dose rate in mg/kg body weight/day to induce tumors in half of test animals that would have remained tumor-free at zero dose."
"docid": "D2531046#0",
"title": "http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC35426\nPAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals",
"text": "\"PAN Pesticides Database - Chemicals Home > Chemical Search Help | Feedback Triclopyr, triethylamine salt - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and regulatory information Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA . Chemical IDIdentifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Poisoning Symptoms Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Toxicity Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U. S. and California. Water Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential."
"docid": "D683264#0",
"title": "http://ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca/help/msds/msdsINTGUIDE.html\nPreface",
"text": "\"The MSDS A Basic Guide For Users - International Version This document is intended primarily as a guide for non-technical users of Material Safety Data Sheets, in particular, those who use MSDSs presented in the 16-heading international format and prepared in accordance with U. S. and/or Canadian requirements. It explains the types of information found in each section of these MSDSs and how it can be used to gain an understanding of the hazards and precautions necessary for the safe use of chemical products. Preface Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy and completeness of the information, it is understood that CCOHS makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and assumes no liability for any damages or loss suffered as a result of any inaccuracy or incompleteness therein. The Centre encourages the widest possible distribution of this material. While this publication is protected by copyright, permission for non- commercial copying will be provided by calling 1-800-263-8466. Cette publication est offerte en français sous le titre : La fiche technique sur la sécurité des substances--Guide de base de l'usager - International version. Publications Number P96-3F DSS Catalogue Number CC273-2/96-4E ISBN Number 0-660-16589-9Jessie M Callaghan Catherine J Dumschat Yvonne M Pietersma Robert F Whiting Published : 1987 Reprinted : 1989 Revised : 1996CCOHS 250 Main Street East Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6 905-572-2981 905-572-2206 (Fax )Introduction A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides basic information on a material or chemical product. It contains information on the properties and potential hazards of the material, how to use it safely, and what to do if there is an emergency. Although the term \"\"material safety data sheet\"\" is used internationally, different countries have different content requirements for these documents. For example, an MSDS prepared in accordance with the United States OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), is not necessarily acceptable in other jurisdictions."
"docid": "D1950727#0",
"title": "https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/19310/are-all-mutagens-carcinogens\nAre all mutagens carcinogens?",
"text": "\"_Biology Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for biology researchers, academics, and students. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Are all mutagens carcinogens?up vote11down votefavorite2Not all carcinogens are mutagens. Alcohol and estrogen, for example, does not damage DNA. It's one of the assumptions of the Ames test that mutagenicity implies carcinogenicity, but is this always the case? I assumed that it was, but then I saw one of the comments here. I did some more research but the internet seems to be reluctant to be definitive on the subject. This guy claims 'no', but I'd prefer sources or at least a response that handles counterexamples like HPV. This paper claims 'yes', but doesn't list any specific examples. Some mutagens might be more specific to genes involved in cell cycle regulation, so I could see how a weak mutagen is a powerful carcinogen. My question is, can you go the other way?"
"docid": "D2419645#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencealert.com/so-processed-meat-has-been-classified-as-carcinogenic-here-s-what-you-need-to-know\nSo Processed Meat Has Been Classified as Carcinogenic. Hereâs What You Need to Know.",
"text": "\"As of today, the World Health Organisation has officially classified processed meat as \"\"carcinogenic\"\", alongside such notorious substances as tobacco, arsenic, and pesticides. The decision was made by the International Agency of Research into Cancer (IARC), based on a review of 800 studies from around the world that found \"\"sufficient evidence in humans that the consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer\"\". At the same time, red meat has been classified as \"\"probably carcinogenic\"\", because while a direct link between it and cancer has yet to be found in humans, studies have found strong evidence for it in lab animals. So what does this mean for everyone who isn’t vegetarian right now? Long story short, yes these classifications are serious and based on real science; no you don’t have to give up bacon, sausages, beef, or any other kind of meat in an effort to avoid a higher risk of cancer. Here’s why. First off, when we talk about processed meats, we’re talking anything that has been salted, cured, fermented, or smoked, which means hot dogs, sausages, bacon, ham, corned beef, dried meat such as beef jerky, and canned meat or meat-based sauces. Red meat, on the other hand, is classified as any mammalian muscle meat, so beef, veal, venison, and pork. According to the IARC review, for every 50 grams (1.8 ounces) of meat eaten on a daily basis - so two rashers of bacon a day - the average risk of developing colon cancer is 18 percent higher. As Joshua A. Krisch explains at Vocativ, right now, your lifetime risk of colorectal cancer is about five percent."
"docid": "D2532167#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/health-benefits-of-unsweetened-iced-tea\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Health Benefits Of Unsweetened Iced Tea",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Health Benefits Of Unsweetened Iced Tea Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Heidi Fowler1 Can iced green tea have same health benefits as hot green tea? Tepid or warm: Better if room temp or warm. Tea is derived from the camellia sinensis tree. The leaves contain antioxidant polyphenols. Studies suggest green tea can assist with glycemic control, have an anti-carcinogenic effect as well as leading to a reduced heart disease death rate. ... Read more Dr. Bernard Seif1 doctor agreed:2 Is Lipton decaf green tea from the tea bags at Walmart good for acid reflux with ice? Can you get same health benefits from using Lipton tea bags? DGL is used to: Help with acid reflux and is safe. It is a licorice product found in health food stores. If you take licorice that is not DGL, over time it can raise your blood pressure."
] |
2329 | ccac tuition and fees | [
"docid": "D1550467#0",
"title": "http://www.collegecalc.org/colleges/pennsylvania/community-college-of-allegheny-county/\nCost to Attend Community College of Allegheny County",
"text": "College Calc Pennsylvania Affordability - 4th Annual Costs Undergraduate Tuition Community College of Allegheny County tuition is $3,233 per year for in-district residents. This is 12% more expensive than the national average public two year in-district tuition of $2,887. The cost is 75% cheaper than the average Pennsylvania in-district tuition of $12,887 for 2 year colleges. Tuition ranks 4th in Pennsylvania amongst 2 year colleges for affordability and is the 61st most expensive 2 year college in the state. The school charges an additional fees of $1,053 in addition to tuition bringing the total effective in-state tuition to $7,520. Housing Costs Community College of Allegheny County doesn't offer on campus housing. If you're not living with family you will need to budget for food and housing in the Pittsburgh area just like you would for a college with dorms. The estimated rent and meal expense per academic year for off campus housing is $6,300. Books and Supplies The estimated annual cost for books and supplies is $1,200. Other Living Expenses Off-campus students should budget for $5,360 in other miscellaneous living expenses."
] | [
"docid": "D1220150#0",
"title": "https://academics.utep.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=50475\nTuition and Fees",
"text": "Tuition and Fees The University of Texas at El Paso Summary of Tuition and Fee Charges*2005-2006Name of Charge Classification Residency Amount Notes Tuition: Undergraduates Resident$131/sch Tuition revenue is used to fund general university instructional and operating expenses. Non-Resident$407/sch Graduate in Liberal Arts or Education Resident Non-Resident$159/sch$435/sch**Graduate in Engineering, Science, MASE & ESE Majors Resident Non-Resident$159/sch$435/sch**Graduate in Business or Nursing Resident Non-Resident$169/sch$445/sch**Required Fees: Student Services Fee All Students All Students$13.50/sch up to a maximum of $162A compulsory fee to fund student-related services such as intramural activities, student government, disabled student organizations, career services, cheerleaders, student publications, health services, intercollegiate athletics, others. Library Fee Undergraduate Students All Students$4.00/sch A fee to purchase library materials, to replace maintain and acquire new equipment, and to provide technical support for personal computers and terminals. Student Union Fee All Students All Students$30/semester Fee for the finance, construction, operation, and maintenance of a student union building and its programs. International Education Fee All Students All Students$3/semester For funding an international education financial aid fund for University students. Recreation Fee All Students All Students$12/semester Fee for financing, constructing, maintaining, and operating new and existing recreational facilities and programs. Registration Fee All Students All Students$5/semester To defray the costs associated with technology services for telephone registration. Technology Fee All Students All Students$13/sch, up to a maximum of $195Fee to provide for development of campus computers and network facilities for students. Health Center Fee All Students All Students$12/semester Fee to provide support and medical services to the student population. Incidental Fees: Variety (See below)All Students (depending on services used)All Students Variable To defray the cost of providing specific services such as late registration, library fines, add/drop fees, bad check charges, application processing fees, and other services as approved by the governing board."
"docid": "D2733090#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalbillingandcoding.org/salary/new-york/\nCompare Programs",
"text": "Compare Programs24 results found in 6ms Sort schools by: Access Careers474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201Hempstead, NY (516) 433-0034View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2011 (7)Student Population641School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Branford Hall Career Institute-Albany Campus500 New Karner Rd Albany, NY (518) 456-4464View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2005 (13)Student Population625School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Branford Hall Career Institute-Amityville1100 North Broadway Amityville, NY (631) 608-9113View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2013 (5)Student Population210School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Branford Hall Career Institute-Bohemia Campus565 Johnson Avenue Bohemia, NY (631) 589-1222View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2003 (15)Student Population1183School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Bryant & Stratton College-Amherst3650 Millersport Highway Getzville, NY (716) 625-6300View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$15653Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$15653Years Accredited2002 (16)Student Population717School Type Private for-profit, 4-year or above Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Bryant & Stratton College-Online180 Redtail Rd Orchard Park, NY (800) 836-5627View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$13533Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$13533Years Accredited Student Population6595School Type Private for-profit, 4-year or above Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Certificate Bryant & Stratton College-Southtowns Sterling Park - 200 Redtail Rd. Orchard Park, NY (716) 677-9500View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$15296Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$15296Years Accredited2002 (16)Student Population895School Type Private for-profit, 4-year or above Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Certificate EDP School of Computer Programming1601 Voorhies Ave 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY (718) 332-6469View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2006 (12)Student Population137School Type Private not-for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Elmira Business Institute303 North Main Street Elmira, NY (607) 733-7177View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$21700Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$21700Years Accredited1969 (49)Student Population275School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Everest Institute-Rochester1630 Portland Ave Rochester, NY (585) 266-0430View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$13500Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$13500Years Accredited Student Population941School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Hunter Business School3601 Hempstead Tpk Levittown, NY (516) 796-1000View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited1982 (36)Student Population1415School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Manhattan Institute45 West 34th Street New York, NY (212) 564-1234View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2009 (9)Student Population2126School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Mildred Elley School-Albany Campus855 Central Ave Albany, NY (518) 786-0855View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$11205Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$11205Years Accredited1982 (36)Student Population1392School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate New Life Business Institute161-10 Jamaica Ave Ste 404Jamaica, NY (718) 737-6524View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited2008 (10)Student Population243School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate New York Career Institute11 Park Place 4th Floor New York, NY (212) 962-0002View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)$13500Tuition & Fees (Out of State)$13500Years Accredited1982 (36)Student Population876School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Oswego County BOCES179 County Route 64Mexico, NY (315) 963-4256View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited1963 (55)Student Population224School Type Public, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Institute-Poughkeepsie26 South Hamilton St Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 471-0330View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited1997 (21)Student Population700School Type Private for-profit, less-than 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Sanford-Brown Institute-Garden City711 Stewart Avenue Garden City, NY (516) 247-2900View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited1985 (33)Student Population1270School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Sanford-Brown Institute-New York120 E 16th St., 4th Floor New York, NY (646) 313-4510View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited1984 (34)Student Population2295School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Certificate Sanford-Brown Institute-White Plains333 Westchester Avenue White Plains, NY (914) 874-2500View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population399School Type Private for-profit, 2-year Degree Levels Certificate First Previous 1 2 Next Last"
"docid": "D2669141#0",
"title": "http://graduate-catalog-2015-2016.shsu.edu/home/tuition-and-fees.html\nTuition and Fees",
"text": "\"Tuition and Fees Tuition and Fees Schedule 2015-2016 Academic Year All tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Tuition and Fees Per Semester* Fall 2015 See below; subject to additional fees. TEXAS RESIDENTNONRESIDENTSemester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount1$ 730.501$1120.5021090.0021870.0031449.5032619.5041809.0043369.0052168.5054118.5062528.0064868.0072887.5075617.5083247.0086367.0093606.5097116.50103966.00107866.00114325.50118615.50124685.00129365.00135044.501310114.50145404.001410864.00155763.501511613.50166117.001612357.00176460.501713090.50186804.001813824.00197147.501914557.50207491.002015291.00217834.502116024.50228178.002216758.00238521.502317491.50248865.002418225.00Tuition and Fees Per Semester* Spring 2016 See below; subject to additional fees. TEXAS RESIDENTNONRESIDENTSemester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount1$ 730.501$1120.5021090.0021870.0031449.5032619.5041809.0043369.0052168.5054118.5062528.0064868.0072887.5075617.5083247.0086367.0093606.5097116.50103966.00107866.00114325.50118615.50124685.00129365.00135044.501310114.50145404.001410864.00155763.501511613.50166117.001612357.00176460.501713090.50186804.001813824.00197147.501914557.50207491.002015291.00217834.502116024.50228178.002216758.00238521.502317491.50248865.002418225.00Tuition and Fees Per Summer Session* Summer 2016 See below; subject to additional fees. TEXAS RESIDENTNONRESIDENTSemester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount1$713.501$1067.5021056.0021764.0031398.5032460.5041741.0043157.0052083.5053853.5062426.0064550.0072768.5075246.0083111.0085943.0093453.5096639.50103796.00107336.00114138.50118032.50124481.00128729.00*Included in the amounts above are Tuition, Graduate Tuition, Designated Tuition, Graduate Designated Tuition Differential, Student Service Fee, Student Center Fee, Technology Fee, Library Fee, Recreational Sports Fee, International Education Fee, Advisement Center Fee, Medical Fee, One Card Service Fee, Records Fee, and Intercollegiate Athletic Fee Course-related or program-related fees are examples of fees not included in the above estimates. Please review Explanation of Fees in this catalog. Additional information is available at www.shsu.edu/schedule. Tuition and Fees Schedule 2016-2017 Academic Year All tuition and fees are correct as of the date of printing but are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board."
"docid": "D2636274#0",
"title": "http://www.onlinedegreereviews.org/college/devry-university-reviews/reviews/\nDeVry University Reviews",
"text": "\"1 of 1 people found the following review helpful Anonymous (In Progress) on December 17, 2017 (email verified)Expense, takes some effort but you get a degree I have read all the reviews and due to the negativity thought I'd give my 5 cents. I can agree that this school is in it for the money, but these days it is pretty much expected and the typical American greed. The course material in gen ed courses or courses such as program mgmt. etc. are easy to pass if you have half a brain. I do have 10 years of professional experience, and while it makes courses for me very easy, if you do not have any knowledge it gives you a basic understanding for entry level positions in my field if you pay attention. Material is a bit dated using old technology, but working in an enterprise environment the technology and content still applies to newer technology as well or deviates from it. I did also dislike the group projects, as I had several groups where my team mates were useless and I had to do most of the work in order to submit quality content using my professional knowledge. I was looking at several colleges and chose De Vry due to my schedule. There are cheaper options, but the online courses are very flexible and an A or B is easy to get with some effort."
"docid": "D2462132#0",
"title": "http://undergraduate-catalog-2014-2016.shsu.edu/home/tuition-and-fees.html\nTuition & Fees",
"text": "Tuition & Fees Tuition and Fees Schedule 2014-2015 Academic Year All tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Tuition and Fees Per Semester* Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 See below; subject to additional fees. TEXAS RESIDENT NONRESIDENTSemester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount1 $ 694 1 $10562 1017 2 17413 1340 3 24264 1663 4 31115 1986 5 37966 2309 6 44817 2632 7 51668 2955 8 58519 3278 9 653610 3601 10 722111 3924 11 790612 4247 12 859113 4570 13 927614 4893 14 996115 5216 15 1064616 5533 16 1132517 5840 17 1199418 6147 18 1266319 6454 19 1333220 6761 20 1400121 7068 21 1467022 7375 22 1533923 7682 23 1600824 7989 24 16677Tuition and Fees Per Summer Session* Summer 2015 See below; subject to additional fees. TEXAS RESIDENT NONRESIDENTSemester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount1 $679 1 $10412 985 2 17093 1291 3 23774 1597 4 30455 1903 5 37136 2209 6 43817 2515 7 50498 2821 8 57179 3127 9 638510 3433 10 705311 3739 11 772112 4045 12 8389*Included in the amounts above are Tuition, Graduate Tuition, Designated Tuition, Student Service Fee, Student Center Fee, Technology Fee, Library Fee, Recreational Sports Fee, International Education Fee, Advisement Center Fee, Medical Fee, One Card Service Fee, Records Fee, and Intercollegiate Athletic Fee. Course-related or program-related fees are examples of fees not included in the above estimates. Please review Explanation of Fees in this catalog. Additional information is available at www.shsu.edu/schedule. Tuition and Fees Schedule 2015-2016 Academic Year All tuition and fees are correct as of the date of printing but are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board."
"docid": "D1649105#0",
"title": "http://www.collegecost.ed.gov/catc/\n.",
"text": "\"The lists were generated using data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). IPEDS is a mandatory data collection for institutions that participate in or are applicants for participation in any federal student financial aid program authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 USC 1094, Section 487 (a) (17) and 34 CFR 668.14 (b) (19)). The 2017 lists are based on data collected during the 2015-16 IPEDS data collection cycle, the most recent data that have undergone the full NCES data review process and been publicly released via the IPEDS Data Center. Institutions had the following year to review their submitted 2015-16 data through NCES publications, College Navigator, and the Data Center. Updated data submitted in the 2016-17 Prior Year Revision System are not included in the 2017 CATC lists because a full data review of the revised data is not possible by the July 1 release date. Furthermore, the 2016-17 Prior Year Revision System only allows for updates for three years back from 2016-17, which means the required average net price from 2012-13 needed to calculate the three-year change cannot be updated. Thus, data cannot be revised after the CATC lists have been released to the public. The College Affordability and Transparency Center includes multiple lists as described below. For institutions that base institutional charges on academic year The following lists were generated For each of the following institutional sectors Highest tuition and required fees: A list of the five percent of institutions that have the highest tuition and required fees for the 2015-16 academic year Highest net price: A list of the five percent of institutions that have the highest net price for the 2014-15 academic year Lowest tuition and required fees: A list of the ten percent of institutions that have the lowest tuition and required fees for the 2015-16 academic year Lowest net price: A list of the ten percent of institutions that have the lowest net price for the 2014-15 academic year Public, 4-year Private not-for-profit, 4-year Private for-profit, 4-year Public, 2-year Private not-for-profit, 2-year Private for-profit, 2-year Public, less-than-2-year Private not-for-profit, less-than-2-year Private for-profit, less-than-2-year For institutions that base institutional charges on an entire program (primarily career and vocational programs)The following lists were generated In institutions’ largest program areas Tuition and fees for career and vocational programs: A list of all institutions and the 2015-16 tuition and required fees for their largest program (e.g., the program with the highest enrollment)Net price for career and vocational programs: A list of all institutions and 2014-15 net price charged for their largest program (e.g., the program with the highest enrollment)Examples: Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Health and Medical Administrative Services. Culinary Arts Business Operations Support Precision Metal Working Ground Transportation Electrical and Power Transmission Installation Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Radio, Television, and Digital Communication."
"docid": "D2247302#0",
"title": "http://catalog.uthscsa.edu/generalinformation/financialaid/tuitionandfeespolicy/\nTuition and Fees Policy",
"text": "\"Tuition and Fees Policy UNIVERSITY DECISIONTuition and fees are collected by an institution of higher education from students attending the university as permitted by the Texas Education Code. However, the determination to increase the fees and charges are made by the University administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Students are assessed tuition and fees based on the location and programs in which they are enrolled and the degrees being pursued. Students enrolled in programs and pursing degrees that are a partnership arrangement with another university may be assessed the tuition and fees approved by the partnership. PERTINENT INFORMATIONBy statutory provision, the Board of Regents has the authority and power to prescribe, regulate and otherwise engage in and control tuition and registration fees as well as non-resident fee exemptions. No student may attend class, laboratory, or clinic until the student is officially registered with tuition and fees (or an installment payment) paid. Registration is not complete until tuition and fees are paid by the last business day, before first class day. When and if a student misses the official publicized tuition and fees payment deadline (known as Census Day as defined by the Texas Education Code ), the student shall be removed from enrollment by the Office of the University Registrar as approved by the Deans’ Council on 10-20-2009. UNIVERSITY PROCEDURETypically, at the first Board meeting of the calendar year, a schedule of tuition and fee rates will be presented to the Board of Regents for approval for the upcoming school year. The annual Tuition and Fee schedule, once approved by the Board of Regents will be utilized by the Health Science Center as appropriate when registering students for the new school year."
"docid": "D1607708#0",
"title": "http://www.iup.edu/bursar/tuitionfees/graduate/\nGraduate Tuition and Fees",
"text": "Graduate Tuition and Fees Tuition and Fee Cost Estimator Estimate your cost to attend IUP, including tuition, fees, and room and board. Get Your Cost Estimate Rates listed are for the 2017–18 school year. In-State Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees Tuition: $500.00 per credit Technology Tuition Fee: $27.00 per credit Instructional Fee (master’s): $79.05 per credit Instructional Fee (doctoral): $105.40 per credit Activity Fee: $32.00 per credit (maximum $384.00/12 credits)Registration Fee: $32.00 (flat fee)Wellness Fee: $15.50 (maximum $186.00/12 credits)Student Services Fee: $12.00 per credit Transportation Fee: $18.00 (flat fee)Out-of-State Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees Tuition: $750.00 per credit Technology Tuition Fee: $39.00 per credit Instructional Fee (master’s): $118.35 per credit Instructional Fee (doctoral): $157.80 per credit Activity Fee: $32.00 per credit (maximum $384.00/12 credits)Registration Fee: $32.00 (flat fee)Wellness Fee: $15.50 (maximum $186.00/12 credits )Student Services Fee: $12.00 per credit Transportation Fee: $18.00 (flat fee)Differential Graduate Tuition Degree Programs Programs charged 5 percent above the graduate tuition rate: Ph D in Communications Media and Instructional Technology Ph D in English/Composition and TESOLPh D in Criminology*Ph D in Safety Sciences*Ph D in English/Literature and Criticism*DEd in Administrative and Leadership Studies DEd in Curriculum and Instruction MBA/Executive Track MA in Criminology MA in English/TESOLMS in Nursing MS in Safety Sciences MS in Speech-Language Pathology MS in Student Affairs in Higher Education*MS in Sport Science Programs charged 10 percent above the graduate tuition rate: Ph D in Nursing Ph D in Administrative and Leadership Studies offered at Dixon University Center Psy D in Clinical Psychology*Effective fall 2014In-State Differential Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees Tuition: $500.00 per credit Tuition Differential 5%: $25.00 per credit Tuition Differential 10%: $50.00 per credit Technology Tuition Fee: $27.00 per credit Instructional Fee, Master’s 5%: $82.80 per credit Instructional Fee, Doctoral 5%: $110.40 per credit Instructional Fee, Doctoral 10%: $115.40 per credit Activity Fee: $32.00 per credit (maximum $384.00/12 credits)Registration Fee: $32.00 (flat fee)Wellness Fee: $15.50 (maximum $186.00/12 credits)Student Services Fee: $12.00 per credit Transportation Fee: $18.00 (flat fee)Out-of-State Differential Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees Tuition: $750.00 per credit Tuition Differential 5%: $37.50 per credit Tuition Differential 10%: $75.00 per credit Technology Tuition Fee: $39.00 per credit Instructional Fee, Master’s 5%: $123.98 per credit Instructional Fee, Doctoral 5%: $165.30 per credit Instructional Fee, Doctoral 10%: $172.80 per credit Activity Fee: $32.00 per credit (maximum $384.00/12 credits)Registration Fee: $32.00 (flat fee)Wellness Fee: $15.50 (maximum $186.00/12 credits)Student Services Fee: $12.00 per credit Transportation Fee: $18.00 (flat fee)Important Notes: All graduate student will be assessed a per-credit tuition rate. Students are charged tuition and fees based upon the student level at which they are admitted. Therefore, if you are a graduate student taking undergraduate credits, you will be assessed at the graduate tuition rate. Residency reclassification questions should be directed to the Registrar’s Office, Clark Hall, 724-357-2217. Distance Education students will be charged at a per-credit rate. Explanation of Fees Activity Fee The Activity Fee is assessed each semester on a per-credit bases. This fee is mandatory and may only be exempted if the student’s academic course schedule does not require class attendance on campus for the semester. This fee supports the cost of student activities in recreation, athletics, lectures, entertainment, student organizations, student publications, etc."
"docid": "D2315658#0",
"title": "http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/reformcommission/chapters/ch5.html\nChapter 5: Health",
"text": "\"Chapter 5: Health Health care is at once the biggest item in the Ontario government’s budget, the issue of most concern to Ontarians, the source of the most intense and emotional public policy debate, and the centre of the most complex delivery system of any set of programs financed by the provincial government. 1For at least two decades now, Ontarians — along with other Canadians — have worried about the quality and accessibility of their health care. As health has consumed a rising share of the provincial budget, the debate has increasingly focused on the sustainability of the health care system in a form that gives Ontarians what they want. The system is sustainable if we can answer “yes” to one of three questions. Are we willing to pay ever-increasing taxes to support it? If not, are we willing to squeeze out spending on all other public services — including education at all levels, social services, justice, infrastructure and economic development — to make room for rising health care costs? If not, are we willing to shift a significant portion of health care spending to individuals, regardless of their ability to pay? Public opinion surveys indicate that the answers to the first two questions are probably “no” (significant minorities offer a tepid “yes”) and to the third a resounding “no.” Politically, however, the answers are “no” to all three. Ontarians are unlikely to want either higher new taxes on individuals or cuts to non-health programs to accommodate the relentless increase in health care spending; none will even tolerate discussions that so much as hint at moving away from the public payer nature of financing hospital care and physicians’ services."
"docid": "D801035#0",
"title": "http://www.expatwoman.com/dubai/monthly_faqs_school_fees_6135.aspx\nDubai School Fees: A Complete Guide to School Fees in Dubai",
"text": "Dubai Guide Dubai FAQs Dubai School Fees: A Complete Guide to School Fees in Dubai Here's a full list of the school fees in Dubai for parents to take note of Posted on7 January 2014Last updated on 16 January 2018For every parent living in Dubai with their family, school fees is a huge financial payment that is paid annually. To be honest, Dubai school fees is probably the largest expenditure next to rent for parents living in Dubai and the UAE. After all, expats here are all very familiar with the fact that schools in Dubai can come with a hefty price tag for tuition fees. To help you parents out there to compare Dubai's school tuition fees, here's a list of all Dubai schools and their fees attached - from the best schools in Dubai, to private schools in Dubai, Dubai international schools and even British schools in Dubai - find our full list below. A - C D - F G - I J - L M - O P - R S - U V - ZAl Ameen Private School Location: Al Nahda Tel:+9714 267 7100Email: [email protected] Website:http://www.msbdubai.com/alameen/index.asp Curriculum: British national curriculum, IGCSELevel: FS - Year 11Annual Tuition Fees: Fees are currently unavailable online; please contact the schools admissions directly for more information. Al Diyafah High School Location: Al Nahda Tel:+9714 267 1115Email: [email protected] Website: www.diyafah.com Curriculum: British curriculum (primarily Indian students) A-level, IGCSELevel: KG- Year 13Annual Tuition Fees: FS1 & FS2:10,405 Years 1-3: 11,00 Year 4-6: 11,320 Year 7: 11,565 Year 8: 13,155 Year 9: 14,520 Year 10 & IGCSE: 18,390 AS: 18,700A:22,085Al Ittihad Private School Location: Al Mamzar Tel:+9714 296 6314Email: [email protected] Website: www.ipsmamzar.com Curriculum: Follows the American curriculum in Englishm, math, science and humanities. And follows Ministry of Education Curriculum in Arabic, Islamic and social studies. Level: Pre-KG - Grade 12Annual Tuition Fees: Pre-KG:18,180 KG1 - KG2: 17,085 Grades 1 - 3: 19,815 Grades 4 - 6: 21,595 Grades 7 - 9: 27,610 Grades 10 - 11: 34,840Grade 12:39,905Al Khaleej National School Tel:+9714 217 3900Email: [email protected] Website: www.gemsakns.com Curriculum: Follows the American School Curriculum. Level: KG1 - Grade 12Annual Tuition Fees: KG1 - KG2:14,961 Grades 1 - 3: 16,993 Grades 4 - 6: 20,133 Grades 7 - 9: 24,195Grades 10 - 12:28,629Al Maaref Private School Location: Al Qusais Tel:+9714 298 8881Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.almaaref.ae Curriculum: Follows the American Common Core Curriculum & UAE National Standards. Level: Not available online Annual Tuition Fees: Fees are currently unavailable online; please contact the schools admissions directly."
"docid": "D1551926#0",
"title": "http://www.stjohns.edu/admission-aid/tuition-and-financial-aid/tuition\nTuition",
"text": "Click below to see the tuition rates for the 2017-2018 academic year. Undergraduate Tuition: Queens, Manhattan, Online Learn more »Undergraduate Tuition: Staten Island Tuition Savings FAQs » Learn more »Graduate Tuition Learn more »School of Law Tuition Learn more »Room and Board Learn more »University Fees Learn more »2016-2017 Academic Year Undergraduate: Queens, Manhattan, and Online Learning Fall/Spring Block tuition (12-18 credits)Per credit Per Semester Per Year Base Tuition for Traditional and Distance Learning Students$1,288$19,315$38,630The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, students (Years 3-4)$1,343$20,140$40,280*Pharm. D. majors (Years 3-6)$1,474$22,115$44,230**Important Additional Information All fees and the entire tuition for each semester are due and payable in full before registration can be completed.2016-2017 Tuition rates are effective as of Summer 2016 through Spring of 2017Summer and Winter courses are offered on a per credit rate. Audited courses are assessed the same as credit bearing courses. Tuition is assessed based on student classification, program of study and campus of record. * The Tobin College of Business rate for students in their third and fourth year reflects the base rate plus the prevailing differential of $1,650. ** The rate for Pharm. D. students reflects the base rate plus the prevailing differential of $5,600 assessed beginning in the third year. Undergraduate: Staten Island Fall/Spring Block tuition (12-18 credits)Per credit Per Semester Per Year Base Tuition for Traditional Students$917$13,750$27,500The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, students (Years 3-4)$972$14,575$29,150*Staten Island 3-Year Accelerated Program$1,140$17,100$34,200Staten Island Adult Learner Program$560Important Additional Information2016-2017 Tuition rates are effective as of Summer 2016 through Spring of 2017Summer and Winter courses are offered on a per credit rate. Audited courses are assessed the same as credit bearing courses."
"docid": "D2981686#0",
"title": "https://www.unthsc.edu/students/unthsc-tuition-and-fees/\nUNTHSC Tuition and Fees",
"text": "UNTHSC Tuition and Fees The information in this web site is provided to better assist students in assessing the cost of enrolling at the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC). While this information is intended to be comprehensive, tuition and fees, are subject to increase or decrease by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the Board of Regents of UNT. Students are responsible for any additional amounts due UNTHSC resulting from post audits and corrections, including all fees and waivers; i.e. registration assessing errors, changing from off-campus to on-campus classes, invalid employment waivers, etc. UNTHSC is a state-supported institution and, as such, is subject to state laws. Since state law prohibits the extension of credit, all financial obligations to the university must be made when due. The university cannot cash checks made payable to it and the student. Checks made payable to the university and the student can be applied to a student’s account balance after obtaining the proper endorsement. For school and program specific tuition and fee amounts, please click on the links found on the left side of this website.2017-2018 UNTHSC Tuition and Fees All fees listed are subject to change. Tuition Board Authorized Tuition (§54.008) Board authorized tuition must be approved by the governing board of the institution. It cannot be higher than the statutory rate."
"docid": "D2688423#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalbillingandcoding.org/new-jersey/\nCompare Programs",
"text": "Compare Programs2789 results found in 19ms Sort schools by: A & W Healthcare Educators6930 Martin Drive New Orleans, LA (504) 242-2013View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population57School Type Degree Levels Certificate Abcott Institute16250 Northland Drive, Suite 205Southfield, MI (248) 440-6020View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population210School Type Degree Levels Certificate Abilene Christian University1600 Campus Court Abilene, TX (325) 674-2000View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population4853School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Certificate Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Post-Bachelors Certificate Post-Masters Certificate Abington Memorial Hospital Dixon School of Nursing2500 Maryland Rd Ste 200Willow Grove, PA (215) 481-5500View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population268School Type Degree Levels Certificate Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College2802 Moore Hwy Tifton, GA (229) 391-5001View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population4005School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Academy for Careers and Technology2697 E Hwy 76Mullins, SC (843) 423-1941View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population50School Type Degree Levels Certificate Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations5154 Okeechobee Blvd Ste 201West Palm Beach, FL (561) 683-1400View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population985School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Academy of Careers and Technology390 Stanaford Rd Beckley, WV (304) 256-4615View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population196School Type Degree Levels Certificate Access Careers474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201Hempstead, NY (516) 433-0034View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population641School Type Degree Levels Certificate Access Careers25 Elm Place Brooklyn, NY (718) 643-9060View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population773School Type Degree Levels Certificate Adams State University208 Edgemont Blvd Alamosa, CO (719) 587-7011View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population4142School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Adelphi University South Ave Garden City, NY (516) 877-3000View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population9442School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Certificate Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Post-Bachelors Certificate Post-Masters Certificate Adirondack Community College640 Bay Rd Queensbury, NY (518) 743-2200View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population5315School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Adult and Community Education-Hudson2323 Lexington Avenue Columbus, OH (614) 365-6000View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population174School Type Degree Levels Certificate Advance Science Institute3750 W 12 Ave Hialeah, FL (305) 827-5452View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population52School Type Degree Levels Certificate Advanced College13180 Paramount Blvd. South Gate, CA (562) 408-6969View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population274School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Adventist University of Health Sciences671 Winyah Drive Orlando, FL (407) 303-7742View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population2810School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Aiken Technical College2276 Jefferson Davis Highway Graniteville, SC (803) 508-7263View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population3597School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Aims Community College5401 W. 20th St. Greeley, CO (970) 330-8008View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population7253School Type Degree Levels Associates Degree Certificate Akron School of Practical Nursing1532 Peckham Street Akron, OH (330) 873-3355View Website Tuition & Fees (In State)-Tuition & Fees (Out of State)-Years Accredited Student Population41School Type Degree Levels Certificate First Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last"
"docid": "D899630#0",
"title": "http://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/the-richard-stockton-college-of-new-jersey/paying-for-college/tuition-and-fees/\nStockton University Tuition & Fees",
"text": "Covered on this Page: What You Need to Know About College Tuition Countrywide Tuition Comparison Tuition at Stockton State Will Tuition Rise? Extra Resources Tuition & Fees: What to Know Prepare yourself money wise for your degree. Contrast Stockton State's fees and tuition to American schools. Look for price tendencies and potential increases to see if you must devote more funds for the following few years of paying for college. Stockton State Tuition Prices Compared to Other Schools Nationwide Middle Atlantic New Jersey Tuition and Fees Average Below Average Below Average In-State Tuition and Fees Average Below Average Below Average Apply for Scholarships Tuition Discounts Offered to Students Living in New Jersey The cost of tuition and fees at Stockton State is significantly reduced for residents of New Jersey. Tuition and fees for in-state students is set at $13,077 for the 2016 - 2017 year, a 34.2% discount off the full price. Tuition is $8,435 and fees $4,642. Stockton State tuition and fees for out of state undergrads is $19,861 for the 2016 - 2017 school year. $4,642 was fees, and $15,219 was tuition. Check out the table below to find 2016 - 2017 school year costs."
"docid": "D2976545#0",
"title": "https://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/oklahoma-state-university-main-campus/paying-for-college/tuition-and-fees/\nCompare Oklahoma State University - Main Campus Tuition and Fees",
"text": "Below You'll Find: Why Tuition & Fees Matter Compare Tuition & Fees Tuition at Oklahoma State Will Tuition Rise? More Resources Understanding Tuition & Fees See how the tuition and fees at Oklahoma State match up to other universities and colleges, and find out how to successfully get prepared for potential tuition growth. How do Tuition & Fees at Oklahoma State Measure Up To Other Colleges? Nationwide Southwest Oklahoma Tuition and Fees Average Above Average Expensive In-State Tuition and Fees Below Average Below Average Average Apply for Scholarships In-State Tuition Discount Offered The cost of tuition and fees at Oklahoma State is dramatically lowered for students from Oklahoma. Tuition and fees for in-state students is set at $8,321 for the 2016 - 2017 year, a 62.9% discount off the price charged to out-of-state students. Tuition is $4,943 and fees $3,378. Out of state students at Oklahoma State spent $22,443 in fees and tuition in 2016 - 2017. Of this total, $19,065 was the expense of tuition and $3,378 the price of fees. Look at the table below to find 2016 - 2017 academic year costs. Tuition Fees Total Out-of-State $19,065 $3,378 $22,443In-State $4,943 $3,378 $8,321How much does Oklahoma State cost part time?"
"docid": "D3022652#0",
"title": "http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/extra/eng/ppm/131.html\n.",
"text": "\"Policy/Program Memorandum No. 131Date of Issue: June 17, 2002 Effective: Until revoked or modified Subject: HOME SCHOOLINGApplication: Chairs of District School Boards Directors of Education Secretaries of School Authorities Principals of Elementary Schools Principals of Secondary Schools Principal of Independent Learning Centre Introduction This memorandum provides direction to school boards 1 and schools concerning policies related to home schooling and the excusing of children from school who are receiving home schooling. School boards should bring this memorandum to the attention of parents 2 who are providing home schooling. In addition, this memorandum revokes and replaces the memorandum entitled \"\"Determining Satisfactory Instruction Under Subsection 20 (2) of the Education Act\"\", issued in 1981 by K. D. Johnson, the Provincial School Attendance Counsellor. The sections and subsections of the Education Act that are relevant to this memorandum are listed in appendix A. Home schooling procedures Procedures for Parents Parents who decide to provide home schooling for their child (ren) should notify the school board of their intent in writing. Parents should provide the name, gender, and date of birth of each child who is receiving home schooling, and the telephone number and address of the home. The letter should be signed by the parent (s). Parents may use the sample letter provided in appendix B to this memorandum. If the home address changes, parents should notify the school board of the change of address. If parents decide to continue to provide home schooling in subsequent years, they should give notification each year in writing prior to September 1 to the school board in whose jurisdiction their child last attended school."
"docid": "D3057702#0",
"title": "http://www.fresnostate.edu/catalog/academic-regulations/fees.html\nFees and Expenses",
"text": "\"Skip to main content Academic Regulations Search Catalog Catalog Archives Fees and Expenses Academic Year 2017-2018The following reflects applicable systemwide fees for both semester and quarter campuses that were authorized by the Board of Trustees at their July and November 2011 meetings and September 2012 meeting. These rates are subject to change. Tuition and other fees are subject to change without notice. Student Fees*Students are required to pay tuition and other fees (as indicated in the chart on this page), course fees, and nonresident/foreign tuition. General authority governing most fees is contained in the California Education Code, Sections 89700 and 89724. All Students Application Fee (nonrefundable), payable by check or money order at time application is made: $55. Student Involvement & Representation Fee (Optional Fee) A Student Involvement & Representation Fee of $2.00 will be charged in addition to tuition and other fees. Students have until census date to opt out. Course Fees Course fees are provided in the \"\"class notes\"\" after each subject listing in the Class Schedule. Fees may range from $4 to $1,000 depending on the course."
"docid": "D1407011#0",
"title": "http://catalog.cincinnatistate.edu/financialinformation/tuitionandfees/\nTuition and Fees",
"text": "Tuition and Fees Tuition and Fees Please visit the Tuition and Fees page of the College website for current tuition, fees, and other costs. The information provided below reflects rates in effect for the 2016-2017 academic year, which ends in August 2017. Tuition Tuition includes instructional fee, general fee, and other non-instructional service fees. Non-resident fees include a non-resident surcharge. The tuition rates below are applicable as of June 2017 and are subject to change. Tuition per Credit Hour Tuition Per Credit Hour In-State Tuition Out-of-State Tuition$148.64 $297.28Credit Hours Taken Credit Hours Taken In-state Tuition Out-of-state Tuition and Surcharges1 $148.64 $297.282 $297.28 $594.563 $445.92 $891.844 $594.56 $1,189.125 $743.20 $1,486.406 $891.84 $1,783.687 $1,040.48 $2,080.968 $1,189.12 $2,378.249 $1,337.76 $2,675.5210 $1,486.40 $2,972.8011 $1,635.04 $3,270.0812 $1,783.68 $3,567.3613 $1,932.32 $3,864.6414 $2,080.96 $4,161.9215 $2,229.60 $4,459.20Kentucky and Indiana residents will be charged Ohio in-state tuition when applicable under reciprocity agreements. Schedule of Fees The fees listed below are applicable as of June 2017 and are subject to change. Lab Fees Standard lab fee: $35 per lab contact hour Special lab fee: $50 per lab contact hour for courses with the department codes listed below (fee covers consumable materials and/or special supplies and equipment used)Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT)Culinary Arts (CUL)Dietetics (DT)Pastry Arts (PAS)Personal Chef (PCC)Welding (WLD)All Health and Public Safety Division courses, not including courses in Health and Fitness Technology (HFT), Health Information Management (HIM), Physical Education (PE), and Public Safety Technology (PST)Course Fees Academic Foundations course fee: $10 per course Cooperative education course fee: $30 per course Directed practice / practicum course fee: $40 per course Web-based course fee: $10 per credit hour Special course fee: Some courses have additional fees related to the cost of special supplies and equipment used in specific degree or certificate programs. The maximum amount charged for lab fees and/or course fees for any one course will not exceed $350. This does not include the cost of course tuition."
"docid": "D3110601#0",
"title": "http://www.oneillcentre.ca/about-us/accomodations/\nAccommodations",
"text": "\"Accommodations All resident rooms have an ensuite washroom and are furnished with a bed, night table, clothes closet, and chair. We encourage residents and families to decorate the room with personal items as well. Long Term Accommodation: The O'Neill Centre offers three types of long term accommodation; these include Private, Semi-Private, and Basic. Type of Accommodation # of Beds Bathroom Private 1 Private or Shared Semi-Private 2 Shared Basic 4 Shared Short Stay Accommodation: Short Stay refers to temporary stay at a Home. The O'Neill Centre offers the following Short Stay accommodation: Type of Short Stay Description Maximum Length of Stay*Respite Care Program Provides the caregiver with a break from caregiving duties 60 continuous days, or 90 days in a calendar year*The CCAC can extend a resident's stay up to 60 days if certain circumstances are met. Accommodation Rates: The cost of long term care accommodation is regulated by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC). The amount paid by a resident for their long term care home accommodation is called a \"\"co-payment\"\". These rates are reviewed annually by the MOHLTC and are standardized across Ontario. A breakdown of the current rates is available on the MOHLTC website or by clicking here. View Current Rates Rate Reductions: If the resident's income is not sufficient to pay for the Basic Accommodation rate, a subsidy is available to reduce their accommodation rate."
"docid": "D1431488#0",
"title": "http://catalog.shsu.edu/undergraduate/financial-information/tuition-fees/\nTuitions & Fees",
"text": "Tuition and Fees Information Tuition and Fees Schedule Explanation of Fees Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours Residence Classification for Tuition Purposes Tuition and Fees Information Tuition and Fees Schedule 2017-2018 Academic Year All tuition and fees are correct as of the date of print but are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Guaranteed Price Plan Information In addition to the traditional price plan, a Guaranteed Tuition Price Plan (GPP) is available beginning Fall 2014. ( Comparison of rates are available on the current tuition and fee schedules available on the Bursar's Office website). Only Texas residents entering SHSU for the first time are eligible to select the GPP as a price plan option. The GPP is a fixed cost tuition payment program that is valid for 12 consecutive terms including Summer terms. Before making this selection, we encourage you to review the FAQ information document as the GPP may not benefit certain students. Example: A student whose first term of enrollment was Fall 2016 would have a Summer 2020 term GPP expiration date. The GPP is only available for enrollment the first term of attendance at the university if all other requirements are met. Deadlines apply for selecting the GPP."
] |
2353 | cpv incubation period | [
"docid": "D3063588#0",
"title": "http://www.future-of-vaccination.co.uk/canine-parvovirus-disease.asp\nCanine Parvovirus disease (CPV)",
"text": "Canine Parvovirus disease (CPV)Canine parvovirus is a small, but extremely hardy virus that can survive in the environment for long periods of time - months or even years. The disease first emerged as an epidemic in the 1970s, killing thousands of dogs before an effective vaccine became available. Although no longer present in epidemic proportions, parvovirus is still relatively common in unvaccinated dogs, and veterinary surgeons throughout the country regularly report outbreaks of the disease. Therefore, protecting your dog through vaccination is vitally important. Who is at risk? All unvaccinated animals, particularly those in high-risk areas and young puppies, are at risk. Parvovirus causes enteritis, it is seen in any age of dog from about four weeks of age, but most commonly in dogs less than one year old. How is it spread? The main source of infection is the faeces of infected dogs; the virus can also spread on shoes and clothing and on the coat and pads of dogs. Cause of canine parvovirus The cause of canine parvovirus disease is a highly contagious DNA-containing virus."
] | [
"docid": "D2838294#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/7855178/Glossary-of-Bid-and-Tender-Terms-and-Acronyms\nGlossary of Common Tender and Procurement Terms",
"text": "\"Glossary of Common Tender and Procurement Terms For a newcomer to the world of bids and tenders, the language and jargon can be confusing at the start. This glossary is intended to help with some of the more common terms, acronyms and phrases that you will encounter.©Bid Perfect Ltd. 2006 – 2008 www.bidperfect.co.uk1|Page A ABC - Authorities Buying Consortium The largest non-profit making purchasing agency in Scotland, serving the buying needs of the public sector, charities and voluntary organisations. Accelerated, Restricted or Negotiated Procedure For high-value public sector contracts – the length of time of the tender or procurement response process may be shortened to accommodate special circumstances and/or emergencies. Added Value Services Often referring to additional services ‘over and above’ the basic contract specification. Added Value Services may be driven as a direct result of the basic contract specifications and may be either free or chargeable. Aggregation Adding together the value of separate contracts for the same supply contract, works or service Appraisal A detailed assessment of the general capacity of a contractor, supplier or service provider to meet certain pre-determined criteria or standards. Approved List A list of approved suppliers, contractors or service providers who have been pre-selected (usually through a tendering process) and from whom goods and services must be procured. See also Preferred Supplier List. Award The issue of an order or contract to a supplier as a result of a competitive tendering/bidding process. B BAFO – Best and Final Offer The detailed and fully priced offer submitted by a respondent for a contract, which represents their lowest price.2|Page Benchmarking A process of continuously measuring and comparing an organisation's processes against comparable organisations to gain information to help performance improvement e.g. ‘bestin-class’ achievement."
"docid": "D3403735#0",
"title": "http://www.kansasenergy.org/KS_wind_projects_case.htm\nExisting Kansas Wind Farms",
"text": "\"Existing Kansas Wind Farms (Projects are listed in order of commercial operation)Westar Wind Farm Westar Wind Case Study - Please see the new format for this case study. Gray County Wind Farm Gray County, Kansas - Kansas' first large-scale wind farm was erected near the town of Montezuma by FPL Energy (now Next Era Energy Resources) in 2001. It produces 112.2 MW of electricity from 170 Vestas V-47 wind turbines. Power from this project was originally sold to Aquila, the Kansas portion of the utility was later purchased by the Mid-Kansas Electric Company. MKEC is owned by the same entity that owns Sunflower Electric Power Corp. (Photo © Scott W. White, 2001)Specs Turbine Make/Model: Vestas V47 Hub Height: 65 meters Rotor Diameter: 47 meters Number of Turbines: 170 Turbines Rated Capacity: 600 kw Total Rated Capacity: 112.2 MW (October 2012)Gray County wind farm - Aquila Gray County wind farm - Next Era Energy Resources Gray County Wind Farm Monthly Production - Graph, KEIN. Kite Aerial Photography of Gray County Wind Farm, James S. and Susan W. Aber Gray County wind farm - Kansas Travel, Tourism & Restaurants, pictures, info Pictures of Gray Co. Wind Farm - As seen from Cimarron, Kansas Pictures of Gray Co. Wind Farm - from the Kansas Geological Survey News articles about Gray Co. Wind Farm, KEINGray County Wind Farm Energy Output*Year MWh Capacity Factor2002 419,268 42.7%2003 364,288 37.1%2004 355,797 36.2%2005 349,976 35.6%2006 314,069 32.0%2007 351,640 35.8%2008 400,330 40.7%2009 352,955 35.9%2010 363,860 37.0%2011 357,411 36.4%2012 289,551 29.5%2013 70,460 7.2%2014 138,714 14.1%2015 293,526 29.9%Average 313,639 31.9%* Data compiled from EIA Form EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923 Data Return to Kansas Wind Project Table. Elk River Wind Farm Butler County, Kansas - Kansas' largest wind farm at the time it was built, this 150 MW wind farm came on-line in December 2005. A project of Elk River Wind Farm LLC of Larkspur, CA. HMH Energy Resources of Larkspur, Calif. and Greenlight Energy, Inc. of Charlottesville, Virginia co-developed the project and sold it to PPM Energy, Inc. (Now Iberdrola Renewables) of Portland, OR. The 100 GE 1.5 MW wind turbines are located several miles South of Beaumont. ("
"docid": "D1515305#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/norovirus-incubation-period\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Hirenkumar Italia Incubation Period (Overview)Incubation period is the period between exposure to infection to appearance of symptoms. Dr. Susan Rhoads2 doctors agreed:1 What is the incubation period for H3N2?1 - 4 days, usually: Incubation period of most strains of influenza is 1-4 days, typically 2, but can be as long as 7 for a variant of H3n2. H3N2 is a subtype of influenza A. See http://www. Cdc. Gov/flu/professionals/acip/clinical. Htm and see http://www. Michigan. Gov/mdch/0, 4612 ... Read more Dr. Yash Khanna2 What is the definition or description of: incubation period? Period/exposure to s: Incubation period is the period between exposure to infection to appearance of symptoms. ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Heidi Fowler3 How long is the REAL incubation period, and are we safe from people that are negative when they board a plane?"
"docid": "D1970778#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_is_the_incubation_period_of_a_goldfish\nHow long is the incubation period of a goldfish?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Fish Freshwater Fish Goldfish How long is the incubation period of a goldfish? Flag How long is the incubation period of a goldfish? Edit Answer by Pixelated E Confidence votes 73If you keep the water temperature at a steady 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the incubation period for a goldfish is about five days. If the water temperature is kept at around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, the incubation period is about seven days.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Cassandra Lifesnadir 1,683,448 Contributions With my Registered Nurse background, I most enjoy helping people understand normal anatomy and body functions. How long is the incubation period for croup? Croup is from one of 4 panaflu viruses. It is primarily airborne but can live a little while on objects. It can live in the air several or more hours. Like other flus, it c …How long is a Cardinal's incubation period?"
"docid": "D692653#0",
"title": "http://www.vetinfo.com/dparvo.html\nInfectious Diseases of Dogs - Parvovirus",
"text": "\"Canine Parvovirus Quick Facts: As the name implies, parvovirus is a viral illness. Effective vaccination is possible. Parvovirus is predominantly a disease of young puppies between 6 weeks and 6 months of age. Without treatment approximately 80% of affected puppies will die. With proper treatment approximately 85% of affected puppies will live. The virus may persist in the environment for up to 5 months. Infection generally follows exposure to infected feces. The incubation period for the illness is 4 to 14 days. The major clinical signs are vomiting and diarrhea. The diarrhea is usually yellow to yellow gray at first but quickly becomes blood tinged or dark red in most cases Background Canine parvovirus is a DNA virus."
"docid": "D741583#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/8353222/L10-Solar-Junction-Stanford-Class-Presentation/\nL10_Solar Junction Stanford Class Presentation - World...",
"text": "L10_Solar Junction Stanford Class Presentation - World... SCHOOLStanford COURSE TITLEEE 237TYPENotes UPLOADED BYesheu PAGES 113 RATINGS100 % ( 1)This preview shows pages 1–11. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document World Record Multijunction Solar Cell Technology Vijit Sabnis Solar [email protected] Stanford University EE 237 – Solar Energy Conversion May 1, 2013This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Document May 1, 2013• Founded in 2007 to manufacture multi-junction solar cells for CPV andspace markets.• Headquartered in San Jose, California with 45 employees• Raised > $60M from venture and strategic investors• Strong support from US Department of Energy & NREL• $3M PV Technology Incubator• $21.5M SUNPATH – PV Manufacturing Initiative• World record holder of 3J cell efficiency under concentration – 44.0%• Compound Semiconductor 2012 Industry Award for “ Most Innovative Device ”• 2012 R&D 100 Award with NRELVijit Sabnis, Solar Junction Stanford – EE 237 – Solar Energy Conversion 2May 1, 2013Outline• Introduction and motivation• Physics of multijunction solar cell operation• System integration issues for cells• Technology review & Future outlook Vijit Sabnis, Solar Junction Stanford – EE 237 – Solar Energy Conversion 3This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Document INTRODUCTION& MOTIVATIONVijit Sabnis, Solar Junction Stanford – EE 237 – Solar Energy Conversion 4May 1, 2013Solar Cell Technologiesc-Si ~240μm Avg. 15%Max. 25.0% (UNSW PERL)poly-Si ~240 m Avg. 11%Max 20.4%a-Si: H <1 m Avg."
"docid": "D1419569#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_incubation_period_of_tuberculosis\nWhat is the incubation period of tuberculosis?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases Tuberculosis What is the incubation period of tuberculosis? Flag What is the incubation period of tuberculosis? Answer by Vanshira Confidence votes 77To answer the question, once the bacteria begin to multiply, it generally takes 2 to 12 weeks to either develop symptoms of TB or to show a positive PPD skin test. A latent infection can stay dormant in your lungs for years or decades, with no sign but a positive skin test, or it could convert to an active infection at any point. However, once it becomes known that you have a TB infection, active or inactive, it can be treated and eradicated with antibiotics. If successfully treated, the bacteria are not going to stay in you for the rest of your life; they will die. Since the skin test looks for the immune reaction to the bacteria, not the bacteria itself, the skin test will remain positive throughout your lifetime, even if the infection is completely cured.12 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is a Gosling incubation period?if no body knows these answers you guys arent of any help!Natarumah 2,345 Contributions What is incubation period? The incubation period is the time between when a disease enters your system (through the air, bodily contact or a cut in your skin for instance) and the time when you actually …What is the incubation period for the hummingbird? Humming Birds around this area are VERY rare,and it takes about 1 000 000 years for them to hatch!!"
"docid": "D1970918#0",
"title": "http://www.mmd.admin.state.mn.us/cpv2.htm\n.",
"text": "Cooperative Purchasing Venture Minnesota's Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV), established by Minn. Stat. § 16C.03, subd.10, allows eligible entities to purchase goods, certain services and utilities from contracts established by the Office of State Procurement (OSP) for Minnesota state agencies. OSP contracts with vendors to provide goods, services and utilities to state agencies. This program creates a legal relationship so that eligible entities can use these contracts just like state agencies. There are six categories of eligibility for participation in this program. The annual CPV membership period runs from July 1 through June 30. The links below provide the statutory citation, as well as information about applying for participation in the CPV. Minnesota Statutes § 471.59, subd. 1, known as the Joint Powers Act, defines the governmental entities that may participate in the CPV. They include counties, cities, towns, townships, and school districts, as well as certain other entities."
"docid": "D3544659#0",
"title": "http://mea.gov.in/divisions.htm\nDivisions",
"text": "About Us Home › About Us › Organization Structure › Divisions Divisions Administration [All administrative matters of the Ministry including Cadre management; Creation/continuation of posts; Formulation, Interpretation and Advice on IFS [PLCA] Rules, CCS Rules/Conduct Rules; Use of Hindi in the official work of the Ministry; O&M and Office Procedures]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Amit Kumar JS [AD] 23014114 [email protected] Kartik Pande Dir [ADP & RTI] 49015363 [email protected] S. D. Moorthy DS [PF, PG and Inspection] 49015367 49015414Shambhulingappa Hakki DS [FSP & Cadre] 230116501 [email protected] Dr. Varun Jeph US [FSP] 23012925 [email protected] Deepa Jain US [Welfare, RTI,PF & PG] 49015300 [email protected]@mea.gov.in Manusmritii US [Cadre,CCP&PA-III&Transport] [email protected] Eldos Mathew Punnoose US [GA,O&M,FD,TG-I,TG-II] [email protected] Madan Kumar Ghildiyal US [PB & Pension] [email protected] Deepika Mishra US [Cash] 49015201 [email protected] Jitender Singh Negi US [PC, PD & PE] 49015365 [email protected] Aditya Kumar Berwal US [LC] 49018125 [email protected] AMS [Americas] Division [All matters relating to Canada and U. S. A. ]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Munu Mahawar JS [AMS] 23792070 [email protected] P. S. Gangadhar Dir [AMS] 23015447 [email protected] Dr. Anand Kamavisdar OSD [AMS] 49016741 [email protected] Ram Kumar Thangaraj US [AMS-I] 23015002 [email protected] Yadvendra Singh US [AMS] 23010754 [email protected] A & RM DIVISION [All matters related to Archives and Record Management]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Dr. Ketan Shukla JS [A&RM]] 49015208 [email protected] Manohar Ram JS [A&RM- II] 49015208 [email protected] Nadim Anwer DS [A & RM] [email protected] ASEAN Multilateral Division [All matters relating to India’s relations with the Association of South East Asian Nations [ASEAN]]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Anurag Bhushan JS [ASEAN-ML] 49015212 [email protected] Col. Sandeep Puri Dir [ASEAN ML] [email protected] Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi DS [ASEAN-ML] [email protected] Abhijit Chakraborty DS [ASEAN ML] 49015223 [email protected] Shashwati Arya US [ASEAN ML- I] 49015206 [email protected] India-ASEAN Summit Secretariat Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Sanjay Kumar Verma AS [AD] & Coordinator (India-ASEAN Summit) 23015461 [email protected] Sunita Narang Director 49016730 [email protected] Col. U. S. Rathore OSD [ASEAN ML-R] 49018152 49018154osd.asean1mea.gov.in Col. Digvijay Singh OSD [ASEAN ML-S] 49018253 [email protected] Rakesh Pandey US [ASEAN]BOS [Bureau of Security]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Rashmi Ranjan Swain JS [Pers] 23015749 [email protected] Col. Sanjay Sharma Dir [BOS] [email protected] Ranjan Pratap Singh Dir [BOS-I] 49015270 [email protected] Tanuj Shankar US [BOS-II] 49015252 [email protected] Chandan Sharma US [BOS-I] 49015255 49015263 [email protected] Ajay Kachroo US [BOS-K] 49015850 [email protected] Boundary Cell Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Dr. M. C. Tiwari Head [Boundary Cell] 49015235 [email protected] BM [Bangladesh, Myanmar ] Division [All matters relating to Bangladesh, Myanmar ]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Sripriya Ranganathan JS [BM] 23015192 [email protected] Ankan Banerjee Dir [BM] 23013830 [email protected] Hitesh J. Rajpal DS [BM]Renu Khandelwal US [BM] 23012039 [email protected] Tavishi Behal US [Myanmar] 23014808 [email protected] Ashish Middha US [Bangladesh] 23793459 [email protected] Office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail L N Towchang Principal CCA 49015160 [email protected] Pankaj Sharma CCA & Appellate Authority 49015162 [email protected] Central Europe Division [Deals with India's relations with Albania, Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina,Bulgaria ,Croatia,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Subrata Bhattacharjee JS [CE] 23015061 [email protected] Col. Sharad Rastogi Dir [CE] 49018139 [email protected] Dr. Devyani Uttam Khobragade Dir [CE] [email protected] Ganesh Haloi Dir [CE] [email protected] Alpana Dubey Dir [CE] 23015311Suneet Mehta DS [CE] [email protected] P. K. Mishra US [CE-PM] [email protected] Deepak Bansal US [CE] 49018153Central Registry [All work relating to receipt and distribution of dak [communication] from local Ministries/Offices/Foreign Missions in India]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail South Block SO [CR-SB] 23011954 / 23012292 / 23017160 23013945 / [email protected] Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhavan CR-JNB 49015182 49015183Akbar Bhawan SO [CR-AB] 24677530Patiala House CR 23389030ISIL Building CR 23073717Shastri Bhawan CR 23383393CNV & I [Cypher, NGO, Vigilance & Inspection] Division [All matters relating to Vigilance, Classified Communications, Diplomatic bags etc. ,]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Dr. Acquino Vimal JS [CNV & I] 23011357 [email protected] Abhishek Sharma US [Vigilance & Monitoring] 49015564 [email protected] Shivaji Sen US [Vigilance-I] 49015447 [email protected] Ajay Malik US [DB & CCB] 23015997 [email protected] Anuj Kumar Gupta US [Inspection] [email protected] Harvinder Singh US [Inspection]Complaints Committee of MEA against Sexual Harassment Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Madhumita Hazarika Bhagat, Chairperson JS & National Coordinator [SCO] 49018618 [email protected] Mohit Yadav Director (EW) 23794145 [email protected] M. Hussein, Member Legal Officer MEA [email protected] Aparna Bhat, Member Lawyer [email protected] CT [Counter Terrorism] Division [All matters related to Counter Terrorism including Joint Working Groups on Counter Terrorism ]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Ravi Thapar AS [CT] 49016601 [email protected] Mahaveer Singhvi JS [CT] 49018131 [email protected] Lt. Col. V. K. S. Tomar OSD [CT]A. K. Sawhney US [CT] 49018429 [email protected] Chander Shekhar US [CT-I] 49018141 [email protected] CPV [Consular Passport, Visa] Division [All Policy matters related to Passport issuance in India and establishment of Central Passport Organization; General Visa policy & Visa requests from foreign Missions/Posts; matters relating to Legalisation of documents, registration of births and deaths abroad; Extradition policy]Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail Amrit Lugun JS [CPV] 23387104 23384529 [email protected] Arun K. Chatterjee JS [ (PSP) & CPO]. 23387013 23384536 [email protected] Ms. Padmaja JS [CPV-II] 23388015 23388385dircpv mea.gov.in Lt. Col."
"docid": "D2822886#0",
"title": "https://www.ebay.com/b/Festo-Manifolds-and-Valves/184148/bn_17667098?_pgn=2\nFesto Manifolds and Valves",
"text": "\"Festo block for 8 x 14mm-valves, 162550 and 1760673 x Festo 176067. 5 x Festo 162550. Festo valve block for 8 x 14mm valves, consisting of CPV14-GE-FB-8 top piece (Festo part 18261). CPV-14-VI end pieces (Festo part 18210). Depending on the weight and density of the goods we use cardboard boxes, with bubble wrap and/or closed cell foam for padding.$298.00 Brand: Festo$25.57 shippingor Best Offer Festo CPV-10-VI 01212 CPV10-GE-CO-8Festo valve block consisting of 8 x Festo 161415. 1 x CPV10-GE-CO-8 top piece (Festo part 175481). 1 x CPV-10-VI end pieces (Festo part 18200).$298.00 Brand: Festo$19.65 shippingor Best Offer FESTO TWIN PISTON PNEUMATIC CYLINDER DPZJ-25-10-P-A-S2 NEW DPZJ2510PAS2$295.00 Top Rated Plus$5.95 shipping Brand: Festoor Best Offer FESTO 161416M402 VALVE MANIFOLD (8) IFB8-03 COMMUNICATION MODULE VIGCP-03-FBFESTO 161416M402 VALVE MANIFOLD (8). IFB8-03 COMMUNICATION MODULE. VIGCP-03-FB MODULE.$249.99 Brand: Festo$21.86 shipping FESTO IIFG-02-1/8-14-BU 14 VALVE MANIFOLD, 24VDC, w/ 12 VALVES (H602 6951)WITH ELEVEN MVH-5-1/8-b-v1 VALVES, SINGLE SOLENOID, 2 POSITION, 4-WAY, VALVES, 24VDC COILS. AND ONE JMVH-5-1/8-b-v1 VALVE, DOUBLE SOLENOID, 2 POSITION, 4-WAY, VALVE, 24VDC COILS."
"docid": "D758390#0",
"title": "http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_dg_canine_parvovirus_infection\nParvo in Dogs",
"text": "Home » Dog Conditions Parvo in Dogs This video is either unavailable or not supported in this browser Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf you are using an older browser please try upgrading or installing Flash. Session ID: 2018-04-08:bc11facc674a1375e73cd224 Player ID: vjs_video_3OKCanine Parvovirus Infection in Dogs The canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a highly contagious viral illness that affects dogs. The virus manifests itself in two different forms. The more common form is the intestinal form, which is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and lack of appetite (anorexia). The less common form is the cardiac form, which attacks the heart muscles of very young puppies, often leading to death. The majority of cases are seen in puppies that are between six weeks and six months old. The incidence of canine parvovirus infections has been reduced radically by early vaccination in young puppies. Signs & Symptoms of Parvo in Dogs The major symptoms associated with the intestinal form of a canine parvovirus infection include: Severe, bloody diarrhea Lethargy Anorexia Fever Vomiting Severe weight loss The intestinal form of CPV affects the body's ability to absorb nutrients, and an affected animal will quickly become dehydrated and weak from lack of protein and fluid absorption. The wet tissue of the mouth and eyes may become noticeably red and the heart may beat too rapidly. When your veterinarian palpates (examine by touch) your dog’s abdominal area, your dog may respond with pain or discomfort."
"docid": "D839910#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photovoltaic_system\nPhotovoltaic system",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Photovoltaic power systems and components: Top: solar string inverter and other BOS components ·Solar array on rooftop in Hong Kong, China · BIPV on balcony in Helsinki, Finland Middle: rooftop system in Boston, United States · Westmill solar park in the United Kingdom · Dual axis tracker with CPV modules · Topaz, one of the world’s largest solar power station, as seen from space Bottom: commercial rooftop PV system of about 400 k W p ·Power plant on Mt. Komekura, Japan · Solar PV system on Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain-top A photovoltaic system, also PV system or solar power system, is a power system designed to supply usable solar power by means of photovoltaics. It consists of an arrangement of several components, including solar panels to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity, a solar inverter to change the electric current from DC to AC, as well as mounting, cabling, and other electrical accessories to set up a working system. It may also use a solar tracking system to improve the system's overall performance and include an integrated battery solution, as prices for storage devices are expected to decline. Strictly speaking, a solar array only encompasses the ensemble of solar panels, the visible part of the PV system, and does not include all the other hardware, often summarized as balance of system (BOS). Moreover, PV systems convert light directly into electricity and shouldn't be confused with other technologies, such as concentrated solar power or solar thermal, used for heating and cooling. PV systems range from small, rooftop-mounted or building-integrated systems with capacities from a few to several tens of kilowatts, to large utility-scale power stations of hundreds of megawatts. Nowadays, most PV systems are grid-connected, while off-grid or stand-alone systems only account for a small portion of the market. Operating silently and without any moving parts or environmental emissions, PV systems have developed from being niche market applications into a mature technology used for mainstream electricity generation. A rooftop system recoups the invested energy for its manufacturing and installation within 0.7 to 2 years and produces about 95 percent of net clean renewable energy over a 30-year service lifetime. [ 1]: 30 [2] [3]Due to the exponential growth of photovoltaics, prices for PV systems have rapidly declined in recent years."
"docid": "D244039#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-much-money-can-an-average-user-on-YouTube-earn-from-a-video\nHow much money can an average user on YouTube earn from a video?",
"text": "\"Joel Rivera, You Tuber @ You Tube.com/c/Pixem Web Answered Apr 15, 2017 · Author has 1.4k answers and 1.8m answer views Literally anyone can earn money via You Tube. The average video creator can expect to earn anywhere between zero and millions of dollars. It all boils down to the level of effort and commitment they put into their channel and video creation. The reason why so many people fail at You Tube is because they quit way too soon. People start off thinking they will be an overnight success and that’s just not the case. It takes effort, focus, drive, determination and a willingness to continue to upload videos even when you’re just earning pennies. By continuously uploading videos and improving on the videos you create, you will eventually start to gain more traction, gain subscribers and get more views. Your pennies will start turning into dollars and your dollars into hundreds and those hundreds into thousands. Eventually, you will be able to earn a real income from your videos. There are channels that no longer upload any videos and still get over $20,000 per month from their views."
"docid": "D1627150#0",
"title": "http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/152848-How-apply-tatkal-passport.aspx\nHow to apply for tatkal passport?",
"text": "How to apply for tatkal passport? Posted Date: 22 Jun 2012 | Updated: 22-Jun-2012 | Category: How things work| Author: abirami | Member Level: Gold | Points: 50 |Passport is very important for each and every citizen in India. It is not only useful for travelling abroad but also act as an identity for a particular person. Different procedures are followed for applying passport and for applying tatkal passport. In this section let me explain about the rules and formalities that have to be followed for applying tatkal passport. If we apply for a fresh passport usually it will take 4-5 months including police verification and it will reach the applicant before 4 months. Apart from any urgent situation, if we are applying/renewing passport it will take same 4 months. SO to take the passport in a short interval of time Government of India introduced a new concept called as Tatkal passport which can be obtained in 7-12 days. At what situation tatkal passport can be applied-If suppose a person is suffering from serious health issues and he has to travel abroad for treatment or for any surgery in that case he can apply for tatkal passport or if a person has to travel abroad for some official purpose to sign a business deal or to get some knowledge transfer then he can apply for tatkal passport. Or if a person has to travel to nearby country for some pilgrim trip then he can apply for tatkal passport."
"docid": "D761000#0",
"title": "http://vet.cornell.edu/baker/about/articles/CanineParvovirus.cfm\nCanine Parvovirus",
"text": "Home Departments, Centers and Institutes Baker Institute About Us Animal health articles Canine Parvovirus Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious viral disease of dogs that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in puppies. The disease most often strikes in pups between six and 20 weeks old, but older animals are sometimes also affected. A rare variant of the disease may be seen in very young (neonatal) puppies is myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart muscle). Cause Symptoms and complications Tests and diagnosis Treatment Prevention Additional resources Baker Institute and canine parvovirus Cause What causes parvovirus infection? The virus that causes the disease known as “parvo”, canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV), first emerged among dogs in Europe around 1976. By 1978 the virus had spread unchecked, causing a worldwide epidemic of myocarditis and inflammation in the intestines (gastroenteritis). We now know the virus is not limited to dogs, but is capable of causing infections in wild canines such as coyotes and wolves, and other wild animals, including foxes, raccoons and skunks. CPV is closely related to feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), a virus that has been know since the 1920s to infect cats and mink and other animals. CPV probably arose as the result of 2 or 3 genetic mutations in FPV that allowed it to expand its host range to infect dogs. Three decades after its first appearance, CPV strikes puppies with deadly disease much less frequently due to the development of effective vaccines in the late 1970s, but outbreaks still occur frequently, and vaccinating your dog is of the utmost importance."
"docid": "D3531033#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/incubation-period-for-shingles-being-contagious\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period For Shingles Being Contagious",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period For Shingles Being Contagious Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. J. Lawrence Dohan1 How do you calculate the incubation period of CP I saw my friend on Mon and then again on Thur and she had shingles is't from last day or the for firs?7 to 21 days: Most of us have already had varicella (chicken pox) or been immunized, so we are immune. \"\" Last day or first\"\" is not an issue. If you were in the same room, especially face- to -face, for over 15 minutes you may have sustained significant exposure. If your friend was treated (acyclovir ... Read more Dr. Krishna Kumar Shingles (Herpes Zoster) (Definition)A painful blistering skin rash caused by the chickenpox virus (varicella zoster). Early treatment with antiviral medication (within 72 hours) lowers the risk of post-herpetic neuralgia, which is lingering skin pain ... Read more Get help from a doctor now ›Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Jay Park1 doctor agreed:2 Please help docs! Is rabies contagious during incubation period? Yes but very rare: There have been reports of rabies transmitted through organ transplant and transfusion. ... Read more Dr. Edward Zabawski2 doctors agreed:3 My husband has scabies. How long is the incubation period and at what point at you contagious? As long as 6 weeks: It can be as long as six weeks before symptoms appear, but a much shorter time is usual."
"docid": "D2139992#0",
"title": "https://cleantechnica.com/2012/03/01/what-is-solar-energy-types-solar-energy-technology/\nWhatâs the Best Solar Technology for Your Home, Community, Business or Farm?",
"text": "\"What’s the Best Solar Technology for Your Home, Community, Business or Farm? Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest March 1st, 2012 by David L Roberts Because of all the media attention about solar power, most people think of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. People in or on the fringe of the clean energy business might know about the Chinese’ so called “dumping” of low cost PV panels onto the U. S. market; about how schools and universities are installing PV panels to save on their electric bills, but also to educate tomorrow’s future decision makers; and about how the California solar panel maker Solyndra went bankrupt after receiving a $500 million grant from the Department of Energy (DOE). Many of these headline stories even make network TV news, but much is misunderstood. What is solar energy? What are the differences in different types of energy technology in existence today? Solar energy, quite simply, is energy that comes from the sun. ( Simple.) But there are now many types of solar energy technology focused on making use of that energy and turning it into usable electricity or heat (or both). The scale of energy generation ranges from the home water heater to serving 100,000+ homes."
"docid": "D456031#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/incubation-period-for-mumps\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period For Mumps",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period For Mumps Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Brian Affleck2 doctors agreed:1 What is the incubation period of mumps? My friend has it and I'm worried I might get it now. He's been coughing and sneezing around me a lot. Mumps: According to the CDC, the average incubation period for mumps is 16 to 18 days, with a range of 12 to 25 days. Clinical Features. Mumps usually involves pain, tenderness, and swelling in one or both parotid salivary glands (cheek and jaw area). It is spread through direct contact with respiratory ... Read more Dr. Jeff Mc Fadden224 Doctors shared insights Mumps (Definition)A viral infection of children caused by the paramyxovirus virus. The salivary glands (especially the parotid glands behind the ears) swell. The paramyxovirus virus is spread by direct contact with an infected person's sneeze or cough. With nearly universal immunization in childhood, there are few cases ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Boris Ripa2 Can you please discuss the contagious period for mumps?1-2 days before: Onset of swelling glands to 5 days after... ... Read more Dr. Mary Bergum2 doctors agreed:3 How do I know if I have pof?"
"docid": "D3379306#0",
"title": "http://farmingfriends.com/incubating-emu-eggs/\nIncubating Emu Eggs",
"text": "Incubating Emu Eggs March 17, 2008 by sara Incubation Period The incubation period for emu eggs is 43-50 days. Incubation Temperature The temperature in the incubator for emu eggs is 96.5-97 degrees fahrenheit. Humidity Levels The humidity level (wet bulb thermometer) for emu eggs is 70-75 degrees fahrenheit. Final Day Of Egg Rotation The final day of egg rotation for emu eggs is day 40-47. Please note that all of this information is only a guide and that this information may differ according to the incubator manufacturer’s guide. Always consult the manufacturer’s guide when using an incubator and automatic egg turner. Click on the image below to visit Amazon.co.uk to find out more about this book or visit one of the Farming Friends Bookshops. The Emu Farmer’s Handbook: 2Related posts: Incubating Bobwhite Quail Eggs Incubation Period The incubation period for bobwhite quail eggs is 23-24... Incubating Turkey Eggs Incubation Period The incubation period for turkey eggs is... Incubating Peafowl Eggs Incubation Period The incubation period for peafowl eggs is 28-30 days.... Incubating Coturnix (Japanese) Quail Incubation Period The incubation period for Coturnix (Japanese) quail eggs... Incubating Duck Eggs Incubation Period The incubation period for duck eggs is 28... Powered by Categories Incubating & Hatching Tags Emu Eggs, Incubating Post navigation Incubating Goose Eggs An Excellent Blog Award"
"docid": "D1500245#0",
"title": "http://www.cgisf.org/page/display/31/231\nOCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) cards",
"text": "\"OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) cards Please Note: All Applications for OCI must be sent to the CKGS Centre at 225 Bush Street San Francisco, CA. CKGS is the only authorized Service Provider for the Embassy of India and its Consulates across the USA for Visa, OCI, Renunciation of Indian Citizenship services from May 21, 2014. Applicants based on their jurisdiction can submit their applications to our 6 centers. Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco & Atlanta. NOTE: EMBASSY/CONSULATES DOES NOT HANDLE DIRECT APPLICATIONS BY WALK-IN OR BY POST / MAIL. Do not go directly to the Government of India website to fill the online application. You must go via the links on the CKGS website provided below. You will be guided to the Government of India website to fill your online form/s at the appropriate step via the CKGS website. For USA applicants, the CKGS website has been customized so that the supplementary documents, forms are as per the requirements of the Embassy of India in USA. The CKGS website will identify your passport category, type, duration, fees and help avoid errors."
] |
2359 | ct scan cost for dogs | [
"docid": "D1060050#0",
"title": "http://www.howmuchisit.org/dog-ct-scan-cost/\nHow Much Does a Dog CT Scan Cost?",
"text": "Pets Costs > Dogs > How Much Does a Dog CT Scan Cost? How Much Does a Dog CT Scan Cost? A dog CT scan can help look at different parts of the body such as the brain and the spine, similar to that of an x-ray. But the main difference will rely on the advanced technology that’s able to capture a three-dimensional view rather than a simple two-dimensional view as seen via an x-ray. During this scan, it will send fine x-ray beams through the body, which will then send the signals to the computer that processes the images. With the final images, tissue images will show in either a white, black or shades of gray, known as the gray scale. The number of gray colors will show the ability of the tissue to absorb the x-ray beam and will help identify tissues that are either normal or abnormal. A dog CT scan is often ordered for a dog that suffers from seizures, disorders, behavior changes or problems walking. How much does a dog CT scan cost? The cost of a dog CT scan will depend on the vet you use, where you live and the complexity of the study."
] | [
"docid": "D1302087#0",
"title": "https://www.cancerforums.net/threads/28882-Average-cost-of-a-PET-scan\nDictionary of Cancer Terms",
"text": "\"01-24-2013, 12:20 AM #1Monte Burns Newbie New User Join Date Jan 2013Posts 7Average cost of a PET scan? Hello! I had a full body PET scan as well as a chest and brain CT. I got the bill today. 26K before insurance, 600 after. Is this... right? Any help would be appreciated.03-08-2013, 12:54 AM #2The Node Guru Newbie New User Join Date Mar 2013Posts 4I just looked it up -Full body PET Scan -National Maximum Price is $10,300Brain CT Scan -National Maximum Price is $4,200Chest CT Scan - National Maximum Price is $7,400National Maximum Price Total = $21,900 Did you have anything else done? if not, it seems like the price before insurance is a little on the high side.03-20-2013, 05:45 PM #3Buzzard Senior User Join Date Sep 2011Posts 496Yowsers. The last one I had back in 2009, the PET itself was about 5K, the CT scans were less than 2K together. This was, to be clear, in Utah, which has some of the countries lowest medical prices, but still, that's quite a gap."
"docid": "D2034843#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cystic_hydatid_disease\nEchinococcosis",
"text": "\"This article is about the disease. For the organism, see Echinococcus. Echinococcosis Synonyms Hydatid disease, hydatidosis, echinococcal disease Echinococcus granulosa life cycle (click to enlarge)Specialty Infectious disease Symptoms Variable [1]Causes Tapeworm of the Echinococcus type [1]Diagnostic method Medical imaging, blood tests [1]Prevention Vaccination of sheep, treating infected dogs [1]Treatment Conservative, medications, surgery [1] [2]Medication Albendazole [1]Frequency 1.4 million (cystic form, 2015) [3]Deaths 1,200 (cystic form, 2015) [4] [ edit on Wikidata]Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease of tapeworms of the Echinococcus type. [ 1] The two main types of the disease are cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echinococcosis. [ 1] Less common forms include polycystic echinococcosis and unicystic echinococcosis. [ 1] The disease often starts without symptoms and this may last for years. [ 1] The symptoms and signs that occur depend on the cyst's location and size. [ 1] Alveolar disease usually begins in the liver but can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or brain. [ 1] When the liver is affected the person may have abdominal pain, weight loss, and turn slightly yellow from jaundice. [ 1] Lung disease may cause pain in the chest, shortness of breath and coughing. ["
"docid": "D2319544#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-a-MRI-or-CT-scan-of-a-head-cost\nHow much does a MRI or CT scan of a head cost?",
"text": "The Head (body part) Computerized Axial Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Medical Imaging Costs Medicine and Healthcare How much does a MRI or CT scan of a head cost?9 Answers Vlado Hruda, Clinic Ambassador at Global Clinic Rating Answered Apr 7, 2018US specific answer: Traditionally with a good insurance you are looking at co-pay in couple hundred dollars. If you are a high deductible patient/uninsured an MRI at a hospital like Stanford can cost you anywhere from $2,500-$5,000, CTs are slightly cheaper. If you don’t want to pay this, you can opt for cash route and buy an MRI for a flat fee of $249 through Affordables Scans - Get MRI for $249. This site purchases unused MRI slots, which imaging centers sell at 80% discounts and passes all these savings to patients to make healthcare affordable again.147 Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below Cost aside, when is a CT scan preferred to an MRI? How much does an MRI brain scan cost? How much do MRI and CT head scans cost in Chennai? How much is the cost for MRI brain Scan in Viluppuram? How much does a full-body CT scan cost? Ask New Question Zainab Elias, Consultant Answered Apr 2, 2017 · Author has 199 answers and 231.1k answer views Hi,Firstly, let me point out the differences between a CT scan and an MRI scan. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of the brain."
"docid": "D227057#0",
"title": "http://www.diffen.com/difference/CT_Scan_vs_MRI\nContents: CT Scan vs MRI",
"text": "\"Diffen › Health › Diagnostics A CT Scan (or CAT Scan) is best suited for viewing bone injuries, diagnosing lung and chest problems, and detecting cancers. An MRI is suited for examining soft tissue in ligament and tendon injuries, spinal cord injuries, brain tumors, etc. CT scans are widely used in emergency rooms because the scan takes fewer than 5 minutes. An MRI, on the other hand, can take up to 30 minutes. An MRI typically costs more than a CT scan. One advantage of an MRI is that it does not use radiation while CAT scans do. This radiation is harmful if there is repeated exposure. Comparison chart CT Scan versus MRI comparison chart CT Scan MRIRadiation exposure The effective radiation dose from CT ranges from 2 to 10 m Sv, which is about the same as the average person receives from background radiation in 3 to 5 years. Usually, CT is not recommended for pregnant women or children unless absolutely necessary. None."
"docid": "D585244#0",
"title": "http://pets.costhelper.com/dog-cancer-treatment.html\nDog Cancer Treatment Cost",
"text": "\"Cost Helper > Pets & Pet Care > Dog Cancer Treatment Dog Cancer Treatment Cost How Much Does Dog Cancer Treatment Cost? Average Claim: $446-$604 Radiation Therapy: $2,000-$6,000E-mail Post Tweet Comments (55)Typical costs: Costs vary widely, depending on the type and stage of cancer, the number of treatments needed and the age and condition of the dog. The initial visit, including diagnosis, discussion of prognosis and a treatment plan likely will cost $200 and up, depending on the location of the cancer, according to The National Canine Cancer Foundation [ 1] . Major surgery to remove a tumor deep in the body, or that requires reconstruction, usually starts at about $1,500. Chemotherapy depends on the size of the dog, and usually ranges from $200 to $2,000 and up, for three to six months of treatment. Radiation therapy usually ranges from $2,000 to $6,000. The treatment combination depends on the type of cancer. For lymphoma, the most common type of cancer in dogs, treatment usually consists of only chemotherapy. The average claim amount submitted to Veterinary Pet Insurance [ 2] for lymphoma is $479. Mast cell tumors usually are treated with only surgery, and sometimes radiation or chemotherapy, depending on the stage, and have an average claim amount of $604."
"docid": "D373264#0",
"title": "http://www.diffen.com/difference/CT_Scan_vs_PET_Scan\nContents: CT Scan vs PET Scan",
"text": "Diffen › Health › Diagnostics CT scan (computer tomography) and PET scan (positron emission tomography) are different but related imaging techniques. A PET scan uses nuclear medicine imaging to produce a three-dimensional picture of functional processes in the body. PET scans provide metabolic information and are increasingly read alongside CT or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, which provide anatomic information. Comparison chart CT Scan versus PET Scan comparison chart CT Scan PET Scan Cost CT Scan costs range from $1,200 to $3,200; they usually cost less than MRIs (about half the price of MRI). PET scans cost $3,000 to $6,000; much higher than regular CT scans. Time taken for complete scan Usually completed within 5 minutes. Actual scan time usually less than 30 seconds. Therefore, CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. Usually takes 2 to 4 hours Radiation exposure The effective radiation dose from CT ranges from 2 to 10 m Sv, which is about the same as the average person receives from background radiation in 3 to 5 years. Usually, CT is not recommended for pregnant women or children unless absolutely necessary."
"docid": "D2900116#0",
"title": "http://www.mypetsdentist.com/dog-facial-swelling.pml\nAnimal Dentistry & Oral Surgery Specialists LLC",
"text": "Facial Swelling is a common presentation Facial swelling may be the result of trauma, foreign body penetration, inflammation, infection or tumor formation (oral cancer, cysts or neoplasia). Trauma to the face may result in soft tissue swelling or cause bony fractures . Facial swellings may be very painful for our companion animals. It is important to obtain a diagnosis prior to establishing a definitive treatment plan. Impression smears, fine needle aspirates, incisional or excisional biopsies, and imaging techniques help with arriving at a diagnosis. Dental radiograph imaging provides excellent detail. Computed tomography (CT or Cat Scans) is an alternate imaging technique we can offer. The CT scan is particularly useful in treatment planning for surgical excision (removal) of large tumors. CT scans help in providing a three dimensional analysis of oral masses. Clinical cases with facial swellings This patient's face was traumatized from walking into a glass door."
"docid": "D564396#0",
"title": "https://doghealthinsider.com/dog-cushings-disease/\nCushingâs Disease In Dogs: The Dog Owners Guide",
"text": "Cushing’s Disease In Dogs: The Dog Owners Guide Dog Illnesses & Viruses Your older dog has gained weight round his midriff and his once glossy coat is now patchy in places. You’re not concerned, but then at his regular vaccination check up, the veterinarian asks questions about your dog’s drinking pattern. And yes, now you think about it, you refill the water bowl twice a day and the dog needs more comfort breaks. The veterinarian gets a knowing look in the eye, and suggests testing for Cushing’s disease. This is a surprise because you just thought your dog was getting older. The tests are expensive, so now you face a dilemma over what’s best for your dog: Should you go with the tests or leave him be? Cushing’s Disease Is The Great Pretender Welcome to the confusing world of Cushing’s disease – also known in veterinary circles as “the great pretender” because it mimics old age and can be tricky to diagnose. However, the comforting thing about Cushing’s is that, in most cases, there’s no need to panic and make a swift decision about treatment. You can take time to weigh up the pros and cons in order to reach the decision that’s best for you and your dog. Dr. Karen Becker Cushing’s Disease In Dogs Video 1 of 3Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available."
"docid": "D855724#0",
"title": "http://www.phc4.org/reports/fyi/fyi27.htm\nPHC4 FYI - The Growth in Diagnostic Imaging Utilization",
"text": "\"PHC4 FYI - The Growth in Diagnostic Imaging Utilization Adobe Acrobat Format for Distribution The field of diagnostic imaging has advanced by leaps and bounds during the past 25 years. Diagnostic imaging allows doctors to \"\"see\"\" inside the body by obtaining pictures of bones, organs, muscles, tendons, nerves and cartilage. Diagnostic imaging includes MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computed tomography), and PET (positron emission tomography), as well as Ultrasound, nuclear medicine, picture archival communication systems, digital mammography, and molecular imaging. These technologies enable physicians to diagnose diseases at earlier stages while avoiding more invasive and costly diagnostic procedures. While a significant technological advance, diagnostic imaging is also the fastest growing medical expenditure in the United States, with an annual 9% growth rate - more than twice that of general medical expenditures (4.1%) according to the American College of Radiology website (May 2004). The cost of diagnostic imaging is projected to increase 28% between 2000 and 2005 to nearly $100 billion annually, according to a Booz Allen Hamilton analysis. This FYI examines the reasons for increasing utilization and costs, notes the benefits, and suggests strategies for purchasers. If You Build It They Will Come - The Link Between Availability, Utilization and Costs Proliferation of Imaging Equipment: Many doctors - orthopedic surgeons, cardiologists, and neurologists, for example - are installing imaging equipment in their own facilities outside the hospital. General Electric, the largest supplier of MRI machines, expects the growth in MRI sales between 2001 and 2005 to occur outside the hospital. Rather than replacing older technologies, new equipment is being added to the health care system, and this can lead to excess capacity in the competition for business."
"docid": "D2476957#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/29/business/29scan.html\nWeighing the Costs of a CT Scanâs Look Inside the Heart",
"text": "Business Day | The Evidence Gap Weighing the Costs of a CT Scan’s Look Inside the Heart By ALEX BERENSON and REED ABELSON JUNE 29, 2008Last month, Robert Franks, 59, received a CT angiogram at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan. Josh Haner/The New York Times A group of cardiologists recently had a proposition for Dr. Andrew Rosenblatt, who runs a busy heart clinic in San Francisco: Would he join them in buying a CT scanner, a $1 million machine that produces detailed images of the heart? The scanner would give Dr. Rosenblatt a new way to look inside patients’ arteries, enable his clinic to market itself as having the latest medical technology and provide extra revenue. Although tempted, Dr. Rosenblatt was reluctant. CT scans, which are typically billed at $500 to $1,500, have never been proved in large medical studies to be better than older or cheaper tests. And they expose patients to large doses of radiation, equivalent to at least several hundred X-rays, creating a small but real cancer risk. Dr. Rosenblatt worried that he and other doctors in his clinic would feel pressure to give scans to people who might not need them in order to pay for the equipment, which uses a series of X-rays to produce a composite picture of a beating heart. “If you have ownership of the machine,” he later recalled, “you’re going to want to utilize the machine.” He said no to the offer. Related Coverage Spending Far More on Health Care FEB."
"docid": "D302496#0",
"title": "https://www.honorhealth.com/patients-visitors/average-pricing/ct-scan-costs\nHow much does a CT scan cost?",
"text": "Your doctor may have recommended that you have a CT scan to get detailed images of certain areas of your body. Honor Health offers CT scans at many locations in the Phoenix area. Honor Health presents CT scan average costs to provide you with more information as you prepare for your procedure. The table below highlights average prices for some common CT scans. For the full list of CT scan procedure charges, see average prices for CT scans document (PDF). As you review the table and document, keep in mind that the average CT scan prices listed do not include physicians' fees. You should contact your physician's office for your doctor's charges and health insurance provider for insurance coverage. Average Prices, Select CT Scan Procedures CPT/HCPCS CODE Procedure Description Prompt Pay Price Direct Pay Price Average (Estimated) Total74178 CT Abd & Pelvis w & w/o Cont $1,446 $1,880 $2,89274160 CT Abd w/ Cont $1,626 $2,114 $3,25274170 CT Abd w/o & w/ Cont $1,822 $2,369 $3,64474150 CT Abd w/o Cont $1,436 $1,867 $2,87274177 CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/ Cont $1,275 $1,657 $2,54974176 CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/o Cont $1,131 $1,470 $2,54971260 $CT Chest w/ Cont $1,441 $1,873 $2,88171270 CT Chest w/o & w/ Cont $1,605 $2,087 $3,21071250 CT Chest w/o Cont $1,395 $1,814 $2,79072193 CT Pelvis w/ Cont $1,369 $1,779 $2,73772192 CT Pelvis w/o Cont $1,283 $1,668 $2,566Keep in mind the difference in pricing when viewing cost information: The Average Prompt Pay Price is the average price a self-pay patient will pay when paid-in-full in advance of having a CT scan procedure. This price is also available for emergency services, with no inpatient admission, if paid-in-full within 14 days of hospital visit. The Average Direct Pay Price is the average price a self-pay patient will pay when having a CT scan or related procedure."
"docid": "D2517924#0",
"title": "http://www.sgh.com.sg/about-us/newsroom/News-Articles-Reports/2007/Pages/body-insight.aspx\nBODY INSIGHT",
"text": "\"Home > About Us > Newsroom > News Articles/ Reports >BODY INSIGHTEmail Page Print Adjust font size31 Jan 2007B Y S HELAGH M AHBUBANI Ever since 1895, X-rays have been used by doctors to detect problems in the body. It took up to eleven minutes to complete a head X-ray then, a procedure that would now take only a few seconds. Now, medical imaging is used so often that over 400,000 radiology scans were done last year at Singapore General Hospital alone. This includes X-ray tests, CT, MRI, ultrasound and PET scans. All these imaging techniques are used to look inside the body. Imaging is so vital to cancer treatment that the Ministry of Health will be allowing cancer patients to use Medisave to pay for CT and MRI scans from probably the second half of this year. A 23-year-old student at the National University of Singapore who has lung cancer said that \"\"Medisave will help so that we don't have to come up with cash\"\". A CT scan can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,300 while a MRI scan costs $500 to $1,900. Radiology exams such as CT and MRI have been integral in the treatment of patients when making a diagnosis and looking at the spread of cancer, adds Dr Khoo Kei Siong, a consultant medical oncologist at Gleneagles Hospital. Dr James Khoo, head and senior consultant at the oncologic imaging department of the National Cancer Centre, adds: \"\"For surgical planning or radiotherapy planning, it is important to determine whether vital structures such as blood vessels, nerve and bone can be preserved. \"\""
"docid": "D1033436#0",
"title": "http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/outreach/Pet-Health-Topics/categories/common-problems/nasal-discharge-sneezing\nNasal Discharge & Sneezing",
"text": "Nasal Discharge & Sneezing This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. The nostrils open into 2 major air passages that end in the throat. The nasal passages are filled with very fine scrolls of bone called turbinates. The turbinates are covered in pink tissue (mucosa) similar to the lining of the mouth. Air is warmed and filtered as it passes through the turbinates in the nose on the way to the lungs. The roof of the mouth (hard palette) separates the mouth from the nasal cavity. Anatomy of the nose ( dog / cat ). Front-on view of the nose and upper front teeth of a dog showing the delicate, complex structure of the turbinate bones. There are several causes of nasal discharge in both dogs and cats."
"docid": "D302497#0",
"title": "https://clearhealthcosts.com/blog/2013/01/how-much-does-a-ct-scan-cost-930-or-8010-or-maybe-267/\nHow much does a CT scan cost: $930 or $8,010? Or maybe $267?",
"text": "How much does a CT scan cost: $930 or $8,010? Or maybe $267? Peggy Zuckerman January 3, 2013Filed Under: Costs, Editor Picks, Health plans We’re often asked over here at Clear Health Costs what a price means in health care. Sometimes it means next to nothing, as this piece written by our friend Peggy Zuckerman tells us. * * * * * * Which is better — a CT scan for $930 or $8,010? Is there a difference? How do you choose? Do I get fries with that? I need CT scans of my chest, pelvis and abdomen, or at least I did. Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, got healthy, but still need pre-emptive CT scans."
"docid": "D227058#0",
"title": "http://www.howmuchisit.org/ct-cat-scan-cost/\nHow Much Does a CT (CAT) Scan Cost?",
"text": "Health Costs > How Much Does a CT (CAT) Scan Cost? How Much Does a CT (CAT) Scan Cost? A CAT scan, also referred to as a CT SCAN, is a noninvasive medical test that will help your doctor diagnose and treat certain medical conditions such as cancer, infections, trauma, musculoskeletal disorders and cardiovascular disease. These scans can also help a physician when performing a biopsy.“ CT Scan ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by frankieleon How much does a cat scan cost? On average, a CAT scan cost anywhere from $300 to $2,500 depending the body part being examined, if dye is required and the urgency of procedure. A lower end scan that doesn’t use a dye is going to cost less than a full scan that includes multiple images and dye. The price is going to rise for each additional body part that is scanned. For example, if you need to have four to six body parts scanned, such as the pelvis, abdomen, and chest, the price can be in the $3,600 to $6,500 range. This would be the price for those who don’t have insurance."
"docid": "D2078329#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/mri-scan-cost-dogs\nMri scan cost dogs",
"text": "\"Mri scan cost dogs Common Questions and Answers about Mri scan cost dogsmri-scan He is on meloxicam and tramadol. Lots of xrays done. Nothing found need to have mri done but the cost is so high. Read More What scan did the vet do? An ultrasound, or MRI ? Is it definite that there is no evidence of disk problems? Was an X ray done? Or MRI of her spine? Poor sweet girl. So young and having to bear so much pain on a regular basis ever since she was a tiny pup.... Screaming with pain is a huge deal for a dog."
"docid": "D3008645#0",
"title": "http://www.charlotteoralsurgery.com/patient-information/3d-cone-beam-ct-scans/\n3D Cone-Beam CT Scans",
"text": "3D Cone-Beam CT Scans Getting more with Less: A Discussion of Cone-Beam and Radiographic Imaging At Charlotte Oral Surgery Theres a good chance that your doctor will need to obtain one or more x-rays of your jaw, teeth or facial skeleton (and/or associated soft tissue structures) at some point during the diagnostic evaluation (or workup) of your condition, or during treatment or follow-up of your condition. Often times films ( or copies of films) from your referring dentist can be utilized without the need for additional imaging; however, please be aware many times these film images are of inadequate orientation or quality (particularly when an image has been transferred to paper) and critical areas of anatomy cannot always be discerned adequately in order to make an informed decision (transferring radiographic data from electronic media to paper can result in significant loss of image resolution and clarity). In these cases a new image in our office is typically obtained. Fill out our Appointment Form or call us at 704-358-8898 if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moore today!Various types of films/images obtained for evaluation of Oral & Maxillofacial conditions: Periapical (PA)-or dental peri apical films – (2-Dimensional) commonly obtained in a general dentists office; these films provide high detail for very small anatomic regions (and are typically used to evaluate individual teeth or structures surrounding teeth). Occulusal films – (2-Dimensional)-similar to PA films, these films are slightly larger in size and allow for images of larger regions of the jaw or teeth. Panoramic films – (2-Dimensional)-essentially, a tomogram of the facial skeleton; this is the workhorse film within our specialty, as multiple anatomic regions can be evaluated in one film. Often considered a screening film, this film is essentially an extended tomogram or slice of the jaws and may provide adequate visualization of structures with the jaws. 3-Dimensional relationships (i.e. structures in front of or behind the chosen slice), however, cannot be discerned with this film (additional imaging modalities are used for this purpose). Tomographic films – (2 Dimensional)-used for evaluating varying slices of the anatomy. Typically used for Temporomandibular Joint evaluation or evaluation of selected regions of the facial skeletal anatomy, newer cone-beam technology incorporates tomographic sliding in a digital manner."
"docid": "D377301#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/COMMUNITY/transcripts/2001/06/01/gupta/\nDr. Sanjay Gupta: Are full body scans worth the cost and risks?",
"text": "CHAT TRANSCRIPTS | HELP | MESSAGE BOARDS | STANDARDS | CHATDr. Sanjay Gupta: Are full body scans worth the cost and risks? June 1, 2001 Posted at: 3:11 p.m. EDT (1911 GMT)Dr. Sanjay Gupta Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a CNN medical reporter based at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. CNN Moderator: Good day, Dr. Gupta. Welcome to CNN.com Newsroom. Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Hello, everybody! Thanks for joining in!CNN Moderator: What is a full body scan and why is it in the news? Dr. Sanjay Gupta: A full body scan scans several different parts of the body, including the chest and the abdomen. Most full body scans at this time do not include the brain. It's been in the news a lot because several companies around the country have started to create mobile CT (Computerized Tomography) units, specifically a large truck, perhaps an 18-wheeler, goes into several cities around the country, and offers CT scans in your own neighborhood."
"docid": "D2980392#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-distinguish-between-a-CT-scan-and-an-MRI-scan\nWhat are some features that help distinguish a picture of a CT scan from a picture of an MRI scan?",
"text": "\"Magnetic Resonance Imaging Medical Imaging Medicine and Healthcare What are some features that help distinguish a picture of a CT scan from a picture of an MRI scan?16 Answers Timo Van de Schoor, Radiographer Updated Aug 16, 2017CT scans differ quite a lot from MRI scans. CT (Computed Tomography)The CT's main principal is based on X-rays passing through a body, being weakened by tissue. The weakening (or attenuation) differs per tissue, as dense tissues absorb more X-rays than less dense tissues. Also CT uses a specific measure to quantify the density of tissues, expressed in ''Hounsfield's units'' (HUs). Tissues with more HUs are denser than tissues with less HUs. CT scans are often used when a physician needs a quick diagnosis. In general CT's are used for bone related abnormalities and are great for imaging the circulatory system (using iodine contrasts). This is a CT image, notice that the fluid is black, this is due to the fact that X-rays pass easily through water. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)An MRI excites H protons in the tissue using Radio pulses. When the H protons are excited they gradually lose their energy (relaxation), this emits a weaker Radio pulse wich can be measured and quantified."
"docid": "D952890#0",
"title": "https://www.newchoicehealth.com/procedures/chest-ct-scan\nChest CT Scan Cost and Procedure Information",
"text": "A CT scan (also called a CAT scan) is a noninvasive, painless medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. CT scans allow physicians to rapidly create detailed pictures of the body allowing them to more easily diagnose problems such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, trauma and musculoskeletal disorders. CT scans may also be used to guide surgeons to the right area during a biopsy. CT scans are one of the more common imaging technologies used by physicians to analyze the internal structures of various parts of the body. There are approximately 52 million CT scan test performed each year making this one of the more common imaging technologies used by the medical field. National Chest CT Scan Procedure Pricing Summary National Minimum Price $675 (Lincolnton, NC)National Average Price $1,900National Maximum Price $8,600 (Ketchikan, AK)Chest CT Scan Cost Averages Around the Country Price Range Tampa, FL Chest CT Scan Cost Average $390 - $1,000Boston, MA Chest CT Scan Cost Average $700 - $1,800Detroit, MI Chest CT Scan Cost Average $525 - $1,350San Francisco, CA Chest CT Scan Cost Average $575 - $1,450Seattle, WA Chest CT Scan Cost Average $500 - $1,300Minneapolis, MN Chest CT Scan Cost Average $550 - $1,450San Diego, CA Chest CT Scan Cost Average $625 - $1,600St. Louis, MO Chest CT Scan Cost Average $675 - $1,750Baltimore, MD Chest CT Scan Cost Average $1,100 - $2,775Denver, CO Chest CT Scan Cost Average $470 - $1,250Check Local Chest CT Scan Pricing Now!Click to find out more about how to use the pricing information shown on this site. Featured Facilities that Perform Chest CT Scan Name Location Price Range Danville Diagnostic Imaging Center Danville , VA $320 - $850Paducah Magnetic Resonance Paducah , KY $300 - $775Adams Memorial Hospital Decatur , IN $1,350 - $3,500Severance Radiology Services Cleveland Heights , OH $330 - $850Highlands Breast and Imaging Center Sebring , FL $340 - $875Mississippi Valley Imaging Davenport , IA $300 - $775Thousand Oaks Imaging Center Joplin , MO $290 - $750Great River Medical Center West Burlington , IA $625 - $1,650Muscatine Radiology Muscatine , IA $300 - $775Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center Lake Geneva , WI $1,450 - $3,700Aurora Breast MRI of Central Mass Worcester , MA $370 - $950Jetrad Bethany , OK $300 - $775Elmore Medical Center Mountain Home , ID $1,450 - $3,700Baptist Memorial Hospital - North Mississippi Oxford , MS $700 - $1,800Northside - Gainesville Imaging Gainesville , GA $200 - $525Advanced Medical Imaging Decherd , TN $310 - $800Open MRI of Tifton Tifton , GA $310 - $800Mason General Hospital Shelton , WA $1,500 - $3,900Scott Memorial Hospital Scottsburg , IN $1,350 - $3,500Bristol Regional Medical Center Bristol , TN $825 - $2,175Saint Joseph's Mercy Health Center Hot Springs , AR $850 - $2,175Open MRI of Phillipsburg Phillipsburg , NJ $410 - $1,100Hanford Imaging, LP Hanford , CA $360 - $925Lancaster Imaging Center Lancaster , SC $310 - $800Medica Forsyth Open MRI and CT Cumming , GA $360 - $925Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Crosby , MN $1,650 - $4,300Mercy Diagnostic Center Ankeny Ankeny , IA $300 - $775Miami Valley Hospital Dayton , OH $650 - $1,700Singing River Hospital Pascagoula , MS $1,350 - $3,500Golden Plains Community Hospital Borger , TX $1,400 - $3,700"
] |
2363 | cyril name meaning | [
"docid": "D1795053#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/greek-names/cyril.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Greece Names > What does Cyril mean? Meaning of Cyril - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Cyril\"\"Greek name Other origins for the name Cyril include - Greek, English. The name Cyril is most often used as a boy name or male name. In Greek, the name Cyril means - lordly. Greek Name Meaning - lordly Origin - Greece Alternate Origins - English Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
] | [
"docid": "D2517222#0",
"title": "http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Scotch\nScotch",
"text": "\"Glengoolie Black, a kind of Scotch whisky. Scotch is whisky made in Scotland and aged in oak barrels for at least three years. It is one of Sterling Archer's preferred drinks. While playing baccarat in Monte Carlo, he orders Glengoolie Black and a bag of gummy bears in \"\" Jeu Monegasque \"\". While making peace with his loved ones after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Sterling offers Brett Bunsen a bottle of Glengoolie which he describes as a mid-range scotch, and he presents a bottle to Cyril as he is being arrested in \"\" Stage Two \"\". In \"\" Skin Game \"\", Archer drinks Cyril Figgis ' bottle of Glengoolie Blue, which Cyril had been saving for a special occasion. In \"\" The Honeymooners \"\", Archer drinks 3 bottles of Glengoolie Blue in a jacuzzi in the Tuntmore Towers Hotel. Glengoolie Blue is also featured in \"\" Sea Tunt: Part 1 \"\", shown in a scene where Cheryl Tunt's brother Cecil Tunt tries to convince Malory Archer about Cheryl's mental instability. In \"\"Achub Y Morfilod\"\" , Lana drinks Glengoolie from Archer, which she finds fantastic, prompting the shot to temporarily turn into a television advertisement and Archer to declare \"\"Glengoolie, for the best of times.\"\" In \"\"Deadly Prep,\"\" Archer's bully, Richard Stratton IV, is seen pouring a glass of Glengoolie Blue as he greets Archer."
"docid": "D826553#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Gimli\nGimli",
"text": "\"Gimli, Son of Glóin Gimli Biographical information Other names Lockbearer, Elf Friend Titles Lord of the Glittering Caves Birth TA 2879Death Departed to Aman in FO 120 from Ithilien Realms Glittering Caves Weapon Battle Axes Physical description Race Dwarves Gender Male Hair Auburn Eyes Blue Culture Durin's Folk (House of Durin)Peter Jackson's Film Triology Actor John Rhys-Davies\"\" I have looked the last upon that which was fairest. Henceforward I will call nothing fair, unless it be her gift. \"\"— Gimli, speaking of Galadriel Gimli, son of Glóin, was a well-respected dwarf warrior in Middle-earth during the Great Years. He was a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, and was the only one of the dwarves to readily fight alongside elves in the war against Sauron at the end of the Third Age. After the defeat of Sauron, he was given lordship of the Glittering Caves at Helm's Deep . Contents [ show]Biography Early Life Gimli's mother (left) and young Gimli (right) as depicted in Glóin 's locket in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. He was a remote descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of dwarven people. Gimli stemmed from, but was not an inheritor of, the royal line. Through his father, Gimli was also the first cousin once removed (or \"\"nephew\"\", for simplicity's sake) of Balin, Lord of Moria, and his brother Dwalin, two more former companions of Bilbo."
"docid": "D2611732#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Rivendell\nRivendell",
"text": "\"Rivendell Background Information Type City/Haven, Valley Location West of the Misty Mountains Realms Eriador Founded/Built SA 1697 [1]Ruler Elrond Other Information Summary The dominion of Elrond and his elves Other names Imladris, The Last Homely House East of the Sea InhabitantsÑoldor Spoken Languages Sindarin, Westron Lifespan SA 1697 -Rivendell, also known as Imladris, was an Elven town and the house of Elrond located in Middle-earth. It is described as \"\"The Last Homely House East of the Sea\"\", referencing towards Valinor, which is west of the Great Sea in Aman . Contents [ show]Location Edit The peaceful, sheltered town of Rivendell was located at the edge of a narrow gorge of the river Bruinen (one of the main approaches to Rivendell comes from the nearby Ford of Bruinen ), but well hidden in the moorlands and foothills of the Misty Mountains . History Edit Second Age Edit Rivendell Rivendell was established by Elrond in the Second Age of Middle-earth in SA 1697. During the War of the Elves and Sauron, Eregion was laid waste and Elrond brought the survivors to Rivendell, soon Sauron laid siege to it but was eventually beaten back. Following the establishment of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men the hosts of Gil-galad and Elendil march to Imladris and laid camp in there to prepare their arms and then proceeded southeast to Dagorlad. [ 1]Third Age Edit When Angmar rose to power and conquered Arthedain, Elrond sent Glorfindel and a host of elves to meet with the armies of Earnil and Cirdan thus honoring the Alliance of Elves and Men. After the fall of Angmar the heirs of Isildur were fostered in Rivendell. Quest for Erebor Edit Elves of Rivendell During the Quest for the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo Baggins and the Company of Thorin stopped off at Rivendell. Bilbo described it as \"\"a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.\"\" ["
"docid": "D1579394#0",
"title": "http://www.behindthename.com/name/kira-1/comments\nUser comments for Kira (1)",
"text": "\"Kira (1)Name Popularity Related Namesakes Name Days Ratings Comments User comments for Kira (1)Meaning/History Usage Pronunciation Famous Bearer Personal Impression Other (click a heading above to filter the comments by that type)Kira is also derived from the Welsh and Celtic names, Caera, Ceara, Coera, Ceargh and many other Celtic names. It revolves around the meaning of \"\"sun\"\". Kira in Welsh can also mean \"\"lady of dark beauty\"\". ― mcduchess 7/5/2005The previous post is completely erroneous. Contrary to popular belief, Kira is completely unrelated to the Irish (not Welsh) Ciara/Kiera (KEER-ah). This site's origin for it is correct. ― Anonymous User 9/18/2005Kira has many forms, though there are some very similar names that are not related, even though they seem to be. Kira means \"\"Lighthearted\"\" - Russian Keira means \"\"Dark Skin\"\" - Irish/Keltic Takira means \"\"Sunny\"\" - taken from the Persian word for sun. There are many variants to this name, and I like most of them. ― Rojgiean 9/18/2005\"\"Keira means \"\"Dark Skin\"\" - Irish/Keltic\"\" Actually, it's \"\"Ciara\"\" (\"\"KEE-a-ra\"\"), which simply means \"\"dark one\"\" in Gaelic (I think that that's what you meant instead of \"\"Celtic\"\") ― gaelruadh19 1/28/2007Kira is a character (a female Gelfling) in the puppet-fantasy film The Dark Crystal. ―"
"docid": "D3519006#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.eu\n.eu",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search.eu Introduced 2005TLD type Country code Status Active Registry EURid Sponsor European Commission Intended use Entities connected with the European Union Actual use Gradually increasing, mostly among sites with pan-European or cross-border intentions. ( details)Registration restrictions Registrants must be located within the EEAStructure Names are registered directly at second level Documents Commission Regulation (EC) No. 874/2004Dispute policies EU ADRDNSSEC yes Registry Website www.eurid.eu.eu is the country code top-level domain (cc TLD) for the European Union (EU). [ 1] Launched on 7 December 2005, the domain is available for any person, company or organization based in the European Economic Area (the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway ). [ 2] The TLD is administered by EURid, a consortium originally consisting of the national cc TLD registry operators of Belgium, Sweden, and Italy, joined later by the national registry operator of the Czech Republic. Trademark owners were able to submit registrations through a sunrise period, in an effort to prevent cybersquatting. Full registration started on 7 April 2006. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Establishment1.2 Sunrise period1.3 Landrush1.4 Brexit2 Use by the European Union institutions3 Actual use3.1 Parking and redirects4 Cyrillic domain5 Greek domain6 .edu.eu domain zone7 References8 External links History [ edit]Establishment [ edit]The .eu TLD was approved by ICANN on 22 March 2005 [4] and put in the Internet root zone on 2 May 2005. [ 5] Even though the EU is not a country (it is a sui generis intergovernmental and supranational organisation), there are precedents of issuing top-level domains to other entities—e.g. .nato."
"docid": "D382151#0",
"title": "http://www.everyculture.com/A-Bo/Azerbaijan.html\nAzerbaijan",
"text": "\"Orientation Identification. Two theories are cited for the etymology of the name \"\"Azerbaijan\"\": First, \"\"land of fire\"\" ( azer , meaning \"\"fire,\"\" refers to the natural burning of surface oil deposits or to the oil-fueled fires in temples of the Zoroastrian religion); second, Atropaten is an ancient name of the region (Atropat was a governor of Alexander the Great in the fourth century B. C. ). The place name has been used to denote the inhabitants since the late 1930s, during the Soviet period. The northern part of historical Azerbaijan was part of the former Soviet Union until 1991, while the southern part is in Iran. The two Azerbaijans developed under the influence of different political systems, cultures, and languages, but relations are being reestablished. Location and Geography. The Azerbaijan Republic covers an area of 33,891 square miles (86,600 square kilometers). It includes the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is inhabited mostly by Armenians, and the noncontiguous Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which is separated from Azerbaijan by Armenian territory. Nakhchivan borders on Iran and Turkey to the south and southwest. Azerbaijan is on the western shore of the Caspian Sea."
"docid": "D814423#0",
"title": "https://themeaningofthename.com/cyril/\nCyril",
"text": "\"Cyril Name: Cyril Gender: Male Usage: Cyril, of slavic origin, is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name. People having the name Cyril are in general originating from Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America. Variants: For another variant of the name Cyril across the world, see Kiril. Name Meaning of Cyril Meaning: Lord, Master Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. N. B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. Name Compatibility Test To test the compatibility of this name with another, enter a name and click Calculate Numerology Interpretation The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 4. Interpretation: Qualities: Practical, Dependable Ruling planet: Uranus Colors: Blue, Gray Gemstones: Sapphire Learn more with our free Numerology Tool Popularity of the Name The name Cyril is ranked on the 1,083rd position of the most used names. It means that this name is very frequently used."
"docid": "D270488#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shin_(letter)\nShin (letter)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search← Resh Shin Taw →Phoenician HebrewשAramaic SyriacܫArabicشPhonemic representation ʃ (s)Position in alphabet 21Numerical value 300Alphabetic derivatives of the Phoenician Greek Σ Latin S Cyrillic С ШShin (also spelled Šin ( šīn) or Sheen) is the name of the twenty-first letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Shin, Hebrew Shin ש , Aramaic Shin, Syriac Shin ܫ, and Arabic Shin ش (in abjadi order, 13th in modern order). Its sound value is a voiceless sibilant, [ ʃ] or [ s]. The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Sigma ( Σ) (which in turn gave Latin S and Cyrillic С ), and the letter Sha in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic scripts (, Ш ). The South Arabian and Ethiopian letter Śawt is also cognate. Contents [ hide ]1 Origins2 Arabic šīn/sīn3 Aramaic Shin/Sin4 Hebrew Shin / Sin4.1 Sin and Shin Dot4.2 Unicode encoding4.3 Significance4.3.1 In Judaism4.3.2 In Russian4.3.3 Sayings with Shin5 Character encodings6 References7 External links Origins [ edit]Egyptian hieroglyph Proto-Sinaitic Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew The Proto-Sinaitic glyph, according to William Albright, was based on a \"\"tooth\"\" and with the phonemic value š \"\"corresponds etymologically (in part, at least) to original Semitic ṯ (th), which was pronounced s in South Canaanite\"\". [ 1]The Phoenician šin letter expressed the continuants of two Proto-Semitic phonemes, and may have been based on a pictogram of a tooth (in modern Hebrew shen ). The Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972, records that it originally represented a composite bow. The history of the letters expressing sibilants in the various Semitic alphabets is somewhat complicated, due to different mergers between Proto-Semitic phonemes. As usually reconstructed, there are five Proto-Semitic phonemes that evolved into various voiceless sibilants in daughter languages, as follows: Proto-Semitic Akkadian Arabic Paleo Hebrew Hebrew Aramaic Ge'ezš s̠ س s šשׁ šשׁ šሰss s س s sס sס sሰsṣ ṣ ص ṣ ṣצ ṣצ ṣጸṣś s̠ ش š šשׂ sשׂ or ס sሠśṣ́ ṣ ض ḍ ṣצ ṣע ʿፀṣ́Arabic šīn/sīn [ edit]In the Arabic alphabet, šīn is at the original (21st) position in Abjadi order. A letter variant س sīn takes the place of Samekh at 15th position. Šīn represents /ʃ/, and is the 13th letter of the modern alphabet order and is written thus: Position in word: Isolated Final Medial Initial Glyph form:ش ـش ـشـ شـ The Arabic letter šīn was an acronym for \"\"something\"\" ( شيء šayʾ (un) [ʃajʔ (un)]) meaning the unknown in algebraic equations."
"docid": "D1959975#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Side-door\nSide-door",
"text": "\"The Side-door or Secret Door was a secret entrance to the Dwarven kingdom of the Lonely Mountain located on the western side of the mountain, from a shelf on the outside. It opened on to a long tunnel that led down to the Bottommost Cellar . Contents [ show]Description Edit The Side-door was made as if to look like a rock face on the mountain and didn't look like a natural rock surface and all indications were that it was a constructed thing. Instead, its surface was flat and smooth and there were no signs that it was a door at all. The door was five feet high with a keyhole about three feet from the ground. [ 1]History Edit The Side-door was created sometime during the reign of Thrór with the support of his son Thráin. Their reason for creating it was unknown but literature points toward a means of escape. According to Thorin, Thrór and Thráin were the only ones who knew about it and used it to escape when Smaug attacked and claimed the mountain and all its wealth. [ 2] The door could only be opened with a key, and then only on the last light shone upon it on Durin's Day. When Thorin and Company reached it, they recognized it for what it was and the Dwarves eager to get inside attempted to force it open without success. ["
"docid": "D109857#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_case\nLetter case",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Lower case)navigation search This article is about the orthographical and typographical concept. For the similarly-named grammatical concept, see Grammatical case. For the minimalist musical subgenre, see Lowercase (music). \"\" Capital Letters\"\" redirects here. For the 2018 song by Hailee Steinfeld and Blood Pop, see Capital Letters (song). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( April 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The lower-case \"\"a\"\" and upper-case \"\"A\"\" are the two case variants of the first letter in the English alphabet. Letter case (or just case) is the distinction between the letters that are in larger upper case (also uppercase, capital letters, capitals, caps, large letters, or more formally majuscule) and smaller lower case (also lowercase, small letters, or more formally minuscule) in the written representation of certain languages."
"docid": "D1631154#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Rhovanion\nRhovanion",
"text": "\"This article or section has been flagged for a rewrite . Reason: no reason given Please rewrite according to the policies, to meet the One Wiki to Rule Them All's standards. Rhovanion Background Information Type Region, Kingdom (briefly)Location North-west of Middle-earth Realms Khazad-dûm, Lothlórien, Woodland Realm, Kingdom of Dale, Lonely Mountain, Iron Hills, Dol Guldur Founded/Built Kingdom founded before T. A. 490Ruler King of Rhovanion (briefly)Other Information Summary Large, inhabited region focussed around Mirkwood Other names Wilderland,Inhabitants Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits, Men, Orcs, Eagles, Dragons Illustration of the Wilderland, or Rhovanion, from The Hobbit Rhovanion, or the \"\" Wilderland \"\", was a large region of the northeast of Middle-earth. The Great River Anduin flowed through it, and the immense forest of Greenwood the Great was there. It was once known for being an organized realm of Northmen under name of the Kingdom of Rhovanion which fell in the wars with Easterling tribes [1], but the name was used for all of Wilderland by the late Third Age . Rhovanion's eastern border was the inland Sea of Rhûn, its northern the Grey Mountains and Iron Hills, home of the Dwarves, its western boundary range of the Misty Mountains, and its southern boundary was the line marked by the Limlight river, Anduin, the Emyn Muil, Dagorlad, and the Ash Mountains . Major features of this region were the forest of Mirkwood, the temporary desolation of Smaug, the rivers Anduin, River Running, and Redwater, and the Long Lake of Lake-town . Contents [ show]History Edit In the First Age, the Elves passed through this region during the Great Journey, and much later the Atanatári (the Fathers of Men) followed them. It is not otherwise mentioned until the Second Age, when Rhovanion was host to two Silvan-elf kingdoms ruled by Sindarin lords: Northern Greenwood and Lórien. The great battlefield (or Dagorlad) of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men against the host of Sauron lay in the south of Rhovanion, and in the Gladden Fields of the Great River the King of Gondor and Arnor, Isildur, son of Elendil, was killed."
"docid": "D2119039#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eta_(letter)\nEta",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Eta (letter))navigation search This article is about the Greek letter. For other uses, see Eta (disambiguation). Greek alphabetΑα Alpha Νν NuΒβ Beta Ξξ XiΓγ Gamma Οο OmicronΔδ Delta Ππ PiΕε Epsilon Ρρ RhoΖζ Zeta Σσς SigmaΗη Eta Ττ TauΘθ Theta Υυ UpsilonΙι Iota Φφ PhiΚκ Kappa Χχ ChiΛλ Lambda Ψψ PsiΜμ Mu Ωω Omega History Archaic local variants Diacritics Ligatures Numeralsϛ (6) ϟ (90) ϡ (900)Use in other languages Bactrian Coptic Albanian Related topics Use as scientific symbols Book Category Commonsv t e Eta (uppercase Η, lowercase η; Ancient Greek: ἦτα ē̂ta [êːtaː] or Greek: ήτα ita [ˈita]) is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. Originally denoting a consonant /h/, its sound value in the classical Attic dialect of Ancient Greek was a long vowel [ɛː], raised to [i] in hellenistic Greek, a process known as iotacism. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 8. It was derived from the Phoenician letterheth. Letters that arose from eta include the Latin H and the Cyrillic letter И. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Consonant h1.2 Long e1.3 Itacism1.4 Cyrillic script2 Uses2.1 Letter2.2 Symbol2.2.1 Upper case2.2.2 Lower case3 Character encodings4 References History [ edit]Consonant h [ edit]Eta ( heta) in the function of /h/ on the ostrakon of Megacles, son of Hippocrates, 487 BC. Inscription: ΜΕΓΑΚLES HIΠΠΟΚRATOS. On display in the Ancient Agora Museum in Athens, housed in the Stoa of Attalus. Eta in the function of /h/ on an Attic red-figured calyx - krater, 515 BC."
"docid": "D501297#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Sauron\nSauron",
"text": "\"The main part of this article relates to the last versions of Middle-earth's history, and as such may controvert parts of The Silmarillion. See Middle-earth canon for a discussion. This subject's portrayal in earlier or alternative versions is discussed in the other versions of the legendarium section. Sauron as depicted in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Sauron Biographical information Other names Thû the Necromancer [1], Servant of Morgoth, Mairon, Annatar, Artano, Gorthaur the Cruel, the Enemy, the Dark Power, the Great Eye (TA only), the Necromancer, the Lord of the Rings, the Sorcerer, the Black Hand, the Nameless Enemy, Thauron, Thû, Sauron the Great, Sauron the Deceiver, Sauron the Dark Titles Abhorred, Sauron the Great, Necromancer, Dark Lord, Lord of Mordor, Lord of Gifts, Lord of Barad-dûr, Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Rings, Lord of Wolves Birth Before the creation of Arda Death March 25, 3019 (physical death only- immortal)Spouse None Weapon One Ring, Mace, Sword, Sorcery, Powers of the Maiar Physical description Race Maiar Gender Male Height Various until SA 3319 (physical body) [2], 9 feet 2.1 inches (2.78 metres) (movie)Hair Various [2]Eyes Various [2]Culture Maiar of Aulë (formerly), Dark Servants of Morgoth Peter Jackson's Film Triology Actor Sala Baker (LOTR Trilogy) Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit Trilogy)Voice Alan Howard (LOTR Trilogy) Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit Trilogy)Jemaine Clement (The Lego Batman Movie)Sauron (or Þauron ( Thauron ); Quenya; IPA: [ˈsaʊron] or Vanyarin; IPA: [ˈθaʊron] - \"\"The Abhorred\"\"), the eponymous Lord of the Rings, was a fallen Maia, the creator of the One Ring, and the most trusted lieutenant of his master Melkor (Morgoth, the first Dark Lord). After Melkor's defeat in the First Age, Sauron became the second Dark Lord and strove to conquer Arda by creating the Rings of Power. In the Second Age, he was defeated in the War of the Last Alliance by the last line of defense: Elves and Men under kings Gil-galad and Elendil . During that battle, Isildur managed to cut off Sauron's finger with the Ring on it, causing the destruction of his corporeal form and scattering his armies. After spending hundreds of years lying dormant and slowly regaining his strength, Sauron returned to power in the Third Age, but was finally defeated in the War of the Ring through the destruction of the One Ring by Frodo Baggins . He was called Gorthaur the Cruel by the other Maiar . Also known as Thû the Necromancer, Lord of Wolves, greatest of the servants of Morgoth, dwelling in the Elvish watchtower on Tol Sirion; later name Sauron. ["
"docid": "D2458736#0",
"title": "http://www.doukhobor.org/Russian-Feminine-Names.html\n.",
"text": "\"Russian Female Names Among the Doukhoborsby Jonathan J. Kalmakoff The following encyclopedic glossary contains 86 Russian female names historically used by Doukhobor women in 19th century Russia and 20th century Canada. Each entry includes the transliterated English spelling, original Cyrillic spelling, pronunciation, name meaning and history, along with many common diminutive forms of each name. Use this glossary to learn about all aspects of the personal names of your Russian female ancestors. Note: to search for a particular name, use the alphabetical index below or else use your browser's <find> function by pressing <Control F> and typing in the name. To search for Russian male names among the Doukhobors click here.- A -Afimiya Cyrillic: Афимия. Pronunciation: ah-FEEM-ee-yah. Etymology: Popular form of Efimiya. Agafiya Cyrillic: Агафия. Pronunciation: ah-GAH-fee-yah. Etymology: Old Russian form of Agaf’ya."
"docid": "D472780#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Legolas\nLegolas",
"text": "\"This article is about the Elf of Mirkwood. For the Elf of Gondolin, see Legolas (elf of Gondolin). Orlando Bloom portrays Legolas in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy Legolas Greenleaf Biographical information Other names Greenleaf [1]Titles Prince of the Woodland Realm Rule Ruled the elven colony of Ithilien for about a century Death Departed to Aman in FO 120 from Ithilien Realms Woodland Realm, Ithilien Weapon Bow of the Galadhrim, Mirkwood bow, Dual knives Physical description Race Elves Gender Male Hair Uncertain (book), Blonde (films)Eyes Grey (book), Blue (films)Culture Sindar (Elves of Mirkwood)Peter Jackson's Film Triology Actor Orlando Bloom Legolas was a Sindarin elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. As he was the son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood, Legolas was Prince of the Woodland Realm (Mirkwood), a messenger, and a master bowman. With his keen eyesight, sensitive hearing, and excellent bowmanship, Legolas was a valuable resource to the other members of the Fellowship. He was well-known for becoming friends with the dwarf Gimli, despite their long-held differences. It is not known whether Legolas was Thranduil's only son, or whether he was his heir. His age is unknown as well. Contents [ show]Biography Early Life Legolas was the son of Thranduil, the King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood. War of the Ring Legolas came to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, the great meeting held by the Elf lord Elrond, as a messenger from his father to discuss the escape of Gollum."
"docid": "D1566033#0",
"title": "https://buzzsouthafrica.com/cyril-ramaphosa-facts-biography/\nCyril Ramaphosa â Biography, Wife, Children, Family, Net Worth, House, Cars",
"text": "Home Profile Cyril Ramaphosa – Biography, Wife, Children, Family, Net Worth, House, Cars Profile Cyril Ramaphosa – Biography, Wife, Children, Family, Net Worth, House, Cars By Andile Smith Cyril Ramaphosa is a South African icon, a politician, an activist and a renowned businessman and interim President of the Republic of South Africa. Ramaphosa became South Africa’s fifth President on February 15, 2018, following the resignation of his predecessor Jacob Zuma and a subsequent vote of the National Assembly. Majority of the people know him for obvious reasons, which are politics and businesses. But there are other facts which are unknown to many, especially during his early life. In fact, Ramaphosa is his father’s name, his real name is Cyril Matemala. Biography Ramaphosa was born in Soweto, Johannesburg on November 17, 1952, to a retired policeman, Samuel Ramaphosa and Erdmuth. Ramaphosa is the second of three children born into a Christian family. He attended Mphaphuli High School in Sibasa, Limpopo, where he was elected head of the Student Christian Movement. While in school, Ramaphosa was active both in his academics and political activities. His activism at school was in contrast with his father’s job as one of those helping the apartheid regime to implement their laws and orders which were meant to humiliate Africans."
"docid": "D681691#0",
"title": "http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Radagast\nRadagast",
"text": "\"Radagast portrayed by Sylvester Mc Coy in The Hobbit motion picture trilogy. Radagast the Brown Biographical information Other names Aiwendil, Bird Friend, Bird-tamer, The Brown, Tender of Beasts, Radagast the Bird-tamer, Radagast the Simple, Radagast the Fool Titles The Brown Wizard Birth Before the creation of Arda Death None Spouse None Weapon Wizard Staff, Powers of the Maiar Physical description Race Maiar Gender Male Hair Brown-gray (films)Eyes Dark-blue (films)Culture Istari ( Wizards ), Maiar of Yavanna Peter Jackson's Film Triology Actor Sylvester Mc Coy (Hobbit trilogy)Radagast ( Adûnaic; IPA: ['radagast] - \"\"Tender Of Beasts\"\") the Brown, also called Aiwendil ( Quenya; IPA: [ai'wendil] - \"\"Bird-Friend\"\") was one of the five Wizards, or Istari. He was a good friend of Gandalf the Grey, whom he aided occasionally. Radagast was mainly concerned with the well-being of the plant and animal worlds, and thus did not participate heavily in the War of the Ring. Contents [ show]Biography Edit Years of the Lamps Edit Radagast was a Maia named Aiwendil before leaving the Undying Lands Radagast was originally a Maia of Yavanna the Fruit-Giver named Aiwendil, meaning \"\"bird-friend\"\". In Valinor, the land of the Valar, a council was called by Manwë, leader of the Valar, shortly after Sauron 's defeat in the War of the Last Alliance . Though Sauron was overthrown, it would later turn out that he had not been effectively vanquished and his shadow began to fall upon Middle-earth a second time. It was decided to send five emissaries to Middle-earth. These should be \"\"mighty peers of Sauron, yet forgo might, and clothe themselves in flesh,\"\" as they were intended to help Men and Elves unite against Sauron, but the wizards were forbidden from matching the Dark Lord in power and fear. The other four who were chosen were Gandalf , Saruman, and Alatar and Pallando (the Blue Wizards )."
"docid": "D1644254#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_script\nCyrillic script",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Cyrillic\"\" and \"\"Cyrillic alphabet\"\" redirect here. For national variants of the Cyrillic script, see Cyrillic alphabets. For other uses, see Cyrillic (disambiguation). Cyrillic Type Alphabet Languages National script of: Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina (also Latin) Bulgaria Kazakhstan (also Latin) Kyrgyzstan Macedonia Mongolia (also Mongol script) Montenegro (also Latin) Russia Serbia Tajikistan Ukraine (see Languages using Cyrillic)Time period Earliest variants exist c. 940Parent systems Egyptian hieroglyphs [1]Proto-Sinaitic script Phoenician alphabet Greek alphabet Glagolitic alphabet Cyrillic Sister systems Latin alphabet Coptic alphabet Armenian alphabet Georgian alphabet [ citation needed]Greek alphabet Direction Left-to-right ISO 15924 Cyrl, 220Cyrs (Old Church Slavonic variant)Unicode alias Cyrillic Unicode range U+0400–U+04FF Cyrillic U+0500–U+052F Cyrillic Supplement U+2DE0–U+2DFF Cyrillic Extended-AU+A640–U+A69F Cyrillic Extended-BU+1C80–U+1C8F Cyrillic Extended-CThis article contains IPA phonetic symbols. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Unicode characters. For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help: IPA. This article contains Cyrillic text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks or boxes, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Cyrillic letters. The Cyrillic script / s ɪ ˈ r ɪ l ɪ k / is a writing system used for various alphabets across Eurasia (particularity in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and North Asia ). It is based on the Early Cyrillic alphabet developed during the 9th century AD at the Preslav Literary School in the First Bulgarian Empire. ["
"docid": "D767332#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabetic_language\nAlphabet",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Alphabetic language)navigation search This article is about sets of letters used in written languages. For other uses, see Alphabet (disambiguation) and Alphabetical (disambiguation). Edward Bernard 's \"\"Orbis eruditi\"\", comparing all known alphabets as of 1689Writing systems History Grapheme List of writing systems Types Alphabet Abjad Impure Abjad Abugida Syllabary Semi-syllabary Logography Logophonetic ( Logosyllabary, Logoconsonantal) Shorthand Featural Related topics Pictogram Ideogramv t e An alphabet is a standard set of letters (basic written symbols or graphemes) that is used to write one or more languages based upon the general principle that the letters represent phonemes (basic significant sounds) of the spoken language. This is in contrast to other types of writing systems, such as syllabaries (in which each character represents a syllable) and logographies (in which each character represents a word, morpheme, or semantic unit). The Proto-Canaanite script, later known as the Phoenician alphabet, is the first fully phonemic script. Thus the Phoenician alphabet is considered to be the first alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet is the ancestor of most modern alphabets, including Arabic, Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and possibly Brahmic. [ 1] [2] Under a terminological distinction promoted by Peter T. Daniels, an \"\"alphabet\"\" is a script that represents both vowels and consonants as letters equally. In this narrow sense of the word the first \"\"true\"\" alphabet was the Greek alphabet, [3] [4] which was developed on the basis of the earlier Phoenician alphabet. In other alphabetic scripts such as the original Phoenician, Hebrew or Arabic, letters predominantly or exclusively represent consonants; such a script is also called an abjad."
"docid": "D2285758#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_cccp_mean\nWhat does cccp mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does cccp mean? Flag What does cccp mean? Answer by International Soviet Confidence votes 93In the Cyrilic alphabet, these letters would represent the old abbreviation for the Soviet Union. The Russian words would translate: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Cyrillic alphabet can be confusing for people who are unfamiliar with it. Cyrillic C resprents the sound /s/, while P repesents /p/. So CCCP stands for Soyuz Sovyetskikh Sotsialistichestikh Respublic . which stand for Souyz=united Sovyetskikh=Soviet Sotasilalistichestikh=Socailist Respublic=Republic together that makes the Union of Soviet Socailist Republics, USSR,CCCP,SSSR all of those9 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Froggypajamas12 4 Contributions How much is a cccp coin worth?approximately as much as a dime in U. S money Phil Lewis 179,231 Contributions1941 cccp coin? CCCP is USSR written in the Cyrillic alphabet.. I do not think there is any value to them. I was given a handful by a Russian friend and was told, \"\"No country, no value\"\"."
] |
2369 | cadillac mountain is in what park | [
"docid": "D2809287#0",
"title": "http://ouracadia.com/blog/2011/07/03/5-tips-if-you-want-to-enjoy-a-glorious-sunrise-from-cadillac-mountain-in-maine/\n5 Tips If You Want to Enjoy A Glorious Sunrise from Cadillac Mountain in Maine",
"text": "5 Tips If You Want to Enjoy A Glorious Sunrise from Cadillac Mountain in Maine Uncategorized Jul032011Parking spaces are filling up. People are walking purposefully, all in the same direction. Some are carrying blankets and thermos bottles. Is it a concert? Theatre in the park? No, it is sunrise on Cadillac Mountain, the first place to see sunrise in the United States. At 1,532 feet, Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine is the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard. Many hiking trails converge on this mountaintop, as do bus tours. But before dawn is a spectacular time to visit to witness the first sunrise. Actually, Cadillac is struck by the sun’s rays before any place else only in the fall and winter."
] | [
"docid": "D1625922#0",
"title": "http://climbing.about.com/od/usstatehighpoints/a/Mount-Kahtadin-Maines-Highest-Mountain.htm\nLearn How to Climb Mount Kahtadin, Maine's Highest Mountain",
"text": "\"Arts, Music, and Recreation ›Sports Learn How to Climb Mount Kahtadin, Maine's Highest Mountain Climbing Facts About Mount Katahdin Share Flipboard Email Print A guide to climbing Mount Katahdin, the highest mountain in Maine. Tom Narwid / Getty Imagesby Stewart Green Updated October 23, 2017Mount Katahdin is the highest mountain in Maine, the highest point in Baxter State Park, and the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. Katahdin is the 22nd highest state high point. Kahtadin is also a sacred mountain to Native Americans in New England including the Penobscot Indians. Elevation: 5,270 feet (1,606 meters)Prominence: 4,288 feet (1,307 meters) Most prominent mountain in Maine Location: Appalachian Mountains; Baxter State Park; Piscataquis County; Maine. Coordinates: 45.9043556° N / 68.921275° WFirst Ascent: First recorded ascent by Charles Turner Jr. and friends on August 13, 1804. Katahdin’s Five Peaks Mount Katahdin is a huge horseshoe-shaped mountain with five separate peaks—Howe Peak (two summits—4,612-foot North Howe and 4,734-foot South Howe), 4,751-foot Hamlin Peak, 5,267-foot Baxter Peak (highest point), South Peak, and 4,912-foot Pamola Peak. The open end of the horseshoe faces northeast. Timberline on Mount Katahdin is at roughly 3,500 to 3,800 feet. Mount Katahdin Geology Katahdin is a laccolith, an underground magma intrusion, that formed over 400 million years ago in the Acadian orogeny."
"docid": "D3497833#0",
"title": "http://www.visitcadillac.com/\nWelcome To Cadillac, Michigan",
"text": "Welcome To Cadillac, Michigan The city of Cadillac, set on the shores of Lake Cadillac and surrounded by miles of state and national forests is the perfect location for a classic northwoods vacation experience. The lakes and woods provide an abundance of opportunities for fishing, hunting, boating, canoeing, hiking, backpacking, camping, mountain biking, fly-fishing, horseback riding, kayaking, and bird-watching adventures. Experience the natural wonder of the Cadillac Area year-round. Ski Cadillac You’ll discover some of the best skiing in the Midwest in the Cadillac area. At Caberfae Peaks, twelve miles west of Cadillac, you’ll find the highest lift-served peaks in Michigan with some of the most challenging and longest runs. For the cross country enthusiast, choose from five different trail systems in the Cadillac area — Cadillac Pathway, Cool Ski Area, Heritage Nature Trail, Mackenzie Trail and Evergreen Resort. Snowmobile Cadillac Home to the North American Snowmobile Festival, Cadillac sits at the hub of an outstanding trail system that offers easy cross-state connections. Golf Cadillac With nine challenging golf courses and affordable rates you can play a week’s worth of golf in the Cadillac area for what it costs for just a couple of rounds elsewhere. CADILLAC NEWS AND SPECIALSCadillac Area Featured Lodging Lodging Sponsors Mc Kenzie Lodge At Caberfae Peaks Coyote Crossing Resort Evergreen Resort Caberfae Peaks Resort – Mac Kenzie Lodge The 36-room Mackenzie Lodge is conveniently located right at the base of slopes and offers ski in/ski out accessibility. All rooms have two double beds and allow easy access to the outdoor heated pool (84 degrees), hot tub (102 degrees) and the new outdoor firepit."
"docid": "D1957081#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accenture_match_play\nWGC Match Play",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Accenture match play)navigation search WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play Tournament information Location Austin, Texas (2016–present)Established 1999, 19 years ago Course (s) Austin Country Club Par 71Length 7,108 yards (6,500 m)Tour (s) PGA Tour European Tour Format Match play Prize fund $ 10,000,000Month played March Tournament record score Score 18-hole match: 9 & 8 Tiger Woods ( 2006) Championship: 8 & 7 Tiger Woods ( 2008)Current champion Bubba Watson2018 WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play Austin Location in the United States The WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play is a match play knockout professional golf event which is one of the four annual World Golf Championships. The tournament is the only of the four WGC events to not be played as a stroke play event. From its 1999 founding until 2014, the tournament was held in late February. Beginning in 2015, the tournament was moved to the first weekend in May. In 2016, the event moved to Austin, Texas and was held during the last week of March. The tournament was originally sponsored by Anderson Consulting/ Accenture, and in the years since, it has also been sponsored by Cadillac and Dell. Contents [ hide ]1 Format2 Host courses3 Television4 Finalists5 Records6 References7 External links Format [ edit]The field consists of the top 64 players available from the Official World Golf Ranking, seeded according to the rankings. The purse for 2016 was $9.5 million, with a winner's share of $1.62 million and the Walter Hagen Cup. Prize money is official on the PGA Tour, the European Tour, and the Japan Golf Tour. From 1999 through 2014, it was a single-elimination event. Since 2011, all matches have been over 18 holes, with extra holes if necessary."
"docid": "D1581806#0",
"title": "http://www.acadiainfo.com/Acadia-National-Park.aspx\nAcadia National Park",
"text": "\"Acadia National Park Acadia National Park, Maine Geography & History Acadia National Park , near Bar Harbor, Maine, comprises 49,000+ acres of rock-bound coast on Mount Desert Island, a portion of the Schoodic Peninsula on the mainland, and offshore islands. Here in Acadia National Park you will find granite cliffs side by side with sand and cobblestone beaches. Glacier-carved mountains rise from the sea, cupping deep lakes in their valleys. Here, too, are meadows and marshes and dense evergreen forests. Everywhere the ocean makes its presence felt, whether by sight, sound, or smell. Much of Acadia National Park's outstanding scenery is the result of glaciers carving through an east-west ridge of granite, leaving mountains separated by valleys. Many glaciers have covered Maine, and the last melted 11,000 years ago. Big blocks of ice were left behind forming lakes and ponds. As the glacier retreated, sea level rose and flooded the valley that is now the only fjord located on the eastern seaboard of the United States, Somes Sound. Today a mixed coniferous-deciduous forest cloaks the granite backbone of the island, but the work of the glaciers is still evident in U-Shaped valleys, the whale backed ridges of the mountains, and glacial debris called erratics."
"docid": "D1514002#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder_Hole\nAcadia National Park",
"text": "\"Acadia National Park From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Thunder Hole)navigation search Acadia National Park IUCN category II ( national park)Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse Location Hancock / Knox counties, Maine, United States Nearest city Bar Harbor Coordinates 44°21′N 68°13′WCoordinates: 44°21′N 68°13′WArea 49,052 acres (198.51 km 2) 871 acres (352 ha) private [1]Established July 8, 1916Visitors 3,509,271 (in 2017) [2]Governing body National Park Service Website Acadia National Park Acadia National Park is a United States national park located in the state of Maine, southwest of Bar Harbor. The park reserves much of Mount Desert Island and associated smaller islands along the Atlantic coast. Initially created as the Sieur de Monts National Monument in 1916, [3] [4] the park was renamed and re-designated Lafayette National Park in 1919, [5] [6] and then renamed once more as Acadia National Park in 1929. [ 5] Over three million people visited the park in 2016. [ 2] Acadia is the oldest designated national park in the United States east of the Mississippi River, although two eastern national parks in Ontario are older: Thousand Islands (1904) and Point Pelee (1918). Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Beginnings1.2 Fire of 19471.3 Friends of Acadia1.3.1 Schoodic Education and Research Center2 Terrain and features3 Geology4 Wildlife5 Plants6 Gallery7 See also8 References9 External links History [ edit]From the Blue Hill overlook The area was originally inhabited by the Wabanaki people. [ 7]While he was sailing down the coast of what is now Maine on 5 September 1604, [8]Samuel de Champlain observed a large inshore island. He wrote:\"\"That same day we also passed near an island about four or five leagues [19 to 24 km] in length, off which we were almost lost on a little rock, level with the surface of the water, which made a hole in our pinnace close to the keel. The distance from this island to the mainland on the north is not a hundred paces. It is very high and cleft in places, giving it the appearance from the sea of seven or eight mountains one alongside the other."
"docid": "D1141656#0",
"title": "http://www.abadpennyreview.com/editors-corner-stalking-history-on-the-hank-williams-death-ride/\nEditorâs Corner: Stalking History on the Hank Williams Death Ride",
"text": "In a quiet residential neighborhood of a small Alabama town, Georgiana, a white-paneled house bears a banner proclaiming itself, “Hank Williams Sr. Boyhood Home & Museum.” Inside, a back bedroom wall is devoted to photocopied newspaper clippings concerning the country singer’s death and funeral, as well as a crude, hand-drawn map showing the route of his last ride. This cross country road trip also features prominently in another room, one devoted to a large, handmade quilt entitled, “The Story of Hiram Hank Williams.” Towards the bottom of the quilt, a small panel offers a crudely stitched image of a blue car and this simple narrative: NEW YEARS DAY 1953 HIS CURRENT HIT SONG WAS I’LL NEVER GET OUT OF THIS WORLD ALIVE AT THE AGE OF 29 HANK WILLIAMS SR. DIED IN THE BACK SEAT OF HIS CADILLAC SOMEWHERE BETWEEN KNOXVILLE, TENN. AND OAK HILL, WEST VIRGINIA WHILE ENROUTE TO A SHOW IN CANTON, OHIO. Georgiana’s display is nothing, of course, compared to Montgomery’s decidedly more upscale Hank Williams Museum, which features the car itself and literally begins with the singer’s death. As you cross through the wood partitions leading into the museum, the first thing to catch your eye is the light blue Cadillac convertible. More subtly, and even closer to the entrance, are two paintings: one of the Cadillac and one that adds Hank himself cockily propped against the car’s bumper, looking out of the canvas."
"docid": "D1397418#0",
"title": "http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/05/news/la-trb-route-66-cars-land-disney-california-adventure-11201228\nThe real Route 66 inspirations behind Disney's Cars Land",
"text": "\"The real Route 66 inspirations behind Disney's Cars Land January 05, 2013 | By Brady Mac Donald, Los Angeles Times staff writer The Walt Disney Imagineering team visits the Sandhills Curiosity Shop… (Walt Disney Imagineering )I've been trying in vain for the better part of a decade to get my family to take a road trip along Route 66. Nothing worked until my wife and daughter stepped onto the fake Route 66 in Cars Land at Disney California Adventure — and suddenly their interest piqued in the Mother Road. Photos: The real Route 66 inspirations for Disney's Cars Land In an attempt to close the deal on my dream vacation, I decided to search for the real-world inspirations behind the fictional town of Radiator Springs. Fortunately for me, the folks at Pixar Animation and Walt Disney Imagineering have already made the trip several times — all in the name of research, of course. Pixar's chief creative officer John Lasseter, a car junkie and son of a onetime Chevrolet parts manager, dreamed up the idea for what would eventually become the 2006 \"\"Cars\"\" movie after a family road trip along Route 66. Lasseter sent his Pixar team on several fact-finding tours along Route 66 to garner inspiration for the film from the real people and places along the fabled road. In his capacity as Imagineering's chief creative advisor, Lasseter also sent a Disney team out to explore Route 66 when Cars Land was still just in the planning stages at Disney California Adventure. The trips were led by historian and storyteller Michael Wallis, author of \"\"Route 66: The Mother Road\"\" and voice of the Sheriff in the \"\"Cars\"\" movies. \"\" We went through towns just like Radiator Springs,\"\" Wallis said. \"\" I took them out on the road and exposed them to the places they never would have found and people they never would have met. \"\""
"docid": "D1093995#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/05/travel/escapes/05american.html\nThe Other Grand Canyon",
"text": "Escapes | American Journeys The Other Grand Canyon By JIM ATKINSON SEPT. 4, 2008MORE THAN FOLKLORE A naturally formed obelisk called the Lighthouse at Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Tex. Canyon depths reach more than 800 feet. David Bowser for The New York Times THE nation’s second-largest canyon, Palo Duro, opens like the maw of a hungry crocodile from the flat high plains of the Texas Panhandle, a geological anomaly so improbable that many Texans still think of the place as a rumor, a bit of folklore passed down by generations of drunken cowboys. It took my wife and me 30-odd years, but we recently kept a marriage-long promise to ourselves to confirm the canyon’s existence with a drive through the extreme northwest of Texas that included not only Palo Duro State Park but a tour of its urban neighbor, Amarillo, a town that, despite the familiarity of its name, also remains a mystery even to most Texans. Not only is Palo Duro Canyon a runner-up to the Grand Canyon in size (120 miles long, 6 to 20 miles wide and more than 800 feet deep, compared with the big one’s dimensions of 277 miles long, 8 to 18 miles wide and a mile deep), but it comes pretty close in lonely, rugged, Butch-and-Sundance beauty, too — though with a completely different look. The Grand Canyon is a kaleidoscope of volcanic earth tones. Palo Duro (Spanish for “hard wood,” after the junipers that dominate the canyon’s foliage) is bright red and green in shades that at certain times of day look more artificial than natural — green from junipers and cottonwoods, live oaks and cactus that stud its surfaces; red because of its unusually iron-rich soil. If it’s surprising to find a canyon at all out this way, it’s doubly so to find one so fecund and alive with color. Our view of this natural pastiche from the deck of the Sorenson Cabin — one of three stone and timber bungalows, maintained and rented by the state park, that hang on the rim of the abyss — was as eye-pleasing as any we’ve seen at five-star resorts."
"docid": "D297728#0",
"title": "https://www.gmpartsonline.net/blog/2016-cadillac-cts-v-the-most-powerful-cadillac-ever\n2016 Cadillac CTS-V: The Most Powerful Cadillac Ever",
"text": "2016 Cadillac CTS-V: The Most Powerful Cadillac Ever Over the past few years, Cadillac has been challenged by its rivals in a class it used to dominate. Cadillac is not messing around anymore - they came to win the luxury market back. Need proof? Chances are, you already know exactly what we’re talking about: the 2016 Cadillac CTS-V. This car is dubbed as the most powerful Cadillac ever made. Read on to learn why. Performance Specs:640 Horsepower630 lbs-ft Torque0-60 in 3.7 Seconds Top Speed of 200 MPHCadillac Unveils a Beautiful Monster During the 2015 Detroit Auto Show, Cadillac officially unveiled the 2016 CTS-V — a car that’s both beauty and beast. This model comes out swinging with a supercharged 6.2L engine that makes an incredible 640 horsepower and 630 lbs-ft of torque straight out of the factory. To conserve fuel, it also gets direct injection and cylinder-deactivation technologies for 2016. Does that sound familiar? Well if you’ve been following the 2015 Z06 craze, you know why — the CTS-V is now an engine brother to the Z06."
"docid": "D3326405#0",
"title": "https://noln.net/2017/05/31/techspec-2017-buick-envision/\nTechSpec: 2017 Buick Envision",
"text": "\"Tech Spec: 2017 Buick Envision May 31, 2017 by Staff Writers Buick introduced the Envision in 2016 as an all-new luxury compact crossover. There have been a few updates to the 2017 version, such as new Envision, preferred and essence trims, a new teen driver feature and a new exterior color option. The 2017 Envision features a 2.5L four-cylinder engine SAE certified at 197 horsepower and 192 pound-feet of torque on its preferred and essence times. Premium trims feature a 2.0L turbo engine SAE certified at 252 horsepower and 260 pound-feet of torque. Performance and efficiency is enhanced with stop/start technology — Buick’s first application on the 2.0L turbo engine. It seamlessly shuts down the engine when the Envision comes to a stop under certain driving conditions, such as a stoplight. The engine automatically restarts when the driver takes his or her foot off the brake. The 2.0L turbo engine is offered exclusively with AWD. The turbocharger features a twin-scroll design that helps the engine deliver a broad torque band, for a greater feeling of power on demand. Ninety percent of peak torque is available from 1,800 rpm to 5,500 rpm, and the full 260 pound-feet of peak torque from 3,000 to 4,000 rpm."
"docid": "D2809286#0",
"title": "http://www.acadia.ws/cadillac-mountain.htm\nCadillac Mountain",
"text": "Cadillac Mountain Cadillac Mountain, at 1,530 feet, is the tallest mountain on Mount Desert Island and the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard. From October 7 through March 6 of each year, it is the first place to view a sunrise in the United States. Millions of years ago, the earth's tectonic and volcanic forces pushed the land upward to form the mountains on the island. Then, during ice ages that followed, huge 1 - 2 mile high and slow moving glaciers sheared off the top leaving the rounded off appearance we see today. Largely composed of pink granite, it is covered with spruce and pitch pine forests, tiny sub alpine plants (such as cinquefoil), short gnarled trees, wild blueberries, and boulders of all sizes and shapes. The Park Loop Road winds approximately 3.5 miles to the summit and provides several key spots along the way where you can stop and take in the spectacular panoramic views. On the northwestern side you will see Eagle Lake, Western Bay, and further inland. To the south, you will see the Cranberry Islands. To the northeast lies Bar Harbor, the Porcupine Islands, Bar Island, and in the distance, Schoodic Peninsula on the mainland. Cadillac Mountain GPS: Latitude 44.352643; Longitude -68.224610For more detailed information on Cadillac Mountain, visit Acadia Magic.com.policies | terms & conditions© 2006 - 2014 Greg A. Hartford All rights are retained by the copyright and trademark owner."
"docid": "D1731655#0",
"title": "http://www.acadiamagic.com/acadia-lodging/cabins_cottages.html\nCottages & Cabins",
"text": "Summertime Bar Harbor - Pet Friendly1 Bloomfield Rd., Bar Harbor 207-288-2893 or email Open: Year-Round Nestled next to pine trees and bordering Acadia National Park, it's hard to believe that Summertime Cottages is within Bar Harbor and walking distance of the ferry terminal. This is one of the hidden jewels of Bar Harbor and only one block from the ocean! Summertime has 3 sunny and cheerful properties, 2 of which comfortably accommodate 8 people. Cottages are smoke free, have fully equipped kitchens, washers/dryers, Cable/VCR - all the comforts of home. Visitors may ride a free shuttle bus into town. Granite Ledge Cabin - Check Availability Southwest Harbor 860-485-3844 • Winter: 860-507-6040 or email Offered: Seasonal You will enjoy our quiet and private, newly constructed summer cottage on the western slopes of Freeman Ridge in Southwest Harbor. This is the perfect place to have as a home base during your visit to Acadia National Park and the many beautiful places on Mount Desert Island. The tall forest trees surrounding the cottage gives an expansive treehouse feel to a modest custom designed cabin with a well equipped galley kitchen with all new, modern appliances. The Knowles Company1 Summit Rd.,"
"docid": "D3173700#0",
"title": "http://www.cadillacmichigan.com/\n.",
"text": "Come relax and enjoy our backyard!Check out our You Tube Channel for awesome area videos!Nature is calling you to come Explore Your Way… our rolling forest covered hills, ample rivers, diverse lakes, and varied trails all interconnect and span for miles and miles of fun. The Cadillac region is the geographic center of Michigan and boasts the highest elevation in the state. The shifting winds across Lake Michigan keep the winter white on our trails and ski hills longer, and freezes our lakes earlier than most. Skiers, snowmobilers, cross-country skiers, ice fisherman… they all co-exist in our region. Click here to see an overview map for Summer, and an overview map for Winter Springthe Sand Hill cranes are coming... Spring is here, the rivers and lakes will fill with melted snow warming them for the fish to start moving, while the spring flowers pop up in our forests on our trees and under foot. Outdoor enthusiasts, GET READY for an adventurous spring after all of this snow . All three area rivers ( Manistee, Pine and Pere Marquette) will be swollen with water, waiting for your fishing, canoeing and kayaking adventures to start. Our area Hiking and Biking Trails offer spring actvity for those looking for adventure... over 200 miles of open trails all within 20 minutes of our downtown. Lakes Cadillac and Mitchell are mostly open. In Mid March our local Shankland family opened the lakes with a behind the boat - first wake - barefooting on Lake Cadillac, an annual tradition to the local Shankland family (cool video linked)."
"docid": "D2027510#0",
"title": "https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/Discussion-t3767_ds528136\nhad my 05 Cadillac STS tested can some one tell me what they are and a fix?",
"text": "\"had my 05 Cadillac STS tested can some one tell me what they are and a fix?25Asked by Bobby Sep 04, 2012 at 05:42 PM about the 2005 Cadillac STS V8 AWDQuestion type: Maintenance & Repair My 05 Cadillac STS starts delayed runs rough and the check engine light is on the Tc light is on and reads power reduced,in Park it runs rough like it wants to cut off. In drive and reverse it goes to somewhat a normal idle,can't drive no power. The codes are p2119,p2176,p0638,p0068,p0101,p2135,p0300,They all seem to be connected to the throttle body some how? What is the fix?and can i change this and if not how much will it run me aprox.7 Answers283,285Tom answered 5 years ago WOW, that's a lot of codes. First thing what I would do is remove the air intake hose and look at the throttle body assembly and see if it is full of carbon. If it is. clean it up real good, purchase some Throttle body cleaner and spray away. The P0101 is a MAF sensor, I suspect that is dirty too, purchase some CNC MAF cleaner, and spray the filaments Do a search on how to clean properly. Then put everything back together, disconnect the negative battery cable for 15mins and reattch or use the scan tool if you still have it and clear the codes and drive. If the CEL comes back on, check the codes again, if they are the same, i would replace the throttle body assembly, and go from there.3 people found this helpful."
"docid": "D2488093#0",
"title": "http://www.itemautoparts.com/index.htm\n.",
"text": "Item Auto Parts - Automotive Headlamp Assembly Replacement Canister Vent Solenoid 1999 How To Fix A Ford Ranger Caprice Power Window Switch. Caravan Fan Resistor Block Carpartauto. Com. Catalytic Conv Gm Rattle Catera Ground Effect. Catera Oil Lines Cavalier Brake Bolts.1986 Chrysler Laser Parts Installing Nissan Titan Drl Module. 2003 Jeep Wrangler Powertrain Control Module Deawoo Nubira Repair Manual. Torrent. Floor Pan Dodge 1990 240Sx 2. Silverado When How To Install A Fuel Pump Filter In A 2000 Nissan Quest Minivan. Where Is The Ac Temperature Sensor For A 98 Acura She 97 Gm Blower Switch Your Air Mass Meter For Toyota Tacoma 2001."
"docid": "D437299#0",
"title": "https://hotelguides.com/michigan/little-river-casino-manistee-mi-hotels.html\nMap of Hotels near Little River Casino",
"text": "\"Use this simple form to find hotels, motels, and other lodging near the Little River Casino in Manistee, Michigan. Map of Hotels near Little River Casino Address: 2700 Orchard Highway, Manistee, MI 49660Zoom in (+) to see restaurants and other attractions near hotels. Hotels closest to Little River Casino Availability and rates shown are estimates for tonight only. Change Dates2.8 miles Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Manistee226 East Parkdale Avenue, Manistee, MI 496602.8 miles from Little River Casino Loading Check In 1600Check Out 1100Rated High Cheap, smoke-free hotel 3 miles from Little River Casino 3 floors, 103 rooms and suites - elevator Free 24-hour shuttle to Little River Casino No swimming pool Free continental breakfast Free Wi Fi Free parking - truck parking Not pet-friendly - no pets allowed. Most Recent Hotel Guides Review\"\"The hotel room was clean but needed better soundproofing. \"\" More >Trip Advisor Traveler Rating: Based on 779 reviews Read Recent Reviews3.9 miles Super 8 Hotel Manistee220 Arthur Street, Manistee, MI 496603.9 miles from Little River Casino Loading Check In 1500Check Out 1100Rated Average Cheap, smoke-free hotel Across street from Manistee Lake on north end 2 floors, 67 rooms - no elevator No swimming pool Free continental breakfast Free Wi Fi Free parking - truck parking Not pet-friendly - no pets allowed. Most Recent Hotel Guides Review\"\"An old hotel. The carpet was stretched and lumpy between the room and bathroom. Minimal towels and washcloths provided; I had to ask for more. I could hear the people in the next room."
"docid": "D2481679#0",
"title": "http://www.michigan.org/city/carp-lake\nCarp Lake",
"text": "City > Carp Lake Carp Lake Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau Carp Lake is a great little town. It's got that off-the-beaten track, locals-only, undiscovered territory kind of charm. We currently don't have any fun facts for this little treasure. We can tell you about towns nearby, but as for Carp Lake, we're counting on you to go exploring and relate back to us. Nearby Events See All Events Open-Water Walleye Clinic Cadillac April 21, 2018Mitchell State Park This four-hour class will go through how Outdoor Skills Academy pro-staffers Steve Berry from... Read more Earth Day Amphibian Walk Bellaire April 21, 2018Grass River Natural Area, Inc. Celebrate Earth Day and the coming of spring by taking a walk to woodland vernal pools to look for... Read more A Northern Tradition Clare April 22, 2018Jay's Sporting Goods This exclusive evening at Jay’s Sporting Goods in Clare includes shopping, great food from local... Read more Benedetti Elschenbroich Grynyuk Trio Traverse City April 12, 2018City Opera House Nicola Benedetti is one of the most sought after violinists of her generation. Her ability to... Read more Friday Dinners at the Inn at Black Star Farms Every Friday from 01/26/2018 - 04/27/2018Suttons Bay Jan 26 - April 27, 2018Inn at Black Star Farms Enjoy an intimate 3-course dining experience at the exclusive Inn at Black Star Farms. Chef Lance... Read more Black Star Farms Harvest Dinner Suttons Bay April 14, 2018Inn at Black Star Farms The events team at Black Star Farms invites you to an evening you will remember forever! Join us... Read more Tangled Treasures Bellaire April 14, 2018Grass River Natural Area, Inc. The natural area is exploding with new spring life. Join us on Saturday, April 14 at 1 pm as we... Read more The Moth Mainstage Traverse City April 20, 2018City Opera House Following a 2016 sellout The Moth Mainstage returns - new theme and new tellers. The Moth Mainstage... Read more Live from Charlevoix: Ben Whiting Charlevoix April 21, 2018Charlevoix Cinema 3Ben Whiting was selected as one of 20 Fascinating People in Northern Michigan and we sure know why... Read more Open-Water Walleye Clinic Cadillac April 21, 2018Mitchell State Park This four-hour class will go through how Outdoor Skills Academy pro-staffers Steve Berry from... Read more Earth Day Amphibian Walk Bellaire April 21, 2018Grass River Natural Area, Inc. Celebrate Earth Day and the coming of spring by taking a walk to woodland vernal pools to look for... Read more A Northern Tradition Clare April 22, 2018Jay's Sporting Goods This exclusive evening at Jay’s Sporting Goods in Clare includes shopping, great food from local... Read more Benedetti Elschenbroich Grynyuk Trio Traverse City April 12, 2018City Opera House Nicola Benedetti is one of the most sought after violinists of her generation."
"docid": "D1529660#0",
"title": "http://www.city-data.com/city/Cadillac-Michigan.html\nCadillac, Michigan",
"text": "\"Follow city-data.com founder on our Forum or@Lech Mazur Cadillac, Michiganadd your Submit your own pictures of this city and show them to the World See promotion details and to upload your Cadillac, Michigan photos OSM Map General Map Google Map MSN Map41°F10 miles Wind: 12 mph Pressure: 30.07 in Humidity: 42%Current weather forecast for Cadillac, MIPopulation in 2014: 10,335 (100% urban, 0% rural). Population change since 2000: +3.4%Males: 5,118 (49.5%)Females: 5,217 (50.5%)Median resident age: 38.6 years Michigan median age: 39.7 years Zip codes: 49601. Estimated median household income in 2016: $35,654 ( it was $29,899 in 2000)Cadillac: $35,654MI: $52,492Estimated per capita income in 2016: $21,742 ( it was $16,801 in 2000) Cadillac city income, earnings, and wages data Estimated median house or condo value in 2016: $84,945 ( it was $64,500 in 2000 )Cadillac: $84,945MI: $147,100Mean prices in 2016: All housing units: $149,096; Detached houses: $162,588; Townhouses or other attached units: $155,735; In 2-unit structures: $80,956; In 5-or-more-unit structures: $124,589; Mobile homes: $35,419Median gross rent in 2016: $721. Recent home sales, real estate maps, and home value estimator for zip code 49601Cadillac, MI residents, houses, and apartments details Profiles of local businesses Medi Collagenics Insulex Panel Systems, Inc PC Tech Tronics Put your B&M business profile right here for free. 50,000 businesses already created their profiles!Options XUser-defined colors Preset color patterns Most recent value% change since 2k Data: Options Get link Loading data... Based on 2000-2016 data Loading data...123Hide US histogram Races in Cadillac, MI (2016)9,59392.2%White alone2462.4%Two or more races2312.2%Hispanic1361.3%Asian alone1001.0%American Indian alone710.7%Black alone Races in Cadillac detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of birth Mar. 2016 cost of living index in Cadillac: 78.9 (low, U. S. average is 100)Recent articles from our blog. Our writers, many of them Ph. D. graduates or candidates, create easy-to-read articles on a wide variety of topics. The return of the vinyl: a period of constant growth in sales Apr 2Police officer fatalities: facts and figures Mar 29The vegan lifestyle: Is it healthy or not? Mar 26Measuring seasonality in new housing starts Mar 23U. S. economic growth: gross domestic product Mar 20Recent posts about Cadillac, Michigan on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Cadillac is mentioned 788 times on our forum: Does Cadillac moving its HQ to NY NY signal something? ("
"docid": "D3540797#0",
"title": "http://nymag.com/news/features/16861/\nKissels Of Death",
"text": "Robert Kissel with daughter Elaine. E ven the most discontented family in the world has a vision of happiness. And so, in the Kissel family, people liked to look back at their times at Stratton Mountain in Vermont. “ We skied together,” says Bill Kissel, the father. “ It’s a family sport.” The Kissels had one house, and when Bill made his money, they built a bigger one, Dad’s gift to the family. Then, as often as possible, it was a speedy getaway in Bill’s Cadillac. From their New Jersey home, it was just a few hours to Vermont. Bill likes to recall those times. Bill’s wife, Elaine, whom everyone adored, was still alive."
"docid": "D34898#0",
"title": "https://tinyshinyhome.com/our-top-east-coast-destinations-for-traveling-families\nOur Top East Coast Destinations for Traveling Families",
"text": "Our Top East Coast Destinations for Traveling Families Jonathan Longnecker / September 14, 2017After being on the road for over two years, we thought it might be fun to look back at our favorite places we've visited. To keep things manageable (for us and you) we decided to break them up into general locations. So we shall begin with the East Coast!Overview Lynchburg, VAOuter Banks, NCAcadia National Park Savannah, GA and Yessammee, SCDry Tortugas National Park Lynchburg, VAThe first time we stayed in Virgina it was a perfect storm of cramped campsites, sweltering humidity and a single lone Air Conditioner in our 37’ 5th wheel. Bad first impression to say the least!Thankfully, a stop in Lynchburg, VA redeemed the state for us. Why? Bike trails. Someone had the genius idea to turn a bunch of old railroad lines into smooth, paved trails that connect all around the city and the downtown area. One day I’m sure we’ll get into mountain biking, but at the time we had one kid who couldn’t ride a two wheeler and the other who was just learning. So these easy to ride trails were perfect. And they were gorgeous!"
] |
2370 | calcium silicate insulation installed cost | [
"docid": "D457973#0",
"title": "http://www.meghainsulation.com/5.htm\nThermal Insulation slows down the rate of heat flow and minimizes losses. In face of increasing energy costs, industries have to improve efficiency and profitability to survive the pressures of globalization. Calcium Silicate insulation cuts energy costs and helps in achieving this goal faster.1",
"text": "\"Calcium Silicate An Effective and Beneficial Thermal Insulation by Ms. Rupa Z. Vadodaria, Ketan A. Shah and H. V. Shah Megha Insulations Pvt. Ltd., Bhavnagar, INDIASummary Thermal Insulation slows down the rate of heat flow and minimizes losses. In face of increasing energy costs, industries have to improve efficiency and profitability to survive the pressures of globalization. Calcium Silicate insulation cuts energy costs and helps in achieving this goal faster.1Introduction The need for efficient thermal insulation has increased with increased energy cost. An ideal thermal insulation has low mass, high strength and low thermal conductivity coupled with high service temperature. It reduces heat loss and thereby saves energy significantly and serves several functions such as: Better control of temperature Reduction of startup heating load (in batch processes)Increase in production Fire protection Better working conditions Reduction in thermal spalling in refractory lining, etc. Rupa Z. Vadodaria is a Chemical Engineer and currently studying for Masters in Engineering Management at Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. Ketan A. Shah is a Civil Engineer and currently studying for MBA at Kellogg School of Management, Evanston, IL, USA. H. V. Shah is a Chairman of Megha Insulations Pvt. Ltd."
] | [
"docid": "D3188397#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/UniTherm-Ceramic-Insulation-Blanket-Furnaces/dp/B01BIDUED0\n\"UniTherm Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Roll, (8# Density, 2300°F) (1\"\"x24\"\"x25') for Kilns, Ovens, Furnaces, Forges, Stoves and More!\"",
"text": "\"Share Qty: Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$112.97+ Free Shipping Sold by: Commercial Supplies Add to Cart$119.97+ Free Shipping Sold by: Fi Fe Store Add to Cart$133.52+ Free Shipping Sold by: ONLINE DEALZHave one to sell? Sell on Amazon Unitherm Uni Therm Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Roll, (8# Density, 2300°F) (1\"\"x24\"\"x25') for Kilns, Ovens, Furnaces, Forges, Stoves and More!5.0 out of 5 stars 5 customer reviews Price: $114.99 & FREE Shipping . Details Only 15 left in stock - order soon. Sold by Uni Therm International Inc. and Fulfilled by Amazon . Gift-wrap available. Price For: Each Standards: UL 723 Continuous Use Temp. : 1922 Degrees F Thickness: 1\"\" Density: 8 cu. ft./lb. Approx. R Value: .75 Width: 24\"\" Max."
"docid": "D305399#0",
"title": "http://www.explorit.org/science/earth_science.html\nEARTH SCIENCE FACTS",
"text": "\"Introduction When the star that we call our Sun condensed out of a swirling cloud of hot interstellar gas, some material remained in orbit around the newly forming star. That orbiting material consisted of hot chunks of rock and frozen liquids called \"\"planetisimals\"\". From these were gradually formed several (nine that we know of) planets including Earth. The planets - including Earth - still move in relatively stable orbits around the sun. Earth not only orbits the sun but spins on its own axis as it does so. At the equator the Earth is spinning on its axis at a speed of about 1,038 miles (1,670 kilometres) an hour. Earth's spin or rotation is a relic of its origin as a hot, spinning mass when it was first formed. Earth science or geology is the science of the Earth. It is an organized study and body of knowledge about mountains, plains and oceans; about the history of life on Earth; and about the succession of physical events that have been (or are still) part of this history.1. How was the planet Earth formed?"
"docid": "D3234217#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095894650800098X\nRetardation of cement hydration caused by heavy metals present in ISF slag used as aggregate",
"text": "Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 30, Issue 10, November 2008, Pages 970-978Retardation of cement hydration caused by heavy metals present in ISF slag used as aggregate Caroline Weeks a b 1 Russell J. Hand a John H. Sharp a Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2008.07.005 Get rights and content Abstract A study was carried out into the potential use of slag from the Imperial Smelting Furnace method of zinc production (ISF slag) as a fine aggregate in concrete. One of the main issues associated with the use of ISF slag was that zinc and lead ions are known to cause retardation of the cement setting process. The effect of various inorganic additives to attempt to offset the retardation is reported. The previously favoured explanation for the mechanism of retardation could not fully explain observations made during this and other studies. Based on evidence gathered during this work, a detailed mechanism is proposed for the retardation of setting caused by heavy metal ions such as zinc and lead, involving the conversion of a metal hydroxide to a metal hydroxy-species. This conversion reaction consumes calcium and hydroxide ions from the surrounding solution and delays their supersaturation and hence the precipitation of CSH gel and Ca (OH) 2. Previous article Next article Keywords Admixtures Isothermal conduction calorimetry Lead Retardation Zinc slag1. Introduction There is currently a significant drive for the construction industry to become more sustainable. In particular, the concrete sector must aim to match the performance and efficiency of the timber and steel construction sectors. Also issues surrounding the quarrying of non-renewable primary aggregates, including concerns about noise, dust, visual intrusion and damage to biodiversity, have led to the introduction of the Aggregates Levy in the UK to tax the sale of these raw materials."
"docid": "D3188393#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/UniTherm-Ceramic-Insulation-Blanket-Furnaces/dp/B01BIB4R1M\n\"UniTherm Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Roll, (6# Density, 2300°F) (1\"\"x24\"\"x25') for Kilns, Ovens, Furnaces, Forges, Stoves and More!\"",
"text": "\"Share Qty:$89.99 + Free Shipping In stock. Usually ships within 3 to 4 days. Sold by Uni Therm International Inc. Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$104.11+ Free Shipping Sold by: Commercial Supplies Add to Cart$109.51+ Free Shipping Sold by: Lighting Sales LLCAdd to Cart$109.83+ $1.99 shipping Sold by: Data Alchemy Have one to sell? Sell on Amazon Unitherm Uni Therm Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Roll, (6# Density, 2300°F) (1\"\"x24\"\"x25') for Kilns, Ovens, Furnaces, Forges, Stoves and More!4.9 out of 5 stars 19 customer reviews| 13 answered questions Price: $89.99 & FREE Shipping In stock. Usually ships within 3 to 4 days. Ships from and sold by Uni Therm International Inc. .8 new from $89.99Specifications for this item Brand Name Unitherm Color White EAN 0866895000040External Testing Certification UL 723Item Weight 38.0Material Fiberglass Part Number CF6-1-24X25UPC 866895000040Frequently bought together++Total price: $149.03Add all three to Cart Add all three to List These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. Show details This item: Uni Therm Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Roll, (6# Density, 2300°F) (1\"\"x24\"\"x25') for Kilns, Ovens… $89.99Rutland Products Fire Brick $30.34MEECO'S RED DEVIL 610 Refractory Cement - Indoor Use Only $28.70Customers who bought this item also bought Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. MEECO'S RED DEVIL 610 Refractory Cement - Indoor Use Only4.3 out of 5 stars 123$28.70Rutland Products Fire Brick4.6 out of 5 stars 185$30.34Rutland Products 601 Rutland Castable Refractory Cement, 25-Pound4.3 out of 5 stars 98$45.45ITC-100HT Ceramic Radiant Heat Reflection and Refractory Protection Coating (Pint)4.8 out of 5 stars 9$64.99KIBOW 0~30 PSIG Type 1 (QCC1) Adjustable High Pressure Propane Regulator w/0~60PSI Gas Flow Indicator for Forge/Foundry4.3 out of 5 stars 22$33.99Crestware 40-Inch Pizza Oven Brush4.1 out of 5 stars 29$29.37Customers also shopped for Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading."
"docid": "D303224#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass\nGlass",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the material. For other uses, see Glass (disambiguation). A jar made of soda-lime glass. Although transparent in thin sections, the glass is greenish-blue in thick sections from impurities. Bubbles remained trapped in the glass as it cooled from a liquid, through the glass transition, becoming a non-crystalline solid. The joining of two tubes made of lead glass during glass welding Glass is a non- crystalline amorphous solid that is often transparent and has widespread practical, technological, and decorative usage in, for example, window panes, tableware, and optoelectronics. The most familiar, and historically the oldest, types of glass are \"\"silicate glasses\"\" based on the chemical compound silica (silicon dioxide, or quartz ), the primary constituent of sand. The term glass, in popular usage, is often used to refer only to this type of material, which is familiar from use as window glass and in glass bottles. Of the many silica-based glasses that exist, ordinary glazing and container glass is formed from a specific type called soda-lime glass, composed of approximately 75% silicon dioxide (Si O 2 ), sodium oxide (Na 2 O) from sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 ), calcium oxide, also called lime (Ca O), and several minor additives. Many applications of silicate glasses derive from their optical transparency, giving rise to their primary use as window panes."
"docid": "D1043973#0",
"title": "http://www.galleries.com/Silicates\n.",
"text": "\"The Silicate Class The Silicates are the largest, the most interesting, and the most complicated class of minerals by far. Approximately 30% of all minerals are silicates and some geologists estimate that 90% of the Earth's crust is made up of silicates. With oxygen and silicon the two most abundant elements in the earth's crust, the abundance of silicates is no real surprise. The basic chemical unit of silicates is the ( Si O 4) tetrahedron shaped anionic group with a negative four charge (-4). The central silicon ion has a charge of positive four while each oxygen has a charge of negative two (-2) and thus each silicon-oxygen bond is equal to one half (1/2) the total bond energy of oxygen. This condition leaves the oxygens with the option of bonding to another silicon ion and therefore linking one ( Si O 4 ) tetrahedron to another and another, etc.. The complicated structures that these silicate tetrahedrons form is truly amazing. They can form as single units, double units, chains, sheets, rings and framework structures. The different ways that the silicate tetrahedrons combine is what makes the Silicate Class the largest, the most interesting and the most complicated class of minerals. The Silicates are divided into the following subclasses, not by their chemistries, but by their structures: Nesosilicates (single tetrahedrons)Sorosilicates (double tetrahedrons)Inosilicates (single and double chains)Cyclosilicates (rings)Phyllosilicates (sheets)Tectosilicates (frameworks)The Nesosilicate Subclass (single tetrahedrons)The simplest of all the silicate subclasses, this subclass includes all silicates where the ( Si O 4 ) tetrahedrons are unbonded to other tetrahedrons. In this respect they are similar to other mineral classes such as the sulfates and phosphates."
"docid": "D3401827#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geopolymer_cement\nGeopolymer cement",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)From a terminological point of view, geopolymer cement [1] is a binding system that hardens at room temperature, like regular Portland cement. If a geopolymer compound requires heat setting it may not be called geopolymer cement but rather geopolymer binder. List of the minerals, chemicals used for making geopolymer cements Geopolymer cement is being developed and utilised as an alternative to conventional Portland cement for use in transportation, infrastructure, construction and offshore applications. It relies on minimally processed natural materials or industrial byproducts to significantly reduce its carbon footprint, while also being very resistant to many common concrete durability issues. Production of geopolymer cement requires an aluminosilicate precursor material such as metakaolin or fly ash, a user-friendly alkaline reagent [2] (for example, sodium or potassium soluble silicates with a molar ratio MR Si O 2 : M 2 O ≥ 1.65, M being Na or K) and water (See the definition for \"\"user-friendly\"\" reagent below). Room temperature hardening is more readily achieved with the addition of a source of calcium cations, often blast furnace slag. Geopolymer cements can be formulated to cure more rapidly than Portland-based cements; some mixes gain most of their ultimate strength within 24 hours."
"docid": "D1580201#0",
"title": "http://www.skamol.com/production/materials/calcium-silicate\nCalcium silicate",
"text": "Calcium silicate Calcium silicate consists primarily of two elements: quicklime and microsilica, where microsilica initially was a waste product from the production of silicon metal and ferrosilicon. Microsilica became a rather costly waste product and therefore, the desire to recycle the material arose in the silicon industry. Skamol was among the pioneers in finding a valuable use of microsilica. The first idea was to use the waste material in connection with moler and this development process led to a special insulating board combining the two materials. For this effort, Skamol received an international development award. Product development led to Skamol calcium silicate boards The further development, however, went in a completely different direction without moler. Instead it was found that microsilica and quicklime was a good combination, and the direction was set towards the Skamol calcium silicate systems we know today. Our portfolio of calcium silicate boards utilize the unique insulating properties of the raw materials: They can withstand high temperatures, and are lightweight materials that are very easy to work with. Since the beginning, we have continuously developed our calcium silicate systems and we continue to find new uses across segments including a wide variety of applications within building and industry applications."
"docid": "D1344966#0",
"title": "http://www.autoatlanta.com/Porsche-914-Spark-Plug-srch.html\nPORSCHE 914 SPARK PLUG",
"text": "\"PORSCHE 914 SPARK PLUGCan't find what you need? Try browsing the Accessories or Exploded Diagrams!<-- Try narrowing by car using the menu to the left. Page 1 of 13 (303 items) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next Ignition Wire Set, 914 2.0l, 912e093807 mm copper core wire set. This set has four short spark plug connectors. Available in black, blue, and red; please indicate color choice when ordering. These wires fit these specific models: 914 1973-76 h4 2.0 ltr. w,an,gb 912e 1976 h4 2.0 ltr. General Fitment914 1970-76 911 1974-77$33.95Make a selection New/Replacement: $33.95Ignition Wire Set, 914 1.7/1.8l093757 mm copper core wire set. This set has two long and two short spark plug connectors. Available in black, blue, and red; please indicate color choice when ordering."
"docid": "D2554388#0",
"title": "http://www.gewater.com/handbook/cooling_water_systems/ch_24_corrosion.jsp\n",
"text": "\"Types of Corrosion Control of Corrosion Corrosion can be defined as the destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. In cooling systems, corrosion causes two basic problems. The first and most obvious is the failure of equipment with the resultant cost of replacement and plant downtime. The second is decreased plant efficiency due to loss of heat transfer-the result of heat exchanger fouling caused by the accumulation of corrosion products. Corrosion occurs at the anode, where metal dissolves. Often, this is separated by a physical distance from the cathode, where a reduction reaction takes place. An electrical potential difference exists between these sites, and current flows through the solution from the anode to the cathode. This is accompanied by the flow of electrons from the anode to the cathode through the metal. Figure 24-1 illustrates this process. For steel, the typical anodic oxidation reaction is: Fe = Fe 2 + + 2e ¯This reaction is accompanied by the following: Fe 2 + + 2OH ¯ = Fe (OH) 2The ferrous hydroxide then combines with oxygen and water to produce ferric hydroxide, Fe (OH) 3, which becomes common iron rust when dehydrated to Fe 2 O 3."
"docid": "D489707#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Straw-Bale-House\nHow to Build a Straw Bale House",
"text": "\"Edit Article How to Build a Straw Bale House Building a straw bale and plaster house is a low-cost and environmentally friendly way to create a home. This guide covers the materials and methods you might use to build a straw bale house, a house that can last hundreds of years, is energy efficient and is cheap to maintain. For simplicity, this article will not include instruction on the installation of services such as natural gas, electricity or water and sewer: It covers only the details about how to build the shell. Steps1 Make a plan. How big? How many rooms? What services do you want? Where are the windows and doors going to go? Draw up the floor plan. On your diagram, you should roughly sketch the room layouts and locate the drain lines precisely (for concrete slab) where the shower, bathtub and toilet drain connections will be (wood floors with a crawl space allows easier changes of such locations)."
"docid": "D2225181#0",
"title": "http://www.insulation-guide.com/insulation-types.html\nInsulation Types",
"text": "\"Insulation Types Most of the insulation types that are available for installation or that you may find in your house are described here by name, R-value, strengths, and weaknesses. The list that follows is divided into the following categories: Batt or Roll Insulation Loose Fill or Blown Insulation Rigid Board Insulation Spray Applied Insulation Poured-in or Injected Insulation Radiant Barriers Combination Insulation Systems and Structural Insulation Systems Insulation Guide - Think carefully about the location you want to insulate and decide what your main goal is. Are you trying to seal air leaks, add R-value, or reflect radiant heat? Will the insulation be susceptible to moisture, sunlight, insects or rodents? Is there a specific problem you are trying to solve like condensation, mold, pipe freeze-ups or ice dams? With these factors in mind look for the best insulation type for your situation. Batt or Roll Insulation How much does insulation cost? How much can I save with insulation? Common Name (s): Fiberglass, fiberglass batts, batts, \"\"the pink stuff\"\" R-value per Inch: around 3.2 Strengths or Best Use: low cost, readily available at local stores, easy DIY installation, there is little left unknown about this product- time tested, can handle small amounts of moisture, naturally fire resistant (needs no additional chemicals), use in standard framing spacing and wide cavities, some brands have high recycled content Weaknesses: not very air tight, subject to air movement around and through the batts, low r-value per inch in narrow cavities, fibers can lead to poor indoor air quality (rare), brands containing formaldehyde off gas over time, itches like crazy during install, nesting material for rodents Common Name (s): High density fiberglass R-value per Inch: 3.6 - 4 Strengths or Best Use: easy DIY installation, not damaged by moderate moisture contact, naturally fire resistant (needs no additional chemicals), moderate availability Weaknesses: not very air tight, subject to air movement around the batts, low r-value per inch in narrow cavities, fibers can lead to poor indoor air quality (rare), itches like crazy during install Common Name (s): Recycled denim, blue jean insulation, recycled cotton R-value per Inch: 3.4 - 3.8 Strengths or Best Use: high recycled content, DIY installation, not itchy during install, good sound deadening Weaknesses: expensive, not very air tight, subject to air movement around and through the batts, low r-value per inch in narrow cavities, will absorb moisture and suffer damage if wet, not available everywhere, nesting material for rodents, batts are not sized for standard construction and are difficult to cut Common Name (s): Cotton batts, cotton insulation R-value per Inch: 3.4 - 3.8 Strengths or Best Use: made from natural fibers, easy DIY installation, not itchy during install, can be installed at any temperature Weaknesses: not very air tight, subject to air movement around and through the batts, low r-value per inch in narrow cavities, will absorb moisture and suffer damage if wet, nesting material for rodents Common Name (s): Sheep's wool batts, sheep's wool R-value per Inch: about 3.5 Strengths or Best Use: made from natural fibers, easy DIY installation, not itchy during install Weaknesses: not very air tight, subject to air movement around and through the batts, low r-value per inch in narrow cavities, will absorb moisture and suffer damage if wet, not fully tested by time and ASTM, not widely available, expensive compared to other batt products, subject to moth damage if not properly treated Common Name (s): Mineral wool batts, mineral wool, rock wool, slag wool R-value per Inch: about 3.7 Strengths or Best Use: high recycled content, easy DIY installation, naturally fire resistant and can be used in close contact with stoves and chimneys, not damaged by moderate moisture contact Weaknesses: not very air tight, subject to air movement around the batts, not widely available, fibers can cause indoor air quality problems (rare), itchy to install Loose Fill or Blown Insulation How much does insulation cost? How much can I save with insulation?"
"docid": "D1090912#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_concrete\nTypes of concrete",
"text": "\"Types of concrete From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search There are many types of concrete, designed to suit a variety or purposes coupled with a range of compositions, finishes and performance characteristics. A highway paved with concrete. Regular concrete paving blocks Concrete in sidewalk stamped with contractor name and date it was laid Contents1 Mix design2 Old concrete recipes3 Modern concrete4 High-strength concrete5 Stamped concrete6 High-performance concrete6.1 Ultra-high-performance concrete6.2 Micro-reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete7 Self-consolidating concrete8 Vacuum concrete9 Shotcrete10 Limecrete11 Pervious concrete11.1 Installation11.2 Characteristics12 Cellular concrete13 Cork-cement composites14 Roller-compacted concrete15 Glass concrete16 Asphalt concrete17 Rapid strength concrete18 Rubberized concrete19 Polymer concrete20 Geopolymer concrete21 Refractory cement22 Innovative mixtures23 Gypsum concrete24 See also25 References Mix design [ edit]Modern concrete mix designs can be complex. The choice of a concrete mix depends on the need of the project both in terms of strength and appearance and in relation to local legislation and building codes. The design begins by determining the requirements of the concrete. These requirements take into consideration the weather conditions that the concrete will be exposed to in service, and the required design strength. The compressive strength of a concrete is determined by taking standard molded, standard-cured cylinder samples. Many factors need to be taken into account, from the cost of the various additives and aggregates, to the trade offs between the \"\"slump\"\" for easy mixing and placement and ultimate performance. A mix is then designed using cement (Portland or other cementitious material), coarse and fine aggregates, water and chemical admixtures. The method of mixing will also be specified, as well as conditions that it may be used in."
"docid": "D710535#0",
"title": "https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/types-of-false-ceiling-boards.html\ntypes of false ceiling boards",
"text": "Filter Related Searches: mineral fiber ceiling board types of ceiling board pvc laminated gypsum board bathroom wall board Related Categories: Construction & Real Estate Ceiling Tiles Calcium Silicate Boards Cement Boards Supplier Location: All Countries & Regions All Countries & Regions All Countries & Regions Asia Middle East All China (Mainland) (605) India (1) Saudi Arabia (1)No Matching region Found. All (606) China (Mainland) (605) India (1)No Matching region Found. All (1) Saudi Arabia (1)No Matching region Found. China (Mainland) (605)Sichuan (3) Shandong (146) Shanghai (51) Tianjin (49) Jiangsu (45) Zhejiang (99) Hubei (1) Jiangxi (3) Liaoning (1) Hebei (148) Henan (2) Guangdong (111) Guizhou (1) Anhui (28) Beijing (2)No Matching region Found. Sort By : Relevancy You may want to search: gypsum ceiling boardpvc ceiling boardmineral fiber ceiling boardpvc ceiling board priceboard ceilingdifferent types of ceiling board Add to Compare Response Rate: 97.5%Transaction Level: Contact Supplier Tags: False Ceiling | Ceiling Tiles | Ceiling Panel | View larger imagetypes of modern fireproof acoustic house decorative aluminum metal pop suspended stretch falseceiling panel tiles board design Ad US $6.0-6.0 / Square Meters100 Square Meters (Min. Order)Guangdong Na-View Commercial Investment Co., Ltd. Add to Compare Response Rate: 87.5%Contact Supplier Tags: Pvc Ceiling Board | Waterproof Pvc Ceiling Board | Plastic False Ceiling Pvc Board | View larger image Types of Waterproof Plastic False Ceiling PVC Board Price Ad US $1.45-2.88 / Square Meter10000 Square Meters (Min. Order)Haining Longtime Industry Co., Ltd. Add to Compare Response Rate: 96.2%Transaction Level: Contact Supplier Tags: Aluminum False Ceiling Boards | New Types Of Aluminum False Ceiling | View larger image China New Types of Aluminum False Ceiling Boards Ad US $0.62-10.59 / Piece600 Pieces (Min. Order)Beijing Yinhe Jinyuan STD Co., Ltd. Add to Compare Transaction Level: Contact Supplier Tags: Ceiling | Ceiling Tile | Types Of False Ceiling Boards | View larger image China manufactured ceiling tile original types of false ceiling boards Ad US $7.38-15.07 / Millimeter500 Millimeters (Min. Order)Hongda Xingye Co., Ltd. Add to Compare Response Rate: 89.7%Transaction Level: Contact Supplier Tags: Aluminum Perforated Ceiling Panel | Perforated Aluminum Ceiling Panel | Metal Perforated Ceiling Panel | View larger image Aluminum types of false ceiling boards for building Ad US $4.5-7.5 / Square Meter200 Square Meters (Min. Order)Foshan Manybest Building Material Co., Ltd. Add to Compare Response Rate: 90.8%Transaction Level: Contact Supplier Tags: Mobile Home Wall Paneling | View larger image Mobile home ceiling panel types of false ceiling boards for ceiling and wall US $0.65-1.5 / Square Meter1 Square Meter (Min."
"docid": "D3136536#0",
"title": "http://www.hi-tm.com/Documents/Chem-h2o.html\n.",
"text": "\"THE EFFECT OF WATER QUALITY ON FOODby O. Peter Snyder Hospitality Institute of Technology and Management670 Transfer Road, Suite 21ASt. Paul, MN 55114Introduction The characteristics of water used in the production and preparation of food are quite important. National, state and local regulatory authorities require the use of potable water in food production. Potable water standards are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as listed by National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations that deal with health. The safety of water for human consumption will always be the most important consideration. Characteristics of Water Hardness Potable water, however, may possess soluble minerals such as calcium and magnesium that are of significant importance. These ions form precipitates with bicarbonates in water when it is heated, and with sulfates when water is evaporated from solution. This phenomenon is known as water hardness. The hardness of water may be expressed quantitatively in terms of parts per million (ppm) for calcium, ppm of calcium carbonate, and grains calcium carbonate per gallon of water. Based on grains of carbonate per gallon, water is classified as follows: Soft: 1 to 4 grains per gallon Medium: 5 to 10 grains per gallon Hard: 11 to 20 grains per gallon Hard water is also sometimes classified as temporarily hard or permanently hard."
"docid": "D1020207#0",
"title": "http://www.madehow.com/Volume-6/Silicon.html\nSilicon",
"text": "\"Silicon Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Background Second only to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element in Earth's crust. It is found in rocks, sand, clays and soils, combined with either oxygen as silicon dioxide, or with oxygen and other elements as silicates. Silicon's compounds are also found in water, in the atmosphere, in many plants, and even in certain animals. Silicon is the fourteenth element of the periodic table and is a Group IVA element, along with carbon germanium, tin and lead. Pure silicon is a dark gray solid with the same crystalline structure as diamond. Its chemical and physical properties are similar to this material. Silicon has a melting point of 2570° F (1410° C), a boiling point of 4271° F (2355° C), and a density of 2.33 g/cm3. When silicon is heated it reacts with the halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine) to form halides. It reacts with certain metals to form silicides and when heated in an electric furnace with carbon, a wear resistant ceramic called silicon carbide is produced. Hydrofluoric acid is the only acid that affects silicon."
"docid": "D19343#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineral\nMineral",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Mineral (disambiguation). Crystals of serandite, natrolite, analcime, and aegirine: Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound, [1] usually of crystalline form and not produced by life processes. A mineral has one specific chemical composition, whereas a rock can be an aggregate of different minerals or mineraloids. The study of minerals is called mineralogy. As of March 2018, there are more than 5,500 known mineral species; [2] 5,312 of these have been approved by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). [ 3]Minerals are distinguished by various chemical and physical properties. Differences in chemical composition and crystal structure distinguish the various species, which were determined by the mineral's geological environment when formed. Changes in the temperature, pressure, or bulk composition of a rock mass cause changes in its minerals. Within a mineral species there may be variation in physical properties or minor amounts of impurities that are recognized by mineralogists or wider society as a mineral variety, [4] for example amethyst, a purple variety of the mineral species quartz. Minerals can be described by their various physical properties, which are related to their chemical structure and composition."
"docid": "D46660#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon\nSilicon",
"text": "\"Silicon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Silicon (disambiguation). Not to be confused with the silicon-containing synthetic polymer silicone. \"\" Element 14\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Element 14 (disambiguation). Silicon, 14 Si General properties Pronunciation / ˈ s ɪ l ɪ k ən / ( SIL -ik-ən)Appearance crystalline, reflective with bluish-tinged faces Standard atomic weight ( A r, standard) [ 28.084 , 28.086] conventional: 28.085Silicon in the periodic table Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson C ↑ Si ↓ Gealuminium ← silicon → phosphorus Atomic number ( Z) 14Group group 14 (carbon group)Period period 3Element category metalloid Block p-block Electron configuration [ Ne] 3s 2 3p 2Electrons per shell 2, 8, 4Physical properties Phase at STP solid Melting point 1687 K (1414 °C, 2577 °F)Boiling point 3538 K (3265 °C, 5909 °F)Density (near r.t.) 2.3290 g/cm 3when liquid (at m.p.) 2.57 g/cm 3Heat of fusion 50.21 k J/mol Heat of vaporization 383 k J/mol Molar heat capacity 19.789 J/ (mol·K)Vapor pressure P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T (K) 1908 2102 2339 2636 3021 3537Atomic properties Oxidation states 4, 3, 2, 1 [1] −1, −2, −3, −4 (an amphoteric oxide)Electronegativity Pauling scale: 1.90Ionization energies1st: 786.5 k J/mol2nd: 1577.1 k J/mol3rd: 3231.6 k J/mol ( more)Atomic radius empirical: 111 pm Covalent radius 111 pm Van der Waals radius 210 pm Spectral lines Miscellanea Crystal structure face-centered diamond-cubic Speed of soundthin rod8433 m/s (at 20 °C)Thermal expansion 2.6 µm/ (m·K) (at 25 °C)Thermal conductivity 149 W/ (m·K)Electrical resistivity 2.3 × 10 3 Ω·m (at 20 °C) [2]Band gap 1.12 e V (at 300 K)Magnetic ordering diamagnetic [3]Magnetic susceptibility −3.9·10 −6 cm 3 /mol (298 K) [4]Young's modulus 130–188 GPa [5]Shear modulus 51–80 GPa [5]Bulk modulus 97.6 GPa [5]Poisson ratio 0.064–0.28 [5]Mohs hardness 6.5CAS Number 7440-21-3History Naming after Latin 'silex' or 'silicis', meaning flint Prediction Antoine Lavoisier (1787)Discovery and first isolation Jöns Jacob Berzelius [6] [7] (1823)Named by Thomas Thomson (1817)Main isotopes of silicon Isotope Abundance Half-life ( t 1/2)Decay mode Product28 Si 92.2% stable29 Si 4.7% stable30 Si 3.1% stable31 Si trace 2.62 h β − 31P32 Si trace 153 y β − 32Pview talk edit| references | in Wikidata Silicon is a chemical element with symbol Si and atomic number 14. A hard and brittle crystalline solid with a blue-grey metallic lustre, it is a tetravalentmetalloid and semiconductor. It is a member of group 14 in the periodic table, along with carbon above it and germanium, tin, and lead below."
"docid": "D319045#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concrete\nConcrete",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Not to be confused with cement or mortar (masonry). Exterior of the Roman Pantheon, finished 128 AD, the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world. [ 1]Interior of the Pantheon dome, seen from beneath. The concrete for the coffered dome was laid on moulds, probably mounted on temporary scaffolding. Opus caementicium exposed in a characteristic Roman arch. In contrast to modern concrete structures, the concrete used in Roman buildings was usually covered with brick or stone. Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime -based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements, such as calcium aluminate cements."
"docid": "D997216#0",
"title": "http://www.jm.com/en/building-materials/industrial-insulation/calcium-silicate/\nCalcium Silicate",
"text": "Industrial Insulation Calcium Silicate When exceptional strength and durability are required along with low thermal conductivity, Industrial Insulation Group’s calcium silicate products are the clear answer. Available in a large selection of sizes and forms, calcium silicate can fit many applications. Request a technical presentation. Thermo-1200Preformed, water-resistant, pipe & block insulation with XOX corrosion inhibitor. 1200°F temperature rating Thermo-12 Gold Preformed, corrosion-inhibiting, high-temp, pipe & block insulation with a 1200° temperature rating Super Caltemp Gold 1700Non-combustible, high-strength block insulation with a temperature rating of 1700°Super Calstik High-temp silicate based glue Super Firetemp L20 pcf, lightweight structural fire protection Super Firetemp M28 pcf, mid-weight structural fire protection Super Firetemp H35 pcf, machinable fire protection Super Firetemp X40 pcf, machinable fire protection Super Firetemp S55 pcf, machinable fire protection"
] |
2373 | california recognized indian tribes | [
"docid": "D720968#0",
"title": "http://www.courts.ca.gov/3066.htm\nCalifornia Tribal Communities",
"text": "California Tribal Communities Print According to most recent census data, California is home to more people of Native American/ Alaska Native heritage than any other state in the Country. There are currently 109 federally recognized Indian tribes in California and 78 entities petitioning for recognition. Tribes in California currently have nearly 100 separate reservations or Rancherias. There are also a number of individual Indian trust allotments. These lands constitute “Indian Country”, and a different jurisdictional applies in Indian Country. For Indians and Indian Country there are special rules that govern state and local jurisdiction. There may also be federal and tribal laws that apply.expand all collapse all Tribal Communities California’s Indian Tribes History Maps Government to Government Relations Videos"
] | [
"docid": "D1786465#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocopa\nCocopah",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cocopa)navigation search Cocopah Xawiƚƚ kwñchawaay Middle Sky, Cocapah, photo by Frank A. Rinehart, 1899Total population1,009 in the United States (2010) [1]Regions with significant populations Mexico ( Baja California and Sonora) United States ( Arizona)Languages Cocopah, English, Spanish Religion Traditional tribal religion Related ethnic groupsother Yuman peoples A Cocopah man and a Cocopah woman The Cocopah, also Cocopá (in Cocopa: Kwapa or Kwii Capáy - \"\"Cloud People\"\" referring to the fog along the Colorado River), are Native Americans who live in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, and in Arizona in the United States. The Cocopah language belongs to the Delta–California branch of the Yuman family. The Spanish term for Cocopah is Cucapá. Their self-designation is Xawiƚƚ kwñchawaay, translating to “Those Who Live on the Cloudy River” (from Xawíƚƚy - \"\"river\"\", kwii - \"\"cloud\"\", (ny)way - \"\"to live\"\", llyay/nyaam - \"\"many\"\"). According to the US Census, there were 1,009 Cocopah in 2010. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Cocopah Tribe of Arizona3 Notable Cocopah people4 Notes5 References6 Further reading7 External links History [ edit]Cocopah traditional territory on the Colorado River and the Gulf of California Archaeologists refers to the prehistoric Native American cultures that inhabited parts of present day Arizona, California, and Baja California (including areas near the Colorado River Valley, the nearby uplands, and north to the vicinity of the Grand Canyon ), as Patayan culture. They are mostly likely ancestors of the Cocopah and other Yuman-speaking tribes in the region. The Patayan peoples practiced floodplain agriculture where possible and relied heavily on hunting and gathering. The first significant contact of the Cocopah with Europeans and Africans probably occurred in 1540, when the Spanish explorer Hernando de Alarcón sailed into the Colorado River delta. The Cocopah were specifically mentioned by name by the expedition of Juan de Oñate in 1605."
"docid": "D1410839#0",
"title": "http://www.winnememwintu.us/who-we-are/\nWho We Are",
"text": "Who We Are In our language Winnemem Wintu translates to Middle Water People as the Mc Cloud River is bounded by the Upper Sacramento to the West and the Pit River to the East. We were born from water, we are of the water, and we fight to protect it. The Winnemem Wintu tribe is indigenous to northern California and has been formally recognized by the California Native American Heritage Commission, an agency of the State of California with responsibility for preserving and protecting Native American sites and cultural resources in California. We once numbered approximately 14,000; by 1910, after several decades of conflict with white settlers, that number had plummeted to 400. Today the tribe’s population is approximately 150. Archeological and ethnographic studies indicate that we have lived in the Mc Cloud River area of northern California for at least 6,000 years, but our traditional knowledge and stories provide evidence we have been here for far longer. Our name means “Middle Water People,” and we are intimately connected to the Mc Cloud River, Mount Shasta, and the surrounding meadows. As Chief Caleen Sisk explains, “ [O]ur beginning of life comes from Mt. Shasta, so all those stories up and down the river have meaning – from Yellow Jacket Mountain, to Fox Mountain, to the Sucker Pools, all these have stories that belong to the Winnemem people and songs that go with them.” Recognized by the Federal Government The U. S. government first recognized the Winnemem Wintu in 1851, when it entered into the Cottonwood Treaty. Through this treaty, the Winnemem Wintu and several other Native American tribes ceded their homelands to the United States in exchange for the creation of a 35-square mile reservation."
"docid": "D1899187#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/some-native-americans-defy-us-law-on-eagle-feathers/2013/02/21/057349ce-7ad4-11e2-9a75-dab0201670da_story.html\nSome Native Americans defy U.S. law on eagle feathers",
"text": "Angelica Chavis, a third-year law student in North Carolina, received her prized eagle feather from a tribal elder at age 7, when she was crowned Little Miss Lumbee. And she’s planning to keep it, even if it’s against federal law. “It’s something I’ve earned, and it was given to me as an honor,” said Chavis, 23. She and other members of the Lumbee Tribe, the largest in North Carolina, say they’re feeling like second-class citizens these days because of a new Obama administration policy. The Justice Department said in October that it would allow Native Americans to possess or use eagle feathers for religious or cultural purposes. But there was a catch: The new rule applies only to members of federally recognized tribes, and the Lumbee Tribe is not among them. Consequently, the Lumbees and members of other non-federally recognized tribes who own feathers are violating the Bald Eagle Protection Act, which makes it a crime to possess a feather without a federal permit. It’s another example of the growing disparities among the nation’s tribes. The Lumbees want the feather policy changed to include all Indians. In the meantime, they’re trying to decide what to do with their feathers."
"docid": "D1699427#0",
"title": "https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/events/9-laws-and-programs-passed-for-indians-after-the-occupation-of-alcatraz/\n9 Laws and Programs Passed for Indians After the Occupation of Alcatraz",
"text": "Events A group of Native American Indians, part of the Indians of All Tribes Inc., occupying the former prison at Alcatraz Island, stand under graffiti welcoming Indian occupiers to United Indian Property on the dock of Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, November 25, 1969. The occupiers were demanding a visit by Secretary of the Interior to discuss possession of the surplus mid-bay property.9 Laws and Programs Passed for Indians After the Occupation of Alcatraz Occupation set the stage for positive Indian programs Dr. Dean Chavers • June 9, 2017As of 1969, Congress had passed 5,000 laws for Indians. The effects of the laws had been to reduce the role of Indian tribal leaders and enhance the power of federal officials to regulate Indian people and their lives. The Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island in 1969 set the stage for the development of positive Indian programs. We were against the “ations”—relocation and termination. Alcatraz led to the most enlightened Indian policy of the last 100 years. President Richard Nixon said in July 1970 that Indians should have no more termination and should have self-rule. Ada Deer’s contributions to changing Indian policy may have been the most important of all the visionaries. She quit her job teaching and spent the next four years doing everything she could to persuade Congress to reverse the termination of her tribe, the Menominee. She slept on people’s couches."
"docid": "D691262#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Native+American+Rights\nNative American Rights",
"text": "\"Native American Rights Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia . Native American Rights In the United States, persons of Native American descent occupy a unique legal position. On theone hand, they are U. S. citizens and are entitled to the same legal rights and protections under the Constitution that all other U. S. citizens enjoy. On the other hand, they are members of self-governing tribes whose existence far predates the arrival of Europeans on American shores. Theyare the descendants of peoples who had their own inherent rights—rights that required no validation or legitimation from the newcomers who found their way onto their soil. These combined, and in many ways conflicting, legal positions have resulted in a complexrelationship between Native American tribes and the federal government. Although the historicevents and specific details of each tribe's situation vary considerably, the legal rights and statusmaintained by Native Americans are the result of their shared history of wrestling with the U. S.government over such issues as tribal sovereignty, shifting government policies, treaties that weremade and often broken, and conflicting latter-day interpretations of those treaties. The result today is that although Native Americans enjoy the same legal rights as every other U. S. citizen, they alsoretain unique rights in such areas as hunting and fishing, water use, and Gaming operations. In general, these rights are based on the legal foundations of tribal sovereignty, treaty provisions, andthe \"\"reserved rights\"\" doctrine, which holds that Native Americans retain all rights not explicitlyabrogated in treaties or other legislation. Tribal Sovereignty Tribal sovereignty refers to the fact that each tribe has the inherent right to govern itself."
"docid": "D491486#0",
"title": "http://www.ncsl.org/research/state-tribal-institute/list-of-federal-and-state-recognized-tribes.aspx\nFederal and State Recognized Tribes",
"text": "Federal and State Recognized Tribes Featured Items Federally Recognized Tribes State Recognized Tribes NCSL Contact Martha Salazar Updated October 2016The following state-by-state listing of Indian tribes or groups are federally recognized and eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), there are currently 566 federally recognized tribes. For more information on federally recognized tribes, click here . The list also includes Indian tribes or groups that are recognized by the states, when the state has established such authority. This acknowledges their status within the state but does not guarantee funding from the state or the federal government. State-recognized Indian tribes are not federally recognized; however, federally recognized tribes may also be state-recognized. Tribal constitutions determine the criteria for an individual's tribal enrollment, for more information regarding the process of tribal membership and enrollment, please visit the federal Department of Interior website. Federally Recognized Tribes Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Idaho | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Louisiana | Maine | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississipp i | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Oklahoma | Oregon | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming Alabama Poarch Band of Creeks Alaska Native Village of Afognak (formerly the Village of Afognak)Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove Native Village of Akhiok Akiachak Native Community Akiak Native Community Native Village of Akutan Village of Alakanuk Alatna Village Native Village of Aleknagik Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's)Allakaket Village Native Village of Ambler Village of Anaktuvuk Pass Yupiit of Andreafski Angoon Community Association Village of Aniak Anvik Village Arctic Village (See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government)Asa'carsarmiut Tribe Native Village of Atka Village of Atmautluak Atqasuk Village (Atkasook)Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government Beaver Village Native Village of Belkofski Village of Bill Moore's Slough Birch Creek Tribe Native Village of Brevig Mission Native Village of Buckland Native Village of Cantwell Native Village of Chenega (aka Chanega)Chalkyitsik Village Cheesh-Na Tribe (formerly the Native Village of Chistochina)Village of Chefornak Chevak Native Village Chickaloon Native Village Chignik Bay Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Chignik)Native Village of Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Village Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)Native Village of Chitina Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim)Chuloonawick Native Village Circle Native Community Village of Clarks Point Native Village of Council Craig Community Association Village of Crooked Creek Curyung Tribal Council Native Village of Deering Native Village of Diomede (aka Inalik)Village of Dot Lake Douglas Indian Association Native Village of Eagle Native Village of Eek Egegik Village Eklutna Native Village Native Village of Ekuk Ekwok Village Native Village of Elim Emmonak Village Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field)Native Village of Eyak (Cordova)Native Village of False Pass Native Village of Fort Yukon Native Village of Gakona Galena Village (aka Louden Village)Native Village of Gambell Native Village of Georgetown Native Village of Goodnews Bay Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk)Gulkana Village Native Village of Hamilton Healy Lake Village Holy Cross Village Hoonah Indian Association Native Village of Hooper Bay Hughes Village Huslia Village Hydaburg Cooperative Association Igiugig Village Village of Iliamna Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope Iqurmuit Traditional Council (formerly the Native Village of Russian Mission)Ivanoff Bay Village Kaguyak Village Organized Village of Kake Kaktovik Village (aka Barter Island)Village of Kalskag Village of Kaltag Native Village of Kanatak Native Village of Karluk Organized Village of Kasaan Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council (formerly the Native Village of Kasigluk)Kenaitze Indian Tribe Ketchikan Indian Corporation Native Village of Kiana King Island Native Community King Salmon Tribe Native Village of Kipnuk Native Village of Kivalina Klawock Cooperative Association Native Village of Kluti Kaah (aka Copper Center)Knik Tribe Native Village of Kobuk Kokhanok Village Native Village of Kongiganak Village of Kotlik Native Village of Kotzebue Native Village of Koyuk Koyukuk Native Village Organized Village of Kwethluk Native Village of Kwigillingok Native Village of Kwinhagak (aka Quinhagak)Native Village of Larsen Bay Levelock Village Lime Village Village of Lower Kalskag Manley Hot Springs Village Manokotak Village Native Village of Marshall (aka Fortuna Ledge)Native Village of Mary's Igloo Mc Grath Native Village Native Village of Mekoryuk Mentasta Traditional Council Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve Native Village of Minto Naknek Native Village Native Village of Nanwalek (aka English Bay)Native Village of Napaimute Native Village of Napakiak Native Village of Napaskiak Native Village of Nelson Lagoon Nenana Native Association New Koliganek Village Council New Stuyahok Village Newhalen Village Newtok Village Native Village of Nightmute Nikolai Village Native Village of Nikolski Ninilchik Village Native Village of Noatak Nome Eskimo Community Nondalton Village Noorvik Native Community Northway Village Native Village of Nuiqsut (aka Nooiksut)Nulato Village Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly the Native Village of Toksook Bay)Native Village of Nunam Iqua (formerly the Native Village of Sheldon's Point)Native Village of Nunapitchuk Village of Ohogamiut Village of Old Harbor Orutsararmuit Native Village (aka Bethel)Oscarville Traditional Village Native Village of Ouzinkie Native Village of Paimiut Pauloff Harbor Village Pedro Bay Village Native Village of Perryville Petersburg Indian Association Native Village of Pilot Point Pilot Station Traditional Village Native Village of Pitka's Point Platinum Traditional Village Native Village of Point Hope Native Village of Point Lay Native Village of Port Graham Native Village of Port Heiden Native Village of Port Lions Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgsenakale)Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska Rampart Village Village of Red Devil Native Village of Ruby Saint George Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands)Native Village of Saint Michael Saint Paul Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands)Village of Salamatoff Native Village of Savoonga Organized Village of Saxman Native Village of Scammon Bay Native Village of Selawik Seldovia Village Tribe Shageluk Native Village Native Village of Shaktoolik Native Village of Shishmaref Native Village of Shungnak Sitka Tribe of Alaska Skagway Village Village of Sleetmute Village of Solomon South Naknek Village Stebbins Community Association Native Village of Stevens Village of Stony River Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak (formerly the Shoonaq' Tribe of Kodiak)Takotna Village Native Village of Tanacross Native Village of Tanana Tangirnaq Native Village (formerly Lesnoi Village)Native Village of Tatitlek Native Village of Tazlina Telida Village Native Village of Teller Native Village of Tetlin Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes Traditional Village of Togiak Tuluksak Native Community Native Village of Tuntutuliak Native Village of Tununak Twin Hills Village Native Village of Tyonek Ugashik Village Umkumiute Native Village Native Village of Unalakleet Native Village of Unga Village of Venetie (See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government)Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (Arctic Village and Village of Venetie)Village of Wainwright Native Village of Wales Native Village of White Mountain Wrangell Cooperative Association Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Arizona Ak Chin Indian Community of the Maricopa (Ak Chin) Indian Reservation Cocopah Tribe of Arizona Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Indian Reservation (Arizona and California)Fort Mc Dowell Yavapai Nation Fort Mojave Indian Tribe (Arizona, California and Nevada)Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation Hopi Tribe of Arizona Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico and Utah)Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation (Arizona and California)Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community of the Salt River Reservation San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Arizona Tohono O’odham Nation of Arizona Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe California Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation Alturas Indian Rancheria Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California Big Lagoon Rancheria Big Pine Band Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria Bishop Pauite Tribe (previously listed as Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony)Blue Lake Rancheria Bridgeport Indian Colony Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Cachil De He Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community of the Colusa Rancheria Cahuilla Ba"
"docid": "D2494383#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quechan_people\nQuechan",
"text": "\"For the South American language, see Quechua languages. Quechan Quechan tribal seal Total population10,089 [1] (2010)Regions with significant populations Arizona California Languages Quechan, English Religiontraditional tribal religion, Christianity Related ethnic groups Maricopa, Mojave, Kumeyaay Yavapai Yumas. In: \"\"United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Report of William H. Emory…\"\" Washington. 1857. Volume I. The Quechan (or Yuma) ( Quechan: Kwtsaan 'those who descended') are a Native American tribe who live on the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation on the lower Colorado River in Arizona and California just north of the Mexican border. Members are enrolled into the Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation. The federally recognized Quechan tribe's main office is located in Fort Yuma, Arizona. Its operations and the majority of its reservation land are located in California, United States. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Population3 Language4 Fort Yuma Indian Reservation5 See also6 Footnotes7 Further reading8 External links History [ edit]Cameron Chino, Quechan artist [2]The historic Yuman-speaking people in this region were skilled warriors and active traders, maintaining exchange networks with the Pima in southern Arizona and with peoples of the Pacific coast. ["
"docid": "D639686#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_sovereignty\nTribal sovereignty in the United States",
"text": "\"Tribal sovereignty in the United States From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Indian sovereignty)navigation search Map of the contiguous United States with reservation lands excluded Tribal sovereignty in the United States is the concept of the inherent authority of indigenous tribes to govern themselves within the borders of the United States. The U. S. federal government recognizes tribal nations as \"\"domestic dependent nations\"\" and has established a number of laws attempting to clarify the relationship between the federal, state and tribal governments. Contents [ hide ]1 Native American sovereignty and the Constitution2 Early history2.1 The Marshall Trilogy, 1823–18322.2 Indian Appropriations Act of 18712.3 United States v. Kagama (1886)2.4 Empowerment of tribal courts, 18832.5 The General Allotment Act (Dawes Act), 18873 Twentieth-century developments3.1 Revenue and Indian Citizenship acts, 19243.2 Indian Reorganization Act, 19343.3 Public Law 280, 19534 Tribal governments today4.1 Tribal courts4.2 Nation to nation: tribes and the federal government4.3 Tribal state relations: sovereign within a sovereign5 List of cases6 See also7 Notes8 References9 External links Native American sovereignty and the Constitution [ edit]The United States Constitution mentions Native American tribes three times: Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 states that \"\"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States ... excluding Indians not taxed.\"\" [ 1] According to Story's Commentaries on the U. S. Constitution, \"\"There were Indians, also, in several, and probably in most, of the states at that period, who were not treated as citizens, and yet, who did not form a part of independent communities or tribes, exercising general sovereignty and powers of government within the boundaries of the states. \"\" Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution states that \"\"Congress shall have the power to regulate Commerce with foreign nations and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes\"\", [2] determining that Indian tribes were separate from the federal government, the states, and foreign nations; [3] and The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 2 amends the apportionment of representatives in Article I, Section 2 above. [ 4]These basic provisions have been changed or clarified by various federal laws over the history of the United States. Regulate historically meant facilitate, rather than control or direct in the more modern sense. Therefore, the Congress of these United States was to be the facilitator of commerce between the states and the tribes. [ 5]These Constitutional provisions, and subsequent interpretations by the Supreme Court (see below), are today often summarized in three principles of U. S. Indian law: [6] [7] [8]Territorial sovereignty: Tribal authority on Indian land is organic and is not granted by the states in which Indian lands are located. Plenary power doctrine: Congress, and not the Executive Branch, has ultimate authority with regard to matters affecting the Indian tribes."
"docid": "D375347#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_recognition_in_the_United_States\nNative American recognition in the United States",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For state recognition in the United States, see State recognized tribes. President Coolidge stands with four Osage Indians at a White House ceremony American Indian tribal recognition in the United States most often refers to the process of a tribe being recognized by the United States federal government, or to a person being granted membership to a federally recognized tribe. There are 567 federally recognized tribal governments in the United States. Non-Acknowledged Tribes are tribes which have no federal designation as sovereign entities. This is not to be confused with recognition of Native Americans in the US which are defined by the BIA as any descendant of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas which is a US citizen. Federally Non-Recognized tribes refers to a subgroup of non-acknowledged tribes which had some sort of recognition by the British prior to the formation of the United States or by the United States but which were determined by the government to no longer exist as an Indian tribe or no longer meet the criteria for a nation to nation status. [ 1] [2] [3]The United States recognizes the right of these tribes to self-government and supports their tribal sovereignty and self-determination. These tribes possess the right to establish the legal requirements for membership. [ 4] They may form their own government, enforce laws (both civil and criminal), tax, license and regulate activities, zone, and exclude people from tribal territories. Limitations on tribal powers of self-government include the same limitations applicable to states; for example, neither tribes nor states have the power to make war, engage in foreign relations, or coin money. ["
"docid": "D1025444#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribe_(Native_American)\nTribe (Native American)",
"text": "\"For indigenous groups in Canada, see band government. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( March 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)In the United States, an Indian tribe, Native American tribe, tribal nation or similar concept is any extant or historical clan, tribe, band, nation, or other group or community of Indigenous peoples in the United States. Modern forms of these entities are often associated with land or territory of an Indian reservation. \"\" Federally recognized Indian tribe\"\" is a legal term of art in United States law with a specific meaning. An Indian tribe recognized by the United States government usually possesses tribal sovereignty, a \"\"dependent sovereign nation\"\" status with the Federal Government that is similar to that of a state in some situations, and that of a nation in others. Depending on the historic circumstances of recognition, the degree of self-government and sovereignty varies somewhat from one tribal nation to another. Contents [ hide ]1 Legal definition in the United States2 Other uses3 \"\"Indian\"\"4 See also5 References6 External links Legal definition in the United States [ edit]The term is defined in the United States for some federal government purposes to include only tribes that are federally recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act [43 U. S. C. 1601 et seq.]. Such tribes, including Alaska Native village or regional or village corporations recognized as such, are known as \"\"federally recognized tribes\"\" and are eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States."
"docid": "D2001646#0",
"title": "http://www.angelfire.com/indie/indians2/types.html\nTypes Of American Indians",
"text": "\"undefined undefined Types Of American Indians NAVAJO: Arizona In Northeast Arizona, the Navajo are a pround and independent people. The Navajo are the largest of the remaining tribes today. The Navajo can adapt to the modern life but still somewhat nomadic. The Hopi Indians live in the center of the Navajo country. The Havasupai live along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon (Indian America, Ney, 7). The anciet home of the Walapai and the Yavapai Indians live in the northwest corner of Arizona (Indian America, Ney, 7). The Hohokam Indians are more developed than the Cochise Men. The Hohokam Indians live along the Gila Valley. They built and used canals to irrigate their desert lands (Indian America, Ney, 7). The Indian tribes of the Yuma, Mohave, and Cocopa are dependent on the south-flowing Colorado River."
"docid": "D434423#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_(US)\nNative Americans in the United States",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Native American (US))navigation search Native Americans Total population American Indian and Alaska Native (2010 Census Bureau) [1]One race: 2,932,248 are registered In combination with one or more of the other races listed: 2,288,331 Total: 5,220,579~ 1.6% of the total U. S. population. Regions with significant populations Predominantly in the Western United States; small communities also exist in the Eastern United States Languages Native American languages (including Navajo, Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Dakota, Sioux, Western Apache, Keres, Cherokee, Choctaw, Zuni, Ojibwe, O'odham [2])English, Spanish, French, Russian Religion Native American Church Protestant Roman Catholic Russian Orthodox Traditional Ceremonial Ways (Unique to Specific Tribe or Band)Related ethnic groups Indigenous peoples of the Americas Indigenous peoples of Mexico Aboriginal peoples in Canada Indigenous peoples of South Americans Métis Mestizo Native Americans, also known as American Indians, Indians, Indigenous Americans and other terms, are the indigenous peoples of the United States. There are over 500 federally recognized tribes within the U. S., about half of which are associated with Indian reservations. The term excludes Native Hawaiians and some Alaska Natives. The ancestors of modern Native Americans arrived in what is now the United States at least 15,000 years ago, possibly much earlier, from Asia via Beringia. A vast variety of peoples, societies and cultures subsequently developed. Native Americans were greatly affected by the European colonization of the Americas, which began in 1492, and their population declined precipitously due to introduced diseases, warfare, and slavery. After the founding of the United States, many Native American peoples were subjected to warfare, removals, and one-sided treaties, and they continue to suffer from discriminatory government policies today. Since the 1960s, Native American self-determination movements have resulted in many changes to the lives of Native Americans, though there are still many contemporary issues faced by Native Americans. Today, there are over five million Native Americans in the United States."
"docid": "D2366680#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_Languages_Act_of_1990\nNative American Languages Act of 1990",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Native American Languages Act of 1990Long title An Act to reauthorize the Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 and the Navajo Community College Act. Acronyms (colloquial)NALANicknames Native American Languages Act Enacted by the 101st United States Congress Effective October 30, 1990Citations Public law 101-477Statutes at Large 104 Stat. 1152Codification Titles amended 25 U. S. C.: Indians U. S. C. sections created 25 U. S. C. ch. 31 § 2901 et seq. U. S. C. sections amended25 U. S. C. ch. 20, subch. I § 181125 U. S. C. ch. 20, subch. II § 1832 et seq. Legislative history Introduced in the Senate as S. 2167 by John Mc Cain ( R – AZ) on February 22, 1990Committee consideration by Senate Indian Affairs (Permanent Select)Passed the Senate on October 11, 1990 (passed voice vote)Passed the House on October 12, 1990 (passed without objection)Signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on October 30, 1990The Native American Languages Act of 1990 is the short cited title for executive order PUBLIC LAW 101-477 enacted by Congress on October 30, 1990."
"docid": "D2802341#0",
"title": "http://www.kumeyaay.info/california_gold/\nCALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH 1848-1855",
"text": "\"CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH 1848-1855The great CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH 1848-1855 is historically paramount to Native American Indian history in California — it was estimated that some 300,000 immigrants poured into California during this seven-year period effectively tripling California's population. It's been estimated that some $10 BILLION (2002 dollars) in gold was mined from California tribal lands between 1849 and 1862. When James Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, on January 24th, 1848, it was estimated there were some 150,000 Indigenous Native American Indians living in California. In 1848, Indians in California outnumbered whites by 10 to one — can you imagine that — walking out of your house today and hiking to your favorite park or beach in an 1848 California countryside? By 1870 (22 years later) it was estimated there were only 30,000 Indians left living in California mostly as a result of the California Gold Rush and the onslaught of white immigrant settlers as their foreign diseases and U. S. government-sanctioned genocide were systematically wiping out the California indigenous populations — better known today as ethnic cleansing — 120,000 California aboriginal Indians were lost in this 22-year period. By 1900 it was estimated that less than 16,000 California Indians had survived the invasion of their homelands (some 134,000 California Indians were lost during this 52-year period while the United States Government was in control of California). It is believed the Kumeyaay (Tipay-Iipay-Diegueño) Indians — one of the largest and strongest pre-contact tribal groups in California — had only 1,000 surviving tribal members at the turn of the 20th century (1900). KUMEYAAY GOLD history in San Diego County's Gold-Rush era mines (1869) — Julian, California (very near the present-day Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel Reservation, a sovereign Indian nation) — some $5 million of gold was taken out of the Julian Eagle and High Peak Mine during the 1870s from deep in the heart of pre-contact Kumeyaay tribal mountains of San Diego County. \"\"Gold! Gold!"
"docid": "D1410840#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/17/winnemem-wintu_n_1681397.html\nWinnemem Wintu Tribe Struggles To Protect Sacred Sites (VIDEO)",
"text": "This article comes to us courtesy of California Watch. By Marc Dadigan REDDING - Caleen Sisk, the chief and spiritual leader of the Winnemem Wintu tribe, wore a traditional basket hat - representing clear thinking - to her meeting with congressional candidate Jim Reed. Amid the din of wheezy coffee grinders at Westside Java & Caffe in Redding, Reed pleaded with Sisk: End her tribe’s longstanding battle against the federal government’s proposal to raise the Shasta Dam by 18.5 feet - a $1 billion retrofit that stands to flood or damage 40 sacred tribal sites used for ceremonies and healings. If elected, Reed told her, he would introduce legislation to grant federal recognition to the Winnemem. ( SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO)The Winnemem Wintu is a ghost tribe, lacking official recognition from the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs. The tribe’s members share their limbo status with at least half of this state’s 150,000 California Indians, according to the California Native American Heritage Commission. As a result, their cultural identities and rights may be subject to political bargaining. California Watch was present at the tribe’s meeting with Reed last October, part of a contributor’s research on challenges the Winnemem Wintu face in their quest to preserve their traditional religion and cultural rites. For the 125 remaining tribe members, federal recognition would restore not just scholarships and monetary benefits, but also less tangible changes the tribe covets, including added legal clout to protect their sacred sites. Because only one California tribe has ever been recognized through the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ laborious petitioning process, Sisk had hoped Reed might offer a congressional shortcut."
"docid": "D829935#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshone_people\nShoshone",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Shoshone people)navigation search For other uses, see Shoshone (disambiguation). Shoshone Newe Total population (12,300 (2000))Regions with significant populations United States ( Idaho, California, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming)Languages Shoshone, [1] English Religion Native American Church, Sun Dance, traditional tribal religion, [2] Christianity, Ghost Dance Related ethnic groups Bannock, Goshute, Northern Paiute, and Comanche The Shoshone or Shoshoni ( / ʃ oʊ ˈ ʃ oʊ n iː / ( listen) or / ʃ ə ˈ ʃ oʊ n iː / ( listen)) are a Native American tribe with four large cultural/linguistic divisions: Eastern Shoshone: Wyoming Northern Shoshone: southeastern Idaho Western Shoshone: Nevada, northern Utah Gosiute: western Utah, eastern Nevada They traditionally speak the Shoshoni language, part of the Numic languages branch of the large Uto-Aztecan language family. The Shoshone were sometimes called the Snake Indians by neighboring tribes and early American explorers. [ 2]Their peoples have become members of federally recognized tribes throughout their traditional areas of settlement, often colocated with the Paiute and Washoe peoples of the Great Basin. Contents [ hide ]1 Name origin2 Language3 History4 Historical population5 Bands6 Reservations and Indian colonies7 Notable Shoshone people8 See also9 Notes10 References11 Further reading12 External links Name origin [ edit]The name \"\"Shoshone\"\" comes from Sosoni, a Shoshone word for high-growing grasses. Some neighboring tribes call the Shoshone \"\"Grass House People,\"\" based on their traditional homes made from soshoni. Shoshones call themselves Newe, meaning \"\"People.\"\" [ 2]Meriwether Lewis recorded the tribe as the \"\"Sosonees or snake Indians\"\" in 1805. [ 2]Language [ edit]The Shoshoni language is spoken by approximately 1,000 people today. [ 1] It belongs to the Central Numic branch of the Uto-Aztecan language family."
"docid": "D2761431#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_River_Indian_Tribes\nColorado River Indian Tribes",
"text": "\"Colorado River Indian Tribes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Colorado River Indian Tribes Tribal Flag Total population4,277 [1]Regions with significant populations United States ( Arizona, California)Languages Colorado River Numic language, Hopi, Mojave, Navajo, and English Related ethnic groupsother Chemehuevi, Mohave, Hopi, and Navajo people The Colorado River Indian Tribes is a federally recognized tribe consisting of the four distinct ethnic groups associated with the Colorado River Indian Reservation: Chemehuevi, the Mohave, Hopi, and Navajo. The tribe has about 4,277 enrolled members. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Reservation3 Government4 Economic development5 Communities6 Notable tribal members7 See also8 Notes9 References10 External links History [ edit]The reservation was established on March 3, 1865 for \"\"Indians of said river and its tributaries.\"\" [ 2] Initially, these were the Mohave and Chemehuevi, but Hopi and Navajo people were relocated to the reservation in 1945. [ 2] The tribal seal was created by John Scott in 1966, and four feathers represented the four CRIT tribes. The tribal flag was designed by Margie Mc Cabe and formally adopted in 1979. [ 1]Reservation [ edit]Junior Rodeo on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, 1972The Colorado River Indian Reservation is a Native American reservation in the southwest United States. Its territory is primarily in western La Paz County, Arizona, with smaller portions in southeastern San Bernardino, [2] and northeastern Riverside counties, California. It has a total land area of 1,119.4445 km 2 (432.22 sq mi), most of it within Parker Valley. It borders the Palo Verde Valley in the southwest boundaries."
"docid": "D1712090#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federally_recognized_tribes\nList of federally recognized tribes",
"text": "\"List of federally recognized tribes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search See also: List of federally recognized tribes by state There is a list of federally recognized tribes in the contiguous United States of America. There are also federally recognized Alaska Native tribes. As of 17 January 2017, 567 Native American tribes were legally recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) of the United States. [ 1] [2] [3]Description [ edit]In the United States, the Indian tribe is a fundamental unit, and the constitution grants Congress the right to interact with tribes. More specifically, the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Sandoval, 231 U. S. 28 (1913), warned, \"\"it is not... that Congress may bring a community or body of people within range of this power by arbitrarily calling them an Indian tribe, but only that in respect of distinctly Indian communities the questions whether, to what extent, and for what time they shall be recognized and dealt with as dependent tribes\"\" (at 46). [ 4] Federal tribal recognition grants to tribes the right to certain benefits, and is largely controlled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). While trying to determine which groups were eligible for federal recognition in the 1970s, government officials became acutely aware of the need for consistent procedures. To illustrate, several federally unrecognized tribes encountered obstacles in bringing land claims; United States v. Washington (1974) was a court case that affirmed the fishing treaty rights of Washington tribes; and other tribes demanded that the U. S. government recognize aboriginal titles. All the above culminated in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975, which legitimized tribal entities by partially restoring Native American self-determination. Following the decisions made by the Indian Claims Commission, the BIA in 1978 published final rules with procedures that groups had to meet to secure federal tribal acknowledgment."
"docid": "D3546049#0",
"title": "https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Yokut%20people&item_type=topic\nYokut people",
"text": "\"The Yokuts (previously known as Mariposas [4]) are an ethnic group of Native Americans native to central California. Before European contact, the Yokuts consisted of up to 60 tribes speaking the same language. Some of their descendants prefer to refer to themselves by their respective tribal names and reject the name Yokuts with the claim that it is an exonym invented by English speaking settlers and historians. \"\" Yokuts\"\" means \"\"People.\"\" Conventional sub-groupings include the Foothill Yokuts, Northern Valley Yokuts, and Southern Valley Yokuts. [ 5]Territory Yokuts tribes populated the San Joaquin Valley, [2] from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (\"\"the delta\"\") south to Bakersfield and the adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, which lies to the east. In the northern half of the Yokuts region, there were some tribes inhabiting the foothills of the Coast Range, which lies to the west. There is evidence of Yokuts inhabiting the Carrizo Plain and creating rock art in the Painted Rock area. Population A Chuckachancy family near Oakhurst, California. ca.1920Estimates for the pre-contact populations of most native groups in California have varied substantially (See Population of Native California )."
"docid": "D62875#0",
"title": "http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/uhic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?zid=2a87fa28f20f1e66b5f663e76873fd8c&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CCX3401802046&userGroupName=lnoca_hawken&jsid=f44511ddfece4faafab082109e34a539\nINDIAN RESERVATIONS",
"text": "\"Indian Reservations Dictionary of American History. 3 rded. 2003. COPYRIGHT 2003 Charles Scribner's Sons, COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning From U. S. History In Context. Listen Full Text: INDIAN RESERVATIONSINDIAN RESERVATIONS. Reservations have been a fundamental aspect of Native American existence for more than two centuries. For some, reservations are a living reminder of Euro-American colonialism and nation building exacted against indigenous people. Others insist that reservations today are the last remaining stronghold of sovereignty and cultural traditions, a reservoir that insures the perpetuation of Native American survival. While the competing European colonial powers evolved political and legal mechanisms to deal with questions of Native American land title, the United States essentially followed the British model. The core principle was that Native American societies possessed a natural right to the soil as its original occupants."
] |
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"docid": "D1228454#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bactrian_camel\nBactrian camel",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bactrian camel A Bactrian camel in the Shanghai Zoo Conservation status Domesticated Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Camelidae Genus: Camelus Species: C. bactrianus Binomial name Camelus bactrianus Linnaeus, 1758Synonyms [1]List [show]The Bactrian camel ( Camelus bactrianus) is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel. [ 2] Its population of two million exists mainly in the domesticated form. [ 3] Their name comes from the ancient historical region of Bactria. [ 4]The domesticated Bactrian camel has served as a pack animal in inner Asia since ancient times. With its tolerance for cold, drought, and high altitudes, it enabled the travel of caravans on the Silk Road. [ 5] A small number of feral Bactrian camels still roam the Mangystau Province of southwest Kazakhstan and the Nubra Valley in India. [ 6] The Wild Bactrian camel is a separate species and is the only truly wild (as opposed to feral) species of camel in the world. Contents [ hide ]1 Taxonomy1.1 Differences from wild Bactrian camels2 Description3 Natural habitat4 Life history4.1 Diet4.2 Reproduction5 Relationship to humans5.1 United States imports5.2 Documentaries5.3 population6 Gallery7 See also8 References9 External links Taxonomy [ edit]Lamini Alpaca Vicuña Llama Guanaco Camelini Dromedary Wild Bactrian camel Bactrian camel Phylogenetic relationships of the dromedary from combined analysis of all molecular data. [ 7]The Bactrian camel shares the genus Camelus with the dromedary ( C. dromedarius) and the wild Bactrian camel ( C. ferus )."
] | [
"docid": "D780224#0",
"title": "http://animals.mom.me/animals-hump-1543.html\nAnimals With a Hump",
"text": "\"In April 2012, visitors to Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire, United Kingdom, were treated to an astounding sight: an enraged camel pursuing a 4,000-pound white rhinoceros until both animals vanished over the crest of a hill. Startled witnesses to this high-speed chase guessed that the rhino had wandered into the camel’s personal space, maybe hoping to make a new friend. But camels are notoriously bad-tempered, meaning the poor rhino may have been innocent of any wrongdoing. However, as dissimilar as the two animals are, they have on physical feature in common: their humps. The Camel When you think of animals with humps, the camel probably comes to mind first. Since the camel's other claim to fame is that it can go for a very long time without water, many people assume that it stores water inside those humps, but that's a misconception. The two main kinds of domesticated camels are the Bactrian, which has two humps, and the dromedary or Arabian camel, which only has one. A camel's humps, which consist of fibrous tissue and fat, weigh up to 80 pounds each and when food is in short supply, the camel's body metabolizes the fat in the humps for nourishment. As Bactrian camels age, their humps often become flaccid and floppy. The dromedary's hump shrinks as it gets older but doesn't flop to one side."
"docid": "D1368865#0",
"title": "http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/12/24/the-difference-between-bactrian-and-dromedary-camels/\nThe Difference Between Bactrian And Dromedary Camels",
"text": "“A dromedary has one hump, and a camel has a refreshment car, buffet, and ticket collector.” — Monty Python’s Flying Circus, “Camel Spotting”In A Nutshell A dromedary is a subspecies of camel, native to deserts across India, Africa, and the Middle East. So what’s with the animals that have one hump and the ones that have two? That’s where the difference comes in; the dromedary has one hump, while the other subspecies of camel, the Bactrian, has two. And also unlike their more popular cousins, the Bactrian lives in the searingly hot (and freezing cold) rocky deserts of Central and East Asia. The Whole Bushel When we think of camels, it’s usually the more popular dromedary that comes to mind first. One of two subspecies of camel, these are the one-humped variety. It’s thought that their original habitat was southern Asia and the Middle East, but now they can be found throughout the desert regions of the Middle East, India and Africa. The most noticeable difference between the dromedary and the Bactrian is the number of humps—the Bactrian has two. They’re also found in a much more northern climate than the dromedary."
"docid": "D1070506#0",
"title": "http://www.indianwildlifemoments.com/indian-wildlife-animals-south-asia-fauna.htm\nIndian Wildlife Moments list of Animals | Fauna | sub continent | south asia",
"text": "\"Animals in Indian Sub-Continent Animals in Indian Sub-Continent Birds in Indian Sub-Continent Migratory Birds in India Reptiles in Indian Sub-Continent Snakes in Indian Sub-Continent Vegetation in Indian Sub-Continent Enquire Now Master Map of Indian Wildlife Bookmark this page Email page to a friend Print this page Indian subcontinent has a rich and varied biodiversity to boast of. Infact, the country is home to some of the most rare as well as magnificent wild animals. Most of the wild animals of India are being protected from poaching as well as habitat loss through the numerous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Indian culture preaches respect for each and every form of life, including wildlife. Still, greedy individuals as well as the ever-increasing population are putting pressure on the peaceful existence of Indian wild animals. In this section, we have provided information on the following wild animals living in India: Indian Asiatic Lion Asiatic Lions once used to roam around the area, stretching from northern Greece, across Southwest Asia, to central India. However, today, the natural habitat of the majestic animal has been reduced to the Gir forests of India only, making the Asiatic Lion almost synonymous with the Indian Lion. Known scientifically as Panthera Leo persica, the royal animal is depicted on the National Emblem of India, since it represents power, strength and sovereignty. Gir National Park is the only remaining place in the world, where one is likely to see the Asiatic Lion. Bengal Tiger Bengal tiger is a subspecies of tiger, which is found in the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent."
"docid": "D780226#0",
"title": "https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/53154/why-do-bulls-have-a-hump/53195\nWhy do bulls have a hump?",
"text": "\"_Biology Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for biology researchers, academics, and students. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Why do bulls have a hump?up vote6down votefavorite1Camels have a hump as an adaptation to the heat. They store fat so that it minimizes the insulating effect the fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies. Why do buffaloes/ oxen/ bulls have a hump then? The climates they are found in, I assume, are not as hot as that of the camels.zoology ecologyshare improve this questionedited Mar 14 '17 at 19:09David8,953 3 12 37asked Nov 6 '16 at 2:38Polisetty1,972 13 41add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote6down voteaccepted Bison humps are made of muscles, huge muscles. According to this and this pages bisons use their heads for snowplowing. This hump provides head support. It seems that also other animals have structures like that: giraffes, rhinoceroses, elasmotheriums,... this list can go on since this structure should be homologous of other animals'. From this page rhino humps made from muscles, nuchal ligament, fat, and dermis. And from the page, probably fat quantity depends on the nutritional state of animal."
"docid": "D1515427#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_do_camels_live\nWhere do camels live?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Camels Where do camels live? Flag Where do camels live? Answer by Scott A. Butler Confidence votes 25.8KA British multi-genre author, wordsmith, blogger and tea addict. He is also a co-author of 'In Memory: A Tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett'. There are two types of camels in the world: the bactrian and Arabian. The bactrian camel has two humps and is found in the deserts of eastern and northern Asia, specifically the Gobi. The Arabian, as its name suggests, is found in Arabian deserts, and is the one hump variety. Few of these animals of either variety are found in the wild any longer. Camels also roam the Australian deserts. They were imported to Australia to help with colonisation by transporting goods and people across the vast Australian deserts and plains."
"docid": "D2819546#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/camel\ncamel",
"text": "camel Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .cam·el (kăm′əl)n.1. Either of two chiefly domesticated ruminant mammals of the genus Camelus, the Bactriancamel or the dromedary, having a humped back and long neck, and used in northern Africa,the Middle East, and Asia as a beast of burden and a source of wool, milk, and meat.2. A device used to raise sunken objects, consisting of a hollow structure that is submerged,attached tightly to the object, and pumped free of water. Also called caisson.3. Sports A spin in figure skating that is performed in an arabesque or modified arabesqueposition.4. A tan or yellowish brown. [ Middle English, from Old English and from Anglo-Norman cameil, both from Latin camēlus, from Greek kamēlos, of Semitic origin; see gml in Semitic roots . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company."
"docid": "D563464#0",
"title": "https://www.pinterest.com/explore/hump-day-meme/\nHump day meme",
"text": "\" on Grumpy Quotes Grumpy Cat Meme Cat Quotes Animal Quotes Cat Memes Grumpy Kitty Animal Pics Kitty Cats Kittensthe middle finger of the week. See more Mexican Seasoning Mexican Words Mexican Word Of Day Mexican Humor Funny Mexican Quotes Funny Memes In Spanish Funny Mexican Pictures Funny Irish Jokes Funny Fart Jokesmexican jokes with the word esei See more Funny Wednesday Quotes Wednesday Hump Day Wednesday Greetings Good Morning Wednesday Wacky Wednesday Good Morning My Love Morning Post Hump Day Quotes Funny Happy Humpday Quotes Good Morning Guess What Day It Is. See more It's just bad. Baaaad. Beware the Ides of March!See more Join the club. We were just starting to see patches of brown grass, until it snowed again. It is almost April!See more Top Funny Wednesday Memes See morefrom Funny Minions Memes22 Tumblr Posts That Will Make Former Emo Kids Cry With Laughter Green Day Lyrics Green Day Songs Green Day Band Emo Bands Mcr Band Bands Punk Music Bands Emo Meme Emo Band Memes And Gerard Way is the sheriff of Emo Road since he can't find Emo Town. I had to lol XDSee morewell wait till the gen z'ers fill up the population...it's gonna be frickin weird man...we don't sleep See more Funny Pics Humorous Pictures Funny Picture Quotes Funny Images Quotes Pics Hilarious Humor Quotes Funny Quotes Random Pictures The first wife that calls pays See more The Best of Som (ee) Parenting Cards--Wordless Wednesday and Hump Day Humor FTM&D Style) #Parenting Humor See more Joke Of The Year Classic Memes Stupid Funny Memes Funniest Memes It's Funny Really Funny Memes Wierd Quotes Pun Quotes Humor Quotes Top 15 Funniest Memes – Gap Ba Gap - Tap the link now to see all of our cool cat collections!See more Today 35 Minion Quotes See more Disney Humor Disney Pixar Disney Cruise/plan Disney Stuff Disney Magic Disney Facts Funny Disney Cartoons Disney Mems Disney Characters/ funny pictures - funny photos - funny images - funny pics - funny quotes - oh Disney. See more Panda Comedy Funny Picture Quotes Funny Quotes Funny Pictures Quotes Pics Funny Pics Fortune Cookie Hilarious Panda Express Fortune Cookie Advice You Will Love Photos)See morefrom imgur.com Metal Bar Metal Pole Mind Blown Creepy But True Weird Mothers Day Meme Hump Day Humor Funny Pictures Funny Pics Mind fucking since ever. See morefrom The Meta Picture.com Wednesday Memes Wednesday Hump Day Happy Wednesday Quotes Wonderful Wednesday Wacky Wednesday Hump Day Quotes Hump Day Humor Wednesday Greetings Work Quotes Smile We Are Half Way To Friday wednesday hump day wednesday quotes happy wednesday wednesday humor wednesday quote happy wednesday quotes See morefrom lovethispic.com Lord Of The Rings Middle Earth My Life So True Hilarious It's Funny Funny Quotes Laughter Funny Stuff My life with tape has been explained!See more Funny Hump Day Pictures Hump Day Quotes Funny Hump Day Humor Funny Sarcastic Memes Inappropriate Memes Funny Pics Funny Stuff Funny Humor Funny Things This one time this girl, a cashier, was face timing, yes, while working a guy."
"docid": "D424127#0",
"title": "http://www.djur.cob.lu.se/Djurartiklar/Kamel.html\nWhat secrets lie within the camel's hump?",
"text": "\"Dela What secrets lie within the camel's hump? Kerstin Vann Jones Revised by Anders Lundquist At last, the water hole! Copyright 1996 Corel Corporation. It is common knowledge that dromedary camels can survive for many days in the hot desert without access to water. However, the role of the camel's hump in water preservation is not well understood by most people. Most of us, when looking at camels in the zoo, still imagine the humps to be filled with water. But what is the truth behind the myth - what secrets are hidden beneath the camel's skin? First, it can be ascertained that the camel's hump is not in fact filled with water, simply by cutting into it. Such action would reveal that the hump is in fact composed mostly of fat. Yet, this could still suggest that the hump acts as a water store."
"docid": "D1514800#0",
"title": "http://www.livius.org/articles/misc/dromedaries-and-camels/\nDromedaries and Camels",
"text": "\"Dromedaries and Camels Few animals are more useful to mankind than the camel and the dromedary. They have an unrivaled capacity to endure long periods without water (up to four or five days), and can carry very heavy loads. They also produce milk, wool, and meat; they can be used to plow. Their dung is not only used as fertilizer, but also to make fire. In this article, the camels and dromedaries of Antiquity will be discussed. A dromedary and its child, two hours old. Before we start, it is necessary to remind the reader of the differences between the two animals, because there is always some confusion (take, for instance, the dromedary on a box of Camel cigarettes): A dromedary has one hump, long limbs and short hair. This animal originally comes from the hot deserts and the steppes of Arabia. ( Today, it also lives in northern Africa.) Its short hair protects the animal from the heat."
"docid": "D1514802#0",
"title": "http://www.studylight.org/language-studies/difficult-sayings/?a=518\nLanguage Studies",
"text": "\"\"\"Therefore he treated Abram well for her sake; and gave him sheep and oxen and donkeys and male and female servants and female donkeys and camels.\"\" ( Genesis 12:16 \"\"One of the earliest literary references to camels in Egypt - in fact, I believe it to be the first literary reference - is in the descriptions of Alexander the Great's visit to the oasis of Siwa, in early 331 BC. Alexander travelled down the Nile from Memphis to Lake Mareotis, where he chose the site for the city that became Alexandria. Then he continued along the coast to Paraitonion (modern Mersa Matrouh) before striking southwards into the desert towards Siwa, using camels as his pack animals.\"\" F2 \"\"Further to your last answer (Q&A, July 17), I am unsure what Mr Pailing means by Alexander the Great's being the first literary reference to camels in Egypt, but by Alexander's time the Old Testament was already an antiquity. In Genesis both Abram (xii, 16) and the Ishmaelites (xxxvii, 25) apparently took their own camels to that country. Additionally, in Exodus, in the description of the fifth plague, Moses is told to promise Pharaoh upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be a very grievous murrain.\"\" F3So, whilst in my original LBC essay I looked at a range of issues such as authentic ancient adoption practices, marriage customs, semi-nomadism, and private armies, I will concentrate here on the sole issue of where did Abraham (or Abram as he then was) get his camel? Given the semi-legitimate questions of sceptics and enquirers it could also be asked \"\"where did Pharaoh get his from?\"\". It appears natural to think of Abraham, a semi-nomad, as owning and riding camels, but many commentators think it an anachronism, possibly pointing to a later date for the authorship of Genesis."
"docid": "D505532#0",
"title": "http://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/camel/\nNew Camel Calf Has the âLuck-Of-The-Irishâ",
"text": "New Camel Calf Has the ‘Luck-Of-The-Irish’March 17, 2017Milwaukee County Zoo visitors got quite a surprise on March 5 when they witnessed Bactrian Camel, Sanchi, give birth to her calf on exhibit! The handsome camel calf was named Patrick in honor of the Saint Patrick’s Day holiday!Sanchi has given birth to several calves before, and she is quite accustomed to motherhood. This is the first offspring for dad, Stan. Accordingly, zookeepers are keeping Stan separate from Patrick until they can better assess his anticipated behavior near the calf. Big sister, AJ, also isn’t quite sure what to make of this new addition to the group, and has been keeping her distance for now. The new guy weighed-in at about 100 pounds at birth and was walking less than two hours later. Zoo staff report that Patrick is extremely confident with loads of personality and was quite a handful during his first veterinary medical exam! Keepers are currently working on desensitizing Patrick to their touch, so his hooves, ears and other areas can be more easily examined by veterinarians as he grows. For enrichment and as an outlet for his boisterous energy, keepers have been providing Patrick with “jolly balls”, commonly used with horses, which he very much likes to kick at. He is currently nursing from mom but will soon begin exploring solid foods, such as: hay, pellet mix, carrots and apples."
"docid": "D2000760#0",
"title": "http://www.mre-books.com/chevy/engines/parts_interchange/cylinder_heads.html\n.",
"text": "\"Small Block Chevy Cylinder Heads As you may already be aware, there are is a dizzying number of cylinder heads available for the Chevrolet smallblock. For over 40 years Chevrolet has developed heads for all types of uses, including stock, high-performance, smog emissions and over-the-counter all-out race heads. Each was designed in its day to provide the type of service intended and reflected the technology and thinking of the times. Aftermarket head makers also have contributed to the design changes over the years. The sheer number of choices can be mind-numbing. Just keep in mind what your intentions are. That will help narrow the selection for you. Cast-iron heads are still cheaper than aluminum heads, but some aluminum heads are being offered at reasonable prices. If you are going to use unleaded pump gasoline for a street-driven machine, then the heads you build or purchase are going to need hard valve seats in order to survive. Most factory heads made before 1975 had soft seats that will have to be upgraded to hardened seats for today’s unleaded pump gasoline."
"docid": "D1560990#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/pets-animals/camels-protect-themselves-predators-23d8a91d80dff4c7\nHow Do Camels Protect Themselves From Predators?",
"text": "Full Answer When a camel is about to regurgitate, its cheeks fill up and bulge out. A camel can spit up to 37 meters. The stomach contents also contain various gases, which create an extremely foul odor. When camels are startled or on alert, their ears thrust forward. The most common predator of the camel is the wolf. Wolves are known to attack camels at water holes. Wild camels are known to be gentle animals that only react when provoked. Camels are social animals that tend to live in herds with one dominant male. They spend most of their day eating and sleep through the night. Camels eat short grass, thorns, salty plants and fish."
"docid": "D806410#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081124192837AAQniBY\nHow tall are camels? i need to know?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Zoology How tall are camels? i need to know?im gonna go on a camel ride and i want to know how tall they r. please dont use feet but instead help me visualize it such as an horse times 2Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Dromedary camels (one humped) are 7 foot at the shoulder (not including the hump). That is 21 hands tall. It would be a normal 15h horse plus a 6h pony in height. The tallest living horse is 20h, I believe. The hump can be a foot or two taller, depending on how fat the camel is (up to 27 hands, so basically two horses tall at the hump) Bactrain camels (two humped) are 7 foot at the hump, so use the things above. D · 9 years ago1 0 Comment How Tall Are Camels Source (s):https://owly.im/ba Ir6goldtooth · 1 year ago0 0 Commenta horse plus half of a horse? Skate or Die! · 9 years ago0 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Need a Small Business Loan?"
"docid": "D1962461#0",
"title": "http://animals.mom.me/food-camel-eat-3394.html\nWhat Food Does a Camel Eat?",
"text": "\"Camels come in two types: dromedary or one-hump camels and bactrian or two-hump camels. The bactrian is native to Central Asia, while the dromedary comes from the Middle East and northern Africa. Both species have very similar diets and eating habits, regardless of where they live. General Diet Rules Camels are herbivores and will graze—eat constantly throughout the day—just as sheep do. Camels are also ruminants, which means they eat food, then regurgitate it and chew it before swallowing one last time. This is why camels have four stomachs, to help them process food properly. Because they live in the desert, where food might be scarce, they move constantly while eating. This actually helps preserve vegetation so no area is completely degraded by constant eating. What They Actually Eat Food choices are limited in the desert, so the camel is not exactly picky. Whatever twigs, stems and green shoots are available—except poisonous plants, which the camel can recognize—he will eat."
"docid": "D806407#0",
"title": "http://www.desertusa.com/animals/camel.html\nCamel",
"text": "\"Camel Camelus A tall desert-dwelling creature, the camel has become an icon of the Asian and African deserts. Generally the camel is a pleasant animal. If well treated, the domestic camel is very docile and easy to manage. If ill-treated, they can become very stubborn. Camels can easily be identified by the unique one or two humps on their back and their long necks. When running, a camel can reach a speed up to 40 mph in short bursts, 25 mph for longer periods of time. Camels do not have hooves. The foot of a camel is made up of a large leathery pad, with two toes at the front, the bones of which are embedded in the foot. The padding makes the gait of a camel silent, and keeps it from sinking in the sand. The camel also has pads of thick leathery skin, on its leg joints, enabling it to kneel or lay in the hot sand."
"docid": "D56794#0",
"title": "http://goafrica.about.com/od/africanwildlife/ss/The-Camel-In-Africa-Camel-Facts.htm\nFun Facts About African Animals: The Camel",
"text": "Inspiration Adventure Fun Facts About African Animals: The Camel By Anouk Zijlma Updated 03/17/18Share Pin Email•••Although we more typically associate camels with the deserts of the Middle East, there are millions of these large-eyed ungulates living in Africa. Most of them are found in North Africa, either in countries like Egypt and Morocco that border the Sahara Desert; or in Horn of Africa nations like Ethiopia and Djibouti. There are three species of camel found worldwide, and the African species is more properly known as the dromedary or Arabian camel. While other camel species have two humps, the dromedary is easily identified by its single hump. Dromedaries have been domesticated for at least 4,000 years, and no longer occur naturally in the wild. Over the last four millennia, they have become indispensable to the people of North Africa. Camels are used for transport, and for their meat, milk, wool, and leather. They are well-adapted to waterless environments and are therefore far better suited to life in the desert than conventional working animals like donkeys and horses. Their resilience made it possible for North African ancestors to establish trade routes across the Sahara Desert, linking West Africa to North Africa. Fun Camel Facts In Somalia, camels have held in such high esteem that the Somali language includes 46 different words for 'camel.'"
"docid": "D1690583#0",
"title": "http://reference4kids.com/animals/camels.html\n.",
"text": "\"Camels A camel is an even-toed ungulate, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as \"\"humps\"\" on its back. There are two different types of camels one with single hump the Dromedary Camles and other with two humps called Bactrian Camels. Dromedary Camels Dromedary are the Arabian camels and is found in North Africa and the Middle East. The dromedary camel is the largest member of the camel family. Adult males grow to a height of 1.8–2.0 m, and females to 1.7–1.9 m. The weight is usually in the range of 400–600 kg for males. Bactrian Camels Bactrian Camels are much less common than dromedary . Bactrian camels are native to the Gobi Desert and Taklimakan Deserts of of Mongolia and Xinjiang. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back. The Bactrian camel grows a thick coat of hair each winter. That coat of hair falls off every spring."
"docid": "D2629863#0",
"title": "http://www.cracked.com/article_19527_5-ridiculous-animal-myths-that-you-probably-believe.html\n5 Ridiculous Animal Myths That You Probably Believe",
"text": "\"Articles Science 5 Ridiculous Animal Myths That You Probably Believe5 Ridiculous Animal Myths That You Probably Believe Facebook Twitter Google Plus Add to Favorites By Mohammed Shariff · November 07, 2011247935001676Somewhere, right now, an adult is quoting an interesting animal \"\"fact\"\" that he actually learned from an old cartoon. Or from some other equally unreliable source. This is why sayings like \"\"blind as a bat\"\" persist even though bats can in fact see (tip: try substituting the more accurate phrase, \"\"Blind as a man with two assholes in his face instead of eyes\"\"). Anyway, as we've pointed out before, animals are one of those subjects particularly vulnerable to laughable misconceptions. Which is why even today you can hear somebody say ...5 Mother Birds Abandon Their Chicks if You Touch Them You're a little kid, and you have discovered a newly hatched chick for the first time. Maybe it fell out of the nest! You go to poke it, when your mom runs up and gives you the \"\"Don't touch it or the mother bird will abandon it!\"\" speech. Something to do with the bird having the smell of a human on it. And from that point forward, you know that loving something means letting it remain free ... from your repugnant stink, which is capable of ruining a life form for entire its species."
"docid": "D1883693#0",
"title": "https://photographicdictionary.com/warm-blooded?page=2\nList of warm-blooded animals",
"text": "Like this site? Pledge support via Patreon!List of warm-blooded animals You can find cold blooded animals like fish here. View in the Videographic Dictionary Rodents Primates Weasels Marsupials Monotremes Sea mammals Animals that can fly<< < 1 2 3 … > >>Photo by Vlod007B is for Boar Scientific name: sus scrofa Wild boars are the wild ancestors of today's domestic pigs. They are originally from Europe, the Mediterranean and most of Asia. Wild boar were hunted to extinction hundreds of years ago in Britain but are still common in France and Spain. Warm blood Photo by William Warby B is for Bovine An animal is bovine if it is the cow family. Warm blood Photo by Donna Brown B is for Buffalo Scientific name: syncerus caffer The African buffalo is a type of large cow. It has a bad temperament and has never been domesticated. There are still large herds of buffalo throughout Africa. Warm blood, African animals Photo by Hector Abouid C is for Camel Scientific name: Dromedary: camelus dromedarius Camels are a large animal that is very well adapted for hot, dry weather."
] |
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"docid": "D3003560#0",
"title": "http://silvermatecompany.com/\nCleaning Solutions for: Silver, Gold, Copper, Brass, Stainless, & China",
"text": "Silver Mate Company-best silver plate cleaner and sterling polish Cleaning Solutions for: Silver, Gold, Copper, Brass, Stainless, & China Silver cleaner is what Silver Mate Company has been producing since 1952 and is the best silver polish available anywhere. Silver Mate manufactures the best brass cleaner, best copper cleaner, best stainless cleaner and best china cleaner, also, which makes it easy for hotels, restaurants, rental companies & churches to clean and polish silver, brass, copper, stainless, and china. These widely used cleaners are now available in a convienent ½ gallon so you can see how remarkable and easy these products are. Silver Mate® is the leading liquid silver polish and cleaner for sterling, silver plate and gold. Takes only seconds to polish and clean silver. Silver Mate is also a superb cleaner for your fine jewelry. Brass Mate® is an instant brass and copper cleaner and polish. It is truly the best brass and copper cleaner available!Stainless Mate® polishes and cleans 18/10, 18/8 & 18/0 stainless steel. It's fast, easy, and environmentally friendly. China Mate® removes black and gray marks from the face of fine glazed china."
] | [
"docid": "D1943195#0",
"title": "http://www.artmetal.com/blog/eligius1427/2008/01/copper_solder_for_soldering_copper\nArtMetal",
"text": "\"Home » Latest Blogs » eligius1427's blog » Copper solder for soldering copper? Copper solder for soldering copper?eligius1427 - Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 12:46amcopper | soldering My girlfriend was looking for a copper colored solder to solder copper to avoid the silver line of silver solder (sounds like some sort of tongue twister):). Someone from Ganoskin suggested using a pre-1981 penny (hammering it and drawing it out then cutting it into strips). From what I remember from school the difference between soldering, brazing, and welding is temperature and the intermixing of metals. My first question is has anybody heard of such a solution for soldering copper? If so, how is it possible to solder a metal with the same metal? Wouldn't the temperature to melt one be the same to melt the other, making this welding? If this is actually soldering, can someone please explain the difference between soldering, brazing, and welding? Normally I probably wouldn't give this a second though, but usually the information from Ganoskin is pretty good. Jake» eligius1427's blog | login to post comments I have tried severaldon johnson - Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 2:36am I have tried several solutions to your question."
"docid": "D933053#0",
"title": "http://blog.intheswim.com/swimming-pool-stains-removal-guide/\nSwimming Pool Stains Removal Guide",
"text": "Swimming Pool Stains Removal Guide March 16, 2018 Sabrina For some pool owners, a stained pool is beyond embarrassing, worse than tattered carpet and stained couch cushions. It can ruin your entire backyard experience. Hard-to-remove pool spots and stains can take a bit more than just brushing. You need some powerful chemicals and methods to treat and prevent pool stains. The first step to getting rid of those eyesore spots is to diagnose the stain type. Swimming pool stains can be caused by:1. Metals or Minerals in the pool water coming out of solution 2. Rust coming through the wall, floor, or around fittings 3. Organic material like leaves, dirt, oils, worms or algae A clue to identifying the type of pool stain may be found in the color of the stain. Metal Stains: Metals create pool stains that appear reddish-brown, are very dark in color, or have a rust-like appearance to them."
"docid": "D356576#0",
"title": "http://www.naturalhandyman.com/iip/infcleaning/infmineraldeposits.html\nRemoving Mineral Deposits from Household Surfaces",
"text": "\"Removing Mineral Deposits from Household Surfaces By Dr. Sandra A. Zaslow, Extension District Director, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service ( Note from NH: Though the methods below are useful, there are situations where chemical changes to the materials have occurred and NOTHING will restore the material to its original condition. For example, streaky or milky-colored stains on shower doors are often permanent because the glass has actually been etched by the reaction of water-borne chemicals. These can be prevented through the installation of water softening equipment or (for the thrifty) simply wiping the doors dry after use. Also, plated plumbing fixtures that have become discolored can be cleaned, but often (especially on cheap brass plating or chrome) the coating has been destroyed and no amount of cleaning can restore it. In my personal experience with mineral accumulations around faucets and on shower doors, I can unequivocally say that the NUMBER ONE way to prevent mineral deposits is to wipe off standing water or droplets , especially around the bases of faucets and on your glass shower doors (with a towel of squeegee). Then you'll have a much easier time keeping mineral deposits under control! ! Hard water is the cause of many problems... and makes others worse!If you have hard water but don't have a water treatment system, you probably have more than your share of scum, film, and lime deposits on a number of household surfaces. These unattractive deposits can appear on china, porcelain, enamel, tile, stainless steel, fiberglass, chrome, and glass surfaces. Hard water increases films and stains from soaps, minerals, and other substances. Bathroom fixtures, sinks, dishes, and other surfaces need more frequent cleaning."
"docid": "D2289280#0",
"title": "http://www.chemicalguys.com/Heavy_Metal_Polish_16_oz_p/spi_402_16.htm\nHeavy Metal Polish (16 oz)",
"text": "\"Home > Exterior >Heavy Metal Polish (16 oz) Click for larger image and other views Chemical Guys SPI_402_16 - Heavy Metal Polish (16 oz)MSRP $25.99Chemical Guys.com Price $ 17.99You save $8.00!. Join Our Email List for Deals & New Product Announcements! : Typically ships in 1-2 business days when in stock. Product Code: SPI_402_16Qty: Description Directions & Specs Purchasing Info Heavy Metal Polish (16 oz)How To Polish Chrome - Car Detailing With Chemical Guys Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:57How To Clean And Polish Exhaust Tips - Chemical Guys Heavy Metal Polish Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:58Why Buy This Product? Restores the shine to polished metal car parts Removes tarnish, oxidation, and light rust stains Safe for use on stainless steel, aluminum, copper, gold, silver, bronze, brass, and more Restores a brilliant reflection and shine to metallic coatings like chrome Great for chrome bumpers, stainless steel exhaust tips, aluminum trim, diamond plate, polished wheels, and more Easily worked by hand or machine Available in 4 ounce and 16 ounce sizes About Heavy Metal Polish Chemical Guys Heavy Metal Polish is a specialty metal polish formulated to restore a brilliant shine to severely oxidized and tarnished metal surfaces. When polished metals are left out in the open, oxygen and sulfur in the air reacts with the surface of the metal. Much like rust, this tarnish affects the outermost layer of the metal with a chemical reaction that dulls its shine. Heavy Metal Polish is formulated with specialty metal cleaners that break down and release oxides, tarnish, and contamination to restore gloss and clarity to polished metal parts. Restore stainless steel, copper, aluminum, brass, silver, and gold metalwork, or even metallic coatings like chrome with a lustrous brilliant shine."
"docid": "D2731127#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Keypad-Restore-Conductivity-Carbon-Copper/dp/B0026PRMVM\nKeypad Fix, Clean and Restore Conductivity to the Carbon on the Keys and the Copper PC Board Pads",
"text": "\"Tools & Home Improvement › Rough Plumbing Share Qty: Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$7.95+ $3.89 shipping Sold by: American Science & Surplus Add to Cart$12.95& FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Details Sold by: Cellar_Door_Books Have one to sell? Sell on Amazon American Science & Surplus Keypad Fix, Clean and Restore Conductivity to the Carbon on the Keys and the Copper PC Board Pads4.0 out of 5 stars 101 customer reviews| 5 answered questions Amazon's Choice for \"\" keypad fix \"\"Price: $12.95FREE Shipping on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime In Stock. Sold by Class Not Trash and Fulfilled by Amazon . Gift-wrap available. Restore Your Remote Don't toss it and buy a universal remote. ( How many things are really universal, after all?) Try this jar of Keypad Fix, designed to clean and restore conductivity to the carbon on the keys and the copper PC board pads that make up the rubber-coated switches on remotes, game controllers, and security keypads. Contains enough to coat over 200 button contacts.› See more product details4 new from $5.00Discover new and innovative products Shop the latest tools and home improvement products from today's brightest startups on Amazon Launchpad. Shop now Frequently bought together++Total price: $31.89Add all three to Cart Add all three to List These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers."
"docid": "D1455284#0",
"title": "http://www.campfiredude.com/campfire-magic.shtml\n.",
"text": "A campfire is magical. How the coals glow and the flames flicker and the sparks pop and shower, its mesmerizing. But, you can make it even more magical with these simple tricks. It will get old if you use these all the time, but an occasional surprise makes a campfire at that special place or time something to be remembered. Chemicals Adding a small amount of chemicals to a hot burning fire can have an 'Ooooh-aaaah' effect. It's important to do these only after all cooking has been done on the fire and when there is little wind so the smoke can rise up rather than into campers' faces. You may acquire these chemicals in a grocery or dry goods store, in the laundry or cleaner section. Find copper sulfate in swimming pool supplies. Epsom salts, borax, and calcium chloride may be found with laundry/cleaning supplies. Copper Chloride, Strontium Chloride, and others my be best found at fireworks supply companies."
"docid": "D952260#0",
"title": "http://invoguejewelry.blogspot.com/2013/10/gold-filled-or-gold-vermeil-which-is.html\nGold Filled or Gold Vermeil: Which Is Better?",
"text": "\"Gold Filled or Gold Vermeil: Which Is Better? Let me begin by saying that both are great, but different! Some people prefer the idea of \"\"gold filled\"\" jewelry, while others prefer gold-over-silver. Both are pretty, and durable. But is one better than the other? Precious Metals - There are basically three metals used in jewelry that are considered \"\"precious\"\": Gold, Silver and Platinum (which includes a group of metals, such as Palladium or Rhodium). Gold is of course yellow in color, and is alloyed with various other metals to produce different colors of gold, and different ratios of gold, indicated in karats:24k Gold is pure gold14k Gold is 14 parts gold to 10 parts alloy18k Gold is 18 parts gold to 6 parts alloy And so forth. You can see that everything adds up to 24. It is sometimes written as a ratio, such as 14/24 or 18/24. There are hundreds of different combinations of alloys that are mixed with the gold, such as silver or nickel (to make white gold), copper (to make rose gold), and 50/50 of silver and gold added to pure gold results in the typical \"\"color\"\" of yellow gold."
"docid": "D2274554#0",
"title": "http://jewelryinfoplace.com/platinum/\nWhat is platinum?",
"text": "What is platinum? Why buy platinum vs. white gold or silver? Why is platinum jewelry so expensive? Where is platinum found? What are other uses for platinum? Tips for caring for your platinum jewelry. Is platinum the most expensive metal used in jewelry? Platinum vs.white gold – what is the difference in how white gold and platinum look? Why is platinum popular for wedding rings? What is the price of platinum?"
"docid": "D1626766#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue_cleaner\nTongue cleaner",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Tongue cleaner Tongue scraper Tongue brush Tongue cleaner A tongue cleaner (also called a tongue scraper or tongue brush) is an oral hygiene device designed to clean the coating on the upper surface of the tongue. While there is tentative benefit from the use of a tongue cleaner it is insufficient to draw clear conclusions regarding bad breath. [ 1] A 2006 Cochrane review found tentative evidence of decreased levels of odor molecules. [ 2]The large surface area and lingual papilla are anatomical features of the tongue that promote tongue coating by retaining microorganisms and oral debris consisting of food, saliva and dead epithelial cells. [ 3] [4] [5] Tongue cleaning is done less often than tooth brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. [ 3] [4]Contents [ hide ]1 Health effects1.1 Breath1.2 Aesthetics1.3 Dental caries and periodontal disease2 Side effects3 History4 Types4.1 Use and maintenance5 See also6 References7 External links Health effects [ edit]Breath [ edit]While there is tentative benefit from the use of a tongue cleaner it is insufficient to draw clear conclusions with respect to bad breath. [ 1] A 2006 Cochrane review found tentative evidence of decreased levels of odor molecules. [ 2]Some studies have shown that it is the bacteria on the tongue which often produce malodorous compounds and fatty acids that may account for 80% to 85% of all cases of bad breath. [ 6] [7] The remaining 15% to 20% of cases originate in the stomach, from the tonsils, from decaying food stuck between the teeth, gum disease, dental caries (cavities or tooth decay) or plaque accumulated on the teeth. [ 5] In addition, degradation of oral debris by microorganisms, produce organosulfur compounds (volatile sulphur compounds) on the posterior (rear) of the tongue. ["
"docid": "D1479549#0",
"title": "https://www.camerontradingpost.com/turquoise-jewelry.html\nTurquoise in Native American Indian Jewelry",
"text": "\"Turquoise in Native American Indian Jewelry THE TURQUOISE OF INDIAN JEWELRYWhen people think of Indian jewelry they think of turquoise and silver. While there are many beautiful pieces of Native American handmade jewelry that do not use turquoise at all, the importance and reverence attached to turquoise by Native Americans has guaranteed a place for this gem in their jewelry. Worldwide, turquoise has been found in burials over 7000 years old. There are references to it in the bible. Turquoise figures in the myths, religions and lore of hundreds of cultures. It is hard to say why turquoise holds such beauty and significance for us. Perhaps because of its colour - that of the sky - in marked contrast from the usual skin tones of the earth. Turquoise is prominent in the religious cosmology of every Native North American culture that I know. Turquoise is technically hydrous copper aluminum phosphate. It forms this way: feldspar and apatite are hanging around in the ground minding their own business when the Earth gets a little heartburn and sends hot, copper-rich lava through fissures up to the Earth’s surface."
"docid": "D933119#0",
"title": "http://see-the-sea.org/Natural%20and%20Non-toxic/Natural%20and%20Non-Toxic-body.htm\nNATURAL and NON-TOXIC ALTERNATIVES",
"text": "\"We live in an increasingly chemical society. Most people come in contact with a wide array of chemicals and products produced from chemicals every day. It is not only when you use these chemical products that you are exposed to possibly negative effects. VOC's (volatile organic compounds) are part of many common household products. VOC's are found in the air of most homes where products such as cleaners are used and stored. Indoor air pollution is one of the nation's most pressing personal health concerns. According to a 5-year EPA study, concentrations of 20 toxic compounds, some of which are linked with cancer and birth defects, were 200-500 times higher inside some homes than outdoors. ( U. S. EPA 1991)Many people believe that if products are available for purchase then they must have been tested and, therefore, are safe. This is not always the case. There are no requirements for testing of adverse health effects from exposure to many of these chemicals."
"docid": "D3011363#0",
"title": "http://www.kester.com/knowledge-base/faq/\nFAQ | Kester",
"text": "FAQ | Kester JUMP TO CATEGORYScroll or use the navigation below to view our most frequently asked questions. PROCESSEHSPRODUCT USAGETERMINOLOGYCLEANERSFLUXMAINTENANCEDOCUMENTATIONLEAD-FREEPROCESS2% Silver: When a silver alloy is recommended? The 2% silver is required when soldering to silver or silver plated components/leads. The small percent of silver in the solder prevents the silver on the leads from migrating into the solder resulting in a weak or brittle solder connection. Pin Holes: Pin holes often appear on the surface of solder joints. How are they formed? Pin holes are formed as a result of moisture entrapment. All that is required is a tiny amount of moisture. When the solder comes in contact with the through-hole, component lead, wire or whatever is being soldered, the water boils and it forms a gas bubble that will either escape or be trapped as the solder solidifies. Sn60 vs. Sn63: When is the use of one of these two alloys more appropriate than the other?"
"docid": "D2921375#0",
"title": "http://jewelrymakingjournal.com/cleaning-jewelry/\nCleaning Jewelry",
"text": "Cleaning Jewelryby Rena Klingenberg. Cleaning jewelry to an incredible sparkle definitely enhances its value in the eyes of your customer. Fingerprints, skin oils, dust, and tarnish dull the beauty of jewelry and prevent it from shimmering with that gorgeous, high-quality aura. Keeping your jewelry clean is a good strategy for increasing your sales and being able to charge higher prices. Look in any jewelry store showcase. Notice the almost unreal sparkle of metals, stones, and all other elements of the jewelry on display? That sparkle is one of the main reasons stores are able to sell a good volume of jewelry, for fairly high prices. Cleaning jewelry and keeping it tarnish free should be a main goal for all handmade jewelry businesses. In addition, cleaning your customers’ other jewelry is a nice bonus service that helps you build a good relationship with them. It makes customers feel pampered, and enhances your reputation as a jewelry expert."
"docid": "D986778#0",
"title": "http://fromfaye.com/2013/10/25/whole-home-detox-how-to-clean-a-glass-ceramic-cooktop-naturally/\nWhole Home Detox: How to Clean A Glass-Ceramic Cooktop Naturally",
"text": "\"Home, Natural Living Whole Home Detox: How to Clean A Glass-Ceramic Cooktop Naturally I have a love-hate relationship with my glass cooktop. As in, love when it’s clean, hate when it’s dirty. That was original of me. But really. Any kind of liquid or solid matter that touches a burner is the kiss of death to a smooth cooktop. It will leave a scorch mark that will laugh at you until you please the glass-ceramic cooktop gods with an acceptable sacrifice. I really thought the only way to accomplish this was to use that special cleaning paste (and the special red scrubby thing that gets really gross after it’s used a couple times). That’s pretty annoying just by itself. But after a while it was extra annoying because store-bought cleaning paste wasn’t fitting into my plan to take over the world with non-toxic cleaners and my blogging. I tried a lot of different methods for cleaning that thing, including everything that a responsible glass cooktop owner would never do."
"docid": "D2848246#0",
"title": "https://www.leaf.tv/articles/how-to-keep-a-ring-from-turning-your-finger-green/\nKeep a Ring From Turning Your Finger Green",
"text": "If you've ever taken off your favorite ring only to discover, to your horror, a dark green band of skin underneath, you're not alone. While it can be jarring and unexpected, worry not, as that green mark on your finger is harmless. It's not permanent, although it may take a while to fade but if you keep wearing the same rings, it'll likely come back until you find a solution.credit: rainmaker777/i Stock/Getty Images Silver and gold rings can discolor skin. Avoid Alloys Precious metals such as gold or copper are almost always alloyed with another metal to provide extra strength and durability. Unfortunately, alloys containing copper and nickel can cause skin discoloration. Many people are allergic to nickel, and an allergic reaction can cause your skin to turn green or black. If your skin is particularly acidic, it can react with the alloy and also cause your skin to change color. Choose an alloy free of nickel or copper if possible. You can also try wearing a ring with a higher carat of gold -- 18 carat instead of 14 carat -- or switching to a platinum or stainless steel ring. Swimming Hazards Remove your rings before hitting the water."
"docid": "D3550961#0",
"title": "http://www.housecleaningcentral.com/en/cleaning-tips/living-area/ceiling-tiles.html\nHow To Clean and Remove Stains From Ceiling Tiles",
"text": "\"How To Clean and Remove Stains From Ceiling Tiles When I first told my friends and family that I was planning on installing ceiling tiles in my new home, the most common response was \"\"why? \"\" Well, let me tell you, ceiling tiles today aren't your garden-variety, plain, white, square \"\"popcorn\"\" tiles in the basement or office anymore. No, the possibilities are endless when it comes to ceiling tiles...there are a wide variety of materials, designs and colors to choose from. When I went to my local home improvement store, I saw tiles that were made to look like wood planks, real silver, tin, copper and even leather. The surfaces were textured, raised, smooth and ornately styled. In fact, I had some difficulty choosing due to the large selection available, so I ended up going home with both faux wood and silver ceiling tiles. Everyone was surprised when they saw how modern my home looked with the beautiful ceiling tiles, so I know that they were a great investment. Fast forward a year and a half later and the ceiling tiles are looking...a little dingy, to say the least. That won't do at Mrs. Clean's home! ( What would the neighbors say?)"
"docid": "D2949817#0",
"title": "http://jewelry.lovetoknow.com/how-clean-sterling-silver-necklaces\nHow to Clean Sterling Silver Necklaces",
"text": "How to Clean Sterling Silver Necklaces By AC Gaddis The beauty of sterling silver necklaces can fade over time as tarnish builds up, first turning your jewelry yellow and then black. Tarnish occurs when the copper that is mixed in with silver reacts with the oxygen in the air. Silver Polishing Cloths The best way to remove tarnish from silver jewelry is by gentle polishing with a soft cloth. Harsh abrasive polishes can dull the look of silver jewelry over time. If your silver jewelry has precious stones, you have to be extra careful when cleaning to not damage them. Top jewelry experts recommend using silver polishing cloths or cleaning formulas purchased from jewelry retailers. If you need to quickly polish up jewelry before wearing, there are a few tricks you can try at home. Jewelry retailers usually sell polishing cloths specially made for sterling silver jewelry, with one side for removing tarnish and another for polishing. The tarnish-removing side of the cloth contains a compound that gently polishes away tarnish, and the other side has special fibers that bring back a shiny luster. According to experts at the Jewelry Information Center, you should only use polishing cloths or felt to clean silver jewelry, as paper towels can cause scratches."
"docid": "D2491276#0",
"title": "https://www.wirejewelry.com/copper-jewelry-wire-1.html\n.",
"text": "Click Here Click Here Click Here Copper is a base metal that’s fairly malleable—it measures a 2.5 on Mohs scale! Copper wire is a great metal to practice new patterns and designs on! Copper has been used for millennia in statues, pottery, jewelry, coins, and ornaments—a copper pendant was found in northern Iraq that dates to 8700 BC! Due to its antibacterial nature, it’s commonly used in hospitals and plumbing. Copper can be combined with other elements, like tin and zinc, to produce strong alloys such as bronze and brass, which are also available here as wire! Copper jewelry wire is much less expensive than precious metals like silver and gold filled wire. Copper wire is a great “practice metal” for beginners. Even old pros can use copper wire as a test wire to try out ideas, before setting to work on the final gold or silver jewelry pieces. On its own, polished copper jewelry wire has a warm, burnished gold luster. Add it to silver or gold pieces or let it shine all by itself."
"docid": "D523472#0",
"title": "http://www.whimsie.com/gauge%20wire.html\nGauge Thickness chart & Information:",
"text": "\"OUR COMPLETE METAL CRAFT CATALOG TO ORDER FROM: ALUMINUM WIREJEWELERS BRONZE & BRASS WIRECOPPER WIRENICKEL SILVER WIREALUMINUM WIREBRONZE & BRASS WIRECOPPER WIRE NICKEL SILVER WIREALUMINUM SHEETBRASS & BRONZE SHEETCOPPER SHEETTHIN SHEET METALS & FOILSRECYCLED & VINTAGE METALSSALES & SAMPLE SETSMETAL CRAFT TOOLS & SUPPLIESHow to SOLDER BOOKLETMETAL CRAFT HOW-TO ARTICLESCraft Metal, Tools & Supplies Gauge Thickness chart & Information: Gauge Is thickness. The higher the gauge number the thinner the metal. The chart below shows approximategauge thickness for metal to give a relative idea of different gauges. It is in American Standard Gauge of thickness. Below is an information only chart please see our catalog listings at the left for the thicknesses we have available in various metals. Prices and details are on those pages.. (Some metals in the gauges shown below are unavailable. ) The photos of gauge thickness on these charts is shown for comparison and may appear thicker or thinner than actual thickness on some screens. METAL CRAFT FOR OVER 27 YEARSWe are a working studio. A s metal crafters ourselves for the last 27 years, we know how good materials & tools can produce excellent results. Please check out the metal craft information link below."
"docid": "D102423#0",
"title": "http://m1-garand-rifle.com/parkerizing/\nHow To Parkerize Steel",
"text": "\"How To Parkerize Steel Parkerizing: Applying an anti-corrosion and lubricating phosphatized surface treatment Parkerizing is an electrochemical process that creates a protective iron-phosphate layer on the outer surface of steel. It protects the steel from corrosion and also increases its resistance to wear. The resulting surface is irregular on a microscopic scale. This produces a grey matte finish that holds water-repelling lubricant. The overall result of protection against oxidation and wear makes parkerizing superior to bluing for protecting guns. First, some warnings This is not the way to parkerize steel, but it is one way to do it. It might work for you. In the process, you might somehow manage to avoid burning down your house and poisoning yourself, your family, and your kittens. But I doubt it. Done correctly, this can still be downright dangerous."
] |
2387 | can you prevent celiac disease | [
"docid": "D125263#0",
"title": "https://www.sharecare.com/health/celiac-disease/how-help-prevent-celiac-disease\nRecently Answered",
"text": "Recently Answered Q What is celiac disease?8 Answers A American Diabetes Association answered Celiac disease is a digestive disorder. When people with celiac disease eat food containing gluten, their bodies react by damaging the small intestine. Uncomfortable symptoms such as abdominal pain often occur. The damage to the small intestine also interferes with the body's ability to make use of the nutrients in food. About 1 percent of the total population has celiac disease. It is more common in people with type 1 diabetes. An estimated 10 percent of people with type 1 also have celiac. The only way to manage celiac disease is to completely avoid all foods that have gluten. Following a gluten-free diet will prevent permanent damage to your body and will help you feel better. See All 8 Answers Q What is an endoscopic biopsy for celiac disease?1 Answer A Celiac Disease Foundation answered If the results of the antibody or genetic tests for celiac disease are positive, your doctor may suggest an endoscopic biopsy."
] | [
"docid": "D1469427#0",
"title": "http://theceliacmd.com/2014/09/triggers-celiac-disease-one-possible-answer/\nTriggers for celiac disease: One possible answer",
"text": "Triggers for celiac disease: One possible answer Share this article Triggers for celiac disease: One possible answer Updated 5/2016What triggers celiac disease? How can someone who has eaten gluten their entire life suddenly become ill after ingesting it? Researchers at the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center may be close to finding an answer to these questions. This is exciting news, as the discovery of potential triggers may lead to the development of therapies for the prevention of celiac disease. Genes + Gluten + Trigger = Celiac Disease In order to have celiac disease, three factors must be present: Gluten: First, you must be ingesting gluten for the immune reaction to occur. If you never ate gluten, a protein that occurs naturally in wheat, rye and barley, you would never develop celiac disease. The majority of westernized countries are heavily dependent on wheat. Irrespective of the popularity of the gluten-free diet, the vast majority of Americans consume wheat every day. Gene: Second, you must carry at least one of two genes (HLA alleles) associated with celiac disease for it to occur. But, having one (or both) of these genes does not guarantee you will get celiac disease."
"docid": "D800226#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-symptoms\nWhat Are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?",
"text": "What Are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease? In this Article Symptoms in Adults Symptoms in Children and Teens When to Call Your Doctor You’ve noticed that you have a lot of stomach problems, like gas and diarrhea. And you feel tired, listless, and achy. And the symptoms worsen when you eat things like bread, pasta, and pastries. You’ve even lost a bit of weight and don’t know why. A lot of things could be the reason. Celiac disease is one possibility. It’s an immune system problem. If you have it and eat a food that has gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley), your body attacks your small intestine. That causes damage and makes it hard for your body to absorb nutrients."
"docid": "D514106#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/r/rectocele/intro.htm\nRectocele",
"text": "\"Rectocele Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Prevention Misdiagnosis Videos Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Rectocele: Rectocele: Introduction Symptoms Causes Treatments Misdiagnosis Home Testing Types Videos Research Stories from Users Full Contents list Rectocele: Introduction Rectocele: Rectal prolapse with protrusion into the vagina. More detailed information about the symptoms , causes, and treatments of Rectocele is available below. Symptoms of Rectocele Click to Check Bulge inside the vagina Symptoms of third degree rectocele: Protrusion outside the vagina Feeling of vaginal fullness Vaginal protrusion worse on coughing or sneezingmore symptoms...»See full list of 8 symptoms of Rectocele Treatments for Rectocele Pelvic floor muscle exercises Surgical correctionmore treatments...»Read more about treatments for Rectocele Home Diagnostic Testing Home medical testing related to Rectocele: Colon & Rectal Cancer: Home Testing Home Colorectal Cancer Tests Home Fecal Occult Bleeding Testsmore...»Wrongly Diagnosed with Rectocele? Misdiagnosis of Rectocele Failure to diagnose Rectocele Hidden causes of Rectocele (possibly wrongly diagnosed)Undiagnosed: Rectocele Rectocele: Related Patient Stories Non-surgical treatment for rectal prolapse? URGENT: Rectal Prolapse Rectocele Hemorrhoids or Rectal Prolapse... Please Help!Rectocele surgery Rectocele worsening, need advice Possible Rectal prolapse - Foods to eat??? Rectal Prolapse or Hemorrhoids? Types of Rectocele First degree rectocele Second degree rectocele Third degree rectocele - protruding outside the vaginamore types...»Read more about Types of Rectocele Causes of Rectocele Weak pelvic muscles Pregnancy Childbirth Menopausemore causes...»Read more about causes of Rectocele More information about causes of Rectocele: Underlying causes of Rectocele Rectocele as a complication caused by other conditions Rectocele as a symptom Disease Topics Related To Rectocele Research the causes of these diseases that are similar to, or related to, Rectocele: Prostate condition Hemorrhoids Skin tags Rectal abscess Genital wartmore related diseases...»Rectocele: Undiagnosed Conditions Commonly undiagnosed diseases in related medical categories: Chronic Digestive Disorders that can remain Undiagnosed: Crohn's Disease -- Undiagnosed Ulcerative Colitis -- Undiagnosed Celiac Disease -- Undiagnosed Heartburn -- Undiagnosed GERD -- Undiagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease -- Undiagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome -- Undiagnosed Carcinoid Syndrome -- Undiagnosed Pancreatitis -- Undiagnosedmore undiagnosed conditions...»Misdiagnosis and Rectocele Chronic digestive conditions often misdiagnosed: When diagnosing chronic symptoms of the digestive tract, there are a variety of conditions that may be misdiagnosed."
"docid": "D3372008#0",
"title": "http://www.livescience.com/50002-children-celiac-disease.html\nCeliac Disease in Kids Detected by Growth Screenings",
"text": "\"Live Science Health Celiac Disease in Kids Detected by Growth Screenings By Laura Geggel, Senior Writer | March 2, 2015 11:50am ETMORECredit: Boy checking height via Shutterstock Measuring children's height and weight as they grow can be a powerful indicator of whether they have the digestive condition called celiac disease, and may help doctors diagnose children with the disorder earlier, a new study finds. When used together, five calculations that are done based a child's height and weight — such as how much a child's height varies from the average for age and gender, and how this measure changes over time — were able to detect celiac disease in 84 percent of boys and 88 percent of girls with the disorder, according to the study, published online today (March 2) in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. The findings echo other studies that have also found that children with celiac disease often weigh less and don't grow as fast or as tall as their typical peers, the researchers said. [ The Top 10 Worst Hereditary Conditions]Furthermore, when the researchers looked back at the height of children already diagnosed with celiac disease, they found girls were shorter than expected for two years before they were diagnosed, and boys were shorter for one year before their diagnosis, when compared with a reference group.\"\" [ A] well-established growth-monitoring program could facilitate the early diagnosis of celiac disease,\"\" the researchers concluded in their study. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to overreact to two proteins in gluten, which is found in wheat and other grains. If a person with celiac disease eats gluten, it can trigger an immune response that damages their intestines and prevents them from absorbing nutrients. The disorder affects about 2 percent people in Western populations, but the majority of people who have the condition may not know it, the researchers said. Blood tests can identify an elevated immune response to gluten, but universal screening for celiac disease is not recommended, largely because the test is invasive and few people actually have the condition, the researchers said. But the new growth parameters may increase early childhood diagnoses, the researchers found."
"docid": "D633500#0",
"title": "http://drhyman.com/blog/2012/02/13/three-hidden-ways-wheat-makes-you-fat/\nThree Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat",
"text": "Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat Gluten-free is hot these days. There are books and websites, restaurants with gluten free menus, and grocery stores with hundreds of new gluten free food products on the shelf. Is this a fad, or a reflection of response to a real problem? Yes, gluten is a real problem. But the problem is not just gluten. In fact, there are three major hidden reasons that wheat products, not just gluten (along with sugar in all its forms) is the major contributor to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, depression and so many other modern ills. This is why there are now 30% more obese than undernourished in the world, and why globally chronic lifestyle and dietary driven disease kills more than twice as many people as infectious disease. These non-communicable chronic diseases will cost our global economy $47 trillion over the next 20 years. Sadly, this tsunami of chronic illness is increasingly caused by eating our beloved diet staple, bread, the staff of life, and all the wheat products hidden in everything from soups to vodka to lipstick to envelope adhesive. The biggest problem is wheat, the major source of gluten in our diet."
"docid": "D159689#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-topic-overview\nCeliac Disease - Topic Overview",
"text": "Celiac Disease - Topic Overview Articles On Celiac Disease Topic Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call a Doctor Exams and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Home Treatment Medications Other Treatment Other Places To Get Help Related Information References Credits What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a problem some people have with foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a type of protein. It's found in the grains wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a wheat-rye cross). When you have this disease and you eat food with gluten in it, the gluten triggers an immune response that is not normal. This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing nutrients from your food. It's important to get treatment, because celiac disease can: Lead to anemia. Lead to osteoporosis. Raise your risk of lymphoma. In children, celiac disease can slow growth and weaken bones."
"docid": "D1177200#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/diagnosis-treatment/diagnosis/dxc-20214633\nDiagnosis",
"text": "Print Diagnosis Researchers estimate that only 20 percent of people with celiac disease may receive a diagnosis. Doctors may order two blood tests to help diagnose celiac disease. Serology testing looks for antibodies in your blood. Elevated levels of certain antibody proteins indicate an immune reaction to gluten. Genetic testing for human leukocyte antigens (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8) can be used to rule out celiac disease. If the results of these tests indicate celiac disease, your doctor may order an endoscopy to view your small intestine and to take a small tissue sample (biopsy) to analyze for damage to the villi. It's important to be tested for celiac disease before trying a gluten-free diet. Eliminating gluten from your diet may change the results of blood tests so that they appear to be normal. Treatment A strict, lifelong gluten-free diet is the only way to manage celiac disease. In addition to wheat, foods that contain gluten include: Barley Bulgur Durum Farina Graham flour Malt Rye Semolina Spelt (a form of wheat)Triticale Your doctor may refer you to a dietitian, who can help you plan a healthy gluten-free diet."
"docid": "D224039#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/home/ovc-20214625\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview Celiac disease Celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy), sometimes called sprue or coeliac, is an immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. If you have celiac disease, eating gluten triggers an immune response in your small intestine. Over time, this reaction damages your small intestine's lining and prevents absorption of some nutrients (malabsorption). The intestinal damage often causes diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia, and can lead to serious complications. In children, malabsorption can affect growth and development, in addition to the symptoms seen in adults. There's no cure for celiac disease — but for most people, following a strict gluten-free diet can help manage symptoms and promote intestinal healing. Symptoms The signs and symptoms of celiac disease can vary greatly and are different in children and adults. The most common signs for adults are diarrhea, fatigue and weight loss. Adults may also experience bloating and gas, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, and vomiting. However, more than half of adults with celiac disease have signs and symptoms that are not related to the digestive system, including: Anemia, usually resulting from iron deficiency Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) or softening of bone (osteomalacia)Itchy, blistery skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)Damage to dental enamel Mouth ulcers Headaches and fatigue Nervous system injury, including numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, possible problems with balance, and cognitive impairment Joint pain Reduced functioning of the spleen (hyposplenism)Acid reflux and heartburn Children In children under 2 years old, typical signs and symptoms of celiac disease include: Vomiting Chronic diarrhea Swollen belly Failure to thrive Poor appetite Muscle wasting Older children may experience: Diarrhea Constipation Weight loss Irritability Short stature Delayed puberty Neurological symptoms, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, headaches, lack of muscle coordination and seizures Dermatitis herpetiformis Dermatitis herpetiformis is an itchy, blistering skin disease that stems from intestinal gluten intolerance."
"docid": "D2314648#0",
"title": "http://articles.mercola.com/celiac-disease/what-is-celiac-disease.aspx\nWhat Is Celiac Disease in the First Place?",
"text": "What Is Celiac Disease in the First Place?07,563 views Story at-a-glance Celiac disease is defined as an autoimmune condition wherein patients experience a reaction in the small intestine after consuming products with gluten Refractory celiac disease is also linked to gliadin, a component of gluten that works together with similar proteins in barley and rye, causing the immune reaction Celiac disease is defined as an autoimmune 1 condition wherein patients experience a reaction in the small intestine after consuming products with gluten. This protein is found in whole grains such as wheat, barley or rye, and its byproducts, like cereal, bread and beer. This response damages the small intestine’s lining called the villi and causes malabsorption (prevention of nutrient absorption). It could also lead to diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia. 2This disease is known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy, 3 coeliac disease (in countries like the U. K. and Australia), celiac sprue disease and non-tropical sprue. 4Complications of Celiac Disease If left untreated, celiac disease can trigger these complications among adults and children: 5, 6Adults Children Malnutrition Failure to thrive Loss of calcium and bone density Delayed puberty Osteoporosis Weight loss Lactose intolerance Irritability Dermatitis herpetiformis 7 (a condition wherein the patient experiences a chronic and extremely itchy rash on the skin consisting of bumps and blisters 8) Dental enamel defects Autoimmune thyroid disease Anemia Infertility and miscarriage Arthritis Autism Epilepsy Neurological problems Cancers (lymphoma and small bowel cancer)There are two types of celiac disease that can affect a patient even after a diagnosis has been made and a treatment protocol has been recommended: 9• Nonresponsive celiac disease: A condition that affects around 30 percent of people with celiac disease, patients may not have or be able to maintain a good response to a gluten-free diet within about six months. 10 They experience recurring celiac disease symptoms because of: 11◦ Co-existent inflammatory bowel disease◦ Microscopic or inflammatory colitis◦ Small bowel bacterial overgrowth◦ Lactose intolerance◦ Functional bowel disorders The usual symptoms of nonresponsive celiac disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue. 12• Refractory celiac disease: Despite a strict adherence to a gluten-free diet, patients with this disorder experience continuous intestinal injuries that lead to malabsorption. If symptoms of celiac disease occur even if the patient has followed a gluten-free diet for a year, the physician could recommend further testing to look for other causes of the condition. This disease is also called intractable celiac sprue, and is divided into two subtypes: type 1 refractory sprue and type 2 refractory sprue."
"docid": "D863148#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-complications\nWhat Are the Complications from Celiac Disease?",
"text": "What Are the Complications from Celiac Disease? In this Article If Celiac Disease Goes Untreated Other Problems Linked to Celiac Disease Complications in Children When you have celiac disease, your body has a major problem with gluten. For reasons that scientists don’t completely understand, gluten makes your immune system attack the lining of the small intestine if you have this condition. This causes serious damage and problems that can go beyond the digestive system. To prevent that, you need to be on a gluten -free diet. Once gluten is out of the picture, your small intestine will start to heal. But because celiac disease is so hard to diagnose, people can have it for years. This long-term damage to the small intestine may start to affect other parts of the body. Many of these problems will go away with a gluten-free diet. Your recovery time will depend on how long you’ve been dealing with the complications."
"docid": "D2440383#0",
"title": "https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/celiac/\nCeliac, Gluten Intolerance and your Thyroid",
"text": "Celiac, Gluten Intolerance and your Thyroid Is there a difference between the terms ‘Celiac’ and ‘Gluten Intolerance’? Though gluten tolerance is a symptom of Celiac disease, the latter refers to a damaged intestinal mucosa brought about by a inherited gene, and avoiding glutens can help control the disease. On the other hand, some individuals can have gluten intolerance without having Celiac disease and damage to the intestines. What is Celiac Disease in more detail, please Celiac disease (CD), also called Celiac Sprue or Autoimmune Gluten Intolerance, appears to be a genetically inherited disorder which sets off an autoimmune attack in the body. In other words, if you have it, you probably have ancestors or family members with it, too. This attack causes atrophy damage in the small intestine, and that, in turn, results in poor absorption of nutrients in the food you eat. The malabsorption can lead to malnutrition and other maladies. Some CD individuals can have less severe symptoms than others, and vice versa. What causes CD to show its face? Stress can cause Celiac to reveal itself, and eating certain types of storage protein, aka gluten, can set off the autoimmune response."
"docid": "D1039749#0",
"title": "http://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/experts-how-do-food-allergies-affect-digestion.aspx\nHow Do Food Allergies Affect Digestion?",
"text": "\"Thinkstock Everyday Health: The rates of food allergies continue to rise. What are the most common food allergies, and how do they affect digestion? Mark Babyatsky, MD ( mssm.edu)Food allergies are estimated to affect 6 to 8 percent of children in the United States and 3 to 4 percent of adults. Many children who demonstrate allergy to milk protein outgrow them. In adults, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and egg are the most common. Of note, those with peanut and tree nut allergies are unlikely to outgrow them, including the recently increasingly prevalent sesame allergy. Symptoms are usually acute, but can be chronic and include the gamut of allergic responses in the entire body. In the digestive tract, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, odynophagia (painful swallowing), diarrhea, or any combination of these symptoms. Kenneth Brown, MD ( kennethbrownmd.com)Many patients feel they are allergic to a food product because they had some sort of reaction after eating. Although adverse food reactions are common, true food allergies are only present in 3 — 4 percent of adults."
"docid": "D3066631#0",
"title": "http://ultimatepaleoguide.com/celiac-disease/\nWhat Is Celiac Disease?",
"text": "What Is Celiac Disease? August 31, 2014 By Joel Runyon 2 Comments Tweet Share 2 Pin Stumble2According to the statistics reported in the peer reviewed American Journal of Gastroenterology (1), the prevalence of Celiac disease in United States is roughly 0.71%. This means that over three million Americans are currently living with Celiac disease. But what is it? Celiac disease is a gut condition that causes weight loss, anemia, and gut inflammation. Although the exact cause of Celiac disease is unknown, it is believed that some people are genetically predisposed to the illness. Why Going Gluten-Free Isn’t The Answer Gluten and grains aren’t the only problems. Approximately 30% of those with Celiac disease are unable to clear up their symptoms by going on a gluten-free diet. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2) suggests that only 8% have normal guts after starting gluten-free diets. There are two main theories to explain why the symptoms of Celiac disease persist even after a gluten-free diet has been introduced: Most foods (especially the processed and refined ones) are contaminated with small quantities of gluten."
"docid": "D333859#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-what-happens\nCeliac Disease - What Happens",
"text": "Celiac Disease - What Happens Articles On Celiac Disease Topic Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call a Doctor Exams and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Home Treatment Medications Other Treatment Other Places To Get Help Related Information References Credits Celiac disease is a lifelong (chronic) condition that occurs when gluten triggers an abnormal immune system response that damages the small intestine. Your small intestine is lined with tiny, finger-shaped tissues called villi. The villi create a large surface that absorbs vitamins, sugars, and other nutrients as food passes through the small intestine. When a person who has celiac disease eats gluten, the villi flatten out and the intestinal lining becomes damaged. This decreases the area that can absorb nutrients. In some cases, this inability to absorb nutrients may be bad enough to stunt growth and weaken bones. The loss of vitamins and minerals may lead to other problems, such as anemia, osteoporosis, or growth delays in children. People who have celiac disease may have periods when their symptoms seem worse. Or symptoms may sometimes not be noticed at all. In adults, symptoms may occur at any age but most commonly occur during the 20s, 30s, and 40s."
"docid": "D2680282#0",
"text": "\"Show all categories What Is Celiac Disease? Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a genetic disorder that affects at least 1 in 133 Americans. Symptoms of celiac disease can range from the classic features, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition, to latent symptoms such as isolated nutrient deficiencies but no gastrointestinal symptoms. The disease mostly affects people of European (especially Northern European) descent, but recent studies show that it also affects Hispanic, Black and Asian populations as well. Those affected suffer damage to the villi (shortening and villous flattening) in the lamina propria and crypt regions of their intestines when they eat specific food-grain antigens (toxic amino acid sequences) that are found in wheat, rye, and barley. Oats used to be considered toxic to those with celiac disease, however, recent scientific research has shown otherwise. [ READ MORE]GLUTEN-FREE GREEK YOGURT CHOCOLATE MOUSSEBy Jefferson Adams, in Gluten-Free Pudding Recipes, Saturday at 09:03 PMCeliac.com 04/07/2018 - Looking for a sumptuous, easy-to-make gluten-free, egg-free dessert that will knock the socks off your guests? Try this variation on a fabulous dark chocolate mousse recipe courtesy of Maria Speck. Not only is this mousse quicker and easier to make than the fluffier traditional version, but dark chocolate lovers will really eat it up. Ingredients: 6 ounces high-quality dark chocolate with 70% cacao, finely chopped 1 cup whole milk Greek-style yogurt ½ cup whole milk 1 or 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier, or other orange liqueur, to taste 4 teaspoons orange marmalade Directions: Place the chocolate into a medium heatproof bowl."
"docid": "D3277932#0",
"title": "https://www.goodforyouglutenfree.com/the-celiac-disease-diet-what-celiacs-can-and-cant-eat/\nThe Celiac Disease Diet: What Celiacs Can and Canât Eat",
"text": "\"The Celiac Disease Diet: What Celiacs Can and Can’t Eat May 12, 2017 By Jenny Leave a Comment Share 25 Pin 470 Tweet495This post about the celiac disease diet contains affiliate links. If you know or love someone with celiac disease, you might be wondering what they can and can’t eat. The celiac disease diet is essentially a gluten-free diet. Celiacs must remove all gluten – a protein found in wheat, barley and rye – from their diet as even a crumb of gluten can make them sick and cause an autoimmune response. Unfortunately, gluten is everywhere. It’s not only found things like wheat, barley and rye, but also in a slew of other ingredients that may be derived from these ingredients. Gluten goes by many names and is hidden in many products you know and use regularly. According to Dr. Alessio Fasano, a leading celiac researcher and author of Gluten Freedom, celiac disease afflicts 1 in 133 people in the U. S., but many people with celiac disease remain undiagnosed. Celiac disease is often considered a digestive disorder, but there can be many symptoms of celiac disease. beyond digestive abnormalities."
"docid": "D2037209#0",
"title": "http://www.brooksidewomensmedical.com/69/Gastrointestinal-Problems.htm\n.",
"text": "Gastrointestinal Problems Gastrointestinal problems get in the way of enjoying life, often at an inconvenient time. Stomach ulcers Heartburn (acid reflux)Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Celiac disease Diverticulosis vs. diverticulitis Diarrhea Constipation Fecal incontinence (bowel control problems)Gastrointestinal resources Stomach Ulcers Your stomach produces acid to help with the digestion of proteins. The lining of the stomach is normally protected from damage from acid, but sometimes this protection fails, causing a peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer symptoms include:burning stomach painweight lossbloatingburpingpoor appetitevomitingsick to your stomach The main causes of an ulcer is infection with bacteria Helicobacter pylori, or long-term use of certain pain killers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Ulcers usually get worse if not treated, so if you think you have one, you should see your doctor right away. Heartburn (acid reflux)Heartburn is a burning type pain in the lower part of the mid-chest, behind the breast bone and in the mid abdomen. When stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus (the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach), it is called acid reflux, which causes heartburn. This problem is usually solved with over-the-counter antacids, but if it is chronic, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you have heartburn often and have trouble treating it, you should see your doctor. Untreated GERD can lead to worse conditions, such as cancer."
"docid": "D1359541#0",
"title": "https://www.womentowomen.com/digestive-health/the-gluten-spectrum-from-sensitivities-to-celiac-disease/\nWhy everyone is talking about gluten and celiac disease",
"text": "In this article The gluten spectrum — from sensitivities to celiac disease and beyond The inside story — gluten sensitivity and what’s going on in the body Real help for gluten-sensitive women — the Women's Health Network approach Looking beyond labels When it comes to gluten sensitivities, the new research shows they can have serious implications on our health. While “overt” celiac may manifest with cramping, bloating, gas, and diarrhea, the reality is that most cases are “silent,” meaning there are no obvious symptoms, digestive or otherwise. Even larger numbers of people have the “latent” form, meaning their immune systems are predisposed to develop a response to gluten when triggered by certain conditions. Gluten sensitivity is so common now that we even have a CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) code for it. We are now understanding that gluten has many more far-reaching effects than previously believed, and indicators of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease can show up in the form of low energy, fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes, numbness in the extremities, fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain — even problems with coordination. And all forms, whether overt or silent, can have devastating long-term consequences all over the body. As with leaky gut, dysbiosis, and other digestive disorders, poor nutrient absorption is just one concern. Over time, gluten-sensitive women who continue to eat gluten increase their risk for a host of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, including osteoporosis, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, and more. We think that the secret to a long and happy life is a healthy digestive system, and these connections firmly underscore that belief. What’s wonderful is that women suffering from any number of symptoms experience surprising relief from a gluten-free diet."
"docid": "D436954#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/c/congen/causes.htm\nCauses of Congenital conditions",
"text": "Causes of Congenital conditions Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Prognosis Treatment Prevention Misdiagnosis Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Contents Congenital conditions: Introduction Drugs/substances (5 causes)Risk factors Complication causes Causes of symptoms News Statistics about causes Related cause information Congenital conditions Causes: Risk Factors The following conditions have been cited in various sources as potentially causal risk factors related to Congenital conditions: Maternal age Family history Geneticsmore risk factors »Congenital conditions: Related Medical Conditions To research the causes of Congenital conditions, consider researching the causes of these these diseases that may be similar, or associated with Congenital conditions: Aicardi syndrome Albinism Amelia and hemimelia Amniotic Band syndrome Anencephaly Angelman syndrome Aposthia Arnold-Chiari malformation Congenital conditions: Causes and Types Causes of Types of Congenital conditions: Review the cause informationfor the various types of Congenital conditions: Congenital heart conditions Spina bifida Zellweger Syndrome Congenital syphilis Congenital SMA with arthrogryposis Rubella congenital syndrome Congenital hypothyroidismmore types...»Causes of Broader Categories of Congenital conditions: Review the causal information about the various more general categories of medical conditions: Infant conditions Non-Contagious Diseasesmore types...»Congenital conditions as a complication of other conditions: Other conditions that might have Congenital conditions as a complication may, potentially, be an underlying cause of Congenital conditions. Our database lists the following as having Congenital conditions as a complication of that condition: Autoimmune thyroid disease associated Celiac Disease Celiac Disease Chemical poisoning -- Thallium Childbirth Collagenous celiac disease Diabetes Down's syndrome associated Celiac Disease Folate deficiency Gestational diabetes Graves Disease Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Phenylketonuria Psychiatric disorders associated Celiac Disease Radiation sickness Refractory Celiac Disease Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 1Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 10Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 11Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 12Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 13Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 2Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 3Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 4Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 5Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 6Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 7Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 8Susceptibility to Celiac Disease 9Syphilis Turner syndrome associated Celiac Disease Type 1 diabetes Type 1 diabetes related Celiac Disease Type 2 diabetes Vitamin A overdose William's syndrome associated Celiac Disease Congenital conditions as a symptom: Conditions listing Congenital conditions as a symptom may also be potential underlying causes of Congenital conditions. Our database lists the following as having Congenital conditions as a symptom of that condition: Chromosome 8, partial trisomy Congenital syphilis Deletion 13q32Developmental toxicity -- Etretinate Female reproductive toxicity Female reproductive toxicity -- Dioxins Fetal thalidomide syndrome Hunter-Mac Donald syndrome Lead poisoning Mercury -- Teratogenic Agent Mercury poisoning -- Folk Remedies Metabolic disorders Mobius syndrome Monosomy 13q32P-Aminosalicylic Acid -- Teratogenic Agent Polyploidy Reproductive toxicity -- Vinyl Chloride Severe adverse reaction Thyroid agenesis Worster Drought syndrome Medications or substances causing Congenital conditions: The following drugs, medications, substances or toxins are some of the possible causes of Congenital conditions as a symptom. This list is incomplete and various other drugs or substances may cause your symptoms. Always advise your doctor of any medications or treatments you are using, including prescription, over-the-counter, supplements, herbal or alternative treatments. Clomiphene Clomhexal Clomid Omifin Serophenemore drugs...»Read more about medication causes of Congenital conditions What causes Congenital conditions? Article excerpts about the causes of Congenital conditions: Even with all the information we have about reducing the risks of having a baby with a birth defect, most birth defects still occur for unknown reasons."
"docid": "D467774#0",
"title": "http://woman.thenest.com/can-gluten-intolerance-symptoms-wax-wane-18975.html\nCan Gluten Intolerance Symptoms Wax and Wane?",
"text": "Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It’s not your imagination. Symptoms caused by gluten intolerance can come and go, depending on whether you've consumed gluten. Besides that, you may have a hard time recognizing the symptoms because they are sometimes generic and may seem like normal daily fatigue. And it’s not just confusing for you. Healthcare providers didn't have a clear definition of gluten intolerance until 2012, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Gluten Basics You consume gluten any time you eat bread, baked goods, breakfast cereals or any other product that contains wheat, rye or barley, because it's a natural protein in all three grains. Even though it’s present in all products made from these grains, it has an especially important role in baked goods that depend on yeast for leavening. Gluten makes dough rise by trapping the gas bubbles produced by yeast. Gluten Intolerance Gluten intolerance is often used to mean celiac disease, but they’re not the same medical condition."
] |
2399 | can pregnant women have shellfish | [
"docid": "D2065646#0",
"title": "http://www.obfocus.com/questions/Can%20Pregnant%20Women%20Eat%20Crab.htm\n.",
"text": "Can pregnant women eat crab or lobster? Pregnant women can eat shellfish as long as it is cooked. They should not eat the organs or guts of fish or shellfish. Pregnant women may eat up to 12 ounces a week of crawfish, squid , oysters, clams , shrimp, or scallops. Because some samples of lobster and crab may have much higher levels of mercury than average, pregnant should limit crab and lobster to about 6 ounces per week. The amount of mercury found in shellfish is generally much lower than is found in other seafood. The table below shows the average amount of mercury found in samples of shellfish along with the lowest and highest amounts found in samples of each shellfish. SPECIES MEAN (PPM) RANGE (PPM)Lobster Northern (Species unknown) 0.166 ND - 0.451Lobster (Northern/American) 0.107 ND-0.230Crab (Blue, King, and Snow) 0.065 ND - 0.610Crawfish 0.033 ND - 0.051Squid 0.023 ND - 0.070Oysters 0.012 ND - 0.250Clams 0.009 ND - 0.028Shrimp 0.009 ND - 0.050Scallop 0.003 ND - 0.033PPM=parts per million ND=Not detectable - mercury concentration below detection level (Level of Detection (LOD)=0.01ppm)SEE Al SO FISH AND SEAFOOD DURING PREGNANCYHAVE A QUESTION? EMAIL US AT: [email protected] REFERENCES1. Mercury Levels in Commercial Fish and Shellfish (1990-2010) U. S. Food and Drug Administration Accessed:1/2//13 2."
] | [
"docid": "D2920185#0",
"title": "http://blog.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/2013/04/10/10-healthy-canned-tuna-recipes/\n10 Healthy Canned-Tuna Recipes",
"text": "\"10 Healthy Canned-Tuna Recipes It’s one of the easiest proteins to keep on hand for a quick meal. Get the scoop on buying the best varieties, then get ready to cook these deliciously healthy canned tuna recipes. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Toby Amidor, M. S., R. D., C. D. N. Antonis Achilleos Prop Stylist: Marina Malchin 917 751 2855It's one of the easiest proteins to keep on hand for a quick meal. Get the scoop on buying the best varieties, then get ready to cook these deliciously healthy canned-tuna recipes. Choosing the Right Can Both water and oil-packed tuna can be used create a healthy recipe. At the market, the most common water-packed varieties are albacore and chunk light. Albacore comes from a larger species and has a milder flavor, while chunk light comes from a smaller fish and tends to have a stronger flavor. Three ounces of tuna canned in water has around 100 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 22 grams of protein. Oil-packed varieties have more calories and fat than water-packed tuna, and the price is usually higher than water-packed. Three ounces has about 170 calories, 7 grams of fat and 25 grams of protein."
"docid": "D1025093#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/the-best-types-of-fish-for-health-2223830\nThe Best Types of Fish to Avoid Mercury",
"text": "Calorie Counts and Nutrition Facts Proteins The Best Types of Fish to Avoid Mercury How to Choose Safer Seafood By Mark Stibich, Ph D | Reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MDUpdated February 27, 2018Share Pin Email Print Illustration by Joshua Seong. © Verywell, 2017. Fish may be an anti-aging superfood, but eating the wrong kinds of fish too often can raise the level of mercury in your body. This is especially dangerous for pregnant and breastfeeding women because fetuses and newborns are very sensitive to mercury. Find out the best fish to eat and in what amounts. Mercury Concerns With Fish All fish contain trace amounts of mercury. For most people, the small amounts in fish do not pose a health problem. Some fish, however, contain high amounts of mercury—enough to damage a fetus or newborn. That is why pregnant and nursing mothers must be very careful about the amounts and types of fish they eat. Young children should also avoid eating fish high in mercury."
"docid": "D1592964#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_it_safe_to_eat_shrimp_while_pregnant\nIs it safe to eat shrimp while pregnant?",
"text": "\"Answer by Serendipity 77 Confidence votes 590Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Recommendations The FDA advises that pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children should avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish due to high levels of mercury in these fish. The FDA also recommends that pregnant women can safely eat an average of 12 ounces of other types of COOKED fish each week You may eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) of albacore tuna per week. Emphasis is placed on choosing a variety of fish low in mercury such as shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish. So, when choosing your two meals of fish and shellfish, you may eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) of albacore tuna per week. If no local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends are available, eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) per week of fish you catch from local waters, but don't consume any other fish during that week. I've only heard that it gives you bad tummy aches. ask your doctor. With just about any food that you ingest, the danger usually comes in how it makes its way to your plate. There is a battle for industry survival that can affect what kind of shrimp your local restaurant serves. Local shrimp is generally safer and fresher as long as it is caught wild."
"docid": "D543696#0",
"title": "https://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/should-pregnant-and-breastfeeding-women-avoid-some-types-of-fish.aspx?CategoryID=54\nShould pregnant and breastfeeding women avoid some types of fish?",
"text": "You can eat most types of fish when you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Eating fish is good for you and your baby, because it is a good source of many vitamins and minerals, as well as essential omega 3 fatty acids. However, you should avoid eating some types of fish and limit the amount you eat of others. Fish to avoid during pregnancy When you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, do not eat:sharkswordfishmarlin These types of fish contain high levels of mercury, which can affect your baby’s developing nervous system. You should also avoid raw shellfish during pregnancy. For more information, read Can I eat shellfish during pregnancy? Fish to limit during pregnancy Tuna When you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you should limit the amount of tuna you eat, because it also contains high levels of mercury. Don’t eat more than:two tuna steaks a week (each weighing about 140g when cooked or 170g when raw)four medium-sized cans of tuna a week (about 140g a can when drained)Oily fish Pregnant women should also limit how much oily fish they eat, because it contains pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Don’t eat more than two portions of oily fish a week. You don't need to give up eating oily fish altogether, as the health benefits outweigh the risks, as long as you don't eat more than the maximum recommended amounts."
"docid": "D3325573#0",
"title": "http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/introducingfishtobaby.htm\nFeeding Baby Fish â When Can Baby Safely Eat and be Introduced Fish to Baby",
"text": "Feeding Baby Fish – When Can Baby Safely Eat and be Introduced Fish to Baby Learn About Introducing Fish to Your Baby Meats are now being recommended as a first food (but not THE first food) due to the bio-available levels of heme iron, zinc and protein. Is Fish an Allergenic food for Babies and When Can Babies Eat Fish? Fish, specifically shellfish and “boney” fish, are known allergens for an infant. It is often recommended to introduce fish only after a baby has reached 1 year of age. Many sources suggest waiting until after 3 years old. Still, other sources say that introducing fish to a baby at 8, 9-10 months old is perfectly safe. Shellfish and crustaceans should not be introduced to a child who may be allergy prone until around 1-3 years of age. Shellfish and crustaceans such as lobster, oysters etc. can induce deadly allergic reactions. Please be sure to consult your baby’s pediatrician about shellfish and crustaceans!Recommendations for introducing fish and other allergenic foods are changing!"
"docid": "D2827523#0",
"title": "http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/mercury-levels-in-sushi/\nMercury Levels in Sushi",
"text": "Mercury Levels in Sushi Home / Pregnancy Wellness / Mercury Levels in Sushi Most women who are pregnant or wishing to become pregnant have heard the warnings about eating sushi. There are risks to pregnant women due to certain bacteria and increased exposure to mercury. But, women also need to remember that not all sushi is uncooked, and most fish contain essential nutrients and vitamins needed for growth and development of their baby. Eating fish that is cooked can help reduce the risk of exposure to certain bacteria. Eating fish that is not on the “high” mercury list is also a way to eat fish safely. The NRDC has compiled a list of fish used in sushi and where they rank in their levels of mercury. Many of the main sushi type fish contain high levels of mercury and should be completely avoided or eaten very rarely. If you have further questions regarding sushi, you should talk with your health care provider to get their recommendation. Sushi with Higher Levels of Mercury Avoid the following sushi while pregnant: Ahi (yellowfin tuna)Aji (horse mackerel)Buri (adult yellowtail)Hamachi (young yellowtail)Inada (very young yellowtail)Kanpachi (very young yellowtail)Katsuo (bonito)Kajiki (swordfish)Maguro (bigeye, bluefin or yellowfin tuna)Makjiki (blue marlin)Meji (young bigeye, bluefin* or yellowfin tuna)Saba (mackerel)Sawara (spanish mackerel)Shiro (albacore tuna)Seigo (young sea bass)*Suzuki (sea bass)*Toro (bigeye, bluefin or yellowfin tuna)The FDA has identified four fish with the highest levels of mercury that should be avoided during pregnancy. These include tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, swordfish, shark, and king mackerel."
"docid": "D1365794#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/31526-list-foods-pescatarian-can-eat/\nTypes of Foods That a Pescatarian Can Eat",
"text": "Types of Foods That a Pescatarian Can Eatby LILLIAN DOWNEY Aug. 14, 2017By definition, a pescatarian (or pescetarian) is a person who eats seafood but not other types of meat. Pescatarians are similar to vegetarians, but the difference is that pescatarians eat fish and shellfish in addition to an otherwise vegetarian diet. However, there is no consensus on whether a pescatarian diet includes eggs and dairy since many vegetarians consume those types of land animal products. Major vegetarian organizations, including The Vegetarian Society, do not recognize pescatarians as true vegetarians. Pescatarians believe that they can improve their health, the plight of land animals and the condition of our planet by refusing to consume meats other than seafood. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Seafood in a Pescatarian Diet Pescatarians do not eat land animals or birds, including chicken, beef, pork and other types of poultry. They do, however, eat seafood, including fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, whitefish, sardines and even fish roe, also known as fish eggs or caviar. This type of diet also allows for shellfish like lobster, shrimp (or prawns), crawfish and crab as well as mollusks like scallops, clams, mussels, squid, octopus and oysters. These foods can be prepared in any manner, as long as they are not prepared with ingredients that contain meat that doesn't fall into these categories. Plant Foods in a Pescatarian Diet Fruits and vegetables are the main attraction for pescatarians, much like vegetarians and vegans."
"docid": "D1597482#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/246404.php\nPregnancy diet: What to eat and what to avoid",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Pregnancy diet: What to eat and what to avoid Last updated Wed 24 May 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, LDRules Why do I need extra iron? Foods to avoid Weight gain Supplements Pregnant women need to ensure that their diet provides enough nutrients and energy for the baby to develop and grow properly. They also need to make sure that her body is healthy enough to deal with the changes that are occurring. For a healthy pregnancy, the mother's diet needs to be balanced and nutritious - this involves the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and consuming a wide variety of plants like vegetables, and fruits. Some women's diets may be impacted by ethical beliefs, religious requirements, or health conditions, so checking with a doctor is an important part of planning a pregnancy diet. Fast facts on eating during pregnancy: A pregnant woman's calorie intake grows during pregnancy. She does not eat for two; her calorie consumption just goes up a few hundred calories a day for most pregnant women. Typical weight gain, if the mother is carrying just one baby, varies considerably based on pre-pregnancy weight and other factors. An underweight pregnant women is recommended to gain the most, whereas an overweight woman is recommended to gain the least. A woman's body absorbs iron more efficiently and blood volume increases when she is pregnant, so she has to consume more iron to make sure that both she and her baby have an adequate oxygen supply."
"docid": "D363225#0",
"title": "http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1022\nBest and Worst Fish Choices",
"text": "By Becky Hand, Licensed and Registered Dietitian 4/17/2012Word is spreading that fish is good for your health, but like many matters of health and nutrition, there’s nothing simple about simply eating fish. Even though many varieties can be good for your health, contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), found in many types of fish, may be detrimental to your health. But it gets even more complicated. Beyond choosing fish based on healthfulness (considering things like abundance of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and low concentrations of mercury and contaminants), consuming fish also has an environmental impact. Many environmental advocates have reported that the mismanagement of many large-scale fishing operations has resulted in overfishing (and the plummeting of some wild fish populations). Fish farming, one alternative to wild fish, may help protect these populations, but other groups claim that fish farming has led to other problems, like the overuse of antibiotics to control disease. Trying to keep track of which types of fish are healthy and safe—not only for you, but also for the environment—can be daunting, to say the least. And here’s why: Making the right choice when it comes to fish means looking for fish that have the highest nutritional content, lowest levels of contaminants, and, for those concerned with the environment, the lightest impact on the planet. Let's explore how to make the best choices to meet all of these tricky requirements. Nutrition and Omega-3s Nutrients found in foods are usually straightforward."
"docid": "D1097773#0",
"title": "http://animalquestions.org/fish/cod/is-it-safe-to-eat-cod-while-pregnant/\nIs It Safe To Eat Cod While Pregnant?",
"text": "Is It Safe To Eat Cod While Pregnant? Although there are some fish that pregnant women should stay clear of altogether, cod is among one of the species of fish that is considered okay and safe to eat while pregnant. Many women eat fish during their pregnancy as a way to load up on good nutrients such as protein, vitamin 3 and omega 3 fatty acids, all of which are essential for a baby’s development. However the downside to eating fish s that almost every single kind of fish often includes traces of Methyl mercury. This compound is known to be harmful in high doses to an unborn developing nervous system. Generally it is usually the larger predator fish which accumulate the highest levels of this mercury however. Eating fish can be quite beneficial for pregnant women and their developing babies. Just a few of the many benefits that incorporating fish into their diet are as follows: Prevents high blood pressure as well as pre-eclampsia. ( Pre-eclampsia is a combination of symptoms during pregnancy that include high blood pressure, edema, swelling and changes in reflexes. ) Enhances the baby’s brain development Promotes the birth of a full term baby with a higher and healthier birth weight The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in past years has issued newer guidelines for how women who are trying to conceive, are pregnant, nursing mothers, or who have young children can help limit their exposure to mercury in fish."
"docid": "D526191#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/pregnancy-nutrition/art-20043844\nPregnancy nutrition: Foods to avoid during pregnancy",
"text": "Pregnancy nutrition: Foods to avoid during pregnancy More foods can affect your health or your baby's than you might realize. Find out what foods to avoid during pregnancy. By Mayo Clinic Staff You want what's best for your baby. That's why you add sliced fruit to your fortified breakfast cereal, top your salads with chickpeas and snack on almonds. But do you know what foods to avoid during pregnancy? Here's help understanding pregnancy nutrition basics. Avoid seafood high in mercury Seafood can be a great source of protein, and the omega-3 fatty acids in many fish can promote your baby's brain and eye development. However, some fish and shellfish contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Too much mercury could harm your baby's developing nervous system. The bigger and older the fish is, the more mercury it's likely to contain."
"docid": "D2460399#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbaby.co.nz/pregnancy/what-to-eat-when-youre-pregnant/\nWhat to eat when you're pregnant",
"text": "What to eat when you're pregnant Pregnancy / Home / What to eat when you're pregnant If you're pregnant or planning to be, you need to give your baby the best and healthiest start in life that you possibly can. In order to do that, you must take special care of yourself and your diet even before you are pregnant. Forget everything you've been told about fasting and dieting. You need to be eating at least three solid meals a day, balanced with foods from each of the four food groups. Keep your intake of sweets, preservatives and highly-processed foods to a low. Just because you have a baby on board doesn't mean you should eat double. Eating for two actually reflects the idea of eating food that provides the right nutrition for you and your baby. Many women find it difficult to make essential adjustments to fit the needs of pregnancy. But you must realise that these don't have to be too dramatic, or happen all at once. Like with caffeine, going cold turkey can cause side effects and mental anguish, so try gradually cutting out the less desirable foods, and introduce the healthy ones."
"docid": "D1138168#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/917.aspx?CategoryID=54\nFoods to avoid in pregnancy",
"text": "Foods to avoid in pregnancy There are some foods to avoid or take care with when you're pregnant as they might make you ill or harm your baby. Make sure you know the important facts about which foods you should avoid or take precautions with when you're pregnant. Cheeses to avoid in pregnancy Soft cheeses with white rinds Don't eat mould-ripened soft cheese (cheeses with a white rind) such as brie and camembert. This includes mould-ripened soft goats' cheese, such as chèvre. These cheeses are only safe to eat in pregnancy if they've been cooked. Soft blue cheeses You should also avoid soft blue-veined cheeses such as danish blue, gorgonzola and roquefort. Soft blue cheeses are only safe to eat in pregnancy if they've been cooked. It's advised pregnant women avoid some soft cheeses because they're less acidic than hard cheeses and contain more moisture, which means they can be an ideal environment for harmful bacteria, such as listeria, to grow in. Although infection with listeria (listeriosis) is rare, it's important to take special precautions in pregnancy – even a mild form of the illness in a pregnant woman can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or severe illness in a newborn baby. Find out about the symptoms of listeria."
"docid": "D198921#0",
"title": "http://www.hormone.org/questions-and-answers/2012/radioactive-iodine-treatment-for-hyperthyroidism\nFact Sheet",
"text": "› Radioactive Iodine for Hyperthyroidism Fact Sheet Radioactive Iodine for Hyperthyroidism April, 2012Download PDFs English Zulu Espanol Editors Bryan Haugen, MD James V. Hennessey, MD Leonard Wartofsky, MDWhat is hyperthyroidism? The thyroid gland, located at the front of your neck, makes hormones that control your metabolism—the way your body uses energy. Hyperthyroidism, also called overactive thyroid, occurs when your thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. Too much thyroid hormone speeds up many of the body’s functions. If untreated, an overactive thyroid can lead to other health concerns, such as heart problems. The main cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, in which the immune system attacks the thyroid. Less often, hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid has one or more nodules (lumps) that make too much thyroid hormone. What is the treatment of hyperthyroidism? The goal of treatment is to lower the amount of thyroid hormones. Treatment options include Radioactive iodine (RAI)."
"docid": "D41242#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-poisoning/basics/symptoms/CON-20031705\nOverview",
"text": "\"Print Overview Food poisoning, also called foodborne illness, is illness caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organisms — including bacteria, viruses and parasites — or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning. Infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food at any point of processing or production. Contamination can also occur at home if food is incorrectly handled or cooked. Food poisoning symptoms, which can start within hours of eating contaminated food, often include nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Most often, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment. But some people need to go to the hospital. Symptoms Food poisoning symptoms vary with the source of contamination. Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs and symptoms: Nausea Vomiting Watery or bloody diarrhea Abdominal pain and cramps Fever Signs and symptoms may start within hours after eating the contaminated food, or they may begin days or even weeks later. Sickness caused by food poisoning generally lasts from a few hours to several days."
"docid": "D2044975#0",
"title": "http://www.safefood.eu/Healthy-Eating/Food-Diet/Life-Stages/Pregnancy.aspx\n.",
"text": "Eating healthily during pregnancy will help your baby develop and grow and will help keep you fit and well. You don’t need to go on a special diet, but make sure that you follow the basic healthy eating guidelines in order to get the right balance of nutrients that you and your baby need. Here are some extras to consider. Folic acid Folic acid is a B vitamin that is found in some foods as well as in supplement form. If you have enough folic acid around the time you conceive your baby, then there’s less risk of your baby being born with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. All women who could become pregnant are advised to take a supplement of 400μg (micrograms) of folic acid each day. When you do become pregnant, continue to take the supplement each day for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you’ve just found out you are pregnant and had not been taking folic acid supplements, start them right away and continue to take them until the 12th week of pregnancy. Folic acid supplements are available over the counter in pharmacies and some supermarkets. If you take folic acid as part of a multivitamin supplement, make sure that it contains 400μg (micrograms) of folic acid and doesn’t contain vitamin A which could harm your baby."
"docid": "D2516934#0",
"title": "http://travel.gc.ca/travelling/health-safety/travelling-pregnant\nTravelling while pregnant",
"text": "Travelling while pregnant With careful preparation, travelling while pregnant can be safe, but there are additional risks and challenges to take into consideration. Pregnant women can be at increased risk of becoming infected and/or developing severe complications from certain infections, which can also affect the unborn baby. It is important that you consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic to discuss your travel plans, preferably six weeks before you travel. Timing of travel The safest time to travel is between the 18th and 24th weeks of pregnancy. Most common obstetric emergencies occur in the first and third trimesters. The decision to travel should be made in consultation with your health care provider. Discuss the purpose of travel, destination (s), length of the trip, planned activities, underlying medical and/or pregnancy related complications and available medical care in other countries. If you decide to travel while pregnant, make sure that you have proper travel health insurance. Review your policy and the coverage it provides, as most policies do not automatically cover pregnancy-related conditions or hospital care for premature infants. Vaccines Generally, it is advised that pregnant women avoid live vaccines (for example, measles, mumps and rubella); however, inactivated vaccines are considered safe (for example, hepatitis B)."
"docid": "D2586294#0",
"title": "http://www.arhp.org/Publications-and-Resources/Patient-Resources/Fact-Sheets/Healthy-Fish\n.",
"text": "Healthy Fish, Healthy Families (Updated November 2008)Fish and other seafood can play an important role in a good diet. Because fish are high in protein and low in unhealthy fats, they make a great alternative to red meat. Fish are a good source of vitamins and minerals. They also contain nutrients called omega-3 fatty acids, which can prevent heart disease and may help with healthy brain development. Why are some fish safer than others? Guide to Healthy Fish Up to 2 servings each week Clams a Oysters a Shrimp a Tilapia Sardines Crawfish Haddock Trout (freshwater)Herring b Catfish Flatfish (includes flounder and sole)Mackerel (Atlantic)Scallops Crab (Blue, King, and Snow)Pollock Shad (American)Squid Tuna (canned chunk light)Lobster (spiny)Mackerel Chub (Pacific)Cod c Perch (Freshwater)Skate Halibut Mackerel – Spanish (S. Atlantic)Monkfish c Snapper c Weakfish (Sea Trout)Bass (saltwater; includes sea bass/striped bass/rockfish)Salmon – canned Pacific Lowest mercury levelshighest mercury levels Up to 1 serving each week Lobster (Northern/American)Bluefish b Tuna (canned, white albacore)Tuna (fresh/frozen)Mackerel – Spanish (Gulf of Mexico)Marlin Orange Roughy c Grouper c Up to 2 servings each month Salmon – wild/Pacific (fresh/frozen) b1 serving every 2 months Salmon – farmed/Atlantic (fresh/frozen) b Avoid Mackerel – King (Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico)Shark c Swordfish c Tilefish (Gulf of Mexico) c Remember to check local and state fish advisories. KEYa rarely tested for mercury b contain PCBs or other pollutants c overfished Waste that reaches our lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans can end up in the fish caught there. Two common forms of waste—mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)—are linked to learning and memory problems in children, heart problems, and possibly cancer. Mercury in fish comes from power plant smokestacks, mining, and other industrial activities. Fish ingest mercury that lands in bodies of water."
"docid": "D808077#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/514161-should-you-abstain-from-ibuprofen-when-breastfeeding/\nShould You Abstain From Ibuprofen When Breastfeeding?",
"text": "Should You Abstain From Ibuprofen When Breastfeeding?by EMMA LINCH, PHARMD Aug. 14, 2017When breastfeeding and trying to decide on a medication to take for pain, a woman needs to consider a few issues. The choice needs to be something that will be safe for the baby, safe for the mom and also something that will not cause difficulties with the ability to breastfeed by decreasing milk production. The U. S. National Library of Medicine database Lact Med states that ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) is a preferred agent to treat pain or inflammation in breastfeeding mothers. However, you might want to talk to your doctor or your baby's pediatrician before deciding whether ibuprofen is the best choice for you. Video of the Day Error setting up player: Invalid license key Ibuprofen Safety Ibuprofen is excreted in breast milk, although the amount is very small. According to Lact Med, a woman taking ibuprofen in over-the-counter recommended amounts would deliver far less than the recommended single dose of ibuprofen for an infant over a 24-hour period. The Lact Med ibuprofen fact sheet further notes that adverse effects in infants of mothers taking ibuprofen have not been reported in at least 23 cases found in the medical literature, and there is no information regarding the medication having an effect on breastfeeding. Because it has been shown to be safe for both the mom and baby and has not shown negative effects on the ability to breastfeed, ibuprofen is a recommended agent to help with pain or inflammation in nursing mothers. Warnings and Precautions Despite its popularity and usual safety in the general population, ibuprofen can pose some potential risks for the mom. According to prescribing information approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, there is risk of heart attack or stroke, particularly in adults with a history or risk of cardiovascular disease."
"docid": "D688480#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/list-foods-pescatarian-can-eat-3706.html\nList of Foods That a Pescatarian Can Eat",
"text": "\"Written by Sharon Perkins ; Updated June 22, 2017Related Articles How to Start a Pescatarian Diet Is Being a Pescatarian Healthy? What Is a Pesco-Vegetarian? List of Foods That Vegans Eat Pescatarians are semi-vegetarians that focus on a plant-based diet with the inclusion of fish. Each individual chooses pescatarianism for a variety of reasons, which include an ethical or nutritional belief that avoiding all meat except fish provides an optimal diet. Regardless of the reason you choose to follow a pescatarian diet, there are benefits. The Pescatarian Diet Pescatarians have no plant food restrictions. If you're a pescatarian, you can eat any type of fruit, vegetable, grain or legume along with your fish. Some pescatarians, like some vegetarians, consume eggs and dairy products while others do not. Vegetarians who eat dairy follow an lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, so if you eat dairy, you can call yourself a lacto-ovo-pescatarian. Health Benefits A pescatarian diet includes plenty of protein; a cooked 3-ounce serving of fish or shellfish generally supplies between 16 and 27 grams of protein, depending on the fish."
] |
2404 | can you apply and get on same day a absolute | [
"docid": "D2231077#0",
"title": "http://www.terry.co.uk/decree_absolute.html\n.",
"text": "DECREE ABSOLUTEWhat dissolves a marriage in England is decree absolute in divorce. After decree absolute either former spouse is free to remarry. It is the final decree in a divorce. The Petitioner (that is the person who issues the divorce petition) can apply for the decree absolute six weeks and one day after the date of decree nisi. If the Petitioner has not applied for the decree absolute four and a half months after the date of decree nisi then the Respondent (the other spouse) can apply for the decree absolute. If the Petitioner applies there is no need to attend court. It is simply a matter of paying a court fee (which is currently £40) and sending the application to the court. Normally both parties will receive the decree absolute about 7/10 days later depending upon how busy the court is. In urgent cases it is usually possible to have document issued on the same day as making the application by attending at the court and waiting for it. If the Petitioner does not apply for the absolute then the Respondent may do so four and a half months after decree nisi."
] | [
"docid": "D2269128#0",
"title": "http://www.vadivorceonline.com/vapages/divorce/divorcerequirements.asp\nVirginia Divorce Requirements",
"text": "\"Virginia Divorce Requirements What's Below Divorce Residency Same State, Different Address Proof of Residency Resident Versus Nonresident How to Establish Residency County Jurisdiction Divorce: Fault and No-Fault Grounds Waiting Periods for Absolute Divorce Adultery How To Prove Adultery Naming the Co-Respondent The Adulterers Condonation Crimes Desertion and Abandonment Actual Desertion Constructive Desertion If the Deserter Returns Insanity Bigamy Voluntary Separation - No-Fault in Virginia Separation Without Cohabitation Grounds for Limited Divorce or Separation Proving Grounds for Limited Divorce or Separation DIVORCEUnder Virginia Law, you have the right to represent yourself in all legal cases, including divorce. The legal term for representing yourself is \"\"pro se,\"\" pronounced \"\"pro say\"\") which is Latin for \"\"on your own behalf.\"\" Representing yourself is not a good idea for everyone. It is important to understand that by representing yourself, you may be giving up important rights. It is very important for you to find out if your spouse has a pension, retirement account, insurance or other significant property before you decide whether to file your own divorce. If you do not ask for such things in the divorce, you will give them up forever. Before you file for divorce on your own, you need to talk to your spouse, if possible, and find out how he/she feels about the divorce and about the issues mentioned above. This will give you an indication on how to proceed with the divorce. The law limits the authority of the court to grant divorces (known as a question of jurisdiction-can this court hear this divorce?). The law also dictates when the court has jurisdiction over a divorce proceeding."
"docid": "D2723675#0",
"title": "http://www.asianefficiency.com/email-management/simple-guide-to-managing-your-email/\nThe Simple Guide to Managing Your Email with the Asian Efficiency Email Workflow",
"text": "Managing your email has become an important part of modern knowledge work. As common as it is for everyone to have email, most people still do not know how to properly manage their inboxes. People often complain that email is one of their largest sources of distractions, and that using email ends up wasting a lot of valuable time. When we first started Asian Efficiency, we introduced our Asian Efficiency Email Workflow that showed you how to manage your email inbox with a 3-folder system. This was effective back in 2011 but over the last half decade we’ve discovered two things: The system worked well if you dealt with fewer than 20 emails a day but as soon as you got more, it would be too overwhelming and the system broke down. There is a more effective way to deal with email by using an integrated todo list that is required to keep up with today’s work demands. This is based on hundreds of emails we’ve received from AE readers and our own experience working with coaching clients. Based on the feedback we’ve received, we’ve tweaked the workflow that now is more sustainable and effective. Whether you get 20 or 100 daily emails, this new workflow is much more effective and you’ll be able to deal with email in less than an hour a day. Let’s face it."
"docid": "D2243485#0",
"title": "http://www.doughroller.net/smart-spending/costs-of-becoming-a-us-citizen/\nBecoming a US Citizen Isnât Cheap!",
"text": "\"Becoming a US Citizen Isn’t Cheap!Michael Pruser November 4, 2017Advertising Disclosure At one time or another, we all take our American citizenship for granted. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that many people are struggling right now to become a part of the United States. Aside from the travel costs associated with reaching the US, the process of becoming an American citizen can be quite expensive. From obtaining a visa in order to initially enter the country to filing the final citizenship application, the costs can be taxing for many immigrants. The costs of filing applications, preparing for tests, and taking citizenship tests can add up to a small fortune. Here is a look at the major steps and the accompanying costs: Obtaining a Visa If you are coming into the US and planning to permanently remain in the country, you need to obtain an immigrant visa prior to entering the country. The majority of people come to the US using a work visa, school visa, or family member visa. Including the petition and filing fees, the cost of obtaining one of these visas ranges from $799-$1880, depending on the reason for the requested visa. While family member visas are the least expensive, work-related and orphan (adoption) visas are the most expensive. The only free visas are given to special Iraqi and Afghan immigrants who have refugee status."
"docid": "D1811234#0",
"title": "http://stylecaster.com/beauty/best-finishing-powder/\nTo Get Perfect Skin, Itâs All About the Best Finishing Powder",
"text": "To Get Perfect Skin, It’s All About the Best Finishing Powder Facebook Pinterest Twitter Tumblr0by Alle Connell 2183 Shares 10 months ago Photo: Jennifer Polixenni Brankin/Getty Images“Setting powder” is one of those beauty buzz words right now, and the best finishing and setting powders can be a total lifesaver. But what really is setting powder, officially? An excellent question! Setting powder is an essential step in anyone’s makeup routine—not only does it stop you from looking (and feeling) like a greasy slice of pizza, it also seals your makeup and provides a smooth surface on which to apply products like blush, bronzer, highlighter and eyeshadow. But actually finding the best finishing powder? Ah, the struggle. While the right setting powder can make your skin look as smooth and perfect as porcelain, the wrong one can make you look unfortunately cakey—not to mention the fact that the marketing around powder can be really confusing. Here’s everything you need to know about powder, as well as our five favorite products ever—some are even from the drugstore!Defining the terms“Finishing powder,” “setting powder” and “HD powder” are often used interchangeably from brand to brand, which can be confusing. However, they do all mean different things. Setting powdersare the powders that go directly on top of your foundation."
"docid": "D2993852#0",
"title": "https://designshack.net/articles/css/use-pseudo-elements-to-create-an-image-stack-illusion/\nUse Pseudo Elements to Create an Image Stack Illusion",
"text": "\"By: Joshua Johnson On: 12 Mar 2012Category: CSSUse Pseudo Elements to Create an Image Stack Illusion Today we’re going to see if we can take a single image inserted via HTML and make it look like a messy stack of images using only CSS. The key: pseudo elements. Along the way we’ll see how embarking on a project like this can quickly lead to some messy code and how we can combat that with some awesome DRY coding practices. The Challenge I was checking out some of the amazing content on our new downloads site, Pixels Daily, and I found a great little free PSD called Stacks that helps you quickly and easily build a stack of Polaroid-esque images in Photoshop. As you can see, it’s a pretty attractive effect. As soon as I saw it, I immediately wanted to try to pull it off with CSS. It’s a tricky situation though because there are multiple layers stacked on top of each other and we don’t want to clutter up our markup with three images for every gallery item. So how can we perform this illusion while minimizing our HTML markup? It turns out, the answer that I was looking for lies in pseudo elements. This is a perfect use case to display the magic of :before and :after."
"docid": "D387956#0",
"title": "http://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/netmums-coffeehouse-archives-528/separation-advice-clinic-748/706043-how-long-do-you-need-separated-before-appying-divorce-all.html\nHow long do you need to be separated before appying for a divorce?",
"text": "+ Reply to Thread Results 1 to 8 of 8How long do you need to be separated before appying for a divorce? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Thread Tools Show Printable Version17-01-12, 13:59 #1sarah h (2636)View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Aug 2011Posts112How long do you need to be separated before appying for a divorce? Im in the process of divorcing my ex and should be divorced shortly as im just waiting for my decri absolute after 16 miserable years living with a control freak,Yippee!! anyway my new boyfriend whom i love very much has separated with his wife for just over a year now (they're good friends so its very amicable) i want my fella to get his divorce in motion but as its so expensive he reckons it will be better if they could hang on for another year and he should be able to get one either free or cheaply,is this right? I know what your thinking honestly theirs nothing still between him and his ex,they've been living like brother and sister for years and my fella only stayed for his dd,we want to get married eventually but just needed some advice cheers sarah x17-01-12, 14:13 #2lucy a (196)View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Mar 2011Posts44if both parties agree to the divorce it's a year. if not I believe 3 years with consent and 5 years without consent? not 100% though sorry x No compatible source was found for this media.17-01-12, 14:15 #3lucy a (196)View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Mar 2011Posts44sorry didnt read it all properly. No it wont be any cheaper. if it's all amicable then I would suggest going directly to the court then you dont have solicitors fees on top. each court is different but i know in kent it was £340 and took 3 months from beginning to end, and then pay £45 for the decree absolute x Last edited by lucy a (196); 17-01-12 at 14:16 .17-01-12, 21:20 #4Lauren L (56)View Profile View Forum Posts Netmums Parent Supporter Disclaimer Join Date Jul 2011Posts14,742Hello Sarah, I'm going to ask our legal advisor to have a look at your thread and give you some advice about the process of divorce for your boyfriend."
"docid": "D186797#0",
"title": "http://www.karmatics.com/docs/evolution-species-confusion.html\n.",
"text": "\"It is an unfortunate quirk of our language that the word species, like many similar words, has two different meanings: an absolute one, referring to membership in a named set of items, and a relative one, referring to the relationship between two individual items, independent of naming. This is mostly a problem when used within an expression like \"\"A and B are the same species.\"\" Sometimes the differences are subtle, but sometimes they are profound -- the problem is much greater if the individuals in question lived during different time periods. I believe this ambiguity contributes to a huge amount of confusion among those who struggle to grasp evolution, and that many concepts can become much clearer with a simple change of terminology.gray wolfphoto: gary kramercoyotephoto: christopher brunored wolfphoto: barron crawforddog (my own dog, kyra)Taxonomic distinctions between species can be arbitrary. The gray wolf, coyote, red wolf, and domestic dog can all freely interbreed with one another, will produce fertile offspring, and they sometimes do so without human intervention. The coyote is rather arbitrarily considered a separate species from the gray wolf. The nearly extinct red wolf's status (as a separate species, a subspecies of gray wolf, or as a gray wolf/coyote hybrid) is not agreed upon and is politically contentious: recognition as a separate species affects its legal protection. The domestic dog lost its recognition as a separate species in 1993, and is now considered a subspecies of gray wolf. The situation would get all the murkier if we were to try to agree on the separate-species status of, say, an ancestor to these dogs that lived two million years ago. There would be no way to draw a hard line between one species and another, unless we were willing to accept that some animals were a different species from their parents. ("
"docid": "D3020929#0",
"title": "https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/calories-in-calories-out/\nCalories In â Calories Out",
"text": "\"Share this: Tweet Share on Tumblr More There is general agreement that the US, and the West in general, is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Even if you think this is alarmist or overstating the situation, the data clearly shows a steady expansion of the American waistline. Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry and is an active area of research, and yet all the self-help books, low-carb diets, and whole grain foods do not seem to be translating into successful weight loss for the public. Why is this? From my perspective the failure of the weight-loss industry and public health measures is due to a failed approach – focusing on factors that have a small overall effect on weight loss while neglecting those that have a huge impact. From an individual perspective, weight loss is simple (although not easy). It is a matter of calories in vs calories out – you cannot escape this equation. This means eating less and moving more. Simple, basic strategies to help reduce caloric intake seem to be the most effective. This means portion control, and limiting calorie-dense foods."
"docid": "D2909237#0",
"title": "http://css-plus.com/2012/03/gaussian-blur/\nGaussian Blur and CSS3/SVG",
"text": "Gaussian Blur and CSS3/SVG27 Mar Author: Jamy Golden Tweet Edited: 07 January 2014 – Updated article to reflect current browser support. Gaussian blur is something I use a lot when it comes to Photoshop. It would be very handy to have that kind of ‘filter’ power within a browser environment. Before we get started, I think it’s just important to understand that both the SVG and CSS filter properties affect an element and all of it’s children. A child element cannot be ‘un-blurred’, only blurred more. There are a few methods of recreating this Gaussian blur effect, some work cross-browser, others don’t but will be supported in future. In the example jsfiddles you may notice HTML IE conditional statements: Usually those conditional statements are applied to the <html> element and I’ve added them to a div to mimic that functionality. CSS3 text-shadow I’m sure you’re either aware of, or easily understand how this trick works. Very simply, you give the text a text-shadow and make the it transparent so that only the shadow is visible. This gives a simple and effective blurred text effect."
"docid": "D2162340#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbeyond.us/personhoodtheory.html\n.",
"text": "\"Like this page? Share it! Tweet Personhood Theory: A Primer Quite some time ago, I wrote a blog post about the notion of inalienable rights, in which I mentioned the concept of personhood theory, an ethical structure that provides a framework for deciding what is and is not a \"\"person. \"\" The idea of inalienable rights isn't necessarily the same as the idea of personhood, though in most moral systems they're certainly related. Most of us at least recognize the term \"\"human rights,\"\" and tend to think of them as being good things, and something separate from, say, animal rights. Now, I will grant that the notion of human rights, if history is any example, is more of a pretty sound-bite than anything we as a species actually take seriously. To quote from one of my favorite George Carlin skits: \"\"Now, if you think you do have rights, one last assignment for you. Next time you're at the computer, get on the Internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, I want you to type in \"\"Japanese Americans 1942, and you'll find out all about your precious fuckin' rights, okay? ... Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most, their government took 'em away."
"docid": "D1310250#0",
"title": "https://people.richland.edu/james/lecture/m116/solutions/inequalities.html\n2.5 - Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically",
"text": "\"2.5 - Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically Linear Inequalities When solving a linear inequality, treat it just like you were solving an equation with a few exceptions. When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative constant, change the sense (direction) of the inequality. When both sides of an inequality are the same sign, change the sense of the inequality when you take the reciprocal of both sides. You may chain like inequalities together: If a<b and b<c, then a<c (transitive property)If a<b and c<d, then a+c<b+d. In English, that means that if you take two things that are smaller and put them together, it will be smaller than the two larger things put together. You can not combine mixed inequalities. If a<b and b>c, then you can't say for sure that a<c or that c<a. If a<b and c>d, then you can't say for sure that a+c<b+d or that a+c>b+d If you rewrite the entire problem, just switching sides, make sure you change the sense of the inequality so that it still points to the same quantity. The following operations do not change the sense of the inequality Adding a constant to both sides of an inequality Subtracting a constant from both sides of an inequality Multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a positive constant Double Inequalities Sometimes, two inequalities are combined into one. However, you need to be careful: If x>3 and x<6, then you can write 3<x<6."
"docid": "D1378489#0",
"title": "http://www.divorceaid.co.uk/legal/process.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Legal Separation Grounds for divorce The legal process Scroll down for legal glossary What is separation? To be separated, all you have to do is live apart. There are many couples who decide not to divorce but you should carefully consider your options with a solicitor. It is commonplace to make a Deed of Separation to record any agreement regarding financial matters, children and plans to divorce or not. Care needs to be taken before signing any document as this could be relied upon if a divorce takes place at a later date. If you have both received legal advice, the court would prefer not to overturn the agreement at a later date provided that you had both been honest and there has not been any change in your circumstances. When you are living apart, you are classed as separated by the Inland Revenue and by the Benefits Agency. Is there an alternative to divorce? Yes, this is a Judicial Separation. This is not so common but could be considered when there are religious objections to divorce."
"docid": "D834109#0",
"title": "https://intothegloss.com/2014/12/castor-oil-beauty/\nIngredient To Know: Castor Oil",
"text": "\"148 replies Share Tweet Pin Copy Yes, there is an oil for everything. And yes, you may be sick of reading about it. But hear me out on castor oil for a moment. Here, I’ll even list some of the great uses for castor oil that are completely and totally unrelated to beauty, just to switch it up. Buy a bottle of castor oil and you can: Lubricate scissors!Repel moles in your yard! ( Apparently, “moles hate castor oil as much as children do.” Thank you, internet. ) Perk up ferns!It also might be good to know that, chances are, you’re already using it. Castor oil is commonly added to shampoo, moisturizer, lipstick, the Balm Dotcom, you name it—to provide gentle hydration without adverse reaction. ( Castor oil is not known to cause allergic reactions and deemed safe by the International Journal of Toxicology. )"
"docid": "D1052275#0",
"title": "http://www.spray-tan-byron-bay.com/bodyexfoliating.html\nBest Spray Tan Secret -Body exfoliating with Baiden Mitten.",
"text": "\"Best Spray Tan Secret -Body exfoliating with Baiden Mitten. What this product does for spray tans will blow your mind!If you have read some of my website you will know that I am a big fan of body exfoliating before spray tanning. In fact I think it is crucial. Without it you will tan uneven and your tan will be coming off in patches. In extreme cases you can look worse with a spray tan on than without it. Although there are many products on the market that will exfoliate your skin (some better than others)I have never been fully satisfied with any of them, because none of them has ever got rid of my problem spots like dry ankles, knees and elbows. That is - until now. I came across Baiden Mitten accidentally, looking for something totally different. I ordered it, tried it and was incredibly amazed at what it was able to do for my skin. I have never, ever had similar results with anything, even professional microdermabrasion."
"docid": "D315124#0",
"title": "http://www.acne.org/bio-oil-skincare-oil-reviews-471/\n.",
"text": "\"Home Reviews Scar treatments Over-the-counter Bio-Oil Skincare Oil Activity Stream3.6 204 reviews5 764 533 252 141 36Bio-Oil Skincare Oil Reviews Brand: Bio-Oil Add To Favorite Ingredients Botanicals, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract (Calendula Oil), Lavandula Angustifolia Oil (Lavender Oil), Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil (Rosemary Oil), Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil (Chamomile Oil), Vitamins, Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A) Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Oil base, Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Triisononanoin, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Isopropyl Myristate, Glycine Soja Oil, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, BHT Bisabolol, Fragrance (Rose), Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, Amyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Coumarin, Eugenol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Hydroxycitronellal, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene, Carboxaldehyde, Limonene, Linalool Color (Orange), D&C Red No.17 (CI 26100). Items marked with red have tested a 3 or above (out of 5) in comedogenic (pore-clogging) testing. The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. Cancel Submit Review Go To Acne.org's guide to scar treatments1 2 3 4 5Page 1 of 12nala33 4 reviews Do not try !! ! This is straight up mineral oil !!!! Clogs pores and does not work. Don't even try this it's not worth it. Reviewed on January 26 0 Report Comments Jim jams 61 review😱 it works I've been using bio oil on my 14yr old stretch marks and they r now 4* smaller then they used to b after a month of applying to them so I started thinking if bio oil would help my acne on face back and boobs been using it on all acne prone areas and am noticing a huge difference a week later I'm surprised I can now face each day with confidence and not have to apply wall paint 😂 but b warned bio oil isn't for all skin types best to use on face if u have non oilly skin bio oil has been an absolute god send for me I certainly recommend it Reviewed on November 25, 2017 6 Report Comments (2)Jim jams My skin is also softer and smoother it's almost like silk my acne prone back is also clearing up and the scars are disappearing b4 my eyes same as stretch marks skin on tummy has tightend up so happy I found something that finally works for me Commented on November 25, 2017Cristine1027Can it also remove the dark spot caused by pimples? Commented on December 6, 2017Cat12345 461 review Bio oil has cleared my skin I don't have severe acne, but I do suffer from oily skin and I have nasty spots and regularly had more than 5 spots at a time."
"docid": "D2804107#0",
"title": "http://www.spray-tan-byron-bay.com/spray-tanning-tips.html\nAnswers to the most burning questions, and some spray tanning tips.",
"text": "\"Answers to the most burning questions, and some spray tanning tips. People come up with most amazing questions about spray tanning, and there are many spray tanning tips for every situation. After you have worked in a spray tanning salon for a while, you will see that there are few questions that repeat again and again. To those we give answers below, but if you have any other ones, please visit our \"\"questions\"\" page where I give some more spray tanning tips to more unusual queries. GOT A QUESTION? If you have some Spray Tan related questions, be sure to visit my (appropriately named) Spray Tan Questions page. More spray tanning tips. --------------------------------------------Q: Will spray tan protect me from getting a sunburn? A: No! When going into the sun, you must wear sun protection."
"docid": "D2188619#0",
"title": "https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/sticky-footer/\nSticky Footer",
"text": "\"Home» Code Snippets» CSS» Sticky Footer By Chris Coyier Last Updated On May 25, 2016Sticky Footer Works great if you can apply a fixed height to the footer. < div class = \"\" page-wrap \"\" > Content! </ div >< footer class = \"\" site-footer \"\" > I'm the Sticky Footer. </ footer >* {margin: 0;}html, body {height: 100%;}.page-wrap {min-height: 100%;/* equal to footer height */margin-bottom: - 142 px;}.page-wrap :after {content: \"\"\"\";display: block;}.site-footer, .page-wrap :after {height: 142 px;}.site-footer {background: orange;}Deploy a static site in one minute Build and deploy a CMS-enabled site with Gatsby in just a few clicks. It's free. Comments Hilbrand Edskes Permalink to comment # September 6, 2009Note that this clearfix is the only one with a dot (content: “.”;) instead of a space like in the “Force Element To Self-Clear it’s Children” snippet. Reply ↓Michael Lyle Permalink to comment # July 5, 2016Helbrand Thanks for the explanation! I’m really struggling to understand the nuances (like “dot” and “space”), how they can be applied not just in reactionary ways, but in ways that are pro-design.divine Permalink to comment # December 23, 2016thank you for this. i prefer going by trail and error than reading first."
"docid": "D18398#0",
"title": "http://www.justharvest.org/snap-clients-must-receive-ebt-cards-in-a-timely-manner/\nPA SNAP clients MUST receive EBT cards in a timely manner",
"text": "57 Responses to PA SNAP clients MUST receive EBT cards in a timely manner Anonymous September 27, 2011 at 5:03 pm #I too have been approved for food stamps and never received a EBT card. This has been going on now since the beginning of July…3 months. Got an update yesterday and the increased the amount to me. However, still NO EBT CARD! The communication is horrific! Can you help me? Reply Anonymous January 10, 2012 at 9:32 pm #SAME THING WITH ME although I am in Alabama. I had to send my neice away because I couldn’t afford to feed her. I will be fine living off ramen, but 2 year old thats just impossible. I have finally gotten someone to acknowledge my existance SIX MONTHS LATER."
"docid": "D2778689#0",
"title": "http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/py105/Temperature.html\nTemperature and thermal expansion",
"text": "Temperature and thermal expansion11-29-99Sections 13.1 - 13.6We'll shift gears in the course now, moving from the physics of mechanical systems to thermal physics. Temperature scales In the USA, the Fahrenheit temperature scale is used. Most of the rest of the world uses Celsius, and in science it is often most convenient to use the Kelvin scale. The Celsius scale is based on the temperatures at which water freezes and boils. 0°C is the freezing point of water, and 100° C is the boiling point. Room temperature is about 20° C, a hot summer day might be 40° C, and a cold winter day would be around -20° C. To convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius, use these equations: The two scales agree when the temperature is -40°. A change by 1.0° C is a change by 1.8° F. The Kelvin scale has the same increments as the Celsius scale (100 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water), but the zero is in a different place. The two scales are simply offset by 273.15 degrees. The zero of the Kelvin scale is absolute zero, which is the lowest possible temperature that a substance can be cooled to. Several physics formulas involving temperature only make sense when an absolute temperature (a temperature measured in Kelvin) is used, so the fact that the Kelvin scale is an absolute scale makes it very convenient to apply to scientific work."
"docid": "D3187752#0",
"title": "http://www.montgomeryco.com/countyclerk/vitalrecords/marriagelicenses.php\n.",
"text": "Marriage Licenses Getting Married? Read the information below on How to Apply for a Marriage License. Try our new online Marriage Application Form *** The online form will help speed up the application process! *** Both parties are still required to visit the County Clerk's Office to complete the application process! ( Photo ID is Required)Need A Certified Copy of A Marriage License? Click HERE for more information and form. Where To Apply: The office of the Montgomery County Clerk & Recorder #1 Courthouse Square Hillsboro, IL 62049-0595 Our office is located on the first floor of the Historic Montgomery County Courthouse. Marriage Licenses are issued Monday through Friday, between 8:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M. (Closed on Holidays)When To Apply: Both parties must appear at the Office of the County Clerk. The license must be obtained at least 1 day prior to being used. The license is void 60 days after the effective date."
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Subsets and Splits