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3 | another name for the primary visual cortex is | [
"docid": "D312959#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_cortex\nVisual cortex",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Visual cortex View of the brain from behind. Red = Brodmann area 17 (primary visual cortex); orange = area 18; yellow = area 19Brain shown from the side, facing left. Above: view from outside, below: cut through the middle. Orange = Brodmann area 17 (primary visual cortex)Details Identifiers Latin Cortex visualis Me SH D014793Neuro Lex ID nlx_143552FMA 242644Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [ edit on Wikidata]The visual cortex of the brain is a part of the cerebral cortex that processes visual information. It is located in the occipital lobe in the back of the head. Visual information coming from the eye goes through the lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus and then reaches the visual cortex. The part of the visual cortex that receives the sensory inputs from the thalamus is the primary visual cortex, also known as visual area 1 (V1), and the striate cortex. The extrastriate areas consist of visual areas 2 (V2), 3 (V3), 4 (V4), and 5 (V5). [ 1]Both hemispheres of the brain contain a visual cortex; the visual cortex in the left hemisphere receives signals from the right visual field, and the visual cortex in the right hemisphere receives signals from the left visual field. Contents [ hide ]1 Introduction2 Psychological model of the neural processing of visual information2.1 Ventral-dorsal model3 Primary visual cortex (V1)3.1 Function4 V25 Third visual cortex, including area V36 V47 Middle temporal visual area (V5)7.1 Connections7.2 Function7.3 Functional organization8 V68.1 Properties8.2 Pathways9 See also10 References11 External links Introduction [ edit]The primary visual cortex (V1) is located in and around the calcarine fissure in the occipital lobe."
] | [
"docid": "D374336#0",
"title": "http://www.blinn.edu/socialscience/LDThomas/MyNotes/04Central%20Nervous%20System.htm\n.",
"text": "Notes Central Nervous System Central Nervous System Spinal cord An extension of the brain, reaching form the base of the brain through the neck and spinal column, that transmits messages between the brain and the peripheral nervous system Protected by bone and spinal fluid Brain structures Hindbrain (Brainstem)Midbrain Forebrain Hindbraino Brainstem· The structure that begins at the point where the spinal cord enlarges as it enters the braino Medulla· The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, coughing, and swallowingo Reticular formation· A structure in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in arousal and attention and that screens sensory messages entering the braino Pons· A structure in the brainstem that plays a role in body movement and even exerts an influence on sleep and dreamingo Cerebellum· The brain structure that executes smooth, skilled body movements and regulates muscle tone and postureo Midbraino The structures of this brain region act primarily as relay stations through which the basic physiological functions of the hindbrain are linked to the cognitive functions of the forebrain Substantia nigra The midbrain structure that controls unconscious motor movements Thalamus The structure, located above the brainstem, that acts as a relay station for information flowing into or out of the higher brain centers Regulates sleep cycles Hypothalamus A small but influential brain structure that controls the pituitary gland and regulates hunger, thirst, sexual behavior, body temperature, and a vide variety of emotional behaviors Limbic system A group of structures in the brain, including the amygdala and hippocampus, that are collectively involved in emotion, memory and motivation Amygdala A structure in the limbic system that plays an important role in emotion, particularly in response to aversive stimuli Hippocampus A structure in the limbic system that plays a central role in the formation of long-term memories Forebrain Cerebrum The largest structure of the human brain, consisting of the two cerebral hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum and covered by the cerebral cortex Cerebral hemispheres The right and left halves of the cerebrum, covered by the cerebral cortex and connected by the corpus callosum Corpus callosum The thick band of nerve fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres and make possible the transfer of information and the synchronization of activity between them Cerebral cortex The gray, convoluted covering of the cerebral hemispheres that is responsible for higher mental processes such as language, memory, and thinking Referred to as gray matter Andreason and others Indicated that the amount of gray matter is positively correlated with human intelligence Convolutions The numerous folds or wrinkles in the cortex Three types of areas of the cerebral cortex Sensory input areas: where vision, hearing, tough, pressure, and temperature register Motor areas: which control voluntary movement Association areas: which house memories and are involved in though, perception, and language Four Lobes of Cerebrum Frontal lobes The lobes that control voluntary body movements, speech production, and such functions as thinking, motivation, planning for the future, impulse control, and emotional responses Contains the motor cortex, Broca’s area, and the frontal association areas Motor Cortex The strip of tissue at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary body movement Discovered by Fritsch and Hitzig Wilder Penfield Applied electrical stimulation to the motor cortex of conscious human patients undergoing neurosurgery Mapped the primary motor cortex in humans Plasticity is maintained throughout life The capacity of the brain to adapt to changes such as brain damage Broca’s area The area in the frontal lobe, usually in the left hemisphere, that controls the production of speech sounds Paul Broca Among the first scientists to demonstrate the existence of localized functions in the cerebral cortex and concluded that the site of damage was the part of the brain responsible for speech production Broca’s aphasia An impairment in the physical ability to produce speech sounds, or in extreme cases an inability to speak at all Aphasia A loss or impairment of the ability to understand or communicate through the written or spoken word, which results from damage to the brain Frontal Association Areas Consists of association areas involved in thinking, motivation, planning for the future, impulse control, and emotional responses Parietal lobes The lobes that contain the somatosensory cortex and other areas that are responsible for body awareness and spatial orientation Somatosensory cortex The strip of tissue at the front of the parietal lobe where touch, pressure, temperature, and pain register in the cerebral cortex Occipital lobes The lobes that contain the primary visual cortex and association areas involved in the interpretation of visual information Primary visual cortex The area at the rear of the occipital lobes where vision registers in the cerebral cortex Each eye is connected the primary visual cortex in both right and left occipital lobes Temporal lobes The lobes that contain the primary auditory cortex, Wernicke’s area, and association areas for interpreting auditory information Primary auditory cortex The part of the temporal lobes where hearing registers in the cerebral cortex Wernicke’s area The language area in the temporal lobe involved in comprehension of the spoken work and in formulation of coherent speech and written language Wernicke’s aphasia Aphasia that results from damage to Wernicke’s area and in which the person’s spoken language is fluent, but the content is either vague or incomprehensible to the listener Another kind of aphasia is auditory aphasia Word deafness Temporal association areas House memories and are involved in the interpretation of auditory stimuli There is a special association area where familiar melodies are stored Cerebral Hemisphereso Left hemisphere· The hemisphere that controls the right side of the body, coordinates complex movements, and in 95% of right-handers and 62% of left-handers, controls most functions of speech and written languageo Right hemisphere· The hemisphere that controls the left side of the body and that, in most people, is specialized for visual-spatial perception and for interpreting nonverbal behavioro Unilateral neglect· Patients with right hemisphere damage that may have attention deficits and be unaware of objects in the left visual field Right hemisphere’s role in emotion The right hemisphere is involved in our expression of emotion through tone of voice and facial expressions Controls the left side of the face and usually conveys stronger emotion than the right side of the face Lawrence Miller Describes the facial expressions and the voice inflection of people with right hemisphere damage as “often strangely blank –almost robotic”Split brain Split-brain operation An operation in which the corpus callosum is cut, separating the cerebral hemispheres and usually lessening the severity and frequency of grand mal seizures Joseph Bogen and Philip Vogel Found that patients with severe epilepsy could be helped by surgery that severed their corpus callosum rendering communication between the two hemispheres impossible Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga and Jerre Levy Their research with split-brain patients has expanded knowledge of the unique capabilities of the individual hemispheres Roger Sperry Found that when the brain was surgically separated, each hemisphere continued to have individual and private experiences, sensations, thoughts, and perceptions Roger Sperry 1981 Nobel Prize research The right hemisphere knows and remembers what it sees just as well as the left, but unlike the left hemisphere, the right cannot name what it has seen Handedness Corpus callosum of left-handers is 11% larger and contains up to 2.5 million more nerve fibers than that of right-handers In general, the two sides of the brain are less specialized in left-handers Left-handers tend to experience less language loss following an injury to either hemisphere Left-handers tend to have higher rates of learning disabilities and mental disorders than right-handers Studies of ancient populations show that the proportions of left- and right-handers in the human population has been about the same for several thousand years Hepper and others Of the human fetuses they observed, 94.6%were sucking their right thumb and only 5.4% were sucking their left thumb Created with Microsoft Office One Note 2003 One place for all your notes"
"docid": "D1367410#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindsight\nBlindsight",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the neurological phenomenon. For other uses, see Blindsight (disambiguation). Blindsight is the ability of people who are cortically blind due to lesions in their striate cortex, also known as primary visual cortex or V1, to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see. [ 1] The majority of studies on blindsight are conducted on patients who have the conscious blindness on only one side of their visual field. Following the destruction of the striate cortex, patients are asked to detect, localize, and discriminate amongst visual stimuli that are presented to their blind side, often in a forced-response or guessing situation, even though they do not consciously recognize the visual stimulus. Research shows that blind patients achieve a higher accuracy than would be expected from chance alone. Type 1 blindsight is the term given to this ability to guess—at levels significantly above chance—aspects of a visual stimulus (such as location or type of movement) without any conscious awareness of any stimuli. Type 2 blindsight occurs when patients claim to have a feeling that there has been a change within their blind area—e.g. movement—but that it was not a visual percept. [ 2] Blindsight challenges the common belief that perceptions must enter consciousness to affect our behavior; showing that our behavior can be guided by sensory information of which we have no conscious awareness. ["
"docid": "D1896572#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/44879141/anatomy-chapter-14-the-brain-and-cranial-nerves-flash-cards/\nAnatomy Chapter 14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves",
"text": "\"279 terms aprilterry82Anatomy Chapter 14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Six major regions of the brain Cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla The seat of neurosomas, dendrites, and synapses Gray matter Gray matter forms a surface layer called the ________ over the cerebrum and cerebellum, and deeper masses called ______ surrounded by white matter. cortex; nuclei Three examples of middle white matter 1. association fibers 2. commissural fibers 3. projection fibers White matter is composed of ______, or bundles of axons, which here connect one part of the brain to another and to the spinal cord. tractscorpus callosum is a commissual tract/fiber in the middle white matter of the brain that hold the hemispheres together and sends (calls) nerve impulses from 1 hemisphere to anotherwhat are the meninges? The three connective tissue membranes that envelop the brain which lie between the nervous tissue and bone. * protects the brain from cranial trauma Three layers of the meninges Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater Two layers of dura mater 1. periosteal layer - outer layer - attaches to inner surface of skull 2. meningeal layer - inner layer - true covering of brain & cont around spinal cord as the spinal dura mater Dural sinuses Spaces between the two layers of the dura (periosteal and meningeal) which collect venous blood from brain and CSF from \"\"arachnoid vili\"\" and then directs the blood and CSF into the internal jugular of neck."
"docid": "D61711#0",
"title": "http://www.mybrainnotes.com/memory-language-brain.html\nThe Brain's Cerebral Cortex (Neocortex)",
"text": "\"Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson make a good point in Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior (2005). If you damage any part of your brain in an accident or a stroke, they explain, it may appear that you have damage to your frontal lobes, even when your frontal lobes remain perfectly intact. \"\" People always thought this was because the last structure to evolve is the most delicate, while the older structures have been around so long they've become incredibly robust. But a neuropsychologist named Elkhonon Goldberg at New York University School of Medicine, who wrote a fantastic book about frontal lobe functions called The Executive Brain, has a different theory. He thinks that while the frontal lobes may be more fragile, there is another factor involved, which is that every other part of the brain is connected to them. When you damage any part of the brain, you change input to the frontal lobes, and when you change input, you change output. If the frontal lobes aren't getting the right input, they don't produce the right output even though structurally they're fine. So all brain damage ends up looking like frontal lobe damage, whether the frontal lobes were injured or not. \"\" The orbital-frontal cortex and Phineas Gage: Updated 7/9/2011\"\"In primates, the frontal lobe has an important role in establishing priorities and planning,\"\" writes Allman in Evolving Brains. \"\" In particular, the lower surface of the frontal lobe, termed the orbital-frontal cortex, is especially important for these functions, as has been shown by an extraordinary series of clinical observations of brain-damaged patients by Antonio Damasio and his team in the Department of Neurology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine. \"\""
"docid": "D2866198#0",
"title": "https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wsu-sandbox/chapter/the-brain-and-spinal-cord/\nThe Brain and Spinal Cord",
"text": "The Brain and Spinal Cord Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain the functions of the spinal cord Identify the hemispheres and lobes of the brain Describe the types of techniques available to clinicians and researchers to image or scan the brain The brain is a remarkably complex organ comprised of billions of interconnected neurons and glia. It is a bilateral, or two-sided, structure that can be separated into distinct lobes. Each lobe is associated with certain types of functions, but, ultimately, all of the areas of the brain interact with one another to provide the foundation for our thoughts and behaviors. In this section, we discuss the overall organization of the brain and the functions associated with different brain areas, beginning with what can be seen as an extension of the brain, the spinal cord. The Spinal Cord It can be said that the spinal cord is what connects the brain to the outside world. Because of it, the brain can act. The spinal cord is like a relay station, but a very smart one. It not only routes messages to and from the brain, but it also has its own system of automatic processes, called reflexes. The top of the spinal cord merges with the brain stem, where the basic processes of life are controlled, such as breathing and digestion. In the opposite direction, the spinal cord ends just below the ribs—contrary to what we might expect, it does not extend all the way to the base of the spine."
"docid": "D408705#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_cortex\nCerebral cortex",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Primary cortex)navigation search For the scientific journal, see Cerebral Cortex (journal). Cerebral cortex Tissue slice from the brain of an adult macaque monkey (Macaca mulatta). The cerebral cortex is the outer layer depicted in dark violet. Source: Brain Maps.org Golgi-stained neurons in the cortex Details Part of Cerebrum Identifiers Latin Cortex cerebri Me SH D002540Neuro Names 39Neuro Lex ID birnlex_1494TA A14.1.09.003A14.1.09.301FMA 61830Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [ edit on Wikidata]The cerebral cortex is the largest region of the cerebrum in the mammalian brain and plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, cognition, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. [ 1] The cerebral cortex is the most anterior (rostral) brain region and consists of an outer zone of neural tissue called gray matter, which contains neuronal cell bodies. It is also divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure, but the two hemispheres are joined at the midline by the corpus callosum. [ 1]At the cellular and circuit level, the cerebral cortex is characterized by two primary organizational features:across its surface it is divided into functional areas that serve various sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, andit is subdivided into several layers that organize the input and output connectivity of resident neurons. These two fundamental properties provide modular functionality. [ 1]In large mammals, the cerebral cortex is usually folded, providing a greater surface area in the confined volume of the cranium. Increased surface area is thought to be important because it allows for the addition and evolution of a greater diversity of functional modules, or areas. ["
"docid": "D174327#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6903522/ap-psychology-chapter-3-flash-cards/\nAP Psychology: Chapter 3",
"text": "\"67 terms kyleewhite AP Psychology: Chapter 3Communication in the Nervous Sytem Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Dendrite, Soma, Axon What order does information pass through a neuron? Dopamine What Neurotransmitter is believed to be associated with Schizophrenia? Resemble Opiates in structure and effect Endorphins are neurotransmitters that Neurotransmitters The chemicals that are secreted from the terminal buttons into the synapse are Excitatory; Inhibitory While ____ postsynaptic potentials increase the likelihood of the postsynaptic neuron firing an action potention, ____ postsynaptic potentials decrease the likelihood Receive Information The main function of dendrites is to Neurotransmitter What is NOT one of the main parts of a neuron? Acetylcholine The neurotransmitter released by motor neurons that results in movement of the voluntary muscles is Away From Efferent nerve fibers transmit messages ____ the brain and spinal cord Afferent Handyman Bob just hit his thumb with a hammer, the sensation will be transmitted to the central nervous system by ______ nerve fibers Central; Peripheral The nervous system consists of two major divisions the ____ and ____ nervous systems Somatic The _____ nervous system carries information from the voluntary skeletal muscles and sensory recpetors to the central nervous system and also carries commands from the central nervous system to the muscles Autonomic Nervous System The heart, glands, and smooth muscles are controlled by the Synaptic Cleft The microscopic gap between the terminal buttons of one neuron and the cell membran if another is the A neuron transmits an impulse of the same strength each time it fires an action potential The \"\"all-or-none law\"\" refers to the fact that An Action Potential When a neuron;s electrical charge becomes positive and travels along the axon, the neuron is said to be firing Inhibitory PSPs GABA is a neurotransmitter that produces Agonist; Antagonist While a chemical that mimcs a neurotransmitter and can bind to receptor sites and cause postsynaptic potentials is a (n)____, a chemical that can bind to receptor sites and block the action of neurotransmitters is a (n)____Myelin Sheath The insulation that covers some axons and increases the speed of transmission of the neural impulse is the At the end of axons Terminal buttones are locatedis the largest and most complex part of the human brain The cerebrum MRI Scan Which procedure results in a high-quality three-dimensional picture of the brain? Planning, paying attention. and getting organized If a patient has severe damage to the prefrontal cortex, you would predict that he might also have difficulty Limbic system A loosely connected network of brain structures involved in memory and emotion experiences such as fear and pleasure is theright; left Following split-brain surgery an individual would have difficulty naming an object that he briefly saw in the left visual field because while the ____ hemisphere \"\"saw\"\" the object, naming tasks are under the control of the ____ hemispherecontrolling essential functions such as breathing, regulating circulation, and maintaining muscle tone The medulla is involved inpituitary gland The \"\"master gland\"\" of the endocrine system is the Corpus Callosum The thick band of nerve fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres is the Frontal Lobe The primary motor cortext is located in the Somatosensory Cortex The parietal lobe contains the primary Sending a weak electric current into a brain structure to stimulate or activate the structure ESB involvesis greatly reduced Following split-brain surgery, communication between the cerebral hemispheresright side An elderly person has a stroke that leaves her unable to talk an dpart of her body paralyzed. Which part of her body is most likely to be paralyzed? TMS A painless technique that allows reaserachers to create in human subjects \"\"virtual lesions\"\" for short periods of time is Thalamus Sensory information from the eyes is relayed to the primary visual coretex by the Occipital Lobes The primary visual cortext is located in the Cerebellum A gunshot wound in the back of the head would case the victim to be permanently unable to maintain bodily coordination."
"docid": "D1196795#0",
"title": "http://philschatz.com/anatomy-book/contents/m46574.html\nMotor Responses",
"text": "\"Motor Responses The defining characteristic of the somatic nervous system is that it controls skeletal muscles. Somatic senses inform the nervous system about the external environment, but the response to that is through voluntary muscle movement. The term “voluntary” suggests that there is a conscious decision to make a movement. However, some aspects of the somatic system use voluntary muscles without conscious control. One example is the ability of our breathing to switch to unconscious control while we are focused on another task. However, the muscles that are responsible for the basic process of breathing are also utilized for speech, which is entirely voluntary. Cortical Responses Let’s start with sensory stimuli that have been registered through receptor cells and the information relayed to the CNS along ascending pathways. In the cerebral cortex, the initial processing of sensory perception progresses to associative processing and then integration in multimodal areas of cortex. These levels of processing can lead to the incorporation of sensory perceptions into memory, but more importantly, they lead to a response. The completion of cortical processing through the primary, associative, and integrative sensory areas initiates a similar progression of motor processing, usually in different cortical areas."
"docid": "D133100#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_cortex\nMotor cortex",
"text": "\"Motor cortex From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Motor Cortex Topography of human motor cortex Details Identifiers Latin cortex motorius Me SH D009044Neuro Names 2332Neuro Lex ID oen_0001104Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [ edit on Wikidata]The motor cortex is the region of the cerebral cortex involved in the planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements. Classically the motor cortex is an area of the frontal lobe located in the posterior precentral gyrus immediately anterior to the central sulcus. Contents [ hide ]1 Components of the motor cortex1.1 The premotor cortex1.2 The supplementary motor cortex2 History3 The motor cortex map4 Evolution of the motor cortex5 See also6 References7 Further reading8 External links Components of the motor cortex [ edit]The motor cortex can be divided into three areas:1. the primary motor cortex is the main contributor to generating neural impulses that pass down to the spinal cord and control the execution of movement. However, some of the other motor areas in the brain also play a role in this function. It is located on the anterior paracentral lobule on the medial surface2. the premotor cortex is responsible for some aspects of motor control, possibly including the preparation for movement, the sensory guidance of movement, the spatial guidance of reaching, or the direct control of some movements with an emphasis on control of proximal and trunk muscles of the body. Located anterior to the primary motor cortex3. the supplementary motor area (or SMA), has many proposed functions including the internally generated planning of movement, the planning of sequences of movement, and the coordination of the two sides of the body such as in bi-manual coordination. Located on the midline surface of the hemisphere anterior to the primary motor cortex The posterior parietal cortex is sometimes also considered to be part of the group of motor cortical areas; however it is best to regard it as an association cortex rather than motor."
"docid": "D1166491#0",
"title": "http://nobaproject.com/modules/the-nervous-system\nThe Nervous System",
"text": "The Nervous System By Aneeq Ahmad Henderson State University The mammalian nervous system is a complex biological organ, which enables many animals including humans to function in a coordinated fashion. The original design of this system is preserved across many animals through evolution; thus, adaptive physiological and behavioral functions are similar across many animal species. Comparative study of physiological functioning in the nervous systems of different animals lend insights to their behavior and their mental processing and make it easier for us to understand the human brain and behavior. In addition, studying the development of the nervous system in a growing human provides a wealth of information about the change in its form and behaviors that result from this change. The nervous system is divided into central and peripheral nervous systems, and the two heavily interact with one another. The peripheral nervous system controls volitional (somatic nervous system) and nonvolitional (autonomic nervous system) behaviors using cranial and spinal nerves. The central nervous system is divided into forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain, and each division performs a variety of tasks; for example, the cerebral cortex in the forebrain houses sensory, motor, and associative areas that gather sensory information, process information for perception and memory, and produce responses based on incoming and inherent information. To study the nervous system, a number of methods have evolved over time; these methods include examining brain lesions, microscopy, electrophysiology, electroencephalography, and many scanning technologies. Brain-imaging techniques Central nervous system Development Evolution Nervous system Peripheral nervous system Learning Objectives Describe and understand the development of the nervous system. Learn and understand the two important parts of the nervous system."
"docid": "D1577490#0",
"title": "http://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Visual_cortex\nVisual cortex",
"text": "\"Visual cortexnavigation search Brain: Visual cortex Brodmann area 17 (primary visual cortex) is shown in red in this image which also shows area 18 (orange) and 19 (yellow)Dorlands/Elsevier c_57/12261838The term visual cortex refers to the primary visual cortex (also known as striate cortex or V1) and extrastriate visual cortical areas such as V2, V3, V4, and V5. The primary visual cortex is anatomically equivalent to Brodmann area 17, or BA17. Introduction The primary visual cortex, V1, is the koniocortex (sensory type) located in and around the calcarine fissure in the occipital lobe. It receives information directly from the lateral geniculate nucleus . The dorsal stream (green) and ventral stream (purple) are shown. They originate from primary visual cortex. V1 transmits information to two primary pathways, called the dorsal stream and the ventral stream: The dorsal stream begins with V1, goes through Visual area V2, then to the dorsomedial area and Visual area MT (also known as V5) and to the posterior parietal cortex. The dorsal stream, sometimes called the \"\"Where Pathway\"\", is associated with motion, representation of object locations, and control of the eyes and arms, especially when visual information is used to guide saccades or reaching. [ 1]The ventral stream begins with V1, goes through Visual area V2, then through Visual area V4, and to the inferior temporal cortex. The ventral stream, sometimes called the \"\"What Pathway\"\", is associated with form recognition and object representation."
"docid": "D2466442#0",
"title": "http://www.flashcardmachine.com/chapters-9-and101.html\nFlashcard Machine -create, study and share online flash cards",
"text": "Flashcard Machine -create, study and share online flash cards My Flashcards Flashcard Library About Contribute Help Sign In Create Account Search Home Flashcards Physiology Chapters 9 and 10Shared Flashcard Set Details Title Chapters 9 and 10Description Exam 2Total Cards 34Subject Physiology Level Undergraduate 3Created 10/18/2008Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Physiology Flashcards Cards Term The human brain weighs about and is made up of _______________. Definition1.4 kg (~3 lbs) ; 10^12 neurons Term It is ___ with different regions having _________. The glial cell type involved in barriers and compartmentalization. Definitioncompartmentalized; different functions; ependymal Term What is the largest region of the brain? It is the ____________. Definition Cerebrum; center of higher brain functions Term The three parts of the brain that play a part in embryonic development of the CNS. Name the parts of each."
"docid": "D1205917#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100309155941AA8Jbq1\nWhat are the differences between the primary and association areas of the cortex?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology What are the differences between the primary and association areas of the cortex? Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The cerebral cortex is connected to various subcortical structures such as the thalamus and the basal ganglia, sending information to them along efferent connections and receiving information from them via afferent connections. Most sensory information is routed to the cerebral cortex via the thalamus. Olfactory information, however, passes through the olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex (piriform cortex). The vast majority of connections are from one area of the cortex to another rather than to subcortical areas; Braitenberg and Schüz (1991) put the figure as high as 99%. [ 15] The cortex is commonly described as comprising three parts: sensory, motor, and association areas. Sensory areas The sensory areas are the areas that receive and process information from the senses. Parts of the cortex that receive sensory inputs from the thalamus are called primary sensory areas. The senses of vision, audition, and touch are served by the primary visual cortex, primary auditory cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. In general, the two hemispheres receive information from the opposite (contralateral) side of the body."
"docid": "D2236511#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/tjkwovec8x3o/center-for-hjerneskade/\nCenter for Hjerneskade",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like Center for Hjerneskade No descriptionby Carsten Bonderupon 27 November 2012Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Center for Hjerneskade Master Watermark Image: http://williamcalvin.com/Brain For All Seasons/img/bonobo LH-human LH-via TWD.gif The Human Brain Suggested Assessments: Class/individual questioning throughout (especially at the conclusion of) the presentation. Homework worksheets - discussed or collected in class. Students will take a test on the nervous system in which they will be responsible for the structures, lobes, regions, functions, etc. Suggested Supplementary Materials: Skeleton Outline for note-taking. Multiple Diagrams of the Human Brain. * Students will label features/lobes * Students will color-code cortical regions 3. Worksheets (matching, short answer, etc. ), centered around the functions of the lobes and regions of the cerebrum. 4."
"docid": "D3045062#0",
"title": "https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/ce/understanding-cerebral-vision-loss\nUnderstanding Cerebral Vision Loss",
"text": "Understanding Cerebral Vision Loss Many terms are used to describe this devastating condition. Learn the nuances of each, as well the potential causes, symptoms, treatments and prognoses. By Michael N. Block, O. D. Release Date: October 2010 Expiration Date: October 31, 2013Goal Statement: Cortical vision loss in adults has a devastating visual outcome unlike the often partial, and occasionally reversible, changes seen in children. Cortical blindness refers to profound, bilateral vision loss in adults. Cortical visual impairment, a relatively new term, is more applicable to neurological loss seen in children. Visual recovery has ben shown to be variable and related to chronological age of hypoxic insult, severity and etiology. Faculty/Editorial Board: Michael N. Block, O. D. Credit Statement: This course is COPE approved for 2 hours of CE credit. COPE ID is 29710-LV. Please check your state licensing board to see if this counts toward your CE requirement for relicensure. Joint-Sponsorship Statement: This continuing education course is joint-sponsored by the Pennsylvania College of Optometry."
"docid": "D1330958#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/15112994/brocas-areas-flash-cards/\nBroca's Areas",
"text": "6 terms lauren_zealear Broca's Areas Scorebuilder's Chapter 5Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Broca's areas responsible for motor in numerical order by area (name): location Area 4 (primary motor/MI): Precentral Gyrus Area 6 (premotor and supplementary motor, MII aka premotor areas): Posterior aspect of superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyrus Area 8 (premotor); Frontal eye fields): Superior and middle gyrus Areas 44 and 45 (Broca's motor speech area): inferior frontal gyrus Broca's areas responsible for somatosensory in numerical order by area (name/function): location Area 1 (Primary sensory, SI: Size, shape, position, density), Area 2 (primary sensory, SI: differentiates size and shape), Area 3 (primary sensory, SI: size, shape, and texture), 3a (proproceptive information from joints and muscles), 3b (cutaneous receptors): post central gyrus Areas 5 and 7 (stereognosis, sensory association, object recognition, area 5 projects to 4, visually guided tasks, goal directed movement, body position in space): lateral parietal lobe (superior parietal lobule) Area 40 (sensory association multimodal association, spatial awareness, reading and writing): supramarginal gyrus Area 43 (taste, vestibular system, secondary sensory, touch, position, pressure, pain):inferior post central gyrus Broca's areas responsible for vision in numerical order by area (name/function): location Area 17 (primary visual/striate cortex; V1): Occipital lobe (paracalcarine gyri) Area 18 (secondary visual; V2, V3, V4), Area 19 (visual association cortex): occipital lobe Area 39 angular gyrus Areas 37, 20, 21 (visual object recognition): middle and inferior temporal Area 8 (frontal eye fields): superior and middle frontal gyri Area 7 (visual/spatial perceptions): Posterior parietal lobe Broca's areas responsible for audition in numerical order by area (name/function): location Area 41 (primary auditory cortex; Hescl's gyrus): superior temporal gyrus Area 42 (secondary auditory): superior temporal gyrus Area 21 (auditory association): middle temporal gyrus, 22 (posterior 22-Wernicke's area for language interpretation): superior temporal gyrus Area 39 (auditory information of sounds and words from auditory cortex, reading and writing, Damage=dyslexia, R 39= see images from words, L 39=interpreting letters/lexical letters into words): Angular gyrus Broca's areas responsible for olfaction in numerical order by area (name): location Areas 12 and 32 (Olfactory, strategy and emotion): orbitofrontal cortex Area 38 (olfactory and learning): anterior temporal pole, Entorhinal cortex Area 34 (olfactory and hippocampal input): uncus Broca's areas responsible for the limbic system in numerical order by area (function): location Area 9, 10, 11 (emotions and problem solving): prefrontal Areas 12 and 32 (Olfactory, strategy and emotion): orbitofrontal cortex Areas 23, 24 (motivation, coordinating input into limbic): cingulate gyrus Area 25 (pleasure seeking behaviors): septal area Area 27, 28 (Connections: limbic and cortex) → parahypocampal gyrus Area 34 (olfactory and hippocampal input) → uncus Area 38 (olfactory and learning) → anterior temporal pole, Entorhinal cortex"
"docid": "D1651091#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/36740514/physiological-psych-2200-flash-cards/\nPhysiological Psych 2200",
"text": "\"59 terms rusowiczally Physiological Psych 2200Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What is neocortical pyramidal neuron? Pyramidal neurons (90%) that use Glutamate as neurotransmitter Pyramidal neurons are the primary excitation units of the mammalian prefrontal cortex What is a GABA neuron? GABAergic neurons (10%) that use GABA as neurotransmitter. chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. It plays a role in regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. What neurotransmitter do most neocortical release when they fire action potentials? Glutamate How many times action potentials can your average neocortical neuron discharge in a second? Many types of neurons emit action potentials constantly at rates of up to 10-100 per second Can you name 12 kinds of neurons? Neocortical Pyramidal Neuron GABAergic Neuron Motor Neuron Spindle Neuron Purkinje Cell Granule Cell Tripolar Neuron Afferent Neurons Efferent Neurons Interneurons Dopaminergic Serotonergic What would you find in neuron's cell body? Axon, dendrite Inside cell: nucleus, ER, ribosomes, mitochondria, etc."
"docid": "D1685854#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occipital_cortex\nOccipital lobe",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Occipital cortex)navigation search Occipital lobe Frontal lobe Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Lobes of the human brain (the occipital lobe is shown in red)Medial surface of left cerebral hemisphere. ( cuneus and lingual gyrus are at left. ) Details Part of cerebrum Artery posterior cerebral artery Identifiers Latin lobus occipitalis Me SH D009778Neuro Names 140Neuro Lex ID birnlex_1136TA A14.1.09.132FMA 67325Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [ edit on Wikidata]The occipital lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain of mammals. The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the mammalian brain containing most of the anatomical region of the visual cortex. [ 1] The primary visual cortex is Brodmann area 17, commonly called V1 (visual one). Human V1 is located on the medial side of the occipital lobe within the calcarine sulcus; the full extent of V1 often continues onto the posterior pole of the occipital lobe. V1 is often also called striate cortex because it can be identified by a large stripe of myelin, the Stria of Gennari. Visually driven regions outside V1 are called extrastriate cortex. There are many extrastriate regions, and these are specialized for different visual tasks, such as visuospatial processing, color differentiation, and motion perception. The name derives from the overlying occipital bone, which is named from the Latin ob, behind, and caput, the head."
"docid": "D536431#0",
"title": "http://hubel.med.harvard.edu/book/b23.htm\n.",
"text": "5THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE VISUAL CORTEXThe primary visual, or striate, cortex is a far more complex and elaborate structure than either the lateral geniculate body or the retina. We have already seen that the sudden increase in structural complexity is accompanied by a dramatic increase in physiological complexity. In the cortex we find a greater variety of physiologically defined cell types, and the cells respond to more elaborate stimuli, especially to a greater number of stimulus parameters that have to be properly specified. We are concerned not only with stimulus position and spot size, as we are in the retina and geniculate, but now suddenly with line orientation, eye dominance, movement direction, line length, and curvature. What if anything is the relation between these variables and the structural organization of the cortex? To address this question, I will need to begin by saying something about the structure of the striate cortex. ANATOMY OF THE VISUAL CORTEX The cerebral cortex, which almost entirely covers the cerebral hemispheres, has the general form of a plate whose thickness is about 2 millimeters and whose surface area in humans is over i square foot. The total area of the macaque monkey's cortex is much less, probably about one-tenth that of the human. We have known for over a century that this plate is subdivided into a patchwork of many different cortical areas; of these, the primary visual cortex was the first to be distinguished from the rest by its layered or striped appearance in cross section—hence its classical name, striate cortex. At one time the entire careers of neuroanatomists consisted of separating off large numbers of cortical areas on the basis of sometimes subtle histological distinctions, and in one popular numbering system the striate cortex was assigned the number 17."
"docid": "D1593258#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/area\narea",
"text": "area Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to area: surface area, Area codesarea [ a´re-ah] (pl. a´reae, areas) ( L.) a limited space or plane surface.acoustic a's auditory areas.association a's areas of the cerebral cortex (excluding primary areas) connected with eachother and with the neothalamus; they are responsible for higher mental and emotional processes,including memory, learning, speech, and the interpretation of sensations. Area. Functional areas and lobes of the cerebrum.auditory a's two contiguous areas of the temporal lobe in the region of the anterior transversetemporal gyrus, known as the primary and secondary auditory areas. Called also acousticareas. Broca's motor speech area an area comprising parts of the opercular and triangular portions of the inferior frontal gyrus; injury to this area may result in motor aphasia. Broca's parolfactory area a small area of cortex on the medial surface of each cerebralhemisphere, between the anterior and posterior parolfactory sulci. Called also area subcallosa. Brodmann's a's specific occipital and preoccipital areas of the cerebral cortex, distinguished by differences in the arrangement of their six cellular layers, and identified by numbering eacharea."
] |
5 | ect is a treatment that is used for | [
"docid": "D140227#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/depression/electroconvulsive-therapy-ect\nElectroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)",
"text": "Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)Treatment Overview Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure used to treat severe depression. It may be used in people who have symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, or suicidal thoughts or when other treatments such as psychotherapy and antidepressant medicines have not worked. It is also used for other psychiatric and neurological conditions, such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Before ECT, you are given anesthesia to put you in a sleepy state, and you are given medicines to relax your muscles. Then an electrical current is briefly sent to the brain through electrodes placed on the temples or elsewhere on the head, depending on the condition and type of ECT. The electrical stimulation, which lasts up to 8 seconds, produces a short seizure. Because of anesthesia, the seizure activity related to ECT does not cause the body to convulse. It is not known exactly how this brain stimulation helps treat depression. ECT probably works by altering brain chemicals (similarly to medicines), including neurotransmitters like serotonin, natural pain relievers called endorphins, and catecholamines such as adrenaline. ECT treatments are usually done 2 to 3 times a week for 2 to 3 weeks."
] | [
"docid": "D1697811#0",
"title": "http://www.ect.org/resources/apa.html\n.",
"text": "\"note: I have put this article on the ect.org web site, rather than a link to the APA site, after many complaints that the APA site is difficult to access (i.e. busy and slow). However, it is from the APA's site. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)This article provided by the American Psychiatric Association Electroconvulsive Therapy, more commonly known as \"\"ECT,\"\" is a medical treatment performed only by highly skilled health professionalsincluding doctors and nursesunder the direct supervision of a psychiatrist, who is a medical doctor trained in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. Its effectiveness in treating severe mental illnesses is recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, the National Institute of Mental Health and similar organizations in Canada, Great Britain and many other countries. A course of treatment with ECT usually consists of six to twelve treatments given three times a week for a month or less. The patient is given general anesthesia and a muscle relaxant. When these have taken full effect, the patient's brain is stimulated, using electrodes placed at precise locations on the patient's head, with a brief controlled series of electrical pulses. This stimulus causes a seizure within the brain which lasts for approximately a minute. Because of the muscle relaxants and anesthesia, the patient's body does not convulse and the patient feels no pain. The patient awakens after five to ten minutes, much as he or she would from minor surgery."
"docid": "D3436245#0",
"title": "http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=9&m=1983056\nECT/depression/panic disorder",
"text": "\"ECT/depression/panic disorder Forum Rules | Moderators | Password Help Home | Log In | Register | Calendar | Chat | Search | Help Healing Well.com Forum > Diseases & Conditions > Anxiety - Panic Disorders > ECT/depression/panic disorder [ << Previous Thread | Next Thread >> ]opaqueblues New Member Date Joined Dec 2010 Total Posts : 8Posted 12/23/2010 9:24 PM (GMT -6)Hello, I am new to this site and I have a question. I have also posted this in the depression forum. I have taken every medication from A to Z for this condition and nothing has worked. My doctor is pushing for me to have electric shock treatments as I am feeling at the point of nothing,... no medication has helped after almost 2 years of trying every medication known to man for these combined disorders. If anyone has had ECT could you please tell me what it is like to go through and what the after effects are and if it helped. I have been told that I will experience short term memory loss but that is all my doctor will say about it. I need to know more that just that and if anyone out there can help me please reply to my urgent messege. I am sorry, I had to edit this post, as per rule #1Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 12/23/2010 10:58:08 PM (GMT-7)Back to Topthe HTreturns... Elite Member Date Joined Mar 2009 Total Posts : 20134Posted 12/23/2010 10:50 PM (GMT -6)POSTED 2 YOU ON THE DEPRESSION FORUM. JAMIE. SCHIZO-AFFECTIVE DISORDER, EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE PERSONALITY DISORDER, BORDERLINE TYPE -AXIS 2 , BI-POLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER AXIS 1 REMEMBER TO LOVE YOU."
"docid": "D2775414#0",
"title": "http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20460332,00.html\n10 Myths and Facts About Shock Therapy",
"text": "\"1 of 11 Getty Images A controversial treatment When most people think of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or shock therapy, they imagine a strapped-down patient writhing in pain. ( Probably thanks to the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest .) And many regard it as an outdated, barbaric treatment no longer in use. In fact, ECT is still in use, and why and how it's used may surprise you. Here are some common myths and facts about the procedure. Advertisement2 of 11 Getty Images It causes seizures Fact During ECT, a person is given a seizure-inducing electrical shock that can lift depression—although no one knows exactly why it works. \"\" It reboots the system,\"\" says Gary Kennedy, MD, director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. \"\" Like turning a computer off and when it comes back on they are not as depressed.\"\" The seizure may restore some neuroconnections or reconnect nerves that are \"\"short-circuited.\"\" The procedure also may change the levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, which play a role in depression.3 of 11 Getty Images It's only for depression Myth ECT is most commonly used for people with severe depression, particularly those who are delusional or at risk of suicide."
"docid": "D1561557#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/nash/filmmore/ps_ict.html\n.",
"text": "\"Introduction Insulin coma therapy (ICT) came to the U. S. from central Europe at the end of the 1930s. It was introduced at the same time as convulsive therapy (ECT, electroshock). These were the first successful treatments for schizophrenia ( dementia praecox) at a time when that diagnosis was associated with persistent psychosis, prolonged asylum incarceration, aggressive outbursts, suicide, and dementia. The treatments were unpleasant and dangerous. They were given without anesthesia. The ICT mortality rate varied from 1% to 10% of patients treated. Prolonged coma, in which the patient did not respond to the administration of glucose, was a constant threat. ECT was safer, with lower mortality rates, but patients suffered fractures, severe memory loss, and spontaneous seizures. Why did patients and families allow these dangerous treatments to be administered? Indeed, why did families plead for family members to be enrolled in the treatment, even impoverishing themselves to assure ICT at a prestigious hospital?"
"docid": "D2575448#0",
"title": "https://www.healthyplace.com/depression/articles/shock-therapyits-back/anecdotal-miracles-about-shock-therapy/\nShock Therapy...IT'S BACK",
"text": "\"Shock Therapy... IT'S BACKSANDRA G. BOODMAN The Washington Post Print Email Page 2 of 9Anecdotal Miracles Because of the stigma of psychiatric illness in general and of shock treatment in particular, most patients do not openly discuss their experiences. Among the few who have is talk show host Dick Cavett, who underwent ECT in 1980. In a 1992 account of his treatment Cavett told People magazine that he had suffered from periodic, debilitating depressions since 1959 when he graduated from Yale. In 1975 a psychiatrist prescribed an antidepressant that worked so well that once Cavett felt better, he simply stopped taking it. His worst depression occurred in May 1980 when he became so agitated that he was taken off a London-bound Concorde jet and driven to Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. There he was treated with ECT. \"\" I was so disoriented I couldn't figure out what they were asking me to sign, but I signed [the release for treatment] anyway,\"\" he wrote. \"\" In my case ECT was miraculous,\"\" he continued. \"\" My wife was dubious, but when she came into my room afterward, I sat up and said, `Look who's back among the living.' It was like a magic wand.\"\""
"docid": "D3003988#0",
"title": "http://www.healthline.com/health/depression/psychotic-depression\nMajor Depression with Psychotic Features (Psychotic Depression)",
"text": "\"Major Depression with Psychotic Features (Psychotic Depression)Symptoms Suicide prevention Causes Diagnosis Treatment Outlook Prevention What Is Psychotic Depression? Psychotic depression, also known as major depressive disorder with psychotic features, is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment and close monitoring by a medical or mental health professional. Major depressive disorder is a common mental disorder that can negatively affect many areas of someone’s life. It impacts mood and behavior as well as various physical functions, including appetite and sleep. People with major depression often lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and have trouble performing everyday activities. Occasionally, they may even feel as if life isn’t worth living. It’s estimated that about 20 percent of people with major depression also have symptoms of psychosis. This combination is sometimes referred to as psychotic depression. In psychiatry, however, the more technical term is major depressive disorder with psychotic features. The condition causes people to see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real."
"docid": "D1697809#0",
"title": "http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/articles/ect-appropriate-old-old-patients\nIs ECT Appropriate in Old-Old Patients?",
"text": "\"David T. Manly, MD Stanley P. Oakley, MDJan 1, 2001Volume: 18Issue: 1Schizoaffective, Schizophrenia, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mania, Major Depressive Disorder, Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Electroconvulsive Therapy As the population in the United States continues to age, the use and safety of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in elderly patients will become an increasingly important clinical issue. This is especially true in the \"\"old-old,\"\" who are generally defined as 75 years of age and older. Although ECT is generally considered a low-risk procedure (Abrams, 1992), its use and safety in the very old and medically ill are still considered controversial by some clinicians and in the general population. Fortunately, recent studies have begun to address these important issues. A small number of retrospective studies (Casey and Davis, 1996; Cattan et al., 1990; Gormley et al., 1998) including our own (Manly et al., 2000) have shown that ECT is effective and reasonably safe in the old-old. In addition, a prospective study by Tew et al. ( 1999) came to the same conclusion."
"docid": "D657869#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/mental-disorder/Treatment-of-mental-disorders\nTreatment of mental disorders",
"text": "Treatment of mental disorders Historical overview Early history References to mental disorders in early Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Roman writings show that the physicians and philosophers who contemplated problems of human behaviour regarded mental illnesses as a reflection of the displeasure of the gods or as evidence of demoniac possession. Only a few realized that individuals with mental illnesses should be treated humanely rather than exorcised, punished, or banished. Certain Greek medical writers, however, notably Hippocrates (flourished 400 bce ), regarded mental disorders as diseases to be understood in terms of disturbed physiology. He and his followers emphasized natural causes, clinical observation, and brain pathology. Later Greek medical writers, including those who practiced in imperial Rome, prescribed treatments for mental illness, including a quiet environment, work, and the use of drugs such as the purgative hellebore. It is probable that most people with psychoses during ancient times were cared for by their families and that those who were thought to be dangerous to themselves or others were detained at home by relatives or by hired keepers. Hippocrates, Roman bust copied from a Greek original, c. 3rd century bce; in the collection of the Antichità di Ostia, Italy. Courtesy of the Soprintendenza alle Antichità di Ostia, Italy During the early Middle Ages in Europe, primitive thinking about mental illness reemerged, and witchcraft and demonology were invoked to account for the symptoms and behaviour of people with psychoses. At least some of those who were deemed insane were looked after by the religious orders, who offered care for the sick generally. The empirical and quasi-scientific Greek tradition in medicine was maintained not by the Europeans but by the Muslim Arabs, who are usually credited with the establishment of asylums for the mentally ill in the Middle East as early as the 8th century."
"docid": "D495700#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/electroconvulsive-therapy/basics/definition/PRC-20014161\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure, done under general anesthesia, in which small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses. ECT often works when other treatments are unsuccessful and when the full course of treatment is completed, but it may not work for everyone. Much of the stigma attached to ECT is based on early treatments in which high doses of electricity were administered without anesthesia, leading to memory loss, fractured bones and other serious side effects. ECT is much safer today. Although ECT still causes some side effects, it now uses electric currents given in a controlled setting to achieve the most benefit with the fewest possible risks. Why it's done Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can provide rapid, significant improvements in severe symptoms of several mental health conditions. ECT is used to treat: Severe depression, particularly when accompanied by detachment from reality (psychosis), a desire to commit suicide or refusal to eat. Treatment-resistant depression, a severe depression that doesn't improve with medications or other treatments. Severe mania, a state of intense euphoria, agitation or hyperactivity that occurs as part of bipolar disorder."
"docid": "D2575449#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1996/09/24/shock-therapy-its-back/35a22683-a87d-4946-81a6-cabf1bb5a37b/\nSHOCK THERAPY: IT'S BACK",
"text": "\"It is unlike any other treatment in psychiatry, a therapy that still arouses such passionate controversy after 60 years that supporters and opponents cannot even agree on its name. Proponents call it electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT. They say it is an unfairly maligned, poorly understood and remarkably effective treatment for intractable depression. Critics call it by its old name: electroshock. They claim that it temporarily \"\"lifts\"\" depression by causing transient personality changes similar to those seen in head injury patients: euphoria, confusion and memory loss. Both camps agree that ECT, which is administered annually to an estimated 100,000 Americans, most of them women, is a simple procedure -- so simple that an ad for the most widely used shock machine tells doctors they need only set a dial to a patient's age and press a button. Electrodes connected to an ECT machine, which resembles a stereo receiver, are attached to the scalp of a patient who has received general anesthesia and a muscle relaxant. With the flip of a switch the machine delivers enough electricity to power a light bulb for a fraction of a second. The current causes a brief convulsion, reflected in the involuntary twitching of the patient's toe. A few minutes later the patient wakes up severely confused and without any memory of events surrounding the treatment, which is typically repeated three times a week for about a month."
"docid": "D2086714#0",
"title": "http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/brain-and-behavior/articles/2009/07/15/brain-stimulation-transcranial-magnetic-stimulation\nBrain Stimulation: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation",
"text": "\"Patients who struggle to beat back the demons of depression have another option that is creating serious interest among clinicians and researchers. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a form of brain stimulation, which reorganizes a brain's dysfunctional neural circuitry to the benefit of the patient. It's currently being used for people suffering from depression that is treatment-resistant—meaning it doesn't respond to the first-line approaches including lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, and antidepressant medications, but it is being studied for other uses, too. One big appeal: Unlike medications, it specifically hits the brain instead of the whole body So it is also offers an intriguing possible treatment for postpartum depression in women, say, who are breastfeeding and don't want their babies to be exposed to drugs. To deliver TMS, a clinician presses a device to the patient's head to deliver magnetic pulses that reach about an inch deep inside the skull, causing electrical changes in targeted neurons. Typically, a TMS patient goes through a series of about half-hour treatments, usually several times per week over the course of a few weeks or maybe a month. But the results are temporary and may only last weeks or months; patients may need to return for an additional series of treatments if symptoms return. Side effects include headache, scalp discomfort, twitchy facial muscles, feeling light-headed, and being bothered by the loud noise of the machine. Less commonly, people can suffer seizures, mania, or hearing problems. Any long-term side effects are not yet known."
"docid": "D3158721#0",
"title": "https://psychcentral.com/lib/what-to-expect-from-an-electroconvulsive-therapy-ect-treatment/\nWhat to Expect from an Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Treatment",
"text": "What to Expect from an Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Treatment By John Hauser, M. D. ~ 2 min read Electroconvulsive Therapy — or ECT as it’s commonly known — is a brief medical procedure that involves applying short electrical bursts to the brain through external electrode pads on your head. These electrical bursts create a seizure, which has been shown to help relieve symptoms associated with severe depression. The entire procedure lasts about 15 minutes, although you may be in the hospital for about an hour to include time for prep and recovery from the treatment. ECT treatments are usually grouped together in 6 to 12 treatments at a time, generally given three times a week for 2 to 4 weeks. The number of treatments you will need depends on the severity of your symptoms and how rapidly they improve. Before your first ECT treatment, your doctor needs to make sure the procedure is safe for you. Your psychiatrist will likely refer you to a physician for a physical examination, an electrocardiogram (ECG) to check your heart’s health, and laboratory tests (basic blood tests), to ensure there are no medical conditions that would preclude you from receiving ECT treatment. You may also be referred to an anesthesiologist to go over the risks associated with having anesthesia. Modern electroconvulsive therapy is administered under general anesthesia, to ensure it is a safe and pain-free experience. You will therefore be unconscious during the treatment."
"docid": "D556284#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/depression/news/20030619/memory-loss-common-complaint-with-ect\nMemory Loss Common Complaint With ECT",
"text": "\"Memory Loss Common Complaint With ECTBut Defenders Say Electroconvulsive Therapy Still the Best Option for Some Depression By Salynn Boyles From the Web MD Archives June 19, 2003 -- Supporters say the controversial treatment called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) helps severely depressed patients who have few other medical options, but new research concludes that this help may come at a high price. One third of the surveyed patients who had ECT, better known as \"\"shock therapy,\"\" reported persistent memory loss as a result. Many patients had very conflicted feelings about ECT, lead researcher Diana Rose, Ph D, tells Web MD. \"\" There is no doubt that some people thought that ECT was very beneficial for them, but we found that this group was much smaller than the professionals think,\"\" Rose says. Two years ago, the U. K.'s Department of Health (DOH) commissioned two reviews evaluating past studies of ECT. The first report, made public in March, found electroconvulsive therapy to be an effective treatment for severely depressed patients who do not respond to drug treatments. Continue Reading Belowyou might like In the latest review, published in the June 21 issue of the British Medical Journal, Rose and colleagues compiled data from seven separate studies. At least one-third of patients complained of persistent memory loss after ECT. Patients reported memory loss and dissatisfaction with electroconvulsive therapy more often in surveys conducted by consumer groups than in those conducted by their doctors. Rose says patients may not feel comfortable complaining about electroconvulsive therapy to their doctors."
"docid": "D3436243#0",
"title": "http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/826168\nECT a Potential Lifesaver in Comorbid PTSD, Major Depression",
"text": "\"News > Medscape Medical News > Conference News > American Psychiatric Association's 2014 Annual Meeting ECT a Potential Lifesaver in Comorbid PTSD, Major Depression Caroline Cassels June 04, 2014NEW YORK ― The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and comorbid major depression may substantially reduce the risk for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and suicide in this patient population, new research suggests. A retrospective study conducted by investigators at Captain James Lovell Federal Health Care Center (FHCC) – Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago, Illinois, showed that among patients with PTSD and major depressive disorder (MDD), the death rate among those who did not receive ECT was significantly greater than that of their counterparts who received ECT. In addition, at 8-year follow-up, ECT was associated with a significant reduction in relative risk (RR) in all-cause mortality and suicidal behaviors among patients with PTSD and MDD. \"\" The finding that all-cause mortality was almost double ― 18% vs 9.7% ― in those with PTSD and major depression who did not receive ECT was very much a surprise to us,\"\" lead investigator Naser Ahmadi, MD, Ph D, told Medscape Medical News. The study was presented here at the American Psychiatric Association's 2014 Annual Meeting. Frequent Bedfellows According to the investigators, PTSD and MDD frequently coexist, with up to 48% of patients with PTSD having comorbid MDD. PTSD is associated with poor outcomes as well as other comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions. Although numerous studies have shown that ECT is the most effective treatment for refractory depression, its long-term effect on PTSD and MDD is unclear. Dr. Naser Ahmadi The investigators' initial hypothesis was that the mortality rate in patients with PTSD and MDD who received ECT would be no different from the mortality rate in patients with major depression who received ECT. \"\" So basically, we wanted to make sure that ECT wasn't contraindicated in patients with comorbid PTSD and major depression,\"\" said Dr. Ahmadi."
"docid": "D1325478#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-inpatient-ECT-like\nWhat is inpatient ECT like?",
"text": "\"Tina D, GP, wannabe muso Answered Mar 29, 2015 · Author has 78 answers and 143.9k answer views I've witnessed ECT as a medical student and psychiatry intern a few years ago. It's a fairly routine kind of procedure like a day surgery, patient goes up to operating theatre, anaesthetised, electrodes attached to their head, the dose administered, response monitored, patient wheeled out. The seizure it induces is fairly unexciting, looks like a twitch. I didn't work closely with people after ECT but I'm told the improvement in symptoms, eg in severe depression, can be dramatic and rapid.672 Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below What really happens in ECT? Have you had ECT? Can ECT be used to treat the mania of bipolar? What differences are there in examining outpatient vs. inpatients? Why is ECT so effective? Ask New Question Dee Hiatt Answered Mar 31, 2015I just spent a week inpatient for the beginning of my ECT treatments and I'm finishing the rest outpatient. To briefly answer your second question: no, you're not allowed to have electronic devices."
"docid": "D1218577#0",
"title": "http://www.healthyplace.com/bipolar-disorder/bipolar-treatment/bipolar-treatment-treatment-of-bipolar-disorder/\nBipolar Disorder Treatment",
"text": "Bipolar Disorder Treatment Natasha Tracy Print Email Treatment for bipolar disorder generally occurs when a person is in either a major depressive episode or a degree of a manic episode. This acute episode is the focus of initial treatment. Depending on the severity, bipolar treatment options may include hospitalization, particularly if harm to the patient or those around him or her is a concern. The goal of acute bipolar disorder treatment is to rapidly stabilize the condition enough to get the patient out of danger and move forward into a long-term bipolar treatment plan. Typically this means treating the episode with the appropriate bipolar medication and scheduling follow-up sessions with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and/or case manager. Medication Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Both acute manic or depressive episodes, as well as long-term bipolar treatment, typically require the use of medications. Medications for bipolar disorder vary depending on the phase of the illness: acute mania, acute depression or long-term treatment. 1 Medication selection is also based on specific symptoms and severity. Common medications used in the treatment of bipolar disorder include: Antipsychotics such as haloperidol (Haldol), ziprasidone (Geodon), quetiapine (Seroquel) and risperidon (Risperdal)Lithium Anticonvulsants (often called mood stabilizers) like Valproate (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamictal)Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam (Klonopin) and lorazepam (Ativan)Antidepressants may be prescribed, but only with additional mood stabilizing medication. Most doctors agree, antidepressants should be used with caution in the treatment of bipolar disorder due to the possibility of inducing mania or rapid-cycling. ("
"docid": "D2575447#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-side-effects-of-shock-therapy-ECT\nWhat are the side effects of shock therapy (ECT)?",
"text": "\"Shritica Joshi, works at Masters in Counseling Psychology Answered Feb 13, 2016 · Author has 85 answers and 45.2k answer viewshi , Thanks for A2A, ECT is often seen as malicious because of its nature and side effects. ECT is basically used with patients suffering from schizophrenia to eliminate the psychotic symptoms and the memories associated with, also used with psychotic depression, mania and bipolar mostly and patients with severe depression esp with suicidal ideation and medication seems to fail, but ECT is as dangerous as it can be effective with side effects on the memory. common side effects is sense of disintegration and loss of memory preceding the treatment,it remains for few hours sometimes as long as few weeks and sometimes patients have problem building new memories or recalling past events, now with older patients its even expensive with high rise in amnesia and they are the most vulnerable to its side effects. ECT is used with great precautions , given the side effects and its nature.279 Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Vijaya Vaishnavi Narayan Related Questions More Answers Below What are the side effects of ECT? How is electric shock therapy performed on patients these days? Have you tried ECT (Electro-Convulsive Therapy) for depression? Did it work, and did you experience any side effects? What are the long-term effects on the brain and my consciousness after electroshock therapy (ECT) treatment? Does ECT make your life go faster... Are there any risks associated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? Ask New Question Mitchell Ginsberg, I have done psychotherapy since 1968, and am licensed in Calif. since 1981."
"docid": "D318123#0",
"title": "https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/brain-stimulation-therapies/brain-stimulation-therapies.shtml\nBrain Stimulation Therapies",
"text": "\"Brain Stimulation Therapies Overview Brain stimulation therapies can play a role in treating certain mental disorders. Brain stimulation therapies involve activating or inhibiting the brain directly with electricity. The electricity can be given directly by electrodes implanted in the brain, or noninvasively through electrodes placed on the scalp. The electricity can also be induced by using magnetic fields applied to the head. While these types of therapies are less frequently used than medication and psychotherapies, they hold promise for treating certain mental disorders that do not respond to other treatments. Electroconvulsive therapy is the best studied brain stimulation therapy and has the longest history of use. Other stimulation therapies discussed here are newer, and in some cases still experimental methods. These include:vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (r TMS)magnetic seizure therapy (MST)deep brain stimulation (DBS)A treatment plan may also include medication and psychotherapy. Choosing the right treatment plan should be based on a person's individual needs and medical situation, and under a doctor's care. Electroconvulsive Therapy Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) uses an electric current to treat serious mental disorders."
"docid": "D2425895#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/electroconvulsive+therapy\nelectroconvulsive therapy",
"text": "\"electroconvulsive therapy Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Electroconvulsive Therapy Definition Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical treatment for severe mental illness in which a small, carefully controlled amount of electricity is introduced into the brain. This electricalstimulation, used in conjunction with anesthesia and muscle relaxant medications, produces a mild generalized seizure or convulsion. While used to treat a variety of psychiatric disorders, it is most effective in the treatment of severe depression, and provides the most rapid relief currentlyavailable for this illness. Purpose The purpose of electroconvulsive therapy is to provide relief from the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses such as severe depression, mania, and schizophrenia. ECT is indicated whenpatients need rapid improvement because they are suicidal, self-injurious, refuse to eat or drink,cannot or will not take medication as prescribed, or present some other danger to themselves. Antidepressant medications, while effective in many cases, may take two-six weeks to produce a therapeutic effect. Antipsychotic medications used to treat mania and schizophrenia havemany uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects, limiting their use. In addition, somepatients develop allergies and therefore are unable to take their medicine. Precautions The most common risks associated with ECT are disturbances in heart rhythm."
"docid": "D906530#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Bipolar+Disorder\nbipolar disorder",
"text": "\"bipolar disorder Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Bipolar disorder Definition Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mood disorder that causes radicalemotional changes and mood swings, from manic, restless highs to depressive, listless lows. Mostbipolar individuals experience alternating episodes of mania and depression. Description Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating manic episodes in which the individual feelsabnormally euphoric, optimistic, and energetic and depressive periods in which the individual feelssad, hopeless, guilty, and sometimes suicidal. Manic or depressive periods may last for days,weeks, or months and run the spectrum from mild to severe. These episodes may be separated by periods of emotional stability in which the individual functions normally. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode without a major depressiveepisode. Manic episodes are the \"\"high\"\" of the manic-depressive cycle. A person experiencing a manic episode often has feelings of self-importance, elation, talkativeness, increased sociability,and a desire to embark on goal-oriented activities, coupled with the characteristics of irritability,impatience, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and a decreased need for sleep. Usually this manic period is followed by a period of severe depression, although a few individuals may not experience a majordepressive episode."
] |
12 | rice-water stools are associated with disease caused by which organism? | [
"docid": "D213890#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholera\nCholera",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the bacterial disease. For the dish, see Cholera (food). Cholera A person with severe dehydration due to cholera causing sunken eyes and wrinkled hands and skin. Specialty Infectious disease Symptoms Large amounts of watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps [1] [2]Complications Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance [1]Usual onset 2 hours to 5 days after exposure [2]Duration Few days [1]Causes Vibrio cholerae spread by fecal-oral route [3] [1]Risk factors Poor sanitation, not enough clean drinking water, poverty [1]Diagnostic method Stool test [1]Prevention Improved sanitation, clean water, cholera vaccines [4] [1]Treatment Oral rehydration therapy, zinc supplementation, intravenous fluids, antibiotics [1] [5]Frequency 3–5 million people a year [1]Deaths 28,800 (2015) [6]Cholera is an infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. [ 3] [2] Symptoms may range from none, to mild, to severe. [ 2] The classic symptom is large amounts of watery diarrhea that lasts a few days. [ 1] Vomiting and muscle cramps may also occur. [ 2] Diarrhea can be so severe that it leads within hours to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. [ 1] This may result in sunken eyes, cold skin, decreased skin elasticity, and wrinkling of the hands and feet. [ 4] Dehydration can cause the skin to turn bluish. ["
] | [
"docid": "D3263451#0",
"title": "https://bembu.com/foods-that-make-you-poop/\n17 Foods That Make You Poop (For Constipation Relief)",
"text": "Keeping yourself regular is the cornerstone of a healthy life. It rids the body of toxic waste and keeps the digestive tract moving smoothly. Did you know healthy digestion has been linked to better mood, weight management, a clear complexion, and a better overall wellbeing? While nearly all bodily functions are linked to digestive health, around 70 million Americans are affected by digestive diseases. That’s partly because today many people eat poor diets and live a high-stress lifestyle. To help relieve constipation, ditch the dangerous laxatives and eat these 17 foods that make you poop!1) Berries Pick a berry, any berry, and chances are it will help get things moving in no time. That’s because most berries are a good source of fiber. For example, one cup of fresh strawberries provides 2.9 grams of fiber. The same size serving of blueberries will provide you with 3.6 grams, blackberries have 8 grams, and raspberries also have 8 grams. Fiber is essential for healthy digestion because it adds bulk to your stool, helping waste pass through the intestines and eventually exit the body."
"docid": "D2821516#0",
"title": "https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-children\nIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Children",
"text": "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Children What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder, meaning it is a problem caused by changes in how the GI tract works. Children with a functional GI disorder have frequent symptoms, but the GI tract does not become damaged. IBS is not a disease; it is a group of symptoms that occur together. The most common symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain or discomfort, often reported as cramping, along with diarrhea, constipation, or both. In the past, IBS was called colitis, mucous colitis, spastic colon, nervous colon, and spastic bowel. The name was changed to reflect the understanding that the disorder has both physical and mental causes and is not a product of a person’s imagination. IBS is diagnosed when a child who is growing as expected has abdominal pain or discomfort once per week for at least 2 months without other disease or injury that could explain the pain. The pain or discomfort of IBS may occur with a change in stool frequency or consistency or may be relieved by a bowel movement. What is the GI tract?"
"docid": "D2505945#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/diarrhea/page8.htm\nDiarrhea Causes, Medicine, Remedies, and Treatment",
"text": "\"Diarrhea Causes, Medicine, Remedies, and Treatment Center Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Boost Digestive Health Digestive Distress Slideshow: Problem Foods to Avoid Patient Comments: Diarrhea - Effective Treatments Patient Comments: Diarrhea - Causes Patient Comments: Diarrhea - Antibiotics Patient Comments: Diarrhea - Share Your Experience Patient Comments: Diarrhea - Food Poisoning Find a local Gastroenterologist in your town Diarrhea definition and facts What is diarrhea? What is considered diarrhea? What symptoms are associated with diarrhea? What are common causes of acute diarrhea? Traveler's diarrhea Viral gastroenteritis Bacterial enterocolitis Food poisoning Parasites Medicines that causes diarrhea What are common causes of chronic diarrhea? When should you call a doctor for diarrhea? How is the cause of diarrhea diagnosed? What is the treatment of diarrhea in infants and children? What is the treatment for diarrhea in older children and adults? What home remedies help the symptoms of diarrhea?"
"docid": "D3161548#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarrheal_diseases\nDiarrhea",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Diarrheal diseases)navigation search For other uses, see Diarrhea (disambiguation). Diarrhea An electron micrograph of rotavirus, the cause of nearly 40% of hospitalizations from diarrhea in children under five. [ 1]Specialty Infectious disease, gastroenterology Symptoms Loose frequent bowel movements, dehydration [2]Causes Usually infection (viral, bacterial, parasitic) [2]Risk factors Contaminated food or water [2]Prevention Handwashing, rotavirus vaccination, breastfeeding [2]Treatment Oral rehydration solution, zinc supplementation [2]Frequency ~2.4 billion (2015) [3]Deaths 1.3 million (2015) [4]Diarrhea, also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day. [ 2] It often lasts for a few days and can result in dehydration due to fluid loss. [ 2] Signs of dehydration often begin with loss of the normal stretchiness of the skin and irritable behaviour. [ 2] This can progress to decreased urination, loss of skin color, a fast heart rate, and a decrease in responsiveness as it becomes more severe. [ 2] Loose but non-watery stools in babies who are exclusively breastfed, however, are normal. [ 2]The most common cause is an infection of the intestines due to either a virus, bacteria, or parasite - a condition also known as gastroenteritis. [ 2] These infections are often acquired from food or water that has been contaminated by feces, or directly from another person who is infected. [ 2] The three types of diarrhea are: short duration watery diarrhea, short duration bloody diarrhea, and persistent diarrhea (lasting more than two weeks). ["
"docid": "D582438#0",
"title": "http://www.thrombocyte.com/causes-of-blood-in-stool-pooping-blood/\n10 Causes of Blood in Stool (Pooping Blood)",
"text": "10 Causes of Blood in Stool (Pooping Blood)TELL FRIENDS164SHARESFacebook Twitter Blood in Stool : The Ultimate Guide Plus Treatment Methods You Can Learn Today To Get Rid of Blood in Stool Medicallyand/or Naturally Blood in stool (often described as pooping blood) happens for a number of reasons. The occurrence may either indicate a serious medical condition or not at all. ( 1)There are several causes that can result to blood in stool or pooping blood. It can be due to your medical condition, diet or genetics. The amount of blood will vary from person to person which is usually influenced by the core causative factor involved. In extreme cases, some people experience large amounts of blood in stool which would indicate the need for immediate medical consultation. Hematochezia, the medical term for fresh blood in stool , is a common occurrence where up to 15% of adults within the last six months already have noticed presence of blood on toilet paper after passing stools. Studies have shown that a person mostly becomes aware of the bleeding only upon seeing spots on toilet paper or toilet bowl after a bowel movement. It’s a common initial fear for an individual to wonder, “Why is there blood in my stool? Do I have cancer?"
"docid": "D3373222#0",
"title": "http://www.milkandhoneyhealthfoods.com/treating-intestinal-problems-naturally\nMILK 'N HONEY HEALTH FOODS",
"text": "DEALING WITH INTESTINAL PROBLEMS NUTRITIONALLYMedications for treatment of intestinal disorders have become a multi-billion dollar industry. Millions of people regularly take prescription and non-prescription drugs to deal with these problems. While these drugs will often provide some relief, they most often treat only symptoms while ignoring the cause of the problem. Then there are the negative side effects. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people taking prescription heartburn drugs such as Prilosec and Prevacid are much more susceptible to becoming infected with the bacteria C. difficle. This bacterium causes diarrhea and can lead to acute stomach pain and inflammation of the colon. This study showed taking heartburn drugs such as Tagamet, Zantac and Pepcid also increased the risk of acquiring C. difficle. GAS, BLOATING AND ABDOMINAL PAIN: Common digestive problems such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain are frequently associated with lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid (HCL) and/or digestive enzymes. When you eat a meal, digestion of carbohydrates from that meal begin in the mouth with the secretion of salivary amylase, a carbohydrate digesting enzyme. As your meal passes into the stomach, HCL and an enzyme called pepsin begins to break down protein and minerals."
"docid": "D2263594#0",
"title": "https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5216a1.htm\nManaging Acute Gastroenteritis Among Children",
"text": "\"Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: [email protected]. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. Managing Acute Gastroenteritis Among Children Oral Rehydration, Maintenance, and Nutritional Therapy Prepared by Caleb K. King, M. D. 1 Roger Glass, M. D., Ph. D. 2 Joseph S. Bresee, M. D. 2 Christopher Duggan, M. D. 3 1 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina 2 Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC 3 Children's Hospital Boston Boston, Massachusetts The material for this report originated in the National Center for Infectious Diseases, James M. Hughes, M. D., Director, and the Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, James Le Duc, Ph. D., Director. Summary Acute gastroenteritis remains a common illness among infants and children throughout the world. Among children in the United States, acute diarrhea accounts for >1.5 million outpatient visits, 200,000 hospitalizations, and approximately 300 deaths/year. In developing countries, diarrhea is a common cause of mortality among children aged <5 years, with an estimated 2 million deaths annually. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) includes rehydration and maintenance fluids with oral rehydration solutions (ORS), combined with continued age-appropriate nutrition."
"docid": "D1433924#0",
"title": "https://thebark.com/content/vet-advice-treating-your-dogs-diarrhea\nVet Advice: Treating Your Dog's Diarrhea",
"text": "\"Healthy Living Vet Advice: Treating Your Dog's Diarrhea Common canine ailment responds to home care and familiar remedies By Robert J. Silver, November 2008Question: Help! my dog has diarrhea—is there anything in my medicine cabinet or on my kitchen shelf that could be used to save both of us a visit to the vet? Answer: As a veterinarian, this author sees many patients with minor problems (such as the dog in this story) who could be treated at home safely and effectively. At the same time, there are dogs whose problems, if not addressed early enough by a veterinary professional, suffer more than they need to. Probably the most common complaint received by veterinarians is that of diarrhea. It’s such an easy condition to identify: The smell is unmistakable, as is its chocolate-pudding appearance. Most of the time, diarrhea is caused by a dietary indiscretion or stressful circumstances, and is self-limiting. Diarrhea is not a disease; rather, it is a symptom of a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). When associated with bad food or food-borne pathogens, diarrhea serves to rapidly remove pathogens from the GIT before they have a chance to be absorbed and cause more damage. Warning Signs That Diarrhea Needs Medical Attention • Black, tarry stool, or stool with copious amounts of fresh blood (bright red)• Loss of appetite• Marked lethargy• Frequent vomiting• Signs of abdominal pain ( bloating, groaning, panting rapidly or avoidance response when belly is touched)• Lasts longer than 48 hours (Since it can rapidly weaken puppies and geriatrics, or dogs with chronic diseases, they may need veterinary attention sooner. )"
"docid": "D1948726#0",
"title": "http://beingstray.com/canine-stools-diarrhea/\nWhat Canine Stools Tell You About Diarrhea",
"text": "What Canine Stools Tell You About Diarrhea By isak, June 10, 2009Diarrhea is the passage of loose, unformed stools generally occurring in more frequent bowel movements. It is the most common sign of an intestinal disease. Diarrhea can be classified as acute or chronic, depending on its duration. Acute diarrhea comes on suddenly and is finished in a short period. Chronic diarrhea often comes on gradually and persists for three weeks or longer, or has an episodic pattern of recurrence. Chronic diarrhea requires veterinary investigation. Food in the small intestine takes about 8 hours to reach the colon. During that time, the bulk of the food and 80 percent of the water is absorbed. The colon concentrates the remainder. In the end, a well-formed stool is evacuated."
"docid": "D735701#0",
"title": "http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2010/09/common-foodborne-pathogens-and-toxins-in-the-us/\nA Primer on Symptoms of Foodborne Illness",
"text": "A Primer on Symptoms of Foodborne Illness By Marijke Schwarz Smith | September 28, 2010The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 76 million incidents of foodborne illness occur in the United States each year. Many of these cases are slight enough to not merit a visit to the doctor and go unreported. However, about 5,000 deaths per year are associated with contaminated food. Knowing the symptoms of foodborne illness can help save your life; it can also keep you from spreading diseases to others. Many foodborne pathogens are easily transferred from person-to-person via contaminated surfaces and foods. This following list is not intended to diagnose foodborne illnesses. If you believe something you ate or drank has made you sick, seek medical help. That important step can shorten the duration of your symptoms and may keep you from suffering potentially long-term complications associated with enteric (intestinal) diseases. Severe infections of the intestine, especially by strong toxins and tissue-invading pathogens, can lead to chronic gastrointestinal problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). And some foodborne illnesses begin with gastrointestinal distress but can advance to systemic infections and become fatal."
"docid": "D3158982#0",
"title": "http://www.aboutkidsgi.org/lower-gi/diarrhea.html\nDiarrhea",
"text": "Diarrhea Home Lower GI Diarrhea Lower GI Last Updated: 10 February 2016Tweet What is diarrhea Diarrhea – loose, watery stools occurring more than three times in one day - is a common problem that usually lasts a day or two and goes away on its own without any special treatment. However, prolonged diarrhea can be a sign of other problems. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Diarrhea can cause dehydration, which means the body lacks enough fluid to function properly. Dehydration is particularly dangerous in children and the elderly, and it must be treated promptly to avoid serious health problems. People of all ages can get diarrhea. The average adult has a bout of diarrhea about four times a year. What causes diarrhea Diarrhea may be caused by a temporary problem, like an infection; or a chronic problem, like an intestinal disease. A few of the more common causes of diarrhea are: Bacterial infections. Several types of bacteria, consumed through contaminated food or water, can cause diarrhea."
"docid": "D582440#0",
"title": "http://ddc.musc.edu/public/diseases/small-intestine/infections.html\nInfections of the Small Intestine",
"text": "\"Infections of the Small Intestine The major function of the small intestine is to digest, absorb and propel food along its length. Most clinically important infections of the small intestine will interfere with these functions. Diarrhea is common; other symptoms include bleeding, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and even features of complete abdominal obstruction. Some infections have characteristic features. Infections of the small bowel Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:52Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph showing Salmonella Typhimurium (red) invading cultured human cells. Salmonella Infections Salmonella appears in many forms. The so called non-typhoidal Salmonella species is the most common cause of food poisoning outbreaks in the United States. These organisms are extremely common in meat products, but have also been traced to pet turtles and iguanas. Chickens and eggs are probably the most common cause of infection."
"docid": "D2005023#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/does-broccoli-cause-constipation\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Does Broccoli Cause Constipation",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Does Broccoli Cause Constipation Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Rebecca Gliksman1 doctor agreed:1 Have morning nausea belch8ing. Ate broccoli/rice yesterday and mini wheat cereal last night cause had constipation. Due to have colonospony soon. AMm nausea. Bleching: Could be from reflux ( GERD ), constipation, or ovarian pathology as well. Consider OTC ranitidine for reflux and see if helps. For constipation try high fiber 1 cup oats, brown rice (not white), barley, lentils a day and avocados, strawberries, kale, sweet potatoes. And plenty of fluid 2-3 liters of water/ ... Read more Dr. Eric Kaplan2,517 Doctors shared insights Constipation (Definition)Constipation is difficulty passing ... Read more Dr. Andrew Seibert Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology28 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Heidi Fowler2 doctors agreed:2 Does risotto cause constipation? Risotto: Is an italian rice dish. If you have a diet that is high in this type of carbs and is lacking in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and other sources of fiber - constipation is more likely."
"docid": "D2987645#0",
"title": "http://www.aboutkidsgi.org/site/lower-gi-disorders/diarrhea\nDiarrhea",
"text": "Diarrhea Home Lower GI Diarrhea Lower GI Last Updated: 10 February 2016Tweet What is diarrhea Diarrhea – loose, watery stools occurring more than three times in one day - is a common problem that usually lasts a day or two and goes away on its own without any special treatment. However, prolonged diarrhea can be a sign of other problems. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Diarrhea can cause dehydration, which means the body lacks enough fluid to function properly. Dehydration is particularly dangerous in children and the elderly, and it must be treated promptly to avoid serious health problems. People of all ages can get diarrhea. The average adult has a bout of diarrhea about four times a year. What causes diarrhea Diarrhea may be caused by a temporary problem, like an infection; or a chronic problem, like an intestinal disease. A few of the more common causes of diarrhea are: Bacterial infections. Several types of bacteria, consumed through contaminated food or water, can cause diarrhea."
"docid": "D2261288#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/environmental+constipation\nconstipation",
"text": "\"constipation (redirected from environmental constipation) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . Constipation Definition Constipation is an acute or chronic condition in which bowel movements occur less often thanusual or consist of hard, dry stools that are painful or difficult to pass. Bowel habits vary, but an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowelmovement in four days is considered constipated. Description Constipation is one of the most common medical complaints in the United States. Constipationcan occur at any age, and is more common among individuals who resist the urge to move theirbowels at their body's signal. This often happens when children start school or enter daycare andfeel shy about asking permission to use the bathroom. Constipation is more common in women than in men and is especially apt to occur duringpregnancy. Age alone does not increase the frequency of constipation, but elderly people (especially women) are more likely to suffer from constipation. Although this condition is rarely serious, it can lead to:bowel obstructionchronic constipationhemorrhoids (a mass of dilated veins in swollen tissue around the anus)hernia (a protrusion of an organ through a tear in the muscle wall)spastic colitis ( irritable bowel syndrome, a condition characterized by alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation)laxative dependency Chronic constipation may be a symptom of colorectal cancer, depression, diabetes,diverticulosis (small pouches in the muscles of the large intestine), lead poisoning, or Parkinson's disease. In someone who is elderly or disabled, constipation may be a symptom of bowel impaction, a more serious condition in which feces are trapped in the lower part of the large intestine."
"docid": "D1305938#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/giardiasis/page2_em.htm\nGiardiasis",
"text": "\"Giardia: What Is Giardiasis? Giardia: What Causes Giardiasis? Giardia: What Are the Symptoms of Giardiasis? Giardia: When to Seek Medical Care Giardia: How Is Giardiasis Diagnosed? Giardia: Giardiasis Self-Care at Home Giardia: Giardiasis Medications and Treatment Giardia: Giardiasis Follow-up Giardia: How Can You Prevent Giardiasis? Giardia: What Is the Prognosis for Giardiasis? Giardia: What Is Giardiasis? Readers Comments 3 Share Your Story Giardiasis is the name of the disease caused by Giardia lamblia parasites that infect the small bowel. Giardiasis is caused by Giardialamblia parasites that damage the small intestine; Giardia lamblia forms cysts are transmitted to humans in contaminated water or food and by person-to-person contact. Symptoms of giardiasis are variable; some people have no symptoms but still pass cysts in the stool and are considered carriers of the parasite while others may develop acute or chronic diarrheal illnesses that begin to show symptoms in one to two weeks after swallowing cysts."
"docid": "D1971502#0",
"title": "http://www.ifitjams.com/stomach.htm\nIntestinal and stomach problems self diagnosis",
"text": "\"Diamond symbols linked to decision text. I'm not a doctor, these are my observations on troubleshooting my own digestive problems. Digestive system gas and diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating symptoms D o you have constant cramping or pain? If constant means 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it bee some serious physical damage, and it's not even necessarily your digestive system. Spasms or pains that goes on for hours at a time could be though of as constant, but I have another section for occasional pain. Here's the background on the the problem that inspired me to start on this self diagnosis chart. Around a year ago, a week or so my usual \"\"going downhill\"\" symptoms were followed by an intestinal blockage and the worst abdominal pain I ever had in my life. I woke up around 4:00 AM with my stomach making noises so loud I couldn't believe it, and then realized I had a gas pain as well. By the time I was sitting on the toilet, the gas pain was so bad I couldn't move, didn't dare try to massage it out, which might have been the smart thing to do. And for a half an hour, it got worse and worse until I felt that my internal organs were being torn from their places and all I could do was try not to scream like in a horror movie star."
"docid": "D141795#0",
"title": "http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Cholera\nCholera",
"text": "\"Choleranavigation search This is a curated page. Report corrections to Microbewiki. University of Oklahoma Study Abroad Microbiology in Arezzo, Italy [1]V. cholerae with flagellum. From: Uaidintl.org [2]Contents [ hide ]1 Etiology/Bacteriology1.1 Taxonomy1.2 Description2 Pathogenesis2.1 Transmission2.2 Infectious dose, incubation, and colonization2.3 Epidemiology2.4 Virulence factors2.4.1 Motility2.4.2 Adherence2.4.3 Toxin Mechanism3 Clinical features3.1 Symptoms3.2 Morbidity and Mortality4 Diagnosis5 Treatment6 Prevention7 Immune Response7.1 Host Response7.2 Bacterial Evasion8 References Etiology/Bacteriology Taxonomy Domain: Bacteria | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Class: Gamma Proteobacteria | Family: Vibrionaceae | Order: Vibrionales | Genus: Vibrio | Species: Vibrio cholerae NCBI: Taxonomy Genome: Vibrio cholerae Description Cholera is a water and food borne disease caused by enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae. It is most prevalent in underdeveloped countries with poor or no water sanitation techniques. It affects 3-5 million people per year and kills about 100,000 to 120,000 people among those affected. Cholera is only detrimental if left untreated, with the ability to kill an infected person within hours. It has a short incubation period ranging from a couple of hours to 5 days. It works by using an A-B toxin mechanism to invade host cells and replicate. Symptoms include dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting."
"docid": "D3172300#0",
"title": "http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/outreach/Pet-Health-Topics/categories/common-problems/diarrhea\nDiarrhea",
"text": "Diarrhea This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. Diarrhea is the passing of loose or liquid stool, more often than normal. Diarrhea can be caused by diseases of the small intestine, large intestine or by diseases of organs other than the intestinal tract. Your ability to answer questions about your pet's diet, habits, environment and specific details about the diarrhea can help the veterinarian narrow the list of possible causes, and to plan for specific tests to determine the cause of diarrhea. ( Anatomy of the digestive system: dog / cat)Small intestinal and large intestinal diarrhea have different causes, require different tests to diagnose and are treated differently. Small intestinal diseases result in a larger amount of stool passed with a mild increase in frequency; about 3 to 5 bowel movements per day. The pet doesn't strain or have difficulty passing stool. Animals with small intestinal disease may also vomit and lose weight. Excess gas production is sometimes seen and you may hear the rumbling of gas in the belly."
"docid": "D2617434#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Gastroenteritis%2c+noninfectious%2c+unspec.\ngastroenteritis",
"text": "\"gastroenteritis (redirected from Gastroenteritis, noninfectious, unspec.) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . Gastroenteritis Definition Gastroenteritis is a catchall term for infection or irritation of the digestive tract, particularly thestomach and intestine. It is frequently referred to as the stomach or intestinal flu, although theinfluenza virus is not associated with this illness. Major symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. These symptoms are sometimes also accompanied by fever andoverall weakness. Gastroenteritis typically lasts about three days. Adults usually recover withoutproblem, but children, the elderly, and anyone with an underlying disease are more vulnerable to complications such as dehydration. Description Gastroenteritis is an uncomfortable and inconvenient ailment, but it is rarely life-threatening in the United States and other developed nations. However, an estimated 220,000 children younger thanage five are hospitalized with gastroenteritis symptoms in the United States annually."
] |
15 | the abo blood types are examples of | [
"docid": "D1033338#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111105190200AAqYsrC\nThe ABO blood type system in humans is an example of:?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology The ABO blood type system in humans is an example of:? The ABO blood type system in humans is an example of: a) multiple alleles and codominance. b) balanced polymorphism and codominance. c) codominance but not multiple alleles. d) balanced polymorphism but not codominance. e) multiple alleles but not codominance Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: a) multiple alleles and codominance There are 3 alleles, I^O, I^A and I^B. The codominance is exhibited by the AB blood type. Cheers. =)Zanier Life © · 7 years ago2 0 Comment Asker's rating Yes a) multiple alleles and codominancechris b aka minguss · 7 years ago0 0 Commentb. /Ishan26 · 7 years ago0 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Want to build your own website?"
] | [
"docid": "D109196#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allele\nAllele",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search An allele ( / ə ˈ l iː l /) [1] [2] is a variant form of a given gene. [ 3] Sometimes, different alleles can result in different observable phenotypic traits, such as different pigmentation. A notable example of this trait of color variation is Gregor Mendel's discovery that the white and purple flower colors in pea plants were the result of \"\"pure line\"\" traits which could be used as a control for future experiments. However, most genetic variations result in little or no observable variation. The word \"\"allele\"\" is a short form of allelomorph (\"\"other form\"\", a word coined by British geneticists William Bateson and Edith Rebecca Saunders ), [4] [5] which was used in the early days of genetics to describe variant forms of a gene detected as different phenotypes. It derives from the Greek prefix ἀλλήλ, allel, meaning \"\"reciprocal\"\", or \"\"each other\"\", which itself is related to the Greek adjective ἄλλος, allos (cognate with Latin alius ), meaning \"\"other\"\". Most multicellular organisms have two sets of chromosomes; that is, they are diploid. These chromosomes are referred to as homologous chromosomes. If both alleles at a gene (or locus) on the homologous chromosomes are the same, they and the organism are homozygous with respect to that gene (or locus). If the alleles are different, they and the organism are heterozygous with respect to that gene."
"docid": "D366580#0",
"title": "http://anthro.palomar.edu/blood/ABO_system.htm\n.",
"text": "\"ABO Blood Types Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943)The most well-known and medically important blood types are in the ABO group. They were discovered in 1900 and 1901 at the University of Vienna by Karl Landsteiner in the process of trying to learn why blood transfusions sometimes cause death and at other times save a patient. In 1930, he belatedly received the Nobel Prize for his discovery of blood types. All humans and many other primates can be typed for the ABO blood group. There are four principal types: A, B, AB, and O. There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly responsible for the ABO types. The specific combination of these four components determines an individual's type in most cases. The table below shows the possible permutations of antigens and antibodies with the corresponding ABO type (\"\"yes\"\" indicates the presence of a component and \"\"no\"\" indicates its absence in the blood of an individual). ABO Blood Type Antigen A Antigen B Antibody anti-A Antibody Anti-BA yes no no yes B no yes yes no O no no yes yes AB yes yes no no For example, people with type A blood will have the A antigen on the surface of their red cells (as shown in the table below). As a result, anti-A antibodies will not be produced by them because they would cause the destruction of their own blood. However, if B type blood is injected into their systems, anti-B antibodies in their plasma will recognize it as alien and burst or agglutinate the introduced red cells in order to cleanse the blood of alien protein."
"docid": "D3092798#0",
"title": "http://www.austincc.edu/kotrla/BBLab6crossmatchSP04.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Exercise 6Crossmatch Textbook: Quinley, Chapter 11Skills: 20 points Objectives: List 4 procedures which must be included in performing the crossmatch test. Describe the type of individuals who should collect samples for compatibility testing. State the principle of the major crossmatch. List the components placed in the tube for the major crossmatch procedure. List 2 things that a compatible crossmatch will ensure. List 6 limitations of the crossmatch procedure. List the 3 requirements, as stated by AABB Standards, which must be included in the crossmatch test. State the maximum age of samples which may be used for the crossmatch. State the primary importance of the immediate spin crossmatch. State the purpose of the 37C incubation and anti-human globulin test in compatibility testing."
"docid": "D41321#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/19555611/genetics-chapter-4-flash-cards/\nGenetics: Chapter 4",
"text": "\"102 terms nhaynes3Genetics: Chapter 4Exam 2Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Alleles alternative forms of the same gene The allele that occurs more frequently in a population is sometimes referred to as? the wild-type allelethe wild-type allele is most often dominant or recessive? dominantmutation the sources of allelesa mutant allele contains modified genetic informationa mutant allele often specifies an altered gene productwhat is an SNP and what does it stand for? SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism Definition: genetic variation in a DNA sequence that occurs when a single nucleotide in a genome is altered; SNPs are usually considered to be point mutations that have been evolutionarily successful enough to recur in a significant proportion of the population of a species New phenotypes (due to mutations) result from changes in? functional activity of the cellular product specified by that gene Name 4 types of general mutations 1. loss-of-function 2. gain-of-function 3. null allele 4."
"docid": "D1733887#0",
"title": "http://www.easynotecards.com/notecard_set/80\n.",
"docid": "D689720#0",
"title": "https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001306.htm\nABO incompatibility",
"text": "You Are Here: Home → Medical Encyclopedia → ABO incompatibility ABO incompatibility A, B, AB, and O are the 4 major blood types. The types are based on small substances (molecules) on the surface of the blood cells. When people who have one blood type receive blood from someone with a different blood type, it may cause their immune system to react. This is called ABO incompatibility. Due to modern testing techniques, this problem is very rare. Causes The different blood types are: Type AType BType ABType OPeople who have one blood type may form proteins ( antibodies) that cause their immune system to react against one or more of the other blood types. Being exposed to another type of blood can cause a reaction. This is important when someone needs to receive blood (transfusion) or have an organ transplant. The blood types must be compatible to avoid an ABO incompatibility reaction. For example: People with type A blood will react against type B or type AB blood."
"docid": "D978150#0",
"title": "http://www.brighthub.com/science/genetics/articles/34637.aspx\nThe Genetics of the Bombay (h/h) Blood Type",
"text": "\"The Genetics of the Bombay (h/h) Blood Typewritten by: J. Sace•edited by: Paul Arnold •updated: 3/6/2017A person of the Bombay blood type is considered a universal donor of blood, and can donate blood to type A, B, AB, and O people. However, an individual with this rare blood phenotype cannot receive blood from these people. Why? There are four blood groups in the ABO system - A, B, AB, and O, and classification is based on the presence or absence of antigenic substances that appear on the surface of blood cells. Both parents contribute to a child's blood type and the alleles that contribute to this are O, A, and B. Knowing the blood phenotypes of a couple, a person is able to predict the blood type of their child using the Punnet square. For example, if a blood type BO woman has a child with a man who is blood type O or at least carries an O allele (AO, BO, or OO genotypes) then they could have a blood type O child. However, there are rare instances when a couple produces a type O child even if they don’t possess any O allele. If this situation occurs, the child possibly carries the Bombay blood type, a blood type first discovered among three unrelated individuals in Bombay (now Mumbai) India in 1952 by Dr. Bhende and his colleagues. The major characteristic of the red blood cells of the Bombay blood group is the absence of the H antigen. Rare Blood Type The H antigen is located on the surface of red blood cells and is the precursor of A and B antigens."
"docid": "D176763#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_blood_group_systems\nHuman blood group systems",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For a less technical article on the common blood types, see Blood type. [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article needs attention from an expert in Medicine. ( February 2016)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( February 2016)This article may be better presented in list format to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. ( February 2018)The term human blood group systems is defined by International Society of Blood Transfusion as systems in the human species where cell-surface antigens —in particular, those on blood cells—are \"\"controlled at a single gene locus or by two or more very closely linked homologous genes with little or no observable recombination between them\"\", [1] and include the common ABO and Rh- (Rhesus) antigen systems, as well as many others; thirty-five major human systems are identified as of November 2014. [ 2]In addition to the ABO and Rh systems, the antigens expressed on blood cell membrane surfaces include 346 red blood cell antigens and 33 platelet antigens, as defined serologically. [ 3] [ better source needed] The genetic basis for most of these antigens lie in 45 red blood cell and 6 platelet genes. [ citation needed] An individual, for example, can be AB Rh D positive, and at the same time M and N positive in the MNS system, K positive in the Kell system, and Le a or Le b positive in the Lewis system, [ citation needed] where these and many of the systems are named for patients in whom the corresponding antibodies were first detected. ["
"docid": "D114728#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070421154121AA8CJgg\nWhat does blood type mean?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Medicine What does blood type mean? I know that the A, B, AB, O are the blood types, and then they can be positive and negative, but what does the positive/negative mean and the letters differentiate between? size?.. something else? thanks :)1 following 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: positive/negative indicate if the blood tests positive for containing the antibodies to Rh ( + ) or if it doesn't Rh (- ) Just as A blood has antibodies to both B and AB blood, B has antibodies to A and AB AB blood can receive blood from all blood types and O blood can only be give O blood O is the universal donar meaning all other blood types can receive it AB is the universal receiver meaning it can accept donations from A, B, AB, and O The Rh factor is a different antigen and everyone is either Rh positive or Rh negative. If someone is positive they can receive blood from both positive and negative. If someone is negative they can only safely receive the negative blood type. However, antigens for Rh are dissimilar to that of the normal blood types in that the antibodies for A,B, and AB are something a human develops from the environment at a very young age. Antibodies for Rh are aquired by exposure to Rh + blood type **edited it was antigens but that's what I get for answering stuff in the middle of the night :)Source (s): CLS junior, specializing in immunohematologyeryana_nosowforu · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Go to the Canadian Blood Services web site, I am sure you can find it on Google. It can be quite helpful."
"docid": "D3261037#0",
"title": "https://dnacenter.com/history-dna-testing/\nIntroduction to DNA Testing History",
"text": "DNA testing is a powerful tool for identification. With today’s technology, DNA tests can now identify individuals with almost 100% certainty. Identification has not always been this conclusive. Before DNA tests, the scientific community used other biological tools to identify people and determine biological relationships. These techniques, which included blood typing, serological testing, and HLA testing, were useful for many different tests (such as matching blood and tissue donors with recipients and reducing the rejection rate for transplant patients), but they were not conclusive for identification and determining biological relationships. With the introduction of DNA testing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, scientists saw the potential for more powerful tests for identification and determination of biological relationships. Thanks to the advent of DNA testing, we can now definitively determine the identity of individuals and their biological relatives. The following sections review the development of DNA testing from the early days of blood typing to the latest technology in DNA testing. Introduction to DNA Testing History1920’s: Blood Typing In the early 1920’s, scientists identified 4 different blood types in humans – A, AB, B, and O – based on the presence of certain proteins called antigens in the blood. The blood typing system, called the ABO system, provided physicians with critical information about their patients, allowing them to safely perform medical procedures like blood transfusions by matching the blood types of donor and recipient."
"docid": "D1698154#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%2B_(blood_type)\nBlood type",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from A+ (blood type))navigation search For other uses, see Blood type (disambiguation). \"\" Type O\"\" redirects here. It is not to be confused with type 0. Blood type (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells. A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence and absence of antibodies and also based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system. Some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens can stem from one allele (or an alternative version of a gene) and collectively form a blood group system. [ 1] Blood types are inherited and represent contributions from both parents. A total of 35 human blood group systems are now recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). ["
"docid": "D583097#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodtype\nBlood type",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Bloodtype)navigation search For other uses, see Blood type (disambiguation). \"\" Type O\"\" redirects here. It is not to be confused with type 0. Blood type (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells. A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence and absence of antibodies and also based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system. Some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens can stem from one allele (or an alternative version of a gene) and collectively form a blood group system. [ 1] Blood types are inherited and represent contributions from both parents. A total of 35 human blood group systems are now recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). ["
"docid": "D60726#0",
"title": "http://www.pregnancy.com.au/resources/topics-of-interest/postnatal/abo-incompatibility-in-newborns.shtml\nABO Incompatibility in Newborns",
"text": "\"Home > Resources > Topics of interest > Postnatal > ABO Incompatibility in Newborns ABO Incompatibility in Newborns By Jane Palmer ABO incompatibility is a common and generally mild type of haemolytic disease in babies. The term haemolytic disease means that red blood cells are broken down more quickly than usual which can cause jaundice, anaemia and in very severe cases can cause death. During pregnancy, this breakdown of red blood cells in the baby may occur if the mother and baby’s blood types are incompatible and if these different blood types come into direct contact with each other and antibodies are formed. Significant problems with ABO incompatibility occur mostly with babies whose mothers have O blood type and where the baby is either A or B blood type. Premature babies are much more likely to experience severe problems from ABO incompatibility, while healthy full term babies are generally only mildly effected. Unlike haemolytic disease that can result in subsequent babies when a mother has a negative blood group, ABO incompatibility can occur in first-born babies and does not become more severe in further pregnancies. To help you understand ABO incompatibility, it is helpful to review the different blood groups. The genes you inherit from your parents determine your blood group. There are four blood types; A, B, AB and O. Each blood type has its own individual collection of chemicals on the blood cell surface known as antigens, so type A has the A antigen, B has the B antigen, AB has both antigens and O contains no antigen. If different blood types mix, an immune response occurs and the person will produce antibodies to attack the foreign blood antigen."
"docid": "D1493835#0",
"title": "http://facstaff.uwa.edu/jmccall/evolution_of_the_human.htm\nThe purpose of this web page is to explain some basic facts about human ABO blood group system and to summarize the research and hypotheses regarding its evolution.",
"text": "\"EVOLUTION OF THE HUMANABO BLOOD GROUP SYSTEMBonnie B. Glass BY-590 Dr. Mc Call Spring 2001________________________________________________________The purpose of this web page is to explain some basic facts about human ABO blood group system and to summarize the research and hypotheses regarding its evolution. BACKGROUNDThe ABO System -- A Polymorphism (http://www.bayerpharma-na.com/children/RON/circu/chrc.0103.asp)Humans can have blood types A, B, AB, or O. This is known as the ABO blood group system, and it is a polymorphism . A polymorphism is defined as a \"\"genetic locus with two or more alleles that occur in appreciable (>1%) frequency in a given population\"\" (http://www.as.ua.edu). The ABO blood group system was the first polymorphism discovered in humans. It is however only one of MANY systems involving the red blood cells. Antibodies and Antigens Understanding the difference between antibodies and antigens is essential to understanding the ABO blood group system and its evolution. Antibodies are substances produced by the body when it is invaded and act to protest it from the foreign substance. Antigens are found in the invading substance and elicit the production of antibodies. The two substances, thus, work in conjunction with each other. ( http://www.uen.org/utahlink/activities/view activity.cgi?activity ld=3037)Typically, the body does not produce antibodies until AFTER it has been introduced to a new substance."
"docid": "D2089233#0",
"title": "http://livehealthy.chron.com/can-type-o-blood-given-anyone-10193.html\nWhy Can Type O Blood Be Given to Anyone?",
"text": "\"Related Articles1 [RH- Blood] | What Happens if a Mother Has an RH- Blood Type & the Fetus Has an RH+ Blood Type?2 [Could Cause] | What Could Cause Blood in the Stool & Sharp Stomach Pains?3 [Wrong Blood] | What Happens When You Give Someone the Wrong Blood Type?4 [Blood Pressure] | What Is Extremely High Blood Pressure? All blood might look the same when it's pouring from a cut. But blood cells contain a number of different genetically determined proteins, or antigens. These antigens can trigger reactions during a blood transfusion. Therefore, blood cell antigens are the primary determinants of what blood type can be safely given to another person for a transfusion. Only O-negative blood is considered compatible with all other blood types, and even this is not always true. ABO Blood Type Your blood is one of four types -- A, B, AB or O. This is called the ABO blood typing system. Blood typing is based on the presence or absence of blood cell antigens A and B. If you have type A blood, you have A antigens. If you have type B blood, you have B antigens. If you have both A and B antigens, you have type AB blood."
"docid": "D1494501#0",
"title": "http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/Genetic-Dominance-Genotype-Phenotype-Relationships-489\nGenetic Dominance: Genotype-Phenotype Relationships",
"text": "\"One of Gregor Mendel's greatest contributions to the study of heredity was the concept of dominance. Mendel observed that a heterozygote offspring can show the same phenotype as the parent homozygote, so he concluded that there were some traits that dominated over other inherited traits. However, the relationship of genotype to phenotype is rarely as simple as the dominant and recessive patterns described by Mendel. As the study of inheritance expanded beyond the seven traits Mendel initially examined and also included organisms other than pea plants, biologists began to notice a variety of relationships between alleles that code for the same trait. These allelic interactions were not exclusively recessive or dominant, and they greatly enriched our understanding of how genotype leads to phenotype. Complete versus Partial Dominance Figure 1Figure Detail Dominance affects the phenotype derived from an organism 's genes, but it does not affect the way these genes are inherited. Complete dominance occurs when the heterozygote phenotype is indistinguishable from that of the homozygous parent. However, sometimes the heterozygote displays a phenotype that is an intermediate between the phenotypes of both homozygote parents (one of which is homozygous dominant, and the other of which is homozygous recessive). This intermediate phenotype is a demonstration of partial or incomplete dominance. When partial dominance occurs, a range of phenotypes is usually observed among the offspring."
"docid": "D2529146#0",
"title": "http://www.bloodbook.com/rare.html\nRARE BLOOD TYPESBLOODBOOK.COM",
"text": "\"RARE BLOOD TYPESBLOODBOOK. COMRARE BLOOD TYPES AND RARE BLOOD TYPE INFORMATION, CHARTS OF RARE BLOOD CHARACTERISTICS, RARE BLOOD TYPE LINKS AND ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT TYPING RARE BLOOD TYPES. TO HOME PAGEDon't forget to bookmark Blood Book.com! ( CTRL-D)CLOSE WINDOWView Rare Blood Diseases Detailed Information View Chart of Rare Blood Types Rare Blood types are just like all other Blood types, and may not cause you any problem at all..... unless you need a transfusion! At that moment you will begin to find out the full meaning of the words 'rare Blood.' It is seldom that the Blood type is rare; it is the antigens in the Blood that more often make the Blood rare. This is also the time that you may really regret not having your Blood tested and knowing that information, which should be with you at all times. Blood test results, Blood tests Rare Blood types, blood test. A rare Blood type is any Blood type that is difficult to find in the population where you may need that \"\"rare\"\" type of Blood. One way of defining a Blood type as rare is when more than 200 donors must be screened to find one compatible donor with Blood of that desired type."
"docid": "D1293598#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-AB-negative-blood-so-rare\nWhy is the AB negative blood so rare?",
"text": "\"Judi Singleton, This blood type runs in my family. Answered Jun 17, 2016 · Author has 339 answers and 1.3m answer views People with AB Negative (.6% of the population) and AB Positive (3.4%) are potential universal plasma donors. You may not know, but there is a special need for AB Plasma. In addition to being the most rare blood type, AB Plasma is universal and can be used for all patients regardless of their blood type.10 AB Negative Blood Type Facts TELL FRIENDSFacebook Twitter AB Negative Blood Type Facts (AB+)1. The Rarest Blood Type and Universal Plasma Donor The nature of antigens present in the serum determines the blood type. AB negative suggests that an individual has both the antigens A and B. Individuals who are AB blood group are commonly called universal plasma donors because their plasma can be transfused to any person of whatever blood group. The blood type is also the rarest blood types among all the blood group because it is present in only 1 out of 167 individuals. This means an approximately 0.6% of the population has an AB negative blood. Not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of the AB negative blood type though. This blood type is present in about 1% in Caucasians, 0.3% in African American, 0.2% in Hispanic, and 0.1% in Asian.2."
"docid": "D573587#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_distribution_by_country\nBlood type distribution by country",
"text": "\"Blood type distribution by country From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Contents [ hide ]1 ABO and distribution by country2 Maps of allele ABO among native populations3 References4 See also ABO and distribution by country [ edit]This section's factual accuracy is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on Talk: Blood type distribution by country. Please help to ensure that disputed statements are reliably sourced. ( April 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)ABO and Rh blood type distribution by country (population averages)Country Population [1] O+ A+ B+ AB+ O− A− B− AB−Argentina 44,270,440 45.4% 34.26% 8.59% 2.64% 8.4% 0.44% 0.21% 0.06%Armenia [2] 2,931,568 29.0% 46.3% 12.0% 5.6% 2.0% 3.7% 1.0% 0.4%Australia [3] 24,642,693 40.0% 31.0% 8.0% 2.0% 9.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%Austria [4] 8,592,470 30.0% 33.0% 12.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 3.0% 1.0%Bahrain 1,418,695 48.48% 19.35% 22.61% 3.67% 3.27% 1.33% 1.04% 0.25%Bangladesh 164,833,667 31.18% 21.44% 34.58% 8.85% 1.39% 0.96% 0.96% 0.64%Belgium [5] 11,444,053 38.0% 34.0% 8.6% 4.1% 7.0% 6.0% 1.5% 0.8%Bolivia 11,053,376 51.53% 29.45% 10.11% 1.15% 4.39% 2.73% 0.54% 0.1%Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,792,730 31.0% 36.0% 12.0% 6.0% 5.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%Brazil [6] 211,248,418 36.0% 34.0% 8.0% 2.5% 9.0% 8.0% 2.0% 0.5%Bulgaria 7,045,097 28.0% 37.0% 13.0% 7.0% 5.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%Cambodia 16,077,172 46.7% 27.2% 18.5% 4.9% 1.3% 0.8% 0.5% 0.1%Cameroon 24,515,533 42.8% 38.8% 12.0% 3.3% 1.4% 1.2% 0.4% 0.1%Canada [7] 36,627,140 39.0% 36.0% 7.6% 2.5% 7.0% 6.0% 1.4% 0.5%Chile 18,314,060 85.5% 8.7% 3.35% 1.0% 1.2% 0.1% 0.05% 0.1%China 1,388,251,023 47.7% 27.8% 18.9% 5.0% 0.28% 0.19% 0.1% 0.03%Colombia 49,069,267 61.3% 26.11% 2.28% 1.47% 5.13% 2.7% 0.7% 0.31%Côte d'Ivoire 23,869,656 46.5% 22.5% 22.5% 4.3% 2.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.2%Croatia 4,207,355 29.0% 36.0% 15.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.0% 3.0% 1.0%Cuba 11,486,750 45.8% 33.5% 10.2% 2.9% 3.6% 2.8% 1.0% 0.2%Cyprus [8] 1,189,395 35.22% 40.35% 11.11% 4.72% 3.85% 3.48% 0.87% 0.40%Czech Republic [9] 10,555,152 27.0% 36.0% 15.0% 7.0% 5.0% 6.0% 3.0% 1.0%Denmark [10] 5,711,902 35.0% 37.0% 8.0% 4.0% 6.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%Dominican Republic 10,766,932 46.2% 26.4% 16.9% 3.1% 3.7% 2.1% 1.4% 0.2%Ecuador 16,665,756 75.0% 14.0% 7.1% 0.5% 2.38% 0.7% 0.3% 0.02%Egypt 95,220,838 52.0% 24.0% 12.4% 3.8% 5.0% 2.0% 0.6% 0.2%El Salvador [11] 6,171,483 62.0% 23.0% 11.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.7% 0.3%Estonia [12] 1,305,745 29.5% 30.8% 20.7% 6.3% 4.3% 4.5% 3.0% 0.9%Ethiopia 104,352,727 39.0% 28.0% 21.0% 5.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 1.0%Finland [13] 5,541,328 27.0% 38.0% 15.0% 7.0% 4.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%France [14] 64,939,560 36.0% 37.0% 9.0% 3.0% 6.0% 7.0% 1.0% 1.0%Germany 80,635,980 35.0% 37.0% 9.0% 4.0% 6.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Greece 10,892,849 37.4% 32.9% 11.0% 3.7% 7.0% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0%Guinea 13,291,741 46.88% 21.64% 22.86% 4.52% 2.0% 0.9% 1.0% 0.2%Honduras 9,348,898 57.5% 27.0% 7.8% 2.5% 2.7% 1.7% 0.6% 0.2%Hong Kong 7,402,115 41.5% 26.13% 25.34% 6.35% 0.32% 0.17% 0.14% 0.05%Hungary 9,787,801 27.0% 33.0% 16.0% 8.0% 5.0% 7.0% 3.0% 1.0%Iceland [15] 334,311 47.6% 26.4% 9.3% 1.6% 8.4% 4.6% 1.7% 0.4%India [16] 1,342,561,902 27.85% 20.8% 38.14% 8.93% 1.43% 0.57% 1.79% 0.49%Indonesia 263,519,317 36.82% 25.87% 28.85% 7.96% 0.18% 0.13% 0.15% 0.04%Iran 80,982,137 33.5% 27.0% 22.2% 7.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.5% 0.8%Iraq 38,657,787 32.1% 25.0% 25.6% 7.4% 3.6% 2.7% 2.7% 0.9%Ireland [17] 4,749,263 47.0% 26.0% 9.0% 2.0% 8.0% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0%Israel [18] 8,323,659 32.0% 34.0% 17.0% 7.0% 3.0% 4.0% 2.0% 1.0%Italy 59,797,969 39.0% 36.0% 7.5% 2.5% 7.0% 6.0% 1.5% 0.5%Jamaica [19] 2,813,316 47.0% 23.0% 20.0% 3.0% 3.5% 2.0% 1.0% 0.5%Japan [20] 126,044,340 29.9% 39.8% 19.9% 9.9% 0.15% 0.2% 0.1% 0.05%Kenya 48,470,780 45.6% 25.2% 21.28% 4.2% 1.8% 1.0% 0.9% 0.02%Latvia 1,944,122 30.6% 31.0% 17.0% 6.0% 5.4% 6.0% 3.0% 1.0%Lebanon 6,039,438 38.4% 32.3% 9.5% 3.2% 7.7% 6.5% 1.7% 0.7%Libya 6,408,990 42.64% 28.86% 11.19% 4.5% 6.26% 4.24% 1.64% 0.67%Lithuania 2,827,573 36.0% 33.0% 11.0% 4.0% 7.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Luxemburg [21] 587,297 35.0% 37.0% 9.0% 4.0% 6.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Macao 606,413 41.5% 26.1% 25.4% 6.3% 0.33% 0.17% 0.15% 0.05%Macedonia 2,083,690 30.0% 34.0% 15.0% 6.0% 5.0% 6.0% 3.0% 1.0%Malaysia 31,165,480 34.32% 30.35% 27.37% 7.46% 0.17% 0.15% 0.14% 0.04%Mauritania 4,266,765 46.3% 26.68% 17.47% 3.85% 2.8% 1.6% 1.1% 0.2%Mauritius 1,267,303 38.3% 26.0% 25.0% 6.7% 1.7% 1.0% 1.0% 0.3%Mexico 130,227,836 55.79% 29.9% 8.0% 1.63% 2.7% 1.5% 0.4% 0.08%Mongolia 3,052,044 55.4% 27.7% 10.9% 4.96% 0.6% 0.3% 0.1% 0.04%Myanmar 53,507,932 35.7% 23.8% 32.7% 6.95% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.05%Nepal 29,188,100 35.2% 28.3% 27.1% 8.6% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1%Netherlands [22] 17,033,012 39.5% 35.0% 6.7% 2.5% 7.5% 7.0% 1.3% 0.5%New Zealand [23] 4,604,996 38.0% 32.0% 9.0% 3.0% 9.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Nigeria 191,851,411 51.3% 22.4% 20.7% 2.6% 1.6% 0.7% 0.6% 0.1%Norway [24] 5,330,986 33.0% 41.5% 6.8% 3.4% 6.0% 7.5% 1.2% 0.6%North Korea 25,432,033 27.15% 31.08% 30.15% 11.32% 0.08% 0.1% 0.1% 0.03%Pakistan 180,440,005 24.63% 20.6% 34.40% 9.52% 4.17% 2.66% 3.57% 0.45%Papua New Guinea 7,952,511 48.0% 37.2% 9.6% 2.8% 1.0% 0.8% 0.4% 0.2%Peru 32,167,717 70.0% 18.4% 7.8% 1.6% 1.4% 0.5% 0.28% 0.02%Philippines [25] 103,801,747 36.9% 28.9% 26.9% 6.97% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.03%Poland [26] 38,563,480 31.0% 32.0% 15.0% 7.0% 6.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Portugal [27] 10,264,672 36.3% 40.0% 6.6% 2.9% 6.0% 6.6% 1.1% 0.5%Republic of Moldova [28] 4,043,722 28.5% 31.8% 17.6% 7.0% 5.0% 6.0% 3.0% 1.1%Romania 19,237,087 28.0% 37.0% 14.0% 7.0% 5.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%Russia 143,374,801 28.0% 30.0% 20.0% 7.0% 4.9% 5.8% 3.2% 1.1%Saudi Arabia [29] 32,744,532 47.8% 23.9% 17.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.3%Serbia 8,776,827 31.92% 35.28% 12.6% 4.2% 6.08% 6.72% 2.4% 0.8%Singapore 5,784,819 43.6% 23.9% 24.4% 6.0% 0.9% 0.7% 0.4% 0.1%Slovakia [30] 5,432,265 27.2% 35.7% 15.3% 6.8% 4.8% 6.3% 2.7% 1.2%Slovenia 2,071,258 31.0% 33.0% 12.0% 6.0% 7.0% 7.0% 3.0% 1.0%South Africa [31] 55,437,815 39.0% 32.0% 12.0% 3.0% 6.0% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0%South Korea 50,748,307 27.9% 33.87% 26.92% 10.98% 0.1% 0.13% 0.08% 0.02%Spain [32] 46,070,163 36.0% 34.0% 8.0% 2.5% 9.0% 8.0% 2.0% 0.5%Sudan 40,827,975 48.0% 27.7% 15.2% 2.8% 3.5% 1.8% 0.8% 0.2%Sweden [33] 9,920,843 32.0% 37.0% 10.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%Switzerland [34] 8,454,321 35.0% 40.0% 7.0% 3.0% 6.0% 7.0% 1.0% 1.0%Syria 18,920,698 43.0% 30.0% 14.0% 3.7% 5.0% 3.0% 1.0% 0.3%Taiwan 23,234,936 43.9% 25.9% 23.9% 6.0% 0.17% 0.1% 0.01% 0.02%Thailand 68,298,027 40.8% 16.9% 36.8% 4.97% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.03%Turkey [35] 80,420,065 29.8% 37.8% 14.2% 7.2% 3.9% 4.7% 1.6% 0.8%Uganda 43,276,492 43.7% 39.0% 10.7% 3.9% 1.3% 1.0% 0.3% 0.1%Ukraine 44,404,078 32.0% 34.0% 15.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.0% 2.0% 1.0%United Arab Emirates 3,398,017 44.1% 21.9% 20.9% 4.3% 4.3% 2.1% 2.0% 0.4%United Kingdom [36] 65,512,375 37.0% 35.0% 8.0% 3.0% 7.0% 7.0% 2.0% 1.0%United States [37] 326,481,533 37.4% 35.7% 8.5% 3.4% 6.6% 6.3% 1.5% 0.6%Venezuela [38] 32,011,082 58.5% 28.3% 5.3% 1.8% 3.5% 1.7% 0.7% 0.2%Vietnam 95,414,640 41.7% 21.9% 30.8% 4.98% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.02%Zimbabwe 16,642,880 63.3% 18.5% 14.6% 0.99% 1.7% 0.5% 0.4% 0.01%World 6,635,281,257 38.67% 27.42% 22.02% 5.88% 2.55% 1.99% 1.11% 0.36%50.0% and above 40.0–49.9% 30.0–39.9% 20.0–29.9% 10.0–19.9% 5.0–9.9% [ show] Ethnic distribution of ABO (without Rh) blood types [39] (This table has more entries than the table above but does not distinguish between Rh types. ) Blood group B has its highest frequency in South Asia where it ranks first as the largest share of the earth's population. In Southeast Asia the share of the population is high, especially in Thailand and Indonesia, then in East Asia, Northern Asia and neighboring Central Asia, and its incidence diminishes both towards the east and the west, falling to single digit percentages in Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland. [ 40] [41] It is believed to have been entirely absent from Native American and Australian Aboriginal populations prior to the arrival of Europeans in those areas. [ 41] [42]Blood group A is associated with high frequencies in Europe, especially in Scandinavia and Central Europe, although its highest frequencies occur in some Australian Aboriginal populations and the Blackfoot Indians of Montana, the US. [ 43] [44]Maps of allele ABO among native populations [ edit]Map of allele A among native populations Map of allele B among native populations Map of allele O among native populations References [ edit]^ CIA World Factbook^ \"\"Study of Blood Immunogenetical Markers in Armenian Population\"\" (PDF). 1989.^ Blood Types - What Are They?,"
"docid": "D824529#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/blood-types-373447\nLearn About Blood Type",
"text": "Science, Tech, Math ›Science Learn About Blood Type Share Flipboard Email Print ERproductions Ltd/Blend Images/Getty Imagesby Regina Bailey Updated November 08, 2017Our blood is composed of blood cells and an aqueous fluid known as plasma. Human blood type is determined by the presence or absence of certain identifiers on the surface of red blood cells. These identifiers, also called antigens, help the body's immune system to recognize it's own red blood cell type. There are four main ABO blood type groupings: A, B, AB, and O. These blood groups are determined by the antigen on the blood cell surface and the antibodies present in the blood plasma. Antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are specialized proteins that identify and defend against foreign intruders to the body. Antibodies recognize and bind to specific antigens so that the foreign substance can be destroyed. Antibodies in an individual's blood plasma will be different from the antigen type present on the red blood cell surface. For example, a person with type A blood will have A antigens on the blood cell membrane and type B antibodies (anti-B) in the blood plasma. ABO Blood Types ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells and Ig M antibodies present in the serum. Invicta HOG/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain Image While the genes for most human traits exist in two alternative forms or alleles, the genes that determine human ABO blood types exist as three alleles ( A, B, O )."
] |
16 | the vitamin that prevents beriberi is | [
"docid": "D508131#0",
"title": "http://www.healthline.com/health/beriberi\nWhat is beriberi?",
"text": "What is beriberi? Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency. There are two types of the disease: wet beriberi and dry beriberi. Wet beriberi affects the heart and circulatory system. In extreme cases, wet beriberi can cause heart failure. Dry beriberi damages the nerves and can lead to decreased muscle strength and eventually, muscle paralysis. Beriberi can be life-threatening if it isn’t treated. If you have access to foods rich in thiamine, your chances of developing beriberi are low. Today, beriberi mostly occurs in people with an alcohol use disorder. Beriberi from other causes are rare in the United States."
] | [
"docid": "D218206#0",
"title": "http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=100\n.",
"text": "\"World's Healthiest Foods rich in vitamin B1Food Cals DRI/DVSunflower Seeds 204 43%Navy Beans 255 36%Black Beans 227 35%Barley 217 33%Dried Peas 231 31%Green Peas 116 30%Lentils 230 28%Pinto Beans 245 28%Lima Beans 216 25%Oats 152 25%For serving size for specific foods see the Nutrient Rating Chart . Basic Description Role in Health Support Summary of Food Sources Nutrient Rating Chart Impact of Cooking, Storage and Processing Risk of Dietary Deficiency Other Circumstances that Might Contribute to Deficiency Relationship with Other Nutrients Risk of Dietary Toxicity Disease Checklist Public Health Recommendations References Basic Description Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, is classified as a B-complex vitamin. Very small amounts of vitamin B1 are found in virtually all foods, and many commonly eaten foods contain substantial amounts. For example, 50/100 of our WHFoods rank as good, very good, or excellent sources of B1. In this context, it might seem odd that deficiency of vitamin B1 is among the more common nutrient deficiencies in the U. S. Yet there is a very simple reason for this high risk of deficiency despite the widespread availability of vitamin B1 in foods, and that reason is food processing. Vitamin B1 is among the nutrients most prone to destruction by our modern food production system. At each step along the way, from storage though refining up through cooking, we lose a big portion of the vitamin B1 content of foods. We'll detail this more in the Impact of Cooking, Storage, and Processing section below. For these reasons, vitamin B1 makes a good case study for the wisdom of the World's Healthiest Foods approach of minimal processing and low impact cooking techniques. Of the foods listed on our site, we have one excellent source of vitamin B1 (asparagus), 10 very good sources, and 39 good sources."
"docid": "D1115829#0",
"title": "http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/42356\nUseful For",
"text": "Useful For Assessment of thiamine deficiency Thiamine measurement in patients with behavioral changes, eye signs, gait disturbances, delirium, and encephalopathy; or in patients with questionable nutritional status, especially those who appear at risk and who also are being given insulin for hyperglycemia Clinical Information Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an essential vitamin required for carbohydrate metabolism, brain function, and peripheral nerve myelination. Thiamine is obtained from the diet. Body stores are limited and deficiencies can develop quickly. The total thiamine pool in the average adult is about 30 mg. An intake of 0.5 mg per 1,000 kcal per day is needed to maintain this pool. Due to its relatively short storage time, marginal deficiency can occur within 10 days and more severe deficiency within 21 days if intake is restricted. Approximately 80% of all chronic alcoholics are thiamine deficient due to poor nutrition. However, deficiency also can occur in individuals who are elderly, have chronic gastrointestinal problems, have marked anorexia, are on cancer treatment, or are receiving diuretic therapy. The signs and symptoms of mild-to-moderate thiamine deficiency are nonspecific and may include poor sleep, malaise, weight loss, irritability, and confusion. Newborns breast fed from deficient mothers may develop dyspnea and cyanosis; diarrhea, vomiting, and aphonia may follow."
"docid": "D640416#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/274311-list-of-vitamin-deficiency-diseases/\nList of Vitamin Deficiency Diseases",
"text": "List of Vitamin Deficiency Diseasesby MARTIN HUGHES Oct. 03, 2017Numerous diseases are associated with vitamin deficiency. According to the World Health Organization, or WHO, micronutrient deficiencies, including vitamin deficiencies, can affect anybody, although young children and pregnant women in certain developing nations are more commonly affected than others. Vitamin deficiency may be caused by an unhealthy diet, starvation or certain medical conditions that make absorbing nutrients difficult. Symptoms associated with vitamin deficiency diseases vary based on the disease and its severity. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Pellagra Pellagra, also is known as vitamin B-3 deficiency. According to the Medline Plus website, pellagra occurs when a person fails to get sufficient amounts of niacin, or vitamin B3, or tryptophan. Tryptophan is one of 20 standard amino acids. Niacin is a water-soluble B vitamin that assists the digestive system, skin and nerves. The most common cause of pellagra is insufficient amounts of niacin or tryptophan in the diet. This condition also occurs when a person's body fails to absorb these nutrients, or following certain gastrointestinal diseases or alcoholism."
"docid": "D2809621#0",
"title": "http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/beriberi-disease.htm\nWhat is Beriberi Disease?",
"text": "What is Beriberi Disease? Beriberi is a disease caused due to deficiency of thiamine. Thiamine or vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin, which acts as a coenzyme for several metabolic pathways. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B1 is 1.2 mg. The human body cannot produce thiamine and depends on external sources. Only 30 mg can be stored in the tissues. Thiamine is mostly concentrated in the skeletal muscles. It is also found in the heart, liver and kidneys. Thiamine is excreted through the kidney. Causes and Risk Factors Beriberi is mostly found in developing countries where people may not be able to access a diet rich in vitamin B1."
"docid": "D932081#0",
"title": "http://www.virtualmedstudent.com/links/nutrition/vitaminB1.html\nVitamin B1 (aka: thiamine)",
"text": "\"Vitamin B1 (aka: thiamine)Function and Biochemistry || Role in Disease || Diagnosis || Overview || Related Articles || References and Resources || Leave a Comment || Search Function and Biochemistry Tweet Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and its derivatives serve many roles in the body. It functions primarily as a cofactor to help enzymes perform their molecular reactions. Several well known biochemical reactions in which thiamine plays a crucial component include: (1) Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-Co A. (2) Conversion of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-Co A in the Krebs cycle. ( 3) Conversion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to ribose-5-phosphate. ( 4) It is used by the enzyme branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase. All of these reactions are crucial to human biochemistry. The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-Co A feeds important molecules into the Krebs cycle, which allows the cell to produce energy. The conversion of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-Co A is necessary for the Krebs cycle to continue \"\"spinning\"\". Without vitamin B1 (thiamine) the cycle would slow causing decreased energy production. Thiamine is also important in the production of NADPH via the pentose phosphate pathway."
"docid": "D1902045#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_treat_beriberi\nHow do you treat beriberi?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases How do you treat beriberi? Flag How do you treat beriberi? Edit Answer by D4est Confidence votes 47.8KSupplemental Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is given by injection or orally in addition to improving dietary sources. If it is in alcoholic patients, they will need to discontinue consumption of the alcohol as well. Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of thiamine (Vit. B1). It can be a dietary-related deficiency or in some people (alcoholics and alcohol abusers) it is a problem with the body's ability to take in the vitamin from foods and/or store it. Today's diets in the developed nations are mostly supplemented with enough thiamine to prevent it in otherwise healthy people. It is still seen in under developed countries with diets lacking in proper nutrients. It causes heart and nervous system symptoms.25 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D1926320#0",
"title": "http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/vitamins.htm\n.",
"text": "\"The History of Vitamins (and a short history of scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra)Our knowledge of the chemical composition of vitamins and their importance in nutrition is relatively young, whereas the history of vitamin deficiencies goes back centuries. Scurvy is probably the first illness to be recognized (though not right away, as you will see) as a nutritional deficiency disorder. Its main symptom is massive hemorrhaging; one’s arteries, lacking sufficient vitamin C begin to pit and then finally break open causing internal hemorrhaging. Prior to this, the individual feels exhausted and weak, his gums start to bleed, and diarrhea sets in. Death was far too common the final result. ( For more on vitamin C and its connection to arterial health, you might wish to order our book, Bypassing Bypass . ) Hippocrates first described scurvy as bleeding gums, hemorrhaging and death in the 5th century BC. Outbreaks of scurvy were reported in 1500 BC Egypt, during the winters when fresh produce was scarce. In 1250, during the Crusades, rampant scurvy forced the retreat and eventual capture of St. Louis and his knights. However, it was the age of exploration and extended sea voyages that scurvy earned its deadly reputation."
"docid": "D2157135#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_nutrient_deficiency_disease\nWhat is a nutrient deficiency disease?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases What is a nutrient deficiency disease? Flag What is a nutrient deficiency disease? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A nutrient deficiency disease is when your body is not consuming the right amount of a certain nutrient, therefor it is deficient. It can also be when your body is unable to absorb nutrients due to an abnormality1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Emily7654765 12 Contributions What is a deficiency disease? A deficiency disease is caused by lack of some nutrient, or essential component for proper bodily functioning. It means that an individual is not getting some really important …Sheldon Vinsent 7 Contributions What is deficiency diseases? A disease that is caused by a lack of a substance. For example, Anaemia is caused by consuming low amounts of iron Edit Bingoachmedgal16 1 Contribution What are five diseases caused by nutrient deficiency?"
"docid": "D2818949#0",
"title": "http://www.diet.com/g/nutritional-deficiency\nNutritional Deficiency",
"text": "\"Nutritional deficiencies occur when a person's nutrient intake consistently falls below the recommended requirement. Nutritional deficiencies can lead Children between 10–19 years of age face serious nutritional deficiencies worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. About 1,200 million, or 19 percent of adolescents suffer from poor nutrition that hurts their development and growth. [ Photograph by Jason Laure. Reproduced by permission.] to a variety of health problems, the most prevalent of which are anemia, beriberi, osteoporosis, pellagra, and rickets. Anemia occurs when the body does not have enough red blood cells to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells. The most common symptom of anemia is a constant feeling of fatigue. Making sure that one's diet contains the proper amounts of iron, folate, and vitamin B 12 can prevent anemia. Prolonged thiamine deficiency can result in one of the more serious nutritional deficiencies, beriberi."
"docid": "D553701#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/408468-signs-symptoms-of-thiamine-deficiency/\nSigns & Symptoms of Thiamine Deficiency",
"text": "Signs & Symptoms of Thiamine Deficiencyby VIRGINIA FRANCO Oct. 03, 2017Thiamin, or vitamin B1, deficiency is rare now that many foods today come fortified or enriched with vitamins. Conditions known as beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome occur because of thiamine deficiency. Thiamine deficiency is highly avoidable for most, although some are born with a condition known as genetic beriberi in which the body loses its ability to absorb thiamine in foods. Doctors treat patients who have thiamine deficiency with vitamin supplements. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Early Symptoms Early symptoms of thiamine deficiency are easy to miss because they are so nonspecific. They can include fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances and even abdominal discomfort – all symptoms that can easily describe a host of other conditions and ailments. Beriberi Symptoms There are two types of beriberi. Wet beriberi affects your cardiovascular system, and dry affects your central nervous system. Wet beriberi symptoms include shortness of breath after activity, lower leg swelling and difficulty walking and numbness in your hands and feet. Dry beriberi can cause paralysis in your lower legs and cause vomiting as well as uncontrollable eye movements and speech difficulties."
"docid": "D829800#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/69069989/nutrition-module-8-ch-8-flash-cards/\nNutrition Module 8 Ch. 8",
"text": "\"60 terms shaco692Nutrition Module 8 Ch. 8Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Which statement about vitamins is true? help regulate chemical reactions in the body Which of the following is true about the intake of vitamins? Occasional lapses in vitamin intake should cause no harm Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way? Water-soluble vitamins are less likely to be toxic If you wanted to add significant quantities of vitamins and minerals to your diet from the food you eat, a good choice would be a fortified breakfast cereal such as Total Raisin Bran Which of the following is true about the regulation of the production and sale of vitamin and mineral supplements? The FDA does not regulate all vitamin and mineral supplements closely Which of the following is true about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat-soluble vitamins? They are not stored to any great extent. Which fat soluble vitamins are most toxic if consumed in excess amounts over long periods of time? Vitamins A and EWhich of the following does not describe fat-soluble vitamins? Excesses are excreted in the urine Which of the following is true about the forms of vitamin A?"
"docid": "D2846731#0",
"title": "http://www.diet.com/g/thiamin\nThiamin",
"text": "Share Tweet Post Thiamin Table of Contents Definition Purpose Description Precautions Interactions Aftercare Complications Parental concerns Resources Definition Thiamin, also spelled thiamine and previously known as vitamin B 1, is a micronutrient essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates that converts sugar into energy for the body and for normal nerve and heart function. Thiamine deficiency causes a condition known as beriberi or beri-beri. The initial symptoms are very vague. The first indication of thiamine deficiency may be simple fatigue. As the condition becomes more advanced, there is a wide range of symptoms, affecting many organ systems. These include, but are not limited to chest pains, memory loss, muscle cramps and weakness. In more advanced cases, muscle atrophy and heart failure may be present. Purpose Thiamin has several important functions. It works with other B-group vitamins to help release energy from the food we eat and it keeps nerves and muscle tissue healthy. In the form of thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), it plays an essential role as a cofactor in key reactions breaking down food and converting carbohydrate into energy for the body (carbohydrate metabolism)."
"docid": "D29879#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiamine\nThiamine",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Thymine. Thiamine Skeletal formula and ball-and-stick model of the cation in thiamine Clinical data Pronunciation / ˈ θ aɪ. ə m ɪ n / THY -ə-min Synonyms Vitamin B 1, aneurine, thiamin AHFS / Drugs.com Monograph Pregnancy category US: A (No risk in human studies) [1]Routes of administration by mouth, IV, IM [2]Drug class vitamin ATC code A11DA01 ( WHO)Legal status Legal status US: OTCPharmacokinetic data Bioavailability 3.7% to 5.3%Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number70-16-6 59-43-8 (chloride)Pub Chem CID1130Drug Bank DB00152Chem Spider1098UNIIX66NSO3N35KEGGC00378Ch EBICHEBI:18385Ch EMBLCHEMBL1547ECHA Info Card 100.000.387Chemical and physical data Formula C 12 H 17 N 4 O S +Molar mass 265.35 g mol −13D model ( JSmol)Interactive image SMILES [show]In Ch I [show]Thiamine, also known as thiamin or vitamin B 1, is a vitamin in the B complex family. [ 1] found in food and used as a dietary supplement. [ 2] Among the food sources are whole grains, legumes, and meats such as pork and fish. [ 2] Thiamine is a human essential nutrient. It functions as a cofactor for five enzymes involved in glucose, amino acid, and lipid metabolism, and is involved in membrane and nerve conduction. Thiamine deficiency is rare in the United States, which is among the countries that require the addition of thiamine to certain foods such as grains. [ 3] [2] [4] At risk, however, are older adults, persons with chronic alcoholism, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes, and persons who have had bariatric surgery. As a supplement it is used to treat and prevent thiamine deficiency and disorders that result from it, including beriberi, Korsakoff's syndrome, and Korsakoff's psychosis. ["
"docid": "D2465968#0",
"title": "http://www.nutritional-supplements-health-guide.com/deficiency-of-vitamin-b1.html\nA Deficiency Of Vitamin B1. Is Your Health At Risk?",
"text": "A Deficiency Of Vitamin B1. Is Your Health At Risk? Is Your Health at Risk? A deficiency of Vitamin B1 is not very common in developed countries but an extended deficiency canlead to severe health problems. Vitamin B1 levels decline with age, and some age groups are at more risk than other. In order to prevent vitamin B1 deficiency it is important to know who is at risk and how these risks occur. Who is at Risk: Consuming a poor diet on a regular basis can cause a vitamin b1 Deficiency - A deficiency of vitamin B1 usually occurs when your diet does not contain enough of this vitamin. This is especially common if your diet consists mainly of refined foods such as white rice or white flour. The majority of vitamin B1 is lost during the refinement process of these foods and although white rice and floor are fortified with thiamine in some countries, choosing an unrefined product is always wiser. Examples of this are brown rice and whole meal flour."
"docid": "D1321198#0",
"title": "https://www.noorvitamins.com/Health-Blog/vitamin-deficiency-diseases/\nVitamin Deficiency â Four Common Diseases Caused by Vitamin Deficiency",
"text": "Tweet Multivitamins Vitamin Deficiency – Four Common Diseases Caused by Vitamin Deficiency Dr. Dina Leave a comment What is a Vitamin Deficiency? Vitamin deficiency occurs when there is insufficient or poor dietary intake of essential vitamins. Inadequate levels of vitamins may result in an array of miserable conditions and make the body feeble and vulnerable to many diseases. Types of Vitamin Deficiency Vitamin deficiency can be classified into two types: Primary Deficiency Primary deficiency is when an inadequate vitamin intake causes a person to become deficient. It is due to not receiving the necessary levels of a vitamin from your diet and this type is basic; it can be easily cured by adopting a special vitamin diet or taking vitamin supplements. Secondary Deficiency When a deficiency occurs as a result of a disease or lifestyle factor, this is called secondary deficiency. For example, smokers need to increase their intake of vitamin C by 30-50%. Another example is when someone’s lifestyle causes them to get minimal sun exposure which cause a deficiency in their vitamin D levels. This deficiency can affect the calcium absorption needed for healthy bones. Common Causes of Vitamin Deficiency Disorders related to vitamin deficiency are uncommon in developed nations due to an adequate food supply."
"docid": "D1926318#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123819802000025\nChapter 2 â Discovery of the Vitamins",
"text": "The Vitamins (Fourth Edition)2012, Pages 7–31Chapter 2 – Discovery of the Vitamins Gerald F. Combs Jr (Professor Emeritus)Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-381980-2.00002-5 Get rights and content When science is recognized as a framework of evolving concepts and contingent methods for gaining new knowledge, we see the very human character of science, for it is creative individuals operating from the totality of their experiences who enlarge and modify the conceptual framework of science. J. D. Novak Summary The vitamins were discovered in the span of only five decades commencing at the end of the nineteenth century. This was the result of observations by many people of relationships between diet and health in ways that were not explained by germ theory. Early observations based on the differential physical characteristics of bioactive component of foods gave rise to refinements afforded by a variety of experimental animal models with increasing definition of diet composition. This produced a zig-zag course of discovery that ultimately moved nutrition research to an activity reliant on hypothesis testing through experimentation. By the mid-twentieth century, 13 groups of vitamins were recognized and compositional information was available for use in the formulation of healthful diets for humans and animals. Anchoring Concepts1. A scientific theory is a plausible explanation for a set of observed phenomena; because theories cannot be tested directly, their acceptance relies on a preponderance of supporting evidence.2. A scientific hypothesis is a tentative supposition that is assumed for the purposes of argument or testing, and is thus used in the generation of evidence by which theories can be evaluated.3. An empirical approach to understanding the world involves the generation of theories strictly by observation, whereas an experimental approach involves the undertaking of operations (experiments) to test the truthfulness of hypotheses.4."
"docid": "D1324747#0",
"title": "http://wikieducator.org/Carbohydrates,_Proteins,_Vitamins_and_Minerals\nCarbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals",
"text": "\"Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals By Dr. Mohd. Amirul Islam Chapter Outline Structure Introduction Learning Objectives Carbohydrates Sources of Carbohydrates Structure of Carbohydrates Classification of Carbohydrates Importance of Carbohydrates Functions of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Deficiency Diseases Proteins Sources of Proteins Structure of Proteins Classification of Proteins Importance of Proteins Functions of Proteins Proteins Deficiency Diseases Vitamins Classification of Vitamins Vitamin A (Ratinol)Vitamins D (Cholecalciferol)Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)Minerals Kinds of Minerals Sources and Functions of Minerals Mineral Deficiency Diseases Let's Sum Up Key Points Glossary Practice test Answer to SAQs References and Further Readings Introduction There are seven main classes of nutrients that the body needs. These are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. It is important to consume these seven nutrients on a daily basis to build and maintain health. Deficiencies, excesses and imbalances in diet can produce negative impacts on health, which may lead to diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, scurvy, obesity, or osteoporosis as well as psychological and behavioral problems. According to the reports of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO: 1996), more than starvation the real challenge in developing nations today is malnutrition-the deficiency of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids) that no longer allows the body to ensure growth and maintain its vital functions. We will discus about the sources, classification, importance and deficiency diseases of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals in this unit. Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you are expected to learn about: Describe about carbohydrates, their sources, structure and classification;Explain the properties of carbohydrates, and their importance and functions in human body;Identify carbohydrates deficiency diseases;Describe about proteins, their structure, bond and classification;Explain the properties of proteins and their functions in human body;Identify the protein deficiency disease;Describe about vitamins and their classifications;Explain the properties, sources and functions of vitamins;Identify the vitamin deficiency disease;Describe about minerals and their kinds;Identify the sources and explain the function of minerals; and Recognize the mineral deficiency diseases. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the polyhydroxy organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in which the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen is 2:1 exactly as H2O (2:1). (: Can you add some more sentences to this part? )"
"docid": "D2465967#0",
"title": "http://www.explain-health.com/vitamin-b1-thiamine-deficiency-symptoms-causes.html\nCauses and Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Thiamine Deficiency",
"text": "HOMEPAGECauses and Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Thiamine Deficiency Author: Peter Sedesse MDSymptoms and Causes of Vitamin B1 Deficiency There are a number of causes of Vitamin B1 deficiency. The most basic cause is simply a person not consuming foods with enough Vitamin B1, however this is rare in first world countries. Problems with the absorption of Vitamin B1 Thiamine in the small intestines can also result in a deficiency. One of the most common reasons this happens is consuming too much alcohol, however, there are a number of diseases that can result in a condition where Thiamine is not absorbed correctly. Symptoms related to low levels of energy in the person are the most common since energy production in the cells requires vitamin B1. The proper functioning of brain cells requires large amounts of energy making the effects quite dramatic and very visible when normal brain functioning is impaired by a lack of energy. Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Thiamine Deficiency Vitamin B1 deficiency has a number of basic symptoms associated with it. Supplementation or an increase in vitamin B1 nutritional levels can typically reverse the symptoms quickly. The initial stages of cellular starvation are the cause of most symptoms. The energy required to function is no longer present in the cells."
"docid": "D2005084#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/test-bank-chapter-10/deck/10586887\nTest Bank Chapter 10",
"text": "\"which of the following is a feature of vitamins?the quantities present in foods are measured in micrograms or milligrams`what is a precursor?a substance that is used to synthesize another compoundwhat is meant by the bioavailability of a vitamin in food?the amount absorbed and subsequently used by the bodygeneral characteristics of the water-soluble vitamins include all of the following exceptthey must be consumed dailyall of the following are general characteristics of the fat-soluble vitamins exceptexcesses are eliminated from the kidneyscooking a food in liberal amounts of water is least likely to affect the vitamin content ofvitamin Awhich of the following vitamins would be removed in the production of skim milk? what is the primary excretory route for the water-soluble vitamins?when thiamin is consumed in excess of needs, how does the body treat the excess? what is a chief function of B vitamins?which of the following explains why B vitamin deficiencies lead to lack of energy? which of the following describes the basic function of a coenzyme?which of the following functions has a requirement for thiamin? what is the primary chemical reaction in which thiamin participates as a coenzyme?which of the following is the coenzyme form of thiamin? beriberi results from a deficiency ofwhich of the following diets is most likely to lead to beriberi? the wernicke-korsakoff syndrome may be treated with supplements ofwhich of the folowing is a characteristic of thiamin nutrition? approximately what percentage of alcoholics exhibit thiamin deficiency?all of the following are characteristic of thiamin nutrition except which of the following provides the most thiamin per serving size?which of the following is a property of thiamin nutrition? how does the method of cooking affect thiamin stability?which of the following contains the highest concentration of thiamin in muscle tissue? of the following, which is the richest food source of thiamin?riboflavin in its coenzyme form functions in the transfer of which of the following vitamins is involved substantially in energy transformation reactions?which of the following is indicative of a dietary deficiency of riboflavin?"
"docid": "D2039047#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/42126488/nutrition-final-flash-cards/\nNutrition Final",
"text": "\"191 terms angelarosa188Nutrition Final Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort____nutrients must be in the diet to maintain health essentialnutrients are defined as the chemicals in foods that are needed for normal body functionsan essential nutrient is a chemical that must be consumed in the diet because the body cannot make is in sufficient quantitymacronutrients are needed in large amounts by the bodyamino acids are different from other building blocks of nutrients because they contain nitrogenhow many kilocalories are in fat, protein, and carbs? 9,4,4what are the max levels of daily nutrient intakes that are unlikely to pose health risks to almost all individuals in the group for whom they are designed tolerable upper intake levelall food labels must include a list of ingredients in the productthe \"\"A\"\" in the ABCDs of nutritional assessment refers to anthropometric measurementswhat is an example of a clinical observation for nutritional assessment noticing cracks at the corners of the mouthwhat is an example of the anthropometric component of a nutritional assessment number of pounds a person weighswhat is the overarching goal of healthy people 2020 promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stagesleading cause of death in the US and Canada is heart diseasewhat risk factor for atherosclerosis is largely under a persons control diabetes T/F replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated or omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids lowers both goal and LDL cholesterol Twhat from fish and fish oils protects agains heart disease omega 3 fatty acids T/F the DASH diet is recommended to reduce hypertension Twhat lifestyle is not a major risk factor for hypertension eating a low fiber dietthe movement of material through the intestine occurs by peristalsiswhat is the function of a sphincter help control movement of foodwhat has the function of accelerating the rate of chemical reactions but is not altered in the process enzymeswhat is the correct pathway that bile follows in the digestive system liver, galbladder, small intestineproper functioning of the pyloric sphincter is most important when chyme needs to be real ease into the small intestinewhat is recommended to reduce the symptoms of diverticulosis and prevent the complications of diverticulitis eating a high fiber dietbasic chemical formula for a carbohydrate is CH2Othe monosaccharide that is found in sucrose, lactose, and maltose is glucosewhat is formed when two monosaccharides undergo condensation waterwhat is needed to split a disaccharide waterwhy is it more difficult for the body to digest the carbs in legumes than the carbs in corn the body cannot break down some of the complex carbs in legumesliver cells use glycogen to regulate blood glucosewhen athletes follow a carb loading regimen they are trying to boost their body stores of glycogencomplex carbs include starch, glycogen, fibercarb digestion begins in the moutha diet rich in fiber promotes a healthy body weight because 1. high fiber foods are low in fat and energy 2. certain high fiber foods attract water which contributes to fullness 3. high fiber foods take longer to eat and delay stomach emptyingwhat is the primary fuel for the brain and other nerve cells glucosefunctions of glucose in the body 1. helps prevent ketosis 2. stored as glycogen for further use 3. used for energy 4."
] |
18 | what temperature should you reheat lasagna to | [
"docid": "D2286511#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070421083506AAmc2L3\nHow long do you REHEAT LASAGNA for in the oven, when you make them the day before?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How long do you REHEAT LASAGNA for in the oven, when you make them the day before?what temperature too? heard that they taste even better when you reheat them the next day. i assume that i'd have to cook them the day before isn't it right? welcome any tip in that matter!x Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Don't reheat it at all. Just don't cook it until it's time to eat it. However, make the sauce and assemble the lasagna the night before. Bolognese sauce (on a par with my mates Italian Grannie's apparently) is always better the next day, the flavours have time to marinade the meat. I assemble the lasagna when the sauce is still hot and this helps to start the pasta off (always use dry sheets of lasagna) and make the cheese a bit sweaty (excuse the analogy). A liberal sprinkling of fresh Parmesan or grano padano on top (helps get a really crispy top) before cooking in the middle of an oven for 50-60 minutes gas mark 4/180C/350F or until golden and bubbling. Loads of red wine and garlic bread (it's the future).spuertos · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating Reheat baked pasta dishes such as lasagna in a 350 degree oven, covered."
] | [
"docid": "D3367502#0",
"title": "https://www.bettycrocker.com/how-to/tipslibrary/misc/tips-for-freezing-and-reheating-food\nTips for Freezing and Reheating Food",
"text": "Tips for Freezing and Reheating Food Looking for some time-saving and easy recipes? Try one dish meals that can be made ahead of time and stored in the freezer. Save time with one dish meals that can be made ahead of time and stored in the freezer. Advertisement Looking for some time-saving and easy recipes? Try one dish meals that can be made ahead of time and stored in the freezer. Tips for preparing and storing food in the freezer Bake your frozen one dish meal slightly longer than one that’s baked immediately after being prepared. Most need an additional 10 to 15 minutes, but it’s a good idea to check the dish during baking time and adjust the time accordingly. Casseroles may be frozen before or after they are baked. Recipes with a low-fat sauce or condensed soup base usually freeze well. If a recipe calls for sour cream, add it after thawing and reheating the dish."
"docid": "D2110769#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/buck-wargo/debunking-food-safety-myths_b_5651586.html\nForget What You Think You Know About Food Safety â Debunking Common Myths",
"text": "THE BLOG 08/05/2014 03:12 pm ET Updated Oct 05, 2014Forget What You Think You Know About Food Safety — Debunking Common Myths By Buck Wargo What your mother taught you about food safety is probably wrong. Did you know you don’t ever wash raw chicken? It’s time to get serious about food safety. Moms and grandmas have given us great advice over the years. We use it in all walks of life. Many of us learned to cook from our mothers who learned from their mothers. That advice helps us make some of our favorite dishes from our childhood. Despite their knowledge around all things dealing with cooking, we’ve now learned that moms and grandmas didn’t always get it right when it comes to understanding food-borne illnesses. They were trying to be safe, but that’s led to many myths that science and research has dispelled when it comes to food safety. “We learn a lot of our cooking and how to do things in the kitchen from family members,” says Tina Hanes, a food safety specialist with the U. S. Department of Agriculture."
"docid": "D406260#0",
"title": "http://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/35644/should-homemade-lasagna-be-frozen-cooked-or-uncooked\nShould homemade lasagna be frozen cooked or uncooked?",
"text": "\"_Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Should homemade lasagna be frozen cooked or uncooked?up vote13down votefavorite My wife and I are prepping some meals ahead of time before Baby #2 arrives early next month. She just made 3 small lasagnas (8\"\"x8\"\" pans) this afternoon and we are debating whether to bake them first and then freeze them down, or freezing them uncooked and bake when we are ready to eat. What is the proper method to maintain the quality of the food as much as possible? Cooking and thawing times when we decide to serve it are less of a factor. We used standard noodles (not the no-boil type) and it has canned sauce, pork sausage, ground beef, ricotta, and fresh mozzarella in case the ingredients impact is the best option.freezing lasagnashare improve this questionedited Jul 28 '13 at 18:43asked Jul 28 '13 at 15:31psubsee2003167 1 2 10I wonder if uncooked would be more prone to freezer burn since the cooked lasagna may have less air pockets---where I assume freezer burn will take place (I could be wrong). I still vote for uncooked for similar reasons as Mando Mando. – Dolan Antenucci Jul 30 '13 at 18:07@dolan interesting idea, I hadn't considered that. For my purposes, we don't plan on keeping them in the fridge that long to test the theory, but it is a good point for the general question. Thanks. –"
"docid": "D2870797#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/307590-how-many-calories-does-lasagna-have/\nHow Many Calories Does Lasagna Have?",
"text": "How Many Calories Does Lasagna Have?by NINA K. Oct. 03, 2017Lasagna is a classic comfort food, mixing the gooey texture of cheese with tender pasta and tangy tomato sauce. Depending on the ingredients you use, however, this dish can either be a diet buster or a sensible meal. For a leaner lasagna, reduce the cheese in the recipe and stuff your noodles with spinach, broccoli, carrots and other vegetables instead of calorie-dense beef or sausage. Video of the Day4-Ingredient Banana Pancakes Next Up Roasted Beet Hummus00:44Calorie Count A recipe for three-cheese lasagna with Italian sausage, provided by Epicurious, contains 848 calories per one-eighth of a 9-by-13-inch casserole. A vegan lasagna recipe from Vegetarian Times, which uses vegan sausage and vegan cream cheese as well as tofu and spinach, contains just 508 calories in the same serving. If you need cheese in your lasagna but don't want the calorie overload, try using nonfat ricotta and reduced-fat mozzarella. Lose Weight. Feel Great!Change your life with My Plate by LIVE STRONG . COMGOALGENDER AGEWEIGHT HEIGHTGET MY CALORIE GOALYOU MIGHT ALSO LIKEHow Many Calories are in Cheese Lasagna? Calories in Veggie Lasagna How to Boil Lasagna Sheets Is Eating Canned Pasta Sauce Healthy?"
"docid": "D1845283#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090306095434AAqyw62\nHow to cook lasagna and at what temperature should it be?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How to cook lasagna and at what temperature should it be? I was just wandering if using a 9X5 pan would be okay for baking lasagna? Also, at what temp. and for how long should i bake it for in a pan of this size? Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: how can you have a lasagna recipe without garlic?? 1 lb. Ground beef 2 cloves Garlic, minced 1 tablespoon Parsley flakes 1 tablespoon Basil 1 1/2 teaspoon Salt 2 cups Tomatoes 2 6oz. Cans tomato paste 1 8oz. Package Lasagna Noodles 24 oz. ricotta cheese 2 Eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon Salt 1/2 teaspoon Pepper 2 tablespoons Parsley flakes 1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese 1 lb."
"docid": "D3447111#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100219150826AAHyggs\nHow long does lasagne last once it's been cooked,made lasagne 24 hours ago,covered and in fridge since then?",
"text": "\"Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How long does lasagne last once it's been cooked,made lasagne 24 hours ago,covered and in fridge since then? Covered with cling film. I'm thinking 48 hours but maybe, just maybe it's ok for 3 days? Thanks. Follow 13 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I've personally had lasagna thats a week old and had no ill effects. But 3-5 days is probably a safe answer. It really depends on the temperature of your fridge, the colder it is, the longer the food will last. You will however, want to reheat it to an internal temperature of 165°F or greater. That will feel VERY hot, but 165°F is the magic number for reheating food safely. David · 8 years ago2 0 Comment Asker's rating I assume it is bacteria rather than taste you are worried about!"
"docid": "D2530686#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/52993599/swervesafe-flash-cards/\nSwerveSafe",
"text": "\"80 terms Jabroni13Swerve Safe Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Why do elderly people have a higher risk of contracting a foodborne illness Their immune systems are likely to have weakened with age Which type of food would be most likely to cause a foodborne illness Cooked rice Which of the following practices can help prevent Hepatitis A Obtaining shellfish from approved sources All of the following conditions typically support the growth of micro-organisms except High Acidity Which of the following is not a common characteristic of a potentially hazardous food They are dry In order for a foodborne illness to be considered an \"\"outbreak\"\", how many people must experience the illness after eating 2You find a piece of glass at the bottom of your ice storage bin. This is an example of Physical contamination Which of the fish is associated with ciguatera Snapper Foodborne micro-organisms grow well at temperatures between 41.f-135.f Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of foodborne mold It needs a host to survive A person who has a foodborne infection most likely has eaten a food containing A live pathogen Which food is most likely to transmit parasites to humans Improperly frozen sushi Foodhandlers should be restricted from working with or around food if they are experiencing which of the following symptoms Fever, vomiting, diarrhea Foodservice operations should not use mushrooms unless they have been Purchased from an approved, reputable supplier Cooking tomato sauce in a copper pot can cause which foodborne illness Toxic-metal poisoning Itching and tightening of the throat are symptoms of what Food allergy To prevent food allergens from being transferred to food Clean and sanitize utensils before use What pathogen is primarily found in the hair, nose, and throat of humans Staphylococcus aureus You scoop some ice from your ice storage bin and notice a drinking glass inside. The glass is missing a large piece of the rim. You find the chunk at the bottom of the bin. What should you do Discard all the ice and clean out the bin before restarting the icemaker When a foodborne illness occurs, it is most commonly caused by Time temperature abuse, cross-contamination, and poor personal hygiene What does the \"\"O\"\" in FAT-TOM stand for Oxygen A pathogen is a Disease causing micro-organism Which action helps to slow pathogen growth Keeping food out of the temperature danger zone What is most important when preparing TCS food for high risk populations Controlling time and temp, practicing good personal hygiene, and preventing cross-contamination Raw chicken breasts are let out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the main risk that could cause a foodborne illness Time temperature abuse Which is a TCS food Sprouts Enterohemorrhagic and Shiga toxin producing E-Coli are commonly linked with what type of food Raw ground beef What is the most important way to prevent a foodborne illness from viruses Practice good personal hygiene Which FAT-TOM condition will a foodservice operation be most able to control Time Eggs and peanuts are dangerous for people with which condition Food Allergies One example of cross-contamination is when a foodhandler Uses the same ice for serving drinks and keeping beverage bottles cold Kim wore disposable gloves while she formed raw ground beef into patties. When she was finished, she continued to wear the gloves while she sliced hamburger buns. What mistake did she make She failed to wash her hands and put on new gloves after handling raw meat and before handling ready-to-eat buns Hands should be washed after Touching your hair, eating, using a handkerchief Which food items can be received at a temperature of 45.f or lower Shell eggs Why are empty chemical buckets unacceptable for transporting food to off-site serving locations Labels could come off when washed between uses Under what condition might food handlers contaminate fresh produce after delivery Suffering from diarrhea Which procedure should be followed when making a sauce that contains raw eggs for high-risk populations Use only pasteurized eggs A food handler does not cook hamburger patties to the correct temperature."
"docid": "D1868910#0",
"title": "http://www.pasta-recipes-made-easy.com/thawing-frozen-lasagna.html\nThawing frozen lasagna",
"text": "Thawing frozen lasagnaby Ka REN GRAVES (Fayetteville, AR)I am going to freeze several pans of lasagna and am not sure how long to allow it to thaw before cooking or heating. Do I thaw it out in the fridge? If so, how long? Thanks, Karen Graves Answer: Hi Karen. The ideal approach is to defrost your lasagna (or in this case several 'lasagne') at room temperature, before cooking or reheating them (if already pre-cooked) as normal, i.e. for roughly 20 mins at 180C/355-degrees Fahrenheit. If however you are really pushed for time, I would pop them in the oven on a lower heat to defrost it (maybe half the heat mentioned above). Defrost like this until you can push in a toothpick without hitting ice. Then ramp up the temperature to that noted above and cook for 15 mins (to start) at this full temperature. Add extra 5 minute blasts until fully cooked through. Hope that's clear Karen."
"docid": "D424020#0",
"title": "http://www.savvyeat.com/freeze-enchiladas/\nHow to Freeze Enchiladas",
"text": "How to Freeze Enchiladas January 15, 2015 by Julie 14 Comments When I started brainstorming my list of dishes to freeze before the baby comes, enchiladas were one of the first new things I added. I’ve frozen lasagna and taquitos before, so those were naturally at the top of my entrees list. Enchiladas came immediately after. We love our tacos, and they are in a regular rotation on our menu, but enchiladas often have very similar flavor profiles to tacos. And while I could easily freeze some taco filling, it is going to be easier to reheat frozen enchiladas than it will be to assemble tacos when we’re taking care of a newborn (and probably less messy to eat one-handed, as well!). So I got to experimenting. I couldn’t decide whether or not I needed to leave off the enchilada sauce before freezing. I was a little worried that the acidity of the tomato-based sauce would eat away at the aluminum foil, or that the sauce would pick up a “tinny” flavor in the freezer. So I tested two freezing methods, and froze half the enchiladas with sauce, and half without. Before I reheated the dish, I added enchilada sauce to the other half, and topped both sides with cheese. ("
"docid": "D85024#0",
"title": "http://www.eatouteatwell.com/leftovers-eat-or-toss/\nLeftover Dilemma: Can I Eat It Or Should I Toss It?",
"text": "Leftover Dilemma: Can I Eat It Or Should I Toss It? By Penny Klatell, Ph D, RN on April 24, 2012 in Food for Fun and Thought, Snacking, Noshing, Tasting, Takeout, Prepared Food, Junk Food You know the feeling: you’re standing in front of your open refrigerator. There’s a mess of containers in there. Move ‘em around. Discovery: A mystery plastic container all the way in the back; a couple of Chinese food take-out containers; some oddly shaped tin-foil packages. Don’t you wonder what’s in them? With some trepidation you take a peek. Container #1: the leftover take-out chicken fried rice from five days ago. Container #2: the rest of your lasagna you brought home last night from a huge restaurant portion. Then there’s some of Mom’s really delicious stuffing from last weekend in that plastic container."
"docid": "D2635711#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/long-cook-lasagna-347a5991b92073f6\nHow long does it take to cook lasagna?",
"text": "Food Cooking Q: How long does it take to cook lasagna? A: Quick Answer Preparing a lasagna from prep to table generally takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. Depending on the ingredients layered inside the lasagna, cook times will vary. Continue Reading Keep Learning How do you reheat cooked lasagna in the oven? How Long Do You Bake Lasagna? How do you make lasagna casserole? Full Answer Lasagna is a delicious, easy and very filling meal to prepare for the entire family. Cooking the lasagna noodles usually takes between eight to 10 minutes, depending the on desired firmness. A few popular kinds of lasagna are four-cheese lasagna, vegetable lasagna, beef lasagna, mushroom lasagna, eggplant and zucchini lasagna, spinach lasagna, and chicken lasagna. Remember to allow for a longer cook time for your lasagna if you use more ingredients in the filling."
"docid": "D3382271#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/food/kitchen-vignettes/zucchini-lasagna/\nSkip the Noodles: Zucchini Lasagna",
"text": "\"Skip the Noodles: Zucchini Lasagna Aube Giroux | September 17, 2013Ah yes. It’s that wonderful time of year again. Zucchini everything. And everywhere. I actually love zukes, so I’m always up for the seasonal challenge to creatively use up bucketloads of them. This recipe is my new favorite thing to do with a glut of zukes: slice them up in long thin slices and use them in lieu of noodles to make a delicious, pasta-free vegetarian lasagna. At first I was skeptical, but one bite and I was sold. The biggest challenge in making this recipe is keeping the lasagna from getting too soupy. Without the pasta to absorb the extra moisture, and with the tendency of vegetables (especially zucchini!) to release their juices as they bake, it’s important to follow these simple tips."
"docid": "D1262534#0",
"title": "http://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/15147/what-temperature-would-you-heat-frozen-lasagna-in-the-oven-at\nWhat temperature would you heat frozen lasagna in the oven at?",
"text": "\"_Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What temperature would you heat frozen lasagna in the oven at?up vote2down votefavorite We froze some leftover homemade lasagna and instead of reheating in the microwave we would like to use the oven. What is a good temperature and time for reheating?reheating lasagnashare improve this questionasked May 30 '11 at 23:11Jeremy Mullin113 1 1 3Exact time is going to depend on the type of container and the shape/size of the lasagna (eg, if it's 2\"\" thick in a thin metal pan vs. 4\"\" thick in stoneware). – Joe May 31 '11 at 2:34Next time start it in the microwave, full power until you get some warming at the edges, then half power a bit more. Meanwhile the oven is warming... cover in foil and pop it in until the center hits a good temp. – renegade Jun 1 '11 at 0:40add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote2down voteaccepted350F is the magic temp. Just about every casserole cooks at 350, and you cook it until it starts being bubbly which will probably between 30 minutes and an hour (in this case, you should check to make sure it's hot in the center as well, since you're starting from frozen). I'd cover it early, and then uncover it near the end so the top won't get dry.share improve this answeranswered May 31 '11 at 0:06Satanicpuppy12k 27 541Thanks, it took quite a while, over an hour at 350 plus a microwave kicker at the end. :) – Jeremy Mullin May 31 '11 at 2:22If you have a probe style thermometer look to get the internal temperature around 160˚F. – Didgeridrew May 3 '13 at 1:01add a comment Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for?"
"docid": "D2239035#0",
"title": "https://www.livestrong.com/article/442566-how-to-reheat-a-pan-of-chicken-parmesan/\nHow to Reheat a Pan of Chicken Parmesan",
"text": "How to Reheat a Pan of Chicken Parmesanby M. T. WROBLEWSKI Oct. 03, 2017Few dishes deliver an encore like chicken Parmesan. Similar to lasagna, it often makes a better impression the second time on the dinner table, once the chicken, sauce, cheese and seasonings have had time to commingle. Still, reheating can lead to a disappointing outcome if you rush the process, so take your time, heed some general reheating tips and give your chicken Parmesan the star billing it deserves. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load General Reheating Steps Step 1Thaw frozen chicken Parmesan for the best results. It can be reheated from a frozen state, but it might take twice as long. Put the pan in the refrigerator overnight to thaw. Then give the chicken Parmesan time to come to room temperature before heating. Step 2Sprinkle some drops of water on top of the chicken Parmesan to compensate for the moisture that evaporated while it was in the freezer or refrigerator. Be restrained; you can always add more water later if the chicken Parmesan seems dry. Step 3Enliven the breading on the chicken Parmesan by putting the pan in the broiler for a minute or two after reheating it in the oven or microwave."
"docid": "D1792607#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/444602-how-to-cook-stouffers-frozen-lasagna/\nHow to Cook Stouffer's Frozen Lasagna",
"text": "\"How to Cook Stouffer's Frozen Lasagnaby JACKIE LOHREY Oct. 03, 2017Prefrozen meals can be lifesavers no matter the size of your family. While you may think twice about purchasing frozen meals that are easy to prepare at home, meals that require multiple ingredients or take more than a few minutes of your time to prepare, such as lasagna, may become dishes you enjoy either less frequently or not at all. To persuade you to put lasagna back on your dinner menu, the Stouffer company makes available numerous varieties of frozen lasagna you can cook in your conventional oven and, for smaller serving sizes, your microwave oven. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Conventional Oven Cooking Method Step 1Inspect the box your lasagna comes in to see if it has a thawing option. If it does, you can remove the lasagna from your freezer and thaw it in your refrigerator for up to 48 hours before cooking. This option is available as a way to speed up the cooking times of larger serving size varieties of Stouffer’s lasagna. Step 2Preheat your oven to between 350 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the amount you are cooking. For example, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a two-serving 10.5 oz. package and 400 degrees for a family-size, 96 oz. package."
"docid": "D3049047#0",
"title": "http://www.southernliving.com/food/whats-for-supper/freezer-friendly-recipes/new-tuna-casserole-recipe\n24 Easy Freezer Recipes",
"text": "\"Fool your crowd into thinking you spent all day at the stove with these easy, freezer-friendly recipes, tips, and tricks. Your freezer isn’t just for ice cream, it’s an extension of your pantry. Make the most of this precious space—and get a head start on weeknight dinners—by stocking it with our easy freezer recipes. We’ve gathered our favorite fix-and-freeze dishes along with helpful tips and tricks from our Test Kitchen on the best way to freeze food. Not all recipes are freezer-friendly, but these dishes are sure to reheat beautifully and taste like you spent hours at the stove. Choose from dozens of delicious freezer meals including casseroles, baked pasta dishes, gumbo, pot roast, and slow-cooker soups and stews, and more.1 of 24 Photo: Melina Hammer Easy Freezer-Friendly Recipes Recipe: Jambalaya Master the art of make-ahead freezer meals by stocking up on these weeknight favorites. Here, we share recipes (along with a few helpful tips and tricks) that make the most of your greatest kitchen ally: the freezer. Build deep flavors in Jambalaya by sautéing the aromatic trinity of onion, celery, and pepper in the andouille drippings with herbs, garlic, and spices. Make a double batch of cooked rice to spin this inexpensive staple into countless meals. Cool the rice, portion, and freeze in a zip-top freezer bag."
"docid": "D1885791#0",
"title": "http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/our-favorite-lasagna-with-sausage-spinach-and-three-cheeses-51253440\nOur Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses",
"text": "\"Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses Rhoda Boone Epicurious October 20143.5/4reviews ( 77)70%make it again Go to reviews Facebook Pinterest Photo by Charles Masters, Food Styling by Suzanne Lenzer This perennial favorite has just the right mix of hearty sausage, vibrant spinach, and a perfectly balanced three-cheese blend. With a quick-cooking sauce and no-fuss, no-boil noodles, the assembly is easy, and one pan feeds a large crowd. Share “Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses ” on Facebook Share “Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses ” on Twitter Share “Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses ” on Pinterest Share “Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses ” on Google+ Email “Our Favorite Lasagna with Sausage, Spinach, and Three Cheeses ”save recipe add to menu Print Yield Makes 8 to 10 servings Active Time 40 minutes Total Time 1 hour 45 minutes (plus cooling time)Ingredients For the sauce:1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil1 pound sweet Italian sausage, casings removed1 medium onion, chopped3/4 teaspoon kosher salt1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper4 garlic cloves, minced1/2 teaspoon red-pepper flakes, plus more to taste2 tablespoons tomato paste Two 28-ounce cans whole tomatoes2 teaspoons dried oregano For the filling: Two 15-ounce containers part-skim ricotta cheese1 1/2 cups packed basil leaves1/2 cup grated Parmesan (about 2 ounces)2 large egg yolks3/4 teaspoon kosher salt1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper For the assembly:2 10-ounce packages frozen chopped spinach, thawed, or 1 1/2 pounds fresh spinach, steamed Pinch kosher salt Vegetable-oil cooking spray9 no-boil lasagna noodles (such as Barilla)1 pound fresh mozzarella, grated (about 4 cups)Special equipment:9 x 13 x 2-inch baking dish, preferably glass Preparation Preparation: Position the rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 375°F. Make the sauce: In a large pot over medium-high heat, heat the oil. Add the sausage, onion and 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; cook, breaking up sausage with a wooden spoon, until browned and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and add garlic, red-pepper flakes, and tomato paste; cook, stirring often, until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes more. Add tomatoes (along with their juice) and oregano; bring to a simmer, and cook, breaking up the tomatoes with a wooden spoon until in small pieces, about 5 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning, adding more red-pepper flakes if desired. Make the filling: In the bowl of a food processor, combine all of the filling ingredients and process until mostly smooth. Assemble the lasagna: Squeeze the spinach in a paper towel or clean dishcloth until very dry."
"docid": "D985755#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/reheat-pan-lasagna-oven-f8efa1d15a7c69c9\nHow Do I Reheat a Pan of Lasagna in the Oven?",
"text": "Food Cooking Q: How Do I Reheat a Pan of Lasagna in the Oven? A: Quick Answer To reheat lasagna in the oven, transfer the lasagna in an ovenproof pan and cover the dish with a lid or a large piece of aluminum foil. Place the pan into a preheated 325-degree Fahrenheit oven to bake until it is heated through. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Do You Reheat Cooked Lasagna in the Oven? How Do You Make Easy Oven-Baked Chicken Thighs? How Do Use a Slow-Cooker Without a Lid? Credit: Frédérique Voisin-Demery CC-BY 2.0Full Answer After 20 minutes, insert the tip of a knife into the center of the lasagna, and allow it to rest there for 10 to 15 seconds. Remove the knife, and feel the tip with a hand or finger. If the tip is hot, the lasagna is heated through and ready to eat. If the tip is not hot, place the lasagna back into the oven, and check in 10-minute intervals until the tip of the knife is hot to the touch."
"docid": "D1258747#0",
"title": "http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--166/pasta-handling-safety-storage.asp\nPasta Handling, Safety & Storage",
"text": "\"Pasta Handling, Safety & Storage How To's Pasta ▼+ Larger Image Read Reviews (1)Provided By Recipe Tips Share this!Save Rate & Review Email Print Contamination Prevention | Cooking Safety | Proper Storage Contamination Prevention Cleanliness: A clean working environment is essential in the prevention of contamination in working with pasta and other foods. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly before handling the pasta dough. The work area, cutting boards, and utensils must be clean. Do not use the same cutting board for cutting pasta as was used for raw meat or poultry unless it has been properly washed and dried before using. When you are finished making the pasta, be sure to clean the work area and all utensils thoroughly. The eggs in the dough are a potential risk factor for salmonella. Cleaning the area with hot soapy water will help eliminate traces of the bacteria. If you have used any type of pasta machine, be sure that you clean it thoroughly when you are done. Remove all traces of dough. So not use water to clean a hand-cranked machine because the water will cause the machine to rust and become unusable."
"docid": "D250091#0",
"title": "http://eartheasy.com/eat_simplify_meal_preparation.html\nBenefits of Simplifying Meal Preparation",
"text": "Planning meals in advance, learning a few cooking shortcuts, and understanding the basics of food safety will enable you to eat better with less effort spent in meal preparation. Benefits Methods Quick, Healthy & Tasty Meal Plans Basic Rules for Food Safety Our fast-paced modern lives seem to leave less and less time for planning and cooking meals at home. This explains the proliferation of fast food outlets across the country and the consequent epidemic of obesity. A steady diet of fast foods is not particularly healthy and even cheap food becomes an expensive habit if eaten on a regular basis. Busy homemakers, students, and young people starting careers and families can certainly benefit by learning ways to simplify meal preparation. These skills will last a lifetime and result in healthier meals at lower cost. Benefits of Simplifying Meal Preparation We often feel short on time at the end of a long day of work or school and want to get a meal on the table quickly, hopefully avoiding hunger meltdowns. Although fast foods and convenience foods may be tempting, they rarely equal homemade food for nutritional value. And there’s that worry about the mystery ingredients. This article will convince you that homemade meals can be much better than the commercial short-cuts."
] |
24 | both dna and rna are polymers that are made up of | [
"docid": "D69114#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleic_acid\nNucleic acid",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Swiss scientist Friedrich Miescher discovered nucleic acids ( DNA) in 1869. [ notes 1] Later, he raised the idea that they could be involved in heredity. [ 1]Nucleic acids are biopolymers, or small biomolecules, essential to all known forms of life. They are composed of nucleotides, which are monomers made of three components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. If the sugar is a compound ribose, the polymer is RNA (ribonucleic acid); if the sugar is derived from ribose as deoxyribose, the polymer is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Nucleic acids are the most important of all biomolecules. They are found in abundance in all living things, where they function to create and encode and then store information in the nucleus of every living cell of every life-form organism on Earth. In turn, they function to transmit and express that information inside and outside the cell nucleus—to the interior operations of the cell and ultimately to the next generation of each living organism. The encoded information is contained and conveyed via the nucleic acid sequence, which provides the 'ladder-step' ordering of nucleotides within the molecules of RNA and DNA. Strings of nucleotides are bonded to form helical backbones—typically, one for RNA, two for DNA—and assembled into chains of base-pairs selected from the five primary, or canonical, nucleobases, which are: adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil; note, thymine occurs only in DNA and uracil only in RNA."
] | [
"docid": "D21989#0",
"title": "http://alyvea.com/biologystudyguides/buildingblocksoflife.php\nMacromolecules of Life",
"text": "Macromolecules of Life Biological systems are made up of four major macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids and Proteins Macromolecules are large molecules that are composed of smaller units. The four major macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the most abundant macromolecules on earth, and they are the source of immediate energy needs in living systems. Carbohydrates also participate in defining the structure of cells and living systems. Carbohydrates includes single sugars or multiple sugar molecules bonded together into polymers. Collectively, there are three types of carbohydrates. They are monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides, also referred to as simple sugars, are made up of a single sugar molecule. The major example of a monosaccharide is glucose. Sugar molecules, such as the glucose molecule, contain many OH functional groups."
"docid": "D3357924#0",
"title": "https://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/chapter/2-5-organic-compounds-essential-to-human-functioning/\n14 2.5 Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning",
"text": "Chapter 2. The Chemical Level of Organization14 2.5 Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify four types of organic molecules essential to human functioning Explain the chemistry behind carbon’s affinity for covalently bonding in organic compounds Provide examples of three types of carbohydrates, and identify the primary functions of carbohydrates in the body Discuss four types of lipids important in human functioning Describe the structure of proteins, and discuss their importance to human functioning Identify the building blocks of nucleic acids, and the roles of DNA, RNA, and ATP in human functioning Organic compounds typically consist of groups of carbon atoms covalently bonded to hydrogen, usually oxygen, and often other elements as well. Created by living things, they are found throughout the world, in soils and seas, commercial products, and every cell of the human body. The four types most important to human structure and function are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides. Before exploring these compounds, you need to first understand the chemistry of carbon. The Chemistry of Carbon What makes organic compounds ubiquitous is the chemistry of their carbon core. Recall that carbon atoms have four electrons in their valence shell, and that the octet rule dictates that atoms tend to react in such a way as to complete their valence shell with eight electrons. Carbon atoms do not complete their valence shells by donating or accepting four electrons. Instead, they readily share electrons via covalent bonds. Commonly, carbon atoms share with other carbon atoms, often forming a long carbon chain referred to as a carbon skeleton."
"docid": "D833314#0",
"title": "http://biology.tutorvista.com/biomolecules/nucleic-acids.html\nNucleic Acids",
"text": "Biology Biomolecules Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are large organic compounds found in the chromosomes of living cells and viruses. They are strong acids found in the nucleus of the cells. The nucleic acid polymers are with high molecular weights as high as 100,000,000 grams per mole. With proteins, nucleic acids are most important biological macromolecules. They are found in abundance in all living cells. History In 1869, Friedrich Miescher isolated nuclei from pus cell and found that they contained phosphate-rich substance, he named it nuclein. In 1899, Altmann, introduced the term nuclei acid. Fischer in the 1880s, discovered purine and pyramidine bases in nucleic acids. Zacharis in the year 1881, identified nuclein with chromatin. In 1884, Hertwig claimed that nuclein is responsible for the transmission of hereditary characters."
"docid": "D649438#0",
"title": "http://philschatz.com/anatomy-book/contents/m46008.html\nOrganic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning",
"text": "\"Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning Organic compounds typically consist of groups of carbon atoms covalently bonded to hydrogen, usually oxygen, and often other elements as well. Created by living things, they are found throughout the world, in soils and seas, commercial products, and every cell of the human body. The four types most important to human structure and function are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides. Before exploring these compounds, you need to first understand the chemistry of carbon. The Chemistry of Carbon What makes organic compounds ubiquitous is the chemistry of their carbon core. Recall that carbon atoms have four electrons in their valence shell, and that the octet rule dictates that atoms tend to react in such a way as to complete their valence shell with eight electrons. Carbon atoms do not complete their valence shells by donating or accepting four electrons. Instead, they readily share electrons via covalent bonds. Commonly, carbon atoms share with other carbon atoms, often forming a long carbon chain referred to as a carbon skeleton. When they do share, however, they do not share all their electrons exclusively with each other."
"docid": "D1565124#0",
"title": "http://en.mimi.hu/biology/phosphodiester_bond.html\nPhosphodiester Bond",
"text": "\"Phosphodiester Bond Phosphodiester Bond s Oh, um, did I forget to tell you what a polynucleotide is? A polynucleotide is simply a long chain of nucleotide s. 'Poly-' means 'many', so 'polynucleotide' literally means 'many nucleotides.' Now, you're probably wondering how these nucleotides are held together. [ study.com/academy/lesson/...]Phosphodiester bond The covalent bond joining the 3' hydroxyl of the sugar moiety of one (deoxy)ribonucleotide to the 5' hydroxyl of the adjacent sugar. [ www.sci.sdsu.edu/~smaloy/Glossary/P.html]phosphodiester bond In a nucleic acid polymer, one of the covalent bonds in which a phosphate links two consecutive nucleotides. PICTURE phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase (PEPCK) One of the enzymes working in gluconeogenesis. [ www.macroevolution.net/biology-dictionary-papn.html]~ [ ⇑] A covalent bond in which two hydroxyl groups form ester linkage s to the same phosphate group; joins adjacent nucleotides in DNA and RNA. phosphoinositides ... [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21607/]~ [ ⇑]Nucleoside s and nucleotides Main articles: Nucleosides and Nucleotides ... [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomolecule]A ~ [ ⇑] forms between nucleotides to form nucleic acids. Problem : Explain the significance of hydrogen bond s in DNA helices. [ www.sparknotes.com/biology/molecular/...]This sugar-phosphate-sugar bond is called a ~ [ ⇑]."
"docid": "D2542031#0",
"title": "https://amit1b.wordpress.com/the-molecules-of-life/\nIntroduction",
"text": "The Molecules of Life ( Note: the following summary is for educational purposes only. Many of the figures are taken from different textbooks of biochemestry (e.g. Lehninger’s ‘ Principles of Biochemistry (5th edition) ‘) or cell biology (e.g. Albert’s ‘ Molecular Biology of the Cell ‘ or Lodish’s ‘ Molecular Cell Biology ‘). Other figures are taken from different internet sources)FIntroduction All life forms, from single cell to multicellular organisms, strictly maintain an internal environment that is chemically different from the external environment. This inner chemical environment is capable of carrying out the most basic functions of life: building cells and tissues, producing energy, transporting solutes into and outside cells, multiplying, communicating with other cells, and so on. Some cells and tissues are also capable of carrying out less common tasks, such as motion and detoxification of foreign elements. What is it which makes the inner environment of living cells and tissues so different than the one outside? A comparison between the two environments shows that both are built from the same chemical elements (Figure 1): Figure 1However, a closer look reveals that living organisms are enriched with the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Animate matter contains large quantities of oxygen and minerals like silicon, but only minute quantities of carbon and hydrogen. What is the significance of that? – it mainly has to do with the ability of carbon to form four chemical (covalent) bonds."
"docid": "D2203314#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090131124534AABsIEE\nWhat is a polymer of DNA and/or RNA?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology What is a polymer of DNA and/or RNA? I know that DNA and RNA are polymers made of nucleotides. What I need to know is what polymer DNA or RNA make up. Thanks.2 following 2 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: the are four classes of macromolecules in the body: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Each of theses macromolecules, (with the exception of lipids) are composed of many monomer units that make up a large polymer. for example. the monomer of a protein is an amino acid, a proteins polymer is called a polypeptide. For carbohydrates, the monomer is called a monosaccaride, its polymer is called a polysaccaride which is just a chain of many monosacchrides. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids and work in just the same way. A monomer of a nucleic acid is called a nucleotide which consists of a sugar, phosphate group and nitrogen containing base."
"docid": "D1334077#0",
"title": "http://employees.csbsju.edu/HJAKUBOWSKI/classes/Chem%20and%20Society/Cent_Dogma/olCentDogma.html\nCH 105 - Chemistry and Society",
"text": "\"CH 105 - Chemistry and Society Central Dogma of Biology08/14/2014French translation by Kate Bondareva Central Dogma of Biology: DNA --> RNA --> Protein DNA is the carrier of genetic information in organisms. What does that mean? Large molecules in organism can have many functions: they can provide structure, act as catalyst for chemical reactions, serve to sense changes in their environment (leading to immune responses to foreign invaders and to neural responses to stimuli such as light, heat, sound, touch, etc) and provide motility. DNA really does none of these things. Rather you can view it as an information storage system. The information must be decode to allow the construction of other large molecules. The other molecules are usually proteins, another class of large polymers in the body. Chromosomes are located in the nucleus of a cell. Great animations of DNA and the Central Dogma of Biology from the HHMI. Replication Chromosomes are located in the nucleus of a cell."
"docid": "D833316#0",
"title": "http://www.brighthub.com/science/genetics/articles/63611.aspx\nThe Importance of Nucleic Acid",
"text": "The Importance of Nucleic Acidwritten by: Rafael•edited by: Paul Arnold •updated: 2/10/2010Could life be possible without nucleic acids? Probably not. Learn about the importance of nucleic acids in life, genetics, and diseases What are Nucleic Acids? Nucleic acids are a group of biomolecules present only in the cell’s nucleus. These nucleic acids are long polymers made of monomeric units called nucleotides: C (cytosine), A (adenine), G (guanine), T (thymine), and U (uracil). There are two types of nucleic acids within the cells: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both of them have vital functions within the cells. The DNA molecule is made of two strands of nucleotides (C, A, G, T) polymer chains coiled together into a double-helix pattern. The double helix is stabilized by the hydrogen bonds that forms between the nucleotides bases, as determined by their chemical affinity: adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine. The RNA molecule is a single strand polymer composed of the nucleotides C, A, G, and U. However, the RNA molecule can fold itself and acquire secondary structures that are very important to carry out its functions Importance of Nucleic Acids The DNA is the biological molecule that stores all the genetic information of the cell (in some viruses RNA may function as the molecule that stores the genetic information)."
"docid": "D2129253#0",
"title": "http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Macromolecular_chemistry\nMacromolecular chemistry",
"text": "\"navigation search Main Article Talk Related Articles [?] Bibliography [?] External Links [?] Citable Version [? ] This editable Main Article has an approved citable version (see its Citable Version subpage ). While we have done conscientious work, we cannot guarantee that this Main Article, or its citable version, is wholly free of mistakes. By helping to improve this editable Main Article, you will help the process of generating a new, improved citable version. [ edit intro]Macromolecule structure and properties are important in biology. Inman M ( ) Shape of a common protein module suggests role as molecular switch. PLo S Biology 4:e221 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040221. \"\""
"docid": "D46947#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061031150731AAjM29l\nHow are DNA and RNA similar? How are they different?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology How are DNA and RNA similar? How are they different? Thank You Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: they both carry genetic info.... DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded (this is just the really common diff.... there are lots more) they both consist of a sugar, nucleotide and a phosphate, but RNA has ribose whereas DNA has deoxy ribose... DNA is ONLY found in the nuclues whereas RNA can be found both within and outside the nucleus.... D. P · 1 decade ago5 0 Comment Asker's rating Similarities In Dna And Rna Source (s):https://shrinks.im/ba UJsveasman · 1 year ago0 0 Comment RNA has uracil unlike DNA. Also DNA stays within the nucleus and is the base for RNA. RNA is the base for ribosomes to make a PROTEIN necessary for cell functions. Both RNA and DNA are made up of cytosine, guanine, and thymine. DNA has adenine while RNA has uracil.advgrsbsdace · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/axhux Different: #1. RNA used ribose for it's sugar and DNA uses deoxyribose for it's sugar. Different #2. RNA uses uracil as one of its bases and DNA uses thymine."
"docid": "D1895450#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/nucleotide-structure-lesson-quiz.html\nNucleotide: Structure, Bonding & Mutations",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 26K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Nucleotides: Structure & Components Deoxyribose: Definition & Structure Making Sense of the Genetic Code: Codon Recognition Adenine: Structure, Overview Lesson Transcript Instructor: Marta Toran Marta has taught high school and middle school Science and has a Master's degree in Science Education. Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. In this lesson, you will learn about the different types of nucleotides, their structure, and how the change in a single nucleotide can affect the survival of an organism. Definition of Nucleotides Human DNA is made up of something called nucleotides. Nucleotides are basically the sub-unit measurement of DNA and are lined up in pairs. There are about 3 billion of these nucleotide pairs, also called base pairs. This means each sperm and egg contains roughly six billion individual nucleotides in their nucleus (organized into compact DNA molecules to make it easier to store and move them around). So what are nucleotides for, exactly? They act as a special language, one used to 'write the recipes' for chemicals your body makes, specifically proteins. Most stretches of nucleotides are called junk DNA because they don't code (contain the recipe) for anything."
"docid": "D132018#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/61331767/chapter-10-review-flash-cards/\nChapter 10 Review",
"text": "\"139 terms Mollie_Sloter Chapter 10 Review Honors Biology. 9th Grade. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortnucleic acids polymers of nucleotideswhat are nucleotides made of? 5C Pentose sugar, nitrogen base (four types of DNA: AGCT), phosphate groupwhat are the four nitrogen bases? -purines: adenine (A), guanine (G) -pyrimidines: cytosine (C), thymine (T)DNA has deoxyribose, double stranded, has Thymine (T)RNA has ribose as its pentose sugar, single stranded, has Uracil (U)polynucleotide stucture backbone: sugar phosphate (covalent bonds) n-bases: stick out to the side, may be in any sequence Charger's Rule purines=pyrimidines -A = T -G = Cwhat did Franklin's X-Ray Crystallography show? -used X-Ray diffraction to study molecular structure -showed: DNA is a helix, DNA is double-stranded, N-Bases are near the center What did Watson and Crick show? -used 3-D models to decipher the structure of DNA -Double Helix, Base Pairing Double Helix characteristic shape of DNA; 2 strands held together by H-bonds between complementary base pairs Base Pairing A with T G with C (explains Chargaff's Rule)Does the sequence of bases matter? -infinite variety is possible -the sequence of bases comprises the genetic code = determines the sequence of AA in proteins DNA replication duplication of DNA before cell division to ensure that every daughter cell gets a copy of each chromosomes Watson and Crick 1. DNA Strands are complementary to each other 2. each strand can be easily be used as a template to create a new, complementary strand How does replication work?"
"docid": "D755188#0",
"title": "http://tech1207.blogspot.com/2007/12/dna-physical-and-chemical-properties.html\nToday's Technologies",
"text": "\"Today's Technologies Saturday, December 22, 2007DNA - Physical and chemical properties The chemical structure of DNA. DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides. [ 1] [2] The DNA chain is 22 to 26 Ångströms wide (2.2 to 2.6 nanometres ), and one nucleotide unit is 3.3 Ångstroms (0.33 nanometres) long. [ 3] Although each individual repeating unit is very small, DNA polymers can be enormous molecules containing millions of nucleotides. For instance, the largest human chromosome, chromosome number 1, is 220 million base pairs long. [ 4]In living organisms, DNA does not usually exist as a single molecule, but instead as a tightly-associated pair of molecules. [ 5] [6] These two long strands entwine like vines, in the shape of a double helix. The nucleotide repeats contain both the segment of the backbone of the molecule, which holds the chain together, and a base, which interacts with the other DNA strand in the helix. In general, a base linked to a sugar is called a nucleoside and a base linked to a sugar and one or more phosphate groups is called a nucleotide. If multiple nucleotides are linked together, as in DNA, this polymer is referred to as a polynucleotide. ["
"docid": "D285811#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Structural_Biochemistry/Nucleic_Acid/Difference_between_DNA_and_RNA\nStructural Biochemistry/Nucleic Acid/Difference between DNA and RNA",
"text": "Structural Biochemistry/Nucleic Acid/Difference between DNA and RNA< Structural Biochemistry | Nucleic Acid The latest reviewed version was checked on 9 February 2018. There are 5 pending changes awaiting review.navigation search DNA and RNA are different from their structure, functions and stabilities. DNA has four nitrogen bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine and for RNA instead of thymine it has uracil. Also DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded which is why RNA can leave the nucleus and DNA can't. Another thing is that DNA is missing an oxygen. Contents [ hide ]1 Bases and sugars2 Functions3 Stabilities4 Unique features5 Comparison chart Bases and sugars [ edit]DNA is a long polymer with deoxyriboses and phosphate backbone. Having four different nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. RNA is a polymer with a ribose and phosphate backbone. Four different nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil. Structure of ribose in RNA Structure of deoxyribose in DNAFunctions [ edit]DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms."
"docid": "D2196658#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/dna.htm\nDNA",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » D » Dizziness ... Dockside DNADictionary entry overview: What does DNA mean?• DNA (noun) The noun DNA has 1 sense:1. ( biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information Familiarity information: DNA used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• DNA (noun)Sense 1 DNA [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: (biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information Classified under: Nouns denoting substances Synonyms:deoxyribonucleic acid; desoxyribonucleic acid; DNAContext example: DNA is the king of molecules Hypernyms (\"\"DNA\"\" is a kind of...):polymer (a naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers)Meronyms (parts of \"\"DNA\"\"):cistron; factor; gene ( (genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity)base pair (one of the pairs of chemical bases joined by hydrogen bonds that connect the complementary strands of a DNA molecule or of an RNA molecule that has two strands; the base pairs are adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine in DNA and adenine with uracil and guanine with cytosine in RNA)nucleic acid ( (biochemistry) any of various macromolecules composed of nucleotide chains that are vital constituents of all living cells)Meronyms (substance of \"\"DNA\"\"): A; adenine ( (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA)C; cytosine (a base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with guanine)G; guanine (a purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with cytosine)T; thymine (a base found in DNA (but not in RNA) and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with adenine)Domain category:biochemistry (the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occuring in organisms; the effort to understand biology within the context of chemistry)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"DNA\"\"):operon (a segment of DNA containing adjacent genes including structural genes and an operator gene and a regulatory gene)c DNA; complementary DNA (single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase)coding DNA; exon (sequence of a gene's DNA that transcribes into protein structures)intron (sequence of a eukaryotic gene's DNA that is not translated into a protein)junk DNA (stretches of DNA that do not code for genes)recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid; recombinant DNA (genetically engineered DNA made by recombining fragments of DNA from different organisms)sticky end (an end of DNA in which one strand of the double helix extends a few units beyond the other)jumping gene; transposon (a segment of DNA that can become integrated at many different sites along a chromosome (especially a segment of bacterial DNA that can be translocated as a whole))Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"His bark is worse than his bite.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Wait horse for green grass.\"\" ( Bulgarian proverb) \"\"Seek counsel of him who makes you weep, and not of him who makes you laugh.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"He who takes no chances wins nothing.\"\" ( Danish proverb)DNA: related words searches» polymer definition » Meaning of cistron » What does nucleic acid mean? » C meaning » What does coding DNA mean? Related FAQs:» DNADMZDNADNA CHIPDNA FINGERPRINTDNEPRODZERZHINSKDNIEPERDNIEPER RIVERDNIPROPETROVSKDODO A JOB ONEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does novice mean » male chauvinism » what does gravity mean » euclidean space » meaning of babe Page delivered in 0.0554 seconds \""
"docid": "D2074675#0",
"title": "https://www.coursepaper.com/campbell-biology-9th-chapter-5/\n.",
"text": "Home > Test Bank > Campbell Biology 9th Chapter 5Campbell Biology 9th Chapter 5Subscribers only. The answer may locate at the end of this page. Campbell’s Biology, 9e (Reece et al. ) Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules In Chapter 5, the principles of chemistry covered in earlier chapters are applied to the understanding of biological polymers and lipid membranes. The emphasis is on properly linking monomers and their polymers, and on the structural and functional diversity of the different polymer types. Particular attention is given to protein structure, because this is central to understanding subsequent chapters on metabolism, molecular biology, and molecular medicine. Multiple-Choice Questions1) Humans and mice differ because A) their cells have different small organic molecules. B) their cells make different types of large biological molecules. C) their cells make different types of lipids. D) their cells have some differences in the sequence of nucleotides in their nucleic acids."
"docid": "D952990#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/dna-rna-common-32db4b961c5a0ac5\nWhat Do DNA and RNA Have in Common?",
"text": "Science Biology Molecular Biology & DNAQ: What Do DNA and RNA Have in Common? A: Quick Answer RNA and DNA are both nucleic acid macromolecules that are comprised of a set of monomers known as nucleotides. They also both contain purines and pyrimidines as their bases and contain pentose sugars as their backbones. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Are DNA and RNA Similar? What Are the Monomers of DNA and RNA? What Are Subunits of DNA and RNA Called? Full Answer RNA and DNA are both composed of nucleotides that are connected to a sugar backbone. However, RNA contains ribose as its sugar backbone, while DNA contains deoxyribose as its sugar backbone. The bases found in RNA and DNA are also different. They both contain the same three nitrogenous bases, including adenine, cytosine and guanine, but DNA contains thymine as its fourth base, while RNA contains uracil."
"docid": "D867077#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-relationship-between-DNA-genes-and-chromosomes\nWhat is the relationship between DNA, genes and chromosomes?",
"text": "\"Chromosomes DNA Genetics and Heredity Biology Dating and Relationships What is the relationship between DNA, genes and chromosomes?ad by Truth Finder Are you dating someone? Enter their name on this site. Anyone who's dating or in a relationship should visit this website. Enter a name to see results. Learn More at truthfinder.com29 Answers Raman Negi, User at Quora Answered Aug 13, 2016 · Author has 174 answers and 402k answer views Chromosomes are paired long chains within a cell nucleus that are composed of genes (about 20,000 genes per chromosome pair), which are made up of the chemical substance called DNA. Genes on the chromosomes are made of segments of DNA which contain chemically coded messages resulting in the characteristics of an organism including humans. Human bodies are made up of millions of cells. Every cell nucleus control center has the complete coding of a person's genetic makeup. This genetic blueprint is located in the cells' genes. Every gene is a unique slice of genetic data."
"docid": "D3500374#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/41731467/transcription-translation-and-protein-synthesis-flash-cards/\nTranscription, Translation, and Protein Synthesis",
"text": "\"87 terms jsk1717Transcription, Translation, and Protein Synthesis Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Protein An organic compound that is made of one or more chains of amino acids and that is a principal component of all cells. Pyrimidines A class of nucleotides that includes cytosine, thymine, and uracil, single-ring structures. James Watson and Francis Crick Who were the two scientists credited with discovering the structure of DNA? A double helix is the name of the shape that describes the structure of DNA. What is the name of the shape that describes the structure of DNA? DNA is made up of a series of monomers called nucleotides. DNA is a polymer, which means it is made up of many monomers. What are the monomers of DNA called?"
] |
31 | dosimetry medical definition | [
"docid": "D304123#0",
"title": "http://learn.org/articles/What_is_Medical_Dosimetry.html\nWhat Is Medical Dosimetry?",
"text": "What Is Medical Dosimetry? If you want to work with high-tech medical equipment and contribute to the treatment of patients with cancer, you might train to work in the field of medical dosimetry. Medical dosimetrists determine the proper radiation dosage used in treating cancer patients. Read on to learn more about medical dosimetry and what it takes to work in the field. Schools offering Cardiovascular Technology degrees can also be found in these popularchoices . Medical Dosimetry Medical dosimetry is a part of the field of radiation oncology involving knowledge of advanced mathematics, radiobiology, physics and anatomy. In order to shrink or eliminate tumor growth, some patients receive limited doses of radiation internally or externally. In medical dosimetry, you calculate the amount of these doses and establish the optimal treatment location on a patient's body. Important Facts About This Occupation Median Salary (Sept. 2015) $65,485*Key Skills Attention to detail, stamina to stand on feet for long periods, strength to position patients, interpersonal skills Job Outlook (2012-2022) 24% growth**Licensing Requirements Most states require licensing as a radiation therapist; requirements vary Source: *Pay Scale.com, **U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Medical Applications If you choose to work in this field, you'll collaborate with medical physicists and radiation oncologists to determine the amount of radiation used to treat a patient's tumor. Your work will usually take place in a hospital, clinic or private practice cancer center."
] | [
"docid": "D1816419#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053429697800185\nManagement of information in radiation oncology: An integrated system for scheduling, treatment, billing, and verification",
"text": "\"Seminars in Radiation Oncology Volume 7, Issue 1, January 1997, Pages 58-66Management of information in radiation oncology: An integrated system for scheduling, treatment, billing, and verification Michael G. Herman Allen L. Williams J. F. Dicello Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S1053-4296 (97)80018-5 Get rights and content An effective information system is an essential prerequisite to delivering quality patient care at competitive costs. From scheduling and billing to complex treatment machine control and verification, the quality of the information system strongly affects the efficiency and accuracy with which patient care is delivered. The standard paper-based information system used in many clinics suffers from inefficiencies and incompleteness in scheduling and billing, no centralized database and the inability to generate routine reports and communicate with other information systems. Many of these problems are resolved by the introduction of an electronic information system. The implementation, gains, and limitations of two electronic information systems are discussed. While limitations such as the lack of complete seamless integration of all information still exist, major improvements have been made in efficiency, accuracy, data integrity, and reporting and billing completeness. Previous article Next article Management of Information in Radiation Oncolog . : An Integrated System for Scheduling, Treatment, Billing, and Verification Michael G. Herman, Allen L. Williams, and J. F. Dicello An effective information system is an essential prerequi- site to delivering quality patient care at competitive costs. From scheduling and billing to complex treat- ment machine control and verification, the quality of the information system strongly affects the efficiency and accuracy with which patient care is delivered. The standard paper-based information system used in many clinics suffers from inefficiencies and incompleteness in scheduling and billing, no centralized database and the inability to generate routine reports and communicate with other information systems."
"docid": "D2770210#0",
"title": "https://www.revenuecycleinc.com/medical-radiation-oncology-news/2863\nMarch 2012 Radiation Oncology News",
"text": "March 2012 Radiation Oncology News View More News and Articles Billing Basic Dosimetry Calculations for IMRT Courses By Brandi Orlando, RT (T)CPT® code 77300 is defined as,basic radiation dosimetry calculation, central axis depth dose calculation, TDF, NSD, gap calculation, off axis factor, tissue inhomogeneity factors, calculation of non-ionizing radiation surface and depth dose, as required during course of treatment, only when prescribed by the treating physician. Basic dosimetry calculations are a component of the IMRT planning process and have specific requirements as indicated by various Medicare guidelines and published within Radiation Oncology specific Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs). For instance, the basic dosimetry calculations must be independent of the IMRT plan as outlined within the Noridian Administrative Services IMRT LCD shown below.“ Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)The IMRT plan (CPT 77301) produces monitor units (MUs) for each gantry angle. A separate claim for basic dosimetry (77300) is appropriate only when there is a separate and distinct service, prescribed by the treating physician, over and above those that are a part of the IMRT plan. 77300 is appropriate to describe a necessary, independent calculation (s) performed outside the parameters of, and on a different date of service than the IMRT plan (77301). It is not appropriate to automatically report this service for the computerized IMRT plan, or for the films, phantoms or equivalent done as a part of the 77301 or as may be a part of a separately performed and billed 77370”Similarly, Medicare contractor Trail Blazer Health Enterprises indicates the same requirements within the published Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) LCD. “ The IMRT plan (CPT 77301) produces Monitor Units (MUs) for each gantry angle. A separate claim for basic dosimetry (77300) is appropriate only when there is a separate and distinct service, prescribed by the treating physician, over and above that which is a part of the IMRT plan. Code 77300 is appropriate to describe a necessary, independent calculation (s) performed outside the parameters of, and generally on a different date of service than, the IMRT plan (77301)."
"docid": "D1126191#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dosimeter\ndosimeter",
"text": "\"dosimeternoun do·sim·e·ter \\ dō-ˈsi-mə-tər \\Popularity: Bottom 30% of words Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTime Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of dosimeter: an instrument for measuring and monitoring exposure to doses of radiation (such as X-rays or gamma rays)Her team used a mathematical model and dosimeter readings to estimate neighborhood radiation exposures for the nearly 160,000 people living within a 10-mile radius of the plant. — Rick Weiss— see dosimetry See dosimeter defined for kids Recent Examples of dosimeter from the Web The device looks like a giant fishing rod about 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) in diameter, from which a unit housing the camera, a dosimeter and thermometer slowly slides down.— Washington Post, \"\"Toshiba unveils device for Fukushima nuclear reactor probe,\"\" 22 Dec. 2017Clad in a lab coat with a pocket radiation dosimeter, sweating in the stifling reactor hall here on the outskirts of Ghana's capital, the young nuclear physicist edges out to a tube jutting above the water's surface.— richard stone, Science | AAAS, \"\"U. S.-China mission rushes bomb-grade nuclear fuel out of Africa,\"\" 31 Aug. 2017The robot, about the size of a loaf of bread, is equipped with lights, maneuvers with five propellers and collects data with two cameras and a dosimeter.— Washington Post, \"\"Possible melted fuel seen for first time at Fukushima plant,\"\" 21 July 2017These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'dosimeter.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Origin and Etymology of dosimeter Late Latin dosi s + International Scientific Vocabulary -meter NEW! Time Traveler First Known Use: 1906See Words from the same year Medical Dictionarydosimeternoun do·sim·e·ter \\ dō-ˈsim-ət-ər \\variants: also dosemeter play \\ ˈdō-ˌsmēt-ər \\medical Definition of dosimeter: an instrument for measuring and monitoring exposure to doses of radiation (as X-rays or gamma rays)To estimate typical exposures, the researchers are now correlating specific job tasks with individual exposure levels, using data from hundreds of dosimeters worn by workers. —"
"docid": "D2645337#0",
"title": "http://study.com/radiology_schools_in_washington_state.html\nRadiology Schools in Washington State with Program Overviews",
"text": "Radiology Schools in Washington State with Program Overviews Research radiology schools in Washington, which currently has ten colleges offering programs. Read an overview of degree programs, admission info and program requirements for seven of these schools and decide which program is right for you. Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Essential Information Washington has ten schools that offer radiology-related programs. Students may choose from programs leading to certificates, associate's or bachelor's degrees. Prerequisites to these programs generally include completion of coursework in human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and high school math and English. Clinical training requirements include passing a criminal background check and having the necessary immunizations. Bellevue College The Health Sciences, Education & Wellness Institute of Bellevue College (BC) in Bellevue offers a wide range of radiology-related degree programs in radiation and imaging, radiologic technology, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. At the associate's level, students can choose from programs in radiologic technology, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine technology. The school also has positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography imaging (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and vascular interventional certificate programs available. These are advanced practice certificate programs offered to graduates of certain radiology-related associate's degree programs who possess certification in a related discipline, such as radiation therapy, nuclear medicine or radiologic technology."
"docid": "D1668140#0",
"title": "http://apsf.org/newsletters/html/2010/spring/04_QA.htm\n.",
"text": "Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation in the Operating Room Dear Q&A,What are the health hazards from UV exposure when UV radiation is used for infection control in the operating room? Could you comment on the effectiveness of sunscreen and Personal Protective Equipment in protecting patients and OR staff? What safety measures should be in place to monitor for photokeratitis, basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratitis, and melanoma? Kathy Crysel, CRNA Winston Salem, NC, 27157Dear Ms. Crysel,Thank you for your question regarding the hazards of using ultraviolet radiation in operating rooms to control infections. The development of virulent bacteria that are resistant to multiple antimicrobial treatments is occurring around the world 1 and one of the proposed solutions to minimize wound infections is exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) appears to be effective in reducing the risk of surgical site infection 2-4 including MRSA. The routine use of ultraviolet radiation in orthopedic operating rooms is well known and has been recently investigated by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 5Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into 3 regions of the ultraviolet spectra as illustrated in Table 1. The most common wavelength in operating rooms because of its germicidal effects is 254 nanometers, in the UV-C range, which is also invisible to humans. All of the UV wavelengths can be responsible for health risks dependent upon the intensity and wavelength of the source, distance from the source, and length of exposure to the source."
"docid": "D1199686#0",
"title": "http://www.pd.infn.it/~busetto/bnct.htm\nBoron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)",
"text": "Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)What is Boron Neutron Capture Therapy? Dosimetry for BNCTA TEPC for BNCTMicrodosimetric measurements What is Boron Neutron Capture Therapy? An ideal therapy for cancer would be one whereby all tumour cells were selectively destroyed without damaging normal tissue. Most of the cancer cells should be destroyed for cure, either by treatment itself or with the help from the body’s immune system, otherwise the danger exists that the tumour may re-establish itself. Although today’s standard treatments - surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy - have successfully cured many kinds of cancers, there are still many treatments failures. The BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) is a cancer treatment technique, which could be the best one for those skin tumours (melanomas), which are nowadays resistant to ordinary therapy. It makes use of thermal or epithermal neutrons to irradiate tumours previously loaded with the stable isotope. Thermal neutron absorption on the nucleus gives rise to the production of two particles, and, whose ranges in tissue (~9 m m and ~5m m respectively) are as short as the diameter of a cell nucleus and whose LET (Linear Energy Transfer) values are largely high. Because of such short ranges, all the energy is released inside the tumour cell, which is killed with high probability because of the high LET values, while the neighbouring cells are not damaged. Dosimetry for BNCTAmong the most challenging aspects of this therapeutic technique is the ability to adequately determine the absorbed dose to the patient and to predict its relative biological effectiveness (RBE)."
"docid": "D905721#0",
"title": "http://www.npl.co.uk/science-technology/radiation-dosimetry/research/calorimetry\nCalorimetry",
"text": "Graphite calorimeters are the primary standards for absorbed dose at NPL. Cutaway showing the internal structure of the new electron/photon and proton therapy-level absorbed dose calorimeters Radiotherapy is one of the two most effective treatments for cancer. The success of radiotherapy in curing cancer depends critically on accurate targeting and delivery of the correct radiation dose. If the dose delivered to a patient is too low then cancerous cells may survive leading to a recurrence of the cancer. If the dose delivered is too high then surrounding healthy tissue is more likely to be damaged. For example, optimal treatment of some head and neck tumours requires that the dose delivered should be within only a few percent of that prescribed. Uncertainty in patient positioning means that it is crucial for all other errors to be as small as is possible. Accurate dosimetry is essential to maintain and improve patient survival rates. The fundamental technique for measuring absorbed dose is through the heating effect of the radiation on the absorber. Measurement of that effect through calorimetry has been for many years the basis of the UK primary standards for calibration of absorbed dose measurements for high-energy photon and high-energy electron beam treatments, and now calorimetry will also be at the foundation of dosimetry for HDR brachytherapy calibrations and for high-energy proton and light ion beams."
"docid": "D304126#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/dosimetry\nDosimetry",
"text": "Dosimetry Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Wikipedia. Related to Dosimetry: radiation dosimetry, thermoluminescence dosimetrydosimetry [ dō′sim·ə·trē] (nucleonics)Measurement of the power, energy, irradiance, or radiant exposure of high-energy, ionizingradiation. Also known as radiation dosimetry. Mc Graw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Dosimetryan area of applied physics that studies the physical values that characterize the effect of ionizingradiation on natural objects (animate and inanimate)—in particular, radiation doses—and themethods and instruments for measuring these amounts. The development of dosimetry was spurred initially by the need to protect man against ionizingradiation; biological effects that appeared after the irradiation of man were noted soon after thediscovery of X rays. The need arose for a quantitative evaluation of the degree of radiation danger. The basic quantitative criterion was taken to be the exposure dose, measured in roentgens anddeterminable in terms of the amount of atmospheric ionization. The work of Soviet scientists P. N. Lukirskii, V. M. Dukel’skii, D. N. Nasledov, K. K. Aglintsev, and I. V. Poroikov was important in thedevelopment of roentgenometry."
"docid": "D711279#0",
"title": "https://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/regulatory/research/safetycodes.html\nComputer Codes",
"text": "\"Home > About NRC > How We Regulate > Research Activities > Computer Codes Computer Codes The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) uses computer codes to model and evaluate fuel behavior, reactor kinetics, thermal-hydraulic conditions, severe accident progression, time-dependent dose for design-basis accidents, emergency preparedness and response, health effects, and radionuclide transport, during various operating and postulated accident conditions. Results from applying the codes support decisionmaking for risk-informed activities, review of licensees' codes and performance of audit calculations, and resolution of other technical issues. Code development is directed toward improving the realism and reliability of code results and making the codes easier to use. For more information, see the following code categories on this page: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Codes Fuel Behavior Codes Reactor Kinetic Codes Thermal-Hydraulics Codes Severe Accident Codes Radiological Protection Computer Codes Radionuclide Transport Codes (for License Termination/Decommissioning)Further information about obtaining these computer codes can be found by following the \"\" Obtaining the Codes \"\" link (also on the left side of this webpage). Probabilistic Risk Assessment Codes SAPHIRE: Systems Analysis Programs for Hands-on Integrated Reliability (SAPHIRE) is used for performing probabilistic risk assessments. Fuel Behavior Codes Fuel behavior codes are used to evaluate fuel behavior under various reactor operating conditions: FRAPCON-3 is a computer code used for steady-state and mild transient analysis of the behavior of a single fuel rod under near-normal reactor operating conditions. FRAPTRAN is a computer code used for transient and design basis accident analysis of the behavior of a single fuel rod under off-normal reactor operation conditions. Reactor Kinetics Codes Reactor kinetics are used to obtain reactor transient neutron flux distributions: PARCS: The P urdue A dvanced R eactor C ore S imulator (PARCS) is a computer code that solves the time-dependent two-group neutron diffusion equation in three-dimensional Cartesian geometry using nodal methods to obtain the transient neutron flux distribution. The code may be used in the analysis of reactivity-initiated accidents in light-water reactors where spatial effects may be important. It may be run in the stand-alone mode or coupled to other NRC thermal-hydraulic codes such as RELAP5."
"docid": "D1087462#0",
"title": "https://www.gmercyu.edu/academics/programs/bachelor-science-radiation-therapy\nBachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Radiation Therapy",
"text": "Earn Your Degree from a Leader in Radiation Therapy If you’re exploring how to become a radiation therapist, you’ve come to the right place. Gwynedd Mercy University’s BS in radiation therapy program has been a regional leader since its inception 40 years ago. Our program was the first JRCERT-accredited BS degree in Radiation Therapy in the Philadelphia area. The program is offered through the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing and Health Professions, an innovator and leader in nursing and health care for more than 50 years. A Four-Year Degree in Radiation Therapy The four-year Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy degree is for high school graduates or college transfer students who meet the admission criteria of the University and the Radiation Therapy Program. Applicants must be proficient in math and science with courses in biology, algebra I & II, geometry, and physics and/or chemistry required; trigonometry is recommended. Minimum acceptable grade is a C+. If you already are a registered or registry-eligible radiographer and want to continue your education, we also offer a 20-month Bachelor of Health Science in Radiation Therapy degree program. The GMercy U Difference As a radiation therapist, you will work directly with patients, radiation oncologists and radiation physicists using advanced equipment to administer high energy x-rays, radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation to treat cancer. As a GMercy U-educated radiation therapist, you will be prepared to deliver competent and compassionate patient-centered care."
"docid": "D1811215#0",
"title": "http://learn.org/articles/CAT_Scan_Technology_Certification_and_Degree_Program_FAQs.html\nCAT Scan Technology Certification and Degree Programs",
"text": "CAT Scan Technology Certification and Degree Programs Computed axial tomography (CAT) technology training programs teach you to use radiation imaging technology to capture 3-dimentional images of a patient's body. Learn about degree programs in this field, what you'll study and information on professional certification. Schools offering Cardiovascular Sonography degrees can also be found in these popular choices . What CAT Scan Technology Degree Programs Are Available? CAT is also known as computed tomography (CT), and although it may not be required by the American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT), radiography programs may be the most common program aimed at preparing you for certification. Radiography programs also feature the same content found in radiological science programs. You can find both 2-year and 4-year programs resulting in an Associate of Applied Science or Bachelor of Science. You might only be able to find bachelor's degree programs offering distance education courses. These programs may still require you to complete hands-on, clinical work at an affiliated location. Clinical work is important because you need to know how to operate required medical equipment, communicate with patients, follow supervisor instructions, print imaging results and practice proper safety procedures."
"docid": "D604944#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen_(unit)\nRoentgen (unit)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with roentgen equivalent man or roentgen equivalent physical. Roentgen Display of quartz fiber dosimeter, in units of roentgen. [ 1]Unit information Unit system Legacy unit Unit of Exposure to ionizing radiation Symbol R Unit conversions1 R in ... ... is equal to ... SI base units 2.58×10 −4 A ⋅ s / kg The roentgen or röntgen ( / ˈ r ɛ n t ɡ ə n, - dʒ ə n /) (symbol R) is a legacy unit of measurement for the exposure of X-rays and gamma rays up to several megaelectronvolts. It is a measure of the ionization produced in air by X-rays or gamma radiation and was the first international measurement quantity of ionising radiation to be defined for radiation protection as there was a convenient method of measuring air ionization directly. [ 2] It is named after the German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen, who discovered X-rays. Originating in 1908, this unit has been redefined and renamed over the years. [ 3] It was last defined by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1998 as 2.58×10 −4 C / kg, (i.e. 1 C/kg = 3876 R) with a recommendation that the definition be given in every document where the roentgen is used. [ 4] One roentgen of air kerma (kinetic energy released per unit mass) deposits 0.00877 grays (0.877 rads) of absorbed dose in dry air, or 0.0096 Gy (0.96 rad) in soft tissue. [ 5] One roentgen (air kerma) of X-rays may deposit anywhere from 0.01 to 0.04 Gy (1.0 to 4.0 rad) in bone depending on the beam energy. [ 6] This tissue-dependent conversion from kerma to absorbed dose is called the F-factor in radiotherapy contexts."
"docid": "D3434503#0",
"title": "http://study.com/radiation_therapy_schools.html\nRadiation Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U.S.",
"text": "Radiation Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U. S. Radiation therapy is used in the treatment of disease, most commonly cancer. A certificate in the field is the minimum educational level that must be attained for a career in the field; however, earning an associate's or bachelor's degree is often desired by employers. Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Radiation therapists use x-rays, gamma rays, or charged particles beamed at cancerous cells or inject radioisotopes internally near cancerous tumors as a means of treatment. Schools teaching this form of education usually offer programs at the certificate, associate's, and bachelor's levels.10 Schools with Radiation Therapy Programs Many schools offer degrees and certificates in radiation therapy. These are ten of the best colleges and universities in the country with such programs, with tuition information from the 2015-2016 school year. College/University Location Institution Type Degrees Offered Tuition and Fees (2015-2016)*College of Southern Nevada Henderson, NV 4-year, Public Associate's degree $2,805 for in-state/$9,450 for out-of-state Loma Linda University Loma Linda, CA 4-year, Private Bachelor's degree $32,572Galveston College Galveston, TX 2-year, Public Certificate program, Associate's degree $2,380 for in-state/$4,270 for out-of-state Bellevue College Bellevue, WA 4-year, Public Associate's degree $3,619 for in-state/$8,957 for out-of-state University of Michigan - Flint Flint, MI 4-year, Public Bachelor's degree $9,936 for in-state/$19,392 for out-of-state Texas State University San Marcos, TX 4-year, Public Bachelor's degree $9,348 for in-state/$20,268 for out-of-state Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Indianapolis, IN 2-year, Public Associate's degree $4,115 for in-state/$7,992 for out-of-state Manhattan College Riverdale, NY 4-year, Private Bachelor's degree $38,580Broward College Fort Lauderdale, FL 4-year, Public Certificate program, Associate's degree $2,753 for in-state/$8,875 for out-of-state Pitt Community College Winterville, NC 2-year, Public Diploma program $2,317 for in-state/$8,376 for out-of-state Sources: *National Center for Education Statistics School Selection Criteria Radiation therapy education is usually offered at the undergraduate level. Consider the following when looking for radiation therapy schools: Determining what level of credential is desired is the first step to choosing a radiation therapy program. Qualified students from accredited programs may sit for professional American Registry of Radiologic Technologists exam, so consider the accreditation status of schools when making your decisions. Certificate in Radiation Therapy Certificate in Radiation Therapy programs prepare students for radiation therapist careers, including for national certification. The program typically takes a little more than a year and may be intended for diagnostic radiographers who want to specialize."
"docid": "D3232210#0",
"title": "https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/high-healthcare-salaries\nHigh-Paying Healthcare Careers",
"text": "High-Paying Healthcare Careers Highest Paying Jobs in Medical Field: Healthcare Salaries Megan Malugani, Monster Contributing Writer Sure, doctors and dentists sport salaries to match their degrees, and there are a number of high-paying nursing positions. But you can earn a lucrative healthcare salary in a number of other jobs as well. Here are seven top-paying clinical healthcare occupations requiring various degrees and certifications, with June 2011 data from our Salary Wizard: Chiropractor Median Salary: $129,420Typical Requirements: Licensed with two to four years of undergraduate work and a four-year degree from a chiropractic college Due to the increasing demand for alternative and complementary treatments, chiropractic jobs are expected to grow by more than 14 percent -- to an estimated 60,000 jobs -- from 2006 to 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Chiropractors must be able to deal with all aspects of patient care, including patient diagnosis, lab tests and treatment (mostly through spinal manipulation). And it’s a career that lends itself to self-starters -- roughly half of all chiropractors are self-employed. Find chiropractor jobs. Pharmacist Median Salary: $113,145Typical Requirements: Licensed, with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Students typically do two to three years of undergraduate work followed by three to four years of graduate study at an accredited college of pharmacy. While still dealing with the basic role of drug dispensing, pharmacists now do less compounding (physically combining ingredients to make medications) and more advising and counseling of patients and collaborating with other healthcare professionals. The BLS projects big job growth -- an estimated 53,000 additional jobs in the 2006-2016 timeframe -- as an aging population requires more medications."
"docid": "D2942739#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_physics\nHealth physics",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the academic journal of the same name, see Health Physics (journal).1947 Oak Ridge National Laboratory poster. Health physics is the applied physics of radiation protection for health and health care purposes. It is the science concerned with the recognition, evaluation, and control of health hazards to permit the safe use and application of ionizing radiation. Health physics professionals promote excellence in the science and practice of radiation protection and safety. Health physicists principally work at facilities where radionuclides or other sources of ionizing radiation (such as X-ray generators) are used or produced; these include hospitals, government laboratories, academic and research institutions, nuclear power plants, regulatory agencies, and manufacturing plants. Contents [ hide ]1 Scope1.1 Operational health physics1.2 Medical physics2 Radiation protection instruments2.1 Installed instruments2.2 Portable instruments2.3 Instrument types2.4 Guidance on use2.5 Radiation dosimeters3 Units of measure3.1 Absorbed dose3.2 Equivalent dose4 History4.1 The term \"\"health physics\"\"5 Radiation-related quantities6 See also7 References8 External links Scope [ edit]There are many sub-specialties in the field of health physics, [1] including Ionising radiation instrumentation and measurement Internal dosimetry and external dosimetry Radioactive waste management Radioactive contamination, decontamination and decommissioning Radiological engineering (shielding, holdup, etc. ) Environmental assessment, radiation monitoring and radon evaluation Operational radiation protection /health physics Particle accelerator physics Radiological emergency response/planning - (e.g., Nuclear Emergency Support Team)Industrial uses of radioactive material Medical health physics Public information and communication involving radioactive materials Biological effects/radiation biology Radiation standards Radiation risk analysis Nuclear power Radioactive materials and homeland security Radiation protection Nanotechnology Operational health physics [ edit]The subfield of operational health physics, also called applied health physics in older sources, focuses on field work and the practical application of health physics knowledge to real-world situations, rather than basic research. [ 2]Medical physics [ edit]The field of Health Physics is related to the field of medical physics [3] and they are similar to each other in that practitioners rely on much of the same fundamental science (i.e., radiation physics, biology, etc.) in both fields. Health physicists, however, focus on the evaluation and protection of human health from radiation, whereas medical health physicists and medical physicists support the use of radiation and other physics-based technologies by medical practitioners for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. ["
"docid": "D669541#0",
"title": "http://study.com/dosimetrist.html\nDosimetrist Education Requirements and Career Information",
"text": "Dosimetrist Education Requirements and Career Information Dosimetrists require significant formal education. Learn about the degree programs, job duties and certification requirements to see if this is the right career for you. Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Medical dosimetrist is a relatively new career field which continues to grow in association with a greater demand. Currently a bachelor's degree is a prerequisite; however, it's not uncommon for medical dosimetrists to also have a master's degree or higher. Certification is also a requirement. Essential Information Medical dosimetrists calculate and administer precise amounts of radiation for the treatment of various cancers. They work in a team with radiation therapists and oncologists. A bachelor's degree from an accredited program is the minimum requirement to enter this rapidly-growing field. Dosimetry students get an overview of the duties of the radiation team and learn to calculate proper dosages. Dosimetrists must earn certification, which is a lengthy procedure, requiring an exam and an observation period."
"docid": "D2176067#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalent_dose\nEquivalent dose",
"text": "\"Equivalent dose From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Equivalent dose is a dose quantity H representing the stochastic health effects of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body. It is derived from the physical quantity absorbed dose, but also takes into account the biological effectiveness of the radiation, which is dependent on the radiation type and energy. In the SI system of units, the unit of measure is the sievert (Sv). Contents [ hide ]1 Application2 Calculation3 History4 Future use of Equivalent Dose5 Units6 Related quantities6.1 Limitation of equivalent dose calculation6.2 Relationship to committed dose6.3 Equivalent dose V dose equivalent6.4 Use of old factors6.5 Dosimetry reports7 See also8 References9 External links Application [ edit]External dose quantities used in radiation protection and dosimetry To enable consideration of stochastic health risk, calculations are performed to convert the physical quantity absorbed dose into equivalent dose, the details of which depend on the radiation type. For applications in radiation protection and dosimetry assessment, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) have published recommendations and data on how to calculate equivalent dose from absorbed dose. Equivalent dose is designated by the ICRP as a \"\"limiting quantity\"\"; to specify exposure limits to ensure that \"\"the occurrence of stochastic health effects is kept below unacceptable levels and that tissue reactions are avoided\"\". [ 1] [2] [3] This is a calculated value, as equivalent dose cannot be practically measured, and the purpose of the calculation is to generate a value of equivalent dose for comparison with observed health effects. [ 4]Calculation [ edit]Relationships of SI external \"\"protection\"\" dose quantities Equivalent dose H T is calculated using the mean absorbed dose deposited in body tissue or organ T, multiplied by the radiation weighting factor W R which is dependent on the type and energy of the radiation R. The radiation weighting factor represents the relative biological effectiveness of the radiation and modifies the absorbed dose to take account of the different biological effects of various types and energies of radiation. The ICRP has assigned radiation weighting factors to specified radiation types dependent on their relative biological effectiveness, which are shown in accompanying table. [ 5]Calculating equivalent dose from absorbed dose;where,H T is the equivalent dose in sieverts (Sv) absorbed by tissue TD T,R is the absorbed dose in grays (Gy) in tissue T by radiation type RW R is the radiation weighting factor defined by regulation Thus for example, an absorbed dose of 1 Gy by alpha particles will lead to an equivalent dose of 20 Sv, and an equivalent dose of radiation is estimated to have the same biological effect as an equal amount of absorbed dose of gamma rays, which is given a weighting factor of 1."
"docid": "D417103#0",
"title": "http://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/rds-offers-personalized-remote-dosimetry-services-for-cancer-treatment-centers-with-cost-and-quality-advantage_177413.html\nRDS Offers Personalized Remote Dosimetry Services for Cancer Treatment Centers with Cost and Quality Advantage",
"text": "RDS Offers Personalized Remote Dosimetry Services for Cancer Treatment Centers with Cost and Quality Advantage Posted on January 15, 2018Lucedale, MSM – Remote dosimetry and physics services by RDS offer not merely a high-quality solution, but an effective partnership with cancer care centers based on latest advancements in the field. RDS is now offering cost effective treatment planning options, ranging from temporary or overflow coverage to full dosimetry with a uniquely personalized process. Dosimetry and physics solutions for cancer treatment centers help in measuring, calculating and assessing the ionizing radiation dose absorbed by the human body. RDS is not only an advanced solution provider, but also aims to help cancer treatment centers offer the best medical care to their patients. RDS offer the latest in dosimetry and physics solutions, and these include 2D, 3D, IMRT, IGRT, compensator based IMRT, prostate seed implants and contouring services. To ensure that only the best services are provided, the RDS team visits treatment centers to help assess their needs and analyze their work flow. The team then works dedicatedly with the facility to build a long term partnership of benefit to the center and its patients. “RDS continuously strives to maintain its commitment to providing our partners with the latest versions of the some of the best software in the industry. Some of the field’s most knowledgeable and qualified professionals are available to your center at a much lower cost through RDS. Our board-certified staff is permanently assigned to your center,” said Alex Plowman, CEO of RDS."
"docid": "D3194914#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_protection\nRadiation protection",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Radiation protection, sometimes known as radiological protection, is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as \"\"The protection of people from harmful effects of exposure to ionizing radiation, and the means for achieving this\"\". The IAEA also states \"\"The accepted understanding of the term radiation protection is restricted to protection of people. Suggestions to extend the definition to include the protection of non-human species or the protection of the environment are controversial\"\". [ 1] Exposure can be from a radiation source external to the human body or due to the bodily intake of a radioactive material. Ionizing radiation is widely used in industry and medicine, and can present a significant health hazard by causing microscopic damage to living tissue. This can result in skin burns and radiation sickness at high exposures, known as \"\"tissue\"\" or \"\"deterministic\"\" effects (conventionally indicated by the gray ), and statistically elevated risks of cancer at low exposures, known as \"\" stochastic effects\"\" (conventionally measured by the sievert ). Fundamental to radiation protection is the reduction of expected dose and the measurement of dose uptake. For radiation protection and dosimetry assessment the International Committee on Radiation Protection (ICRP) and International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) publish recommendations and data which is used to calculate the biological effects on the human body of certain levels of radiation, and thereby advise acceptable dose uptake limits. Supporting these are preventive dose reduction techniques such as radiation shielding, exposure planning and avoidance of ingestion of radioactive substances. Radiation protection instruments are used to indicate radiation hazards, and personal dosimeters and bioassay techniques are used to measure personal dose uptake."
"docid": "D1284526#0",
"title": "https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm094379.htm\nProvision for Alternate Measure of the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) to Assure Compliance with the Dose Information Requirements of the Federal Performance Standard for Computed Tomography",
"text": "Provision for Alternate Measure of the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) to Assure Compliance with the Dose Information Requirements of the Federal Performance Standard for Computed Tomography Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it Email Print PDF Printer Version (198 KB)Document issued on October 20, 2006For questions regarding this document Stanley Stern at 301-796-5848 or [email protected]. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health Diagnostic Devices Branch Division of Mammography Quality and Radiation Programs Office of Communication, Education, and Radiation Programs Preface Public Comment Written comments and suggestions may be submitted at any time for Agency consideration to the Division of Dockets Management, Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, (HFA-305), Rockville, MD, 20852. When submitting comments, please refer to the exact title of this guidance document. Comments may not be acted upon by the Agency until the document is next revised or updated. Additional Copies Additional copies are available from the Internet. You may also send an e-mail request to [email protected] to receive a copy of the guidance. Please use the document number 1609 to identify the guidance you are requesting. Guidance for Industry, FDA Staff, and Third Parties Provision for Alternate Measure of the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) to Assure Compliance with the Dose Information Requirements of the Federal Performance Standard for Computed Tomography This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations."
] |
51 | phosphates as food ingredients | [
"docid": "D920249#0",
"title": "http://www.cooperativepurchasers.com/Ingredients/Phosphates/\nAbout Phosphates: The Basics",
"text": "About Phosphates Shipping Get a Quote About Phosphates: The Basics In many ways phosphates are unsung heroes of food ingredients and manufacturing. Phosphates play many roles and are used as dietary supplements in a tremendous number of products including cereals, enriched flour, and many pastas and other noodle products. In nutraceutical industries and food manufacturing, phosphates are often used as:p H buffering agentschelating agentstableting agentsleavening agents Since phosphates are so varied, and serve so many purposes, there are different considerations to take into account when selecting phosphates for us in food, beverage or nutraceutical manufacturing. Problem solving considerations for phosphates include:degree of water solubilitydegree of bioavailitycoagulationhygroscopy (water attraction / absorption)Order Phosphates Cooperative Purchasers works with the leading manufacturers of all types of phosphates including monocalcium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, and disodium phosphate, among many, many others. We offer a complete line of phosphates for our customers and are able to deliver virtually any size order to you nationwide in just days. Before you make your next phosphates order, contact us first. Call Us Toll-Free 1.800.578.6800"
] | [
"docid": "D973783#0",
"title": "http://www.fooducate.com/product/McDonald%20s%20Egg%20White%20Delight/AEE08D54-C062-11E2-9B11-1231381A4CEA\nMcDonald's Egg White Delight",
"text": "\"Product Fast Food Breakfast Mc Donald's Egg White Delightnutrition grade C plus 250Calories Per Serving34 comments Rating: 4.31 with 197 ratings 15 followers Explanations Contains DATEMDATEM is an acronym for Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Monoglycerides. This is a dough conditioner used to improve volume and uniformity in breads. DATEM is considered safe by the FDA, but a study on rats showed “heart muscle fibrosis and adrenal overgrowth”. --- Source: Meyer, O. (1992) Combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study with DATEM in rats. Unpublished report No. IT 890451 from the Institute of Toxicology, National Food Agency of Denmark Salty! Has over 30% of the daily max Americans consume 4000 mg of sodium daily when the maximum recommended amount is 2300mg for healthy adults. Many people should not exceed 1500mg. Most of the sodium (65%) in our diet comes from processed foods, not home cooking or the salt shaker. Excess sodium intake increases blood pressure, causes hypertension and other heart problems."
"docid": "D2656876#0",
"title": "https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=133.169\nCFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21",
"text": "\"CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21FDA Home Medical Devices Databases The information on this page is current as of April 1 2017. For the most up-to-date version of CFR Title 21, go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e CFR). New Search Help | More About 21CFR [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 21, Volume 2] [Revised as of April 1, 2017] [CITE: 21CFR133.169]TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGSCHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESSUBCHAPTER B--FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTIONPART 133 -- CHEESES AND RELATED CHEESE PRODUCTSSubpart B--Requirements for Specific Standardized Cheese and Related Products Sec. 133.169 Pasteurized process cheese. ( a) (1) Pasteurized process cheese is the food prepared by comminuting and mixing, with the aid of heat, one or more cheeses of the same or two or more varieties, except cream cheese, neufchatel cheese, cottage cheese, lowfat cottage cheese, cottage cheese dry curd, cook cheese, hard grating cheese, semisoft part-skim cheese, part-skim spiced cheese, and skim milk cheese for manufacturing with an emulsifying agent prescribed by paragraph (c) of this section into a homogeneous plastic mass. One or more of the optional ingredients designated in paragraph (d) of this section may be used. ( 2) During its preparation, pasteurized process cheese is heated for not less than 30 seconds at a temperature of not less than 150 deg. F. When tested for phosphatase by the method prescribed in 133.5 (c), the phenol equivalent of 0.25 gram of pasteurized process cheese is not more than 3 micrograms. ( 3) (i) The moisture content of a pasteurized process cheese made from a single variety of cheese is not more than 1 percent greater than the maximum moisture content prescribed by the definition and standard of identity, if any there be, for the variety of cheese used; but in no case is more than 43 percent, except that the moisture content of pasteurized process washed curd cheese or pasteurized process colby cheese is not more than 40 percent; the moisture content of pasteurized process swiss cheese or pasteurized process gruyere cheese is not more than 44 percent; and the moisture content of pasteurized process limburger cheese is not more than 51 percent. ( ii) The fat content of the solids of a pasteurized process cheese made from a single variety of cheese is not less than the minimum prescribed by the definition and standard of identity, if any there be, for the variety of cheese used, but in no case is less than 47 percent; except that the fat content of the solids of pasteurized process swiss cheese is not less than 43 percent, and the fat content of the solids of pasteurized process gruyere cheese is not less than 45 percent. ("
"docid": "D84321#0",
"title": "http://www.thehealthyboy.com/2010/06/whats-really-in-mcdonalds-chicken.html\nWhats Really In A McDonalds Chicken Nugget?",
"text": "\"Whats Really In A Mc Donalds Chicken Nugget? When you open up a 6 pack of Mc Donalds Chicken Nuggets you would think that you are just getting a fried piece of chicken goodness right? I mean Mc Donalds even has those advertisements on TV stating that they are made with \"\"100% white meat chicken breast\"\". Well you would be wrong. You see they do have chicken breast, and they are fried, but Mc Donalds (and other fast food restaurants for that matter) add a whole lot of other ingredients to fill up that nugget, fill up your stomach, and fill up their pockets, and these ingredients can not only going to make you pile on the pounds, but they could be causing you some more serious health problems as well. Growing up in the 80's in a small town on the east coast of Australia, we didn't always have access to big chain restaurants. The fish and chip shop around the corner, and the local Chinese take out who's suspect \"\"chicken special\"\" always coincided with missing cats in the neighborhood, were all that was really available to us. But I will always remember the day we got our first Mc Donalds restaurant, and as soon as it opened I just had to have my birthday party there. But because I was a picky eater, while all my friends were eating burgers, I could only eat the nuggets. But oh how I loved them."
"docid": "D2816667#0",
"title": "http://www.cosmeticsinfo.org/ingredient/ascorbic-acid\nAscorbic Acid",
"text": "Overview Safety Resources What Is It? Ascorbic Acid is commonly known as Vitamin C. Salts of Ascorbic Acid, such as Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Sodium Ascorbate and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate may also be used in cosmetics and personal care products. These ingredients are used in a variety of cosmetics and personal care products including makeup, as well as skin and hair care products. Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products? Ascorbic Acid and its salts are used in the formulation of cosmetics and personal care products as antioxidants to slow deterioration caused by exposure to the air and also to control the p H of the finished product. Scientific Facts: Ascorbic Acid is an essential nutrient required for collagen production, tissue repair, and for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. It also acts as an antioxidant, plays a role in resistance to infections, and is used for the treatment and prevention of scurvy. The U. S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Ascorbic Acid is 75 mg/kg/day for women and 90 mg/kg/day for men. Citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime), tomatoes and potatoes are rich dietary sources of Ascorbic Acid. Safety Information: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Ascorbate and Sodium Ascorbate on its list of substances considered Generally Recognized As Safe ( GRAS) as preservatives."
"docid": "D1735610#0",
"title": "http://www.onlineholistichealth.com/trisodium-phosphate-food/\nWhy is Trisodium Phosphate in Our Food?",
"text": "Most Popular Articles / Product Investigations Why is Trisodium Phosphate in Our Food? Dr. Michelle Kmiec 202 Comments Oct 13, 2014Why is Trisodium Phosphate in Our Food? ( Originally posted on Mar 25, 2013)Using the example of Banana Nut Cheerios, let’s just forget for a minute that there are GMO ingredients in this cereal. And let’s also forget that it contains A LOT of sugar…check this out: Sugar Brown Sugar Syrup Corn Syrup…and if that wasn’t enough sugar, it also has Dried Corn Syrup (Yeah… “Heart Healthy Cereal” …wink- wink)So besides all that sugar, could someone please explain to me why this cereal contains Trisodium Phosphate? And it’s not just limited to this cereal; in fact, it is found in many other cereals and other types of food as well!Per the Website In R Food, Trisodium Phosphate has the potential for the following adverse health effects:“The FDA claims that Trisodium phosphate in certain amounts is not a risk in food, but some reports and agencies have deemed it a hazardous substance. The Clean Water Act has taken steps to limit the use of TSP in cleaning supplies because it damages the environment. Phosphates are required of the human body, however trisodium phosphate is an inorganic chemical phosphate. There are other organic sources of necessary phosphates that are proven to be safe and beneficial for consumption. TSP has not been proven to be toxic to humans as a food additive, but has shown to be severely irritating to the gastric mucosa unless part of a buffered solution. Trisodium phosphate may reduce accumulation of lactic acid in muscles."
"docid": "D1271260#0",
"title": "http://www.vrg.org/ingredients/\nVegetarian Journal's Guide To Food Ingredients",
"text": "\"Vegetarian Journal's Guide To Food Ingredients By Jeanne Yacoubou, MS VRG Research Director Like it online? Get it in print for just $6! Your support allows us to continue this ingredient research and make updates as new information arises. Please consider making a donation. Also see our blog and FAQ which have ingredient and related research updates. INTRODUCTION: Vegetarian Journal's Guide to Food Ingredients is a partial listing of common food ingredients taken from an ongoing VRG food ingredients project. Our objective in this booklet is to provide an easy-to-read, useful list of ingredients commonly found in many foods and beverages that indicates whether they are vegetarian, vegan, or non-vegetarian. Our Guide is unique in that we place emphasis on the commercial sources of ingredients most commonly used today while mentioning other possible sources of ingredients. Classification of Commercial Ingredients Each entry lists commercial sources, alternative names (if any), foods or beverages containing the ingredient, and, in some cases, manufacturers' information about current supply sourcing. Our classification scheme is as follows: Vegetarian: The ingredient contains no meat, poultry, fish, or seafood, nor any products derived from them or any other part of an animal's (including insect's) body."
"docid": "D3014236#0",
"title": "http://veg4planet.blogspot.com/2009/07/non-dairy-creamers-contain-milk.html\nNON-DAIRY CREAMERS contain milk derivative",
"text": "\"NON-DAIRY CREAMERS contain milk derivative Hi there, If you are a vegan and is abstaining from all milk products, please take carfeful note that NON-DAIRY CREAMERS do contain milk derivative: January 1, 2003 -- Vegparadise News Bureau Non-dairy Creamers Are Not What They're Quacked Up To Be If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's not a duck because the duck experts say it isn't a duck. If a powder is derived from milk and altered considerably, the manufacturers are able to call it non-dairy because they have persuaded a government agency that it is non-dairy. Savvy consumers reading the label on this product would quickly realize that many non-dairy creamers are not non-dairy because the labels clearly indicate the product contains sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). Dairy scientists and the Food and Drug Administration agree that these are non-dairy creamers because the caseinate has been so altered it can no longer be considered dairy. According to the information on the Coffee-mate website, \"\"When sodium caseinate is processed, it is so materially altered that both dairy scientists and government regulators no longer regard it as a true dairy substance. This is why sodium caseinate can be an ingredient in non-dairy products according to FDA's regulation 21 CFR101.4 (d). Sodium caseinate also is not a source of lactose.\"\" Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 101 deals with food labeling. Section 101.4 presents the rules for designation of ingredients in foods. Section 101.4 (d) reads as follows: When foods characterized on the label as \"\"nondairy\"\" contain a caseinate ingredient, the caseinate ingredient shall be followed by a parenthetical statement identifying its source."
"docid": "D1735609#0",
"title": "http://www.getbetterhealth.com/tag/tripotassium-phosphate\nFeatured",
"text": "Latest Posts GMO Paranoia And The Hollow Health Claims Of Cheerios Tweet February 10th, 2014 by admin in Health Tips, News, Quackery Exposed6 Comments »Make no mistake about it. General Mills’ introduction of Cheerios sporting the label “Not Made With Genetically Modified Ingredients” is a mere marketing ploy and has nothing to do with health or nutrition. Let’s start the dissection of this blatant attempt to capitalize on the anti-GMO paranoia by looking at the main ingredient in Cheerios, namely oats. Samuel Johnson, the 18 th century writer who compiled the first authoritative dictionary of the English language whimsically defined oats as the grain “eaten by people in Scotland, but fit only for horses in England.” A clever Scot supposedly retorted “that’s why England has such good horses, and Scotland has such fine men!”Modern science, as it turns out, supports the ancient Scotch penchant for oats. A form of soluble fiber in the grain known as beta glucan has been shown to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood which in turn is expected to reduce the risk of heart disease. You couldn’t tell this by the Scottish experience, though. Scotland has one of the highest rates of heart disease in the world. It seems all that haggis, refined carbs and a lack of veggies is too great a challenge for Scotch oats to cope with. Actually you need at least 3 grams of beta glucan daily to have any effect on blood cholesterol and that translates to roughly a cup of cooked oat bran or a cup and a half of oatmeal."
"docid": "D1305428#0",
"title": "http://www.davita.com/kidney-disease/diet-and-nutrition/diet-basics/hidden-phosphorus-in-your-diet-and-how-to-control-it/e/5322\nHidden Phosphorus in Your Diet and How to Control It",
"text": "Print Page Email Page Hidden Phosphorus in Your Diet and How to Control It Written by Lisa Gutekunst, Da Vita® MSEd, RD, CSR, CDNAs someone with chronic kidney disease (CKD), you faithfully take your phosphate binders as directed by your doctor, and you no longer drink milk, add cheese to your burgers or indulge in chocolate or chili. But still you see your phosphorus levels higher than you or your healthcare team wants them. Frustrated, you wonder what you’re doing wrong. The reason behind your high phosphorus may be due to hidden sources of dietary phosphorus. Hidden phosphorus and the food industry The food industry is adding more phosphate additives to foods that are traditionally considered low-phosphorus foods. The following are a few foods and beverages that now contain hidden phosphorus: Flavored waters Iced teas Sodas and other bottled beverages Enhanced meat and chicken products Breakfast (cereal) bars Nondairy creamers Bottled coffee beverages The number of products containing these additives grows weekly. This makes it virtually impossible for dietitians and those with CKD to know what’s “safe” and what should be limited. The food industry is adding additional dietary phosphorus to meet the demands of the American public for wholesome foods. We are now a grab-and-go society, looking for quick, healthy snacks and meals that take very little time to prepare. Phosphates are added to foods for a variety of reasons."
"docid": "D1241025#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipotassium_phosphate\nDipotassium phosphate",
"text": "\"Dipotassium phosphate Names IUPAC names Potassium hydrogenphosphate Potassium hydrogen (tetraoxidophosphate) (2−)Systematic IUPAC name Potassium hydroxidotrioxidophosphate (2−)Other names Potassium monohydrogen phosphate Phosphoric acid dipotassium salt Potassium phosphate dibasic Identifiers CAS Number7758-11-43D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Ch EBICHEBI:131527Ch EMBLCh EMBL1200459Chem Spider22858ECHA Info Card 100.028.940EC Number 231-834-5Pub Chem CID24450UNIICI71S98N1ZIn Ch I [show]SMILES [show]Properties Chemical formula K 2 HPO 4Molar mass 174.2 g/mol Appearance white powder deliquescent Odor odorless Density 2.44 g/cm 3Melting point > 465 °C (869 °F; 738 K) decomposes Solubility in water 149.25 g/100 m L (20 °C)Solubility slightly soluble in alcohol Acidity (p K a) 12.4Basicity (p K b) 6.8Hazards NFPA 704 02 0Flash point Non-flammable Related compounds Other cations Disodium phosphate Diammonium phosphate Related compounds Monopotassium phosphate Tripotassium phosphate Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 k Pa).verify ( what is ? ) Infobox references Dipotassium phosphate (K 2 HPO 4) (also dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate; potassium phosphate dibasic) is a highly water-soluble salt which is often used as a fertilizer, food additive and buffering agent. It is a common source of phosphorus and potassium. A dipotassium phosphate solution is formed by the stoichiometric reaction of phosphoric acid with two equivalents of potassium hydroxide: H 3 PO 4 + 2 KOH → K 2 HPO 4 + 2 H 2 OUses [ edit]As a food additive, dipotassium phosphate is used in imitation dairy creamers, dry powder beverages, mineral supplements, and starter cultures. [ 1] It is used in non-dairy creamers to prevent coagulation. [ 2]Dipotassium phosphate is also used to make buffer solutions and it is used in the production of trypticase soy agar which is used to make agar plates for culturing bacteria. [ citation needed]A 3% gel of dipotassium phosphate is used as the active ingredient in Crest Sensi-Strips, a common tooth sensitivity product. Safety [ edit]As a food additive, dipotassium phosphate is categorized in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). [ 3]References [ edit]^ John H. Thorngate iii, Seppo Salminen , Larry A . Branen , and Michael P ."
"docid": "D2818951#0",
"title": "http://www.wellness.com/reference/conditions/nutritional-deficiencies/prevention-and-treatment\nNutritional deficiencies Prevention and Treatment",
"text": "\"General Information Symptoms and Causes Prevention and Treatment References Nutritional deficiencies Prevention and Treatmentdiagnosis and treatment If a doctor believes that an individual is suffering from a lack of nutrition, the healthcare provider will weigh the individual and make a dietary assessment, which includes a diet history or food frequency analysis. Blood tests to look for anemia, thyroid disorders, and to measure levels of specific nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) are usually used. Diagnosis using contrast X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract may be carried out to test for underlying digestive disorders. If the deficiency is severe, the individual will be admitted to a hospital where nutrients will be administered using a tube passed through the nose into the stomach (G-tube) or intravenously (IV) directly into the bloodstream. Changing the diet will resolve the problem if poor eating habits are the cause. Each individual will have specific nutrient (vitamin and mineral) deficiencies, so it is important for a doctor to determine which nutrient deficiency is present. A sample of blood will generally be taken in a clinic or hospital and analyzed for vitamin and mineral status. In some cases, such as Crohn's disease (a chronic, episodic, inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by affecting the entire wall of the involved bowel or intestines) or gastric bypass, long-term vitamin and mineral supplementation will be required. These conditions cause changes in the absorption of nutrients and can cause long-term vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If medications are causing nutrient depletion, supplementation with multivitamin therapy or the depleted nutrient, such as coenzyme Q10 (with certain cholesterol-lowering medications called HMG-Co A reductase inhibitors), is recommended by healthcare providers."
"docid": "D208026#0",
"title": "http://www.muslimconsumergroup.com/halal-haram-mushbooh_ingredients.html?panna=2\nHalal-Haram-Mushbooh Ingredients",
"text": "Halal Status Ingredient Category Description Cultured Wheat Flour Grain and plant based ingredients Cultured wheat Flour is made by adding bacteria to wheat flour for non alcoholic fermentation to produce organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid and propionic acid to lower the ph of the wheat flour. This cultured wheat flour is used as a natural mold inhibitor otherwise chemicals such as calcium propionate or sorbic acid or potassium sorbate has to use to retard the growth of molds on fresh bread and other fresh bakery products. Cultured wheat flour is a Halal flour. Cumin Grain & Plant based Ingredients It is a plant based spice. Curry Powder Grain & Plant based Ingredients It is a blend of plant based spices. Cytidene 5' - Monophosphate Grain & plant based ingredients Cytidene 5' - Monophosphate is a nucleotide. Nucleotides are nucleosides in combination phosphate group are building block of RNA and DNA of cells. These are molecules. Nucleotides are commercially produced from Torula yeast cells by providing alcohol as nutrients for growing torula yeast cells in millions. Then Nucleotides are obtained RNA of torula yeast cells."
"docid": "D2847962#0",
"title": "http://blog.fooducate.com/2012/04/25/is-this-cheese-kraft-singles-cheese-miniseries-part-3-3/\nDiet Tidbit",
"text": "\"Diet Tidbit Fooducate Apr 25 2012Is This Cheese? Kraft Singles [Cheese Miniseries Part 3 / 3] [http://www.fooducate.com/app#page=product&id=BB9D7E3A-C726-11E0-8977-1231380C180E] This is the third of three posts in our Cheese Miniseries. In part 1, we covered 12 basic cheese facts [http://blog.fooducate.com/2012/04/23/12-cheese-facts-cheese-miniseries-part-13/]. In part 2, we explained what processed cheese [http://blog.fooducate.com/2012/04/24/10-things-to-know-about-processed-cheese-cheese-miniseries-part-23/] is. Today we'll look inside the label of Kraft Singles [http://www.fooducate.com/product/Kraft%20Pasteurized%20Prepared%20Cheese%20Product%20%20American%20Singles/BB9D7E3A-C726-11E0-8977-1231380C180E]. It's been a classic American cheese product for over 60 years. Three generations of Americans have been using Kraft Singles [http://www.fooducate.com/product/Kraft%20Pasteurized%20Prepared%20Cheese%20Product%20%20American%20Singles/BB9D7E3A-C726-11E0-8977-1231380C180E] in billions of sandwich melts and burgers over the years. The product's full name is Kraft Pasteurized Processed Cheese Product. It cannot be called cheese because less than 51% of it is actually cheese. The rest is composed of other ingredients. What you need to know: A single slice of this processed cheese product has 70 calories, 45 of them from fat. The saturated fat in just one slice is 3 grams and accounts for 15% of the maximum daily consumption."
"docid": "D3018268#0",
"title": "https://www.fooducate.com/product/Eggo%20Thick%20Fluffy%20Waffles/9F3DE678-73D2-11E0-A55F-1231380C180E\nEggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles",
"text": "\"Productprepared breakfast Eggo Thick & Fluffy Wafflesnutrition grade C plus 160Calories Per Serving5 comments Rating: 4.40 with 100 ratings 1 followers Explanations Contains controversial artificial colors Once upon a time, there were no food colorings. Then folks figured out that food looks better and sells more when it can be enlivened through dyes. For most of food history, the dyes were from natural sources – beet juice for red, turmeric for yellow,etc… However, in the quest to increase color intensity and lower manufacturing costs, cheap artificial dyes were introduced to market. Unfortunately they pose a risk for hyperactivity in children, cancer, and allergic reactions. ----------- Sources: Feingold BF. Hyperkinesis and learning disabilities linked to artificial food flavors and colors. Am J Nurs 1975; 75-5: 797-803. Harley JP, Matthews CG, Eichman P. Synthetic Food Colors and Hyperactivity in Children: A double-blind challenge experiment. Pediatrics 1978; 62: 975-983. Kobylewski S, Jacobson M. Toxicology of food dyes."
"docid": "D2630261#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071215124158AA68noM\nPhosphorus?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology Phosphorus? What are some chemical proporties of phosphorus...wat are its uses....where can we find it on our planet and what would it look like...what color is it normally.....is it a solid,liquid,or gas Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Phosphorous is a multivalent nonmetal of the nitrogen group. It is found in nature in several allotropic forms, and is an essential element for the life of organisms. There are several forms of phosphorous, called white, red and black phosphorous, although the their colours are more likely to be slightly different. White phosphorous is the one manufactured industrial; it glows in the dark, is spontaneously flammable when exposed to air and is deadly poison. Red phosphorous can vary in colour from orange to purple, due to slight variations in its chemical structure. The third form, black phosphorous, is made under high pressure, looks like graphite and, like graphite, has the ability to conduct electricity. Applications Concentrated phosphoric acids are used in fertilizers for agriculture and farm production. Phosphates are used for special glasses, sodium lamps, in steel production, in military applications (incendiary bombs, smoke screenings etc. ), and in other applications as: pyrotechnics, pesticides, toothpaste, detergents."
"docid": "D3169271#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/health/ingredients-foltanx-pills-bb42493e1b5cbd27\nWhat Are the Ingredients of Foltanx Pills?",
"text": "Health Medications & Vitamins Vitamins & Supplements Q: What Are the Ingredients of Foltanx Pills? A: Quick Answer Each Folnx tablet contains pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or vitamin B-6; mecabalamin; levomefolate calcium; calcium phosphate dibasic; and hypromellose, according to Aegis Shield. Additional ingredients include FD&C Red No. 40, FD&C Blue No. 2, triacetin, titanium dioxide and maltodextrin, as well as polyethylene glycol, magnesium stearate, polydextrose, microcrystalline cellulose and carnauba wax. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Supplements Support Kidney Health? What Are Some Calcium Supplements That Are Absorbed Easily? What Are the Ingredients in Centrum Silver? Full Answer Folnx, categorized as a medical food, is the generic version of the Metanx formulation, according to Breckenridge Pharmaceutical Inc. Each Metanx capsule contains 3 milligrams of L-methylfolate calcium in the form of Metafolin, 35 milligrams of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and 2 milligrams of methylcobalamin, according to Pamlab LLC. These ingredients are the natural, active forms of the common B-vitamins folic acid, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12."
"docid": "D2583183#0",
"title": "http://www.naturalnews.com/045628_trisodium_phosphate_chemical_ingredients_paint_thinner.html\nQuestion: what is trisodium phosphate and what is it doing in our food?",
"text": "\"Tweet (Natural News) Certain working professionals, such as carpenters and painters, might know what trisodium phosphate (TSP) is. They'd know that TSP is an industrial cleaning agent used for paint prep work, as a degreasing agent, as a mildew remover, siding cleaner and lead abating agent. However, what these working pros wouldn't expect is for TSP to be in their breakfast, lunch, and toothpaste! TSP used for industrial cleaning comes with first aid warnings on it due to the compound's extreme alkalinity. Yet, breakfast cereal manufacturers are bold enough to put this product in their cereals and even list it right on the ingredient label! Go ahead right now and look in your cabinet, if you have a mainstream breakfast cereal in there you might see TSP listed on the label in plain sight. TSP and the FDA's hypocrisy The FDA has approved TSP to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Because of its alkalinizing cleaning properties, TSP has been used in dishwashing and laundry products over the years. But government studies have found that TSP is bad for the environment and as such TSP was phased out of common household cleaning products in 2011. The hypocrisy of this is outstanding; TSP is bad for our ecology, but it's okay to put it in food!?"
"docid": "D788774#0",
"title": "http://www.dogcolitis.com/diet.html\nDiet for Dog Colitis",
"text": "\"Diet for Dog Colitis Black and White of an empty harvest by Carol Bennett, B. T., N. A. page 8Why commercially prepared pet foods are damaging to your dogs’ digestive track? We’re going to begin the subject of diet by talking about why the agri-business commercially prepared dog foods are the major contributors to a dysfunctional digestive track today. We know that this is a strong and bold statement and we need to back it up with scientific data, because for the last several decades we have all been told by the majority of veterinarians that canned and dry commercially prepared pet foods are an ideal and well balanced diet for our pets. We could go into more details to explain this statement but other individuals and health professionals have already done a terrific job in explaining why such diets are toxic and harmful to dogs’ digestive system. Here’s a link to one of these well researched articles that will give you a detailed summary of this topic. The name of the article is “ Dead Dog Food ” and the writer is Carrie Clayton. http://www.users.qwest.net/%7Ecarrielc/dogfoods.html There are also several books written by veterinarians with chapters on the topic of commercially prepared pet foods and why we should never feed these diets to our pets. Here are the names of a few of these books: • Reigning cats and dogs By Pat Mc Kay • Give Your Dog a Bone by Dr. Ian Billinghurst • Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Pitcairn When you read Ms. Clayton’s article and the books we referred to, you will learn the truth about why some of the first ingredients in these commercially prepared pet foods such as different meats, meat by-products, corn, soy, and oil by-products, are toxic to your dogs’ digestive system. However, I’m sure some of you who will read Ms. Clayton’s article will say: “But we feed our dogs organic commercially prepared pet foods, so how can the ingredients be toxic?” It is true that the organic commercially prepared pet food diets are a step better than the agri-business pet food diets because some of them do use human grade meats, vegetables and oils."
"docid": "D2039172#0",
"title": "http://www.foodchemadditives.com/side_effects_info/638\nSodium Hexametaphosphate Side Effects",
"text": "Sodium Hexametaphosphate Side Effectsby Shawn 2014-08-07 Email: [email protected] Sodium Hexametaphosphate, CAS# 10124-58-8, is a mixture of polymeric metaphosphates manufactured through chemical synthesis, available as WHITE POWDER OR WHITE GRANULES. Sodium Hexametaphosphate is widely used as food supplements. It is widely accepted as safe food additive in many countries with E number E452. Explore more about this ingredient: Sodium Hexametaphosphate MSDSApplications and Uses of Sodium Hexametaphosphate Halal Certified Sodium Hexametaphosphate Kosher Certified Sodium Hexametaphosphate Is Sodium Hexametaphosphate Gluten Free Sodium Hexametaphosphate Wholesale Price, Price Trend of Sodium Hexametaphosphate Where to buy Sodium Hexametaphosphate at the cheapest price? You may also be interested these ingredients : Tricalcium Phosphate Side Effects Tricalcium Phosphate (Feed Grade) Side Effects Dicalcium Phosphate (Feed Grade) Side Effects Tetra Sodium Pyrophosphate Side Effects Dipotassium Phosphate Side Effects Phosphoric Acid Side Effects General Side Effects Prolonged using of phosphate salts may upset the balance of phosphates and other chemicals in the body. Please refer to suggested dosage for safe quantity. High blood phosphate level may lead to several side effects: Development of renal disease. Damages blood vessels. Induces aging processes. * Report new side effects to us by sending email to [email protected]."
"docid": "D639402#0",
"title": "https://vaccines.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=005206\n.",
"text": "\"Last updated on: 9/19/2016 8:45:06 AM PSTVaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information (alphabetical order by vaccine)We have listed vaccine ingredients (substances that appear in the final vaccine product), process ingredients (substances used to create the vaccine that may or may not appear in the final vaccine product), and growth mediums (the substances vaccines are grown in) for vaccines approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and commonly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.) Controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains. Though not listed, each vaccine contains strains of the virus being vaccinated against. Each vaccine entry links to the manufacturer's package insert that contains information about dosage, ingredient quantity, and how the vaccine is made. Some vaccines, like influenza vaccines, are modified frequently and you may wish to consult the package inserts online and your doctor for the most current information. I. Vaccines and Ingredients II. Glossary and Details for Ingredients III. Sources I. VACCINES AND INGREDIENTS1. Adenovirus2. Anthrax3."
] |
54 | shu means what | [
"docid": "D361377#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/shu\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does shu mean? Definitions for shu Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word shu. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Shu The State of Shu was an ancient state in what is now Sichuan, China. It was conquered by Qin in 316 BC. Shu was based on the Chengdu Plain, in the western Sichuan basin with some extension northeast to the upper Han River valley. To the east was the Ba tribal confederation. Further east down the Han and Yangtze rivers was the State of Chu. To the north over the Qinling Mountains was the State of Qin. To the west and south were tribal peoples of little military power. Suggested Resources (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: SHUWhat does SHU stand for? --"
] | [
"docid": "D1131517#0",
"title": "http://www.eliyah.com/yahushua.html\nWhy Yahushua? (Latest update 2/14/17)",
"text": "\"Why Yahushua? ( Latest update 2/14/17)Some have written me asking for an explanation of why I use the form \"\"Yahushua\"\" in reference to the Messiah while others use \"\"Yahshua\"\", \"\"Yeshua\"\" or \"\"Yehoshua\"\". With an open mind, and with grace offered to any who may see it differently, the purpose of this study share the reasons why I use \"\"Yahushua. \"\" I'm not one that believes that you need to pronounce the Messiah's name exactly like I do in order to be saved. However, the issue of the Messiah's name was an important issue among the first century believers in Messiah. To demonstrate this, consider the following scriptures: Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, \"\"Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Yahushua Messiah for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, \"\"Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth, rise up and walk. \"\" Acts 3:16 \"\"And His name , through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which [comes] through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. Acts 4:7 And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, \"\"By what power or by what name have you done this? \"\""
"docid": "D3233903#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/969857/made-in-america-the-truth-about-chinese-food\nMade in America: The truth about Chinese food",
"text": "\"FOOD & RECIPES / Cooking & Entertaining NEXT STORYMade in America: The truth about Chinese food Sep 06, 2012by Katherine Martinelli Print Are your favorite dishes authentic? Share Tweet Pin Share Tumble Comment Now Chinese food in America is nearly as popular as pizza and hamburgers and is a favorite take-out option. But how close to the real thing is what we think of as Chinese food? Made in America Are your favorite dishes authentic? Chinese food in America is nearly as popular as pizza and hamburgers and is a favorite take-out option. But how close to the real thing is what we think of as Chinese food? You might be surprised to learn the true origins of some items that are standbys on American Chinese restaurant menus. But don't go looking for fortune cookies or General Tso's chicken in China!Chop suey Popular particularly in the mid 20th century in American Chinese restaurants, chop suey can actually be traced back to China. It literally means \"\"assorted pieces\"\" and can be cooked with any meat and combination of vegetables. In China, it is typically accompanied by rice while in the U. S. it's more commonly seen with noodles and is today more often called chow mein."
"docid": "D2267446#0",
"title": "http://orange-is-the-new-black.wikia.com/wiki/Tricia_Miller\nTricia Miller",
"text": "\"Tricia Miller Biographical Information Full Name Patricia Miller Age19 (Born 1994)Sex Female AKATrish Miller Powder ( Pornstache)Trailer Park All-Star ( Caputo)Corn Hoes ( Big Boo)Family Unnamed Mother Unnamed Step-Father Unnamed Cousin Red (Prison Mother) Nicky (Prison Sister) Mercy Valduto (ex-girlfriend)Status Deceased Death Drug Overdose Indirectly murdered by Pornstache Litchfield Information Offense Theft Inmate Job Electrical Shop Bunk Mate Nicky Nichols (Former)Groups AAThe Suburbs Red's Family Show Information Actor Madeline Brewer Season S1Count7First\"\" Tit Punch \"\"Last\"\" Bora Bora Bora \"\"Flashbacks\"\" Bora Bora Bora \"\"Patricia \"\"Tricia\"\" Miller was a recurring character on Orange Is the New Black. Miller, who suffered from a drug addiction, was one of the youngest inmates at Litchfield Penitentiary, at 19 years old. She died during the first season. She is portrayed by actress Madeline Brewer . Contents [ show]Biography Edit Before Litchfield Edit For a list of episodes featuring Tricia's flashbacks, see here. Spending her teenage years living out on the streets with her friend, Allie, Miller resorted to theft in order to survive. It is hinted that she left her home due to a problematic situation with her family, as she's glad turning 18 and from then on being through with her parents, probably having been sexually abused by her \"\"rapist stepfather\"\". Throughout her life, she kept a detailed record of every item she stole or dollar owed, intending to one day pay back every business for the items she 'borrowed' and was arrested after getting caught stealing a necklace (\"\" Bora Bora Bora \"\"). Season One Edit Tricia is first seen in Episode 2 turning on the vending machine after Piper's visit with Larry is over. She was seen later on in the kitchen with Nicky and Luschek trying to fix \"\"Betty\"\" the fridge."
"docid": "D361378#0",
"title": "http://www.abbreviations.com/SHU\nWhat does SHUstand for?",
"text": "\"Filter by: Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Acronym Definition Options Rating SHUSheffield Hallam University Academic & Science » Universities Rate it: SHUSeton Hall University Academic & Science » Universities Rate it: SHUShanghai University Academic & Science » Universities Rate it: SHUSacred Heart University Academic & Science » Universities Rate it: SHUShurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Business » NYSE Symbols Rate it: SHUScoville Heat Units Miscellaneous » Unit Measures Rate it: SHUScoville Heat Unit Academic & Science » Chemistry Rate it: SHUSecurity Housing Unit Governmental » Military Rate it: SHUSpecial Housing Unit Community » Housing & Amenities Rate it: SHUSegregated Housing Unit Community Rate it: SHUSmith Point, Northern Territory, Australia Regional » Airport Codes Rate it: SHUSolitary Housing Unit Community » Housing & Amenities Rate it: SHUSanta Hat Union Community » Unions Rate it: SHUs a habanero up Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: SHUSushi House Unico Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: SHUSignal Hang Up Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it: SHUSecure Housing Unit Community » Non-Profit Organizations Rate it: SHUShenhua International Limited Business » ASX Symbols Rate it: What does SHU mean? Shu The State of Shu was an ancient state in what is now Sichuan, China. It was conquered by Qin in 316 BC. Shu was based on the Chengdu Plain, in the western Sichuan basin with some extension northeast to the upper Han River valley. To the east was the Ba tribal confederation. Further east down the Han and Yangtze rivers was the State of Chu. To the north over the Qinling Mountains was the State of Qin. To the west and south were tribal peoples of little military power.see more »Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of SHU? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: SHTML - SHTN - SHTR - SHTTP - SHTU - SHU PB - SHU PC - SHUANITA - SHUANYANG - SHUDDiscuss these SHU abbreviations with the community: Know what is SHU? Got another good explanation for SHU?"
"docid": "D2840886#0",
"title": "http://www.collegesimply.com/colleges/connecticut/sacred-heart-university/admission/\nSHU Admission Requirements",
"text": "\"SHU Admission Requirements2 ratings Overview Admission Price Outcomes Students Majors Reviews Acceptance Rate57.2% Admission Standards Unavailable Applicant Competition Average Can I get into SHU? The school has a 57% acceptance rate. Last year, 5,731 out of 10,017 applicants were admitted making SHU a more competitive school to get into with a good chance of acceptance for qualifying applicants. Sacred Heart University typically accepts and attracts \"\"B+\"\" average high school students. Only 23% of those admitted chose to enroll in the school.57% are accepted, can you get in? See if you have the grades and scores to get into Sacred Heart University Calculate My Chances Promoted by Cappex SAT Requirements SAT Range Not Reported Applicants Submitting SAT-SAT Reading 25th N/ASAT Math 25th N/ASAT Composite 25th N/ASAT Reading 75th N/ASAT Math 75th N/ASAT Composite 75th N/AData Sources, IPEDS for Fall 2016 starting class ACT Requirements ACT Range Not Reported Applicants Submitting ACT-ACT Reading 25th N/AACT Math 25th N/AACT Composite 25th N/AACT Reading 75th N/AACT Math 75th N/AACT Composite 75th N/AData Sources, IPEDS for Fall 2016 starting class Estimated GPA Requirements Avg. High School GPA3.3Typical High School Grades B+You will need above average high school grades to get into Sacred Heart University. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Sacred Heart University was 3.3 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend. If your high school GPA meets these requirements, there is a good chance you will be accepted as SHU accepts 57% of students who apply. What do these ratings mean?"
"docid": "D1549585#0",
"title": "http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/tefnut.html\nTefnut",
"text": "\"Tefnut Tefnut (Tefenet, Tefnet) was an ancient Egyptian goddess of moisture, but was strongly associated with both the moon and the sun. She was known as both the left (moon) and the right (sun) \"\"Eyes of Ra\"\" and represented moisture (as a lunar goddess) and dryness (or the absence of moisture, as a solar goddess). Her name means \"\"She of moisture\"\" and its root can be found in the Egyptian words for \"\"moist\"\" and \"\"spit\"\". Tefnut was generally depicted as a lioness or a woman with a lion's head. Less often, she was depicted as a woman. She always wears a solar disk and Uraeus, and carries a sceptre (representing power) and the ankh (representing the breath of life). She also occasionally took the form of a cobra. She was originally considered to be the lunar \"\"Eye of Ra\"\" linking her to the night sky as well as to dew, rain and mist. However, she also took on the aspect of the sun as the solar \"\"Eye of Ra\"\", the protector of the sun god (also known as the \"\"Lady of the Flame\"\" and the \"\"Uraeus on the Head of all the Gods\"\"). She shared this role with a number of other goddesses including Sekhmet, Hathor, Mut, Bast, Isis, Wadjet and Nekhbet."
"docid": "D1201730#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/Health/WellnessNews/big-stroller-carting-big-kids-bad/story?id=13597874\nToo Big For a Stroller: Why Carting Your Big Kids Does a Disservice",
"text": "\"Too Big For a Stroller: Why Carting Your Big Kids Does a Disservice By COURTNEY HUTCHISONABC NEWS MEDICAL UNITMay 13, 2011Toobigforstroller.com WATCH Toobigforstroller.com Suggests Some Kids Walk Email Urban stroller rage has found its outlet: Too Big For Stroller.com, a blog that pokes fun at candid photos of kids old enough to walk for themselves, and in some cases do long division, being chauffeured around by parents in long-outgrown strollers . Simply titled, the blog \"\"Walk\"\" was conceived by Laura Miller, 27, two years ago as an inside joke among her friends, but thanks to recent publicity on Tumblr, the site and its creator have become the center of an at-times-vicious online parenting debate . Is the overuse of strollers breeding a generation of lazy kids? Are parents today coddling their kids into obesity? And more practically, how old is too old for kids to be in a stroller ? \"\" A lot of people have brought up issues of child laziness, parent laziness, which were things I had no intention of touching on when I made the blog,\"\" says Miller, of Jersey City, N. J. \"\"To me [the blog] was more of a humorous thing, but I think that it's given some people an outlet to admit this pet peeve. \"\" Though Miller says the blog is not meaning to \"\"bash parents in any way,\"\" she has received a lot of flak from disgruntled mothers who post on the site's Facebook page and send her hate mail defending their late use of strollers and chastising her for not appreciating the difficulties of parenthood. \"\" These people don't realize that I get that,\"\" Miller says. \"\" I'm not calling anyone lazy. It's just a funny kind of sight. \"\""
"docid": "D1291153#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naga_Bhut_Jolokia\nBhut jolokia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Naga Bhut Jolokia)navigation search Bhut jolokia Hybrid parentage Capsicum chinense × Capsicum frutescens Origin Assam, Northeast India Heat Exceptionally hot Scoville scale 1,041,427 SHUThe Bhut jolokia ( IPA: [ˈbʱʊt.zɔˌlɔkiˌja]), also known as ghost pepper, ghost chili, U-morok, red naga, naga jolokia and ghost jolokia, is an interspecific hybrid chili pepper cultivated in the Northeast Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. [ 1] [2] It is a hybrid of Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescens and is closely related to the Naga Morich of Bangladesh. [ 3]In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world's hottest chili pepper, 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. The ghost chili is rated at more than 1 million Scoville heat units (SHUs). However, the ghost chili was shortly superseded by the Infinity chili in 2011, followed by the Naga Viper, the Trinidad moruga scorpion in 2012 and the Carolina Reaper on August 7, 2013. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Scoville rating3 Characteristics4 Uses4.1 Defense product5 Dorset Naga6 Gallery7 See also8 References Etymology [ edit]The chili is referred differently in different regions. In Assam, it is widely known as bhût zôlôkia (ভোট জলকীয়া) or bih zôlôkiya. In some parts of Assam, this chili is called nôga zôlôkia (নগা জলকীয়া), believed to be named after the ferocious Naga warriors inhabiting the plains and hills of Nagaland. [ 5] Further complicating matters, a 2009 paper coined the English term \"\"Naga king chili\"\" which refers to the chili's large pod size. [ 6] [7] This is probably because the chili has long been colloquially known as Raja mircha or Raja mirchi in Nagaland."
"docid": "D26791#0",
"title": "http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/tibetan.php\nUseful phrases in Tibetan",
"text": "\"Useful phrases in Tibetan A collection of useful phrases in Tibetan, a Sino-Tibetan language spoken mainly in Tibet. Jump to phrases Click on any of the (non-English) phrases that are links (blue) to hear them spoken. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me . To see these phrases in many other languages click on the English versions. If you'd like to see these phrases in any combination of two languages, try the Phrase Finder . If you can help fill in the gaps on this page, please contact me . English བོད་སྐད་ (Tibetan)Welcome ཕེབས་པར་དགའ་བསུ་ཞུ། (heb-bar kaa-su-shu)Hello (General greeting) བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས། (tashi delek)*How are you?ཁྱེད་རང་སྐུ་གཇུགས་བདེ་པོ་ཡིན་པས། (kayrang kusu debo yimbay? ) Reply to 'How are you?' ང་བདེ་པོ་ཡིན། (nga debo yin)Long time no see ཡུན་རིང་འཇལ་རྒྱུ་མ་བྱུང་། (yün-ring je-kyu ma-joong)What's your name? ཁྱེད་རང་གི་མཚན་ལ་ག་རེ་ཞུ་གི་ཡོད། (kayrang gi minglâ karay ray? )"
"docid": "D55341#0",
"title": "http://www.parents.com/baby/health/constipation/foods-that-cause-and-relieve-constipation-in-babies/\nFoods That Cause and Relieve Constipation in Babies",
"text": "Home Babies Health Constipation Foods That Cause and Relieve Constipation in Babies If your baby is constipated, you may need to examine the baby's diet and your own. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Kaysh Shinn As new parents, you might be surprised at how much you think, talk, and worry about poop. When a baby is pooping regularly, it usually means that all her pipes are in working order and that she's getting enough to eat and disposing of the rest. So it's understandable that the absence of -- or noticeable change in consistency in -- poop can stress parents out. And because food is largely to blame when it comes to constipation, let's take a closer look at your baby's diet. The Just-Liquid Months For starters, constipation in newborns is fairly uncommon. Babies are on an all-liquid diet, so their food is more easily absorbed and digested, says Jennifer Shu, M. D., an Atlanta-based pediatrician and coauthor of Food Fights: Winning The Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed with Insight, Humor, and A Bottle of Ketchup. On average, babies 0 to 4 months old poop 3 to 4 times a day. But rather than frequency, the most important thing to watch for is that it's soft. If an infant's poop is hard, that's a sign that it's staying in there longer than we want it to be, Dr. Shu says."
"docid": "D1549588#0",
"title": "http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/themestream/shu.html\nShu, Holder of the Sky, God of the Air, Wind, Sunlight and Protection",
"text": "\"Shu, Holder of the Sky, God of the Air, Wind, Sunlight and Protectionby Caroline Seawright January 14, 2002 Updated: February 21, 20130 Comments ( )Shu (Su) was the god of dry air, wind and the atmosphere. He was also related to the sun, possibly as an aspect of sunlight. He was the son of the creator god, father of the twin sky and the earth deities and the one who held the sky off of the earth. He was one of the gods who protected Ra on his journey through the underworld, using magic spells to ward off Ra's enemy, the water snake-demon Apep. As with other protector gods, he had a darker side - he was also a god of punishment in the land of the dead, leading executioners and torturers to kill off the corrupt souls. His name might be derived from the word for dryness - shu, the root of words such as 'dry', 'parched', 'withered', 'sunlight' and 'empty'. His name could also mean 'He who Rises Up'. He was generally depicted as a man wearing an ostrich feather headdress, holding a sceptre and the ankh sign of life. Sometimes he was shown wearing the sun disk on his head, linking him to the sun. Occasionally, when shown with his sister-wife Tefnut, he is shown in lion form and the two were known as the \"\"twin lion gods\"\"."
"docid": "D2330563#0",
"title": "https://foursquare.com/v/gum-how-kitchen/4b9444d9f964a5202d7234e3/menu\nGum How Kitchen",
"text": "\"Gum How Kitchen Chinese Restaurant $ $$$Port Washington Save Share Tips 4 Photos 5Menu7.0 / 10 15ratings Menu Main Menu 19Main Menu Dieter's Special (dishes are steamed, sauce on the side w. brown rice or white rice)Steamed Chicken with Broccoli 8.25Steamed Shrimp W. Broccoli 9.25Steamed Mixed Vegetables 6.75Steamed Chicken W. Mixed Veg. 8.25Steamed Shrimp W. Vegetable 9.25Steamed Chicken 11.95Chef's Suggestions Butterfly Shrimp 9.25Seafood Delight 14.95Shrimp & Chicken with Garlic Sauce 11.95Jumbo shrimp and sliced chicken, sauteed w. celery, red pepper and broccoli garlic sauce Sauteed Shrimp W. Fresh Scallops 14.95Sliced beef & scallop w. assorted chinese vegetable in brown sauce. Sai Woo Duck with Meat 8.95Happy Family 13.95Shrimp, chicken, beef scallop and lobster meat Tung Ting Shrimp 9.25Chow Har Kew (Fried Shrimp) 9.50Four Seasons 9.75Wor Shew Opp (Duck) with Veg. 8.95Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce 9.25Soup Egg Drop Soup 2.55Chicken Rice Soup 1.50Wonton Egg Drop (Mixed) 1.75House Wor Wonton Soup 6.50Chef's specialties White Chicken Noodle Soup 3.65Wonton Soup 2.75Chicken Noodle Soup 1.50Hot and Sour Soup 1.75Vegetable and Bean Curd 3.60Appetizers Egg Roll (1) 1.15Vegetable Spring Rolls (2) 1.99Szechuan Wonton (12) 3.55Chef's specialties Shrimp Toast (1) 1.75Fried Or Steamed Dumplings (8) 3.65Chicken Wings 3.75Roast Pork Sliced Or Ends 5.95Boneless Spare Ribs 5.95Shrimp Roll (1) 1.25Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce 3.65Fried Wonton (12) W. Sweet Sour Sauce 3.55Fantail Shrimp (6) 5.55Vegetable Steamed Dumplings (8) 3.95Beef Sticks (2) 2.75Barbecued Spare Ribs 5.95Chef's specialties Chow Meinw. veg. Chicken Chow Mein 4.25Shrimp Chow Mein 4.95White Meat Chicken Chow Mein 4.95Subgum Shrimp Chow Mein 5.55House Special Chow Mein 5.25Chef's specialties Roast Pork Chow Mein 4.25Vegetable Chow Mein 6.75Subgum Chicken Chow Mein 4.95Beef Chow Mein 4.95Chop Suey Chicken Chop Suey 4.50Shrimp Chop Suey 4.95Roast Pork Chop Suey 4.50Beef Chop Suey 4.95Vegetable & Bean Curd Vegetable Delight 6.55Garlic Sauce with Mixed Vegetables 6.55Broccoli W. Garlic Sauce Or Brown Sauce 6.55Chinese Eggplant with Garlic Sauce 6.55Bean Curd with Minced Pork 6.55Mixed Vegs. with Bean Curd 6.55Bean Curd Home Style 6.55String Bean with Hot Sauce 6.55Moo Shu Vegetable 6.55 (with 4 pancakes)Fried Ricewe have brown rice Roast Pork Fried Rice 3.25Beef Fried Rice 4.50Young Chow Fried Rice 7.75Chef's specialties Broccoli Fried Rice 4.25Brown Rice 1.50Chicken Fried Rice 3.50Shrimp Fried Rice 4.50Vegetable Fried Rice 5.75White Rice 1.10Lo Mein (soft noodles)Roast Pork Lo Mein 3.95Beef Lo Mein 4.95House Special Lo Mein 5.25Chef's specialties Chicken Lo Mein 4.25Vegetable Lo Mein 3.95Shrimp Lo Mein 4.95Chow Fun (flat rice noodles)Roast Pork Chow Fun 4.25Beef Chow Fun 4.95Beef Chow Fun W. Black Bean Sauce 7.55Chicken Chow Fun 4.25Shrimp Chow Fun 4.95Chow Mei Fun (thin noodles)Roast Pork Chow Mei Fun 4.25Beef Chow Mei Fun 4.95Singapore Mei Fun 7.95Chicken Chow Mei Fun 4.25Shrimp Chow Mei Fun 4.95Egg Foo Young Roast Pork Egg Foo Young 4.25Shrimp Egg Foo Young 4.95Vegetable Egg Foo Young 4.25Chicken Egg Foo Young 4.25Beef Egg Foo Young 4.50Sweet & Pungent Sweet and Sour Pork 4.25Sweet and Sour Chicken 4.50Sweet and Sour Shrimp (5) 5.95Beef Pepper Steak with Onions 5.25Beef with Broccoli 5.25Beef with Mushroom Gravy 5.25Beef with Oyster Sauce 5.25Beef with Tomatoes 5.25Beef with Onions 8.50Curry Beef with Onions 5.25Beef with String Bean 5.25Mod Shu Beef (W. 4 Pancakes) 8.50Chef's specialties Beef with Bean Curd 5.25Beef with Mixed Vegetables 5.25Beef with Bean Sprouts 5.25Beef W. Tomatoes & Peppers 5.25Beef with Black Bean Sauce 8.50Beef with Snow Pea Pods 5.95Shredded Beef 8.50Chef's specialties Pork Roast Pork W. Mushroom Gravy 4.95Roast Pork W. Mixed Veg. 4.95Roast Pork with Bean Sprouts 4.95Roast Pork with Black Bean Sauce 4.95Roast Pork with Broccoli 4.95Moo Shu Pork (W. 4 Pancakes) 7.95Chef's specialties Roast Pork with Tomatoes 4.95Roast Pork W. Oyster Sauce 4.95Roast Pork with Almonds 4.95Roast Pork with Bean Curd 4.95Roast Pork with Snow Pea Pods 5.55Roast Pork with String Bean 4.95Chicken Chicken with Mushroom 4.95Chicken with Mixed Vegetables 7.95Chicken with Broccoli 4.95Chicken with Bean Curd 4.95Chicken with String Beans 4.95Chicken with Snow Pea Pods 5.75Orange Chicken 8.25Moo Goo Gai Pan 4.95Diced Chicken W. Cashew/almond 7.95Curry Chicken with Onion 4.95Chicken with Black Bean Sauce 4.95Moo Shu Chicken (W. 4 Pancakes) 7.95Chef's specialties Lemon Chicken 8.25Seafood Lobster Cantonese Style Chef's specialties, s.p. Shrimp with Lobster Sauce 5.75Shrimp with Oyster Sauce 5.75Shrimp with Green Peppers 5.75Shrimp with Broccoli 5.75Shrimp with Cashew Nut 5.75Shrimp with Snow Peas 6.25Lobster Sauce 2.95Shrimp with Black Bean Sauce 5.75Shrimp with Bean Sprouts 5.75Shrimp with Mixed Vegetable 5.75Shrimp with Bean Curd 5.75Curry Shrimp with Onions 8.95Moo Shu Shrimp (W. 4 Pancakes) 7.95Combination Dinners (served with pork fried rice and egg roll or soup)Chicken Or Pork Chow Mein 5.55Green Pepper Steak 6.75Roast Pork Egg Foo Young 6.25Shrimp W. Lobster Sauce Or Broccoli 7.25Roast Pork Sliced Or Ends 6.75Sweet and Pungent Chicken 6.25General Tso's Chicken 6.75Shredded Beef Or Chicken 7.25Shrimp Chow Mein 6.25Roast Pork with Chinese Vegetable 6.25Bar-B-Q Spare Ribs 7.25Beef Or Chicken/broccoli 6.75Roast Pork Or Chicken Lo Mein 6.25Sesame Chicken 6.75Chicken Garlic Sauce 6.75Shrimp and Chicken Combination 6.50Szechuan Dishes Kung Po Chicken Ding 6.25Kung Po Shrimp and Chicken 6.95Sesame Beef 6.95Chef's specialties Chicken with Orange Flavor 6.25Chef's specialties Hunan Shrimp 8.95Chef's specialties Beef with Garlic Sauce 6.25Chef's specialties Chicken with Garlic Sauce 6.25Chef's specialties Sesame Chicken 6.25Chef's specialties Sesame Shrimp 6.95Chef's specialties Fried Noodles 0.50Kung Po Shrimp Ding 6.25Szechuan Beef Or Chicken 6.25Chef's specialties Beef with Orange Flavor 6.95Chef's specialties Shrimp & Chicken Combination 6.25Chef's specialties Hunan Chicken 7.95Chef's specialties Shrimp with Garlic Sauce 6.50Chef's specialties Double Sauteed Slice Pork 6.25Chef's specialties General Tso's Chicken 6.25Chef's specialties Fortune Cookies (4) 0.40Coke 20 Oz. 1.50Disclaimer: Always check with the business for pricing and availability of menu items."
"docid": "D1982958#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhut_jolokia\nBhut jolokia",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bhut jolokia Hybrid parentage Capsicum chinense × Capsicum frutescens Origin Assam, Northeast India Heat Exceptionally hot Scoville scale 1,041,427 SHUThe Bhut jolokia ( IPA: [ˈbʱʊt.zɔˌlɔkiˌja]), also known as ghost pepper, ghost chili, U-morok, red naga, naga jolokia and ghost jolokia, is an interspecific hybrid chili pepper cultivated in the Northeast Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. [ 1] [2] It is a hybrid of Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescens and is closely related to the Naga Morich of Bangladesh. [ 3]In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world's hottest chili pepper, 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. The ghost chili is rated at more than 1 million Scoville heat units (SHUs). However, the ghost chili was shortly superseded by the Infinity chili in 2011, followed by the Naga Viper, the Trinidad moruga scorpion in 2012 and the Carolina Reaper on August 7, 2013. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Scoville rating3 Characteristics4 Uses4.1 Defence product5 Dorset Naga6 Gallery7 See also8 References Etymology [ edit]The chili is referred differently in different regions. In Assam, it is widely known as bhût zôlôkia (ভোট জলকীয়া) or bih zôlôkiya. In some parts of Assam, this chili is called nôga zôlôkia (নগা জলকীয়া), believed to be named after the ferocious Naga warriors inhabiting the plains and hills of Nagaland. [ 5] Further complicating matters, a 2009 paper coined the English term \"\"Naga king chili\"\" which refers to the chili's large pod size. [ 6] [7] This is probably because the chili has long been colloquially known as Raja mircha or Raja mirchi in Nagaland."
"docid": "D1432330#0",
"title": "https://www.sabrered.com/formulations-heat-strength-and-law\nFormulations: Heat, Strength and the Law",
"text": "Because human pepper sprays are not government-regulated, manufacturers can make unchecked, exaggerated claims implying their sprays are more effective than they are. The truth is that SABRE is the only pepper spray manufacturer that controls and guarantees formula strength! Our exclusive HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) Guarantee means our pepper sprays never fail due to inconsistent heat levels. No other brand can make the same claim. So don't be fooled by misleading numbers. Know that the following claims could be deceiving: OC Percentage Some brands hope you believe a higher OC percentage means a more effective spray. But this number only measure the amount of pepper within the spray, not the heat strength or effectiveness. Scoville Heat Units (SHU)Some brands advertise the SHU of the raw pepper, not of the pepper spray formulation. The SHU of the raw peppers is highly diluted in the pepper spray formula, and therefore not an accurate indicator of strength . Major capsaicinoids are the true heat measure and can only be guaranteed through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) testing - and, again, we're the only brand that does."
"docid": "D2228809#0",
"title": "http://www.thechileman.org/guide_heat.php\nWhat makes Chiles Hot?",
"text": "\"What makes Chiles Hot? Most chileheads know that a chemical called Capsaicin is what gives Chiles their heat. But what is it and where does it come from? Why can some people eat a hot habanero with ease, yet others break out in a sweat at the mere thought? Is the Morouga Scorpion really the world's hottest Chile? This chileman's guide aims to answer some of these questions as well as providing some advice on how to avoid 'Hunan hand', 'Jalapeno eye' and tackle the burn! But first let me start with some of my favourite quotes: \"\"Pure capsaicin is so powerful that chemists who handle the crystalline powder must work in a filtered \"\"tox room\"\" in full body protection. The suit has a closed hood to prevent inhaling the powder. It's not toxic, but you wish you were dead if you inhale it.\"\" Lloyd Matheson of the University of Iowa Scary eh?"
"docid": "D758315#0",
"title": "http://www.elle.com/beauty/makeup-skin-care/tips/g8262/fourteen-days-of-matte-lipsticks/\n11 Matte Lipsticks That ELLE.com Editors Swear By",
"text": "\"Courtesy By ELLE.com Mar 6, 2018Now ubiquitous, shine-free lip color is more than Instagram makeup. Matte lipstick just makes sense. Unlike gloss or sheeny lipsticks, flat pigment stays put the longest–second only to lip stain–which means no mess on cups, clothes, or other people's faces. On the flip side, matte lipstick longevity means you'll want to find colors that you can live with all day. Here, ELLE.com editors weigh in on all things matte–from the perfect drugstore berry shade to the one Kylie Lip Kit color you need to try. Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Lip Kit\"\"I know, it's a bit basic, but of all the lip products I've ever used, this red matte stays on forever. Really, my pillowcase will testify. It's unfortunately quite drying, too but the longevity and suits-all-red is this product's selling point. And that's why I use it most days, and then apply Aquaphor to moisturize my lips in between.\"\" — Alyssa Bailey, ELLE.com Associate News Editor Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Lipkit, $29; kyliecosmetics.com SHOPAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below Make Matte Lipstick Courtesy\"\"This brand came into my life about four years ago, and as soon as I discovered its matte lipsticks, I put my high-shine glosses on hold."
"docid": "D230113#0",
"title": "https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/how-hot-is-it-understanding-pepper-spray/\nHow Effective is Pepper Spray for Self-Defense? â USCCA",
"text": "\"Caution: Some states and many political subdivisions restrict the sale, possession and use of defensive sprays. Make sure you consult your local laws. Pepper spray is a very useful tool that can add tremendous flexibility to one’s defensive response. Thus, proper training and mental preparation are essential. I suppose it is bad form to start an article with a discussion of what it is NOT about, but humor me anyway. This article will not examine whether you should carry pepper spray as a supplement to a defensive handgun; that requires a careful assessment of your personal needs and circumstances. But I would urge you not to make the decision without proper reflection. Pepper spray is a very useful tool that can add tremendous flexibility to one’s defensive response, but it also adds complexity because it requires you to choose between options in the stressful instant of a violent encounter. Thus, proper training and mental preparation are essential. Even though we have other factors to consider, it is still interesting to look at the hotness of some commonly available sprays."
"docid": "D2451794#0",
"title": "http://www.electriciantalk.com/f2/electric-fence-ideas-37000/\n.",
"text": "\"04-11-2012, 02:43 PM # 1dronai Premium Member Join Date: Apr 2011Location: California Posts: 6,673 Rewards Points: 3,975Electric Fence Ideas I need an electric fence, that will keep Raccoons off my customers semi flat roof. He has trapped them for years, and is looking for another solution. Area that needs protection is about 80' paremeter. The roofing material is rock. Any products that anybody has used ? Has to be sturdy enough to keep out Coons up to 50ibs.__________________ Professional Armchair Electrician Join the #1 Electrician Forum Today - It's Totally Free!Electrician Talk.com - Are you a Professional Electrical Contractor? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's the leading place for electricians to meet online. No homeowners asking DIY questions."
"docid": "D3516066#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moo_shu_pork\nMoo shu pork",
"text": "\"Moo shu pork From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Mu shu\"\" redirects here. For the Mulan character, see Mushu. Moo shu pork Traditional Chinese 木 須 肉 or 木 樨 肉Simplified Chinese 木 须 肉 or 木 樨 肉Hanyu Pinyin mù xū ròu or mù xī ròu [ show] Transcriptions Moo shu pork (also spelled mù xū ròu, moo shi pork, mu shu or mu xu pork) is a dish of northern Chinese origin, possibly originating from Shandong. It is believed to have first appeared on the menus of Chinese restaurants in the United States in the late 1960s, [1] and is also a staple of American Chinese cuisine. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Description1.1 Chinese1.2 American Chinese1.3 Variations2 Serving2.1 Chinese style2.2 American Chinese style3 Etymology4 See also5 References Description [ edit]Chinese [ edit]In its traditional Chinese version, moo shu pork (木须肉 / mùxūròu) consists of sliced pork tenderloin, cucumber, and scrambled eggs, stir fried in sesame or peanut oil together with thinly sliced wood ear mushrooms (black fungus) and enokitake mushrooms. The dish is seasoned with minced ginger and garlic, scallions, soy sauce, and rice cooking wine (usually huangjiu ). American Chinese [ edit]In the United States, the dish seems to have appeared in Chinese restaurants in New York City and Washington, D. C., in approximately 1966, receiving mention in a New York Times guide to Washington, D. C., restaurants published in that year. [ 3] One of the first restaurants in Manhattan to serve the dish was Pearl's, one of the best known New York City Chinese restaurants to serve non- Cantonese food in the 1960s. [ 4] A 1967 article in The New York Times states that another of the first restaurateurs to serve the dish in Manhattan was Emily Kwoh, the owner of the Mandarin House, Mandarin East, and Great Shanghai restaurants. [ 5] The dish was also early on the menu at Joyce Chen 's, a celebrated pioneering Mandarin-style restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts."
"docid": "D1493762#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sake\nSake",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the beverage. For other uses, see Sake (disambiguation). Sake bottle, Japan, ca. 1740Sake served in a clear glass Sake barrel offerings, Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gūSake ( Japanese: 酒, Japanese pronunciation: [Sake]), also spelled saké, ( IPA: / ˈ s ɑː k eɪ /SAH -kay or American English / ˈ s ɑː k i / SAH -kee) [1] [2] also referred to as a Japanese rice wine, is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran. Unlike wine, in which alcohol is produced by fermenting sugar that is naturally present in fruit, typically grapes, sake is produced by a brewing process more akin to that of beer, where starch is converted into sugars which ferment into alcohol. The brewing process for sake differs from the process for beer in that, for beer, the conversion from starch to sugar and from sugar to alcohol occurs in two distinct steps. Like other rice wines, when sake is brewed, these conversions occur simultaneously. Furthermore, the alcohol content differs between sake, wine, and beer. Wine generally contains 9–16% ABV, [3] while most beer contains 3–9%, and undiluted sake contains 18–20% (although this is often lowered to about 15% by diluting with water prior to bottling). In the Japanese language, the word \"\" sake \"\" ( 酒, \"\"liquor\"\", also pronounced shu) can refer to any alcoholic drink, while the beverage called \"\"sake\"\" in English is usually termed nihonshu ( 日本酒, \"\"Japanese liquor\"\")."
] |
55 | stockings what did dobbins do with his pantyhose when his girlfriend dumped him? | [
"docid": "D1366317#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/thingscarried/section9.rhtml\nThe Things They Carried",
"text": "Summary O’Brien relates that on ambushes, and sometimes in bed, Henry Dobbins wears his girlfriend’s pantyhose around his neck. Superstitions are prevalent in Vietnam, and the pantyhose are Dobbins’s good luck charm. With the pantyhose around his neck, Dobbins survives tripping over a land mine, and a week later he survives a firefight. In October, Dobbins’s girlfriend dumps him. Despite the pain of the rejection, he ties the pantyhose around his neck, remarking that the magic hasn’t been lost. Analysis“Stockings” and “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” are thematically opposed in their treatment of the relationship between soldiers and women. While “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” challenges the idea that manifestations of femininity serve as comforting reminders of home, “Stockings” enforces it. The story affirms Henry Dobbins’s notion that his girlfriend’s stockings, which he ties around his neck, keep him from harm. At the same time, however, it emphasizes that this tactic is, in the end, nothing but superstition. Dobbins originally rationalizes wearing the stockings because their smell and feel remind him of his girlfriend and of a safer world away from Vietnam."
] | [
"docid": "D2102046#0",
"title": "http://victorious.wikia.com/wiki/Jade_West\nJade West",
"text": "\"Jade West General Information Gender: Female Age: 15-17Hair Color: Brown w/ blue, blonde, pink, white, and red highlights (Season 1) Dyed Black w/ blue and green highlights (Season 2) Dark Brown with blue, green, and purple highlights (Seasons 3) Dark Brown with purple highlights (Season 4)Eye Color: Teal (Blue-Green)Birthday: July 26, 1994Height: 5'7\"\" (170 cm)Address: Hollywood, California Occupation (s): Student Aliases: Betty Sue Goldenheart ( Sleepover at Sikowitz's) Gank (by Sikowitz, André, Beck, and Tori) (Freak The Freak Out)Crabby Kathy (by Sikowitz) (Locked Up! ) Tori Vega (Brain Squeezers)Family & Friends Family: Mr. West (father) Ms. West (mother) Step-mother (unnamed) Grandfather (unnamed) Grandmother (unnamed) Unnamed brother Friends: André Harris Cat Valentine (best friend) Robbie Shapiro Beck Oliver (boyfriend) Tori Vega (frenemy)Relationships: Beck Oliver (boyfriend)Enemies: Trina Vega (frenemy) Sinjin Van Cleef (one-sided) Hayley Ferguson Tara Ganz Mrs. Lee Rex Powers Other Information Interests: Acting Script Writing Singing Scissors Education: Hollywood Arts High School Talent: Singing Acting Script Writing Weaknesses: Jealousy Anger Trust Issues with Beck Series Information First appearance: Pilot Last appearance: Victori-Yes Portrayed By: Elizabeth Gillies Jade West is one of the seven main characters in the Nickelodeon TV show Victorious. She often serves as an antagonist to Tori Vega on the show, but they are still members of the same friend group. She is Cat's best friend, Tori's former nemesis, and Beck's girlfriend. Contents [ show]Biography Jade's childhood has been noted to be an unhappy one on a few occasions throughout the series. She says that the ice cream reminds her of it, and that her favorite toy was a hammer ( Ice Cream for Ke$ha ). She was friends with Andre Harris, Robbie Shapiro, Cat Valentine, and Beck Oliver since at least 2008, where they formed an official ping pong team at Hollywood Arts High School. ( The Great Ping Pong Scam) She and Beck also began dating at some point this year ( Jade Dumps Beck ). Appearance and Personality Eye Color: Blue-Green Hair Color: Brown (Season 1); black (Season 2); dark brown (Seasons 3 and 4)Trademark: Piercings, tattoos, and colored streaks in hair. Jade started off as a brunette with blue-green eyes and stands at 5'7\"\"."
"docid": "D3553677#0",
"title": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/50-years-of-pantyhose-33062523/\n50 Years of Pantyhose",
"text": "\"50 Years of Pantyhose Love them or hate them, the once-ubiquitous women’s accessory was a revolutionary invention that helped transform women’s fashion From the runway, to the office, and now stored away in women’s dresser draws, pantyhose have gone through several life cycles. ( Reg Charity / Corbis)By Joseph Caputosmithsonian.com July 7, 2009The story of pantyhose runs in the Gant family. Since the late Allen Gant Sr. introduced the first pair in 1959, his descendents have watched the garment move from high fashion to optional accessory. Three generations of women have now experienced waist-to-toe stockings, and few would be surprised to discover that a man invented pantyhose. But here’s the twist—it was at the request of his wife. According to Allen Gant Jr., the inventor’s son, Gant Sr. and his wife Ethel Boone Gant were on the overnight train to North Carolina, returning home from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, when a pregnant Ethel informed her husband that this would be her last trip with him—at least until the birth of their child. It was nothing personal, just a matter of comfort. Managing her stockings and garter belt over her expanding belly was becoming difficult, and being a proper lady, she would not be seen in public without her hosiery."
"docid": "D3286234#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2731076/Bill-Cosby-mistress-dumped-took-dinner-furious-mom-The-bizarre-moment-Americas-beloved-TV-dad-ditched-girlfriend-cheating-wife.html\nBill Cosby, the mistress he dumped and the awkward dinner he shared with her and her furious mother: The bizarre moment America's most beloved TV dad ditched girlfriend after cheating on his wife",
"text": "\"Bill Cosby, the mistress he dumped and the awkward dinner he shared with her and her furious mother: The bizarre moment America's most beloved TV dad ditched girlfriend after cheating on his wife The Cosby Show legend gave his help with Mark Whitaker's new biography, Cosby: His Life And Times He has been married to Camille Cosby since 1964 - and their marriage has weathered his infidelity and the murder of their son Ennis By Sara Nathan for Mail Online Published: 18:40 EDT, 21 August 2014 | Updated: 09:39 EDT, 22 August 2014186View comments Married comedy legend Bill Cosby broke up with a 'longtime' mistress and decided to stop womanizing after suffering with a bout of middle-aged angst, a new book claims. The 77-year-old entertainer has publicly admitted to cheating on Camille, his wife of 50 years and mother of his five children. However, a new biography, Cosby: His Life and Times, by Mark Whitaker, details the full extent of his infidelity - and tells how the star invited the girlfriend and her MOM out to dinner following the break-up. Scroll down for vi deo+750 Years together: Bill and Camille Cosby's 50-year marriage has weathered storms, including the star's infidelity and the murder of their only son Ennis in January 1997. The couple are pictured in 2002Before making his debut as doting dad, Dr Heathcliff Hutxtable on The Cosby Show in September 1984, then aged 47, the star is said to have decided to cut back on his womanizing. The book also tells how the groundbreaking sitcom was borne out of Cosby's real family life and his tales as a father of five - and how he struggled after turning 40. In an excerpt from the book published in The Hollywood Reporter; it reveals how Cosby - married to Camille since 1964 - was forced to come to grips with the 'frustrations of being a middle-aged man and father'. It reads: 'In a comic essay for Ebony, Cosby even talked about how aging had affected his roving eye for women.'' ' He invited the woman and her mother, who hadalways disapproved of her daughter being involved with a married man, out to dinner. ' I'm very happy to be here,' the mother told Cosby, 'because I always thought you had more sense than that! '"
"docid": "D3417279#0",
"title": "https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/thingscarried/themes.html\nThe Things They Carried",
"text": "Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. Physical and Emotional Burdens The “ [t]hings” of the title that O’Brien’s characters carry are both literal and figurative. While they all carry heavy physical loads, they also all carry heavy emotional loads, composed of grief, terror, love, and longing. Each man’s physical burden underscores his emotional burden. Henry Dobbins, for example, carries his girlfriend’s pantyhose and, with them, the longing for love and comfort. Similarly, Jimmy Cross carries compasses and maps and, with them, the responsibility for the men in his charge. Faced with the heavy burden of fear, the men also carry the weight of their reputations. Although every member of the Alpha Company experiences fear at some point, showing fear will only reveal vulnerability to both the enemy and sometimes cruel fellow soldiers. After the war, the psychological burdens the men carry during the war continue to define them. Those who survive carry guilt, grief, and confusion, and many of the stories in the collection are about these survivors’ attempts to come to terms with their experience."
"docid": "D1164909#0",
"title": "http://www.cracked.com/article_18703_5-inventions-you-wont-believe-came-from-war.html\n5 Inventions You Won't Believe Came From War",
"text": "\"Articles History 5 Inventions You Won't Believe Came From War5 Inventions You Won't Believe Came From War Facebook Twitter Google Plus Add to Favorites By Jack Mendoza · August 24, 2010010464If there's one thing that everyone can agree on, it's that war is horrible. Nothing kills the mood faster than a bloody, painful death for a political agenda that you probably don't even fully understand. But you can't deny that armed conflicts gave us some pretty good things, such as major advances in everything from rockets to microwave ovens. Oh, and also there's this stuff.5 Feminine Pads and Tampons (World War I)The biggest problem with war is that it tends to put holes in people, thus encouraging blood to take a scenic stroll through places it's not supposed to visit. Especially during World War I, when the dead and wounded toll hit the double-digit millions. And especially when a cotton shortage made the bandaging of dying soldiers a pain in the neck. At the time, Kimberly-Clark was a paper mill company that realized you could do more with wood pulp besides just make it into paper. In fact, if you prepared the right combination of pulp, you could get a material that was five times more absorbent than cotton, yet significantly cheaper to produce. Kimberly-Clark named their newly discovered material cellucotton and the Allied Forces were on it like white on rice. Or gangrene on trenchfoot."
"docid": "D1631710#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2572398/The-hidden-fish-make-95-marine-life.html\nThere really ARE more fish in the sea: Scientists find deep sea species untouched by fishing makes up 95% of all fish in the world",
"text": "There really ARE more fish in the sea: Scientists find deep sea species untouched by fishing makes up 95% of all fish in the world Researchers say they vastly underestimated the number of fish living between 100m and 1000m below the surface Say the stock of fish holds 95 per cent of all the fish biomass in the world Species far better at avoiding nets the fish closer to the surface By Mark Prigg Published: 15:05 EDT, 3 March 2014 | Updated: 15:49 EDT, 3 March 201429View comments Scientists have vastly underestimated the number of fish in the sea - and say the majority of them have never been fished. Australian researchers found that mesopelagic fish, which live between 100 and 1000m below the surface, constitute 95 per cent of the world's fish biomass and are untouched by fishing. They say the secret to the animal's success may be its ability to evade fishing nets.+3The Mola mola, a mesopelagic fish ¿ which live between 100 and 1000m below the surface. Scientists say they constitute 95 per cent of the world's fish biomass. MESOPELAGIC FISHThe international team of marine biologists say mesopelagic fish in the earth’s oceans constitute 10 to 30 times more biomass than previously thought. Most mesopelagic species tend to feed near the surface at night, and move to deeper layers in the daytime to avoid birds. They have large eyes to see in the dim light, and also enhanced pressure-sensitivity. They are also able to detect nets from at least five metres away and avoid them. ' This very large stock of fish that we have just discovered, that holds 95 per cent of all the fish biomass in the world, is untouched by fishers,' the researchers say. The international team of marine biologists say mesopelagic fish in the earth’s oceans constitute 10 to 30 times more biomass than previously thought."
"docid": "D2308977#0",
"title": "http://hero.wikia.com/wiki/Mordecai_(Regular_Show)\nMordecai (Regular Show)",
"text": "\"✔Do-gooder Full Name Mordecai Alias Mordo Mordy Slacker Loser Blondecai Wrongecai Murdercai Mad Man Mordo Origin Regular Show Occupation Groundskeeper (formerly) Abstract Artist Powers/Skills High Intelligence Leadership Skills Skilled Hand to Hand Combatant Skilled Lying Enhanced Strength Hobby Slacking off with Rigby Goals Depending on each episode (TV show) Destroy the Timenado and fight with Ross (movie; succeeded)Family William (father) Hilary (mother) Steve (uncle) Maxine (aunt) Stef (wife) 2 unnamed sons and 1 unnamed daughter Friends Rigby Benson Eileen Skips Pops Muscle Man Hi Five Ghost Thomas Andy (Regular Show) Archie the Archivist Baby Ducks Blu-Ray Chance Sureshot Colonel Rawls Gary Guardians of Eternal Youth Guardians of Obsolete Formats HD DVD Recap Robot Sensai Toothpick Sally Enemies No information Type of Hero Avian Hero“ Dude, we have to take her phone and erase that message. „ ~ Mordecai Mordecai is one of the two protagonists of the 2009 Cartoon Network animated series Regular Show. He is a 23-year-old blue jay who works as a groundskeeper at the park but often like to slack off with Rigby . He is voiced by J. G Quintel the creator of Regular Show. Contents [ show]Appearance Mordecai is a 6\"\"3\"\" tall anthropomorphic Blue Jay. He is blue with a white chest and sports a black beak, teeth, chest line, as well as black stripes on his tail feathers and fingers, as well as two white stripes on his wings, or arms. Mordecai's white feathers variate throughout the cartoon, at times appearing pure white, sometimes appearing tinged blue. In the pilot his forehead has more white feathers. In the episode Don when he was five or six, he used to have buck teeth, and didn't have the black stripes on his fingertips and his tail feathers. Personality Mordecai would be best described as mild-mannered and laid back."
"docid": "D964514#0",
"title": "http://criminalminds.wikia.com/wiki/Ted_Bundy\nTed Bundy",
"text": "\"REAL CRIMINALName Theodore Robert Bundy Alias Theodore Robert Cowell (birth name) Ted Bundy The Campus Killer Richard Burton Chris Hagen Officer Roseland Rolf Miller Kenneth Misner Numerous others Gender Male Birth Date November 24, 1946Place of Birth Burlington, Vermont Date of Death January 24, 1989 (aged 42)Place of Death Florida Occupation Grocery clerk Stocker Rockefeller campaign manager Numerous others Pathology Serial Killer Serial Rapist Necrophiliac Hebephile Ephebophile Abductor Signature Two distinct signatures: Luring victims by feigning injury Having sex with victims' corpses Modus Operandi Abduction and rape Strangulation and/or bludgeoning Drowning (once)Type Organized lust No. of Victims See below Span of crimes January 4, 1974 - February 8 1978Criminal Charges Aggravated kidnapping Attempted murder Burglary Murder Sentence Two death sentences Apprehended August 6, 1975 (first arrest) June 13, 1977 (second arrest) February 15, 1978 (third arrest)Status Deceased (executed by electric chair)“ So what's one less? What's one less person on the face of the planet? ”— Bundy Theodore Robert \"\"Ted\"\" Bundy (born Theodore Robert Cowell) was an American serial killer, rapist, hebephile, ephebophile, and necrophiliac who was active in several states in the mid to late 70s. Contents [ show]Background Bundy at the age of seven. Bundy was born in Burlington, Vermont to Eleanor Louise Cowell. His father's identity remains unknown. For most of his life, Bundy was raised to believe that his grandparents, Samuel and Eleanor, were his actual parents and that Louise was his older sister. He didn't find out that \"\"Louise\"\" was his mother until his college years. This was done to avoid any social stigma placed on Louise for being an unwed mother."
"docid": "D1064760#0",
"title": "http://visihow.com/Detect_if_your_girlfriend_likes_another_guy\nDetect if your girlfriend likes another guy",
"text": "\"Detect if your girlfriend likes another guy Edited by Ephraim, Charmed, Rose B, Lynn and 22 others5 Parts: Actions You Should Pay Attention To How Does Your Girlfriend Treat You? Tips for Confronting Your Girlfriend Questions and Answers Comments There are obvious ways to figure out if your girlfriend is interested in someone else. Even if she tries not to show it, her subconscious will find a way to make it known. Everyone is different, but body language can give away an obvious attraction. Understand that this is not a test to see if she is cheating on you, but to prove that she is interested in someone else, whether it's a crush, pure interest or curiosity. Check out the list below for some signs that your girlfriend is interested in another guy. Was this helpful? Yes| No| I need help Actions You Should Pay Attention To1 If this guy happens to be around both of you at the same time, pay attention to how she acts. She may tend to ignore you and focus most of her attention on the other person. She will most likely talk to him about his life or interests, and she may even tell a little joke during the conversation."
"docid": "D3267353#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ranma_½_characters\nList of Ranma ½ characters",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Ranma ½ cast The Ranma ½ manga series features a cast of characters created by Rumiko Takahashi. The story revolves around the Japanese teenage boy Ranma Saotome who has trained in martial arts since early childhood. As a result of an accident during a training journey in China, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, while hot water changes him back into a boy. Throughout the series Ranma seeks out a way to rid his curse, while his friends, enemies and many fiancées constantly hinder and interfere. Many of the characters are similarly cursed to turn into animals or other creatures when splashed and are skilled in different and unusual types of martial arts. The large cast's intricate relationships with one another, unusual characteristics, and eccentric personalities drive most of the stories. Although the characters and their relationships are complicated, they rarely change once they are firmly introduced and settled into the series. Contents [ hide ]1 Saotome family1.1 Ranma Saotome1.2 Genma Saotome1.3 Nodoka Saotome2 Tendo family2.1 Akane Tendo2.2 Soun Tendo2.3 Nabiki Tendo2.4 Kasumi Tendo3 Chinese Amazons3.1 Shampoo3.2 Cologne3.3 Mousse3.4 Pink and Link4 Kuno family4.1 Tatewaki Kuno4.2 Kodachi Kuno4.3 Principal Kuno4.4 Sasuke Sarugakure5 Other native Japanese5.1 Ryoga Hibiki5.2 Ukyo Kuonji5.3 Happosai5.4 Hinako Ninomiya5.5 Hikaru Gosunkugi5.6 Tofu Ono5.7 Konatsu5.8 Akari Unryu5.9 Tsubasa Kurenai5.10 The Golden Pair5.11 Ryu Kumon5.12 Shinnosuke5.13 Mariko Konjo6 Other native Chinese6.1 Pantyhose Taro6.2 Jusenkyo Guide6.3 Plum6.4 Rouge6.5 Herb6.6 Saffron (Phoenix People)7 Reception8 References9 Further reading10 External links Saotome family [ edit]Ranma Saotome [ edit]Kappei Yamaguchi provides the voice for the male half of Ranma Saotome in the Japanese anime. Ranma Saotome ( 早乙女 乱馬 Saotome Ranma), alias: Ranko, is the series' main protagonist. A 16-year-old proficient martial artist, he spent most of his youth on training trips with his father."
"docid": "D1502785#0",
"title": "http://that70sshow.wikia.com/wiki/Donna_Pinciotti\nDonna Pinciotti",
"text": "\"Donna Pinciotti Born Donna Marie Pinciotti Birthday February 13, 1960Nickname (s)Bambi (by Bob ), Big Red, Big D, Hot Donna, Leia, Neighbor Girl, Saucy Redhead, Donna Pinch-My-Butti, Vampira, Poopshoot Sally Occupation DJ at WFPP Radio Station Relationships Series Portrayed by Laura Prepon Liliana Mumy (age 7) Nina Jefferies (age 13)First seen That '70s Pilot Last seen That '70s Finale Kelso – College is for ugly girls who can't get modeling contracts Donna – No, college is for women who don't want to marry the first idiot they meet and squeeze out his bastard moron children―Donna tells Kelso what's up [src]Donna Pinciotti is a main character on FOX comedy That '70s Show. She is portrayed by Laura Prepon . Contents [ show]Character Donna is an intelligent, witty, red-haired (she later changed to blonde after her marriage to Eric was called off), tall (5'10), rather strong, athletic teenager with feminist ideals, who is outwardly confident and strong, sometimes to the point of coming across as arrogant or self-righteous, though usually laid back and easy going. She calls upon these personal qualities to deal with her personal issues, such as the shaky relationship between her father and mother, Midge & Bob Pinciotti, who had her when they were still in high school. However, she has some difficulty expressing her feminine side, for fear that displaying traditional feminine traits will serve as a betrayal of her feminism. She dons skirts and dresses for special occasions, but mostly wears jeans and pants in her day to day life. Series arc Donna has grown up one of the guys, hanging out with Kelso, Eric and Hyde since she was very young. She comes across as laid back, but is not afraid to give out to the guys when they are being idiots or sexist. She enjoys hanging out with the guys, but has outside interests such as writing poetry and short stories, and dreams of living in New York as a writer or a DJ one day. These dreams often clash with Eric's conservative views of what marriage is and what kind of future he wants for him and Donna, which is why they break up at one point."
"docid": "D2615061#0",
"title": "http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/19/best-father-s-day-gift-ever.html\nBest Fatherâs Day Gift Ever",
"text": "THE GIFTBest Father’s Day Gift Ever Forget the card. Forget the tools. Forget tickets to the game. This is the one gift no father could ever forget. Jeff Nale Pete Dexter06.19.16 12:01 AM ETAF archive / Alamy Stock Photo I used to think my friend Michael was afraid of his father. We more or less grew up together, Michael and I, in a small town in the desert. He is buried not too far from there now—37, cancer. His father is buried now too. I was over at his place from time to time and noticed that he never met his father’s eye. I called his mother not long ago—Linda—to ask about how they got along and she was surprised at the question."
"docid": "D1960864#0",
"title": "http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/9256/\nBeck â Loser",
"text": "\"Beck – Loser170 Comments 0 Tags\"\"Loser\"\" as written by Carl Stephenson and Beck Hansen.... Read More... Edit Wiki In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey Butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose Kill the headlights and put it in neutral Stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D Got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat Someone keeps sayin' I'm insane to complain About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt Don't believe everything that you read You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve So shave your face with some mace in the dark Savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park Yo, cut it Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( double barrel buckshot) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? The forces of evil in a bozo nightmare Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber 'Cause one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag One's got on the pole shove the other in a bag With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job The daytime crap with the folksinger slop He hung himself with a guitar string A slab of turkey neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing You can't get it right if you can't relate Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite That's chokin' on the splinters Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( Get crazy with the Cheeze Whiz) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( Drive-by body pierce) (Yo bring it on down) Soy (I'm a driver I'm a winner, things are gonna change I can feel it) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( I can't believe you) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( Sprechen Sie Deutche, baby) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? ( Know what I'm sayin'?) Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video Lyrics submitted by Ice, edited by peppieddie\"\"Loser\"\" as written by Carl Stephenson Beck Hansen Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group Lyrics powered by Lyric Find Add your thoughts170 Comments View by: Highest Rated Most Recent Oldest First+12 General Comment Beck recorded himself playing slide guitar on a four track for about an hour."
"docid": "D2044638#0",
"title": "http://www.neabigread.org/books/thethingstheycarried/readers-guide/\nNEA Big Read",
"text": "\"Back to NEA Big Read Things-They-Carried-Cover.jpg The Things They Carried By Tim O'Brien (1990)\"\"Abstraction may make your head believe, but a good story, well told, will also make your kidneys believe, and your scalp and your tear ducts, your heart, and your stomach, the whole human being.\"\" — from The Things They Carried Reader Resources Teacher’s Guide About the Book About the Author Discussion Questions Multimedia Community Stories Overview The award-winning author of nine works of fiction and a former reporter for The Washington Post, Tim O’Brien had what some would call a typical 1950s American childhood in rural Minnesota before he was sent to fight in Vietnam as a foot soldier in 1969. Published in 1990 to vast critical acclaim and written with the help of a National Endowment for the Arts creative writing fellowship, The Things They Carried, a novel about his experiences in that war, has sold well over two million copies worldwide and was a finalist for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award. More recently, the book was included among Amazon.com’s “List of 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime” and was credited as the inspiration for a National Veterans Art Museum exhibit of the same name in Chicago. The book is part memoir, part fiction, and O’Brien―the original master of truthiness―wishes you luck figuring out which is which. It’s a “marvel of storytelling which matters not only to the reader interested in Vietnam but to anyone interested in the craft of writing” ( The New York Times ). It’s “controlled and wild, deep and tough, perceptive and shrewd” ( Chicago Sun-Times) and based on how it continues to resonate with audiences, particularly among young readers, it undoubtedly “stands the test of time” ( PBS News Hour ). Introduction to the Book Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried (1990) is considered one of the finest books about the Vietnam War. Far from a combat story of pride and glory, it is a compassionate tale of the American soldier, brimming with raw honesty and thoughtful reflection. The book's narrator follows a platoon of infantrymen through the jungles of Vietnam."
"docid": "D1670453#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2252023/Today-presenter-Hoda-Kotbs-lawyer-beau-ended-relationship-did-want-marry.html\nHe dumped HER! Today presenter Hoda Kotb's lawyer beau 'ended relationship because he did not want to marry'",
"text": "\"He dumped HER! Today presenter Hoda Kotb's lawyer beau 'ended relationship because he did not want to marry'By Monty Archibald Published: 00:33 EDT, 22 December 2012 | Updated: 00:33 EDT, 22 December 201224View comments She made waves after declaring on television their relationship was 'the real thing. ' But it seems this was not the case for Hoda Kotb's lawyer boyfriend, for it has emerged he reportedly dumped her because he did not want to marry. Legal eagle Jay Blumenkopf allegedly brought their partnership to a close six months ago because he did not think they had a future together. Couple no more: It has emerged lawyer Jay Blumenkopf dumped Today presenter Hoda Kotb A source told Radar: 'Jay actually broke up with Hoda six months ago because he just couldn't see himself getting married to her. ' Jay has the utmost respect and admiration for her and wishes Hoda nothing but the best. ' The two remain on friendly terms, and anyone who knows Jay can attest to the fact that he would never discuss his relationship with Hoda in public, it's just not who he is. ' It was previously believed she had called it a day because the relationship had run it's course. This was surprising however, as during an appearance on Bethenny Frankel's talk show in February she declared how much in love they were. Friend of the stars: Hoda interviewing Fashion Police star Kelly Osbourne on the hit news show Today She said: 'It's the real thing."
"docid": "D2766342#0",
"title": "http://www.relationshiptalk.net/is-love-over-when-the-spark-is-gone-825.html\nIs Love Over When The âSparkâ Is Gone?â",
"text": "\"Is Love Over When The “Spark” Is Gone?”by Kimberly 7 years ago166,391Are you one of those who is being dumped or who feels that it may be time to break up because the “Spark” just isn’t there like it used to be? What happened? Where did the Spark go that he/she used to feel for and with me, or why don’t I feel it anymore? Is it a sign that it wasn’t really real Love like they or I thought at first? Has one of us just come to realize over some time that even though there is still a ”sense of love” or maybe sincere care and even good friendship so that we still get along very well, because the “Spark” is faded or gone, there is a lack of the main ingredient so that something just isn’t right about our love anymore? Do they now feel like there’s just something they are missing that I can no longer provide, or do I feel this way? Will he or she or I ever find a “Lasting” Love where the “Spark” doesn’t fade or die? Why do I feel like I am dying inside now that I’ve been dumped and can I possibly go on without this person or recover? Medical Science has Interesting Evidence that Love is a Drug... Medical Science has performed numerous brain imagine experiments on people’s brains during times when they were feeling deeply in love with that certain euphoric feeling of intense pleasure and happiness, and also on brains of people who were still together in a love relationship long after the highly romantic early stages, and also on brains of those who were experiencing deep depression and pain due to being dumped. Is that old saying, or maybe it was a song title too, “Love is a Drug,” really true?"
"docid": "D3008321#0",
"title": "http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/archive/index.php/t-584703.html\n.",
"text": "\"Straight Dope Message Board > Main > Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share (MPSIMS) > My dog got a poop stuck in her pooper PDAView Full Version : My dog got a poop stuck in her pooperaceplace57 11-07-2010, 07:33 PMYesterday was weird. Fed my girl Sky (a Boston Terrier). Let her out to poop. She came in acting odd. I put her in my lap and she was shaking. Put her on her favorite pillow and after about 15 minutes she was up pacing around. So back outside she went. After 3 trips outside. I noticed her popper was sort of puckered and swollen. I noticed a dry chunk stuck between her stubby tail and butt."
"docid": "D710205#0",
"title": "http://www.talk-sports.net/mlb/girlfriend.aspx/Justin_Verlander\nJustin Verlander's Girlfriend",
"text": "Justin Verlander's Girlfriend Discussion forum for Justin Verlander 's girlfriend (Detroit, MLB). Does Justin Verlander have a girlfriend? Is he dating someone? Is he married? Single? Divorced ? Would you date him? Did you date him? Who is his wife? His fiance ?"
"docid": "D3164871#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/thingscarried/study.html\nThe Things They Carried",
"text": "Study Questions<< Prev Section Next Section >>1. Discuss the idea of carrying in O’Brien’s work. What things are carried, and by whom? The theme of carrying is an important one throughout the text, and the title story provides the most comprehensive examination of this idea. The dense and detailed lists of objects that the men carry may seem tedious or irrelevant at times, but by mentioning that in addition to weapons soldiers brought mundane things like candy, cigarettes, and letters from their loved ones, O’Brien emphasizes their humanity. And in specifying the exact weight of several of the items, including food, weapons, and gear, he gives us a very tangible idea of what it was like to struggle under such weight. But the soldiers carry more than just physical burdens—in many cases, they are weighed down by emotional baggage. Jimmy Cross thinks that he carried the idea of Martha so heavily, for example, that he caused Ted Lavender’s death. And because Ted Lavender carries so much anxiety—and tranquilizers and marijuana to slow him down and soothe him—he may not be paying attention while walking around, resulting in his being shot. The metaphor of carrying is important to O’Brien’s work as a whole and extends through the different stories in order to give weight to the idea that the things one carries—whether physical or emotional—enable us to navigate life’s inconsistencies."
"docid": "D1783524#0",
"title": "http://ehealthforum.com/health/why-does-it-take-him-so-long-to-ejaculate-t382924.html\nWhy does it take him so long to ejaculate?",
"text": "\"malocc January 25th, 2013I've been with my boyfriend for about 6 months now, and ever since the beginning it has taken him a very long time to get off. He has only ejaculated a few times during sex because usually it takes so long that we both just get tired. We try lots of different positions, and I'm constantly looking up new ones, looking up new tricks for oral, I try stimulating his balls and everything. I bought some lingerie, I even squeeze my muscles down there. He tells me that it's always been this way, that even when he masturbates it takes a while (but I'm not sure how often he masturbates). He is also circumcised, if that is relevant at all. But I am not sure what the problem is, here. Is it me? Is it him, and if so is it physical or psychological? I'd like to understand this better, because I hate leaving him unsatisfied, and I know it must be frustrating for him as well."
] |
60 | the process b y which worn-out cellular organelles are digested is called quizlet | [
"docid": "D246777#0",
"title": "http://preuniversity.grkraj.org/html/1_CELL_STRUCTURE.htm\n.",
"text": "CELL STRUCTURECELLCell is the unit of structure and function. They are the building blocks of an organism. Irrespective of the nature of organisms (plant or animal) they are either made up of single cell or many cells, the former are called unicellular and the latter are called multicellular organisms; in the latter, cells are differentiated into various kinds and they are grouped into tissues, which perform special and special function. For example: meristematic cells perform repeated cell divisions, phloem cells - conduct food material, sclerenchyma - mechanical, xylem - conduction of water and mineral salts and so on. Nevertheless, all these different types of cells are derived from the same embryonic cells. The development of various cell types from a single cell is determined and regulated by a process called differentiation, which in turn is controlled by differential concentrations of plant hormones. Added to this, organ differentiation is another fascinating aspect of development. All these processes are regulated by differential gene regulation in response to environmental stimulus and phytohormones. Cellular composition: All cells are made up of a semi viscous fluid called protoplasm, which is considered as the physical basis of life, for it controls all biochemical reactions of the cell. In fact it is the microcosm of life with many secrets not known to us."
] | [
"docid": "D3333719#0",
"title": "http://www.readbag.com/virtualschoolhub-files-advanced-bio-cell-biology-cells-study-material\n.",
"text": "Read cells_study_material.pdf text version Life Functions Graphic Organizer Directions: Within each circle, explain the life function labeled in that circle. Draw a picture depicting the life function next to each circle. Excretion RGrowth Nutrition Transport Regulation Life Functions Synthesis Respiration Reproduction1Life Functions Matching Quiz Directions: Place the letter that correct identifies the life function in the space to the left.______1. The removal of metabolic wastes from the body. 2. The method an organism uses to take in and process food. 3. The process by which energy stored in food is converted for cell use. 4. Living organisms responding to environmental changes.a."
"docid": "D674306#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/51492668/ap-chapter-3-flash-cards/\nA&P chapter 3",
"text": "\"22 terms mjfellman A&P chapter 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Define cell structural units of all living things List the three major regions of a generalized cell and their functions 1) plasma membrane- outer boundary of the cell 2) cytoplasm- intracellular fluid packed with organelles, small structures that perform specific cell functions 3) nucleus- organelle that controls cellular activities Describe the chemical composition of the plasma membrane and relate it to membrane functions. seperates two of the bodys major fluid compartments in the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid. plasma membrane=cell membrane Compare and contrast the structure and function of tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions. tight junctions- impermeable junctions prevent molecules from passing through the intercellular space desmosomes- anchoring junctions bind adjacent cells together like a molecular velcro and help form an interal tension reducing network of fibers gap junction- nexus, communicating junctions allow ions and small molecules to pass for intercellular communication figure 3.5Relate plasma membrane structure to active and passive transport processes. two ways in which substances move through the plasma membrane 1) passive- substances cross the membrane without any energy input from the cell 2)active- cell provides the metabolic energy needed to move substances across the membrane. figure Compare and contrast simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis relative to substances transported, direction, and mechanism. 1)simple diffusion- nonpolar and lipid soluble substances diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer. 2) transported substance either binds to protein carriers in the membrane and is ferried across or moves through water filled protein channels. ("
"docid": "D3445192#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/9245709/chapter-15-quizlets/\nchapter 15 quizlets - 1 Quizlet 2 Main function of Cytosol...",
"text": "\"chapter 15 quizlets - 1 Quizlet 2 Main function of Cytosol... SCHOOLSouthern Methodist COURSE TITLEBIOL 3350TYPETest Prep UPLOADED BYsgatz PAGES 8This preview shows page 1. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: 1 Quizlet 2 Main function of Cytosol Are the nuclear envelope and ER double membraned? Chloroplasts Endoplasmic reticulum ER Endosomes Golgi apparatus Golgi, lysosomes, endosomes, and nuclear membrane proteins and lipids are from where? How do cytosolic proteins enter the mitochondria and chloroplasts? ( 4 Steps) How do cytosolic proteins enter the nucleus? ( 7 Steps) 10 How do SRPs and SRP receptors work? ( 6 Steps) 11 How does vesicular transport work? ("
"docid": "D1747580#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/19582532/biology-chapter-6-tour-of-the-cell-flash-cards/\nBiology Chapter 6 - Tour of the Cell",
"text": "35 terms treschooch Biology Chapter 6 - Tour of the Cell Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Try diagrams on Quizlet!See what you're learning in a whole new way. Browse diagrams Sort When biologists wish to study the internal ultrastructure of cells, they can achieve the finest resolution by using A) a confocal fluorescence microscope. B) a super-resolution fluorescence microscope. C) a transmission electronic microscope. D) a scanning electron microscope. E) a phase-contrast light microscope. a transmission electronic microscope. The advantage of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that A) light microscopy allows one to view dynamic processes in living cells. B) light microscopy provides for higher resolving power than electron microscopy. C) specimen preparation for light microcopy does not produce artifacts."
"docid": "D3246000#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/14425949/Cell-The-Fundamental-Unit-of-Life\nChapter-5, The Fundamental Unit of Life",
"text": "\"Chapter-5, The Fundamental Unit of Life Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life. Cells are the smallest structures capable of basic life processes, such as taking in nutrients, expelling waste, and reproducing. A cell performs functions like respiration, obtaining nutrition, clearing of waste material, forming new proteins etc. All living things are composed of cells. The term ‘CELL’ was coined by Robert Hooke in 1665. He examined a thin slice of cork ( a substance from the bark of a tree) under the microscope. Since cork is made up of dead cells, so what Robert Hooke saw was empty compartments lined by cell wall. He described it as a structure similar to honey-comb consisting of many inner compartments. He called these empty compartments as cells. ( in latin language: cellula means a ‘little room’."
"docid": "D91641#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(biology)\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D29743#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/8140723/biology-cellular-respiration-flash-cards/\nBiology Cellular Respiration",
"text": "29 terms Mrs Sawyer Biology Cellular Respiration Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Autotrophs Organisms that are able to make their own food. Heterotrophs organisms that get energy by consuming food. How do most autotrophs produce food? Through photosynthesis Cellular Respiration The process by which an organism provides its cells with oxygen so energy can be released from digested food. Respiration takes place in all living cells at all times. Mitochondria Energy processing factories. , Powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production. Two steps of Respiration that take place in the mitochondria of all cells."
"docid": "D1358017#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_cell\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"Cell (biology)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from First cell)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D2498408#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_cells\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Animal cells)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D3303805#0",
"title": "https://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071016151038AA3soZF\nWhich organelle aids in digestion of worn-out cell parts?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology Which organelle aids in digestion of worn-out cell parts? Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Lysosomes. lyse- means to loosen, in the sense of breaking something apart.ecolink · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Lysosomes digest the worn out cells called suicidal bags of cell as then can autophagy the entire cell Source (s):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysosomekukgenius · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Lysosomes are organelles that contain digestive enzymes (acid hydrolases). They digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. The membrane surrounding a lysosome prevents the digestive enzymes inside from destroying the cell. Lysosomes fuse with vacuoles and dispense their enzymes into the vacuoles, digesting their contents. They are built in the Golgi apparatus. The name lysosome derives from the Greek words lysis, which means dissolution or destruction, and soma, which means body. They are frequently nicknamed \"\"suicide-bags\"\" or \"\"suicide-sacs\"\" by cell biologists due to their role in autolysis. Lysosomes were discovered by the Belgian cytologist Christian de Duve in 1949."
"docid": "D2357841#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parts_of_a_cell\nCell (biology)",
"text": "\"Cell (biology)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Parts of a cell)navigation search This article is about the term in biology. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Cell Onion ( Allium cepa) root cells in different phases of the cell cycle (drawn by E. B. Wilson, 1900)A eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right)Identifiers Me SH D002477TH H1. 68646Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Structure of an animal cell The cell (from Latin cella, meaning \"\"small room\"\" [1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the \"\"building blocks of life\"\". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. [ 2] Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals ). [ 3] While the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species, humans contain more than 10 trillion (10 13) cells. [ 4] Most plant and animal cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and 100 micrometres. ["
"docid": "D246778#0",
"title": "http://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/cell-structure.html\nCell Structure",
"text": "\"Cell Structure A Review of All Cell Organelles Through Q&As Cell Theory1. What is cell theory? Cell theory states that the cell is the basic unit of living organisms. Before the discovery of the cell, people were unaware that living organisms were made of building blocks like cells. Cell theory is one of the basic theories of biology. More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. Are there living organisms without cells? Viruses are considered the only living organisms that do not have cells. Viruses are made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein capsule. They do not have membranes, cell organelles, or own metabolism.3."
"docid": "D1818010#0",
"title": "https://opentextbc.ca/biology/chapter/3-3-eukaryotic-cells/\n3.3 Eukaryotic Cells",
"text": "Unit 1. The Cellular Foundation of Life3.3 Eukaryotic Cells Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Describe the structure of eukaryotic plant and animal cells State the role of the plasma membrane Summarize the functions of the major cell organelles Describe the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix6/12Oxygen in the Atmosphere Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:27https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSIzo F4YPm I&list=PLi8s J5jar Qsy Ui In4r UA71ec ODy3o9Md5&index=6At this point, it should be clear that eukaryotic cells have a more complex structure than do prokaryotic cells. Organelles allow for various functions to occur in the cell at the same time. Before discussing the functions of organelles within a eukaryotic cell, let us first examine two important components of the cell: the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. Figure 3.8 (a) This figure shows a typical animal cell Figure 3.8 (b) This figures shows a typical plant cell. What structures does a plant cell have that an animal cell does not have? What structures does an animal cell have that a plant cell does not have? Plant cells have plasmodesmata, a cell wall, a large central vacuole, chloroplasts, and plastids. Animal cells have lysosomes and centrosomes."
"docid": "D1737137#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/biology/textbooks/boundless-biology-textbook/cell-structure-4/the-endomembrane-system-and-proteins-61/lysosomes-321-11457/\nThe Endomembrane System and Proteins",
"text": "Vesicles and Vacuoles Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Learning Objectives Summarize the functions of vesicles and vacuoles in cells Key Takeaways Key Points Vesicles are small structures within a cell, consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer involved in transport, buoyancy control, and enzyme storage. Lysosomes, which are found in animal cells, are the cell’s “garbage disposal.” The digestive processes take place in these, and enzymes within them aid in the breakdown of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and worn-out organelles. Central vacuoles, which are found in plants, play a key role in regulating the cell’s concentration of water in changing environmental conditions. Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Other than the fact that vacuoles are somewhat larger than vesicles, there is a very subtle distinction between them: the membranes of vesicles can fuse with either the plasma membrane or other membrane systems within the cell. The membrane of a vacuole does not fuse with the membranes of other cellular components. Additionally, some agents within plant vacuoles, such as enzymes, break down macromolecules. Vesicles A vesicle is a small structure within a cell, consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer."
"docid": "D3328397#0",
"title": "http://philschatz.com/biology-book/contents/m44407.html\nEukaryotic Cells",
"text": "\"Eukaryotic Cells Have you ever heard the phrase “form follows function?” It’s a philosophy practiced in many industries. In architecture, this means that buildings should be constructed to support the activities that will be carried out inside them. For example, a skyscraper should be built with several elevator banks; a hospital should be built so that its emergency room is easily accessible. Our natural world also utilizes the principle of form following function, especially in cell biology, and this will become clear as we explore eukaryotic cells ( [link] ). Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have: 1) a membrane-bound nucleus; 2) numerous membrane-bound organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and others; and 3) several, rod-shaped chromosomes. Because a eukaryotic cell’s nucleus is surrounded by a membrane, it is often said to have a “true nucleus.” The word “organelle” means “little organ,” and, as already mentioned, organelles have specialized cellular functions, just as the organs of your body have specialized functions. At this point, it should be clear to you that eukaryotic cells have a more complex structure than prokaryotic cells. Organelles allow different functions to be compartmentalized in different areas of the cell."
"docid": "D285458#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysosome\nLysosome",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Cell biology The animal cell Components of a typical animal cell: Nucleolus Nucleus Ribosome (little dots)Vesicle Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus (or \"\"Golgi body\"\")Cytoskeleton Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondrion Vacuole Cytosol (fluid that contains organelles, comprising the cytoplasm)Lysosome Centrosome Cell membrane A lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle found in nearly all animal cells. They are spherical vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down many kinds of biomolecules. Put simply, a lysosome is a type of vesicle with specific composition, of both its membrane proteins, and proteins of its lumen. The lumen's p H (4.5–5.0) [1] is optimal for the enzymes involved in hydrolysis, analogous to the activity of the stomach. Besides degradation of polymers, the lysosome is involved in various cell processes, including secretion, plasma membrane repair, cell signaling, and energy metabolism. [ 2]The lysosomes also act as the waste disposal system of the cell by digesting unwanted materials in the cytoplasm, both from outside the cell and obsolete components inside the cell. Material from outside the cell is taken-up through endocytosis, while material from the inside of the cell is digested through autophagy. Their sizes can be very different—the biggest ones can be more than 10 times bigger than the smallest ones. [ 3] They were discovered and named by Belgian biologist Christian de Duve, who eventually received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1974. Lysosomes are known to contain more than 60 different enzymes. ["
"docid": "D2276165#0",
"title": "https://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=bsc1005-chapters-16-exam-essentials--living-world\nBSC1005 Chapters 1-6 Exam Essentials Of The Living World",
"text": "BSC1005 Chapters 1-6 Exam Essentials Of The Living World138 cards | Created by 2lbkid | 9 years ago Flashcards Memorize Quiz Match Gravity Chapters 1-6 Exam Review View Flashcards Preview Flashcards Front Back Which group includes the simplest of organisms that do not have a nucleus? Archaea and Bacteria Biologists study the diversity of life in many ways EXCEPT the observation of: religion________________ is the process of the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. Heredity The process of using transforming energy is: metabolism The property that is NOT common to all living things is: thought All living things are able to maintain stable internal conditions, whether they are unicellular or complex, multicellular organisms. This property is called: homeostasis In a multicellular organism, different tissues that function together are grouped into: organs All the populations of a particular kind of organism are members of the same: species The different populations of all the species in a given area make up a (n): community Charles Darwin used _____ _____ to illustrate the mechanisms of natural selection. artificial selection___________ is NOT an underlying theme of biology. Creation The ___________ of flowering plants and insects is responsible for much of the diversity of these groups. coevolution Scientists employ _________ reasoning when performing the scientific process. inductive After Joseph Farman discovered, in 1985, that an ozone hole was developing over Antartica, scientists measured levels of chemicals in the upper atmosphere. They found a surprising concentration of ozone-destroying: chlorine The proper order for the scientific process is: observation - hypothesis - predictions - experiment The most inclusive group in taxonomy is a: domain In any experiment, one must be certain to: have a suitable control group We have all heard that dietary fats are linked to higher incidences of heart disease and cancer in humans. What is the proper hypothesis that a scientist could test is?"
"docid": "D3334117#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/9218430/cellular-respiration-and-photosynthesis-flash-cards/\nCellular Respiration and Photosynthesis",
"text": "53 terms mmbpandalover Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortphotosynthesis process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches Calvin cycle reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugarslight reaction the first stage of photosynthesis during which energy from light is used for the production of ATP and NADPHstroma The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid membrane; involved in the synthesis of organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water.thylakoid A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast, used to convert light energy into chemical energy.glycolysis first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acidfermentation the process by which cells break down molecules to release energy without using oxygenanaerobic process that does not require oxygenmitochondrion organelle where cellular respiration occurs and most ATP is generatedguard cell pairs of cells that surround stomata and control their opening and closing NADPH and ATP the molecules that carry energy from light to the Calvin Cycle in photosynthesis ADP Similar structure to ATP but has only 2 phosphate groups. Partly chargedchlorophyll green pigment in plants that absorbs light energy used to carry out photosynthesisglucose the organic molecule that stores light energy at the end of photosynthesis and is a reactant in cellular respirationwater the reactant in the light reaction that is broken down to produce oxygen gas as a waste productchloroplast organelle found in cells of plants and some other organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energyautotroph organism that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it to produce its own food from inorganic compounds; also called a producerproduct molecules at the end of a chemical reactionreactants molecules at the beginning of a chemical reactionstomata the small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can movehomeostasis the process by which organisms keep their internal environment relatively stablecellular respiration process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen: made up of glycosis, the krebs cycle, and the electron transport chainphotosynthesis the process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches.cellular respiration the process by which cells use oxygen gas to break down carbohydrates, releasing chemical energy that the cell can useautotroph organism that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it to produce its own food from inorganic compounds; also called a producerheterotroph organism that obtains energy from the foods it consumes; also called a consumerglucose the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues C6H12O6 the chemical formula for glucosestomata the small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can movechloroplast organelle found in cells of plants and some other organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energychlorophyll green pigment in plants that absorbs light energy used to carry out photosynthesismitochondria the cells powerhouse, turning food into energy; the organelle where cellular respiration takes place.pigment a colored chemical compound that absorbs lightfermentation the process by which cells break down carbohydrates to release energy without using oxygenlactic acid waste product produced by fermentation; causes muscles to be sore ATP (adenosine triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work ADP Similar structure to ATP but has only 2 phosphate groupsstroma The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid membrane; involved in the synthesis of sugar from carbon dioxide and water.thylakoid disc-like photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplastsgranum stacks of thylakoidslight dependent reactions The steps in photosynthesis that occur on the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast and that convert solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH, evolving oxygen in the process.glucose Sugar, Manufactured during photosynthesis, Main source of energy for plants and animals, Metabolized during cellular respirationmitochondria cellular organelles where cellular respiration occurschloroplast organelle found in cells of plants and some other organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energychlorophyll a colored chemical compound that absorbs light, producing a green colorglycolysis first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of 3 carbons eachaerobic process that requires oxygenanaerobic process that does not require oxygen.glucose C6H12O6reactant a chemical substance that is present at the start of a chemical reactionproduct a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reactionphotosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O + light --> C6H12O6 + 6O2cellular respiration C6H12O6 + O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Jobs Privacy Terms Follow us Language© 2018 Quizlet Inc."
"docid": "D1697758#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/12615626/anatomy-chapter-3-flash-cards/\nAnatomy Chapter 3",
"text": "78 terms eviedavis Anatomy Chapter 3Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortapo- away, off, apart example: apoptosis - a form of cell death in which cells are shed from a developing structurecyt- cell example: cytoplasm - fluid (cytosol) and organelles between the cell membrane and nuclear envelopeendo- within example: endoplasmic reticulum - membranous complex in the cytoplasmhyper- above example: hypertonic - solution that has a greater osmostic pressure than the cytosol Cells lose water when placed in hypertonic solutionshypo- below example: hypotonic - solution that has a lesser osmotic pressure than the cytosol Cells gain water when placed in hypotonic solutionsinter- between example: interphase - stage between mitotic divisions of a celliso- equal example: isotonic - solution that has an osmotic pressure equal to that of the cytosollys- to break up example: lysosome - organelle containing enzymes that breakdown proteins, carbohydrates, & nucleic acidsmit- thread example: mitosis - stage of cell division when chromosomes condensephage- to eat example: phagocytosis - process by which a cell takes in solid particlespino- to drink example: pinocytosis - process by which a cell takes in tiny droplets of liquidpro- before example: prophase - first stage of mitosis-som body example: ribosome - tiny spherical organelle composed of protein & RNA that supports protein synthesisvesic- bladder example: vesicle - small, saclike organelle that contains substances to be transported within the cell or secretedsignal transduction series of biochemical reactions that allows to receive and respond to messages comming in through the cell membranecellular adhesion molecules (CAMS) proteins that guide movement of cells. oversee some cell interactions and movements.cytoplasm contains networks of membranes and organelles suspended in fuid (cytosol) The contents of the cell excluding the nucleus and cell membrane. cytoplasm may contain nonliving cellular products, such as nutrients and pigments, called inclusions.receptor proteins receive and transmit messages into a cellintegral proteins form pores channels and carriers in cell membrane, transduce signalsenzymes catalyze chemical reactionscellular adhesion molecules enable cells to stick to each othercell suface proteins establish selfcytoskeleton system of protein tubules and filaments the reinforces a 3-dimensional form and provides scaffolding and transport tracts for organellesribosome are structures of protein and RNA that function in protein synthesis.organelle composed of RNA & protein that is a structural support for protein synthesis Structure: particles composed of protein & RNA molecules Function: synthesizes proteinsendoplasmic reticulum is composed of connected membranous sacs, canals, and vesicles that provide a tubular communication system and attachment for ribosomes; it also functions in the synthesis of proteins and lipids. organelle composed of a system of commected membranous tubules and vesicles Structure: complex of connected membrane bound sacs, canals, and vesicles Function: transports materials in the cell, provides attachment for ribosomes, and synthesizes lipidsvesicle membranous, cytoplasmic sac formed by an infolding of the cell membrane Structure: membranous sacs Function: contain substances that recently entered the cell, store and transport newly sythesized molecules Vesicles are membranous sacs containing substances that recently entered or were produced in the cellgolgi apparatus is a stack of flattened membranous sacs that package glycoproteins for secretion. organelle that prepares cellular products for secretion Structure: group of flattened, membranous sacs function: packages and modifies protein molecules for transport and secretionmitochondria are membranous sacs containing enzymes that catalyze the reactions that release energy from nutrient molecules and change it into a usable form. organelle housing enzymes that catalyze aerobic reactions of cellular respiration Structure: membranous sacs with inner partitions Function: release energy from food molecules and convert the energy into a usable formadenosine triphosphate (ATP) organic molecule that stores and releases energy; used in incellular processeslysosome are membranous sacs containing digestive enzymes that destroy debris and worn out organelles. membranous sacs that contain enzymes capable of digesting worn cellular parts or substances that enter cells Structure: membranous sacs Function: contain enzymes capable of digesting worn cellular parts or substances that enter cellsperoxisome are membranous, enzyme containing vesicles. membranous vesicles that contain enzymes called peroxidases, important in the breakdown of many organic molecules Structure: membranous vesicles Function: contain enzymes called peroxidases, important in the breakdown of many organic moleculescentrosome is a non-membranous structure consisting of 2 centrioles that aid in the distribution of chromosomes during cell division. non membranous structure composed of 2 rodlike centrioles. Is a structure located in the cytoplasm near the nucleus."
"docid": "D1704461#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6595511/biol-2401-vocabulary-34-the-cellular-level-of-organization-cytoplasm-flash-cards/\nBIOL 2401 Vocabulary 3.4 (The Cellular Level of Organization: Cytoplasm)",
"text": "\"36 terms Cassilicious BIOL 2401 Vocabulary 3.4 (The Cellular Level of Organization: Cytoplasm)Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, 13th ed. by Gerard J. Tortora & Bryan Derrickson; Chapter 3: The Cellular Level of Organization. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortcytosol (intracellular fluid) The fluid portion of the cytoplasm that surrounds organelles and constitutes about 55% of total cell volume.cytoskeleton A network of protein filaments that extends throughout the cytosol; includes microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.microfilaments The thinnest elements of the cytoskeleton; composed of the proteins actin and myosin and are most prevalent a the edge of a cell; two general funtions: help generate movement and provide mechanical support.micorvilli Nonmotile, microscopic fingerlike projections of the plasma membrane.intermediate filaments Thicker than microfilaments but thinner than microtubules; they are exceptionally strong and are found in parts of cells subject to mechanical stress.microtubules The larges of the cytostkeletal components and are long, unbranched hollow tubes composed mainly of the protein tubulin.organelles Specialized structures within the cell that have characteristic shapes, and they perform specific functions in cellular growth, maintenance, and reproduction.centrosome Consists of two components: a pair of centrioles and pericentriolar material; located near the nucleus.centrioles Cylindrical structures, each composed of nine clusters of three microtubules (triplets) arranged in a circular pattern.pericentriolar material Contains hundreds of ring-shaped complexes composed of the protein tubulin; the complexes are the organizing centers for growth of the miotic spindle, and for formation of microtubules in nondividing cells.cilia Numerous, short, hairlike projections that extend from the surface of the cell.flagella Similar in structure to cilia but are typically much longer; usually move an entire cell by rapidly wiggling in a wavelike pattern.ribosomes The sites of protein synthesis; some are attatched to the outer surface of the ER, where they synthesize proteins that will be used by other organelles; those that move freely about the cell synthesize proteins used in the cytosol; they are also located within the mitochondria, where they synthesize mitochondrial proteins.endoplasmic reticulum (ER) A network of membranes in the form of flattened sacs or tubules; extends from the nuclear envelope throughout the cytoplasm; has two distinct forms: rough and smooth.rough ER Continuous with the nuclear membrane and is usually folded into a series of flattened sacs, and the outer surface is studded with ribosomes.smooth ER Extends from the rough ER to form a network of membrane tubules; does not have ribosomes on its outer surface, but it contains unique enzymes that make it functionally more diverse than rough ER; synthesizes fatty acids and steroids.golgi complex Consists of 3 to 20 cisternae, which are often curved, giving the organelle a cuplike shape; secretes proteins.entry or cis face A cisterna (of the smooth ER) that faces the rough ER; convex.exit or trans face A cicsterna (of the smooth ER) that faces the plasma membrane; concave.medial cisternae Sacs between the entry and exit faces of the smooth ER.transfer vesicles Bud from the edges of the cisternae of the smooth ER and move specific enzymes back toward the entry face and move some partially modified proteins toward the exit face.secretory vesicles Deliver the proteins to the plasma membrane from the smooth ER, where they are discharged by exocytosis into the extracellular fluid.membrane vesicles Deliver their contents to the plasma membrane for incorporation into the membrane.lysosomes Membrane-enclosed vesicles that form from the Golgi complex; contain as many as 60 powerful digestive and hydrolytic enzymes that can break down a wide variety of molecules once lysosomes fuse with vesicles formed during endocytosis; the interior has a p H of 5, while the p H of the cytosol is 7.autophagy The process by which entire worn-out organelles are digested; involved in cellular diffrentiation, control of growth, tissue remodeling, adaptation to adverse environments, and cell defense.autophagosome In autophagy, the organelle to be digested is enclosed by a membrane derived from the ER to create a vesicle called an _______.autolysis A process in which lysosomal enzymes destroy the entire cell that contains them; occurs in some pathological conditions and also is responsible for the tissue deterioration that occurs immediagely after death Tay-Sachs disease An inherited condition characterized by the absence of a single lysosomal enzyme called Hex A, which normally breaks down a membrane glycolipid called ganglioside G_M2 that is especially prevalent in nerve cells; usually occurs in children of Ashkenazi (eastern European Jewish) descent and is characterized by seizures and muscle rigidity. Sufferers will gradually become blind, demented, and uncoordinated and usually die before the age of five.peroxisomes Organelles similar to lysosomes, but smaller; contain several oxidases and are very abundant in the liver; they contain catalase, which decomposes the free radical H₂O₂; they are also called microbodies.proteasomes Tiny cellular organelles in the cytosol and nucleus containing proteases that destroy unneeded, damaged, or faulty proteins.mitochondria Referred to as the \"\"powerhouse\"\" of the cell because they generate most of the ATP through aerobic respiration.outer mitochondrial membrane The outer portion of a mitochondirion that is similar to the plasma membrane.inner mitochondrial membrane The inner portion of a mitochondrion that is similar to the plasma membrane.mitochondrial cristae A series of folds within the inner mitochondrial membrane.mitochondrial matrix The central fluid-filled cavity of a mitochondrion, enclosed by the inner mitochondrial membrane.apoptosis The orderly, genetically programmed death of a cell. 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] |
63 | what color is royal | [
"docid": "D1450821#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_color_is_royal\nWhat color is royal?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Hobbies & Collectibles Arts and Crafts Colors What color is royal? Flag What color is royal? Answer by V. A. Nicholsson Confidence votes 24.4KI have come to realise, I don't have all the answers, I don't even have all the questions yet... but I'm working on it. Royal is a descriptive word most commonly associated with purple. It is also used to describe the word blue. The association with purple came about because the colour was difficult and expensive to achieve. Blue is another colour difficult to get by using natural dyes, and so was reserved for the use of persons of royal blood.9 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Is purple the most royal color? Yes purlple is the color of royalty Purple was considered a royal color for centuries, in large part because the process used to make purple dye was very expensive. For one th …Summitfashions 79 Contributions What is royal blue color?"
] | [
"docid": "D2511743#0",
"title": "http://depression-glass-antiques.com/\nDepression Glass - Depression Era Glass",
"text": "\"Depression Glass - Depression Era Glass What is Depression Glass? What is Depression Glass? \"\" Depression glass\"\" is a collector's term used for inexpensive tableware items made from machine-pressed glass during the 1920's and 1940's. Depression glass was produced in a variety of colors, shapes and more.... Buying Depression Glass on e Bay Buying Depression Glass on e Bay Learn everything you need to know about buying depression glass on e Bay. Learn more... Depression Glass Patterns Depression Glass Patterns - photos, history and information about many different depression glass patterns. There are a number of patterns available each with its own... more Depression Glass Books Depression Glass Books - where you can browse and buy reference books and price guides for depression glass collecting. If you want to collect and not get ripped off than you should have one. Royal Lace Depression Glass Pricelist Royal Lace Depression Glass Pricelist - featuring over 200 pieces of Royal Lace glass in a variety of colors. Be sure to check out the many nice photos, available for most of the products. Depression Glass Cookie Jar To view photos of Royal Lace depression glass items please click on the photo links in my Depression Glass Pricelist Depression Glass Books More Books on Depression Glass Royal Lace Nut Bowl Top view of a Royal Lace nut bowl, the rarest piece of Royal Lace depression glass by the Hazel Atlas Company."
"docid": "D1265989#0",
"title": "http://www.gameteep.net/dragon-story/castle-dragon/\nDragon Story: Castle Dragon",
"text": "Dragon Story: Castle Dragon The Castle Dragon in Dragon Story is a special Dragon that was found on September 7 2013 released on September 10, 2013. It is a teal or green looking dragon with yellow wings and is known as a Royal-Type Dragon“Castle Dragons carry their homes on their backs, but where most dragons would settle for a simple roost or cottage, they insist on the very best. Those towers are heavy but to the discerning dragon, the extra weight is worth it. – Dragon Story: Castle Dragon Shop Description Release Date: September 10, 2013Rarity: Rare Hatching Time: 14 Hours Buying Price: 1100Selling Price: 100 Habitat: Throne Room Evolution Time: 14 Hours Also See: Royal Dragon User Rating Design Features Breed Rate Rating: 3.5/ 5 (5 votes cast)Submit Dragon Story: Castle Dragon Key Features Royal style design Has a throne Royal-type dragon Castle looking egg egg Low income rate Dragon Story: Castle Dragon breeding guide You can breed this dragon using a Royal color dragon and a Blue color dragon. The recommended combination is the Royal Dragon and the Water Dragon. Breeding Notes With the breeding combinations in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon. The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game. The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter. Dragon Story: Castle Dragon Evolution Guide*Note Android players will need to use the temple at level 4! *"
"docid": "D1936042#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_guard\nColour guard",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Color guard)navigation search This article is about the military colour guard. For information about the flag, rifle, and sabre auxiliary units associated with high school and university marching bands and drum and bugle corps, see Colour guard (flag spinning). Colour Guard of the 1st Naval Fusiliers of the French Navy at the 2008 Bastille Day Military Parade, Paris. In military organizations, the Colour Guard (or Color Guard) refers to a detachment of soldiers assigned to the protection of regimental colours. This duty is so prestigious that the colour is generally carried by a young officer ( Ensign ), while experienced non-commissioned officers ( Colour sergeants) are assigned to the protection of the flag. These NCOs, accompanied sometimes by warrant officers (as is the case in several countries), can be ceremonially armed with either sabres or rifles to protect the colour. Colour guards are generally dismounted, but there are also mounted colour guard formations as well. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Current use2.1 Britain and the Commonwealth2.1.1 British Army (line and guards infantry, and other units save for rifle units)2.1.2 British Army (Cavalry)2.1.3 Royal Navy2.1.3.1 Royal Marines2.1.4 Royal Air Force2.1.5 Honours for and to the colour guard2.2 France2.3 Indonesia2.4 Russia2.5 United States2.5.1 Composition of the US color guard2.5.2 Manoeuvering2.5.3 Rendering honors2.5.3.1 By the color guard2.5.3.2 To the color guard2.6 Other countries3 See also4 References5 External links History [ edit]Main article: Military colours, standards and guidons Fight for the flag between French line infantry and Russian Guardcuirassiers at the battle of Austerlitz (1805). As armies became trained and adopted set formations, each regiment's ability to keep its formation was potentially critical to its, and therefore its army's, success. In the chaos of battle, not least due to the amount of dust and smoke on a battlefield, soldiers needed to be able to determine where their regiment was."
"docid": "D349087#0",
"title": "https://dbskimboards.com/\nThe World's Best Flatland Skimboards",
"text": "\"The World's Best Flatland Skimboards Quality, high performance boards, hand-made in the USA. Start Shopping>New Releases Standard Proto Medium$189.95DB Skimboards Dashboards Coach Jacket$49.95DB Skimboards Red Skimboard Day Trip Bag$69.95DB Skimboards Customize Your Skimboard. Create the perfect skimboard with our online board builder. Choose your size, shape, art, and foam colors!Customize Your Board >Make it Your Own. Your style – your board. See what people have been building or Build your own. Custom Streamline Medium 40.6\"\" DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with Black HPL, Black Foam and Wolf Logo Art: Camo Foam, GRAY FOAMCamo Foam GRAY FOAM Wolf Logo Streamline Medium 40.6\"\" Black HPL Black Foam Flex - Stiff Custom Proto Medium DB Skimboard | Flex - Rigid with Red HPL, Camo Foam and Big DB Logo Art: Blue Marble Foam Blue Marble Foam Big DB Logo Proto Medium 41.4\"\" Red HPL Camo Foam Flex - Rigid Custom Streamline Medium DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with White HPL, WHITE FOAM and Dino Logo Art: Camo Foam, YELLOW FOAM, Royal Blue Foam Camo Foam YELLOW FOAM Royal Blue Foam Dino Logo Streamline Medium 40.6\"\" White HPL WHITE FOAM Flex - Stiff Custom Streamline Large DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with White HPL, LIGHT BLUE FOAM and Outline Logo Art: RED FOAMRED FOAM Outline Logo Streamline Large 43.5\"\" White HPL LIGHT BLUE FOAM Flex - Stiff Custom Sacramento Large DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with Black HPL, LIGHT BLUE FOAM and Dino Logo Art: Black Foam, RED FOAM, Black Foam Black Foam RED FOAM Black Foam Dino Logo Sacramento Large 41.5\"\" Black HPL LIGHT BLUE FOAM Flex - Stiff Custom Streamline Small DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with Black HPL, Camo Foam and Outline Logo Art: Black Foam Black Foam Outline Logo Streamline Small 37.75\"\" Black HPL Camo Foam Flex - Stiff Custom Sacramento Medium 40\"\" DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with White HPL, Royal Blue Foam and Hexagon Logo Art: WHITE FOAM, GRAY FOAM, Lime Green Foam WHITE FOAM GRAY FOAM Lime Green Foam Hexagon Logo Sacramento Medium 40\"\" White HPL Royal Blue Foam Flex - Stiff Custom Sacramento Medium DB Skimboard | Flex - Flexy with Black HPL, Black Foam and 4 Color Big DB Logo Art: ORANGE FOAM, Royal Blue Foam, WHITE FOAMORANGE FOAM Royal Blue Foam WHITE FOAM 4 Color Big DB Logo Sacramento Medium 40\"\" Black HPL Black Foam Flex - Flexy Custom Proto Small DB Skimboard | Flex - Stiff with White HPL, Blue Marble Foam and Three Stripe Art: Royal Blue Foam, Black Foam, Royal Blue Foam Royal Blue Foam Black Foam Royal Blue Foam Three Stripe Proto Small 39.4\"\" White HPL Blue Marble Foam Flex - Stiff Learn to Skimboard. Skimboarding is easy to learn and the perfect summer sport. Watch our tutorial videos, read through our trick tips, and get out on the water. Learn to Skimboard>Dedicated To Skimboarding."
"docid": "D884673#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_color_shoe_match_a_royal_blue_dress\nWhat color shoes with a blue and white dress?",
"text": "What color shoes with a blue and white dress? It would work well with ice blue, silver, or white. Angela308 29 Contributions What colors match royal blue? I love a good person with style! Royal blue is very pretty. Forest green could go good with it. It depends on what you look like. If you have blonde hair, I would put royal bl …What color goes with royal blue shoes?royal blue Ask a question 2 15 Contributions What color of a shoes that match with orange dress?no black...this is not halloween. Try a white color. Ask a question 2 15 Contributions What color shoes match a red dress?"
"docid": "D748493#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7109937/exam-flash-cards/\nexam...",
"text": "\"95 terms dollface2280exam...questions and anwers CHAPTER#7Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which blood specimen additive can inhibit the metabolism of glucose by the cells? C. Na FWhich of the following items is unnecessary when performing a routine venipuncture? B. Safety Needle A serum specimen is requested. Which of the following evacuated tubes can be used to collect it? D. SSTWhich of the following are all anticoagulants that remove calcium from the specimen by forming insoluble calcium salts and therefore prevent coagulation? D. Sodium citrate, EDTA, oxalate In a successful venipuncture, evacuated tubes fill automatically as soon as the tube stopper is pierced because of B. Premeasured vacuum in each tube Lavender-stopper tubes are most commonly used to collect C. Hematology tests Which of the following is one reason the ETS is the preferred blood collection system. A. Exposure of the blood to contaminants is avoided Lithium heparin is a suitable anticoagulant for which if the following tests C. Lytes Which of the following additives can be found in a royal bkue-topped collection tubes B. EDTAMeasurement of copper, a trace element, requires blood collection in a tube with a D. Royal-blue top The blood-to-additive ratio is most critical for a specimen collected in this tube D. Light-blue top If a phlebotomists have dermatitis, they should D. Wear a barrier hand cream or lotion Decontamination of the hands after glove removal is essential because C. Hand contamination might not be visible to the naked eye Which of the following is a disinfectant C. Household Bleach Which disinfectant is preferred by the HICPAC for use on surfaces and instruments D. EPA-registered sodium hypochlorite product After a blood spill, a disinfectant is applied and must have at least minutes of contact time for cleanup to be effected C. 10 minutes If hands are heavily contaminated with organic material and a sink is not available, the phlebotomist should clean them with B. Detergent-containing wipes followed by a sanitizer The purpose of a transilumination device is to B. Locate veins for venipuncture Which statement is incorrect? A properly applied tourniquet should C. Restrict venous and arterial blood flow This needle guage is used primarily for infant or child veins, and diffucult or hard veins of adults D. 23Needle safety features work by D. All of the above OSHA regulations require that after use D. Tube holders with needles attached be disposed of as a unit The head space in an evacuated tube is A. A consistent amount of airspace left when a tube is filled properly Tubes designed by the manufacturer to be \"\"short draw\"\" are B. Made to fill only partially Types of ETS tubes additives include D. All of the above Plastic red-top tubes used to collect blood specimens usually contain C. Clot activators Improper handling or storage of evacuated tubes can affect D. All of the above Which test can be affected by cross-contamination from a light-blue-top tube B. Calcium Which of the following tests could be affected by carryover from an EDTA tube C. Creatine Kinase Which of the following additives is least likely to affect and alkaline phosphatase tests C. Heparin Carryover of this additive is unlikely to affect a partial thromboplastin time C. Naf This antiseptic has been traditionally used to obtain the high degree of skin antisepsis required when blood cultures are being collected D. Providone-iodine Which of the following is the preperred solution to use to clean up blood spills B. An EPA-approved bleach product Antiseptics ate B. Safe for use on human skin A solution used to clean the site before routine venipuncture is B. 70% isopropyl alcohol Why are quaze pads a better choice than cotton balls for covering the site and holding pressure following venipuncture B. Cotton ball fibers can stick to the site CLSI standards advise against using these on infants and children under 2 years old A. Adhesive bandages Which of the following should be deleted from a list of required characteristic of a sharps container D. Red in color It is best if tourniquets are C. Used once and then discarded Wearing gloves during phlebotomy procedures is mandated by the following agency D. OSHAWhat criterion is used to decide which needle guage to use for venipuncture B. Size and condition of the vein To what does the \"\"guage\"\" of a needle relate A. Diameter Which needle gauge has the largest bore or lumen?"
"docid": "D2173587#0",
"title": "https://www.iniplaw.org/2013/08/royal-purple-sues-liqui-moly-g-1.html\nRoyal Purple Sues Liqui Moly GmbH and Liqui Moly USA for Trademark Infringement",
"text": "August 7, 2013Royal Purple Sues Liqui Moly Gmb H and Liqui Moly USA for Trademark Infringement By Overhauser Law Offices, LLCIndianapolis, Indiana — Royal Purple, LLC (“Royal Purple”) of Indianapolis, Indiana sued Liqui Moly Gmb H of Ulm, Germany and Liqui Moly USA, Inc. of Hauppauge, New York (collectively, “Liqui Moly”) alleging infringement of two marks, Registration Nos. 2,691,774 and 2,953,996, which have been registered with the U. S. Trademark Office. Royal Purple is again suing over the use of the color purple. We have blogged previously about the company here . Royal Purple claims it has sold lubricants for more than 20 years and has trademarked the color purple, at least in conjunction with various lubricating oils. It owns several federal trademark registrations for the color purple as applied to lubricating oils for automotive, industrial and household uses. It also owns multiple trademarks incorporating the word “purple” as applied to various goods. These trademarks are registered with the U. S. Trademark Office. Purple was chosen for its association with royalty. ( Historically, purple dye was so expensive to produce that it was used only by royalty.)"
"docid": "D2570594#0",
"title": "http://eatalabamaseafood.com/articles/white-brown-pink-red-learn-differences-gulf-shrimp/\nWhite, Brown, Pink, Red: Learn the Colors of Gulf Shrimp",
"text": "04.11.2017White, Brown, Pink, Red: Learn the Colors of Gulf Shrimp Common sense tells us that locally harvested seafood will taste fresher (and better) than a cheaper, imported product. But when it comes to Gulf shrimp, that’s only the beginning of the story. Unlike Gulf craband oysters, each of which is harvested and processed prominently as only one species, Gulf shrimp come in different species—and they’re conveniently labeled by color. “Shrimp are thought of almost as a commodity,” said Chris Hastings, owner and executive chef at Birmingham’s Oven Bird and Hot and Hot Fish Club. “ But they each have their own characteristics and flavor profiles. I would challenge people to think of shrimp differently, not just as ‘all shrimp are created equal.’ Because they’re not. ”Why does it matter which color you’re getting? Well, it’s the same story as all Gulf seafood: it’s all about flavor. Brown shrimp, thanks to an iodine-rich diet, have a strong flavor that goes great with robust dishes like gumbo and jambalaya."
"docid": "D113555#0",
"title": "http://www.somethingswanky.com/frost-cookies-like-pro-using-canned-frosting-kids/\nHow to Frost Cookies like a Pro using Canned Frosting⦠with your kids!",
"text": "How to Frost Cookies like a Pro using Canned Frosting… with your kids!posted by Ashton December 15, 2014Fancy pants sugar cookies. We’ve all seen them. You know the ones I’m talking about… with that flawless, smooth royal icing and those ridiculously gorgeous artistic designs. You’re not really sure if you’re supposed to eat them or not, because they’re just so pretty. It can’t really be food… can it? And then you try to make them yourself… because all those tutorials make it look so easy! Hashtag yeah right. For me, the whole shebang of baking up sugar cookies, making a batch of royal icing, coloring all of the royal icing, making the royal icing colors in two different consistencies (one for lining, one for flooding), popping all the air bubbles with a toothpick, then waiting for each layer to dry before adding more layers…. just isn’t worth it. Sound familiar?"
"docid": "D592332#0",
"title": "http://propercloth.com/reference/dress-shirt-fabrics/\nDress Shirt Fabrics Overview",
"text": "Dress Shirt Fabrics Overview Here we provide the definitive overview of the different types of fabrics commonly used in dress shirts. By understanding what the different weaves mean for a fabric you can be sure to find the ideal dress shirt fabric for your needs. Broadcloth Broadcloth —often referred to as poplin–is a tightly woven fabric with a very simple over-under weave and very little sheen, which makes it nice and professional. Broadcloths are great for guys looking for as little texture as possible in their fabrics. They are generally a thinner, lighter fabric. Particularly, white broadcloth fabrics can be slightly transparent. Broadcloths generally wear the smoothest out of all weaves thanks to their lack of texture, but can also be the most prone to wrinkling. Learn more about broadcloth fabrics here or browse our selection of broadcloth fabrics here. Broadcloth Dress Shirt Fabric Twill Twill fabrics are easily recognizable because they will show diagonal weave or texture. The diagonal effect can range from very fine, subtle twills to much larger Imperial or Cavalry twills."
"docid": "D1289628#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/bhp/black-panther-ring\nBlack Panther Ring",
"text": "\"USA Black Panther Ring Wakanda King Ring Wakanda T'Challa Cosplay Jewelry Ring$8.11Buy It Now Free Shipping Include: 1 Pcs Ring. Black Panther Wakandan Royal RING & NECKLACE Chain T'Challa Men Marvel Cosplay$11.88Buy It Now Free Shipping40+ watching | 22+ sold Black Panther Wakanda Royal Ring Size 8 to 12 with Necklace Chain. Avengers Black Panther Ring Alloy Metal 8# Rings Marvel Cosplay & Box Gift New$7.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Necklace: pendant width 12CM, chain length 78CM. As a collection is very good. Approx US Size 8. Wakandan Royal Ring Men Jewelry Ring Cosplay for BLACK PANTHER Superher Avengers$7.99Buy It Now Free Shipping The Winter Soldier was awakened during the interrogation. What seems to be stopping it. So what's so good about the Panther Ring?. 1 Pc Ring. We will reply in 12 hours."
"docid": "D1364964#0",
"title": "http://www.momjunction.com/articles/snake-coloring-pages-for-your-naughty-kid_0092875/\nTop 25 Snake Coloring Pages For Your Naughty Kid",
"text": "\"Home » Toddler » Play & Activities Top 25 Snake Coloring Pages For Your Naughty Kid The anaconda The-boa constrictor The corn snake The eastern coral snake The female cartoon snake The king cobra The royal python The s for snake The snake with eggs The year of snake A Snake Coloring Pages with apple coloring A funny snack A kobra snake A little snake A smile snake The Connect The Dot Snake A Snake Coloring Pages Fold A Snake Coloring Boa A Snake On Ship The American Copperhead The Baby Snake On The Branch The Black Mamba The Cartoon Snake The Ridge Nosed Rattle Snake The Snake In The Desert Recommended Articles: Free Printable Bear Coloring Pages For Your Little Ones Free Printable Zoo Animals Coloring Pages For Your Little Ones Free Printable Animals Coloring Pages For Your Naughty Kid Top 10 Leopard Coloring Pages For Your Toddler10 Cute Dinosaur Train Coloring Pages Your Toddler Will Love To Color Let’s admit it, most of us terrified of snakes! Their slimy bodies and cold gaze create a chilling sensation on the observer’s mind. Yet, they never fail to fascinate the minds of both kids and adult. There are about 2700 species of snakes, out of which 375 are venomous. They come in various colors and have unusual body marks. It is said that the brightly colored snakes are usually venomous. Their color serves as a warning to the predators while the dull colored snakes use their coloration for camouflage. Top 20 Snake Coloring Pages For Preschoolers: These legless, carnivorous reptiles are found across the globe. Today we will unveil the fascinating world of snakes through our snake coloring sheets. The article includes coloring sheets of different types of snake in their realistic and cartoon forms."
"docid": "D669827#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colours,_standards_and_guidons\nMilitary colours, standards and guidons",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Colours, standards and guidons)navigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( July 2015)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( July 2015)In the age of line tactics, the unit colour was an important rallying point for infantry soldiers. Stitching the Standard - oil on canvas (1911)In military organizations, the practice of carrying colours, standards or guidons, both to act as a rallying point for troops and to mark the location of the commander, is thought to have originated in Ancient Egypt some 5,000 years ago. The Roman Empire also made battle standards a part of their vast armies. It was formalized in the armies of Europe in the High Middle Ages, with standards being emblazoned with the commander's coat of arms. Contents [ hide ]1 General use2 Colours2.1 Americas2.1.1 Argentina2.1.2 Brazil2.1.3 Chile2.1.4 Colombia2.1.5 Cuba2.1.6 Mexico2.1.7 United States2.1.7.1 United States Army2.1.7.2 United States Marine Corps2.1.7.3 United States Navy2.1.7.4 United States Air Force2.1.8 Uruguay2.1.9 Venezuela2.2 Asia2.2.1 People's Republic of China2.2.2 Republic of China2.2.3 Indonesia2.2.3.1 National Colour and Service Colours2.2.3.2 Colours of commands and below2.2.4 Philippines2.2.5 Thailand2.3 Commonwealth realms2.3.1 United Kingdom2.3.1.1 Line infantry and foot guards2.3.1.2 Additional Colours2.3.1.3 Rifle regiments2.3.1.4 Colours in the cavalry regiments2.3.1.5 Embellishments2.3.1.6 Royal Hospital, Chelsea2.3.1.7 Royal Marines2.3.1.8 The Royal Navy2.3.1.9 The Royal Air Force2.3.2 Australia, Canada and New Zealand2.3.2.1 Navy2.3.2.2 Army2.3.2.3 Air Force2.3.3 Sri Lanka2.3.4 India2.3.4.1 Presidential Colours to service branches of the armed forces2.3.4.2 President's Colours/Standards/Guidons/Banners of military units2.3.5 Malaysia2.3.6 Singapore2.4 Europe2.4.1 Belgium2.4.2 Denmark2.4.3 Finland2.4.4 France2.4.4.1 Background2.4.4.2 About battle honours on current colours2.4.4.3 Latest official regulations2.4.4.4 Land Army in general2.4.4.5 Rifle battalions (chasseurs à pied) Other specific colours2.4.4.7 The National Navy2.4.4.8 The Air Army2.4.4.9 The National Gendarmerie2.4.4.10 French influence2. Nations of the former French Empire2. Other Nations2.4.5 Germany2.4.6 Greece2.4.7 Holy See2.4.8 Italy2.4.9 Netherlands2.4.10 Norway2.4.11 Poland2.4.12 Portugal2.4.13 Romania2.4.14 Russia and Soviet Union2.4.15 Spain2.4.16 Turkey2.4.17 Ukraine2.4.18 Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav nations3 Guidons and standards3.1 Commonwealth of Nations3.2 Denmark3.3 France3.4 Italy3.5 The Netherlands3.6 Portugal3.7 United States4 Guns5 Etiquette6 Ceremonies of colours6.1 Royal Navy6.2 United States Navy6.3 Yacht Clubs7 In games8 See also9 Notes10 References11 External links General use [ edit]Napoleon I awarding the Legion d'Honneur to a dragoon for the capture of an Imperial regimental flag. As armies became trained and adopted set formations, each regiment 's ability to keep its formation was potentially critical to its, and therefore its army's, success."
"docid": "D2946467#0",
"title": "https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/navy-blazer-striped-club-guide/\nThe Blazer Guide",
"text": "The Blazer Guide March 12, 2016 / 108 Comments / in Basics, Clothing, Fabric, Fashion Illustrations, Our Best Articles, Outfits, Sportscoats, Spring, Summer, Wardrobe / by Sven Raphael Schneider The blazer is an iconic piece of menswear, and precisely for this very reason I decided it was time for an extensive guide about this garment. The blazer is the central piece of any gentleman’s wardrobe, and ladies for that matter, though interestingly it means different things to different people. It also takes alternate forms in different situations, which makes it a truly remarkable garment. In the following, I will define a blazer, discuss its history, modern interpretations of it and elaborate on how to wear it best. Watch our Blazer Guide Video If you like it, please share it and gives us a thumbs up! Thank you. Blazer Guide For Men - How To Wear Navy Blazers, How They Should Fit & Buying Tips Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:18What is a Blazer? Let us start by first addressing this vexing question – what exactly is a blazer? One might be tempted to think it is any jacket that happens to be worn without matching pants."
"docid": "D653601#0",
"title": "http://sevenels.net/typewriters/royals.htm\nRoyal Standard No.5Serial # 165885-51913",
"text": "\"Royal was one of the longest-lived typewriter manufacturers. They introduced their first typewriter, the Royal #1, in 1906 and did not stop manufacturing tyepwriters until the 1970s. The company still exists, albeit having undergone many incarnations as part of various parent companies. Today, Royal is owned by Olivetti and still sells typewriters, though none with the famous Royal brand. Royal Standard No.5Serial # 165885-51913This early Royal design is commonly known as the \"\"flatbed\"\". Download the manual for the Model 1 version of this typewriter here. Royal #10Serial # X2776851916Royal Portable (2nd model)Serial # P208665 & P2494461930Note that although both the red and green versions of this model were manufactured in the same year, the red one has black-background keys and no tabulator, and the green one has white-background keys and a tabulator. Royal #10 (14\"\" carriage)Serial # 14-15823371932Royal Signet & Junior Serial #s E5903, ES19889, J28077, J30689, BJ635901932 -1935Little information is available on this family. The first of these, the Signet, was made only from Autumn, 1932 until about Sept, 1933. Rolled out with a heavy advertising campaign that included an essay contest, it was marketed as a low-cost alternative for \"\"children, housewives, and letter writers\"\"."
"docid": "D1350060#0",
"title": "http://healthandbeautyroyale.com/royale-pinkish-glow-cream-how-you-get-a-glowing-skin/\nHealth and Beauty Royale",
"text": "Royale Pinkish Glow Cream: How You Get a Glowing Skin Royale Pinkish glowing skin is what most women desire to have. Well, who wouldn’t want to look radiated? Aside from the fact that whiter and lighter skin will make you even more beautiful, your confidence will also increase. You will be more comfortable with your skin and can show the world what you’ve got. But, can a whitening cream helps you achieve all these? Royale Pinkish Glow Cream: A review Royale Pinkish Glow Brightening & Smoothening Cream is a blend of innovations in skin whitening and brightening science. It wasn’t designed just to make your facial skin smoother, brighter and free from dark spots and blemishes; it also aims to protect your skin from the sun. Pinkish Glow Cream guarantees that after 7 days you will see a significant change in your skin. This may sound far-fetched but it really delivers good results in just a matter of days. This is made possible because of the excellent skin lightening effect that promotes lasting radiance and luminosity."
"docid": "D3436471#0",
"title": "https://www.wired.com/2014/12/best-science-graphics-visualizations-2014/\nThe Best Science Visualizations of the Year",
"text": "Brandon Keim Science 12.23.14 6:30 am The Best Science Visualizations of the Year Related Galleries The World Needs More Funny Fantasy The (Near) Future of PCs The Politics of 'Black Panther' Are What Make It Great1 / 16 Each circle depicts communication between brain networks in people given a dose of psilocybin (right) or a non-psychoactive placebo dose (left). While scientists still don't know exactly how psychedelics produce their effects, it may be related to this dramatically heightened inter-network activity. Petri et al./Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface2 / 16 The United States grows more corn than any other nation: 84 million acres, an area nearly the size of California, is harvested each year, with planting concentrated in the so-called midwestern corn belt. In July, seen through satellite filters that detect traces of fluorescent light emitted by photosynthesis, the corn belt is the brightest place on Earth. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center3 / 16 Lantern sharks spend their lives in oceanic twilight zones, at depths of several hundred feet. Over evolutionary time, their eyes have adjusted accordingly. The top row maps the density of light-sensitive rod cells in three lantern shark species; on bottom are densities of ganglion nerve cells, which carry information from the rods. Each species has a distinctive pattern likely optimized for their feeding habits and lifestyles. Mallefet et al./PLo S One4 / 16 Hummingbirds flap their wings up to 80 times per second---too fast for the naked human eye to see, but captured on high-speed video by researchers who then modeled the fabulously complex vortices of air that form with each wingstroke. Song et al./Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface5 / 16 Many birds use Earth's magnetic field to navigate."
"docid": "D2799332#0",
"title": "https://www.straightenmyhair.com/FAQ.php\n.",
"text": "FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Royal Keratin HAIR Treatment Questions and Answers Q: Should I cut my hair before the treatment? A: You can trim or shape around face or length. Layered hair freshly cut might lie too blunt after treatment. Hair clips should not be used right after treatment. You can go through haircut and trim off any uneven ends if needed. Q: Can I wash my hair after the treatment, and when? A: Wait 24 hours after the Traditional Royal Keratin treatment, and wait 48 hours after the Mild Royal Keratin treatment before washing Q: What kind of shampoo or conditioner should I use? A: We recommend ELUCENCE shampoo because it does not contain Sodium Chloride, or Sulfates it also has Keratin and UV protection. All shampoo and conditioner should not contain Sodium Chloride. Q: What should I do if my hair gets wet during the first 1- 2 days?"
"docid": "D1335444#0",
"title": "http://www.nba.com/kings/blog/history/making-kings-logoteam-colors\nMaking Of: Kings Logo/Team Colors",
"text": "Making Of: Kings Logo/Team Colors Posted: Nov 03, 2011By: Alex Kramers For the last 18 years, the Sacramento Kings have been defined by a royal purple, black and silver identity, featuring a multifaceted logo comprised of two elongated lances behind a centered crown and basketball base. But during the revolutionary brand change in the mid-1990s, in which the Kings replaced the familiar blue-and-red color scheme that had been a franchise staple since 1971, the team nearly opted for a burgundy, gold and black palate. In fact, Tom O’Grady, who was hired by Commissioner David Stern as the NBA’s first Creative Director in 1990 and orchestrated the creation of 20 of the 30 NBA teams’ re-branding initiatives, reveals he and Michael Mc Cullough, the Kings then-Vice President of Marketing, faced an arduous back-and-forth process in which the team rigorously sampled both purple and burgundy merchandise. “The Sacramento Kings were very close to having the (current) Cleveland Cavaliers colors of burgundy, gold and black,” says O’Grady. “ It was a toss-up for the team right until the end. ”In addition to facing an immediate problem with color sourcing – the NBA’s former clothing manufacturers, Starter and Champion, sent cardinal and maroon samples instead of burgundy – the fact the local San Francisco 49ers already had similar colors ultimately swayed the team towards purple. “The 49ers darkened their color scheme at the time, and I think (the Kings) felt, although it was a really cool color palate, it was going to be too much (like) the 49ers,” says O’Grady. “ ( They thought), ‘We’re doing this change, let’s just do something different here,’ and so the burgundy, gold and black went away. ”While purple was ideally suited for the Kings due to its royal heritage, part of the inspiration behind the new look also stemmed from the team’s affinity for the colors of one of Major League Baseball’s 1993 expansion teams. “The Kings liked the Colorado Rockies color scheme – their sales were very, very strong from the start,” says O’Grady."
"docid": "D2555211#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_color_represents_hero\nHow does Indiana Jones represent the romantic hero?",
"text": "How does Indiana Jones represent the romantic hero?because he is always saving the girl What do the colors represent? The colors that are found on flags can represent a number ofdifferent things. White generally means purity and red usuallymeans blood. Mikipedia 25,169 Contributions What does color represent? A: Each and every color has its own representation: red is for love, yellow for friendship, etc. Some colors represent goodness where as others something else. A: F …Olsonb 279 Contributions What do the colors of the Bahama flag colors represent? The black triangle on the left represents the unity and determination of the Bahamas people. The three stripes are for areas of natural resource; two aquamarine stripes at the …What color does hero jaejoong like?i think its blue but now i think he changed his fav colour is red because of cassiopiea from Nikki Mi Sz K876 368 Contributions The epic hero represents an?ideal for what a culture thinks people should be like. What might Polyphemus represent for Odysseus the hero?"
] |
69 | what is milk fever | [
"docid": "D2155744#0",
"title": "http://www.mydairyvet.com/information/milk-fever-hypocalcaemia-dairy-cows\nMilk Fever (Hypocalcaemia) in Dairy Cows",
"text": "What is it? : Milk fever (or hypcalcaemia) is the result of a reduction of blood calcium in the early stages of lactation. This is due to the cow having a sudden, dramatically increased demand for calcium to produce milk. In the newly calved cow, this sudden need for calcium comes as a bit of a shock for the body and it can take several days for the normal mechanisms required to regulate calcium levels to begin working efficiently . It is during this transition period that cows are prone to classical milk fever. Cows that are further into their lactation are better able to cope with the shortfall of calcium by absorbing it from their bones and also the mechanisms by which calcium is absorbed from the diet are working much more efficiently. What are the signs? : Cows can be affected by milk fever both clinically (with obvious signs) and subclinically (more subtle - often leads to other problems). The signs to watch out for include:-Subclinical; Retained cleansing, reduced appetite problems associated with reduced food intake ( LDA in particular). Remember cows don’t necessarily have to be recumbent to be suffering from low grade milk fever."
] | [
"docid": "D2075803#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/colitis/page11.htm\nColitis (Symptoms, Types, and Treatments)",
"text": "\"Colitis definition and facts Colitis refers to inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. There are numerous causes of colitis including infection, inflammatory bowel disease ( Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis ), ischemic colitis, allergic reactions, and microscopic colitis. Symptoms of colitis depend upon the cause and may includeabdominal pain,cramping,diarrhea, with or without blood in the stool (one of the hallmark symptoms of colitis). Associated symptoms depend upon the cause of colitis and may includefever,chills,fatigue,dehydration,eye inflammation,joint swelling,canker sores,skin inflammation. Blood in the stool is never normal and medical care should be sought for evaluation of the cause. Depending upon the history and physical examination, further testing may be necessary to find the cause of colitis and may include blood tests ( complete blood count, electrolytes, kidney function and inflammatory marker tests), urine and stool samples, colonoscopy, and barium enema. Treatment of colitis depends upon the cause, and often is focused on symptom relief, supportive care, and maintaining adequate hydration and pain control. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat infectious causes of colitis. Some bacterial infections that cause colitis resolve without any antibiotic treatment. Quick Guide What's Causing Your Abdominal Pain?"
"docid": "D694864#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/listeria/page2.htm\nListeriosis ( Listeria monocytogenesInfection)",
"text": "\"Listeriosis ( Listeria monocytogenes Infection) Center Salmonella Outbreak Slideshow Pictures Take the Summer Food Safety Quiz Food Poisoning Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Listeriosis - Causes Patient Comments: Listeriosis - Symptoms Patient Comments: Listeriosis - Recalled Food Find a local Doctor in your town Listeriosis ( Listeria monocytogenes infection) facts What is listeriosis? What causes listeriosis? What are the risk factors for listeriosis? Is Listeria contagious? How is listeriosis spread? What are listeriosis symptoms and signs? What is the incubation period for Listeria? How long does a Listeria infection last? What types of doctors treat listeriosis? How do health care professionals diagnose listeriosis?"
"docid": "D3381235#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/chronic-fevers-in-toddlers\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Chronic Fevers In Toddlers",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Chronic Fevers In Toddlers Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Natalie Sieb3 doctors agreed:1 What's the safest fever reliefs medicine brand I can use for babies and toddlers? Thanks. Depends on age: If less than 6 months old, then Acetaminophen (Children's Tylenol) is your only option. If over 6 months old you can try Ibuprofen (Children's Advil) either instead of or in addition to the ... Read more Dr. Mark Diamond2,227 Doctors shared insights Fever (Definition)Fever = elevated body temperature (can be ... Read more Dr. Andrew Catanzaro Internal Medicine - Infectious Disease26 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Clarene Cress2 24 mths old daughter is diagnosed with Chronic benign neutrophenia 0.4 K/Cumm. When ill her fever sudd climbs V high upto 104 F.could it be related? Possibly: Many children get high fevers with both viral and bacterial infections, but with chronic benign neutropenia, especially if the count is very low, the body may not be able to adequately fight a bacterial infection, so urgent evaluation to identify the cause of the fever and initiate treatment is important. Frquently ... Read more Dr. Holly Maes2 doctors agreed:3 Can allergies cause fever in toddlers? No: You would not get a fever with an allergic reaction. Skin may feel or look flushed, but the core temperature would not rise (thus no fever). If temperature is over 100.4, it is not just allergies, but could be something minor like a virus."
"docid": "D857710#0",
"title": "http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/research/dairy/TR31/welcome.html\nControlling Milk Fever and Hypocalcemia in Dairy Cattle: Use of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD) in Formulating Dry Cow Rations",
"text": "Controlling Milk Fever and Hypocalcemia in Dairy Cattle: Use of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD) in Formulating Dry Cow Rations Technical Report 31 Greg Bethard, Extension Dairy Specialist, New Mexico State University Rick Verbeck, Farmland Industries, Inc. John F. Smith, Extension Dairy Specialist, Kansas State University College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University (Print Friendly PDF)Summary Calcium metabolism of close-up dry cows and fresh cows is critical for reducing incidence of metabolic disorders. Anionic salts fed to the close-up group can reduce the incidence of milk fever, displaced abomasum, and subclinical hypocalcemia in early postpartum dairy cattle. Dairies experiencing a high incidence of milk fever or displaced abomasum would likely benefit from use of anionic salts. In addition, dairies that feed high-potassium forages, such as alfalfa hay, to dry cows may benefit from supplementing with anionic salts. Anionic salts must be used with caution, however, because they are unpalatable and can reduce dry matter intake. They should only be fed to close-up dry cows. Controlled feeding, precise ration formulation using the DCAD concept, and monitoring of urine p H are necessary to achieve success using anionic salts. The most critical time in the life of a dairy cow is the first few days postpartum. The cow’s metabolism is under severe stress as she transitions to lactation. To meet requirements for milk production, her body has a high nutrient demand."
"docid": "D1621941#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/common-name-for-streptococcus-pyogenes\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Common Name For Streptococcus Pyogenes",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Common Name For Streptococcus Pyogenes Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Gurmukh Singh1 How does streptococcus pyogenes cause symptoms? See below: Please consult this site for info: http://www. Textbookofbacteriology. Net/ streptococcus .html ... Read more Dr. Adam Lewis Streptococcus (Definition)Is a group of bacteria that grown in long chains of cocci (round cells). They are classified in part by whether they hemolyze sheep red blood cells completely, partial or not at all. The beta (complete) hemolysis ones are further classified by their capsules and the prototype is group a streptococci, that cause strep throat and rheumatic fever. The Alpha (partial) ... Read more Dr. Stephen Berns Pathology13 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Michael Ein2 doctors agreed:2 Explain why streptococcus pyogenes is important? Human pathogen. : Streptococcus pyogenes is a very important human pathogenic bacteria. It is the cause of \"\" strep throat \"\" and it's sequella rheumatic fever and glomerulnephritis."
"docid": "D2235547#0",
"title": "https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/food-safety-education/get-answers/food-safety-fact-sheets/foodborne-illness-and-disease/foodborne-illness-what-consumers-need-to-know/ct_index\nUnited States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service",
"text": "\"Foodborne Illness: What Consumers Need to Know What Is Foodborne Illness? How Do Bacteria Get in Food? The \"\"Danger Zone\"\"In Case of Suspected Foodborne Illness Foodborne Bacteria (Table)What Is Foodborne Illness? Foodborne illness is a preventable public health challenge that causes an estimated 48 million illnesses and 3,000 deaths each year in the United States. It is an illness that comes from eating contaminated food. The onset of symptoms may occur within minutes to weeks and often presents itself as flu-like symptoms, as the ill person may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. Because the symptoms are often flu-like, many people may not recognize that the illness is caused by harmful bacteria or other pathogens in food. Everyone is at risk for getting a foodborne illness. However, some people are at greater risk for experiencing a more serious illness or even death should they get a foodborne illness. Those at greater risk are infants, young children, pregnant women and their unborn babies, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems (such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, and transplant patients.)"
"docid": "D1892663#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/191799.php\nQ fever: Causes, risks, and treatments",
"text": "Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Q fever: Causes, risks, and treatments Last reviewed Sun 16 April 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by University of Illinois-Chicago, School of Medicine Q fever, or query fever, is an uncommon bacterial infection transmitted from animals to humans. It can be acute or chronic, and the chronic type can be fatal. Sheep, goats, cattle and other livestock are most likely to carry the bacterium, but it has been found in many types of animals including fish, dogs, camels, and guinea pigs. Q fever can occur anywhere in the world. In 2014, 167 cases of Q fever were reported in the United States (U. S.). The infection is called Query fever because, when it was first identified, the cause was a mystery. The cause has since been identified, but use of the name has continued . Contents of this article: Types Signs and symptoms Causes and risk factors Treatment Types Q fever is carried and spread by livestock. There are two main types: acute and chronic. Acute Q fever This type is more common and less serious."
"docid": "D2627661#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/colitis/page12.htm\nColitis (Symptoms, Types, and Treatments)",
"text": "\"Colitis definition and facts Colitis refers to inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. There are numerous causes of colitis including infection, inflammatory bowel disease ( Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis ), ischemic colitis, allergic reactions, and microscopic colitis. Symptoms of colitis depend upon the cause and may includeabdominal pain,cramping,diarrhea, with or without blood in the stool (one of the hallmark symptoms of colitis). Associated symptoms depend upon the cause of colitis and may includefever,chills,fatigue,dehydration,eye inflammation,joint swelling,canker sores,skin inflammation. Blood in the stool is never normal and medical care should be sought for evaluation of the cause. Depending upon the history and physical examination, further testing may be necessary to find the cause of colitis and may include blood tests ( complete blood count, electrolytes, kidney function and inflammatory marker tests), urine and stool samples, colonoscopy, and barium enema. Treatment of colitis depends upon the cause, and often is focused on symptom relief, supportive care, and maintaining adequate hydration and pain control. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat infectious causes of colitis. Some bacterial infections that cause colitis resolve without any antibiotic treatment. Quick Guide What's Causing Your Abdominal Pain?"
"docid": "D2857507#0",
"title": "http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/diseases/qfever.html\nQ Fever",
"text": "Q Fever CLOSE ALLWhat is Q fever and what causes it? Q fever (Query fever) is an infectious disease that spreads from animals to humans. Q fever is caused by a microbe called Coxiella burnetii. This microbe can survive for months and even years in dust or soil. Animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats can carry the Q fever microbe in tissues involved in birth--the uterus, placenta, and birth fluids. Infected animals also release the microbe in milk and manure. People acquire the infection by inhaling infectious aerosols and contaminated dusts generated by animals or animal products. Many infections are without symptoms (asymptomatic). Common symptoms resemble a serious case of the flu with high fever, chills and sweating. In some cases, people develop liver and heart disease."
"docid": "D968810#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/doxycycline/article.htm\ndoxycycline hyclate",
"text": "\"Bacterial Infections 101 Pictures Slideshow Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Hepatitis C Slideshow Pictures What is doxycycline? What brand names are available for doxycycline? Is doxycycline available as a generic drug? Do I need a prescription for doxycycline? Why is doxycyclineprescribed to patients? What are the side effects of doxycycline? What is the dosage for doxycycline? Which drugs or supplements interact with doxycycline? Is doxycycline safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? What else should I know about doxycycline?"
"docid": "D499921#0",
"title": "https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bovine+enzootic+hematuria\nbovine",
"text": "\"bovine (redirected from bovine enzootic hematuria) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia .bovine [ bo´vīn] pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from the ox (cattle). Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.bo·vine ( bō'vīn, -vin ), Relating to cattle. [ L. bos ( bov- ), ox]Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012bovine/bo·vine/ ( bo´vīn) pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from cattle. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.bovine (bō′vīn′, -vēn′)adj. Of, relating to, or resembling a ruminant mammal of the bovid subfamily Bovinae, such as a cow, ox, or buffalo, especially one in the genus Bos.n. An animal of the subfamily Bovinae, especially one of the genus Bos. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company."
"docid": "D703819#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080627035433AASE1x2\nIs 36.7 a fever for a 3 week old?",
"text": "Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby Is 36.7 a fever for a 3 week old?my 3 week old feels very hot and when i took his temp it said 36.7......is that a fever and if so what should i do......he also's been kinda pucking...but that could be because i had to switch him from breast milk to formula.....im just not sure Follow 18 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 36.7 is perfect, maybe try taking some layers off he may just be a little uncomfortable and need 1 less layer. Pucking is normal with bubs on formula. Sometimes their eyes are just a little bigger than their bellies and they have more milk than their stomachs can handle so up comes the excess. If he's happy and settled (to the degree we can expect from a new born) and not showing any signs of pain he is fine. My little man is 9 weeks and on formula, I've always gotta have a towel handy when I burp him in case a burp brings up a little milk. Sinders · 10 years ago0 0 Comment Asker's ratingthe problem with temperatures is that under the armpit, you have to add a degree for a true core temp, and rectally you have to minus a degree. That said I dont think your baby has a fever, if she did, at her age, there would be something significantly wrong and you would have alot of other symptoms. Also taking underarm temps is unreliable, b/c whatever side they have been laying on or snuggled against they are going to be warmer on that side. If they are even just snuggled in bed taking a nap you can get a wrong reading. Sometimes babies are just not feeling well and fussy, and it comes and goes, this is part of being a baby."
"docid": "D678473#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/194306-the-best-foods-to-eat-if-you-have-a-fever/\nThe Best Foods to Eat if You Have a Fever",
"text": "\"The Best Foods to Eat if You Have a Feverby MICHELLE KERNS Oct. 03, 2017It's not true that you should feed a cold but starve a fever. Your body burns more calories when you have a fever. If you don't eat enough nutrient-dense foods, you will lack the energy your immune system needs to help you recover quickly. Get medical help immediately if you have a fever that is over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, that lasts longer than 48 to 72 hours or that is accompanied by a stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, rashes or pain during urination. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Fill Up on Fluid-Rich Foods According to Vanderbilt School of Medicine physician William Schaffner, the best way to combat a fever is to consume plenty of fluids. Besides drinking water, hot tea or 100 percent fruit juice, you should eat fluid-rich foods like low-sodium vegetable or poultry broth, ice pops made from 100 percent fruit juice and thin soups. The vapor from hot foods like chicken soup can loosen dried mucus in your nasal passages. Choose Fresh Fruit Fruits like oranges, strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi and cantaloupe are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports the health of your immune system. Bananas can help replace potassium lost to diarrhea, sweating or vomiting. Additionally, citrus fruits contain flavonoid compounds that decrease inflammation and boost immune cell functions."
"docid": "D141270#0",
"title": "http://www.tandurust.com/natural-home-remedies/typhoid-fever.html\nSymptoms of Typhoid Fever: Cure, Causes and Treatment of Typhoid",
"text": "Published March 11, 2008 by tdrst Symptoms of Typhoid Fever: Cure, Causes and Treatment of Typhoid Typhoid Fever is characterized by typical course of temperature and ulceration of the bowels. The fever is of uncertain duration and is infectious. Symptoms of Typhoid Fever The patient feels weak, cold and tired. Headache, backache, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite are other symptoms. Temperature rises and remains high for about 10-14 days. Body temperature typically rises in the evening and drops in the morning. Skin eruptions appear, tongue becomes dry and gets white patches in the center, which causes oily taste in mouth and inflamed bones. Fever comes down gradually by the end of fourth week. Causes of Typhoid Fever Poor sanitation, contaminated water and infected milk are some of the main factors responsible for typhoid. Flies contaminate the food with germs."
"docid": "D2745222#0",
"title": "http://www.milkproduction.com/Library/Scientific-articles/Nutrition/Transition-cow-metabolic-/\nTransition cow metabolic problems",
"text": "\"1/12/2001Transition cow metabolic problems Proper dry cow nutrition focuses in large part on reducing the incidence of metabolic problems around calving time. Metabolic problems are caused primarily by nutrition. They usually require treatment by a veterinarian or producer. One metabolic problem often leads to others and the final result is lost milk, poor reproduction, and maybe even a lost cow. Milk Fever Milk fever, also known as parturient paresis, is low blood calcium. On average, 5-6% of cows will experience clinical milk fever. When the level of calcium in the blood gets too low (<5 mg/dl), nerve and muscle function is lost; the cow goes down and if untreated, can die. Milk fever is fairly easy to treat using intravenous calcium injection. Mild cases in which the cow is not down may be treated with oral calcium chloride or calcium propionate. The real problem is that milk fever predisposes cows to other health problems including ketosis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum, and mastitis."
"docid": "D2533938#0",
"title": "http://kids.emedtv.com/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-and-medications.html\nBreastfeeding and Medications",
"text": "Kids Channel Topics Baby Week by Week Bedwetting Breast Engorgement Breast Milk Breastfeeding Colic Diaper Rash Fever Blisters Fifth Disease Head Lice Infant Care Infant Developmental Milestones Infant Educational Games Infant Feeding Mono Mononucleosis Monospot Test Newborn Care Newborn Development Newborn Feeding Object Permanence Oral Health Pertussis Pink Eye Pneumonia in Children Post Pregnancy RSVRSV Virus Scarlet Fever School Scoliosis Scoliosis Brace Separation Anxiety Sinus Infections in Children Starting Solid Foods Strep Throat Teething Medications Acetaminophen Suppositories Act HIBAdacel Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Potassium ESAtrovent Nasal Spray Balmex Boostrix Boudreaux's Butt Paste Children's Tylenol Ciprofloxacin Ear Drops Clonidine ERComvax Daptacel Desitin Desonide Foam Docosanol Fluocinonide Topical Solution Fluticasone Propionate Lotion Gatifloxacin Hiberix Imipramine Hydrochloride Increlex Infanrix Infant Tylenol IPOLIPVIsotretinoin Kinrix Lupron Menactra Men Hibrix Natroba Pediarix Pedvax HIBPentacel Pertussis Vaccine Pimecrolimus Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Prevnar 13Pro Quad Quixin Rotarix Sklice Synagis Tessalon Triple Paste Ulesfia Vaccines Vaqta Varicella Vaccine Vigamox Vusion Zinc Oxide Advertisement Quicklinks Mononucleosis Head Lice Home Remedy for Head Lice RSVRSV Virus RSV Symptoms RSV in Infants Scoliosis Fever Blisters Scarlet Fever Fifth Disease Mono Symptoms Bedwetting Zinc Oxide Infant Colic Pink Eye Diaper Rash Strep Throat Related Channels Cold Flu Allergies Asthma Chickenpox ADHDAdvertisement Tweet Kids Home > Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and Medications It can be quite frustrating for breastfeeding mothers to find medications that are safe to take. This is because there is a lack of information available on whether certain drugs are safe to use while nursing, due to ethical reasons. However, before you decide to stop breastfeeding, there are ways to determine the potential risks a medication might pose to your nursing infant. A Frustrating Lack of Information In this day and age of modern medicine and abundant scientific research, you'd think we'd know just about everything concerning medication safety for breastfeeding women. However, the actual situation couldn't be more different. We know almost nothing about the safety of many medications during breastfeeding, even ones that are commonly used. So what's a mother to do? Before you vow to avoid all medications, which is a common response to this issue in mothers, read this article to better understand how to find information and what to do when no information is available. Research on Drugs and Breastfeeding Quite often, women are frustrated to hear that no (or very little) information is available about the use of a particular drug during breastfeeding. They wonder if the scientific community just doesn't care about breastfeeding women and their babies."
"docid": "D1955606#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_foods_do_you_eat_when_you_have_a_fever\nWhat foods do you eat when you have a fever?",
"text": "Answer by Fodsky Confidence votes 4.7KDrink lots of cold fluids such as water and Gatorade. Lots and lots of Gatorade. That should flush your system out. Also, many people say drink orange juice because it has vitamin c, but the acidity in it actually causes you to become nauseous and give you a false perception that you have to throw up. Tea will help also. Cold cereal is BAD to eat when you have a fever, the dairy inside of it will turn rotten inside your stomach causing you to puke. Ice cream, is bad if it has dairy, and Popsicles help also because it will help lower your body's temperature (as long as it doesn't have DAIRY!!!). Take a Tylenol and as your feeling better eat foods such as toast, chicken noodle soup and any low calorie foods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer 2: Never eat any dairy products when you have a fever. I have a fever right now, I vomited because I ate dairy."
"docid": "D2417488#0",
"title": "https://www.emedicinehealth.com/brucellosis/article_em.htm\nBrucellosis",
"text": "\"Brucellosis Facts What Is Brucellosis? Brucellosis History What Causes Brucellosis? Is Brucellosis Contagious? What Are the Symptoms and Signs Brucellosis? How Is Brucellosis Diagnosed? What Is the Treatment for Brucellosis? What Are the Complications of Brucellosis? How Can You Prevent Brucellosis? Brucellosis Facts Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria from the genus Brucella. Brucellosis is an infection of certain animals that is transmitted to humans."
"docid": "D2143152#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Can_you_give_a_shih_tzu_puppy_semi_skimmed_milk\nCan you give a shih tzu puppy semi skimmed milk?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Dairy Products Milk Skim Milk Can you give a shih tzu puppy semi skimmed milk? Flag Can you give a shih tzu puppy semi skimmed milk? Edit Answer by Dashman2002 Confidence votes 428You should never give your puppy milk after it is weaned. It can cause gas, and we all know what that can smell like. It can also cause diarrhea. Humans are the only mammal that consumes milk after the \"\"weaning\"\" period of life. And then we don't drink human milk, we drink the milk of a cow.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Socalsurfnici 70,810 Contributions How many puppies can a shih tzu have? Shih Tzu's normally have between 3-4 puppies, but this varies depending on the dog and its' size, i.e. a bigger Shih Tzu may have more puppies than a smaller one. Edit Mrs. Way 3 Contributions How fast is a Shih Tzu puppy?"
"docid": "D2842182#0",
"title": "http://kids.emedtv.com/newborn-feeding/newborn-feeding-schedule-p2.html\nNewborn Feeding Schedule",
"text": "\"Kids Channel Topics Baby Week by Week Bedwetting Breast Engorgement Breast Milk Breastfeeding Colic Diaper Rash Fever Blisters Fifth Disease Head Lice Infant Care Infant Developmental Milestones Infant Educational Games Infant Feeding Mono Mononucleosis Monospot Test Newborn Care Newborn Development Newborn Feeding Object Permanence Oral Health Pertussis Pink Eye Pneumonia in Children Post Pregnancy RSVRSV Virus Scarlet Fever School Scoliosis Scoliosis Brace Separation Anxiety Sinus Infections in Children Starting Solid Foods Strep Throat Teething Medications Acetaminophen Suppositories Act HIBAdacel Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Potassium ESAtrovent Nasal Spray Balmex Boostrix Boudreaux's Butt Paste Children's Tylenol Ciprofloxacin Ear Drops Clonidine ERComvax Daptacel Desitin Desonide Foam Docosanol Fluocinonide Topical Solution Fluticasone Propionate Lotion Gatifloxacin Hiberix Imipramine Hydrochloride Increlex Infanrix Infant Tylenol IPOLIPVIsotretinoin Kinrix Lupron Menactra Men Hibrix Natroba Pediarix Pedvax HIBPentacel Pertussis Vaccine Pimecrolimus Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Prevnar 13Pro Quad Quixin Rotarix Sklice Synagis Tessalon Triple Paste Ulesfia Vaccines Vaqta Varicella Vaccine Vigamox Vusion Zinc Oxide Advertisement Quicklinks Mononucleosis Head Lice Home Remedy for Head Lice RSVRSV Virus RSV Symptoms RSV in Infants Scoliosis Fever Blisters Scarlet Fever Fifth Disease Mono Symptoms Bedwetting Zinc Oxide Infant Colic Pink Eye Diaper Rash Strep Throat Related Channels Cold Flu Allergies Asthma Chickenpox ADHDAdvertisement Tweet Kids Home > Newborn Feeding Schedule Newborn Feeding Schedule Ideal Breastfeeding Schedule When breastfeeding your baby, it is difficult to tell how much your baby is actually getting because you can't see or measure the amount of milk she is drinking. It is different from formula feeding in this regard. Generally, a breastfed baby will nurse every three hours, except in the evening, when they nurse more frequently to stock up for the night (known as \"\"cluster feeding\"\"). It will take some getting used to, but eventually, you will get a feel for how much your baby needs. What is the ideal breastfeeding schedule for an infant? The answer is to feed when your baby is hungry. This is known as demand feeding. Feeding on demand means that feeding is started based on hunger cues from the infant and stopped when the infant is satisfied. A demand feeding schedule allows your baby to control the frequency and duration of feeding. It also allows for thorough emptying of the breast, including the important hindmilk, which is high in fat and promotes rapid infant growth."
] |
70 | what is smart infrastructure | [
"docid": "D2845225#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_Infrastructure_Facility\nSMART Infrastructure Facility",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( July 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)SMART Infrastructure Facility Established 2010Field of research Infrastructure Staff 150 research Students 200 postgraduate Address Building 6, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue Location Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia Campus 12,000 m 2 (130,000 sq ft)Affiliations University of Wollongong Website smart.uow.edu.au SMART Infrastructure Facility (SMART) is a research institution in Wollongong, Australia . SMART is an acronym for \"\" simulation, modelling, analysis, research and teaching\"\". It opened in 2011 as Australia's first multi-disciplinary applied infrastructure research and training facility. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Research groups3 References4 External links History [ edit]The facility was created through funding from:$35 million from the Australian federal government (through the 2007 the Higher Education Endowment Fund [1] [2] [3]$10 million through Rail Corp; [4]$16 million from the University of Wollongong; [5]Approx $800,000 from state government authorities ( Queensland Rail, Integral Energy and Geoscience Australia ), industry ( Blue Scope, Cisco Systems Australia and Cognos ), and other research bodies ( Australian Bureau of Statistics and CSIRO) [6]Research groups [ edit]SMART's commissioned research program ranges from big data on cities, economic analysis and scenario planning tools for land use and transport. These demonstrate how infrastructure can be better designed, delivered and managed to meet the changing needs of the society over the long term. Research groups contribute to specific commissioned research projects, and promote academic key performance indicators such as publications, HDR students and competitive research grants. Commissioned research projects and consultancies fund the facility through revenue and strategic partnerships. The seven research groups consist of: Advanced Geomatics for Regional and Urban Planning Applying System of Systems Methodologies Computer Simulation for Sustainable Transport Systems Computational Intelligence for Optimal Decision and Operation Economics and Governance Geo-social Intelligence for Urban Resilience and Liveability Social Simulation for Demographic Analysis and Transitions Henry Ergas is a professor there. ["
] | [
"docid": "D576#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things\nInternet of things",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Internet of Things)navigation search This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( May 2017)This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. ( May 2017)Drawing representing the Internet of things (Io T). The Internet of Things ( Io T) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. [ 1] [2] [3] Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to inter-operate within the existing Internet infrastructure. The figure of online capable devices increased 31% from 2016 to 8.4 billion in 2017. [ 4] Experts estimate that the Io T will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. [ 5] It is also estimated that the global market value of Io T will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020. ["
"docid": "D1394505#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Asset_Management\nInfrastructure asset management",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Infrastructure Asset Management)navigation search Public infrastructure Grand Coulee Dam Assets and facilities Airports Bridges Broadband Canals Coastal management Critical infrastructure Dams Electricity Energy Hazardous waste Hospitals Irrigation schemes Levees Lighthouses Parks Pipeline transport Ports Mass transit Public housing State schools Public spaces Rail Roads Sewage Sluices Solid waste Telecommunication Utilities Water supply Weirs Wastewater Concepts Asset management Appropriation Lindahl tax Build-Operate-Transfer Design-Build Earmark Fixed cost Engineering contracts Externality Government debt Life-cycle assessment Maintenance Monopoly Property tax Public-private partnership Public capital Public finance Public good Public sector Renovation Replacement (upgrade)Spillover effect Supply chain Taxation Issues and ideas Air traffic control Brownfield Carbon footprint Containerization Congestion pricing Ecotax Ethanol fuel Fuel tax Groundwater High-speed rail Hybrid vehicles Land-use planning Mobile data terminal Pork barrel Rapid bus transit Recycling Renewables Reverse osmosis Smart grid Smart growth Stormwater Urban sprawl Traffic congestion Transit-oriented development Vehicle efficiency Waste-to-energy Weatherization Wireless technology Fields of study Architecture Civil Electrical Mechanical engineering Public economics Public policy Urban planning Examples [show]Infrastructure portalv t e Infrastructure asset management is the integrated, multidisciplinary set of strategies in sustaining public infrastructure assets such as water treatment facilities, sewer lines, roads, utility grids, bridges, and railways. Generally, the process focuses on the later stages of a facility’s life cycle specifically maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement. Asset management specifically uses software tools to organize and implement these strategies with the fundamental goal to preserve and extend the service life of long-term infrastructure assets which are vital underlying components in maintaining the quality of life in society and efficiency in the economy. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Term2 Current situation3 Processes and activities4 Work practices5 IIAM approach6 GIS system7 Capacity building8 Sources9 See also10 External links Term [ edit]Infrastructure asset management is a specific term of asset management focusing on physical, rather than financial assets. Sometimes the term infrastructure management is used to mean the same thing, most notably in title of The International Infrastructure Management Manual (2000, first edition). Where there is no problem of confusion, the term asset management is more widely used, as in the professional societies: the Asset Management Council in Australia, and the Institute of Asset Management in the UK. In this context, infrastructure is a wide term denoting road and rail, water, power, etc. assets. Road asset management is part of infrastructure asset management including all the physical assets on the road network such as roads, bridges, culverts and road furniture. The first published use of the term asset management to refer to physical assets is not known for sure."
"docid": "D1382379#0",
"title": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ecobee/id916985674?mt=8\necobee 4+",
"text": "This app is only available on the App Store for i OS devices.ecobee 4+ecobee43 Ratings Free Screenshotsi Phone i Pad Descriptionecobee makes it easier for you to maximize comfort and savings without compromising your lifestyle. With the ecobee app, you could enjoy whole home comfort by adjusting your lights and temperature settings anytime, anywhere. Away from home? Make sure you’re saving energy when it counts, and keep tabs on the rooms that matter most. You can use the ecobee app to: - Breeze through installation. Videos and diagrams walk you through each step. - Stay comfortable. Set up your comfort schedule and preferences to your liking. - Get peace of mind. Adjust your temperature, lighting, and preferences anywhere, anytime."
"docid": "D773843#0",
"title": "http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/soa/wik-soa-scaling-1738196.html\n",
"text": "\"Scaling Service Oriented Architectureby Philip Wik A look at how Oracle solutions fit into a scalable Service Oriented Architecture August 2012Introduction Globalization has pressured enterprises to look for SOA scalability solutions. Smaller companies are also looking for ways to stretch their SOA capabilities but without increasing sunk costs. The purpose of this article is to show how Oracle solutions fit into a scalable SOA. It seeks to answer this question: Given the Oracle technology that exists today, how can we optimize SOA scalability? The first part of this article explores what scaling is and what it means to an SOA. The second part of the article proposes Oracle-based solutions to SOA scaling and an Oracle-based SOA scaling roadmap. What Scaling Is Scaling is the ability of a system to handle elastic demand. It allows our systems to handle heavier or lighter loads. A load could mean users, queries, transactions, servers, or services. A scalable system has functionality that improves as capability is added or functionality that erodes as capability is reduced."
"docid": "D1917988#0",
"title": "http://www.waterworld.com/articles/wwi/print/volume-26/issue-5/regulars/creative-finance/smart-water-metering-networks-an-intelligent-investment.html\nSmart Water Metering Networks An Intelligent Investment?",
"text": "\"Smart Water Metering Networks An Intelligent Investment? More and more utilities are integrating advanced ICT solutions into their operations. And with smart water metering helping to identify and reduce leakages and non-revenue water, the European market could be worth up to $13.4 billion by 2020. Seth Cutler reports. The water and wastewater industries, like many others, are currently undergoing a process of transformation through the use of ICT and near real time data generation. The aim is to increase operational and management efficiencies, to reduce expenditures and carbon footprints through smart water metering. This market is undergoing rapid development. In Europe alone, smart water metering is expected to generate a cumulative investment of $7.8 billion by 2020. Should the investment environment improve, bolstered in part by strong government support, this market should grow further to $13.4 billion over the same period. While initial investments are heavily in smart water meters and installation fees, data and network management quickly grows to provide a majority of yearly revenues for the market."
"docid": "D1125272#0",
"title": "https://hbr.org/2013/01/three-elements-of-a-successful-platform\nThree Elements of a Successful Platform Strategy",
"text": "We typically think of companies competing over products — the proverbial “build a better mousetrap.” But in today’s networked age, competition is increasingly over platforms. Build a better platform, and you will have a decided advantage over the competition. In construction, a platform is something that lifts you up and on which others can stand. The same is true in business. By building a digital platform, other businesses can easily connect their business with yours, build products and services on top of it, and co-create value. This ability to “plug-and-play” is a defining characteristic of Platform Thinking. Consider the market for smartphones. Nokia and Blackberry today are a shadow of their former glory. Their technology and products lag Apple and the Android ecosystem."
"docid": "D93149#0",
"title": "http://www.mass.gov/envir/smart_growth_toolkit/pages/mod-ww.html\nSmart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit Modules - Wastewater Alternatives",
"text": "\"More about: Smart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit Modules Smart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit Modules - Wastewater Alternatives Learn about the Smart Growth/Smart Energy Wastewater Alternatives module. Overview Achieving higher density development in areas without public water or sewer service presents special circumstances and unique challenges. Conventional septic systems require permeable soils, adequate depth to groundwater and numerous setbacks to lot lines, drinking water wells and wetlands. These physical and regulatory requirements can preclude the clustering of development. However, there are also a number of technological and regulatory opportunities to address these challenges. They include shared systems (multiple homes on one septic system), innovative and alternative septic systems, and small sewage treatment plants. Careful site planning using techniques such as Open Space Residential Design (OSRD) and Low-Impact Development (LID) can identify and set aside optimal locations for wastewater facilities and drinking water sources, thereby allowing the remaining land to be developed at a higher density. The Problem Many of the smart growth techniques, including those that apply to rural areas, rely upon concentrating growth in higher-density configurations, such as a village or town center, and concurrently relieving development pressures in outlying areas that deserve preservation. Challenges to achieving this type of development pattern in rural areas often include wastewater treatment and disposal constraints, especially for on-site systems. There are also many existing small (non-conforming) lots along late shorelines that cause water quality problems."
"docid": "D3140474#0",
"title": "https://www.wired.com/2016/01/marathon-laundry-smart-washer-dryer/\nMarathon Laundry's Washer-Dryer Is the Tesla of Appliances",
"text": "\"Brian Barrett gear 01.06.16 06:00 am Marathon Laundry's Washer-Dryer Is the Tesla of Appliances Josh Valcarcel/WIREDGlenn Reid wants to sell you a washer and dryer. In that sense, he's just like any number of nearly identical salespeople pitching nearly identical appliances at your nearest Home Depot. Glenn Reid is no ordinary salesperson, though. And his washer and dryer are no ordinary appliances. In fact, Reid believes that the Marathon Laundry machine may well be the Tesla of large appliances. Yes, you read that correctly. The Tesla of large appliances. It's not as crazy as it sounds. In fact, this thing is pretty freaking cool. But first, let's start with Reid, since his company's story doesn't make nearly as much without knowing his story."
"docid": "D1571450#0",
"title": "http://www.energyworks.com/index.php?page=smart-buildings\nSmart Buildings",
"text": "Smart buildings successfully merge building management and IT systems that can dynamically optimize system performance and simplify facility operations. Integration greatly reduces both the hardware expense and frustration associated with installing and operating multiple autonomous building systems. How They Work Integration begins with a common IT backbone or infrastructure, the majority of buildings utilize separate and usually proprietary systems that have their own controls, protocol, cabling, and HMI. Once individual building systems are integrated onto one network they can be monitored and controlled by a single interface, accessible via a secure Web browser for unlimited user access. Additional use of a network operating center (NOC) allows for 24/7 monitoring and control of an unlimited number of equipment, systems, and buildings by personnel with the proper training and skill set. Utilizing open-protocol such as Lon Works® and BACnet® allows the building systems to employ the best sensors and technology on the market while not being tied to a particular vendor or manufacturer. Benefits and Capabilities Tenant attraction and retention. A significant benefit to the building owner is the expectation that smart buildings can demand above-market rents, have lower vacancy rates, and can reduce turnover through higher customer service, added technologies, and increased efficiencies. Reduced operating costs. Smart buildings are usually highly efficient buildings where operating costs are significantly lower than comparable buildings."
"docid": "D2352942#0",
"title": "http://www.larsentoubro.com/\n.",
"text": "Unlocking Energy End-to-end solutions for the Global Oil & Gas Industry More Infrastructure Building smart & sustainable Infrastructure More2 / 3Businesses L&T Realty The real estate arm of L&T extends the Company’s values of trust, professionalism and commitment to the domain of commercial and residential properties. All properties of L&T Realty embody a sustainable design philosophy and focus on fostering integrated communities. Read more Construction L&T Construction is among the world’s Top 30 contractors. The business encompasses multiple business - Buildings & Factories, Transport Infrastructure, Heavy Civil Infrastructure, Smart World & Communication, Water & Renewable Energy and Power Transmission & Distribution. Read more Hydrocarbon Engineering L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering, a wholly owned subsidiary of L&T, is dedicated to serving the oil and gas sector around the world. It delivers turnkey engineering and construction solutions to offshore and onshore hydrocarbon projects. Read more Power L&T provides integrated concept - to - commissioning solutions for supercritical thermal power plants. We also offer comprehensive services for gas-based power plants. Read more Metallurgical & Material Handling The business undertakes EPC projects for ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries, as well as bulk material and ash handling systems in the power, port, steel and mining sectors. Read more Heavy Engineering L&T Heavy Engineering manufactures and supplies custom designed equipment & critical piping to process industries such as fertilizer, chemical, refinery, petrochemical, and oil & gas, as well as to sectors such as thermal & nuclear power and aerospace."
"docid": "D781143#0",
"title": "https://community.smartthings.com/t/first-alert-smoke-detector-iris/668\nFirst Alert Smoke Detector - Iris",
"text": "\"First Alert Smoke Detector - Iris Devices & Integrations Connected Thingsbritm3 (Britm3) 2013-09-06 19:13:15 UTC #1Ran across this First Alert Smoke and Carbon detector at Lowes - it does not indicate if it is Zwave. Any thought on this working. The product code is zcombo. UPC 029054011381 (Pre-Subcategory creation) Deals/Sales/Coupons/Pricingchrisb (Chrisb) 2013-09-06 19:43:59 UTC #2Well, it definitely uses a mesh network:http://www.firstalert.com/faqs/onelink/what-is-a-mesh-network-and-how-does-it-work But there isn’t any data on which mesh network it uses. According to this link: http://www.lowes.com/cd_How+Iris+Works_379038320_ Iris uses Zigbee, Zwave, and Wi Fi. I think it’s safe to assume these detectors are NOT using Wifi, so it’s gotta be one of the Z’s. If I think I’d lean towards it being Zigbee, which means there’s probably less of a chance of getting it work easily with Smart Things.steveb (Steve B) 2013-09-06 20:50:18 UTC #3The First Alert ONELINK smoke detectors use a proprietary protocol call EZMac. They operate the 900mhz ISM band. There is a bridge used in the INSTEON system. You can Google INSTEON Smoke Bridge for more info.imbrian (Im Brian) 2013-09-07 14:57:52 UTC #4Having a wired smoke detector is high on my list of things to get."
"docid": "D304914#0",
"title": "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Differences-between-the-OpenDocument-Text-odt-format-and-the-Word-docx-format-d9d51a92-56d1-4794-8b68-5efb57aebfdc\nDifferences between the OpenDocument Text (.odt) format and the Word (.docx) format",
"text": "Open Document (.odt) files are compatible with Word and open source applications like Open Office and Libre Office, but you might see formatting differences and some Word features aren't available in .odt files. Word documents (.docx) are compatible with most applications. Switch your default file format Do one of the following: In Word 2016, 2013, or 2010, click File > Options. In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button > Word Options. Click Save. Under Save documents, in the Save files in this format list, click the file format you want to use by default. What is supported when I save a Word document in the Open Document Text format? The table below shows which Word features are fully, partially, or not supported in the Open Document (.odt) format. Supported Both Word and the Open Document Text format support this feature. Content, formatting, and usability won’t be lost."
"docid": "D2479098#0",
"title": "https://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/about-smart-growth\nAbout Smart Growth",
"text": "\"About Smart Growth On this page What is smart growth? What does EPA's Smart Growth Program do? Where can I find information about grants? Why does EPA work on smart growth issues? What are some environmental benefits of smart growth strategies? Where can I find examples of smart growth? How does smart growth relate to sustainable communities? What other parts of the federal government work on sustainable communities issues? What is smart growth? Learn more about what smart growth strategies look like on the ground in cities, suburbs, small towns, and rural areas in This Is Smart Growth. \"\""
"docid": "D105341#0",
"title": "https://www.smartadvantage.com/blog/how-google-maintains-its-competitive-advantage/\nHow Google Maintains Its Competitive Advantage",
"text": "March 31, 2010 at 3:55 pm | Blog35SHARESFacebook Twitter Google upholds the position as the dominant search engine in the world, with 65 percent of the total search market, according to Hitwise. To maintain Google’s competitive advantage, the company has developed an infrastructure that guarantees a fast and efficient search engine, as well as branching out their efforts in other directions beyond search. Let’s first examine the speed of an average Google search. Any random search takes between 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (Gigaom). Google’s competitive edge is traced to the fact that they’ve built their own infrastructure of servers, storage systems, bandwidth and hardware that supports the fastest search on the web. While the cost for the company is high, as Google spends billions of dollars in development and upkeep, this competitive strategy builds a formidable wall for other general search engines, such as Bing (formerly MSN Search) which is merging with Yahoo !. At the same time, the cost of building the advanced infrastructure is an investment for Google to ensure that the cost of conducting a query keeps going down. Google’s advantage over competitors is its rapid speed that keeps users coming back. The results of the search may vary, but because of the incredible speed, a user can search another key phrase with minimal sacrifice and therefore be less inclined to switch to a competitor. Not only does Google provide a fast search, but the company also employs tools and services such as the Google toolbar, Google Maps, Google Earth and Google News."
"docid": "D209991#0",
"title": "https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/9732886/difference-between-layer-3-switch-and-router\nNetwork Infrastructure",
"text": "Directory Network Infrastructure WAN, Routing and Switching LAN, Switching and Routing Network Management Remote Access Optical Networking Getting Started with LANs IPv6 Integration and Transition EEM Scripting Other Subjects Security VPNSecurity Management Firewalling Intrusion Prevention Systems/IDSAAA, Identity and NACPhysical Security MARSEmail Security Web Security Other Subjects Service Providers Metro MPLSVoice Over IPXR OS and Platforms Video Other Subjects Collaboration, Voice and Video IP Telephony Video Over IPJabber Clients Unified Communications Applications Tele Presence Digital Media System Contact Center Conferencing UC Migrations Other Subjects Wireless - Mobility Security and Network Management Wireless IP Voice and Video Getting Started with Wireless WLCCAOther Subjects Services Cisco Service Grid Compliance Management and Configuration Service Connected Analytics Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Support Data Virtualization Software (CIS)Partner Support Service Smart Call Home Smart Care Smart Net Total Care Operations Exchange Mobile Applications Cisco Proximity Cisco Technical Support Online Tools and Resources Cisco Bug Discussions Technical Documentation Ideas Cisco CLI Analyzer Support Community Help Data Center Application Centric Infrastructure Application Networking Intelligent Automation Server Networking Storage Networking Unified Computing Wide Area Application Services (WAAS)Other Subjects Small Business Network Storage Routers Security Surveillance Switches Voice and Conferencing Wireless Solutions and Architectures Borderless Networks Collaboration Cisco User Groups Seattle Cisco User Group (SEACUG)Silicon Valley Cisco User Group (SVCUG)Southern California Cisco User Group (SCCUG)Cisco Certifications Cisco.com Idea Center Cisco Cafe All Communities Expert Corner Top Contributors Leaderboards Cisco Live! Events Events Community Corner Awards & Recognition Behind the Scenes Feedback Forum Cisco Certifications Cisco Press CaféCisco On Demand Support & Downloads Community Resources Security Alerts Security Alerts News News Video Cisco Support You Tube Cisco You Tube Blogs Technical Documentation Cisco Products Products Services Services Solutions Solutions Global Support Numbers Login | Register Search form Search Search Other Network Infrastructure Subjects Cisco Support Community Cisco.com Search Language: English English日本語 (Japanese)Español (Spanish)Português (Portuguese)Pусский (Russian)简体中文 (Chinese)Feedback Help Follow Us Facebook Twitter Google +Linked In Instagram You Tube"
"docid": "D1135209#0",
"title": "http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2013/11/26/government-clouds-what-is-a-fedramp/\nGovernment Clouds: What is FedRAMP?",
"text": "\"Modern Data Center Availability provider Veeam wants to stay private Cloud Government Clouds: What is Fed RAMP? What is Fed RAMP? It's a secure government cloud that meets specific requirements. Let's get an overview and dive into the specifications that organizations have met to become a part of a group of data centers meeting Fed RAMP criteria. Actually, the guidelines can help everyone because the Fed RAMP program is, in reality, a very comprehensive outline of what it takes to be a secure cloud provider. Bill Kleyman | Nov 26, 2013What does it take to run a secure government cloud? We take a look at the requirements and who has met them. What do Akamai, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the U. S. Department of Agriculture all have in common? They are all are running government clouds - to be exact, they are Fed RAMP Compliant cloud service providers (CSPs). These organizations took a few extra steps to become a part of a very small group of data centers meeting very certain requirements."
"docid": "D1010030#0",
"title": "http://www.haproxy.org/they-use-it.html\nHAProxy",
"text": "\"They use it ! Some happy users want to report their experience with HAProxy. Some sites openly confess they use it. Some users are simply curious about who currently uses it. So I'm assembling all these information here for them, in alphabetical site name order. If you think something is inaccurate, or if you'd like to send a few sentences about your experience and have a link to your site, please contact me. A0 Labs Quoting A0 Labs' CEO Olivier Warin: “A0 Labs is a French hosting company specialized in critical applications which need high performance and security. We have been using Haproxy for several years now and deploy it for our customers to provide high availability and performance to their web sites”. I would personally like to add that A0 Labs helped a lot on the Free BSD port a few years ago, regularly helps by benchmarking and testing new releases, and contributes to quite a number of other opensource projects, not just HAProxy ! Airbnb Airbnb built Smart Stack on top of HAProxy to have exactly the load balancer they needed."
"docid": "D613115#0",
"title": "https://www.slideshare.net/Funk98/smart-sensors-for-infrastructure-and-structural-health-monitoring\nSmart Sensors for Infrastructure and Structural Health Monitoring",
"text": "Smart Sensors for Infrastructure and Structural Health Monitoring11,621 views Share Like Download... Jeffrey Funk, Technology Consultant - economic assessment and business models Follow Published on Apr 16, 2015These slides use concepts from my (Jeff Funk) course entitled analyzing hi-... Published in: Business0 Comments22 Likes Statistics Notes Post Be the first to comment Smart Sensors for Infrastructure and Structural Health Monitoring1. Name Matriculation ID Brian Cakra A0133496Y Muhamad Tomi Haetami A0133454L Arulmani Natarajan A0132656E Ahmadali Tahmasebimoradi A0103024E Seyed Mohammad Hasheminejad A0094092A STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING GROUP PRESENTATION MT5009 ANALYZING HI-TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES 2015 For presentations on other technologies see http://www.slideshare.net/Funk98/presentations2. MT5009 1. SHM Introduction 1.1. Past Catastrophic Structural (w/o SHM) Failures 1.2. SHM Process 1.3. SHM Applications 1.4. Wireless SHM Architecture and Applications 2. SHM Development and Technologies 3. Old SHM Technology 3.1."
"docid": "D49828#0",
"title": "https://idc-community.com/energy/smart-grid/itron_riva_turns_metering_on_its_head\nItron Riva Turns Metering on Its Head",
"text": "\"By Marcus Torchia – October 29, 2014Offline From San Antonio, the 34th Itron Utility Week provided a forum to its utility customers and business partners to engage in discussions of challenges to and opportunities for use of its technology and growing services offerings in smart grids, smart cities and Internet of Things. The tagline for the event was \"\"resourcefulness in action\"\" that played on a duel reference: On one hand, utilities are being asked to do more with less. What else is new? On the other, we live in a world where energy and water resource conservation is a defining trend for the next century. In both cases, Itron delivered an upbeat message that a tremendous future awaits for utilities that embrace innovation. Itron picked up where SAP left off. At the SAP for Utilities conference held in Hollywood Florida last month, a memorable panel of utility executives (CEO, CFO, CIO) agreed that 'uncertainty' defines the industry at large. Concerns dominated - stagnating revenue, aging infrastructure and workforces, security threats, stiffening regulations, extreme weather and a host of other challenges awaited action and solutions. It was a reality that needed to be heard and discussed openly. These utility executives are not alone."
"docid": "D1258311#0",
"title": "http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Standards-key-to-realising-the-benefits-of-connectivity\nStandards key to realising the benefits of connectivity",
"text": "\"Standards key to realising the benefits of connectivity Caroline Baldwin Business Editor A network of smart appliances could revolutionise energy efficiency but suppliers must agree on common specifications. This Article Covers Utilities ITRELATED TOPICSHealthcare ITCharity ITBusiness services ITFinancial services ITGovernment & public sector ITLeisure & hospitality ITIn this Article Standardisation Smart Energy Home and city-wide security Read More Related Content Glasgow gets 'smart city' funding - but is it an ...– Computer Weekly.com Government mulls centralised roll out for smart ...– Computer Weekly.com Taxpayers oblivious to smart meters as government ...– Computer Weekly.com Latest News Business increases use of encryption in the cloud UK challenger bank gives up banking licence to focus on fintech Microsoft outage: Europe-wide downtime locks Office 365 and Azure users out of cloud View All News Latest Blog Posts GDS needs to prove it can still transform government after loss of data policy to DCMS– Computer Weekly Editors Blog The Daley fail– Downtime View All Blogs Download Computer Weekly In The Current Issue: Chrome OS: Why it may be time to approach desktop IT in a different way Inside the distros: A year in Linux development How to make the leap from traditional bank to digital bank Download Current Issue Standardisation Smart Energy Home and city-wide security By 2020, there will be 24 billion connected devices worldwide, according to Machina Researching. The idea of all manner of devices – from home appliances to state-of- the art home entertainment – sharing information on a common network is fast becoming affordable. Download this free guide UK IT Priorities 2018 survey results Download this e-guide to discover the results of our 2018 UK IT Priorities survey, where IT leaders shared with us what they are going to be investing in over the coming 12 months. Corporate E-mail Address: By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, Samsung unveiled an internet fridge with an LC D screen (pictured) for interacting with recipes and shopping lists with the cloud-based Evernote service. The Samsung appliance can be used for watching TV, or even used to keep an eye on children in a different room, by linking to a smartphone camera. Smart appliances such as Samsung’s online fridge tend to capture people’s imagination but there has been little impact beyond the glitz of the Las Vegas show floor at CES. Standardisation Some experts predict an acceleration in the number of connected devices in and outside the home in 2013."
] |
76 | which type of viruses can be directly used for translation | [
"docid": "D368756#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_virus\nRNA virus",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material. [ 1] This nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA ( ss RNA) but may be double-stranded RNA (ds RNA). [ 2] Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include Ebola hemorrhoragic fever, SARS, Rabies, common cold, influenza, hepatitis C, West Nile fever, polio and measles. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) classifies RNA viruses as those that belong to Group III, Group IV or Group V of the Baltimore classification system of classifying viruses and does not consider viruses with DNA intermediates in their life cycle as RNA viruses. [ 3] Viruses with RNA as their genetic material which also include DNA intermediates in their replication cycle are called retroviruses, and comprise Group VI of the Baltimore classification. Notable human retroviruses include HIV-1 and HIV-2, the cause of the disease AIDS. Another term for RNA viruses that explicitly excludes retroviruses is ribovirus. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 Characteristics1.1 Single-stranded RNA viruses and RNA Sense1.2 Double-stranded RNA viruses1.3 Mutation rates2 Replication3 Classification3.1 Positive strand RNA viruses3.2 Double-stranded RNA viruses3.3 Satellite viruses4 Group III—ds RNA viruses5 Group IV—positive-sense ss RNA viruses6 Group V—negative-sense ss RNA viruses6.1 Gallery7 Notes8 See also9 References10 External links Characteristics [ edit]Single-stranded RNA viruses and RNA Sense [ edit]RNA viruses can be further classified according to the sense or polarity of their RNA into negative-sense and positive-sense, or ambisense RNA viruses. Positive-sense viral RNA is similar to m RNA and thus can be immediately translated by the host cell. Negative-sense viral RNA is complementary to m RNA and thus must be converted to positive-sense RNA by an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase before translation."
] | [
"docid": "D1594217#0",
"title": "http://www.course-notes.org/biology/outlines/chapter_18_the_genetics_of_viruses_and_bacteria\nChapter 18 - The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria",
"text": "Home » AP Biology » Outlines Chapter 18 - The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria Printer Friendly Chapter 18 The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria Lecture Outline Overview: Microbial Model Systems Viruses and bacteria are the simplest biological systems—microbial models in which scientists find life’s fundamental molecular mechanisms in their most basic, accessible forms. Molecular biology was born in the laboratories of microbiologists studying viruses and bacteria. Microbes such as E. coli and its viruses are called model systems because of their use in studies that reveal broad biological principles. Microbiologists provided most of the evidence that genes are made of DNA, and they worked out most of the major steps in DNA replication, transcription, and translation. Techniques enabling scientists to manipulate genes and transfer them from one organism to another were developed in microbes. In addition, viruses and bacteria have unique genetic features with implications for understanding the diseases that they cause. Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms, with cells that are much smaller and more simply organized than those of eukaryotes, such as plants and animals. Viruses are smaller and simpler still, lacking the structure and metabolic machinery of cells. Most viruses are little more than aggregates of nucleic acids and protein—genes in a protein coat. Concept 18.1 A virus has a genome but can reproduce only within a host cell Researchers discovered viruses by studying a plant disease."
"docid": "D87144#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_dogma_of_molecular_biology\nCentral dogma of molecular biology",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( March 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The central dogma of molecular biology is an explanation of the flow of genetic information within a biological system. It is often stated as \"\"DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein,\"\" [1] although this is an oversimplification. It was first stated by Francis Crick in 1958: [2]“ The Central Dogma. This states that once 'information' has passed into protein it cannot get out again. In more detail, the transfer of information from nucleic acid to nucleic acid, or from nucleic acid to protein may be possible, but transfer from protein to protein, or from protein to nucleic acid is impossible. Information means here the precise determination of sequence, either of bases in the nucleic acid or of amino acid residues in the protein. ”— Francis Crick, 1958and re-stated in a Nature paper published in 1970: [3]Information flow in biological systems“ The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information."
"docid": "D682042#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_interference\nRNA interference",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lentiviral delivery of designed sh RNA's and the mechanism of RNA interference in mammalian cells. RNA interference ( RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression or translation, by neutralizing targeted m RNA molecules. Historically, RNA interference was known by other names, including co-suppression, post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS), and quelling. The detailed study of each of these seemingly different techniques, elucidated that the identity of these phenomena were all actually RNAi. Andrew Fire and Craig C. Mello shared the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on RNA interference in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, which they published in 1998. Since the discovery of RNAi and its regulatory potentials, it has become evident that RNAi has immense potential in suppression of desired genes. RNAi is now known as precise, efficient, stable and better than antisense technology for gene suppression. [ 1] However, antisense RNA produced intracellularly by an expression vector may be developed and find utility as novel therapeutic agents. [ 2]Two types of small ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules – micro RNA (mi RNA) and small interfering RNA ( si RNA ) – are central to RNA interference. RNAs are the direct products of genes, and these small RNAs can bind to other specific messenger RNA (m RNA) molecules and either increase or decrease their activity, for example by preventing an m RNA from being translated into a protein."
"docid": "D875602#0",
"title": "https://msu.edu/course/mmg/569/lifecycles.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Lectures 3-4: Viral Life Cycles in Cells As discussed in lecture 1, there is a period between infection of a cell and the appearance of new infectious virus that is known as the latent period. During this time, several different stages in the virus life cycle are occurring. These are summarized below. I: Steps in a \"\"Model\"\" Viral Life Cycle:1) Attachment (Adsorption) 2) Penetration 3) Uncoating 4) Targeting 5) Gene expression. -synthesis of viral m RNA (transcription) -synthesis of viral proteins (translation) 6) Genome replication 7) Virion assembly/maturation 8) Release of new infectious virus -lysis : breakdown of cell membrane and release of virus -budding: viruses \"\"bud\"\" through cell membrane and are released without necessarily killing the cell. Viruses acquire envelopes (membranes) during this process. I: Attachment: In most cases, specific attachment proteins on the surface of viruses bind to specific receptors on the surface of animal cells. Cellular receptors are usually either glycoproteins or glycolipids, and have other functions for the cell in addition to virus binding. The specific interaction between attachment proteins and cellular receptors is a major determinant of the host-range, or tropism of the virus. Some viruses have a very narrow host range, meaning that they can only infect one or a small number of cell types, while others have broad host ranges, meaning that they can infect a large number of different cell types."
"docid": "D3452256#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_purpose_of_translation_in_dna\nWhat is the purpose of translation in DNA?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Biochemistry What is the purpose of translation in DNA? Flag What is the purpose of translation in DNA? Answer by REAP3R11210 Confidence votes 150The genetic codes are functional only when the language of genes is translated into the language of proteins which then controls all the cellular reactions involving enzymes (proteins). DNa first produces a complimentary copy of its base sequence in the form of m RNA strand . It enters into the cytoplasm and gets itself attached to a ribosome then a transport RNa carries an amino acid attaches its anti codons on the codons of m RNA then another transport RNA bringing with it its particular amino acid gets attached on the codons of m RNA .the t RNA detaches and peptide bond is formed between the two acids to form a dipeptide this process continue until all the codons of m Rna are decoded or translated in the form of polypeptide chain of a particular protein.13 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Betaclamp 22,524 Contributions What is the purpose of translation? Translation is the process of \"\"reading\"\" the bases of m RNA - in respect of Triplet-Codons - and converting these into the [amino acid] primary structure of a protein. Janeal 7 Contributions What is the purpose of DNA? DNA is the blueprint of life. It dictates eye color, bonestructure, blood type, basically everything about you."
"docid": "D2802662#0",
"title": "http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/discovery-of-the-giant-mimivirus-14402410\nDiscovery of the Giant Mimivirus",
"text": "\"Viruses are small and fairly simple. At least that's what many people probably assume. With the discovery of Mimivirus — the largest, most complex virus currently known — these assumptions may need to be reevaluated. This giant virus has a much larger size and bigger genome than any other known virus. Analysis of this intriguing virus may shed light on basic questions of viral evolution and, perhaps, the origins of life. When most people think about viruses, they probably first think about diseases. Flu, polio, AIDS. We all know that viruses have caused immeasurable suffering throughout human history. And when asked to describe a virus, most people probably would say, \"\"small.\"\" Indeed, viruses were first identified as filterable infectious agents (Beijerinck 1898; Ivanofsky 1892) — entities that could cause an infection and pass through a filter small enough to exclude almost all bacteria."
"docid": "D2475313#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viral_entry\nViral entry",
"text": "\"Viral entry From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Influenza virus life cycle Entry Replication Latency Shedding Viral entry is the earliest stage of infection in the viral life cycle, as the virus comes into contact with the host cell and introduces viral material into the cell. The major steps involved in viral entry are shown below. [ 1] Despite the variation among viruses, there are several shared generalities concerning viral entry. Contents [ hide ]1 Reducing cellular proximity1.1 Overview1.2 Entry via Membrane Fusion1.3 Entry via Endocytosis1.4 Entry via Genetic Injection2 Aftermath3 References Reducing cellular proximity [ edit]A virus floating around an enclosed space with possible host cells faces a large hurdle, the thermodynamics of diffusion. Because neutrally charged objects do not naturally clump around each other, the virus must find a way to move even near a host cell. It does this by attachment -- or adsorption --- onto a susceptible cell; a cell which holds a receptor that the virus can bind to. The receptors on the viral envelope effectively become connected to complementary receptors on the cell membrane. This attachment causes the two membranes to remain in mutual proximity, favoring further interactions between surface proteins. This is also the first requisite that must be satisfied before a cell can become infected. Satisfaction of this requisite makes the cell susceptible."
"docid": "D1710341#0",
"title": "http://biology.kenyon.edu/slonc/bio38/scuderi/parti.html\n.",
"text": "\"Home What is HBV? The Hepatitis B Virus The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a mostly double-stranded DNA virus in the Hepadnaviridae family. One of five hepatitis viruses, HBV causes acute and chronic hepatitis in humans. Despite the current availability of an effective vaccine, almost 1.2 million people worldwide still die each year from HBV related diseases ( CDC ). An acute HBV infection usually causes only mild symptoms and the majority of infected adults successfully clear the virus and acquire life-long immunity. In acute hepatitis, it takes about 1 to 6 months from the time of infection for the disease to manifest itself. Early symptoms include nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, and muscle and joint aches. Jaundice, together with dark urine and light stools, follows. Only about 1 percent of patients infected with hepatitis B die due to liver damage in this early stage ( Poynard, 2002 ). The risk of becoming chronically infected depends on the age at the time of infection."
"docid": "D875604#0",
"title": "http://www.microbiologybook.org/mhunt/dna1.htm\n.",
"text": "\"x x INFECTIOUS DISEASEBACTERIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY MYCOLOGY PARASITOLOGY VIROLOGYVIROLOGY - CHAPTER THREEDNA VIRUS REPLICATION STRATEGIESDr Margaret Hunt Professor Emerita Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology University of South Carolina School of Medicinewith additions by: Dr Dorian Mc Ilroy University of Nantes SPANISHTURKISHFRENCHALBANIANLet us know what you think FEEDBACKSEARCHSHARE BOOKMARK PRINT THIS PAGELogo image © Jeffrey Nelson, Rush University, Chicago, Illinois and The Microbe Library TEACHING OBJECTIVESDescriptive analysis of the replicative strategies employed by animal DNA viruses Identification of virus prototypes associated with different DNA virus replication schemes GENERALViral genomes contain information which:ensures replication of viral genomesensures packaging of genomes into virionsalters the structure and/or function of the host cell to a greater or lesser degree VIRAL STRATEGYViral strategy refers to the manner in which each virus carries out the above functions. Since a virus is an intracellular parasite, it has to operate within limits imposed by the host cell, or circumvent these limitations. DNA VIRUS REPLICATION STRATEGIESGeneral The virus needs to make m RNAs that can be translated into protein by the host cell translation machinery. The virus needs to replicate its genome. Host enzymes for m RNA synthesis and DNA replication are nuclear (except for those in mitochondrion) and so, if a virus is to avail itself of these enzymes, it needs to enter the nucleus. Figure 1a Parvovirus H-1 virions of the Parvoviridae family of DNA viruses CDCHuman parvovirus B19 Image courtesy of Dr J-Y Sgro Used with permission NUCLEAR DNA VIRUSESPARVOVIRUS FAMILYParvoviruses are very small (18 to 25nm diameter), single stranded DNA viruses (parvum=small) (Figure 1a). They have an icosahedral capsid, and are non-enveloped. DNA replication occurs in the nucleus. Many human parvoviruses are satellite viruses that require co-infection by another DNA virus – either an Adenovirus, or a Herpesvirus – in order to replicate. These Adeno-Associated viruses (AAV) have been developed as gene therapy vectors."
"docid": "D2582755#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-bacteria-and-viruses-1\nWhat is the difference between bacteria and viruses?",
"text": "\"Virology Bacteria Microbiology Comparisons Biology What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?27 Answers Susana Alonso, Contributor of www. Herpes Single.net Answered Feb 26, 2018Bacteria and viruses are both microscopic organisms that can cause disease in humans. While these microbes may have some characteristics in common, they are also very different. Bacteria are typically much larger than viruses and can be viewed under a light microscope. Viruses are about 1,000 times smaller than bacteria and are visible under an electron microscope. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that reproduce asexually independently of other organisms. Viruses require the aid of a living cell in order to reproduce. Where Are They Found? Bacteria: Bacteria live almost anywhere including within other organisms, on other organisms, and on inorganic surfaces. Some bacteria are considered to be extremophiles and can survive in extremely harsh environments such as hydrothermal vents and in the stomachs of animals and humans."
"docid": "D2912123#0",
"title": "https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/treatment-types/immunotherapy/whats-new-in-immunotherapy-research.html\nWhatâs new in cancer immunotherapy research?",
"text": "What’s new in cancer immunotherapy research? Immunotherapy is a very active area of cancer research. Many scientists and doctors around the world are studying new ways to use immunotherapy to treat cancer. Some of these are discussed here. Newer monoclonal antibodies Monoclonal antibodies (m Abs) have already become an important part of the treatment for many cancers. As researchers have learned more about what makes cancer cells different from normal cells, they have developed m Abs to exploit these differences. They have also developed newer forms of m Abs, attaching them to drugs or other substances to make them more powerful. Researchers are also studying other ways of making monoclonal antibodies safer and more effective. For example, because m Abs are proteins, they can actually make the body’s immune system react against them. This can lead to side effects, as well as destroying the m Abs."
"docid": "D1083089#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/22191570/pc604-chap-7-8-9-immunity-ib-part-2-flash-cards/\nPC604 Chap 7, 8, 9 Immunity IB part 2",
"text": "\"124 terms Midwife87505PC604 Chap 7, 8, 9 Immunity IB part 2Pathophysiology Imunity, infection, inflammation Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Adaptive Immunity Protection that arises by an immune response, including humoral immunity producing antibodies and cellular immunity. Explain the role of B lymphocutes and T lymphocytes in adaptive immunity Adaptive immunity response is mediated by 2 different typesof lymphocytes--B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. B cells are responsibile for humoral immunity that is mediated by circulating antibodies. T cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity, in which they kill target cells directly or stimulate the activity of other leukocytes (p. 252)Antigens Antigens are substances that react with molecules of the immune system (antibodies, receptors on B and T cells). They are infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites), on noninfectious substances from the environment (pollens, foods, or bee venoms), or on drugs, vaccines, transfusions, and transplanted tissues. Adaptive immunity Protection from an infectious disease agent that is mediated by B- and T- LYMPHOCYTES following exposure to specific antigen, and characterized by IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY. It can result from either previous infection with that agent or vaccination (IMMUNITY, ACTIVE), or transfer of antibody or lymphocytes from an immune donor (IMMUNIZATION, PASSIVE). Humoral Immunity humoral immunity involves the production of antibody molecules in response to an antigen and is mediated by B-lymphocytes."
"docid": "D3215891#0",
"title": "https://www.cancerquest.org/cancer-biology/mutation\n.",
"text": "\"Mutation Cancer is a result of the breakdown of the controls that regulate cells. The causes of the breakdown always include changes in important genes. These changes are often the result of mutations, changes in the DNA sequence of chromosomes. Mutations can be very small changes, affecting only a few nucleotides or they can be very large, leading to major changes in the structure of chromosomes. Both small and large mutations can affect the behavior of cells. Combinations of mutations in important genes can lead to the development of cancer. The material covered on this page describes the relationship between mutation and cancer, the different kinds of mutations and what causes them. Further information on the topics on this page can also be found in most introductory Biology textbooks, we recommend Campbell Biology, 11th edition. 1Topics on this page: Mutation and Cancer Inherited Mutations and Cancer Types of Mutation Point Mutations Translocations Gene Amplification Inversions, Deletions, and Duplications Aneuploidy Epigenetic Changes Causes of Mutation Mutation Summary Know the Flow: Mutation9/15Gene mutation Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:36Mutation and Cancer The abnormal behaviors demonstrated by cancer cells are the result of a series of mutations in key regulatory genes."
"docid": "D2398475#0",
"title": "https://www.apsnet.org/edcenter/intropp/lessons/viruses/Pages/TobaccoMosaic.aspx\nTobacco mosaic virus",
"text": "\"Tobacco mosaic virus Scholthof, K-B. G. 2000. Tobacco mosaic virus. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2000-1010-01 Updated 2005. DISEASE: Tobacco mosaic PATHOGEN: Tobacco mosaic virus HOSTS: Tobacco, tomato, and other solanaceous plants Author Karen-Beth G. Scholthof Texas A&M University Typical mosaic pattern on flue-cured tobacco leaves infected with Tobacco mosaic virus. TMV was the first virus to be discovered over a century ago and was the first virus ever purified. It has since yielded fascinating insights into how viruses infect their hosts. Research on TMV has also led to major Nobel prize winning discoveries on general principles of life. Symptoms and Signs Symptoms induced by Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) are somewhat dependent on the host plant and can include mosaic, mottling ( Figures 1 and 2 ), necrosis ( Figures 3 and 4 ), stunting, leaf curling, and yellowing of plant tissues. The symptoms are very dependent on the age of the infected plant, the environmental conditions, the virus strain, and the genetic background of the host plant."
"docid": "D3486094#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/81708656/viruses-flash-cards/\nViruses",
"text": "\"40 terms geeiaflores Viruses Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort How are bacteria and viruses similar to one another? Bacteria and viruses are similar in which that they are so small that you would have to use a microscope in order to see the individual bacterial cell or virus. They both contain genetic information. How are bacteria and viruses different from one another? Bacteria are a type of living organism (cell) whereas viruses lack a lot of the things that all cells have, and are just a type of nucleic acid wrapped inside a protein coating without any free-floating amino acids and nucleotides and so they are really small. They are incapable of metabolism, replication, or motility unless they find a host cell, then they are able to replicate its genetic material through the host. There are different kinds of viruses that infect different organisms such as a bacteriophage (virus that infects bacteria), animal virus and plant virus. Bacteria are often referred to by their genus and species but viruses are only commonly called by its species name."
"docid": "D2860287#0",
"title": "http://virusinfo.info/showthread.php?t=14769\nDifferent Types of Computer Viruses",
"text": "\"01.12.2007, 12:39 #1Ultima Weapon Full MemberРегистрация 17.11.2007Адрес PhilippinesСообщений 153Вес репутации 46Different Types of Computer Viruses Different Types of Computer Viruses There are Different Types of Computer Viruses could be classified in (origin, techniques, types of files they infect, where they hide, the kind of damage they cause, the type of operating system or platform they attack) etc Computer Virus is a kind of malicious software written intentionally to enter a computer without the user’s permission or knowledge, with an ability to replicate itself, thus continuing to spread. Some viruses do little but replicate others can cause severe harm or adversely effect program and performance of the system. A virus should never be assumed harmless and left on a system. Most common types of viruses are mentioned below: Resident Viruses This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc. Examples include: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and Mr Klunky. Direct Action Viruses The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC. BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted."
"docid": "D1264071#0",
"title": "http://virology-microbiology-b.blogspot.com/2009/01/virus-host-interactions-general-virus.html\nVirus-host Interactions",
"text": "\"Virus-host Interactions Virus Host Interactions General Virus Replication Cycle There are six phases in a virus replication cycle. The six phases are: Attachment Penetration / Entry Uncoating Replication and Expression Assembly Release Virus Life Cycle – Growth Curve In the attachment part, virus attached to the host cell receptor and gain entry into the cell. In the eclipse stage, virus is busy with replication. Virus titre decreases when there are no infectious particles present during replication process. Virus is detected in external medium only when released. In the burst or released part, new progeny virus gathered and is then released. Attachment and Entry Virus attachment protein (VAP) attaches to the receptor of the host cell. Receptor on the host cell enable virus to gain entry into the host cell. Virus can enter the host cells through three different routes. The three different routes are: Direct penetration Fusion (direct penetration)Endocytosis Receptors on Host Cells The cells surface molecule contains glycoprotein and glycolipid."
"docid": "D563019#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/28289811/genetics-ch-8-flash-cards/\nGenetics: Ch. 8",
"text": "94 terms Meaghan_Colletti Genetics: Ch. 8Bacterial and Viral Genetic Systems Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Advantages of using bacteria and viruses for genetic studies: 1.) Reproduction is rapid 2.) Many progeny are produced 3.) The haploid genome allows all mutations to be expressed directly 4.) Asexual reproduction simplifies the isolation of genetically pure strains 5.) Growth in the laboratory is easy and requires little space 6.) Genomes are small 7.) Techniques are available for isolating and manipulating their genes 8.) They have medical importance 9.)"
"docid": "D2283882#0",
"title": "http://www.mc3cb.com/viruses.html\n.",
"text": "\"An Introduction to Cell and Virus Structure Bacteriophage The universe started 13.5 billion years ago with the \"\"Big Bang\"\". Our earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. As the interstellar dust coalesced to form Earth, it took approximately another billion years for the planet to cool and for the water vapor in the atmosphere to condense and form the oceans.. It was during this time that bacteriophage and bacteria evolved. They existed in this primordial earth alone for over a billion years before the evolution of eucaryotic cells. Bacteria and bacteriophage are the \"\"true senior citizens\"\" of our planet. Today, bacteriophage are ubiquitous and are the most diverse and widely distributed entities in the biosphere. One of the denses sources of phage is in sea water, where it is reported that there can be as many as one billion virions per millimeter of water. Bacteriophage give us a unique window into the past where we can imagine an even earlier period of primordial abiotic molecular self-assembly. Bacteriophage The Classic Bacteriophage Structure (Note the glycoproteins on the surface of the membrane. ) This virus type uses a eukaryotic cell as the host."
"docid": "D1174596#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070724010339AAXQqIF\nDNA Viruses?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Biology DNA Viruses? Which DNA viruses have been linked to cancer? Why are DNA viruses more likely to cause cancer than RNA viruses? Why is there a danger in using live attenuated DNA viruses for vaccines? Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: First of all, a DNA virus is a virus in which the nucleic acid is double or single stranded DNA (rather than RNA). Major groups of double stranded DNA viruses are papovaviruses, adenoviruses, herpes viruses, large bacteriophages and poxviruses: of single stranded, parvoviruses and coliphages _X174 and M13. Examples of DNA viruses are the JC virus, which has been found in malignant colon tumors and may be linked to colon cancer. There is also, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a DNA virus, which causes transformation in cells through interfering with tumor suppressor proteins. Interfering with the action of the particular suppressor protein allows a cell infected with the virus to move into a different stage of the cell cycle allowing the virus genome to be replicated forcing the cell into the S phase of the cell cycle could cause the cell to become transformed. Another example is human herpes virus-8, which is associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma, a type of skin cancer."
] |
79 | why content marketing | [
"docid": "D2030028#0",
"title": "http://www.webtalentmarketing.com/why-content-marketing\nWhy Content Marketing",
"text": "Search Engine Optimization Why Content Marketing Apr. 2, 2015Content Marketing: A marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience- with the objective of driving a profitable customer action. Content Marketing is a strategy that some brands hit the mark with while others fall flat. Being able to create content that targets a specific audience with the right mix of quality and quantity may seem a daunting task. But with today’s tools and the era of social media serving as an easy promotion tool, content marketing is easier than ever. Creating a production and promotion plan means you are one step ahead of the competition and pushes your brand to truly go after its customers in their natural habitats. There are an incredible amount of benefits to content marketing but articulating these to decision makers, regardless of whether they are a client or manager, can sometimes be a problem. No matter the location or size of your company, content will need to be created somewhere along the line. After all, your target audience has questions and concerns that need to be addressed before they can be expected to commit to your product or service. And guess what? If you don’t provide them with answers, a competitor will."
] | [
"docid": "D1284849#0",
"title": "http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2016/07/define-workflow-content-production/\nHow to Define a Workflow That Keeps Content Production On Track",
"text": "By Robert Mills published July 21, 2016Content Marketing Tools and Technology / Content Strategy / Operations, Teams and Process / Productivity How to Define a Workflow That Keeps Content Production On Track Is your content often delivered late? Do you have trouble getting it signed off? Does it typically get stuck in limbo? If you’re nodding your head, your content team probably hasn’t defined its workflow. Every content team that wants to keep its projects on track needs to define its workflow before any content creators’ pens touch paper or fingers hit keyboards. HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: The Content Marketing Book of Answers: Managing Your Content What is a content workflow? A content workflow is a set of tasks that a team needs to complete for a given client or content type — a web page, a blog post, a white paper, an email, or any other kind of content that the group needs to deliver. In her book, Content Strategy for the Web, Kristina Halvorson says that a content workflow determines “how content is requested, sourced, created, reviewed, approved, and delivered. ”Even if you haven’t defined your workflows, your team has them. Every team does: Certain people do certain things at certain times over and over."
"docid": "D1376343#0",
"title": "http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2015/10/skills-content-marketing-copywriters/\n5 Essential Skills for Content Marketing Copywriters Today",
"text": "By Neil Patel published October 13, 2015Teams and Skills5 Essential Skills for Content Marketing Copywriters Today It used to be that a decent writer was all you needed to run a content marketing campaign. Write a few blog posts. Publish. Awesome. Times have changed. How important is copywriting? Today, content marketing is a vast industry. Writers are only one part of the composite marketing force that successful content marketing requires. CMI’s definition of content marketing gives you a sense of the industry’s breadth: Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. See?"
"docid": "D740484#0",
"title": "http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/32892/Why-Purchasing-Email-Lists-Is-Always-a-Bad-Idea.aspx\nWhy Buying Email Lists Is Always a Bad Idea (And How to Build Yours for Free)",
"text": "\"You need people to email, and you need them quickly. Oh, and if you could get them pretty cheap, that'd be great, too. That's the mindset many marketers find themselves in when they're on the phone with a list-purchasing company: We need new people to email to feed our sales organization. Acting on that moment of desperation, however, can cause them more long-term (and short-term) harm than good. Yes, thousands of contacts are a credit card swipe away, but your email marketing program -- a critical part of a well-rounded inbound marketing strategy -- will seriously suffer. Curious why buying email lists is a legitimate email marketer's kiss of death? Read on. Plus, we'll give you a list of squeaky-clean and effective ways to build your email marketing list in lieu of list buying. Methods of Acquiring an Email List Before we get into the pitfalls of purchasing an email address list, let's review three of the most common ways marketers acquire contact lists:1. Buy an email list."
"docid": "D2388825#0",
"title": "https://www.outboundengine.com/blog/9-pro-tips-marketing-ideas-for-real-estate-agents-in-2015/\n9 Pro Tips: Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents",
"text": "Tweet 311 Share 596 Share 415 +1 20 Pin 1001KAre you a real estate agent looking for marketing ideas? My primary piece of advice is that you need to put your customers’ needs first. While all forms of marketing should encourage your audience to eventually do business with you, your approach needs to be subtle and less self-serving. Your marketing strategy should focus on humanizing your business and automating things when you can. Updated List for 2016:10 Fully-Baked Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents in 2016I recently put together an infographic that outlines how agents spend their marketing dollars and compared it to where they’re getting their leads from. As I researched this topic, two things became very apparent:75 percent of a real estate agent’s business comes referrals and word of mouth. But agents are still spending way too much money on new lead sources, rather than investing in their existing clients. Simply put, if most of your business is coming from your past clients and it costs you six to seven times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one, then you should focus your efforts on marketing to your past clients.1) Be Mobile and Responsive I’ve stressed that going mobile was important in terms of you posting to your social networks while on the go. This is still true today, but this year, I want to stress the importance of being mobile accessible. You cannot avoid it anymore."
"docid": "D416019#0",
"title": "http://magicmediaforce.com/what-is-video-production/\nWhat Is Video Production?",
"text": "Share 1 Share Share Share Share Comment 1Rebekka Deforce 1 Comment Geen categorie 15 May 2012What Is Video Production? Do you know what video production is and the main benefits and advantages that video production brings? You might know the term but maybe you’re not too familiar about it. In general video production means the making of a video. The making of a video goes in various steps which are, finding an idea, writing a script, shooting, editing, effects or graphics and sound editing. These steps are generally ordered in three different categories: pre-production (conceptualizing an idea and the writing of a script), production (the actual shooting or recording) and post-production (the video editing, sound editing and effects ). The meaning of video production however, might vary from one field to the other. Contents of this article: Video production for internet marketers Why video production? Ask the right questions The technical part of video production Video production for internet marketers This time I will give tips that will be found very valuable by internet marketers looking for producing and promoting video as a medium for supporting their business. In the internet marketing world, you often hear that “content is king”."
"docid": "D1347911#0",
"title": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajagrawal/2016/01/21/why-inbound-marketing-is-essential-in-2016/\nWhy Inbound Marketing Is Essential In 2016",
"text": "\"AJ Agrawal Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. CMO Network 1/21/2016 @ 8:42PM 11,557 views Why Inbound Marketing Is Essential In 2016Inbound marketing is widely viewed as an effective means of brand promotion. However, it’s often viewed as a “nice to have” as opposed to a necessity. In 2016, that’s no longer going to be the case. Inbound marketing is now downright essential. In this article, we’ll define inbound marketing and then explain why it’s an important part of your online marketing efforts. What Is Inbound Marketing? If you’re new to digital marketing, you might be a little bit fuzzy about the concept of inbound marketing. It’s a relatively new tactic that’s almost exclusive to the Internet. Inbound marketing, effectively, is a means of enabling your brand to get found by customers."
"docid": "D1468802#0",
"title": "http://www.verticalmeasures.com/resources/content/what-is-content-marketing/\nFree Download: What is Content Marketing?",
"text": "Free Download: What is Content Marketing? Content marketing has become a very popular term. But you may be wondering: what exactly is content marketing? It is a lot of things, but most of all it is a powerful means of targeting and engaging with your prospects in a way that creates loyal customers. Content marketing, unlike traditional interruption-based methods of advertising, is a dynamic and ongoing process that helps you achieve the business goals you desire. Vertical Measures has created a free guide just for you in order to answer the question: “What is Content Marketing?” This guide will help you understand the true definition of content marketing, and how you can use it to your company’s advantage. The guide contains contributions from a wide range of internet and content marketing experts who provided us with their answers to the simple question: “What is Content Marketing?” The guide covers many components, including: Defining Content Marketing The Difference Between Content and Content Marketing What Content Marketing is for the Customer How to Grow Your Business with Content Marketing Why Content Marketing is the “Modern Marketing”What Content Marketing Is NOT…and more"
"docid": "D966772#0",
"title": "http://benchmark.metricmarketing.ca/marketing-resources/why-is-branding-important-to-marketing/\nMetric's Guide to The Importance of Branding in Your Marketing",
"text": "Home / Marketing Resources / Why is Branding Important to Marketing? Metric's Guide to The Importance of Branding in Your Marketing INTRODUCTIONWhy did we create this guide? At Metric, we strongly believe that every successful business is built on the foundation of a solid brand. Once this is realized, there is no denying the significance of the role that brand plays in marketing. We want you to think long and hard about your brand. We want you think about your entire customer experience– everything from your identity, website, social media, and content (think Zappos). We want you to think about the way you answer the phone and the way you train your employees. Everything is brand. When you view it from this lens, you can start to see the significance brand plays not just to your marketing, but to your entire business. The intent of this guide is to provide readers with a strong understanding of what brand is and why it’s important."
"docid": "D1347909#0",
"title": "https://www.hubspot.com/digital-marketing\nDigital Marketing",
"text": "Digital Marketing The ultimate introduction to digital marketing: what it is, how to do it well, and where it’s heading. What Is Digital Marketing? This is a huge topic, so let's start by defining exactly what we mean when we talk about digital marketing. Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your company's online marketing efforts. Lots of businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, online advertising and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. Many companies focus on online (or digital) channels over offline marketing tactics because it allows them to reach their ideal target audience where they're already spending most of their time: online. From your website itself to your online branding assets and social media channels -- digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond -- there’s a huge spectrum of tactics and assets that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing. Yet the best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each asset or tactic supports their overarching goals. The Simple Guide to Digital Strategy Learn the crucial steps for improving your digital strategy. Topics in this free ebook include: content marketing, search engine optimization, digital marketing analytics, maximizing mobile & events marketing."
"docid": "D962191#0",
"title": "https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/235102\nHow Google 'Sitelinks' Can Improve Your SEO",
"text": "\"Marketing / National Small Business Week How Google 'Sitelinks' Can Improve Your SEONext Article Add to Queue This Google Feature Can Improve Your SEOYour browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:51Neil Patel - Contributor Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert July 16, 2014 9 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Sitelinks are a powerful way to dominate the SERPs (search engine results pages), increase trust and direct targeted traffic to your site’s internal pages. But what if you don’t have sitelinks? How do you get them? In this article, I’ll explain step-by-step how to get Google sitelinks for your site. Understanding Sitelinks Before explaining how to get sitelinks, I’m going to briefly explain what sitelinks are and why they matter. Sitelinks are a listing format in the SERPs that show a website’s main page as well as several targeted internal links indented below the main entry, and organized into two columns. In the diagram below, (1) indicates the main page listing, and (2) indicate the internal site links: Here is a screenshot of a SERP displaying sitelinks for Quicksprout.com. Sitelinks only display for branded or navigational queries."
"docid": "D1976372#0",
"title": "http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-platforms/social-hubs/\nSocial hubs â what are they and why you may need one?",
"text": "\"Social hubs – what are they and why you may need one? By Chris Soames 29 Feb, 2012 Essential Social media platforms Share 13 Tweet Share 25Explore our Social Media Marketing Toolkit4 Social Hub Examples As the number of social networks increases, brands have started to look at ways in which they can bring all their social networks into their brand owned websites. Contrast this with the more common situation where the only reference to social media on the main site are the ubiquitous Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and Google+ share buttons. These don't give any impression of the type of interactions and communities developed on these networks or customers own networks. Social hubs can give customers a snap shot preview of the activity on each of the chosen social networks. This is a growing trend among the bigger, global brands which have active social outposts, often country-specific and they clearly want to bring that conversation and activity to their own site. What is a Social Hub? Social hubs tend to be content aggregation pages on a brands own website. Pulling feeds from any or all of a blog, Twitter, Slide Share, Facebook, You Tube, Blogger.com and more... We have talked before about the need for a content hub which is something different - this is typically a blog where content is updated and then syndicated or manually shared to different networks which point back to more detailed info on the hub as Dave Chaffey describes in this post showing a model of a content hub. If brands are making good use of the social networks in their own right, not just publishing the same thing to each of them, then they are actually useful if you are genuinely interested in that brand."
"docid": "D455195#0",
"title": "https://moz.com/blog/how-to-build-a-content-marketing-strategy\nHow to Build a Content Marketing Strategy",
"text": "\"By: Stephanie Chang April 10th, 2013How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy Content The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Link building has fundamentally changed. Many types of link building activities that have previously been effective are now either short-term strategies or no longer considered best SEO practice. As a result, companies and clients alike are seeking to understand how certain forms of link building can be translated into longer-term content marketing campaigns. The purpose of this post is to help you develop a framework on how to start building a content marketing strategy for your or your client's site. Why should you care about content marketing? According to a Content Marketing Institute (CMI) 2013 Survey, 86% of B2C (business to consumer) companies are planning to keep or increase their current content marketing spending this year. 54% of B2B (business to business) companies are planning to increase their content marketing spending in 2013. Knowing that the demand for content marketing is increasing, it's worth investing resources to start researching and learning more about the opportunities content marketing can bring to a site. The growth of content marketing is also a concept that Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures agrees with."
"docid": "D1576647#0",
"title": "http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2014/03/manufacturing-2014-content-marketing-research/\nContent Marketing Making Strides in the Manufacturing Industry: Report",
"text": "By Joe Pulizzi published March 11, 2014Content Marketing Research Content Marketing Making Strides in the Manufacturing Industry: Report In our February 15, 2014 podcast, Robert Rose and I highlighted a Slide Share presentation titled, The Manufacturer’s Growth Manifesto, by marketer Bruce Mc Duffee. In his report, Bruce says:“ Most executives in the manufacturing industry are laggards when it comes to understanding the new buyer’s habits and how they apply to go-to-market strategy and tactics… the window of opportunity is open for modern, bold executives willing to change the way they interact with their target audience… “NEW VERSION OF THIS RESEARCH NOW AVAILABLE: B2B Manufacturing Content Marketing: 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Our new report, B2B Manufacturing Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America, sponsored by Oracle Marketing Cloud, shows that 86 percent of manufacturing marketers have adopted content marketing. That’s a decent adoption rate; however, it’s also the lowest among the four top vertical industries we gathered data on this year. Does that make manufacturing marketers “laggards” when it comes to content marketing — or are they just taking a slower, more conservative approach? While we can’t know for sure what this data portends for marketers in the manufacturing vertical, let’s take a look at where the segment stands this year, according to the research: Only 30 percent of manufacturing marketers say they are effective at content marketing (click to tweet)When compared with their B2B peers overall (of whom, 42 percent say they are effective), manufacturing marketers lack confidence in their content marketing effectiveness. This could be due to the fact that they are newer to content marketing, or because they don’t have a documented content marketing strategy in place, or both — or even to some other combination of factors. What is certain, however, is that other CMI research has found a clear link between a documented strategy and overall effectiveness, and only 21 percent of manufacturing marketers have one (compared with 44 percent of B2B marketers overall). Manufacturing marketers use same average number of tactics as other B2B marketers Manufacturing marketers use many of the same tactics as their overall B2B peers, and even use the same average number of tactics (13). They do, however, use print magazines (69 percent vs. 35 percent) and print newsletters (35 percent vs. 22 percent) at higher rates when compared with other B2B marketers. They also use e Newsletters (82 percent vs. 80 percent), in-person events (81 percent vs. 76 percent), and videos (80 percent vs. 73 percent) more frequently."
"docid": "D1175404#0",
"title": "https://blog.hootsuite.com/types-of-social-media/\n10 Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your Business",
"text": "Image via Tero Vesalainen under CC0 1.010 Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your Business Blog / Social By: Curtis Foreman Share As a social media pro, you probably already use all the biggest social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In) and media sharing sites (Instagram, You Tube, Snapchat), along with maybe a handful of others like Pinterest and Google Plus. But there’s much more to social media than the top social media and media sharing networks. Look beyond those social media juggernauts and you’ll see that people are using many different types of social media to connect online for all kinds of reasons. In our quest to bring you the latest and best social media news from all corners of the internet, we’ve stumbled upon plenty of hyper-focused niche social networks for everything from jet setting and green living to knitting and all things manly. However, grouping social networks according to subject matter quickly gets overwhelming—and sometimes utterly distracting. ( Plus, Wikipedia’s already done it for us. ) And while there was once a time when you could simply categorize networks according to their functional capabilities (Twitter for short text content, You Tube for video, and so on), that time has passed. As more networks add rich features like livestreaming and augmented reality, the lines between their feature sets continue to blur and change faster than most people have time to read up on the changes. So instead of categorizing networks according to hyper-specific user interests or shifting technology features, we prefer to think like marketers and group networks into 10 general categories that focus on what people hope to accomplish by using them. Here’s our list of 10 types of social media and what they’re used for: Social networks —Connect with people Media sharing networks —Share photos, videos, and other media Discussion forums —Share news and ideas Bookmarking and content curation networks —Discover, save, and share new content Consumer review networks —Find and review businesses Blogging and publishing networks —Publish content online Interest-based networks —Share interests and hobbies Social shopping networks —Shop online Sharing economy networks —Trade goods and services Anonymous social networks —Communicate anonymously Knowing about these categories of social media and understanding why people use them can open up new ideas and channels for engaging with your audience more effectively—so let’s get started."
"docid": "D3460523#0",
"title": "http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/just-explain-it/why-your-cable-bill-is-so-high-195950153.html\nWhy is cable TV so expensive?",
"text": "U. S. Markets close in 5 hrs 42 mins S&P 5002,648.30-8.57 ( -0.32%)Dow 3024,281.22-126.78 ( -0.52%)Nasdaq7,081.12-13.18 ( -0.19%)Welcome to Portfolios Now buy and sell stocks directly on Yahoo Finance Link your broker and track your portfolio on Yahoo Finance Why is cable TV so expensive? Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance Just Explain It • May 16, 2014Most people only watch about 10 to 20 TV channels so why are we shelling out hundreds of dollars for hundreds of channels we’re not watching? With the cost for cable TV increasing at 4 times the rate of inflation, it’s no wonder consumers are fed up and dropping pay-TV altogether. In the last five years, five million TV subscribers cut the cord to rely solely on online platforms like Hulu Plus and Netflix . At a time when you can get premium content for less than $10 a month, is cable TV worth the price? Let’s take a look at the business of cable. Media companies like Disney and Fox charge cable providers like Comcast and Cablevision for the content they create. The cable providers, in turn, pass those costs on to you. The most expensive channels cost subscribers about $1.42 a month. On average, you are paying $1.40 for TNT, a dollar and three cents for the Disney Channel, and 72 cents for TBS."
"docid": "D1442957#0",
"title": "http://neilpatel.com/what-is-content-marketing/\nContent Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide",
"text": "Content Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide Do you know what this is? This, my friend, is one of the greatest examples of content marketing of all time. I bet that when you hear “content marketing,” you think about blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and viral You Tube videos. But content marketing been around far longer than the Internet. Why? Because content marketing is all about storytelling , and humans have told stories for as long as they could speak. Our attention will always go to those who tell great stories. That’s the reason why blogs like the one by Tim Ferriss did so well in 2017. It’s the reason why movies like The Last Jedi did were so popular. And it’s why Kevin Spacey was once a keynote speaker at a marketing conference."
"docid": "D2300102#0",
"title": "http://www.horizontalintegration.com/why-sitecore\nWhy Sitecore is the ideal choice",
"text": "\"DIGITALagencywhy sitecore A scalable and flexible CMS platform Key Features and Benefits Sitecore CMS is a leading . NET Content Management System for mid-market commercial or large enterprises, non-profits and government organizations that require enterprise-level functionality, integration and scalability.powerful framework Sitecore isn’t just a CMS—it’s a framework. It's a bottom-up strategy of creating a repository of reusable site components that can be selected, assembled and syndicated across multiple sites. The results? Efficient development of sophisticated and compelling next-generation web solutions.intuitive interface As the saying goes, \"\"Adoption equals success.\"\" No matter how powerful a CMS is, if you can't use it, the project will fail. That's why Sitecore is dedicated to developing an interface that’s intuitive yet powerful. The Sitecore interface was made with usability in mind. You'll be editing your site with ease.integration everywhere Sitecore provides full data integration and an abstraction layer, Sitecore Data Providers, that will connect to any database, web service or other external system. It can access that content as if it were native to Sitecore."
"docid": "D2384475#0",
"title": "http://www.contentfac.com/9-reasons-social-media-marketing-should-top-your-to-do-list/\n16 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing",
"text": "16 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing Did you know that social media marketing has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing? Or that 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some form? No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you grow your brand and pad your wallet. At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence is kind of like pulling out a flip phone at a business meeting and then not understanding why your boss keeps giving Brad all the new accounts. But some people still own flip phones, and some people dig in their heels and say, what is social media marketing going to do for me? Do I really need it? Yes. Yes you do — and here are some of the most compelling reasons why: The Importance of Social Media for Web Traffic1. Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic. Creating a new page on your site is like taking a really great selfie."
"docid": "D2282748#0",
"title": "http://www.digitalrecruitmentcompany.com/digital-marketing-great-career-path/\nWhy is Digital Marketing such a Great Career Path?",
"text": "Why is Digital Marketing such a Great Career Path? Posted by Ellie Blake June 19th, 2014 0 Comment Why is Digital Marketing such a Great Career Path? As we know, increasingly companies are tweaking their marketing away from traditional methods and towards Digital. Many are hiring Digital Marketers (unless they’re stuck in the 1980’s.) It is proving an amazing career choice for out-going, busy people. Here we look at all the aspects of why it’s such an amazing career; always changing, always busy, always interesting and with great long-term prospects. Always progressing and moving with time Technology is always evolving, whether it’s the latest i Phone, App, Social Media platform or Robot (yes, really!) and with each new technology that comes out, you have to keep up to date! Digital Marketers are often at the cutting edge of these trends, adapting to new strategies frequently as new best practices and technologies make the job a constant revelation. Your work day will never be the same and can even be completely different from one year to the next, so what you learned at university might not even be applicable in a year or two to come after."
"docid": "D1320221#0",
"title": "http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2010/09/what-does-engaging-content-mean/\nWant to Develop Engaging Content? First Step: Understand What Engaging Means",
"text": "By Michele Linn published September 28, 2010Content Creation Want to Develop Engaging Content? First Step: Understand What Engaging Means We recently released new research on B2B Content Marketing. The report is chock full of great insights into what content marketers are doing and where they are struggling (check it out to see how you compare). The research also identified a number of places where content marketers could use guidance – and the CMI contributors are here to help. In the coming weeks, they’ll weigh in with actionable ideas on how content marketers can improve what they’re doing. The first topic we’re tackling is the challenge that was identified most often by content marketers: producing engaging content. In the coming weeks, our contributors will be giving you tips on how to make content more engaging – and measure the results. But, before we get into specifics, I wanted to get everyone on the same page. I asked, “First things first – what does engaging mean to you?” Read on to learn how our experts define this often-used term."
] |
80 | why is aum the symbol for hinduism | [
"docid": "D134843#0",
"title": "http://www.religionfacts.com/om\nOm/Aum mantra and symbol",
"text": "\"Om/Aum mantra and symbol What does Om mean? In Hinduism, Om (also spelled Aum) is a Hindu sacred sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable Om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in Sanskrit, the vowels a and u combine to become o) and the symbol's threefold nature is central to its meaning. It represent several important triads: The three worlds - earth, atmosphere, and heaven The three major Hindu gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva The three sacred Vedic scriptures - Rg, Yajur, and Sama Thus Om mystically embodies the essence of the entire universe. This meaning is further deepened by the Indian philosophical belief that God first created sound and the universe arose from it. As the most sacred sound, Om is the root of the universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything together. Om in Hindu culture The syllable is discussed in a number of the Upanishads, which are the texts of philosophical speculation, and it forms the entire subject matter of one, the Mandukya. AUM is a bow, the arrow is the self, And Brahman (Absolute Reality) is said to be the mark. ( Mandukya Upanishad) The essence of all beings is the earth. The essence of the earth is water."
] | [
"docid": "D1426302#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_symbolic_meaning_of_hedgehogs\nWhat is the symbolic meaning of hedgehogs?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Symbolism and Symbolic Meanings What is the symbolic meaning of hedgehogs? Flag What is the symbolic meaning of hedgehogs? Answer by X442bnj872kh7 Confidence votes 2.4KHedgehogs have important meaning in the ancient myths and legends of Central Eurasia and Eastern Europe. The hedgehog is most often a symbol of wisdom. For example, in creation myths of Romania, a hedgehog gave advice to God about how to create the world. In the lore of the Buriats (a Mongolic people), the hedgehog taught humans how to make fire. German folklore has a story like the familiar Aesop tale of a race between a tortoise and a hare--only in this case it is a clever hedgehog who outwits the hare.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Handyman2007 1,998 Contributions What does the symbol on my car dashboard mean its oval with dashes above like a hedgehog? I believe that is the High Beam headlight indicator. J. E. S. Hays 517,158 Contributions Wordsmith, world-builder, author What is the slang meaning of hedgehog?"
"docid": "D119783#0",
"title": "http://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2015/symbolism-of-peacock-feather-in-hinduism-059312.html\nSymbolism Of Peacock Feather In Hinduism",
"text": "Peacock is regarded as one of the most auspicious bird in Hindu mythology. It's a beautiful bird and has also earned the favour of being the national bird of India. You may have noticed that many people hand the peacock feathers in their houses. It is believed that keeping peacock feather at home brings good luck and prosperity in the house. It is actually a matter of great interest as to how dramatically the species of peacock has survived over the time span of 4000 years. It has survived climatic changes, predatory animals and human's destructive tendencies. It still remains the oldest ornamental bird in the world. Have you ever wondered what could be the secret of its survival? You will be surprised to know about the myths which surround the survival of peacock. Here are some stories from the Hindu mythology which substantiates the symbolism of peacock and its feathers in Hinduism."
"docid": "D3029762#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/world-view/name-hinduism-symbol-3524feada880c4fa\nWhat is the name of the Hinduism symbol?",
"text": "World View Religion Hinduism Q: What is the name of the Hinduism symbol? A: Quick Answer The most important Hindu symbol is called Aum, or Om. It has three syllables, which are central to its meaning, and whose sound is considered to be the greatest of all mantras. Continue Reading Keep Learning Which mantra is the most powerful mantra in Hinduism ? How is the caste system related to Hinduism? What does the Hinduism symbol represent? Full Answer The three vowels in the Hindu symbol Aum represent many things; however, they most notably represent the three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and deep sleep. The whole symbol, on the other hand, represents the fourth state, which is awareness of one's spiritual identity. It is also supposed that the trisyllabic word symbolizes earth, atmosphere and heaven. It could also symbolize the three major Hindu gods, or the three sacred Vedic scriptures."
"docid": "D3187121#0",
"title": "http://www.cfr.org/japan/aum-shinrikyo/p9238\nIntroduction",
"text": "\"This publication is now archived. Introduction Aum Shinrikyo, which is also known as Aum and Aleph, is a Japanese cult that combines tenets from Buddhism, Hinduism, and is obsessed with the apocalypse. The group made headlines around the world in 1995 when members carried out a chemical attack on the Tokyo subway system. A nerve agent, sarin, was released onto train cars, killing twelve and causing an estimated six thousand people to seek medical attention, according to the U. S. State Department 2010 Country Report. Aum Shinrikyo is listed as a terrorist organization because of the 1995 attack and for previous attempts to carry out biological and chemical attacks. The group split into two factions in 2007 due to internal friction over attempts to moderate the cult’s religious beliefs and improve its public image. Despite years of inactivity, both groups remain under surveillance by Japanese authorities. Most of Aum’s current 1,500 members live in Japan while about three hundred reside in Russia, says the State Department. Investigation of the 1995 attack remained cold until 2012 when three remaining fugitives were tracked down and arrested, finally closing the chapter on the worst terrorist attack in Japan’s history. Doctrine of the Aum Shinrikyo At the center of the group’s belief is reverence for Shoko Asahara, Aum’s founder, who says that he is the first \"\"enlightened one\"\" since Buddha."
"docid": "D2382310#0",
"title": "http://www.ancient-symbols.com/symbols-directory/om.html\nOm Symbol",
"text": "Om Symbol This Sanskrit word is both a mystical symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, as well as an incantation intoned at the start or the end of a reading, mantra or prayer. Om or Aum is also said to represent the Brahman, or the impersonal Absolute of Hindusim, who is omnipotent, omnipresent and the source of all life. Just as God is to other religions, Brahman cannot be understood or perceived fully. This is way it is important for the symbol Ohm to be his manifest or representation. The Om symbol is composed of three distinct sounds: a, u and m. It should be pointed out that the number three is important in Hinduism, since it teaches that there are three worlds (earth, heaven and the atmosphere), three major gods (Brahma, Vishnu and Siva), and three Vedic scriptures: Rg, Yajur and Sama. Because of this, it is believed that Om contains the essence of life and the universe. It is also said that sound (the sacred sound Om) was created before the universe. The Mandukya Upanishad states that ‘Om is the one eternal syllable of which all that exists is but the development. The past, the present and the future are all included in this one sound, and all that exists beyond the three forms of time is also implied in it.’ Part of the Tibetan Jewelry collection by the artist David Weitzman Symbols Menu:» Gordian Knot » Flower of Life » Vesica Pisces » Merkaba » The Labyrinth » Hung » Sri Yantra » Yin Yang » Chinese Fu » Jerusalem Cross » Triple Moon » bindi » IK Onkar » Hammer Sickle » Khanda » Tree of Life » Rod of Asclepius » Shield of the Trinity » Genesa Crystal » Star of David » Lotus Flower » Nautilus Shell » Halo » Hand of Fatima » jiahu » World Triad » The Morning Star » Tau » Oshe Shango » Seal of Shamash » Camunian Rose » IHS Monogram » Alpha & Omega» Hunab Ku » Borromean Rings » Caduceus » Infinity » Ichthus » Hedjet » Sun Wheel » Fleur De Lis » Eye of God » Happy Human » Lauburu » Pentagram » Sacred Chao » Emerald Tablet of Thoth » Eye of Horus » Buddhi Leaf » Om » Ankh » Chalice » Triquetra » Pentacle » Maat » Ogham » Mandala » Theosophy » Rub el Hizb » Day Night Symbols » The Golden Bough » The Valknut » Kartika » Cross of Tau » Ouroboros » Khamsa» Uraues » Globus Cruciger » Holy Grail » Medicine Wheel » Menorah » Papal Cross » Quincunx » Red Cross » Tetractys » Tilaka » Taijitu » Vajra » Chai » Chi Rho » Dharmacakra » Bagua » Dragon » Heart » Eye of Providence » Golden Spiral » Labrys » Amulet » Sun Face » Faravahar » Thor's Hammer » Healer's Hand » Raven » Keys of St. Peter » Triskele » Ajna » Arsenic » three-legged frog » Phoenix - Bennu"
"docid": "D601088#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Hinduism/Religious_Symbols_of_Hinduism\nHinduism/Religious Symbols of Hinduism",
"text": "\"Hinduism/Religious Symbols of Hinduism< Hinduismnavigation search Contents [ hide ]1 The Aum Symbol2 The Swastika Symbol3 The Bindi Symbol4 The Sacred Thread The Aum Symbol [ edit]Aum Aum or Om (in Devanagari ॐ) is one of the most sacred symbols in Hinduism. In Sanskrit known as praṇava (प्रणव) lit. \"\" to sound out loudly\"\" or oṃkāra (ओंकार) lit. \"\" oṃ syllable\"\")Hindus consider Aum to be the universal name of the Lord and that it surrounds all of creation. The sound emerging from the vocal cords starts from the base of the throat as \"\"A.\"\" With the coming together of the lips, \"\"U\"\" is formed and when the lips are closed, all sounds end in \"\"M.\"\" The \"\"amen\"\" in Christianity and the \"\"ameen\"\" in Islam and \"\"aum\"\" may show a common linguistic ancestry within the Indo-European language group and it is conjectured that the Aum mantra may have travelled from the East to Europe changing its form and context. Judaism contains the first recorded use of \"\"amen\"\" in the context of a response by the congregation to the priest's prayer. Judaism defines the Semitic verb \"\"amen\"\" as meaning \"\"to be trusted\"\". Om symbolizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead i.e Parabrahman. It symbolizes the prana or life breath which runs through one's body bestowed by the Parabrahman. The significance and explanation of Om is given in the Mandukya Upanishad."
"docid": "D134847#0",
"title": "http://hinduismfacts.org/hindu-symbols/\nHindu Symbols",
"text": "Hindu Symbols Share194 Tweet +1 4 Share3 Pin 15 Stumble6222As Hinduism is the oldest religion on the earth, it has more numbers of symbols than other religions. Each Hindu symbol has a different meaning and is used on different occasions. Hinduism symbols are also used as body tattoos in the Western countries as well as in India. Hinduism signs and symbols are very popular in India and are also known as Indian symbols. We are providing here a comprehensive list of major Hindu symbols and their meanings.1. Om or Aum: Aum, also known as, Om, is the most important symbol in Hinduism. It is made up of three Sanskrit letters namely A, U, and M and is written as No. 3 with a curved line like a tail going out from the center on the back side of three with a moon-shaped curve and a dot above 3. All the major Hindu mantras start with Aum. Aum represents Brahman, the Almighty."
"docid": "D2173567#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091007101545AAHidOr\nHindus: What is a Shiva Lingam?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality Hindus: What is a Shiva Lingam?9 following 19 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Some people say Shiva Lingam shows the position of intercourse. I think such people never perform this posture of intercourse nor see it. Does male sex organ (shaft of male genitalia) comes out of vagina or goes inside. Does it really look like Shiva Lingam?........lol. It is as stupid as calling Cheetah a Jaguar. Actually this insane misconception is the result of continuous propagation made by ancient Atheists like Charvanka, Lokayata-followers, some naughty Buddhists and now my friends who have the beards like the goat. What is Shiva Lingam ? It represents the \"\"column of light\"\" appeared during the debate of Brahman and Vishnu. I will explain it later. Other meaning of Shiva Lingam."
"docid": "D2959114#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Om\nOm",
"text": "Om Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Omalso Aum (ōm)n. Hinduism & Buddhism The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u),and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings. [ Sanskrit om, aum . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.omthe internet domain name for (Computer Science) Oman Om ( əʊm) n (Hinduism) Hinduism a sacred syllable typifying the three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva,who are concerned in the threefold operation of integration, maintenance, and disintegration [from Sanskrit]OMabbreviation for1. ( in Britain)Order of Merit2. ("
"docid": "D1723960#0",
"title": "http://www.religiousforums.com/threads/why-did-shirdi-sai-baba-eat-meat.158117/\nWhy did shirdi sai baba eat meat?",
"text": "\"Welcome to Religious Forums, a friendly forum to discuss all religions in a friendly surrounding. Your voice is missing! You will need to register to get access to the following site features: Reply to discussions and create your own threads. Our modern chat room. No add-ons or extensions required, just login and start chatting!Access to private conversations with other members. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon!Why did shirdi sai baba eat meat? Discussion in ' Hinduism DIR ' started by iamsharky789, Jan 1, 2014 . Top Posters Page 1 of 71 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next >iamsharky789Member Joined: Dec 19, 2013Messages: 234Ratings: +3If he was a hindu, why did he eat meat? Some say because he was half muslim? Any one know know in detail?#1iamsharky789, Jan 1, 2014Ymir GFBodhisattva Premium Member Joined: Nov 21, 2005Messages: 26,478Ratings: +12,212Religion: Beyond the Light Not all Hindus are vegetarian, Iam Sharkey789.#2Ymir GF, Jan 1, 2014Like x 1iamsharky789Member Joined: Dec 19, 2013Messages: 234Ratings: +3Ymir GF said: ↑Not all Hindus are vegetarian, Iam Sharkey789."
"docid": "D2510387#0",
"title": "http://www.hinduwebsite.com/upanishads.asp\nIntroduction to the Upanishads of Hinduism",
"text": "Introduction to the Upanishads of Hinduismby Jayaram VThe Upanishads abound in spiritual knowledge. They are the end part of the Vedas and known collectively as Vedanta. In Sanskrit, which was the main language of communication among the elite groups in India for several centuries, the word Upanishad means sitting down near. While the ritual chants of the Vedas were uttered in public during the performance of the sacrificial ceremonies, the Upanishads were revealed in private only to a select few on need to know basis. The knowledge contained in the Upanishads is deemed higher knowledge as it deals with the knowledge of the self and the transcendental states of awareness, where as the knowledge contained in the Samhita part of the Vedas is considered the lower knowledge as it is used mainly for performing rituals to obtain material gains and personal favors from various divinities. The exact number of Upanishads is not clearly known. Most of them must have been lost due to secrecy and exclusivity associated with them and the limitations in organizing and preserving them. Presently there are said to be about 250 Upanishads, of which about ten or eleven are considered the most ancient, important and authoritative. From the earliest times, the Upanishads attracted the attention of scholars from various religions and schools of philosophy. Jains, Buddhists and Hindus alike tried to understand them and interpret them according to their own beliefs and traditions."
"docid": "D2513821#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_tattoo_represents_inner_peace_and_strength\nWhat tattoo represents inner peace and strength?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Symbolism and Symbolic Meanings What tattoo represents inner peace and strength? Flag What tattoo represents inner peace and strength? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The symbol Aum (or om) means quite alot of things, also linked to helping find inner peace, hope that helps!18 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Yinzer 806 Contributions What tattoo means inner power? Answer . Some say the dragon. Some say a lion. There is not one symbol that means inner power. You could always have the words \"\"inner power\"\" tattooed on your in another l …Piper0680 1 Contribution What tattoo would you get to represent inner strength and serenity achieved in recovery from drug addicition?"
"docid": "D2097555#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_significance_of_the_ganges_river_in_hinduism\nWhat was the significance of the River Ganges to the Ancient Indians?",
"text": "Lady Brindle Tail 10 Contributions What was the significance of the River Ganges to the Ancient Indians? Answer . It was highly significant, especially when coupled with the Rig Veda's hynms & discussions of the Great River of Wisdom, The 7 branched Saraswati. Coupl …Susan Burridge 11,609 Contributions Where is the River Ganges? It is located in India and Bangladesh Balasubramanyam Perugu 522 Contributions What role does the Ganges River play in Hinduism? A civilization that thrive on the banks of this Holy river attributes roots to a religion sanathana which has no beginig or end . Gangothri source of this holy river is a glaci …Mrinal Singh 24 Contributions What is the river Ganges? Ganges is considered as purest of all rivers, according to Hindu mythology. It is believed that all the sins of a person taking a plunge into Ganges with sacred and selfless s …What is the importance of the Ganges River in Hinduism?the nestiest river ever on earth, floating death body, people taking shower, brushing their stinky teeth, and drinking too. Why is the river ganges called the river ganges?"
"docid": "D1455661#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_ohm_symbol_mean\nWhat does an 'OHM' tattoo symbolize?",
"text": "\"Satchidanand 2 Contributions What does an 'OHM' tattoo symbolize? OHM Om ekaksharam idham Brahmam: Om itself stands for Brahmam ( Paramatma) Om is a result of cmbining A with U and M [AUM],When recited properly this combination let …USCitizen 477,196 Contributions What is th symbol for ohm? Omega. Jens R 3,407 Contributions What is the symbol for ohm? Omega is the 24th and last letter of the http://wiki.answers.com/wiki/Greek_alphabet - upper case letter: Ω and lower case letter: Ï. T. E. Woodwose 74,225 Contributions A curmudgeon with years of practice. What does symbol ohm mean? The Om (also Aum) is a Buddhist Hindu word used in chanting - often the translation is the jewel is in the lotus.. The last letter of the Greek alphabet is the letter omega ( …Greg Predmore 713 Contributions What does ohm mean? If you got a resistor then the resistance R of that thing can be measured in ohms. Use an ohm meter. If you got a battery then the voltage V of that thing can be measured in …Ebs2 1,150 Contributions What does the symbol for OHM look like?"
"docid": "D2959113#0",
"title": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/om\nWords near om in the dictionary",
"text": "om Om Use om in a sentencenoun Om is a sacred Hindu and Buddhist syllable used as a mantra or in blessings to honor the universe. An example of Om is what people may say at the end of a yoga session to give thanks to the universe. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by Love To Know Corp Link/Citeom Hinduism a word of affirmation or assent intoned as part of a mantra or as a symbolic mystical utterance during meditation Origin of om Sanskrit o? OMOrder of Merit Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Link/Cite Omalso Aumnoun Hinduism & Buddhism The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings. Origin of Om Sanskrit om, aum THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. Copyright © 2016, 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company."
"docid": "D2397687#0",
"title": "https://radiatebliss.wordpress.com/2011/03/08/what-is-a-mandala-what-is-a-yantra/\nWhat is a Mandala? What is a Yantra?",
"text": "\"What is a Mandala? What is a Yantra? Posted on March 8, 2011 by Udaysree'Flower Mandala', digital fine art, 12\"\"x12\"\", (C)2011 Ma Udaysree Nithyananda What is the difference between a Mandala and a Yantra? It depends on which tradition you follow. Tibetans for example call their circular sacred art Mandala which I would see as a Yantra but my background is based on Hinduism, Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra. The Sanskrit word Mandala has become more mainstream than Yantra for some reason here in the West. One can see all kinds of creations come forth out of the circle or mandala. Yet Yantras seem to have retained a certain mysticism because of its symbolism and usage in ritualistic worship. ' Sri Yantra', digital fine art, 12\"\"x12\"\", (C)2010 Ma Nithyananda Udaysree Yantras are part of the ancient Tantra Tradition having its roots in age-old teachings from India. Yantras are used for rituals in traditional worship as they often represent a deity and are inscribed with bija or seed mantras the most commonly known as OM or AUM."
"docid": "D535440#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/history/meaning-hinduism-symbol-f45f15b71f0edd20\nWhat Is the Meaning of the Hinduism Symbol?",
"text": "\"Full Answer The Aum is a key symbol of Hinduism. It is comprised of the Sanskrit letters that, together, make the phonetic sound that corresponds to the name of the symbol. All Hindu prayers begin with the Aum sound. It is a way of helping Hindus channel their inner spirituality in order to make contact with the gods. Its meaning is \"\"absolute,\"\" in reference to the Brahman from which all existence emerged. Although it has a negative connotation throughout much of the West because it was adopted as the symbol of the Nazis, the swastika is also a very important symbol in Hinduism. The swastika represents eternity to Hindus. It specifically relates to the Brahman as eternal. The padma, or lotus flower, is the Hindu symbol for freedom or un-attachment. Like Buddhists, Hindus believe that the path to eternal life requires one to let go of all things earthly."
"docid": "D3187122#0",
"title": "http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/AUM\nAUM",
"text": "AUMAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Acronym Definition AUM Assets Under Management AUM Auburn University Montgomery AUM Animal Unit Month (forage)AUM Air-to-Underwater Missile AUM All USA Meeting (annual yoga conference)AUM Activités Universitaires en Mécanique (French: Academic Activities in Mechanics)AUM Alternate Unit of Measure AUM Asset Utilization Model AUM Automatic Canteen Company of America (NYSE symbol, now delisted)AUM Arbitrary Unit of Mass AUM Adaptive User Model AUM Abandoned Uranium Mine (various locations)Copyright 1988-2014 Acronym Finder.com, All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page: Facebook Twitter"
"docid": "D2558640#0",
"title": "http://www.thecemeteryclub.com/symbols.html\nGravestone Symbolism",
"text": "\"The following is a list of cemetery symbols and icons. This list is provided by The International Association of Cemetery Preservationists, Inc. and Dusty Smith for educational purposes in the field of gravestone studies. Symbolism in artwork, whether paintings or on gravestones, reflects the culture which created the work and can have multiple meanings. ( Note: I will also be enhancing this list with my own further research, which will be noted in a different color.) Be sure to be aware of and follow all local laws and statutes when visiting a cemetery, including applying for any necessary permits or permissions needed before making a gravestone rubbing. Laws and regulations can differ for national cemeteries as well, with stricter regulations in place at a veteran's cemetery, such as the one located in San Diego. Also, keep your safety in mind at all times to prevent any type of personal injury, such as a trip and fall due to uneven or soft ground. Keep these simple tips in mind and your cemetery excursions won't end with a call to a lawyer or a trip to the emergency room. This list is only a portion of such information that can be found in: “Voices from the Cities of the Dead: A Cemetery Reference Guide to Understanding Terminologies, Gravestone Art, Monuments, Abbreviations, Symbols & Icons” compiled & authored by Dusty Smith (with photographic contributions by Kourtnie James & Dusty Smith) © to Raven’s Loch Publishing House. Feel free to use these listings in your studies , but do not generate your own list for your own website or anything other than personal use using this one."
"docid": "D1455663#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090719133844AAKMfRN\nWhat does the Buddhist OM symbol mean?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality What does the Buddhist OM symbol mean? I was wanting to know what this symbol stands for and means. thanks1 following 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: OM also AUM or prnava [Sanskrit] In Buddhism it has a different meaning than in Hinduism OM is a symbol of form as well as sound It is a manifestation of Spiritual power and a symbol found throughout the East The worlds of the physical mental and unconscious are represented in the letters of the symbol OM by the three curves If You lay the symbol in front of You With the point of the large curve [ the bottom one ] on your left I'll talk You through it The supreme consciousness is represented by the point outside and above the rest [very top ] This illuminates and reveals the other three The form of Om is a concrete manifestation of the visible truth No concept or object of this universe is independent All are permutations of the one consciousness and partake in its nature to various degrees In this way they are connected with one another The material world of the wakeful consciousness the level of external activity and the most palpable is symbolised by the large lower curve The level of the dream state subject to the stimulus not of external objects but only of mental representation is symbolised by the second small curve [ on the extreme right ] which is so to speak between wakefulness and sleep The upper curve symbolises the unconscious which we call deep sleep but it is also a connective link It is closest to the point that represents Absolute consciousness The point is the absolute consciousness that illuminates and governs the other three The destination is the dot at the top right but is only ever reached by people who have gone beyond the three curves and attained absolute consciousness or as liberating from the world of appearance It would have been easier if you could have knocked on my door and asked [jk] If you think about it for awhile the meaning will come you If you are wearing this around your neck If you don't know as you look down at it The points should be on your right HBH now needs a nice Cup of Tea Chinese Green Tea tastes good Human Being Human · 9 years ago3 0 Comment Asker's rating Om Symbol Meaning Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a744Spfeifer · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Buddhist Symbols And Meanings Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8AM9gavilanes · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Chanting is a form of meditation. If you chant a mantra - preferably with a group of people - then you will soon relax and find a sense of peace. This is a biological process - it will even work if you chant something silly, like 'Coca Cola, Coca Cola'. However, the effect is far greater if you chant certain sounds that resonate in the body in a powerful way. And, of course, it helps if the sounds have a meaning. Others have already said more about the meaning of OM than I could. I would suggest, though, that none of that has any real meaning without the actual experience. Martin T · 9 years ago0 1 1 comment Aum or Om Om is not meant to be a word but rather an intonation and is of paramount importance in both Buddhism and Hinduism as this is meant to be a reflection of the omnipotent, omnipresence of God.. Om represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of God."
] |
91 | $10,000 at 5% interest term deposit how much interest | [
"docid": "D871894#0",
"title": "https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/managing-your-money/saving/compound-interest\nCompound interest",
"text": "Compound interest Increase your savings Understanding how compound interest works can help you choose a savings accounts or investment where your money works harder for you. If your money is earning compound interest, your savings will grow faster. What is compound interest? The compounding effect Compound interest formula Effective Interest rates The cost of delaying saving What is compound interest? Compound interest is interest paid on the initial principal as well as the accumulated interest on money you have borrowed or invested. Compound interest is like double chocolate topping for your savings. You earn interest on the money you deposit, and on the interest you have already earned - so you earn interest on interest. An online savings account paying monthly interest is an example of an account that earns compound interest. Compound interest is different from simple interest. With simple interest, interest is paid at the end of a specified term, although if the term is more than 12 months, interest may be paid annually."
] | [
"docid": "D1229596#0",
"title": "http://www.charteredclub.com/what-is-ppf-account-and-the-benefits-of-investing-in-ppf/\nPPF Account and PPF Interest Rate @ 7.6%",
"text": "PPF Account and PPF Interest Rate @ 7.6%Share Email Print We all have heard a lot about PPF Account and seen our parents make investment but what is PPF Interest Rate in India and what are the benefits of investing in this form of Instrument? This is one question which usually crops up in our minds and in this article we have tried to explain the basics and the benefits of investing in this form of Tax-Saving Instrument. Recommended Read: 8 ways to save tax legally through Tax Planning What is PPF? PPF Account refers to Public Provident Fund Account and is a Long Term Debt Scheme of the Govt. of India on which regular interest is paid. Any Individual in India (whether Salaried or Self-Employed or any other category) can invest in this scheme and can earn a handsome tax-free return on the same which is usually higher than the return offered by Banks on Fixed Deposits. Public Provident Fund can be opened in any Post Office and some authorized branches of Banks. Many Individuals have expressed a preference towards maintaining a PPF Account in a Bank as compared to a Post Office as Banks permit online deposits in your Public Provident Fund whereas Post Offices don’t provide this facility. Recommended Read: PPF Account in SBIPPF Account in ICICINon Resident Indians (NRI’s) are not allowed to invest in Public Provident Fund. However, if someone opens a Public Provident Fund while he is a Resident of India but subsequently becomes a NRI, he shall be allowed to continue investing in his account."
"docid": "D3171478#0",
"title": "https://www.autocheatsheet.com/new-car/money-down.html\nHow Much Money Should You Put Down on a Car?",
"text": "\"How Much Money Should You Put Down on a Car? Last Update 03/02/2018 by Carlton Wolf One of the most common questions I'm asked is, \"\"how much money should I put down buying a new or used car?\"\" Car dealers advertise, \"\"$0 Money Down\"\" or \"\"No Money Down\"\" to lure car buyers like yourself into dealerships across the Nation. So the question is, \"\"Is not putting any cash down when buying your next car really a good idea? \"\" $0 Down Delivers - Drive a New Car Home Today!In the buyer's mind this sounds like a great deal. Not having to put any cash down and you get to drive off in a brand new car right now, who doesn't want to sign up on that program? Although $0 down sounds very exciting, it's not. Not putting any money down at the time of puchasing a car can end up costing you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. All because dealers promote \"\" no cash down \"\" in their advertising, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good deal for the buyer. How does putting no money down affect you in the long run?"
"docid": "D755104#0",
"title": "https://www.accountingcoach.com/future-value-of-a-single-amount/explanation/2\nFuture Value of a Single Amount (Explanation)",
"text": "Part 1Introduction to the Future Value of a Single Amount (FV), What's Involved in Future Value (FV) Calculations, Visualizing Compound Interest Part 2 Mathematics of Future Value Part 3 Future Value Factors Part 4 Calculating the Future Value of a Single Amount (FV)Part 5 Calculating the Number of Time Periods (n)Part 6 Calculating the Interest Rate (i)Part 7 Calculating the Single Amount (PV)Part 8 Double Your Money: The Rule of 72Part 9 Future Value of Varying Amounts and/or Time Intervals Mathematics of Future Value The future value of a present amount can be expressed as: We will illustrate how this mathematical expression works by using the amounts from the three accounts in Part 1. Account #1: Annual Compounding A single deposit of $10,000 will earn interest at 8% per year and the interest will be deposited at the end of one year. Since the interest is compounded annually, the one-year period can be represented by n = 1 and the corresponding interest rate will be i = 8% per year: The formula shows that the present value of $10,000 will grow to the FV of $10,800 at the end of one year when interest of 8% is earned and the interest is added to the account only at the end of the year. Account #2: Semiannual Compounding In Account #2 the $10,000 deposit will earn interest at 8% per year, but the interest will be deposited at the end of each six-month period for one year. With semiannual compounding, the life of the investment is stated as n = 2 six-month periods. The interest rate per six-month period is i = 4% (8% annually divided by 2 six-month periods). The present value of $10,000 will grow to a future value of $10,816 (rounded) at the end of two semiannual periods when the 8% annual interest rate is compounded semiannually. Account #3: Quarterly Compounding In Account #3 the $10,000 deposit will earn interest at 8% per year, but the interest earned will be deposited at the end of each three-month period for one year. With quarterly compounding, the life of the investment is stated as n = 4 quarterly periods. The annual interest rate is restated to be the quarterly rate of i = 2% (8% per year divided by 4 three-month periods)."
"docid": "D1564486#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/40977573/real-estate-license-preparation-practice-test-flash-cards/\nReal Estate License Preparation Practice Test",
"text": "\"150 terms joshua_thornton Real Estate License Preparation Practice Test An example of a final exam in California License Preparation test. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Real property can be most completely defined as: a. land, buildings b. land, fixtures, minerals c. land, items affixed to land, immovable by law d. land, affixed to land, appurtenances, immovable by law d. land, affixed to land, appurtenances, immovable by law Zoning laws have the greatest impact on which \"\"Right\"\" in the Bundle or Rights? a. right to use b. right to dispose c. right to possess d. right to exclude a. right to use A deeded easement of right-of-way over the land of another is considered to be: a. personal property b. an encroachment c. an appurtenance d. a lien c. an appurtenance An investor leases a building to a tenant who then opens a retail store. The tenant installs a cash register. The cash register is best described as: a. personal property b. trade fixture c. real property d. leased property b. trade fixture Which of the following is considered to be personal property: a. easement b. iron ore in the ground c. mortgage contract d. stock in a mutual water company c. mortgage contract The right of an owner are referred to as the \"\"Bundle of Rights.\"\" Which of these is not one of these rights? a. the unrestricted right to the use of riparian waters b. the right to possess c. the right to borrow against real property d. the right to use a. the unrestricted right to the use of riparian water Courts frequently have to make a decision as to whether some item does or does not go with the real property when it is sold. In making their decision they use the \"\"Five tests of a fixture.\"\" These include all of the following except: a. method by which property is attached b. whether the property is considered adaptable c. whether the property is being taxed d. relationship of parties involved c. whether the property is being taxedthe right to minerals that lie beneath the surface of the land, unless otherwise specified: a. cannot be conveyed apart from the real estate surrounding the minerals b. are kept by the original owner c. are automatically transferred with the sale of real property d. cannot be leased c. are automatically transferred with the sale of real property The right to a reasonable use of the surface waters upon which a property owner's land borders is called: a. riparian rights b. the right of correlative user c. the right of appropriation d. the right of emblements a. riparian rights The right to possess, encumber, use, and enjoy a piece of property to the exclusion of all others, would be an accurate description of: a. a life estate b. real property c. property ownership d. an equitable position c. property ownership The E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, and the SW 1/4 of Section 10 contains: a. 2 1/2 acres b. 5 acres c. 45 acres d. 165 acres d. 165 acres In the U. S. Governments Survey System, which lines run parallel to the principal base line? a. township line b. meridian line c. range line d. survey line a. township line A person who makes a will is the: a. executor (trix) b. administrator (trix) c. devisor (ee) d. testator (trix) d. testator (trix)If a married person dies testate and leaves all community property, the decedent's interest passes to the: a. whomever is named in the will b. surviving spouse and children, if any c. surviving spouse d. surviving children, and not the surviving spouse a. whomever is named in the will Most attorneys stress that the best will is a properly drafted: a. statutory will b. witnessed will c. holographic will d. oral will b. witnessed will When possession of land includes open and notorious use for 5 years, hostile to the owner's wishes, and payment of property taxes this best describes: a. intestate succession b. accession title c. alluvion ownership d. adverse possession d. adverse possession The passing of title to the state because of the lack of heirs: a. escheat b. eminent domain c. police power d. condemnation a. escheat A type of deed, with non warranties, frequently used to remove \"\"clouds\"\" from title is known as: a. grant deed b. quiet deed c. quitclaim deed d. gift deed c. quitclaim deed Which of the following is not required for a deed to be valid?"
"docid": "D888947#0",
"title": "http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/mortgages/how-much-can-i-borrow\nHow much can I borrow?",
"text": "\"Money Saving Expert.com » Mortgages » How much can I borrow? How much can I borrow? How salary & deposit affect how much you can get Get Our Free Money Tips Email!For all the latest deals, guides and loopholes - join the 12m who get it. Don't miss out Get It FAQs| Privacy Policy| Past Emails| Unsubscribe Lesley and Helen S | Edited by Johanna Updated December 2017Share this on Facebook Share this on Twitter Share this on Google+ Print this page Email this page This guide will help you work out how much you're likely to be able to borrow and how much you'll need as a deposit. Your income and the size of your deposit (or equity, if you're remortgaging) both have a fundamental impact on the amount you can borrow and what rate you'll get. In this guide... Lenders check how much you can afford You need a 5% deposit to get a mortgage Use savings to get into a lower LTV band Two more ways to drop an LTV band I've only got 5% deposit – what can I get? Help to Buy Guarantee scheme Help to Buy Equity Loans scheme Lenders check how much you can afford Lenders used to just multiply your income by up to five times to work out your maximum mortgage size. Now it's a lot more complicated as the lender has to check the affordability of the mortgage – but in basic terms, this just means whether you can afford the repayments. But, again, it's still not quite that simple. Under mortgage rules which came into effect in April 2014, lenders must now obey strict guidelines to check whether a borrower can afford their mortgage repayments, not just at current interest rates, but also if interest rates shot up to 6-7%."
"docid": "D3304029#0",
"title": "https://www.essexcredit.com/home/learn/boat-faqs/\nLearn About RV and Boat Loans",
"text": "\"Learn About RV and Boat Loans Overview | Refinancing | Boat FAQs | RV FAQs | Ask a Question Boat FAQs What types of boats can I finance with Essex? We offer financing options for: Standard & Custom Power or Sail Boats, Multi-Hull Boats, Pontoon Boats, and Electric Boats 1998 model year and newer. Pleasure use rates published on Essex websites are available for boats 2008 model year and newer. Different rates apply for model years 1998 - 2007. We also offer financing options for High Performance Boats, Houseboats and Wood Hull Boats. Different rates, down payment requirements, and restrictions may apply. Essex does not offer financing for vessels capable of speeds greater than 99 mph. Does Essex offer boat loans for people residing in all 50 states? Yes, Essex offers boat loans in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. What are the largest and smallest boat loan amounts that you offer?"
"docid": "D1198773#0",
"title": "https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/banking/earn-with-best-cd-rates/\nHow Much Do the Best CDs Earn?",
"text": "Advertiser Disclosure How Much Do the Best CDs Earn? The best CDs give returns from 1% to 2.65%. Typically, the longer the term, the higher the CD rate. Spencer Tierney January 22, 2018 Save Banking, CDs A bank’s certificates of deposit — or a credit union’s equivalent, share certificates — generally earn more interest than regular savings accounts do. CD rates have gone up recently thanks to the rising interest rate environment, so it’s a good time to explore whether a CD is the right option for you. Here’s what to know about earning money with the best CDs. By using our CD calculator below, you can also see how much your savings would grow with different interest rates.» Want to see specific rates? Check our list of best CD rates this month Compare two CDs Calculate what interest you’d get from two different CDs. If you want to see how rates really matter, keep the deposit and term lengths the same and see how the interest rate would affect your overall savings."
"docid": "D230983#0",
"title": "http://www.moneycrashers.com/best-secured-credit-cards-bad-credit/\n6 Best Secured Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit â Reviews & Comparison",
"text": "6 Best Secured Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit – Reviews & Comparison By Brian Martucci Posted in: Credit Cards, Get Out of Debt Share 14 Tweet 19 Pin 51 Comments 13Advertiser Disclosure: This post includes references to offers from our partners such as American Express. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. However, the opinions expressed here are ours alone and at no time has the editorial content been provided, reviewed, or approved by any issuer. How’s your credit these days? If you’d prefer not to answer that question, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have imperfect credit due to bankruptcy, foreclosure, crushing medical or student loan debts, and other financial black marks. A bad credit score can affect your ability to secure an affordable home loan, rent an apartment, get a cell phone, and even find a job. While credit counseling and debt management plans can help you repair your credit over time, there’s no magic cure. For other folks, the problem isn’t bad credit so much as no credit. Consumers who haven’t previously used credit are ciphers to lenders and credit card companies, which are understandably wary about lending to people without a track record of timely repayments."
"docid": "D294030#0",
"title": "http://www.gobankingrates.com/banking/banks-vs-credit-unions-highest-interest-rates-today/\nBanks vs. Credit Unions: Which Have the Best Interest Rates?",
"text": "If you had to guess, which type of institution would you say has the best interest rates: banks or credit unions? You might be surprised to learn the answer is “both. ”GOBanking Rates recently surveyed interest rates for savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts and a variety of certificate of deposit terms to find out if U. S. banks or credit unions are more competitive when it comes to the yields they offer account holders. See below for the findings. On average, credit unions provide the highest interest rates for all deposit account types. John Skul, AVP of Marketing for one of the top-ranking credit unions, Great Lakes, told GOBanking Rates, “Our goal is to encourage our members to use GLCU as their primary financial institution. Offering them a fantastic rate is a win-win for both GLCU and our members – they receive a great interest rate on their checking account and we benefit when they meet the criteria to receive the great rate. ”Below is a look at how bank and credit union interest rates have changed over the past year.10 Best Interest Rates: Banks While credit unions have the highest rates on average, banks boast the highest individual interest rates available today with 4.00% APY offered by Home Federal Bank and the Bank of Greene County. Additionally, in the case of both banks and credit unions, the highest interest rates today are offered almost exclusively on checking accounts, many of which are Kasasa Cash accounts. Bank Location Account Type APYHome Federal Bank Shreveport, LA Checking 4.00%The Bank of Greene County Catskill, NY Savings 4.00%JD Bank Jennings, LA Checking 3.25%Community Financial Services Bank Benton, KY Checking 3.05%Frontier Bank Rock Rapids, IA Checking 3.05%Adirondack Bank Utica, NY Checking 3.04%American Trust & Savings Bank Dubuque, IA Checking 3.01%The Community Bank Zanesville, OH Checking 3.01%Ouachita Independent Bank Monroe, LA Checking 3.01%Southern Bank Poplar Bluff, MO Checking 3.01%Home Federal Bank, Smart Rewards Checking The Smart Rewards Checking account from Home Federal Bank provides account holders an interest rate of 4.00% APY on balances up to $15,000, plus tiered interest rates on balances above $15,000."
"docid": "D1827677#0",
"title": "http://www.savingsbonds.gov/indiv/help/TDHelp/faq.htm\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions Opening an Account Treasury Direct Accounts Security Types Available in Treasury Direct Purchasing Savings Bonds Redeeming Savings Bonds Purchasing Marketable Securities Marketable Securities Transferring Securities Interest Earned and Taxation Zero-Percent C of IPayroll Zero-Percent C of IConverting Paper Bonds The Payroll Savings Plan for Savings Bonds Funding an Account with Electronic Deposits Gift Giving Managing My Account Privacy Information How to register EE or I bonds Opening an Account What is Treasury Direct? Treasury Direct is a Web-based system that allows investors to establish accounts to purchase, hold, and conduct transactions in Treasury securities online. Who is eligible to open a Treasury Direct account? Individuals and certain entities may open Treasury Direct accounts. In order to open a Treasury Direct account, an individual or entity account manager must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN), be 18 years of age or over, and be legally competent. An entity must have a valid SSN or Employer Identification Number (EIN). The account owner must also have a United States address of record and have an account at a U. S. depository financial institution that will accept debits and credits using the Automated Clearing House method of payment. \"\" U. S. person\"\" as referred to in the online application refers to an individual or an entity eligible to open a Treasury Direct account. See Learn more about Entity Accounts. How old do I have to be to open a Treasury Direct account?"
"docid": "D199094#0",
"title": "https://www.commbank.com.au/personal/accounts/term-deposits.html\nTERM DEPOSITS",
"text": "TERM DEPOSITSNow you can get an even better return for your savings. Lock-in a competitive interest rate with our Term Deposits and watch your savings grow. Open online now Special offer9 months Interest rate 2.45 %PAOffer available from 4 April 2018 for a limited time only on balances from $10,000 to $1,999,999 with interest paid 6 monthly or at maturity. * Some of our popular rates3 months Interest rate 2.00 % 1PA6 months Interest rate 2.05 % 1PA12 months Interest rate 2.30 % 1PA24 months Interest rate 2.70 % 1PA1 Interest rate for amounts $50,000 to $1,999,999 with interest paid annually or at the end of the term. See more interest rates Why choose our Term Deposits? Competitive interest rates Interest rates vary depending on the term, amount and interest payment frequency you choose. Terms to suit you Lock-in the interest rate anywhere between one month and five years. Invest from $5,000Enjoy a competitive interest rate on investments from $5,000 to less than $2,000,000. Easy to track your investment Fixed rate The fixed rate of return means you’ll always know what your investment’s worth and can plan how to use the interest earned. Manage online See, keep track of and manage your Term Deposit, alongside your other accounts, in Net Bank."
"docid": "D2553556#0",
"title": "https://www.fscu.com/banks-vs-credit-unions-best-interest-rates/\nBanks vs. Credit Unions: Which Have the Best Interest Rates?",
"text": "Banks vs. Credit Unions: Which Have the Best Interest Rates? Print this page Print this page By Casey Bond If you had to guess, which type of institution would you say has the best interest rates: banks or credit unions? You might be surprised to learn the answer is “both. ”GOBanking Rates recently surveyed interest rates for savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts and a variety of certificate of deposit terms to find out if U. S. banks or credit unions are more competitive when it comes to the yields they offer account holders. See below for the findings. On average, credit unions provide the highest interest rates for all deposit account types. John Skul, AVP of Marketing for one of the top-ranking credit unions, Great Lakes, told GOBanking Rates, “Our goal is to encourage our members to use GLCU as their primary financial institution. Offering them a fantastic rate is a win-win for both GLCU and our members – they receive a great interest rate on their checking account and we benefit when they meet the criteria to receive the great rate. ”Below is a look at how bank and credit union interest rates have changed over the past year.10 Best Interest Rates: Banks While credit unions have the highest rates on average, banks boast the highest individual interest rates available today with 4.00% APY offered by Home Federal Bank and the Bank of Greene County. Additionally, in the case of both banks and credit unions, the highest interest rates today are offered almost exclusively on checking accounts, many of which are Kasasa Cash accounts."
"docid": "D2670495#0",
"title": "https://www.rothira.com/blog/one-day-your-roth-ira-will-fund-itself\nOne Day Your Roth IRA Will Fund Itself",
"text": "One Day Your Roth IRA Will Fund Itself When you’re making your retirement contributions, are you working toward a specific investment goal in your 401 (k), Traditional IRA and/or Roth IRA—or are you mostly maximizing your annual contributions as a way of minimizing your tax liability in the current year? The answer to this question is more important than it seems at first glance. While you’re saving and investing money, there should be a target you’re hoping to reach, a certain portfolio size that confirms that you’re on target for your life after work. Until you establish such a goal, there’s no objective way to know if you’re adequately funding the kind of retirement you hope to have. ( Also, if you don’t already know it, you don’t get a tax deduction for your Roth IRA contribution and may not get one for your Traditional IRA if you’re above a certain income level and have a retirement plan at work—or your spouse does. ) If you haven’t set an investment goal up to this point, there are steps you can take to help you establish the amount of money you’ll need in retirement investments to fund the retirement lifestyle you desire. Below, we’ll outline the steps, and work an example with the Roth IRA Calculator on this site that can help you set and work toward your own retirement investment goal. Step 1: Determine the Monthly Retirement Income You’ll Need This step can get really involved, if only because you’re attempting to project expense levels for a life you’re not currently living. To keep it simple, many financial planners recommend using 80% of your current income as a yardstick. For our example, we’ll assume an income of $10,000 per month, which at 80% is $8,000."
"docid": "D3405887#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080319213333AAY4gkF\nHow much can you deposit in a bank without getting reported?",
"text": "\"Business & Finance Personal Finance How much can you deposit in a bank without getting reported? If you work minimum part time and go to school. Not enough to get taxed on. and lets say, that you save up a few hundred dollars over time through gifts and stuff like that. Can you put that in the bank without the government asking you how you got that. Update: What if its under 10,000 but as you keep adding money over the years. It goes over 10,0005 following 14 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: If the deposits are suspicious they can be reported regardless of the amount on a Suspicious Activity Report. Since you work part time, and would be depositing your paychecks, you wouldn't have to worry about that. If you deposit $10,000 or more IN CASH at ONE time, then the bank is required to fill out a Currency Transaction Report. If you have more than $10,000 in your account and transfer it into another account or write a check for that amount, then nothing will be reported."
"docid": "D234717#0",
"title": "https://www.bankbazaar.com/fixed-deposit/sbi-fixed-deposit-rate.html\nState Bank of India (SBI) FD Rates 2018",
"text": "State Bank of India (SBI) FD Rates 2018Calculate Your Fixed deposit Maturity with: FD Calculator The State Bank of India (SBI) offers a wide range of Fixed Deposits (FDs) that offer a good rate of return and come with various other benefits. Some of the features of SBI FDs include nomination facility, flexible tenure options, auto renewal facility, different interest payout options, loan/overdraft facility, Etc. It is very easy to open an SBI FD online and this can be done at the click of a button in a paper-free manner. There are different types of FDs to choose from in SBI and one can opt for the same based on individual needs and financial goals. Senior citizens and pensioners are eligible for a higher rate of interest and the same will be provided upon submission of age proof documents. SBI recently revised the interest rates offered on FDs, increasing the rates across all tenures. At present, the highest rate of interest provided on SBI FDs for individuals is 6.75% p.a, while the highest rate of return offered to senior citizens is 7.25% p.a. There are various advantages of opening an FD with SBI: SBI FDs offer competitive industry rates Flexible tenure options Higher rate of interest for senior citizens Different interest payout options such as monthly, quarterly, etc The revised Interest rates per annum for Regular & Senior Citizens with effect from 28 March 2018 are as follows: Tenure Regular FD Interest Rates (p.a) Senior Citizen FD Interest Rates (p.a)7 days to 45 days 5.75% 6.25%46 days to 179 days 6.25% 6.75%180 days to 210 days 6.35% 6.85%211 days to less than 2 years 6.40% 6.90%2 years to less than 3 years 6.60% 7.10%3 years to less than 5 years 6.70% 7.20%5 years to 10 years 6.75% 7.25%*The above interest rates are for investments less than Rs.1 crore Now, Close Your SBI FD Online Easily State Bank of India (SBI) customers can easily close their Fixed Deposit (FD) account online before maturity. The bank recently took to social media and even posted a video on Twitter to create awareness about how to preclose an FD online. This is applicable to customers holding ETDR/STDR e-term deposits."
"docid": "D199091#0",
"title": "https://www.commbank.com.au/personal/accounts/term-deposits/rates-fees.html\nTERM DEPOSITS RATES AND FEES",
"text": "TERM DEPOSITS RATES AND FEESSPECIAL 2.45% P. A. TERM DEPOSITFOR 9 MONTHSOffer available from 4 April 2018 for a limited time only on balances from $10,000 to $1,999,999 with interest paid 6 monthly or at maturity. 1Open now Some of our most popular rates Term Interest rate for $10,000 to $49,999Interest rate for $50,000 to $1,999,999Interest paid60 months2.65%p.a.2.75% p.a. Annually24 - 33 months2.60% p.a.2.70% p.a. Annually12 months2.20% p.a.2.30% p.a. At the end of the term6 months2.05% p.a.2.05% p.a. At the end of the term3 months2.00% p.a.2.00% p.a. At the end of the term The above Term Deposit rates are available online and in branch for personal and business customers with a maximum limit of $1,999,999 per customer. For amounts greater than $1,999,999, please contact any Commonwealth Bank branch or your relationship manager for the latest interest rates. Latest rates as of 4 April 2018. Interest rates on offer may vary at any time without notice."
"docid": "D1916157#0",
"title": "http://securitydepositrefund.org/florida-renters-rights-law.html\nSecurity Deposit Refund Florida Renters Rights Law",
"text": "Security Deposit Refund Florida Renters Rights Law Is your Landlord refusing to give back your security deposit? Landlord avoiding your emails and phone calls? We can help. Landlord tenant law in the state of Florida is very clear There are specific steps and requirements that a landlord must meet regarding security deposits. If the landlord does not follow the exact letter of the law their right to withhold ANY of your deposit money is forfeited completely. In this case Tenant laws in the State of Florida force the landlord to return 100% of your security deposit. This page has been moved to a new version located here:https://securitydepositrefund.org/florida-renters-rights-law/Florida in a nutshell - Upon the vacating of the premises for termination of the lease, if the landlord does not intend to impose a claim on the security deposit, the landlord shall have 15 days to return the security deposit together with interest if otherwise required, or the landlord shall have 30 days to give the tenant written notice by certified mail to the tenant’s last known mailing address of his or her intention to impose a claim on the deposit and the reason for imposing the claim. This is a notice of my intention to impose a claim for damages in the amount of upon your security deposit, due to . It is sent to you as required by s. 83.49 (3), Florida Statutes. You are hereby notified that you must object in writing to this deduction from your security deposit within 15 days from the time you receive this notice or I will be authorized to deduct my claim from your security deposit."
"docid": "D870475#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_value\nPresent value",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( March 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)In economics and finance, present value, also known as present discounted value, is the value of an expected income stream determined as of the date of valuation. The present value is always less than or equal to the future value because money has interest -earning potential, a characteristic referred to as the time value of money, except during times of negative interest rates, when the present value will be more than the future value. [ 1] Time value can be described with the simplified phrase, \"\"A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow\"\". Here, 'worth more' means that its value is greater. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow because the dollar can be invested and earn a day's worth of interest, making the total accumulate to a value more than a dollar by tomorrow. Interest can be compared to rent. [ 2] Just as rent is paid to a landlord by a tenant, without the ownership of the asset being transferred, interest is paid to a lender by a borrower who gains access to the money for a time before paying it back."
"docid": "D1604533#0",
"title": "http://www.finalhomework.com/tag/test-bank/\nACC/557 Midterm Exam â New",
"text": "ACC 557 Complete Class Solution ACC/557 Midterm Exam – New February 3, 2016ACC 557 Midterm Exam – Strayer New Click On The Link Below To Purchase Instant Downloadhttp://budapp.net/ACC-557-Midterm-Exam-New-ACC557W5E.htm Chapter 1 Through 8CHAPTER 1ACCOUNTING IN ACTIONCHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Explain what accounting is. 2. Identify the users and uses of accounting. 3. Understand why ethics is a fundamental business concept. 4. Explain generally accepted accounting principles. 5. Explain the monetary unit assumption and the economic entity assumption."
"docid": "D386135#0",
"title": "http://www.barclays.co.uk/Savings/GuidetoISAsallowancesandrulesexplained/P1242558112510\nGuide to ISAs",
"text": "Savings accounts ISAs Guide to ISAs Allowances and rules explained From finding the right ISA for you, to transferring your ISA and withdrawing money – read the rules and annual allowances for tax-free savings. What’s new for ISAs? Save up to £20,000 in the 2018/19 tax year Withdraw and replace funds in the same tax year without affecting your annual ISA allowance (except Help To Buy: ISAs or Flexible Cash ISAs - Issues 1 to 9)Help to Buy: ISA is available if you’re saving towards your first home We don’t offer the Lifetime ISA at the moment but you can still read details about them Take a look Watch our short video about ISAs. What is an ISA? Tax-free savings account An ISA is an Individual Savings Account that enables you to save or invest money without paying tax on the interest or on the investment returns you receive. To open an ISA, you need to be a UK resident for tax purposes and aged 16 or over. For some ISAs, you may need to be 18 or over. ISA key facts. Annual allowances For each tax year, there’s a limit to the amount you can deposit into your ISA – this is your annual allowance. The allowance for the 2018/19 tax year is £20,000, which you can invest in a cash ISA, an investment ISA, an innovative finance ISA, or a combination of the 3."
] |
107 | 'false alarm' definition | [
"docid": "D507162#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_alarm\nFalse alarm",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For statistical usage, see False positive. For other uses, see False alarm (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)A false alarm, also called a nuisance alarm, is the deceptive or erroneous report of an emergency, causing unnecessary panic and/or bringing resources (such as emergency services) to a place where they are not needed. False alarms may occur with residential burglary alarms, smoke detectors, industrial alarms, and in signal detection theory. False alarms have the potential to divert emergency responders away from legitimate emergencies, which could ultimately lead to loss of life. In some cases, repeated false alarms in a certain area may cause occupants to develop alarm fatigue and to start ignoring most alarms, knowing that each time it will probably be false. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Types2.1 Residential burglar alarms2.1.1 Causes and prevention2.1.1.1 Improper arming and disarming of the system2.1.1.2 Untrained users2.1.1.3 Power problems2.1.1.4 Pets2.1.1.5 Unsecured windows and doors2.2 Smoke detectors2.3 Industrial alarms2.4 Signal detection theory3 Examples4 Semantics5 See also6 References Overview [ edit]The term “false alarm” refers to alarm systems in many different applications being triggered by something other than the expected trigger-event."
] | [
"docid": "D755523#0",
"title": "http://www.rch.org.au/rchcpg/hospital_clinical_guideline_index/Observation_and_Continuous_Monitoring/\nObservation and Continuous Monitoring",
"text": "Observation and Continuous Monitoring Introduction Aim Definition of Terms Guideline Details Companion Documents Evidence Table References1. Introduction Regular measurement and documentation of physiological observations (i.e. clinical observations) are essential requirements for patient assessment and the recognition of clinical deterioration. The Victorian Children’s Tool for Observation and Response (Vi CTOR) charts are a set of 5 age-specific ‘track and trigger’ paediatric observation charts for use in Victorian hospitals, and are designed to assist in recognising and responding to clinical deterioration in children. An age appropriate Vi CTOR chart must be used for all inpatients at RCH. The charts are available for the following 5 age groups: less than 3 months, 3 to 12 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 11 years and 12 to 18 years. At RCH there are no adult charts and the 12-18 years chart should be used for young people older than 18 years. These ‘track and trigger’ charts mandate a response by the clinician once the patient’s observations reach a designated ‘zone’. Concerning changes in any one observation, or vital sign, are indicated by two coloured zones (Orange and Purple). If a child’s observation transgresses the Orange or Purple zone an escalation of care response is triggered. The type and urgency of the escalation response depends on the degree of clinical abnormality."
"docid": "D3541151#0",
"title": "http://www.siacinc.org/standards.aspx\nStandards",
"text": "Standards The following ANSI standards relate to alarm system use. * Copies of the SIA documents are made freely available to law enforcement agencies and professionals, to obtain a copy of the document please click on the link for the relevant document. NOTE : ANSI/SIA CP-01 and ANSI/SIA PIR-01 are tested and Marked by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. This allows Law Enforcement the ability to gauge compliance with the technical specifications for these two Standards. Standard Documents/Lists View POWERPOINT Explaining SIA CP-01 Standard Powerpoint File Control Panel Standard CP-01 - REQUEST COPY * ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010-REVISED - The first in SIA's series of false alarm standards, it details design features for security system control panels to reduce false alarms in residential and commercial properties. It covers event recognition and information handling sequences, as well as provisions for system layout testing. Addressing both user- and equipment-caused false alarms, it is intended for use or reference by all security industry professionals. The latest 2010 version allows more flexibilty in programming SWINGER SHUTDOWN and the ABORT DELAY. This Standard includes installer programming options and recommended test procedures to help determine compliance to the standard. ANSI/CSAA CS-V-01 – 2016 - UPDATED CSAA Standard - Alarm Confirmation, Verification and Notification Procedures - This standard defines methods by which false dispatches can be greatly reduced. It has been proven that confirming and verifying an alarm signal by a monitoring central station will drastically reduce false dispatches."
"docid": "D2729487#0",
"title": "http://www.popcenter.org/problems/false_alarms/2/\nThe Causes, Effectiveness & Costs of False Burglar Alarms",
"text": "The Causes, Effectiveness & Costs of False Burglar Alarms The Causes of False Burglar Alarms Research suggests that false burglar alarms result from three main causes:user errors, such as using incorrect keypad codes, leaving a door or window open when activating the alarm, roaming pets or helium balloons, and errors arising from inadequate employee training, such as entering and exiting alarmed premises incorrectly 7faulty or inappropriately selected equipmentpoor installation, including failing to install motion detectors in sensible areas or at appropriate heights. ††† One U. K. study found that user error caused about 50 percent of alarm activations (Gill and Hemming 2003).†† The alarm industry suggests user error accounts for the largest portion of false calls, poor installation is on the decline, and faulty equipment is less of a problem given recent technological advances [International Association of Chiefs of Police n.d. ( a)]. These are not the sole causes. Bad weather, alarm monitoring-center mistakes, and alarm line errors also falsely signal a burglar’s presence. 8Commercial properties tend to have even higher false alarm rates than residential properties because more people tend to share responsibility for activating and deactivating the alarm systems, and the systems tend to be more complex. The rate of false alarms for commercial alarm users may be as much as three times higher than the rate of false alarms among residential alarm users. 9 Chronic false alarm activations are often due to inadequate employee training or inferior systems that have not been upgraded. The Effectiveness of Burglar Alarms Burglar alarms are intended to prevent burglary and to help police apprehend burglars, which, if done reliably and efficiently, benefits the public at large. If, however, burglar alarms are unreliable or inefficient, the drain on police resources from responding to them may outweigh their benefits. Here we review the evidence of burglar alarms’ contribution to these two worthwhile objectives."
"docid": "D1034643#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False-positive\nType I and type II errors",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from False-positive)navigation search This article is about erroneous outcomes of statistical tests. For closely related concepts in binary classification and testing generally, see false positives and false negatives. In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (also known as a \"\"false positive\"\" finding), while a type II error is incorrectly retaining a false null hypothesis (also known as a \"\"false negative\"\" finding). [ 1] More simply stated, a type I error is to falsely infer the existence of something that is not there, while a type II error is to falsely infer the absence of something that is. Contents [ hide ]1 Definition2 Statistical test theory2.1 Type I error2.2 Type II error2.3 Table of error types3 Examples3.1 Example 13.2 Example 23.3 Example 33.4 Example 44 Etymology5 Related terms5.1 Null hypothesis5.2 Statistical significance6 Application domains6.1 Inventory control6.2 Computers6.2.1 Computer security6.2.2 Spam filtering6.2.3 Malware6.2.4 Optical character recognition6.3 Security screening6.4 Biometrics6.5 Medicine6.5.1 Medical screening6.5.2 Medical testing7 See also8 Notes9 References10 External links Definition [ edit]In statistics, a null hypothesis is a statement that one seeks to nullify with evidence to the contrary. Most commonly it is a statement that the phenomenon being studied produces no effect or makes no difference. An example of a null hypothesis is the statement \"\"This diet has no effect on people's weight.\"\" Usually, an experimenter frames a null hypothesis with the intent of rejecting it: that is, intending to run an experiment which produces data that shows that the phenomenon under study does make a difference. [ 2] In some cases there is a specific alternative hypothesis that is opposed to the null hypothesis, in other cases the alternative hypothesis is not explicitly stated, or is simply \"\"the null hypothesis is false\"\" – in either event, this is a binary judgment, but the interpretation differs and is a matter of significant dispute in statistics. A type I error (or error of the first kind) is the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis."
"docid": "D393291#0",
"title": "https://pdpermits.sandiego.gov/\nWelcome to the City of San Diego Alarm Prevention and Administration Site",
"text": "Welcome to the City of San Diego Alarm Prevention and Administration Site The majority of alarms the San Diego Police and Fire-Rescue Departments respond to are false, resulting in an enormous waste of resources. False alarms create an unnecessary danger to citizens, police officers, and firefighters. The City of San Diego requires 2 permits for monitored systems. A permit with the Police Department for monitored systems that detect burglary and robbery and a permit with the Fire-Rescue Department for monitored systems that detect fire, harmful gas, and smoke. These permits are required for all monitored alarm systems for both residential and commercial properties. Click on the False Alarm Prevention button listed below for a list of fees and penalties associated with false alarms, as well as for frequently asked questions. ATTENTION ALARM USERS: Please do not create new alarm permits if you have an existing permit. Duplicate permits will result in multiple invoices being generated for the same address. Alarm users should only have a maximum of one residential or commercial permit per alarm for Fire and/or Police. If you are unable to access your existing permit, please email the respective Alarm Administrators using the following email: Police: [email protected] Fire: [email protected] Javascript must be enabled for site to function properly."
"docid": "D1147237#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100320192530AA4OQ1l\nDoes police charge for responding to false home alarms? ADT?",
"text": "Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police Does police charge for responding to false home alarms? ADT? Hello I wasn't able to find any info anywhere so hopefully someone can help me out here. My question is my home alarm system went off while I was away, an police came down to check and left a note as mechanical error. No I didn't answer my phone cause I was out and didn't notice until I got home.... show more Update: Badge, being that false alarm are common, is it safe that the first time is ignored? Also if you can guesstimate the max charge , how much do u think? It's my first false alarm thanks u much1 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: In my city you get 3 a year, after that the home owner is charged $150.00 for every false alarm dispatch they are sent to Your city may or may not do this, but your city police department can tell you during business hours as the clerk will have the fines if any Badge203 · 8 years ago3 0 Comment Asker's rating1Source (s): Criminal Records Search Database - http://Search Verify Info.com/? RVHj Eleanor · 2 years ago0 0 Comment First time no , but after that you will be charge what ever. ( My alarm went off, I had no ideal y so I told the company to send the police this was .at 2;30pm I went home about 4pm. I called the alarm co. to tell them to cancel the call and they said they couldn't."
"docid": "D1869374#0",
"title": "http://news.softpedia.com/news/McAfee-Faulty-Definitions-Update-Quarantines-Vista-Components-96219.shtml\nMcAfee Faulty Definitions Update Quarantine Vista Components",
"text": "Mc Afee Faulty Definitions Update Quarantine Vista Components GOWindows Vista console IME was detected as PWS-Leg Mir Oct 22, 2008 09:52 GMT · By Lucian Constantin · Share: The Windows Vista console IME was incorrectly tagged by Mc Afee's security products as Trojan PWS-Leg Mir due to a faulty definitions file. The false positive was corrected in a later definitions update. The 5409 DAT files released on October 20, 2008 contained a bad signature that falsely detected a legit Windows Vista component as malware. Due to the faulty signatures, the Mc Afee products quarantined or completely deleted the conime.exe (Windows Vista console IME) file, which they generically detected as belonging to the PWS-Leg Mir Trojan. Mc Afee explains that the false positive resulted because that particular definition is designed to generically detect multiple Trojan-type malicious applications that steal passwords. “ This includes trojans written in multiple HLLs, including MSVC, MSVB and Delphi,” claims Mc Afee. The name of the PWS-Leg Mir.gen or PWS-Leg Mir.gen.b comes from the fact that in addition to stealing password from various locations on the system, the trojans which are detected under this signature also steal information for the Legend of Mir computer game if the game is installed on a compromised machine. Mc Afee fixed this problem by releasing the 5410 DAT files the next day, on October 21. The new signature successfully corrected the issue and the affected users were able to restore the legit file. “ The 5409 DAT files contain an incorrect identification on PWS-Leg Mir."
"docid": "D219153#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burglar_alarm\nSecurity alarm",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Burglar alarm)navigation search This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. ( March 2011) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Wireless home alarm system control panel A security alarm is a system designed to detect intrusion – unauthorized entry – into a building or other area. Security alarms are used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for protection against burglary ( theft) or property damage, as well as personal protection against intruders. Car alarms likewise help protect vehicles and their contents. Prisons also use security systems for control of inmates. Some alarm systems serve a single purpose of burglary protection; combination systems provide both fire and intrusion protection. Intrusion alarm systems may also be combined with closed-circuit television surveillance (CCTV) systems to automatically record the activities of intruders, and may interface to access control systems for electrically locked doors. Systems range from small, self-contained noisemakers, to complicated, multiarea systems with computer monitoring and control. It may even include two-way voice which allows communication between the panel and Monitoring station."
"docid": "D3043830#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/false+alarm\nfalse alarm",
"text": "\"false alarm Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .false alarmnoun deception, fabrication, fake, false alert, false arrest, false danger signal,false notice, false notification, false signal, false warning, fraud, sham See also: hoax Burton's Legal Thesaurus, 4E. Copyright © 2007 by William C. Burton. Used with permission of The Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page:<a href=\"\"https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/false+alarm\"\">false alarm</a>Facebook Twitter Feedback Flashcards & Bookmarks? Please log in or register to use Flashcards and Bookmarks. You can also log in with Facebook Twitter Google+ Yahoo The Free Dictionary presents: Write what you mean clearly and correctly. \""
"docid": "D276741#0",
"title": "http://www.dummies.com/computers/operating-systems/windows-xp-vista/examining-different-types-of-intrusion-detection-systems/\nExamining Different Types of Intrusion Detection Systems",
"text": "Computers Operating Systems Windows XP & Vista Examining Different Types of Intrusion Detection Systems Examining Different Types of Intrusion Detection Systems Intrusion detection is defined as real-time monitoring and analysis of network activity and data for potential vulnerabilities and attacks in progress. One major limitation of current intrusion detection system (IDS) technologies is the requirement to filter false alarms lest the operator (system or security administrator) be overwhelmed with data. IDSes are classified in many different ways, including active and passive, network-based and host-based, and knowledge-based and behavior-based: Active and passive IDSAn active IDS (now more commonly known as an intrusion prevention system — IPS) is a system that’s configured to automatically block suspected attacks in progress without any intervention required by an operator. IPS has the advantage of providing real-time corrective action in response to an attack but has many disadvantages as well. An IPS must be placed in-line along a network boundary; thus, the IPS itself is susceptible to attack. Also, if false alarms and legitimate traffic haven’t been properly identified and filtered, authorized users and applications may be improperly denied access. Finally, the IPS itself may be used to effect a Denial of Service (Do S) attack by intentionally flooding the system with alarms that cause it to block connections until no connections or bandwidth are available. A passive IDS is a system that’s configured only to monitor and analyze network traffic activity and alert an operator to potential vulnerabilities and attacks. It isn’t capable of performing any protective or corrective functions on its own. The major advantages of passive IDSes are that these systems can be easily and rapidly deployed and are not normally susceptible to attack themselves."
"docid": "D625394#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/world-view/false-cause-effect-mean-logic-b09673187c7d75ce\n\"What does \"\"false cause and effect\"\" mean in logic?\"",
"text": "\"World View Philosophy Logic & Reasoning Q: What does \"\"false cause and effect\"\" mean in logic? A: Quick Answer In logic, \"\"false cause and effect\"\" is when one event is said to have caused another event just because the first event preceded the second event. It is a logical fallacy because it uses sequence as the only evidence without considering other factors. Continue Reading Keep Learning What are some examples of a causal argument? What is analytical reasoning? What is Greek Rationalism? Credit: Jeffrey Coolidge Stone Getty Images Full Answer The original Latin term for \"\"false cause and effect\"\" is \"\"post hoc ergo propter hoc,\"\" which translates to \"\"after this, therefore because of this.\"\" The Latin name can be shortened to \"\"post hoc.\"\" It is often used in advertising, where a positive change is attributed to the product being sold without mentioning other factors that could have been just as beneficial. Learn more about Logic & Reasoning Sources: college.cengage.com en.wikipedia.org Related Questions Q: What are the differences between formal and material objects of logic?"
"docid": "D698984#0",
"title": "http://www.thesafetycentre.co.uk/blog/fire_alarm_systems_terms_and_abbreviations_explained.php\nFire Alarm Systems Terms and Abbreviations Explained",
"text": "\"Fire Alarm Systems Terms and Abbreviations Explained Fire Alarm Systems This is a short guide to some of the terms and abbreviations used with fire alarm systems. Addressable - Addressable Fire Alarm Systems can have a text location assigned to a component on the system which pinpoints exactly where that device is located. This is often achieved by numbering the device and assigning a text location to that device using a laptop with the control panel. AFD - Stands for Automatic Fire Detection (examples of this could be a smoke detector which automatically detectors smoke in the environment). Analogue - An analogue fire alarm device is capable of monitoring the analogue levels within the unit. For example an analogue smoke detector will be able to indicate how much smoke is in the chamber of the smoke detector head. This is particularly useful in false alarm management as a pre-alarm can be set up to indicate before the smoke detector has enough smoke in the head to activate the control panel into full alarm. Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems - Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are wired using loop circuits which can accomodate both detection equipment and alarm equipment. These systems are more advanced that Conventional / Non-addressable fire alarm systems as they provide can provide mush more information than the more traditional conventional systems. ARC - Stands for Alarm Receiving Centre."
"docid": "D78655#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_I_and_type_II_errors\nType I and type II errors",
"text": "\"Type I and type II errors From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about erroneous outcomes of statistical tests. For closely related concepts in binary classification and testing generally, see false positives and false negatives. In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (also known as a \"\"false positive\"\" finding), while a type II error is incorrectly retaining a false null hypothesis (also known as a \"\"false negative\"\" finding). [ 1] More simply stated, a type I error is to falsely infer the existence of something that is not there, while a type II error is to falsely infer the absence of something that is. Contents [ hide ]1 Definition2 Statistical test theory2.1 Type I error2.2 Type II error2.3 Table of error types3 Examples3.1 Example 13.2 Example 23.3 Example 33.4 Example 44 Etymology5 Related terms5.1 Null hypothesis5.2 Statistical significance6 Application domains6.1 Inventory control6.2 Computers6.2.1 Computer security6.2.2 Spam filtering6.2.3 Malware6.2.4 Optical character recognition6.3 Security screening6.4 Biometrics6.5 Medicine6.5.1 Medical screening6.5.2 Medical testing7 See also8 Footnotes9 References10 External links Definition [ edit]In statistics, a null hypothesis is a statement that one seeks to nullify with evidence to the contrary. Most commonly it is a statement that the phenomenon being studied produces no effect or makes no difference. An example of a null hypothesis is the statement \"\"This diet has no effect on people's weight.\"\" Usually, an experimenter frames a null hypothesis with the intent of rejecting it: that is, intending to run an experiment which produces data that shows that the phenomenon under study does make a difference. [ 2] In some cases there is a specific alternative hypothesis that is opposed to the null hypothesis, in other cases the alternative hypothesis is not explicitly stated, or is simply \"\"the null hypothesis is false\"\" – in either event, this is a binary judgment, but the interpretation differs and is a matter of significant dispute in statistics. A type I error (or error of the first kind) is the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis."
"docid": "D3302562#0",
"title": "https://www.isixsigma.com/tools-templates/statistical-analysis/understanding-spc/\nUnderstanding Statistical Process Control [VIDEO] â With Eduardo Santiago",
"text": "Understanding Statistical Process Control [VIDEO] – With Eduardo Santiago Michael Cyger 3Statistical process control (SPC), despite sounding esoteric, is a subject that every process owner and worker should – and can – understand, at least at a high level. Knowing whether a process is in control and stable is paramount to producing a product or service that meets customer needs. In this hour-long Minitab training course that took place in Seattle, Eduardo Santiago covers many useful topics related to SPC, including: The difference between common-cause and special-cause variation (1:28)Rational subgroups and why they are necessary when collecting data (8:30)Two separate phases for running control charts (30:00)Determining when a process is in control and out of statistical process control (31:00)The eight tests for identifying special causes of variation (36:27)Stages of statistical process control (56:47)Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:04:34About Eduardo Santiago Eduardo Santiago is a technical training specialist with Minitab. Eduardo earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from CETYS-Universidad, one of Mexico’s premier educational institutions, and later earned an M. Eng. and a Ph. D. in industrial engineering and operations research from Penn State University, focusing on optimal design theory and how to collect the greatest amount of useful data in the fewest number of runs in expensive testing situations. He earned his Six Sigma Green Belt certification from Sony while working as a quality improvement consultant for clients such as Plantronics, RCA Display, URBI Homes and Markofoam, a Sony supplier. Before becoming a consultant, Eduardo spent five years teaching mathematics, statistics, chemistry and physics. Eduardo also taught an undergraduate engineering economics course at CETYS University."
"docid": "D3280344#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/articles/do-false-alarms-cost-you-money.htm\nDo False Alarms Cost You Money?",
"text": "Do False Alarms Cost You Money? Home security systems can protect your home, but false alarms can result in fees and fines from cities and towns. Member Michael Braun of San Antonio says he learned a valuable lesson about using nonlocal alarm system providers when he hired Central Security Group for service last year. He says the company, which is based in Oklahoma and services the southern United States, refused to properly fix a malfunctioning motion detector battery that he says continually sent false alarms to his local police department. “The techs were incompetent and refused to listen to what I had to say,” he says. “ They would take weeks to return service calls. I received more than $100 in fines from San Antonio for false alarms. ”He says he ultimately asked highly rated Friendly Security in San Antonio to fix the problem. He says Friendly previously served as a third-party vendor for CSG and originally hooked up his system, so when his contract with CSG ended, he hired Friendly to service and monitor the system. Related Article DIY Home Security Systems Provide Personalized Protection If you don't want to hire and pay a security company to install video cameras and sensors throughout your house, a DIY home alarm system is an option."
"docid": "D2122606#0",
"title": "http://nuclearfiles.org/menu/key-issues/nuclear-weapons/issues/accidents/20-mishaps-maybe-caused-nuclear-war.htm\n.",
"text": "\"20 Mishaps That Might Have Started Accidental Nuclear Warby Alan F. Philips, M. D. Ever since the two adversaries in the Cold War, the U. S. A. an the U. S. S. R., realized that their nuclear arsenals were sufficient to do disastrous damage to both countries at short notice, the leaders and the military commanders have thought about the possibility of a nuclear war starting without their intention or as a result of a false alarm. Increasingly elaborate accessories have been incorporated in nuclear weapons and their delivery systems to minimize the risk of unauthorized or accidental launch or detonation. A most innovative action was the establishment of the \"\"hot line\"\" between Washington and Moscow in 1963 to reduce the risk of misunderstanding between the supreme commanders. E-mail this Page Printer Friendly Despite all precautions, the possibility of an inadvertent war due to an unpredicted sequence of events remained as a deadly threat to both countries and to the world. That is the reason I am prepared to spend the rest of my life working for abolition of nuclear weapons. One way a war could start is a false alarm via one of the warning systems, followed by an increased level of nuclear forces readiness while the validity of the information was being checked. This action would be detected by the other side, and they would take appropriate action; detection of the response would tend to confirm the original false alarm; and so on to disaster. A similar sequence could result from an accidental nuclear explosion anywhere. The risk of such a sequence developing would be increased if it happened during a period of increased international tension. On the American side many \"\"false alarms\"\" and significant accidents have been listed , ranging from trivial to very serious, during the Cold War ."
"docid": "D441026#0",
"title": "http://www.academia.edu/1701761/An_Overview_of_Intrusion_Detection_System_by_TigerHATS\nAn Overview of Intrusion Detection System by TigerHATS",
"text": "An Overview of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Presented by: Monzur Morshed Tiger HATS www.tigerhats.org Tiger HATS - Information is power The International Research group dedicated to Theories, Simulation and Modeling, New Approaches, Applications, Experiences, Development, Evaluations, Education, Human, Cultural and Industrial Technology Homepage: www.tigerhats.org Twitter: www.twitter.com/tigerhats An Overview of Intrusion Detection System Presented by Monzur Morshed (Tiger HATS) Overview Intrusion Detection System Types of IDS IDS Mechanism Responsibility of IDS IDS Terminology Difference between Firewall & IDS Why Do I Need An IDS, I Have A Firewall? Several IDS diagram HIDS Vs. NIDS Passive Vs. Active IDS Challenges Top IDS Conclusion What is Intrusion ? An intrusion is a deliberate unauthorized attempt, successful or not, to break into, access, manipulate, or misuse some valuable property and where the misuse may result into or render the property unreliable or unusable. The person who intrudes is an intruder. Intrusion Detection: Intrusion detection is a technique of detecting unauthorized access to a computer system or a computer network. Intrusion Detection Defined Clear Definition: An Intrusion detection system pertains to the methods used to identify an attack on a computer or computer network. Formal Definition: “ [Intrusion Detection] is the art of detecting inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous activity.” -Dirk Lehmann, Siemens CERT Intrusion Detection System An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system used to detect unauthorized intrusions into computer systems and networks."
"docid": "D3416974#0",
"title": "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=630384\nThread: Python Alarm Clock",
"text": "\"December 3rd, 2007 #1mevets Cookies and cream Join Date Apr 2006Beans424Distro Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Python Alarm Clock I am writing a simple alarm clock in python. Currently it works but not so well. The way that I implemented it was I recieve what time the alarm should go off and what time it currently is. I get the current time every second. So each second I compare the times to see if they are the same time. This locks up the program though. Obviously this is not the most effcient method. I guess I could up the interval to 30 seconds, but I still dont think it would be most correct. So my question is, What is a better way of implementing an alarm clock? My other idea was to take the alarm time and subtract from it the current time."
"docid": "D2996829#0",
"title": "http://www.a4alarms.com/falsealarm.html\nUSA",
"text": "\"Burglar / Security Alarm Permit A security alarm permit is required if you have a security alarm that is audible and/or monitored to provide police response. The annual permit fee is $50 for a residence and $100 for a business permit. Call Special Collections Customer Service at (214) 670-3438 to obtain a permit application. A permitted alarm site is allowed five free false alarms in a twelve month period. Each false alarm above five in a twelve month period is charged at $50. Fire / Medical Alarm Registration The City of Dallas requires that Fire/Medical alarms be registered with the Dallas Fire Department after the first false Fire/Medical alarm is initiated at an alarm site. Registration Fee is $10. An alarm service fee is charged of $50 for resident and $100 for business for each false fire alarm notification in excess of one per month. A service fee of $100 is charged for each false medical alarm in excess of one per year. For information on registration and waiver of false alarm calls, contact the Dallas Fire Department at (214) 670-4514."
"docid": "D3298497#0",
"title": "https://www.reviews.com/home-security-systems/\nThe 5 Best Home Security Systems",
"text": "\"The 5 Best Home Security Systems ADTMost Popular Provider Frontpoint Best Customer Support Vivint Best for Home Automation Simpli Safe Runner-Up Get Safe Runner-Up Editor's Note Most Popular Provider: ADTRead Review Get a Free Quote If you only know one name from our top picks, chances are it’s ADT – the company has been around since the late 1800s, and boasts several million more subscribers than any other home security provider. When it comes to deterring potential break-ins, we think brand recognition has significant value. If you want to know that you’re protected (and you want other people to know it too), an ADT sign in your front yard is a good bet. It came as no surprise that, eight months in, our tester reported resting easier knowing that his ADT system was on at night. The technology ADT offers is roughly equivalent to our other top picks, including a variety of video cameras with remote control features that can help you assess alerts and decide whether you need to notify police — an ability that virtually all of our testers stressed was important when we followed up with them. Best Customer Support: Frontpoint Read Review Get a Free Quote Frontpoint impressed us with its customer service. We felt like it had our back every step of the way. When we needed help choosing our equipment, the sales rep listened to our safety concerns and recommended specific items for each room. Even the DIY installation experience was designed with care. Instead of calling the company or scouring through a manual, we received a box with a link to a personalized mobile website."
] |
114 | 'seniorsmeet' phone number | [
"docid": "D917179#0",
"title": "http://contactnumber7.com/seniorsmeet-com-contact-number-163759\nSeniorsmeet com Phone Numbers and Email Addresses",
"text": "Know More About The Service of Seniorsmeet com : Seniorsmeet is a online place where people can chat, send messages, live chat. Seniorsmeet was officially designed for the Senior persons those who are single and are living alone then Seniorsmeet is the place for them to find the perfect match. There are about 55 million persons linked with the Seniorsmeet. Seniorsmeet has achieved great importance in the country. The aim of the Seniorsmeet was to enhance the life of the senior persons that are working in offices and has no one to look after them. Seniorsmeet Role And Operations The Seniorsmeet works as a middle men to establish the relationship with the other person. The Seniorsmeet is are making the two people to know each other. The customers can place there bio data on there www.eniorsmeet.com and the Seniorsmeet finds a perfect persons for each other. Those persons who are looking for love, dates, the Seniorsmeet is the right place for them. The Seniorsmeet are matching a thousands of couples with similar qualities and 2000 people married with the help of Seniorsmeet."
] | [
"docid": "D203043#0",
"title": "http://www.smartmobilephonesolutions.com/content/imei-vs-meid-vs-esn-purpose-of-a-device-identifier\nIMEI vs. MEID what is the difference?",
"text": "\"IMEI vs. MEID what is the difference? Submitted by James Bond on Tue, 12/17/2013 - 8:00am Are you wondering what that IMIE or MEID number is on your cell phone? Wondering why your phone shows an MEID number instead of an IMEI number or vise versa? Interested in knowing what the difference between the two is? Then you have come to the right place. This article explains what an IMEI and MEID number is and what they are used for. Purpose of the IMIE and MEIDBoth of these numbers are often referred to as “Device Identifiers” and are used to help wireless carriers and cell phone manufactures identify specific devices. Each of these Device Identifiers is unique to their specific device. Think of the IMEI number or MEID number as the phones Social Security Number. There might be thousands of a specific make and model of phone produced and released but each of those cell phones will have its own unique Device Identifier."
"docid": "D50752#0",
"title": "http://www.bajainsider.com/article/calling-mexico\nCalling To & From Mexico",
"text": "Posted by Baja Insider.com on April 29, 2015Calling To & From Mexico Instructions on calling to and from Mexico Have you had the need to change an airplane ticket, call relatives, or report a lost credit card from the U. S. while traveling in Mexico? Dialing to and from Mexico can be a little confusing to folks that are regular world callers. Sometimes, our whale watching and sport fishing clients, as well as foreigners living in Mexico, get puzzled and frustrated when trying to manage phone calls between cell phones and land lines. Add to that equation a different area code or nation code and you may find yourself frantically dialing one combination after another, only to be denied. Rest assured, it’s not just you. The variations can be confusing, even for locals. This is why we will like to offer this simple guide that you can cut and stick on the fridge or in your wallet. It will save you from that dark place where you find yourself muttering obscenities at the message in Spanish from the phone that lets you know that you are dialing something wrong for the tenth time. From your Mexican land phone:- To dial to a Mexican local number (same area code): Dial 7 digits (no area code necessary) - To dial to a Mexican long distance number: Dial 01 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits). - To dial to a Mexican cell phone number: Dial 044 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) (when in same area code) Dial 045 if the cell phone is a different area code than where you are (LD cell phone) - To dial to a U. S. phone number: Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) - To dial to a 1-800 U. S. number: (international rates apply) Dial 00 + 1 + 880 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-888 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 881 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-877 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 882 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-866 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 883 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a Mexican 01-800 number: Dial 01 + 800 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to other countries: Dial 00 + country code (1, 2 or 3 digits) + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To a US cell phone while is in Mexico (some companies have that as default): Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)From your Mexican cell phone:- To dial to a Mexican local number: Dial directly the área code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) - To dial to a Mexican long distance number: Dial area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) - To dial to a Mexican cell phone number Dial area code (3 digits) + phone number - To dial to a US phone number: Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) - To dial to a 1-800 U. S. number: (international rates apply) 00 + 1 + 880 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-888 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 881 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-877 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 882 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a 1-866 U. S. number: Dial 00 + 1 + 883 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to a Mexican 01-800 number: Dial 01 + 800 + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To dial to other countries: Dial 00 + country code (1, 2, or 3 digits) + phone number (usually 7 digits) - To a US cell phone while is in Mexico (some companies have that as default): Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)Also, to call from a Mexican cell phone while in the US to a Mexican cell phone in Mexico (believe me, it happens): Dial 011 + 52 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)From your US cell phone: You can make calls from your U. S. cell phone to Mexican numbers while you are in Mexico."
"docid": "D1582615#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-get-the-IMEI-number-from-a-mobile-phone-number-or-a-SIM-number\nHow do I get the IMEI number from a mobile phone number or a SIM number?",
"text": "SM_N915F Mobile Computing Telephones Cellular Service Providers Telephone Numbers How-to Question How do I get the IMEI number from a mobile phone number or a SIM number?ad by Toptal Toptal: Hire the top 10 software developers. Let Toptal match you with the top 3% of software developers for your next project. No-risk trial. Start Now at toptal.com9 Answers Rosario Contarino, 30+ years experience in telecommunication industry Answered Jan 19, 2017 · Author has 730 answers and 1.6m answer views Michael Orona , thanks for your A2A. You cannot get the IMEI number from a mobile phone number or from a SIM number. IMEI [1] (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) is a number associated with the phone. If you have the phone in your hands then you can get the IMEI number. Only mobile operators can retrieve the IMEI number, given a mobile phone number, as long as that mobile phone number has been associated with that phone previously. Footnotes [1] International Mobile Station Equipment Identity - Wikipedia9.6k Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Michael Orona Related Questions More Answers Below How can I get any other’s phone IMEI number? How do I fetch IMEI number and SIM number of phone? Can I get the IMEI number from my phone number?"
"docid": "D1710688#0",
"title": "http://www.metrorumors.com/metro-pcs-phones/guide-to-flashing-phones-to-metro-pcs/\nThe Advanced Guide to Flashing Phones to Metro PCS",
"text": "The topic of Flashing Phones to Metro PCS has been kept under radar for far too long. This guide will explain the process of flashing phones to Metro PCS, for educational purposes only. Before we dive into the process; its important to give some background information. * News Update* Metro PCS launched the Bring Your Own Phone program to allow customer the option to use their own GSM phone on metro PCS service. It is only available in select cities with only select phones. Please click the link above for more information. The Process of using a Non-Metro PCS phone on Metro PCS service is different depending on the type of Phone used. A Quick Rule of Thumb: CDMA is to Flash as GSM is to Unlock. If you have a CDMA Phone (Verizon, Sprint, Cricket, Boost, Page PLUS) and want to connect it to Metro PCS then it is referred to as Flashing a Phone to Metro PCS. If you have a GSM Phone (AT&T, T-Mobile, International Phone with SIM Card) and want to connect it to Metro PCS then it is referred to as Unlocking a Phone to Metro PCS."
"docid": "D734381#0",
"title": "http://www.callsupportnumber.com/netgear-support/\nWelcome to Netgear Support",
"text": "Welcome to Netgear Support Netgear Inc. is an American based global networking brand that delivers products and services to consumers, businesses as well as to service providers. It stylized, trademarked and marketed as NETGEAR. The company deals in three brands segments which include retail, commercial, and service supplier. The products of this company are built on the diversity of tested technologies like wireless, Ethernet, and powerline, with the aim of reliability as well as ease of use. The company provides wired and wireless devices that support networking, broadband access, as well as network connectivity. The products are available in several configurations to acknowledge the needs of users in every geographic region in which the company sold its products. Netgear sells its products in nearly 28,000 retail sites around the world, and through almost 31,000 value added resellers. Netgear products are also sold through several major cables, mobile and wired service providers around the globe. Netgear’s headquarter is located in San Jose, Calif; while there are 25 additional offices in different countries around the world. At Netgear, we transform the ideas into advanced networking products which connect people, power businesses and enhanced the way we live."
"docid": "D668993#0",
"title": "http://www.fldoe.org/accountability/data-sys/school-dis-data/superintendents.stml\nSuperintendents",
"text": "\"Superintendents Moving to Florida Home | School Superintendents Superintendents of Florida's public school districts are listed below with their physical and mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. Main telephone numbers for the school districts are also listed and in some cases are the same as the superintendents' numbers. District names link to their respective websites. * Indicates districts in which the Superintendent is appointed (26)Florida Public School Superintendents*Alachua Karen Clarke, Superintendent 620 East University Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601-5448 Supt. Phone: 352-955-7880 Fax: 352-955-7255 E-mail: [email protected] Main Number: 352-955-7300 Baker Sherrie Raulerson, Superintendent 270 South Blvd. E. Macclenny, FL 32063 Supt. Phone: 904-259-0401 Fax: 904-259-1387 E-mail:[email protected] Main Number: 904-259-6251 Bay William V. Husfelt, Superintendent 1311 Balboa Avenue Panama City, FL 32401-2080 Supt. Phone: 850-767-4101 Fax: 850-872-4367 E-mail: [email protected] Main Number: 850-767-4100Bradford Stacey Shuford Creighton, Superintendent 501 West Washington Street Starke, FL 32091-2525 Supt. Phone: 904-966-6018 Fax: 904-966-6030 E-mail:[email protected] Main Number: 904-966-6800 *Brevard Dr. Desmond K. Blackburn, Superintendent 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940-6601 Supt. Phone: 321-633-1000 Fax: 321-633-3432 E-mail:[email protected] Main Number: 321-633-1000 *Broward Robert Runcie, Superintendent 600 S. E. Third Avenue FL 10 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-3125 Supt."
"docid": "D2045895#0",
"title": "http://www.tomsguide.com/forum/id-1608163/verizon-phones-number.html\nTwo Verizon phones. same number?",
"text": "\"Closed Two Verizon phones. same number? Tags: Verizon Phones i Phone LG Internet Service Providers Last response: February 13, 2013 12:33 AM in Wireless Carriers Sharequestions101 January 25, 2013 5:21:26 AMHi, I have an iphone 4S and a LG phone from Verizon. I know it is possible to have one number on two phones but Verizon doesn't mention it. Also, Verizon tries to mislead one self into not doing it. Well I would like to. I have my main number on my iphone and a very different number on my LG. I want to put my number from the iphone into the LG but still having it on the iphone at the SAME TIME. I use my iphone mostly for everything, but sometimes I like to use my LG. On the LG, when I text people they get confused on who it is and what number they should send a back message to."
"docid": "D2405611#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiI6ETEBAr8\nOne direction cell phone number real 2015 NEW",
"text": "One direction cell phone number real 2015 NEWjohnny Cornwell Subscribe 259Add to Share More52,280 views Published on Mar 25, 2014Find one direction phone number real 2015 and his cell phone number here : http://onedirectionphone.blogspot.com/ One Direction phone numbers 2015 real. One Direction phone numbers real 2015. harry styles phone number real 2015. harry styles phone number real leaked. liam payne phone number leaked 2015 malik phone number 2015. niall horan phone number 2015. louis tomlinson phone number 2015. louis tomlinson phone number real. zayn malik phone number 2015 real. Louis Tomlinson phone number real 2014."
"docid": "D3070781#0",
"title": "http://phonesmstracker.com/how-to-find-out-whose-phone-number-is-this/\nHow to Find Out Whose Phone Number is This",
"text": "\"How to Find Out Whose Phone Number is This May 24, 2015 by admin 1 Comment Nowadays, the phone number is like an identity. If someone has your number then you should definitely have his or her number of you should know who he or she is. When someone calls you and does not want you to know who he or she is, it is more than a prank call. For this reason, in this age and time, there are ways through which you can determine who is calling your number and the reasons why he or she is calling you. To know who is calling you there are services that you can consult. The Reverse Phone Lookup answers the question. If you are asking yourself whose phone number is this, then you can easily know exactly whose phone number it is and access other services in relation to the number. The process is simple with a Reverse Phone Lookup service. How Can Reverse Phone Lookup Help in Finding Unknown Phone Number The Reverse Phone Lookup is a service that allows you to know the identity of the person who owns a particular number. If you have been getting calls through a number whose owner’s identity you cannot disclose, you have an opportunity to know who owns the number by simply checking out the number in a central database."
"docid": "D860495#0",
"title": "http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/76572/how-do-you-add-more-than-one-phone-number-on-imessage\nHow do you add more than one phone number on iMessage?",
"text": "\"_Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How do you add more than one phone number on i Message?up vote9down votefavorite2My sisters and I all have i Phones under the same account. I also have an i Pad under the same account. I am trying to get the i Message on my i Pad compatible with my phone number, not email address. The only phone number choice to choose from is my sister's i Phone number. How can I choose my phone number for i Message on my i Pad?ios icloud messages apple-idshare improve this questionedited Jan 2 '13 at 20:22bmike ♦142k 44 251 550asked Jan 2 '13 at 20:14Maddy46 1 1 2add a comment4 Answers active oldest votesup vote4down vote The only way to get a phone number associated with i Message is for that phone number to be provisioned to an i Phone and have SMS messages active from the carrier. At that point, you can sign in to i Message with your Apple ID / i Cloud account and it will verify the phone number is actually connected to that device and your Apple ID will then inherit that phone number. At that point, you can remove that phone number from that i Phone and use another Apple ID with i Message. So, unless you can borrow an i Phone long enough to get your carrier to provide 5 minutes of service to an i Phone - long enough to register, you will be stuck with an email address for i Message. By this process, you could have more than one phone number associated with one Apple ID."
"docid": "D2669695#0",
"title": "https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/available-phone-numbers\nREST API: Available Phone Numbers",
"text": "\"The subresources of the Available Phone Numbers resource let you search for local, toll-free and mobile phone numbers that are available for you to purchase. You can search for phone numbers that match a pattern, are in a certain country, are in certain area code (NPA) or exchange (NXX) or are in a specific geography. Once you've found an available number you want to purchase, make an HTTP POST request to the Incoming Phone Numbers list resource passing the number as the 'Phone Number' parameter. We work hard to keep a wide variety of numbers in stock at all times. See our pricing pages for country availability. Available Phone Number Local Instance Resource Resource URIAn Available Phone Number Local instance resource has no URI. You cannot make requests directly to Available Phone Number instance resources. Instead, make a request to the local list subresource and then choose a number from the list. Resource Properties The following properties are available for phone numbers from the US and Canada: Property Description Friendly Name A nicely-formatted version of the phone number. Phone Number The phone number, in E.164 (i.e. \"\"+1\"\") format."
"docid": "D1858613#0",
"title": "http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-voice-a-step-by-step-primer-on-ditching-your-landline-while-keeping-your-number/\nGoogle Voice: A step-by-step primer on ditching your landline while keeping your number",
"text": "\"80playlist 0:00 Autoplay:onshare fullscreen All projects: DIY-IT Project Guide This project: The Ultimate Google Voice How-to Guide (2014 Edition)Download this ebook Mastering Google Voice: A primer for home users and small business owners Read More Welcome to the 2014 edition of the Ultimate Google Voice How-To Guide, presented by ZDNet's DIY-IT blog. In this article, and the baker's dozen that accompany it, you'll learn just about everything you need to know to get the most out of the Google Voice service. This guide contains a complete end-to-end update of our 2011 Google Voice guide, chock full of new ideas, completely new articles, and amazing tips. You'll learn how to port your landline to Google Voice, how to set up phone handsets, how to integrate Google Voice into your i Phone and Android experience, how to set up a multi-line office, how to get the most out of using Google Voice and SMS, and even how to use Google Voice effectively and safely in your car, and lots more. So brew up a cup of coffee or your favorite tea, grab a few snacks, and prepare to discover how plain 'ol phone calls are about to be transformed into something virtually indistinguishable from magic. I regularly get questions from readers about whether the techniques still work and feedback from readers about their success migrating moving to Google Voice, like reader Charles, who wrote me: Just migrated my office landline to Google Voice via the AT&T Go Phone method you outlined. Thought you'd like to know that all phone numbers, URLs, etc. cited in your original articles are still valid as of two weeks ago. The best bet is to go to an AT&T store and get the phone, the minutes, the account number, and the porting order all at the same time. Took me all of 30 minutes."
"docid": "D1151334#0",
"title": "https://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/04/build-a-simple-phone-verification-with-twilio-php-mysql-and-jquery.html\nBuild a Simple Phone Verification System with Twilio, PHP, MySQL, and jQuery",
"text": "\"Build a Simple Phone Verification System with Twilio, PHP, My SQL, and j Queryby Megan Speir on April 17, 2012 Tweet Follow @twilio Verifying the phone numbers of your users is a fast, effective way to tamp down on fraud and spam accounts. This post will help you build such a system using Twilio Voice, PHP 7, My SQL 5.x and j Query. Below we’ll walk through the code but if you have an existing MAMP environment or equivalent you can download the complete example here and get started. To run this example on your own server, update the database settings in database.php and your Twilio account settings in call.php. This example also makes use of our Twilio PHP Helper library installed via Composer. Basic steps User visits verification web page and enters phone number. Random verification code is generated and user is called and prompted to enter code. If code is entered incorrectly, re-prompt to enter code. If code is entered correctly, update database. Update web page with status message."
"docid": "D2510014#0",
"title": "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Set-Phones-options-and-numbers-CC0ADAF8-26BF-4761-8B61-60094C13C971\nWhat do you want to do?",
"text": "Use the Lync - Options dialog box to set up or change settings for any phone you use with Microsoft Lync 2010 communications software. What do you want to do? Open Phones options Add or change phone numbers Integrate your phone with Lync 2010Use a Text Telephone (TTY)Specify a conference call phone Open Phones options To open Phones options, open Lync, click the Options button , and then click Phones. Use the options under My phone numbers to enter and publish or unpublish your phone numbers. Your phone numbers are part of your presence information and are used by other Lync 2010 users to contact you. When you publish phone numbers, you can and should control access to those phone numbers by setting privacy relationships (formerly known as access levels) for your contacts. For example, you can make your mobile or home phone number available to your closest co-workers, but not available to everyone in the organization. For more information, see Control access to your presence information. Top of Page Add or change phone numbers Phone numbers defined in your corporate directory system are visible to all contacts in your organization who are assigned to Colleagues, Workgroup, or Friends and Family privacy relationships. They are not visible to users who have Blocked Contacts or External Contacts relationships."
"docid": "D2788559#0",
"title": "https://howtophoneto.com/united-arab-emirates/\nHow to call the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (country code +971)",
"text": "SPONSOREDHow to call the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (country code +971)How to Phone to > How to call the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (country code +971)LAST UPDATE: April 6th, 2018Calling to the UAECalling from:011 971 x xxx xxxx United States's exit code United Arab Emirates's country code local phone number (8 to 9 digits)Do not include a leading ‘0’ in the international call sequence – it is only used in the UAE for domestic long distance calls and domestic calls to a mobile phone. A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code '. Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located. Calling from a Vo IP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.… to a mobile (cellular) phone or text (SMS)Use the same call sequence. Mobile phone numbers begin with the digit ‘5’ (often listed as ’05’ with the leading ‘0’ dropped when calling from outside the country). When calling a mobile phone user, dial to the country where the mobile phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.… to a Vo IP phone Use the same call sequence. When calling a Vo IP phone user, dial to the country where the Vo IP phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.… to a satellite phone The United Arab Emirates do not have a country-specific satellite phone system."
"docid": "D1396817#0",
"title": "http://www.pageplusdirect.com/more_info.html\nServices / Port-In Form",
"text": "\"Phone Carrier: Account Number: Passcode: AIO Wireless Account number is a 9 digit number that can be found when you login to your account. Passcode is your 4 digit security PIN. Airvoice Wireless Account number is your SIM card number. The Passcode is last 4 digits of phone number. Alltel (Postpaid)The account number can be found on your most recent bill. The passcode is your 4 digit PIN/Lock Code. Alltel (PREPAID)The Account number is the 10-digit phone number. The passcode is the 4 digit PIN/Lock Code. AT&T CONTRACTThe account number can be found on your most recent bill. Call AT&T at 1-888-898-7685 if you don't have it."
"docid": "D917180#0",
"title": "https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/seniorsmeet.com\nSeniorsMeet reviews",
"text": "\"5 stars4 stars 43 stars 12 stars 21 star 18Service 0Value 0Shipping 0Returns 0Quality 0All Reviews Start your review of Seniors Meet Duncan M.1 review2 helpful votes“Very interesting website”1/22/18I'll hold my hands up from the off and say that I'm very new to all this internet dating stuff. Wife left me last year and divorce almost through so desperate times for desperate measures I suppose, I jest! I enjoyed using Seniors Meet as a way to find my feet in the internet dating world, really interesting, but im fast ... read more Was this review helpful? Yes 2 Respond as company Advertisement Dwayne T.1 review0 helpful votes“stay away”11/24/17it is phony and a joke I get people across us local people never see this I have a female friend who joined sent her a flirt just to see if she got it never did we both did this several times so take it as it is don't be fooled and waste hard earned money Was this review helpful? Yes Respond as companyjanet d.1 review0 helpful votes“only on 3 hours, now website down”11/6/17not happy so far. only on 3 hours and now i cannot get onto the site.....only in script form, no website with pictures etc. and no contact number i can reach. calling my credit card company tonight and trying to get my money back. Was this review helpful? Yes Respond as company Daniel C.1 review0 helpful votes“Trying to sell you steak, but all you get is bad dog food."
"docid": "D229752#0",
"title": "https://howtophoneto.com/singapore/\nHow to call Singapore (country code +65)",
"text": "SPONSOREDHow to call Singapore (country code +65)How to Phone to > How to call Singapore (country code +65)LAST UPDATE: April 6th, 2018Calling to Singapore Calling from:011 65 xxxx xxxx United States's exit code Singapore's country code local phone number (8 digits)A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code '. Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located. Calling from a Vo IP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.… to a mobile (cellular) phone Use the same call sequence. Singaporean mobile phone numbers begin with numbers ‘8’ or ‘9’. Calling to a mobile phone registered in Singapore but roaming outside of Singapore: dial the regular call sequence to a Singaporean mobile phone. Calling to a mobile phone user roaming in Singapore with a phone registered outside of Singapore: call the country where the mobile phone is registered.… to a Vo IP phone Use the regular call sequence. There are no designated Vo IP exchanges in Singapore. Calling to a Vo IP phone registered in Singapore with the user roaming outside of Singapore: dial the regular call sequence to a Singaporean Vo IP phone."
"docid": "D3158145#0",
"title": "http://blog.taxjar.com/state-sales-tax-phone-numbers/\nHow to Talk to a Human about Sales Tax in Every State",
"text": "States How to Talk to a Human about Sales Tax in Every Stateby Jennifer Dunn • Jan 10, 2018In our Sales Tax for e Commerce Sellers Group on Facebook, an e Commerce seller with a specific question sometimes has no choice but to contact his or her state’s taxing authority. This can be easier said than done. State customer service phone numbers can be hard to find, and then callers can be directed through a maze of options before getting your answer. Further, many states either don’t communicate sales tax info by email, or have very long reply times, which isn’t helpful when you need an answer right now. ( If you’d rather email, though, you can find a list of state department of revenue emails here . ) To make your life a little easier when calling your state’s taxing authority, we put together this list. Find the state you need to call below and follow the steps to get to an actual helpful human who can answer your sales tax questions. Also, as the states themselves say, “menu options change.” So if you find a number that no longer works, just leave us a note in the comments and we’ll get it updated!Alabama Phone Number: 334-242-1170 Press 3 for Sales Tax, then 2 for Other, then hold for a Representative. Arizona Phone Number: 602-255-3381 Press 1 for English, 4 for business taxes, then 9 for the next available Representative."
"docid": "D3081097#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2fpSVBS7NQ\nLookup Unlisted Phone Numbers For FREE? Is It Possible?",
"text": "Lookup Unlisted Phone Numbers For FREE? Is It Possible? Records Finder Subscribe 1.2KAdd to Share More30,660 views830Published on Sep 10, 2008http://www. The Reverse Phone Detective.org. To lookup or view unlisted telephone and residential cell phone numbers, you would want to know if it can be done free or not. Honestly, lookingup unlisted phone number searches search online is not possible. Watch this video to learn how you may and which website to conduct a lookup on certain unlisted numbers and why unlisted telelphone residential phone number searches finding is not possible. free unlisted phone numbers unlisted phone numbers lookup unlisted phone numbers view unlisted numbers for free unlisted 411 numbers free unlisted telephone numbers unlisted phone number searches locate unlisted numbers for free unlisted phone numbers in australia unlisted residential telephone numbers unlisted telephone numbers finding unlisted phone numbers free unlisted numbers unlisted numbers unlisted phone number search free unlisted telephone number lookup unlisted phone number belongs to find unlisted phone numbers unlisted cell phone numbers unlisted telephone number lookup unlisted phone number for free free list of unlisted numbers unlisted telephone number free free unlisted number finder how to find unlisted phone numbers search unlisted telephone numbers unlisted phone number how to find an unlisted phone number find an unlisted phone number celebrity unlisted phone numbers finding unlisted telephone numbers get unlisted telephone number phone numbers unlisted and disconnected unlisted mobile phone numbers free unlisted phone number search purchase unlisted number unlisted names for phone numbers find an unlisted number unlisted phone number finder unlisted reverse phone number lookup verizon unlisted cell phone number lookup bell south white pages, unlisted phone numbers find unlisted phone numbers and addresses find unlisted phone numbers for free free reverse directory unlisted numbers free unlisted cell number by name have address need unlisted phone number how to get unlisted phone numbers purchase unlisted phone number residents unlisted phone numbers search for unlisted phone numbers unlisted number search unlisted phone numbers free find unlisted phone number free unlisted phone number lookup free unlisted telephone number how to look up unlisted phone numbers reverse unlisted phone number search unlisted number unlisted phone number directory unlisted phone number free washington county md phone book unlisted numbers ashland,ky listed unlisted phone numbers buy unlisted number by free number phone search unlisted find unlisted e numbers for free find unlisted numbers + free find unlisted numbers free find unlisted phone numbers athens texas free find unlisted phone numbers free finding unlisted numbers and addresses finding unlisted phone number canada finding unlisted phone number reviews free report for unlisted phone numbers free unlisted number free unlisted phone number look up get unlisted phone number get unlisted phone numbers how to find out unlisted numbers how to obtain unlisted number inverness florida unlisted phone numbers keeping your unlisted number private locate unlisted phone numbers look up unlisted numbers look up unlisted phone number release of unlisted telephone numbers lawsuit settlements release of unlisted telephone numbers lawsuits release of unlisted telephone numbers lawsuits verizon reverse directory for unlisted numbers reverse phone search unlisted numbers reverse unlisted phone number free reverse unlisted phone number lookup search unlisted home phone numbers sears unlisted numbers unlisted business phone numbers Show more Comments are disabled for this video."
] |
125 | ) what are the two essential constituent elements of plain carbon steel? | [
"docid": "D1862900#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-alloy-steel-and-vs-carbon-steel/\nDifference Between Alloy Steel and Carbon Steel",
"text": "\"Difference Between Alloy Steel and Carbon Steel Posted on May 8, 2011 by olivia Last updated on: May 9, 2011Alloy Steel vs Carbon Steel Most of us are aware of stainless steel as it is commonly used in the manufacturing of utensils. But ask anybody the difference between alloy steel and carbon steel and the chances are that you will draw a blank. Steel is an alloy that mostly contains iron. But its properties can be changed to suit specific requirements by adding certain other elements. This explains the differences between alloy steel and carbon steel. As the name indicates, alloy steel has other elements added to it whereas carbon steel is a kind of steel having higher carbon content. There are other differences also that will be talked about in this article. Alloy steel Alloy steel is a type of steel that has presence of certain other elements apart from iron and carbon. Commonly added elements in alloy steel are manganese, silicon, boron, chromium, vanadium and nickel. The quantity of these metals in alloy steel is primarily dependent upon the use of such steel."
] | [
"docid": "D2393579#0",
"title": "http://www.totalmateria.com/articles/Art60.htm\nCorrosion of Carbon Steel",
"text": "Corrosion of Carbon Steel Abstract: Carbon steel, the most widely used engineering material, accounts for approximately 85%, of the annual steel production worldwide. Despite its relatively limited corrosion resistance, carbon steel is used in large tonnages in marine applications, nuclear power and fossil fuel power plants, transportation, chemical processing, petroleum production and refining, pipelines, mining, construction and metal-processing equipment. Carbon steel, the most widely used engineering material, accounts for approximately 85%, of the annual steel production worldwide. Despite its relatively limited corrosion resistance, carbon steel is used in large tonnages in marine applications, nuclear power and fossil fuel power plants, transportation, chemical processing, petroleum production and refining, pipelines, mining, construction and metal-processing equipment. The cost of metallic corrosion to the total economy must be measured in hundreds of millions of dollars (or euros) per year. Because carbon steels represent the largest single class of alloys in use, both in terms of tonnage and total cost, it is easy to understand that the corrosion of carbon steels is a problem of enormous practical importance. This is the reason for the existence of entire industries devoted to providing protective systems for irons and steel. Carbon steels are by their nature of limited alloy content, usually less than 2% by weight for total of additions. Unfortunately, these levels of addition do not generally produce any remarkable changes in general corrosion behavior. One possible exception to this statement would be weathering steels, in small additions of copper, chromium, nickel and phosphorus produce significant reduction in corrosion rate in certain environments."
"docid": "D797588#0",
"title": "http://www.rocksandminerals.com/finder/H3.HTM\nRocks & Minerals O-Z",
"text": "\"Obsidian Obsidian is volcanic glass. Oligoclase Oligoclase has the formulae (Na,Ca)Al Si3O8 and a relative hardness of 7. It is a plagioclase feldspar. Of interest to petrologists and collectors. Varieties: labradorite, anorthite. Olivine Olivine has the formulae (Mg,Fe)2Si O4 and a relative hardness of 7. It's name is derived from the characteristic olive green colour. A common rock forming mineral. A clear green variety is called peridot and has some uses as a gem. Onyx Onyx is a mineral formed of silica."
"docid": "D3300123#0",
"title": "https://www.eaglealloys.com/the-differences-between-alloys-and-composites/\nThe Differences Between Alloys and Composites",
"text": "The Differences Between Alloys and Composites Posted March 7, 2018 by eagle-admin On the surface, alloys and composites have at least one big thing in common. Alloy and composite materials are both made up of a mixture of at least two components. Alloys and composites are also similar in that they exhibit different properties than the properties associated with the materials that are used to make them. However, if you look a little deeper, you will find that alloys and composites are actually very different from one another. Let’s take a closer look at what separates the two by analyzing the differences between alloys and composites. What Is an Alloy? An alloy is a mixture of at least two elements with one of those elements being a metal. Alloys can come in both solid and solution forms. Those alloys that only contain two elements are called binary alloys, while those that contain three elements are called ternary alloys. The amount of a particular element inside of an alloy is usually measured in mass with a percentage attached to it."
"docid": "D180066#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/geology\nGeology",
"text": "Alternative Titles: geological science, geological sciences Geology, the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth. Included are sciences such as mineralogy, geodesy, and stratigraphy.faux amphibolite A rock formation called “faux amphibolite,” from the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt in northern Quebec, dated to 4.28 billion years ago. Jonathan O'Neil An introduction to the geochemical and geophysical sciences logically begins with mineralogy, because Earth ’s rocks are composed of minerals—inorganic elements or compounds that have a fixed chemical composition and that are made up of regularly aligned rows of atoms. Today one of the principal concerns of mineralogy is the chemical analysis of the some 3,000 known minerals that are the chief constituents of the three different rock types: sedimentary (formed by diagenesis of sediments deposited by surface processes); igneous (crystallized from magmas either at depth or at the surface as lavas); and metamorphic (formed by a recrystallization process at temperatures and pressures in the Earth’s crust high enough to destabilize the parent sedimentary or igneous material). Geochemistry is the study of the composition of these different types of rocks. Pahoehoe lava flow, Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, November 1985. J. D. Griggs, U. S. Geological Survey During mountain building, rocks became highly deformed, and the primary objective of structural geology is to elucidate the mechanism of formation of the many types of structures (e.g., folds and faults) that arise from such deformation. The allied field of geophysics has several subdisciplines, which make use of different instrumental techniques. Seismology, for example, involves the exploration of the Earth’s deep structure through the detailed analysis of recordings of elastic waves generated by earthquakes and man-made explosions. Earthquake seismology has largely been responsible for defining the location of major plate boundaries and of the dip of subduction zones down to depths of about 700 kilometres at those boundaries."
"docid": "D2962477#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-carbon-steel-and-vs-stainless-steel/\nDifference Between Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel",
"text": "\"Difference Between Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Posted on May 30, 2012 by Dunee Carbon Steel vs Stainless Steel Steel is an alloy made out of iron and carbon. The carbon percentage can vary depending on the grade, and mostly it is between 0.2% and 2.1% by weight. Though carbon is the main alloying material for iron some other elements like Tungsten, chromium, manganese can also be used for the purpose. Different types and amounts of alloying element used determine the hardness, ductility and tensile strength of steel. Alloying element is responsible for maintaining the crystal lattice structure of steel by preventing dislocation of iron atoms. Thus, it acts as the hardening agent in steel. The density of steel varies between 7,750 and 8,050 kg/m 3, and this is affected by the alloying constituents too. Heat treatment is a process which changes the mechanical properties of steels. This will affect the ductility, hardness and electrical and thermal properties of steel. There are different types of steel as carbon steel, mild steel, stainless steel, etc."
"docid": "D1564892#0",
"title": "http://www.elementalmatter.info/element-carbon.htm\nWhat is the Element Carbon",
"text": "\"Definition of the Carbon Element Carbon is a solid. It is a naturally abundant dark grey to black non-metallic element that occurs in many inorganic and in all organic compounds, exists freely as Graphite and Diamond and as a constituent of coal, limestone, and petroleum, and is capable of chemical self-bonding to form an enormous number of chemically, biologically, and commercially important molecules. Diamonds are one of the hardest (substances known to man. At high temperatures it binds with Oxygen to form carbon monoxide or dioxide. Refer to Carbon Reaction for its reaction to Water, Oxygen & Acids. Coal, soot, and diamonds are all nearly pure forms of carbon. The Atomic Number of this element is 6 and the Element Symbol is C. What is Carbon? Origin / Meaning of the name Carbon The name originates from the Latin word 'carbo' meaning \"\"charcoal\"\". The French chemist, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier wrote a book outlining a method for naming chemical substances. The name he used for the element was carbone, based on the earlier Latin term for charcoal, carbo."
"docid": "D795501#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cement_kiln\nCement kiln",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Hot end of medium-sized modern cement kiln, showing tyres, rollers and drive gear Cement kilns are used for the pyroprocessing stage of manufacture of Portland and other types of hydraulic cement, in which calcium carbonate reacts with silica -bearing minerals to form a mixture of calcium silicates. Over a billion tonnes of cement are made per year, and cement kilns are the heart of this production process: their capacity usually defines the capacity of the cement plant. As the main energy-consuming and greenhouse-gas–emitting stage of cement manufacture, improvement of kiln efficiency has been the central concern of cement manufacturing technology. Contents1 The manufacture of cement clinker2 Early history3 The rotary kiln4 The wet process and the dry process5 Preheaters5.1 Grate preheaters5.2 Gas-suspension preheaters6 Precalciners7 Ancillary equipment7.1 Coolers7.2 Fuel mills7.3 Fans7.4 Gas cleaning8 Kiln fuels8.1 Alternative fuels9 Kiln control10 Cement kiln emissions10.1 Carbon dioxide10.2 Dust10.3 Nitrogen oxides (NO x)10.4 Sulfur dioxide (SO 2)10.5 Carbon monoxide (CO) and total carbon10.6 Dioxins and furans (PCDD/F)10.7 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)10.8 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)10.9 Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX)10.10 Gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds (HCl)10.11 Gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds (HF)10.12 Trace elements11 References The manufacture of cement clinker [ edit]A preheater tower, rawmix silo and exhaust stack. Bottom left: rawmill. Bottom right: rotary kiln with tertiary air duct above. The U-shaped duct leading from the kiln inlet is an \"\"alkali bleed\"\". A typical process of manufacture consists of three stages:grinding a mixture of limestone and clay or shale to make a fine \"\"rawmix\"\" (see Rawmill );heating the rawmix to sintering temperature (up to 1450 °C) in a cement kiln;grinding the resulting clinker to make cement (see Cement mill ). In the second stage, the rawmix is fed into the kiln and gradually heated by contact with the hot gases from combustion of the kiln fuel. Successive chemical reactions take place as the temperature of the rawmix rises:70 to 110 °C - Free water is evaporated.400 to 600 °C - clay-like minerals are decomposed into their constituent oxides; principally Si O 2 and Al 2 O 3."
"docid": "D2912667#0",
"title": "http://plantphys.info/plant_physiology/minerals.shtml\nMineral Requirements",
"text": "\"Mineral Requirements Soil is a complex mixture Soil is a mixture of mineral particles, organic and inorganic molecules, water, air, and a vast number of organisms. When we realize that a foot of soil sifted from an acre of land will contain up to 3 tons of living organisms, we realize that soil supports a lot of life that we maybe never appreciated. If much life is supported in soil, then there is no surprise that water must be available. We will study this later in the course, but water is obviously one of the essential materials for virtually all forms of life. The organisms need to exchange gases with the environment, so no surprise that air is a critical component of soil. For aerobic organisms the 22% Oxygen gas (O 2) is the critical part of that air. Flooded soils have plenty of water, but the air spaces become filled with water and the soil organisms drown. It is easy to kill plant roots with over-watering! Because all organisms die, then the presence of organic particles in soil is also no surprise. The water in the soil dissolves organic and inorganic molecules that are also critical for living organisms."
"docid": "D367887#0",
"title": "http://www.galleries.com/Graphite\nGRAPHITE",
"text": "GRAPHITEChemistry: C, Elemental Carbon Class: Native Elements Subclass: Non-metallics Group: Carbon Uses: for the lead in pencils, as a toughener of steel, in high-strength composites and as a lubricant. Specimens Graphite is a polymorph of the element carbon. diamond is another polymorph. The two share the same chemistry, carbon, but have very different structures and very different properties. Diamond is the hardest mineral known to man, Graphite is one of the softest. Diamond is an excellent electrical insulator, Graphite is a good conductor of electricity. Diamond is the ultimate abrasive, Graphite is a very good lubricant. Diamond is usually transparent, Graphite is opaque. Diamond crystallizes in the Isometric system and graphite crystallizes in the hexagonal system. Somewhat of a surprise is that at surface temperatures and pressures, Graphite is the stable form of carbon."
"docid": "D2652574#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/E-cylinder+tank+oxygen\noxygen",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.oxygen (redirected from E-cylinder tank oxygen) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical .oxygen,gaseous chemical element; symbol O; at. no. 8; interval in which at. wt. ranges15.99903–15.99977; m.p. −218.4°C;; b.p. −182.962°C;; density 1.429 grams per liter at STP;valence −2. The existence and properties of oxygen had been noted by many scientists before theannouncement of its isolation by Priestley in 1774. Scheele had also succeeded in preparingoxygen from a number of substances, but publication of his findings was delayed until after that of Priestley's."
"docid": "D3546256#0",
"title": "https://www.steelbb.com/steelglossary/\n.",
"text": "\"Platts Steel Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W ZAAge hardening See precipitation hardening. Agglomeration This is when solid particles stick to one another, and while this is an undesirable feature in many powder and particle processing operations, it is essential for the successful sintering of iron ore fines, coke and fluxes into a suitable blast furnace feed. Alloy steel Firstly, what is an alloy? This is a material comprising two or more elements, at least one of them a metal. Alloys achieve better specific characteristics than their constituent parts, and steel is itself an alloy of iron. Alloy steels are steels in which additional elements have been added to the usual iron, carbon, manganese and silicon that is present in ordinary carbon steels in order to improve their properties and performance. This typically involves better strength and/or hardness and/or ductility and/or corrosion resistance. Several additional elements may be present, and sometimes the desired properties are achieved through a combination of alloying and heat treatment. There is a vast array of alloy steels developed for very specific applications – such as bearings, gears, shafts, drills, saws, bolts, tyrecord, car bodies, aircraft undercarriages, armour, etc, etc. Alloying elements include bismuth, boron, calcium, chromium, cobalt, lead, nickel, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, sulphur, tellurium, tungsten and vanadium."
"docid": "D792508#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/element\nelement",
"text": "\"element Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .el·e·ment (ĕl′ə-mənt)n.1. A fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.2. elements The basic assumptions or principles of a subject.3. Mathematicsa. A member of a set.b. A point, line, or plane.c. A part of a geometric configuration, such as an angle in a triangle.d. The generatrix of a geometric figure.e. Any of the terms in the rectangular array of terms that constitute a matrix or determinant.4. Chemistry & Physics A substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus."
"docid": "D425554#0",
"title": "http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=470\nStainless Steels - Introduction To The Grades And Families",
"text": "\"Stainless Steels - Introduction To The Grades And Families Download PDF Copy Request Quote Written by AZo M May 16 2001Topics Covered Background The Families Of Stainless Steels Austenitic Stainless Steels Ferritic Stainless Steels Martensitic Stainless Steels Duplex Stainless Steels Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels Characteristics Of Stainless Steels Standard Classifications Background The group of alloys which today make up the family of stainless steels had their beginning in 1913 in Sheffield, England; Harry Brearley was trying a number of alloys as possible gun barrel steels, and noticed that samples cut from one of these trial heats did not rust and were in fact difficult to etch. When he investigated this curious material, it contained about 13% chromium. This lead to the development of the stainless cutlery steels for which Sheffield became famous. Coincidentally development work was also being carried out in France at about the same time which culminated in the production of the first austenitic stainless steels. The worldwide consumption of stainless steel is increasing. There is growing demand from the building and construction industry where stainless steel is used for its attractive appearance, corrosion resistance, low maintenance and strength. Many other industries are adopting stainless steel for similar reasons as well as the fact that it does not need to be treated, coated or painted when put into service, despite the fact that it is more expensive than plain carbon steels. Evidence to support this comes from the household appliances manufacturers, where there are an ever increasing number of items, traditionally known as ‘whitegoods’, being manufactured in stainless steel. The Families Of Stainless Steels Stainless steels are iron-based alloys containing a minimum of about 10.5% chromium; this forms a protective self-healing oxide film, which is the reason why this group of steels has their characteristic \"\"stainlessness\"\" or corrosion resistance. The ability of the oxide layer to heal itself means that the steel is corrosion resistant, no matter how much of the surface is removed."
"docid": "D925505#0",
"title": "http://www.lenntech.com/periodic/elements/ca.htm\nCalcium - Ca",
"text": "Home Periodic table Elements Calcium Calcium - Ca Chemical properties of calcium - Health effects of calcium - Environmental effects of calcium Atomic number20Atomic mass40.08 g.mol -1Electronegativity according to Pauling1.0Mass volume1.6 g.cm -3 at 20°CMelting point840 °CBoiling point1484 °CVanderwaals radius0.197 nm Ionic radius0.099 nm Isotopes10Electronic configuration [ Ar ] 4s 2Energy of first ionisation589.6 k J.mol -1Energy of second ionisation1145 k J.mol -1Standard potential- 2.87 VDiscovered Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808Calcium The chemical element Calcium (Ca), atomic number 20, is the fifth element and the third most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. The metal is trimorphic, harder than sodium, but softer than aluminium. A well as beryllium and aluminium, and unlike the alkaline metals, it doesn’t cause skin-burns. It is less chemically reactive than alkaline metals and than the other alkaline-earth metals. Calcium ions solved in water form deposits in pipes and boilers and when the water is hard, that is, when it contains too much calcium or magnesium. This can be avoided with the water softeners. In the industry, metallic calcium is separated from the melted calcium chloride by electrolysis. This is obtained by treatment of carbonated mineral s with chlorhydric acid, or like a sub product of the carbonates Solvay process. In contact with air, calcium develops an oxide and nitride coating, which protects it from further corrosion. It burns in the air at a high temperature to produce nitride."
"docid": "D932853#0",
"title": "http://chemistry.tutorvista.com/inorganic-chemistry/alloys.html\nAlloys",
"text": "Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Solid State Alloys Alloys A substance which is made up from one type of atom is known as an element. Each atom is composed of three fundamental particles electrons, protons and neutrons. The number of protons in an atom is known as atomic number. The tabular arrangement of all elements according to increasing order of their atomic number is called as periodic table. till 2006; 117 known elements were arrange in this table. Periodic table can easily explain the properties of elements as elements show a certain trend of properties in groups and periods of periodic table. Whole periodic table can be classified in three zones; metals, non-metals and metalloids. All metals are placed on the left side of periodic table while all nonmetals are arranged on right side. Metalloids are placed in between metals and non-metals. Out of these three types of elements metals are widely distributed and have wide application in our daily life."
"docid": "D268547#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081018712000035\n3 â Fiber reinforced composites",
"text": "Fiber Technology for Fiber-Reinforced Composites A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering2017, Pages 51–793 – Fiber reinforced composites Seçkin Erden ⁎, Kingsley Ho †Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-101871-2.00003-5 Get rights and content Abstract This chapter introduces composite materials briefly and particularly in detail the fiber reinforced composites in terms of fundamental definitions, along with their applications, and current and future market outlook. The reinforcements and matrices, which are the basic constituents of the composites are mentioned, followed by the fiber/matrix adhesion, which is the key to composite properties. Later, the manufacturing processes of the composites are briefly explained. Characterization and testing of composites, which are very important for knowing the materials' properties, are given later. The chapter continues with the explanation of fiber surface treatments, which affect tailoring of fiber/matrix adhesion. Finally, a conclusion part and a reference list are included at the end section. Keywords Composite material; Reinforcement; Fiber; Matrix; Adhesion; Manufacturing;Characterization; Testing; Surface treatment3.1. Introduction3.1.1. Definitions Composite materials can be generally defined as a heterogeneous mixture of at least two different materials in micro-scale, possessing new properties other than that of its constituents and usually an almost homogeneous structure in macro-scale. The opportunity to combine this mixture of properties brings about the most distinguishing feature of a composite material, which is the possibility to tailor its properties according to the requirements of the desired application."
"docid": "D3300195#0",
"title": "http://www.apisteel.com/differences-between-carbon-steel-and-stainless-steel-1149/\nDifferences Between Carbon Steel And Stainless Steel",
"text": "Differences Between Carbon Steel And Stainless Steel Carbon Steel vs Stainless Steel Steel is an alloy made out of iron and carbon. The carbon percentage can vary depending on the grade, and mostly it is between 0.2% and 2.1% by weight. Though carbon is the main alloying material for iron some other elements like Tungsten, chromium, manganese can also be used for the purpose. Different types and amounts of alloying element used determine the hardness, ductility and tensile strength of steel. Alloying element is responsible for maintaining the crystal lattice structure of steel by preventing dislocation of iron atoms. Thus, it acts as the hardening agent in steel. The density of steel varies between 7,750 and 8,050 kg/m3, and this is affected by the alloying constituents too. Heat treatment is a process which changes the mechanical properties of steels. This will affect the ductility, hardness and electrical and thermal properties of steel. There are different types of steel as carbon steel, mild steel, stainless steel, etc."
"docid": "D1640445#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/chemistry\nThe scope of chemistry",
"text": "The scope of chemistry The days are long past when one person could hope to have a detailed knowledge of all areas of chemistry. Those pursuing their interests into specific areas of chemistry communicate with others who share the same interests. Over time a group of chemists with specialized research interests become the founding members of an area of specialization. The areas of specialization that emerged early in the history of chemistry, such as organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and industrial chemistry, along with biochemistry, remain of greatest general interest. There has been, however, much growth in the areas of polymer, environmental, and medicinal chemistry during the 20th century. Moreover, new specialities continue to appear, as, for example, pesticide, forensic, and computer chemistry.crime-scene investigation: forensic chemistry A simulated crime scene is a teaching tool in a university forensic chemistry program. University College Cork, Ireland Analytical chemistry Most of the materials that occur on Earth, such as wood, coal, minerals, or air, are mixtures of many different and distinct chemical substances. Each pure chemical substance ( e.g., oxygen, iron, or water) has a characteristic set of properties that gives it its chemical identity. Iron, for example, is a common silver-white metal that melts at 1,535° C, is very malleable, and readily combines with oxygen to form the common substances hematite and magnetite. The detection of iron in a mixture of metals, or in a compound such as magnetite, is a branch of analytical chemistry called qualitative analysis."
"docid": "D3300118#0",
"title": "https://learndifferencebetween.com/difference-between-alloy-and-composite/\nDifference Between Alloy and Composite",
"text": "Difference Between Alloy and Composite Each alloys and composites are at the least two parts mixtures. Although, there are additionally quite a lot of variations between them that make them appropriate for various purposes. Alloy is a mixture of two or extra parts, one in every of which must be metallic. The aim of placing these two (or extra) elements collectively is creating a mix that can have considerably totally different (higher) qualities than the remoted parts. Nonetheless, the current applied sciences usually have necessities that can not be met by standard alloys. Many industries at present want supplies which might be characterised with higher mechanical properties corresponding to low density, excessive energy, resistance to abrasion and corrosion. This mixture of properties could be realized with composite supplies. Composites, equally, are a mixture of two or extra elements, however metals will not be essentially included of their formation. These constituents (that are each bodily and chemically numerous) are put collectively in an effort to generate a composition that is stronger than the authentic parts. Beside the artificial (man-made) composites, there are additionally pure composites (e.g. wooden, bones, and tooth)."
"docid": "D1550115#0",
"title": "https://www.gransforsbruk.com/en/axe-knowledge/materials/\nMaterials",
"text": "Materials The environment is a core focus for Gränsfors Bruk, which is why the materials for the axe are chosen with such great care. Everything that is produced requires resources and all these resources have some impact on our environment. The choice of materials is guided by environmental considerations and aims to be positive for the employees and the end users alike. As part of its green commitment, Gränsfors Bruk uses:steel entirely derived from recycled scrap metal.a hickory handle that is strong and flexible, which increases the life of the handle and thus helps reduce consumption of nature’s resources.vegetable-tanned leather that is free from heavy metals and also is biodegradable Steel Iron is the fourth most common element in the Earth’s crust, but pure iron is relatively soft and flexible. Steel is an alloy of iron mixed with low levels of other elements, such as carbon, silicon and manganese. Steel alloys are formed when melted iron has metallic or non-metallic elements added to create a new material. These alloys usually have new properties that differ from those of the constituent ingredients. A large number of different steels can be made using this process, depending on whether the steel needs to be hard, durable or pliable. Carbon acts as a binder, so the amount of carbon determines the properties of the steel. An element can neither be created nor destroyed, instead circulating around society and the ecosystem in an eternal lifecycle."
] |
141 | +deana meaning of name | [
"docid": "D2240743#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Deana\nWhat does Deana mean?",
"text": "\"What does Deana mean? D eana ▼ as a girls' name is an Old English and Latin name, and the meaning of Deana is \"\"valley; church leader; divine\"\". Deana is an alternate spelling of Deanna (Old English): place name and occupational name. Deana is also a variant of Dena (Old English). Deana is also used as a variant of Diana (Latin). ASSOCIATED WITH De-, old english Variations VARIANTS Dyanna, Dyana, Dinah, Dina ▼, Diannah, Dianna ▼, Diahna, Deonna, Deona, Denni, Denna, Denia, Deena ▼, Deeanna, Deeana, Dayanna, Dayana ▲OTHER FORMS VIA DEANNA, DENA, DIANA Danne, Dayann, Deandra, Deane, Deann ▼, Deanne ▼, Dede, Dee ▼, Deeane, Deeann, Dene, Denica, Deondra, Deonne, Dian, Diandra, Diane ▼, Diann ▼, Dianne ▼, Dyan, Dyane, Dyann, Dyanne CREATIVE FORMS (female) Deada, .. (male) Deada, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Deana Neveah (D. N.), .. How popular is Deana? Deana is a very prominent first name for females (#684 out of 4276, Top 16%) but an unusual last name for all people. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D515981#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Dian\nWhat does Dian mean?",
"text": "\"What does Dian mean? D ian [ di - an] as a girls' name is a Latin name, and the name Dian means \"\"divine\"\". Dian is an alternate form of Diana (Latin). Variations VARIANTS Dyanne, Dyann, Dyane, Dyan, Dianne ▼, Diann ▼, Diane ▼, Deeane, Deann ▼, Deane, Dayanne, Dayann, Danne RELATIONS VIA DIANA Deana ▼, Deanna ▼, Dede, Dee ▼, Deeana, Dena ▼, Di, Diahann, Diahna, Diandra, Dianna ▼, Diannah, Didi, Dyana, Dyanna CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Dian Presley (D. P.), .. How popular is Dian? Dian is a very prominent first name for females (#1468 out of 4276, Top 34%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#64572 out of 150436, Top 43%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D2891520#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Dean\nDean - Meaning of Dean",
"text": "\"What does Dean mean? Pronounce Dean [ 1 syll. dea (n), de - an ] The baby boy name Dean is pronounced as Diy-N †. Dean is largely used in the English and German languages, and it is derived from Old English origins. The name is of the meaning dean; valley. It is derived from the elements 'dean' ; 'decanus' meaning dean ; 'denu' valley. The first name could be from the surname and job title for someone who worked as a church dean; the word 'dean' is itself from the Latin decanus. The surname could also have been originally given for someone living in a valley or a place named with the Old English element 'denu'. The given name was first used in the USA at the end of the 19th century, and it was later popularized by the US actor and cultural icon James Dean (1931-55). The name Deana (English) is the female equivalent of Dean. Dean has 17 variants that are used in English and other languages."
"docid": "D2774597#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/pages/DePuy-International/128914257157735\nDePuy International",
"text": "Reviews Tell people what you think Glenn Catherall —about 4 years ago · 43 Reviews ·Posts about De Puy International Southleeds Liveathome added 16 new photos — at De Puy International. December 8, 2016 · Leeds, United Kingdom ·Christmas party at De Puy lovely time had by all+125 Likes 2 Comments Murray Nicol checked in to De Puy International. November 24, 2016 · Leeds, United Kingdom ·Waiting to collect for trek southbound... De Puy International Medical Supply Store · Leeds, United Kingdom66 people checked in here Pete Stevens, Keith Penfold, Keith Franklin and 3 others like this. View 1 more comment Murray Nicol Ah no my friend we are leaving those all till you get back from your jolly November 24, 2016 at 7:56am Remove Keith Lindsey Haha. Knew it. Love you too1 · November 24, 2016 at 7:56am Remove Murray Nicol Miss you already.....have a great time mate and watch out for those Kiwi chicks and they dont slip you a mickey... November 24, 2016 at 7:58am Remove Keith Lindsey Whaaa?1 · November 24, 2016 at 7:58am Remove Keith Lindsey replied · 1 Reply Highlanders Group added 8 new photos — at De Puy International. April 22, 2016 · Leeds, United Kingdom ·Job completed to highest standard for Ben Johnson....+5Hubert Sandok added 5 new photos — with Matthew Sandok at De Puy International. April 16, 2016 · Leeds, United Kingdom ·Saturday's site visit... I've got my little brother on board now helping improve quality of work (he's learning pretty well)Katarzyna Stolarczyk, Tomasz Semik, Wojciech Rus and 35 others like this. Highlanders Group added 12 new photos — at De Puy International. April 14, 2016 · Leeds, United Kingdom ·Builders Clean in progress Morley Leeds+9Matthew Hall checked in to De Puy International."
"docid": "D2044199#0",
"title": "http://www.celebritycurry.com/ray-stevenson/\nRay Stevenson",
"text": "Ray Stevenson By alok | May 20, 2014 0 Comment Ray Stevenson is the reputed Hollywood actor who made everyone surprised with his ultimate performance that he had been rendering till date. He even made other astonish at his forward speaking that made him as a one of the actor who is leading as a political activist too. Check out the latest wiki of Ray Stevenson from his personal life, family to career details. Ray Stevenson Body Dtatistics Birthday Date :- May 25, 1964Ray Stevenson Age in 2017 year :- 53Shoe Size :- 11Ray Stevenson Real Height :- 1.93 m or 6 feet 4 inch tall Real Weight :- 84 Kg / 185 lb tall Wife name :- Actor Ray Stevenson first was Elisabetta Caraccia whereas currently he is married with Ruth Gemmell Origin :- British Biography In his early day, he was known as the kid of born with the name George Raymond Stevenson in the land of Northern Ireland of country antrium fantastic location known as Lisburn. He was brought up in a good family where his father and mother both where educated. His father served to air force as a pilot and was a house maker belonging from Ireland. In the later phase of his early life, he had to migrated with his family to England and then to Northumberland. He gained the knowledge of acting from the great British school of acting and drama called as Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and finally came out from here at the age of 29. Career That Was Boon to Him: He made his debut in the acting career as a theatre actor where he by remaining in the comfort zone rendered his best performance. Then he widened his dimension and made milestone entry in the driven world of celebrity as a Hollywood actor in the films as well as in the TV."
"docid": "D2299382#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1325306/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Jana Kramer Biography Showing all 45 items Jump to: Overview (3) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (3) | Trivia (10) | Personal Quotes (28)Overview (3)Born December 2, 1983 in Detroit, Michigan, USABirth Name Jana Rae Kramer Height 5' 4\"\" (1.63 m)Mini Bio (1)Jana Kramer was born on December 2, 1983 in Detroit, Michigan, USA as Jana Rae Kramer. She is an actress, known for Prom Night (2008), Click (2006) and Footloose (2011). She has been married to Mike Caussin since May 22, 2015. They have one child. She was previously married to Johnathon Schaech and Michael Gambino. Spouse (3)Mike Caussin ( 22 May 2015 - present) (1 child)Johnathon Schaech ( 4 July 2010 - 8 June 2011) (divorced)Michael Gambino (2004 - 2004) (annulled)Trivia (10)During filming of the back-to-back Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2005) and Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005) in Romania, Jana got so sick that she couldn't finish filming and had to be flown back to the states. The script had to be re-written so her character was abruptly killed off at the end. The character of \"\"Jenny\"\" (played by Jenny Mollen) in \"\"ROTLD 5: Rave to the Grave\"\" was actually written for the \"\"Katie Williams\"\" character. Trained in \"\"Scene Study\"\" courses in Acting with teacher and \"\"Talent Group\"\" agent Stephen Black, who has taught many of Hollywoods finest. Engaged to Johnathon Schaech [December 28, 2009]. Released her debut country album, entitled \"\"Jana Kramer\"\" on June 5, 2012."
"docid": "D411718#0",
"title": "http://agresearchmag.ars.usda.gov/2004/jun/egg\n\"An Egg Story: Does the Date Mean \"\"Too Late\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Jun 2004 - Contents PDFPrevious Story Next Story An Egg Story: Does the Date Mean \"\"Too Late\"\"? Today's consumers must decipher a variety of dates on grocery products. \"\" Use-by,\"\" \"\"sell-by,\"\" and \"\"best-if-consumed-by\"\" dates are guidelines for how long the food item is considered fresh or safe. Table eggs are labeled with a \"\"sell-by\"\" date. But what's the real deal behind that date stamped on the carton? Agricultural Research Service food technologists Mike Musgrove and Deana Jones, of the Poultry Processing and Meat Quality Research Unit in Athens, Georgia, tested the quality and functionality of eggs during 10 weeks of storage—well beyond the current 30-day industry standard for keeping eggs on the store shelf. Properly refrigerated, eggs are considered safe for consumption 4 to 5 weeks beyond the date they are packed. Quality Comes First Musgrove looked for a family of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, which includes Salmonella, Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Yersinia. All can contaminate eggshells. If the eggs are handled or processed improperly, the bacteria can remain on the shells until they reach the consumer. \"\""
"docid": "D2779711#0",
"title": "https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/217446/How+to+reassemble+Fisher+Price+Vintage+Merry+Go+Round%21\nHow to reassemble Fisher Price Vintage Merry Go Round!",
"text": "Toy Comprehensive set of repair guides for playthings for children of all ages.reassembly problems511 Questions View all Deana Rep: 251Posted: 03/02/2015Options How to reassemble Fisher Price Vintage Merry Go Round!I have taken apart my vintage fisher price merry go round to clean it and lubricate the small music box. It sprung apart before I could get a good look as to how it came apart so I could put it back together. Does anyone know a step by step guide for putting this back together? Answer this question I have this problem too Is this a good question? Yes No Score2Comments: I have the same toy that I tried to clean and lubricate so the little guy could turn the crank - but I just made it worse!Where can one go to repair this sort of toy? I also have the old FB record player with a dial that was turned too far. Darn kids wanting to play with toys! ; -)09/04/2015 by cwinsten Add a comment New Battery = Faster i Phone Fix Kits starting at $16.99Buy Now5 Answers Filter by: Most Helpful Newest Oldest Most Helpful Answer Sam Lionheart@sam Rep: 300.7k5813642k Posted: 03/04/2015Options Hi Deana, I don't see any repair information for your model anywhere online. Here's some general information on This Old Toy, they also have a repair/refurbishing section. You might be able to contact them for more specific questions?"
"docid": "D769986#0",
"title": "http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858583770/\nDeana Carter â Once Upon a December",
"text": "\"Deana Carter – Once Upon a December5 Comments 0 Tags\"\"Once Upon a December\"\" as written by and Stephen Flaherty Lynn Ahrens.... Read More... Edit Wiki Dancing bears Painted wings Things I almost remember And a song someone sings Once upon a December Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance through a silver storm Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory Far away, long ago Glowing dim as an ember Things my heart used to know Once upon a December Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance through a silver storm Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory Far away, long ago Glowing dim an as ember Things my heart used to know Things it yearns to remember And a song Someone sings Once upon a December Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video Lyrics submitted by Crzy\"\"Once upon a December\"\" as written by Stephen Flaherty Lynn Ahrens Lyrics © FOX MUSIC, INC. Lyrics powered by Lyric Find Add your thoughts5 Comments View by: Highest Rated Most Recent Oldest First+1 General Comment I love this song. it touches something deep inside and makes you think of all the goodness of childhood...things that are bittersweet now. csckim2001 on March 17, 2007 Link No Replies Log in to reply0 General Comment the music in this song is so beautiful. \"\" Far away, long ago Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember...\"\" to me, that part specifically hits home. i think it means that as we've gotten older, we seem to lose a part of ourselves from when we were younger and there are times where our hearts try so hard to go back to that place. LMB228 on December 05, 2007 Link No Replies Log in to reply0 General Comment this song is just beutiful. The way the words flow and harmony in it is amazing. It reminds you of the things that meant so much to us in childhood. musiclover15 on February 23, 2008 Link No Replies Log in to reply0 Memory This song reminded me of my grandmother, Nana, who died very recently."
"docid": "D3328067#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110524105005AABjvv1\nWhat is flank steak and what part of the cow is it from?",
"text": "Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink What is flank steak and what part of the cow is it from? Update: Is it the the same as carne ranchera/carne asada? Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Flank steaks are cuts of beef that are harvested from the belly muscles of a cow. The exact cut of the flank steak may vary slightly, but in general the cut is elongated and something thin. Because cuts of meat of this type tend to be tougher than meat harvested from the rib or loin area, it is not unusual for any flank steak recipe to require the meat be marinated before the actual cooking process begins. At one time, flank steak was considered to be a poor man’s meat, since the cut was not considered as desirable as other types of steak. Over time, however, this has changed. The cost of flank steak has risen considerably since the middle of the 20th century and this cut has found its way into many restaurants as a premier choice for a meat dish. Deana · 7 years ago0 0 Commentit's from the abdominal muscles of the cow. this part of the cow is known as the flank."
"docid": "D2240741#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/deanna/786\nDeanna",
"text": "Deanna Rating : Perfect0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5 / 528 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Deanna Gender: Girl Origin: English Number of syllables: 3Ranking popularity: 907Pronunciation: dee-ANN-ah; dee-AHN-ah; DEEN-ah Simple meaning: Valley Characteristics of Deanna Communicative Creative Optimistic Popular Social Dramatic Happy Etymology & Historical Origin - Deanna Deanna is mostly considered a 20th century coinage, sort of a modern day female equivalent of Dean. Dean is the transferred use of an English surname, originating from one of two places. On the one hand, it’s believed to be derived from a place name, from the Olde English “denu” or Middle English “dene” meaning valley (signifying someone who dwelled in a valley). The second meaning is derived from an occupational name, coming from the Latin word “decanus” which gave us Dean, the name of an ecclesiastical supervisor or imperial officer. Now we know this name to be mainly used for one of the heads of faculty in a college or university. Dean is also sometimes considered the Anglicization of the Italian pet name “Dino” (for example Dean Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in 1917). Deanna could also be an embellished variation of Diana or Dana (see those names for more detail). What really brought the name Deanna to the attention of English speakers everywhere was a young Canadian actress/singer named Edna Mae Durbin who busted on to the Hollywood scene in 1936 when she was only 14 years old (a contemporary of the then-young Judy Garland). Edna Mae changed her screen name to Deanna Durbin just in time for American audiences to embrace it as a chosen name for their own daughters (Dean is an anagram of Edna). Deanna Durbin had a profound impact on the popularity of Deanna as a girl’s name for the 10 years she remained one of the highest paid actresses and biggest box office draws in Hollywood."
"docid": "D694333#0",
"title": "http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=3913\n.",
"text": "\"Lyrics Songfacts ®Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. This is a song about a girl's first love. The title is a reference to Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, a very inexpensive and fruity wine that is very popular with teenage girls getting their first sips of alcohol. The wine, like the first love, is sweet and intoxicating, providing a valid metaphor for the song. This was the first single from the album, and it went to #1 on the US country chart. In 1997, the Country Music Association named it Single of the Year. >>The song was written by Matraca Berg and Gary Harrison and tells of Berg's own coming of age as a teenager outside of Luck, Wisconsin. She and her friends would sneak off and drink strawberry wine, often getting sick in the process but making indelible memories. Berg recalled to AOL's The Boot: \"\"My dad is a farm boy from Wisconsin, and I used to go up there and stay with [my grandparents] Inga and Elmer Berg, and I met a boy up there."
"docid": "D3273276#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/The-POG-1552653308321187/\nThe POG",
"text": "\"The POGHome About Photos Reviews Videos Events Posts Community Create a Page Like Recommend Share Send Message See more of The POG on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Social Club in Greenwich, Connecticut5.0Community See All454 people like this456 people follow this About See All (203) 622-9514Social Club · Bar People454 likes People Also Like Pemberwick Glenville Association Community Organization Mianus River Boat & Yacht Club Sports & Recreation Greenwich Professional Firefighters Government Organization Social Clubs in Greenwich, Connecticut English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2017Photos See All Reviews5.0 12 Reviews Tell people what you think Beth Cuellar· June 29, 2017Thank you for welcoming us into your \"\"living room\"\". You truly have a heart of gold and amazing gift of hospitalit y. John Hack O'Connor· October 17, 2015Great fun great people always something going on and they have the best bartenders so cool and friendly I highly recommend it Les Herczfeld· October 29, 2015Great place to hang with friends. Tommy and Joyce are great. Prices are reasonable. Everyone is welcome. Debbie Brzoska Basile· November 8, 2015Great times great friends and all are always welcome!See All Videos This was taken one year ago today... And Still funny!!! ! 17353Kim Maguire is playing NOW at the POG. Hurry down132See All Posts The POG added 4 new photos.13 hrs ·I’m here and you should be to! We are open! Come on down! !"
"docid": "D142400#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Tiana\nWhat does Tiana mean?",
"text": "\"What does Tiana mean? Tiana as a girls' name is pronounced tee-AHN-ah. It is of Russian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Tiana is \"\"follower of Christ\"\". Short form of Tatiana and Christiana. American use of Tiana variants follow the rhyming patterns of Diana variants. See also Te-. Also form of Tia. STARTS WITH Ti-ASSOCIATED WITH russian Variations VARIANTS Tiahna, Tianara, Tiandra, Tiane, Tiani, Tianna ▼, Tianne, Tiauna, Tiona, Tionna, Tyana, Tyanna ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CHRISTIANA, DIANA, TATIANA, TE- Deana ▼, Deane, Deann ▼, Deanna ▼, Deeana, Dena ▼, Diahna, Dian, Diandra, Diane ▼, Diann ▼, Dianna ▼, Diannah, Dianne ▼, Dyan, Dyana, Dyane, Dyann, Dyanna, Tajana, Tania ▼, Tanya ▼, Tassiana, Tati, Tatia, Tatiania, Tatianna, Tatihana, Tatijana, Tatiyana, Tatjana, Tatyana ▼, Taziana, Teana, Teanna, Telayna, Teona, Teonna, Tetyana, Tiatiana, Tonya ▼CREATIVE FORMS (female) Tiata, .. (male) Tiany, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Tiana Iva (T. I. ), .. How popular is Tiana? Tiana is a very prominent first name for females (#1345 out of 4276, Top 31%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D1624586#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That%27s_Amore\nThat's Amore",
"text": "\"That's Amore From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the MTV reality show, see That's Amore! ( TV series). \"\" That's Amore\"\"Single by Dean Martinfrom the album Dean Martin Sings Released 1953Genre Pop Label Capitol Songwriter (s) Jack Brooks, Harry Warren\"\" That's Amore \"\" is a 1953 song by composer Harry Warren [1] and lyricist Jack Brooks. [ 1] It became a major hit and signature song for Dean Martin in 1953. Amore ( pronounced [aˈmoːre]) means \"\"love\"\" in Italian. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Notes3 Further reading4 External links History [ edit]The song first appeared in the soundtrack of the Martin and Lewis comedy film The Caddy, released by Paramount Pictures on August 10, 1953. In the film, the song is performed mainly by Dean Martin, with Jerry Lewis joining in and then followed by the other characters in the scene. It received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Song of that year, but it lost to \"\" Secret Love \"\" from Calamity Jane starring Doris Day. [ 1]The track that was used for the single released by Capitol Records was recorded on August 13, 1953, (Session 3098; Master 11694-6), with the orchestra conducted by Dick Stabile, at Capitol Records' studios at 5505 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, California. On November 7, 1953, Martin's record of the song, with \"\"You're the Right One\"\" (which was recorded at the same session as \"\"That's Amore\"\") on the flip side, peaked at #2 on the Billboard charts."
"docid": "D2618615#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0552162/bio\nBiography",
"text": "Edit Dean Paul Martin Biography Showing all 16 items Jump to: Overview (2) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (2) | Trivia (11)Overview (2)Born November 17, 1951 in Santa Monica, California, USADied March 21, 1987 in San Gorgonio Mountain, California, USA (plane crash)Mini Bio (1)The son of Rat Pack member Dean Martin, Dean Paul Martin initially showed interest in a singing career, and was also a talented tennis player, which served him well in his role opposite Ali Mc Graw in 1979's The Players. An avid pilot and a captain in the California Air National Guard, Martin was killed when his F-4 Phantom jet fighter crashed into the San Bernadino Mountains in a snowstorm during a routine flight on March 21, 1987.- IMDb Mini Biography By: Mark Myers Spouse (2)Dorothy Hamill ( 8 January 1982 - 13 December 1983) (divorced)Olivia Hussey ( 17 April 1971 - 24 January 1979) (divorced) (1 child)Trivia (11)Was a member of the rock group Dino, Desi & Billy along with Desi Arnaz Jr. and Billy Hinsche. Died in a military jet crash in the San Bernardino Mountains, California, while on active duty with the California Air National Guard. Interred at Los Angeles National Cemetery, Los Angeles, California, USA. Married figure skater Dorothy Hamill in 1982, but that marriage lasted only a few years. Father, with Olivia Hussey, of son Alexander Martin. Son of Dean Martin and Jeanne Martin. Older brother of Ricci Martin and Gina Martin. Younger half-brother of Claudia Martin, Craig Martin, Deana Martin and Gail Martin. Was a staunch conservative Republican."
"docid": "D1672540#0",
"title": "https://www.thedailymeal.com/tequila-songs-cinco-de-mayo\n16 Tequila Songs for National Tequila Day â or Any Other Occasion",
"text": "\"Home DRINK Cocktails and Spirits16 Tequila Songs for National Tequila Day — or Any Other Occasion May 3, 2016 | 4:57 pm By Colman Andrews Editor Booze (especially this kind) and music combine for our favorite cocktail Tequila means trouble. That's what we like about it. It isn't necessarily any stronger than any other distilled spirit. It contains no mystery ingredients with suspect powers (like the wormwood in absinthe ). It isn't deceptively sweet, which might encourage injudicious consumption. And yet…Why does tequila always seem to lead to all those lost afternoons and blackout evenings? Why is it always so much fun? Maybe it's that whole slightly naughty south-of-the-border thing. Maybe it's that strangely addictive flavor, that tang of herbs and earth and smoke. Maybe it's just one of those mysteries of life that we shouldn't try too hard to comprehend."
"docid": "D2258220#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Deanna\nWhat does Deanna mean?",
"text": "\"What does Deanna mean? Deanna ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced de-ANN-ah. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Deanna is \"\"valley; church leader\"\". Place name and occupational name. Variant of Diana and feminine form of Dean. See Dionne. Actress Deanna Durbin. Also form of Dena. STARTS/ENDS WITH De-, -na ASSOCIATED WITH old english Variations VARIANTS Dayana, Deana ▼, Deane, Deann ▼, Deanne ▼, Deeana, Deeann, Deeanna, Deena ▼, Deona, Deondra, Deonna, Deonne RELATED FORMS VIA DIANA, DIONNE Danne, Dayann, Dayanna, Dayanne, Deandra, Deeane, Dena ▼, Deon, Diahna, Dian, Diandra, Diane ▼, Diann ▼, Dianna ▼, Diannah, Dianne ▼, Diona, Dionna, Dyan, Dyana, Dyane, Dyann, Dyanna, Dyanne CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Deanna Tara (D. T.), .. How popular is Deanna? Deanna is a very prominent first name for women (#261 out of 4276, Top 6%) and a slightly less prominent surname for all people (#92601 out of 150436, Top 62%). ("
"docid": "D3135715#0",
"title": "http://www.babynameshub.com/girl-names/Deanna.html\nDeanna",
"text": "\"Deanna, is that you? We're adding pictures to the site for every name. If your name is Deanna submit your photo so other people can see what Deanna looks like! ( Or you can browse photos already submitted. ) Minimum width and height is 100 pixels. Submissions subject to our Terms of Use. Step 1. Step 2. Upload User-Submitted Photos of Deanna Popularity Over Time: How Many Girls Have Been Named Deanna This chart illustrates how many Girls were named Deanna in the U. S. since 1880. A few facts about the girl's name Deanna: Records indicate that 132,209 girls in the United States have been named Deanna since 1880."
"docid": "D2465910#0",
"title": "http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=2578\n.",
"text": "\"You Don't Have To Say You Love Me by Dusty Springfield Album: Dusty Springfield's Golden Hits Released: 1966Charted: 4 1Listen to Dusty Springfield - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me on Jango Get the Sheet Music Play @ Amazon Music Artistfacts ® Lyrics Songfacts ®Originally, this was a Italian song composed by Pino Donnagio. Springfield heard Donnagio perform it at the San Remo festival and asked her friend Vicki Wickham, who produced the British TV show Ready Steady Go, to write some English lyrics for it. With the help of Yardbirds manager Simon Napier-Bell, she did. In the book 1000 UK #1 Hits by Jon Kutner and Spencer Leigh, Simon Napier-Bell is quoted as saying: \"\"Vicki and I used to eat together, and she told me that Dusty wanted a lyric for this song. We went back to her flat and started working on it. We wanted to go to a trendy disco so we had about an hour to write it. We wrote the chorus and then we wrote the verse in a taxi to wherever we were going. It was the first pop lyric I'd written, although I've always been interested in poetry and good literature. We'd no idea what the English lyric said. That seemed to be irrelevant and besides, it is much easier to write a new lyric completely. \"\""
"docid": "D1518136#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/search/name?birth_place=Nashville,%20Tennessee,%20USA\n\"Birth Place Matching \"\"Nashville, Tennessee, USA\"\" (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)\"",
"text": "\"Birth Place Matching \"\"Nashville, Tennessee, USA\"\" (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)1-50 of 370 names. | Next »Sort by: STARmeter ▲ | A-Z | Birth Date | Death Date1. Chord Overstreet Actor | Glee Chord Overstreet was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Julie (Miller), a make-up artist, and Paul Overstreet, a country musician and songwriter whose own father was a pastor. Chord and his five siblings were raised in a creative and music-filled environment, with their father highly involved in the ...2. Annie Potts Actress | Ghost Busters Interested in stage and film at an early age, Annie Potts attended Stephens College in Missouri, enrolling in the theater studies course, followed by graduate work in California. At the age of 20, she married her college sweetheart, Steven Hartley. Only a short time later, she and her husband were ...3. DJ Qualls Actor | The Core DJ Qualls grew up in the small city of Manchester in Tennessee, USA, one of five children. After studying in the UK at King's College, University of London, he returned to Tennessee where he began acting in a local theatre. During that time, he was discovered by photographers David La Chappelle and...4."
] |
150 | +definition of sir issac newton | [
"docid": "D2984660#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_sir_Isaac_Newtons_1_law\nWhat is sir Isaac Newtons 1 law?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Isaac Newton What is sir Isaac Newtons 1 law? Flag What is sir Isaac Newtons 1 law? Answer by Jorge Quinones Confidence votes 39.2KThere are things that interest me. History covers them all. Since the ancient history to the life of Scientist Nikola Tesla. Of the Newtons laws of motion the first one states that: (quoting Newton) ...every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This is normally taken as the definition of inertia. The key point here is that if there is no net force acting on an object (if all the external forces cancel each other out) then the object will maintain a constant velocity. If that velocity is zero, then the object remains at rest. If an external force is applied, the velocity will change because of the force.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
] | [
"docid": "D2437805#0",
"title": "http://www.jupiterscientific.org/sciinfo/jokes/physicsjokes.html\nPhysics Jokes",
"text": "\"Physics jokes, humor, and cartoons from Jupiter Scientific; Links to science jokes, astronomy jokes, biology jokes, and chemistry jokes.| Home | Books | Reports | Reviews | Contact Us | Virtual Astronomer | Press Releases |Physics Jokes If you didn't get the joke, you probably didn't understand the science behind it. If this is the case, it's a chance for you to learn a little physics. The Adventure of Thomas the Turtle (ages 4-9) Buy on Amazon.com Ad www.amazon.com Rating “A delightful story of the love for family, life lessons, and the importance of obeying parents.” — Theresa Courtney-Ketcher, Principal, Forest Park Elementary School Thomas battles the forces of nature to survive a frightening experience. Physics Joke 1: When a third grader was asked to cite Newton's first law, she said, \"\"Bodies in motion remain in motion, and bodies at rest stay in bed unless their mothers call them to get up.\"\" See explanation Physics Joke 2: Q: What is the name of the first electricity detective? A: Sherlock Ohms See explanation Physics Joke 3: Q: Why was Heisenberg such a bad lover? A: When he got the momentum, he couldn't find the position, and when he found the position, he couldn't muster up the momentum. See explanation Physics Joke 4: A neutron walked into a bar and asked, \"\"How much for a gin and tonic?\"\" The bartender smiled wryly and replied, \"\"For you, no charge.\"\""
"docid": "D1452193#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_it_mean_to_be_born_on_CHristmas_Day\nWas Jesus born on Christmas day?",
"text": "John Welsh 5,961 Contributions Was Jesus born on Christmas day? Yes Jesus was born on Christmas day, however some scientist have discovered that he was actually born in spring. No. We celebrate Christ's birth on Christmas Day, but …Bob P 45,814 Contributions A student of the Bible for over 30 years. Is christmas the day jesus was born?yes it is you nutcase Another Answer: Most scholars would agree that the late December birthday is highly unlikely due to the setting described in the Gospels. In Israel, shee …Which comedians were born on Christmas Day? It is believed Danny Kaye. What celebrity was born on Christmas day? The Veronicas - Australian twin sisters who are singers. Their names are Jessica and Lisa Origliasso."
"docid": "D2218708#0",
"title": "https://runblogger.com/2010/06/heel-toe-drop-or-offset-what-does-it.html\nHeel-Toe Drop or Offset: What Does it Mean in a Running Shoe?",
"text": "The recent explosion of interest in minimalist running shoes has brought along with it an interest in specific shoe design features that probably rarely crossed the mind of most runners just a year ago (before the publication of Born to Run by Christopher Mc Dougall got people thinking about these kind of things). One of these is the concept of heel-to-toe drop, sometimes also referred to as heel-toe offset, heel-toe differential, or heel-toe lift (you sometimes also see “forefoot” substituted for “toe”). So what exactly is heel-toe drop, and why are people interested in it as a shoe design element? Anatomy of a running shoe from New Balance Heel-Toe drop/offset/differential as defined by Brooks Running is “ the difference between (midsole + outsole) heel height and (midsole + outsole) forefoot height ” (see picture above from New Balance if you’re not clear what the midsole and outsole are). Thus, a drop of zero would mean that when seated in the shoe, the heel and ball of the forefoot would be at exactly the same height off of the ground. A drop of 12mm would mean that the heel sits 12mm higher off the ground than the forefoot. The importance of the HT drop value is that it’s thought that the lower it is, the easier it will be to land on your midfoot or forefoot while running. I’m not sure if there have been published studies confirming this, but my personal experience running in shoes of varying HT drop values, as well as a few of my informal laboratory attempts to correlate heel height in shoes with footstrike, seem to suggest that this relationship is likely real. You can check out these posts for more: Vibram Fivefingers and Barefoot Running: Does Removing Heel Cushion Change Footstrike? Relationship Between Running Footstrike and Footwear: From Stability Shoes to Barefoot Given growing interest among runners in how a given shoe might affect their footstrike, some running shoe manufacturers and running shoe sellers have begun reporting this value as a standard spec on each shoe."
"docid": "D261450#0",
"title": "https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/hypomania-and-hypomanic-episodes-defined/\nHypomania And Hypomanic Episodes Defined",
"text": "\"Hypomania And Hypomanic Episodes Defined Rashmi Nemade, Ph. D. & Mark Dombeck, Ph. D. Aug 7, 2009Not everyone who becomes manic experiences the full-blown syndrome of a manic episode. Hypomanic individuals show an expansive, energized and sometimes elated mood, with rapid thinking and pressured speaking in evidence. At a minimum (for the label hypomania to be appropriately applied), this expanded mood state must persist for at least four straight days. As is the case with manic episodes, hypomanic episodes are also characterized by the presence of characteristic symptoms. At least three of the following must be present (for at least four days) before the diagnosis of hypomanic episode is appropriate:an inflated or expansive and even grandiose (but not delusional; not completely out of touch with reality) sense of selfreduced sleep needs compared to normaltalks more than usualsubjective sensation of racing thoughts (often called a \"\"flight of ideas\"\")distraction or derailment of thought occurring significantly more often than normalan increase in goal-directed activity, or physical agitationa marked increase in participation in risky but pleasurable behavior (such as unprotected sex, gambling, unrestrained shopping, etc. ) You'll notice that these are essentially the same criteria that are applied to manic episodes. What is suggested (and what is intended) by this duplication of criteria is that what separates a hypomanic episode from a manic episode is mostly the degree of intensity (or energy) present in the behaviors the manic person emits (and not in their variety). When the observed energy level is above average but still within normal limits, you have a hypomanic state on your hands."
"docid": "D1365949#0",
"title": "http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/Propulsion/2-what-is-inertia.html\nPropulsion",
"text": "Propulsion How does propulsion work? What is inertia? Inertia is a word we use when we talk about matter and movement. Basically, our idea of inertia goes back to Sir Issac Newton's first two laws of physics:1. An object at rest tends to stay at rest.2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Inertia is the quality in matter (matter is anything you can touch) that lets it stay still if it is still, or keeps it moving if it is moving. If you want to overcome inertia, you have to apply a force. A force will make something that is still start to move, like flicking a wad of paper with a pencil will make it move. Also force, due to resistance, will slow or stop something that is already moving."
"docid": "D535599#0",
"title": "https://www.convertunits.com/from/gram/to/newtons\nConvert gram to newtons - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert gram to newtongramnewtons Did you mean to convert gram-forcegramto newtonnewton More information from the unit converter How many gram in 1 newtons? The answer is 101.971621. We assume you are converting between gram and newton. You can view more details on each measurement unit: gram or newtons The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 kilogram is equal to 1000 gram, or 9.8066500286389 newtons. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between grams and newtons. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from newtons to gram, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Definition: Grama metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram Definition: Newton In physics, the newton (symbol: N) is the SI unit of force, named after Sir Isaac Newton in recognition of his work on classical mechanics. It was first used around 1904, but not until 1948 was it officially adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) as the name for the mks unit of force."
"docid": "D3059011#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_laws_of_motion_did_Sir_Isaac_Newton_find\nHow many laws of motion did Sir Isaac Newton find?",
"text": "Flag How many laws of motion did Sir Isaac Newton find? Answer by Gkskoog Confidence votes 226Answer: Three. Answer: #1) Inertia: An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. # 2) Constant Acceleration: The relationship between and it's acceleration and the applied force is stated by F=ma #3) Conservation of Momentum: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Answer: Issac newton found 3 laws because it provides nature, earth, and physics.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No"
"docid": "D2227744#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_was_Isaac_Newton_born\nWhen was Isaac Newton born and when did he die?",
"text": "Fwmh 132,447 Contributions When was Isaac Newton born and when did he die? Sir Isaac Newton was born in January 4th, 1643 and died in March 31st, 1727. Sir Isaac Newton lived in the 1600 in 1642 and lived in Wollsthorpe,Linconshire,England in Woolsth …Ian Schramm 2 Contributions Isaac Newton was born in 2008? Isaac Newton was born in 1643. Cateliz 38 Contributions When and where was Isaac Newton born? Isaac Newton was born on 4 January 1643 .\\n. \\nhis birth place was in Lincolnshire, England In what year was Isaac Newton born?1642. API Birthday 348,690 Contributions When was Isaac Newton born? Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was born on December 25, 1642. When did Isaac Newton die and when was he born?he was born January 4, 1643 and he died march 31,1727What year did Isaac Newton be born?"
"docid": "D2984663#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/4566\nIsaac Newton",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Isaac Newton Unanswered | Answered Isaac Newton Parent Category: Scientists The English scientist, theologian and mathemetician who formulated important laws of gravitation and physics. This category is designed to collect questions about the man, his work, and his philosophies.1 2 3 >Was Isaac Newton American? No, Isaac Newton was born in England and always lived in England. As far as mankind knows, the United States of America didn't even exist when he was alive. What was Sir Isaac Newton's theory on thermal dynamic energy? Sir Isaac Newton did not speak directly to the laws of thermaldynamics but he did say \"\"Energy is not lost or destroyed, it ismerely transferred from on party to the next.'' . Which is similar to, the first law of thermodynamics. \"\" The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy canbe... What did Isaac Newton do for sicence? He showed us about gravity, giving a huge boost to the scienceof astronomy. . ++++ ."
"docid": "D1679133#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_did_issac_newton_invent\nWhat did Issac newton invent?",
"text": "\"Answer by Madskillz98 Confidence votes 58Newton laid the foundations for differential and integral calculus, several years before its independent discovery by Leibniz. The 'method of fluxions', as he termed it, was based on his crucial insight that the integration of a function is merely the inverse procedure to differentiating it. Taking differentiation as the basic operation, Newton produced simple analytical methods that unified many separate techniques previously developed to solve apparently unrelated problems such as finding areas, tangents, the lengths of curves and the maxima and minima of functions. Mathematics fair projects links: Mathematics Science Fair Projects and Experiments In Mechanics and Gravitation Newton's own copy of his Principia, with hand-written corrections for the second edition In 1687 Newton summarized his discoveries in terrestrial and celestial mechanics in his Principia (mathematical principles of natural philosophy), one of the greatest milestones in the history of science. In it he showed how his principle of universal gravitation provided an explanation both of falling bodies on the earth and of the motions of planets, comets, and other bodies in the heavens. In his Principia Newton explained a wide range of previously unrelated phenomena: the eccentric orbits of comets, the tides and their variations, the precession of the Earth's axis, and motion of the Moon as perturbed by the gravity of the Sun. This work made Newton an international leader in scientific research. The first part of the Principia is devoted to dynamics and includes Newton's three famous laws of motion; the second part to fluid motion and other topics; and the third part to the explanation of Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Physics and astronomy fair projects links: Mechanics Science Fair Projects and Experiments Astronomy Science Fair Projects and Experiments Galileo Galilei: The Falling Bodies Experiment Leonardo da Vinci: The Invention of the Parachute In Optics A replica of Newton's second reflecting telescope that he presented to the Royal Society in 1672 In Optics (1704), Newton observed that white light could be separated by a prism into a spectrum of different colors, each characterized by a unique refractivity, and proposed the corpuscular theory of light. Newton's views on optics were born out of the original prism experiments he performed at Cambridge."
"docid": "D1414159#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-would-have-happened-if-Newton-didnt-discover-gravity-or-the-various-other-theorems\nWhat would have happened if Newton didn't discover gravity or the various other theorems?",
"text": "\"Suvam Bhattacharya, ninety percent crap Answered Aug 10, 2014Let us look into the contributions of Sir Issac Newton first. He formulated 3 laws of motion, discovered gravity,explained optical phenomena, explained the eccentric orbits of comets, the tides and their variations, the precision of the Earth's axis and the motion of the Moon. In mathematics his contributions are equally impressive and the list includes calculus, conic section, generalized binomial theorem (which describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial), the theory of finite differences , approximation techniques (Newton’s method). And some other stuffs that we do not know, cause Diamond lit them all !! Now let us hypothetically consider that Newton was never born. CALCULUS--- A guy named Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz developed calculus independent of Newton. Since Newton’s existence doesn't influence Leibniz in any imaginable way, so it is safe to think that calculus would have developed the way like it is today. The notations that we use today were infact used by Leibniz. But it might have taken people decades to realize what impact it had, as Leibniz didn't develop any application of his theories. Also I have read from genuine source that, Indian mathematicians gave a semi-rigorous formalism to calculus way back ."
"docid": "D3335738#0",
"title": "http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/26/mind-blowing-research-suggests-that-earth-could-actually-be-hollow/\nMind Blowing Research Suggests That Earth Could Actually Be Hollow",
"text": "Mind Blowing Research Suggests That Earth Could Actually Be Hollow Arjun Walia August 26, 2013Share on Facebook Share on Twitter We're creating viewer supported news. Become a member!I'm in!Establishing and determining a factual Geophysical model of planet Earth’s interior has been a considerable challenge for the intellectual community. Given our rapid technological advancement, one would think that determining the makeup of Earth’s core would be simple, but it’s not. Earth’s core is the most inaccessible part of our planet. Several prominent individuals have supported the hollow Earth theory, and it is no joke of a list. A number of physicists, astronomers, mathematicians and high ranking military personnel share the same belief. They share their stories through experience, research and more. There really is some mind blowing information that suggests the Earth could actually be hollow.advertisement - learn more Our current understanding about the makeup of Earth’s core is a theory, based on assumption that is taught as fact. The evidence for the composition of the Earth’s core is decent, however indirect. We have no means for directly sampling the deep interior of the Earth (0) (15), humans (apparently, if they have we have not been privy to that information) have not been able to access that part of our planet."
"docid": "D2708929#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/topic/Infinitesimals-1368274\nInfinitesimals",
"text": "Infinitesimals were introduced by Isaac Newton as a means of “explaining” his procedures in calculus. Before the concept of a limit had been formally introduced and understood, it was not clear how to explain why calculus worked. In essence, Newton treated an infinitesimal as a positive number that was smaller, somehow, than any positive real number. In fact, it was the unease of mathematicians with such a nebulous idea that led them to develop the concept of the limit. The status of infinitesimals decreased further as a result of Richard Dedekind ’s definition of real numbers as “cuts.” A cut splits the real number line into two sets. If there exists a greatest element of one set or a least element of the other set, then the cut defines a rational number; otherwise the cut defines an irrational number. As a logical consequence of this definition, it follows that there is a rational number between zero and any nonzero number. Hence, infinitesimals do not exist among the real numbers. This does not prevent other mathematical objects from behaving like infinitesimals, and mathematical logicians of the 1920s and ’30s actually showed how such objects could be constructed."
"docid": "D1014327#0",
"title": "http://www.behindthename.com/name/isaac\nGiven Name ISAAC",
"text": "\"Contribute Add to List Given Name ISAACGENDER: Masculine USAGE: English, Spanish, Catalan, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin OTHER SCRIPTS: יִצְחָק (Hebrew)PRONOUNCED: IE-zək (English) [details]Meaning & History From the Hebrew name יִצְחָק (Yitzchaq) meaning \"\"he will laugh, he will rejoice\"\", derived from צָחַק (tzachaq) meaning \"\"to laugh\"\". The Old Testament explains this meaning, by recounting that Abraham laughed when God told him that his aged wife Sarah would become pregnant with Isaac (see Genesis 17:17). When Isaac was a boy, God tested Abraham's faith by ordering him to sacrifice his son, though an angel prevented the act at the last moment. Isaac went on to become the father of Esau and Jacob with his wife Rebecca. As an English Christian name, Isaac was occasionally used during the Middle Ages, though it was more common among Jews. It became more widespread after the Protestant Reformation. Famous bearers include the physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and the science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992). Categories Baccano characters, biblical, biblical patriarchs, Fullmetal Alchemist characters, Golden Sun characters, Heroes NBC, Magi characters, never out of the US top 1000, Orthodox Saints, storms, Tiger and Bunny characters, top 10 in Australia, top 100 Portugal See All Relations · Show Family Tree Related Names VARIANT: Issac (English)DIMINUTIVE: Ike (English)OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Sahak (Armenian), Isaak (Biblical Greek), Yitzhak (Biblical Hebrew), Isak (Danish), Izaäk, Sjaak, Sjakie (Dutch), Iisakki, Iikka, Iiro (Finnish), Isaak (German), Itzhak, Yitzhak (Hebrew), Izsák (Hungarian), Ísak (Icelandic), Isak (Norwegian), Izaak (Polish), Isaak (Russian), Isak (Swedish)See Popularity Detail · U. S. State Animation Popularity United States312016Australia (NSW)142016Canada (BC)242015Catalonia652016Chile702014England and Wales202016France602016Ireland772015Mexico422013Netherlands3992016New Zealand352016Northern Ireland422015Portugal402016Scotland542016Spain822015 \""
"docid": "D2961799#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_did_Isaac_Newton_invent_calculus\nWhen did Isaac Newton invent calculus?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Isaac Newton When did Isaac Newton invent calculus? Flag When did Isaac Newton invent calculus? Answer by Ben6523 Confidence votes 2.1KIsaac Newton published a partial account of his theory of calculus in 1693 and a full account in 1704. According to his friends he had worked it out years before. The late date of publishing led to controversy at the time. Leibniz, a German mathematician published his method for calculus in 1684 before Newton. Leibniz insisted he had discovered calculus first, Newton disputed this strongly claiming Leibniz had stolen his work. This whole dispute lead to a general dislike and distrust of German scientists by English scientists, and of English scientists by German scientists. Most modern historians believe Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus independently.13 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Dragonflame 50 Contributions Sir Isaac Newton calculus?"
"docid": "D229068#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_famous_Baroque_pieces\nWhat are some famous Baroque pieces?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Genres Classical Music What are some famous Baroque pieces? Flag What are some famous Baroque pieces? Answer by Rioguitar Confidence votes 16Some famous pieces from the Baroque period (1600-1750) include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldebeerg Variations, the Partitas, the St Mattew Passion and, most famous of all, The Four Seasons, a series of violin concertos by Vivaldi. Also, The Messiah by Handel, Canon in D by Pachelbel, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and many, many others7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Who some non-musical famous people from the Baroque period? Galileo galilei, Queen Elizibeth, John Locke , Issac Newton, Peter the Great, Leopold I , Holy Roman Emperor . Others can be found at \"\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/17th_cen …What are some of Chopin's famous pieces?1. Nocturnes no. 2, 8, and 20 2. Preludes no."
"docid": "D3558961#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_taught_Sir_Isaac_Newton\nWho taught Sir Isaac Newton?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Isaac Newton Who taught Sir Isaac Newton? Flag Who taught Sir Isaac Newton? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Though Newton claimed to be self-taught, it is predicted that he was taught by Robert Hooke. It is also thought that after Hooke's death, Newton stole some of his ideas and claimed them as his own. After Hooke's death, a great number of his published works went missing from a library very few had access to and Newton was one of those selected individuals.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What did Sir Isaac Newton work on?racecars Skyscraperatastic 1 Contribution Was Sir Isaac Newton gay? Sir Isaac Newton was a person who complained how the Church never followed its own teachings and was stressing the fact that the Laws in the Bible should be followed. And w …Chrissss1995 480 Contributions What was Sir Isaac Newton Invention? Newtonian reflecting telescope and Isaac Newton formulated the three laws of universal gravitation and motion."
"docid": "D3495538#0",
"title": "https://www.universetoday.com/82052/issac-newton-inventions/\nWhat did Isaac Newton Invent?",
"text": "Guide to Space What did Isaac Newton Invent? Article written: 10 Dec , 2010 Updated: 25 Sep , 2016 by Jerry Coffey Sir Issac Newton is best know for his laws of motion. Many people’s knowledge of his scientific contributions stops there. Issac Newtons inventions contributed a great deal to our current understanding of subjects from optics to theology and how early scientists were able to view their world. In mathematics Isaac Newton inventions included laying the ground work for differential and integral calculus. His work was based on his insight that the integration of a function is merely the inverse procedure to differentiating it. Taking differentiation as the basic operation, he produced simple analytical methods that unified many separate techniques previously developed to solve apparently unrelated problems such as finding areas, tangents, the lengths of curves and the maxima and minima of functions. Issac Newton inventions in mechanics and gravitation were summarized the Principia. His discoveries in terrestrial and celestial mechanics showed how universal gravitation provided an explanation of falling bodies on Earth and of the motions of planets, comets, and other bodies in the heavens. He explained a wide range of then unrelated phenomena: the eccentric orbits of comets, the tides and their variations, the precession of the Earth’s axis, and motion of the Moon as perturbed by the gravity of the Sun."
"docid": "D3085614#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/The_scientific_revolution_encouraged_scientists_and_philosophers_to\nHow did the scientific encouraged scientists and philosophers to what?",
"text": "How did the scientific encouraged scientists and philosophers to what?a phalogical awnser What did the Scientific Revolution encourage scientists and philosophers to do?focus on how something happened instead of why it happened. Mykel Shields 37 Contributions What effect did the scientific revolution have on philosophers of the enlightenment? The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy. Scientific Revolution. Most important scientist and why? The #1 is likely Louis Pasteur. He solidified the germ theory (that germs make us sick) and also shed light on a lot of microbiology. He invented Pasteurization and many other …Farahkhaled 6 Contributions Who are the famous scientist from scientific revolution?a lot. some of them were Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilee, Issac newton and boyle. The writings of the Enlightenment philosophers in Europe encouraged later political revolution with their support of?the natural rights of man How were Scientists of the Scientific Revolution and philosophers in the Age of Enlightenment linked?"
"docid": "D2573124#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_was_the_book_called_Sir_Isaac_Newton_wrote\nWhat was the book called Sir Isaac Newton wrote?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Isaac Newton What was the book called Sir Isaac Newton wrote? Flag What was the book called Sir Isaac Newton wrote? Answer by Milesofgold Confidence votes 43His Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to be the most influential book in the history of science, laying the groundwork for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. ( from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) it is the Principia Mathematica7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What book did Sir Isaac Newton write? Sir Isaac Newton wrote a book called Principia Matematica often referred as Newton's Principia How many books did sir isaac newton write?1700The book that Isaac Newton wrote containing the laws of motion?principia Mediatech 14,908 Contributions Did Sir Isaac Newton write any books? His best known book is \"\"Principia\"\" (\"\"Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica\"\") published in 1687; which includes his laws of motion. What where Sir Isaac Newtons parents called? They were called Graeme And Tait Isaac Newton Senior and Hannah Ascogh Colin Peters 610,892 Contributions Be helpful Why was Isaac Newton called Sir Isaac Newton?"
] |
152 | +difference between stalking & harrassment | [
"docid": "D972484#0",
"title": "http://criminal.laws.com/stalking\nStalking Explained In Depth",
"text": "Stalking Explained In Depth Share What is Stalking? Stalking is defined as a prolonged, intrusive method of harassment with obsessive, methodological, threatening, or sociopathic tendencies. Stalking can take place in a variety of circumstances ranging from physical stalking to virtual stalking. Physical stalking can include the inappropriate following, monitoring, or encroaching with regard to a victim. Online stalking can include harassment through email, the illicit collection of data or media belonging to another individual, or the unauthorized access of an individual’s computer network or server. Stalking vs. Harassment The primary difference between Stalking and harassment is the individual legality within each of the behaviors contributory to the charge itself. For example, while harassment is a crime, activity that could potentially be classified as stalking is not always criminal in nature. In many cases, the conglomeration of events and activities in which an individual participates is the gauge of a Stalking charge. For example, photographing an individual without their consent without any intended harm varies in its legality. The photographing of an individual without their respective consent for illicit means - the intent to harass, stalk, threaten, or frighten – can institute fear for personal safety in a Stalking victim."
] | [
"docid": "D2806435#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110801195217AAmWOmA\nHow long do I have to pay off credit card balance?",
"text": "\"Business & Finance Credit How long do I have to pay off credit card balance? I just spent 40 dollars on my visa on an item. I am not getting my paycheck for a week and a half. I have an outstanding balance of 45 dollars from my VISA. This is the first time using a credit card. The credit card is linked to my bank account and my banker told me I could pay my credit card balance online. If... show more Follow 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: First off, you will not start getting hit with fees (aside from interest) until you start missing minimum payments due from your monthly statement. As an example, I'll assume you had a $0 balance before this purchase as you said this is your first card. After your purchase, you'll receive a monthly statement which will tell you what your balance is and the minimum payment you must make along with the date the payment is due by. Paying the minimum (or more) before the due date will keep your account in good standing."
"docid": "D756533#0",
"title": "http://www.oregon.gov/BOLI/TA/pages/req_post.aspx\n.",
"text": "\"Posters & Notices POSTING REQUIREMENTS FOR OREGON EMPLOYERSOregon employers are required by a number of state and federal agencies to display a variety of workplace notices and posters. Typically, these notices must be posted in a conspicuous place, where employees may regularly view them. Employers with more than one work location are generally required to display these posters at each worksite. Certain posters must also be readily available for job applicants to view. These include the federal Polygraph Protection Act Notice; the federal Family and Medical Leave Act poster; the OR-OSHA Job Safety and Health poster (\"\"It’s the Law\"\"); and the \"\"Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law\"\" poster. Small Employers (Less than 25 employees) Small Oregon employers need to provide the following postings: 1) Oregon State Minimum Wage poster 2) Oregon OSHA poster 3) Oregon Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault & Stalking 4) Federal Minimum Wage poster 5) \"\"EEO is the Law\"\" poster 6) Federal Polygraph Protection Notice 7) Federal USERRA (military rights) poster Large Oregon Employers (25 or more employees) In addition to the postings listed above, large employers will need to post information regarding: 1) Oregon Family Leave Act 2) Federal Family and Medical Leave Act Agricultural Employers In addition to most of the postings listed for large employers, agricultural employers need to display the following additional notices: 1) Migrant & Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act Poster 2) Field Sanitation Notice 3) “Protect yourself from pesticides” Poster 4) BOLI Notice to Agricultural Employees Composite Posters for all Commonly Require Posters To make staying compliant as easy as possible BOLI’s Technical Assistance program produces three composite posters that combine all the commonly required postings into one for small employers, large employers, or agricultural employers. The posters cost either $15.00 or $20.00. Previews and ordering information are available on our TA Publications Page . DISCLAIMER: Information about posters not regulated by the Bureau of Labor and Industries is provided here as a courtesy to employers. If you have questions regarding a specific poster or requirement, you must contact the issuing agency (e.g., EEOC, OR-OSHA, etc.)"
"docid": "D101775#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_harassment\nStalking",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Criminal harassment)navigation search\"\"Stalker\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Stalker (disambiguation). For harassment-related policies on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia: Harassment. Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group towards another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. The term stalking is used with some differing definitions in psychiatry and psychology, as well as in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense. According to a 2002 report by the U. S. National Center for Victims of Crime, \"\"virtually any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the victim in fear can be considered stalking\"\", [1] although in practice the legal standard is usually somewhat more strict. Contents [ hide ]1 Definitions2 Psychology and behaviors2.1 Psychological effects on victims2.2 Stalking as a close relationship2.3 Types of victims2.4 Gender2.5 Types of stalkers2.6 Cyberstalking2.7 Stalking by groups2.8 False claims of stalking, \"\"gang stalking\"\" and delusions of persecution3 Epidemiology and prevalence3.1 Australia3.2 Austria3.3 England and Wales3.4 Germany3.5 United States4 Laws on harassment and stalking4.1 Australia4.2 Canada4.3 Germany4.4 France4.5 Japan4.6 India4.7 Italy4.8 Netherlands4.9 Romania4.10 United Kingdom4.11 United States4.12 Other5 Popular culture5.1 Film5.2 Internet5.3 Music5.4 Television6 See also7 References8 Further reading9 External links Definitions The difficulties associated with defining this term exactly (or defining it at all) are well documented. [ 2]Having been used since at least the 16th century to refer to a prowler or a poacher ( Oxford English Dictionary ), the term stalker was initially used by the media in the 20th century to describe people who pester and harass others, initially with specific reference to the harassment of celebrities by strangers who were described as being \"\"obsessed\"\". [ 3] This use of the word appears to have been coined by the tabloid press in the United States. ["
"docid": "D2170815#0",
"title": "http://www.combatreform.org/fixait.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Why does spit and shine, drill and ceremony crap continue in AIT, OSUT? Do away with Infantry OSUT immediately. Of all the MOS's combat ones, specifically INFANTRY should have separate specialized training after basic. Not taught by Drill Sergeants, but ex-Ranger Training Brigade, Special Forces instructors, experts in MODERN INFANTRY TACTICS, WEAPONS, who know the new face of war and will get our young Soldiers ready for it, not the parade ground. During my AIT we covered the most basic infantry tasks one each, during one day. Such as Friday: Move as a fireteam. Since we did it only once, as with all tasks, by the time I finished ABN school, ALIT, and got to the 1-501st, I was lost. Ask any trainer for anything, the key to memory is: mileage, mileage, and mileage. Those basic infantry tasks need to be repeated, repeated, repeated. The ever present Warning Order and OPORD."
"docid": "D3468178#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130224135843AAACmEh\nIs it illegal to record conversation of someone without consent to get proof thy r being verbally abusive to u?",
"text": "Politics & Government Law & Ethics Is it illegal to record conversation of someone without consent to get proof thy r being verbally abusive to u? In the uk? Follow 12 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It is *not* illegal in the UK to record a conversation with someone. If anyone tries to tell you that it is, get the to cite the statute or common law precedent - there isn't one. The material, however, would not be permissible as evidence in court - that's a different issue. But, then again, there is absolutely no law, in the UK, against someone being verbally abusive towards you on the phone. ( unless they are constantly phoning and harrassing you etc, which is a different matter) It is also not permissible to record the conversation and put it in the public domain - unless you tell someone that the conversation may be used in this way - in other words, you would have to alert them to the fact that the conversation would be disclosed to others. ( as happens when you ring many companies and they state that the phone call may be recorded for training purposes, for eg)tanitha · 5 years ago1 1 1 comment Not illegal as such - there is nothing that prohibits the use of what is called 'directed surveillance' in th UK. Police, Local Authorities and other official bodies however face action under section 8 of the Human Rights Act unless they show they have acted within the limits imposed by that legislation, normally by getting RIPA authorisation. The idea of RIPA giving 'powers' is tabloid nonsense."
"docid": "D846165#0",
"title": "https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-constitutes-harassment-in-text-messgaes---can-44582.html\nWhat constitutes harassment in text messgaes & can I file a charge?",
"text": "Q&AAsked in Syracuse, NY | February 15, 2009 Save What constitutes harassment in text messgaes & can I file a charge? My ex husband & his wife keep sending me text messages regarding our 2 older children, ages 17 & 14. My ex has not been involved with his younger son barely at all. Now that I am 6 months pregnant & demanding that he have contact with his son as it is effecting the way my son is acting out, they keep sending me nasty text messages. HIs wife sent me a message saying I was a horrible mom, that now that I have a baby on... More Criminal defense Criminal charges Criminal charges for harassment Show 5 more Ask a lawyer - it's free! Browse related questions2 attorney answers Michael Jared Brown Not yet reviewed Criminal Defense Attorney Posted on Feb 20, 2009I am licensed to practice in Florida, but there are probably similar laws in NY that would be applicable to your case. In Florida, there are laws protecting against harrassing phone calls, as well as stalking. Repeated harassing and/or threatening text messages could potentially be considered criminal behavior under these statutes. If you wish criminal charges to be brought against them, you should contact law enforcement... More2 found this answer helpful Mark as helpful 2 comments Oscar Michelen12 reviews Criminal Defense Attorney | New York, NYReveal number Private message Posted on Feb 20, 2009If they are repetitiive or serve no legitimate purpose you can accuse themof Aggravated Harassment. Many criminal cases are coming about now due to repeated threatening or harmful text messages."
"docid": "D101773#0",
"title": "http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/s_to_u/stalking_and_harassment/\nStalking and Harassment",
"text": "\"Stalking and Harassment Legal Guidance, Domestic abuse , Cyber / online crime Introduction Terminology Harassment Stalking Criminal Legislation Protection from Harassment Act 1997Crime and Disorder Act 1998Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004Section 2 offence - Harassment Defence - Harassment - section 2Stalking Legislation Section 2A offence - Stalking Definition of Stalking Defence - Stalking - section 2ASection 4A (1) (b) (i) - Putting People in Fear of Violence Defence - Putting People in Fear of Violence - section 4Section 4A (1) (b) (ii) offence - Stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress Defence - section 4AAlternative verdict Defences generally A Course of Conduct Earlier Incidents Incidents before commencement of Stalking legislation Secretary of State's Certificate - section 12Pre charge activity Drafting Indictment Charging Guidance General Principles Case 1 - section 2 Harassment Case 2 - section 2A charge Case 3 - section 4A charge Case 4 - section 4A charge Pleas to Harassment when Stalking has been charged Restraining Orders Breach of a Restraining Order Defence to Breach of Criminal or Civil Order Other Legislation Harassment of two or more persons Injunctions to protect persons Course of conduct definition Harassment of a person in their own home Breach of a non-molestation order Police powers Enter and search premises Case Building Specialist Prosecutors Early consultation and charge Information Recorded by Victims Potential witnesses Impact and Dynamics of Stalking and Harassment Cyber stalking Public Order and Political Protest Neighbour disputes Types of Stalking and Stalkers Stalking and Harassment and the CPS Violence Against Women Strategy CPS Employee's Guide on Violence against Women and Girls Identification and Flagging of Cases Identification, Assessing and Managing Risk Harassing Behaviour The Suspect The Victim Victim and Witness Support and Safety Risk Assessment Multi-agency risk assessment conferences Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC)Cocoon Watch and Police Watch Police Information Notices to Suspects about potential offences under the PHABail and keeping a Victim informed Special Measures Victim Personal Statements Civil Proceedings and Legislation Obtaining and using documents and information from family proceedings Protection from Harassment Act 1997Family Law Act 1996Introduction This legal guidance addresses behaviour which is repeated and unwanted by the victim and which causes the victim alarm or distress. Cases involving stalking and harassment can be difficult to prosecute, and because of their nature are likely to require sensitive handling, especially with regard to victim care. The provision of accurate and up-to-date information to the victim throughout the life of the case, together with quality support and careful consideration of any special measures requirements are essential factors for the CPS to consider. It is important that the CPS work closely with the police and other agencies to ensure that the best evidence is gathered and presented to the court, to this end prosecutors should be aware of the Protocol on the appropriate handling of stalking offences between the Crown Prosecution Service & ACPO. A strong, coordinated prosecution team is required to proactively build and manage a case. It is also important that, where appropriate, victims are able to access relevant support organisations. This is to ensure that their safety and support needs are addressed throughout the criminal case (and sometimes beyond) and to reduce the risk they face as a result of the offending. In many circumstances, cases of stalking and harassment will come within the definition of 'domestic violence' and as such the CPS Domestic Violence Policy and legal guidance will also be relevant. Further information can be found at: CPS Policy on prosecuting cases of Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Legal Guidance Terminology Harassment In this legal guidance, the term harassment is used to cover the 'causing alarm or distress' offences under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 as amended (PHA), and 'putting people in fear of violence' offences under section 4 of the PHA. The term can also include harassment by two or more defendants against an individual or harassment against more than one victim."
"docid": "D3332414#0",
"title": "http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/presentations/timeline/amrev/brittwo/brittwo.html\n.",
"text": "\"Overview Documents George the III, King of Great Britain, 1802 (?) George Washington Papers Even after the repeal of the Stamp Act, many colonists still had grievances with British colonial policies. For example, the Mutiny (or Quartering) Act of 1765 required colonial assemblies to house and supply British soldiers. Many colonists objected to the presence of a \"\"standing army\"\" in the colonies. Many also objected to being required to provide housing and supplies, which looked like another attempt to tax them without their consent, even though disguised. Several colonial assemblies refused to vote the mandated supplies. The British then disbanded the New York assembly in 1767 to make an example of it. Many non-New Yorkers resented this action, seeing rightly that their own assembly could also be shut down. The Stamp Act had led Americans to ask fundamental questions about the relationship between their local, colonial, legislatures, which were elected bodies, and the British Parliament, in which Americans had no elected representation. Many colonists began to assert that only an elected legislative body held legitimate powers of taxation."
"docid": "D62928#0",
"title": "https://www.stalkingriskprofile.com/what-is-stalking/types-of-stalking\nTypes of Stalking",
"text": "Types of Stalking It is clear that although stalking cases often look similar on the surface and involve the same kinds of behaviours, the reasons that people engage in stalking are complex and varied. A number of different typologies have been proposed to help us understand stalking behaviour and stalkers. Perhaps the most straightforward breaks stalking down into the type of prior relationship the victim had with the stalker. Using this typology, stalkers can be classified as a former sexual intimate (ex-intimate), an acquaintance (including friends and family members), or a stranger (either public figure or private stranger) (see Mohandie, Meloy, Green-Mc Gowan, & Williams (2006). Journal of Forensic Sciences 51, 147–155). This relationship-based typology can be a useful starting point for thinking about the kinds of risks and management strategies that might be appropriate in a stalking situation. Research clearly shows that ex-intimates are far more likely to be violent than other types of stalkers, and victims may have to take different precautions if someone who is very familiar with them is harassing them. The SRP uses a slightly more complex typology that provides extra information to assist professionals with understanding and managing stalking behaviour. This typology, developed by Paul Mullen, Michele Pathé and Rosemary Purcell, divides stalkers into five types, which are described further under the below. This typology places the greatest emphasis on the context in which the stalking arose and the stalker’s initial motivation for contacting the victim."
"docid": "D1757669#0",
"title": "https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/afcm/syrup.html\nSorghumâfor Syrup",
"text": "\"Index | Search | Home Sorghum—for Syrup D. J. Undersander 1, W. E. Lueschen 2, L. H. Smith 3, A. R. Kaminski 1, J. D. Doll 1, K. A. Kelling 1, and E. S. Oplinger 11Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Cooperative Extension Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 53706. 2 Southern Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, Waseca, MN. 56093 3 Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN 55108. November, 1990. I. History: Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is native to Africa, and many of today's varieties originated there. Sorghum was also grown in India before recorded history and in Assyria as early as 700 BC. The crop reached China during the thirteenth century and the Western Hemisphere much later. Sorghum was introduced to the United States from Africa in the early part of the seventeenth century. It was not grown extensively in this country until the 1850s, when the forage variety Black Amber (also called \"\"Chinese sugarcane\"\") was introduced from France."
"docid": "D1893872#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100908093427AAHgO47\nWhats the difference between a lance, spear, and a javelin?",
"text": "Sports Water Sports Whats the difference between a lance, spear, and a javelin? What the difference? I know you can throw a lance, spear, and a javelin, but i still dont get whats the difference between them Follow 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: A Lance is a (primarily) cavalry weapon, but can sometimes be used afoot. It is characterised by a grip somewhat up the length of the shaft so that a counter weight can be comfortably used. Typically range from 9-12 feet in length. While lethal against even the most heavily armoured opponents, it was typically used to unhorse an opponent by main force, or by killing the animal ridden. Generally considered a single use weapon (because if properly blocked, it will generally break). A Spear is a staff with a blade added to make the weapon more flexible. They are generally 5-9 feet in length (averaging slightly north of 6 feet). A spear is [generally considered] an Infantry Weapon."
"docid": "D2194044#0",
"title": "http://naturalrevolution.org/whats-the-difference-between-hemp-oil-and-cbd-oil-3952/\nWhatâs the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?",
"text": "What’s the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil? Confusion amongst the public on how exactly hemp oil differs from cannabidiol, or CBD, oil, has prompted the nonprofit Hemp Industries Association to issue a statement explaining the difference between the oils in order to ensure that consumers — specifically, medical marijuana patients — are not misled about the intended uses. Hemp is often mistaken for its cannabis cousin, marijuana, even though smoking an entire garbage bag of hemp would not produce an altered state of consciousness, as hemp contains low levels of THC. Confusion between hemp oil and marijuana oil has spiked recently, as states have passed medical marijuana laws that allow for the use of strains of marijuana that are low in THC and high in CBD. Consumers often confuse hemp oil with CBD oil because both are low in THC and contain CBD. With hemp research and development pilot programs taking off this spring, and the hemp retail market growing at an incredible rate, it’s crucial that consumers and retailers alike understand the difference between hemp oil and CBD extracts, Eric Steenstra, executive director of Hemp Industries Association, said in a separate statement. Our Hemp Industries Association position regarding this distinction calls on makers of CBD products to brand and market their products truthfully and clearly, so as to not further the confusion surrounding CBD products in the marketplace. Though hemp oil does contain low levels of CBD, typically less than 25 parts per million (ppm), CBD extracts “are produced either directly from cannabis flowers that are up to 15 percent CBD (150,000 ppm), or indirectly as a co-product of the flowers and leaves that are mixed in with the stalks during hemp stalk processing for fiber. ”It is important for American farmers and processors of hemp to understand that most CBD in products mislabeled as ‘hemp oil’ is a product of large-scale hemp stalk and fiber processing facilities in Europe where the fiber is the primary material produced at a large scale, the association says. CBD from other parts of the hemp plant Not all CBD is derived from the flowers of the industrial hemp plant."
"docid": "D1862001#0",
"title": "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Razzled\n.",
"text": "\"Top definition Razzled Feeling confused, not functioning properly and a bit all over the place. A word often said accidently when someone attempts to use the word frazzled, hence the virtually indentical definition. A form of harrassment.\"\" Bro, you're so late for class\"\" \"\"Shut up man, I had to finish that assignment in the library, I'm so razzled right now\"\" \"\"Our defense has been amazing this game, look at how razzled they are!\"\" * high five*#frazzed #razzled #stressed #owned #scared #intimidated #harrassed #pressure #by (M) (M) April 29, 201114 1The Urban Dictionary Mug One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids. Buy the mug \""
"docid": "D2874087#0",
"title": "https://brickelllegal.com/stalking-florida-definitiion/\n04 May What is the Definition of Stalking Under Florida Law?",
"text": "04 May What is the Definition of Stalking Under Florida Law?in Miami Criminal Law, Miami Family Law by Tawnia Share When stalking comes to mind, we often picture dark hooded people lurking in the shadows, watching our every move. While stalking can look like this in some cases, it can take a multitude of other forms as well. Stalking is a serious criminal charge and should never be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is a victim of stalking, for your personal safety, it’s crucial to contact the authorities and an excellent attorney. Stalking can look different depending on the situation. Stalking Terms In talking about stalking, there are several terms to identify and understand. The first of these terms is harass. To harass means to act in a way that causes significant emotional distress towards a particular individual for no reason. The next term, course of conduct, represents a pattern of behavior that is established over a period of time, regardless of length of time, and creates a continued purpose. The third term to consider is a credible threat."
"docid": "D2228368#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/peduncle\npeduncle",
"text": "Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.peduncle Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .peduncle [ pe-dung´k'l] 1. a stemlike connecting part.2. a collection of nerve fibers connecting between different regions in the central nervous system.3. the stalk by which a nonsessile tumor is attached to normal tissue. adj., adj pedun´cular.cerebellar p's three sets of paired bundles (superior, middle, and inferior) connecting thecerebellum to the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, respectively.cerebral peduncle the anterior half of the midbrain, divisible into a posterior part ( tegmentum) and an anterior part ( crus cerebri ), which are separated by the substantia nigra.inferior cerebellar peduncle a large bundle of nerve fibers serving to connect the medullaoblongata and spinal cord with the cerebellum (especially the archicerebellum andpaleocerebellum); it courses along the lateral border of the fourth ventricle and turns dorsally intothe cerebellum. Formerly called caudal cerebellar peduncle.middle cerebellar peduncle a large bundle of projection fibers originating in the contralateralpontine nuclei and entering the cerebellum, conveying impulses from the cerebral cortex to theneocerebellum.pineal peduncle habenula (def. 2).superior cerebellar peduncle a large bundle of projection fibers arising chiefly in the dentatenucleus of each cerebellar hemisphere (neocerebellum) and ascending to decussate in themesencephalon; its fibers end mostly in the red nucleus and thalamus. Spinocerebellar fibers to the paleocerebellum lie adjacent to each peduncle."
"docid": "D736236#0",
"title": "http://www.soilcropandmore.info/crops/Corn/How-Corn-Grows/\nHow a Corn Plant Develops",
"text": "\"How a Corn Plant Develops Contents How a Corn Plant Develops The Illustrations Identifying Stages of Development Vegetative Stages and Development Reproductive Stages and Kernel Development Conclusions How a Corn Plant Grows Nutrient Uptake Fertilizer Applications Summary How a Corn Plant Develops There's more than meets the eye in a field of growing corn. One way to look behind the scene is to consider the cornfield as a complex and constantly changing community. It is a manufacturing community with many thousands of highly organized and highly efficient \"\"factories\"\" per hectare or acre. Basically, the raw materials for the factories (plants) are water and mineral nutrients from the soil and carbon dioxide and oxygen from the atmosphere. The internal machinery that transforms these raw materials into useful products (yield) is powered by sunlight. The products, called dry matter, consist of different combinations of carbohydrates, proteins, oils, and the mineral nutrients. Differences in growth and yield between hybrids are a result of differences in factory internal machinery. The overall concept of corn production is that the raw materials and sunlight (power), combine with the internal machinery of the hybrid being grown to yield dry matter. This means that growth and yield of a corn plant are functions of the plant's genetic potential to react to the environmental conditions under which the plant is grown. Although nature provides the major portion of the environmental influence on corn growth and yield, a corn producer can manipulate the environment with proven managerial practices."
"docid": "D2012552#0",
"title": "http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/conlaw/senateconfirm.html\n.",
"text": "\"Introduction The Constitution (Article II, Section 2) states that the President shall seek the \"\"advice\"\" and obtain the \"\"consent\"\" of the Senate before his nominations to the federal bench (and other \"\"officers of the United States,\"\" including Cabinet officers) assume their posts. ( There is an exception for temporary appointments when the Senate is in recess.) While it is assumed that the President will try to nominate judges who hold a judicial philosophy that he shares, there is much argument over whether the Senate is equally free to take philosophy and ideology into account in its decision whether to confirm the nominees. The Senate rejected 27 (20%) of the 149 nominees to the Supreme Court made between the nation's founding and 2005. The reasons for the rejections vary, and include incompetence, inexperience, and impropriety. Most of the rejections, however, reflect in part, or even primarily, a difference between the President and the Senate over whether the nominated justice represents the right ideological choice. The first Supreme Court nominee to be rejected by the Senate was John Rutledge, nominated by President George Washington in 1795, just eight years after the Constitution's drafting. Although some senators suggested they voted against Rutledge out of concern he was losing his sanity, the main reason for opposition (the nomination failed on a 10 to 14 vote) to Rutledge was the nominee's recently-expressed opposition to the Jay Treaty with Great Britain, a treaty popular in the Federalist-controlled Senate. The ideology-based Rutledge rejection, so soon after the Constitution's adoption, is strong evidence that the Senate's examination of a nominee's qualifications can be broad enough to encompass his political views. While senators may vote against a nominee for many reasons, it is clear that several nominees since Rutledge have failed for political reasons more than out of concerns of incompetence or impropriety."
"docid": "D2359817#0",
"title": "http://www.breakthroughparenting.com/PAS.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Nothing stirs up passions more than the controversy generated when parents are at war over the custody of a child. A controversy is an issue where evidence on both sides can make a compelling case. It is never black and white, but when people have their emotions aroused, an issue can quickly turn into two polar opposites. Fear takes over reason, incomplete facts become evidence, and court calendars become jammed with repeat visits to a judge to try to bring sanity to what is unlikely to ever be sane. On top of this, social movements are promoting one side over another in their clamor for justice. Politicians are lobbied to pass laws to bring order to chaos. Gender wars are fueled and lives are destroyed. My exposure to custody wars came from the mothers and fathers attending my Breakthrough Parenting ® classes at The Parent Connection, Inc., an agency that I founded in Los Angeles in 1983. Many of the parents in my classes were litigating over child custody. Most said that they wanted to settle the case, but none of them would settle by giving up all access to their child, which seemed to be the only other alternative open to them."
"docid": "D712979#0",
"title": "http://outlawjimmy.com/rhesus-negative/\nA SMALL MILESTONEâ¦.",
"text": "ABOUT PLACES OF SAFETY READER SUBMISSIONS RHESUS NEGATIVE BLOODTYPE THE DOCUMENT LIBRARY THE GOOD GUYSCategory: Rhesus Negative REALITY ROUNDHOUSE …. October 22, 2017 Rhesus Negative 16 Comments The following podcast, is one of a number which have now been put together in regard to my long-held interest and research into the Rhesus Negative Bloodtype. This the first was recorded in May this year, with Mike Straus, the host of the Reality Roundhouse based in the USA, which is distributed on all major […]Read Post Tags: Bloodlines, Established Order, Internet, Interview, i Tunes, Podcast, Reality Roundhouse, Rhesus Negatives, You Tube MICROCHIMERISM…. November 10, 2016 Rhesus Negative 73 Comments An increasing number of people who have Rhesus Negative bloodtypes are also known to suffer from any number of what are commonly known as ‘Autoimmune’ diseases. Many of those who have suffered for years with these often disabling conditions, have been asking questions both online and of their own healthcare professionals, as to whether there is any connection to the Rhogam injection given to […]Read Post Tags: Autoimmune, Blood, Chimera, Doctors, Microchimerism, Pregnancy, Rhesus Negative, Rhogam, Unique A SMALL MILESTONE…. June 22, 2016 Rhesus Negative 20 Comments I have been somewhat busy during this past week, actively campaigning for the LEAVE campaign, both online and by pounding the streets of Wrexham and Chester, handing out leaflets, talking to people and suchlike, so I have had very little spare time to compose and publish anything on this site. However, while I was occupied elsewhere, […]Read Post Tags: Campaigning, Chester, Detractors, EU Referendum, Haters, Milestone, Million, Outlaw, Rhesus Negative, Wrexham ANYONE WHO HAS A HEART…. April 13, 2016 Rhesus Negative 17 Comments On 28 April 2015, WORLD DAILY NEWS REPORT published an article titled “David Rockefeller’s Sixth Heart Transplant Successful at Age 99” that reported the billionaire had just undergone his sixth heart transplant. As Rockefeller Senior is widely believed to have the O Rhesus Negative Bloodtype, this news would have been of great interest to anyone […]Read Post Tags: America, Billionaire, Conspiracy, Heart, Oil, Rhesus Negative, Rockefeller, Transplant, Wealthy PAS SEULEMENT MOI…. February 20, 2016 Rhesus Negative 68 Comments Coming as I am, to the end of what must be one of the most surreal (although secretly pleasing) weeks that I can comfortably remember, I have spent a couple of hours going through a pile of emails that I have not been able to find the time to read, let alone respond to."
"docid": "D1842489#0",
"title": "https://www.creditkarma.com/question/how-long-can-collections-try-to-collect-on-a-repo\nCredit Advice",
"text": "\"All Responses Sort By Result 1-1 of 1Results per page: 5 | 10 | 25Page 1 of 1 Previous | Next Top Contributor Response byjwsister13735 Contributions4731 People Helped Possible junk debt buyer? Helpful to 1 out of 1 people You are right when you said possibly 7 years when debts usually drop off the credit report. There have been absolutely ZERO attempts to collect on this in the years since the repossession?? Then this could be what's known as a \"\"junk debt buyer\"\" and these creeps buy debts that are old, usually past the statute of limitations for collection and they try to harrass individuals into paying them \"\"the full amount owed. \"\" Have these people sent letters? Send them back a letter DEMANDING they verify the debt. They can't attempt a Ny collection activity until the debt is verified and that verification will show a copy of the original contract for the car. Don't mention what documents you expect, just that you need to see verification. If they are only calling you, contact the FTC and, perhaps, your state attorney general's consumer affairs office to complain about these people. Usually, if a car is repossessed, it is sold at auctioin and any difference between the sale price and the amount owed would be sent as a bill to the one who had owned it."
] |
155 | +erving name meaning | [
"docid": "D1342286#0",
"title": "http://babynames.net/names/erving\n\"ErvingOrigin/UsageEnglishPronunciationUR-vingMeaningNoble or boar friendLike the Name Erving?BOYS+ ErvingGIRLS+ Add to My FavoritesBack toBack to \"\"E\"\" NamesView aRandom Name\"",
"text": "\"Erving Origin/Usage English Pronunciation UR-ving Meaning Noble or boar friend Like the Name Erving? BOYS+ Erving GIRLS+ Add to My Favorites Back to Back to \"\"E\"\" Names View a Random Name More info about the name \"\"Erving\"\"Erving is derived from the name Erwin. Erwin is a variant of the name 'Erwyn and Everwyn'. In Old English, it comes from the word 'eoforwine', whose meaning is 'boar friend or noble friend'. It could also be a Scottish locational surname, from the Celtic elements 'ir', meaning 'fresh or green' and 'afon', meaning 'water'. We don't know of any famous people with this name+ Add a Name ·Do you like the name Erving? Discussion on the name Erving \""
] | [
"docid": "D1254569#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/retrovirus\nRetrovirus",
"text": "Alternative Title: Retroviridae Retrovirus, any of a group of viruses that belong to the family Retroviridae and that characteristically carry their genetic blueprint in the form of ribonucleic acid ( RNA ). Retroviruses are named for an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase, which was discovered independently in 1971 by American virologists Howard Temin and David Baltimore. Reverse transcriptase transcribes RNA into deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ), a process that constitutes a reversal of the usual direction of cellular transcription (DNA into RNA). The action of reverse transcriptase makes it possible for genetic material from a retrovirus to become permanently incorporated into the DNA genome of an infected cell; the enzyme is widely used in the biological sciences to synthesize genes. HIV/AIDS; retrovirus Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 virions (green) budding from a cultured lymphocyte. Multiple round bumps on the cell surface represent sites of virion assembly and budding. C. Goldsmith/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Retroviruses cause tumour growth and certain cancers in animals and are associated with slow infections of animals, such as equine infectious anemia. In humans, a retrovirus known as human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) causes a form of cancer called adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). It can also cause a neurodegenerative condition known as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). A closely related virus named HTLV-2 is associated with relatively mild neurological disorders but has not been identified as a causative agent of human disease."
"docid": "D1229911#0",
"title": "http://www.homepower.com/articles/home-efficiency/equipment-products/heat-energy-recovery-ventilators\nHeat & Energy Recovery Ventilators",
"text": "The heat recovery ventilator (HRV) and its close cousin, the energy recovery ventilator (ERV), can often make a home more efficient. Find out here what these boxes do and if your house needs one. Homes Need to Breathe A house built to modern standards of tight construction will allow only a very small amount of outside air to leak in. But fresh air is needed to dilute the products of human habitation (cooking, cleaning, breathing, combustion, etc. ), as well as the chemicals that offgas from building materials, such as particle board and paint. According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollution levels are as much as five times higher than outdoors. And good ventilation is an important part of maintaining good indoor air quality. Dilution and at-source (spot) exhausting are the main methods for ensuring good indoor air quality. It is possible to remove particles (by filtration), volatile organics (by adsorption), and other harmful products from indoor air, but these technologies are energy-intensive and very expensive (think spacecraft and submarines). Although houses can be designed to “self-ventilate,” this process depends upon local climate conditions and wind shading—protection by tall walls and trees—which are not controllable."
"docid": "D238061#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impression_management\nImpression management",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Impression management is a conscious or subconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event. They do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. [ 1] It was first conceptualized by Erving Goffman in 1959, and then was expanded upon in 1967. An example of impression management theory in play is in sports such as soccer. At an important game, a player would want to showcase themselves in the best light possible, because there are college recruiters watching. This person would have the flashiest pair of cleats and try and perform their best to show off their skills. Their main goal may be to impress the college recruiters in a way that maximizes their chances of being chosen for a college team rather than winning the game. [ 2]Impression management is usually used synonymously with self -presentation, in which a person tries to influence the perception of their image. The notion of impression management was first applied to face-to-face communication, but then was expanded to apply to computer-mediated communication. The concept of impression management is applicable to academic fields of study such as psychology and sociology as well as practical fields such as corporate communication and media."
"docid": "D2241180#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endogenous_retrovirus\nEndogenous retrovirus",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Dendrogram of various classes of endogenous retroviruses Endogenous retroviruses ( ERVs) are endogenous viral elements in the genome that closely resemble and can be derived from retroviruses. They are abundant in the genomes of jawed vertebrates, and they comprise up to 5–8% of the human genome (lower estimates of ~1%). [ 1] [2] ERVs are a subclass of a type of gene called a transposon, which can be packaged and moved within the genome to serve a vital role in gene expression and in regulation. [ 3] [4] They are distinguished as retrotransposons, which are Class I elements. [ 5] Researchers have suggested that retroviruses evolved from a type of transposable gene called a retrotransposon, which includes ERVs; these genes can mutate and instead of moving to another location in the genome they can become exogenous or pathogenic. This means that not all ERVs may have originated as an insertion by a retrovirus but that some may have been the source for the genetic information in the retroviruses they resemble. [ 6] When integration of viral DNA occurs in the germ-line, it can give rise to an ERV, which can later become fixed in the gene pool of the host population. [ 1] [7]Contents [ hide ]1 Formation2 Role in genome evolution3 Role in disease4 Role in medicine4.1 Porcine endogenous retrovirus5 Human endogenous retroviruses6 Techniques for characterizing ERVs6.1 Whole genome sequencing6.2 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation with sequencing (Ch IP-seq)7 Applications7.1 Constructing phylogenies7.2 Designating the age of provirus and the time points of species separation events8 Further research8.1 Epigenetic variability8.2 Immunological problems of xenotransplantation8.3 Risk factors of HERVs in gene therapy8.4 HERV gene expression9 See also10 References11 Further reading12 External links Formation [ edit]The replication cycle of a retrovirus entails the insertion (\"\"integration\"\") of a DNA copy of the viral genome into the nuclear genome of the host cell. Most retroviruses infect somatic cells, but occasional infection of germline cells (cells that produce eggs and sperm) can also occur. Rarely, retroviral integration may occur in a germline cell that goes on to develop into a viable organism."
"docid": "D3024363#0",
"title": "http://www.hvacquick.com/products/residential/HRVs-and-ERVs/Residential-HRV-ERV/Fantech-Residential-Heat-Recovery-Ventilators\nFantech SHR Residential Heat Recovery Ventilators HRVs",
"text": "residential HRVs and ERVs Residential HRV & ERV Fantech SHR Residential Heat Recovery Ventilators HRVsview all products for this brand Fantech Fantech SHR Residential Heat Recovery Ventilators HRVs A Heat Recovery Ventilator is a complete whole house ventilation system that incorporates a supply motor and an exhaust motor in one unit. It is designed to bring a continuous supply of fresh air into the home while exhausting an equal amount of contaminated air. HRVs use a special aluminum core that transfers heat from the exhaust air stream to the incoming air stream. Fresh incoming air is tempered by the heat that is transferred from the outgoing air so you save on energy costs. HRVs are designed for colder areas of the country that have longer heating seasons as well as drier desert areas of the South. SHR - Horizontal duct connection (port) models*** $1 shipping on Fantech orders over $79. Not valid for Canada, HI & AK (reduced ship rates available). We price match! *** Pricing & Ordering Specs Links Shipping Q&Amodel description usually ships price QTYSH 704 Fantech HRV. 67 CFM @ 0.3 inch WG."
"docid": "D3059245#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/names/1/water\nBoy Names associated with Water",
"text": "\"SEARCH \"\"WATER\"\"By Association By Meaning Only W ater baby names and what they mean, for water, with 30 results. These boy names were at the top of their popularity in the year 1990 (ADOPTION OF 3.2%) and have become much less common since (ADOPTION 0.9%, ▼ 72.8%), with names such as Mark becoming less in vogue. Brooks (#231) and Raphael (#533) are two of the more fashionable birth names in this list, while Diver (TOP 12%) and Dever (4%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Water names for girls. Atwater - Mark | Moses - Wiley Atwater - Mark Atwater Origin fr. Old English. \"\" At the water .\"\" Atwater (TOP 5%), comparable to Auster (TOP 38%), Atter (96%), is a common -ter suffix surname. Place name. [ Attwater]Baptist .. baptized Jesus with water in the .. Baptist, Babtysta, etc."
"docid": "D330395#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/10137496/Lab18b-Spirometry/\nLab18b_Spirometry - Laboratory 18b Spirometry Objectives...",
"text": "Lab18b_Spirometry - Laboratory 18b Spirometry Objectives... SCHOOLTacoma Community College COURSE TITLEB 242TYPENotes UPLOADED BYdarkmousey PAGES 8 RATINGS100 % ( 2)This preview shows page 1. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: Laboratory 18b Spirometry Objectives: • • • • • Define, identify, and determine values for the respiratory volumes (IRV, TV, ERV, and RV) and the respiratory capacities (IC, FRC, VC, and TLC). Define and calculate values for minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation. Define anatomical dead space and explain the effect of anatomical dead space on alveolar ventilation and on the composition of alveolar and expired air. Explain why it is possible to hold one’s breath longer after hyperventilating than after eupnea. Predict factors or situations affecting the respiratory system that could disrupt homeostasis. 1."
"docid": "D2673605#0",
"title": "http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Models_of_communication\nModels of communication",
"text": "\"Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social | Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology |Social psychology: Altruism · Attribution · Attitudes · Conformity · Discrimination · Groups · Interpersonal relations · Obedience · Prejudice · Norms · Perception · Index · Outline File: Communication shannon-weaver2.svg Communication major dimensions scheme Communication code scheme File: Linear comm model.svg File: Interaction comm model.svg File: Smcr.jpg File: Transactional comm model.jpg Models of communication refers to the conceptual model used to explain the human communication process. Contents [ show]Shannon and Weaver Edit The first major model for communication was the Shannon–Weaver model developed in 1949 by Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver for Bell Laboratories [1] Following the basic concept, communication is the process of sending and receiving messages or transferring information from one part (sender) to another (receiver). [ 2]The original model was designed to mirror the functioning of radio and telephone technologies. Their initial model consisted of three primary parts: sender, channel, and receiver. The sender was the part of a telephone a person spoke into, the channel was the telephone itself, and the receiver was the part of the phone where one could hear the other person. Shannon and Weaver also recognized that often there is static that interferes with one listening to a telephone conversation, which they deemed noise. [ 1]In a simple model, often referred to as the transmission model or standard view of communication, information or content (e.g. a message in natural language) is sent in some form (as spoken language) from an emisor/ sender/ encoder to a destination/ receiver/ decoder. This common conception of communication views communication as a means of sending and receiving information. The strengths of this model are simplicity, generality, and quantifiability. Social scientists Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver structured this model based on the following elements: An information source, which produces a message."
"docid": "D165815#0",
"title": "https://www.copart.co.uk/Content/UK/EN/Support/FAQ-Topics/Glossary-of-Terms\nGlossary of Terms",
"text": "Glossary of Terms Print Email FAQ Topics Buying from Copart Fees and Payments MEA Fees and Payments Glossary of Terms Preliminary Bidding Reclaiming VATSale Policies Selling Support Copart UK Glossary of Terms ABI Cat The ABI stands for the Association of British Insurers which is UK's leading financial services trade association. The ABI Category is an indication of the level of the damage to a vehicle. Category B - Where the vehicle is to be dismantled for spare parts only. Bodyshells/frames must be crushed in their entirety including all welded/bonded sections. Category C - Where the vehicle is repairable salvage and the estimated full cost of necessary repair for known damage at current prevailing rates and prices exceeds the market valuation as defined by the insurer/owner at the incident date. Category D - Where the vehicle is repairable salvage and the estimated full cost of necessary repair for known damage at current prevailing rates and prices is less than the market valuation as defined by the insurer/owner at the incident date. Category X/U - Minimal Damage and Category U-Unrecorded are outside of the ABI Code of Practice and denote other vehicles not classified as a total loss under the code. * Category S - Repairable vehicle which has sustained damage to any part of the structural frame or chassis, and the insurer/self-insured owner has decided not to repair the vehicle. * Category N - Repairable vehicle which has not sustained damage to the structural frame or chassis and the insurer/self-insured owner has decided not to repair the vehicle. * From 1st October 2017, you will gradually start to see the new Category S & N vehicles appear at auction."
"docid": "D2828209#0",
"title": "https://owlcation.com/stem/Lung-Volumes-and-Capacities\nLung Volumes and Capacities",
"text": "Owlcation » STEM » Medical Science Lung Volumes and Capacities Updated on July 23, 2013Chanaka Kahathuduwa more Contact Author Breathing (inspiration and expiration) occurs in a cyclical manner due to the movements of the chest wall and the lungs. The resulting changes in pressure, causes changes in lung volumes, i.e. the amount of air the lungs are capable of occupying. These volumes tend to vary, depending on the depth of respiration, ethnicity, gender, age and in certain respiratory diseases. Learn more about respiratory physiology...... Respiratory Physiology - Introduction The respiratory physiology is on the process of incorporation of oxygen in the environment for the utilization of energy from the organic compounds and for the elimination of carbon dioxide Tidal Volume (TV)The volume of air breathed in and out at rest is known as the tidal volume (TV). This is found to be about 500 ml in an averagely built (70 kg), healthy, young adult. The tidal volume tends to decrease in restrictive lung diseases. In restrictive lung diseases, the lungs fail to expand properly as a result of restrictive forces exerted from within the lungs (e.g. – fibrosing alveolitis) or from the thoracic wall (e.g. – severe scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis). Weakness of the respiratory muscles (e.g. – myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barre syndrome and phrenic nerve palsy) can also give rise to restricted movements of the chest wall resulting in the reduction of the tidal volume. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) and Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)In addition to the amount of air that could be inspired at rest, the lungs are capable of accommodating an additional amount of air during a deep inspiration. This amount of air that can be inhaled in addition to the tidal volume is known as the inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)."
"docid": "D2749375#0",
"title": "http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/blogs/dept/musings/makeup-air-range-hoods\nMakeup Air for Range Hoods",
"text": "\"9 Helpful? Makeup Air for Range Hoods If your kitchen has a powerful exhaust fan, it may be pulling air down your chimney or water-heater flue Posted on Nov 19 2010 by Martin Holladay Image 1 of 3Hold on to your hat, I'm turning on the exhaust fan. GE sells several powerful range-hood fans, including the Monogram ZV48TSFSS, which is rated at 1,200 cfm. UPDATED on January 8, 2018Most homes have several exhaust appliances. These typically include a bathroom fan (40-200 cfm), a clothes dryer (100-225 cfm), and perhaps a power-vented water heater (50 cfm), a wood stove (30-50 cfm), or a central vacuum cleaning system (100-200 cfm). But the most powerful exhaust appliance in most homes is the kitchen range-hood fan (100-1,200 cfm). Every time an exhaust fan removes air from your house, an equal volume of air must enter. The air that enters cracks in a home’s envelope to replace air that is exhausted is called “makeup air.” Two trends affecting makeup air are causing increasing problems for homeowners: homes are getting tighter, and range-hood fans are getting more powerful. So where does a powerful range-hood fan get its makeup air?"
"docid": "D3128830#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Elvin\nWhat does Elvin mean?",
"text": "\"Home > Elvin♂Elvin What does Elvin mean? E lvin ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced EL-vin. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Elvin is \"\"elf or magical being, friend\"\". Variant of Alvin, from Aelfwine. Also possibly means \"\"precious friend\"\". STARTS WITH El-ASSOCIATED WITH old english, elf, magical, friend Variations VARIANTS Elven, Elvern, Elvyn, Elwin ▼, Elwinn, Elwyn, Elwynne SEE ALSO Alvern RELATED FORMS VIA ALVIN Aloin, Aluin, Aluino, Alva ▼, Alvan, Alven, Alvie ▼, Alvy, Alvyn, Alwin, Alwyn, Aylwin, Elwynn FEMININE FORM Elvina CREATIVE FORMS (male) Elein, .. (female) Elvind, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Elvin Kaiden (E. K.), .. How popular is Elvin? Elvin is a very prominent first name for men (#595 out of 1220, Top 49%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#29543 out of 150436, Top 20%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS)Elvin reached its apex rank of #308 in the U. S. in the 1920s, and is at #1472 presently. ( 2016 BIRTH STATISTICS)Which version is better? Alvin (#588 LAST YEAR), Alva, Alvan, Alven, Alvie, Alvy, Alwin, Elven, Elwin and Elwyn are the popular alternative forms of Elvin (#1472) ranked in the Top 2000."
"docid": "D2814679#0",
"title": "http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200112/10_mainstreet_ourtown-m/church_bar.shtml\n.",
"text": "\"Our Town, Minnesota All you need is a church and a bar By Jeff Horwich Minnesota Public Radio December 10, 2001Real Audio To get at the heart of small-town Minnesota, peel away the elements of a typical main street. Forget any retail shops or electric traffic signals. Take away the cafe, the grocery store, the school - even the grain elevator. By this point you're probably left with a pretty small town. But chances are you're also left with two pillars of rural Minnesota life - the local church and the local bar. We visited a typical Stearns county town that has just one of each - a church, a bar, and not much else. St. Anthony's Catholic Church is one of the two landmarks in the town of St. Anthony, Minn. The other one is the local bar - Schiffler's. See more images of St. Anthony. ( MPR Photo/Jeff Horwich)They say there's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Usually it's just a figure of speech."
"docid": "D2479346#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Julius\nJulius - Meaning of Julius",
"text": "\"What does Julius mean? Pronounce Julius [ 3 syll. ju - liu (s), jul -i- us ] The baby boy name Julius is pronounced in English as JH UW -Liy-ah S or in German as Y UW -Liy-uh S †. Julius is used predominantly in the English, German, and Greek languages, and it is derived from Latin origins. The name's meaning is Jupiter 's child, downy. Julius (Latin) is an original form of Julius. The first name is from the Roman family name, which is of obscure origin; some theories suggest a derivation from the element 'iovilius', or else from the Greek word of the meaning 'downy', referring to the tender facial hair of young males. The name was most well-known from the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar (102-44 BC). The name was also borne in Greco-Roman mythology and in the Iliad by Ascanius Julius, also known as Iulus or Julus, the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas. Three popes have also borne the name. The name was adopted by English speakers from the 19th century, and has been used with both Christians and Jews."
"docid": "D3024364#0",
"title": "https://www.homepower.com/articles/home-efficiency/equipment-products/heat-energy-recovery-ventilators\nHeat & Energy Recovery Ventilators",
"text": "The heat recovery ventilator (HRV) and its close cousin, the energy recovery ventilator (ERV), can often make a home more efficient. Find out here what these boxes do and if your house needs one. Homes Need to Breathe A house built to modern standards of tight construction will allow only a very small amount of outside air to leak in. But fresh air is needed to dilute the products of human habitation (cooking, cleaning, breathing, combustion, etc. ), as well as the chemicals that offgas from building materials, such as particle board and paint. According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollution levels are as much as five times higher than outdoors. And good ventilation is an important part of maintaining good indoor air quality. Dilution and at-source (spot) exhausting are the main methods for ensuring good indoor air quality. It is possible to remove particles (by filtration), volatile organics (by adsorption), and other harmful products from indoor air, but these technologies are energy-intensive and very expensive (think spacecraft and submarines). Although houses can be designed to “self-ventilate,” this process depends upon local climate conditions and wind shading—protection by tall walls and trees—which are not controllable."
"docid": "D2657925#0",
"title": "http://www.kgbanswers.com/is-the-point-guard-kyrie-erving-julius-ervings-son/21859013\nIs the point guard, kyrie erving, julius erving's son?",
"text": "Is the point guard, kyrie erving, julius erving's son?kgb answers » Sports » Basketball » Is the point guard, kyrie erving, julius erving's son? No. Cleveland Cavaliers guard, Kyrie Irving, is not the son of former NBA great Julius Erving. Kyrie Irving's father is former Australian professional basketball player Drederick Irving. Kyrie's mother, Elizabeth (who was a standout athlete herself), died when Kyrie was just four. Since then, dad Drederick raised him as a single parent and served as Kyrie’s first basketball coach. Kyrie Irving was born on March 23, 1992 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, but moved to New Jersey at the age of 2 and grew up there. He was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers as the number one overall pick of the 2011 NBA Draft. 2012's achievements included the All-Rookie First Team, Rookie of the Year, and the Rising Stars Challenge MVP. In 2013 he won the NBA Three-Point Shootout."
"docid": "D995610#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Julius.html\nJulius Meaning",
"text": "\"Julius Meaning Name: What does Julius mean? The name Julius is of Latin and Greek origin. The meaning of Julius is \"\"downy-bearded, soft haired, implying youthful\"\". Julius is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Ju-li-us. The Given Name Julius Julius is a Roman family name which may have been derived from the Greek word ioulos meaning \"\"downy bearded or soft haired, implying youthful\"\". Its most famous bearer was Gaius Julius Caesar. Julius is good for parents who want a name that is fearless and mesmerizing. A sophisticated name, Julius possesses great character. Wrap it up and take it home, Julius may just be the name you're looking for."
"docid": "D2831765#0",
"title": "http://www.venmar.ca/22-detail-advice-hrv-and-erv-why-choose-a-erv-energy-recovery-ventilator-.html\nHRV and ERV - Why choose a ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator)",
"text": "Home Advice and Solutions HRV and ERV - Why choose a ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator)HRV and ERV - Why choose a ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator)An energy recovery ventilator system (ERV) fits in colder climates, in the homes where there is no excess moisture in heating season, as well as for homes located in warmer climates where the outside humidity level is high. As for the HRV system, the ERV system recovers heat; however, it also recuperates the energy trapped in moisture, which greatly improves the overall recovery efficiency. In air conditioned homes, when it is more humid outside than inside, the ERV system limits the amount of moisture coming into your home. In humidified homes, when the humidity level is low in winter, the ERV system limits the amount of moisture expelled from your home. Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Heating Season Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Cooling Season« Back"
"docid": "D10252#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Ervin\nWhat does Ervin mean?",
"text": "\"What does Ervin mean? Ervin ▼ as a boys' name is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Ervin is \"\"green, fresh water\"\". Variant of Irving. Also a Scottish place name, or means \"\"beautiful\"\". STARTS WITH Er-ASSOCIATED WITH gaelic, water, scottish, beautiful (handsome)Variations RELATIONS VIA IRVING Earvin, Erv, Irv, Irven, Irvin ▼, Irvine, Irvyn CREATIVE FORMS (male) Erlyn, .. (female) Erei, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Ervin Kace (E. K.), .. How popular is Ervin? Ervin is a very popular first name for men (#433 out of 1220, Top 35%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#1321 out of 150436, Top 1%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D14808#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Erving\nJulius Erving",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Julius Erving Erving with the Philadelphia 76ers Personal information Born February 22, 1950 (age 68)East Meadow, New York Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 7 in (2.01 m)Listed weight 210 lb (95 kg)Career information High school Roosevelt (Roosevelt, New York)College UMass (1969–1971)NBA draft 1972 / Round: 1 / Pick: 12th overall Selected by the Milwaukee Bucks Playing career 1971–1987Position Small forward Number 32, 6Career history1971 – 1973 Virginia Squires1973 – 1976 New York Nets1976 – 1987 Philadelphia 76ers Career highlights and awards NBA champion ( 1983)2× ABA champion ( 1974, 1976)2× ABA Playoffs MVP ( 1974, 1976)NBA Most Valuable Player ( 1981)3× ABA Most Valuable Player ( 1974 – 1976)11× NBA All-Star ( 1977 – 1987)5× ABA All-Star ( 1972 – 1976)2× NBA All-Star Game MVP ( 1977, 1983)5× All-NBA First Team ( 1978, 1980 – 1983)2× All-NBA Second Team ( 1977, 1984)4× All-ABA First Team ( 1973 – 1976)All-ABA Second Team ( 1972)ABA All-Defensive First Team ( 1976)ABA All-Rookie First Team ( 1972)ABA Slam Dunk Champion ( 1976)J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award ( 1983)No. 32 retired by Brooklyn Nets No. 6 retired by Philadelphia 76ers ABA All-Time Team NBA 35th Anniversary Team NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team Third-team All-American – NABC, UPI ( 1971)No. 32 retired by UMass Career ABA and NBA statistics Points 30,026 (24.2 ppg)Rebounds 10,525 (8.5 rpg)Assists 5,176 (4.2 apg)Stats at Basketball-Reference.com Basketball Hall of Fame as player College Basketball Hall of Fame Inducted in 2006Julius Winfield Erving II (born February 22, 1950), commonly known by the nickname Dr. J, is an American retired basketball player who helped popularize a modern style of play that emphasizes leaping and playing above the rim. Erving helped legitimize the American Basketball Association (ABA) and was the best-known player in that league when it merged with the National Basketball Association (NBA) after the 1975–76 season. He is now a coach of Tri-State of the BIG3. Erving won three championships, four Most Valuable Player Awards, and three scoring titles with the ABA's Virginia Squires and New York Nets (now the NBA's Brooklyn Nets) and the NBA's Philadelphia 76ers. He is the eighth-highest scorer in ABA/NBA history with 30,026 points (NBA and ABA combined). He was well known for slam dunking from the free throw line in slam dunk contests and was the only player voted Most Valuable Player in both the ABA and the NBA. Erving was inducted in 1993 into the Basketball Hall of Fame and was also named to the NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time team."
] |
160 | +how do i annualize decedent income | [
"docid": "D2388083#0",
"title": "https://www.esmarttax.com/tax-forms/pennsylvania-schedule-sp-instructions/\nPennsylvania Schedule Sp Instructions",
"text": "Pennsylvania Schedule Sp Instructions PA SCHEDULE SP (LINE 21)What is Tax Forgiveness? Tax Forgiveness is a credit that allows eligible taxpayers toreduce all or part of their PA tax liability. Tax Forgiveness: Gives a state tax refund to some taxpayers; and Forgives some taxpayers of their liabilities even if theyhave not paid their PA personal income tax. Who is Eligible for Tax Forgiveness? You, and your spouse if applicable, are eligible if: You are subject to PA personal income tax. You and/oryour spouse are liable for PA tax on your income (orwould be liable if you earned, received, or realized PA- taxable income);You are not a dependent on another person's federal taxreturn; and You meet the eligibility requirements. NOTE: A dependent child may be eligible if he or she is a dependent on the PA Schedule SP of his or her parents, grandparents, or foster parents. See Page 35. How Do I Claim Tax Forgiveness? To claim Tax Forgiveness, complete and submit a PASchedule SP, and: Determine your Eligibility Income."
] | [
"docid": "D2366652#0",
"title": "http://www.njlaws.com/NJ-Estate-Tax.html\nNJ Estate Tax for Estates over $675,000",
"text": "\"NJ Estate Tax for Estates over $675,000NJ Estate Tax for Estates over $675,000Recommendation for Tax Planning now if husband and wifes total assets including life insurance exceeds $675,000A New Jersey estate tax return must be filed if the decedents gross estate plus adjusted taxable gifts as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code in effect on December 31, 2001 exceeds $675,000. It must be filed within nine months of the decedents death (nine months plus 30 days if the Form 706 method is used). Additionally, a copy of any Federal estate tax return filed or required to be filed with the Federal government must be submitted within 30 days of the date it is filed with the Internal Revenue Service and a copy of any communication received from the Federal government must be submitted within 30 days of its receipt from the Internal Revenue Service. The NJ Estate Tax is in addition to any NJ Inheritance Tax. Who Must File A New Jersey estate tax return must be filed if the decedents Gross Estate exceeds $675,000. There is substantial taxes that must be paid after the 2 nd spouse dies on amounts over $675,000. You can hire an attorney to set up Trusts to try to reduce taxes due. We charge a minimum fee of $600 for each trust within a Will. A separate stand alone Trust has a minimum fee for $2,000. Even if your net worth is well below the threshold where the federal estate tax becomes an issue, the New Jersey Estate Tax may still be a problem."
"docid": "D1780734#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i1041/ch01.html\nInstructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 (2017)",
"text": "\"Instructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 (2017)U. S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.2017Instructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 - Introductory Material Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, K-1 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/Form1041. What's New Due date of return. For calendar year estates and trusts, file Form 1041 and Schedule (s) K-1 by April 17, 2018. The due date is April 17, because April 15 is a Sunday and the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia is observed on April 16—even if you don’t live in the District of Columbia. Address change for filing returns. The filing address for estates or trusts located in Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin has changed. See Where To File, later. Reporting expenses subject to 2% floor and not subject to 2% floor. Regulations under section 67 (e) clarify which costs, such as investment advisory and bundled fiduciary fees, incurred by estates and nongrantor trusts are and are not exempt from the 2% floor for miscellaneous itemized deductions. Regulations section 1.67-4 is available at IRS.gov/irb/2014-22_IRB/ar05.html, amended at IRS.gov/irb/2014–32_IRB/ar06.html."
"docid": "D2257855#0",
"title": "https://pocketsense.com/long-need-keep-tax-records-after-someone-dies-9846.html\nHow Long Do You Need to Keep Tax Records After Someone Dies?",
"text": "\"Home » Tax How Long Do You Need to Keep Tax Records After Someone Dies?by Jeannine Mancini; Updated December 08, 2017As they saying goes, the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Even if the event of death, taxes are still due for the year and a final tax return must be filed. If you are in charge of a decedent's estate, you want to ensure you have her financial documents on hand to properly prepare and file taxes. The length of time you should keep tax records and supporting documents after death varies, depending on the circumstances. However, there are guidelines the Internal Revenue Service sets for all taxpayers. Income Tax Due Date After the death of an individual, the personal representative of the estate or the administrator is responsible for filing the tax return. If no one is appointed, a survivor must file on behalf of the decedent. The taxes are due the same date for everyone, with no exceptions made for death. For example, if the individual passes away in March, the taxes are due April 15 of the following year. When preparing the taxes, use the same form that would have been used if the taxpayer were alive."
"docid": "D2655206#0",
"title": "https://www.esmarttax.com/tax-forms/michigan-form-mi-1040cr-instructions/\nMichigan Form Mi-1040Cr Instructions",
"text": "\"Michigan Form Mi-1040Cr Instructions General Information - Homestead Property Tax Credit (MI-1040CR)The request for your Social Security number is authorized under USC Section 42. Social Security numbers are used by Treasury to conduct matches against benefit income provided by the Social Security Administration and other sources to verify the accuracy of the home heating credit and property tax credit claims filed and to deter fraudulent filings. Who May Claim a Property Tax Credit You may claim a property tax credit if all of the following apply: Your homestead is located in Michigan You were a Michigan resident at least six months of 2013You pay property taxes or rent on your Michigan homestead You were contracted to pay rent or own the home you live in. You can have only one homestead at a time, and you must be the occupant as well as the owner or renter. Your homestead can be a rented apartment or a mobile home on a lot in a mobile home park. A vacation home or income property is not considered your homestead. Your homestead is in your state of domicile. Domicile is the place where you have your permanent home. It is the place to which you plan to return whenever you go away. College students and others whose permanent homes are not in Michigan are not Michigan residents."
"docid": "D2248622#0",
"title": "https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Tax-Planning-and-Checklists/Estates-and-Trusts/INF12017.html\nEstates and Trusts",
"text": "\"The article below is accurate for your 2017 taxes, the one that you file this year by the April 2018 deadline, including a few retroactive changes due to the passing of tax reform. Some tax information below will change next year for your 2018 taxes, but won’t impact you this year. Learn more about tax reform here. I am a beneficiary of my father's estate. I received a cash bequest of $50,000. Do I have to pay tax on it? No, the cash your father left you in his will is tax-free. My uncle left me $10,000 worth of stock. Is that taxable? You don't owe tax when you inherit the stock."
"docid": "D2498106#0",
"title": "http://www.estatesettlement.com/faq03.php\n.",
"text": "\"Personal Representative Questions | Executor Questions Estate Settlement.com Click on blue executor question to go directly to answer, back arrow to return to questions. What is probate? Is probate necessary? Does all property go through probate when a person dies? Do life insurance or retirement benefits need to go through probate? Do living trusts go through probate? How much does probate cost? How long does probate take? ( see time line)Where will the probate hearing be? Who is in charge of the probate process?"
"docid": "D528197#0",
"title": "http://taxmap.ntis.gov/taxmap/pubs/p550-002.htm\nInterest Income (p5)",
"text": "\"Publication 550Previous Page | Table of Contents | Index | Next Page Interest Income (p5)For Use in Tax Year 2016Interest Income Words you may need to know (see Glossary)Accrual method Below-market loan Cash method Demand loan Forgone interest Gift loan Interest Mutual fund Nominee Original issue discount Private activity bond Term loan This section discusses the tax treatment of different types of interest income. In general, any interest that you receive or that is credited to your account and can be withdrawn is taxable income. ( It does not have to be entered in your passbook.) Exceptions to this rule are discussed later. Form 1099-INT. ( p5)For Use in Tax Year 2016Interest income is generally reported to you on Form 1099-INT, or a similar statement, by banks, savings and loans, and other payers of interest. This form shows you the interest you received during the year. Keep this form for your records. You do not have to attach it to your tax return. Report on your tax return the total interest income you receive for the tax year."
"docid": "D2746023#0",
"title": "https://nadinecatalfimo.wordpress.com/2012/05/24/nh-probate-frequently-asked-questions/\nnadinecatalfimo",
"text": "NH PROBATE – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSMay 24, 2012 ncatalfimo Leave a comment Go to comments By: Nadine M. Catalfimo, Trust and Estate Lawyer Dated: May 24, 2012What is probate? Probate is the court process by which someone is appointed to serve as the executor or administrator of an Estate by the court. The executor will collect all the assets, pay debts of the decedent, pay the costs of the estate administration, report all assets to the court and after a certain time period has lapsed (and all bills are paid), will distribute the estate assets to the decedent’s beneficiaries. How long does it take? It depends. A typical estate in NH may be closed after six months if all the interested parties assent to a Motion for Summary Administration. However, all debts and outstanding bills must first be paid, including the decedent’s final 1040 income tax. If the beneficiaries do not waive the accounting and do not agree to an expedited Motion for Summary Administration, then it may take up to 1 year or longer (from the executor’s date of appointment) before the estate can be closed. How much are the court costs? The filing fees and costs to probate an estate vary depending on the value of the probate estate."
"docid": "D1085441#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/step-by-step-guide-how-to-probate-an-estate-3505261\nHow to Probate an Estate Step-by-Step",
"text": "\"Estate Planning Inheritor's Guide How to Probate an Estate Step-by-Step Share Flip Pin Email By Julie Garber Updated December 27, 2017Most people have little experience dealing with what happens after their loved one dies and they get appointed as Personal Representative/Executor to settle the estate. The purpose of this guide is to provide a general overview of the six steps required to probate an estate.01 Step 1 of Estate Settlement - Inventory Before being appointed to serve as Personal Representative/Executor, the first step in probating an estate is to locate all of the decedent's estate planning documents and other important papers. The decedent's estate planning documents may include a Last Will and Testament, funeral, cremation, burial or memorial instructions, and/or a Revocable Living Trust. The original documents should be stored in a safe place until they can be given to the estate attorney. The decedent's important papers will include information about the decedent's assets, including bank and brokerage statements, stock and bond certificates, life insurance policies, corporate records, car and boat titles, and deeds; and information about the decedent's debts, including utility bills, credit card bills, mortgages, personal loans, medical bills and the funeral bill. Refer to What Documents Are Needed After Someone Dies? for a detailed list of the specific documents that will need to be located. From these documents a list should be made of what the decedent owned and owed, how each asset is titled (in the decedent's individual name, as a tenant in common, in joint names, or in a trust), and, for assets and debts that have a statement, the value of the asset or debt as listed on the statement and the date of the statement. In addition, the decedent's prior three years of income tax returns should be set aside. Once the decedent's important documents have been sorted through, the next is to meet with an estate lawyer to open the estate with the probate court.02 Step 2 of Estate Settlement - Open the Probate Estate Once the decedent's legal documents and other important papers have been sorted through, the next step in probating the estate is to meet with an estate attorney to officially open the probate estate with the probate court."
"docid": "D762582#0",
"title": "https://www.bna.com/irs-announces-2017-b57982079185/\nIRS Announces 2017 Inflation Adjustments",
"text": "Oct 26, 2016 / by Eric Rodriguez IRS Announces 2017 Inflation Adjustments The IRS recently released the 2017 inflation adjustments for several tax provisions in Rev. Proc. 2016-55, 2016-45 I. R. B. __. There appear to be no surprises here, as the revenue procedure confirmed the projections made by Bloomberg BNA in its annual special report. The adjustments apply to tax years beginning in 2017 and transactions or events occurring during the 2017 calendar year. For the estate planner, here are some 2017 amounts to keep in mind: Income Tax of Trusts and Estates The taxable income thresholds on trusts and estates under § 1 (e) are: If Taxable Income is: The Tax is: Not over $ 2,550 15% of the taxable income Over $ 2,550 but not over $ 6,000 $ 382.50 plus 25% of excess over $ 2,550Over $ 6,000 but not over $ 9,150 $1,245.00 plus 28% of excess over $ 6,000Over $ 9,150 but not over $12,500$2,127.00 plus 33% of excess over $ 9,150Over $12,500$3,232.50 plus 39.6% of excess over $12,500The alternative minimum tax exemption amount for estates and trusts under (§ 55 (d) (1) (D)) is: Filing Status Exemption Amount Estates and Trusts ( (§55 (d) (1) (D)) $24,100The phaseout amounts of alternative minimum tax for estates and trusts under (§ 55 (d) (3) (C)) are: Filing Status Threshold Phaseout Completed Phaseout Estates and Trusts ( (§55 (d) (3) (C))$80,450 $176,850Estate and Gift Tax For decedents dying and gifts and generation-skipping transfers made in 2017, the basic exclusion amount, for purposes of determining the § 2010 credit against estate tax, is $5,490,000. The calculated credit generated by the § 2010 or § 2505 inflation-adjusted basic exclusion amount is $2,141,800 for 2017 decedents or gifts. The § 2503 (b) annual gift tax exclusion for gifts of current interest in property made in 2017 remains at $14,000 per donee. For gifts of current interest in property made to a non-citizen spouse in 2017, the annual gift tax exclusion under § 2523 (i) (2) is $149,000. Additionally, donees of gifts from certain foreign persons may be required to report these gifts under § 6039F if the aggregate value of the gifts received in 2017 exceeds $15,797. For estates of decedents dying in 2017 that elect to use the § 2032A special valuation method for qualified property, the aggregate decrease in value must not exceed $1,120,000."
"docid": "D3196705#0",
"title": "http://www.clarkskatoff.com/news-resources/faqs/do-i-owe-tax-on-my-inheritance/\nDo I Owe Tax On My Inheritance",
"text": "Do I Owe Tax On My Inheritance Estates and beneficiaries can be subject to estate tax, inheritance tax, and income tax. Estate Tax The Federal Estate Tax is applicable to all estates whose fair market value at the time of death is in excess of $5,250,000 for 2013 (which is indexed for inflation for subsequent years). A history of the estate tax is available here. The exemption amount amount is reduced for any taxable gifts made during the decedent’s lifetime. In other words, if gifts were made during the life of the decedent, the estate tax could be increased. Various deductions are available to eliminate taxes on estates over the $5,250,000 threshold. The main deduction is the marital deduction (for assets passing to a surviving spouse). Accordingly, a decedent can leave an unlimited amount to a surviving spouse without the payment of estate tax. Another common deduction from the estate tax is the charitable deduction. Amount left to charity can therefore be passed without any estate tax."
"docid": "D993695#0",
"title": "https://options.iuf.indiana.edu/charitable-bequests-and-different-aspects-of-testamentary-giving/\nCharitable Bequests and Different Aspects of Testamentary Giving",
"text": "Charitable Bequests and Different Aspects of Testamentary Giving Charitable bequests are by far the most popular kind of planned gift. By including a charitable bequest in a will, a testator makes a final statement in support of a qualified charity. Yet, the importance of charitable bequests is often understated; some view a bequest as simpler and less substantial compared to lifetime planned giving arrangements. However, it is difficult not to be impressed by the impact of bequests when charitable organizations regularly report testamentary gifts of $1,000,000, $10,000,000 or more. The Ground Rules Mistakes in Crafting Bequest Language Reduction of the Charitable Bequest Post-mortem Preservation of the Charitable Bequest Advantages of Certain Testamentary Gifts Split-Interest Charitable Bequest Estate Planning with a QTIP and Charitable Bequest Closing Endnotes Whatever form the charitable bequest takes – a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, a certain percentage of the available estate or the estate residue – the donor should benefit from a charitable deduction for estate tax purposes. Keep in mind that an improperly made charitable bequest can both defeat your client’s good intentions and result in a denial of the charitable deduction which increases the taxable estate. This issue explores different opportunities and pitfalls in making charitable bequests. Back to Top I. The Ground Rules A bequest made to a qualified charity is deductible by the estate for estate tax purposes if it meets the requirements set out in the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”).1 To qualify for the estate tax charitable deduction under IRC §2055, a bequest generally must be: Included in the decedent’s gross estate;Transferred by the decedent by will; and Made to a qualified charitable organization as defined under estate tax rules.2The term “qualified charitable organization” generally means any domestic or foreign “corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes” that will use the asset exclusively for charitable purposes.3Although the applicable exclusion amount has increased in recent years (up to $5,120,000 in 2012), the availability of a charitable deduction against estate taxes is a welcome benefit for many estates. Estates in excess of the applicable exclusion amount face the imposition of the federal estate tax at a 2012 top tax rate of 35%, and the charitable deduction allowed for a bequest can provide a measure of relief from this burden.4Back to Top II. Mistakes in Crafting Bequest Language Advising a client to take advantage of the charitable deduction for a bequest is obvious, but the preparation for and drafting of the bequest should be done with care."
"docid": "D2488799#0",
"title": "http://www.njlaws.com/answers_to_probate.html\nProbate Answers",
"text": "\"Probate Answers Probate is the process where after death the instructions of the Will are carried out. Will is admitted to “Probate” in the County Surrogate. Some people refer to the Surrogate as the Will Clerk. Upon the death of the testator or testatrix (maker of the Will), the probate procedure can begin. This is the legal process which establishes the genuineness of the Will. It is done by the Surrogate in the county where the testator or testatrix resided at the time of death. The probate application must contain the following information:1. the applicant's residence;?2. the name, domicile and date of death of the decedent;?3. the names and addresses of the decedent's spouse, heirs (those entitled to take under the laws of interstate succession), and any person named to serve as Executor;?4."
"docid": "D130594#0",
"title": "https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPublic/Resources/LawFactsPamphlets/Pages/LawFactsPamphlet-17.aspx\nProbate",
"text": "Probate Document last updated 3/27/2014. What is probate? Probate is a legal proceeding to administer certain kinds of property (called probate property) owned by someone who has died (the decedent), to see that claims, expenses and taxes are properly paid, and to see that the remaining estate is distributed to those entitled to receive it under the terms of the decedent’s will or under Ohio law. Probate property consists of all property titled in the decedent’s name and not transferable on death. It is distributed according to the terms of the decedent’s will or, if the decedent died without a will (intestate), according to Ohio law. A probate proceeding takes place in the probate court of the county in which the decedent lived. If the decedent also owned real estate in another state, additional proceedings may be necessary in that state. What property is not included in probate? Property that is not probate property (called nonprobate property), and therefore is not part of the probate proceeding, includes: property the decedent and another person held as joint tenants with right of survivorship; property held in a trust; accounts that are payable on death (POD) or will transfer on death (TOD) to a named beneficiary; and insurance or retirement benefits that are payable to a named beneficiary. Nonprobate property passes directly to a named beneficiary, survivor or successor in interest, without probate proceedings."
"docid": "D888229#0",
"title": "http://www.wkblaw.com/practice-areas/estate-planning-probate-and-trust-administration/overview-california-probate-process\n",
"text": "Probate’s Purposes Probate is the legal process that results in a court validating someone’s will or determining that he or she died without one. The court, as part of the probate, will appoint someone to handle the bills of the deceased as well as his or her assets. Depending on certain circumstances, that person is called the executor, administrator, or administrator with the will annexed. Probate is also when creditors of the deceased can appear before the court and make their claims for payment. Under law, they have a fixed period of time to do so and demand payment. In addition to insuring the payments of those debts presented by creditors, the probate process is also used by the federal government to make sure taxes are paid. Income taxes for the deceased must be paid for his or her personal income tax return for the period up to the date of death. If the estate earns any income during the probate, a separate estate income tax return is required, and taxes must be paid on the income. If the estate of the person who died is over the maximum exemption – currently $5,000,000 – a federal estate tax return is due, and any taxes due must be paid within nine months of the date of death. Finally, following the collection of all the assets owned by the person who died and any sale of them, taxes and debts are paid before the executor or administrator distributes the remaining assets as provided for in the decedent’s will or, if there is none, following the rules of intestate succession."
"docid": "D1823951#0",
"title": "https://www.mib.com/lost_life_insurance.html\n",
"text": "Life insurance policyholders may fail to inform the beneficiary (ies) of a policy's existence. In life insurance, the beneficiary is the person or entity entitled to receive the policy proceeds upon the death of insured. Because some beneficiaries are not aware of their entitlement to the death benefit proceeds, they may fail to claim them. Insurance companies would like to distribute what is rightfully due, but they are bound to identify and pay the proper beneficiaries under the policies that they issue and they may only do so when claims are made. Today, consumers have several options available to them when searching for life insurance policies for deceased family members, including: searches provided by state treasurer and national unclaimed property searches; insurance company Lost Policy Finders; state insurance department Policy Locators; and private, fee-based services (for instance, MIB's Policy Locator Service ). First Steps. . . Check the decedent's personal papers and address books looking for listings of insurance agents, lawyers, estate planners, and financial advisors. Check safety deposit boxes for an insurance policy or related papers. Check with any current or former employers for group life coverage or other life insurance policies purchased through work. Check with a spouse’s current or former employer to determine whether spousal coverage may apply."
"docid": "D2725485#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i1041/ch02.html\nInstructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 (2017)",
"text": "\"Instructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 (2017)U. S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.2017Instructions for Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1 - Introductory Material Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, K-1 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/Form1041. What's New Due date of return. For calendar year estates and trusts, file Form 1041 and Schedule (s) K-1 by April 17, 2018. The due date is April 17, because April 15 is a Sunday and the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia is observed on April 16—even if you don’t live in the District of Columbia. Address change for filing returns. The filing address for estates or trusts located in Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin has changed. See Where To File, later. Reporting expenses subject to 2% floor and not subject to 2% floor. Regulations under section 67 (e) clarify which costs, such as investment advisory and bundled fiduciary fees, incurred by estates and nongrantor trusts are and are not exempt from the 2% floor for miscellaneous itemized deductions. Regulations section 1.67-4 is available at IRS.gov/irb/2014-22_IRB/ar05.html, amended at IRS.gov/irb/2014–32_IRB/ar06.html."
"docid": "D1002286#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/irb/2011-42_IRB/ar12.html\nInternal Revenue Bulletin: 2011-42",
"text": "Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2011-42October 17, 2011Highlights of This Issue These synopses are intended only as aids to the reader in identifying the subject matter covered. They may not be relied upon as authoritative interpretations. INCOME TAXT. D. 9546 T. D. 9546Final regulations under section 142 of the Code provide the definition of solid waste disposal facilities for purposes of the rules applicable to tax-exempt bonds issued by state and local governments to finance solid waste disposal facilities. REG-111283-11 REG-111283-11Proposed regulations describe swaps and similar agreements that fall within the meaning of section 1256 (b) (2) (B) of the Code. The proposed regulations also revise the definition of a notional principal contract under regulations section 1.446-3. A public hearing is scheduled for January 19, 2012. REG-128224-06 REG-128224-06Proposed regulations under section 67 of the Code provide guidance on which costs incurred by estates or trusts other than grantor trusts (non-grantor trusts) are subject to the 2-percent floor for miscellaneous itemized deductions under section 67 (a). A public hearing is scheduled for December 19, 2011. EMPLOYEE PLANSREG-140038-10 REG-140038-10Proposed regulations under section 9815 of the Code implement the disclosure requirements to help plans and individuals better understand their health coverage, as well as other coverage options, regarding the summary of benefits and coverage and the uniform glossary for group health plans and health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets under the Affordable Care Act."
"docid": "D1291584#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i1099r/ar02.html\nInstructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 - Main Contents",
"text": "\"Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 - Main Contents Specific Instructions for Form 1099-RFile Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc., for each person to whom you have made a designated distribution or are treated as having made a distribution of $10 or more from profit-sharing or retirement plans, any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts, charitable gift annuities, etc. Also, report on Form 1099-R death benefit payments made by employers that are not made as part of a pension, profit-sharing, or retirement plan. See Box 1, later. Reportable disability payments made from a retirement plan must be reported on Form 1099-R. Generally, do not report payments subject to withholding of social security and Medicare taxes on this form. Report such payments on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. Generally, do not report amounts totally exempt from tax, such as workers' compensation and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) payments. However, if part of the distribution is taxable and part is nontaxable, report the entire distribution in box 1 and the taxable part in box 2a when known. There is no special reporting for qualified charitable distributions under section 408 (d) (8), qualified health savings account (HSA) funding distributions described in section 408 (d) (9), or for the payment of qualified health insurance premiums (including long-term care insurance premiums) for retired public safety officers described in section 402 (l). Military retirement annuities."
"docid": "D3429040#0",
"title": "http://budgeting.thenest.com/can-roth-iras-funded-nontaxed-inheritances-26238.html\nCan Roth IRAs Be Funded With Non-Taxed Inheritances?",
"text": "\"A Roth IRA allows you to take tax-free distributions at retirement. An inheritance can help you get out of debt and pay your upcoming bills. However, if you inherit far more money than you currently need, savings some for a rainy-day fund or retirement can help you get ahead. But just because you have extra money doesn't mean you're eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs differ from traditional IRAs because money that goes into a Roth is taxed before it goes in, but when you take a qualified distribution, you remove all the contributions and earnings tax-free. Inheritence is Not Compensation To contribute to a Roth IRA, you must have compensation at least equal to your contribution. If your compensation is less than the annual contribution limit, your contribution is limited to the amount of your compensation. Compensation includes only money that you earn from working, either as an employee or as a self-employed individual. However, the IRS does not require that the compensation be specifically used to contribute to a Roth IRA. For example, if you have $8,000 in compensation and you inherit $50,000, even if that $8,000 went to paying rent and food expenses, you can use money from the inheritance to contribute to a Roth IRA, because you had enough compensation for the year."
] |
163 | +how long does it take for you to recieve your ged diploma | [
"docid": "D2977021#0",
"title": "http://www.laniertech.edu/AdultEducation/AdultEducation-FAQ-GED.aspx\n.",
"text": "Frequently Asked Questions - GED ®Select an item to expand: How much do classes and assessments cost? [ +]Is an orientation necessary in order to take the GED ®Test? [ +]How soon can I take the actual GED ®test? [ +]Is the GED ®accepted just like a diploma across the nation? [ +]Can I test at one location and study at another? [ +]Do you have day care? [ +]Why do I need to take the TABE test or register for classes? [ +]If I fail the GED ®, do I have to take the whole thing over? [ +]What can I do to get ready on my own to take the GED ®? [ +]Do you have materials I can check out to take home in order to study on my own? ["
] | [
"docid": "D143713#0",
"title": "https://www.gedtestingservice.com/testers/policy_va\n2014 Virginia",
"text": "2014 Virginia Use the links below to find out about your local testing center rules and requirements. If you’re still looking for information, visit your state’s GED ® testing program website to learn more, or go back to the main map. State Requirements Price & Payment Registration & Scheduling Test Scores Retake Policies GED ® Test Credential Options Program Different Languages State Requirements ( top)How old do I need to be to take the test (without exceptions)? In Virginia, the minimum age required to take the GED ® test is 18 years old. I’m underage. What do I need to do to take the test? This rule changes based on which state you’re testing in. In Virginia, you can be 16 and take the GED ® test if you have the following exception: A summary of the rules for underage eligibility in categories 1-6 follows: 1) Home Schooled Applicants under eighteen years of age, but at least sixteen years of age, must provide the Specialist for High School Equivalency in the Office of Adult Education and Literacy VDOE with documentation signed by the superintendent/designee certifying that the applicant has completed a home instruction program. 2) Released from Compulsory Attendance Applicants under eighteen years of age, but at least sixteen years of age, must provide the Specialist for High School Equivalency in the Office of Adult Education and Literacy VDOE with documentation signed by the division superintendent/designee certifying that the applicant has been released from compulsory attendance by the local school board. Emancipated and adjudicated minors are subject to the compulsory attendance law, unless released by the local school board."
"docid": "D2360283#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061127235701AAEm9vy\nWhat does High School Diploma or equivalent mean?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Primary & Secondary Education What does High School Diploma or equivalent mean?i am applying to a job and i'm not sure what that means? help me out.. thanks!Update: whats a GED lol Update 2: so i cant get a G. E. D online? Update 3: by the way.. im 16 years old and right now i'm not in highschool and i've been trying to apply to jobs on monster.ca but they say i have to have High School Diploma or equivalent and i wasnt sure if i had that..shoot Update 4: then what if it just says highschool or equivalent Update 5: i think im screwed for the GED testing i havent passeed the grade 10 yet i still have a couple credits.. damn i suck at school Follow 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: If u did not finish high school, u can take a test that involves different subjects of learning, math, science, english,etc. If u pass the test, u r awarded a GED Diploma, which is accepted as tho u had graduated h.s. with a diploma. These tests r generally given once or twice a year at different designated schools, usually a high school. GED means General Equivalency Diploma.flamingo · 1 decade ago3 2 1 comment Asker's rating High School Diploma Or Equivalent Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a8TJZschifano · 1 year ago0 0 Comment If you have graduated from high school, you should have received a diploma. If you did not graduate, you can take an exam to to qualify for a high school equivalency diploma or G. E. D. Check with your local school district to find out about G. E. D. courses and testing procedures. I believe you can take courses at adult education programs if you need to get a high school diploma using this option. True Blue · 1 decade ago1 1 Comment9Source (s):http://homeschoolingfaqs.com James · 3 years ago0 1 Comment To quote the movie Waterboy ... \"\"You can do-eeet.\"\""
"docid": "D3212526#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/education/recover-lost-ged-certificate-4eb226324ea71e22\nHow Do You Recover a Lost GED Certificate?",
"text": "Education Colleges & Universities Q: How Do You Recover a Lost GED Certificate? A: Quick Answer To recover a lost GED, contact the Department of Education in the state in which the diploma was issued, or visit the website gedtestingservices.com. Schools do not keep copies of GED certificates, because the GED program is administrated through the GED program. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Do You Become a Licensed Vocational Nurse? Can You Go to College With a GED? How Do You Find Night Classes for Preparing for Your GED? Full Answer The GED Testing Services website offers self-explanatory steps on how to request a copy of a lost GED. Just click on the state in which the certificate was earned, complete the information on the screen, and follow any instructions that follow. The GED agency may impose a recovery or replacement fee to replace the GED certificate and transcript. Learn more about Colleges & Universities Sources: gedtestingservice.com Related Questions Q: What Are Alison Free Online Courses?"
"docid": "D1957769#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Can_you_go_to_any_college_without_a_high_school_diploma_or_a_GED\nCan you go to any college without a high school diploma or a GED?",
"text": "\"Answer by Snorey Confidence votes 288Generally, you need to have a high school diploma or its equivalent in order to get into college. A GED would work, for example. If you are of high school age and have strong SAT or ACT scores, you may qualify for an early entrance program. For instance, the early entrance program at Shimer College is available to high school students scoring above the 75th percentile on the SAT/ACT; other programs have comparable requirements. In addition, most community colleges will admit people without high school diplomas or GEDs, regardless of age, under a program called \"\"ability to benefit.\"\" What happens is you contact admissions at the cc. They would have you come in and take some placement tests. If you do okay on them, you will be admitted under their \"\"ability to benefit\"\" program. You'd then need to take a series of specific classes - 24 credits worth. Once you complete those classes, and pass them, you can ask the cc to grant you your GED, and you can go on to complete your Associate's degree."
"docid": "D2526686#0",
"title": "http://study.com/articles/All_About_the_GED_Georgia.html\nAll About the GED: Georgia",
"text": "All About the GED: Georgia Georgia adults who don't have a high school diploma can earn a high school equivalency credential by taking the General Educational Development (GED) exams. Read on to learn more about how to take the GED in Georgia and what this credential can do for you. Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »What Is the GED? The GED is a series of tests that measures the skills and knowledge typically acquired during high school study. The exam offers an alternative to adults over the age of 16 who have not earned a diploma and aren't currently enrolled in high school. Successful completion of the GED exam in the state of Georgia results in the award of the Georgia GED diploma. Eligibility Individuals do not need to be a state resident to take the GED exam in Georgia. However, adults between the ages of 16 and 17 will need to complete an adult education program approved by the state and receive approval before being allowed to test. Anyone who is 18 years old may take the test without exceptions. Taking the Test In the state of Georgia, the testing fee is set at $40 for each subject-area test."
"docid": "D185401#0",
"title": "http://www.passged.com/articles/01-GED-high-school-diploma-best.php\nWhat's Best, a GED® or High School Diploma?",
"text": "\"My best advice: If you are still in high school, stay and finish. You will make more money, get better jobs, and feel better about yourself with a high school diploma. But if it's too late for that and you left high school without a diploma, what are your options? Can I Still Get My High School Diploma? Some states have adult high schools, where you can take classes and earn a high school diploma. Most often, though, adult education is a route to a high school equivalency diploma, earned by taking the GED test, Hi SET exam, or TASC test, depending on your state. Fake “Internet high schools” claim to offer high school diplomas or \"\"GEDs,\"\" but these are actually worthless. A few schools offer high school diplomas, but they can be costly and take several years. Even then, some employers or colleges won't take the certificate if it's based on online testing. Many websites offer an \"\"online GED\"\" in a few weeks (or even a few days! ),"
"docid": "D41972#0",
"title": "http://www.excite.com/education/nursing/careers/how-to-become-a-registered-nurse\nHow to Become A Registered Nurse",
"text": "How to Become A Registered Nurse In today’s world, there is an ever increasing demand of highly qualified and expert health care professionals, especially registered nurses. Nursing is fast becoming the most popular career in the health care sector in the United States. If you are considering a career in the field of nursing, then you must familiarize yourself with the role of a registered nurse and the steps that are needed to enter into this specialized profession. Featured Schools Transcript Did you know that there are more than 2.5 million registered nurses in the United States? In fact, the sector is picking up pace very quickly and is expected to grow by 26% till 2020. Needless to say, no healthcare facility is complete without nurses. They administer medication, change bandages and take vital signs among a host of other responsibilities. So, how to become a nurse? Well, first of all, you need is a high school diploma and an introduction to science subjects. After high school, your education path is mainly decided by your ambition."
"docid": "D3289564#0",
"title": "https://www.bestgedclasses.org/illinois/\nGED in Illinois",
"text": "GED in Illinois The state of Illinois has introduced the new computer-formatted GED® exam for its high school equivalency testing, but Illinois residents can now also opt to take the Hi SET and TASC alternatives to earn an Illinois High School Equivalency Certificate. Don’t forget to check our article about how to sign up for your GED exam with the online portal My GED. Four separate subtests The GED exam contains four separate tests (modules) that you can take one by one (or more if you want) within a time frame of two years, that’s how long your results count. The subtests are on these fields: Social Studies, Math, Literacy, and Science. In early 2016, it was decided to reduce the GED passing score to 145 for each subtest (down from 150). You can read more here. TASC and Hi SET exams are scored differently and have five subtests (Literacy has separate reading and writing tests). Online testing is NO option There are numerous locations in Illinois where GED prep courses are offered that will make you optimally prepared to take the new GED exam confidently. Mind you that, in order to take the high school equivalency test, you need to go personally to a testing site, the exam is just not offered online. Take a Free Practice Test GED Classes in and around (choose your nearest city): Arlington Heights Aurora Bloomington Blue Island Champaign Chicago Decatur Effingham Elgin Evanston Galesburg Jacksonville Joliet Kankakee Mount Vernon Naperville Ottawa Peoria Quincy Rockford Springfield Waukegan The GED credential is recognized as equivalent to a high school diploma by recruiters, government agencies, and colleges all across the United States."
"docid": "D1132873#0",
"title": "http://www.gedtestingservice.com/testers/policy_mi\n2014 Michigan",
"text": "2014 Michigan Use the links below to find out about your local testing center rules and requirements. If you’re still looking for information, visit your state’s GED ® testing program website to learn more, or go back to the main map. State Requirements Price & Payment Registration & Scheduling Test Scores Retake Policies GED ® Test Credential Different Languages State Requirements ( top)How old do I need to be to take the test (without exceptions)? In Michigan, the minimum age required to take the GED ® test is 18 years old. Class of which applicant would have been a member must have graduated in order to receiver diploma. I’m underage. What do I need to do to take the test? This rule changes based on which state you’re testing in. In Michigan, you can be 16 and take the GED ® test if you have the following exception: Individuals who are graduates of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, National Guard Michigan Youth Challenge Program qualify for a Michigan GED ® certificate if they are at least 16 years of age, and successfully complete all GED ® tests in accordance with Michigan jurisdictional score requirements. Do I need to take a class or receive instruction before I can take the test?"
"docid": "D3391271#0",
"title": "https://hslda.org/highschool/faq.asp\n.",
"text": "You can Before H. S. During H. S. After H. S. Resources FAQs Blog Frequently Asked Questions YOU CAN DO IT!One of the most common questions we are asked is, “Am I the only one who feels overwhelmed when thinking about teaching high school?”No, you aren’t. That may or may not be reassuring! But try to take it one step at a time. Making the decision to homeschool through high school takes commitment, careful thought, and prayer! You will quickly find that you are not alone—others have successfully homeschooled through high school, and numerous avenues of support are available. I’m not sure that I can teach at the high school level. Do I need to be an expert in every subject? No one is an expert in everything! But don’t underestimate yourself. You are training your child to be an independent learner, so be a good example and learn right along with him!"
"docid": "D3557458#0",
"title": "https://www.pima.edu/ged\nTake Your High School Equivalency (HSE) Test",
"text": "Take Your High School Equivalency (HSE) Test PCC offers the GED® test to earn a High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma. Students take the test on a computer at an authorized testing center. The test is offered in English and Spanish. How to Register Step 1: Create a free profile at www. GED.com. If you need assistance call GED Testing Service at 1-877-EXAM-GED (392-6433). Step 2: Schedule and pay for your test online. You will be prompted to purchase your test using a debit, credit, or prepaid card online. Step 3: Show up on the date you chose at the testing center you selected. Arrive 15 minutes early; late arrivals may not be able to test and may be charged full price even if they do not test."
"docid": "D143711#0",
"title": "https://bestgedclasses.org/ged-age-requirements-state/\nGED Age Requirements By State",
"text": "GED Age Requirements By State From January 2014, the GED® test is only available in a computer-based format at state- and Pearson VUE-approved testing centers. Applicants must register at GED.com and create an account with the portal My GED. There are four Subtests (modules) that must be passed within a 2-year time frame to earn a GED High School Equivalency Diploma. Not all states use the GED exam for high school equivalency testing. Some opted for the Hi SET (High School Equivalency Test), others for the TASC exam (Test Assessing Secondary Completion), and a number of states offer multiple options. To find out the situation in your state, go to https://bestgedclasses.org/ged-test-by-state/ and click on your state. Testing fees (that may vary by state) can be found here as well. States can impose their own GED® testing fees and qualification requirements, and this page shows you age requirements per state. Required additional documentation shows just some of the prerequisites. Please check your state’s websites for a full report."
"docid": "D674856#0",
"title": "https://investfourmore.com/2014/11/21/real-estate-agent-licensing-requirements-fifty-states/\nWhat are the Real Estate Agent Licensing Requirements in Every State?",
"text": "\"What are the Real Estate Agent Licensing Requirements in Every State? Mark Ferguson 58 Comments Facebook Invest Four More Real-Time Stats (as of 2/15/18) 13 flips currently in progress. 148 flips completed. 19 rentals properties. Follow me to see how I make money in any market cycle. Join Free Now >Every state in the U. S. has different requirements for getting a real estate license. This article gives a brief description of what is required in each state. Every state requires some form of education and a test that must be passed before you can get your real estate license. You must also work under a broker when you get your license. State requirements for education vary from 20 credit hours of classes to over 200 hours of classes."
"docid": "D374378#0",
"title": "http://www.excite.com/education/criminal-justice/crime-scene/careers/how-to-become-a-police-officer\nHow to Become A Police Officer",
"text": "How to Become A Police Officer Did you grow up playing cops and robbers? Are television shows like ‘CHi Ps’, ‘NYPD Blue’ and ‘Third Watch’ among your favorites? If yes, then you may want to find out about how to become a police officer. Police officers are employed at the local, state and federal levels. General law enforcement duties are carried out by police officers in charge of particular geographical areas. Cops are required to carry out patrolling duties, respond to emergency calls, investigate crimes, direct traffic and provide first aid to accident victims. Featured Schools Transcript To be a qualified police officer, you need to gain a formal education in the law enforcement field. There are no specific educational requirements for joining the police force, but your level of education will determine the position your able to acquire as a police officer. Most law enforcement agencies prefer their applicants to have an associates or bachelor’s degree to be considered. There are three educational paths you may decide to take towards a career in the police force."
"docid": "D1461361#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080929085427AAjP7ZC\nHow long does it take to get a GED ?",
"text": "Education & Reference Other - Education How long does it take to get a GED ? Does a GED make you get a high school diploma ? And how long does it take ? 4 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: A GED is like a High School Dilpoma. A GED allow students who dropped out to get better jobs and into colleges like a regular HSD student. The test is combind into 5 sections: Writing Skills/Essay, Social Studies, Science, Interpreting Literature and the Arts and Mathematics. Writing Skills- 55 questions 75 Minutes are allowed Essay- (essay is with the writing skills) 1q 45mins Social Studies- 64q 85mins Science- 66q 95mins Interpreting Literature and the Arts- 45q 65mins Math- 56q 90mins You can go to college with this although a HSD looks better. It will cost you. I paid $50 bucks. In most states you half to be 16 to drop out and take it."
"docid": "D2666157#0",
"title": "http://www.easthartford.org/page.cfm?p=11664\n.",
"text": "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GED ®TEST1. What subjects will the GED ®cover? The new test has 4 content areas – Reasoning through Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. It will measure knowledge and skills that are essential for career and college readiness.2. Can I take all four of the tests in one day? Many local testing locations only offer testing in either the morning or afternoon. While it may be possible to take them all in one day, it is not a good idea. The tests are long and tiring. If you take two in the morning and come back to take two more in the afternoon, you many not be at your best.. The total test time is about 7 ½ hours.3. What happens if I already passed some sections on the GED ®?"
"docid": "D822778#0",
"title": "http://collieradulted.com/GED/collier_GED_transcript_request.html\n",
"text": "Effective January 1, 2014, Florida will transition its credentialing process from the issuance of paper transcripts and GED® diplomas to a paperless web-based credentialing system. As with any new process, there will be changes and questions. Click Here for FAQs that will assist GED® test takers to understand this change. What is GED Credentialing TM? GED Credentialing™ is a full-service program which fulfills requests for GED® transcripts and diplomas. The service includes fulfillment for new graduates and beginning February 1, graduates who received their credential prior to 2014. What does GED Credentialing TM mean to me? By using GED Credentialing™, you will get quick and easy access to duplicate transcripts and official State of Florida High School diplomas (Florida’s equivalency diploma). Services will include: First One’s Free: 2014 diploma earners will get a free initial transcript and diploma after you pass the 2014 GED® test. A secure electronic transcript and diploma are delivered to your email as soon as you have passed the 2014 GED® test."
"docid": "D3142070#0",
"title": "https://fullexams.com/exam/cost-of-ged-test-in-illinois\nGED in Illinois - Prices, Classes, and Testing Centers",
"text": "\"More \"\"Cost Of Ged Test In Illinois\"\" links GED in Illinois - Prices, Classes, and Testing Centers The Illinois GED test fee is $30 per module, and as we've seen, there are four modules. In Illinois, you additionally have to pay for administrative costs. From September 2016 onward, three versions of the HSE (high school equivalency) exam will be available in Illinois, though not at all testing centers.https://bestgedclasses.org/illinois/... View Online Down GED Language Arts Practice Test | …A free GED Language Arts practice test. The Reasoning Through Language Arts section of the GED tests your reading comprehension skills.http://www.gedpracticetest.net/ged-language-arts-practice-test/... View Online Down GED Testing Service :: Voucher prices …GED Testing Service ® vouchers. GED ® tests can be paid for by credit card or debit card. Vouchers offer another convenient way to pay for tests. GED test ...http://www.pearsonvue.com/vouchers/pricelist/ged.asp... View Online Down DCS GED® Prep Online : GED Test …GEDonline has everything you need to continue your adult high school education by preparing for the GED test online.http://www.gedonline.org/... View Online Down My GED® - About the GED® Test, Test …Official home of the GED® test. Earn your high school equivalency diploma! Find everything you need to pass - prepare with GED® study material, take a ...https://ged.com/... View Online Down IL Policy Page - GED Testing Service To locate your Regional Office of Education, visit the ROE locator at: http://iccbdbsrv.iccb.org/roesearch/home.cfm or call 217-558-5668. Illinois charges $30 per module for the GED® test."
"docid": "D873335#0",
"title": "http://study.com/articles/General_Educational_Development_GED_What_is_it.html\nGeneral Educational Development (G.E.D.): What Is It?",
"text": "Articles about the GED (General) / General Educational Development... General Educational Development (G. E. D.): What Is It? Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Many Americans who did not earn a high school diploma take the General Educational Development (GED) test to increase their job opportunities or to continue their education in college or a post-secondary school. The GED test is available in every state, and it is usually administered by the state's adult basic education program. Timeline 12,095 views Find the perfect school Tell us about your current education Video Transcript What Is the GED? The General Educational Development (GED) exam is a group of four tests that assess an individual's knowledge of academic subjects typically taught in high school. Test takers who pass all four sections earn a certificate of completion from the state where the test was held. This certificate is regarded by many employers, colleges, and post-secondary schools as an equivalent of a high school diploma. The GED test is administered by each state, which designates the location of testing centers, times, and dates. The GED tests cover four content areas: language arts, social studies, science, and math. Each section has a time limit."
"docid": "D2756869#0",
"title": "http://education.seattlepi.com/finish-up-high-school-diploma-1392.html\nHow to Finish Up My High School Diploma",
"text": "\"Written by Van Thompson Related Articles1\"\"I Already Passed the GED Course, Where Can I Get My GED Diploma? \"\" 2Steps Toward Getting Your GED & Going to College3High School Graduation vs. GED4How to Deal With Your Workload in College Whether you dropped out of school to focus on your job, take care of your family or because you were young and naive, returning might seem like a daunting prospect. A high school education pays off, though, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that high school graduates make almost $10,000 more per year than people who drop out. Graduates also have an unemployment rate of 8.3 percent, compared with a dropout's 12.4 percent. There are two options for getting your diploma -- a GED diploma and an adult high school program. Adult High School1Get a copy of your high school transcript from the school you were attending when you left. If you still live in the area, it might be easier to go to the school and ask how to get your transcript. Otherwise, call or email the school and ask for a transcript request form.2Contact your state department of education and ask about current high school graduation requirements. Compare these requirements to the classes listed on your transcript. This will give you an idea of how many classes you have left and make it easier to budget your time.3Enroll in an adult high school program."
] |
168 | +how many calories do you have to burn to loose a pound | [
"docid": "D2466979#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061015213754AAS2jQO\nHow many calories do you have to cut out to loose a pound?",
"text": "\"Health Diet & Fitness How many calories do you have to cut out to loose a pound? I heard a number on TV a while back, an amount of calories that you have to cut out or burn in order to loose a pound. Anyone know what that number is? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 3500Abby · 1 decade ago0 2 Comment Asker's rating There are about 3,500 calories to a pound. Let's say that you need 2,200 calories to maintain your weight, given your average level of activity. If you were to eat 2,700 calories a day, you would be eating 500 calories times 7 days per week or 3,500 calories too much, and you will gain a pound a week. By the same token, if you only ate 1,700 calories a day, you will lose a pound a week. The source of these calories is irrelevant to weight loss (although it is very important to your overall health). So you can eat or cut back on fat or protein or carbohydrates (refined or not), but in the end, your weight loss will be determined by how many calories passed through your mouth, using the 3,500 calories per pound equivalency. This is a pretty well-established scientific fact, and diets that claim otherwise have a high burden of proof to overcome."
] | [
"docid": "D1905624#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080427071836AAzon7K\nHow many calories we should eat minimum per day ?",
"text": "\"Health Diet & Fitness How many calories we should eat minimum per day ? I am asking this question because i am slim and would like to gain weight. i think i eat maximum 2000 calories.1 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Here you go: This is from my own experience and what has worked for me. I have laid it all out for you so that others may have the success I have. The perfect way to loose weight and monitor your progress is to use a calorie counter on a daily basis while you diet. Energy In/Energy Out Food Intake: 1,200 Per Day One Pound equals 3,500 Calories To loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat 1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories Burn You must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day. Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss."
"docid": "D3551964#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq\nQuestions about /r/loseit",
"text": "\"faqview history talk Frequently Asked Questions Questions about /r/loseit What is /r/loseit? What do all of the abbreviations mean? What do \"\"SV\"\" and \"\"NSV\"\" mean? Can I filter out NSV/SV posts? How do I update my Flair? Questions about Losing Weight I want to lose weight. Where do I start? I know how to lose weight, but how can I get motivated? How many calories should I eat per day? Should I 'eat back' calories I burn from exercising?"
"docid": "D805509#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/28600-can-sex-make-lose-weight/\nHow Can Sex Make You Lose Weight?",
"text": "\"How Can Sex Make You Lose Weight?by LILLIAN DOWNEY July 18, 2017Calorie Burn Most experts agree that in order to loose weight, you need to burn off more calories than you eat. Sex, like any physical activity, burns calories. According to editors at Natural News, sex can raise your heartbeat to aerobic levels and burn an average of 200 calories during a 30-minute session. That translates to losing a pound for every 17.5 times you have sex. They also report that sex reduces food cravings and stimulates chemicals in the body that control appetite, helping you take in fewer calories. Stress Reduction Sex also helps foster an overall sense of health and well-being through reducing stress and improving sleep--two activities linked with weight loss. According to Christine Haran, author of \"\"Good Vibrations: Uncovering the Health Benefits of Sex,\"\" an orgasm causes your body to release oxytocin, a chemical that promotes relaxation, pain relief and emotional bonding. Sex also helps you sleep, and getting enough sleep is important for healing the body after exercise and lowering stress hormones that may cause weight gain. Improved Level of Fitness The more you do any physical activity, the more fit you become; sex is no different. Through sex you will increase cardiovascular fitness."
"docid": "D1970071#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-calories-are-burned-during-swimming\nHow many calories are burned during swimming?",
"text": "\"Burning Calories Swimming Calories Exercise Fitness How many calories are burned during swimming?7 Answers Teymur Mammadov, Strengh and physical development coach Answered Oct 8, 2015 · Author has 909 answers and 571.6k answer views There is really no answer to this question. There is a lot of misconception around calories . Most people mistakenly think that they have to keep burning calories to get lean. Perhaps in theory this is correct. The problem is - the theory has very little to do with real life. \"\" Burning calories\"\" refers to energy expended on whatever activity you perform - whether it is voluntary (exercise, walking, swimming, talking - whatever) or involuntary (heart beat, breathing, digestion, etc.) \"\" Burning calories\"\" is only relevant in the context of a theory of energy balance, i.e. - calories in vs. calories out. The typical belief most people have is that if you burn more calories than what you consume - you will lose weight (and that this is healthy overall). Once again - in theory, this could be possible. The problem is - there is no reliable way to measure calories expended (or calories consumed, for that matter). \"\""
"docid": "D1382818#0",
"title": "http://www.xmms.org/qna/How_many_calories_do_you_burn_doing_25_squats-qna875724.html\n.",
"text": "\"Suggested Solutions (5) What's this?shaby2Level 5 (Scholar)104 Answers, 3 Followers\"\"Is all you wanna ask how many calories do u burn fasting then let...\"\"3 0 If this is all you wanna ask How many calories do u burn fasting then let me tell ya that it depends on many things like you current wait, your height, your routine, how much exercise you do and your diet of course .......but mostly you can loose 3 to four pounds in ramadan and thats about 1050 to 1300 calories..source: How many calories do u burn fasting? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Chicken nuggets how much exercise should i do to burn this off 25 sqats burns how many calories 25 squats burns how many caloriesash Level 2 (Sophomore)1 Answer89 3 How many times should i go for up and down stairs for losing as much as weight fastly and how many calories do i burn by doing this procedure.source: If i eat 1300 calories a day and burn 400 calories excercising 4 days a week how much weight will i lose a week? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Someone said: it depends on your height and weight. calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate and find the difference between that and 1300 (what you'd be eating). for example: My RMR is 1500. 1500--1300= 200 that means that I'd be at a 200 calorie deficit for the day 1 pound= 3200 calories, so it'd take 16 days to lose 1 pound. Because you are exercising in addition to this, add 400 to the 200 calorie deficit. You'd be at a 600 calorie deficit (assuming your RMR is 1500)."
"docid": "D2792986#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130110174754AAM5f5x\nHow long before I lose weight on a raw vegan diet?",
"text": "Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan How long before I lose weight on a raw vegan diet? I'm 5'2-3ish in height. ( ft.inches) and I weigh about 130 pounds. I've been vegan for a while now, (and vegetarian for a few months). It's just when I went vegetarian, instead of meat I ate junk food. Which resulted in weight gain. I lost the 10 pounds I had gained but I'm still chubby (size...show more1 following 51 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Most raw vegans maintain their weight with their diet--they're obviously not perpetually losing weight, so raw veganism itself doesn't make you lose weight. The types of food you choose to eat don't directly impact your weight loss. Simply, if you're eating less calories now than you were before, it'll probably take three or four months to lose another 10 pounds. If you've just increased your food intake and are consuming the same number of calories as before, you'll never lose weight."
"docid": "D2721122#0",
"title": "http://www.dietsinreview.com/diets/ideal-protein-weight-loss-method/\nIdeal Protein Review (UPDATED 2018): Don't Buy Before You Read This!",
"text": "\"71 %of people who tried this diet like it+ -Tried it? Rate it!out of 100 based on 152reviews Ideal Protein Review (UPDATED 2018): Don't Buy Before You Read This!Eliminating carbs and lowering calories offers three pounds off per week. Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2018What is it? Ideal Protein is brand for weight loss food products that includes a meal replacement, snacks, meals, drinks, puddings, and much more. All are made to be used alongside a comprehensive diet and lifestyle change. When the entire lineup of products is used, the company says one can experience optimal weight loss results. This is because there is an emphasis on low calorie, high protein, and fulfilling meals which can help suppress appetite while providing nutrients. The intended effect is to teach people lasting strategies for weight loss once one stops using Ideal Protein products. Our review experts have examined many diets and they found that the best overall is the 18Shake Diet. It combines a potent appetite suppressing meal replacement shake and a metabolism booster which users say is beneficial for lasting weight loss results."
"docid": "D1264647#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-calories-does-50-good-form-push-ups-burn\nHow many calories does 50 good form push ups burn?",
"text": "\"Bart Loews, Swims, bikes, runs, climbs, falls down, gets up, brushes off, repeats. Answered Apr 1, 2016 · Author has 8.4k answers and 19.3m answer views This is a far more complex question than you probably think it is. I recently had some concerns about the entire Calorie system. This may be a bit of a deeper answer than you're looking for. On it's surface, it depends on a lot of factors: How much do you weigh? How long are your arms? This is essential to know, since the amount of work you're performing depends on how much weight you're moving and how far. How is your weight situated? When you do a push up you're basically turning your body into a lever where you feet act as the fulcrum. The closer to the fulcrum your center of gravity is, the less force it takes to actually move the lever. ["
"docid": "D3107710#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-calories-do-I-burn-to-lose-1kg-weight-per-day\nHow many calories do I burn to lose 1kg weight per day?",
"text": "\"Matt Pizzuti, Journalist, science writer and copywriter Updated Mar 26, 2018 · Author has 202 answers and 122.5k answer views Updated to expand and add sections for clarity on 3/23/18Safely losing a kilogram of weight per day is impossible. The average person’s metabolism processes 1,800–2,500 calories per day. You will lose weight if you keep your diet in that range but excersise a lot more, or if you maintain a normal range of activity but eat less. But in either scenario, your daily budget is close to 2,000 calories, with a surplus or deficit of perhaps 300. A kilogram of body fat is equivalent to 7,500 calories. To steadily lose weight at 1 kilogram per day, you need a deficit of 7,500 calories per day. You could eat 2,000 calories and try to burn 9,500 calories (!) which is virtually impossible, or eat no calories and try to burn 7,500. Either way, this is virtually impossible: running a marathon burns about 2,500 calories for a total of 4,500 for the day. That’s a lot of work, yet still not enough to lose a kilogram."
"docid": "D2657553#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Does_singing_burn_calories\nIs it true that it takes calories to burn calories?",
"text": "Nirel Matsil 148,942 Contributions Is it true that it takes calories to burn calories? Yes and No.. You need energy to burn calories. Energy is what makes you active and what keeps your metabolism active. The more you move the more calories you burn. It's simpl …Llana 3 Contributions How many calories do you have to burn to burn one fat calorie?1gram of fat contains 9 calories. 1gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories. 1gram of sugar contains 4 calories. 1gram of protein contains 4 calories. 1gram of alcohol co …Felicity88 14,394 Contributions Why do you have to burn calories? Excess calories are stored in the body as fat cells."
"docid": "D1608989#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080229052509AAHMGcl\nHow long do I need to go on the exercise bike a day to lose weight ?",
"text": "\"Health Diet & Fitness How long do I need to go on the exercise bike a day to lose weight ? Hi I had a baby 7 mths ago and have about 3 stone to lose. I just got an exercise bike with a calorie counter and timer on it. How long do I need to be using it a day to help lose weight. Thanks2 following 38 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I lost about 3 stone on an exercise bike. It took me about 9 months in total to lose all the weight. I was using the bike for a minimum of 30 minutes, 4 days a week. Start doing about 15 minutes a day and slowly start adding to the time. If you can, buy a bicycle too.. Its nicer to ride outside in the summer, it keeps you cooler for longer, which means you maybe able to cover more mileage and steering the bike also helps with your upper body. I also got some boxing gloves, they helped with the weight loss too."
"docid": "D3294904#0",
"title": "https://www.dietspotlight.com/pgx-daily-review/\nPGX Daily Review- 20 Things You Need to Know",
"text": "Updated: 04/07/2018 - Site operated by Burn HDBy Summer Banks50comments Home / Appetite Suppressant Reviews / PGX Daily Review PGX Daily is a diet product I will surely never forget. At Diet Spotlight, we did one of our in-depth reviews, looking closely at the side effects, ingredients, customer-service quality and scientific studies. We additionally spent hours reading hundreds of dieter comments from around the internet. Lastly, we condensed everything we discovered to give you the facts you need. PGX Daily can be purchased through Amazon or using their Official Site. PGX Daily Readers: Click here to find out why we're giving away samples of our product, Burn HD. What Is PGX Daily? PGX Daily is a diet pill that helps in weight loss. It is made to reduce appetite, promote fullness and regulate blood sugar. It includes proprietary ingredients, along with coconut oil extract."
"docid": "D1262816#0",
"title": "https://www.active.com/running/articles/how-many-calories-does-running-burn\nHow Many Calories Does Running Burn?",
"text": "It's no wonder that one of the top reasons people take up running is for weight loss: The sport burns more calories than many other recreational activities. But the rate of calorie burn can vary widely depending on a number of variables. You've probably heard the old adage that a person burns about 100 calories running one mile, but this is just a very loose average that is highly inaccurate for heavier runners, as you'll see below. In this article, we put calorie myths to rest and give you the tools to calculate just how many calories you burn during different types of running workouts. The Variables The number of calories you burn while running depends on metabolic variables, like body weight, age and body composition, and performance variables such as pace and incline. Because body composition is difficult to determine accurately, and because age has a relatively low effect on metabolism, most formulas use body weight as the only metabolic variable when calculating calorie expenditure during activity. Calories Burned Running This Walk/Run Metabolic Calculator on Ex Rx.net is fun to play around with and more accurate than some other calculators because it factors in the grade (or incline), as well as average pace and the runner's body weight. For weight loss, this calculator is also useful because it allows a runner to view both gross calories and net calories burned. Gross calories are the total number of calories burned in a certain amount of time. Net calories, meanwhile, are the number of calories burned, minus the number of calories you would have burned sitting around doing nothing for the same period of time."
"docid": "D3058607#0",
"title": "http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/masterbation-calories-burn\nmasterbation calories burn",
"text": "\"Guest over a year ago Hello. I'm 19 year old male and would like to find out some facts about masturbating. You see, just the other day my friends and I had a debate: How many calories could someone burn from masturbating? They tried to convince me that man can loose calories while masturbating! How this could be! I know that for calorie loosing muscle work is needed. Which muscles are so active while masturbating, accept hand muscles? None! Please tell me I'm right!Guest over a year ago I would like to tell you that you’re right but I'm afraid you’re not! There were many debates in the past about masturbation and calories lost there's no straightforward answer- there are simply too many variables involved."
"docid": "D631622#0",
"title": "http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/does-sweating-means-losing-weight\nDoes sweating means losing weight",
"text": "\"Guest over a year ago I have one friend; she is girl, 23 years old and pretty much fat one. Lately, she decided she wants to loose some weight. Strict diet and jogging with plastic suit became her every day’s commitment. She often told me how she sweats so much and that is sure it is loosing weight. I would like to know if that really means she is loosing weight, or she will dehydrate. Guest over a year ago It is normally that wearing a plastic suit or without plastic suit and hard exercising certainly causes lots of sweating. There is no way that could be good and it is potentially harmful. Sweating is critically important to the body because when it is hot, it is the only way that body can cool itself. But sweating in and of itself accomplishes nothing if the sweat does not evaporate. Wearing plastic suit during exercise would not only cause her to sweat profusely."
"docid": "D194795#0",
"title": "https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/ask-the-dietitian-whats-the-best-carb-protein-and-fat-breakdown-for-weight-loss/\nWhatâs the Best Carb, Protein and Fat Breakdown for Weight Loss? | Ask the Dietitian",
"text": "\"What’s the Best Carb, Protein and Fat Breakdown for Weight Loss? | Ask the Dietitianby Elle Penner, MPH, RD June 29, 2016 139 Comments Share it: Shares Between the different diet trends and conflicting research findings, it seems we’re more confused than ever about what and how much to eat, particularly when it comes to protein, carbohydrates and fat. While there’s no one magic combination that will make the pounds melt off, you can optimize your diet for weight loss by adjusting the composition of your calories. WHICH MACRO SHOULD YOU ADJUST? When it comes to choosing what to eat more of and what to cut back on for weight loss, consider first what you want to achieve. The goal of losing weight is to reduce fat stores while preserving, or even adding, lean tissue — what we refer to as muscle. Carbohydrates are an important source of fuel for our muscles during exercise and are the only source of energy for our brain and red blood cells. Fat is equally important, playing major roles in everything from brain function to cell structure, but if you’re trying to lose weight, it may not hurt to trade some carbohydrates and/or fat calories for a boost in protein. Calorie for calorie, protein has the most metabolic benefits for weight loss: it increases satiety, stimulates energy expenditureandpreserves muscle, which unfortunately is used for energy along with fat during weight loss. HOW MUCH SHOULD YOU ADJUST?"
"docid": "D2810906#0",
"title": "http://goaliestore.com/board/forum/the-goalie-doctor/the-doctor-on-ice/89834-calories-burned-while-tending-goal\nCalories Burned While Tending Goal",
"text": "Calories Burned While Tending Goal Posts Latest Activity Search Page of 2 Filter MPOMERLEVeteran Join Date: Apr 2001Posts: 198#1Calories Burned While Tending Goal11-01-2009, 08:41 PMHas anyone ever run across anything that tells how many calories are burned while playing Goalie. I have found numerous websites that list all kinds of sports - and even activities (if I wanted to calculate how many calories I burned while Vacuuming my House, which I do once a year whether it needs it or not). Some of them factor in things like age, weight, etc..... But none of them talk about calories burned while playing Goal. I could just use the Ice Hockey numbers - but Goaltending is so drastically different than skaters, etc..... And yes, I realize that it would clearly vary based on many factors (such as whether you faced 20 shots vs 60 shots in a game). But it would be nice to have a guideline or reference number. Tags: Nonemasonbuchanan Registered User Join Date: Oct 2006Posts: 480#211-01-2009, 09:03 PM2,178 calories. No more no less.hammbone Registered User Join Date: Aug 2004Posts: 4590#311-01-2009, 09:07 PMOriginally posted by masonbuchanan View Post2,178 calories. No more no less. like anyone can even know that Ryeno42Out of Retirement-6/16/06Join Date: Apr 2001Posts: 3893#411-01-2009, 09:26 PMIf you stand there and don't move at at all then very little. Chuck2k6Registered User Join Date: May 2008Posts: 229#511-01-2009, 09:44 PMI lose roughly four pounds whenever I play."
"docid": "D1835272#0",
"title": "http://www.two-week-body-tone.com/2011/05/tone-my-body-after-losing-100-pounds/\nHow to Tone Your Body After Losing 100 Pounds",
"text": "Written on May 10, 2011 at 1:44 pm by Katrina How to Tone Your Body After Losing 100 Pounds Filed under Articles no comments Losing large amounts of weight can reverse or prevent many serious health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, poor joint health and heart disease. Still, losing 100 pounds may create other issues related to personal appearance. Weight loss surgery patients may experience a decrease in muscle mass in addition to fat loss. Depending on how fast the weight loss occurred and how long a person is overweight, there may also be loose, sagging skin. Fortunately, a strength training program can improve muscle mass and overall physical appearance. Flabby Arms Tone flabby arms by doing triceps exercises at least twice a week, but never two days in a row. The back of the arms may have loose, sagging skin after losing 100 pounds Increasing the size of the triceps muscles will fill out the space under the skin, causing it to appear more lean and toned. The following is a list of exercises that target the triceps: triceps dip, triceps extension, seated dumbbell extension, and dumbbell kickback. Sagging Skin Around Chest and Under Arms Reduce sagging skin on the chest and underneath the arms by training the pectoralis and serratus muscles. This will improve muscular strength and appearance in men and women by filling the loose skin."
"docid": "D1266849#0",
"title": "http://physicalliving.com/healthy-weekly-weight-loss-how-to-lose-two-pounds-per-week-guest-article-by-fat-loss-expert-tom-venuto/\nThe 2 Pounds Per Week Rule and How to Burn Fat Faster",
"text": "27 Feb 2009The 2 Pounds Per Week Rule and How to Burn Fat Fasterby John | posted in: Fat Loss, Food, Nutrition, and Recipes, Mindset and Motivation | 102Tom Venuto – author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Note from John: this is a guest article by Tom Venuto, author of the EXCELLENT book, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. You can read my review on Amazon.com here. Why do you always hear that 2 pounds per week is the maximum amount of fat you should safely lose? If you train really hard while watching calories closely shouldn’t you be able to lose more fat without losing muscle or damaging your health? What if you want to lose fat faster? How do you explain the fast weight losses on The Biggest Loser? These are all good questions that I’ve been asked many times. With the diet marketplace being flooded every day with rapid weight loss claims, these questions desperately need and deserve some honest answers. Want to know where that 2 pounds per week rule comes from and what it really takes to burn more than 2 pounds of fat per week? Read on."
"docid": "D2167247#0",
"title": "http://healthnbodytips.com/how-to-lose-weight-fast.html/\nHow To Lose Weight Fast; 3 Easy Ways to Lose 20 Pounds",
"text": "How To Lose Weight Fast; 3 Easy Ways to Lose 20 Pounds Lose 20 Pounds Fast : Tired of carrying those extra pounds everywhere you go? Want to have the perfect body you have always dreamt of? Well, guess what, today at HNBT, we share some of the most amazing tips to help you lose up to 20 pounds in two weeks. Yes, you heard us right, in just two weeks. Dieting is undoubtedly one of the fastest way to lose weight, but not the way to go, if you are someone who needs to keep munching on something while at work, or when you’re bored (like me). There are many other ways too, and if you are here today, we are pretty sure you have probably tried about half of them. The methods you choose to lose weight really depend on how overweight you are. If you are just a little over your ideal weight, going with one or two weight loss methods would do you the trick, which will again depend on if you would want to lose just weight, or also wish to build muscles. But if you are overweight, and need to shed quite a few pounds, we suggest that you combine all the methods listed below. With a little patience and a lot of diligence, you will see a noticeable difference in just two weeks."
] |
173 | +how much does a linnie weigh | [
"docid": "D2170117#0",
"title": "http://www.luckyfeathers.com/lineolated_parakeets.htm\nLineolated Parakeets",
"text": "\"Live Bird Webcams Live Now Available Lineolated Parakeets AKA: Linnies - Barred Parakeets Catherine parakeet, Lineolated All about Linnies - Info Secure Payments By No Pay Pal Account Required Website Last Updated - Thursday, April 05, 2018Contact Me My Lineolated Parakeets / Hand-Fed Babies. Over 30 Years of Healthy Breeding Ethics and High Quality Standards My babies are from selective high quality bloodlines. Sometimes the photos below do not really do the birds justice. Every baby is beautiful and has its very own personality. They are used to being around children and small dogs. Breeding ethics are #1 in my aviary! I recommend keeping all babies in a Birdie Playpen for the first few months. Buying from a responsible breeder can make the difference in a bird that lives 4 years compared to 20. Ask questions and know who you are buying from About Me After all you are buying a baby that you expect to have with your family for many years. Don't take short cuts with your selection of bird or breeder."
] | [
"docid": "D1201996#0",
"title": "http://www.chinagrindingmill.net/2013/04/26/how-much-does-a-cubic-yard-of-crushed-limestone-weigh/\nhow much does a cubic yard of crushed limestone weigh?",
"text": "\"What does one cubic yard of limestone weigh – The …Limestone density varies from 110 (low) to 160 (high) lb/ft3, according to one reference. there are 27 ft3 in a cubic yard so the density would be 2970 to 4320 lb/yd3 …» More detailed How much does a cubic foot of crushed stone weigh – …One cubic yard of crushed stone weighs 2500 pounds according to this link : http://www.abe.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/h/H20.pdf which references its data from …» More detailedhow much does a cubic yard of crushed concrete with …How much does a cubic foot of aggregate weigh? – Yahoo! … Jul 08, 2008 · How much does a cubic foot of aggregate weigh? 4 years … 3 Tons/ cubic yard.» More detailedhow much does 2 1/4 texas limestone weigh per …What does one cubic yard of limestone weigh – The Q&A wiki. How much does a cubic yard of limestone weigh? 2592 … How much crushed limestone would I …» More detailedweight of crushed limestone per cubic foot Home » Mining Industry » weight of crushed limestone per cubic foot. Crushing Equipment … how much does one cubic yard of crushed granite weigh ? + more …» More detailedhow much does 3/4″ limestone gravel weigh – Grinding …What does one cubic yard of limestone weigh – The … A cubic foot of 3/4 inch gravel would weigh approx."
"docid": "D1414214#0",
"title": "http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-species/lineolated-parakeets.aspx\nThe âLinnieâ Or Lineolated Parakeet",
"text": "The lineolated parakeet is also known as the linnie. Robert Hambley/Hemera/Thinkstock By Diane Grindol The lineolated parakeet ( Bolborhynchus lineola) has a small fanbase, but seems to be practically a secret to the general pet-owning population. Here is my attempt to bring the linnie to the limelight! If that name is a mouthful, you can refer to this parrot as the “linnie.” Bolborhynchus means “parakeet with a large beak.” Don’t be intimidated; lineolated parakeets aren’t prone to use theirs on you. It is also referred to as the barred parakeet because, in most color mutations, there are black bars on the feathers on their backs and wings. A lineolated parakeet’s natural call is soft and almost song-like. A linnie can learn to talk and whistle. You can keep a lineolated parakeet in an apartment or similar housing where you have close neighbors."
"docid": "D2127563#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100127093212AAAbUgN\nHow many 400 mcg tablets to take to = 1 mg?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Medicine How many 400 mcg tablets to take to = 1 mg? I have to take more folic acid. I have 400 mcg tablets. I need to take a total of 4mg of folic acid. How many tablets of the 400 mcg do I need to take? Is it 10?19 following 2 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1000 mcg is a milligram Your tablets are 0.4 mg, so if you take 10 that would be 4 milligrams 2 and a half tablets would be a milligram of folic acid Beth, the people below are wrong. Also, the way you wrote microgram (mcg) is better than ug by far because it is more descriptive. Source (s): I am a pharmacist? · 8 years ago3 0 Comment400 Mcg To Mg Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a77WAtrautman · 1 year ago0 0 Comment10dollie · 1 year ago0 0 Comment How Many Mcg In Mg Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8Qvibrandl · 2 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: How many 400 mcg tablets to take to = 1 mg?"
"docid": "D225065#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_a_average_tomato_weigh\nHow much does a average tomato weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Gardening How much does a average tomato weigh? Flag How much does a average tomato weigh? Answer by Rob Flanders Confidence votes 31.2KIt depends on the tomato. A cherry or grape tomato can weigh mere ounces. A better or bigger boy can pounds one or two pounds. A roma or earlygirl can weigh 1/3 to 1/2 pound. A beefsteak can weigh up to 2-3 pounds. I grew a better boy tomato two years ago that was nine and a half inches in diameter that weighed 3 pounds.24 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How much does one gallon of tomatoes weigh? One gallon of tomatoes weighs almost exactly 6 pounds."
"docid": "D89546#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_a_bag_of_potato%27s_weigh\nHow much does a bag of potato's weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Fruits and Vegetables Potatoes How much does a bag of potato's weigh? Flag How much does a bag of potato's weigh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Well bags of potatoes vary in weight. The average bag of store potatoes weighs 5 kg or 11 lbs.. The average bag of farm potatoes weighs 10 kg or 22 lbs..6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No David Ekberg 63 Contributions How much does a dime bag weigh? A dime bag SHOULD weigh anywhere from 0.7 to 1.0 grams. ( ASSUMING YOU DONT GET A FAT HOOK UP AND DONT GET RIPPED OF)William Galloway 22,671 Contributions How much does a bag of flour weigh? Answer . In the US flour can be bought in bags from 1 pound to 50 pounds."
"docid": "D1583983#0",
"title": "http://astrologyschool.com/Where%20do%20I%20come%20from.html\nWhere do I come from? Secrets from the 4th House",
"text": "\"Where do I come from? Secrets from the 4th House From a workshop of the same name held in July 2011. The 4th House of the natal chart is all about the very roots of our existence, the beginning and end of all things. Our foundation, our home, our family and ancestry. It is where we find hidden treasure. Never before have we devoted a whole workshop to just one area of the chart. But in today's workshop we will be doing just that. And answer the question “Who am I – and where did I come from?” This workshop is not so much about me standing up here and telling you about your chart, it is all about you making sense of your chart. To start us off, a wee story and I pass this on with her permission . . ."
"docid": "D2352324#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_the_average_jaguar_weigh\nHow much does the average jaguar weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Cats (Felines) Wild Cats Jaguars How much does the average jaguar weigh? Flag How much does the average jaguar weigh? Answer by Quirkyquantummechanic Confidence votes 96.7KJaguars vary quite widely in weight. The normal range might be 56-96 kilograms (124-211 pounds). Big males can weigh 159 kilograms (350 pounds), and the smaller cats can weigh as little as 36 kilograms (80 pounds). Males are typically 10 to 20 percent larger than the females. A link to the Wikipedia article on the jaguar is provided.10 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Matthew Parker 43,947 Contributions How much does a jaguar weigh? This largest of the cats in the Americas can weigh in anywhere from100 to 250 pounds (that's 45 to 113 kilograms) and has a naturallifespan of 15 - 20 years. See the link, pl …Khanna13 112 Contributions How much does a jaguar cat weigh?"
"docid": "D2127398#0",
"title": "http://vault.sierraclub.org/john_muir_exhibit/people/pinchot.aspx\nGifford Pinchot",
"text": "\"Share:the john muir exhibit - people - gifford pinchot Gifford Pinchot1865-1946America's first professional forester, and founder of the U. S. Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot was the leader of the utiliatarian wing of the early conservation movement, who served under President Theodore Roosevelt and later as governor of Pennsylvania. John Muir first met Gifford Pinchot in New York in 1893. Muir traveled with Pinchot and others with the National Forestry Commission surveying the problems of the western forest reserves. At that time, they became good friends. The friendship was not to last, however. While Muir crusaded for the preservation of wilderness, Pinchot campaigned for utilitarian use of public lands. Pinchot and Muir became major antagonists on the issue of Hetch Hetchy Valley. The deepening schism between Muir and Pinchot eventually grew into a great split between the preservation wing and the utilitarian wing of the conservation movement. A story by Linnie Marsh Wolfe in her classic biography Son of the Wilderness: The Life of John Muir suggests that Muir and Pinchot had a dramatic heated confrontation and parting of the ways at Seattle's Rainer Grand Hotel in 1897."
"docid": "D1414215#0",
"title": "http://linniesociety.org/about-linnies/colors/\nColors",
"text": "Colors Colors – Mutations The Lineolated Parakeet comes in many different colors, also known as mutations. There are two different series of mutations known as the Green Series and the Blue Series. Other variations of those mutations also exist and all will be described below. Dark factors , expressed below as D (dark) or DD (double dark), add up (genetically-speaking) to create different, darker, color variations. E.g. A Normal Green bird has NO dark factors. A Dark Green (D Green) has one dark factor, and an Olive (DD Green) has two dark factors. The same trend is exhibited in the Blue series with Turquoise, Parblue Cobalt (D Turquoise), and Parblue Mauve (DD Turquoise), respectively. Green Series birds are: Green (Normal; Wild color), D Green (Dark Green), DD Green (Olive) and Lutino. Normal Green Dark Green (D Green)DD Green (Olive Green)Lutino Blue Series birds are: Turquoise, D Turquoise (Parblue Cobalt), DD Turquoise (Parblue Mauve), and Turquoise Ino (Creamino). There is no “true blue” in linnies and the Blue Series colors are considered parblue mutations."
"docid": "D1414217#0",
"title": "http://www.proaviculture.com/lineolated.htm\nLineolated or Barred Parakeets",
"text": "Lineolated or Barred Parakeets© June Di Ciocco Text editing Howard Voren Layout Linda Seger From South and Central America, this six inch bird is a joy to own. Most Linnies, as we call them, are friendly, easy keepers in both breeding situations and as pets. You could not ask for a nicer bird. They come in Green, which is their normal or wild color, as well as many color mutations. Turquoise, Cobalt, Mauve, Blue Olive, Lutino and Cremino are a few of the more popular colors. The genetics are simple recessive with the exception of the Lutino which is sex linked. With the introduction of the dilute gene (both single and double dilutes) sex-linked identification of birds is possible. When you mate single dilute males to normal females, you can also get single dilute males and normal males and females. On the same token, if you mate a normal male to a double dilute female, all males will be single dilute and all females will be normals, saving the costs on DNA-sexing. Lineolateds were imported into Europe as early as the 1970's, but they did not catch on in the USA until more recent years."
"docid": "D3554175#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/carolyn\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Carolyn Pronunciation: KA-rə-lin (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Carolyn: A feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, a freeman). Var: Carey, Cari, Carri, Carrie, Kari, Karrie. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolynn Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Carolyn Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Carolyn? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAlexander Andrew Benjamin Christine Christopher David Elizabeth Emily James Jennifer John Jonathan Kathryn Laura Lauren Linda Matthew Michael Nicholas Robert Sarah Steven Thomas Timothy William Name Lists Featuring Carolyn Most Popular Girls' Names of 1950, United States Contribute your knowledge to the name Carolyn Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Carolyn: | Edit I am definatly thinking of using this name if a girl, and if she has a sister it will be either Gwen or Zana. Carolyn is a name used twice already in our family tree, and I love how it sounds. I love Vintage names. Vintage or obsolete?"
"docid": "D1420508#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_an_average_adult_African_elephant_weigh\nHow much does an adult African Elephant weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Elephants How much does an adult African Elephant weigh? Flag How much does an adult African Elephant weigh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Male adult African elephants typically weigh 12,000 pounds, but can reach 15,000 pounds. 7,700 pounds help these elephants!!!! Male adult African elephants typically weigh 12,000 pounds, but can reach 15,000 pounds. Males weigh 5455 kg or 12,000 lbs, females weigh 3636 kg to 4545 kg or 8,000 to 11,000 lbs, males can weigh as much as 15,000 lbs or 6800 kg. An African elephant weighs 15,400 pounds. In some cases a african bull elephant weigh normally upto 17,600 lbs (8000 kg/8 metric tonnes) but top giants of this species of elephant is at 26,928 lbs (12,24 metric tonnes) Female elephants [cows] weigh around 9,000 pounds. Male elephants [bulls] weigh around11,000 pounds to 12,000 pounds."
"docid": "D706044#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_a_case_of_35_bottles_of_16.9ounces_of_water_weigh\nHow much does a case of 35 bottles of 16.9ounces of water weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Furniture Beds Mattresses How much does a case of 35 bottles of 16.9ounces of water weigh? Flag How much does a case of 35 bottles of 16.9ounces of water weigh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. One fluid ounce of water weighs about 1.043 ounces. So, to get your answer you would multiply 16.9 by 1.043. Then you would multiply that by 35, which is 616.93 ounces. You would further divide your answer by 16 to get the answer in pounds, which would be about 38.56 pounds.28 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Invisible lie 9 Contributions How much does a bottle of water weigh? Answer . That depends on the amount of water and what type of bottle it was in.. Although it would be the weight of the bottle + the weight of water."
"docid": "D2522068#0",
"title": "http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1671483\ncannot open windows live mail error 0x80041161",
"text": "\"tpadowner (Technical User) (OP) 10 Jan 12 17:13Trying to open Windows Live Mail and am getting an 0x80041161 error. Was working this morning just fine. Have not done anything nor added any software between this morning and this afternoon Running Win7 64bit - 30 gig of HDD space available and 4 Gig of memory Tried repairing WLM Uninstalling/reinstalling Renaming the message store folder renaming the WLM folder but no joy Haven't been able to find a solution searching through Google. Any suggestions greatly appreciated Thankshairlessupportmonkey (IS/IT--Management) 10 Jan 12 17:28Check if the windows live-id sign assistant service is disabled/ stopped. Start the service and then Windows Live mail should startup. ACSS - SME General Geektpadowner (Technical User) (OP) 10 Jan 12 18:43Thanks for the suggestion. It was started and set to Automatic Bad Big Ben (MIS) 11 Jan 12 04:02see if this is of any help: Windows Live Mail error 0x80041161 http: //grandstr eamdreams. blogspot.c om/2011/11 /windows-l ive-mail-e rror-0x800 41161.html Ben \"\"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer...\"\"How to ask a question, when posting them to a professional forum. Only ask questions with yes/no answers if you want \"\"yes\"\" or \"\"no\"\"tpadowner (Technical User) (OP) 11 Jan 12 07:06Thanks, Ben."
"docid": "D2997884#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/collin\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Collin Pronunciation: KAH-lin, KOH-lin (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Colin: Borrowed from the English, Colin originated as a medieval variant of the obsolete Colle, a short form of Nicholas (victory of the people). Alternatively, Colin is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic Cailean (dove). Var: Collan, Collin, Collun, Coln, Colun. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Buy the book Related Names: Colin Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Collin Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Collin? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAlexis Alyssa Brady Caleb Cameron Campbell Christopher Colin Connor Cooper Emily Emma Ethan Gavin Hannah Ian Lana Lauren Liam Logan Matthew Nathan Olivia Owen Ryan Name Lists Featuring Collin Contribute your knowledge to the name Collin Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Collin: | Edit Share what you know!Personal experiences with the name Collin: | Edit Share what you know!Nicknames for Collin: | Edit Lin Lyn Cole Collie Linny Meanings and history of the name Collin: | Edit My son's name is Collin. He's 15. I've read several explanations/meanings for his name."
"docid": "D3086059#0",
"title": "http://www.brainjet.com/random/22873/23-people-who-got-the-best-revenge-on-their-cheating-spouse\n23 People Who Got The BEST Revenge On Their Cheating Spouse",
"text": "23 People Who Got The BEST Revenge On Their Cheating Spouse Get 'em, Emily!Don't be fooled by the heart-shaped bullet points. Sucks for you, Dave. The ULTIMATE revenge. There goes the neighborhood. This might be the most insane revenge story ever. Jennifer - 1, Michael - 0This must have been a particularly nasty breakup. Low move, Linnie... Excellent use of Post-It notes!That's a good brother. She's the MVP in this scenario. That's gonna do some damage... Not a very warm welcome... ALL ITEMS MUST GO! * Adulterers need not apply!Let freedom ring."
"docid": "D8497#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/Sentrycircle\nSentry Circle",
"text": "Sentry Circle@Sentrycircle Home About Photos Events Posts Services Community Create a Page Like Recommend Share Send Message See more of Sentry Circle on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Local Business Community See All1,724 people like this1,689 people follow this About See All Lenthor Farm , Stokesley Road, Brompton, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 2UD07801515287Typically replies within a day Contact Sentry Circle on Messenger Local Business · Event Planner People1,724 likes People Also Like Pagan Camps Community The Raven & Broomstick Vintage Store Elements of Nature Alternative & Holistic Health Service Pages liked by this Page My journey into Paganism Astarte-Moon Clothing Jewellery and Accessories Holmwood Dance Studio Zumba Page English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2018Photos See All Posts Sentry Circle December 17, 2017 ·Have you stopped by our pod page Sentry Circle Camping ? Follow our progress and see how we are getting on with the pods , ready for 2018 . Like Comment Chrissie Chapman, Liz Midgley, Natasha Jade Smith and 6 others like this. Sentry Circle January 15 at 11:50am ·Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing dates for the 10th anniversary of the raising of the stones. Derek has been diagnosed with aggressive prostrate cancer and will be having an operation on 26th which will take the foreign body away. As you can all imagine his mind has not been on organising dates etc. Derek and I know he will come through this and your spiritual input will help a lot. The weekend is to celebrate life and stone raising and have a fabulous ... See More Like Comment Chronological Elizabeth Percival, Maggy Holland, Gaydon Anne Bigwood and 19 others like this.1 Share View all 71 comments See All Services Sentry Circle Camping @sentrypods Individually designed camping pods , a small one for cosy twosomes, a family sized one and a two roomed wheelchair accessible one . See our pod page Sentry Circle Camping for further details @sentrypods See All Posts Sentry Circle December 21, 2017 at 11:21am ·It's been a bit of a trying year!Life is a trial and we must remember the hardships enable us to be true to ourselves and the people who love us. As we turn towards the light a new era is dawning, we may struggle through some difficult times but the love we share will carry everyone of us through."
"docid": "D1255038#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_a_baby_giraffe_weigh\nHow much does a baby giraffe weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Giraffes How much does a baby giraffe weigh? Flag How much does a baby giraffe weigh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.a giraffe can weigh about 110 when born. A baby giraffe weighs about 110 pounds when born. Baby Giraffe's are born after nearly 400+ days of pregnancy. At birth, they are around 6 feet tall. That is 1.8 meters height at birth. They weigh around 100 to 150 pounds at birth. In kilograms that works out to around 50 to 70 kilos. They can walk almost immediately after birth and run within a few hours.9 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D2396889#0",
"title": "https://ruclip.com/video/NeoizJG6yck/never-enough-karaoke-from-the-greatest-showman.html\nHow To Make a Vegan Curry",
"text": "\"How To Make a Vegan Curry How To BasicПодписаться 11 млнСкачатьПросмотров 2 057 687172 380 6 936Добавить в ПоделитьсяОпубликовано: 1 апр 2018Today I show you how to make a delicious Vegan curry. You won't believe it's vegan! It tastes & looks identical to meat, except there are no traces of meat in this curry whatsoever. Thinking of becoming vegan? Try this recipe out! You won't regret it. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1 Cup - Basmati Rice Pinch of Salt 2 Onions 2 Clove Garlic 1/2 Lime 1 tbsp Curry paste 1 Cup Chickpeas 1 Bell pepper 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 2 Tomatoes 1 Cup Basil leaves 1 Cup Mushrooms 250g Tofu 2 Can Coconut Milk Chilli Powder Share this delicious vegan recipe around! TWEET IT► ctt.ec/b4xb O EGGBOOK IT► bit.ly/Vegan Curry Click Here To Eggscribe! -- ► bit.ly/Eggscribe Have a video Suggestion?"
"docid": "D3307712#0",
"title": "https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/what-should-my-dachshund-weigh/\nWhat Should My Dachshund Weigh?",
"text": "You are here: Home / Dachshund Health / What Should My Dachshund Weigh? What Should My Dachshund Weigh? September 16, 2016 By Jessica Rhae 43 Comments Share 412 +1 Tweet 6 Pin 48466I get a lot of questions about the Dachshund breed, and, because our blog is one centered around being active with your Dachshund, one of the common questions I hear is “do you think my Dachshund could lose some weight?”I’m no veterinarian, but I’ve owned Dachshunds for 15 years, I’ve blogged about them for almost 8, I’ve organized the Dachshund club for over 6, and I was a Doxie walker and sitter (yes, I stuck primarily to the long and low) during my 3 years of grad school. I would venture to say have a high level of expertise when it comes to Dachshunds, and I am more than willing to share what I know when asked. So, let’s get down to it. What Should Your Dachshund Weigh? I want to clear up some things about Dachshunds and their weight. First, Dachshunds come in several sizes. The most widely recognized categories are miniature and standard. With Dachshunds, their category is determined by size/weight, not breed lines or the size of their parents."
] |
174 | +how much does a msl make | [
"docid": "D3049251#0",
"title": "https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/msl-salary-SRCH_KO0,3.htm\nMSL Salaries",
"text": "MSL Salaries About This Data34 Salaries Updated Oct 16, 2017All Industries Accounting & Legal Aerospace & Defense Architecture & Civil Engineering Arts & Entertainment Automotive Banking & Financial Services Beauty & Fitness Biotech & Pharmaceuticals Business Services Computer Software & Hardware Construction Consulting Consumer Electronics Consumer Services Education & Schools Energy & Utilities Facilities Farming & Agriculture Government Health Care & Hospitals Information Technology Insurance Internet & Tech Manufacturing Marketing & Advertising Media & Publishing Nonprofit Private Security Real Estate Recruiting & Staffing Restaurants & Bars Retail Supermarkets Telecommunications Transportation & Logistics Travel & Tourism Wholesale All Company Sizes0 to 50 Employees51 to 200 Employees201 to 500 Employees501 to 1000 Employees1001 to 5000 Employees5001+ Employees All Years of Experience0-1 Years1-3 Years4-6 Years7-9 Years10-14 Years15+ Years Average Base Pay$143,470/ yr Not enough reports to show salary distribution$122K Low$143K Average$157K High Additional Cash Compensation Average No Reports Range No Reports How much does a MSL make? The national average salary for a MSL is $143,470 in United States. Filter by location to see MSL salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 34 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by MSL employees. Salaries for Related Job Titles No related titles found. As we collect more salary reports, we will be able to display related salaries for this job title. Submit your salary"
] | [
"docid": "D1590659#0",
"title": "https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/mission/spacecraft/\nSpacecraft",
"text": "\"MISSIONOVERVIEW | SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | LAUNCH VEHICLE | SPACECRAFT | ROVER | INSTRUMENTS | MISSION TIMELINE | COMMUNICATIONS WITH EARTH | MISSION TEAM | WHERE IS CURIOSITY? | CURIOSITY MISSION UPDATESSummary Cruise Configuration Entry, Descent, and Landing Configuration Surface Operations Configuration Spacecraft Spacecraft Facts Weight: MSL had a total launch mass, including the rockets that lifted it away from Earth, of 1.17 million pounds (about 531,000 kilograms). What is the spacecraft? The spacecraft is the protective \"\"spaceship\"\" that enables the precious cargo (that is, the rover!) to travel between Earth and Mars. It is separate from the launch vehicle that carries the spacecraft and the rover outside of Earth's atmosphere and gravity pull. Like NASA's twin Mars rovers that landed on the red planet in early 2004, the Mars Science Laboratory rover was tucked inside a tightly packaged cruise stage and aeroshell with a heat shield. Unlike the two Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory Rover extended its wheels similar to the way an airplane unfolds its landing gear just before touchdown. The spacecraft includes the mechanical units that safely carried and maneuvered the rover as it entered the Martian atmosphere and landed on Mars. The spacecraft design for Mars Science Laboratory consists of: Cruise Stage: Configuration for travel between Earth & Mars."
"docid": "D1534156#0",
"title": "http://galaxys4root.com/galaxy-s4-tutorials/how-to-unlock-sim-on-sprint-galaxy-s4/\nHow to Unlock SIM on Sprint Galaxy S4!",
"text": "How to Unlock SIM on Sprint Galaxy S4!by Max Lee · October 11, 2013Download this video for viewing in HD on your smartphone or computer. Click Here to Download High-Quality HD video to your Smartphone or Computer. This video was brought to you by Android Root.org. Click Here to See at Android Root.org For those of you who want to use your Sprint Galaxy S4 SPH-L720 as a GSM worldphone, you can get your unlock SIM code from Sprint.com. Now, sometimes even with that, your phone may not work correctly, here’s how to manually unlock SIM on your Sprint Galaxy S4 so you can use use phone when traveling abroad. * Note – Currently, this unlock method only supports carriers outside U. S., will not work AT&T or T-Mobile. But I should have an update when there’s a way to do that also. Before we begin, I suggest you to use a Touch Wiz-based ROM or stock ROM for this. Step 1. Go to Settings->About device and check your Baseband version."
"docid": "D2549767#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/19278780/nyh-airspace-and-airports-flash-cards/\nNYH Airspace and Airports",
"text": "\"62 terms nyh1NYH Airspace and Airports Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What is the purpose of MOAs? Option a To protect military aircraft operations from civil aircraft. Option b To separate military training activities from IFR traffic. Option c To separate military training activities from both IFR and VFR traffic. To separate military training activities from IFR traffic. Military operations areas (MOAs) consist of airspace of defined vertical and lateral limits established for the purpose of separating certain military training activities from IFR traffic. Whenever an MOA is being used, nonparticipating IFR traffic may be cleared through the MOA if IFR separation can be provided by ATC. Otherwise, ATC will reroute or restrict nonparticipating IFR traffic. Pilots operating under VFR should exercise extreme caution while flying within an MOA when military activity is being conducted. Information regarding activities in an MOA may be obtained from any FSS within 100 mi."
"docid": "D1608561#0",
"title": "http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/news/0702/gallery.jobs_in_demand/\n.",
"text": "1 of 7Pharmaceuticals1. Medical science liaisons Pharmaceutical companies employ medical science liaisons (MSLs) to serve as information providers to clients and potential clients -- from insurers to doctors in a medical group. The demand for MSLs has grown along with the legal and regulatory requirements pharmaceutical companies must satisfy. MSLs are not sales representatives. They have medical or scientific backgrounds, and so they can provide peer-level interaction in a way that a business person can't. Typically, MSLs have a Ph. D. in the sciences (e.g., nutritional science), a pharmacy degree (Pharm D) or an MD. Before becoming a liaison, they often get their start working in medical research or in hospital pharmacies. In their first year, MSLs can make between $115,000 to $120,000 plus a 10% to 20% bonus on their base. After 5 years, they can make between $125,000 and $135,000 plus bonus."
"docid": "D3425300#0",
"title": "http://www.air.flyingway.com/faa_exam/test/pvt_written_exam.htm\n.",
"text": "\"FAA Written Exam Test Preparation for PVT - Pilots Question Bank - Private Pilot Knowledge Test3001 [B] With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a category of aircraft? Gyroplane, helicopter, airship, free balloon. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air. Single-engine land and sea, multiengine land and sea.3002 [A]With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a class of aircraft Single-engine land and sea, multiengine land and sea. Lighter-than-air, airship, hot air balloon, gas balloon. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air.3003 [C]With respect to the certification of aircraft, which is a category of aircraft? Airplane, rotorcraft, glider. Landplane, seaplane. Normal, utility, acrobatic.3004 [A]With respect to the certification of aircraft, which is a class of aircraft Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon. Transport, restricted, provisional."
"docid": "D221614#0",
"title": "http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/Course/Section4/9.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Sequence Numbers Up: Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Up: Programmed Instruction Course Up: Section 4 - The TCP Protocol Prev: TCP Header Format Next: TCP Connection Open Sequence Numbers A fundamental notion in the design is that every octet of data sent over a TCP connection has a sequence number. Since every octet is sequenced, each of them can be acknowledged. The acknowledgment mechanism employed is cumulative so that an acknowledgment of sequence number X indicates that all octets up to but not including X have been received. This mechanism allows for straight-forward duplicate detection in the presence of retransmission. Numbering of octets within a segment is that the first data octet immediately following the header is the lowest numbered, and the following octets are numbered consecutively. It is essential to remember that the actual sequence number space is finite, though very large. This space ranges from 0 to 2**32 - 1. Since the space is finite, all arithmetic dealing with sequence numbers must be performed modulo 2**32. This unsigned arithmetic preserves the relationship of sequence numbers as they cycle from 2**32 - 1 to 0 again. There are some subtleties to computer modulo arithmetic, so great care should be taken in programming the comparison of such values."
"docid": "D960331#0",
"title": "http://www.cfinotebook.net/notebook/weather-and-atmosphere/clouds\nClouds",
"text": "\"Home » notebook » weather and atmosphere » clouds Clouds Introduction: Clouds provide visible indication of the processes occurring in the atmosphere While there is no real requirement for a pilot to identify every cloud type by name and classification, a basic knowledge can mean the difference between a comfortable flight, and a dangerous one Much like a river, as you approach you can get a feel for currents and stability by how it looks - Clouds are no different Solid clouds usually indicate frontal movement while broken clouds suggest turbulence Clouds are grouped by families according to their shape, behavior, and altitudes: Low Clouds (Stratus)Middle Clouds (Alto)High Clouds (Cirrus)Clouds with Vertical Development: Others Rain clouds contain the prefix or suffix nimbus Nimbus: heavy or violent precipitation Cumulonimbus: thunderstorm Warmer air is more humid because it can hold more moisture In order to saturate air, you must evaporate or cool it Air Parcel Lifting Methods, COFTCloud Formation: Formation requires moisture to be lifted, where it condenses at its dew-point into visual moisture There are 4 lifting methods which can be remembered using the acronym: COFT [ Figure 1 ]Convergence Lifting Orographic Lifting Frontal Lifting Thermal Lifting Convergence Lifting: Lifting which occurs when two airmasses converge on one another Orographic Lifting: Lifting which occurs when air is forced up the side of a mountain until it cools and condenses Frontal Lifting: Cold Front: cold air encounters warmer air where it is forced up, causing lifting Warm Front: warm air encounters cooler air where it will rise above it, causing lifting Thermal Lifting: Thermal, also called convective lifting, occurs when the ground is heated, causing the warmer air to rise Calculating Cloud Bases: To predict general cloud bases you can perform a quick calculation: Temperature minus Dew Point (°C) divided by 2 = Base of clouds Temperature minus Dew Point (°F) divided by 4 = Base of clouds Reporting of Cloud Bases: Ceiling, by definition in the CFRs and as used in aviation weather reports and forecasts, is the height above ground (or water) level of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomenon that is reported as \"\"broken,\"\" \"\"overcast,\"\" or \"\"obscuration\"\"Example: an Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) which reads \"\"BKN030\"\" refers to height above ground level Example: an Area Forecast (FA) which reads \"\"BKN030\"\" indicates that the height is above mean sea level Advisory Circular (00-45) Aviation Weather Services, Sky Cover Contractions Pilots usually report height values above MSL, since they determine heights by the altimeter This is taken in account when disseminating and otherwise applying information received from pilots\"\"Ceiling\"\" heights are always above ground level In reports disseminated as PIREPs, height references are given the same as received from pilots, that is, above MSLIn area forecasts or inflight advisories, ceilings are denoted by the contraction \"\"CIG\"\" when used with sky cover symbols as in \"\"LWRG TO CIG OVC005,\"\" or the contraction \"\"AGL\"\" after, the forecast cloud height value When the cloud base is given in height above MSL, it is so indicated by the contraction \"\"MSL\"\" or \"\"ASL\"\" following the height value The heights of clouds tops, freezing level, icing, and turbulence are always given in heights above ASL or MSLLow Clouds: Low clouds are considered those which extend from the surface up to about 6,500'Contain water, but sometimes may contain super cooled water (icing hazard)Stratus: Layered Form in stable air near the surface due to cooling from below Form when moist stable air is lifted up sloping terrain or when warm rain evaporates as it falls through cool air Restrict visibility Nimbostratus: Cause widespread areas of rain or snow Thick Stratocumulus: White puffy clouds that form as stable air is lifted Often form as a stratus layer breaks up or as cumulus clouds spread out Generally lack enough moisture to cause rain Middle Clouds: Middle clouds range from 6,500' to ~25,000'Composed of water crystals, ice crystals, or super cooled water May contain turbulence and potential severe icing Altostratus: Flat, dense clouds that cover a wide area Minimal turbulence Altocumulus: Form when altostratus clouds start to break up Light turbulence Advisory Circular (00-45) Aviation Weather Services, Altocumulus High Clouds: High clouds range from 20,000' to ~50,000'White or light gray color composed mainly of ice crystals Seldom pose a serious turbulence or icing hazard Cirrus: Thin and wispy Usually form above 20,000' AGLCirrostratus: Form long bands or sheets Moisture content is low and pose no icing hazard Cirrocumulus: Look like cotton May produce light turbulence Clouds With Vertical Development: Very turbulent and unstable although typically fluffy in appearance giving you the false sense of \"\"fair weather cumulus\"\"Cumulus: Form in convective currents resulting from the heating of the Earth's surface Flat bottoms with dome-shaped tops Widely spaced cumulus clouds are called fair weather cumulus Fair weather cumulus indicate some turbulence, but little icing or precipitation Towering Cumulus: Towering Cumulus clouds form from deep areas of unstable air which can produce moderate to heavy turbulence with icing conditions Often form prior and eventually result in thunderstorms Advisory Circular (00-45) Aviation Weather Services, Towering Cumulus Cumulonimbus: More commonly called thunderstorms Form in unstable air with large amounts of moisture Very hazardous to flying Advisory Circular (00-45) Aviation Weather Services, Cumulonimbus Others: Lenticular: Form on the leeward side of mountains Cap Clouds Form during rising air Rotor Clouds: Turbulence Advisory Circular (00-45) Aviation Weather Services, Lenticular and Rotor Clouds Roll and Wall Clouds: Occur in severe and fast moving thunderstorms Reporting of Cloud Heights: Ceiling, by definition in the CFRs and as used in aviation weather reports and forecasts, is the height above ground (or water) level of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomenon that is reported as \"\"broken,\"\" \"\"overcast,\"\" or \"\"obscuration,\"\" e.g., an aerodrome forecast (TAF) which reads \"\"BKN030\"\" refers to height above ground level. An area forecast which reads \"\"BKN030\"\" indicates that the height is above mean sea level AIM, Paragraph 7−1−30 , Key to Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR), defines \"\"broken,\"\" \"\"overcast,\"\" and \"\"obscuration\"\"Pilots usually report height values above MSL, since they determine heights by the altimeter. This is taken in account when disseminating and otherwise applying information received from pilots. (\"\" Ceiling\"\" heights are always above ground level.) In reports disseminated as PIREPs, height references are given the same as received from pilots, that is, above MSLIn area forecasts or inflight advisories, ceilings are denoted by the contraction \"\"CIG\"\" when used with sky cover symbols as in \"\"LWRG TO CIG OVC005,\"\" or the contraction \"\"AGL\"\" after, the forecast cloud height value. When the cloud base is given in height above MSL, it is so indicated by the contraction \"\"MSL\"\" or \"\"ASL\"\" following the height value. The heights of clouds tops, freezing level, icing, and turbulence are always given in heights above ASL or MSLReporting Prevailing Visibility: Surface (horizontal) visibility is reported in METAR reports in terms of statute miles and increments thereof; e.g., 1/16, 1/8, 16, 1/4, 16, 8, 2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 1 1/8, etc. ( Visibility reported by an unaugmented automated site is reported differently than in a manual report, i.e., ASOS/AWSS: 0, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1 1/2, 1 3/4, 2, 1 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/4, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5, etc., AWOS: M1/4, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 1 3/4, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) Visibility is determined through the ability to see and identify preselected and prominent objects at a known distance from the usual point of observation."
"docid": "D332067#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Teach-a-Dyslexic-Child\nHow to Teach a Dyslexic Child",
"text": "\"1 Utilize the Multi-sensory Structured Language (MSL) approach. While this method is the gold standard for teaching children with dyslexia, it is beneficial for all children. MSL teaches phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, accuracy and fluency, and writing and spelling. Students are encouraged to use all of their senses (touch, sight, movement, and sound) as part of the learning process. [ 1]Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, recognize, and use the individual sounds in a word. [ 2] A child that can identify that the words pat'', park, and \"\"pump\"\" all start with the same sound would be demonstrating phonemic awareness. Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds. [ 3] Knowing what sound the letter \"\"B\"\" makes or that \"\"ph\"\" makes the same sound as the letter \"\"f\"\" is an example of phonics. You can receive MSL training and certification. The International Dyslexia Association [4] and the Institute for Multi-sensory Education [5] provide information about training and certification requirements."
"docid": "D1199780#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_stacking\nFocus stacking",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Series of images demonstrating a six-image focus bracket of a Tachinid fly. First two images illustrate typical DOF of a single image at f/10 while the third image is the composite of six images. Focus stacking (for extended depth of field) in bright field light microscopy. This example is of a diatom microfossil in diatomaceous earth. Top left are the three source image slices at three focal depths. Top right are the contributions of each focal slice to the final \"\"focus stacked\"\" image (black is no contribution, white is full contribution). Bottom is the resulting focus stacked image with an extended depth of field. Focus stacking (also known as focal plane merging and z-stacking [1] or focus blending) is a digital image processing technique which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a resulting image with a greater depth of field (DOF) than any of the individual source images. [ 2] [3] Focus stacking can be used in any situation where individual images have a very shallow depth of field; macro photography and optical microscopy are two typical examples. Focus stacking can also be useful in landscape photography."
"docid": "D1463038#0",
"title": "http://www.barnesandnoble.com/h/gift-cards/terms-and-conditions\nBarnes & Noble Gift Card Program Terms and Conditions",
"text": "\"Barnes & Noble Gift Card Program Terms and Conditions Your use or purchase of a Barnes & Noble branded Gift Card, e Gift Card, Gift Certificate or other stored value product (collectively, \"\"Gift Cards\"\") indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Except as otherwise provided by law, these Terms and Conditions apply to all Gift Cards, whether purchased at store locations, online, or received from third parties. Except as otherwise stated below, Gift Cards can be used at any Barnes & Noble store nationwide and at BN.com. They can also be used at any Barnes & Noble College or Bookstar location. Maintenance, dormancy or service fees do not apply to balances on Gift Cards. Gift Cards have no expiration dates. Hold your Gift Cards securely and write down your Gift Card number and PIN in a safe place. Gift Cards that are lost or stolen will ONLY be replaced, up to the value remaining, with satisfactory proof of purchase AND the Gift Card number. Call 1-800-THE-BOOK in order to have a lost or stolen Gift Card replaced. Gift Cards are not redeemable for cash, except to the extent required by law."
"docid": "D70504#0",
"title": "https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/pic-archive/pilot-and-passenger-physiology/oxygen-use-in-aviation\nOxygen Use in Aviation",
"text": "\"Oxygen Use in Aviation Table of Contents Overview of Federal Aviation Regulations The Issue FAR 91.211 Supplemental oxygen Military Specifications Oxygen and the manufacturing process Physiology and hypoxia Effective Performance Time (EPT)Time of Useful Consciousness (TUC)Oxygen Systems Constant flow Altitude adjustable Altitude compensating Demand Pressure Demand Ascertaining the flow Masks Cannuals O2 gear: Care and feeding Finding FBOs that provide oxygen – AOPA’s online Airport Directory Overview of Federal Aviation Regulations The Issue Most pilots don't think too much about using portable oxygen. Sure, everyone knows that you have to use supplemental oxygen if you fly more than 30 minutes at cabin pressure altitudes of 12,500 feet or higher. That at cabin altitudes above 14,000 feet pilots must use oxygen at all times. And that above 15,000 feet each occupant of the aircraft must be provided supplemental oxygen. All of this is spelled out in Federal Aviation Regulations Part 91.211. So are the rules for oxygen use in pressurized airplanes, which are governed by the times necessary to descend to safe altitudes in the event of a cabin depressurization. ( Above FL250, a 10-minute supply; between FL350 and FL410, one pilot must wear a mask if cabin pressures rise above 14,000 feet msl — unless there are two pilots at the controls and they have quick-donning masks available. From textbooks and stories of — or direct experience with — sessions in FAA-approved altitude chambers, pilots also know something about the dangers of hypoxia (insufficient oxygen) at altitude. Specifically, as the blood's oxygen saturation drops with altitude, a series of symptoms — all of them dangerous — can set in. FAR § 91.211 Supplemental oxygen (a) General."
"docid": "D2728636#0",
"title": "https://www.codeproject.com/articles/676309/ado-net-entity-framework-interview-questions\nADO.NET Entity Framework Interview Questions",
"text": "\"Download in PDF format - 738.5 KBContents What is Entity Framework? What are the benefits of using EF? What are the different ways of creating these domain / entity objects? What is pluralize and singularize in the Entity Framework dialog box? What is the importance of EDMX file in Entity Framework? Can you explain CSDL, SSDL, and MSL sections in an EDMX file? What are T4 templates? What is the importance of T4 in Entity Framework? How can we read records using Entity Framework classes? How can we add, update, and delete using EF?"
"docid": "D644496#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/medical-science-liaison-1736163\nHow to Become a Medical Science Liaison",
"text": "\"For Healthcare Professionals Healthcare Compensation Career Choices How to Become a Medical Science Liaison Educational Requirements, Compensation, and More By Andrea Clement Santiago Updated March 25, 2018Share Pin Email Print Clerkenwell/Stockbyte/Getty Images A medical science liaison is a person who acts as a bridge of communication between clinical medicine and other areas of the healthcare industry such as pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturing. The medical science liaison is a somewhat of a spokesperson and educator, with a bit of clinician and salesperson mixed in. Learn how to become a medical science liaison and what it requires. Demand for Medical Science Liaisons The competition for roles as a medical science liaison is very tough, as with most non-clinical roles for former clinicians or scientists. Clinical roles are almost always easier to obtain than non-clinical, due to supply and demand. Educational Requirements In addition to tough competition for MSL jobs, there are many barriers of entry for becoming a medical science liaison. Most MSL professionals not only have a Ph D, MD, or other graduate-level education in nursing or other life science, but they also possess at least a few years of full-time clinical experience. According to MSLcareers.com, most employers require a doctorate-level degree. Compensation Due to the high level of education required to become an MSL, most medical science liaisons positions start in the low six figures ($100,000+) and go up from there, commensurate upon experience. Prerequisites In addition to the high-level educational requirements, most jobs require a minimum of two years of experience as an MSL, which presents a dilemma for many people seeking to break into a role as a medical science liaison."
"docid": "D1866666#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiosity_%28rover%29\nCuriosity (rover)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the Mars rover. For its spaceflight mission, see Mars Science Laboratory. For its events on Mars, see Timeline of Mars Science Laboratory. Curiosity Self-portrait of Curiosity located at the foothill of Mount Sharp (October 6, 2015)Mission type Mars rover Operator NASACOSPAR ID 2011-070ASATCAT no. 37936Website mars .jpl .nasa .gov /msl /Mission duration Primary: 668 sols (687 days) Current: 2020 sols (2075 days) since landing [1]Spacecraft properties Manufacturer JPLBoeing Lockheed Martin Dry mass Rover only: 899 kg (1,982 lb) [2]Start of mission Launch date November 26, 2011, 15:02:00 UTC [3] [4] [5]Rocket Atlas V 541 (AV-028)Launch site Cape Canaveral LC-41 [6]Orbital parameters Reference system Heliocentric (transfer)Mars rover Spacecraft component Rover Landing date August 6, 2012, 05:17:57 UTC SCET [7] [8]MSD 49269 05:53:28 AMTLanding site Aeolis Palus (\"\" Bradbury Landing \"\" [9]) in Gale Crater ( 4.5895°S 137.4417°E) [10] [11]Distance covered 18.13 km (11.27 mi) [12]as of 11 February 2018Mars rovers (NASA)← Spirit / Opportunity Mars 2020 →Curiosity is a car -sized rover designed to explore Gale Crater on Mars as part of NASA 's Mars Science Laboratory mission (MSL). [ 3] Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral on November 26, 2011, at 15:02 UTC aboard the MSL spacecraft and landed on Aeolis Palus in Gale Crater on Mars on August 6, 2012, 05:17 UTC. [ 7] [8] [13] The Bradbury Landing site was less than 2.4 km (1.5 mi) from the center of the rover's touchdown target after a 560 million km (350 million mi) journey. [ 9] [14] The rover's goals include an investigation of the Martian climate and geology; assessment of whether the selected field site inside Gale Crater has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life, including investigation of the role of water; and planetary habitability studies in preparation for human exploration. [ 15] [16]In December 2012, Curiosity 's two-year mission was extended indefinitely. [ 17] On August 5, 2017, NASA celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Curiosity rover landing and related exploratory accomplishments on the planet Mars. ["
"docid": "D3260614#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_rover\nMars rover",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Artist's conception of the Curiosity rover vaporizing rock on Mars. The rover landed on Mars in August 2012. A Mars rover is an automated motor vehicle that propels itself across the surface of the planet Mars upon arrival. Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers: they examine more territory, and they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months, and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control. There have been four successful robotically operated Mars rovers. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed the Mars Pathfinder mission and its now inactive Sojourner rover. It currently manages the Mars Exploration Rover mission's active Opportunity rover and inactive Spirit, and, as part of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, the Curiosity rover. On January 24, 2016 NASA reported that current studies on Mars by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers will now be searching for evidence of ancient life, including a biosphere based on autotrophic, chemotrophic, and/or chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms, as well as ancient water, including fluvio-lacustrine environments ( plains related to ancient rivers or lakes) that may have been habitable. [ 1] [2] [3] [4] The search for evidence of habitability, taphonomy (related to fossils ), and organic carbon on Mars is now a primary NASA objective. [ 1]Mars 2, Mars 3, Beagle 2 were all physically tethered probes, Sojourner was dependent on Mars Pathfinder base station for communication with Earth, while MER-A & B, Curiosity, were on their own."
"docid": "D2007202#0",
"title": "http://www.xcmag.com/2011/07/gps-versus-barometric-altitude-the-definitive-answer/\nGPS versus barometric altitude: the definitive answer",
"text": "Comps and Events, Gear News, News GPS versus barometric altitude: the definitive answer Saturday 23 July, 2011What’s ‘GPS altitude’ and what’s ‘barometric altitude’? And what’s the difference? And does it matter? This article explains all you need to know about the ‘barometric versus GPS altitude’ issue• Also read: Red Bull X-Alps 2011: Day 6A Google Earth snapshot of Chrigel Maurer’s Red Bull X-Alps tracklog on 22 July 2011 shows him flying close to airspace This article was first published in issue 123 of Cross Country magazine, May 2009. It was commissioned by the magazine and Mark Graham, an engineer and long-time paraglider British paraglider pilot, spent several months and an XC season in Australia working on it. The resulting article has formed the basis of discussion of GPS versus barometric altitude (an ongoing issue) at high levels in both the Paragliding World Cup Association and the FAI/CIVL. Both organisations use GPS altitude for scoring. This article makes clear why Mark thinks we need to think again about how hang gliding and paragliding comps measure altitude and stop using GPS altitude to make critical decisions. In the light of Task 1 of the cancelled Paragliding World Championships 2011 (32 pilots scored zero for busting up into airspace measured on GPS) and the ‘barometric v GPS altitude’ issue rearing its head in the Red Bull X-Alps 2011 we’re publishing it here online in full. ( Chrigel Maurer is reported to have been flying to barometric altitude, whereas the Live Tracking tracklog and scoring measures GPS altitude."
"docid": "D1271314#0",
"title": "https://www.themsls.org/what-is-an-msl\nWhat is a Medical Science Liaison?",
"text": "What is a Medical Science Liaison? The Medical Science Liaison (MSL) is a specific role within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, CRO and other health-care industries. MSLs have advanced scientific training and academic credentials generally consisting of a doctorate degree (Ph. D., Pharm D., M. D.) in the life sciences. They concentrate on a specific Therapeutic Area (i.e. Oncology, Cardiology, CNS, Pulmonary, Hematology, Surgery, Women's Health Care, etc) and disease state. Medical Science Liaisons are vital in the success of a company. They work throughout a product's lifecycle, help to ensure that products are utilized effectively, serve as scientific peers and resources within the medical community, and are scientific experts to internal colleagues at companies. However, the primary purpose of the MSL role is to establish and maintain peer-peer relationships with leading physicians, referred to as Key Opinion Leaders (KOL's), at major academic institutions and clinics. Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) were first established by Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in 1967 as a response to the need for scientifically trained field staff that would be able to build rapport with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in various therapeutic areas of research. Although originally called Medical Science Liaisons by Upjohn, over the years and today, companies have used various names for the role including: Medical Liaisons, Medical Managers, Regional Scientific Managers, Clinical Liaisons, and Scientific Affairs Managers among others."
"docid": "D1576796#0",
"title": "http://www.lcra.org/water/dams-and-lakes/pages/mansfield-dam.aspx\nMansfield Dam and Lake Travis",
"text": "Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis+Mansfield Dam creates Lake Travis. Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis are the only structures in the Highland Lakes chain specifically designed to contain floodwaters. The lake can store as much as 256 billion gallons of floodwaters, helping to manage flooding downstream. When the elevation of the lake exceeds 681 feet above mean sea level (feet msl), LCRA begins floodgate releases under the direction of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The amount and duration of the releases will vary, depending upon the weather and flood conditions above and below the dam. LCRA and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation built the dam from 1937 to 1942. After a severe flood in July 1938, LCRA raised the height of the dam to add storage capacity for floodwaters. The dam was built across a deep canyon at Marshall Ford, a long-time river crossing and settlement. The Corps of Engineers still refers to the structure as Marshall Ford Dam. It was renamed in 1941 for U. S. Rep. J. J. Mansfield, who assisted in the project's development."
"docid": "D1910000#0",
"title": "http://www.vims.edu/bayinfo/tidewatch/how_to/index.php\nHow to read a Tidewatch Chart",
"text": "Home Bay Info Tidewatch How to Read How to read a Tidewatch Chart Tidewatch Tidewatch Stations All Stations Forecast Background How to read a Tidewatch Chart Frequently Asked Questions Notable Storms People Legend & Definitions Red line = observed water level (unverified data from the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)Blue line = predicted astronomic tide Green line = Residual difference between predicted and observed water level. Values are positive when observed values exceed predicted values, and negative when observed values fall below predicted values.m30 is the 30-day mean water level covering the period of observation shown. It represents a time-local departure from MSL that is due to a combination of the seasonal tide, the decadal change in sea level, and the long-term sea-level trend relative to the land. The vertical reference for the astronomic tide is m30. For this chart, the m30 value is 1.76 feet above mean lower low water (MLLW), and 1.06 feet above mean sea level (MSL). HAT is the elevation of Highest Astronomical Tide for the station shown. No predicted tide referenced to MSL or MLLW should ever be higher than HAT. LAT is the elevation of Lowest Astronomical Tide for the station shown. No predicted tide referenced to MSL or MLLW should ever be lower than LAT. MHHW, MSL, MLLW are the tidal datums of Mean Higher High Water, Mean Sea Level, and Mean Lower Low Water as defined by NOAA's National Ocean Service for the 1983-2001 National Tidal Datum Epoch (see http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/ )."
"docid": "D2110028#0",
"title": "http://txtopaviation.com/determining-pattern-altitude/\nDetermining Pattern Altitude",
"text": "Figuring out the pattern altitude at an airport should be pretty simple, right? But, in this day of helpful technology, most pilots actually get it wrong. How can you always get it right? Well, it just takes about an extra 15 seconds. Here’s how. As outlined in the Aeronautical Information Manual, section 4-3-3, “traffic pattern […]0Comments October 23, 2015 Hank Gibson Figuring out the pattern altitude at an airport should be pretty simple, right? But, in this day of helpful technology, most pilots actually get it wrong. How can you always get it right? Well, it just takes about an extra 15 seconds. Here’s how."
] |
190 | +is mucous a product of inflammation | [
"docid": "D1125524#0",
"title": "https://www.sinussurvival.com/sinus-inflammation/sinusitis-or-sinus-infection-treatment/\nSinusitis Treatment",
"text": "Sinusitis Treatment Sinusitis is an infection and/or inflammation of one or more of the sinus cavities. The medical term, acute sinusitis, is used interchangeably with sinus infection. However, even though it is not always an infection, it is almost always treated with an antibiotic, often inappropriately. Chronic sinusitis is a persistence or reoccurrence of acute sinusitis. Sinusitis and/or Sinus Infection Treatment: By following Dr. Ivker’s free Quick Fix program you can reduce the severity, the symptoms and the time to recovery – naturally, without antibiotics or drugs. Sinus Infection Cures: Over 92% eliminate their Chronic Sinusitis!If you have more than one sinus infection in a year, have chronic sinusitis and recurring sinus symptoms, you too can cure your chronic condition, just like Dr. Ivker and thousands of others have done. Get educated: Dr. Ivker’s Sinus Survival On-line Kit. The tutorial series highlights the 10 elements to preventative sinus health to eliminate chronic sinusitis, future sinus infections, and the majority of recurring sinus symptoms, including most allergies and symptoms. The secret to this program is becoming educated on the contributing factors of your inflammation and to follow a road-map to treat the underlying causes which create your symptoms. What Causes a Sinus Infection?"
] | [
"docid": "D71401#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/71847199/surgical-tech-ch-17-ent-flash-cards/\nSurgical Tech Ch 17 ENT",
"text": "\"150 terms Amber_Daugherty4Surgical Tech Ch 17 ENTLearn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Outer ear Composed of the auricle and the external auditory canal (meatus)Auricle Portion of the ear that is visible on each side of the head Tympanic Membrane Separation between the outer and middle ear Ear drum (Tympanic membrane) concave, pearly gray in color, translucent, and has a shiny appearance Umbo Point of maximun concavity in the tympanic membrane (eardrum)Middle ear (Tympanic cavity) is an air-filled chamber located within the temporal bone Auditory ossicles Series of 3 small bones housed in the tympanic cavity (middle ear)Ossicles named according the there shape, from lateral to medial Malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup)The footplate of the staped rests upon the Oval window Mastoid sinus (air cells) Air cells of the mastoid sinus are located behind the auricle within the mastoid process of the temporal bone Inner ear (labyrinth) Consists of 2 main sections: the bony osseous or perilymphatic labryinth and the membranous labyrinth Fluid that fills the spaces of the bony labyrinth Perilymph Dynamic equilibrium (during movement) is controlled by the Cristae The principle organ of equilibrium Vestibular apparatus Vestibular apparatus is made up of the Semicircular ducts Sensoineural deafness Nerve deafness Congenital deafness Present at the time of birth Conductive deafness Occurs when there is a problem conducting sound waves Meiere's Syndrome Patients suffer from fluctuating hearing loss, vertigo, tetanus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. Labyrinthectomy May relieve severe vertigo Conditions of the external auditory canal are usually diagnosed using Direct vision possibly with the assistance of an ototscope Otitis Media Acute inflammation of the middle ear, usually initiated by blockage of the eustachiam tube causing an accumulation of fluid, which normally would be drained into the nasopharynx Myringotomy Treatment of otitis media. Myringotomy with tubes is recommended after 6 months of infections Cholesteatomy Benign cyst that fills the mastoid cavity and erodes the mastoid air cells Mastoidectomy Surgical intervention for cholesteatomy Otoscope Handheld, lighted instrument for viewing the external and middle auditory canal Nitrous oxide Causes expansion of the middle ear and can cause dislocation of a tympanic membrane graft Restricted during a reconstructive ear surgery Nitrous oxide Nerve stimulators Used to decrease nerve trauma Cocaine Used topically as an anesthetic, to lesson bleeding, and to shrink mucous membranes Gelfilm Transparent, absorbable sponge used to support a graft Gel foam Used to achieve hemostasis Pledgets During an ear surgery generally used to control bleeding and are soaked in epi Mustache dressing Used after nasal surgery Head dressing Used after ear surgery Bolster/Stent dressings Sewn on top of skin graft. Bolster has 2 functions; 1 - hold skin graft in place, 2 - prevent fluid from accumulating between the underlying tissues and graft Tympanoplasty Repair of defects/perforations in the ear drum and middle ear to restructure the sound-conduction pathway. Most commonly used autograft for tympanoplasty is the Temporalis fascia Mastoidectomy Removal of the bony partitions that form the mastoid air cells for chronic mastoiditis Mastoidectomy incision Behind the ear/pinna Tympanoplasty and _______ often done together Mastoidectomy Stapedotomy Small opening is created in the fixed stapes footplate with a small drill or laser Stapedectomy Removal of the stapes. Graft will be placed with alligator forceps to cover the oval window. Avoid blowing nose, sneezing, coughing, swimming, and air travel Cochlear implants Prosthetic replacement for the cochlear portion of the inner ear Otoplasty Cosmetic procedure of the external ear to correct microtia (small ears) and macrotia (large ears)Functional Endoscopic Surgery (FESS) Used to visualize paranasal sinuses & lateral nasal walls; for removal of polyps; to establish drainage; repair septum or turbinates Nerve supply to the nose Olfactory nerve Tip of external nose Apex Opening or nares of the external nose Base Internal nose Nasal cavity is the interior chamber of the nose and is lined with mucous membranes Nasal cavity is divided into _ chambers by the nasal septum 2Each nasal cavity (fossa) has a series of 4 bony projections called Conchae or turbinates There are _ pairs of nasal sinuses 4Frontal sinuses Located within the frontal bone behind the eyebrows Ethmoid sinuses Located between the eyes Sphenoid sinuses Located directly behind the nose Maxillary sinuses Located below the eyes and lateral to the nasal cavity Blood supply to the nose Branches of both the internal and external carotid arteries provide the blood supply to the nose Main source of blood supply to the nose Internal maxillary artery Olfaction Sense of smell is called olfactory sense Olfactory buld is the tip of the __ cranial nerve 1st Rhinitis/Sinitis Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, usually evidenced by excessive mucous production Excessice mucous production Rhinorrhea Most common cause of rhinitis Virus that causes the common cold Nasal polyps Growths that originate from mucous membranes, diagnosed by direct vision, conservative treatment with steroids surgical treatment usually becomes necessary Hypertrophied turbinates Permanent enlargement of the turbinates or nasal conchae may occur as a result of chronic rhinitis. Size can be reduced electrosurgically or with sclerosing agent. Often affected turbinate must be excised Deviated nasal septum Nasal septum typically straight at birth may deviate due to age or trauma Epitaxis Trauma is main cause. Other causes include blood thinners, picking nose, dry nose - hot & cold environment Epitaxis treatments Electrosurgical may be initial treatment, with maxillary artery ligation becoming necssary only in the most severe/persistant cases Rhinoplasty Cosmetic procedure to change the external appearance of the nose."
"docid": "D803387#0",
"title": "http://www.siumed.edu/~dking2/erg/glands.htm\n.",
"text": "\"HISTO HOME ERG Index GI Index ENDO Index REPRO Index RESOURCE CENTERGlands of the Gastrointestinal System Introduction Basic Terminology Images Salivary Glands Esophageal Glands Gastric Glands Brunner's Glands Intestinal Crypts Pancreas Liver Ducts Introduction to Glandular Tissue ( Basic Terminology)Glands are organized arrangements of secretory cells. All exocrine glands (and also most endocrine glands), are composed of epithelial tissue. Although most glands give the appearance of being \"\"solid\"\" tissue, their epithelial nature is expressed by the organization of secretory cells into tubules, acini, or cords. Every exocrine secretory cell has some portion of its plasma membrane exposed to an external surface, communicating with the outside of the body by a system of ducts. Histologically, glands are described using some standard vocabulary, with which you should be familiar. Destination of product: exocrine / endocrine Nature of product: serous / mucous / mixed Location of gland: mucosal / submucosal Arrangement of secretory cells: acinus / tubule / cord Number of interconnected units: simple / compound Duct function:intercalated / striatedsecretory / excretory Duct location: intralobular / interlobular / interlobar Tissue composition: parenchyma / stroma Serous / Mucous / Mixed The serous / mucous distinction is based on the secretory cell's product -- whether it is a clear, watery solution of enzymes ( serous, like serum) or else a glycoprotein mixture ( mucous, like mucin ). These two categories of secretory products come from two distinct categories of cells, each with a characteristic appearance. Mixed g lands (e.g., most salivary glands) contain both types of cells. Glands which contain only one of these two cell types may be described either as serous glands (e.g., parotid gland or pancreas) or as mucous glands (e.g., Brunner's glands ). Serous Secretion Serous cells are specialized to secrete an enzyme solution."
"docid": "D819384#0",
"title": "http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/best-essential-oils-to-relieve-asthma/\nThe Best Essential Oils to Relieve Asthma",
"text": "The Best Essential Oils to Relieve Asthma By Jenny Hills, Medical Writer and Researcher Aromatherapy Asthma is a chronic or acute inflammation of tissue that causes the lungs and airways to swell. Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and shortness of breath. Advertisement There are many natural treatments available to relieve asthma and in this article I am going to specifically describe how essential oils can help to relieve asthma. Essential Oils for Treating Asthma – Precautions Essential oils may not always be an ideal treatment for asthma. After all, asthma attacks can be triggered by allergies, so those with allergic reactions to the scent of specific or all oils will have their attacks triggered by them. As a result, if you experience attacks or a deterioration in your breathing after using an essential oil, the better approach is to seek conventional medical advice. Almost no drugs work for everyone, and essential oils are no exception. Many sufferers may benefit from essential oils and use them to relieve the mild attacks, but still keep a prescribed inhaler on hand to deal with the severe cases. If you are sure you are not allergic to the scent of oils, this is probably an approach that you may want to consider, as it limits synthetic drugs to only the necessary cases. Essential oils and medications are not mutually exclusive, and the former can often support the systems of your body until the latter becomes necessary."
"docid": "D2301744#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/56590201/Complications-of-Cholelithiasis\nCOMPLICATIONS OF CHOLELITHIASIS",
"text": "COMPLICATIONS OF CHOLELITHIASISComplications: Gallstones that do not cause symptoms rarely lead to problems. Death, even from gallstones with symptoms, is very rare. Serious complications are also rare. If they do occur, complications usually develop from stones in the bile duct, or after surgery. Gallstones, however, can cause obstruction at any point along the ducts that carry bile. In such cases, symptoms can develop. yy In most cases of obstruction, the stones block the cystic duct, which leads from the gallbladder to the common bile duct. This can cause pain (biliary colic), infection and inflammation (acute cholecystitis), or both. About 10% of patients with symptomatic gallstones also have stones that pass into and obstruct the common bile duct (choledocholithiasis). Infections The most serious complication of acute cholecystitis is infection, which develops in about 20% of cases."
"docid": "D904356#0",
"title": "http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_dg_primary_ciliary_dyskinesia\nUncoordinated Cilia Function in Dogs",
"text": "Home » Dog Conditions Uncoordinated Cilia Function in Dogs Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in Dogs Ciliary dyskinesia is a congenital disorder caused by ciliary dysfunction. The cilia are complex hairlike structures, capable of movement, that line various body organs, including the upper and lower respiratory tracts, auditory tubes, ventricles of the brain, spinal canal, uterine tube, and the ducts of the testes. The main function of the cilia is to move cells, or to move the surrounding fluids. They also serve as a kind of filter. In the respiratory tract, the cilia work to remove dust and other material from inhaled air before it is moved into the lungs. Ciliary beating (the process of movement) is normally coordinated by an intricate interaction of numerous proteins contained within each cilium. Movement is characteristically uncoordinated (dyskinetic) or absent in dogs affected with ciliary dyskinesia; the affected cilia will often have structural lesions. Clinical signs predominate in ciliated organs: a lack of mucociliary (interaction of mucus and cilia) clearance in the respiratory tract can lead to recurrent bacterial rhinosinusitis, bronchopneumonia and auditory canal (ear) infection, as well as chronic inflammation and obstruction of the airways. It can also lead to male infertility (live sperm that are incapable of movement). Hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain), and situs inversus (organs on opposite side than normal) are common albeit variable features of ciliary dyskinesia."
"docid": "D931213#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/11417988/chapter-5-the-integumentary-system-and-body-membranes-flash-cards/\nChapter-5 The Integumentary System and Body Membranes.",
"text": "\"Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads111 terms gita96Chapter-5 The Integumentary System and Body Membranes. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Hair follicle tubelike pocket of the epidermal cells that extends to the dermis. Hair papilla where hair growth begins, small cuplike cluster of cells. Hair root The portion of hair hidden in the follicle. Hair shaft visible part of the hair and extends from the follicle. Bulboid (Krause end bulbs) The receptors in the skin that respond to low-frequency vibration. Tactile (Meissner)corpuscles Sensory receptors that are stimulated by light touch. Lamellar (Pacini) corpuscles a receptor found deep in the dermis that detects pressure on the skin surface,deep pressure."
"docid": "D1751877#0",
"title": "https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/terms/glossary.html\nGlossary",
"text": "Vaccines site Cancel Submit CDC A-Z Index Vaccines & Immunizations Vaccines and Immunizations Home For Parents For Adults For Pregnant Women For Healthcare Professionals For Immunization Managers For Specific Groups of People Basics and Common Questions Vaccines and Preventable Diseases News and Media Resources CDCGlossary On This Page ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWAAcellular vaccine: Listen [MP3] A vaccine containing partial cellular material as opposed to complete cells. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): A medical condition where the immune system cannot function properly and protect the body from disease. As a result, the body cannot defend itself against infections (like pneumonia). AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This virus is spread through direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected individual. High risk activities include unprotected sexual intercourse and intravenous drug use (sharing needles). There is no cure for AIDS, however, research efforts are on-going to develop a vaccine. Active immunity: The production of antibodies against a specific disease by the immune system. Active immunity can be acquired in two ways, either by contracting the disease or through vaccination. Active immunity is usually permanent, meaning an individual is protected from the disease for the duration of their lives."
"docid": "D1854958#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.info/difference-between-gastritis-and-ulcer\nDifference between Gastritis and Ulcer",
"text": "Tweet Key Difference: Gastritis is a medical condition in which the internal stomach lining becomes inflamed or swollen. This is due to an increase in the production of the stomach acid. Ulcer is a disease that is caused by bacteria, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria to be exact. The bacteria produce substances that weaken the mucous lining causing the stomach to get burned. Gastritis and ulcers are two different types of medical conditions that take place in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body. Both are quite similar in nature, which is one of the reasons why many people often confuse both of these conditions together. They also share many symptoms, another reason why these two diseases are quite confusing. Gastritis is actually the inflammation of the stomach lining, while ulcers occur when the stomach lining develops holes through which the acid burns the stomach. Gastritis is a medical condition in which the internal stomach lining becomes inflamed or swollen due to excessive production of stomach acid. Causes for the inflammation vary depending on persons and can also include excessive alcohol consumption, continuous use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, surgery, infections, burns, chronic bile reflux, stress and certain autoimmune disorders."
"docid": "D513722#0",
"title": "http://www.justanswer.com/dog-health/6saw1-dog-always-excessive-mucus-he-sneezes-expels-viscous-mucus-large.html\nMy dog has always had excessive mucus (he sneezes and expels very viscous mucus in large qâ¦",
"text": "This answer was rated: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★My dog has always had excessive mucus (he sneezes and expels very viscous mucus in large q…My dog has always had excessive mucus (he sneezes and expels very viscous mucus in large quantities). Our vet has treated him with antibiotics once (it is usually thick and not clear, but not really yellow or green) and I tried benadryl at her suggestion, but nothing seems to help. Now his breath is truly atrocious. Help! He has a good appetite. Was treated for heart disease after rescue. Share this conversation Answered in 3 minutes by: 6/13/2012Dog Veterinarian: Dr. Dan M. Hello, Welcome to Justanswer! I hope I can help with your question and do message me if you have any queries regarding my answer/advice. Can I just ask some questions... 1. Is the mucous coming from the nose?"
"docid": "D706973#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1210417-medication\nDry Eye Disease (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) Medication",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Ophthalmology Dry Eye Disease (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) Medication Updated: Oct 09, 2017Author: C Stephen Foster, MD, FACS, FACR, FAAO, FARVO; Chief Editor: Andrew A Dahl, MD, FACS more... Share Email Feedback Sections Overview Presentation DDx Workup Treatment Medication Media Gallery Tables References Medication Summary The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications. For treatment of dry eye disease (DED), or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), artificial tears are administered with and without preservatives, depending on severity. Doxycycline 100 mg daily or twice daily may be given for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), if indicated, followed by a supervised decrease in dosage to as low as 20 mg PO QD. Topical cyclosporine 0.05% ophthalmic emulsion has proven to be an effective FDA-approved treatment for dry eye disease. Lifitegrast ophthalmic solution is the first prescription specifically approved for dry eye disease by the FDA. It is a lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) antagonist. In addition to the list below, autologous serum eye drops are unpreserved, are nonantigenic by nature, and contain growth factors, fibronectin, immunoglobulins, and vitamins at concentrations similar to or higher than those in natural or artificial tears. Serum eye drops are used for severe dry eye disease with punctate epithelial defects and corneal damage to promote reepithelialization. They can be used successfully in patients who are refractory to other forms of treatment. Ophthalmic Lubricants Class Summary Lubricants act as humectants in the eye."
"docid": "D869022#0",
"title": "http://everydayroots.com/cough-remedies\n7 Natural Cough Remedies for Persistent & Dry Coughs",
"text": "7 Natural Cough Remedies for Persistent & Dry Coughs It’s never a fun situation when you have a persistent cough. You don’t want to be that person in a quiet room during a lecture that can’t stop breaking the silence with your hacking, or that person at the restaurant that makes people fling themselves over their plates to protect their food while you cough away. Or that person on the plane that everyone throws disgusted looks at. Coughs are just terribly uncomfortable all around, both physically and otherwise. There are two primary types of coughs, dry and productive. A productive cough is one in which you are coughing up phlegm or mucous-this is not a cough that should be suppressed, as your body needs to rid itself of the gunk that’s in your chest/lungs. While it shouldn’t be suppressed, some of these remedies will address a productive cough by including an expectorant, or something that loosens mucous and makes it easier for the body to get rid of. A dry, hacking, cough is another story. This is one we do want to stop. It can be caused by allergies, dry air, a random tickle at the back of your throat that won’t go away, the aftermath of a cold, being in a dusty environment, etc."
"docid": "D1070195#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/phlegm-in-throat-causes.html\nCauses of Phlegm in Throat",
"text": "Causes of Phlegm in Throat Phlegm in the throat can be a symptom of various medical conditions, like allergies, common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Find out more about its causes and a few remedies in this Buzzle article. Phlegm is the thick fluid secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. It usually contains mucus, along with debris, bacteria or virus, and inflammatory cells that are produced by the body in response to an infection. The mucous membrane produces mucus to keep the nasal passages moist and humidify the air we breathe in. Mucus helps trap foreign particles and thereby prevents their entry into the respiratory system. When the mucous membrane gets irritated, it produces more mucus than usual, in order to flush out the substances responsible for causing irritation. As a result, the mucus becomes thicker. The color of phlegm can be transparent, pale or dark yellow, green, or brown in color. Excessive phlegm of yellow or green color can be an indicator of certain health conditions."
"docid": "D928538#0",
"title": "http://www.youroilessentials.com/respiratory-health.html\nRespiratory Health",
"text": "Respiratory Health Symptoms, Causes, First Aid and Lifestyle Changes As you can see from the thousands of research studies on essential oils found in pubmed.org, respiratory uses are some of the most effective ways that oils can be used. They are so remarkable, in fact, that Dr. Pénoëlsuggests that some respiratory conditions can only be treated effectively and deeply with essential oils. Nothing works so well. As you look through these specific suggestions for respiratory health, we encourage you to review the Basic Rules of Safety. This training is not about serious respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, emphysema or pneumonia, though you can speed deep healing of all kinds by following some of the suggestions given here. Be sure to work with your personal health care professional as you apply the suggestions we make on this website. These suggestions are no substitute for individual and professional medical assistance, especially in serious respiratory conditions. What causes most basic respiratory problems and what are the lifestyle adjustments that will correct them? Your sinuses, nose, ears, throat, and all the tubes and sacks of the air passages and lungs cannot do their job when they are clogged or inflamed. If you want to keep your respiratory system clean and clear, you may need to make some lifestyle changes like stopping smoking or inhaling toxins or dust where you work."
"docid": "D1125527#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/medical/mucous_membrane_inflammation.htm\nMucous membrane inflammation",
"text": "Mucous membrane inflammation Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Mucous membrane inflammation: Related Topics These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Mucous membrane inflammation: Mucous membrane Mucous membrane symptoms (832 causes)Mucous (766 causes)Membrane Inflammation Terms associated with Mucous membrane inflammation: Terms Similar to Mucous membrane inflammation: Mucositis Source: Diseases Database External links related to: Mucous membrane inflammation Interventions for treating oral mucositis for patients with cancer receiving treatment (Cochrane Review)Source: Diseases Database Interesting Medical Articles: Symptoms of the Silent Killer Diseases Online Diagnosis Self Diagnosis Pitfalls Pitfalls of Online Diagnosis Research Your Symptoms Diseases & Medical Conditions Medical Diagnosis [ Full list of premium articles on symptoms, diseases, and diagnosis ]Medical dictionaries: Medical dictionary ,Medical Acronymns/Abbreviations More Medical Dictionary Topics Hairy ears, Y-linked Hairy elbows Hairy heart Hairy leukoplakia Hairy mole Hairy nose tip Hairy palms and soles Hairy pinna Hairy T cell leukemia Hairy throat Hairy throat syndrome Find out more Search to find out more about Mucous membrane inflammation:powered by Search the Web Search rightdiagnosis.com» Next page: Mucous membrane of bronchus Medical Tools & Articles: Tools & Services: Bookmark this page Symptom Search Symptom Checker Medical Dictionary Medical Articles: Disease & Treatments Search Misdiagnosis Center Full list of interesting articles Forums & Message Boards Ask or answer a question at the Boards: I cannot get a diagnosis. Please help. Tell us your medical story. Share your misdiagnosis story. What is the best treatment for my condition? See all the Boards."
"docid": "D1192551#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/passing-mucus-with-gas\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: Passing Mucus With Gas",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: Passing Mucus With Gas Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Monnieque Singleton1 What can be causing my all of sudden loud noisy gassy bowels and passing of mucus when passing gas. It's noisy and explosive. Colitis: There are a group of inflammatory bowel diseases that produce mucous. They include, but are not limited to ulcerative colitis (usually with bloody mucous some of the time), crohn's disease, and infection. ... Read more Dr. Abraham Jaskiel Mucus (Definition)Like material that functions to moisten and protect inner body surfaces. The viscous slippery substance that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic salts and that is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by the cells and glands of the mucous membranes. The free slime of the mucous membranes, composed of secretion of the glands, various salts, ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gurmukh Singh1 doctor agreed:2 I am passing gas, mucus in stool and burping. 2 times BM a day. No pain, if there is goes after BM. Normal stool test, no anemia."
"docid": "D197985#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Inflammation+of+intestine\ngastroenteritis",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.gastroenteritis (redirected from Inflammation of intestine) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . Gastroenteritis Definition Gastroenteritis is a catchall term for infection or irritation of the digestive tract, particularly thestomach and intestine. It is frequently referred to as the stomach or intestinal flu, although theinfluenza virus is not associated with this illness. Major symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. These symptoms are sometimes also accompanied by fever and overall weakness. Gastroenteritis typically lasts about three days. Adults usuallyrecover without problem, but children, the elderly, and anyone with an underlying disease aremore vulnerable to complications such as dehydration. Description Gastroenteritis is an uncomfortable and inconvenient ailment, but it is rarely life-threatening in the United States and other developed nations. However, an estimated 220,000 children youngerthan age five are hospitalized with gastroenteritis symptoms in the United States annually."
"docid": "D1318249#0",
"title": "http://www.mcvitamins.com/sinuses.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Visit our Health Index for More Subjects, Conditions and Answers Sinus Infections or Sinusitis - Inflammation of the Nasal Sinuses What is Sinusitis? Causes of Sinusitis Symptoms of Sinusitis Fungal Sinus Infection Help for Sinus Infections What to take for sinus problems Fighting the Fungal Sinus Infection W hat is sinusitis Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. A sinus is a cavity (air chamber) within the bone. These are four sets of open spaces within the bones of the skull. They are above the eyes (frontal sinuses), to either side of the nose inside the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), behind the bridge of the nose (sphenoid sinuses) and in the upper nose (ethmoid sinuses). Normally, mucous cleans any particles that collect in the sinuses. With the help of tiny hairs called cilia, mucous is moved out of sinuses so that it can drain into the nasal passages. However, when you have cold or allergy attack, your sinuses become inflamed or infected and drainage cannot occur. If the sinuses are too small to handle the amount of volume of mucus produced by the body, they can become clogged. Sinusitis can also occur as a result of swelling in the sinus passages or if anything prevents the cilia from moving mucous."
"docid": "D2940026#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/exudative+inflammation\nexudative inflammation",
"text": "\"exudative inflammation Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. Related to exudative inflammation: purulent exudate, Serous exudateinflammation [ in″flah-ma´shun] a localized protective response elicited by injury or destruction of tissues, which serves to destroy,dilute, or wall off both the injurious agent and the injured tissue. adj., adj inflam´matory. The inflammatory response can be provoked by physical, chemical, and biologic agents, includingmechanical trauma, exposure to excessive amounts of sunlight, x-rays and radioactive materials,corrosive chemicals, extremes of heat and cold, or by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses,and other pathogenic microorganisms. Although these infectious agents can produce inflammation,infection and inflammation are not synonymous. The classic signs of inflammation are heat, redness, swelling, pain, and loss of function. These aremanifestations of the physiologic changes that occur during the inflammatory process. The threemajor components of this process are (1) changes in the caliber of blood vessels and the rate of blood flow through them (hemodynamic changes); (2) increased capillary permeability; and (3)leukocytic exudation. Hemodynamic changes begin soon after injury and progress at varying rates, according to theextent of injury."
"docid": "D828972#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/drugs/condition-3474-Sclerotherapy-Induced+Mucositis.aspx?diseaseid=3474&diseasename=Sclerotherapy-Induced+Mucositis\nDrugs & Medications Search",
"text": "Web MD Home Drugs & Medications A-ZDrugs & Medications Search Considering taking medication to treat Inflammation of Mucous Membranes due to Sclerotherapy? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Inflammation of Mucous Membranes due to Sclerotherapy. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Inflammation of Mucous Membranes due to Sclerotherapy returned the following treatments. Drug Name Indication Type User Reviews Carafate oral 128 User Reviewssucralfate oral 77 User Reviews Find a Drug:by name or medical condition or shape/color (Pill Identifier)Drug Name (for example: aspirin)Medical Condition (for example: diabetes)Pill Identifier Learn about User Reviews and read IMPORTANT information about user generated content Drugs and Medications Center Find a Drug My Medicine Pill Identifier Interaction Checker Drugs & Medications A-ZDrugs & Medical Conditions Latest Drug News Drugs Information on Mobile Find a Vitamin Find a Pharmacy Common Drugs Adderall Celexa Cipro Cymbalta Flexeril Hydrocodone Lexapro Lisinopril Mobic Naproxen Neurontin Pradaxa Prednisone Prilosec Prozac Seroquel Synthroid Tramadol Trazodone Vicodin Warfarin Wellbutrin Xanax Zocor Zoloft Vitamins & Supplements Center Find a Vitamin or Supplement Vitamin Lifestyle Guide Assess Your Vitamin Needs First Aid Resources First Aid Home First Aid Kit & Wound Care First Aid Mobile General Practitioners in Moses Lake, WABen T. Murrell Moses Lake, WA 98837Leona M. Hays Moses Lake, WA 98837More General Practitioners Popular Slideshows & Tools on Web MDPrevious Next Childhood ADHDTypes, symptoms, causes. The Brain Food Diet Eat these to think better. Cancer Treatment Complementary therapies to ease symptoms. Binge Eating Disorder Do you feel guilty after eating? Type 1 Diabetes4 early warning signs. Birth Control Which kind is right for you?"
"docid": "D2199957#0",
"title": "http://www.healtreatcure.org/lip/white-bumps-on-lips-fordyce-spots-dots-small-get-rid/\nWhite Bumps on Lips, Fordyce Spots, Dots, Little, Small, Pictures, HPV, STD, Inside, Under Skin, Get Rid",
"text": "White Bumps on Lips, Fordyce Spots, Dots, Little, Small, Pictures, HPV, STD, Inside, Under Skin, Get Rid Do you have white bumps on lips? Does it mean that you are suffering from canker sores, STDs, oral thrush, HPV, oral cancer or Fordyce spots among other conditions? Get insights on the causes of white bumps on different parts of the lips i.e. lip line, inner lips, and upper or lower lip. You will also learn the various treatment on how to get rid of bumps on lips.white bumps on lips White Bumps on Lips White bumps that occurs on the lips are also referred to as white blotches, spots, dots or patches. They may be painless or can be characterized with other symptoms such as inflammations, burning sensation or pain. It is not a good idea to ignore such bumps even if they are painless as they can result from serious underlying conditions such as oral cancer. The size and shape varies depending on the cause, they may be small or large, oval, round or irregularly shaped. They can affect areas around your lips including the lip line, inside the lips and at the corners of your mouth. There are various causes that can result to such bumps. They may develop due to underlying body condition, poor oral care practices, genetic factors, oral care products and make ups."
] |
205 | +symptoms of cocain addiction withdrawals | [
"docid": "D2176419#0",
"title": "http://drug.addictionblog.org/how-long-does-cocaine-withdrawal-last/\nHow long does cocaine withdrawal last?",
"text": "\"How long does cocaine withdrawal last? Addiction Blog Published: August 30, 2013Share Are you addicted to cocaine or know someone who is? Here we explore how long cocaine withdrawal lasts and what you can do to help ease the effects. Then, we invite your questions about cocaine withdrawal or signs of cocaine addiction at the end. We try to answer all legitimate questions about cocaine personally and promptly. How long until cocaine withdrawal starts? Cocaine is an incredibly effective stimulant and withdrawal symptoms usually start just hours after stopping cocaine. What are symptoms of cocaine withdrawal? Symptoms of cocaine withdrawal can include agitation, increased appetite, and fatigue, vivid and unpleasant dreams. While these acute symptoms usually resolve within a week or two of last dose, other symptoms linger."
] | [
"docid": "D2265052#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/heroin/brain/\n.",
"text": "\"In 1972 brain researchers from Johns Hopkins University made a puzzling discovery that would illuminate scientists' understanding of drug addiction. They found that the human brain's neurons had specific receptor sites for opiate drugs: opium, heroin, codeine and morphine. But then there was the obvious question. Why would nature put in our brains a receptor for a plant? After all, humans beings didn't evolve over millions of years eating opium or shooting heroin. The scientists reasoned there must be some other function for these receptors sites. They soon figured out that the active ingredient in all these opiates - morphine - had a chemical structure similar to endorphins, a class of chemicals present in the brain . Endorphins are feel-good chemicals naturally-manufactured in the brain when the body experiences pain or stress. They are called the natural opiates of the body. Endorphins flood the space between nerve cells and usually inhibit neurons from firing, thus creating an analgesic effect."
"docid": "D330875#0",
"title": "http://drugabuse.com/library/tolerance-dependence-addiction/\nUnderstanding Tolerance, Dependence, and Addiction",
"text": "Need Help Understanding Your Addiction Treatment Options? Call1-888-744-0069. Sponsored by Leading Treatment Centers Who Answers? Understanding Tolerance, Dependence, and Addiction Authored By Erik Mac Laren, Ph DTable of Contents What Is Tolerance? What Is Dependence? What Is Addiction? It is important to understand the meaning of the terms tolerance, dependence, and addiction when discussing substance abuse and the use of prescription medications such as opioid painkillers. Unfortunately, both professionals and lay people often misuse these terms, leading to the mistaken belief that tolerance, dependence, and addiction are just different names for the same thing. However, knowing the distinction between these terms can lead to a better understanding of the dangers of drug abuse. The most important distinction between these concepts is that tolerance and dependence refer to the physical consequences of drug use."
"docid": "D1428231#0",
"title": "http://www.narconon.org/drug-information/what-is-cocaine.html\nWhat is Cocaine?",
"text": "What is Cocaine? Cocaine is many things. It can be a white powder, a very strong stimulant that can be abused to create euphoria, confidence, alertness and energy. In its powder form, it can be snorted or it can be dissolved and injected. If you mix it with a flammable solvent, you can separate out the intoxicating elements from the impurities and inhale the vapors. This is referred to as “freebasing” cocaine. Cocaine can also be found in the form of small off-white rocks. This is cocaine when it has been processed with ammonia or baking soda to remove some impurities. The remaining mixture will dry to rocks that can be broken into small pieces, sold in tiny baggies and smoked. Crack cocaine is quickly addictive as well but is not expensive per dose as powdered cocaine."
"docid": "D2176418#0",
"title": "http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/cocaine-withdrawls\nCocaine withdrawls",
"text": "\"bundy2378 over a year ago Hello, I need some help. I have a friend who is on cocaine for 1, 5 years and had abuse of some other drugs in the past. I am not familiar with this stuff, but I convinced him to stop and he is ready to do so, but is afraid of cocaine withdrawls. Is anyone familiar with this. Please I need help on this topis!risk2379 over a year ago Hey, Cocaine withdrawls are extremely difficult process, but Cocaine withdrawls are inevitably in order to abstain from further use of the drug. Cocaine withdrawls is a complicated process and it might requires the professional expertise. For many addicts quitting just for one day is the hardest task. The beginning of the cocaine withdrawl is the hardest part of physical pain… but the mental pain is the next. When addict decides to stop, body automatically wants more cocaine. Then begins the period of craving- the body and mind want cocaine and it can become very powerful obsession."
"docid": "D231447#0",
"title": "http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/drugs/cocaine.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Cocaine (Powder)Profile Cocaine is a highly addictive drug of abuse. It is categorized as a stimulant, and is currently a Schedule II substance. Stimulants heighten the body's activity, including increases in energy, alertness, heart rate, and blood pressure. The form of cocaine that is commonly used is a white powder obtained from the leaves of the Erythroxylon Coca plant. History Humans have known about the stimulant effects of the Coca plant since ancient South American cultures chewed the leaves in everyday activities and religious rituals. Cocaine first appeared in American society in the 1880's as a surgical anesthetic, and soon became a common household drug, as well as an ingredient in Coca-Cola and in several types of wines. Snorting cocaine was slowly becoming popular in the early 1900's until the drug was banned in 1914 as a result of the Harrison Act. Abuse began rising again in the 1960's, causing Congress to classify it as a Schedule II drug in 1970. 1 Later, in the mid-1980's, crack cocaine, which is derived from powder cocaine, became an enormously popular drug of abuse. Today, synthetic forms of cocaine such as Novocain are still used as local anesthetics for surgical purposes; however, medical use has become more sporadic with the introduction of safer and more improved pharmaceuticals."
"docid": "D859611#0",
"title": "https://www.addictioncenter.com/addiction/10-most-common-addictions/\n10 Most Common Addictions",
"text": "10 Most Common Addictions People who want to take back control of their life should know as much as possible about their addiction. These are the 10 most common substance dependencies across the United States. Topics on Addiction10 Most Common Addictions Addiction vs. Dependence Addiction and the Brain Addiction Statistics Treatment Center Myths Your Loved Ones and Addiction Get started on the road to recovery. Find Out How Questions about treatment? Get confidential help 24/7. Call now for: Access to top treatment centers Caring, supportive guidance Financial assistance options (855) 826-4464See how Jerry overcame his addiction. Watch Jerry's Story Get Answers to Your Questions Can I Use Medicaid And Medicare? How Much Does Treatment Cost? Can I Use Insurance For Rehab? What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?"
"docid": "D2749729#0",
"title": "http://pathwaysrecovery.com/blog/drug-detox-time/\nHow Long Does Drug Detox Take?",
"text": "How Long Does Drug Detox Take? Addictive substances change the body’s physical and psychological functioning. Over time, most individuals experience a level of dependence on the substance and suffer if they can’t access another dose. Even caffeine requires detox. Alcohol and harder drugs like prescription painkillers and cocaine may require detox before a person can begin the psychological healing process. What Is Detox? After a certain period of time without addictive substances, individuals start to experience withdrawal symptoms. The body craves another dose. When it doesn’t receive the drug, the brain may go into overdrive and experience an extreme reversal of symptoms compared to the drug’s effects. Signs and symptoms often appear shortly after a user abstains and may affect the mind and body for extended periods of time."
"docid": "D462913#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/drug-abuse-and-dependence/overview.html\nDrug Dependence",
"text": "\"Search Health 3,000+ Topics Send Feedback Health > Times Health Guide > d > Drug Dependence Drug Dependence Overview Alternative Names Causes Symptoms Treatment Support Groups Prevention References Related Topics Drug Abuse First Aid Stress and Anxiety Depression Unconsciousness - First Aid Toxicology Screen Hepatitis Thrombophlebitis Pulmonary Embolus Illustrations Depression and Men Drug dependence means that a person needs a drug to function normally. Abruptly stopping the drug leads to withdrawal symptoms. Drug addiction is the compulsive use of a substance, despite its negative or dangerous effects. A person may have a physical dependence on a substance without having an addiction. For example, certain blood pressure medications do not cause addiction but they can cause physical dependence. Other drugs, such as cocaine, cause addiction without leading to physical dependence. Tolerance to a drug (needing a higher dose to attain the same effect) is usually part of addiction. Related topics include: Drug abuse Drug abuse first aid Reference from A. D. A. M. Back to Top Alternative Names Drug addiction; Addiction - drug; Dependence on drugs Back to Top Causes Drug abuse can lead to drug dependence or addiction. People who use drugs for pain relief may become dependent, although this is rare in those who don't have a history of addiction. The exact cause of drug abuse and dependence is not known."
"docid": "D2808205#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/drug+addiction+and+drug+abuse\naddiction",
"text": "\"addiction (redirected from drug addiction and drug abuse) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia . Addiction Definition Addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance. The term hasbeen partially replaced by the word dependence for substance abuse. Addiction has beenextended, however, to include mood-altering behaviors or activities. Some researchers speak of two types of addictions: substance addictions (for example, alcoholism, drug abuse, andsmoking ); and process addictions (for example, gambling, spending, shopping, eating, andsexual activity). There is a growing recognition that many addicts, such as polydrug abusers, areaddicted to more than one substance or process. Description Addiction is one of the most costly public health problems in the United States. It is a progressive syndrome, which means that it increases in severity over time unless it is treated. Substance abuse is characterized by frequent relapse, or return to the abused substance. Substance abusers often make repeated attempts to quit before they are successful."
"docid": "D2943164#0",
"title": "https://www.addictioncenter.com/benzodiazepines/librium/\nLibrium Addiction and Abuse",
"text": "Librium Addiction and Abuse Librium is a prescription benzodiazepine that’s often abused for its calming effects. An addiction to Librium can develop quickly, especially when the drug is abused for an extended period of time. Librium Info Addiction and Abuse Symptoms and Warning Signs Withdrawal and Detox Treatment and Rehab Types of Benzodiazepines Ativan Halcion Klonopin Librium Valium Xanax Get started on the road to recovery. Find Out How Questions about treatment? Get confidential help 24/7. Call now for: Access to top treatment centers Caring, supportive guidance Financial assistance options (855) 826-4464See how Jerry overcame his addiction. Watch Jerry's Story Get Answers to Your Questions Can I Use Medicaid And Medicare? How Much Does Treatment Cost? Can I Use Insurance For Rehab? What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?"
"docid": "D1350629#0",
"title": "http://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/\nDrug Withdrawal Symptoms, Timelines, & Treatment",
"text": "Content Overview What Are Some Drug Withdrawal Symptoms? The symptoms of drug withdrawal, and the length of that withdrawal, vary depending on the drug of abuse and the length of the addiction. These are a few withdrawal symptoms and timelines for major targets of abuse: Heroin and prescription painkillers: flu-like symptoms lasting 24-48 hours Benzodiazepines: anxiety and/or seizures lasting weeks or (in some cases) months Cocaine: depression and restlessness lasting 7-10 days Alcohol: tremors and/or seizures lasting three days to several weeks Find Fast Heroin and Opiates Benzodiazepines Cocaine Alcohol When Is It Necessary Use of Medications In 2011, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) published that almost 25 million Americans over the age of 12, approaching 10 percent of this section of the population, had used an illicit drug in the month prior to the survey, classifying them as current drug users. Addictive drugs and alcohol make changes to the way the brain processes emotions and regulates mood. Many of these changes create a flood of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which create an artificial feeling of pleasure, or a “high. ”Continued abuse of drugs or alcohol interferes with the motivation and reward chemistry and circuitry, resulting in drug cravings and dependence. Once a dependence on a substance has formed, withdrawal symptoms will start when the substance is then removed. Different drugs and substances will have different withdrawal symptoms and timelines, depending on how they interact with the brain and bodily functions. Drugs are absorbed and remain active in the body for differing amounts of time. This is often referred to as the drug’s “half-life,”which relates to the different withdrawal timelines for each substance."
"docid": "D779326#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substance_use_disorder\nSubstance use disorder",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Substance use disorder Classification and external resources Specialty Psychiatry ICD - 10 F10 - F19ICD - 9-CM 303 - 305Me SH D019966 [ edit on Wikidata]A substance use disorder ( SUD ), also known as a drug use disorder, is a condition in which the use of one or more substances leads to a clinically significant impairment or distress. [ 1] Although the term substance can refer to any physical matter, 'substance' in this context is limited to psychoactive drugs. Addiction and dependence are components of a substance use disorder and addiction represents the most severe form of the disorder. [ 2] [3]A SUD involves the overuse of, or dependence on, a drug leading to effects that are detrimental to the individual's physical and mental health, or the welfare of others. [ 4] An SUD is characterized by a pattern of continued pathological use of a medication, non-medically indicated drug or toxin, which results in repeated adverse social consequences related to drug use, such as failure to meet work, family, or school obligations, interpersonal conflicts, or legal problems. There are ongoing debates as to the exact distinctions between substance abuse and substance dependence, but current practice standard distinguishes between the two by defining substance dependence in terms of physiological and behavioral symptoms of substance use, and substance abuse in terms of the social consequences of substance use. [ 5] In the DSM-5 substance use disorder replaced substance abuse and substance dependence. [ 6] [7] [8] Another term, substance-related disorder, has also been used. In 2010 about 5% of people (230 million) used an illicit substance. [ 9] Of these 27 million have high-risk drug use otherwise known as recurrent drug use causing harm to their health, psychological problems, or social problems or puts them at risk of those dangers. ["
"docid": "D1377316#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Psychological+addiction\naddiction",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.addiction (redirected from Psychological addiction) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. Related to Psychological addiction: psychological dependence Addiction Definition Addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance. The term hasbeen partially replaced by the word dependence for substance abuse. Addiction has beenextended, however, to include mood-altering behaviors or activities. Some researchers speak of two types of addictions: substance addictions (for example, alcoholism, drug abuse, andsmoking ); and process addictions (for example, gambling, spending, shopping, eating, andsexual activity). There is a growing recognition that many addicts, such as polydrug abusers, areaddicted to more than one substance or process. Description Addiction is one of the most costly public health problems in the United States. It is a progressive syndrome, which means that it increases in severity over time unless it is treated. Substance abuse is characterized by frequent relapse, or return to the abused substance."
"docid": "D1679989#0",
"title": "http://www.recovery.org/topics/alcohol-recovery/\nHow to Find the Best Alcohol Recovery Center",
"text": "\"How to Find the Best Alcohol Recovery Center Written by Deirdre O'Donnell, M. S. Edited by Dan Wagener, M. A.created on 17 April 2013 | updated on 8 March 2018Table of Contents Types of Alcohol Abuse Treatment Which Type of Center Should I Consider? How Long Does Treatment Take? How Much Does Alcohol Rehab Cost? What's the Withdrawal Process Like? Are There Alcohol Rehabs for Teens? Does Alcohol Abuse Treatment Work? Finding the best alcoholism recovery center for you depends on 3 things: How will it fit into your lifestyle , your home life, your work? How much will it cost and how long will it take? Do you need to get away and have a change of scenery, or would you prefer to be close to home and have some flexibility? Knowing your options, what to expect during recovery and what kind of rehab centers are available will serve you well as you find the best alcohol recovery center."
"docid": "D3344782#0",
"title": "http://www.rehabcenterrankings.com/faqs/length-of-detox/\nDoes Drug Detox Work? What You Need to Know",
"text": "View Top Rehab Centers Detox is a complex process. When you take drugs or drink alcohol, it negatively affects a wide range of normal physical functions. It also alters your ability to make decisions, understand risk, perceive reward and remember important events. When you quit using drugs or alcohol, not only is your body ridding itself of dangerous substance toxins, but it also begins the slow return to normal physical and psychological function. This process is called detox. Your Body on Drugs Drugs are chemicals that are foreign to your body. Your body and brain exist in a complicated state of chemical balance. When you take drugs, you upset that balance and feel the physical and mental effects. The human body is adaptable, though, and always seeks balance. Therefore, as you continue to abuse your substance of choice, your system works around it to maintain balance."
"docid": "D2416039#0",
"title": "http://drugabuse.com/library/stimulant-detox-withdrawal/\nStimulant Withdrawal",
"text": "Need Help Understanding Your Addiction Treatment Options? Call1-888-744-0069. Sponsored by Leading Treatment Centers Who Answers? Stimulant Withdrawal Table of Contents Signs Withdrawal What Happens During Stimulant Detox? Why Should I Enter a Stimulant Detox Program? How to Find a Detox Program Stimulants are substances that increase the activity of several neurotransmitter systems throughout the brain, and are capable of creating a state of heightened energy and alertness. Additionally, many of the stimulant drugs elevate physiological processes such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure 1. Some common stimulants include: ADHD medications (amphetamine, methylphenidate). Cocaine/crack cocaine. Methamphetamine (including crystal meth)."
"docid": "D205382#0",
"title": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64823/\nAppendix AâPharmacotherapy",
"text": "\"Appendix A—Pharmacotherapy Donald R. Wesson, M. D. 1In the context of substance abuse, pharmacotherapy is the treatment of drug or alcohol dependence with medication to achieve one of three ends: detoxification, relapse prevention, or opioid maintenance (see Figure A-1 ). Table Figure A-1: Ways in Which Psychopharmacology is Used to Treat Alcohol or Other Drug Dependencies. As part of drug abuse treatment, the term detoxification refers to the process of reversing a patient's physical dependence. ( Note: This is not the usual medical meaning of the term detoxification, which implies the removal of a toxin, such as lead, from the body.) If a patient enters treatment inebriated, detoxification includes the period of \"\"sobering up\"\" while the alcohol is being metabolized. During detoxification, medications are prescribed to reduce the intensity of withdrawal signs and symptoms. Increasingly, patients are being detoxified on an outpatient basis, which is associated with more risks than inpatient detoxification. The section below on outpatient detoxification will help primary care practitioners identify and minimize these risks. Although detoxification is rarely adequate treatment for drug dependence, it is often an entry point into more definitive treatment. Even in the best of circumstances, however, substance abuse treatment cannot eliminate the chance that a relapse to alcohol or other drug use may occur."
"docid": "D2030178#0",
"title": "http://powerplaycommunications.writersresidence.com/samples/narcotics-short-and-long-term-effects-on-the-body\nNarcotics: Short- and Long-term Effects on the Body",
"text": "\"Narcotics: Short- and Long-term Effects on the Body Salem Press | 2011 | Salem Health: Addictions & Substance Abuse Essay title:: Narcotics: Short- and Long-term Effects on the Body Category: Health Issues and Physiology Definition: Though using substances is a choice, over time use of substances can grow into dependency. The overuse, or abuse, of substances brings about lasting physiological changes to the brain that lead to psychological and behavioral changes in the abuser. With the abuse of narcotics, the damage to the brain is profound. Addiction to Narcotics Addiction is a brain disorder. Narcotics disrupt the biochemical processes of the brain and become addictive. To understand the damage to the body narcotic abuse inflicts requires an understanding of why narcotics are used and how the alter the brain. The term \"\"narcotic\"\" is another word for opioid drugs, or opiates, which have been used to relieve pain throughout history. Though historically, narcotics were naturally derived from the poppy plant, those prescribed today may be natural or synthetic, all of which are still technically classified as opioids. They include morphine, heroin, codeine, opium, hydrocodone, oxycodone, meperidine, methadone, and others. Because narcotics (opioids) produce a euphoric state of relaxation, even sleep, they serve a medical purpose for controlling pain in medical patients."
"docid": "D1184928#0",
"title": "http://luxury.rehabs.com/drug-detox/withdrawal-symptoms/\nDrug Withdrawal",
"text": "Home Private Drug Detox and Withdrawal Programs Drug Withdrawal Drug Withdrawal Drug withdrawal symptoms can be physical or psychological, altering the way you feel, act and think. Some drugs, like heroin, alcohol and cocaine, cause strong physical dependence. With other chemical substances, like speed or hallucinogens, dependence is more likely to be psychological. Either way, withdrawal can take a big toll on your mind and body. Withdrawal occurs when you’re deprived of a drug that your body or mind has grown to depend on. The type, intensity and duration of withdrawal symptoms vary from one user to another, but the experience is almost always hard to tolerate. With some drugs, like alcohol or benzodiazepines, withdrawal can be life-threatening if it isn’t medically supervised. Completing drug withdrawal in a safe, supervised environment may be easier and more effective than struggling to cope with symptoms like these alone: Anxiety Irritability Dysphoria (feeling down or depressed)Cravings Insomnia Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain Muscle cramps Seizures Heart palpitations Sweating Chills Learning about the effects of drug withdrawal may help you prepare for the process and start your journey of recovery. When you’re ready to stop drinking or using, don’t try to handle withdrawal symptoms without help. You can increase your chances of getting clean and staying clean by turning to addiction professionals for support. *"
"docid": "D2254456#0",
"title": "http://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/articles/addictive-substances-effects-and-withdrawal-symptoms\nAddictive Substances Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms",
"text": "Recovery July 24, 2016 | BY: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Addictive Substances Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms See this detailed breakdown of the common symptoms, resulting side effects and withdrawal issues associated with specific substances. Alcohol Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Slows down thoughts, reflexes and actions Altered perception Mood-altering Disinhibiting Cardiovascular, Liver and kidney disease Inflammatory to the GI tract Neuropathy Psychological disorders Seizures Anxiety or depression Hallucinations, delirium Tremors Heart attacks, strokes Can be life-threatening Frequent assessment Valium/Ativan, ancillary medications Prescription Opioids Benzodiazepine: Ambien/Ambien CR, Xanax, Librium, Serax, Dalmane, Restoril, Buspar, Sonata, Lunesta, Fioricet, Soma, Zolpidem, Chlordiazepate, Chlordiazepoxide, Klonopin, Tranxene, Valium, Ativan, Doral, Halcion, Rozerem Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Neglect of responsibilities i.e. work, home, school, children Legal problems No interest in doing normal things Confusion, dizziness, poor short term memory Mood swings Poor judgment Altered perception Visual Changes Danger operating machinery due to drowsiness OD an emergency; signs may include nervous system changes, decreased vital signs, cold/clammy skin, bluish lips Crankiness Headaches Bad dreams Loss of libido; sexual dysfunction Skin rashes Weight gain Menstrual problems Depression Seizures Feeling nervous/tense Confusion/depression Fear, paranoia Anxiety, panic Changed senses Shaking Pain, stiffness, muscle aches, spasms Flu-like symptoms Sleep difficulties Valium/Ativan taper to reduce seizure risk, maximize comfort Drug accumulates with prolonged, heavy use Elderly more sensitive to benzos due to decreased liver, kidney function Opiates Opium, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Heroin, Morphine, Oxycodone, Talwin, Codeine, Methadone, Meperidine, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, Percocet, Percodan, Lortabs, Norco Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Damage to internal organs after long-term use Depression of body processes and central nervous system Cognitive decline Strong psychic dependence; high risk of cross-addiction Intense cravings Nausea, vomiting, constipation Drowsiness, tiredness Decreased libido Respiratory depression Seizures Dizziness Weakness Loss of consciousness, coma Confusion, clouding of mental function Cold, clammy skin Reduced vision Extremely uncomfortable/frightening Recurring symptoms over a longer period of time than other detox because excretion more gradual Persistent Most challenging detox Use of Buprenorphine, ancillary medications Push fluids, exercise, rest, nutrition Managing anxiety/sleep issues Relaxation techniques Biofeedback Support from various staff/peers Learning new skills/developing supports to deal with symptoms, cravings Participation in program encouraged soon as able Work together with staff to achieve maximum comfort Cocaine or Crack Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Sudden mood swings Increased risk of suicide and violence towards others Damage to central nervous system Anxiety, paranoia Skin irritability Heart attacks, heart failure Respiratory problems, failure Malnourishment Can be fatal High incidence of stroke, seizure, respiratory failure, MI, convulsions, death, aggression, suicide, hallucinations Baclofen, ancillary medications Marijuana Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Decreased motivation Poor performance at work, school Poor communication due to difficulty focusing Isolation from others due to mood/behavior changes Gateway drug Altered perception Fertility issues Increased heart rate and blood pressure Decreased appetite Kills brain cells and damages central nervous system Damage to immune system Difficulty forming/ recollecting memories Withdrawal is not dangerous Increased appetite Mood fluctuations Assessment and testing for permanent damage No detox medications needed Methamphetamines Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Family, financial, legal, job loss, school Irritable, hostile, violent Confrontational personality Increase in risky sexual behaviors Increased risk of sexually transmitted/blood-borne viruses i.e., Hepatitis B, C, HIVPermanent damage to body even if stop i.e., teeth Violent mood swings i.e. depression/insomnia to anxiety/paranoia Brain damage to the dopamine system Gateway drug Similar to that of cocaine and other stimulants Anxiety, sleep issues Depression Detox medications similar to those used for cocaine and other stimulants Barbiturates Brevital, Pentothal, Surital, Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal, Fiorinal, Butisol, Lotusate, Alurate, Luminal, Mebaral Effects to Self and Family Effects to Body Withdrawal Symptoms Detox Protocol Behavior disturbances Dulled effect Cognitive changes Dependence primarily psychic, affecting the mind/CNSCross addiction Unpredictable, frightening, may be life-threatening Detox with Valium/Ativan and ancillary medications Want to learn more? Select a Tag to explore a particular topic, or browse articles. Alcohol Alcoholism Amphetamine Cocaine Detox Ecstasy Heroin Ketamine Marijuana Methamphetamine Opioid Painkillers Treatment Withdrawal Treatment Read More12 Signs You’re a Lawyer with an Alcohol Problem Learn about the warning signs of alcoholism in the legal profession Read More >Prevention Read More Healthy Student Choices Through Mindfulness Mindfulness can be a tool to support teens' healthy responses to stress. Read More >Recovery Read More Is Codependency Affecting Your Relationships? Learn how codependent behaviors develop and how you can break the cycle to improve your relationship... Read More >"
] |
212 | +what are the survival rate for stomache cancer in women | [
"docid": "D3005908#0",
"title": "http://www.cancercompass.com/message-board/message/all,63338,0.htm\nalternative treatments for stomach cancer",
"text": "\"alternative treatments for stomach cancer View all Stomach Cancer Discussions Post A New Discussion64 Posts | Page (s): 1 2 3 4 5 ... 6 7 Next Dorothy LAdd As Friend Private Reply Report Abuse Track Thread Email Friendalternative treatments for stomach cancerby Dorothy L on Wed Dec 14, 2011 02:42 AMQuote | Reply Hello,has anyone tried alternative treatments for stomach cancer that cured them? Desperately looking for solutions. Warmly,Dorothy Quote| Reply Sharemuigi84Add As Friend Private Reply Report Abuse Track Thread Email Friend RE: alternative treatments for stomach cancerby muigi84 on Wed Dec 14, 2011 03:34 AMQuote | Reply I only know people who have been successful using conventional treatment. Are you able to go through chemo or surgery? If I may ask, what options are you given when you met with the dr? Quote| Reply Share Dorothy LAdd As Friend Private Reply Report Abuse Track Thread Email Friend RE: alternative treatments for stomach cancerby Dorothy L on Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:24 AMQuote | Reply Thanks for your response. The options we are given is 9 weeks of 3 different kinds of chem (apparently the worse kind), removal of the stomach, and then 9 more weeks of chemo. 5 year survival rate is 27% with most people living for only 24 months.we were also told that CT scans are not conclusive and that if he is opened up (surgery), and there is cancer there (which is possible), then, in the doctor's own words, \"\"then we've let the horse out of the barn\"\". In other words, the cancer spread quickly and there would be nothing he could do. Apparently there is only a 3% success rate!Quote| Reply Shareandy73Add As Friend Private Reply Report Abuse Track Thread Email Friend RE: alternative treatments for stomach cancerby andy73 on Wed Dec 14, 2011 03:31 PMQuote | Reply Throwing out a possibility, maybe you'll find something useful in it."
] | [
"docid": "D823152#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/190476-a-lung-cancer-diagnosis-life-expectancy-with-lung-cancer/\nLife Expectancy With Lung Cancer",
"text": "Life Expectancy With Lung Cancerby REBECCA BIGELOW, PH. D. Aug. 14, 2017Medically Reviewed by Brenda Spriggs, MD, MPH, MBAThe life expectancy of people with lung cancer depends on several factors, including the type of lung cancer, stage of disease, race and gender. When discussing life expectancy numbers, keep in mind that recent statistics may not take into consideration the newest treatment options. Also, life expectancy is influenced by many things. Some influences -- such as a patient's overall health and response to treatment -- are not included in national statistics but play a large role in determining individual life expectancy. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Life Expectancy Statistics Life expectancy can be described by different statistics. A survival rate is the percentage of people who survive over a given period. For example, a 5-year survival rate of 25 percent means that over 5 years, 25 out of every 100 people with lung cancer will be alive. Another statistic commonly seen is a death rate, which is the number of deaths for every 100,000 people. Overall Life Expectancy The life expectancy for people with lung cancer has been improving over the past 40 years, although long-term survival remains low."
"docid": "D1314771#0",
"title": "http://www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/diet-affects-the-risk-of-cancer\n.",
"text": "Diet affects the risk of cancer This is an excerpt from ACSM’s Guide to Exercise and Cancer Survivorship by American College of Sports Medicine. Effect of Diet An unhealthy diet could account for up to 30% of all cancers in developing countriesand perhaps 35% of cancer deaths in the United States. Hence, along with tobacco use, diet is one of the most important modifiable risk factors for cancer. Given the diverse and complex nature of the human diet, however, it is also one of the most difficult factors to study in large human populations. Numerous instruments for dietary assessment have been developed and validated. As in physical activity assessment, the choice of instrument depends largely on the intended purpose. A vast body of epidemiologic research has addressed a wide array of research questions related to cancer and diet in an attempt to disentangle individual dietary effects. Here we highlight some of the strongest associations identified thus far,although more associations will undoubtedly emerge in the future. Sugar, Fast Foods, and Other Energy-Dense Foods High-calorie foods and drinks are suspected risk factors for cancer given their contributions to weight gain, overweight, and obesity. The risks deriving from specific aspects of an energy-dense diet, however, are not as clear."
"docid": "D927015#0",
"title": "http://www.womenscancercenter.com/info/types/ovary.html\n.",
"text": "\"OVARYJeffrey L. Stern, M. D. Back to Cancer by Type Carcinoma of the ovary is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies. In many cases, it is curable when found early, but because it does not cause any symptoms in its early stages, most women have widespread disease at the time of diagnosis. Partly because of this, the mortality rate from ovarian cancer exceeds that for all other gynecologic malignancies combined. It is the fourth most frequent cause of death in women in the United States. About one in every 70 women will develop cancer of the ovary and one in every 100 women will die from it. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 26,000 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year with approximately 15,000 deaths. Types The most common form of ovarian cancer arises from the cells covering the surface of the ovary and is known as epithelial carcinoma. There are five major types of this carcinoma-serous, mucinous, endometrioid, clear cell and undifferentiated. Epithelial carcinomas are further divided into grades, according to how virulent they appear on microscopic examination. Tumors of low malignant potential, also known as borderline tumors, are the most well-differentiated malignancy (Grade 0) and account for 15 percent of all epithelial carcinomas of the ovary."
"docid": "D2334211#0",
"title": "https://www.mesotheliomahelp.org/mesothelioma/prognosis/\nMesothelioma Prognosis & Survival Rate Information",
"text": "Each mesothelioma patient is unique. Because every patient has a different medical history, age and diagnosis, a doctor’s mesothelioma prognosis needs to be based on an individual evaluation. Mesothelioma Survival Rate for Each Stage Mesothelioma Prognosis for each Stage Like any serious disease, an early diagnosis and overall patient health are very important factors. The type of malignant mesothelioma cancer you have, your sex, and age, even the cell structure in the cancer cells can also have an impact, as well as the stage that the disease is in. Stage 1Stage 1 is considered localized and is divided into two stages, 1A and 1B, according to Cancer.gov: Stage 1A is found in one side of the chest wall lining and may also be found in the chest cavity between the lungs and/or the lining that covers the diaphragm. Cancer has not spread to the lining that covers the lung. Stage 1B is found in one side of the chest wall lining and the lining that covers the lung. Cancer may also be found in the lining of the chest cavity between the lungs and/or the lining that covers the diaphragm. Stage 2Stage 2 cancer is found in one side of the chest, in the the lining of the chest cavity between the lungs, the lining that covers the diaphragm, and the lining that covers the lung. Cancer has spread into one or both of the diaphragm muscle and lung."
"docid": "D526017#0",
"title": "https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cancer\ncancer",
"text": "\"cancer Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to cancer: lung cancer, Cancer treatment Cancer Definition Cancer is not just one disease, but a large group of almost 100 diseases. Its two maincharacteristics are uncontrolled growth of the cells in the human body and the ability of thesecells to migrate from the original site and spread to distant sites. If the spread is not controlled,cancer can result in death. Description One out of every four deaths in the United States is from cancer. It is second only to heartdisease as a cause of death in the states. About 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed withcancer annually; more than 500,000 die of cancer annually. Cancer can attack anyone. Since the occurrence of cancer increases as individuals age, most of the cases are seen in adults, middle-aged or older. Sixty percent of all cancers are diagnosed in people who are older than 65 years of age."
"docid": "D48164#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stomach_cancer\nStomach cancer",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Stomach cancer Synonyms Gastric cancer A stomach ulcer that was diagnosed as cancer on biopsy and surgically removed Specialty Oncology Symptoms Early: Heartburn, upper abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite. [ 1]Later: Weight loss, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, blood in the stool [1]Usual onset Over years [2]Types Gastric carcinomas, lymphoma, mesenchymal tumor [2]Causes Helicobacter pylori, genetics [2] [3]Risk factors Smoking, dietary factors such as pickled vegetables, obesity [2] [4]Diagnostic method Biopsy done during endoscopy [1]Prevention Mediterranean diet, stopping smoking [2] [5]Treatment Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy [1]Prognosis Five-year survival rate < 10% (globally) [6]Frequency 3.5 million (2015) [7]Deaths 819,000 (2015) [8]Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is cancer developing from the lining of the stomach. [ 9] Early symptoms may include heartburn, upper abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite. [ 1] Later signs and symptoms may include weight loss, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and blood in the stool among others. [ 1] The cancer may spread from the stomach to other parts of the body, particularly the liver, lungs, bones, lining of the abdomen and lymph nodes. [ 10]The most common cause is infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which accounts for more than 60% of cases. [ 2] [3] [11] Certain types of H. pylori have greater risks than others. [ 2] Smoking, dietary factors such as pickled vegetables and obesity are other risk factors. [ 2] [4] About 10% of cases run in families, and between 1% and 3% of cases are due to genetic syndromes inherited from a person's parents such as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. [ 2] Most cases of stomach cancers are gastric carcinomas. ["
"docid": "D908692#0",
"title": "http://www.medic8.com/digestive-disorders/zollinger-ellison.htm\n.",
"text": "Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome This is a unusual condition which affects the gastrointestinal system. Commonly referred to as ZES it causes tumours called gastrinoma to develop in the duodenum (the foremost segment of the small intestine) and pancreas. Gastrinoma cause excessive secretion of a hormone called gastrin, which can increase the risk of ulcers developing in the duodenum and stomach. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome tends to affect men more often than women and it is most common among middle-aged people. Around a quarter of people who have Zollinger-Ellison syndrome also possess a genetic problem recognised as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. This is known to cause tumours in the parathyroid and pituitary glands. People who have MEN1 have a 20-60% chance of developing Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and children who have a parent with MEN1 have a 50% chance of inheriting the condition, which will increase their risk of suffering from ZES. What causes Zollinger-Ellison syndrome? Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is caused by tumours called gastrinoma which develop in the small intestine and pancreas. These tumours increase secretion of the hormone gastrin, and this causes unpleasant symptoms and the development of peptic ulcers."
"docid": "D1088399#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/womens-cancer-4013928\nCancer Types",
"text": "\"Cancer Types By Lynne Eldridge, MD | Reviewed by a board-certified physician Updated August 18, 2016Print Cancer isn't a single disease, but rather a collection of over 200 different diseases. As such, it is difficult to talk about cancer without understanding the specific type of cancer someone has developed. There are several ways in which cancers are categorized. Understanding how cancers are named and classified may help you better understand some of the foreign sounding terms used when talking about these concerns. Classification of Cancer Types Some of the ways cancers are separated into different groups include: By the type of cell or tissue where the cancer began By the organ or organ system where the cancer originated Cancers may also be referred to as \"\"solid\"\" or blood-related cancers. Blood-related cancers include leukemias, lymphomas, and myelomas, while solid cancers include all other cancers. Other distinguishing characteristics of tumors are discussed below. Article Myeloma Is the Least Common Type of Blood Cancer Article Could That Nail Discoloration Be a Melanoma? Primary Cancer and Metastases An often confusing point in discussing cancer types occurs when a cancer spreads ( metastasizes) to another region of the body. When a cancer spreads, it is named for the type of cancer cell or organ in which it began, not for the region of the body where it spreads."
"docid": "D142045#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/16930020/chapter-12-cancer-flash-cards/\nChapter 12 Cancer",
"text": "48 terms morales97Chapter 12 Cancer Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Cancer Cancer is the second most common cause of death, after heart disease -Responsible for 1:4 deaths, claiming 1500 lives every day in the United States Cancer is the abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells A tumor (neoplasm) is a mass of tissue that serves no physiological purposebenign tumor is composed of cells that are enclosed, preventing them from spreading to other tissues.malignant tumor is cancerous and capable of spreading Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another •They break away and can pass through: •Blood vessels •Lymphatic system •This form of traveling can result in secondary tumors or metastases • (a seeding process)Lung cancer the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. •Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States in both men and women. •Approximately 350,000 people in the United States are living with lung cancer at any given time. •It is responsible for about 157,000 deaths per year. Tobacco smoke is responsible for about 85% of U. S. lung cancer deaths. •Quitting helps reduce risk, but ex-smokers remain at higher risk than those who never smoked. •Long-term exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or second hand smoke, can also increase your risk for lung cancer. •ETS causes about 3000 lung cancer deaths for nonsmokers each year."
"docid": "D3081492#0",
"title": "http://www.prevention.com/health/health-concerns/acid-reflux-and-esophageal-cancer\nCould Your Heartburn Lead to Cancer?",
"text": "\"Health heart health Could Your Heartburn Lead to Cancer? Besides being uncomfortable, leaving your acid reflux symptoms unchecked could have serious repercussions for your health By Tracy Miller September 5, 2012You know what to do for heartburn: pop a couple of antacids after dinner, avoid common triggers like fatty, greasy, or spicy foods, and hope it goes away quickly. Right? Well, not necessarily. If you have regular heartburn—two or more times a week—and haven't notified your doctor, you're ignoring one of the biggest cancer risk factors around. Yep, you read that right: acid reflux, of which heartburn is a symptom, can actually cause cancer—cancer of the esophagus, to be exact. And even if you had heartburn problems years ago and they seem to have gone away, this is one health issue you shouldn't ignore. Advertisement Let's Stay In Touch You may unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policy | About Us Before you start freaking out, let's look at the facts. The problem starts when stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus."
"docid": "D2895757#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2568262/Tragedy-woman-face-controversial-pancreatic-cancer-campaign-dies-aged-just-24.html\n'We're devastated': Agony of family of woman who was face of controversial pancreatic cancer campaign after she dies aged just 24",
"text": "\"'We're devastated': Agony of family of woman who was face of controversial pancreatic cancer campaign after she dies aged just 24Kerry Harvey died on Saturday morning, less than a year after her diagnosis Starred in the latest Pancreatic Cancer Action campaign to raise awareness Was diagnosed with the disease after suffering from stomach pains Had visited doctors repeatedly as pain worsened and she was given diagnoses ranging from a suspected miscarriage to stomach ulcers Miss Harvey was suffering with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour, the same cancer that killed Apple founder Steve Jobs Her husband Matthew Biggins said today he is 'devastated' at her death He is continuing her campaign to get people to sign an online petition to get MPs to debate the funding that goes towards pancreatic cancer Tributes have poured in for Miss Harvey's bravery and determination By Anna Hodgekiss Published: 06:24 EDT, 26 February 2014 | Updated: 13:09 EDT, 26 February 2014579View comments The husband of the brave young woman who fronted a controversial cancer campaign has spoken of his devastation at her death. Kerry Harvey, from Chichester, West Sussex, passed away on Saturday morning, her family said. Miss Harvey, 24, died less than a year after she was diagnosed with the brutal disease. Scroll down for videos+9The Advertising Standards Agency has cleared a Pancreatic Cancer Action campaign of offensiveness. The adverts saw patients (such as Kerry Harvey, pictured) saying they wished they had other cancers+9The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the extremely low pancreatic cancer survival rates. Kerry Harvey (pictured with her husband, Matt Biggin) died of the disease in February Today, her husband, Matthew B iggins, said: 'Myself and her family are devastated by the loss, but it is also important to us that Kerry's legacy lives on. ' She did so much to raise awareness for this terrible illness and has brought global attention to a cancer that receives just 1 per cent of national funding. ' RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next Take note, Angelina: Women with the BRCA gene mutation... Trying to stick to a diet? Alcohol - NOT chocolate - is the... Share this article Miss Harvey was the face of the latest pancreatic cancer awareness campaign which sparked nationwide controversy. It involved three real pancreatic cancer patients say 'I wish I had breast cancer' or 'I wish I had testicular cancer'."
"docid": "D827719#0",
"title": "https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/organization/crchd/cancer-health-disparities-fact-sheet\nCancer Health Disparities",
"text": "\"Cancer Health Disparities On This Page How does the National Cancer Institute (NCI) define \"\"cancer health disparities\"\"? What factors contribute to cancer health disparities? How does NCI gather data on cancer incidence and death for various population groups in the United States? What are the overall cancer incidence and death rates for different populations living in the United States? How do breast cancer incidence and death rates differ for women from different racial or ethnic groups? What factors might contribute to the higher breast cancer death rate observed in African American/Black women? How do cervical cancer incidence and death rates differ for women from different racial or ethnic groups? What factors might contribute to the greater burden of cervical cancer among Hispanic/Latino and African American/Black women? How do prostate cancer incidence and death rates differ for men from different racial or ethnic groups? What factors might contribute to the disproportionate burden of prostate cancer among African American/Black men?"
"docid": "D1926761#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/liver-cancer-symptoms-in-women.html\nLiver Cancer Symptoms in Women",
"text": "Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Symptoms of liver cancer in women as well as men are more or less the same. But some of these symptoms may be prominently seen in females. Liver cancer is one of the common forms of cancer and is mostly found in Asians and Africans, as compared to Caucasians. As far as the genders are concerned, cancer involving the liver is mostly found in men. Though symptoms of this cancer are more or less the same in both men and women, some of the signs of this disease are more prominently seen in women. More About Liver Cancer This cancer has many different forms, but, if the condition develops from the liver cells, it is considered as primary liver cancer. Cancer that originates from other organs, like, stomach, lungs and breasts may also spread to the liver and such conditions are technically termed as liver metastasis. However, both these conditions are interchangeably known as liver cancer only. Studies show that cancer affecting the liver is the fifth commonest type of cancer in the world. Its survival rates are also very low."
"docid": "D541063#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/vitamin_a/supplements.htm\nVitamin A",
"text": "\"Eye Diseases and Conditions Slideshow Pictures Pink Eye Slideshow Pictures Laser Eye Surgery Pictures What other names is Vitamin A known by? What is Vitamin A? How does Vitamin A work? Are there safety concerns? Are there any interactions with medications? Dosing considerations for Vitamin A. What other names is Vitamin A known by?3-Dehydroretinol, 3-Déhydrorétinol, Acétate de Rétinol, Antixerophthalmic Vitamin, Axerophtholum, Dehydroretinol, Déhydrorétinol, Fat-Soluble Vitamin, Oleovitamin A, Palmitate de Rétinol, Retinoids, Rétinoïdes, Retinol, Rétinol, Retinol Acetate, Retinol Palmitate, Retinyl Acetate, Rétinyl Acétate, Retinyl Palmitate, Rétinyl Palmitate, Vitamin A Acetate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin A1, Vitamin A2, Vitamina A, Vitamine A, Vitamine A1, Vitamine A2, Vitamine Liposoluble, Vitaminum A. What is Vitamin A? Vitamin A is a vitamin. It can be found in many fruits, vegetables, eggs, whole milk, butter, fortified margarine, meat, and oily saltwater fish. It can also be made in a laboratory. Carotenoids are a group of yellow or orange chemicals found in plants."
"docid": "D3390329#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/524263-does-beer-hurt-your-pancreas/\nDoes Beer Hurt Your Pancreas?",
"text": "Does Beer Hurt Your Pancreas?by LAUREL HEIDTMAN Oct. 03, 2017Your pancreas, a gland located behind your stomach, produces digestive enzymes and insulin, which controls blood sugar. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can cause tissue death and bleeding in or around the gland. Excessive use of alcohol, including binge drinking, is one cause of both acute and chronic pancreatitis. There also may be a connection between alcohol and the risk of pancreatic cancer. The effect is the same whether the alcohol is in beer, wine or liquor. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load The Pancreas Pancreatic fluid, which transports the digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas, flows through the pancreatic duct, which extends the length of the gland. The duodenum, the part of the small intestine closest to the stomach, surrounds the head of the pancreas. The bile duct, which originates in the liver and carries bile to help digest fat, also extends through the head of the pancreas and joins with the pancreatic duct at the ampulla of Vater, where they both empty into the duodenum. Acute Pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis has severe symptoms and occurs suddenly. Symptoms include upper abdominal pain that may radiate to the back or chest, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, sweating and fever."
"docid": "D1551986#0",
"title": "https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/982.html\nZinc",
"text": "\"Zinc What is it? How effective is it? How does it work? Are there safety concerns? Are there interactions with medications? Are there interactions with herbs and supplements? Are there interactions with foods? What dose is used? Other names Methodology References What is it? Zinc is a mineral."
"docid": "D533027#0",
"title": "http://healthfoxx.com/whipple-procedure-pictures-complications-prognosis-survival-rate/\nWhipple Procedure â Complications, Prognosis, Survival Rate, Pictures",
"text": "Whipple Procedure – Complications, Prognosis, Survival Rate, Pictures IN THIS ARTICLE: What is Whipple Procedure? Complications Side Effects Survival Rate Pictures What is Whipple Procedure? Named after an American surgeon, Allen O. Whipple is a surgery called Whipple Procedure also called Pancreaticoduodenectomy. A Whipple procedure is a surgical operation done primarily for Pancreatic Cancer patients. The procedure is usually done so as to remove an enlargement on the duodenum. The duodenum is the first section of the small intestine, or in layman’s terms, the small bowel. It can be the removal of bile duct or head of the pancreas. It can also be done for patients with chronic pancreatitis or for those patients who have bile duct or pancreatic duct strictures. The physician will explain and illustrate a drawing of the sections of the body involved for the patient to see. The whole procedure is usually completed in four to six hours."
"docid": "D1492315#0",
"title": "http://www.csicop.org/si/show/war_on_cancer_a_progress_report_for_skeptics\nThe War on Cancer A Progress Report for Skeptics",
"text": "The War on Cancer A Progress Report for Skeptics Tweet Feature Reynold Spector Skeptical Inquirer Volume 34.1, January / February 2010Although there has been some progress in the war on cancer initiated by President Nixon in 1971, the gains have been limited. In 1971, President Nixon and Congress declared war on cancer. Since then, the federal government has spent well over $105 billion on the effort (Kolata 2009b). What have we gained from that huge investment? David Nathan, a well-known professor and administrator, maintains in his book The Cancer Treatment Revolution (2007) that we have made substantial progress. However, he greatly overestimates the potential of the newer so-called “smart drugs.” Researchers Psyrri and De Vita (2008) also claim important progress. However, they cherry-pick the cancers with which there has been some progress and do not discuss the failures. Moreover, they only discuss the last decade rather than a more balanced view of 1950 or 1975 to the present. On the other hand, Gina Kolata pointed out in The New York Times that the cancer death rate, adjusted for the size and age of the population, has decreased by only 5 percent since 1950 (Kolata 2009a)."
"docid": "D601396#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/pancreatic_cancer/article.htm\nPancreatic Cancer",
"text": "\"Pancreatic Cancer Center Pancreatic Cancer Slideshow Pictures Pancreatic Cancer Tumors Cancer-Fighting Foods Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Pancreatic Cancer - Effective Treatments Patient Comments: Pancreatic Cancer - Causes Patient Comments: Pancreatic Cancer - Symptoms Patient Comments: Pancreatic Cancer - Prognosis Find a local Oncologist in your town Pancreatic cancer facts What does a pancreas do? What is cancer? What is pancreatic cancer? What are the types of pancreatic cancer? What are pancreatic cancer causes and risk factors? What are pancreatic cancer symptoms and signs? How is the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer made? How do health care professionals determine the stage of pancreatic cancer? What is the treatment for resectable pancreatic cancer? What is the treatment for locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer?"
"docid": "D2256664#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinoma_pancreas\nPancreatic cancer",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Carcinoma pancreas)navigation search Pancreatic cancer Diagram showing the position of the pancreas, behind the stomach (which is transparent in this schematic). Specialty Oncology Symptoms Yellow skin, abdominal or back pain, unexplained weight loss, light-colored stools, dark urine, loss of appetite [1]Usual onset After 40 years old [2]Risk factors Tobacco smoking, obesity, diabetes, certain rare genetic conditions [2]Diagnostic method Medical imaging, blood tests, tissue biopsy [3] [4]Prevention Not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, low red meat diet [5]Treatment Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, palliative care [1]Prognosis Five year survival rate 5% [6] [7]Frequency 393,800 (2015) [8]Deaths 411,600 (2015) [9]Pancreatic cancer arises when cells in the pancreas, a glandular organ behind the stomach, begin to multiply out of control and form a mass. These cancerous cells have the ability to invade other parts of the body. [ 10] There are a number of types of pancreatic cancer. [ 6] The most common, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, accounts for about 85% of cases, and the term \"\"pancreatic cancer\"\" is sometimes used to refer only to that type. [ 6] These adenocarcinomas start within the part of the pancreas which makes digestive enzymes. [ 6] Several other types of cancer, which collectively represent the majority of the non-adenocarcinomas, can also arise from these cells. [ 6] One to two percent of cases of pancreatic cancer are neuroendocrine tumors, which arise from the hormone-producing cells of the pancreas. [ 6] These are generally less aggressive than pancreatic adenocarcinoma. [ 6]Signs and symptoms of the most common form of pancreatic cancer may include yellow skin, abdominal or back pain, unexplained weight loss, light-colored stools, dark urine and loss of appetite. ["
] |
216 | +what class were the plebians in | [
"docid": "D2548726#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090517225558AARe7YS\nWhat are the differences between the Patricians and the Plebians?",
"text": "Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality What are the differences between the Patricians and the Plebians?why were they separate? how did they both improve rome? Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The patricians were the Roman nobles and aristocrats. The plebeians were the general body of citizens, including the common people and peasants. I guess you could say that the patricians improved Rome by running it correctly, as they were the ones in power, and that the plebeians improved Rome by growing most of the food. Silly Salamander · 9 years ago2 0 Comment Patricians And Plebeians Source (s):https://shorte.im/a8Vir? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment The patricians were the elites of Rome, the rulers and leaders of society. The patricians could be described not just as powerful individuals, but the social class at the top of the hierarchy. The plebeians were the common urban people (I'd argue not peasants who are rural ;-) who had much less influence on the way things were run. They ranged from semi-affluent skilled artisans to the lowest levels of jobs."
] | [
"docid": "D456649#0",
"title": "http://www.historydiscussion.net/history/history-of-the-the-romantic-movement/1786\nHistory of the The Romantic Movement",
"text": "\"History of the The Romantic Movement Article shared by :1. The Essence of Romanticism: If the eighteenth century is called the age of rationalism, the first half of the nineteenth century is often called the Age of Romanticism. It is true that there were other powerful influences at work, but romanticism was the dominant one, at least in literature and fine arts. Image Source: e62813.medialib.glogster.com/thumbnails/8a96d0d5c07523212d6f947f32640a8a463330f6ab2ea7a1bdf145397ece2ea8/romanticism-project-source.jpg ADVERTISEMENTS: In a broad sense, romanticism was a reaction against the forms and conventions of the eighteenth century. Enlightenment told the people how exactly to think, feel and behave. Neo-classicism set down hard and fast rules which the poet, playwright or artist must observe if he wanted to produce a perfect composition. The result was that rules, formulas and conventions reigned supreme in literature, in fine arts and in society generally. Romanticism was a revolt against classical restraint, intellectual discipline and artificial standards. Romanticism did not oppose everything for which the past stood as literary romanticism proceeded from neo-classicism. A writer or an artist is neither exclusively classical nor romantic."
"docid": "D1738120#0",
"title": "http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2006/5/23/144442/483/\nThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay | Essay",
"text": "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay | Essay Mark Twain This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Huck Finn. Print Word PDFThis section contains 763 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) View a FREE sample Huck Finn: A Literary Classic or Not? Summary: Is the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn worthy of the title literary classic? Since the time of its publication to present time, this novel has proven to be a controversial topic among critics. What makes a true American Literary Classic? Is the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn worthy of the title literary classic? Since the time of its publication to present time, this novel has proven to be a controversial topic among critics. Mark Twain's satirical style, plebian vernacular, and analysis of human characteristics create a deluge of both criticism and praise towards Huck Finn. Regardless of the criticism the novel received, it did prove to be historically accurate in accordance with both slavery and human culture of the time but did not seem to represent the standards of an American classic."
"docid": "D1634229#0",
"title": "http://thirdmill.org/paul/politics.asp\nRoman Politics in the First Century",
"text": "Roman Politics in the First Century Overview Governmental Structure Overview back to top Rome was founded in the 8th Century BC and it became a Republic in the 5th Century BC. In order to keep their conquered provinces under Roman authority; the emperor instituted rulers within the territories. The highest officials in the provinces were proconsuls who were accountable to the Roman senate. Twelve praetors, or judges, were appointed to uphold Roman law. The last group of officials was twenty quaestors who were responsible for the financial affairs of the Empire. Roman citizenship was a highly prized possession in the 1st Century. Originally citizenship could only be obtained through birth, but as the empire expanded citizenship was issued to those who had accomplished some task for the empire or to those who could purchase their citizenship. A Roman citizen had 3 names, a forename, a family name and an additional name. While traveling throughout the empire, a Roman citizen enjoyed the protection and special privilege of special rights established by Roman law. The first of these laws was set up under the Valerian Law at the institute of the Republic in 509 BC."
"docid": "D2280984#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/7fm-mnhbnegl/ideas-that-shaped-american-democracy/\nIdeas that Shaped American Democracy",
"text": "Loading presentation... Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Ideas that Shaped American Democracy No descriptionby David Bryanton 18 August 2014Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Ideas that Shaped American Democracy PETITION OF RIGHT (1628), Parliamentary declaration of the rights and liberties of the people, assented to by Charles I in the beginning of his reign (1628), and considered a constitutional document second in importance only to Magna Carta. The petition demanded: that no freeman should be forced to pay any tax, loan, or benevolence, unless in accordance with an act of parliament; t hat no freeman should be imprisoned contrary to the laws of the land; that soldiers and sailors should not be billeted on private persons;commissions to punish soldiers and sailors by martial law should be abolished. Petition of Right FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENTIdeas that Shaped American Democracy Birthplace of Democracy -750B. C. - 550B. C. - city-state of Athens - Great Council - citizenship - suffrage extended only to male property owners Ancient Greece Birthplace of the Republic - 750B. C. - 350B. C. - Rome - Patricians and Plebians - Senate - Codified Law - 12 Tables Ancient Rome Judeo-Chrisitian Tradition • Every person is born with worth and dignity because they were created by God. • Every person has the ability to choose between doing good and doing wrong. • Every person has the responsibility to help others in need and the community. Greco-Roman Views • Citizens should participate in government by voting, debating in public, making laws, serving on juries, and holding office. • The world has natural laws—patterns that can be discovered through reason and intellect, rather than superstition. • Democracy can be protected by having branches of government: a legislative branch to make laws, an executive branch to approve laws, a judicial branch to resolve legal disputes. • There should be written law."
"docid": "D1761141#0",
"title": "http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/dubai-police-fleet-grows-size-price-article-1.1357867\nDubaiâs multi-million dollar fleet of police cars includes Aston Martins, Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis",
"text": "\"Dubai’s multi-million dollar fleet of police cars includes Aston Martins, Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis BY Nick Kurczewski NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, May 30, 2013, 4:00 AMfacebook Tweet email Dubai's police fleet has added an array of exotic cars, including this $200,000 Bentley Continental GT. ( KARIM SAHIB/Getty Images)Welcome to Dubai: Site of the world’s fastest and most expensive cop cars!If you plan on trying to outrun the police in Dubai, get ready to receive a 200+mph pass directly to jail. The Dubai police force is adding a glittering assortment of exotic cars to its fleet, including an Aston Martin One-77 hyper-car that costs approximately $1.4 million per copy. In pursuit of a criminal? Dubai police officers ride around town in the supremely luxurious rides. ( Ahmed Jadallah / Reuters)Do the math, and that single Aston is equivalent to roughly 40 Ford Crown Victoria police cruisers. Also in the mix are cars like a $200,000 Bentley Continental GT coupe and the four-wheel-drive Ferrari FF, which happens to cost a cool $300,000. Red leather interior isn't what comes to mind when most think of police cruisers. ( Ahmed Jadallah / Reuters)At least the Bentley and Ferrari both have backseats for stowing extra gear, or the occasional bad guy. An Emirati female police officer gets out of a six-figure Ferrari. ("
"docid": "D473209#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/subject/social-structure-roman-republic/\n\"Study sets matching \"\"social structure roman republic\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Study sets matching \"\"social structure roman republic\"\"Advanced27 terms isabelleflugradgvmt&social structure of roman republicwhy did rome drive out the monarchy res republica what did rome inherit from the patricia…a line of estruscan kings abused their power \"\"public affairs\"\" power/social status, authority to make laws33 terms jesssiebrown Government and Social Structure of the Roman Republic What happened to have Rome drive out th… Define republic Which social group had the most power? A line of Etruscan kings abused their power. A form of government in which power rest with the citizens who… Patricians20 terms drypel9907The Roman Republic | Social Studies Aeneas Romulus & Remus Republic A great Trojan hero The twins who formed Rome A government where people elect leaders to govern them19 terms Bunny32152Social Studies Roman Republic Republic Senate Consul Citizens vote to elect representatives. Representatives make l… 300 patricians that served for life The senate voted for two consuls to lead. Consuls served for o…28 terms kelly Schieder888Social studies Roman republic They made laws public for all citizens… The whole Italian peninsula Consuls The twelve tables of written laws were an important step becau… By about 275 b.c., the territory controlled by rome included Administrative and military leaders of the Roman Republic19 terms shannonfinan Social Studies-Roman Republic Consuls were Who had to agree to pass a law? Who chose consulsheads of republic and military leaders Both consuls assembly6 terms Lilli_Santomauro Social Studies Roman Republicrepublic consul partitiana government in which people can chose their leader one of two officials who led the Roman Republic a member of a n upper-class family of the Roman Republic10 terms lauren_rabbitt Roman Republic - Social Studies Forum Toga Constitution An open area in a Riman city fillled with public buildings, te… A garment that adult men wore wrapped around their bodies A system of rules by which a government is organized7 terms tbone0205 PLUSStructure of Roman Republic Consult Praetors Aedile The kings- there were 2 of them- could veto each other and one… They were important judges and were generals for the army Responsible for the games, buildings, food supplies, etc.14 terms Alex3529Roman Republic structure Comitia Centuriata ('Army' Assembly) The Senate Comitia Tributa-Decide Roman policy -Mostly patricians -Decide when to fight… -300 members to 500 members -Gives a lot of advice to people,… -4 tribes of Rome -Make laws20 terms Italia137Social studies-- Roman Republicbecause they made laws public for all c… The whole Italian peninsula Called consuls The twelve tables of writen laws were an important step By about 275 b.c. The territory controlled by Rome included Administrative and military leaders of roman republic were12 terms Stephanie_Santa_Cruz The Roman Republic Government Structure Army Assembly (Comitia Centuriata) The Senate Popular Assembly (Comitia Tributa)decided on Roman policy ... legislative decisions ... all soldiers/g… someone who advices the council of noble elders ... 300-500 membe… 30 districts... religious, political and military functions... voted…8 terms rosedoris Roman Republic Government Structure Comitia Centuria The Senate Comita Curiata-Consuls, Praetors... -highest court of appeal... -193 centuries of… -Censors... -advised Consuls -vote for representatives ... -lifetime term7 terms NINAFRANCHESCARoman Republic Structure Tribunes Senate Magistrate Plebeian representatives Creates laws Judge legal disputes9 terms Kaitlyn_Buurman Structure of the Roman Republic Vocabulary Patricians Plebians Senate A class of powerful land owners in Ancient Rome who controlled… Farmers or workers who made up a large part of the population… Body of legislators22 terms sumclellan Social Studies- Roman Republic Republic Dictator Consula government with elected leaders chosen by the people a ruler with absolute authority one of two cheif officials who held office in Ancient Rome18 terms Amelia_Leahey Social Studies - Roman Republiclatifundias Triumvirate Publicanlarge estates three rulers who share equal political power Tax collectors8 terms evastraughn Structure of a Roman Republicconsul equestrian forumposition in Senate Roman equities (roman soildeirs that rode horses) assemply place for Roman judicial & public activity14 terms amisha2005Structure of the Roman Republic Senate Consuls Praetors300 members, Patricians only, Elected for life, Made laws for… 2 were elected, Served 1 year terms, Ran government Judges, Elected by the Centuriate Assembly, Took care of Civil…24 terms Kyle_Koenig1SOCIAL STUDIES ROMAN REPUBLICPatricians Plebeians Consulsmembers of the oldest and richest families Poorer citizens the head of the Roman Republic, in which 2 were chosen each ye…16 terms leegrace995Roman Social Structure and Roman Slavery Toga Stola Tunic Garment for male citizens (and prostitutes) Garment for women, the undergarment is floor length Worn by slaves, loos to allow for manual labor5 terms kellda22The structure of the roman republic? Patricians Equites Plebeians Upper class Middle class Lower class23 terms arianacoulolias24Social Studiez Roman Republic Republic Patrician Plebeian A type of government in which citizens elect their leaders A member of a wealthy family in the ancient Roman Republic An ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman Republic19 terms Olivia D23-Social Studies_The Roman Republic Forum Republic Constitution An open area in a city filled with public buildings, temples,… A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by… A system of rules by which a government is organized11 terms KACY_VANSCOYSocial Studies, Roman Republic Magistrate Praetors Censors2 consuls, 1 year term, could veto one another, ruled the city… Judges, define and interpret laws Collected taxes and registered citizens1 of 20 \""
"docid": "D1617313#0",
"title": "http://romangov.weebly.com/roman-republic.html\nThe Early Republic",
"text": "\"The Early Republic Baby Romulus and Remus with the she-wolf. ROMULUS AND REMUS Romulus and Remus were said to be the twin brothers who founded Rome. There are many versions of the common myth that was told in order to explain how the brothers came upon the land that is now Italy. THE LEGEND OF ROMULUS AND REMUS Rhea was a princess who married Mars, the god of war. She bore twin boys, Romulus and Remus, and the other gods and godesses wanted to harm this powerful family. In an attempt to protect her sons, Rhea sent them in a basket down the Tiber River. They were found by a she-wolf who nursed them until a shepherd found the boys. He and his wife raised the brothers until they grew older. Romulus and Remus dreamed of someday ruling a large empire, however they were destined to become shepherds like their adoptive father. This was not their fate, however, and Romulus and Remus built a great city on the shores of the river."
"docid": "D336045#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/32054567/wciv-1-unit-iv-flash-cards/\nWCiv 1 Unit IV",
"text": "72 terms sheliasworld WCiv 1 Unit IVMr. Mc Anally Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Augustus took power after the assassination of ______ ______. Julius Caesar Augustus took power from ____ ______. Marc Antony Augustus won over the soldiers with _____. gifts Augustus won over the populace with _____. grain Rome was located on the plain of ______. latium The people who governed Rome at the outset of its history and strongly influenced its political and cultural practices were the _________. etruscansthe government of rome was originally a monarchy but later became a ________ republicin early rome, the _____ possessed the power of imperium kingsthe class of noble landowners who dominated roman society and politics during the republic was known as __________ patriciansin the roman republic, the mass of ordinary romans, mostly small farmers were called ________ plebiansthe _______ ________ was the branch of roman government that included common citizens curiate assemblyduring the early republic, the roman ______ had control over the finances and foreign policy senatethe chief executive officers of the roman republic who were responsible for leading the roman army into battle and administering the government were the _______ consulsin the roman senate the defenders of the plebians were known as the ________ tribunesthe duties of the tribune were to protect the ________ from the arbitrary power of the magistrates plebiansrome's treatment of conquered Italian cities promoted loyalty by granting roman ___________ to faithful allies citizenshipthe first punic war was waged between ________ and rome over control of the island of ______ carthage, sicilythe Carthaginian general who led an army across the alps in the hope of defeating rome was ________ hannibalas a result of its conquests during and after the _____ wars, rome experienced serious social and political unrest punic Sallust believed that the destruction of ________ was the beginning of the decline of the roman republic because the lack of an external enemy led to increased conflict within the roman government carthagethe roman general who began a new system of military recruitment that made soldiers loyal to their general and not the senate, was ______ mariuslarge plantations used for growing cash crops and worked by slaves were __________ latifundia Tiberius Gracchus sought to solve the problems facing the roman republic through ____ _______ land reformsthe roman general who returned from spain as a military hero in 71 B. C. E. was ______ pompeythe first triumvirate was composed of ______, _______, and ______ pompey, crassus, and caesar______ ______ was assassinated by leading senators convinced his death would restore the republic Julius Caesarafter defeating the assassins of Caesar, Octavian's main rival for power was ____ ______ marc antony________ established the praetorian guard to guard him and his successors octavianthe most important basis of Augustus' power was the ________ ...roman literature reached its high point during the reign of emperor ________ augustusrome's greatest lyric poet was ________ catullusthe greatest epic poet of the late republic was ______ virgilthe poet ____ wrote love elegies, and was banished by ________ augustusthe ___________ games were deemed vital by the government, as it diverted the mass of the population from potentially dangerous political or riotous activities gladitorialthe _________ system created by Diocletian was intended to create an orderly and peaceful method of succession to the throne tetrarchythe first roman emperor to adopt Christianity was ___________ constantinethe roman emperor who redirected imperial energy eastward to the new, second capital was ___________ constantinepaul of Taurus played a major role in early Christianity because he spread the message of Jesus to ___ - ______ populations non-jewish Augustine sought in the writings to separate the fate of ____________ from the collapse of the roman world christianity________ was condemned as a heresy by the council of nicea because its adherents argued Jesus was a created being and not fully divine arianismthe Germanic visigoths overwhelmed the armies of rome in 378 C. E. as the battle of __________ adrianopleafter the fourth century C. E., the roman empire split into declining _____ and still flourishing _________ halves vital, byzantinethree Germanic tribes that invaded the roman empire in the 4th and 5th centuries include the _________, ________, and ______ visigoths, lombards, and franksgeography forced rome to initially look ____ westin the 9th century B. C. the _________ created the first city-state civilization to italy etruscansvirgil's ______ described the legendary founding of rome in 753 B. C. aeneidthe legendary founders of rome were _______ and _____ romalus and remusthe written law code of the romans could be found on the ______ ______ twelve tablesmembers of the aristocratic governing class in rome were known as the ___________ patriciansthe symbol of power in rome was the ______ fasces Hannibal and the carthagenians defeat the romans at the battle of ______ cannaein battling the romans, the greek general _______ won at such cost he could not afford another such victory pyrrhus Tiberius and Gracchus were both ________ who tried to bring ____ _______ to rome tribunes, land reformsas it prospered, the early roman empire saw the development of a large gap between ____ and ____ rich and poorthe century of excellent emperors was ended by the disastrous reign of ________ commodus Octavian would defeat the forces of marc antony at the naval battle of ______ actiumduring the civil war between octavian and marc antony, antony joined forces with _________ cleopatra Julius Caesar spends nine years conquering ____ gaul Caligula and nero were descendents of augustus and could both be classified as _______ ______ immoral madmenwhich of the roman generals defeated Hannibal? scipiothe roman emperor who legalized Christianity was ___________ constantine What powers or rights did the imperium give to roman kings? to issue commands and to enforce them by fines, arrests, physical punishment and sometimes executionwho made up the plebian class in rome?"
"docid": "D502287#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/plebeian\nplebeian",
"text": "\"plebeian [pli- bee - uh n]Spell Syllables Synonyms Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. belonging or pertaining to the common people.2. of, relating to, or belonging to the ancient Roman plebs.3. common, commonplace, or vulgar: a plebeian joke.noun4. a member of the common people.5. a member of the ancient Roman plebs. Origin of plebeian Expand Latin1525-15351525-35; < Latin plēbēi (us) of the plebs ( plēbē (s) plebs + -ius adj. suffix) + -an Related forms Expandplebeianism, nounplebeianly, adverbplebeianness, noununplebeian, adjective Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com3. lowbrow, low, ordinary, popular. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018."
"docid": "D1396209#0",
"title": "http://www.teachushistory.org/detocqueville-visit-united-states/articles/early-19th-century-attitudes-toward-women-their-roles\nEarly Nineteenth Century Attitudes Toward Women and Their Roles as Represented By Literature Popular in Worcester, Massachusetts",
"text": "\"Early Nineteenth Century Attitudes Toward Women and Their Roles as Represented By Literature Popular in Worcester, Massachusettsby Elaine Fortin Type Papers and Articles: OSV Research Paper This paper will deal with the attitudes of the early nineteenth century toward women and their roles. The paper will examine these attitudes by utilizing primary sources such as newspapers and advice and housekeeping books and by comparing them to books written today on the topic of nineteenth century women. Many examples taken from period newspapers represent the opinion of historian Barbara Welter that attitudes of women were based on their possession of certain well?defined virtues. This paper will concentrate on the vitues of piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. This paper will also address the question of female education, as an issue of the period was whether a formal or practical education would accent these virtues and better prepare women for their stations in life. The attitudes represented are those of the working class. The locations concentrated on are small or medium sized towns such as Athol, Barre, Fitchburg, Millbury and Southbridge that are influenced by the city of Worcester. The sources represented are those available to the common man. They tend to exclude the feelings of the upper and lower classes. Newspapers were written for the purpose of informing the community of world and national events."
"docid": "D2910058#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/14953744/chapters-5-7-flash-cards/\nChapters 5 - 7",
"text": "\"106 terms marthajean4Chapters 5 - 7Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Central to Roman identity was a conservatism expressed in an unwritten code of mosmaiorum The myth of the Rape of Lucretia appealed to Roman patriotism by emphasing the corruption of Etruscan morals and government The monastic way of life in the west was influenced greatly by the establishment of a set of rules written by Benedict The equestrian order (Roman knights) was established when business men who did not become senators wanted privileges During the early Roman Republic, Rome expanded slowly and extended the Latin right to many of the cities it conquered The geographic site of Rome has many advantages, including hills that increase the defensibility of the city Prior to the establishment of Rome as the dominant state in Italy, Etruscans skilled metal worker and artists, lived there The Romans were a military society almost from the moment they settled in Italy because they were continually forced to defend their own conquests against invaders One consequence of Rome's conquests was the increased role in society played by slaves The greatest Roman Stoic, Cicero, believed that virtue leads to happiness, and peace of mind is the highest goal The Rape of Lucretia explained the end of the Roman monoarchy and the founding of the Republic The Twelve Tables of Law, approved in 450 BCE, represent the codification of existing laws for all to see and obey The Roman's man primary duty was honor his ancestors In the early Roman Republic, Rome was technically a democracy but the Roman constitution essentially ensured oligarchic rule According to the patriapotestas provision of the Twelve Tables, a Roman father had absolute power over his family, up to and including the power of life and death One important difference between Roman religion and Greek religion was the Roman view of the integration of religion with Roman politics serving a pantheon that functioned more like family gods of the Roman state After Rome had twice defeated Carthage, a Third Punic War was provoked by war hawks who thought Carthage must be destroyed Rome was a crucial factor in the development of European civilization because Rome connected Europe to the cultural heritage of the Near East The division between Roman patricians and plebeians was between the wealthiest (2%) and the the rest (98%) of the people The Augustan system of government is known as the early empire or Principate because Octavian ruled as first citizen Prior to Julius Caesar's appointment as \"\"Dictator for Life\"\" only one other Roman had been appointed to that position without traditional 6 month term, and he was Sulla Pax Romana refers to the long period in which there were no major wars within the Roman Empire Among the titles Augustus had been awarded; _______ was not among them dictotorsupremus Although the Roman Republic had greatly increased the territory ruled by Rome, under the emperors even more territory was added to the empire with _____ adding more than any other ruler. Augustus When Julius Caesar adopted Octavian as his heir, Octavian had to fight his rivals and kill his republican opponents Cicero, one of the most famous Stoics of the later republic, did not believe in withdrawal from public life Those who ruled Rome from 96 to 180 CE were called the \"\"Five Good Emperors\"\" because they were capable administrators who governed successfully Although many emperors who followed Augustus in the Julio-Claudian dynasty were able individuals, many were not, arguably the worst of these was Caligula One way that the Romans were influenced by the Greeks was by observing the many Greeks who lived in Sicily and Southern Italy After a plebian rebellion in the early 5th century BCE the patricians accepted the elected tribunes and written laws As a ruler, Diocletian was known for separating military from civilian chains of command The crisis of the early 3rd century was precipitated by the retreat from the eastern frontier and violent tendencies of Marcus Arelius's son, Commodus The position of the Sadducees in Palestine during the 1st century CE The Sadducees believed that interpretation of religious law was for the temple priesthood One example of how Rome transformed the world into the Roman world be that the evolving process of Roman leaders coming from everywhere within the empire and people would settle far from their place of birth Cultural and intellectual developments in Rome reached their pinnacle during the Principate The Augustan system refers to the political reforms instituted by Augustus and continued under his successors The tetrarchy was the split of Rome into halves and the creation of anaugustus in the West and one in the East who were assisted and would be succeeded by caesars Realizing that the Roman Empire had become too large for a single ruler to control it Diocletian divided the empire in half, trusting a junior colleague to rule the western part During the 3rd century, Rome underwent a prolonged period that came very close to destroying the empire. This period is known as the time of the 'Barracks Emperors' when Rome had 26 emperors in about 50 years One of the problems of the 3rd century caused by Rome's expansion was the *fact that the empire was no longer centered on Rome *ever increasing number of people claiming Roman citizenship *dispersal of resources to the far-flung provinces of the empire *lack of defensible borders Jesus is the central figure in Christianity, but Paul was important as the founder of the universal church, giving it theology and organization The Dead Sea Scrolls have helped historians to understand the religious climate of the 1st century CE by demonstrating the diversity of Jewish religious practices and belief The gospel accounts of Jesus' life were probably written between 70 and 100 CEBy the end of the 3rd century it became obvious that Rome's western and eastern provinces could not be controlled by a single central government The Romans were able to support cities with large populations due, in no small measure, to the construction of a system of aqueducts to allow a steady supply of portable water to the cities The Romans were the first people to use ________ on a massive scale in their buildings. Concrete The cultural and intellectual developments of the Roman republic came to fruition during the reign of Augustus What were the general results of the doctrinal quarrels of the early centuries the dogmas of the Christian Church gradually became fixed The 4th century interest in 'orthodoxy' among Christian intellectuals arose from the need to show that Christianity could withstand the philosophical scrutiny of Greek and Roman traditions Economic reforms introduced by the early 4th century Roman empire included wage and price controls fixed by the government Benedict's monastic rule differed from Basil's rule because it was less austere and more moderate in its demands for monastic life On the City of God was a defense of Christianity by Augustine in the wake of Rome's sack in 410Many Greek philosophers gained large numbers of Roman adherents and shared several tenets, but the one that was instrumental in influencing Christian theology was Neoplatonism Augustine's theological ideas revolved around human sinfulness and divine omnipotence The difference between the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire in culture, economy, and language were great and grew larger over time Christianity went from being a persecuted faith in early 4th century to being the recognized faith of the empire, this last step was the result of the action by the emperor Theodosius, who prohibited pagan worship Once Constatine I and his successor's had converted to Christianity it gained power and was designated the only official religion by Theodosius One result of the Council of Nicea was to * declare Arianism a heresy * establish the validity of church councils * establish a means of setting the biblical canon * establish the close relationship between church and emperor What point was in dispute between the Arians and Christian orthodoxy whether Jesus was of the same being and substance as God the Father The roots of the papacy lie in a passage from the New Testament Gospel of Matthew In terms of organization, the 4th century Christian church was more defined in hierarchical terms, with a clergy distributed among patriarchs, bishops, priests, and deacons Boethius's most famous work was entitled The Consolation of Philosophy Augustine's Confession is a series of autobiographical essays directed toward God Jerome's most lasting contribution to western Christian culture was his translation of the Bible into Latin Romans regarded the Germans as barbarians because German society was illiterate and Germans did not live in cities The Christian label for non-Christians is indicative of its urban origin By the end of the 3rd century, the involvement of women in the church had shrunk to the point that they were completely excluded from all positions of power By 300 CE, Christians numbered no more the 5% of the population of the Roman Empire, one reason for this Diocletian's policy of persecution of any group deemed to be subversive The 7th century AD was a turning point in the history of Western civilization because the Greco-Roman world of antiquity divided into Byzantine, Islamic, and Latin Christian realms Why did Justinian try to reconquer the western Roman Empire? because he sought to revive and reconstruct wholly the old empire Why did Justinian's reconquest of the western Roman Empire fail? The costs associated with conquering and defending the vast western empire were too great Chapter 7 dates the beginning of Byzantine history with the accession of Heraclius in 610Between 610 and 1071, the major secuity threats to the Byzantine empi"
"docid": "D3534823#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/95386720/government-review-flash-cards/\nGovernment Review",
"text": "\"564 terms funspegattialert Government Review_____ is known as the father of political science. Aristotle T/F Aristotle judged a government's morality on whether it worked for the people or for itself. True The character of being in agreement with the standards of right conduct: tyranny morality philosophy Morality Choose the type of government style that best fits the example given below. A form of government where the leadership have little or no control over the populace. anarchism pluralism totalitarianism anarchism The government has the right to restrict the number of visitors who visit Cape Canaveral for a space launch. The government has _____ over the base. jurisdiction Which government passes laws in order to protect the rights of its citizens? anarchism pluralism totalitarianism pluralism T/F Special interest groups have an opportunity to get legislators to propose legislation for their own benefit. True Which government is known for the elimination of personal freedom? anarchism pluralism totalitarianism totalitarianism Match the following types of government with Aristotle's definition of them."
"docid": "D301922#0",
"title": "https://www.smartling.com/blog/65-spanish-slang-words-phrases-you-need-to-know/\n65 Spanish Slang Words & Phrases You Need to Know",
"text": "If you’re an English speaker in the U. S. you’ve probably noticed how the way Americans express themselves verbally differs widely from how Australians do it, beyond just the accents. Even within our own borders colloquial variations are too numerous to count. But, consider for example, the difference between how New Englanders speak versus people on the Gulf Coast. To illustrate this point a little more thoroughly we thought it might be a good idea to draft up a few posts outlining some of the common slang terms from various languages that you might come across online. We thought that might be both instructive, and good for a laugh. We thought we’d begin with Spanish since many of our most immediate neighbors are Spanish-speaking countries, and there are many Spanish-speaking communities within our own borders. Here’s a long list of Spanish slang terms divided according to country: Spanish Slang Words From Argentina¿Qué onda? — What’s up?¿Como va? — What’s up? Piola (adj.) —"
"docid": "D1356154#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/colosseum/qanda/\n.",
"text": "\"Questions & Answers Live Event Q & As | Additional Q & As | List of Questions Live Event Question for Goldman: How many people lived in Rome when the Colosseum was active as an arena? ~Angie Answer: Estimates vary, but the most reliable sources, based on the number of houses and apartments and the size of the town covering the 7 hills of Rome give a figure of about a million toward the end of the first century when the Colosseum was built, increasing in the second century to possibly a million and a half. That means that with 45,000 to 50,000 in the audience, it was 1/20 of the population that could attend at one time; tickets (pieces of broken pottery giving gate entrance and assigned seat area) must have been highly sought after, with people lining up for tickets as they do today for a world series game. Question for Goldman: How many people did it take to build the Colosseum, and how many bricks or stones did it take? ~Amanda Answer: I'm sure that the construction crews involved thousands of slaves to lift and transport the materials. I'm sure that thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers were involved in handling the construction materials. If one adds the slaves that were working in the quarries to cut the stones, one gets at least 20,000 to 30,000 people involved. How many bricks or stones went into building the Colosseum? I have no way of making that estimate. It's something I have never counted as far as stones, but I would say that from the quarries at Tivoli, which is about 20 miles from Rome where the travertine was quarried, there were 240,000 cartloads of stones brought just for the exterior facade alone."
"docid": "D1617316#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_did_tribunes_protect_protect_plebeian_interests_in_roman_republic\nWere the plebeians interests protected by tribunes legions assembly of tribes consuls or the senate?",
"text": "Deac AAA174A 37 Contributions Were the plebeians interests protected by tribunes legions assembly of tribes consuls or the senate?\\n Plebeians were protected by the tribunes, who were appointed justly for that. The roman society divided in curiae, which were somewhat similar to the demos in Athens. Each c …Which Roman government group protected the rights of the plebeians? Tribunes Who were tribunes elected by to protect their interests?plebeians Frances Murray 21,585 Contributions What did the tribunes of the Roman Republic represent? Initially the tribunes were elected to represent the interests of the plebeians. However over time, the office deteriorated and became nothing more than a way for an ambitious …Corynne Parker 5 Contributions Which officials were elected by the plebeians to protect their interests during the Roman Republic? Tribunes Frances Murray 21,585 Contributions Tribunes were elected by who to protect their interests? The tribunes were elected by the plebeians to look after their interests. Roman official appointed to protect the interests of the plebeians against violations by the patricians? A TRIBUNE was a roman official appointed to protect the interest of the plebians against violations by the patricians What is the role of Tribunes in Roman republic?"
"docid": "D950771#0",
"title": "http://www.watson.org/~leigh/philo.html\nPhilosophy: The Athenian Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle",
"text": "\"Philosophy: The Athenian Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Table of Contents: Socrates Plato Aristotle Note: For English Translations of the Greek philosophical works mentioned in this page, see the Online Books site for Classical Languages and Literature. Socrates (c. 469-399 BCE)Born in Athens around 469 BCE, Socrates lived during the period of the city's greatest cultural expansion. Son of a midwife and sculptor, he was acquainted with the intellectual elite at the court of Pericles, ruler of Athens, despite his plebian origins. As a young man, Socrates studied philosophy, establishing a familiarity with the work of earlier Greek philosophers. Heraclitus and Parmenides are thought to have been particularly influential in his education. During the Peloponnesian War, he fought in several battles and received commendation for his actions. By 423 BCE, Socrates was well-known in Athens, not so much for military distinction as for his non-traditional teaching methods. He did not keep a formal school, nor did he charge for his services. He was a popular guest at social gatherings, and could often be seen arguing against illogical reasoning and prejudice wherever people congregated. Socrates did not sympathize with the ascetics -- he believed in enjoying life."
"docid": "D754129#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/nobles\nNearby words for nobles",
"text": "adjective, nobler, noblest.1. distinguished by rank or title.2. pertaining to persons so distinguished.3. of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy. Synonyms: highborn, aristocratic; patrician, blue-blooded. Antonyms: baseborn, lowborn; common, plebian; lower-class, working-class, middle-class, bourgeois.4. of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence: a noble thought. Synonyms: lofty, elevated, high-minded, principled; magnanimous; honorable, estimable, worthy, meritorious. Antonyms: ignoble, base; vulgar, common.5. admirable in dignity of conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition: a noble poem."
"docid": "D2603457#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_wrote_A_Vindication_of_the_Rights_of_Women_advocating_woman's_right_to_vote_and_hold_public_office\nWho wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women advocating woman's right to vote and hold public office?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women advocating woman's right to vote and hold public office? Flag Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women advocating woman's right to vote and hold public office? Answer by Neila Rockson Confidence votes 85.9KSolving the world's problems . . . one answer at a time. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792, which advocated women's rights to vote and hold public office.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Who wrote a vindication of the rights of women? Mary Wollstonecraft In 1848 where did wome Ns rights advocates hold a national convention? Seneca Falls, New York Who wrote the vindication of the rights of women? Eighteenth-century British feminist, Mary Wollstonecraft. What are three womens rights advocates?jessica bailey Who was in office when womens right to vote was passed?"
"docid": "D2297303#0",
"title": "http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/11/01/call_the_midwife_on_pbs_why_chummy_is_such_a_brilliant_character.html\nCharacter Studies: Chummy,Call the Midwife",
"text": "Brow Beat has moved! You can find new stories here. Slate's Culture Blog Nov. 1 2012 12:10 PMCharacter Studies: Chummy,Call the Midwife By Torie Bosch Miranda Hart as Chummy on Call the Midwife (BBC)Call the Midwife, a British series currently airing on PBS—the season finale is on Sunday—is often difficult to watch. Its portrayal of midwives working in a rough London neighborhood in the 1950s is unsparing in its depiction of poverty, the pain and dangers of childbirth, the way people who mean the best can do the worst. It is also oddly addictive. Torie Bosch Torie Bosch is the editor of Future Tense, a project of Slate, New America, and Arizona State that looks at the implications of new technologies. Based on the memoirs of the late Jennifer Worth, Call the Midwife is not merely grim. It is often downright joyous, showing the happiness and relief that comes with the birth of a healthy baby even when the circumstances aren’t perfect. The characters—young midwives, the nuns who are training them, and their clients—are almost all complex and engaging. One, however, steals the show."
"docid": "D41207#0",
"title": "http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/avis-preferred/1717796-avis-preferred-points-valuation-experiences-2015-a.html\nAvis Preferred Points valuation / experiences (2015)",
"text": "\"Avis Preferred Points valuation / experiences (2015)Jul 17, 17, 8:07 am - Wikipost Please read: This is a community-maintained wiki post containing the most important information from this thread. You may edit the Wiki once you have been on FT for 90 days and have made 90 posts. Last edit by: 4aks Wiki Link July 2017 re-launch: https://www.avis.com/car-rental/cont...uspoints_na_na Links to new program info: http://www.avis.com/car-rental/conte...vis Pref-Points avis.com/car-rental/content/avis Pref-Program.ac?page Name=avis Pref-Points https://www.avis.com/car-rental/html...erms Middle.pdf avis.com/car-rental/html/global/en/terms/US/Pref Mbr Global Terms Middle.pdf Calendar year 2015 rentals count towards status (12 rentals = preferred plus; 25 rentals = PC ) Rentals begun July 1st earn points Redemption of points is unknown and dynamic Data points: July 2015 - 3 day Minivan rental, adding GPS ($9.99/day) requires 316 points. Adding Sirius (6.99/day) was 200 points July 2015 - 4 day full size mid week - adding GPS ($9.99/day) requires 332 points July 2015 - 1 day (full size?) in Seattle - 2400 points for one free day Aug 2015 - weekend day at SAN, intermediate - 600 points (vs $18 base cost) Sep 2015 - Weekday, Boston Back Bay, 1d6h rental - 4600 points (vs. $85 full size) Oct 2015 - weekend day at SAN, intermediate - 600 points / jumped to 1330 points all month, many vehicle types Nov 2015 - weekend day ORD - 950 points Nov 2015 - Weekend day IAH - 1800 points (1 day) Nov 2015 - weekend SAN - 950 pts, many vehicle types Nov 2015 - weekend SAN - 1330 pts, many vehicle types (points devalued the closer to the rental period) Dec 2015 - Weekend RSW - 1300/day for compact, 1800/day for full size and above. could get a convertible, which was $30 per day for the same 1800 Jan 2016 - Weekday IAD - 1800/day for SUV, 2500/day for compact, 3200/day for intermediate ($35-60/day base price before taxes/fees) Sep 2016 - 11 day ILM. 600/day for intermediate. RDU was 1200/day and OAJ was 950/day for the same period! Apr 2017 - Weekend L8I. $29+$6 or 950 pts/day for up to Full Size. Apr 2017 - ORD $33+$24 in tax/fees or 950 points for Full, or $38+$25/1,330 pts for Premium."
] |
226 | +what does the name brooke mean | [
"docid": "D906850#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Brooke\nâBrooke (boy)",
"text": "\"Home > Brooke♂Brooke (boy)What does Brooke mean? B rooke as a name for boys (also used more generally as girls' name Brooke) is an Old English name, and the meaning of the name Brooke is \"\"water, small stream; western stream\"\". Brooke is an alternate form of Brooks (Old English, Old German): director Brooks Atkinson. Brooke is also a variation of Westbrook (Old English). ASSOCIATED WITH Br-, old english, water, small (little), stream (river)Variations VARIANT Brook RELATED FORMS VIA BROOKS, WESTBROOK Brookes, Brookie CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Brooke Kaedyn (B. K.), .. How popular is Brooke? Brooke is a rare given name for men but a very popular surname for all people (#6608 out of 150436, Top 4%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Brooke was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its apex position of #1262 in the U. S. during the years 1960-1969, but is not found in the list at the moment. ( 2015 U. S. SSA RECORDS)Which version is better? Prominent related forms of Brooke appearing in the Top 2000 are Brooks (#232 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) and Brook. Adoption of these relations of Brooke is at its highest today (ADOPTION OF 0.09%)."
] | [
"docid": "D3126731#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_type_of_guitar_does_Garth_Brooks_play\nWhat type of guitar does Garth Brooks play?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Genres Country Music Garth Brooks What type of guitar does Garth Brooks play? Flag What type of guitar does Garth Brooks play? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A Takamine GB-7C3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Chadnic 727 Contributions Other than the guitar what other instrument does Garth Brooks play? Saxophone What instruments does Garth Brooks play?he plays guitar piano saxophone Sycamore2555 59 Contributions What other instrument do Garth Brooks play? Garth plays the acoustic guitar, piano, harmonica, and sax. What other instrument do Garth brooks play besides the guitar? Mandoline Besides guitar what other instruments does Garth Brooks play?mandoline What instruments does Garth Brooks play other than the guitar? Garth Brooks also plays the saxophone."
"docid": "D904307#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-mel.html\nMel Meaning",
"text": "\"Mel Meaning Name: What does Mel mean? The name Mel is of English origin. The meaning of Mel is \"\"nickname for names beginning with mel-\"\". Mel is used as both a boys and girls name. It consists of 3 letters and 1 syllable and is pronounced Mel. The Given Name Mel Mel appeals to parents who seek a name with genuine depth. A special name that is sure to be loved. Mel has no variant spellings. Some famous bearers of this name include: Mel Blount, Mel Brooks, and Mel Gibson. Mel Popularity In the U. S. in 2016, it ranked 10,523 in baby name popularity for girls with 10 occurrences."
"docid": "D811228#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/english-names/brooks.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of England Names > What does Brooks mean? Meaning of Brooks - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Brooks\"\"English name The name Brooks originated as an English name. The name Brooks is most often used as a boy name or male name. In English, the name Brooks means - running water. English Name Meaning - running water Origin - England Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
"docid": "D1372874#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_name_Brooke_mean\nWhat does the name Brooke mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures Names and Name Meanings What does the name Brooke mean? Flag What does the name Brooke mean? Answer by Greypebble Confidence votes 1.0KThe given name 'Brooke' is one variation of the name 'Brook'; it was originally a given name or surname indicating a person living or working near a small, flowing stream, or brook. The word 'brook' comes from Old English 'broc', with the same meaning as today, and believed to originate with the Germanic 'broka-' in the sense of water-meadows, marshlands.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does brook mean? There is nothing complicated here. It is the ordinary English wordfor a \"\"small river\"\". . The name of Brook has given you an appreciation for manybeautiful and refined aspe …Least Duck 167,024 Contributions Scientists recently discovered a picture that is worth 1,001 words. What is the meaning of the surname Brooks? The English surname Brooks arrived with the Norman Conquest of 1066A. D. and is based upon the family's former residence in Broc, inthe area of Anjou, France."
"docid": "D2468069#0",
"title": "http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums/archive/index.php/t-564640.html\n.",
"text": "\"Horse and Hound Forums > Horse & Hound Online Forum > The Tack Room > Welsh pony and cob names - pronounciation and meaning help PDAView Full Version : Welsh pony and cob names - pronounciation and meaning help Cobiau Cymreig Wyllt 23-09-12, 10:59 AMInspired by a recent thread, I was wondering what the interest would be in help with pronouncing Welsh pony and Cob names..?? Their naming traditions are part of an ancient heritage and often have beautiful and interesting meanings but it can be difficult to know where to start if you have no exposure to Welsh. Please, any Welsh speakers feel free to help out and forgive any errors, I am by no means any kind of expert, nor is my Welsh very correct or extensive! I just love the language and its traditions, particularly when it comes to horses. There is of course, plenty of regional variation to be considered too, but once you have the basics of the phonetics, its fairly consistent. A simple rule of thumb - emphasis is given to the last-but-one syllable of the word, which is shown below in bold italics. So for example,my Sec D boys are: Myrddin Wyllt (Muthin' W]itht [/B] - hard 'TH' sound.. it means Wild Merlin, the Merlin of King Arthur, who was lost in the forest. and: Ysbryd ap Dafydd (Ussbrid ap Davith - hard TH) meaning Spirit, son of Dafydd and Sec A is 'Bryntwrog Butch' (Brinturrog Butch) - The prefix means the hill of Twrog and I presume the Butch is as in the English word for manly, which he is, despite his small stature! So, anyone else want to play? :) navaho 23-09-12, 11:21 AMGood idea, i hate hearing some of the Welsh names mangled by some people, though do bear in mind that people from certain areas of Wales still dont pronounce the Welsh names correctly, South Wales / the Valleys imparticular, drives me mad when i visit my sister in Caerphilly & nothing is said how it should be."
"docid": "D1875235#0",
"title": "http://sbaa.ca/projects.asp?cn=316\n.",
"text": "\"Common Name Painted Turtle Scientific Name Chrysemys picta Other Names Midland Painted Turtle General Appearance: Painted Turtles have a 12 to 17 centimetre shell that is olive-brown in colour. The orange, red and yellow markings on the edge and side of the shell, and on the head and legs, are characteristic of Painted Turtles. Each foot has five claws and are longer on males than females. The reason for the elongated claws on male turtles is for stroking the female's chin during courtship. If threatened, Painted Turtles can fully withdraw their head, limbs and tail into their shell for protection.back to top Weight: Female Painted Turtles weigh up to 500 grams and males are typically lighter, weighing about 300 grams. Migration: Painted Turtles do not migrate, however, female Painted Turtles will sometimes move long distances to seek suitable nesting sites. This movement takes place in the month of June when female turtles will deposit between four and 16 oval eggs in a shallow nest dug in a sandy area such as a beach or roadside embankment. Food Sources: Painted Turtles are omnivores, consuming both plants and meat. Typical food may include aquatic plants, aquatic and terrestrial insects, insect larvae, snails, amphibians, crayfish, leeches, fish eggs, and small fish (alive or dead). Did you know?"
"docid": "D2499114#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falfurrias,_Texas\nFalfurrias, Texas",
"text": "\"Falfurrias, Texas From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Falfurrias, Texas City Motto (s): \"\"The Land of Heart's Delight\"\"Location of Falfurrias, Texas Coordinates: 27°13′36″N 98°8′42″WCoordinates: 27°13′36″N 98°8′42″WCountry United States State Texas County Brooks Government• Type Council-Manager• City Council Mayor Anna M. Garcia Letty Garza Bobby Benavides Bobby Villarreal Miriam Fernandez• City Administrator Noel Bernal Area• Total 2.9 sq mi (7.4 km 2)• Land 2.9 sq mi (7.4 km 2)• Water 0.0 sq mi (0.0 km 2)Elevation 115 ft (35 m)Population ( 2010)• Total 4,981• Density 1,742/sq mi (672.4/km 2)Time zone Central (CST) ( UTC-6)• Summer ( DST) CDT ( UTC-5)ZIP code 78355Area code (s) 361FIPS code 48-25368 [1]GNIS feature ID 1335669 [2]Website www .ci .falfurrias .tx .us Falfurrias ( / f æ l ˈ f jʊər i ə s / fal- FYOOR -ee-əs) is a city in and the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. [ 3] The population was 4,981 at the 2010 census. [ 4] The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres (1,400 km 2 ). Contents [ hide ]1 Geography2 History3 Name origin4 Climate5 Demographics6 Education7 Notable people8 In popular culture9 See also10 References11 External links Geography [ edit]Falfurrias is located in northeastern Brooks County at 27°13′36″N 98°8′42″W (27.226529, -98.144922). [ 5] The city is centered on the intersection of U. S. Highway 281 (Future Interstate 69C) and State Highway 285. Falfurrias is approximately 78 miles (126 km) southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles (140 km) east of Laredo, and 36 miles (58 km) south of Alice. [ 6]According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.9 square miles (7.4 km 2 ), all land. [ 4]History [ edit]Falfurrias' founding and development were largely due to the efforts of Edward Cunningham Lasater, a pioneer Rio Grande Valley rancher and developer. [ 6] In 1895, he started a cattle ranch in what was then northern Starr County."
"docid": "D632491#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/what-does-my-last-name-mean-p2-3972349\nWhat Does My Last Name Mean?",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture What Does My Last Name Mean? Share Flipboard Email Print Have you ever wondered where your surname comes from and what it means?. Getty / peepoby Kimberly Powell Updated June 20, 2017With a few exceptions, hereditary surnames—the last names passed down through the male family lines—didn't exist until about 1000 years ago. While it may be hard to believe in today's world of passports and retinal scans, surnames just weren't necessary before that. The world was much less crowded than it is today, and most folks never ventured more than a few miles from their place of birth. Every man knew his neighbors, so first, or given names, were the only designations necessary. Even kings got by with a single name. During the middle ages, as families got bigger and villages got a bit more crowded, individual names became inadequate to distinguish friends and neighbors from one another. One John might be called \"\"John son of William\"\" to distinguish him from his neighbor, \"\"John the smith,\"\" or his friend \"\"John of the dale.\"\" These secondary names, weren't quite yet the surnames as we know them today, however, because they weren't passed down from father to son. \"\""
"docid": "D131149#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Annan\nWhat does Annan mean?",
"text": "\"What does Annan mean? A nnan as a boys' name is of Celtic origin, and the meaning of Annan is \"\"from the brook\"\". ASSOCIATED WITH An-, -an, brook (river)Variations CREATIVE FORMS (male) Anan, .. (female) Anane, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Annan Cooper (A. C.), .. How popular is Annan? Annan is a rare first name for males but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#30161 out of 150436, Top 20%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D1321263#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Brooks/m\nBrooks - Meaning of Brooks",
"text": "\"What does Brooks mean? Pronounce Brooks [ 1 syll. broo - (k) (s), br -o- oks ] The baby boy name Brooks is sometimes used as a girl name. Its pronunciation is BRuw-KS †. Brooks is used predominantly in the English language and its origin is Old English. The name's meaning is dweller by the brook. It is from the elements 'brook' ; 'broc' meaning brook. The first name is derived from the surname originally bestowed to one who lived near a brook. The name Brooke (English) is the female version of Brooks. Brook (English), Brooke (English), Brooker, Brookes (English), Brookie, and Broox are variants of Brooks. See also the related category dweller."
"docid": "D2420033#0",
"title": "http://www.realitytea.com/2015/11/02/real-housewives-of-orange-county-reunion-part-3-recap/\nReal Housewives Of Orange County Reunion Part 3 Recap: Lifting The Veil",
"text": "\"Real Housewives Of Orange County Reunion Part 3 Recap: Lifting The Veilby Mary Mc Clellandon November 2nd, 2015The Real Housewives Of Orange County reunion has left a bad taste in my mouth. Right after I wrote this I ate like 16 pieces of Halloween candy. It’s my version of cleansing. The highlight from Part 3, if you could call it that, was Vicki Gunvalson finally admitting she doesn’t believe Brooks Ayers has cancer. She “covered” for him all season because she did believe him until very recently. The other highlight was that no one screamed in decibels so shrill Andy’s dog howled backstage. Briana describes Vicki’s uncannily calm demeanor as being “in a state of shock” over how much of her life Vicki has messed up over Brooks. Or the five half a Xanax she took. The low points: Everything else. Including Meghan King Edmonds ‘ hair – why must it look like a Kim Z Generation 1 wig?"
"docid": "D1731646#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/8173\nOrthodontists",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Medical Fields Doctors Orthodontists Unanswered | Answered Orthodontists Parent Category: Doctors Orthodontists are a type of specialty dentist that apply braces to realign teeth. Ask questions about schooling, training and salary here.1 2 3 >How much an orthodontist make a month? Go on to payscale.com they will give you a more accurate answer but a Orthodontist can make 200,000 to 350,000 a year, so a month i would say minimum 20,000 maximum 40,000. How much do orthodontists earn in Canada hourly? Hard to say, many, maybe most have private practices as dental health is not covered by the government system. Each private practices operates as a business with many employees. Those that do not have their own practice often have partnerships, or get paid based on work done. They also spent a lot... What tools does an orthodontist use? There are a number of tools used by orthodontist in putting braces and removing braces. The commonly used tools in orthodontic treatments are: Band Remover Distal Cutter Explorer Mouthguard, etc."
"docid": "D3554217#0",
"title": "http://onetreehill.wikia.com/wiki/Wedding_of_Julian_Baker_and_Brooke_Davis\nThe wedding of Brooke and Julian",
"text": "\"in: Wedding, Events The wedding of Brooke and Julian Edit Comments (2) Share The wedding of Brooke and Julian Portrayed by [ [ Sophia Bush Austin Nichols ]]Bride Brooke Davis Groom Julian Baker Best Man Jamie Scott Maid of Honor Haley James Scott Groomsmen None Bridesmaids None Bride Given Away By Victoria Davis Color Scheme Black and White First Dance \"\"Sweet and Low\"\" (Acoustic) - Augustana Ceremony Location Tree Hill Church Reception Location Unknown Honeymoon Unknown Episode The Other Half Of Me Season Season 8The wedding of Julian Baker and Brooke Davis was a very joyous day, despite Brooke recently losing her company and problems due to her fertilty. Contents [ show]Ceremony Location The marriage took place in the church of Tree Hill. The church was decorated by Julian, Haley and Sylvia, from the \"\"design\"\" from Brooke's wedding book, although Sylvia (who paid for the marriage) did not agree to how she wanted it to be. It was decorated with white flowers (the same as Brooke's bouquet), white candles, a white alley with white flower petals. The church also used a light system set up for marriage by Quinn for the photos. Vows Julian Julian pronouncing his vows. Brooke, before I met you I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to, then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy… not without you. I love everything about you, Brooke."
"docid": "D1958386#0",
"title": "http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/03/11/chase-host-brooke-burns-will-not-be-wearing-her-baywatch-swimsuit.html\n'The Chase' host Brooke Burns 'will not be wearing' her Baywatch swimsuit",
"text": "\"TV'The Chase' host Brooke Burns 'will not be wearing' her Baywatch swimsuit By Diana Falzone Published March 11, 2015 Fox News Facebook Twitter livefyre Email Now Playing Brooke Burns hangs up Baywatch bathing suit Brooke Burns may have hung up her iconic Baywatch bathing suit, but the 36-year-old actress is still keeping busy with a hit game show, \"\"The Chase,\"\" now in its in fourth season on GSN. Brooke joined us in-studio along with her formidable 6’7\"\", 380-lb. co-star \"\"The Beast\"\" Mark Labett. The two chatted about their love of game shows, the possibility of a \"\"Baywatch\"\" reunion, and why Brooke will never wear her signature red swimsuit again. ADVERTISEMENTFOX411: I don’t understand why you’re called \"\"The Beast,\"\" Mark. Obviously, Brooke is much larger than you. Brooke Burns: Whoa, whoa…how do you mean exactly? In personality maybe. FOX411: Yes, in personality and heart but you, Mark, get a bad rap for being tough and mean. I don’t get that vibe."
"docid": "D2491785#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/shields-brooks-suing-president-lebrons-hometown-bounce/\n.",
"text": "Play Video Show Captions Mute Hide Controls Problems with CC? Return to Video PBS NEWSHOURShields and Brooks on suing the president Shields and Brooks on suing the president, Le Bron’s hometown bounce Premiere Date: Jul 11th, 2014Embed Video Return to Video Shields and Brooks on suing the president Shields and Brooks on suing the president, Le Bron’s hometown bounce (11:51)Width Height Please copy this text to your clipboard. Share this Video Return to Videofacebooktwitteremailgoogle Buy It Return to Video Your purchase helps support PBS and the programs you love Closed Captioning Settings×Preview Captions look like this Captions size15Captions font family Edge style Captions color Background color Window color Text Opacity100%Background Opacity100%Window Opacity0%Save Settings Reset Shields and Brooks on suing the president, Le Bron’s hometown bounce Jul 11, 2014 8:08 pm EDT0 comments Share Transcript Audio Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week’s news, including legal action by the U. S. House against President Obama, dwindling funds for the federal highway system, how to cope with the influx of unaccompanied children crossing the border and the announcement that Le Bron James is returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Read the Full Transcript JUDY WOODRUFF: And to the analysis of Shields and Brooks. That’s syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks. Welcome back, gentlemen. We missed you. MARK SHIELDS: Thank you, Judy. JUDY WOODRUFF: So the Highway Trust Fund, one of many disagreements between Republicans and Democrats right now. And I guess the biggest one, though, David, is the speaker, John Boehner, saying he’s going to sue the president of the United States because the president’s overstepped his line as president."
"docid": "D1465491#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/quotes\nQuotes",
"text": "\"Edit The Shawshank Redemption (1994)Quotes Showing all 114 items Jump to: Spoilers (1)Red : [ narrating ] Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.460 of 461 found this interesting | Share this Andy Dufresne : [ in letter to Red ] Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.934 of 939 found this interesting | Share this Andy Dufresne : [ to Red ] I guess it comes down a simple choice: Get busy living, or get busy dying.1,004 of 1,010 found this interesting | Share this1967 Parole Hearings Man : Ellis Boyd Redding, your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. Do you feel you've been rehabilitated? Red : Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means.1967 Parole Hearings Man : Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society... Red : I know what you think it means, sonny. To me, it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?1967 Parole Hearings Man : Well, are you? Red : There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret."
"docid": "D2600222#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/good-morning-americas-garth-brooks-gma-mothers-day/story?id=30186407\nGood Morning America's 'Garth Brooks' 'GMA' Motherâs Day Surpriseâ Contest -- Official Rules",
"text": "\"Good Morning America's 'Garth Brooks' 'GMA' Mother’s Day Surprise’ Contest -- Official Rules By ABC News Apr 10, 2015, 8:00 AM ETPhoto by Ben Krebs © GCOM, LLC all rights reserved 2015WATCH Garth Brooks Launches 'GMA' Mother's Day Surprise Contest Email NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Eligibility Guidelines: Entrants must be legal residents of the 48 United States or the District of Columbia, 18 years of age or older. The mom you are nominating does not have to be your own mother, but she must be available for a surprise visit by Garth Brooks, who will sing his powerful song “Mom” to her on Good Morning America on or about May 8, 2015. Contest sponsored by Good Morning America and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (\"\"Sponsors\"\"). Any individuals (including but not limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors, and interns) who have, within the past six months, performed services for Good Morning America (\"\"GMA\"\"), American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (\"\"ABC\"\"), any organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Contest or supplying the prize, and their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, and immediate family and household members of such individuals, are not eligible to enter or play. \"\" Immediate family members\"\" shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses. \"\" Household members\"\" shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year. Contest Entry Period: G ood Morning America's \"\"Garth Brooks’ GMA Mother’s Day\"\" Contest (the \"\"Contest\"\") entry period begins 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (\"\"ET\"\") on Friday, April 10, 2015 and ends at 3:00 p.m. ET on Monday, April 27, 2015 (the \"\"Contest Period\"\"). Sponsors’ computer is the official clock for this Contest. How to Enter: Tell us why a mother you know is so special."
"docid": "D702957#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Brooklynn\nâBrooklynn",
"text": "\"Home > Brooklynn♀Brooklynn What does Brooklynn mean? Brooklynn as a girls' name. Brooklynn means \"\"water, small stream\"\". Brooklynn is an alternate spelling of Brooke (Old English, Old German): also a surname. STARTS/ENDS WITH Br-, -lynn ASSOCIATED WITH water, small (little), stream (river)Variations VARIANTS Brooklynne, Brooklyn ▲RELATION VIA BROOKE Brooky CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Brooklynn Crystal (B. C.), .. How popular is Brooklynn? Brooklynn is a rare given name for females. Brooklynn is an equally rare surname for all people. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS)Brooklynn entered the list in 1991 and reached its highest position of #129 in the U. S. in 2011, and is at #198 presently. ( TOP BABY NAMES, 2016)Which version is better? Prominent varying forms of Brooklynn (#198 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) are Brooklyn (#34), Brooke (#172) and Brooklynne."
"docid": "D954106#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/lake\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "Lake Pronunciation: LAYK (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Lake Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Lake? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAce Autumn Aza Brooke Brooks Harper Honey Hope Jackson Jude Kyle Laike Landon Levi Liam Lillymae Lincoln Logan Lucas Ocean River Sarah Sly Tanner Waleed Name Lists Featuring Lake Contribute your knowledge to the name Lake Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Lake: | Edit Hi my name is Lake -man41. Never met another yet but will be cool when it happens in person :). I feel like I've met an entire family when I read this page so I thank all of you! My mother/father (hippies1975)took there time in naming me for around a year. During my first boat ride I froze they say like a sack of potatoes lol, so that beacame my name. By the time I was 7 I was catching waves in Santa Barbara. I love Lakes especially up very high like in the Sierra Nevadas mnt range in California/Nevada."
"docid": "D1970723#0",
"title": "http://genealogy.about.com/b/2004/04/25/what-does-my-last-name-mean.htm\nWhat Does My Last Name Mean?",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture What Does My Last Name Mean? Share Flipboard Email Print Have you ever wondered where your surname comes from and what it means?. Getty / peepoby Kimberly Powell Updated June 20, 2017With a few exceptions, hereditary surnames—the last names passed down through the male family lines—didn't exist until about 1000 years ago. While it may be hard to believe in today's world of passports and retinal scans, surnames just weren't necessary before that. The world was much less crowded than it is today, and most folks never ventured more than a few miles from their place of birth. Every man knew his neighbors, so first, or given names, were the only designations necessary. Even kings got by with a single name. During the middle ages, as families got bigger and villages got a bit more crowded, individual names became inadequate to distinguish friends and neighbors from one another. One John might be called \"\"John son of William\"\" to distinguish him from his neighbor, \"\"John the smith,\"\" or his friend \"\"John of the dale.\"\" These secondary names, weren't quite yet the surnames as we know them today, however, because they weren't passed down from father to son. \"\""
] |
228 | +what does the name lauri mean | [
"docid": "D2698631#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Lauri\nâLauri",
"text": "\"Home > Lauri♀Lauri What does Lauri mean? L auri ▼ as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of the name Lauri is \"\"the bay, or laurel plant\"\". Lauri is an alternate form of Laura (Latin). ASSOCIATED WITH Lau-, bay (tree)Variations VARIANTS Lory, Lorry, Lorrie ▼, Lorri ▼, Lorie ▼, Lori ▼, Lorey, Loree, Lora ▼, Lawra, Laurie ▼, Lari, Larea ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA LAURA Lauraine, Laurana, Laure, Laureen, Laurel, Lauren ▼, Laurena, Laurene, Lauriane, Laurice, Lauricia, Laurina, Laurinda, Laurine, Laurita, Laurnea, Lavra CREATIVE FORMS (female) Leri, .. (male) Laust, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Lauri Elyse (L. E.), .. How popular is Lauri? Lauri is a very prominent first name for women (#956 out of 4276, Top 22%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#46758 out of 150436, Top 31%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS)Lauri entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its top rank of #405 in the U. S. during the years 1960-1969, but is not listed at the moment. ( 2015 U. S. SSA RECORDS)Which version is better? Laura (#322 A YEAR AGO), Laure, Laureen, Laurel (#772), Lauren (#119), Laurena, Laurene, Laurice, Laurie, Laurinda, Laurine, Lora, Loree, Lori (#1608), Lorie, Lorri, Lorrie, Lorry and Lory are the prominent variation forms of Lauri listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Lorey, are uncommon. These forms of Lauri were favored by parents in the 1960s (MEDIAN #894) and have become significantly less popular since (#1741, ▼ 92%)."
] | [
"docid": "D1977008#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/scottish-names/laurie.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Scottish Names > What does Laurie mean? Meaning of Laurie - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Laurie\"\"Scottish name Other origins for the name Laurie include - Scottish, English, English. The name Laurie is most often used as a boy name or male name. In Scottish, the name Laurie means - A diminutive of Laurence: from the place of the laurel leaves. Famous Bearer: Laurie Lee, author of Cider with Rosie (1959).. Scottish Name Meaning - A diminutive of Laurence: from the place of the laurel leaves. Famous Bearer: Laurie Lee, author of Cider with Rosie (1959). Origin - Scottish Alternate Origins - English English Expression num - 3Soul Urge num - 9Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
"docid": "D1919851#0",
"title": "http://halloweenmovie.wikia.com/wiki/Laurie_Strode/2007_Remake_Timeline\nLaurie Strode/2007 Remake Timeline",
"text": "\"Overview H20 Timeline4-6 Timeline2007 Remake Timeline Final Timeline Gallery Character Name: Angel Myers Known aliases: Laurie Strode (Adopted Name)Boo (Michael's nickname for her)Gender: Female Location: Haddonfield, Illinois Known Relatives: Deborah Myers (Mother; deceased), Mr. Myers (Father; deceased) Michael Myers (Brother), Judith Myers (Sister; deceased) Mason Strode (Adopted Father; deceased) Cynthia Strode (Adopted Mother; deceased)Birth: 1990 (approx) [1]Death: October 31, 2009 ( H2 Director's Cut only) [2]Portrayed By: Scout Taylor-Compton Sydnie Pitzer (Baby) Myla Pitzer (Baby) Stella Altman (Baby)First Appearance: Halloween\"\" Hey, world! Guess what, I'm Michael Myers' sister! I'm so fucked! \"\" ―Laurie Strode [src]Angel Myers, better known as Laurie Strode, is a character and primary protagonist in the Halloween franchise. Laurie first appeared in Rob Zombie 's Halloween remake (2007), played by Scout Taylor-Compton, and based on the main teenage protagonist from the classic Halloween . Contents [ show]Early Life Baby Boo Laurie Strode was born Angel Myers in 1990, the daughter of Deborah Myers and an unidentified father. Her father passed away shortly after she was born. When Laurie was less than a year old, her ten-year-old brother Michael Myers suffered a psychotic break and murdered their older sister Judith, Judith's boyfriend Steve Haley and their mother's boyfriend Ronnie White. Despite these violent acts, Michael felt nothing but love for his baby sister who he affectionately referred to as \"\"Boo\"\". Their mother came home from work that evening and found Michael sitting on the steps outside their house, cradling Boo in his arms."
"docid": "D3159994#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/laura/about\nLaura",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: 796k Laura Embed Laura Origin: Latin Meaning: Laurel Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Gender: Girl First Name 796kin the U. S. since 1880Last Name 2kin the U. S. in 2010Girls Boys On This Page Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons Named Laura Notable Persons With the Last Name Laura Popularity by Year and Gender Regional Popularity Ethnicity Distribution Fun Facts What Lauras Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names45k Laurel1.1m Sarah1.6m Elizabeth5.1m John4.1m Mary5.2m James3.6m David636k Emma4.4m Michael833k Emily52k Lora (Spanish)470k Lauren168k Laurie (English)342k Lori (American)808k Larry (More Popular)22k Lorie (American)308 Lolly (Nickname)1k Lollie (Nickname)How to Pronounce Laura Laura Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)Play User from Virginia, United States Play User from Illinois, United States Play User from New Jersey, United States Play User from United States Play User from California, United States How difficult is it to pronounce Laura? Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:26Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Laura mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Laura\"\"Laura\"\" is a name of Latin origin, and it means \"\"Laurel\"\". It's a name commonly given to girls. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun Lau\"\"ra A number of hermitages or cells in the same neighborhood occupied by anchorites who were under the same superior. Etymology: LL., fr."
"docid": "D3155654#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/laura\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Laura Pronunciation: LAW-rə (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Laura: Derived from the Latin laurus (laurel, an evergreen shrub or tree whose leaves were woven into wreaths by the ancient Greeks to crown victors in various contests). Originally a Latin name, Laura came into use in England in the 19th century, and is now popularly bestowed throughout the English-speaking world. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Laurel, Lauren, Laurie, Lolly, Lori Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Laura Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Laura? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAdam Amy Andrew Anna Christopher Daniel David Emily Emma James Jennifer John Joseph Julia Kevin Lisa Mary Matthew Michael Rachel Rebecca Robert Sarah Thomas William Name Lists Featuring Laura Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2014Austrian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Austria Belgian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Belgium (Flanders) 2014Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland 2014Czech Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Czech Republic 2014Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2014Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) 2014Italian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Italy German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany 2014Polish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Poland 2014Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (German)Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (Italian)Hungarian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Hungary 2014Armenian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Armenia, 2010Austrian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Austria, 2010Belgian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Belgium, 2008Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark, 2010Finnish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Finland, 2010Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland, 2010Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain, 2010Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (French), 2010Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (German), 2010Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec), 2010Test Names Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland for 2012Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland for 2012Chilean Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Chile 2010Belgian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Belgium (Flanders) 2012Portuguese Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Portugal 2012Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2012Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (German) 2012Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (Italian) 2012Andorran Girls Names: Most Popular Girls Names in Andorra 2014Austrian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Austria 2012Estonian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Estonia 2014Slovak Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Slovakia 2014Hungarian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Hungary 2010Polish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Poland 2012Most Popular Girls' Names of 1950, United States French Girls Names: Most Popular Girls Names in France Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2015Portuguese Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Portugal Dutch Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in The Netherlands Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland Polish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Poland Chilean Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Chile Estonian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Estonia Hungarian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Hungary Slovak Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Slovakia Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec)Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland Contribute your knowledge to the name Laura Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Laura: | Edit I was named Laura in 1987 when it was still pretty popular and I have always loved it. The amount of Laurens around my age has always made me defensive when it comes to my name. Nothing gets me going more than when I tell someone my name is Laura after they mistakenly call me Lauren and they respond, \"\"Well, it's the same thing...\"\" I even told a new boyfriend about this once and he responded \"\"Wait, your name isn't Lauren? I thought Laura was your nickname.\"\""
"docid": "D184235#0",
"title": "https://www.instantcheckmate.com/people/laurie-somers/\nLaurie Somers: 25 Matches!",
"text": "\"Laurie Somers: 25 Matches!We found records for people named Laurie Somers in 51 cities throughout Virginia, California, and 21 more states!I want more information on Laurie Somers >>^JUMP TO TOPAccess Laurie Somers? 's report·New Data Found!CLICK TO LEARN MOREAlabama 1Arizona 1California 3Colorado 1Florida 4Georgia 1Iowa 1Idaho 1Kansas 1Maryland 1Maine 1Michigan 1Missouri 2New Hampshire 1New Mexico 1Nevada 1New York 3Pennsylvania 1Tennessee 2Virginia 3Vermont 1Washington 3Wisconsin 1This record appeared in Arlington, Virginia. Possible relatives are Cheryl Elizabeth Somers, Clara Bell Somers, Diane S Somers, Duan Anthony Somers, and Dwight Darnell Somers. Name Laurie Ann Somers Locations Arlington, Virginia 22204 Falls Church, Virginia 22041Telephone Number (s) (301) 785 -8480 (703) 521 -0482 (301) 336 -2393 (301) 336 -2919Age 62Relatives Cheryl Elizabeth, Clara Bell, Diane S, Duan Anthony, and Dwight Darnell Somers View Record Does Laurie Somers have a criminal record? Let's Find Out!This report for Laurie Somers was found in Orange, California, listed as \"\"Laurie Anne Somers\"\", age 56. Laurie was also found in Huntington Beach, California and Irvine, California. Relatives include Jeffrey Reynolds Hamburg and Gregg Michael Somers. Name Laurie Anne Somers Locations Orange, California 92869 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Irvine, California 92612Telephone Number (s) (714) 532 -5086 (714) 532 -5088 (714) 396 -7832Age 56Possible Licenses Barbering And Cosmetology Program from California. Status: Active Issued: April 19, 19 83. Expiration: April 30, 20 09."
"docid": "D1840088#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_is_rocco_siffredi\nWho is rocco siffredi?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Business and Industry Questions about Wiki Answers and Answers.com Who is rocco siffredi? Flag Who is rocco siffredi? Answer by G543 Confidence votes 10.1KRocco Siffredi (aka: Rocco Tano aka: the Italian Stallion because of his penis size) born May 4, 1964 in Ortona, Abruzzo, Italy is a pornographic actor of over 1,300 films, as well as a producer.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Sweetiepie92398 7 Contributions Who is rocco? Rocco Laurie is a police officer. that was killed in a tragedic accident. his bage # was 11019. he was 23 when he was killed.he was killed of January 27,1972Rocco mediate ancestry? He's Italian, of course. How big is rocco siffredi?"
"docid": "D2933227#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/lro/about\nLro",
"text": "Names.orgpopular trending lists Your Searches: <100 Lro Embed Lro Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Lro means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Lros Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names9k Lura (More Popular)11k Leora (More Popular)11k Lauri (More Popular)17k Lorrie (More Popular)22k Lorie (More Popular)27k Lara (More Popular)52k Lora (More Popular)168k Laurie (More Popular)200k Leroy (More Popular)342k Lori (More Popular)796k Laura (More Popular)808k Larry (More Popular)<100 Tereana194k Leo How to Pronounce Lro Lro Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Lro? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Lro mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Lro Submit the origin and/or meaning of Lro to us below Origin of Lro Lro Means Cited Source Submit Alt. Meaning L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go. R is for respect, earned through your actions O is for original, one of a kind!Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Lro How unique is the name Lro? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Lro was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Lro: Your name in reverse order is Orl."
"docid": "D1328331#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Larry\nLarry - Meaning of Larry",
"text": "\"What does Larry mean? Pronounce Larry [ 2 syll. lar - ry, la - rry ] The baby boy name Larry is pronounced L AA -Riy- or L EY -R-iy- †. Larry is of Latin origin and it is predominantly used in the English language. Larry is a diminutive of the English Lawrence and a diminutive of the English and French Laurence. See also the related form, the English Larnell. Larry is an all-time favorite. At present it is still a rather popular baby boy name, but to a lesser degree than it was before. At the peak of its usage in 1947, 1.880% of baby boys were given the name Larry. It had a ranking of #10 then. The baby name has suffered a steep decline in frequency since then, and is used only on a modest scale today."
"docid": "D1771892#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/lori\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Lori Pronunciation: LOH-ree (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Lori: A pet form of any of the various names based on the name Laura (laurel)From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Laurie, Lorri, Laura, Lauri, Lorelei, Loretta, Lorraine Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Lori Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Lori? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAmy Brian Christopher David Debbie James Jason Jeffrey Jennifer Jill Joseph Julie Kevin Lisa Lynn Mark Michael Michelle Nancy Richard Robert Ryan Scott Steven Wendy Name Lists Featuring Lori Contribute your knowledge to the name Lori Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Lori: | Edit Lior and Lori are anagrams of each other; they contain the same letters. I, as well as the previous person who commented, Love my name. It is generally unique, and I like it spelled with just the 4 letters. It's simple, and the other one's spell it to where it's a little more difficult to remember, or mainly more complex. I do like the name Lauren and the male name Lawrence. I also have siblings with unique names, which have seemed to gain popularity over time (Gordon and Gavin)."
"docid": "D3202146#0",
"title": "https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/baby_names/1229452-Boys-name-Laurie-How-to-pronounce\nTalk",
"text": "\"Add message | Reportwetwelly Sat 04-Jun-11 12:38:18That's it really.. I love this name and prefer it to the full name Laurence. But how to pronounce? I naturally say 'Lorrie' as I think it seems to be the male version but others say 'Law-rie'.. which I think of as more of a female name? Opinions gratefully sought... Add message | Report Teacup Tempest Sat 04-Jun-11 12:41:03Lorry - as in red lorry, yellow lorry? Add message | Reportmeditrina Sat 04-Jun-11 12:41:55I'd say \"\"Lorry\"\". Add message | Report Scrotal Pantomime Sat 04-Jun-11 12:45:42My dad is a Laurence and everyone calls him Laury, pronounced 'Lorry' I am biased obviously but I don't like the spelling Laurie for a boy, the 'ie' instead of 'y' makes it a bit too feminine, IMVHO. Add message | Reportcolditz Sat 04-Jun-11 12:46:18Lorry My grandpa's name is Laurie, it's definitely Lorry Add message | Report Evil Twins Sat 04-Jun-11 12:48:27Laurey is a female character in \"\"Oklahoma!\"\" and that's the only time I've heard it pronounced (or spelt) that way. For a boy, I'd say Lorry, spelt Laurie. Add message | Report Evil Twins Sat 04-Jun-11 12:48:54Oops - Laurey as in Lor-ee (like Laura but with an \"\"ee\"\")Add message | Report Scrotal Pantomime Sat 04-Jun-11 12:49:12 (sorry ignore the last bit as you weren't actually asking for opinions - I'll shut up now... But yeah it's definitely Lorry! )"
"docid": "D275229#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/porra/about\nPorra",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Porra Embed Porra Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Porra means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons With the Last Name Porra Regional Popularity Fun Facts What Porras Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names283 Perrie (More Popular)314 Pria (More Popular)353 Para (More Popular)355 Per (More Popular)473 Pier (More Popular)508 Parry (More Popular)608 Piero (More Popular)649 Pari (More Popular)2k Peri (More Popular)2k Perri (More Popular)18k Pierre (More Popular)78k Perry (More Popular)<100 Bebay4k Homero<100 Kiarangelix<100 Program<100 Eevaan<100 Brasil<100 Chak<100 Nicolad<100 Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<100 Clince<100 Caralho<100 Hudaifa How to Pronounce Porra Porra Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Porra? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Porra mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Porra Submit the origin and/or meaning of Porra to us below Origin of Porra Porra Means Cited Source Submit Alt. Meaning P is for patience, the best of you!O is for original, one of a kind!R is for reassuring, eliminating doubts!R is for rich, in the love from others A is for able, for you surely are. Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Porra Lauri Porra Lauri Porra is a neoclassical metal, power metal, progressive metal, avant-garde jazz, jazz fusion, and post-rock musician. He plays Bass guitar. He has had major accomplishments since 1997. Lauri was born on December 13th, 1977."
"docid": "D854714#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_(TV_series)\nHouse (TV series)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"House M. D.\"\" redirects here. For the titular character, see Gregory House. House Also known as House, M. D. Genre Medical drama Created by David Shore Starring Hugh Laurie Lisa Edelstein Omar Epps Robert Sean Leonard Jennifer Morrison Jesse Spencer Peter Jacobson Kal Penn Olivia Wilde Amber Tamblyn Odette Annable Charlyne Yi Opening theme\"\"Teardrop\"\" by Massive Attack (U. S.)\"\"House\"\" by Scott Donaldson and Richard Nolan (Europe, season 1 only)\"\"House, M. D. Main Theme\"\" by Jon Ehrlich and Leigh Roberts (International (from season 2 on), and Netflix)Composer (s)Jason Derlatka Jon Ehrlich Country of origin United States Original language (s)English No. of seasons 8No. of episodes 177 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Paul Attanasio Katie Jacobs David Shore Bryan Singer Thomas L. Moran Russel Friend Garrett Lerner Greg Yaitanes Hugh Laurie Running time 41–49 minutes [1]Production company (s)Heel and Toe Films Shore Z Productions Bad Hat Harry Productions NBC Universal Television Studio (2004–07) (seasons 1–4)Universal Media Studios (2007–11) (seasons 4–7)Universal Television (2011–12) (season 8)Distributor NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network Fox Picture format480i HDTV 720p Original release November 16, 2004 – May 21, 2012Chronology Related shows Nurse Jeffrey [2]Dr. Richter [3]External links Website House (also called House, M. D.) is an American television medical drama that originally ran on the Fox network for eight seasons, from November 16, 2004 to May 21, 2012. The series' main character is Dr. Gregory House ( Hugh Laurie ), an unconventional, misanthropic medical genius who, despite his dependence on pain medication, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (PPTH) in New Jersey. The series' premise originated with Paul Attanasio, while David Shore, who is credited as creator, was primarily responsible for the conception of the title character. The series' executive producers included Shore, Attanasio, Attanasio's business partner Katie Jacobs, and film director Bryan Singer. It was filmed largely in a neighborhood and business district in Los Angeles County's Westside called Century City."
"docid": "D2951829#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Laureen\nâLaureen",
"text": "\"Home > Laureen♀Laureen What does Laureen mean? L aureen as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and Laureen means \"\"the bay, or laurel plant\"\". Laureen is a version of Laura (Latin). ASSOCIATED WITH Lau-, -een, bay (tree)Variations VARIANTS Lorine ▼, Lorene ▼, Loren ▼, Loreen, Laurine, Laurianne, Lauriane, Laurene, Lauren ▼, Lauraine RELATIONS VIA LAURA Larea, Lauralee, Laurana, Laure, Laurel, Laurella, Laurena, Laurence, Lauretha, Lauretta ▼, Laurette, Lauri ▼, Laurice, Laurie ▼, Laurina, Laurita, Laurnea, Loree CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Laureen Marley (L. M.), .. How popular is Laureen? Laureen is a very prominent first name for women (#1484 out of 4276, Top 35%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS)Laureen entered the list in 1930-1939 and reached its apex position of #616 in the U. S. in the 1950s, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. ( 2015 BIRTH STATISTICS)Which version is better? Lauren (#119 VIA LATEST LIST), Laura (#322), Laurel (#772), Loren (#1891), Laurine, Laurie, Loree, Laurice, Lorene, Lorine, Loreen, Lauretta, Laure, Lauralee, Laurena, Laurence, Laurette, Laurene and Lauri are the popular variation forms of Laureen rated in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Laureen was common in 1990 (AVERAGE #1586) and has become much diminished since (#1755, 89% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Laura becoming somewhat outmoded. Similar Names Laureen is pronounced similarly to Laraene, Lareine, Laren, Larren, Larryn, Larrynn, Laryn, Laurenne, Laurin, Lauryn ▼, Laurynn, Loreene, Lorenn, Lorren and Lowrenn."
"docid": "D1416074#0",
"title": "http://halloweenmovie.wikia.com/wiki/Michael_Myers\nMichael Myers",
"text": "\"Overview H20 Timeline4-6 Timeline2007 Remake Timeline Final Timeline Gallery Character Name: Michael Audrey Myers Known aliases: The Shape, The Boogeyman, Evil on Two Legs Gender: Male Location: Haddonfield, Illinois Known Relatives: Donald Myers (father;deceased)Edith Myers (mother;deceased)Judith Myers (older sister;deceased)Laurie Strode (younger sister;deceased) 4-6 Timeline Jamie Lloyd (niece;deceased)Steven Lloyd (great-nephew/possible biological son)Halloween Novel (1979) Maternal grandmother (exclusive character of the novel) Maternal great grandfather (exclusive character of the novel) H20 Timeline John Tate (nephew)2007 Remake Timeline Deborah Myers (mother)Judith Myers (older sister) Angel Myers (younger sister) Mr. Myers (father;deceased)Birth: October 19, 1957 (aged 21)Portrayed By: Nick Castle, Tony Moran , Tommy Lee Wallace, Jim Winburn, John Carpenter (adult), Debra Hill & Will Sandin (child) [1]Dick Warlock & Adam Gunn (child) [2]George P. Wilbur, Tom Morga (adult) & Erik Preston (child) [3]Don Shanks [4]George P. Wilbur & A. Michael Lerner [5]Chris Durand [6]Brad Loree [7]Tyler Mane & Daeg Faerch (child) [8]Chase Wright Vanek (child) [9]First Appearance: Halloween\"\" I met him fifteen years ago, I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this...six year old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and...the blackest eyes - the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply...evil. \"\"― Sam Loomis [src]Michael Myers is the central character and the main antagonist of the Halloween franchise. As a six-year-old child, Michael was admitted into a psychiatric hospital for murdering his older sister, Judith Myers . After nearly 15 years of captivity, Myers broke out of the asylum and, for 23 years, hunts down the rest of his family to kill them. Although the 4-6 Timeline and the H20 Timeline both follow the events of Halloween I and II, these killings occur at completely different dates. The 2007 remake reboots the series continuity altogether, starting the timeline afresh. For the corresponding incarnation of Michael, see the \"\"2007 Remake Timeline\"\" above. Contents [ show]Biography Edit The following information is canonical to both the 4 - 6 and H20 timelines."
"docid": "D1835713#0",
"title": "http://reign.wikia.com/wiki/Spoilers\nSpoilers",
"text": "\"\"\"Spoilers! Spoilers Ahead! \"\" This article has major spoilers on it! * WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD *Spoilers - Season One Spoilers - Season Two Spoilers - Season Three Spoilers - Season Four *Season 3 [ show]SPOILERS AHEAD WARNING: Major and Minor Spoilers Ahead! ! This is your last warning Royals!New Characters Alexandra played by Sarah Claire Alan has been confirmed via Twitter. [ 7]Lady Constance (Jordan Monaghan) Knows the power her charm, and immediately catch S the eye of Charles. [ 8]William Cecil ( Tom Everett Scott) A trusted advisor to the English Queen. [ 9]Lady Donatella ( Cristina Rosato) - She works for Queen Elizabeth of England. [ 10]Don Carlos ( Ben Geurens) - Spain’s sexy and charming prince. With aspirations to be king (a good one) and very specific sexual taste, Don Carlos will prove a point of intrigue and desire for the royals. ["
"docid": "D3458081#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Leroy\nLeroy - Meaning of Leroy",
"text": "\"What does Leroy mean? Pronounce Leroy [ 2 syll. le - roy, ler - oy ] The baby boy name Leroy is pronounced as L IY -R-oy †. Leroy is used chiefly in English and it is derived from French origins. The meaning of Leroy is the king. It is derived from the word 'roi' which is of the meaning king. The name was initially used as a byname, possibly for servants of royalty. The name was adopted by English speakers in the 19th century, starting from the USA; it is today common among Afro-Americans. Leroy has 14 variants. Variants of Leroy include Delroy, Elroi, Elroy, Learoi, Learoy, Lee Roy, Leeroi, Leeroy, Le Roi, Le Roy, Lerai, and Leroi. Other English variants include the familiar forms Lee and Roy (also used in Dutch)."
"docid": "D2157024#0",
"title": "https://themeaningofthename.com/laurie/\nLaurie",
"text": "Laurie Name: Laurie Gender: Unisex (Male and Female)Usage: Laurie, of latin origin, is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. People having the name Laurie are in general originating from Belgium, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America. Variants: For another variant of the name Laurie across the world, see Laura. Name Meaning of Laurie Meaning: Laurel, Crowned with laurels Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. N. B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. Name Compatibility Test To test the compatibility of this name with another, enter a name and click Calculate Numerology Interpretation The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 3. Interpretation: Qualities: Creative, Light-Hearted Ruling planet: Jupiter Colors: Purple, Lilac, Mauve Gemstones: Amethyst Learn more with our free Numerology Tool Popularity of the Name The name Laurie is ranked on the 484th position of the most used names. It means that this name is very frequently used."
"docid": "D2369946#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_American_Graffiti\nMore American Graffiti",
"text": "\"More American Graffiti Theatrical release poster by William Stout Directed by Bill L. Norton Produced by Howard Kazanjian Written by Bill L. Norton Based on Characters by George Lucas Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck Starring Candy Clark Bo Hopkins Ron Howard Paul Le Mat Mackenzie Phillips Charles Martin Smith Cindy Williams Cinematography Caleb Deschanel Edited by Tina Hirsch Production company Lucasfilm Ltd. Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date August 3, 1979Running time 110 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million [1] or $2.5 million [2]Box office $8–15 million (US) [1] [3]More American Graffiti is a 1979 American coming-of-age comedy film written and directed by Bill L. Norton. It is the sequel to the 1973 film American Graffiti. Whereas the first film followed a group of friends during the summer evening before they set off for college, this film shows where they end up a few years later. Most of the main cast members from the first film returned for the sequel, including Candy Clark, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Cindy Williams, Mackenzie Phillips, Charles Martin Smith, Bo Hopkins, and Harrison Ford. Richard Dreyfuss was the only principal cast member from the original film not to appear in the sequel. It was the final live-action theatrical film in which Ron Howard would play a credited, named character. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Cast3 Production3.1 Development4 Soundtrack5 Reception5.1 Box office5.2 Critical reception6 References7 External links Plot [ edit]The film, set over the course of four consecutive New Year's Eves from 1964 to 1967, depicts scenes from each of these years, intertwined with one another as though events happen simultaneously. The audience is protected from confusion by the use of a distinct cinematic style for each section. For example, the 1966 sequences echo the movie of Woodstock using split screens and multiple angles of the same event simultaneously on screen, the 1965 sequences (set in Vietnam) shot hand-held on grainy super 16 mm film designed to resemble war reporters' footage. The film attempts to memorialize the 1960s with sequences that recreate the sense and style of those days with references to Haight-Ashbury, the campus peace movement, the beginnings of the modern woman's liberation movement and the accompanying social revolt."
"docid": "D277601#0",
"title": "http://www.joegerstandt.com/2011/03/what-does-diversity-mean/\nWhat does diversity mean to you?",
"text": "What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity.-Chip and Dan Heath I was recently having a conversation about my work, and the senior leader that I was talking with took issue with the way in which I was using the words diversity and inclusion. I was accused of watering down diversity and doing kumbaya, feel-good presentations on diversity that failed to tackle the stuff that really matters. A core component of my work is about helping to bring clarity and consistency to the language and logic that we use in diversity and inclusion work. I always spend some of my time with groups talking about what diversity means, what the key characteristics of diversity are and doing the same thing with inclusion. I see this as incredibly important because every time I go into an organization and ask employees and leaders what diversity and inclusion are and why they matter to their organization, I hear a bunch of different stuff that does not usually even make a lot of sense. No consistency. No clarity. We might be using the same words (diversity and inclusion) but we are actually all talking about something different…I think it is very difficult to have well informed and actionable conversations when there is no common language in place. From my perspective…Diversity means difference and inclusion means our ability to include difference. Some folks think that I am trying to take attention away from issues related to race and / or gender with this definition."
"docid": "D787208#0",
"title": "https://www.cfr.org/event/biotechnology-potential-and-perils-innovation\nBiotechnology: The Potential and Perils of Innovation",
"text": "More on: Global Biotechnology Speakers Laurie Garrett Senior Fellow for Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations Drew Endy Associate Professor of Bioengineering, Stanford University (via videoconference)Julie Gerberding Executive Vice President, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy, and Population Health, Merck & Co., Inc.from Emerging Technology In conversation with Rodney W. Nichols, Consultant on Science and Technology Policy, Drew Endy, Associate Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University, Laurie Garrett, CFR Senior Fellow for Global Health, and Julie Gerberding, Executive Vice President, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, Merck & Co, Inc. discuss the latest developments in synthetic biology and biotechnology, their implications for U. S. national security over the next decade, and the policy prescriptions they have going forward. The Emerging Technology series explores the science behind innovative new technologies and the effects they will have on U. S. foreign policy, international relations, and the global economy. NICHOLS: This is part of the Emerging Technology Series at the Council on Foreign Relations, and today’s topic is “Biotechnology: Potential and Perils of Innovation.” My name is Rod Nichols, and I’m honored to be presiding today. You’re in for a treat. Those of you wanted an intellectual treat, you’re in for a treat because it’s a brilliant panel. They’re both deep and broad, which is not often the case in these kinds of topics. And the topic is hot in science and engineering circles in our country and around the world, for national policies and priorities around the world. One of the technologies that will be discussed by some of my more knowledgeable colleagues, CRISPR, was named “Breakthrough of the Year” last year by a major scientific society. So my job is, first, the plan for the meeting is I will introduce the speakers very briefly."
] |
238 | +what is a compliment? of an angle | [
"docid": "D740697#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_angle_is_its_own_complement\nComplement of an angle?",
"text": "Mar339 196 Contributions Complement of an angle? The angle or arc that when added to a given angle or arc equals a right angle in measure That is, for any angle x less than 90º, the complement of x º = (90 - x ) …Eric Barnes 486,056 Contributions What is the complement of an angle?90 minus the angle. Aziz Kickback 4 Contributions What is a complement of an angle and how do you get it?angles are complementary if they equal 90 degrees when added. if you have one angle that's 40 degrees, then the compliment of it is and angle of 50 degrees. the way you can fi …P Torquemada 54,812 Contributions Polymer/Physical/Computational Chemist What is the complement of a 67 degree angle?23 degrees. Vinginge 3,194 Contributions What is the complement of a 33 degree angle? Complementary angles add up to 90°. The complementary angle of 33° is therefore 90 - 33 = 57°. Chastemir jalah 1,012 Contributions What is the complement of an 88 degree angle? This would be a angle of 92 degrees."
] | [
"docid": "D934082#0",
"title": "https://www.testprepreview.com/chst_exam.htm\nFree CHST Practice Test",
"text": "Free CHST Practice Test The Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) Exam is a certification examination written by the Council on Certification of Health, Environmental, and Safety Technologists (CCHEST) and administered by Pearson VUE that is designed to determine if an individual has the knowledge necessary to work as a health and safety specialist in a construction setting. CHST Exam Study Guide with Practice Questions This exam assesses the individual's understanding of managing a construction site, training individuals in OSHA regulations, maintaining a safe work environment through worksite audits, and ethical and legal concerns involved with the health and safety of workers at a worksite. This certification is not required in order to work as a health and safety specialist, but it can be an extremely effective resume-builder for individuals seeking careers in construction health and safety or individuals seeking advancement in a construction-related career. The exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions that are related to the following four areas: Program Management (Approximately 58 questions)Worksite Auditing (Approximately 80 questions)Training (Approximately 54 questions)Professional Responsibility (Approximately 8 questions)The exam-taker will have four hours to complete the exam and the exam-taker will receive a pass/fail grade based on whether or not he or she makes enough correct responses to meet or exceed the threshold set by the CCHEST. The exact number of correct responses required to pass the exam varies depending on the specific version of the exam that the individual receives and the difficulty of each question included on that version of the exam. In order to register for the CHST Exam, the individual seeking certification must have a high school diploma and must be an OSHA authorized instructor or have 40 hours of classroom training related to construction health and safety or three years of construction experience. The individual will also be eligible to take the exam without meeting these requirements if the individual has an associate's degree or higher related to a health and safety field or has completed 9 semester hours of college courses related to a health and safety field. If the individual meets one of these requirements and has at least one year of work experience in a construction work environment, he or she may register for the exam by submitting an application to CCHEST and, if the application is accepted, he or she will receive instructions on how to schedule a testing date with Pearson VUE. The current registration fee for the exam is $355, which includes both the application fee and the examination fee. CHST Study Guide Explore our free CHST review provided by Mometrix."
"docid": "D1913264#0",
"title": "http://www.planitdiy.com/inspiration/in-color-trends/paint-vent-covers-to-compliment-your-decor/\nPaint Vent Covers to Compliment Your Decor",
"text": "Inspiration > Color Trends Paint Vent Covers to Compliment Your Decor Posted by: Cassy Simon August 14th, 2013I was recently at my pal Carmen’s place, and I loved what she and her fiancé, Lance, had done with their vents in the basement. They painted their air vent covers using the same red accent color they used to compliment the rest of the room decor. Red was used in small doses scattered over the room. The walls are a medium gray, and I was so impressed with how they painted the vent covers red, drawing out what usually we want hidden. I left inspired. I have always hated the stark white vent on my bold blue wall. With the ceiling being copper now, having a white vent is inexcusable. But since it’s so bold, what would another accent color do? The doors and my dresser are bright green, but I don’t need more of it, and not in a small dose. It would not accomplish the same thing that Carmen achieved."
"docid": "D579035#0",
"title": "http://www.homedepot.com/p/TruAire-18-in-x-10-in-Fixed-Bar-Return-Air-Grille-White-H270-18X10/202543588\n18 in. x 10 in. Fixed Bar Return Air Grille, White",
"text": "Model # H270 18X10Internet # 202543588Store SKU # 452492share Share save to list Save to List print Print Tru Aire18 in. x 10 in. Fixed Bar Return Air Grille, White$ 25 00 /each Overview The H270 18X10 is 18 in. x 10 in. fixed bar air grille used for sidewall or ceiling openings. Our product is constructed to ensure maximum airflow and compliment your home decor. Using our fixed bar return air grille to outfit your ventilation system will improve your home air circulation. ... See Full Descriptionstore icon Loading Buying Options...package icon Loading Buying Options... Sorry, but we ran into issues loading these options. Please try refreshing. Product Overview The H270 18X10 is 18 in."
"docid": "D267809#0",
"title": "http://www.mathopenref.com/anglesupplementary.html\n.",
"text": "\"Supplementary Angles From Latin: supplementum - \"\"something added to supply a deficiency\"\"Definition: Two angles that add up to 180°Try this Drag an orange dot. The two angles will change so that they always add to 180°Hide details Full screen Print RESETClose X125 ° + 55 ° = 180 °In the figure above, the two angles ∠ PQR and ∠ JKL are supplementary because they always add to 180°Often the two angles are adjacent, in which case they form a linear pair like this: Similar in concept are complementary angles, which add up to 90°. A way to remember Sometimes it's hard to remember which is which between supplementary (adds to 180°) and complementary (adds to 90°). Here are two memory aids: The phrase \"\"it's right to give compliments\"\" A right angle is 90 degrees and, yes, 'compliment' and 'complement' are not the same word, but it's a way to remember which is which. Put a vertical line on the right of the letter 'c' in 'complementary' to make into a '9'. Complementary angles add to 90. Other angle topics General Angle definition Degrees Radians Angle bisector Subtended angle Interior of an angle Included angle Angle Types Acute angle Right angle Obtuse angles Straight angle Reflex angle Full angle Angle relationships Vertical angles Complementary angles Supplementary angles Linear pair Adjacent angles Corresponding angles Alternate interior angles Alternate exterior angles Interior angles of a transversal Exterior angles of a transversal (C) 2011 Copyright Math Open Reference. All rights reserved \""
"docid": "D1695283#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Hampton-Bay-Altura-Rubbed-Ceiling/product-reviews/B0026T5PDU\n\"Hampton Bay Altura 68\"\" Oil Rubbed Bronze Ceiling Fan\"",
"text": "\"Top positive review See all 15 positive reviews ›3 people found this helpful5.0 out of 5 stars I'm a huge fan of this fan. By onacliff on July 19, 2014This fan is the best! We got two for our great room and loved them so much that we bought one for our lake house. It's quote large and just gorgeous in a rustic way. It has a remote which is handy. It puts out a good amount of air. We usually keep it on the lowest setting and have used the middle speed some but haven't needed the highest speed at all yet. We receive compliments on it often it's almost like having a gorgeous pice of wooden furniture as a fixture. Love it!Top critical review See all 14 critical reviews ›9 people found this helpful1.0 out of 5 stars Sucked it up and paid the extra cash By Wade Beard on January 7, 2017Arrived DOA. After doing some testing with electronic equipment found the remote receiver was burned up."
"docid": "D2265540#0",
"title": "http://www.sagecraft.com/puppetry/definitions/shadow.html\n.",
"text": "\"Shadow Puppets: Designing, Building, and Performing by Bill Woodburn Random Acts Puppet Theater Unlike other types of puppets, the shadow puppet itself is never seen in performance, only the effect it creates. The performing shadow puppet is not just a single object of wood or cardboard, but a collection of things working together. However clever or beautiful the puppet shape, it's the puppet's combination with light and a screen that makes its magical effect. In this article, I'll share what I've learned about the three parts of the shadow puppet effect - Light, Puppet Shape, and the Screen. All the ideas in these articles are workable to create a shadow puppet show, but please remember that no one person can try everything. There are still possibilities out there I haven't even imagined yet. THE PUPPET SHAPEShadow puppet shapes are made to block some or all of the light and cast a shadow. If you are trying for crisp edges on your shadows, it's important to keep the material thin. Anything can be used, but I use thin black posterboard. It's hard to find quality posterboard since most is produced for quick, disposable school projects."
"docid": "D9295#0",
"title": "http://www.golfmagic.com/news/equipment-news/wedges-10-things-to-know/4384\nWedges: 10 things to know",
"text": "\"Wedges: 10 things to know From lofts and gapping to bounce and grind, there is much to learn about wedges Submitted by Andy Roberts on Fri, 12/05/2017 - 08:290Getty Images-827335916.jpg Golf wedges are not only the sexiest clubs, they are the most important. With the short game accounting for more than 50% of shots you play in a round, improving your wedge play is the first step to shooting a lower score. Golf chipping tips - how to improve your short game | Golf Magic.com Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:36Acting as the goalkeepers of our game by saving us shots from both turf and sand, golf wedges come in all different lofts, finishes, bounce and grinds to help us get closer to the pin from anywhere inside of 125 yards. Let's take a closer look...289425_2.jpg#1 - LOFTSWedges have the highest lofts of any club. Loft is the angle at which the club face lies relative to the shaft. Golf wedges can have as little as 45 degrees of loft (e.g. a pitching wedge) and as much as 64 degrees (e.g a lob wedge).#2 - PITCHING WEDGEThe pitching wedge (PW) - the next most lofted club after the nine iron - will usually come with any set of irons you purchase. The loft of the pitching wedge is typically between 45 and 48 degrees and it is mainly used for shots outside of 100 yards – the average club golfer hits a pitching wedge around 105 yards, while the Tour professional carries it around 125 yards. It is the most versatile of all the wedges because it can be used for hitting \"\"full out\"\" shots or \"\"chip-and-runs\"\" around the green. Getty Images-839874702.jpg#3 - SAND WEDGEThe sand wedge (SW) typically carries a loft between 54 and 58 degrees, and as its name suggests, is mainly used for bunker play."
"docid": "D740698#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070123022345AANCFl4\nWhat is a complement of an angle?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Homework Help What is a complement of an angle?my homework says \"\" the complement of an angle measures 39 degrees. What is the measure of the angle? Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The angle necessary to reach a 90° when added to the first, necessarily acute angle. In your case, the base angle would be 51 degrees.ongnoai · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment In geometry, when the total of the measures of two angles equals 90*, then they are called 'complementary angles', and each angle is called the complement of the other. If the total of the measures of two angles equals 180*, then the angles are said to be 'supplementary angles', and each angle is called the supplement of the other. In your example, the required angle would be 90* less 39* and so the measure of the required angle would be 51*.greenhorn · 1 decade ago0 0 Commenti agree with ongnoai. complement angle = 90 degrees supplement angle = 180 degrees the answer to your problem is 51. 51+39=90 90=90go~ness! · 1 decade ago1 0 Commentthe angle's compliment is 141 degrees..to get the compliment of an angle subtract the degrees from 180. B-Rabbit · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these?"
"docid": "D2920899#0",
"title": "http://www.yelp.com/biz/pods-compton\nPODS",
"text": "\"Recommended Reviews for PODSYour trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more.×Sort by Yelp Sort Language English (182)Start your review of PODS . John K. Lakewood, CA0 friends12 reviews Share review Embed review Compliment Send message Follow John K.3/22/2018Lousy customer service I used this service to store household goods at my home while having the floors resurfaced. I called to set up a delivery date a size of pod about a week off. I believed i scheduled a pickup date 4 weeks after delivery. Delivery was on time and he placed the unit where I wanted it. I might add there is a $85 fee for delivery and $97 for pickup. I looked up online for my pickup date just before its due to find out one wasn't scheduled. When I tried to schedule a pickup date the web page shows only dates well out of a month rental period. I assume this means pods will get another month's rent, so I call them."
"docid": "D2562630#0",
"title": "http://www.mathopenref.com/anglecomplementary.html\nComplementary Angles",
"text": "\"Complementary Angles Definition: Two angles that add up to 90°Try this Drag an orange dot. The two angles will change so that they always add to 90°Hide details Full screen Print RESETClose X35 ° + 55 ° = 90 ° In the figure above, the two angles ∠ PQR and ∠ JKL are complementary because they always add to 90° Often the two angles are adjacent, in which case they form a right angle. In a right triangle, the two smaller angles are always complementary. ( Why? - one angle is 90° and all three add up to 180°. Therefore the two smaller ones must add to 90° and so are complementary by definition). See the page on right triangles and convince yourself that this is true. Similar in concept are supplementary angles, which add up to 180°. A way to remember Sometimes it's hard to remember which is which between supplementary (adds to 180°) and complementary (adds to 90°). Here are two memory aids: The phrase \"\"it's right to give compliments\"\" A right angle is 90 degrees and, yes, 'compliment' and 'complement' are not the same word, but it's a way to remember which is which."
"docid": "D845463#0",
"title": "http://www.cameradebate.com/2014/best-selfie-digital-cameras-2014/\nBest Selfie Digital Cameras 2014",
"text": "Best Selfie Digital Cameras 2014June 2, 2014In this article I want to help you find out which camera is perfect for slefie shooting. Smartphone camera won’t be included here, only conventional digital cameras. As the selfie shooting (self-portrait or group shots) get more and more popular everyday, camera manufacturer find the urge to update their new models with features that will make it easier to shoot selfies. If it’s so easy to do with a smartphone camera, because a phone camera has a front camera and a large display to view yourself, their shouldn’t be a problem to make some tweaking to make it work with digital cameras. Here’s a list, which is in my opinion, included the most interesting cameras that make it easy to shoot selfies. I will also add my personal recommendation, and see if we can find out which is the best selfie digital camera. Samsung NX Mini for Selfies The Samsung NX mini is an interchangeable lens mirrorless camera. It might not appeal to people that aren’t into a camera that lacks a fixed lens. Having said that, the NX mini does have some interesting features that makes the NX mini perfect for shooting selfies. This includes a large 3-inch Flip up screen."
"docid": "D2979600#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080111172944AABtXSk\nAngle A is 72 degrees. Find the supplement of angle A.?",
"text": "Education & Reference Homework Help Angle A is 72 degrees. Find the supplement of angle A.? I am still confused and I am not asking for the answer, just some guidance on how to find it. Thank you!Follow 17 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees exactly. To find the supplement of an angle, subtract the current angle from 180. The remaining number is the remaining degrees in the other angle. You will get 118 degrees, which is your supplement. In case you were wondering, a set of complementary angles are two that add up to 90 degrees. :) :) p Ea Ce : PMatsumoto · 1 decade ago1 3 Comment To find the supplement of an angle you must take the angle measurement and subtract it from 180 degrees. For your question you have 72 degrees as your initial angle, now you have to subtract this from 180."
"docid": "D931414#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/Angle\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (3.00 / 4 votes)Rate this definition:angle (noun)the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radiansslant, angle (noun)a biased way of looking at or presenting something Angle (verb)a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxonsangle (verb)move or proceed at an angle\"\"he angled his way into the room\"\"lean, tilt, tip, slant, angle (verb)to incline or bend from a vertical position\"\"She leaned over the banister\"\"fish, angle (verb)seek indirectly\"\"fish for compliments\"\"angle (verb)fish with a hookslant, angle, weight (verb)present with a bias\"\"He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders\"\"Wiktionary (1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Angle (Noun)A member of a Germanic tribe first mentioned by Tacitus, one of several which invaded Britain and merged to become the Anglo-Saxons. Origin: Mostly derived from the toponym Angle, from *anguz \"\"narrow, tight; tapering, angular\"\", either indicating the \"\"narrow\"\" water (i.e. the Schlei estuary), or the \"\"angular\"\" shape of the peninsula. Webster Dictionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Angle (noun)the inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a corner; a nook Angle (noun)the figure made by. two lines which meet Angle (noun)the difference of direction of two lines. In the lines meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle Angle (noun)a projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment Angle (noun)a name given to four of the twelve astrological \"\"houses. \"\" Angle (noun)a fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod Angle (verb)to fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line Angle (verb)to use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise Angle (verb)to try to gain by some insinuating artifice; to allure Origin: [F. angle, L. angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. ' agky`los bent, crooked, angular, 'a`gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook, G. angel, and F. anchor. ] Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Angle In geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Angles are usually presumed to be in a Euclidean plane or in the Euclidean space, but are also defined in non-Euclidean geometries."
"docid": "D462849#0",
"title": "https://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/17595/what-mm-lens-for-distance-shots\nWhat mm lens for distance shots?",
"text": "\"_Photography Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional, enthusiast and amateur photographers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What mm lens for distance shots?up vote4down votefavorite2If I am looking to take landscape and wildlife shots and some of those shots being from a decent distance what mm lens would I need? I am not sure what else I should be adding here, I am just looking for decent quality above all else.lens focal-length landscape wildlifeshare improve this questionedited Dec 2 '11 at 4:03mattdm108k 37 312 598asked Dec 1 '11 at 23:15L842,068 7 38 644Also see What is focal length and how does it affect my photos? for answers about what exactly those mm s mean. – mattdm Dec 2 '11 at 0:21add a comment3 Answers active oldest votesup vote11down voteaccepted The mm of a lens is the focal length. To take close-up shots of things far away, you need a \"\"long\"\" focal length, which means high mm. An entry or mid-level Canon camera has an \"\"APS-C\"\" sized sensor. The sensor size is really what determines what the meaning of the focal length is — focal length and sensor size together give you angle of view. ( See my visual exercise for understanding that . ) To get another visual idea of what all this means, look at the answers to How can I visualize or simulate the effect of different focal lengths?,"
"docid": "D1049026#0",
"title": "http://earthsky.org/earth/can-you-explain-why-earth-has-four-seasons\nWhy Earth has 4 seasons",
"text": "Why Earth has 4 seasons By Deanna Conners in Earth | September 20, 2016Some assume our planet’s changing distance from the sun causes the change in the seasons. That’s logical, but not the case, for Earth. Photo via Manish Mamtani Photography2016’s September equinox happens September 22: Everything you need to know. Nearly everyone enjoys the change of seasons on Earth – from winter to spring, from summer to fall. But why do our seasons change? Some assume our planet’s changing distance from the sun causes the change in the seasons. That’s logical, but not the case, for Earth. Instead, Earth has seasons because our planet’s axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees relative to our orbital plane – the plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun. The tilt in the axis of the Earth is called its obliquity by scientists. Autumn in New Jersey’s Pinelands, by our friend Jeanette York."
"docid": "D3231666#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/angle\nangle",
"text": "\"1anglenoun an·gle \\ ˈaŋ-gəl \\Popularity: Bottom 50% of words | Updated on: 11 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: angle in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of angle1: a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space They sheltered in an angle of the building.2 a: the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point; also: dihedral angleb: a measure of an angle or of the amount of turning necessary to bring one line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another3 a: the direction from which someone or something is approachedsoldiers being attacked from every anglea football player trying to get an angle on an opponent [=approach an opponent from an effective angle]b: the precise viewpoint from which something is observed or considereda camera angleconsider the question from all angles; also: the aspect seen from such an anglediscuss all angles of the questionc ( 1): a special approach, point of attack, or technique for accomplishing an objectivetry a new angle ( 2): an often improper or illicit method of obtaining advantagea salesman always looking for an angle4: a sharply divergent course The road went off at an angle.—angledplay \\ -gəld \\ adjective See angle defined for English-language learners See angle defined for kids Examples of angle in a Sentence The lines are at sharp angles to each other. Critics love the clever camera angles the director used in the film. She took pictures of the same scene from several different angles. The soldiers were being attacked from every angle. We need to approach the problem from a new angle. They considered the question from all angles. The reporter tried to work that angle into his story. Recent Examples of angle from the Web Authorities pulled the Hart's SUV from the rocks on Monday and the highway patrol's Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Team is now working the case from a number of angles.— kale williams, Oregon Live.com, \"\"Mystery only deepens of what led to crash, disappearance of Devonte Hart and family,\"\" 30 Mar. 2018And wearables are starting to measure some useful stride parameters: Lumo Run, for example, offers a real-time estimate of hip-drop angle.—"
"docid": "D865231#0",
"title": "https://www.tgw.com/golf-wedges-buying-guide\nGolf Wedge Buying Guide",
"text": "\"Golf Wedge Buying Guide How To Choose The Right Wedge Although \"\"grip it and rip it\"\" is a common saying on the tee box, wedge play requires a certain touch and practiced accuracy if you want to land the ball close to the pin for an easy putt. When watching the pros on the driving range, you'll notice a lot more wedges than drivers, and improving your short game is the first step to a lower score. This buyer's guide for wedges will cover the four main points of purchasing new and used wedges. The Four Types Of Wedges Lofting & Gapping Bounce Grooves In a round of golf, the shots inside 100 yards could easily account for 65% of your score. The Four Types Of Wedges The gap wedge, sand wedge and lob wedge form the different categories of wedges. The most commonly used wedge, the pitching wedge, is often included in the sale of a typical set of irons while the other three types of wedges are usually sold separately. Pitching Wedge / Loft Range: 44° to 49°Golf Wedges Typically sold in a set of irons, the pitching wedge is designed to get under the ball on contact to send the ball high in the air. Pitching wedges range between 44° and 49°, and when the average player strikes the ball properly it can travel between 110 and 125 yards. Before advancing your game with the three other wedges, it's important to learn how to use the pitching wedge first. Gap Wedge / Loft Range: 50° to 54°Golf Wedges Rather than lightly swinging a pitching wedge or over-swinging a sand wedge, the gap wedge covers the difference in degrees and distance between those two."
"docid": "D2514239#0",
"title": "https://www.yelp.com/biz/michael-hsu-photography-santa-ana\nMichael Hsu Photography",
"text": "\"Recommended Reviews for Michael Hsu Photography Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more. ×Sort by Yelp Sort Language English (19)Start your review of Michael Hsu Photography . Eric H. Placentia, CA0 friends7 reviews Share review Embed review Compliment Send message Follow Eric H.4/3/2015I had Michael over to take real estate pictures of my house. Michael did an amazing job, and because of the pictures, my house sold for top dollar in 5 days. Michael was very professional and went out of his way to make sure we had the best possible photos of the house. Michael is motivated to take the best possible photos, and also asking for feedback on what pictures the client wants. I would highly recommend Michael and will use him again in the future for any additional professional picture needs. Once you see his pictures and the quality he puts into his work, you will not be disappointed.1 person voted for this review Useful Funny Cool 1Sadia C. Fountain Valley, CA296 friends321 reviews100 photos Share review Embed review Compliment Send message Follow Sadia C.2/3/2015I don't know what I liked better, the photography, the prices or Michael himself! My fiancée and I hired Michael for our engagement party and later, for my brothers wedding events and he did such a fantastic job with each and every photo."
"docid": "D803462#0",
"title": "https://munroemichelle.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/wallowing-in-complexity/\nWallowing in Complexity",
"text": "RSS← Rhetorical Appeals and Rhetorical Concepts Crime and Punishment? →Wallowing in Complexity23 Jan For some strange reason, whenever I hear the word “wallowing,” an image of an elephant playfully rolling around in a huge puddle of mud comes to mind. My over active imagination often flashes back and forth between the visual of a real elephant and the lovable Disney character Dumbo- but in my case, Dumbo is some how a blue elephant. Now, I am not telling you this as a silent cry for help, nor did I share this visual with my students, but I did think it was important to do an entire class on “wallowing in complexity,” and figuring out what this meant for college writing. For me, the visual I have in my head of a happy, little blue elephant wallowing in mud, is logically tied to childhood encounters of Discovery channel shows on the elephants in Africa,splashing and playing in mud on hot days to lubricate and soothe their skins. In writing, when we allow ourselves to wallow, like the elephants we are momentarily allowing ourselves to self indulge. By wallowing in complexity, we allow ourselves to: 1. Pose problematic questions- questions that interest is as writers and as readers 2. To analyze a problem from all angles- not just right or wrong 3. To compare all the things we discover 4."
"docid": "D2891302#0",
"title": "https://www.wired.com/2010/08/the-never-ending-stories-inceptions-penrose-staircase/\nThe Never-Ending Stories: Inception 's Penrose Staircase",
"text": "Eric Harshbarger 08.19.10 11:10 am The Never-Ending Stories: Inception 's Penrose Staircase Still from Inception, courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Christopher Nolan's film Inception features a classic optical illusion called the Penrose staircase, which folds back upon itself in space. World-renowned puzzlemaker and LEGO constructor Eric Harshbargertakes us for a walk on the stairs. The popular film Inception provides its viewers with many twists and turns in both storytelling and visuals. From dreams within dreams and mirror-induced Droste effects to mazes and cityscapes that fold upon themselves, the movie keeps the audience engaged and continuously looking for more. With so much going on (and so much left unanswered), it is understandable that some of the details might slip by the moviegoer. One such detail is an optical illusion that is brought to the screen in the form of an ever-ascending staircase. It is introduced by Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) to Ariadne (Ellen Page) as a way to construct a never-ending dreamscape within an otherwise finite world. The moment plays out quickly, and, as with many of director Christopher Nolan's scenes, it is assumed that the audience will keep up. If it was not clear what exactly was going on, then allow me to re-introduce you to the notion of the Penrose Staircase. The illusion takes its name from a father and son duo of mathematicians, Lionel and Roger Penrose, who introduced the impossible object in a 1958 paper."
] |
245 | +what is a minet | [
"docid": "D2862833#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/minet\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does minet mean? Definitions for minet Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word minet. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Mi NETMi NET is a stimulus protocol that carries keystroke information from a telephone set to a call control server. It can also be used to carry information to the set for the control of simple text displays. Mitel Corporation designed it in the 1980s as a signaling protocol for its proprietary digital TDM telephone sets. Later it was used to control Mitel IP sets by being encapsulated within TCP. Mitel uses it as an alternative to the functional protocol SIP to maintain the practical life of its PBX call control software. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of minet in Chaldean Numerology is: 1Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of minet in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7Images & Illustrations of minet Translations for minet From our Multilingual Translation Dictionaryمينة Arabicminet Greek Minet Frenchminet Italianמנטה Hebrewminet Latinminet Norwegianminet Portuguese Minet Romanianминьет Russianminet Turkishминьет Ukrainian Get even more translations for minet »Translation Find a translation for the minet definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these minet definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"minet.\"\" Definitions.net."
] | [
"docid": "D1220565#0",
"title": "http://mmbr.asm.org/content/66/2/155.full\nCytokinesis in Eukaryotes",
"text": "American Society for Microbiology Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Skip to main page content Home Current Issue Archive Alerts About ASM Contact us Tech Support Journals. ASM .orgkeywords GOAdvanced »User Name Password Sign In Cytokinesis in Eukaryotes David A. Guertin, Susanne Trautmann, and Dannel Mc Collum *+ Author Affiliations Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605+ Navigate This Article Next Section SUMMARYCytokinesis is the final event of the cell division cycle, and its completion results in irreversible partition of a mother cell into two daughter cells. Cytokinesis was one of the first cell cycle events observed by simple cell biological techniques; however, molecular characterization of cytokinesis has been slowed by its particular resistance to in vitro biochemical approaches. In recent years, the use of genetic model organisms has greatly advanced our molecular understanding of cytokinesis. While the outcome of cytokinesis is conserved in all dividing organisms, the mechanism of division varies across the major eukaryotic kingdoms. Yeasts and animals, for instance, use a contractile ring that ingresses to the cell middle in order to divide, while plant cells build new cell wall outward to the cortex. As would be expected, there is considerable conservation of molecules involved in cytokinesis between yeast and animal cells, while at first glance, plant cells seem quite different. However, in recent years, it has become clear that some aspects of division are conserved between plant, yeast, and animal cells. In this review we discuss the major recent advances in defining cytokinesis, focusing on deciding where to divide, building the division apparatus, and dividing. In addition, we discuss the complex problem of coordinating the division cycle with the nuclear cycle, which has recently become an area of intense research."
"docid": "D1716373#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugarit\nUgarit",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ugarit Entrance to the Royal Palace of Ugarit Shown within Syria Alternate name Ras Shamra ( Arabic: رأس شمرة )Location Latakia Governorate, Syria Region Fertile Crescent Coordinates 35.602°N 35.782°EType settlement History Founded c. 6000 BCAbandoned c. 1190 BCPeriods Neolithic – Late Bronze Age Cultures Canaanite Events Bronze Age Collapse Site notes Excavation dates 1928–present Archaeologists Claude F. A. Schaeffer Condition ruins Ownership Public Public access Yes Ugarit ( / ˌ uː ɡ ə ˈ r iː t, ˌ j uː -/; Ugaritic: , ʼUgart; Arabic: أُوغَارِيت Ūġārīt, alternatively Arabic: أُوجَارِيت Ūǧārīt) was an ancient port city in northern Syria. Its ruins are often called Ras Shamra [1] after the headland where they lie. Ugarit had close connections to the Hittite Empire, sent tribute to Egypt at times, and maintained trade and diplomatic connections with Cyprus (then called Alashiya ), documented in the archives recovered from the site and corroborated by Mycenaean and Cypriot pottery found there. The polity was at its height from c. 1450 BC until its destruction in c. 1200 BC; this destruction was possibly caused by the mysterious Sea Peoples. The kingdom would be one of the many destroyed during the Bronze Age Collapse. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Origins and the second millennium1.2 Destruction1.3 Kings2 Language and literature2.1 Alphabet2.2 Ugaritic language2.3 Ugaritic literature3 Religion4 Archaeology5 See also6 Notes7 References8 External links History [ edit]Ras Shamra lies on the Mediterranean coast, some 11 kilometres (7 mi) north of Latakia, near modern Burj al-Qasab. Origins and the second millennium [ edit]A Tomb in the Royal palace's courtyard Neolithic Ugarit was important enough to be fortified with a wall early on, perhaps by 6000 BCE, though the site is thought to have been inhabited earlier. Ugarit was important perhaps because it was both a port and at the entrance of the inland trade route to the Euphrates and Tigris lands. [ citation needed] The city reached its heyday between 1800 and 1200 BC, when it ruled a trade-based coastal kingdom, trading with Egypt, Cyprus, the Aegean, Syria, the Hittites, and much of the eastern Mediterranean. [ 2]The first written evidence mentioning the city comes from the nearby city of Ebla, c. 1800 BCE."
"docid": "D3341531#0",
"title": "http://teamrock.com/feature/2014-11-10/l-a-woman-and-the-last-days-of-jim-morrison\nL.A. Woman And The Last Days Of Jim Morrison",
"text": "L. A. Woman And The Last Days Of Jim Morrison By Max Bell November 10, 2014 Features Forget what you think you know. How Jim Morrison REALLY died, by the people who found the body, moved the body and buried him... In the early summer of 2009 I commissioned Max Bell to write a feature on LA Woman and The Death of Jim Morrison. My plan was to lean heavily on the LA Woman story – interview band members and get a proper breakdown of the Doors’ last album – and to balance that with a look at the theories around Morrison’s death. ** The singer’s death was shrouded in bullshit. The usual guff: he’d been murdered. He was still alive. The CIA were involved. Most recently, a guy called Sam Bernett had released a book in France claiming that Morrison hadn’t died in a bathtub but in the nightclub Bernett ran at the time. **_ _ Neither Max or I believed this, but we thought it’d be interesting to explore. Max knew Morrison’s friends in Paris, and more people worth tracking down: Agnes Varda, a film maker friend of Jim’s who had never spoken about his time in Paris, a photographer called Patrick Chauvel who had apparently also witnessed Morrison’s body being removed from the nightclub. **"
"docid": "D1065221#0",
"title": "http://french.about.com/od/vocabulary/a/love.htm\nFrench Love Language: L'Amour et l'Amitié",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Languages French Love Language: L'Amour et l'AmitiéExpress yourself in the language of love. Share Flipboard Email Print Aleksandar Nakic / Getty Imagesby Thought Co Updated March 26, 2018If French is the language of love, what better language is there with which to express your love? Here are some key French words and phrases related to love, friendship, and special occasions. Click on the link to hear the word or phrase pronounced. Loveamour Love at first sightle coup de foudrefriendshipamitiéI love you Je t'aime I love you too Moi aussi, je t'aime I adore you Je t'adore Will you marry me? Veux-tu m'épouser?to kissembrasserto french kissgalocher ( learn more)to datesortir avecto fall in love (with)tomber amoureux (de) (not \"\"tomber en amour\"\")to get engagedse fiancer à ( or avec)to get marriedse marier avecengagementles fiançaillesmarriagele mariageweddingles noces , le mariagewedding anniversaryl' anniversaire de mariagehoneymoonla lune de miel ( learn more)St. Valentine's Day (card) (une carte de ) la Saint-Valentinpresentun cadeauflowersdes fleurscandydes bonbonsclothesdes vêtementsperfumedu parfumjewelrydes bijouxengagement ringune bague de fiançailleswedding ringune alliancehusbandun mari , un épouxwifeune femme , une épousefianceun fiancé , une fiancée *loverun amant , une amanteboyfriendun copaingirlfriendune copinefriendun ami , une amie *dear, sweetheartchéri , chérie ** Same pronunciation for masculine and feminine version. French Terms of Endearment (Termes d'Affection)French has all kinds of interesting terms of endearment, including a rather odd assortment of barnyard animals. Check out this list of French terms of endearment to use with your loved ones (both romantic and familial). For the most part, these all mean something along the lines of \"\"sweetie,\"\" \"\"darling,\"\" or \"\"poppet,\"\" so we've provided the literal translations as well as a few notes (in parentheses)."
"docid": "D3225353#0",
"title": "http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/ancientmusic.html\n.",
"text": "\"Music in Ancient Times Our knowledge of musical practice before 200 A. D. is extremely limited because few attempts were made by ancient cultures to preserve music using notation systems. Iconography in music is the study of graphical representations of musical activities. Archaeologists have discovered artifacts and drawings dating to prehistoric times which depict musicians performing on various instruments. Early musical instruments have also been discovered. For example, a recent dig in the Ukraine uncovered musical instruments made from the bones of a wooly mammoth dating back to 18,000 B. C. It is likely that music evolved as a communications medium for early humans in hunter-gatherer groups. Drums and primitive horns made from shells and animal parts are used by primitive peoples even today to communicate over great distances. It is possible that early humans were impressed with the power of such communication and found the sounds to be pleasing as well. As hunter-gatherer groups evolved into agrarian cultures, music may have had a place in religious ceremonies and as a welcome rhythmic accompaniment to the tedious labor of farming. Music was almost certainly placed in a supportive role in human activities. Scholars consider it unlikely that music was ever an independent activity in prehistoric civilizations."
"docid": "D3329488#0",
"title": "http://www.findglocal.com/GB/London/300705669104/HTB-Church\nHTB Church",
"text": "\"HTB Church Nearby places of worship St Paul's Theological Centre SW3 2ADHoly Trinity Brompton Brompton Road Holy Trinity Brompton Church God at Work Alpha International, Brompton Road Brompton Oratory Brompton Rd Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary SW7 2RPŚw. Charbel - wonne kadzidło cedrów Libanu w Londynie Parafia p.w. Św. Wojciecha - Little Brompton Oratory - South Kensington The Oratory of S Philip Neri in London (Brompton Oratory) Brompton Road Polska parafia pw. Św. Wojciecha na South Kensington w Londynie Brompton Road The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Hyde Park 64 - 68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road Hyde Park Stake 64-68 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington Hyde Park Chapel Visitors' Centre 64-68 Exhibition Road, South Kensington The Russian Orthodox Church in the U. K. and Ireland 67 Ennismore Gardens Dormition Cathedral 67 Ennismore Gardens Imperial College Catholic Society (Cath Soc) 10 princes gardens Nearby taxis Thegreencab LTD 77 Walton street Air Platinum 45 Pont Street Digital cars 15 Harrington Road Scooterman Chauffeur Service London Chelsea cloisters Garages, Sloane st En Route Cars 7/8 Kendrick Mews London Chauffeurs Sloane Street Welcome to the official HTB Facebook. We are one church across four sites. Find service times, listen to talks and get involved via our website. ' This is a church that loves and accepts everyone...you are so welcome here.' Rev. Nicky Gumbel We gather every Sunday and Thursday for 11 services across our 4 locations: HTB Brompton Road, SW7 1JA (9:30 am, 11:30 am, 5 pm, 7 pm services) HTB Onslow Square, SW7 2BX (10.30 am, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm service) HTB Queen's Gate, SW7 5LP (Thursday: 12:30 pm or Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 4:30 pm services) HTB Courtfield Gardens, SW5 0LX (10.30 am service)Easter at HTBEveryone is so welcome to our Easter services at HTB this week."
"docid": "D2523271#0",
"title": "http://locations.westernunion.com/search/on/barrie\nVisit a Western Union® agent location near Barrie, Canada to send or receive money fast.",
"text": "Visit a Western Union® agent location near Barrie, Canada to send or receive money fast. Western Union® is a quick and reliable way to send or receive money in worldwide locations such as supermarkets, check cashers, and convenience stores. Search By: Address Agent Name Country/ territory Canada Enter Zip/Postal Code or City and State/Province GOHide Search Filters Open Now Western Union Services? Money Transfer Payments Quick Collect Money Transfer to a Bank Account Money Order Mobile Money Transfer WU® Reload+ (Prepaid Services) Pay for Transfers Started on App Results 1 - 20 of 911 2 3 4 Next »> Report a problem with a location MONEY MART #08369 Dunlop Street WBarrie , ON L4N 1A1705-721-7700Hours & Info | Directions | Share A0.02 km CASH UR CHECK5 Clapperton Street Barrie , ON L4M 3E4705-503-2334Hours & Info | Directions | Share B0.03 km SCOTIABANK #601521 Dunlop St W-po Box 160Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4M 4T2705-726-0217Hours & Info | Directions | Share C0.03 km PAY 2 DAY INC55 Dunlop St WBarrie , ON L4N 1A3705-503-2274Hours & Info | Directions | Share D0.10 km SCOTIABANK #3878644 Collier St 2nd Floor Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4M 1G6705-726-1822Hours & Info | Directions | Share E0.14 km CHEQUES 4 CASH79a Dunlop St West Barrie , ON L4N 1A5705-734-3722Hours & Info | Directions | Share F0.14 km CASH MONEY #1634304 Dunlop St W Unit 11-13Barrie , ON L4N 7N2705-735-6493Hours & Info | Directions | Share G0.99 km CASH EXPRESS303 Dunlop St West Unit 2Barrie , ON L4N 1C1705-735-4182Hours & Info | Directions | Share H0.99 km SCOTIABANK #15016320 Bayfield St Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4M 3C1705-721-1010Hours & Info | Directions | Share I1.03 km SCOTIABANK #5662225 Essa Rd Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4N 3K4705-725-7100Hours & Info | Directions | Share J1.07 km CASH MONEY #1599347 Bayfield Street #2a Barrie , ON L4M 3C3705-792-5855Hours & Info | Directions | Share Open Now K1.16 km CASH 4 YOU #036359 Bayfield St Barrie , ON L4M 3C3705-728-7700Hours & Info | Directions | Share L1.22 km MONEY MART #858360 Bayfield St Unit 7Barrie , ON L4M 3C4705-725-7680Hours & Info | Directions | Share Open Now M1.27 km METRO #135400 Bayfield St Barrie , ON L4M 5A1705-722-8284Hours & Info | Directions | Share Open Now N1.40 km CASH SHOP201 Cundles Road East Unit #103Barrie , ON L4M 4S5705-792-4949Hours & Info | Directions | Share O1.56 km SCOTIABANK #44222190 Minets Point Rd Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4N 4C3705-725-7320Hours & Info | Directions | Share P1.66 km WAL MART #3166450 Bayfield Street Barrie , ON L4M 5A2705-728-2833Hours & Info | Directions | Share Q1.81 km SCOTIABANK #85092580 Bayfield St Bank Account Required/send Location Only Barrie , ON L4M 5A2705-726-3690Hours & Info | Directions | Share R2.26 km MONEY MART #0898241 Essa Rd Unit #6Barrie , ON L4N 9C7705-812-3719Hours & Info | Directions | Share S2.27 km CASH SHOP565 Younge St Barrie , ON L4N 4E3705-728-3686Hours & Info | Directions | Share T2.84 km1 2 3 4 Next »A B CDEFG HIJKL MNOPQRS TImage may be subject to copyright Terms of Use Map Satellite Service Terms of Use | Privacy Statement"
"docid": "D3482427#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/kaleidoscope.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word kaleidoscope?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word kaleidoscope? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word kaleidoscope? Here are some definitions. Noun A tube of mirrors containing loose coloured beads etc. that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs. A constantly changing set of colours, or other things. Verb ( intransitive) To move in shifting patterns. Find more words!kaleidoscope See Also What is another word for kaleidoscope? What is the opposite of kaleidoscope?"
"docid": "D1118675#0",
"title": "http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/25/17/1770.full\nEnding the message: poly (A) signals then and now",
"text": "Skip to main page content HOME ABOUT SUBMIT SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE AUTHOR INFO ARCHIVE CONTACT HELPSearch for Keyword: GOAdvanced Search Ending the message: poly (A) signals then and now Nick J. Proudfoot+ Author Affiliations Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3RE, United Kingdom Next Section Abstract Polyadenylation [poly (A)] signals (PAS) are a defining feature of eukaryotic protein-coding genes. The central sequence motif AAUAAA was identified in the mid-1970s and subsequently shown to require flanking, auxiliary elements for both 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation of premessenger RNA (pre-m RNA) as well as to promote downstream transcriptional termination. More recent genomic analysis has established the generality of the PAS for eukaryotic m RNA. Evidence for the mechanism of m RNA 3′-end formation is outlined, as is the way this RNA processing reaction communicates with RNA polymerase II to terminate transcription. The widespread phenomenon of alternative poly (A) site usage and how this interrelates with pre-m RNA splicing is then reviewed. This shows that gene expression can be drastically affected by how the message is ended. A central theme of this review is that while genomic analysis provides generality for the importance of PAS selection, detailed mechanistic understanding still requires the direct analysis of specific genes by genetic and biochemical approaches. Keywords RNA polymerase II transcriptional termination cotranscriptional processingpoly (A) signal The molecular biology of eukaryotic genes has been transformed in recent years from specific knowledge of how a few eukaryotic genes are expressed to a genome-wide perspective. This has been achieved by ingenious technological advances that afford the accumulation of enormous molecular detail. However, a theme of this review is that much of our current understanding of how gene expression is regulated was laid down in early experiments on specific genes, which is now being confirmed and extended by new genomic analysis."
"docid": "D3171779#0",
"title": "http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Shi_No_Numa\nShi No Numa",
"text": "\"in: Call of Duty: World at War Zombies Maps, Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Maps, Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies Maps Shi No Numa English Edit Share Shi No Numa World at War/Black Ops Black Ops IIIPrevious level Verrückt Next level Der Riese Game Call of Duty: World at War Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Zombies Call of Duty: Black Ops IIICharacter \"\"Tank\"\" Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, Edward Richtofen Team Ultimis Place Rising Sun Facility, Empire of Japan Date October 21 st, 1945 (Original Timeline)Objective Survive for as long as possible against limitless waves of the Undead Find his grave and dig it up ( Call of Duty: Zombies )Enemies Zombies, Hellhounds Console codename nazi_zombie_sumpf (World at War)zombie_cod5_sumpf (Black Ops)zm_sumpf ( Black Ops III )Multiplayer map Features of Knee Deep Campaign level Semper Fi\"\" A \"\"swamp of death\"\" located in Japanese territory, surrounded by a sweltering jungle, hellhounds, and endless armies of the undead. \"\"— Map biography Shi No Numa (Japanese: 死の沼; English: Swamp of Death) is a Zombies map featured in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It is the third Zombies level. The events of Shi No Numa occur at the Rising Sun Facility [1] in a swamp somewhere in Japanese territory that is surrounded by a dense jungle landscape. This was the first Zombies map to include zombies from the Imperial Japanese Army. It was released on June 11, 2009 for the Play Station 3 and the Xbox 360. It is priced at $9.99USD (€9.99EUR, £5.99GBP, or $14.99AUS) in the Play Station Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. It was released on the PC on July 17 for free through the v1.5 patch. Shi No Numa was also featured in the Rezurrection map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops, along with the other three Call of Duty: World at War Zombies maps, and the Zombies Chronicles map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, along with seven other classic maps. Contents [ show]Overview Edit The Ultimis crew traveled to the Group 935 / Division 9 run Rising Sun facility in Japan in 1945 from Group 935's Der Riese facility to recover Richtofen 's diary."
"docid": "D2704716#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innisfil,_Ontario\nInnisfil",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Innisfil, Ontario)navigation search Not to be confused with Innisfail Innisfil Town ( lower-tier)Town of Innisfil Town hall Logo Motto (s): Where Opportunity Meets Prosperity Innisfil Coordinates: 44°18′N 79°35′WCoordinates: 44°18′N 79°35′WCountry Canada Province Ontario County Simcoe Government• Mayor Gord Wauchope• Member of Parliament John Brassard• Member of Provincial Parliament Julia Munro Area• Total 262.71 km 2 (101.43 sq mi)Population (2016) [1]• Total 36,566• Density 139.2/km 2 (361/sq mi)Time zone Eastern (EST) ( UTC-5)• Summer ( DST) EDT ( UTC-4)Forward sortation area L9SWebsite www.innisfil.ca Highway 89 through Cookstown Innisfil is a town in Ontario, Canada, located on the western shore of Lake Simcoe in Simcoe County, immediately south of Barrie and 80 kilometres north of Toronto. It has historically been a rural area, but growth in the Barrie area and the Greater Toronto Area has meant greater residential development in Innisfil. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 History2.1 Establishment2.2 Modern development3 Demographics4 Neighbourhoods5 Government5.1 Policing, EMS and Fire Services6 Culture7 Notable people8 See also9 References10 External links Etymology [ edit]The name Innisfil comes from the Irish Inis Fáil, an ancient mythological name for Ireland. History [ edit]The history of Innisfil spans a period in excess of 170 years. The Town was hewn from almost unbroken virgin forests which had been home to the Huron Indians, and was first surveyed in 1820. The area encompassed 68,653 acres (278 km²), including the villages of Allandale, Tollendal, Painswick, Minets Point, and Holly at the time. The first settlers were the Hewson and Soules families who came by way of the East Holland River and Lake Simcoe to settle at Point Endeavour that they then renamed Hewson's Point (later named Big Bay Point). The Hewsons settled on March 30, 1820, and the Soules in 1822. The Warnica family settled the following year, in 1823, in the area now known as Painswick. The first sawmill in the Township was built at Tollendal by George Mc Mullen in 1829."
"docid": "D1339645#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_and_agriculture\nClimate change and agriculture",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Human greenhouse gas emissions by sector, in the year 2010. \"\" AFOLU\"\" stands for \"\"agriculture, forestry, and other land use\"\". Graph of net crop production worldwide and in selected tropical countries. Raw data from the United Nations. [ 4]Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, both of which take place on a global scale. Climate change affects agriculture in a number of ways, including through changes in average temperatures, rainfall, and climate extremes (e.g., heat waves); changes in pests and diseases; changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and ground-level ozone concentrations; changes in the nutritional quality of some foods; [1] and changes in sea level. [ 2]Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the world. [ 3] Future climate change will likely negatively affect crop production in low latitude countries, while effects in northern latitudes may be positive or negative. [ 3] Climate change will probably increase the risk of food insecurity for some vulnerable groups, such as the poor. [ 4] Animal agriculture is also responsible for greenhouse gas production of CO 2 and a percentage of the world's methane, and future land infertility, and the displacement of local species."
"docid": "D2224139#0",
"title": "http://www.privatefleet.com.au/glossary/what-is-a-long-wheelbase/\n.",
"text": "Glossary What is Bench Seat? What is ANCAP? What is Acceleration? What is Adaptive Cruise Control? What is After-Market Products? What is Air Conditioning? What is Airbags? What is All Wheel Drive (AWD)? What is Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)? What is Aquaplaning?"
"docid": "D2862827#0",
"title": "https://github.com/NiclasOlofsson/MiNET\nNiclasOlofsson / MiNET",
"text": "\"Watch 88 Star 394 Fork 182Niclas Olofsson / Mi NETCode Pull requests 3Wiki Insights Dismiss Join Git Hub today Git Hub is home to over 20 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up A (not so) basic Minecraft Pocket Edition server written in C#1,384 commits1 branch0 releases Fetching contributors C# 100.0%C#Clone or download Find file Branch: master New pull request Fetching latest commit…src/ Mi NET Return chunks to pool on most places except command where I want it t… Feb 2, 2018.gitattributes Initial checkin. Sep 24, 2014.gitignore Ignore VS files Oct 31, 2017.gitmodules Remove fnbt external and add Nu Get package back. Apr 13, 2015LICENSE Fix original code. Sep 10, 2017README.md Mono instructions Dec 2, 2017README.md In case you don't find the information your are looking for in the README. Do try the wiki Mi NETCan I test this before I download it? Yes, you can. Some of the below are professional networks, and at times there are dev servers running and you might be lucky enough to get in.. IP: CRISTALIX. PE Port: 19132IP: play.infinite.pe Port: 19132IP: pepirates.ru Port: 19132IP: yodamine.com (dev server) Port: 19132/19134What is this? A basic Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) server written in C#. Current goal is to create a server that has enterprise performance for large Minecraft multi-user gaming providers."
"docid": "D2716500#0",
"title": "http://englishdictionary.education/en/estancia\n0 100%FREQUENCYVery widely used92 /100",
"text": "\"Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Got itenestancia Search Meaning of \"\"estancia\"\" in the English dictionary DICTIONARYETYMOLOGY OF THE WORD ESTANCIAFrom American Spanish, from Spanish: dwelling, from Vulgar Latin stantia (unattested) a remaining, from Latin stāre to stand. Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance. PRONUNCIATION OF ESTANCIAestancia [ɪˈstænsɪə]GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF ESTANCIAnoun adjective verb adverb pronoun preposition conjunction determiner exclamation Estancia is a noun . A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc. WHAT DOES ESTANCIA MEAN IN ENGLISH? Estancia Estancia or Estância is a Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese term describing private landholdings. In some areas these were large rural with similarities to the English term ranch."
"docid": "D1803523#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_gigabytes_in_a_video_Like_say_a_2_hour_movie_or_a_3_minute_music_video\nHow many gigabytes in a video Like say a 2 hour movie or a 3 minute music video?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Technology Electronics Consumer Electronics MP3 Players Audio and Sound Systems i Pod How many gigabytes in a video Like say a 2 hour movie or a 3 minute music video? Flag How many gigabytes in a video Like say a 2 hour movie or a 3 minute music video? Answer by Hockeydude14 Confidence votes 201You can figure approximately 4.7 gigabytes for a 2 hour DVD and around 10 megabytes per second for a 3 minute video, on average. There's really too many factors to consider, like full video encoding or some other type of compression like Div X to take into consideration, so truthfully, it's hard to be exact. If you have them stored on your computer, go to the file, highlight it and right click. Then go to the properties tab and it'll tell you how large it is. Actually, ussualy a 2 hour movie (mp4 format) is about 0.8 gigabytes. ( 800 megabytes) And a music video is like 40 megabytes.33 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many videos can be stored on one gigabyte?about as much as your mom wieghs....which is ALOTAlek Z 20 Contributions How many gigabytes are in a high definition DVD video? A High Definition Digital Versatile Disc or HD-DVD holds 15 GB per layer (a regular DVD holds 4.7 GB per layer)Ebennb 1 Contribution How many gigabytes of video does Youtube store?"
"docid": "D114040#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/intake.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word intake?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word intake? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word intake? Here are some definitions. Noun The place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit; opposed to outlet. The beginning of a contraction or narrowing in a tube or cylinder. The quantity taken in. An act or instance of taking in The people taken into an organisation or establishment at a particular time. Verb To take or draw in (in all the senses of the noun). Find more words!intake See Also What is another word for intake?"
"docid": "D69571#0",
"title": "http://www.cracked.com/article_16275_the-9-most-devastating-insults-from-around-world.html\nThe 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World",
"text": "\"Articles Weird World The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World Facebook Twitter Google Plus Add to Favorites By Ian Cheesman · May 20, 20085700852A responsible traveler won't set foot in another country without knowing how to viciously insult the people in their native language. Odds are, you won't even make it out of the airport before a situation arises that requires obscenities. But \"\"obscenity\"\" is an ever-moving target. It's an amalgamation of cultural taboos, the impact of current events and your mom. Accordingly, every country has developed a uniquely beautiful set of curses and insults that set it apart. While some insults are broadly accessible, like your mom, others will require a little background for the new student. Thus, we offer this helpful guide to the best and most vulgar (and very real) insults from around the world:9 \"\"Suck butter from my ass\"\" (Chupe mantequilla de mi culo)Who Said That? The Spanish. Dear God Why? How does a culture wind up with \"\"suck the butter from my ass\"\" as an insult?"
"docid": "D449360#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X04026464\nReviewRegulation of apoptosis in osteoclasts and osteoblastic cells",
"text": "Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Volume 328, Issue 3, 18 March 2005, Pages 709-720Review Regulation of apoptosis in osteoclasts and osteoblastic cells Lianping Xing Brendan F. Boyce Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.11.072 Get rights and content Abstract In postnatal life, the skeleton undergoes continuous remodeling in which osteoclasts resorb aged or damaged bone, leaving space for osteoblasts to make new bone. The balance of proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of bone cells determines the size of osteoclast or osteoblast populations at any given time. Bone cells constantly receive signals from adjacent cells, hormones, and bone matrix that regulate their proliferation, activity, and survival. Thus, the amount of bone and its microarchitecture before and after the menopause or following therapeutic intervention with drugs, such as sex hormones, glucocorticoids, parathyroid hormone, and bisphosphonates, is determined in part by effects of these on survival of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteocytes. Understanding the mechanisms and regulation of bone cell apoptosis will enhance our knowledge of bone cell function and help us to develop better therapeutics for the management of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Previous article Next article Keywords Apoptosis Osteoclasts Osteoblasts Osteocytes Estrogen Bisphosphonates PTH Regulation Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is an essential mechanism that organisms use to remove unwanted cells to attain precise control of organ development and function. It is a form of individual cell suicide originally defined by a series of morphological changes in nuclear chromatin and cytoplasm [1,2]. Cells undergoing apoptosis contract, lose attachment to their neighbors, and break up into fragments, apoptotic bodies, which get phagocytosed quickly by neighboring cells. Apoptosis is regulated by many factors and it in turn controls cell numbers in populations of neural, mesenchymal, and epithelial cells during embryonic development, facilitates deletion of superfluous tissue, such as soft tissue between developing fingers, and accounts for some of the cell loss from regenerating epithelial surfaces in adult tissues, such as the skin and alimentary tract (see recent reviews. [ 3–7] ). In this review, we will briefly describe the general features and molecular regulation of apoptosis and because of space limitations focus on its regulation in osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteocytes, its significance for bone remodeling and its importance in the etiology and treatment of common bone diseases."
"docid": "D3558988#0",
"title": "http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Fentanyl\nFentanyl",
"text": "\"Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social | Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology |Biological: Behavioural genetics · Evolutionary psychology · Neuroanatomy · Neurochemistry · Neuroendocrinology · Neuroscience · Psychoneuroimmunology · Physiological Psychology · Psychopharmacology ( Index, Outline )Fentanyl chemical structure Fentanyl N - (1- (2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl)- N -phenyl-propanamide IUPAC name CAS number437-38-7ATC code N01 AH01 . Pub Chem3345Drug Bank APRD00347Chemical formula { { {chemical_formula}}}Molecular weight 336.471 g/mol Bioavailability92% (transdermal) 50% (buccal) 33% (ingestion)Metabolismhepatic, primarily by CYP3A4Elimination half-life 7 hours (range 3–12 h)Excretion Pregnancy category { { {pregnancy_category}}}Legal status { { {legal_status}}}Routes of administration TD, IM, IV, oral, sublingual, buccal Fentanyl is an odorless, rapid-acting opioid (or synthetic opiate), which depresses central nervous system and respiratory function, and alleviates pain without causing a loss of consciousness. It is one of the most powerful opioid analgesics, with a potency approximately 80 times that of heroin and hundreds of times that of morphine. [ 1] Fentanyl has an LD 50 of 3.1 milligrams per kilogram in rats and 0.03 milligrams per kilogram in monkeys. The LD 50 in humans, by intravenous injection in an opiate-naive individual (without tolerance), is approximated to be 0.5-1 milligrams. It is classified as a Schedule II drug in the United States due to its high abuse rate. In October 2002, the Russian military reportedly used \"\"a fentanyl derivative\"\" against terrorists holding hostages in a Moscow theater. [ 1]Contents [ show]History Edit Fentanyl was first synthesized by Paul Janssen under the label of his relatively newly formed Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1959. In the 1960s, fentanyl was introduced as an intravenous anesthetic under the trade name of Sublimaze. In the mid-1990s, Janssen Pharmaceutica developed and introduced into clinical trials the Duragesic patch, which is a formation of an inert alcohol gel infused with select fentanyl doses which are worn to provide constant administration of the opioid over a period of 48 to 72 hours."
] |
246 | +what is a prosthodontics? | [
"docid": "D2480937#0",
"title": "http://study.com/articles/How_to_Become_a_Prosthodontist_Education_and_Career_Roadmap.html\nHow to Become a Prosthodontist: Education and Career Roadmap",
"text": "\"Careers and Occupations List / Medical and Health Professions / How to Become a Prosthodontist:... How to Become a Prosthodontist: Education and Career Roadmap Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Learn how to become a prosthodontist. Research the job description as well as the education and licensing requirements to learn how to start a career in prosthodontics. {\"\" error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Timeline 20,206 views Find the perfect school Tell us about your current education Video Transcript Should I Become a Prosthodontist? Prosthodontics is a dental specialty focused on restoring damaged or missing teeth with artificial devices, including dentures, dental implants, bridges, crowns, and veneers. Additionally, prosthodontists treat facial abnormalities caused by injuries, birth defects, and diseases. Patients may get a more attractive appearance and improved ability to talk and eat due to the efforts of these dentists. Special gear must be worn to protect patients and dentists from infectious disease. Career Requirements Degree Level Doctoral degree plus residency Degree Fields Dentistry, prosthodontics Licensure and Certification Licensure required in all states for dentists; some states require a license to practice a dental specialty; the American Board of Prosthodontics (ABP) awards voluntary certification to qualified applicants Key Skills Manual dexterity; proficiency in communications and strong attention to detail; familiarity with dental and imaging management software; ability to use a wide range of dental pliers, gauges, impression trays and other dental instruments Salary $119,740 (2015 median for prosthodontists)Sources: American College of Prosthodontists, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Dental Association, O*NET On Line Individuals wishing to specialize in prosthodontics must graduate from dental school plus complete a post-graduate residency program in prosthodontics. Licensing is required for dentists in all states. Some states mandate a specialized license to practice a dental specialty."
] | [
"docid": "D3118949#0",
"title": "https://www.slideshare.net/PreetiKalia/pontics\nPontics",
"text": "Pontics73,858 views Share Like Download... Preeti Kalia, Consultant Prosthodontist at Calcutta institute of maxillofacial surgery Follow Published on Feb 9, 2012Published in: Health & Medicine, Business6 Comments179 Likes Statistics Notes Post DR. AHMED JOMAH MOHAMMED , dentist at itqan dental clinic at itqan dental clinicnice .... thank yoooou4 years ago Deepthi P Ramachandran , studentgud presentation4 years agoǮåmér Âlgohry at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria Universitylike it4 years ago Soleha Ismail at KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIAnice one5 years ago Dr_Hisham Thanks very much I get so much beneficial information of your presentation, Preeti5 years ago Show More Pontics1. Pontics Preeti kalia IInd year PG student Dept of Prosthodontics A. E. C. S Maaruti College of Dental Sciences2. Pontics Definition Requirements Design Pretreatments assessment Types Fabrication3. Definition Pontic GPT : An artificial tooth on a fixed dental prosthesis that replaces a missing natural tooth, restores its function, and usually fills the space previously occupied by the clinical crown4. Definition Acc to Tylman –pontic is the suspended member of a fixed partial denture. it replaces the lost natural tooth, restores function ,and occupies the space of the missing tooth.5. Ideal requirements of pontics Smooth surfaced and convex in all directions Easily cleansable Pinpoint pressure free contact on the ridge No irritation to the gingival tissues6. Ideal requirement of pontics Facilitate plaque control Emergence profile Strength and longevity Be esthetic7. Ideal requirements of pontics Restore function No abutment overloading Color stable8."
"docid": "D2167500#0",
"title": "http://www.bionicteeth.com/FAQ/faq2.htm\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions As a new patient in our office, you may benefit from the questions that previous patients have asked over the past years of Dr. Lu Bovich practicing prosthodontics and implant dentistry. Please read the following information. If you have natural teeth, partial dentures, complete dentures or implants, this information will be helpful for you. If you find that you have additional questions, please ask them! We look forward to adding your questions to the following. Why is professional recare important? Preventing disease is an important part of dental service, perhaps the most important. With good care, your teeth may last you a lifetime; however, without regular recare by your dentist or preventive disease specialist (a hygienist-dentist-expanded duty dental assistant), you are taking chances with your dental health. At preventive disease appointments, an examination is performed which can find dental disease that may have started or is occurring in your mouth. Early treatment of the disease is most often inexpensive and painless."
"docid": "D1254228#0",
"title": "https://www.capsdentalplan.com/dental-costs/\nDental Costs at the Dentist for CAPS Dental Plan Members",
"text": "Diagnostic (D0100-D0999)D0120 periodic oral evaluation established patient $46.09D0140 limited oral evaluation problem focused $63.58D0145 oral evaluation for patient under three years of age And counseling with primary caregiver $58.04D0150 comprehensive oral evaluation new or established patient $73.73D0160 detailed and extensive oral evaluation problem focused, by report $131.28D0170 re-evaluation limited, problem focused (established patient; not post operative visit) $58.86D0180 comprehensive periodontal evaluation new or established patient $79.21D0210 intraoral complete series of radiographic images $116.15D0220 intraoral periapical first radiographic image $25.78D0230 intraoral periapical each additional radiographic image $22.10D0240 intraoral occlusal radiographic image $36.86D0250 extraoral first radiographic image $56.22D0260 extraoral each additional radiographic image $46.09D0270 bitewing single radiographic image $24.90D0272 bitewings two radiographic images $40.55D0273 bitewings three radiographic images $49.03D0274 bitewings four radiographic images $56.22D0277 vertical bitewings 7 to 8 radiographic images $86.63D0290 posterior anterior or lateral skull and facial bone survey radiographic image $120.54Oral Pathology Laboratory (D0472-D0502)Preventive (D1000-D1999)Restorative (D2000-D2999)Endodontics (D3000 D3999)Periodontics services (D4000-D4999)Prosthodontics (removable) (D5000-D5899)Implant Services (D6000-D6199)Maxillofacial Prosthetics (D5900-D5999)Prosthodontics, fixed (D6200-D6999)Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (D7000-D7999)Orthodontics (D8000-D8999)Adjunctive General Services (D9000-D9999)Dental Services Not Listed Miscellaneous Charge Failed appointment Payment for Dental Services Payment for dental services must be made to the dental office at time of service. For members convenience the use of debt and credit cards is accepted. Fee Schedule #45- Effective February 1, 2018"
"docid": "D1319759#0",
"title": "https://www.dentistry.ucla.edu/learning/advanced-implantology\nAdvanced Implantology",
"text": "Advanced Implantology Contact Us Please email [email protected] for any questions or for more information. Program Overview Kumar Shah, BDS, MS, FACP Program Director The Advanced Implantology Preceptorship is designed to provide broad exposure to a variety of topics in implant dentistry. The major focus is on Implant Prosthodontics and Treatment Planning. The required materials are presented in a way that allows time for each preceptor to view actual laboratory and clinical cases as he/she chooses. The basic curriculum is augmented by the availability of graduate and predoctoral dental courses, which may be audited by the qualified preceptor, allowing each participant to customize his/her experience. Preceptors will find a very dynamic form of education that does not focus on the dogmatic lecture hall presentation, but instead follows a more intimate seminar-type atmosphere that encourages a cutting edge exchange of ideas. The education attained is limited only by the participant’s willingness to seek out the experiences he/she desires. A seasonal breakdown of the focus areas of the curriculum has been established. However, as implantology is an extremely dynamic and rapidly changing field, literally each week and even every day will bring new material to the participants. This precludes the course administrator’s ability to provide exact expectations of what and when specific topics will be covered."
"docid": "D2228510#0",
"title": "https://hawaiifamilydental.com/our-blog/what-is-prosthodontics/\nWhat is Prosthodontics?",
"text": "What is Prosthodontics? June 30, 2015 by Jessica Prosthodontics refers to procedures which comprise of veneers, crowns, onlays, bridges, inlays, partial and complete dentures. Since dental implants have become the most common choice for replacing missing teeth, a great number of prosthodontics procedures at present are done with implants. Prosthodontics care is provided by general dentists or prosthodontists who are referred to as prosthodontics specialists that specialize in replacement of teeth as well as aesthetic restoration. After dental school, prosthodontists receive 2 or 3 years of additional training. These are the right people who can make it possible for someone to have a more beautiful smile. Prosthodontists are also required to have an additional training and this can be obtained through a university-based program or hospital that is accredited by ADA otherwise known as the American Dental Association. In point of fact, this is one of the 9 specialties which is recognized by ADA. The training composes of lectures, literature reviews, laboratory experience in fabricating restorations and treatment of patients. Aside from these, prosthodontists have also acquired advanced training in TMD-jaw joint problems, implant dentistry, sleep disorders, traumatic injuries to the structures of the mouth, snoring, birth or congenital anomalies to teeth, oral cancer, continuing care and reconstruction."
"docid": "D3328465#0",
"title": "http://www.indianetzone.com/38/a_b_shetty_memorial_institute_dental_sciences.htm\n.",
"text": "The A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences in Mangalore is a premier medical institution in the state of Karnataka that came into existence in 1985. The college was established by the Nitte Education Trust with an objective of making available up-to-date training facilities for producing dental professionals. The college is also working to help meet the country's growing health-care requirements. The college is working as a constituent unit of the Nitte University and is recognised by the Dental Council of India. The college provides programs in graduate and post graduate levels and offers courses in B. D. S and M. D. S. Objective of A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute The A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore has already established itself as one of the better equipped dental colleges in the country, as all its departments have state-of-the-art diagnostic and research equipments. The institute is committed to maintain the highest standards that pervade all aspects of dentistry, irrespective of cost or effort involved. The institute has been constantly striving for upgrading its capabilities by participating in several exchange programmes with reputed national and international institutions. Courses of A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute The A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore offers several courses in various fields of medical science at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, apart from offering Doctoral training facilities. The college offers Graduate Programmes, Postgraduate Programmes, Doctoral Programmes in Dentistry (Ph. D.), MFDS Training programmes and Special courses to the students."
"docid": "D2997790#0",
"title": "https://www.dentalaegis.com/idt/2011/02/immediate-complete-denture-prosthetics\nImmediate Complete Denture Prosthetics",
"text": "February 2011 Volume 2, Issue 2Figure 1Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5Figure 6Figure 7Figure 8Figure 9Figure 10Figure 11Figure 13Figure 14Figure 15Figure 17Figure 18Figure 19Figure 20Figure 21Figure 22Figure 23Figure 24Immediate Complete Denture Prosthetics The demand for lower-cost treatment solutions is on the rise. By Robert Kreyer, CDTToday’s uncertain economic climate coupled with a larger aging population has produced a surge in demand for immediate complete dentures. This treatment is both one of the most challenging and rewarding in removable prosthodontics. There are two methods for providing clinical and technical treatment for complete immediate denture prosthetics—one is to use the immediate denture as an interim or provisional prosthesis and the other is to treat the immediate complete denture as the definitive prosthesis and then reline after surgical healing and ridge resorption. The first method allows fabrication of the definitive denture at a later date after surgical healing, enabling the technician to reset denture teeth according to ridge resorption and improve anterior esthetics. This approach is optimal, but dental professionals are not always presented with optimal situations or expectations. When financial considerations are paramount, the second option usually best meets the patient’s budget and treatment outcome expectations. Other indications for immediate complete denture prosthetics as an interim or provisional prosthesis include precision restorations such as implant-retained and -supported prosthetics. With immediate dentures, it is very common to decrease labial flare, straighten teeth, and increase vertical dimension, thus improving a patient’s esthetic smile immediately upon insertion of the prosthesis. The clinician and technician have the opportunity to improve existing anterior esthetics with posterior function while still meeting a patient’s financial expectations or restrictions."
"docid": "D1259529#0",
"title": "http://www.dentaleconomics.com/articles/print/volume-94/issue-10/columns/from-the-laboratory/valplast-flexible-aesthetic-partial-dentures.html\nValplast: Flexible, aesthetic partial dentures",
"text": "\"Valplast: Flexible, aesthetic partial dentures October 1, 2004Michael Di Tolla, DDS, FAGDLike many other topics in dental school, removable partial dentures were taught in a rather dogmatic fashion. Design and function were stressed, as they should be, but—for the most part—esthetic issues were ignored. Rather conspicuous clasps, such as I-bars, were placed on maxillary cuspids without a lot of thought given towards how this would affect the patients' opinion and confidence in a given prosthesis. Upon entering private practice, many of us learned that patients would sometimes simply refuse to wear unesthetic partials, unless they replaced maxillary anterior teeth. In those early days I cut off more I-bars than I care to remember and replaced them with a soldered clasp that did not work as well, but could not be seen from 50 feet when the patient smiled. With the rapid advances in esthetic materials and techniques in the fixed prosthodontic arena, it is no wonder that patients requiring removable prosthesis expect us to achieve esthetic results when we replace their missing teeth. Partially or fully edentulous patients comprise nearly half of the aging population, and this group is projected to triple by the year 2010, ensuring that removable prosthodontics will continue to be part of the general dentist's restorative practice for decades to come. Fig. 1—A close up of an all-Valplast lower partial denture replacing two lower molars. These all-Valplast partials are the most esthetic option available today for partial dentures."
"docid": "D846192#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/how-do-i-become-a-prosthodontist.htm\nHow do I Become a Prosthodontist?",
"text": "Beginning a career as a prosthodontist requires a commitment to education. This is because it can take about 10 years to become a prosthodontist. A person interested in this career must first complete high school and then go on to college. After college, he then attends dental school, which takes about four years to complete. Following graduation from dental school, a person who wants to become a prosthodontist typically goes on to complete two or three years of training in prosthodontics. A prosthodontist is a person who specializes in replacing teeth, jaws, and other parts of the mouth with artificial structures. Many people are most familiar with prosthodontists' work replacing teeth with dentures, but this is only one of the types of replacements this professional provides. A prosthodontist may also provide patients with crowns, veneers, bridges, and implants. He may also help patients who have oral cancer, disorders involving sleep and snoring, and traumatic injuries. He may even use his expertise with artificial mouth structures to help a patient stop grinding his teeth."
"docid": "D1426803#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_prosthesis\nDental prosthesis",
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. Please review the contents of the article and add the appropriate references if you can. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2017)A dental prosthesis is an intraoral (inside the mouth) prosthesis used to restore (reconstruct) intraoral defects such as missing teeth, missing parts of teeth, and missing soft or hard structures of the jaw and palate. Prosthodontics is the dental specialty that focuses on dental prostheses. Such prostheses are used to rehabilitate mastication (chewing), improve aesthetics, and aid speech. A dental prosthesis may be held in place by connecting to teeth or dental implants, by suction, or by being held passively by surrounding muscles. Like other types of prostheses, they can either be fixed permanently or removable; fixed prosthodontics and removable dentures are made in many variations. Permanently fixed dental prostheses use dental adhesive or screws, to attach to teeth or dental implants. Removal prostheses may use friction against parallel hard surfaces and undercuts of adjacent teeth or dental implants, suction using the mucous retention (with or without aid from denture adhesives), and by exploiting the surrounding muscles and anatomical contours of the jaw to passively hold in place."
"docid": "D2121065#0",
"title": "http://www.prevention.com/health/health-concerns/8-signs-you-might-need-dentures\n8 Signs You Might Need Dentures",
"text": "\"8 Signs You Might Need Dentures1/9Dentures? Who, me? If you’ve always figured dentures are for other people, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 60% of respondents in a recent Prevention.com survey said they don’t expect to need dentures because they take good care of their teeth. But the truth is, dentures are more prevalent than you might think. Approximately 20 million women age 40 and over (that’s 19%!) wear full or partial dentures, reports a 2009 Fixodent Beauty & Aging Survey. And the number of US adults needing dentures is projected to increase from 33.6 million in 1991 to 37.9 million in 2020, according to research published in The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry . The good news? You can keep dentures out of your future, say dental experts."
"docid": "D2228509#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/prosthodontics\nprosthodontics",
"text": "prosthodontics Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to prosthodontics: removable prosthodonticspros·tho·don·tics (prŏs′thə-dŏn′tĭks)n. ( used with a sing. verb)The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices. [ prosth (esis) + -odont (ia) + -ics . ] pros′tho·don′tic adj.pros′tho·don′tist n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.prosthodontics ( ˌprɒsθəˈdɒntɪks) n (Dentistry) ( functioning as singular) the branch of dentistry concerned with the artificialreplacement of missing teeth. Also called: prosthodontia [C20: from prosth (esis) + -odont + -ics]ˌprosthoˈdontist n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014pros•tho•don•tics (ˌprɒs θəˈdɒn tɪks)also pros•tho•don•tia (-ˈdɒn ʃə, -ʃi ə)n. ("
"docid": "D132279#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_impression\nDental impression",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( March 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)An impression body, made from alginate impression material. A custom dental model or cast. A dental impression is a negative imprint of hard (teeth) and soft tissues in the mouth from which a positive reproduction (cast or model) can be formed. It is made by placing an appropriate material in a stock or custom dental impression tray which is designed to roughly fit over the dental arches. Impression material is of liquid or semi-solid nature when first mixed and placed in the mouth. It then sets to become an elastic solid (usually takes a few minutes depending upon the material), leaving an imprint of person's dentition and surrounding structures of oral cavity. Contents [ hide ]1 Uses2 Techniques for taking impression3 Special techniques3.1 Impression for provision of fixed prosthesis4 Impression materials4.1 Rigid4.1.1 Plaster of Paris (impression plaster)4.1.2 Impression compound4.1.3 Zinc-oxide eugenol plaster (impression paste)5 Impression waxes5.1 Non rigid5.1.1 Hydrocolloid5.1.1.1 Agar5.1.1.2 Alginate5.2 Non-aqueous elastomeric impression materials5.2.1 Polysulphides5.2.2 Polyethers5.2.3 Silicones5.2.3.1 Addition silicone5.2.3.2 Condensation silicone6 Impression trays6.1 Stock trays6.1.1 Plastic stock trays6.1.2 Metal stock trays6.2 Special trays6.3 Tray adhesives6.3.1 Types7 References Uses [ edit]Impressions, and the study models, are used in several areas of dentistry including:diagnosis and treatment planning,prosthodontics (such as making dentures ),orthodontics,restorative dentistry (e.g. to make impressions of teeth which have been prepared to receive indirect extracoronal restorations such as crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays),maxillofacial prosthetics (prosthetic rehabilitation of intra-oral and extra-oral defects due to trauma, congenital defects, and surgical resection of tumors),oral and maxillofacial surgery for both intra-oral and or extra-oral aims (e.g. dental implants )."
"docid": "D108817#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/jaw-tumors-cysts/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20350976\nCare at Mayo Clinic for jaw tumors and cysts",
"text": "Print Care at Mayo Clinic for jaw tumors and cysts Your Mayo Clinic care team Mayo Clinic's experts in oral and maxillofacial surgery work together with prosthodontics and other specialists as needed to provide care tailored to your needs. Having all of this expertise in a single place, focused on you, means that you're not just getting one opinion — your care is discussed among the team, your test results are available quickly, appointments are scheduled in coordination, and highly specialized experts are all working together to determine what's best for you. In addition, when needed, Mayo offers supportive care from professionals such as dietitians, speech therapists, swallowing therapists, physical therapists, and specialists who make artificial replacements for missing teeth or other damaged natural structures in the mouth (prosthodontists). Advanced diagnosis and treatment Mayo Clinic patients have access to the latest imaging and diagnostic tools available. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon will usually oversee your care at Mayo. Treatment options for jaw tumors and cysts vary, depending on your symptoms, the type of lesion you have and the lesion's stage of growth. In rare cases, medications may help, but they usually require surgical management. A pathologist examines the removed tissue during surgery and reports a diagnosis within a few minutes, so that the surgeon can act on this information immediately. Examples of jaw tumors and cysts treated at Mayo Clinic include: Ameloblastoma. This is a rare, slow-growing, usually noncancerous (benign) tumor."
"docid": "D37622#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/oral-health/prosthodontics-dentures.htm\nAngie's LIST Guide to Prosthodontics/Dentures",
"text": "\"What is a prosthodontist? A prosthodontist specializes in restoring and replacing your natural teeth. Most prosthodontists complete up to three years of additional training following dental school in an American Dental Association-accredited program at a university or hospital. Educational standards set and maintained by the American College of Prosthodontists include a focus on biomedical sciences, bite function, head and neck anatomy, biomaterial sciences, aesthetics and treatment planning. Prosthodontists are considered the architects of dental projects. They envision a final outcome based not just on improved functioning, but on aesthetics as well. A prosthodontist creates a unique treatment plan for each individual patient to improve both dental health and appearance. Prosthodontics is recognized by the American Dental Association as an official specialty. To become board certified, prosthodontists must complete extensive exams sponsored by the American Board of Prosthodontics. The written and oral exams are based on the field's literature and theories, and participants must correctly treat and explain three different patient scenarios."
"docid": "D2228511#0",
"title": "http://www.angelfire.com/biz/smiledoc/prosthodontic.html\n.",
"text": "\"undefined undefined What is Prosthodontics? Home Page About Dr. Carpenter Directions to the office Keep your smile for life (Page Pending)Health benefits of dental care (Page Pending)Words your dentist uses Prosthodontics is the dental specialty using facial and oral prostheses to treat or correct appearance, speech and swallowing problems caused by disease or injury. This includes dentures, dental implants, and oral and facial prostheses. Examples of a prostheses would include artificial noses, ears, cheeks and oral inserts to improve speach and swallowing. Your Smile Can Last For Life WHAT IS A MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHODONTIST? A maxillofacial prosthodontist is a dentist who specializes in \"\"prosthodontics,\"\" one of only eight specialties recognized by the American Dental Association. Prosthodontics is a specialty branch of dentistry pertaining to the restoration and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and health of the patient. The prosthodontist can restore natural teeth and/or replacement of missing teeth and continuous oral and facial tissues with lifelike substitutes. A prosthodontist completes several years of additional training after dental school in an accredited advanced dental education program. The American Board of Prosthodontics certifies qualified prosthodontists who meet its standards and pass its examinations."
"docid": "D132282#0",
"title": "https://www.aegisdentalnetwork.com/cced/2011/10/elastomeric-impression-materials-factors-to-consider\nElastomeric Impression Materials: Factors to Consider",
"text": "October 2011 Volume 32, Issue 8Elastomeric Impression Materials: Factors to Consider Gregg A. Helvey, DDSClinicians have much to consider when selecting an elastomeric dental impression material. Before such a material can be brought to market it must first fulfill the criteria of the American Dental Association Specification No. 19, which states that the material must be able to reproduce fine detail of 25 microns or less. Other criteria for the material’s mechanical properties include consistency, permanent deformation, strain in compression, flow, shore hardness, and tear strength. 1 These guidelines can be further sub-categorized into other physical and mechanical properties. What are these various properties, and what should a clinician look for in an impression material—of which there are some 600 brands 2? Hondrum 3 stated that accuracy, dimensional stability, and tear strength (elastic recovery) are the most critical properties. Wettability, or wetting, which is a material’s ability to spread over a surface, 4 strongly affects the accuracy of an impression material. The ability of a liquid material to wet a solid surface is measured by the contact angle—the lower the contact angle, the more hydrophilic the material. Contact angle measurements that define wettability are made mostly on impression material in a static, unchanging state; changes occur in the contact angle during the setting of impression materials."
"docid": "D930216#0",
"title": "http://www.ada.org/education-careers/careers-in-dentistry/dental-specialties/specialty-definitions\nSpecialty Definitions",
"text": "Specialty Definitions Definitions of Recognized Dental Specialties Approved by the Council on Dental Education and Licensure, American Dental Association Dental Public Health: Dental public health is the science and art of preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through organized community efforts. It is that form of dental practice which serves the community as a patient rather than the individual. It is concerned with the dental health education of the public, with applied dental research, and with the administration of group dental care programs as well as the prevention and control of dental diseases on a community basis. ( Adopted May 1976)Endodontics: Endodontics is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. Its study and practice encompass the basic and clinical sciences including biology of the normal pulp, the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular conditions. ( Adopted December 1983)Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: Oral pathology is the specialty of dentistry and discipline of pathology that deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions. It is a science that investigates the causes, processes, and effects of these diseases. The practice of oral pathology includes research and diagnosis of diseases using clinical, radiographic, microscopic, biochemical, or other examinations. ( Adopted May 1991)Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: Oral and maxillofacial radiology is the specialty of dentistry and discipline of radiology concerned with the production and interpretation of images and data produced by all modalities of radiant energy that are used for the diagnosis and management of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral and maxillofacial region. ( Adopted April 2001)Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the specialty of dentistry which includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving both the functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. ("
"docid": "D2059549#0",
"title": "http://www.dentalaegis.com/id/2007/05/the-art-of-denture-relining\nThe Art of Denture Relining",
"text": "May 2007 Volume 3, Issue 5Figure 1Figure 5Figure 10Figure 11Figure 12Figure 16The Art of Denture Relining Karl F. Leinfelder, DDS, MS; Douglas A. Terry, DDS; and Mark E. Connelly, DDSMastering the art of complete or partial dentures requires developing a balance between function, comfort, and esthetics. 1 Although the fabrication of complete denture prostheses is somewhat complex, requiring multiple detailed procedures, the result can be generally quite acceptable. Many times after prosthetic completion an imbalance in these three criteria can occur over time. Gradual physiologic changes of the soft tissues as well as resorption of the underlying osseous structure can cause the denture to lose its original stability and retention. 2 Assuming that the occlusal and vertical dimensions of the denture are acceptable, it is possible to regain tissue adaptation and retention of the supporting structures by relining the denture base. This can be achieved through an indirect technique in the laboratory or directly in the patient’s mouth. The indirect technique includes the generation of an impression, stone cast, and then applying new denture base material to the internal aspect of the denture. The direct method of denture relining is accomplished by means of making an intraoral impression within the denture using a chairside lining material that bonds to the inner surface of the denture. 3-5Each of these methods poses potential challenges. The indirect technique is performed in a laboratory with special curing equipment, which means that the patient must go without the denture for a period of time."
"docid": "D257437#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.sensagent.com/dental%20restoration/en-en/\nDental restorationupdate",
"text": "\"Dental restorationupdate Dental restoration Intervention ICD-9-CM 23.2 - 23.4A dental restoration or dental filling is a dental restorative material used to restore the function, integrity and morphology of missing tooth structure. The structural loss typically results from caries or external trauma. It is also lost intentionally during tooth preparation to improve the aesthetics or the physical integrity of the intended restorative material. Dental restoration also refers to the replacement of missing tooth structure that is supported by dental implants. Dental restorations can be divided into two broad types: direct restorations and indirect restorations. All dental restorations can be further classified by their location and size. A root canal filling is a restorative technique used to fill the space where the dental pulp normally resides. Contents1 Tooth preparation2 Direct restorations3 Indirect restorations4 Restoration classifications5 Materials used in dental restorations5.1 Tooth-colored5.1.1 Composite resin5.1.2 Glass ionomer cement5.1.3 Porcelain (ceramics)5.2 Comparison5.3 Experimental6 Restoration of dental implants7 See also8 References9 External links Tooth preparation Tooth #3, the upper right first molar, with the beginning of an MO preparation. Looking into the preparation, the white, outer enamel appears intact, while the yellow, underlying dentin appears recessed. This is because the dentin was decayed and was thus removed."
] |
253 | +what is cal-mar | [
"docid": "D2811691#0",
"title": "http://www.priceline.com/cal-mar-hotel-suites-santa-monica-california-CA-1593369-hd.hotel-reviews-hotel-guides\nCal Mar Hotel Suites Santa Monica",
"text": "Cal Mar Hotel Suites Santa Monica220 California Avenue, Santa Monica, CACal Mar Hotel Suites Guest Score and Reviews7.4 Good Staff9.2Cleanliness8.1Location7.9Based on 60 reviews | All reviews are from verified hotel guests“ Cute vintage feel. ”“ Walking distance to everything. ”“ Very family friendly. ” Check Availability Show Prices Cal Mar Hotel Suites Santa Monica Get the best deals without needing a promo code! Save on your reservation by booking with our discount rates at Cal Mar Hotel Suites Santa Monica in CA. Hotel Location220 California Avenue Santa Monica, California United States Hotel Amenities Grounds/Garden Family Rooms Heating Sun Terrace/Deck Wi Fi Available in All Areas24-hour Front Desk Baggage Storage Non-smoking Rooms Laundry Dry Cleaning Swimming Pool Skiing Tour Desk Fax/Photocopying Outdoor Pool (All Year)Concierge Service Vending Machine (Drinks)Car Rental Ski Storage Paid Wi Fi Bedding Hotel Policies Check in 3:00 PMCheck out 11:00 AMImportant Information Early check-in may be available at a half-day rate. Rates are based on single occupancy, extra person charges are applicable. Wi Fi rates are applicable per device. Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply."
] | [
"docid": "D145683#0",
"title": "https://www.medhelp.org/posts/Weight-Loss-Alternatives/LIPO-Vitamin-B-combo-injection/show/22572\nLIPO/Vitamin B combo injection???Carla21 Mar 29, 2006",
"text": "\"LIPO/Vitamin B combo injection??? Carla21 Mar 29, 2006Does anyone get this shot? I just got it on Tuesday and was wondering what some other peoples results might have been. I am also taking Diucaps. Answer Question Read 70 Responses Follow - 970 Responsescountryprncess May 27, 2009Hey everyone, just wanted to say hello. I started the lipo/B12 injections today. I am so excited.. I have heard alot of good things I hope they are true. Cant wait to start seeing results.. Well off to the gym.... later Commentalicat007 May 28, 2009I just started the Liop and B12 shots with the Phen yesterday and am looking forward to the results you guys are having without this forum I don't think I would have tried the Lipo wasn't sure what it was or if it would work but boy am I glad I did~~I feel great!! My hunger is almost gone! I think about the food but really don't need it~now I can focus on making good choices and not starving and wanting something right now!"
"docid": "D473851#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Menard\nPaul Menard",
"text": "\"Paul Menard From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the hockey player, see Paul Menard (ice hockey). Paul Menard Menard at Road America in 2015Born August 21, 1980 (age 37)Eau Claire, Wisconsin Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)Weight 180 lb (82 kg)Achievements 2011 Brickyard 400 winner Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series career407 races run over 15 years Car no., team No. 21 ( Wood Brothers Racing)2017 position 23rd Best finish 14th ( 2015)First race 2003 Sirius Satellite Radio at the Glen ( Watkins Glen)Last race 2018 O'Reilly Auto Parts 500 ( Texas)First win 2011 Brickyard 400 ( Indianapolis)Wins Top tens Poles1 60 1NASCAR Xfinity Series career214 races run over 13 years Car no., team No. 22 ( Team Penske)2017 position 96th Best finish 5th ( 2010)First race 2003 Trace Adkins Chrome 300 ( Nashville)Last race 2017 Virginia 529 College Savings 250 ( Richmond)First win 2006 AT&T 250 ( Milwaukee)Last win 2015 Road America 180 ( Road America)Wins Top tens Poles3 96 5NASCAR Camping World Truck Series career6 races run over 2 years2007 position 104th Best finish 42nd ( 2003)First race 2003 GNC 200 ( Milwaukee)Last race 2007 Kroger 250 ( Martinsville)Wins Top tens Poles0 1 0Statistics current as of April 8, 2018. Paul Menard (born August 21, 1980) is an American professional stock car racing driver. He currently competes full-time in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, driving the No. 21 Ford Fusion for Wood Brothers Racing, and part-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 22 Ford Mustang for Team Penske."
"docid": "D1727725#0",
"title": "http://www.wlac.edu/Academic/Academic-Calendar.aspx\nAcademic Calendar",
"text": "\"Academic Calendar Find Dates: Registration Appointment, Drop Dates, etc. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. How to find your Registration Appointment and other important dates using the Student Portal. Quick Link To:- FALL Traditional Semster - Fall: 1st 5 Weeks - Fall: 2nd 5 Weeks- WINTER Session- SPRING Traditional Semester - Spring: 1st 5 Weeks - Spring: 2nd 5 Weeks- SUMMER Sessions Spring 2018: Traditional Semester Session Period February 5 - June 4, 2018Weekday classes begin week of Feb 5 Saturday classes begin Feb 10Applications Accepted Beginning currently Registration Begins GROUP 1 (Tier 1): Priority Registration * Veterans, EOPS/Care, DSPS, Foster Youth, Cal WORKs Nov 13GROUP 1 (Tier 2): Priority Registration * Athletes, College Promise Nov 16GROUP 2: Continuing Students - Fully matriculated*Nov 20GROUP 3: Students that have not Fully Matriculated Dec 8GROUP 4: High School - Special K-12 Admits Dec 15*in order to maintain your registration appointment time, you must be in good standing, have fewer than 100 degree applicable units, and if required, be fully matriculated by October 27, 2017. Residency Determination Date Feb 4Special Registration Hours: January 29- February 15Mon - Thur: 8:30am - 7:00pm Fri: 8:30am - 2:00pm Sat (Feb 3): 8:30am - 1:00pm M-F CLASSES Begin Feb 5, 2018Sat CLASSES Begin Feb 10, 2018FINALSMay 29 - June 4LAST DAY TOPriority Enrollment & BOGG Appeal Oct TBARecency/Third Attempt Petitions Jan 2 - Jan 26Third Course Repeat Petitions Jan 2 - Jan 26Prerequisite Clearance/Challenge Petitions Jan 27Add/Audit Traditional Classes Online: Feb 4In-person: Feb 15Drop a Class with a refund/no fee owed Feb 15Drop a Class without a \"\"W\"\"Feb 15File Pass / No Pass Feb 15Drop a Class with a \"\"W\"\"May 4GRADUATION PETITION ACCEPTEDDec 11 - Apr 20GRADUATION CEREMONYTues, June 5 @ 5:00.. .learn more CAMPUS CLOSEDPresidents' Day: Feb 16 - Feb 19Non-Instruction Days - No Classes but College Open: Mar 29Cesar Chavez Day: Mar 30Spring Break: Mar 31 - April 6Memorial Day: May 28NOTE: Short-term courses and other accelerated program classes have different deadlines. Please check with your instructor. Spring 2018:8 Week Session #1Session #2This calendar is for classes that meet 4 days per week. If your class is not scheduled for 4 days per week, check with the instructor for the deadline dates. Session Period Feb 5 - Mar 28 Apr 9 - June 3Applications Accepted Year Round Year Round LAST DAY TORecency Petitions/ Third Attempt Petitions Jan 2 - Jan 26 Jan 2 - Jan 26Third Course Repeat Petitions Jan 2 - Jan 26 Jan 2 - Jan 26Prerequisite Clearance/Challenge Petitions Jan 26 Jan 26Add / Audit Classes ONLINE: Feb 4in-person: Feb 12ONLINE: Apr 8in-person: Apr 16Drop classes with a refund/no fee owed Feb 11Apr 16Drop classes w/o a W Feb 11 Apr 16File Pass / No Pass Feb 11 Apr 16Drop classes w/a W Mar 15 May 18CAMPUS CLOSEDNo Classes: Cesar Chavez Day: Spring Break: Presidents' Day: Feb 17 - Feb 19No Classes: Mar 29Cesar Chavez Day: Mar 30Spring Break: Mar 31 - April 6Memorial Day: May 28Summer Session 2018Session Period Starts June 11Application Accepted Now Registration Begins GROUP 1 - Priority Registration: EOP&S, DSPS, Veterans, Foster Care Youth, Cal Works *GROUP 1 - Tier 2 (Athletes, Promise)*April 9, 2018April 19, 2018GROUP 2: Continuing Students - FULLY MATRICULATED*April 23 - May 4, 2018GROUP 3: Students who lost priority May 7, 2018GROUP 4: Open Enrollment including K-12 special admits May 14, 2018*In order to maintain your registration appointment time, you must be in good standing, have fewer than 100 degree applicable units, and if required, be fully matriculated by March 23, 2018."
"docid": "D2576148#0",
"title": "https://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/CA/Big%20Sur\n2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Big Sur, CA",
"text": "\"2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Big Sur, CAShare: Search for Other Locations Enter a Location See long range weather forecasts for the next 60 days from The Old Farmer’s Almanac! Our long range forecasts can be used to make more informed decisions about future plans that depend on the weather, from vacations and weddings to sporting events and outdoor activities. To see long term forecasts for the entire year, pick up a copy of the annual Old Farmer’s Almanac, available online and in stores. Note: Long range forecasts are regional, not city-specific. If your city is located inside a region, the region's forecast will apply to you. Free 2-Month Weather Forecast February 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Southwest Dates Weather Conditions Feb 1-8 Rainy periods, cool Feb 9-15 Sunny, turning warm Feb 16-28 Rainy periods; warm, then cool February temperature 55° (avg.) precipitation 3.5\"\" (2\"\" above avg. north, 1\"\" below south)March 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Southwest Dates Weather Conditions Mar 1-6 Rainy periods, cool Mar 7-11 Sprinkles, cool Mar 12-15 Rainy, cool Mar 16-21 Sunny north, rainy periods south; cool Mar 22-26 Showers, cool Mar 27-31 Sunny, warm March temperature 55° (2° below avg.) precipitation 2.5\"\" (avg. ) Annual Weather Summary: November 2017 to October 2018Winter will be cooler than normal, with rainfall above normal in the north and near normal in the south."
"docid": "D2319207#0",
"title": "https://priuschat.com/threads/green-stickers-and-fastrak-in-so-cal.103318/\nGreen stickers and Fastrak in So Cal",
"text": "\"Green stickers and Fastrak in So Cal Discussion in ' Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015 ' started by usdmattiphone, Feb 11, 2012 .usdmattiphone Member Joined: Sep 22, 2011147 58 0Location: San Diego, CAVehicle: 2012 Prius Plug-in Model: Plug-in Advanced Ok i'm a tad confused because I've actually never used Toll Roads in san diego before. When the green stickers are issued (and the current and future white ones) I know that HOV lanes will be able to be used, but the bigger question i have is about Toll roads that are also HOV. I know down near me the I-15 Express Lanes are Sometimes HOV only, and sometimes HOV toll. They say that vehicles with the HOV sticker can simply enter at any time for free and no toll applies. In the Bay area across the bridges in the HOV lanes, there is a discounted Toll for HOV stickered cars. Does every Toll road in california have their own specific rules if you are allowed to use the toll road free if you have HOV stickers? What about the ones in Orange County?#1usdmattiphone, Feb 11, 2012Rob HSenior Member Joined: Sep 18, 20062,100 731 62Location: Sunnyvale, California Vehicle: 2006 Prius Adding to the questions... I have a Fastrak that works on San Francisco area bridges. Can I use it on Southern California toll roads?#2Rob H, Feb 12, 2012Tracksyde Member Joined: Sep 21, 20111,428 742 0Location: So Cal Vehicle: 2012 Prius Plug-in Model: Plug-in Base Rob H said: ↑Adding to the questions... I have a Fastrak that works on San Francisco area bridges. Can I use it on Southern California toll roads? Yes#3Tracksyde, Feb 12, 20121 person likes this.cwerdna Senior Member Joined: Sep 4, 200512,516 2,058 1Location: SF Bay Area, CAVehicle: 2006 Prius I think it's best to look at the regional Fas Trak site for the area in question as to the rules."
"docid": "D749417#0",
"title": "http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/tesco-price-comparison/Breakfast_Cereals/Kelloggs_All_Bran_Bran_Flakes_750g.html\nKellogg's All-Bran Bran Flakes (750g)",
"text": "Add to basket Add to list Kellogg's All-Bran Bran Flakes (750g)2 reviews£ 2.90 any 2 for £ 4.0038.7 p / 26.7 p / 100g Valid until 14/11/2017 Offer£2.89 any 2 for £4.00 Offer£2.90 any 2 for £4.00 Offer£2.88 Offer See all (15)Price today29% below average Add price alert You may also like (16)Crownfield Bran Flakes (500g)55 p11 p / 100g Add to basket ASDA Smartprice Bran Flakes (750g)86 p11.5 p / 100g1 review Add to basket ASDA Bran Flakes (1Kg)£ 1.2012 p / 100g Add to basket Weetabix Bran Flakes (500g)£ 1.0020 p / 100g Add to basket33% Off Kellogg's Fruit 'n' Fibre (750g)£ 2.99 any 2 for £ 4.0039.9 p / 26.7 p / 100g1 review Add to basket Tesco Sultana Bran (750g)£ 1.4519.3 p / 100g Add to basket Nestle Multigrain Shredded Wheat Rye & Quinoa (475g)£ 1.5031.6 p / 100g Add to basket Tesco Hi-Fibre Bran Cereal (750g)£ 1.4519.3 p / 100g Add to basket ASDA Sultana Bran (550g)£ 1.2021.8 p / 100g Add to basket Sainsbury's High Fibre Bran (500g)£ 1.2024 p / 100g Add to basket Crownfield Fruit & Fibre (750g)£ 1.3918.5 p / 100g Add to basket12% Off Mornflake Wholewheat Bran Flakes (750g)£ 1.99 any 2 for £ 3.5026.5 p / 23.3 p / 100g Add to basket Tesco Fruit & Fibre (500g)£ 1.0020 p / 100g1 review Add to basket Crownfield Special Flakes (500g)99 p19.8 p / 100g Add to basket Kellogg's All-Bran (750g)£ 2.8838.4 p / 100g1 review Add to basket Sainsbury's Wholegrain Fruit & Fibre Flakes (1Kg)£ 2.4024 p / 100g Add to basket Related products Breakfast Cereals More Healthier Cereal products More Kellogg's products More Tinned Plums & Prunes products Average price in UK over the last 12 months Today, 29% below average30 Oct 16 29 Nov 16 29 Dec 16 29 Jan 17 1 Mar 17 31 Mar 17 30 Apr 17 31 May 17 30 Jun 17 31 Jul 17 31 Aug 17 30 Sep 17 31 Oct 17£1.82£2.24£2.65£3.07Description Natural wheat bran fibre Source of vitamin D, B vitamins, iron and protein High in natural wheat bran fibre Contains extra folic acid Suitable for vegetarians Halal - HFA approved Kosher Our Bran Flakes are packed with goodness and the ingredients you need to improve your digestive health*. Made from deliciously crunchy bran enriched wheat and oat flakes. A simple high source of fibre with great versatility. Why not mix it up and try them with fruit and yoghurt? * Wheat bran fibre contributes to an acceleration of intestinal transit. Aim for at least 10g wheat bran fibre per day. Kellogg's Bran Flakes contain 4.3g wheat bran fibre per serving. Enjoy as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. For more inspiring breakfast ideas go to kelloggsbranflakes.co.uk Enjoy as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. This pack is sold by weight not volume, settling of contents may occur during transit. Storage Store in a dry placevegetarian Nutrition Facts Ingredients: Wholewheat (66%), Wheat Bran (21%), Sugar, Oat Flour (6%), Glucose Syrup, Barley Malt Flavouring, Salt, Natural Flavouring, Vitamins & Minerals: Niacin, Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Folic Acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12."
"docid": "D769829#0",
"title": "http://www.socaljetboats.com/trailers/lifting-the-boat-off-the-trailer/\nLifting the boat off the trailer",
"text": "\"Lifting the boat off the trailer19 Replies 6202 Viewsmetallicats33Join Date: Jul 2011Location: So Cal Full Member Posts: 119Karma: +0/-0Registered User Liked: Likes Given: 1Lifting the boat off the trailer« on: May 24, 2012, 02:28:24 PM »I need to replace the bunks on my trailer and would like to paint it while the boat is off. I've been kicking around the idea of using two cherry pickers to lift the boat off the trailer. My plan was to use one to lift the bow up with a strap through the hook and another attached to the engine to lift the back end. My question is: Is it okay to lift the back end of the boat like this? Thanks in advance, James Logged Boat #1: 1978 Challenger5150whiteboy Join Date: Jan 2012Location: Monrovia, ca Macho Member Posts: 1,588Karma: +24/-0Registered User Liked: Likes Given: 12Lifting the boat off the trailer« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 03:35:11 PM »I have taken two boats off trailers along with my uncle and buddy, we use 4x4's and 2x4's to brace the back of the boat jack up the front of the boat and slowly work trailer out and brace the middle and front as you take the trailer further and further out from under the boat. We actually still have one boat to put back on but a buddy is lagging ass on lights and bunks, he had one day paint and body paint his for 3 bills. Logged5150White Boy JMS-1Join Date: Mar 2008Location: alpine, ca Sr. Member Posts: 272Karma: +0/-0Liked: Likes Given: 3Re: Lifting the boat off the trailer« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 08:19:32 PM »Another option that is a little less scary than lifting a complete boat would be to try and find an empty boat trailer to borrow, or if you have a flatbed trailer like a car hauler you could build bunks or anchor some old tires to the deck and take them both to water and swap the boat over. It’s a little hillbilly but it does work Logged Boat #1: 79 Millermetallicats33Join Date: Jul 2011Location: So Cal Full Member Posts: 119Karma: +0/-0Registered User Liked: Likes Given: 1Re: Lifting the boat off the trailer« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 07:25:40 AM »Quote from: JMS-1 on May 24, 2012, 08:19:32 PMAnother option that is a little less scary than lifting a complete boat would be to try and find an empty boat trailer to borrow, or if you have a flatbed trailer like a car hauler you could build bunks or anchor some old tires to the deck and take them both to water and swap the boat over. It’s a little hillbilly but it does work That would be ideal, Unfortunately no one I know has an extra trailer laying around."
"docid": "D1074325#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Irn-Bru/Archive_1\nTalk:Irn-Bru/Archive 1",
"text": "\"Talk: Irn-Bru/Archive 1From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia< Talk: Irn-Brunavigation search This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page. Contents [ hide ]1 Canadian caffeine law2 Fruit Flavour3 Wheres it sold?4 Russians5 Church6 A Salt and Battery7 Flavour8 Hyphen?9 Two assertions10 Availability in Ireland11 Popularity12 Adverts13 Uncited mythology14 Irn-Bru 3215 Removed sentence about \"\"iron\"\" colour =16 Russian speakers, I call you17 availability in Bahrain18 Irn-Bru bottled abroad19 Irn Bru 32 article20 Canadian caffeine Canadian caffeine law Originally, the article claimed that the law regarding caffeine in dark-coloured soft drinks had been repealed, based on the introduction of a caffeinated version of Mountain Dew. In fact, the law remains the same, and the new drink is actually classified as an \"\" energy drink \"\", or \"\"health product\"\" to allow it to contain caffeine in Canada. Many brands have followed suit since then, including Tab and Sobe. Other trends include adding guarana instead of caffeine. I have removed this factually inaccurate portion from the article. -- dsm iv tr 22:54, 12 July 2006 (UTC)Fruit Flavour IRN BRU IS DESCRIBED AS A FRUIT FLAVOURED SOFT DRINK A FEW YEARS AGO!Removed the nonsense about 'cold, half-flat, combined with last night's haggis' as that is clearly a troll with no basis in reality!Wheres it sold? I think it would be an advantage to list which fast food places carry Irn-Bru."
"docid": "D163222#0",
"title": "https://health.stackexchange.com/questions/5282/what-is-the-difference-between-cal-and-kcal\nWhat is the difference between cal and Kcal?",
"text": "\"_Health Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for medical specialists, students, dietitians, and anyone with health-related questions. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the difference between cal and Kcal?up vote4down votefavorite1When I started working out, I came across these two terms that are used interchangeably. On edible products energy is written in terms of Kcal While when running on a treadmill we lose calories. What is the difference between them? And which one is the real deal?nutrition terminology caloriesshare improve this questionedited Mar 29 '16 at 19:36Yvi De5,566 1 12 78asked Mar 29 '16 at 17:47adil123 1 1 5Food terminology deceptively calls kcals calories. Iirc, it was for vanity reasons. – The Nate Mar 30 '16 at 4:23add a comment2 Answers active oldest votesup vote7down voteaccepted Answer: 1 Kilocalorie equals 1 Calorie. Note the capital \"\"C\"\". 1 kilocalorie equals 1000 calories. Note the lowercase \"\"c\"\"."
"docid": "D730596#0",
"title": "https://www.thestreet.com/quote/SRE.html\nSempra Energy (SRE)",
"text": "\"Sempra Energy (SRE)Follow110.34NYSE : Utilities Apr 4, 2018 4:03 PM EDTPrev Close 110.34Day Low/High 0.00 / 0.0052 Wk Low/High 100.63 / 122.97Avg Volume 2.41MExchange NYSEShares Outstanding 263.90MMarket Cap 28.87BEPS 1.00P/E Ratio 108.30Div & Yield 3.58 (3.05%)Summary Profile News Financials Events Ownership Options Trade with Jim Cramer 14 Days FREELatest News So Cal Gas Helps Fleet Owners Put New Near-Zero Emissions Natural Gas Trucks On The Road So Cal Gas Donates $100,000 To Support Cal State LA Combustion Engineering Research That Advances Clean Air And Energy Efficiency Technologies Sempra Energy CEO Debra L. Reed To Retire; Jeffrey W. Martin Named Successor Joseph A. Householder to Be Promoted to President Mar 12, 2018 6:55 AM EDTSempra Energy Completes Acquisition Of Majority Stake In Oncor Transaction Creates Utility Holding Company with Largest U. S. Customer Base Mar 9, 2018 11:30 AM ESTTexas Regulators Approve Sempra Energy's Majority Ownership Of Oncor Mar 8, 2018 11:00 AM ESTTempur Sealy Is Lying Down, Plus 4 Other Stocks That Look Good Short TPX, WR, GOV, BIIB and SRE were all recently were downgraded by The Street's Quant Ratings service. Mar 2, 2018 12:10 PM ESTEnergy Storage Projects To Benefit Emergency Service Providers And Nonprofits New projects to enhance energy reliability and renewable integration Feb 28, 2018 9:12 PM ESTRatings Changes Today The Street Quant Ratings provides fair and objective information to help you make educated investing decisions. We rate over 4,100 stocks daily and provide 5-page PDF reports for each stock. These ratings can change daily and today's changes are reflected in the email below. If you are looking to check-up on the stocks you currently own or are looking for new ideas, you can find our full database of password-protected ratings reports in our proprietary ratings screener: http://www.thestreet.com/k/qr/flat/stock-screener.html Upgrades: EOG, FGEN, GASS, GHC, SATS Downgrades: ALB, CFBK, CLI, DISCB, FORM, HCCI, IONS, KOP, LTC, MNRO, PNTR, SRE Initiations: FRAC, JELD, REVG Read on to get The Street Quant Ratings' detailed report: Feb 28, 2018 11:02 AM ESTU. S. Bankruptcy Court Approves Sempra Energy's Acquisition Of Oncor's Holding Company Feb 26, 2018 6:01 PM ESTFour Days Remain To Take Advantage Of So Cal Gas Smart Thermostat Program Offer Of Up To $75 In Incentives Incentive for enrolling in conservation program combined with $50 in purchase rebates offers up to $125 in money back for smart thermostats buyers Feb 26, 2018 3:07 PM ESTSempra Energy Declares Dividends And Raises Annualized Common Stock Dividend By 9 Percent Feb 22, 2018 8:10 PM ESTAs Cold Temperatures Continue, So Cal Gas Provides Customers Tips To Save On Home Heating And Hot Water Costs Feb 22, 2018 7:30 AM ESTSempra Energy To Report Fourth-Quarter 2017 Earnings Feb. 27Feb 16, 2018 9:00 AM ESTSo Cal Gas Research & Development Team Wins EPRI Technology Transfer Award For Innovative Energy Efficiency Project The pilot program proves natural gas plays an affordable and important role in achieving zero-net energy use Feb 8, 2018 12:45 PM ESTSempra Energy Becomes #84 Most Shorted S&P 500 Component, Replacing Valero Energy The most recent short interest data has been released for the 01/12/2018 settlement date, and we here at Dividend Channel like to sift through this fresh data and order the underlying components of the S&P 500 by \"\"days to cover.\"\" There are a number of ways to look at short data, for example the total number of shares short; but one metric that we find particularly useful is the \"\"days to cover\"\" metric because it considers both the total shares short and the average daily volume of shares typically traded. The number of shares short is then compared to the average daily volume, in order to calculate the total number of trading days it would take to close out all of the open short positions if every share traded represented a short position being closed. Feb 8, 2018 8:25 AM ESTOncor-Sempra Energy Settlement Garners Unanimous Support From Texas Stakeholders Feb 1, 2018 4:15 PM ESTSo Cal Gas Smart Thermostat Program Offers Customers Up To $75 In Incentives To Conserve Natural Gas This Winter Customers with ecobee or Nest smart thermostats are eligible to participate in this new natural gas conservation program Jan 30, 2018 3:08 PM ESTOncor-Sempra Energy Settlement Agreement Expands To 9 Texas Stakeholders Jan 25, 2018 6:50 AM ESTWhat Is Next For Clean Transportation: Modernizing School Buses, Public Transit, Cross-Border Trucks, Refrigerated Semi-Truck Trailers And More SDG&E proposes charging infrastructure for about 3,000 zero emission medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles and equipment Jan 23, 2018 6:30 AM ESTCalifornia Utilities Issue Draft Solicitation For Dairy Biomethane Pilot Projects Jan 19, 2018 1:22 PM ESTSempra Energy Named To Fortune's 'World's Most Admired Companies' List For 2018Jan 19, 2018 12:50 PM ESTSempra Energy Becomes #139 Most Shorted S&P 500 Component, Replacing Pinnacle West Capital The most recent short interest data has been released for the 12/29/2017 settlement date, and we here at Dividend Channel like to sift through this fresh data and order the underlying components of the S&P 500 by \"\"days to cover.\"\" There are a number of ways to look at short data, for example the total number of shares short; but one metric that we find particularly useful is the \"\"days to cover\"\" metric because it considers both the total shares short and the average daily volume of shares typically traded."
"docid": "D3235154#0",
"title": "http://www.contractortalk.com/f84/door-thickness-question-89272/\n.",
"text": "\"Door Thickness Question Page 1 of 2 1 2 >Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes12-21-2010, 08:52 PM # 1Alfredo*Nor Cal Registered User Trade: A and FJoin Date: Dec 2010Posts: 7 Rewards Points: 10Door Thickness Question I am adding 2 bathrooms at a Restaurant in South San Francisco with Handicap Specs. i know the door has to be 36 in. wide by 80 in. tall. now here is the question: what would the thickness be? 1 3/8th's or 1 3/4? i know it has to be solid core thanks Warning: The topics covered on this site include activities in which there exists the potential for serious injury or death. Contractor Talk.com DOES NOT guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this site. Always use proper safety precaution and reference reliable outside sources before attempting any construction or remodeling task!Advertisement Advertisement12-21-2010, 08:54 PM # 2griz Fire up the BBQTrade: GCJoin Date: Nov 2009Location: CAPosts: 18,943 Rewards Points: 68Re: Door Thickness Question It depends if it opening into a rated fire corridor & what the fire rating of the door has to be. Advertisement12-21-2010, 09:07 PM # 3Alfredo*Nor Cal Registered User Trade: A and FJoin Date: Dec 2010Posts: 7 Rewards Points: 10Re: Door Thickness Question^ thanks for the reply."
"docid": "D1251104#0",
"title": "https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=1183920\nUse Remote Desktop Licensing to connect to a Windows 7 Virtual Workstation",
"text": "\"Use Remote Desktop Licensing to connect to a Windows 7 Virtual Workstation7 posts Exodor Seniorius Lurkius Registered: Mar 31, 2011Posts: 9Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:30 pm I'm trying to use Remote Desktop Connection licensing to connect up to 30 concurrent users on a Windows 7 Ultimate virtual workstation. I've just spent the last two hours trying to make sense out of Microsoft's Technet articles/help documents/mindscrew documents about Remote Desktop Licensing, and I'm even more unclear on how it works than I was when I started. I swear, the most difficult thing I ever do as an IT Administrator is try to make sense out of Microsoft licensing. Here's my scenario. Can someone please tell me if it is possible to do this and, if so, how? I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 VM and a Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate VM running on a Citrix Xen Server host. I have 30 \"\"Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 TS or RDS Per User CALs\"\". The Windows Server 2008 R2 machine is set up as a Remote Desktop Session Host. What I would like to do is, use those 30 User CALs to connect multiple concurrent users to the Windows 7 machine. Can this be done?"
"docid": "D2276033#0",
"title": "https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/310424-domain-controller-hardware-requirement\nDomain Controller Hardware Requirement",
"text": "Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Join Now We have a remote site with 30 Domain users, we have a Power Edge 2900 with 4 gb Memory running Windows Server 2003 Operating System. We are planning to add a new Domain Controller and keep the existing one as a secondary domain controller. Users are also using the domain controller as a file share server. I have the following questions.1. What Hardware requirement should I go with for the Domain controller.2. I want to go with Windows Server 2012 Standard, do we have to buy the Windows cals for the 30 users who will be connecting to the domain controller for authentication. We have Windows cals license for Windows Server 2003.3. Any Dell Server Model that you want to recommend. Please comment."
"docid": "D885488#0",
"title": "http://www.contractortalk.com/f5/romex-say-aint-so-20922/\n.",
"text": "\"Romex? Say It Ain't So... Page 1 of 2 1 2 >Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes04-10-2007, 02:41 AM # 1James NLAPro Trade: Plumbing & Electrical Join Date: Jun 2006Location: So Cal Posts: 1,202 Rewards Points: 516Romex? Say It Ain't So... Was having a discussion with a forman today. With respect to a complete rewire in a gutted 40'X100' office building. While I don't particularly do too much commercial work, I know that it should be done...or at least I do that sort of work with FMC or NMT for all the conductors. However I was challenged with the question of why not romex? During lunch I looked it up...again.... Type 3-4-or 5 building. 15 minutes and while Romex can be visible, cannot be in a place where it can get damaged. I had actually already known that, but I was looking for some magical code refference with respect to commercial applications. And I couldn't find any."
"docid": "D880944#0",
"title": "https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=mini+comforter+set\n1,738 results for mini comforter set",
"text": "Items in search results Duke Faux Fur Comforter Mini Set Black King/Cal King Brand New$96.89Buy It Now Free Shipping4 Watching FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30Realtree Xtra Mini Comforter Set Twin Tan Camo Brand New2 product ratings$52.84Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns25 new & refurbished from $51.99FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Thu, Mar. 29Brooklyn loom Jackson pleat mini twin comforter set in blush New (Other)$75.00or Best Offer Free Shipping Twin Microfiber Reversible Cheetah Peace Mini Comforter Set Brand New$24.99List price: $89.99Buy It Now Free Shipping New listing Seventeen Comforter Mini Set w/bedskirt Full/Queen Samantha Pre-Owned$48.95Buy It Now+$39.95 shipping PEYTON Mini Comforter Set, Pink, Twin Brand New$56.80Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30INK+IVY Ankara Comforter Mini Set In Yellow King Brand New$79.99or Best Offer Free Shippingyour zone ruched mini comforter set Brand New$29.02 to $50.82Buy It Now Free Shipping Woolrich Lumberjack Down Alternative Reversible Comforter Mini Set Direct from Wayfair Brand New$49.99 to $79.99Buy It Now Free Shipping NEW Vera Bradley Cascading Floral Comforter Mini Set Full/Queen 3 pieces Brand New$89.99or Best Offer+$9.99 shipping13 Watching Realtree AP Mini Comforter Set, King, Pink, Camo Brand New$63.16Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30Brooklyn Loom Jackson Pintuck Pleat Full / Queen Comforter Mini Set White New (Other)$99.00or Best Offer Free Shipping Duke Faux Fur Comforter Mini Set Black King/Cal King Brand New$91.30Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns Only 1 left!Comfort Spaces Vixie Reversible Down Alternative Comforter Mini Set ✔️FAST-SHIP!Brand New$49.99Buy It Now Free Shipping21 new & refurbished from $44.92FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30SPONSOREDComfort Spaces – Vixie Reversible Down Alternative Comforter Mini Set - 3 Pi...$62.67Buy It Now Free Shipping2 Watching SPONSOREDMadison Park Bismarck Ultra Plush Mini Comforter Set, Full/Queen, Ivory$110.79Buy It Now Free Shipping Design Lab Mini Comforter Set + 2 Sheet Set - Twin XLNew (Other)$34.99Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Thu, Mar. 29NWT VERA BRADLEY COMFORTER SET TWIN/XL Sedona Medallion Mini Medallions Brand New$69.99or Best Offer+$64.21 shipping Vixie Comforter Sets Reversible Down Alternative Mini Piece Coral And Grey Full Brand New$51.49Buy It Now Free Shipping21 new & refurbished from $44.92FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30Lodge Velvet Plush Sculpted Bedding Comforter Mini Set. TWINBrand New$49.67Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns Only 1 left!3 Watching2 new & refurbished from $49.67FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Thu, Mar. 29Full/Queen Size Ruched Mini Comforter Set Coral Brand New$34.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Intelligent Design Trixie Reversible Comforter Mini Set New (Other)$23.89List price: $44.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns Your Zone Metallic Print Mini Comforter Set with Dec Pillow Brand New$53.05Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Sat, Mar. 31SPONSOREDDuke Faux Fur Comforter Mini Set Black King/Cal King$96.89Buy It Now Free Shipping4 Watching SPONSOREDColor Train Themed Comforter Set Sheets Twin Fun Mini Trams Railroad Locomotive$72.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Twin Microfiber Reversible Mandy Kaitlyn Mini Comforter Set Brand New$24.99List price: $89.99Buy It Now Free Shipping New listing Realtree Xtra Mini Comforter Set, Full, Tan, Camo Brand New$68.94Buy It Now Free Shipping33 new & refurbished from $67.05FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30New listing Mini Comforter Set Kids Twin Size Bedding Quilt Bed Cover Boys Child Bedroom Brand New$89.20Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Sat, Mar. 31New~Tracy Porter Poetic Wanderlust Odessa Full/Queen Mini Comforter Set *Shams Brand New$103.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Tracy Porter Poetic Wanderlust Fleur ~ Full / Queen ~ Floral Comforter Mini Set Brand New$139.99Buy It Now+$39.75 shipping Only 1 left!4 Watching Woolrich White River Down Alternative Reversible Comforter Mini Set Direct from Wayfair Brand New1 product rating$49.99 to $79.99Buy It Now Free Shipping3 new & refurbished from $79.99Comfort Spaces – Vixie Reversible Down Alternative Comforter Mini Set - 3 Pi... 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EXPECT MORE. PAY LESS. Brand New$63.74List price: $74.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns Yellow Mini Floral Comforter Set (King) 3pc - Threshold New (Other)$52.09List price: $99.99Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns Only 1 left!1 Watching2 new & refurbished from $52.09Realtree Camo Mini Comforter Set Soft Comforter and Pillow Sham Twin Camouflage Brand New$64.70Buy It Now Free Shipping Free Returns FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Fri, Mar. 30Katy 3 Piece Mini Ruffle Comforter Set Bed Cover New Arrival All Sizes 9 Colors!Brand New$27.59 to $41.77Was: $31.35Buy It Now+$5.49 shipping12% off Madison Park Arctic Fur Down Alternative Comforter Mini Set, Full/Queen Brand New$25.190 bids+$38.25 shipping2 new & refurbished from $91.9211h left (Monday, 9AM)Pintuck Stitching Mini Comforter Set Soft Microfiber Cover Fig Full/Queen Brand New$125.50Was: $147.65Buy It Now Free Shipping15% off Full/Queen Gray Comforter Mini Set South Bay Down Alternative Brand New$36.80Was: $46.00Buy It Now Free Shipping20% off FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Sat, Mar. 31Queen Blush Mini Feather / Down Blanket Brand New$40.00Buy It Now Free Shipping10 Watching New listing Intelligent Design Trixie Reversible Down Alternative Comforter Mini Set, Full/Brand New$46.29Buy It Now Free Shipping2 new & refurbished from $46.29Comfort Classics Williams Corduroy Plush Comforter Mini Set Gray Twin Size Brand New$52.20Was: $54.95or Best Offer Free Shipping5% off Watercolor Comforter Set Jessica Simpson Watercolor Garden Mini Set Twin/Twin XLFree shipping!Brand New$109.99List price: $161.69Buy It Now Free Shipping Comfort classics collection White/Black Zebra full/queen comforter mini 3pc set Brand New$34.99Buy It Now Free Shipping FAST 'N FREEEstimated Delivery Sat, Mar. 31Katy 3 Piece Mini Ruffle Comforter Set Bed Cover New Arrival All Size Rose Pink Brand New$27.59 to $41.77Was: $31.35Buy It Now+$5.49 shipping12% off100% Cotton Crib Bedding Comforter Set for Baby Girls 6 PCS Panda Teddy Kitty Brand New$79.90Buy It Now Free Shipping SPONSOREDComforter Sets Vixie Reversible Down Alternative Mini Piece Aqua And Grey Size,$48.11Buy It Now Free Shipping2 Watching SPONSOREDNewpoint Microplush Corduroy Full/Queen Comforter Mini Set, Mineral Blue$87.60Buy It Now Free Shipping Only 1 left!1 Watching Tell us what you think1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Items per page:5025100200"
"docid": "D810261#0",
"title": "http://www.rzrforums.net/tow-rigs-trailers-camping/87112-how-many-you-tow-rzr-behind-your-5th-wheel-trailer.html\n.",
"text": "\"post #1 of 54Old August 28th, 2012, 06:39 PM Thread Starterjrdelgiorno [OP]Nor Cal Rzr-SFirst Name: Junior My RZR: 2011 Rzr-S (Modified)Member #32033Join Date: Nov 2011Location: Folsom, Ca. Posts: 4,996Garage Feedback Score: 12 reviews ( 10)How many of you tow a Rzr BEHIND your 5th wheel trailer? I know in some states this is not legal, but in California, you can legally tow a small trailer behind your 5th wheel trailer. 1. Anyone have experience with this? 2. Do you even notice it behind the 5th wheel? 3. How much of a pain is it to deal with 2 trailers? 4."
"docid": "D1287054#0",
"title": "http://www.nbclosangeles.com/weather/stories/\nToday's First Alert Forecast",
"text": "Today's First Alert Forecast Video Today's First Alert Forecast Video AM Forecast: Onshore Breeze Creates Nice Wind Video PM Forecast: Cooldown Coming to Some Spots Photos Photos: What to Keep in Your Disaster Emergency Kit Video AM Forecast: Dramatic Changes for the Week Monday, Apr 9, 2018 at 01:26 PM PDTSpring Heat Wave Hits So Cal NBC4's Toni Guinyard reports live from Long Beach -- one of the hottest spots where records could be broken -- on Monday, April 9, 2018. SHARE: Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018 at 05:20 PM PSTHow to Sign Up for Emergency Alerts in Your Area As the region braces for possible rain and flooding, officials are urging residents to be aware and sign for alerts. In Santa Barbara County, an area hit hard by deadly mudslides earlier this year, officials are... SHARE: Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 at 03:01 AM PDTWhat's Fueling the Spring Soaker in So Cal? A storm that's bringing three days of rain is fueled by subtropical moisture and moving slowly into the region, raising the threat of flash flooding and debris flows as mandatory evacuations were ordered in... SHARE: Monday, Mar 19, 2018 at 05:40 PM PDTList: Historic California Winter Storms, Devastating Floods Southern California's first major storm of winter left behind devastation in the Santa Barbara County communities of Montecito in January, killing at least 21 people and destroying homes as a wall of mud,... SHARE: Tuesday, Mar 20, 2018 at 06:24 AM PDTInteractive Map: See Areas Most Vulnerable to Landslides This map shows areas susceptible to deep-seated landslides based on past landslides in each location, steepness of the slope and rock characteristics. Darker reds indicate areas of increased landslide susceptib... SHARE: Monday, Apr 9, 2018 at 08:15 AM PDTHeat Tips: Power Conservation, Staying Cool and More A few things to keep in mind as temperatures skyrocket and ways to stay cool, including links to public swimming pools. SHARE: Monday, Apr 9, 2018 at 01:00 PM PDTSpring Sizzler: Temperatures Rocket Into the 90s Temperatures will spike to start the week, reaching the 90s and threatening to reach record highs in some communities. SHARE: Monday, Apr 9, 2018 at 05:49 AM PDTAM Forecast: Record Heat Alert It's going to feel like a summer sizzler out there today. Belen De Leon has a look at where we could see record heat on Monday April 9, 2018. SHARE: Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 at 06:48 AM PDTWinter Weather Driving Checklist The California Highway Patrol offers the following advice when the weather turns wet and snowy. SHARE: Sunday, Apr 8, 2018 at 06:35 PM PDTPM Forecast: Potential Record High Heat Temperatures might hit record highs on Monday before dropping throughout the week."
"docid": "D2919114#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Schrader\nKen Schrader",
"text": "\"Ken Schrader From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ken Schrader Schrader in 2007Nationality American Born May 29, 1955 (age 62)Fenton, Missouri ARCA Racing Series career Debut season 1981Current team Ken Schrader Racing Car no. 52Starts 74Wins 18Poles 21Best finish 22nd in 2009Previous series1984–2008, 2010–2013 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Championship titles1982 1983 USAC Silver Crown Series USAC Sprint Car Series Awards1980 1985 2009 USAC Stock Car Rookie of the Year NASCAR Winston Cup Series Rookie of the Year National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame Sportsman Award Achievements 1989, 1990 Busch Clash Winner 1988, 1989, 1990 Daytona 500pole winner Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series career763 races run over 29 years2013 position 39th Best finish 4th ( 1994)First race 1984 Pepsi 420 ( Nashville)Last race 2013 Ford Eco Boost 400 ( Homestead)First win 1988 Talladega Die Hard 500 ( Talladega)Last win 1991 Budweiser 500 ( Dover)Wins Top tens Poles4 184 23NASCAR Xfinity Series career116 races run over 17 years2010 position 120th Best finish 29th ( 1992)First race 1987 AC-Delco 200 ( Rockingham)Last race 2010 Subway Jalapeño 250 ( Daytona)First win 1989 Ames/Peak 200 ( Dover)Last win 1994 Fram Filter 500K ( Talladega)Wins Top tens Poles2 39 5NASCAR Camping World Truck Series career105 races run over 18 years Truck no., team No. 66 ( Bolen Motorsports)2017 position 58th Best finish 19th ( 2007)First race 1995 Skoal Bandit Copper World Classic ( Phoenix)Last race 2017 Eldora Dirt Derby ( Eldora)First win 1995 Scott Irvin Chevrolet/Craftsman 200 ( Saugus)Wins Top tens Poles1 37 2NASCAR Pinty's Series career1 race run over 1 year Best finish 67th (2002)First race 2002 Canada Day Shootout ( Hamilton)Wins Top tens Poles0 1 0Statistics current as of July 19, 2017. Kenneth \"\" Ken \"\" Schrader (born May 29, 1955) is an American racing driver. He currently races on local dirt and asphalt tracks around the country while driving part-time in the ARCA Racing Series, as well as at Eldora Speedway in the Camping World Truck Series. He raced in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series from 1981 to 2013. He is a first cousin once removed of fellow NASCAR driver Carl Edwards. He races in many racing divisions, and has been successful in any division he has stepped into. He owns a dirt late model and dirt open wheel modified car."
"docid": "D63879#0",
"title": "https://www.disboards.com/threads/safeway-parkhopper-passes.2904851/\nSafeway Parkhopper passes",
"text": "\"disneylandette Mouseketeer Joined: Mar 26, 2012Messages: 103I live here in Washington state I thought I heard Safeway is offering the 3 day day park hopper pass at $150 pp...is this true?disneylandette, Apr 3, 2012 #1sonnyjane DIS Veteran Joined: Mar 11, 2009Messages: 8,616I don't know - you tell us! Here in So Cal at Von's (which is Safeway), we have a 2 days for $99 (non-parkhopper) ticket for So Cal residents. The current price of a 3-day hopper is $199 (through May 28), so if Safeway in WA is selling that, it's a good deal.sonnyjane, Apr 3, 2012 #2Advertisement Mrs Spfaff Honeymooning in Disney Joined: Mar 23, 2011Messages: 27Let me know if this is true, I will be making a trip to get some for NOV if thats the case Mrs Spfaff, Apr 3, 2012 #3skiingfast<font color=teal>Has had no bacon<br><font color=b Joined: Mar 12, 2010Messages: 28,476You are likely going to find that that hopper is $199 and you need to use it the first time by May 28th.skiingfast, Apr 3, 2012 #4Colo Nana Gramma of 2, loves all things Disney! ! Joined: Feb 28, 2012Messages: 72Safeway/ vons, king soopers & krogers have the 199 deal...at kings thru today you get 4 x points so we got 1600 fuel points for getting ours gotta love saving 1.60 a gallon on gas these days... Colo Nana, Apr 3, 2012 #5pixiewings71<marquee><font color=deeppink>Sweet!!! Totally!!! ! Joined: Jun 8, 2007Messages: 22,363Mrs Spfaff said: ↑Let me know if this is true, I will be making a trip to get some for NOV if thats the case Before you buy read the fine print, prices like that are normally promo prices and they will have \"\"must use by\"\" and expiration dates.pixiewings71, Apr 4, 2012 #6On The Road Again DIS Veteran Joined: Jun 2, 2008Messages: 533 (edited to correct) The 2-day Parkhoppers at Safeway must be used before December 31, 2012. I checked last week. The 3-day PHs must have their first day activated by 5/28. On The Road Again, Apr 4, 2012 #7disneylandette Mouseketeer Joined: Mar 26, 2012Messages: 103On The Road Again said: ↑The Parkhoppers at Safeway must be used before December 31, 2012. I checked last week."
"docid": "D318039#0",
"title": "http://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/CA/Big%20Sur\n2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Big Sur, CA",
"text": "\"2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Big Sur, CAShare: Search for Other Locations Enter a Location See long range weather forecasts for the next 60 days from The Old Farmer’s Almanac! Our long range forecasts can be used to make more informed decisions about future plans that depend on the weather, from vacations and weddings to sporting events and outdoor activities. To see long term forecasts for the entire year, pick up a copy of the annual Old Farmer’s Almanac, available online and in stores. Note: Long range forecasts are regional, not city-specific. If your city is located inside a region, the region's forecast will apply to you. Free 2-Month Weather Forecast February 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Southwest Dates Weather Conditions Feb 1-8 Rainy periods, cool Feb 9-15 Sunny, turning warm Feb 16-28 Rainy periods; warm, then cool February temperature 55° (avg.) precipitation 3.5\"\" (2\"\" above avg. north, 1\"\" below south)March 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Pacific Southwest Dates Weather Conditions Mar 1-6 Rainy periods, cool Mar 7-11 Sprinkles, cool Mar 12-15 Rainy, cool Mar 16-21 Sunny north, rainy periods south; cool Mar 22-26 Showers, cool Mar 27-31 Sunny, warm March temperature 55° (2° below avg.) precipitation 2.5\"\" (avg. ) Annual Weather Summary: November 2017 to October 2018Winter will be cooler than normal, with rainfall above normal in the north and near normal in the south."
] |
256 | +what is chickory | [
"docid": "D35990#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicory\nChicory",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Common chicory1885 illustration [1]Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Asteraceae Genus: Cichorium Species: C. intybus Binomial name Cichorium intybus L. Synonyms [2] [3]Synonymy [show]Common chicory, Cichorium intybus, [4] is a somewhat woody, perennialherbaceous plant of the dandelion family Asteraceae, usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Many varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons ( blanched buds), or roots (var. sativum ), which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive. It is also grown as a forage crop for livestock. [ 5] It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe, and is now common in North America, China, and Australia, where it has become widely naturalized. [ 6] [7] [8] \"\"Chicory\"\" is also the common name in the United States for curly endive ( Cichorium endivia ); these two closely related species are often confused. [ 9]Contents [ hide ]1 Names2 Description3 Leaf chicory3.1 Wild3.2 Cultivated4 Root chicory5 Agents responsible for bitterness6 Medicinal use6.1 Alternative medicine6.2 Native American use7 Forage7.1 Forage chicory varieties8 History9 See also10 References11 External links Names [ edit]Common chicory is also known as blue daisy, blue dandelion, blue sailors, blue weed, bunk, coffeeweed, cornflower, hendibeh, horseweed, ragged sailors, succory, wild bachelor's buttons, and wild endive. [ 10] (Note: \"\"Cornflower\"\" is commonly applied to Centaurea cyanus .) Common names for varieties of var. foliosum include endive, radicchio, radichetta, Belgian endive, French endive, red endive, sugarloaf, and witloof (or witlof)."
] | [
"docid": "D3532480#0",
"title": "http://www.better-lawn-care.com/lawn-weed-identification.html\nLawn Weed Identification",
"text": "\"Get free quotes from qualified local contractors Lawn Weed Identification How to identify lawn weeds. This lawn weed identification guide includes images, common and scientific names and descriptions to help you with weed id. The guide is divided into three weed groups - broadleaf lawn weeds, grass weeds, and grass-like weeds - and then into sub-groups based on the plant's life cycle. Photos, names and short descriptions are included in this lawn weed identification guide - just follow the links to the individual weed pages where you will find more images, detailed descriptions for and weed control strategies. Or...use the site search tool below to find weed information. Simply type the name of the weed and it will return all of the information found on this site. Why Should You Identify Weeds? A good Integrated Pest Management plan for controlling lawn weeds starts by identifying the problem weed and then learning about its life cycle. When you understand how the weed grows and reproduces, you will be able to decide the best way to manage it. The presence of certain weeds are indicators of possible problems with your lawn."
"docid": "D3342110#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/perspiring.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word perspiring?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word perspiring? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word perspiring? Here are some definitions. Adjective Producing perspiration; sweating. Noun The act of producing perspiration Verbpresent participle of perspire Find more words!perspiring See Also What is another word for perspiring? What is the opposite of perspiring? Sentences with the word perspiring How do you pronounce the word perspiring? Words that rhyme with perspiring What is the plural of perspiring? What is the singular of perspiring?"
"docid": "D2801310#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/bilge.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word bilge?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word bilge? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word bilge? Here are some definitions. Noun ( nautical) The rounded portion of a ship 's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides. ( nautical) The lowest inner part of a ship's hull, where water accumulates. ( uncountable) The water accumulated in the bilge, the bilge water. ( slang, uncountable) Stupid talk or writing; nonsense. The bulging part of a barrel or cask. Verb ( nautical, intransitive) To spring a leak in the bilge. ("
"docid": "D3441644#0",
"title": "https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Grand-Haven_MI\nGrand Haven, MI Real Estate & Homes for Sale",
"text": "Grand Haven, MI Real Estate & Homes for Sale137 Homes Sort by Relevant Listings Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHNew - 2 hours ago Condo/Townhome$234,9003 bd3 ba1,894 sqft2 car913 Bluff Creek Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt New - 7 hours ago House for Sale$169,9004 bd2 ba1,264 sqft6,098 sqft lot2 car1018 Grant Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty New House for Sale$199,9005 bd2 ba1,930 sqft6,970 sqft lot1 car911 S Griffin St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Advertisement Brokered by @Home Realty Lakeshore New House for Sale$1,350,0004 bd4 ba5,966 sqft10.0 acres lot2 car13531 Windcrest Ln , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt Realty New House for Sale$325,0003 bd1+ ba1,160 sqft4,356 sqft lot2 car324 Clinton Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New House for Sale$850,0004 bd4+ ba2,905 sqft5,606 sqft lot2 car102 Howard St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty Holland New Condo/Townhome$179,9002 bd2 ba1,520 sqft1 car1303 Moreland St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New Land$36,9002.54 acres lot136th Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven New Mfd/Mobile Home$68,9953 bd2 ba1,456 sqft13780 River Haven Blvd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Bluewest Properties, Llc New House for Sale$359,9004 bd3 ba2,737 sqft0.5 acres lot3 car15518 Sweetbriar Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New House for Sale$399,9005 bd3+ ba3,116 sqft0.36 acres lot2 car16831 Watersedge Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Advertisement Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHNew House for Sale$224,9003 bd2 ba2,318 sqft0.3 acres lot1 car1201 Woodlawn Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven New Mfd/Mobile Home$20,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft13890 Oakwood Cir , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New Condo/Townhome$175,0002 bd2 ba1,524 sqft2 car1806 Dairy Ln , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by @Home Realty Lakeshore New House for Sale$324,9004 bd2 ba2,534 sqft8,716 sqft lot1 car1605 Sheldon Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty New House for Sale$379,9005 bd3+ ba3,159 sqft0.35 acres lot2 car14917 Sandstone Pl , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven New Mfd/Mobile Home$58,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft13710 River Haven Blvd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven New Mfd/Mobile Home$68,9953 bd2 ba1,456 sqft13865 River Haven Blvd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New House for Sale$950,0005 bd5+ ba3,848 sqft3.07 acres lot2 car15066 Mercury Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty Grand Haven Contingent House for Sale$179,9004 bd1 ba1,116 sqft8,612 sqft lot1 car1610 Wisconsin St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Platinum New Land$99,9990.9 acres lot17175 Kings Fairway Ln , Grand Haven , MI 48439Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New House for Sale$495,0004 bd2+ ba2,800 sqft0.53 acres lot2 car150 Crescent Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Advertisement Brokered by Re/Max West New House for Sale$349,9004 bd2+ ba2,194 sqft1.61 acres lot2 car17108 Lincoln St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by At Home Realty New House for Sale$519,9005 bd4+ ba3,514 sqft0.42 acres lot2 car17574 Buchanan St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore New House for Sale$234,9004 bd2 ba2,156 sqft0.32 acres lot2 car15154 Pine St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Five Star Real Estate Sl Condo/Townhome$418,9003 bd3 ba2,671 sqft3 car12691 Retreat Dr Unit 42 , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty House for Sale$449,9004 bd3 ba2,795 sqft0.58 acres lot3 car17067 Legacy Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Five Star Real Estate - Rick Tejchma Land$59,9000.59 acres lot14691 Park Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Five Star Real Estate - Rick Tejchma Land$49,9000.43 acres lot14671 Park Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$27,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft13391 Winding Creek Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$58,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft13749 Clearwater Ln , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$68,9953 bd2 ba1,456 sqft13880 River Haven Blvd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$43,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft14449 Springbrook Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Advertisement Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$48,9953 bd2 ba1,216 sqft13788 Sunrise Cv , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by RE/MAX Lakeshore House for Sale$449,9005 bd3+ ba3,500 sqft0.44 acres lot3 car16723 Pine Dunes Ct , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by @Home Realty Lakeshore House for Sale$309,9004 bd3+ ba3,456 sqft0.43 acres lot2 car16934 Timber Dunes Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHHouse for Sale$625,0003 bd2 ba2,051 sqft5,227 sqft lot1 car146 Emmet St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHHouse for Sale$289,9003 bd3 ba2,740 sqft0.37 acres lot2 car11865 Chickory Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHHouse for Sale$475,0005 bd2 ba1,617 sqft7,501 sqft lot36 Edward Ave , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt GHHouse for Sale$359,9004 bd2 ba2,280 sqft6,970 sqft lot2 car1000 Sheldon Rd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by City2Shore Real Estate Inc. House for Sale$389,9004 bd2+ ba2,480 sqft1.02 acres lot3 car13895 Sugarbush Ln , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Bellabay Realty LLCContingent House for Sale$124,9002 bd1 ba988 sqft0.41 acres lot1 car15424 Pine St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Re/Max West Land$115,0001.13 acres lot17114 Lincoln St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by At Home Realty House for Sale$289,9005 bd2 ba1,745 sqft6,599 sqft lot1 car807 Sheldon Rd , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Advertisement Brokered by Peninsula Realty Condo/Townhome$497,0002 bd2 ba2,192 sqft1 car12 Washington Ave Unit 9 , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Greenridge Realty House for Sale$309,9994 bd2+ ba2,419 sqft0.34 acres lot2 car15471 Royal Oak Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt House for Sale$185,0006 bd2 ba1,618 sqft0.57 acres lot2 car15900 Groesbeck St , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted Brokered by River Haven Mfd/Mobile Home$16,9953 bd2 ba952 sqft14490 Magnolia Dr , Grand Haven , MI 49417Contact Agent Contacted1 2 3Found 137 matching properties Michigan Ottawa County Grand Haven"
"docid": "D1207057#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-opposite-of/wholesale.html\nWhat is the opposite of wholesale?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the opposite of wholesale? Need antonyms for wholesale? Our thesaurus has words that mean the opposite of wholesale. Adjectivenarrow incomplete particular specific unfinished part partialretail More Wholesale Antonyms For more words that mean the opposite of wholesale, try: Antonyms for extensive Antonyms for sell Antonyms for outright Antonyms for indiscriminate Antonyms for sweeping Antonyms for large-scale Antonyms for a lot Antonyms for blanket Antonyms for widespread Antonyms for truck Antonyms for price Antonyms for market Antonyms for merchandise Antonyms for commerce Antonyms for commercial Show More Suggestions Find more words!wholesale See Also What is another word for wholesale? Sentences with the word wholesale What is the meaning of the word wholesale? How do you pronounce the word wholesale? What is the past tense of wholesale? What is the plural of wholesale? What is the singular of wholesale?"
"docid": "D3308286#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bari\nBari",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Bari (disambiguation). Bari Comune Comune di Bari A collage of Bari, Top left: Swabian Castle, Top right: Night in Pane e Pomodoro Beach, Bottom left: Ferrarese Square, Bottom upper right: Bari University in Andrea da Bari street, Bottom lower right: View of Punta Perotti seaside area Flag Coat of arms Bari Location of Bari in Italy Show map of Italy Show map of Apulia Show map of Europe Show all Coordinates: 41°07′31″N 16°52′0″ECoordinates: 41°07′31″N 16°52′0″ECountry Italy Region Apulia Metropolitan city Bari (BA)Government• Mayor Antonio Decaro ( PD)Area• Total 116 km 2 (45 sq mi)Elevation 5 m (16 ft)Population (31 December 2015) [1]• Total 326,799• Density 2,800/km 2 (7,300/sq mi)Demonym (s) (in Italian) Baresi Time zone CET ( UTC+1)• Summer ( DST) CEST ( UTC+2)Postal code 70121-70132Dialing code 080ISTAT code 072006Patron saint Saint Nicholas Saint day December 6Website Official website Bari ( [ˈbaːri] listen ( help · info)) ( Bari dialect: Bare; Latin: Barium; Ancient Greek: Βάριον, Bárion) is the capital city of the Metropolitan City of Bari and of the Apulia region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas. The city itself has a population of 326,799, as of 2015, over 116 square kilometres (45 sq mi), while the urban area has 700,000 inhabitants. The metropolitan area has 1.3 million inhabitants. Bari is made up of four different urban sections. To the north is the closely built old town on the peninsula between two modern harbours, with the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, the Cathedral of San Sabino (1035–1171) and the Hohenstaufen Castle built for Frederick II, which is now also a major nightlife district. To the south is the Murat quarter (erected by Joachim Murat ), the modern heart of the city, which is laid out on a rectangular grid-plan with a promenade on the sea and the major shopping district (the via Sparano and via Argiro ). Modern residential zones surrounding the centre of Bari were built during the 1960s and 1970s replacing the old suburbs that had developed along roads splaying outwards from gates in the city walls. In addition, the outer suburbs developed rapidly during the 1990s."
"docid": "D3064003#0",
"title": "https://www.livingthenourishedlife.com/21-home-remedies-for-migraines-and/\n21 Home Remedies that WORK for Headaches (and Even Migraines!)",
"text": "Home » Latest Posts » Uncategorized » 21 Home Remedies that WORK for Headaches (and Even Migraines! ) By Elizabeth W.21 Home Remedies that WORK for Headaches (and Even Migraines! ) If you’re here, you’re probably looking for natural remedies for migraines and headaches. What is it with headaches? While I’m no martyr, I have a reasonable threshold for pain–except when it comes to headaches. That nagging pain just seems to pierce right through my defenses, and frankly turns me into one heck of a grouch. And don’t even ask what I turn into when a bonafide migraine sets in. Trust me, you don’t want to know. I used to get headaches all the time. Between me and my husband, it wasn’t uncommon for us to go through a bottle or two of ibuprofen in a given month."
"docid": "D1559319#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-plural-of/isthmus.html\nWhat is the plural of isthmus?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the plural of isthmus? What's the plural form of isthmus? Here's the word you're looking for. Answer The plural form of isthmus is isthmuses or isthmi . Find more words!isthmus See Also What is another word for isthmus? Sentences with the word isthmus What is the meaning of the word isthmus? How do you pronounce the word isthmus? Words that rhyme with isthmus What is the singular of isthmuses? What is the singular of isthmi?"
"docid": "D3303002#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/revoke.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word revoke?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word revoke? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word revoke? Here are some definitions. Verb ( transitive) To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing ( intransitive) To fail to follow suit in a game of cards when holding a card in that suit. ( obsolete) To call or bring back; to recall. ( obsolete) To hold back; to repress; to restrain. ( obsolete) To draw back; to withdraw. ( obsolete) To call back to mind; to recollect. Noun The act of revoking in a game of cards."
"docid": "D3408789#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/capacity.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word capacity?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word capacity? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word capacity? Here are some definitions. Noun The ability to hold, receive or absorb A measure of such ability; volume The maximum amount that can be held Capability; the ability to perform some task The maximum that can be produced. Mental ability; the power to learn A faculty; the potential for growth and development A role; the position in which one functions Legal authority (to make an arrest for example)Electrical capacitance. ( operations) The maximum that can be produced on a machine or in a facility or group. Adjective Filling the allotted space. Find more words!capacity See Also What is another word for capacity? What is the opposite of capacity?"
"docid": "D1681739#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/disintegrate.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word disintegrate?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word disintegrate? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word disintegrate? Here are some definitions. Verb ( transitive) To undo the integrity of, break into parts. ( intransitive) To fall apart, break up into parts. Find more words!disintegrate See Also What is another word for disintegrate? What is the opposite of disintegrate? Sentences with the word disintegrate How do you pronounce the word disintegrate? Words that rhyme with disintegrate What is the past tense of disintegrate?"
"docid": "D2756911#0",
"title": "http://parrot-bird.com/red-rumped-parrot-info.html\nRed Rumped Parrot info",
"text": "\"NAME: Eng. Red Rumped Parrot, Red Rump Parrot, Rumped Parakeet Lat. Psephotus Haematonotus On the photo you can see a male red rumped parrot. The photo is taken from the mine friend aviary. ORIGIN: Southwest Australia including the area of Cooper's Creek, northeastern areas of South Australia and northwestern areas of Queensland. PHYSICAL APPEARENCE: Their size is 27 cm (11 in). It belongs to the medium-sized class of parrots. The cheeks and the front part of the head of a male, as it is found in the wilderness, are blue-green in color, while the lores and the back part of the head, neck, and chest are emerald green. The abdomen is distinctly yellow and the lower part of the tail is white-greyish towards the front. Its wings are blue and the feathers of the secondaries-wings are green in color."
"docid": "D340628#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-opposite-of/sow.html\nWhat is the opposite of sow?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the opposite of sow? Need antonyms for sow? Our thesaurus has words that mean the opposite of sow. Verbdestroy raze dig harvest reap More Sow Antonyms For more words that mean the opposite of sow, try: Antonyms for raise Antonyms for distribute Antonyms for plant Antonyms for disperse Antonyms for broadcast Antonyms for scatter Antonyms for till Antonyms for spread Antonyms for disseminate Antonyms for farm Antonyms for seed Antonyms for increase Antonyms for rise Antonyms for set Antonyms for snowball Show More Suggestions Find more words!sow See Also What is another word for sow? Sentences with the word sow What is the meaning of the word sow? How do you pronounce the word sow? Words that rhyme with sow What is the past tense of sow? What is the plural of sow? What is the adjective for sow?"
"docid": "D2802769#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/tariff.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word tariff?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word tariff? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word tariff? Here are some definitions. Noun A system of government - imposed duties levied on imported or exportedgoods; a list of such duties, or the duties themselves. A schedule of rates, fees or prices. ( Britain) A sentence determined according to a scale of standard penalties for certain categories of crime. Verb ( transitive) to levy a duty on (something)Find more words!tariff See Also What is another word for tariff? What is the opposite of tariff? Sentences with the word tariff How do you pronounce the word tariff?"
"docid": "D1707805#0",
"title": "http://www.privatefleet.com.au/glossary/what-is-a-predelivery-inspection/\n.",
"text": "What is a Pre-Delivery Inspection? Enquire Now Glossary What is Bench Seat? What is ANCAP? What is Acceleration? What is Adaptive Cruise Control? What is After-Market Products? What is Air Conditioning? What is Airbags? What is All Wheel Drive (AWD)? What is Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)?"
"docid": "D913462#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/npp/chicory.html\nChicory",
"text": "Chicory Overview Professional Reviews Q & AMore Scientific Name (s): Chicorium intybus L. Family: Asteraceae (daisies)Common Name (s): Blue sailor's succory , chicory , wild succory Uses Chicory leaves and roots are used as a vegetable. Roasted roots are ground and brewed. Chicory is a sedative with potential cardioactive properties. Chicory's oligosaccharides are probiotic and are beneficial in maintaining healthy GI flora. Inulin type fractions of the plant may help certain conditions including constipation, diarrhea, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Chicory has also been noted as an appetite stimulant and for dyspepsia. Slideshow Shingles: Settling The Score Dosing There is no recent published clinical evidence to guide dosage of chickory. Typical doses of the herb in classical use are 3 to 5 g/day. Contraindications Contraindications have not yet been identified. Pregnancy/Lactation Documented adverse effects (emmenagogue and abortifacient effects)."
"docid": "D2251657#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001841/\nGeorge Wendt (I)",
"text": "\"SEE RANKGeorge Wendt (I)Actor | Soundtrack | Director George Robert Wendt III was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, USA, to Loretta Mary (Howard) and George Robert Wendt, who was a realtor and navy officer. He attended a strict Jesuit prep school and then dropped out of Notre Dame University after a few uneventful years. He worked with the Windy City's famed Second City comedy troupe from 1974-... See full bio »Born: October 17, 1948 in Chicago, Illinois, USAMore at IMDb Pro »Contact Info: View agent and manager150 photos | 9 videos »Quick Links Biography Awards Photo Gallery Filmography (by Job)Trailers and Videos Explore More Can You Guess This Celeb From His Yearbook Photo? Here's a hint: He just might be your favorite superhero. See if you can guess these other celebrities by their yearbook photos. Start the game Share this page: Related News‘Letters Live’ Comes to Los Angeles + More Industry Events 2/22-2/2822 February 2018 | Backstage TVLine Items: John Noble on Blacklist, Cheers Vet Is Hero's Boss and More14 February 2018 | TVLine.com Female-led The Greatest American Hero reboot finds its cast14 February 2018 | Flickeringmyth See all related articles »Around The Web Powered by Zerg Net On Prime Video Watch Now Space Truckers Watch Now Dreamscape Watch Now Gung Ho Watch Now No Small Affair Watch Now Fletch See more on Prime Video »Watch on TVCheers Take Me Out of the Ball Game (S10, Ep21) Tue, Apr 10 4:00 AM PDT on HALL (080)Cheers Rebecca's Lover... Not (S10, Ep22) Tue, Apr 10 4:30 AM PDT on HALL (080)Explore more on IMDb TV »Projects In Development The Hollywood Reboot Details only on IMDb Pro »Editorial Lists Related lists from IMDb editors Movie and TV Anniversaries for September 2017a list of 10 images updated 6 months ago Primetime Emmys by the Numbersa list of 35 images updated 6 months ago Create a list »User Lists Related lists from IMDb users SNL's 40th Anniversary: Catchphrases first 20 yearsa list of 28 images created 09 Feb 2015The best actors in the Columbo seriesa list of 28 people created 08 Aug 2013Everyone's Favorite Jolly Fat Mena list of 28 people created 29 May 2011Cute, Cuddly and Hot Gentlemena list of 42 people created 10 Aug 2016CELEBRITY LOOK-A-LIKES! Could act as SIBLINGS / RELATIVES or even DOUBLES!a list of 300 people created 29 Dec 2013See all related lists »Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDb Page Find out more at IMDb Pro »How Much Have You Seen? How much of George Wendt's work have you seen? User Polls Favorite Movie or TV Accountant Most Memorable Opening Line from TV Series Theme Song Match Made in Heaven Movie/TV Phrase Catchers I'll Take \"\"the Other One\"\"See more polls »Nominated for 6 Primetime Emmys."
"docid": "D2674880#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080306113900AA9iDmK\nHow often do u feed your bearded dragons? and wot do u feed them?",
"text": "\"Pets Reptiles How often do u feed your bearded dragons? and wot do u feed them? Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Bearded dragons are prone to impaction of their digestive system, and the chitinous exoskeletons of insect prey can cause problems. This is especially true of crunchy bugs like mealworms, so it is best to feed these in limited quantities, especially to juveniles. Feeding insects right after a molt will help reduce the chance of an impaction as the exoskeletons are not as tough. Crickets also should not be too large, especially for baby bearded dragons (a rule of thumb: feed nothing bigger than the distance between the bearded dragons eyes). Once bearded dragons become adults, you can offer a wider range of insects such as waxworms, silkworms, butterworms, red worms, earthworms, and newly molted mealworms and superworms. However, these should be considered \"\"treats\"\" with crickets still making up the bulk of the diet. Pinkie mice can also be offered to adults occasionally. Juveniles should be fed insects more often than adults."
"docid": "D783354#0",
"title": "https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/quartz\nQuartz Meanings and Uses",
"text": "\"The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties,Legendary Uses, and Meaningof Clear Quartz Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Clear Quartz Ordinary yet extraordinary, colorful and clear, Quartz crystals are the most common and abundant in the world, comprising the largest and most diverse family in the mineral kingdom. \"\" From ancient times to the present day, quartz crystals have been a source of Light to mankind. Highly valued by spiritual leaders and healers as well as scientists, the unique attributes of quartz have played a key role in mankind' evolutionary development.\"\" ( Baer, R, \"\"Windows of Light\"\" preface)Composed of silicon and oxygen (silicon dioxide), Quartz, from the European \"\" quarz \"\", is a key component in a wide array of minerals designated as \"\"silicates.\"\" It occurs as prismatic hexagonal crystals in compact masses and druses, as well as in dense fibrous or grainy formations without visible crystals. It is also an important mineral element in common rock such as granite, quartzite and gneiss, and in sedimentary conglomerates like sandstone. [ Simmons, 317] [www. Quartzpage.de]For all its variety, when most people speak of \"\"crystals\"\", they are usually referring to Rock Crystal (Clear Quartz), the six-sided prisms of pure light and energy known as the Perfect Jewel. In its sparkling light is contained the entire color spectrum. In the metaphysical world, Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth."
"docid": "D3482427#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/kaleidoscope.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word kaleidoscope?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word kaleidoscope? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word kaleidoscope? Here are some definitions. Noun A tube of mirrors containing loose coloured beads etc. that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs. A constantly changing set of colours, or other things. Verb ( intransitive) To move in shifting patterns. Find more words!kaleidoscope See Also What is another word for kaleidoscope? What is the opposite of kaleidoscope?"
] |
257 | +what is cladosporium | [
"docid": "D475737#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cladosporium\nCladosporium",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Cladosporium Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Ascomycota Class: Dothideomycetes Order: Capnodiales Family: Davidiellaceae Genus: Cladosporium [1]Link (1816)Type species Cladosporium herbarum ( Pers.) Link (1816)Cladosporium is a genus of fungi including some of the most common indoor and outdoor molds. Species produce olive-green to brown or black colonies, and have dark-pigmented conidia that are formed in simple or branching chains. Many species of Cladosporium are commonly found on living and dead plant material. Some species are plant pathogens, others parasitize other fungi. Cladosporium spores are wind-dispersed and they are often extremely abundant in outdoor air. Indoors Cladosporium species may grow on surfaces when moisture is present. Cladosporium fulvum, cause of tomato leaf mould, has been an important genetic model, in that the genetics of host resistance are understood. [ 2] In the 1960s, it was estimated that the genus Cladosporium contained around 500 plant-pathogenic and saprotrophic species, [3] but this number has since been increased to over 772 species. [ 4] The genus Cladosporium is very closely related to black yeasts in the order Dothideales. ["
] | [
"docid": "D360630#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/27251-effects-household-mold-humans/\nEffects of Household Mold on Humans",
"text": "Effects of Household Mold on Humansby DEBORRAH COOPER June 13, 2017Mold is a fuzzy-looking fungi that grows on damp, porous surfaces such as wood, plaster, wall board, flooring and behind ceiling tiles. Humans come into contact with mold in three chief ways: inhalation, eating moldy food or through contact with the skin. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Mold in homes is apparently quite common. A 1994 Harvard University School of Public Health study of 10,000 homes in Canada and the United States found that half had water damage and mold. Areas of the country with a lot of moisture such as Florida, Oregon, Texas and Louisiana often experience infestations of milder molds like helminthosporium and cladosporium. However, even milder forms of household mold have been blamed for many health problems, including chronic sinus infections, upper respiratory infections and an increase in asthma cases. The amount of mold required to initiate symptoms varies greatly from person to person and is dependent upon your respiratory system or immune system. Though not all household mold is toxic to humans, there are several strains that are associated with serious illnesses and health risks. Allergic Responses to Mold Breathing in mold spores can cause an immediate sneeze or a delayed allergic reaction, as long as six hours later. Respiratory reactions may include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion or infections, wheezing and difficulty breathing."
"docid": "D1267737#0",
"title": "http://www.inspectapedia.com/mold/Foxing_Stains.php\nFoxing Stains on Books, Papers, Photographs: cause, cures, prevention",
"text": "\"Foxing Stains on Books, Papers, Photographs: cause, cures, prevention FOXING STAINS on BOOKS & PAPERS - CONTENTS: Definition of Foxing Stains on Books, Papers, Photographs: cause, cure, prevention. What causes rusty stains or foxing marks on books and paper? How experts examine foxing stains on paper product. Definition & basic chemistry of foxing stains on books, papers, photographs. What are the Foxing Fungi? fungi identified as growing on or in paper materials included the following. How to remove & prevent Foxing stains: Cures for Foxing on Paper, Books, Photographs POST a QUESTION or READ FAQs about the cause, cure, & prevention of reddish-brown foxing stains on books, papers, photographs & similar materials REFERENCESInspect APedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Foxing stains on books, papers & photographs: This article defines book & paper foxing - those reddish-brown stains found on some old books, papers, photographs, and other paper products. We explain the causes of foxing stains, the chemistry and mold components of foxing, and we describe what foxing looks like, how it is cleaned from books, papers, or photographs, and how foxing can best be prevented by book and paper restorers and paper conservators."
"docid": "D905779#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0570178312000292\nOriginal ArticleMicrobial deterioration of archaeological marble: Identification and treatment",
"text": "Annals of Agricultural Sciences Volume 57, Issue 2, December 2012, Pages 137-144open access Original Article Microbial deterioration of archaeological marble: Identification and treatment A. A. M. Abdelhafez a Fatma M. El-Wekeel b E. M. Ramadan a A. A. Abed-Allah a Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.aoas.2012.08.007 Get rights and content Open Access funded by Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams University Under a Creative Commons license Abstract Microbial deterioration of archeological marble was studied on samples taken from three locations in Cairo, Egypt; Mohamed Ali palace, El-Ghory Mosque and Mosque of El-Kady Abdel-Baset. Sampling resulted in 110 microbial isolates, identified as eight fungal genera, three bacterial genera, one actinomycetes genus and six algae. Isolated strains were all identified up to species. The inhibitory effect of five antimicrobial agents at various concentrations was investigated against the growth and development of these microbial isolates. Sodium azide at 100 ppm was found to be the best treatment for both fungal and bacterial isolates. Colored spots, caused by microbial growth, were treated by different synthetic and natural chemical substances. Results showed also that microbial enzymes produced by Aspergillus flavus isolate was the best decolorization treatment. Previous article Next article Keywords Archeological marble Microbial deterioration of marble Physicochemical properties of marble Deteriorating factors Introduction Marble and limestone are two of the most commonly encountered materials in historic structures. Marble is a metamorphism of limestone as a result of pressure and heat in the earth crust due to geological processes. Marble has numerous applications as building material, in monuments, for structural and decorative purposes ( Winkler, 2002 )."
"docid": "D3285716#0",
"title": "http://www.aaaai.org/ask-the-expert/molds-species-used-for-allergy-testing\nMolds species used for allergy testing",
"text": "Molds species used for allergy testing Search again Q:1/14/2012 Dr. Busch answered a previous question last year about mold selection for main/extended skin test panels. ( Response from Dr. Robert Bush:)As you are aware, fungal allergenic extracts for diagnostic (much less therapeutic) use are limited by variability in composition, lack of standardization, and frequent cross-reactivity. Also changes in nomenclature adds to the confusion. Here are my suggestions for a general screening panel (prick skin testing): Alternaria alternata Aspergillus fumigatus Penicillium chrysogenum (notatum) Cladosporium herbarum , C. cladosporiodes , C.sphaerospermum [Hormodendrum hordei] ( consider mix) Drechslera (Curvularia) spicifera or Bipolaris sorokiniana (Helminthosporium sativum) possibly Epicoccum nigrum For the expanded panel: Fusarium species- solani, vasoinfectum,moniliforme (consider mix) Mucor racemosus Aureobasidium (Pullularia) pullulans Aspergillus species -flavus, niger (consider mix) Trichophyton tonsurans Chaetonium globosum +/- Candida albicans Phoma and Stemphyllium share allergens with Alternaria. Aspergillus and Penicillium have cross-reactive allergens I think this would be a reasonable approach. IT with fungi is another story, with limited published. Questions/Comments: We recently switched to another major extract supplier. Problem: None of the three main companies have all the species and our group wishes to stick with one supplier. Where you have suggested a mix I will list our choices: 1) Cladosporoides: C. cladopsorides and C. sphaerospermium but no herbarum available. Should I test just to C. Clad in the basic panel and not test 2nd species in the extended panel?"
"docid": "D3540108#0",
"title": "http://worcester.ac.uk/discover/what-are-fungal-spores.html\nWhat are fungal spores?",
"text": "Fungal spores are microscopic biological particles that allow fungi to be reproduced, serving a similar purpose to that of seeds in the plant world. Fungi decompose organic waste and are essential for recycling of carbon and minerals in our ecosystem. It has been estimated that fungi recycle millions of tons of organic waste annually. There are thousands of different fungi in the world which are essential for the survival of other organisms. In addition, mushrooms and other fleshy fungi are a food source for many animals, including humans. Health effects of fungal spores Many fungal spores contain allergens which can trigger a range of respiratory symptoms in those susceptible. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, mucous production, cough, congestion, sinusitis, earache, headache, wheezing, asthma and a range of bronchial symptoms and diseases. It is estimated that around 3-4% of the general population get allergy symptoms from fungal spores, including the majority of asthma sufferers. Many fungal spore types have similar allergens which are released at different times of the year. This means that sufferers of fungal spore allergies are likely to be sensitive to many types for large parts of the year."
"docid": "D1732059#0",
"title": "https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Cladosporium_sphaerospermum\nCladosporium sphaerospermum",
"text": "Cladosporium sphaerospermum. Light micrographs of Cladosporium sphaerospermum NRRL 8131. a–h. Conidiophores at various stages of development, showing their characteristic branching patterns, ramoconidia, secondary ramoconidia, intercalary conidia, and small, terminal conidia (all on SNA); i. conidiophore with alternarioid secondary ramoconium (arrow), formed on MEA; j, k. secondary ramoconidia and intercalary conidia (note older intercalary conidia, which become dark brown and globose). — Scale bars = 10 μm. Reprinted with permission from Duban et al. 2008 [26"
"docid": "D1085985#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-crawl-space-mold-removal/\nCost of Crawl Space Mold Removal",
"text": "Home›Remodeling Costs› Cost of Crawl Space Mold Removal Cost of Crawl Space Mold Removal Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average costs of Crawl Space Mold Removal in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of what Crawl Space Mold Removal cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Crawl Space Mold Removal estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Crawl Space Mold removal done at your home. Mold Remedation Cost Crawl Space Mold remediation cost can vary from the low end of 500 and upwards 4-5,000 depending on what type of mold needs removal. Most homeowners call mold abatement companies when the spot Black mold, or smell mildew. While this is fine, there are other types of mold to be concerned about: Aspergillus, Alternaria and Cladosporium. These types of mold can cause serious health issues and should be sought after by a professional mold abatement company. Crawl Space Mold Removal Costs Zip Code Per Sq."
"docid": "D3091732#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/227304-about-headaches-congestion-from-mold-mildew/\nAbout Headaches & Congestion From Mold & Mildew",
"text": "About Headaches & Congestion From Mold & Mildewby DIANE MARKS June 13, 2017Headaches and congestion from mold and mildew are the result of a mold allergy, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. A mold allergy is defined by Mayo Clinic.com as an overreaction of the immune system to mold spores. Someone with an allergy to mold and mildew will experience common allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose and congestion, when he comes into contact with the substance. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load About Mold spores are tiny particles, or seeds, that mold and mildew produce to procreate. The small particles are carried by the wind and can travel for miles. Mold spores are inhaled, aggravating the sinus cavity, which leads to sinus inflammation, congestion and headaches, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Sinus inflammation causes blockage in the person’s ability to breathe through the nose and the ability to properly drain mucus. Cause Sinus headaches are the result of sinus congestion creating pressure in the head, according to the University of Maryland’s Medical Center. Inflamed sinuses swell and press on the eyes, the ear and upper-teeth, leading to sinus headaches. Once the pressure is alleviated, the headaches subside."
"docid": "D1732717#0",
"title": "https://www.moldbacteria.com/mold/cladosporium.html\nCladosporium: A Trigger for Asthmatic Attacks",
"text": "Cladosporium: A Trigger for Asthmatic Attacks Cladosporium, a well known trigger for asthmatic attacks, is one of the most widespread molds. It includes about 40 species naturally found in soil, on decaying plant material and as plant pathogens. Several studies conducted in Europe and North America have shown that Cladosporium spores are present in the outdoor environment throughout the year. However, concentrations are very low in winter. In summer, daily peaks may range from 2,000 to 50,000 spores per cubic meter of air. The concentration of Cladosporium species in indoor air is influenced by outdoor concentrations and indoor growth sources. Common species of Cladosporium in Indoor Environment Cladosporium sphaerospermum In an indoor environment, Cladosporium spp. occur as secondary wall colonizers, appearing after the primary ones such as Penicillium species, Aspergillus versicolor and Wallemia sebi. Cladosporium is very common on wet building material (e.g., gypsum board, acrylic painted walls, wood, wallpaper, carpet and mattress dust, HVAC fans, and wet insulation in mechanical cooling units). The four most common Cladosporium species: Cladosporium herbarum."
"docid": "D864755#0",
"title": "http://www.legalinfo.com/content/toxic-mold/what-types-of-mold-are-considered-toxic-mold.html\nLegalâ¢Info",
"text": "\"Location: Home >> Toxic Mold >>> What Types Of Mold Are Considered Toxic Mold What Types Of Mold Are Considered Toxic Mold Call (888) 471-5989 to speak with a personal injury attorney. \"\" Toxic mold\"\" is a term that is used to describe types of mold that are considered deadly to humans. Most people believe that the name refers to one particular species of mold; however, it encompasses hundreds of species, a small fraction of which are not very harmful to the human body. Black mold is commonly used as a name for the most harmful mold species, which happen to be black in appearance. However, even molds of a different color can be toxic to the human body. Any place that is dark and where there is an accumulation of moisture, is a potential breeding pool for mold. Mold can grown on almost any organic surface as long as moisture and oxygen are present. When large amounts of moisture build-up in buildings, or building materials mold growth will occur. It is virtually impossible to remove all indoor mold and mold spores, but it is possible to manage. People are exposed to some amount of mold everyday."
"docid": "D2493784#0",
"title": "http://www.moldunit.com/cladosporium.html\nMold Removal Unit",
"text": "Home About Mold Patrol Mold Detection Types of Mold Health Risks Mold Removal Cleaning Tips Home Insurance Mold Articles What is Cladosporium Mold? If you have noticed a black pepper type substance growing in your toilet tank, it is most likely Cladosporium, the most common of all molds. It is categorized as Black Mold and the genus is Cladosporium, which includes over 30 species. The differences can only be detected under a microscope. Mold spores live indoors and outdoors, and are an airborne allergen. Cladosporium mold is commonly found, in dying and dead plants, in the soil and on food. It thrives in a damp, dark, nonporous environment such as window frames and the inside of refrigerators. It will also multiply in houses with poor ventilation and in straw roofs built in low damp areas. Samples from fuel tanks, face creams, paints and fabric reveal the presence of Cladosporium. How can Cladosporium mold be eliminated?"
"docid": "D2609638#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/symptoms/nose_itch/causes.htm\nCauses of Nose Itch",
"text": "Causes of Nose Itch Intro Causes Treatment Symptom Checker Misdiagnosis Deaths Videos Glossary Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail This section discusses 57 medical conditions causing Nose Itch . A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below . Causes of Nose Itch: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Nose Itch . There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Sunspot Allergies Herpes simplex infection Herpes zoster infection Psoriasis Mosquito bites Hyperthyroidism Fungal infection Liver failure Chronic renal failure Respiratory infection Sinus Hayfever Asthma Runny nose See also causes of itching skin Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Sunspot Allergies Herpes simplex infection Herpes zoster infection Psoriasis Mosquito bites Hyperthyroidism Fungal infection Liver failure Chronic renal failure Respiratory infection Sinus Hayfever Asthma Runny nose See also causes of itching skin Nose rash Conditions listing medical symptoms: Nose Itch: The following list of conditions have ' Nose Itch ' or similar listed as a symptom in our database. This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause of any symptom."
"docid": "D1968508#0",
"title": "http://www.mold-advisor.com/mold-types.html\nMold Types Found In Homes",
"text": "\"Mold Types Found In Homes There are many different mold types that can be found in homes and different health problems can occur depending on the type of mold to which you are exposed. While there are more than one hundred different kinds of mold sometimes found in homes, here we’ll discuss a few of the most common. Common Types of Mold Found in Homes Alternaria is often found outdoors, but it also grows in damp places indoors, like in showers or under sinks with leaky pipes. It can also be found in buildings that have been flooded or suffered other water damage. It spreads easily from one area of the home to another. Exposure to alternaria can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Aspergillus is a type of mold frequently found indoors. It can causes allergic reactions, respiratory infections, and a condition called hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which causes inflammation of the lungs. More about aspergillus mold. Aureobasidium is a mold often found outdoors, but it can also be found in homes growing on wooden surfaces, wallpaper, and painted surfaces."
"docid": "D3312984#0",
"title": "https://www.installitdirect.com/blog/mold-solutions-how-to-recognize-remove-and-prevent-mold-outdoors/\nHow to Recognize, Remove, and Prevent Mold Outdoors",
"text": "\"How to Recognize, Remove, and Prevent Mold Outdoorsby Debbie Anderson Facebook Twitter Google+Pinterest Contemporary Landscape by Miami Landscape Architects & Designers Blakely and Assoc. Landscape Architects, Inc. Maybe you’ve noticed it: green moldy growths spreading across your roof, creeping along siding, or even appearing on pavers. The fact is that molds thrive in damp coastal areas like some parts of San Diego, but can be present wherever moisture collects. The problem is that once mold settles in or on a home, it can grow on nearly anything – wood, paint, sheetrock, you name it. Not to mention, the ongoing moisture and warm conditions in Southern California backyards often result in mold popping up on common outdoor surfaces such as patios, deck furniture, and outdoor cushions. Enough mold can mar backyard landscapes, but the worst of it is that its spores can pose a health hazard. If you notice mold and mildew growing in your backyard, it’s important to quickly and effectively destroy it, and we’ll tell you how. But first…What is Mold? Part of the fungi family, molds are microscopic organisms with enzymes that digest and decompose organic matter. They reproduce through spores like other fungis such as mushrooms, and yeast."
"docid": "D106611#0",
"title": "http://www.grainsa.co.za/factors-affecting-wheat-seed-germination\nFactors affecting wheat seed germination",
"text": "Factors affecting wheat seed germination June 2012HESTA HATTING, SEED TESTING LABORATORY, ARC-SMALL GRAIN INSTITUTEPlant seed act as both reproductive structures as well as a vital nutritional resource for human consumption, worldwide. Bread flour is derived directly from wheat, Triticum aesitivum. The seed of wheat is botanically referred to as a caryopsis. Unlike many other plant species where vegetative reproduction is possible, reproduction in wheat is restricted to seed, following a process of self-pollination between the male anthers and female stigma. The resulting seed is then harvested for processing into nutritional substrate or used for propagation purposes. This article explores the most important factors affecting germination which is the first and most critical process during propagation by means of seed. From a producer’s perspective, successful seed germination and subsequent seedling establishment is seen as a first step towards economically feasible wheat production. Although initial input costs are linked to the acquisition of genetically sound seed, several other factors may also affect the process of germination. This process is complex and can be affected at different stages by many interacting factors such as temperature, water availability, oxygen, light, substrate, maturity of the seed and physiological age of the seed. Environmental factors affecting seed in the soil The most important external factors include water, oxygen, suitable temperature, and sometimes light or darkness."
"docid": "D2805081#0",
"title": "http://www.hgtv.com/remodel/interior-remodel/common-types-of-mold-in-homes\nCommon Types of Mold in Homes",
"text": "\"Common Types of Mold in Homes Mold comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Learn how to identify the type of mold in your home and develop a plan of attack for treating it. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Caroline Shannon-Karasik Related To: Healthy Home and Home Safety Mold Cleaning Like the colors in a box of crayons (but not nearly as fun), mold comes in a variety of hues, including black, white, green and orange. The Biggest Threats to a Healthy Home See All Photos The most common types of mold include aspergillus, cladosporium and stachybotrys atra (also known as black mold). Aspergillus is a fairly allergenic mold that is commonly found on foods and in home air conditioning systems. Cladosporium is typically a black or green \"\"pepper like\"\" substance that grows on the back of toilets, painted surfaces and fiberglass air ducts. While this mold is nontoxic to humans, it can trigger common allergy symptoms, such as red and watery eyes, rashes and a sore throat. Removing Mold 01:40Take the proper precautions when you attempt to remove mold in your home. Mold that appears to be orange or red in color is typically found outdoors, given its nature to thrive on decaying plants or moist wood. This type of mold, which can appear slimy, is harmless and should only be removed for aesthetic purposes."
"docid": "D1632179#0",
"title": "http://www.redpaw.net/molds.htm\nDESCRIPTION OF MOLDS",
"text": "ALTERNARIA (Air-borne) Colonies: grey, dark green, brown to black. This is an outdoor mold, which frequently grows in textiles, foodstuffs, and soils. The black spots seen on tomatoes are usually of the alternaria mold specie. Frequently found on condensed window frames; generally an outdoors mold and appears when the weather is warm. ASPERGILLUS This mold is found in damp conditions where the temperature is approximately 40 degrees Celsius, both indoor and outdoor. Optimum growth requirements include a high water activity of the substrate, which is more likely to occur during the winter months. Some diseases associated with the aspergillus are farmers lung, bakers asthma, and malt workers lung. Inhalation of conidia and mycelium of aspergillus can lead to several diseases, the severity of which depends on the host's immune response. It is found in soils, leaf, and plant litter, decaying vegetable and roots, bird droppings, tobacco, and stored sweet potatoes. BOTRYTIS This worldwide mold predominantly occurs in humid and sub‑tropical regions."
"docid": "D3221312#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-green-mold.htm\nWhat is Green Mold?",
"text": "Green mold is an umbrella term that refers to a number of species of fungus with spores that take on a green tint. The more common species usually belong to three genuses of fungi: Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. There are health hazards associated with the spread of green mold in areas frequented by people, and much like other mold variants, if the mold manages to penetrate households and hidden spaces, it can be difficult to remove it completely. Some mold species are relatively benign when exposed to people, while other species can cause more serious health problems that range from infections to extreme allergic reactions and toxic poisoning. In broader terms molds are microscopic fungi that sustain themselves on many different surfaces all over the environment. Molds spread by producing tiny spores that can infiltrate almost any space, from where they reproduce and spread under the right conditions. These spores determine what color the particular mold species will assume. Not all fungi species that are classified under Cladosporium, Aspergillus or Penicillium will manifest as shades of green as species can differ from each other in color and scope of their effect. Ad Fungi species of the genus Cladosporium are very common molds that can be found in both enclosed areas and outdoors. Cladosporium species that appear as green mold are usually olive green in color."
"docid": "D1298264#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_microbiology\nOral microbiology",
"text": "\"This article may be unbalanced towards certain viewpoints. Please improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the talk page. ( June 2015)Oral microbiology is the study of the microorganisms (microbiota) of the oral cavity and their interactions between oral microorganisms or with the host. [ 1] The environment present in the human mouth allows the growth of characteristic microorganisms found there. It provides a source of water and nutrients, as well as a moderate temperature. [ 2] Resident microbes of the mouth adhere to the teeth and gums to resist mechanical flushing from the mouth to stomach where acid-sensitive microbes are destroyed by hydrochloric acid. [ 2] [3]Anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity include: Actinomyces, Arachnia, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Lactobacillus, Leptotrichia, Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Propionibacterium, Selenomonas, Treponema, and Veillonella. [ 4] [ needs update] Genera of fungi that are frequently found in the mouth include Candida, Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Glomus, Alternaria, Penicillium, and Cryptococcus, among others. [ 5] Bacteria accumulate on both the hard and soft oral tissues in biofilms. Bacterial adhesion is particularly important for oral bacteria."
"docid": "D1732716#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/n/non_food_allergy_fungus_cladosporium/intro.htm\nNon-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium",
"text": "Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Videos Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium: Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium: Introduction Symptoms Causes Treatments Misdiagnosis Home Testing Types Videos Full Contents list Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium: Introduction Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium: A Cladosporium fungus allergy is an adverse reaction by the body's immune system to spores produced by a fungus called Cladosporium. Cladosporium is one of the most common outdoor airborne molds. Symptoms tend to occur in a seasonal pattern as spore production by molds tends to increase and decrease with changes in seasons. The specific symptoms that can result can vary amongst patients. More detailed information about the symptoms , causes, and treatments of Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium is available below. Symptoms of Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium Click to Check Respiratory symptoms Skin rash Shortness of breath Blocked nose Itchy throatmore symptoms...»See full list of 25 symptoms of Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium Treatments for Non-Food Allergy -- fungus, Cladosporium Avoid coming into contact with the allergen, various medications depending on the symptoms and severity: antihistamines, bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, decongestants, nasal sprays, cromolyn sodium, immunotherapy Treatment of mould and fungal allergies is dependant upon the type and severity of the allergic symptoms. Treatments for mould and fungal allergies include: Allergen avoidance and minimisation of exposure - Maintain a dry environment in the house and workplace as much as possible."
] |
265 | +what is fascia or facia | [
"docid": "D97881#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fascia\nfascia",
"text": "\"fascia Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to fascia: Colles fasciafas·cia (făsh′ə, fä′shə)n. pl. fas·ci·ae (făsh′ē-ē′, fä′shē-ē′)1. Anatomya. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or bindingtogether muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.b. The tissue of which such a sheet or band is composed.2. Biology A broad and distinct band of color.3. Architecturea. A flat horizontal band or member between moldings, especially in a classicalentablature.b. ("
] | [
"docid": "D1010183#0",
"title": "http://www.augustaga.gov/545/Evictions-FIFA\nEvictions & F.I.F.A.",
"text": "Home Departments Courts, Elected, and Appointed Officials Marshal's Office Evictions & F. I. F. A. Evictions & F. I. F. A. Evictions The eviction process begins with the landlord or agent filing a dispossessory affidavit with the Civil and Magistrate Court. Once a dispossess has been served at the residence, the tenant has seven days to file an answer with the Clerk of Court. If no answer is filed, or the tenant does not prove their case in court, a writ of possession (commonly referred to as the eviction order) is issued. Upon receiving the writ of possession, the Marshal's Office will contact the landlord and schedule the eviction. A courtesy notice will be left at the residence no later than 24 hours before the eviction will take place. At the designated time the deputy will meet with the landlord to begin the eviction. The landlord is responsible for all labor and expenses incurred with the eviction. Fieri Facias F. I. F. A. (Fieri Facias) is a directive from the Court to the Sheriff, Marshal, or other authorized officer, requiring him to seize sufficient property of the defendant to satisfy the amount due on the judgment. A Fi Fa is an order issued on behalf of the plaintiff (you) against the defendant. Upon requesting a Fi Fa from the clerk of Civil and Magistrate Court, inform the clerk to forward your Fi Fa to the Marshal’s Office."
"docid": "D1165546#0",
"title": "http://www.hometownroofingcontractors.com/roofing-cost/roof-replacement/shingle-roof-replacement\nShingle Roof Replacement Costs",
"text": "Roofing Cost Guide > Roof Replacement > Shingle Roof Replacement Costs Shingle Roof Replacement Costs Current Location: Los Angeles, CA | Change Average Range Average Range National$11,140based on 42 projects$3,800 - $45,000based on 42 projects California $10,842based on 44 projects$2,500 - $21,300based on 44 projects Los Angeles, CA $8,400based on 10 projects$2,500 - $13,800based on 10 projects Shingle Roof Replacement Projects and Costs Shingle Roof Replacement in Rialto, CAI needed some roof repairs done on the shingled roof of my one-story home. Final Cost: $14,000Roofing Cost Details: One-story roof replacement Shingle Roof Replacement in Livermore, CAI had some shingles blown off my 5,000 square-foot, 4-bedroom, 2-story house, and I need it replaced or fixed. Final Cost: $12,000Roofing Cost Details: Shingle roof replacement, 5,000 sq ft 4-bedroom 2-story house Roof Replacement in Livermore, CANeed composition roof laid on top of the old roof. Final Cost: $3,300Roofing Cost Details: Composition roof replacement Shingle Roof Replacement in San Antonio Heights, CAI needed the old shingle roof of my 1700 square foot house replaced. Final Cost: $12,000Roofing Cost Details: Tear off old shingles, replace one piece of sheathing, install new shingles Shingle Roof Replacement in Northridge, CAI had new shingles and thermal reflective barrier installed on my single-story home. Quoted Cost: $13,800Roofing Cost Details: Shingle roof installation, reflective barrier Roof Replacement in Oakland, CAI needed a new roof, it was an insurance claim with $3000 deductible. Quoted Cost: $10,000Roofing Cost Details: Shingle Roof Replacement in Hemet, CAI needed a shingle roof replacement for a single-story ranch with garage. Quoted Cost: $8,000Roofing Cost Details: Single-story home, complete reroof Shingle Reroofing in Corona, CAReplaced the roof on a 1-story house with composition shingles. with a pitched roof, 2800 sqft. Quoted Cost: $7,500Roofing Cost Details:28 square roof, high pitch, single-story roof Shingle Reroofing in San Bernardino, CAI needed a complete re-roof."
"docid": "D2315513#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_bleed_the_cooling_system_in_a_1994_Peugeot_306_XL\nHow do you bleed the cooling system in a 1994 Peugeot 306 XL?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts and Repairs Heating AC and Engine Cooling Radiators How do you bleed the cooling system in a 1994 Peugeot 306 XL? Flag How do you bleed the cooling system in a 1994 Peugeot 306 XL? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.bleeding cooling system,peugeot306XL 94there are two points to release air in the cooling system. you fill up the system on the left side of the radiator. on the opposite side of the radiator at the top is a plastic plug. u need to twist it out to reveal a hole looking down into the right hand side of the radiator. that's the fist bleed point. the second is at the top of the engine bay. if you stand where the cooling filler point is and look staraight up u will see a few small plastic and rubber hoses running along the engine bay (just below the wipers). on one of them is another bleed point which will unscrew by hand or if needed can be undone with a flat head screw driver."
"docid": "D3450641#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2598911/what-is-the-cost-of-gutter-helmet-and-the-like\nWhat is the cost of 'gutter helmet' and the like?",
"text": "\"Home Repair What is the cost of 'gutter helmet' and the like? Deer180 April 1, 2005We have these folks seling \"\"gutter helmet\"\" like things to place on top or replace your gutters. While the ocncept sounds interesting it was insanely expensive! It was as much as our new roof cost!!! Any advice on one make over another in terms of good quality and low price? We live in Central Maryland Email Save Comment 41 Like Comments (41)delcogreg How do you clean out Leaf Relief gutters? Sooner or later they are going to need some cleaning. It looks like they are screwed in place, which could be a real hassle - depending on how many screws are invloved. Greg Like Save April 2, 2005 at 4:13PMdelcogreg Thanks John. I have requested a list of installers in my area."
"docid": "D1010180#0",
"title": "http://www.kellycanhelp.com/what-is-a-fifa-writ-of-fieri-facias-and-how-can-i-get-rid-of-it-in-bankruptcy/\nWhat Is A FIFA (writ of fieri facias) and How Can I Get Rid Of It in Bankruptcy?",
"text": "What Is A FIFA (writ of fieri facias) and How Can I Get Rid Of It in Bankruptcy? Posted by Jeffrey Kelly in Georgia Bankruptcy A writ of FI FA (writ of fieri facias) is a document that is issued by your local county clerk’s office for the purpose of recording a lien on your house after a creditor obtains a judgment against you. In addition to putting a lien on your house, a Fi Fa can be used to seize your personal assets. A Fi Fa can also be used to perfect a lien on your automobile. Think of it as a monstrous octopus that can put its arms around everything you own. If you ignore the Fi Fa on your house, it will accrue interest at the judgment rate. In other words, the monstrous octopus will grow larger. Whenever you sell your house, the Fi Fa will have to be paid before ownership can transfer to another person. The good news is that Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be used to avoid a judicial lien to the extent it impairs your exemption. Let me give you an example of a Chatsworth client that was freaking out because they received a copy of a Fi Fa (or writ of fieri facias) in the mail."
"docid": "D2280177#0",
"title": "http://ginter-siding-and-windows.us/estworksheet.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Estimating Your Siding Costs by Calculating Your Exterior Square Footage Simple Method | Detailed Method | Our Very Detailed Method Detailed Method for Calculating Your Exterior Square Footage Equations | Directions | Example This information sheet is for estimating your siding costs. Soffits, facia, window openings, custom work & accessories are extra. Not to worry though, most people just have their siding done and it's the majority of your siding cost. If you elect to have your overhangs covered just call us and we'll tell you how to estimate your cost. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to give us a call. Shapes we will be using: H x L = area of a rectanglethe rectangle formula will work with any variation of a rectangle. ( H x L) ÷ 2 = area of a triangle the triangle formula will work with any variation of a triangle. DIRECTIONSTools needed: tape measure, calculator, paper & pencil Special considerations: You are just trying to get an idea of how much your siding will cost. We will do the exact measurements if you elect to receive a free estimate from us. So, you don't have to be exact with your measurements."
"docid": "D663140#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/facia\nfacia",
"text": "facia Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to facia: Prima faciafacia ( ˈfeɪʃɪə) n1. ( Architecture) a variant spelling of fascia2. ( Automotive Engineering) a variant spelling of fascia3. ( Biology) a variant spelling of fascia4. ( Zoology) a variant spelling of fasciaˈfacial adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014fas•ci•a (ˈfæʃ i ə for 1, 3–5; ˈfeɪ ʃə for 2)n., pl. fas•ci•ae (ˈfæʃ iˌi)for 1, 3–5; fas•cias (fā′shəz) for 2. 1. Also called fas′cia board`."
"docid": "D1803335#0",
"title": "http://amsoffla.com/products/roof-overs/\nRoof Overs",
"text": "Weather-Lok Roof Over Warranty Available by Request Energy Star Rated Maintenance Free Custom Tri-Bend Facia Custom Gutter / Overhang System Financing Available (With Approved Credit)Insurance Roof Certifications The AMS Patented Weather-Lok Roof Over System At AMS we use only Energy Star Rated Custom Rolled Aluminum. We will not use interlocking pans, panels or membrane products or materials that will shrink, dry rot or deteriorate over time. AMS custom fabricates our own Guttering System and Tri-bend Fascia that will give your home an overhang and keep your home protected and clean from the harsh Florida weather. The AMS Patented Weather-Lok Roof overs will give you peace of mind, energy efficiency, is aesthetically pleasing, maintenance free. Warranty available by request. Request a Free Quote Contact an AMS Area Manager today and we will show you how easy it is to get started. 1-800-226-6677 or email us at [email protected] Examples of our work"
"docid": "D1058468#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/deep+fascia\nfascia",
"text": "\"fascia (redirected from deep fascia) Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. Related to deep fascia: deep fascia of neckfas·cia (făsh′ə, fä′shə)n. pl. fas·ci·ae (făsh′ē-ē′, fä′shē-ē′)1. Anatomya. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or bindingtogether muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.b. The tissue of which such a sheet or band is composed.2. Biology A broad and distinct band of color.3. Architecturea. A flat horizontal band or member between moldings, especially in a classicalentablature.b. ("
"docid": "D1108844#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/fascia.html\nSoffits and Fascias Cost",
"text": "\"Do-It-Yourself: $1-$15+ a Linear Foot Professional Installation: $6-$20+ a Linear Foot E-mail Post Tweet Comments (5)Fascias are the horizontal strips that cover the ends of the rafters under the roofline of a house (gutters are typically attached to the house's fascia). Soffits cover the bottom of the fascia to the outside wall of the house, and typically are perforated for ventilation. Fascia and soffits protect the house from moisture and weather damage, but not all houses have these features. Some architectural styles have open eaves and therefore no soffits, and a few have no fascia boards across the ends of the rafters, behind the gutters. The Weather Tight remodeling company in Wisconsin provides an illustrated overview [ 1] . Typical costs: Professionally installed soffits and fascias typically cost $6-$10 a linear foot for wood or vinyl, and $8-$20 or more a linear foot for aluminum, but costs can be more in some circumstances -- for a multi-story home with a high roofline, if the soffits are wider than the common 12\"\"-16\"\" or if there are a lot of mitered corners (cut so they meet on an angle). For a simple one-story home with roughly 200'-300' linear feet of soffits and fascias, the installed cost could be $600-$2,000 for wood or vinyl, and $800-$6,000 or more for aluminum. Do-it-yourself installation is possible for those who are comfortable cutting materials to size and working on a ladder or platform to install soffits and fascia under the eaves of the house. Costs will vary significantly depending on the materials chosen. Pressure treated wood or vinyl soffits and fascias can cost $1-$5 or more a linear foot; aluminum can cost $2.50-$15 or more a linear foot."
"docid": "D2681264#0",
"title": "http://community.screwfix.com/threads/combi-boilers-can-they-go-in-a-loft.62428/\nCombi Boilers - Can they go in a loft?",
"text": "\"Home Forums > Screwfix Community Forum > Plumbers' Talk >Combi Boilers - Can they go in a loft? Discussion in ' Plumbers' Talk ' started by Rodge, Jan 4, 2005 . Page 1 of 21 2 Next >Rodge New Member Hi all, As a home project I want to put a combi boiler in my loft space. It is 5ft to the apex and has brick walls where it could be mounted. The old system is in an airing cupboard although I wish to utilse this space for an ensuite. Does anyone know if regulations allow boilers to be in the loft? I'm concerned about the fire hazard... Dont worry I'm not gonna connect the gas up myself! Just after some advise if any of you know Thanks, Phil Rodge, Jan 4, 2005 #1doitall New Memberyes but you have to have a propper access, loft ladder and a boarded areadoitall, Jan 4, 2005 #2Rodge New Membergreat stuff. I have both so thats cool... A plumber (not gas qualified) in B&Q seemed to think it had to be fire boarded in, in a loft - is there any truth in that or does it sound like a blag? Also one last one... I have used speed fit stuff occasionally for mains pressure jobs, but can you or have you ever used it for Combi Boilers?"
"docid": "D629306#0",
"title": "http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Exorcism\nExorcism",
"text": "\"Exorcism Exorcism Exorcism is the act of driving out or warding off demons from persons, places or things that are possessed or infested by them, or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice. During the exorcism ritual, a solemn and authoritative adjuration of the demon is applied in the name of God or any of the higher powers to which the demon is subject.– Pad of Definitions ( 1.04 Phantom Traveler ), Official Website Rituale Romanum One of the official books of the Roman Rite. The Rituale Romanum was first published in the 17th century under Pope Paul V and was left untouched until two minor revisions were added in 1952. The Rituale Romanum is the only formal exorcism rite sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church.– Pad of Definitions ( 1.04 Phantom Traveler ), Official Website Contents [ hide ]1 Exorcisms in Supernatural episodes1.1 1.04 Phantom Traveler1.2 1.22 Devil's Trap1.3 2.08 Crossroad Blues1.4 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign1.5 3.01 The Magnificent Seven1.6 3.04 Sin City1.7 3.12 Jus in Bello1.8 3.14 Long-Distance Call1.9 3.15 Time Is On My Side1.10 Season 41.11 4.16 On the Head of a Pin1.12 5.06 I Believe The Children Are Our Future1.13 5.12 Swap Meat1.14 5.14 My Bloody Valentine1.15 6.21 Let It Bleed1.16 7.15 Repo Man1.17 8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?1.18 8.12 As Time Goes By1.19 8.22 Clip Show1.20 8.23 Sacrifice1.21 9.02 Devil May Care1.22 9.11 First Born1.23 9.16 Blade Runners1.24 9.17 Mother's Little Helper1.25 11.18 Hell's Angel1.26 12.06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox1.27 13.08 The Scorpion and the Frog2 Exorcisms in established Religion Exorcisms in Supernatural episodes Exorcisms are presented as having two parts. The first expels the demon from the occupied vessel (as black smoke) and the second sends the demon back to Hell (shown as the black smoke being sent downward leaving charred marks on the floor). The second part is not mandatory, or can be interrupted allowing the demon to escape and possess another meatsuit. It's clear from what Sam Winchester says in 1.04 Phantom Traveler and 1.22 Devil's Trap that the boys skip the Invocatio and Psalms and jump directly to the exorcism proper. It is understandable, given that it's not as though they have all the time in the world, especially in \"\"Phantom Traveler.\"\""
"docid": "D3037403#0",
"title": "https://heelthatpain.com/plantar-fascia/plantar-fascia-injuries/\nPlantar Fascia Injuries",
"text": "Experiencing pain along the arch of your foot or in your heel? You may be coping with an injury to the main ligament in your foot – the plantar fascia. This strong, elastic ligament spans the bottom of your foot from the heel bone to the ball. It’s designed to allow you to flex your feet and it supports the spring in your step as you walk. There are six common injuries this vital ligament can sustain. By reading the following, simple summaries, you’ll be able to ascertain if a plantar fascia injury may be the cause of your pain, and you’ll find helpful links for further reading, too. Plantar Fascia Tears When undue strain is placed on the plantar fascia ligament, the fabric of its stretchy tissue can become weakened and small tears can develop. The source of the strain could include weight gain, an anatomical problem that causes you to walk unevenly on your feet, wearing ill-fitting shoes, high-impact sports like running or the normal aging process which can decrease the elasticity of your ligaments. If small tears and inflammation are accompanied by heel pain, particularly morning heel pain, chances are good that you’ve developed a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. Most cases of Plantar Fasciitis can be resolved through a combination of rest, icing, heel stretches and Fascia-Bar treatments."
"docid": "D2624952#0",
"title": "https://www.4feldco.com/articles/what-is-soffit-what-is-fascia/\nWhat is Soffit and Fascia and Why Are They Important For Your Home?",
"text": "What is Soffit and Fascia and Why Are They Important For Your Home? Most of the time, people usually only notice the big and prominent features of their home. Windows, siding and doors are the main attention-getters on any home, but it’s important you don’t overlook the small stuff. What is soffit? What is fascia? Why are they important features on your home? While most people know why windows, siding and doors are important, they might not realize that soffit and fascia are equally as important. In this article, we’ll go over what soffit and fascia are and why they’re just as important as anything else on your home. What is Soffit? Soffit is the exposed siding underneath your roof’s overhang."
"docid": "D2699337#0",
"title": "https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/venire\nvenire",
"text": "venirenavigation search Contents1 English1.1 Etymology1.2 Pronunciation1.3 Noun1.3.1 Derived terms1.3.2 Related terms1.4 Further reading1.5 Anagrams2 Italian2.1 Etymology2.2 Pronunciation2.3 Verb2.3.1 Usage notes2.3.2 Conjugation2.3.3 Related terms2.4 Anagrams3 Latin3.1 Pronunciation3.2 Verb3.3 Pronunciation3.4 Verb4 Romanian4.1 Etymology4.2 Noun English [ edit]WOTD – 20 February 2016Etymology [ edit]Borrowed from Latin venire ( “ to come ”), from venire facias ( “ that you to make or cause to come ”), from the opening words of the writ. Pronunciation [ edit] ( Received Pronunciation) IPA ( key): /vɪˈnʌɪ.ə.ɹiː/ ( General American) IPA ( key): /vɛˈni.ɹeɪ/Hyphenation: ve‧ni‧re Noun [ edit]venire ( plural venires) ( law) A writ of venire facias . ( law, chiefly US) A group of persons summoned by a writ of venire facias to appear in court for jury selection. Derived terms [ edit]venireperson Related terms [ edit]venire faciasvenire facias de novo Further reading [ edit]Venire facias on Wikipedia. Anagrams [ edit]Nièvre, Vernie, envier, verine Italian [ edit]Etymology [ edit]From Latin venīre, present active infinitive of veniō ( “ come ”), from Proto-Italic *gʷenjō, from Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥yéti, from zero-grade of *gʷem- + *-yéti. Pronunciation [ edit]IPA ( key): [veˈnire]Audio Verb [ edit]venire ( intransitive) to come, arrive ( intransitive) to be ( see usage notes)Usage notes [ edit]Venire may be used as the passive auxiliary instead of essere, but not in compound tenses. Conjugation [ edit]Conjugation of venire Related terms [ edit]Related terms Anagrams [ edit]veneri Latin [ edit]Pronunciation [ edit] ( Classical) IPA ( key): /weˈniː.re/, [wɛˈniː.rɛ]Verb [ edit]venīrepresent active infinitive of veniōPronunciation [ edit] ( Classical) IPA ( key): /weːˈniː.re/, [weːˈniː.rɛ]Verb [ edit]vēnīrepresent active infinitive of vēneōRomanian [ edit]Etymology [ edit]veni + -re Noun [ edit]venire f ( plural veniri)coming, arrival, return Categories: English terms borrowed from Latin English terms derived from Latin English 4-syllable words English terms with IPA pronunciation English 3-syllable words English lemmas English nouns English countable nouns en: Law American English en: Directives Italian terms inherited from Latin Italian terms derived from Latin Italian terms inherited from Proto-Italic Italian terms derived from Proto-Italic Italian terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European Italian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European Italian terms with IPA pronunciation Italian terms with audio links Italian lemmas Italian verbs Italian intransitive verbs Italian irregular verbs Italian verbs with irregular past participles Italian verbs taking essere as auxiliary Latin 3-syllable words Latin terms with IPA pronunciation Latin non-lemma forms Latin verb forms Romanian words suffixed with -re Romanian lemmas Romanian nouns Romanian countable nouns"
"docid": "D538213#0",
"title": "http://www.all-about-siding.com/vinyl-siding-cost.html\nVINYL SIDING COST",
"text": "VINYL SIDING COSTShown here is Norandex Vinyl Siding being installed. How much does vinyl siding cost? As a contractor that is usually the first thing out of the mouth of a homeowner that calls me to get a price quote. Even though this sounds like a simple question, it isn't. Vinyl Siding prices range from about $3 per square foot installed to well over $10 per square foot installed. Like all products vinyl siding comes in many different qualities. Some good and some much better. Better grades of siding will cost you more. Generally the thicker the siding is the better it is and the more it will cost. Insulated vinyl siding will cost more than non-insulated siding, but could save you money on energy costs for decades."
"docid": "D2827206#0",
"title": "https://www.justipedia.com/definition/4081/nulla-bona\nNulla Bona",
"text": "\"Nulla Bona Definition - What does Nulla Bonamean? Nulla bona is a Latin term that, literally translated, means \"\"no goods. \"\" It is used in a legal context in relation to goods being seized to fulfill debt repayment by bailiffs tasked by the court to seize such for payment. If the bailiff or sheriff cannot find any goods of value to seize and sell to repay the debt, the term \"\"nulla bona\"\" will be written on the warrant that was issued to the bailiff to collect or seize the goods. Justipedia explains Nulla Bona In order for goods to be collected by a bailiff against a debt, a seizure writ must be issued against goods that hold a minimum individual value. This writ is called a \"\"writ of fieri facias.\"\" The ability to collect debt money in this way is most commonly used in Western Europe. It is rarely seen in use within the United States, although some states have legalized it. Nulla bona can also be claimed by a garnishee in circumstances where they believe that they do not owe a debtor money, or do not possess property that can be seized to pay a debt with a writ of fieri facias. However, if a debtor does have property that can be seized to pay a debt, then it is typically seized if a writ of fieri facias has been issued. \""
"docid": "D865368#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writ\nWrit",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Writ (disambiguation). In common law, a writ (Anglo-Saxon gewrit, Latin breve) [1] is a formal written order issued by a body with administrative or judicial jurisdiction; in modern usage, this body is generally a court. Warrants, prerogative writs, and subpoenas are common types of writ, but many forms exist and have existed. In its earliest form a writ was simply a written order made by the English monarch to a specified person to undertake a specified action; for example, in the feudal era a military summons by the king to one of his tenants-in-chief to appear dressed for battle with retinue at a certain place and time. [ 2] An early usage survives in the United Kingdom and Canada in a writ of election, which is a written order issued on behalf of the monarch (in Canada, the Governor General) to local officials ( High Sheriffs of every county in the historical UK) to hold a general election. Writs were used by the medieval English kings to summon persons to Parliament, [3] (then consisting primarily of the House of Lords) whose advice was considered valuable or who were particularly influential, and who were thereby deemed to have been created \"\" barons by writ \"\". Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Origins1.2 Development1.3 Rationalisation of writs2 Writ of election3 United States law3.1 Prerogative writs3.2 Other writs4 Indian law5 Notes6 Bibliography History [ edit]Origins [ edit]The writ was a unique development of the Anglo-Saxon monarchy, and consisted of a brief administrative order, authenticated (innovatively) by a seal. [ 4] Written in the vernacular, they generally made a land grant, or conveyed instructions to a local court. In the beginning, writs were the document issued by the King's Chancellor against a landowner whose vassal complained to the King about an injustice, after a first summon by the sheriff to comply had been deemed fruitless. [ 5] William the Conqueror took over the system unchanged, but was to extend it in two ways: first, writs became mainly framed in Latin, not Anglo-Saxon; second, they covered an increasing range of royal commands and decisions. ["
"docid": "D2674955#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/fascial\nNearby words for fascial",
"text": "noun, plural fasciae [ fash -ee-ee] ( Show IPA ),for 1, 3–5; fascias [ fey -sh uh z] ( Show IPA ), for 2.1. a band or fillet, as for binding the hair.2. Also called fascia board. facia.3. Architecture.any relatively broad, flat, horizontal surface, as the outer edge of a cornice, a stringcourse, etc.any of a number of horizontal bands, usually three in number, each projecting beyond the one below to form the architrave in the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders.4. Anatomy, Zoology.a band or sheath of connective tissue investing, supporting, or binding together internal organs or parts of the body.tissue of this kind.5. Zoology, Botany. a distinctly marked band of color. Origin of fascia Expand1555-15651555-65; < Latin: band, bandage; akin to fasces Related forms Expandfascial, adjectivesubfascial, adjective"
"docid": "D3453260#0",
"title": "https://definitions.uslegal.com/v/vendors-lien/\nVendor's Lien Law and Legal Definition",
"text": "Vendor's Lien Law and Legal Definition A vendor's lien is the right of a seller to repossess the property sold until the buyer makes all payments for the full purchase price. The property is the collateral given as security to the seller for the purchase price. It is sometimes used in connection with a purchase money mortgage on real estate. A purchase-money mortgage is a note secured by a mortgage or deed of trust given by a buyer, as borrower, to a seller, as lender, as part of the purchase price of the real estate. It is a method of financing a home in which buyer borrows from the seller instead of, or in addition to, a bank. It is sometimes used when a buyer cannot qualify for a bank loan for the full amount. It may also be referred to as seller financing or owner financing. Legal Definition list Vendor's Lien Vendor Specific Objective Evidence [VSOE]Vendor Promotional Training [Administrative Personnel]Vendor Identification Program Vendor Agreement Venire Venire Facias Ad Respondendum Venire Facias De Novo Venire Facias Tot Matronas Veniremember Venter Related Legal Terms Accountant Client Privilege Accountant's Lien Advisor's Client Account Agister's Lien Agricultural Lien Alien Alien Absconder Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications Card Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications System"
] |
266 | +what is forbs as a food for animals? | [
"docid": "D663748#0",
"title": "https://tpwd.texas.gov/education/resources/resources/lesson-plans/terrestrial-ecology/bison/learning-about-bison-classroom-activities\nLearning About Bison Classroom Activities",
"text": "\"Learning About Bison Classroom Activities Contents What Does A Bison Eat? Bison Food Summary Materials Background Procedure Assessment Extensions Vocabulary Cafe de Bison Math!Bison Calculations Summary Objective Materials Procedure Extensions Assessment Bison Seasons Background Information Winter Spring Summer Fall What is a Ruminant? Eating - One Job, Four Stomachs!Texas Bison Timeline Journey Through Time Objectives Background Materials Procedure\"\"Bison\"\" or Buffalo\"\"? Bison Sites Bison Sites of Texas Objectives Background Materials Procedure Assessment Vocabulary Analyze a Picture Background Procedures Assessments Extensions What Does A Bison Eat? Bison Food Summary Students collect and press grass, forbs, and browse. Students graph percentages. Objectives Students will be able to identify at least 3 major categories of food eaten by bison. Students will be able to identify three plants as a grass, forb, or browse. Materials3 X 5 Cards Pencils Newspaper Cardboard Pieces Stack of books or other heavy objects Background Bison are grazers. After dawn, in groups of three to four, the herd rises and eventually start grazing."
] | [
"docid": "D77047#0",
"title": "https://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/money/top-10-highest-paid-models-in-the-world-for-2015/\nTop 10 Highest Paid Models In The World For 2015",
"text": "Top 10 Highest Paid Models In The World For 2015Zac 09.25.15 Celebrity Money51Shares Share On Facebook Advertising [x]Sex sells. Anybody who would claim that to be a misogynistic or inaccurate statement is living in denial, and such a person would need only speak to the women who make up the 11 highest paid models in the world for 2015 to learn this. These women rake in no less than $5 million a year, in part because they make jaws drop and knees weaken due to their looks. As Natalie Robehmed of Forbes perfectly put it when listing the highest paid models in the world today, the supermodels who are featured in this piece are cashing in after having hit “the genetic lottery. ”You can be sure that one Gisele Bundchen takes no personal offense in the fact that she is largely known because of her beauty. Bundchen, according to the Forbes piece, made over $40 million before taxes over a period of 12 months. That is not too shabby for a woman who is supposedly walking from the runway for good. While fellow supermodels Cara Delevingne and Adriana Lama are making journeys up lists of the highest paid models in the world, both have a long way to go before they are even close to catching up with Bundchen as it pertains to finances. Social media websites such as Twitter and Instagram have changed the modeling industry, likely forever. The previously-mentioned Delevingne is just one example of a model who has wisely used this medium to expand her fame and her brand."
"docid": "D2661773#0",
"title": "http://www.noble.org/ag/Wildlife/WhiteTailedDeerHabitat/\nWhat Is White-Tailed Deer Habitat?",
"text": "News Publications Noble News and Views 2002 October What Is White-Tailed Deer Habitat? By Mike Porter Senior Wildlife and Fisheries Consultant Posted Oct. 1, 2002Originally published October 2002, revised 2007Quality deer habitat includes a mixture of trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, grasses and other plants such as fungi and sedges. Certain plants within each of these categories benefit deer more than others. Desirable plants should be well interspersed throughout an area, so that the whole area functions as deer habitat. In this region (southern Oklahoma and northern Texas), adequate woody plants should be present to provide food, shelter and concealment. Some type of water source should be available every mile or so. Enough area with appropriate plants should be available to support a viable population. Plant diversity is an important aspect of habitat, because deer require a variety of plants to provide their various needs. Many plants are utilized during only one season or a portion of a season. Each plant that is eaten provides only a portion of a deer?s nutritional requirements."
"docid": "D2690868#0",
"title": "http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/scic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&mode=view&currPage=&zid=&action=e&prodId=SCIC&display-query=&limiter=&dviSelectedPage=&displayGroupName=Reference&sortBy=&displayGroups=&disableHighlighting=&search_within_results=&p=SCIC&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CCV2641800001&source=Bookmark&u=albertak12&jsid=3dd4b3911247485631914944698d984c\nConiferous Forest",
"text": "\"A tree is a large woody plant with one main stem, or trunk, and many branches that lives year after year. A forest is a large number of trees covering at least 25 percent of an area where the tops of the trees, called crowns, interlock to form an enclosure or canopy at maturity. Coniferous (koh-NIH-fuhr-uhs) forests primarily contain conifer trees including spruces, pines, firs, larches, cedars, and junipers. Almost all coniferous trees, such as pines and firs bear their seeds inside cones. Most also have stiff, flattened or needlelike leaves that usually remain green all winter. Coniferous forests are found in Asia, primarily in Siberia, China, Korea, and Japan, and on the slopes of the Himalaya and Hindu Kush Mountains. In Europe, they cover much of Scandinavia and the coast of the Baltic Sea and are found on the primary mountain ranges--the Alps, the Vosges, and the Carpathians. In North America, coniferous forests stretch across the northern part of the continent from Alaska to Newfoundland; down into Washington, Oregon, and California; and along the Cascades, the Sierra Nevadas, and the Rocky Mountains. In the Southern Hemisphere, they are found in Mexico, along the western coast of South America, in parts of Argentina and Brazil, in parts of the Australasia region, and in portions of Africa. How Coniferous Forests Develop The first forests evolved during Earth's prehistoric past."
"docid": "D2164465#0",
"title": "http://www.dogingtonpost.com/potcakes-of-the-caribbean-a-puppy-rescue-adventure/\nPotcakes of the Caribbean: A Puppy Rescue Adventure",
"text": "Awesome Stories Potcakes of the Caribbean: A Puppy Rescue Adventure By Guest Author Posted on Oct 30, 20141484SHARESFacebook Twitter Subscribe A Family Adoption Journey and Introduction to Potcake Rescue and Adoption The following guest article was written by Anthony Bennie, the Founder and President of Clear Conscience Pet. Clear Conscience Pet manufactures all natural, award winning, nutritious, and drool-worthy treats, chews, and food supplements using only proteins and organic vegetables sourced from local, sustainable family farms. Potcakes are the native dogs of the Turks and Bahamas islands. “What in the heck is a Potcake?” This was my question as our family flew towards the Turks and Caicos Islands in the British West Indies in February of 2011. “ Turks,” as the island group is sometimes known, is a former British colony and still a part of the United Kingdom. Thumbing through the official tourist publication available on the flight, my “dogdar” drew me to an article about Potcake adoption and rescue. Potcakes are the native dogs of the Turks and Bahamas islands. The name comes from the practice of feeding dogs the residual hard cooked rice, peas, fat, and meat from the bottom of a flame cooked stew pot. These leftover hard chunks are called potcakes, and thus the island dogs and their traditional food source became synonymous."
"docid": "D2048225#0",
"title": "http://www.tvguide.com/news/true-blood-forbes-1007953/\nTrue Blood 's Michelle Forbes on Maryann: She's Not a Villain",
"text": "\"Today’s News True Blood 's Michelle Forbes on Maryann: She's Not a Villain By Mickey O'Connor | Jul 13, 2009 11:22 AM EDTMichelle Forbes, True Blood Sunday's revealing episode of True Blood confirmed for us that the bull-headed monster who is stalking Bon Temps' ladies and Maryann are one and the same! How does the very pleasant Michelle Forbes reconcile her sunny portrayal of Maryann, \"\"that Ibiza party girl,\"\" with the clawed she-beast who ripped out Miss Jeannette's heart? \"\" Maryann lives in a different moral construct than the rest of us,\"\" she says, emphasizing that Maryann doesn't think of herself as a villain. Earlier, Forbes hinted that True Blood might look like Animal Farm by the season's end. Here, she talks about becoming the monster, why Maryann does what she does and, gulp, bestiality? TVGuide.com: All right, level with us: What is Maryann really? Forbes: I am maenad. [ Wikipedia has a quick primer on what a maenad is. ] TVGuide.com: Is that really you under all those prosthetics? Forbes: It is!TVGuide.com: What kind of process did you have to go through to get into all that?"
"docid": "D267873#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_beef\nKobe beef",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Kobe beef Kobe beef meal served in a steakhouse in Kobe Kobe beef ( 神戸ビーフ Kōbe bīfu) is meat from the Tajima strain of Japanese Black cattle, raised in Japan 's Hyōgo Prefecture according to rules set out by the Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association. [ 1] The meat is a delicacy, valued for its flavor, tenderness, and fatty, well- marbled texture. Kobe beef can be prepared as steak, sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, sashimi, and teppanyaki. Kobe beef is generally considered one of the three top brands (known as Sandai Wagyuu, \"\"the three big beefs\"\"), along with Matsusaka beef and Ōmi beef or Yonezawa beef. Kobe beef is also called Kobe niku ( 神戸肉, \"\"Kobe meat\"\"), Kobe-gyu ( 神戸牛) or Kobe-ushi ( 神戸牛, \"\"Kobe cattle\"\") in Japanese. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Industry3 Kobe beef in other countries3.1 \"\"Kobe-style\"\" beef3.2 Mislabelling4 See also5 References6 External links History [ edit]Tajima cattle on a Hyōgo farm Tajima cattle on a Hyōgo farm Cattle were brought to Japan from China at the same time as the cultivation of rice, in about the second century AD, in the Yayoi period. [ 2]: 209 Until about the time of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, they were used only as draught animals, in agriculture, forestry, mining and for transport, and as a source of fertiliser. Milk consumption was unknown, and – for cultural and religious reasons – meat was not eaten. [ 3]: 2 [4] [5]Japan was effectively isolated from the rest of the world from 1635 until 1854; there was no possibility of intromission of foreign genes to the cattle population during this time. Between 1868, the year of the Meiji Restoration, and 1887, some 2600 foreign cattle were imported, including Braunvieh, Shorthorn, and Devon. ["
"docid": "D1811506#0",
"title": "http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/08/genetically-engineered-fish.aspx\nAct Now to Stop Genetically Engineered Fish from Receiving Approval",
"text": "\"Act Now to Stop Genetically Engineered Fish from Receiving Approval1.2KJanuary 08, 2013 • 313,174 views Previous Next Story at-a-glance The FDA is getting closer to issuing final approval of the first genetically engineered food animal—a salmon designed to grow up to five times faster than normal. The draft environmental assessment is now open for public comment for 60 days FDA has allowed this GE fish to move forward based on tests of allergenicity of only six engineered fish, and those tests actually did show an increase in allergy-causing potential The environmental risks are also tremendous. In a previous Purdue University computer model that tracked the effects of releasing just 60 “Frankenfish” into a population of 60,000, there was a complete extinction of the normal fish in just 40 fish generations Alaska’s congressional delegation is united in its opposition against the approval of Aqua Bounty’s GE salmon, and Rep. Don Young has announced a plan to introduce legislation that will, at minimum, require GE salmon to be labeled By Dr. Mercola On December 21, 2012 — while everyone was busying themselves with preparations for holiday festivities—the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took a giant step closer toward the final approval of the first genetically engineered (GE) fish food — a salmon designed to grow abnormally fast. 1It's a move that many, including myself, have worried might happen, and it now appears the first GE fish could reach your dinner plate within the next year or two, unless a sufficiently strong opposition is mounted. According to the FDA, 2 the GE salmon is \"\"as safe as food from conventional Atlantic salmon,\"\" but many have brought up significant flaws and limitations of the environmental assessment (EA) on which this conclusion is drawn. The FDA's draft EA 3 is now open for public comment. What are the Potential Dangers Associated with GE Salmon? According to Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety: 4\"\"The GE salmon has no socially redeeming value. It's bad for the consumer, bad for the salmon industry and bad for the environment. F. D. A. 's decision is premature and misguided. \"\""
"docid": "D16242#0",
"title": "http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150129-life-at-the-bottom-of-the-ocean\nWhat does it take to live at the bottom of the ocean?",
"text": "\"By Jasmin Fox-Skelly29 January 2015On 26 March 2012, film director James Cameron was hunched in the cramped cabin of a submersible, far out in the Pacific ocean. His vessel, the Deepsea Challenger, looked a bit like a lime-green cigar. Over the course of two and a half hours, Cameron piloted the submersible down to a depth of 10,898 m, setting a new world record for a solo descent. He had reached the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench. Cameron was only the third person to look upon the desolate, almost lunar landscape at the bottom of the trench. Fortunately for the rest of us, he took 3D Hi-Definition cameras with him on the dive. The films he captured show that remarkable sea life exists all the way to the bottom. They are being pored over by scientists around the world, in a bid to figure out what it takes to live in the ocean's depths. Cameron's dive is the latest step in a 200-year journey to the deepest depths of the sea, the last unexplored frontier on Earth. At the bottom of trenches like the Mariana, the water is freezing cold, there is no light, and the pressure is pulverising."
"docid": "D2838064#0",
"title": "http://icwdm.org/handbook/mammals/PronghornAntelope.asp\nPronghorn Antelope",
"text": "Home | Ask the Expert | Contact | Site Map | Store| About | FAQ | Disclaimer |Pronghorn Antelope Sanford D. Schemnitz Professor Wildlife Science New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003Additional Pronghorn Information Fig. 1. Pronghorn antelope, Antilocapra americana Identification The pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) is not a true antelope but in a family by itself (Antilocapridae). It is native only to North America. The pronghorn is the only North American big game animal that has branched horns, from which its name derives. Pronghorns have true horns — derived from hair — not antlers. The horns have an outer sheath of fused, modified hair that covers a permanent, bony core. Pronghorns shed the hollow outer sheath each year in October or November and grow a new set by July. Both bucks and does have horns, but doe horns are shorter and more slender. Adult pronghorns stand 3 feet (90 cm) high at the shoulders."
"docid": "D2411483#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Weeds\nHow to Identify Weeds",
"text": "\"Expert Reviewed How to Identify Weeds Three Parts: Identifying Grass and Grass-Like Weeds Identifying Broad-leaf or Forb Weeds Identifying Woody Weeds Community Q&A\"\" A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. \"\" --Ralph Waldo Emerson Weeds are any plant that is growing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most places weeds are going to be found are in gardens, cropland, roadsides, waste areas (areas not being used for industry, recreation, urban development, farming or grazing), lawns, flower beds, etc. There are possibly millions of plant species that are considered weeds, regardless if they have some beneficial properties or not. Not all weeds are introduced, invasive species, many are also native to the location they are growing in. What makes them \"\"invaders\"\" is when they take over patches of land and dominate that area, pushing out other more desirable plants--primarily ornamentals or those grown for food or animal feed--in the process. They will compete with more \"\"desirable\"\" species for nutrients, sunlight and moisture to grow. Generally three categories of weeds exist: Grass and Grass-likes, Broad-leaf or Forbs, and Woody plants. The three sections below will show you what features to look for, and pictures of more common weeds that are found in most locations. A full list of weeds found in your particular area may not be found here."
"docid": "D3440085#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heifer_International\nHeifer International",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Heifer International Heifer International Logo Founded 1944Founder Dan West Type Economic development charity Tax ID no. 35-1019477Focus Agroecology, Sustainable Development Location Little Rock, Arkansas Origins Church of the Brethren Brethren Volunteer Service Heifers for Relief Area served Global Key people Pierre Ferrari, President and CEO Arlene Withers, Chairman of the Board Website www .heifer .org Formerly called Heifer Project International; Heifers for Relief (1944-1953)Heifer International (also known as Heifer Project International) is a global nonprofit working to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development. [ 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Heifer distributes animals, along with agricultural and values-based training, to families in need around the world as a means of providing self-sufficiency. Recipients must agree to “pass on the gift” by sharing animal offspring, as well as the skills and knowledge of animal husbandry and agricultural training with other impoverished families. [ 9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]Based in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, Heifer International started with a shipment of 17 heifers to Puerto Rico in 1944. [ 16] [17] [18] [19] [20] Since 1944, Heifer International has distributed livestock such as goats, bees, and water buffalo, along with training and other resources, to 20.7 million families, or more than 105.1 million people in more than 125 countries. [ 16] [17] [18] [19] [20]Contents [ hide ]1 Origins and history2 Passing on the Gift3 External audits3.1 Charity Navigator3.2 Give Well4 Awards4.1 Other5 See also6 References7 External links Origins and history [ edit]Heifer International began as Heifers for Relief in 1944. [ 16] [17] [18] [19] [20] Its founder, an Ohio farmer named Dan West, was a Church of the Brethren relief worker during the Spanish Civil War. Working with Quakers and Mennonites, West directed a program where hungry children were given rations of milk. [ 18] [19] [20] In 1938, West was ladling out milk to hungry refugee children and wrote later that he thought, \"\"These children don’t need a cup, they need a cow.\"\" ["
"docid": "D375961#0",
"title": "http://tpwd.texas.gov/landwater/land/habitats/cross_timbers/big_game/\nBig Game",
"text": "\"Big Game Four big game species are found in Northcentral Texas including: White-tailed Deer | Mule Deer | Pronghorn | Javelina White-tailed Deer Statewide Deer Antler Restrictions and White-tailed Deer Management White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are popular big game animals for hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts in Northcentral Texas. They are found in all counties where suitable habitat occurs. Habitat types vary considerable in the ecological regions of Northcentral Texas but generally consist of a mosaic of brush, woodlands, rangelands, agricultural croplands, and riparian zones with adequate sources of surface water. Carrying capacity of habitat for white-tailed deer is most influenced by land use, livestock grazing practices, hunting pressure, and site specific features such as soil types, plant communities, topography, and land size. Larger land holdings with suitable habitat offer land managers greater opportunity to manage populations of white-tailed deer and regulate harvest. Excessive hunting pressure, overgrazing or over-browsing by livestock, habitat modifications (large scale brush control and spraying of herbicides), conversion of native rangelands to improved grasses for livestock grazing, urbanization, and drought are limiting factors that most influence white-tailed deer populations in Northcentral Texas. Almost all white-tailed deer found in Northcentral Texas occur on privately owned properties. Proper habitat management to support populations of white-tailed deer and other native wildlife species by landowners is fundamental to their reproduction and survival. White-tailed deer live in populations of interacting individuals that may live and die on several individually owned tracts of land. Home range of individual deer often exceeds one square mile and may be much more than that for bucks during the rut."
"docid": "D1920276#0",
"title": "http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/74763.html\nFeeding Wildlife",
"text": "\"Feeding Wildlife A Wrong Choice Numerous problems arise when we feed wildlife. The intention may be to have a closer encounter with wildlife, to help animals in the winter, or to increase the number of available game animals. However, feeding wildlife interferes with a natural healthy balance between wildlife populations and their habitat. For this reason, and for many others identified on this page, wildlife biologists suggest to \"\"just say no\"\" to feeding wildlife. As deer congregate, diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease become more prevalent. Additionally, injury can result as animals become more aggressive when competing for food. Photo by Jeremy Hurst. Why Feeding Wildlife Does More Harm than Good Wildlife feeding threatens human and animal safety As wild animals are fed they become used to the presence of people. Animals like coyotes and black bears can become a potential threat and can harm both humans and pets. Animals may behave abnormally and have to be lethally removed if they are posing a threat."
"docid": "D183128#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(candy)\nMars, Incorporated",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Mars (candy))navigation search\"\"Mars, Inc.\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Mars (disambiguation). \"\" Mars (candy)\"\" redirects here. For the Mars bar, see Mars (chocolate bar). Mars, Incorporated Type Private Industry Food processing Founded June 23, 1911; 106 years ago Newark, New Jersey, United States Founder Franklin Clarence Mars Headquarters 6885 Elm Street Mc Lean, Virginia, United States Area served Worldwide Key people Victoria B. Mars ( Chairman) Grant F. Reid ( President and CEO)Products Confectionery: Chocolate bars; gum; candy; mints; beverages; foodstuffs; pet food Major brands in alphabetical order include: 3 Musketeers ·5 · Big Red · Bounty ·Doublemint · Dove/Galaxy ·Eclipse · Extra · Freedent ·Hubba Bubba · Juicy Fruit ·Life Savers · M&M's · Mars ·Milky Way · Orbit · Pedigree ·Skittles · Snickers · Starburst ·Spearmint · Twix · Uncle Ben's Rice · Whiskas · Winterfresh · food · animal products Services Candy Maker Revenue US$ 35 billion (2017) [1] [2]Owner Mars family Number of employees 80,000 (2017) [1]Subsidiaries Wrigley Company VCA Inc. Website www .mars .com Mars is an American global manufacturer of confectionery, pet food, and other food products and a provider of animal care services, with US$ 33 billion in annual sales in 2015, [3] and is ranked as the 6th largest privately held company in the United States by Forbes. [ 4] Headquartered in Mc Lean, Virginia, United States, [5] [6] the company is entirely owned by the Mars family. Mars operates in six business segments around the world: Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company ( Chicago, Illinois ), Chocolate ( Hackettstown, New Jersey; to be integrated with Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company and based in Chicago, Illinois from 2017 [7] ), Petcare ( Brussels, Belgium, Poncitlán and Jalisco, Mexico ), Food ( Rancho Dominguez, California ), Drinks ( West Chester, Pennsylvania ), and Symbioscience ( Germantown, Maryland ), the company's life sciences division. [ 8] [9]Contents1 History1.1 Mars Food UK Limited1.1.1 Mars Drinks UK1.2 Recent history1.2.1 Mars Petcare2 Factories3 Consumer relations3.1 Opposition to labeling of genetically engineered ingredients in California3.2 Removal of artificial ingredients to food portfolio4 Criticism5 Products5.1 Original products5.1.1 Products manufactured by The Wrigley Company5.2 Products for pet consumption5.3 Discontinued product lines6 Services7 Awards and honors8 See also9 References10 Further reading11 External links History [ edit]Mars is a company known for the confectionery items that it creates, [10] such as Mars bars, Milky Way bars, M&M's, Skittles, Snickers, and Twix."
"docid": "D2327207#0",
"title": "http://www.desertwildlifeservices.com/gopher.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Gopher Removal and Control Description Pocket gophers are thick bodied rodents five to seven inches long with a short sparsely haired tail, wide head, very small eyes and ears, strongly clawed front feet which are well suited for digging. They have external, fur-lined cheek pouches or \"\"pockets\"\" (hence the name pocket gopher) that they use to transport food. They do not transport soil in these pouches. Their large incisors are used for cutting roots and other plant parts as well as for digging. Their cheeks close behind the incisors which are always exposed. Pocket gophers have pale to dark brown soft fur. Distribution in Arizona Pocket Gopher There are three species of pocket gophers in Arizona. All three species belong to the genus Thomomys. The most common species is Thomomys bottae commonly known as the Botta's or valley pocket gopher. Pocket gophers are found throughout Arizona in any most any habitat in which sufficient amounts of tuberous roots and other plant material are available and the soil is suitable for digging tunnels."
"docid": "D2445629#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/pets-animals/gazelles-eat-6b34196cec8e8f4\nWhat Do Gazelles Eat?",
"text": "Pets & Animals Mammals Q: What Do Gazelles Eat? A: Quick Answer Gazelles are herbivores and eat a variety of leaves and plants. Gazelles are natural grazers and tend to eat whatever can be found in their habitat. There are 19 species of gazelles, found in Africa and Asia, and the most commonly recognized is the Thomson's gazelle of the African grasslands. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Do Spotted Hyenas Eat? What Do Water Buffalo Eat? What Organisms Eat Leaves? Full Answer Like most other herbivores, gazelles are prey animals, meaning they are fairly low on the food chain and use their speed as their main defense mechanism. Some species of gazelle can run up to 40 miles an hour. Gazelles are herd animals and can live in groups as small as 10 or as large as several hundred."
"docid": "D2694050#0",
"title": "http://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2013/01/14/is-your-new-dog-a-money-pit\nIs Your New Dog a Money Pit?",
"text": "\"So you bought your kids a puppy for the holidays. And now, looking at your vet bills, the cost of dog food, and several pairs of chewed shoes, you may be wondering if perhaps you should have just bought them an Xbox. Maybe you should have. Many pet owners buy a dog without thinking through the financial costs of their prospective pooch. According to Dogtime.com, a news and information website for canine lovers, every year, about 13 million American households adopt a dog or a puppy and within 12 months, half of them have been taken to a shelter. \"\" I often try and talk people out of getting a pet and [play] devil's advocate,\"\" says Harrison Forbes, the author of Dog Talk: Lessons Learned from a Life With Dogs, host of a nationwide radio pet show, and a semi-regular pet expert on television, including The Today Show. \"\" There's an odd peer pressure, especially in the shelter world, that we always need to be pumping up the benefits of pet ownership, and that's great. I'm fully on board. But it's like home ownership. Owning a house and having a dog is the American dream, but you only want to do it if you can afford it."
"docid": "D816017#0",
"title": "http://www.zutrition.com/elephant-nutrition-guide/\nElephant Nutrition Guide",
"text": "\"Jul18Elephant Nutrition Guide Written by Zutrition . Posted in Diet, Mammals BACKGROUNDElephants are the largest extant herbivores on earth. The average weight of adult Asian elephants ( Elephas maximus) tends to be less than that of adult African elephants ( Loxodonta africana ), in the wild their weight ranges overlap (Asian, 1,800-5,000 kg [4,000-11,000 lb]; African, 1,800-6,000 kg [4,000-13,000 lb])ELEPHANTS FEEDING IN THE WILDNumerous studies on feeding habits of African and Asian elephants indicate that they are generalist feeders, consuming a large number of plant species but with wide variations regionally and seasonally in the proportions of grasses, sedges, forbs (herbaceous flowering plant), shrubs, and trees. Fruits, bulbs, plant bases, and roots also are consumed. Both browsing and grazing are practiced, but elephants tend to take plant types in proportion to their availability. Browsing is commonly defined as consumption of forbs and the tender shoots, twigs, and leaves of trees and shrubs, whereas grazing is the consumption of grasses and sedges. Free-ranging African elephants select relatively young plant parts if food supplies are not excessively restricted by drought, overpopulation, or habitat degradation. ELEPHANT ANATOMYOne of the most obvious and unique physical features of the elephant is its elongated upper lip and nose, forming a muscular trunk capable of reaching from ground level to high branches in its search for food. Although strong enough to lift an entire tree, the trunk is delicately prehensile and can be used to pick a single grass inflorescence. Food is transferred to the mouth where there is a large grinding tooth in wear on each side of the upper and lower jaw."
"docid": "D3273058#0",
"title": "http://www.supernutritionacademy.com/grass-fed-pastured-organicwhat-does-it-all-mean/\nGrass-Fed, Pastured, Organicâ¦What Does It All Mean?",
"text": "Labeling deception is everywhere and you’re one of its victims whether you like it or not. Each time you invest in purchasing healthier foods, there is a chance that you will end up with less quality than you paid for. Unless you get informed that is which, thankfully, you are doing right now. I’ve spent several years researching our food is made, and I realized one important thing about the labels you see on your favorite products, many of them are unregulated and misleading. Let me run you through a series of examples to prove my point: Grass-fed beef You may know that grass-fed beef has nothing to do with its feedlot-raised, grain-fed cousins sold from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, grass-fed beef contains 2 to 4 times more omega-3 (essential fatty acids), 4 times more vitamin A and E, a lot more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural fat burner, and less fat and calories per pound than regular grain-fed beef. ( 1)Grass-fed animals are considerably healthier than grain-fed; this means farmers don’t have to give them part of the 15 million pounds of antibiotics used on grain-fed cattle every year to prevent them from getting sick. ( 2)Obviously, buying quality grass-fed meat is a great idea not only to improve your health but also to support local farms that care about their animals. So what label claims do you look for at your local market to find grass-fed beef? Turns out this is not clear."
"docid": "D1667151#0",
"title": "http://www.allears.net/din/restnews.htm\nWalt Disney World Restaurant and Dining News",
"text": "\"Walt Disney World Restaurant and Dining News Old Key West Offering Wine-Tasting Experience April 06, 2018 A new wine-tasting experience for Disney Vacation Club Members debuts April 15 at Disney's Old Key West Resort as part of Membership Magic. The tasting will accommodate as many as 20 members (ages 21 or older) each Sunday (excluding holidays) from 3 to 4 p.m. at Olivia's Cafe. It will explore the legend of \"\"Olivia Farnsworth\"\" and the resort that surrounds her namesake restaurant, while members enjoy a sampling of wines accompanied by bite-sized foods. The price is $30 a person (includes tax and gratuity). Call Member Services for more details or reservations. National Beer Day Saturday, April 7!April 05, 2018 National Beer Day is right around the corner (April 7). The brews in this blog were highlighted by the Food and Beverage experts from Disney Parks and feature unique and delicious tastes available from coast to coast. Enjoy one (or two) to make this special day even more magical. Easter Events Around the \"\"World\"\"March 29, 2018 Easter is April 1, 2018. Disney Parks and Resorts observe this holiday in a number of ways, with special character appearances and themed foods."
] |
286 | +what is the scientific term solvation | [
"docid": "D3148610#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/solvation\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:solvation (noun)a chemical process in which solvent molecules and molecules or ions of the solute combine to form a compound Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:solvation (Noun)An association, or a reaction, of a solute with a solvent Freebase (1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Solvation Solvation, also sometimes called dissolution, is the process of attraction and association of molecules of a solvent with molecules or ions of a solute. As ions dissolve in a solvent they spread out and become surrounded by solvent molecules. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of solvation in Chaldean Numerology is: 1Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of solvation in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1Images & Illustrations of solvation Translations for solvation From our Multilingual Translation Dictionarysolvatación Spanishsolvation Hindisolvatazione Italiançözünme Turkish Get even more translations for solvation »Translation Find a translation for the solvation definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these solvation definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"solvation.\"\" Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2018. Web. 8 Apr. 2018. < https://www.definitions.net/definition/solvation >. Are we missing a good definition for solvation?"
] | [
"docid": "D3075694#0",
"title": "http://www.chemistrytutorials.org/content/solutions\n",
"text": "Solutions Solutions As we mention in previous topics, solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more than two matters. Solutions can be in solid, liquid and gas phases. Example of gas phase solutions; air, liquid phase solutions; salt+water mixtures, solid phase solutions; Zn-Cu alloy. Solutions has two components, solute and solvent. Solvent is the medium in which matter is dissolved and solute is the matter that dissolves in solvent. For example, in water sugar solution, water is the solvent that dissolves sugar and sugar is the solute that is dissolved in water. If there are more than two matters in solution, then matter having larger magnitude becomes solvent of the solution and others are solute. How ever, there are some exceptions, in solid-liquid solutions amount of solid can be larger than amount of liquid but we assume liquid as solvent. Table given below shows example of liquid, gas and solid solutions in which liquid is solvent. Dilute Solution: Solutions having small amount of solute in solvent are called dilute solutions."
"docid": "D3153265#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100329195901AAZZHha\nWhat is the chemistry definition of SALVATION?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Chemistry What is the chemistry definition of SALVATION? What are the three factors that affect salvation? * Please remember I am not talking about the religious definition of Salvation. I have tried finding it on every site but they keep giving me the obvious definition. I NEED THE ANSWER URGENTLY. Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Solubility of solute in solvent with out undergoing chemical change is called solvation. This process can be reversible. Ex: sugar in water, salt in water. The 3 factors that may effect the solvation are: temperature, pressure and polarity (solute and solvent).jyoth · 8 years ago2 0 Comment Salvation Def Source (s):https://shrink.im/bazx Eblanchet · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Do you perhaps mean solvation, not salvation? Chemdoc · 8 years ago0 1 Comment It is solvation Search againreb1240 · 8 years ago0 1 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these?"
"docid": "D538906#0",
"title": "https://www.researchgate.net/post/Whats_the_difference_between_colloid_and_emulsion\nWhat's the difference between colloid and emulsion?",
"text": "\"Question Asked 5 years ago Tatiana Herrera Gamboa9.39 Industrial University of Santander What's the difference between colloid and emulsion? The simplest explanation thanks ;)Nanoparticle Preparation Polymeric Materials Nanoparticle Research Nanocomposites Nanomaterials Synthesis Share3 Recommendations Popular Answers ( 1)5 years ago Rabindra Kumar Central University of Punjab A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture composed of two or more particles whose sizes range within 1 to 1000 nm in diameter. Such particles are small enough to completely mix without any variation throughout the mixture, but differ from molecules in that it cannot be separated by any type of filtration or gravity. Whether emulsions are mixtures of two immiscible liquids, they can be categorized as colloids in which both the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are liquids.3 Recommendations All Answers ( 8)5 years ago Sudhanshu Pati Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Colloid is a uniform dispersion of fine solid particles in a liquid medium. An emulsion is a uniform dispersion of one liquid in another liquid which are not miscible.2 Recommendations5 years ago Rabindra Kumar Central University of Punjab A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture composed of two or more particles whose sizes range within 1 to 1000 nm in diameter. Such particles are small enough to completely mix without any variation throughout the mixture, but differ from molecules in that it cannot be separated by any type of filtration or gravity. Whether emulsions are mixtures of two immiscible liquids, they can be categorized as colloids in which both the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are liquids.3 Recommendations5 years ago Bernhard Wessling Independent Researcher Also emulsions are colloidal systems, only, as said before, here the dispersed phase is a liquid, dispersed in a liquid.2 Recommendations5 years ago Rabindra Kumar Central University of Punjab Most welcome............5 years ago John Texter Eastern Michigan University Tatiana, I think I agree with all the above definitions. I would also point out that hydrogel nanoparticles, proteins, and other very small and very \"\"nanoporous\"\" have also been considered colloidal for over half a century. One may have colloidal solutions (such as micellar solutions) and colloidal suspensions (such as nano Zn Se dispersed in an organic solvent. The length scale can also extend to many microns, as in various types of emulsions."
"docid": "D242710#0",
"title": "http://www.google.com/patents/EP2600859A1?cl=en\n.",
"text": "\"Description (OCR text may contain errors)COMBINATIONS OF BETA - 3 ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR AGONISTS AND MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATING OVERACTIVE BLADDERCROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONSThe present application claims the benefit of priority under 35 U. S. C. §1 19 (e) of U. S.5 Provisional Application No. 61/370,171 , filed on August 3, 2010, the entire disclosureof which is incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates to pharmaceutical combinations and methods for their0 use. In particular, the invention relates to pharmaceutical combinations comprising abeta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist and a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist (hereinafter referred to as 'muscarinic receptor antagonist'), and to methods of using such combinations in the treatment of one or more symptoms associated with overactive bladder, for example, frequency of urgency, nocturia, and5 urinary incontinence. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe International Continence Society (ICS) has defined overactive bladder (OAB) as a symptom complex of urgency, with or without urge incontinence, accompanied by0 frequency and nocturia. The symptoms of overactive bladder are usually associatedwith involuntary contractions of the detrusor (bladder) muscle thus creating a state of bladder hyperactivity. OAB is commonly classified into subtypes including neurogenic, idiopathic, and outlet obstruction. Neurogenic OAB is attributed to coexisting neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis,5 spinal cord injury or stroke. The underlying pathophysiology is the interruption of theotherwise orderly control of micturition, resulting in the symptom complex described above. The cause of idiopathic OAB is not as well defined; alterations in signalling within the bladder have been implicated."
"docid": "D3375504#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentrations\nConcentration",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Concentrations)navigation search For other uses, see Concentration (disambiguation). In chemistry, concentration is the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture. Several types of mathematical description can be distinguished: mass concentration, molar concentration, number concentration, and volume concentration. [ 1] The term concentration can be applied to any kind of chemical mixture, but most frequently it refers to solutes and solvents in solutions. The molar (amount) concentration has variants such as normal concentration and osmotic concentration. Contents [ hide ]1 Qualitative description2 Quantitative notation2.1 Mass concentration2.2 Molar concentration2.3 Number concentration2.4 Volume concentration3 Related quantities3.1 Normality3.2 Molality3.3 Mole fraction3.4 Mole ratio3.5 Mass fraction3.6 Mass ratio4 Dependence on volume5 Table of concentrations and related quantities6 See also7 References Qualitative description [ edit]These glasses containing red dye demonstrate qualitative changes in concentration. The solutions on the left are more dilute, compared to the more concentrated solutions on the right. Often in informal, non-technical language, concentration is described in a qualitative way, through the use of adjectives such as \"\"dilute\"\" for solutions of relatively low concentration and \"\"concentrated\"\" for solutions of relatively high concentration. To concentrate a solution, one must add more solute (for example, alcohol), or reduce the amount of solvent (for example, water). By contrast, to dilute a solution, one must add more solvent, or reduce the amount of solute."
"docid": "D841502#0",
"title": "http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2014/10/22/new-insights-on-carbonic-acid-in-water/\nNew Insights on Carbonic Acid in Water",
"text": "New Insights on Carbonic Acid in Water Berkeley Lab Study Holds Implications for Geological and Biological Processes Science Shorts Lynn Yarris (510) 486-5375 • October 22, 2014Share 19 Tweet 21 Reddit Share +1 242Though carbonic acid exists for only a fraction of a second before changing into a mix of hydrogen and bicarbonate ions, it is critical to both the health of the atmosphere and the human body. Though it garners few public headlines, carbonic acid, the hydrated form of carbon dioxide, is critical to both the health of the atmosphere and the human body. However, because it exists for only a fraction of a second before changing into a mix of hydrogen and bicarbonate ions, carbonic acid has remained an enigma. A new study by Berkeley Lab researchers has yielded valuable new information about carbonic acid with important implications for both geological and biological concerns. Richard Saykally, a chemist with Berkeley Lab’s Chemical Sciences Division and a professor of chemistry at the University of California (UC) Berkeley, led a study that produced the first X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements for aqueous carbonic acid. These XAS measurements, which were obtained at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source (ALS), were in strong agreement with supercomputer predictions obtained at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). The combination of theoretical and experimental results provides new and detailed insights into the hydration properties of aqueous carbonic acid that should benefit the development of carbon sequestration and mitigation technologies, and improve our understanding of how carbonic acid regulates the p H of blood. “Our results support an average hydration number of 3.17 with the acid’s two protons each donating a strong hydrogen bond to solvating waters, the carbonyl oxygen accepting a strong hydrogen bond from solvating water, and the hydroxyl oxygen molecules accepting weak hydrogen bonds from the water,” says Saykally. “ XAS data must be interpreted by comparing measurements to results from a calculated spectrum, which is a serious challenge. The strong agreement between our calculated and observed X-ray spectra is a new and significant achievement."
"docid": "D289760#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/solvate\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:solvate (verb)a compound formed by solvation (the combination of solvent molecules with molecules or ions of the solute)solvate (verb)cause a solvation in (a substance)solvate (verb)undergo solvation or convert into a solvate Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:solvate (Noun)A complex formed by the attachment of solvent molecules to that of a solutesolvate (Verb)To form such a complex upon solution Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of solvate in Chaldean Numerology is: 2Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of solvate in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4Images & Illustrations of solvate Translations for solvate From our Multilingual Translation Dictionarysolvater Frenchsolvatare Italian Get even more translations for solvate »Translation Find a translation for the solvate definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these solvate definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"solvate.\"\" Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2018. Web. 26 Mar. 2018. < https://www.definitions.net/definition/solvate >. Are we missing a good definition for solvate? Don't keep it to yourself... Submit Definition \""
"docid": "D2800393#0",
"title": "https://what-is-this.net/en/define/micelles\nmicelles",
"text": "\"micellesdefinition : micelles A micelle () or micella () (plural micelles or micellae, respectively) is an aggregate (or supramolecular assembly) of surfactant molecules dispersed in a liquid colloid. A typical micelle in aqueous solution forms an aggregate with the hydrophilic \"\"head\"\" regions in contact with surrounding solvent, sequestering the hydrophobic single-tail regions in the micelle centre. This phase is caused by the packing behavior of single-tail lipids in a bilayer. The difficulty filling all the volume of the interior of a bilayer, while accommodating the area per head group forced on the molecule by the hydration of the lipid head group, leads to the formation of the micelle. This type of micelle is known as a normal-phase micelle (oil-in-water micelle). Inverse micelles have the head groups at the centre with the tails extending out (water-in-oil micelle). Micelles are approximately spherical in shape. Other phases, including shapes such as ellipsoids, cylinders, and bilayers, are also possible. The shape and size of a micelle are a function of the molecular geometry of its surfactant molecules and solution conditions such as surfactant concentration, temperature, p H, and ionic strength. The process of forming micelles is known as micellisation and forms part of the phase behaviour of many lipids according to their polymorphism.==History== The ability of a soapy solution to act as a detergent has been recognized for centuries."
"docid": "D133937#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullerene\nFullerene",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Buckminsterfullerene C 60 (left) and carbon nanotubes (right) are two examples of structures in the fullerene family. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Carbon nanotubes Synthesis Chemistry Mechanical properties Optical properties Applications Timeline Other fullerenes Buckminsterfullerene C70 fullerene Lower and higher fullerenes Chemistry Health impact Carbon allotropes Nanoparticles Quantum dots Nanostructures Colloidal gold Silver nanoparticles Iron nanoparticles Platinum nanoparticles Nanotechnology portalv t e A fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes, also referred to as Buckminsterfullerenes or buckyballs, resemble the balls used in association football. Cylindrical fullerenes are also called carbon nanotubes (buckytubes). Fullerenes are similar in structure to graphite, which is composed of stacked graphene sheets of linked hexagonal rings. Unless they are cylindrical, they must also contain pentagonal (or sometimes heptagonal) rings. [ 1]The first fullerene molecule to be discovered, and the family's namesake, buckminsterfullerene (C 60 ), was manufactured in 1985 by Richard Smalley, Robert Curl, James Heath, Sean O'Brien, and Harold Kroto at Rice University. The name was an homage to Buckminster Fuller, whose geodesic domes it resembles. The structure was also identified some five years earlier by Sumio Iijima, from an electron microscope image, where it formed the core of a \"\"bucky onion\"\". [ 2] Fullerenes have since been found to occur in nature. ["
"docid": "D1689581#0",
"title": "http://www.particlesciences.com/news/technical-briefs/2012/overview-of-zeta-potential.html\nAn Overview of the Zeta Potential",
"text": "An Overview of the Zeta Potential Particle Sciences - Technical Brief: 2012: Volume 2PDF Version Introduction This Technical Brief provides a general overview of the concept of the zeta potential (ZP). We will discuss the two parameters that control the nature and behavior of every system in which one phase is dispersed in another phase. The phases are the disperse phase (for the phase forming the particles) and the dispersion medium (for the fluid in which the particles are distributed). The two parameters are the extent of the interface and the interfacial chemistry of the disperse phase. The physical nature of any dispersion depends on the respective roles of the constituent phases. There are numerous examples of dispersed systems, including foams (gas-in-liquid), emulsions (liquid-in-liquid), and aerosols (solid- or liquid-in-gas), that have found application in pharmaceutics. We will focus on the most widely-formulated type of dispersion, viz suspensions (solid-in-liquid). The physico-mechanical and physicochemical characteristics that constitute the two respective fundamental parameters are summarized in Table 1. The interfacial chemistry is often a neglected parameter in pharmaceutical applications even though in formulation of suspensions, it is as or more important than the interfacial extent. The ZP (symbol ζ) is related to the surface charge, a property that all materials possess, or acquire, when suspended in a fluid."
"docid": "D2011137#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Hydronium\nTalk:Hydronium",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Chemistry portal This article is within the scope of Wiki Project Chemistry, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of chemistry on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. B This article has been rated as B-Class on the project's quality scale. High This article has been rated as High-importance on the project's importance scale. Contents1 H4o2 Steam3 Solvation shells4 Some error ? 5 oxonium and hydronium ions are different6 Pure Hydronium?7 p Ka?8 Picture of Hydronium Ion9 Zundel Cations10 Requested move - January 200910.1 Survey10.2 Discussion11 Hydroxonium/Hydronium and IUPAC12 Salts and Hydro\"\"di\"\"um13 H3O2?14 p H15 Diameter16 p H again17 Hydronium structure/lifetime in neutral water and in a strong acid18 Isotopic effects19 p H again20 Assessment comment21 p Ka = 0H4o [ edit]I just wanna ask about the h4o bonded water a product from japan since 2007. the company has stated that \"\"H4O -600m V is the most powerful hydrogen enhanced water with a perfect p H of 7.3. Hydrogen selectively eliminates free radicals, the ones that damage our cells. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule and since it is a gas it easily passes through your body. We measured an increase in hydrogen within the blood after drinking."
"docid": "D2548341#0",
"title": "http://butane.chem.uiuc.edu/pshapley/GenChem1/L19/3.html\nSelf Ionization of Water",
"text": "Self Ionization of Water Ionization Equilibrium The bonds between water molecules rapidly break and re-form. Sometimes the bonds break in an uneven way to give solvated H 3 O + and solvated HO - . We typically abbreviate the cation part as H + (aq) and the anion part as HO - (aq) with the realization that the solvated proton and solvated hydroxide anion are complexes and stabilized by many water molecules. Relative to water molecules, the concentration of H + (aq) and of HO - (aq) are very low, but because they are in equilibrium with liquid water, the concentrations are constant.p H and Acids Because of the self ionization, water is a Bronsted acid. That is, it produces H + (aq) ions in solution. We can calculate the molar concentration of solvated protons from the expression for K w. In neutral water the concentration of H + (aq) and of HO - (aq) must be equal. We can define a quantity related to acid concentration, p H. The p H is -1 time the log of the hydrogen ion concentration. The p H of neutral water is 7. We can determine the p H of any solution by converting the concentration to a power of 10. The p H is then -1 time the exponent."
"docid": "D3153264#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/solvated\nsolvate",
"text": "solvate ( ˈsɒlveɪt) vb (Chemistry) chem to undergo, cause to undergo, or partake in solvation [C20: from solvent]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014solv•ate (ˈsɒl veɪt)n., v. -at•ed, -at•ing. n.1. a chemical compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute.v.t.2. to convert into a solvate. [ 1900–05; solv ( ent) + -ate 1]solv•a′tion, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.solvate Past participle: solvated Gerund: solvating Imperativesolvatesolvate Collins English Verb Tables © Harper Collins Publishers 2011"
"docid": "D2625061#0",
"title": "http://www.wordfind.com/contains/sol/\nWords that contain Sol",
"text": "X Words Scrabble Q Words Scrabble Solver I Words Z Words Two Letter Scrabble Words Words that contain Sol A list of words that contain Sol, and words with sol in them. This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary. We also have lists of Words that end with sol, and words that start with sol Search for words that start with a letter or word:11 Letter words that contain Sol 10 Letter words that contain Sol9 Letter words that contain Sol 8 Letter words that contain Sol7 Letter words that contain Sol 6 Letter words that contain Sol5 Letter words that contain Sol 4 Letter words that contain Sol3 Letter words that contain Sol11 Letter words that contain sol Absolutions Absolutisms Absolutists Absolutized Absolutizes Aerosolized Aerosolizes Chrysolites Consolation Consolatory Consolidate Consolingly Desolations Dissolutely Dissolution Dissolvable Dissolvents Exsolutions Glossolalia Insolations Irresoluble Isoleucines Nonsolution Nosological Obsolescent Obsolescing Reconsoling Redissolved Redissolves Resoldering Resolutions Solacements Solanaceous Soldierings Soldiership Solemnified Solemnifies Solemnities Solemnizing Solicitants Solicitudes Solidarisms Solidarists Solidifying Solidnesses Soliloquies Soliloquise Soliloquist Soliloquize Solipsistic Solmization Solubilised Solubilises Solubilized Solubilizes Solvability Solventless Typhlosoles Undissolved Unsoldering Unsoldierly Unsolicited10 Letter words that contain sol Absolutely Absolutest Absolution Absolutism Absolutist Absolutive Absolutize Absolvents Aerosolize Chrysolite Desolately Desolaters Desolating Desolation Desolators Dissoluble Dissolvent Dissolvers Dissolving Exsolution Hydrosolic Innersoles Insolating Insolation Insolences Insolently Insolubles Insolvable Insolvably Insolvency Insolvents Irresolute Isolatable Isolations Isoleucine Mausoleums Misologies Nosologies Obsolesced Obsolesces Obsoletely Obsoleting Organosols Plasmasols Plastisols Posologies Presolving Reconsoled Reconsoles Redissolve Resoldered Resolidify Resolutely Resolutest Resolution Resolvable Resolvents Semisolids Solacement Solarising Solarizing Soldieries Soldiering Solecising Solecistic Solecizing Solemnized Solemnizes Solemnness Solenesses Solenodons Solenoidal Soleplates Soleprints Solfataras Solfeggios Solferinos Solicitant Soliciting Solicitors Solicitous Solicitude Solidarism Solidarist Solidarity Solidified Solidifies Solidities Solipsisms Solipsists Solitaires Solitaries Solitarily Solonchaks Solonetses Solonetzes Solonetzic Solstitial Solubilise Solubility Solubilize Solvations Solvencies Solvolyses Solvolysis Solvolytic Typhlosole Unresolved Unsoldered Unsolvable9 Letter words that contain sol Absoluter Absolutes Absolvent Absolvers Absolving Antisolar Biosolids Camisoles Consolers Consoling Cortisols Cytosolic Desolated Desolater Desolates Desolator Dissolute Dissolved Dissolver Dissolves Entresols Farnesols Gasolenes Gasoliers Gasolines Gasolinic Girasoles Hydrosols Innersole Insolated Insolates Insolence Insolents Insoluble Insolubly Insolvent Isolating Isolation Isolators Isologous Isologues Latosolic Lithosols Lunisolar Mausolean Mausoleum Nonsolids Nosologic Obsolesce Obsoleted Obsoletes Organosol Paleosols Parasoled Pisolites Pisoliths Pisolitic Planosols Plasmasol Plastisol Plimsoles Plimsolls Posologic Presolved Presolves Reconsole Resolders Resoluble Resoluter Resolutes Resolvent Resolvers Resolving Semisolid Slipsoles Solanders Solanines Solarised Solarises Solarisms Solariums Solarized Solarizes Solations Solderers Soldering Soldiered Soldierly Solecised Solecises Solecisms Solecists Solecized Solecizes Solemnest Solemnify Solemnity Solemnize Solenodon Solenoids Soleplate Soleprint Solfatara Solfeggio Solferino Solicited Solicitor Solidagos Solidness Soliloquy Solipsism Solipsist Soliquids Solitaire Solitudes Sollerets Soloistic Solonchak Solstices Solutions Solvating Solvation Solvently Spodosols Supersold Turnsoles Undersold Unsolders8 Letter words that contain sol Absolute Absolved Absolver Absolves Aerosols Anisoles Biosolid Camisole Consoled Consoler Consoles Cortisol Creosols Cytosols Desolate Dissolve Entresol Farnesol Gasolene Gasolier Gasoline Girasole Girasols Girosols Hydrosol Insolate Insolent Isolable Isolated Isolates Isolator Isoleads Isolines Isologue Latosols Lithosol Mausolea Midsoles Misology Nonsolar Nonsolid Nosology Obsolete Outsoles Oversold Paleosol Parasols Pisolite Pisolith Planosol Plimsole Plimsoll Plimsols Podsolic Posology Presolve Regosols Resolder Resoling Resolute Resolved Resolver Resolves Rissoles Rosolios Slipsole Solacers Solacing Solander Solanine Solanins Solanums Solarise Solarism Solarium Solarize Solating Solation Solatium Soldered Solderer Soldiers Soldiery Solecise Solecism Solecist Solecize Soleless Solemner Solemnly Soleness Solenoid Solerets Soleuses Solfeges Solfeggi Solicits Solidago Solidary Solidest Solidify Solidity Soliquid Solitary Solitons Solitude Solleret Soloists Solonets Solonetz Solstice Solubles Solution Solvable Solvated Solvates Solvency Solvents Spodosol Subsolar Turnsole Unsolder Unsolved7 Letter words that contain sol Absolve Aerosol Anisole Console Consols Creosol Cresols Cytosol Girasol Girosol Insoles Isolate Isolead Isoline Isologs Latosol Midsole Outsold Outsole Parasol Plimsol Podsols Posoles Presold Regosol Resoled Resoles Resolve Rissole Rosolio Solaced Solacer Solaces Solands Solanin Solanos Solanum Solaria Solated Solates Solatia Soldans Solders Soldier Soleret Solfege Solicit Solider Solidly Solidus Solions Soliton Soloing Soloist Soluble Solubly Solunar Solutes Solvate Solvent Solvers Solving Unsolid6 Letter words that contain sol Consol Cresol Insole Isolog Podsol Posole Resold Resole Solace Soland Solano Solans Solate Soldan Solder Solely Solemn Soleus Solgel Solidi Solids Soling Solion Soloed Solons Solums Solute Solved Solver Solves Unsold5 Letter words that contain sol Solan Solar Soldi Soldo Soled Solei Soles Solid Solon Solos Solum Solus Solve4 Letter words that contain sol Sola Sold Sole Soli Solo Sols3 Letter words that contain sol Sol Word Unscramble Words with J Q Words X Words Z Words Two Letter Words Vowel Words Consonant Words Scrabble Word Finder Word List for Scrabble® Crossword game Help Crossword Solver Solveur de Scrabble Wort Suche Hangman Solver3 Letter Words Free Word Searches Hanging With Friends Cheat Text Twist Boggle Solver Sign up for our Free Scrabble Words newsletter. We won't send you spam or share your email address with anyone. We Promise. Free Scrabble Tips!Email Address"
"docid": "D870159#0",
"title": "http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/6947/why-are-nacl-and-nabr-not-soluble-whereas-nai-is-soluble-in-acetone-in-the-fin\nWhy are NaCl and NaBr not soluble, whereas NaI is soluble in acetone (in the Finkelstein reaction)?",
"text": "\"_Chemistry Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientists, academics, teachers and students. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Why are Na Cl and Na Br not soluble, whereas Na I is soluble in acetone (in the Finkelstein reaction)?up vote5down votefavorite My book states that: Finkelstein reaction is particularly useful for preparing iodoalkanes. The iodoalkanes are obtained by heating chloro or bromoalkanes with a concentrated solution of sodium iodide in dry acetone. Sodium chloride and sodium bromide being less soluble in acetone get precipitated from the solution and can be removed by filtration. This also prevents the backward reaction to occur according to Le Chatelier's principle. The reaction gives the best results with primary halides. My question: Why are and not soluble, whereas is soluble in acetone? All we can observe is that, sodium iodide has greater molecular weight than sodium chloride or sodium bromide. But, how do this account for solubility of sodium iodide?organic-chemistry experimental-chemistry solubilityshare improve this questionedited Feb 21 at 14:28Gaurang Tandon3,843 4 16 46asked Nov 15 '13 at 13:36Immortal Player1,153 9 19 377This answer by Henry Rzepa is great: ch.imperial.ac.uk/rzepa/blog/?p=439 – ssavec Nov 15 '13 at 16:36add a comment2 Answers active oldest votesup vote4down vote The solubility of a salt in a solvent is for a good part determined by the difference of stability in the dissolved state (solvated ions) vs. the solid state (ions in crystal lattice). The different solubility of the sodium halides in acetone can be explained by the crystal structures."
"docid": "D289765#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/solvation\nsolvate",
"text": "solvate [ sol -veyt] Chemistry Spell Syllables Word Originnoun1. a compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute.verb (used with object), solvated, solvating.2. to convert into a solvate. Origin of solvate Expand1900-1905First recorded in 1900-05; solv (ent) + -ate 1Related forms Expandsolvation, noun Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for solvation Expand Historical Examples On solution in water, hydration or solvation probably takes place with the production of heat. Chlorination of Water Joseph Race British Dictionary definitions for solvation Expandsolvation/ sɒlˈveɪʃən /noun1. the process in which there is some chemical association between the molecules of a solute and those of the solvent. An example is an aqueous solution of copper sulphate which contains complex ions of the type [Cu (H 2 O) 4] 2+solvate/ ˈsɒlveɪt /verb1. ( chem) to undergo, cause to undergo, or partake in solvation Word Origin C20: from solvent Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © Harper Collins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source Word Origin and History for solvation Expandn.1909, noun of action from solvate, a verb used in chemistry, from solvent + -ate (2). Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source Discover our greatest slideshows Six words that can ruin your...10 Of The Saddest Words (Or... The Oldest Words In The English...10 Words That Will Show Your Age Browse more topics on our blog What Is the Difference Between Discreet and Discrete?"
"docid": "D971669#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micelle\nMicelle",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search IUPAC definition Micelle: Particle of colloidal dimensions that exists in equilibrium with the molecules or ions in solution from which it is formed. [ 1] [2]Micelle (polymers): Organized auto-assembly formed in a liquid and composed of amphiphilic macromolecules, in general amphiphilic di- or tri-block copolymers made of solvophilic and solvophobic blocks. Note 1: An amphiphilic behavior can be observed for water and an organic solvent or between two organic solvents. Note 2: Polymeric micelles have a much lower critical micellar concentration (CMC) than soap or surfactant micelles, but are nevertheless at equilibrium with isolated macromolecules called unimers. Therefore, micelle formation and stability are concentration-dependent. [ 3]Cross-section view of the structures that can be formed by phospholipids in aqueous solutions (Unlike this illustration, micelles are usually formed by single-chain lipids, since it is tough to fit two chains into this shape)Scheme of a micelle formed by phospholipids in an aqueous solution A micelle ( / m aɪ ˈ s ɛ l /) or micella ( / m aɪ ˈ s ɛ l ə /) (plural micelles or micellae, respectively) is an aggregate (or supramolecular assembly) of surfactant molecules dispersed in a liquid colloid. A typical micelle in aqueous solution forms an aggregate with the hydrophilic \"\"head\"\" regions in contact with surrounding solvent, sequestering the hydrophobic single-tail regions in the micelle centre. This phase is caused by the packing behavior of single-tail lipids in a bilayer. The difficulty filling all the volume of the interior of a bilayer, while accommodating the area per head group forced on the molecule by the hydration of the lipid head group, leads to the formation of the micelle. This type of micelle is known as a normal-phase micelle (oil-in-water micelle)."
"docid": "D501005#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solvation_shell\nSolvation shell",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The first solvation shell of a sodiumion dissolved in water A solvation shell is the solvent interface of any chemical compound or biomolecule that constitutes the solute. When the solvent is water it is often referred to as a hydration shell or hydration sphere. The number of solvent molecules surrounding each unit of solute is called the hydration number of the solute. A classic example is when water molecules arrange around a metal ion. For example, if the latter were a cation, the electronegative oxygen atom of the water molecule would be attracted electrostatically to the positive charge on the metal ion. The result is a solvation shell of water molecules that surround the ion. This shell can be several molecules thick, dependent upon the charge of the ion, its distribution and spatial dimensions. A number of molecules of solvent is involved in the solvation shell around anions and cations from a dissolved salt in a solvent. Metal ions in aqueous solutions form metal aquo complexes. This number can be determined by various methods like compressibility and NMR measurements among others."
"docid": "D1101291#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_Precipitation\nProtein precipitation",
"text": "\"Protein precipitation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Protein Precipitation)navigation search Protein precipitation is widely used in downstream processing of biological products in order to concentrate proteins and purify them from various contaminants. For example, in the biotechnology industry protein precipitation is used to eliminate contaminants commonly contained in blood. [ 1] The underlying mechanism of precipitation is to alter the solvation potential of the solvent, more specifically, by lowering the solubility of the solute by addition of a reagent. Contents [ hide ]1 General principles1.1 Repulsive electrostatic force1.2 Attractive electrostatic force1.3 Precipitate formation2 Methods2.1 Salting out2.1.1 Energetics involved in salting out2.1.2 Hofmeister series2.1.3 Salting out in practice2.2 Isoelectric precipitation2.3 Precipitation with miscible solvents2.4 Non-ionic hydrophilic polymers2.5 Flocculation by polyelectrolytes2.6 Polyvalent metallic ions3 Precipitation reactors3.1 Batch reactors3.2 Tubular reactors3.3 Continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR)4 References General principles [ edit]The solubility of proteins in aqueous buffers depends on the distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acid residues on the protein's surface. Hydrophobic residues predominantly occur in the globular protein core, but some exist in patches on the surface. Proteins that have high hydrophobic amino acid content on the surface have low solubility in an aqueous solvent. Charged and polar surface residues interact with ionic groups in the solvent and increase the solubility of a protein. Knowledge of a protein's amino acid composition will aid in determining an ideal precipitation solvent and methods. Repulsive electrostatic force [ edit]Repulsive electrostatic forces form when proteins are dissolved in an electrolyte solution. These repulsive forces between proteins prevent aggregation and facilitate dissolution."
"docid": "D1091538#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_chemistry\nRadiation chemistry",
"text": "\"Radiation chemistry From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Radiation chemistry is a subdivision of nuclear chemistry which is the study of the chemical effects of radiation on matter; this is very different from radiochemistry as no radioactivity needs to be present in the material which is being chemically changed by the radiation. An example is the conversion of water into hydrogen gas and hydrogen peroxide. Contents1 Radiation interactions with matter2 Reduction of organics by solvated electrons3 Reduction of metal compounds4 Polymer modification5 Water chemistry6 Equipment6.1 Radiation Chemistry applied in Industrial processing equipment6.2 Research equipment7 Chemosensor8 See also9 References Radiation interactions with matter [ edit]As ionizing radiation moves through matter its energy is deposited through interactions with the electrons of the absorber. [ 1] The result of an interaction between the radiation and the absorbing species is removal of an electron from an atom or molecular bond to form radicals and excited species. The radical species then proceed to react with each other or with other molecules in their vicinity. It is the reactions of the radical species that are responsible for the changes observed following irradiation of a chemical system. [ 2]Charged radiation species (α and β particles) interact through Coulombic forces between the charges of the electrons in the absorbing medium and the charged radiation particle. These interactions occur continuously along the path of the incident particle until the kinetic energy of the particle is sufficiently depleted. Uncharged species (γ photons, x-rays) undergo a single event per photon, totally consuming the energy of the photon and leading to the ejection of an electron from a single atom. [ 3] Electrons with sufficient energy proceed to interact with the absorbing medium identically to β radiation."
] |
294 | +what makes a cake pasty | [
"docid": "D3126089#0",
"title": "http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/recipes/396158/Hairy-Bikers--The-People-s-Cornish-pasty\nHairy Bikersâ Cornish pasty Recipe",
"text": "Home Recipes Hairy Bikers’ Cornish pasty Recipe ( 1561 ratings)Goodto Know | April 8, 2018 6:00 amserves:6Skill:medium Cost:cheap Total Time:01:10Prep:00:20Cooking:00:50Cornish pasty is a treat that everyone loves! This classic Cornish pastry recipe is a traditional bake that’s great for using up leftovers and takes no time at all. The Hairy Bikers’ delicious Cornish pastry recipe, which is from their brilliant ‘Food Tour of Britain’ TV show is warming, filling and delicious. Learn how to make your own pastry and fill with the traditional Cornish filling with this easy-to-make recipe. Perfect for picnics, parties or just a nice lunch with the family. This recipe makes 6 Cornish pasties and will take around 1hr and 10 mins to prepare and cook. This hearty classic is sure to become a family favourite and keep everyone happy and full when it comes to eating them. If you have any leftover pasties, leave to cool thoroughly and then store wrapped in clingfilm in the fridge. Ingredients Pasty:450g plain flour2tsp baking powder1tsp salt125g unsalted butter2 egg yolks125ml cold water Cornish pasty filling:450g potato, finely diced150g swede, finely diced150g onion, finely chopped300g beef skirt, finely chopped Salt and black pepper1tbsp plain flour40g butter1 egg, beaten Method To make the pastry: Place the flour, baking powder, salt, butter and egg yolks into a food processor and blitz until the mixture forms crumbs. Slowly add the water until a ball of pastry miraculously appears – you may not need all the water."
] | [
"docid": "D2752125#0",
"title": "http://www.ellenskitchen.com/faqs/tapioca1.html\nTapioca and MINUTE� Tapioca",
"text": "\"Back where you started Very Best Biscotti Recipe Bulletin Board Big Pots-Quantity Cooking and OAMCTapioca and MINUTE� Tapioca I got very interested in tapioca when I developed a new method of making tender wheat meat/ seitan chuck roast using MINUTE� Tapioca. This recipe proved so popular that I began looking for alternatives to the expensive and sometimes hard to find brand name instant-type tapioca product. It didn't work to just substitute tapioca flour or small pearl tapioca broken into \"\"Minute\"\" sized bits, I wanted to know why? I learned that tapioca pearls are a cooked product based on tapioca flour. They are prepared by soaking the flour and cooking to make it palatable, then shaping and drying it as the pearls. MINUTE� Tapioca and other instant-type tapiocas are processed further. The pearls are cracked or flaked and cooked, then dried. So, it is actually partially pre-cooked. Comparing regular tapioca to MINUTE� tapioca is the same as comparing regular rice to MINUTE� rice. The most popular use of tapioca in the Western world is a milk-based dessert pudding with milk and sugar."
"docid": "D3302445#0",
"title": "http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-comic-strips-from-each-decade.php\nTop 10 Comic Strips from Each Decade",
"text": "Top 10 Comic Strips from Each Decade0By Fred Hunt on March 26, 2014 Comic Books, Entertainment As the newspaper industry dies a slow, painful death, we should take time to celebrate the part of the paper that can’t quite be replaced by the Internet – the comic strip. Yes, you can go to gocomics.com or a few other comic strip sites, but the days of spreading the newspaper out on the kitchen table and sharing the funny pages with your family are long since gone. With that in mind, we bring you the top 10 comic strips of all-time, from each decade.10. 1920: The Katzenjammer Kids Hans and Fritz were mischievous twins who caused Momma Katzenjammer and the Captain all sorts of grief. First appearing in the Sunday comics way back in 1897, the Katzenjammers are still kicking around in syndication today, making them the longest-running comic strip in history. That is the short version of the story, for the longer version is a bit more complicated. Created by Rudolph Dirks, the artist was the caretaker of the twins until 1912. Requesting a sabbatical long before the eras in which they were granted, William Randolph Hearst decided to continue running the popular strip in his New York Journal under the steady hand of Dirks’ assistant, H. H. Kerr. Miffed at each other, Dirks and Hearst locked horns in a series of court battles to see who ultimately controlled the twins. In a confusing set of rulings, the courts awarded Dirks the right to continue his strip in a competing newspaper, but he had to rename it first."
"docid": "D1403461#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/dough\ndough",
"text": "\"dough [doh]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. flour or meal combined with water, milk, etc., in a mass for baking into bread, cake, etc. ; paste of bread.2. any similar soft, pasty mass.3. Slang. money. Origin of dough Expand Middle English Old English1000before 1000; Middle English do (u)gh, do (u)h, dou (e ), Old English dāg, dāh; cognate with Dutch deeg, Old Norse deig, Gothic daigs, German Teig Related forms Expanddoughlike, adjective Can be confused Expanddoe, dough. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for dough Expand Contemporary Examples Divide the dough in half and very gently pat each half into a round 1-inch-thick disk."
"docid": "D3128218#0",
"title": "http://www.recipetips.com/recipe-cards/t--118513/frosting-without-powdered-sugar.asp\nFROSTING WITHOUT POWDERED SUGAR Recipe",
"text": "\"FROSTING WITHOUT POWDERED SUGAR Recipe Read Reviews (13)Reviewed By slocke20 \"\"My kitchen aid helped a lot. Very good!!! \"\" Share this!Save ▼ Add to Grocery List Rate & Review Email Print Ingredients1 1/4 tablespoons flour1/4 cup milk1/4 cup sugar1 1/2 tablespoons buttervanilla Directions Mix flour and milk and cook until pasty. Cool. Add sugar, butter and vanilla. Beat at high speed for 5 minutes. Double for 9x13\"\" cake. To frost an angel food, use 7 1/2 tbsp. flour, 1 1/2 cup milk, 1 1/2 cup sugar and 6 tbsp. butter."
"docid": "D110981#0",
"title": "http://www.fruitsinfo.com/breadfruit-tropical-fruit.php\nSpecial fruits for this week",
"text": "Fruits Home Full List of Fruits Breadfruit Nutrients in Breadfruit Breadfruit Nutrients Breadfruit Facts Breadfruit arrests major diseases Breadfruit Recipes Breadfruit Masala Breadfruit Cheese Soup Breadfruit Fish Cakes Breadfruit Chips Breadfruit Common name - Sa-ke (Thai), Sukun (Malay) these are some of the common names in which bread fruit is known by. Scientific name - Artocarpus altilis (Greek) meaning artos = bread and karpos = fruit. Origin- They are known to originate from Mexico. Appearance - Breadfruit looks green in color, when matured little sap will be leaked out which makes the fruit to appear more yellow in color when ripe. The fruit has a starchy texture and fragrance that tends to remain about the fresh baked bread. The nutritious fruit and the seeds are edible. A fully ripe breadfruit is usually soft and fragrant and its flesh is creamy yellow like coloured and pasty with irregular oval seeds. In the centre of this seedless fruit, there found a cylindrical core, in some species which is fully covered with hairs and small seeds. The breadfruit's flesh will be sweet and the fruit haves a nice fragrant smell are different by breadfruit varieties. Nutrients in Breadfruit Breadfruit is low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium and very high in Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber and Potassium."
"docid": "D3144064#0",
"title": "https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/comfort-foods-of-every-state-in-america-thrillist\nThe Unofficial Comfort Foods of Every State in America",
"text": "\"Food & Drink The Unofficial Comfort Foods of Every State in America By Adam Lapetina Published On 06/29/2014@adamlapetina Jennifer Bui America is a nation of comfort foods. The bigger and heartier, the better. We've chronicled them for a while in our Fat Kid Friday pieces, but there's only so much you can do once a week. So, instead, we decided to look at them on a national level, and put together a (somewhat) definitive guide to each state's most popular comfort food staple. Prepare your eyes for an overload of golden-fried goodness. Recommended Video Eat This It's Worth Getting Sloppy For This Grilled Cheese Taco Watch More Flickr/Didriks Alabama Pecan pie Legend has it that this butter- and brown sugar-filled treat was invented in-state back in the 1800s, and while it was probably actually birthed in Louisiana instead, there's no denying Alabamians' love for baking pies laden with the nuts that are grown in the South of the state. Flickr/Dan4th Nicholas Alaska King crab legs If your dad spent hours upon hours watching Deadliest Catch, chances are you know allllll about Alaska's king crab-fishing industry. And given how hard the dudes on that show work to get these things, they must taste all the better when it's finally time for them to sit down with their families. Flickr/jeffreyw Arizona Chimichanga A burrito is already inarguably one of the kings of comfort food, but drop it in a deep fryer and its comfort level gets upped at least 9,000%. These things are all over Arizona, where they can be found cohabiting college students' stomachs with their life partner, Jägerbombs."
"docid": "D3150187#0",
"title": "http://www.notquitenigella.com/2016/05/09/restaurant-hubert-sydney-review/\nA Birthday Celebration at Restaurant Hubert, Sydney",
"text": "A Birthday Celebration at Restaurant Hubert, Sydney Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email There's a real sense of theatre from the moment you set foot in Hubert's. It's a space that was formerly a Chinese restaurant called The Celestial. Yet there is no trace of the former restaurant whatsoever, its pond and bridge completely erased and it is entirely transportive. It feels as if you've arrived on a version of a Baz Luhrman set (sans Nicole Kidman on a swing). It's post war Europe from a decades ago when people dressed up, service was genial and they knew all about cocktail hour. Get Free Updates Every morning I send my friends the latest restaurant, recipe or travel story from my blog. If you'd like to wake up to a delicious email just enter your email address below. Hubert is four weeks old and is the first foray into fine dining by Swillhouse Group, the people that brought Sydney The Baxter Inn, Shady Pines and Frankie's. Chef Dan Pepperell is from 10 William Street and the menu features French and European classics. The transformation is striking and the space looks like it has had the timber panelled walls for its entire life."
"docid": "D1553977#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasty\nPasty",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the baked pie or pastry. For the fried pie or pastry, see Pastie. For other uses, see Pasty (disambiguation). Pasty A Cornish pasty Alternative names Cornish pasty, pastie, British pasty, oggie, oggy, teddy oggie, tiddy oggin, oggy oggin and others Course Main Place of origin United Kingdom Region or state Often associated with Cornwall Serving temperature Hot or cold Main ingredients A pastry case with variable fillings, usually beef and vegetables Cookbook: Pasty Media: Pasty A pasty or pastie ( / ˈ p ɑː s t i / or / ˈ p æ s t i /, Cornish: Pasti) [1] is a baked pastry, a traditional variety of which is particularly associated with Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is made by placing an uncooked filling, typically meat and vegetables, on one half of a flat shortcrust pastry circle, folding the pastry in half to wrap the filling in a semicircle and crimping the curved edge to form a seal before baking. The traditional Cornish pasty, which since 2011 has Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status in Europe, [2] is filled with beef, sliced or diced potato, swede (also known as yellow turnip or rutabaga – referred to in Cornwall as turnip) and onion, seasoned with salt and pepper, and is baked. Today, the pasty is the food most associated with Cornwall. It is regarded as the national dish and accounts for 6% of the Cornish food economy. Pasties with many different fillings are made and some shops specialise in selling all sorts of pasties. The origins of the pasty are unclear, though there are many references to them throughout historical documents and fiction."
"docid": "D2964746#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-an-aperitif.htm\nWhat is an Aperitif?",
"text": "\"An aperitif is an alcoholic drink served before a meal, sometimes as an appetizer, or accompanied with an appetizer. The drink is usually somewhat bitter, sweet or light, and serves as a warm-up or opener to a meal. The term comes from the Latin aperire a verb meaning “to open.” In France, one might receive the drink before a meal, usually dinner, and sometimes lunch. In Italy, one would be offered an aperitivo. The former term is more commonly used in the US and in other English speaking countries. Ina Garten, known for her cooking show on the Food Network, The Barefoot Contessa, frequently plans elaborate meals that include an aperitif, and she is quite creative. Instead of martinis, she might serve appletinis, cosmopolitans, or other inspired drinks, frequently combining fruit juices with various alcohols. She also usually includes a non-alcoholic version for younger guests, or those who do not drink. The origins of serving a drink before dinner are difficult to specifically identify."
"docid": "D2104228#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_did_pie_come_from\nWhere did pie come from?",
"text": "\"Answer by Pie pie123 Confidence votes 9No one knows who ate the first slice, but pie in some form has been around since the ancient Egyptians made the first pastry-like crusts. The first pies were probably made by the early Romans who probably learned about it from the Greeks. The Roman, Cato the Censor, published the first written pie \"\"receipt\"\" or recipe: a rye-crusted, goat cheese and honey pie. The Romans then spread the word around Europe including England. The Oxford English Dictionary notes that the word pie was \"\"evidently a well-known popular word in 1362.\"\" In 1475, the Italian writer Platina offered a recipe for a squash torta or pie hat concludes: \"\"Put this preparation in a greased pan or in a pastry shell and cook it over a slow fire. ... When it is cooked, set on a plate, sprinkle it with sugar and rosewater.\"\" More often than not, the early pies were main dish meat pies. Fruit pies or tarts (\"\"pasties\"\") were probably first made in the 1500s. English tradition credits Queen Elizabeth I with making the first cherry pie but it's unlikely that Her Highness actually spent much time in the kitchen."
"docid": "D1659673#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mass\nmass",
"text": "\"mass [mas]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. a body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size: a mass of dough.2. a collection of incoherent particles, parts, or objects regarded as forming one body: a mass of sand. Synonyms: assemblage, heap, congeries.3. aggregate; whole (usually preceded by in the ): People, in the mass, mean well.4. a considerable assemblage, number, or quantity: a mass of errors; a mass of troops. Synonyms: collection, accumulation, pile, conglomeration.5. bulk, size, expanse, or massiveness: towers of great mass and strength. Synonyms: magnitude, dimension.6. Fine Arts."
"docid": "D3051544#0",
"title": "http://www.cornishpastyassociation.co.uk/where-to-buy/\nWhere to buy",
"text": "Chough Bakery Padstow A small family-run craft bakery based at the Quayside in Padstow which has been running for nearly 30 years. Their multi award winning pasties are made using locally sourced ingredients and are famous for their extra dollop of 'Cornishness' from adding clotted cream.01841 533361www.cornishpasty.com Mail order Retail outlets Visit Chough Bakery on Twitter Visit Chough Bakery on Facebook Cornish Premier Pasties St Columb Major Devoted to producing traditional, hand crimped Cornish pasties, Cornish Premier Pasties believe this Cornish favourite should be made available to everyone throughout the UK. As all of their products are frozen at production, the freshness of the pasties is guaranteed.01637 889388www.cornishpremierpasties.co.uk Wholesaler Visit Cornish Premier Pasties on Twitter Visit Cornish Premier Pasties on Facebook Count House Cafe Geevor The Count House Café is part of the Geevor Tin Mine Museum, has breathtaking views over the Atlantic Ocean and serves delicious home cooked food, including home-made Cornish pasties.01736 788662www.geevor.com/index.php?page=82Retail outlets Visit Count House Cafe on Twitter Visit Count House Cafe on Facebook Crantock Cornish Pasties Newquay Founded in the early 1980’s the bakery was based in a small butcher's shop in the village of Crantock, which gave it its name. Since its move to the current location just outside Newquay, continual investment in the facility and equipment has allowed them to meet the demands of a wide range of customers from small corner shops, to the major retailers and wholesalers.01726 861120www.crantockpasties.com Wholesaler Visit Crantock Cornish Pasties on Twitter Visit Crantock Cornish Pasties on Facebook Etherington’s Cornish Pasties Redruth Etherington’s pasties are handmade in the bakery at Etherington's Farm Shop, at Wheal Rose, near Redruth, using only the finest Cornish produce.01209 899 203www.etherington-meats.co.uk Mail order Retail outlets Visit Etherington’s Cornish Pasties on Twitter Visit Etherington’s Cornish Pasties on Facebook Ginsters Callington and Nationwide From small beginnings in a derelict barn in Callington, the Ginsters Original Cornish Pasty is now the biggest selling product in the entire savoury pastry market, and the bakery is one of the most efficient of its type in the world.01579 386200www.ginsters.co.uk Mail order Wholesaler Visit Ginsters on Facebook Hampsons of Hayle Hayle Making a selection of very high quality Cornish pasties the traditional way, with home-made shortcrust pastry and diced skirt or minced beef from their own butchery. Available in small, medium and large - hot or cold.01736 752427hampsonsofhayle.co.uk Retail outlets Helluva Pasties Callington Providing a delicious range of homemade pasties, pies and other savoury bakery, using the finest, locally sourced ingredients. The range is available hot from selected stores and locations (listed on their website). You can also pick up, or order online, uncooked, frozen products, for you to enjoy at your leisure,01579 208 088www.helluvapasties.co.uk Mail order Retail outlets Wholesaler Visit Helluva Pasties on Facebook Let Them Eat Hatt, Saltash After setting up their own dedicated gluten, wheat and dairy free bakery in Cornwall there was only one obvious choice when it came down to 'what to create next'....a Cornish Pasty that you can eat, in your hand, crammed full of local Skirt (beef) Swede, Potato and Onion....and now this pasty is free from all 14 UK registered allergens.07508 360035let-them-eat.net Mail order Retail outlets Wholesaler Visit Let Them Eat on Twitter Visit Let Them Eat on Facebook Philps Bakery Hayle, Praze, Marazion A Cornish family-owned and run business with family values at its heart. They care about responsible food provenance, using premium ingredients and traditional baking methods to produce great tastes and flavours.01736 755661www.philpspasties.co.uk Mail order Retail outlets Visit Philps Bakery on Facebook Portreath Bakery Pool, Lanner, Portreath With three bakeries in the Redruth area of Cornwall, Portreath Bakery makes and supplies all types of baked goods via their three shops and to trade customers through daily deliveries. Proud of their reputation within the region, they also bake bespoke products and new, gluten-free, baked goods.01209 311611www.portreathbakery.co.uk Mail order Retail outlets Wholesaler Visit Portreath Bakery on Twitter Visit Portreath Bakery on Facebook Prima Bakeries Redruth Based near Redruth at the heart of Cornwall, Prima Bakeries has been making delicious Cornish Pasties and other bakery products for over thirty years. A wholesale delivery service operates throughout Cornwall with a retail range suitable for shops and convenience stores as well as a food service range designed for cafés, restaurants and hotels."
"docid": "D375372#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cornish_dialect_words\nList of Anglo-Cornish words",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from List of Cornish dialect words)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( December 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: the article is chock full of folk etymologies (although some have since been replaced with their correct etymologies) as well as nonstandard spellings of words that have well-known standardised spellings Please help improve this article if you can. ( February 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This is a select list of Cornish dialect words in English —while some of these terms are obsolete others remain in use. [ 1] [2] Many Cornish dialect words have their origins in the Cornish language and others belong to the West Saxon group of dialects: consequently words listed may not be exclusive to Cornwall. [ 3]Table of contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z• See also • References • Further reading A [ edit]Abroad - *Abroad - 1. open: \"\"laive the door abroad, boy.\"\" 2."
"docid": "D2959247#0",
"title": "http://www.foodadditivesworld.com/emulsifiers.html\nEmulsifier",
"text": "Home / Other Food Condiments / Emulsifier Emulsifier Food emulsifiers act as an interface between the conflicting components of food like water and oil. While preparing the food, often conflicting natural components of food have to be combined into a consistent and pleasing blend. Each component of food (carbohydrate, protein, oil and fat, water, air, etc.) has its own properties which are sometimes conflicting to one another just like oil and water. To make the two components compatible, emulsifiers are used. What is an Emulsifier? An emulsifier is a molecule with one oil-friendly and one water-friendly end. Water friendly end in food emulsifier is called hydrophilic tail and oil-friendly end is called hydrophobic head. Food emulsifiers are also called emulgents. In this way droplets of oil are surrounded by the emulsifier molecule, with the oil core hidden by the water-friendly tails of the emulsifier."
"docid": "D2937189#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/anise.htm\nANISE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » A » Aniline Oil ... Anise-scented ANISEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does anise mean?• ANISE (noun) The noun ANISE has 2 senses:1. native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery 2. liquorice-flavored seeds or oil used in cookies or cakes or pickles Familiarity information: ANISE used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details• ANISE (noun)Sense 1 anise [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery Classified under: Nouns denoting plants Synonyms:anise; anise plant; Pimpinella anisum Hypernyms (\"\"anise\"\" is a kind of...):herb; herbaceous plant (a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests)Meronyms (parts of \"\"anise\"\"):anise; aniseed (liquorice-flavored seeds or oil used in cookies or cakes or pickles)Holonyms (\"\"anise\"\" is a member of...):genus Pimpinella; Pimpinella (anise)Sense 2 anise [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Liquorice-flavored seeds or oil used in cookies or cakes or pickles Classified under: Nouns denoting foods and drinks Synonyms:aniseed; anise Hypernyms (\"\"anise\"\" is a kind of...):flavorer; flavoring; flavourer; flavouring; seasoner; seasoning (something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts)Holonyms (\"\"anise\"\" is a part of...):anise; anise plant; Pimpinella anisum (native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery)Holonyms (\"\"anise\"\" is a substance of...):anise cookie (cookie made without butter and flavored with anise seed)ouzo (a Greek liquor flavored with anise)absinth; absinthe (strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise)anisette; anisette de Bordeaux (liquorice-flavored usually colorless sweet liqueur made from aniseed)pastis (similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood)Pernod ( (registered trademark) a liqueur flavored with anise)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"First come, first served.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Intelligence is in the head, not in the age.\"\" ( Azerbaijani proverb) \"\"Falseness lasts an hour, and truth lasts till the end of time.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"High trees catch lots of wind.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)ANISE: related words searches» Meaning of aniseed » flavorer definition » anise: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does anise plant mean? » anise cookie definition Related FAQs:» ANISEANIMUSANIONANIONICANIONIC COMPOUNDANIONIC DETERGENTANISEANISE COOKIEANISE HYSSOPANISE PLANTANISE TREEEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» meaning of ardent » lacework » what does likewise mean » artium magister » what does the word acumen mean Page delivered in 0.061 seconds \""
"docid": "D3013517#0",
"title": "https://www.majorcanvillas.com/majorcainfo-food.asp\nGood food and wine seriously matter in Majorca.",
"text": "Good food and wine seriously matter in Majorca. My experience with Majorcan Villas We booked our villa in Majorca using Majorcan Villas in summer 2012. We were very happy with the service we were given in helping to choose the villa that suited our needs as a family. The villa itself was of very high quality and we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday there. I intend to use Majorcan Villas again in the future. Alastair Read more During the summer months demand for food in Majorca outstrips local supply, but from October onwards you can guarantee that whether you are eating avocado or xirimoias, they've probably come off your neighbour's tree. The local Majorcan or as known in Majorca 'Mallorquin' dishes make full use of delicious local almonds, olives, walnuts, and the local tomato called Ramallet which is native to the island. Majorca (Mallorca) is rich in vegetables, so obviously vegetarians are well catered for. Below are a few of the things which you may wish to try during your holiday in Majorca. Breakfast Breakfast often includes an ensaimada - this is a delicious spiral yeast bun dusted with icing sugar."
"docid": "D2994530#0",
"title": "http://www.rachelphipps.com/2013/08/recipe-summertime-spinach-bacon-quark.html\nRecipe: Summertime Spinach, Bacon & Quark Quiche",
"text": "After trying out The Lake District Dairy Co.'s Quark by making their recipes for Strawberry Mousse Cake and some delicious Oat, Apricot & Quark Breakfast Muffins, the team got back in touch with me to see if I wanted to take up the challenge of putting together my own healthy Summer recipe using The Lake District Dairy Co.'s Quark. After making two sweet recipes with the tart dairy product I instantly knew I wanted to make something savoury and came up with this Summertime quiche. Using the Quark itself in the quiche instead of whole milk and cream makes it a much healthier option initially, but there are a few more things you can do to make it even healthier for you; the version with the ingredients given here is just because of what I already had in the house; after they sent me some Quark, I did not fancy a trip to Tescos!We grow our own spinach so I automatically thought of it for a quiche filling, but when it is out of season I am always buying big bags of it as a healthy vegetable option both cooked and for salads. We always have bacon in the house so I wanted that for flavour, but while you think with the ribbons of fat it would be worse for you, you can make your quiche healthier by switching out the bacon for prosciutto. Finally, if you are making your own shortcrust pastry (while I can make my own and I did here, my hands are usually a bit too warm for pastry so I tend to buy it in a block) that is fine, but if you are going for a shop bought version you need to roll out, you can always switch it out for layers of filo pastry to cut down on the butter and carbs. While we had it warm with a salad for Supper, I found the next day it is even better served cold. Speaking of trips to Tescos, a few days later while I was helping my Mother with her weekly shop I got very excited when I finally found The Lake District Dairy Co.'s Quark in both the Original, Vanilla and Lemon versions on the shelf. I'd looked for it in Sainsbury's, Tescos and Waitrose before but with not much luck; we don't seem to ever have much choice where we are out in the countryside, but as this i Phone snap shows, it should be easy to find even if you live in the middle of nowhere or only near small stores. However, as with my last two Quark recipes as it is pretty impossible to get hold of in the USA,1 Block Shortcrust Pasty ( or you can make your own)500g (2 tubs) The Lake District Co. Dairy Quark4 Large Eggs Large Handful of The Lake District Cheese Co. Grated Cheese1/2 Bag Spinach Leaves4 Rashers Unsmoked Streaky Bacon Freshly Ground Salt & Pepper Large Pinch Ground Nutmeg (Optional)Roll out the pastry into a round big enough to line a 20cm pie dish. Grease the dish with butter and lay the pastry circle over your dish, gently pressing it into the corners and cutting the excess off around the edge with a very sharp knife."
"docid": "D3505365#0",
"title": "http://traveltips.usatoday.com/food-aquitaine-france-11577.html\nFood in Aquitaine, France",
"text": "Canele - Bordeaux's famous pastry The word Aquitaine evokes romantic images of chivalry and crusading knights. This was the duchy of Eleanor of Aquitaine, one of the richest women in the medieval world thanks to the bounty of her lands in southwestern France. It remains a rich agricultural region, producing some of the world's most famous wines and some of its prized gourmet delicacies, a veritable feast of a region for food enthusiasts. Culinary Flights of Fancy It's all about the birds in Gascony, the old, historical name for the Pays Basque region of Aquitaine. Fat ducks and geese make their way into the famous Gascon delight called confit. The legs are salted and seasoned with herbs, then are slowly cooked in a bath of their own fat. The dish cools, leaving the meat protected by an unctuous layer of fat, requiring no refrigeration. Gascon cooks saute the preserved meat to crisp the skin, and roast potatoes and garlic in the fat as an accompaniment. Aquitaine Gourmet Delights The Perigord area produces France’s famous black truffles, prized by chefs. Foie gras, goose liver, is another regional specialty and French cooks laud the local Bayonne ham."
"docid": "D2820136#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pies\nPie",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Pies)navigation search This article is about the baked goods. For the mathematical constant, see Pi. For other uses, see Pie (disambiguation). Pie A slice of an apple pie Main ingredients Pie shell Variations Sweet pies, savoury pies Cookbook: Pie Media: Pie A pie is a baked dish which is usually made of a pastry dough casing that covers or completely contains a filling of various sweet or savoury ingredients. Pies are defined by their crusts. A filled pie (also single-crust or bottom-crust ), has pastry lining the baking dish, and the filling is placed on top of the pastry but left open. A top-crust pie has the filling in the bottom of the dish and is covered with a pastry or other covering before baking. A two-crust pie has the filling completely enclosed in the pastry shell. Shortcrust pastry is a typical kind of pastry used for pie crusts, but many things can be used, including baking powder biscuits, mashed potatoes, and crumbs. Pies can be a variety of sizes, ranging from bite-size to ones designed for multiple servings."
"docid": "D2902615#0",
"title": "http://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/jowar-roti-recipe-jowar-bhakri/\njowar roti recipe | jowar bhakri recipe | soft & healthy jowar rotis recipe",
"text": "jowar roti recipe | jowar bhakri recipe | soft & healthy jowar rotis recipe January 29, 2018 by dassana amit 28 Comments Jump to Recipe Print Recipejowar roti recipe with step by step pics – jowar roti or jowar bhakri are flat breads made with sorghum flour. these rotis are also called as jolada rotti in karnataka.sorghum is a healthy millet which is good in minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. being rich in antioxidants, its good for the heart too and is diabetic friendly. jowar is also an excellent gluten free flour.jowar rotis have a nice soft texture and even on cooling do not become hard or chewy. on my visits to some parts of maharashtra, we were served jowar rotis in a thali with pitla (a thick but moist gram flour paste spiced dish) and green chili thecha (coarse green chili & garlic chutney). jowar bhakris can also be served with zunka (a dry version of pitla).usually when i make bajra or jowar roti, i also make a maharashtrian based curry to go with it like batata rassa, vangi rassa, mixed sprouts curry , veg kolhapuri, bharli vangi or usal. this time i served with mixed sprouts usal.i make these millet and gluten free rotis season wise. in summers i make jowar rotis & ragi rotis. in winters & monsoons i make makki di roti (maize flour flat bread) and bajra roti (pearl millet flat bread). and when we fast during some days, i make rajgira paratha (amaranth flour flat bread) or kuttu ka paratha (buckwheat flour flat bread).these jowar bhakri are fairly easy to make if you have the practice."
] |
295 | +what nailer to use for hardi plank | [
"docid": "D2370783#0",
"title": "http://forums.jlconline.com/forums/forum/jlc-online-peer-to-peer-forums/tools-equipment/22214-siding-or-roofing-nailer-for-hardiplank\nSiding or Roofing Nailer for Hardiplank",
"text": "cornbread New Member Join Date: Jun 2005Location: Southeast Tennessee Posts: 5#1Siding or Roofing Nailer for Hardiplank08-12-2005, 09:30 AMI'm about to start my first Hardiplank job, so I'm trying to decide which is the better tool for me to buy. I've been doing primarily interior remodels and decks, but as the business is growing, I'm starting to get requests to bid siding jobs and additions. I have no interest in running a full-time production siding crew - I really only anticipate four or five siding jobs a year. So I'm ready to invest in two nailers, and I'd love some advice. I've read through a whole bunch of threads here, and I've read this week's version of Hardie's installation instruction, and as best I can tell, my options for blind-nailing are to use either a siding nailer or a roofing nailer. My take on it is that the siding nailer is really the right tool for the job. The problem is cost and availability. The only siding nailer available locally is about $150 more than a decent roofing run I can get all over town. I'm a small business, and don't have a big annual tool budget. Three hundred extra dollars seems a bit extravagant for tools I'll only use on a few jobs a year."
] | [
"docid": "D2702013#0",
"title": "http://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/38655/how-do-i-ensure-my-first-row-of-hardwood-flooring-is-straight\nHow do I ensure my first row of hardwood flooring is straight?",
"text": "\"_Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How do I ensure my first row of hardwood flooring is straight?up vote4down votefavorite2Still preparing to install Bruce 3/4\"\" pre-finished nail down Hickory hardwood flooring. I'm a little tentative (overly cautious according to the wife) about getting started. I've done a lot of research, and watched a ton of You Tube clips. I'm still not confident in how I make sure my first row is \"\"straight\"\". Most sources simply say to measure out from the wall the thickness of a plank + the expansion gap + 1/8\"\" for the tongue, and snap a chalk line. However, since I know there are no straight walls, and that no walls are ever square to each other. How can I be sure this will lead to a good straight installation? My major concerns are that I'll be installing the flooring in a dining room, and continuing into an adjoining living room. I want to make sure I have a straight line at the threshold of the dining/living room, and that I'm straight when I reach the far living room wall."
"docid": "D3004083#0",
"title": "http://www.todayshomeowner.com/how-to-install-fiber-cement-siding/\nHow to Install Fiber Cement Siding",
"text": "How to Install Fiber Cement Siding By: Joe Cuhaj Installing fiber cement siding (FCS)—such as Hardie Plank® —is easier than you might think, though there are some important differences from traditional wood siding. Installation instructions may vary depending on the manufacturer, and check with your local building inspector for any code requirements. Safety First Always follow these safety precautions when installing fiber cement siding: Wear safety glasses when cutting and nailing FCS. Use ear protection when cutting siding with a circular saw. Cutting FCS with a circular saw creates a large amount of dust which can lead to the incurable lung disease silicosis. Always cut siding outside and use a dust collecting saw hooked to a shop vac if possible. Wear a NIOSH approved N-95 dust mask or respirator when cutting FCS. Storage and Handling Inspect siding carefully for damage when it arrives. Store off the ground, making sure it is flat and well supported. Keep it dry until it has been installed."
"docid": "D2675103#0",
"title": "http://www.all-about-siding.com/vinyl-siding-styles.html\nVINYL SIDING STYLES",
"text": "\"VINYL SIDING STYLESWhen you hear 'vinyl siding styles', people are generally talking about the different profiles, textures, colors, profile, thicknesses, lengths and prices within each 'type' of siding. Vinyl Siding Types Types of Siding Each 'Type' of vinyl siding comes in many different colors, different textures from smooth to a rough cedar plank look. They come in different thicknesses and some have insulation attached to the back of the panel. Most people refer to styles and types interchangeably. Once you decide on the siding you like the contractor will know what you are talking about. Homeowners often use several different 'types' of siding to create the 'style' or look that they want. Every house is different the trick is to choose the vinyl siding that brings out the best of your house by picking colors, textures, styles, trim and so on... Cedar Shake Siding and Board and Batten Siding On the house above the homeowner has used Cedar Shake Vinyl Siding on the main house and Board and Batten vinyl siding on the garage gable. Very creative way to combine two different vinyl siding styles. Vinyl Siding Styles and Types Here are the three most popular siding styles. Since vinyl siding is made to look just like real wood siding, every wooden siding now comes in a vinyl version."
"docid": "D2079773#0",
"title": "http://www.hoskinghardwood.com/Department/Hardwood-Floors/All-About-Solid-Hardwood-Flooring.aspx?dId=7&pageId=6\nSolid Hardwood Flooring",
"text": "\"Tweet Solid Hardwood Flooringby Jeff Hosking – Hosking Hardwood Flooring © 2004 - 2017, Copyright protected. All Rights Reserved Perhaps one of the most desired and treasured part of a homes décor in consumer’s minds is a home that has hardwood flooring. Ask any home realtor they will confirm that a home that has hardwood flooring will sell faster and for more money. Hardwood flooring will add warmth and beauty to any home and it is the most desired floor covering and will increase the value of any home. The real value of hardwood flooring If you stop and analyze the true value that quality hardwood flooring can add to your home it’s a real deal. You can spend $20,000-$80,000 for kitchen cabinets that do not have anywhere near the amount of square footage of valuable wood compared to 6-7 rooms full of solid wood flooring for about $8,000-$10,000. Hardwood Flooring will add warmth and beauty throughout your home. You can refinish or re-coat solid Hardwood flooring several times, which adds to their appeal and to their long life. There are solid hardwood floors that are well over 100 years old and are still in good condition. There are hundreds of styles and colors available When we think of a solid Hardwood flooring we generally think of the standard strip red oak wood flooring that is 3/4\"\" thick by 2 1/4\"\" wide, but solid Hardwood flooring is also available in various sizes from 3 to 6 or more inches wide (called plank floors)."
"docid": "D1375802#0",
"title": "http://www.southwestexteriors.com/siding/siding-faq/\nThe Southwest Exteriors Team Is At Your Service!",
"text": "The Southwest Exteriors Team Is At Your Service!We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about siding and windows. Feel free to contact us or call (210) 757-4224. For your convenience, here are a few of our most frequently asked questions about Hardie Plank Replacement Siding and Southwest Exteriors: Frequently Asked Questions About Hardie Plank ®Siding Q. What is the composition of Hardie Plank ® Siding? A. Only the finest raw materials are used for Hardie Plank. Premium cement, finely-ground sand, natural cellulose (wood) fibers, and water are combined and cured through a proprietary manufacturing process into a highly durable siding material. Q. How long have you been in business? A. James Hardie ® Industries was founded in Australia in 1888 and began selling fiber cement products in 1903. The company opened its first U. S. manufacturing plant in Fontana, California, in 1989. Hardie Plank is now manufactured in eight plants in the U. S.–two are in Texas–and has been installed on over 5.5 million homes in this country. Southwest Exteriors has been in business since 1989 and under present management since 1992."
"docid": "D2136791#0",
"title": "http://www.domesticimperfection.com/2012/09/painted-plank-walls-finally/\nPainted Plank Walls, Finally",
"text": "September 26, 2012Painted Plank Walls, Finally Pin 8K Share 52 Tweet +18KWho knew that painting the plank walls would turn out to be the major project of the month? Seriously, painting the walls was more labor intensive than actually putting up the planks. Okay I may just be saying that because installing the planks was completely done by my husband, but still…painting these suckers took forever. And if you’re wondering what the heck happened to the whole whitewashing thing, I’ll get to it, don’t worry. First though, let me show you some before and after pics, because that’s everyone’s favorite part!So here are my plank walls, pre-painting…And here is my ultra bright and majorly white kitchen now…Granted it looks really bare, but that will change once we get to the decorating stage. Those of you that are here only to see before and after pictures can stop reading and move on, but if you’re interested in why whitewashing didn’t happen, trim details, and my kitchen to do list, then read on!So whitewash. I was pretty excited about the prospect of whitewashed walls, I thought they would be fun, different, and stand out in from all the white planked walls I’ve been seeing across the internet. I had never whitewashed before, so I turned to Google and pretty much everyone says that a 50/50 mixture of water and paint is the cat’s pajamas. The bee’s knees. The top banana, if you will."
"docid": "D933842#0",
"title": "http://hardiplank.org/how-to-install-hardi-plank-siding/\nHow To Install Hardi Plank Siding?",
"text": "How To Install Hardi Plank Siding?2010/11/14 by admin · 20 Comments Hardiplank or Hardiboard is the same as fiber cement siding. It’s proven to be the most sturdy and weather-resistant siding material available these days for residential and commercial applications. It remains unaffected by insects and pests, can bear large temperature variations, and never rots or warps because of moisture or water. Its fire resistant properties further encourage its use as a safe and viable construction material. When you order Hardiplank siding, it is delivered in standard sheets or in pre-cut strips. The strips are generally used for trim corners, soffits and eave linings. Most of the siding work uses sheets that you can cut to size at home. However, it’s important to use proper tools for cutting fiber cement siding, as the sturdiness of Hardiplank could damage the ordinary tools. You can get the special-purpose tools meant for cutting fiber cement siding from your local hardware store. These tools facilitate the process of cutting and you can save your present cutting tools from getting damaged."
"docid": "D3028258#0",
"title": "https://sawdustgirl.com/installing-pergo-laminate-flooring/\nPergo â Installation Laminate Flooring",
"text": "Sandra December 12, 2015Pergo – Installation Laminate Flooring Share 1 Pin 22 Tweet +1 Stumble23I’m installing Pergo in my loft craft room . It took about an hour to remove the old carpeting. Then it took about four hours to complete installing laminate flooring. Pergo is easy to clean and resists scratches. It is a floating floor so you don’t need a flooring nailer to install it. The tongue and groove click together for easy installation. You will need a miter saw to cut your flooring to the proper length. A table saw or circular saw will come in handy for ripping the planks to width when you come to the end run. Of course you’ll want to follow the manufacturer installation instructions for up to date instructions on your specific flooring. Here’s how I installed my Pergo flooring."
"docid": "D3056891#0",
"title": "http://www.diychatroom.com/f19/hardiplank-install-using-dewalt-roofing-nailer-149744/\n.",
"text": "\"07-09-2012, 09:56 PM # 1Pittsville Maryland Join Date: Jan 2011Location: Eastern Shore, MDPosts: 413 Rewards Points: 250View Pittsville's Album Hardiplank Install using Dewalt Roofing Nailer Very specific question regarding the installation of Hardiplank lap siding. Who has successfully installed this product using a Dewalt D51321 coil roofing nailer? What compressor output pressure? What length nail? ( Assuming 3/8\"\" furring over top of 7/16\"\" OSB sheathing)Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links DIYChat Room.com Advertisement07-09-2012, 11:19 PM # 2joecaption Member Join Date: Nov 2011Location: Hartfield VAPosts: 35,361 Rewards Points: 15,860View joecaption's Album Why the furing strips? Last time I look at the install manual on Hardee plank it said it needed to be installed over a soild surface. I tryed roofing nails and 1/2 the time the gun jambed or the nails bent. I bought a Bostich siding nailer and it works perfect. Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links DIYChat Room.com Advertisement07-09-2012, 11:39 PM # 3Pittsville Maryland Join Date: Jan 2011Location: Eastern Shore, MDPosts: 413 Rewards Points: 250View Pittsville's Album Quote: Originally Posted by joecaption Why the furing strips? Last time I look at the install manual on Hardee plank it said it needed to be installed over a soild surface."
"docid": "D1694404#0",
"title": "http://www.hgtv.com/design/rooms/kitchens/how-to-install-hardwood-flooring-in-a-kitchen\nHow to Install Hardwood Flooring in a Kitchen",
"text": "How to Install Hardwood Flooring in a Kitchen Installing hardwood flooring in a kitchen is a great option because it lasts a long time. The experts show how to install fold and lock hardwood flooring material. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email Related To: Hardwood Flooring Flooring Hardwood Materials and Supplies Wood Kitchen Flooring Kitchens Materials and Tools:laminate flooring transition fitting carpet pad roofing felt scissors finish nailer tape measure rubber mallet miter saw1. Follow these tips before installation: Use fold and lock laminate floor. Running the hardwood boards perpendicular to floor joists prevents them from sagging in the future. Leave a 3/8-inch gap between the walls and the flooring to aid in installation. You can cover this gap later with trim. Leave the hardwood flooring material in the house for 10 to 14 days to acclimate to the room's environment. This will limit the amount of natural expanding and contracting the flooring will go through in its lifetime.2. If the original floor isn't level, use a self-leveling flooring system."
"docid": "D1131321#0",
"title": "https://www.lowes.com/projects/build-and-remodel/install-a-solid-hardwood-floor/project\nHow to Install a Solid Hardwood Floor",
"text": "How to Install Solid Hardwood Floors Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:09Tools & Materials Tools Pneumatic Flooring Nailer Drill with Drill Bits Drill Bits Materials Hardwood Flooring and Accessories Floor Moulding and Transitions View All Tools & Materials Product costs, availability and item numbers may vary online or by market. Missing anything? Shop Online About Solid Hardwood Flooring Solid hardwood flooring has a rich, attractive appearance that adds value and style to your home. It's considered mostly for installation in the living room, the kitchen, bedroom and dining room. Good to Know When buying hardwood flooring, carefully consider whether or not your manufacturer offers a warranty. A lifetime warranty, as defined by the manufacturer, is key when shopping for a solid hardwood floor. Before You Install Solid Hardwood Flooring First, make sure your subfloor is level and your hardwood flooring is acclimated to the room’s humidity and temperature according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. To learn how to do this, watch Prepping Plywood Subfloors. Caution You cannot use a glue-down installation method with solid hardwood flooring."
"docid": "D1357033#0",
"title": "http://abeautifulmess.com/2014/08/reconfiguring-existing-cabinets-for-a-fresh-look.html\nReconfiguring Existing Cabinets for a Fresh Look",
"text": "\"8/18Reconfiguring Existing Cabinets for a Fresh Look Before/After, D. I. Y. Project, Epic Projects (Advanced), Home Decor, Kitchen By Mandi Johnson Hi, guys! It's Mandiwith another installment of our kitchen renovation series. When we first moved into our house, I would just stare at the wasted, open space above our cabinets and scream (inside my head), \"\"WHY?!\"\" The extensions on the sides of the cupboards that went all the way to the ceiling didn't make any sense and gave the appearance of the cupboards being unfinished. Perhaps they were unfinished. Who knows? So from day one I had been considering how we could change up our cabinet arrangement without getting new cupboards. After mulling over myinspiration kitchens, I knew I liked the idea of open shelving, but definitely knew better than doing our whole kitchen that way. ( Hello, stained Tupperware and Minnie Mouse sippy cups!) I need hidden storage in my life."
"docid": "D2251423#0",
"title": "http://www.qualitysmith.com/request/article/james-hardie-cement-fiber-siding-prices/\nJames Hardie Cement Fiber Siding prices",
"text": "James Hardie Cement Fiber Siding prices Tags: siding, install wood or fiber-cement siding, James Hardie siding, cement fiber siding, install siding, siding prices, siding costs, siding contractor, siding estimates James Hardie fiber cement siding products are among the most popular in the world, and price is only one reason why. Do you like this article? Tweet Quality Siding Services Where do you need Siding services? Go Where do you need Siding services? Go Featured in For years, vinyl, wood and aluminum siding were the primary options for homeowners looking to install siding on a house. In recent years, fiber-cement siding has emerged as a strong contender and James Hardie cement fiber siding prices are one reason why this line of products has a strong and loyal following. James Hardie makes three main lines of fiber cement siding: Hardie Plank® -- this siding resembles traditional lap siding like the siding you might find on historic homes. The thin pieces sit horizontally on the walls, and you can choose from several different colors. Hardie Plank® siding comes with a 30-year warranty from the manufacturer. Hardie Shingle® -- if you like the look of cedar shingles but don't want to worry about maintenance, this is the choice for you."
"docid": "D577268#0",
"title": "http://www.jameshardie.com/Products/HardiePlank-Lap-Siding\nHardiePlank® Lap Siding",
"text": "\"1 / 4Hardie Plank® Lap Siding SELECT CEDARMILLMountain Sage More Color Plus® Technology colors are available near you…Request a Sample Product Catalog Pdf Warranty & Install Info Hardie Plank® Lap Siding Traditional and timeless. Sleek and strong. Hardie Plank® lap siding is not just our best-selling product—it’s the most popular brand of siding in North America, protecting and beautifying more homes from coast to coast. All styles are Engineered for Climate® and come primed, or with baked-on Color Plus® Technology. Our full spectrum of brilliant colors and natural-looking textures provides plenty of options for designing a classic house in any style.1 / 3Hardie Plank® Lap Siding SELECT CEDARMILLOur natural cedar look has a soft texture that mimics wood. Design Advice: A great choice for historic homes, mountain chalets, woodsy retreats and ranch houses Product Catalog Pdf1 / 3Hardie Plank® Lap Siding SMOOTHYou can’t go wrong with this simple, clean look. Design Advice: Try it on ranches or breezy coastal homes Product Catalog Pdf1 / 3Hardie Plank® Lap Siding BEADED CEDARMILLInspired by coastal communities, this siding style is brimming with charm. Design Advice: Works great on cottages, bungalows and homes with lots of personality Product Catalog Pdf1 / 3Hardie Plank® Lap Siding BEADED SMOOTHA beaded edge adds a tailored touch to the smooth, modern board. Design Advice: Perfect for newer construction that wants to feel cozier and more traditional, and quaint cottages with a modern twist Product Catalog Pdf It's little known that Hardie Plank siding products are actually more durable than most traditional masonry products in a hot humid climate like ours. Peter Pfeiffer is a founding Principal of the architectural firm of Barley + Pfeiffer Architects and has specialized in \"\"Sustainable\"\" building practices since 1987."
"docid": "D2370785#0",
"title": "http://www.contractortalk.com/f33/hardi-plank-gun-10165/index2/\n.",
"text": "\"Hardi Plank Gun? Page 2 of 3 < 1 2 3 >Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes07-30-2006, 11:59 AM # 21majunlicensed hack Trade: wood butcher Join Date: Mar 2006Location: North Pole Posts: 1,087 Rewards Points: 500Re: Hardi Plank Gun? Quote: Originally Posted by mattp I've got 40sq of siding to install most of it 2 story on a gable, dormer, or rake. I don't own a siding gun, I do have a bostich roofing gun. Should I just hand drive the nails or would it be worth the purchase to buy a gun. If so what gun do you recommend Haven't you read this thread? DON\"\"T hand nail fiber-cement! You could use a roofing nailer with 1 3/4\"\" nails, but like mentioned here, some manu's won't warranty the product. The siding nailer will cost approx. $350."
"docid": "D663709#0",
"title": "https://texashomeexteriors.com/james-hardie-siding-hardieplank-best-siding-for-fire-resistance-in-houston-southeast-texas-homes/\nâHardiePlankâ Great Siding Option For Fire Resistance",
"text": "“Hardie Plank” Great Siding Option For Fire Resistance Posted on March 20, 2014 by kapitanthesidingman James Hardie fiber cement Siding is resistant to fires from a side wall entrance perspective. Best Siding For Fire Resistance James Hardie Siding (Hardie Plank siding) made from fiber cement is a great option for the Houston Texas metro area for a fire resistance siding to use on the outside of your home. Concrete Center shows that Fiber cement is fire resistant due to the fact that it is a siding product that is concrete based and has incredible resistance to igniting. The fiber cement siding manufactured by James Hardie is recommended across the country for any are prone to fire and homeowners that want extreme fire resistance to the side walls of their home. Berkeley College Siding Study The University of California Berkeley College Berkeley Fire Center has done an incredible study on fires and the resistance of a siding product to fire delay or stop fire completely from entering a siding wall of any structure. As we, Texas Home Exteriors, are out in the field bidding siding jobs for TX homeowners, we are often asked the question: “what siding option do you recommend as the best fire resistant siding ?” I find myself instantly answering with the same response for some time now that is, “James Hardie, Hardie Plank Siding” is the best for Fire Resistance. Fiber cement siding, like Hardie, has great resistance to fire due to the cement like properties of the siding products. Southeast Texas Metro Area As many Houstonians know, here it southeast Texas it can get stifling hot in the summer months and can even linger around for what seems like months with no end. We also experience times of drought to the point that our Texas lakes water levels drop due to what the US Geological Survey calls water cycle evaporation."
"docid": "D638417#0",
"title": "http://www.johnbridge.com/vbulletin/archive/index.php/t-1400.html\n.",
"text": "\"Ceramic Tile Advice Forums - John Bridge Ceramic Tile > Tile & Stone Forums > Professionals' Hangout > Haribacker -vs- Durock PDAView Full Version : Haribacker -vs- Durock KLTINGLEY 02-07-2002, 04:37 AMMy question is there any documentation about the durabilty of 1/4\"\" hardibacker -vs- 1/2\"\" durock. I have been using both material and was curious about haribacker only being 1/4\"\" thick -vs- durock at 1/2\"\". I am looking for some opinions on this matter. I have checked consumer reports, but they do not list either product. I like using haribacker since it is lighter and easier to lay on floors. Thank You kltingley Sponsored Links Rob Z 02-07-2002, 06:19 AMDurock is available in 5/16\"\" thickness, as well. In my opinion, all of these backer boards are good products. I use Utilicrete because it does test out with higher specs than any of the other brands and it doesn't cost any more than the others. When I don't have any Utilicrete, I use Wonderboard or Durock with confidence. I haven't used Hardibacker, because it isn't readily available here (except at some HD's)."
"docid": "D460153#0",
"title": "http://www.diyadvice.com/diy/roofing/install-shingles/three-tab/\nHow to Install Three-Tab Roof Shingles",
"text": "BHG.com Home Improvement Home Exteriors Roofs How to Install Three-Tab Roof Shingles Learn the techniques and workflow for laying the most common type of shingle, the 3-tab asphalt shingle. Pin Facebook Twitter Google Plus Email Print The 3-tab asphalt shingle, also called a composition or fiberglass shingle, is the most common type of shingle. Other composition shingles, such as architectural and random cutouts, are installed using most of the same techniques. Check with your roofing dealer to learn about any installation differences. Three-tab shingles are usually 36 inches long; each tab is 12 inches. They are designed to be installed with a 5-inch reveal. Some roofers install shingles so the cutout lines describe a slight angle as you look from the bottom to the top of the roof. However, most people prefer the cutout lines to be aligned so they make straight vertical lines. This section shows how to install shingles using the racking method. A pneumatic nail gun makes quick work of fastening shingles."
"docid": "D1863496#0",
"title": "http://www.mycarpentry.com/patio-cover-plans.html\nPatio Cover Plans",
"text": "\"Patio Cover Plans These patio cover plans describe how I built my own patio cover. There are many ways to build a patio cover; every situation is different. These plans are intended to provide you with some useful insight, while you are designing and building a patio cover for your own home. Assumptions and Considerations Before building this patio cover, it is assumed that you already have a patio slab or deck that you are wanting to cover. Our house came with a 10' x 10' patio slab. We extended ours to make it approximately 10' x 20'. These patio cover plans assume that the existing structure is capable of supporting a new patio cover roof in the manner described below. If you have any doubts, you should consult a structural engineer. Special note: These plans are not intended to replace engineered working drawings. Local building codes can vary significantly among the regions."
"docid": "D862194#0",
"title": "http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r29300740-Removing-and-Preventing-Green-Algae-On-Siding\nHome Improvement â Removing and Preventing Green Algae On Siding",
"text": "\"pende_tim Premium Member join:2004-01-04 Andover, NJ205.2 106.7Removing and Preventing Green Algae On Siding Is there any easy way to remove, what I can best describe as a green algae, from yellow Hardy Board siding? This seems to grow mostly on the North side of a house. The green can be removed with a pot brush, elbow grease, water, bleach, and a bit of Tide rather easily at ground level. The problem is there are some sections that need cleaning that are 15 ft from the ground. While it could be done with a ladder, brush and solution I was looking for am easy way to remove it from ground level. As a follow on question, is there anything that could be periodically sprayed on the siding that would prevent this from growing again? I am looking for something that will remove the \"\"green\"\" and not affect the yellow finish on the cement board.actions · 2014-Jun-6 5:31 pm ·Jack_in_VA Premium Member join:2007-11-26 North, VA1 edit Deletedactions · 2014-Jun-6 5:35 pm ·pende_tim Premium Member join:2004-01-04 Andover, NJThanks, Jack. I was hoping to avoid pressure washing.actions · 2014-Jun-6 5:42 pm ·Deanskijoin:2009-09-30 Norwalk, CTto pende_tim20-james-har···ance.pdf143,913 bytes DO NOT PRESSURE WASH HARDIE!!! You need to use a low pressure and brush! If you do pressure wash, you will damage the Hardie siding!"
] |
307 | +what year did theodore become president | [
"docid": "D2656673#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_year_did_Theodore_Roosevelt_become_President\nHow old was Theodore Roosevelt when he become president?",
"text": "USCitizen 477,196 Contributions How old was Theodore Roosevelt when he become president? He was 43. Why did Theodore roosevelt want to become president?because he loved helping others. . J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia How did Theodore Roosevelt become President? Theodore Roosevelt became nationally prominent for his exploits inthe Spanish American War and was elected Vice President in the 1900election. When William Mc Kinley was shot a …How did Theodore roosevelt become president in 1901? Theodore Roosevelt became President in 1901 when President William Mc Kinley was assassinated that year. Roosevelt became the 26th President of the United States. Armoryhistorian 4,374 Contributions When did Theodore Roosevelt become vice President? Theodore Roosevelt was elected the Vice-President of President William Mc Kinley on Election Day in November of 1900."
] | [
"docid": "D2093633#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0740485/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Theodore Roosevelt Biography Showing all 110 items Jump to: Overview (5) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (2) | Trade Mark (3) | Trivia (75) | Personal Quotes (24)Overview (5)Born October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York, USADied January 6, 1919 in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, USA (coronary embolism)Birth Name Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Nicknames The Happy Warrior The Trust Buster The Rough Rider The Old Lion Telescope Teddy The Meddler The Hero of San Juan Hill The Man on Horseback Haroun-al-Roosevelt The Bull Moose The Great White Chief The Driving Force Four Eyes The Dynamo of Power T. R. Teddy Height 5' 10\"\" (1.78 m)Mini Bio (1)Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York, USA as Theodore Roosevelt Jr. He was a writer and producer, known for Arena (2016), Simple Gifts (1977) and Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation (1917). He was married to Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt and Alice Hathaway Lee. He died on January 6, 1919 in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. Spouse (2)Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt ( 2 December 1886 - 6 January 1919) (his death) (5 children)Alice Hathaway Lee ( 27 October 1880 - 14 February 1884) (her death) (1 child)Trade Mark (3)Round Spectacles Moustache Known for His love of Physical Activities and His active Lifestyle Trivia (75)His first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt, and his mother, Martha Stewart \"\"Mittie\"\" Bulloch Roosevelt, both died on the same day, February 14, 1884, eleven hours apart. Alice died two days after giving birth to their first child, Alice Lee Roosevelt, of a combination of child birth and kidney disease, and Mittie died due to Typhoid Fever. In his personal diary, on that day, he wrote a large X, and one sentence, \"\"The light has gone out of my life\"\". Born at 3am-LMTTwenty-sixth president of the United States of America. Called the Father of the Teddy Bear. Youngest President of the United States, being sworn in at age 42 years, 322 days. Second youngest was John F. Kennedy, who was sworn in at age 43 years, 236 days."
"docid": "D1707952#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/history/big-stick-theodore-roosevelt-s-quote-african-proverb-speak-softly-carry-big-stick-f2f4f91916d0797c\n\"What Is the \"\"big Stick\"\" in Theodore Roosevelt's Quote From an African Proverb: \"\"Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Stick\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"History Modern History US History Q: What Is the \"\"big Stick\"\" in Theodore Roosevelt's Quote From an African Proverb: \"\"Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Stick\"\"? A: Quick Answer The big stick, in the phrase \"\"Speak softly and carry a big stick\"\" refers to the ability to use violence or force if necessary. The phrase is supposed to encourage people to avoid aggression by using caution but also to have a weapon at the ready. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Was Theodore Roosevelt's Policy of Big Stick Diplomacy? Who Was Theodore Roosevelt? What Did Theodore Roosevelt Do? Credit: Jason Colston Lonely Planet Images Getty Images Full Answer The phrase was popularized by Theodore Roosevelt who wrote it in a letter to Henry S. Prague on January 26, 1900. Roosevelt states that the origins of the phrase stem from West Africa, although that has not been confirmed. The full quote from Roosevelt's letter states, \"\"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. \"\" Learn more about US History Sources: phrases.org.uk Related Questions Q: What Are Some Facts About Theodore Roosevelt?"
"docid": "D2179330#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_tall_was_theodore_roosevelt\nWho was Theodore Roosevelt?",
"text": "\"Cataclysmic Beefstick 7,259 Contributions Who was Theodore Roosevelt? Theodore \"\"Teddy\"\" Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. He conserved more land area, over 150 Million acres, as President, which is more than any other person …Oldxxxgeezer 1,974 Contributions Who is Theodore Roosevelt? Theodore Roosevelt was the president of the US from 1901 to 1909. His father was Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and one of his sons was Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. About Theodore Roosevelt? Theodore Roosevelt was born in October of 1858. He graduated from Harvard and Columbia and served in the United States Army prior tobecoming the 26th President of the United St …J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia Are Theodore Roosevelt Jr and Theodore Roosevelt the same person? Not exactly."
"docid": "D3319385#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/history/theodore-roosevelt-s-big-stick-diplomacy-f50c3bfa36c89307\nWhat Was Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy?",
"text": "\"History Modern History US History Q: What Was Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy? A: Quick Answer Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick diplomacy was his policy for international relations during his presidency. The diplomacy received its famous moniker from a quote during a speech by Roosevelt: \"\"Speak softly, and carry a big stick. \"\" Continue Reading Keep Learning What Are Some Negative Things That Theodore Roosevelt Did? What Was Theodore Roosevelt's Policy of Big Stick Diplomacy? What Did Theodore Roosevelt Do? Full Answer Big Stick diplomacy essentially meant that leaders should strive to keep peace internally while never letting other nations doubt the military power of the United States. Roosevelt put this policy to use several times during his presidency, including when he amended the Monroe Doctrine during the Venezuela crisis. This amendment meant that the U. S. would become involved in Latin America's affairs with its neighbors if they defaulted on European debt. Roosevelt applied his policy again during the crisis in the Panama Canal and Cuba."
"docid": "D19579#0",
"title": "http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/History/presidents/Presidents_26_Roosevelt.htm\n.",
"text": "\"�Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th US President (1901-1909) after the assassination of President William Mc Kinley. Nicknamed Teddy, he was one of the most popular and important Presidents ever to serve in the Chief Executive Office. A hero in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, his foreign policy was summed up in the phrase \"\"Speak softly and carry a big stick.\"\" The Panama Canal was built during his tenure in the White House. Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 into a prosperous Dutch New York City family. As a child he was sickly, suffering from asthma and poor eyesight. He exercised vigorously to improve his health and increase his body strength. He was a man of hearty enthusiasm and was devoted to physical fitness. When he was pleased he would say \"\"Bully!\"\" Roosevelt enjoyed big game hunting, and toy makers created the teddy bear after a cartoonist drew Roosevelt with a bear cub."
"docid": "D1184018#0",
"title": "http://www.manythings.org/voa/history/149.html\nPresident Roosevelt Decides to Build the Panama Canal",
"text": "\"www.manythings.org/voa/history<= Back [ Program 149 ] Next =>President Roosevelt Decides to Build the Panama Canal Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Speed:75%100%125%150%175%200%Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link. ) THE MAKING OF A NATION – a program in Special English by the Voice of America. Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States in 1901. He firmly believed in expanding American power in the world. To do this, he wanted a strong navy. And he wanted a way for the navy to sail quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Roosevelt decided to build that waterway. I'm Maurice Joyce. Today, Richard Rael and I tell the story of the Panama Canal."
"docid": "D534868#0",
"title": "https://www.nps.gov/thri/theodorerooseveltbio.htm\nThe Life of Theodore Roosevelt",
"text": "\"The Life of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt John Singer Sargent (1858-1919)Theodore Roosevelt was born at 28 East 20th Street, New York City on October 27, 1858. He was the second child of Theodore and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt. His father was a glass importer and one of New York City's leading philanthropists. His mother was a southerner who never really adjusted to living north of the Mason-Dixon Line. The new baby also had an older sister Anna, and later, a younger brother Elliott and a younger sister Corinne would follow. Theodore's nickname as a child was \"\"Teedie.\"\" Although he was frequently ill with chronic asthma attacks, Teedie enjoyed an active childhood filled with intellectual pursuits. He loved both books and the outdoors and combined these interests in the study of nature. It did not even occur to him that the ever-present odor of the dead specimens (such as mice, birds, fish and snakes) did nothing to increase his popularity among his family and friends. In the 1860s, Teedie's household was turned upside down by the Civil War."
"docid": "D1554713#0",
"title": "http://www.mastermason.com/roosevelt/history_roosevelt.htm\n.",
"text": "\"The History of Theodore Roosevelt Lodge #322Theodore Roosevelt The Man The following article is a reproduction of an article from The Short Talk Bulletin November, 2000, Vol. 78, No. 11THE SHORT TALK BULLETINPublished monthly by the Masonic Service Association of North America, 8120 Fenton Street, Silver Springs, Maryland 20910-4785. Tel: (301) 588-4010, under the auspices of its member Grand Jurisdiction. Masonic publications are invited to reproduce, extract, copy, or reprint the contents of this Bulletin, provided that the source be indicated and that the M. S. A. be provided with courtesy copies of the reprinted materials. THE MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICASilver Spring, Maryland 20910-4785Tel: 301-588-4010Fax: 301-608-3457E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.msana.com THEODORE ROOSEVELTby: Robert Morris Bro. Robert Morris is Secretary of Manchester Lodge, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Manchester, MA., and a member of the TROWEL Staff, a publication of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. This STB was taken from an article published in TROWEL, Volume 17, Number 3, Fall, 1999 and is reprinted with permission._ Editor In 1927, the renowned sculptor, John Guttzon Borglum, began his magnum opus, the greatest sculptural project of all time, on the granite face of Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, whereon he carved the mammoth faces of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt."
"docid": "D2681825#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/persuasive-essay-urging-president-wilson-to-stay-neutral-in-ww1-page1.html\n\"\"\"Persuasive Essay Urging President Wilson To Stay Neutral In Ww1\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"Persuasive Essay Urging President Wilson To Stay Neutral In Ww1think that the foundation of getting a good job is the education you get in the first 20-25 years of your life. School does not only teach subjects like English, Math, History, or Science, but it also lets us meet new people and build good character. Stay in school, because it will help you meet new people, build good character, and will also get you to a job that you will love. A lot of jobs in today’s society require you to talk to and meet new people. For example, if you are a teacher, you need... College, Educational stages, Employment 942 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Woodrow Wilson - A Controversial President Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States during World War One, is known as one of the most controversial presidents in American history. While some might claim that he is among the greatest presidents this country has ever had, others will argue that he is among the worst. How can one man, in his eight years as president, create so much controversy? A \"\"war to end all wars\"\" and all that comes along with it can do that to a man. As a result of the political and social changes that were occurring... Mexico, President of the United States, Treaty of Versailles 932 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Persuasive Essay Persuasive Essay Ryan Murphy COMM/215 March 6, 2013 Gary Christiansen Persuasive Essay Sequester, what is it? How did we get here?"
"docid": "D2092492#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_wives_did_Theodore_Roosevelt_have\nHow many wives did Theodore Roosevelt have?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt How many wives did Theodore Roosevelt have? Flag How many wives did Theodore Roosevelt have? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Two - Alice Hathaway Lee and later Edith Kermit Carow. Alice died in February, 1884. TR married his childhood friend Edith Carow in late 1886. '' I loved them both so very much,'' TR said.14 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Casey Ison 13 Contributions How many pets did Theodore Roosevelt have?400How many years did Theodore Roosevelt serve? T heodore Roosevelt served as president for 8 years and almost nine if you read his books. And if my work is right he was married twice and for a girl who is still in element …Tay027 58 Contributions How many siblings does Theodore Roosevelt have?"
"docid": "D1611541#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_new_political_party_did_Theodore_Roosevelt_create\nWhat new political party did Theodore Roosevelt create?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt What new political party did Theodore Roosevelt create? Flag What new political party did Theodore Roosevelt create? Answer by J. P. Helm Confidence votes 112KRetired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia It was called both the Progressive Party and the Bull Moose Party. He formed it in 1912 after he failed to get the Republican nomination for president. He beat the Republican candidate, William Howard Taft, but lost to Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Added together Roosevelt and Taft had more than enough votes to win over Wilson.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Mikestone8 1,179 Contributions What party did Theodore Roosevelt belong to? Theodore Roosevelt served as US President from 1901-1909 as a Republican. In 1912 he bolted the party and ran as a \"\"Progressive\"\" or \"\" Bull Moose\"\" candidate,Samantha Holt 2 Contributions Why was Theodore Roosevelt into politics?his family J. P. Helm Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia What political party did Theodore Roosevelt belong to? Theodore Roosevelt was a member of the Republican Party until 1912."
"docid": "D2591412#0",
"title": "http://www.historynet.com/eleanor-roosevelt\nEleanor Roosevelt",
"text": "\"Eleanor Roosevelt Information and Articles About Eleanor Roosevelt, afamous women In history Eleanor Roosevelt Facts Born Born October 11, 1884Died Died November 7, 1962Spouse Franklin Delano Roosevelt: 32nd President of The United States In Office March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945Accomplishments Writer, Activist, First Lady Children Anna Eleanor James Elliott Franklin John Eleanor Roosevelt Articles Explore articles from the History Net archives about Eleanor Roosevelt» See all Eleanor Roosevelt Articles Eleanor Roosevelt summary: Eleanor Roosevelt was a writer, activist, and wife of 32nd United States President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Using her intellect and influence, she redefined what it meant to be a female member of the upper echelons of society, First Lady of New York, First Lady of the United States, and ultimately she expanded the role of women in society. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born October 11, 1884, to Elliot Roosevelt, brother of future president Theodore Roosevelt, and Anna Rebecca Hall, a debutant known for her height and beauty. Eleanor, as she was known, was the oldest of three children—brother Elliot was born in 1889, brother Gracie \"\"Hall\"\" was born in 1891. Her father was independently wealthy and never held a salaried position, though he was listed as a partner in a real estate firm, had a brief stint in mine development, and was a big game hunter. He was also an alcoholic and was institutionalized for treatment several times during Eleanor’s childhood. She was a shy, serious child, made to feel very self-conscious of her looks. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Education Eleanor began her education at the age of 7 by being privately tutored in her New York home. She was placed in a convent school in Italy briefly during a family trip to Europe in 1890—her mother and brother Elliot lived in Italy while her father was in an asylum in France being treated for alcoholism. The family returned to the United States in 1891, but her parents remained estranged."
"docid": "D1072525#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/10234995/ap-us-unit-7-populism-and-progressivism-flash-cards/\nAP US Unit 7 (Populism and Progressivism)",
"text": "\"79 terms maf23AP US Unit 7 (Populism and Progressivism)Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Grover Cleveland the 22nd and 24th President of the United States; the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms (1885-1889 and 1893-1897) and therefore is the only individual to be counted twice in the numbering of the presidents. He was the winner of the popular vote for president three times—in 1884, 1888, and 1892—and was the only Democrat elected to the presidency in the era of Republican political domination that lasted from 1861 to 1913; won a second term in 1892, with the major parties challenged, especially at the state level, by the POPULIST PARTY; His handling of the PULLMAN STRIKE (1894) earned Cleveland the enmity of labor unions and lost him the industrial working class vote People's (Populist) Party a short-lived political party in the United States established in 1891 during the Populist movement (United States, 19th Century). It was most important in 1892-96, then rapidly faded away. Based among poor, white cotton farmers in the South (especially North Carolina, Alabama, and Texas) and hard-pressed wheat farmers in the plains states (especially Kansas and Nebraska), it represented a radical crusading form of agrarianism and hostility to banks, railroads, and elites generally. It sometimes formed coalitions with labor unions, and in 1896 the Democrats endorsed their presidential nominee, William Jennings Bryan. Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890) enacted on July 14, 1890 as a United States federal law. It was named after its author, Senator John Sherman, an Ohio Republican, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. While not authorizing the free and unlimited coinage of silver that the Free Silver supporters wanted, it increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase every month; Cleveland vetoed it during Panic of 1893; farmers got angry Grange Movement AKA National Grange, a fraternal organization for American farmers that encourages farm families to band together for their common economic and political well-being."
"docid": "D1470201#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/In_what_year_was_President_Roosevelt_elected\nIn what year was President Roosevelt elected?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States US Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt In what year was President Roosevelt elected? Flag In what year was President Roosevelt elected? Answer by Don Dfoofnik Confidence votes 231KThere are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. Theodore Roosevelt (26th President) Theodore Roosevelt was elected Vice President in 1900 for the second term of William Mc Kinley. When Mc Kinley died on September 14, 1901, Roosevelt became President. He successfully ran for re-election in 1904. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President) Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, and served as President from March 4, 1933 until his death on April 12, 1945. His four electoral victories and 12 years in office are the most for any US President. ( The 22nd Amendment now limits Presidents to a total of 8 to 10 years in office. ) 4 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D492361#0",
"title": "http://www.conservapedia.com/Theodore_Roosevelt\nTheodore Roosevelt",
"text": "\"navigation search Theodore Roosevelt26th President of the United States From: September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909 [1]Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks (1901-1905)Predecessor William Mc Kinley Successor William Howard Taft25th Vice President of the United States From: March 4, 1901 – March 4, 1801President William Mc Kinley Predecessor Garret Hobart Successor Charles W. Fairbanks33rd Governor of New York From: January 1, 1899 – December 31, 1900Lieutenant Timothy Lester Woodruff Predecessor Frank Swett Black Successor Benjamin Barker Odell, Jr. Former Deputy United States Secretary of the Navy From: April 19, 1897 – May 10, 1898President William Mc Kinley, Jr. Predecessor William Mc Adoo Successor Charles Herbert Allen Information Party Republican Spouse (s) Alice Hathaway Lee Edith Kermit Carow Religion Dutch Reformed Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States of America, 1901–1909, leader of the Republican party and (in 1912–16) the Progressive Party. Roosevelt is best known for his remarkable personality and commitment to democratic process. He was strongly committed to law and order, active leadership, civic duty and individual self-responsibility; he was more concerned with the process of change than its direction. A strong and vigorous man both personally and in politics, it was through Roosevelt that the world identified America with cowboy values of courage, initiative and hardiness while it watched Roosevelt expand American influence in world affairs. Roosevelt enlarged the presidency because he made it a \"\"bully pulpit\"\" for national uplift and inspiration. He preached as much as he politicked. He felt responsible for the well-being and morals of the whole country. He set an example of how a large, strenuous life could be led, and he invited others to renew their energies and apply them to public causes. He strongly endorsed motherhood and criticized women who had careers while neglecting motherhood. [ 2]In the contest between conservation and environmentalism, Roosevelt supported the conservation and optimum use of natural resources and opposed the environmentalists of the day, such as John Muir ."
"docid": "D966885#0",
"title": "http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1590.html\nEleanor Roosevelt",
"text": "\"Eleanor Roosevelt\"\"What other single human being has touched and transformed the existence of so many? She walked in the slums and ghettos of the world, not on a tour of inspection, but as one who could not feel contentment when others were hungry. \"\"— Adlai E. Stevenson Eleanor Roosevelt has been called one of the 20th century's most influential women. She was a wife, mother, teacher, first lady of New York, first lady of the country, newspaper columnist, author, world traveler, diplomat, and seasoned politician. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in New York. She had two younger brothers — Elliott Jr. and Gracie Hall. Never close to her mother, also named Anna, Eleanor was doted upon by her father, Elliott — the younger brother of Theodore Roosevelt. He was an alcoholic and his behavior was erratic. Elliott was committed to a mental institution when Anna was eight years old. Not long afterward, her mother died suddenly of diphtheria."
"docid": "D3279705#0",
"title": "https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/a-23-2006-01-25-voa2-83129282/125944.html\nPresident Roosevelt Decides to Build the Panama Canal",
"text": "\" (MUSIC)VOICE ONE: THE MAKING OF A NATION -- a program in Special English by the Voice of America. ( MUSIC)Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States in nineteen-oh-one. He firmly believed in expanding American power in the world. To do this, he wanted a strong navy. And he wanted a way for the navy to sail quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Roosevelt decided to build that waterway. I'm Maurice Joyce. Today, Richard Rael and I tell the story of the Panama Canal. VOICE TWO: For many years, people had dreamed of building a canal across central America to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The most likely place was at the thinnest point of land: Panama."
"docid": "D2018003#0",
"title": "http://www.biography.com/people/william-howard-taft-9501184\nWilliam Howard Taft Biography",
"text": "\"Quick Facts Name William Howard Taft Occupation Supreme Court Justice, U. S. President, Academic Birth Date September 15, 1857Death Date March 8, 1930Education Yale College, University of Cincinnati College of Law Place of Birth Cincinnati, Ohio Place of Death Washington, D. C. AKAWilliam H. Taft William Taft Nickname\"\"Big Lub\"\"\"\"Old Bill\"\"Full Name William Howard Taft Cite This Page IN THESE GROUPSFamous People Born in United States Famous People Who Died in 1930Famous People Born on September 15Famous Virgoans Show All Groupsquotes“No tendency is quite so strong in human nature as the desire to lay down rules of conduct for other people. ”—William Howard Taft William Howard Taft Biography Supreme Court Justice, U. S. President, Academic (1857–1930)508SHARESWilliam Howard Taft, the 27th president of the United States, fulfilled a lifelong dream when he was appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court, becoming the only person to have served as both a U. S. chief justice and president. Synopsis William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 15, 1857. From a prominent political family, he followed his forebears into law and was on track to be a career jurist, well on his way to his dream job of sitting on the Supreme Court, when he was sidetracked for a term as the 27th U. S. president by his wife and Theodore Roosevelt. Taft finally achieved his dream of being appointed chief justice of the U. S. Supreme Court in 1921, becoming the only person to have served both as a chief justice and president. Taft died in Washington, D. C., on March 8, 1930. Early Life William Howard Taft, born on September 15, 1857, in Cincinnati, Ohio, was one of six children of Louisa Maria Torrey and Alphonso Taft. Many Taft ancestors, who could be traced back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, had gone into law, including William's father, Alphonso Taft. Alphonso Taft had served under President Ulysses S. Grant as both secretary of war and attorney general, and as an ambassador under President Chester A. Arthur. Taft went to private school and, like his father, attended Yale College."
"docid": "D555753#0",
"title": "http://www.beatriceco.com/bti/porticus/bell/bellsystem_history.html\n.",
"text": "\"Bell System History\"\"There are two giant entities at work in our country, and they both have an amazing influence on our daily lives...one has given us radar, sonar, stereo, teletype, the transistor, hearing aids, artificial larynxes, talking movies, and the telephone. The other has given us the Civil War, the Spanish American War, the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, double-digit inflation, double digit unemployment, the Great Depression, the gasoline crisis, and the Watergate fiasco. Guess which one is now trying to tell the other one how to run its business?\"\" - This quote from Arthur P. Bloom when he was recalling a poster that was hung at various telephone co worksites, towards the end of 1983, as they (employees) all tried to prepare themselves for the \"\"solution\"\" (the pending divestiture of the Bell System). Click HERE to read the1981 \"\"Statement of Policy\"\"We Offer Personalized One-On-One Service!Call Us Today at (651) 787-DIAL (3425)CONTENTS: Introduction Article on Alexander Graham Bell Article on Theodore Vail Article titled \"\"The Bell System\"\"The Bell System: The Legacy and the Promise The American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)INTRODUCTIONThe Bell System, a.k.a. “ Ma Bell ” or simply “THE telephone company”, was not a \"\"company\"\" but rather an aggregate term for AT&T encompassing 24 Bell operating companies providing local exchange phone service, the AT&T Long Lines Division providing long distance connections, an equipment manufacturing arm known as Western Electric, and a research and development arm known as Bell Laboratories. The American Telephone and Telegraph company (known today as simply AT&T), Western Electric (which became Lucent), Bell Labs, and the 22 local Bell operating companies (which became the so-called \"\"Baby Bells”) made up a huge and complex corporate system providing telecommunications equipment and service to the majority of the people living in the US prior to divestiture. T his Bell System flag proudly flew over the Pacific Northwest Bell Building in Portland Oregon for years.- Photo courtesy of Ron Christianson of \"\" Cyber Telephone Museum \"\" website. The nation-wide Bell System network, which was described as the largest computer in the world, was the result of teamwork by people at AT&T, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Western Electric, and the local Bell Telephone companies. Close cooperation between Western Electric and Bell Laboratories engineers resulted in the introduction of countless communications products and services."
"docid": "D2208995#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_was_Roosevelts_square_deal\nWhat was Roosevelts square deal?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States What was Roosevelts square deal? Flag What was Roosevelts square deal? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The Square Deal was a program started by President Theodore Roosevelt's based on conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. Often referred to as the three C's of Roosevelt's Square Deal. Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No David royse 171 Contributions In which year did the square deal start under Theodore Roosevelt?1903Visualsnow 49 Contributions Which year did the square deal start under Theodore Roosevelt? Roosevelt first used this term to describe his economic policies in 1904.. novanet makes ur eyes bleed. What year did the Square Deal start under Theodore Roosevelt? It started in 1904."
] |
311 | +when did sam morse invent the telegraph | [
"docid": "D1474410#0",
"title": "http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraph\nMorse Code & the Telegraph",
"text": "\"Early Forms of Long-Distance Communication Before the development of the electric telegraph in the 19th century revolutionized how information was transmitted across long distances, ancient civilizations such as those in China, Egypt and Greece used drumbeats or smoke signals to exchange information between far-flung points. However, such methods were limited by the weather and the need for an uninterrupted line of sight between receptor points. These limitations also lessened the effectiveness of the semaphore, a modern precursor to the electric telegraph. Developed in the early 1790s, the semaphore consisted of a series of hilltop stations that each had large movable arms to signal letters and numbers and two telescopes with which to see the other stations. Like ancient smoke signals, the semaphore was susceptible to weather and other factors that hindered visibility. A different method of transmitting information was needed to make regular and reliable long-distance communication workable. Did You Know? SOS, the internationally recognized distress signal, does not stand for any particular words. Instead, the letters were chosen because they are easy to transmit in Morse code: \"\"S\"\" is three dots, and \"\"O\"\" is three dashes. The Electric Telegraph In the early 19th century, two developments in the field of electricity opened the door to the production of the electric telegraph."
] | [
"docid": "D3320884#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_did_samuel_morse_invent\nWhat did Samuel Morse invent?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Business and Industry Industries and Professions Telecommunications Morse Code What did Samuel Morse invent? Flag What did Samuel Morse invent? Answer by Jaron Bradley Confidence votes 27Samuel Morse is credited with the development of the modern electric telegraph, although several other inventors had competing systems, notably in England. Morse and his associate Alfred Vail invented the first Morse Code in 1844, used for the telegraph and later for radio and other simple signalling. The first demonstration message sent on a Morse telegraph line was \"\"what hath god wrought?\"\" ( Numbers 23:23), on May 24, 1844 from Washington to Baltimore. Morse also invented fire engine pumps and marble cutting machines. Samuel F. B. Morse invented practically useful electric telegraphy about 170 years ago. The telegraph was perfected by Samuel Morse. In addition to the creation of the telegraph he developed the Morse Code ... --- ... (SOS) which was important to making it a workable means of communications.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D562560#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/thomas-edison-1779841\nThomas Edison",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture Thomas Edison One of the World's Most Famous Inventors Share Flipboard Email Print American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (circa 1929). ( Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)by Patricia Daniels, Contributing Writer Updated January 18, 2018Thomas Edison was one of history's most influential inventors, whose contributions to the modern era transformed the lives of people the world over. Edison is best known for having invented the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the first motion-picture camera, and held an astonishing 1,093 patents in total. In addition to his inventions, Edison's famous laboratory in Menlo Park is considered the forerunner of the modern-day research facility. Despite Thomas Edison's incredible productivity, some consider him a controversial figure and have accused him of profiting from the ideas of other inventors. Dates: February 11, 1847 -- October 18, 1931Also Known As: Thomas Alva Edison, \"\"Wizard of Menlo Park\"\"Famous Quote: \"\"Genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration. \"\" Childhood in Ohio and Michigan Thomas Alva Edison, born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847, was the seventh and last child born to Samuel and Nancy Edison. Since three of the youngest children did not survive early childhood, Thomas Alva (known as \"\"Al\"\" as a child and later as “Tom”) grew up with one brother and two sisters. Edison's father, Samuel, had fled to the U. S. in 1837 to avoid arrest after having openly rebelled against British rule in his native Canada. Samuel eventually resettled in Milan, Ohio, where he opened a successful lumber business."
"docid": "D1269102#0",
"title": "https://classroom.synonym.com/10-invention-telegraph-8053218.html\n10 Facts About the Invention of the Telegraph",
"text": "\"Home » Classroom10 Facts About the Invention of the Telegraph By Lexa W. Lee Samuel F. B. Morse was the inventor of the telegraph. He sent the first message via his invention in May of 1844. The significance of this invention and demonstration was quickly recognized, and many commercial interests contributed to the rapid construction and spread of telegraph lines throughout the United States. Charles Thomas Jackson It was an inventor named Charles Thomas Jackson who told Samuel Finley Breese Morse in 1832 that an electric impulse could be carried along a long wire. It was this information that inspired Morse, an art professor at the University of the City of New York, to sketch his first designs of the telegraph, according to Notable Biographies. Sketches Morse's sketches showed the three major parts of the telegraph: A sender; a receiver for recording the electrical signal; and a code for translating the signal into letters and numbers for an understandable message. Morse believed that information could be transmitted this way over any distance. Alfred Vail A mechanic named Alfred Vail helped Morse further develop his ideas, according to Radio-Electronics. They formed a partnership in 1837, devised a system of dots and dashes which later became the Morse code, applied for a patent and tried to secure funding for their invention. Congressional Funding In 1843, Morse finally obtained $30,000 in funds from the U. S. Congress to build the first telegraph line, which connected Washington, D. C. and Baltimore, Maryland."
"docid": "D2133471#0",
"title": "https://www.loc.gov/collections/samuel-morse-papers/articles-and-essays/invention-of-the-telegraph/\nInvention of the Telegraph",
"text": "\"Invention of the Telegraph Long before Samuel F. B. Morse electrically transmitted his famous message 'What hath God wrought?' from Washington to Baltimore on May 24, 1844, there were signaling systems that enabled people to communicate over distances. Earlier Signal Systems Long before Samuel F. B. Morse electrically transmitted his famous message \"\"What hath God wrought?\"\" from Washington to Baltimore on May 24, 1844, there were signaling systems that enabled people to communicate over distances. Most were visual or \"\"semaphore\"\" systems using flags or lights. In the eighteenth century, such systems used an observer who would decipher a signal from a high tower on a distant hill and then send it on to the next station. The young American republic wanted just such a system along its entire Atlantic coast and offered a prize of $30,000 for a workable proposal. The framers of this legislation had no way of knowing that when they used the word \"\"telegraph\"\" to refer to this visual semaphore system, they would be offered an entirely new and revolutionary means of communication--electricity. The Growth of an Idea The laying of the cable---John and Jonathan joining hands, ca. 1858."
"docid": "D2510204#0",
"title": "http://resources.schoolscience.co.uk/britishenergy/14-16/index.html\n.",
"text": "The timeline This page relates to the interactive electricity timeline (a Flash movie). Click here to explore the timeline for yourself. The text from the timeline - showing the main events in the development of electricity - are shown below. Main events600BC: Static electricity Thales, a Greek, found that when amber was rubbed with silk it attracted feathers and other light objects. He had discovered static electricity. The Greek word for amber is ëelectron', from which we get ëelectricity' and ëelectronics'.1600: William Gilbert invented the term electricity William Gilbert, scientist and physician to Queen Elizabeth I, invented the term electricity (from the Greek word for amber, elecktra). He was the first person to describe the earth's magnetic field and to realise that there is a relationship between magnetism and electricity.1705: Francis Hauksbee invented Neon Light Francis Hauksbee created electrical effects by putting some mercury into a glass globe, pumping out the air and then spinning it. When he did this in the dark, and then rubbed the globe with his bare hand, it glowed. ( He didn't realise it, but he had invented the neon light! ) 1752: Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity Benjamin Franklin, famous U. S. politician, flew a kite with a metal tip into a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is a form of electricity."
"docid": "D653468#0",
"title": "https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/fact-of-fiction-the-legend-of-the-qwerty-keyboard-49863249/\nFact of Fiction? The Legend of the QWERTY Keyboard",
"text": "U. S. Patent No. 207,559. The first appearance of the QWERTY keyboard. ( image: Google patents)What came first: the typist or the keyboard? The answer depends on the keyboard. A recent article in Smithsonian’s news blog, Smart News, described an innovative new keyboard system that proposes a more efficient alternative to the ubiquitous “universal” keyboard best known as QWERTY – named for the first six letters in the top row of keys. The new keyboard, known as KALQ, is designed specifically for thumb-typing on today’s smart phones and tablets. It’s an interesting and by all accounts commercially viable design that got me thinking about the rationale behind the QWERTY keyboard. Unlike KALQ, it couldn’t have been designed to accommodate a specific typing technique because, well, the idea of typing –touch typing, at least– hadn’t been invented yet. It turns out that there is a lot of myth and misinformation surrounding the development of QWERTY, but these various theories all seem to agree that the QWERTY layout was developed along with, and inextricably linked to, early typewriters."
"docid": "D1882803#0",
"title": "http://www.sussexvt.k12.de.us/science/The%20History%20of%20the%20World%201500-1899/The%20Telegraph%20is%20Invented.htm\n.",
"text": "The Telegraph is Invented Though Samuel F. B. Morse was not the first man to send an electric signal across a distance to send a message, nor was he the first inventor of the telegraph, he was the first one to make it a feasible option for telecommunication. A portrait painter by trade, Morse was apparently moved to become an inventor when he received a horse-carried message days after his wife had died. By the time that Morse received the message and returned home, his wife had already been buried. His new passion became creating a way to send messages over long distances fast. The first “telegraph” was invented in 1809 in Bavaria by a man named Soemmering . His device was crude and required decoding a message by means of electrolysis. In 1828, Harrison Dyar created a telegraph that would burn holes in special paper by means of an electric arc. Through the 1830s, a few Americans tried their hand at utilizing the newly invented electromagnet (1825, William Sturgeon) to send signals to ring bells or scratch paper. Morse, while on a trip in 1832, met Charles Jackson, a man who taught him about the principles of electromagnetism. From this he developed a device with a series of lines and dots that became known as Morse Code."
"docid": "D3522176#0",
"title": "http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/a/fax_machine.htm\nHistory of the Fax Machine",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture History of the Fax Machine Alexander Bain received the first patent for a fax machine in 1843. Share Flipboard Email Print Leonard Mc Lane/ Iconica/ Getty Imagesby Mary Bellis Updated March 06, 2017To fax or faxing is by definition a method of encoding data, transmitting it over a telephone line or radio broadcast, and receiving a hard copy of the text, line drawings, or photographs at a remote location. The technology for fax machines was invented a long time, however, fax machines did not become popular with consumers until the 1980s. Alexander Bain The first fax machine was invented by Scottish mechanic and inventor Alexander Bain. In 1843, Alexander Bain received a British patent for “improvements in producing and regulating electric currents and improvements in timepieces and in electric printing and signal telegraphs”, in laymen's terms a fax machine. Several years earlier, Samuel Morse had invented the first successful telegraph machine and the fax machine closely evolved from the technology of the telegraph. The earlier telegraph machine sent morse code (dots & dashes) over telegraph wires that was decoded into a text message at a remote location. More About Alexander Bain Bain was a Scottish philosopher and educationalist in the British school of empiricism and a prominent and innovative figure in the fields of psychology, linguistics, logic, moral philosophy and education reform. He founded Mind, the first ever journal of psychology and analytical philosophy, and was the leading figure in establishing and applying the scientific method to psychology. Bain was the inaugural Regius Chair in Logic and Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen, where he also held Professorships in Moral Philosophy and English Literature and was twice elected Lord Rector."
"docid": "D2065399#0",
"title": "http://www.npr.org/2011/07/03/137472386/the-best-of-the-louvre-on-a-single-canvas\nThe Best Of The Louvre, On A Single Canvas",
"text": "\"Fine Art The Best Of The Louvre, On A Single Canvas Listen · 6:566:56Queue Download Embed Embed< iframe src=\"\"https://www.npr.org/player/embed/137472386/137588430\"\" width=\"\"100%\"\" height=\"\"290\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" title=\"\"NPR embedded audio player\"\">Transcript July 2, 2011 7:29 PM ETHeard on Weekend Edition Sunday NPR Staff Samuel F. B. Morse, Gallery of the Louvre, 1831–1833, oil on canvas. Click here to enlarge . Richard House/Terra Foundation for American Art, Daniel J. Terra Collection/Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art Beginning on Sunday, June 3, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D. C., will exhibit Samuel Morse's painting Gallery of the Louvre. The American better known for inventing the telegraph and the communication code that bears his name, painted the large work — it's 6 feet tall and 9 feet wide — starting in 1831, while living in Paris. The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris By David Mc Cullough Hardcover, 576 pages Simon & Schuster List Price: $37.50David Mc Cullough writes about Morse and his painting in his new book, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris. Mc Cullough says Morse created the painting in order to show Europe's great works of art to Americans. \"\" There were no museums here, as yet, in the 1830s, and no color representations of paintings,\"\" Mc Cullough tells NPR's Susan Stamberg. \"\" So he was going to bring the culture of Europe — mainly the Renaissance Italian masterpieces in the Louvre collection — back to the United States for the benefit of his countrymen. \"\" In Gallery of the Louvre, Morse shows a large red-colored room, its walls hung with more than three dozen works of art. Mc Cullough says the works themselves were all on view at the Louvre, but not in the same room. \"\""
"docid": "D3278668#0",
"title": "https://diyhomeschooler.com/2015/03/17/free-science-studies-samuel-morse-the-telegraph/\nFree Science Studies: Samuel Morse & the Telegraph",
"text": "Book Studies Free Science Studies: Samuel Morse & the Telegraph DIYHsr 17 Mar 2015“Samuel F. B. Morse and the Invention of the Telegraph”Samuel Morse was a painter and inventor best known for the invention of the electric telegraph and Morse code. Suggestions Map the following (you’ll find mapping resources below): Massachusetts Charlestown, Massachusetts (where Morse was born)Read more about Indian smoke signals in Universal Indian Sign Language by William Tokins. Learn the U. S. Navy signal flags and their meanings. Learn more about railroad lantern signals in the American Boys Book of Signs, Signals, and Symbols. Can you think of a specific time in history when a lantern was used as a signal? Answer at HWLongfellow.org. View a painting showing a Chappe semaphore station at Science Photo.com. View an illustration showing the various letters and numbers that could be made with the Chappe system. Explain how the crossbeam signal telegraph of the 1850s worked. Learn more about Oersted’s experiment from physicist Dr. David P. Stern. ("
"docid": "D2165251#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_did_Thomas_Edison_invent_the_telegraph\nWhen did Thomas Edison invent the telegraph?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Famous People Scientists Thomas Edison When did Thomas Edison invent the telegraph? Flag When did Thomas Edison invent the telegraph? Answer by Don Dfoofnik Confidence votes 231KThere are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. Thomas Edison was the inventor of the phonograph. The US inventor of the telegraph was Samuel Morse. Also, Morse didn't invent the telegraph, he just improved on it. His telegraph, built in 1836, allowed the use of small currents across long lines of ordinary wire. Many historians credit Morse's assistant Alfred Vail with designing crucial components of his system. History of the Telegraph Samuel Thomas von Sömmering constructed his (electrochemical) telegraph in 1809. In 1830, Joseph Henry demonstrated how a bell could be rung from a mile away using a small current and powered electromagnets (which were designed by Michael Faraday and by William Sturgeon)."
"docid": "D2189144#0",
"title": "http://dmshistory8.weebly.com/industrial-revolution.html\nThe Industrial Revolution",
"text": "The Industrial Revolution Essential Question : How did the Industrial Revolution impact the economic development and the lives of people in the United States? Turning Points in History - Industrial Revolution Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. In the late 1790s to the mid 1850s, the United States experienced its first Industrial Revolution. A revolution occurs when changes are so widespread that the ways people live and work undergo a tremendous change. During this time period the free-enterprise system of the United States economy developed. In a free-enterprise system of economics, or market economy as it is sometimes called, people can own a business to make a profit, buy and sell goods, or work for wages with little government interference. The free-enterprise system determines what is produced, how much is produced, and for whom the product is produced. The Industrial Revolution changed how goods were made in the United States and affected how people lived and worked. Previously, people made a living by supplying their own needs."
"docid": "D867412#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_was_the_telegraph_invented\nWho invented the telegraph?",
"text": "Don Dfoofnik 4,377,271 Contributions There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. Who invented the telegraph? The practical electric telegraph system was invented by Samuel Morse in 1837. After Joseph Henry discovered electric induction in 1831, enabling further development in elect …On the Wallaby 2,874,807 Contributions Passionate about all things Australian When was the telegraph invented? There were several steps towards the invention of the telegraph. . The non-electric telegraph was invented in 1794 by Claude Chappe. This system used semaphore, rather than …Peter Zavon 201,985 Contributions Why was the telegraph invented? The telegraph was invented to communicate more rapidly over longerdistances. Edit When was a telegraph invented? Earlier long distance telegraphy was used from 1792 through semaphore lines or optical telegraphs."
"docid": "D2451156#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Mr_Morse_invent_the_Morse_Code\nWhy did Mr Morse invent the Morse Code?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Business and Industry Industries and Professions Telecommunications Morse Code Why did Mr Morse invent the Morse Code? Flag Why did Mr Morse invent the Morse Code? Answer by Tom Barrister Confidence votes 2.8KSamuel Morse was a co-developer of the telegraph system. In its infancy, the telegraph was limited to electric and/or electro-magnetic impulses: clicks, so to speak. The Morse Code was developed to enable the transmission of letters and numbers via these impulses, in a series of 'dots' and 'dashes', which were originally recorded as such on a moving paper tape. Operators soon learned to interpret the clicks without looking at the tape.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Landonovan 3 Contributions Who invented Morse Code? Samuel Finley Breese Morse's assistant Alfred Vail is the real inventor of morse code. Why was Morse code invented?to provide quick, reliable messages in tough conditions. Why was the Morse code invented?"
"docid": "D2838229#0",
"title": "http://visionlaunch.com/when-did-thomas-edison-invent-the-telegraph/\nWhen Did Thomas Edison Invent The Telegraph",
"text": "Inventors When Did Thomas Edison Invent The Telegraph By Marc Zorn - September 6, 2014 14277Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Thomas Edison is widely regarded as one of the most famous inventors in the world because his inventions were able to improve life in so many ways. What many people don’t always realize, however, is that his inventions were often improvements on existing inventions, not something that came from scratch. That doesn’t change how he was able to transform the world, but it does put his work in a slightly different perspective. When did Thomas Edison invent the telegraph? Edison didn’t actually invent it – that honor belongs to a man named Samuel Morse. What Edison did do, however, was improve the telegraph so that it became a faster, more efficient method of communication. His first patented telegraph improvements came in 1869. The Telegraph A History Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:32Edison Created an Automated Telegraph System When the telegraph was first invented, it required operators on both ends of the line. One operator was required to tap out the message they would have received and the other operator would then record the message from the tapping."
"docid": "D2290569#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone\nHistory of the telephone",
"text": "\"History of the telephone From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Actor portraying Alexander Graham Bell in a 1926 silent film. Shows Bell's first telephone transmitter ( microphone ), invented 1876 and first displayed at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia. This history of the telephone chronicles the development of the electrical telephone, and includes a brief review of its predecessors. Contents [ hide ]1 Telephone prehistory1.1 Mechanical devices1.2 Electrical devices2 Invention of the telephone2.1 Telephone exchange3 Early telephone developments4 Early commercial instruments5 20th century developments6 Women's usage in the 20th century7 21st century developments8 See also9 References10 Further reading11 External links Telephone prehistory [ edit]Mechanical devices [ edit]A 19th century acoustic ' tin can ', or 'lover's' telephone Before the invention of electromagnetic telephones, mechanical acoustic devices existed for transmitting speech and music over a distance greater than that of normal direct speech. The earliest mechanical telephones were based on sound transmission through pipes or other physical media. [ 1] The acoustic tin can telephone, or lover's phone, has been known for centuries. It connects two diaphragms with a taut string or wire, which transmits sound by mechanical vibrations from one to the other along the wire (and not by a modulated electric current ). The classic example is the children's toy made by connecting the bottoms of two paper cups, metal cans, or plastic bottles with tautly held string. [ 1] [2]Among the earliest known experiments were those conducted by the British physicist and polymath Robert Hooke from 1664 to 1685. [ 1] [3] An acoustic string phone made in 1667 is attributed to him. ["
"docid": "D204210#0",
"title": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/telegraph\ntelegraph",
"text": "\"telegraphtel·e·graph Use telegraph in a sentence The telegraph machine was invented in the 1800's and kickstarted the telecommunications revolution. Licensed from Getty Imagesnoun The definition of a telegraph is an old-fashioned method of sending messages along a wire service by converting a message into electronic impulses. A system that sends messages via wire, computer and satellites is an example of a telegraph.verb To telegraph is to send someone a message electronically, or to convey a message using body language or other non-verbal cues. When you send someone a message using a wire service, this is an example of a situation where you telegraph the person. When you frown to signify disapproval, this is an example of a situation where you telegraph your disapproval. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by Love To Know Corp Link/Citetelegraph Obs. any signaling apparatusan apparatus or system that converts a coded message into electric impulses and sends it to a distant receiver: originally, Morse code signals were sent using a key that opened and closed the circuit to activate an electromagnetic sounder, but now teletypewriters, computers, radio and microwave signals, satellites, and lasers are used Origin of telegraph French télégraphe: see tele- and -graph: origin, originally used of a semaphoreto send (a message) by telegraphto send a telegram to Informal to signal (an intended action, decision, etc.) unintentionally to another, as by a gesture or lookto send a telegram Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved."
"docid": "D2207598#0",
"title": "http://www.personal.psu.edu/jtk187/art2/telegraph.htm\n.",
"text": "\"By Shaun Antonio, [email protected] The telegraph was the first from of communication that could be sent from a great distance and was a landmark in human history. For the first time man could communicate with another from a great distance changing everything from how wars were fought to how people dated and fell in love. It’s creation, along with the steam engine, was one of the key inventions to the industrial age. Letters took hours, day, and even months to arrive at their destination making most information irrelevant. However, with the advent of the telegraph, messages were transmitted instantaneously, and as it became ever more efficient the telegraph was able to relay more complex messages farther and farther till it connected people from around the world by pressing a few buttons. A morse key The first electrical telegraph was invented by Samuel Soemmering in 1809 using gold wires in water sending messages around two thousand feet away that could be read by determining how much gas was released. Although very crude, it was a vast improvement on earlier methods of telegraphy. In Greek it can be broken down into two words: tele and grapheintele. Tele meaning far and graphein to write, so telegraphy basically means a written message sent from a far. The simple forms of optical telegraphy were mostly smoke and light beacons, and although they were sufficient to relay simple messages they were heavily reliant on the weather."
"docid": "D1644220#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/biography/Samuel-F-B-Morse\nSamuel F.B. Morse",
"text": "Samuel F. B. Morse, in full Samuel Finley Breese Morse, (born April 27, 1791, Charlestown, Massachusetts, U. S.—died April 2, 1872, New York, New York), American painter and inventor who, independent of similar efforts in Europe, developed an electric telegraph (1832–35). In 1838 he developed the Morse Code. He was the son of the distinguished geographer and Congregational clergyman Jedidiah Morse. From Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, where he had been an unsteady and eccentric student, his parents sent him to Yale College (now Yale University) in New Haven, Connecticut. Although he was an indifferent scholar, his interest was aroused by lectures on the then little-understood subject of electricity. To the distress of his austere parents, he also enjoyed painting miniature portraits. After graduating from Yale in 1810, Morse became a clerk for a Boston book publisher. But painting continued to be his main interest, and in 1811 his parents helped him go to England in order to study that art with American painter Washington Allston. During the War of 1812, between Great Britain and the United States, Morse reacted to the English contempt for Americans by becoming passionately pro-American. Like the majority of Americans of his time, however, he accepted English artistic standards, including the “historical” style of painting—the Romantic portrayal of legends and historical events with personalities gracing the foreground in grand poses and brilliant colours."
"docid": "D2042140#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-was-Morse-code-used-in-World-War-II\nHow was Morse code used in World War II?",
"text": "\"Morse Code Communication World War II Warfare Military History and Wars History How was Morse code used in World War II?5 Answers Quora User, Ex RNAnswered Nov 29, 2015 · Author has 924 answers and 2.2m answer views I'm going to answer two questions here... firstly, a question you haven't asked \"\"Why use morse code?\"\" and then I'll get round to answering your actual question \"\"How was morse code used?\"\" Ok. Why use Morse Code? If you look at the sound of a human voice on an oscilloscope display you'll see a mess of differing frequencies and amplitudes... Human voices are complicated! If you look at a morse code signal through an oscilloscope you'll see just two levels of transmission On or Off, which vary over time... Once you try to piggyback these signals onto an electromagnetic radiowave and send them through the ether then there's going to be interference, signal loss through attenuation, jamming in wartime, frequency bandwidth trimming and all sorts of other factors that intervene between the microphone of the transmitter and the loudspeaker of the receiver... As was said before, the human voice is a complicated thing - and the human brain isn't very good at decoding the sound of a human voice if there's a lot of interference... Morse code on the other hand is just about the simplest signal you can imagine - and it's still recognisable and understandable when subjected to the same levels of interference. So - Morse Code is more likely to get through and be understood than human voice... A second reason, specifically for using Morse Code during the Second World War, was encoding... Nowadays equipment exists to take an outgoing radio signal and automatically encrypt the data or voices during transmission, this is 'on-line' encryption... This generally didn't exist during WW2, so the best way of making sure your data was secure was by using 'off-line' encryption - I.e. : taking the text of your original message and encrypting the text itself (manually or mechanically) into an incomprehinsible set of seemingly random letters before transmitting the encrypted set of goobledegook... At the far end some guy would note down the serious of random letters, feed them through the same mechanical or manual decoding system in reverse, hopefully reproducing the plain text message you actually sent. Again, using a system of dits and dahs to send individual letters is quicker and more accurate than sitting in front of a microphone and saying \"\"hotel, echo, lima, lima alpha\"\". It should be noted that already by the outbreak of the second world war there was an alternative to morse - RATT or Radio Automatic Teletype, which basically encoded letters typed into a keyboard into a series of 5-bit binary numbers, which were then transmitted as Zeros ( a low pitched tone) or Ones (a high pitched tone), this was, in principle, far faster than morse code, but relied on a great deal of heavy and not necessarily very reliable electro-mechanical equipment to produce the signal, whereas morse needs just one man with a mechanical morse key to produce the signal and another with a Mk1 Ear to receive it. Now for your actual question, how was morse code used during WW2... In reality it was used for virtually all long-range radio communications where teletype was impractical due to size, complexity or security."
] |
313 | +when is mardi grai | [
"docid": "D1297805#0",
"title": "http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/when-did-mardi-gras-start/\nWhen Did Mardi Gras Start?",
"text": "\"Listen H urray! It's Tuesday! How often do you hear that? If you've had a bad Monday, then maybe Tuesday rolling around might brighten your spirits. Otherwise, Tuesday usually doesn't get too much attention. That is, unless it's Fat Tuesday, otherwise known as Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras is a celebration held every year on the Tuesday before the Christian holy day known as Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is celebrated around the world and, in some places, is known as Carnival. In the United States, Mardi Gras is associated primarily with New Orleans. In fact, Louisiana is the only state in the country that makes Mardi Gras an official holiday."
] | [
"docid": "D2533531#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courir_de_Mardi_Gras\nCourir de Mardi Gras",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Courir de Mardi Gras (Mardi Gras Run)Masked riders in Mamou Type Local, cultural, Catholic, Cajun Significance Celebration prior to fasting season of Lent Celebrations Rural tradition, parties Date Mardi Gras, Tuesday before Ash Wednesday2017 date February 282018 date February 132019 date March 5Frequency annual Related to Mardi Gras The Courir de Mardi Gras ( Louisiana French pronunciation: [kuɾiɾ d maɾdi ɡɾa]French pronunciation: [kuʁiʁ də maʁdi ɡʁa]) is a traditional Mardi Gras event held in many Cajun communities of south Louisiana on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Courir de Mardi Gras is Cajun French for \"\"Fat Tuesday Run\"\". The rural Mardi Gras celebration is based on early begging rituals, similar to those still celebrated by mummers, wassailers and celebrants of Halloween. [ 1] As Mardi Gras is the celebration of the final day before Lent, celebrants drink and eat heavily, and also dress in specialized costumes, ostensibly to protect their identities. Popular practices include wearing masks, capuchons, and costumes, overturning social conventions, dancing, drinking alcohol, begging, feasting, whipping, etc. Because of violent activities associated with the Ku Klux Klan, Louisiana has a state law prohibiting the wearing of hoods and masks in public. Mardi Gras is one of the few occasions when exceptions are allowed, as are Halloween celebrations and religious observances. [ 2] Two HBO series (the crime drama True Detective and the post Hurricane Katrina themed Treme) make reference to the tradition. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 Origins1.1 Modern revival2 Traditions2.1 La Chanson de Mardi Gras2.2 Costumes3 Notable Courir celebrations3.1 Basile3.2 Choupic3.3 Church Point3.4 Duralde3.5 Elton3.6 Eunice3.7 Gheens3.8 Le Jeune Cove3.9 Mamou3.10 Soileau3.11 South Cameron3.12 Tee Mamou-Iota4 References5 External links Origins [ edit]Medieval French peasants enjoying a meal Barry Jean Ancelet, Cajun historian and head of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Folklore Department, has explained the origin of the Courir as being in rural medieval France: In a nutshell, the country Mardi Gras comes from the way Mardi Gras was celebrated in France in the rural section as opposed to the urban carnival. It’s an early springtime renewal and is essentially a way for communities to celebrate and find themselves— Barry Ancelet [4]These origins are in the customs of Catholic medieval Europe, specifically the fête de la quémande (\"\"feast of begging\"\") of medieval France. ["
"docid": "D2237937#0",
"title": "http://www.novareinna.com/festive/mardi.html\n.",
"text": "\"The history of a Mardi Gras celebration existed many years before Europeans came to the New World. Some time in the Second Century, during mid-February (usually February 15 according to the Julian calendar), Ancient Romans would observe what they called the Lupercalia, a circus-type festival which was, in many respects, quite similar to the present day Mardi Gras. This festival honored the Roman deity, Lupercus, a pastoral God associated with Faunus or the Satyr. Although Lupercus is derived from the Latin Lupus (meaning \"\"wolf\"\"), the original meaning of the word as it applies to Roman religion has become obscured over the passage of time. When Christianity arrived in Rome, the dignitaries of the early Church decided it would be more prudent to incorporate certain aspects of such rituals into the new faith rather than attempt to abolish them altogether. This granted a Christian interpretation to the ancient custom and the Carnival became a time of abandon and merriment which peceded the Lenten period (a symbolic Christian pentinence of 40 days commencing on Ash Wednesday and ending at Easter). During this time, there would be feasting which lasted several days and participants would indulge in voluntary madness by donning masks, clothing themselves in the likeness of spectres and generally giving themselves up to Bacchus and Venus. All aspects of pleasure were considered to be allowable during the Carnival celebration and today's modern festivites are thought by some to be more reminiscent of the Roman Saturnalia rather than Lupercalia, or be linked to even earlier Pagan festivals. From Rome, the celebration spread to other European countries. In medieval times, a similar-type festivity to that of the present day Mardi Gras was given by monarchs and lords prior to Lent in order to ceremoniously conscript new knights into service and hold feasts in their honor."
"docid": "D2527287#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_did_mardi_gras_start_in_new_orleans\nHow did Mardi Gras start in new Orleans?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Holidays and Traditions Mardi Gras How did Mardi Gras start in new Orleans? Flag How did Mardi Gras start in new Orleans? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Originally, this holiday started in Orleans, France. When the french came to America, they brought this tradition with them to New Orleans. The reason it is called mardi gras is because in french that means Fat Tuesday. Fat Tuesday is right before Lent, and during Lent people fast. So they basically pig out (hence the fat part) on this day!11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Regina Murphy 11,795 Contributions Writer. Hobbies include hiking, genealogy and travel."
"docid": "D1313534#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Sent-Me-ER-Season/dp/B00QX3H86W\nSex Sent Me to the ER 4 Seasons 2015",
"text": "By placing your order or playing a video, you agree to our Terms of Use. Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC. Additional taxes may apply. Season 31. Holiday Hanky-Panky A holiday shopping romp becomes a headache when a couple is exposed and lands on the naughty list; College co-eds sneak away from a family holiday party and end up in the ER; after a five minute quickie, a couple thinks a Christmas miracle is on the way. TV-14 Language: English Runtime: 42 minutes Release date: December 13, 2014Buy HD $2.99More purchase options2. Can't Get Up A man is paralyzed after sex and his girlfriend thinks her junk is to blame; a couple's birth plan may be the cause of the woman's shocking symptoms; things go from bad to worse when a man gives his girlfriend a special gift for taking care of him. TV-14 Language: English Runtime: 42 minutes Release date: December 20, 2014Buy HD $2.99More purchase options3. Study Buddies A ballpark quickie ruins a man's engagement plans and sends his girlfriend to the ER; a sexy haircut at the salon causes a man down situation; when a doctor investigates a college students persistent cough, he discovers something totally unexpected. TV-14 Language: English Runtime: 42 minutes Release date: December 27, 2014Buy HD $2.99More purchase options4."
"docid": "D688102#0",
"title": "http://www.ibtimes.com/mardi-gras-2013-10-things-know-about-new-orleans-famous-carnival-1066872\nMardi Gras 2013: 10 Things To Know About New Orleansâ Famous Carnival",
"text": "\"Mardi Gras 2013: 10 Things To Know About New Orleans’ Famous Carnival By Mark Johanson @Mark Johanson IBT On 02/06/13 AT 5:08 PMMardi Gras 2013 will take place on (Fat) Tuesday, Feb. 12. Here are 10 things to know before you start tossing beads. Mardi Gras Has Pagan Roots Mardi Gras (French for Fat Tuesday) is a Christian holiday-cum-pop culture phenomenon that dates back thousands of years to pagan spring and fertility rites. Also known as Carnival, it’s celebrated in several nations across the globe -- predominantly those with large Roman Catholic populations -- on the day before the religious season of Lent. When Christianity arrived in Rome, religious leaders decided to incorporate some pagan traditions like the raucous Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Lupercalia into the new faith -- a far easier task than abolishing them outright. As a result, the debauchery and excess of Carnival season became a prelude to the 40 days of penance between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Mardi Gras Began In Mobile, Ala. Mardi Gras spread from Rome across Europe where it then crossed the oceans to the colonies of the New World. Historians believe the first American Mardi Gras occurred in 1703, one year after French explorer Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville established Fort Louis de la Louisiane in what is now Mobile, Ala. By the 1730s, New Orleans and other French settlements took to marking the holiday with masked balls, lavish dinners and wild street parties. The first parade in New Orleans is thought to have occurred on Fat Tuesday in 1827, while the first official parade took place 10 years later. Mardi Gras Is Not A One-Day Event Mardi Gras is not a singular event but rather a season that begins on Three Kings Day and climaxes on Fat Tuesday, just in time for a somber Ash Wednesday."
"docid": "D3552583#0",
"title": "https://www.bustle.com/articles/17016-why-do-women-flash-their-breasts-for-beads-at-mardi-gras-a-brief-history\nWhy Do Women Flash Their Breasts For Beads At Mardi Gras? A Brief History",
"text": "\"Why Do Women Flash Their Breasts For Beads At Mardi Gras? A Brief History By Amanda Chatel Mar 3 2014Rusty Costanza/Getty Images News/Getty Images French for the holiday known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras is that special day for Christians to get all that \"\"naughty\"\" behavior out of their system before they head to church the very next day — likely hungover as hell — to mark Lent with Ash Wednesday. For those who observe Lent, Mardi Gras is a healthy way to exorcise to the devil inside. And one of the most infamous devilish traditions? Flashing for beads on Bourbon Street. But when — and how exactly — did that supposed tradition begin? Although the celebration of Mardi Gras dates back to ancient Rome — and we all know how those people partied — it’s still relatively new to the United States. It wasn’t until 1875 that Mardi Gras became a legal holiday in Louisiana, though there is evidence of it being celebrated as far back as 1699, when French explorers named a bank on a river where New Orleans is today Point du Mardi Gras. ( If they only knew what was to come. ) Even if your knowledge of Mardi Gras is limited, there are probably some key traditions of which you’re aware."
"docid": "D1862370#0",
"title": "http://www.novareinna.com/festive/krewes.html\n.",
"text": "\"Dozens of Carnival Parades fill the schedule between January 6 (Twelfth Night, also known as the Feast of the Epiphany, which marks the end of the Christmas Season) and Ash Wednesday...particularly during the two-and-a-half weeks prior to Mardi Gras. Two official celebrations mark the beginning of Carnival in New Orleans: the Bal Masque of the Twelfth Night Revelers and the ride of the Phunny Phorty Phellows along St. Charles Avenue. However, the four-day Carnival weekend is when parading reaches its crescendo. Among those held during that weekend are two \"\"super-parades,\"\" the first being the Endymion Parade on Saturday and the second being the Bacchus Parade on Sunday. Carnival Day itself (Tuesday, when the entire City of New Orleans takes the day off) is more of a family celebration with many of the local high school bands marching in the Parades. The standard and traditional route for night parades begins at Napoleon Avenue, proceeds down St. Charles Avenue to Canal Street and ends at the Ernest Morial Convention Center. In addition to the Krewe members, marching or walking clubs feature prominently as participants in the Parades, the Jefferson City Buzzards being considered the oldest of the marching clubs, having been founded in 1890. Truck Parades are also a feature of the celebrations on Mardi Gras Day, their flatbeds decorated by families and friends. Many spectators don flamboyant costumes or bizarre make-up for the festivities and the French Quarter in New Orleans hosts one of the most elaborate gay beauty-and-costume contests in the world. Officially, Carnival comes to an end promptly at midnight on \"\"Fat Tuesday,\"\" when the police begin to clean the streets of the French Quarter, and officially closes with the meeting of the Courts of Rex and Comus at the Ball of the Mystick Krewe of Comus."
"docid": "D480578#0",
"title": "http://goflorida.about.com/od/eventsfestivals/a/Florida-Mardi-Gras-Celebrations.htm\nFlorida Mardi Gras Celebrations",
"text": "\"United States Florida Guide Florida Mardi Gras Celebrations Catch some beads, Cajun food & lots of fun at these Florida celebrations!By Dawn Henthorn Updated 08/31/17Share Pin Email•••If it's February, it's time for Mardi Gras in Florida! While Universal Orlando's Mardi Gras has been growing in popularity over the last few years, so have community-based Mardi Gras celebrations. It seems everyone loves a parade with colorful floats and they all seem to have one thing in common... BEADS! Lots and lots of beads!Mardi Gras History The term \"\"Mardi Gras\"\" means \"\"Fat Tuesday\"\" and refers to the day before Ash Wednesday (the first of the forty days of lent preceding Easter). While Christians customarily gave up meat and other indulgences during lent, thus \"\"carneval\"\" or \"\"farewell to meat\"\" became \"\"carnival\"\" — a festive period when over-indulgence was in order. Perhaps the most famous Mardi Gras celebration is held in New Orleans (or should I say N’awlins? ), but if you can't make it to New Orleans, catch one of these celebrations (and some beads) in your neighborhood. Florida Mardi Gras Celebrations Take the link provided for times, dates and specific admission information at each venue. Advance tickets are often offered at a discount when purchased online. Parental oversight is suggested as some celebrations may not be suitable family entertainment."
"docid": "D2838604#0",
"title": "http://blog.nola.com/mardi_gras_faq/2008/12/mobile_alabama_says_it_started.html\nMobile (Alabama) says it started Mardi Gras. What do you say?",
"text": "Mardi Gras FAQ - NOLA.com Mobile (Alabama) says it started Mardi Gras. What do you say? Updated on December 8, 2014 at 10:28 AM Posted on December 2, 2008 at 12:39 PMBy Jon Donley I say Mobile is a nice clean little city with good fishing, great museums and interesting Civil War historical sites. Y'all come back now. Back to Mardi Gras. While this claim is an article of faith among Mobile natives, we can't find that the city makes this claim. Neither does New Orleans. Both cities tap dance around the issue, because in fact, both have bragging rights. In fact, the founding fathers of modern Mardi Gras traditions did not see it as a competition between Mobile and New Orleans, but rather as a cooperative effort between buddies. Both cities have gone through periods when Mardi Gras almost died out, and each has been instrumental in exporting traditions to the other and keeping the fire going."
"docid": "D2236567#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2172\nMardi Gras",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Society and Civilization Holidays and Traditions Mardi Gras Unanswered | Answered Mardi Gras Parent Category: Holidays and Traditions Mardi Gras, meaning \"\"Fat Tuesday\"\" in French, is also called Shrove Tuesday. Held the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting in Christianity, Mardi Gras is the last day of the three-day Carnival Festival. The most famous and elaborate Mardi Gras celebration is held yearly in New Orleans, Louisiana. Ask any questions you have about this fun-filled celebration here!1 2 3 >What to see in New Orleans after Mardi Gras? Not sure what your specifically looking for but here--- 1. Jackson Square 2. Ogden Museum of Southern Art 3. City Park 4. Mardi Gras Museum What state founded mardi graws? The correct spelling is \"\"Mardi Gras\"\", also know as \"\"Lundi Gras\"\" and \"\"Fat Tuesday\"\". \"\""
"docid": "D2400096#0",
"title": "http://dish.allrecipes.com/throw-a-mardi-gras-party/\nFavorite Food and Fun Ideas for Your Mardi Gras Party",
"text": "\"Favorite Food and Fun Ideas for Your Mardi Gras Party By Allrecipes Editors Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Stumble Upon Mardi Gras rolls around on Tuesday, February 13 this year. We say it's high time to get into the party spirit and laissez les bon temps rouler ! * Here's everything you need to host a fun, festive Mardi Gras party. Storm of the Century Hurricane | Photo by Allrecipes Try this recipe: Storm of the Century Hurricane The Feast Before the Fast Mardi Gras translate as \"\"fat Tuesday\"\" in French. What's so fat about Fat Tuesday? Well, after Fat Tuesday comes Ash Wednesday, aka the first day of Lent. So Fat Tuesday's your last chance to party hearty and indulge in rich food and drink before you give it all up for Lent. For serious party people in New Orleans, Mardi Gras means more than just one wild night. It's a whole \"\"carnival\"\" season that starts 12 nights after Christmas (aptly named Twelfth Night) and goes all the way to midnight on Fat Tuesday. Throughout the weeks of carnival season, Mardi Gras revelers dress up in masked costumes and take to the streets with food, drink, music, and parades."
"docid": "D480579#0",
"title": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/best-places-celebrate-mardi-gras-outside-new-orleans-180954286/\nThe Best Places to Celebrate Mardi Gras Outside of New Orleans",
"text": "\"The Best Places to Celebrate Mardi Gras Outside of New Orleans The Big Easy might get all the fame, but places from Alabama to the south of France also know how to party before Lent Souvenir Dolls, New Orleans, Louisiana. ( © Ed Gifford/Masterfile/Corbis)By Natasha Geilingsmithsonian.com February 17, 2015 | Updated: February 12, 2018259 12 2 5 384Nearly every year since the first official Mardi Gras parade in 1837, New Orleans has carefully marked the days until Easter, erupting into a colorful bacchanal when the calendar hits 47 days out from Easter Sunday. A melting pot of French, Spanish and Caribbean cultures, New Orleans is the perfect place for a Mardi Gras celebration, a party that signals the culmination of Carnival, the season from the Epiphany (January 6) to Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Literally translated to “Fat Tuesday,” Mardi Gras is meant to be a final celebration before the austerity of Lent, and has been celebrated since Medieval times (though it might also have roots in pagan rituals honoring fertility and the coming of spring). New Orleans might be the biggest Mardi Gras celebration in the country, attracting some 1.4 million visitors each year, but it’s not the only place that celebrates the beginning of Lent with a raucous party (it’s not even the oldest party in the United States). Here are seven other places around the United States—and the world—that throw a Mardi Gras to rival the Big Easy.1 of 7Mobile, Alabama (© Jeff and Meggan Haller/Keyhole Photo/Corbis)New Orleans might boast the biggest Mardi Gras, but just two hours east, Mobile, Alabama, hosts the country’s original Fat Tuesday. Mobile first hosted a Mardi Gras celebration in 1703, predating any celebration in New Orleans by at least a decade. Settled as the capital of the French Louisana territory, Mobile hosted celebrations and parades until 1718, when the capital of French Lousiana was moved to New Orleans (Mobile, locals feared, was too susceptible to destruction by hurricane). The celebration began again in Mobile in 1866 and continues today. In the weeks before Lent, some 40 parades run through the streets of Mobile, and the celebration attracts 1 million visitors each year.1 of 7Like this article?"
"docid": "D1074638#0",
"title": "http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2015/01/mobile_mardi_gras_101_a_primer.html\nMobile Mardi Gras 101: A primer on all things Carnival",
"text": "\"Alabama Entertainment Mobile Mardi Gras 101: A primer on all things Carnival Posted January 26, 2015 at 8:50 AMComment By Sally Pearsall [email protected] New to Mobile and to Mardi Gras? Here is a primer on all things Carnival, including the origins of the event, advice on parade strategies and what to wear to a Mardi Gras ball. History What is Mardi Gras, and why isn't it celebrated on a weekend? Mardi Gras, or \"\"Fat Tuesday,\"\" is the final day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, the season of preparation before the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. The Mardi Gras season, also known as Carnival, is meant to be a time of full-on, no-holds-barred revelry before everyone settles down for the sober, penitent Lenten season. The Mardi Gras season officially begins on Jan. 6 (the traditional Epiphany, or Twelfth Night), but the parade season really gets underway with Mobile's first downtown parade, the Conde Cavaliers, which is always held two weeks before the final weekend of the Mardi Gras season. Click here for a schedule of 2015 Mobile Mardi Gras parades. When and why did Mardi Gras begin in Mobile, and in New Orleans? We have our French founders, particularly French-Canadian explorer Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville, to thank for importing Medieval Carnival traditions when they arrived more than 300 years ago. On March 2, 1699, Bienville arrived at a plot of ground 60 miles directly south of New Orleans, and named it \"\"Pointe du Mardi Gras\"\" when his men realized it was the eve of the festive holiday."
"docid": "D545606#0",
"title": "https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/shrove-tuesday\nShrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras in the United States",
"text": "Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras in the United States Mardi Gras is a holiday in some parts of the United States and often serves as a festive occasion featuring large celebrations. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday, as it is the last day before the long fast for Lent in many Christian churches. Mardi Gras festivals often feature parades and large crowds in the United States.©i Stockphoto.com/sandoclr What Do People Do? Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent, a period for fasting. It is also known as Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras, and features large festivals and celebrations across the United States. The Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, in Louisiana, is typical of the masquerades and dancing in the streets that take place in other parts of the United States before the long Lenten fast. Traditional Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans spotlight the King of the Carnival and the Monarch of Merriment, as well as Comus, the God of Revelry. Many people dress up in eye-catching costumes and a spectacular ball is held. Debutantes are introduced at the Ball Tablaeu as a formal introduction to society. People throw trinkets to crowds as part of the customary “parade throw” at New Orleans’ Mardi Gras celebration."
"docid": "D1057734#0",
"title": "http://www.cajuntravel.com/mardigras\nIn St. Landry Parish, We Live Our Culture",
"text": "\"Cajun Country Mardi Gras - Street Dances, Trailrides, and Chicken Runs!Here, Mardi Gras is not your typical festival with congested crowds, beads, and doubloons. At certain festivities, these trinkets are rarely in sight. Instead, locals trade floats for horses, beads for bells, and rowdy streets for a day of revelry in rural areas. Still, different cultures within the parish celebrate Mardi Gras in their own unique way, establishing their own traditions. In the Opelousas, Grand Coteau, and Sunset a range of events take place including parades and zydeco dances. No blues here, just the upbeat sounds of accordions and fiddles coming from local zydeco musicians. In fact, one of the biggest players in the zydeco genre, Lil’ Nate, host the Annual L'Argent Trailride, Chicken Run & Parade. Trail rides are an important part of the Creole culture in St. Landry Parish, a place with a thriving equine industry. The modern cowboy, or girl, rides on horseback followed by a procession of eager participants in trailers, with food and music along the way. Further west of this creole tradition, a century-old celebration takes place in Eunice, Louisiana where men and women are on horseback, donned in handcrafted masks, tall hats called capuchons, and very distinctive costumes."
"docid": "D1605380#0",
"title": "http://www.ibtimes.com/mardi-gras-2015-how-christians-celebrate-fat-tuesday-1817910\nMardi Gras 2015: How Christians Celebrate Fat Tuesday",
"text": "Mardi Gras 2015: How Christians Celebrate Fat Tuesday By Zoe Mintz @Zoe Mintz On 02/16/15 AT 2:04 PMA member of the Krewe of Box of Wine makes her way down St. Charles Avenue between Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans on Feb. 15, 2015. Photo: Reuters Mardi Gras might be defined by its beads, parades and fatty foods, but the holiday filled with debauchery has pious roots. Fat Tuesday, held 46 days before Easter, began as a Catholic tradition of revelry before the austere season of Lent begins. Fat Tuesday may mark a specific day, but it actually refers to a season that begins on the Christian holiday of Epiphany. The holiday, celebrated Jan. 6, is also known as Three Kings Day and commemorates the adoration of Jesus Christ by the Three Wise Men. The time between Epiphany and Mardi Gras is commonly referred to as Carnival, during which parades take place in Catholic strongholds like Brazil, Venice, Uruguay, Trinidad and Tobago, and New Orleans. This year Mardi Gras falls on Feb. 17. Below are answers to three common questions about the religious significance of Mardi Gras: How Did Mardi Gras Begin? Like many Catholic holidays, Mardi Gras bears resemblances to ancient pagan rituals, particularly Saturnalia and Lupercalia. The former honored the god Saturn, an agricultural deity, and was marked by gift-giving, revelry and gambling."
"docid": "D2722365#0",
"title": "http://www.walterreeves.com/insects-and-animals/mosquito-control-advice-from-the-experts/\n.",
"text": "When it comes to mosquito control, over-the-fence advice is not good enough. Even though Uncle Mardy chewed garlic every day and never was bitten by mosquitoes, that doesn’t mean YOU would have the same results. ( And don’t forget, Uncle Mardy died a bachelor! ) Experts were consulted for this article from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and not a single one had garlic on his breath. COVER STORY: The goods: What works, what doesn’t Here’s what some experts have to say about the various kinds of mosquito-control products on the market: Deborah Geering – For the Journal-Constitution Thursday, August 1, 2002THE EXPERTS Mark Brown, associate entomology professor, University of Georgia John Day, a professor of medical entomology at the University of Florida Elmer Gray, research coordinator/public health entomologist, University of Georgia Rosmarie Kelly, medical entomologist, state division of public health Cheryl Turner, Richmond County environmental health specialist, Augusta THE PRODUCTSDEETDay: “In terms of single-application protection — that is the amount of time you can get from a single application — there’s nothing that beats DEET.” Also, because the product has been around so long, manufacturers have improved on the fragrance and feel. “ I remember the DEET products from the ’50s, and they were awful. Now the formulations are really nice. ”Gray: “DEET is the most effective repellent on the market to date and is the standard [against which] all others are compared. Children [up to age 5] should use products containing 10 percent active ingredient or less and an adult should apply the repellent to the child."
"docid": "D2647919#0",
"title": "http://www.mrnjchips.com/ACChips/ac.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Welcome to Archie A. Black's Web Site for Atlantic City Casino Chips Visitor HOME ¨ SILVER STRIKES ¨ ROULETTES ¨ ROOM KEYS ¨ WANTED ¨ TRADE ¨ My Collections ¨ LINKS ¨ ABOUT MEATLANTIC CLUB ATLANTIS BALLY'S GRAND BORGATA GRAND THE BRIGHTON BOARDWALK REGENCY CAESARSTRUMP CASTLE HILTON (CASTLE) CLARIDGE HI-HO CLARIDGE GOLDEN NUGGET (Wynn) GOLDEN NUGGET (Landry)HARRAH'S MARINA HARRAH'S TRUMP PLAZA HILTON PARK PLACE PLAYBOY RESORTS REVEL SANDS SHOWBOATTROPICANA TROPWORLD TAJ MAHAL TRUMP MARINA TRUMP PLAZA ILLEGAL'S RECENT ADDITIONSThis copyrighted site is being published with the exclusive permission granted to Archie Black aka \"\"Mr. Chips\"\" . If you wish to borrow a scan for non-commercial purposes, please ask for specific permission which will in all probability be granted. * All Reference numbers to Atlantic City chips that appear on this site are from \"\" Black's Catalog \"\" of Atlantic City Casino Chips and Gaming Tokens. Atlantic City Commemorative dates by Mike Custodio and Wayne Burt. Although this information came from reliable sources and/or casino management, some dates may not be correct. Special thanks to Mike for making this list available to the website. Additions of unlisted chip scans are always welcomed to be added to this site and to \"\" Black's Catalog \"\" by emailing \"\" Mr. Chips \"\". ATLANTIC CLUB* Boston Avenue and the Boardwalk * Opened as\"\" Golden Nugget\"\" on December 12, 1980. * Became The Grand and then Bally's grand, then Hilton, then ACH. *"
"docid": "D2815471#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_Mardi_Gras_mean\nWhen is Mardi Gras?",
"text": "\"Liz Eliesheva 35,586 Contributions When is Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday . Also known as Carnival, the Mardi Gras (or Carnival) season runs from Ephiphany to Shrove Tuesday - the day before …What do the mardi gras colors mean?purple=justice green=faith &gold=power What does the mardi gras mask mean? Mardi Gras masks are a big tradition in the celebration of Mardi Gras. The tradition started in earlier times to help people feelmore comfortable and uninhibited during carniva …Chlorioplasticvirus 1 Contribution What does the baby in the cake for mardi gras mean? The person who finds the baby in their slice of King Cake is traditionally responsible for bringing the King Cake to the next party or gathering. They may also choose to throw …Aa9998727726 44,534 Contributions What does the mardi gras colors mean? Purlpe-Justice . Green-Faith . Gold-Power ."
"docid": "D827657#0",
"title": "https://gonola.com/things-to-do-in-new-orleans/events/nola-history-mardi-gras-from-the-beginning\nNOLA History: Mardi Gras, From the Beginning",
"text": "\"Events NOLA History: Mardi Gras, From the Beginning Mardi Gras has been around in New Orleans since it was established. Learn how it was brought over and how much it’s evolved. By Edward Branley @NOLAHistory Guy February 10, 2014We New Orleanians like to think we are the center of the universe on Mardi Gras. While we are most definitely put on the largest and most fun free party in North America, the celebration of Fat Tuesday is much older than the city. Warren Easton High School Marching Band, workin’ it for Carnival (Photo by Edward Branley)Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”) is the last day of the “Carnival” season. The length of Carnival varies from year to year, because it’s based on when Easter Sunday is. Why Easter? Because Carnival, therefore Mardi Gras has its roots in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. Let’s rewind back, probably as far back as the Roman Empire. Christianity was trying to convert folks from the worship of the many gods and emperors of the time."
] |
315 | +where does the pacific walrus ive | [
"docid": "D36596#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walrus\nWalrus",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Walrus (disambiguation). Walrus Temporal range: Pleistocene to Recent Male Female with young Conservation status Vulnerable ( IUCN 3.1) [1]Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Clade: Pinnipedia Family: Odobenidae Genus: Odobenus Brisson, 1762Species: O. rosmarus Binomial name Odobenus rosmarus ( Linnaeus, 1758)Subspecies O. rosmarus rosmarus O. rosmarus divergens O. rosmarus laptevi (debated)Distribution of walrus Walrus cows and yearlings (short tusks), photo courtesy USFWSThe walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus) is a large flippered marine mammal with a discontinuous distribution about the North Pole in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The walrus is the only living species in the family Odobenidae and genus Odobenus. This species is subdivided into three subspecies: [2] the Atlantic walrus ( O. r. rosmarus) which lives in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific walrus ( O. r. divergens) which lives in the Pacific Ocean, and O. r. laptevi, which lives in the Laptev Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Adult walrus are easily recognized by their prominent tusks, whiskers, and bulk. Adult males in the Pacific can weigh more than 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) [3] and, among pinnipeds, are exceeded in size only by the two species of elephant seals. [ 4] Walruses live mostly in shallow waters above the continental shelves, spending significant amounts of their lives on the sea ice looking for benthic bivalve mollusks to eat. Walruses are relatively long-lived, social animals, and they are considered to be a \"\" keystone species \"\" in the Arctic marine regions. The walrus has played a prominent role in the cultures of many indigenous Arctic peoples, who have hunted the walrus for its meat, fat, skin, tusks, and bone. During the 19th century and the early 20th century, walruses were widely hunted and killed for their blubber, walrus ivory, and meat."
] | [
"docid": "D2869354#0",
"title": "https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Big_Lebowski\nThe Big Lebowski",
"text": "\"navigation search The Dude abides. The Big Lebowski is a 1998 film about an amiable unemployed slacker, The Dude, and his close friends, all fond of their nights at the local bowling alley, who are drawn into a Chandleresque plot involving the missing younger wife of a millionaire namesake. The film has given rise to a non-traditional religious philosophy based on it and Taoism known as Dudeism. Directed by Joel Coen. Written by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen. Her life was in their hands. Now her toe is in the mail. taglines Contents [ hide ]1 Jeffrey \"\"The Dude\"\" Lebowski2 Walter Sobchak3 Jesus Quintana4 Dialogue5 Taglines6 Quotes about The Big Lebowski7 Cast8 External links Jeffrey \"\"The Dude\"\" Lebowski [ edit]Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together. This is a very complicated case, Maude."
"docid": "D1005416#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskimo\nEskimo",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Eskimo (disambiguation). Map of the Inuit Circumpolar Council of Eskimo peoples, showing the Yupik ( Yup'ik, Siberian Yupik) and Inuit ( Iñupiat, Inuvialuit, Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, Greenlandica Inuit)External video Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life 1949 Documentary on Native Americans Eskimo is an English term for the indigenous peoples who have traditionally inhabited the northern circumpolar region stretching from eastern Siberia (Russia), across Alaska (of the United States) and Canada, to Greenland. [ 1] The two main peoples known as \"\"Eskimo\"\" are: (1) the Alaskan Iñupiat peoples, Eskimo Inuit, and the mass-grouping Inuit peoples of Canada, and (2) the Yupik of eastern Siberia and Alaska. The Yupik comprise speakers of four distinct Yupik languages: one used in the Russian Far East and the others among people of Western Alaska, Southcentral Alaska and along the Gulf of Alaska coast. A third northern group, the Aleut, is closely related to these two. They share a relatively recent common ancestor, and a language group ( Eskimo-Aleut ). The word \"\"Eskimo\"\" derives from phrases that Algonquin tribes used for their northern neighbors. The Inuit and Yupik peoples generally do not use it to refer to themselves, and the governments in Canada and Greenland have ceased using it in official documents. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 History3 Nomenclature3.1 Origin3.2 General4 Languages5 Inuit5.1 Greenland's Inuit5.2 Inuit of Canada's Eastern Arctic5.3 Inuvialuit of Canada's Western Arctic5.4 Alaska's Iñupiat6 Yupik6.1 Alutiiq6.2 Central Alaskan Yup'ik6.3 Siberian Yupik6.4 Naukan7 Sirenik Eskimos8 See also9 References10 Additional sources10.1 Cyrillic11 Further reading Description [ edit]Illustration of a Greenlandic Inuit man In its linguistic origins, [3] the word Eskimo comes from Innu-aimun (Montagnais) 'ayas̆kimew' meaning \"\"a person who laces a snowshoe\"\" and is related to \"\"husky\"\", so does not have a direct pejorative meaning. [ 4]In Canada and Greenland, the term \"\"Eskimo\"\" is predominately seen as pejorative and has been widely replaced by the term \"\"Inuit\"\" or terms specific to a particular group or community. ["
"docid": "D1932853#0",
"title": "http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=138\n.",
"text": "\"Artistfacts ® Lyrics Song Images Songfacts ®4:35John Lennon wrote this song. As stated in the DVD Composing the Beatles Songbook, John was throwing together nonsense lyrics to mess with the heads of scholars trying to dissect The Beatles songs. They also mention that it's John's answer to Bob Dylan's \"\"getting away with murder\"\" style of songwriting. Lennon told Playboy years later that \"\"I can write that crap too,\"\" which is rarely mentioned in relation to this song. Lennon explained the origins of this song in his 1980 Playboy interview: \"\"The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko. Part of it was putting down Hare Krishna. All these people were going on about Hare Krishna, Allen Ginsberg in particular. The reference to 'Element'ry penguin' is the elementary, naive attitude of going around chanting, 'Hare Krishna,' or putting all your faith in any one idol. I was writing obscurely, a la Dylan, in those days. \"\""
"docid": "D2241921#0",
"title": "http://ivoryheaven.com/id1.html\n.",
"text": "\"What is Ivory? Ivory is formed from dentine and constitutes the bulk of the teeth and tusks of animals. The word \"\"ivory\"\" was traditionally applied to the tusks of elephants; the word is ultimately from Ancient Egyptian âb, âbu \"\"elephant\"\". \"\" True\"\" ivory comes from elephants and mammoth; however, the term is generally applied to the tusks of other mammals, and some synthetics. Chemically, ivory is similar to bone and antler, and comprises a collagen matrix with a mineral component. Unlike bone, ivory has no blood vessel system, and is therefore more dense. The most commonly found ivories in North America come from elephant, walrus, sperm whale, and hornbill. Different Kinds of Ivory It is possible to tell these ivories apart, as they are structurally different. This category includes ivory from both Indian and African elephants, as well as ivory from mammoths and mastodon. The tusks, or upper incisors, of these animals are used."
"docid": "D3185923#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogoslof_Island\nBogoslof Island",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bogoslof Island Aerial view, looking south (1994)Highest point Elevation 492 ft (150 m) [1]Coordinates 53°55′38″N 168°02′04″WCoordinates: 53°55′38″N 168°02′04″W [1]Geography Alaska Location Aleutian Islands, Alaska Geology Mountain type Submarine volcano [2]Volcanic arc Aleutian Arc [2]Last eruption August 7, 2017 [3]U. S. National Natural Landmark Designated 1967Bogoslof Island or Agasagook Island ( Aleut: Aĝasaaĝux̂ [4]) is the summit of a submarine stratovolcano located at the southern edge of the Bering Sea, 35 miles (56 km) northwest of Unalaska Island of the Aleutian Island chain. It has a land area of 319.3 acres (1.292 km 2) and is uninhabited by people. The peak elevation of the island is 490 feet (150 m). It is 1,040 meters (3,410 ft) long and 1,512 m (4,961 ft) wide. The stratovolcano rises about 6,000 ft (1,800 m) from the seabed, but the summit is the only part that projects above sea level. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 2016-2017 Eruptions2 Gallery3 See also4 References5 External links History [ edit]The first known emergence of the island above sea level was recorded during an underwater eruption in 1796. Since then, parts of the island have been successively added and eroded. [ 5] About 2,000 feet (610 m) northwest of Bogoslof, a small volcanic dome emerged in 1883 from the same stratovolcano and has become a stack rock formation known as Fire Island. On the southwest side of Bogoslof, another dome erupted in 1796; it is now called Castle Rock. Other eruptions have occurred in 1796-1804, 1806-1823, 1883-1895, 1906, 1907, 1909-1910, 1926-1928, 1992, and 2016-2017. ["
"docid": "D1936375#0",
"title": "http://www.arcticphoto.com/walrus.asp\nWalrus & Arctic Seals",
"text": "Walrus & Arctic Seals Members of the Pinniped family are well suited to life in the Arctic. The Pinnipeds include the Walrus, eared seals like sea lions and fur seals and the true seals. The word means fin footed. The Pinnipeds have sleek barrel shaped bodies with small fin shaped limbs and a good layer of blubber to insulate them in their mainly aquatic lifestyle. They are carnivores but specialized in their feeding preferences with many of the true seals feeding on fish and Walrus feeding on shellfish and other invertebrates from the sea bed. Fossil Record The remains of the now extinct Puijila darwini, one of the Pinnipeds earliest ancestors, was discovered on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic in 2007. Roaming the arctic around 21 to 24 million years ago, it was about a metre long (3 ft) and was more like an otter than a modern seal, but it had flipper feet. Walrus The Walrus is a large marine mammal with flippers, wiry whiskers and long ivory tusks. A Pacific adult male can weigh as much as 4,500lb, (2,000 kilo) but they are usually smaller, the only marine mammals larger than the walrus are the two species of Elephant Seals. There are 3 separate subspecies of Walrus, the Pacific Walrus, with a population around 200,000."
"docid": "D2952204#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Does_a_walrus_have_fur\nWhat is fur?",
"text": "\"What is fur? Answer . Fur is a type of soft thing. It is like your hair but softer. Purplepurplepurple 50 Contributions How do you get fur? Animals are killed by anal electrocution, during which an electrically charged steel rod is inserted into the animal's rectum, literally frying his or her insides. Exposed bro …Popatitty 3 Contributions What are facts about walrus? It matures at six yrs old ' younger than most humans isnt that cool : DZephyrad 77,260 Contributions Which Beatle was the Walrus? John Lennon was the Walrus, though apparently Ringo Starr wore the walrus costume for the Magical Mystery Tour film shoot. \"\" The Walrus was Paul\"\" was a phony clue, sung by Jo …What is the walrus do?walrus's do your mom Where can you get fur?anything Hugajewday 129 Contributions How do you spell a walrus?"
"docid": "D1933497#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Through_the_Looking-Glass\nThrough the Looking-Glass",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Through the Looking Glass (disambiguation). Through the Looking-Glass First edition cover of Through the Looking-Glass Author Lewis Carroll Illustrator John Tenniel Country United Kingdom Language English Genre Children's fiction Publisher Macmillan Publication date 1872Preceded by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1872 [1]) is a novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). Set some six months later than the earlier book, Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. Through the Looking-Glass includes such celebrated verses as \"\" Jabberwocky \"\" and \"\" The Walrus and the Carpenter \"\", and the episode involving Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The mirror which inspired Carroll remains displayed in Charlton Kings. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot summary2 Characters2.1 Main characters2.2 Minor characters2.3 Returning characters3 Writing style and themes3.1 Symbolism3.2 Chess4 Poems and songs5 The Wasp in a wig6 Dramatic adaptations6.1 Stand-alone versions6.2 With Alice's Adventures in Wonderland6.3 Other7 See also8 References8.1 Notes8.2 Citations8.3 Other sources9 External links Plot summary [ edit]Alice entering the Looking Glass. Illustration by Sir John Tenniel Chapter One – Looking-Glass House: Alice is playing with a white kitten (whom she calls \"\"Snowdrop\"\") and a black kitten (whom she calls \"\"Kitty\"\")—the offspring of Dinah, Alice's cat in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland —when she ponders what the world is like on the other side of a mirror's reflection. Climbing up onto the fireplace mantel, she pokes at the wall-hung mirror behind the fireplace and discovers, to her surprise, that she is able to step through it to an alternative world. In this reflected version of her own house, she finds a book with looking-glass poetry, \"\" Jabberwocky \"\", whose reversed printing she can read only by holding it up to the mirror. She also observes that the chess pieces have come to life, though they remain small enough for her to pick up."
"docid": "D2162694#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeaWorld_San_Antonio\nSeaWorld San Antonio",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the Sea World chain of parks, see Sea World. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( November 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( January 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Sea World San Antonio Slogan \"\"From Park to Planet\"\" (See It Here, Save It There)Location 10500 Sea World Drive San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas 78251 United States Coordinates 29.4584°N 98.6998°WCoordinates: 29.4584°N 98.6998°WOwner Sea World Parks & Entertainment General Manager Carl Lum Opened May 27, 1988; 29 years ago Previous names Sea World of Texas [1]Operating season Year-round Area 250 acres (100 ha)Rides Total 9Roller coasters 5 (including water coaster)Water rides 2 (including water coaster)Website Sea World San Antonio Sea World San Antonio is a 250-acre (100 ha) marine mammal park, oceanarium, and animal theme park, located in the Westover Hills District of San Antonio, Texas on the city’s west side. It is the largest of the three parks in the Sea World chain owned by Sea World Entertainment, and the world's largest marine -life theme park. The other Sea World parks are located in San Diego, California, Orlando, Florida, and one will soon be located in Abu Dhabi, UAE under separate ownership. It is a member of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums (AMMPA) [2] and is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). ["
"docid": "D2485559#0",
"title": "http://www.3rd1000.com/history3/explorers/hudson/hudson.htm\nHenry Hudson, Explorer and Adventurer",
"text": "\"Henry Hudson, Explorer and Adventurer Part 1 of 6This is a collection of data about, and a chronology of the life and voyages of English explorer, mariner and adventurer, Henry Hudson, as well as some additional notes on his times, contemporaries and his crew. Not much is known for certain about Hudson's life or any of his voyages before 1607. He must have learned his craft and skills by travelling with contemporary seafarers, probably British mariners (possibly even sailing with John Davis on one his voyages to the Arctic) because by the time of his first recorded voyage, he was a captain. His contributions to the exploration of the world as it was then known have generally been understated by modern sources, and overshadowed by greater exploits of his contemporaries. No contemporary painting or portrait of Henry Hudson has ever been found and even the oldest we have were painted after his death by people who probably based their artwork solely on a description. Hudson was the architect of his own fateful tragedy that led to the mutiny in 1611. Obsessed by the vision of a northwest passage, he often ignored everything around him in his quest to find it. That included his crew. Almost every voyage indicated some form of crew uprising or mutiny. Hudson appeared weak and vacillated between appeasement and force when dealing with crew, seldom disciplining them when or as required, often showing favouritism to some members at the expense of the others (and of his own authority)."
"docid": "D2030348#0",
"title": "http://geekologie.com/2015/09/magic-super-permeable-concrete-makes-wat.php\nMagic: Super Permeable Concrete Makes Water Disappear",
"text": "\"Magic: Super Permeable Concrete Makes Water Disappear September 18, 2015 13This is a video demonstration of Lafarge Tarmac's Topmix permeable concrete drinking up 4,000 liters of water poured onto it. That is impressive. The concrete in my apartment building's parking lot? It could drink 4,000 liters too, but only beer and liquor. It has a drinking problem but nobody in my building wants to talk about it. Keep going for the video. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:00Thanks to Marcus O, who wants to know where all that water goes. Facebook Twitter Pinterest I'd Eat Him: Han Solo Frozen In Pop Tart Frosting Previous Story Luna Lanterns: Beautiful, Realistic Moon Lamps Next Story Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safari The_Wretched • 2 years agothis is great and all but where does the water go?"
"docid": "D2946453#0",
"title": "http://www.walrus-world.com/walruses-in-captivity/\nWalruses in Captivity",
"text": "Walruses in Captivityby Walrus-World | Nov 22, 2013 | Humans |Care of walruses There are quite a few locations out there where you will find walruses in captivity. They allow humans the chance to get to see these animals up close. This type of exposure helps to remind people that these animals need to have their natural environments protected. These measures also serve to allow them to be observed by researchers. However, a great deal of their behaviors can be different in captivity than when they are in the wild so everything they do can’t be taken at face value. Many of the walruses out there in captivity have suffered some type of injury or they are very old. By allowing them to remain in captivity their life is able to be extended. Some of the young are taken in when their mother’s are killed. However, it is common for another female walrus to step in and offer milk so such interventions by humans aren’t always necessary. For the most part the walrus tends to adapt very well to the new environment."
"docid": "D1768822#0",
"title": "http://puppetgallery.com/gallery/seacreat.html\nFOUND SEA CREATURESALSO SEE TURTLES , OTTERS",
"text": "\"#NP8124 GREAT WHITE SHARKThe great white shark is a streamlined swimmer and a ferocious predator with 3,000 or more teeth. This fish has a torpedo-shaped body, a pointed snout, a crescent-shaped tail, 5 gill slits, no fin spines, an anal fin, and 3 main fins: the dorsal fin (on its back) and 2 pectoral fins (on its sides). When the shark is near the surface, the dorsal fin and part of the tail are visible above the water. Great whites average 12-16 feet long. The biggest great white shark on record was 23 feet long, weighing about 7,000 pounds. Females are larger than males, as with most sharks. Shark pups can be over 5 feet long at birth. This Hand Puppet, however, is just 24 inches long. Puppet Gallery Price:$21.95QTY: GREAT WHITE SHARK (FG7124)At 12 inches long, this Finger Puppet is half the size of the Hand Puppet above. Your fingers go in from the underside to move the mouth."
"docid": "D2809087#0",
"title": "http://www.walrus-world.com/facts-about-walruses/\nFacts about Walruses",
"text": "Facts about Walrusesby Walrus-World | Nov 22, 2013 | Facts |Facts about Walruses How much do you really know about the walrus? Chances are there is plenty about them that you haven’t heard about before. As you read these walrus facts you can be confident that your knowledge about them is going to continue to expand. The name of the walrus means “tooth walker”. The tusks of a full grown walrus can weigh 12 pounds. Each one features from 400 to 700 whiskers. From adistance the walrus appears to be without fur. However, the entire body is covered with a very thin layer of it. The blubber, which is the layers of fat, on a walrus can be more than 4 inches thick. A walrus can remain under water for up to 30 minutes before coming up for air."
"docid": "D1596752#0",
"title": "http://www.chacha.com/question/how-big-do-mini-walrus-dogs-get\nHow big do mini walrus dogs get?",
"text": "\"Anonymous How big do mini walrus dogs get? Topics: Animals › Dogs › Walruses, Marine Mammals, Mammals Answer Sawyer Tyson'Mini walrus' is a cross between a male Shar-pei and female 'Basset Hound. They are 30-45 lbs. as adults,13-15\"\" high at shoulders.0 7 years ago Do you know the answer? Login or Sign Up to answer this question.data-config-site-section=\"\"chacha\"\">Related Walruses Questions What are the breeds of the dog mini walrus? So called Mini Walrus are a mix between Shar Pei and Basset Hound. ! What to dog breeds make a walrus? Produced by deliberately crossing a male shar-pei with a choice female... Does a walrus sound like a dog barking? Yes, a walrus does sound like a dog barking. ! How big are walrus?"
"docid": "D785946#0",
"title": "https://dolphins.org/sea_lion_info\nSea Lion Info",
"text": "\"Sea Lion Info There are 33 species of pinnipeds (meaning \"\"wing-\"\" or \"\"fin-footed\"\") which include 18 true seals, 14 eared seals (sea lions and fur seals), and 1 walrus. California sea lions belong to the family Otariidae which means \"\"little ears.” In the scientific community, there are many debates concerning the ancestry of eared and true seals. Some scientists believe that eared seals and walruses may have evolved 30 million years ago from bear-like creatures in the North Pacific, and that seals evolved from otter-like carnivores in the North Atlantic. Seals vs. Sea Lions: Is there a difference? Seals and sea lions have several visible differences. Sea lions have external ear flaps, whereas the majority of seals have a small opening for an ear and lack an external ear flap. A flexible pelvic girdle enables sea lions to move more easily on land by rotating their hind flippers underneath their bodies and walking like other four-legged animals. To move on land, seals propel their streamlined bodies in a way similar to a caterpillar. Both seals and sea lions are professionals in the water environment."
"docid": "D1407809#0",
"title": "https://www.defenders.org/walrus/basic-facts\nBasic Facts About Walruses",
"text": "Basic Facts About Walruses The walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus) is a large Arctic marine mammal with flippers, a broad head, short muzzle, small eyes, tusks and whiskers. Scientists recognize two subspecies of walrus – the Atlantic walrus and the Pacific walrus. Walruses are cinnamon brown in color. They are able to turn their hind flippers forward to aid in movement on land. Their front flippers are large and each has five digits. Males have special air sacs that are used to make a bell-like sound. Both males and females have large tusks that are used for defense, cutting through ice and getting out of the water. The tusks can be more than three feet long in males and about two and a half feet long in females. Diet Walrus staples include clams, mussels and other bottom dwelling (or benthic) organisms that they locate through their whiskers. They are also known to eat carcasses of young seals when food is scarce."
"docid": "D1407810#0",
"title": "http://www.whateats.com/what-eats-a-walrus\nWHAT EATS A WALRUS?",
"text": "WHAT EATS A WALRUS?by admin on March 23, 2010What Eats A Walrus? W hat eats walruses? What does a walrus eat? The walrus is a large animal that has only two predators: the polar bear and the orca, or killer whale. Orcas attack walruses that are in the water, and polar bears attack them on land or on ice floes. Polar bears usually avoid tackling adult walruses because they fear being injured by their long tusks. Instead, a polar bear will try to separate a young walrus from the herd. But large polar bears that are very hungry have been known to attack, kill and eat full-grown walruses. As for what a walrus eats, walruses eat shellfish that they find on the ocean floor. Previous post: WHAT EATS A ZEBRA?"
"docid": "D2328542#0",
"title": "http://www.guitarsaddles.com/products.asp\n.",
"text": "\"T here are many more examples of my work in the \"\"gallery\"\" pages. BONE SADDLESBone is the most common and least expensive aftermarket natural material used for saddles. It is denser than any of the synthetic materials and in nearly all cases displays an immediate, noticeable difference after installation. Most of the bone used in today’s guitar saddles comes from Chinese cows or ox. Is a Chinese cow or ox better than American ones? Probably not, but their bones are cheaper. Additionally, there is no difference between the final product whether the bone came from one animal or the other. NO animals are unnecessarily murdered just for the purpose of anyone’s guitars. These are simply the byproducts of the beef industry. Nearly every guitar in the higher price range ($2000.00 and up) will come with a bone saddle and nut as the standard material."
"docid": "D167421#0",
"title": "http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Disney/AliceInWonderland\nDisney / Alice in Wonderland",
"text": "\"Watch Edit Page Add Review Related Discussion History More Share Disney / Alice in Wonderland Main Awesome Characters Disney Film Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Laconic Literature Nightmare Fuel Quotes Tear Jerker Trivia Video Game Western Animati… WMG YMMV Referenced By Create New If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?— Alice Number 13 in the Disney Animated Canon, this 1951 adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was a long time coming. Walt Disney was a lifelong fan of the book and wanted to make it a decade earlier, but another production of the story was being produced elsewhere at the time, prompting the studio to shelf it for a while. Then World War II happened and they lost a lot of their budget on war films. Some years of Development Hell turned the film into a more wacky, comedic cartoon in the same vein as The Emperor's New Groove and a very odd entry in the Disney canon. It inspired three attractions in the Disney Theme Parks, most prominent being the famous spinning teacups ride, which each resort has a variation of. note Disneyland also has a conventional dark ride based on the film, and Disneyland Paris has a Wonderland labyrinth."
] |
320 | +where is the bactria? | [
"docid": "D2048054#0",
"title": "http://asianhistory.about.com/od/glossaryae/g/Where-Is-Bactria.htm\nWhere Is Bactria?",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture Where Is Bactria? Share Flipboard Email Printvia Wikipediaby Kallie Szczepanski Updated December 27, 2017Bactria is an ancient region of Central Asia, between the Hindu Kush Mountain range and the Oxus River (today generally called the Amu Darya River). In more recent times, the region also goes by the name \"\"Balkh,\"\" after one of the tributary rivers of the Amu Darya. Historically often a unified region, Bactria now is divided among many Central Asian nations: Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, plus a sliver of what is now Pakistan. Two of its significant cities that are still important today are Samarkand (in Uzbekistan) and Kunduz (in northern Afghanistan). Brief History of Bactria Archaeological evidence and early Greek accounts indicate that the area east of Persia and northwest of India has been home to organized empires since at least 2,500 BCE, and possibly much longer. The great philosopher Zoroaster, or Zarathustra, is said to have come from Bactria. Scholars have long debated when the historical personage of Zoroaster lived, with some proponents claiming a date as early as 10,000 BCE, but this is all speculative. In any event, his beliefs form the basis for Zoroastrianism, which strongly influenced the later monotheistic religions of southwest Asia (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). In the sixth century BCE, Cyrus the Great conquered Bactria and added it to the Persian or Achaemenid Empire."
] | [
"docid": "D991323#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roxanna\nRoxana",
"text": "\" [ show] This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in German. ( April 2017) Click [show] for important translation instructions. For other uses, see Roxana (disambiguation). Alexander the Great and Roxana, in a 1756 painting by Italian Baroque artist Pietro Rotari. Roxana ( Ancient Greek: Ῥωξάνη; Old Persian Raoxshna; ( Persian: رکسانا) sometimes Roxanne, Roxanna, Rukhsana, Roxandra and Roxane) was a Sogdian [1] [2] [3] [4] princess of Bactria and a wife of the Greek Macedonian king, Alexander the Great. She was born in c. 340 BC [5] though the precise date remains uncertain and died in c. 310 BC. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 Biography2 Historical novels and film3 See also4 References5 Sources6 External links Biography [ edit]Roxana was born in c. 340 BC as the daughter of a Bactrian nobleman named Oxyartes, who served Bessus, the satrap of Bactria and Sogdia. He was thus probably also involved in the murder of the last Achaemenid king Darius III. After Bessus was captured by the Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great, Oxyartes and his family continued to resist the Greeks, and along with other Iranian notables such as the Sogdian warlord Spitamenes, took up a defensive position in a fortress known as the Sogdian Rock. [ 5]However, they were eventually defeated by Alexander, who reportedly fell in love with Roxana on sight; [6] in 327 BC, Alexander married Roxana despite the strong opposition from all his companions and generals."
"docid": "D820615#0",
"title": "http://www.historyofmacedonia.org/AncientMacedonia/AlexandertheGreat.html\n.",
"text": "\"Alexander the Great Alexander of Macedon Biography King of Macedonia and Conqueror of the Persian Empire Alexander III the Great, the King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was inspiration for later conquerors such as Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey and Caesar, and Napoleon. Alexander was born in 356 BC in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was son of Philip II, King of Macedonia, and Olympias, the princess of neighboring Epirus. Alexander spent his childhood watching his father transforming Macedonia into a great military power, winning victory after victory on the battlefields throughout the Balkans. At age 12 he showedhis equestrian skill to his father and all who were watching when he tamed Bucephalus, an unruly stallion horse, unable to be ridden and devouring the flesh of all who had tried. Plutarch writes:\"\" Philip and his friends looked on at first in silence and anxiety for the result, till seeing him turn at the end of his career, and come back rejoicing and triumphing for what he had performed, they all burst out into acclamations of applause; and his father shedding tears, it is said, for joy, kissed him as he came down from his horse, and in his transport said, 'O my son, look thee out a kingdom equal to and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee' \"\" (Alex. 6.8.). Alexander would ride Bucephalus in all of his major battles, together till the very end. When he was 13, Philip hired the Greek philosopher Aristotle to be Alexander’s personal tutor."
"docid": "D125978#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_size_of_a_bacteria\nWhat is the size of bacteria?",
"text": "Issakshanty 4 Contributions What is the size of bacteria?smaller than a eukarya cell The size of bactria is .5 to 2 micrometer (um). Size of a bacteria?the size of your small intestine. Size of bacteria in cheese?rhe RHE RHERHEWhat are the sizes and shapes of bacteria? There are 3 basic shapes of bacteria: spherical (round), rod-shaped, and spiral-shaped. What is the size of a virus compared to the size of bacteria? usually virus is bigger How does the size of a bacteria compare to the size of viruses? Viruses are smaller than bacteria. Pielover021 3 Contributions Do bacteria vary in size with age? No they don't grow as they age. They grow as more and more people touch them."
"docid": "D2147225#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians\nScythians",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Scythian\"\" redirects here. For the obsolete stratigraphic term, see Early Triassic. For the languages, see Scythian languages. For the band, see Scythian (band). Gold Scythian pectoral, or neckpiece, from a royal kurgan in Tolstaya Mogila, Pokrov, Ukraine, dated to the second half of the 4th century BC. The central lower tier shows three horses, each being torn apart by two griffins. Scythians shooting with the Scythian bow, Kerch (ancient Panticapeum ), Crimea, 4th century BCGold Scythian belt title, Mingachevir (ancient Scythian kingdom ), Azerbaijan, 7th century BCPart of a series on Indo-European topics Languages [show]Philology [show]Origins [show]Archaeology [show]Peoples and societies [show]Religion and mythology [show]Indo-European studies [show]v t e Part of a series on the History of Russia Cimmerians 12th–7th century BCEScythians 8th–4th century BCESarmatians 5th century BCE–4th century CEEarly Slavs / Rus' pre-9th century Khazar Khaganate 7th–10th century Rus' Khaganate 9th century Volga Bulgaria 9th–13th century Kievan Rus' 882–1240Vladimir-Suzdal 1157–1331Novgorod Republic 1136–1478Mongol Yoke 1240s–1480Grand Duchy of Moscow 1283–1547Tsardom of Russia 1547–1721Russian Empire 1721–1917Russian Republic 1917Russian SFSR 1917–1922Soviet Union 1922–1991Russian Federation 1991–present Timeline Russia portalv t e The Scythians ( UK: / ˈ s ɪ ð i ə n /; US: / ˈ s ɪ θ -/ ), [1] or Scyths [2] (from Greek Σκύθαι, in Indo-Persian context also Saka ), were a group of Iranian people, [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] known as the Eurasian nomads, who inhabited the western and central Eurasian steppes from about the 9th century BC until about the 1st century BC. [ 9] Scythia was the Greek term for the grasslands north and east of the Black Sea. The Scythian languages belonged to the Eastern branch of the Iranian languages. [ 10]Scythian art is distinctive."
"docid": "D1510639#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/decimate\ndecimate",
"text": "\"decimateverb dec·i·mate \\ ˈde-sə-ˌmāt \\Updated on: 4 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: decimate in a Sentence Editor's Note: Did You Know? Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of decimatedecimated; decimatingtransitive verb1: to select by lot and kill every tenth man ofdecimate a regiment2: to exact a tax of 10 percent frompoor as a decimated Cavalier —John Dryden3 a: to reduce drastically especially in numbercholera decimated the population Kamieniecki's return comes at a crucial time for a pitching staff that has been decimated by injuries. — Jason Diamosb: to cause great destruction or harm tofirebombs decimated the cityan industry decimated by recession—decimationplay \\ ˌde-sə-ˈmā-shən \\ noun See decimate defined for English-language learners See decimate defined for kids Examples of decimate in a Sentence This kind of moth is responsible for decimating thousands of trees in our town. Budget cuts have decimated public services in small towns. Alexander’s ego killed more of his men in a needless trek through the Gedrosian Desert than Darius III ever did on the battlefield. That disaster and the dirty fighting in Bactria merit almost no screen time. Also omitted is Alexander's introduction to the Western world of decimation, crucifixion, and other phenomena. —“ Gay Old Times?” P. 40, Victor Davis Hanson, NATIONAL REVIEW Vol."
"docid": "D1806095#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Vedic_religion\nHistorical Vedic religion",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Part of a series on Hinduism Hindu History Concepts [show]Schools [show]Deities [show]Texts [show]Practices [show]Gurus, saints, philosophers [show]Society [show]Other topics [show]Glossary of Hinduism terms Hinduism portalv t e Part of a series on Indo-European topics Languages [show]Philology [show]Origins [show]Archaeology [show]Peoples and societies [show]Religion and mythology [hide]Reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion Proto-Indo-Iranian religion Historical Hittite Indian Vedic Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Iranian Persian Zoroastrianism Kurdish Yazidism Yarsanism Scythian Ossetian Others Armenian Europe Paleo-Balkans Greek Roman Celtic Irish Scottish Breton Welsh Cornish Germanic Anglo-Saxon Continental Norse Baltic Latvian Lithuanian Slavic Albanian Practices Fire-sacrifice Horse sacrifice Sati Winter solstice / Yule Indo-European studies [show]v t e Map of North India in the late Vedic period. The location of shakhas is labeled in green; the Thar Desert is dark yellow. The historical Vedic religion (also known as Vedism, Brahmanism, Vedic Brahmanism, and ancient Hinduism [note 1]) was the religion of the Indo-Aryans of northern India during the Vedic period. [ 5] It is one of the historical elements from which modern Hinduism emerged, although significantly different from it. [ note 2]The Vedic liturgy is conserved in the mantra portion of the four Vedas, [6] which are compiled in Sanskrit. The religious practices centered on a clergy administering rites. [ 7] The complex Vedic rituals of Śrauta continue in coastal Andhra. [ 8]Scholars consider the Vedic religion to have been a composite of the religions of the Indo-Aryans, \"\"a syncretic mixture of old Central Asian and new Indo-European elements\"\", [9] which borrowed \"\"distinctive religious beliefs and practices\"\" [10] from the Bactria–Margiana culture, [10] and the remnants of the Harappan culture of the Indus Valley. [ 11]Contents [ hide ]1 Origins2 Textual history3 Characteristics3.1 Rituals3.2 Pantheon3.3 Philosophy3.4 Ethics — satya and rta4 Post-Vedic religions4.1 Post-Vedic Hinduism4.1.1 Vedanta4.1.2 Bhakti4.1.3 Interpretations of Vedic Mantras in Hinduism4.2 Sramana tradition5 See also6 Notes7 References7.1 Citations7.2 Sources Origins [ edit]Main articles: Indo-Aryans, Indo-Aryan migrations, and Vedic period See also: Indo-European migrations, Proto-Indo-European religion, and Proto-Indo-Iranian religion The Vedic religion was the religion of the Indo-Aryans, [12] [note 3] and existed in northern India from c. 1750–500 BCE. [ 14] [note 4] The Indo-Aryans were a branch of the Indo-European language family, which originated in the Kurgan culture of the Central Asian steppes. ["
"docid": "D1740026#0",
"title": "http://www.silk-road.com/newsletter/december/new_discoveries.htm\n.",
"text": "Étienne de la VaissièreÉcole pratique des hautes études Sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris The Sogdians were the inhabitants of fertile valleys surrounded by deserts, the most important of which was the Zeravshan valley, in today’s Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. This Iranian-speaking people had a fifteen-centuries-long historical identity between the sixth century BCE and the tenth century CE when it vanished in the Muslim, Persian-speaking world. Although the Sogdians constructed such famous towns as Samarkand and Bukhara, they are quite unknown. Only specialists on the Silk Road know that they were among the main go-betweens of the exchanges in the steppe, in Central Asia, and in China during the first millennium CE, and especially between the fifth and the eighth centuries CE. During this period, the “inland silk road” and the “Sogdian trading network” are almost synonymous. The contemporary Sogdian, Chinese, Arabic, Byzantine, and Armenian sources describe the Sogdians as the great traders of Inner Asia. They managed to sell their products - musk, slaves, silverware, silk and many other goods - to all the surrounding peoples. A Greek text describes their trading embassies to Byzantium, some caravaneers’ graffiti prove that they were in India, Turkish vocabulary is a testimony to their cultural and economic power in the Turkish steppe... But their main market was always China. The Chinese branch of their network is by far the best known, and in China the number of new discoveries on the Sogdians is quickly growing. When did the first Sogdian arrive in China to trade?"
"docid": "D1799901#0",
"title": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/fosrec/MunGun4.html\nDINOSAUR NAMES",
"text": "\"DINOSAUR NAMESCRAIG A. MUNSART and KAREN ALONZI-VAN GUNDYINTRODUCTIONMANY LARGE words that are used every day are made up of small, pieces of words called roots or combining forms. The roots come from other languages like Greek and Latin and, when combined, form common English words. For instance, using the four roots: tele-, from Greek meaning farmicro-, from Greek meaning smallscope, from Greek meaning to look, watch or seephone, from Greek meaning sound several common words can be made such as: telephone, allows far-away sound to be heardtelescope, allows far away objects to be seenmicrophone, allows small sounds to be heardmicroscope, allows small objects to be seen The names of dinosaurs are formed the same way. Although they often seem to be merely long strings of random letters designed by scientists specifically to be difficult to pronounce, the names of the animals are combinations of word roots that always describe something about the animal. For example, combining the following three roots: tri-, from Latin meaning threecerat-, from Greek meaning horn-ops, from Greek meaning face gives the name for Triceratops, a dinosaur with a three-horned face. Another difficult sounding dinosaur name is Pachycephalosaurus. Broken down into its combining forms it means:pachy-, from Greek meaning thickcephalo-, from Greek meaning head-saurus, from the Greek meaning lizard This is not a comment on the animal's intelligence. It is a description of an animal with a projection on the upper part of the skull making the head look thicker than normal. Return to top Dinosaur names can also describe where the animal was first discovered: Alberto saurus was discovered in the province of Alberta, Canada Bactro saurus was discovered in Bactria, Mongolia Other dinosaur names honor the person who was instrumental in the discovery: Lambe osaurus was named for Lawrence Lambe, a paleontologist with the Geological Survey of Canada. Diplodocus carnegii was named for Andrew Carnegie who financed the expedition for its discovery."
"docid": "D1488559#0",
"title": "http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/southasia/tp/040409CentralAsia.htm\nCentral Asia",
"text": "Humanities ›History & Culture Central Asia Trace the history of Central Asia from the Aryan invasion through the fall of the Soviet Union with these biographies, maps, and timelines. American History African American History African History Ancient History & Culture Asian History Basics Major Figures & Events Southeast Asia East Asia South Asia Middle East Central Asia Wars & Battles European History Genealogy Inventions Latin American History Medieval & Renaissance History Military History The 20th Century Women's History Article The Mujahideen of Afghanistan Article Where Is Bactria? Article What Was the Pax Mongolica? Article The Hazara People of Afghanistan Article Who Were the Seljuks? Article What Was the Safavid Empire? Article The Execution of Stoddart and Conolly in Bukhara List The Gates of Hell in Derweze, Turkmenistan Article What Sparked the Mongol Conquests? Article Effects of the Mongols Empire on Europe Article Mongolia | Facts and History Article Kazahkstan | Facts and History List Central Asia Timeline Article Turkmenistan | Facts and History Article What Is a Kurultai? Article Tajikistan | Facts and History Article Saparmurat Niyazov Article What Was the Golden Horde? Article Uzbekistan | Facts and History Article The Kushan Empire Article The Bengal Region Article What Is a Khan? Learn more about History & Culture American History African American History African History Ancient History & Culture Asian History European History Genealogy Inventions Latin American History Medieval & Renaissance History Military History The 20th Century Women's History"
"docid": "D820614#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenistic_period\nHellenistic period",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Nike of Samothrace is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of Hellenistic art. Part of a series on the History of Greece Neolithic Greece [show]Greek Bronze Age [show]Ancient Greece [show]Medieval Greece [show]Early modern Greece [show]Modern Greece [show]History by topic [show]Greece portalv t e The Hellenistic period covers the period of Mediterranean history between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the emergence of the Roman Empire as signified by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC [1] and the subsequent conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt the following year. [ 2] The Ancient Greek word Hellas (Ἑλλάς, Ellás) is the original word for Greece, from which the word \"\"Hellenistic\"\" was derived. [ 3]At this time, Greek cultural influence and power was at its peak in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, experiencing prosperity and progress in the arts, exploration, literature, theatre, architecture, music, mathematics, philosophy, and science. It is often considered a period of transition, sometimes even of decadence or degeneration, [4] compared to the enlightenment of the Greek Classical era. The Hellenistic period saw the rise of New Comedy, Alexandrian poetry, the Septuagint and the philosophies of Stoicism and Epicureanism. Greek science was advanced by the works of the mathematician Euclid and the polymath Archimedes. The religious sphere expanded to include new gods such as the Greco-Egyptian Serapis, eastern deities such as Attis and Cybele and the Greek adoption of Buddhism. Hellenistic period. Dionysus sculpture from the Ancient Art Collection at Yale."
"docid": "D1886388#0",
"title": "http://apworldipedia.com/index.php?title=Key_Concept_2.1_The_Development_and_Codification_of_Religious_and_Cultural_Traditions\nKey Concept 2.1 The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions",
"text": "\"navigation search\"\"As states and empires increased in size and contacts between regions multiplied, religious and cultural systems were transformed. Religions and belief systems provided a bond among the people and an ethical code to live by. These shared beliefs also influenced and reinforced political, economic, and occupational stratification. Religious and political authority often merged as rulers (some of whom were considered divine) used religion, along with military and legal structures, to justify their rule and ensure its continuation. Religions and belief systems could also generate conflict, partly because beliefs and practices varied greatly within and among societies.\"\" [ 1]I. Codifications and further developments of existing religious traditions provided a bond among people and an ethical code to live by. A. Forced migration of Hebrews during Assyrian and Babylonian captivity. We saw previously that the Hebrews developed a monotheistic faith. As their numbers grew and they became a more organized society, their beliefs, ceremonial laws, history, and hymns became codified into a common body of scripture. This collection of scripture is called the Torah (or Tanakh) and corresponds with what non-Jews call the Old Testament of the Bible."
"docid": "D272432#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-Greek-history-say-about-India-and-Chandragupta-Maurya\nWhat does Greek history say about India and Chandragupta Maurya?",
"text": "Harshit Kaushik, Software Developer at Kwench Answered Jun 20, 2015 · Author has 137 answers and 686.9k answer views In foreign Greek and Latin accounts, Chandragupta is known as Sandrokottos and Androcottus. He became well known in the Hellenistic world for conquering Alexander the Great's easternmost satrapies, and for defeating the most powerful of Alexander's successors, Seleucus I Nicator, in battle. Chandragupta subsequently married Seleucus's daughter to formalize an alliance and established a policy of friendship with the Hellenistic kingdoms, which stimulated India's trade and contact with the western world. The Greek diplomat Megasthenes, who visited the Maurya capital Pataliputra, is an important source of Maurya history. Seleucus I Nicator, a Macedonian satrap of Alexander, reconquered most of Alexander's former empire and put under his own authority the eastern territories as far as Bactria and the Indus (Appian, History of Rome, The Syrian Wars 55), until in 305 BCE he entered into conflict with Chandragupta. As quoted by Appian,History Of Wars. Always lying in wait for the neighboring nations, strong in arms and persuasive in council, he acquired Mesopotamia, Armenia, 'Seleucid' Cappadocia, Persis, Parthia, Bactria, Arabia, Tapouria, Sogdia, Arachosia, Hyrcania, and other adjacent peoples that had been subdued by Alexander, as far as the river Indus, so that the boundaries of his empire were the most extensive in Asia after that of Alexander. The whole region from Phrygia to the Indus was subject to Seleucus. He crossed the Indus and waged war with Sandrocottus [Maurya], king of the Indians, who dwelt on the banks of that stream, until they came to an understanding with each other and contracted a marriage relationship. Some of these exploits were performed before the death of Antigonus and some afterward."
"docid": "D1640251#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Hellenistic+Age\nHellenistic Age",
"text": "\"Hellenistic Age The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Hellenistic Agea stage in the history of the eastern Mediterranean that lasted from the campaigns of Alexander the Great (334–323 B. C.) to the Roman conquest of the region, which was completed in 30 B. C. with thefall of Egypt. The concept of the Hellenistic age was introduced into historiography in the 1830’s by the Germanhistorian J. G. Droysen, who proposed the term Hellenismus. Historians of various schools haveinterpreted the period in different ways. Many scholars have placed in the foreground the reciprocalinfluence of Greek and local—primarily eastern—cultures; in some cases the chronological limits of the Hellenistic age have been extended to the beginning of the Middle Ages. Other historians havefocused on the interaction of sociopolitical structures, stressed the preponderant role of the Greco-Macedonians, or analyzed—anachronisticaly—economic relations. Soviet historians, notably S. I. Kovalev, A. B. Ranovich, and K. K. Zel’in, have interpreted the Hellenistic age as a specific historical stage in the history of the eastern Mediterranean that is characterized by the reciprocal influence of Greek and local elements in socioeconomic relations,political organization, and cultural development from the end of the fourth century B. C. to the firstcentury B. C. Rise of the Hellenistic states; struggle among the Diadochoi (late fourth to early thirdcenturies B. C. ). When Alexander the Great died in 323, his empire encompassed the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea, Egypt, Southwest Asia, the southern regions of Middle Asia, and Central Asia as far as the lower course of the Indus. The most important political force in the empire was the army, which determined the state system that emerged after Alexander’s death."
"docid": "D683241#0",
"title": "http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/imperialism/notes/xerxes.html\n.",
"text": "\"Xerxes (reigned 486- 465 B. C.)Persian king (486-465 BC), the son and successor of Darius I. He is best known for his massive invasion of Greece from across the Hellespont (480 BC), a campaign marked by the battles of Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea. His ultimate defeat spelled the beginning of the decline of the Achaemenid Empire. Accession to the throne Xerxes was the son of Darius I and Atossa, daughter of Cyrus; he was the first son born to Darius after his accession to the throne. Xerxes was designated heir apparent by his father in preference to his elder brother Artabazanes. A bas-relief on the southern portico of a courtyard in the treasury of Persepolis, as well as the bas-reliefs on the east door of the tripylon (an ornamental stairway) depict him as the heir apparent, standing behind his father, who is seated on the throne. When his father died, in 486 BC, Xerxes was about 35 years old and had already governed Babylonia for a dozen years. One of his first concerns upon his accession was to pacify Egypt, where a usurper had been governing for two years. But he was forced to use much stronger methods than had Darius: in 484 BC he ravaged the Delta and chastised the Egyptians. Xerxes then learned of the revolt of Babylon, where two nationalist pretenders had appeared in swift succession. The second, Shamash-eriba, was conquered by Xerxes' son-in-law, and violent repression ensued: Babylon's fortresses were torn down, its temples pillaged, and the statue of Marduk destroyed; this latter act had great political significance: Xerxes was no longer able to \"\"take the hand of\"\" (receive the patronage of) the Babylonian god."
"docid": "D1070583#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurya_Empire\nMaurya Empire",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Maurya\"\" redirects here. For the 2004 film, see Maurya (film). [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. ( August 2016)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( August 2015)Maurya Empire322 BCE–180 BCEThe maximum extent of the Maurya Empire, as shown in many modern maps Capital Pataliputra (Present-day Patna, Bihar)Languages Magadhi Prakrit Religion Hinduism Buddhism JainismĀjīvika Government Absolute monarchy as described in Chanakya's Arthashastra Emperor• 322–298 BCE Chandragupta• 298–272 BCE Bindusara• 268–232 BCE Ashoka• 232–224 BCE Dasharatha• 224–215 BCE Samprati• 215–202 BCE Shalishuka• 202–195 BCE Devavarman• 195–187 BCE Shatadhanvan• 187–180 BCE Brihadratha Historical era Antiquity• Established 322 BCE• Disestablished 180 BCEArea• 250 BCE [1] 5,000,000 km 2 (1,900,000 sq mi)Currency Panas Preceded by Succeeded by Nanda Empire Mahajanapada Magadha Macedonian Empire Seleucid Empire Pauravas Taxila Shunga Empire Satavahana dynasty Mahameghavahana dynasty Indo-Scythians Today part of India Pakistan Bangladesh Afghanistan Nepal Iran Maurya Empire (322 BCE–180 BCE)Chandragupta (322–297 BCE)Bindusara (297–272/268 BCE)Ashoka (272/268–232 BCE)Dasharatha (232–224 BCE)Samprati (224–215 BCE)Shalishuka (215–202 BCE)Devavarman (202–195 BCE)Shatadhanvan (195–187 BCE)Brihadratha (187–180 BCE)v t e Part of a series on the History of India Ancient [show]Classical [show]Early medieval [show]Late medieval [show]Early modern [show]Modern [show]Related articles [show]v t e Outline of South Asian history Palaeolithic (2,500,000–250,000 BC) [show]Neolithic (10,800–3300 BC) [show]Chalcolithic (3500–1500 BC) [show]Bronze Age (3300–1300 BC) [show]Iron Age (1500–200 BC) [show]Middle Kingdoms (230 BC– AD 1206) [show]Late medieval period (1206–1526) [show]Early modern period (1526–1858) [show]Colonial states (1510–1961) [show]Periods of Sri Lanka [show]National histories [show]Regional histories [show]Specialised histories [show]v t e The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power founded by Chandragupta Maurya which dominated ancient India between 322 BCE and 187 BCE. Extending into the kingdom of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the eastern side of the Indian subcontinent, the empire had its capital city at Pataliputra (modern Patna ). [ 2] [3] The empire was the largest to have ever existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres (1.9 million square miles) at its zenith under Ashoka. Chandragupta Maurya raised an army and with the assistance of Chanakya (also known as Kauṭilya), [4] overthrew the Nanda Empire in c. 322 BCE and rapidly expanded his power westwards across central and western India."
"docid": "D2792926#0",
"title": "http://classroom.synonym.com/did-alexander-spread-greek-culture-throughout-ancient-world-9349.html\nDid Alexander Spread Greek Culture Throughout the Ancient World?",
"text": "\"Home » Classroom Did Alexander Spread Greek Culture Throughout the Ancient World? By Michael Drwiega Following Alexander’s illustrious conquests, Greek culture radiated throughout much of the world. Conquering territories from his native Macedonia to the Indus River, Alexander the Great (356-323 B. C. E.) enabled his successors, the three Hellenistic kingdoms, to spread Greek culture to an unprecedented extent. Vast regions formerly dominated by Egyptian or Persian traditions soon came to exhibit distinctively Greek characteristics in politics, language, athletics, art, literature and philosophy. Nonetheless, much of the world, including most people within the Hellenistic kingdoms, continued to live largely unaffected by Greek culture. Geography In Alexander’s day, humans were living not only in Africa, Europe and the Middle East but also in Central and East Asia, Australia, the Americas and on islands in the Pacific Ocean. Alexander’s conquests fell far short of encompassing all these regions. They did, however, embrace territories from Greece to the Indus River and from Anatolia to Memphis on the Nile. Greek Cities Cities attracted the majority of Greeks who immigrated into the lands Alexander conquered. Whether long established or newly founded by the conquerors, these urban areas soon acquired traditional features of Greek city-states, such as councils, assemblies, theaters and gymnasiums as well as an agora that served as both market and political forum."
"docid": "D3507160#0",
"title": "https://www.ancient.eu/Darius_I/\nDarius I",
"text": "\"Darius I (c. 550-486 BCE), also known as Darius the Great, was the third Persian King of the Achaemenid Empire. His reign lasted 36 years, from c. 522 to 486 BCE; during this time the Persian Empire reached its peak. Darius led military campaigns in Europe, Greece, and even in the Indus valley, conquering lands and expanding his empire. Not only resuming to military prowess, Darius also improved the legal and economic system and conducted impressive construction projects across the Persian Empire. Rise to Power The most important primary sources, that tell us about his life and reign, are his inscriptions, the most famous example being the trilingual inscription, in Akkadian or Babylonian, Elamite, and old Persian, carved on the Bisitun (Behistun) rock relief from the village of the same name and from his palace at Persepolis. Also, accounts about his reign were chronicled by the Greek historian Herodotus. Darius was born in c. 550 BCE, the oldest son of Hystapes and Rhodugune. The Behistun inscription mentions that his father occupied the position of satrap (regional leader) of Bactria and Persis during the reign of Cyrus the Great (559-530 BCE) and his son, Cambyses (530-522 BCE). During the reign of Cambyses, Darius held the position of spearman ( doryphoros ) and accompanied the king in his campaign to Egypt between 528 and 525 BCE. Before leaving for Egypt, Cambyses named Patizithes as custodian of the royal palace in his absence."
"docid": "D1228454#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bactrian_camel\nBactrian camel",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bactrian camel A Bactrian camel in the Shanghai Zoo Conservation status Domesticated Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Camelidae Genus: Camelus Species: C. bactrianus Binomial name Camelus bactrianus Linnaeus, 1758Synonyms [1]List [show]The Bactrian camel ( Camelus bactrianus) is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel. [ 2] Its population of two million exists mainly in the domesticated form. [ 3] Their name comes from the ancient historical region of Bactria. [ 4]The domesticated Bactrian camel has served as a pack animal in inner Asia since ancient times. With its tolerance for cold, drought, and high altitudes, it enabled the travel of caravans on the Silk Road. [ 5] A small number of feral Bactrian camels still roam the Mangystau Province of southwest Kazakhstan and the Nubra Valley in India. [ 6] The Wild Bactrian camel is a separate species and is the only truly wild (as opposed to feral) species of camel in the world. Contents [ hide ]1 Taxonomy1.1 Differences from wild Bactrian camels2 Description3 Natural habitat4 Life history4.1 Diet4.2 Reproduction5 Relationship to humans5.1 United States imports5.2 Documentaries5.3 population6 Gallery7 See also8 References9 External links Taxonomy [ edit]Lamini Alpaca Vicuña Llama Guanaco Camelini Dromedary Wild Bactrian camel Bactrian camel Phylogenetic relationships of the dromedary from combined analysis of all molecular data. [ 7]The Bactrian camel shares the genus Camelus with the dromedary ( C. dromedarius) and the wild Bactrian camel ( C. ferus )."
"docid": "D1783451#0",
"title": "https://www.importantindia.com/1066/migration-of-aryans/\nMigration of Aryans | Aryan Migration Theory",
"text": "Migration of Aryans | Aryan Migration Theory Category: History of Ancient India, History of India On August 6, 2013 By Vinay Pandey Theory of migration of Aryans Introduction: Historians have different opinion about the original homeland of the Aryans. According to one theory, the Aryans migrated to India from outside India. They came from other countries and settled in India. According to another theory, the Aryans migrated from India to other countries suggesting that India is the primary and original homeland of the Aryans. Both the theories regarding the migration of Aryans have been discussed below:1. Theory of migration of Aryans to India from outside India A majority of scholars and historians hold the view that the Aryans migrated to India from outside. They have put forward various linguistic, archaeological and literary arguments in support of their claim that the origin of Indo-Aryans was outside of India. It is believed that their original homeland was the Kirghiz steppe or Southern Russia. What was then the route, of their migration? Aryan migration from the Balkan Valley to Persia The Aryan migration was a very long drawn process spreading over many years and there was no previous planning behind this racial movement."
"docid": "D1955506#0",
"title": "http://www.historyhaven.com/APWH/Decline_of_%20classical_civilizations.htm\n.",
"text": "The Decline and fall of classical civilizations The classical civilizations of Rome , China (Han) and India (Gupta) all fell to Hun invaders, but only after they had begun to fall apart internally. China About 100 A. D. the Han started to decline. The bureaucracy became corrupt and the power of the central government weakened. Local landlords became more powerful as government control and supervision declined. They increased the tax burden on the peasants and took many of their farms. As peasant unrest grew, a revolutionary movement emerged called the Yellow Turban. The Yellow Turbans were Daoists; their attempts at revolution failed. Compounding this political weakness and peasant unrest was the effect of several devastating epidemics that wiped out nearly half the population. With all this internal turmoil, the weakened Han dynasty could not fend off the advance of the Hun invaders. Even though the Han fell and initiated a period of chaos, there was not a permanent disruption of Chinese civilization."
] |
322 | +where to find routing number on a check | [
"docid": "D79301#0",
"title": "https://www.nationwide.com/routing-and-account-numbers.jsp\nFind the Routing Number on a Check",
"text": "Home Banking Resources Basics Routing Number Routing Number on a Check Open a Checking Account Contact Us For Assistance Find the Routing Number on a Check At the bottom of a check, you will see three groups of numbers. The first group is your routing number, the second is your account number and the third is your check number. Nationwide Bank’s routing number is 044072324. Knowing how to locate these important numbers is useful for setting up automatic payments for monthly bills and filing forms for actions such as direct deposit. Learn more about routing numbers, account numbers and check numbers below. Routing number The first set of numbers on the lower left corner of a check is the routing number. Keep in mind the routing numbers are 9-digit codes and the character symbol surrounding the numbers is not part of the routing number on a check. Routing numbers, sometimes called transit numbers, are public and may vary based on the region where you opened your account. Account number The second set of numbers following the character symbol immediately after your routing number is your account number. Sometimes the placement can be switched with the check number."
] | [
"docid": "D2725576#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-find-the-routing-number-for-Bank-of-America\nHow can I find the routing number for Bank of America?",
"text": "Idalia Rodriguez Routing Number Bank of America (company) Banks Banking How can I find the routing number for Bank of America?ad by Columbia Business School Exec Ed Learn investment principles used by Warren Buffett. A two-month online program that teaches one of the most successful investment strategies ever developed. Apply Now at emeritus.gsb.columbia.edu2 Answers Zara Burton, lives in Nevada Answered Sep 7, 2017There are different Bank of America routing number for respective states. You can check the state wise list of Bank Of America Routing Number | Routing Number USA.com309 Views Your response is private. Is this answer useful? Related Questions More Answers Below What is Bank of America's routing number? Where can you find the routing number on a Bank of America check? Where can you find your account number for Bank of America? What is the Bank of America routing number in California? What are Bank of America's routing numbers?"
"docid": "D1268700#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/081910436-unico-bank-routing-number\n081910436 Routing Number (UNICO BANK)",
"text": "Home UNICO BANK 081910436 Routing Number081910436 Routing Number (UNICO BANK)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.081910436 is assigned to UNICO BANK, MINERAL POINT, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). UNICO BANK Main Office is located at 625 VETERANS DR., MINERAL POINT, MO. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (573) 438-5421. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 081910436Bank Name UNICO BANKOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number081000045Servicing FRB Number Address One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza Broadway and Locust Streets, Missouri, MO, 63102Address 625 VETERANS DR., MINERAL POINT, Missouri, MO, 63660City MINERAL POINTZipcode 63660-0000Phone (573) 438-5421State Missouri (MO)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 08-10-05 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center."
"docid": "D3115973#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/211370176-watertown-savings-bank-routing-number\n211370176 Routing Number (WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK)",
"text": "Home WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK 211370176 Routing Number211370176 Routing Number (WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.211370176 is assigned to WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK, WATERTOWN, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK Main Office is located at 60 MAIN ST, WATERTOWN, MA. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (617) 928-9000. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 211370176Bank Name WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANKOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number011000015Servicing FRB Number Address600 Atlantic Avenue Boston, Massachusetts, MA, 02210Address 60 MAIN ST, WATERTOWN, Massachusetts, MA, 02472City WATERTOWNZipcode 02472-4413Phone (617) 928-9000State Massachusetts (MA)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 08-11-11 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Routing Numbers of WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK branches around 180 miles Routing Number Fedwire Facility Office Type City Zipcode State221371356- Main Office WATERTOWN 13601 New York Map data ©2018 Google Terms of Use Map Satellite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D1428411#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/251480181-uva-community-credit-union-routing-number\n251480181 Routing Number (UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION)",
"text": "Home UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 251480181 Routing Number251480181 Routing Number (UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.251480181 is assigned to UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, CHARLOTTESVILLE, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Main Office is located at 3300 BERKMAR DR., CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (434) 964-2014. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 251480181Bank Name UVA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNIONOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number051000033Servicing FRB Number Address701 East Byrd Street, Virginia, VA, 23219Address 3300 BERKMAR DR., CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia, VA, 22901City CHARLOTTESVILLEZipcode 22901-1459Phone (434) 964-2014State Virginia (VA)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 07-29-04 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center."
"docid": "D2771660#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/092903542-bank-of-bridger-na-routing-number\n092903542 Routing Number (BANK OF BRIDGER, NA)",
"text": "Home BANK OF BRIDGER, NA 092903542 Routing Number092903542 Routing Number (BANK OF BRIDGER, NA)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.092903542 is assigned to BANK OF BRIDGER, NA, BRIDGER, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). BANK OF BRIDGER, NA Main Office is located at 101 S MAIN ST, BRIDGER, MT. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (406) 662-3388. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 092903542Bank Name BANK OF BRIDGER, NAOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number091000080Servicing FRB Number Address90 Hennepin Avenue, Minnesota, MN, 55401Address 101 S MAIN ST, BRIDGER, Montana, MT, 59014City BRIDGERZipcode 59014-0000Phone (406) 662-3388State Montana (MT)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 01-29-13 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Routing Numbers of BANK OF BRIDGER, NA branches around 180 miles Routing Number Fedwire Facility Office Type City Zipcode State092104244- Main Office BRIDGER 59014 Montana Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D263523#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/263181368-fairwinds-credit-union-routing-number\n263181368 Routing Number (FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNION)",
"text": "Home FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNION 263181368 Routing Number263181368 Routing Number (FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNION)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.263181368 is assigned to FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNION, ORLANDO, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNION Main Office is located at 3087 N ALAFAYA TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (407) 277-6030. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 263181368Bank Name FAIRWINDS CREDIT UNIONOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number061000146Servicing FRB Number Address1000 Peachtree Street NE, Georgia, GA, 30309Address 3087 N ALAFAYA TRAIL, ORLANDO, Florida, FL, 32826City ORLANDOZipcode 32826-0000Phone (407) 277-6030State Florida (FL)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 04-23-13 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D1593505#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/business-finance/can-chase-bank-routing-number-d630814fd40c2085\nWhere Can I Find My Chase Bank Routing Number?",
"text": "Business & Finance Personal Banking Bank Accounts Q: Where Can I Find My Chase Bank Routing Number? A: Quick Answer The Chase routing number associated with a checking account can be found printed on the lower-left edge of a blank check. The routing number is made up of nine digits with a special three-dot symbol immediately preceding and following the number. Continue Reading Keep Learning Where Is the Bank Routing Number on a Check? How Do You Locate the Bank Counting Number on a Check? What Is a PNC Bank Routing Number? Full Answer Do not mistake the routing number for the checking account number. The checking account number is printed to the right of the routing number on the lower-middle edge of the check. The checking account number does not include the special three-dot symbol. Chase Bank has 25 different routing numbers, each of which is assigned to a specific region of the country."
"docid": "D3226454#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080627173127AA2KjWF\nH&r block emerald card routing and account number?",
"text": "Business & Finance Taxes United States H&r block emerald card routing and account number?i need to know where i can find my routing and account number for my h&r block emerald card. i cant find it on the website and their office is closed. i need it urgently. can anyone tell me where i can find it? please dont give me hypotheticals. only answer if you know4 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Its on the paper the card was attached to when you got the card. If you can't find it, I think there is an 800 number on the card. You can call them and get the Routing and account numbers. Source (s):16 years experience with H & R Block. Mark S · 10 years ago1 0 Comment Asker's rating Emerald Card Routing Number Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a9CVFquezada · 1 year ago0 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/x4HGJ If you look at the paperwork HR Block gives you, they have a page that lists what Routing and Account number they sent to the IRS."
"docid": "D559991#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/104913019-bank-of-bennington-routing-number\n104913019 Routing Number (BANK OF BENNINGTON)",
"text": "Home BANK OF BENNINGTON 104913019 Routing Number104913019 Routing Number (BANK OF BENNINGTON)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.104913019 is assigned to BANK OF BENNINGTON, BENNINGTON, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). BANK OF BENNINGTON Main Office is located at 12212 N 156 ST, BENNINGTON, NE. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (402) 238-2245. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 104913019Bank Name BANK OF BENNINGTONOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number101000048Servicing FRB Number Address1 Memorial Drive, Missouri, MO, 64198Address 12212 N 156 ST, BENNINGTON, Nebraska, NE, 68007City BENNINGTONZipcode 68007-0276Phone (402) 238-2245State Nebraska (NE)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 04-05-11 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D302014#0",
"title": "https://creditunionroutingnumber.com/suncoast-credit-union-routing-number/\nSuncoast Credit Union Routing Number- SCU Routing Number",
"text": "October 14, 2017 ROUTERSuncoast Credit Union Routing Number- SCU Routing Number The routing number for Suncoast Credit Union is a 9 digit code that is required for initiating various financial transactions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and much more. Routing numbers are also referred as ABA routing numbers, routing transit numbers, transit numbers, ABA numbers, and ACH routing numbers. Routing numbers differ according to the region where your account was first opened and the type of transaction made. Find Suncoast Credit Union Routing Number on a Check The best and easiest way to find the routing number for Suncoast Credit is to look at the bottom left corner of the check that is issued by the Suncoast Credit Union. Routing Number Bank Address** State, Zip263182817SUNCOAST CREDIT UNIONACH/ DD DEPARTMENT TAMPAFlorida, 33580Fedwire Routing Number: Fedwire transfer is most convenient one method for transferring funds and dealing the business transfers through various bank accounts. This method can be used for domestic as well as international transactions in which there is no involvement of cash or check, rather the account balance is directly debited. To complete a Fedwire transfer, the sender must provide his bank name and account number, the city and state of the receiving bank and the bank’s routing number, the receiving account number. What is the Automated Clearing House (ACH) number? The electronic payment delivery system that is used to make payments or collect funds through ACH network is referred to as ACH number. The transactions made through it are generally on the next day entries at the time of when an exchange is done with other financial institutions."
"docid": "D2663388#0",
"title": "http://www.creditcardcatalog.com/do-credit-cards-have-routing-numbers/\nDo credit cards have routing numbers?",
"text": "Do credit cards have routing numbers? Every so often in online forums or other communications we see people asking where to find the routing number for their credit card. Sometimes a poorly-designed piece of financial software that treats all accounts the same will ask for a routing number, starting the confusion. Bottom line: credit cards do not have routing numbers. That said, banks do have routing numbers. But those numbers are used as a way to track and organize the paper checks and other deposits/debits that move between banks millions of times every day in the United States. When you cash my check at your bank, your bank needs to know how to route that check back to my bank for payment — the routing number tells which bank the check came from and the account number tells which specific customer wrote the check. This is shown in words on your check, of course, but the routing and account numbers allow this process to be easily automated. ( If you have a checking account, you’ll find your bank’s routing number in the lower left-hand corner of the check. To the right of the routing number will be your checking account number. )"
"docid": "D347404#0",
"title": "https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070930081834AAFarCd\nWhere can I find Bank Transit Number , and Institution Number ?",
"text": "Business & Finance Personal Finance Where can I find Bank Transit Number , and Institution Number ? I have opened a personal account in Paypal . To verify my bank account , they need Bank Transit Number , and Institution Number . Where can I find Them ? 9 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: For paypal accounts doesn't your money have to be transferred into your regular bank account eventually so you can use it for something else? Your regular bank account: USA: If the bank is located in America, you will only have the fedwire number at the bottom of your personal cheque or on your bank book and if it is a savings account, ask the bank teller. Canada: Look at the bottom of your cheque corresponding to your bank account (if it is a chequing account). The first three digits on the bottom left correspond to the cheque number on the top right. The next five digits at the bottom is your transit number. Then the next 3 digits is your Institution number. ("
"docid": "D1363588#0",
"title": "https://wastemanagement.site/read/how-many-numbers-are-in-an-account-number-for-wells-fargo.html\n.",
"text": "How Do Find My Wells Fargo Account Number Find out how to find your wells fargo account number online with this short you can find more answers to questions and join the conversation at www wellsfargocommunity com how do find my wells fargo account number […]How Do You View Your Account Number On Wells Fargo How can find my wells fargo account number on wellsfargo online banking frequently asked questions faqs vantage west home page how do find my wells fargo account number you if you how do you view your account number on wells fargo […]How Many Numbers Are In An Account Number Due to non uniformity itis presently there are two sets of nine digit numbers printed across the bottom every check they are followed by four digit number slightly set off from the others how many numbers are in an account number […]Where Is The Routing And Account Number On Checkwhere is the routing and account number on check […]How Do You Find Out Your Account Number On the bottom line in order to identify your checking and savings account numbers within online banking simply select routing number your routing number where can view my full how do you find out your account number […]How Many Numbers Are In An Account Number Due to non uniformity itis presently there are two sets of nine digit numbers printed across the bottom every check they are followed by four digit number slightly set off from the others how many numbers are in an account number […]What Is Bank Account Number Used For The routing number which is sometimes referred to as an aba is sequence of nine digits used by banks to identify specific financial ins utions within the this number proves the bank what is bank account number used for […]How Many Numbers Are In An Account Number Dharmesh chaurasiya sep the account window with tab bank settings allows number to be entered in format find your account number on check the balance how many numbers are in an account number […]Bank Account Numberbank account number […]More Videos: Where Do Find My State Employer Account Number How To See Your Bonds From Your Birth Certificate Fidelity Com Part Finding Your Digit Account Number How To Find Your Account Number Which Is The Account Number How Many Numbers Are In Bank Routing Number How To Hack Bank Account How Long Is Your Bank Account Number Wells Fargo Scandal Things You Need To Know What Is Bank Account Number Used For How Do Find My Banks Routing Number How Long Is Your Bank Account Number How To Checking Account Numbers On Check How Do Get My Citibank Account Number Atm Free Money Trick Life Hacks How To Find Us Bank Routing Number List And Aba Routing Number List How To Transfer Money To Someone Via Online Banking At Bank Of America Using Their Accou Official Secret You Have Secret Bank Account And Here Is How You Use It What Is My Td Bank Account Number Are Bank Routing Numbers All The Same Are Bank Routing Numbers All The Same Related Articles: How Many Numbers Are In An Account Number For Wells Fargo"
"docid": "D25948#0",
"title": "https://www.routingnumberusa.com/\nHow to find Wells Fargo Routing Number?",
"text": "Table of Content [ show]How to find Wells Fargo Routing Number? To find your Wells Fargo Routing Number, you can view the nine digit number given at the bottom of your check. A Routing Number or Transit Number or ABA Numbers is a nine digit number used to identify financial institutions behind a transaction. ACH and wire transactions are two of the most widely used transaction types where this number is used. Each state has a unique Routing Number so as to differentiate between customers of different regions. This makes it important to ensure that you are using the right routing number while making a transaction. The company maintains a high standard of security and transaction assistance, and keeps an orderly track of every customer served here. Each state where a branch of the bank is located has its own unique Wells Fargo Routing Number. A Wells Fargo Routing Number is required for initiating various financial transactions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and many more. You can check the table below to see all the Wells Fargo Routing Number of each state across the United States of America."
"docid": "D590562#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/063015/routing-number-vs-account-number-how-they-differ.asp\nRouting Number vs. Account Number: How They Differ",
"text": "Every bank requires two key pieces of information to identify customers – the routing number and the account number. Whether you need to set up a direct deposit, such as your paycheck, or order checks online, you’ll need both your bank's routing number and your personal account number for those transactions. In a nutshell, account numbers are a lot like a customer ID, or fingerprint, that’s specific to each account holder. Similarly, routing numbers identify each banking institution with a unique numerical ID. Routing and account numbers are assigned to indicate exactly where transactional funds are coming from and going to. So any time you make an electronic funds transfer, for instance, both the routing and account numbers must be provided to the relevant financial institution. Routing Number The routing number (which is sometimes referred to as an ABA) is a sequence of nine digits used by banks to identify specific financial institutions within the Unites States. This number proves that the bank is a federal- or state-chartered institution and that it maintains an account with the Federal Reserve . Small banks generally possess just one routing number, while large multinational banks can have several different routing numbers, usually based on the state in which you hold the account. Routing numbers are most commonly required when reordering checks, for payment of consumer bills, to establish a direct deposit (like a paycheck) or for tax payments."
"docid": "D3495091#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/211574642-banknewport-routing-number\n211574642 Routing Number (BANKNEWPORT)",
"text": "Home BANKNEWPORT 211574642 Routing Number211574642 Routing Number (BANKNEWPORT)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.211574642 is assigned to BANKNEWPORT, MIDDLETOWN, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). BANKNEWPORT Main Office is located at 184 JOHN CLARKE RD, MIDDLETOWN, RI. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (877) 709-2265. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 211574642Bank Name BANKNEWPORTOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number011000015Servicing FRB Number Address600 Atlantic Avenue Boston, Massachusetts, MA, 02210Address 184 JOHN CLARKE RD, MIDDLETOWN, Rhode Island, RI, 02842City MIDDLETOWNZipcode 02842-0000Phone (877) 709-2265State Rhode Island (RI)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 06-23-14 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D1172150#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/086518477-central-bank-of-the-ozarks-routing-number\n086518477 Routing Number (CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS)",
"text": "Home CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS 086518477 Routing Number086518477 Routing Number (CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.086518477 is assigned to CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS, SPRINGFIELD, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS Main Office is located at 1800 S. GLENSTONE AVE, SPRINGFIELD, MO. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (417) 841-4274. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 086518477Bank Name CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKSOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number081000045Servicing FRB Number Address One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza Broadway and Locust Streets, Missouri, MO, 63102Address 1800 S. GLENSTONE AVE, SPRINGFIELD, Missouri, MO, 65804City SPRINGFIELDZipcode 65804-0000Phone (417) 841-4274State Missouri (MO)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 06-18-15 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Routing Numbers of CENTRAL BANK OF THE OZARKS branches around 180 miles Routing Number Fedwire Facility Office Type City Zipcode State081518634- Main Office SPRINGFIELD 65804 Missouri Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D26480#0",
"title": "https://www.usbank.com/bank-accounts/checking-accounts/checking-customer-resources/aba-routing-number.html\nFind your U.S. Bank checking account routing number",
"text": "\"Bank Accounts / Checking Accounts / Checking Customer Resources / Routing Numbers For ZIP Edit Find your U. S. Bank checking account routing number Your routing number identifies the location where your account was opened. You'll often be asked for your checking account routing number when you're making a payment online or by phone. It's also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number or an ABA routing number. You can see your full account number and routing number when you log in to Online Banking. You'll find a link in the \"\"I'd like to'' list on your checking account transactions page. There are two numbers you'll need to provide. Your bank routing number is a nine-digit code that's based on the U. S. Bank location where your account was opened. It's the first set of numbers printed on the bottom of your checks, on the left side. You can also find it in the U. S. Bank routing number chart below. Your account number (usually 10-12 digits) is specific to your personal account."
"docid": "D3424419#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/125100089-washington-trust-bank-routing-number\n125100089 Routing Number (WASHINGTON TRUST BANK)",
"text": "Home WASHINGTON TRUST BANK 125100089 Routing Number125100089 Routing Number (WASHINGTON TRUST BANK)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.125100089 is assigned to WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, SPOKANE, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). WASHINGTON TRUST BANK Main Office is located at 176 S POST ST, SPOKANE, WA. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (509) 353-4036. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 125100089Bank Name WASHINGTON TRUST BANKOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number121000374Servicing FRB Number Address101 Market Street, California, CA, 94105Address 176 S POST ST, SPOKANE, Washington, WA, 99201City SPOKANEZipcode 99201-4440Phone (509) 353-4036State Washington (WA)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 06-29-12 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"docid": "D26056#0",
"title": "https://bank-routing.org/107001070-citywide-banks-routing-number\n107001070 Routing Number (CITYWIDE BANKS)",
"text": "Home CITYWIDE BANKS 107001070 Routing Number107001070 Routing Number (CITYWIDE BANKS)Transfer Money Up to 8x Cheaper Than Banks with Transfer Wise When you get or send a wire transfer globally with your bank, you might find a poor exchange rate, and pay hidden fees consequently. We recommend using Transfer Wise to find a terrific rate and low, transparent fee each time. Learn more.107001070 is assigned to CITYWIDE BANKS, DENVER, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). CITYWIDE BANKS Main Office is located at SUITE 2950, DENVER, CO. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (303) 460-4700. Fed ACH Routing Number Routing Number 107001070Bank Name CITYWIDE BANKSOffice Type Main Office Servicing FRB Number101000048Servicing FRB Number Address1 Memorial Drive, Missouri, MO, 64198Address SUITE 2950, DENVER, Colorado, CO, 80202City DENVERZipcode 80202-0000Phone (303) 460-4700State Colorado (CO)Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)Change Date 10-16-17 (MM-DD-YY)Routing Number Format: PPPP QQQQ RPFederal Reserver Routing Symbol QAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Code of the Financial Institution RChecksum which is used to verify if the routing number is valid or not Routing Numbers of CITYWIDE BANKS branches around 180 miles Routing Number Fedwire Facility Office Type City Zipcode State102106857- Main Office DENVER 80202 Colorado107005953- Main Office DENVER 80202 Colorado107006981- Branch Office DENVER 80202 Colorado107007087- Branch Office DENVER 80239 Colorado Map data ©2018 Google Terms of Use Map Satellite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What is a Routing Number? Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA). It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing number is also referred as Bank Routing number, routing transit number (RTN), ABA routing number and swift codes. Routing number is most commonly used for ACH (Automated Clearing House), check deposit and bank wire transfers."
] |
323 | +which president has living grandsons | [
"docid": "D2200260#0",
"title": "http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/012703.html\n.",
"text": "President John Tyler has two living grandsons At the Corner, Mark Krikorian mentions the amazing news that two grandsons of President John Tyler, who was president from 1841 to 1845, are still alive. Krikorian tells us nothing more, but provides a some links. According to the Wikipedia article on John Tyler (1790—1862), Tyler had, by his second wife, Julia Gardiner Tyler (born 1820), a son, Lyon Gardiner Tyler (1853-1935). It says that Harrison Ruffin Tyler, a son of Lyon, was born in 1928 (when Lyon was 75) and is still alive. So, John Tyler at age 63 had a son Lyon Gardiner Tyler, and Lyon Gardiner Tyler at age 75 had a son Harrison Ruffin Tyler, and Harrison is about 80 and still alive. 63 plus 75 plus 80 equals 208 years. Three generations span the years from 1790 and 2009. Amazing. However, Wikipedia doesn’t say anything about a second living grandson. Krikorian links a photo of one Lyon Tyler identified as Tyler’s grandson, but the page gives no information about him."
] | [
"docid": "D36825#0",
"title": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=L000394\n.",
"text": "LODGE, Henry Cabot, Jr., (1902 - 1985)Senate Years of Service: 1937-1944; 1947-1953 Party: Republican; Republican Courtesy U. S. Senate Historical Office LODGE, Henry Cabot, Jr., (great-great-great grandson of George Cabot, great-great grandson of John Davis of Massachusetts, great-great grandson of Elijah Hunt Mills, grandson of Henry Cabot Lodge, brother of John Davis Lodge, and nephew of Augustus P. Gardner), a Senator from Massachusetts; born in Nahant, Essex County, Mass., on July 5, 1902; graduated from Middlesex School, Concord, Mass., in 1920 and from Harvard University in 1924; engaged in newspaper work 1924-1931; member, Massachusetts State legislature 1933-1936; elected as a Republican to the United States Senate in 1936; reelected in 1942, and served from January 3, 1937, until his resignation on February 3, 1944, to go on active duty during the Second World War in the United States Army; the first United States Senator since the Civil War to leave the Senate in order to go to war; served in the Mediterranean and European Theaters, rising to lieutenant colonel; again elected to the United States Senate in 1946 and served from January 3, 1947, to January 3, 1953; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1952; United States representative to the United Nations from February 1953 until his resignation September 3, 1960; unsuccessful Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States in 1960; Ambassador to Republic of Vietnam 1963-1964; again appointed Ambassador to Vietnam 1965-1967; United States Ambassador at Large 1967-1968; Ambassador to Germany 1968-1969; appointed by President Richard Nixon to serve as head of the American delegation to the Vietnam peace negotiations in Paris, France, and served until December 1969; appointed by President Nixon to serve as special envoy to the Vatican 1970-1977; died in Beverly, Mass., February 27, 1985; interment in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. Bibliography American National Biography; Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives; Lodge, Henry C., Jr., The Storm Has Many Eyes, A Personal Narrative. New York: Norton, 1973; Miller, William J., Henry Cabot Lodge: A Biography. New York: Heinman, 1967."
"docid": "D3341330#0",
"title": "https://www.wanderingeducators.com/best/traveling/which-four-presidents-call-cincinnati-home.html\n.",
"text": "Submitted by Terri Weeks on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 12:26Ohio is nicknamed “The Mother of Presidents” because eight of 44 presidents were from Ohio. They are William Henry Harrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William Mc Kinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren B. Harding. Of those eight, four of them were from Greater Cincinnati. William Henry Harrison and his grandson, Benjamin Harrison, were from North Bend, Ohio, a western suburb of Cincinnati. William Henry Harrison is buried in North Bend, and his tomb is one of the Ohio Historical Society sites. The tomb has free admission and is open to visitors from March through December. Ulysses S. Grant was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio, southeast of Cincinnati, along the Ohio River. The Ohio Historical Society also manages this site, which welcomes visitors from spring through fall ($3 admission). Grant's Boyhood Home and Schoolhouse, also run by the OHS, are located in Georgetown, Ohio, a 40-minute drive from the birthplace. In Grant's Boyhood home, visitors see a typical rural home of the 1800's and learn about Grant's aspirations through watching an animatronic figure of Grant as a teenager."
"docid": "D1566525#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Khama\nIan Khama",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. ( September 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Ian Khama4th President of Botswana In office 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2018Vice President Ponatshego Kedikilwe Mompati Merafhe Mokgweetsi Masisi Preceded by Festus Mogae Succeeded by Mokgweetsi Masisi5th Vice President of Botswana In office 13 July 1998 – 1 April 2008President Festus Mogae Preceded by Festus Mogae Succeeded by Mompati Sebogodi Merafhe Personal details Born Ian Seretse Khama 27 February 1953 (age 65)Chertsey, England, UKPolitical party Botswana Democratic Party Parents Seretse Khama (father)Ruth Williams (mother)Alma mater Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Military service Allegiance Botswana Years of service 1977–1998Rank Lieutenant General Commands Botswana Defence Force Seretse Khama Ian Khama [1] (or Ian a Serêtsê; born 27 February 1953) [2] is a Motswana politician who was the President of Botswana from 2008 to 2018. After serving as Commander of the Botswana Defence Force, he entered politics and served as Vice-President of Botswana from 1998 to 2008, then succeeded Festus Mogae as President on 1 April 2008. He won a full term in the 2009 election and was re-elected in October 2014. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Education and training3 Political career4 Retirement from Presidency5 Interim term5.1 Khama's First Cabinet6 First full term (20 October 2009)6.1 Khama's second cabinet7 Honours and awards7.1 Honours8 References Early life [ edit]This section of a biography of a living person does not include any references or sources. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living people that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately. Find sources: \"\"Ian Khama\"\" – news · newspapers · books ·scholar · JSTOR (March 2011) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Ian Khama is the second child of Sir Seretse Khama (1 July 1921 – 13 July 1980), who was the country's foremost independence leader and President from 1966 to 1980, and Lady Khama."
"docid": "D1489105#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_family\nLee family",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the U. S. family. For the English surname, see Lee (English surname). For the Singaporean family, see Lee Family (Singapore). For other uses, see Lee (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Lee Current region Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D. C., Florida United States Place of origin England Members Robert E. Lee, Henry Lee III, Richard Henry Lee, etc. Colonel Richard Lee \"\"the Founder\"\" of the family in North America The Lee family of the United States is a historically significant Virginia and Marylandpolitical family, whose many prominent members are known for their accomplishments in politics and the military. The family became prominent in colonial British North America when Richard Lee I (\"\"The Immigrant\"\") immigrated to Virginia in 1639 and made his fortune in tobacco."
"docid": "D1056276#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Benjamin_Harrison\nRichard Benjamin Harrison",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Richard Benjamin Harrison Born Richard Benjamin Harrison Jr. March 4, 1941 (age 77)Danville, Virginia, U. S. Other names The Old Man (nickname) The Appraiser Benny [1]Alma mater Lexington High School, North Carolina Occupation Businessman Reality television personality Spouse (s) Joanne Rhue (1960–present)Children Sherry Harrison (deceased) Joe Harrison Richard Kevin Harrison Chris Harrison [2]Website www .gspawn .com Richard Benjamin Harrison Jr., (also known by the nicknames The Old Man and The Appraiser) (born March 4, 1941), is an American businessman and reality television personality, best known as the co-owner of the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, as featured on the History channel series Pawn Stars. Harrison is the co-owner of the pawn shop with his son Rick Harrison. They opened the store together in 1989. [ 3] [4]Harrison is usually referred to by his nickname, \"\"The Old Man\"\", [5] [6] which he earned at age 38. [ 7]Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Marriage and the Navy3 Business career4 Awards and recognition5 Other appearances6 Legal issues6.1 Daniel Callahan6.2 Interference with business practices7 Personal life8 References9 External links Early life [ edit]Richard Benjamin Harrison, Jr. [8] [9] was born March 4, 1941. [ 10] Harrison's grandson, Corey, has mentioned his grandmother said they are related to President William Henry Harrison. Harrison is of Irish Descent. [ 11] Harrison has indicated that he does not give much credence to this idea, [12] though he has stated that they are distantly related to Benjamin Harrison, the paternal grandson of William Henry. [ 13]When Harrison was one year old, his family moved to Lexington, North Carolina, where they lived at 115 Peacock Avenue, just off South Main Street. [ 1] [10] Harrison attended Lexington High School, but left during his junior year. ["
"docid": "D2727232#0",
"title": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7662232/Grandmother-and-grandson-to-have-child-together.html\nGrandmother and grandson to have child together",
"text": "\"Grandmother and grandson to have child together A 72-year-old grandmother is to have a child with her grandson. Pearl Carter and Phil Bailey Photo: New Idea magazine By Roya Nikkhah9:30AM BST 01 May 2010Pearl Carter and Phil Bailey, 26, have paid a surrogate mother £20,000 to have Mr Bailey’s child, which the couple plan to bring up together. Mrs Carter, from Indiana, met Mr Bailey four years ago after he tracked her down following the death of his mother, Lynette. Mrs Carter fell pregnant with Lynette at 18, out of wedlock, and claims that she was forced to give her child up for adoption by her strict Catholic parents. She went on to marry, but never had any more children. The couple, who claim to be abused in public and could face prison for incest, say that they fell in love and became lovers soon after meeting. Related Articles66-year-old to become Britain's oldest mother16 May 2009Late bloomers20 Mar 2009In an interview with the New Zealand magazine, New Idea, Mrs Carter, said: “I’m not interested in anyone else’s opinion. \"\" I am in love with Phil and he’s in love with me. Soon I’ll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad. ”Mr Bailey said: “I love Pearl with all my heart."
"docid": "D1029091#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Nixon_Eisenhower\nJulie Nixon Eisenhower",
"text": "\"Julie Nixon Eisenhower From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Julie Nixon Eisenhower Nixon Eisenhower during 1973Born Julie Nixon July 5, 1948 (age 69)Washington, D. C., U. S. Occupation Author Spouse (s) David Eisenhower ( m. 1968)Children 3, including Jennie Elizabeth Eisenhower Parent (s) Richard Nixon Pat Nixon Julie Nixon Eisenhower (born July 5, 1948) is an American author who is the younger daughter of Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States, and Pat Nixon, First Lady of the United States. Born in Washington, D. C. while her father was a Congressman, Julie and her elder sister, Patricia Nixon Cox, grew up in the public eye. Her father was elected U. S. Senator from California when she was two; Vice President of the United States when she was four. Her 1968 marriage to David Eisenhower, grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was seen as a union between two of the most prominent political families in the United States. Throughout the Nixon administration (1969 to 1974), Julie worked as Assistant Managing Editor of The Saturday Evening Post while holding the unofficial title of \"\"First Daughter.\"\" She was widely noted as one of her father's most vocal and active defenders throughout the Nixon administration. Eisenhower was named one of the \"\"Ten Most Admired Women in America\"\" for four years by readers of Good Housekeeping magazine in the 1970s. After her father left the White House in 1974, she wrote the definitive biography of her mother, the New York Times best-seller Pat Nixon: The Untold Story. She continues to engage in works that support her parents' legacies. She is the mother of two daughters, Jennie Eisenhower and Melanie Catherine Eisenhower, and a son, Alex Richard Eisenhower."
"docid": "D1566091#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights\nSecond Bill of Rights",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Play media President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced the plan for a bill of social and economic rights in the State of the Union address of January 11, 1944 ( filmed excerpt)Part of a series on Progressivism History Ideas People By region Philosophy portal Politics portalv t e The Second Bill of Rights is a list of rights that was proposed by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 11, 1944. [ 1] In his address, Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize and should now implement, a second \"\" bill of rights \"\". Roosevelt's argument was that the \"\"political rights\"\" guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights had \"\"proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness \"\". His remedy was to declare an \"\"economic bill of rights\"\" to guarantee these specific rights: Employment ( right to work ), food, clothing and leisure with enough income to support them Farmers' rights to a fair income Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies Housing Medical care Social security Education Roosevelt stated that having such rights would guarantee American security and that the United States ' place in the world depended upon how far the rights had been carried into practice. Contents1 Background2 Roosevelt's speech3 Significance4 Found footage5 See also6 Notes7 References8 External links Background [ edit]Main articles: Great Depression and New Deal In the runup to the Second World War, the United States had suffered through the Great Depression following the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Roosevelt's election at the end of 1932 was based on a commitment to reform the economy and society through a \"\" New Deal \"\" program. The first indication of a commitment to government guarantees of social and economic rights came in an address to the Commonwealth Club on September 23, 1932 during his campaign. The speech was written with Adolf A. Berle, a professor of corporate law at Columbia University. A key passage read: As I see it, the task of government in its relation to business is to assist the development of an economic declaration of rights, an economic constitutional order. This is the common task of statesman and business man."
"docid": "D2859096#0",
"title": "http://bryantmcgill.com/about/\nAbout Bryant McGill",
"text": "\"About Bryant Mc Gill Human Potential Thought Leader, Best-Selling Author, Top Social Media Influencer, and United Nations Appointed Global Champion Human Potential Thought Leader ✮ Best-Selling Author ✮ Top Social Media Influencer ✮ UN Appointed Global Champion ✮ 12+ MILLION Social Subscribers ✮ Reaching 50+ Million Weekly ✮ Syndicated on People Magazine & Huffington Post Celebrity ✮ Co-Founder of Simple Reminders, SRN, and the Royal Society. Bryant & Jenni's Story... Stats & Contact Event Photos Events Information Latest Book Mc Gill is one of the most virally shared and read authors online in the world today. His articles have reached more people on social media than any top shared article, by any other writer or media outlet including the New York Times, Barack Obama, Huffington Post, or CNN. 12+ MILLION Social Subscribers!Bryant Mc Gill is a human potential thought leader, international bestselling author, activist, and social entrepreneur. He is one of the world's top social media influencers reaching a billion people a year. His prolific writings have been published in thousands of books and publications, including a New York Times bestselling series, and his Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, read by over 60 million people. He was the subject of a front-page cover story in the Wall Street Journal, has appeared in Forbes as featured cultural thought leader, Nasdaq's leadership series, Entrepreneur Magazine, and was listed in Inc. Magazine as an \"\"Icon of Entrepreneurship\"\" and one of, \"\"the greatest leaders, writers and thinkers of all time. \"\" Mc Gill is a United Nations appointed Global Champion and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who received a Congressional commendation applauding his, \"\"highly commendable life's work,\"\" as an Ambassador of Goodwill. His thoughts on human rights have been featured by President Clinton's Foundation, in humanities programs with the Dalai Lama, and at the Whitehouse. He has appeared in media with Tony Robbins and Oprah, in a Desmond Tutu endorsed PBS Special with Jack Canfield, and has delivered speeches at the United Nations’ General Assembly Hall on Human Rights Day, with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office, and with Dr. Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi."
"docid": "D2125534#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001282/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Tony Goldwyn Biography Showing all 23 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (1) | Trivia (16) | Personal Quotes (1)Overview (4)Born May 20, 1960 in Los Angeles, California, USABirth Name Anthony Howard Goldwyn Nickname Gold Height 6' 2\"\" (1.88 m)Mini Bio (1)Actor, director, producer Tony Goldwyn is taking multi-tasking to a new level. While starring as President Fitzgerald Grant in Shonda Rhimes' hit series \"\"Scandal,\"\" Goldwyn has other projects in the works as well. He recently took on the controversial figure Warren Jeffs, starring in the Lifetime movie, \"\"Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jeffs.\"\" Produced by Neil Meron and Craig Zadan. Goldwyn was born in Los Angeles, California, to actress Jennifer Howard and producer Samuel Goldwyn Jr.. He is the grandson of producer Samuel Goldwyn, actress Frances Howard, playwright Sidney Howard, and actress Clare Eames. He co-created and executive produced a series \"\"The Divide\"\" for AMC Studios. Goldwyn directed the two hour pilot while partner Richard La Gravenese wrote the series. \"\" The Divide\"\" had its eight-episode debut in 2014 on WEtv. Previously while on hiatus from \"\"Scandal,\"\" Goldwyn filmed the highly feature \"\"Divergent\"\" based on the book by Veronica Roth. The Summit Entertainment film was #1 at the box office opening weekend."
"docid": "D2094853#0",
"title": "http://www.law.columbia.edu/media_inquiries/news_events/2008/october2008/roosevelts_jds\nPresidents Roosevelt Awarded Law Degrees Posthumously",
"text": "\"26th and 32nd U. S. Presidents Become Official Graduates of Columbia Law School WATCH VIDEO : Simon Roosevelt accepts J. D. on behalf of great-great- grandfather Theodore Roosevelt, Class of 1882. WATCH VIDEO: Michael Roosevelt ’72, accepts J. D. on behalf of grandfather Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Class of 1907. WATCH VIDEO: Dean David M. Schizer's remarks. THEODORE AND FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT RECEIVE POSTHUMOUS LAW DEGREES FROM COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOLMade Official Members of the Classes of 1882 and 1907 Their Legacies Echo Loudly This Campaign Season Press contact: Erin St. John Kelly [email protected] Office 212-854-1787/Cell 646-284-8549/Public Affairs Office 212-854-2650By Mary Johnson and Erin St. John Kelly October 9, 2008 (NEW YORK) – The lives and careers of Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt have been studied, envied and emulated. Lately, as the crisis in the U. S. economy has deepened, and, as Election Day gets closer, they have also been much evoked. Theodore and Franklin’s resumes have many common elements including this one: Both presidents attended and but did not graduate from Columbia Law School. Teddy was meant to be a member of the Class of 1882 and FDR the Class of 1907, but both departed early to embark on their historic political careers, never receiving their juris doctor degrees. “Tonight,” said Columbia Law School Dean David M. Schizer on Sept. 25 at the Harlan Fiske Stone Society Reception, “we’re going to reconcile that.” In conferring them posthumous J. D.s, Schizer described the Roosevelts’ eras and drew parallels to today. “When FDR was inaugurated, industrial production had fallen by more than half in three years, farm prices had fallen by 60 percent, and 32 of the 48 states had closed their banks."
"docid": "D2179325#0",
"title": "http://celebrity-height.com/theodore-roosevelt-height-weight-body-statistics/\nTheodore Roosevelt â Height Weight Age Body Measurements",
"text": "Theodore Roosevelt – Height Weight Age Body Measurements Theodore Roosevelt Bio Theodore Roosevelt Jr., born on 27 October 1858 in New York City, New York, was an American statesman, author, soldier, explorer, naturalist and reformer. From 1901 to 1909 he served as the 26th President of the United States as a leader of the Republican Party. Theodore Roosevelt died from a blood clot in his sleep in the early hours of 6 January 1919 at Sagamore Hill. After he ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of New York City in 1886, Theodore Roosevelt served with the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry and gained national renown for courage during the Spanish–American War. In 1898 he was elected governor of New York, but the state party leadership moved him to the role of vice president as Mc Kinley’s running mate in the election of 1900. After the assassination of President Mc Kinley in September 1901, he succeeded to the office at age 42 – the youngest United States President in history. Leading his country and party into the Progressive Era, he advocated his “Square Deal” domestic policies, promising the average citizen fairness, regulation of railroads, breaking of trusts and pure food and drugs. He won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize due to his successful efforts to end the Russo-Japanese War. Theodore Roosevelt Personal Details Born Name: Theodore Roosevelt Jr Age (in 2017): 159Date of Birth: October 27, 1858Birthplace: Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Occupation: President Net worth: 125 Million Official Website: –Official Twitter: –Theodore Roosevelt Family Tree Wife name: Alice Hathaway Lee Wife name: Edith Kermit Carow Children: Daughter: Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth Boy: Theodore “Ted” Roosevelt IIIBoy: Kermit Roosevelt Daughter: Ethel Carow Roosevelt Derby Boy: Archibald Bulloch “Archie” Roosevelt Boy: Quentin Roosevelt Father name: Theodore Roosevelt Sr. Mother name: Martha Stewart “Mittie” Bulloch Siblings: Brother: Elliott Roosevelt Sister: Anna “Bamie” Roosevelt Sister: Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Others: Grandmother name: Margaret Barnhill (Paternal)Grandfather name: Cornelius Van Schaack “C. V. S.” Roosevelt (Paternal)Grandmother name: Martha P. “Patsy” Stewart (Maternal)Grandfather name: James Stephens Bulloch (Maternal)Great-grandfather name: James Jacobus Roosevelt (Paternal)Great-grandmother name: Ann Irvine (Maternal)Granddaughter name: Paulina Longworth Grandson name: Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Grandson name: Theodore Roosevelt IIIGrandson name: Quentin Roosevelt IIGrandson name: Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt Jr. Grandson name: Joseph Willard Roosevelt Grandson name: Cornelius V. S. Roosevelt Granddaughter name: Edith Derby Williams Granddaughter name: Theodora Keogh Granddaughter name: Judith Quentin Derby Granddaughter name: Sarah Derby Gannett Grandson name: Dirck Roosevelt Grandson name: Richard Derby Jr. Granddaughter name: Belle Wyatt Roosevelt Great-granddaughter name: Elizabeth Aldred Great-granddaughter name: Anna Curtenius Roosevelt Great-grandson name: Theodore Roosevelt IVGreat-grandson name: Tweed Roosevelt Great-granddaughter name: Susan Roosevelt Weld Great-granddaughter name: Joanna Sturm Great-grandson name: Mark Roosevelt Great-grandson name: Jonathan Roosevelt Uncle name: Robert Roosevelt (Paternal)Uncle name: Silas Weir Roosevelt (Paternal)Uncle name: James Dunwoody Bulloch (Maternal)Niece name: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Niece name: Corinne Alsop Cole Nephew name: Theodore Douglas Robinson Nephew name: Hall Roosevelt Nephew name: Elliott Roosevelt Mann Nephew name: Elliott Roosevelt, Jr. Cousin name: Hilborne Roosevelt (Paternal)Cousin name: J. West Roosevelt (Paternal)Distant cousin name: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Paternal)Fourth cousin name: James Roosevelt I (Paternal)Theodore Roosevelt Relationship History Below is the relationship and dating history for Theodore Roosevelt with his past and current girlfriend details."
"docid": "D2001323#0",
"title": "http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/02/01/muslim-brotherhood-takeover-obama-administration/\nMalick Obama, the Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Finance and Arms Procurement",
"text": "Muslims have a constitutional right to practice their religion and hold any office within the American government so long as they are sincere in protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States. However, when members of any religious, or any other kind of group openly advocate for the hijacking of the American government and ultimately the American people under the Sharia law applications of the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, their right to hold any governmental position is forfeited. Further, it is a crime, under Federal law which is punishable by fines and imprisonment, to openly advocate for the overthrow of the United States of America. Yet, this is what the personal and public beliefs reflect for the following list of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers serving in the U. S. government, who openly advocate for the domination of Islam over all other religions in the United States and “to make the United States an “Islamic nation”. The purpose of this article is notto impugn the Islamic religion or Muslims in general. Although Muslims, living within the United States, as well as all other Americans, have a duty to denounce the beliefs, actions and the intentions of these Muslim Brotherhood associates and members. This article exposes the depth of the penetration of the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, into the Obama administration. This is a multi-part series. A Stern Warning from the Highest Levels of the American Military One year ago, retired U . S. Air Force Gen. Tom Mc Inerney, the former assistant vice chief of staff as well as the commander in chief of U. S. Air Forces Europe, shocked the media when he announced, on a radio program, the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood inside the U. S. government."
"docid": "D2226988#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Ball_Washington\nMary Ball Washington",
"text": "\"Mary Ball Washington From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Mary Ball Washington Born Mary Ball November 30, 1708 Lively, Lancaster County, Colony of Virginia, British America Died August 26, 1789 (aged 80) Fredericksburg, Virginia, U. S. Spouse (s) Augustine Washington ( m. 1731)Children George Washington Betty Washington Lewis Samuel Washington John Augustine Washington Charles Washington Mildred Washington Parent (s) Joseph Ball Mary Montague Relatives Bushrod Washington (grandson)Mary Ball Washington, born Mary Ball (November 30, 1708 – August 26, 1789), was the second wife of Augustine Washington, a planter in Virginia, and the mother of George Washington, the first President of the United States, and five other children. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Married life3 Death4 Beliefs5 Descendants6 Legacy and honors7 See also8 Notes9 External links Early life [ edit]Mary Ball Washington House, 1200 Charles Street, Fredericksburg, by Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1927. The house was originally built in 1761 and has later additions. Mary Ball was born in 1708 in Lively, Virginia in Lancaster County. She was the only child of Col Joseph Ball and his second wife, Mary Johnson Ball. [ 1] [2] Fatherless at three and orphaned at twelve, Mary Ball was placed under the guardianship of George Eskridge, a lawyer, in accordance with the terms of her mother's will, for whom her son George Washington, was named, consistent with the naming conventions at the time. ( See the appendix of the book Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer for an insightful discussion of four naming conventions in use at the time in Great Britain. ) Married life [ edit]Mary Washington's marriage to Augustine Washington can best be considered \"\"semi-arranged\"\" by her guardian, George Eskridge. Augustine had sailed to Britain on business (and, to visit his sons who had been sent to school there) but on his return, he discovered that his wife, Jane Butler, had died. He needed and wanted an acceptable wife."
"docid": "D708468#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fala_(dog)\nFala (dog)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in German. ( February 2018) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the German article. Google's machine translation is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. You must provide copyright attribution in the edit summary by providing an interlanguage link to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary (using German): Content in this edit is translated from the existing German Wikipedia article at [ [:de: Exact name of German article]]; see its history for attribution. You should also add the template { {Translated|de|Fala (Hund)}} to the talk page. For more guidance, see Wikipedia: Translation."
"docid": "D2200259#0",
"title": "http://www.independentsentinel.com/president-tyler-has-two-living-grandsons-they-are-not-voting-for-obama/\nPresident Tyler Has Two Living Grandsons & They Are Not Voting For Obama",
"text": "\"History Home The Latest News President Tyler Has Two Living Grandsons & They Are Not Voting For Obama By S. Noble - January 28, 2012 0Tyler Ancestral Tree Here lie the bones of my old horse, “General,”Who served his master faithfully for twenty-one years,And never made a blunder. Would that his master could say the same!~ President Tyler’s gravestone epitaph Can you believe that a president who was born in 1790 has two living grandsons? This was made possible because John Tyler’s second wife, Julia Gardner, was 30 years his junior and his son, Lyon, married Sue Ruffin, a scholar in her own right, 36 years Lyon’s junior. Both grandsons are in their 80’s and neither one likes their choices for President though neither will vote for Obama. One thinks Newt is “a big jerk” for his treatment of his wives in particular. John Tyler (March 29, 1790 – January 18, 1862) was the tenth President of the United States. He is famous for annexing Texas in 1845. He was opposed to nationalism and was a strong states’ rights advocate. He joined the south in their quest for secession. During his presidency, he was noted for going against his own Whig Party on some issues and was later ousted by them."
"docid": "D20943#0",
"title": "http://www.grandparents.com/family-and-relationships/caregiving/the-four-generation-family\nThe Four-Generation Family",
"text": "\"Home > Family & Relationships > Caregiving The Four-Generation Family Many grandparents are torn between wanting to spend time with grandchildren and needing to care for their own parents By Jack Beaudoin On December 12, 2007, James and Nancy Wilcox of Lyman, Maine, welcomed their first grandchild, Connor, into the world. A month later, they welcomed James's parents into their home. \"\" I left my job to take care of them,\"\" Nancy says. \"\" We converted our dining room into a new bedroom. \"\" Unusual just a few decades ago, the four-generation family has become a 21st-century social phenomenon. Today many grandparents are at the center of their families, not always an enviable position. They are eager to focus their time, attention, and resources on their grandchildren but at the same time they must assume new responsibilities for their aging parents, sometimes as primary caretakers. \"\" This is a fairly new situation which will come to be a major part of what it means to be a grandparent,\"\" says Allan Zullo, coauthor of The Boomer's Guide to Grandparenting (Andrews Mc Meel). \"\" People have had to make some big adjustments about what they thought life as a grandmother or grandfather was going to be like. \"\" Striving for Balance Dr. Arthur Kornhaber, founder and president of the Foundation for Grandparenting, agrees. \"\""
"docid": "D1707448#0",
"title": "http://dallas.wikia.com/wiki/Jock_Ewing\nJock Ewing",
"text": "\"Jock Ewing †Occupation: Chairman of Ewing Oil (1930-1982) President of Ewing Oil (1930-1977) co-owner of Southfork Ranch (1938-1982)Marital status: Married Spouse (s): Amanda Lewis (1927-1935); Miss Ellie Ewing (1936-1982, his death)Parent (s): Leander Ewing Sibling (s): Jason Ewing Children: Ray Krebbs J. R. Ewing Gary Ewing Bobby Ewing Other relatives: Nancy Shaw (sister in-law)Jamie Ewing (niece) Jack Ewing (nephew) Lucy Ewing (granddaughter) Bobby Ewing II (grandson) Betsy Ewing (granddaughter) Molly Whittaker (granddaughter) John Ross Ewing III (grandson) Christopher Ewing (grandson) Unnamed son (JR's son with Cally: no name has ever been stated) (grandson) Unnamed daughter (JR's daughter with an unknown woman) (granddaughter) Margaret Krebbs (granddaughter) Lucas Krebbs (grandson)Played by: Jim Davis Appears on: Dallas John Ross \"\"Jock\"\" Ewing, Sr. was the husband of Miss Ellie Ewing, and father of J. R. Ewing, Gary Ewing, Bobby Ewing, and Ray Krebbs . Contents [ show]About Jock Ewing Edit Early life and career Edit Jock was born in 1909, the younger of two sons. Through his older brother Jason, Jock got a job in an oil field in east Texas. While riding in a train boxcar he met Willard \"\"Digger\"\" Barnes, and the two became friends. Jock, Digger, and Jason all became wildcatters and began drilling their own fields. Digger had a unique ability to smell oil underground, and with Jock's business skills they began making a fortune. Jason married and soon left Texas to wildcat in Alaska, where he married a woman named Nancy Shaw and fathered a son Jack (played by Dack Rambo) and a daughter Jamie (played by Jenilee Harrison ). Jock and Digger returned to Dallas and Southfork, where Jock met Eleanor \"\"Ellie\"\" Southworth. Digger and Miss Ellie were dating but Digger's drinking and undependability made Miss Ellie see that Digger would never change, and he was not the type of man to marry."
"docid": "D2348865#0",
"title": "http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/famine/america.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Throughout the Famine years, nearly a million Irish arrived in the United States. Famine immigrants were the first big wave of poor refugees ever to arrive in the U. S. and Americans were simply overwhelmed. Upon arrival in America, the Irish found the going to be quite tough. With no one to help them, they immediately settled into the lowest rung of society and waged a daily battle for survival. The roughest welcome of all would be in Boston, Massachusetts, an Anglo-Saxon city with a population of about 115,000. It was a place run by descendants of English Puritans, men who could proudly recite their lineage back to 1620 and the Mayflower ship. Now, some two hundred thirty years later, their city was undergoing nothing short of an unwanted \"\"social revolution\"\" as described by Ephraim Peabody, member of an old Yankee family. In 1847, the first big year of Famine emigration, the city was swamped with 37,000 Irish Catholics arriving by sea and land. Proper Bostonians pointed and laughed at the first Irish immigrants stepping off ships wearing clothes twenty years out of fashion. They watched as the newly arrived Irishmen settled with their families into enclaves that became exclusively Irish near the Boston waterfront along Batterymarch and Broad Streets, then in the North End section and in East Boston."
"docid": "D3530544#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/President-At-Camp-David-Nelson/dp/0815606281\nPresident Is At Camp David Paperback â April 1, 2000",
"text": "\"Books › History › Americas Share Buy New $5.20List Price: $19.95Save: $14.75 (74%)Qty: FREE Shipping on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime Only 6 left in stock (more on the way). Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$9.00+ $4.85 shipping Sold by: RED CARPET BOOKSHave one to sell? Sell on Amazon See all 2 images President Is At Camp David Paperback – April 1, 2000by W Nelson (Author)3.9 out of 5 stars 2 customer reviews See all 3 formats and editions Hardcover$25.6148 Used from $2.3432 New from $15.003 Collectible from $5.69Paperback$5.2033 Used from $3.5531 New from $5.20\"\"Rebound\"\" by Kwame Alexander Don't miss best-selling author Kwame Alexander's \"\"Rebound,\"\" a new companion novel to his Newbery Award-winner, \"\"The Crossover,\"\" illustrated with striking graphic novel panels. Learn more Frequently bought together+Total price: $22.15Add both to Cart Add both to List One of these items ships sooner than the other. Show details This item: President Is At Camp David by W Nelson Paperback $5.20Camp David Presidents: Their Families and the World by Jack Behrens Paperback $16.95Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Inside Camp David: The Private World of the Presidential Retreat Michael Giorgione4.6 out of 5 stars 50Hardcover$18.54Customers who bought this item also bought Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading."
] |
333 | - what are the duties and responsibilities of the receptionist | [
"docid": "D2534224#0",
"title": "http://www.bestsampleresume.com/job-descriptions/receptionist.html\nReceptionist Job Description",
"text": "Receptionist Job Description A receptionist's job takes an important share in the overall functioning of an organization. She is the face of a company; in fact, the first official professional to whom an individual encounters after entering any organization. The profile involves being conscious of every occurrence taking place in the company and making arrangements and devising plans for its immediate and forthcoming corporate events. Always wearing a smile on her face, the professional coordinates and organizes corporate meetings, training sessions, travel planning, deliveries, and other indispensable programs of a firm. The job is not easy because it involves coordinating with a multitude of assorted individuals and personnel. Operating as the flag bearer of an organization, the professional conducts varied types of demanding and testing tasks besides the usual job duties. One of the primary responsibilities shouldered by the receptionist is alluring new clientele and retaining outgoing or past customers via efficient customer service, effectual communication, and a welcoming atmosphere. Receptionist Job Responsibilities Receive, screen all incoming phone calls and connect them to appropriate personnel Give a warm greeting to all people entering the office premises Help out each person who approaches the front desk with a query Maintain the in and out time muster kept for the visitors Sort out and hand over important packages, deliveries, or messages to appropriate departments within the company Provide clerical and administrative support to the management Keep a close watch over the staff workings and movements Act as a communication between the employees and other divisions of the organization viz., housekeeping, etc. Being well versed with all kinds of official documentations to prepare letters, memorandums, etc."
] | [
"docid": "D356027#0",
"title": "https://www.livecareer.com/resume-examples\nFree Resume Examples by Industry and Job Title",
"text": "To get the job, you a need a great resume. The professionally-written, free resume examples below can help give you the inspiration you need to build an impressive resume of your own that impresses hiring managers and helps you land the job. Create my Resume Teacher: Resume Example Teachers and educators provide instruction in one or more subjects in private or public schools at the elementary, middle/junior high, and high school levels. Teachers specialize in adapting teaching methods and instructional materials to meet their students’ varying needs. An outstanding Teacher Resume, such as this Teacher Resume example, will include your number of years of experience, your education level, your subject matter expertise, and any specializations and certifications you have, including what states you’re certified to teach in. As shown in the Teacher Resume example, a good Teacher Resume should also highlight qualifications such as lesson plan writing and execution, designing classroom activities, preparing lesson materials, assigning homework, and maintaining student records. You might also include your communication and disciplinary skills, as well as highlight how patient you are with your students. View Teacher Resumes Create my Resume Admin Assistant: Resume Example Administrative Assistants provide office support by performing a wide range of duties and responsibilities. These often include basic accounting services, invoicing and payment processing, calendar scheduling, meeting organization, office supply maintenance, reception, and both internal and external correspondence. A job-winning Administrative Assistant Resume, such as this Administrative Assistant Resume example, includes the number of years of experience you have in this area, any specializations or certifications you have or earned, and your level of education."
"docid": "D1343655#0",
"title": "http://work.chron.com/legal-receptionist-paid-10403.html\nWhat Does a Legal Receptionist Get Paid?",
"text": "\"Related Articles1Interview Questions for a Receptionist at a Law Firm2How Much Should I Make as a Receptionist at a Dentist Office?3Job Description of a Legal File Clerk4How Much Does a Clinic Receptionist Get Paid? As with almost any receptionist, those working in legal departments and law firms assist their employers with a variety of clerical tasks. But the duties of a legal receptionist go beyond taking messages, copying documents and filing records. These legal professionals often help attorneys prepare and manage case files, as well as file court and other legal documents. With a basic knowledge of the law, legal receptionists can sometimes earn higher wages than their “business” counterparts. Salary In 2011, receptionists earned an average of $26,730 a year, or $12.85 per hour, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates. But the median salary, which accounts for half of all receptionists, was closer to $25,660 a year, or $12.35 per hour. Both of these salaries include all receptionists and information clerks, regardless of industry. Legal receptionists are paid a different scale. Legal While many of the duties of a legal receptionist mirror that of a \"\"business\"\" receptionist, law firms often seek candidates familiar with legal terminology and procedures."
"docid": "D274653#0",
"title": "http://www.innerbody.com/careers-in-health/how-to-become-a-medical-receptionist.html\nWhat Does a Medical Receptionist Do?",
"text": "What Does a Medical Receptionist Do? A medical receptionist is an integral part of a high functioning healthcare team. Doctors, nurses, and other medical and administrative staff members rely on the medical receptionist to create a friendly, welcoming and well-organized front office for patients and to facilitate their flow through the facility. SHOW ME SCHOOLS »The daily rhythm of work as a medical receptionist can be summed up in one word –busy! These professionals traditionally perform their duties from a prominently located desk, where they can easily interact with patients, staff, pharmaceutical reps, vendors and others. They are responsible for maintaining a calm and efficient environment for fielding phone calls, answering patient questions, scheduling new and follow-up appointments, registering new patients and updating records. A medical receptionist is the touchstone for both the staff and patients of a healthcare practice. These professionals are charged with expertly coordinating the day-to-day activities of doctors, nurses and patients to ensure a focus on compassionate care delivered on time. Workplace Details Most medical receptionists are employed by doctors’ offices (including dentists), hospitals and long-term care facilities, although some work for outpatient facilities and community clinics. While most positions follow a typical Monday through Friday workday schedule, some may be required to work evenings, nights, weekends, or holidays, particularly when employed by hospitals and other 24-hour care facilities."
"docid": "D2746978#0",
"title": "http://study.com/article_directory/q_p/page/Medical%20and%20Health%20Professions/q_p/Careers_and_Occupations_List.html\nMedical and Health Professions",
"text": "Medical and Health Professions AA Counselor: Job Outlook & Career Info Read about a career in AA counseling. Research the educational and skill requirements, and learn about the job description and employment and salary outlook for an AA counselor. AA Group Therapy Administrator: Job Description & Requirements Research the educational and skill requirements needed to become an AA group therapy administrator, as well as the job description and employment and salary outlook. Read on to decide if this career is right for you. ARRT Technician: Job Description & Career Requirements Learn about a career as an ARRT technician. Read the job description, duties, education requirements, salary and employment outlook to decide if this is the right career for you. Acupuncture Technician: Education Requirements and Career Info Acupuncture technicians require some formal education. Learn about the training, job duties and licensure requirements to see if this is the right career for you. Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: Career and Education Profile Learn about the education and preparation needed to become an acute care nurse practitioner. Get a quick view of the requirements, as well as details about job duties and licensure, to find out if this is the career for you."
"docid": "D1019216#0",
"title": "http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c5-111.html\nTop Management and Key Personnel Positions in a Business",
"text": "Top Management and Key Personnel Positions in a Business File C5-111 Updated December, 2009pdf format As you develop your business plan, a “management team” needs to be pulled together, with serious thought given to the key positions that need to be filled and who should fill them. The path of least resistance should be avoided - that is, placing close friends and relatives in key positions simply because of who they are. There are two criteria to justify placing someone in a position on your management team. First, does the person have the training and skills to do the job. Second, does the person have the track record to prove his/her talents. Often, a management team evolves over time. Members of your team may wear several hats until the company grows and the company can afford the additional team members. A large business may have some or all of the following positions. Top Management Positions Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or President -- This person will be the driving force behind the company; he or she will make things happen, put together the resources to support the company and take the product to the market place. Chief Operating Officer (COO), Vice President of Operations or General Manager -- Whether called an organizer, an inside manager or an operations person, this person is the one who will make sure company operations flow smoothly and economically."
"docid": "D2980840#0",
"title": "http://www.humanresourceblog.com/2011/02/03/status-change-from-exempt-to-non-exempt/\nStatus Change from exempt to non-exempt",
"text": "Feb 03Status Change from exempt to non-exempt After an internal audit of our employees' exempt/non-exempt status (according to the FLSA regulations) we have noticed that a few of our employees need to be changed from “Exempt” to “Nonexempt”. 1. How do we legally make this change? 2. How much notice if any must we allow before the change can be made? Our exempt employees are paid to date vs. our nonexempt are paid 2 weeks in arrears. 3. Must the notice be in writing or verbally? 4. How would we determine if any back overtime pay is required?"
"docid": "D627675#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-a-switchboard-operator.htm\nWhat is a Switchboard Operator?",
"text": "A switchboard operator is a telecommunications professional who manages a telephone switchboard. Historically, working on a switchboard required a great deal of mechanical knowledge, as operators had to manually process calls. Today, many switchboards are highly computerized, with the operator focusing on answering calls and routing them to the correct destination rather than having to deal with the physical wiring. Switchboards are used to handle phone calls in a variety of environments. Most emergency response phone numbers route to a switchboard, where an operator will determine where the call should be sent. They are also used in large companies, hotels, and other settings where a large number of incoming phone calls need to be processed, and in situations where companies want to make it difficult for members of the public to contact people in the company directly. Movie producers, for example, like their calls routed through a switchboard so that they can decide whom they want to talk to and when. In addition to handling external phone calls, a switchboard operator also deals with internal communications. When an analyst on the 40th floor picks up the phone to dial a banker on the 50th floor, the call may be routed through a company switchboard, and the analyst may interact with an operator along the way. Paging systems may also be handled this way, as in the case of a hospital that takes calls from the outside, manages internal communications, and uses overhead paging to alert personnel to important issues."
"docid": "D313288#0",
"title": "http://jobdescriptionandresumeexamples.com/veterinary-receptionist-job-description-example-duties-tasks-and-responsibilities/\nVeterinary Receptionist Job Description Example, Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities",
"text": "Veterinary Receptionist Job Description Example, Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities Veterinary Receptionists welcome clients and their pets to the clinic with a warm smile. Image source: Fourpawsvets.com Veterinary Receptionist Job Description Example A veterinary receptionist is an individual who works in a veterinary clinic or hospital with basic knowledge of veterinary and front desk activities such as answering calls, welcoming clients and taking mails. The job requires being comfortable in the presence of animals because you will be dealing with them on a daily basis. The job description of the receptionist who works in a veterinary hospital involves providing accurate information to inquiries from clients and other members of the public. Therefore, to succeed on this job, the receptionist must make it a priority to learn about all his/her clinic’s procedures. For the fact that the role involves a lot of physical contact with people, the receptionist has to be neatly and smartly dressed at all times; and must also wear a warm smile when greeting and welcoming clients to the clinic. Receptionists can have a great deal of influence on their companies’ clients because they are usually the first people clients come in contact with when they visit the clinics. They therefore serve as a liaison officer between doctors and clients. They also render customer service to clients and ensure they are well satisfied before exiting the clinic. Other responsibilities of the receptionist include maintaining a good and professional relationship with clients by getting appointments for them with the doctors, and calling them up on phone to inform them of new developments concerning their pets."
"docid": "D340713#0",
"title": "http://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/health-sciences/blog/what-does-a-medical-assistant-do/\nWhat Does a Medical Assistant Do?",
"text": "What Does a Medical Assistant Do? By Jess Mansour Scherman on 3/20/2014 5 Comments As a parent, you’re no stranger to the role of caregiver. You are the ruling physician in your home and are quick to act when a minor medical crisis occurs with your children. It’s natural to value a degree path that is not only convenient to your schedule, but also affordable and easily translatable into your role as mom or dad—after all, your family is your primary concern. And of course, you’re a master multitasker. You’ve likely been told by many people over the years that you’d make a great doctor, thanks to your tendency to be both highly dedicated and instinctually nurturing. The innate skills may already exist, but that long, expensive road through medical school is intimidating, to say the least. If this sounds relatable, a job as a medical assistant may be right for you. You’ve probably heard of the job title, but are still wondering, What does a medical assistant do? Well, to put it lightly, a medical assistant is a physician’s right hand man, or woman, as the case may be."
"docid": "D3458637#0",
"title": "http://www.best-job-interview.com/receptionist-interview-questions.html\nReceptionist Interview Questions and Answers",
"text": "\"Receptionist Interview Questions and Answers The receptionist interview questions you can expect are likely to be a challenging mix of behavioral-based interview questions, questions that explore your skills and experience and questions that evaluate your motivational fit with the company and co-workers. Use our sample interview answers and guidelines to impress as the right receptionist job candidate. Receptionist Interview Questions - skills and experience How many calls did you take on an average day in your last job? What sort of people did you interact with on a daily basis? Highlight your ability to handle multiple calls and diverse customers while remaining professional and composed. What sort of inquiries did you have to handle? Describe the type of information you were expected to provide and to whom. Emphasize how you used your knowledge of the company and it's services to respond efficiently to these queries. Discuss the steps you took to find out information when you didn't have it readily to hand. What were your primary responsibilities?"
"docid": "D190322#0",
"title": "https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-sydney/medical+receptionist/k0l3003435\n.",
"text": "\"Suggested Searches: medical receptionist jobs dental receptionist receptionist medical reception medical no experience medical receptionist medical receptionist job receptionist job admin receptionist required reception customer service dental assistant receptionist jobs toyota corolla 2013Home1 - 24 of 29 ads for \"\"medical receptionist\"\" in Sydney Region List View Grid View Sort by: Filter & Refine Keywordmedical receptionist Category Jobs (23)Real Estate (5)Pets (1)Services For Hire (1)Places Australia New South Wales Sydney Region (29)Inner Sydney (6)Eastern Suburbs (2)Fairfield Area (2)Liverpool Area (2)Rockdale Area (2)Bankstown Area (1)Blacktown Area (1)Camden Area (1)Campbelltown Area (1)Canada Bay Area (1)Show More Price Go Price Type Fixed Price (28)Negotiable (1)Offer Type Offering (28)Wanted (1)Most recent Medical receptionist/office assistant Casual medical receptionist/office assistant required for a busy specialist practice at Wahroonga. 1-2 days per week. Must be flexible to cover frequent extra shifts. Previous medical experience preferred. To join our excellent team, please forward your resume and cover letter to: by Tuesday 3/4/18. Hourly Rate Casual Ku-ring-gai Area Wahroonga5 hours ago Casual medical receptionist needed in North Epping area Hourly rate + superannuation About the role: We are looking for a mature, reliable and well-presented medical receptionist to join our team for one day per week to start with. Needs to be able to work on Tuesday from 9am-6pm Hourly rate + superannuation Ample all-day parking is available Duties include: You will be working with one general practitioner Answering phones, recalling patients, liasing with other medical professionals Booking Hourly Rate Casual Hornsby Area North Epping26/03/2018Junior Medical Receptionist We are a very busy general practice located in Sydney CBD within close proximity public transport. We are passionate about providing quality health care to our patients. The practice is well supported by both Principal Doctors,a Practice Manager and providing great facilities and a friendly environment to work in. We are looking for a highly motivated Receptionist to join our friendly team."
"docid": "D2975639#0",
"title": "http://work.chron.com/much-dental-receptionist-earn-11498.html\nHow Much Does a Dental Receptionist Earn?",
"text": "Related Articles1How Much Should I Make as a Receptionist at a Dentist Office?2Dental Receptionist Responsibilities3What to Say at a Dental Receptionist's Interview4Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Dental Receptionist Dental receptionists are responsible for many of the same duties of a “traditional” receptionist. Often referred to as a dental scheduler, this administrative professional answers the phone, greets patients, files documents and maintains the appointment calendar. In addition to these common tasks, a dental receptionist has the added responsibilities of collecting insurance information, compiling dental histories and escorting patients to and, sometimes, from the dentist’s exam room. Dental receptionists earn salaries similar to more traditional receptionists, but certain skills can improve earnings. General Receptionist In 2011, receptionists averaged $26,730 a year, or $12.85 an hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because higher salaries — mainly in the postal services and scientific research industry — can skew this figure, median wage is often a better indicator of a receptionist’s earning potential. About half of all receptionists earn $25,690 a year or less. Neither figure, however, differentiates one industry from another. Dental Receptionist A survey conducted by Office Team, an administrative staffing agency, found that dental receptionists earned $25,750 to $34,000 a year in 2012. Projected earnings for 2013 are slightly higher, averaging anywhere from $26,500 to $35,250 a year."
"docid": "D3102445#0",
"title": "http://work.chron.com/average-pay-receptionist-veterinary-office-11962.html\nThe Average Pay for a Receptionist in a Veterinary Office",
"text": "\"Related Articles1How Much Does a Veterinary Receptionist Make?2How to Be the Best Receptionist for a Vet Clinic3Salary of a Vet Technician Vs. Vet Assistant4How to Get a Receptionist Job in a Vet Hospital Receptionists working in veterinarians' offices may have a variety of duties, from greeting and signing in patients' owners, to answering phones, to tracking animals' health records and owners' personal information. How much these veterinary office receptionists are paid depends in part upon their level of responsibility, though the average pay is generally less than $30,000 a year. Receptionists The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 38,710 receptionists and information clerks working in veterinary practices nationwide as of May 2011. These receptionists earned an average annual wage of $24,980, or $12.01 an hour. The best-paid 10 percent earned $33,980 or more, while the lowest-paid 10 percent earned $17,970 or less. Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Receptionists who also handled clerical duties such as correspondence were classified by the BLS as secretaries or administrative assistants. The BLS reported 6,370 of these workers in veterinary offices nationwide. They earned an average annual wage of $28,370, or $13.64 an hour. The top 10 percent earned $41,430 or more, while the bottom 10 percent earned $18,920 or less."
"docid": "D1017797#0",
"title": "http://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/health-sciences/blog/what-does-a-medical-administrative-assistant-do/\nWhat Does a Medical Administrative Assistant Do?",
"text": "What Does a Medical Administrative Assistant Do? By Jennifer Pfeffer on 7/4/2016 6 Comments In 2012, Americans visited a doctor’s office 928 million times. And it’s probably safe to say that the first person each person interacted with was the receptionist — or medical administrative assistant — as they checked in. While checking in patients is an important part of the job, medical administrative assistants do so much more. Are you looking for a career that is patient facing, but also has many tasks behind-the-scenes? We’ve broken down everything you need to know from basic job duties to the major differences by location so you can decide if it’s the career for you. Role of a medical administrative assistant Medical administrative assistants, or medical secretaries, perform administrative functions for a hospital or clinic through their knowledge of medical terminology and applications. They can work in a variety of roles and locations with job titles ranging from unit secretary or medical office specialist to patient coordinator. Medical administrative assistant job duties Medical secretaries are responsible for a wide range of administrative tasks to ensure the office they are managing functions smoothly. These tasks can vary by location but typically include: Checking in patients at the front desk Answering the phone Scheduling patients for the proper appointment Interviewing patients for case histories in advance of appointments Compiling medical records and charts Process insurance payments Operating computer software and office equipment Transferring lab results to the appropriate clinician Maintaining supplies and appearance for the office Medical administrative assistant work locations Responsibilities can vary quite a bit depending upon where a medical administrative assistant works."
"docid": "D97525#0",
"title": "https://hiring.monster.com/hr/hr-best-practices/recruiting-hiring-advice/job-descriptions/medical-office-receptionist-job-description-sample.aspx\nMedical Office Receptionist Job Description Sample",
"text": "Medical Office Receptionist Job Description Sample This medical office receptionist sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements. Medical Office Receptionist Job Responsibilities: Serves patients by greeting and helping them; scheduling appointments; maintaining records and accounts. Medical Office Receptionist Job Duties: Welcomes patients and visitors by greeting patients and visitors, in person or on the telephone; answering or referring inquiries. Optimizes patients' satisfaction, provider time, and treatment room utilization by scheduling appointments in person or by telephone. Keeps patient appointments on schedule by notifying provider of patient's arrival; reviewing service delivery compared to schedule; reminding provider of service delays. Comforts patients by anticipating patients' anxieties; answering patients' questions; maintaining the reception area. Ensures availability of treatment information by filing and retrieving patient records. Maintains patient accounts by obtaining, recording, and updating personal and financial information. Obtains revenue by recording and updating financial information; recording and collecting patient charges; controlling credit extended to patients; filing, collecting, and expediting third-party claims."
"docid": "D408349#0",
"title": "http://www.indeed.com/q-Front-Desk-Receptionist-jobs.html\n.",
"text": "\"Tip: Enter your zip code in the \"\"where\"\" box to show results in your area. Page 1 of 32,669 jobs Upload your resume - Let employers find you Front Desk Coordinator Bella Sirena Salon - Kirkland, WA$15 an hour Maintaining a clean organized atmosphere at the front desk and retail area of the salon. Paid Sick days & Paid Holidays.... Easily apply Sponsored - save job Front Desk Reception Albert Lee Appliance - 11 reviews - Bellevue, WA 98004$13 an hour FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST. The Front Desk Receptionist is responsible for handling the front desk and administrative duties. PTO (Paid Time Off) program.... Easily apply Sponsored - save job Medical Office Front Desk Kang Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Center - Bellevue, WA$15 - $17 an hour Kang Acupuncture is looking for a part time/full time frontdesk /medical receptionist. Schedule appointment over the phone and in person with online patient... Easily apply Sponsored - save job Front Desk Receptionist Cascadia Oral and Facial Surgeons - Kirkland, WA 98034$20 - $25 an hour Benefit are offered and, paid holiday and paid vacations. The following competencies are required. Excellent oral and written communication skillworking... Easily apply Sponsored - save job Receptionist (Admin Spec I)City of Seattle - 114 reviews - Seattle, WA$22.59 - $25.17 an hour Answer questions from misdemeanor case victims and witnesses, Seattle Municipal Court staff, defense attorneys, government officials, City of Seattle residents,...5 days ago - save job - more... Reception Concierge- Receptionist Multicare Health System - 115 reviews - Kirkland, WA +4 locations The incumbent is responsible for ensuring an exceptional patient experience at the beginning and close of patient visits, as well as providing excellent...19 days ago - save job - more... Front Desk Coordinator - Full Time - Brooks JCA Outpatient C... Brooks Rehabilitation - 75 reviews - Jacksonville, FL +1 location Maintaining records and accounts. 1 year experience working with customers in the medical, service or hospitality industries....10 days ago - save job - more... REGISTRATION REPRESENTATIVE - Urgent Care Darlington (Full T... Mc Leod Health - 240 reviews - Darlington, SCKnowledgeable of the various procedures performed in each area. High School Diploma or equivalent required, advanced degree preferred....1 day ago - save job - more... Receptionist / Clerk Well Care - 880 reviews - Nederland, TX 77627High School Diploma or equivalent Computer Skills:."
"docid": "D523991#0",
"title": "https://resources.workable.com/receptionist-job-description\nReceptionist job description",
"text": "Receptionist job description This Receptionist job description template is optimized for posting to online job boards or careers pages. It is easy to customize with duties and responsibilities for medical receptionists, hotel receptionists, and more. Also s ee our job descriptions for similar roles: Administrative Assistant, Executive Administrative Assistant, Front Office Manager, Office Coordinator, Office Manager, Secretary. Receptionist Responsibilities: Receiving visitors at the front desk by greeting, welcoming, directing and announcing them appropriately Answering screening and forwarding incoming phone calls Receiving and sorting daily mail Hiring a receptionist? Sign up for Workable’s 15-day free trial to post this job and hire better, faster. Job brief We are looking for a Receptionist to manage our front desk on a daily basis and to perform a variety of administrative and clerical tasks. What does a Receptionist do? As a Receptionist, you will be the first point of contact for our company. Our Receptionist’s duties include offering administrative support across the organization. You will welcome guests and greet people who visit the business."
"docid": "D3053435#0",
"title": "http://www.bestsampleresume.com/job-descriptions/medical-receptionist.html\nMedical Receptionist Job Description",
"text": "Medical Receptionist Job Description Medical receptionist perform all kinds of secretarial and receptionist duties in a hospital and is a central point of contact in the hospital. She coordinates between the doctors, hospital administrations and the patients as well. A medical receptionist offers front-desk services to the hospital. Though she is not capable of providing any kind of health care to the patients, she has to have sound knowledge of the equipments and the treatment procedures used in the hospitals. This helps her in assisting the patients and providing necessary facilities to the doctors. They should have a pleasing personality and cooperative as they are responsible for greeting each and every patient coming to the hospital and the doctors working in the hospital. The medical receptionist job description given here will help you know the detailed profile of a medical receptionist. A medical receptionist works in a hospital type of settings and does not perform any kind of outdoor work. In case the hospital is providing any kind of treatment services for the patients in their home, the medical receptionist calls them and collects information regarding the progress of the patient and any addition requirements. She entertains all kinds of queries through telephone or personally within the hospital only."
"docid": "D62248#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_duties_of_an_assistant_procurement_officer\nWhat are the duties of an assistant procurement officer?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Uncategorized What are the duties of an assistant procurement officer? Flag What are the duties of an assistant procurement officer? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.the duties of assistant purchasing officer is to find the resource required by an organization within a budget and dead line,and then to do all extra work that can be told by his/her purchasing officer.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What are the duties of an office assistant? What are the main duties of an Government sector Office Assistant? Please tell in detials?. Ans: A bit i can tell you that being an Assistant, we categorised in three of foll …What are the duties and responsibilities of an office assistant? Capable of handling day to day office work like filing, bank related work, other domestic work.. . Assisting in office chores . Co-coordinating with vendors. ."
"docid": "D2977647#0",
"title": "https://study.com/articles/Chiropractic_Receptionist_Duties_and_Requirements.html\nChiropractic Receptionist: Duties and Requirements",
"text": "Chiropractic Receptionist: Duties and Requirements Chiropractic receptionists require little formal education. Learn about the training, job duties and requirements to see if this is the right career for you. Show Me Schools View 10 Popular Schools »Chiropractic receptionists provide administrative and general office support in chiropractor offices. A high school diploma or GED is typically the required education. Job growth for receptionists is higher than average through 2024. Essential Information Chiropractic receptionists serve as greeters and administrative assistants in the offices of chiropractors, who treat problems with the musculoskeletal system (particularly the spine). Appointments and sign-ins, along with phone calls and mail, are handled by the chiropractic receptionist. This career requires a high school diploma and a friendly, positive demeanor. Acquiring technology skills is also a must, because chiropractic receptionists input medical and patient data. Required Education High school diploma or GEDOther Requirements Computer skills Job Growth (2014-2024)* 10% for all receptionists Average Salary (2015)* $28,430 for all receptionists and information clerks Source: *U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Chiropractic Receptionist According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, www.bls.gov ), a chiropractic receptionist needs to have the minimum of a GED or a high school diploma."
] |
345 | . what is an example of a nastic movement? | [
"docid": "D1906352#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081008140447AAqUB7Y\nDifference between nastic movements and tropism movements?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology Difference between nastic movements and tropism movements?title1 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Nastic Movement: \"\"Nastic movements are non-directional responses to stimuli (e.g. temperature, humidity, light irradiance). The movement can be due to changes in turgor or changes in growth. Nastic movements differ from tropic movements in that the direction of tropic responses depends on the direction of the stimulus, whereas the direction of nastic movements is independent of the stimulus. The rate or frequency of these responses increases as intensity of the stimulus increases. An example of such a response is the opening and closing of flowers (photonastic response). Nastic responses are usually associated with plants.\"\" Tropism Movement: \"\"A tropism (from Greek, tropos, to turn) is a biological phenomenon, indicating growth or turning movement of a biological organism, usually a plant, in response to an environmental stimulus. In tropisms, this response is dependent on the direction of the stimulus (as opposed to nastic movements which are non-directional responses). Viruses and other pathogens also affect what is called \"\"host tropism\"\" or \"\"cell tropism\"\" in which case tropism refers to the way in which different viruses/pathogens have evolved to preferentially target specific host species, or specific cell types within those species. The word tropism comes from the Greek trope (\"\"to turn\"\" or \"\"to change\"\")."
] | [
"docid": "D1906355#0",
"title": "http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/plantmotion/movements/nastic/nastic.html\nNastic Movements",
"text": "Nastic Movements Nastic movements are plant movements that occur in response to environmental stimuli but unlike tropic movements, the direction of the response is not dependent on the direction of the stimulus. Some of the most spectacular plant movements are nastic movements. These include the closing of the carnivorous Venus Flytrap leaf when it captures prey or the folding of the mimosa leaf when it is disturbed."
"docid": "D1374341#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/botany-terms-glossary-of-botanical-terms.html\nBotany Terms - Glossary of Botanical Terms",
"text": "Botany Terms - Glossary of Botanical Terms Following is the glossary of botanical terms and definitions with a complete compilation of botany terms for your reference. Tagged Under: Glossaries Advertisement The study of plants and their related structures is what makes up the field of botany. Most plants are self-sufficient, autotrophic organisms. However, there are so many variations that are present even in plants, be it in their structure, size, color, or mode of nutrition. These numerous variations, in their phenotypic (outwardly visible) traits as well as their genotype, has made people study this group since centuries, thus, making botany one of the oldest sciences, rivaling astronomy today. Botany has formed the basis on which, the study of plants and consequently, living organisms was done. It was the plants present in his backyard that inspired Gregor Johann Mendel to propose the first laws of genetic inheritance, that are studied even to this day. The importance of this science cannot be stressed enough, as today, all living organisms owe their existence to plants, either directly or indirectly. If it weren't for these green beings, we wouldn't have had oxygen to breathe, nor fruits to eat! Plants are of various types, ranging from edible with medicinal properties, to downright poisonous."
"docid": "D711547#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylene\nEthylene",
"text": "\"Ethylene From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ethylene Names IUPAC name Ethene Identifiers CAS Number74-85-13D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Ch EBICHEBI:18153Ch EMBLCh EMBL117822Chem Spider6085ECHA Info Card 100.000.742EC Number 200-815-3KEGGC06547Pub Chem CID6325UNII91GW059KN7In Ch I [show]SMILES [show]Properties Chemical formula C 2H 4Molar mass 28.05 g/mol Appearance colorless gas Density 1.178 kg/m 3 at 15 °C, gas [1]Melting point −169.2 °C (−272.6 °F; 104.0 K)Boiling point −103.7 °C (−154.7 °F; 169.5 K)Solubility in water 3.5 mg/100 m L (17 °C); [ citation needed] 2.9 mg/L [2]Solubility in ethanol4.22 mg/L [2]Solubility in diethyl ether good [2]Acidity (p K a) 44Magnetic susceptibility (χ) -15.30·10 −6 cm 3 /mol Structure Molecular shape D 2h Dipole moment zero Thermochemistry Std molar entropy ( S o 298) 219.32 J·K −1 ·mol −1Std enthalpy of formation (Δ f H o 298) +52.47 k J/mol Hazards Safety data sheet See: data page ICSC 0475EU classification (DSD) (outdated) F+R-phrases (outdated)R12 R67S-phrases (outdated) (S2) S9 S16 S33 S46NFPA 704 42 2Flash point −136 °C (−213 °F; 137 K)Autoignition temperature 542.8 °C (1,009.0 °F; 815.9 K)Related compounds Related compounds Ethane Acetylene Propene Supplementary data page Structure and properties Refractive index ( n ), Dielectric constant (ε r ), etc. Thermodynamic data Phase behaviour solid–liquid–gas Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MSExcept where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 k Pa).verify ( what is ? ) Infobox references Ethylene ( IUPAC name: ethene) is a hydrocarbon which has the formula C 2H 4 or H 2 C=CH 2. It is a colorless flammable gas with a faint \"\"sweet and musky \"\" odour when pure. [ 4] It is the simplest alkene (a hydrocarbon with carbon-carbondouble bonds ). Ethylene is widely used in the chemical industry, and its worldwide production (over 150 million tonnes in 2016 [5]) exceeds that of any other organic compound. [ 6] [7] Much of this production goes toward polyethylene, a widely used plastic containing polymer chains of ethylene units in various chain lengths. Ethylene is also an important natural plant hormone, and is used in agriculture to force the ripening of fruits. [ 8] Ethylene's hydrate is ethanol. Contents [ hide ]1 Structure and properties2 Uses2.1 Polymerization2.2 Oxidation2.3 Halogenation and hydrohalogenation2.4 Alkylation2.5 Oxo reaction2.6 Hydration2.7 Dimerization to butenes2.8 Niche uses3 Production3.1 Industrial Process3.2 Laboratory synthesis4 Ethylene as a plant hormone4.1 History of ethylene in plant biology4.2 Ethylene biosynthesis in plants4.3 Ethylene perception in plants4.4 Ethylene response to salt stress4.5 Environmental and biological triggers of ethylene4.5.1 List of plant responses to ethylene4.5.2 Commercial issues5 Ligand6 History6.1 Nomenclature6.2 Safety7 References8 Further reading9 External links Structure and properties [ edit]Orbital description of bonding between ethylene and a transition metal."
"docid": "D1178086#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phototropism\nPhototropism",
"text": "\"The light from the lamp (1.) functions as a detectable change in the plant's environment. As a result, the plant exhibits a reaction of phototropism--directional growth (2.) toward the light stimulus. Auxin distribution controls phototropism. 1. Sunlight strikes the plant from directly above. Auxin (pink dots) encourages growth straight up. 2, 3, 4. Sunlight strikes the plant at an angle."
"docid": "D3335956#0",
"title": "http://www.home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/plant_behavior.html\nPlant Behavior (Plant Regulation and Response)",
"text": "\"Plant Behavior (Plant Regulation and Response)Summary of Lecture How hormones work - Signal Transduction Pathways Light and the Growth Response The Isolation of Auxin Auxin: Its Structure and Roles Other Plant Growth Hormones Gibberellins Cytokinins (zeatin)Ethylene Abscisic acid Applications of Plant Hormones Plant Growth Responses and Movements Growth Responses Phototropism Apical Dominance and Auxin Roots and Gravitropism Thigmotropism Movements - Nastic Responses Solar Tracking Thigmonastic Response Light and Flowering Photoperiodicity The Dark Clock and Flowering Phytochrome CHow Hormones Work - Signal Transduction Pathways General model. Hormone binding to a specific receptor activates chemical and transport steps that generate second messengers, which trigger the cell's various responses to the original signal. In the diagram above, the receptor is on the surface of the target cell. In other cases, hormones enter cells and bind to specific receptors inside. Environmental stimuli can also initiate signal pathways. For example, phytochrome conversion is the first step in the transduction pathways that lead to a cell's responses to red light. Specific example: a hypothetical mechanism for auxin's stimulation of cell elongation. ( 1) The hormone binds to an auxin receptor, and (2) this signal is transduced into second messengers within the cell, inducing various responses. ( 3) Proton pumps are activated, and secretion of acid loosens the wall, enabling the cell to elongate. ( 4) The Golgi apparatus is stimulated to discharge vesicles containing materials to maintain the thickness of the cell wall. ("
"docid": "D2242576#0",
"title": "http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/chisocfem.html\nSocialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women's Movement",
"text": "\"Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women's Movement By Hyde Park Chapter, Chicago Women's Liberation Union Heather Booth Day Creamer Susan Davis Deb Dobbin Robin Kaufman Tobey Klass INTRODUCTION We have written this paper to express and share with other women ideas for a new strategy for the women's movement. Currently there are two ideological poles, representing the prevailing tendencies within the movement. One is the direction toward new lifestyles within a women's culture, emphasizing personal liberation and growth, and the relationship of women to women. Given our real need to break loose from the old patterns--socially, psychologically, and economically--and given the necessity for new patterns in the post revolutionary society, we understand, support and enjoy this tendency. However, when it is the sole emphasis, we see it leading more toward a kind of formless insulation rather than to a condition in which we can fight for and win power over our own lives. The other direction is one which emphasizes a structural analysis of our society and its economic base. It focuses on the ways in which productive relations oppress us. This analysis is also correct, but its strategy, taken alone, can easily become, or appear to be, insensitive to the total lives of women. As socialist feminists, we share both the personal and the structural analysis. We see a combination of the two as essential if we are to become a lasting mass movement."
"docid": "D765705#0",
"title": "https://www.qfeast.com/scored/quiz/22886/How-much-of-a-Bratayley-fan-are-you\nHow much of a Bratayley fan are you?",
"text": "\"How much of a Bratayley fan are you? Do you find yourself saying \"\"Im Bratayleys number one fan!\"\" Well lets found out if you really are!You Tube Fan28 published on April 04, 2014 340 responses 165 4.4 ★ / 5Questions in vertical order Who is Bratayley? A famous singer A family youtube channel A gymnast How many people are in the Bratayley family house hold Three One Five What is Annie''s real name? Julianna Anna Annabelle When Hayley has straight hair her name is... Lily Molly Paige Annie's sport is... Base ball Football Gymnastics Bratayley are friends with anouther youtube who is it? Kitties Mama Shaytardsiisuperwomanii Bratayleys dog not long ago died what was her name? Toshi Riley Piper Bratayley has now got two dogs what is one of the dogs name and what are they conidering calling the other? Select the two correct answers Piper Tiger Riley Bratayley used to have a cat what was that cats name? Toshi Links Caleb What are the names of the Bratayley children? Select the three correct answers Annie Caleb Aiden Hayley Katie Why is Bratayley called Bratayley?"
"docid": "D1065572#0",
"title": "http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-54_u-251_t-647_c-2411/camera-shots-angles-and-movement-lighting-cinematography-and-mise-en-scene/nsw/camera-shots-angles-and-movement-lighting-cinematography-and-mise-en-scene/skills-by-text-type-film/film-overview/\nCamera shots, angles and movement, lighting, cinematography and mise en scene",
"text": "Camera shots, angles and movement, lighting, cinematography and mise en scene Unit Home Topic Home Chapter Home 14 Pictures 4 Animations 0 Videos Chapter Summary 0 Activities 0 Exams Film Techniques Film techniques is the term used to describe the ways that meaning is created in film. Camera Shots A camera shot is the amount of space that is seen in one shot or frame. Camera shots are used to demonstrate different aspects of a film's setting, characters and themes. As a result, camera shots are very important in shaping meaning in a film. Reviewing the examples on the right hand side of this page should make the different camera shots clearer. An extreme long shot ( animation on right) contains a large amount of landscape. It is often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general location (setting). This is also known as an establishing shot. A long shot ( animation on right) contains landscape but gives the viewer a more specific idea of setting. A long shot may show the viewers the building where the action will take place."
"docid": "D1115592#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/exam-1/deck/8682238\nPopular Study Materials from Kinesiology 1301",
"text": "Which of the following reflect (s) a growing interest in physical activity on the part of the general population? A) the large numbers who participate regularly in physical activity B) the growing popularity of college and university programs devoted to the study of physical activity C) the explosion of career opportunities for college-trained professionals D) all of these D) all of these Definitions ensuring that all those who work within a science or profession use the terms in the same way are called A) operational definitions B) hypothetical definitions C) technical definitions D) working definitions C) technical definitions Which of the following is NOT an example of physical activity as defined in this text? A) blinking your eye B) rowing a boat C) walking across the room D) writing your name A) blinking your eye Movement is best defined as A) physical activity B) running, walking, or sliding C) changes in the position of your hands and feet D) changes in the position of any of your body parts relative to one another D) changes in the position of any of your body parts relative to one another The discipline of kinesiology derives its knowledge from A) experiencing physical activity B) the formal study of physical activity C) professional practice in physical activity D) all of the above D) all of the above Which of the following represents a means of obtaining theoretical knowledge of kinesiology? A) doing a cartwheel B) studying exercise physiology C) coaching a Little League team D) all of the above B) studying exercise physiology Professional practice knowledge is most likely to be used when one is A) studying sport history B) learning to play golf C) serving as a personal fitness trainer D) all of the above Faculty in colleges and universities who teach about physical activity and conduct research on physical activity-related problems are called A) biodynamicologists B) kinesiotherapists C) kinanthropologists D) kinesiologists Which of the following best defines exercise? A) physical activity that makes you sweat B) physical activity performed to prepare you for an athletic event C) physical activity performed to improve the performance, health, or appearance of your body D) any form of physical activity The principal (but NOT the only) forms of physical activity studied by kinesiologists are A) sport and exercise B) sit-ups and push-ups C) rehabilitation exercise D) aerobics Kinesiology focuses on A) the physical aspects of physical activity B) the physical and emotional aspects of physical activity C) the physical, emotional, and philosophical aspects of physical activity D) the physical, emotional, philosophical, and sociocultural aspects of physical activity Movement differs from physical activity in that A) unlike physical activity, movement is always directed toward a goal B) unlike physical activity, movement is always voluntary C) unlike physical activity, movement is not always voluntary or directed toward a goal D) none of the above Approximately how many colleges and universities in the United States have academic programs devoted to the study of physical activity? A) 600 B) 400 C) 100 D) 60Kinesiology is ________ in nature because it focuses not just on the bodily aspects of physical activity but on the cognitions, emotions, and soul as well. A) global B) interdisciplinary C) holistic D) exploratory Kinesiology is composed of a variety of areas of specialized study. These specialized areas, including sport and exercise psychology and sport sociology, are known as A) subdisciplines B) core classes C) professional practice D) parent disciplines Physical activity is the means by which we explore our world. A) True B) False Physical activity always involves movement. A) True B) False All movement is physical activity."
"docid": "D1864838#0",
"title": "http://geowords.com/p_/chap08_mass.htm\n.",
"text": "1. Mass wasting is the downslope movement of material under the influence of gravity. Most mass movements are aided by weathering and involve surficial material.1. Define mass wasting.2. Several types of mass wasting are geologic hazards that are frequently responsible for loss of life. Millions of dollars in damage are caused annually by mass wasting.3. Mass wasting occurs when the gravitational force acting parallel to a slope exceeds the slope's strength.2. What are the forces that help to maintain slope stability?1. Shear strength includes:a. the strength and cohesion of material; b. the amount of internal friction between grains; c. gravity; d. all of these; e. answers (a) and (b).2."
"docid": "D89894#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabaceae\nFabaceae",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about Fabaceae s.l. ( or Leguminosae), as defined by the APG System. For Fabaceae s.s. ( or Papilionaceae), as defined by less modern systems, see Faboideae. Fabaceae Temporal range: Palaeocene – Recent [1]Kudzu ( Pueraria lobata)Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Rosids Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Lindl. [ 2] (Leguminosae Jussieu, nom. cons. ). [ 3]Type genus Faba (now included in Vicia)Mill. Subfamilies [4]Caesalpinioideae DC. Cercidoideae LPWGDetarioideae Burmeist."
"docid": "D239618#0",
"title": "http://www2.palomar.edu/users/mhudelson/StudyGuides/20thCentLate_WA.html\nMovements in Twentieth-Century Art After World War II",
"text": "\"Movements in Twentieth-Century Art After World War IIAbstract Expressionism (Action Painting and Color Field Painting)Name: Term used as early as 1920s to describe Kandinsky's abstract paintings. Writer Robert Coates first uses the term for contemporary paintings in the March 30, 1946 issue of the New Yorker. Supportive critic Harold Rosenberg used the term \"\"Action Painting,\"\" while another critic, Clement Greenberg, preferred \"\"American-style Painting.\"\" Still, \"\"Abstract Expressionism\"\" was the term used most frequently in the U. S. Who: Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Adolph Gottlieb, Arshile Gorky, Robert Motherwell, Franz Kline, Barnett Newman, and Clyfford Still. When: Mid-1940s through 1950s. Where: United States (New York City). What: Consciously American style of art that influenced similar European movements, such as Tachisme. Abstract Expressionism can be broken into two large subdivisions: Action Painting, which came first, and Color Field Painting. Action Paintings generally have a more violent, frenzied appearance, while Color Field Paintings have a calmer, almost spiritual quality. Subject Matter: Abstract, with an emphasis on the artist expressing everything from personal feelings to universal, spiritual concerns."
"docid": "D364732#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrotropism\nHydrotropism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Hydrotropism (hydro- \"\"water\"\"; tropism \"\"involuntary orientation by an organism, that involves turning or curving as a positive or negative response to a stimulus\"\") [1] is a plant's growth response in which the direction of growth is determined by a stimulus or gradient in water concentration. A common example is a plant root growing in humid air bending toward a higher relative humidity level. This is of biological significance as it helps to increase efficiency of the plant in its ecosystem. The process of hydrotropism is started by the root cap sensing water and sending a signal to the elongating part of the root. Hydrotropism is difficult to observe in underground roots, since the roots are not readily observable, and root gravitropism is usually more influential than root hydrotropism. [ 2] Water readily moves in soil and soil water content is constantly changing so any gradients in soil moisture are not stable. Root hydrotropism research has mainly been a laboratory phenomenon for roots grown in humid air rather than soil. Its ecological significance in soil-grown roots is unclear because so little hydrotropism research has examined soil-grown roots. Recent identification of a mutant plant that lacks a hydrotropic response may help to elucidate its role in nature. [ 3] Hydrotropism may have importance for plants grown in space, where it may allow roots to orient themselves in a microgravity environment. ["
"docid": "D1653281#0",
"title": "https://cssac.unc.edu/programs/learning-center/Resources/Study/Guides/Biology%20101/Hormones\nHormones",
"text": "Text: Increase font size Decrease font size Hormones Endocrine system, animal and plant hormones Topic: Hormones Concept: a. Endocrine System Concept Overview: The endocrine system includes several glands and scattered cells and the hormones they secrete into the bloodstream. A hormone exerts a specific physiological effect on target cells, which have receptors for it. Exocrine glands deliver substances into ducts, which open onto body surfaces. The nervous and endocrine systems interact to maintain homeostasis. The nervous system acts faster and more locally than the endocrine system. Neurosecretory cells, which are neurons that secrete hormones, are a physical and evolutionary link between the two systems. In a negative feedback loop, excess of a hormone or the product of a hormone-induced response suppresses further synthesis or release of that hormone until levels return to normal. In a positive feedback loop, the hormone causes an event that increases its production. Ions or nutrient levels near the endocrine cells, input from the nervous system, and other hormones control feedback loops. Concept: b. Animal Hormones Concept Overview: More complex invertebrates have interacting hormones."
"docid": "D1863163#0",
"title": "https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/8106/what-is-sonata-allegro-form-and-what-other-similar-forms-should-i-be-aware-of\nWhat is âSonata-Allegro formâ and what other similar forms should I be aware of?",
"text": "\"_Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for musicians, students, and enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is “Sonata-Allegro form” and what other similar forms should I be aware of?up vote6down votefavorite There are lots of classical pieces called \"\"Sonata\"\", and they usually have 3 movements. But there are guitar Sonatas by Paganini that only have 2 movements! And I heard there's a crazy Tchaikovsky -- maybe it was a symphony, but that's still sonata-form, right? -- piece that has 4 movements. I heard orchestras get spooked-out when playing this piece in Japan because they alone, having done their homework, know not to clap after the boisterous III. Allegro. Would someone explain what the 'Sonata-Allegro' form is, and perhaps shed some light on these side-questions by-the-by? [ PS. Willing to separate this part as new question if appropriate. ]"
"docid": "D1079321#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/nastic\nnastic",
"text": "nastic [ nas -tik]Spell Syllables Word Originadjective, Botany.1. of or showing sufficiently greater cellular force or growth on one side of an axis to change the form or position of the axis. Origin of nastic Expand Greek1900-19101900-10; < Greek nast (ós) pressed close, stamped down, firm (equivalent to nad- stem of nássein to press, squeeze + -tos past participle suffix, with dt > st) + -ic-nastic1. a combining form occurring in adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in -nasty:hyponastic. Origin Expand See origin at nastic Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for nastic Expand Historical Examples There is no line of demarcation between tropic and nastic movements. Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose No sharp distinction can therefore be made between the movements of growth and of variation, between tropic and nastic curvatures. Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose The employment of the term ' nastic ' is, however, convenient when used in a well-defined and restricted sense. Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose Discover our greatest slideshows Six words that can ruin your...10 Of The Saddest Words (Or... The Oldest Words In The English...10 Words That Will Show Your Age Browse more topics on our blog What Is the Difference Between Discreet and Discrete? Learn the correct uses of these two commonly confused homophones."
"docid": "D2131671#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/102942448/joints-of-the-skeletal-system-flash-cards/\nJoints of the Skeletal System",
"text": "\"98 terms haleymichelle45Joints of the Skeletal System Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort How are joints classified functional? Based on on the amount of movement allowed. What are the types of joints? ( Based on movement) Amphiarthroses, Synarthroses, and diarthroses What does amphiarthroses mean? Slightly movable joint. An example is intervertebral disc's between vertebrae. What does synarthroses mean? Immovable joint. An example is sutures of the skull. What does diarthroses mean?"
"docid": "D248726#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitropism\nGravitropism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search A straight and vertical tree. The shape has been regulated by the gravitropic curvature at the base. Gravitropism (also known as geotropism) is a turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. It is a general feature of all higher and many lower plants as well as other organisms. Charles Darwin was one of the first to scientifically document that roots show positive gravitropism and stems show negative gravitropism. That is, roots grow in the direction of gravitational pull (i.e., downward) and stems grow in the opposite direction (i.e., upwards). This behavior can be easily demonstrated with any potted plant. When laid onto its side, the growing parts of the stem begin to display negative gravitropism, growing (biologists say, turning; see tropism) upwards. Hebaverns (non-woody) stems are capable of a small degree of actual bending, but most of the redirected movement occurs as a consequence of root or stem growth outside. Contents [ hide ]1 Gravitropism in the root2 Gravitropism in shoots3 Gravity Sensing Mechanisms3.1 Statoliths3.2 Modulation by phytochrome4 Compensation5 Gravitropic mutants6 See also7 References Gravitropism in the root [ edit]Root growth occurs by division of stem cells in the root meristem located in the tip of the root, and the subsequent expansion of cells in a region just primal to the tip known as the elongation zone."
"docid": "D557628#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/7444836/kinesilogy-4-flash-cards/\nKinesilogy 4",
"text": "\"85 terms Massage1Kinesilogy 4Chapters 5,6, 16 from Muscalino Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Flexion/Extension occur in which plane? saggital Flexion/Extension have what axis? mediolateral Abduction/adduction occur in which plane? frontal Abduction/adduction move around what axis? anterioposterior Right/left lateral flexion occur in which plane? frontal Right/left lateral flexion move around what axis? anterioposterior Lateral/medial rotation occur in which plane? transverse What axis does movement in a transverse plane have? longitudinal Right/left rotation occurs in which plane? transverse Actions in a transverse plane move around what axis?"
"docid": "D2139657#0",
"title": "http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/a/a_06/a_06_cr/a_06_cr_mou/a_06_cr_mou.html\n.",
"text": "\"Funding for this site is provided by readers like you. Making a Voluntary Movement Our Mirror Neurons Prefer the Movements We’ve Already Learned In brain imaging, when subjects are asked to move their thumbs, activity is observed in the posterior parietal and somatosensory areas, Area 8 of the prefrontal cortex , and motor areas 4 and 6. Interestingly, if subjects are simply asked to repeat the movement mentally without actually performing it, Area 6 is still activated, but not Area 4. Some kinds of damage to the posterior parietal cortex can lead to a syndrome called apraxia. In one form of apraxia, patients can make certain gestures spontaneously but have trouble in making these same gestures if asked to do so. In another form, patients cannot make the correct movements to use objects such as a pencil or a pair of scissors, even though they can describe the functions of these objects perfectly. In addition, people with apraxia will have even more difficulty in performing a gesture if they are asked to do so outside the appropriate social context. What apraxia thus seems to impair is the ability to make voluntary movements that are not directly elicited or stimulated by the environment. THE MOTOR CORTEXThe anatomical region of the brain known as Area 4 was given the name primary motor cortex (symbol: M1) after Penfield showed that focal stimulations in this region elicited highly localized muscle contractions at various locations in the body. This mapping is represented somatotopically on the motor cortex, where the surface area devoted to controlling the movements of each body part varies in direct proportion to the precision of the movements that can be made by that part (see boxed text below)."
] |
347 | . what is the major difference between a treaty and an executive agreement? | [
"docid": "D351755#0",
"title": "http://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/2359/what-is-the-difference-between-a-treaty-and-an-executive-agreement-in-american-f\nWhat is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement in American Foreign Policy?",
"text": "\"_Politics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people interested in governments, policies, and political processes. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement in American Foreign Policy?up vote5down votefavorite So a treaty requires the consent of the United States Senate to come into effect while an executive agreement does not. However, beyond that, what are the differences between the two? Are there things that must be done via a treaty as opposed to an executive agreement? Are executive agreements considered binding by US Courts? Are the two types of agreement generally used for different purposes or is there significant overlap?united-states foreign-policy treatyshare improve this questionasked Nov 11 '13 at 23:40ivanatpr143 1 1 4add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote7down voteaccepted As it turns out, the State Department has a web page dedicated to answering this very question. Here's what it says: As explained in greater detail in 11 FAM 721.2, there are two procedures under domestic law through which the United States becomes a party to an international agreement. First, international agreements (regardless of their title, designation, or form) whose entry into force with respect to the United States takes place only after two thirds of the U. S. Senate has given its advice and consent under Article II, section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution are \"\"treaties.\"\" Second, international agreements brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of the Senate are \"\"international agreements other than treaties\"\" and are often referred to as \"\"executive agreements.\"\" There are different types of executive agreements."
] | [
"docid": "D281330#0",
"title": "http://www.weegy.com/?ConversationId=CD3D6DB6\n.",
"text": "Question and answer Q: What is a primary difference between a treaty and an executive agreement? A. Treaties must be approved by the Senate; executive agreements do not. B. Executive agreements are made only within the United States. C. Treaties can be created without considering the Constitution. D. Executive agreements always transfer from one administration to the next; treaties do not. A: primary difference between a treaty and an executive agreement- A. [ Treaties must be approved by the Senate; executive agreements do not. The difference between a treaty and an executive agreement is that The President needs Senate approval for a treaty but not for an executive agreement. ] Get an answer Search for an answer or ask Weegy (Free)What is a primary difference between a treaty and an executive agreement? A. Treaties must be approved by the Senate; executive agreements do not. B. Executive agreements are made only within the United States."
"docid": "D140825#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/political-science/textbooks/boundless-political-science-textbook/the-constitution-and-the-founding-of-america-2/the-constitution-26/limited-government-160-1849/\nThe Constitution",
"text": "The Constitution Adopted on September 17, 1787, the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. Learning Objectives Analyze the key historical documents and political theorists that shaped the contours of the Constitution Key Takeaways Key Points The Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was ratified by conventions in 11 states. It went into effect on March 4, 1789. The first 10 constitutional amendments ratified by three-fourths of the states in 1791 are known as the Bill of Rights. The Constitution has been amended 17 additional times – for a total of 27 amendments – and its principles are applied in courts of law by judicial review. The due process clause of the Constitution was partly based on common law and on Magna Carta (1215), which had become a foundation of English liberty against arbitrary power wielded by a tyrant. The philosophers John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Monstesquieu substantially influenced the underlying principles embodied by the Constitution, such as the notion that the government ‘s duty under a social contract among the sovereign people is to serve them by protecting their natural rights. There is a viewpoint that some Americans have come to see the documents of the Constitution, along with the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, as being a cornerstone of a type of civic religion. The United States Constitution has had a considerable influence worldwide on later constitutions."
"docid": "D1846196#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaties\nTreaty",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Treaties)navigation search This article is about an agreement under international law entered into by countrys in international law. For the Yothu Yindi song, see Treaty (song). For the town in Indiana, see Treaty, Indiana. The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in (left to right) German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish and Russian A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as an (international) agreement, protocol, covenant, convention, pact, or exchange of letters, among other terms. Regardless of terminology, all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same. [ 1]Treaties can be loosely compared to contracts: both are means of willing parties assuming obligations among themselves, and a party to either that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Modern usage2 Modern form3 Bilateral and multilateral treaties4 Adding and amending treaty obligations4.1 Reservations4.2 Amendments4.3 Protocols5 Execution and implementation5.1 Interpretation5.2 Consequences of terminology6 Ending treaty obligations6.1 Withdrawal6.2 Suspension and termination7 Invalid treaties7.1 Ultra vires treaties7.2 Misunderstanding, fraud, corruption, coercion7.3 Contrary to peremptory norms8 Role of the United Nations9 Relation between national law and treaties by country9.1 Australian law9.2 Brazilian law9.3 India9.4 United States10 Treaties and indigenous peoples11 See also12 Notes13 References14 External links Modern usage [ edit]A treaty is an official, express written agreement that states use to legally bind themselves. [ 3] A treaty is the official document which expresses that agreement in words; and it is also the objective outcome of a ceremonial occasion which acknowledges the parties and their defined relationships. Modern form [ edit]Since the late 19th century, most treaties have followed a fairly consistent format."
"docid": "D1470941#0",
"title": "https://www.lexisnexis.com/help/CU/Glossary/Glossary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Show Click a letter to navigate to the corresponding location in the glossary. A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAct of Congress A bill or resolution adopted by both the House and the Senate and enacted into law. To become law, a bill or resolution may be signed by the President, may be approved by a two-thirds majority of both Chambers in the case of a Presidential veto, or may automatically become law if the President takes no action for 10 days (excluding Sundays) following submission of the bill or resolution. Administration bill Legislation proposed and strongly supported by the President. The term is frequently used to describe a major legislative initiative of the Administration. Amendment tree A method of visualizing the amendment process on a piece of legislation. First, imagine the bill as the trunk and amendments as branches. House and Senate rules permit only first-degree (an amendment to, or branch on, the bill) and second-degree (an amendment to the amendment or a branch on a branch) amendments. However, in the House, a substitute amendment is considered a first-degree amendment, so technically a total of four amendments can be pending at any given time (an amendment, an amendment to the amendment, a substitute amendment, and an amendment to the substitute). In the Senate, perfecting amendments (those simply altering language of a bill or amendment) take precedence over substitutes (those both altering language and substituting new text)."
"docid": "D3031647#0",
"title": "http://www.heritage.nf.ca/articles/politics/responsible-government-1855-to-1933.php\nResponsible Government, 1855-1933",
"text": "Responsible Government, 1855-1933'Responsible government' meant that the Executive Council, or the government, was 'responsible' to the legislature. In other words, the governor, as the Crown's representative, appointed elected members of the Assembly - and sometimes members of the appointed upper house, the Legislative Council - to administer the colony. They held office only so long as they were able to maintain the support of a majority of members in the House of Assembly. Usually, the government was drawn from the largest party in the Assembly, but sometimes the head of a minority party or a coalition was appointed premier. The premier or prime minister (the title used after 1909), and other members of the Executive Council, remained in power for a four-year term, unless defeated in the House of Assembly. A general election would then have to be called. The Legislative Council could defeat (until 1917) or amend legislation coming from the Assembly. Responsible government was instituted in Newfoundland in 1855, following a general election won by the Liberal (Reform) party led by Philip F. Little. A Roman Catholic lawyer from Prince Edward Island, he became the colony's first premier. Philip F. Little (1824-1897), n.d."
"docid": "D1244698#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081119152537AANnUPO\nHow is an executive agreement different from a treaty?",
"text": "\"Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government How is an executive agreement different from a treaty?1 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: treaties have to go to the supreme court for approval. agreements don't. nafta and gatt are agreements and if they were to be sent to the supreme court they would be found to be unconstitutional. they do agreements to avoid certain limitations of the US constitution also speeds up the process.thingsrgettingbetter · 10 years ago0 2 1 comment In the U. S. A., treaty ratification must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds majority in the U. S. Senate. The Senate does not actually ratify treaties. Once the Senate has given its advice and consent to ratification, the President ratifies the treaty by signing an instrument of ratification. While the United States House of Representatives does not vote on it at all, the requirement for Senate advice and consent to ratification makes it considerably more difficult in the US than in other democracies to rally enough political support for international treaties. Article II Section 2 of the Constitution: \"\"He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur\"\" The president can enter into an \"\"executive agreement\"\" with or without the consent of the Senate Source (s):http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/... Reagan Republican · 10 years ago3 0 Comment Treaties have to go before the Senate under the Advice and Consent provisions of the Constitution before they can be binding. An executive agreement does not necessarily bind the nation.krollohare2 · 10 years ago1 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Train To Be a Project Manager Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms?"
"docid": "D770959#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/topic/presidency-of-the-United-States-of-America\nPresidency of the United States of America",
"text": "Alternative Title: president of the United States of America Presidency of the United States of America, chief executive office of the United States. In contrast to many countries with parliamentary forms of government, where the office of president, or head of state, is mainly ceremonial, in the United States the president is vested with great authority and is arguably the most powerful elected official in the world. The nation’s founders originally intended the presidency to be a narrowly restricted institution. They distrusted executive authority because their experience with colonial governors had taught them that executive power was inimical to liberty, because they felt betrayed by the actions of George III, the king of Great Britain and Ireland, and because they considered a strong executive incompatible with the republicanism embraced in the Declaration of Independence (1776). Accordingly, their revolutionary state constitutions provided for only nominal executive branches, and the Articles of Confederation (1781–89), the first “national” constitution, established no executive branch. For coverage of the 2012 election, see United States Presidential Election of 2012. American Presidents: The Dynamic Presidents Hubert Humphrey outlines some of the most dramatic ways in which American presidents have used the powers of their office. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Read More on This Topic The Surprisingly Disorderly History of the US Presidential Succession Order Who takes over and when? READ MOREDuties of the office The Constitution succinctly defines presidential functions, powers, and responsibilities. The president’s chief duty is to make sure that the laws are faithfully executed, and this duty is performed through an elaborate system of executive agencies that includes cabinet-level departments."
"docid": "D1117116#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/3811437/ap-gov-congress-and-presidency-flash-cards/\nAP Gov - Congress and Presidency",
"text": "\"81 terms kbogen AP Gov - Congress and Presidency Flashcards and quiz for AP Gov Unit - Congress and the Presidency Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Constituents The residents of a congressional district or state. Reapportionment The process of reassigning representation based on population, after every census. Redistricting The redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census, to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population. Gerrymandering The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent. Safe Seat An elected office that is predictably won by one party or the other, so the success of that party's candidate is almost taken for granted. Incumbent The current holder of an elected office. Franking Privilege Benefit that allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials to constituents postage-free. Earmarks Special spending projects that are set aside on behalf of individual members of Congress for their constituents. ("
"docid": "D1200932#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-an-executive-agreement-and-a-treaty\nWhat is the difference between an executive agreement and a treaty?",
"text": "James Hsui (徐建平), NY Lawyer (International/Business/Nonprofit Law); worked at UNAnswered Mar 9, 2017 · Author has 591 answers and 215.3k answer views The distinguishing between an executive agreement and a treaty is a feature of US constitutional law and not international law. Under international law, a treaty is any (a) binding agreement (b) between two or more states (countries) or international organizations, (c) in writing, (d) governed by international law. Regardless of what countries term a document, internationally, it is a treaty so long as it contains the above 4 ingredients. Thus, an executive agreement under US law is still a treaty under international law. Under US law, the difference in between treaty and executive agreement is whether the President has the authority to execute it without the advice and consent of the Senate. If he or she has such authority, it is an executive agreement, and if not, it is a treaty. Basis for such authority is found by examining the constitution, federal statutes, and international agreements that the US is party to. The US Department of State considers the following factors in designating an international agreement a treaty or executive agreement: The degree of commitment or risk for the entire Nation;Whether the agreement is intended to affect state laws;Whether the agreement requires enabling legislation;Past U. S. practice;The preference of Congress;The degree of formality desired;The proposed duration and the need for prompt conclusion; and General international practice on similar agreements. [ With the proviso that:] In determining whether any international agreement should be brought into force as a treaty or as an international agreement other than a treaty, the utmost care is to be exercised to avoid any invasion or compromise of the constitutional powers of the Senate, the Congress as a whole, or the President. Source for Above Factors: US Foreign Affairs Manual, § 721.3, available at Appendix A; Congressional Research Service, 98th Congress, Treaties and other International Agreements: the Role of the United States Senate, available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CP...803 Views · View Upvoterspromoted by Truth Finder Have you ever googled yourself?"
"docid": "D2421360#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Ottoman_Empire\nDefeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire)navigation search This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably. Please consider splitting content into sub-articles, condensing it, or adding or removing subheadings. ( April 2015)Part of a series on the History of the Ottoman Empire Rise (1299–1453) [show]Classical Age (1453–1566) [show]Transformation (1566–1703) [show]Old Regime (1703–1789) [show]Decline and modernization (1789–1908) [show]Defeat and dissolution (1908–1922) [show]Historiographyv t e The period of the defeat and end of the Ottoman Empire (1908–1922) began with the Second Constitutional Era with the Young Turk Revolution. It restored the Ottoman constitution of 1876 and brought in multi-party politics with a two stage electoral system ( electoral law) under the Ottoman parliament. The constitution offered hope by freeing the empire’s citizens to modernize the state’s institutions and dissolve inter-communal tensions. [ 1]Instead, this period became the story of the twilight struggle of the Empire. Ottoman military reforms resulted in the Ottoman Army engaging in the Italo-Turkish War (1911), the Balkan Wars (1912–1913), and the continuous unrest caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'état ( Saviours) and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'état in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal - monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope ), not to be a further threat but just powerful enough to protect Britain from the Khilafat Movement. The occupation of Constantinople along with the occupation of Smyrna mobilized the Turkish national movement which ultimately won the Turkish War of Independence. The formal abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate was performed by Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 1 November 1922."
"docid": "D15606#0",
"title": "http://nationalparalegal.edu/conLawCrimProc_Public/Federalism/PresidentialPowers.asp\nPresidential Powers",
"text": "\"Presidential Powers Related Videos: The American System of Government: Separation of Powers Congressional and Presidential War Powers under the US Constitution The Power of the President: The Roles of Executive Orders in American Government Terms: Appointments Clause: Article II, Section 2, clause 2 grants the President the power to “appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States [except those whose positions are not otherwise already provided for in the Constitution, and] Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers…in the President alone.” In other words, the President is given broad appointing powers, and the powers not granted the President, which remain with Congress, may be vested in the President by Congressional act. Treaty: A compact made between two or more independent nations with a view to the public welfare…a contract between two nations. Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., West Publishing Co., 1990. Pocket veto: The President’s power to veto a bill is time-limited. If Congress is not in session and the President does not actively veto the bill, but rather “pockets” it, after 10 days the bill is automatically vetoed. If, on the other hand, Congress is in session at the end of the ten days the President’s opportunity to veto has lapsed and the bill will become law. Article II of the Constitution vests the powers of the executive branch in the President of the United States and details the powers of that office. In short, the executive branch is responsible for carrying into effect the laws as passed by the legislative branch and making sure that the laws are observed."
"docid": "D2756864#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/06/01/the-u-s-cant-quit-the-paris-climate-agreement-because-it-never-actually-joined/\nThe U.S. canât quit the Paris climate agreement, because it never actually joined",
"text": "President Trump (Andrew Harnik/Associated Press)President Trump is expected to announce today that the United States will not be party to the Paris agreement on climate change. What he should say is that the United States never properly joined the accord: It is a treaty that requires the advice and consent of the Senate. Instead, President Barack Obama choose to “adopt” it with an executive order last September. Two features cut heavily against it being treated as the kind of arrangement that can be entered into by a president on his own authority. First, it has a four-year waiting period for withdrawal, quite unlike traditional executive agreements. Second, it is a large multilateral deal, and the other parties apparently believe it requires domestic ratification. Whatever that means for U. S. constitutional purposes, it does suggest that other countries should hardly protest if Trump merely follows their example to seek domestic ratification. Some general principles are worth reviewing. In international law, the term “treaty” is one of the many terms for a binding international agreement. Not all agreements that are “treaties” in the international law sense — i.e., that create a binding international obligation — are “Treaties” in the constitutional sense."
"docid": "D2898787#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_Community\nEuropean Economic Community",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about one of the three European Communities that existed from 1958 until 2009. It is not to be confused with the present-day European Union which incorporated the European Communities in 1993. \"\" European Common Market\"\", \"\"Common Market\"\", and \"\"EEC\"\" redirect here. For the EU's internal market, see European Single Market. For the type of trade bloc, see Single market. For other uses, see Common market (disambiguation) and EEC (disambiguation). European Economic Community [ show] (later, European Community)¹Economic union1958–1993/2009Flag Anthem \"\" Ode to Joy \"\" (orchestral)EEC in 1993Capital Brussels Luxembourg Strasbourg ²Languages 9 (1993) [show]Political structure Economic union Commission President• 1958–1967 Walter Hallstein• 1967–1970 Jean Rey• 1973–1977 François-Xavier Ortoli• 1977–1981 Roy Jenkins• 1981–1985 Gaston Thorn• 1985–1993 Jacques Delors Legislature Council of Ministers European Parliament Historical era Cold War• Treaty signed 25 March 1957• Established 1 January 1958• European Communities 1 July 1967• Single market 1 January 1993• Communities become a pillar of the EU 1 November 1993• Pillar abolished 1 December 2009Currency 13 currencies [show]Succeeded by European Union Today part of European Union¹ The information in this infobox covers the EEC's time as an independent organisation. It does not give details of post-1993 operation within the EU as that is explained in greater length in the European Union and European Communities articles. ² De facto only, these cities hosted the main institutions but were not titled as capitals due to the EEC being primarily an international organisation. Part of a series on the History of the European Union Timeline [show]Organisation [show]Treaties [show]Commissions [show]Topics [show]European Union portalv t e The European Economic Community ( EEC) was a regional organisation which aimed to bring about economic integration among its member states."
"docid": "D405827#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/3575763/govt-4-flash-cards/\nGovt 4",
"text": "\"200 terms Christieg Govt 4Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What is the quote most attributed to congress \"\"The opposite of progress is congress\"\"What is the primary focus is the senate considering in decision making process? They tend to view issues as a whole, an embodiment, not just the desires of their state What is the focus of congress? they focus on their states wishes What are the two types of Representative Sociological and Agency What is the sociologial representative? it is to trust someone who is most like youwhat is agency type of representative? a formal agreement (contract)How many senators? 100How many house representatives? 435What are the demographics of congress? ... primarily protestant, middle-aged, white lawyer, father was in similar line of work, immigrant from What benefits do congressional members patronage (bringing money to the people), earmarks, give recommendations for potential military officers."
"docid": "D1244697#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.net/language/words-language/difference-between-treaty-and-executive-agreement/\nDifference Between Treaty and Executive Agreement",
"text": "\"Difference Between Treaty and Executive Agreement• Categorized under Words | Difference Between Treaty and Executive Agreement Treaty vs Executive Agreement Treaties and executive agreements are tools under domestic laws. These procedures allow the U. S. to emerge as a party in an international agreement. Treaty Treaties are international agreements which are described under Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution. A treaty is forced in relation to the U. S. as an international agreement only after a two-thirds majority of the U. S. Senate has been advised and consented. These agreements are in relation to peace or trade-related foreign policies. The treaties are international agreements and are equally binding under domestic laws. A treaty is a formal agreement made by the President of the U. S. It is carried over to the successive officeholders. According to current statistics, the U. S. is party to about 900 treaties. This number is much less than the number of executive agreements. One reason for this difference may be the mandatory two-thirds vote required which is applicable for a treaty."
"docid": "D1200933#0",
"title": "http://www.americanforeignrelations.com/A-D/The-Constitution-Executive-agreements.html\nThe Constitution - Executive agreements",
"text": "\"The Constitution - Executive agreements Photo by: Gino Santa Maria Reliance on the treaty power has declined since World War II, as presidents have increasingly turned to the use of executive agreements as a means of securing unilateral control of American foreign relations. When the president acts unilaterally, the agreement is referred to as a \"\"sole executive agreement.\"\" When the president acts with the approval of a simple majority of both houses of Congress, the agreement is known as a \"\"legislative-executive agreement.\"\" Presidents have \"\"assumed\"\" discretion to decide whether to pursue an international agreement as a treaty, a sole executive agreement, or in the form of a legislative-executive agreement. The president's decision typically hinges on political factors, including the likelihood of securing Senate approval. Presidents often have chosen to exclude the Senate in making some controversial and historic international pacts through the channel of executive agreements, among them, the destroyer-base deal with Great Britain in 1940, the Yalta and Potsdam agreements of 1945, the Vietnam peace agreement of 1973, and the Sinai agreements of 1975. Controversy surrounds the legal authority of the president to make executive agreements. The practice of unilateral presidential accords with foreign nations conflicts with the constitutional emphasis on joint decision-making, and with the Framers' understanding of the reach and breadth of the treaty power, which Hamilton described in a letter under the pseudonym \"\"Camillus\"\" as \"\"competent to all the stipulations which the exigencies of national affairs might require; competent to the making of treaties of alliance, treaties of commerce, treaties of peace, and every other species of convention usual among nations…. And it was emphatically for this reason that it was so carefully guarded; the cooperation of two-thirds of the Senate with the president, being required to make any treaty whatever.\"\" The text of the Constitution makes no mention of executive agreements."
"docid": "D1039418#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/953427/us-government-flash-cards/\nUS Government",
"text": "\"55 terms nkallen US Government5th grade US government Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What are the 3 branches of our government? Judicial, Executive and Legislative What power does the judicial branch have? Judicial Branch- power to settle disagreements about the laws (interpret them). The United States Supreme Court is the highest court in this branch What power does the executive branch have? Executive- power to carry out and enforce the laws made by Congress. The president is the head of this branch. What power does the Legislative branch have? Legislative- power to make laws."
"docid": "D1829120#0",
"title": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:12012M/TXT\n.",
"text": "\"Document 12012M/TXTSave to My items Permanent link Download notice Follow this document Collapse all | Expand all Text Document information Title and reference Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union In force OJ C 326, 26.10.2012, p. 13–390 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)Languages, formats and link to OJBG ES CS DA DE ET EL EN FR GA HR IT LV LT HU MT NL PL PT RO SK SL FI SVHTMLPDFOfficial Journal Multilingual display Language 1 Language 2 Language 3Text Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union - Protocols - Declarations annexed to the Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference which adopted the Treaty of Lisbon, signed on 13 December 2007 - Tables of equivalences Official Journal C 326 , 26/10/2012 P. 0001 - 0390Consolidated versionsof the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union2012/C 326/01Table of Contents CONSOLIDATED VERSION OF THE TREATY ON EUROPEAN UNIONPREAMBLETITLE I COMMON PROVISIONSTITLE II PROVISIONS ON DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLESTITLE III PROVISIONS ON THE INSTITUTIONSTITLE IV PROVISIONS ON ENHANCED COOPERATIONTITLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS ON THE UNION'S EXTERNAL ACTION AND SPECIFIC PROVISIONS ON THE COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICYChapter 1 General provisions on the Union's external action Chapter 2 Specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy Section 1 Common provisions Section 2 Provisions on the common security and defence policy TITLE VI FINAL PROVISIONSPROTOCOLSProtocol (No 1) on the role of National Parliaments in the European Union Protocol (No 2) on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality Protocol (No 3) on the statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union Protocol (No 4) on the statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank Protocol (No 5) on the statute of the European Investment Bank Protocol (No 6) on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union Protocol (No 7) on the privileges and immunities of the European Union Protocol (No 8) relating to article 6 (2) of the Treaty on European Union on the accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Protocol (No 9) on the decision of the Council relating to the implementation of Article 16 (4) of the Treaty on European Union and article 238 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union between 1 November 2014 and 31 March 2017 on the one hand, and as from 1 april 2017 on the other Protocol (No 10) on permanent structured cooperation established by Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union Protocol (No 11) on Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union Protocol (No 12) on the excessive deficit procedure Protocol (No 13) on the convergence criteria Protocol (No 14) on the Euro Group Protocol (No 15) on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Protocol (No 16) on certain provisions relating to Denmark Protocol (No 17) on Denmark Protocol (No 18) on France Protocol (No 19) on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union Protocol (No 20) on the application of certain aspects of Article 26 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to the United Kingdom and to Ireland Protocol (No 21) on the position of the United Kingdom and ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice Protocol (No 22) on the position of Denmark Protocol (No 23) on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external borders Protocol (No 24) on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union Protocol (No 25) on the exercise of shared competence Protocol (No 26) on services of general interest Protocol (No 27) on the internal market and competition Protocol (No 28) on economic, social and territorial cohesion Protocol (No 29) on the system of public broadcasting in the Member States Protocol (No 30) on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union to Poland and to the United Kingdom Protocol (No 31) concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles Protocol (No 32) on the acquisition of property in Denmark Protocol (No 33) concerning Article 157 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Protocol (No 34) on special arrangements for Greenland Protocol (No 35) on Article 40.3.3 of the constitution of Ireland Protocol (No 36) on transitional provisions Protocol (No 37) on the financial consequences of the expiry of the ECSC Treaty and on the Research fund for Coal and Steel DECLARATIONS annexed to the final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference which adopted the Treaty of Lisbon, signed on 13 December 2007A. DECLARATIONS CONCERNING PROVISIONS OF THE TREATIES1. Declaration concerning the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union2. Declaration on Article 6 (2) of the Treaty on European Union3. Declaration on Article 8 of the Treaty on European Union4. Declaration on the composition of the European Parliament5. Declaration on the political agreement by the European Council concerning the draft Decision on the composition of the European Parliament6. Declaration on Article 15 (5) and (6), Article 17 (6) and (7) and Article 18 of the Treaty on European Union7. Declaration on Article 16 (4) of the Treaty on European Union and Article 238 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union8. Declaration on practical measures to be taken upon the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon as regards the Presidency of the European Council and of the Foreign Affairs Council9. Declaration on Article 16 (9) of the Treaty on European Union concerning the European Council decision on the exercise of the Presidency of the Council10."
"docid": "D1605710#0",
"title": "http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Int-Jun/International-Law.html\nINTERNATIONAL LAW",
"text": "\"INTERNATIONAL LAWFollow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Photo by: Dani Simmonds International law is often defined as the body of rules and norms that regulate activities carried on outside the legal boundaries of states. More particularly, it is the law that applies to three international relationships: (1) relations among nation-states; (2) relations among individuals (including corporations) and foreign nations; and (3) relations among individuals from different nations. LEGAL RELATIONS AMONG NATION- STATESMuch of the law governing relations among nation-states developed from history, customs, and traditions that found their way into legal precedents. In cases where nations disagreed over their rights and duties toward one another, consensus slowly developed. For example, when a citizen attempted to bring a lawsuit in his home country against a foreign sovereign, the court would typically deny relief on the ground that the foreign sovereign had immunity as a generally recognized custom of international law. Customary international law, however, could not answer all of the questions and needs of nation-states and their citizens. Agreements between nations were needed to improve alliances in times of war, or to promote international trade and commerce in times of peace. Thus, countries often entered into treaties of \"\"friendship, commerce, and navigation\"\" (FCN) with other countries. Such treaties define the reciprocal rights and duties of each nation in furtherance of each nation's self-interest. Most FCN treaties cover issues such as the entry of individuals, goods, ships, and capital into the other nation's territory, acquisition of property, repatriation of funds, and protection of each nation's persons and their property in the treaty-partner's nation."
"docid": "D1200929#0",
"title": "https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/2359/what-is-the-difference-between-a-treaty-and-an-executive-agreement-in-american-f\nWhat is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement in American Foreign Policy?",
"text": "\"_Politics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people interested in governments, policies, and political processes. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement in American Foreign Policy?up vote5down votefavorite So a treaty requires the consent of the United States Senate to come into effect while an executive agreement does not. However, beyond that, what are the differences between the two? Are there things that must be done via a treaty as opposed to an executive agreement? Are executive agreements considered binding by US Courts? Are the two types of agreement generally used for different purposes or is there significant overlap?united-states foreign-policy treatyshare improve this questionasked Nov 11 '13 at 23:40ivanatpr143 1 1 4add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote7down voteaccepted As it turns out, the State Department has a web page dedicated to answering this very question. Here's what it says: As explained in greater detail in 11 FAM 721.2, there are two procedures under domestic law through which the United States becomes a party to an international agreement. First, international agreements (regardless of their title, designation, or form) whose entry into force with respect to the United States takes place only after two thirds of the U. S. Senate has given its advice and consent under Article II, section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution are \"\"treaties.\"\" Second, international agreements brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of the Senate are \"\"international agreements other than treaties\"\" and are often referred to as \"\"executive agreements.\"\" There are different types of executive agreements."
] |
355 | . define hematopoiesis. where does it occur | [
"docid": "D1803227#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=19775\nMedical Definition of Hematopoiesis",
"text": "Hematopoiesis: The production of all types of blood cells including formation, development, and differentiation of blood cells. Prenatally, hematopoiesis occurs in the yolk sack, then in the liver, and lastly in the bone marrow. In the normal situation, hematopoiesis in adults occurs in the bone marrow and lymphatic tissues. All types of blood cells are derived from primitive cells ( stem cells) that are pluripotent (they have the potential to develop into all types of blood cells). What Kind of Doctor Do I Need? Slideshow Dental (Oral) Health Quiz Causes of a Heart Attack Slideshow From Tips to Better Manage Your Migraine Start Now Subscribe to Medicine Net's General Health Newsletter By clicking Submit, I agree to the Medicine Net's Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy and understand that I may opt out of Medicine Net's subscriptions at any time. From Healthy Resources Personalized Tips for Managing Migraine Do You Take Good Care of Your Eyes? Ways to comfort your sick child Featured Centers How Could You Live Better With Migraine? Not Being Defined by Your Cancer Track Cold & Flu in Your Area Health Solutions From Our Sponsors Frequent Constipation? Greater Food Accessibility Last Editorial Review: 5/13/2016Popular Collections Beware of Deadly Bug Bites & Stings Recognize These Common Eye Conditions Natural Cold & Flu Remedies Managing Blood Sugar Swings Cholesterol: What the Numbers Mean Omega-3 Foods for a Stronger Heart Low-T and Erectile Dysfunction Joint Friendly Exercises The Most Effective Birth Control Lung Cancer Stages & Treatments Migraine Triggers You Can Avoid Why Heart Attacks Happen Foods to Help You Concentrate Your Cancer Questions Answered Stop Wrecking Your Teeth The Dangers of Blood Clots Learn More About Eating Disorders Surgery or Medication for Crohn's?"
] | [
"docid": "D2140031#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_bone_marrow\nBone marrow",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Red bone marrow)navigation search Bone Marrow Details System Immune system [1]Identifiers Latin Medulla ossium Me SH D001853TA A13.1.01.001FMA 9608Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue which may be found within the spongy or cancellous portions of bones. [ 2] In birds and mammals, bone marrow is the primary site of new blood cell production or hematopoiesis. [ 3] It is composed of hematopoietic cells, marrow adipose tissue, and supportive stromal cells. On average, bone marrow constitutes 4% of the total body mass of humans; in an adult having 65 kilograms of mass (143 lb), bone marrow typically accounts for approximately 2.6 kilograms (5.7 lb). [ 4] Human marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells per day, which join the systemic circulation via permeable vasculature sinusoids within the medullary cavity. [ 5] All types of hematopoietic cells, including both myeloid and lymphoid lineages, are created in bone marrow; however, lymphoid cells must migrate to other lymphoid organs (e.g. thymus) in order to complete maturation. Bone marrow transplants can be conducted to treat severe diseases of the bone marrow, including certain forms of cancer such as leukemia. Additionally, bone marrow stem cells have been successfully transformed into functional neural cells, [6] and can also potentially be used to treat illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease. [ 7]Contents [ hide ]1 Structure1.1 Hematopoietic components1.2 Stroma2 Function2.1 Mesenchymal stem cells2.2 Bone marrow barrier2.3 Lymphatic role2.4 Compartmentalization3 Society and culture4 Clinical significance4.1 Disease4.2 Application of Stem Cells in Therapeutics4.3 Imaging4.4 Histology4.5 Donation and transplantation4.5.1 Harvesting5 Fossil record6 See also7 References8 External links9 Further reading Structure [ edit]The composition of marrow is dynamic, as the mixture of cellular and non-cellular components (connective tissue) shifts with age and in response to systemic factors. In humans, marrow is colloquially characterized as \"\"red\"\" or \"\"yellow\"\" marrow ( Latin: medulla ossium rubra, Latin: medulla ossium flava, respectively) depending on the prevalence of hematopoetic cells vs fat cells."
"docid": "D144086#0",
"title": "http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/hematology-oncology/chronic-myeloproliferative-disorders/\nMyeloproliferative Neoplasms",
"text": "\"Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Aaron T. Gerds, MDPublished: April 2016Contents Introduction The myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), previously termed the myeloproliferative disorders, are characterized by the clonal proliferation of one or more hematopoietic cell lineages, predominantly in the bone marrow, but sometimes in the liver and spleen. 1 In contrast to myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), MPNs demonstrate terminal myeloid cell expansion into the peripheral blood. In the 2008 revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of myeloid neoplasms, MPNs include chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), chronic neutrophilic leukemia, polycythemia vera (PV), primary myelofibrosis (PMF), essential thrombocythemia (ET), chronic eosinophilic leukemia, mastocytosis, and unclassifiable MPNs. 2 MDS/MPN overlap disorders are those chronic myeloid disorders unable to be classified as \"\"classic\"\" MPN or MDS. These include chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, atypical CML, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, and unclassifiable MDS/MPN. Chronic myelogenous leukemia is the only MPN that is characterized by the presence of the BCR-ABL fusion gene, which is formed by translocation of the ABL gene from chromosome 9 joining to the BCR gene on chromosome 22. The altered chromosome 22 with the fusion gene is the Philadelphia chromosome. With a unique pathogenesis and treatment, CML is often considered separately from the rest of the MPNs. The most commonly recognized mutation in the remainder of the Philadelphia chromosome-negative MPNs is Janus kinase 2 ( JAK2) V617F, which is present in more than 90% of patients with PV and approximately half of those with PMF or ET ( Table 1 ). 3 This mutation substitutes phenylalanine for valine at position 617 in the JH2 domain (Val617Phe, V617F) of exon 14, leading to constitutive activation of the JAK -STAT and other pathways resulting in uncontrolled cell growth."
"docid": "D164855#0",
"title": "https://www.78stepshealth.us/human-physiology/hematopoiesis.html\n.",
"text": "\"Hematopoiesis Last Updated on Mon, 20 Feb 2017 | Human Physiology Blood cells are constantly formed through a process called hematopoiesis (also called hemopoiesis). The hematopoietic stem cells —those that give rise to blood cells—originate in the yolk sac of the human embryo and then migrate to the liver. Hematopoiesis thus occurs in the liver of the fetus. The stem Heart and Circulation cells then migrate to the bone marrow, and shortly after birth the liver ceases to be a source of blood cell production. The term erythropoiesis refers to the formation of erythrocytes, and leukopoiesis to the formation of leukocytes. These processes occur in two classes of tissues after birth, myeloid and lymphoid. Myeloid tissue is the red bone marrow of the long bones, ribs, sternum, pelvis, bodies of the vertebrae, and portions of the skull. Lymphoid tissue includes the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, and thymus. The bone marrow produces all of the different types of blood cells; the lymphoid tissue produces lymphocytes derived from cells that originated in the bone marrow. Hematopoiesis begins the same way in both myeloid and lymphoid tissue."
"docid": "D2372988#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/leukopoietic-growth-factor-support-hematopoiesis/deck/2218973\nLeukopoietic Growth Factor (support Hematopoiesis)",
"text": "Texas TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTERLeukopoietic Growth Factor (support Hematopoiesis)Lindsey M.• 8cards Action Stimulate cells in the bone marrow to increase production of mature neutrophils Indications Reduce infection risk with: Bone marrow transplant Severe or chronic neutropenia Myelosuppresive chemotherapy Prototype and other drugsfilgrastim (Neupogen)pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) - long acting Adverse/side effects Don’t occur often Leukocytosis Bone pain, fever Splenomegaly (long-term use)Interventions Obtain baseline CBC with differential and platelet count Give lower dose or stop treatment for a WBC above 10,000 mm3Monitor CBC twice a week during treatment Bone pain (give acetaminophen or opiods)Temperature For spleen enlargement Patient instructions Report bone pain that isn’t relieved with opiod analgesics or abdominal pain or fullness Contraindications Precautions Related Study Materialsfibrates (fibric acid derivatives)sympathomimetricsdrug therapy for iron deficiency (microcytic) anemia: iron preparationsangiotensin ii receptor blockersbile acid resins (sequestrants)adrenergic neuron blockersdrug therapy for vitamin b12 deficiency (macrocytic/megaloblastic) anemia...direct vasodilatorsalpha2 adrenergic agonists (centrally acting)drug therapy for folic acid deficiency (macrocytic/megaloblastic) anemia: folic...alpha/beta adrenergic blockers"
"docid": "D2670112#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_blood_cell_formation_called\nWhere does blood cell formation occur?",
"text": "llan Toren 10,399 Contributions Where does blood cell formation occur? The hematopoietic stem cells which give rise to the red and white blood cells reside in the bone marrow. Hatcher94 2 Contributions Site of blood cell formation?site of blood cell formation is in the red bone marrow, chiefly in bones of the axial skeleton and girdles and in the proximal epiphyses of the humerus and femur. Sharockin 4 Contributions What is the site of blood cell formation?red bone marrow site of blood cell formation is in the red bone marrow, chiefly in bones of the axial skeleton and girdles and in the proximal epiphyses of the humerus and fem …Formation of red blood cells?erythropoiesis Sabujan 916 Contributions Blood cell formation is called what?haemopoesis The formation of blood cells is called? Hemopoiesis Pandamed 10 Contributions Blood cell formation is called? Haemopoesis Haemo (gr) refers to blood -poesis (gr) refers to formation Trent729 8 Contributions What is the formation of red blood cells called?erythropoiesis; erythr/o - blood; -posiesis - formation What is the process of blood cell formation?hematopoiesis Taubuchon 133 Contributions In the development of a cancer cell what is the formation of new blood vessels called?angiogenesis In the development of a cancer cell the formation of new blood vessels is called? B. Angiogenesis What is formation of blood cells called?hemopoiesis"
"docid": "D951734#0",
"title": "http://wearethecure.org/learn-more-about-canince-cancer/canine-cancer-library/myeloproliferative-diseases/\nMyeloproliferative Diseases",
"text": "Myeloproliferative Diseases Description – Myeloproliferative diseases (MPDs) are a group of neoplastic ailments originating in the bone marrow. These abnormalities result from an unregulated growth of hematopoietic stem cells (multipotent stem cells that give rise to all types of blood cells). In these type of conditions although the cells grow rapidly there is an impaired maturation and function leading to reduction of normal hematopoiesis (formation of blood cellular components) and destruction of other tissues. However, in dogs they are found 10 times less frequently than lymphoproliferative (condition in which lymphocytes are produced in excessive quantities) diseases. There is no age, breed or gender predilection. The differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells depends upon several regulatory growthfactors called colony-stimulating factors (CSFs). It is these clonal disorders in the bone marrow that actually lead to myeloaplasia (low count of all blood cell lines like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets), myelodysplasia (group of disorders in which the bone marrow does not function properly and produces insufficient number of blood cells) and myeloproliferation. MPDs fall into 2 categories — acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloproliferative diseases. The uncontrolled growth of cells affects maturation and this in turn leads to the accumulation of poorly differentiated cells. These disorders were earlier referred to as acute MPDs or acute non-lymphocytic leukemias but now they have been brought under the ambit of acute myeloid leukemia."
"docid": "D814206#0",
"title": "http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/radiographics.19.6.g99no231465\nA Pattern-oriented Approach to Splenic Imaging in Infants and Children",
"text": "Keywords: Children, gastrointestinal system, 775. ** 2 ; Infants, gastrointestinal system, 775. ** 2; Spleen, abnormalities, 775.134, 775.1653 ; Spleen, CT, 775.12112 ; Spleen, MR, 775.12141 ; Spleen, radionuclide studies, 775.12171 ; Spleen, size, 775.372 ; Spleen, US, 775.1298INTRODUCTION Section: Choose prevnext The spleen in infants and children is commonly involved in a wide variety of pathologic conditions. Splenic disorders may be isolated or may be due to multiorgan or systemic disease. The spleen can be evaluated with a number of imaging modalities including ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. In this article, we discuss and illustrate normal variations in the imaging appearance of the spleen in pediatric patients and demonstrate the common radiologic patterns of splenic involvement in a variety of disease processes. NORMAL SPLEEN Section: Choose prevnext Embryologic and Histologic Features The spleen arises from mesenchymal cells between the layers of the dorsal mesogastrium during the fifth gestational week. The mesenchymal cells of the splenic primordium differentiate to form the capsule, connective tissue framework, and splenic parenchyma. The characteristic lobulated configuration of the fetal spleen is recognizable by the third gestational month as the aggregations of mesenchymal tissue fuse ( 1 ). At histologic analysis, the spleen is composed of red and white pulp."
"docid": "D2913590#0",
"title": "http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/rg.314095132\nImaging of Uncommon Retroperitoneal Masses",
"text": "Abstract Full Text Figures References Cited by PDFShow Abbreviations LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR TEST 3 Section: Choose prevnext After reading this article and taking the test, the reader will be able to:•. Describe the various solid and cystic retroperitoneal masses.•. Recognize the imaging features of various retroperitoneal masses.•. Discuss some of the specific imaging features that can narrow the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. Introduction Section: Choose prevnext Primary retroperitoneal masses, which originate in the retroperitoneum but outside the major retroperitoneal organs, are uncommon and can be divided primarily into solid and cystic masses, each of which can be further subdivided into neoplastic and nonneoplastic masses ( Tables 1, 2 ). Of the primary retroperitoneal neoplasms, 70%–80% are malignant in nature, and these account for 0.1%–0.2% of all malignancies in the body ( 1, 2 ). Because the treatment options vary, it is useful to be able to noninvasively distinguish these masses. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging play an important role in characterization (size, shape, wall thickness, septa, calcification, and fat content) and the assessment of the extent of the disease and involvement of adjacent and distant structures ( 1, 3, 4 ). Although CT is best for assessing calcification, MR imaging has superior soft-tissue contrast, which is useful for staging and the assessment of vascular invasion, as well as for evaluating the fat content of lesions. Ultrasonography (US) plays a relatively limited role in the evaluation of masses, except for the assessment of vascular invasion, which could be performed better with CT and MR imaging. The differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses can be narrowed down to a certain extent on the basis of imaging characteristics, patterns of involvement, and demographics; however, there is a substantial overlap of imaging findings, and histologic examination is often required for definitive diagnosis. Table 1 Classification of Solid Retroperitoneal Masses Table 1Click image to enlarge View larger version Table 2 Classification of Cystic Retroperitoneal Masses Table 2Click image to enlarge View larger version The purpose of this article is to review the imaging features of various uncommon retroperitoneal masses, with emphasis on the CT and MR imaging findings. First, the anatomy of the retroperitoneum is briefly reviewed."
"docid": "D2365933#0",
"title": "https://okela.net/what-is-normocellular-marrow-with-trilineage-hematopoiesis.html\nwhat is normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis?",
"text": "what is normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis? Best Answer Sorry, we don't have an aswer for this question yet. Please vote if the answer you were given helped you or not, thats the best way to improve our algorithm. You can also submit an answer or search documents about how do you transfer songs from our ipod to my son s new mp3 player. Submit Answerwhat is normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis? community answers Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safariwhat is normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis Similar Questions What Does Normocellular Marrow With Trilineage Hematopoiesis Mean?"
"docid": "D19679#0",
"title": "https://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/chapter/6-1-the-functions-of-the-skeletal-system/\n35 6.1 The Functions of the Skeletal System",
"text": "Chapter 6. Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System35 6.1 The Functions of the Skeletal System Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Define bone, cartilage, and the skeletal system List and describe the functions of the skeletal system Bone, or osseous tissue, is a hard, dense connective tissue that forms most of the adult skeleton, the support structure of the body. In the areas of the skeleton where bones move (for example, the ribcage and joints), cartilage, a semi-rigid form of connective tissue, provides flexibility and smooth surfaces for movement. The skeletal system is the body system composed of bones and cartilage and performs the following critical functions for the human body:supports the bodyfacilitates movementprotects internal organsproduces blood cellsstores and releases minerals and fat Support, Movement, and Protection The most apparent functions of the skeletal system are the gross functions—those visible by observation. Simply by looking at a person, you can see how the bones support, facilitate movement, and protect the human body. Just as the steel beams of a building provide a scaffold to support its weight, the bones and cartilage of your skeletal system compose the scaffold that supports the rest of your body. Without the skeletal system, you would be a limp mass of organs, muscle, and skin. Bones also facilitate movement by serving as points of attachment for your muscles. While some bones only serve as a support for the muscles, others also transmit the forces produced when your muscles contract. From a mechanical point of view, bones act as levers and joints serve as fulcrums ( Figure 1 )."
"docid": "D1674365#0",
"title": "https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-68892\n.",
"text": "\"A&P Chp 6 Bone & Ske Anatomy & Physiology I - Chapter 6: Bone and Skeletal Tissue Question Answer Cartilage tissue is mostly water The skeletal cartilage has no nerves or blood vessels, is surrounded by a layer of dense irregular connective tissue called perichondrium What is contain in the perichondrium? blood vessels Name the three types of skeletal cartilages hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilages What are the most abundant skeletal cartilages that provide flexibility? Hyaline cartilage Name the cartilages that cover the ends of most bones at movable joints articular cartilage Skeletal hyaline cartilages include Articular, Costal, Respiratory, Nasal cartilages What cartilage can stretch and bend? Elastic cartilage Where is the elastic cartilage located? Ear and Epiglottis Highly compressible and tensile strength Fibrocartilages Where is the fibrocartilages located? Knee and vertebrae disc Cartilage has ___ ____ which can accommodate mitosis flexible matrix Cartilage grows in two ways Appositional and Interstitial growth\"\"growth from outside\"\" appositional growth\"\"growth from inside\"\" interstitial growth Calcium salts in the matrix can harden is a process called calcification Typically, cartilage growth stop during what stage adolescense Is calcified cartilage a bone? No, cartilage and bone always have different tissues206 bones in the human body divided into two groups: axial and appendicular skeleton Long axis of the body (skull, vertebral column, and rib cage) axial skeleton Name the skeleton that consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles (shoulder bones and hip bones) that is connected to the axial skeleton appendicular skeleton What part of the bones helps to get us from place to place? limbs Name the bone that have a shaft and two ends, and has all limb bones except patella, wrists, and ankle bones Long bones Wrist and ankle bones; roughly cube shaped Short bones Special type of bone that are form in tendon Sesamoid bones Name the type of bones that includes most skull, the sternum, scapula, and ribs Flat bones Complicated shapes bones that includes vertebrae and hip bones Irregular bones Name the FIVE functions of bones: Support, Protection, Movement, Mineral and growth factor storage, and Blood cell formation Bone is reservoir for what TWO most important types of minerals? calcium and phosphate Where does the blood cell formation or hematopoieses occurs? in the marrow cavities of certain bones Is bones an organs?"
"docid": "D297809#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/196001.php\nBlood: Everything you need to know",
"text": "Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Blood: Everything you need to know Last updated Fri 25 August 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph D, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHTStructure Functions Groups Disorders Blood is a combination of plasma and cells that circulate through the entire body. It is a specialized bodily fluid that supplies essential substances around the body, such as sugars, oxygen, and hormones. It also removes waste from the cells in the body. Hematologists work to identify and prevent blood and bone marrow diseases, as well as studying and treating the immune system, blood clotting, and the veins and arteries. In the United States (U. S.), blood diseases accounted for between 9,000 and 10,000 annual deaths from 1999 to 2010. This constitutes less than one percent of total deaths from disease. Fast facts on blood Blood transports oxygen and nutrients around the body and removes cellular waste, among a range of other vital functions. Plasma makes up 55 percent of blood content. The other 45 percent consists mainly of red blood cells and platelets. Blood groups are categorized based on the antibodies and antigens in the cell."
"docid": "D32605#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_marrow\nBone marrow",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bone Marrow Details System Immune system [1]Identifiers Latin Medulla ossium Me SH D001853TA A13.1.01.001FMA 9608Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue which may be found within the spongy or cancellous portions of bones. [ 2] In birds and mammals, bone marrow is the primary site of new blood cell production or hematopoiesis. [ 3] It is composed of hematopoietic cells, marrow adipose tissue, and supportive stromal cells. On average, bone marrow constitutes 4% of the total body mass of humans; in an adult having 65 kilograms of mass (143 lb), bone marrow typically accounts for approximately 2.6 kilograms (5.7 lb). [ 4] Human marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells per day, which join the systemic circulation via permeable vasculature sinusoids within the medullary cavity. [ 5] All types of hematopoietic cells, including both myeloid and lymphoid lineages, are created in bone marrow; however, lymphoid cells must migrate to other lymphoid organs (e.g. thymus) in order to complete maturation. Bone marrow transplants can be conducted to treat severe diseases of the bone marrow, including certain forms of cancer such as leukemia. Additionally, bone marrow stem cells have been successfully transformed into functional neural cells, [6] and can also potentially be used to treat illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease. [ 7]Contents [ hide ]1 Structure1.1 Hematopoietic components1.2 Stroma2 Function2.1 Mesenchymal stem cells2.2 Bone marrow barrier2.3 Lymphatic role2.4 Compartmentalization3 Society and culture4 Clinical significance4.1 Disease4.2 Application of Stem Cells in Therapeutics4.3 Imaging4.4 Histology4.5 Donation and transplantation4.5.1 Harvesting5 Fossil record6 See also7 References8 External links9 Further reading Structure [ edit]The composition of marrow is dynamic, as the mixture of cellular and non-cellular components (connective tissue) shifts with age and in response to systemic factors. In humans, marrow is colloquially characterized as \"\"red\"\" or \"\"yellow\"\" marrow ( Latin: medulla ossium rubra, Latin: medulla ossium flava, respectively) depending on the prevalence of hematopoetic cells vs fat cells."
"docid": "D171488#0",
"title": "http://www.pathologystudent.com/?p=1521\nHemolytic disease of the newborn",
"text": "Hemolytic disease of the newborn Sep 25, 2009 | anemia, Cardiac pathology, Hematopathology, immunology Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is a disease in which there is hemolysis in a newborn or fetus caused by blood-group incompatibility between mother and child. There are a bunch of related terms: Immune hydrops ( Hydrops means accumulation of edema fluid in the fetus during intrauterine growth. It is not specific to HDN, but can occur in many different fetal conditions including cardiovascular conditions, chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome, non-immune fetal anemia, twin-twin transfusion, infections, tumors, and metabolic disorders. Whew. ) Hydrops fetalis (When the accumulation of fluid – from whatever cause – is severe and generalized, it is called hydrops fetalis. ) Erythroblastosis fetalis ( Erythroblastosis means that early red cell precursors are showing up in the peripheral blood. This can happen in any severe anemia, not just HDN. ) Mechanism of HDN1. Fetus inherits blood group antigens (usually Rh D antigen or ABO antigens) from the father that are foreign to the mother. 2."
"docid": "D16581#0",
"title": "http://www.embryology.ch/anglais/qblood/blut02.html\n17.1 Blood",
"text": "17.1 Blood Introduction Hematopoiesis Erythropoiesis Hemoglobin Physiology of the prenatal oxygen supply Myelopoiesis Lymphopoiesis Blood clotting Hematopoiesis Quiz Quiz 02Hematopoiesis is the formation and development of blood cells. Today one assumes that all the cells of the hematopoietic system stem from a stem cell line. The first of such stem cell lines forms in the mesoblast (extraembryonic mesoderm) of the umbilical vesicle (stage 7, ca. 19 days, 7 ). Recent investigations ( 1, 2) have shown that definitive stem cell lines for hematopoiesis probably come from a center within the embryo. This is located in the splanchnopleura around the dorsal aorta at the level of the navel. Fig. 1 - Entire embryo with blood islands Legend1 2 3 4 5 Anlage of extraembryonic arterial vessels Umbilical vesicle Anlage of extraembryonic venous vessels Pericardium Heart anlage6 7 8 9 10 Embryo (here cranial neural folds) Anlage of the dorsal aorta (intraembryonic origin of the stem cells) Umbilical vein Umbilical artery Chorionic plate Fig. 1 Intra- and extraembryonic blood islands have formed in this embryo, whereby the definitive cells of the stem cell lines stem from a region near the dorsal aorta. Blood and vessel formation therefore first occurs extraembryonally on the umbilical vesicle and in the chorionic villi ( extraembryonic phase of blood and vessel formation )."
"docid": "D924825#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_formation_of_blood_cells_called\nWhere does blood cell formation occur?",
"text": "llan Toren 10,399 Contributions Where does blood cell formation occur? The hematopoietic stem cells which give rise to the red and white blood cells reside in the bone marrow. Hatcher94 2 Contributions Site of blood cell formation?site of blood cell formation is in the red bone marrow, chiefly in bones of the axial skeleton and girdles and in the proximal epiphyses of the humerus and femur. Sharockin 4 Contributions What is the site of blood cell formation?red bone marrow site of blood cell formation is in the red bone marrow, chiefly in bones of the axial skeleton and girdles and in the proximal epiphyses of the humerus and fem …Kelly Jameson 34,271 Contributions What is blood cell formation called? Hematopoiesis is the general term meaning blood cell formation. Erythropoiesis is specifically the formation of red blood cells. Lymphopoiesis is specifically the formation …Formation of red blood cells?erythropoiesis Sabujan 916 Contributions Blood cell formation is called what?haemopoesis The formation of blood cells is called? Hemopoiesis Pandamed 10 Contributions Blood cell formation is called? Haemopoesis Haemo (gr) refers to blood -poesis (gr) refers to formation Trent729 8 Contributions What is the formation of red blood cells called?erythropoiesis; erythr/o - blood; -posiesis - formation What is the process of blood cell formation?hematopoiesis Taubuchon 133 Contributions In the development of a cancer cell what is the formation of new blood vessels called?angiogenesis In the development of a cancer cell the formation of new blood vessels is called? B. Angiogenesis"
"docid": "D2884513#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/206208-overview\nSplenomegaly",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Hematology Splenomegaly Updated: Jan 09, 2018Author: Neetu Radhakrishnan, MD; Chief Editor: Emmanuel C Besa, MD more... Share Email Print Feedback Background Splenomegaly is defined as enlargement of the spleen, measured by size or weight. [ 1] In the past, splenomegaly was a clinical finding, but in recent years, imaging studies have also helped to assess for or confirm mild splenomegaly. The spleen is a functionally diverse organ with active roles in immunosurveillance and hematopoiesis. It lies within the left upper quadrant of the peritoneal cavity and abuts ribs 9-12, the stomach, the left kidney, the splenic flexure of the colon, and the tail of the pancreas. A normal spleen weighs 150 g and is approximately 11 cm in craniocaudal length. [ 2]The normal spleen is usually not palpable, although it can sometimes be palpated in adolescents and individuals with a slender build. However, an enlarged or palpable spleen is not necessarily of clinical significance. For example, certain individuals with broadly splayed costal margins have readily palpable, but small, spleens. ( See Presentation. ) A spleen weight of 400-500 g indicates splenomegaly, while a weight of more than 1000 g is labelled massive splenomegaly."
"docid": "D779480#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_hematopoiesis\nWhich of the following is the site where hematopoiesis occurs?",
"text": "Answered In Health Which of the following is the site where hematopoiesis occurs?hematopoiesis is the formation of blood cells which happens red bone marrow. red bone marrow is found in flat bones. the sternum (a flat bone) is a major site for hematopoiesis …Answered In Science How do you divide hematopoiesis?hemat/o/poi/esis Jason Hunter 490 Contributions Answered In Health What regulates hematopoiesis?best guess is bone marrow, but the liver breaks down the blood cells once they wear out. Dr. Ashok Deshmukh 14,938 Contributions Pediatrician who has taught in medical college and dental college for almost 8 years Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology What are the signs of hematopoiesis? Your hemoglobin percentage is okay. You red blood cells are normocytic and normochromic. When blood forming system or hematopoeitic system over work, you can reticulocytes in …4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology What bone is the site of hematopoiesis in the adult? Bone marrow of skull, ribs, sternum, vertebral column, pelvis, proximal ends of femurs."
"docid": "D3408941#0",
"title": "https://thekneadingtable.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/skeletal-system-bones-and-bony-landmarks/\nSkeletal System: Bones and Bony Landmarks",
"text": "Skeletal System: Bones and Bony Landmarks By mtsarah2012 May 14, 2012 bones and bony landmarks skeletal system SKELETAL SYSTEM 1) comes from Greek – “skeletos” 2) living tissue Functions of the Skeleton 1) Movement: lever system that allows for muscular coordination of both motion and posture. Articulation (point where two or more bones meet also known as a joint) greatly determines possible muscular movement.2) Protection: Protects brain, spinal column and vital organs in thoracic cavity.3) Support: Legs are support columns for standing, ribs support chest wall; hips provide support for lower abdominal organs.4) Storage: Fat (“yellow marrow”) stored in internal cavity of long bones; matrix of bones connective tissue acts as mineral reservoir for calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Hematopoiesis: Blood formation withing certain long bones (femur & humerus) and in the “red marrow” of flat bones (sternum & hip bones). Structure of Bones Bone is an ORGAN (two or more tissues working together for common function) Mostly Connective tissue, but also epithelium, blood, fat & nerves Hard Calcified Matrix with LOTS of Collagen Calcium – HARD (inorganic) Collagen – TOUGH (organic)Bone Tissue Living Tissue with THREE Types of Cells Osteocytes [osteo – bone; cytes – cells]: Mature Bone Cells; maintain the matrix for bone tissue Osteoblasts: Build new bone tissue Osteoclasts: Break down bone tissue Together the three bone cells work in harmony to maintain homeostasis; providing minerals and nutrients when needed and growing bone when needed. AXIAL SKELETON*Skull – Cranial bones – Facial bones Frontal bone: Temporal bone, Occipital bone Parietal bone: Zygomatic bone (cheek bones) Maxilla (mustache, upper teeth) Mandible (jaw, skulls only movable bone)*Thoracic Cage – Sternum – Ribs – Costal Cartillage – cartillage of the ribs (cost meaning rib) -Intercostal space (between ribs)Cervical Breakfast 7 C1 – C7 Thoracic Lunch 12 T1 – T12 (comes in pairs, 12 pairs of ribs) Lumbar Dinner 524*Vertebral Column – Vertebrae – spine – Sacrum – Coccyx*Hyoid Bone – voice box – bone that does articulate (not attached to any joint)Humans have 4 appendages Appendicular – system where you have movement Upper Extremity Scapula (shoulder blade) attached to Clavicle (collar bone) Humerus Arm/Funny bone Ulna/Radius Forearm Ulna – elbow; radius – revolving Carpals (8) Wrist Metacarpals (5) Palm, long wrist bones Phalanx, Phalanges (14) fingers thumb – 2, fingers -12; 56 both fingers in arms and feet Proximal – closer to the trunk Distal – away from the trunk Lower Extremity Coxal bone pelvic bone Femur thigh – largest bone in human body Patella knee cap Tibia/Fibula leg Fibula (outside, big ankle bone); Tiba (inside) Tarsals (7) toes talus – front of foot Calcaneous – heel2 curves Kyphotic/kyphosis (primary) – backward Lordotic/lordosis (secondary) – forward Most animals are born with kyphotic curve Classification of Bones2 types of bone tissue 1) Compact – parts: diaphysis (shaft) and epiphysis; Outer part of the bone; formed into long, vertical, cylinder shapes that surround tiny hollow cavity where blood vessels reside.2) Spongy – Resembles sponge; fills in the rest of the bone, inside the compact bone region; leaves room for medulllary cavity in bones that have this part. Medullary cavity Bone Marrow: Yellow Marrow Red Marrow – spongy bone Periosteum – connective tissue peri – around, eum- – layer, oste – bone endosteum – inside Articular cartillage – cartillage of a joint (hyaline)Ligaments – don’t heal Why spongy bone? for shock absorption Ossification of a long bone – process of turning cartillage into bonesosteoblasts – bone building cells osteoclasts – to provide opening; to open blood vessels osteocytes – mature bone cells CARTILLAGE HAS NO VESSELSAnatomical Position – always to use anatomical position Shapes of Bones 1) Long Bones longer than they are wide include all the bones of the limbs, EXCEPT wrist and ankles. FIVE Important Parts [figure 6-2, pg 86 in Memmlers] Diaphysis: long narrow part of the bone; sometimes called the “shaft” Epiphyses: Enlarged ends at either end of diaphysis; Singular is called epiphysis. Proximal epiphysis & distal epiphysis at proximal and distal ends of diaphysis. EPI means “on top of” Epiphyseal line: Structure that penetrates the bone in both epiphyses."
"docid": "D870522#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-is-pancytopenia-2249143\nPancytopenia Symptoms and Treatments",
"text": "\"Cancer Lung Cancer Pancytopenia Symptoms and Treatments By Lynne Eldridge, MDUpdated March 05, 2018Share Pin Email Print What is meant by the term pancytopenia and what are the possible causes?. Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images What is pancytopenia, what are the symptoms, what causes it, and how is it treated? Let's take a look at those questions. Pancytopenia is defined as abnormally low levels of all types of blood cells produced by the bone marrow. This includes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood Cells Affected in Pancytopenia Specifically, pancytopenia refers to a deficiency of: Red blood cells (RBCs): RBCs are the cells which bind and carry oxygen to the tissues of the body. White blood cells (WBCs): There are several types of white blood cells (WBCs) which are further broken down into granulocytes (including neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils), and agranulocytes (including lymphocytes and monocytes). These cells are responsible for fighting off infections among other functions. Platelets: Platelets are responsible for blood clotting. Describing Low Levels of Blood Cells A low level of red blood cells is referred to as anemia."
] |
372 | . what is the necessary and proper clause | [
"docid": "D1158579#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necessary_and_Proper_Clause\nNecessary and Proper Clause",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is part of a series on the Constitution of the United States of America Preamble and Articles of the Constitution Preamble I II III IV V VI VIIAmendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX XXI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XXXXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVIIUnratified Amendments Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin Child Labor Equal Rights D. C. Voting Rights History Drafting and ratification timeline Convention Signing Federalism Republicanism Full text of the Constitution and Amendments Preamble and Articles I–VII Amendments I–XAmendments XI–XXVIIUnratified Amendments United States portal U. S. Government portal Law portal Wikipedia bookv t e The Necessary and Proper Clause, also known as the elastic clause, [1] is a clause in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution that is as follows: The Congress shall have Power ... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. Contents [ hide ]1 History leading up to ratification2 National bank3 Landmark decision by Chief Justice Marshall4 Later applications5 Name of the clause6 See also7 References History leading up to ratification [ edit]According to the Articles of Confederation, \"\"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated\"\" (emphasis added). Thus, the Continental Congress had no powers incidental to those which were \"\"expressly delegated\"\" by the Articles of Confederation. [ 2] By contrast, the Necessary and Proper Clause expressly confers incidental powers upon Congress, while no other clauses in the Constitution do so by themselves. [ 2]The draft Necessary and Proper Clause provoked controversy during discussions of the proposed constitution, and its inclusion became a focal point of criticism for those opposed to the Constitution's ratification. While Anti-Federalists expressed concern that the clause would grant the federal government boundless power, Federalists argued that the clause would only permit execution of power already granted by the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton spoke vigorously for this second interpretation in The Federalist Papers. At this time James Madison concurred with Hamilton, arguing in Federalist No. 44 that without this clause, the constitution would be a \"\"dead letter\"\". At the Virginia Ratifying Convention, Patrick Henry took the opposing view, saying that the clause would lead to limitless federal power that would inevitably menace individual liberty. ["
] | [
"docid": "D312292#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constitution\nArticle Two of the United States Constitution",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( November 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Wikisource has original text related to this article: Article Two of the United States Constitution This article is part of a series on the Constitution of the United States of America Preamble and Articles of the Constitution Preamble I II III IV V VI VIIAmendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX XXI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XXXXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVIIUnratified Amendments Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin Child Labor Equal Rights D. C. Voting Rights History Drafting and ratification timeline Convention Signing Federalism Republicanism Full text of the Constitution and Amendments Preamble and Articles I–VII Amendments I–XAmendments XI–XXVIIUnratified Amendments United States portal U. S. Government portal Law portal Wikipedia bookv t e Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws. The executive branch includes the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees. Contents1 Section 1: President and Vice President1.1 Clause 1: Executive Power1.2 Clause 2: Method of choosing electors1.3 Clause 3: Electors1.4 Clause 4: Election day1.5 Clause 5: Qualifications for office1.6 Clause 6: Vacancy and disability1.7 Clause 7: Salary1.8 Clause 8: Oath or affirmation2 Section 2: Presidential powers2.1 Clause 1: Command of military; Opinions of cabinet secretaries; Pardons2.2 Clause 2: Advice and Consent Clause2.2.1 Treaties2.2.2 Appointments2.3 Clause 3: Recess appointments3 Section 3: Presidential responsibilities3.1 Clause 1: State of the Union3.2 Clause 2: Making recommendations to Congress3.3 Clause 3: Calling Congress into extraordinary session; adjourning Congress3.4 Clause 4: Receiving foreign representatives3.5 Clause 5: Caring for the faithful execution of the law3.6 Clause 6: Officers' commissions4 Section 4: Impeachment5 See also6 References7 External links Section 1: President and Vice President [ edit]Clause 1: Executive Power [ edit]The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows [1]George Washington 's inauguration as the nation's first President, April 30, 1789Section 1 begins with a vesting clause that confers federal executive power upon the President. Similar clauses are found in Article I and Article III. The former bestows federal legislative power exclusively to Congress, and the latter grants judicial power solely to the Supreme Court. These three articles create a separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government."
"docid": "D2016672#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/federal-statutes-necessary-proper-and-interstate-commerce-clauses.html\n'Necessary & Proper' and Interstate Commerce Clauses",
"text": "Instructor: Ashley Dugger Ashley is an attorney. She has taught and written various introductory law courses. The United States Constitution includes several important provisions that empower the United States Congress to make particular laws. This lesson explores the necessary and proper clause and the commerce clause. The Necessary and Proper Clause Article I, Section 3 of the United States Constitution contains the necessary and proper clause. This is one of the most powerful clauses in the Constitution. Generally speaking, this clause allows Congress to make any law it deems essential and appropriate. This clause is often called the 'elastic clause' because it expands the powers of Congress beyond the powers already enumerated in the Constitution. Enumerated powers are those that are specifically set out in the Constitution and are defined in the clause as 'foregoing powers.' The elastic clause can be stretched to include many different types of laws covering many different issues."
"docid": "D555360#0",
"title": "http://classroom.synonym.com/difference-between-elastic-powers-enumerated-powers-congress-5961.html\nWhat Is the Difference Between Elastic Powers & Enumerated Powers of Congress?",
"text": "\"Home » Classroom What Is the Difference Between Elastic Powers & Enumerated Powers of Congress? By Charles Hooper Congress has both enumerated and elastic powers. Article One of the United States Constitution established the legislative branch of the federal government. Called the \"\"People's Branch\"\" because it embodies the people, Congress is divided into two chambers -- the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Constitution specifies the powers of the national legislature and those of the judicial and executive branches. According to the 10th Amendment, all powers not specifically granted to Congress by the Constitution belong to the states and the people. Enumerated Powers Section 3 of Article I gives the Senate sole power to try all impeachments, while Section 7 grants power over all federal spending to the House of Representatives. Section 8 specifies most powers of Congress as a whole. These powers include raising, making and borrowing revenue while punishing counterfeiters and making bankruptcy and naturalization laws. Congress has the power to establish post offices, is the protector of intellectual property rights, establishes courts and punishes both treason and piracy."
"docid": "D2145537#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_powers_not_specifically_mentioned_in_the_constitution_called\nWhat is the only court specifically mentioned in the constitution?",
"text": "\"What is the only court specifically mentioned in the constitution? supreme court Edit Liza Lankford 450 Contributions Reader, knitter, genealogist, photographer, animal-lover and perpetual student. What are the powers called that are specifically granted to the national government by the constitution? Enumerated powers are the powers granted to the Federal Government by the U. S. Constitution. The clause explicitly enumerates all of the powers the Federal Government shou …What are the powers of Congress that are not directly mentioned in the Constitution called? Congress has some powers that fall under the 'Necessary and Proper' clause. These powers are any powers Congress may exercise to carry out its functions. Edit Powers specifically assigned to Congress by the US Constitution are called? Delegated powers are the powers that are specifically assigned to Congress by the US Constitution. Reserved powers are powers given to the State only."
"docid": "D3388686#0",
"title": "https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/necessary_and_proper_clause\nNecessary and Proper Clause",
"text": "\"Wexall pages articles español Inbox Project search FAQNecessary and Proper Clause Under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power \"\"to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or Officer thereof\"\". See the CRS/LII Annotated Constitution on the Necessary and Proper Clause. See legislative power. See constitutional clauses. To see the Supreme Court's application of the clause, see Mc Culloch v. Maryland: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/17/316Keywords:constitution constitutional law U. S. CONSTITUTIONwex: CIVICSthe Constitutionconstitutional lawgovernmentwex definitions \""
"docid": "D2853575#0",
"title": "http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jala/2629860.0029.205?rgn=main;view=fulltext\nLincoln's Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus: An Historical and Constitutional Analysis",
"text": "\"In the 143 years since the end of the Civil War, historians have examined Abraham Lincoln and his conduct of the war in great and at times excruciating depth. Lincoln's power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus was extensively explored during the Civil War, but since then his suspensions have escaped detailed scrutiny despite the controversy they provoked, their widespread and effective use to combat malignant opposition to the war, and their uncertain grounding in the Constitution. This scholarly inattention is surprising, but there are a number of possible explanations. Probing the constitutional validity of the suspensions requires a textual analysis of the Constitution that is more congenial to lawyers than to scholars. The crisis Lincoln faced and the stature he has achieved make it easy for historians to justify his actions without examining them. If a president has the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, his power exists only in the event of rebellion or invasion, neither of which is likely to occur, so why burden history with musty law? For whatever reasons, there has been no in-depth scholarly analysis of Lincoln's actions since the Civil War and little evaluation of that analysis since an 1888 article by S. G. Fisher. All accounts of Lincoln's presidency discuss the habeas corpus suspensions, of course, and many of them take sides for or against Lincoln, but the constitutional issue is not considered in detail. This is true even of James Randall's Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln, a brilliant synthesis of history and law. William Duker and law professors Daniel Farber and Akhil Reed Amar have examined the issue, but, as we will see, their constitutional analyses are brief, superficial, and flawed."
"docid": "D2665957#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denied_powers\nArticle One of the United States Constitution",
"text": "\"Article One of the United States Constitution From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Denied powers)navigation search Wikisource has original text related to this article: Article 1 of the United States Constitution This article is part of a series on the Constitution of the United States of America Preamble and Articles of the Constitution Preamble I II III IV V VI VIIAmendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX XXI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XXXXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVIIUnratified Amendments Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin Child Labor Equal Rights D. C. Voting Rights History Drafting and ratification timeline Convention Signing Federalism Republicanism Full text of the Constitution and Amendments Preamble and Articles I–VII Amendments I–XAmendments XI–XXVIIUnratified Amendments United States portal U. S. Government portal Law portal Wikipedia bookv t e Article One of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. The Congress is a bicameral legislature consisting of a House of Representatives and a Senate. Contents [ hide ]1 Section 1: Legislative power vested in Congress2 Section 2: House of Representatives2.1 Clause 1: Composition and election of Members2.2 Clause 2: Qualifications of Members2.3 Clause 3: Apportionment of Representatives and taxes2.4 Clause 4: Vacancies2.5 Clause 5: Speaker and other officers; Impeachment3 Section 3: Senate3.1 Clause 1: Composition; Election of Senators3.2 Clause 2: Classification of Senators; Vacancies3.3 Clause 3: Qualifications of Senators3.4 Clause 4: Vice President as President of Senate3.5 Clause 5: President pro tempore and other officers3.6 Clause 6: Trial of Impeachment3.7 Clause 7: Judgment in cases of impeachment; Punishment on conviction4 Section 4: Congressional elections4.1 Clause 1: Time, place, and manner of holding4.2 Clause 2: Sessions of Congress5 Section 5: Procedure5.1 Clause 1: Qualifications of Members5.2 Clause 2: Rules5.3 Clause 3: Record of proceedings5.4 Clause 4: Adjournment6 Section 6: Compensation, privileges, and restrictions on holding civil office6.1 Clause 1: Compensation and legal protection6.2 Clause 2: Independence from the executive7 Section 7: Bills7.1 Clause 1: Bills of revenue7.2 Clause 2: From bill to law7.3 Clause 3: Presidential veto8 Section 8: Powers of Congress8.1 Enumerated powers8.2 Commerce Clause8.3 Other powers of Congress8.4 Necessary and Proper clause9 Section 9: Limits on Congress9.1 Slave trade9.2 Civil and legal protections9.3 Apportionment of direct taxes9.4 Titles of nobility10 Section 10: Limits on the States10.1 Clause 1: Contracts Clause10.2 Clause 2: Import-Export Clause10.3 Clause 3: Compact Clause11 Notes12 References13 Further reading14 External links Section 1: Legislative power vested in Congress [ edit]Main article: Vesting Clauses Opening of the 112th Congress, House of Representatives chamber, January 5, 2011All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section 1 is a vesting clause that bestows federal legislative power exclusively to Congress. Similar clauses are found in Articles II and III. The former confers executive power upon the President alone, and the latter grants judicial power solely to the federal judiciary. These three articles create a separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government. This separation of powers, by which each department may exercise only its own constitutional powers and no others, [1] [2] is fundamental to the idea of a limited government accountable to the people. The separation of powers principle is particularly noteworthy in regard to the Congress. The Constitution declares that the Congress may exercise only those legislative powers \"\"herein granted\"\" within Article I (as later limited by the Tenth Amendment ). ["
"docid": "D1157905#0",
"title": "https://npelasticclause.weebly.com/\nThe Elastic Clause",
"text": "\"The Elastic Clause\"\"The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. \"\"- Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18 of the United States Constitution Supreme Court Building The Elastic Clause, also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, allows Congress to do what it must to carry out its power. This clause originally proved to be a problem when the Constitution was being ratified. Many saw this clause giving the government endless power like that of a king, but many others argued that this was not the case. Alexander Hamilton used the Elastic Clause to create the first National Bank. People argued that the constitution did not grant the power to create a bank, Hamilton noted that it was required in order to carry out taxation. Another great example of the use of the elastic clause would be the Louisiana Purchase. Nowhere in the constitution did it say a President could buy land from another nation, but Jefferson took a broad view of the Constitution and bought it, even though it went against what he believed. \""
"docid": "D27906#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumerated_powers\nEnumerated powers (United States)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Enumerated powers)navigation search The Enumerated powers (also called Expressed powers, Explicit powers or Delegated powers) of the United States Congress are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights. Moreover, the Constitution expresses various other limitations on Congress, such as the one expressed by the Tenth Amendment: \"\"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.\"\" Historically, Congress and the Supreme Court have broadly interpreted the enumerated powers, especially by deriving many implied powers from them. [ 1] The enumerated powers listed in Article One include both exclusive federal powers, as well as concurrent powers that are shared with the states, and all of those powers are to be contrasted with reserved powers that only the states possess. [ 2] [3]Contents [ hide ]1 List of enumerated powers of the federal constitution2 Political interpretation3 Necessary and Proper Clause3.1 Mc Culloch v. Maryland4 Recent case law5 Enumerated Powers Act5.1 Tea Party support6 See also7 References8 External links List of enumerated powers of the federal constitution [ edit]The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;To borrow on the credit of the United States;To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;To provide and maintain a Navy;To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.— Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution Several amendments explicitly grant Congress additional powers. For example, the Sixteenth Amendment grants the power to \"\"lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived. \"\" Political interpretation [ edit]There are differences of opinion on whether current interpretation of enumerated powers as exercised by Congress is constitutionally sound. One school of thought is called strict constructionism."
"docid": "D69652#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/23990477/chapter-3-government-flash-cards/\nChapter 3 Government",
"text": "70 terms governmentstudy Chapter 3 Government Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Unitary System A centralized governmental system in which ultimate governmental authority rests in the hands of the national, or central government Confederal System A system consisting of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers. the central government created by such a league has only limited powers over the states Enumerated Powers Powers Specifically granted to the NATIONAL GOV. by the constitution. The first 17 clauses of Article 1 Section 8 specify most of the enumerated powers of the national government Elastic Clause, or Necessary and Proper Clause the Clause in Article I, Section 8, that grants Congress the power to do whatever necessary to execute its specifically delegated powers Police Power The authority to legislate for the protection of the health, morals, safety, and welfare of the people. In the U. S., most of the police power is reserved to the states Concurrent Powers Powers held jointly by the national and state governments Supremacy Clause The constitutional provision that makes the Constitution and federal law superior to all conflicting state and local laws Interstate Compact An agreement between two or more states. Agreements on minor matters are made without congressional consent, but any compact that tends to increase the power of the contracting states relative to other states or relative to the national government generally requires the consent of Congress Commerce Clause The section of the Constitution in which Congress is given power to regulate trade among the states and with foreign countries Dual Federalism A model of federalism in which the states and the national government each remain supreme within their own spheres. The doctrine looks on nation and state a co-equal sovereign powers. Neither the state gov."
"docid": "D2178970#0",
"title": "http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2013/11/13/can-treaties-override-the-constitution/\nCan Treaties Override the Constitution?",
"text": "One of the most common questions posed to me when I discuss the Constitution on talk radio is “Can a treaty override the Constitution?” The question has arisen particularly in view of the pending Supreme Court case of Bond v. United States. In that case, Congress is claiming a power under the Treaty Clause that is outside the list expressly granted to it by the Constitution. Under the Constitution as originally understood, the short answer is: “No, a treaty can’t override the Constitution. The treaty has the force only of a statute, not of a super-constitution. ”But the full answer is more complicated. This is because the Founding-Era evidence does suggest that the Constitution enables the federal government to acquire significant—although not unlimited—additional power by entering into treaties. First, let’s examine powers the federal government cannot obtain by treaty: Treaties cannot override the first eight amendments in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution’s other specific exceptions to federal authority (such as the ban on taxing exports). Those provisions were adopted to deny the federal government authority it otherwise might have. A treaty cannot override those limits."
"docid": "D1583496#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implied_powers\nImplied powers",
"text": "\"Implied powers, in the United States, are powers authorized by the Constitution that, while not stated, seem implied by powers that are expressly stated. When George Washington asked Alexander Hamilton to defend the constitutionality of the First Bank of the United States against the protests [1] of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph, Hamilton produced what has now become the classic statement for implied powers. [ 2] Hamilton argued that the sovereign duties of a government implied the right to use means adequate to its ends. Although the United States government was sovereign only as to certain objects, it was impossible to define all the means it should use, because it was impossible for the founders to anticipate all future exigencies. Hamilton noted that the \"\" general welfare clause \"\" and the \"\" necessary and proper clause \"\" gave elasticity to the Constitution. Hamilton won the argument with Washington, who signed the bank bill into law. Later, directly borrowing from Hamilton, Chief Justice John Marshall invoked the implied powers of government in the United States Supreme Court case, Mc Culloch v. Maryland. In 1816, the United States Congress passed legislation creating the Second Bank of the United States. The state of Maryland attempted to tax the bank. The state argued the United States Constitution did not explicitly grant Congress the power to establish banks."
"docid": "D1901029#0",
"title": "http://www.socialstudieshelp.com/Lesson_20_Notes.htm\nHow can the Constitution be referred to as a living document?",
"text": "\"How can the Constitution be referred to as a living document? When our founding fathers created the Constitution they realized that any document meant to frame a government needed flexibility. They wanted the Constitution to be able to stand for generation after generation. In recognizing this they incorporated two important features: ELASTIC CLAUSEArticle 1, Section 8, Clause 18In this clause our founding fathers state that congress may pass all laws necessary and proper. This then allows for a loose interpretation of the constitution and allows constitutional flexibility. Thomas Jefferson was very much opposed to this clause and as you can well imagine Alexander Hamilton was it's author. Some examples of the elastic clause in action include Hamilton's creation of the National Bank and Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. The fact that Jefferson actually used the elastic clause is an irony not lost on either Hamilton or Jefferson. Here is the original text: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. THE AMENDMENT PROCESSArticle VThere are several ways to amend, change, the constitution."
"docid": "D1393897#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100103071119AAxBkDz\nIdentify 1 power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave the Senate that power?",
"text": "\"Politics & Government Government Identify 1 power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave the Senate that power? Follow 2 answers Answers Best Answer: The Senate has several exclusive powers not granted to the House, including consenting to treaties as a precondition to their ratification and consenting or confirmation of appointments of Cabinet secretaries, federal judges, other federal executive officials, military officers and other federal uniformed officers, as well as the impeachment trials of federal officials. The Senate is a more deliberative body than the House of Representatives because the Senate is smaller and its members serve longer terms, allowing for a more collegial and less partisan atmosphere that is somewhat more insulated from public opinion than the House. The Senate is considered a more prestigious body than the House of Representatives on account of its longer terms, smaller membership, and larger constituencies. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 \"\"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes\"\" The clause was intended to address a weakness in the Articles of Confederation that allowed states to raise barriers to trade between themselves. The clause gives the federal government the ability to keep trade regular between the states. Modern interpretations have used this clause to give broad powers to Congress that were never intended by the founders. The founders gave congress the authority to eliminate trade barriers between states to protect the individual citizen's right to engage (or refrain from engaging) in commerce with entities in other states. Modern courts have expanded the scope of this clause to encompass anything that, at the determination of Congress, affects interstate commerce. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."
"docid": "D3035648#0",
"title": "http://classroom.synonym.com/article-1-section-8-us-constitution-19300.html\nWhat Is Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution?",
"text": "\"Home » Home What Is Article 1 Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution?by Sara Henderson The framers of the Constitution wrote Article I Section 8 to enumerate and limit the powers of the United States Congress. However, the framers decided these limitations were not clear enough. To fix this, they included the 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791. The 10th Amendment states that all powers not specifically designated by the Constitution is delegated to the states. The Elastic Clause The most important clause of Article I Section 8 is the last one, which has come to be known as the \"\"elastic clause\"\" or the \"\"necessary and proper clause.\"\" The elastic clause expands Congress's power by granting it the right to make all laws \"\"necessary and proper\"\" to carry out all of their other enumerated powers. The precedent for interpreting the elastic clause as expanding rather than limiting the powers of Congress was set in the 1819 Mc Colloch vs. Maryland Supreme Court decision. Chief Justice Marshall wrote, \"\"Let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional. \"\" Collecting Taxes Article I Section 8 gives Congress the power to levy and collect taxes. This clause also grants Congress the power to determine how funds collected from taxes should be spent."
"docid": "D2232139#0",
"title": "http://npelasticclause.weebly.com/\nThe Elastic Clause",
"text": "\"The Elastic Clause\"\"The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. \"\"- Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18 of the United States Constitution Supreme Court Building The Elastic Clause, also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, allows Congress to do what it must to carry out its power. This clause originally proved to be a problem when the Constitution was being ratified. Many saw this clause giving the government endless power like that of a king, but many others argued that this was not the case. Alexander Hamilton used the Elastic Clause to create the first National Bank. People argued that the constitution did not grant the power to create a bank, Hamilton noted that it was required in order to carry out taxation. Another great example of the use of the elastic clause would be the Louisiana Purchase. Nowhere in the constitution did it say a President could buy land from another nation, but Jefferson took a broad view of the Constitution and bought it, even though it went against what he believed. \""
"docid": "D3213046#0",
"title": "http://www.chacha.com/question/another-name-for-the-elastic-clause-is\nAnother name for the elastic clause is",
"text": "\"Anonymous Another name for the elastic clause is Topics: Politics Answer Necessary-and-proper clause is another name for elastic clause. I hope you aren't using us to do your homework for you.0 12 months ago Do you know the answer? Login or Sign Up to answer this question.data-config-site-section=\"\"chacha\"\">Related Politics Questions What clause is also called the elastic clause? The Elastic Clause is Article I, Section VIII of the Constitution. It is also... Who proposed the elastic clause in the constitution? Constitution's authors included the elastic clause to enlarge power by enabling... What is the elastic clause in the constitution? Elastic clause grants Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for... Why has the elastic clause been so helpful? The elastic clause has been useful and helpful for Congress because it allows them... Is the elastic clause i state or national government Elastic Clause: granting Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper... See All Questions ▶Last Week's Popular Questions for Politics Which was not something that imperialist powers sought in Southeast Asia? a. Indigo B. Tea C. Cotton D. Oil? Which was not something that imperialist powers sought in Southeast Asia?"
"docid": "D300193#0",
"title": "http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/a1_8_7s3.html\n.",
"text": "\"Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7Document 3House of Representatives, Post Office Bill6--7 Dec. 1791 3, 5 Jan. 1792 Annals 3:229--41, 303--10 [ 6 Dec. 1791]Mr. Livermore observed that the Legislative body being empowered by the Constitution \"\"to establish post offices and post roads,\"\" it is as clearly their duty to designate the roads as to establish the offices; and he did not think they could with propriety delegate that power, which they were themselves appointed to exercise. Some gentlemen, he knew, were of opinion that the business of the United States could be better transacted by a single person than by many; but this was not the intention of the Constitution. It was provided that the Government should be administered by Representatives, of the people's choice; so that every man, who has the right of voting, shall be in some measure concerned in making every law for the United States. The establishment of post roads he considered as a very important object; but he did not wish to see them so diffused as to become a heavy charge where the advantage resulting from them would be but small; nor, on the other hand, for the sake of bringing a revenue into the Treasury, consent to straiten them so as to check the progress of information. If the post office were to be regulated by the will of a single person, the dissemination of intelligence might be impeded, and the people kept entirely in the dark with respect to the transactions of Government; or the Postmaster, if vested with the whole power, might branch out the offices to such a degree as to make them prove a heavy burden to the United States. In many instances the expense is productive of a benefit sufficient to counterbalance it; in others, no public benefit arises, but some individuals reap a private advantage from the institution, whilst it is injurious to others. The most material point, in his opinion, was to determine the road itself; if the House gave up that, they might as well leave all the rest of the business to the discretion of the Postmaster, and permit him to settle the rates of postage, and every other particular relative to the post office, by saying, at once, \"\"there shall be a Postmaster General, who shall have the whole government of the post office, under such regulations as he from time to time shall be pleased to enact. \"\"Mr. Sedgwick felt himself by no means disposed to resign all the business of the House to the President, or to any one else; but he thought that the Executive part of the business ought to be left to Executive officers."
"docid": "D662948#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumerated_power\nEnumerated powers (United States)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Enumerated power)navigation search The Enumerated powers (also called Expressed powers, Explicit powers or Delegated powers) of the United States Congress are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights. Moreover, the Constitution expresses various other limitations on Congress, such as the one expressed by the Tenth Amendment: \"\"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.\"\" Historically, Congress and the Supreme Court have broadly interpreted the enumerated powers, especially by deriving many implied powers from them. [ 1] The enumerated powers listed in Article One include both exclusive federal powers, as well as concurrent powers that are shared with the states, and all of those powers are to be contrasted with reserved powers that only the states possess. [ 2] [3]Contents [ hide ]1 List of enumerated powers of the federal constitution2 Political interpretation3 Necessary and Proper Clause3.1 Mc Culloch v. Maryland4 Recent case law5 Enumerated Powers Act5.1 Tea Party support6 See also7 References8 External links List of enumerated powers of the federal constitution [ edit]The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;To borrow on the credit of the United States;To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;To provide and maintain a Navy;To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.— Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution Several amendments explicitly grant Congress additional powers. For example, the Sixteenth Amendment grants the power to \"\"lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived. \"\" Political interpretation [ edit]There are differences of opinion on whether current interpretation of enumerated powers as exercised by Congress is constitutionally sound. One school of thought is called strict constructionism."
"docid": "D1437563#0",
"title": "https://legaldictionary.net/elastic-clause/\nElastic Clause",
"text": "Elastic Clause The Elastic Clause, also known as the “ Necessary and Proper Clause ,” is perhaps the most important clause in the U. S. Constitution, though it is also the most controversial. The Clause gives Congress the authority to use powers not explicitly named in the Constitution, if they are necessary in order to perform its responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution. In other words, Congress may do whatever is “necessary and proper” to do its job. To explore this concept, consider the following Elastic Clause definition. Definition of Elastic Clause Noun A clause within the United States Constitution that grants Congress the power to pass whatever laws are deemed “necessary and proper” to help Congress to carry out the enumerated powers. Origin1788 Ratification of the U. S. Constitution (the term Elastic Clause is an Americanism adopted in the early 20th century)What is the Elastic Clause Located in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U. S. Constitution, the Elastic Clause is so named because of the flexibility it gives to Congress when it comes to exercising its enumerated powers. Like an elastic band, the Clause can be metaphorically “stretched” to meet Congress’ needs, or “contracted” to rein in Congress, if necessary. The Elastic Clause specifically states that Congress shall have the authority …“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers …”Other names for the Elastic Clause include the “Basket Clause,” the “Coefficient Clause,” and the “Sweeping Clause. ”Enumerated Powers Enumerated powers are the backbone of Congressional authority, as the Constitution specifically lists what Congress is permitted to do, and what authority is reserved for the individual states, and the people. Both Congress and the Supreme Court are notorious for their broad interpretations of just what are considered to be enumerated powers."
] |
375 | . what kind of muscle contraction is involved in warming up? | [
"docid": "D2295868#0",
"title": "http://people.bath.ac.uk/masrjb/Stretch/stretching_4.html\nBallistic Stretching",
"text": "\"Go to the previous, next chapter. Types of Stretching How to Stretch: (next chapter)Flexibility: (previous chapter)Just as there are different types of flexibility, there are also different types of stretching. Stretches are either dynamic (meaning they involve motion) or static (meaning they involve no motion). Dynamic stretches affect dynamic flexibility and static stretches affect static flexibility (and dynamic flexibility to some degree). The different types of stretching are:ballistic stretchingdynamic stretchingactive stretchingpassive (or relaxed) stretchingstatic stretchingisometric stretching PNF stretching Ballistic Stretching Dynamic Stretching Active Stretching Passive Stretching Static Stretching Isometric Stretching PNF Stretching Ballistic Stretching Dynamic Stretching: (next section)Types of Stretching: (beginning of chapter)Ballistic stretching uses the momentum of a moving body or a limb in an attempt to force it beyond its normal range of motion. This is stretching, or \"\"warming up\"\", by bouncing into (or out of) a stretched position, using the stretched muscles as a spring which pulls you out of the stretched position. ( e.g. bouncing down repeatedly to touch your toes.) This type of stretching is not considered useful and can lead to injury. It does not allow your muscles to adjust to, and relax in, the stretched position. It may instead cause them to tighten up by repeatedly activating the stretch reflex (see section The Stretch Reflex )."
] | [
"docid": "D1799007#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_opposite_of_contraction\nWhat is the contraction for how have?",
"text": "\"Maddybrill 88 Contributions What is the contraction for how have? How've Edit Jkmomoftwo 1 Contribution What is the opposite of contract? The general opposite of to contract is to expand . In terms of biology, an opening would dilate (widen) as opposed to contracting or narrowing in size. For a muscle, …What is the opposite of contracting? Expanding, if your \"\"contracting\"\" refers to shrinking in size. Edit Don Dfoofnik There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. What is the opposite of a muscle contracting? A muscle is either contracting (doing work) or relaxing (not under tension). Some muscles do not ever completely relax under normal conditions."
"docid": "D1760881#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/muscles-tightening-up.html\nMuscles Tightening Up",
"text": "Muscles Tightening Up Muscles tightening up usually indicates overworked muscles. Both physical and mental stress can lead to tightening up of the muscles or muscle spasms. This article explains common causes of muscle tightness. Scroll down to know more, and also some simple remedies to prevent weakening of muscles... Tagged Under: Muscle Pain Advertisement Virtually everyone experiences muscle tightness at some point in his / her lifetime. Muscle spasms are very painful, and their effect may last for some hours or even days on some occasions. Hypertonicity (increased muscle tension) is the main cause of tightening up of the muscles. As the muscles tighten up, movement of the fluid gets seriously affected and they become rigid. This condition is very painful and it leads to restricted movement or the affected body organ. Due to excessive tonus, the muscle remains in a shortened state. This condition is referred to as 'muscles tightening up'."
"docid": "D1021916#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/muscle_cramps/page2_em.htm\nMuscle Cramps",
"text": "\"What Is a Muscle Cramp? What Causes Muscle Cramps? What Are Risk Factors for Developing Muscle Cramps? What Are Muscle Cramp Symptoms and Signs? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for Muscle Cramps? What Specialists Treat Muscle Cramps? What Tests Do Health-Care Professionals Use to Diagnose Muscle Cramps? What Are Home Remediesfor Muscle Cramps? What Is the Treatmentfor Muscle Cramps? Are There Medications That Treat Muscle Cramps?"
"docid": "D254349#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/muscle_spasms/article.htm\nMuscle Spasms",
"text": "\"Muscle spasm facts Spasms can affect many different types of muscles in the body, leading to many different symptoms. Spasms of skeletal muscles are most common and are often due to overuse and muscle fatigue, dehydration, and electrolyte abnormalities. The spasm occurs abruptly, is painful, and is usually short-lived. It may be relieved by gently stretching the muscle. If muscle spasms are especially painful, if they do not resolve or if they recur, medical care should be accessed to look for other possible underlying causes. Smooth muscles that are within the walls of hollow organs (like the colon) can go into spasm, causing significant pain. Often this pain is colicky, meaning that it comes and goes. Examples include the pain associated with menstrual cramps, diarrhea, gallbladder pain, and passing a kidney stone. A special form of muscle spasms are the dystonias where an abnormality perhaps exists with the chemicals that help transmit signals within the brain. Examples include torticollis and blepharospasm."
"docid": "D3549881#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/54804898/kinesiology-186-flash-cards/\nKinesiology 186",
"text": "\"39 terms ntrautsch Kinesiology 186Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort FITT-VP Frequency, Intensity, Timpe, Type, Volume, Progression RPE Rate of Perceived Exertion (12-16 or 65%-85% effort)Gellish Formula Maximum HR: 207- (.7 x Age)Heart Rate Reserve Method Target HR: ( (HRmax - HRrest) * % of intensity desired) + HRrest Principles of Fitness Overload, Progression, Specificity, Reversibility Benefits of Resistance Training Body comp, glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, bone mass, osteoarthritis FITT-VP Related to Resistance Training Frequency: muscles groups Intensity: reps and weight lifted Type: multi-joint, opposing muscle groups, body weight, free weight, functional, etc. Volume: sets and reps Pattern: resting >48 hours for each muscle group, rest between sets Progression/Maintenance: increase sets, reps, and weight Warm-up Phase core temp, blood flow, muscle temp, skill rehearsal 5-10 minute general 8-12 sport specifies Cool-Down allow body to naturally return to pre-exercise state 3-5 minute general stretching5 Areas of Focus for Lower Back Pain Prevention Lower chain flexibility, anterior stabilizer endurance/strength, lateral stabilizer endurance/strength, posterior stabilizer endurance/strength, hip extensors strength No Superman? Too much compression on the lumbar spine Define the six dimensions of wellness discussed in the text, and for each dimension, list two behaviors or habits that would promote its development • Physical wellness o Eat well o Exercise • Emotional wellness o Monitoring reactions o Identifying obstacles to emotional stability • Intellectual wellness o Try new things throughout life o Challenge yourself • Interpersonal wellness o Develop satisfying and supportive relationships o Maintain these • Spiritual wellness o Focus on the positive aspects of life o Find meaning in many aspects of life • Environmental wellness o Recycle when possible o Have abundant, clean natural resources Describe differences between the major health problems and causes of death in 1900 and in 2000. List two public health developments that contributed to the shift in the leading causes of death during the twentieth century. • Many people died on average at 47 in 1900 and many died from infectious disease (pneumonia, tuberculosis, or diarrhea) and poor environmental conditions (water pollution and poor sanitation). Now life expectancy is 78.2 and the major health threats are chronic diseases. • 1. Development of vaccines and antibiotics to fight infections 2. Public health measures to improve living conditions What is the leading cause of preventable death? What is meant by \"\"preventable death\"\"? •"
"docid": "D2148489#0",
"title": "http://stretchcoach.com/articles/dynamic-stretching/\nDynamic Stretching Explained",
"text": "\"Dynamic Stretching Explained What is Dynamic Stretching? How do you do it? And does it really live up to the hype?by Brad Walker | First Published February 8, 2015 | Updated September 11, 2017Dynamic Stretching has received a lot of attention lately, and rightfully so. It’s a great form of stretching that is essential for many sports that require high levels of explosive power and speed. So let’s take a closer look at dynamic stretching. What is Dynamic Stretching? Although there are many different ways to stretch, they can all be grouped into one of two categories; static or dynamic. The term dynamic stretching (or dynamic stretches) refers to any stretching exercise that is performed with movement. In other words, the individual uses a swinging or bouncing movement to extend their range of motion (ROM) and flexibility. How is Dynamic Stretching Different from Static Stretching?"
"docid": "D1980415#0",
"title": "http://www.istd.org/courses-and-training/resources/warm-up/\nWarm-Up",
"text": "Warm-Up By Hazel Fish MSc BSc (Hons) Cert Ed (PCET) MCSP SRP AISTD Dip HSWThe Warm-up... Why? Whilst some injuries are true accidents in the sense of being unavoidable, many are the result of your body being unprepared for tasks that you have set it. There is an unwritten law among both élite athletes and casual exercisers that a warm-up prior to exercising is essential for any programme to be successful, and is an important part of prevention of injuries. However, within the population of dance teachers and students there has been confusion in the past as to what that warm-up should involve. Many in the Ballet world have believed that the preparatory exercises at the barre constitute the warm-up, but this is a fallacy. The body needs to be thoroughly warmed up before any set exercises take place if they are to be carried out as successfully and safely as possible. A good warm-up is a group of exercises performed immediately before an activity that provides the body with a period of adjustment from rest to exercise. It is designed to improve performance and reduce the chance of injury by preparing the dancer mentally as well as physically. A warm-up should have the following beneficial effects:•Increased elasticity of the muscle/ tendon unit. This allows greater flexibility of the joints and reduces the risk of injury."
"docid": "D2582585#0",
"title": "http://www.stretchify.com/isometric-stretching/\nIsometric Stretching",
"text": "Isometric Stretchingadmin | June 28, 2013 | 2 Replies Isometric stretching is a distinct type of static stretching (that is, involving no motion) which aims at increasing someone’s flexibility by executing isometric contractions of the stretched muscles. Like static stretching, it does not involve motion, while many fitness experts state that is one of the most potent ways of increasing static-passive flexibility, being more effective compared to either passive (more info here) or active stretching (detailed article here ). How Isometric Stretching Works Being a distant relative of static stretching, isometric stretching applies a different principle than it; rather than stretching to a certain point and holding that stretch, the latter actually introduces the resistance of your muscles through performing isometric contractions (tensing) of the already stretched muscles being subjected to an ordinary passive stretch. By doing so, and with some of the muscle fibers already being stretched prior to initiating the contraction, your muscles are able to overcome the earliest passive stretch, tackling the stretch reflex and inducing the lengthening reaction, which in turn prevents the stretched fibers from contracting thus enabling the trainee to apply a new, passive stretch that will go deeper. In addition, after an isometric stretch, the fibers which were put through it are able to “remember” that ability to stretch beyond their natural limit, ultimately resulting in wider range of motion. The last two sentences sum up the main advantage of Isometric stretches The above described principle of isometric stretching is hugely implemented in the more complicated PNF stretching, during which the trainee follows a sequence of passive-isometric-deeper passive stretch. Isometric Stretching Exercises Below are presented a handful of isometric stretches for random body areas; in any case, do not experiment with any of these exercises without carefully browsing through our Stretching Guide: A nice exercise which can introduce you to isometric stretching is the popular “side split”, adapted to this particular type. So, assume a seated position on the floor and begin opening your legs until you reach your flexibility limit (in principle, just as if you were performing an ordinary passive/static side split stretch); now, instead of just holding to that position for the typical 20-30 seconds, try to pull your legs against the floor as if you were trying to close them together, and thus you will have carried out an isometric stretch! Hold your stretch for 20-30 seconds (photo 1). Another one for the glutes: Lie supine on the floor with your feet initially touching a wall and with your knees forming a 90-degree angle with your thighs; now, take the left leg off the wall and cross it over the right one, so that the back of the left sole rests onto the right leg’s knee; next, grab the back part of your right thigh with both your hands and pull it towards your chest while moving its toes also backwards; now, rather than just holding the stretch there, try to push the tailbone of the left side down to the ground; hold your stretch for 20-30 seconds (photo 2)."
"docid": "D389700#0",
"title": "https://sites.google.com/site/lifesciencesinmaine/16-skin-bones-and-muscles\n16. Skin, Bones, and Muscles",
"text": "\"16. Skin, Bones, and Muscles What are human skeletons made out of? Bone. What is connected to the bone? Muscle. What layer rests on top of muscle to protect your body? Skin. Bones, muscle, and skin form the foundation of your body. The person in the above figure is moving. How do his bones help him to move?"
"docid": "D2148488#0",
"title": "http://www.stretching-exercises-guide.com/dynamic-stretching.html\nDynamic Stretching",
"text": "Dynamic Stretching Dynamic stretching, as the name implies, involves movement and muscular effort for the stretch to occur. While static stretching takes a muscle to its full length and holds it there for 15 to 60 seconds, a dynamic stretch takes soft tissues to their full length and rather than holding it, after a brief pause of 3 to five seconds, the muscle being stretched contracts and the muscles and tendons exert a force in that lengthened position. In this way we can lengthen the muscle, strengthen it in its new range, and also work on balance and coordination. It also provides a good warmup before a sport or activity. Dynamic stretching exercises have been shown to improve performance when done before an activity that requires a lot of power, strength or speed. All movements during a dynamic stretch are done deliberately and slowly so as to avoid activating the stretch reflex at the end of the movement and movements used are those that mimic those movements used in a specific sport but in a controlled yet exaggerated manner. What is involved? What are the benefits? Using this stretching exercise as part of a warm up. How do I start a this kind of stretching program?"
"docid": "D2995032#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/29476252/chapter-6-physical-fitness-for-life-flash-cards/\nchapter 6 physical fitness for life",
"text": "57 terms baylor_ashworthchapter 6 physical fitness for life Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Why dont girls develop large manly muscle if they lift weights? estrogen not testosteronewhy isnt it that the longer and harder you train the better your health will be overtrainwho needs more sleep out of the family? Teenagers The ability of the body to carry out daily activites without getting out of breath, sore, or overly tired is called _______ Physical fitness_______ is an organization that enables and encourages people who are learning disabled to become physically fit Special olympics______ causes a feeling of tightness in the chest and can cause coughing during and after exercise. Asthma Frequent strength training and eating a healthful diet may help prevent a bone thinning disease called what? osteoporosis Refers to the ratio of lean body tissue to body fat tissue body composistion Flexibility is important because lack of use can cause joints to become ____ as you age stiff RHR stands for? resting heart rate List examples of chronic disease C_______ d_______, s_____, H____ b______, type _ diabetes, and some forms of ____ cardiovascular disease stroke high bloodpressure 2 cancer Health related components of fitness M______ s_____, M___________ e_______, C_____________ e_________, F________, B________ c________ Muscular strength muscular endurance cardiorespitory endurance flexibility body composition How can exercise help reduce mental benefits? Reduces a________ and d___________, increases S___ c________ and s___ I____ anxiety depression self confidence self imagesix components of skill related fitness c-a-b-p-s-r coordination agility balance power speed reaction Heart rate that should be reached during excersize to gain cardiorespitory health benefits target heart rate zoneformula made of 4 important parts involved in fitss training the ____. List the components FITT frequency intensity tire type Number of times excersize is performed Repetions A fixed number of repitions followed by a rest period Set The average RHR is __ to __ beats per minute 50 to 80Important things to consider before excersize Health concerns healthy enough what do you enjoy cost6 ways to avoid sport injuries C-c-d-f-t-w-c-s-n-a-o-l Comfortable clothing dress for the weather correct shoes not alone obey lawsfour signs of over training injured easily dehydration loss of appetite and weight depression State in which the body has lost more water than has been taken in Dehydration RICE stands for?"
"docid": "D833959#0",
"title": "https://www.pelvicexercises.com.au/pelvic-floor-muscle-tension-article/\nExpert Techniques that Relieve Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension & Pelvic Pain",
"text": "\"You are here: Home / Pelvic Floor Exercises / Expert Techniques that Relieve Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension & Pelvic Pain Expert Techniques that Relieve Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension & Pelvic Pain July 15, 2012 by Michelle Kenway Physiotherapist Are you looking for ways to relieve your pelvic floor muscle tension now and for good? These expert Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy exercises and techniques will help you get immediate relief and know how to overcome pelvic floor tension long term. Read on now to learn: Treatment techniques that relieve pelvic floor muscle tension Exercises and activities to avoid with pelvic floor spasm What is pelvic floor muscle tension? What causes pelvic floor muscle tension or pelvic floor muscle spasm? What problems can result from overactive pelvic floor muscles? Treatment Techniques that Relieve Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension1. Lying Down Take the load off your pelvic floor by avoiding prolonged standing or sitting where possible. Lying down with a pillow under your knees or lying on your side with a pillow between your legs will relieve the weight of your abdomen off your pelvic floor muscles. When you are upright, your pelvic floor is under load. Unloading your pelvic floor muscles can give you immediate pain relief especially when combined with a warm pack.2."
"docid": "D2893177#0",
"title": "http://www.brianmac.co.uk/mobility.htm\nFlexibility - Mobility",
"text": "\"Flexibility - Mobility What is flexibility? Flexibility, mobility and suppleness all mean the range of limb movement around joints. In any movement there are two groups of muscles at work:agonistic muscles which cause the movement to take place andopposing the movement and determining the amount of flexibility are the antagonistic muscles See the page on muscle movement to find out what happens when you stretch or contract a muscle. Why do flexibility exercises? The objective of flexibility training is to improve the range of movement of the antagonistic muscles. What are the benefits? Flexibility plays an important part in the preparation of athletes by developing a range of movement to allow technical development and assisting in the prevention of injury. How will I know if I am stretching properly? When you perform a stretch correctly, you will feel mild discomfort in the antagonistic muscles. If you feel pain or a stabbing sensation, you must STOP."
"docid": "D1128579#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/muscle_cramps/page10.htm\nMuscle Cramps",
"text": "\"Muscle cramps facts A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax. Muscle cramps can occur in any muscle; cramps of the leg muscles and feet are particularly common. Almost everyone experiences a muscle cramp at some time in their life. There are a variety of types and causes of muscle cramps. Muscle cramps may occur during exercise, at rest, or at night, depending upon the exact cause. Dehydration is a common cause of muscle cramps. Numerous medicines can cause muscle cramps. Most muscle cramps can be stopped if the muscle can be stretched. Muscle cramps can often be prevented by measures such as adequate nutrition and hydration, attention to safety when exercising, and attention to ergonomic factors. Quick Guide Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms & Tips to Stay Hydrated Muscle Cramps: a Real Pain Cramps can be perceived as mild twitches or may be excruciatingly painful."
"docid": "D743917#0",
"title": "http://www.askfitnesscoach.com/what-does-it-mean-if-i-am-getting-charley-horses-all-the-time-samantha/\nSponsored Advertising Content from IdealShape, IdealFit and IdealRaw",
"text": "Sponsored Advertising Content from Ideal Shape, Ideal Fit and Ideal Raw Why Am I Getting Charley Horses All the Time? Chelsea Bush February 8, 2010Q: What does it mean if I am getting charley horses all the time in my legs and feet… especially at night when I’m in bed? What can I do to help not get them as much, or as badly? – Samantha A: There’s a lot of debate about what causes “charley horses,” or muscle cramps. According to an ABC News report, the medical world can’t pinpoint exactly why they strike out of the blue, why some people get them more than others, and why these sudden spasms usually occur in the legs and feet. Though muscle cramping isn’t believed to be a serious condition, it is painful and inconvenient, especially when it wakes you up mid-slumber!Most experts have chalked muscle cramping up to these factors: Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances Muscle overexertion Cramp-inducing blood pressure and diabetes medications Sitting in one position too long There’s no instant cure for charley horses, but stretching and massaging the muscle usually helps to relieve the pain. When massaging, it’s best to rub in the direction of the muscle fibers. So, if you get a charley horse in your calf, rub from your knee down to your heel, not sideways across the calf. Moving around and soaking in a warm bath are other ways to increase circulation and help relax the contracted muscle. You may want to warm the muscle up this way before attempting to stretch it out."
"docid": "D3333521#0",
"title": "https://www.livestrong.com/article/557366-eccentric-concentric-motions-in-a-shoulder-press/\nEccentric & Concentric Motions in a Shoulder Press",
"text": "Eccentric & Concentric Motions in a Shoulder Pressby LINDA RAY Sept. 11, 2017Your muscles operate in three basic movements: eccentric, concentric and isometric. Weight training and most cardiovascular exercises incorporate both eccentric and concentric motions. Concentric motions occur when your muscles are shortened and eccentric motions involve the lengthening of your muscles. Your elbows usually are flexed as you bring a weight closer to your body in concentric movements. Eccentric motions occur when you move the weight away from your body in any kind of weightlifting exercise, including the shoulder press. Isometrics are not really motions, but instead comprise a holding pattern when the tension on your muscles is increased with no movement. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Basics The shoulder press incorporates both eccentric and concentric motions as well as isometric motions when you hold the weight above your head. Lying on a bench or standing, you usually begin the exercise with an eccentric motion by grasping a weight and pushing it up. You may include an isometric in the exercise if you hold the barbell above your head. Isometrics are an integral part of complete weight training."
"docid": "D1951583#0",
"title": "http://www.allmaxnutrition.com/newsletter/biceps-curl-techniques-for-maximum-muscle-growth/\nBiceps Curl Techniques for Maximum Muscle Growth",
"text": "Biceps Curl Techniques for Maximum Muscle Growth On the surface, the biceps curl seems like a simple exercise involving motion exclusively at your elbows. This assumption suggests the exercise is an isolation, or single-joint, movement. The truth, however, is biceps curls involve multiple joints across your upper limbs and are thus a more complex exercise than you may think. Learning how to manipulate joint positions is a crucial technique for maximizing the growth of your muscles. This certainly applies to the biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis. These are the three main muscles that bend your elbow when you do biceps curls in its many variations. The Biceps Basic Anatomy The biceps is made up of two muscles, or heads, hence the “bi” in its name. The inner head is short, and the outer head is long. Both heads cross your shoulder, elbow, and radioulnar forearm joints, which means they act on all of these joints. More specifically, the biceps helps you raise your arm forward, bend your elbow and rotate your forearm externally to a palms-up position (called supination)."
"docid": "D777047#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Human_Physiology/The_Muscular_System\nHuman Physiology/The Muscular System",
"text": "\"< Human Physiologynavigation search← Senses — Human Physiology — Blood physiology →Homeostasis — Cells — Integumentary — Nervous — Senses — Muscular — Blood — Cardiovascular — Immune — Urinary — Respiratory — Gastrointestinal — Nutrition — Endocrine — Reproduction (male) — Reproduction (female) — Pregnancy — Genetics — Development — Answers The muscular system is the biological system of humans that produces movement. The muscular system, in vertebrates, is controlled through the nervous system, although some muscles, like cardiac muscle, can be completely autonomous. Muscle is contractile tissue and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Much of muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival, like the contraction of the heart or peristalsis, which pushes food through the digestive system. Voluntary muscle contraction is used to move the body and can be finely controlled, such as movements of the finger or gross movements that of the biceps and triceps. Muscle structure Muscle is composed of muscle cells (sometimes known as \"\"muscle fibers\"\"). Within the cells are myofibrils; myofibrils contain sarcomeres which are composed of actin and myosin. Individual muscle cells are lined with endomysium. Muscle cells are bound together by perimysium into bundles called fascicles."
"docid": "D2949926#0",
"title": "http://feveredmutterings.com/the-human-scale-of-cold-how-we-freeze-and-how-we-thaw\nThe Human Scale Of Getting Too Cold: How We Freeze (And How We Thaw)",
"text": "What happens when you’re getting too cold? PSA: This post is about how to freeze to death. If that sounds a bit too morbid and creepifying, try this post instead – it’ll keep you busy until Doomsday. When we say “cold”, we usually mean one of two things. The first is the foot-stamping, hand-rubbing, nose-blowing kind that millions of us Brits are experiencing right now as we trudge through the slush, or curse when the snow billows in our opened car doors. And then there’s the other kind. You can be sure you’re at your optimum core temperature because you’re lucid and conscious. In fact, your ongoing survival is dependent on it, on hovering somewhere near 37°C every single day, for the rest of your life. Stray above or below more than a little, and you will start to die. Luckily, you’re amazing."
"docid": "D593966#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Exercise\nexercise",
"text": "\"exercise Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to exercise: Exercise tips Exercise Definition Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioningany part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is important as a means of physical rehabilitation. Purpose Exercise is useful in preventing or treating coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, weakness,diabetes, obesity, and depression. Range of motion is one aspect of exercise important forincreasing or maintaining joint function. Strengthening exercises provide appropriate resistance to the muscles to increase endurance and strength. Cardiac rehabilitation exercises are developed andindividualized to improve the cardiovascular system for prevention and rehabilitation of cardiacdisorders and diseases. A well-balanced exercise program can improve general health, buildendurance, and slow many of the effects of aging. The benefits of exercise not only improve physicalhealth, but also enhance emotional well-being. Studies have shown that a consistent, guided exercise program benefits almost everyone from Gulf War veterans coping with fatigue, distress, cognitive problems, and mental health functioning to patients awaiting heart transplants."
] |
376 | . what language does the englishman in the alchemist speak | [
"docid": "D978305#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/a/the-alchemist/summary-and-analysis/part-2-englishman-episode\nSummary and Analysis Part 2: Englishman Episode",
"text": "\"Summary and Analysis Part 2: Englishman Episode Bookmark this page Summary We now meet a fourth important character, the Englishman. The Englishman spent a decade at a university trying to find the one true language of the universe. Before traveling to northern Africa, he studied Esperanto, an international language, then religions of the world, and finally alchemy. To the Englishman's dismay, however, the alchemists he has met won't teach him what he wants to know — perhaps, he conjectures, because they don't know it themselves. Surrounded by thick books, he awaits the departure of a caravan for Egypt. He hopes to travel through the Sahara desert to the Al-Fayoum oasis on the way there, reportedly the home of a two-hundred-year-old alchemist who can turn any metal into gold. After meeting the Englishman, Santiago removes Urim and Thummim from his pocket and is surprised when the Englishman shouts their names. The Englishman tells Santiago that the stones aren't valuable, then removes two identical stones from his own pocket. Santiago tells him that the stones came from a king, a fact which the Englishman is not surprised to learn. \"\" It was shepherds who were the first to recognize a king that the rest of the world refused to acknowledge,\"\" he says."
] | [
"docid": "D1991593#0",
"title": "http://fma.wikia.com/wiki/Alphonse_Elric/History\nAlphonse Elric/History",
"text": "\"Amestrian Civilian Armor (2009) Human (2009)Identification details Full Name Alphonse Elric Kanjiアルフォンス・エルリック (Arufonsu Erurikku)Aliases Al Armored Alchemist Armor boy Fullmetal Alchemist (rumor)Personal details Nationality Amestrian Born1900 Resembool, East State, Amestris Age14-15, 17 (end of the manga)Family Edward Elric (brother) Trisha Elric (mother, deceased) Van Hohenheim (father, deceased) Winry Rockbell (sister-in-law) Unnamed nephew and niece May Chang (girlfriend, post-manga) Homunculi (blood kin)Occupation Alchemist Unique Trait Large Armor Body Abilities Alchemy, High intelligence, Highly resilient armor body Weapon Fists, Alchemy Goal Restoring his brother's body Fulfilling promises Eating Winry's apple pie Restoring his body Character details First Appearance Chapter 1 (manga)Episode 1 (2009 series)Voice Actor Maxey Whitehead (2009 series)SeiyūRie Kugimiya Contents [ show]History Born the second son of Trisha Elric and Van Hohenheim of Resembool in the year 1900, Alphonse's first few years were relatively peaceful and happy despite the short-lived abuse of his older brother Edward; but after the sudden disappearance of his father during the toddler's formative years, Al was left with his mother and brother as his only family. The three Elrics lived in peace in the rural village and the boys began displaying a remarkable talent for alchemy at a young age, much to the joyful astonishment of their mother. However, early in the year 1904, Trisha contracted an illness that had been spreading in the area and died, leaving her two sons orphaned. Alphonse, devastated by the loss of his mother, began to fear that he and his brother would not be able to survive without her, but twisted hope returned to the boy's heart when Edward vowed that the two of them would find a way to bring their dear mother back to life with the power of alchemy. Alphonse and Edward spent the next few years living on their own in the Elric family home, supported by their close childhood friend Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako, while pursuing the alchemical knowledge necessary for their planned resurrection. Although they had gained a great deal of information and comprehension regarding the extended basics of the craft, before long it became apparent to the young prodigies that there was only so far they could go while being self-taught. In a stroke of good fortune, Resembool was visited by an exceptionally skilled alchemist named Izumi Curtis who, after some persuasion, agreed to take the Elric brothers on as her apprentices provided they pass a preliminary test. She brought the boys to Yock Island near the town of Dublith in the southern region, where she informed them that they were to survive for one full month without alchemy. If, at the end of their ordeal, they could correctly explain the concept \"\"One is All and All is One\"\", they would begin their training under her wing. Self-reliance on Yock."
"docid": "D3148623#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080209124104AA8nJVc\n\"Do I capitalize \"\"English\"\" when referring to the language, the nationality, or both?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages Do I capitalize \"\"English\"\" when referring to the language, the nationality, or both? He speaks English or english? He's a French man or a french man? Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It should be capitalized for both. English people speak English in England. Kat · 1 decade ago6 1 Comment Should English Be Capitalized Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a8U33? · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Are Languages Capitalized Source (s):https://shrink.im/a0d AN? · 2 years ago0 0 Commentdoes your passport say England or Great Britain? I would expect your official nationailty to be British. English can be a nationality, as in ethnicity, like I have english ancestors."
"docid": "D2699876#0",
"title": "http://www.convictcreations.com/research/languageidentity.html\nLanguage and Identity in Australia",
"text": "\"Language and Identity in Australia\"\"Socio-economic background in Australia is not as visible as race and ethnicity in the United States, nor is it as obvious as class in the UK .\"\" ( Moodie 2003, p. 35)The manner of speaking is an expression of identity; it signals identification with one group and rejection of another. For example, when soccer player David Beckam says, \"\"I want to fank everyone for coming\"\", his substitution of an 'f' sound for the 'th' sound shows pride in his working class roots. In England, accents vary according to class and region. In America, they vary according to race and region. Unlike America or England, Australia has no variance in speaking according to class, race or region. Instead, the accent varies according to ideology or gender. Two Australians can grow up side by side, go to the same schools, do the same job, but end up speaking English using different words, different syntax and with different accents. In fact, due to the gender variance, a brother and sister can grow up in the same house and end up speaking differently. Australia has three recognised accents."
"docid": "D220938#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/the-alchemist/characters/\nThe Alchemist",
"text": "\"Santiago - An adventurous young Andalusian shepherd determined to fulfill his Personal Legend, which is to find a treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids. He is the book's protagonist. Read an in-depth analysis of Santiago. The Alchemist - A 200-year-old, extremely powerful alchemist residing in the Al-Fayoum Oasis. He dresses in black, rides a white horse, and carries a scimitar, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Elixir of Life. He often speaks cryptically, but he understands the Soul of the World and the importance of Personal Legends. Read an in-depth analysis of The Alchemist. Crystal Merchant - A struggling merchant who owns a crystal shop on top of a desolate hill. His shop was once popular but lost much of its business as Tangier lost its status as Egypt’s premiere port town. He is a good-hearted, devout Muslim, but has a crippling fear of change."
"docid": "D1940942#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullmetal_Alchemist:_Brotherhood\nFullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the first anime adaptation, see Fullmetal Alchemist (anime). Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Cover of the first Japanese DVD volume featuring protagonist Edward Elric鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST ( Hagane no Renkinjutsushi FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST)Genre Action - adventure, fantasy, science fiction [1]Anime television series Directed by Yasuhiro Irie Produced by Hirō Maruyama Noritomo Yonai Ryo Ōyama Nobuyuki Kurashige Written by Hiroshi Ōnogi Shoutarou Suga Music by Akira Senju Studio Bones Licensed by AUS Madman Entertainment NA Funimation (Former)Aniplex of America (Current)SEA Odex UK Manga Entertainment Original network JNN ( MBS, TBS)English network AU Channel 31CA Super Channel PH TV5SEA Animax Asia US Adult Swim ( Toonami)Original run April 5, 2009 – July 4, 2010Episodes 64 ( List of episodes)Original video animation Directed by Yasuhiro Irie Produced by Noritomo Yonai Ryo Ōyama Nobuyuki Kurashige Written by Hiroshi Ōnogi Music by Akira Senju Studio Bones Licensed by AUS Madman Entertainment NA Funimation (Former) Aniplex of America (Current)UK Manga Entertainment Released August 26, 2009 – August 25, 2010Runtime 24–30 minutes Episodes 4 ( List of episodes)Anime film The Sacred Star of Milos Anime and Manga portal Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ( Japanese: 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Hepburn: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Furumetaru Arukemisuto) is an anime series adapted from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga by Hiromu Arakawa. Produced by Bones, the series is directed by Yasuhiro Irie and written by Hiroshi Ōnogi. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the second anime television series based on Fullmetal Alchemist, the first being 2003's Fullmetal Alchemist. Unlike the previous adaptation, Brotherhood is an almost 1:1 adaptation directly following the original events of the manga. It was first announced in the manga series' 20th tankōbon volume. [ 2] In Japan, it is differentiated from the 2003 series by the inclusion of the English language title. The series premiered on April 5, 2009, on MBS-TBS' Sunday 5:00 PM JST anime time block, replacing Mobile Suit Gundam 00, and ran weekly until airing its final episode on July 4, 2010. Voice actresses Romi Park and Rie Kugimiya reprise their roles as main characters Edward and Alphonse Elric, respectively. On March 20, 2009, it was announced that the English title of the series was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and that it would receive its English language premiere on Animax Asia, with Japanese audio and English subtitles, from April 10, 2009, at 8:30 p.m., five days after its Japanese premiere."
"docid": "D276708#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alchemist_(novel)\nThe Alchemist (novel)",
"text": "\"The Alchemist (novel)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For similarly named works, see Alchemist (disambiguation). The Alchemist First English edition cover Author Paulo Coelho Original title O Alquimista Country Brazil Language Portuguese Genre Quest, adventure, fantasy Publisher Harper Torch (English translation)Publication date 1988Published in English 1993Media type Print (hardback, paperback and i Tunes)Pages 163 pp (first English edition, hardcover), 208 pages (25th Anniversary Edition)ISBN 0-06-250217-4 (first English edition, hardcover)OCLC 26857452Dewey Decimal 869.3Preceded by The Pilgrimage (1987)Followed by Brida (1990)The Alchemist ( Portuguese: O Alquimista) is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho which was first published in 1988. Originally written in Portuguese, it became an international bestseller translated into some 70 languages as of 2016. [ 1] [2] An allegorical novel, The Alchemist follows a young Andalusian shepherd in his journey to the pyramids of Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there. Over the years there have been film and theatrical adaptations of the work and musical interpretations of it. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 The novel2.1 File sharing3 Reception4 Cultural influence4.1 Film adaptations4.2 Other media5 References6 External links Plot [ edit]The Alchemist follows the journey of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. Believing a recurring dream to be prophetic, he asks a Romanifortune-teller in a nearby town about its meaning. The woman interprets the dream as a prophecy telling the boy that he will discover a treasure at the Egyptian pyramids. Early into his journey, he meets an old king named Melchizedek or the king of Salem, who tells him to sell his sheep so as to travel to Egypt and introduces the idea of a Personal Legend. Your Personal Legend \"\"is what you have always wanted to accomplish."
"docid": "D276707#0",
"title": "https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/reading-for-worldviews-the-alchemist\nReading for Worldviews: The Alchemist",
"text": "Reading for Worldviews: The Alchemist Examining the worldviews of the world's 10 most-read books September 20, 2012 | Micah Mattix Share Arts & Culture Editors' Note: “When you sell a man a book you don't sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue,” novelist Christopher Morley said, “you sell him a whole new life.” During the past 50 years more books have been sold than in any other time in history. So what type of life—-or, as Abraham Kuyper would say, world-and-life view—-are we buying? As a partial answer to that question, we've asked several Christian thinkers to examine the worldviews presented in the top 10 most-read books . Previously in this series: Louis Markos on Reading for Worldviews Douglas Wilson on The Lord of the Rings Originally published in Portuguese in 1988, Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist has since been translated into 56 languages and sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. Why does this novel resonate with so many? In his introduction to the English translation, Coelho at first claims not to know, but he goes on to suggest that perhaps it's because “we all need to be aware of our personal calling.” This, I am sure, is one of its many appeals, but it's not the only one, nor is it as blithely positive as it might seem. Purposeful Life Despite our otherwise pessimistic age, The Alchemist 's popularity shows us that we still very much long for a meaningful life—-a life structured around a single purpose. For those who haven't read it, the novel recounts the adventures of a young shepherd by the name of Santiago."
"docid": "D2740559#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnome_(D%26D)\nGnome ( Dungeons & Dragons)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Gnome (D&D))navigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( April 2013)This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in-universe style. ( April 2013)Gnome Characteristics Alignment Usually Neutral Good Type Humanoid In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, gnomes are one of the core races available for play as player characters. [ 1] Some speculate that they are closely related to dwarves; however, gnomes are more tolerant of other races and of magic, and are skilled with illusions. [ 1] Gnomes are Small sized humanoids, standing 3-3½ feet (90-105 centimeters) tall. Contents [ hide ]1 Publication history1.1 Dungeons & Dragon s1.2 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition1.3 Dungeons & Dragons1.4 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition1.5 Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition1.6 Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition1.7 Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition2 Subraces3 Society4 Names5 Birth pets6 Relationship with animals7 Magic in common8 Education9 Courtship, love and marriage10 Gem cutting skills11 Burgomaster and governance12 Crime13 Religion14 References Publication history [ edit]Dungeons & Dragon s [ edit]The gnome first appeared in the original 1974 edition of Dungeons & Dragons, [2] and in its second supplement, Blackmoor (1975). [ 3]Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition [ edit]The gnome appeared as a player character race in the original Player's Handbook (1978). [ 4] The gnome also appeared in the original Monster Manual (1977). ["
"docid": "D2292048#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/gringo\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does gringo mean? Definitions for gringo Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word gringo. Princeton's Word Net (2.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:gringo (noun)a Latin American (disparaging) term for foreigners (especially Americans and Englishmen)Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:gringo (Noun)A Caucasian foreigner. Origin: From gringo, from griego, used for anyone who spoke an unintelligible language. Freebase (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Gringo Gringo is a slang Spanish and Portuguese word used in Ibero-America, to denote foreigners, often from the United States. The term can be applied to someone who is actually a foreigner, or it can denote a strong association or assimilation into foreign society and culture. Roger Axtell, a travel etiquette expert, notes that \"\" [t]he word gringo is not necessarily a bad word. It is slang but is derogatory only in its use and context.\"\" The word was used in Spain long before it crossed the Atlantic to denote foreign, non-native speakers of Spanish. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (4.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: Gringogring′gō, n. an Englishman or American among Spanish-speaking Americans. ["
"docid": "D2285621#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_is_nicolas_flamel_in_harry_potter\nWho is Nicolas Flamel in Harry Potter?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Books and Literature Fantasy Books Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Who is Nicolas Flamel in Harry Potter? Flag Who is Nicolas Flamel in Harry Potter? Answer by Imo Pop Confidence votes 17.3K\"\"All was well. \"\" Nicolas Flamel is notable alchemist who, in the series, has created the Philosopher's Stone and is over 600 years old. Flamel and his wife are close friends of Albus Dumbledore. They died a natural death after the Stone was destroyed to prevent further attempts to steal it. Nicolas Flamel was a real person (born c. 1330 d. 1418) who was an author. After his death, some believed that he was an alchemist who had found the Philosopher's Stone. There is no evidence to suggest that Flamel knew anything about alchemy and he certainly didn't live over 600 years.16 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Gudbooks 88 Contributions Who were the characters Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel in Harry Potter?"
"docid": "D1976831#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englishman\nEnglish people",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Englishman)navigation search This article is about a nation and an ethnic group. For information on the population of England, see Demography of England. For other uses, see English (disambiguation) and Englishman (disambiguation). \"\" Englanders\"\" redirects here. It is not to be confused with the term Little Englander. English Total populationc. 80-100 million worldwide [ citation needed]Regions with significant populations United Kingdom 37.6 million in England and Wales [1]United States 25 million a [2]Australia 7.2 million b [3]Canada 6.6 million c [4]South Africa 1.6 million d [5]New Zealand 44,000–282,000 [6]Languages English Religion Traditionally Anglicanism, but also non-conformists and dissenters (see History of the Church of England ), as well as other Protestants; also Roman Catholics (see Catholic Emancipation ); Islam (see Islam in England ); other faiths (see Religion in England ). Related ethnic groups [ original research? ] other British people Germanic peoples (esp. Frisians)a English American, b English Australian, c English Canadian, d British diaspora in Africa The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language."
"docid": "D916336#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/0ynr5jx-t__l/metaphor-in-the-alchemist/\nMetaphor In The Alchemist",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like Metaphor In The Alchemist No descriptionby Katherine Placeon 27 November 2013Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Metaphor In The Alchemist Metaphor In The Alchemist By Katherine Place What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison without using \"\"like\"\" or \"\"as\"\". It is meant to make you think or relate things to each other... giving it deeper meaning and relevance. What we will be looking at today The 3 main metaphors in the alchemist... Life: The Desert Seeing: The Language of The World Goals: The Universe Life: The Desert?or Dessert? Seeing: Sight? or Insight? Goals: Passive? Active? Desert: Alone Dessert: Community We wander like lost sheep in a desert."
"docid": "D1422327#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/the-alchemist/summary.html\nThe Alchemist",
"text": "Plot Overview<< Prev Section Next Section >>A recurring dream troubles Santiago, a young and adventurous Andalusian shepherd. He has the dream every time he sleeps under a sycamore tree that grows out of the ruins of a church. During the dream, a child tells him to seek treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids. Santiago consults a gypsy woman to interpret the dream, and to his surprise she tells him to go to Egypt. A strange, magical old man named Melchizedek, who claims to be the King of Salem, echoes the gypsy’s advice and tells Santiago that it is his Personal Legend to journey to the pyramids. Melchizedek convinces Santiago to sell his flock and set off to Tangier. When Santiago arrives in Tangier, a thief robs him, forcing him to find work with a local crystal merchant. The conservative and kindly merchant teaches Santiago several lessons, and Santiago encourages the merchant to take risks with his business. The risks pay off, and Santiago becomes a rich man in just a year. Santiago decides to cash in his earnings and continue pursuing his Personal Legend: to find treasure at the pyramids."
"docid": "D2505402#0",
"title": "http://the-artifice.com/fullmetal-alchemist-differences-between-the-2003-version-brotherhood/\nFullmetal Alchemist: Differences between the 2003 Version & Brotherhood",
"text": "Fullmetal Alchemist: Differences between the 2003 Version & Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist is an iconic anime that has been recommended countless times over the past decade. If you are new to the anime scene, you may be wondering: “What’s all the fuss about? Is it really that good? Which version should I watch?” This is what I hope to decipher for you. I will try not say which one is “better”, but point out the key differences and leave the decision up to you. The whole gang in chibi form. © Fullmetal Alchemist. BONES. First thing is first: this is a great show for anime newbies."
"docid": "D715773#0",
"title": "http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeIV/Methods.htm\n.",
"text": "What is Esoteric? Methods in the Study of Western Esotericism By Arthur Versluis Until comparatively recently, there was very little scholarship on Western esotericism as a field. There were, of course, various articles and books on aspects of Western esotericism like alchemy or Rosicrucianism, but there was virtually no sense in the scholarly world that these disparate tributaries of thought formed a larger current of Western esotericism as such. One finds landmark studies in the mid-twentieth century by authors like Frances Yates, but no one who demarcated “Western esotericism” as a field for interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary study. This situation was to change with the work of Antoine Faivre (1934-) who, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, with numerous major books and articles defined an entire field of inquiry. Faivre holds a chair in the École Pratique des Hautes Études at the Sorbonne in the “Histoire des courants ésotériques et mystiques dans l’Europe moderne et contemporaine,” and his work represents the first strictly academic overview of Western esotericism. In his view, it is best to speak of Western esotericism in terms of “forms of thought” rather than in terms of “occult tradition” or similar terminology. He is interested in delineating the elements that make up particular ways of thinking we can mark as “esoteric,” and this methodological approach has been widely accepted. In his definitive book Accès de l’ésotérisme occidental, (1996), he demarcates four primary and two secondary characteristics that he sees as common to all the various currents of Western esotericism. Faivre’s six characteristics are, again, as follows: 1."
"docid": "D3229168#0",
"title": "http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot/sot/sot01.htm\nWHAT IS THE TAROT?",
"text": "\"Sacred Texts Tarot Tarot Reading Index Previous Nextp. 3WHAT IS THE TAROT? No study of occult philosophy is possible without an acquaintance with symbolism, for if the words occultism and symbolism are correctly used, they mean almost one and the same thing. Symbolism cannot be learned as one learns to build bridges or speak a foreign language, and for the interpretation of symbols a special cast of mind is necessary; in addition to knowledge, special faculties, the power of creative thought and a developed imagination are required. One who understands the use of symbolism in the arts, knows, in a general way, what is meant by occult symbolism. But even then a special training of the mind is necessary, in order to comprehend the \"\"language of the Initiates\"\", and to express in this language the intuitions as they arise. There are many methods for developing the \"\"sense of symbols\"\" in those who are striving to understand the hidden forces of Nature and Man, and for teaching the fundamental principles as well as the elements of the esoteric language. The most synthetic, and one of the most interesting of these methods, is the Tarot In its exterior form the Tarot is a pack of cardsp. 4used in the south of Europe for games and fortune-telling. These cards were first known in Europe at the end of the fourteenth century, when they were in use among the Spanish gypsies."
"docid": "D3309583#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/a/the-alchemist/summary-and-analysis/part-2-oasis-episode\nSummary and Analysis Part 2: Oasis Episode",
"text": "\"Summary and Analysis Part 2: Oasis Episode Bookmark this page Summary The next morning, Santiago awakens to see rows of date palms stretching across the entire desert where previously he had seen only stars. The Englishman is relieved to have reached the oasis; he can now find the alchemist. Santiago thinks about his treasure, and how far off it still remains. He notices that the closer he comes to realizing his dream, the more distant it seems. Meanwhile, the alchemist is watching. He notices the overwhelming happiness of the travelers, who appreciate the sudden greenery of the oasis. \"\" Maybe God created the desert so that man could appreciate the date palms,\"\" he thinks. He then decides to focus his attention on more practical matters. Omens have told the alchemist that an important man arrived with the caravan. He is supposed to teach this man the secrets of alchemy."
"docid": "D599244#0",
"title": "http://paulocoelhobooks.blogspot.com/2007/11/alchemist-themes-motifs-and-symbols.html\nThe Alchemist : Themes, Motifs, and Symbols",
"text": "\"The Alchemist : Themes, Motifs, and Symbols Posted by eastern writer at 1:51 PM | Labels: Book Review Fate Vs. Will Fate is constantly intertwined with will, and a key theme of the book focuses on how much in life is under one's control, and how much is controlled by fate. The old king states that the world's greatest lie is that \"\"at some point during our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.\"\" While this point of view strongly supports that will has a stronger hold on one's destiny, later events, such as Santiago and the alchemist being caught by warring tribes, demonstrate fate's hold on one's life. However, in every situation where fate does take over, the characters are capable to excavate themselves from the situation. For, instance, after being caught by the tribal chief, Santiago is able to turn himself into the wind, demonstrate his power, and is released. Love Love is described as a part of the Soul of the World. Love occurs in life and Nature, as everything supports each other, they love each other. Santiago tells the desert that it shows love for the alchemist's falcon by offering it game, after which the falcon shows love to man as it offers the game to eat, and the man shows love for the desert as after one dies, his body is reintegrated into the desert sands. There is also love in people, demonstrated by Santiago's love of Fatima's beauty, and Santiago's knowing that it is part of his Personal Legend to love her."
"docid": "D3243588#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/alchemist/about\nAlchemist",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Alchemist Embed Alchemist Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Alchemist means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons With the Last Name Alchemist Fun Facts What Alchemists Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Owacgiu<100 Sadabalam<100 Atreal<100 Mickeila<100 Ormazd<100 Poigant<100 Ahrimann<100 Concubine<100 Caboodle<100 Sadab<100 Ichigo376 Thunder How to Pronounce Alchemist Alchemist Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Alchemist? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Alchemist mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Alchemist Submit the origin and/or meaning of Alchemist to us below Origin of Alchemist Alchemist Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun Al\"\"che*mist One who practices alchemy. Etymology: Cf. OF. alquemiste, F. alchimiste Other Dictionary Sources One who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone Wiktionary From Old French alquemiste (French alchimiste ), from Medieval Latin alchemista. See alchemy. One who practices alchemy."
"docid": "D717542#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/313718077/The-Alchemist-Study-Questions\nThe Alchemist",
"text": "The Alchemist Guided Study Questions Directions: Answer the following questions. You DO NOT have to answer in complete sentences. This assignment will count as two homework grades and will be due on the day of your final exam (2 nd = Friday, June 4; 3rd = Monday, June 7). ( pg. 1-10) 1. Who is Santiago? How is he introduced at the beginning of the story?2. What is strange or unusual about Santiago’s dream?3. Recall a dream you have had. What makes this dream especially memorable?"
] |
377 | . what nerve carries the message from your eyes to your brain? | [
"docid": "D2810758#0",
"title": "http://www.summitmedicalgroup.com/library/adult_health/oph_optic_neuropathy/\nSummit Medical Group Web Site",
"text": "View image What is traumatic optic neuropathy? The optic nerve connects your eyes to your brain. It carries the visual messages that you see to your brain. An injury to your optic nerve is called traumatic optic neuropathy. If your injury is severe, you may have permanent changes in your vision. What is the cause? Traumatic optic neuropathy can be caused by a direct injury to the optic nerve, or injuries near the nerve can cause damage from swelling, bleeding, or infections. Damage can happen with any injury to your head or eye socket such as: Falls Car or bike accidents Sports injuries Being punched, kicked, stabbed or shot in your eye Complications of surgery in your eye socket, brain or sinuses What are the symptoms? Symptoms may include: Vision loss in one eye that may worsen over several days Trouble seeing colors or everything looking dim Pain and swelling in your eye How is it diagnosed? Your eye care provider will ask about your symptoms and medical history and do exams and tests such as: An exam using a microscope with a light attached, called a slit lamp, to look closely at the front and back of your eye An exam using drops to enlarge, or dilate, your pupils and a light to look into the back of your eyes A test of the way your pupils react to light."
] | [
"docid": "D1914358#0",
"title": "https://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=152&id=2612\nThe nervous system",
"text": "\"The nervous system Contents What is the nervous system? How nerve cells work The central nervous system The peripheral nervous system Dr Kate says What is the nervous system? The nervous system is the highway along which your brain sends and receives information about what is happening in the body and around it. This highway is made up of billions of nerve cells, or neurons (say new-rons) which join together to make nerves. A nerve is a fibre that sends impulses through the body. These fibres are covered by fatty substance called myelin (say my-e-lin). Myelin helps the messages go fast through the neurons. Nerve cells work by a mixture of chemical and electrical action. The two main parts of the nervous system are the central nervous system and the peripheral (say per-if-er-al) nervous system. How nerve cells work At the end of each nerve cell there is a synaptic terminal (say sin-ap-tik term-in-ul)."
"docid": "D164598#0",
"title": "http://www.ptdirect.com/training-design/anatomy-and-physiology/the-nervous-system-2013-anatomy-and-function\nNervous System: Anatomy and Function",
"text": "Nervous System: Anatomy and Function Read this page and discover how the nervous system controls everything we do - with significant implications for exercise instruction. Nervous system terms Firstly, with the nervous system there are many new terms you will likely come across, whether its in this section, in other anatomy text books and in the fitness industry. To help you understand some of these new terms we have defined them in the following table (bear in mind that you may need to read on for some of these definitions to make sense! ): Term Definition CNSCNS stands for central nervous system and includes the brain and spinal cord. PNSPNS stands for peripheral nervous system and includes all nerves outside of the CNSNeuron Neurons (nerve cells) are the building blocks of all nerves. Individual nerves are made up of thousands of neurons. Action potential Action potentials are the electrical impulses (messages) that travel throughout the nervous system EPSPEPSP stands for excitory post-synaptic potential. It is a positive change that makes a nerve more likely to fire an action potential IPSPIPSP stands for inhibitory post-synaptic potential. It is a negative change that makes a nerve less likely to fire an action potential Depolarisation This refers to the charge within a neuron becoming positive and reaching threshold. Resulting in an action potential being fired."
"docid": "D2739107#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/5266996/ap-psychology-sensation-and-perception-flash-cards/\nAP Psychology: Sensation and Perception",
"text": "43 terms ohvvn AP Psychology: Sensation and Perception Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Constancy - Every object we changes minutely from moment to moment due to our changing angle of vision, variations in light, and so on. - Our ability to maintain a constant perception of an object despite these changes. - Several types of constancy: size constancy, shape constancy, and brightness constancy. Depth Cues - Researchers divide the cues that we we use to perceive depth into two categories: 1. Monocular cues - Depth cues that do not depend on having two eyes (e.g., linear perspective, interposition, shading, and texture gradient). 2. Binocular cues - Cues that depend on having two eyes (e.g., retinal disparity and convergence). Bottom-up Processing - Opposite of top-down processing. -"
"docid": "D1697421#0",
"title": "http://www.dummies.com/education/science/biology/the-five-sense-organs-in-human-beings/\nThe Five Sense Organs in Human Beings",
"text": "Education Science Biology The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings The sense organs — eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose — help to protect the body. The human sense organs contain receptors that relay information through sensory neurons to the appropriate places within the nervous system. Each sense organ contains different receptors. General receptors are found throughout the body because they are present in skin, visceral organs (visceral meaning in the abdominal cavity), muscles, and joints. Special receptors include chemoreceptors (chemical receptors) found in the mouth and nose, photoreceptors (light receptors) found in the eyes, and mechanoreceptors found in the ears. Oooh, that smell: Olfaction Olfactory cells line the top of your nasal cavity. On one end, olfactory cells have cilia — hair-like attachments — that project into the nasal cavity. On the other end of the cell, are olfactory nerve fibers, which pass through the ethmoid bone and into the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb is directly attached to the cerebral cortex of your brain. As you breathe, anything that is in the air that you take in enters your nasal cavity: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, dust, pollen, chemicals."
"docid": "D1592627#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/11882185/ap-psychology-sensation-and-perception-flash-cards/\nAP Psychology - Sensation and Perception",
"text": "48 terms Read Reed Red AP Psychology - Sensation and Perception Psychology sensation and perception learned in the AP class. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Transduction -The translation of incoming stimuli into neural signals. -Neural impulses from the senses travel first to the thalamus and then on to different cortices of the brain. -The sense of smell is the one exception to this rule. Sensory Adaptation -Decreasing responsiveness to stimuli due to constant stimulation. -For example, we eventually stop perceiving a persistent scent in a room. Sensory Habituation (also called Perceptual Adaptation) -Our perception of sensations is partially determined by how focused we are on them. -For example, no longer hearing traffic from the nearby freeway after having lived in a place for years."
"docid": "D560#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/anatomy_of_the_central_nervous_system/article_em.htm\nCNS (Central Nervous System Anatomy)",
"text": "\"Central Nervous System Facts What are the different parts of the CNS (diagram)The Brain and Cerebrum The Central Structures of the Brain The Base of the Brain The Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System What Is the CNS (Central Nervous System)? The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord (see Multimedia File 1). The brain plays a central role in the control of most bodily functions, including awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory. Some reflex movements can occur via spinal cord pathways without the participation of brain structures. The spinal cord is connected to a section of the brain called the brainstem and runs through the spinal canal. Cranial nerves exit the brainstem. Nerve roots exit the spinal cord to both sides of the body. The spinal cord carries signals (messages) back and forth between the brain and the peripheral nerves. Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and also circulates within the cavities (called ventricles) of the central nervous system. The leptomeninges surround the brain and the spinal cord."
"docid": "D1781883#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/blind-spot-in-visual-field\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Blind Spot In Visual Field",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Blind Spot In Visual Field Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Matt Malkin2 doctors agreed:1 What would cause blind spots in my visual field and tingling feeling under the skin in my left temporal area? sometimes its accompanied by headache. Go get seen! : Any blind spots must be treated asap! The list of posdibilities can be long. Neurologic problems like stroke, ms, migraine. Autoimmune disease like vasculitis or temporal arteritis. Either way, waiting even a day can jeopardize your vision or life. ... Read more Dr. Herman Hammerstead110 Doctors shared insights Blind Spot In Vision (Definition)Most people are not aware of their blind spot, the small spot in everybody's visual field that is blank. The attachment point of the optic nerve (the nerve that carries all visual information to the brain) to the eyeball causes every person to ... Read more Dr. Jan Lei Iwata Ophthalmology19 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Michael Kleerekoper2 doctors agreed:2 Very faint visual disturbance when moving eyes, disappears when still."
"docid": "D1879121#0",
"title": "http://www.choosenatural.com/natural-health/what-is-the-brain-stem/\nWhatâs the Brain Stem?",
"text": "What’s the Brain Stem? Jun20 Published on June 20, 2011brain stem The brain stem performs critical functions - do you know what they are? You may have heard of the brain stem, but do you know what it’s in charge of? What its basic function is? The purpose it serves for your body? The brain stem acts as a bridge between the lower most part of your brain (cerebellum) and your spinal cord; it carries messages through your nerves to your brain and messages from your brain through your nerves back to your body parts. The brain stem is also made up of several different structures that control some of the most basic functions that keep you alive – your breathing, your heart rate and your blood pressure. The brain stem also coordinates such things as eye movements, movement of the jaw, tongue and larynx, your facial expressions, and sensations and movements of your neck and head; the brain stem accomplishes that through the cranial nerves that pass through it. Basically, all nerve communication between the brain and the spinal cord passes through the brain stem, so you can certainly understand its importance!Any type of injury to the brain stem could be devastating. More serious injuries can result in a prolonged coma or what is also known as a “persistent vegetative state."
"docid": "D2562820#0",
"title": "https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/knowledge/160900/vertigo-causes-symptoms-treatments\nEverything you need to know about vertigo",
"text": "Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Everything you need to know about vertigo Last updated Fri 24 November 2017By Markus Mac Gill Reviewed by University of Illinois-Chicago, School of Medicine What is vertigo? Treatment Causes Types Diagnosis Exercises Home remedies Vertigo refers to a sense of spinning dizziness. It is a symptom of a range of conditions. It can happen when there is a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway. Dizziness, or vertigo, can happen at any age, but it is common in people aged 65 years and over. Vertigo can be temporary or long-term. Persistent vertigo has been linked to mental health issues. A psychiatric problem may cause the dizziness, or vertigo may affect a person's ability to function in daily life, potentially leading to depression or anxiety. What is vertigo? Vertigo is a sensation of spinning dizziness."
"docid": "D2042946#0",
"title": "http://mchenry.wikispaces.com/HumanBehavior\nWelcome visitors!",
"text": "\"Human Behavior Edit 112 257 …Welcome visitors!Please be aware that this is a student-generated wiki designed for review for my students' AP exams. Come in, look around, and enjoy yourself...just be aware of the nature of this wiki. Even though most everything is correct, I advise caution before citing this as an authoritative source. Human Behavior Everything psychological is simultaneously biological (Meyers 57). Neuroscience : The study of the nervous system, the brain, spinal cord and neurons. Biological psychology A branch of psychology concerned with the links between biology and behavior. Biological psychologists gain a better understanding of sleep and dreams, depression and schizophrenia, hunger and sex, stress and disease (Myers 58). Biological Psychologist attempt to understand the relations between nature and nurture. Biological Psychologist also call themselves behavioral neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, or biosychologists (Myers). Neural Communication According to Myers, the body is made up of a complex network of neurons which work to help the body communicate with itself."
"docid": "D2057012#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/multiple-sclerosis-symptoms-4014397\nMultiple Sclerosis Symptoms",
"text": "\"Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms By Colleen Doherty | Reviewed by a board-certified physician Updated July 21, 2016Print Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease that can be challenging to diagnose, in large part due to the diversity of symptoms it causes. In other words, MS manifests itself uniquely in each person affected by it. This is why one friend with MS may seem to be highly functional, and another friend with MS is unable to work due to her MS-related disabilities. In addition to the unique types of symptoms seen in MS, symptoms also vary in duration; some come and go, some are permanent. Also, symptoms vary in intensity—some are mild and bearable, and others are severe and disabling. While there is a wide range of potential MS symptoms, there are some that are more common than others, such as abnormal sensations, fatigue, bladder problems, and depression. The Most Common Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis View both normal and impaired nerve impulses. In the brain and spinal cord, nerve fibers (axons) are responsible for transmitting impulses from one nerve cell to another. Article How Your Muscles Are Affected in MSArticle How Fibromyalgia and MS are Similar and Different The myelin sheath, which surrounds and coats these nerve fibers, is what allows these impulses to travel efficiently and rapidly. In MS, a person's immune system attacks the myelin sheath, either damaging or destroying it."
"docid": "D290464#0",
"title": "https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-the-Nervous-System.aspx\nWhat is the Nervous System?",
"text": "What is the Nervous System? Download PDF Copy By Dr Ananya Mandal, MDThe nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. The nervous system includes both the Central nervous system and Peripheral nervous system. The Central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord and The Peripheral nervous system is made up of the Somatic and the Autonomic nervous systems. The Central Nervous System (CNS)The central nervous system is divided into two major parts: the brain and the spinal cord. Neurotransmission - 3D Medical Animation Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:38The Brain The brain lies within the skull and is shaped like a mushroom. The brain consists of four principal parts:the brain stemthe cerebrumthe cerebellumthe diencephalon The brain weighs approximately 1.3 to 1.4 kg. It has nerve cells called the neurons and supporting cells called the glia. There are two types of matter in the brain: grey matter and white matter."
"docid": "D392486#0",
"title": "https://www.mayfieldclinic.com/PE-AnatBrain.htm\nAnatomy of the Brain",
"text": "\"Anatomy of the Brain Overview The brain is an amazing three-pound organ that controls all functions of the body, interprets information from the outside world, and embodies the essence of the mind and soul. Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are a few of the many things governed by the brain. Protected within the skull, the brain is composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem. The brainstem acts as a relay center connecting the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord. The brain receives information through our five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing - often many at one time. It assembles the messages in a way that has meaning for us, and can store that information in our memory. The brain controls our thoughts, memory and speech, movement of the arms and legs, and the function of many organs within our body. It also determines how we respond to stressful situations (such as taking a test, losing a job, or suffering an illness) by regulating our heart and breathing rate. Nervous system The nervous system is divided into central and peripheral systems. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord."
"docid": "D772744#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/24875812/milady-chapter-6-review-flash-cards/\nMilady Chapter 6 Review",
"text": "120 terms tiphaneenichols Milady Chapter 6 Review Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Try diagrams on Quizlet!See what you're learning in a whole new way. Browse diagrams Sort Protoplasm The cells of all living things are composed of a substance called: Daughter Cells Most cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called: Neurons Nerve tissue carries messages to the brain and is made up of special cells known as: Mandible The largest and strongest bone of the face that forms the lower jaw. Origin, Belly, and Insertion Name the three parts of a muscle. Histology Also known as microscopic anatomy. Cells The basic unit of all living things. Cytoplasm The protoplasm of a cell that surrounds the nucleus. Toxins, Injury, and Disease Unfavorable conditions for mitosis. Metabolism The chemical process in living organisms whereby cells are nourished and carry out their activities. Catabolism The phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within cells into smaller ones. Connective Tissue The tissue that binds together, protects, and supports parts of the body."
"docid": "D1781720#0",
"title": "http://www.scienceclarified.com/everyday/Real-Life-Biology-Vol-3-Earth-Science-Vol-1/Chemoreception-How-it-works.html\nChemoreception - How it works",
"text": "\"Chemoreception - How it works Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Photo by: Aleksandr Kurganov The Senses The term sense, which also may be called sensory reception and sensory perception, refers to the means by which an organism (usually an animal) receives signals regarding physical or chemical changes or both in its environment. Sensory reception and perception entail the translation of these signals, which represent changes in the matter or energy of the environment, into processes within the body and brain. For example, if you eat a cookie, your sense of taste translates the chemical data from that cookie into the sensation of sweetness, a sensation your brain most likely perceives as a pleasing one. In everyday language, people are accustomed to speaking of five senses possessed by humans and, to a greater or lesser degree, by other animals: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. The reality is rather more complex. For one thing, there are not really just five senses; rather, there are at least five others—and there may be more, depending on just how one defines and classifies the senses. These other senses include the kinesthetic sense, or the discernment of motion; the sensation of temperature, or distinguishing relative heat and cold; the awareness of pressure; the sense of equilibrium or balance; and the perception of pain. All of these senses involve a response to stimuli, which may be defined as any phenomenon (that is, an observable fact or event, such as an environmental change) that directly influences the activity or growth of a living organism. Each of these senses has a biological component as well as a physical or a chemical one. In the next few paragraphs, we briefly discuss what this means, first by considering the nervous system in general terms and then by looking at the physical and chemical receptors that transmit data through that system."
"docid": "D2120954#0",
"title": "http://www.frontsplitsfast.com/why-is-it-that-i-feel-nauseous-or-lightheaded-when-i-am-stretching\nWhy is it that I feel Nauseous or Lightheaded when I am Stretching?",
"text": "Why is it that I feel Nauseous or Lightheaded when I am Stretching? When I work with students in workshops both in Australia and all over the world they come up with all kinds of questions. These questions often surprise the teachers who are watching as sometimes they seem unrelated to physical therapy, when in actual fact they are. While I was at one of our recent workshops one of the students asked,“Why is it that I feel nauseous or lightheaded when I am stretching? Sometimes I actually feel like I am going to throw up but then other times it is ok. Is there anything I can do because it really puts me off stretching! There are several reasons why you can get nauseous while stretching (and if anyone else has other suggestions please feel free to comment!) Each of them has a different mechanism so I will explain why it happens and how to address it in detail. The three main culprits that I usually see are: A) Positioning of the head B) Emotional tension C) Stretching of the nervous system A) Positioning of the head: Often when you are doing stretches in class you may look up to watch the teacher or turn you head to talk to a friend. We have lots of little muscles right up at the back of the neck that feed information to our brain about where our body is in space."
"docid": "D3312615#0",
"title": "https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/brain-nervous-system.html\n.",
"text": "\"Kids Health / For Teens / Brain and Nervous System What's in this article? Listenen español El cerebro y el sistema nervioso The Brain Is the Boss When you're taking a big math test, you know that your brain is hard at work. But your brain is doing a lot more than just remembering formulas. Those sweaty palms you get as the test starts? That's your brain at work. The relief you feel when you know an answer's right? That's your brain too. And yes, your brain is even in charge when you take a minute to daydream about the big party on Friday night.1/16The Brain and Nervous System The brain is like a computer that controls the body's functions, and the nervous system is like a network that relays messages to parts of the body. Click through this slideshow to learn more about the brain and nervous system. Print this slide© 2018 The Nemours Foundation/Kids Health."
"docid": "D560361#0",
"title": "http://brainu.org/glossary-neuroscience-terms\nGlossary of Neuroscience Terms",
"text": "Glossary A-to-Z: Click on the letters to browse the content alphabetically.a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | xyzabdomenthe hindmost of an insect's three major body sections; the center for digestion and reproduction (M. sexta Wax Model)abdominalrelating to or involving the abdomen (M. sexta Wax Model)action potentialan electrical signal that travels along the axon, away from the cell body to the axon terminal where it triggers the release of neurotransmitters (Virtual Neurons, Connect the Neurons)action potential amplitude The maximum amplitude of an action potential is a constant value, greater than 0m V. The total amplitude of an action potential is the displacement from the resting potential to the maximum amplitude, usually 70m V or more.afferentincoming information or neuronal connection; coming into or towards the central nervous systemamygdalapart of the brain involved in processing the memory of emotional reactions, notably fear and anger (Sheep Brain Dissection)anteriortoward the front or the head, see also rostral (Sheep Brain Dissection)arachnoid matermiddle layer of the 3 membranes surrounding and protecting the brain. The space between the arachnoid and pia mater contains many blood vessels that supply the brain.association cortexparts of cortex putting together and interpreting sensory information (Motor Learning)auditionthe sense of hearing; the ability to detect information from sound wavesaxonthe neuronal process that sends the signal or message away from the cell body toward target cells or neurons (Connect the Neurons, Close-up of the Nervous System, Bead Neuron)axon terminalthe very end part of an axon that makes a synaptic contact with another cell; the point where neurotransmitters are released (Connect the Neurons, Close-up of the Nervous System)balancethe sense of body movement with respect to gravitybilayertwo layers of lipid molecules with their water-liking sides facing outward and their water-hating sides facing each other; lipid bilayers form plasma membranes of cells and membranes of other organelles.blood volumethe total amount of blood in a bodybrainstemthe part of the central nervous system connecting the brain to the spinal cord. The brainstem contains pathways sending information to and receiving information from the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It also contains neurons that control respiration and regulation of heart rhythms. ( Sheep Brain Dissection)carbohydratecomplex organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that store energy and act as structural components of cellscaudaltowards the tail; the tail end of the nervous systemcell bodythe bulbous part of the neuron, also called the soma, that contains the nucleus. Dendrites and axons are processes off of the cell body. ( Bead Neuron)central nervous systemthe brain and spinal cordcerebellumthe highly folded part of the central nervous system above or dorsal to the brainstem that helps control movement, balance, and muscle coordination (Sheep Brain Dissection, Close-up of the Nervous System, Mirror Image)cerebral cortexthe largest and most complex part of the mammalian central nervous system; appears as tightly packed fat ridges ( gyri) and narrow folds ( sulci ); responsible for all forms of conscious experience, including perception, emotion, thought, and planning. Cortex means bark in Greek; the bark of the cork tree looks a lot like the cerebral cortex. ( Sheep Brain Dissection, Close-up of the Nervous System, Memory Items)cerebral hemispheresthe two halves of the cerebral cortex. The left hemisphere is specialized for initiating speech, language, writing, and calculations."
"docid": "D392953#0",
"title": "https://www.brainandspine.org.uk/anatomy-brain\nAnatomy of the brain and spine",
"text": "Anatomy of the brain and spine Learn more about the anatomy and the functions of the brain and spine Home Information and support Anatomy of the brain and spine The brain and spine are vital to keep the body alive and functioning. Everything we do depends on the messages (nerve impulses) that are sent from the brain, along the spinal cord and on to the rest of the body. The brain The brain is a complex organ that is enclosed inside the skull. It controls everything that happens in the body, including vital functions like breathing and heartbeat. Without the brain, the body would not be able to function. The brain is very delicate and is well protected by the skull. It is surrounded by a fluid called cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF). The main functions of CSF are to protect the brain (it acts as a shock absorber), to carry nutrients to the brain and remove waste from it. Anatomy of the brain Frontal lobe The frontal lobe governs our personality, character and behaviour. It is where we control our body movement and how we express ourselves."
"docid": "D2384304#0",
"title": "http://home.earthlink.net/%7Edenmartin/key-brain-voc.html\n.",
"text": "\"YOUR AMAZING BRAIN VOCABULARYADRENAL GLANDS (add-REE-nal)Endocrine glands located on top of your kidneys that produce many hormones including epinephrine, which prepares your body for danger or stress. ASSOCIATION CORTEXAny part of your cortex where information is analyzed, processed or stored. ASSOCIATION NEURON (NOO-ron)Type of neuron that passes nerve impulses from one neuron to another. Most are found in your brain and spinal cord. AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (AW-toe-NOM-ik) or \"\"ANS\"\"Part of your nervous system that automatically regulates body processes including your heart rate. AXON (AK-sahn)The long, very narrow part of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the body of a cell. BASAL GANGLIA ( BAY-suhl-GANG-glee-uh)Groups of neurons at the base of the cerebrum, which help to control well-learned movement sequences such as walking. BRAINThe mass of billions of nerve cells in your head that is the control center of your nervous system. Your brain receives \"\"nerve signals\"\" from your body, processes them, stores them, and then sends them out as \"\"instructions\"\" or \"\"information\"\" for the parts of your body that need to move. BRAIN STEMThe lowest part of your brain, which connects your spinal cord and your cerebrum."
] |
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"docid": "D2983066#0",
"title": "https://onlineservices.tin.egov-nsdl.com/TIN/tBAFViewBookIdDTLSUnauth.do\n.",
"text": "Following errors occured while processing: Invalid Input. Please provide correct data. BIN View TAN:*Nature of Payment (Form Type) :*Accounts Office Identification Number (AIN): *Month Year Month of Form 24G filed: *From To Type the characters you see in the picture. These characters are case sensitive. ** Mandatory fields NOTE: To view BIN details provide TAN, AIN, Nature of Payment , Form 24G month/year range. BIN is to be quoted in the Transfer voucher details while preparing the quarterly TDS/TCS statements. Period selected should be within 15 months. BIN view is available for Form 24G filed for F. Y. 2010-11 onwards. If BIN details for mentioned AIN and period are not available then please contact your respective Pay and Accounts Office (PAO)/ District Treasury Office (DTO) to whom the TDS/TCS is reported. BIN consists of the following: Receipt Number: Seven digit unique number generated for each Form 24G statement successfully accepted at the TIN central system."
] | [
"docid": "D1358740#0",
"title": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/astronomy/distance.html\nDetermining Distances to Astronomical Objects",
"text": "\"Determining Distances to Astronomical Objectsby Björn Feuerbacher Copyright © 2003 [Last updated: October 26, 2003]Other Links: Outside links in this document open in new windows. Astronomy and Cosmology A list of documents in this Archive which concern astronomy and creationist claims that the universe is young. Outline0) Introductiona) Purpose of this FAQb) General outline1) Geometrya) Introductionb) Measurementsc) Other geometrical methods2) Spectroscopic methoda) Stellar photometry and spectroscopyb) The Hertzsprung-Russell diagramc) Determining distances using the H-R Diagram3) Standard candles and cosmological distancesa) Cepheidsb) Supernovae4) The cosmological red shift5) Standard objections by creationistsa) The light was created in transitb) Changing speed of lightc) Problems with red shiftd) Russell Humphreys' Starlight and Timee) A discussion between Ross and Hovindf) Gentry6) Summary References Acknowledgements0) Introductiona) Purpose of this FAQn often-used argument for the universe being much older than proposed by young earth creationists (YEC) is the fact that we can see astronomical objects which are billions of light years away (a light year is the distance which light travels in one year, approximately 9.5 × 10 12 kilometers). Obviously (well, perhaps not so obvious - see section 5 ), the light from these objects needed billions of years to reach us, and therefore the universe has to be billions of years old. But many people don't know how the distances to astronomical objects can be measured and think there may be something wrong with the methods of the scientists, that perhaps all objects we see in the sky are no farther away than some thousand light years, and hence the YECs could be right anyway. Therefore, in this FAQ, I will try to explain the methods which are used in astronomy, and try to answer some of the standard objections raised by YECs. I will concentrate on the best-known and most used methods; more information can be found e.g. at Stellar Astronomy and The ABC's of Distances.b) General outline For measuring distances to astronomical objects, one uses a kind of \"\"ladder\"\" of different methods; each method goes only to a limited distance, and each method which goes to a larger distance builds (in general, but not always) on the data of the method (s) before. The starting point is knowing the distance from the earth to our sun; this distance is called one astronomical unit (AU) and is roughly 150 million kilometers. I think that even YECs agree on this number, hence I don't discuss here where one gets it from. ( Need I mention that one has to accept the heliocentric model, too? )"
"docid": "D3559339#0",
"title": "https://www.cma-cgm.com/news/110/documentation-procedure-in-bangladesh\nDocumentation procedure in Bangladesh",
"text": "Rules and Regulations Documentation procedure in Bangladesh Wednesday, July 03, 2013p Share,CMA CGM wishes to inform and alert its customers that effective July 1st, 2013, Bangladesh Customs Authority and Bangladesh Bank have decided that the inclusion of Business Identification Number (BIN*) or Agent Identification Number (AIN*) on documents such as bill of lading, documentary credit, commercial invoice, packing list for duty/VAT management purposes is now mandatory for all import shipments to Bangladesh. Any shipment sailing from port of loading July 1st, 2013, onwards will fall under this rule which is applicable for all import documents destined to Bangladesh. Carriers or freight forwarders will not be able to submit manifest without AIN or BIN, shipments could otherwise not be discharged. Also, consignees will not be able to clear the goods if the same is not correctly mentioned or mismatched: BIN* is also mandatory when CONSIGNEE is “TO THE ORDER OF BANK” and NOTIFY PARTY is the actual importer in Bangladesh. AIN* is mandatory when CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY are forwarders/NVOCCs who are only authorized by Bangladesh Customs to submit Import General Manifest (IGM) at their own responsibility. CMA CGM have instructed its documentation teams in local agencies to ensure that shippers/forwarders incorporate the correct AIN* or BIN* number in their shipping instruction while submitting to the CMA CGM. * The term BIN stands for Business Identification Number, also known as VAT registration number. For bills of lading consigned to forwarder then the AIN (Agent Identification Number) will need to be mentioned on bill of lading instead of BIN. For more information, please contact your local CMA CGM office. Tags Test< Previous Next >"
"docid": "D2874918#0",
"title": "http://www.blsindiavisa-uae.com/passport/Renewal-Reissue-on-Expiry-of-validity-Exhaustion-of-visa-page.php\nBLS International Passport Services - UAE",
"text": "\"Minors - Renewal / Reissue On Expiry Of Validity / Exhaustion Of Visa Page Services Documents Required Fees Processing Time Form Minors - Renewal / Reissue on Expiry of validity / Exhaustion of visa page Application form EAP – I (External). All particulars in the application should tally with those in the present passport. Personal Particulars Form (in triplicate with photo pasted on each of them).6 recent clear photos 51mm*51mm (not older than three months, no uniform) with white background and DARK DRESS with frontal view. Ears, eyes open, forehead to chin to be completely visible, no shadows on the face and neck, no reflections on the glasses. Sworn Affidavit attested by Consular Officer is required in case of Change of appearance/photographs for Sikhs from Turban to Non Turban & vice versa. Signature/Thumb impression should be in DARK BLACK INK and should not touch the lines of the box. The signature needs to be done in presence of submission officer. Minors can change the signature up to 18 years without any supporting documents. Current Passport in original with clear photocopy (of first, last, address page (if separate page), any other endorsement pages, Valid UAE visa page) and additional booklets original, if any. Both parents original passport is required for verification."
"docid": "D1173761#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates_Air_Force\nUnited Arab Emirates Air Force",
"text": "\"United Arab Emirates Air Force From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search United Arab Emirates Air Force United Arab Emirates Air Force emblem Founded 1972Country United Arab Emirates Type Military aviation Role Aerial warfare Size 573 aircraft (See table)Part of Union Defence Force Engagements Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen Military intervention against ISILCommanders Commander Vice Marshal Ibrahim Nasser Mohammed Al Alawi Insignia Roundel Aircraft flown Attack AH-64D, UH-60MFighter F-16E/F, Mirage 2000/2000-9Helicopter CH-47, Bell 214, Bell 412,Patrol AS 550, AS 565Reconnaissance Dash 8MMA, CN-235MPATrainer Hawk, MB-339, PC-7, G 115, AS 350, Alenia Aermacchi M-346Transport C-130 Hercules, Puma, Super Puma, CN-235, Cessna 208, AS 365, C-17 Globemaster III, Airbus A330 MRTTThe United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) is the air force of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Its predecessor was established in 1968, when the Emirates were still under British rule. Since then, it has undergone a continual reorganisation and expansion in terms of both capability and numbers of aircraft. Currently, the UAEAF has around 4,000 personnel and operates approximately 573 fixed and rotorcraft. Contents1 History2 Personnel and training3 Current state3.1 Structure3.1.1 Western Air Command - HQ at Abu Dhabi3.1.2 Central Air Command - HQ at Dubai3.1.3 Special Operations Command - HQ at Abu Dhabi3.1.4 Army Command - HQ at Abu Dhabi4 Aircraft4.1 Current inventory4.2 Joint Air Command4.3 Armament4.4 Future equipment4.5 Retired equipment5 See also6 References7 External links History [ edit]The UAEAF's history starts in 1968, when the Abu Dhabi Army Air Force was formed under British rule. After becoming the ALRAMS Air Force in 1972, major investment assured an expansion in terms of capabilities, quality and quantity of aircraft. [ 1] Training and instruction was provided by the Pakistan Air Force. Neighbour Emirate of Dubai maintained its own air component, the Dubai Defence Force Air Wing, until 1999, when the two were effectively merged to become what is now the United Arab Emirates Air Force. Although the integration of the two independent forces has been complete, a small degree of autonomy exists at the operational command level, with the Western Air Command being headquartered in Abu Dhabi and the Central Air Command in Dubai. [ 1]Since the 1980s, a combination of regional instability and high oil prices has resulted in an ambitious modernisation of the UAEAF, with the goal of attaining a level of capability matching the highest NATO standards. ["
"docid": "D300746#0",
"title": "http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Khatri\nKhatri",
"text": "\"ਜਾਣਹੁ ਜੋਤਿ ਨ ਪੂਛਹੁ ਜਾਤੀ ਆਗੈ ਜਾਤਿ ਨ ਹੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ (ਪੰਨਾ 349, ਸਤਰ 13, Nanak)Sikhism does not endorse caste based distinctions in society that lead to unequal opportunities for some people. In fact, Sikhism completely rejects class or race based distinctions between humans, that leads us to make an inequitable society. Such distinctions have surfaced only due to ill interests of certain section of people, who, on the pretext of making a society more manageable through these classifications, eventually paved the way to an unequal grouping within the human race. This article is just for information purpose and to share how people from different castes came into the Sikh fold. So, please treat this article as a source of general information about this issue and kindly do not amend this article to highlight this important underlying Sikh principle. If you have any comments, please discuss them appropriately here The Khatris (Punjabi) or Kshatriyas (Sanskrit, (K) silent) are a north Indian community that originated in the Potwar Plateau of Punjab. This region is historically connected with the composition of the Vedas and classics like the Mahabharata and Ashtadhyayi. In the old varna (caste) system the Kshatriya were members of the Hindu military order who as administrators and rulers, were tasked with protecting Hindu Dharma, and serving humanity. In the course of time, however, as a result of economic and political exigencies, Khatris also expanded into mercantile occupations. It is important to note that many of the Khatri clans (gotras) are common with many jatt castes."
"docid": "D3153768#0",
"title": "http://quranicnames.com/ilya/\nIlya",
"text": "«Ilya»A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls Short meaning of Ilya High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb See below for detailed meaning How to pronounce Ilya I slam + p L ay + YU mmy or I slam + p L ay + YA rn Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. Arabic Spelling (How to write Ilya in Arabic) عِلْيَةQuranic Nature ( Learn more...) Indirectly Mentioned Alternate spellings of Ilya Ilyeh Eilyah Elyat Iylia Eleeh Eilea Ilia Iyliah Ilee Eileeh Elia All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. Quranic Root ( Learn more...) AIN-L-A All Quranic baby names derived from AIN-L-A: Aala Aali Abdul Aala Abdul Mutaal Abdul Mutaali Alaa Aladdin Alaya Ali Alia Aliaa Aliyya Alyaanah Alyan Amatul Aala Amatul Mutaal Amatul Mutaali Iliya Illiyeen Ilya Ilya Maali Mualla Mualli Mustala Mustali Mutaal Taal Taal Ulya Meaning of Ilya Ilya is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “noble”, “high class”, a person who comes from a respected class of society. It also means “the class of people who live in Illiyyeen “, those who have the highest rank in Paradise. It is derived from the AIN-L-A root which is used in many places in the Quran. Limitless is He in His glory, and sublimely, immeasurably exalted above anything that men may say [about Him] (Quran 17:43)Reader Comments:on Saturday 18th of March 2017 04:34:39 PMIlya is my daughter’s name…Before Ilya her name was Israon Saturday 18th of March 2017 04:35:10 PMIlya is my daughter’s name…And she loves her name very muchon Sunday 11th of June 2017 04:10:46 PMIlya is my name . And i thank God ."
"docid": "D3480477#0",
"title": "http://www.angelfire.com/journal/ofapoet/aine.html\nAINE, IRISH LOVE GODDESS AND FAERIE QUEEN",
"text": "AINE, IRISH LOVE GODDESS AND FAERIE QUEENAine was both a Celtic Goddess and a Faery Queen. She has been known by other names, such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, and the Goddess of Luck and Magick. As well, there are some people who actually believe that she might be an aspect of The Morrigan. Aine was the daughter of Eogabail, a member of the Tuatha da Danaan and the foster son of the Sea God Manannan Mac Lir, while other versions of this legend claim that she was actually married to Manannan Mac Lir himself. Aine has been viewed, at various times, as both a Sun Goddess and a Moon Goddess. While she was in her original role as a Sun Goddess, Aine was nicknamed “bright,” and it was when she was in that role that she was able to shape-shift into becoming “Lair Derg,” the ”Red Mare,” or the horse that never could be outrun. Traditionally, Sun Goddesses have been known as Goddesses of Love and Fertility, and Aine followed in that tradition with great enthusiasm. It was during a much later period in time that Aine developed the characteristics of a more maternal Moon Goddess, and was believed to guard her followers’ livestock and crops. There are farmers, even today, who perform the exact same rituals that their ancestors performed thousands of years ago. At midsummer, they walk through their fields and wave their torches, in the hope that Aine and her sacred fire might grant them an abundant harvest."
"docid": "D2983065#0",
"title": "http://keralagovernment-homepage.blogspot.com/p/tds.html\nIncome Tax",
"text": "Income Tax REFERENCE GUIDE ON TDS FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESLast updated on 14-02-2018Income tax Slabs for financial year 2017-18 You can download the circular from Finance department for complete awareness of TDS dedeuction Circular No 01-2018-Fin Dated 06-01-2018ORhttps://goo.gl/LV4eep TDS CALCULATORS (Prepared by employees from different departments)Developed by SAJI V. KURIAKOSEDistrict coordinator Idukki (Treasury Department)Developed by ABDURAHIMAN VALIYA PEEDIYAKKALHSST Commerce Govt Girls HSS, B. P. Angadi (Education Department)NSDL RPU version 2.2For quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements from FY 2007-08 “Download RPU version 2.2BIN VIEWTAN:*Nature of Payment (Form Type) :*Accounts Office Identification Number (AIN): *Month Year Month of Form 24G filed: *From To Type the characters you see in the picture. These characters are case sensitive. ** Mandatory fields OR GO TO TIN WEB SITE FOR BIN VIEWFill your respective District treasuries AIN from the table below AIN OF ALL DISTRICT TREASURIES IN KERALAS l No District Treasury Tr Code AIN Number Sl No District Treasury Tr Code AIN Number1 Thiruvananthapuram 101 1045833 13 Thrissur 1301 10459512 Kattakkada 201 1045844 14 Palakkad 1401 10459733 Kollam 301 1045855 15 Malappuram 1501 10459954 Kottarakkara 401 1045866 16 Kozhikkode 1601 10460065 Pathanamthitta 501 1 045892 17 Thamarassery 1701 10460106 Alappuzha 601 1045925 18 Wayanad 1801 10460217 Chengannoor 701 1045881 19 Kannur 10460438 Kottayam 801 1045903 20 Kasargod 2001 10460549 Pala 901 1045914 21 Cherpulassery 2101 104598410 Idukki 1001 1045925 22 Mattannur 2201 104603211 Ernakulam 1101 1045936 23 Irinjalakkuda 2301 104596212 Muvattupuzha 1201 1045940To view BIN details provide TAN, Nature of Payment , Form 24G month/year range. To view BIN details of particular AO, provide the AIN of AO in addition to above mandatory details. BIN is to be quoted in the Transfer voucher details while preparing the quarterly TDS/TCS statements. Period selected should be within 15 months. BIN view is available for Form 24G filed for F. Y. 2010-11 onwards. If BIN details for mentioned AIN and period are not available then please contact your respective Pay and Accounts Office (PAO)/ District Treasury Office (DTO) to whom the TDS/TCS is reported. BIN consists of the following: Receipt Number: Seven digit unique number generated for each Form 24G statement successfully accepted at the TIN central system. DDO Serial Number: Five digit unique number generated for each DDO record with valid TAN present in the Form 24G statement successfully accepted at the TIN central system."
"docid": "D1318983#0",
"title": "http://uaeinteract.com/news/default3.asp?ID=410\nTHE ECONOMY - CONSUMER PRICE INDEX",
"text": "\"THE ECONOMY - CONSUMER PRICE INDEXInflation rate at 2.2 percent in first five months of 2017: SCADPosted on 13/06/2017The inflation rate in consumer prices in the UAE during the first five months of 2017 stood at 2.2 percent, according to Statistics Centre- Abu Dhabi, SCAD. The relative change rate in consumer prices during May hit 2.0 percent as compared with the same month last year, SCAD stated in recent report, attributing the increase to a 3.5 percent rise in prices of housing, water, electricity, gas and other types of fuels, which accounted for 55.3 percent of the total price hike during the first five ... >>MOREDubai's CPI up 1.01% in Q1 2017Posted on 02/05/2017The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Dubai rose 1.01 percent in the first quarter of 2017 as compared to the same period last year, according to data released by Dubai Statistics Center (DSC). A DSC report attributed the increase in the CPI to the rise in prices of the group of miscellaneous goods and services by 13.73 percent, transport by 3.71 percent, restaurants and hotels by 0.73 percent, health by 0.56 percent and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.34 percent and clothes and ... >>MOREStatistics Centre Abu Dhabi releases report on CPIPosted on 08/03/2017The inflation rate in consumer prices for the first two months of 2017 was 2.0 percent as compared to the same period of last year, as shown by the increase in the Consumer Price Index, CPI, to 107.7, up from 105.6 during the same period of 2016. The Abu Dhabi region contributed 54.6 percent of the total increase compared with the same period last year, while the Al-Ain region contributed 39.7 percent and the Al Gharbia region 5.6 percent, according to the Statistics Centre Abu Dhabi. The CPI ... >>MOREGeneral Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance went up by 122 points Posted on 31/10/2016The results of the General Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance showed higher optimism levels among consumers regarding the economic conditions during Q2 of 2016. According to Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) and Statistics centre ? Abu Dhabi (SCAD), the General Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance recorded 122 points on average during Q2 of 2106, increasing by approximately 7 points, when compared to its level ... >>MOREAbu Dhabi's July inflation at 2.3%: SCADPosted on 15/08/2016The inflation rate in consumer prices for the first seven months of 2016 was 2.7 percent, compared with the same period of 2015, according to data released by the Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD). The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 2.3 percent in July 2016, compared with July 2015. However, the index increased by 0.4 percent when compared to June 2016. The Abu Dhabi region contributed 75.4 percent, while the Al-Ain region contributed 21.1 percent and the Al Gharbia region 3.5 ... >>MOREAbu Dhabi inflation rises 2.7 per cent in H1 2016Posted on 21/07/2016Inflation in consumer prices in the emirate of Abu Dhabi rose to 2.7 per cent year-on-year (y/y) in the first half of 2016, compared with the same period last year, according to Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi."
"docid": "D1010530#0",
"title": "https://www.researchgate.net/post/Do_negative_frequencies_really_exist\nDo negative frequencies really exist?",
"text": "\"Question Asked 5 years ago Lutz von Wangenheim42.53 Hochschule Bremen Do negative frequencies really exist? It is known that the presentation/formulation of the FOURIER spectrum is simplified by using the concept of \"\"negative frequencies\"\". In the following document (see link) it is claimed that negative frequencies do exist in reality. Their existence could be proofed.http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/354610/chapter_05_p.pdf For my opinion, negative frequencies are just \"\"mathematical\"\" frequencies. Am I wrong? Frequency Electronics Electronics and Communication Engineering Share3 Recommendations Popular Answers ( 2)5 years ago Abdelhalim Zekry Ain Shams University Dear Lutz, Dear Colleagues of the RG,It is a matter of definition. We have to precise our technical terms. I understand under frequency without any adjective or additives that it is the number of cycles per second in a periodic waveform. Accordingly, it is always a positive number. We never said that the the frequency is - 10 KHz for example."
"docid": "D599686#0",
"title": "https://www.jetpens.com/blog/picking-the-perfect-pencil-hardness-grade/pt/475\nThe Best Lead Grade For Every Application",
"text": "The Best Lead Grade For Every Application September 22, 2015 - Posted by Miriam to Guides, Mechanical Pencils, Wooden Pencils, Lead Holders For thousands of years, people have used graphite to exercise creativity and bring ideas to life. Graphite is the key component of modern day pencil lead —in fact, lead is a misnomer as it's actually made up of a mixture of graphite and clay. The formulation of this mixture determines its lead grade. The higher the proportion of graphite content relative to clay the lead has, the softer and darker the lead will be, and vice versa. Lead grade is an important consideration for both the artist and writer. The hardness of a lead affects its strength, smoothness, smudge resistance, and pigmentation. Writers can fine tune the darkness of their lines by moving a step up or down in lead hardness, while an artist can employ the full range of lead grades to achieve different effects. Grading Scale There are two systems for grading lead hardness: European and American. The European system uses a combination of letters and numbers. B denotes soft leads, or leads with greater graphite content."
"docid": "D3022451#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/United_Arab_Emirates\n.",
"text": "\"YOU CAN EDIT THIS PAGE! Just click any blue \"\"Edit\"\" link and start writing!Earth : Asia : Middle East : United Arab Emiratesnavigation search United Arab Emirates Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Culture Politics Climate People Holidays Get in Customs Regulations By plane By car By boat Get around By public transport By car See Do Buy Costs Shopping Eat Sleep Stay safe Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Abu Dhabi Government Elective Monarchy Currency Emirati Dirham (AED)Area total: 83,600 km 2Population 4,484,000 (2008 est. ) Language Arabic (official), Persian, English, Hindi, Urdu Religion Muslim 94% (Shi'a 16%), Christian, Hindu, and other 6%Electricity 220/50Hz (UK plug)Country code +971Internet TLD .ae Time Zone UTC+4The United Arab Emirates [1], often referred to as the U. A. E, is a federation of seven emirates on the eastern side of the Arabian peninsula, at the entrance to the Persian Gulf. It has coastlines on the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, with Saudi Arabia to the west and southwest, and Oman to the southeast and also on the eastern tip of the Musandam Peninsula as well as an Omani enclave within its borders. It is a country rich in history and culture and an easy starting point for travels in the Middle East Understand [ edit]The United Arab Emirates is a modern and dynamic country. For most Western tourists, the UAE offers an environment that is extremely familiar. The malls are extraordinarily modern, filled with virtually any product available in the West (save sexually explicit material; movies are censored, as are, to some extent, magazines). The less well known side of the UAE includes remote, magnificent desert dunes on the edge of the Empty Quarter and craggy, awe-inspiring wadis in the north-east bordering Oman . Alcohol is widely available at many restaurants and bars in Dubai and in the tourist hotels of every other emirate save Sharjah. There is a legal but roundly overlooked requirement to have a license to buy alcohol."
"docid": "D1885756#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oasis_Hospital,_Al_Ain\nOasis Hospital, Al Ain",
"text": "\"Oasis Hospital CURE International Geography Location Al Ain, Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Coordinates 24°12′23″N 55°45′35″ECoordinates: 24°12′23″N 55°45′35″EOrganisation Funding Private Hospital type Specialist Services Standards Joint Commission International Accreditation Beds 50Speciality Maternity and Pediatric Hospital History Founded 1960Links Website Oasis Hospital, Al Ain Lists Hospitals in United Arab Emirates Oasis Hospital is a hospital in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, that was established in 1960 by the American missionary couple Drs. Pat and Marian Kennedy. It is the oldest hospital in Al Ain and is currently a 200 bedded facility owned by CURE International. History [ edit]Inaugurated in November, 1960, the Oasis Hospital was the first institution to offer modern medical care in the entire emirate of Abu Dhabi. [ 1] It was established by the American medical duo Pat and Marian Kennedy at the invitation of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan who was then the Governor of Al Ain. At the time of its establishment, Al Ain had very high infant and maternal mortality rates, with as many as one in two infants and one in three women dying for want of adequate medical care. So drastic was the impact of the hospital in reducing mortality that a simple wooden foetal heart monitor was chosen in 2011 as one of the 40 objects that shaped modern UAE by the National newspaper. [ 1]The Hospital initially operated out of a mud building, a guest house that was donated by Sheikh Zayed. A modest cement building housing patients' rooms and a nurses' station was constructed in 1964. Up until the 1970s when it added facilities like X-ray, a delivery suite and staff housing, facilities at the hospital remained rudimentary."
"docid": "D3457719#0",
"title": "http://quranicnames.com/ayan/\nAyan",
"text": "«Ayan»A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls Short meaning of Ayan Time, Era, Epoch See below for detailed meaning How to pronounce Ayan U ntil + pra Y + YA rd + N mber Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. Arabic Spelling (How to write Ayan in Arabic) أيّانQuranic Nature ( Learn more...) Directly Mentioned Alternate spellings of Ayan Ayaane Eyaane Aiaan Ayan Ayane Eian Aiaane Eiaan Aiane Aian Aian All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. Quranic Root ( Learn more...) A-Y-N All Quranic baby names derived from A-Y-N: Aana Ana Ann Avan Avan Awan Ayan Ayan Iyan Iyan Meaning of Ayan Ayan (1)Ayan (1) written in Arabic. Ayan is a Quranic name for both boys and girls and means “time”, “era”, epoch”, “age”, literally meaning “ [the time] when”. This name is not used by Arabs due to its unusual grammar. It is used by non-Arab Muslims who like the way the word sounds. It is mentioned in many places in the Quran: They ask: “At what time is the Day of Judgment?” {"
"docid": "D108469#0",
"title": "http://acronymsandslang.com/definition/70516/EMPLID-meaning.html\nWhat does EMPLID mean?",
"text": "\"What does EMPLID mean? EMPLID means Employee Identification Number This acronym/slang usually belongs to Government & Military category. Popularity2.6 (8 Votes)Was it useful? Share this page What is the abbreviation for Employee Identification Number? Employee Identification Number can be abbreviated as EMPLIDWhat does EMPLID mean? - Definition of EMPLID - EMPLID stands for Employee Identification Number. By Acronyms And Slang.com Image Source: Image HTML: HTML with link: Share this picture: Tweet Most popular questions people look for before coming to this page Q: A: What does EMPLID stand for? EMPLID stands for \"\"Employee Identification Number\"\". Q: A: How to abbreviate \"\"Employee Identification Number\"\"? \"\" Employee Identification Number\"\" can be abbreviated as EMPLID."
"docid": "D2763370#0",
"title": "http://thedesertdiva.com/2015/02/02/uae-oman-border-crossings-the-lowdown/\nUAE-Oman Border Crossings: The Lowdown",
"text": "UAE-Oman Border Crossings: The Lowdown*last update 28 December 2017Most people travelling to Oman from the UAE use a land border crossing which requires formalities at two posts – a UAE one, which will charge you 35aed to leave the country, and an Oman one, details below. If you hold a GCC residency visa you will most probably be able to obtain a visa on arrival, however there are some exceptions, such as those with manual jobs such as labourers and carpenters, and certain nationalities (vary from time to time). Cost is 5 OMR for up to 28 days. You might like to check out my blog – GCC Foreign Residents: Enter Oman for FIVE OMR for up to 28 days!If you are on holiday in the UAE and wish to cross to Oman the good new is that citizens of 66 countries can obtain an Omani visa on arrival. Cost is 20 OMR or up to 30 days. Some Oman border posts may require you to pay the fees by credit card, others will happily take cash. Don’t be surprised to get change in AED if you pay in OMR! Make sure you take some cash as well as a valid credit or debit card so you are not caught out. Returning to the UAE there is no fee to be paid for residents and tourists from the 49 countries which are granted a visa on arrival. Gwaifat 24.12696 51.61975I shall start with the one that is least-used for expats and it does not even cross to Oman – the Gweifat/Al Bat’ha border with Saudi."
"docid": "D1236718#0",
"title": "http://www.dubaifaqs.com/immigration-uae.php\nList of UAE immigration and residency departments",
"text": "\"List of UAE immigration and residency departments General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs in UAE (naturalisation and residency offices)Each emirate in the UAE has their own General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs (previously called Department of Naturalization and Residency) to take care of immigration, visa, and entry permit related issues; search for and apprehend overstayers and illegal immigrants; and issue and renew UAE passports for UAE nationals. Most residents of the UAE are not immigrants in the normal sense of the word (meaning those wishing to move to a country, settle there, and obtain citizenship of that country), but resident expatriates with a UAE residence visa (or permit) that allows them to live in the UAE for a period of time (usually 2 or 3 years between renewals, sometimes 1 year). For all issues to do with permission to visit and/or live in the UAE, contact the relevant immigration office in the emirate in which you live or plan to live. If visiting the UAE, contact the immigration office of the emirate in which you expect to arrive. Note that Al Ain is not an emirate, it is a city in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. Note also that although immigration rules are federal, they are not applied consistently in each emirate. Sharjah especially, seems to do their own thing. Immigration Departments are UAE government offices so that means they will be staffed predominantly by UAE nationals. Being able to speak Arabic is therefore a bonus but most or all officials who deal with the public will also speak some English. For most expatriates coming to work in the UAE, their company PRO will be dealing with all the paperwork anyway, and will sort out the residence visa without you needing to visit the immigration department."
"docid": "D2972600#0",
"title": "http://www.biblestudytools.com/encyclopedias/isbe/sychar.html\nSychar",
"text": "\"Sychar/ Our Library / Encyclopedias / International Standard Bible Encyclopedia /Sychar Share Tweet Save Sycamore Sychem SYCHARsi'-kar (Suchar): Mentioned only once, in connection with the visit of Jesus to Jacob's Well ( John 4:5 ). He was passing through Samaria on His way to Galilee, \"\"so he cometh to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph: and Jacob's well was there.\"\" Jerome thought the name was a clerical error for Sychem (Epistle 86). In Eusebius (in Onomasticon) he is content to translate Eusebius, placing Sychar East of Neapolis. It is now generally admitted that the text is correct. Some have held, however, that Sychar is only another name for Shechem (\"\"Sychem\"\"). It is suggested, e.g., that it is a nickname applied in contempt by the Jews, being either shikkor, \"\"drunken,\"\" or sheqer, \"\"falsehood.\"\" Others think the form has arisen through change of \"\"m\"\" to \"\"r\"\" in pronunciation; as \"\"l\"\" to \"\"r\"\" in Beliar. These theories may safely be set aside. The evidence that Sychar was a distinct place East of Shechem may be described as overwhelming."
"docid": "D1984850#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/72809069/apush-chapter-2-beginnings-of-english-america-1607-1660-flash-cards/\nAPUSH Chapter 2: Beginnings Of English America, 1607-1660",
"text": "\"52 terms minime1237APUSH Chapter 2: Beginnings Of English America, 1607-1660Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Seventeenth-century English colonial settlements A. were essentially business enterprises. B. were tightly controlled by the English government. C. were effectively isolated from contact with other nations. D. were well-planned and generally quite successful from the start. E. maintained the political and social institutions of England. AIn London, the initial promoters of Jamestown encouraged colonists to focus on A. the long-term success of the settlement. B. building a family-centered community. C. developing peaceful relations with the Indians in the area."
"docid": "D1885321#0",
"title": "http://www.uaeinteract.com/news/default3.asp?ID=410\nTHE ECONOMY - CONSUMER PRICE INDEX",
"text": "\"THE ECONOMY - CONSUMER PRICE INDEXInflation rate at 2.2 percent in first five months of 2017: SCADPosted on 13/06/2017The inflation rate in consumer prices in the UAE during the first five months of 2017 stood at 2.2 percent, according to Statistics Centre- Abu Dhabi, SCAD. The relative change rate in consumer prices during May hit 2.0 percent as compared with the same month last year, SCAD stated in recent report, attributing the increase to a 3.5 percent rise in prices of housing, water, electricity, gas and other types of fuels, which accounted for 55.3 percent of the total price hike during the first five ... >>MOREDubai's CPI up 1.01% in Q1 2017Posted on 02/05/2017The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Dubai rose 1.01 percent in the first quarter of 2017 as compared to the same period last year, according to data released by Dubai Statistics Center (DSC). A DSC report attributed the increase in the CPI to the rise in prices of the group of miscellaneous goods and services by 13.73 percent, transport by 3.71 percent, restaurants and hotels by 0.73 percent, health by 0.56 percent and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.34 percent and clothes and ... >>MOREStatistics Centre Abu Dhabi releases report on CPIPosted on 08/03/2017The inflation rate in consumer prices for the first two months of 2017 was 2.0 percent as compared to the same period of last year, as shown by the increase in the Consumer Price Index, CPI, to 107.7, up from 105.6 during the same period of 2016. The Abu Dhabi region contributed 54.6 percent of the total increase compared with the same period last year, while the Al-Ain region contributed 39.7 percent and the Al Gharbia region 5.6 percent, according to the Statistics Centre Abu Dhabi. The CPI ... >>MOREGeneral Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance went up by 122 points Posted on 31/10/2016The results of the General Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance showed higher optimism levels among consumers regarding the economic conditions during Q2 of 2016. According to Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) and Statistics centre ? Abu Dhabi (SCAD), the General Index for Consumer Confidence in Abu Dhabi's economic performance recorded 122 points on average during Q2 of 2106, increasing by approximately 7 points, when compared to its level ... >>MOREAbu Dhabi's July inflation at 2.3%: SCADPosted on 15/08/2016The inflation rate in consumer prices for the first seven months of 2016 was 2.7 percent, compared with the same period of 2015, according to data released by the Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD). The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 2.3 percent in July 2016, compared with July 2015. However, the index increased by 0.4 percent when compared to June 2016. The Abu Dhabi region contributed 75.4 percent, while the Al-Ain region contributed 21.1 percent and the Al Gharbia region 3.5 ... >>MOREAbu Dhabi inflation rises 2.7 per cent in H1 2016Posted on 21/07/2016Inflation in consumer prices in the emirate of Abu Dhabi rose to 2.7 per cent year-on-year (y/y) in the first half of 2016, compared with the same period last year, according to Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi."
] |
385 | .5 ml to grams convert | [
"docid": "D313245#0",
"title": "http://www.convertunits.com/from/ml/to/gram\nConvert ml to gram - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert milliliter to gram [water]mlgram Did you mean to convert megalitermilliliterto gram [water]More information from the unit converter How many ml in 1 gram? The answer is 1. We assume you are converting between milliliter and gram [water]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: ml or gram The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 1000000 ml, or 1000000 gram. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between milliliters and grams. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from gram to ml, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Definition: Millilitre The millilitre (ml or m L, also spelled milliliter) is a metric unit of volume that is equal to one thousandth of a litre. It is a non-SI unit accepted for use with the International Systems of Units (SI). It is exactly equivalent to 1 cubic centimetre (cm³, or, non-standard, cc)."
] | [
"docid": "D3108933#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/558/olive-oil-amounts-conversion-with-nutritional-facts.html\nOlive oil amount and nutrition facts converter",
"text": "Advertisements Olive oil Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select olive oil Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select pure olive oil Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of olive oilcup Metric of olive oilounce ( oz ) of olive oilpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of olive oilgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of pure olive oilgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of olive oilteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of olive oildrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of olive oil100ml serve of olive oil US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in olive oil – milligrams ( mg )cup US of olive oilcup Metric of olive oilounce ( oz ) of olive oilpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of olive oilgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of pure olive oilgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of olive oilteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of olive oildrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of olive oil100ml serve of olive oil US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in olive oil – milligrams ( mg )Olive oil amount and nutrition facts converter Nutritional information table for pure olive oil Nutrition Facts Serving Size 15ml olive oil (13.6g) 6.7 Servings per 100ml (90.9g) 2 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 27.3g) *Energy per 15ml serving : Calories / Kilocalories120.1 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 502.5k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100ml Energy1,005k J (240.2Cal) 3350k J (800.7Cal)Protein0g 0g Fat Total27.2g 90.5g– saturated 4.2g 14.0g– trans fat 0.03g (MAX) 0.1g (MAX)– polyunsaturated fat 3.6g 12.0g– monounsaturated fat 19.4g 64.5g Cholesterol0.9 mg (MAX) 3 mg (MAX)Total Carbohydrate0g 0g Sugars 0g 0g Dietary Fiber 0g 0g Sodium1.5 mg (MAX) 5 mg (MAX)Ingredients: olive oil Storage instructions: Store in cool, dry place away from sunlight Average expiry time: 1 year from production date * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml Apart what’s in the pure olive oil nutrition facts table, use the olive oil calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of olive oil. E.g. convert value from 1/8 of a cup amount, or 50ml, 1 fl-oz servings, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in olive oil. Details about olive oil are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal healthcare plus wellbeing. This oil is not the cold pressed extra virgin olive oil type but it has still full flavour. It is often called a Pure Olive Oil, naturally high in monounsaturated fatty acid, and, naturally cholesterol free. The olive oil online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures. From weight in pounds ( lb ), ounces ( oz ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), dekagrams ( dkg – dag – deca – deka ), pints ( pt ) into an equivalent amount size."
"docid": "D126379#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_convert_from_ml_to_mg\nHow do you convert from ml to mg?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure How do you convert from ml to mg? Flag How do you convert from ml to mg? Answer by Julio Mendizabal Confidence votes 1201 ml is 1/1000 of a liter, which is a volume. 1 mg is 1/1000 of a gram which is a weight. So they are not convertible. Actually, to be more accurate, they can be converted using the following information: 1 liter of pure water equals 1 kg (kilogram). So, if you are trying to convert a liquid similar to water, an approximation can be achieved with: 1ml = .001mg (1 ml is 1/1000 liter; 1 mg is 1/1000000 kg). Go to convert-me.com and it has a weight to volume conversion. It will do it for you.14 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How do you convert mg to ml?"
"docid": "D1578763#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060902212333AAVlGmP\nHow many milligrams are in one milliliter?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Other - Science How many milligrams are in one milliliter? Update: My dog is on medication. The perscription was writen for 2.5 mg but the pharmacy gave her liquid. It says to give her 1m L. I will call them Monday but I just wanted to ask to see if that sounded right. Seems odd to me.11 following 14 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: That depends on the mass of the item you are measuring. mg (one thousandths of a gram) is a measure of mass (weight) ml (one thousandths of a liter) is a measure of volume Water has a specific gravity of 1 g/cc, which is equivalent to 1g/ml. Therefore 1 ml of water would weigh 1000 mg. 1 ml of mercury would weigh about 14,000 mg. or 14 g. Just multiply the specific gravity of the item you are dealing with times 1000 if you need know the weight in mg of 1 ml.astarpilot2000 · 1 decade ago2 3 Comment I got this from one forum. The problem is similar to you."
"docid": "D3388938#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080120165030AAWrw7d\nHow many cc's are in 1 cup?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many cc's are in 1 cup? A. 240 B. 250 I ask because I learned 240 but when I buy glass measuring cups i see 250 = 1 cup. Update: Hyab, I always go by the 30cc=1 oz equivalency as well. I guess 960ml is rounded up to 1000 mls when converting to 1 quart. Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: a. 240 30cc=1 oz 30x8=240hyabusawife · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating This Site Might Help You. RE: How many cc's are in 1 cup? A. 240 B. 250 I ask because I learned 240 but when I buy glass measuring cups i see 250 = 1 cup. Source (s):cc 39 1 cup: https://shortly.im/f4ctl Ely · 3 years ago0 0 Comment1 gallon = 16 cups 1 gallon = 3765.4118 ccs 3785.4118 / 16 = 236.59 Obviously, some conversions are not as accurate as others. I'd use 240 as a rule of thumb. If you use 250, you have 1 quart = 1 liter, which is wrong by about 5%."
"docid": "D951060#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Is-1-ml-equal-to-1-mg-If-not-why\nIs 1 ml equal to 1 mg? If not, why?",
"text": "\"Serajum Manir, MSc in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology Answered Aug 6, 2015Because it totally depends on density. Relation between mass, volume and density of liquid is Volume = Mass/Densityor Mass = Volume*Density In this case mass is changes with density though the volume is same. In other word same volume of different liquids will give you different mass. So 1 m L of different liquid will give different mg of mass. Even mass of 1 m L of same liquid will vary at different temperature. Only In case of pure water: At four degree celsius mass of 1L pure water is 1kg. so, 1L=1000m L=1kg=1000g=1000000mg From above equation you will get 1mg = 0.001m L or 1m L = 1000mg78.5k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below How do I convert mg to m L? How many ml is in 50 mg?"
"docid": "D1379651#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_milliliter\nHow many grams are in a milliliter?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages How many grams are in a milliliter? Flag How many grams are in a milliliter? Answer by Brain Blocked Confidence votes 16.7KIt depends What's the milliliter holding? Water or cream? Sugar or salt? Molten lead or feathers? Grams are a unit of mass (or weight) and a milliliter is a unit of volume. Therefore it depends entirely on what you are measuring -- it depends on the density. A milliliter of lead will be much heavier than a milliliter of feathers (although a gram of lead and a gram of feather weigh exactly the same!). Similarly, a milliliter of butter weighs a different number of grams than a milliliter of salt."
"docid": "D2169066#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/568/organic-raw-coconut-oil-conversion-with-nutrition-facts.html\nRaw organic coconut oil amounts and nutrition facts conversion",
"text": "Advertisements Organic extra virgin coconut oil Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select coconut oil Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select coconut oil Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of coconut oilcup Metric of coconut oilounce ( oz ) of coconut oilpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of coconut oilgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of coconut oilgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of coconut oilteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of coconut oildrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of coconut oil100ml serve of coconut oil US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in coconut oil – milligrams ( mg )Vitamin E in coconut oil – milligram ( mg )cup US of coconut oilcup Metric of coconut oilounce ( oz ) of coconut oilpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of coconut oilgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of coconut oilgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of coconut oilteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of coconut oildrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of coconut oil100ml serve of coconut oil US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in coconut oil – milligrams ( mg )Vitamin E in coconut oil – milligram ( mg )Advertisements Raw organic coconut oil amounts and nutrition facts conversion Nutritional information table for coconut oil Nutrition Facts Serving Size 10ml coconut oil (9.1g) 10 Servings per 100ml (91.4g) 3 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 27.4g) *Energy per 10ml serving : Calories / Kilo calories86.2 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 360.7k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100ml Energy1,082k J (258.6Cal) 3607k J (862.1Cal)Protein0g 0g Fat Total27.4g 91.4g– saturated 23.7g 79.0g– trans fat 0g 0g– polyunsaturated fat 0.5g 1.7g– monounsaturated fat 1.6g 5.3g Cholesterol0 mg 0 mg4:0 Butanoic acid0g 0g6:0 Hexanoic acid0.16g 0.5g8:0 Octanoic acid2.06g 6.9g10:0 Decanoic acid1.65g 5.5g12:0 Dodecanoic acid12.23g 40.7g14:0 Tetradecanoic acid4.61g 15.3g16:0 Hexadecanoic acid2.25g 7.5g18:0 Octadecanoic acid0.77g 2.6g16:1 Palmitoleic Acid0g 0g18:1 Octadecenoic acid (Omega-9)1.59g 5.3g18:2 Octadecadienoic acid (Omega-6)0.49g 1.6g18:3 Octadecatrienoic acid (Omega-6)0g 0g Phytosterols24 mg 79 mg Water0g 0g** Minerals: Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn0 mg OR µg (micro gram) 0 mg OR µg (microgram)Iron, Fe0.01g 0.04g Vitamin E – alpha-tocopherol0.02 mg 0.08 mg Vitamin K – phylloquinone0.1 µg (micro gram) 0.5 µg (microgram)Vitamins: (All other)0 mg OR µg (micro gram) 0 mg OR µg (microgram)Folate (total)0 µg (micro gram) 0 µg (microgram)Choline, total0.1 mg 0.3 mg Tocopherol, gamma0.05 mg 0.18 mg Ingredients: 100% raw organic extra virgin coconut oil Storage instructions: No refrigeration required Average expiry time: 1 year from production date * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml ** Minerals; Calcium Ca, Copper Cu, Iron Fe, Potassium K, Magnesium Mg, Manganese Mn, Sodium Na, Phosphorus P, Selenium Se, Zinc Zn There is also the shredded coconut and coconut flour converter. This page deals with virgin organic coconut oil physical and nutrition properties, notice the “ No bad cholesterol ” presence!Liquid volume 100ml of coconut oil = 91.4 grams = 3.2 oz net wt. = 3.4 fl oz = 6.8 tbsp = 20.3 tsp Other than what is in the cold pressed organic extra virgin coconut oil nutrition facts table, use the coconut oil calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of coconut oil. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50ml, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in coconut oil. Details about coconut oil are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health-care plus wellbeing. It is a high-heat cooking oil, easy use up to 350°F or 177°C. My absolutely most favorite oil; the coconut taste and the coconut aroma essence are fantastic. Coconut oil gets cloudy below 64 degrees Fahrenheit (~18 deg."
"docid": "D3346565#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/culinary-arts/sugars/raw-sugar/convert-gram-g-raw-sugar-to-milliliter-ml.html\nraw sugar conversion",
"text": "raw sugar conversion Find in: main menu • raw sugar menu • Grams Amount: 1 gram (g) of raw sugar mass Equals: 0.95 milliliters (ml) in raw sugar volumeraw sugar from gram to milliliter Conversion Results: Enter a New gram Amount of raw sugar to Convert From* Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9)Enter Your Amount : Decimal Precision : Work out milliliters of raw sugar per 1 gram unit. The raw sugar converter for cook chefs, culinary arts classes, students and for home kitchen use. TOGGLE : from milliliters into grams in the other way around. CONVERT : between other raw sugar measuring units - complete list. Conversion calculator for webmasters. The multi-product units all sugar types converter. Convert raw sugar culinary measuring units between gram (g) and milliliters (ml) of raw sugar but in the other direction from milliliters into grams. Culinary arts school: raw sugar conversion This online culinary raw sugar from g into ml converter is a handy tool not only for experienced certified professionals in food businesses and skilled chefs in state of the industry's kitchens model. Other applications of this raw sugar converter are ... With the above mentioned units converting service it provides, this raw sugar converter also proved to be useful as a teaching tool and for practising grams and milliliters ( g vs. ml ) conversion exercises by new culinarians and students (in classrooms or at home kitchens) who have been learning this particular cooking or baking mastery art in culinary colleges, in schools of culinary arts and all other kinds of culinary training for converting weights and liquid/fluid volume measurements as well as dietary food value contained in raw sugar with its nutritional values we eat. Unit symbols used by international culinary educational institutions and training for these two raw sugar measures are: Prefix or abbreviation ( abbr. )"
"docid": "D841439#0",
"title": "https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/articles/units/convert-mg-to-ml.php\nHow To Convert mg To ml (Milligrams to Milliliters)",
"text": "How To Convert mg To ml (Milligrams to Milliliters)Article Category: Units | 23 Comments A common question I receive in my email inbox concerns the conversion of milligrams (mg) to milliliters (ml), so I thought we'd address this issue today. The questions tend to look a little like this: Q: I would like to know how to convert mg to ml. Specifically, what is 15mg in liquid (IE: ml)? Let's start with some explanation on why this type of conversion isn't as easy as it sounds. After that, we'll try an example conversion and then, at the bottom of the article, discuss how to convert an order when given a dosage label. What is the difference between a milligram and a milliliter? One milliliter (British spelling: millilitre) (ml) is 1/1000 of a liter and is a unit of volume. 1 milligram (mg) is 1/1000 of a gram and is a unit of mass/weight. This means that we require an extra piece of information in order to be able to convert the measurement across. That extra piece of information is a density or concentration of the substance you are using (the density of every substance is different)."
"docid": "D2441172#0",
"title": "http://www.convertunits.com/from/pound+per+ml/to/grams/ml\nConvert pound per ml to grams/ml - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert pound/milliliter to gram/milliliterpound per mlgrams/ml Did you mean to convert pound/megaliterpound/milliliterto gram/megalitergram/milliliter More information from the unit converter How many pound per ml in 1 grams/ml? The answer is 0.0022046226218488. We assume you are converting between pound/milliliter and gram/milliliter. You can view more details on each measurement unit: pound per ml or grams/ml The SI derived unit for density is the kilogram/cubic meter. 1 kilogram/cubic meter is equal to 2.2046226218488E-6 pound per ml, or 0.001 grams/ml. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between pounds/millilitre and grams/millilitre. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from grams/ml to pound per ml, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Metric conversions and more Convert Units.com provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data."
"docid": "D313246#0",
"title": "http://calculator-converter.com/converter_g_to_ml_grams_to_milliliters_calculator.php\n.",
"text": "Convert grams to milliliters [water] (g to ml) and milliliters [water] to grams (ml to g) Online Conversion Calculator - Converter This calculator-converter provides conversion of grams to milliliters [of water] (g to ml) and backwards milliliters [of water] to grams (ml to g). Enter grams or milliliters for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options: Conversion Chart / Tablegram to milliliters Conversion Chart / Table: milliliters to grams Conversion Chart / Table:g = ml1.0 = 1.0 2.0 = 2.0 3.0 = 3.0 4.0 = 4.0 5.0 = 5.0 6.0 = 6.0 7.0 = 7.0 8.0 = 8.0 9.0 = 9.0gram = milliliters10 = 10.0 20 = 20.0 30 = 30.0 40 = 40.0 50 = 50.0 100 = 100 500 = 500 1000 = 1000 5000 = 5000ml = g 1.0 = 1.0 2.0 = 2.0 3.0 = 3.0 4.0 = 4.0 5.0 = 5.0 6.0 = 6.0 7.0 = 7.0 8.0 = 8.0 9.0 = 9.0 milliliters = grams 10 = 10.0 20 = 20.0 30 = 30.0 40 = 40.0 50 = 50.0 100 = 100 500 = 500 1000 = 1000 5000 = 5000The gram (British spelling: gramme, abbreviation and symbol: g) is a unit of mass in the SI system (metric system). One gram is equal to one thousandth of the kilogram (kg), which is the current SI (Metric system) base unit of mass. One gram (g) = weight of 1 milliliter ( ml) of pure water at temperature 4 °C."
"docid": "D2272985#0",
"title": "http://www.pharmacy-tech-resources.com/Pharmacy-Technician-Math.html\nPharmacy Technician Math",
"text": "\"Pharmacy Technician Math This page is on Pharmacy Technician Math. To ask or answer a question, scroll down the page to the Question and Answer section. When you are working in a pharmacy there are some basic math calculations that you will use every day. It's important to have a solid understanding of these calculations, to ensure that you can accurately translate the amount of medication that is prescribed into a usable form for the patient. The most common calculation will happen when the amount of medication prescribed does not exactly match an amount in a dosage form. For example, if a prescription calls for the patient to take 3 grams of medication daily. The only pills you have available are 500 milligram capsules. To convert the prescribed dosage to milligrams, multiply grams by 1000. This means the prescription calls for 3000 milligrams daily, or six 500 milligram capsules. The key to being able to do these pharmacy technician math calculations quickly is in being able to understand the important information that is on the prescription."
"docid": "D2885557#0",
"title": "http://prijom.com/posts/how-many-milligrams-go-into-1-gram.php\n.",
"text": "How Many Milligrams Go Into 1 Gram Grams to Milligrams How many mg in a gram? : So to find out how many milligrams in grams, simply multiply it by 1000 or instead , use the converter below. 1 Gram = 1000 Milligrams. Gram is a metric system Convert mg to g (Milligrams to Grams) : How many mg are there in x g? How can I convert g to mg? Answers: There are 1,000 milligrams (mg) in 1 gram (g). To get your answer, simply multiply x by Milligrams to Grams conversion : Milligrams to Grams (mg to g) conversion calculator for Weight conversions with additional tables and formulas. How many milligrams are in a gram : There are 1,000 mg (milligrams) in 1 gram, so 0.001 grams equal 1 mg. How many grams in one milligram? 0.001g."
"docid": "D218550#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-milliliters-one-milligram-7639dc50f451f6e5\nHow Many Milliliters Are in One Milligram?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Milliliters Are in One Milligram? A: Quick Answer Since milliliters measure volume and milligrams measure mass, it is necessary to know the density of the substance to convert between the two. The formula mass equals volume times density calculates the conversion. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Do You Convert Milligrams to Milliliters? How Do You Convert 15 Ml to Grams? What Is the Conversion of Mg to Ml? Full Answer For example, the density of water at around room temperature is approximately 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter. If a person wants to use the formula, the units must correspond. Kilograms per cubic meter are equivalent to grams per liter. One milliliter is 0.001 liters."
"docid": "D830542#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071121193531AAJaBEj\nWhat is 15 oz. converted into cups? Please HELP!!?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics What is 15 oz. converted into cups? Please HELP!!? Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Hello, did you know that google will do this for you? Just type in 15 oz = ? cups Here is the link to the result: http://www.google.com/search?q=15oz+%3D+... You can also look at it this way. There are 8 oz in one cup. 15oz = 8oz + 7oz = 1 7/8 cups = 1.875 cups Ms Math · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Oz Into Cups Source (s):https://shrink.im/a89Ltkraack · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Convert Ounces Into Cups Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a9oxscherven · 1 year ago0 0 Comment8 oz = 1 cup, so 15/8=1 7/8 cups Jiberish · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment There's 8 oz in one cup 15/8= 1.875 cups : DBrian L · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw XYC Cooking Measurement Equivalents 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp) 1/16 cup = 1 tablespoon 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints 4 cups = 1 quart 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 1 milliliter (ml) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc) 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) Source: United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). U. S.–Metric Cooking Conversions U. S. to Metric Capacity Weight 1/5 teaspoon 1 milliliter 1 oz 28 grams 1 teaspoon 5 ml 1 pound 454 grams 1 tablespoon 15 ml 1 fluid oz 30 ml 1/5 cup 47 ml 1 cup 237 ml 2 cups (1 pint) 473 ml 4 cups (1 quart) .95 liter 4 quarts (1 gal.)"
"docid": "D2680135#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080502225301AAlImsQ\nHow Many cups of granulated sugar is equal 1lb?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How Many cups of granulated sugar is equal 1lb?i am trying too do this recipe Ingredients 1 lb sugar, brown or white 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 can evaporated milk 2 tbsp margarine Preparation Dissolve the sugar in the milk. Boil, stirring all the time, until a sample of the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water. Add the margarine and... show more4 following 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Cooking Measurement Equivalents 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp) 1/16 cup =1 tablespoon 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints 4 cups = 1 quart 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 1 milliliter (ml) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc) 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) Source: United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). U. S.–Metric Cooking Conversions U. S. to Metric Capacity Weight 1/5 teaspoon 1 milliliter 1 oz 28 grams 1 teaspoon 5 ml 1 pound 454 grams 1 tablespoon 15 ml 1 fluid oz 30 ml 1/5 cup 47 ml 1 cup 237 ml 2 cups (1 pint) 473 ml 4 cups (1 quart) .95 liter 4 quarts (1 gal.) 3.8 liters Metric to U. S. Capacity Weight 1 milliliter 1/5 teaspoon 1 gram .035 ounce 5 ml 1 teaspoon 100 grams 3.5 ounces 15 ml 1 tablespoon 500 grams 1.10 pounds 100 ml 3.4 fluid oz 1 kilogram 2.205 pounds = 35 ounces 240 ml 1 cup 1 liter 34 fluid oz = 4.2 cups = 2.1 pints = 1.06 quarts = 0.26 gallonpattsywattsy · 1 decade ago0 4 Comment Asker's rating This Site Might Help You. RE: How Many cups of granulated sugar is equal 1lb? i am trying too do this recipe Ingredients 1 lb sugar, brown or white 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 can evaporated milk 2 tbsp margarine Preparation Dissolve the sugar in the milk. Boil, stirring all the time, until a sample of the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water. Add... Source (s):cups granulated sugar equal 1lb: https://biturl.im/d HYya Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment3 1/2ED · 3 years ago0 1 Comment4MARY ALFORD · 3 years ago0 1 Comment Cups are a volume measurement rather than a weight measurement."
"docid": "D766567#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/571/maple-syrup-amounts-conversion-plus-nutritional-facts.html\nMaple syrup amount and nutrition facts conversion",
"text": "Advertisements Maple Syrup Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select maple syrup Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select maple syrup Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of maple syrupcup Metric of maple syrupounce ( oz ) of maple syruppound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of maple syrupgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of maple syrupgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of maple syrupteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of maple syrupdrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of maple syrup100ml serve of maple syrup US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in maple syrup – milligrams ( mg )Potassium in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )Calcium in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )Magnesium content – milligrams ( mg )Manganese content – milligram ( mg )Phosphorus content – milligram ( mg )Iron in maple syrup – milligrams ( mg )Zinc in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )cup US of maple syrupcup Metric of maple syrupounce ( oz ) of maple syruppound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of maple syrupgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of maple syrupgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of maple syrupteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of maple syrupdrop ( 1/20 ml/drop ) of maple syrup100ml serve of maple syrup US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in maple syrup – milligrams ( mg )Potassium in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )Calcium in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )Magnesium content – milligrams ( mg )Manganese content – milligram ( mg )Phosphorus content – milligram ( mg )Iron in maple syrup – milligrams ( mg )Zinc in maple syrup – milligram ( mg )Maple syrup amount and nutrition facts conversion Nutritional information table for maple syrup Nutrition Facts Serving Size 20ml maple syrup (26.8g) 5 Servings per 100ml (133.8g) 1.5 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 40.2g) *Energy per 20ml serving : Calories / Kilocalories71.7 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 300k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100ml Energy450k J (107.6Cal) 1500k J (358.5Cal)Protein0g 0g Fat Total0.06g 0.2g– saturated 0.06g 0.2g– trans fat 0g 0g– polyunsaturated fat 0g 0g– monounsaturated fat 0g 0g Cholesterol0 mg 0 mg Total Carbohydrate26.4g 88.0g Sugars 26.4g 88.0g Dietary Fiber0g 0g Sodium0.5 mg 1.6 mg Potassium80.1 mg 267 mg Calcium27.9 mg 93 mg Magnesium5.6 mg 18.7 mg Manganese1.3 mg 4.4 mg Phosphorus0.8 mg 2.7 mg Iron0.5 mg 1.6 mg Zinc16.7 mg 55.7 mg Ingredients: premium certified organic 100% pure Canadian maple syrup Storage instructions: Refrigerate after bottle is opened Average expiry time: 1 year from production date * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml For making this Maple syrup amounts converter I worked with 2x 250ml bottles containing 100% pure Canadian maple syrup, Premium organic certified maple syrup. A high quality product naturally worthy to buy for home (it wasn’t cheap). Syrup from maple trees is a thick liquid consisting primarily of dissolved sugar solution practically being in water, but unlike honey, maple syrup has very low tendency to deposit or grow crystals. Maple syrups are being extracted from 5 different tree kinds growing mainly in freezing cold climate locations such as Canada. Apart what’s in the maple syrup nutrition facts table, use the maple syrup calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of maple syrup. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50ml, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in maple syrup. Details about maple syrup are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care plus wellbeing. The maple syrup online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions."
"docid": "D1720589#0",
"title": "http://en.christinesrecipes.com/2011/03/converting-grams-to-cups.html\nConverting Grams to Cups (Problem & Solution)",
"text": "Converting Grams to Cups (Problem & Solution)by Christine Ho · 6:49:00 PM · 45 comments I received countless questions about how to convert a recipe from gram measurement to cup measurement, or the other way round. Since I posted the recipes of tangzhong bread, I started receiving emails from readers asking the same question like this, “Could you convert (the recipe of xxx) from grams into cup measurement for me because I don’t have a kitchen scale?” I lost count of how many emails of such I received so far. I think it’s time to write a post to respond to all who might have the similar question. I pretty understand that it is quite confusing when spotting a recipe with different measurements. It might be disappointing too if you really like to give it a go, but don’t know how to convert to the measurement you used to. As a food blogger, seeing my readers succeed in trying my recipes will definitely motivate me and make me happy. Unfortunately, there’s no one formula to help convert different ingredients from one kind of measurement to another. The only way is to weight the ingredient one by one, then measure it by a cup/tablespoon, or vice versa. I don’t mind taking some time to go back all the requested recipes and convert them into cup measurement."
"docid": "D748064#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/623/shredded-desiccated-coconut-conversion-with-nutritional-facts.html\nShredded coconut, dried/desiccated, amount and nutrition facts conversion",
"text": "Advertisements Coconut shredded (desiccated, moisture removed) Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select shredded coconut Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select shredded coconut Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of shredded coconutcup Metric of shredded coconutounce ( oz ) of shredded coconutpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of shredded coconutgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of shredded coconutquart dry US ( qt ) of shredded coconutgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of shredded coconutteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of shredded coconut100g serve of shredded coconut US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in shredded coconut – milligrams ( mg )Potassium content – milligram ( mg )cup US of shredded coconutcup Metric of shredded coconutounce ( oz ) of shredded coconutpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of shredded coconutgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of shredded coconutquart dry US ( qt ) of shredded coconutgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of shredded coconutteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of shredded coconut100g serve of shredded coconut US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in shredded coconut – milligrams ( mg )Potassium content – milligram ( mg )Shredded coconut, dried/desiccated, amount and nutrition facts conversion Nutritional information table for shredded coconut (desiccated, moisture removed)Nutrition Facts Serving Size 20g shredded coconut 5 Servings per 100 g 0.6 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 11.8g) *Energy per 20g serving : Calories / Kilocalories132 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 552.2k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g Energy325.6k J (77.8Cal) 2761k J (660Cal)Protein0.8g 6.88g Fat, Total7.6g 64.53g– saturated 6.75g 57.22g– trans fat 0.0g 0.0g– polyunsaturated fat 0.08g 0.71g– monounsaturated fat 0.3g 2.75g Cholesterol0.0 mg 0.0 mg Total Carbohydrate2.79g 23.65g Sugars 0.87g 7.35g Water 0.4g 3g Ash 0.23g 1.9g Dietary Fiber1.9g 16.3g Selenium, Se2.2 µg (micro gram) 18.5 µg (microgram)Sodium, Na4 mg 37 mg Potassium, K64 mg 543 mg Magnesium, Mg11 mg 90 mg Phosphorus, P24 mg 206 mg Zinc, Zn0.24 mg 2.01 mg Calcium, Ca3 mg 26 mg Iron, Fe0.39 mg 3.3 mg Copper, Cu0.09 mg 0.8 mg Manganese, Mn0.32 mg 2.75 mg Folate, Total1.02 µg (micro gram) 9 µg (microgram)Vitamin C – ascorbic acid0.2 mg 1.5 mg Vitamin E – alpha-tocopherol0.05 mg 0.44 mg Vitamin K – phylloquinone0.04 µg (micro gram) 0.3 µg (microgram)Ingredients: coconut (shredded desiccated – removed moisture) Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place Average expiry time: 1 year from production date * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml Shredded coconut grams in a measuring cup amount (US measuring cup and Metric si cup) US cup = 93 grams = 3 ounces (3.28 oz net wt.) Metric cup = 98.3 grams = 3.5 ounces (3.46 oz net wt.) For conversion between other measuring units please use the shredded coconut converter above. There is also a coconut flour and coconut oil converter. Apart what’s in the shredded coconut or else called coconut flour (desiccated, removed moisture, shredded from coconut meat) nutrition facts table, use the shredded coconut calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of shredded coconut. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of fats into energy units, from any amount of fat contained in shredded coconut. Details about shredded coconut are handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care plus wellbeing. The shredded coconut online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions."
"docid": "D2597768#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070828175647AAPLP2W\nHow much is 15 ml compared to ounces?",
"text": "Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits How much is 15 ml compared to ounces? Follow Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 0.5 oz 30ml = 1 oz Jake F · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Ml To Oz Conversion Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a7VV4mckain · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Milliliters To Ounces Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7W2Igrumney · 2 years ago0 0 Comment15ml is 1/2 ounce. Check out this site. www.metricconversion.usj · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Here are some helpful places to look for conversions... Good day!Source (s): Web Images Video News Maps Gmailmore ▼Blog Search Blogger Books Calendar Documents Finan... in Google Advanced Search Preferences New! View and manage your web history Web Results 1 - 10 of about 483,000 for convert ml to oz. ( 0.07 seconds) 1 ml = 0.0338140226 US fluid ounces More about calculator. Convert ML to Ounces or Ounces to MLWhen the manufacturer's specifications are in ml and your mind is calibrated ... To convert milliliters (ml) or grams (g) to ounces (oz) or ounces to ml or ... www.zaccardis.com/convert-ml-to-ounces... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages Convert ml to oz - conversion of measurement units Convert ml to oz - conversion of measurement units. www.convertunits.com/from/ml/to/oz - 16k - Cached - Similar pages Convert oz to ml - conversion of measurement units Convert oz to ml - conversion of measurement units. www.convertunits.com/from/oz/to/ml - 16k - Cached - Similar pages Conversions, Equivalent Measures, Metric Conversion Table Metric Conversion Calculators & Tables & Imperial/US/Metric Conversions .... 12 fl oz. 336 ml, 1 1/2 cup."
] |
387 | .7 quarts is how many ounces | [
"docid": "D2695259#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/7_quarts_is_how_many_fluid_ounces\n7 quarts is how many fluid ounces?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure 7 quarts is how many fluid ounces? Flag7 quarts is how many fluid ounces? Edit Answer by Dlmick Confidence votes 115K1 quart is 32 fluid ounces...7 quarts would be 7 times 32 which is 224 fluid ounces15 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many fluid ounces are in a quart? There are 32 fluid ounces in each quart. There are 40 fl. oz in an Imperial quart. Edit How many fluid ounces in a quart? 1 US quart = 32 US fluid ounces Edit How many fluid ounces are there in a quart?32Edit Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew."
] | [
"docid": "D1253273#0",
"title": "http://www.reluctantgourmet.com/conversion-calculators/\nConversion Calculators for Home Cooks",
"text": "Conversion Calculators for Home Cooks G. Stephen Jones • August 18, 2012 • 5 Comments Help, I Need to Know Cooking Equivalent Measurements Right Now Ever have one of those senior moments and forget how many teaspoons in 1/4 cup? We all do!Here’s an easy to us conversion calculator that will help you convert various cooking units. Use it to convert cooking units to your preference or use the table below. A Fun Conversion Calculator for: American Standard to Metric, Metric to American Standard, Cups to Ounces and more How to use this Conversion Calculator Most of my recipes are in American standard measurements like ounces, pounds, cups, tablespoons, etc. but if you want to convert my recipes into metric measurement, this converter will help. This Conversion Calculator is from Google and can be used to convert just about anything. Here’s what to do: Type in the measurement you want to convert. – Then type “in” – Finish by typing in the measurement you would like to convert to For example:1 cup in ml or 400 F in C Fahrenheit to Celsius or 2 teaspoons in ml Or check out these useful charts of various measurements Dry Weight Measurements1 pinch = 1/2 dash = 2 smidgens = 1/16 teaspoon1 dash = 2 pinches = 4 smidgens = 1/8 teaspoon1 smidgen = 1/32 teaspoon1 teaspoon = 1/3 tablespoon = 1/6 ounce = 4.67 grams1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 1/2 ounce = 14 grams3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon = 1/2 ounce = 14 grams4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup = 2 ounces = 56.7 grams8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces = 1/4 pound = 113 grams12 tablespoons = 3/4 cup = 6 ounces = .375 pound = 170 grams16 tablespoons = 1 cup = 8 ounces = 1/2 pound = 225 grams1 cup = 8 ounces = 1/2 pound = 225 grams1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon = 2.6 ounces = 75.6 grams16 ounces = 1 pint = 2 cups = 1 pound = 454 grams4 cups = 1 quart = 64 tablespoons = 32 ounces = 2 pounds = 907 grams8 quarts (dry) = 1 peck = 1/4 bushel4 peck (dry) = 1 bushel1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds1 pint (dry) = 1.1636 pints (liquid)1 quart (dry) = 1.1636 quarts (liquid)1 gallon (dry) = 1.1636 gallons (liquid)Liquid or Volume Measurements6 drops = 1/8 teaspoon or less = .5 ml15 drops = 1/4 teaspoon1 jigger = 1.5 fluid ounces = 3 tablespoons = 45 ml1 cup = 8 fluid ounces = 1/2 pint = 16 tablespoons = 237 ml1 pint = 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces = 32 tablespoons = 474 ml1 quart = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces = 64 tablespoons = 946.4 ml1 gallon = 16 cups = 8 pints = 4 quarts = 3,785.41 ml1 liter = approximately 4 cups or 1 quart1 pint (dry) = 1.1636 pints (liquid)1 quart (dry) = 1.1636 quarts (liquid)1 gallon (dry) = 1.1636 gallons (liquid)Related Posts Tomato Conversions Bean Conversions Ratio Chart for Converting Fresh Herbs to Dried Herbs Pasta and Rice Conversions Last modified on Tue 28 March 2017 1:43 pm Filed in: Conversions Comments (5)Trackback URL | Comments RSS Feed Jill says: November 26, 2012 at 4:09 pm Would you pin your conversion chart to Pinterest so I can post it? It is very good. Will it work if it is repinned?"
"docid": "D2863108#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_in_an_ounce\nHow many quarts are in 64 ounces?",
"text": "Ghost tigeress 3,198 Contributions How many quarts are in 64 ounces?1 US fluid ounce = 0.03125 US quarts 64 US fluid ounces = 2.0 US quarts Eric Barnes 481,010 Contributions How many quarts are in 160 ounces?5 qt. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many ounces are in a quarts?32Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering How many quarts are there in a fluid ounce?1 fluid ounce = 0.03125 quart 1 quart = 32 fluid ounces Dan Galilee 70,594 Contributions A Jewish-American Rabbi living in Israel, studying, teaching and writing on Judaism. How many quarts in 1.8 ounces?0.05625 quarts.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many quarts are in 25 ounces?25 fluid ounces is 0.78125 quart. Dan Galilee 70,594 Contributions A Jewish-American Rabbi living in Israel, studying, teaching and writing on Judaism. How many ounces in 5.5 quarts?176 ounces. Dan Galilee 70,594 Contributions A Jewish-American Rabbi living in Israel, studying, teaching and writing on Judaism. How many ounces is 12 quarts?384 ounces. Dan Galilee 70,594 Contributions A Jewish-American Rabbi living in Israel, studying, teaching and writing on Judaism. How many quarts are in 44 ounces?1.375 quarts. Gaines Fox 65,169 Contributions How many ounces in 1.54 quarts?"
"docid": "D2838285#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/18231\nMeasuring Cups",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Equipment Measuring Cups Unanswered | Answered Measuring Cups Parent Category: Cooking Equipment A measuring cup is a kitchen utensil marked in fractions to simplify measuring volume or bulk of ingredients in cooking. Measuring cups are made of glass, metal or plastic.1 2 3 >How many cups in 75 grams of caster sugar?1/3 cup8oz bag chow mein moodles is how many cups?8 ounces= 1 cup. How many cups in 80mls? That is approximately 0.353 of a cup.1 pound of baby carrots equals how many cups?1 pound of baby carrots is equal to 2 cups. About 12 to 13 babycarrots are able to fit into 1 measuring cup. How many cups of water can a funnel hold? Four cups How many cups equal 107 oz?13.37500 cups How many cups equals 415 grams?415 grams equals how many cups How many cups is 200ml of heavy cream?3/4How many cups in 100cc of oil? That is approximately 0.441 of a cup. How many cups are in 5 egg whites?1/2 cup How many cups in 3 pounds of apples? Approximately 3 cups."
"docid": "D410935#0",
"title": "http://www.csgnetwork.com/cookmeasuretable2.html\nKitchen Measurement Conversion Tables",
"text": "Kitchen Measurement Conversion Tables This is only a table, if you want to automatically convert values use our Cooking Measurement Converter. But hopefully, this will provide some useful information about various kitchen measurements. How many ounces in a gallon? 128 ounces in a gallon! This table will be useful in converting ounces to gallons, remembering how many ounces in a quart, or how many ounces in a tablespoon. If you have trouble remembering how many ounces to use, try printing this list and keeping it in your kitchen. Not all tablespoons are the same. The British tablespoon is 17.7 ml while the American tablespoon is 14.2 ml. The Australian tablespoon is 20 ml and in most Canadian recipes the tablespoon is 15 ml. In British, Australian and often Canadian recipes, the Imperial pint is used which is 20 fluid ounces but American and sometimes Canadian recipes use the American pint of 16 fluid ounces."
"docid": "D1334002#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZNEroVEGg0\nHow Many Cups Are In A Half Gallon Of Milk?",
"text": "\"How Many Cups Are In A Half Gallon Of Milk? Sparkle Plantz Subscribe 86Add to Share More119 views00Published on Dec 12, 2017It is the about half a liter; More precisely 473. How many cups of milk are in a half gallon? Why is it that so the tastiest snacks world also you can see there 4 quart, 16 gallon, url? Q organicauthority foodie buzz how tablespoons cup gallon your cheat sheet for common recipe measurements. How many ounces in a cup, gallon, pint, liter tiger fitness. A cup is 8 ounces so cups equals a half gallon of milk for example, to calculate how many water or there are in and half, multiply the value by conversion factor, 1. How many times must a 1 cup it takes 123 cups of milk to make cake. How many cups of milk exsist in 6include gallons, half quarts, pints, cups, tablespoons, etc. How many cakes can the bakery make?"
"docid": "D3412372#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-grams-are-in-an-ounce\nHow many grams are in an ounce?",
"text": "\"Metrics How many grams are in an ounce?7 Answers Quora User, Queer Techie Scum. Econ Ph D dropout. Answered Sep 23, 2014 · Author has 2.3k answers and 5.1m answer views Most \"\"ounces\"\" you hear about are avoirdupois (28.3495 grams), used for trade in the US and traditionally in the UK (but decreasingly so because of EU standardization on the metric system). You may also still find \"\"troy\"\" ounces (31.1034768 grams) in the bullion trade. In older times, there were lots of different ounces, varying by region and by application domain. Just the Wikipedia article on the \"\" Apothecaries' system \"\" describes dozens of different ounces and pounds. Not even the number of ounces in a pound is always the same.2.3k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How many ounces are in a quart? How many feet are there in a yard? How many blocks in a mile? How many metrics are involved in SEO?"
"docid": "D2536877#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_in_a_gallon_of_ice_cream\nHow many quarts in a gallon of ice cream?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume How many quarts in a gallon of ice cream? Flag How many quarts in a gallon of ice cream? Answer by Alandonald Confidence votes 1.0KFour quarts to a gallon.25 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Shingpoo5 8 Contributions How many ounces are in a gallon of ice cream?128 ounces, percisely. To be exact 128.22554122315812315132181213218518122 ounces. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many cups in a quart of ice cream? In US measure: 1 quart = 4 cups and 1 cup = 0.25 quart. There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml). There are 40 Imperial fluid ounces (2 pi …How many scoops of ice cream in a gallon? If you are using a 1/2 cup-sized scoop there will be 32 in one gallon."
"docid": "D157558#0",
"title": "https://www.mathsisfun.com/measure/us-standard-volume.html\nUS Standard Volume",
"text": "\"US Standard Volume These are the most common measurements: Fluid Ounces Cups Pints Quarts Gallons Fluid Ounces (fl oz) are small. About how much fits in a small medicine cup. Fluid Ounce! \"\" Fluid Ounce\"\" is used for volume, \"\" Ounce\"\" for mass, and they are different. For example, 1 fluid ounce of honey has a mass of about 1.5 ounces!But for water, 1 fluid ounce has a mass of about 1 ounce. If you mean an ounce of fluid say \"\"fluid ounce\"\" (\"\"fl oz\"\")Cups A small glass holds about 8 fluid ounces, which is also called 1 cup.1 cup = 8 fluid ounces Here we have 2/3 cup ( two-thirds of a cup) of milk, or about 5 fluid ounces By the way ... we can measure volume using special Measuring Cups... ! Pints A pint is equal to 2 cups (example: a large glass of milk! ) 1 pint = 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces When measuring many cups of liquid all put together we might want to use quarts. A quart (qt) is the same thing as 4 cups or 2 pints.1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces If we still need more liquid we can switch to using gallons. A gallon (gal) is the same as 16 cups or 8 pints or 4 quarts."
"docid": "D3319440#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTjs2iXDNUc\nHow Many Cups In A Quart?",
"text": "How Many Cups In A Quart? DOVEsh Subscribe 103Add to Share More82,347 views8853Published on May 20, 2016http://lifewithfoods.com/how-many-cup... How Many Cups In A Quart? If you want more information go on provided link. Related Terms how many quarts in a gallon, how many oz in a gallon, oz to cups, how many ounces are in a quart, how many ounces are in a pint, pints to cups, 2 quarts to cups, how many ounces is a cup, 4 cups to quarts, 5 quarts to gallons, gallon cups, how many ounces in a pint of sour cream, how many spoons in a cup, 4 quarts cups, how many cups in a gallon water, 4 oz how many cups, how many cups in a pint of sour cream, 3 quarts of water is how many cups, one pint cups, 6 qt, how many quarts are in a gallon of water, how many ounces is a pint of sour cream, how many onz in a cup, quart measuring cup, 4 quart measuring cup, quart measurement cups, how much is 4 gallons, how many cups in 5 gallons of water, 16 ounces cup, q cups, pint measuring cup, 3 1 2 quarts, one quart jar,Show more Loading..."
"docid": "D1926373#0",
"title": "http://www.egglesscooking.com/baking-101/baking-measurements/\nBaking Measurements",
"text": "Baking Measurements1.4K shares Sometimes when I’m not sure about a recipe but want to try it anyway, I scale down the recipe to 50% of the original. In those circumstances, I found it very difficult to calculate 50% of 3/4 cup, or to measure 50% of 1.5 tablespoon, etc. Then I found this handy table in my “Baking for Dummies” book. For instance 3/4th of a cup is equal to 12 tablespoons, so half of it would be 6 tablespoons. Here are the frequently asked questions on baking measurements: How to convert 200 grams to cups? Here is the chart on converting 200 grams to cups: Ingredient Measurement in Grams Equivalence in Cups (US)Approximately All Purpose Flour200 grams1.60 cups1.5 cups + 2 Tbspn Butter200 grams0.88 cup3/4th cup + 2 Tbspn Cake Flour200 grams1.46 cups unsifted1.5 cups Granulated Sugar200 grams1 cup1 cup Brown Sugar200 grams0.91 cup packed1 cup minus 1 Tbspn Ground Almonds200 grams0.88 cup, packed3/4th cup + 2 Tbspn Flaked Coconut200 grams2.60 cups2.5 cups + 1 Tbspn Unsweetened Cocoa Powder200 grams2.33 cups2.5 cups – 2 Tbspn Check out the Cups to Grams conversion chart below. Cups To Grams Conversions (Metric)Butter Measurements Cups Sticks Pounds Tablespoons Grams1/4 1/2 1/8 4 55 g1/2 1 1/4 8 112 g1/3 1/2+1 & 1/3 tbspns n/a 5 & 1/3 75 g2/3 1 + 2 & 2/3 tbspns n/a 10 & 2/3 150 g3/4 1 & 1/2 3/8 12 170 g1 2 1/2 16 225 g2 4 1 32 450 g All Purpose Flour, Icing or Powdered Sugar Cup Grams1/8 cup 15 grams1/4 cup 30 grams1/3 cup 40 grams3/8 cup 45 grams1/2 cup 60 grams5/8 cup 70 grams2/3 cup 75 grams3/4 cup 85 grams7/8 cup 100 grams1 cup 110 grams Cake Flour Cup Grams1/8 cup 10 grams1/4 cup 20 grams1/3 cup 25 grams3/8 cup 30 grams1/2 cup 50 grams5/8 cup 60 grams2/3 cup 65 grams3/4 cup 70 grams7/8 cup 85 grams1 cup 95 grams Granulated Sugar Cup Grams1/8 cup 30 grams1/4 cup 55 grams1/3 cup 75 grams3/8 cup 85 grams1/2 cup 115 grams5/8 cup 140 grams2/3 cup 150 grams3/4 cup 170 grams7/8 cup 200 grams1 cup 225 grams Brown Sugar Cup Grams1/8 cup 25 grams1/4 cup 50 grams1/3 cup 65 grams3/8 cup 75 grams1/2 cup 100 grams5/8 cup 125 grams2/3 cup 135 grams3/4 cup 150 grams7/8 cup 175 grams1 cup 200 grams Sliced Almonds Cup Grams1/8 cup 10 grams1/4 cup 20 grams1/3 cup 25 grams3/8 cup 30 grams1/2 cup 40 grams5/8 cup 50 grams2/3 cup 55 grams3/4 cup 60 grams7/8 cup 70 grams1 cup 80 grams Ground Almonds Cup Grams1/8 cup 25 grams1/4 cup 50 grams1/3 cup 65 grams3/8 cup 75 grams1/2 cup 100 grams5/8 cup 125 grams2/3 cup 135 grams3/4 cup 150 grams7/8 cup 175 grams1 cup 200 grams Flaked Coconut Cup Grams1/8 cup 10 grams1/4 cup 20 grams1/3 cup 25 grams3/8 cup 30 grams1/2 cup 40 grams5/8 cup 45 grams2/3 cup 50 grams3/4 cup 60 grams7/8 cup 65 grams1 cup 75 grams Grated Coconut Cup Grams1/8 cup 10 grams1/4 cup 25 grams1/3 cup 35 grams3/8 cup 40 grams1/2 cup 50 grams5/8 cup 60 grams2/3 cup 65 grams3/4 cup 75 grams7/8 cup 85 grams1 cup 100 grams Unsweetened Cocoa Powder Cup Grams1/8 cup 15 grams1/4 cup 30 grams1/3 cup 40 grams3/8 cup 45 grams1/2 cup 60 grams5/8 cup 70 grams2/3 cup 75 grams3/4 cup 85 grams7/8 cup 100 grams1 cup 125 grams Baking Measurements If a recipe calls for this amount You can also measure it this way Dash 2 or 3 drops (liquid) or less than 1/8 teaspoon (dry)1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons or 1/2 ounce2 tablespoons 1 ounce1/4 cup 4 tablespoons or 2 ounces1/3 cup 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon1/2 cup 8 tablespoons or 4 ounces3/4 cup 12 tablespoons or 6 ounces1 cup 16 tablespoons or 8 ounces1 pint 2 cups or 16 ounces or 1 pound1 quart 4 cups or 2 pints1 gallon 4 quarts1 pound 16 ounces Volume Measurements US Units Canadian Units Australian Units1/4 teaspoon 1 ml 1 ml1/2 teaspoon 2 ml 2 ml1 teaspoon 5 ml 5 ml1 tablespoon 15 ml 20 ml1/4 cup 50 ml 60 ml1/3 cup 75 ml 80 ml1/2 cup 125 ml 125 ml2/3 cup 150 ml 170 ml3/4 cup 175 ml 190 ml1 cup 250 ml 250 ml1 quart 1 liter 1 liter1 and 1/2 quarts 1.5 liters 1.5 liters2 quarts 2 liters 2 liters2 and 1/2 quarts 2.5 liters 2.5 liters3 quarts 3 liters 3 liters4 quarts 4 liters 4 liters Weight Measurements US Units Canadian Metric Australian Metric1 ounce 30 grams 30 grams2 ounces 55 grams 60 grams3 ounces 85 grams 90 grams4 ounces (1/4 pound) 115 grams 125 grams8 ounces (1/2 pound) 225 grams 225 grams16 ounces (1 pound) 455 grams 500 grams (1/2 kilogram)Temperature Conversions Farenheit Celsius32 0212 100250 120275 140300 150325 160350 180375 190400 200425 220450 230475 240500 260Happy Baking!Share 875 Tweet 10 +1 46 Pin 468 Share 0Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment Name *Email *165 COMMENTSWendy Gonsalves February 21, 2018 at 1:20 pm I love yr blog chef madhuram. Its so informative and explanations are done very beautifully. Please do send me eggless recipes."
"docid": "D974229#0",
"title": "http://urparamount.com/articles/HowMuchWater/How-I-Drink-4-Quarts-Ionized-Water.html\n.",
"text": "\"Why to drink? That's easy... To Reverse Aging! Detoxify! Purify! Energize! Vitalize!How much should you drink: It's said we need 8-10 glasses of water a day (8 oz. glasses). That's at least 2 quarts of water. This is just to provide the water we need to wash away the acidity from our bodily functions and remove our own wastes. The truth is, most of us are dehydrated."
"docid": "D1784666#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_teaspoons_in_128_ounces\nHow many teaspoons in 128 ounces?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume How many teaspoons in 128 ounces? Flag How many teaspoons in 128 ounces? Answer by Joebruno A bunch? You're comparing a unit of volume to a unit of weight. 128 ounces could be 7 teaspoons or 700. ( Think pile of feathers vs. ball of lead). Apples and oranges my friend. A reader replies: HUH? I always thought that an ounce, in the USA, was used for both weight and volume. A quart, a unit of volume, has 32 ounces and therefore a finite number of teaspoons, also a unit of volume."
"docid": "D891596#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-ounces-are-in-a-quart\nHow many ounces are in a quart?",
"text": "Loring Chien, former Principal Engineer at Fortune 1000 Company (2002-2016)Answered Feb 7, 2018 · Author has 22.2k answers and 28.2m answer views Originally Answered: How many fluid ounces are in a quart? There’s 32 fluid oz. in a quart. There’s a lot of powers of two in the fluid volumes of the US customary system.1 gallon = 2 half gallons= 4 quarts=8 pints=16 cups32 half cups=64 quarter cups=128 oz.=256 tablespoonsbut there it falls apart…=786 teaspoons. ( 3 to a tablespoon)432 Views Related Questions More Answers Below How many cups are in a quart? How much is 2 quarts in ounces? How many grams are in an ounce? How many quarters are there in an ounce? What is a half quart? Ask New Question Pete Gannett, Associate Dean Research & Graduate Education at Nova Southeastern University (2015-present)Answered Feb 7, 2018 · Author has 1k answers and 634.2k answer views Originally Answered: How many fluid ounces are in a quart?32 oz/qt."
"docid": "D1864673#0",
"title": "https://www.intltravelnews.com/2011/05/managing-liquids-and-gels-carry-only\nManaging liquids and gels with carry-on only",
"text": "\"This article appears on page 40 of the May 2011 issue. Barbara Glavish of Incline Village, Nevada, wrote, “Many readers have mentioned that they travel all over the world with just one carry-on bag. I do wonder how they cope with the rule prohibiting carrying greater-than-three-ounce containers of liquids, gels and pastes. * Do they carry lots of little bottles of body lotion, shampoo, face cream, toothpaste, etc? Do they purchase toiletry items on the go? I’ve found that in many places, even generic-type lotions, shampoos, etc., are much more expensive than others at home and, frankly, I can’t be bothered with hunting down these items while I’m traveling. Some of these travelers go camping or stay in small pensions, and occasionally even quite upmarket hotels do not supply amenities in the bathrooms. Can any of these travelers tell me how they manage on a long trip?”We asked those of you who never check a bag to give up your secrets. Some responses appear below, with more to be printed next month."
"docid": "D3113413#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110305110341AAfuKej\nHow many cups equal to 125 g of flour?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How many cups equal to 125 g of flour?i wanna try this cookie recipe but its in grams i wanna know how cups equal to 125 g also how many cups equal to 75 g n how many tablespoons for 80 g of butter1 following 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Chocolate Truffle Cookies Ingredients * 4 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate, chopped * 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips * 6 tablespoons butter * 3 eggs * 1 cup white sugar * 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract * 1/2 cup all-purpose flour * 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder * 1/4 teaspoon baking powder * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips Directions 1. In the microwave or in a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, melt unsweetened chocolate, 1 cup of the chocolate chips, and the butter stirring occasionally until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. In a large bowl, whip eggs and sugar until thick and pale, about 2 minutes. Stir in the vanilla and the chocolate mixture until well mixed. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt; gradually stir into the chocolate mixture. Fold in remaining 1 cup chocolate chips. Cover dough and chill for at least an hour or overnight. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)."
"docid": "D3062763#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_are_in_a_cup\nHow many cups in 1.9 quarts?",
"text": "Manny de la Riva How many cups in 1.9 quarts?7.59 cups. In US measure: 1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart. There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml). There are 40 Imperial fluid …Ghost tigeress 3,198 Contributions How many cups are ina quart?1 US quart = 4 US cups Manny de la Riva How many cups in four quarts?16 cups Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many quart are in a cup? There is 1/4 of a quart in a cup. Manny de la Riva How many quarts and cups are in 13 cups?3.25 qt Manny de la Riva How many quarts and cups is 19 cups?4 qt & 3 cups Manny de la Riva How many cups is it in three quarts?12 cups. In US measure: 1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart. There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml). There are 40 Imperial fluid ou …Manny de la Riva How many cups of are in ten quarts?40 cups."
"docid": "D1446469#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_pounds_does_one_quart_weigh\nHow many pounds does one quart weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Weight and Mass How many pounds does one quart weigh? Flag How many pounds does one quart weigh? Answer by Tebeecher Confidence votes 8Assuming that you are talking about water, a quart is 16 ounces, so a quart of water weighs a pound. A quart of gold obviously weighs more, a quart of feathers obviously weighs less. A quart of water weighs 2.15 pounds. You're talking about 1 pint. A quart of water weighs 32 fluid ounces not 16. 16 fluid ounces refers to a pint. TB!18 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Tkgault 1,981 Contributions How many quarts are in one pound?"
"docid": "D250399#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/1.5_cups_equals_how_many_tablespoons\nHow many tablespoons equal 1.5 ounces?",
"text": "Branwen 259 Contributions How many tablespoons equal 1.5 ounces? Answer . 1 tablespoon is 0.5 ounces, 1.5 ounces would equal 3 tablespoons. Rhianna11111 1 Contribution1.5 fluid ounces equals how many tablespoons?the answer i think is 9Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How many tablespoons in 1.5 cups?24 tbsp Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis . 1.5 c . . 16 tablespoons 1 c . = . 24 tablespoons. Nineteen Kilo 440 Contributions How many tablespoons or cups is 1.5 ounces of cream cheese?1.5 ounces [US, liquid] = 3Tablespoons [US]. Source: http://www.onlineconversion.com/volume.htm1.5 cup equals how many tablespoons?25 tbsp. 1 tbsp = 15ml 1.5 cups = 375ml 375/15 = 254 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com1.5 ml is equal to how many tablespoons?1.5 ml = 0.101442 tbs (US)."
"docid": "D2123759#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-much-is-2-quarts-in-ounces\nHow much is 2 quarts in ounces?",
"text": "\"Quart Ounces Metric Conversions Measurements Mathematics How much is 2 quarts in ounces?13 Answers Dave Yerzley Answered Dec 27, 2017 · Author has 252 answers and 179.3k answer views The first part you can look up, and learn that in the US: [math] 1 \\ Qt \\ = \\ 32 \\ fluid \\ Oz \\ [/math] , so [math] \\dfrac { 32 \\ Oz } { 1 \\ Qt } = 1 [/math]Therefore [math] 2 \\ Qt \\cdot \\dfrac { 32 \\ Oz } { 1 \\ Qt } = 64 \\ Oz [/math]This is a simple enough process that everyone should be able to do it. For more information on converting between units, see my response to How are conversion factors used?1k Views · Answer requested by Carly Nunez Related Questions More Answers Below How many ounces are in a quart? How many 8 fluid ounces are in a 2 quart container? How much is a 1/2 ounce? How many ounces are in a 1/2 gallon? How many liters are in 2 1/2 quarts, which are not liquid quarts? This is for baking a casserole. Ask New Question Timothy Wilder, Random guy. Reads random things. Writes random things."
"docid": "D1478713#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-bottles-of-water-are-in-a-gallon\nHow many bottles of water are in a gallon?",
"text": "\"Gallon Bottled Water Bottles Measurements Water How many bottles of water are in a gallon?18 Answers Sid Mohialdin, Enig Maverick - Qrious Updated Dec 24, 2017 · Author has 73 answers and 117.4k answer views I don’t mean to assume but are you,A lazy person? Bored to do homework? Lazy and bored to do homework? Just asking casually :)Your answer: Ranges from 1 to 15. Because bottles are available from 1 Gallon to 250 ml in capacity. BONUS: I shall tell a you a site which will answer you exponentially quicker, with only a minimal required brain strain from you. CLICK HERESelf-taught life navigator. Interested in everything. Follow me, Sid Mohialdin for more.12.1k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? How many oz."
] |
393 | .a graben is found between two _____. | [
"docid": "D1465937#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graben\nGraben",
"text": "\"Graben From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Graben (disambiguation). Infrared-enhanced satellite image of a graben in the Afar Depression In geology, a graben is a depressed block of the Earth's crust bordered by parallel faults. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Formation3 Half-graben4 Examples4.1 Antarctica4.2 Africa4.3 Asia4.4 Europe4.5 North America4.6 Oceania4.7 South America5 See also6 Notes7 References Etymology [ edit]Graben is German for ditch or trench. The plural form is either graben [1] or grabens. [ 2]Formation [ edit]A graben is a valley with a distinct escarpment on each side caused by the displacement of a block of land downward. Graben often occur side-by-side with horsts. Horst and graben structures indicate tensional forces and crustal stretching. Graben are produced from parallel normal faults, where the displacement of the hanging wall is downward, while that of the footwall is upward. The faults typically dip toward the center of the graben from both sides. Horsts are parallel blocks that remain between graben; the bounding faults of a horst typically dip away from the center line of the horst."
] | [
"docid": "D1927263#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/9859420/earth-science-unit-2-forces-and-features-of-earth-features-of-earthquakes-lesson-3-info-flash-cards/\nEarth Science Unit 2: Forces and Features of Earth - FEATURES OF EARTHQUAKES (Lesson 3 Info)",
"text": "\"19 terms Doo Bop Wow Earth Science Unit 2: Forces and Features of Earth - FEATURES OF EARTHQUAKES (Lesson 3 Info)Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Earthquake Features Earthquakes can can great damage and significantly reshape the crust of the earth. Folds A fold is a bending of rock layers when surrounding layers of rock push together. the extreme pressure caused by tectonic plates moving together produces different types of folds Types of Folds There are three types of folds: monoclines, anticlines, and synclines. Monoclines Monoclines are the simplest type of folds. The rock layers or strata are horizontal, but at different levels in height. A ramp-like incline connects the otherwise horizontal, flat layers. Anticlines and Synclines Usually folds more complex than a monocline. There can be a combination of folds. Imagine a place with rolling hills. The bottom of one hill is the start of another."
"docid": "D2932847#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/fault-geology\nFault",
"text": "Fault, in geology, a planar or gently curved fracture in the rocks of the Earth’s crust, where compressional or tensional forces cause relative displacement of the rocks on the opposite sides of the fracture. Faults range in length from a few centimetres to many hundreds of kilometres, and displacement likewise may range from less than a centimetre to several hundred kilometres along the fracture surface (the fault plane). In some instances, the movement is distributed over a fault zone composed of many individual faults that occupy a belt hundreds of metres wide. The geographic distribution of faults varies; some large areas have almost none, others are cut by innumerable faults. Faults may be vertical, horizontal, or inclined at any angle. Although the angle of inclination of a specific fault plane tends to be relatively uniform, it may differ considerably along its length from place to place. When rocks slip past each other in faulting, the upper or overlying block along the fault plane is called the hanging wall, or headwall; the block below is called the footwall. The fault strike is the direction of the line of intersection between the fault plane and the surface of the Earth. The dip of a fault plane is its angle of inclination measured from the horizontal. Faults are classified according to their angle of dip and their relative displacement."
"docid": "D2039940#0",
"title": "http://www.discovernewmexico.com/articles/rio_grande_gorge_geology/index.htm\n.",
"text": "The Rio Grande Gorge and the Geology that Formed It By Linda Thompson Rio Grande Gorge ©Terry Thompson, High Mesa Productions.com (Taos, New Mexico) Spanish conquistadores discovered the mouth of the Rio Grande River in 1519. In the next 100 years they founded some of the earliest North American settlements along its banks. These explorers named the river El Río Grande, or 'the Great River.' However, it has been called many other names. The pueblo people called it Posoge, or P'Osoge, 'big river.' Shipwrecked British sailors crossed it in 1568 and called it 'the River of May.' Various Spaniards and Mexicans named it El Río de Nuestra Señora ('river of our lady'), El Río Guadalquivir, El Río Bravo, El Río del Norte, and El Río Turbio ('turbulent river'). On a map dated 1700, it appears as El Río del Norte y de Nuevo México. This river of many names, or at least the section that runs through northern New Mexico, is not a typical river that has carved out its own valley. Rather, the valley appeared first and the river followed. This 'rift valley' is a separation in the earth's crust caused by faulting and other earth movements when the North American and Pacific plates scraped against each other some twenty-nine million years ago."
"docid": "D2647561#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taupo_Volcanic_Zone\nTaupo Volcanic Zone",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Mount Ngauruhoe Satellite photo of the Lake Taupo caldera Volcano and lake/caldera locations in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. The distance between the town of Rotorua and the town of Taupo is 80 km. ( White Island is not shown. ) Whakaari/White Island The Taupo Volcanic Zone ( TVZ) is a volcanic area in the North Island of New Zealand that has been active for the past two million years and is still highly active. Mount Ruapehu marks its south-western end and the zone runs north-eastward through the Taupo and Rotorua areas and offshore into the Bay of Plenty. It is part of the larger Central Volcanic Region that extends further westward through the western Bay of Plenty to the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula and has been active for four million years. [ 1] The Taupo Volcanic Zone is widening east–west at the rate of about 8 mm per year. It is named after Lake Taupo, the flooded caldera of the largest volcano in the zone. Contents [ hide ]1 Activity2 Extent and geological context3 Scientific study4 Volcanoes, lakes and geothermal fields4.1 Note5 See also6 References7 External links Activity [ edit]There are numerous volcanic vents and geothermal fields in the zone, with Mount Ruapehu, Mount Ngauruhoe and White Island erupting most frequently. The zone's largest eruption since the arrival of Europeans was that of Mount Tarawera in 1886, which killed over 100 people."
"docid": "D160767#0",
"title": "http://serc.carleton.edu/quantskills/methods/quantlit/stressandstrain.html\nStress and Strain",
"text": "\"Stress and Strain Quantitative concepts: trigonometry, graphing Stress and Strainby Dr. Carol Ormand (University of Wisconsin - Madison) and Dr. Eric Baer (Highline Community College)Jump down to: Stress, strain, & structures|Conditions of deformation|Faults|Analogs|Teaching Examples|Resources Essential Concepts There are 5 main concepts with which students struggle when thinking about stress and strain:rocks deform,stress causes strain and strain results in structures,different physical conditions create different structures,inferring stress from faults, andthe relationship between analogs and reality. Rocks deform Many students have a difficult time realizing that rocks can bend or break. They also may have difficulty imagining the forces necessary to fold or fault rocks or comprehending that the seemingly constant Earth can change dramatically over time. This is especially true of students who live in tectonically stable areas. If students are to understand the basics of stress and strain, they must overcome this barrier since it will be difficult to examine the causes and conditions of deformation if students cannot comprehend deformation. It is often helpful to have students create analog models of the structures present in rock photos or hand samples. Here is a picture of a structure known as boudinage (named after the French word for blood sausage - note the sausage-like structure). Can you make a similar structure using your Silly Putty ®? What kind of rate of strain is necessary to produce something similar (do you get the same result if you pull it apart quickly or more slowly)? Does it work better if your Silly Putty ® is warm or cold?"
"docid": "D1263935#0",
"title": "http://uam-web2.uamont.edu/facultyweb/edson/ch_6%20practice%20test.htm\n.",
"text": "Chapter 6 Multiple Choice1. The elastic rebound theory for the origin of earthquakes was first proposed by ____________ following the ____________ earthquake.a. Reid; 1906, San Franciscob. Giuseppe; 1925, Pizza Lakec. Richter; 1989, Loma Prietad. Mohorovicic; 1964, Anchorage2. When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source. The source is also referred to as the __________.a. inertial pointb. epicenterc."
"docid": "D321834#0",
"title": "http://www.lib.utexas.edu/geo/ggtc/ch3.html\n.",
"text": "\"Guidebook to the Geology of Travis County Chapter 3 : The Balcones Fault Zone of Austin M. A. Jordan THE BALCONES ESCARPMENTIntroduction Driving on Interstate Highway 35 between Austin and San Antonio, one observes that the land to the east is for the most part relatively flat, whereas the land to the west is more rugged and higher, Austin, San Marcos, San Antonio and other towns along this part of the Interstate Highway 35 are all located at or near this obvious change in topography, which commonly is called an escarpment. Generally speaking, an escarpment is the relatively steep face that separates two regions of markedly different elevation. Along most of the Balcones Escarpment, the land to the west averages about 300 feet higher than the land to the east. FORMATION OF ESCARPMENTSMost escarpments, including the Balcones, are the result of differential erosion, which occurs when there are variations in the ability of exposed rock to resist erosion. The old saying \"\"the rain falls alike on the just and the unjust\"\" can be applied to resistant and non-resistant rocks. Erosional agents, such as rain, attack with essentially equal vigor all over the land along the Balcones Escarpment. But the rocks on the west side are more resistant to erosion, and have been worn down less than the rocks on the east side, with the passage of time and countless rainstorms. So, \"\"differential erosion\"\" describes the result of erosional processes acting on rocks with different properties -- properties which influence the rocks' susceptibility to erosion. Figure 36 is a profile of a hypothetical escarpment, showing locations of resistant and non-resistant rocks. ( BIGGER) Figure 36The face of the escarpment usually looks more scarred by erosion than any other part of the area, because erosive power of water is greater on the steep slope of the face."
"docid": "D2133193#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/csqdnuyk5isa/mt-unzen-japan/\nMt. Unzen, Japan",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like Mt. Unzen, Japan No descriptionby Bryce Garneron 7 February 20135 Tweet Comments ( 4)Morgan Arnette · 1449 days ago Good job Melodie Davis · 1239 days ago It really helped to make my project easierspencer lokken · 853 days agoi found this really useful and it made doing my presentation easier Ayiana Kolasinski · 344 days ago Wow. I wanna use that for my presentation. I cant seem to find the right template for my presentation Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Mt. Unzen, Japan Mt Unzen, Japan Mt. Unzen's History How often has it erupted? Over actually recorded history, the answer is as follows: 1663, 1792, 1990/1991 almost continually to 1994/1995. When did eruption begin? Mount Unzen is part of Shimabara Peninsula, which has seen extensive volcanism over thousands of years. The oldest volcanic deposits in the region date from over 6 million years ago, and extensive eruptions occurred over the whole peninsula between 2.5 and 0.5 million years ago. Were deaths and damage common with Mt. Unzen's eruptions? Deaths and damages are not \"\"Common\"\" with the eruptions of Mt. Unzen; however there are a few instances such as the 1792 eruption which killed an estimated 15000 people."
"docid": "D1110597#0",
"title": "http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens1110/deform.htm\n.",
"text": "\"EENS 1110Physical Geology Tulane University Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Deformation of Rock This page last updated on 29-Sep-2015Mount Everest is the highest peak on Earth at 29,028 feet above sea level. The rock at the top of the peak is a marine limestone, deposited on the sea floor about 450 million years ago! This is an amazing fact that begs the question - how did that rock get there? In this discussion we will try to answer that question. The topics we will cover include: Review of Stress and Strain Brittle Deformation – Faults and Joints Ductile deformation – Folds Mountain Building Processes Stress and Strain We start our discussion with a brief review of the concepts of stress and strain. Recall that stress is a force acting on a material that produces a strain. Stress is a force applied over an area and therefore has units of Force/area (like lb/in 2 ). Pressure is a stress where the forces act equally from all directions. If stress is not equal from all directions then we say that the stress is a differential stress."
"docid": "D1168990#0",
"title": "https://chiefio.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/where-did-the-grand-canyon-go/\nWhere did the Grand Canyon go?",
"text": "\"Where did the Grand Canyon go? Posted on 1 April 2011 by E. M. Smith OK, so I’m watching quakes and things, and this tiny little issue comes up. There are a bunch of them down in Baja. The energy from them tends to wander up my way after a while, so I like to keep tabs on them. Then we got a couple of small ones up by Mammoth “Lakes” a bit north of Death Valley… that’s actually a volcanic Caldera and can get really nasty if it blows it’s top. Think “small super volcano” (if there can be such a thing as a ‘small one’ of them…)The geology of Southern California can be a bit, er, complex… There is a subducted spreading zone (that starts as a Pacific floor spreading area) and then some of it gets sucked under the North American plate. This “has issues” like spreading out the Basin and Range area a bit and making Utah and Nevada larger… as they sink a little. But a lot of it goes into “other places”. For example, Death Valley. It is below sea level as it is being slowly pulled open into a rift in the continent."
"docid": "D179281#0",
"title": "http://www.csun.edu/~psk17793/ES9CP/ES9%20types_of_mountains.htm\n.",
"text": "Types of Mountains Objectives:1. Classify mountains by their most prominent feature.2. Compare and contrast folded mountains, volcanic mountains, and fault-block mountains. Key Termsfolded mountain volcanic mountain fault-block mountain Notes: (11-3)Mountains throughout the world have formed as a result of pressures (compression, tension, & shear) deep within the lithosphere. The types of pressures present have a great impact on the physical characteristics of the mountain ranges. Mountains are classified into three main categories based on these physical characteristics. Folded mountains Folded mountains are the product of two inter continental (continent-continent) plate collisions. Ocean plate between the two continents disappears Subduction ceases due to near equal density Mountains are formed as the land is compressed and folded upward Found in mountain beltsex: Appalachians, Himalayas, Rocky Mountains, Alps (www.creationscience.com/.../images/ Hydroplate Overview24.jpg)Dome Mountains Dome mountains are rounded isolated structures that are usually not associated with mountain belts as they occur in generally flat regions. They can be classified into two distinct categories: Plutonic & Tectonic Plutonic Domes Formed from an igneous intrusion Lacoliths and batholiths both form igneous dome mountainsex: Yosemite, Colorado plateau mountains (Leilani Ahsing - 2003)Tectonic Domes Dome mountains resulting from uplifting of tectonic plates No plate boundaries are directly involved in the formationex: Adirondack Mountains (NY), Black Hills (SD)Fault-Block Mountains Fault block mountains are formed as a result of a combination of tension and uplift forces. The stretching and cracking of the crust gives the mountains their appearance and name.ex: Sierra Nevada (CA) (nasa.utep.edu/chih/theland/ landscape/frankmts6.jpg)Horst & Grabens Horsts and grabens are large blocks of land that have either been uplifted or dropped due to direct plate interaction."
"docid": "D2472410#0",
"title": "http://geology.teacherfriendlyguide.org/index.php/topography-w/topography-region1-w\nRegion 1: The Basin and Range",
"text": "Region 1: The Basin and Range Figure 4.2: Digital shaded relief map of the contiguous Western States. The Basin and Range possesses perhaps the most unique topography of the Western United States. It covers a large area of the US, extending to the Rocky Mountain, Southwestern, and South Central states. Basin and Range topography is characterized by alternating valleys and mountainous areas, oriented in a north-south, linear direction. The entire region, including all of Nevada, southeastern California, and southeastern Oregon, consists of high mountain ranges (mostly running north-south) alternating with low valleys. The formation of this topography is directly related to tectonic forces that led to crustal extension (pulling of the crust in opposite directions). After the Laramide Orogeny —the mountain-building event that created the Rockies—ended in the Paleogene, tectonic processes stretched and broke the crust, and the upward movement of magma weakened the lithosphere from underneath. Around 20 million years ago, the crust along the Basin and Range stretched, thinned, and faulted into some 400 mountain blocks. The pressure of the mantle below uplifted some blocks, creating elongated peaks and leaving the lower blocks below to form down-dropped valleys. The boundaries between the mountains and valleys are very sharp, both because of the straight faults between them and because many of those faults are still active."
"docid": "D1465935#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/graben\ngraben",
"text": "graben Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to graben: rift valleygrabengra·ben (grä′bən)n. A usually elongated depression between geologic faults. [ German Graben, from Middle High German grabe, trench, from Old High German grabo, fromgraban, to dig; see ghrebh- in Indo-European roots . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.graben ( ˈɡrɑːbən) n (Physical Geography) an elongated trough of land produced by subsidence of the earth'scrust between two faults [C19: from German, from Old High German graban to dig]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014gra•ben (ˈgrɑ bən)n.a portion of the earth's crust, bounded on at least two sides by faults, that has droppeddownward in relation to adjacent portions. [ 1895–1900; < German: ditch]Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.›› KEEP READING IN encyclopedia Translations Select a language: Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content ."
"docid": "D2288190#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Forest\nBlack Forest",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Black Forest (disambiguation). Black Forest Map of Germany with the Black Forest outlined in green Highest point Elevation 1,493 metres (4,898 ft)Coordinates 48°18′N 8°9′ECoordinates: 48°18′N 8°9′EDimensions Length 160 km (99 mi)Area 6,009.2 km 2 (2,320.2 sq mi)Geography Country Germany State Baden-Württemberg Parent range Southwest German Uplands/Scarplands Geology Orogeny Central Uplands Type of rock Gneiss, Bunter sandstone The Black Forest ( German: Schwarzwald, pronounced [ˈʃvaʁt͡svalt]) is a large forested mountain range in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwest Germany. It is bounded by the Rhine valley to the west and south. Its highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 metres (4,898 ft). The region is roughly oblong in shape with a length of 160 km (99 mi) and breadth of up to 50 km (31 mi). [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Geography1.1 Natural regions1.1.1 Work of the Institute of Applied Geography1.2 Mountains1.3 Rivers and lakes2 Geology2.1 Basement2.2 Uplift of the mountains2.3 Platform2.4 Ice age and topography3 Climate3.1 Precipitation3.2 Temperature and sunshine4 History5 Economy5.1 Mining5.2 Forestry5.3 Glass making, charcoal burning and potash mining5.4 Precision engineering, clock and jewellery manufacture5.5 Hydropower6 Political jurisdiction7 Tourism and transport7.1 Tourist attractions7.2 Hiking trails7.3 Museums7.4 Road transport7.5 Railway transport7.6 Administration7.7 Points of interest8 Conservation areas9 Fauna10 Culture10.1 Dialects10.2 Traditional costume10.3 Art10.4 Crafts10.5 Cuisine10.6 Fasnet11 Gallery12 See also13 References14 Bibliography14.1 Geography14.2 Economy, geology and mining14.3 Art history14.4 Nature14.5 Fiction14.6 General15 External links Geography [ edit]Woods and pastures of the High Black Forest near Breitnau The Black Forest stretches from the High Rhine in the south to the Kraichgau in the north. In the west it is bounded by the Upper Rhine Plain (which, from a natural region perspective, also includes the low chain of foothills); in the east it transitions to the Gäu, Baar and hill country west of the Klettgau. The Black Forest is the highest part of the South German Scarplands and much of it is densely wooded, a fragment of the Hercynian Forest of Antiquity. It lies upon rocks of the crystalline basement and Bunter Sandstone, and its natural boundary with the surrounding landscapes is formed by the emergence of muschelkalk, which is absent from the Black Forest bedrock. Thanks to the fertility of the soil which is dependent on the underlying rock, this line is both a vegetation boundary as well as the border between the Altsiedelland (\"\"old settlement land\"\") and the Black Forest, which was not permanently settled until the High Middle Ages."
"docid": "D2392743#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Rift+Valley\nrift valley",
"text": "rift valley Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to rift valley: Rift Valley fever, Great Rift Valley Rift Valley (rĭft)See Great Rift Valley.rift valleyn. A valley that has developed along a rift, especially one bounded by normal faults. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.rift valleyn (Geological Science) a long narrow valley resulting from the subsidence of land between twoparallel faults, often associated with volcanism. The East African Rift Valley is an example Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014gra•ben (ˈgrɑ bən)n.a portion of the earth's crust, bounded on at least two sides by faults, that has droppeddownward in relation to adjacent portions. [ 1895–1900; < German: ditch]Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.rift valley1. A long, narrow valley having normal geologic faults on either side."
"docid": "D2138775#0",
"title": "http://worldlandforms.com/landforms/rift-valley/\nRift Valley",
"text": "Rift Valley Rift Valley Landforms Have 2 Main Characteristics: A portion of land that drops, forming a valley Bordered by fault zones and separating land masses Example of a Rift Valley Landform: East Rift Valley, Taiwan The rift valley picture above is of Thingvellir National Park located in Iceland. The North American and Eurasian tectonic plates separate at this location. What is a Rift Valley Landform? A rift valley is a valley or depression in the land bordered by fault zones and separating tectonic plates. How are Rift Valleys Formed? The depressed areas of a rift valley are formed by one or more grabens. A graben is a fallen portion of land with faults on 2 or more sides. When outer landmasses move away from the fault zones, the land in the middle can slowly drop during a period of thousands of years. This forms a lower portion of land called a graben. A graben may continue to drop and become the floor of a rift valley."
"docid": "D2722538#0",
"title": "https://www.nps.gov/brca/learn/education/plateact8.htm\nActivity 8: Mountain Building",
"text": "\"Activity 8: Mountain Building PUSHING AND PULLING MOUNTAINSSummary: Mountains and valleys are created by huge tectonic activity, or movement in the Earth. This movement occurs in many different ways, over millions of years. This lesson will show how mountains and valleys form as the result of tectonic forces. Instructional Method: Activity Goal: To experiment with how tectonic forces form mountains. Objectives: Students will be able to: Recreate each landform made by drawing it on paper or using the foam strips Perform each force needed to create different landforms Label on paper the direction of the movement of the rock corresponding to each force Locate these landforms in nature or in photos Time: Set up: 40 min. Experiment: 20 min. Cleanup and discussion: 20 min. Materials Needed: Foam of different thickness and color (craft and camping pad foam)String Rope4x4 piece of wood 2 feet long Saw Scissors Vocabulary:basin batholith fault fold graben hill horst igneous intrusion laccolith mountain normal fault tectonic thrust fault valley Background: Mountains and valleys form in many ways. Two types of tectonic forces can result in mountains and valleys: compression (squishing) and extension (pulling apart). These forces commonly associate with mountain building but also form valleys."
"docid": "D2590481#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ore_resources_on_Mars\nOre resources on Mars",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article duplicates the scope of other articles. Please discuss this issue on the talk page and edit it to conform with Wikipedia's Manual of Style. ( September 2013)This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: poorly written Please help improve this article if you can. ( September 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Mars may contain ores that would be very useful to potential colonists. [ 1] [2] The abundance of volcanic features together with widespread cratering are strong evidence for a variety of ores. [ 3] While nothing may be found on Mars that would justify the high cost of transport to Earth, the more necessary ores future colonists can obtain from Mars, the easier it would be to build colonies on the Red Planet. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 How deposits are made2 Molten rock on Mars3 Heat from impacts4 Direct evidence for useful materials5 Future detection for ores on Mars6 See also7 References How deposits are made [ edit]Ore deposits are produced with the help of large amounts of heat. On Mars, heat can come from molten rock moving under the ground and from crater impacts. Liquid rock under the ground is called magma."
"docid": "D1630149#0",
"title": "http://www.le.ac.uk/gl/art/gl209/lecture3/lecture3.html\n.",
"text": "PLATE TECTONICS: Lecture 3THE WILSON CYCLE: RIFTING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF OCEAN BASINSAs the concept of sea floor spreading gained acceptance in the late 60's, the consequences for geology gradually began to dawn. One of the first to recognise how plate tectonics could be applied to the geological record was J. Tuzo Wilson. If continents rift apart to form ocean basins, other oceans must close. This may be repeated throughout Earth history. Example: the IAPETUS ocean between England & Scotland in the Lower Palaeozoic, closed in the Caledonian; later opening of the Atlantic, almost in the same place. The cycle is known as the Wilson Cycle: (1) Rifting of continents by mantle diapirism (2) Continental drift, seafloor spreading & formation of ocean basins (3) Progressive closure of ocean basins by subduction of ocean lithosphere (4) Continental collision and final closure of ocean basin The two diagrams below (Figs 1 & 2) illustrate some simple (if old) concepts of continental rifting (e.g. the Gondwana continent) at the start of the Wilson Cycle. Uprising plume causes doming of crust with magma chamber developing underneath. As extension continues, an ocean basin forms, and thick sedimentary sequences develop at continental margins as rivers dump sediments in deep water. However in reality may be a bit more complex . . . CONTINENTAL RIFTING: rrr and RRR triple junctions Four main stages can be recognised in the tectonic development of a typical rifted passive margin: (1) The RIFT VALLEY stage involves early graben formation prior to continental splitting."
"docid": "D792447#0",
"title": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/5868555/\nWarm Up If erosion stripped off the top of a dome, what would be found? a. The oldest rocks are exposed in the center. b. The oldest rocks are exposed.",
"text": "\"279Warm Up If erosion stripped off the top of a dome, what would be found? a. The oldest rocks are exposed in the center. b. The oldest rocks are exposed. Published by Reynard Gilbert Modified over 2 years ago Embed Download presentation Presentation on theme: \"\"Warm Up If erosion stripped off the top of a dome, what would be found? a. The oldest rocks are exposed in the center. b. The oldest rocks are exposed. \"\"— Presentation transcript:1 Warm Up If erosion stripped off the top of a dome, what would be found?a. The oldest rocks are exposed in the center.b. The oldest rocks are exposed along the edges of the dome.c. The youngest rocks are exposed in the center.d."
] |
405 | .net salary | [
"docid": "D1529918#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/NET-Developer-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Home > . NET DEVELOPER Salary. NET DEVELOPER Salary53 53 53. NET DEVELOPER average salary is $72,980, median salary is $70,000 with a salary range from $32,885 to $182,520. . NET DEVELOPER salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. . NET DEVELOPER salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low32,885Average72,980Median70,000High182,520 . NET DEVELOPER Jobs Total 1879 Salaries."
] | [
"docid": "D1651868#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Child-Welfare-Caseworker-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary92 91 91average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D175658#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Therapeutic-Recreation-Specialist-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Salary85 50 62Therapeutic Recreation Specialist average salary is $29,120, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Therapeutic Recreation Specialist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Therapeutic Recreation Specialist salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average29,120Median-High- Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Jobs Total 1 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Boston Higashi School29,120-29,120Randolph, MA, 02368 2015 Boston Higashi School Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Salaries (1) Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Randolph, MA Salaries1Related Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D529353#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Indianapolis-IN/Data-Manager-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Data Manager Indianapolis, IN Salary34 41 14Data Manager Indianapolis, IN average salary is $74,470, median salary is $64,000 with a salary range from $21,840 to $549,328. Data Manager Indianapolis, IN salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Data Manager Indianapolis, IN salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low21,840Average74,470Median64,000High549,328 Data Manager at Indianapolis, IN Jobs Total Salaries. Sorted by Salary, page 1 Ranked By: Jobtitle Company Salary City Year Related Data Manager Indianapolis, IN Salary Data Manager Salary Indianapolis, IN Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D1516461#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Furniture-Builder-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary68 85 24average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D1275573#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Master-Mechanic-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Master Mechanic Salary57 57 58Master Mechanic average salary is $25,646, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Master Mechanic salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Master Mechanic salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average25,646Median-High- Master Mechanic Jobs Total 1 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Chaudry Enterprises25,646-25,646Columbus, NE, 68601 2013 Chaudry Enterprises Master Mechanic Salaries (1) Master Mechanic Columbus, NE Salaries1Related Master Mechanic Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D173710#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Warehouse-Worker-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary24 22 23average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D2445045#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Newscaster-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary93 92 92average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D3488095#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Military-Officer-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary52 18 24average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D1819047#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Safety-Inspector-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary72 72 74average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D3090507#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Inventory-Manager-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Home > Inventory Manager Salary Inventory Manager Salary92 60 66Inventory Manager average salary is $70,778, median salary is $75,000 with a salary range from $45,000 to $91,000. Inventory Manager salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Inventory Manager salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low45,000Average70,778Median75,000High91,000 Inventory Manager Jobs Total 9 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Actavis Laboratories Fl60,000-60,000Bothell, WA, 98011 2016 Actavis Laboratories Fl Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Bothell, WA Salaries Baker Hughes Incorporated85,422-85,422Houston, TX, 77001 2015 Baker Hughes Incorporated Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Houston, TX Salaries Sealed Air Corporation (us), A Division Of Sealed Air 75,000-75,000New York, NY, 10001 2015 Sealed Air Corporation (us), A Division Of Sealed Air Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager New York, NY Salaries Structural Preservation Systems68,578-68,578Riverdale, MD, 20737 2015 Structural Preservation Systems Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Riverdale, MD Salaries Riverbed Technology85,000-85,000Sunnyvale, CA, 94086 2013 Riverbed Technology Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Sunnyvale, CA Salaries National Oilwell Varco,45,000-45,000Oklahoma City, OK, 73101 2012 National Oilwell Varco, Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Oklahoma City, OK Salaries Rent The Runway52,000-52,000Secaucus, NJ, 07094 2012 Rent The Runway Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Secaucus, NJ Salaries Sundquist Homes75,000-75,000Edison, NJ, 08817 2011 Sundquist Homes Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Edison, NJ Salaries Sears91,000-91,000Hoffman Estates, IL, 60179 2010 Sears Inventory Manager Salaries (1) Inventory Manager Hoffman Estates, IL Salaries1Related Inventory Manager Salary. NET DEVELOPER/SOFTWARE ENGINEER Salary. NET SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER Salary. NET/SQL DEVELOPER Salary."
"docid": "D1788522#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Zoo-Keeper-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary17 16 17average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D2773783#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Salesman-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary97 97 98average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D2478647#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Head-Tennis-Professional-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Home > Head Tennis Professional Salary Head Tennis Professional Salary22 20 22Head Tennis Professional average salary is $33,308, median salary is $36,000 with a salary range from $24,810 to $38,500. Head Tennis Professional salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Head Tennis Professional salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low24,810Average33,308Median36,000High38,500 Head Tennis Professional Jobs Total 8 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Truckxl36,000-36,000Dallas, TX, 75201 2015 Truckxl Head Tennis Professional Salaries (2) Head Tennis Professional Dallas, TX Salaries Verge Information Technologies38,500-38,500Dallas, TX, 75201 2014 Verge Information Technologies Head Tennis Professional Salaries (3) Head Tennis Professional Dallas, TX Salaries Truckxl36,000-36,000Dallas, TX, 75201 2012 Truckxl Head Tennis Professional Salaries (2) Head Tennis Professional Dallas, TX Salaries Azteck27,500-27,500Houston, TX, 77001 2012 Azteck Head Tennis Professional Salaries (1) Head Tennis Professional Houston, TX Salaries Defense Technology24,960-24,960Grapevine, TX, 76051 2012 Defense Technology Head Tennis Professional Salaries (1) Head Tennis Professional Grapevine, TX Salaries Immigration Law Office Of Rafael A. Velez---NASHVILLE, TN, 37211 2011 Immigration Law Office Of Rafael A. Velez Head Tennis Professional Salaries (1) Head Tennis Professional NASHVILLE, TN Salaries Anuj Llc24,810-24,810Richmond, VA, 23218 2010 Anuj Llc Head Tennis Professional Salaries (1) Head Tennis Professional Richmond, VA Salaries The Global School Of Silicon Valley35,000-35,000Pittsford, NY, 14534 2010 The Global School Of Silicon Valley Head Tennis Professional Salaries (1) Head Tennis Professional Pittsford, NY Salaries1Related Head Tennis Professional Salary. NET DEVELOPER/SOFTWARE ENGINEER Salary. NET SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER Salary. NET/SQL DEVELOPER Salary."
"docid": "D3527476#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Painter-Journeyman-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary16 81 34average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D545520#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Journeyman-Electrician-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary56 55 55average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D2796721#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Singer-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Singer Salary35 36 37Singer average salary is $60,000, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Singer salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Singer salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average60,000Median-High- Singer Jobs Total 1 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Suse60,000-60,000New York, NY, 10001 2015 Suse Singer Salaries (1) Singer New York, NY Salaries1Related Singer Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D3026848#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/CNC-Operator-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary104 102 104average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D2954858#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Corporate-Pilot-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Corporate Pilot Salary87 87 88Corporate Pilot average salary is $99,840, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Corporate Pilot salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Corporate Pilot salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average99,840Median-High- Corporate Pilot Jobs Total 1 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Pareek99,840-99,840Plano, TX, 75023 2013 Pareek Corporate Pilot Salaries (1) Corporate Pilot Plano, TX Salaries1Related Corporate Pilot Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
"docid": "D264448#0",
"title": "http://www.searchnetworth.com/tag/tara-white-net-worth/\nTara White Net Worth",
"text": "\"Tara White Net Worth· In Celebrities, Models Read more... Christy Canyon Net Worth is $5 Million. Christy Canyon Net Worth is $5 Million. Christy Canyon is Pornographic actor, Actor. Christy Canyon Date of Birth is Jun 17, 1966. Christy Canyon Nickname is Melissa Bardizbanian, Melissa Kaye Bardizbanian, Missy, Tara Wine, Dee Dee, Tara White, Linda Daniel, Sara Wine, Cristy Canyon, Christie Canyon, Christy, Canyon. Christy Canyon Height is 1.72 m. Christy Canyon Weight is 59 kg. Christy Canyon Country is United States of America. Christy Canyon is an American radio personality and retired pornographic actress. Canyon was born in Pasadena, California to an Armenian-American father and an Italian-American mother. She appeared in nearly 200 adult films, has won several \"\"best female performance\"\" awards, and is also a member of the XRCO and AVN Halls of Fame."
"docid": "D2700783#0",
"title": "http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Billing-Clerk-Salary.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Salary83 82 82average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented \"\"as is\"\" and updated regularly. Low-Average-Median-High- Jobs Total 0 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By: Company Salaries City Year More info Related Salary. NET APPLICATION DEVELOPER Salary. NET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER Salary. NET ARCHITECT Salary."
] |
408 | .ost outlook file | [
"docid": "D2183005#0",
"title": "http://searchexchange.techtarget.com/definition/OST-file\nOST file (.ost)",
"text": "An OST file (.ost) is an offline folder file in Microsoft Outlook. Offline folders make it possible for the user to work offline and then to synchronize changes with the Exchange server the next time they connect. The ability to work offline is useful in environments with limited or unreliable connectivity. Download this free guide PDF: 5 skills any Office 365 admin needs to stay relevant Download this PDF to learn 5 skills that any Office 365 admin should have to remain relevant in a time when collaboration automation appears to be winning out. Also find some of our experts' best Office 365 management tips. Corporate E-mail Address: By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. Another type of file in Outlook is the PST file, which is simply stored on the client or a server other than the Exchange server."
] | [
"docid": "D1803818#0",
"title": "http://www.slipstick.com/exchange/moving-outlook-ost-file/\nMoving an Outlook Offline Data File (*.ost)",
"text": "\"While it's usually not necessary to relocate the offline cache used by an Exchange account, it is possible to move it to another folder or partition. For the most part, it only makes sense to move it if the C: drive is full. Outlook 2013 IMAP ost files are moved using the Force PSTPath key. Moving the offline cache so its easier to back it up is generally pointless: it's an offline copy of your Exchange mailbox and it can only be opened by the account that created it. If you try to use an old cache file, Outlook will complain that it doesn't match the server mailbox. If the server fails and there is no server backup, the contents of the current, most up-to-date *.ost can be used to repopulate the server. In short, if you want a usable backup of your mailbox, export the contents to a *.pst file instead of including the *.ost in a backup file. If you need to recover data from an orphaned ost file, I have a list of commercial recovery software listed at Convert an Offline File (.ost) to a Personal File (.pst)With that disclaimer out of the way, if you do need to relocate the offline file, you can move it using the following steps. If you are moving an .ost file, you need to create the Force OSTPath registry value before adding the account to your profile. Move the *.ost in Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016The method that worked in Outlook 2010 does not work with Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016."
"docid": "D1479467#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179012(v=office.12).aspx\nConfigure Unicode options in Outlook 2007",
"text": "Configure Unicode options in Outlook 2007Updated: December 10, 2009Applies To: Office Resource Kit This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients. Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 can provide full Unicode support. Using Outlook in Unicode mode is especially advantageous for organizations with multilingual needs and — because Outlook Unicode-formatted files have higher storage capacities than non-Unicode files — for users who need very large Outlook files. Taking advantage of Unicode support in Outlook depends on specific criteria that are checked when users run Outlook. If the criteria for using Unicode are met and users are running in Unicode mode, Unicode is used throughout Outlook when it is used with Exchange Server (for e-mail messages, the Address Book, and so forth). If the criteria for using Unicode are met, you can enforce migrating users to Unicode if that is important in your organization. For an explanation of how Outlook determines whether to use Unicode and recommendations for implementing a migration to Unicode, see Enforcing Unicode mode for Outlook users later in this article. Unicode format is used for new PST files by default."
"docid": "D392419#0",
"title": "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Repair-Outlook-Data-Files-pst-and-ost-25663bc3-11ec-4412-86c4-60458afc5253\nRepair Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost)",
"text": "If your Outlook Data File (.pst or .ost) won't open, if you receive an error message that Outlook can't open this set of folders, or if you suspect the file is damaged, you can use the Inbox Repair tool (SCANPST. EXE) to diagnose and repair errors in the data file. The Inbox Repair tool checks the Outlook data files on your computer to see if they're in good shape. If you're using an Exchange email account, you can delete the offline Outlook Data File (.ost) and Outlook will recreate the offline Outlook Data File (.ost) the next time you open Outlook. Note: The Inbox Repair tool doesn't connect or analyze any data stored in an Exchange mailbox. The tool only looks for errors (corruption), and there are any, gives you the opportunity to allow the tool to fix those errors Repair an Outlook data file (.pst) file Exit Outlook and browse to one of the following file locations: Outlook 2016: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16Outlook 2013: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15Outlook 2010: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office14Outlook 2007: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office1Open SCANPST. EXE. Select Browse to select the Outlook Data File (.pst) you want to scan. If you need help locating your Outlook Data File, see Locating the Outlook Data Files. Note: By default, a new log file is created during the scan."
"docid": "D666259#0",
"title": "https://www.msoutlook.info/question/ost-content-and-size-explained\nWhat is stored in the ost-file and why is it larger or smaller than my mailbox?",
"text": "What is stored in the ost-file and why is it larger or smaller than my mailbox? We have a maximum mailbox size of 2GB and I’m currently using 700MB of it. However, when I look at my ost-file, I see that it is over 3GB in size. What accounts for this difference and how can I make my ost-file smaller? Looking at the size of your ost-file isn’t really representative for the size of your mailbox. Of course, in most cases, your own mailbox does make up the large part of the ost-file but there is much more stored in there which can be quite big or even bigger as well!When you use Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, the ost-file can also actually be smaller than your mailbox. What is being stored in an ost-file also depends on whether you are using an Exchange or IMAP account or whether you are connecting to an Outlook.com mailbox via the Outlook Hotmail Connector or via Exchange Active Sync (EAS). What is stored in the ost-file of an Exchange account? First of all, the ost-file of an Exchange account is only a cache of data which is stored on the Exchange server (s). The main purpose of this cache is to reduce network traffic, reduce the payload on the Exchange server (s) and provide offline availability."
"docid": "D302801#0",
"title": "https://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/outlook2013newandchanged.htm\n36 Short questions and tips for Outlook 2013",
"text": "36 Short questions and tips for Outlook 2013This guide discusses the main changes and new features of Outlook 2013 and provides several tips on how to work with or around them. If you want to give Office 2013 a try yourself, you can sign up for a free 1 month trial for Office 365 Home Premium or a 60 day trial of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013. While both suites give you a different set of options and applications, the version of Outlook 2013 included in either suite is exactly the same. Which versions of Windows does Outlook 2013 support? Which version of Exchange does Outlook 2013 support? Where is the To-Do Bar? Why aren’t my upcoming appointments being shown? How can I add a Hotmail or Outlook.com account? How can I change the weather temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius? How can I change or add locations to the weather information?"
"docid": "D137649#0",
"title": "http://www.msexchange.org/blogs/patricio/get-news/how-to-change-default-data-file-ost-location-in-office-2013-752.html\nHow To Change Default Data File (.OST) Location in Office 2013",
"text": "How To Change Default Data File (. OST) Location in Office 2013Anderson Patricio Posted On November 7, 2012015 Views0Share On Facebook Tweet It To set the default location of an outlook data file you have to make a registry change. Once you make the change, anytime you create a new data file, Outlook will put the data file in that new location. Read more at source: http://blogs.technet.com/b/danstolts/archive/2012/11/07/how_2d00_to_2d00_change_2d00_default_2d00_data_2d00_file_2d00_ost_2d00_location_2d00_in_2d00_office_2d00_2013.aspx Cheers, Anderson Patriciohttp://blogs.msexchange.org/patriciohttp://www.andersonpatricio.ca Twitter: @apatricio Featured Links Tech Genix » Blog Archive » MSE Blogs » Anderson Patricio Blog » How To Change Default Data File (. OST) Location in Office 2013Author Anderson Patricio Anderson Patricio is a Canadian MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management, and Office Server and Services, besides of the Microsoft Award he also holds a Solutions Master (MCSM) in Exchange and several other certifications. Anderson contributes to the Microsoft Community with articles, tutorials, blog posts, twitter, forums and book reviews. He is a regular contributor here at Techgenix.com, MSExchange.org, ITPROCentral.com and Anderson Patricio.org (Portuguese). Trending Now Firefox Breach Alerts warn about hacked websites Derek Kortepeter December 11, 2017New Firefox Quantum browser touts increased speed, scalability Annie Pilon December 7, 2017Read Next Offline access in Outlook Web App 2013"
"docid": "D2227862#0",
"title": "http://answers.groovypost.com/questions/813/how-to-permanently-delete-emails-from-outlook\nHow To Permanently Delete Emails from Outlook",
"text": "Questionrenrag Newbie Members03 posts Report post Posted January 25, 2012Hi,How is it possible or is it possible to permanently delete e mails that you have deleted from outlook but still keep appearing in the ost file even after you have synchronized.. The system is connected to the Microsoft Exchange server and there are some emails which I want removed permanently.. Is it something to do with being in cached exchange mode or what.. can this be changed??? Sort by votes Sort by date0Steve Level 9 Groovy Dude Team groovy Post1,6511,250 posts Report post Posted January 30, 2012Hi Renrag -- A few things you should do. Deleting something for good when connected to Exchange Server is not a simple task. The reason for this is because a copy of that email is sitting first in the OST database (yes, OST files are databases) and in the Exchange Database. So, what I would do is this. First, delete the email. This will put the email into your delete items folder. Now go into the deleted items folder and delete it there as well. Now you need to delete it from the DUMPSTER on the Exchange folder. Do this by clicking on the Delete Items folder in Outlook again and Click Tools - Recover Deleted Items."
"docid": "D3408735#0",
"title": "http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_365hp-outlook/sync-outlook-365-email-contacts-calendar-and-notes/16527f51-b9eb-4838-a279-665d129f33bd\nQ: Sync Outlook 365 (email, contacts, calendar and notes) with android phone",
"text": "\"RB rbuege asked on August 12, 2013Q: Sync Outlook 365 (email, contacts, calendar and notes) with android phone I have a home subscription to Office 365 that I use on my Windows 7 laptop and a Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android 4.1.1). I am not on a work server using Exchange, just my own GMail address. I am wondering if there is a way for my phone to sync with my Office 365 Outlook instance so that it automatically syncs email, calendar, contacts and notes. Thanks!Reply I have the same question (84)Replies (56)1 2 3 4 5 6Girish M replied on August 13, 2013Microsoft Hello,Outlook always plays a passive role when syncing with a handheld device since it doesn’t include any feature to control sync settings. All sync settings need to be adjusted using the software which acts as an interface to connect the handheld device with Outlook. Did you install the sync software? If not, install the same and follow the on screen instructions on how to sync with and Outlook and see if it helps. For further assistance with synchronization, you may check with the device manufacturer. Hope this information helps you. In case you need further assistance, reply to us and I’ll be happy to assist you."
"docid": "D666253#0",
"title": "https://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/how-do-i-retrieve-contacts-and-other-items-from-an-old-ost-file.2635745/\nHow do I retrieve contacts and other items from an old.ost file?",
"text": "\"Home Newsgroups > Microsoft Outlook > Microsoft Outlook Installation >How do I retrieve contacts and other items from an old.ost file? Discussion in 'Microsoft Outlook Installation' started by Guest, Jul 6, 2006 . Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Guest Guest How do I retrieve information from an old .ost file? I thought I ws smart saving off info on my old system this way, but that doesn't appear to be the case? Ideally, I'd be able to import contacts, etc., into an existing, new Outlook system (.pst?) that I don't want to lose/replace. Thanks. Guest, Jul 6, 2006 #1Advertisements Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]Guest If you still have access to the Exchange Server account that created your .. OST file, simply have Outlook create a new ."
"docid": "D3219982#0",
"title": "http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/calendar/appointments-saved-wrong-calendar/\nNew Appointments are saved in the wrong calendar",
"text": "\"I'm seeing a lot of complaints with \"\"lost\"\" appointments and meetings saved to the wrong calendar in Outlook 2013 when IMAP accounts are in the profile. Another common complaint is that users are unable to Categorize appointments and contacts, and flag options are limit to flag or no flag. Incoming meetings are placed into the \"\"This computer only\"\" calendar. I want all appointments added to the calendar in my default .pst file. This is so frustrating. I want to define a \"\"default calendar\"\" and have ALL appointments go there, regardless of the email account they arrived in, and that now seems impossible. What was Microsoft thinking? Microsoft was thinking about all of the people who complained about needing two .pst files in a profile that had only an IMAP account. The problem with the way Outlook 2013 handles Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes goes beyond which calendar the meeting requests are added to. Categories and Flags will not work \"\"as expected\"\" on items in the IMAP folders."
"docid": "D666254#0",
"title": "https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/ost-and-pst-file-meaning/d1f26f13-0a26-46e0-9186-d954bf521dc1\nQ: OST and PST file meaning",
"text": "BU Burce999 asked on July 8, 2013Q: OST and PST file meaning Could you let me know what is the meaning OST and PST? In my computer i saw the following path cotaining many somes OST files: C:\\Users\\specify user name\\App Data\\Local\\Microsoft\\Outlook*** Email address is removed for privacy ****** Email address is removed for privacy *** (1)*** Email address is removed for privacy *** (2)Each files containing large size. What does it mean for the same OST file just (1), (2)? C an we delete these files? How about *.pst files, why i can't see it? where is the path of *.pst? Is it possible for OST and PST appear together in one computer? Can we make backup of these file OST and PST? how can?if we can back up, which file OST or PST that we should make backup? Please show me how to backup OST and PST and make it restore."
"docid": "D3406791#0",
"title": "http://connect-pal.sharewarejunction.com/\nConnect Pal",
"text": "Connect Pal Advertisement Connect Pal Professional v.6.0Enhances the Windows 95/NT Dialup Networking by adding auto-redial, cost management, anti-idling, and more. Connect Pal runs as a handy System Tray icon. Category: File and Disk Developer: L. Christopher - Download - Price: $17.00connect pal - electronics and computers - technology - connect-pal com Net Pal 1.2c v.1.0Net Pal is an Internet dialer that works with the Windows 95,98,ME and NT 4.0 dial-up networking feature. Net Pal provides re-dial and automatic reconnect, allows a minimum connect speed to be specified, tracks your online time and cost,Category: Miscellaneous Developer: Kookaburra Software - Download - Price: $19.00Advertisement Optris PI Connect v.1 8The real time software optris PI Connect sets benchmarks within the thermography branch and offers its users extensive recording and analysis possibilities. Category: Personal and Home Developer: Optris Gmb H - Download - Price: -pi connect - infrared camera software - thermal imager software - hot spot search - cold spot search Splashtop Connect for Firefox v. Splashtop Connect, the browser extension for Internet Explorer and Firefox now available for FREE download. Category: Network Tools Developer: Splashtop Inc. - Download - Freesplashtop connect - internet explorer - windows - firefox - web browser Splashtop Connect IE v. Connect is the browser extension for Internet Explorer and Firefox, available for free download. Category: Network Tools Developer: Splashtop Inc. - Download - Freesplashtop connect - internet explorer - windows - firefox - web browser Connect and Shar Server v.1 1If you are sharing a Internet connection then Connect and Shar is a must-have tool. Internet connection and dis-connection can now be remote-controlled. Category: Network Tools Developer: ppp infotech Ltd - Download - Buy: $19.95remote dial - dialup monitor - connection monitor - remote dialer - dial remotely Compact Connect v. real time software optris PI Connect allows simple and fast parameterization of the fixed infrared thermometers for the compact and high performance series for documentation of the temperature datas. Category: Network Tools Developer: Optris - Download - Freeoptris compact connect software - compact connect - remote controll temperature - analysis temperature Cookie Pal v.1 7Cookie Pal is a complete, easy to use, Internet cookie manager that helps protect your privacy on the Internet. '"
"docid": "D2766140#0",
"title": "http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2013_release-outlook/how-to-change-mail-storage-location-of-outlook/c18b8018-a34f-48d2-a666-926818cb6c65\nQ: How To Change Mail Storage Location of Outlook 2013 for Offine View",
"text": "\"Ashhar Lodhi asked on December 3, 2013Q: How To Change Mail Storage Location of Outlook 2013 for Offine View Dear Respectable Readers,Actually i am out of storage on C-Drive. I cannot extend the volume of C-Drive because of some reasons. I have seen that Outlook 2013 storage folder that is containing files of almost 5GB. ( C:\\Users\\A\\App Data\\Local\\Microsoft\\Outlook). Currenty i am using outlook 2013 to download emails of \"\"Outlook.com & Gmail.com\"\"I have lot of space on D-Drive. I want to change the location of this Mail Storage location to D:\\Mailbox I have tried following methods to change the mail storage location of Outlook 2013 to D:\\Mailbox for offline view but nothing worked for me. I have changed the registry values by \"\"Setting the Force OSTPath registry entry to change the location of the .ost file\"\" : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2752583/en-us I have changed the registry values by \"\"Setting the Force PSTPath registry entry to change the location of the .ost file\"\"I have also added the New Profile by going to Mail button in Control Panel. I have deleted the . OST file in (C:\\Users\\A\\App Data\\Local\\Microsoft\\Outlook) just to make oulook to ask me new location but Outlook 2013 automatically retrieved the deleted . OSTI have also tried Please note that i am configuring IMAP and SMTP servers for GMAIL and Outlook because i dont like POP."
"docid": "D2373402#0",
"title": "http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/2013/imap-accounts-outlook-2013/\nWhat you need to know about IMAP Accounts in Outlook 2013/2016",
"text": "\"Beginning with Outlook 2013, there are changes in how IMAP accounts are handled. Instead of using two data files, one for IMAP email and one for your calendar and contacts, Outlook 2013 uses an .ost file for IMAP accounts and stores appointments, tasks, contacts, and notes in the IMAP data file, in folders labeled \"\" (This computer only) \"\". While users with just one email account in their profile may like having only one data file, it's really not in most user's best interest to use the IMAP .ost file for calendars and contacts. Companion Link: Your Data on Your Device. Contacts. Calendar. Tasks. Memos. This is problematic for a number of reasons, including the fact that you can't move an IMAP .ost file to another computer or profile. You need to export the contents of the non-mail folders to a .pst file to move them to a new computer (or a new profile)."
"docid": "D1755003#0",
"title": "https://www.systoolsgroup.com/where-is-scanpst-located.html\nWhere Is Scanpst Located And How Does It Help?",
"text": "Where Is Scanpst Located And How Does It Help? Find the Exact Location of Scanpst.exe (Inbox Repair Tool) for your MS Outlook Outlook has an in-built repair tool that helps users to diagnose and repair corrupt or damage PST or OST files. The in-built Outlook repair tool is commonly known as scanpst.exe and it gets installed in machine as soon as user installs the Outlook as mailing client in their machine. The main purpose of (Scanpst.exe) is to diagnose and repair the file errors. As the name suggest the Inbox Repair tool only scans the PST and OST file not the mailbox on Server. By scanning the PST, tool checks weather the file structure is intact or not. If it finds the problem in file structure then it first reset its structure then rebuilt the headers. Get enriched information & locate Scanpst.exe or Inbox repair tool in Vista, XP Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Search out where scanpst.exe is located in local system for windows 32bit as well as 64 bit for your MS Outlook version. Location of Scanpst.exe File Microsoft Outlook has different versions and depending on the combination of versions of Outlook and Windows, the location of Scanpst.exe file also varies."
"docid": "D137648#0",
"title": "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Move-an-Outlook-Data-File-pst-to-different-folder-3E177F58-BC29-420E-AB21-61E6E3589088\nMove an Outlook Data File (.pst) to different folder",
"text": "Outlook Data Files (.pst) created by using Microsoft Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in the Documents\\Outlook Files folder. If you are using Windows XP, these files are created in the My Documents\\Outlook Files folder. Where are my files that were created in earlier versions of Outlook? By default, files that are created in previous versions of Outlook are saved in a hidden folder. Windows 7 and Windows Vista drive:\\Users\\user\\App Data\\Local\\Microsoft\\Outlook Windows XP drive:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Outlook Tip: For information about hidden folders in Windows, see Windows Help and Support. You can move your data files to a different folder on your computer. One reason to move files is to make back ups easier. For example, if your data files were created by using previous Outlook versions, you might find it more convenient to move your older files to the Outlook Files folder — the default location for all new Outlook Data Files (.pst). Move an Outlook Data File (.pst)You can move an Outlook Data File (.pst) to another folder on your computer. These steps will require you to exit and restart Outlook."
"docid": "D2365205#0",
"title": "http://www.tgrmn.com/web/kb/item75.htm\nFAQ and Knowledge Base",
"text": "\"FAQ and Knowledge Base Main Page > Browse Categories > Solutions to Known Issues > Why Outlook OST files do not copy on Windows Vista, when using VSS Volume Shadow Copies? Why Outlook OST files do not copy on Windows Vista, when using VSS Volume Shadow Copies? When using VSS Volume Shadow Copies in Vista, Vice Versa PRO gives this error message if you try to copy an Outlook OST file: \"\"Can not open outlook.ost. The file could not be located. \"\" This is by design in Windows Vista. Windows Vista Volume Shadow Copies do not include Outlook OST files. The following is Microsoft explanation of this design decision:<< Maintaining changes to .ost files within shadow copies is expensive in terms of space and I/O activity. The performance impact doesn’t occur during the image backup itself--the only extra work at backup time is backing up the .ost file as part of the image. Instead, the performance impact occurs during the ongoing, everyday I/O to the .ost file when Outlook is running. If the .ost changes were kept in shadow copies, then every time Outlook writes to the .ost file, the result is a copy-on-write I/O hit (2 writes, 1 read)."
"docid": "D2915683#0",
"title": "https://outlookpassword.recoverytoolbox.com/\nHow to recover forgotten Outlook passwords for accounts and PST/OST files",
"text": "Recovery Toolbox Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password2.5 (4) See all reviews Post review User’s stories How to recover forgotten Outlook passwords for accounts and PST/OST files Microsoft Outlook Password Breaker Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password Download Buy Now Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password helps to crack, reset, remove, retrieve, show forgotten Microsoft Outlook passwords for accounts, PST and OST files. Overview User's review Help Screenshots Video manual How to repair FAQ-Wiki Purchase Microsoft Outlook password recovery tool Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password designed for: Retrieval of passwords from Microsoft Outlook email accounts To recover and show passwords from .pst files To crack passwords from .ost files To reset passwords from .pst files To remove passwords from .ost files Backup of Outlook account settings To show the settings of all Microsoft Outlook accounts To display the settings of all Windows Mail profiles How to recover Outlook password Recovering a forgotten password for a Microsoft Outlook email account (not Office 365, not Outlook.com) step-by-step: Download Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password here https://recoverytoolbox.com/download/Recovery Toolbox For Outlook Password Install.exe Install Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password Run Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password Select email account in middle panel The recovered password will appear in right panel You can now select and copy the recovered password from right panel. How to recover the Outlook password setting The features of the MS Outlook PST password cracker tool include: Instant MS Outlook password recovering A clear, simple user-friendly interface based on a step-by-step wizard Support for all versions of Microsoft Outlook (97/98/2000/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016)Fast password cracking for the following types of mail accounts: Microsoft Exchange Server POP3/SMTP email servers IMAP mail servers HTML mail servers (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and MSN)Microsoft LDAP Directory Microsoft Mail Outlook.com, Hot Mail, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc. Active Sync Gmail And much more Extract of passwords for PST files (ANSI and Unicode versions)Fast cracking of passwords for OST files (ANSI and Unicode versions) of any size created in any version of Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Server Resetting of passwords for PST files Password removal from OST files Saving of Outlook settings to a text file with cracked passwords Hacking of passwords for accounts and files for each user's login Retrieval of lost passwords for each Outlook Mail profile Support of password breaking over a LAN, from CD and DVD discs, USB drives, and other removable drives and media Restoration of forgotten multi-language passwords (including Latin, European, Cyrillic or hieroglyphs)View and find forgotten passwords Full Install/Uninstall support In Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password you can see passwords immediately after running the software. The utility reads the PC and works as a viewer for lost passwords. The software also functions as a password remover for PST files. Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password can avoid errors such as the following: The password you typed is incorrect. Retype the password. Your password is incorrect. Please be sure sure Caps Lock is off."
"docid": "D2275578#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_PST_and_EST\nWhat is the difference between PST and EST?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Definitions Comparisons The Difference Between What is the difference between PST and EST? Flag What is the difference between PST and EST? Answer by Chris Ferris Confidence votes 8PST and EST are time zones in North America. PST is Pacific Standard Time and EST is Eastern Standard Time. There is a difference of 3 hours between these time zones. The Timezone Offsets of PST and EST are -8 and -5 respectively. This means that PST is eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), while EST is only five hours behind.17 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Xnoodle Xray X 5 Contributions What is the time difference between pst and est?3 hours... I think. What is time difference between PST and Beijing? Beijing is 15 hours ahead."
"docid": "D1205182#0",
"title": "https://www.outlook-apps.com/outlook-data-files/\nOutlook Data File Types & Their Locations",
"text": "Outlook Data File Types & Their Locations January 28, 2013This article describes the Microsoft Office Outlook data file types and their default locations on Windows and Mac OS X. What is an Outlook data file? To put it simple, an Outlook data file is a file where Outlook stores your emails, tasks and other Outlook related information. A data file can be located on your local disk or on a network path. Outlook data file types There are four Outlook data file types: – . PST files (Personal Folder files): this is the most common format, being used by the Windows version of Outlook 2003 (or newer) to store received, sent & draft emails on your local hard disk. Outlook PST files are not supposed to be shared or loaded from network locations, as the data loss risk is pretty high. The main advantage of a PST file is that you can access your emails offline, without requiring you to be connected to your email server (or to your email server web interface). This data file format is available for all non-Exchange email accounts, such as POP3 or IMAP accounts. – . PST Outlook data files (97-2002): this PST format does NOT support Unicode characters for your mailbox items and it offers less storage capacity. Newer Outlook versions are compatible with this old data file format. – ."
] |
415 | .which is an example of a commodity | [
"docid": "D357539#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-examples-of-commodity-money\nWhat are some examples of commodity money?",
"text": "Ripples Advisory, Sells Executive at Stock Market Advisory (2015-present)Answered Jan 1, 2018Commodity money is money whose worth comes from a Commodity of that it's created. Commodity cash consists of objects that have value in themselves furthermore as worth in their use as money Example of commodity Money Commodity Money that are used as mediums of exchange embrace gold, silver, copper, salt, peppercorns, tea, giant stones, embellished belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, candy, nails, cocoa beans, cowries and barley. this stuff were generally employed in a metric of perceived worth in conjunction to at least one another, in numerous trade goods valuation or value system economies. Ripples Advisory844 Views Related Questions More Answers Below What are commodity, representative & fiat money? Explain with examples. Why is money treated as a commodity? What is commodity money? What are the drawbacks? What are some examples of scarce commodities? What are some examples of rare commodities which are cheap?"
] | [
"docid": "D573135#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonized_System\nHarmonized System",
"text": "\"Harmonized System From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System ( HS) of tariffnomenclature is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products. It came into effect in 1988 and has since been developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) (formerly the Customs Co-operation Council), an independent intergovernmental organization based in Brussels, Belgium, with over 200 member countries. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Structure2 Classification3 Applications4 Challenges in classification for companies5 See also6 References7 External links7.1 Tariffs by region Structure [ edit]The HS is organized logically by economic activity or component material. For example, animals and animal products are found in one section of the HS, while machinery and mechanical appliances are found in another. The HS is organized into 21 sections, which are subdivided into 96 chapters. The 96 HS chapters are further subdivided into approximately 5,000 headings and subheadings. Section and Chapter titles describe broad categories of goods, while headings and subheadings describe products in more detail. Generally, HS sections and chapters are arranged in order of a product’s degree of manufacture or in terms of its technological complexity. Natural commodities, such as live animals and vegetables, for example, are described in the early sections of the HS, whereas more evolved goods such as machinery and precision instruments are described in later sections. Chapters within the individual sections are also usually organized in order of complexity or degree of manufacture."
"docid": "D1410510#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_market\nCommodity market",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( November 2008)This article needs to be updated. ( September 2013)Financial markets Public market Exchange · Securities Bond market Bond valuation Corporate bond Fixed income Government bond High-yield debt Municipal bond Securitization Stock market Common stock Preferred stock Registered share Stock Stock certificate Stock exchange Other markets Derivatives ( Credit derivative Futures exchange Hybrid security)Foreign exchange ( Currency Exchange rate)Commodity Money Real estate Reinsurance Over-the-counter (off-exchange)Forwards Options Spot market Swaps Trading Participants Regulation Clearing Related areas Banks and banking Financecorporatepersonal publicv t e Chicago Board of Trade Futures market A commodity market is a market that trades in primary economic sector rather than manufactured products. Soft commodities are agricultural products such as wheat, coffee, cocoa, fruit and sugar. Hard commodities are mined, such as gold and oil. [ 1] Investors access about 50 major commodity markets worldwide with purely financial transactions increasingly outnumbering physical trades in which goods are delivered. Futures contracts are the oldest way of investing in commodities. Futures are secured by physical assets. ["
"docid": "D1441041#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/topic/market\nMarket",
"text": "Market, a means by which the exchange of goods and services takes place as a result of buyers and sellers being in contact with one another, either directly or through mediating agents or institutions.market economy; mixed economy; command economy Learn the difference between market, mixed, and centrally planned, or command, economies. © CCTV America Markets in the most literal and immediate sense are places in which things are bought and sold. In the modern industrial system, however, the market is not a place; it has expanded to include the whole geographical area in which sellers compete with each other for customers. Alfred Marshall, whose Principles of Economics (first published in 1890) was for long an authority for English-speaking economists, based his definition of the market on that of the French economist A. Cournot: Economists understand by the term Market, not any particular market place in which things are bought and sold, but the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are in such free intercourse with one another that the prices of the same goods tend to equality easily and quickly. To this Marshall added: The more nearly perfect a market is, the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market. The concept of the market as defined above has to do primarily with more or less standardized commodities, for example, wool or automobiles. The word market is also used in contexts such as the market for real estate or for old masters; and there is the “labour market,” although a contract to work for a certain wage differs from a sale of goods. There is a connecting idea in all of these various usages—namely, the interplay of supply and demand. Most markets consist of groups of intermediaries between the first seller of a commodity and the final buyer. There are all kinds of intermediaries, from the brokers in the great produce exchanges down to the village grocer."
"docid": "D2339277#0",
"title": "http://www.wikinvest.com/wiki/Futures_specify\n.",
"text": "\"This article is part of Wiki Project Definitions. Consider editing to improve it. View articles referencing this definition. TOP CONTRIBUTORSPrashanth Sagar A futures contract is a financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset (or the seller to sell an asset), such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price. Futures contracts detail the quality and quantity of the underlying asset; they are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Some futures contracts may call for physical delivery of the asset, while others are settled in cash. The futures markets are characterized by the ability to use very high leverage relative to stock markets. Futures contracts do not refer to future values . Futures can be used either to hedge or to speculate on the price movement of the underlying asset. For example, a producer of corn could use futures to lock in a certain price and reduce risk (hedge)."
"docid": "D632443#0",
"title": "https://law.justia.com/codes/ohio/2006/orc/jd_1309102-5485.html\n2006 Ohio Revised Code - 1309.102. (UCC 9-102) Definitions and index of definitions.",
"text": "\"2006 Ohio Revised Code - 1309.102. ( UCC 9-102) Definitions and index of definitions.§ 1309.102. ( UCC 9-102) Definitions and index of definitions. ( A) As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) \"\"Accession\"\" means goods that are physically united with other goods in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost. ( 2) (a) \"\"Account,\"\" except as used in \"\"account for,\"\" means a right to payment of a monetary obligation, whether or not earned by performance, (i) for property that has been or is to be sold, leased, licensed, assigned, or otherwise disposed of, (ii) for services rendered or to be rendered, (iii) for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued, (iv) for a secondary obligation incurred or to be incurred, (v) for energy provided or to be provided, (vi) for the use or hire of a vessel under a charter or other contract, (vii) arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card, or (viii) as winnings in a lottery or other game of chance operated or sponsored by a state, governmental unit of a state, or person licensed or authorized to operate the game by a state or governmental unit of a state. ( b) \"\"Account\"\" includes health-care insurance receivables. ( c) \"\"Account\"\" does not include (i) rights to payment evidenced by chattel paper or an instrument, (ii) commercial tort claims, (iii) deposit accounts, (iv) investment property, (v) letter-of-credit rights or letters of credit, or (vi) rights to payment for money or funds advanced or sold, other than rights arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card. ( 3) \"\"Account debtor\"\" means a person who is obligated on an account, chattel paper, or general intangible. \"\" Account debtor\"\" does not include a person who is obligated to pay a negotiable instrument, even if the instrument constitutes part of chattel paper. ( 4) \"\"Accounting,\"\" except as used in \"\"accounting for,\"\" means a record: (a) Authenticated by a secured party; (b) Indicating the aggregate unpaid secured obligations as of a date not more than thirty-five days earlier or thirty-five days later than the date of the record; and (c) Identifying the components of the obligations in reasonable detail. ("
"docid": "D2331527#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/07/grain_market.asp\nGrow Your Finances in the Grain Markets",
"text": "\"Temperature, precipitation and the changing needs of customers all contribute to the supply and demand for commodities like wheat, corn or soybeans. All of these changes greatly affect the price of commodities, and the grain markets are essential to managing these price swings and providing global benchmark prices. Read on to dig into and learn about the seven major products of the grain markets. ( See also: Futures Fundamentals . ) What Are Grain Futures Contracts? Anyone looking to invest in futures should know that the risk of loss is substantial. This type of investment is not suitable for everyone. An investor could lose more than originally invested and, therefore, only risk capital should be used. Risk capital is the amount of money that an individual can afford to invest, which, if lost would not affect the investor's lifestyle. A grain futures contract is a legally binding agreement for the delivery of grain in the future at an agreed-upon price."
"docid": "D967403#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/what-are-commodities-356089\nDefinition and Examples of What Commodities Are",
"text": "\"Investing for Beginners Investing 101Definition and Examples of What Commodities Are Definition and Examples of What Commodities Are and Why Investors Care Share Flip Pin Email•••By Joshua Kennon Updated October 27, 2016If you have ever asked yourself, \"\"What is a commodity?\"\" rest assured you are not alone. Along with stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets, commodities form one of the major asset classes. Though they are largely not appropriate for individual investors, everyone from packaged food companies to airlines rely on them to conduct business. This cheat sheet will give you an overview of the topic. Question: What are commodities? Answer: Commodities are objects that come out of the Earth such as wheat, cattle, soybeans, corn, oranges, gold, uranium, copper, aluminum, coal, cotton, and oil. Commodities of the same grade are consider fungible - that is, interchangeable with other commodities of the same grade regardless of who produced or farmed it. For example, if a mining company in Colorado produces high quality copper, and a different mining company in Wyoming also produces high, the copper produced by both mining companies is fungible as long as it receives the same grade. As a buyer of high quality copper, it doesn't matter which mining company produced it as long as the same quality of copper can be received."
"docid": "D522317#0",
"title": "http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/busdev/facts/08-053.htm\n",
"text": "\"Print Share Managing Commodity Price Risk Using Hedging and Options Agdex#: 840Publication Date: October 2008Order#: 08-053Last Reviewed: History: replaces OMAFRA Factsheet 07-043Written by: OMAFRA Staff Table of Contents Introduction Purpose of Future Markets Contracts Traders Trading Gains and Losses Trading on Margin Hedging Options Hedging with Options Conclusion Resources Introduction This Factsheet provides an overview of commonly-used price risk management tools as well as concise and easily understandable definitions of terms used by those providing risk management advice. Purpose of Futures Markets Futures markets are price discovery and risk management institutions. In futures markets, the competing expectations of traders interact to \"\"discover\"\" prices. In so doing, they reflect a broad range of information that exists on upcoming market conditions. Futures markets are actually designed as vehicles for establishing future prices and managing risk so you can avoid gambling if you want. For example, a wheat producer who plants a crop is, in effect, betting that the price of wheat won't drop so low that he would have been better not to have planted the crop at all. This bet is inherent to the farming business, but the farmer may prefer not to make it. The farmer can hedge this bet by selling a wheat futures contract. Contracts Futures contracts are sometimes confused with forward contracts. While similar, they are not at all the same."
"docid": "D445257#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/commodity-money-definition-examples-quiz.html\nCommodity Money: Definition & Examples",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 40K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Representative Money: Definition & Overview Fiat Money: Definition, History & Examples Money as a Unit of Account: Definition, Function & Example What is Money? - Definition and Types Lesson Transcript Instructor: Shawn Grimsley Commodity money has been used for thousands of years. In this lesson, you'll learn about commodity money and related concepts. You'll also have a chance to reinforce your knowledge with a short quiz after the lesson. Definition of Commodity Money Money is a type of asset in an economy that is used to buy goods and services from other people. A commodity is a physical item that is readily interchangeable with another item of the same type. Commodity money is a commodity that has intrinsic value. Intrinsic value means that the commodity has value even if it is not used as money. In times of economic turmoil, such as severe economic depressions or hyperinflation, people sometimes turn to commodity money instead of the money authorized by their governments. Examples of Commodity Money Commodity money has been used throughout history and is even used today in certain circumstances."
"docid": "D1141252#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/4083045/money-money-1-flash-cards/\nmoney money 1",
"text": "\"140 terms mannip24money money 1money money 1Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortanything that people are willing to accept in payment for goods and services. Money is defined asstandard of deferred, medium of exchange payment. store of value. All of these are functions of moneyanything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services Money in its role as a medium of exchange refers only to Money serves as a medium of exchange. Which of the following distinguishes money from other assets?must be portable, divisible, durable, and recognizable In order for a good to be usable as a medium of exchange, the goodprovides three light bulbs to her neighbor in exchange for two gallons of milk An example of barter is a situation in which an individualmoney gives traders a way of measuring value in the economy. Money as a unit of account means thatmoney allows value to be stored easily. Money as a store of value means thatmoney 9. Which of the following is the most efficient facilitator of trade?traders to have a double coincidence of wants The use of money eliminates the need for) the double coincidence of wants problem."
"docid": "D3353597#0",
"title": "http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/economics/money/classification-of-money-full-bodied-representative-full-bodied-and-credit-money/30308/\nClassification of Money : Full Bodied, Representative Full Bodied and Credit Money",
"text": "Classification of Money : Full Bodied, Representative Full Bodied and Credit Money Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the major leads under which money has been classified are as follows: (i) Full bodied Money (ii) Representative Full-bodied Money and (iii) Credit Money. Money can be classified on the basis of relationship between the value of money as money and the value of money as a commodity. ADVERTISEMENTS: Broadly, money can be classified as: (i) Full Bodied money; (ii) Representative Full bodied money; and (iii) Credit money. ( i) Full bodied Money: ADVERTISEMENTS: Any unit of money, whose face value and intrinsic value are equal, is known as full bodied money, i.e. Money Value = Commodity Value. For example, during the British period, one rupee coin was made of silver and its value as money was same as its value as a commodity. ( ii) Representative Full-bodied Money: It refers to money which is usually made of paper. The value of representative full-bodied money is much higher than its value as a commodity. It is accepted as money as it can be conveniently used for carrying out transactions. Such a type of paper money is 100% backed by metallic reserve of gold or silver and is redeemable at the option of the holder. For example, in case of convertible paper receipts, a person can exchange the amount stipulated on the paper receipt for equal value of gold."
"docid": "D2512941#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/commodity\ncommodity",
"text": "\"commoditynoun com·mod·i·ty \\ kə-ˈmä-də-tē \\Popularity: Top 1% of lookups | Updated on: 10 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLExamples: commodity in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of commodityplural commodities1: an economic good: such asa: a product of agriculture or miningagricultural commodities like grain and cornb: an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipmentreported the damaged commodities to officialsc: a mass-produced unspecialized productcommodity chemicalscommodity memory chips2 a: something useful or valuedthat valuable commodity, patience; also:thing, entityb: convenience, advantage… the many commodities incidental to the life of a public office … —Charles Lamb3: a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price4: one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market… stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry. — Film Quarterly5 obsolete: quantity, lot See commodity defined for English-language learners See commodity defined for kids Examples of commodity in a Sentenceagricultural commodities like grain and corn Oil is a commodity in high demand. Patience is a rare commodity. Recent Examples of commodity from the Web On one side are heavyweight commodity traders like Bunge Ltd. and Louis Dreyfus Co., which buy grains from rural farmers and ship them to ports 1,200 miles away.— Bloomberg.com, \"\"Brazil Railroad Posting 755% Rally Fights to Keep Take-or-Pay Clause,\"\" 4 Apr. 2018As commodities prices crashed, Brazil quickly fell into its worst recession on record and popular support shifted to the right.— marina lopes, Washington Post, \"\"Brazil anxiously awaits court decision that could send Lula to prison,\"\" 4 Apr. 2018The speed with which the trade struggle between Washington and Beijing is ratcheting up led to a sharp selloff in global stock markets and commodities.— NBC News, \"\"China slaps tariffs on $50 billion of U. S. goods as trade dispute escalates,\"\" 4 Apr. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'commodity.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback."
"docid": "D2979306#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_contracts\nFutures contract",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Futures contracts)navigation search Finance Markets [show]Instruments [show]Corporate [show]Personal [show]Public [show]Banks and banking [show]Regulation · Standards [show]Economic history [show]v t e In finance, a futures contract (more colloquially, futures) is a standardized forward contract, a legal agreement to buy or sell something at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. The asset transacted is usually a commodity or financial instrument. The predetermined price the parties agree to buy and sell the asset for is known as the forward price. The specified time in the future—which is when delivery and payment occur—is known as the delivery date. Because it is a function of an underlying asset, a futures contract is a derivative product. Contracts are negotiated at futures exchanges, which act as a marketplace between buyers and sellers. The buyer of a contract is said to be long position holder, and the selling party is said to be short position holder. [ 1] As both parties risk their counter-party walking away if the price goes against them, the contract may involve both parties lodging a margin of the value of the contract with a mutually trusted third party. For example, in gold futures trading, the margin varies between 2% and 20% depending on the volatility of the spot market. [ 2]The first futures contracts were negotiated for agricultural commodities, and later futures contracts were negotiated for natural resources such as oil."
"docid": "D2761182#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_value\nCommodity value",
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Indian commodity imports in US$In the field of economics, the commodity value of a good is its free market intrinsic value under optimal use conditions. In a free market, the commodity value of a good will be reflected by its price. For example, if an acre of land can yield a net of 100 dollars loss by lying fallow, 50 dollars gain by being planted with corn, and 100 dollars gain by being planted with wheat, then that acre's commodity value is 100 dollars; the farmer is assumed to put his land to best use. The price of a commodity fluctuates around its commodity value. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Currency2 Debt3 Investment4 See also5 References Currency [ edit]A commodity value expressed as a price is determined by historical, social and cultural aspects of production and distribution. [ 2] Karl Marx described price as the money-name for the labour realised in a commodity. [ 3] A commodity value is dependent on its utility. ["
"docid": "D722123#0",
"title": "https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/productionpossibilityfrontier.asp\nWhat is the 'Production Possibility Frontier - PPF'",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load What is the 'Production Possibility Frontier - PPF'The production possibility frontier (PPF) is a curve depicting all maximum output possibilities for two goods, given a set of inputs consisting of resources and other factors. The PPF assumes that all inputs are used efficiently. Factors such as labor, capital and technology, among others, will affect the resources available, which will dictate where the production possibility frontier lies. The PPF is also known as the production possibility curve or the transformation curve. Next Up Marginal Rate Of Transformation Production Efficiency Economic Efficiency Efficiency BREAKING DOWN 'Production Possibility Frontier - PPF'The PPF indicates the production possibilities of two commodities when resources are fixed. This means that the production of one commodity can only increase when the production of the other commodity is reduced, due to the availability of resources. Therefore, the PPF measures the efficiency in which two commodities can be produced together, helping managers and leaders decide what mix of commodities are most beneficial. The PPF assumes that technology is constant, resources are used efficiently, and that there is normally only a choice between two commodities. Understanding and Interpreting the PPFThe PPF drives home the idea that opportunity costs normally come up when an economic organization with limited resources must decide between two alternatives. The PPF is depicted graphically as an arc, with one commodity on the X axis and the other commodity on the Y axis."
"docid": "D2877249#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/list-of-sector-funds-2466740\nList of Sector Funds",
"text": "\"Mutual Funds Types of Mutual Funds List of Sector Funds Technology, Financials, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Staples, Utilities & Health Share Flip Pin Email•••By Kent Thune Updated March 27, 2018This is a two-page list of industrial sectors that provides some of the best funds and ETFs for investing within each respective industry as well as simple definitions and examples for each sector. Most of the funds listed are index funds and ETFs because these fund types typically provide the best exposure to the respective sector in terms of broadness, diversity and below average expense ratios. This first page includes the consumer-driven and defensive industries of Technology, Financials, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Staples, Utilities and Health Care. Technology Sector Funds The technology sector is a category of stocks that contains technological businesses, such as manufacturers producing computer hardware, computer software or electronics and technological service industry companies, such as those providing information technology and business data processing. Some examples of technology companies include Apple, Microsoft, Google and Netscape Communications. Technology investing is commonly associated with growth stock investing or with the aggressive growth investment objective. Finding the best technology sector funds and ETFs can be difficult and misleading. For example, it is a common mistake to think of the Powershares QQQ ETF as a pure technology fund because it tracks the NASDAQ 100 Index. This can be considered a pure growth investment strategy but QQQ holdings in technology only represents around 50% of the portfolio. Also, many technology sector funds focus on one sub-sector of technology, such as computers, networking, semi-conductors, or electronics."
"docid": "D3344786#0",
"title": "http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16582_01/doc.91/e15140/stng_up_commodity_strctr.htm\n4 Setting Up the Commodity Structure",
"text": "\"4 Setting Up the Commodity Structure This chapter contains the following topics: Section 4.1, \"\"Understanding the Commodity Structure\"\"Section 4.2, \"\"Setting Up the Commodity Structure\"\"Section 4.3, \"\"Setting Up the UNSPSC Code Descriptions\"\"4.1 Understanding the Commodity Structure The commodity structure enables you to categorize items, services, and supplier branch information in a hierarchical tree structure. After you set up the commodity structure, you create relationships for commodities. The system uses commodity relationships to provide default information for requisitions. Commodity relationship information is eventually passed to Enterprise Performance Management, where you can perform spend analysis. When setting up the commodity structure, you must observe these guidelines: Each commodity may have only one parent commodity. You may not create duplicate commodities. You may have only three commodity levels in the commodity hierarchy. Each commodity may contain a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters. The description associated with the commodity may contain a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. The first level of the commodity structure is level 0."
"docid": "D1792409#0",
"title": "http://web.missouri.edu/~ikerdj/papers/Stl-mkt.htm\n.",
"text": "\"The Role of Marketing in Sustainable Agriculture John E. Ikerd * University of Missouri The term sustainable agriculture has been defined in many ways (Allen, et al., Lockeretz, Smit and Smithers). However, most definitions seem to agree in defining sustainability as a characteristic of performance of agricultural systems as a whole rather than attempting to define sustainable agricultural practices, methods, or enterprises. In general, it can be argued, a sustainable agriculture must be ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible (Ikerd, 1994). Past emphasis on the economic dimension of sustainable agriculture has focused on reducing costs by reducing purchased inputs. Economic comparisons of conventional and sustainable farming systems, for example, have assumed that farmers will continue to produce the same basic commodities for sale in highly competitive national and international agricultural markets. Yields and costs per unit of production are compared for conventional and alternative systems (Ikerd, Monson and Van Dyne, 1992; Repetto and Faeth, 1990; Pimentel, et. al., 1991). Any differences in commodity prices among alternative scenarios are attributed to differences in production levels and market supplies (Knutson, et al.,"
"docid": "D967404#0",
"title": "https://www.investopedia.com/video/play/whats-commodity/\nWhat's a Commodity?",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type. Commonly traded commodities include gold, beef, oil, lumber and natural gas. Additional examples of commodities include iron ore, crude oil, salt, sugar, tea, coffee beans, copper, rice, wheat, silver, and platinum. Commodities are basic because they have simply been grown or extracted from their natural state and brought up to a minimum grade for sale in a marketplace - there is no extra value added to them by the producer. Although the quality may differ slightly between producers, commodities by definition are very similar no matter who produces them. All commodities of the same grade are priced equally, and are interchangeable. The most widely traded commodities have well established markets. Investors buy and sell commodities through futures contracts on exchanges. The exchanges standardize the quantity and minimum quality of the commodity. For example, the Chicago Board of Trade stipulates that one wheat contract is comprised of 5,000 bushels."
"docid": "D69911#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trade\ntrade",
"text": "\"1tradenoun \\ ˈtrād \\Popularity: Top 20% of words | Updated on: 11 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: trade in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of trade1 a (1): the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities:commerce ( 2): business, marketnovelties for the tourist tradedid a good trade in small appliancesb obsolete: dealings between persons or groups2 a: an act or instance of trading: transaction; also: an exchange of property usually without use of moneyb: a firm's customers: clientelec: the group of firms engaged in a business or industry3 a: an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill: craftb: the business or work in which one engages regularly: occupationc: the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry4: a customary course of action: practicethy sin's not accidental, but a trade —William Shakespeare5: trade wind — usually used in plural6: a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business — usually used in plural7 a obsolete: a path traversed: wayb archaic: a track or trail left by a person or animal: tread4See trade defined for English-language learners See trade defined for kids Examples of trade in a Sentencethe trade between the two countries Trade accounts for half of our gross national product. The Tigers made a few good trades this season and picked up some promising players. Recent Examples of trade from the Web Historians of trade have an advantage over those who study wars of the military kind.— The Economist, \"\"A trade war between America and China takes shape,\"\" 7 Apr. 2018Brooklyn's first-round draft pick goes to the Cavs, courtesy of last summer's blockbuster trade of Kyrie Irving to the Boston Celtics.— chris fedor, cleveland.com, \"\"Jordan Clarkson throws down 360 dunk on breakaway during first half vs. Wizards (video),\"\" 6 Apr. 2018The fight over trade has had reverberations in the U. S. Senate race in Missouri.— bryan lowry, kansascity, \"\"GOP senator warns Trump should pursue 'solid path' on trade with China | The Kansas City Star,\"\"6 Apr. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'trade.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Origin and Etymology of trade Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old High German trata track, course, Old English tredan to tread NEW!"
] |
424 | 0.50 clonazepam how long to take effect | [
"docid": "D402999#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081004074723AAzf01S\n\"\"\"How long does it take for clonazepam to work.?\"",
"text": "\"Health Other - Health\"\"How long does it take for clonazepam to work.? My doctor recommened me clonazepam because of my axiety. And am 14 years old i have to take 0.5mg a nite how long will it take to work? ? 1 following 2 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I too take clonazepam for anxiety, it helps me sleep at night. You should start to feel the effects about 20 minutes after you take it. If you're not feeling the reaction, it is okay & safe to up your dosage. Just start to increase it by half a pill each night until you find it working for you. Don't worry, you'll be okay. Hope I've helped.peterbilt197 · 10 years ago0 7 1 comment Clonazepam will take 10-20 minutes to work, however you probably won't notice it working as such, it's a very subtle drug. You'll need to be careful to analyze the nature of your anxiety after taking the drug in order to ascertain whether or not it is working."
] | [
"docid": "D422722#0",
"title": "http://www.rxwiki.com/clonazepam\nClonazepam",
"text": "\"Clonazepam treats anxiety. This medication can cause drowsiness. Do not suddenly stop taking clonazepam without talking to your doctor because you may experience harmful withdrawal symptoms Playlist Now Playing Pharmacist Teresa Brucker, Pharm D overviews the uses and common side effects of Clonazepam Next Video Benzodiazepines Clonazepam Overview Clonazepam is a prescription medication used to treat panic disorder and certain types of seizure disorders. Clonazepam belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines, which help to slow down brain activity. This medication comes in regular-release and orally disintegrating tablet form and is taken usually 1 or 3 times a day, with or without food. The regular-release tablets should be taken with water. The orally disintegrating tablets are placed in the mouth and will dissolve, with or without water. Common side effects of clonazepam include drowsiness, walking or coordination problems, and dizziness. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how clonazepam will affect you. Patient Ratings for Clonazepam Clonazepam Cautionary Labels Uses of Clonazepam Clonazepam is a prescription medicine used alone or with other medicines to treat:certain types of seizure disorders (epilepsy) in adults and childrenpanic disorder with or without fear of open spaces (agoraphobia) in adults This medication may be prescribed for other uses."
"docid": "D76792#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/sfx/klonopin-side-effects.html\nKlonopin Side Effects",
"text": "\"Klonopin Side Effects Generic Name: clonazepam Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Tips Interactions Pregnancy Warnings More Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons See also: For Professionals How to Manage Common Side Effects Note: This document contains side effect information about clonazepam. Some of the dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Klonopin. In Summary Common side effects of Klonopin include: drowsiness. Other side effects include: upper respiratory tract infection, ataxia, depression, and dizziness. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. For the Consumer Applies to clonazepam: oral solution, oral tablet, oral tablet disintegrating Along with its needed effects, clonazepam (the active ingredient contained in Klonopin) may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking clonazepam: More common Body aches or painchillscoughdifficulty breathingdiscouragementdizzinessear congestionfeeling sad or emptyfeverheadacheirritabilitylack of appetiteloss of interest or pleasureloss of voicenasal congestionpoor coordinationrunny noseshakiness and unsteady walksleepiness or unusual drowsinesssneezingsore throattirednesstrouble concentratingtrouble sleepingunsteadiness, trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordinationunusual tiredness or weakness Less common Being forgetfulbladder painbloody or cloudy urinechange in speechdiarrheadifficult, burning, or painful urinationfrequent urge to urinategeneral feeling of discomfort or illnessjoint painloss of appetitelower back or side painmood or mental changesmuscle aches and painsnauseanervousnessproblems in urination or increase in the amount of urineshiveringslurred speechsore throatsweatingtrouble speakingvomiting Rare Burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, \"\"pins and needles\"\", or tingling feelingschanges in skin colorchest pain or discomfortcold sweatscoldsconfusioncough or hoarsenessdifficulty with sleepingdizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting positionexcessive dreamingexcessive muscle toneexcitementfallingfast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulsefeeling madfeeling of unrealityflu-like symptomsheadache, severe and throbbinglack of feeling or emotionlack or loss of self-controlmuscle stiffnessmuscle tension or tightnessnightmarespain, inflammation, or swelling in the calves, shoulders, or handspain or swelling in the arms or legs without any injurypain, tenderness, or swelling of the foot or legpartial or slight paralysisscalingsense of detachment from self or bodyshakiness in the legs, arms, hands, or feetskin rashswelling around the eyesswelling of the face, ankle, foot, or kneesthoughts of killing oneself changes in behaviortightness in the chesttrembling or shaking of the hands or feetuncaringvision changes Incidence not known Abdominal pain or fullnessanxietyblack, tarry stoolsbleeding gumsblood in the urine or stoolschange in consciousnesschest congestiondifficulty with coordinationdouble visiondrowsinessdry mouthfeeling that others are watching you or controlling your behaviorfeeling that others can hear your thoughtsfeeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not therehyperventilationirregular, fast, slow, or shallow breathingirregular, twisting uncontrolled movement of the face, hands, arms, or legsloss of interest or pleasureloss of memoryloss of strength or energyloss of voicemuscle weaknesspale or blue lips, fingernails, or skinpinpoint red spots on the skinproblems with memoryrestlessnesssevere mood or mental changessores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouthswollen glandstroubled breathing with exertionuncontrolled eye movementsunusual behaviorunusual bleeding or bruisingunusual weaknessvivid dreamsweight loss or gain Some side effects of clonazepam may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects."
"docid": "D276253#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonazepam\nClonazepam",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with clozapine, clonazolam, or clorazolam. Clonazepam Clinical data Trade names Klonopin, Antelepsin, Rivotril, others [2]AHFS / Drugs.com Monograph Medline Plus a682279License data US FDA : Clonazepam Pregnancy category AU: CUS: D (Evidence of risk)Dependence liability Moderate–High [1]Routes of administration By mouth, intramuscular, intravenous, sublingual ATC code N03AE01 ( WHO)Legal status Legal status AU: S8 (Controlled)BR: Class B1 (Psychoactive drugs)CA: Schedule IVDE: Prescription only ( Anlage III for higher doses)NZ: Class CUK: Controlled Drug (Benz) POMUS: Schedule IVUN: Psychotropic Schedule IVIn general: ℞ (Prescription only)Pharmacokinetic data Bioavailability 90%Protein binding ~85%Metabolism Liver ( CYP3A) [3]Onset of action Within an hour [4]Biological half-life 19–60 hours [5]Duration of action 6–12 hours [4]Excretion Kidney Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number1622-61-3Pub Chem CID2802IUPHAR/BPS6963Drug Bank DB01068Chem Spider2700UNII5PE9FDE8GBKEGGD00280Ch EBICHEBI:3756Ch EMBLCHEMBL452ECHA Info Card 100.015.088Chemical and physical data Formula C 15 H 10 Cl N 3 O 3Molar mass 315.7153D model ( JSmol)Interactive image SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Clonazepam, sold under the brand name Klonopin among others, is a medication used to prevent and treat seizures, panic disorder, and for the movement disorder known as akathisia. [ 3] It is a tranquilizer of the benzodiazepine class. [ 3] It is taken by mouth. [ 3] It begins having an effect within an hour and lasts between six and 12 hours. [ 4]Common side effects include sleepiness, poor coordination, and agitation. [ 3] Long-term use may result in tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly. [ 3] Dependence occurs in one-third of people who take clonazepam for longer than four weeks. [ 5] It may increase risk of suicide in people who are depressed. [ 3] [6] If used during pregnancy it may result in harm to the baby. ["
"docid": "D443995#0",
"title": "http://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/clonazepam\nWhat Is Clonazepam (Klonopin)?",
"text": "\"What Is Clonazepam (Klonopin)?70 Reviews | Get Coupons Clonazepam is the generic form of the brand-name drug Klonopin, prescribed to treat seizures and panic attacks. Clonazepam belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Clonazepam works by increasing the effects of GABA, a neurotransmitter that moderates the movement of nerve signals in the brain. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved clonazepam in 1975 under the brand name Klonopin for the Roche drug company. Many companies now make generic clonazepam. Clonazepam is a controlled substance because it’s possible for people to abuse the drug or become dependent on it. In 2011 alone, there were 76,557 emergency room visits resulting from the abuse or misuse of clonazepam, an increase of 122 percent from 2004. Clonazepam Warnings Clonazepam may increase your risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior. About one in 500 people taking medications like clonazepam develop suicidal thoughts, usually within a week of starting treatment. After you start clonazepam, it's important to let your doctor know if you have any thoughts of harming yourself or any unusual changes in mood or behavior, like panic attacks, restlessness, agitation, or depression."
"docid": "D3195628#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/clonazepam/index.htm\nclonazepam",
"text": "Tips to Fast Stress Relief Take the Panic Attacks Quiz!Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Slideshow What is clonazepam, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? What brand names are available for clonazepam? Is clonazepam available as a generic drug? Do I need a prescription for clonazepam? What are the uses for clonazepam? What are the side effects of clonazepam? What is the dosage for clonazepam? Which drugs or supplements interact with clonazepam? Is clonazepam safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? What else should I know about clonazepam?"
"docid": "D2609012#0",
"title": "http://www.mdjunction.com/forums/bipolar-support-forums/medicine-treatments/1506524-how-long-does-klonopin-last\nHow long does Klonopin last?",
"text": "\"How long does Klonopin last? Northchild VIP Member | 9 years on site | 3024 posts Hi, I've been looking all over for an answer. 2 hours? 6 hours? Just trying to space them out effectively. Thanks! - Mark Sign Up or Login to comment. Boston Terrier Lover Member | 8 years on site | 12 posts Well I don't take Klonopin but it is the same class of drug as adavan. They are called benzos. Everybody has a different experience."
"docid": "D375626#0",
"title": "http://addiction.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Clonazepam_Drug_Abuse_Snorting\nClonazepam Drug Abuse by Snorting",
"text": "Clonazepam Drug Abuse by Snorting By Vilma Ruddock M. D. Reviewed by RN Jeannie Randall Source Clonazepam (Klonipin®) is one of the most abused drugs because it's readily available and has the potential to give users a high. The drug is prescribed only to be taken only by mouth, so if you snort it to try to enhance its effects, this is by definition a form of drug abuse. Snorting oral clonazepam can lead to nasal problems and serious consequences of drug abuse, including addiction, overdose and death, especially when abused with other prescription or illicit drugs. Clonazepam Snorting and Addiction Clonazepam is relatively safe when taken as prescribed to treat problems such as anxiety and panic disorders, epilepsy, and insomnia, as reviewed by a 2000 American Family Physician (AFP) article, but not when the drug is snorted. According to a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) fact sheet, crushing and snorting oral clonazepam is the most common way users abuse the benzodiazepine (benzo). Why Snorting People who snort clonazepam hope to get a faster absorption and a quicker and greater high or sedation by this route. Note the following facts: Some people turn to snorting when they develop tolerance to the oral drug and want to try to get a higher effective hit. In general, snorted drugs go straight into the blood and therefore get to your brain more quickly than by mouth but there is no direct evidence this is true for clonazepam or other benzos. There are no studies that directly compare blood absorption of snorted versus oral clonazepam or whether snorted clonazepam, or other abused benzos such as alprasolam (Xanax), get to the brain faster than when taken by mouth. A 1995 study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology did show a quicker peak blood concentration of the drug by nasal route compared to when given between gum and cheek (buccal route)."
"docid": "D749579#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_does_it_take_to_get_clonazepam_out_of_your_system\nHow long does clonazepam stay in your system?",
"text": "Isadora Duncan 220,164 Contributions How long does clonazepam stay in your system? This is the trickiest of all types of drugs to judge. If you have been taking them everyday for a couple of weeks I would give it about 3 -4 weeks to be clean for sure. Bu …How long do you wait to take clonazepam after Adderall? My doctor has me on Clonazepam 0.5 mg three times a day and Adderall XR 20 mg once in the morning. He said they are safe to take together or right after the other. Hope …How long should you wait after taking clonazepam before taking suboxone? Disclaimer: Always follow your Doctors directions and take the proper dosage of your Prescription Medication Clonazepam is most commonly known as Klonopin in the U. S. Bu …Lime Aid 94,009 Contributions How long after taking Suboxone can you take clonazepam? Clonazepam is not an opiate, so you can take it even if you're already on Suboxone. A few years ago I was prescribed clonazepam, on top of my regular dose of Suboxone."
"docid": "D2798199#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/5652\nBenzodiazepines",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Medication and Drugs Benzodiazepines Unanswered | Answered Benzodiazepines Parent Category: Medication and Drugs Benzodiazepines (BZD) are drugs used as tranquilizers, sedatives, anti-anxiety, hypnotics or muscle relaxants. Short- and intermediate-acting benzodiazepines are recommended for the treatment of insomnia, while longer-acting benzodiazepines are preferred for anxiety treatment. Subcategories Ativan Klonopin Valium Xanax Ativan Klonopin Valium Xanax1 2 3 >If you used twelve 2mg Dilaudad over 2 days will you pass a drug screen 4 days later? If you can take 12 2mg dilaudad in a day without overdosing, you have a very high tolerance .. which means you probably wouldn't have passed a drug test to begin with. What over-the-counter medicines show as benzodiazepines in urine test?hmmm judging as my experiences as a doctor most diazapines will show Can you take naltrexone and Xanax together? No How far apart do you take 0.5 mg of zanax? Always take the medication as prescribed by the physician. Can you take cefradine with Valium? Yes Can you take xanax and klonopin at the same time? Yes."
"docid": "D3416807#0",
"title": "http://www.projectknow.com/research/clonazepam/\nClonazepam Addiction Treatment",
"text": "Clonazepam Addiction Treatment Article Summary What Is Clonazepam? The Effects and Dangers of Clonazepam Use Signs of Clonazepam Abuse and Addiction Detoxing from Clonazepam Clonazepam Addiction Treatment Options Clonazepam addiction treatment may be necessary for people who were prescribed the medication, as well as for those who started using it as a recreational drug. If you are interested in clonazepam addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, please call 1-888-287-0471 Who Answers? at any time or complete the brief contact form. A representative will provide you with confidential support and assistance. What Is Clonazepam? Clonazepam, which is sometimes administered under the brand name Klonopin, is a sedative-hypnotic drug that interacts with the brain’s GABA receptors and depresses the central nervous system. Medical professionals prescribe it to treat a variety of conditions, including insomnia, panic disorder, seizure disorders, and withdrawal from other drugs. The medication is categorized as a benzodiazepine and classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. The Effects and Dangers of Clonazepam Use Clonazepam has a calming effect on the mind and body."
"docid": "D78789#0",
"title": "https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Treatment/Mental-Health-Medications/Clonazepam-(Klonopin)\nClonazepam (Klonopin)",
"text": "Clonazepam (Klonopin)Brand Names Klonopin®Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg Wafers (orally disintegrating tablets): 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg Generic name: clonazepam (kloe NA ze pam)Medication class: benzodiazepine, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety)All FDA black box warnings are at the end of this fact sheet. Please review before taking this medication. What Is Clonazepam And What Does It Treat? Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine. It is approved for the treatment of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia), as well as certain types of seizure disorders. However, benzodiazepines are also commonly used to treat difficulty sleeping and alcohol withdrawal. Panic Disorder occurs when a person experiences unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear. These episodes have physical symptoms including chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, dizziness, and nausea. Fear of future episodes is also part of panic disorder. What Is The Most Important Information I Should Know About Clonazepam?"
"docid": "D1652017#0",
"title": "http://www.drugfree.com/drug-guide/clonazepam-abuse/\nClonazepam Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment",
"text": "\"Clonazepam, a member of the benzodiazepine family, is used to treat different disorders from panic attacks to seizures. Doctors must prescribe clonazepam to a patient for legal use. The medication also goes by its brand name Klonopin. Clonazepam is a drug that has beneficial medicinal properties, but it can also be abused. Because it can be habit-forming, addiction can result from abuse of clonazepam, as well as other unwanted or dangerous side effects. Understanding Clonazepam The only brand name for clonazepam is Klonopin, and the two are used interchangeably. Clonazepam is, according to the NLM, \"\"used alone or in combination with other medications to control certain types of seizures.\"\" Clonazepam can be used to control the convulsions and other symptoms of a seizure as well as: The symptoms of panic attacks (\"\"sudden, unexpected attacks of extreme fear and worry about these attacks\"\")Akathisia (restlessness)Acute catatonic reactions (a state in which a person does not move or speak)The NLM states that \"\"clonazepam may help control your condition but will not cure it.\"\" Since the conditions that clonazepam helps with are more intense and rare, it is not as commonly prescribed as some other benzodiazepine drugs. However, it is highly necessary to those who are struggling with these conditions."
"docid": "D1010480#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/clonazepam.html\nClonazepam",
"text": "\"Clonazepam Dosage Form: tablet Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Tips More Interactions Pregnancy Warnings Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Studies Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Drug Abuse and Dependence Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Studies Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Drug Abuse and Dependence Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling Clonazepam Description Clonazepam Tablets USP, a benzodiazepine, is available as scored tablets containing 0.5 mg of Clonazepam and unscored tablets containing 1 mg or 2 mg of Clonazepam. Each tablet also contains colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose, with the following colorants: 0.5 mg – D&C Yellow #10 aluminum lake; 1 mg – FD&C Blue #1 aluminum lake. Chemically, Clonazepam is 5- (2-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-7-nitro-2 H -1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one. It is a light yellow crystalline powder. It has a molecular weight of 315.72 and the following structural formula: Slideshow10 Common Sleep Disorders: Treatments and Truths Clonazepam - Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacodynamics: The precise mechanism by which Clonazepam exerts its antiseizure and antipanic effects is unknown, although it is believed to be related to its ability to enhance the activity of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Convulsions produced in rodents by pentylenetetrazol or, to a lesser extent, electrical stimulation are antagonized, as are convulsions produced by photic stimulation in susceptible baboons. A taming effect in aggressive primates, muscle weakness and hypnosis are also produced. In humans, Clonazepam is capable of suppressing the spike and wave discharge in absence seizures (petit mal) and decreasing the frequency, amplitude, duration and spread of discharge in minor motor seizures. Pharmacokinetics: Clonazepam is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration. The absolute bioavailability of Clonazepam is about 90%."
"docid": "D2593914#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/klonopin.html\nKlonopin",
"text": "\"Klonopin Generic Name: clonazepam Dosage Form: tablets Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Tips More Interactions Pregnancy Warnings Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons On This Page Boxed Warning Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Drug Abuse and Dependence Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling On This Page Boxed Warning Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Drug Interactions Adverse Reactions Drug Abuse and Dependence Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling CIVRx only WARNING: RISKS FROM CONCOMITANT USE WITH OPIOIDSConcomitant use of benzodiazepines and opioids may result in profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS ). Reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Limit dosages and durations to the minimum required. Follow patients for signs and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Klonopin Description Klonopin, a benzodiazepine, is available as scored tablets with a K-shaped perforation containing 0.5 mg of clonazepam and unscored tablets with a K-shaped perforation containing 1 mg or 2 mg of clonazepam. Each tablet also contains lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, with the following colorants: 0.5 mg—FD&C Yellow No. 6 Lake; 1 mg—FD&C Blue No. 1 Lake and FD&C Blue No. 2 Lake. Chemically, clonazepam is 5- (2-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-7-nitro-2 H -1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one."
"docid": "D1521281#0",
"title": "http://www.ehealthme.com/ds/clonazepam/depression/\n.",
"text": "\"Clonazepam and Depression - from FDA reports Summary Depression is found among people who take Clonazepam, especially for people who are female, 50-59 old , have been taking the drug for 1 - 6 months, also take medication Neurontin, and have Pain. This review analyzes which people have Depression with Clonazepam. It is created by e Health Me based on reports of 64,716 people who have side effects when taking Clonazepam from FDA , and is updated regularly. What to expect? If you take Clonazepam and have Depression, find out what symptoms you could have in 1 year or longer. You are not alone!Join a support group for people who take Clonazepam and have Depression Personalized health information On e Health Me you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA since 1977. Our tools are simple to use, anonymous and free. Start now >>>On Oct, 23, 201764,716 people reported to have side effects when taking Clonazepam. Among them, 3,435 people (5.31%) have Depression Number of reports submitted per year: Time on Clonazepam when people have Depression *:< 1 month: 20.74 %1 - 6 months: 35.64 %6 - 12 months: 7.45 %1 - 2 years: 10.11 %2 - 5 years: 18.09 %5 - 10 years: 5.85 %10+ years: 2.13 %Gender of people who have Depression when taking Clonazepam *:female: 69 %male: 31 %Age of people who have Depression when taking Clonazepam *:0-1: 0.04 %2-9: 0.27 %10-19: 1.41 %20-29: 6.86 %30-39: 14.53 %40-49: 23.76 %50-59: 29.75 %60+: 23.38 %Top conditions involved for these people *: Pain (372 people, 10.83%)Multiple Sclerosis (235 people, 6.84%)High Blood Pressure (231 people, 6.72%)Bipolar Disorder (220 people, 6.40%)Sleep Disorder (206 people, 6.00%)Top co-used drugs for these people *: Neurontin (318 people, 9.26%)Seroquel (287 people, 8.36%)Zoloft (283 people, 8.24%)Cymbalta (282 people, 8.21%)Paxil (240 people, 6.99%)Top other side effects for these people *: Fatigue (656 people, 19.10%)Pain (638 people, 18.57%)Suicidal Ideation (634 people, 18.46%)Insomnia (567 people, 16.51%)Nausea (547 people, 15.92%)* Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information."
"docid": "D562575#0",
"title": "http://anxiety.emedtv.com/clonazepam/clonazepam-withdrawal-symptoms.html\nClonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms",
"text": "Anxiety Channel Topics Agoraphobia Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Complex PTSDGADGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCDPanic Attacks Panic Disorder Phobias Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSDSocial Anxiety Disorder Social Phobia Specific Phobias Medications Alprazolam XRAnafranil Ativan Bu Spar Chlordiazepoxide Clomipramine Clonazepam Clorazepate Compazine Doxepin Duloxetine Effexor XREscitalopram Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Kava Kava Limbitrol Luvox Luvox CRNiravam Paroxetine Controlled Release Paxil Sarafem Serax Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRIs)Sertraline Trifluoperazine Valium Xanax Advertisement Quicklinks Anxiety Phobias OCDPTSDGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks Agoraphobia Social Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Symptoms Paxil Ativan Fluoxetine Effexor XRDoxepin Valium Xanax Clonazepam Related Channels Bipolar Disorder Depression Mental Health Schizophrenia Advertisement Tweet Anxiety Home > Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms Depression Introduction This video clip introduces depression, including what it is, what causes depression, and how it is treated. Watch This and Other Videos Now >Clonazepam ( Klonopin ®) is a prescription medicine licensed to treat panic disorder and certain types of epileptic seizures. It is a benzodiazepine medication that can cause psychological and physical dependence. If you abruptly stop taking it, withdrawal symptoms could occur. Stopping clonazepam too quickly (especially if you have been taking high doses of the drug) can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as: Numbness or tingling Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea A rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)Heart palpitations Hallucinations Memory loss Panic attacks Dizziness Personality changes Sensitivity to sound or light Fever Headaches Anxiety Tension Depression Insomnia Restlessness or irritability Confusion Sweating. To avoid severe symptoms of clonazepam withdrawal, your healthcare provider may decide to slowly wean you off the medication (although this may not be necessary in all situations). If you are taking clonazepam for epilepsy, your healthcare provider will likely recommend starting a new epilepsy medication while stopping clonazepam to help prevent seizures. ( Click Clonazepam Withdrawal for more information on what may happen if you stop taking clonazepam too abruptly and to find out what else your healthcare provider may recommend in order to help prevent withdrawal symptoms. ) e Med TV's free Health Savvy service can help you stay up-to-date on this topic. Sign up for Health Savvy now."
"docid": "D2074497#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110101011111AAKGYvR\nClonazepam and alcohol?",
"text": "\"Health Other - Health Clonazepam and alcohol? I just started taking Clonazepam for anxiety yesterday, at 0.5mg twice a day. My friend is having her 21st birthday party in a little over a week. Needless to say, I want to be able to enjoy at least a wine cooler... but I need help. I've done some research and, of course, there's the old saying to never... show more Update: I'm only supposed to be on this for 6 weeks. I do take another anxiety medication (celexa), and my doctor added the clonazepam because I was having increased symptoms of acute stress disorder. but no worries, im scheduled to start seeing a therapist this week. (: Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: No. One wine cooler with clonazepam will not harm you. It may make you a bit more sedated, as alcohol potentiates the effect of clonazepam."
"docid": "D2491116#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/3-mg-klonopin\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: 3 Mg Klonopin",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: 3 Mg Klonopin Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Alan Wartenberg1 Can you tell me is 3 mg klonopin (clonazepam) (benzodiazepine) a high dose? At one time, yes: The average starting dose of Klonopin ( clonazepam) is 0.5 mg two or three times a day, and in some people who are sensitive to the effects, as little as 0.25 mg as needed. However, a dose of 1 mg ... Read more Dr. Donald Jacobson841 Doctors shared insights Clonazepam (Definition)Klonopin (clonazepam) belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines. They are also referred to as sedative-hypnotics & anxiolytics. These medications are used for a variety of indications to include anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasm, seizure, & alcohol withdrawal. All benzodiazepines including Clonazepam are potentially habit forming. Alcohol should be ... Read more Dr. Dariush Saghafi Neurology26 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Pamela Pappas4 doctors agreed:2 What is a safe way of getting off of 3 mg of klonopin (clonazepam)? Very gradually: Klonopin ( clonazepam) needs to be gradually tapered with the help of your physician. Please don't try to do it on your own. Depending on how long you've been taking it, reducing from this amount could take some months."
"docid": "D2979801#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klonopin\nClonazepam",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Klonopin)navigation search Not to be confused with clozapine, clonazolam, or clorazolam. Clonazepam Clinical data Trade names Klonopin, Antelepsin, Rivotril, others [2]AHFS / Drugs.com Monograph Medline Plus a682279License data US FDA : Clonazepam Pregnancy category AU: CUS: D (Evidence of risk)Dependence liability Moderate–High [1]Routes of administration By mouth, intramuscular, intravenous, sublingual ATC code N03AE01 ( WHO)Legal status Legal status AU: S8 (Controlled)BR: Class B1 (Psychoactive drugs)CA: Schedule IVDE: Prescription only ( Anlage III for higher doses)NZ: Class CUK: Controlled Drug (Benz) POMUS: Schedule IVUN: Psychotropic Schedule IVIn general: ℞ (Prescription only)Pharmacokinetic data Bioavailability 90%Protein binding ~85%Metabolism Liver ( CYP3A) [3]Onset of action Within an hour [4]Biological half-life 19–60 hours [5]Duration of action 6–12 hours [4]Excretion Kidney Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number1622-61-3Pub Chem CID2802IUPHAR/BPS6963Drug Bank DB01068Chem Spider2700UNII5PE9FDE8GBKEGGD00280Ch EBICHEBI:3756Ch EMBLCHEMBL452ECHA Info Card 100.015.088Chemical and physical data Formula C 15 H 10 Cl N 3 O 3Molar mass 315.7153D model ( JSmol)Interactive image SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Clonazepam, sold under the brand name Klonopin among others, is a medication used to prevent and treat seizures, panic disorder, and for the movement disorder known as akathisia. [ 3] It is a tranquilizer of the benzodiazepine class. [ 3] It is taken by mouth. [ 3] It begins having an effect within an hour and lasts between six and 12 hours. [ 4]Common side effects include sleepiness, poor coordination, and agitation. [ 3] Long-term use may result in tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly. [ 3] Dependence occurs in one-third of people who take clonazepam for longer than four weeks. [ 5] It may increase risk of suicide in people who are depressed. [ 3] [6] If used during pregnancy it may result in harm to the baby. ["
"docid": "D2264126#0",
"title": "http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/112261-Klonopin-How-long-to-kick-in\nThread: Klonopin; How long to kick in?",
"text": "Klonopin; How long to kick in?#1vicodelicious Bluelighter Join Date May 2003Location USAPosts 3,76217-12-2003 13:171.) I have a huge quantity of 2mg generic Clonazepam tablets. I was wondering how long its takes for them to kick into full effect. I have heard 1-2 hours. THat seems like a lot too me??? Is this ture?? 2.) Also, is Klonopin a good benzo to mix well with hydrocdone?? When do you suggest taking the K=pins, b/c hydrocodone kicks in in about 30 min where as K-Pins seen to take and hour or too. 3.)"
] |
426 | 01604 area code telephone | [
"docid": "D2610370#0",
"title": "http://www.area-codes.org.uk/01604.php\n01604 area code",
"text": "01604 area code Northampton The 01604 area code is for Northampton and the surrounding area. Locations using 01604 numbers include: Blisworth Brixworth Chapel Brampton Cogenhoe Creaton Duston Earls Barton East Haddon Guilsborough Hackleton Hardingstone Kingsthorpe Kislingbury Maidwell Moulton Northampton Roade Walgrave Weston Favell Yardley Hastings Most numbers using the 01604 area code are normal Northampton landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. ( More info)01604 area code information Area code: 01604Location: Northampton Ceremonial county: Northamptonshire Call costs: Normal landline rate Area code required for local calls: No Local number length: 6 digits Number format: 01604 xxxxxx International number format: +44 1604 xxxxxx Number shortages predicted: Yes Last code change: April 1995 (previously 0604)"
] | [
"docid": "D1872131#0",
"title": "https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/overview\n1. How to make a claim",
"text": "1. How to make a claim You can apply to a county court to claim money you’re owed by a person or business. This is known as making a court claim. It often used to be known as taking someone to a ‘small claims court’. A mediation service could be quicker and cheaper than going to court. Mediation is when an impartial person helps both sides work out an agreement. The process is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Make a claim Make your claim online if you’re claiming for a fixed (‘specified’) amount of money. Download and fill in a paper claim form N1 if you’re claiming for an unspecified amount of money. You can also use the paper claim form to claim for a fixed amount."
"docid": "D3080286#0",
"title": "https://www.gov.uk/guidance/anglian-waterways-bridges-locks-and-facilities-for-boaters\nAnglian waterways: bridges, locks and facilities for boaters",
"text": "Guidance Anglian waterways: bridges, locks and facilities for boaters From: Environment Agency Part of: Anglian waterways: information to help boaters Published: 31 March 2014Last updated: 31 October 2017, see all updates Details of moorings, bridge heights, locks and facilities for boaters on Anglian waterways. Contents Anglian waterways rules of navigation Moorings Contact the Environment Agency Anglian waterways include the Rivers Ancholme, Great Ouse, Nene, Stour, Welland, Glen and the Black Sluice Navigation. You can see these waterways in our Anglian Waterways map ( PDF, 149KB, 1 page ) . Anglian waterways rules of navigation To use Anglian waterways you must:obey the navigation byelawsregister your boat with the Environment Agencyhave a valid rod licence and a local permit if you fish from your boat Moorings Visitor (short stay) moorings There are many 48 hour visitor and emergency moorings on Anglian waterways. You can use these moorings free of charge for the maximum time stated. Environment Agency river inspectors patrol the moorings regularly to ensure boaters don’t stay longer than allowed. Permanent (allocated) moorings You can leave your boat at permanent moorings all year when you’re not navigating on the river. The Environment Agency manages non-residential, permanent moorings at: River Ancholme - at South Ferriby and Brigg River Nene - at Northampton Marina Great Ouse - at Upware, Denver, Brampton and Ely Northampton Marina: part and full residential and visitor moorings At part residential moorings you can live aboard your boat in the same location for 11 months of the year. You need to vacate your mooring for at least one month of the year to comply with planning laws. At full residential moorings you can live aboard your boat all year round."
"docid": "D863985#0",
"title": "https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-find-a-telephone-prefix-for-a-city\nHow to Find a Telephone Prefix for a City",
"text": "\"How to Find a Telephone Prefix for a City By Maya Austen Share A telephone prefix, also called a \"\"telephone exchange,\"\" makes up the second set of three numbers in a 10-digit phone number. For example, \"\"555\"\" is the prefix in the mock telephone number 202-555-1234. If the city you would like to know the telephone prefix for is local, that city's telephone prefix numbers will be in the introductory pages of the White Pages phone book. You can look up the prefix numbers there, or online. If the city you would like to know the telephone prefix for is non-local, you'll have to look up the prefix numbers online or by visiting a library. Video of the Day Each city or town within a state is assigned a unique telephone prefix or set of prefixes. White Pages Step Get the White Pages phone book. If the city you want to find the telephone prefix for is non-local you won't be able to use the phone that was delivered to your house to look up the telephone prefix. You should check with your local library. Your local library may have White Page phone books from other cities in their catalog."
"docid": "D248404#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_telephone_area_code_for_Tasmania_Australia\nWhat are the telephone area codes for Australia?",
"text": "\", Linc Mad What are the telephone area codes for Australia? The telephone country code for Australia is +61, and you must dropthe trunk prefix 0 from the domestic area code when putting thenumber into international format. Area code 0 …, Linc Mad How many telephone area codes are there in Australia? Australia has only four telephone area codes: . 02 (or +61 2) = New South Wales and A. C. T. . 03 (or +61 3) = Victoria and Tasmania . 07 (or +61 7) = Queensland . 08 (or + …, Linc Mad What is the telephone area code for Sydney Australia? Sydney, and almost all of New South Wales, is in Australian areacode 02, which is +61 2 in international format. ( The plus sign means \"\"insert your international access pref …, Linc Mad What is the telephone area code for Melbourne Australia?"
"docid": "D362554#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_is_telephone_area_code_01612\nWhat area telephone code is 02089?",
"text": "\"Srd79 611 Contributions What area telephone code is 02089? There is no such area code as 02089 in the UK. London area code is (020) and local number has eight digits: (020) xxxx xxxx. To find out the area, you need to st …, Linc Mad 332,237 Contributions Where is telephone area code 140855? An international telephone number beginning with +1 408 55 issomewhere in the vicinity of San Jose, California, USA. Edit Srd79 611 Contributions Where in the UK is area code 01612? ( 0161) 2xx xxxx would be a number in the Manchester area. Such a number is located within the Manchester telephone area where all numbers start with 0161. Edit02phone What is the purpose of a telephone area code? When introduced, area codes were important to helping route calls around the country: local calls were handled by your local telephone exchange, but dialling an area code told …, Linc Mad 332,237 Contributions What are the telephone area codes for Kuwait?"
"docid": "D309536#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_Netherlands\nTelephone numbers in the Netherlands",
"text": "Telephone numbers in the Netherlands From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Netherlands telephone numbers Location Country Netherlands Continent Europe Type Closed NSN length 9Access codes Country calling code +31International call prefix 00Trunk prefix 0Telephone numbers in the Netherlands are administered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation of the Netherlands and may be grouped into three general categories: geographical numbers, non-geographical numbers, and numbers for public services. Geographical telephone numbers are sequences of 9 digits (0-9) and consist of an area code of two or three digits and a subscriber number of seven or six digits, respectively. When dialled within the country, the number must be prefixed with the trunk access code 0, identifying a destination telephone line in the Dutch telephone network. Non-geographical numbers have no fixed length, but also required the dialling of the trunk access code (0). They are used for mobile telephone networks and other designated service types, such as toll-free dialling, Internet access, voice over IP, restricted audiences, and information resources. In addition, special service numbers exist for emergency response, directory assistance, and other services by the public authorities. Map of telephone codes. Contents [ hide ]1 Numbering plan2 Geographical telephone numbers3 Non-geographical telephone numbers4 Public resources5 Caribbean Netherlands6 See also7 External links Numbering plan [ edit]The telephone numbering plan of the Netherlands is divided into geographical, non-geographical, and special public resource telephone numbers. The dial plan prescribes that within the country dialling both geographical and non-geographical numbers requires a national network access code, which is the digit 0. The following list includes this national trunk access digit when it must be dialled before the number."
"docid": "D2090261#0",
"title": "http://www.cbuilde.com/faqs/\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "General Questions Membership CPD Events Career and Professional Development Publications General Questions What is the Chartered Association of Building Engineers? The Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) is a leading Professional Body for individuals and organisations working in the Built Environment. What is a Building Engineer? Building Engineers are Professionals who design, construct, evaluate and maintain buildings. Their work includes both technical and management processes by which buildings are designed, constructed, renewed and maintained. This involves them in activities including site investigations, building inspections and surveys, assessment against standards, project design, plan preparation, cost evaluations, contract procedures, project management, and deciding which construction methods and materials to use. The Building Engineer's expertise includes a detailed understanding of statutory regulations, and technical codes and standards and the need for sustainable buildings. Where is the qualification Building Engineer recognised? The qualification of Building Engineer is recognised throughout the industry and is one of the primary qualifications for careers such as Building Control. Members qualified in the field of Building Surveying and Valuation are recognised by the Council of Mortgage Lenders."
"docid": "D1069226#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_conventions_for_writing_telephone_numbers\nNational conventions for writing telephone numbers",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( December 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The national conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. While international standards exist in the form of the International Telecommunication Union sector ITU-T issued recommendation E.123, national telephone numbering plans define the format and length of telephone numbers assigned to telephones. The presentation of telephone numbers in this article does not include any international dialing codes necessary to route calls via international circuits. In examples, a numeric digit is used only if the digit is the same in every number, and letters to illustrate groups. X is used as a wildcard character to represent any digit in lists of numbers. Contents [ hide ]1 North America1.1 United States, Canada, and other NANP countries1.1.1 Canada1.2 Mexico2 Europe2.1 Belgium2.2 Denmark2.3 France2.4 Germany2.5 Greece2.6 Hungary2.7 Iceland2.8 Ireland2.9 Israel2.10 Italy2.11 Netherlands2.12 Norway2.13 Poland2.14 Russia2.15 Spain2.16 Switzerland2.17 United Kingdom2.18 Turkey3 Asia3.1 Pakistan3.2 India3.3 Iran3.4 China3.5 Hong Kong and Macau3.6 Japan3.7 Malaysia3.8 Philippines3.9 Singapore3.10 Taiwan3.11 South Korea3.11.1 Landline phone numbers3.11.2 Mobile Phone Numbers3.11.3 Business Numbers3.11.4 National Service Numbers3.11.5 Alternative Numbers4 Oceania4.1 Australia4.2 New Zealand5 Central America5.1 Costa Rica5.2 El Salvador5.3 Guatemala5.4 Honduras6 South America6.1 Argentina6.1.1 Area code6.1.2 Subscriber number6.1.3 Mobile phones6.1.4 Special numbers6.2 Brazil6.3 Peru7 Africa7.1 South Africa8 International Telecommunication Union9 See also10 References North America [ edit]United States, Canada, and other NANP countries [ edit]Twenty-four countries and territories share the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), with a single country code. The formatting convention for phone numbers is NPA-NXX-XXXX, where NPA is the three digit area code and NXX-XXXX is the seven digit subscriber number. ["
"docid": "D2241456#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_telephone_area_code_for_Linden_Guyana\nWhat is the telephone area code for Linden Guyana?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Technology Electronics Consumer Electronics Telephones Calling and Area Codes What is the telephone area code for Linden Guyana? Flag What is the telephone area code for Linden Guyana? Answer by, Linc Mad Confidence votes 41.5KThe telephone country code for Guyana is +592, but Guyana does not use area codes, as such. The number within Guyana is 7 digits. ( The plus sign means \"\"insert your international access prefix here.\"\" From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes. ) 1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Srd79 611 Contributions What area telephone code is 02089?"
"docid": "D2863971#0",
"title": "http://www.englandphonelookup.co.uk/01604-reverse-phone-lookup\nArea code: 01604",
"text": "Area code: 01604Northampton01604 200 Inclarity plc 01604 211 Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd01604 222 In Technology Plc 01604 230 BT01604 231 BT 01604 232 BT01604 233 BT 01604 234 BT01604 235 BT 01604 236 BT01604 237 BT 01604 238 BT01604 239 BT 01604 240 ntl Group Ltd01604 241 ntl Group Ltd 01604 242 ntl Group Ltd01604 243 ntl Group Ltd 01604 244 ntl Group Ltd01604 245 ntl Group Ltd 01604 246 ntl Group Ltd01604 247 ntl Group Ltd 01604 248 ntl Group Ltd01604 249 ntl Group Ltd 01604 250 BT01604 251 BT 01604 252 BT01604 253 BT 01604 254 BT01604 255 BT 01604 256 BT01604 257 BT 01604 258 BT01604 259 BT 01604 260 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 261 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 262 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 263 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 264 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 265 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 266 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 267 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 268 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 269 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 274 Thus Plc01604 280 Coralbridge Ltd 01604 281 Tiscali UK Limited01604 282 Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd 01604 283 I Communicate Services Ltd01604 284 Timico Limited01604 285 Primus Telecommunications 01604 286 Switch Services Ltd01604 287 NPlus One Limited 01604 288 Telswitch Limited01604 290 Verizon UK Ltd 01604 310 Noo Mobile Ltd01604 330 Interweb Design Ltd 01604 340 Pipemedia Ltd01604 350 TG Support Limited 01604 351 TG Support Limited01604 352 TG Support Limited 01604 353 TG Support Limited01604 354 TG Support Limited 01604 355 TG Support Limited01604 356 TG Support Limited 01604 357 TG Support Limited01604 358 TG Support Limited 01604 359 TG Support Limited01604 361 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd 01604 362 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd01604 363 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd 01604 364 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd01604 365 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd 01604 366 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd01604 367 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd 01604 368 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd01604 370 Syntec UK Ltd 01604 390 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 400 BT 01604 401 BT01604 402 BT 01604 403 BT01604 404 BT 01604 405 BT01604 406 BT 01604 407 BT01604 408 BT 01604 409 BT01604 410 BT 01604 411 BT01604 412 BT 01604 413 BT01604 414 BT 01604 415 BT01604 416 BT 01604 417 BT01604 418 BT 01604 419 BT01604 420 Telephony Services Limited 01604 432 BT01604 440 BT 01604 441 BT01604 442 BT 01604 443 BT01604 444 BT 01604 445 BT01604 446 BT 01604 447 BT01604 448 BT 01604 449 BT01604 450 ntl Group Ltd 01604 451 ntl Group Ltd01604 452 ntl Group Ltd 01604 453 ntl Group Ltd01604 454 ntl Group Ltd 01604 455 ntl Group Ltd01604 456 ntl Group Ltd 01604 457 ntl Group Ltd01604 458 ntl Group Ltd 01604 459 ntl Group Ltd01604 460 ntl Group Ltd 01604 461 ntl Group Ltd01604 462 ntl Group Ltd 01604 463 ntl Group Ltd01604 464 ntl Group Ltd 01604 465 ntl Group Ltd01604 466 ntl Group Ltd 01604 467 ntl Group Ltd01604 468 ntl Group Ltd 01604 469 ntl Group Ltd01604 470 ntl Group Ltd 01604 471 ntl Group Ltd01604 472 ntl Group Ltd 01604 473 ntl Group Ltd01604 474 ntl Group Ltd 01604 475 ntl Group Ltd01604 476 ntl Group Ltd 01604 477 ntl Group Ltd01604 478 ntl Group Ltd 01604 479 ntl Group Ltd01604 480 Your Communications Ltd 01604 481 Your Communications Ltd01604 482 Your Communications Ltd 01604 483 Your Communications Ltd01604 484 Your Communications Ltd 01604 485 Your Communications Ltd01604 486 Your Communications Ltd 01604 487 Your Communications Ltd01604 488 Your Communications Ltd 01604 489 Your Communications Ltd01604 490 BT 01604 491 BT01604 492 BT 01604 493 BT01604 494 BT 01604 495 BT01604 496 BT 01604 497 BT01604 498 BT 01604 499 BT01604 500 BT 01604 501 BT01604 502 BT 01604 503 BT01604 504 BT 01604 505 BT01604 506 BT 01604 507 BT01604 508 BT 01604 509 BT01604 510 ntl Group Ltd 01604 511 ntl Group Ltd01604 512 ntl Group Ltd 01604 513 ntl Group Ltd01604 514 ntl Group Ltd 01604 515 ntl Group Ltd01604 516 ntl Group Ltd 01604 517 ntl Group Ltd01604 518 ntl Group Ltd 01604 519 ntl Group Ltd01604 520 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 521 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 522 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 523 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 524 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 525 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 526 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 527 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 528 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 529 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 530 Easynet Group Plc 01604 531 Coms. Com Ltd01604 532 Orange Home UK Plc 01604 533 Global Crossing (UK) Ltd01604 534 Global Crossing (UK) Ltd 01604 535 ntl Group Ltd01604 536 Power Internet Limited 01604 537 Spitfire Network Services Ltd01604 538 Digital Mail Limited 01604 539 Teamphone Limited01604 540 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 541 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 542 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 543 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 544 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 545 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 546 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 547 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 548 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 549 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 561 Redstone Communications Ltd 01604 570 Cable and Wireless (Energis)01604 571 Cable and Wireless (Energis) 01604 572 Cable and Wireless (Energis)01604 573 Cable and Wireless (Energis) 01604 574 Cable and Wireless (Energis)01604 575 Cable and Wireless (Energis) 01604 576 Cable and Wireless (Energis)01604 577 Cable and Wireless (Energis) 01604 578 Cable and Wireless (Energis)01604 579 Cable and Wireless (Energis) 01604 580 BT01604 581 BT 01604 582 BT01604 583 BT 01604 584 BT01604 585 BT 01604 586 BT01604 587 BT 01604 588 BT01604 589 BT 01604 590 BT01604 591 BT 01604 592 BT01604 593 BT 01604 594 BT01604 595 BT 01604 596 BT01604 597 BT 01604 598 BT01604 599 BT 01604 600 BT01604 601 BT 01604 602 BT01604 603 BT 01604 604 BT01604 605 BT 01604 606 BT01604 607 BT 01604 608 BT01604 609 BT 01604 610 BT01604 611 BT 01604 612 BT01604 613 BT 01604 614 BT01604 615 BT 01604 616 BT01604 617 BT 01604 618 BT01604 619 BT 01604 620 BT01604 621 BT 01604 622 BT01604 623 BT 01604 624 BT01604 625 BT 01604 626 BT01604 627 BT 01604 628 BT01604 629 BT 01604 630 BT01604 631 BT 01604 632 BT01604 633 BT 01604 634 BT01604 635 BT 01604 636 BT01604 637 BT 01604 638 BT01604 639 BT 01604 640 BT01604 641 BT 01604 642 BT01604 643 BT 01604 644 BT01604 645 BT 01604 646 BT01604 647 BT 01604 648 BT01604 649 BT 01604 651 Affiniti Integrated Solutions Ltd01604 660 BT 01604 661 BT01604 662 BT 01604 663 BT01604 664 BT 01604 665 BT01604 666 BT 01604 667 BT01604 668 BT 01604 669 BT01604 670 BT 01604 671 BT01604 672 BT 01604 673 BT01604 674 BT 01604 675 BT01604 676 BT 01604 677 BT01604 678 BT 01604 679 BT01604 680 BT 01604 681 BT01604 682 BT 01604 683 BT01604 684 BT 01604 685 BT01604 686 BT 01604 687 BT01604 688 BT 01604 689 BT01604 690 BT 01604 691 BT01604 692 BT 01604 693 BT01604 694 BT 01604 695 BT01604 696 BT 01604 697 BT01604 698 BT 01604 699 BT01604 700 BT 01604 701 BT01604 702 BT 01604 703 BT01604 704 BT 01604 705 BT01604 706 BT 01604 707 BT01604 708 BT 01604 709 BT01604 710 BT 01604 711 BT01604 712 BT 01604 713 BT01604 714 BT 01604 715 BT01604 716 BT 01604 717 BT01604 718 BT 01604 719 BT01604 720 BT 01604 721 BT01604 722 BT 01604 723 BT01604 724 BT 01604 725 BT01604 726 BT 01604 727 BT01604 728 BT 01604 729 BT01604 730 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 731 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 732 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 733 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 734 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 735 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 736 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 737 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 738 Cable & Wireless Plc 01604 739 Cable & Wireless Plc01604 740 BT 01604 741 BT01604 742 BT 01604 743 BT01604 744 BT 01604 745 BT01604 746 BT 01604 747 BT01604 748 BT 01604 749 BT01604 750 BT 01604 751 BT01604 752 BT 01604 753 BT01604 754 BT 01604 755 BT01604 756 BT 01604 757 BT01604 758 BT 01604 759 BT01604 760 BT 01604 761 BT01604 762 BT 01604 763 BT01604 764 BT 01604 765 BT01604 766 BT 01604 767 BT01604 768 BT 01604 769 BT01604 770 BT 01604 771 BT01604 772 BT 01604 773 BT01604 774 BT 01604 775 BT01604 776 BT 01604 777 BT01604 778 BT 01604 779 BT01604 780 BT 01604 781 BT01604 782 BT 01604 783 BT01604 784 BT 01604 785 BT01604 786 BT 01604 787 BT01604 788 BT 01604 789 BT01604 790 BT 01604 791 BT01604 792 BT 01604 793 BT01604 794 BT 01604 795 BT01604 796 BT 01604 797 BT01604 798 BT 01604 799 BT01604 800 Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 01604 810 BT01604 811 BT01604 812 BT 01604 813 BT01604 814 BT 01604 815 BT01604 816 BT 01604 817 BT01604 818 BT 01604 819 BT01604 820 BT 01604 821 BT01604 822 BT 01604 823 BT01604 824 BT 01604 825 BT01604 826 BT 01604 827 BT01604 828 BT 01604 829 BT01604 830 BT 01604 831 BT01604 832 BT 01604 833 BT01604 834 BT 01604 835 BT01604 836 BT 01604 837 BT01604 838 BT 01604 839 BT01604 840 BT 01604 841 BT01604 842 BT 01604 843 BT01604 844 BT 01604 845 BT01604 846 BT 01604 847 BT01604 848 BT 01604 849 BT01604 850 BT 01604 851 BT01604 852 BT 01604 853 BT01604 854 BT 01604 855 BT01604 856 BT 01604 857 BT01604 858 BT 01604 859 BT01604 860 BT 01604 861 BT01604 862 BT 01604 863 BT01604 864 BT 01604 865 BT01604 866 BT 01604 867 BT01604 868 BT 01604 869 BT01604 870 BT 01604 871 BT01604 872 BT 01604 873 BT01604 874 BT 01604 875 BT01604 876 BT 01604 877 BT01604 878 BT 01604 879 BT01604 880 BT 01604 881 BT01604 882 BT 01604 883 BT01604 884 BT 01604 885 BT01604 886 BT 01604 887 BT01604 888 BT 01604 889 BT01604 890 BT 01604 891 BT01604 892 BT 01604 893 BT01604 894 BT 01604 895 BT01604 896 BT 01604 897 BT01604 898 BT 01604 899 BT01604 920 Danemere Street Creative 01604 921 Fle Xtel Limited01604 922 Tel XL Ltd 01604 923 Tel NG Limited01604 924 TELSTRA EUROPE LIMITED 01604 925 VTL (UK) Limited01604 926 Freshtel UK Limited 01604 927 Callagenix Ltd01604 928 Wavecrest (UK) Ltd 01604 929 Plus Net PLC01604 930 T. T. N. C. Limited 01604 931 Frontier Systems Ltd01604 932 Teledesign plc 01604 933 Net Solutions Europe Limited01604 934 ntl Group Ltd 01604 935 T. T. N. C. Limited01604 936 COLT Telecommunications 01604 937 Localphone Limited01604 938 Zimo Communications Limited 01604 939 Peerex Ltd01604 940 Opal Telecom Limited 01604 950 Vo IP-Un Limited"
"docid": "D1975736#0",
"title": "http://www.britainexpress.com/english-heritage.htm\nEnglish Heritage",
"text": "\"Britain Express > English Heritage English Heritage Find English Heritage properties in: Find English Heritage is the official government agency charged with looking after, well, English heritage!What this means in practice is that English Heritage performs archaeological excavations, preserves ancient monuments and buildings, and administers heritage sites. Many of the most famous historic buildings and monuments in Britain (Stonehenge, for example) are under the care of English Heritage. Many of the sites the EH manages are ruins (castles, stone circles, and medieval monasteriies, for example), though a few properties are stately homes such as Audley End House in Essex. One of the best things that EH gets up to is hosting special events at many of the properties they administer. A glance at their latest \"\"Events\"\" brochure reveals over 600 events ranging from historical re-enactments of jousting to \"\"Life in the Age of Chivalry\"\" and exhibitions of medieval calligraphy. For those of you living outside the UK, you should be able to get a current copy of the events brochure from any regional British Tourist Authority office, or request a copy through your your local travel agent. Membership If you enjoy exploring the history and heritage of England, a membership can pay for itself many times over. Membership entitles you to free entry to all English Heritage properties throughout England, and includes quarterly colur magazine and member-only offers and travel discounts as well as information on special events and family activities. The Britain Express family have been English Heritage members for over a decade, and over that time we've visted roughly 90% of English Heritage properties throughout the country. I think we've had pretty good value from our annual memberships!"
"docid": "D248408#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fictitious_telephone_number\nFictitious telephone number",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ranges for fictitious telephone numbers are common in most telephone numbering plans. One of the main reasons these ranges exist is to avoid accidentally using real phone numbers in movies and television programs because viewers frequently call the numbers used. In North America, the area served by the North American Numbering Plan (NANPA) system of area codes, fictitious telephone numbers are usually of the form (XXX) 555-xxxx. The use of 555 numbers in fiction, however, led a desire to assign some of them in the real world, and some of them are no longer available for use in fiction. Other areas have different fictitious telephone numbers. To be effective, it must not be possible to change a fictitious telephone number into a real one by adding or changing a few digits. Usually, the number must be unassigned in every area code within the numbering plan. Outside NANPA, special fictitious telephone numbers for mobile phones, premium-rate numbers or toll free numbers are sometimes assigned as well. Contents [ hide ]1 Telephone numbers in movies, television and music2 By country2.1 Australia2.2 Hungary2.3 Republic of Ireland2.4 North American Numbering Plan2.5 United Kingdom3 See also4 References5 External links Telephone numbers in movies, television and music [ edit]Tommy Tutone 's hit 1982 song \"\" 867-5309/Jenny \"\" identifies a working number in many area codes which continue to receive large numbers of misdialled calls asking for \"\"Jenny\"\" decades later. [ 1] In 1992, filmmaker Michael Moore unwittingly included footage of himself reciting his telephone number in the documentary Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint."
"docid": "D155688#0",
"title": "http://www.lgvtrainers.co.uk/?p=157\nCOMMERCIAL VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING",
"text": "LGV Trainers What is LGV Category C, how much does it cost & what do I get for my money? Category: FAQ | 06.12.09 |It refers to a Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) over 7.5 tonne and of rigid body design. Commonly referred to as the ‘old HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) Class 2’. From £1090.00 subject to (and including) assessment drive. Includes a full 5-day practical course, test & vat,Adidtional Costs: Medical exam – £58.75Theory tests x2 – £35.00 +£15.00Revision literature for theory test – £49.99 (50% refund upon return)You must pass your Category C practical test before progressing to Category C+E. Download as PDFDriver CPC £59.99Fully inclusive approved periodic training from our inhouse Driver CPC Manager, John Gibson Call 01604 250045 anytime to book your course ... Current course availability throughout 2015QUALIFIED AND LOOKING FOR WORK? Our parent company The Judith Hearn Agency will allow you to develop your newly acquired LGV skills through practical familiarisation and provides further training. Find out more LATEST NEWSTelephone: 01604 250045 | Fax: 01604 601878www.lgvtrainers.co.uk | Email Us | Burlington House, 369 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN1 4EU. ©2013 LGV Trainers: All text and images copyright unless otherwise stated| Log in | Powered by Word Press | Built by Asteriskr |"
"docid": "D1805079#0",
"title": "http://www.centurylink.com/notifications/10_digit_dialing/arizona.html\n.",
"text": "\"Ten-digit local dialing is here Arizona has run out of telephone number prefixes in the region served by the 602 area code. This has happened because of increased demand for new telephone num-bers used for such services as fax machines, pagers, wireless telephones, second phone lines, voice mail and other competitive services. To remedy this situation, Arizona has added two new area codes 480 and 623. As a result of the new area codes, it is now neces-sary to dial ten-digits for local calls between select area codes. Effective Date. The five-month transition period has ended. On September 1, 1999, ten-digit local dialing between the 602 and 480 and 623 area codes became mandatory. If you dial seven-digits between area codes or the wrong area code, a recording will ask you to re-dial using a ten-digit number. Ten-digit local dialing. The introduction of Arizona's new 480 and 623 area codes will not affect your local calling area (that area in which calls are local)."
"docid": "D901383#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/how_7386313_telephone-prefix-city.html\nHow to Find a Telephone Prefix for a City",
"text": "\"How to Find a Telephone Prefix for a City By Maya Austen Share A telephone prefix, also called a \"\"telephone exchange,\"\" makes up the second set of three numbers in a 10-digit phone number. For example, \"\"555\"\" is the prefix in the mock telephone number 202-555-1234. If the city you would like to know the telephone prefix for is local, that city's telephone prefix numbers will be in the introductory pages of the White Pages phone book. You can look up the prefix numbers there, or online. If the city you would like to know the telephone prefix for is non-local, you'll have to look up the prefix numbers online or by visiting a library. Video of the Day Each city or town within a state is assigned a unique telephone prefix or set of prefixes. White Pages Step Get the White Pages phone book. If the city you want to find the telephone prefix for is non-local you won't be able to use the phone that was delivered to your house to look up the telephone prefix. You should check with your local library. Your local library may have White Page phone books from other cities in their catalog."
"docid": "D1172079#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_telephone_area_code_for_Perth_WA_Australia\nWhat is the telephone area code for Perth WA Australia?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Technology Electronics Consumer Electronics Telephones Calling and Area Codes What is the telephone area code for Perth WA Australia? Flag What is the telephone area code for Perth WA Australia? Edit Answer by, Linc Mad Confidence votes 41.5KPerth and all of Western Australia are in Australian area code 08, which is +61 8 in international format. The local number is always 8 further digits. ( The plus sign means \"\"insert your international access prefix here.\"\" From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes. ) 1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No, Linc Mad What is the area code for Nammuldi WA Australia?"
"docid": "D2606098#0",
"title": "http://www.onlineautomotive.co.uk/Renault_Megane_Clutch%20Kits%20and%20Parts.aspx\nRenault Megane Clutch Kits and Parts",
"text": "Renault Megane Clutch Kits and Parts More than 10 products have been found. To refine your search use the search tools above to browse the products that will fit your vehicle. Please see the list of products in the Clutch Kits and Parts category for your Renault Megane below. Our range of Renault Megane Transmission covers all models and years. Transmission: BHP: Wheel Base: Engine Code: Engine No: Part Location: Showing 10 of 10 Product (s)Renault Megane Rymec Clutch Kit Product No: JT6498✔ In Stock Now! ✔ Next Day Delivery Available (Order before 4pm Mon-Fri)Category: Transmission ⇒ Clutch Kits and Parts Fitment: Renault Megane 1.4L Fuel Type: Petrol Body Type: Hatchback Warranty: 24 Months Year Range: 04/1996 to 11/2000additional info: BHP: 75 Engine Code: E7J626/ E7J764 Camshaft: OHC MK 1 3 Piece Kit£38.60 Ex. VAT£46.32 Inc. VATADD TO BASKETASK A QUESTIONMORE DETAILSGO TO CHECKOUTRenault Megane Rymec Clutch Kit (-CSC)Product No: JT1192✔ In Stock Now! ✔ Next Day Delivery Available (Order before 4pm Mon-Fri)Category: Transmission ⇒ Clutch Kits and Parts Fitment: Renault Megane 1.5L Fuel Type: Diesel Body Type: Hatchback, Saloon, Estate Warranty: 24 Months Year Range: 08/2002 to 10/2005additional info: BHP: 80 Engine Code: K9K722 Camshaft: OHC MK 2 d Ci 80 (Fits Vehicles with a 5 Speed Gearbox) 2 Piece Kit Change Concentric Cylinder£66.37 Ex. VAT£79.64 Inc. VATADD TO BASKETASK A QUESTIONMORE DETAILSGO TO CHECKOUTRenault Megane Rymec Clutch Kit (-CSC)Product No: JT1673✔ In Stock Now! ✔ Next Day Delivery Available (Order before 4pm Mon-Fri)Category: Transmission ⇒ Clutch Kits and Parts Fitment: Renault Megane 1.5L Fuel Type: Diesel Body Type: Hatchback, Saloon, Estate, Coupe Warranty: 24 Months Year Range: 06/2004 to 12/2014additional info: BHP: 100, 86, 89 Engine Code: K9K729, K9K724, K9KH834, K9K834, K9K728/ K9K729, K9K834/ K9KF83 Camshaft: OHC MK 2, MK 3 Phase 1, MK 3 Phase 2 d Ci 100, d Ci 86, d Ci 90 2 Piece Kit Change Concentric Cylinder£77.35 Ex."
"docid": "D1189587#0",
"title": "http://oracle.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/oracle-sql-l/read-xml-file-using-plsql-2813628\nread XML file using PLSQL",
"text": "\"Data Managementread XML file using PLSQL3Answers0Favorites Tech Sign In Page Forgot Password? Don't have an account? Sign up Bookmark Tech Sign In Page Forgot Password? Don't have an account? Sign up0Follow Tech Sign In Page Forgot Password? Don't have an account? Sign up Share\"\"hey guys.. can someone help me to read out XML file using PL/SQL Procedure..if you could provide me the example that would be great... sample file for your reference... 0123456789 2007-08-08 REMIT 99 P. O. BOX 12345 City OH 123456789 USA A 2007-08-08 97 P. O. BOX 67890 CITY OH 123456789 USAA 2007-08-08 thanks, daxesh\"\"d By daxesh-Saturday June 13, 2009Related Tags: Data Management3 Answers Answer this question Sign In to Post a Comment Sign In SShasahnk_Mishra August 21, 2009 07:33 AMThis will help you DECLARE lc_ws_response CLOB ; lv_xml_resp VARCHAR2 (30000); Type Of Hire VARCHAR2 (300); Given Name VARCHAR2 (300); Middle Name VARCHAR2 (300); Family Name VARCHAR2 (300); Applicant Id VARCHAR2 (300); Internet Email Address VARCHAR2 (300); Telephone VARCHAR2 (300); Telephone1 VARCHAR2 (300); Country Code VARCHAR2 (300); Postal Code VARCHAR2 (300); Region VARCHAR2 (300); Municipality VARCHAR2 (300); Address Line VARCHAR2 (300); Address Line2 VARCHAR2 (300); SSN VARCHAR2 (300); Date Of Birth VARCHAR2 (300); Race VARCHAR2 (300); Gender Code VARCHAR2 (300); Manager Employee Number VARCHAR2 (300); Job Title VARCHAR2 (300); Full Part Status VARCHAR2 (300); Location VARCHAR2 (300); Three Year Separated Veteran VARCHAR2 (300); Armed Forces Medal Veteran VARCHAR2 (300); Other Protected Veteran VARCHAR2 (300); Start Date VARCHAR2 (300); Computer Purchase VARCHAR2 (300); ln_count NUMBER := 1; BEGIN lv_xml_resp := '<response Xml><New Hires><New Hire><Type Of Hire><Standard Value>New Hire</Standard Value></Type Of Hire> <Personal Data><Person Name type=\"\"\"\"Subject\"\"\"\"><Given Name>David</Given Name><Middle Name/> <Family Name primary=\"\"\"\"true\"\"\"\">Robinson</Family Name></Person Name><Applicant Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"candidate Id\"\"\"\">602114</Id Value></Applicant Id> <Contact Method><Internet Email Address> email@removed </Internet Email Address><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>123456</Formatted Number></Telephone><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"secondary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>3473465626</Formatted Number></Telephone><Postal Address type=\"\"\"\"street Address\"\"\"\"><Country Code>218</Country Code><Postal Code>10467</Postal Code><Region>NY</Region><Municipality>Bronx</Municipality><Delivery Address><Address Line type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\">2726 Wallace Ave</Address Line><Address Line>Line2</Address Line></Delivery Address></Postal Address></Contact Method><Demographic Detail><Government Id issuing Authority=\"\"\"\"SSN\"\"\"\" country Code=\"\"\"\"US\"\"\"\"/><Date Of Birth/><Race>4</Race><Gender Code>1</Gender Code></Demographic Detail></Personal Data><Position Info><Reference Info><Requisition Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"req Id\"\"\"\"/></Requisition Id><Position Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"position Id\"\"\"\">08-05847</Id Value></Position Id><Job Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"job Id\"\"\"\"/></Job Id></Reference Info></Position Info><User Area><Manager Employee Number/><Job Title/><Full Part Status/><Location/><Three Year Separated Veteran/><Armed Forces Medal Veteran/><Other Protected Veteran/><Start Date/><Computer 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Info><Requisition Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"req Id\"\"\"\"/></Requisition Id><Position Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"position Id\"\"\"\">09-00804</Id Value></Position Id><Job Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"job Id\"\"\"\"/></Job Id></Reference Info></Position Info><User Area><Manager Employee Number/><Job Title/><Full Part Status/><Location/><Three Year Separated Veteran/><Armed Forces Medal Veteran/><Other Protected Veteran/><Start Date/><Computer Purchase/></User Area></New Hire><New Hire><Type Of Hire><Standard Value>New Hire</Standard Value></Type Of Hire><Personal Data><Person Name type=\"\"\"\"Subject\"\"\"\"><Given Name>Michael</Given Name><Middle Name/><Family Name primary=\"\"\"\"true\"\"\"\">Richards</Family Name></Person Name><Applicant Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"candidate Id\"\"\"\">656725</Id Value></Applicant Id><Contact Method><Internet Email Address> email@removed </Internet Email Address><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>4403155409</Formatted Number></Telephone><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"secondary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>4408715031</Formatted Number></Telephone><Postal Address type=\"\"\"\"street Address\"\"\"\"><Country Code>218</Country Code><Postal Code>44145</Postal Code><Region>OH</Region><Municipality>Westlake</Municipality><Delivery Address><Address Line type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\">27011 Detroit Rd.</Address Line><Address Line/></Delivery Address></Postal Address></Contact Method><Demographic Detail><Government Id issuing Authority=\"\"\"\"SSN\"\"\"\" country Code=\"\"\"\"US\"\"\"\"/><Date Of Birth/><Race>null</Race><Gender Code>null</Gender Code></Demographic Detail></Personal Data><Position Info><Reference Info><Requisition Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"req Id\"\"\"\"/></Requisition Id><Position Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"position Id\"\"\"\">09-01271</Id Value></Position Id><Job Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"job Id\"\"\"\"/></Job Id></Reference Info></Position Info><User Area><Manager Employee Number/><Job Title/><Full Part Status/><Location/><Three Year Separated Veteran/><Armed Forces Medal Veteran/><Other Protected Veteran/><Start Date/><Computer Purchase/></User Area></New Hire><New Hire><Type Of Hire><Standard Value>New Hire</Standard Value></Type Of Hire><Personal Data><Person Name type=\"\"\"\"Subject\"\"\"\"><Given Name>Karen</Given Name><Middle Name/><Family Name primary=\"\"\"\"true\"\"\"\">Belford</Family Name></Person Name><Applicant Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"candidate Id\"\"\"\">616551</Id Value></Applicant Id><Contact Method><Internet Email Address> email@removed </Internet Email Address><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>4102447463</Formatted Number></Telephone><Telephone type=\"\"\"\"secondary\"\"\"\"><Formatted Number>4432783025</Formatted Number></Telephone><Postal Address type=\"\"\"\"street Address\"\"\"\"><Country Code>218</Country Code><Postal Code>21218</Postal Code><Region>MD</Region><Municipality>Baltimore</Municipality><Delivery Address><Address Line type=\"\"\"\"primary\"\"\"\">502 East 35th Street</Address Line><Address Line/></Delivery Address></Postal Address></Contact Method><Demographic Detail><Government Id issuing Authority=\"\"\"\"SSN\"\"\"\" country Code=\"\"\"\"US\"\"\"\"/><Date Of Birth/><Race>null</Race><Gender Code>null</Gender Code></Demographic Detail></Personal Data><Position Info><Reference Info><Requisition Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"fadv\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"req Id\"\"\"\"/></Requisition Id><Position Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"position Id\"\"\"\">09-00588</Id Value></Position Id><Job Id id Owner=\"\"\"\"Acme\"\"\"\"><Id Value name=\"\"\"\"job Id\"\"\"\"/></Job Id></Reference Info></Position Info><User Area><Manager Employee Number/><Job Title/><Full Part Status/><Location/><Three Year Separated Veteran/><Armed Forces Medal Veteran/><Other Protected Veteran/><Start Date/><Computer Purchase/></User Area></New Hire><New H"
"docid": "D1936970#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dialling_codes_in_the_United_Kingdom\nList of dialling codes in the United Kingdom",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This is a list of telephone dialling codes in the United Kingdom. The national telephone numbering plan is maintained by Ofcom, an independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. This list is based on the official standard, but includes defunct codes and historical changes, including the derivation of the two letter identities, in cases where known. [ 1] [2] [3] The United Kingdom adopts an open telephone numbering plan for its public switched telephone network. Dialling codes do not correspond to specific political boundaries. For example, the Coventry dialling code covers a large area of Warwickshire and the Manchester dialling code covers part or all of several neighbouring towns. ELNS (Extended Linked Numbering Scheme) areas are where an area code is associated with more than one place name. When dialling within the country, all area codes are preceded by the national trunk prefix 0, which has been included in all listings in this article. 0 was traditionally the number dialled for the operator for trunk calls before subscriber trunk dialling (STD) was introduced, and so was retained as a prefix for direct dialled calls. In the majority of areas, the area code still corresponds to the original STD letter code."
"docid": "D901385#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_telephone_area_code_for_Dublin\nWhat is the telephone area code for Dublin?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Technology Electronics Consumer Electronics Telephones Calling and Area Codes What is the telephone area code for Dublin? Flag What is the telephone area code for Dublin? Answer by Hadiyazzi Confidence votes 405Dublin area code is +353 1, or 01 within Ireland. +353 is the international dialing code for Ireland and 1 is the area code for Dublin (The plus sign means \"\"insert your international access prefix here.\"\" From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes. ) 7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No, Linc Mad 332,237 Contributions Where is telephone area code 656? Ciudad Juarez is in Mexican area code 656."
] |
444 | 1 3/4 as an improper fraction | [
"docid": "D247895#0",
"title": "http://www.sparknotes.com/math/prealgebra/fractions/section1.rhtml\nProper Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers",
"text": "\"Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers<< Prev Section Next Section >>Fractions A fraction describes a part of a whole. The number on the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator, and it denotes how many equal parts the whole is divided into. The number on the top of the fraction is called the numerator, and it denotes how many of the parts we are taking. For example, the fraction 3/4 denotes \"\"3 of 4 equal parts.\"\" 3 is the numerator, and 4 is the denominator. Proper Fractions and Improper Fractions A proper fraction is a fraction whose numerator is smaller than its denominator. An improper fraction is a fraction whose numerator is equal to or greater than its denominator. 3/4, 2/11, and 7/19 are proper fractions, while 5/2, 8/5, and 12/11 are improper fractions. Mixed Numbers A mixed number is composed of a whole number and a fraction. 6 2/3, 18 5/4, and 2 2/5 are all mixed numbers."
] | [
"docid": "D2025084#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100310180326AAU3T3X\nHow do you work out 3/4 minus 1/3?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How do you work out 3/4 minus 1/3?i need to know how you would set out the working and answer to 3/4 minus 1/31 following 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: You need to make the denominator (bottom number) be the same for both fractions. The least common denominator of 3 and 4 is 12. To change 4 to 12, you have to multiply it by 3. So if you multiply 3/4 by 3/3 you get 9/12. Now you do the same for 1/3. To get 12 you have to multiply it by 4/4 (4 times 3 = 12) 1/3 times 4/4 = 4/12. Now that they have the same denominator, you can subtract. 9/12 - 4/12 = 5/12Anonymous · 8 years ago1 1 Comment To subtract fractions, they need to have the same denominator (The number on the bottom. Obviously these two don't. So, you need to change at least one (both in this case) into an equivalent fraction."
"docid": "D62945#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/how_8221826_turn-improper-fractions-whole-numbers.html\nHow to Turn Improper Fractions Into Whole Numbers",
"text": "\"Home »Math How to Turn Improper Fractions Into Whole Numbers By Kevin Cavanagh; Updated April 24, 2017An improper fraction is defined as a fraction whose numerator (top number) is greater than or equal to the denominator (bottom number). This is also called being \"\"top-heavy.\"\" An improper fraction is most often turned into a mixed number with a remainder, but some fractions can be turned into whole numbers. A mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction; for instance, 1 1/3 is a mixed number. In this case, the fraction 1/3 is classified as the \"\"remainder.\"\" On the other hand, a whole number is a number like 2, 3, and 4. Converting Improper Fractions to Whole Numbers Look at the top number of the fraction and make sure that it is equal to or greater than the bottom number of your fraction. If the numbers are the same, you can convert your improper fraction into a whole number of 1. If the top number is bigger than the bottom number, see if the bottom number can go into the top number without creating a remainder. For example, if the improper fraction is 24/12, 12 goes into 24 two times exactly, without any remainder, creating a whole number of 2."
"docid": "D1500249#0",
"title": "http://www.themathpage.com/Arith/multiply-fractions-divide-fractions.htm\nHOW TO MULTIPLY FRACTIONS HOW TO DIVIDE FRACTIONS",
"text": "\"S k i l l i n A R I T H M E T I CTable of Contents | Home | Introduction Lesson 26HOW TO MULTIPLY FRACTIONS HOW TO DIVIDE FRACTIONSIn this Lesson, we will answer the following: How do we multiply a fraction by a whole number? How do we multiply a mixed number by a whole number? How do we multiply a fraction by a fraction? How do we multiply a mixed number by a mixed number, or a fraction by a mixed number? Section 2How do we divide fractions?3 × 2 7 (\"\"3 times 2 7 \"\"). What does that mean? According to the meaning of multiplication,3 × 2 7 = 2 7 + 2 7 + 2 7. That is,3 × 2 7 = 2 + 2 + 2 7 = 6 7. We can therefore state the \"\"rule\"\" as follows:1. How do we multiply a fraction by a whole number?"
"docid": "D911314#0",
"title": "http://www.purplemath.com/modules/fraction3.htm\nMultiplying and Dividing Fractions",
"text": "\"Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Reducing Fractions Mixed & Improper Fractions Multiplying & Dividing Adding & Subtracting Polynomial Fractions Purplemath Multiplying fractions is easy: you multiply the top numbers and multiply the bottom numbers. For instance:32⋅1 54=3 ⋅ 1 52 ⋅ 4=4 58When it's possible, you reduce the fraction by cancelling off common factors; that is, you cross out any factors from one side of the fraction line that are duplicated on the other side of the line. In the example above, however, nothing reduces, because 8 and 45 have no factors in common. Math Help.com Multiplying Fractions If you're not sure whether anything can be cancelled off, you can always factor the numerator and denominator, and check for any duplicated factors:4 58=3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 52 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2Nothing is duplicated between the top and the bottom, so nothing cancels. Often, though, something will cancel: Simplify94⋅64 9⋅2 82 7To do the multiplication, I multiply all the top numbers (the numerators) with each other, and multiply all the bottom numbers (the denominators) with each other. However, to make life a little easier for myself, I'll first cancel off any factors that are common to both the numerators and the denominators: Then the simplified product is27. You can use the Mathway widget below to practice multiplying fractions. Try the entered exercise, type in your own exercise. Then click the button to compare your answer to Mathway's. ( Or skip the widget and continue with the lesson. )"
"docid": "D929951#0",
"title": "http://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/math/mixed-number-to-decimal-calculator.php\nMixed Number to Decimal Calculator",
"text": "Calculator Use Convert mixed numbers or mixed fractions to decimal numbers. Mixed number to decimal calculator finds the decimal equivalent by converting a mixed number, fraction, integer or whole number to a decimal. How to Convert a Mixed Number to a Decimal Follow these 2 steps to convert a mixed number to a decimal: Convert the fraction to a decimal: Divide the numerator by the denominator Add this decimal number to the whole number part of the mixed number A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction. To find the decimal form of a fraction just divide the numerator by the denominator using a calculator or long division. Then add the decimal number to the whole number. Example: Convert the mixed number 7 1/4 to a decimal Convert the fraction to a decimal: Divide 1 by 4 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25Add 0.25 to the whole number 7: 7 + 0.25 = 7.25Note that this solution works even if the fraction part of the mixed number is an improper fraction. Example: Convert the mixed number 3 9/5 to a decimal Convert the fraction to a decimal: Divide 9 by 5 9 ÷ 5 = 1.8Add 1.8 to the whole number 3: 3 + 1.8 = 4.8Secondary Method: Convert a Mixed Number to a Decimal by Fraction Addition Alternatively you can convert a mixed number to a decimal by first converting the mixed number to two fractions, adding them and simplifying to a decimal. Example: Convert the mixed number 5 2/3 to a decimal5 2/3 = 5/1 + 2/35 2/3 = (5/1 * 3/3) + 2/35 2/3 = 15/3 + 2/35 2/3 = 17/35 2/3 = 5.667A mixed number such as 7 1/4 can be converted to a decimal. It is implied that 7 1/4 is really 7 + 1/4 and that 7 = 7/1, therefore we are first adding the fraction 7/1 + 1/4. Since 4 is the denominator in the original fraction part we will use it as our common denominator."
"docid": "D2540242#0",
"title": "http://www.mathsisfun.com/mixed-fractions-multiply.html\nMultiplying Mixed Fractions",
"text": "\"Multiplying Mixed Fractions (\"\"Mixed Fractions\"\" are also called \"\"Mixed Numbers\"\")To multiply Mixed Fractions:convert to Improper Fractions Multiply the Fractionsconvert the result back to Mixed Fractions Example: What is 1 38 × 3 ? Think of Pizzas.1 38 is 1 pizza and 3 eighths of another pizza. First, convert the mixed fraction (1 38) to an an improper fraction ( 118 ): Cut the whole pizza into eighths and how many eighths do you have in total?1 lot of 8, plus the 3 eighths = 8+3 = 11 eighths. Now multiply that by 3:1 38 × 3 = 118 × 31 = 338You have 33 eighths. And, lastly, convert to a mixed fraction (only because the original fraction was in that form):33 eighths is 4 whole pizzas (4×8=32) and 1 eighth left over. And this is what it looks like in one line:1 38 × 3 = 118 × 31 = 338 = 4 18Another Example: What is 1 12 × 2 15 ? Do the steps from above:convert to Improper Fractions Multiply the Fractionsconvert the result back to Mixed Fractions Step, by step it is: Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:1 12 = 22 + 12 = 322 15 = 105 + 15 = 115Multiply the fractions (multiply the top numbers, multiply bottom numbers):32 × 115 = 3 × 112 × 5 = 3310Convert to a mixed number3310 = 3310If you are clever you can do it all in one line like this:1 12 × 2 15 = 32 × 115 = 3310 = 3310One More Example: What is 3 14 × 3 13 ? Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:3 14 = 1343 13 = 103Multiply134 × 103 = 13012Convert to a mixed number:13012 = 101012And simplify:10 1012 = 1056Here it is in one line:3 14 × 3 13 = 134 × 103 = 13012 = 10 1012 = 1056This One Has Negatives: What is −1 59 × −2 17 ? Convert Mixed to Improper Fractions:1 59 = 99 + 59 = 149 2 17 = 147 + 17 = 157Then multiply the Improper Fractions (Note: negative times negative gives positive):−149 × −157 = −14 × −159 × 7 = 21063We can simplify now. Here we use two steps, first by 7 (21 and 63 are both multiples of 7), then again by 3."
"docid": "D1739805#0",
"title": "http://www.montereyinstitute.org/courses/DevelopmentalMath/COURSE_TEXT_RESOURCE/U02_L1_T2_text_final.html\n.",
"text": "Proper and Improper Fractions Learning Objective (s)· Identify proper and improper fractions.· Change improper fractions to mixed numbers.· Change mixed numbers to improper fractions. Introduction Mathematicians use three categories to describe fractions: proper, improper, and mixed. Fractions that are greater than 0 but less than 1 are called proper fractions. In proper fractions, the numerator is less than the denominator. When a fraction has a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator, the fraction is an improper fraction. An improper fraction is always 1 or greater than 1. And, finally, a mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. Identifying Proper and Improper Fractions In a proper fraction, the numerator is always less than the denominator."
"docid": "D1743295#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111226124729AAA9DaF\nWrite each mixed number as an improper fraction?",
"text": "Education & Reference Homework Help Write each mixed number as an improper fraction? I just need these checked. Can someone write each mixed number as an improper fraction? 1. 7 ¼ 2. 5 ¾ 3. 3 5/6 4. 4 1/6 5. 10 ½ 6. 1 4/5 (million) 7."
"docid": "D983705#0",
"title": "http://www.math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U4L1DP.html\n.",
"text": "One way to think of a fraction is as a division that hasn't been done yet. Why do we even use fractions? Why don't we just divide the two numbers and use the decimal instead? In this day of cheap calculators, that's a very good question. Fractions were invented long before decimal numbers, as a way of showing portions less than 1, and they're still hanging around. They're used in cooking, in building, in sewing, in the stock market - they're everywhere, and we need to understand them. Just to review, the number above the bar is called the numerator, and the number below the bar is called the denominator. We can read this fraction as three-fourths, three over four, or three divided by four. Every fraction can be converted to a decimal by dividing. If you use the calculator to divide 3 by 4, you'll find that it is equal to 0.75."
"docid": "D1302365#0",
"title": "https://www.mathsisfun.com/reciprocal-fraction.html\nReciprocal of a Fraction",
"text": "Reciprocal of a Fraction To get the reciprocal of a fraction, just turn it upside down. Like this:34A Fraction Fractions A Fraction (such as 34) has two numbers: Numerator Denominator We call the top number the Numerator, it is the number of parts we have. We call the bottom number the Denominator, it is the number of parts the whole is divided into. Reciprocal of a Fraction To get the reciprocal of a fraction, just turn it upside down. In other words swap over the Numerator and Denominator. Examples: Fraction Reciprocal388356651977191221 = 2That last example was interesting. The reciprocal of 12 is 2Likewise the reciprocal of 13 is 3 and so on. Multiplying a Fraction by its Reciprocal When we multiply a fraction by its reciprocal we get 1: Examples:56 × 65 = 1 13 × 3 = 1Reciprocal of a Mixed Fraction To find the reciprocal of a Mixed Fraction, we must first convert it to an Improper Fraction, then turn it upside down. Example: What is the reciprocal of 2 13 (two and one-third)?1. Convert it to an improper fraction: 2 13 = 63 + 13 = 73 2."
"docid": "D2671671#0",
"title": "http://math.tutorcircle.com/number-sense/fractions.html\nFractions",
"text": "Sub Topics Proper Fraction Improper Fraction Mixed Fraction How to Simplify Fractions? Operations With Fractions Fraction Word Problems Fractions are expressed as the ratio of two numbers and are primarily used for comparison between parts and the whole. It can be a part of an object or a group of objects. They are better understood when seen. A fraction is a number expressed in the form of , where the numerator 'a' signifies the number of parts it has, and the denominator 'b' is the number of parts the whole is divided into. There are three types of fractions: Proper fractions Improper fractions Mixed fractions. Proper Fraction Back to Top If the numerator value is less than the denominator value, then the fraction is a proper fraction. The value of the proper fraction will always be less than 1. Example:,,Improper Fraction Back to Top If the numerator value is greater than the denominator value, then the fraction is a improper fraction. The value of this fraction will always be greater than 1."
"docid": "D572485#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Divide-Fractions-by-a-Whole-Number\nHow to Divide Fractions by a Whole Number",
"text": "\"Edit Article How to Divide Fractions by a Whole Number Dividing fractions by a whole number isn't as hard as it looks. To divide a fraction by a whole number, all you have to do is to convert the whole number into a fraction, find the reciprocal of that fraction, and multiply the result by the first fraction. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps: Steps1 Write the problem. The first step to dividing a fraction by a whole number is to simply write out the fraction followed by the division sign and the whole number you need to divide it by. Let's say we're working with the following problem: 2/3 ÷ 4. [ 1]2 Change the whole number into a fraction. To change a whole number into a fraction, all you have to do is place the number over the number 1. The whole number becomes the numerator and 1 becomes the denominator of the fraction. Saying 4/1 is really the same as saying 4, since you're just showing that the number includes \"\"1\"\" 4 times. The problem should read 2/3 ÷ 4/1.3 Dividing a fraction by another fraction is the same as multiplying that fraction by the reciprocal of the other fraction.4 Write the reciprocal of the whole number."
"docid": "D3230295#0",
"title": "http://www.theteacherstudio.com/2013/02/fractions-day-15-composing-and.html\nFractions Day 14: Composing and Decomposing",
"text": "\"Fractions Day 14: Composing and Decomposing The Teacher Studio 5:17 PM 7 comments Today was a math rotations day in grade 4 . . . I started the day with a minilesson and then we broke up into three math groups to rotate around the following centers:--“teacher time”--problem solving--</>/= activity Today’s minilesson focused on “composing” and “decomposing” using unit fractions, and I was hopeful that it would go smoothly. I was fairly confident based on the work we have done over the last few weeks that the students would easily manage this concept, and my students did not disappoint me. We reviewed the idea of “unit fraction” and used the fraction bars in Kidspiration to model different ways to build fractions. We talked about how you can build or “compose” new fractions with unit fractions (which I also call counting fractions…just like we count WHOLE numbers, we can count FRACTIONS too!). We then tied the fraction bars to a more traditional adding and subtracting notation—we modeled by counting unit fraction groups to add and by crossing out fractions to subtract. Students seemed to be really understanding, so I felt ready to send them off to do our math rotations. Here is our rotation board: (I’ve flipped the top cards backward to hide the names). Today’s groups were picked based on needs—I knew that I wanted to differentiate the “teacher time” rotation. Some days my groups are mixed ability--it all depends on what I am trying to accomplish."
"docid": "D1913975#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_renaming_fractions_help_you_find_distances_between_fractions\nHow do renaming fractions help you find distances between fractions?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Math and Arithmetic How do renaming fractions help you find distances between fractions? Flag How do renaming fractions help you find distances between fractions? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.it helps you find the distance between fractions because the new name should be an equivalent fraction. Therefore it should be able to be divided\\multiplied by 2 to make the original number.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Thattrollingguy 49 Contributions How do you rename a fraction? Put it into decimal form (this is considered less accurate). E. G. 1/2=0.5Emo916math 39 Contributions How do you find fractions between fractions?take their averages to find a fraction between 1/4 and 1/3 take [ (1/4) + (1/3)]/2 to get 7/24Emo916math 39 Contributions Find a fraction between pair of fractions? Any fraction you choose will work. Choose 1/2. Then 1/2 would fall between 1/3 and 2/3."
"docid": "D3381659#0",
"title": "https://sciencing.com/write-improper-fraction-whole-number-8660354.html\nHow to Write an Improper Fraction As a Whole Number",
"text": "\"Home »Math How to Write an Improper Fraction As a Whole Number By Meghan Smith; Updated April 25, 2017An improper fraction is any fraction in which the numerator, or top number, is bigger than the denominator, or bottom number - 3/2, for example. To write an improper fraction as a whole number means to write the improper fraction as a mixed number, which is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction, such as 1 2/3. It's not hard to learn how to convert an improper fraction into a mixed number. Find the whole number. Divide the top number by the bottom number, but use long division only, not a calculator, because calculators give decimals and you need a remainder (which can be found through long division). If you don't know how to do long division, ask yourself the question, \"\"how many times does the bottom number fit into the top number, without going over?\"\" If your improper fraction is 3/2, 2 goes into 3 once without going over, because 2 X 1 = 2 but 2 X 2 = 4. So for 3/2, the whole number is 1. Find the remainder. Do this by multiplying the bottom number by the number of times it fit into the top number and subtracting that number from the top number."
"docid": "D1613989#0",
"title": "https://www.mathworksheets4kids.com/fraction-addition.php\nFraction Addition Worksheets",
"text": "Login Become a member Feedback Home > Pre-Algebra > Fractions > Addition Fraction Addition Worksheets Fraction addition worksheets contain adding proper and improper fractions, adding like and unlike fractions, adding mixed numbers, adding unit fractions, making whole numbers using the grids and pie representations, and more. It also contains fraction addition with three addends with same and different denominators. Range of denominators at each level: Easy - 2 to 12; Medium - 2 to 20; Hard - 2 to 99. Reduce the answers to the simplest form. Download All Fraction Addition Worksheets (6.90 MB)Like Fractions - Same Denominators Adding Proper Fractions Each worksheet contains 14 problems adding like proper fractions. Column addition included. Easy (Horizontal): Sheet 1| Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Easy (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Hard (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Download All Adding Improper Fractions This section contains adding improper fractions in the both horizontal and vertical forms. Easy (Horizontal): Sheet 1| Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Easy (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Hard (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Download All Adding Mixed Numbers Each worksheet contains 14 problems based on adding mixed numbers with the same denominators. Easy (Horizontal): Sheet 1| Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Easy (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Medium (Vertical): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Hard (Horizontal): Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Download All Adding Like Fractions: Mixed Review Review block contains all types of fractions in mixed variations. Proper / Improper: Sheet 1| Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Proper / Mixed: Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Improper / Mixed: Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All All fractions: Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Grab 'em All Download All Unlike Fractions - Different Denominators Adding Proper Fractions The students must need a sound knowledge in the least common multiple to solve these addition problems."
"docid": "D3013891#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/dividing-fractions-and-mixed-numbers.html\nDividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers",
"text": "\" {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 80K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers Practice with Fraction and Mixed Number Arithmetic How to Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions and Mixed Numbers Estimating Products & Quotients of Fractions & Mixed Numbers Lesson Transcript Instructor: Jeff Calareso Jeff teaches high school English, math and other subjects. He has a master's degree in writing and literature. Dividing fractions and mixed numbers? It sounds daunting, but it's not as tricky as it sounds. In this lesson, we'll learn how to divide fractions and mixed numbers. Let's Divide Let's talk about cookies. Baking cookies is a form of chemistry - tasty, sometimes chocolate chip chemistry. But, there also seems to be an awful lot of math involved. This is especially true if you're like me and you don't always have an unlimited supply of every ingredient. For example, maybe you have only 1 1/2 cups of flour left and you need to modify your recipe so that you maximize your cookie potential."
"docid": "D1085298#0",
"title": "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/78461218478285750/\nExplore Pint Cups, Math Genius, and more!",
"text": "\"Explore Pint Cups, Math Genius, and more!Pint cups Child Math Anchor charts School Chart Pint Cups Math Genius Math Middle School Math Anchor Charts Student Teaching Teaching Ideas Mathematicians Cycle 3 Math Activities How to explain gallon-quarts-pints-cups to graders. Make a story: In Gallon land there lived 4 Quarts who had a Prince and Princess Pints) and they had 2 Children (Total of 4 Cups) each that were 8 yrs old. See more Customary & metric measurement anchor charts Measurement Conversions Metric Measurement Chart Nursing Conversions Metric Conversion Chart Measuring Chart Teaching Measurement Math Classroom Classroom Decor Metric Measurements ANCHOR CHARTS - Includes customary conversions. Gallon Kingdom!See more Measurements Free Printable Measurement Chart Measuring Equivalents Measuring Chart Liquid Conversion Chart Math Conversions Gallon Man Pure Genius Teaching Math Cooking Measurements Wk 13 Liquid Measurements Free Printable - Here is a great visual printable that helps you remember liquid measurements and conversions!See more Math Classroom Classroom Ideas Gallon Man Math Measurement Measurement Conversions Math School Homeschool Math Homeschooling Curriculum Measurement story to help remember gallon, quarts, pints, cups See more Math Conversions Math Lab Math Anchor Charts Math Measurement Math Help Math Journals Homeschool Math Elementary Math Math Resources Customary units of volume/capacity anchor chart, grade. I like the addition of the 8 jewels representing 8 oz per cup. See more Measurement Conversions Math Measurement Weight Measurement Chart Poems For Teachers Math Anchor Charts Kids Math Teaching Math Teaching Ideas Teaching Activities Measurement - Awesome poem for teachers to tell students to remember the measurement equivalence. See more Multiplication Tricks Multiplication Anchor Charts Multi Digit Multiplication Math Anchor Charts Math Charts Standard Algorithm Multiplication Rounding Anchor Chart Fractions Kids Math I have another meaning for TURTLEHEAD . This is really cute, I can see my kids talking about laying an egg all day! 2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication Turtlehead Method - Ms. See more Math Charts Math Anchor Charts Flip Charts Rounding Anchor Chart 3rd Grade Math Second Grade Grade 2 Math Measurement Teaching Math Customary Capacity Anchor Chart- Second grade: use this when teaching capacity although I dont think the kids know what creamer is. See more Flip Charts Math Anchor Charts Maths Math Class Teaching Math Teaching Measurement Teaching Ideas Metric Measurement Chart Metric Conversion Chart Metric conversion anchor chart-soooo much better than the anchor chart I made today!"
"docid": "D2578321#0",
"title": "http://www.ask-math.com/fractions-in-simplest-form.html\nFractions in Simplest Form",
"text": "Fractions in Simplest Form There are two different ways to write a fractions in simplest form. fractions in simplest form Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 3:42 1) Divide by common factors. 2) Divide by using GCF. A fraction is in the lowest term when the only common factor between the numerator and the denominator is 1. Example : Write 20/24 in simplest form : Divide by common factors • Divide by common factors until the common factor is 1. • You can start dividing by 2 since both the numbers are even. 20 ÷ 2 10 ---------- = ----- 24 ÷ 2 12 But both 10 and 12 are also even so they are divisible by 2. 10 ÷ 2 5 ---------- = ----- 12 ÷ 2 6 • Since 5 and 6 do not have any common factor so 5/6 is the simplest form of 20/24. Divide by using GCF • First find the GCF of 20 and 24."
"docid": "D2355141#0",
"title": "http://swvgs.us/rfisher/fifth_grade_mathematics/simplifying_fractions.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Simplifying Fractions (5th Grade Mathematics)The student will simplify a proper fraction to its lowest terms. The student will simplify an improper fraction to a mixed fraction in its lowest terms. The student will simplify a mixed fraction to its lowest terms. Return Home Simplifying a proper fraction. Simplifying an improper fraction Simplifying a mixed fraction Instructions - Using the Practice program Practice Simplifying A Proper Fraction A proper fraction is said to be in lowest terms if the numerator and denominator do not have any factors in common. For example: are all in lowest terms, but the fractions: are not. Steps to simplifying a proper fraction Example: Step 1: Determine the factors of the numerator. The factors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12. Step 2: Determine the factors of the denominator. The factors of 20 are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20."
] |
445 | 1 liter how many pounds | [
"docid": "D1805905#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/1_liter_equals_how_many_pounds\n2 liters is equal to how many pounds?",
"text": "2 liters is equal to how many pounds? Answer . This depends on what liquid you're measuring. Since every substance has a specific density, the mass of one liter of liquid depends on its density. Using water as …2 liters equals how many pounds?that depends on the mass Montreal84 6 Contributions How many liters equals a pound? Volume and weight can't be equated unless you specify what exactly you're trying to equate. For example: 1 liter of water = x pounds, while 1 liter of soil = y pounds. They w …Andy Ripplinger 2 Contributions How many pounds equals one liter?2.2 pounds only if it is one liter of fresh water (mass = 1kg). Liters are units of volume. Pounds are units of mass."
] | [
"docid": "D700228#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_one_gallon_of_water_weigh\nHow much does one gallon of salt water weigh?",
"text": "Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How much does one gallon of salt water weigh? Weight of a Gallon of Salt Water See the web links below this answer for an automatic calculator that will give you the density of water at whatever temperature and salinity …Krutarth Shukla 3 Contributions How much does a gallon of water weigh?1 gallon of regular water weighs about 8 1/3 pounds (8.345 pounds) This is about 3.785 kilograms. 1 US gallon= 3.785 l Density of water= 1 kg/l density= mass/volume …CDLady 201 Contributions How much does one imperial gallon of water weigh? Weight of Imperial Gallon of Water . 1 gallon [UK] = 1.201 gallon [US, liquid] . One US gallon weighs 8.34 pounds, so an imperial gallon weighsabout 16.6 percent more, or al …4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How much does one gallon of water weigh at 190 degrees Fahrenheit? About 8.35 pounds. How much does one gallon of water weigh in grams? One US gallon is equal to 3.785 liters."
"docid": "D2797757#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_cups_is_one_mango\nHow many pounds are in one cup?",
"text": "Chcheung5 7 Contributions How many pounds are in one cup? It depends on the size on the cup you are talking about and the weight of things in the cup but a cup is not a true measurement like ounces to pounds. You can weigh how many p …Buttface333 39 Contributions How many grams are in a cup of mango?100g of mango in one cup How many mls in one cup?it depends on how big the cup is Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many tablesoons in one cup? That is 16 tablespoons. How many cups is one pint?16Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions If there is 8oz in one cup how many cups for one liter?1 liter = 4.22 cups 1 cup = 0.23 litermarcelle chung 1,066 Contributions How many shrimp in one cup? There are different sizes of shrimp is available. So, if youmention any one size means, the for that size how much will beequal to a cup can be calculated easily. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many cups in one littre?4.22 cups in a liter. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions One can is how many cups?1- 12 oz can = 1.5 cup How many cup is one quarter?1 cup's volume is around 0.25Lt = 1/4 Lt so 1 cup equals 1 quarter (of litre)Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew."
"docid": "D3367597#0",
"title": "http://www.basic-mathematics.com/mixture-word-problems.html\nMixture word problems",
"text": "Mixture word problems There are many examples of mixture word problems. The goal is to really help you understand deeply a few. Then, you will be able to tackle similar problems on your own000000000 00000000000000000 00000000I offer two solution for the mixture word problems here Example #1: A store owner wants to mix cashews and almonds. Cashews cost 2 dollars per pound and almonds cost 5 dollars per pound. He plans to sell 150 pounds of a mixture. How many pounds of each type of nuts should be mixed if the mixture will cost 3 dollars? Solution #1: Use of one variable leading to a linear equation Let x be the number of pounds of cashews So, 150 - x will represent the number of almonds Since each pound of the mixture cost 3 dollars, 150 pounds will cost 3 × 150 = 450 dollars Cost of cashews + cost of almonds = 450 2 × x + (150 - x) × 5 = 450 2x + 150 × 5 - x × 5 = 450 2x + 750 - 5x = 450 2x - 5x + 750 = 450 -3x + 750 = 450 -3x + 750 - 750 = 450 - 750 -3x = -300 -3x/-3 = -300/-3 x = 100 150 - x = 150 - 100 = 50. The store owner should mix 100 pounds of cashews with 50 pounds of almonds Solution #2: Use of two variables leading to a system of linear equations Let x represent the number of pounds of cashews Let y be the number of pounds of almonds x + y = 150 2x + 5y = 450 Solve by elimination Multiply x + y = 150 by -2 -2 (x + y) = 150 × -2 -2x + -2y = -300 Put the two equations together again. -2x + -2y = -300 2x + 5y = 450 Add the left sides and the right sides to get: 3y = 150 3y/3 = 150/3 y = 50 Example 2 and 3 are more challenging mixture word problems Example #2: Suppose a car can run on ethanol and gas and you have a 15 gallons tank to fill. You can buy fuel that is either 30 percent ethanol or 80 percent ethanol."
"docid": "D722512#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_one_gallon_of_diesel_fuel_weigh\nHow much does one gallon of diesel fuel weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts and Repairs Fuel and Engines How much does one gallon of diesel fuel weigh? How much does one gallon of diesel fuel weigh? Answer by Charlie N. Confidence votes 63.3KI have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. About 7.15 pounds. The density of No. 2 diesel fuel is 850 grams/liter = 1.874 pounds/liter = 7.15 pounds per US gallon. Regular gasoline is considerably less dense coming in at 6.0 to 6.3 pounds per gallon.110 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Brian Mette 197,128 Contributions ASE and Chrysler certified master technician with over 20 years experience working at a Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep dealer. How much does a gallon of diesel weigh? Approx 7.15 lbs Jamie Benaud 3 Contributions How much does one liter of diesel fuel weigh?"
"docid": "D1140723#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-glasses-bottle-champagne-5bd22bec7628f5b\nHow Many Glasses Are in a Bottle of Champagne?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Glasses Are in a Bottle of Champagne? A: Quick Answer A standard 750-milliliter bottle of champagne is 25.4 ounces, or six 4-ounce glasses when served as a cocktail or with a meal. A magnum of champagne is 1.5 liters and contains 12 four ounce servings. A jeroboam of champagne contains 24 four ounce servings, and is 3.08 liters. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Glasses of Beer Are There in a Keg? How Many Ounces Are in a Bottle of Champagne? How Much Is a Fifth of Liquor? Full Answer A split of champagne is a quarter-sized bottle, and it contains two 4-ounce glasses. A pint of champagne is half of a standard bottle, and it contains three 4-ounce portions. Champagne is served chilled at 45 degrees Fahrenheit, which takes approximately 30 minutes in an ice bucket or three hours in the refrigerator."
"docid": "D1184414#0",
"title": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kidsnetwork/water/session_01.html\n.",
"text": "Try This!Life Needs Water to Live Looks Can Be Deceiving!Recycled Water Cycle Quiz Yourself Life Needs Water To Live Read to Learn All living things depend on water for survival. Plants need water to make food and grow. Many animals and plants live in water. People need water for cooking, bathing, transportation, recreation, and for growing crops and making products. Without water, there would be no food to eat, no clothes to wear, and no toys to play with. In fact, our bodies are all made of water. Without water, we wouldn’t exist! Do to Learn: Classroom Did you know that your body is 70 percent water? That means a person who weighs 100 pounds (45 kilograms) is made of 70 pounds (32 kilograms) of water! That’s almost 8.5 gallons (32 liters)."
"docid": "D82262#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2436\nUnits of Measure",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Unanswered | Answered Units of Measure Parent Category: Science The category includes questions about the various ways in which humans measure objects or concepts. This category is also home to conversions between units such as grams to pounds or liters to milliliters. Subcategories Area Cooking Measurements Height Length and Distance Metric System Nutritional Measurement Temperature Time Volume Show all 10 subcategories Area Cooking Measurements Height Length and Distance Metric System Nutritional Measurement Temperature Time Volume Weight and Mass1 2 3 >1742400 sq feet equals how many acres? Answer: 1,742,400 ft² = 40 acres. How many cubic meters in a metric ton of dolomite?1 metric ton of dolomite has a volume of approx 0.35 cubic metres. How many gallons of wine from 1000 pounds of grapes?59-64What can measure up to a yard?a yard stick How many inches are there in 0.4 meters?15.748How many miles is 760 kilometers?760 kilometers is about 472.242 miles. What week was September 22 year 2000? Third week Does 2 pints equal half a gallon?no 2 pints = 1/4 gallon What is the time difference between Seoul and Hanoi? Seoul (UTC+9) is always two hours ahead of Hanoi (UTC+7). What time would it be in Glasgow Scotland if it were nine thirty in Prince George BC?"
"docid": "D1378901#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080509091906AAKWuP8\nHow many cups make up a gallon of milk?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How many cups make up a gallon of milk? Follow 13 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: there is 128 onunes in a gallon 8 ounces in a cup so 16 times 8 = 128adamluvsannie · 1 decade ago1 4 1 comment How Many Cups In Gallon Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7868cosco · 2 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: how many cups make up a gallon of milk? Source (s):cups gallon milk: https://tr.im/Hhnxc Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment Measurement Equivalents LIQUID MEASURES 1 cup 8 fluid ounces 1/2 pint 237 m L 2 cups 16 fluid ounces 1 pint 474 m L 4 cups 32 fluid ounces 1 quart 946 m L 2 pints 32 fluid ounces 1 quart 0.964 liters 4 quarts 128 fluid ounces 1 gallon 3.784 liters 8 quarts one peck 4 pecks one bushel dash less than 1/4 teaspoon DRY MEASURES 3 teaspoons 1 Tablespoon 1/2 ounce 14.3 grams 2 Tablespoons 1/8 cup 1 fluid ounce 28.3 grams 4 Tablespoons 1/4 cup 2 fluid ounces 56.7 grams 5 1/3 Tablespoons 1/3 cup 2.6 fluid ounces 75.6 grams 8 Tablespoons 1/2 cup 4 ounces 113.4 grams 1 stick butter 12 Tablespoons 3/4 cup 6 ounces .375 pound 170 grams 32 Tablespoons 2 cups 16 ounces 1 pound 453.6 grams 64 Tablespoons 4 cups 32 ounces 2 pounds 907 grams <<Back to Webmasters VI.com Jo W · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment16 in a gallon: 4 quarts 2 pints in each quart making 8 pints 2 cups in each pint making 4 cups in a quart, making 16 cups in a gallon. Anonymous · 1 decade ago4 0 Comment1 Imperial gallon = 19.2152068 US cups Source (s):googlejezkidd · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Cooking Measurement Equivalents 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp) 1/16 cup =1 tablespoon 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints 4 cups = 1 quart 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 1 milliliter (ml) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc) 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) Source: United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). U. S.–Metric Cooking Conversions U. S. to Metric Capacity Weight 1/5 teaspoon 1 milliliter 1 oz 28 grams 1 teaspoon 5 ml 1 pound 454 grams 1 tablespoon 15 ml 1 fluid oz 30 ml 1/5 cup 47 ml 1 cup 237 ml 2 cups (1 pint) 473 ml 4 cups (1 quart) .95 liter 4 quarts (1 gal.) 3.8 liters Metric to U. S. Capacity Weight 1 milliliter 1/5 teaspoon 1 gram .035 ounce 5 ml 1 teaspoon 100 grams 3.5 ounces 15 ml 1 tablespoon 500 grams 1.10 pounds 100 ml 3.4 fluid oz 1 kilogram 2.205 pounds = 35 ounces 240 ml 1 cup 1 liter 34 fluid oz = 4.2 cups = 2.1 pints = 1.06 quarts = 0.26 gallonpattsywattsy · 1 decade ago1 1 Comment16 cups 8 pintstink · 1 decade ago1 0 Commenthow many cups makes 1 quart milkkarin · 3 years ago0 0 Comment K How many cups are in 2 liters. Bev · 4 years ago1 0 1 comment1 2 next Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Time for a Caribbean cruise?"
"docid": "D1462993#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-ounces-2-liter-bottle-82e17de17a6a12c0\nHow Many Ounces Are in a 2-Liter Bottle?",
"text": "\"Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Ounces Are in a 2-Liter Bottle? A: Quick Answer A 2-liter bottle holds 67.6 fluid ounces of liquid, as there are 33.8 fluid ounces per liter. Liter bottles are often used to hold liquids that are measured by size rather than weight, such as soda and beer. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Ounces Are in a Glass of Water? How Many Ounces Are in a Cup? How Much Is 50 ML? Credit: Matteo De Stefano E+ Getty Images Full Answer The liter was first used as a measurement by the French metric system, where it was a base unit with a capacity of 0.831 modern liters. Today, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures defines a liter as the equivalent volume of a cubic decimeter or 1000 cubic centimeters. A liter of water or another equivalent liquid has a mass of approximately 1 kilogram. Learn more about Food Measurements Sources: convertunits.com metric-conversions.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org Related Questions Q: How Much Does 16 Ounces of Water Weigh?"
"docid": "D1784666#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_teaspoons_in_128_ounces\nHow many teaspoons in 128 ounces?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume How many teaspoons in 128 ounces? Flag How many teaspoons in 128 ounces? Answer by Joebruno A bunch? You're comparing a unit of volume to a unit of weight. 128 ounces could be 7 teaspoons or 700. ( Think pile of feathers vs. ball of lead). Apples and oranges my friend. A reader replies: HUH? I always thought that an ounce, in the USA, was used for both weight and volume. A quart, a unit of volume, has 32 ounces and therefore a finite number of teaspoons, also a unit of volume."
"docid": "D248930#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080710045605AAZZibV\n15 cc is equal to how many teaspoons?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics15 cc is equal to how many teaspoons? Follow 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: / 15/2.5=6someone else · 10 years ago0 2 Comment15 Cc Is Equal To Source (s):https://shrinks.im/ba BYQlycans · 1 year ago0 0 Comment One teaspoon = 5 cc So it equals 3 teaspoon. But it depends whether it is a US teaspoon or Australian. 1 cc = 0.202884136 US teaspoons Kevni · 10 years ago2 0 Comment1 teaspoon = 15 ml (approximately) Since 1 ml = 1 cc 15 cc = 1 teaspoondetektibgapo · 10 years ago0 1 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw VPv Cooking Measurement Equivalents 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp) 1/16 cup = 1 tablespoon 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons 1 cup = 48 teaspoons 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints 4 cups = 1 quart 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 1 milliliter (ml) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc) 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) Source: United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). U. S.–Metric Cooking Conversions U. S. to Metric Capacity Weight 1/5 teaspoon 1 milliliter 1 oz 28 grams 1 teaspoon 5 ml 1 pound 454 grams 1 tablespoon 15 ml 1 fluid oz 30 ml 1/5 cup 47 ml 1 cup 237 ml 2 cups (1 pint) 473 ml 4 cups (1 quart) .95 liter 4 quarts (1 gal.) 3.8 liters Metric to U. S. Capacity Weight 1 milliliter 1/5 teaspoon 1 gram .035 ounce 5 ml 1 teaspoon 100 grams 3.5 ounces 15 ml 1 tablespoon 500 grams 1.10 pounds 100 ml 3.4 fluid oz 1 kilogram 2.205 pounds = 35 ounces 240 ml 1 cup 1 liter 34 fluid oz = 4.2 cups = 2.1 pints = 1.06 quarts = 0.26 gallon Paula · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Google calculates that for you 15 cc = 3.04326204 US teaspoons try it http://www.google.com/search?q=15+cc+in+... Source (s):http://www.google.com/search?q=15+cc+in+...ghijk3 · 10 years ago1 0 Comment Metric Conversion of Grams, Milligrams, Micrograms, Litres, and Millilitres 1000 micrograms (mcg) EQUALS 1 milligram (mg) 1000 milligrams (mg) EQUALS 1 gram (g) 1000 grams (g) EQUALS 1 kilogram (kg) 1 kilogram (kg) EQUALS 2.2046 pounds 1 ounce EQUALS 28.35 grams 1 pound EQUALS 0.4536 kilograms 1 pound EQUALS 16 ounces 16 ounces EQUALS 453.6 grams 1000 milliliters (m L) EQUALS 1 liter (L) 1 liter (L) EQUALS 1.0567 quarts liquid 1 quart liquid EQUALS 0.9463 liter 4 quarts EQUALS 1 gallon 1 cc EQUALS 1 ml What is ml? What is cc? Are they the same? ml is the abbreviation for milliliters cc is the abbreviation for cubic centimeters."
"docid": "D2192973#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-gallons-equal-one-ton-c7af23bd9aa9ada1\nHow Many Gallons Are Equal to One Ton?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Gallons Are Equal to One Ton? A: Quick Answer There are 31.75 gallons in 1 ton of water. A ton is equal to 2,000 pounds and each gallon is composed of 8.33 pounds; a gallon measures the amount of liquid volume of a substance while a ton measures the true weight of a substance. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Gallons Are in One Metric Ton? How Do You Convert Cubic Meters to Tons? How Much Does One Metric Ton Weigh? Credit: Shannon Kringen CC-BY-SA 2.0Full Answer To find the amount of gallons that are in a ton of water, it is important to note how many pounds are in a gallon. Since there are 8.33 pounds in a gallon, and there are 2,000 pounds in a ton, the equation is as simple as dividing the 2,000 pounds by 8.33 pounds. The answer will vary depending on the type and volume of liquid that is being measured; a ton of a thicker substance will often measure much differently than a ton of water. It is important to note that the gallons and tons that are being measured in these equations are the United States examples."
"docid": "D2753622#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-liters-equal-one-ton-775bb82092b58438\nHow Many Liters Equal One Ton?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Liters Equal One Ton? A: Quick Answer If pure water is being measured, one ton equals 907.184 liters. In order to fully convert one ton to liters, however, the density of the liquid being measured must be known. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Litres Are in a Tonne? What Is 1 Ton in Cubic Meters? How Many Pounds Are Equal to 2 Tons? Credit: Agung Parameswara Getty Images News Getty Images Full Answer To find the number of liters in a ton, tons must first be converted to grams. One ton equals 2,000 pounds, and one pound equals 453.592 grams. Therefore, one ton equals 2,000 x 453.592, or 907,184 grams. Next, multiply this number of grams by the density in grams per milliliter."
"docid": "D983734#0",
"title": "http://www.liposite.com/faq/10.aspx\nWeights, Measures, Volumes, cc's and More",
"text": "\"Weights, Measures, Volumes, cc's and Morehome Weights, Measures, Volumes, cc's and More How many ccs are in a liter? What is the relationship between cc and pounds? How much fat did you take out? or What the heck is a cc?1. How many ccs are in a liter? There are 1,000 ccs in a liter.2. What is the relationship between cc and pounds? Even though cc (cubic centimeter or cubic centiliter) is a measure of volume and the pound is a measure of weight, there is a way to calculate the relationship pretty closely.1,000 cc = 1 liter1 liter (of water) weighs 1 kilogram1 kg = 2.2 pounds- or -1 pound = 454.5 cc (approx.)3. How much fat did you take out? or What the heck is a cc?"
"docid": "D3178329#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/much-gallon-gas-weight-9fb9a4ca1e5a2afd\nHow Much Does a Gallon of Gas Weight?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Much Does a Gallon of Gas Weight? A: Quick Answer The weight of a gallon of gasoline is approximately 6.3 pounds, according to the U. S. Department of Energy. This includes only the weight of the gasoline, not the weight of its container. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Much Does a Gallon of Gasoline Weigh? What Is the Weight of Milk Per Gallon? How Many Miles Is It Possible to Drive Per Gallon of Gas? Full Answer A gallon of gasoline weighs roughly 6.3 pounds, depending on the density of the gasoline. If using the metric system, the approximate mass of gasoline is 2.8 to 2.9 kilograms, depending on its density. Gasoline is approximately 87 percent carbon and 13 percent hydrogen by weight. When gasoline is burned, it produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide."
"docid": "D980285#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-quarts-gallon-5bb029b2517f6d57\nHow Many Quarts Are in a Gallon?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Quarts Are in a Gallon? A: Quick Answer A gallon has 4 quarts. Each quart has 2 pints, so a gallon also contains 8 pints. Each pint is 2 cups, so a gallon has 16 cups. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Quarts Are in a Half-Gallon? How Many Cups Equal Two Quarts? How Many Quarts Are in a Peck? Full Answer Each cup holds 8 fluid ounces. Therefore, there are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon. The standard advice is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, which is equivalent to drinking half a gallon of water per day, because a gallon is equivalent to 64 ounces."
"docid": "D715241#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_one_pint_of_blood_weigh\nHow much does one pint of blood weigh?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Cardiovascular Health How much does one pint of blood weigh? Flag How much does one pint of blood weigh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A \"\"pint\"\" of human blood is measured in units. A unit of blood donated is between 450 and 500 mililiters. Since a liter of water weighs 2.2 pounds, a pint or unit of blood weighs a bit more than one pound. So, lose weight, give blood, save a life! Go to www. Give Life.org to register to donate blood and find a local blood bank or mobile blood drive. It only takes about an hour to donate blood.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D2789887#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080515201052AAghIsG\nHow many mililiters in 1.75 liters?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many mililiters in 1.75 liters?i want to know whats the difference of buying 2 750ml instead of one 1.75liter bottle3 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: note 1.75 Liters = 1750 Milliliters 2 750 ml = 1500 ml Poetland · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 Liter is 1000 milimiters 1.75 liters = 1.75*1000 mililiters = 1750 mililiters 2*750 mililiters = 1500 mililiters NBL · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw T4u The metric system is all based on multiples of 10, so: centi = 1/100 milli = 1/1000 kilo = 1000 So a centimeter = a meter divided by 100 a millimeter = a meter divided by 1000 a kilometer = a meter times 1000 A meter - a measure of length, a little longer than a yard (a yard is 3 feet) A gram - a measure of weight, about 30 grams in an ounce (16 ounces in a pound) A liter - a measure of volume, a little more than a quart Look on a gallon of milk - it says 3.78 liters, which equals 4 quarts. A kilogram, or 1000 grams, equals 2.2 pounds. A kilometer, or 1000 meters, equals 0.6 miles.? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1.75 Liters To Ml Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8FS2? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1 liter = 1000 milliliters 1. 75 liter =1750 Milli liters Difference between 2750ml and 1750 ml= 1000 ml= 1 liter Ashok I · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: how many mililiters in 1.75 liters? i want to know whats the difference of buying 2 750ml instead of one 1.75liter bottle Source (s):mililiters 1 75 liters: https://shortly.im/B8Ewq Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment2*750 = 1500 ml 1.75L = 1.75 (1000 ml/1L) = 1750 mlgrunfeld · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment There are 100 m L in 1 L. So 2-750 m L bottles is equivalent to 1.5 L. Justin M · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Basically 750ml is usual wine bottle and 1.5-1.75 liters or 1500ml 1750ml is the magna size bottles you see at the stores ;)Young · 5 years ago0 0 Comment1750 milliliters. Just multiply by 1000. Cappucino · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these?"
"docid": "D3083642#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_a_fluid_ounce_of_water_weigh\nHow much does one fluid ounce of water weigh?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Chemistry How much does one fluid ounce of water weigh? Flag How much does one fluid ounce of water weigh? Answer by Play1out Confidence votes 20Pretty close to an ounce, or 1/16th pound. more exacltly 1.043 ounces One fluid ounce of water weighs 1.043 dry ounces or 0.0652 pounds, and is 29.574 grams. This is ONLY true of WATER. A fluid ounce of another substance WILL NOT WEIGH THE SAME AMOUNT! A fluid ounce is measure of volume, and a dry ounce is a measure of weight. Additionally, a gram or kilogram is a measure of mass, which should not be confused with weight or volume. Many people have mistakenly come to use pounds and kilograms interchangeably. The fact is that pounds are a measure of weight, which is a force and is relative to an object's gravity whereas mass is a constant measure of how much something is."
"docid": "D2833933#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006050824586\nHow many cups = 2 quarts?",
"text": "Education & Reference Homework Help How many cups = 2 quarts? How many cups or liters make 2 quarts? fast please!Update: Hello? How am I supposed to know who's right, show me your sources if any. Follow 20 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 4 cupslsisk · 1 decade ago0 16 1 comment2 Quarts To Cups Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7ZWn? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment2 cups = 1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart SO, 4 cups = 1 quart 8 cups = 2 quarts A liter is pretty close to a quart, but a little bit biggerquietfive · 1 decade ago9 0 Comment2 cups in a pint, 2 pints in a quart. If there are 4 cups (2 pints x 2 cups ) in a quart, there are 4 x 2 cups in 2 quarts, or 8. Cookie777 · 1 decade ago5 0 Comment Well, do you want to know how many cups are in 2 quarts or how many litres are in 2 quarts? There are 4 cups in a quart, so 8 cups in 2 quarts. See the definition of a quart in any dictionary or cookbook."
] |
452 | 1 cm is how many millimeters | [
"docid": "D497273#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-millimeters-1-centimeter-e96c92ff24daec2c\nHow Many Millimeters Is 1 Centimeter?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Millimeters Is 1 Centimeter? A: Quick Answer One centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters. It is also equal to 0.1 decimeter and 0.01 meter. One kilometer contains 100,000 centimeters. Millimeters, decimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers are all units of length in the metric system. Continue Reading Keep Learning When Measuring the Length of a Pencil Do You Use Mm or Cm? How Many Millimeters Are in One Liter? What Does 900 Mm Equal in Inches? Full Answer The metric system is based on units of 10, with standard prefixes attached to the basic unit of measurement. In this case, the basic unit is the meter."
] | [
"docid": "D821624#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Convert-Inches-to-Millimeters\nHow to Convert Inches to Millimeters",
"text": "\"Edit Article How to Convert Inches to Millimeters Four Parts: Basic Equation Shortcuts Related Tasks Examples Community Q&AThe U. S. uses the empirical measurement system which includes inches, but much of the rest of the world uses the metric system. Sometimes, you’ll need to convert a measurement from inches to millimeters for better understanding. Converting is simple when you know the proper equation!In a Hurry? Write down your original measurement in inches without any fractions. Multiply that measurement by 25.4 because there 25.4 millimeters in 1 inch. Write down your new measurement in millimeters. Did this summary help you? Yes No Part 1 Basic Equation1 Understand the relationship between inches and millimeters. One inch is internationally accepted as being equivalent to 25.4 millimeters. Written as an equation, this relationship is represented as: 1 in = 25.4 mm This official, standardized measurement has been set on international records since 1959."
"docid": "D416154#0",
"title": "http://www.asknumbers.com/square-centimeter-to-square-millimeter.aspx\nSquare Centimeters to Square Millimeters Conversion",
"text": "\"Square centimeters and square millimeters (cm2 to mm2) metric area units conversion factor is 100. To find out how many square millimeters in sq. centimeters, multiply the sq. centimeter value by 100 or use the converter.1 Sq. Centimeter = 100 Sq. Millimeters1 Sq. Millimeter = 0.01 Sq. Centimeter There are 100 square millimeters in a square centimeter, because one centimeter is 10 millimeters and the area of a square is calculated by multiplying a side by itself, that makes 10 * 10 = 100 square millimeters in a square centimeter. For example, to find out how many sq. millimeters there are in a square centimeter and a half, as a formula to convert from sq."
"docid": "D501804#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_millimeters_are_in_one_inch\nHow many millimeters are in one inch?",
"text": "Flag How many millimeters are in one inch? Answer by Morten Brendefur Confidence votes 6.8KBy definition there are exactly 25.4 millimeters per inch. Effective July 1, 1959, the United States and countries of the British Commonwealth defined the length of the international yard to be exactly 0.9144 meters. Consequently, the international inch is defined to be equal to exactly 25.4 millimeters. To convert millimeters into inches, divide millimeters by 25.4. To convert inches into millimeters, multiply inches by 25.4. 25.4 millimeters == 25,4 mm 25.4 mm = 1 inch Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula1 in*2.54 cm 1 in*10 mm 1 cm=25.4 mm There are 25.4 millimeters in 1 inch. But, if you are measuring Millers, I'd say the average male miller is .01388889 Millers per inch, or 72 inches per Miller. There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch.39 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No"
"docid": "D215803#0",
"title": "http://www.asknumbers.com/MillimetersToCentimeters.aspx\nMillimeters to Centimeters Conversion",
"text": "\"Metric length units millimeter to centimeter (mm to cm) conversion factor is 0.1. To find out how many centimeters in millimeters, multiply the millimeter value by the conversion factor or use the converter.1 Millimeter = 0.1 Centimeter Millimeter (millimetre) is a metric length unit. One inch equals to 25.4 millimeters. The abbreviation is \"\" mm \"\". Centimeter (centimetre) is a metric length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter which is base metric length unit. The abbreviation is \"\" cm \"\". Enter a value to convert into centimeters and click on the \"\"convert\"\" button. ► cm to mm Create Custom Conversion Table How to create custom conversion table? Start: Increment: Accuracy: Conversion Table Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter1 mm 0.1 cm 26 mm 2.6 cm 51 mm 5.1 cm 76 mm 7.6 cm2 mm 0.2 cm 27 mm 2.7 cm 52 mm 5.2 cm 77 mm 7.7 cm3 mm 0.3 cm 28 mm 2.8 cm 53 mm 5.3 cm 78 mm 7.8 cm4 mm 0.4 cm 29 mm 2.9 cm 54 mm 5.4 cm 79 mm 7.9 cm5 mm 0.5 cm 30 mm 3 cm 55 mm 5.5 cm 80 mm 8 cm6 mm 0.6 cm 31 mm 3.1 cm 56 mm 5.6 cm 81 mm 8.1 cm7 mm 0.7 cm 32 mm 3.2 cm 57 mm 5.7 cm 82 mm 8.2 cm8 mm 0.8 cm 33 mm 3.3 cm 58 mm 5.8 cm 83 mm 8.3 cm9 mm 0.9 cm 34 mm 3.4 cm 59 mm 5.9 cm 84 mm 8.4 cm10 mm 1 cm 35 mm 3.5 cm 60 mm 6 cm 85 mm 8.5 cm11 mm 1.1 cm 36 mm 3.6 cm 61 mm 6.1 cm 86 mm 8.6 cm12 mm 1.2 cm 37 mm 3.7 cm 62 mm 6.2 cm 87 mm 8.7 cm13 mm 1.3 cm 38 mm 3.8 cm 63 mm 6.3 cm 88 mm 8.8 cm14 mm 1.4 cm 39 mm 3.9 cm 64 mm 6.4 cm 89 mm 8.9 cm15 mm 1.5 cm 40 mm 4 cm 65 mm 6.5 cm 90 mm 9 cm16 mm 1.6 cm 41 mm 4.1 cm 66 mm 6.6 cm 100 mm 10 cm17 mm 1.7 cm 42 mm 4.2 cm 67 mm 6.7 cm 125 mm 12.5 cm18 mm 1.8 cm 43 mm 4.3 cm 68 mm 6.8 cm 150 mm 15 cm19 mm 1.9 cm 44 mm 4.4 cm 69 mm 6.9 cm 175 mm 17.5 cm20 mm 2 cm 45 mm 4.5 cm 70 mm 7 cm 200 mm 20 cm21 mm 2.1 cm 46 mm 4.6 cm 71 mm 7.1 cm 250 mm 25 cm22 mm 2.2 cm 47 mm 4.7 cm 72 mm 7.2 cm 300 mm 30 cm23 mm 2.3 cm 48 mm 4.8 cm 73 mm 7.3 cm 500 mm 50 cm24 mm 2.4 cm 49 mm 4.9 cm 74 mm 7.4 cm 750 mm 75 cm25 mm 2.5 cm 50 mm 5 cm 75 mm 7.5 cm 1000 mm 100 cm See Alsomm to decimetersmm to dekametersmm to metersmm to micrometers \""
"docid": "D497268#0",
"title": "https://www.mathsisfun.com/measure/metric-length.html\nMetric Length",
"text": "Metric Length We can measure how long things are, or how tall, or how far apart they are. Those are are all examples of length measurements. Example: This fork is 20 centimeters long These are the most common measurements: Millimeters Centimeters Meters Kilometers Small units of length are called millimeters. A millimeter is about the thickness of a plastic id card (or credit card). Or about the thickness of 10 sheets of paper on top of each other. This is a very small measurement!When we have 10 millimeters, it can be called a centimeter.1 centimeter = 10 millimeters A fingernail is about one centimeter wide. Two tape measures, one in mm, the other in cm We can use millimeters or centimeters to measure how tall we are, or how wide a table is, but to measure the length of a football field it is better to use meters. A meter is equal to 100 centimeters.1 meter = 100 centimeters The length of this guitar is about 1 meter Meters can be used to measure the length of a house, or the size of a playground. And because a centimeter is 10 millimeters:1 meter = 1000 millimeters The back of this kitchen chair is 1 meter A kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. When we need to get from one place to another, we measure the distance using kilometers."
"docid": "D2992393#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_centimeters_are_there_in_a_meter_stick\nHow many centimeters and millimeters are in a meter stick?",
"text": "\"i am jim 25,132 Contributions Curmudgeon How many centimeters and millimeters are in a meter stick? A \"\"meter\"\" stick is one meter long centi means one one-hundredth. So, a centi-meter is one one-hundredth of a meter. Thus . . . There are 100 centimeters on a meter stick. … Liam Frayne 27,068 Contributions Synthesist, Photo and Electrochemical Ph D student at Dublin City University. Undergraduate in Analytical Science How many centimeters are there on a meter stick?100Keshia Davis 377,148 Contributions An Answers contributor. How many centimeters is in a meter stick? A meter is 100 centimeters, or nearly 39 inches, making a meterstick a few inches longer than a yardstick. Mickmellors 946 Contributions How many centimeters in a meter stick?100Jkabc33 8 Contributions How long is a meter stick in centimeters?how long is a m stick in cm there are 100 centimeters in a meter stick How many centimeter are in a meter stick?it has 100 cetmeters in a meter Sketcher95 83 Contributions How many centimeters would be shown on the meter stick?\\n100Hilmar Zonneveld 66,834 Contributions A meter stick is how many centimeters long?1 meter = 100 centimeters."
"docid": "D3040758#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/202/speed-units.html\nRespond to Speed units converter",
"text": "Advertisements Speed Measuring Units Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (leave blank for unlimited)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select a Speed Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select a Speed Unit to Convert Tocentimeter per day ( cm/day )centimeter per hour ( cm/hr )centimeter per minute ( cm/min )centimeter per second ( cm/sec )foot per day ( ft/day )foot per hour ( ft/hr )foot per minute ( ft/min )foot per second ( ft/sec )inch per day ( in/day )inch per hour ( in/hr )inch per minute ( in/min )inch per second ( in/sec )kilometer per day ( km/day )kilometer per hour ( km/hr )kilometer per minute ( km/min )kilometer per second ( km/sec )knot ( kn )mach ( ma )meter per day ( m/day )meter per hour ( m/hr )meter per minute ( m/min )meter per second ( m/sec )mile per day ( mpday )mile per hour ( mphr )mile per minute ( mpmin )mile per second ( mpsec )millimeter per day ( mmpday )millimeter per hour ( mmphr )millimeter per minute ( mmpmin )millimeter per second ( mmpsec )speed of light ( c )speed of sound ( low-mid air 20°C atmosphere )yard per day ( yd/day )yard per hour ( yd/hr )yard per minute ( yd/min )yard per second ( yd/sec )centimeter per day ( cm/day )centimeter per hour ( cm/hr )centimeter per minute ( cm/min )centimeter per second ( cm/sec )foot per day ( ft/day )foot per hour ( ft/hr )foot per minute ( ft/min )foot per second ( ft/sec )inch per day ( in/day )inch per hour ( in/hr )inch per minute ( in/min )inch per second ( in/sec )kilometer per day ( km/day )kilometer per hour ( km/hr )kilometer per minute ( km/min )kilometer per second ( km/sec )knot ( kn )mach ( ma )meter per day ( m/day )meter per hour ( m/hr )meter per minute ( m/min )meter per second ( m/sec )mile per day ( mpday )mile per hour ( mphr )mile per minute ( mpmin )mile per second ( mpsec )millimeter per day ( mmpday )millimeter per hour ( mmphr )millimeter per minute ( mmpmin )millimeter per second ( mmpsec )speed of light ( c )speed of sound ( low-mid air 20°C atmosphere )yard per day ( yd/day )yard per hour ( yd/hr )yard per minute ( yd/min )yard per second ( yd/sec )Advertisements Find pages on convert to with online Google Custom Search"
"docid": "D1669838#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090415131232AAvJHBe\n1 decameter=__ decimeters, 1 decameter=__centimeters, 1 hectometer=__decameters, 1kilometer=__hectometers?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics1 decameter=__ decimeters, 1 decameter=__centimeters, 1 hectometer=__decameters, 1kilometer=__hectometers?trying to help daughter with Math homework and don't know what they are talking about!! Please help!!! ! Follow 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Oh dear. This is a truly pointless exercise, and bad teaching when there are so many other things of more importance that could be addressed than these archaic and non-standard units. The only one which is used in scientific terminology is the kilometer, although centimeters are used colloquially and quite acceptable, but the others should have fallen out of use decades ago (indeed, have done so) so exercises of this type are just a waste of time in my opinion. Basically, deca- means ten of something, and deci- means one-tenth, so 1 meter = 10 decimeters, therefore 10 decameters = 10 x (10 decimeters) = 100 decimeters. Centi- means one-hundredth, so 1metre = 100 centimeters, therefore 1 decameter = 10 x (100 centimeters) = 1000 centimeters. Hecto- means one hundred, therefore 1 hectometer = 100 meters = 10 decameters. Kilo- means one thousand, of course, so 1 kilometer = 1000 meters, and since 1 hectometer = 100 meters, 1 kilometer = 10 hectometers. The only ones your daughter needs to bother about are millimeter, centimeter, and kilometer, and she should learn to manipulate these confidently."
"docid": "D1701927#0",
"title": "http://ethw.org/Millimeter_Waves\nMillimeter Waves",
"text": "\"The millimeter-wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum is usually considered to be the range of wavelengths from 10 millimeters (0.4 inches) to 1 millimeter (0.04 inches). This means millimeter waves are longer than infrared waves or x-rays, for example, but shorter than radio waves or microwaves. The millimeter-wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to radio band frequencies of 30 GHz to 300 GHz and is sometimes called the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) range. The high frequency of millimeters waves as well as their propagation characteristics (that is, the ways they change or interact with the atmosphere as they travel) make them useful for a variety of applications including transmitting large amounts of computer data, cellular communications, and radar. One of the greatest and most important uses of millimeter waves is in transmitting large amounts of data. Every kind of wireless communication, such as the radio, cell phone, or satellite, uses specific range of wavelengths or frequencies. Each application provider (such as a local television or radio broadcaster) has a unique “channel” assignment, so that they can all communicate at the same time without interfering with each other. These channels have “bandwidths” (also measured in either wavelength or frequency) that must be large enough to pass the information from the broadcaster’s transmitter to the user. For example, a telephone conversation requires only about 6 k Hz of bandwidth, while a TV broadcast, which carries much larger amounts of information, requires about 6 MHz. ( A kilohertz, is one thousand cycles per second; a megahertz is one million cycles per second)."
"docid": "D3381261#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080805143014AAB4VHL\nWhich is bigger, a centimeter (cm) or a millimeter (mm)?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics Which is bigger, a centimeter (cm) or a millimeter (mm)?2 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter. To remember: cent means hundred -- there are 100 cents in a dollar. mil means thousand -- you can think it sounds a bit like million only smaller. So there are 100 centimeters in a meter. And there are 1000 millimeters in a meter. So millimeters have to be smaller. Anonymous · 10 years ago6 1 Comment Millimeter To Centimeter Source (s):https://shrink.im/a78W4hancotte · 2 years ago0 1 Comment A centimeter is 10 millimeters. Janet T · 10 years ago4 2 Comment A centimeter is bigger since it is 10 millimeters. Hope this helps you!Source (s): Math Clues.com http://www.mathclues.com Mathclues.com · 10 years ago3 1 Comment15MM X 12 MM IS EQUAL IN HOW MANY INCHESTerri · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Centimeter Vs Millimeter Source (s):https://snipurl.im/a Yw Zgadrianne · 2 years ago0 0 Comment100 cm = 1 m 1,000 mm = 1 m 100 cm = 1,000 mm 1 cm = 10 mm Como · 10 years ago1 1 Commentwhich is bigger in doll eyes 4 or 9 mm Dan B · 3 years ago0 0 Commentyea a centimeter is biggervickash · 4 years ago0 0 3 commentsa cm is 10 mm, so a cm is bigger (2.54 cm = 1 inch)Timothy B · 10 years ago1 1 Comment1 2 next Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Need a Home Security Safe?"
"docid": "D1427235#0",
"title": "https://socratic.org/questions/how-to-convert-meters-to-centimeters-or-millimeters\nHow do you convert meters to centimeters or millimeters?",
"text": "How do you convert meters to centimeters or millimeters? Physics Introduction to Physics Unit Conversion1 Answer34Jackie Shlecter and 2 others Share Sep 16, 2017Answer: Short answer: Multiply meters by (100 for centimeters) or multiply by (1000 for millimeters). Explanation: Long answer: The metric system makes it easy to convert between different units because the whole system is base ten. Each new unit of measure is ten times greater or ten times smaller than the last. As long you remember the names, it becomes easy to convert between them.kilometer 1000 hectometer 100 decameter 10 meter 1 decimeter 0.1 (rarely used) centimeter 0.01 millimeter 0.001EXAMPLE 1: We're given 32.7 meters (m) and we'd like to know how many centimeters (cm) that is. Let's start with what we know: 1 m = 100 cm We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of centimeters. We are given 3 pieces of information, and asked to find a 4th:1 m100 cm = 32.7 mx cm Note: Make sure to be consistent with your units (in this case, meters in the numerator and centimeters in the denominator). Otherwise, you will end up with the incorrect answer!Now, cross multiply to solve for our unknown x: x = 3, 270 cm. Note that our answer here is in cm, the units we want. EXAMPLE 2: We're given 0.062 meters (m) and we'd like to know how many millimeters (mm) that is."
"docid": "D2804148#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_inches_in_1400_mm\n58 inches is how many mm?",
"text": "\"Ebs1 7,115 Contributions58 inches is how many mm? 58 inches are 1473.2 millimeters. Aygabtu Convert 1400 MM to inches? To turn MM incto inches, just multiply the total MM times .0393 (shortened from .0393700787. ( i like pie) Direct Conversion Formula 1,400 mm | * | 1 in 25.4 mm | = | 55.1 …How many cm equals 1400 mm? It equals 140 cm How many inches are in 575 mm? There are 0.03973 inches in 1 mm, therefor you have: 575mm x (.03973 inch) ( 1 mm ) = 22.84 inches4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many inches is193 mm?7.5984\"\"Aygabtu How many inches in 18 mm?18 millimeters = about 0.7 inches. ( 0.708661417 inches) Direct Conversion Formula 18 mm * 1 in 25.4 mm = 0.7086614173 in /Anand Mehta 278,404 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference How many mm is 175 inches?175 millimeters = about 6.9 inches. ( 6.88976378 inches) * * * * * On the other hand, 175 inches is 4445 millimetres.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many mm in 850 inch?850 inches = 21,590 millimeters. Aygabtu21 mm is how many inches?21 Millimeters (mm) = 0.8268 Inches (in) Direct Conversion Formula 21 mm | * | 1 in 25.4 mm | = | 0.8267716535 in Aygabtu How many inches is 21 mm?21 millimeters = just under 1 inch. ("
"docid": "D762558#0",
"title": "https://water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleprecipitation.html\nPrecipitation: The Water Cycle",
"text": "\"Precipitation: The Water Cycle New!Water cycle for kids poster. Precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the delivery of atmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rain. How do raindrops form? The clouds floating overhead contain water vapor and cloud droplets, which are small drops of condensed water. These droplets are way too small to fall as precipitation, but they are large enough to form visible clouds. Water is continually evaporating and condensing in the sky. If you look closely at a cloud you can see some parts disappearing (evaporating) while other parts are growing (condensation). Most of the condensed water in clouds does not fall as precipitation because their fall speed is not large enough to overcome updrafts which support the clouds."
"docid": "D3094064#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/4mm_equals_how_many_inches\nHow many inches in 4mm?",
"text": "\"Aygabtu How many inches in 4mm?0.157480315 in Direct Conversion Formula . 4 mm . . 1 in 25.4 mm . = . 0.157480315 in. Aygabtu4mm is what in inches?4 millimeters 0.157480315 inches == Direct Conversion Formula . 4 mm . . 1 in 25.4 mm . = . 0.157480315 in."
"docid": "D1626989#0",
"title": "http://www.howmanyarethere.us/how-many-feet-are-in-a-meter/\nHow Many Feet Are in a Meter",
"text": "How Many Feet Are in a Meter Posted by: admin Posted date: May 06, 2012 In: Science Comment : 0 6,646 views There are 3.2808399 feet in one metre meaning that it measures around a third of a metre.1 meter = 3.2808399 feet (3 feet 3⅜ inches)If 3.28 feet = 1 meter, divide each side of the equation by 3.28 to find what 1 foot equals in meters. Example: 3.28/3.28 feet = 1/3.28 meters Simplifying the fractions, 1 foot = .3048 meters (30.48 centimeters or 304.8 millimeters)Metric Imperial 1 millimetre [mm] 0.03937 in 1 centimetre [cm] 10 mm 0.3937 in 1 metre [m] 100 cm 1.0936 yd 1 kilometre [km] 1000 m 0.6214 mile Imperial Metric 1 inch [in] 2.54 cm 1 foot [ft] 12 in 0.3048 m 1 yard [yd] 3 ft 0.9144 m 1 mile 1760 yd 1.6093 km 1 int nautical mile 2025.4 yd 1.853 km Meters To Feets Chart Meter Feet1 Meter = 3.2808399 Feet2 Meter = 6.5616798 Feet3 Meter = 9.8425197 Feet4 Meter = 13.1233596 Feet5 Meter = 16.4041995 Feet6 Meter = 19.6850394 Feet7 Meter = 22.9658793 Feet8 Meter = 26.2467192 Feet9 Meter = 29.5275591 Feet10 Meter = 32.808399 Feet11 Meter = 36.0892389 Feet12 Meter = 39.3700788 Feet13 Meter = 42.6509187 Feet14 Meter = 45.9317586 Feet15 Meter = 49.2125985 Feet16 Meter = 52.4934384 Feet17 Meter = 55.7742783 Feet18 Meter = 59.0551182 Feet19 Meter = 62.3359581 Feet20 Meter = 65.616798 Feet Tags: Related posts How Many Colors Are There How Many Miles To The Moon How Many Atoms in The Universe How Many Meters in a Foot Related Tags: how many feet in a meter , 1 feet ka metre , how many cm in a meter , how many feet are in a meter , how many feet are there in a meter , how many cm in meter , 1 feet to meter , 1 mm is how many cm , how many feet in meter , 1 meter how many feet , how many meters are there in 1 foot , how many millimeters in a meter , How Many Feet in Meters , how many feet is in a meter , 5 meter how many cm , how many feet are in a meter? , how many feet in a meter chart , how many ft in meter , how many feet are in 2256 meters , how many feet are there in a meter? , Leave a Comment Name*Email*Website Submit Commentsix − = 5"
"docid": "D1775722#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/150_mm_equals_how_many_inches\n20 mm equals how many inches?",
"text": "\"Aygabtu20 mm equals how many inches?20 mm = 0.7874 inch (rounded) Direct Conversion Formula 20 mm . \\n\\n\\n\\n * . \\n\\n\\n\\n 1 in 25.4 mm . \\n\\n\\n\\n = . \\n\\n\\n\\n 0.7874015748 in. Aygabtu How many inches equals 44 mm?1.75 INCHES Almost 44mm=4.4 cm and one inch = 2.54cm; 4.4/2.54=1.732... Direct Conversion Formula . 44 mm . . 1 in 25.4 mm . = . 1.732283465 in."
"docid": "D3333345#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_nanometers_are_in_a_kilometer\nHow many nanometers are in a kilometer?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Astronomy Planetary Science The Solar System Planet Uranus How many nanometers are in a kilometer? Flag How many nanometers are in a kilometer? Answer by Crystal Ponti Confidence votes 20.9KCrystal Ponti is the founder of Blue Lobster Book Co., a full-service, self-publishing boutique. Nanometers in a Kilometer There are 1 billion nanometers in a meter. There are 1,000 meters in a kilometer. So there are 1 trillion nanometers in a kilometer.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Ben6523 8,615 Contributions How many nanometers are in 1 micrometer? 1000How many nanometers is 183 cm? A nm (nanometer) = 10-9 m 1 cm = 10-2 m Thus 1 nm = 10-7 cm or 1 cm = 107 nm So 183 cm = 1.83 109 nm Linda Gehrdes 19,469 Contributions How many kilometers are in 400 nanometers?400 nanometers = 4.0 × 10-10 kilometers Yrjo 3,164 Contributions What does1000000000000 nanometers equal in kilometers? Nanometre means one billionth of a metre, so 1,000,000,000 nanometres is one metre, and 1,000,000,000,000 nanometres equals one kilometre.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many nanometers are in 850 terameters?850 terameters (Tm) equates to 8.5e+23 nanometers (nm).4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many nanometers is 149 million kilometers?149,000,000 kilometers is 149,000,000,000,000,000,000 nanometers."
"docid": "D215800#0",
"title": "http://www.convertunits.com/from/centimeters/to/millimeters\nConvert centimeters to millimeters - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert centimetre to millimetrecentimetersmillimeters More information from the unit converter How many centimeters in 1 millimeters? The answer is 0.1. We assume you are converting between centimetre and millimetre. You can view more details on each measurement unit: centimeters or millimeters The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 100 centimeters, or 1000 millimeters. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between centimetres and millimetres. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from millimeters to centimeters, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Definition: Centimeter A centimetre (American spelling centimeter, symbol cm) is a unit of length that is equal to one hundreth of a metre, the current SI base unit of length. A centimetre is part of a metric system."
"docid": "D215801#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_centimeters_in_a_millimeter\nHow many centimeters in a millimeter?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Length and Distance How many centimeters in a millimeter? Flag How many centimeters in a millimeter? Answer by Maily S Confidence votes 61 millimeter = 0.1 centimeters 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters .1 cm = 1 mm There are 0.1 centimeters in 1 milimeter, or 10 mm in 1 cm. ADDITIONAL ANSWER Answer # 1 is correct, there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. Part of homeschooling is being creative in finding answers to questions. While using your computer and accessing Wiki Answers is certainly a great way to get answers, make your student (s) aware that most dictionaries have charts of weights and measures as well as charts of equivalents of metric and U. S. weights and measures. I think every household should have a couple good dictionaries! ( our home has 5!). Most dictionaries also have pronunciation key charts, etymology key charts, language charts and even foreign sound charts. My dictionary even has a table of English sounds and their common spellings!. As you can probably tell, I'm a bit of a dictionary \"\"nut\"\", but I think that they are invaluable for every household, especially anyone involved in homeschooling."
"docid": "D2616834#0",
"title": "https://www.asknumbers.com/CentimetersToMillimetersConversion.aspx\nCentimeters to Millimeters Conversion",
"text": "\"Metric length units centimeters to millimeters conversion factor is 10. To find out how many millimeters in centimeters, multiply by 10 or use the converter.1 Centimeter = 10 Millimeters Centimeter is a metric system length unit and equals to one hundredth of a meter. The abbreviation is \"\" cm \"\". Millimeter is a metric length unit and equal to one thousandth of a meter. There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter. It is mostly used to measure small distances in engineering and machining. The abbreviation is \"\" mm \"\". Enter a value to convert into millimeters and click on the \"\"convert\"\" button. ► mm to cm Create Custom Conversion Table How to create custom conversion table? Start: Increment: Accuracy: Centimeters to Millimeters Conversion Table Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter Centimeter Millimeter1 cm 10 mm 26 cm 260 mm 51 cm 510 mm 76 cm 760 mm2 cm 20 mm 27 cm 270 mm 52 cm 520 mm 77 cm 770 mm3 cm 30 mm 28 cm 280 mm 53 cm 530 mm 78 cm 780 mm4 cm 40 mm 29 cm 290 mm 54 cm 540 mm 79 cm 790 mm5 cm 50 mm 30 cm 300 mm 55 cm 550 mm 80 cm 800 mm6 cm 60 mm 31 cm 310 mm 56 cm 560 mm 81 cm 810 mm7 cm 70 mm 32 cm 320 mm 57 cm 570 mm 82 cm 820 mm8 cm 80 mm 33 cm 330 mm 58 cm 580 mm 83 cm 830 mm9 cm 90 mm 34 cm 340 mm 59 cm 590 mm 84 cm 840 mm10 cm 100 mm 35 cm 350 mm 60 cm 600 mm 85 cm 850 mm11 cm 110 mm 36 cm 360 mm 61 cm 610 mm 86 cm 860 mm12 cm 120 mm 37 cm 370 mm 62 cm 620 mm 87 cm 870 mm13 cm 130 mm 38 cm 380 mm 63 cm 630 mm 88 cm 880 mm14 cm 140 mm 39 cm 390 mm 64 cm 640 mm 89 cm 890 mm15 cm 150 mm 40 cm 400 mm 65 cm 650 mm 90 cm 900 mm16 cm 160 mm 41 cm 410 mm 66 cm 660 mm 100 cm 1000 mm17 cm 170 mm 42 cm 420 mm 67 cm 670 mm 125 cm 1250 mm18 cm 180 mm 43 cm 430 mm 68 cm 680 mm 150 cm 1500 mm19 cm 190 mm 44 cm 440 mm 69 cm 690 mm 175 cm 1750 mm20 cm 200 mm 45 cm 450 mm 70 cm 700 mm 200 cm 2000 mm21 cm 210 mm 46 cm 460 mm 71 cm 710 mm 250 cm 2500 mm22 cm 220 mm 47 cm 470 mm 72 cm 720 mm 300 cm 3000 mm23 cm 230 mm 48 cm 480 mm 73 cm 730 mm 500 cm 5000 mm24 cm 240 mm 49 cm 490 mm 74 cm 740 mm 750 cm 7500 mm25 cm 250 mm 50 cm 500 mm 75 cm 750 mm 1000 cm 10000 mm See Alsocm to microinchescm to micrometerscm to milcm to perchcm to picascm to pointscm to rods \""
] |
454 | 1 cubic foot of natural gas is how many btu | [
"docid": "D1038108#0",
"title": "http://tulsagastech.com/measure.html\nSuperior Compressed Natural Gas Dispensers, Parts, & Service",
"text": "\"Click here to open PDF file for printing How Natural Gas is Measured Natural Gas is usually measured by volume and is stated in cubic feet. A cubic foot of gas is the amount of gas needed to fill a volume of one cubic foot under set conditions of pressure and temperature. To measure larger amounts of natural gas, a \"\"therm\"\" is used to denote 100 cubic feet, and \"\"mcf\"\" is used to denote 1,000 cubic feet. To provide greater accuracy in comparing fuels, energy content is measured in terms of \"\"British Thermal Units (BTU's).\"\" A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water (approximately a pint), one degree Farenheit at or close to its point of maximum density. The energy content of natural gas differs in various locations thoughout the country. For the sake of comparison, one average cubic foot of natural gas about 1,000 BTU's of heat energy. The chart below shows how much heat energy is released in various quantities of natural gas. HEAT ENERGY PER UNIT OF MEASURE FOR NATURAL GASUNIT OF MEASURE APPROX. HEAT ENERGY1 cubic foot 1,000 BTU's100 cubic feet (1 therm) 100,000 BTU's1,000 cubic feet (1 mcf) 1,000,000 BTU's How Natural Gas is Sold as Transportation Fuel Compressed Natural Gas or CNG is sold at the retail level either by mass, energy units or \"\"gasoline gallon equivalents\"\" or gge."
] | [
"docid": "D3162833#0",
"title": "http://napoleonfireplaces.com/faq-items/how-much-fuel-do-fireplaces-consume-and-how-much-do-they-cost-to-operate/\nHow much fuel do fireplaces consume and how much do they cost to operate?",
"text": "Previous Next How much fuel do fireplaces consume and how much do they cost to operate? This is easily calculated provided that you have the local price of the fuel to be used. 1 cubic foot of natural gas will produce *1000BTU per hour, 1 litre of propane will produce *29,059 BTU per hour and 1 US Gallon will produce *110,000 BTU per hour. (* values may vary slightly, depending on location) The BTU of the fireplace is divided by the BTU value of the fuel to determine the amount of fuel consumed per hour. Example: A natural gas fireplace that has an input of 30,000 BTU per hour consumes 30,000 / 1000 = 30 cubic feet/hour. If the price of natural gas is .35 cents ($0.0035) per cubic foot then 30 cubic feet x .35 = 10.5 cents ($0.105). Therefore the cost of operating one of our 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Fireplaces such as the new GDS28 Gas Stove for one hour is 10.5 cents. November 28th, 2011Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!Related Faqs Permalink Are vent free products legal in Canada? Permalink What should I bring when buying a Fireplace? Permalink Who services Napoleon Fireplaces and how often should they be serviced?"
"docid": "D1252067#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_natural_gas_therms_do_we_use\nHow much natural gas therms do we use?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Ecology and Bionomics Environmental Issues Green Living How much natural gas therms do we use? Flag How much natural gas therms do we use? Answer by Jefftothed Confidence votes 2It is easier for the standard of measurement of Natural gas to be measured in cubic feet. That is how the Gas companies measure the amount of gas produced, used, moved...etc. Since a therm is a measurement of energy we can approximate the usage like this: The energy contained in a a cubic foot of gas varies. Therefore an exact Therm usage value will be hard to come by. ( It would be easier if there was a measurement of BTU or therm content posted. The Natural Gas companies know this value when gas is acquired from the well, but they are more interested in how much they are moving.) Anyway, on AVERAGE 1ft3 of Natural Gas contains 1,000 Btu of energy. ( A Btu is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.)"
"docid": "D4041#0",
"title": "http://amazingribs.com/BBQ_buyers_guide/grills/gas_grill_reviews_and_ratings.html\nGas Grills: Buying Guide, Reviews, And Ratings",
"text": "\"By Meathead Goldwyn\"\"If we could somehow harness this lightning... channel it into the flux capacitor... it just might work. Next Saturday night, we're sending you back to the future!\"\" Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to the Future, 1985Want to start a new business? I'll tell you one to avoid: Manufacturing gas grills. Man, there are a lot of choices out there. But that's good for us. Prices are very competitive. The chief advantages of gas over charcoal is that there is no dirty charcoal to handle, no ash to clean up, they can get up to max heat faster than charcoal, and you have temperature control just by turning a knob. Modern gas grills seem to have more bells and whistles to choose from than digital cameras. Some actually even come with the kitchen sink attached."
"docid": "D2462084#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_natural_gas_does_the_average_household_use_for_heat_only\nHow much natural gas does the average household use for heat only?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Energy Fossil Fuels Natural Gas How much natural gas does the average household use for heat only? Flag How much natural gas does the average household use for heat only? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. There are too many variables to consider a particular household to be \"\"average\"\". Fuel consumption will vary by home size, insulation, location, and usage habits. However, typical homes require 50 million to 150 million BTU per year for heat, so assuming 100 million BTU to be about average: Assume 0.82 million btu (net heating value*) per 1000 cubic feet of natural gas. 1000 cubic feet of gas / .82 net heating value ~=1,219.51 1,220 cubic feet of gas will be required to generate 1 million btu of heat, so you'll need about 1,220 ft^3 * 100 for the year, or 122,000 cubic feet of gas. At $7 per 1000 cubic feet, that's 122 * $7 = $854 for the year At $9 per 1000 cubic feet, that's 122 * $9 = $1.098 for the year. If you have a larger or smaller house, a warmer or colder climate, better or poorer insulation, etc, your results will of course vary. You'll require more heat in Minnesota than in Arizona, etc. *"
"docid": "D53508#0",
"title": "http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?A=1511&Q=267170\nPS 92 (10.1)",
"text": "\"STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SERVICES450 Columbus Blvd Hartford CT 06103This Policy Statement has been cited in SN 95 (3), SN 95 (4), SN 95 (14) and SN 95 (20)This Policy Statement is modified and superseded by SN 2014 (2)PS 92 (10.1)Tables and Equivalents for Natural Gas and Propane for Motor Vehicle Fuels Tax Purposes BACKGROUND: For motor vehicle fuels tax purposes, \"\" fuels \"\" is defined by Conn. Gen. Stat. Section 12-455a (b) as meaning \"\" (1) fuels as defined in section 14-1 and (2) any other combustible gas or liquid suitable for the generation of power to propel motor vehicles.\"\" This definition includes natural gas and propane, as well as other fuels in gaseous form. Until Policy Statement 92 (10) was issued, the Department had not provided information concerning the computation of tax on motor vehicle fuels occurring in gaseous form. Policy Statement 92 (10) provided factors for determining the quantity of natural gas in gaseous form that is equivalent to one gallon of gasoline. Those conversion factors were arrived at by comparing the number of BTUs (British Thermal Units) produced by the combustion of a gallon of gasoline with the number of BTUs produced by the combustion of 100 cubic feet of natural gas. That is, PS 92 (10) called for gasoline and motor vehicle fuels occurring in gaseous form to be reduced to a common unit of measurement (BTUs). Therefore, implicit in PS 92 (10) was a policy of taxing motor vehicle fuels not on a per-gallon basis, but according to their BTU production. The Department has now determined that the policy implied in PS 92 (10) is flawed. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Policy Statement is to establish a new approach to computing the tax imposed on motor vehicle fuels in gaseous form."
"docid": "D1249601#0",
"title": "http://www.tau.ac.il/~tsirel/dump/Static/knowino.org/wiki/U.S-2.html\nU.S. customary units",
"text": "\"U. S. customary units This is a pending revision of this page. It may differ from the latest accepted revision, which was accepted on 23 December 2010. Contents1 Units of length2 Units of area3 Units of volume4 Units of weight5 Bushels of grain6 Units of pressure7 Units of energy and work8 Units of power9 References The U. S. customary units are the units of measurement currently used in the United States and they are mostly of British origin. Since 1959, the U. S. customary units are related to SI units. The directors of the national standards laboratories of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States entered into agreement, effective July 1, 1959, whereby the equivalent of 1 yard = 0.9144 meter and 1 avoirdupois pound = 0.453 592 37 kilogram were adopted. [ 1] [2]As a broad generality, in the United States, the SI metric system of units is predominantly used in the fields of physics, chemistry and similar sciences. However, by and large, the so-called U. S. customary units are still widely used in industry, engineering, marketing and the general public of the United States. This article selectively lists and defines the most commonly used U. S. customary units in terms of the corresponding SI units. [ edit]Units of length The inch, foot, yard, and mile are the only four customary length measurements in everyday use by industry, engineers and the general public in the United States. In common usage, the \"\"mile\"\" is understood to be the statute mile (as differentiated from the \"\"nautical mile\"\")."
"docid": "D2562291#0",
"title": "https://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictB.html\nHow Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryB",
"text": "\"B [1]informal abbreviation for \"\"billion,\"\" generally meaning the American billion 10 9. This abbreviation is non-metric: the metric abbreviation for 10 9 is G, standing for the prefix giga-. The B form has been used in such units as Bcf (billion cubic feet) and Be V (billion electron volts). B [2]a symbol for international standard paper sizes, followed by the size number, as in B4. A table of sizes is provided. A sheet of size B n has a width of 100·2 -n /2 centimeters and a length of 100·2 1/2- n /2 centimeters (rounded to the nearest millimeter).bag [1]another name for a sack (3 bushels) used as unit of measure in Britain.bag [2]an old English unit of weight, varying with the contents of the bag but generally in the range of 2-4 hundredweight (100-200 kilograms).bag [3]a unit of weight for cement. Traditionally a bag of portland cement weighs 94 pounds (42.6 kilograms) in the US. and 87.5 pounds (39.7 kilograms) in Canada. However, cement is now being sold also in metric-sized bags of 50 kilograms (110.2 pounds) by many suppliers.bahta traditional weight unit in Thailand, now equal to exactly 15 grams or 1/40 catty (0.5291 ounce ). The baht, originally the weight of a silver coin of the same name, is used to measure the weight of precious metals."
"docid": "D2544936#0",
"title": "https://www.oilandgaslawyerblog.com/2009/07/gas-measurement-101.html\nGas Measurement 101",
"text": "July 3, 2009Gas Measurement 101By John Mc Farland A barrel of oil is a barrel of oil, but how much is an mcf of gas? Herein some basic facts about natural gas composition and measurement. The first thing to remember: natural gas is measured by volume (cubic feet) but is sold based on its heating content (Btus). A cubic foot of natural gas is the amount of natural gas that can be contained in a cube one foot on a side, at a certain standard temperature and pressure. But gas is not actually produced at a “standard” temperature and pressure. Temperature and pressure affect the amount of gas that can be contained in a one-foot cube. The higher the pressure, the more gas can be contained within the cubic foot of space. Conversely, the higher the temperature, the less gas can be contained in a cubic foot of space. So, when gas is measured, its pressure and temperature must also be measured. Its actual volume, at its actual temperature and pressure, can then be corrected to show what volume the same gas would have at a standard temperature and pressure."
"docid": "D2035021#0",
"title": "http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/blogs/dept/musings/understanding-energy-units\nUnderstanding Energy Units",
"text": "0 Helpful? Understanding Energy Units Don't confuse energy and power — it's important to know the difference between Btu and Btu/h, as well as k W and k Wh Posted on Jun 22 2012 by Martin Holladay Energy units can be confusing. Should the annual electricity production of a power plant be reported in megawatts or megawatt-hours? Hmmm... let me think... If you’ve ever been confused by the difference between 500 Btu and 500 Btu/h, you probably can use a handy cheat sheet to explain energy units. As a guide through the thorny thickets of energy, power, and the units used to measure them, I’ve assembled some questions and attempted to answer them. What’s the difference between energy and power? Energy is the amount of heat or work that can be obtained by burning a certain amount of fuel. Energy is measured in a variety of units, including kilowatt-hours (k Wh), Btu, and joules. A quantity of energy can also be expressed in terms of barrels of oil, gallons of gasoline, or cords of firewood. A unit of energy can be bought or sold."
"docid": "D3207426#0",
"title": "https://www.perfectforhome.com/gas-ranges/\nBest Gas Range Reviews 2018: Our Top 10 Picks",
"text": "Best Gas Range Reviews 2018: Our Top 10 Picks Jason Wilson Kitchen 25 Comments People in the market for a new kitchen stove face one fundamental choice: gas or electric? The first commercial gas ranges were sold way back in 1836, as an alternative to coal and wood stoves (of course, electricity wasn’t a factor in the mid-19th century). But it took quite a while for gas ranges to “catch fire” with consumers, as a network of gas pipes was slowly constructed over the next 100-150 years. Today, nearly half of Americans choose gas ranges over electric stoves, and many who buy an electric range have no real choice (unless they purchase a propane gas stove) because they live in rural areas without residential natural gas lines. Electric and gas ranges, obviously, perform the same basic function: cooking food. They function quite differently, however. Electric models slowly heat cooking elements which then transfer the heat to pots and pans (or heat up the inside of an oven); on a gas stove, the burners are ignited immediately and the resulting flames are directly responsible for heating up pots (or an oven’s interior). The features of gas stoves vary considerably, and it’s important to choose a model which best meets your needs. We’re here to help by taking a look at the benefits of using gas for cooking, the important considerations and decisions which factor into a purchase so you can easily pick the best gas range. Best Gas Ranges Top 10 Comparison Table Product Name Fuel Type Oven Burners Our Rating Price Thor Kitchen HRG3080UGas Convection5$$$$$Kenmore 73433Gas Convection5$$$Samsung NX58H9500WS Gas Range Gas Convection5$$Bosch HGI8054UC 800 Gas Range Gas Convection5$$$$$GE Café CGS990SETSS Gas Range Gas Convection5$$$Thor Kitchen LRG3001UGas Convection5$$$$$Thor Kitchen Professional Gas Convection6$$$$Frigidaire FGGF3054MBGas Convection5$KUCHT KRG3080UGas Convection4$$$NXR Professional DRGB3001Gas Convection4$$$Deciding To Buy a Gas Range There are many benefits to choosing gas over electric, ranging from the cost of operating gas ranges to the convenience of cooking with them."
"docid": "D463772#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_thermal_unit\nBritish thermal unit",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"BTU\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see BTU (disambiguation). The British thermal unit ( Btu or BTU) is a traditional unit of heat; it is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. It is part of the United States customary units. [ 1] Its counterpart in the metric system is the calorie, which is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. [ 2] Heat is now known to be equivalent to energy, for which the SI unit is the joule; one BTU is about 1055 joules. While units of heat are often supplanted by energy units in scientific work, they are still important in many fields. As examples, in the United States the price of natural gas is quoted in dollars per million BTUs. [ 3] [4]Contents [ hide ]1 Definitions1.1 Prefixes2 Conversions2.1 For natural gas2.2 As a unit of power3 Associated units4 See also5 References6 External links Definitions [ edit]A BTU was originally defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 avoirdupois pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. [ 5] There are several different definitions of the BTU that are now known to differ slightly."
"docid": "D1534745#0",
"title": "https://www.ihrdc.com/els/po-demo/module01/mod_001_03.htm\nMeasurement Units and Conversion Factors",
"text": "\"Module Outline Prev Page Finish Measurement Units and Conversion Factors Depending on the purpose of the measurement-and on regional or national preferences - oil, gas, gas liquids and their products may be measured in terms of volume, weight or thermal energy. For example: Petroleum engineers, particularly those working in the Western Hemisphere, measure oil and gas volumes to answer questions like, \"\"How much oil or gas do I have in my reservoir? How much can be produced during the life of the field? What is the daily production rate? \"\" In contrast, ship owners would want oil shipments to be measured in weight to avoid overloading their tankers. Marketers, on the other hand, are interested in the value of the products to their customers. When they sell oil and gas products for fuel, they charge on the basis of thermal energy units rather than volume or weight. Crude Oil Measurement Crude oil, as shown in Figure 15, is measured in units of volume, weight and thermal energy. The standard volume unit for crude oil measurement, the 42-gallon barrel (\"\" bbl \"\"), dates back to the 1860s, when Pennsylvania producers actually stored and transported petroleum in wooden barrels. To this day you may hear a petroleum engineer say, \"\"This field has reserves of 1 billion barrels and we expect to produce it for 20 years at a design rate of 150,000 bbl/day.\"\""
"docid": "D3407936#0",
"title": "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/energy-content-d_868.html\nEnergy Content in Some Common Energy Sources",
"text": "Energy Content in Some Common Energy Sources Some common heating fuels and their energy content Sorry to see that you are blocking ads on The Engineering Tool Box!If you find this website valuable and appreciate it is open and free for everybody - please contribute by• disabling your adblocker on The Engineering Tool Box! •• How to? Make the ads in the Engineering Tool Box more useful to you!Energy content in some commonly used energy sources: Energy Source Unit Energy Content ( Btu)Electricity 1 Kilowatt-hour 3412Butane 1 Cubic Foot (cu.ft.) 3200Coal 1 Ton 28000000Crude Oil 1 Barrel - 42 gallons 5800000Fuel Oil no.1 1 Gallon 137400Fuel Oil no.2 1 Gallon 139600Fuel Oil no.3 1 Gallon 141800Fuel Oil no.4 1 Gallon 145100Fuel Oil no.5 1 Gallon 148800Fuel Oil no.6 1 Gallon 152400Diesel Fuel 1 Gallon 139000Gasoline 1 Gallon 124000Natural Gas 1 Cubic Foot (cu.ft.) 950 - 1150Heating Oil 1 Gallon 139000Kerosene 1 Gallon 135000Pellets 1 Ton 16500000Propane LPG 1 Gallon 91330Propane gas 60 o F 1 Cubic Foot (cu.ft.) 2550Residual Fuel Oil 1) 1 Barrel - 42 gallons 6287000Wood - air dried 1 Cord 20000000Wood - air dried 1 pound 80001) Residual Fuel Oil - The liquid or semi-liquid, high-boiling fraction of residue from the distillation of crude oil.1 Gallon (U. S.) = 3.785x10 -3m 3= 3.785 dm 3 (liter)1 ft 3= 0.02832 m 31 barrel (US, oil) = 1.33 barrel (US, liq) = 5.61458 cu foot = 42 gallons (US, liq) = 158.9873 liter1 lb m= 0.4536 kg Btu - British Thermal Unit The unit of heat in the imperial system - the BTU - isthe amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water through 1 o F ( 58.5 o F - 59.5 o F) at sea level ( 30 inches of mercury ).1 Btu (British thermal unit) = 1055.06 J = 107.6 kpm = 2.931 10 -4k Wh = 0.252 kcal = 778.16 ft lb f= 1.05510 10ergs = 252 cal = 0.293 watt- hours An item using one kilowatt-hour of electricity will generate 3412 Btu. Sorry to see that you are blocking ads on The Engineering Tool Box!If you find this website valuable and appreciate it is open and free for everybody - please contribute by• disabling your adblocker on The Engineering Tool Box! •• How to? Make the ads in the Engineering Tool Box more useful to you!Related Topics Combustion - Boiler house topics - fuels like oil, gas, coal, wood - chimneys, safety valves, tanks - combustion efficiency Related Documents Fuel Gases Heating Values - Fuel gases combustion and heating values - acetylene, blast furnace gas, ethane, biogas and more - Gross and Net values Energy Conversion Factors - Convert between energy units Fuel Oil Combustion Values - Combustion values in Btu/gal for fuel oils No.1 to No.6Heat Value - The gross (high) and net (low) heating values Wood and Bio Mass Heat - Combustion values of wet and dry wood - Btu/pounds, k J/kg and kcal/kg Biomass Energy - Biomass energy units and converting values Waste Fuel - Heat values of fuel from waste products Propane - Chemical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Propane Gas - C 3H 8Fuel Consumption in liter per km - Distance traveled and fuel consumption in liter/km chart LPG Pipes and Pressure Drop - Resistance and pressure loss in liquid LPG pipes Heat of combustion - Tabulated values of heat of combustion (= energy content) of common substances, together with examples showing how to calculate the heat of combustion Tag Searchen: energy content btu oil gas gallon cubic foot"
"docid": "D1252068#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2390090/furnace-gas-used-per-hour-cost-per-hour\nFurnace: Gas used per hour / Cost per hour",
"text": "Furnace: Gas used per hour / Cost per hourjaysgarden January 6, 2011I've posted this topic before but has made some corrections and kind of consolidated all data. I was trying to gauge the cost (for natural gas) when my furnace has run (consumed gas) for an hour's time. I did it two ways. First I just took the BTU input rating of the furnace and did the calculations from there. Then someone pointed out that the BTU input rating may not be an actual value. So secondly I needed to determine the amount of gas my furnace is actually consuming per hour. Here are the particlars:1. I have Goodman model GMPN100-4 furnace. ( natural gas, single stage, pilotless and an input rating of 100,000 BTU per Hour)FIRST WAY USING BTU INPUT RATING:1. One cubic foot of natural gas has about 1,030 BTU.2."
"docid": "D2346273#0",
"title": "http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2012/05/burning-desire-for-efficiency/\nBurning Desire for Efficiency",
"text": "Burning Desire for Efficiency Posted on 2012-05-29Ever wonder how efficient it is to heat water? Of course you have! Ever measured it? Whoa, mister, now you’ve gone too far!I recently devised a laser-phototransistor gauge to monitor my natural gas meter dial—like ya do. As a side benefit, I acquired good data on how much energy goes into various domestic uses of natural gas. Using this, I was able to figure out how much energy it takes to heat water on the stove, cook something in the oven, or heat water for a shower. Together with the knowledge of the heat capacity of water, I can compute heating efficiency from my measurements. What could be more fun? I’ll share the results here, some of which surprised me. Heating Basics The amount of energy it takes to heat water is so well-established, that it is the basis for several prominent units of energy."
"docid": "D2725419#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline_gallon_equivalent\nGasoline gallon equivalent",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Gasoline gallon equivalent ( GGE) or gasoline-equivalent gallon ( GEG) is the amount of alternative fuel it takes to equal the energy content of one liquid gallon of gasoline. GGE allows consumers to compare the energy content of competing fuels against a commonly known fuel—gasoline. GGE also compares gasoline to fuels sold as a gas (natural gas, propane, hydrogen) and electricity. In 1994, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defined \"\"gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) means 5.660 pounds of natural gas.\"\" [ 1] Compressed natural gas (CNG), for example, is a gas rather than a liquid. It can be measured by its volume in standard cubic feet (ft³) (volume at atmospheric conditions), by its weight in pounds (lb) or by its energy content in joules (J) or British thermal units (BTU) or kilowatt-hours (k W·h). It is difficult to compare the cost of gasoline with other fuels if they are sold in different units. GGE solves this. One GGE of CNG and one GGE of electricity have exactly the same energy content as one gallon of gasoline. CNG sold at filling stations in the US is priced in dollars per GGE."
"docid": "D1463626#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/132575534/fire-service-hydraulics-chapter-1-flash-cards/\nFire service hydraulics chapter 1",
"text": "30 terms hooligantx1981Fire service hydraulics chapter 1Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Why is water primarily used to extinguish fires It's cooling ability Define the wall of latent heat of fusion Substance passes between a solid and liquid, it releases or absorbs heat Define the law of latent heat of vaporization Amount of heat absorbed or released as a liquid is changed into a gas Define BTU British thermal unit is the amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1°How many British thermal units are required to raise 1 pound of water from 60° to 212° 162 BTUs How many British thermal units will 1 pound of water absorb as it turns into steam 970.3 BTUs At 212°, how much water expand 1700 times At 500°, how much will water expand 2400 times Water is nearly Incompressible Water always seek its own Level How much does a cubic foot of water weigh 62.5 pounds List five disadvantages of water and firefighting -High surface tension it freezes -conducts electricity -react violently with some chemicals -low viscosity limits ability to smother most fires Define a cubic foot A box 1 foot wide x 1 foot deep x 1 foot high How many gallons of water in a cubic foot 7.48 gallons How much does a gallon of water weigh 8.35 LBHow many cubic inches are in a cubic foot 1,728 in How many cubic inches are in a gallon 231 in How much does a column of water weigh that is 1x1 and 1 foot tall 0.434 LBHow tall does a 1x1 column of water need to be weigh 1 lb 2.304 FTAmount of energy or wait apply at a given point Force Force per unit area Pressure Pressure of water when it is not moving Static pressure Pressure of water after the nozzle is open Flow pressure Remaining pressure in a distribution system after water is flowing Residual pressure List the six rules governing fluid pressure -Fluid pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts. -pressured any point in a fluid at rest in the same intensity in all directions -external pressure applied to a confined liquid is transmitted undiminished and all directions -downward pressure of a liquid in an open container is directly proportional to the depth of the liquid -downward pressure of a liquid in an open container that is directly proportional to its density -downward pressure of a liquid on the bottom of an open container is independent of the shape or size of the container How much more does Mercury weigh than water 13.546 times What is the formula for determining the volume of a square or rectangle Length x width x height What is the formula for determining the volume of a cylinder What is the formula for finding the gallon capacity of a container Volume X7 .48 gal ( Number of gallons in a cubic foot)What is the formula used to find weight of water in a container Volume X 62.5 lb/ft ( Weight of 1 foot)Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Jobs Privacy Terms Follow us Language© 2018 Quizlet Inc."
"docid": "D809491#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/propane-burn-hotter-natural-gas-7809e420f3199025\nDoes Propane Burn Hotter Than Natural Gas?",
"text": "Science Chemistry Q: Does Propane Burn Hotter Than Natural Gas? A: Quick Answer Propane and natural gas burn at nearly equal flame temperatures (3,560 degrees Fahrenheit). However, propane yields more energy per unit volume than natural gas does. For many years it was a commonly held belief that propane burned hotter than natural gas, but that was due to a miscalculation in the volume needed to create equal yields. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Hot Does Propane Burn? What Is the Weight Per Gallon of Propane at Room Temperature? What Is Liquefied Natural Gas? Credit: Lluis Real age fotostock Getty Images Full Answer In order to create the same yield in heat, the volume of natural gas used must be about 2.5 times that of propane. Burning one cubic foot, natural gas will yield about 1,012 BTU's of heat, while propane yields 2,520 BTU's of heat in that same cubic foot. The automatic ignition temperature, which is the minimum required temperature to ignite gas or vapors in the air without the presence of a spark or flame, varies slightly between natural gas and propane."
"docid": "D977793#0",
"title": "http://www.think-energy.net/energy_engineering.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Energy Engineering BTU Conversion Factors Electricity Natural Gas * Fuel Oil Propane Purchased Steam3,412 BTU / KWH92,000 BTU / CCF 138,700 BTU / GAL. 9 1, 6 00 BTU / GAL. 933 BTU / LB. * Heat value of natural gas varies, so there is a conversion f actor applied the LDC. The BTU per CCF varies from 85,000 to 105,000 BTU / CCF ( 10X for MCF )* Therm = 100,000 BTUs* Dth = 1,000,000 BTUs (MMBTU)Energy Star THERMAL CONVERSION CHARTSNote: Energy Star Portfolio Managers use Energy Intensity Index (EUI) or k BTUs//SF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Energy conversion charts This page offers a quick reference for energy conversion measures.1 cubic foot of natural gas = 1,000 BTU 1 pound of coal = 12,000 BTU 1 gallon of propane = 91,600 BTU 1 gallon of gasoline = 125,000 BTU 1 gallon of fuel oil #2 = 139,000 BTU 1 gallon of fuel oil #6 = 150,000 BTU 1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 3,412 BTU1 Million BTU24 Million BTU91,600 BTU125,000 BTU139,000 BTU150,000 BTU3,412 BTUNatural Gas cu. ft.1,000 cu. ft.24,000 cu. ft.91.6 cu. ft.125 cu. ft.139 cu."
"docid": "D2872785#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Gas\nNatural gas",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The global natural gas trade in 2013. Numbers are in billion cubic meters per year. [ 1]Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year around 2013. Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium. [ 2] It is formed when layers of decomposing plant and animal matter are exposed to intense heat and pressure under the surface of the Earth over millions of years. The energy that the plants originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of chemical bonds in the gas. [ 3]Natural gas is a fossil fuel used as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is also used as a fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals. Fossil fuel based natural gas is a non-renewable resource. [ 3]Natural gas is found in deep underground rock formations or associated with other hydrocarbon reservoirs in coal beds and as methane clathrates."
] |
457 | 1 cup measure is how many grams | [
"docid": "D909703#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_cup\nHow many grams are in a cup?",
"text": "Answer by Ryan Fire Ball Confidence votes 685It depends what you have in the cup: A cup is a measure of volume, but a gram is a measure of mass. Depending on the density of the material you are going to have in the cup, the weight in grams of the material will vary. For example, if you fill the cup with lead, the cup will weigh much more than if you fill with feathers. This question would be similar to asking how much a 6-foot person weighs. It depends on the person, of course. A cup of water will weigh more than a cup of flour. For cooking, you can find tables that convert cups to grams and vice versa for a variety of food. Below is a link with a table for standard cooking ingredients. Make sure you look carefully and scroll down to find the correct conversion table specific ingredient you are using! The conversion is different for each ingredient!"
] | [
"docid": "D1333021#0",
"title": "http://chewtheworld.com/how-many-tablespoons-in-2-3-cup/\nThe Truth About How Many Tablespoons In 2/3 Cup Might Surprise You",
"text": "It happens all the time: you're in the kitchen and you have to figure out how many tablespoons there are in 2/3 cup of an ingredient. In America, most servings are calculated by volume rather than weight. This means you don't have to worry about how much something weighs to get your answer, but converting the measurement to grams can allow you to be more precise. This can be a frustrating problem because you probably don't want to solve complex math problems while cooking. Lucky for you, we've created this guide to help you easily get the information you need. The Truth About How Many Tablespoons In 2/3 Cup Might Surprise You Solving Tablespoon Woes What's In A Cup? Using A Scale To Measure Tablespoons Scaling A Recipe Calculating Fractions Using the gram conversion. Conclusion Review In 3 Simple Steps Solving Tablespoon Woes Flour or water? Peanut butter or jam? The answer for how many tablespoons there are in 2/3 of a cup is easier to figure out than you may think."
"docid": "D1554084#0",
"title": "http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/03/how-to-measure-wet-dry-ingredients-for-baking-accurately-best-method.html\nThe Best and Most Accurate Way to Measure Wet and Dry Ingredients for Baking",
"text": "\"Techniques The Best and Most Accurate Way to Measure Wet and Dry Ingredients for Baking Nila Jones Profile Facebook Contact44 Printer-Friendly Version How to measure wet and dry ingredients for the best results when you're baking. [ Photographs: Nila Jones, unless otherwise noted]Proper measuring is a crucial part of successful baking. Unlike cooking, where you can often get away with eyeballing the amount of ingredients you put in the dish—a ball of mozzarella, a knob of butter, three tomatoes—baking is chemistry and requires precision. Add too much flour to cake batter and the cake may come out tough and dry. Not enough flour and you risk ending up with a badly structured cake that will collapse in the oven. OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Food Scale with Pull-Out Display, 11-Pound$49.95from Amazon Enter Measuring 101. Today we're going to talk about the best tools for measuring, how to measure wet versus dry ingredients, why an ounce is not always an ounce, and why you should really, really consider investing in a good digital scale. Measuring 101: Table of Contents Measuring by Volume Essential Tools for Measuring by Volume U. S. Volume Equivalencies Volume: Wet vs. Dry Ingredients How to Use Liquid Measuring Cups How to Use Dry Measuring Cups The Problem of Compressibility: Why Dry Measures are Inherently Inaccurate U. S. Dry Measure to Mass Equivalencies Measuring by Weight: Just Do It. Ounces vs. Fluid Ounces: They Aren't the Same! Why Measure by Weight?"
"docid": "D1720590#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_cups_is_350_grams_of_flour\nHow many cups is 350 grams?",
"text": "Deavaindra 1,118 Contributions How many cups is 350 grams? Answer . Sorry, it's not polite to answer a question with a question, but said question needs to be more specific, cups of what exactly?\\n. \\n Cups are a way to measure vol …Blakie Green 4 Contributions How many grams in a cup of flour? There is 140 grams originally and 115 Sifted . One cup is 8 oz. One cup of flour is also 200 grams. Lizz1155 6,292 Contributions350 grams is how many cups? This depends on what you are measuring. There is no standard conversion of weight units to volume units (or volume to weight, for that matter), because all ingredients have d …Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew."
"docid": "D1374117#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_teaspoons_of_dry_oregano_equal_2_sprigs_of_fresh\nHow many teaspoons of dry oregano equal 2 sprigs of fresh?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Measurements How many teaspoons of dry oregano equal 2 sprigs of fresh? Flag How many teaspoons of dry oregano equal 2 sprigs of fresh? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.1 4\"\" sprig yields approximately 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano. 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of dried. Therefore, 1 sprig is approximately equal to 1 teaspoon dried, so 2 sprigs = approximately 2 teaspoons of dried oregano. :) 4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the ratio of one sprig of fresh thyme to dry thyme? With thyme one fresh sprig equals one-half teaspoon of dried thyme. In general, use two to three times the amount of fresh thyme as dried. When adding to soups and stews, crus …How many teaspoons does one dry gram equal?"
"docid": "D750553#0",
"title": "http://www.ask.com/science/many-cups-1-liter-af9aa4016b7f6656\nHow Many Cups Are in 1 Liter?",
"text": "\"Science Measurements Q: How Many Cups Are in 1 Liter? A: Quick Answer One liter is usually equivalent to about 4 cups, but there are different kinds of cups. The measurement changes slightly depending on if one is using metric, U. S. customary, U. S. \"\"legal,\"\" Canadian, Imperial, Japanese or traditional Japanese cups. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Difference Between a Liter and a Quart? How Heavy Is Water? How Many Liters Is 50 Centiliters? Credit: Mad Mod Smith CC-BY-SA 2.0Full Answer The simplest conversion is metric. One liter is equal to 4 metric cups. On the other hand, in America, 1 liter is equal to 4.22675283773 U. S. customary cups and 4.16666666667 U. S. legal cups. Canadian cups are slightly smaller, and 4.3993850 Canadian cups make 1 liter."
"docid": "D3108931#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_teaspoon_of_olive_oil\nHow many grams are in a teaspoon of olive oil?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Oils and Fats Olive Oil How many grams are in a teaspoon of olive oil? Flag How many grams are in a teaspoon of olive oil? Answer by Bradwilliams Confidence votes 86In Our Commercial kitchen we use olive oil by the gallons and all of our recipes are done by weight One Gallon of olive oil yields 7.6 pounds --- which means One Quart weighs ----------- 1.9 pounds (4 quarts to the gallon) One cup weighs ----------------.475 pounds (4 cups to a quart) 1 ounce weighs ---------------- .059375 pounds (8 ounces to the cup) 2 tablespoon to the ounce makes a tablespoon weigh - .029688 pounds per TBLSP A Tablespoon then weighs - 13.4665 Grams (453.6 grams per lb) There are 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon so 1 Teaspoon weighs 4.488833 Grams8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Scienceguy22 1,927 Contributions How many grams does a teaspoon of oil weigh? About 4.3 . About 4.3 grams\\n. \\n Here's how I did it:\\n- About 48 tsp are in 1 cup which converting to m^3 is about 0.000005\\n- Light crude oil (wasn't sure what kind of o …Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many grams in a teaspoon of oil?1 teaspoon is 5 gm. -So a tsp of oil is 5gm. Bradwilliams How many grams of fat is in 1 teaspoon of olive oil?"
"docid": "D898299#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-grams-are-in-1-pint\nHow many grams are in 1 pint?",
"text": "\"Pints Grams (measurement) Measurements How many grams are in 1 pint?8 Answers Tom Stringer Answered May 18, 2016First of all, a pint is a measure of volume, a gram is a measure of mass. But, if we assume we are talking about a volume of water, the conversion is easy once we decide on the definition of a pint. See, for example, Pint (Wikipedia)Let’s use the “liquid pint” definition of 1 pint = 473 milli-liters (rounding off to the nearest whole number here), or 0.473 liters. Since a liter is by definition 1000 cubic cm, 1 pint = 473 cubic cm. Water has a density of 1 gram per cubic cm, so 1 pint of water is 473 grams. There is a calculator for this conversion on the web at Google which gives a more precise (non-rounded off) value of 473.17647500055 grams of water per pint.4.8k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do I convert 1 pint to grams? How many liters is 1 pint? How many grams should I add in 1 liter of sip up? How many cups are in a pint? How many grams are there for 1 kg?"
"docid": "D681066#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-tablespoons-1-3-cup-butter-10999622f5c23c45\nHow Many Tablespoons Are in 1/3 Cup of Butter?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Tablespoons Are in 1/3 Cup of Butter? A: Quick Answer One-third cup of butter is equal to 5 1/3 tablespoons. One teaspoon is equal to 1/3 tablespoon, so the measurement is 5 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of butter. These measurements are the same for butter as for other materials like flour or milk. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Tablespoons Are in 2/3 Cup of Butter? What Can You Use in Place of a 1/4 Cup? What Is a Scant Cup Measurement? Credit: Nacivet Photographer's Choice Getty Images Full Answer When measuring by weight, 1 tablespoon of butter weighs 14 grams or 1/2 ounce. This means that 1/3 cup of butter weighs about 74.67 grams or 2.67 ounces. A standard U. S. stick of butter has 8 tablespoons in it, and the wrappers usually have measuring marks printed on them for each tablespoon, 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup and 1/2 cup of butter."
"docid": "D1758640#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_in_1_cup_of_watermelon\nHow many grams 1 cup mass?",
"text": "\"How many grams 1 cup mass?1 cup equals 200 grams Edit Awenecrysis 2,645 Contributions How many grams is 1 cup of sugar?200 gram Edit1 cup of spaghetti is how many grams? Tough question that many blogs have discussed at some length. Best answer found is \"\"4 ounces of uncooked or a 1-inch diameter bunch of dry pasta will equal 2 cups cook …Patrick Scholl 31 Contributions How many grams in 1 cup sugar? Density of sugar: 1.59 g/m L m L in a cup: 236.588 1.59*236.588=376 g of sugar Hope this helps!Edit How many grams potato in 1 cup? 250g 250g Edit How many grams of quinoa in 1 cup? 170g per cup of dry quinoa according to peertrainer http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounter B.aspx?id=5912Edit LY101010 840 Contributions How many grams is 1 cup marzipan? 1 cup = 229.92 grams Edit How many grams is 1 cup? You can't really compare the two as the gram is a weight measurement and a cup is a volume measurement. However in liquid conversions 1 litre of water is 1000 grams and 1 cup …How many grams of sugar in a watermelon?it depends how big the watermelon is Edit Number Fourteen 32 Contributions How many gram of sugar in 1 cup?in one cup of what? in an Australian measuring cup, 250g Edit Dlkjg84h3 279 Contributions How many grams of cornflour are in 1 cup?"
"docid": "D2450360#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/100g_flour_equals_how_many_cups_of_flour\n100g flour equals how many cups of flour?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Measurements 100g flour equals how many cups of flour? Flag100g flour equals how many cups of flour? Answer by Rae Burger Confidence votes 7.4KContent Specialist for Answers.com. A foodie and dog lover, who spends most of her time trying new restaurants and hiking with her dog.1 cup of all-purpose flour is equal to 125 grams. 100 grams of flour will equal 0.8 cups. However, this measurement will change based on what you are using. A cup is a measure of volume, but a gram is measure of mass. Depending on the density, the weight will change.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many cups of flour equal 80 grams of flour?1 cup is 250 gm."
"docid": "D2745853#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_of_chocolate_chips_are_in_one_cup\nHow many grams of chocolate chips are in one cup?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Desserts, Snacks, and Treats Chocolate Flag Share In Units of Measure , Cooking Measurements , Chocolate How many grams of chocolate chips are in one cup? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. According to Nestle Very Best Baking.com - 1 cup of choc chips = 6 ounces (US) = 170 grams9 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many grams are there in one cup of chocolate? There is 168 grams of chocolate (semisweet chips) in one cup of chocolate. I got this answer at Nutrition Data dot com. If liquid chocolate, about 230 gm. Edit How many cups is 254 grams of chocolate chips? 254 Grams of chocolate is 1.4 cups. This is because .27 cups weighs 50 grams."
"docid": "D2464308#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_tablespoons_of_sugar_equal_40_grams_of_sugar\nHow many tablespoons of sugar equal 40 grams of sugar?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure How many tablespoons of sugar equal 40 grams of sugar? Flag How many tablespoons of sugar equal 40 grams of sugar? Answer by Rae Burger Confidence votes 7.4KContent Specialist for Answers.com. A foodie and dog lover, who spends most of her time trying new restaurants and hiking with her dog.4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon. There are 3 teaspoons in one tablespoon. 40 grams of sugar equals 10 teaspoons of sugar. 10 teaspoons of sugar would equal 3 1/3 tablespoons.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Bessey52 3,403 Contributions How many tablespoons are in a gram of sugar? Answer . Basic metric system knowledge is all one needs to answer this question:."
"docid": "D1694895#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090313062021AAvcO0V\n\"How many grams is a \"\"cup\"\" roughly ?\"",
"text": "\"Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink How many grams is a \"\"cup\"\" roughly ? I can never get these american recipies right 1 cup of flour is how many grammes please? Update: thaks guys! WHAT IS THE VOLUME OF A \"\"CUP\"\" please !!! that way i can make sure i've got a good sized cup!Follow 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1 cup is 240 ml. If you don't have a cup with volume marks, weigh 240 grams of water in a container and put a mark so that you can use it as a measuring cup. It's relatively easy to convert cups of butter, sugar or milk to grams, since their density is consistent. Milk or juice =same as water. Sugar 1cup= 200 g Butter 1 cup=225 g With flour, a cup can be anything between 100 and 150 grams, depending on how dense you pack it. If you're using cups, make sure to check whether you need to sift the dry ingredients before you measure."
"docid": "D2375414#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-cups-5-pound-bag-sugar-717c0272c5115f12\nHow Many Cups Are in a 5-Pound Bag of Sugar?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Cups Are in a 5-Pound Bag of Sugar? A: Quick Answer In a 5-pound bag of granulated white sugar, there are approximately 11 1/4 cups. Different varieties of sugar may have more or less by volume. For example, the same 5-pound bag yields 18 3/4 cups when measuring confectioner's sugar and 12 1/2 cups when measuring brown sugar. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Cups of Sugar Are in a Pound? How Many Grams of Sugar Are in a Cup? How Many Cups of Flour Are in a 5-Pound Bag? Credit: Rachel Husband Photographer's Choice RF Getty Images Full Answer Different measurement preparations will also effect the number of cups extracted from a bag of sugar, such as sifting confectioner's sugar or packing brown sugar. If exact proportions are necessary and a given recipe offers ingredient weights, a small kitchen scale may be used to determine the correct amount of sugar to add. Learn more about Food Measurements Sources: dominosugar.com Related Questions Q: What Is 125 Grams in Cups?"
"docid": "D2945082#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/250_grams_of_butter_is_equivalent_to_how_many_cups\n250 grams of butter is equivalent to how many cups?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Baking Cakes 250 grams of butter is equivalent to how many cups? Flag250 grams of butter is equivalent to how many cups? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.i believe that 250 grams of butter is about 18 tablespoons of butter. as close as i can get is 252 grams. one tablespoon is 14grams according to the nutrition facts on the box. ( so it would be 2sticks and 2 tablespoons)23 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many grams of butter are in a cup? Answer . \\n There are 225 grams in one cup of butter. Marknouj 39 Contributions How many cups is 250 grams of butter?"
"docid": "D2766899#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/culinary-arts/sugars/castor-sugar/convert-gram-g-castor-sugar-to-australian-measuring-cup.html\ncaster sugar conversion",
"text": "caster sugar conversion Find in: main menu • caster sugar menu • Grams Amount: 1 gram (g) of caster sugar mass Equals: 0.0042 Australian cups (cup Au.) in caster sugar volumecaster sugar from gram to Australian cup Conversion Results: Enter a New gram Amount of caster sugar to Convert From* Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9)Enter Your Amount : Decimal Precision : Work out Australian cups of caster sugar per 1 gram unit. The caster sugar converter for cook chefs, culinary arts classes, students and for home kitchen use. TOGGLE : from Australian cups into grams in the other way around. CONVERT : between other caster sugar measuring units - complete list. Conversion calculator for webmasters. The multi-product units all sugar types converter. Convert caster sugar culinary measuring units between gram (g) and Australian cups (cup Au.) of caster sugar but in the other direction from Australian cups into grams. Culinary arts school: caster sugar conversion This online culinary caster sugar from g into cup Au."
"docid": "D2680307#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/One_cup_of_sugar_equals_how_much_Stevia\nOne cup of sugar equals how much Stevia?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Condiments Sugar and Sweeteners Stevia One cup of sugar equals how much Stevia? Flag One cup of sugar equals how much Stevia? Answer by Bonjog Confidence votes 4Wow good question, Since stevia was banned for too long in the USA it isn't as well known there as in the rest of the world (yet). It is a natural plant sugar that is 400 times sweeter than sugar cane sugar. I have been told that some forms are bitter but I use steviana powder and it is real good. Anyway to answer your question it is probably best for you to contact the company that makes the stevia ( I just call it steve!) you have. I know it comes in liquid and powder but there must be different strengths because I read in one place that 1/2 teaspoon equaled 1 cup sugar and in another that 1 teaspoon equaled 1 cup. And the powder I have comes in packets that say each equals 2 teaspoons (odd measurement choice). I am trying to figure out myself how much equals a cup to add to my powder, flavored drink."
"docid": "D2528199#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_cup_of_oatmeal\nHow many grams are in a cup of oatmeal?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Grains Oats and Oatmeal How many grams are in a cup of oatmeal? Flag How many grams are in a cup of oatmeal? Answer by Sandiconrad Confidence votes 58I've ran into several problems, on this Website, that are very similar to the one found trying to answer such a question as the one you're asking here. The problem with your question--and most likely the reason it has yet to be answered--is that a cup is a measurement of volume, and the gram is a unit or measurement of weight. In order to answer this question, without knowing the specific mass of oatmeal, one would have to fill a measuring cup with oatmeal and dump it onto a set of scales. The oatmeal's weight could then be converted to grams if the scales don't register in grams. ... so you've made me measure it....1 cup of oatmeal weighs 90 grams or 3 oz., therefore a 1 kg bag of oatmeal would contain just over 11 cups.11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many grams of oatmeal are in a cup?estimated 90 grams Natedogg13 8 Contributions How many cups are there in a pound of oatmeal? Answer ."
"docid": "D738925#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-grams-ounce-ef71d3c97a584ede\nHow Many Grams Are in an Ounce?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Grams Are in an Ounce? A: Quick Answer There are precisely 28.3495231 grams in one ounce. This number is commonly rounded to 28 for easier conversions. The gram is the base unit of mass or weight in the metric system, and the ounce is a unit of weight in the U. S. customary system. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is 1 Oz Equal to in Grams? How Does Someone Convert 14 Ounces to Grams? How Many Grams Are There in a 1-Ounce Gold Bar? Credit: Joe Raedle Getty Images News Getty Images Full Answer To convert a measurement in ounces to an approximate number of grams, multiply it by the factor 28. Conversely, to convert a measurement in grams to ounces, divide it by the divisor 28. Although ounces are the preferred measurement in the United States, grams are used by most of the world and in all scientific applications."
"docid": "D468256#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_cups_are_1_scoop_of_Protein_powder\nHow many cups are 1 scoop of Protein powder?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Dairy Products Milk How many cups are 1 scoop of Protein powder? Flag How many cups are 1 scoop of Protein powder? Answer by Michael Guskey Confidence votes 21It depends on the size of the scoop. You might be talking about the small plastic scoops that sometimes come with containers of protein powder- they vary. To determine the volume of one of the scoops, simply fill the scoop to the top with water, then pour the water into a measuring cup. Wahlah! That's the volume of your scoop. Better Answer lol. Since you asked on the size of the scoop I'm going to assume you don't have one, unlike the person that answered first. One Scoop is equal to 22 grams which is about 1 and a half tablespoons."
] |
458 | 1 cup of quinoa in grams | [
"docid": "D353671#0",
"title": "http://vegetarian.about.com/od/healthnutrition/qt/Quinoa-Nutrition-Facts.htm\nQuinoa Nutrition FactsâProtein, Calories, Fat Content",
"text": "Ingredient Glossary Vegetarian Cooking Basics Culinary Glossary Quinoa Nutrition Facts—Protein, Calories, Fat Content By Jolinda Hackett Updated 04/06/18Share Pin Email Lentil and quinoa salad. Natasha Nicholson/Getty Images What is the nutritional value of quinoa? Quinoa is a great food, not just for vegetarians and vegans, but for anyone looking to lower their cholesterol or add healthy whole grains and extra fiber to their diet. Do be aware, however, that there are several different kinds of quinoa, so their nutrient content will vary slightly. Calories in Quinoa Quinoa is relatively low in calories. One cup of cooked quinoa (185 g) provides 222 calories. But, of course, watch what you add to the quinoa, as it's in the cooking process that most of the calories and fat will be added, depending on how you prepare it. Fat in Quinoa Quinoa is naturally low in fat but, as a seed, it does have a small amount. One cup of cooked quinoa provides 3.4 grams of fat. By comparison, 185 g of cooked lean ground beef provides 33 g of fat."
] | [
"docid": "D48120#0",
"title": "http://www.mydietmealplanner.com/calorie-counter/beans-and-legumes/quinoa/protein-in-1oblique2-cup-quinoa.html\nProtein in Quinoa - 1/2 cup quinoa",
"text": "Quinoa << Back to Quinoa Protein in Quinoa - 1/2 cup quinoa What are the nutritional ingredients in a 1/2 Cup Quinoa? How many calories in 1/2 Cup Quinoa? Quinoa - 1/2 cup quinoa A 1/2 Cup Quinoa of Quinoa contains about 11.14g Protein per serving. NUTRITION FACTS - QUINOA - 1/2 CUP QUINOA1/2 cup quinoa318Calories Serving Size: 1/2 cup Source: USDAReport Inaccuracy Nutrition Facts Summary for 1/2 cup quinoa4.93 (g)Total Fat0.5 (g)Sat. Fat0 (g)Trans Fat0 (mg)Cholesterol5 (g)Fiber18 (mg)Sodium58.56 (g)Total Carbs0 (g)Sugar11.14 (g)Protein0 (%)Vitamin A0 (%)Vitamin C5 (%)Calcium44 (%)Iron Add to Favorites Add to: Good Source of Fiber You searched for protein in 1/2 cup quinoa which belongs to Beans & Legumes. Nutrition Facts Serving Size: 1/2 Cup Amount Per Serving Calories 318 Calories from Fat 44% Daily Value*Total Fat 4.93g 8%Saturated Fat 0.5g 3%Polyunsaturated Fat 2g Monounsaturated Fat 1.31g Cholesterol 0mg 0%Sodium 18mg 1%Potassium 0mg Total Carbohydrates 58.56g 20%Dietary Fiber 5g 20%Sugars 0g Protein 11.14g Vitamin A 0%Vitamin C 0%Calcium 5%Iron 44%*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Calories 2,000 2,500Total Fat Less than 65g 80g Sat Fat Less than 20g 25g Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg Total Carbohydrate 300g 300g Dietary Fiber 25g 30g<< Report Inaccuracy<< Back to Quinoa<< Back to Beans & Legumes<< Back to Calorie Counter In a 1/2 cup quinoa ( 1/2 Cup ) there are about 318 calories out of which 44 calories come from fat. The total fat content of 1/2 Cup 1/2 cup quinoa is 4.93 g. Within the fat content, a 1/2 cup quinoa contains 0.5 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat, 2 g of polyunsaturated fat and 1.31 g of monounsaturated fat. To reduce the risk of heart diseases, it is best to consume items low in cholesterol and the cholesterol count in a 1/2 Cup 1/2 cup quinoa is 0 mg."
"docid": "D2472218#0",
"title": "https://greatist.com/health/complete-vegetarian-proteins\n10 Complete Proteins Vegans Need to Know About",
"text": "\"There are plenty of reasons to eat more meat-free meals: They’re nearly always cheaper, lower in calories, and better for the environment. It’s easy to get enough protein without eating animals, but the doubters often have another concern: Are these meat-free protein sources complete? The term \"\"complete protein\"\" refers to amino acids, the building blocks of protein. There are 20 different amino acids that can form a protein, and nine that the body can’t produce on its own. These are called essential amino acids —we need to eat them because we can’t make them ourselves. In order to be considered “complete,” a protein must contain all nine of these essential amino acids in roughly equal amounts. Yes, meat and eggs are complete proteins, and beans and nuts aren’t. But humans don’t need every essential amino acid in every bite of food in every meal they eat; we only need a sufficient amount of each amino acid every day. Most dietitians believe that plant-based diets contain such a wide variety of amino acid profiles that vegans are virtually guaranteed to get all of their amino acids with very little effort. Still, some people want complete proteins in all of their meals."
"docid": "D171125#0",
"title": "https://draxe.com/high-fiber-foods/\n20 Ultimate High-Fiber Foods",
"text": "Natural Remedies Fiber 20 Ultimate High-Fiber Foods20 Ultimate High-Fiber Foods1929 105 8251Fiber — we know we need it, but even with all the high-fiber foods out there, most people are still deficient. Are you getting enough fiber? Due to today’s lacking Western diet, it is estimated that the average American consumes about half of the recommended amount of dietary fiber each day. ( 1) This is a big deal, because high-fiber foods may help guard against cancer, heart disease, diverticulosis, kidney stones, PMS, obesity and help support a healthy digestive tract. That’s why eating a high-fiber diet full of high-fiber foods is so important. Ultimate High-Fiber Foods + Benefits of High-Fiber Foods Many processed foods, including cereals and breads, have added fiber. These sources of fiber used in this supplementation are not the healthiest. In fact, just as with popular fiber supplements, many ingredients may be harmful to your health. So, as it is with all nutrients, it is much better to eat fresh foods, rich in the nutrients you need. There are many lists out there of high-fiber foods; this list is focused on perhaps lesser-known fiber stars."
"docid": "D567803#0",
"title": "http://www.diabeticlivingonline.com/food-to-eat/nutrition/top-25-power-foods-diabetes\nTop 25 Power Foods for Diabetes",
"text": "\"You are here Diabetic Living / Food to Eat / Nutrition Top 25 Power Foods for Diabetes The best foods for diabetes are most often whole foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables. Including these extra-healthy power foods in your diet will help you meet your nutritional needs as well as lower your risk of diabetes complications such as heart disease. Of course, the foods on this list shouldn't be the only foods you eat, but incorporating some or all into your diabetes meal plan will help improve your overall health. By Marilyn Kruse, RD, 2013« prev next »1 of 27 | View All The Best Foods for Diabetes If you already follow a healthful meal plan filled with whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, and lean protein, congratulations! You're on your way to a long, healthy life and are taking a major step in controlling your weight and blood sugar levels. Plus, you're probably already eating a bunch of the foods on this list. For those who are taking the baby-steps approach to eating better, this list is even more helpful. Not only are these power foods high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, they're also familiar and easy to find. That means you don't have to hunt down any exotic ingredients or shop at specialty grocery stores to find foods that will help you get on track with a healthful meal plan. FREE!"
"docid": "D913479#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/07/12/brown-rice-vs-quinoa_n_3587555.html\nBrown Rice vs. Quinoa: Which Is Healthier?",
"text": "XBrown rice has long been associated with hippies. Its chewiness and nutty texture are great when the grain is cooked properly, but very much not great when done wrong. However, brown rice has a new rival for the title of healthiest grain — and it's technically a seed. Quinoa (pronounced like KEEN-wa) has been a staple food in Central America for centuries, and its seeds have been eaten for 6,000 years. Now quinoa has been quickly becoming more popular in Canada and the United States over the past few years. The seeds of the plant are treated as a grain, it's actually a pseudocereal, meaning it's not a grass plant. Quinoa has quickly become popular for its versatility, its ability to take on the flavours it's cooked with, and its impressive health profile. Impressive enough to replace brown rice in your diet? Let's do a comparison. All of the nutritional information given is based on one cup (185 grams for quinoa, 195 grams for brown rice) of cooked grains."
"docid": "D48123#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_of_quinoa_in_0.5_cup\nHow many grams of quinoa in 0.5 cup?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Measurements Flag Share In Cooking Measurements , Grains How many grams of quinoa in 0.5 cup? Answer by Charlie N. Confidence votes 63.2KI have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. Approximately 50 grams of quinoa in 1/2 cup.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many grams of quinoa in 1 cup?170g per cup of dry quinoa according to peertrainer http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounter B.aspx?id=59120.5 kg is how many grams?500 g Joe Ragusa 304,324 Contributions How many milligrams are in 0.5 grams?0.5 g = 500 mg 0.5 g = 500 mg 0.5 g = 500 mg 0.5 g = 500 mg 0.5 g = 500 mg 0.5 g = 500 mg How many grams in 0.5 cup of melted butter?around 125 gr. Kaylz3 56 Contributions How many grams is 0.5 grams? A half or 1/2 of a kilo. 500 grams is 0.5 grams How many calories in cup of quinoa?200Matt Mitchell 1 Contribution How many grams are in 0.5 kg? There are 500 grams in 0.5kg Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions0.5 pound how many grams?226.79 grams. To convert grams to pounds, you need to take the mass in grams and multiply it by 0.0022046. If you're going from pounds to grams, then you need to take the weig …Daniel Ratté 1 Contribution How many cups is 100 grams of quinoa?0.588 cups, in other words about 3/5 of a cup... or about 139 ml."
"docid": "D1525169#0",
"title": "https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-soy-is-too-much/\nHow Much Soy Is Too Much?",
"text": "How Much Soy Is Too Much? Michael Greger M. D. FACLM October 5th, 2012 Volume 104.39 (87.83%) 23 votes To maintain the low IGF-1 levels associated with a plant-based diet, one should probably eat no more than 3-5 servings of soy foods a day. Subscribe to Videos Discuss Republish View Transcript Sources Cited Acknowledgements Topics Doctor's Note This is the fourth in a string of videos on the role plant and animal proteins play in determining levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1. Also see IGF-1 as One-Stop Cancer Shop ; Protein Intake and IGF-1 Production ; Higher Quality May Mean Higher Risk ; Animalistic Plant Proteins ; and Too Much Soy May Neutralize Benefits. For the role soy plays in extending breast cancer survival, see Breast Cancer Survival and Soy. And, I’ve got dozens of other videos on soy. For further context, be sure to check out my associated blog posts: How Much Soy Is Too Much? and Why Less Breast Cancer in Asia? If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here. Previous Video Too Much Soy May Neutralize Benefits Next Video Plant-Based Bodybuilding144 responses to “ How Much Soy Is Too Much? ”"
"docid": "D819698#0",
"title": "https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/iron-rich-plant-foods\n21 Vegetarian Foods That Are Loaded With Iron",
"text": "\"Iron is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in many bodily functions ( 1 ). A diet lacking in iron can result in low energy levels, shortness of breath, headaches, irritability, dizziness or anemia. Iron can be found in two forms in foods — heme and non-heme. Heme iron is only found in animal products, whereas non-heme iron is only found in plants ( 2 ). The recommended daily intake (RDI) is based on an average intake of 18 mg per day. However, individual requirements vary based on a person's gender and life stage. For instance, men and post-menopausal women generally require around 8 mg of iron per day. This amount increases to 18 mg per day for menstruating women and to 27 mg per day for pregnant women. And, since non-heme iron tends to be less easily absorbed by our bodies than heme iron, the RDI for vegetarians and vegans is 1.8 times higher than for meat eaters. Here is a list of 21 plant foods that are high in iron.1–3: Legumes Legumes, including beans, peas and lentils, are great sources of iron."
"docid": "D3188601#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/comparison-quinoa-rice-9638.html\nComparison of Quinoa & Rice",
"text": "Written by Sylvie Tremblay, MSc; Updated March 30, 2018Related Articles Quinoa vs. Chicken Is Quinoa a Good Grain for Diabetics to Eat? Rice Vs. Couscous Quinoa Vs. Lentils A diet rich in whole grains fights chronic disease, including Type 2 diabetes. Quinoa and some types of rice, such as brown rice, contribute to your intake of whole grains. Both quinoa and rice offer health benefits and add nutritional value to your diet. However, because they differ in their mineral and vitamin content, they have slightly different effects on your health. Calories and Macronutrients Quinoa and rice share a similar calorie and macronutrient content. A half-cup serving of cooked brown rice contains 109 calories, compared to a half-cup of cooked quinoa's 111. Both foods' calories come primarily from their carbohydrate content, and a serving of brown rice or quinoa offers 22 or 20 grams of carbohydrates, respectively."
"docid": "D3294064#0",
"title": "http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/08/10/14-best-vegan-and-vegetarian-protein-sources.html\n14 best vegan and vegetarian protein sources",
"text": "\"Mind and Body14 best vegan and vegetarian protein sources Published August 10, 2013Facebook Twitter Email Proteins are known as the building blocks of life: In the body, they break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. ( They also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories—a plus for anyone trying to lose weight.) You probably know that animal products—meat, eggs and dairy—are good sources of protein; unfortunately, they can also be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. What you may not know is that you don't need to eat meat or cheese to get enough protein. Here are 14 good vegetarian and vegan sources, and tips on how to add them to your diet today. ADVERTISEMENTGreen peas Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: One cup contains 7.9 grams—about the same as a cup of milk. ( For the record, women should get about 46 grams of protein per day, and men need about 56.) If you don't like peas as a side dish, try blending them into a pesto, said Elle Penner, nutritionist for My Fitness Pal and blogger at Nutritionella.com. \"\" I blend frozen peas, toasted pine nuts, fresh mint, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese and serve over linguine,\"\" she says. \"\" It's one of my all-time favorite meat-free meals! \"\""
"docid": "D2955369#0",
"title": "http://www.chicagonow.com/chicagoan-as-apple-pie/2013/05/quinoa-basmati-rice-healthy-kids-foods-vegan-vegetarian/\nWhy You Should be Obsessed With Quinoa! Pair it With Basmati Rice",
"text": "Why You Should be Obsessed With Quinoa! Pair it With Basmati Rice9 comments Tweet By Anupy Singla , May 30, 2013 at 11:21 am Everyone seems to be eating it, but you have yet to figure out what Quinoa is and why you need to include it in your diet, right? Don't worry, I was where you are right now about 2 years ago when I discovered this tiny seed, pronounced keen-wa. But, now that I have, dinners have never been the same. In our house we eat a primarily vegetarian diet - and largely Indian food. But, because life is fast-paced no matter how you try to slow it down, we've been looking for shortcuts to dinner. A complete and traditional Indian meal always includes a bowl of beans or lentils with curried vegetables and rice or bread. But these days, it's hard to get even all of these components to the table. And ,when I don't have time to make the legumes, I often worry that we are not including enough protein in our meals. I'm not protein crazy like some (did you know that spinach is about 49 percent protein? ),"
"docid": "D3350033#0",
"title": "https://authoritynutrition.com/22-high-fiber-foods/\n22 High-Fiber Foods You Should Eat",
"text": "Fiber is incredibly important. It escapes digestion in the stomach and ends up reaching the gut. There, it feeds the friendly gut bacteria, leading to all sorts of health benefits ( 1, 2 ). Fiber also promotes weight loss, lowers blood sugar levels and fights constipation ( 3, 4, 5 ). The recommended daily intake is 25 grams for women, and 38 grams for men ( 6 ). However, most people are only eating around half of that, or 15-17 grams of fiber per day ( 7 ). Fortunately, increasing your fiber intake is relatively simple. Here are 22 high-fiber foods that are both healthy and satisfying.1. Pears (3.1%)The pear is a popular type of fruit that is both tasty and nutritious. It is one of the best fruit sources of fiber."
"docid": "D2186941#0",
"title": "http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/articles/healthy-eating-all-about-quinoa\nHealthy Eating: All About Quinoa",
"text": "\"Healthy Eating: All About Quinoa Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Michelle Baricevic Most folks call quinoa (pronounced \"\"keen-whah\"\") a grain, but it's actually a seed — one that originated thousands of years ago in the Andes Mountains. Dubbed \"\"the gold of the Incas,\"\" it's treasured because of its nutritive value (more protein than any other grain or seed!). I love it for its yummy, nutty flavor. Why You Should Try It As I said, quinoa actually has more protein than any other grain or seed and offers a complete protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids our bodies can't make on their own. It's also a great source of calcium and is high in lysine, the B vitamins and iron. Better still, the seed is easy to digest and gluten free. The Different Kinds You'll usually find quinoa in its tan or yellow form — though it comes in many colors: orange, red, pink, purple and black. Look for any color quinoa in your local health food stores; they all work — and taste — great in dishes. I always stock up in bulk to keep costs down. Stored in an air-tight container in the fridge, quinoa keeps for several months."
"docid": "D515076#0",
"title": "https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-for-vegans-vegetarians\nThe 17 Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians",
"text": "\"A common concern about vegetarian and vegan diets is that they might lack sufficient protein. However, many experts agree that a well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide you with all the nutrients you need ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ). That said, certain plant foods contain significantly more protein than others. And higher-protein diets can promote muscle strength, satiety and weight loss ( 5, 6, 7 ). Here are 17 plant foods that contain a high amount of protein per serving.1. Seitan Seitan is a popular protein source for many vegetarians and vegans. It's made from gluten, the main protein in wheat. Unlike many soy-based mock meats, it resembles the look and texture of meat when cooked. Also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten, it contains about 25 grams of protein per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). This makes it the richest plant protein source on this list ( 8 )."
"docid": "D2357821#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-good-healthy-breakfast-meals\nWhat are some good, healthy breakfast meals?",
"text": "\"Daniel Bourke, Read a whole bunch of books on life and tried them. Answered Jun 17, 2017 · Author has 84 answers and 1.7m answer views Originally Answered: What is your healthy breakfast choice? When I first starting making this, it tasted like cardboard. I saw someone on a You Tube video making it and I decided to copy it. When I tasted it I couldn’t believe how they actually said they could enjoy. After years of iterations and going back to the drawing board I think I’ve nailed the recipe. I still change it daily (depending on what ingredients I have available) but the foundation stays the same. I present to you my 800 calorie pancake of peace (at least that’s what I refer to it as). Let me just start off by saying, this is by far not the healthiest breakfast I could imagine but it’s certainly on the upper end of the scale (in my eyes).800 calories sounds like a lot!? It is, for just one meal, 800 calories is a large amount of food."
"docid": "D1758640#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_in_1_cup_of_watermelon\nHow many grams 1 cup mass?",
"text": "\"How many grams 1 cup mass?1 cup equals 200 grams Edit Awenecrysis 2,645 Contributions How many grams is 1 cup of sugar?200 gram Edit1 cup of spaghetti is how many grams? Tough question that many blogs have discussed at some length. Best answer found is \"\"4 ounces of uncooked or a 1-inch diameter bunch of dry pasta will equal 2 cups cook …Patrick Scholl 31 Contributions How many grams in 1 cup sugar? Density of sugar: 1.59 g/m L m L in a cup: 236.588 1.59*236.588=376 g of sugar Hope this helps!Edit How many grams potato in 1 cup? 250g 250g Edit How many grams of quinoa in 1 cup? 170g per cup of dry quinoa according to peertrainer http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounter B.aspx?id=5912Edit LY101010 840 Contributions How many grams is 1 cup marzipan? 1 cup = 229.92 grams Edit How many grams is 1 cup? You can't really compare the two as the gram is a weight measurement and a cup is a volume measurement. However in liquid conversions 1 litre of water is 1000 grams and 1 cup …How many grams of sugar in a watermelon?it depends how big the watermelon is Edit Number Fourteen 32 Contributions How many gram of sugar in 1 cup?in one cup of what? in an Australian measuring cup, 250g Edit Dlkjg84h3 279 Contributions How many grams of cornflour are in 1 cup?"
"docid": "D2783454#0",
"title": "http://naturalsociety.com/high-protein-vegetarian-diet-5-foods/\nHigh Protein Vegetarian Diet â Eat These 5 Foods",
"text": "High Protein Vegetarian Diet – Eat These 5 Foods By Lisa Garber Posted On June 25, 2012In today’s Mc World, we often equate protein with a greasy, drippy burger. Protein is, in fact, a matter of amino acids, and it abounds in the plant kingdom. The trick is in knowing where to find it, knowledge that is especially needed be vegans and vegetarians. RDA recommendations for protein are from 0.36 to 0.45 grams per pound of body weight a day. That’s only 15 to 20% of calories—an amount easily attainable when including these foods for a high protein vegetarian diet. High Protein Vegetarian Diet – 1. Dairy Products and Eggs We’ll get the vegan-unfriendly source out of the way first. The average egg contains 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of unsaturated (good) fat and only 1.5 grams of the bad kind. Try to buy organic and local to ensure that your eggs come from healthy, happy chickens. ( Unhealthy and unhappy chickens produce eggs with lower nutrient content! )"
"docid": "D1014723#0",
"title": "http://youngwomenshealth.org/2012/12/27/grains/\nGrains",
"text": "Grains Posted under Health Guides. Updated 3 January 2017. Key Facts Foods such as wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or products made from these foods are considered grains. Grains are high in carbohydrates which provide energy to your brain and muscles. Not all grains are created equally in terms of nutritional benefits. The health benefits of a grain depend on the form of the grain you actually eat. There are two types of grains: whole grains and refined grains. When you eat a whole grain, your body is getting nutrients found in all parts of the grain. Whole grain foods include oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. Refined grains have been processed and are missing some nutrients."
"docid": "D1937552#0",
"title": "http://spryliving.com/articles/12-best-non-meat-protein-sources/\n12 Best Non-Meat Protein Sources",
"text": "\"Home Featured Article 12 Best Non-Meat Protein Sources12 Best Non-Meat Protein Sources By Anna Dickens on August 22, 2014Contrary to popular misconception, you don’t need to devour a 16-ounce T-Bone steak to fulfill your daily protein quota. In fact, you don’t need any meat at all. Whether you’re a full-blown vegetarian or a longtime carnivore looking to cut back on your meat consumption, these 12 meatless foods are good sources of healthy, high-quality protein. Not to mention, they’re also better for the environment. Quinoa (8 g per cup): Although typically confused with a grain, quinoa is technically a seed—which is why it’s naturally gluten-free and high in fiber. What’s more, this all-star superfood is a complete protein, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids the body needs for growth and repair. With a subtle nutty flavor and chewy texture, quinoa makes a great substitution for rice or cous cous. Try these quinoa-stuffed peppers for a delectable veggie-friendly meal: Chia (4 grams per 2 tablespoons): Small but mighty, chia seeds are a powerhouse of protein, omega-3s, fiber and minerals. By weight, they are about 14% protein, which is very high by plant food standards. High in water content, chia seeds are also widely touted for suppressing appetite and losing weight."
"docid": "D1855147#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/slideshow/1009217-14-foods-lean/\n14 Foods to Help You Get Lean",
"text": "\"14 Foods to Help You Get Leanby JULIE UPTON, M. S., R. D., C. S. S. D. March 02, 2018Slide 1 of 16Choosing delicious foods that dampen your hunger, turn off your cravings for sweets and rev up your metabolism are part of the secret to slimming down. Here are 14 delicious, waistline-friendly choices. Read on to see if one of your favorites made the list.1 Avocados Can creamy, rich avocados help shrink your waistline? New research says yes. Data published in the January 2013 issue of \"\"Nutrition Journal\"\" found that individuals who consume heart-healthy avocados have significantly lower BMIs and smaller waistlines, compared to non-avocado eaters. As an added bonus, avocado consumption has been associated with improved overall diet quality as the fruit provides more than 20 different vitamin, minerals and antioxidants. And one fifth of an avocado, (2-3 slices or 1 oz) contains just 50 calories. HOW TO ENJOY: Dip veggies in delicious guacamole, use sliced avocados as a scrumptious salad topper, mash with tuna or hard-boiled eggs for a non-traditional tuna or egg salad. Related: Recipe for 5-Minute No-Cook Vegan Dark Chocolate Pudding Made With an Avocado!2 Mangos Mangoes are one of the best choices to satisfy a sweet tooth while improving your overall diet and not weighing you down. A cup of fresh mango has 100 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber and is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and folate."
] |
469 | 1 inch = cm | [
"docid": "D2056659#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_inches_in_one_centimeter\nHow many inches in one centimeter?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Length and Distance How many inches in one centimeter? Flag How many inches in one centimeter? Answer by Llee2021 Confidence votes 92== Answer == === There are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch, so 1 centimeter is 0.394 inches. === == How many inches in one centimeter ===== 1 cm is 0.39370079 inches ===29 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions One inch equals how many centimeters?one inch = 2.54 centimeters One inch = 2.54 centimeters (cm). Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula . 1 in . . 2.54 cm 1 in . = . 2.54 cm."
] | [
"docid": "D1518985#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brenden_Adams\nBrenden Adams",
"text": "\"Brenden Adams Born September 20, 1995 (age 22)Ellensburg, Washington Nationality American Known for Formerly the tallest teenager in the world Height 7 ft 8 in (2.34 m)Parent (s) Willie Adams (father) Debbie Ezell (mother)Brenden Adams (born September 20, 1995 in Ellensburg, Washington) held the record for being the tallest teenager in the world. His father, Willie Adams, and mother, Debbie Ezell, first observed his extreme height condition when he was two months old. [ 1] The condition is caused by an inversion in the 12th chromosome. [ 2]His activities include joining a middle school football team. [ 3] In 2008, there was an attempt to halt Brenden's growth when he was 7 ft 4.5 in (2.248 m) tall. [ 1]Adams' growth curve almost mimics that of Robert Wadlow (the tallest man in recorded history). Some doctors [ who?] estimate he would have been over 8 feet (2.4 m) tall if he had kept growing constantly. After endocrinologist Dr. Gad Kletter's treatment with high-dose testosterone, his growth was arrested. [ 1]Adams was surpassed by Broc Brown (born in 1997), in 2015 at 7'8\"\" tall. ["
"docid": "D585989#0",
"title": "http://www.fpnotebook.com/endo/exam/hghtmsrmntinchldrn.htm\nHeight Measurement in Children",
"text": "\"See Also Page Contents Weight Measurement in Children Growth Assessmentadvertisement II. Physiology See Growth Physiology Birth length reflects maternal Genetics and intrauterine nutrition Age 6-18 month length reflects paternal Genetics By age 2 years, height reaches height percentile line toward mid-parental height III. Technique: Accurate length measurement Precaution: Do not plot standing height on a supine chart (birth to 3 years)Standing height is always shorter than supine height Measure horizontally (lying) if child under age 2 years Measure vertically (standing) if child older than 2 years old IV. Interpretation Age <2 years Shifts across height growth chart lines are normal Reflects shift from maternal to paternal Genetics Age 2-13 years Shifts across 2 growth chart lines are abnormal Growth should at least parallel the 3rd percentile line V. Exam: Normal Height increases per year (Linear Growth Velocity)Birth length Average: birth length: 20 inches (50 cm)Length doubles by age 4 years Length triples by age 13 years First year growth: 9-11 inches (23-27 cm)Second year growth: 4-6 inches (10-14 cm)Third year growth: 3-4 inches (7.5 - 10 cm)Annual growth until Puberty: 2-3 inches (6-7 cm)Prepuberty growth: 2 inches (5 cm)Pubertal growth Boys: 4-6 inches (10-14 cm)Girls: 3-5 inches (8-12 cm)VI. Normal Heights for boys (range: 3% to 97%)Age 1 year: 28-32 inches, mean: 76 cm (30 in)Age 2 years: 33-37 inches, mean: 88 cm (35 in)Age 3 years: 36-41 inches, mean: 95 cm (38 in)Age 4 years: 38-44 inches, mean: 103 cm (41 in)Age 5 years: 40-47 inches, mean: 110 cm (44 in)Age 6 years: 43-50 inches, mean: 116 cm (46 in)Age 7 years: 45-53 inches, mean: 121 cm (48 in)Age 8 years: 47-55 inches, mean: 127 cm (51 in)Age 9 years: 49-57 inches, mean: 132 cm (53 in)Age 10 years: 51-59 inches, mean: 137 cm (55 in)Age 11 years: 53-61 inches, mean: 143 cm (57 in)Age 12 years: 54-64 inches, mean: 150 cm (60 in)Age 13 years: 56-67 inches, mean: 156 cm (62 in)Age 14 years: 57-70 inches, mean: 163 cm (65 in)Age 15 years: 60-72 inches, mean: 169 cm (68 in)Age 16 years: 62-73 inches, mean: 173 cm (69 in)Age 17 years: 63-74 inches, mean: 68 inches Age 18 years: 177 cm (71 in)VII. Normal Height for Girls (range: 3% to 97%)Birth: 18.5-21.1 inches, mean: 50 cm (20 in)Age 1 years: 27-31 inches, mean: 73 cm (29 in)Age 2 years: 32-37 inches, mean: 85 cm (34 in)Age 3 years: 35-40 inches, mean: 95 cm (38 in)Age 4 years: 38-44 inches, mean: 103 cm (41 in)Age 5 years: 40-47 inches, mean: 108 cm (43 in)Age 6 years: 43-49 inches, mean: 115 cm (46 in)Age 7 years: 45-52 inches, mean: 120 cm (48 in)Age 8 years: 47-54 inches, mean: 125 cm (50 in)Age 9 years: 49-56 inches, mean: 130 cm (52 in)Age 10 years: 50-59 inches, mean: 138 cm (55 in)Age 11 years: 52-62 inches, mean: 143 cm (57 in)Age 12 years: 54-65 inches, mean: 150 cm (60 in)Age 13 years: 57-66 inches, mean: 155 cm (62 in)Age 14 years: 58-67 inches, mean: 158 cm (63 in)Age 15 years: 59-68 inches, mean: 158 cm (63 in)Age 16 years: 59-68 inches, mean: 159 cm (64 in)Age 17 years: 60-68 inches, mean: 160 cm (64 in)Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)These images are a random sampling from a Bing search on the term \"\"Height Measurement in Children.\"\" Click on the image (or right click) to open the source website in a new browser window. Search Bing for all related images Related Studies (from Trip Database) Open in New Window06 Oct 2015BMC Pediatrics Using height-for-age differences (HAD) instead of height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) for the meaningful measurement of population-level catch-up in linear growth in children less than 5 years of age.28 Jun 2017Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)Bioimpedance spectroscopy measurements of phase angle and height for age are predictive of outcome in children following surgery for congenital heart disease.04 Jan 2018BMC Public Health The relationship between sitting height, sitting height to height ratio with blood pressure among Polokwane private school children aged 6-13 years.14 Apr 2016International Journal of Obesity Is the ratio waist circumference to height (WHt R) of 0.5 a universal measure for abdominal adiposity in children and adolescents?27 Jan 2016International Journal of Obesity Waist-to-height ratio as a measure of abdominal obesity in southern Chinese and European children and adolescents. Continue searching the Trip Database Related Topics in Examination Books Endocrinology Chapters Endocrinology - Examination Pages Back Links (pages that link to this page)Search other sites for 'Height Measurement in Children'advertisement \""
"docid": "D2536874#0",
"title": "https://www.jiskha.com/search/index.cgi?query=A+square+piece+of+paper+is+folded+in+half+to+make+a+rectangle.+The+perimeter+of+the+rectangle+is+24.9+cm.+What+is+the+side+length+of+the+square+piece\nA square piece of paper is folded in half to make a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24.9 cm. What is the side length of the square piece",
"text": "\"A square piece of paper is folded in half to make a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24.9 cm. What is the side length of the square piece72,890 results Math A square piece of paper is folded in half to make a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24.9 cm. What is the side length of the square piece of paper?math When a square piece of paper is folded in half vertically, the resulting rectangle has a perimeter of 39cm. In square centimeters, find the area of the original square piece of paper. Math A square piece of cloth is folded in half to form a rectangle. If the resulting rectangle has a perimeter of 8 inches, what are the area and perimeter of the square piece of cloth? Maths: Surds A rectangular piece of paper has an area of 100 rt2 cm^2. The piece of paper is such that, when it is folded in half along the dashed line, the new rectangle is similar (of the same shape) to the original rectangle."
"docid": "D1827900#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Whats_is_164_cm_converted_in_to_feet_and_inches\nWhats is 164 cm converted in to feet and inches?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Math and Arithmetic Statistics Whats is 164 cm converted in to feet and inches? Flag Whats is 164 cm converted in to feet and inches? Answer by Jenny Kronick Confidence votes 4.6KContent specialist at Answers.com, jack of all trades, and lover of pop culture. Secretly indulges in throwbacks way earlier than Thursdays. If you know that 1 foot is equal to 30.5 cm, then you can divide 164 by 30.5. Any whole number you get from that equation will give you how many feet you have: 5. If you backtrack and realize that 5 feet is equal to approximately 152 cm, then you know you only have 12 more cm to account for. If you know that 1 inch is equal to 2.5 cm, you know that you'll get 4.8 inches. So, 164 cm converts to 5 feet and approximately 5 inches.18 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Double071 32,272 Contributions What is 174 cms converted into feet and inches?5 feet and 8 1/2 inches."
"docid": "D919745#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_is_130_cm_in_inches\nConvert 130 cm into inches?",
"text": "\"4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com Convert 130 cm into inches? One cm is about 0.3937 inches. So, cm x 0.3937 = inches: 130 cm x 0.3937 = about 51.181 inches. Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions What is 130 inches in cm? There is 2.54 centimeters in one inch. So take your measurement in inches and multiply it by 2.54 to change the unit to centimeters. In this case, the answer is 330.2 centimet …Kurisu1074 663 Contributions How many inches equal 130 cm?1 inch = 2.54 cm 130 cm x 1 inch/2.54cm = 51.18 inches you may try the online converter linked below next time4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com What is 130 cm in feet and inches?4' 3\"\"Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How long is 2 cm in inches?0.7874015748 in Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 2 cm | * | 1 in 2.54 cm | = | 0.7874015748 in Linda Gehrdes 19,469 Contributions How long is 85 cm in inches?85 centimeters=33.4645669 inches4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How long is 12.9 cm in inches?12.9 cm = 5.079 inches Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How long is 3.4 cm in inches?3.4 cm is about 1.338 inches. Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 3.4 cm | * | 1 in 2.54 cm | = | 1.338582677 in4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many inches is 130 cms?51.2 (51.1811) inches. Anand Mehta 278,404 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference How tall is 130 cm in inches?130 cm = 51.18 inches (to 2 dp)Ryan Mc Kinley 786 Contributions How long in feet is 130 inches?10 feet, 10 inches Linda Gehrdes 19,469 Contributions How many inches in 130 cms?130 centimeters = 51.1811024 inches \""
"docid": "D1282752#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_is_13_cm_in_inches\nHow do you convert 13 inches to cm?",
"text": "Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How do you convert 13 inches to cm? There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch. So take your measurement in inches and multiply it by 2.54 to change the unit to centimeters. In this case, the answer is 33.02 centime …Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How much is 13 inches cm?13 inches = 33.02 centimeters. Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in | * | 2.54 cm 1 in | = | 33.02 cm Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How many cm is 13 inches?13 inches = 33.02 centimeters Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in | * | 2.54 cm 1 in | = | 33.02 cm Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How many inches is 13 cm?13 centimeters = about 5.1 inches. ( 5.11811024 inches). Freggo 161 Contributions What is 1 quarter of 13 inches in cm?1 inch = 2.54cm 13 inch = 2.54*13 cm or 33.02cm 1/4 of that is 8.255cm or 82.55mm or 1 quarter of 13 inches is 3.25inch Now 3.25in * 2.54 to get cm ... and it is 8.255cm again …Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How big is 13 inches in cm?13 inches = 330mm = 33cm Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in | * | 2.54 cm 1 in | = | 33.02 cm4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How big is 13 cm in a inch?13 centimeters = 5.12 inches Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions13 inches equals how many cm?33.02 cm Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in | * | 2.54 cm 1 in | = | 33.02 cm4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many in cm are in 13 inches?33.02 cm Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How much in cm of 13 inches?1 inch = 2.5 cm (approximately) So 13 inches = 13 x 2.5 = 32.5 cm. * * * * * That is too crude an approximation, specially when the exact value is only one decimal place …Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How big is 13 cm in inches?13 cm = 5.118 inches Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 cm | * | 1 in 2.54 cm | = | 5.118110236 in TRHrenee10 4 Contributions How many inches are 13 cm?six"
"docid": "D4849#0",
"title": "http://www.metric-conversions.org/length/centimeters-to-inches.htm\nCentimeters to Inches | cm to inches",
"text": "Centimeters to Inches | cm to inches Bookmark Pageinches to cm (Swap Units)Centimeters The centimetre is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one-hundredth of a metre.1cm is equivalent to 0.39370 inches. Convert Centimeters to Inchesin = cm * 0.39370Inches The inch is a unit of length used primarily in the imperial and U. S. customary measurement systems, representing 1/12 of a foot and 1/36 of a yard. Centimeters to Inches table Start Increments Accuracy Format Print table< Smaller Values Larger Values >Centimeters Inches0 cm 0.00 in1 cm 0.39 in2 cm 0.79 in3 cm 1.18 in4 cm 1.57 in5 cm 1.97 in6 cm 2.36 in7 cm 2.76 in8 cm 3.15 in9 cm 3.54 in10 cm 3.94 in11 cm 4.33 in12 cm 4.72 in13 cm 5.12 in14 cm 5.51 in15 cm 5.91 in16 cm 6.30 in17 cm 6.69 in18 cm 7.09 in19 cm 7.48 in Centimeters Inches20 cm 7.87 in21 cm 8.27 in22 cm 8.66 in23 cm 9.06 in24 cm 9.45 in25 cm 9.84 in26 cm 10.24 in27 cm 10.63 in28 cm 11.02 in29 cm 11.42 in30 cm 11.81 in31 cm 12.20 in32 cm 12.60 in33 cm 12.99 in34 cm 13.39 in35 cm 13.78 in36 cm 14.17 in37 cm 14.57 in38 cm 14.96 in39 cm 15.35 in Centimeters Inches40 cm 15.75 in41 cm 16.14 in42 cm 16.54 in43 cm 16.93 in44 cm 17.32 in45 cm 17.72 in46 cm 18.11 in47 cm 18.50 in48 cm 18.90 in49 cm 19.29 in50 cm 19.69 in51 cm 20.08 in52 cm 20.47 in53 cm 20.87 in54 cm 21.26 in55 cm 21.65 in56 cm 22.05 in57 cm 22.44 in58 cm 22.83 in59 cm 23.23 in Meters to Feet Feet to Metersinches to cm cm to inchesmm to inches inches to mm Inches to Feet Feet to Inches Metric Conversion Tablei Phone & Android app Length Temperature Weight Area Volume Speed Time Angle Pressure Energy and Power Health and Wellbeing Currency"
"docid": "D218997#0",
"title": "http://miniatures.about.com/od/scaleminiatures/f/quickscalemeasure.htm\nHow to Measure Without a Ruler",
"text": "\"Miniatures Supplies More Crafts & Hobbies Miniatures & Dollhouses How to Measure Without a Ruler By Lesley Shepherd Updated 10/26/17Share Pin Email Nick M Do/Getty Images These easy ways to estimate measurement based on parts of your body or items you almost always have with you will help you get a measure for almost anything without needing a ruler. We've all done it, looked carefully at something on a sales table then brought it home only to find out it is too large or too small. Learn the size of the items on the list below that you use most frequently and you won't have that problem anymore. If you need to estimate the size of patterns on wallpaper or fabrics, you might want to carry a simple viewfinder of cardboard or an empty photo slide mount to estimate the size of items similar to the way photographers do. Common Measurements Based on Your Body. One Inch (2.5 cm) - is roughly the measure from the top knuckle on your thumb to your thumb tip. Measure yours to see how close it is to one inch. You should always have a thumb handy for a guide for measuring items under 6 inches (15cm)! In miniatures, 1 inch = roughly 1 foot in standard dollhouse scale (1:12) and it is quite close to the size used for standard 28mm gaming figures for wargaming . One inch is also close to the height of figures in 1:64 or \"\"S\"\" railway scale, which also relates to gaming figures."
"docid": "D2871641#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/3785-2\nLength and Distance",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Length and Distance Unanswered | Answered Length and Distance Parent Category: Units of Measure Length refers to the measurement of an object from one end to another, while distance is the space between two objects or points. The two systems used to measure length and distance are the English and metric systems. < 2 3 4 >How many feet are there in 2.01 meters?6.594 ft How many feet are there in 1 meter 69 centimeters? There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 169 centimetres is equal to 169 / 30.48 = 5.54 feet.957 cm is equal to how many km?957 cm = 0.00957 km How much is 6 meters in feet?18 Feet. Direct Conversion Formula . 6 m . * . 1 ft 0.3048 m . = . 19.68503937 ft."
"docid": "D1079730#0",
"title": "http://icwdm.org/handbook/rodents/RodentExclusion.asp\nRODENT-PROOF CONSTRUCTION AND EXCLUSION METHODS",
"text": "Home | Ask the Expert | Contact | Site Map | Store| About | FAQ | Disclaimer |RODENT-PROOF CONSTRUCTION AND EXCLUSION METHODSPrevention Home Page Rex O. Baker Professor and Research Project Leader Horticulture/Plant & Soil Science California State Polytechnic University Pomona, California 91768 Gerald R. Bodman Extension Agricultural Engineer — Livestock Systems Department of Biological Systems Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 68583 Robert M. Timm Superintendent and Extension Wildlife Specialist Hopland Research and Extension Center University of California Hopland, California 95449Importance of Rodent-Proof Construction Rats and mice cause serious damage to all kinds of structures if they are allowed access to them. Damage by rodents has been documented in homes, apartments, hotels, office complexes, retail businesses, manufacturing facilities, food processing and warehouse facilities, public utility operations (especially power and electronic media operations), farm and feed storage buildings, and other structures. In urban settings, rodents most often cause damage to older, inner-city buildings and utilities in poor repair. New housing developments may experience commensal rodent problems, but problems are more noticeable in neighborhoods 10 to 12 years of age or older. Ornamental plantings, accumulation of refuse, woodpiles, and other such sources of harborage and food are more quickly invaded and occupied by rodents when adjacent to an established rodent habitat. Many types of land, air, and water transportation systems and their infrastructure also face serious rodent infestation problems. Infestations are of particular concern in the transportation of foodstuffs, feed, and other agricultural products. Commensal rodents consume and contaminate human and livestock feed. One rat can eat about 1/2 pound (227 g) of feed per week, and will contaminate and waste perhaps 10 times that amount. Fig."
"docid": "D3403270#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070406024707AAQOYD5\nHow many miles equal to one cm?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many miles equal to one cm?one cm = how many cubic? one cm = how many miles? one cm = how many feet? one cm = how many ....... ( other measurement) pls ask as many of it as possile i will chose the best answer for the person who ask the most and correctly Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1mile=5280x12x2.54=cm 1cm x1cmx1cm=1cubic cm. 1cm=1/5280x12x2.54 of a mile 1cm=1/100 meter Max · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating How many miles equal to one cm=How many miles equal to 1/2 inchwtg_ib · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Hi, Here are a few conversions. A link to lots of others is attached. I hope this helps!!! :-) 1 cm = 0.000006213712 miles 1 cm = 0.0328084 feet 1 cm = 0.00001 kilometer (km) 1 cm = .01 meter (m) 1 cm = .1 decimeter (dm) 1 cm = 10 millimeter (mm) 1 cm = 10,000 micrometre (micron) 1 cm = 10000000 nanometer (nm) 1 cm = 100000000 angstrom The rest of these conversions are also available on the attached website. league mile (mi) furlong chain rod (rd) perch yard (yd) foot (ft) link hand inch (in) line mil ri kairi cho jyo ken shyaku sun mon li yin zhang bu chi cun fen li (small) hao si hu yote ** sen ** wah ** sawk ** keub ** nieu ** kabiet ** sea league sea mile cable short cable fathom geographical mile pica pica [Post Script] point (pt) point [Post Script] (pt) pixel (px) twip Typographical (Europe - Didot system) cicero point (pt) Astronomical red shift (z) parsec (pc) light year astronomical unit (au) light minute light second Old French There were many local variations; the following are Quebec and Paris definitions lieue commune lieue marine lieue de post lieue metrique arpent perche toise pied [foot] pouce [inch] ligne Old Spanish and Portuguese These units are now obsolete. The conversions below are given from Spain of 1801."
"docid": "D2860689#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_is_a_centimeter_in_terms_of_inches\nHow long is 60 inches in centimeters?",
"text": "\"Andreas Moen 43,571 Contributions How long is 60 inches in centimeters?60 inches = 152.4 centimetres Ibrahim El-Osery 74,798 Contributions How long is 180 centimeters in inches?1 inch = 2.54 cm 180 cm = 180/2.54 inch Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions How long is 2 centimeters in inches?0.7874015748 in Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula . 2 cm . . 1 in 2.54 cm . = . 0.7874015748 in. Aygabtu 17,750 Contributions53 centimeters is how long in inches?20.866 in Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis . 53 cm . . 1 in 2.54 cm . = . 20.86614173 in."
"docid": "D3492161#0",
"title": "https://www.howmanypedia.com/52-cm-to-inches/\n52 CM to Inches â 52 CM in Inches",
"text": "Home CM to Inches Conversions 52 CM to Inches – 52 CM in Inches52 CM to Inches – 52 CM in Inches If you have ever wanted to know how to convert 52 cm to inches, you’re in the right website. To answer the question, 52 centimeters is equal to 20.47 inches. In this centimeters to inches conversion guide we will show you how we came up with this measurement and what methods you can use to get this number.52 CM to Inches Converter The simplest way to make this conversion is to use our quick online 52 cm to inches converter. All you have to do is enter the numbers and the results will be displayed automatically. In this example, you want to find out what 52 cm is in inches. Type “52” in the centimeter box without the quotes and our converter will display the results. In this instance we used 52 centimeters because that is the focus of this article. However you can use this converter to make other cm to inches conversions. That is all there is to it, so no need for complex calculations. Centimeter (centimetre) abbreviation: “cm”."
"docid": "D1827904#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070210101750AAwe9FQ\nHow many foots is 164 cm?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many foots is 164 cm? Follow 18 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Convert 164 centimeters to feet. Multiply measurements, making inches and centimeters cancel out, and making feet come out on top. 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters. 1 in / 2.54 cm X 1 ft / 12 in X 164 cm = 5.38 ft (Height?) ___ Inches on top cancel inches on bottom___ ___Centimeters on bottom cancel centimeters on top___ ___You're left with feet on top...presto brismol.___ If feet ended up on the bottom, just turn one or more ratios upside down...let the measurements work for YOU. This word processor is not good for math, but it looks something like: 1 in______X______1 ft______X _____164 cm______= 5.38 ft 2.54 cm_________12 in H. Scot · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating The standard approximation for 1foot is 30.5cm. So, if we divide 164cm by 30.5cm , we will have the result in feet. 164/30.5 = 5.377 feet."
"docid": "D3044456#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080812024238AAfda2f\nDo you know what 5'7 is in cm?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Mathematics Do you know what 5'7 is in cm? Thanks!Update: I am 168cm (1.68m) and I was wondering if I am 5'6 or 5'7 ? ? 2 following 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1 foot = 30.48 cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm 5 feet 7 inches = 5 feet x 30.48 cm + 7 inches x 2.54 cm = 152.4 cm + 17.78 cm = 170.18 cm 5 feet 6 inches = 5 feet x 30.48 cm + 6 x 2.54 cm = 152.4 cm + 15.24 cm = 167.64 cm ∵ 167.64 cm ≈ 168 cm ∴ 168 cm ≈ 5'6Source (s): Online Conversion http://www.onlineconversion.com/An ESL Learner · 10 years ago8 1 Comment Asker's rating5 7 In Cm Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7Wu3bungay · 2 years ago0 0 Comment5ft 7 In Cm Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a7UVupeavey · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Formula : cm x 0.39* = in in x 2.54 = cm 168cm x 0.39*= 66 inches 60 inches / 12 inches = 5 foot Answer : you are 5'6joslin · 10 years ago3 1 Comment5'7 is 170.18cm 1 Inch = 2.54cm Matthew R · 10 years ago3 1 Comment5'7\"\" is 170.18cm You are 5' 6.1417\"\" tall in standard. I guess that makes you 5' 6\"\". Gerry · 10 years ago2 2 Commentu r 5' 7.2'' because 1 inch = 2.5cm or 1cm= 1/2.5 inch therefore 168 cm= (1/2.5)*168 = 67.2 inches i foot = 12 inches that means 1 inch = 1/12 foot so 5 feet = 60 inches that means 67.2-60= 7.2 inches so ur height becomes 5' 7.2\"\" congrats ur height has been increased by 0.2 inches...wow Haris · 10 years ago1 1 Comment= (2 27/50) (5 [12] + 7) = (127/50) (60 + 7) = 67 (127/50) = 8,509/50 = 170 9/50 Answer: 170 9/50 or 170.18 centimeters Jun Agruda · 10 years ago2 1 Comment5 ft 7 inches is equal to 170.18 centimeters Source (s):http://education.yahoo.com/reference/weights_and_measures/Petals · 10 years ago1 1 Comment You're 5'6ft (US survey)/170.68cm. 5'7ft is 173.73cm, and 5'6ft is 170.68cm. Check out the link below. Source (s):http://www.digitaldutch.com/unitconverte... Andre · 10 years ago1 2 Comment1 2 next Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Need an electronic signature? Find Email Marketing Software VPN options for your computer Hard drive full?"
"docid": "D452921#0",
"title": "http://www.miniwebtool.com/cm-to-feet-and-inches-converter/?cm=194\nCm to Feet and Inches Converter",
"text": "Cm to Feet and Inches Converter Length in cm: cm194 cm in feet and inches =6 feet and 4.37795 inches Think Cm to Feet and Inches Converter Is Helpful? You Can Help Others Too. Click The Social Button Below To Share It. About Cm to Feet and Inches Converter The online cm to feet and inches conversion calculator is used to convert centimeters to feet and inches. Conversion Formula To convert from cm to feet and inches, use the following two conversion equations:1 inch = 2.54 cmand1 foot = 12 inches Conversion Chart The following is the cm to feet and inches conversion table from 1cm to 200cm. Centimeters Feet and Inches1 cm 0 feet and 0.3937 inches2 cm 0 feet and 0.7874 inches3 cm 0 feet and 1.1811 inches4 cm 0 feet and 1.5748 inches5 cm 0 feet and 1.9685 inches6 cm 0 feet and 2.3622 inches7 cm 0 feet and 2.7559 inches8 cm 0 feet and 3.1496 inches9 cm 0 feet and 3.5433 inches10 cm 0 feet and 3.937 inches11 cm 0 feet and 4.3307 inches12 cm 0 feet and 4.7244 inches13 cm 0 feet and 5.1181 inches14 cm 0 feet and 5.5118 inches15 cm 0 feet and 5.9055 inches16 cm 0 feet and 6.2992 inches17 cm 0 feet and 6.6929 inches18 cm 0 feet and 7.0866 inches19 cm 0 feet and 7.4803 inches20 cm 0 feet and 7.874 inches21 cm 0 feet and 8.2677 inches22 cm 0 feet and 8.6614 inches23 cm 0 feet and 9.0551 inches24 cm 0 feet and 9.4488 inches25 cm 0 feet and 9.8425 inches26 cm 0 feet and 10.2362 inches27 cm 0 feet and 10.6299 inches28 cm 0 feet and 11.0236 inches29 cm 0 feet and 11.4173 inches30 cm 0 feet and 11.811 inches31 cm 1 feet and 0.2047 inches32 cm 1 feet and 0.5984 inches33 cm 1 feet and 0.9921 inches34 cm 1 feet and 1.3858 inches35 cm 1 feet and 1.7795 inches36 cm 1 feet and 2.1732 inches37 cm 1 feet and 2.5669 inches38 cm 1 feet and 2.9606 inches39 cm 1 feet and 3.3543 inches40 cm 1 feet and 3.748 inches41 cm 1 feet and 4.1417 inches42 cm 1 feet and 4.5354 inches43 cm 1 feet and 4.9291 inches44 cm 1 feet and 5.3228 inches45 cm 1 feet and 5.7165 inches46 cm 1 feet and 6.1102 inches47 cm 1 feet and 6.5039 inches48 cm 1 feet and 6.8976 inches49 cm 1 feet and 7.2913 inches50 cm 1 feet and 7.685 inches51 cm 1 feet and 8.0787 inches52 cm 1 feet and 8.4724 inches53 cm 1 feet and 8.8661 inches54 cm 1 feet and 9.2598 inches55 cm 1 feet and 9.6535 inches56 cm 1 feet and 10.0472 inches57 cm 1 feet and 10.4409 inches58 cm 1 feet and 10.8346 inches59 cm 1 feet and 11.2283 inches60 cm 1 feet and 11.622 inches61 cm 2 feet and 0.0157 inches62 cm 2 feet and 0.4094 inches63 cm 2 feet and 0.8031 inches64 cm 2 feet and 1.1969 inches65 cm 2 feet and 1.5906 inches66 cm 2 feet and 1.9843 inches67 cm 2 feet and 2.378 inches68 cm 2 feet and 2.7717 inches69 cm 2 feet and 3.1654 inches70 cm 2 feet and 3.5591 inches71 cm 2 feet and 3.9528 inches72 cm 2 feet and 4.3465 inches73 cm 2 feet and 4.7402 inches74 cm 2 feet and 5.1339 inches75 cm 2 feet and 5.5276 inches76 cm 2 feet and 5.9213 inches77 cm 2 feet and 6.315 inches78 cm 2 feet and 6.7087 inches79 cm 2 feet and 7.1024 inches80 cm 2 feet and 7.4961 inches81 cm 2 feet and 7.8898 inches82 cm 2 feet and 8.2835 inches83 cm 2 feet and 8.6772 inches84 cm 2 feet and 9.0709 inches85 cm 2 feet and 9.4646 inches86 cm 2 feet and 9.8583 inches87 cm 2 feet and 10.252 inches88 cm 2 feet and 10.6457 inches89 cm 2 feet and 11.0394 inches90 cm 2 feet and 11.4331 inches91 cm 2 feet and 11.8268 inches92 cm 3 feet and 0.2205 inches93 cm 3 feet and 0.6142 inches94 cm 3 feet and 1.0079 inches95 cm 3 feet and 1.4016 inches96 cm 3 feet and 1.7953 inches97 cm 3 feet and 2.189 inches98 cm 3 feet and 2.5827 inches99 cm 3 feet and 2.9764 inches100 cm 3 feet and 3.3701 inches101 cm 3 feet and 3.7638 inches102 cm 3 feet and 4.1575 inches103 cm 3 feet and 4.5512 inches104 cm 3 feet and 4.9449 inches105 cm 3 feet and 5.3386 inches106 cm 3 feet and 5.7323 inches107 cm 3 feet and 6.126 inches108 cm 3 feet and 6.5197 inches109 cm 3 feet and 6.9134 inches110 cm 3 feet and 7.3071 inches111 cm 3 feet and 7.7008 inches112 cm 3 feet and 8.0945 inches113 cm 3 feet and 8.4882 inches114 cm 3 feet and 8.8819 inches115 cm 3 feet and 9.2756 inches116 cm 3 feet and 9.6693 inches117 cm 3 feet and 10.063 inches118 cm 3 feet and 10.4567 inches119 cm 3 feet and 10.8504 inches120 cm 3 feet and 11.2441 inches121 cm 3 feet and 11.6378 inches122 cm 4 feet and 0.0315 inches123 cm 4 feet and 0.4252 inches124 cm 4 feet and 0.8189 inches125 cm 4 feet and 1.2126 inches126 cm 4 feet and 1.6063 inches127 cm 4 feet and 2.0 inches128 cm 4 feet and 2.3937 inches129 cm 4 feet and 2.7874 inches130 cm 4 feet and 3.1811 inches131 cm 4 feet and 3.5748 inches132 cm 4 feet and 3.9685 inches133 cm 4 feet and 4.3622 inches134 cm 4 feet and 4.7559 inches135 cm 4 feet and 5.1496 inches136 cm 4 feet and 5.5433 inches137 cm 4 feet and 5.937 inches138 cm 4 feet and 6.3307 inches139 cm 4 feet and 6.7244 inches140 cm 4 feet and 7.1181 inches141 cm 4 feet and 7.5118 inches142 cm 4 feet and 7.9055 inches143 cm 4 feet and 8.2992 inches144 cm 4 feet and 8.6929 inches145 cm 4 feet and 9.0866 inches146 cm 4 feet and 9.4803 inches147 cm 4 feet and 9.874 inches148 cm 4 feet and 10.2677 inches149 cm 4 feet and 10.6614 inches150 cm 4 feet and 11.0551 inches151 cm 4 feet and 11.4488 inches152 cm 4 feet and 11.8425 inches153 cm 5 feet and 0.2362 inches154 cm 5 feet and 0.6299 inches155 cm 5 feet and 1.0236 inches156 cm 5 feet and 1.4173 inches157 cm 5 feet and 1.811 inches158 cm 5 feet and 2.2047 inches159 cm 5 feet and 2.5984 inches160 cm 5 feet and 2.9921 inches161 cm 5 feet and 3.3858 inches162 cm 5 feet and 3.7795 inches163 cm 5 feet and 4.1732 inches164 cm 5 feet and 4.5669 inches165 cm 5 feet and 4.9606 inches166 cm 5 feet and 5.3543 inches167 cm 5 feet and 5.748 inches168 cm 5 feet and 6.1417 inches169 cm 5 feet and 6.5354 inches170 cm 5 feet and 6.9291 inches171 cm 5 feet and 7.3228 inches172 cm 5 feet and 7.7165 inches173 cm 5 feet and 8.1102 inches174 cm 5 feet and 8.5039 inches175 cm 5 feet and 8.8976 inches176 cm 5 feet and 9.2913 inches177 cm 5 feet and 9.685 inches178 cm 5 feet and 10.0787 inches179 cm 5 feet and 10.4724 inches180 cm 5 feet and 10.8661 inches181 cm 5 feet and 11.2598 inches182 cm 5 feet and 11.6535 inches183 cm 6 feet and 0.0472 inches184 cm 6 feet and 0.4409 inches185 cm 6 feet and 0.8346 inches186 cm 6 feet and 1.2283 inches187 cm 6 feet and 1.622 inches188 cm 6 feet and 2.0157 inches189 cm 6 feet and 2.4094 inches190 cm 6 feet and 2.8031 inches191 cm 6 feet and 3.1969 inches192 cm 6 feet and 3.5906 inches193 cm 6 feet and 3.9843 inches194 cm 6 feet and 4.378 inches195 cm 6 feet and 4.7717 inches196 cm 6 feet and 5.1654 inches197 cm 6 feet and 5.5591 inches198 cm 6 feet and 5.9528 inches199 cm 6 feet and 6.3465 inches200 cm 6 feet and 6.7402 inches"
"docid": "D2716119#0",
"title": "https://www.funadvice.com/q/centimeters\nHow many centimeters is 5 foot 7 inches?",
"text": "\"ANSWER #1 of 8I get something different -- 170 cm5 ft 7 = 67 inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm)67 x 2.54 = 170ANSWER #2 of 8well theres 2 and a half in one inch.. so just figure out how many inches are in 5' 7\"\" [ [67]] then divide by two [ [33.5]]and add those two [ [67+33.5=100.5]]yea thats it I think =]How many centimeters in a meter? ANSWER #3 of 8I think it is something like 173 cm not sure why I just used my phone coverter How do you get 24 from 7 4 5 and 5? ANSWER #4 of 8You all must be politicians... you don't know about math.1 foot = 12 inches 7 foot = 7*12 = 84 inches 84 inches + 7 inches = 91 inches 1 inch = 2.54cm 91 inches * 2.54 = 231.14 cm 100 cm = 1 meter 231.14 cm = 2.3114 meters You all were wrong. How many centimeters in 7 meters? ANSWER #5 of 8morons... its about 170cm 1foot = 30.48 cm 1inch = 2.54 Then you just go to primary school and work out : 5*30,48+7*2,54 = 170.18 cm 3 out of 7 people cant add numbers and one out of 7 is stupid and narcissic (kiloton is the winner)How many inches is ina foot?? ANSWER #6 of 8How many centimeters is 5 food 7 inches What is 5'7'' in meters? ANSWER #7 of 8First, you know one foot is twelve inches. So multiply 2.54 x 12 = 30.48. Then, you multiply the foot in inches ( 30.48 ) by your own height ( foot first), so I am 5 foot. So I multiply 30.48 by 5 to get 152.4 ( DON'T ROUND YOUR ANSWER YET.)"
"docid": "D3310388#0",
"title": "http://wnps.org/landscaping/herbarium/springfloweringlist.html\n.",
"text": "\"Home > Landscaping > Native Plants for Western Washington Gardens and Restoration Projects Native Plants that flower in spring (March, April, or May)Acer circinatum Vine Maple Tall, erect, multi-trunked shrub or small tree with sprawling branches. Height: 13-26 feet (4-8 meters) Blooms May, Jun. Flowers grow in small loose clusters at the end of shoots. Flower sepals are purple and red, hairy and spreading; petals are creamy white with purple/red highlights. Flower size: 6-9 mm across. Acer macrophyllum Big-leaf Maple A tree with a large, often multi-stemmed trunk and a loose, broad crown of large leaves. Height: 65-100 feet (20-30 meters) tall with trunk 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters)diameter. Blooms Apr. Ten to fifty flowers hang in loose clusters 5 cm (2 in) long that either appear with leaves or right before the emergence of leaves. Each flower is pale yellow, about 3 mm across. Achillea millefolium Yarrow Aromatic herb with delicate fern-like leaves and flat-topped clusters of white flowers. Height: 4 inches to 3 feet (10-100 cm)."
"docid": "D3405224#0",
"title": "http://www.theunitconverter.com/psi-to-bar-conversion/20-psi-to-bar.html\nPsi to Bar Conversion",
"text": "20 Psi to Bar Conversion Psi to Bar - Pressure - Conversion You are currently converting Pressure units from Psi to Bar20 Psi (Psi)=1.37895 Bar Psi : Psi is the abbreviation of pound per square inch, and is widely used in British and American. 1 psi = 6,894.76 Pascals. Bar : The bar is a unit of measurement for pressure. It is widely used in the daily life particularly in European countries, though that is a non-SI unit. 1 bar is equal to 100,000 Pascals, which is close approximately to atmospheric pressure, so it is often used to represent atmospheric pressure rather than standard atmosphere (101325 Pascals). Pressure Conversion Calculator Convert From : Psi=Convert To : Result : Most popular convertion pairs of pressure Atmospheres to Bar Atmospheres to cm Hg Atmospheres to cm Aq Atmospheres to Foot Water Atmospheres to Inch Mercury Atmospheres to Inch Water Atmospheres to kg/cm² Atmospheres to k N/m²Atmospheres to Kilopascal Atmospheres to Megapascal Atmospheres to mm Hg Atmospheres to Pascal Atmospheres to lb/in² Atmospheres to Psi Atmospheres to Torr Bar to Atmospheres Bar to cm Hg Bar to cm Aq Bar to Foot Water Bar to Inch Mercury Bar to Inch Water Bar to kg/cm²Bar to k N/m² Bar to Kilopascal Bar to Megapascal Bar to mm Hg Bar to Pascal Bar to lb/in²Bar to Psi Bar to Torrcm Hg to Atmospheres cm Hg to Barcm Hg to cm Aq cm Hg to Foot Watercm Hg to Inch Mercury cm Hg to Inch Watercm Hg to kg/cm² cm Hg to k N/m²cm Hg to Kilopascal cm Hg to Megapascalcm Hg to mm Hg cm Hg to Pascalcm Hg to lb/in² cm Hg to Psicm Hg to Torr cm Aq to Atmospherescm Aq to Bar cm Aq to cm Hgcm Aq to Foot Water cm Aq to Inch Mercurycm Aq to Inch Water cm Aq to kg/cm²cm Aq to k N/m² cm Aq to Kilopascalcm Aq to Megapascal cm Aq to mm Hgcm Aq to Pascal cm Aq to lb/in²cm Aq to Psi cm Aq to Torr Foot Water to Atmospheres Foot Water to Bar Foot Water to cm Hg Foot Water to cm Aq Foot Water to Inch Mercury Foot Water to Inch Water Foot Water to kg/cm² Foot Water to k N/m²Foot Water to Kilopascal Foot Water to Megapascal Foot Water to mm Hg Foot Water to Pascal Foot Water to lb/in² Foot Water to Psi Foot Water to Torr Inch Mercury to Atmospheres Inch Mercury to Bar Inch Mercury to cm Hg Inch Mercury to cm Aq Inch Mercury to Foot Water Inch Mercury to Inch Water Inch Mercury to kg/cm²Inch Mercury to k N/m² Inch Mercury to Kilopascal Inch Mercury to Megapascal Inch Mercury to mm Hg Inch Mercury to Pascal Inch Mercury to lb/in²Inch Mercury to Psi Inch Mercury to Torr Inch Water to Atmospheres Inch Water to Bar Inch Water to cm Hg Inch Water to cm Aq Inch Water to Foot Water Inch Water to Inch Mercury Inch Water to kg/cm² Inch Water to k N/m²Inch Water to Kilopascal Inch Water to Megapascal Inch Water to mm Hg Inch Water to Pascal Inch Water to lb/in² Inch Water to Psi Inch Water to Torr kg/cm² to Atmosphereskg/cm² to Bar kg/cm² to cm Hgkg/cm² to cm Aq kg/cm² to Foot Waterkg/cm² to Inch Mercury kg/cm² to Inch Waterkg/cm² to k N/m² kg/cm² to Kilopascalkg/cm² to Megapascal kg/cm² to mm Hgkg/cm² to Pascal kg/cm² to lb/in²kg/cm² to Psi kg/cm² to Torrk N/m² to Atmospheres k N/m² to Bark N/m² to cm Hg k N/m² to cm Aqk N/m² to Foot Water k N/m² to Inch Mercuryk N/m² to Inch Water k N/m² to kg/cm²k N/m² to Kilopascal k N/m² to Megapascalk N/m² to mm Hg k N/m² to Pascalk N/m² to lb/in² k N/m² to Psik N/m² to Torr Kilopascal to Atmospheres Kilopascal to Bar Kilopascal to cm Hg Kilopascal to cm Aq Kilopascal to Foot Water Kilopascal to Inch Mercury Kilopascal to Inch Water Kilopascal to kg/cm² Kilopascal to k N/m²Kilopascal to Megapascal Kilopascal to mm Hg Kilopascal to Pascal Kilopascal to lb/in²Kilopascal to Psi Kilopascal to Torr Megapascal to Atmospheres Megapascal to Bar Megapascal to cm Hg Megapascal to cm Aq Megapascal to Foot Water Megapascal to Inch Mercury Megapascal to Inch Water Megapascal to kg/cm²Megapascal to k N/m² Megapascal to Kilopascal Megapascal to mm Hg Megapascal to Pascal Megapascal to lb/in² Megapascal to Psi Megapascal to Torr mm Hg to Atmospheresmm Hg to Bar mm Hg to cm Hgmm Hg to cm Aq mm Hg to Foot Watermm Hg to Inch Mercury mm Hg to Inch Watermm Hg to kg/cm² mm Hg to k N/m²mm Hg to Kilopascal mm Hg to Megapascalmm Hg to Pascal mm Hg to lb/in²mm Hg to Psi mm Hg to Torr Pascal to Atmospheres Pascal to Bar Pascal to cm Hg Pascal to cm Aq Pascal to Foot Water Pascal to Inch Mercury Pascal to Inch Water Pascal to kg/cm²Pascal to k N/m² Pascal to Kilopascal Pascal to Megapascal Pascal to mm Hg Pascal to lb/in² Pascal to Psi Pascal to Torr lb/in² to Atmosphereslb/in² to Bar lb/in² to cm Hglb/in² to cm Aq lb/in² to Foot Waterlb/in² to Inch Mercury lb/in² to Inch Waterlb/in² to kg/cm² lb/in² to k N/m²lb/in² to Kilopascal lb/in² to Megapascallb/in² to mm Hg lb/in² to Pascallb/in² to Psi lb/in² to Torr Psi to Atmospheres Psi to Bar Psi to cm Hg Psi to cm Aq Psi to Foot Water Psi to Inch Mercury Psi to Inch Water Psi to kg/cm²Psi to k N/m² Psi to Kilopascal Psi to Megapascal Psi to mm Hg Psi to Pascal Psi to lb/in²Psi to Torr Torr to Atmospheres Torr to Bar Torr to cm Hg Torr to cm Aq Torr to Foot Water Torr to Inch Mercury Torr to Inch Water Torr to kg/cm² Torr to k N/m²Torr to Kilopascal Torr to Megapascal Torr to mm Hg Torr to Pascal Torr to lb/in² Torr to Psi"
"docid": "D886738#0",
"title": "http://www.topendsports.com/testing/results/vertical-jump.htm\nVertical Jump Test Results",
"text": "\"Home > Fitness Testing > Tests > Speed & Power > Vertical Jump > Scores Vertical Jump Test Results What is it? The vertical jump test is a common fitness test of leg power. The test is usually performed against a wall or similar device to measure the height jumped, but can also be tested using a timing mat. These results are assumed to be using the counter-movement technique, in which the arms are used to help propel the body upwards, though in many cases it may not be the case. For more information, see vertical jump techniques. Top Scores The world record vertical jump has been reported as up to 61\"\" (155 cm) by Kadour Ziani (other reports for top leaps for Kadour range from 56\"\"/142cm upwards). He is the highest Vertical Leaper from Slamnation, and stands 5'10 tall. His other claim to fame is that he is the only person ever to do a double windmill slam dunk. His reported best vertical jump is more than twice the average NBA vertical leap of 28\"\" (71 cm). For more information about the world record scores, see our list of the World's Best vertical jump scores."
] |
477 | 1 liter is how many quarts | [
"docid": "D2686264#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-quarts-liter-7dc1091174f13874\nHow Many Quarts Are in a Liter?",
"text": "Science Measurements Q: How Many Quarts Are in a Liter? A: Quick Answer There are 1.06 quarts in a liter. The volume of a liter is defined as 1 cubic deciliter. At 4 degrees Celsius, 1 kilogram of water has the volume of 1 liter. For cooking purposes, Betty Crocker considers the quart and liter to be equivalent. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Much Is 1 Cup of Water? How Many Quarts Make up One Gallon? How Many Quarts Are in a Cubic Foot? Full Answer The United States is one of three countries that have not yet adopted the metric system. Instead, it uses a system based on the English units that were in common use when the United States declared its independence, and these units include the quart."
] | [
"docid": "D1194143#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-2-5-liters-in-quarts\nWhat is 2.5 liters in quarts?",
"text": "Dave Yerzley Answered May 28, 2017 · Author has 252 answers and 177.9k answer views This type of question shows up repeatedly on Quora. I would hope that people who ask it would eventually learn how to approach it, because it’s actually quite simple. I’ll go through this example step by step and attempt to discuss the kinds of things one needs to think about when considering this type of problem. A more detailed discussion can be found in my response to the question: “How are conversion factors used?”The first question to ask is: Is the conversion I’m trying to do between two different units for the same type of quantity? The liter is a unit of volume in SI. The quart is a unit of volume in what I will call the English system. But, as is often the case in the English system, there are several different units of volume called quarts. Most of them are similar, but not exactly the same. I will assume here that this question refers to US liquid quarts. So the answer to this question is yes, and the assumption resolves any ambiguity about the quart."
"docid": "D2509701#0",
"title": "https://www.howmanyouncesin.com/gallon/\nHow Many Ounces In a Gallon- Facts, Figures And Converter",
"text": "How Many Ounces In a Gallon- Facts, Figures And Converter US Liquid Gallon US Fluid Ounce Imperial Fluid Gallon Imperial Fluid Ounce We deal with different units of measurements in our daily matters. These measuring units have their own importance because we usually use them when it comes to baking and cooking. There are ingredients that are used in slight quantities which may be solid or liquid. These quantities are measured in units like grams, kilograms, liters, ounces and so on but here we will talk about an ounce. So in order to measure such slight quantities, we should learn some basic calculations. The measured quantity in any recipe is very important because if you make a slight mistake in measurement then the entire recipe is ruined. These are the quantities which we take help from at the time of cooking and baking. So if you want that your cup cakes are as delicious as a professional baker then you must clearly understand these conversions.…The women who are at home cook or bake with the same quantity but the chefs at restaurants focus on precision and accuracy of the quantity. It is thought that the women found ounce as one of the most confusing units of measurements that is why they are often found using spoons whenever there are ounces used. But you have to be careful to measure such slight quantities using appropriate measuring tools in order to have perfect results."
"docid": "D1678917#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/one-gallon-equals-many-cups-1780c107e9a62920\nOne Gallon Equals How Many Cups?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: One Gallon Equals How Many Cups? A: Quick Answer There are 16 cups in 1 gallon. One easy way to calculate relationships between measurements of volume is to use an online calculator. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Does One Stick of Butter Equal in Cups? What Is One Gram Equal to in Teaspoons? What Are Some Common Cooking Measurement Conversions You Should Know? Full Answer To calculate how many cups are in one gallon, a person must know that there are 2 cups in 1 pint, there are 2 pints in 1 quart and there are 4 quarts in 1 gallon. From this, a person can come to the conclusion that there are 4 cups in 1 quart. Since there are 4 quarts in 1 gallon, the person can then multiply 4 times 4 to determine that there are 16 cups in 1 gallon. Learn more about Food Measurements Sources: onlineconversion.com Related Questions Q: What Is a Bunch of Basil Equal To?"
"docid": "D2116997#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_of_oil_does_a_2002_Toyota_Tacoma_take\nHow many quarts of oil does a 1999 Tacoma V6 take?",
"text": "\"Grackle 1 Contribution How many quarts of oil does a 1999 Tacoma V6 take? Answer The 3.4L V6 takes 5.5 quarts of oil. Edit Ppetersga How many quarts of oil does a 2001 Toyota Tacoma take? Answer 5 quarts of oil when you change the filter also. Edit How many quarts of oil is needed to change the oil in a 1999 Toyota Tacoma?5 quarts for a 1999 Toyota Tacoma 4 cylinder. Edit Ppetersga How many quarts of oil in a 2006 Toyota Tacoma 2.7 liter engine? 5 quarts with filter change. Edit HBCALI 78 Contributions How many quarts of oil does a Toyota Sienna 2002 take? Look in your owner's manual. BETTER ADVICE: Check the Owner's Manual or call your local Toyota Service Department (located at any Toyota Dealership)."
"docid": "D494361#0",
"title": "http://snippets.com/how-many-bottles-of-coolant-does-it-take-to-fill-up-a-jeep-liberty.htm\nHow many bottles of coolant does it take to fill up a Jeep Liberty?",
"text": "Question by worker1292 (23)How many bottles of coolant does it take to fill up a Jeep Liberty?+ 9vote up Answer by lovelife (998)It would depend on what size engine it has. A 2. 4 liter takes 10. 1 quart (9. 6 liters) and the 3. 7 liter engine takes 14 quart (13 liters), whereas the 2. 8 engine takes 13. 2 quarts (12. 5 liters).add a comment+ 7vote up Answer by Allstar (2071)It could take 1 to 3, depending. I recommend pre-mixed coolant, which comes with water already mixed."
"docid": "D644852#0",
"title": "http://science-notebook.com/measure02-vol.html\n.",
"text": "\"On this page... VOLUMEA Look at English Units of Volume Measuring Volume Metric Units of Volume More on the Metric Units of Volume How Much is A Liter? Making a Measuring Beaker Using a Graduated Cylinder Measuring Small Amounts With a Medicine Dropper Making a Graduated Cylinder VOLUMEWhen we measure volume, we measure just how much space something takes up. Just as with length, our English system of measurement has many different units for volume, everything from ounces to barrels. The many units used to measure volume in the English system are all different, and they don’t really relate to one another all that well. We probably don’t give all these different units too much thought because we are so used to using them. But trying to convert from one unit of measure to another can be a real nightmare!A Look at English Units of Volume Materials Needed: English weights and measures conversion chart (found in many math books, encyclopedias or dictionaries, or online); dictionary. Procedure: For each of the following English units, use a conversion chart to find out the number of units in the second column that are equal to one unit in the first column. You may not be able to find all of these, but find as many as you can. You may wish to get an older student, teacher, or parent to help you. Unit of Measure Equals1 Ounce _____ Drams1 Teaspoon _____ Drams1 Tablespoon _____ Teaspoons1 Cup _____ Tablespoons1 Pint _____ Cups1 Quart _____ Pints1 Gallon _____ Quarts1 Peck _____ Quarts1 Bushel _____ Pecks1 Hogshead _____ Gallons1 Barrel _____ Gallons What To Look For: There are many different ways to convert from one unit to the next, and there are many more English units that are not shown here."
"docid": "D90569#0",
"title": "http://www.culinarylore.com/drinks:why-do-we-say-a-fifth-of-whiskey-rum-or-vodka\nHow Much is a Fifth of Whiskey?",
"text": "\"Posted on 11 Mar 2015 05:47Privacy | About | Contact | Affiliate Disclosure Follow or Subscribe Get Article Updates Enter your email address: More Drinks and Cocktails!Who Invented the Slurpee (ICEE)? How Did Whiskey Get Its Name? Teetotaler: Why are People Who Don't Drink Called This? Origin of \"\"Hair of the Dog\"\" for a Hangover Cure Origin of the word teetaler Featured Posts What is Skunked Beer? What Are The Types Of Liqueurs? How Much is a Fifth of Whiskey? When we go to buy a \"\"fifth of whiskey\"\" we are actually, today, buying a bottle that contains 750ml of liquid. We Americans, of course, will want to know how many ounces in a fifth. 750 milliliters is just about 25.4 ounces. This amount is the same as a standard wine bottle."
"docid": "D2154550#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-pounds-liter-water-weigh-1e026674d8fac3c1\nHow Many Pounds Does a Liter of Water Weigh?",
"text": "\"Science Measurements Q: How Many Pounds Does a Liter of Water Weigh? A: Quick Answer A liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. A kilogram converts to 2.2 pounds, so a liter of water weighs 2.2 pounds. This assumes that the weighing takes place at sea level and the water is at 4 degrees centigrade (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Continue Reading Keep Learning How Much Does 1 Litre of Water Weigh in Kilograms? How Much Does 1 Liter of Water Weigh? How Much Does One Liter of Water Weigh? Credit: Dan Kitwood Getty Images News Getty Images Full Answer Because the temperature of water alters the density, it therefore alters weight as well. This happens for both increases and decreases in temperature. At 93.3 degrees Centigrade (200 degrees Fahrenheit), the liter of water would weigh 2.12 pounds, 0.08 pounds lighter."
"docid": "D1143135#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_.908_dry_quart_is_equivalent_to_a_liter\nIs .908 dry quart is equivalent to a liter?",
"text": "4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com Answered In Volume How many dry quarts are in a liter?1 dry liter is 0.91 dry quarts (US).4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com Answered In Volume What is the equivalent volume of 2 liters water in quarts? Two liters of water is 2.113 US quarts.4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com Answered In Units of Measure How many liters are in 3.5 dry quarts?3.5 dry quarts equates to 3.85 liters. Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. Answered In Volume What equivalents of quart?1/4 of a gallon is equivalent to a quart Eccles-Jordan Trigger Circuit 164,557 Contributions This circuit is used in most electronic digital computers ever built & was invented in 1918 (patent GB148582). What is it now called? Answered In Volume Is 1 liter the equivalent of 1 quart? For most everyday purposes, yes a litre and a quart can generallybe considered equivalent. However the litre is actually about 5% larger than a quart, so forprecision measurem …"
"docid": "D3107981#0",
"title": "https://brainly.com/question/1456845\nApproximately 4.5 liters of blood circulates in the body of the average human adult. how many quarts of blood does the average person have? use the conversion equivalency 1 gallon = 3.785 liters and 4 quarts = 1 gallon. a. 4.76 quarts of blood b. 1.2 quarts of blood c. 9.5 quarts of blood d. 1.05 quarts of blood",
"text": "High School Mathematics 5 points Approximately 4.5 liters of blood circulates in the body of the average human adult. how many quarts of blood does the average person have? use the conversion equivalency 1 gallon = 3.785 liters and 4 quarts = 1 gallon. a. 4.76 quarts of blood b. 1.2 quarts of blood c. 9.5 quarts of blood d. 1.05 quarts of blood Ask for details Follow Reportby Clayaashxx1o R8hegra 06/22/2016"
"docid": "D809512#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_of_oil_for_a_2008_F250_diesel\nHow many quarts of oil does a 1997 Ford F250 hold?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles American Cars Ford Ford Trucks and SUVs Ford F-250Flag Share In Ford F-250How many quarts of oil for a 2008 F250 diesel? Answer by Helpfull Confidence votes 48.2KAccording to the 2008 Ford F-250 diesel supplement : 15 quarts ( 14.2 liters ) with engine oil filter change on the 6.4 L diesel engine6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jamieandsheri 5 Contributions How many quarts of oil does a 1997 Ford F250 hold?7.3L powerstroke takes 15L of oil. Buysjd 27 Contributions How do you change the oil in your 2008 ford f250 diesel?first remove oil filter cap (36 mm socket) top middle of engine (the one closest to passenger side) be sure to replace o-ring on cap. second remove oil drain plug (19 mm socket) …How many quarts of oil for a 2008 optima? It will take 4 to 4 1/2 quarts. You should also change the filterand it doesn't need to be expensive. Global Gal 4,837 Contributions How many quarts of oil is required for a 2004 Ford F250 V8 6.0 Diesel? Answer: . A 2004 Ford F250 Super Duty Pick Up with 6.0 V8 Diesel engine requires 15.0 quarts of oil."
"docid": "D1007241#0",
"title": "http://engineoilcapacity.com/fiat-500-engine-oil-capacity-in-quarts-liters/\nFiat 500 engine oil capacity in quarts â liters",
"text": "Fiat 500 engine oil capacity in quarts – liters By On March 19, 2014 In Fiat engine oil capacity Tagged capacity, Change engine oil Fiat 500, Checking oil level Fiat 500, engine, Fiat 500, Fiat 500 automatic gearbox oil capacity, Fiat 500 car type fuel, Fiat 500 engine capacity, Fiat 500 engine code, Fiat 500 engine oil capacity, Fiat 500 manual gearbox oil capacity, Fiat 500 recommended engine oil, liters, oil, quarts 6 Comments Fiat 500 engine oil capacity in quarts – liters. From year: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. How many quarts / liters of engine oil is needed for an oil change including replacement of oil filter for a Fiat 500. If you want to do maintenance by yourself on your Fiat, if you want to change your engine oil and filters see and you don’t now how big it’s your engine volume or how much quarts / liters oil enter in your car engine below you can see what is your car engine oil capacity and what type of oil you must use. Fiat 500 with engine 0.9 Twin Air Turbo, engine oil capacity in quarts / liters. Fiat 500 with engine 0.9 l. Car fuel: gasoline. Fiat 500 engine code. Engine capacity: 875 ccm. Fiat 500 engine oil capacity liters: 3.2 liters or 3.38 quarts. Fiat 500 manual gearbox oil capacity: 1.7 l or 1.8 qt."
"docid": "D1558279#0",
"title": "https://www.asknumbers.com/quart-to-liter.aspx\nQuarts to Liters Conversion",
"text": "\"Quarts to liters (litre) conversion factors are listed below (for UK and US for both fluid and dry measurements). To find out how many liters in quarts, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter.1 Quart [Fluid, US] = 0.946352946 Liter1 Quart [Dry, US] = 1.10122095 Liter1 Quart [UK] = 1.1365225 Liters For example, to find out how many liters of water or milk there are in one and a half (1 1/2) US quarts, multiply the quart value by the conversion factor, (1.5) * 0.946352946 = 1.42 liters of water or milk. For your information, 1 US quart of water weighs about 2.08 lbs or 33.38 ounces or 0.946 kilograms (1 kilogram equals to 1 liter of water by definition). 1 US quart of milk weighs about 2.15 pounds, or 34.4 ounces or 0.975 kilograms (it can be a bit lighter or heavier based on the fat percentage). UK quarts are larger than the rest of them, so the heaviest. 1 UK quart of water weighs 2.5 lbs or 40 ounces or about 1.1365 kilograms. 1 UK (imperial) quart of milk weighs about 2.575 pounds, or 41.2 ounces or 1.17 kilograms (it can be a bit lighter or heavier based on the fat percentage). Quart is an imperial and US customary volume unit. There is one type of quart in imperial system and 2 types (liquid and dry) in US customary system. The abbreviation is \"\" qt \"\"."
"docid": "D3508620#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_quarts_are_in_2_liters\nHow many liters are in 2 quarts?",
"text": "\"Jkm Young 1,217,119 Contributions How many liters are in 2 quarts? US: 2.000 US quarts = 1.893... liters Imperial: 2.000 Imperial quart = 0.5 Imperial gallons = 2.273...litres US and Imperial volumes with the same name (quart) are different! … Manny de la Riva2 quarts is 1 liter?2 qts = 1.89 L 1 liter = 1.05 quart 1 quart = 0.94 liter How many quarts of oil do you need for a 2 liter Volkswagen? This is quite a task, First of all get your new heater core, you don't to wait a week for new one to show up after you have removed the old one because by then you may have f …Manny de la Riva2 quarts equals to how many liter?1.89 L 1 liter = 1.05 quart 1 quart = 0.94 liter Canoeman256 2 Contributions How many quarts are in six 2 liters?1 quart equals 0.9463529 Liters. \"\" 6 two liters\"\" equals 12 liters. 12 (liters) times 0.9463529 (liters/quart) equals 11.356234 (quarts)Manny de la Riva How many liters are in 2 12 quart?2 1/2 qt = 2.36 L 1 quart = 0.94 Liter 1 Liter = 1.05 quart Joe Ragusa 304,324 Contributions Is there 2 quarts in a liter?2 qt (US Liq) = 1.89270 LGaines Fox 67,034 Contributions2 liter of soda equal how many quarts?2 liters is a little more than 2.1 (2 1/10) US quarts. Manny de la Riva How much liter is in 2 quarts?1.89 L 1 liter = 1.05 quart 1 quart = 0.94 liter How many quarts fill up a 2 liter bottle?almost 2Manny de la Riva Do 2 quarts equal a liter?2 qt = 1.89 LAntex147 241 Contributions How many quarts can fit into a 2 liter pop bottle?2.11337642 quarts can fit into a 2 liter soda bottle. \""
"docid": "D3388938#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080120165030AAWrw7d\nHow many cc's are in 1 cup?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many cc's are in 1 cup? A. 240 B. 250 I ask because I learned 240 but when I buy glass measuring cups i see 250 = 1 cup. Update: Hyab, I always go by the 30cc=1 oz equivalency as well. I guess 960ml is rounded up to 1000 mls when converting to 1 quart. Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: a. 240 30cc=1 oz 30x8=240hyabusawife · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating This Site Might Help You. RE: How many cc's are in 1 cup? A. 240 B. 250 I ask because I learned 240 but when I buy glass measuring cups i see 250 = 1 cup. Source (s):cc 39 1 cup: https://shortly.im/f4ctl Ely · 3 years ago0 0 Comment1 gallon = 16 cups 1 gallon = 3765.4118 ccs 3785.4118 / 16 = 236.59 Obviously, some conversions are not as accurate as others. I'd use 240 as a rule of thumb. If you use 250, you have 1 quart = 1 liter, which is wrong by about 5%."
"docid": "D157562#0",
"title": "http://www.asknumbers.com/quartstocupsconversion.aspx\nQuarts to Cups Conversion",
"text": "\"Quarts to cups conversion factors are listed below (for US, UK and for both fluid and dry measurements). To find out how many cups in quarts, multiply by the conversion factors or use the converter.1 Quart [Fluid, US] = 4 Cups [US]1 Quart [Dry, US] = 4.65458877 Cups [US]1 Quart [UK] = 4.54609 Cups [Metric]There are 4 cups in a US fluid quart, because from the largest to the smallest units between quart and cup, there are 2 pints in a quart, and 2 cups in each pint, that makes 2 * 2 = 4 cups in a quart. For example, to find out how many cups there are in a quart and a half, multiply the quart value by the conversion factor, 1.5 qt * 4 = 6 cups in a quart and a half. Quart is an imperial and US customary volume unit. A US quart is 0.946353 liters, 2 pints, 4 cups or 32 fl. ounces. An imperial (UK) quart equals to 1.13652 liters or 1.20095 US quarts. 1 quart is 1/4 of a gallon. The abbreviation is \"\" qt \"\". Cup is a volume unit in metric and US customary systems."
"docid": "D1194144#0",
"title": "https://www.conversion-metric.org/volume/quart-to-litre\nQuart to Liter Conversion (quart to L)",
"text": "\"Home » Volume Conversion » Quart Quart to Liter Conversion (quart to L)Please enter quart (quart) value of volume unit to convert quart to liter. Quart (quart)↺Decimals1 quart = 0.94635294599999 LFacebook Google+ Twitter » Liter to Quartquart: Quart, L: Liter How Many Liter in a Quart? There are 0.94635294599999 liter in a quart. 1 Quart is equal to 0.94635294599999 Liter. 1 quart = 0.94635294599999 LQuart Definition A quart is a very popular unit of volume used in the countries which adopted the Imperial or the US customary systems of measurement. It is used mainly for measuring the volumes of liquid substances like water, beverages, milk, etc. One quart is equal to 4 cups, 2 pints, and 1/4 th of a gallon. The exact correspondence of an Imperial quart to the SI unit is 1 quart is 1.1365225 liters. Convert Quart Liter Definition A liter is a non-metric unit of volume which is equal to the volume of a cube with 10 cm on each side. It is a non-SI unit, which recognizes the same volume unit as a cubic decimeter."
"docid": "D202227#0",
"title": "http://www.asknumbers.com/quart-to-liter.aspx\nQuarts to Liters Conversion",
"text": "\"Quarts to liters (litre) conversion factors are listed below (for UK and US for both fluid and dry measurements). To find out how many liters in quarts, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter.1 Quart [Fluid, US] = 0.946352946 Liter1 Quart [Dry, US] = 1.10122095 Liter1 Quart [UK] = 1.1365225 Liters For example, to find out how many liters of water or milk there are in one and a half (1 1/2) US quarts, multiply the quart value by the conversion factor, (1.5) * 0.946352946 = 1.42 liters of water or milk. For your information, 1 US quart of water weighs about 2.08 lbs or 33.38 ounces or 0.946 kilograms (1 kilogram equals to 1 liter of water by definition). 1 US quart of milk weighs about 2.15 pounds, or 34.4 ounces or 0.975 kilograms (it can be a bit lighter or heavier based on the fat percentage). UK quarts are larger than the rest of them, so the heaviest. 1 UK quart of water weighs 2.5 lbs or 40 ounces or about 1.1365 kilograms. 1 UK (imperial) quart of milk weighs about 2.575 pounds, or 41.2 ounces or 1.17 kilograms (it can be a bit lighter or heavier based on the fat percentage). Quart is an imperial and US customary volume unit. There is one type of quart in imperial system and 2 types (liquid and dry) in US customary system. The abbreviation is \"\" qt \"\"."
"docid": "D2299610#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-cups-of-water-are-in-a-standard-water-bottle\nHow many cups of water are in a standard water bottle?",
"text": "\"Sid Kemp, I love answering questions and questioning answers. Life coach, mystic, engineer Answered Jun 15, 2016 · Author has 3.6k answers and 5.4m answer views A cup is a standard measure in the old English system of measurement, still used in the United States. It is 8 fluid ounces. There is no standard for bottles, but there are common bottle sizes. Common bottle sizes used to use the English system. The most common bottle sizes were:1 pint = 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces1/2 gallon = 2 quarts = 8 cups = 64 fluid ounces Then the whole world (except the US) went metric, and the standard sizes in the metric system were adopted by bottle making, water, and soda companies. Conveniently, 1 liter, is just a little bit larger than a quart. So standard sized half-liter and liter bottles looks like this:1/2 liter = 1.05669 pints = 2.11338 cups = 16.90704 ounces1 liter = 1.05669 quarts = 2.11338 pints = 4.22676 cups = 33.81408 ounces That is, a normal (standard 1/2 liter) bottle holds just over 2 cups of water. The difference between a half liter and a pint is so small that most people don’t worry about it. A glass of water is considered to be 8 ounces, or one cup, though most glasses are, in practice, larger."
"docid": "D2555271#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/127325493/teas-test-math-measurement-flash-cards/\nTEAS TEST- MATH - MEASUREMENT",
"text": "75 terms bgoquinn94TEAS TEST- MATH - MEASUREMENTLearn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortlength length, mvolume liter, Lweight gram, gkilo (k) 10^3=1,000hecto (h) 10^2=100deka (da) 10^1=10no prefix 10^0=1deci (d) 10^-1=1/10centi (c) 10^-2=1/10010^-3=1/1,000 milli (m)a kilometer is larger, one kilometer is equal to 1000 meters since kilo means 1000, kilometers literally means 1000 meters which is larger: a kilometer or a meter2.54 cm 1 inch =0.62 mile 1 km = 1,000 m =39.37 inch 1 m =0.394 inch 1 cm =1,609 m 1 mile =0.914 m 1 yard =2.2 pounds 1 kg =28 g 1 ounce =0.45 kg 1 pound =1.06 quarts 1 L =30 m L 1 ounce =5 m L 1 teaspoon =0.95 L 1 quart =3.785 L 1 gallon =12 cm is a reasonable answer, 1 inch = 2.54 cm this would make the pencil about 4.7 inches long 5 m is not close since a meter is about the same length as a yard, this would be way too long since this is about how long a room might be 3 kg is not a good answer, because grams are units for weight 8 km is too long because 1 km is even bigger than 5 m which is an approximate metric quantity for length of a pencil? 5 m 12 cm 3 kg 8 km5 miles, since 1 kilometer = 0.62 miles and 1 mile = 1.6 km, a miles is longer than a kilometer is a 5-km run or a 5 mile run longer5.02 inches since 1 cm = 0.394 inch, 12.75 cm = 0.394 x 12.75 or approximately 5.02 inches approximately how many inches are in 12.75 centimeters12 inches 1 foot3 feet 1 yard5280 feet 1 mile8 ounces 1 cup2 cups 1 pint2 pints 1 quart4 quarts 1 gallon16 ounces 1 pound2,000 pounds 1 ton0.001 meters 1 mm0.01 m 1 cm0.1 m 1 decimeter10 meters 1 dekameter100 meters 1 hectometer1,000 meters 1 kilometer0.001 liters 1 mm0.01 liters 1 centiliter0.1 liters 1 deciliter10 liters 1 dekaliter100 liters 1 hectoliter1,000 liters 1 kiloliter0.001 grams 1 miligram0.01 grams 1 centigram0.1 grams 1 decigram10 grams 1 dekagram100 grams 1 hectogram1,000 grams 1 kilogram1 liter/100 centiliters=10 liters/x, so x = 1,000 centiliters how many centiliters are in 10 liters1 yard/3 feet = 4 yards/ x, so x = 12 feet, use this solution to setup this proportion 1 foot/12 inches = 12 feet/y, so y = 144 inches the solution is 144 inches how many inches are in 4 yards5,000 millgrams 1000 milligrams/1 gram = x milligrams/5 grams, so x =5,000 milligrams how many milligrams are there in 5 grams13.2 pounds 1 kilogram/2.2 pounds = 6 kilograms/x pounds, so x =6 x 2.2 = 13.2 pounds if 1 kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds how nay pounds are there in 6 kilograms48 ounces 1 pounds/16 ounces = 3 pounds/ x ounces, so x = 3 x 16 = 48 ounces complete the following: 3 pounds = ___ ounces5 quarts 1 quart/4 cups = x quarts/20 cups, so 4x=20 and x =5 quarts complete the following: 20 cups = ___ quartslength or height inches, feet, yards, miles, meters with or without any of the metric prefixesweight pounds, ounces, grams with or without any of the metric prefixesvolume teaspoons, tablespoons, pints, quarts, gallons, liters with or without any of the metric prefixesscale a pharmacist must measure out exactly 20 grams of a cream. what would be an appropriate measurement tool for this task?ruler for the 11 inch, yard stick for the 13 inch a carpenter has a 3 foot long piece of plywood from which two smaller sections must be cut: one 11 inches long and the other 13 inches in length. what would be the appropriate tool for measuring out each section length, respectively?start with the length measure on the map and then multiple by the ratio given on the map. be sure to set up the ratio so that the desired unit is on top then multiply 6.5 inches x 15 miles/1 inch= 97.5 miles suppose that 1 inch on a map represents 15 miles on the ground, if a desired distance measures 6.5 inches on the map, how far is this distance on the ground16 feet since this is a 1:1 scale with 1 inch equaling 1 foot, 16 cinches on the blueprint equals 16 feet for the actual wall in the home on a blueprint of a house every 1 inch equals 1 foot of actual linear footage. if a wall for the dining room measures 16 inches long on the blueprint how long is the actual wall?930 inches since this is a 1:100,000 scale with 1 inch equaling 100,000 miles, 93,000,000 miles would be 1 x 930 or 930 inches on a scaled model of our solar system, 1 inch equals 100,000 miles. if the actual distance between the sun and the earth is 93,000,000 miles how many inches does this distance represent in the model?independent variable the variable that is put into the set of data or the inputdependent variable the output based on the inputto find the correct amount of pay the boss would put in the number or hours worked and get out the amunt earned, since hours go in, the hours worked is the independent variable A worker gets paid by the hour in the sentence above which variable is the dependent variable: the amount of money earned or the number of hours worked?the blood pressure changes depending on the amount of exercise, therefore blood pressure is the dependent variable and exercise is the independent variable in this case it would not make sense to say that the amount of exercise depends on the blood pressure a person exercises to control their blood pressure in the sentence above, which variable is the independent variable and which is dependent variable?score on the test The amount of studying she did for the TEAS test impacted her score on the test. what is the dependent variable?treatment What effect is the treatment having on the two groups? what is the independent variable?"
] |
478 | 1 major diseases that affect the circulatory system | [
"docid": "D379945#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/111570-diseases-disorders-circulatory-system/\n5 Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System",
"text": "5 Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory Systemby KALLI HARRISON Aug. 14, 2017The circulatory system includes the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. Also known as the cardiovascular system, this network carries oxygen and nutrients to the body. It also transports waste products to the kidneys, liver and lungs for elimination. Cells, hormones and other important chemicals are delivered from one location to another via the circulatory system. Heart and other circulatory problems are major causes of disability and death. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Video of the Day Error setting up player: Invalid license key High Blood Pressure High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most common circulatory system disorder among Americans. Approximately 1 out of 3 adults in the U. S. have hypertension, reports CDC. Most people with high blood pressure have primary hypertension, meaning it is not caused by another disease. Although high blood pressure typically causes no symptoms, untreated hypertension can contribute to a heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure and stroke."
] | [
"docid": "D95170#0",
"title": "http://www.compuhigh.com/demo/anat11.htm\nAnatomy Lesson 11 Circulatory System",
"text": "\"Anatomy Lesson 11 Circulatory System Lesson Objectives: Student will learn the circulatory system's role and purpose. Student will examine anatomy of the heart and the blood vessels. Student will recognize differences and function of arteries versus veins. Student will learn the circuit and travel of blood throughout the circulatory system. Student will understand that the organs of the circulatory system partner with other organs to enable the body to function. Systems such as the digestive system, immune system, and organs like the kidneys, liver and spleen work in close collaboration with the circulatory system so the body can function at its optimum. Student will understand blood pressure and pulse. Student will research a disorder of circulation, and describe physiological affects of a heart attack. Student will describe what an EKG is and how it can help diagnose heart disorders. Student will hypothesize how lifestyle choices can influence heart disease CIRCULATORY SYSTEM."
"docid": "D1014017#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/c/circulatory_disorder/intro.htm\nCirculatory disorder",
"text": "Circulatory disorder Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Prognosis Treatment Misdiagnosis Deaths Videos Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Circulatory disorder: Circulatory disorder: Introduction Symptoms Causes Treatments Misdiagnosis Home Testing Types Deaths Prognosis Videos Research Latest Treatments Statistics Stories from Users Full Contents list Circulatory disorder: Introduction Any disorder or condition that affects the circulatory system. The circulatory system refers the blood transport system. Circulatory disorders can arise from problems with the heart, blood vessels or the blood itself. ... more »Symptoms of Circulatory disorder Click to Check Symptoms can vary considerably depending on the underlying condition Poor blood circulation Abnormal pulse Poor wound healing Cyanosismore symptoms...»See full list of 12 symptoms of Circulatory disorder Home Diagnostic Testing Home medical testing related to Circulatory disorder: High Blood Pressure: Home Testing Home Blood Pressure Hypertension Tests Home Blood Pressure Monitors Home Heart Tests Heart Health: Home Testing:more...»Wrongly Diagnosed with Circulatory disorder? Misdiagnosis of Circulatory disorder Circulatory disorder: Related Patient Stories Circulation Disorder What is wrong with my circulation??? HELP!!! ! bad circulation in legs Amputation that will not heal - circulation - any ideas?help - weird circulation pattern."
"docid": "D1015418#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/jbyntvsnkkbz/the-circulatory-system/\nThe Circulatory System",
"text": "Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like The Circulatory System No descriptionbykajanan nandakumaron 31 January 20141 Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of The Circulatory System How The Blood Flows Through The Heart The deoxygenated blood enters the heart throughout the inferior and superior vena cava. From there, it enter the right atrium. Between the right atrium and the right ventricle there is a special valve which senses if there is blood in the ventricle. When the right ventricle is full, the special valve closes down so that the oxygen poor blood does not enter back into the atrium again when the heart is squeezing. From there the blood enters the pulmonary artery and end up in the lungs. After it gets oxygen rich, the blood is sent back to the heart through the pulmonary veins. The blood is dumped into the left atrium and there is another special valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle. The valve closes down so that the blood doesn't go back to the atrium when it squeezes. The blood is transported to the aorta after it leaves the ventricle."
"docid": "D243071#0",
"title": "http://www.brighthub.com/science/medical/articles/111342.aspx\n.",
"text": "The Importance of Homeostasis in the Human Body: Keeping Us Alivewritten by: Nick Oza•edited by: Diana Cooper•updated: 10/8/2014Homeostasis is maintained within the body by a complex series of organs and organ systems. Learn more about how they work together to keep our body functioning properly. When equilibrium within the body is maintained, homeostasis is said to occur. The human body maintains a steady internal environment for the proper functioning of the body. Maintaining a constant internal environment requires the body to make many adjustments. Adjustments within the body are referred to as regulation of homeostasis. Homeostatic regulation is comprised of three parts: a receptor, a control center and an effector. The receptor functions by receiving information about any changes that are occurring in the environment while the control center processes that information and the effector executes the commands of the control center by making changes in response. All the organ systems of the body work together to maintain homeostasis within the body. Before we look at the various organ systems involved and how they work together to maintain a normal internal environment, we will look at the different aspects of the human body and how does the human body maintain homeostasis."
"docid": "D2375106#0",
"title": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Structural_Biochemistry/Cell_Signaling_Pathways/Circulatory_System\nStructural Biochemistry/Cell Signaling Pathways/Circulatory System",
"text": "\"Structural Biochemistry/Cell Signaling Pathways/Circulatory System< Structural Biochemistry | Cell Signaling Pathwaysnavigation search Contents1 Circulatory System1.1 Blood Vessels1.2 Chambers2 Single Circulation3 Double Circulation3.1 Pulmonary Circulation3.2 Systemic Circulation3.3 Coronary Circulation4 Body Fluids4.1 Blood5 Mammalian Heart5.1 Cardiac Cycle5.2 Maintaining heart beat6 Electrocardiogram6.1 Pacemaker cells6.2 Control of the Heart Rhythm6.3 Patterns of Blood Pressure6.4 Capillary Function7 Cardiovascular Disease7.1 Congestive Heart Failure7.2 Atherosclerosis7.3 Heart Attack7.4 Stroke8 Angina9 Coronary Bypass Surgery10 References Circulatory System [ edit]The human circulatory system. The Circulatory System is an organ system that transfers the body's essentials such as blood cells, nutrients, gases, and etc. to and from the cells in order to maintain homeostasis. Under the circulatory system, there are two systems: cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, while the lymphatic system is composed of the lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels. Not all organisms require a circulatory system. Its primary purpose is to distribute nutrients and essential elements like oxygen throughout the cell. Smaller organisms, or those with a high surface area relative to their volume, do not need a circulatory system because transfer can take place directly across their cellular membranes. Flatworms are an example of this; due to their size and shape, cells can obtain nutrients and remove waste without the need for an extensive circulatory system because diffusion is sufficient. Human beings, however, require a circulatory system due to their size; for example, oxygen would not be able to effectively diffuse into organ cells without a circulatory system because oxygen would have to go through our skin and into organ cells for them to receive oxygen."
"docid": "D1382664#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/25886723/heart-attack-flash-cards/\nheart attack",
"text": "39 terms courtneysternheart attack Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortwhat parts of the heart is most vital? All parts of the heart are vital.why do people get heart attacks? People who get that get heart attacks generally have coronary heart disease. What happens during a heart attack? During a heart attack a blood clot blocks the flow of the blood through a coronary artery which can damage the heart muscle. How does the heart change over time? Some people develop arteriosclerosis as they get older, which is the stiffening of the arteries. What can we do to lower the risks of heart attack?"
"docid": "D716038#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_body_system_does_hemophilia_affect\nWhat body system does hemophilia affect?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases Genetic Diseases Hemophilia What body system does hemophilia affect? Flag What body system does hemophilia affect? Answer by D4est Confidence votes 48.0KHemophilia is a genetic problem with the clotting factors missing in the blood which are needed to clot blood and prevent uncontrolled bleeding from even minor cuts. So it is the circulatory system that is primarily affected. Although other body systems can also be affected such as the musculoskeletal system (achy red and swollen joints, etc. ), digestive system (problems with bleeding gums that can affect dental hygiene), bleeding of internal organs, etc. The liver is responsible for making the clotting factor proteins. A lack of one or more of these proteins (depending on which protein is missing) can cause hemophilia. In this way, hemophilia does slightly effect the liver, but the remaining functions of the liver are intact. Indirectly, hemophilia can have an effect on any organ if the individual has a bleeding episode in or around it.7 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D2830013#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/interrelationship-between-the-integumentary-system-and-other-body-systems-page1.html\n\"\"\"Interrelationship Between The Integumentary System And Other Body Systems\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Interrelationship Between The Integumentary System And Other Body Systems\"\" Essays and Research Papers Interrelationship Between The Integumentary System And Other Body Systems Integumentary System Laszlo Vass, Ed. D. Version 42-0280-00-01 Lab Repo Rt assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor... Cancer, Dermis, Epidermis 785 Words | 5 Pages Open Document Integumentary System Ashley Black The Integumentary System Exercise 1: Structures of the Skin Fill in the names of the numbered structures in the diagram in the table below the picture. 1 Hair Shaft|7 Hypodermis| 2 Arrector pilli muscle|8 Dermis| 3 Sebaceous (oil) gland|9 Epidermis| 4 Hair follicle|10 Subpapillary vascular plexus| 5 Eccrine sweat gland|11 Dermal papillae| 6 Hair follicle receptor (root hair plexus)|12 Pore| QUESTIONS: A. How does the skin tan when exposed to ultraviolet... Basal cell carcinoma, Dermis, Epidermis 732 Words | 3 Pages Open Document The Integumentary System with Medical Terminology The Integumentary System Christina Valle Semester Project MED- 105/ME1 ASA College The Integumentary System The integumentary system is the organ system that protects the body from damage, and consists of skin and its appendages: hair, nails, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The skin is our body’s covering, and is the largest organ of the body. ------------------------------------------------- Functions of the skin 1. ------------------------------------------------- Covers and... Hair follicle, Human papillomavirus, Nail disease 1520 Words | 7 Pages Open Document Skeletal Muscular and Integumentary System Skeletal, Muscular, and Integumentary System The Muscular System Our muscular system provides the main source of force to put our bodies into motion. More than 40% of our body mass is composed of muscle. Types of Muscular Tissue There are three types of muscle tissue: 1."
"docid": "D1374198#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiogenic+shock\ncardiogenic shock",
"text": "\"cardiogenic shock Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .shock [ shok] 1. a sudden disturbance of mental equilibrium.2. a condition of acute peripheral circulatory failure due to derangement of circulatory control or loss of circulating fluid. It is marked by hypotension and coldness of the skin, and often by tachycardia and anxiety. Untreated shock can be fatal. Called also circulatory collapse. Mechanisms of Circulatory Shock. The essentials of shock are easier to understand if thecirculatory system is thought of as a four-part mechanical device made up of a pump (theheart), a complex system of flexible tubes (the blood vessels), a circulating fluid (the blood),and a fine regulating system or “computer” (the nervous system) designed to control fluid flowand pressure. The diameter of the blood vessels is controlled by impulses from the nervoussystem which cause the muscular walls to contract. The nervous system also affects therapidity and strength of the heartbeat, and thereby the blood pressure as well."
"docid": "D1589256#0",
"title": "https://www.sharecare.com/health/circulatory-system-health/how-common-is-cad\nHow common is coronary artery disease?",
"text": "Sameer A. Sayeed, MDCardiology (Cardiovascular Disease)Coronary artery disease is one of the most common diseases worldwide and is an epidemic with the frequency increasing worldwide, likely due to high fat, fast food diets, increasing obesity and smoking. The current prevalence in the US is about 7% of the US population or over 16 million people. Dole Nutrition Institute Administration More than 80 million adults in the United States are afflicted by heart disease, the country’s leading cause of death. It takes more than 800,000 lives each year. Just under 500,000 of those fatalities result from a heart attack; nearly 150,000 from a stroke; and the remainder are from cardiac arrhythmia, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, congenital defects and other heart disorders. A tragic aspect of these figures is that 80 percent of heart disease cases are preventable. Smoking, for instance, is a major contributor, raising blood pressure, generating free-radical damage and aggravating other risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Smoking more than doubles the risk for sudden cardiac death; and yet just one year after someone quits, their risk of having a heart attack is cut in half. Obesity, poor nutrition and chronic stress are other high-risk factors that could be mitigated by diet and exercise. Even for those who are born with heart disease (congenital heart disease) or are genetically predisposed to it, lifestyle choices can make the difference between keeping the condition manageable and letting it become debilitating."
"docid": "D751055#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart\nHeart",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the internal organ. For other uses, see Heart (disambiguation). \"\" Cardiac\"\" redirects here. For the comics character, see Cardiac (comics). Heart The human heart Details System Circulatory Artery Aorta, [a] pulmonary trunk and right and left pulmonary arteries [b]Right coronary artery, left main coronary artery [c]Vein Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, [d] right and left pulmonary veins, [e] great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac veins. [ f]Nerve Accelerans nerve, vagus nerve Identifiers Latin cor Greek kardía (καρδία)Me SH D006321TA A12.1.00.001FMA 7088Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Normal heart sounds Normal heart sounds as heard with a stethoscope Problems playing this file? See media help. The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. [ 1] Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. [ 2] In humans, the heart is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest. ["
"docid": "D358239#0",
"title": "http://equimed.com/diseases-and-conditions/articles/diagnosing-equine-disease\nDiagnosis of equine disease - skill, art and partnership",
"text": "\"Submitted by Equi Med Staff on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 2:35pm Diagnosis of equine disease - skill, art and partnership Being in the know The responsible owner or handler works in partnership with the veterinarian by developing a range of knowledge and skills. New window. There's good reason for the many hours of education, lab and research work and internship required to become a veterinarian. To begin with, imagine the complexity of working with patients that do not communicate verbally. In addition, diagnosing and treating equine diseases and conditions is a complex undertaking involving both skill and art as the veterinarian works to understand the animal involved and make use of available medical resources. The responsible owner or handler works in partnership with the veterinarian by developing a range of knowledge and skills that lead to early awareness of any changes in behavior, movement or general condition that indicates an equine health problem. Establishing a norm for the vital signs, exercise tolerance, eating habits and general demeanor of the equine when at the \"\"top of its game,\"\" gives an owner greater awareness of any changes occurring in the health of the horse. An observant owner or handler can act preemptively by tracking symptoms, being aware of any indications of an emergency, and knowing when to call a veterinarian. Signs of equine disease Changes in physical appearance, behavior or movement often indicate a change in the health of the equine and serve as a wake-up call to the owner or handler that the horse needs attention. Any time an equine exhibits one or more of the following signs, a veterinarian should be called: Limping or favoring one leg Exercise intolerance Lethargy Inability to stand Indications of pain in the horse's abdomen Labored breathing Swollen lymph nodes Straining to urinate or defecate Refusal to eat Weight loss Distended veins Swelling in any part of body or on legs Blood in urine Choking Bleeding or injury Swollen or painful eyes Please note that these symptoms are not in any order of importance, nor is the list all-inclusive."
"docid": "D1573498#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemic_circulation\nCirculatory system",
"text": "\"Circulatory system From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Systemic circulation)navigation search\"\"Bloodstream\"\" redirects here. For the song by Ed Sheeran, see Bloodstream (song). This article is about the animal circulatory system. For plants, see Vascular tissue. Circulatory system The human circulatory system (simplified). Red indicates oxygenated blood carried in arteries, blue indicates deoxygenated blood carried in veins. Capillaries, which join the arteries and veins, and the lymphatic vessels are not shown. Identifiers Me SH D002319TA A12.0.00.001FMA 7161Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes ), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and p H, and maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. [ 1] The passage of lymph for example takes much longer than that of blood. ["
"docid": "D2477590#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_chambers\nHeart",
"text": "\"Heart From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Heart chambers)navigation search This article is about the internal organ. For other uses, see Heart (disambiguation). \"\" Cardiac\"\" redirects here. For the comics character, see Cardiac (comics). Heart The human heart Details System Circulatory Artery Aorta, [a] pulmonary trunk and right and left pulmonary arteries [b]Right coronary artery, left main coronary artery [c]Vein Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, [d] right and left pulmonary veins, [e] great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac veins. [ f]Nerve Accelerans nerve, vagus nerve Identifiers Latin cor Greek kardía (καρδία)Me SH D006321TA A12.1.00.001FMA 7088Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Normal heart sounds Normal heart sounds as heard with a stethoscope Problems playing this file? See media help. The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. [ 1] Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. [ 2] In humans, the heart is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest. ["
"docid": "D888993#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_human_heart\nHeart",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from The human heart)navigation search This article is about the internal organ. For other uses, see Heart (disambiguation). \"\" Cardiac\"\" redirects here. For the comics character, see Cardiac (comics). Heart The human heart Details System Circulatory Artery Aorta, [a] pulmonary trunk and right and left pulmonary arteries [b]Right coronary artery, left main coronary artery [c]Vein Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, [d] right and left pulmonary veins, [e] great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac veins. [ f]Nerve Accelerans nerve, vagus nerve Identifiers Latin cor Greek kardía (καρδία)Me SH D006321TA A12.1.00.001FMA 7088Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Normal heart sounds Normal heart sounds as heard with a stethoscope Problems playing this file? See media help. The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. [ 1] Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. [ 2] In humans, the heart is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest. ["
"docid": "D1563824#0",
"title": "https://www.cancerquest.org/cancer-biology/metastasis\nHow Cancer Spreads (Metastasis)",
"text": "\"How Cancer Spreads (Metastasis)Metastasis Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:12As described (more briefly) in the Hallmarks of Cancer section, metastasis is responsible for the great majority of deaths in cancer patients. This section details the steps by which cancer cells spread around the body and form new growths. Further information on the topics on this page can also be found in most introductory Biology textbooks, we recommend Campbell Biology, 11th edition. 1Overview of Metastases Formation of Metastases Routes of Metastasis Spread of Cancer through the Lymphatic System Organ Targeting: Anatomic vs Seed & Soil Models How Metastases Form New Tumors Barriers to Metastasis Drugs That Target Metastasis Section Summary: Metastasis Test your knowledge of how cancer spreads with an educational game: Know the Flow: Metastasis Overview of Metastases The majority of deaths (about 90%) associated with cancer are due to the metastasis of the original tumor cells to sites distant from the initial or primary tumor. Metastasis is the process by which cancer cells migrate throughout the body. In order for cells to move through the body, they must first climb over/around neighboring cells. They do this by rearranging their cytoskeleton and attaching to the other cells and the extracellular matrix via proteins on the outside of their plasma membranes. By extending part of the cell forward and letting go at the back end, the cells can migrate forward. The cells can crawl until they hit a blockage which cannot be bypassed."
"docid": "D2607068#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/fever_in_adults/glossary_em.htm\nMedical Dictionary",
"text": "\"Fever in Adults Main Article Glossary Fever (in Adults) Glossary of Terms Do Flu Shots Cause Flu? Is It a Cold or The Flu? Take the Cold & Flu Quiz The following are health and medical definitions of terms that appear in the Fever (in Adults) article. Abdominal: Relating to the abdomen, the belly, that part of the body that contains all of ... See the entire definition of Abdominal Abdominal pain: Pain in the belly. Abdominal pain can be acute or chronic. It may reflect ... See the entire definition of Abdominal pain Abscess: A local accumulation of pus anywhere in the body. The following are some example... See the entire definition of Abscess Acetaminophen: A nonaspirin pain reliever or analgesic. Acetaminophen may be given alone t... See the entire definition of Acetaminophen Acute: Of abrupt onset, in reference to a disease. Acute often also connotes an illness th... See the entire definition of Acute Allergy: A misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system, the body system ... See the entire definition of Allergy Analysis: In psychology, a term for conversation-based therapeutic processes used to gain ... See the entire definition of Analysis Antibiotic: A drug used to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics have no effect on viral... See the entire definition of Antibiotic Antifungal: A medication that limits or prevents the growth of yeasts and other fungal org... See the entire definition of Antifungal Antifungal medication: A drug used to treat fungal infections."
"docid": "D108848#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocrine_system\nEndocrine system",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Endocrine system Main glands of the endocrine system. Note that the thymus is no longer considered part of the endocrine system, as it does not produce hormones. Details Identifiers Latin Systema endocrinum Me SH D004703FMA 9668Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]The endocrine system is a chemical messenger system consisting of hormones, the group of glands of an organism that secrete those hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried towards distant target organs, and the feedback loops of homeostasis that the hormones drive. In humans, the major endocrine glands include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and adrenal glands. In vertebrates, the hypothalamus is the neural control center for all endocrine systems. The field of study dealing with the endocrine system and its disorders is endocrinology, a branch of internal medicine. [ 1]Special features of endocrine glands are, in general, their ductless nature, their vascularity, and commonly the presence of intracellular vacuoles or granules that store their hormones. In contrast, exocrine glands, such as salivary glands, sweat glands, and glands within the gastrointestinal tract, tend to be much less vascular and have ducts or a hollow lumen. A number of glands that signal each other in sequence are usually referred to as an axis, for example, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. In addition to the specialized endocrine organs mentioned above, many other organs that are part of other body systems, such as bone, kidney, liver, heart and gonads, have secondary endocrine functions."
"docid": "D1043895#0",
"title": "https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/1838\nPrimolut N",
"text": "This information is intended for use by health professionals1. Name of the medicinal product Primolut N ®2. Qualitative and quantitative composition Each tablet contains 5 milligrams of norethisterone BP. Excipient with known effect Lactose For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.3. Pharmaceutical form Tablet. White, uncoated tablets impressed with 'AN' in a regular hexagon on one side.4. Clinical particulars4.1 Therapeutic indications Metropathia haemorrhagica. Premenstrual syndrome. Postponement of menstruation. Endometriosis."
"docid": "D170342#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_chamber\nHeart",
"text": "\"Heart From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Heart chamber)navigation search This article is about the internal organ. For other uses, see Heart (disambiguation). \"\" Cardiac\"\" redirects here. For the comics character, see Cardiac (comics). Heart The human heart Details System Circulatory Artery Aorta, [a] pulmonary trunk and right and left pulmonary arteries [b]Right coronary artery, left main coronary artery [c]Vein Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, [d] right and left pulmonary veins, [e] great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac veins. [ f]Nerve Accelerans nerve, vagus nerve Identifiers Latin cor Greek kardía (καρδία)Me SH D006321TA A12.1.00.001FMA 7088Anatomical terminology [ edit on Wikidata]Normal heart sounds Normal heart sounds as heard with a stethoscope Problems playing this file? See media help. The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. [ 1] Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. [ 2] In humans, the heart is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest. ["
] |
494 | 1 pounds means how many kg | [
"docid": "D293940#0",
"title": "https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060818045807AAW8ZA6\n1 kilogram is equal to how many pounds?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics1 kilogram is equal to how many pounds? Follow 20 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1)1 pound equals 0,4536 kg so one kg is 2,2045855379188712522045855379189 pounds (~2,205) 2) Although a few centuries ago it was used to measure weight of gold, silver etc. And 1 pound was equal to 0,3732 kg, wich means 1 kg = 2,6795284030010718113612004287245 pounds (~2,68)Anonymous · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating1 kilogram is equal to 2 pounds. Anonymous · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram equals 2.046 Pounds SAMUEL D · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram is equal to2.20462247 pounds 1 pound is equal to 0.4535924 kilogram TARUN S · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram is equal to 2.20462247 pounds Shravan Vij · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram = 2.20462247 poundscomfortably numb · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram is equal to= 2.2045855riya m · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 kilogram is equal to 2.2pounds a very usefull website of conversion is http://www.escapeartist.com/Conversions/Kilograms_Pounds.html u can use above website and learn more ..love98 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 KG = 2.204 LBsures · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1kg equals 2.25 lbs Mystique · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 2 next Perhaps you would like to learn more about one of these? Need debt consolidation loans? Find Email Marketing Software Need an electronic signature? Official March Madness Gear"
] | [
"docid": "D2391078#0",
"title": "https://bodyrecomposition.com/nutrition/how-many-carbohydrates-do-you-need.html/\nHow Many Carbohydrates Do You Need?",
"text": "How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need? November 19, 2008 by lylemcd 79 Comments A perennial question, argument and debate in the field of nutrition has to do with how many carbohydrates people should be eating. While the nutritional mainstream is still more or less advocating a large amount of daily carbohydrate (with fat being blamed for the health problems of the modern world), groups often considered at the ‘fringe’ of nutrition are adamant that carbohydrates are the source of all evil when it comes to health, obesity, etc. They advocate lowering carbohydrates and replacing them with dietary protein, fat or both. This is a topic that I discussed in some detail in Carbohydrates and Fat Controversies Part 1 and Carbohydrate and Fat Controversies Part 2 and I’d recommend readers take a look at those for a slightly different look at the issue than what is discussed here. Arguments over recommended carbohydrate intake have a long history and it doesn’t appear to be close to ending any time soon. Typical mainstream recommendations have carbohydrates contributing 50% or more of total calories while many low-carbohydrate advocates suggest far fewer (ranging from the 40% of the Zone diet to close to zero for ketogenic diets). This article looks at the topic in detail. And while I originally wrote it quite a while back (some of you have probably seen it before), it was nice going over it with fine toothed comb for an update. While the majority of it stands up well over time, I was able to make some slight changes to the values, along with removing some original stuff that wasn’t really relevant."
"docid": "D2636333#0",
"title": "http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/units/weight.htm\nImperial Measures of Weight",
"text": "\"Imperial Measures of Weightindex --- alpha --- intro --- length --- area --- volume --- weight --- money --- angles --- weather --- other --- foreign --- trades --- documents --- metric --- tables This page gives Imperial units of weight. There is a quick convertor below which gives an answer rounded to 2 decimal places. The metric equivalents on this page are also all to 2 decimal places. There are more advanced conversions on the tables page. Enter value: =? Well-known units (avoirdupois) - ounce (oz), pound (lb), stone Large units (avoirdupois) - quarter, hundredweight (cwt), ton Small units (avoirdupois) - dram, grain Troy weights - pennyweight, troy ounce, troy pound Apothecaries' weights - scruple, apothecaries' drachm, apothecaries' ounce, apothecaries' pound Jewel weights - carat, point Mass v. weight Which is heavier, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? What is your weight in bees? Or elephants? Well-known units - Everyone knew these and used them constantly. These weights are avoirdupois (which comes from Old French \"\"to have weight\"\")."
"docid": "D369005#0",
"title": "https://www.sensorsone.com/psi-pounds-per-square-inch-pressure-unit/\npsi â Pounds per Square Inch Pressure Unit",
"text": "psi – Pounds per Square Inch Pressure Unit Pounds or pound force per square inch (psi, lb/in², pfsi or lbf/in²) is a widely used British and American unit of measure for pressure. 1 psi equals 6,894.76 pascals. In the USA the PSI pressure unit is the pimary unit of measure for pressure and almost all pressure instruments are specified and display in pounds per square inch. The psi is still used extensively in the UK but the bar pressure unit has mostly replaced it as the primary pressure unit. Use the conversion factors below to convert from PSI to other pressure units or vice versa. To convert a reading in PSI to another unit multiply it by the relevant pressure conversion factor. To convert a reading in any pressure unit to PSI divide it by the relevant pressure conversion factor. Alternatively convert from a psi pressure value into another unit using the psi conversion table or the pressure unit converter. Find out how psi is derived from SI units and view the alternative descriptions for psi. Contents [ show]psi Pressure Conversion Factors0.0689476 bar1psi68.9476 mbar6894.76 N/m²6894.76 Pa68.9476 h Pa6.89476 k Pa0.00689476 MPa0.0703070 kg/cm²703.070 mm H2O 4°C (39.2°F)70.3070 cm H2O 4°C (39.2°F)0.703070 m H2O 4°C (39.2°F)27.6799 in H2O 4°C (39.2°F)2.30666 ft H2O 4°C (39.2°F)51.7149 mm Hg 0°C (32°F)5.17149 cm Hg 0°C (32°F)2.03602 in Hg 0°C (32°F) 51.7149 Torr51714.9 m Torr0.0680460 atm0.0703070 at68947.6 dyn/cm²16 oz/in² 51714.9 µHg 0°C (32°F)0.000446429 tsi (uk, long)0.000500000 tsi (usa, short)0.0720000 tsf (usa, short)144.000 psf70.3070 g/cm²Please note that the conversion factors above are accurate to 6 significant figures.psi Derivation The calculation below shows how the pressure unit pounds per Square inch (psi) is derived from SI Units."
"docid": "D367369#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_convert_1m3_to_kg\nHow do you convert from kg-mol to kg?",
"text": "Hilmar Zonneveld 66,840 Contributions How do you convert from kg-mol to kg? The situation is similar as for the regular mole. There cannot be a standard conversion between kg-mole and kg, since they measure very different things. For a specific substa …Calculate the mass of 1m3 of air in kg?1m3 weighs 1.2Kg true Hilmar Zonneveld 66,840 Contributions How do you convert t to kg? If you mean the metric ton, that's exactly 1000 kilograms.\\n If you mean the metric ton, that's exactly 1000 kilograms.\\n If you mean the metric ton, that's exactly 1000 kil …Stax de Morgan 18,443 Contributions Convert kg to g? To convert from kilograms (kg) to grams (g), multiply the given value by 1000. Anand Mehta 278,423 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference What is the Convert 0.50 grams to a kg?1 kilogram = 1000 grams. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions. Hilmar Zonneveld 66,840 Contributions How do you convert kgs to mtrs? You don't."
"docid": "D3044617#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_car_seat\nChild safety seat",
"text": "\"This article's lead section may be too long for the length of the article. Please help by moving some material from it into the body of the article. Please read the layout guide and lead section guidelines to ensure the section will still be inclusive of all essential details. Please discuss this issue on the article's talk page. ( April 2017)Child safety seat image indicating the various parts A child safety seat ( infant safety seat, child restraint system, child seat, baby seat, restraining car seat, car seat, etc.) is a seat designed specifically to protect children from injury or death during vehicle collisions. Most commonly these seats are purchased and installed by consumers, but car manufacturers may integrate them directly into their vehicle's design and generally are required to provide anchors and to ensure seat belt compatibility. Many jurisdictions require children defined by age, weight, and/or height to use a government-approved child safety seat when riding in a vehicle. Child safety seats provide passive restraints and must be properly used to be effective. However, research indicates many child safety restraints are often not used properly. ["
"docid": "D965933#0",
"title": "http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/calories-burned-aerobics.php\nHow Many Calories are Burned by Aerobics?",
"text": "How Many Calories are Burned by Aerobics? Welcome to the aerobics section of Dietand Fitness Today where the highest number of calories burned is 431 Calories, for aerobic dance wearing 10-15 lb weights. This is for an average male weighting 190 pounds (86 Kg). Below is a list of 12 activities based on the general description of aerobics, ranging from the highest calorie burn from ' aerobic dance wearing 10-15 lb weights ' which burns 431 calories in 30 minutes through to the activity ' activity promoting video game (e.g., Wii Fit), moderate effort (e.g., aerobic, resistance) ' which has the lowest calorie burn of 164 calories in 30 minutes, for a typical adult weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg). For aerobic, high impact, which is a typical intensity activity under the general description of aerobics activities, the average calories burned by a person weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg) in 30 minutes is 315 Calories. In one hour aerobic, high impact will burn 629 Calories. Summary of Aerobics Information and Charts To help you find the information you need, we first focus on aerobic, high impact which is the most common aerobics activity. This is followed by the activities with the highest burn rate which is aerobic dance wearing 10-15 lb weights, and the lowest which is activity promoting video game (e.g., Wii Fit), moderate effort (e.g., aerobic, resistance), giving the average calories burned per minute and per hour, along with food calorie equivalents and our new proprietary calories burned score© and calories burned rank©The calorie score gives an indication of the relative burn rate of the aerobics activities measured as a percentage score out of 100 for the different aerobics activities, where 100% is the maximum calorie burn which we estimate from running at a pace of 4 minutes per mile which is a world class speed for running for 30 mins. The calorie rank is the rank of the aerobics activity compared with all other 800 activities in our database to give an indication of the percentage of activities which have a higher or lower calorie burn. A rank of 1 means it is the highest ranking activity in terms or calorie burn and a rank of 100 means it is the activity with the lowest carlorie burn compared with all other activities."
"docid": "D402244#0",
"title": "http://www.kidsastronomy.com/the_planets.htm\n.",
"text": "In order to streamline this page for printing, many graphics have been removed. Mercury Mercury means: Mercury was the Roman version of the god Hermes. He was the messenger for the other gods, and for this reason Mercury is often depicted in pictures with winged sandals. In addition to delivering messages, he was also the protector of travelers and merchants. How much would you weigh on Mercury? If you moved to Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth. Not because you would lose weight on the space ship, but because Mercury is smaller, and so has less gravity. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh only about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mercury. The Planet: Mercury is a world of extremes. Because it is so close to the Sun a visitor could easily cook to death."
"docid": "D74813#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton\nTon",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Tonnage or Tonne. For other uses, see Ton (disambiguation). The ton is a unit of measure. It has a long history and has acquired a number of meanings and uses over the years. It is used principally as a unit of mass. Its original use as a measurement of volume has continued in the capacity of cargo ships and in terms such as the freight ton. It can also be used as a measure of energy, for truck classification, or as a colloquial term. It is derived from the tun, the term applied to a cask of the largest size. This could contain a volume between 175 and 213 imperial gallons (210 and 256 US gal; 800 and 970 l ), which could weigh around 2,000 pounds (910 kg) and occupy some 60 cubic feet (1.7 m 3) of space. [ 1] The origin for the word ton comes from ancient Greek θύννος ( thúnnos, tuna fish)."
"docid": "D127795#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booster_seat\nChild safety seat",
"text": "\"Child safety seat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Booster seat)navigation search This article's lead section may be too long for the length of the article. Please help by moving some material from it into the body of the article. Please read the layout guide and lead section guidelines to ensure the section will still be inclusive of all essential details. Please discuss this issue on the article's talk page. ( April 2017)Child safety seat image indicating the various parts A child safety seat ( infant safety seat, child restraint system, child seat, baby seat, restraining car seat, car seat, etc.) is a seat designed specifically to protect children from injury or death during vehicle collisions. Most commonly these seats are purchased and installed by consumers, but car manufacturers may integrate them directly into their vehicle's design and generally are required to provide anchors and to ensure seat belt compatibility. Many jurisdictions require children defined by age, weight, and/or height to use a government-approved child safety seat when riding in a vehicle. Child safety seats provide passive restraints and must be properly used to be effective. However, research indicates many child safety restraints are often not used properly. ["
"docid": "D819170#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintal\nQuintal",
"text": "\"This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)For other uses, see Quintal (disambiguation). The quintal or centner is a historical unit of mass in many countries which is usually defined as 100 base units of either pounds or kilograms. It is commonly used for grain prices in wholesale markets in India, where 1 quintal = 100 kg. [ 1]In British English, it referred to the hundredweight; in American English, it formerly referred to an uncommon measure of 100 kilograms. Contents [ hide ]1 Name2 Pound-based vs. kilogram-based3 English use4 See also5 References Name [ edit]Both terms share their roots in the Classical Latin centenarius, meaning hundredlike, but the quintal has a convoluted etymology: It became Late Latin centenarium pondus, then in succession, Byzantine Greek κεντηνάριον ( kentenarion) and Arabic qintar قنطار. The qintar was reimported to Europe by traders during the Middle Ages, where it became Medieval Latinquintale, and finally Old French quintal before passing into the English language from French. The word centner, on the other hand, is simply a Germanicized form of its original Latin name centenarius."
"docid": "D969346#0",
"title": "http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/calories-burned-step-aerobics.php\nHow Many Calories are Burned by Step aerobics?",
"text": "How Many Calories are Burned by Step aerobics? Welcome to the step aerobics section of Dietand Fitness Today where the highest number of calories burned is 409 Calories, for aerobic, step, with 10 - 12 inch step. This is for an average male weighting 190 pounds (86 Kg). Below is a list of 3 activities based on the general description of step aerobics, ranging from the highest calorie burn from ' aerobic, step, with 10 - 12 inch step ' which burns 409 calories in 30 minutes through to the activity ' aerobic, step, with 4-inch step ' which has the lowest calorie burn of 237 calories in 30 minutes, for a typical adult weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg). For aerobic, step, with 6 - 8 inch step, which is a typical intensity activity under the general description of step aerobics activities, the average calories burned by a person weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg) in 30 minutes is 323 Calories. In one hour aerobic, step, with 6 - 8 inch step will burn 646 Calories. Summary of Step aerobics Information and Charts To help you find the information you need, we first focus on aerobic, step, with 6 - 8 inch step which is the most common step aerobics activity. This is followed by the activities with the highest burn rate which is aerobic, step, with 10 - 12 inch step, and the lowest which is aerobic, step, with 4-inch step, giving the average calories burned per minute and per hour, along with food calorie equivalents and our new proprietary calories burned score© and calories burned rank©The calorie score gives an indication of the relative burn rate of the step aerobics activities measured as a percentage score out of 100 for the different step aerobics activities, where 100% is the maximum calorie burn which we estimate from running at a pace of 4 minutes per mile which is a world class speed for running for 30 mins. The calorie rank is the rank of the step aerobics activity compared with all other 800 activities in our database to give an indication of the percentage of activities which have a higher or lower calorie burn. A rank of 1 means it is the highest ranking activity in terms or calorie burn and a rank of 100 means it is the activity with the lowest carlorie burn compared with all other activities."
"docid": "D2306040#0",
"title": "http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/calories-burned-jogging.php\nHow Many Calories are Burned by Jogging?",
"text": "How Many Calories are Burned by Jogging? Welcome to the jogging section of Dietand Fitness Today where the highest number of calories burned is 474 Calories, for running or jogging at a speed of 7 mph or 8:30 pace (minutes/mile). This is for an average male weighting 190 pounds (86 Kg). Below is a list of 11 activities based on the general description of jogging, ranging from the highest calorie burn from ' running or jogging at a speed of 7 mph or 8:30 pace (minutes/mile) ' which burns 474 calories in 30 minutes through to the activity ' jogging, on a mini-tramp ' which has the lowest calorie burn of 194 calories in 30 minutes, for a typical adult weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg). For running or jogging at a speed of 5 mph or 12:00 pace (minutes/mile), which is a typical intensity activity under the general description of jogging activities, the average calories burned by a person weighing 190 pounds (86 Kg) in 30 minutes is 358 Calories. In one hour running or jogging at a speed of 5 mph or 12:00 pace (minutes/mile) will burn 715 Calories. Summary of Jogging Information and Charts To help you find the information you need, we first focus on running or jogging at a speed of 5 mph or 12:00 pace (minutes/mile) which is the most common jogging activity. This is followed by the activities with the highest burn rate which is running or jogging at a speed of 7 mph or 8:30 pace (minutes/mile), and the lowest which is jogging, on a mini-tramp, giving the average calories burned per minute and per hour, along with food calorie equivalents and our new proprietary calories burned score© and calories burned rank©The calorie score gives an indication of the relative burn rate of the jogging activities measured as a percentage score out of 100 for the different jogging activities, where 100% is the maximum calorie burn which we estimate from running at a pace of 4 minutes per mile which is a world class speed for running for 30 mins. The calorie rank is the rank of the jogging activity compared with all other 800 activities in our database to give an indication of the percentage of activities which have a higher or lower calorie burn. A rank of 1 means it is the highest ranking activity in terms or calorie burn and a rank of 100 means it is the activity with the lowest carlorie burn compared with all other activities."
"docid": "D1336018#0",
"title": "http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/27931/torque-kgcm-what-is-kgcm\nTorque kgcm (what is kgcm)?",
"text": "\"_Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Torque kgcm (what is kgcm)?up vote12down votefavorite9I know what torque is but I find difficult to understand what Torque: 3kgcm means ? I am not sure, how much weight that motor can carry, and I want to know how I can calculate that. Please give me some hints :)motor torqueshare improve this questionasked Mar 12 '12 at 23:24Splendid166 1 1 41kilogram-centimeters? – The Photon Mar 12 '12 at 23:58Yeap I got that, but is mining of that that that this motor can in theory carry max 3kg ? – Splendid Mar 13 '12 at 0:053More likely the maximum torque it can produce is (the force exerted on a 1 kg mass in a 1 g gravitational field) x (1 cm). Why they didn't use proper units is unclear, but many many people mix up mass with weight. – The Photon Mar 13 '12 at 1:553kg.cm should really be written as kg F.cm (kilograms-force . centimetres). kg is a measure of mass, kg F is a measure of force. –"
"docid": "D104467#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-a-gallon-of-fresh-water-weigh\nHow much does a gallon of fresh water weigh, before and after, the maximum amount of salt that is soluble at room temperature is added?",
"text": "\"Fresh Water Weights and Measures Drinking Water Water How much does a gallon of fresh water weigh, before and after, the maximum amount of salt that is soluble at room temperature is added?ad by UC Berkeley Extension Organic chemistry course at UC Berkeley Extension. Prepare for grad school & health careers with courses from UC Berkeley Extension. Learn More at extension.berkeley.edu20 Answers Julya Prostak, works at Hewlett-Packard Answered Feb 27, 2016One liter of water weighs 1 kg., and 1 gallon of water is equal to 3.7854118 liters; therefor, 1 gallon weighs 3.7854118 kg, which is 8.345404487293294 pounds. Fresh water is take 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit . 1 gallon of fresh water is about 8.36 pounds ( Gallon of water weigh calculator ). For US: 128 ounces to a gallon, about 30 g/ounce (memory says 29.6g/oz but I would not trust my life on it. ) 128*29.6g = 3788.8g = 3.788.8 Kg *2.2lb/kg about = 8.33lb Also you need to know that this is better aligned to the metric system using the 1liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. The US gallon is roughly 3.8 liters. An imperial gallon is roughly 4.54 liters.33.8k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private."
"docid": "D1487011#0",
"title": "https://www.jiskha.com/search/index.cgi?query=Hydraulic+Lift\nHydraulic Lift",
"text": "\"Hydraulic Lift1,321 results Dynamics It takes 16s to raise a 2800lb car and the supporting 650lb hydraulic car-lift platform to a ht of 6.5 ft. Knowing that the overall conversion efficiency from electric to mechanical power for the system is 82% determine a) the average power output delivered by the hydraulic ...physics An automobile having a mass of 1750 kg is placed on a hydraulic lift in a garage. The piston lifting the car is 0.244 m in diameter. A mechanic attaches a pumping mechanism to a much smaller piston, 1.50 cm in diameter, which is connected by hydraulic lines to the lift. She ... Physics The maximum gauge pressure in a hydraulic lift is 19.0 atm. What is the largest size vehicle (kg) it can lift if the diameter of the output line is 32.0 cm?physics The maximum gauge pressure in a hydraulic lift is 18 atm. What is the largest size vehicle (kg) it can lift if the diameter of the output line is 22 cm? PHYSICS!The piston of hydraulic automobile lift is 0.30 m in diameter. Calculate the gauge pressure required to lift a car with a mass 1000 kg in, A) Pascals B) Atm Physical science A hydraulic lift is used to lift a heavy machine that is pushing down on a 3.0 m2 piston A1 with a force F1 of 1200 N. What force F2 needs to be exerted on a 0.090 m2 piston A2 to lift the machine? im having problems tring to solve it can you please help me?"
"docid": "D2884442#0",
"title": "http://danielstraining.com/bulk-packaging-for-hazmat-explained/\nBulk Packaging for HazMat Explained!",
"text": "PHMSA Haz Mat Transportation Regulations Bulk Packaging for Haz Mat Explained!Daniel Stoehr September 22, 2014While there are many different types of Haz Mat packaging, all of them fall into one of two categories: bulk or non-bulk. The purpose of this article is to define and explain both bulk and non-bulk packagings pursuant to the regulations of the PHMSA/USDOT. An Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is an example of a bulk packaging. Both bulk and non-bulk packaging are define at 49 CFR 171.8: Bulk packaging means a packaging, other than a vessel or a barge, including a transport vehicle or freight container, in which hazardous materials are loaded with no intermediate form of containment. A Large Packaging in which hazardous materials are loaded with an intermediate form of containment, such as one or more articles or inner packagings, is also a bulk packaging. Additionally, a bulk packaging has: * * * (1) A maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a liquid; (2) A maximum net mass greater than 400 kg (882 pounds) and a maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a solid; or (3) A water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000 pounds) as a receptacle for a gas as defined in §173.115 of this subchapter. Non-bulk packaging means a packaging which has: This Limited Quantity of a Haz Mat is in a non-bulk packaging. ( 1) A maximum capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a receptacle for a liquid; (2) A maximum net mass of 400 kg (882 pounds) or less and a maximum capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a receptacle for a solid; or (3) A water capacity of 454 kg (1000 pounds) or less as a receptacle for a gas as defined in §173.115 of this subchapter. A transport vehicle may also be a bulk packaging. Since bulk and non-bulk packagings are both a type of packaging, its important to know that defined term as well (also at 49 CFR 171.8): Packaging means a receptacle and any other components or materials necessary for the receptacle to perform its containment function in conformance with the minimum packing requirements of this subchapter."
"docid": "D476602#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080930114652AAnkgRZ\nOne gallon of water equals how many pounds ?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Mathematics One gallon of water equals how many pounds ? One gallon of water equals how much pounds when the density of water is 1.00 gram per milliliter?3 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I'm converting gallons to cubic inches first because I happen to know the conversion factor. One of the easiest (and most useful) conversion factors to remember is 1 inch = 2.54 cm. 1 cm³ = 1 m L. Finally, another useful conversion factor is 1 kg is approximately 2.205 lbs. If you want to find gallons to m L directly, just Google \"\"gallon to ml\"\". 1 gallon = 231 in³ 1 gal * 231 in³ / gal * 2.54³ cm³/in³ * 1 m L/cm³ * 1.00 g/m L / 1000 g/kg * 2.205 lbs/kg = 8.346832984 lbs = 8.35 lbs to 3 significant digits or if you don't want one big equation... 1 gal * 231 in³ / gal = 231 in³ 231 in³ * 2.54³ cm³/in³ = 3785.411784 cm³ 3785.411784 cm³ * 1 m L/cm³ = 3785.411784 m L 3785.411784 m L * 1.00 g/m L = 3785.411784 g 3785.411784 g / 1000 g/kg = 3.785411784 kg 3.785411784 kg * 2.205 lbs/kg = 8.346832984 lbs = 8.35 lbs to 3 significant digits OR, if you want to use Google to find conversion factors to save steps. 1 US gallon = 3 785.41178 m L 1 gram = 0.00220462262 pounds 1 gal * 3785.41178 m L/gal * 1 g/m L * 0.00220462262 lbs/g = 8.345404436 lbs = 8.35 lbs. Elmyr · 10 years ago1 1 Comment1 Gallon Equals How Many Pounds Source (s):https://shrink.im/a0Aw9zamoro · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1 Gallon Is How Many Pounds Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a8Iyrmarckman · 1 year ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: One gallon of water equals how many pounds ? One gallon of water equals how much pounds when the density of water is 1.00 gram per milliliter?"
"docid": "D1164327#0",
"title": "http://www.nursesaregreat.com/drug-calculations.php\nBrush up on Your Drug Calculation Skills",
"text": "Brush up on Your Drug Calculation Skills Louise Diehl, RN, MSN, ND, ACNS-BC, NP-C Nurse Practitioner - Owner Doctor of Naturopathy Lehigh Valley Wellness Center Many nurses are weak with drug calculations of all sorts. This article will help to review the major concepts related to drug calculations, help walk you through a few exercises, and provide a few exercises you can perform on your own to check your skills. There are many reference books available to review basic math skills, if you find that you have difficulty with even the basic conversion exercises. Common Conversions:1 Liter = 1000 Milliliters 1 Gram = 1000 Milligrams 1 Milligram = 1000 Micrograms 1 Kilogram = 2.2 pounds Methods of Calculation Any of the following three methods can be used to perform drug calculations. Please review all three methods and select the one that works for you. It is important to practice the method that you prefer to become proficient in calculating drug dosages. Remember: Before doing the calculation, convert units of measurement to one system. I. Basic Formula: Frequently used to calculate drug dosages. D = dose ordered or desired dose H = dose on container label or dose on hand V = form and amount in which drug comes (tablet, capsule, liquid)Example: Order-Dilantin 50mg p.o. TID Drug available-Dilantin 125 mg/5ml II."
"docid": "D1518539#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_tons_are_in_a_kilonewton\nHow many tons are in a kilonewton?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Weight and Mass How many tons are in a kilonewton? Flag How many tons are in a kilonewton? Answer by Awaygood Confidence votes 26.5KTons per kilonewton One Newton equals 0.000112 tons (short, US). So, 1000 Newtons (a kilonewton) is 0.112 tons. Another stab at it Actually, a newton (N) is an SI (International System) measure of force...specifically, it is the force that produces an acceleration of 1 meter per second per second when exerted on a mass of 1 kilogram. Since weight is the downward force exerted on matter as a result of gravity, a k N of force can be equated to weight...hence, the response above. It is better to spell metric ton as 'tonne' to avoid confusion. And More... A 'tonne' is pronounced 'metric ton'; it is not written that way. A tonne contains 9.80665 kilonewtons47 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many kilonewtons in a ton?1ton=.1kilo newton4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many pounds is a kilonewton?224.8 pounds."
"docid": "D41601#0",
"title": "http://thescienceofeating.com/food-combining-how-it-works/calories-fat-carbs-protein-per-day/\nCalories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day",
"text": "\"Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day Calories, Fat, Carbs& Protein Per Day Carbohydrates, protein and fat represent the three macronutrients you need to sustain normal biochemical functions and stay energized for the challenges of daily life. If you eat the right amount of calories, and the correct proportions of carbs, protein and fat, you’ll not only be healthy, but you’ll curb cravings, feel less hungry and lose excess weight quickly. Fad diets often require people to reduce entire groups of nutrients, including fats or carbohydrates, to dangerous lows. What we need to understand is that losing weight without risking nutrient deficiencies requires a balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Base your weight-loss diet on moderate calorie consumption from a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Consult a physician or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet. There are methods to figuring out the best proportions for your lifestyle if you want to get technical about your food consumption, but for many individuals this is more than a little confusing. So what I have attempted to do is first give an explanation as to how you would figure out your personal totals and then provide charts to help you break the information down even further. How to keep track of your intake: Write down your limits. During the day, read your food labels to see how many grams of calories, fats, carbs & proteins you are getting."
] |
497 | 1 ramadan 2016 in malaysia | [
"docid": "D351761#0",
"title": "http://www.when-is.com/ramadan-2016.asp\nWhen is Ramadan in 2016?",
"text": "When is Ramadan in 2016? Ramadan in 2016 will start on Monday, the 6th of June ( 6/6/2016) and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 5th of July. Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Sunday, the 5th of June. Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ramadan moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ramadan may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not. The dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America for the celebration of Ramadan. Note that these dates are based on astronomical calculations to affirm each date, and not on the actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes. This approach is accepted by many, but is still being hotly debated. Dates of Ramadan by year When is Ramadan in 2006?"
] | [
"docid": "D813672#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Ramadan\nRamadan",
"text": "\"Ramadan Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Ramadan: Ramadan fasting Ram·a·dan (răm′ə-dän′, răm′ə-dän′)n.1. The ninth month of the year in the Islamic calendar. See Table at calendar.2. A fast, held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period. [ Arabic ramaḍān, from ramaḍ, dryness, from ramiḍa, to be scorched; see rmṣ́ in Semitic roots . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved."
"docid": "D1124142#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Malaysian_dishes\nList of Malaysian dishes",
"text": "\"List of Malaysian dishes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. This is a list of dishes found in Malaysian cuisine. Contents [ hide ]1 Malaysian dishes2 Noodle dishes3 Rice dishes4 Snacks5 Preserved meat6 Sweet cakes and desserts7 Condiments, sauces and spreads8 Beverages8.1 Unsorted9 See also10 References11 External links Malaysian dishes [ edit]Name Image Region Type Description Acar Nationwide Condiment or salad A type of a pickling that can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Mee Siput— Muar, Johor Snack A local snack eaten with sambal, is only available in Muar. Ambuyat Sarawak, Sabah and Labuan on East Malaysia (Popular in Brunei)Staple food One of the famous delicacy for the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak. Asam pedas fish — Malacca Dish —Ayam pansuh Sarawak Soup A chicken soup cooked in bamboo along with seasonings. A dish popular in Sarawak, Malaysia. Bak kut teh Klang, Selangor Soup A soup that consists of meaty pork ribs in a complex broth of herbs and spices (including star anise, cinnamon, cloves, dang gui, fennel seeds and garlic ), boiled together with pork bones for hours. Bean sprouts chicken Ipoh, Perak Dish Served with light soya sauce flavoured with oil. Chai tow kway Nationwide Common dish ( Dim sum) A variety of dim sum."
"docid": "D2658727#0",
"title": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mufti-menk/id592746186?mt=2\nMufti Menk",
"text": "\"Mufti Menk By Muslim Central View More by This Publisher To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open i Tunes to download and subscribe to podcasts. Description Dr Mufti Ismail Menk is a leading global Islamic scholar born and raised in Zimbabwe. He studied Shariah in Madinah and holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University. Mufti Menk’s work has gained worldwide recognition and he has been named one of “The Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World” since 2010. He has millions of followers across his social media platforms. Mufti Menk’s personable style and down to earth approach has made him one of the most sought after scholars in our time. He has endeared himself to people with his much loved lecture series, a Mufti Menk trademark. He travels the world spreading a simple but profound message: “Do good, help others while preparing for the Hereafter”. He is active in the international arena and is a strong proponent of peace and justice, speaking up against all forms of terrorism."
"docid": "D1545174#0",
"title": "https://wikitravel.org/en/Brunei\nBrunei",
"text": "\"Brunei Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand History Holidays Economy Culture Geography and climate Get in Entry requirements By plane By car By bus By boat Get around By car By taxi By tour vans By boat By bus See Do Scuba diving Sunset Buy Costs Eat Sleep Stay safe Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Bandar Seri Begawan Government Absolute Monarchy Currency Bruneian dollar (BND) (= Singapore dollar, SGD)Area 5,765km² water: 500km² land: 5,270km²Population 400,000 (2013 estimate)Language Malay (official), English (recognised)Religion Muslim (official) 67%, Buddhist 13%, Christian 10%, indigenous beliefs and other 10%Electricity 240V, 50Hz (UK plug)Country code +673Internet TLD .bn Time Zone UTC+8The Sultanate of Brunei ( Negara Brunei Darussalam) officialy Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace is a small but - thanks to natural gas and petroleum resources - very rich country located in Southeast Asia. It's surrounded by Malaysia and has two parts physically separated by Malaysia, almost being an enclave. Strategically located on the South China Sea, close to vital sea lanes linking Indian and Pacific Oceans, it has an exclusive economic fishing zone that extends as far as Louisa Reef in the southern Spratly Islands although it makes no public territorial claim to the offshore reefs. Understand [ edit]Brunei is a pint-sized and fabulously wealthy oil-rich sultanate with a population of just under half a million, if illegal immigrants from countries such as Indonesia, India, China and the Philippines are included. It is a member of the Commonwealth and has good education and hygiene. The population is devoutly Muslim. History [ edit]The Sultanate of Brunei's heyday occurred between the 15th and 17th centuries, when its control extended over coastal areas of northwest Borneo and the southern Philippines. Brunei subsequently entered a period of decline brought on by internal strife over royal succession, colonial expansion of European powers, and piracy. In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate. It was offered the opportunity to join Malaysia as a state in 1963, but opted out of the Federation due to a disagreement on the amount of its oil income that would have to be given to the central government in Kuala Lumpur."
"docid": "D836884#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2016/06/05/what-is-ramadan-ts-orig.cnn\nWhat is Ramadan?",
"text": "JUST WATCHEDWhat is Ramadan? Replay MUST WATCHTop News (15 Videos)Stormy Daniels judge to lawyers: Work it out April Ryan: I've been getting death threats Ryan: My kids will know me as a weekend dad GOP lawmaker's announcement 'upstaged' by Ryan Hundreds killed in plane crash Video shows Israeli sniper shooting Palestinian Albright: There is no strategy on Syria Avenatti: This is why Stormy feels vindicated What is Ramadan? Suspects in attack on gay couple surrender GOP lawmaker warns Zuckerberg: Save your ship Sanders on Rosenstein: No announcements Trump directly referenced in Cohen search warrant Sanders: All options on the table for Russia Paul Ryan: I have no plans to run for anything Police look for missing family's car in river Stormy Daniels judge to lawyers: Work it out April Ryan: I've been getting death threats Ryan: My kids will know me as a weekend dad GOP lawmaker's announcement 'upstaged' by Ryan Hundreds killed in plane crash Video shows Israeli sniper shooting Palestinian Albright: There is no strategy on Syria Avenatti: This is why Stormy feels vindicated What is Ramadan? Suspects in attack on gay couple surrender GOP lawmaker warns Zuckerberg: Save your ship Sanders on Rosenstein: No announcements Trump directly referenced in Cohen search warrant Sanders: All options on the table for Russia Paul Ryan: I have no plans to run for anything Police look for missing family's car in river What is Ramadan? Ramadan is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith. Imam Suhaib Webb explains its purpose and benefits. Source: CNNCNN Original Series on CNNgo Watch Full episode on Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Fake news machine gears up for 2020Beyond the birds and the bees Are we at risk for an anthrax attack? See the wonder of Season Three Best of CNN Digital Videos In Case You Missed It Mexico City girl trapped in rubble The jobs boast in Trump's UN speech was wrong Kimmel fires back at Sen. Cassidy Manafort's journey to center of Mueller investigation Mc Master: Iran deal fundamentally flawed Clapper on Russia probe: Investigation seems to be deepening Russia weaponized Twitter to sway election Aerial view of Dominica devastation The winner of 'America's Got Talent' is ... Navy removes worker who flipped off baby Melinda Gates: Tax the rich to pay for services Chrissy Teigen reveals postpartum depression"
"docid": "D2180184#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workweek\nWorkweek and weekend",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Workweek)navigation search\"\"Weekend\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Weekend (disambiguation). See also: Working time This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2014) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)In some countries, markets are held on weekends. Pictured is the Chanfu Bridge market in China. The workweek and weekend are those complementary parts of the week devoted to labour and rest, respectively. The legal working week ( British English ), or workweek ( American English ), is the part of the seven-day week devoted to labour. In most of the Western world, it is Monday to Friday; the weekend is Saturday and Sunday."
"docid": "D2396906#0",
"title": "https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/uk/ramadan-begins\nRamadan begins in the United Kingdom",
"text": "Ramadan begins in the United Kingdom Ramadan (also known as Ramadhan or Ramzan) is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is a period of prayer, fasting, charity-giving and self-accountability for Muslims in the United Kingdom. The first verses of the Koran (Qu'ran) were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (also written as Mohammad or Muhammed) during the last third of Ramadan, making this an especially holy period. Evening meals are kept simple during the month of Ramadan. They include dates (pictured above), bread, water, soups, and stews.©i Stockphoto.com/Paul Cowan What Do People Do? Many Muslims in the United Kingdom fast during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars (fundamental religious duties) of Islam. It is a time of self-examination and increased religious devotion. It is common to have one meal known as the suhoor just before sunrise and an evening meal ( iftar) after sunset during Ramadan. The United Kingdom’s Department of Health produced a guide to healthy fasting during Ramadan, which aims to help people avoid health complications when they fast."
"docid": "D3208300#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Fitr\nEid al-Fitr",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Hari Raya\"\" redirects here. For Feast of the Sacrifice which is also known as Hari Raya in several countries, see Eid al-Adha. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)عيد الفطر Eid al-Fitr ( ʻĪd al-Fiṭr) Feast of Breaking the Fast Official name Arabic: عيد الفطر ‘Īd al-Fiṭr Observed by Muslims Type Islamic Significance Marks the end of Ramadanfasting Celebrations Family and other social gatherings, traditional sweet dishes, feasting, using perfume, wearing new clothes, shopping and gift-giving, etc. Observances Eid prayers, charity-giving Date 1 Shawwal2017 date 25 June ( Umm al-Qura) [1]2018 date 15 June [1]2019 date 4 June [1]Related to Ramadan, Eid al-Adha Part of a series on Islamic culture Architecture Azerbaijani Indo-Islamic Moorish Moroccan Mughal Ottoman Pakistani Tatar Persian Somali Sudano-Sahelian Art Calligraphy Miniature Oriental rug Arab carpet Persian carpet Turkish carpet Dress Abaya Agal Boubou Burqa Chador Jellabiya Niqāb Salwar kameez Songkok (Peci) Taqiya Keffiyeh (Kufiya)Thawb Jilbab Hijab Holidays Ashura Arba'een al-Ghadeer Chaand Raatal-Fitr al-Adha Imamat Day New Year Isra and Mi'raj al-Qadr Mawlid Ramadan Mid-Sha'ban Literature Arabic Azerbaijani Bengali Indonesian Javanese Kashmiri Kurdish Malay Pashto Persian Punjabi Sindhi Somali South Asian Turkish Urdu Music Dastgah Ghazal Madih nabawi Maqam Mugam Nasheed Qawwali Sufi Theatre Bangsawan Jem Karagöz and Hacivat Sama Ta'zieh Islam portalv t e Eid al-Fitr ( Arabic: عيد الفطر ʻĪd al-Fiṭr, IPA: [ʕiːd al fitˤr]) [2] is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting ( sawm ). This religious Eid ( Muslim religious festival) is the first and only day in the month of Shawwal during which Muslims are not permitted to fast. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal."
"docid": "D2396905#0",
"title": "http://www.whenis-ramadan.com/p/ramadan-2017-timings-dates-calenders.html\nRamadan 2018 Dates Calendars Timings",
"text": "Ramadan 2018 Dates Calendars Timings In this website, we will show you the timetable of Ramadan 2018. We will include the calendar of Ramadan 2018 and the whole timetable of the different countries of the world. You will get to know that when will Ramadan come in the different countries and all the timings and schedules of the Ramadan 2018. For your information, Ramadan 2018 will be on 16 May 2018, and the people will start fasting from then on. The Holy Month of Ramadan will be coming in this year, and people will then fast. Ramadan always occurs according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, the Ramadan 2018 schedule and timetable will be spot on in this website. You can check the whole details of Ramadan 2018 here. Everything including the details about when is Ramadan 2018 will be posted here. Hadith About Ramadan Quotes About Ramadan Ramadan Kareem Wallpapers Ramadan Decorations SELECT YOUR COUNTRY FROM THE BELOW MENUContents When is Ramadan 2018 in the United States of America?"
"docid": "D389515#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zina\nZina",
"text": "\"This article is about adultery in Islam. For extramarital affairs in general, see Adultery. For other uses, see Zina (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Part of a series on Islamic jurisprudence ( fiqh)Ritual [show]Political [show]Marital [show]Sexual [show]Criminal [hide]Hudud Blasphemy Maisir (gambling)Zina (illicit sex)Hirabah (unlawful warfare)Fasad (\"\"mischief\"\")Rajm (stoning)Tazir (discretionary)Qisas (retaliation)Diya (compensation)Etiquette [show]Economic [show]Hygiene [show]Military [show]Islamic studiesv t e Zināʾ (زِنَاء) or zina (زِنًى or زِنًا) is an Islamic legal term referring to unlawful sexual intercourse. [ 1] According to traditional jurisprudence, zina can include adultery (of married parties), fornication (of unmarried parties), prostitution, bestiality, and rape. [ 1] Classification of homosexual intercourse as zina differs according to legal school. [ 2] The Quran disapproved of the promiscuity prevailing in Arabia at the time, and several verses refer to unlawful sexual intercourse, including one that prescribes the punishment of 100 lashes for fornicators. ["
"docid": "D1614808#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramadan_(calendar_month)\nRamadan (calendar month)",
"text": "\"This article is about the Islamic calendar month called Ramadan. For information about the holiday and religious observances during that month of the same name, see Ramadan. For other uses, see Ramadan (disambiguation). Islamic calendar Months Muharram Safar Rabi' al-awwal Rabi' al-Thani Jumada al-awwal Jumada al-Thani Rajab Sha'ban Ramadan Shawwal Dhu al-Qidah Dhu al-Hijjahv t e This article needs additional citations for verification. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Ramadan ( Arabic: رمضان) or Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Quran was revealed. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset."
"docid": "D795265#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_Mubarak\nEid Mubarak",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article possibly contains original research. ( November 2015)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( March 2017)Eid Mubarak or ( Arabic: عيد مبارك ) is a traditional Muslim greeting reserved for use on the festivals of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. Eid means \"\"celebration\"\" and refers to the occasion itself, and Mubarak means \"\"blessed\"\"; for example, performing the Eid prayer. So Eid, meaning “celebration,” and Mubarak, meaning “Blessed” literally translates to wishing your friends a blessed holiday. In the social sense, people usually celebrate Eid al-Fitr after Ramadan and Eid-al-Adha in the month of Dhul Haj (12th and Final Islamic month), greetings like \"\"Eid Mubarak\"\". Some state this exchange of greetings is a cultural tradition and not part of any religious obligation. However, it is only used during the celebration of the two Muslim holidays. ["
"docid": "D2347760#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Malaysia\nMalaysia",
"text": "\"Malaysia Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand History Politics Geography People Holidays Climate Get in By plane By train By bus By road By boat On foot Get around By plane By train By car/taxi By bus See Do Scuba Diving Hiking Whitewater Rafting Golf Paintball Cycling Buy Banking Costs Shopping Eat Local delicacies Where to eat Dietary restrictions Sleep Budget Mid-range Splurge Stay safe Crime Beware of Scratch and Win Scams Traffic safety Other Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Kuala Lumpur Government Constitutional monarchy Area total: 329,750 km² land: 328,550 km² water: 1,200 km²Population 28 million (Jan 2010)Language Malay (official), English (official for some purposes), Chinese languages ( Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Hakka, Hainanese, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi, and Thai; in addition, several indigenous languages are spoken in East Malaysia, especially Iban and Kadazan Electricity 230V/50Hz Country code +60Internet TLD .my Time Zone UTC+8Emergencies dial 999Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia, located partly on a peninsula of the Asian mainland and partly on the northern third of the island of Borneo. West (peninsular) Malaysia shares a border with Thailand, is connected by a causeway and a bridge (the 'second link') to the island state of Singapore, and has coastlines on the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. East Malaysia (Borneo) shares borders with Brunei and Indonesia . Understand [ edit]Malaysia is a mix of the modern world and a developing nation. With its investment in the high technology industries and moderate oil wealth, it has become one of the richer nations in Southeast Asia. Malaysia, for most visitors, presents a happy mix: there is high-tech infrastructure and things generally work well and more or less on schedule, but prices remain more reasonable than, say, Singapore . Warning The Malaysian federal government has implemented a tax on foreign tourists, starting September 1st 2017. Each foreign tourist is liable to a 10 Ringgit tax per day of stay at any hostel or hotel. This is a flat tax, regardless of the class of accommodation, which means if you are staying in a hostel for 30 Ringgit per day this tax amounts to a 33% increase on your accommodation costs. One normally gets something for paying money - not in this case."
"docid": "D3118088#0",
"title": "http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2015/07/16/Friday-is-the-first-day-of-Eid-al-Fitr-.html\nSaudi: Friday is the first day of Eid al-Fitr",
"text": "Saudi: Friday is the first day of Eid al-Fitr A Malaysian Islamic authority performs the “Rukyah Hilal Syawal,” the sighting of the new moon to determine the Eid Al-Fitr celebrations, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Thursday, July 16, 2015. ( AP)Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Thursday, 16 July 2015Text size A A ASaudi Arabia’s Supreme Court has announced Friday as the first day of the Eid al-Fitr holiday after sighting a new moon, Al Arabiya News Channel reported. For Muslims, the Eid al-Fitr celebration begins after the fasting month of Ramadan ends. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, drinks and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk, which is an exercise in self-restraint, intended to bring the faithful closer to God. Eid al-Fitr starts when the new moon is spotted in the sky, making the Eid holiday different around the world. Pakistani girls buy bangles for the upcoming Eid al-Fitr holiday to mark the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, in Islamabad, Pakistan. ( AP)Muslims in the UK, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE will celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Friday, while Muslims in other nations such as Iraq and Bangladesh will observe the holiday on Saturday. People shop at Al-Ataba, a popular market in downtown Cairo, July 15, 2015. Muslims across the world are preparing to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr festival at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. ( Reuters)Last Update: Thursday, 16 July 2015 KSA 20:12 - GMT 17:12310,608VIEWS SHARE EMAIL PRINT"
"docid": "D3447139#0",
"title": "http://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/what-ramadan-six-things-know-about-muslim-holy-month-n586426\nWhat Is Ramadan? Six Things to Know About the Muslim Holy Month",
"text": "\"Religion What Is Ramadan? Six Things to Know About the Muslim Holy Monthby The Associated Press / Jun.06.2016 / 3:00 PM ET / Updated Jun.06.2016 / 3:03 PM ETA Syrian Muslim man reads the Koran, Islam's holy book, at a mosque in Kafr Batna, in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area, on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on June 6, 2016, on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan. AMER ALMOHIBANY / AFP - Getty Images Curious About Ramadan? Here Are the Basics01:03Millions of Muslims around the world on Monday marked the start of Ramadan, a month of intense prayer, dawn-to-dusk fasting and nightly feasts. Others will begin fasting a day later, Tuesday, due to a moon-sighting methodology that can lead to different countries declaring the start of Ramadan a day or two apart. Here are some questions and answers about Islam's holiest month: Why Do Muslims Fast? The fast is intended to bring the faithful closer to God and to remind them of the suffering of those less fortunate. Ramadan is a time to detach from worldly pleasures and focus on one's inner self. It's seen as a way to physically and spiritually purify, refraining from habits such as smoking and caffeine. Muslims often donate to charities during the month and feed the hungry."
"docid": "D351762#0",
"title": "http://www.ramadanmonth.com/\nWhen Is Ramadan 2018 | Ramadan Calendar, Dates, Timings",
"text": "Ramadan is the ninth holy month of the Islamic calendar. It is considered to be special as it marked the beginning of revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The duration of this fasting month may vary from 29 to 30 days as it depends on the shifting of the moon’s angle. Quran says: “So whosoever of you lives to see (this month of Ramadan) should fast through it…” (Surah Baqarah, 2:184)Table of Content: When Does Ramadan Start/End Dates What Is Ramadan Timings Ashrah's Fasting Process of Fasting Productivity Tips Laylat al-Qadar Tarawih Ramadan 2018When Does Ramadan Start and End in 2018The month of Ramadan starts with the visibility of crescent moon on the evening of 29th or 30th of Shaban. Shaban is the eight month of Islamic calendar. If on 29th of Shaban evening, new moon doesnt appear than the 1st day of the Ramadan month will begin without any condition of crescent visibility after completion of 30 days of Shaban month. Similarly, Ramadan will last 29 days long if Shawwal crescent appears on the 29th day evening otherwise, Ramadan will have its last day on its 30th day. This year, 1st Ramadan in 2018 will begin from Thursday, May 17. As crescent moon can be seen on the evening of 15th May easily by naked eyes or optical aid in some parts of the world. While some of the countries including Japan and New Zealand are expected to observe first day of Ramadan Kareem 2018 on Friday, May 18."
"docid": "D1190372#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_people\nMoro people",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article's lead section may be too long for the length of the article. ( December 2017)This article possibly contains original research. ( November 2015)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( November 2015)This article may contain improper references to self-published sources. ( November 2015)This article contains weasel words: vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. ( November 2015)Moro people Three Moro women in Jolo, Sulu, c. 1900s. Total populationc. 5.1 million (2007) [1]Regions with significant populations Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei Languages English, Filipino Maguindanao, Maranao, Tausug, Arabic, Zamboangueño, Cebuano, Tagalog, Malay, Urdu and other Philippine languages Religion Sunni Islam [2]The Moro, also called the Bangsamoro or Bangsa Moro, are the Muslim population of the Philippines, forming the largest non- Catholic [3] group in the country and comprising about 5% (as of August 2017) of the total Philippine population. ["
"docid": "D836883#0",
"title": "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/06/world/middleeast/islam-ramadan-2016.html\nRamadan Is Here. What Islamâs Holiest Month Is About.",
"text": "Middle East Q. and A. Ramadan Is Here. What Islam’s Holiest Month Is About. By BRYANT ROUSSEAU JUNE 5, 2016Muslims praying Sunday in Bali, Indonesia, on the eve of Ramadan. Firdia Lisnawati/Associated Press Hossein Kamaly is a professor at Barnard College who specializes in Islamic studies and Middle Eastern history. In an interview, he explained the basic tenets of Ramadan, the holiest month of the Muslim calendar, which begins on Monday for most of the world’s Muslims. The interview has been edited and condensed. What is the significance of Ramadan? What is the event being observed? All days may be equal on a secular calendar, but on religious calendars they are not: Some are more equal than others. On the Muslim calendar, the entire month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Arabic lunar calendar, marks the most special of all occasions."
"docid": "D2396904#0",
"title": "http://www.when-is.com/ramadan-2015.asp\nWhen is Ramadan in 2015?",
"text": "When is Ramadan in 2015? Ramadan in 2015 will start on Thursday, the 18th of June ( 18/6/2015) and will continue for 30 days until Friday, the 17th of July. Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Wednesday, the 17th of June. Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ramadan moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ramadan may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not. The dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America for the celebration of Ramadan. Note that these dates are based on astronomical calculations to affirm each date, and not on the actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes. This approach is accepted by many, but is still being hotly debated. Dates of Ramadan by year When is Ramadan in 2006?"
"docid": "D43979#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maher_Zain\nMaher Zain",
"text": "\"Maher Zain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Maher Zain Zain performing in Konya, Turkey in March 2014Background information Native name ماهر زينBirth name Maher Mustafa Maher Zain Born 16 July 1981 (age 36)Tripoli, Lebanon Origin Sweden Genres R&B soul Islamic Occupation (s)Singer songwritermusician composermusic producer Instruments Vocals guitar pianokeyboard percussionsynthesizers Years active 2009–present Labels Awakening Associated acts Irfan Makki Hamza Namira Mesut Kurtis Raef Website www .maherzain .com Maher Zain ( Arabic: ماهر زين ; born 16 July 1981 [1]) is a Swedish R&B singer, songwriter and music producer of Lebanese origin. [ 2] He released his debut album Thank You Allah, an internationally successful album produced by Awakening Records, in 2009. He released his follow-up album Forgive Me in April 2012 under the same production company. Contents1 Career1.1 Beginnings1.2 Breakthrough success2 Collaborations, appearances and awards3 Discography3.1 Albums3.2 Compilations3.3 Mini albums4 Videography5 Philanthropic activities6 References7 External links Career [ edit]Beginnings [ edit]Maher Zain's Lebanese family emigrated to Sweden when he was eight. [ 3] He completed his schooling there, gaining a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering. After university, he entered the music industry in Sweden, and in 2005 linked up with the Moroccan -born Swedish producer Red One. [ 4] When Red One moved to New York in 2006, Zain soon followed to continue his music industry career in the United States, producing for artists such as Kat De Luna. [ 5]On returning home to Sweden, he became engaged once more with his Islamic faith [6] and decided to move away from a career as a music producer to become a singer/songwriter of contemporary R&B music with a strong Muslim religious influence. [ 7]Breakthrough success [ edit]In January 2009, Maher Zain began working on an album with Awakening Records. His debut album, Thank You Allah, with 13 songs and two bonus tracks, was released on 1 November 2009 with percussion versions and French versions of some tracks released shortly afterwards. ["
] |
504 | 1 teaspoon of ginger is how many grams | [
"docid": "D997444#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_in_1_teaspoon_of_ground_ginger\nHow many grams of powdered ginger are in a teaspoon?",
"text": "Woodinvillian 40 Contributions How many grams of powdered ginger are in a teaspoon? About 5 grams of powdered ginger are in a teaspoon Patwoods 17,319 Contributions How many grams in 1 teaspoon? It isn't possible to estimate spoon measurements, or othermeasurements of volume, in terms of weight. Consider the differencebetween a spoonful of flour and a spoonful of rice …Des Dichado 213,251 Contributions Chemist for uranium nuclear fuels How many teaspoons are in 1 gram?4 . ---------------------------------------------------- It is a very frequently confusion: gram is a unit of mass, teaspoonis a uinit of volume; they are not compatible. For …Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many teaspoons in 1 gram? That is approximately 1/5 of a teaspoon Rosiejb100 36 Contributions How many grams are in 1 teaspoon?well, it's 5 mls How many teaspoons does 4 grams of ginger powder equal? I wanted to know this for magnesium oxide powder so I did a google search and found two urls which indicated that 1 tsp of baking powder is 5 grams. So, doing the math, and as …Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew.1 gram is how many teaspoon?1 teaspoon is 5gm. -"
] | [
"docid": "D388940#0",
"title": "http://www.ladycarehealth.com/10-natural-ways-to-treat-vaginal-discharge-leucorrhoea/\n10 Natural Ways To Treat Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhoea)",
"text": "10 Natural Ways To Treat Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhoea)Table of Contents Tips To Deal With The Normal Secretion Symptoms Of Leucorrhoea Natural Ways To Treat Leucorrhoea1. Amla2. Banana3. Pomegranate4. Dry Ginger Powder (Sonth)5. Basil (Tulsi)6. Alum (Phitkari)7. Lady‘s Fingers8. Rice Starch9. Fenugreek10."
"docid": "D3512801#0",
"title": "http://www.muscle-health-fitness.com/natural-testosterone-enhancers.html/\n7 Popular Natural Testosterone Enhancers Reviewed",
"text": "7 Popular Natural Testosterone Enhancers Reviewed By Edward Clements On December 17, 2012 · 37 Comments Those of us interested in getting or staying muscular and lean are always looking for ways to keep our testosterone levels high – natural testosterone enhancers can help!Whilst drugs designed to improve men’s natural testosterone production such as Clomid, Nolvadex and Letrozole are popular and have proved effective for many bodybuilders, they often cause side effects and tend to be expensive. On the other hand, certain natural testosterone enhancers are cheap, don’t tend to cause side effects and can be surprisingly effective at raising testosterone levels; others, however, simply don’t work!Natural Testosterone Enhancers Reviewed1) Creatine 2) Stinging nettle 3) Ginger 4) Tribulus Terrestris 5) Tongkat Ali 6) Maca 7) D aspartic acid Creatine Creatine boosts DHT, the active form of testosterone, and increases strength levels in the gym. Click here to get yours. It turns out that the highly effective muscle and strength building supplement Creatine is also one of the best natural testosterone enhancers. Creatine can raise your DHT levels by as much as 56 percent! ( 1)According to a 2010 human study perfrmed on professional rugby players, creatine does not raise your total testosterone concentration but does significantly improve the conversion of free testosterone to the ‘active’ form of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT):‘After 7 days of creatine loading, or a further 14 days of creatine maintenance dose, serum T levels did not change. However, levels of DHT increased by 56% after 7 days of creatine loading and remained 40% above baseline after 14 days maintenance (P < 0.001). The ratio of DHT: T also increased by 36% after 7 days creatine supplementation and remained elevated by 22% after the maintenance dose (P < 0.01).’Whilst many claim that DHT is a ‘bad’ form of testosterone that causes male pattern balding and prostate problems, it has recently been shown that there has to be a combination of high DHT with high estrogen to promote these issues. DHT may effectively treat prostate problems by competing with estrogen (2). It appears that taking steps to control estrogen rather than suppressing DHT is the best method for keeping your prostate healthy."
"docid": "D1895083#0",
"title": "http://www.kansascity.com/living/food-drink/eating-for-life/article315562/Hot-and-Sour-Soup-is-high-in-flavor-low-in-sodium.html\nHot and Sour Soup is high in flavor, low in sodium",
"text": "The Star’s Hot and Sour Soup uses a combination of low-sodium chicken broth and reduced-sodium soy sauce to whittle the sodium to a more moderate 310 milligrams. Yet there’s still plenty of flavor, thanks to the seasonings: ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, rice vinegar and sesame oil. By JILL WENDHOLT SILVALinked In Google+Pinterest Reddit Print Order Reprint of this Story Editor’s note: This column originally appeared Feb. 6, 2008. Chinese take-out may seem like a healthier choice than burgers, pasta or pizza. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a watchdog consumer group that made news for calling fettuccine Alfredo a heart attack on a plate, gives Chinese food a general thumbs-up. Except when it comes to sodium. CSPI’s independent lab analysis of dishes on a typical Chinese restaurant menu found the standard Hot and Sour Soup clocked in at a whopping 1,100 milligrams of sodium. That’s almost the government’s recommended 1,500 milligrams a day. The Star’s Hot and Sour Soup uses a combination of low-sodium chicken broth and reduced-sodium soy sauce to whittle the sodium to a more moderate 310 milligrams. Yet there’s still plenty of flavor, thanks to the seasonings: ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, rice vinegar and sesame oil."
"docid": "D1547039#0",
"title": "http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-use-best-natural-antibiotics/\nHow to SAFELY Use the 11 Best Natural Antibiotics",
"text": "How to SAFELY Use the 11 Best Natural Antibioticsby Sarah Updated: February 01, 2018 Affiliate links Natural Remedies There is no doubt that antibiotics are truly a wonder of modern medicine. Beginning with the discovery of penicillin in 1928, the rapid resolution of bacterial infections from antibiotics caused many in the medical profession to become completely enamored with the drug based approach to illness erroneously thinking that the danger to human life from infections was a thing of the past. Not so fast. By 1940, antibiotics had come into widespread use causing both doctors and people to gradually forget about natural antibiotics for resolving infections and the age old remedies like cod liver oil. This change in the medical paradigm has led in recent decades to abuse of drug based antibiotics and the worrisome rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs such as the “TDR” (totally drug resistant) strain of tuberculosis and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections particularly in babies and children. The over-reliance on drug based resolution to infections has also triggered an epidemic of children and adults with compromised gut function and autoimmune diseases of all kinds due to an imbalanced intestinal environment and the consequential scourge of leaky gut syndrome. Beyond the problem of antibiotic resistance, however, are the long term effects of even a single round of antibiotics. The expectation in the health community that you can just fix the damage with probiotics and/or fermented foods and that gut flora magically returns to normal seems to be far from accurate. Evidence is now emerging from multiple sources that gut flora may actually be permanently altered by drugs or, at the very least, the damage persists for several years. The Journal Microbiology, for instance , reports that the generally acknowledged precept that use of antibiotics only causes disruption of the gut flora for a few weeks is highly flawed."
"docid": "D241774#0",
"title": "https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/the-40-best-low-calorie-foods.html\nThe 40 Best Low-Calorie Foods",
"text": "\"Nutrition Nutrition Tips The 40 Best Low-Calorie Foods Low-calorie doesn't have to mean low on flavor or nutrients. Fill your fridge with these healthy, calorie-friendly foods that support your health goals and weight-loss efforts!Matthew Kadey, MS, RDMarch 19, 2018 • 22 min read While zero-calorie doughnuts have yet to be invented, that doesn't mean your search for foods that fit nicely into your low-calorie diet, or easily fill out the last remaining macros of your day, is at an end. After all, think of all that extra exercise you have to do to burn off a whole pizza or towering hot fudge sundae. Choosing the right low-calorie foods can tip the scales in your favor toward fat burning rather than fat accumulation. To get you started, we've compiled a list of the 40 best foods from different aisles in your grocery store. There's even a handy list for you to print out!While it's really a myth that certain foods have a strong \"\"negative\"\" caloric effect, meaning they burn more calories to digest than they contain, that doesn't mean the grocery store and farmers' market aren't stocked with plenty of nutritious foods that are very low in energy and cost you almost nothing calorie-wise. In fact, of the 40 foods profiled here, 35 contain 100 or fewer calories per serving!When you're mindfully watching your calorie intake to trim down your waistline, it's vital that you saturate your diet with plenty of edibles that don't leave you feeling hungry. After all, you don't want to be starving all day long. The good news for your palate and muscles is that not all low-calorie grub is rabbit food. In fact, meat, dairy, and other aisles in the supermarket are home to a number of items that, despite being light in calories, are heavy in important stuff like protein and good flavor."
"docid": "D2640792#0",
"title": "https://www.teatulia.com/tea-101/how-to-measure-loose-leaf-tea-for-brewing.htm\nHow to Measure Loose Leaf Tea for Brewing",
"text": "How to Measure Loose Leaf Tea for Brewing Factors in brewing loose leaf tea Loose leaf tea is tea how it was meant to be. When you steep loose tea (typically made from whole or partially broken tea leaves) the leaves are able to expand and unfurl as they interact with hot water. The result is a brewed tea that yields all of the subtle flavor nuances its grower and producer intended. There are several factors that determine how great your brewed cup will be. Depending on the type of tea, the water temperature and steeping time will play important roles. ( Learn more about the three Ts—type, temperature, and time— visit our How to Brew Tea page. ) Another important factor is the ratio of loose leaf tea to water. In other words, how much tea should we steep to yield the perfect brewed cup? Steeping too many tea leaves could yield a brewed tea that’s too strong, astringent, or even bitter. Steeping too few tea leaves could yield a weak tea that tastes more like hot water than a cup of tea."
"docid": "D798250#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/much-sugar-really-soda-4922.html\nHow Much Sugar Is Really in a Soda?",
"text": "\"Related Articles What Happens if You Only Drink Soda vs. Water? How Much Salt in One Can of Soda? How Much Sugar Is in a 32-Ounce Icee? Types of Sugars in Sodas Not only does the average 12-ounce soda contain about 150 calories, but it also has an unhealthy amount of sugar. The amount of sugar in a soda depends on what type you're drinking, but all soda should be limited in your diet to prevent you from consuming too much of the sweet stuff. Excess sugar in your diet can contribute to tooth decay, weight gain and certain illnesses and diseases. Sugar in Soda A serving of soda is equal to 12 ounces. Lemon-lime soda contains 37.6 grams of added sugar per serving, and ginger ale contains 31.8 grams, each of which is equal to about 9 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. Cola has 38.9 grams of added sugar per serving, and pepper-type soda varieties contain 38.2 grams. Cola and pepper-type sodas have about 9 3/4 teaspoons of sugar."
"docid": "D2115779#0",
"title": "http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/benefits-of-ginger-for-skin-hair-and-health/\n39 Surprising Benefits Of Ginger (Adrak) For Skin And Health",
"text": "Home » Health and Wellness » Ingredients and Uses39 Surprising Benefits Of Ginger (Adrak) For Skin And Health September 19, 2017 by Maanasi Radhakrishnan Do you love your cup of ginger tea? If yes, then here is good news for you! There are many amazing benefits of ginger for your skin hair and health. What Is Ginger? Ginger is a perennial herb native to China and India. It is obtained from the plant Zingiber officinale. It is one of the most revered medicines in Ayurveda. Ginger is often referred to as a root, but it is actually an underground stem called rhizome. As a spice, the use of ginger dates back 4000 years. The medicinal properties of ginger were discovered around 2000 years ago."
"docid": "D1660509#0",
"title": "http://cookeatshare.com/popular/convert-250-grams-to-cups\nConvert 250 grams to cups",
"text": "Convert 250 grams to cups Recipes / Convert 250 grams to cups (1000+)Can I Get the Recipe? Week 2, Vol I - July 11, 2009910 viewsyou might want to reduce if you grams or 3 cups) penne pasta 8 cups ( 250grams) fresh Can I Get the Recipe? Week 21, Vol I, Nov 27, 2009719 views250 grams) of orzo, cooked per instructions 4-6 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules 1 cup GINGER PICKLE RECIPE | HOW TO MAKE INJI OORUGAI | PICKLE RECIPES564 views South Indian Ginger roots - 250 Grams Oil - 2 Juice - 1/2 cup Salt - To taste Hing - 1/4Join Cook Eat Share — it's free!Get new recipes from top Professionals!Share recipes and reviews with friends!Save and organize all you recipes!over 2 million users! Sign Up Now GINGER CHICKEN RECIPE | HOW TO MAKE GINGER CHICKEN -INDIAN STYLE681 viewsto taste Oil - 2 teaspoon To Marinate : Chicken - 250 Grams Triple Apple Bread - #Twelve Loaves387 views1 gram active dry yeast 250 grams (1 cup) unfiltered apple cider, at room temperature to Gheimeh - a Persian Meat and Split Peas Stew454 viewsgrams stewing lamb or beef (1500 cal) - 250 grams grams potatoes (465 cal) - 1/2 cup to Rustic Kumato & Goats Cheese Pie371 views250 grams when sliced -100 grams2LC: Apple Crisp478 views250 grams 2 cups all-purpose flour 140 grams 1 cupgreen chilli chutney recipe - how to make green chilli chutney883 views1/3 cup Ingredients 250 grams green chilies (i used the hot variety) 8 to 10 large garlic November Daring Bakers Challenge: Holy Moly Canolli!1313 viewscups ( 250 grams /16 ounces) all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons (28 grams not about to eat 2more recipes Conversions calculator Quart Pint Cup Ounce (fluid)Tablespoon Tea Spoon Liter Mililiter Pound Ounce Kilogram Gram Fahrenheit Celcius Quiche Filipino Recipes Groups / Convert 250 grams to cups (0)Eat To Live!458 members Live!, This group is inspired by Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. The group features great Hard to find ingredients2 membersjust can't find it, or aren't willing to drive across a bridge. Let's share our resources What Should I Bring to the Party?6 members What Should I Bring to the Party?, We love getting invited to parties. We hate figuring Teach a person to fish......1 member Teach a person to fish......, Sharing recipes and teaching each other new ways to cook Trying Our Best to Eat Local6 members Local, Anyone make the commitment to being a localvore? Anyone having difficulties doing Themes / Convert 250 grams to cups (0)Back to School Lunchbox Recipes Add in a patterned napkin for holidays to spice up boring brown bag lunches."
"docid": "D2074936#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/much-minced-garlic-equals-one-clove-78885fb322ef0e51\nHow Much Minced Garlic Equals One Clove?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Much Minced Garlic Equals One Clove? A: Quick Answer A single clove of garlic is equal to 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic, which is the same as 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic. If the cook only has dry garlic, she should use 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder or 1/4 teaspoon of granulated garlic. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Teaspoons of Minced Garlic Equals One Clove? How Much Chopped Garlic Equals One Clove? How Many Teaspoons Does One Clove of Garlic Equate To? Credit: Tetra Images Getty Images Full Answer Dried spices are more condensed and have a stronger flavor, which is why a cook uses less of them in a substitution. A cook may make other substitutions as well, such as using garlic juice. Garlic juice is usually stocked in the spice section. The cook may also use minced shallots, green onions, elephant garlic, garlic greens or onions in place of the minced garlic."
"docid": "D2734170#0",
"title": "http://homebrew.stackexchange.com/questions/958/how-much-potassium-metabisulfite-potassium-sorbate-to-stop-fermentation\nHow much potassium metabisulfite/Potassium Sorbate to stop fermentation?",
"text": "\"_Homebrewing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for dedicated home brewers and serious enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How much potassium metabisulfite/Potassium Sorbate to stop fermentation?up vote9down votefavorite2I've had a lot of trouble finding a quick and easy answer to this question. Wine makers will add these chemical to wine after fermentation to prevent spoilage, and as an antioxidant. You can also add these two ingredients in mead, cider, wine, and beer to stop fermentation in order to hit a final gravity, or back sweeten. Without the use of a SO2 meter, what is a good approximation of how much potassium metabisulfite/Potassium Sorbate I should add to stop fermentation? Measurements in grams/gallon please..potassium-meta-bisulfite potassium-sorbate additives k-metashare improve this questionedited Dec 23 '09 at 0:00Admin26 4asked Dec 22 '09 at 23:46Tim Weber1,216 1 8 9add a comment2 Answers active oldest votesup vote6down vote One tablet in one gallon of must yields 150 ppm total sulfur dioxide. Those instructions are on the bottle of Campden tablets, which are potassium metabisulfite. Here's a source for Campden tablets. It is common to use Campden tablets in wine, mead, and sometimes cider. It is less typical to use in beer, although it can be."
"docid": "D1185321#0",
"title": "http://www.spiceupthecurry.com/chana-dal-recipe/\nPunjabi Chana dal Recipe",
"text": "Punjabi Chana dal Recipe Kanan October 25, 2017 29 Commentsरेसिपी को हिन्दी में पढ़ेJump to Recipe Print Recipe Chana dal recipe – healthy, delicious and everyday dal recipe made with bengal gram. It is sauteed with onion-tomato and regular spices. Chana dal fry is one of the recipes that I make often on everyday basis. This is North Indian style chana dal masala. Typical Punjabi onion-tomato masala is the base of this dal. And addition tadka or tempering on top gives nice aroma and flavor to the dish. This is my mom’s recipe and she learned it from our neighbor who is from Delhi. And that’s why she used to make lot of Punjabi dishes and I loved to eat those. And now following mom’s footsteps and I am also making north Indian dishes sometimes. Chana dal is known as Bengal gram in English."
"docid": "D3536071#0",
"title": "https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Nutmeg-Cid310\n.",
"text": "Nutmeg Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients Repertory Nutmeg Essential Oil Buy in India Send Link General Name Nutmeg English Name Nutmeg Botanical Name Myristica Fragrans Hindi Name Jaiphal, Jayphal Chinese Name Rou Dou Kou Homeopathic Name Nux Moschata - Mother Tincture Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here. Nutmeg Cures Most Effective Abdominal Di... Drowsiness Dry Mouth Flatulence Gastrointest... Hysteria Stomach Prob... Highly Effective Cold Depression Sexual Debility Effective Abscess Acid Reflux Acne Alzheimer Andropause Anorexia Anorgasmia Anxiety Aphthous Ulcers Arthritis Ascaris Aspermia Asthenospermia Asthma Azoospermia Bad Breath Belching Blemishes Bloating Blocked Nose Burns Cancer Cervical Spo... Chilblain Colic Conjunctivitis Convulsions Cough Croup Debility Dehydration Dental Diseases Diabetes Diarrhea Digestive Di... Dipsia Eczema Edema Epilepsy Excessive Ma... Eye Diseases Frostbite Gastroenteritis Headache Heart Disease Hematospermia Hiccups High Cholest... Impotence Indigestion Inflammation Insomnia Irritable Bo... Joint Pain Leucorrhoea Libido Loss ... Libido Loss ... Low Back Pain Menstrual Di... Metrorrhagia Migraine Nausea Nervous Diso... Obesity Oligospermia Pain Paralysis Phlegm Piles Premature Ej... Respiratory ... Rheumatoid A... Rosacea Sciatica Seizures Seminal Infe... Spermatorrhea Stomach Ache Strangury Swelling Taste Disorder Teratozoospe... Throat Disorder Toothache Typhoid Urinary Prob... Urinary Trac... Urticaria Uterine Prol... Vomiting Watery Semen Wounds Wrinkles Yaws Locomotor Ataxia Nerve Disorder Action of Nutmeg Highly Effective Aphrodisiac Sedative Effective Abortifacient Analgesic Antacid Anthelmintic Antianxiety Antibacterial Anticancer Antidiarrheal Antiemetic Antifungal Antiinflammatory Antimicrobial Antioxidant Antipsoric Antirheumatic Antiseptic Antispasmodic Antitumor or An... Appetizer Aromatic Astringent Calming Cardio Tonic or... Carminative Digestive Diuretic Expectorant Galactagogue Hepatoprotective Laxative Nervine Ophthalmic Stimulant Stomachic Tonic Vermifuge Nutrients in Nutmeg Effective Alpha Terpinene Beta Pinene Borneol Camphene Cineole Cinnamic Acid Copaene Cymene Dipentene Elemicin Epicatechin Eugenol Fatty Oil Fixed Oil Folate Folic Acid Furfural Geraniol Gum Hydrocarbons Lignans Lignin Limonene Linalool Magnesium Myristic Acid Myristicin Niacin Oleo Resin Phenylprop... Pinene Protein Riboflavin Sabinene Safrole Starch Terpene Terpenoids Terpinene Thujene Vitamin A ... Vitamin CVolatile Oil Nutmeg Combines With Ailanthus Alangium Salvifolium Angelica Dahurica Bael Black Cardamom Black Cumin Black Musli Cumin Dates Drumstick Ginger Himalayan Oak's... Indian Gooseberry Jaggery Katsumadai Land Caltrops Mango Mucuna Pruriens Pineapple Pomegranate Poppy Saffron Sphaeranthus Indicus Taste of Nutmeg Sweet, Pungent, Acrid , Bitter,Nature of Nutmeg Warm Parts Used Seeds, Oil Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Nutmeg Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. It should be taken in very small doses. Even a teaspoon may cause : Burning in the Stomach Nausea Vomiting Restlessness Dizziness Hallucinations Diplopia Headache Dry Mouth Tachycardia Delirium. Excessive use excites the motor cortex and causes Epilepsy and Lesions in the Liver. Sponsored Links Description Nutmeg is a tree. It is an evergreen. It belongs to the Myristicaceae family. It grows in a tropical climate."
"docid": "D1074368#0",
"title": "http://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/moong-dal-tadka/\nmoong dal tadka recipe, how to make moong dal recipe",
"text": "moong dal tadka recipe, how to make moong dal recipe November 28, 2017 by dassana amit 132 Comments Jump to Recipe Print Recipemoong dal tadka recipe with step by step photos – this is one of the delicious dal recipe, i make with moong dal.some people don’t like moong dal as it is little bland. but trust me this moong dal tadka is not bland and has flavors of tempered cumin, garlic, garam masala and red chili powder. once you make this delicious moong dal recipe, you are not going to hate moong dal anymore.moong dal (skinned spilt mung gram) is amongst one of the most commonly used lentils in india. there are many recipes made from mung dal – like khichdi , dhokla, dosa, halwa, payasam. it is also added in veggie dishes like suva moong dal sabzi or turai moong dal sabzi.moong dal is easy to digest and is often given to kids as well as convalescing adults. this does not mean that you cannot have this nutritious dal. you should include lentils in your diet, including this dal.here’s a simple moong dal recipe. this dal is extremely good with some steamed basmati rice accompanied by a side vegetable dish or raita. have some roasted papads and lemon or mango pickle also by the side. a truly comfort and satisfying meal.i paired the moong dal with some steamed sona masoori rice and aloo methi.if you are looking for more dal recipes then do check dal tadka, chana dal fry, masoor dal, sabut moong dal, dal makhani and dhaba style dal fry recipe.moong dal tadka recipe card below:4.79 from 23 votesprintmoong dal tadka recipeprep time5 minscook time30 minstotal time35 minsmoong dal tadka recipe - mung dal cooked with onion, tomatoes, ginger and then tempering with cumin, garlic, green chili and some indian spice powders.course: maincuisine: Indian, north indianservings: to 4author: dassana amitingredients (1 cup = 250 ml)main ingredients:¾ cup moong dal (spilt skinned mung lentils)1 medium size onion - finely chopped1 medium size tomato - chopped½ inch ginger (adrak) - finely chopped or grated¼ teaspoon red chili powder (lal mirch powder)⅓ teaspoon turmeric powder (haldi)3 cups watersalt as requiredfor tempering1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)4 to 5 garlic (lahsun) - crushed lightly¼ or ½ teaspoon garam masala powder¼ teaspoon red chili powder (lal mirch powder)1 or 2 green chilli (hari mirch) - slita pinch of asafoetida (hing)2 to 3 tablespoon oil or ghee or butterhow to make recipetake all the ingredients listed under main ingredients except salt in a pressure cooker.stir well and pressure cook till the dal is cooked and soft.once the pressure settles down, remove the lid and stir the dal.if the dal looks thick, then add some water and simmer for 1-2 minutes."
"docid": "D1649418#0",
"title": "http://www.herbalremediesinfo.com/best-herbal-remedies.html\nThe 55 Best Herbal Remedies",
"text": "The 55 Best Herbal Remedies By Alan | August 2, 2014 0 Comment Best Herbal Remedies Not long ago, American herbalists had to rely on folklore and anecdote. There was little clinical data on herbs, and what did exist was mostly published in German. But researchers (and translators) have been busy of late, and we now have proof that herbs are viable treatments for many ailments. “Herbs won’t replace pharmaceuticals, but the research shows that–for many conditions–herbs work well, are cheaper than drugs and cause fewer side effects,” says Mary Hardy, M. D., medical director of the integrative medicine program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. “ Herbs aren’t quite mainstream, but they’re moving in that direction. Patients are interested in them, and doctors are increasingly familiar with herb research. “Twenty years ago, there was no integrative program at Cedars-Sinai” she adds. “ Now there is. That says something” Here, then, are the proven, 55 best herbal treatments. Stick to the dose specified in the studies or on the product label."
"docid": "D141990#0",
"title": "https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Basil-Cid72\n.",
"text": "\"Sponsored Links Basil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients Repertory Basil Essential Oil Buy in India Send Link General Name Basil English Name Basil Botanical Name Ocimum Sanctum, Ocimum Tenuiflorum, Ocimum Basilicum Hindi Name Tulsi Chinese Name Jiu Cheng Ta Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here. Basil Cures Most Effective Depression Fever Heat Stroke Ovulation Pain Prickly Heat Repeated Mis... Stomach Prob... Wheat Allergy Whooping Cough Highly Effective Acid Reflux Acne Asthma Atherosclerosis Bad Breath Breast Milk ... Cold Conjunctivitis Cough Croup Headache Hemiplegia High Blood P... Iritis Kidney Stones Lung Diseases Malaria Measles Migraine Nausea Night Blindness Pain Phlegm Schizophrenia Sinusitis Skin Tan Sore Throat Stress Taste Disorder Effective Abdominal Di... Allergy Altitude Sic... Anemia Angina Angioma Anorexia Anxiety Aphthous Ulcers Arthritis Ascaris Atelectasis Athlete's Foot Bacterial In... Baldness Blackheads Blood Cancer Blood Clots Blood Impurity Blurred Vision Brain Disorders Brain Stroke Brain Tumor Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Buerger's Di... Cancer Cataract Central Sero... Cervical Cancer Chest Pain Chicken Pox Choroiditis Colic Confusion Constipation Cramps Cuts Cystic Fibrosis Dacryocystitis Dandruff Dark Circles... Debility Dengue Diabetes Diarrhea Difficult Me... Dipsia Dry Eye Synd... Dysentery Dyspnea Ear Infection Earache Emphysema Epilepsy Escherichia ... Eye Diseases Fatigue Flatulence Flu Food Poisoning Gallbladder ... Gastric Catarrh Gastrointest... Glomerulonep... Gout Gray Hair Haemophilia Hangover Hay Fever Heart Attack Heart Disease Heat Exhaustion Hiccups High Cholest... Hysterectomy Impotence Indigestion Infections Inflammatory... Insanity Insect Bites Insomnia Itching Jaundice Jet Lag Kidney Disease Kidney Failure Laryngitis Leptospirosis Leucoderma Libido Loss ... Libido Loss ... Low Back Pain Low Blood Pr... Lung Cancer Magnesium De... Marfan Syndrome Melasma Menopause Menstrual Di... Metastasis Morning Sick... Mosquito Bite Mouth Cancer Nervous Diso... Nipple Disch... Nose Bleed Obesity Oily Skin Pancreatitis Paralysis Peptic Ulcer Piles Pneumonia Pneumonitis Polycystic O... Polymenorrhea Post Traumat... Psychosis Rheumatism Rheumatoid A... Ringworm Salmonella Scorpion Sting Skin Diseases Snake Bite Sore Nipples Spider Bite Stomach Ache Swine Flu Tapeworms Throat Disorder Tinnitus Tonsillitis Toothache Tuberculosis Tympanitis Typhoid Ulcers Urinary Prob... Urinary Trac... Urticaria Vomiting Warts Wilms' Tumor Wounds Yellow Teeth Adenomyosis Action of Basil Most Effective Adaptogenic Antipyretic Highly Effective Antiinflammatory Antimalarial Antioxidant Muscle Relaxant Recuperative Relaxant Sedative Effective Abortifacient Alkaline Alterant Analgesic Anthelmintic Antiacne Antiaging Antiandrogenic Antiasthmatic Antibacterial Anticancer Anticatarrhal Anticoagulant Antidepressant Antidiabetic Antidote Antiemetic Antifertility Antifungal Antihistamine Antimicrobial Antimutagenic Antiparasitic Antiperiodic Antirheumatic Antiseptic Antispasmodic Antistress Antithrombotic Antitumor or An... Antiulcer Antiviral Aphrodisiac Appetizer Aromatic Blood Purifier Cardio Tonic or... Carminative Circulatory Cyanogenetic Demulcent Diaphoretic Digestive Diuretic Emmenagogue Expectorant Febrifuge Galactagogue Hepatoprotective Hypoglycemic Hypolipidemic Immunity Booster Insecticidal Memory Enhancer Nervine Ophthalmic Rejuvenative Stimulant Stomachic Tonic Toxic Nutrients in Basil Most Effective Magnesium Potassium Effective Alkaloids Apigenin Ascorbic Acid Beta Carotene Calcium Carotene Carotenoids Carvacrol Caryophyllene Chlorophyll Choline Cineole Copper Essential Oil Eugenol Flavonoids Flavonols Folate Glucose Glycosides Histamine Humelene P... Iron Limonene Linalool Linoleic Acid Lutelin Methyl Cin... Monoterpene Nickel Oleanolic Acid Oleic Acid Orientin Palmitic Acid Polyphenols Rhamnose Saponins Sesquiterpenes Sitosterol Stearic Acid Tannins Triterpenoids Uronic Acid Ursolic Acid Vitamin A ... Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitamins Xylose Zinc Basil Combines With Achyranthes Aspera Adhatoda Vasica Aloe Vera Asafoetida Azadirachta Indica Bacopa Monnieri Bitter Gourd Black Cumin Borage Bottle Gourd Camphor Carom Castor Cayenne Chirata Echinops Echinatus Eclipta Elecampane Fenugreek Ginger Guava Honey Hyssop Indian Gooseberry Lemon Mint Motherwort Papaya Pomegranate Rind Roselle Rosemary Sage Sandalwood Stonebreaker Strawberry Tinospora Cordifolia Taste of Basil Sweet, Pungent Nature of Basil Warm Parts Used Whole Plant,Leaves, Flowering Tops, Essential Oil, Seeds, Root, Whole Plant Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Basil Avoid use during Pregnancy. Basil contains Estragole. In herb form it is not dangerous. But in its oil the percentage is very high and may prove Carcinogenic to humans. Avoid consuming essential oil of Basil. It is recommended not to take Basil in high doses for long time. It may cause Low Libido and affects the production of Semen. Sponsored Links Description Basil is a plant."
"docid": "D485843#0",
"title": "http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/remedy/Cough.html\nCough",
"text": "Topic Contents: Remedies Symptoms Causes Diet More Treatments FAQs24 Remedies suggested by our usersadvertisement Cough Tweet Email A cough is not always a medical problem, although coughing can at times indicate the presence of some health condition or infection. Coughing is not really a condition in itself, but is simply a natural reflex to keep the throat and airways clear. When caused by some condition, then coughing is simply one of the many possible symptoms of that condition. At other times a cough may simply develop as a result of irritation to the throat or respiratory passages. Because of the frequency with which we are afflicted with coughs and colds most people prefer using natural methods of treatment to deal with a regular cough. A severe, persistent cough or one that is accompanied by other symptoms should however be examined and investigated by a health care professional. Cough remedies for children, toddlers, babies and infants are particularly popular, because many over the counter drugs can be quite strong and are not ideally suited to frequent administration particularly in children. The same holds true for pregnant women, which is why there is a widespread usage of cough remedies for kids and cough remedies while pregnant for pregnant women. A cough is not usually a threatening condition and will resolve naturally, but it can be troublesome, particularly when coughing at night keeps you up and prevents you from recuperating. This can lead to fatigue, irritability and exhaustion, serving to further weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to illness."
"docid": "D552635#0",
"title": "http://foodfacts.mercola.com/ginger.html\nWhat Is Ginger Good For?",
"text": "\"What Is Ginger Good For?0Disponible en Español Ginger Binging Botanical name: Zingiber officinale Prized for its medicinal and culinary properties in Asian cultures for thousands of years, ginger, also known as ginger root, is an underground rhizome. It's a little strange-looking, like a small, rounded, brown cactus. But the fragrance is pleasantly pungent, and the flavor completely unique, reminiscent of citrus with acidic notes. Ginger is a versatile addition to soups, sauces, marinades, and a number of other dishes, from baked apples to stir-fried vegetables. A cup of tea, of course, is one of its hallmarks, not just for pleasant flavor, but soothing qualities. Early Roman traders carried ginger from Southeast Asia to Europe, where it became a hit by the Middle Ages. It was very expensive, but even then renowned for healing capabilities. Henry VIII even suggested it as a remedy for the plague. Spanish explorers introduced it to the West Indies, South America, and Mexico, which began exporting it back to Europe in the 16th century. Today, Jamaica, India, Fiji, Indonesia, and Australia are some of the top commercial producers."
"docid": "D92198#0",
"title": "http://www.holisticonline.com/Remedies/Arthritis/arth_herbal_medicine.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Arthritis Herbal Medicine Herbs have been used to treat joint pains for centuries. Herbs typically used for arthritis include: Alfalfa Angelica Black Cohosh Bladderwrack Bogbean Boswellia Burdock Celery Chaparral Devil's claw Epsom Salt Feverfew Ginger Ginseng Hawthorn Hop Licorice Meadowsweet Mustard Plaster Oregano Pineapple Prickly ash Red pepper Rosemary Sesame Seeds Stinging Nettle Turmeric Wild Cucumber Bark Wild Yam Willow Wintergreen Yarrow Yucca Herbal Formula For Pain Chinese/Oriental Herbs/Formula Alfalfa (Medicago saliva): Alfalfa is a folk remedy for arthritis in southern Appalachia. Alfalfa tea is rich with nutritive minerals. We recommend that you do not take the alfalfa powder; take the tea instead. Alfalfa contains 1-canavanine, an amino acid that can cause symptoms that are similar to those of systemic lupus, an autoimmune disease that can also cause joint pain. Some scientific studies show that these symptoms can occur in both animals and humans as a result of eating alfalfa. The amino acid is not present to any significant amount in alfalfa tea. Dosage and Directions: Place 1 ounce of alfalfa in a pot. Cover with 1 quart of water and boil for thirty minutes. Strain and drink the quart throughout the day."
"docid": "D1294640#0",
"title": "http://www.vahrehvah.com/egg-biryani\nEgg Biryani Recipe, Anda eggs biryani , How To Make Egg Biryani Recipe",
"text": "Video Recipe Cooking With Images Food Blog Comments Egg Biryani Share290 Ratings158 Reviews Print Recipe By Vahchef40 m4 servings155.4 Cals Soya Granules Veg Pulao One of the tastiest mixed vegetable pulao that one can make. As soya granules help to inc... Subz Hariyali Dum Biryani An authentic vegetable biryani is always slow cooked on dum. This cooking on dum gives t... Dalimbi Bhat Dalimbi Bhat is a traditional, very delicious Maharashtrian delicacy made with field bean... Methi Paneer Corn Pulao Paneer Corn methi pulao is a one pot meal prepared with sweet corn, paneer and fenugreek ... Pot Chicken Rice Oriental Biryani Claypot chicken rice is popular in many Asian countries. A simple recipe to make Chicken ... Barvan Dum Aloo Barvan dum aloo is an exotic north Indian dish. An amazing dish made of a mixture of dry ... Egg Biryani Recipe, Anda eggs biryani , How To Make Egg Biryani Recipe This is the most easy and best Biryani with eggs i have tried and thanks to Vahchefs easy video instruction. Egg biryani recipe | biryani recipes | To make a best egg biryani | biryani masala Biryani is the trademark dish and comes from the Indian city Hyderabad and have become a fundamental part of Hyderabadi delicacies being passed by the rulers of Nizam of Deccan. Egg biryani too holds a powerful place in the biryani family only using eggs in place of meat or chicken preparing it with all the common traditional spices. This is an ideal dish for celebrations; dinner and lunch offered hot with raita, mirch ka salan, green salad an... Read More.. About Recipe Guddu biryani, Muttai sooru, Egg biryani recipe How to make Egg Biryani (290 ratings)158 reviews so far Prep time 10 mins Cook time 30 mins Total time 40 mins Author : Vahchef Main Ingredient : Egg Servings : 4 persons Published date : January 20, 2018Ingredients used in Egg Biryani• Salt - 1 to taste.• Mint - 1 bunch.• Plain yogurt - 2 cup.• Whole garam masala - 10 numbers.• Black cumin - 1 teaspoons.• Fresh coriander/cilantro leaves - 1 teaspoons.• Biryani masla powder - 50 grams.• Fired onion - 1 teaspoons.• Green chillies - 4 numbers.• Oil - 1 tablespoons.• Ginger garlic paste - 1 tablespoons.• Onions - 1 large.• Eggs - 8 numbers.• Basmati rice - 500 grams.• Clarified butter - 6 teaspoons. Method: Wash and soak rice for at-least 45 minutes or 1 hour. Boil eggs shell the boiled eggs and give four long cuts on the white portion of each egg without separating it."
] |
508 | 1 truck of sand capacity in kg | [
"docid": "D74807#0",
"title": "http://auto.howstuffworks.com/auto-parts/towing/towing-capacity/information/half-ton-truck.htm\nWhat does it mean to call a pickup truck a '1/2 ton truck' (also known as a 'half-ton truck')?",
"text": "\"NEXTHalf-ton pickups have outgrown their name -- now they can safely carry much more than just a half-ton.i Stock Photo /Brian Sullivan Once you've finally splurged to buy that boat you've always wanted, it may strike you that it's not so smart to lug it around with the old family sedan. Maybe it's time to upgrade to a truck. The question is, \"\"What kind?\"\" Soon after you begin your search, you'll realize that shopping for the right truck can get confusing. When it comes to heavy duty towing and hauling, it's easy to get lost in the sea of terms and safety requirements. The real meaning of \"\"half-ton\"\" pickup, for instance, eludes some automotive folks, let alone first-time truck buyers. A ton is 2000 pounds (907.19 kg), so does it follow that a half-ton truck weighs 1000 pounds (453.5 kg)? Actually, the name doesn't refer to the weight of the truck. In fact, half-ton pickups weigh much more than that. The weight of a truck without cargo or passengers is called the curb weight."
] | [
"docid": "D907111#0",
"title": "http://marinenotes.blogspot.com/2012/06/what-is-teu-twenty-foot-equivalent-unit.html\nThe 20 Foot Shipping Container: The Basic Unit of Shipping Measure",
"text": "What is TEU ? The twenty-foot equivalent unit (often TEU or teu) is an inexact unit of cargo capacity often used to describe the capacity of container ships andcontainer terminals. It is based on the volume of a 20-foot-long (6.1 m) intermodal container, a standard-sized metal box which can be easily transferred between different modes of transportation, such as ships, trains and trucks. One TEU represents the cargo capacity of a standard intermodal container, 20 feet (6.1 m) long and 8 feet (2.44 m) wide. There is a lack of standardisation in regards to height, ranging between 4 feet 3 inches (1.30 m) and 9 feet 6 inches (2.90 m), with the most common height being 8 feet 6 inches (2.59 m). Also, it is common to designate 45-foot (13.7 m) containers as 2 TEU, rather than 2.25 TEU. Forty-foot equivalent unit (often FEU or feu) Standard unit for describing a ship's cargo carrying capacity, or a shipping terminal's cargo handling capacity. A standard forty-foot (40x8x8 feet) container equals two TEUs (each 20x8x8 feet). The 20 Foot Shipping Container: The Basic Unit of Shipping Measure Although the 20 foot shipping container is no longer a favorite length for international shipping, it remains one of the ISO standard sizes, and it still is the basic unit of measure. The 20 ft equivalent unit (TEU) is the building block for expressing shipping capacity."
"docid": "D2585190#0",
"title": "http://formulas.tutorvista.com/physics/specific-heat-formula.html\nSpecific Heat Formula",
"text": "Formulas Physics Formulas Heat Formula Specific Heat Formula Specific Heat Formula Specific Heat is used when we are referring to some thing particular. Heat capacity is the ratio of quantity of heat required to change the temperature by one degree Celsius. But when we consider certain amount of mass we are using the word Specific Heat Capacity or Specific Heat. Specific Heat is the quantity of heat required to raise a gram of any substance by 1 degree Celsius. Specific Heat formula is given by Where, Q is the heat gained or lost, T is the temperature difference. Temperature difference is given by T = (T f - T ), where T f is the final temperature and T is the initial temperature. Specific Heat formula is used to find the specific heat of any given substance, its mass, heat gained or temperature difference if some of the quantities are given. It is expressed in Joule/Kg Kelvin (J/Kg K). Specific Heat Problems Back to Top Below are some problems based on specific heat which will be helpful for you. Solved Examples Question 1: Calculate the heat required to raise 0.6 Kg of sand from 30 o C to 90 o C? ("
"docid": "D1047219#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humvee\nHumvee",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the military vehicle. For the civilian vehicle brand, see Hummer. This article needs additional citations for verification. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)A U. S. Army HMMWV in Saladin Province, Iraq in March 2006. Type Unarmored: Light Utility Vehicle Armored: Light Armored Car Place of origin United States Service history In service 1984–present Production history Manufacturer AM General Unit cost $220,000 (2011) (up-armored) [1]Produced 1984–present No. built 281,000 [2]Specifications Weight 5,200–5,900 lb (2,359–2,676 kg) curb weight [3]Length 15 ft (4.57 m), [4] wheelbase 10 ft 10 in (3.30 m)Width 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) [4]Height 6 ft (1.83 m), reducible to 4 ft 6 in (1.37 m) [4]Main armament Multiple, see design features Engine V8 diesel 6.2 L (380 cu in) or V8 turbo diesel and non-turbo diesel 6.5 L (400 cu in): 190 hp (142 k W) @ 3,400 rpm / 380 lb·ft (515 N·m) @ 1,700 rpm [3]Transmission 3-speed automatic or 4-speed automatic [3]Suspension Independent 4×4Fuel capacity 25 U. S. gal (95 L) [4]Speed 55 mph (89 km/h) at max gross weight [5] Over 70 mph (113 km/h) top speed [3] [6]The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle ( HMMWV ), commonly known as the Humvee, is a four-wheel drive military light truck produced by AM General. [ 7] It has largely supplanted the roles previously performed by the original jeep, and others such as the Vietnam War-era M151 jeep, the M561 \"\"Gama Goat\"\", their M718A1 and M792 ambulance versions, the Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle (CUCV), and other light trucks."
"docid": "D2233603#0",
"title": "http://www.cecontainers.com/faq.php\n.",
"text": "1. What is container shipping? Containerization is a global system of intermodal cargo transport using standardized containers, which can be loaded and sealed intact onto container ships, railroad cars, planes and trucks. Prior to the introduction of containers, cargo handling for sea transportation was both time consuming and expensive. Containers have changed that fundamentally. Transport is now safer and more affordable than ever before. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. What are the common standard lengths of shipping containers? There are five common standard lengths, 20-ft (6.1 m), 40-ft (12.2 m), 45-ft (13.7 m), 48-ft (14.6 m), and 53-ft (16.2 m). United States domestic standard containers are generally 48 ft (15 m) and 53-ft (rail and truck). ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................"
"docid": "D3044004#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Durastar\nInternational DuraStar",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from International Durastar)navigation search\"\"International 4000 Series\"\" redirects here. For its predecessor, see International 4000 Series (1989). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( November 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)International Dura Star Overview Manufacturer Navistar International Also called International 4000 Series Production 2002-2018Body and chassis Class Class 5 & 6Body style Truck Tractor Straight truck Bus Cowled chassis Cutaway cab Layout Conventional 4x2 Conventional 6x4Related International 3300International RXTInternational Work Star Ford F-650/F-750Powertrain Engine Diesel Transmission Manual Automatic Dimensions Wheelbase 128–254 inches (3,251–6,452 mm)Chronology Predecessor International 4000 Series (1989)Successor International MVThe International Dura Star, originally introduced as the International 4000 Series, is a medium-duty truck produced by Navistar International. First produced in 2002, it is the successor to the 4000 Series of the 1990s. It is available in three variants, which are built on the same chassis. They differ in engines, drivetrains, brakes, and cargo capacity. It is a popular commercial platform used in a wide variety of applications, such as emergency services, towing, flatbed truck and as a cargo box truck."
"docid": "D1992169#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallets\nPallet",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Pallets)navigation search Not to be confused with Palate or Palette (disambiguation). For other uses, see Pallet (disambiguation). The classic wooden pallet, with a glove for scale. A plastic skid with nine legs, which can be lifted from all four sides. This type of transport is commonly called a pallet, but since it has no bottom it is technically a skid. A metal pallet with removable beams, in this case for firewood Automated palletizer of bread with industrial KUKA robots at a bakery in Germany48\"\" × 40\"\" galvanized steel pallet. Galvanized steel pallets are fireproof and rust resistant. A pallet / ˈ p æ l ɪ t /, sometimes inaccurately called a skid (a skid has no bottom deck boards), is a flat transport structure that supports goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by a forklift, pallet jack, front loader, work saver, or other jacking device, or a crane. A pallet is the structural foundation of a unit load which allows handling and storage efficiencies. Goods or shipping containers are often placed on a pallet secured with strapping, stretch wrap or shrink wrap and shipped."
"docid": "D2658004#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GMC_Sierra\nChevrolet Silverado",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from GMC Sierra)navigation search For the Chevrolet C/K series Silverado, see Chevrolet C/K. Chevrolet Silverado/GMC Sierra Overview Manufacturer General Motors Also called GMC Sierra Chevrolet Cheyenne (Mexico)VIA VTRUXVTA Sol TRUXChevrolet C/K ( South Korea and east Asia)Production 1998–present Assembly United States: Flint, Michigan Roanoke, Indiana Canada: Oshawa, Ontario Mexico: Silao, Guanajuato Body and chassis Class Full-size/Heavy-Duty pickup truck Body style2-door regular cab4-door double cab4-door crew cab Dually Layout FR layout F4 layout Chronology Predecessor Chevrolet/GMC C/KThe Chevrolet Silverado, and its mechanically identical cousin, the GMC Sierra, are a series of full-size and heavy-duty pickup trucks manufactured by General Motors and introduced in 1998 as the successor to the long-running Chevrolet C/K line. The Silverado name was taken from a trim level previously used on its predecessor, the Chevrolet C/K pickup truck from 1975 through 1998. General Motors continues to offer a GMC -badged variant of the Chevrolet full-size pickup under the GMC Sierra name, first used in 1987 for its variant of the GMT400 platform trucks. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 First generation (1999–2007)2.1 Light duty2.1.1 2001 GMC Sierra C3/Denali2.1.2 Chevrolet Silverado SS2.1.2.1 Intimidator SS2.1.3 Vortec High Output/Vortec Max2.1.4 Hybrid2.2 Heavy duty2.3 Engines3 Second generation (2007–2014)3.1 Engines3.2 Production location switch3.3 Safety3.4 Electric version4 Third generation (2014–2019)4.1 20154.1.1 Special Editions4.1.1.1 Chevrolet4.2 20164.3 2019 Silverado LD4.3.1 Special editions4.3.1.1 GMC4.3.1.2 Chevrolet4.4 Engines5 Fourth generation (2019–present)5.1 GMC Sierra5.2 Medium duty version (4500HD and 5500HD)6 Military applications6.1 Variants7 Awards8 Motorsport9 World markets9.1 Gray import gallery10 Yearly American sales11 Special use Silverados and Sierras12 See also13 References14 External links History [ edit]Although General Motors introduced its first pickup truck in 1930, the term \"\"Silverado\"\" was a designation used only to detail the trim for the Chevrolet C/K pickup trucks, Suburbans, and Tahoes from 1975 through 1999. [ 1] GMC used a few variations of the \"\"Sierra\"\" name (e.g. Sierra, Sierra Classic, and High Sierra); however, Chevrolet still uses the CK and the CC in their current model codes.1997 Silverado trim package on C/K pickup The Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra trucks have been essentially the same for their entire history. However, there are some trim and add-on option variations. Early models included variations in the engine and equipment, but the present differences are slight. The 1999 model year redesign included different grilles and interior trim, and certain features (e.g. Quadrasteer) were included at different times on the two trucks. The GMC Sierra has a luxury package known as \"\"Denali\"\" which adds tons of creature comfort features and design changes. Chevrolet's equivalent to the Denali trim level is the High Country Silverado which was introduced in the 2014 model year."
"docid": "D1330225#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_cubic_meter_of_sand_in_a_standard_dump_truck_in_the_Philippines\nHow many tons does a cubic meter of sand weigh?",
"text": "Venggadasamy 2 Contributions How many tons does a cubic meter of sand weigh? Answer Depending on how tight it's packed, dry sand can weigh anywhere between 1,442 and 1,602 kilograms per cubic meter. Therefore, a cubic meter of dry sand can weigh …Jeff Carlisle 41,541 Contributions Diesel tech, truck driver, equipment operator, gunsmith, veteran... yep, I get around. How many tons can an standard dump truck carry? Typical commercial US dump trucks are double-axle dually setups carrying about 10 cubic yards of material, which is about 10 short tons for typical materials like gravel or so …How many cubic meters is a standard fridge?if your are talking about packing it, then the final volume will turn out to be somewhere around 1.7 CBMS. How many 20kg sand in a cubic meter?80How many cubic meter in one ton of fine sand?1 cubic meter of fine sand is equal to 1.25 tons How many dump truck loads of sand in a 10 cubic yard truck will it take to fill up a 60 ft diameter round pen 4 inches deep? The first thing you need to do is get all of your measurements into the same unit. Your round pen has a diameter (D) of 60 ft = 720 in which gives a radius (R) of 720 / 2 in = …How many cubic meters in 1 unit of sand? Sand, dirt, gravel and even concrete is measured by the cubic yard and each cubic yard is 1 unit. therefore 1 unit of sand = 27 cubic feet Hence 1 unit of sand = .772 cubi …Vikasgolecha 3 Contributions How many cubic meters in a truck load?"
"docid": "D1024695#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_container\nIntermodal container",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from ISO container)navigation search A 40-foot long (12.19 m) shipping container. Each of the eight corners has an essential twistlock fitting for hoisting, stacking, and securing In 2012 there were over 20 million intermodal containers in the world. Extra long 53 ft (16.15 m) × 9 ft 6 in (2.9 m) \"\"High-Cube\"\" container with an internal height of 110 in (2,794 mm)Freight train carrying containers through West Kingman Canyon, Arizona Making containers stackable made loading and transport on large ships feasible and efficient An intermodal container is a large standardized shipping container, designed and built for intermodal freight transport, meaning these containers can be used across different modes of transport – from ship to rail to truck – without unloading and reloading their cargo. [ 1] Intermodal containers are primarily used to store and transport materials and products efficiently and securely in the global containerized intermodal freight transport system, but smaller numbers are in regional use as well. These containers are known under a number of names, such as simply container, cargo or freight container, ISO container, shipping, sea or ocean container, container van or ( Conex) box, sea or c can. [ nb 1]Intermodal containers exist in many types and a number of standardized sizes, but ninety percent of the global container fleet are so-called \"\"dry freight\"\" or \"\"general purpose\"\" containers, [2] [3] durable closed steel boxes, mostly of either twenty or forty foot (6 or 12m) standard length. [ 2] [4] The common heights are 8 feet 6 inches (2.6 m) and 9 feet 6 inches (2.9 m) – the latter are known as High Cube or Hi-Cube containers. [ 5]Just like cardboard boxes and pallets, these containers are a means to bundle cargo and goods into larger, unitized loads, that can be easily handled, moved, and stacked, and that will pack tightly in a ship or yard. Intermodal containers share a number of key construction features to withstand the stresses of intermodal shipping, to facilitate their handling and to allow stacking, as well as being identifiable through their individual, unique ISO 6346 reporting mark. In 2012, there were about 20.5 million intermodal containers in the world of varying types to suit different cargoes. ["
"docid": "D2381659#0",
"title": "http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-11/i-uto111008.php\nUrea tanks on diesel trucks -- that's the law in the United States starting in 2010",
"text": "\"Public Release: 10-Nov-2008Urea tanks on diesel trucks -- that's the law in the United States starting in 2010Automotive grade of world's most widely used nitrogen fertilizer used to meet new US environmental regulations to cut air pollution IFDCShare Print E-Mail? IMAGE: A prototype diesel truck with a urea tank and SCR unit. view more Credit: Daimler Chrysler Power Systems Urea tanks will be standard equipment for most new diesel trucks, buses, cars, and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) manufactured in the United States after Jan. 1, 2010. An automotive grade of urea will be injected into the vehicles' exhaust stream to \"\"scrub\"\" nitrogen oxide (NOx) from the diesel exhaust. NOx, a major air pollutant, contributes to smog, which causes asthma and respiratory and heart diseases. The system, urea SCR or \"\"urea-based selective catalytic reduction,\"\" is the only technology available that can remove enough NOx from diesel exhaust to comply with strict new limits imposed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), says Glenn Kedzie, Environmental Counsel for the American Trucking Associations. The automotive urea, called \"\"diesel exhaust fluid\"\" (DEF) in the United States and Ad Blue, a trademarked name in Europe, reduces NOx by as much as 90% alone, and can take NOx to near-zero levels when used in combination with diesel particulate filter technology, says Kim Doran, spokesperson of the newly formed North American SCR Stakeholders Group and editor of Facts About SCR.com, a Web site dedicated to SCR news. DEF and Ad Blue are an aqueous urea solution 32 (AUS 32), a clear 32.5% nitrogen solution of high-purity urea in demineralized water. The urea solutions are safe to handle, manufacturers claim. Ad Blue can be bought in bulk in Europe or by the liter at some service stations."
"docid": "D715875#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concrete_mixer\nConcrete mixer",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the construction tool. For the alcoholic drink, see Cement Mixer (drink). A concrete mixer (often mistakenly called a cement mixer) is a device that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete. A typical concrete mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. For smaller volume works portable concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the construction site, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens. An alternative to a machine is mixing concrete by hand. This is usually done in a wheelbarrow; however, several companies have recently begun to sell modified tarps for this purpose. The concrete mixer was invented by Columbus, Ohio industrialist Gebhardt Jaeger. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Industrial mixers2 Trucks and trailers2.1 Concrete mixing transport trucks2.2 Concrete mixer trailers2.3 Metered concrete trucks3 On-site and portable concrete mixers4 Self loading Concrete Mixers5 Operating code6 In fiction6.1 Television7 See also8 References Industrial mixers [ edit]Today's market increasingly requires consistent homogeneity and short mixing times for the industrial production of ready-mix concrete, and more so for precast/prestressed concrete. This has resulted in refinement of mixing technologies for concrete production."
"docid": "D855314#0",
"title": "http://beneficiationplantfor.com/mining-news/conversion-of-coarse-aggregate-cubic-metre-to-metric-ton.html\nconversion of coarse aggregate cubic metre to metric ton",
"text": "\"conversion of coarse aggregate cubic metre to metric ton Posted at: June 5, 2013 [ 4.6 - 3835 Ratings]Cubic Meters to Metric Ton Using Gravel – Online Conversion Forums Cubic Meters to Metric Ton Using Gravel Convert and Calculate.» More detailed How many cubic meter are in One ton of 20 MM coarse aggregates How many kilograms in a cubic meter of 20 MM of aggregate? … Only if you have pure water, the volume of 1 cubic meter weighs of 1 tonne or 1,000 kilogram …» More detailed What is the density of gravel 20mm – Wiki Answers Gravel suppliers use a conversion rate of tonnes per cubic meter of loose filled 20 mm crush but depends on the … Density of coarse aggregate 20mm?» More detailed1 metric ton equals how much volume in cubic metres – Wiki Answers A metric ton is a unit of weight, whereas a cubic meter is a unit of volume, so there is no conversion. Think of it this way: A metric ton of styrofoam will occupy far …» More detailed Naylor Myers – Myers Group1 cubic metre = cubic yards 1 cubic foot … 1 tonne ( metric) = 2205 lbs 1 ton imperial … Dry sand coarse – tonnes per cubic metre. Topsoil (some …» More detailed Aggregate & Sand – J Clubb If you are buying aggregate or sand for the first time, here are a few tips that may … a face mask if shovelling fine materials in dry conditions to prevent breathing in fine … Aggregate is sold by the metric tonne and the weight of a cubic metre of …» More detailed Calculating gravel tonnage, cubes, and sand and earth. Convert Lengths and Distances to and from metric, British units {feet, yards, miles , etc.} … All mediums and aggregates are local: Although various norming standards for mediums have … (your metric tonnage) x (m³/ tonne) = your cubic meters …» More detailed QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS PER CUBIC METRE OF CONCRETEEstimated quantities of materials required per cubic meter of concrete and mortar for … by 2 percent and coarse aggregate in proportion to fine aggregate in mix.» More detailed Soils and Aggregate Compaction, Appendix H – Our crusheria Department …Coarse Aggregate cem. cement."
"docid": "D3434009#0",
"title": "http://www.licencebookings.co.za/Licence-Code.html\nWhat are the types of licence code?",
"text": "What are the types of licence code? The licence code refers to the type of driver's licence that you wish to obtain. It defines what type of motor vehicle you will be allowed to drive. Unfortunately, both old and new licence codes are still in use, so to simply things a little, we've listed the most commonly used types of licence code below: Licence Code A / code 1: motor cycle Licence Code B / code 2 / code 8: light motor vehicle (car, minibus, bus or goods vehicle not exceeding 3500 kgs)Licence Code C/E / code 3 / code 10 / code 14: heavy motor vehicle (truck, bus etc exceeding 3500 kgs)For more info on licence codes, please refer to the table below ... CODECLASS OF MOTOR VEHICLEAUTHORISATIONA1A motor cycle without side-car which has an engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cubic centimetres, or which is propelled by electrical power, but does not include -Includes authorisation to drive - (i) any vehicle propelled by electrical power derived from storage batteries and which is pedestrian controlled; or (i) (aa) a motor cycle with a side-car; (ii) any vehicle with a tare not exceeding 230 kilograms and specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of any person suffering from some physical defect or disability or a person of old age and used solely by such person. ( bb) a motor tricycle; (cc) a motor quadrucycle, which has an engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cubic centimetres; and (ii) a vehicle having pedals and an engine or an electric motor as an integral part thereof or attached thereto and which is designed or adapted to be propelled by means of such pedals, engine or motor, or both such pedals and engine or motor. AA motor cycle without a side-car which has an engine with a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cubic centimetres. Includes authorisation to drive- (i) a motor cycle with a side-car; (ii) a motor tricycle; (iii) a motor quadrucycle; and (iv) any other motor vehicle for which a code A1 driving licence is required. BA motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being-Includes authorisation to drive- (i) a motor vehicle the tare of which does not exceed 3 500 kilograms; or (i) a tractor; and (ii) a mini-bus, a bus or a goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 3 500 kilograms, with or without a trailer, the gross vehicle mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms, but does not include an articulated motor vehicle. ( ii) a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, with or without a trailer. C1A motor vehicle, excluding a motor cycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, tractor and a motor vehicle which is a type of mobile agricultural or industrial equipment or machinery not designed principally for the conveyance of persons or goods, being-Includes authorisation to drive any motor vehicle for which a code B driving licence is required. ("
"docid": "D3409348#0",
"title": "https://www.tankconnection.com/products/liquid-tanks/digesters/\n.",
"text": "Liquid Containment Solutions01/22/2018 · 9:38am Tank Connection leads the industry in liquid contain solutions, with superior coating technology, versatile design, expert engineering, and industry experience. Cement Storage - Portland, New Zealand05/26/2017 · 10:21am This large bolted RTP silo stores dry, free-flowing cement. It sits upon an enclosed structural steel and cement elevated platform, and can withstand hurricane force winds. Raw Water & Demineralized Water05/03/2017 · 3:58pm Tank Connection bolted RTP design selected to be installed at the world’s largest copper-producing mine. AQUA AGT 2020™ RAISING THE BAR (Spanish)04/18/2017 · 6:17pm In vitreous enamel/glass/porcelain enamel tank coatings, specify Tank Connection and AQUA AGT 2020™ for superior quality glass that will fulfill your expectations for long-term performance!Melbourne, Australia Cement Terminal08/22/2016 · 9:59am Tank Connection's Bolted RTP silo serves as the centerpiece of this large cement terminal facility in Melbourne, Australia. Singapore - Reverse Osmosis Flush/Feed Water Storage07/08/2016 · 1:49pm Tank Connection was chosen for this massive water storage facility in Singapore. The project features 13 water storage tanks for reverse osmosis flush/feed applications. Five of these tanks are 135.39 feet (41.27 m) in diameter by 46.08 feet (14.05 m) in height, with a capacity of 4,755,096.9 gal (18,000 cubic meters) each, and feature aluminum geodesic dome covers. Liquid Containment Solutions (Spanish)06/02/2016 · 1:44pm For potable water, wastewater, fire protection and industrial liquids, Tank Connection offers unlimited configurations in bolted tank construction from ground reservoirs to elevated water tanks. Standard liquid tank capacities range from 25,000 to 8,000,000 gallons."
"docid": "D3227113#0",
"title": "https://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/threads/regulations-for-moving-my-boom-truck.210141/\nRegulations for moving my boom truck",
"text": "\"Regulations for moving my boom truck Discussion in ' Trucking Industry Regulations ' started by Rocket Scott, Apr 12, 2013 . Page 1 of 21 2 Next >Apr 12, 2013 #1Rocket Scott Light Load Member10925Apr 10, 2013Tacoma, WA0I just bought a '89 Peterbuilt 379 with a crane mounted to it. I'm a carpenter/contractor and will only be using this for my own projects, not hiring it out. I'm not going to be hauling any loads for now either. Maybe later on I'll get a flat bed trailer for hauling a bobcat or small amounts of lumber locally but for now I'm just going to be parking it on my jobsite and running the crane. The scale weight is listed as 18,540 and gross weight is 80,000 on the previous registration. My question is what do I need for driving the truck to the jobsite or between jobsites? Do I need a DOT number? I have friends with CDLs to move it for me for now. I'll work on getting one later but it's not a priority as it will only get moved once a month or so."
"docid": "D639039#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilbit\nDilbit",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Drill bit. Dilbit ( dil uted bit umen) is a bitumen diluted with one or more lighter petroleum products, typically natural-gas condensates such as naphtha. Diluting bitumen makes it much easier to transport, for example in pipelines. Per the Alberta Oil Sands Bitumen Valuation Methodology, \"\"Dilbit Blends\"\" means \"\"Blends made from heavy crudes and/or bitumens and a diluent, usually natural-gas condensate, for the purpose of meeting pipeline viscosity and density specifications, where the density of the diluent included in the blend is less than 800 kg/m 3 .\"\" [ 1] If the diluent density is greater than or equal to 800 kg/m 3, the diluent is typically synthetic crude and accordingly the blend is called synbit. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Reasons for dilution2 Methods of dilution3 Refinement process4 Risks and failures4.1 Enbridge pipeline dilbit spill4.2 Separation and oil spill risks5 Alternatives to diluent6 See also7 References8 External links Reasons for dilution [ edit]Bitumen and heavy oils are often produced from remote deposits such as the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada and the Orinoco tar sands in Venezuela. Before 1980, most produced bitumen was transported by truck, but trucking is seasonally restricted and relatively inefficient and expensive compared to pipeline transport. However, bitumen in its undiluted state is too viscous and dense to be transported by pipeline. To create a fluid capable of transportation by pipeline, bitumen must be mixed with a fluid that has much lower viscosity and will keep bitumen from precipitating out of the mixture. By 1985 and demonstrating the effectiveness of dilbit, Alberta Energy Company was operating dual pipelines to transport diluent from Edmonton to Cold Lake and dilbit from Cold Lake to Edmonton. ["
"docid": "D800880#0",
"title": "http://www.orecrusherplant.com/south-africa/how-much-crushed-rock-in-a-dumptruck/\nhow much crushed rock in a dumptruck",
"text": "how much crushed rock in a dumptruckprice cost for a dump truck of crushed concrete or …If you want just loose gravel, a dump truck load will run you about $ … use crushed stone, … Tandem Dump Truck … 22A Crushed Concrete …Chat Online & Get Price How much gravel can a dump truck hold – The Q&A wikidepends on the size of the dump truck The size of the dump box (example if it can hold 10 cubic yards) and the legal loading limit for the roads / area and number of …Chat Online & Get Pricehow many cubic yards in a dump truck 3/4 crushed …How many cubic yards does a dump truck hold? – … Apr 13, 2006 · Best Answer: Dump trucks are rated by…Chat Online & Get Price Joe’s Landscaping Supplies – Crushed Rock & Concrete Delivery of crushed rock /concrete … please be aware that delivered amounts may vary +/- .75 yards according to how much is actually loaded into the dump truck. Chat Online & Get Priceaverage cost of a dump truck load of limestone – …How much does it cost for a dump truck load of rock. … Most gravel driveways are made of crushed stone or gravel which costs about $25-$30 per ton plus $100 or so …Chat Online & Get Price FAQHow Much do Your Trucks Haul? Our solo dump trucks can haul up to 10 yards of rock, or up to 15 yards of bark or topsoil. … or very finely crushed rock. Chat Online & Get Price How much gravel can a dump truck hold? – Experts123 …How much gravel can a dump truck hold? Tags: … What is the weight of crushed 1 gravel per yard? … Is gravel igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock?"
"docid": "D125227#0",
"title": "http://www.fao.org/docrep/T0579E/t0579e05.htm\n3. CALCULATION OF MACHINE RATES",
"text": "\"3. CALCULATION OF MACHINE RATES3.1 Introduction3.2 Classification of Costs3.3 Definitions3.4 Fixed Costs3.5 Operating Costs3.6 Labor Costs3.7 Variable Effort Cycles3.8 Animal Rates3.9 Examples3.1 Introduction The unit cost of logging or road construction is essentially derived by dividing cost by production. In its simplest case, if you rented a tractor with operator for $60 per hour - including all fuel and other costs - and you excavated 100 cubic meters per hour, your unit cost for excavation would be $0.60 per cubic meter. The hourly cost of the tractor with operator is called the machine rate. In cases where the machine and the elements of production are not rented, a calculation of the owning and operating costs is necessary to derive the machine rate. The objective in developing a machine rate should be to arrive at a figure that, as nearly as possible, represents the cost of the work done under the operating conditions encountered and the accounting system in use. Most manufacturers of machinery supply data for the cost of owning and operating their equipment that will serve as the basis of machine rates. However, such data usually need modification to meet specific conditions of operation, and many owners of equipment will prefer to prepare their own rates.3.2 Classification of Costs The machine rate is usually, but not always, divided into fixed costs, operating costs, and labor costs. For certain cash flow analyses only items which represent a cash flow are included. Certain fixed costs, including depreciation and sometimes interest charges, are omitted if they do not represent a cash payment."
"docid": "D2123949#0",
"title": "http://www.hino-global.com/news_release/239.html\nNEWS RELEASE",
"text": "\"NEWS RELEASENovember 14, 2013Hino Motors will exhibit six vehicles including a small-sized EV community bus at the 43rd Tokyo Motor Show 2013 to communicate EV commercial vehicles and advanced safety technology Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereinafter, \"\"Hino\"\") will exhibit six vehicles including a world-premiere small-sized EV community bus concept, plug-in hybrid bus with external power supply function, and large tour bus equipped with advanced safety technology at the 43rd Tokyo Motor Show 2013 to be held at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo from November 22 (Friday) to December 1 (Sunday) (Organizer: Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association). Our theme for the exhibition is \"\"Transporting Your Tomorrow Worldwide\"\". We will introduce our vehicles, which carry objects and passengers in order to support the lives of people around the world, in an easy-to-understand manner to visitors who otherwise have little chance to encounter commercial vehicles. We will also propose the future state of environmentally-friendly commercial vehicles. Hino Exhibition Overview We will hold our exhibit in Tokyo Big Sight East Hall 1. All exhibition vehicles are reference exhibits. 1. HINO Poncho Mini (small-sized EV community bus concept) Hino's small-sized EV community bus concept. This vehicle's compact body gives it the agility to maneuver through the city. It runs silently on an electric motor, producing zero emissions."
"docid": "D3013200#0",
"title": "http://www.gehl.com/equipment/skid-loaders\nRadial-Lift Vertical-Lift",
"text": "\"R105Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 108.1\"\" (2746) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 1,050 lbs. ( 476) Net Power (k W): 33.1 hp (24.7)R135Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 109.6\"\" (2784) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 1,350 lbs. ( 612) Net Power (k W): 44.5 hp (33)R150Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 119\"\" (3023) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 1,500 lbs. ( 680) Net Power (k W): 44.5 hp (33)R165Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 119\"\" (3023) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 1,650 lbs. ( 748) Net Power (k W): 68.4 hp (51)R190Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 120.5\"\" (3061) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 1,900 lbs. ( 862) Net Power (k W): 68.4 hp (51)R220Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 123\"\" (3124) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 2,200 lbs. ( 998) Net Power (k W): 70.7 hp (52.7)R260Height to Hinge Pin - Fully Raised (mm): 123\"\" (3124) Rated Operating Capacity (kg): 2,600 lbs. ( 1179) Net Power (k W): 70.7 hp (52.7)Radial-Lift Skid Loaders | The Next Revolution The versatile Gehl Radial-Lift Skid Loaders are designed to meet the demanding needs of contractors, municipalities, landscapers, mining, dairies and agricultural operations. These skid loaders also excel in excavating, grading and digging below grade applications. Due to the radial-lift path, the maximum reach is greater at the middle of the lift height."
] |
515 | 1. how many autosomes are present in the body cell of a human being | [
"docid": "D2326002#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-autosomes-humans-b8749953cc7604c0\nHow Many Autosomes Do Humans Have?",
"text": "Science Biology Molecular Biology & DNAQ: How Many Autosomes Do Humans Have? A: Quick Answer Humans have 44 autosomes, which is a total of 22 pairs of autosomes. Autosomes are the chromosomes that determine what proteins are made in the body that are not related to sex. In all, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one pair of which are the sex chromosomes, the X and Y chromosomes. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Pairs of Autosomes Do Humans Have? How Many Chromosomes Do Humans Have? How Many Pairs of Chromosomes Do Humans Have? Full Answer Not all the autosomes are the same size. The largest autosome is Chromosome 1, which has about 2,800 genes. The second largest autosome is Chromosome 2, which contains about 750 genes."
] | [
"docid": "D164770#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168952511000059\nReviewEpigenetic regulation of autosomal gene expression by sex chromosomes",
"text": "Volume 27, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 132-140Review Epigenetic regulation of autosomal gene expression by sex chromosomes Patrick J. Wijchers 1 Richard J. Festenstein 2Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2011.01.004 Get rights and content Males and females display differences in physiology, behaviour and susceptibility to many diseases. Genome-wide transcription profiling studies have uncovered large-scale sex differences in autosomal gene expression in somatic tissues that are thought to underlie such ‘sexual dimorphisms’. Because males and females differ genetically mainly in their sex chromosome complement, most sex differences can be traced back to the X and Y chromosomes. Although sex hormones are usually considered the main architects of sexual dimorphisms, recent studies have demonstrated that sex chromosomes can also induce sex differences in somatic gene expression in the absence of hormonal differences. The recent discovery of epigenetic sex differences that are not hormone-induced brings us closer to understanding differences in autosomal gene expression. In this review, we discuss the insights gained from these findings and the mechanisms by which X and Y chromosomes might induce epigenetic sex differences. Previous article Next article Sexual dimorphism in gene expression; not just hormones All animal species display differences between males and females [1]. In humans, such ‘sexual dimorphisms’ are most obviously apparent as physical and behavioural differences. Importantly, the prevalence, course and response to treatment of many diseases differ between males and females [2]. Males and females differ by only a handful of genes on the sex chromosomes, so most sexual dimorphisms are considered to be driven by the gene expression differences of autosomal genes in both the reproductive organs and in nongonadal, somatic tissues. Such gene expression differences are common during development and in adult tissues across many mammalian species [3,4]. Moreover, genes not differentially expressed often show sex-specific variations in exon usage and levels of particular splicing isoforms [5,6]. The true extent of sexually dimorphic gene expression in somatic tissues was not appreciated until a recent large-scale microarray analysis of hundreds of mice provided the statistical power to reliably detect minor gene expression differences [7]. This study revealed that thousands of autosomal genes are differentially expressed between the sexes in several somatic tissues, with 14% (brain) to 70% (liver) of active genes affected [7]. Although the expression changes were less than 1.2-fold for the majority of genes, small-scale differences in many genes are expected to have a large combined impact on cellular differences between the sexes. Of course, a 1.2-fold change might not reflect a 1.2-fold change in all cells across a heterogeneous population, and might also reflect differences in the proportion of cells expressing a given gene, similar to what is observed in position–effect variegation (PEV, Box 1 )."
"docid": "D1458918#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_autosomes_do_humans_have\nHow many autosomes do humans have?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics How many autosomes do humans have? Flag How many autosomes do humans have? Answer by King Akins Confidence votes 1444 - - - In humans, there are 23 chromosomes in one set. Of these, one is a sex chromosome, and the other 22 are autosomes. So there are 22 autosomes in a human gamete (spermatozoon or ovum). In the zygote and all the body cells subsequently formed from the zygote, there are two sets (the diploid condition) and therefore 44 autosomes (two genetically different versions of each of the 22).7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jazz M 28,354 Contributions A veterinarian with a love of animals, history and tea. How many autosomes in a human somatic cell? There are 22 pairs of autosomes in a human somatic cell. Djlilli 811 Contributions How many autosomes does a normal human have?"
"docid": "D1977205#0",
"title": "http://benthamopen.com/FULLTEXT/TOORTHJ-6-14\nThe Epidemiology, Genetics and Future Management of Syndactyly",
"text": "The Epidemiology, Genetics and Future Management of Syndactyly D Jordan 1, *, S Hindocha *, 1, 2, M Dhital 3, M Saleh 4, W Khan 51 Department of Plastic Surgery, Countess of Chester Hospital, Liverpool Road Chester, CH21UL, UK2 Department of Plastic Surgery, Whiston Hospital, Warrington Road, L35 5DR, Liverpool, UK3 University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK4 Ain Shams University, Khalifa El-Maamon St, Abbasiya Sq, Cairo. 11566, Egypt5 University College London Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LP, UKAbstract Syndactyly is a condition well documented in current literature due to it being the most common congenital hand defect, with a large aesthetic and functional significance. There are currently nine types of phenotypically diverse non-syndromic syndactyly, an increase since the original classification by Temtamy and Mc Kusick (1978). Non-syndromic syndactyly is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, although the more severe presenting types and sub types appear to have autosomal recessive and in some cases X-linked hereditary. Gene research has found that these phenotypes appear to not only be one gene specific, although having individual localised loci, but dependant on a wide range of genes and subsequent signalling pathways involved in limb formation. The principal genes so far defined to be involved in congenital syndactyly concern mainly the Zone of Polarizing Activity and Shh pathway. Research into the individual phenotypes appears to complicate classification as new genes are found both linked, and not linked, to each malformation. Consequently anatomical, phenotypical and genotypical classifications can be used, but are variable in significance, depending on the audience. Currently, management is surgical, with a technique unchanged for several decades, although future development will hopefully bring alternatives in both earlier diagnosis and gene manipulation for therapy. Keywords: Congenital, genetics, human, limb deformity, pathology, syndactyly."
"docid": "D430150#0",
"title": "http://www.chw.org/medical-care/fetal-concerns-center/conditions/infant-complications/genetic-disorders/\nGenetic disorders",
"text": "\"Home > Medical care > Fetal Concerns Center > Conditions > Potential fetal conditions > Genetic disorders Genetic disorders This page is intended to provide general information about genetic disorders and more specific information about a few genetic disorders that are diagnosed through the Fetal Concerns Center. It does not provide information about every disorder diagnosed at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. What is genetics and genetic disorders? Genetics is the study of the pattern of inheritance. A geneticist studies birth disorders and their cause. Normally each individual has 46 chromosomes in every cell. Most fetuses receive 23 chromosomes from each parent. Chromosomes are structures found in every cell of the body. Typically there are 22 non-sex chromosome pairs called autosomes, and one sex chromosome pair. If you are male, the most common sex chromosome pair is XY and if you are female, the most common pair is XX."
"docid": "D3349785#0",
"title": "http://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/13/9/2384.full\nGenetics and Pathogenesis of Polycystic Kidney Disease",
"text": "Genetics and Pathogenesis of Polycystic Kidney Disease Peter Igarashi *, Stefan Somlo † and Feature Editor+ Author Affiliations*Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas; and †Departments of Internal Medicine and Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. Correspondence to Dr. Peter Igarashi, Division of Nephrology, UT Southwestern, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., MC8856, Dallas, TX 75390-8856. Phone: 214-648-2754; Fax: 214-648-2071; E-mail: [email protected] Eberhard Ritz Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a common genetic cause of chronic renal failure in children and adults, is characterized by the accumulation of fluid-filled cysts in the kidney and other organs. The renal cysts originate from the epithelia of the nephrons and renal collecting system and are lined by a single layer of cells that have higher rates of cellular proliferation and are less differentiated than normal tubular cells ( 1 ). Abnormalities in gene expression, cell polarity, fluid secretion, apoptosis, and extracellular matrix have also been described in PKD, but the mechanism of cyst formation remains incompletely understood ( 2 – 6 ). In recent months, there have been several advances in our understanding of the genetics and pathogenesis of PKD. Genes responsible for autosomal recessive PKD in humans and mice have been cloned, the PKD2 gene product has been identified as an intracellular calcium release channel, the PKD1 gene product has been found to regulate the cell cycle, and a neglected cellular organelle, the primary cilium, has emerged as a potential key player in polycystic disease. In this review, we will discuss how the cloning of the human PKD genes and the characterization of animal models have provided new insights into the pathogenesis of PKD. It is hoped that a more thorough understanding of the genetics and pathogenesis of PKD will lead to improvements in diagnosis and treatment."
"docid": "D81279#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscular_Dystrophy\nMuscular dystrophy",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Muscular Dystrophy)navigation search Muscular dystrophy In affected muscle (right), the tissue has become disorganized and the concentration of dystrophin (green) is greatly reduced, compared to normal muscle (left). Specialty Pediatrics, medical genetics Symptoms Increasing weakening, breakdown of skeletal muscles, trouble walking [1] [2]Duration Long term [1]Types > 30 including Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy [1] [2]Causes Genetic ( X-linked recessive, autosomal recessive, or autosomal dominant) [2]Diagnostic method Blood tests, genetic testing [2]Treatment Physical therapy, braces, corrective surgery, assisted ventilation [2] [1]Prognosis Depends on the type [1]Muscular dystrophy ( MD) is a group of muscle diseases that results in increasing weakening and breakdown of skeletal muscles over time. [ 1] The disorders differ in which muscles are primarily affected, the degree of weakness, how fast they worsen, and when symptoms begin. [ 1] Many people will eventually become unable to walk. [ 2] Some types are also associated with problems in other organs. [ 2] [ not in citation given]There are nine main categories of muscular dystrophy that contain more than thirty specific types. [ 1] [2] The most common type is Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) which typically affects males beginning around the age of four. [ 1] Other types include Becker muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, and myotonic dystrophy. [ 1] They are due to mutations in genes that are involved in making muscle proteins. [ 2] This can occur due to either inheriting the defect from one's parents or the mutation occurring during early development. ["
"docid": "D2688271#0",
"title": "https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/severe-chronic-neutropenia/\nAlone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today",
"text": "Severe Chronic Neutropenia NORD gratefully acknowledges Laurence A. Boxer, MD, Henry and Mala Dorfman Family Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, University of Michigan, for assistance in the preparation of this report. Synonyms of Severe Chronic Neutropenia SCNSubdivisions of Severe Chronic Neutropeniachronic congenital neutropeniachronic idiopathic neutropeniacyclic neutropenia General Discussion Severe chronic neutropenia (SCN) is a rare blood disorder characterized by abnormally low levels of certain white blood cells (neutrophils) in the body (neutropenia). Neutrophils play an essential role in fighting bacterial infections by surrounding and destroying invading bacteria (phagocytosis). Symptoms associated with severe chronic neutropenia include recurring fevers, mouth sores (ulcers), and/or inflammation of the tissues that surround and support the teeth (periodontitis). Due to low levels of neutrophils, affected individuals may be more susceptible to recurring infections that, in some cases, may result in life-threatening complications. SCN may last for months or years and can affect both children and adults. Clinicians recognize three forms of the disorder: congenital, cyclical, and idiopathic neutropenia. The term idiopathic neutropenia is used when severe chronic neutropenia occurs for unknown reasons. Signs & Symptoms Symptoms and physical findings associated with severe chronic neutropenia vary greatly depending on how low the level of neutrophils in the blood falls. As earlier noted, the four main subdivisions of severe chronic neutropenia are congenital, cyclical, idiopathic, and autoimmune."
"docid": "D2892464#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-autosome.htm\nWhat is an Autosome?",
"text": "Within the nucleus of the cell, DNA is arranged into discrete structures called chromosomes. Cells within sexually reproducing organisms have two copies of each chromosome, called homologous chromosomes. One copy comes from the male parent and one comes from the female. Two chromosomes, or one pair, determine the sex of the organism, so they are called the sex chromosomes. The rest of the chromosomes are referred to as autosomes. For example, humans have 46 chromosomes, or 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. A karyotype is an image created of all the chromosomes within a nucleus. In a karyotype of a human cell, pairs one to 22 are autosome pairs, while pair 23 consists of the sex chromosomes. The paired autosomes are arranged from one to 22 in descending size. In a normal cell, an autosome pair of chromosomes is usually identical in shape and size and has the same genes at the same location."
"docid": "D2063747#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromosomes\nChromosome",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chromosomes)navigation search This article may be too technical for most readers to understand. Please help improve it to make it understandable to non-experts, without removing the technical details. ( April 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Diagram of a replicated and condensed metaphase eukaryotic chromosome. ( 1) Chromatid – one of the two identical parts of the chromosome after S phase. ( 2) Centromere – the point where the two chromatids touch. ( 3) Short (p) arm. ( 4) Long (q) arm. A chromosome (from ancient Greek: χρωμόσωμα, chromosoma, chroma means colour, soma means body) is a DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material ( genome) of an organism. Most eukaryotic chromosomes include packaging proteins which, aided by chaperone proteins, bind to and condense the DNA molecule to prevent it from becoming an unmanageable tangle. [ 1] [2]Chromosomes are normally visible under a light microscope only when the cell is undergoing the metaphase of cell division (where all chromosomes are aligned in the center of the cell in their condensed form). ["
"docid": "D2421993#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_sex_chromosomes_are_present_in_your_karyotype_are_there_any_abnormalities_if_so_where_and_how_many_autosomes_are_present_in_your_karyotype\nHow many sex chromosomes are present in your karyotype are there any abnormalities if so where and how many autosomes are present in your karyotype?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics How many sex chromosomes are present in your karyotype are there any abnormalities if so where and how many autosomes are present in your karyotype? Flag How many sex chromosomes are present in your karyotype are there any abnormalities if so where and how many autosomes are present in your karyotype? Answer by Ligand Confidence votes 9.4KIn a regular human body cell, there are 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Of these, 2 are sex chromosomes, so named because they determine the sex of the individual. The other 44 (22 in each set) are called autosomes. Any exceptions to the above are instances of aneuploidy. They are relatively rare.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many chromosomes are in a normal human karyotype?46Twice987 38 Contributions How many chromosomes are in a human karyotype? There are 46 chromosomes in a human Karyotype. Mz crazy92 15 Contributions How many pairs of Autosomes are in your Karyotype?22Neodarwinian 16,472 Contributions How many autosomes are present in a karyotype?22 autosome pairs, 44 separate chromosomes in a standard karyotype."
"docid": "D3374274#0",
"title": "http://messybeast.com/gene-anomalies.htm\n.",
"text": "\"GENETIC ANOMALIES OF CATS2008-2015, Sarah Hartwell The following categories of defect are frequently used to describe feline genetic anomalies. As with all things, there will be different opinions as to which category a particular defect is assigned to. The availability of medical or surgical care may be a factor in many regions; country-specific legislation also plays a part. The definitions used here are those in current usage by cat breeders and veterinarians. Researchers working independently of each other may use different terms for what is later found to be the same syndrome or anomaly and have slightly different descriptions. The list of genetic anomalies continues to grow with better reporting and better genetic screening. CATEGORYSUB-DIVISIONLETHALClassical Lethal: kittens die in utero or are reabsorbed Teratological lethal: kittens are stillborn or die shortly after birth (major birth defects; \"\"teratological\"\" means \"\"monster-like\"\") Deferred lethal (sub-lethal, semi-lethal): lethal if the kitten inherits 2 copies of the mutated gene, impairing or not evident if only 1 copy is inherited (e.g. Manx mutation, polycystic kidney disease [PKD])IMPAIRINGNon-lethal, non-cosmetic, but difficult or impossible to control with medicine or surgery at the current state of knowledge. Non-lethal, non-cosmetic, but requires surgery to give cat good quality of life (e.g. mild cleft palate) Non-lethal, non-cosmetic, but requires long-term or lifelong medical treatment COSMETICCosmetic with medical or physical repercussions Cosmetic, but cat can live healthy life without surgery or medical treatment, but with some limitations e.g. indoor only Cosmetic with no known medical or physical repercussions In genetics-speak, mutations are often referred to as \"\"defects\"\" as they are different from normal. Since one person's defect is another person's breed trait, the term \"\"anomaly\"\" is preferred by breeders. Genetic anomalies are most often noted in purebreds for several reasons: Purebreds have pedigrees maintained over 3 or more generations making familial links easier to identify; some breeds are based on genetic anomalies."
"docid": "D1213431#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_disease\nGenetic disorder",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Genetic disease)navigation search For a non-technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Genetic disorder A boy with Down syndrome, one of the most common genetic disorders Classification and external resources Specialty Medical genetics Diseases DB 28838Me SH D030342 [ edit on Wikidata]A genetic disorder is a genetic problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a condition that is present from birth ( congenital ). Most genetic disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions. Genetic disorders may be hereditary, passed down from the parents' genes. In other genetic disorders, defects may be caused by new mutations or changes to the DNA. In such cases, the defect will only be passed down if it occurs in the germ line. The same disease, such as some forms of cancer, may be caused by an inherited genetic condition in some people, by new mutations in other people, and mainly by environmental causes in other people."
"docid": "D183217#0",
"title": "http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Misc/Data/European_DNA_table.htm\nThe Nonsense of White Genes",
"text": "\"This is a specific subject page, dealing exclusively with, or primarily with, the subject in the title. Because of need, there are many such pages at RHWW: usually, but not always, linked to primary pages. For those in a hurry, they enable a quick summary of many important subjects. The menu for these pages is here: Click>>>The Nonsense of White Genes Have you heard this nonsense statement: \"\"Black Americans have 24% European genes.\"\" That little gem comes from a \"\"SUPPOSED\"\" study done by the would-be scientists at the Money Making Company 23and Me, and published in the New York Times DEC. 24, 2014. Here is the link:https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/science/23andme-genetic-ethnicity-study.html Now from that statement, a logical person would assume the Europeans have UNIQUE Genes that would of course be \"\"WHITE\"\" genes, and Blacks would have UNIQUE genes, which of course would be \"\"BLACK\"\" genes. Strange that the 23and Me company didn't mention what those \"\"UNIQUE\"\" genes were. Moving on; the Ancestry DNA Company has a commercial running in the U. S. where a young Black woman (Lyn Johnson) declares that the company tested her genes and found that she was 26% Nigerian. Here again, you would expect that Nigerians have UNIQUE genes which allows us to tell them from all other African people."
"docid": "D97583#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karyotype\nKaryotype",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Cytotype\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Cytotype (disambiguation). A karyotype is the number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. The term is also used for the complete set of chromosomes in a species or in an individual organism [1] [2] [3] and for a test that detects this complement or measures the number. Karyotypes describe the chromosome count of an organism and what these chromosomes look like under a light microscope. Attention is paid to their length, the position of the centromeres, banding pattern, any differences between the sex chromosomes, and any other physical characteristics. [ 4] The preparation and study of karyotypes is part of cytogenetics. Karyogram of human male using Giemsa staining The study of whole sets of chromosomes is sometimes known as karyology. The chromosomes are depicted (by rearranging a photomicrograph) in a standard format known as a karyogram or idiogram: in pairs, ordered by size and position of centromere for chromosomes of the same size. The basic number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of an individual or a species is called the somatic number and is designated 2n."
"docid": "D963638#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/93583012/bio-325-ch-4-hw-flash-cards/\nBIO 325 CH. 4 HW",
"text": "\"48 terms carina_garza3BIO 325 CH. 4 HWLearn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort The ____________________ sex produces produces gametes that contain two types of gametes that differ in the sex chromosome that they carry. heterogametic An examples of hemizygous individuals are: human males and Drosophila males Normal males (XY) and Klinefelter males (XXY) both possess only one active X chromosome. Nonetheless there are clearly phenotypic differences between the two. What is the most reasonable explanation as to why such differences exist? Some genes remain active on inactivated X chromosomes so XXY males would have higher expression levels for these genes compared to XY males. What is the sex chromosome complement of people with the following syndromes? Please match them up. For instance 1 and 5 would meant that Androgen insensitivity individuals have the genotype X0. 1) Androgen insensitivity 2) Klienfelter syndrome 3) Triplo-X Females 4) Turner Syndrome 5) XO 6) XXX 7) XXY 8) XY 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6 , 4 and 5What is the phenotypic sex of a person who has 1) XY with the SRY gene deleted."
"docid": "D1198826#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/50761237/genetics-ch7-sex-determination-and-sex-chromosomes-flash-cards/\nGenetics Ch.7 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes",
"text": "45 terms katarinakeel Genetics Ch.7 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Why is sexual reproduction important? crossing over and random assortment occur, producing 4 haploid gametes, which all contain genes of that species, but with genetic variation (allelic variation) --- This is the basic raw material for evolution (natural selection)Sexual reproduction produces new members of a species in diploid eukaryotes - The correct transmission of genetic material to offspring depends on meiosis These two points result in genetic constancy within speciesefficient fertilization depends on? This depends on sexual differentiation among organisms - even bacteria and single celled eukaryotic algae show sexual differentiation - more complex organisms show phenotypic dimorphism between males and femalesphenotypic dimorphism Sexual dimorphism is a phenotypic difference between males and females of the same species, meaning that there are obvious differences between the male and female of the species. The main differences are the presence or absence of reproductive organs. How is your sex determined? Sex is characterized by differences in sex chromosomes - genes determine sexual differences (found on the sex chromosomes) - however there is often some interaction between genes on autosomes and X/Y chromosomes ex. XX and XY in humans - X and Y= heteromorphic chromosomes Sex Chromosomes XX is female, XY is male - this means that the male chromosome determines the sex of the offspringhomogametous zygotes with two X chromosomes, which result in female offspringheterogametous zygotes with one X and one Y chromosome, which results in male offspring How many levels of sexual differentiation are there? In multicellular animals, there are 2 distinguishing levels of differentiation Primary sexual differentiation This involves only the gonads where gametes are produced and differentiated - this is in the embryonic stage while the zygote is developing Secondary sexual differentiation This involved the overall appearance of the organism - Aka puberty! -"
"docid": "D1956510#0",
"title": "http://www.smasupportuk.org.uk/the-genetics-of-sma\nThe Genetics of Spinal Muscular Atrophy",
"text": "Home Information About SMA The Genetics of SMA The Genetics of Spinal Muscular Atrophy The Genetics of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Many families want to learn more about the genetics that have led to Spinal Muscular Atrophy in their family. They want to better understand the condition, what it means for future pregnancies and for other family members, and what genetic treatment options might be available in the future. This information sheet covers the genetics of childhood onset SMA Types 1, 2 and 3 and adult onset SMA Type 4. These SMA Types are all caused by recessive mutations in the SMN1 gene (explained fully later). We hope it will be useful for individuals, their families, healthcare and other professionals. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is the name given to a number of genetically distinct conditions which all result in muscle weakness, but there is great variation in the severity and impact they can have. All forms of SMA are passed from parents to their children through their genes, making it a hereditary condition. The genetics of SMA is though complex and every person with SMA is different. You can always ask your child’s medical team to go over any of this information with you. They should be able to provide you with genetic information that applies to your individual situation."
"docid": "D1580664#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/1569473/ap-bio-chapter-15-flash-cards/\nAP Bio chapter 15",
"text": "38 terms krissytaft AP Bio chapter 15Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortchromosome theory of inheritance mendelian genes have specific loci on chromosomes and it is the chromosmes that undergo segregation and independent assortmentwild type the phenotype most common in natural populations= normal phenotpye for a character (opposite= mutant phenotype)linked genes genes located on the same chromosome that tend ot be inhertied together in genetic crosses; location of two genes on the same chromosome; linked genes do not assort independently; the allele inhertied for one gene influences the allele inherited for the otherrecombination the production of offspring with cominations of tratis differing from those found in either parentparental types offspring whose phenotpyes match the parents' phenotypesrecombinant types offspring that have new combinations of seed shape and color; when new recombinant chromsomes pair with double mutant chromsomes we see new combinations of phenotypes not seen in parentsrecombination frequency the frequency of recombinants tells us the genetic distance between the loci; the closer two loci are the less likely there is a crossover between them so there are fewer recombinants; # of recombinants/total # of offspring x 100%; tells us the distance between two loci on the chromosme because 1%=1 Map Unit or 1 Morgangenetic map an ordered list of the genetic loci along a particular chromosomelinkage map a genetic map based on recombination frequenciesmaximum value of MUs 50%; a result indistinguishalbe from that for genes on different chromosomes; the physical connection between genes on the same chromosome is not reflected in teh results of genetic crosses; despite being on the same chromosome and thus being physically linked the genes are genetically unlinked; assort independentlycytogenetic maps another way to determine gene loci (because a linkage map is based on recombination frequencies so it only gives an approximate picture of a chromsome, the frequency of crossing over is not actually uniform over the length of a chrmosome and therefore map units doe not correspond to actual physical distances); locates genes with respect to chromosomal features such as stained bands that can be seen in a microscope; linkage maps help determine linear order but not distancemodel genetic organisms want to study simple, easy to raise, harmless organisms in lab and apply what we learn to our understanding of more complex organisms (ie us); mice, fruit flies, yeast, worms, zebra fish, arabidopsis, E.coli; simple, small (keep a lot); short life cycle/ reproduce quickly (speeds research), harmless Study of Human genetics can't do experiments; generation span is long; small # of offspring; advantages= written records, good medical care (sometimes) so problems are noticeablesex-linked genes se linked tratis are caused by genes on the X chromosome; sex linked phenotypes are seen primarily in male because males have only on X-chromosome so if it has mutant allele he will show the phenotype while females can mask disease allele with wild type allele on other X; only females can be carriers for an X-linked trait; females can show an X-linked trait but father has to have the trait; a male cannot pass an X-linked trait to a son (he always gives a Y-chromsome)autosomal carried on an autosome (non-sex chromsome);examples of X-linked traits color blindness, hemophilia Barr Body one copy of the X-chromosome in femal cells is inactivated to avoid overdose of genes on x, the copy that is silenced condenses to form a barr body; the X-chromosome that remains active is random but all of the cells produced after that point have the same x activethe inactive X in each cell of a female condeses into a compact object called a bar body which lies along the inside of the nuclear envelope; most of the genes of the X chromsoem that forms the Barr Body are not expressed; in the ovaries Barr Bodies are reactivated in the cells that give rise to ova; the selecton of which X-chromosome will form the Barr body occurs randomly and independently in each embryonic cell present at the time of the X inactivation; as a consequence females consist of a mosaic of two types of cells: those with the actice X derived from teh father and those with the active X derived from the mothernondisjunction failure of chromsomes to separate during meiosis; NDJ can happen in meiosis I or in meiosis II; will result in gametes with inappropriate numbers of chromosomesideally the meiotic spindledistributes chromosome to daughter cells without error but ther is an occasional mishap called a nondisjunction in which members of a pair of homologous chromsomes do not move apaprt properly during meiosis I or sister chromatids do fail to separate in meiosis II; in these cases one gamete receives two of the same type of chromosome and another gamete receives no copy; the other chromosomes are usually distributed normally; if either of the aberrant gametes unites with a normal one at fertilization the offspring will have an abnormal number of a particular chromsome; can also occur during mitosisaneuploidy condition of having an abnormal number of a particular chromsome due to nondisjunctiontrisomic if a chromsome is present in triplicate in the fertilized egg (2n +1 chromosomes) the aneuploid cell is said to be trisomicmonosomic if a chromosome is missing (2n-1 chromsomes) then the aneuploid cell is monosomic for that chromsomepolyploidy chromosomal alternation in which some organisms have more than two complete chromsome sets; triploidy= 3n and tetraploidy=4n; triploidy can be produced by the fertilization of an abnormal diploid egg produced by the nondisjunction of all its chromosmes; ex of tetraploidy= the failure of a 2n zygote to divide after replicating its chromsomes and subsequent normal mitotic divisions would then produce 4n embryo; fairly common in the plant kingdom, plays an important role in the evolution of plants; much less common in animal kingdomdeletion when a chromosomal fragment lacking a centromere is lost; the affected chromsome is then missing certain genes; in some cases if meiosis is in progress such a deleted fragment may become attached as an extra segment to a sister chromatid= duplication; or the detached fragment could attach to a nonsister chromatid of a homologous chromosome and in that cas the duplicated segments might not be indentical because the homologues could carry different alleles of certain genes; deletions and duplications are especially likely to occur during meiosis (in crossing over nonsister chromaitids sometimes break and rejoin at incorrect places so that one partner gives up more genes that it receives, the products of such a nonreciprocal crossove are one chromsome with a deltion and one chromsome with a duplication)duplication when a deleted fragment becomes attached to a sister chromatid during meiosisinversion a chromosomal fragment may also reattach to the original chromosome but in the revers orientation producing inversion;translocation chromosomal fragment can join to a nonhomologous chromsomeharmful affects of alteration a diploid embryo that is homozygous for a large deletion (or has a single X chromsome with a large dleetion in a male) is usally missing a number of essential genes a condition that is ordinarily lethal; duplications and translocations also tend to have harmful effects; in reciprocal translocations in which segments are exchanged between nonhomologous chromosomes and in inversions, the balance of genes is not abnormal (all genes are present in their normal does); translocations and inversions can alter phenotype becausea gene's experession can be influenced by its location among neighboring genes Down syndrome affects approx one out of every 700 children born in the US; usually a reusl of an extra chromsome 21a human disorder due to aneuploidy Down Syndrome (trisomy)a human disorder due to deletion cri du chat= deletion of chromosome 5a human disorder due to translocation leukemia= white blood cells exchange a large part of chromosome 22 with a small fragment of chromsome 9ex's of phenotypes influenced by environment skin color (pigmentation varies according to sun exposure); coat color changes with temperature (himalayan rabbits); height and infant nutrition; personalitypenetrance sometimes a mutation that should produce a mutatn phenotype does not, 100% penetrance means mutation always causes mutant phenotypeepigenetics phenotpye is influenced by chromatin structure in addition to DNA sequence; condensed chromatin= (DNA and histone) no expression of a gene in that regiongenomic imprinting one copy of a gene is silenced (by chromatin condensation); in different genes, the copy from a certain parent will be expressed and the other copy silenced; ex: in a mice population teh mother's allele always gets silencedmaternal effect genes genotype of mother determines the phenotpye of her childrennot her own phenotype; most often maternal effect genes are involved in early embryonic development; the gene affected doe snot have to do with the mother's life, it has to do with how the baby develops inside the mother Organelle inhertiance genes in mitochondria/ chloroplast are passed on by the assortment of those organelles into daughter cells; a mutation in chloroplast or mitochondrion may not be passed on evenly to the daughter cellsleaf variegation patches of leaf without pigment due to chloroplast inhertiance; white patches derive from cells that did not get WT chloroplasts; mitochondria are inherited exclusively from female gametes (egg is big wit hmuch cytoplasm and many mitochondria)"
"docid": "D2329465#0",
"title": "https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/genes-and-genetics\nGenes and genetics",
"text": "Home Conditions and treatments Genes and genetics Genes and genetics Genes and genetics Share Download PDF Listen More Genes and genetics Genes and genetics - Genes and genetics explained Summary Genes are the blueprint for our bodies. A genetic mutation means that a gene contains a change – like a spelling mistake – that disrupts the gene message (makes the gene faulty). Genetic mutations can occur spontaneously. Sometimes a faulty gene is inherited, which means it is passed on from parent to child. Genetic changes that make a gene faulty can cause a wide range of conditions. Although most related parents will have healthy children, they are more likely than unrelated parents to have children with health problems or genetic disorders. On this page: Chromosomes and sperm and egg cells How we inherit characteristics Dominant and recessive genes Dominant and recessive blood-group inheritance Co-dominant genes Genotype and phenotype Chemical communication Variations in the genes in the cells Genetic conditions Genetic predisposition (inherited susceptibility)Genes and genetics – related parents Genetic counselling and testing Where to get help Things to remember Parents pass on traits or distinguishing characteristics such as eye and hair colour to their children through their genes. Many health conditions and diseases are also genetic. Genes may also influence some behavioural characteristics, such as intelligence and natural talents. Genes are the blueprint for our bodies."
"docid": "D1687570#0",
"title": "https://www.ukessays.com/essays/biology/polycystic-kidney-disease-current-interests-biology-essay.php\nPolycystic Kidney Disease Current Interests Biology Essay",
"text": "\"Polycystic Kidney Disease Current Interests Biology Essay Print Reference this Published: 23rd March, 2015Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life threatening genetic disorder and affects many people worldwide. It can vary in certain parts of the world from 1 to 400 people to 1 in 1000 people affected worldwide depending on the part of the world. PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous fluid - filled cysts on the kidneys which dramatically enlarge kidneys which severely compromises kidneys function. PKD is prevalent, inherited condition for which there is currently no effective specific clinical therapy. The cysts are derived from renal tubular epithelial cells which gradually compress the parenchyma and compromise renal function. Current interests in the research field focus on understanding and exploiting signalling mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis as well as the role of the primary cilium in cystogenesis. The primary purpose is to highlight pathogenetic pathways underlying renal cyst formation as well as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of PKD. ("
] |
519 | 1.1. explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. | [
"docid": "D2977426#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/essays/Shc34-1-1-Explain-What-It-Means-To-924364.html\nShc34-1.1 Explain What It Means to Have a Duty of Care in Own Work Role",
"text": "Shc34-1.1 Explain What It Means to Have a Duty of Care in Own Work Role Pages: 6 (1992 words) Published: February 26, 2012SHC34 SHC34-1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeable harm others. A definition from Wikipedia Examples how we do this in my setting. Within our setting we carry out daily checks to ensure that the environment inside and outside is safe before the morning session starts. We have daily cleaning rotas to ensure the session is clean and we are stopping the spread of infection. Ensuring that staff has been trained in first Aid and that we have the right equipment. To complete accident forms when an accident occurs and getting the parent/carer to sign to say there have been made aware. Body forms to indicate if a child comes in from home and the parent/carer tells us of a mark on the child or a member of staff notices a mark on them the form is then signed by the parent/carer at the end of the session. SHC34-1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals. Assess risk By ensuring risk assessments are been carried out within a setting to make sure all equipment and toys are safe and the equipment is age appropriate for the children in our care."
] | [
"docid": "D985324#0",
"title": "http://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/nursing/blog/what-does-a-registered-nurse-do/\nWhat Does a Registered Nurse Do? A Look at the Everyday Healthcare Heroes",
"text": "What Does a Registered Nurse Do? A Look at the Everyday Healthcare Heroes By Anna Heinrich on 7/31/2017 4 Comments From Scrubs to Nurse Jackie to Chicago Med, you’ve seen nurses portrayed multiple times on TV. Sure, they wear scrubs, give shots and carry stethoscopes around their necks, but what does a registered nurse actually do? More than you might think!For starters, registered nurses (RNs) are not limited to working in hospital settings. RNs can also work in clinics, schools, assisted living facilities, homes, schools and more. They can also specialize in areas such as cardiac care, midwifery, family practice, geriatrics, labor and delivery and emergency nursing. Increased access to healthcare and an aging Baby Boomer population have led to high demand for registered nurses. In fact, employment for RNs is projected to increase 16 percent through 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That growth coupled with the above-average earning potential makes a registered nursing career sound appealing. The various benefits of being a nurse have you considering this career."
"docid": "D922283#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/explain-the-roles-of-different-agencies-in-safeguarding-and-protecting-individuals-from-abuse-page1.html\n\"\"\"Explain The Roles Of Different Agencies In Safeguarding And Protecting Individuals From Abuse\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Explain The Roles Of Different Agencies In Safeguarding And Protecting Individuals From Abuse\"\" Essays and Research Papers Explain The Roles Of Different Agencies In Safeguarding And Protecting Individuals From Abuse Certificate unit worksheet Unit 204 – Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care The numbers in the bracket after each question relate to the assessment criteria in the standards UNIT 4222-205 1. Define the following types of abuse: (1.1.1) • Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another • Emotional/psychological abuse Emotional/psychological abuse may involve threats or actions to cause mental or physical... Abuse, Bullying, Child abuse 480 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care 1.1 Define the following types of abuse : Physical abuse Physical abuse is any non accidental act of violence or rough treatment that causes physical injury, pain or discomfort. Examples of physical abuse include: Beating - e.g. Punching, pinching, shoving, striking with hand or other instrument Burning and scalding Rough handling or physical coercion Stabbing Tripping Spitting Restraining to furniture The misuse of physical... Abuse, Bullying, Child abuse 1613 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Safeguarding and Protection3 Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse There are certain factors that have the potential to make individuals more vulnerable to abuse. These include: Not enough trained staff Staff being under stress/personal issues Mental awareness of individual i.e. dementia Greed of the carer If the carer was abused themselves; may make it more likely for them to become an abuser Communication difficulties Individuals that do not have good support networks i.e. family/friends/social... Abuse, Bullying, Child abuse 1188 Words | 8 Pages Open Document Health and Social Care: The National and Local Context of Safeguarding and Protection from Abuse Unit 5 Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse . National policies: Disclosure and Barring service Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) No Secrets (England) In Safe Hands (Wales) 2000 Human Rights Act 1998 Care Quality Commission (CQC) Local Systems: Safeguarding Adults boards- North Wales Area (Current Chair-Chris Pearson) These bring together a number of different local agencies, police, MIND, advocacy groups, social workers, G. Ps. The Police-... Abuse, Bullying, Death of Baby P 1442 Words | 3 Pages Open Document24: Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Outcome 1: Know how to recognise signs of abuse 1.1 define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse Physical abuse may involve hitting, spiting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to an individual . Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another, indecent exposure, harassment Financial abuse Financial... Abuse, Bullying, Child abuse 1144 Words | 6 Pages Open Document Roles and Responsibilities of Agencies Concerned with Child Abuse Social services roles and responsibilities are: • To provide support for vulnerable children and families. NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) roles and responsibilities are: • Provides support for children and families in situations such as domestic violence, abuse. • Work with different organisations e.g. social services, police, family protection, education and health services. • Provide support via telephone line to home-based childcare workers on whether... Child abuse, Domestic violence 857 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Safeguarding Ct298 Lv2 Diploma CT298."
"docid": "D2032066#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/u09jw880shcp/safeguarding/\nSafeguarding",
"text": "\"Public Create your own Share Embed Like Safeguardinglevel 3byemma randon 18 November 20133 Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of Safeguarding1. Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. 2. Understand the importance of working in partnership with other organisations to safeguard children and young people. 3. Understand the importance of ensuring children's and young peoples safety and protection in the work setting. 4. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed. 5."
"docid": "D3381180#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/explain-the-importance-of-monitoring-the-health-of-indiiduals-affected-by-a-health-condition-page1.html\n\"\"\"Explain The Importance Of Monitoring The Health Of Indiiduals Affected By A Health Condition\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"Explain The Importance Of Monitoring The Health Of Indiiduals Affected By A Health Condition Explain how health is affected by behaviors, economics, and social structure. Life style patterns and behaviors affect our health along with economic and social structure. According to our text (Williams / Torrens 2010, alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use create a snow ball of problems that affect our health. Excessive alcohol use creates cirrhosis of the liver, if alcohol is consumed while driving or prior to driving it causes vehicular accidents and work related injuries if consumed prior to... Demography, Epidemiology, Health care 945 Words | 3 Pages Open Documenthealth and safetysystem, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and social care workplace in accordance legislative requirement. The health and safety is an essential consideration for all the practitioners in health and social care. And also this unit will enable learners to develop an understanding of the importance of continually monitoring the implementation of health and safety legislation and policies within any health and social care setting. Learners will gain a clear understanding...990 Words | 3 Pages Open Document The Importance of Social Support on Health {NAME} The Importance of Social Support on Health {INSTRUCTOR} {DATE} Although social interaction is complex, some believe that it is vital to human health, both mentally and physically. The nature of social behavior is that many people find it hard to open their hearts and share their feelings and problems. However, social interaction where people can talk out their problems and feel accepted and understood is very beneficial to mental health. It is influenced by the number... Abraham Maslow, Health, Health care 1494 Words | 5 Pages Open Documenthealth Unit 1: Communication skills for working in the health sector Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment."
"docid": "D2653686#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/explain-what-mucor-is-and-how-a-patient-is-likely-to-become-infected-with-mucor-describe-the-pathophysiologic-progression-of-the-infection-into-pneumonia-and-at-least-two-medical-nursing-interventio-page1.html\n\"\"\"Explain What Mucor Is And How A Patient Is Likely To Become Infected With Mucor Describe The Pathophysiologic Progression Of The Infection Into Pneumonia And At Least Two Medical Nursing Interventio\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Explain What Mucor Is And How A Patient Is Likely To Become Infected With Mucor Describe The Pathophysiologic Progression Of The Infection Into Pneumonia And At Least Two Medical Nursing Interventio\"\" Essays and Research Papers Explain What Mucor Is And How A Patient Is Likely To Become Infected With Mucor Describe The Pathophysiologic Progression Of The Infection Into Pneumonia And At Least Two Medical Nursing Interventio How do people \"\"catch pneumonia \"\"? Some cases of pneumonia are contracted by breathing in small droplets that contain the organisms that can cause pneumonia. These droplets get into the air when a person infected with these germs coughs or sneezes. In other cases, pneumonia is caused when bacteria or viruses that are normally present in the mouth, throat, or nose inadvertently enter the lung. During sleep, it is quite common for people to aspirate secretions from the mouth, throat, or nose. Normally... Bacteria, Immune system, Infection 1505 Words | 5 Pages Open Document Causes and Spread of Infection. Understanding the causes of infection 1.1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacterial and fungi infections are easy to cure with the use of antibiotics, where as viruses can be hard to cure or vaccinate against, such as the common cold. Bacteria can be found everywhere and anywhere Soil, Water, Plants, Animals, material and even deep in the earth's crust. Bacteria feed themselves by making there food with the use of sunlight and water."
"docid": "D2977428#0",
"title": "http://www.antiessays.com/topics/what-it-means-to-have-a-duty-of-care-in-your-own-work-role/0\nWhat It Means To Have a Duty Of Care In Your Own Work Role Essays and Research Papers",
"text": "What It Means To Have a Duty Of Care In Your Own Work Role Essays and Research Papers Search Duty Of Care2. Explain what it means to have a Duty of Care in your Own Work Role. In my work role what it means to have duty of care underpins everything that I do... Words: 599 — Pages: 3Introduction To Duty Of Care Introduction to duty of care in health and social care 1.1. What is meant by duty of care in my own work role Duty of care means to provide care and... Words: 1021 — Pages: 5Shc 24 Introduction Of Duty Of Care In Health And Social Care Of Children And Young People's Settingsduty of care to their staff to ensure that their working conditions are safe ans suitable. The duty of care affects my own work role... Words: 381 — Pages: 2Duty Of Care Duty of Care affects our own work role ... about themselves. Issues of confidentiality mean that | | | | |there could be... Words: 1195 — Pages: 5Duty Of Careduty of care affects your own work role (think of the tasks you do) I must only carry out duties that are within my own job role... Words: 770 — Pages: 4Duty Of Care Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. 1.1 To have a duty of care in my own work role, which is a requirement, ensures that myself, my... Words: 1380 — Pages: 6Nvq Duty Of Carehow duty of care contributes to safe practice 1.1. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your work role Duty of Care in a carers work role | Every... Words: 2349 — Pages: 10Introduction To Duty Of Care In Health And Social Carefullfilled life working to high standards and all legistlations and policies. 1.2 Describe how the duty of care affect your own work role. My duty of care is to... Words: 253 — Pages: 2Unit 4222-204 Introduction To Duty Of Care In Health And Social Care Or Children's And Young People's Settings (Sch 24)of any healthcare organisation."
"docid": "D3306306#0",
"title": "http://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/chapter/1-2-sociological-perspectives-on-social-problems/\n1.2 Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems",
"text": "1.2 Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems Previous Next Learning Objectives Define the sociological imagination. Explain what is meant by the blaming-the-victim belief. Summarize the most important beliefs and assumptions of functionalism and conflict theory. Summarize the most important beliefs and assumptions of symbolic interactionism and exchange theory. The sociological understanding of social problems rests heavily on the concept of the sociological imagination. We discuss this concept in some detail before turning to various theoretical perspectives that provide a further context for understanding social problems. The Sociological Imagination Many individuals experience one or more social problems personally. For example, many people are poor and unemployed, many are in poor health, and many have family problems, drink too much alcohol, or commit crime. When we hear about these individuals, it is easy to think that their problems are theirs alone, and that they and other individuals with the same problems are entirely to blame for their difficulties. Sociology takes a different approach, as it stresses that individual problems are often rooted in problems stemming from aspects of society itself."
"docid": "D522089#0",
"title": "https://www.law.cornell.edu/ethics/ca/narr/CA_NARR_1_01.HTM\nEnd-of-life notice: American Legal Ethics Library",
"text": "\"End-of-life notice: American Legal Ethics Library As of March 1, 2013, the Legal Information Institute is no longer maintaining the information in the American Legal Ethics Library. It is no longer possible for us to maintain it at a level of completeness and accuracy given its staffing needs. It is very possible that we will revive it at a future time. At this point, it is in need of a complete technological renovation and reworking of the \"\"correspondent firm\"\" model which successfully sustained it for many years. Many people have contributed time and effort to the project over the years, and we would like to thank them. In particular, Roger Cramton and Peter Martin not only conceived ALEL but gave much of their own labor to it. We are also grateful to Brad Wendel for his editorial contributions, to Brian Toohey and all at Jones Day for their efforts, and to all of our correspondents and contributors. Thank you. We regret any inconvenience. Some portions of the collection may already be severely out of date, so please be cautious in your use of this material."
"docid": "D2058198#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/Pages/carers-assessment.aspx\nCarer's assessments",
"text": "\"Carer's assessments An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-04-09:357aa4969aecf4ed86314f4d Player ID: vjs_video_3OKMedia last reviewed: 30 Sep 2015Media review due: 30 Sep 2018If you provide care and support to an adult friend or family member, you may be eligible for support from your local council. This support could include being offered money to pay for things that make caring easier. Or the local authority might offer practical support, such as arranging for someone to step in when you need a short break. It could also put you in touch with local support groups so you have people to talk to. The Care Act 2014 makes carer's assessments more widely available to people in caring roles. For more information, read about the Care Act changes for carers. Local authorities now have a legal duty to assess any carer who requests one or who appears to need support. If you are a carer and you need some support, get in touch with the council covering the area where the person you care for lives. The council will be able to give you information and advice about how the assessment will work. A carer's assessment is a discussion between you and a trained person either from the council or another organisation that the council works."
"docid": "D121547#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-broker-a-brokerage-and-a-stockbroker\nWhat is the difference between a broker, a brokerage and a stockbroker?",
"text": "Stock Trading Investing in the Stock Market Trading (finance) Stocks (financial)Stock Markets Investing What is the difference between a broker, a brokerage and a stockbroker?ad by Toptal Hire fundraising experts to prepare for your next round. Toptal matches top startups with experts in fundraising, financial modeling, forecasting, and more. Start Now at toptal.com4 Answers Priyanka Answered Feb 27, 2018 · Author has 107 answers and 6.5k answer views Broker- A broker is a registered member of SEBI, who acts as a intermediate between the exchange and the trader to trade the stocks. Brokerage - A brokerage is a commission fee charged by the stock broker to trader to trade the stocks of a common man. Stock Broker - Stock broker sets up a firm, where a common man can buy/sell stocks or shares by paying brokerage fee. Each brokerage firm charges different brokerage fee.190 Views Related Questions More Answers Below What's the difference between a broker-dealer and a brokerage? What is the difference between a brokerage firm and an investment bank? What is the difference between a Trade company and a broker and a sales agent? What is the difference between broker-dealer and FCM? Online Stock Broker Comparison Portal?"
"docid": "D490463#0",
"title": "http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/082510p26.shtml\n.",
"text": "September 2010 Issue Field of Dreams By Juliann Schaeffer Today’s Dietitian Vol. 12 No. 9 P. 26Maybe you’d like to mingle with mutts as a “doggie dietitian” (how fetching!). Or tend to crops and harvest nature’s best nutrition as an RD farmer. Whatever your fondness in this field of vast opportunity, we hope this article will inspire you to pursue your passion. Tired of the day-to-day drudgery of a clinical 9-to-5 job? Or maybe you love what you do but you’re feeling an itch for “something more” or the twitch of “what’s next?” in your soul. Searching the job boards may worsen that feeling. Marianne Patino, MS, RD, CDN, co-owner (with her husband) of the job-listing site Dietitian Central.com, says the vast majority of job postings she sees are of a clinical nature. “"
"docid": "D528943#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/how-must-training-programs-continue-to-evolve-in-order-to-do-more-with-diminished-financial-resources-page1.html\n\"\"\"How Must Training Programs Continue To Evolve In Order To Do More With Diminished Financial Resources\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"How Must Training Programs Continue To Evolve In Order To Do More With Diminished Financial Resources\"\" Essays and Research Papers How Must Training Programs Continue To Evolve In Order To Do More With Diminished Financial Resources BUS 303 (Human Resource Management) Complete Course Week 1-5 Click HERE Or Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.justassignment.com/BUS-303-Human- Resource -Management-Complete-Ashford-98.htm Or Visit : www. Just Assignment.com E-Mail us at [email protected]) Ashford BUS 303 (Human Resource Management) Week 1 Week 1 DQ 1 (HR & Management) Explain what the author means by the statement that “Every manager is an HR manager”. Do you agree? Give examples to backup your point of view... Human resource management, Human resources, Job interview 555 Words | 2 Pages Open Document Training and Development“ How can organisations make a success out of their training and development programme?” Introduction The most important factor for the success of an organisation is the ability of the people it employs. In today’s world where vast technological, political, social, and economical changes take place, organisations have to be able to cope with these changes effectively. The changing force of competition, both domestic and global, compels organisations to innovate and use their resources in the... Employment, Goal, Human resource management 2343 Words | 7 Pages Open Document Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper Final Reflection Paper: Human Resources and its Functions Joshua Barrows BUS303: Human Resources Management Samantha Duhn Monday April 22, 2013 The primary function of human resources management is to increase the effectiveness and the contribution of employees, which are in alignment with the organizations goals and objectives. With in human resources management, there are many components or pieces of the puzzle that allow human resources management to exist. Such pieces of the puzzle include... Affirmative action, Employment, Human resource management 1861 Words | 5 Pages Open Document Human Resources and Public Administration Deanna Saylor Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations Y505 Exam One 5/25/2010 1. In your own words, what is a psychological contract?"
"docid": "D763762#0",
"title": "http://www.antiessays.com/topics/list-the-aspects-of-employment-covered-by-law-in-health-care/0\nList The Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law In Health Care Essays and Research Papers",
"text": "List The Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law In Health Care Essays and Research Papers Search Err List The Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law. List the aspects of employment covered by law... Words: 314 — Pages: 21.1 List The Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law List the aspects of employment covered by law Legislation regarding employment... Words: 288 — Pages: 2List The Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law Health and Safety, harassment and discrimination, bullying, trade unions, whistleblowing at work. How much notice you must receive, how much notice is an employer... Words: 461 — Pages: 2Aspects Of Employment Covered By Law List the aspects of employment covered by law. Every aspect of employment is covered by law. Every employee must be given a contract of employment the laws... Words: 388 — Pages: 2Assignment # 1 – Law And Health Care Law and Health Care Health Care Policy, Law and Ethics- HSA 515 April 16, ... the opportunity of employment. The employer is held liable even though the employer may... Words: 1207 — Pages: 5Law And Health Care Law and Health Care System Administration | Tina Holmes Professor: Dr. AMOctober 22, 2013 | Law and Health Care System Administration The Anglo-American... Words: 1189 — Pages: 5Understand Employment Responsibilities And Rights In Health, Social Care Or Children And Young People’s Settingslist the aspects of employment covered by law The law in UK covers the following aspects: Minimum wage, Hours worked, Discrimination, Health ... Health and Social Care... Words: 1437 — Pages: 6Understand Employment Responsibilities And Rights In Health, Social Care Or Children’s And Young People’s Settingsemployers within own area of work 1.1 List the aspects of employment covered by law 1.2 List the main features of current employment... Words: 686 — Pages: 3Unit 201 Understand Employment Responsibilities And Rights In Health, Social Care Or Children And Young People...employers within own area of work 1. list the aspects of employment covered by law Health and Safety laws ... of settings in the health, social care or children and... Words: 2201 — Pages: 9Understand Employment Responsibilities And Rights In Health, Social Care Or Children’s And Young People’s Settings. List three aspects of employment covered by law. 1. Minimum Wage 2."
"docid": "D337676#0",
"title": "http://www.harryhiker.com/chronology.htm\n.",
"text": "\"This chronology gives some important events about the golden rule (\"\"Treat others as you want to be treated\"\"). The chronology is taken, with permission by the publisher, from Chapter 5 of my book. Early dates and attributions are uncertain. Quotes are often simplified or put into modern English. For more on an item, try my book's index or bibliography, or a Web search. My Ethics and the Golden Rule (Routledge Press, 2013) is a fairly comprehensive treatment of the golden rule. This is a golden-rule book for everyone, from students to general readers to specialists. Click here for a video overview or here to preview the first 30 pages. Click here to order (or click here for the Kindle version, which I fine-tuned to fit the e-book format).1,000,000 BC The fictional Fred Flintstone helps a stranger who was robbed and left to die. He says \"\"I'd want him to help me.\"\""
"docid": "D2364098#0",
"title": "https://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors-members/legal-ethical/legal-ethical-faq\n.",
"text": "\"Legal and Ethical FAQCASE NOTES AND SUBPOENASAre case notes truly my own or do I have to share them if ever lawyers get involved? Do I have to testify? The sharing of case notes depends on your state statutes and often your ability to advocate using the legal muscle your ethical standards provide you. In some states, the conversations between school counselors and students are considered privileged communication. In most states, however, school counselors are required to testify in court proceedings. Visit www.schoolcounselor.org/ethics to see your state’s statutes. Even when your state statute grants privilege for the school counselor/student relationship, the statute often contains exceptions and caveats allowing a judge to determine when the needs of the state outweigh the privilege. If the case is tried in federal court, then the state statute may or may not extend. If you deem it important to avoid testifying, then inform the attorney that you do not have any information to help the case (if this is true). Explain that your obligations are to your student, and cite your ethical standards, which support you in safeguarding your student's confidences."
"docid": "D3387343#0",
"title": "https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/2173/who-actually-is-a-post-doctoral-fellow\nWho actually is a Post-Doctoral fellow?",
"text": "\"_Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Who actually is a Post-Doctoral fellow?up vote40down votefavorite12Many of us often talk about Bachelor's and Master's students, Ph D students, researchers, professors, and postdocs. But, do we know what we actually intend when we say \"\" Post-Doc \"\"? We all know that a Post-Doc is a person who, after finishing his/her Ph D, works for one or two years as a scientist in a scientific research group. Beyond this simple definition, I would like to know what you think about Post-Doc roles inside a laboratory and a group. What is actually a Postdoc fellow? Is he a debutant researcher? Or is he just a ultra-super-student? Or is he half a super-student, and half a researcher? What is a Postdoctoral fellow supposed to do?"
"docid": "D1681286#0",
"title": "http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/content/scout_law-1760.asp\nScout Law",
"text": "\"Scout Law A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. TRUSTWORTHY A Scout is trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him. The first of the twelve points of the Scout Law sets a high bar for scouts. Being helpful, friendly, or courteous are simple, easily described behaviors compared to being trustworthy. Being \"\"Worthy of Trust\"\" means a promise made is a promise fulfilled. It means a scout will do what he says he will do. It means the scout will see things through to the end."
"docid": "D1733494#0",
"title": "http://www.scie.org.uk/workforce/induction/standards/cis05_dutyofcare.asp\nUnderstanding common induction",
"text": "Understanding common induction Common Induction Standard 5: Principles for implementing duty of care Standard 5 is divided into the following four parts: Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice Know how to address dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights and the duty of care Know how to recognise and handle comments and complaints Know how to recognise and handle adverse events, incidents, errors and ‘near misses’. Overview Duty of Care is defined simply as a legal obligation to:always act in the best interest of individuals and othersnot act or fail to act in a way that results in harmact within your competence and not take on anything you do not believe you can safely do. As a care worker you owe a duty of care to the people you support, your colleagues, your employer, yourself and the public interest. Everyone has a duty of care – it is not something that you can opt out of. When acting in a person’s best interests you must do so with their consent unless you have evidence that the person lacks capacity to make that particular decision at the time it needs to be made. If you are employed directly to support someone in their own home, duty of care still applies. Do you have access to supervision where you can talk about this? Which CQC Essential Standards does this relate to? Outcome 1: respecting and involving people who use services: People should be treated with respect, involved in discussions about their care and treatment and able to influence how the service is run. Outcome 4: care and welfare of people who use services: People should receive safe and appropriate care that meets their needs and supports their rights."
"docid": "D522270#0",
"title": "https://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/subcategory/ethical-issues-involved-in-medicare-funded-organ-transplants/1\nEthical Issues Involved In Medicare Funded Organ Transplants",
"text": "Home Page Ethical Issues Involved In Medicare Funded Organ Transplants Ethical Issues Involved In Medicare Funded Organ Transplants Organ Transplant Organ Transplant in the United States Stephanie Daniels UCA Certificate of Authorship I hereby certify that I am the author of this document and any assistance I received in preparing this report is fully acknowledged. I have also cited in APA format all sources of data, data analysis, ideas, words, phrases, or sentences. I also hereby certify that I have not submitted this paper to any other professor, at Webster University or elsewhere, during the course of my educational Words: 4065 - Pages: 17Ethical Issues Ethical Issues Pamela Funsch Ethics/316 November 5, 2012 Terry Burr Words: 835 - Pages: 4Ethical Issueadopt, it is very essential, in order to deliver reason to what would or else it’s being a very complicated case as with society. People who build and use the technology, it’s their responsible to confirm that it is applied in a responsible and ethical conduct. It just as with society does not suggest any real safe, because sustains complete social cooperation or noncooperation of developing moral code, for controlling the misuse of technology. Ethics in Security Most organizations bargain Words: 1182 - Pages: 5Ethical Issues Business and Management Ethical Issues in Management Ethical Issues in Management The tasks of a supervisor go far beyond management. In fact, supervisors have to make vital decisions all the time that affect their employees, and possibly the business depending on the situation. Managers take part in hiring, performance, evaluation, discipline, and termination. They are also involved in any circumstance that pertains to harassment and diversity, and they must make a conscious effort Words: 433 - Pages: 2Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy [pic] Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy • Dr • [pic] Introduction Genetic research has advanced in a dramatic fashion in the last decade or so, to the point where it has now become possible to attempt therapeutic genetic modification, in a few cases of human genes, where a defects exists which manifests itself in certain serious diseases. This possibility, known as gene therapy, is only in its infancy."
"docid": "D2969664#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/44438851/police-organization-final-flash-cards/\nPolice Organization Final",
"text": "\"92 terms Briseida_Verdugo Police Organization Final Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Demographics quantifiable statistics of a given population2 basic element of capital The two basic elements of this capital is trustworthiness; that is, citizens' trust of each other and their public institutions and obligations, that is, expectation that service to each other will be reciprocated. Social Capital the reserve of \"\"trust\"\" and engagement in a community. Types of communities -integral -parochial -diffuse -anomic Integral Community well-manicured lawns and well-maintained building and residences. Possible high degree of social capital. Parochial Community share similar values and cultures, insulating themselves and taking care of their own, usually without involving the police. Diffuse Community residents have much in common but seldom interact, low in social capital. Anomic Community characterized by isolation and alienation. Residents often have resigned themselves to accept criminal victimization as a way of life."
] |
523 | 1.5 grams of sodium per day | [
"docid": "D2903469#0",
"title": "http://www.sw.org/misc/health/Diet%20-%201.5%20Gram%20Low%20Sodium.html\n1.5 Gram Low Sodium Diet",
"text": "\"1.5 Gram Low Sodium Diet A 1.5 gram sodium diet restricts the amount of sodium in the diet to no more than 1.5 g or 1500 mg daily. The American Heart Association recommends Americans over the age of 20 to consume no more than 1500 mg of sodium each day to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Research also shows that limiting sodium may reduce heart attack and stroke risk. Many foods contain sodium for flavor and sometimes as a preservative. When the amount of sodium in a diet needs to be low, it is important to know what to look for when choosing foods and drinks. The following includes some information and guidelines to help make it easier for you to adapt to a low sodium diet. QUICK TIPSDo not add salt to food. Avoid convenience items and fast food. Choose unsalted snack foods. Buy lower sodium products, often labeled as \"\"lower sodium\"\" or \"\"no salt added. \"\""
] | [
"docid": "D433876#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/benefits-greek-yogurt-vs-regular-yogurt-6187.html\nWhat Are the Benefits of Greek Yogurt Vs. Regular Yogurt?",
"text": "\"Written by Carolyn Robbins; Updated November 28, 2017Related Articles What Are the Advantages of Greek Yogurt? Greek Yogurt Serving Size What Are Some of the Benefits of Eating Yogurt on a Regular Basis? Is Plain Yogurt or Cottage Cheese Better for You? Greek yogurt is one of those foods that contradicts the saying \"\"if it tastes good, it must be bad for you.\"\" The yogurt is heavily strained to remove liquid whey and lactose, leaving behind a tangy, creamy product. Plain Greek yogurt has double the protein, half the carbs and half the sodium of the regular variety. Additionally, Greek yogurt can easily be swapped for other fats when baking or cooking. Keep in mind, however, that some varieties of Greek yogurt are high in fat and have less calcium than regular yogurt. Additionally, Greek yogurt is nearly double the cost of regular varieties. Protein Protein keeps you feeling full longer and may help your weight loss efforts, but protein shakes and bars are often high in sugar and flat in taste."
"docid": "D3390862#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/chloride-requirements-and-dietary-sources-2507033\nChloride Requirements and Dietary Sources",
"text": "\"Basics Chloride Requirements and Dietary Sources By Shereen Lehman, MS | Reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MDUpdated September 25, 2017Share Pin Email Print Salt contains both sodium and chloride. Anka Draganski Chloride is a major mineral that works with sodium and potassium to keep your body fluid levels balanced. It works by maintaining the fluid volume outside of the cells. The cells in the lining of your stomach need chloride to make hydrochloric acid, which is a component of your digestive juices . It's easy to find chloride in foods, so deficiency is rare. Table salt and sea salt are both 40 percent chloride by volume so you'll consume chloride every time you add salt to your foods or when you eat foods that are made with salt. Salt substitutes often use chloride too -- it's just the sodium that's replaced in products such as potassium chloride. That's because sodium has been linked to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases in some people. Many vegetables such as celery, tomatoes, lettuce, and seaweeds are good sources of chloride as well. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division determines the adequate intake of all nutrients based on age and sex."
"docid": "D1059857#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/zosyn.html\nZosyn",
"text": "\"Zosyn Generic Name: tazobactam sodium and piperacillin sodium Dosage Form: injection, powder, lyophilized, for solution Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons On This Page Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information On This Page Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Zosyn and other antibacterial drugs, Zosyn should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria. Indications and Usage for Zosyn Zosyn is a combination product consisting of a penicillin-class antibacterial, piperacillin, and a β-lactamase inhibitor, tazobactam, indicated for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe infections caused by susceptible isolates of the designated bacteria in the conditions listed below. Intra-abdominal Infections Appendicitis (complicated by rupture or abscess) and peritonitis caused by β-lactamase producing isolates of Escherichia coli or the following members of the Bacteroides fragilis group: B. fragilis, B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, or B. vulgatus. The individual members of this group were studied in fewer than 10 cases. Skin and Skin Structure Infections Uncomplicated and complicated skin and skin structure infections, including cellulitis, cutaneous abscesses and ischemic/diabetic foot infections caused by β-lactamase producing isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Female Pelvic Infections Postpartum endometritis or pelvic inflammatory disease caused by β-lactamase producing isolates of Escherichia coli. Community-acquired Pneumonia Community-acquired pneumonia (moderate severity only) caused by β-lactamase producing isolates of Haemophilus influenzae. Nosocomial Pneumonia Nosocomial pneumonia (moderate to severe) caused by β-lactamase producing isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and by piperacillin/tazobactam-susceptible Acinetobacter baumannii, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Nosocomial pneumonia caused by P. aeruginosa should be treated in combination with an aminoglycoside) [ see Dosage and Administration (2) ]. Usage To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Zosyn and other antibacterial drugs, Zosyn should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria. When culture and susceptibility information are available, they should be considered in selecting or modifying antibacterial therapy."
"docid": "D2579376#0",
"title": "https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/eating_right_for_your_heart/\nEating Right for Your Heart",
"text": "\"Eating Right for Your Heart The foods you eat directly impact your cardiovascular health. Improving your diet can help you manage current health conditions, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, and can also help prevent future health problems. What is a heart-healthy diet? What's the difference between healthy fat and unhealthy fat? Why are saturated fats so bad for me? Why are trans fats so bad for me? How much healthy fat should I have in my diet? How much sodium, or salt, should I have in my diet? How can I decrease the amount of sodium in my diet? Why is sugar bad for my heart?"
"docid": "D1412838#0",
"title": "http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/g4843/how-many-grams-of-sugar-per-day/\nThis Is Exactly How Many Grams of Sugar Per Day You Should Eat",
"text": "\"Getty Images By Tehrene Firman Nov 6, 2017Sugar is everywhere, and it's sneaky. There's sugar in your favorite drinks, yogurt and even granola. Sugar intake has become such a big problem that the U. S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services updated the official Dietary Guidelines last year to cap on how much added sugar we should consume every day. And keeping it below that line (and preventing all kinds of major health problems, including heart disease and diabetes) can be a challenge. The goal? No more than 12 teaspoons (or about 50 grams) of added sugars per day. Note that this is about added or \"\"free\"\" sugars, not naturally occurring sugars in fruit and vegetables, which groups like the World Health Organization (WHO) say are less of a health issue. But how are we supposed to tell the difference between added and natural sugars? Luckily, newly designed nutrition labelswill be a huge help: Added sugars will be separated from the total sugar count, so it will be much easier to spot foods packed with the sweet stuff. \"\" Ultimately, you can 100% eat dessert every day if you cut out the sneaky sources of added sugar in your diet,\"\" says [link href=\"\"http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/author/11834/jaclyn-london-ms-rd-cdn/\"\" target=\"\"_blank\"\" 0=\"\"data-tracking-id=\"\"recirc-text-link\"\"\"\" automate_uuid=\"\"8192e93f-3fcc-4655-955c-8d7bfd5951f9\"\" link_updater_label=\"\"external_hearst\"\"]Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute. \"\""
"docid": "D659729#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/cefazolin-drug.htm\nCefazolin",
"text": "Drug Description Fungal Infections Slideshow: Fungus Among Us Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Hepatitis C Slideshow Pictures CEFAZOLIN (Cefazolin) Injection, USPDESCRIPTIONCefazolin for Injection, USP is a semi-synthetic cephalosporin for parenteral administration. It is the sodium salt of (6R,7R)-3- [ [ (5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)thio] methyl]-8-oxo-7- [2- (1H-tetrazol-1- yl)acetamido]-5-thia-1-azabicyclo [4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2- carboxylic acid. Structural Formula: C 14 H 13 N 8 Na O 4 S 3 M. W. 476.5Cefazolin for Injection, USP is a sterile white to off-white crystalline powder. Each vial contains 48 mg (2 m Eq) of sodium/1 gram of cefazolin sodium. Indications & Dosage Fungal Infections Slideshow: Fungus Among Us Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Hepatitis C Slideshow Pictures INDICATIONSTo reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Cefazolin for Injection, USP and other antibacterial drugs, Cefazolin for Injection, USP should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by susceptible bacteria. When culture and susceptibility information are available, they should be considered in selecting or modifying antibacterial therapy. In the absence of such data, local epidemiology and susceptibility patterns may contribute to the empiric selection of therapy. Cefazolin for Injection, USP is indicated for the treatment of the following infections when caused by susceptible bacteria. Respiratory Tract Infections Respiratory tract infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Injectable benzathine penicillin is considered the drug of choice in treatment and prevention of streptococcal infections, including the prophylaxis of rheumatic fever."
"docid": "D516117#0",
"title": "http://www.eatthis.com/panera-menu-ranked/\nPaneraâs Entire Soup, Sandwich, and Salad MenuâRanked!",
"text": "\"Best & Worst Panera’s Entire Soup, Sandwich, and Salad Menu—Ranked!Comfy couches, free Wi Fi and even a fire crackling in the hearth—a visit to Panera Bread is like stopping at your best friend's house for a bite on your way home. By Olivia Tarantino, Steven Perrine, and Catalina Gonella April 7, 2016Share Tweet Pin Email But don’t get too cozy. While Panera is home to a wide variety of seemingly healthy options like soups, salads and breakfast sandwiches, finding something that’s actually good for your weight loss goals is harder than it might appear. Menu items that are low in calories can carry up to half your daily recommended amount of sodium and a day’s worth of fat—while some of Panera’s more caloric entries may actually be among your best choices. And another tricky dilemma at Panera: In 2014, the restaurant announced a commitment to “clean” ingredients and full nutritional transparency. That means they no longer allow partially hydrogenated oils—those unhealthy trans fats you’ve been warned about—in their food. And yet, in some cases, you’ll notice that Panera actually lists trans fats in the nutritional breakdown of their menu items. What gives? The trans fat at Panera is a naturally occurring lipid called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, that’s found in beef and turkey (but not chicken or pork). This good-for-you fat actually helps burn off belly fat—so don’t freak if you see “trans fats” show up in some of our recommendations. ("
"docid": "D2233629#0",
"title": "http://www.mydietmealplanner.com/calorie-counter/beverages/alcohol/sugar-in-whiskey.html\nSugar in Whiskey Spirits",
"text": "Alcohol << Back to Alcohol Sugar in Whiskey Spirits What are the nutritional ingredients in a Whiskey? How many calories in Whiskey? Alcohol - Whiskey Spirits A Whiskey of Alcohol contains about 0g Sugar per serving. NUTRITION FACTS - ALCOHOL - WHISKEY SPIRITSWhiskey105Calories Serving Size: (1 shot or jigger 1.5 fl oz)Source: USDAReport Inaccuracy Nutrition Facts Summary for Whiskey0 (g)Total Fat0 (g)Sat. Fat0 (g)Trans Fat0 (mg)Cholesterol0 (g)Fiber0 (mg)Sodium0.04 (g)Total Carbs0 (g)Sugar0 (g)Protein0 (%)Vitamin A0 (%)Vitamin C0 (%)Calcium0 (%)Iron Add to Favorites Add to: You searched for sugar in Whiskey which belongs to Beverages. Nutrition Facts Serving Size: (1 Shot Or Jigger 1.5 Fl Oz)Amount Per Serving Calories 105 Calories from Fat 0% Daily Value*Total Fat 0g 0%Saturated Fat 0g 0%Polyunsaturated Fat 0g Monounsaturated Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg 0%Sodium 0mg 0%Potassium 0mg Total Carbohydrates 0.04g 0%Dietary Fiber 0g 0%Sugars 0g Protein 0g Vitamin A 0%Vitamin C 0%Calcium 0%Iron 0%*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Calories 2,000 2,500Total Fat Less than 65g 80g Sat Fat Less than 20g 25g Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg Total Carbohydrate 300g 300g Dietary Fiber 25g 30g<< Report Inaccuracy<< Back to Alcohol<< Back to Beverages<< Back to Calorie Counter In a Whiskey ( (1 Shot Or Jigger 1.5 Fl Oz) ) there are about 105 calories out of which 0 calories come from fat. The total fat content of (1 Shot Or Jigger 1.5 Fl Oz) Whiskey is 0 g. Within the fat content, a Whiskey contains 0 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat, 0 g of polyunsaturated fat and 0 g of monounsaturated fat. To reduce the risk of heart diseases, it is best to consume items low in cholesterol and the cholesterol count in a (1 Shot Or Jigger 1.5 Fl Oz) Whiskey is 0 mg."
"docid": "D3359578#0",
"title": "http://blog.calorieking.com/\n",
"text": "Calorie King App Ranked #2 Globally in Recent Study The best apps for weight loss have been ranked by experts from the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre in a world-first study of their accuracy and scientific basis, and Calorie King’s Control My Weight app came in #2. After examining 800 apps for the study, researchers selected 28 that were weight management-specific and allowed for logging food intake. Read More »Posted on April 27, 2016 by Allan Borushek | Comments (0)Tagged app, behavioral change, calorieking, charles perkins centre, global study, health, nutrition, university of sydney, weight loss8 Sound Sleep Suggestions – A Holistic Approach How you sleep at night has a lot to do with what you do during the day. What you eat, think about and how you move can make or break your slumber success. Here are proven ways to help you catch quality Z’s. Mentally chill We work stressful jobs, get stuck in traffic, have a million things on the to-do list; no wonder our minds race when we lay down our weary heads. To make sure your mind is relaxed and ready by the time you hit the hay, take some time to unwind. Relaxation is more than just the absence of activity, so make sure to turn off all distractions and just focus on nice, slow breathing. Just let thoughts pop into your head and watch them go, like clouds drifting away. Whether you call it meditation, yoga or quiet time; make time for it."
"docid": "D2204153#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/low-sodium-cottage-cheese-nutritional-1252.html\nLow Sodium Cottage Cheese Nutritional Facts",
"text": "Written by Kevin Rail; Updated July 20, 2017Related Articles Is Cottage Cheese Healthy to Eat How to Flush Sodium Out of the System Benefits of Cottage Cheese What Is a Healthy Breakfast Using Cottage Cheese? Sodium is an electrolyte mineral. As the name indicates, electrolytes give off an electrical charge in the system. The specific role of sodium is to aid various daily functions, such as muscle contractions and body fluid balance. However, an excessive amount of sodium in the body that does not get flushed out by the kidneys can increase your risk for high blood pressure. If you have to follow a reduced-sodium diet, low-sodium cottage cheese can be of value. What it lacks in sodium, it makes up for in other areas. Sodium The sodium content of low-sodium cottage cheese varies. One cup of whole-fat cottage cheese, for example, contains just over 900 milligrams of sodium, or nearly 40 percent of your daily allowance. An identical portion of low-sodium, low-fat cottage cheese, yields approximately 30 milligrams, which is only about 1 percent of the daily value."
"docid": "D91759#0",
"title": "http://www.nutrition-charts.com/pizza-hut-nutrition-information/\nPizza Hut Nutrition Facts & Calorie Information",
"text": "Home > Pizza > Pizza Hut Nutrition Facts & Calorie Information Pizza Hut Nutrition Facts & Calorie Information A Nutrition Guide to the Pizza Hut Menu for Healthy Eating One of the top restaurant franchises by sales, Pizza Hut operates over 11,000 locations worldwide. The lucrative chain enjoys widespread notoriety for easily recognizable red-roofed buildings and affordable menus offering delicious varieties of pizza and Italian-inspired cuisine. Pizza represents the signature item found on the restaurant menus in addition to staples like calzones, breadsticks, and salads. Pushes to expand menu options in recent years saw the inclusion of pastas, Buffalo wings, desserts, and gourmet crusts into daily offerings. Some individual franchises may offer regional or limited-edition signature items, as well. Overall, Pizza Hut menus largely consist of the namesake American favorite. Customers may order pizzas in six-inch personal pan, 12-inch medium, and 14-inch large portions at most locations. Patrons also enjoy the options of ordering thin, traditional, or stuffed-crust pizzas. Storefronts may offer PANormous nine-inch pizzas; however, availability may vary due to franchising. Original favorites like pepperoni, sausage, peppers, onions, black olives, tomatoes, and cheese grace the menus as available toppings in addition to unique garnishments like pineapple, ham, bacon, banana peppers, seasoned beef, chicken, and various hot sauces."
"docid": "D3403208#0",
"title": "http://qa.answers.com/Q/How_many_milligrams_in_1_teaspoon_of_turmeric\nHow many milligrams of sodium is in 1 teaspoon of table salt?",
"text": "\"How many milligrams of sodium is in 1 teaspoon of table salt? Answer . There are 2300 milligrams in one teaspoon of table salt Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew.1 teaspoon equals how many milligrams?1 teaspoon is 5,000 mg . How many milligrams equal 1 teaspoon?4000 milligrams equal one level teaspoon. How many milligrams of sodium is in 1 teaspoon of sea salt?2300How many grams of turmeric in a teaspoon? One teaspoon of Tumeric will equal approximately between 1-1.5 grams of Tumeric. The average adult is recommended around 1.5 grams to 2 grams to boost your health a day. Howev …Batalay 50 Contributions How many milligrams in 1 teaspoon of salt?1 tsp = 5ml of water and 5 ml of water = 5 grams. 5 grams = 500 milligrams How many grams in one teaspoon of turmeric? See under \"\"cost issues\"\" at http://www.ethicsinmedicine.us/a_potent_oxystatic_therapy.htmdouglas sheehan 1,726 Contributions1 teaspoon liquid equals how many milligrams?"
"docid": "D1086450#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/335820-chicken-sausage-nutrition-information/\nChicken Sausage Nutrition Information",
"text": "\"Chicken Sausage Nutrition Informationby JILL CORLEONE, RDN, LD Oct. 03, 2017You like sausage, but you know that such a high-fat meat is not the healthiest choice. So you turn to chicken sausage, figuring that the chicken version must be better for you. But chicken sausage can be high in fat and sodium too, and the amount varies from brand to brand. Knowing the nutrition facts for chicken sausage should encourage you to examine your brand at the grocery store a little more closely before bringing it home. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load High-Calorie Food Depending on the brand and flavor of chicken sausage, one link -- which is 85 grams -- can have between 140 calories and 180 calories. Comparatively, the same serving of a beef or pork sausage has about 200 calories in the same serving. Although the chicken sausage is a lower-calorie option, it is still considered a medium-energy-dense food and therefore has a high calorie content compared to its serving size, leading you to consume more calories to fill you up. High in Unhealthy Fat Although poultry is generally considered a lean source of protein, chicken sausage is high in both fat and saturated fat. One serving of the sausage contains 7 to 12 grams of total fat, 1.5 to 3.5 grams of saturated fat and 60 to 85 milligrams of cholesterol. The publication \"\"Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010\"\" recommends you limit your daily total fat intake to 20 percent to 35 percent of calories and saturated fat to less than 10 percent of calories."
"docid": "D406310#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/recommended-sodium-intake-per-day-men-6657.html\nRecommended Sodium Intake Per Day for Men",
"text": "Related Articles Guidelines for Sodium Intake in Adult Males How Much Sodium Are You Supposed to Have Per Day? The FDA Recommended Sodium Intake How Much Sodium Should an Adult Male Have? The terms sodium and salt are typically used interchangeably. Table salt is sodium combined with chloride. The highest concentration of sodium in the body can be found in the skeleton. Digestive juices also contain sufficient amounts. Despite the salty taste, sweat contains a limited amount of sodium compared to the overall concentration in the body. Sodium is necessary for several functions in the body. However, excessive consumption of sodium can lead to various disease states. Functions Sodium functions as an electrolyte in the body."
"docid": "D3350531#0",
"title": "http://www.eatthis.com/best-deli-meats/\n32 Best and Worst Packaged Deli Meats",
"text": "\"We know we're about to break the hearts of lunch-preparing moms and dads everywhere, but that deli meat might not be trustworthy. And it's not just about your kiddos; you could be sabotaging your own figure. Just a couple slices—no, really, just two of those thinly-sliced pieces of meat—of many of your favorite sandwich fillers have more sodium than a bag of pretzels; that's 450 miligrams! Sodium, a known contributor to hypertension, not only makes your belly bloated, but it's also a risk factor in the development of heart disease when eaten in excess. As for the nitrate and nitrite debacle? Here's what you need to know: All \"\"cured\"\" deli meats include sodium nitrate and nitrite as preservatives to keep the cuts free from harmful bacteria. To claim \"\"All Natural,\"\" brands substitute these artificial additives for their naturally-occurring counterpart—celery powder—and dub themselves \"\"uncured.\"\" But whether it's the synthetic version or from celery powder, it's basically the same thing, according to Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN. She also tells us there's no verdict on whether nitrates are harmful or safe. ( Ever seen beet juice nitrates being marketed to help boost your endurance ? )"
"docid": "D1983074#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/zerbaxa-drug/indications-dosage.htm\nZerbaxa",
"text": "Drug Description Fungal Infections Slideshow: Fungus Among Us Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Hepatitis C Slideshow Pictures Find Lowest Prices on ZERBAXA® (ceftolozane and tazobactam) for Injection DESCRIPTIONZERBAXA (ceftolozane and tazobactam) is an antibacterial combination product consisting of the cephalosporin antibacterial drug ceftolozane sulfate and the beta-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam sodium for intravenous administration. Ceftolozane sulfate is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug of the beta-lactam class for parenteral administration. The chemical name of ceftolozane sulfate is 1H-Pyrazolium, 5-amino-4- [ [ [ (2aminoethyl)amino]carbonyl]amino]-2- [ [ (6R,7R)-7- [ [ (2Z)-2- (5-amino-1,2,4-thiadiazol-3-yl)-2- [ (1-carboxy-1methylethoxy)imino]acetyl]amino]-2-carboxy-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo [4.2.0]oct-2-en-3-yl]methyl]-1-methyl-,sulfate (1:1). The molecular formula is C 23 H 31 N 12 O 8 S 2 +•HSO 4 and the molecular weight is 764.77. Figure 1: Chemical structure of ceftolozane sulfate Tazobactam sodium, a derivative of the penicillin nucleus, is a penicillanic acid sulfone. Its chemical name is sodium (2S,3S,5R)-3-methyl-7-oxo-3- (1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-4-thia-1azabicyclo [3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylate-4,4-dioxide. The chemical formula is C 10 H 11 N 4 Na O 5 S and the molecular weight is 322.3. Figure 2: Chemical structure of tazobactam sodium ZERBAXA 1.5 g (ceftolozane and tazobactam) for injection is a white to yellow sterile powder for reconstitution consisting of ceftolozane 1 g (equivalent to 1.147 g of ceftolozane sulfate) and tazobactam 0.5 g (equivalent to 0.537 g of tazobactam sodium) per vial, packaged in single-dose glass vials. The product contains sodium chloride (487 mg/vial) as a stabilizing agent, citric acid (21 mg/vial), and L- arginine (approximately 600 mg/vial) as excipients. Indications & Dosage Fungal Infections Slideshow: Fungus Among Us Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Hepatitis C Slideshow Pictures INDICATIONSZERBAXA® (ceftolozane and tazobactam) for injection is indicated for the treatment of patients 18 years or older with the following infections caused by designated susceptible microorganisms."
"docid": "D307651#0",
"title": "http://www.life-enhancement.com/magazine/article/2089-potassium-bicarbonate-supplementation\n.",
"text": "Potassium Bicarbonate Supplementation —A Low Cost Way to Improve Health By Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw he risk of many troublesome—even deadly—health problems can be reduced with a good diet and increased by a bad one. Our diet has changed radically from what our ancestors ate 50,000 years ago, and not all of these changes have been for the good. Our modern diets are likely to contain far less potassium, far more sodium, more acid forming nutrients, and less base forming nutrients than those enjoyed by our ancestors when our species evolved. Fortunately, an inexpensive potassium bicarbonate dietary supplement can help you to eat more like a Caveman without all that Stone Age food hunting and gathering work. As we discuss below, potassium bicarbonate can do a lot more for you than help regulate your blood pressure. Studies of potassium supplements in humans have reported: Reduced Blood Pressure Increased Muscle Mass Decreased Bone Loss Reduced Risk of Stroke Improved Endothelial Function Reduced Dietary Acid Load Most Americans Do Not Get Enough Potassium Modern human dietary requirements were encoded into our DNA during evolution starting with the Paleolithic diet, which contained about 35% meat and about 65% plant foods. The type of meat (more monounsaturated, less saturated fat) and of plant foods (more omega-3 fatty acids and far more fiber) eaten by early man was different as well. One of the most important differences was that there was far more potassium (from fruits and vegetables) and much less acid-forming content (because of the increased ratio of plant to animal foods) in the early human diet. The change to a low potassium, high acid-forming content diet has had a profound impact on many aspects of wellness and healthy aging, including those listed above. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.—Theodosius Dobzhansky. . ."
"docid": "D989738#0",
"title": "http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/toolkit/olderadults/OAnutrition.htm\nOlder Adult Health Facts",
"text": "\"Back to Toolkit Table of Contents Older Adult Health Facts Get the Most Nutrition Out of Your Calories Each major food group provides a variety of nutrients, so it's important to include all food groups in your daily eating plan. You will enjoy many different foods while getting essential nutrients that help you get the most nutrition out of your calories. Many older adults don't eat enough foods that contain calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, and E. Fruits and vegetables contain potassium, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins A and C. Vitamin E is found in many ready-to-eat cereals, nuts, and vegetable oils. Calcium and vitamin D are found in fat-free and low-fat milk. At the same time, many older adults eat too many foods high in calories, saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, and salt. Getting the nutrients you need through a healthy diet is essential for overall health. So, look for foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients, but lower in calories. These foods should be the foundation of your diet. Eating nutrient-packed foods helps you stay within your calorie needs while meeting your nutrient needs. What are my daily calorie needs?"
"docid": "D2120475#0",
"title": "http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1710\nBest and Worst Meat Choices",
"text": "\"By Lauri Watson, Registered Dietitian 2/15/2012Pop quiz: Which is better: filet or prime rib? Which is leaner: ground turkey breast or lean ground beef? If you're trying to cut calories or just plain eat healthier, navigating the meat section at your local grocery store can be just as confusing as decoding a nutrition label! For those who eat it, meat provides protein and other nutrients, too, including iron, thiamine, and zinc. But many sources of meat can also be high in fat, especially saturated fat, which has been linked to high cholesterol and heart disease. And any food that is high in fat is also higher in calories, which can make it tough to reach your weight management goals. To assist consumers in meat selection, the government developed the following definitions, based on a cooked, 3-ounce portion of meat. Extra lean meat contains less than 5 grams of total fat and less than 2 grams of saturated fat. Lean meat contains less than 10 grams of total fat and less than 4.5 grams of saturated fat. This guide will help you to navigate the meat department and make the best choices for health, calories, and flavor."
"docid": "D3163654#0",
"title": "https://www.livestrong.com/article/255814-popcorn-nutrition-facts/\nPopcorn Nutrition Facts",
"text": "Popcorn Nutrition Factsby WILLIAM MCCOY Oct. 03, 2017Movie night with your family often isn't the same without popping some corn and adding your favorite toppings. Whether you enjoy making your own air-popped popcorn or microwave popcorn, or prefer caramel popcorn, the nutritional value of the snack varies slightly. Adding toppings to your popcorn increases the calories, fat and sodium. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Plain Air-Popped Popcorn Air-popped popcorn, on its own, doesn't contain many calories and is also low in fat and carbohydrates. A 3-cup serving of white, air-popped popcorn has 92 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1 milligram of sodium, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The snack also has 2.9 grams of protein, 18.7 grams of carbs and 3.6 grams of dietary fiber. It contains no cholesterol and only trace amounts of vitamins. Adding Butter and Salt If you don't enjoy the taste of air-popped popcorn on its own, you're probably used to adding some butter and salt to your bowl. Doing so dramatically increases the fat and sodium levels of your snack. Two tablespoons of unsalted butter contain 204 calories and 23 grams of fat."
] |
524 | 1.5 liter equal many ounces | [
"docid": "D1886235#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/1.5_liter_equals_how_many_oz\nHow many oz are in 1.5 liters?",
"text": "Holden1168 218 Contributions How many oz are in 1.5 liters?50.736 oz. Snoopyjc 3,906 Contributions How many 1.5 oz shots in a liter?22 1 / 2 1 liter = 33.8140227 US fluid ounces, giving almost exactly 22 1 / 2 1.5 oz shots. 33.84 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many oz in 1.5 liters?1.5 liters = about 50.7 fluid ounces.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many .oz is 1.5 Liters?1.5 liters = about 50.7 fluid ounces.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com1.5 liter how many oz of water?1.5 liters is equal to approximately 50.7 fluid ounces. Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew.1.5 liters is how many oz? That is 52.911 oz.1.5 liters equal how many liters? One and a half liters equals one and a half liters.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many oz in 1.5 liter bottle? About 50.7 ounces.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many liter is 1.5 oz?1.5 fluid ounces equates to approximately 0.0444 liters.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com1.75 liters equals how many 1.5 oz shots?1.75 liters is equal to approximately 39.5 1.5-oz shots.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com1.5 liter equals to how many oz?1.5 liters is equal to approximately 50.7 fluid ounces. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions1.5 liters equals how many ozs?50.72 oz"
] | [
"docid": "D2020848#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-water-bottles-make-a-gallon\nHow many bottles of water are in a gallon?",
"text": "\"Gallon Bottled Water Bottles Measurements Water How many bottles of water are in a gallon?18 Answers Sid Mohialdin, Enig Maverick - Qrious Updated Dec 24, 2017 · Author has 73 answers and 117.4k answer views I don’t mean to assume but are you,A lazy person? Bored to do homework? Lazy and bored to do homework? Just asking casually :)Your answer: Ranges from 1 to 15. Because bottles are available from 1 Gallon to 250 ml in capacity. BONUS: I shall tell a you a site which will answer you exponentially quicker, with only a minimal required brain strain from you. CLICK HERESelf-taught life navigator. Interested in everything. Follow me, Sid Mohialdin for more.12.1k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? How many oz."
"docid": "D378053#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cup_%28unit%29\nCup (unit)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Measuring cups. Not to be confused with drinking cups, \"\"cup\"\" serving sizes, or measuring cups, which do not necessarily correspond with this unit. The cup is a United States unit of volume, most commonly associated with cooking and serving sizes. It is traditionally equal to half a liquid pint in US customary units but is now separately defined in terms of the metric system at values between 1⁄ 5 and 1⁄ 4 of a liter. Because actual drinking cups may differ greatly from the size of this unit, standard measuring cups are usually used instead. Contents [ hide ]1 United States1.1 Legal cup1.2 Customary cup2 Commonwealth of Nations2.1 Metric cup2.2 Canadian cup2.3 United Kingdom3 International3.1 Latin American cup3.2 Japanese cup4 Dry measure5 See also6 Notes7 References United States [ edit]Legal cup [ edit]The cup currently used in the United States for nutrition labelling is defined in United States law as 240 m L. [1] [2] [3]1 U. S. \"\"legal\"\" cup = 240 millilitres= 16 international tablespoons= 12 Australian tablespoons≈ 8.12 U. S. customary fluid ounces≈ 8.45 imperial fluid ounces Customary cup [ edit]Coffee carafe showing gradiations for measuring water (right) and brewed coffee (left) in multiples of non-standard U. S. customary cups. In the United States, the customary cup is half of a liquid pint.1 U. S. customary cup = 1⁄ 16 U. S. customary gallon= 1⁄ 4 U. S. customary quart= 1⁄ 2 U. S. customary pint= 8 U. S. customary fluid ounces= 16 U. S. customary tablespoons= 48 U. S. customary teaspoons≡ 236.5882365 millilitres exactly≈ 15 2⁄ 3 international tablespoons≈ 11.75 Australian tablespoons≈ 0.833 imperial cups≈ 8.33 imperial fluid ounces A customary \"\"cup\"\" of coffee in the U. S. is usually defined as 4 fluid ounces, [ citation needed] brewed using 5 fluid ounces of water. Coffee carafes used with drip coffee makers, such as Black and Decker models, have markings for both water and brewed coffee, since the carafe is also used for measuring water prior to brewing. [ 4] A 12-cup carafe, for example, has markings for 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 cups of water or coffee, which correspond to 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 fluid ounces of water or 16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 fluid ounces of brewed coffee, respectively, the difference being the volume lost to evaporation during brewing. Commonwealth of Nations [ edit]Metric cup [ edit]Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and some other members of the Commonwealth of Nations —being former British colonies that have since metricated —employ a \"\"metric cup\"\" of 250 millilitres. ["
"docid": "D3015021#0",
"title": "http://morellismarket.com/PartyPlanner.html\n.",
"text": "If you have ever had the opportunity of hosting any type of social gathering whether it be a wedding, graduation, birthday or a party just for the sake of it, some of these questions may have gone through your mind. What am I missing? Do I have enough? Here in the Morelli’s Party Planner 101 we provide you with some basic tools and rules of the trade to make your party a spectacular one!Rule # 1 Let's start with the basics. These are pretty much your Bar Standards• Bourbon • Brandy • Canadian Whiskey • Gin • Rum • Scotch • Tequila • Vodka----------------------• Coffee Liqueur • Irish Cream • Triple Sec • Vermouth----------------------• Beer • Red Wine • White Wine Rule # 2 The Setups Don’t forget to have all your essential mixers on hand!• Soft Drinks (Cola, Diet Cola, Ginger Ale, Lemon-Lime, etc. )• Sour Mix• Club Soda• Tonic Water• Bitters• Juices• Grenadine• Bloody Mary Mix• Rose's Lime Juice• Water (It's not only important to have water and soda to mix with the drinks. It's also important to have them for the people who have chosen to be the Designated Drivers. ) Rule # 3 Basic Bar Tools There is no such thing as too much ice, or too many bar towels, napkins, straws or stir rods. Your guests will use more of these items than you think, so please plan accordingly. Also, make sure you have a corkscrew for the wine bottles and a bottle opener for the beer bottles."
"docid": "D476962#0",
"title": "https://www.howmanyouncesin.com/liter/\nHow Many Ounces in a Liter- Explained With Easier Conversion",
"text": "How Many Ounces in a Liter- Explained With Easier Conversion Liter US fluid ounce Imperial fluid ounce Delicious and yummy recipes are made with perfection and precision. You become perfect every time to try and experience. This way of cooking has become tradition because in present time the cooking experts follow the measuring units to measure the quantities used in cooking. Same is the came with baking because the rules of precisions are strict. Culinary experts make it obligatory to learn about the conversion of quantities rather than using cups or spoons. Although these two are the traditional methods but professionalism is more than that. If you love cooking then you search the recipes of various cuisines on the internet. All these recipes use modern and accurate measuring units like ounce, pound, liter, and others. Most commonly used units are ounce and liter. If you don’t know how many ounces in a liter then I am going to help you with the conversion."
"docid": "D1840683#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_water_does_the_human_body_need_each_day\nHow much water does your body need each day?",
"text": "How much water does your body need each day? Your body needs 64 ounces each day Cnevans 5 Contributions How much water do we need each day? Answer . Well the old belief is that we need to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day (64 ounces total) to stay completely hydrated. But scientists are finding now tha …Anthony Lamar 7 Contributions How much water does the human body need?im not sure but the human body needs 70% water i think it might be 80% now go get some . About how much water does the human body normally need in a day?two liters D4est 118,872 Contributions How much water does a human need in a day? Answer: . About 8 Glasses per day . Answer: . The recommended daily intake is around 8 glasses but it varies according to the weight of the person."
"docid": "D1241070#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_ounces_are_in_one_liter\nHow many ounces are in one liter?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume How many ounces are in one liter? Flag How many ounces are in one liter? Answer by 12erhunt Confidence votes 66Calculation: There are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon, and there are 3.7854118 fluid liters per gallon. Divide 128 / 3.7854118 to get your answer = 33.81402. First, it can be 'liter' or 'litre.' = Liters and Fluid Ounces = 1 liter = 33.8140226 US fluid ounces Note that this is for fluid ounces, not dry ounces. A fluid ounce is a measure of volume, just like a liter is. A dry ounce is a measure of weight. The weight of one liter of a substance depends on its density. So it depends on what you are measuring."
"docid": "D2928049#0",
"title": "http://allnurses.com/pre-nursing-student/medication-conversions-269202.html\nMedication Conversions",
"text": "\"Latest Articles Programs Products Conferences Nursing Student › Pre-Nursing Student ›Medication Conversionsby Sirena922Views: 57,953 Comments: 8Can someone please help me with this, I'm not sure how to do medication conversions, I'm not sure if I'm even describing it right. How do you do conversions, or memorize them. For instance: 425mg equals how many grams? 1.5 Ounces equals how many mililiters? Gr.1/4 equals how many milligrams (mg)? Whats the formula if any in doing conversions of medications? I don't remember how to convert from grams, mililiters etc. Please help. Thanks About Sirena922Joined: Mar '05; Posts: 425; Likes: 38 Education 4 now; from US8 Comments Topic Closed Dec 21, '071g = 1000mg so 1mg = 0.001g 1kg = 1000g = 1 000 000mg 1l = 10dl = 100cl = 1000ml 1 ounce = 28.35g If you can't remember, there are tons of websites with conversions on them. Try www.onlineconversion.com Dec 21, '07Quote from Sirena922... I'm not sure if I'm even describing it right."
"docid": "D2541901#0",
"title": "http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictL.html\nHow Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryL",
"text": "\"Lthe Roman numeral 50. L, lsymbols for the liter. The lowercase l is the official symbol, but because it is so easily confused with the numeral 1 the SI permits the capital letter L to be used instead. Sometimes a script version of the lowercase letter is used, but this is not approved by the SI.lábthe traditional Hungarian foot, equal to about 31.6 centimeters (12.44 English inches). This was the Hungarian version of the Viennese fuß.labora traditional unit of area in Latin American countries. The labor is equal to the area of a square 1000 varas on a side, or 0.04 legua. Using the Texas standard for the vara (33 1/3 inches), this is equivalent to 177.136 acres or 71.685 hectares. The word labor means work in Spanish, as it does in English. As a unit it represents the area that could be cultivated by a single farmer, somewhat like the old English hide.lachtera traditional unit of length used in mining in Germany and other German-speaking regions. A variation on the fathom, the unit varied regionally (and even from mine to mine) but it was usually close to 2 meters (about 78.74 inches)."
"docid": "D1478713#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-bottles-of-water-are-in-a-gallon\nHow many bottles of water are in a gallon?",
"text": "\"Gallon Bottled Water Bottles Measurements Water How many bottles of water are in a gallon?18 Answers Sid Mohialdin, Enig Maverick - Qrious Updated Dec 24, 2017 · Author has 73 answers and 117.4k answer views I don’t mean to assume but are you,A lazy person? Bored to do homework? Lazy and bored to do homework? Just asking casually :)Your answer: Ranges from 1 to 15. Because bottles are available from 1 Gallon to 250 ml in capacity. BONUS: I shall tell a you a site which will answer you exponentially quicker, with only a minimal required brain strain from you. CLICK HERESelf-taught life navigator. Interested in everything. Follow me, Sid Mohialdin for more.12.1k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? How many oz."
"docid": "D454981#0",
"title": "http://www.beesource.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-271529.html\n.",
"text": "Beesource Beekeeping Forums > General Beekeeping Forums > Beekeeping 101 > how much does a quart weight? PDAView Full Version : how much does a quart weight?larrymn 06-27-2012, 05:42 PMso how much does a quart of honey weigh? I will be selling honey in pint and quart jars and I need to know for the lables before i order them. how can you weigh honey in quart jars? what kinda scale will work? Nasal Sponge 06-27-2012, 06:00 PMThree pounds if your talking about honey.honeyman46408 06-27-2012, 06:14 PMqt=44ozsqkcrk 06-27-2012, 06:27 PMso how much does a quart of honey weigh? I will be selling honey in pint and quart jars and I need to know for the lables before i order them. how can you weigh honey in quart jars? what kinda scale will work? Get your jar."
"docid": "D1253610#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_ounces_are_in_a_serving_of_wine\nHow many ounces in a bottle of wine?",
"text": "How many ounces in a bottle of wine? A regular bottle of wine is 750ml. 1 U. S. ounce is equal to 30 ml (29.573). Therefore, a regular bottle of wine is roughly 25 ounces. ( Though there are some larger and smaller …Andy Ketter 354 Contributions I work in marketing at Answers.com. I love technology, hockey, football, and wine. Graduated from SUNY Buffalo with a BS in Comp Sci How many ounces in a glass of wine? There is no standard size per say for a wine glass, but usuallyit's 4.5 to 5.5 ounces - 5 or 6 glasses of wine per standard 750m Lbottle How many ounces in a wine glass? There are many different sized wine glasses. When people refer to a glass of wine they are typically speaking of 6 fl oz."
"docid": "D941651#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070624162003AAUvkcN\nHow much fl oz is in a regular smirnoff ice bottles?",
"text": "Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits How much fl oz is in a regular smirnoff ice bottles?and also how much is in one big smirnoff ice bottle finaly how many regular smirnoffs can fit into one big one Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Look on the bottle dipshit. Yankees Rock · 1 decade ago0 5 Comment12mightemouse2001 · 1 decade ago1 0 Commentlol a lot of guys dont drink smirnoff ice cuz they think it's for girls... but i love it. good 4 u for having the courage to go 2 a party with a smirnoff ice. I wish i could do that, but i got a reputation to uphold! PS I think it will get you a little tipsy, but definitely not drunk! Get some more Alnisa · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Fifteen millimeters of fluid equal one ounce. What you need to know is the size of each container. Most alcohol in the more than one drink bottles are usually 1.75 liters or 1,750 millilters. ( As for other bottles or cans one needs to look at what is listed on the label.) That comes out to about 166.6666666 ounces."
"docid": "D157561#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/equal-2-quarts-72a3b225a8a6f68c\nWhat Is Equal to 2 Quarts?",
"text": "\"Science Measurements Q: What Is Equal to 2 Quarts? A: Quick Answer Measurements equal to 2 quarts are 4 pints, 1/2 gallon, 32 ounces, 8 cups or 115.4 cubic inches. A single quart is equivalent to 2 pints, 16 ounces, 4 cups or 57.7 cubic inches. To convert quarts to another unit of measurement, they must be divided or multiplied by the appropriate conversion figure. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Much Is 1 Cup of Water? What Are Standard Measurements in the United States? How Many Quarts Are in a Liter? Full Answer In order to convert quarts to cubic inches (a metric unit of measure for liquids), the number of quarts is multiplied by 57.7. Three quarts are equal to 173.1 cubic inches because this figure is the product of three multiplied by 57.7. To convert quarts to pints, the number of quarts is multiplied by two because there are 2 pints in a quart."
"docid": "D2663121#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cup_(volume)\nCup (unit)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cup (volume))navigation search Measuring cups. Not to be confused with drinking cups, \"\"cup\"\" serving sizes, or measuring cups, which do not necessarily correspond with this unit. The cup is a United States unit of volume, most commonly associated with cooking and serving sizes. It is traditionally equal to half a liquid pint in US customary units but is now separately defined in terms of the metric system at values between 1⁄ 5 and 1⁄ 4 of a liter. Because actual drinking cups may differ greatly from the size of this unit, standard measuring cups are usually used instead. Contents [ hide ]1 United States1.1 Legal cup1.2 Customary cup2 Commonwealth of Nations2.1 Metric cup2.2 Canadian cup2.3 United Kingdom3 International3.1 Latin American cup3.2 Japanese cup4 Dry measure5 See also6 Notes7 References United States [ edit]Legal cup [ edit]The cup currently used in the United States for nutrition labelling is defined in United States law as 240 m L. [1] [2] [3]1 U. S. \"\"legal\"\" cup = 240 millilitres= 16 international tablespoons= 12 Australian tablespoons≈ 8.12 U. S. customary fluid ounces≈ 8.45 imperial fluid ounces Customary cup [ edit]Coffee carafe showing gradiations for measuring water (right) and brewed coffee (left) in multiples of non-standard U. S. customary cups. In the United States, the customary cup is half of a liquid pint.1 U. S. customary cup = 1⁄ 16 U. S. customary gallon= 1⁄ 4 U. S. customary quart= 1⁄ 2 U. S. customary pint= 8 U. S. customary fluid ounces= 16 U. S. customary tablespoons= 48 U. S. customary teaspoons≡ 236.5882365 millilitres exactly≈ 15 2⁄ 3 international tablespoons≈ 11.75 Australian tablespoons≈ 0.833 imperial cups≈ 8.33 imperial fluid ounces A customary \"\"cup\"\" of coffee in the U. S. is usually defined as 4 fluid ounces, [ citation needed] brewed using 5 fluid ounces of water. Coffee carafes used with drip coffee makers, such as Black and Decker models, have markings for both water and brewed coffee, since the carafe is also used for measuring water prior to brewing. [ 4] A 12-cup carafe, for example, has markings for 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 cups of water or coffee, which correspond to 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 fluid ounces of water or 16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 fluid ounces of brewed coffee, respectively, the difference being the volume lost to evaporation during brewing. Commonwealth of Nations [ edit]Metric cup [ edit]Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and some other members of the Commonwealth of Nations —being former British colonies that have since metricated —employ a \"\"metric cup\"\" of 250 millilitres. ["
"docid": "D346403#0",
"title": "https://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictG.html\nHow Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryG",
"text": "\"ga symbol for the average acceleration produced by gravity at the Earth's surface (sea level). The actual acceleration of gravity varies from place to place, depending on latitude, altitude, and local geology. The symbol g is often used informally as a unit of acceleration. By agreement among physicists, the standard acceleration of gravity g n is defined to be exactly 9.806 65 meters per second per second (m/s 2 ), or about 32.174 05 feet per second per second. At latitude p, a conventional value of the acceleration of gravity at sea level is given by the International Gravity Formula, g ( p )=9.7803267714 (1+0.00193185138639sin 2 ( p ))/√ (1-0.0069437999013sin 2 ( p )). The variation, caused by the oblateness of the Earth and the accleration we experience due to the rotation of the Earth, is about half a percent, from 9.780 327 m/s 2 at the Equator to 9.833 421 m/s 2 at the poles. The symbol g was used as a unit first in aeronautical and space engineering, where it is important to limit the accelerations experienced by the crew members of aircraft and spaceships: the \"\" g forces,\"\" as they are called. This use became familiar through the space programs, and now a variety of accelerations are measured in g 's. The names gee and grav is also used for this unit. Note that g is also the symbol for the gram. G [1]informal abbreviation in computer science for 2 30 = 1 073 741 824."
"docid": "D1462996#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_fluid_ounces_are_in_a_3_liter_bottle_of_soda\nHow many fluid ounces are in a 3 liter bottle of soda?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume How many fluid ounces are in a 3 liter bottle of soda? Flag How many fluid ounces are in a 3 liter bottle of soda? Answer by 4 JAYS Confidence votes 312KMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com3 L = 101.442 fl oz (US)1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many fluid ounces are in a one liter bottle? Answer . Sincece there are 67.6 fluid ounces in a two liter bottle that would make a one liter bottle 33.8 oz Taylor. A. Green 5 Contributions How many fluid ounces are in a 3-L bottle of soda? I'm pretty sure it is 101.442 fl oz (US). How many ounces are in a 3 liter bottle?60.73How many fluid ounces are in a 3liter bottle of soda?96 ounces How many fluid ounces are in a 3L bottle of soda? According to google, roughly 101 ounces.4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many ounces are in a 2 liter bottle soda?"
"docid": "D736912#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_glasses_of_wine_can_you_get_from_one_bottle\nHow many glasses of wine can you get from one bottle?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Beer and Brewing How many glasses of wine can you get from one bottle? Flag How many glasses of wine can you get from one bottle? Answer by John St Martin Confidence votes 80It would be just over 6 servings if you poured the suggested 4 oz serving, but that is pretty small. A standard pour at a bar or restaurant is about 6 oz, so figure about 4 - 5 glasses.44 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Andy Ketter 354 Contributions I work in marketing at Answers.com. I love technology, hockey, football, and wine. Graduated from SUNY Buffalo with a BS in Comp Sci How many glasses in a bottle of wine? There are 5 to 6, depending on how large of a glass you pour. Technically it is considered 6 servings of alcohol, so if you pour1 serving in 1 glass, then you have 6. However m …Alcohol Researcher 6,371 Contributions How many glasses of wine in a bottle?"
"docid": "D1241073#0",
"title": "http://www.asknumbers.com/LiterToOuncesConversion.aspx\nLiters to Fluid Ounces Conversion",
"text": "\"Liters to fluid ounces (fl oz) volume units conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many ounces in a liter, multiply by the conversion factor or use the converter.1 Liter = 33.814022 Ounces [Fluid, US]1 Liter = 35.195079 Ounces [UK]There are 33.8140226 ounces in a liter, because one liter (litre) is defined as the volume of 1 kilogram of water and there are 33.814 fluid ounces in the same volume of water. There are 35.195079 imperial (UK) fl. ounces in a liter, because 1 fl. ounce is 1.04084 imperial fl. ounce, and that makes 1.04084 * 33.814 (US fl oz in a liter)= 35.195079 imperial fl. oz in a liter. For example, to find out how many ounces there are in a liter and a half, multiply the liter value by the conversion factor, that makes 1.5 L * 33.814022 = 50.72 fluid ounces in a liter and a half. Liter is a metric system volume unit. Liter (litre in SI) is defined as the volume of one kilogram of water."
"docid": "D582911#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080603100451AA4kRbi\nHow many cups of water are in a bottle or water?",
"text": "Food & Drink Non-Alcoholic Drinks How many cups of water are in a bottle or water? Youre suposed to drink 8 cups of water a day but how many cups are in a standard bottle or water? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: get a bottle of water (i don't know the size) get a glass, there you go!Red R · 10 years ago1 40 1 comment2Dita · 3 years ago1 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: How many cups of water are in a bottle or water? Youre suposed to drink 8 cups of water a day but how many cups are in a standard bottle or water? Source (s):cups water bottle water: https://shortly.im/JSGUj Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment It depends on the bottle. The normal sized bottles have 16 ounces in them which is 2 cups. Some of the larger bottles will have 20 or 24 ources (2.5 or 3 cups). Every 8 ounces equals one cup. Now as far as needing 8 cups of water each day goes that is old information."
"docid": "D1160816#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-shots-pint-vodka-371030d13ba2ac0b\nHow Many Shots Are in a Pint of Vodka?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Shots Are in a Pint of Vodka? A: Quick Answer In the United States, 1 pint of vodka would yield about 10.6 shots. In England, however, 1 pint of vodka would yield about 18.9 shots; in Italy, it would yield about 11.8 shots. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Ounces Are in a Pint of Sour Cream? How Many Cups Are in a Half Pint of Milk? How Many Strawberries Are There in a Pint? Full Answer The reason for the discrepancy is that the shot measurement is not standard throughout the world. In the United States, a shot is 1.5 fluid ounces. Since 1 pint is equal to 16 ounces, dividing 16 by 1.5 produces a result of 10.6. In England, however, a shot is only about 0.84 of a fluid ounce, and in Italy, a shot is the equivalent of 1.35 fluid ounces."
] |
525 | 1.5 miles how many metres | [
"docid": "D3178210#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_meters_in_a_1.5_miles\n1.5 in equal how many meters?",
"text": "W7 1,405 Contributions1.5 in equal how many meters? One imperial inch equals 25.4mm or 0.0254m. 1.5 inches will be 1.5 times as much. Edit4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many miles is 1.5 meters?1.5 meters = 0.000932056788 miles. Edit Pradeep Walia 1 Contribution How many inches is 1.5 meters? there are 58.5 inches in 1.5 meters Edit Vbcecil66 2 Contributions How many laps on a 200 meter track equals 1.5 miles? Exactly it is 12.07 laps, so roughly 12 laps. Generally you don't stop right at the finish line so you figure that your momentum will carry you to the 1.5 mile mark. Edit. Inca Blue ."
] | [
"docid": "D3048919#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/triathlon\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Wiktionary (4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:triathlon (Noun)an athletics event in which contestants compete in swimming, cycling and running in turn Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Triathlon A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines. While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its most popular form, involves swimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time, including timed \"\"transitions\"\" between the individual swim, cycle, and run components. The word \"\"triathlon\"\" is of Greek origin from τρεις or trei and αθλος or athlos. Triathlon races vary in distance. According to the International Triathlon Union, and USA Triathlon, the main international race distances are: ⁕Sprint Distance; 750 metres swim, 20 kilometres bike, 5 kilometres run ⁕Intermediate distance; commonly referred to as \"\"Olympic distance\"\": 1.5 kilometres swim, 40 kilometres bike, 10 kilometres run ⁕Long Course; 1.2 miles swim, 56 miles ride, 13.1 miles run ⁕Ultra Distance; 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles ride, and a full marathon: 26.2 miles run The most recognized branded Ultra Distance is the Ironman triathlon. Transition areas are positioned both between the swim and bike segments, and between the bike and run segments and are where the switches from swimming to cycling and cycling to running occur. These areas are used to store bicycles, performance apparel, and any other accessories needed for preparing for the next stage of the race. The time spent in T1 and T2 is included in the overall time of the race. Transitions areas can vary in size depending on the number of participants expected for the race."
"docid": "D1109083#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100102122310AAzucXn\nHow far is the horizon over water?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Geography How far is the horizon over water? Follow 2 answers Answers Best Answer: It depends on your height above the surface of the water. The formula is: The straight line of sight distance d in kilometers to the true horizon on earth is approximately d = Square root of (13 * h) where h is the height above ground or sea level (in meters) of the eye of the observer. Examples: For an observer standing at sea level with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in) (average eye-level height), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi). For an observer standing on a hill or tower of 100 metres (330 ft) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 36 kilometres (22 mi). For Imperial units, 13 is replaced by 1.5, h is in feet and d is in miles. Thus: d = Square root of (1.5 * h) Examples: For observers on the ground with eye-level at h = 5 ft 7 in (5.583 ft), the horizon is at a distance of 2.89 miles (4.65 km). For observers standing on a hill or tower 100 feet (30 m) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 12.25 miles (19.71 km). If the US Navy ever said the horizon was 14 miles away, it must have been from the masthead of a large ship - about 130 feet (39.82 meters) above the water. Of the 244 feet between keel and masthead of a Nimitz-class carrier, about 38 is below the waterline, and about 150 feet is the \"\"island superstructure."
"docid": "D559121#0",
"title": "http://www.howitworksdaily.com/which-animals-have-the-longest-legs/\nWhich animals have the longest legs?",
"text": "Which animals have the longest legs? By How It Works Team · 6 years ago The land animal with the longest legs is the giraffe, whose legs can be 1.8-2.1 metres (six to seven feet) long. These towering animals can reach six metres (20 feet) overall and weigh four tons, with a sprint speed of 60 kilometres (37 miles) per hour. When galloping, the giraffe’s front and hind legs work in pairs. Ostriches are the longest-legged birds, at 1.2-1.5 metres (four to five feet) long. Both of these are dwarfed by the feeding tentacles of the giant squid, however, which can reach 8.2 metres (27 feet)!Answered by Kate Sherburn, Manchester Museum. Tags: giant squid, giraffe, legs, longest, ostriches, tentacles Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safari On sale now Buy Online Subscribe Now View Digital Editions"
"docid": "D941505#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoctometre\nOrders of magnitude (length)",
"text": "\"Orders of magnitude (length)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Yoctometre)navigation search\"\"1m\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see 1M. \"\"1mm\"\" redirects here. For the Perfume song, see Level3 (Perfume album). The following are examples of orders of magnitude for different lengths. Objects of sizes in different order of magnitude. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Detailed list2.1 Subatomic2.2 Atomic to cellular2.3 Cellular to human scale2.4 Human to astronomical scale2.5 Astronomical3 1 yoctometre4 10 yoctometres5 100 yoctometres6 1 zeptometre7 10 zeptometres8 100 zeptometres9 1 attometre10 10 attometres11 100 attometres12 1 femtometre13 10 femtometres14 100 femtometres15 1 picometre16 10 picometres17 100 picometres18 1 nanometre19 10 nanometres20 100 nanometres21 1 micrometre22 10 micrometres23 100 micrometres24 1 millimetre25 1 centimetre26 1 decimetre26.1 Conversions26.2 Wavelengths26.3 Human-defined scales and structures26.4 Nature26.5 Astronomical27 1 metre27.1 Conversions27.2 Human-defined scales and structures27.3 Sports27.4 Nature27.5 Astronomical28 1 decametre28.1 Conversions28.2 Human-defined scales and structures28.3 Sports28.4 Nature28.5 Astronomical29 1 hectometre29.1 Conversions29.2 Human-defined scales and structures29.3 Sports29.4 Nature29.5 Astronomical30 1 kilometre30.1 Conversions30.2 Human-defined scales and structures30.3 Geographical30.4 Astronomical31 10 kilometres31.1 Conversions31.2 Sports31.3 Human-defined scales and structures31.4 Geographical31.5 Astronomical32 100 kilometres32.1 Conversions32.2 Human-defined scales and structures32.3 Geographical32.4 Astronomical33 1 megametre33.1 Conversions33.2 Human-defined scales and structures33.3 Sports33.4 Geographical33.5 Astronomical34 10 megametres34.1 Conversions34.2 Human-defined scales and structures34.3 Geographical34.4 Astronomical35 100 megametres36 1 gigametre37 10 gigametres38 100 gigametres39 1 terametre40 10 terametres41 100 terametres42 1 petametre43 10 petametres44 100 petametres45 1 exametre46 10 exametres47 100 exametres48 1 zettametre49 10 zettametres50 100 zettametres51 1 yottametre52 10 yottametres53 100 yottametres54 Notes55 See also56 References57 External links Overview [ edit]Section Range ( m) Unit Example Items≥ <Planck length – 10 −35 ℓ P Quantum foam (This is a fixed quantity, not a range. ) Subatomic – 10 −18 am Electron, quark, string Atomic and cellular10 −15 10 −12 fm Atomic nucleus, proton, neutron10 −12 10 −9 pm Wavelength of gamma rays and X-rays, hydrogen atom10 −9 10 −6 nm DNA helix, virus, wavelength of optical spectrum Human scale10 −6 10 −3 μm Bacterium, fog water droplet, human hair's diameter [note 1]10 −3 1 mm Mosquito, golf ball, domestic cat, violin, viola, football10 0 10 3 m Cello, piano, human, automobile, sperm whale, football field, Eiffel Tower10 310 6 km Mount Everest, length of Panama Canal and Trans-Siberian Railway, larger asteroid Astronomical10 6 10 9 Mm The Moon, Earth, one light-second10 9 10 12 Gm Sun, one light-minute, Earth's orbit10 12 10 15 Tm Orbits of outer planets, Solar System10 15 10 18 Pm One light-year; distance to Proxima Centauri10 18 10 21 Em Galactic arm10 21 10 24 Zm Milky Way, distance to Andromeda Galaxy10 24 Ym Huge-LQG, Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, visible universe Detailed list [ edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, the following list describes various lengths between 1.6 × 10 −35 meters and meters. Subatomic [ edit]Factor ( m) Multiple Value Item10 −351 Planck length0.0000000000162 ym (1.62 × 10 −35 m) Planck length; typical scale of hypothetical loop quantum gravity or size of a hypothetical string and of branes; according to string theory lengths smaller than this do not make any physical sense. [ 1] Quantum foam is thought to exist at this level.10 −241 yoctometre (ym) 2 ym (2 × 10 −24 metres) Effective cross section radius of 1 Me V neutrinos [2]10 −211 zeptometre (zm) Preons, hypothetical particles proposed as subcomponents of quarks and leptons; the upper bound for the width of a cosmic string in string theory.7 zm (7 × 10 −21 metres) Effective cross section radius of high energy neutrinos [3]310 zm (3.10 × 10 −19 metres) De Broglie wavelength of protons at the Large Hadron Collider (4 Te V as of 2012)10 −181 attometre (am) Upper limit for the size of quarks and electrons Sensitivity of the LIGO detector for gravitational waves [4]Upper bound of the typical size range for \"\"fundamental strings \"\" [1]10 −17 10 am Range of the weak force10 −16 100 am 850 am Approximate proton radius [5]Atomic to cellular [ edit]Factor ( m) Multiple Value Item10 −151 femtometre (fm) 1.5 fm Size of an 11 Me V proton [6]2.81794 fm Classical electron radius [7]1.75 to 15 fm Diameter range of the atomic nucleus [1] [8]10 −121 picometre (pm) 0.75 to 0.8225 pm Longest wavelength of gamma rays1 pm Distance between atomic nuclei in a white dwarf2.4 pm Compton wavelength of electron5 pm Wavelength of shortest X-rays10 −1110 pm 25 pm Radius of hydrogen atom31 pm Radius of helium atom53 pm Bohr radius10 −10 100 pm100 pm (0.1 nm) 1 Ångström (also covalent radius of sulfur atom [9])154 pm (0.154 nm) Length of a typical covalent bond ( C –C).280 pm (0.28 nm) Average size of the water molecule, actual lengths may vary.500 pm (0.50 nm) Width of protein α helix10 −91 nanometre (nm) 1 nm Diameter of a carbon nanotube [10]2 nm Diameter of the DNA helix [11]2.5 nm Smallest microprocessor transistor gate oxide thickness (as of January 2007)3.4 nm Length of a DNA turn (10 bp) [12]6–10 nm Thickness of cell membrane10 −810 nm 10 nm Thickness of cell wall in Gram -negative bacteria [ citation needed]10 nm As of 2016, the 10 nanometre was the smallest semiconductor device fabrication node [13]40 nm Extreme ultraviolet wavelength50 nm Flying height of the head of a hard disk. [ 14]10 −7100 nm 121.6 nm Wavelength of the Lyman-alpha line [15]120 nm Typical diameter of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [16]400–700 nm Approximate wavelength range of visible light [17]Cellular to human scale [ edit]Factor ( m) Multiple Value Item10 −61 micrometre (μm) (also called one micron)1–4 μm Typical length of a bacterium [18]4 μm Typical diameter of spider silk [19]7 μm Typical size of a red blood cell [20]10 −510 μm 10 μm Typical size of a fog, mist or cloud water droplet10 μm Width of transistors in the Intel 4004, the world's first commercial microprocessor12 μm Width of acrylic fiber17-181 μm Width range of human hair [21]10 −4100 μm 340 μm Size of a single pixel on a 17-inch monitor with a resolution of 1024×768560 μm Thickness of the central area of a human cornea [22]750 μm Maximum diameter of Thiomargarita namibiensis, the largest bacterium ever discovered (as of 2010)10 −31 millimetre (mm) 1.5 mm Length of an average flea [23]2.54 mm 1/10th inch; distance between pins in DIP (dual-inline-package) electronic components5.70 mm Diameter of the projectile in 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition10 −21 centimetre (cm) 2 cm Approximate width of an adult human finger5.4 cm x 8.6 cm Dimensions of a credit card, according to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard7.3–7.5 cm Diameter of a baseball, according to Major League Baseball guidelines [24]10 −11 decimetre (dm) 1.2 dm = 12 cm Diameter of a Compact Disk6.6 dm = 66 cm Length of the longest pine cones, produced by the sugar pine [25]9 dm = 90 cm Average length of a rapier, a fencing sword [26]Human to astronomical scale [ edit]Factor ( m) Multiple Value Item11 metre1 m (exactly) Since 1983, defined as length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second."
"docid": "D530478#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/granite\nGranite",
"text": "Granite, coarse- or medium-grained intrusive igneous rock that is rich in quartz and feldspar; it is the most common plutonic rock of the Earth’s crust, forming by the cooling of magma (silicate melt) at depth.granite Cut and polished surface of granite (magnified 1.5×). Large, slightly pink grains are microcline feldspar; white grains are sodium-rich plagioclase feldspar; smaller smoky grains are quartz; black spots are biotite and hornblende. D. L. Weide Because of its use as paving block and as a building stone, the quarrying of granite was, at one time, a major industrial activity. Except for tombstones, however, for which there is a continuing demand, the present production of granite is geared to the fluctuating market for curbing in highway construction and veneer used in the facing of large industrial and commercial buildings.granite; gamma-ray spectroscopy See how gamma-ray spectroscopy is used to identify the quarry that was the source of the granite found in ancient Roman ruins. © Open University Granite may occur in dikes or sills (tabular bodies injected in fissures and inserted between other rocks), but more characteristically it forms irregular masses of extremely variable size, ranging from less than eight kilometres (five miles) in maximum dimension to larger masses (batholiths) that are often hundreds or thousands of square kilometres in area. The principal constituent of granite is feldspar. Both plagioclase feldspar and alkali feldspar are usually abundant in it, and their relative abundance has provided the basis for granite classifications. In most granite, the ratio of the dominant to the subdominant feldspar is less than two. This includes most granites from the eastern, central, and southwestern United States, southwestern England, the Fennoscandian (Baltic Shield) area, western and central France, Spain, and many other areas. Granites in which plagioclase greatly exceeds alkali feldspar are common in large regions of the western United States and are thought to be characteristic of the great series of batholiths stretching from Alaska and British Columbia southward through Idaho and California into Mexico."
"docid": "D1892821#0",
"title": "https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/zebras/\nZebras",
"text": "Zebras ADVERTISEMENTImage Source Zebras are equids – members of the horse family (Equidae) and are medium sized, odd-toed ungulates. Zebras are native to southern and central Africa. Although zebras are very adaptable animals as far as their habitats are concerned, most zebras live in grasslands and savannas. The Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) prefers to live in sub desert and arid grasslands. Zebras were the second species to diverge from the earliest proto-horses, after the asses, around 4 million years ago. The Grevy’s zebra is believed to have been the first zebra species to emerge. Zebra Characteristics Zebras are generally 2.3 metres (8 feet) long, stand 1.25 – 1.5 metres (4 – 5 feet) at the shoulder and weigh around 300 kilograms (660 pounds), although some can grow to more than 410 kilograms (900 pounds). Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and are capable of running at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. Zebras bodies are well adapted to their surroundings. Zebras have long, thin legs for ease of movement and quick, efficient escapes from predators."
"docid": "D1540476#0",
"title": "http://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/how_many_laps_on_a_high_school_track_equals_a_mile_P765945\nTriathlon Forum",
"text": "\"Triathlon Forum Back To Forum Prev Nexthow many laps on a high school track equals a mile? Quote | Reply Dave GMar 29, 06 6:36Post #1 of 26 (61718 views)I'm planning on doing some running at the local high school track but can't remember how many laps equals 1 mile. Of all the things I learned in high school I guess this nugget of info was okay to forget. Isn't it 4 laps in the third lane? Anyone know how much shorter it is to do 4 laps in the first lane? Re: how many laps on a high school track equals a mile? [ Dave G] [ In reply to ] Quote | Reply Erik VMar 29, 06 6:40Post #2 of 26 (61710 views)On a standard 400m track one mile is equal to 4 laps + 9 meters. 1mile=1609 meters Re: how many laps on a high school track equals a mile? [ Erik V] [ In reply to ] Quote | Reply Dave GMar 29, 06 6:48Post #3 of 26 (61676 views)Is this in the first lane? For some reason I remember something about the 4th lane."
"docid": "D1165387#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_furlongs_are_in_a_mile\nHow many furlongs are in a mile?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Sports Racing Animal Racing Horse Racing How many furlongs are in a mile? Flag How many furlongs are in a mile? Answer by Compendium Confidence votes 29.3KThere are 8 furlongs in a mile (each furlong equals 220 yards, 1/8 of a mile). A mile is 1760 yards. A furlong is 660 feet and a mile is 5,280 feet.20 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jute 25,139 Contributions How many furlong in a mile? A furlong is an eighth of a mile so there are eight furlongs in one mile. Matthew Burgess 396,785 Contributions How many miles are there in 5 furlongs? There are 8 furlongs in a mile. Therefore, 5 furlongs is equal to 5/8 = 0.625 miles."
"docid": "D1598620#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/place/Mississippi-River\nMississippi River",
"text": "Mississippi River, the longest river of North America, draining with its major tributaries an area of approximately 1.2 million square miles (3.1 million square km), or about one-eighth of the entire continent. The Mississippi River lies entirely within the United States. Rising in Lake Itasca in Minnesota, it flows almost due south across the continental interior, collecting the waters of its major tributaries, the Missouri River (to the west) and the Ohio River (to the east), approximately halfway along its journey to the Gulf of Mexico through a vast delta southeast of New Orleans, a total distance of 2,340 miles (3,766 km) from its source. With its tributaries, the Mississippi drains all or part of 31 U. S. states and two provinces in Canada. Itasca, Lake Lake Itasca, Itasca State Park, northwestern Minnesota. Cbkarim Although the Mississippi can be ranked as the fourth longest river in the world by adding the length of the Missouri- Jefferson (Red Rock) system to the Mississippi downstream of the Missouri-Mississippi confluence—for a combined length of 3,710 miles (5,971 km)—the 2,340-mile length of the Mississippi proper is comfortably exceeded by 19 other rivers. In volume of discharge, however, the Mississippi’s rate of roughly 600,000 cubic feet (17,000 cubic metres) per second is the largest in North America and the eighth greatest in the world. As the central river artery of a highly industrialized nation, the Mississippi River has become one of the busiest commercial waterways in the world, and, as the unruly neighbour of some of the continent’s richest farmland, it has been subjected to a remarkable degree of human control and modification. Furthermore, the river’s unique contribution to the history and literature of the United States has woven it like a bright thread through the folklore and national consciousness of North America, linking the names of two U. S. presidents— Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant —with that of the celebrated author Mark Twain. The Mississippi River basin and its drainage network."
"docid": "D745078#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-distance_running\nLong-distance running",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Long-distance track event\"\" redirects here. For the speed skating events, see long track speed skating. A group of amateur runners in a long-distance race in Switzerland. Burton Holmes ' photograph entitled \"\"1896: Three athletes in training for the marathon at the Olympic Games in Athens\"\". Long-distance running, or endurance running, is a form of continuous running over distances of at least eight kilometres (5 miles). Physiologically, it is largely aerobic in nature and requires stamina as well as mental strength. [ 1]Among mammals, humans are well adapted for running significant distances, and particularly so among primates. The endurance running hypothesis suggests that running endurance in the Homo genus arose because travelling over large areas improved scavenging opportunities and allowed persistence hunting. The capacity for endurance running is also found in migratory ungulates and a limited number of terrestrial carnivores, such as dogs, wolves and hyenas. [ 2] [3]In modern human society, long-distance running has multiple purposes: people may engage in it for physical exercise, for recreation, as a means of travel, for economic reasons, or for cultural reasons."
"docid": "D2795115#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/natural-gas/World-distribution-of-natural-gas\nStatus of world gas reserves",
"text": "World distribution of natural gas Status of world gas reserves When the generation and migration of gas are considered, the extensive vertical gas-generation zone includes shallow biogenic gas, the intermediate dissolved gas of the oil window, and deeper thermal gas. This large vertical habitat for gas and the additional availability of source material indicate that considerable gas may have been formed and still remains undiscovered. Indeed, it is estimated that 45 percent of the world’s recoverable gas remains undiscovered and that, on the basis of energy content, the world’s ultimate recoverable resources of natural gas will approach those of oil. Because the utilization of gas in large volumes lags behind the use of oil, the world’s stock of gas is expected to last longer than that of oil. However, if the consumption of gas approaches that of oil on an equivalent basis, it too will be short-lived as a major energy resource. The flaring of associated gas has long been a practice connected with oil production. As recently as 2004, according to a report issued by the World Bank, approximately 150 billion cubic metres (150 bcm), or 5.3 trillion cubic feet (5.3 tcf), of the world’s annual gas production was lost at the wellhead by this procedure. This would be equivalent to some 25 percent of the United States’ annual gas consumption or 75 percent of Russia’s annual gas exports for that year. Historically, Middle Eastern and African oil-producing countries have flared the most gas. Much of the gas yielded is reinjected, but what cannot be reinjected has often been flared because the remote location of many oil wells makes the recovery of gas expensive."
"docid": "D3104785#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_laps_around_a_football_field_equal_a_mile\nHow many laps around a soccer field equal a mile?",
"text": "\"How many laps around a soccer field equal a mile? A regulation soccer field is 100 yards x 60 yards. This is 320yards . 320 yards is 960 feet. 1 mile is 5280 feet. 5280 / 960 feet is 5.5 . So you have to go around 5.5 times t …Tharr 16,908 Contributions How many laps around a baseball field is a mile?\\n I am assuming you are referring to a MLB baseball field and since all MLB ball fields have different distances to the wall it would be impossible to answer. However, runnin …Matarave101 765 Contributions How many laps around a quarter mile track equals one mile?4 laps. A \"\"Quarter\"\" really means just \"\"a fourth\"\". Each lap is one quarter of a mile."
"docid": "D2647247#0",
"title": "http://www.crystalinks.com/stonehenge.html\n.",
"text": "\"Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. Archaeologists had believed that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500 BC. However one recent theory has suggested that the first stones were not erected until 2400-2200 BC, while another suggests that bluestones may have been erected at the site as early as 3000 BC. The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury henge monument, and it is also a legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge itself is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust. New archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project indicates that Stonehenge served as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings. The dating of cremated remains found that burials took place as early as 3000 B. C, when the first ditches were being built around the monument. Burials continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years when the giant stones which mark the landmark were put up."
"docid": "D2676460#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead,_South_Dakota\nLead, South Dakota",
"text": "\"Lead, South Dakota From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lead City Lead, South Dakota Aerial photo of Lead Location in Lawrence County and the state of South Dakota Coordinates: 44°21′3″N 103°45′57″WCoordinates: 44°21′3″N 103°45′57″WCountry United States State South Dakota County Lawrence Incorporated 1890 [1]Area [2]• Total 2.06 sq mi (5.34 km 2)• Land 2.06 sq mi (5.34 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation 5,213 ft (1,589 m)Population ( 2010) [3]• Total 3,124• Estimate (2015) [4] 2,999• Density 1,516.5/sq mi (585.5/km 2)Time zone Mountain (MST) ( UTC-7)• Summer ( DST) MDT ( UTC-6)ZIP code 57754Area code (s) 605FIPS code 46-36220 [5]GNIS feature ID 1265276 [6]Website http://cityoflead.com/www .leadmethere .org Lead Historic District U. S. National Register of Historic Places U. S. Historic district Show map of South Dakota Show map of the USShow all Location Roughly bounded by the Lead city limits Coordinates 44°21′6″N 103°45′45″WArea 580 acres (230 ha)Built 1880Architectural style Greek Revival, Hip cottage NRHP reference # 74001892 [7]Added to NRHP December 31, 1974Buildings on Lead’s western side Lead ( / ˈ l iː d / LEED) [8] is a city in Lawrence County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 3,124 at the 2010 census. Lead is located in western South Dakota, in the Black Hills near the Wyoming state line. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Recreation5 Local media6 Notable people7 References8 External links History [ edit]The city was officially founded on July 10, 1876, after the discovery of gold. The city was named for the leads or lodes of the deposits of valuable ores. [ 9] It is the site of the Homestake Mine, the largest, deepest (8,240 feet [2,510 m]) and most productive gold mine in the Western Hemisphere before closing in January 2002. By 1910, Lead had a population of 8,382, making it the second largest town in South Dakota. [ 10]Lead was founded as a company town by the Homestake Mining Company, which ran the nearby Homestake Mine. Phoebe Hearst, wife of George Hearst, one of the principals, was instrumental in making Lead more livable. She established the Hearst Free Public Library in town, and in 1900 the Hearst Free Kindergarten."
"docid": "D2797005#0",
"title": "http://www.cadtutor.net/tutorials/autocad/units-and-scales.php\nUnits and Scales",
"text": "\"Units and Scalesby David Watson Introduction Among the most important concepts that newcomers to Auto CAD need to get to grips with are those of drawing scale and drawing units. You cannot start creating sensible drawings with Auto CAD until you are familiar with scale, units and the commands you use to control them. This tutorial discusses these concepts, starting with the two most commonly asked questions in this subject area. At what scale should I draw? As a general rule, everything you draw with Auto CAD will be drawn full size. This often comes as quite a surprise to those who are new to CAD and have spent a number of years working on a drawing board. When you start drawing with Auto CAD you do not have to decide upon a drawing scale as you do when using a drawing board. When drawing on paper you must decide do draw at say, 1:20 or 1:200 depending upon the size of the object that you are drawing so that your scaled drawing will fit on the drawing sheet, be that A3 or A1. In Auto CAD you do not need to decide upon a drawing scale until you come to print the drawing and because the scaling of your drawing takes place at the printing stage, you can create drawings at a scale of 1:1. This has particular advantages because you can, for example, measure lengths, areas and volumes within an Auto CAD drawing and not need to compensate for any scale factor."
"docid": "D2781594#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_furlongs_is_the_Grand_National\nHow many furlongs is the Grand National?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Length and Distance How many furlongs is the Grand National? Flag How many furlongs is the Grand National? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The Grand National is 36 furlongs7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Linomop 278 Contributions How many fences in the Grand National?there are 30 fences in total Jute 25,139 Contributions How many furlong in a mile? A furlong is an eighth of a mile so there are eight furlongs in one mile. How many fences on the grand national? There are 30 fences in the grand national Gregor S 18,092 Contributions How many chains in a furlong?10Bustygirl 216 Contributions How many years are there in a furlong? None, a furlong is a measurement of distance, and a year is a measurement of time.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many furlongs in 1200 meters? Answer: 1200 m = 5.96515 fur."
"docid": "D1657957#0",
"title": "http://3peakschallenges.co.uk/ben-nevis-scotland.html\nBen Nevis - 1343 metres",
"text": "Ben Nevis - 1343 metres The first recorded ascent of Ben Nevis was made on 17 August 1771 by James Robertson, an Edinburgh botanist, who was in the region to collect botanical specimens. It was not until 1847 that Ben Nevis was confirmed by the Ordnance Survey as the highest mountain in Britain, ahead of its rival Ben Macdui. The summit observatory was built in the summer of 1883, and would remain in operation for 21 years. The first path to the summit was built at the same time as the observatory and was designed to allow ponies to carry up supplies, with a maximum gradient of one in five. The opening of the path and the observatory made the ascent of the Ben increasingly popular, all the more so after the arrival of the West Highland Railway in Fort William in 1894. Our Route: The 1883 Pony Track to the summit (also known as the Ben Path, the Mountain Path, or the Tourist Route) remains the simplest and most popular route of ascent. It begins at Achintee on the east side of Glen Nevis about 2 km (1.5 miles) from Fort William town centre, at around 20 metres above sea level. The path starts off gently from the Glen Nevis Visitor Centre via a bridge crossing the River Nevis and affords easy walking before climbing steeply to the saddle by Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe at 570m, and then ascends the remaining 700 metres up the stony west flank of Ben Nevis in a series of zig-zags. It is well made and maintained throughout its length, and, thanks to the zig-zags, not unusually steep apart from the initial stages. Start / Finish: Glen Nevis Visitor Centre Car Park Ascent: 4350 feet Target time: Ascent: 2.5 - 3 hour / Descent: 2 - 2.5 hours Ben Nevis, although not as high as Alpine mountains, is positioned on a more northerly latitude and the climate can be considered similar to Arctic regions."
"docid": "D2611475#0",
"title": "http://www.mathsisfun.com/measure/unit.html\n\"\"\"Unit\"\" of Measurement\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Unit\"\" of Measurement In Measurementwe talk about \"\"Units\"\" ... what are they? A unit is any measurement that there is 1 of. So 1 meter is a unit. And 1 second is also a unit And 1 m/s (one meter per second) is also a unit, because there is one of it. And so on ... Without the \"\"1\"\"It is also common to drop the \"\"1\"\" in front and just talk about the type of measurement as a unit. Example: a commonly used unit of time is the second We don't say a stopwatch measures \"\"1 seconds\"\", we say it measures \"\"seconds\"\". So \"\"Unit\"\" is a general term that means the type of measurement. And people understand that we mean just \"\"1\"\" of it. So a conversation might go like this Alex: \"\"It measures 100\"\" Sam: \"\"In what Unit?\"\" Alex: \"\"Centimeters\"\"Example: Speedometer What unit does this Speedometer measure?"
"docid": "D1048453#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcastle,_KwaZulu-Natal\nNewcastle, KwaZulu-Natal",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( March 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Newcastle From the top: Downtown Newcastle City Skyline from Fort Amiel Museum, Sculpture by Mohau Modisakeng at Entrance 03 of the Newcastle Mall, Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle from Hilldrop and Arcelor Mittal Newcastle Works Newcastle Newcastle shown within Kwa Zulu-Natal Show map of Kwa Zulu-Natal Show map of South Africa Show map of Africa Show all Coordinates: 27°44′47″S 29°55′58″ECoordinates: 27°44′47″S 29°55′58″ECountry South Africa Province Kwa Zulu-Natal District Amajuba Municipality Newcastle Established 1864 [1]Government• Mayor Makhosini Nkosi ( African National Congress [2])Area [3]• Total 75.79 km 2 (29.26 sq mi)Elevation 1,194 m (3,917 ft)Population (2011) [3]• Total 56,144• Density 740/km 2 (1,900/sq mi)Racial makeup (2011) [3]• Black African 51.9%• Coloured 3.8%• Indian / Asian 19.8%• White 23.6%• Other 0.9%First languages (2011) [3]• Zulu 37.4%• English 35.4%• Afrikaans 20.7%• Sotho 1.0%• Other 5.5%Time zone SAST ( UTC+2)Postal code (street)2940PO box 2940Area code 034Website www .newcastle .gov .za Newcastle is the third-largest city in the province of Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa, with a population of 363,236 citizens as of the 2011 census. 56,144 of these citizens reside in Newcastle West, whilst the balance of the population reside in the main townships of Madadeni and Osizweni, which form Newcastle East. Set at the picturesque foothills of the northern Kwa Zulu-Natal Drakensberg Mountains, Newcastle is located in the north west corner of the province along the Ncandu River and is one of the country's main industrial centers. Newcastle's municipal area is 188 square kilometres (73 square miles ), consists of 31 wards and a population growth rate of 0.87%, ranking Newcastle as South Africa's tenth-largest city. The N11 and R34 are the principal roads linking the city to the rest of South Africa."
"docid": "D1139718#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/place/Tien-Shan\nTien Shan",
"text": "Tien Shan, Chinese (Pinyin) Tian Shan or (Wade-Giles romanization) T’ien Shan, Russian Tyan Shan, great mountain system of Central Asia. Its name is Chinese for “Celestial Mountains.” Stretching about 1,500 miles (2,500 km) from west-southwest to east-northeast, it mainly straddles the border between China and Kyrgyzstan and bisects the ancient territory of Turkistan. It is about 300 miles (500 km) wide in places at its eastern and western extremities but narrows to about 220 miles (350 km) in width at the centre. The Tien Shan mountain range and the Takla Makan Desert. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Rocky streambed in the Kyrgyz Ala Range of the Tien Shan, northern Kyrgyzstan. © David Tomlinson/NHPAThe Tien Shan is bounded to the north by the Junggar (Dzungarian) Basin of northwestern China and the southern Kazakhstan plains and to the southeast by the Tarim (Talimu) Basin. To the southwest the Hisor (Gissar) and Alay ranges of Tajikistan extend into part of the Tien Shan, making the Alay, Surkhandarya, and Hisor valleys boundaries of the system, along with the Pamirs to the south. The Tien Shan also includes the Shū-Ile Mountains and the Qarataū Range, which extend far to the northwest into the eastern Kazakhstan lowlands. Within these limits the total area of the Tien Shan is about 386,000 square miles (1,000,000 square km)."
] |
528 | 1.75 l is how many ml | [
"docid": "D2789887#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080515201052AAghIsG\nHow many mililiters in 1.75 liters?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many mililiters in 1.75 liters?i want to know whats the difference of buying 2 750ml instead of one 1.75liter bottle3 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: note 1.75 Liters = 1750 Milliliters 2 750 ml = 1500 ml Poetland · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1 Liter is 1000 milimiters 1.75 liters = 1.75*1000 mililiters = 1750 mililiters 2*750 mililiters = 1500 mililiters NBL · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw T4u The metric system is all based on multiples of 10, so: centi = 1/100 milli = 1/1000 kilo = 1000 So a centimeter = a meter divided by 100 a millimeter = a meter divided by 1000 a kilometer = a meter times 1000 A meter - a measure of length, a little longer than a yard (a yard is 3 feet) A gram - a measure of weight, about 30 grams in an ounce (16 ounces in a pound) A liter - a measure of volume, a little more than a quart Look on a gallon of milk - it says 3.78 liters, which equals 4 quarts. A kilogram, or 1000 grams, equals 2.2 pounds. A kilometer, or 1000 meters, equals 0.6 miles.? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1.75 Liters To Ml Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8FS2? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1 liter = 1000 milliliters 1. 75 liter =1750 Milli liters Difference between 2750ml and 1750 ml= 1000 ml= 1 liter Ashok I · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: how many mililiters in 1.75 liters? i want to know whats the difference of buying 2 750ml instead of one 1.75liter bottle Source (s):mililiters 1 75 liters: https://shortly.im/B8Ewq Anonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment2*750 = 1500 ml 1.75L = 1.75 (1000 ml/1L) = 1750 mlgrunfeld · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment There are 100 m L in 1 L. So 2-750 m L bottles is equivalent to 1.5 L. Justin M · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Basically 750ml is usual wine bottle and 1.5-1.75 liters or 1500ml 1750ml is the magna size bottles you see at the stores ;)Young · 5 years ago0 0 Comment1750 milliliters. Just multiply by 1000. Cappucino · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these?"
] | [
"docid": "D2636226#0",
"title": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1884777/\nEffects of grapefruit juice on the absorption of levothyroxine",
"text": "Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Sep; 60 (3): 337–341.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2005.02433.x PMCID: PMC1884777Effects of grapefruit juice on the absorption of levothyroxine Jari J Lilja, 1 Kalevi Laitinen, 2and Pertti J Neuvonen 1Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ►This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Aims Our aim was to study the effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of levothyroxine. Methods In a randomized cross-over study with two phases, 10 healthy subjects ingested 200 ml grapefruit juice or water (control) three times daily for 2 days. On day 3, a single 600 µg dose of levothyroxine was administered with 200 ml grapefruit juice or water, which was also ingested 1 h before and 1 h after levothyroxine. Serum concentrations of total thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were measured up to 24 h. Results Grapefruit juice decreased slightly (11%; P < 0.01) the maximal increase of T4 concentration after ingestion of levothyroxine from 66.4 nmol l −1 to 59.4 nmol l −1 (95% CI on the difference −11.3, −2.7). The incremental areas under the serum T4 concentration-time curve (d AUC) during the first 4 and 6 h were also decreased slightly: d AUC (0,4 h) by 13% ( P < 0.05), from 195 nmol l −1 h to 169 nmol l −1 h (95% CI −51, −1) and d AUC (0,6 h) by 9% ( P = 0.085), from 298 nmol l −1 h to 271 nmol l −1 h (95% CI −58, 4). The decrease in the serum concentration of TSH (1.25 m U l −1) measured 24 h after ingestion of levothyroxine, was not altered by grapefruit juice. Conclusions Grapefruit juice may slightly delay the absorption of levothyroxine, but it seems to have only a minor effect on its bioavailability. Accordingly, the clinical relevance of the grapefruit juice-levothyroxine interaction is likely to be small."
"docid": "D2241395#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_ml_is_1_cup_of_milk\nHow many ml is 1 cup of milk?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Baking How many ml is 1 cup of milk? Flag How many ml is 1 cup of milk? Answer by Hawkspur Confidence votes 9.4K1 cup 8 fl oz = 16 Tbsp = 48 tsp = 237 m L A metric cup is 250m L (millilitres)which is 0.25L (litres) Whether the volume being measured is milk or not does not affect the answer. 236.58 ml5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many cups in 140 ml milk?140m L = 0.6 cup (US)Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. How many mls in 1 cup of milk?226 ml in a cup of milk. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many ml is there in a cup of milk?236.58 ml How many ml in a cup of milk? I think about 250m L because for my school homework I ran out of milk so used water instead of milk...... (so would mean for homework I did a cup of water! ) Jassy033 9,070 Contributions How many ml in one cup of milk? Most British cups are about a third of a British pint, so a cup might hold 200ml."
"docid": "D1222347#0",
"title": "http://gocanada.about.com/od/canadatravelplanner/a/metric_volume.htm\nLiquids in Canada: Common Metric Volumes",
"text": "\"By Jane Mc Lean Updated 03/28/18Share Pin Email•••Unlike the United States, Canada uses the metric system for measuring temperatures, lengths, and volumes, and most commonplace liquids like gasoline and certain beverages are measured in liters and milliliters. Although most liquids in Canada are measured on the metric system, you'll find that Canadians are well-versed in using the Imperial ounces and gallons the U. S. uses, too. For Instance, bottled sodas in Canada are measured in ounces, but milk is sold by the liter in individual clear plastic sealed bags that you can take home and transfer to a jug for serving. Common liquor measurements include a Canadian \"\"twenty-sixer,\"\" which is a regular-sized bottle measuring 750 milliliters or 25 ounces; an American \"\"handle,\"\" which is the largest-sized bottle measuring 1.75 liters or 59 ounces; and a dual-culture \"\"forty,\"\" which is a 1.14-liter or 40-ounce bottle of beer. Converting Canadian Volumes to American Measurements If you're traveling to Canada, you may get a bit confused when filling up the gas tank or trying to buy a certain quantity of liquor, so you should learn how to convert from Canada's metric volume to America's Imperial volume measurement system. Fortunately, converting measurements from the metric system to the Imperial system is relatively straightforward. Use the following equivalents to figure out how much of a liquid you're getting in Canada in American measurements:1 liter = .2642 gallons (U. S.)1 gallon (U. S.) = 3.7854 liters1 milliliter = .0338 fluid ounces (U. S.)1 fluid ounce (U. S.) = 29.5735 milliliters Other common metric to Imperial equivalents you'll need to know when visiting Canada include converting grams and kilograms to ounces and pounds for weight, Celsius to Fahrenheit for temperature, kilometers per hour to miles per hour for speed, and meters and kilometers to yards and miles for distance. Common Volumes in Canada Before you set out for your trip to Canada, you should familiarize yourself with these common items you might find that will be measured in fluid milliliters and liters instead of ounces and gallons. From carry-on allowances for your flight to filling up your gas tank in your rental car, these will help you understand Canadian measurements: Volume Measurement Milliliters or Liters Ounces or Gallons Carry-on luggage liquid allowance per container on airplanes 90 ml 3 oz Can of soda or a \"\"mickey\"\" of alcohol 355 ml 12 oz Regular-size bottle of liquor or wine, a \"\"twenty-sixer\"\" in Canada 750 ml 25 oz Large-size bottle of liquor, a \"\"forty ouncer\"\" in Canada 1.14 liter 39 oz Largest bottle of booze, a \"\"handle\"\" in U. S. and \"\"sixty ouncer\"\" in Canada 1.75 liter 59 oz Gas is sold in liters and is much more expensive than in the US. 1 liter .26 gallon (U. S.)An Imperial gallon is slightly larger than a U. S. gallon 1 liter .22 Imperial gallon \""
"docid": "D1333018#0",
"title": "http://www.firsthealthmag.com/how-many-tablespoons-in-a-cup-easy-conversions/\nHow Many Tablespoons in a Cup â Easy Conversions",
"text": "Tips How Many Tablespoons in a Cup – Easy Conversions By Rebecca - April 28, 2016 092276Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Contents [ hide]1 HOW CAN WE DEFINE A CUP?2 HOW CAN WE DEFINE A TABLESPOON?2.1 CUP TO TABLESPOON CONVERSION EXAMPLES2.2 COMMONLY USED TOOLS FOR MEASUREMENTS3 TABLESPOON MEASUREMENTS AROUND THE GLOBE4 Tablespoon in a Cup4.0.1 HOW MANY TABLESPOONS IN A CUP IN CANADA4.0.2 TABLESPOON TO CUPS IN THE USA4.0.3 TABLESPOON TO CUPS IN AUSTRALIA4.0.4 TABLESPOONS TO CUP IN UK AND NEW ZEALAND4.1 CONVERSION OF SPOONS TO CUPS OF SOLIDS4.2 Comments HOW CAN WE DEFINE A CUP? While cooking or baking, sometimes you need to know how many tablespoons in a cup for your recipes? But before answering this question you need to know what defines the cup and tablespoon. A cup is the most common measurement tool usually used in the kitchen measurement. Imperial System and US Customary approved the one cup as a 1 Unit that is equal to 250 milliliters. Different kinds of cups size used in the world like Imperial Cup, Japanese Cup, US legal cup that is different regarding value. HOW CAN WE DEFINE A TABLESPOON? A tablespoon is mostly used as the volume unit that is helpful while cooking food. One tablespoon capacity differs from 15 m L in the US to 20 m L in Australia. We can use this unit very comfortably in regular life routine."
"docid": "D292895#0",
"title": "https://www.thespruce.com/how-many-shots-in-a-bottle-761232\nBar Basics: How Many Shots Are in a Bottle?",
"text": "John Carey / Getty Images There are many times when you need to use math in the bar. One of the most important times is when we need to know how much liquor to stock and that requires knowing how many shots you can pour from the standard bottle. Whether you are stocking a bar or planning a party, the information in the following charts should be helpful. Liquor Shots per Bottle The most important question is: How many cocktails can I make with one bottle of liquor? The answer to this is, of course, going to vary from drink to drink and there are a few things to consider. The average cocktail uses:1 1/2 ounces (the average shot) of a base liquor (i.e. vodka, gin, rum, etc.). Liqueurs are typically poured at 1/2 to 3/4 ounce. Accent juices (i.e. lemon and lime) typically use 1/4 to 1/2 ounce. Filling a highball or tall drink with juice or soda often requires 4 to 6 ounces. With this information and the recipes you intend to serve, you can estimate how many bottles of each liquor you will need to create a certain number of drinks."
"docid": "D2026806#0",
"title": "http://alcoholcontrols.com/posliqporspo.html\nPosi-Pour Spouts Liquor & Wine Portioning Spout",
"text": "\"Click to Enlarge Images Posi-Pour Spouts Liquor & Wine Portioning Spout The quantity pricing below reflects a per unit price without upgrades if available. Reg. Price Web Special 12+ 72+ 144+ 576+ 1008+$3.25 ea $2.95 ea $2.45 ea $2.33 ea $2.21 ea $2.09 ea $1.96 ea Portion Size: Spout Color: Cork Size: Fliptop: Quantity:+ Click to Add Another Item Subtotal of Item (s): $2.95Description Videos Instructions Related Products Description These pour spouts help bartenders portion every shot to the amount management wants customers to receive, not the inflated size bartenders tend to pour to solicit bigger tips. Posi-Pours provide consistency to the taste of mixed drinks and drastically reduce liquor costs by curtailing overpouring and spillage. We are the only website where you customize your own spouts based on portion size, spout color, cork size and whether or not you want fliptops to help prevent bugs and smoke from getting into the bottle. Posi-Pour spouts are also very popular with wineries, wine clubs and for bars, restaurants or special events that pour small tastings of wine. The 1 ounce size will dispense 25 portions from a 750 ml. wine bottle and 50 portions from a 1.5 liter bottle. The 1/2 ounce portion will dispense twice as many shots. Restaurants often order 2 ounce Posi-Pours and have servers tilt the wine bottle 2 or 3 times to pour 4 or 6 ounce wine-by-the-glass portions."
"docid": "D2408965#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_postage_on_1.3_oz_letter\nHow much postage on 1.3 oz letter?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Weight and Mass How much postage on 1.3 oz letter? Flag How much postage on 1.3 oz letter? Answer by Answers Publisher Confidence votes 415KPostage can come in many different colors, pictures and sizes. The postage on an 1.3 ounce letter would cost you about 61 cents to 74 cents depending on where you may live, and what their costs are.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No J. P. Helm 124,843 Contributions Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia How much postage on 1.4 oz. letter? From USPS.com, $0.61 as of 08/OCT/10 based for domestic mail. How much is postage for a 1.5 oz letter? WEIGHT PRICE Postcard. $0.28."
"docid": "D2789886#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080402192809AAKbdKQ\n1.75L vs. 750ml?",
"text": "Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits1.75L vs. 750ml?which has more and how much more4 following 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1.75 is like 60 ounces and 750 is 26 ounces I hate california · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Well if, 1 L = 1000 ml then 1.75 L = 1750 ml so 1.75 L is 1000ml more than 750mlmcdshaun · 1 decade ago3 0 Comment1.75 Liters has more volume, by 1000 ml or 1 Liter. 1 L = 1000m L (milli Liters), thus 1.75L = 1750 ml 1750ml - 750ml = 1000 ml. Ver C · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: 1.75L vs. 750ml? which has more and how much more Source (s):1 75l 750ml: https://biturl.im/Bja6v Raddy · 3 years ago0 0 Comment1 L = 1000 m L 1.75 L = 1750 m L 0.75 L = 750 ml so the difference is 1 L ..... 1000 ml..... Desert Rose · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment1.75 Liters To Ml Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8FTSzazueta · 2 years ago0 0 Comment1.75 L is larger. 750 ml = .750 Lrrc144psu · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Well, 1000ml is 1L, so 1.75 is more than twice 750ml.chcfan · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment1.75 litre is 1,750 ml. it is a full 1 litre more than a 750 ml bottledaddyman_ox · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1.75 liter is 1 and three fourths liter. 750 ml is three quarters of a liter. Stuart · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Graphic Design Degrees Steak Of The Month Clubs Should you donate your car?"
"docid": "D3302866#0",
"title": "https://parkwayjars.com/blog-1/jar-conversions-ounces-to-grams-oz-to-gm-grams-to-ounces-gm-to-oz-ounces-to-milliliters-oz-to-ml-milliliters-to-ounces-ml-to-oz-ounces-to-grams-to-drams-oh-my-plastic-jars-conversion-chart/\nPlastic Jar Conversions Chart - Milliliters to Ounces, Ounces to Grams, Grams to Drams - Oh my!",
"text": "\"Plastic Jar Conversions Chart - Milliliters to Ounces, Ounces to Grams, Grams to Drams - Oh my!Posted by Kirstin Kelly on September 27, 2016As Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz once said, \"\"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore! \"\" That is the feeling that many customers get when they start looking around at plastic jars.... Ounces? What are ounces? How many ounces in a liter? How many ml in a liter? How many oz to grams? How big is an ounce compared to a milliliter compared to a gram compared to a gallon compared to a dram? Unless you are used to measuring and labeling an ounces, ounce size may not mean a lot to you. Maybe the below is completely foreign - or just not important to you - and you want to view our jar sizes by width or by height? According to Google, an ounce is a small amount of something, a unit of weight of one sixteenth of a pound avoirdupois (approximately 28 grams)."
"docid": "D425560#0",
"title": "http://scrollseek.com/training/densitiesofdifferentbodymatter.html\n.",
"text": "\"Densities of Different Body Matter Averaged values gathered from multiple sources on the web Sources with values cited below Type Avg Density Value (g/ml)Blood 1.0428 g/cm 3Bone 1.7500 g/cm 3Fat 0.9094 g/cm 3Muscle 1.0599 g/cm 3Blood Density 1.0 gm/cc - \"\"Accurate and Easy Bodyfat Determination\"\", http://mb-soft.com/public2/bodyfat.html, Oct 2010. 1060 kg/m3 - Cutnell, John & Johnson, Kenneth. Physics, Fourth Edition. Wiley, 1998: 308. from The Physics Factbook™, Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students, An educational, Fair Use website, http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2004/Michael Shmukler.shtml 1061 kg/m 3 - \"\"Blood.\"\" Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia. 1985: 157. from The Physics Factbook™, Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students, An educational, Fair Use website, http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2004/Michael Shmukler.shtml 1050 kg/m 3 - Hinghofer-Szalkay, H. G. and Greenleaf, J. E. Continuous monitoring of blood volume changes in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol."
"docid": "D3172440#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/intermezzo.html\nIntermezzo",
"text": "\"Intermezzo Generic Name: zolpidem tartrate Dosage Form: sublingual tablet Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions Pregnancy Warnings More Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons1 INDICATIONS AND USAGEIntermezzo ® (zolpidem tartrate) sublingual tablet is indicated for use as needed for the treatment of insomnia when a middle-of-the-night awakening is followed by difficulty returning to sleep. Limitations of Use: Intermezzo is not indicated for the treatment of middle-of-the-night insomnia when the patient has fewer than 4 hours of bedtime remaining before the planned time of waking. Slideshow Melatonin: Worth Losing Sleep Over?2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Important Administration Instructions Intermezzo is to be taken in bed when a patient wakes in the middle of the night and has difficulty returning to sleep. Intermezzo should only be taken if the patient has at least 4 hours of bedtime remaining before the planned time of waking [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]. Intermezzo should be placed under the tongue and allowed to disintegrate completely before swallowing. The tablet should not be swallowed whole. For optimal effect, Intermezzo should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. The tablet should be removed from the pouch just prior to dosing. Basic Dosing Information The recommended and maximum dose of Intermezzo is 1.75 mg for women and 3.5 mg for men, taken only once per night as needed if a middle-of-the-night awakening is followed by difficulty returning to sleep. The recommended doses for women and men are different because women clear zolpidem from the body at a lower rate than men [see Use in Specific Populations (8.6)]. Use with CNS Depressants The recommended Intermezzo dose for men and women who are taking concomitant CNS depressants is 1.75 mg. Dose adjustment of concomitant CNS depressants may be necessary when co-administered with Intermezzo because of potentially additive effects."
"docid": "D2789888#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_ml_in_1.75_liters\n1.75 liters equal to how many ml?",
"text": "Jehiatt 2,374 Contributions1.75 liters equal to how many ml? 1175Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many ml in 1.75 l?1750 ml Thiscouldbedan 573 Contributions1.75 liters equals how many mls? milli means thousands. move decimal over 3 places. 1750 ml Blue 518,948 Contributions How many ml is 1.75 liters? Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). Milliliters are three places to the right of liters. So you have to move the decimal plac …4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many oz in 1.75 ml?1.75 ml = 0.06 US fluid ounces. Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions How many ml less than 2 liters is 1.75 liters?250 ml Icdevil69 5,624 Contributions How many ml make up 1.75 liters? There are 1000 m L in 1 Liter."
"docid": "D1766886#0",
"title": "https://www.influenster.com/reviews/svedka-vodka\nSVEDKA Vodka",
"text": "\"REVIEWSPRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS\"\"That one tastes okay straight, but really I would recommend using this brand for mixed drinks instead.\"\" in 5 reviews782 reviews Tabetha R. Elmira3 reviews Dec. 13, 2017, 12:17 p.m. I'm definitely a vodka girl. Straight vodka. Flavored vodka. Mixed drinks. Shots. I love the SVEDKA Vodka for my Bloody Mary mixes. I use the spicy mix and the Svedka adds the nice bold taste that the mix needs. None of this watered down, weak, or burn-your-throat taste that your \"\"bottom shelf\"\" bar brands give you. Who wants something that's going to burn your cilia while you're drinking it, anyway?"
"docid": "D2790212#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/You_giving_a_shot_of_200_ml_how_many_cc_is_that\nYou giving a shot of 200 ml how many cc is that?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure Volume You giving a shot of 200 ml how many cc is that? Flag You giving a shot of 200 ml how many cc is that? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A \"\"cc\"\" is a cubic centimeter. Because the metric system is awesome, 1 ml is 1 cc. Therefore, 200 ml is 200 cc. That would be a pretty big shot. Many typical vaccinations are around 1ml or so. 200ml is pretty much an IV bag of liquid.49 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Carriephlyons 4,442 Contributions How many cc in 1 ml?1 cc is the same as 1 ml How many cc is 6 ml?1000cc = 1000ml = 1 litre."
"docid": "D1910184#0",
"title": "https://www.berkshirehathawayhs.com/gene-kranz-real-estate-agent/homes-for-sale/414-Beverly-Drive-Camillus-NY-13219-231603118\n414 Beverly DriveCamillus, NY 13219",
"text": "1 of 28 Full Screen Photos Virtual Tour Map,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Courtesy: Gene Kranz - Berkshire Hathaway CNYDescription for 414 Beverly Drive Camillus, NY 13219**JUST REDUCED**RECENTLY RENOVATED!! This charming 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Cape Cod Style home is located in the West Genesee school district and close to shopping and major highways. A large addition on the rear of the home has created an oversized family room with a fireplace. This leads to a large deck that overlooks the in-ground pool. Second floor boasts a large master suite with a full bath. House is a lot bigger than appears from the front. All this house needs is you! Donât wait, call today!Ask a Question Gene [email protected] (315) 218-1480View Other Listings I am interested in 414 Beverly Drive, Camillus, NY 13219. Schedule a visit Request Info Property Details MLS# S1092030 Property Type Single Family, Cape Cod Bedrooms 3 County Onondaga Bathrooms 2 Full/1 Half Year Built1953Lot Size 0.2307 Acres Water Public Water Service Sewer Sewer Connected View More Price and Tax History for 414 Beverly Drive Create an account to view market trends and price history for this property. Sign Up for Inside Access TMPrice History Date Event Price Source2/11/2018 Pending $0 0 MLS2/1/2018 Price Change $0 0 MLS1/17/2018 Active $0 0 MLSGet Price Alerts Receive an email if price changes Tax Historyyear Property Taxes Change Tax Assessment Change2017 -+3.50%-+3.71%2016 -+4.50%-+3.80%2015 -+1.75%-+2.20%Data sourced from public records, where available."
"docid": "D2879488#0",
"title": "http://www.chacha.com/question/how-much-does-a-bottle-of-grey-goose-cost\nHow much does a bottle of grey goose cost",
"text": "\"Anonymous How much does a bottle of grey goose cost September 19, 2012 (4 years ago)In: Shopping Answers A 750 ml of Grey Goose vodka will cost around $25 to $35.4 years ago A 750 ml of Grey Goose vodka will cost around $35.5 years ago You can buy a bottle of Grey Goose for $25.00.5 years ago A 750 ml of Grey Goose vodka will cost around $35. There's differing opinions on if it's worth it or not.6 years ago Grey Goose Vodka 375 Ml 375ML (half bottle) lists at 19.99. Grey Goose is made in France! Thanks for using Cha Cha!7 years ago It depends on the size. 750ML goes for about $28, but 1.75 L is about $50. Thank you for using Cha Cha!7 years ago A 1.75 liter of Grey Goose Vodka runs about $55. A 750ml runs about $30. Thanks, Cha Cha!7 years ago A single bottle of Grey Goose ranges from $25.00 - $57.00 at 10 stores.7 years ago A 200ML bottle of Grey Goose costs $12. Cha Cha on!7 years agodata-config-site-section=\"\"chacha\"\">Last Week's Popular Questions for Shopping Where would I find molasses in Walmart You can find molasses on the condiment aisle at your local Wal-Mart.. Can you buy a Mc Donald's gift car through the drive thru? The Arch Card is a pre-paid card that gives customers a quick and convenient way... How long does it take to get a picture printed on the blankets at Walmart?"
"docid": "D2026805#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_shots_in_a_gallon_of_vodka\nHow many shots in a gallon of vodka?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Liquor Vodka How many shots in a gallon of vodka? Flag How many shots in a gallon of vodka? Answer by Nashuawolfy Confidence votes 25Wine and spirits have been sold in metric sizes since 1979. There are 3.78 liters (128 fluid ounces) in a U. S. gallon, so there would be 85 45 m L (1.5 fluid ounce) shots. However, I think you might be inquiring about the number of shots in a 1.75 liter bottle (sometimes called a handle). A 1.75 L bottle is 59.2 fluid ounces (a half gallon is 64 fluid ounces). There are forty 45 m L (1.5 fluid ounce) shots in the bottle.9 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many shots are in a handle of vodka?10 times Box of Chocolates 636 Contributions How many calories are in a shot of vodka? There are about 64 calories in a shot of vodka. Rich Answers 7 Contributions How many calories in a shot of vodka?1.5 ounce shot of vodka (or other liquor i.e. tequila, rum) at 80 proof has 100 calories."
"docid": "D2255847#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_shots_in_handle\nHow many shots in handle?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Liquor How many shots in handle? Flag How many shots in handle? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A handle of liquor is 1.5 liters. A shot glass is typically 1.5 ounces. There are 30m L in an ounce (approximately), and 1000m L to 1 Liter (1500m L/ 45m L= 33.3 shots). So there are at least 33 shots in a handle. Since some shot glasses are bigger or smaller than the norm, you might get a little more or less.21 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Mightymouse9909 12 Contributions How many gallons are in a handle of liquor? Answer A standard handle of liquor contains 1.75 liters, or roughly half a gallon."
"docid": "D1192731#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Ear-Syringes/b?ie=UTF8&node=3779881\nBest sellers",
"text": "\"Best sellers Innovo Hospital Grade Silicone Twister Bulb...162$11.99Hand Bulb Ear Syringes 3 oz. Respiratory Care48$4.58Baby Nasal Aspirator SUMGOTT Electric USB... SUMGOTT13$21.99Most gifted Miracle 3cc Slip Tip O-Ring Handfeeding Syringe... Syringe Slip1$8.99Miracle 1cc Slip Tip O-Ring Handfeeding Syringe... Squirrels and More$15.99Easy Glide Luer Lock Syringe, 10 cc, 100 Piece11$18.95Global Sterile Ear and Ulcer Syringe - 3 oz$4.99Kendall/Covidien - Monoject Sterile General... COVIDIEN21$17.19Techinal 1pcs Laboratory Tool 120 ml Bulb...2$3.37Karlling Pack of 5 X 5 ml 5cc Syringes Without...178$6.99Ear Wax Removal Syringe 4 OZ - Brass with...surgicalonline9$14.99Medi Choice Ear-Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Adult...24$13.99Physician Supplies Ear Syringe Metal176$12.993 cc/ml 10 pcs Syringe w/o Needles New Sterile... Terumo57$4.30Hand Bulb Ear Syringe- 1oz. Each Green American Med Mart.com$2.40Miracle 1cc Slip Tip O-Ring Handfeeding Syringe... 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Customer Review4 Stars & Up & Up3 Stars & Up & Up2 Stars & Up & Up1 Star & Up & Up International Shipping (What's this? ) International Shipping Eligible Price Under $25$25 to $50$100 to $200$ $ Go Seller GPS Medical Supply Owens & Minor DHS Med Joyous Discount Kay Rehab ODONTOMED2011Dimes Group Med Shop Starry Sky Supply The Online Drugstore See more Availability Include Out of Stock \""
"docid": "D3492609#0",
"title": "https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/references/protocols/cell-culture/transfection-protocol/transfecting-plasmid-dna-into-hek-293-cells-using-lipofectamine-ltx-reagent.html\nTransfecting Plasmid DNA into HEK 293 Cells Using Lipofectamine LTX Reagent",
"text": "Quicklinks Introduction Materials & ordering information Transfecting HEK 293 cells Scaling up or down transfections Related product information Transfection & Selection Mammalian Cell Culture Introduction Invitrogen™ Lipofectamine™ LTX Reagent is a proprietary, animal-origin free formulation for the transfection of DNA into eukaryotic cells with low cytotoxicity. This reference provides a recommended procedure to transfect plasmid DNA into HEK 293, human embryonic kidney cells (ATCC No. CRL-1573) using Lipofectamine LTX Reagent. Important guidelines for transfection Follow these important guidelines when transfecting HEK 293 cells using Lipofectamine LTX Reagent: Maintain the same seeding conditions between experiments. Use low-passage cells; make sure cells are healthy and greater than 90% viable before transfection. Transfection can be performed both in the presence or absence of serum. Test serum-free media for compatibility with Lipofectamine LTX Reagent. We recommend Gibco™ Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium (Cat. No. 31985-070) to dilute the DNA Lipofectamine LTX Reagent before complexing."
] |
534 | 1.m equals how many feet | [
"docid": "D624785#0",
"title": "https://www.conversion-metric.org/length/meter-to-feet\nMeter to Feet Conversion (m to ft)",
"text": "\"Home » Length Conversion » Meter Meter to Feet Conversion (m to ft)Please enter meter (m) value of length unit to convert meter to feet. Meter (m)↺Decimals1 m = 3.2808398950131 ft Facebook Google+ Twitter » Feet to Meterm: Meter, ft: Feet How Many Feet in a Meter? There are 3.2808398950131 feet in a meter. 1 Meter is equal to 3.2808398950131 Feet. 1 m = 3.2808398950131 ft Meter Definition A meter is a SI unit scientifically accepted as the base unit of distance and length. Along with other units like a kilometer or an inch, a meter is one of the fundamental units in SI. One meter equals to the length of the path that a light travels in vacuum for the time of 1/299,792,458 second. SI symbol for meter is m, and one meter is 100 centimeters or 1/1000 th (10 -3) of a kilometer. Convert Meter Feet Definition A foot (pl. feet) is a common length unit used in Imperial system and the current US customary unit system."
] | [
"docid": "D199931#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100619193302AAe7R2e\nHow many meters in a mile? SHOW THE MATH?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How many meters in a mile? SHOW THE MATH?how many meters in a mile? I looked up the answer and its 1609.344 or somewhat close to that However I did the math myself and didn't get that answer. So any math people out there want to help? Remember: 1mile = 5280 ft 1 meter = 3ft How many meters in a mile? I got 1760 meters btw SHOW THE WORK... show more1 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Hello! We have the given : 1 mile = 5280 feet 1 meter = 3 ft Since every 3 feet equal a meter, if we divide 5280 by 3, we have meters in a mile: 5280 / 3 = 1760 There is 1760 meters in a mile. I hope this helps! Sincerely, Mr. Math Mr. Math · 8 years ago1 15 1 comment Effective July 1, 1959 the length of the international yard in the United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations was defined as 0.9144 meters. 1 mile = 1760 yards = 1760 * 0.9144 meters = 1609.344 meters (exact)Source (s):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_ (lengt... Sammi Cheng HK · 8 years ago1 0 Comment1 meter is NOT 3 feet."
"docid": "D1050497#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-feet-equal-1000-meters\nHow many feet equal 1000 meters?",
"text": "\"Steve Duggan, former Business Analyst (Retired)Answered Apr 11, 2018 · Author has 341 answers and 94.5k answer views One thousand metres (one kilometre) is equal of 1000 * 3 feet 3.37 inches.= 1000 * 39.37\"\" / 12= 3,280.83… feet. Because the conversion factor is only given to four significant figures, we cannot have more figures in the answer, so I would give that as 3,281 feet. This would be precise enough in nearly all cases. Or you could use this calculator: Meters to Feet (m to ft) conversion calculator This gives the result as 3,280.839895 feet. In Australia, we converted to metric a few years after I finished school, so I still think in the old measures. I mentally convert metric measures that I encounter to the old measures to appreciate them. So for metes to feet, multiply by 3 and add 10%. That's often near enough. This would give 3,300 in this example. Also 1 km is close to 5/8 mile.300 metres approx = 1,000 feet.etc.36 Views Related Questions More Answers Below How many feet are there in a meter?"
"docid": "D2248007#0",
"title": "http://philschatz.com/physics-book/contents/m42091.html\nPhysical Quantities and Units",
"text": "\"Physical Quantities and Units The distance from Earth to the Moon may seem immense, but it is just a tiny fraction of the distances from Earth to other celestial bodies. ( credit: NASA)The range of objects and phenomena studied in physics is immense. From the incredibly short lifetime of a nucleus to the age of the Earth, from the tiny sizes of sub-nuclear particles to the vast distance to the edges of the known universe, from the force exerted by a jumping flea to the force between Earth and the Sun, there are enough factors of 10 to challenge the imagination of even the most experienced scientist. Giving numerical values for physical quantities and equations for physical principles allows us to understand nature much more deeply than does qualitative description alone. To comprehend these vast ranges, we must also have accepted units in which to express them. And we shall find that (even in the potentially mundane discussion of meters, kilograms, and seconds) a profound simplicity of nature appears—all physical quantities can be expressed as combinations of only four fundamental physical quantities: length, mass, time, and electric current. We define a physical quantity either by specifying how it is measured or by stating how it is calculated from other measurements. For example, we define distance and time by specifying methods for measuring them, whereas we define average speed by stating that it is calculated as distance traveled divided by time of travel. Measurements of physical quantities are expressed in terms of units, which are standardized values. For example, the length of a race, which is a physical quantity, can be expressed in units of meters (for sprinters) or kilometers (for distance runners)."
"docid": "D686240#0",
"title": "https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/structge/stress.htm\nStress and Strain: Basic Terms and Concepts",
"text": "\"Stress and Strain: Basic Terms and Concepts Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay First-time Visitors: Please visit Site Map and Disclaimer. Use \"\"Back\"\" to return here. Units In traditional geology the unit of pressure is the bar, which is about equal to atmospheric pressure. It is also about equal to the pressure under 10 meters of water. For pressures deep in the earth we use the kilobar, equal to 1000 bars. The pressure beneath 10 km of water, or at the bottom of the deepest oceanic trenches, is about 1 kilobar. Beneath the Antarctic ice cap (maximum thickness about 5 km) the pressure is about half a kilobar at greatest. In the SI System, the fundamental unit of length is the meter and mass is the kilogram. Important units used in geology include: Energy: Joule: kg-m 2 /sec 2. Five grams moving at 20 meters per second have an energy of one joule."
"docid": "D3397771#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_square_feet_are_in_43_square_yards\nHow many square feet are in a yard?",
"text": "How many square feet are in a yard? 9 Square Feet The question, as stated, cannot be answered sensibly. A square foot is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A yard is a measure of distance, wit …How many feet is in a square yard?9Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many square feet are in a square yards? One square yard equals nine square feet. Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many meter square are 43 560 square feet? Answer: 43,560 ft² = 4046.856 m²Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many feet are in square yards? There are nine square feet in one square yard. Edit Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering How many square yards are in square feet?1 square foot = 1/9 square yard (0.111...) 1 square yard = 9 square feet Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many square feet does 200 square yards equal?1,800 square feet. Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com2500 square feet equals how many square yards?2,500 square feet is equal to about 277.7 square yards. Edit4 JAYSMathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com If 2808 square feet is how many square yards?312 square yards."
"docid": "D208662#0",
"title": "https://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictS.html\nHow Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryS",
"text": "\"sabina non-metric unit of sound absorption used in acoustical engineering. One sabin is the sound absorption of one square foot of a perfectly absorbing surface--such as an open window! The sound absorption of a wall or some other surface is the area of the surface, in square feet, multiplied by a coefficient which depends on the material of the surface and also on the frequency of the sound. These coefficients are carefully measured and tabulated. The unit honors Wallace Sabine (1868-1919), a Harvard University professor who founded the systematic study of acoustics about 1895. Sabine used this unit, which he called the open window unit (owu), as early as 1911.sack [1]a traditional unit of volume. Sacks of different commodities are of different sizes, but a typical measure is 3 bushels (about 105.7 liters based on the U. S. bushel, or 109.1 liters based on the British Imperial bushel).sack [2]a traditional unit of weight, varying for different commodities shipped in sacks. In Britain, for example, the sack was a traditional measure for wool, fixed by Edward III at 364 pounds (26 stone) in 1340. In the U. S., a sack of salt is traditionally equal to 215 pounds, a sack of cotton 140 pounds, and a sack of flour 100 pounds. A sack of concrete is traditionally 94 pounds in the U. S., 87.5 pounds in Canada.sadzhen or sagenea traditional Russian unit of distance corresponding roughly to the English fathom and French toise."
"docid": "D1456718#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/many-inches-one-meter-644c1b351d3fa7f4\nHow Many Inches Are in One Meter?",
"text": "\"Science Measurements Q: How Many Inches Are in One Meter? A: Quick Answer One meter is equal to about 39.37 inches. The conversion factor of length units to inches is 39.37. To convert meters to inches, the conversion factor is multiplied by the number of meters. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Yards Are There in a Meter? How Do You Convert the Length of a Meter Into Other Measurement Systems? How Long Is 1 Meter? Credit: Wuka i Stock / Getty Images Plus Getty Images Full Answer A meter (abbreviated as “m”) is a metric system base length unit and can be defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. An inch (abbreviated as “in”) is a unit of length used mainly in the imperial and U. S. customary systems. Other related units of measurement include centimeter, kilometer and foot (plural is feet)."
"docid": "D2738575#0",
"title": "http://www.convert-me.com/en/bb/viewtopic.php?t=453\nConvert-Me.Com - online units conversion",
"text": "\"Convert-Me. Com - online units conversion Instant conversion pages: weight , length , volume , weight to volume , area , cooking , more... Skip to content Advanced search Board index ‹ Problem solving ‹ Other math problems Change font size Print view FAQ Loginsquare meters Moderator: convert-me.com Topic locked 58 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2square metersby deejay » Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:35 pm If a room is 4 meters by meters , how many square meters are there?deejay Top Re: square metersby Knight » Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:10 amdeejay wrote: If a room is 4 meters by meters , how many square meters are there? Sixteen square meters. Like this: 4 meters x 4 meters = 4 x 4 meters x meters = 16 meters sqaured 4 m x 4 m = 4x4 mxm = 16 m²William J. Knight Health Physicist Los Alamos National Labs Knight Expert Posts: 309Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:43 pm Location: Los Alamos, NMTop Re: square metersby moe » Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:13 ambill knight writes: 4 meters x 4 meters = 4 x 4 meters x meters = 16 meters sqaured careful bill. this should be 16 square metres there is a difference between 16 square metres and 16 metres squared 16 metres squared equals 256 square metres to get a better understanding about this: yes one metre square and one square metres are equal BUT two metres squared and two square metres are different two metres squared is four square metresmoe Top Re: square metersby Knight » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:53 pmmoe wrote: bill knight writes: 4 meters x 4 meters = 4 x 4 meters x meters = 16 meters sqaured careful bill. this should be 16 square metres there is a difference between 16 square metres and 16 metres squared 16 metres squared equals 256 square metres to get a better understanding about this: yes one metre square and one square metres are equal BUT two metres squared and two square metres are different two metres squared is four square metres You're right Moe. I tried to save myself time by writing \"\"meters squared,\"\" intending to go back and replace \"\"squared\"\" with the ² symbol when I was done, and forgot to do it before I punched send. Mea Culpa!William J. Knight Health Physicist Los Alamos National Labs Knight Expert Posts: 309Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:43 pm Location: Los Alamos, NMTop Re: square metersby Guest » Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:15 am If a home is 100 square metres how many square feet is it? If a home is 1600 square feet how may square metres is it? [ size=24] [/size]Guest Top Re: square metersby convert-me.com » Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:38 pm Anonymous wrote: If a home is 100 square metres how many square feet is it?"
"docid": "D3234881#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_feet_in_500_meters\nHow many feet is 500 meters?",
"text": "\"4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many feet is 500 meters? Answer: 500 m = 1640.419 'How many meters in 500 sq feet?46.45152 sq mtr500 feet how many meters?152.4 metre Paul The Irishman 6,991 Contributions How many meters in 500 feet?1 foot = 0.3048m so 500 feet = 152.4m Aygabtu How many feet are in 500 meters? Answer: 500 m = 1640.419 ' OR 1640 ' and 5.03 \"\" Direct Conversion Formula . 500 m . . 1 ft 0.3048 m . = . 1,640.419948 ft. Aygabtu500 meters equals how many feet? Since 1 meter= 3 feet, 500 meters= 1500 feet. Direct Conversion Formula ."
"docid": "D1456717#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Construction-How-many-square-feet-is-equal-to-one-chadar\nConstruction: How many square feet is equal to one chadar?",
"text": "\"Conversions Measurements Construction Construction: How many square feet is equal to one chadar?ad by Ometrics.com Get the free conversion rate optimization ebook. Learn how to increase leads and sales with conversion rate optimization tools, techniques and theory. Download at ometrics.com7 Answers Lokesh Bhatt, B. Tech Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala (2018)Answered Nov 9, 2017 · Author has 111 answers and 137.6k answer views Chadara word is used in Kannada for measuring. In Kannada if you want to say, 10 square feet, it is \"\"10 chadara adi\"\". In this group of words, chadara means square, 'adi' means feet.9k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How many square feet is equal to one chadara? How do you convert square feet to square meters? How many square feet is equal to 3000 chadara adi?1 light year is equal to how many years of the Earth? Is a 30X40 ( square feet) site small for constructing a house? Ask New Question Dinesh Aravinth, BE from SNS College of Engineering (2019)Answered Mar 16, 2018Chadara word is used in Kannada for measuring. In Kannada if you want to say, 10 square feet, it is \"\"10 chadara adi\"\"."
"docid": "D1955830#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/tutorials/surface-area/convert-sq-m-square-meter-to-sq-ft-square-foot.html\narea surface conversion",
"text": "Category: main menu • area surface menu • Square metersarea surface conversion Amount: 1 square meter (m2, sq m) of area Equals: 10.76 square feet (sq ft , ft2) in area Converting square meter to square feet value in the area surface units scale. TOGGLE : from square feet into square meters in the other way around.area surface from square meter to square foot Conversion Results: Enter a New square meter Amount of area surface to Convert From* Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9)Enter Amount : Decimal Precision : CONVERT : between other area surface measuring units - complete list. Conversion calculator for webmasters. Area units calculator Main area or surface units converter page. Convert area surface measuring units between square meter (m2, sq m) and square feet (sq ft , ft2) but in the other reverse direction from square feet into square meters.conversion result for area surface: From Symbol Equals Result To Symbol1 square meter m2, sq m = 10.76 square feet sq ft , ft2Converter type: area surface units This online area surface from m2, sq m into sq ft , ft2 converter is a handy tool not just for certified or experienced professionals. First unit: square meter (m2, sq m) is used for measuring area. Second: square foot (sq ft , ft2) is unit of area.10.76 sq ft , ft2 is converted to 1 of what? The square feet unit number 10.76 sq ft , ft2 converts to 1 m2, sq m, one square meter. It is the EQUAL area value of 1 square meter but in the square feet area unit alternative. How to convert 2 square meters (m2, sq m) into square feet (sq ft , ft2)?"
"docid": "D2376736#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_field_(area)\nList of unusual units of measurement",
"text": "\"List of unusual units of measurement From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Football field (area))navigation search For units of measure primarily used in countries where English is not the main language, see the article specific to that country, a list of which can be found in the systems of measurement article. For unusual units of measure invented primarily for amusement, see List of humorous units of measurement. An unusual unit of measurement is a unit of measurement that does not form part of a coherent system of measurement; especially in that its exact quantity may not be well known or that it may be an inconvenient multiple or fraction of base units in such systems. This definition is deliberately not exact since it might seem to encompass units such as the week or the light-year which are quite \"\"usual\"\" in the sense they are often used; if they are used out of context, they may be \"\"unusual\"\", as demonstrated by the Furlong/Firkin/Fortnight (FFF) system of units. Many of the unusual units of measurements listed here are colloquial measurements, units devised to compare a measurement to common and familiar objects. Contents [ hide ]1 Length1.1 Rack unit1.2 Hand1.3 Light-nanosecond1.4 Metric foot1.5 Horse1.6 Football field (length)1.7 Block1.8 Tall buildings1.9 The Earth's circumference1.10 Earth-to-Moon distance1.11 Siriometer2 Area2.1 Barn2.2 Brass2.3 Square2.4 Cow's grass2.5 Football field (area)2.6 Morgen2.7 Countries, regions, and cities2.7.1 Wales2.7.2 The United States2.7.3 Other countries3 Volume3.1 Metric ounce3.2 Shot3.3 Board foot or super foot3.4 Hoppus foot3.5 Cubic ton3.6 Cord and rick3.7 Twenty-foot equivalent unit3.8 Double decker bus3.9 Acre-foot3.10 Olympic-size swimming pool3.11 Royal Albert Hall3.12 Melbourne Cricket Ground3.13 Sydney Harbour3.14 The Grand Canyon4 Mass4.1 Grave4.2 Bag of cement and bag mix4.3 Jupiter4.4 Sun5 Time5.1 Light-distance5.2 Shake5.3 Jiffy5.4 Martian second5.5 Microfortnight5.6 Decimal time systems5.7 Dog year5.8 Galactic year6 Angular measure6.1 Furman6.2 Binary degree, binary radian, brad6.3 Grade (also grad, gradian, gon)6.4 Angular mil7 Energy7.1 Electronvolt mass7.2 Gasoline gallon equivalent7.3 Tons of TNT equivalent7.4 Hiroshima bomb and Halifax explosion7.5 Foe8 Other metric-compatible scales8.1 Power: Ton of refrigeration8.2 Flow: Amazon River8.3 Energy intensity8.4 Kinematic viscosity8.5 Electromagnetic flux8.6 Metre of water equivalent8.7 Strontium unit: radiation dose8.8 Banana equivalent dose8.9 Molar mass of cellulose8.10 Iodine, bromine and kappa number9 Demography and epidemiology9.1 Micromort9.2 Numbers of people: Stadium capacities9.3 Struck by Lightning10 Computer and information science10.1 Data volume10.2 Nibble10.3 FLOPS10.4 Bogo Mips10.5 KLOC: computer program length10.6 Ticks11 Other11.1 Big Mac Index: purchasing power parity11.2 Centipawn11.3 Garn11.4 Mother Cow Index11.5 Nines11.6 Pain11.7 Pepper heat11.7.1 ASTA pungency unit11.7.2 Scoville heat unit11.8 Proof: alcohol concentration11.9 Savart11.10 Telecommunications traffic volume11.11 Waffle House Index11.12 X-ray intensity12 See also13 References14 Bibliography Length [ edit]Rack unit [ edit]A typical section of rack rail, showing rack unit distribution. Main article: Rack unit One rack unit (U) is 1.75 inches (44.45 mm) and is used to measure rack-mountable audiovisual and computing equipment. Rack units are typically denoted without a space between the number of units and the 'U'. Thus a 4U server enclosure (case) is seven inches (177.8 mm) high. Hand [ edit]Main article: Hand (unit)The hand is a non- SI unit of length equal to exactly 4 inches (101.6 mm)."
"docid": "D3144402#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/4.5_cm_is_equal_to_how_many_pixels\nHow many mm in 4.5 cm?",
"text": "\"How many mm in 4.5 cm?45mm3.5 cm is equal to how many pixels?3.5 cm is equal to 132.283464567 Pixels Alex146 49,465 Contributions4.5 cm equals how many mm?4.5 cm equals 45 mm.6.0 cm is equal to how many pixels? This depends on the DPI/PPI (dots/pixels per inch). Web image-resolution is 72 DPI. Print resolution can be anywhere between 150-300 DPI. Anand Mehta 278,423 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference4.5 cm equals in?4.5 cm = 1.77 inches Julzrox1799 12 Contributions4.5 m equals how many cm?450 cm Florida2 8,749 Contributions4.5 m is how many cm?4.5m x 100 cm/m = 450cm Quark314 95 Contributions4.5 m equal how many cm?4.5 m = 450 cm 100 centimeters = 1 meter. The prefix \"\"centi\"\" means \"\"one hundredth,\"\" so centimeter literally means one hundredth of a meter. 100 centimeters are in a m …4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many cm does 4.5 m equal?450cm (100cm per meter). Brassmaster 4,533 Contributions How many cm in 4.5 ft? There are 137.16 centimeters in 4.5 feet. Stijn Hommes 1,634 Contributions How many pixel equal to 4 cm?"
"docid": "D3267172#0",
"title": "http://mathandreadinghelp.org/4th_grade_math_linear_units.html\n4th Grade Math: Understanding Linear Units",
"text": "Math / 4th Grade Math: Understanding Linear Units4th Grade Math: Understanding Linear Units You'll learn about different linear units in 4th grade, and you'll also practice converting larger linear units into smaller units. For help with this concept, read on!Linear Units for 4th Grade'Linear' means 'straight line' and linear units are used to measure distances, lengths and heights. For instance, you would measure how tall you are, how long a piece of rope is and how far it is to the grocery store in linear units. Types of Units Within the metric system, you'll work with meters, which are abbreviated as 'm.' The height of an adult is usually between one and two meters. Centimeters (cm) are used to measure smaller lengths, and 1 m = 100 cm. You'll measure long distances in kilometers (km), each of which is equal to 1,000 meters. You'll also measure lengths, heights and distances using the customary system. The smallest linear unit in this system is the inch (in), and 12 inches are equal to one foot (ft). Yards (yd) are the next largest unit, and 1 yd = 3 ft. Long distances are measured using miles (mi)."
"docid": "D3396648#0",
"title": "https://www.convertunits.com/from/square+feet/to/acre\nConvert square feet to acre - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert square foot to acresquare feetacre Did you mean to convert square footsquare foot [survey]to acreacre [commercial]acre [Ireland]acre [survey]More information from the unit converter How many square feet in 1 acre? The answer is 43560. We assume you are converting between square foot and acre. You can view more details on each measurement unit: square feet or acre The SI derived unit for area is the square meter. 1 square meter is equal to 10.76391041671 square feet, or 0.00024710538146717 acre. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between square feet and acres. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from acre to square feet, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Definition: Square foot A square foot is by definition the area enclosed by a square with sides each 1 foot long. One square foot is equal to 0.09290304 square metres for the international, English foot."
"docid": "D773571#0",
"title": "http://1howmany.com/how-many-kilometers-in-a-mile\nHow Many Kilometers in a Mile",
"text": "How Many Kilometers in a Mile Aug 31, 2011 People, living in countries where the imperial measurement system is adopted, use miles 1, yards, feet and some other units to reckon distances. These countries are few in number, but one of them has hundreds of millions of citizens. Yes, we mean the United States. For Americans, the mile is a common unit of length, but almost the whole world uses the metric system with meters 2 and kilometers 3. Thus, sometimes they have to convert meters to kilometers and vice versa. It is not a very difficult task, but you may need a calculator to perform it. First of all, you have to remember how many kilometers there are in one mile. The answer is following: One kilometer is equal to about 0.6214 land miles One land mile is equal to about 1.6093 kilometers If you want to find out how many kilometers there are in some miles, you should multiply the number of miles by 1.6093. In order to convert kilometers to miles, multiply the number of kilometers by 0.6214. Do you still think that you are able to do in without a calculator?"
"docid": "D616706#0",
"title": "http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/structge/stress.htm\nStress and Strain: Basic Terms and Concepts",
"text": "\"Stress and Strain: Basic Terms and Concepts Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay First-time Visitors: Please visit Site Map and Disclaimer. Use \"\"Back\"\" to return here. Units In traditional geology the unit of pressure is the bar, which is about equal to atmospheric pressure. It is also about equal to the pressure under 10 meters of water. For pressures deep in the earth we use the kilobar, equal to 1000 bars. The pressure beneath 10 km of water, or at the bottom of the deepest oceanic trenches, is about 1 kilobar. Beneath the Antarctic ice cap (maximum thickness about 5 km) the pressure is about half a kilobar at greatest. In the SI System, the fundamental unit of length is the meter and mass is the kilogram. Important units used in geology include: Energy: Joule: kg-m 2 /sec 2. Five grams moving at 20 meters per second have an energy of one joule."
"docid": "D1241243#0",
"title": "http://www.unc.edu/%7Erowlett/units/dictP.html\nHow Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryP",
"text": "\"P or pa common short form of PM or pm (see below), used in statements of time.paardekracht (pk)the Dutch word for the metric horsepower.pace [1]a traditional unit of distance equal to the length of a person's \"\"full\"\" pace, that is, the distance between two successive falls of the same foot. Thus one pace equals two steps. The Romans counted 1000 paces in a mile with each pace being a little over 58 inches (or about 148 centimeters). In English speaking countries, the pace is usually defined to be exactly 5 feet (or 152.4 centimeters); this unit is also called the great pace or geometrical pace. Obviously, a good metric version of the pace is exactly 1.5 meters.pace [2]in military use, the term \"\"pace\"\" is often used as an alternate name for the step; see military pace.pack (pk)a commercial unit specifying the number of items per package. In retail trade, packages containing 4 items (for example) are often described as \"\"4 pack\"\" or \"\"4pk.\"\" The symbol pk is also used for the peck (see below).pack yeara unit of quantity for cigarettes used in medicine to measure a patient's smoking history. One pack year is the equivalent of smoking one 20-cigarette pack per day for one year, that is, a total of 7300 cigarettes.packena traditional Russian unit of weight equal to 1200 funte, 30 pudi (see pud below), 1083 pounds, or 491.4 kilograms.pair (pr)a unit of quantity equal to 2. The word is from the Latin paria, meaning \"\"equals.\"\" Originally a pair was simply a group of similar objects, number unspecified."
"docid": "D98478#0",
"title": "http://www.convertunits.com/from/acre/to/square+feet\nConvert acre to square feet - Conversion of Measurement Units",
"text": "\"Convert acre to square footacresquare feet Did you mean to convert acreacre [commercial]acre [Ireland]acre [survey]to square footsquare foot [survey]More information from the unit converter How many acre in 1 square feet? The answer is 2.2956841138659E-5. We assume you are converting between acre and square foot. You can view more details on each measurement unit: acre or square feet The SI derived unit for area is the square meter. 1 square meter is equal to 0.00024710538146717 acre, or 10.76391041671 square feet. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between acres and square feet. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from square feet to acre, or enter any two units below: Enter two units to convert From: To: Definition: Acre An acre is a measure of land area in Imperial units or U. S. customary units. It is equal to 43 560 square feet, 4840 square yards, or 160 square rods."
"docid": "D3180318#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_square_feet_is_equal_to_100_square_meters\nHow many square feet is equal to 100 square meters?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Residence Types Apartments and Home Rentals How many square feet is equal to 100 square meters? Flag How many square feet is equal to 100 square meters? Answer by Knightdulac Confidence votes 54100 square meters = 1076.39104 sq Feet or 119.599 sq yards or 155000.31 sq inches 1 square foot = 0.092 903 04 square meter 100 Square feet = 9.290304 square meter11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Ebs1 7,115 Contributions How many square feet to 100 square meters?100 square meters equals 1076.391042 square feet.. That is an area calculation.. Scroll down to related links and look at \"\"Area Converter\"\". Ebs1 7,115 Contributions140 square meter equal to how many square feet?140 square meters equal 1506.947 square feet.. Scroll down to related links and look at \"\"Conversions of area and surface units\"\". Ebs1 7,115 Contributions How many square meters in 100 square feet?100 square feet are 9.290304 square meters.. Inca Blue . 223,452 Contributions A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood, anyone for Tea :)100 square meter how many square feet?100 square metres = 1,076.4 square feet.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com100 square meters equals to how many square feet?100 square meters = ~1,076.4 (1,076.39104) square feet.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com100 square feet equals how many meters? Answer: 100 ft² = 9.29030 m²Anand Mehta 278,423 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference Meter is equal to how many square feet? There is no sensible answer to this question. A metre is a measure of length, a square foot is a measure of area and there is way to convert one to the other.4 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com How many square feet would it be if you had a 100 square meters?100 (square meters) = 1,076.39 square feet."
] |
542 | 1/8 as a decimal | [
"docid": "D2341048#0",
"title": "http://researchmaniacs.com/Math/Fractions/What-Is-1/8-As-A-Decimal.html\nResearch Maniacs",
"text": "\"What is 1/8 as a decimal you ask? Converting the fraction 1/8 into a decimal is very easy. To get 1/8 converted to decimal, you simply divide 1 by 8. Don't worry. You don't need to get the calculator out, because we did this for you. 1/8 as a decimal is:0.125Note: When Research Maniacs calculated 1/8 as a decimal, we rounded the answers to nine digits after the decimal point if necessary. What is 1/9 as a decimal? You may also be interested in the next fraction we converted to decimal. Fractions to Decimals Now you know 1/8 as a decimal. To convert another fraction to decimal, enter the fraction below and then press \"\"Make Decimal\"\"/ \""
] | [
"docid": "D1118051#0",
"title": "http://www.shelovesmath.com/basic-math/decimals/\nDecimals",
"text": "Decimals This section covers: Adding and Subtracting Decimals Multiplying and Dividing Decimals More Practice You actually know a lot about decimals already since you probably do a lot of shopping. The “cents” part of the money is like the “hundredths” part of decimals – it’s one hundredth of a dollar. That’s because there are a hundred cents in a dollar. So when you buy a new pair of ballet slippers for $49.99, this is a decimal, since there are some numbers after a “period”. Think of a decimal as typically being “in between” regular numbers. You can divide the 49.99 into 40 dollars + 9 dollars + 99 cents. The 4 is in the “tens” field (since ), the 9 is in the “ones” field (since ), and the decimal point represents the start of the fractional part of the number (less than 1). The first 9 after the decimal point represents the “tenths” (since ), and the second 9 represents the “hundredths” (since ). ( With money, the first 9 after the decimal would be the dimes, and the second 9 would be the pennies). Notice that to the right of the decimal point, you add “th” to the places; think of “th” as meaning “part of”."
"docid": "D41700#0",
"title": "http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/70510.html\n.",
"text": "\"Using Logarithms to Find Number of Digits in Large Numbers Date: 06/25/2007 at 23:01:05 From: Y Subject: antilogarithms How do you convert the base of an antilogarithm? I'm asking this question because I am stuck on a question from a chapter called Logarithmic Function Values and Antilogarithms in an Algebra 2 textbook. The question is: a. How many digits are there in 8^1000? b. What power of 8 has 1000 digits? c. What number to the 1000th power has 500 digits? The answer to the questions a, b, and c are 904, 8^1107, and +/-sqrt (10) respectively. I had an idea of using log_8 (x) = 1000 = log (x) / log (8). But when I tried to solve for x by using a calculator, the answer is so big that the result couldn't be shown. So, this method doesn't work. How do you solve it, then?"
"docid": "D586965#0",
"title": "https://www.mathsisfun.com/converting-fractions-decimals.html\nConvert Fractions to Decimals",
"text": "\"Convert Fractions to Decimals The simplest method is to use a calculator. Just divide the top of the fraction by the bottom, and read off the answer!Example: What is 58 as a decimal ... ?... get your calculator and type in \"\"5 / 8 =\"\"The answer should be 0.625No Calculator? Use Long Division to Decimal Places Example: here is what long division of 58 looks like:0.625 8 )5.000 0 5.0 4.8 20 16 40 40 0In that case we inserted extra zeros and did 5.0008 to get 0.625Read the Long Division to Decimal Placespage for more details. Another Method Yet another method you may like is to follow these steps: Step 1: Find a number you can multiply by the bottom of the fraction to make it 10, or 100, or 1000, or any 1 followed by 0s. Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by that number. Step 3. Then write down just the top number, putting the decimal point in the correct spot (one space from the right hand side for every zero in the bottom number)Example: Convert 34 to a Decimal Step 1: We can multiply 4 by 25 to become 100Step 2: Multiply top and bottom by 25:×2534= 75100×25Step 3: Write down 75 with the decimal point 2 spaces from the right (because 100 has 2 zeros);Answer = 0.75Example: Convert 316 to a Decimal Step 1: We have to multiply 16 by 625 to become 10,000Step 2: Multiply top and bottom by 625:×625316= 1,87510,000×625Step 3: Write down 1875 with the decimal point 4 spaces from the right (because 10,000 has 4 zeros);Answer = 0.1875Example: Convert 13 to a Decimal Step 1: There is no way to multiply 3 to become 10 or 100 or any \"\"1 followed by 0s\"\", but we can calculate an approximate decimal by choosing to multiply by, say, 333Step 2: Multiply top and bottom by 333:×33313= 333999×333Step 3: Now, 999 is nearly 1,000, so let us write down 333 with the decimal point 3 spaces from the right (because 1,000 has 3 zeros): Answer = 0.333 (accurate to only 3 decimal places !! ) Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10Introduction to Fractions Introduction to Decimals Convert Decimals to Fractions Convert Fractions to Percents Equivalent Fractions Simplifying Fractions Fractions Index Decimals Index \""
"docid": "D552761#0",
"title": "https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra/pre-algebra-exponents-radicals/pre-algebra-scientific-notation/v/scientific-notation\nScientific notation examples",
"text": "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 11:260 energy points Studying for a test? Prepare with these 8 lessons on Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation. See 8 lessons Scientific notation examples Common Core: 8. EE. A.3About Transcript Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very small numbers. A number is written in scientific notation when a number between 1 and 10 is multiplied by a power of 10. For example, 650,000,000 can be written in scientific notation as 6.5 ✕ 10^8. Created by Sal Khan, CK-12 Foundation. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter Email Questions Tips & Thanks Top Recent Tags Scientific notation Video transcript There are two whole Khan Academy videos on what scientific notation is, why we even worry about it."
"docid": "D3221042#0",
"title": "http://web.mnstate.edu/peil/MDEV102/U3/S29/S29_print.html\nScientific Notation",
"text": "\"Laws of Exponents Scientific Notation Scientific Notation If you have ever taken a Chemistry class, you may have encountered the following numbers: There are approximately 602,214,179,300,000,000,000,000 molecules in one mole of any substance (this quantity is called Avogadro's number ). Avogadro constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The mass of an electron is approximately 0.0000000000000000000000000009109382 grams. Electron rest mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Notice these two values are inconvenient to write in regular decimal notation because there are so many digits to write. When values are very large or very small it is often more manageable to write the numerals using scientific notation. Scientific notation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Scientific notation is a representation that uses a decimal number times a power of ten. The decimal value is usually written with one digit, not zero, in front of the decimal point, and when multiplied together with a power of 10, the scientific notation exactly equals the value it represents. This is referred to as the normalized form for scientific notation. Before when we studied scientific notation (Session 13), we only worked with whole numbers. This meant that we allowed more than one non-zero digit and all of the powers of 10 were positive powers. Now we extend that notation to include any decimal fraction."
"docid": "D1051427#0",
"title": "https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090405234246AAlAMop\nHow to find antilog of a number like 0.7774 from the antilog table?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Mathematics How to find antilog of a number like 0.7774 from the antilog table? Follow 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 1.in the first column of the antilog table, look up for the number 0.77 2.then find the corresponding number which is listed below the number \"\"7 in the first row of the table\"\", in the same horizontal row (i.e)in the same row as 0.77. 3.then find the value for number 4 in the mean difference column (along the same row of 0.77). 4.add the mean value to the value which you got along the \"\"0.77\"\" row and \"\"7\"\" column. 5.now since the nuber before the decimal poin tin the question is \"\"0\"\", you must place the decimal point anfer one digit of the answer. ( for example: if the number before decimal point in the question is \"\"2\"\", place the decimal point after three digits in the answer). 6.this gives the answer, which is 5.989 hope i didnt confuse you. Source (s):from my silly science teacher's beastly brain Kylie · 9 years ago7 0 Comment1- First we will see where the decimal lies. 2-We would start from the number at the right of the decimal 3-We will take first two digits after the decimal that is 77 and see its value in antilog table . 4 We first find 77 in the vertical row at the absolute left of antilog table and see its value in the horizontal coulumn with heading 7 {because 7 is the third digit from decimal}. 5-The value we got is 5984 ."
"docid": "D1710953#0",
"title": "http://www.softchalk.com/lessonchallenge10/lesson/k21%20final/Decimal/0303Decimal_print.html\n.",
"text": "\"Decimal Notation Chapter 4OBJECTIVES4.1Given decimal notation, write a word name. Convert between fraction notation and decimal notation. Given a pair of numbers in decimal notation, tell which is larger. Round decimal notation to the nearest thousandth, hundredth, tenth, ones, ten, hundred, or thousand.4.2Add using decimal notation. Subtract using decimal notation. Solve equations of the type x + a = b and a + x = b, where a and b may be in decimal notation.4.3Multiply using decimal notation. Convert from notation like 45.7 million to standard notation, and between dollars and cents.4.4Divide using decimal notation. Solve equations of the type, where a and b may be in decimal notation. Simplify expressions using the rules for order of operations.4.5Convert from fraction notation to decimal notation. Round numbers named by repeating decimals in problem solving."
"docid": "D65892#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number\nBinary number",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Numeral systems Hindu–Arabic numeral system Western Arabic Eastern Arabic Bengali Gurmukhi Indian Sinhala Tamil Balinese Burmese Dzongkha Gujarati Javanese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian Chinese Suzhou Hokkien Japanese Korean Vietnamese Counting rods Alphabetic Abjad Armenian Āryabhaṭa Cyrillic Ge'ez Georgian Greek Hebrew Roman Former Aegean Attic Babylonian Brahmi Chuvash Egyptian Etruscan Inuit Kharosthi Mayan Muisca Quipu Prehistoric Positional systems by base2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 60Non-standard positional numeral systems Bijective numeration ( 1)Signed-digit representation ( Balanced ternary) factorial negative Complex-base system ( 2 i) Non-integer representation ( φ) mixed Asymmetric numeral systems List of numeral systemsv t e In mathematics and digital electronics, a binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 numeral system or binary numeral system, which uses only two symbols: typically 0 (zero) and 1 (one). The base-2 numeral system is a positional notation with a radix of 2. Each digit is referred to as a bit. Because of its straightforward implementation in digital electronic circuitry using logic gates, the binary system is used by almost all modern computers and computer-based devices. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Egypt1.2 China1.3 India1.4 Other cultures1.5 Western predecessors to Leibniz1.6 Leibniz and the I Ching1.7 Later developments2 Representation3 Counting in binary3.1 Decimal counting3.2 Binary counting4 Fractions5 Binary arithmetic5.1 Addition5.1.1 Long carry method5.1.2 Addition table5.2 Subtraction5.3 Multiplication5.3.1 Multiplication table5.4 Division5.5 Square root6 Bitwise operations7 Conversion to and from other numeral systems7.1 Decimal7.2 Hexadecimal7.3 Octal8 Representing real numbers9 See also10 References11 Further reading12 External links History [ edit]The modern binary number system was studied in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries by Thomas Harriot, Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, and Gottfried Leibniz. However, systems related to binary numbers have appeared earlier in multiple cultures including ancient Egypt, China, and India. Leibniz was specifically inspired by the Chinese I Ching. Egypt [ edit]See also: Ancient Egyptian mathematics Arithmetic values represented by parts of the Eye of Horus The scribes of ancient Egypt used two different systems for their fractions, Egyptian fractions (not related to the binary number system) and Horus-Eye fractions (so called because many historians of mathematics believe that the symbols used for this system could be arranged to form the eye of Horus, although this has been disputed). [ 1] Horus-Eye fractions are a binary numbering system for fractional quantities of grain, liquids, or other measures, in which a fraction of a hekat is expressed as a sum of the binary fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64. Early forms of this system can be found in documents from the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, approximately 2400 BC, and its fully developed hieroglyphic form dates to the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, approximately 1200 BC. ["
"docid": "D3476099#0",
"title": "https://www.mscdirect.com/industrialtools/brown-and-sharpe-indicators.html\nBrown And Sharpe Indicators",
"text": "Home / Brown And Sharpe Indicators Brown And Sharpe Indicators MSC #: 97559652Tesa 0.04 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch Contact ... Brand: Tesa Mfr Part #: 18.60201In Stock Price: $15.52Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 1.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0400 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe TESATAST Dial Test Indicators MSC #: 97106744Brown & Sharpe 0.08 Inch Ball Diameter, Steel, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7049In Stock Price: $27.26Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 2.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0800 Ball Material Steel Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 99044620Brown & Sharpe 0.08 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1-7/16 ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7034-80In Stock Price: $64.54Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 2.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0800 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 1.4375 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1-7/16 Contact Point Length (mm) 36.51 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 97106751Brown & Sharpe 0.04 Inch Ball Diameter, Steel, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7050In Stock Price: $27.26Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 1.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0400 Ball Material Steel Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 97287502Brown & Sharpe 0.015 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7030-15In Stock Price: $77.90Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 0.38 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0150 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 06226765Brown & Sharpe 0.04 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7030-40In Stock Price: $60.09Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 1.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0400 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 97030332Brown & Sharpe 0.08 Inch Ball Diameter, Steel, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1-7/16 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7036-80In Stock Price: $61.20Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 2.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0800 Ball Material Steel Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 1.4375 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1-7/16 Contact Point Length (mm) 36.51 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 97961379Brown & Sharpe 0.12 Inch Ball Diameter, Steel, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7051In Stock Price: $25.96Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 3.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.1200 Ball Material Steel Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 96006069Brown & Sharpe 0.04 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1-7/16 ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7034-40In Stock Price: $64.54Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 1.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0400 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 1.4375 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1-7/16 Contact Point Length (mm) 36.51 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 06226773Brown & Sharpe 0.12 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1/2 Inch ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7030-120In Stock Price: $61.20Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 3.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.1200 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.5000 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1/2 Contact Point Length (mm) 12.70 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 97437321Brown & Sharpe 0.12 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 1-7/16 ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7034-120In Stock Price: $64.54Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 3.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.1200 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 1.4375 Contact Point Length (Inch) 1-7/16 Contact Point Length (mm) 36.51 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Bes Test 599 Series MSC #: 06412605Brown & Sharpe 1 Inch Dial Diameter, 1-1/4 Inch Base Length, Indicator and Base Kit - 0.0005 ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-849In Stock Price: $413.02Add to Cart Indicator Type Dial Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.000500 Minimum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0000 Maximum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0300 Base Length (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Accuracy (Decimal Inch) 0.0005 Base Width (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Height (Decimal Inch) 1.7500 Post Height (Decimal Inch) 1.5000; 4.3750 Post Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.2190; 0.3120 Dial Reading 0-15-0 Dial Diameter ... MSC #: 67294611Brown & Sharpe Indicator and Base Kit - 0.0005 Inch Graduation, Includes Standard Magnetic ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: NOG99994DIn Stock Price: $296.90Add to Cart Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.000500 Dial Reading 0-15-0 Includes Standard Magnetic Base; Test Indicator This item cannot be shipped via air carrier. MSC #: 06412654Brown & Sharpe Indicator and Base Kit - 0.0005 Inch Graduation, Includes Bes Test Dial ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: .030 SETIn Stock Price: $197.93Add to Cart Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.000500 Minimum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0000 Maximum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0300 Dial Reading 0-15-0 Number of Pieces 4 Includes Bes Test Dial Indicator; Universal Holder MSC #: 06412662Brown & Sharpe Indicator and Base Kit - 0.0005 Inch Graduation, Includes Bes Test Dial ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: BDS ITEMIn Stock Price: $249.77Add to Cart Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.000500 Minimum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0000 Maximum Measurement (Decimal Inch) 0.0300 Dial Reading 0-15-0 Number of Pieces 4 Includes Bes Test Dial Indicator; Universal Holder MSC #: 06412613Brown & Sharpe 2-1/4 Inch Dial Diameter Indicator and Base Kit - 0.001 Inch Graduation, ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: BDS ITEMIn Stock Price: $144.38Add to Cart Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.001000 Dial Reading 0-100 Dial Diameter (Inch) 2-1/4 Includes Dial Indicator; Magnetic Base; Select-A-Point Set MSC #: 06412621Brown & Sharpe 2-1/4 Inch Dial Diameter Indicator and Base Kit - 0.001 Inch Graduation, ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: BDS ITEMIn Stock Price: $144.38Add to Cart Dial Graduation (Decimal Inch) 0.001000 Dial Reading 0-100 Dial Diameter (Inch) 2-1/4 Includes Dial Indicator; Magnetic Base; Select-A-Point Set MSC #: 06581789Brown & Sharpe 1-1/4 Inch Long x 1-1/4 Inch Wide x 1-3/4 Inch High, Magnetic Indicator Base - ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7762In Stock Price: $119.00Add to Cart Base Length (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Length (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Height (Inch) 1-3/4 Base Height (Decimal Inch) 1.7500 Features Holders Included Post Height (Decimal Inch) 5.2500 Rod Length (Inch) 4-1/2 Rod Length (Decimal Inch) 4.5000 Arm Style Post (Fixed Upright)MSC #: 06581771Brown & Sharpe 1-1/4 Inch Long x 1-1/4 Inch Wide x 1-3/4 Inch High, Magnetic Indicator Base - ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7761In Stock Price: $125.00Add to Cart Base Length (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Length (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Height (Inch) 1-3/4 Base Height (Decimal Inch) 1.7500 Features Holders Included Magnetic Pull (Lb.) 15.00 Post Height (Inch) 5 Rod Length (Inch) 7/32; 4-3/8 Arm Style Post (Ball & Socket)MSC #: 06581797Brown & Sharpe 1-1/4 Inch Long x 1-1/4 Inch Wide x 1-3/4 Inch High, Magnetic Indicator Base - ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7763In Stock Price: $128.00Add to Cart Base Length (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Length (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Height (Inch) 1-3/4 Base Height (Decimal Inch) 1.7500 Features Holders Included Post Height (Decimal Inch) 5.2500 Rod Length (Inch) 4-1/2 Rod Length (Decimal Inch) 4.5000 Arm Style Post (Fixed Upright)MSC #: 06581763Brown & Sharpe 1-1/4 Inch Long x 1-1/4 Inch Wide x 1-3/4 Inch High, Magnetic Indicator Base - ... Brand: Brown & Sharpe Mfr Part #: 599-7760In Stock Price: $119.00Add to Cart Base Length (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Length (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Inch) 1-1/4 Base Width (Decimal Inch) 1.2500 Base Height (Inch) 1-3/4 Base Height (Decimal Inch) 1.7500 Features Holders Included Post Height (Inch) 5 Rod Length (Inch) 7/32; 4-3/8 Arm Style Post (Ball & Socket)MSC #: 06441604Compac 2mm Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 0.72 Inch Contact Point ... Brand: Compac Mfr Part #: 01866005In Stock Price: $33.17Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (mm) 2.00 Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0800 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.7200 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Dial Test Indicators MSC #: 99231136INTERAPID 0.06 Inch Ball Diameter, Carbide, Ball Test Indicator Contact Point - 0.65 Inch ... Brand: INTERAPIDMfr Part #: 74.105997In Stock Price: $25.68Add to Cart Style Ball Ball Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.0600 Ball Material Carbide Contact Point Length (Decimal Inch) 0.6500 For Use With Brown & Sharpe Interapid 312 Dial Test Indicators (Except 74.111965"
"docid": "D1017205#0",
"title": "http://math.wikia.com/wiki/Hexadecimal\nHexadecimal",
"text": "\"Template: Numeral systems In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base Template: Num, or hex) is a positionalnumeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0 – 9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a – f) to represent values ten to fifteen. For example, the hexadecimal number 2AF3 is equal, in decimal, to (2 × 16 3) + (10 × 16 2) + (15 × 16 1) + (3 × 16 0) , or 10,995. Each hexadecimal digit represents four binary digits ( bits) (also called a \"\" nibble \"\"), and the primary use of hexadecimal notation is as a human-friendly representation of binary coded values in computing and digital electronics. For example, byte values can range from 0 to 255 (decimal) but may be more conveniently represented as two hexadecimal digits in the range 00 through FF. Hexadecimal is also commonly used to represent computer memory addresses . Contents [ show]Representing hexadecimal Template: Hexadecimal table In situations where there is no context, hexadecimal numbers can be ambiguous and confused with numbers expressed in other bases. There are several conventions for expressing values unambiguously. A numerical subscript (itself written in decimal) can give the base explicitly: 159 10 is decimal 159; 159 16 is hexadecimal 159, which is equal to 345 10. Other authors prefer a text subscript, such as 159 decimal and 159 hex, or 159 d and 159 h ."
"docid": "D2845082#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101017092001AAxOJK4\nHow do you add a fraction to a decimal ?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Mathematics How do you add a fraction to a decimal ? Cuz i'm in the fourth but take 9th grade math and my teacher or my classmates will tell me so actually i'm confused if you help I will give you $10.00 no lie just help me and don't say that it is impossible cuz it is Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: To add a fraction to a decimal easily, you will have to convert them both into the same form. For example if you wanted to calculate 1/2 + 1.5, you could say 1.5=3/2, so 1/2+3/2 = 4/2 = 2. Or you could say that 1/2 = 0.5, and 0.5 + 1.5 = 2. I hope that answered your question!Daniel · 8 years ago0 0 Comment The best way is to convert the fraction into a decimal. Then add the two decimals together. Here is an example... 7/12 + 0.561 First convert 7/12 to a decimal... 0.583 Now add the two decimals... 0.583 + 0.561 = 1.44 You can go from decimal to fraction but that can be tricky because you have several additional steps... Once you have the fraction you have to simplify it. Then you have to find a common denominator so you can add the two fractions together. I'll demonstrate using our example above... 7/12 + 0.561 Convert the decimal to a fraction 7/12 + 561 / 1000 Find the lowest common denominator between 12 and 1000 3000 Now convert both fractions to the LCD 1750 / 3000 + 1683 / 3000 Add the two fractions 3433 / 3000 You can double check your work by converting it to a decimal. 1.443 As you can see converting to fractions is alot more work and time."
"docid": "D3399584#0",
"title": "https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-7\nSeventh grade math",
"text": "Seventh grade math Here is a list of all of the math skills students learn in seventh grade! These skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to preview the skill. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will automatically increase in difficulty as you improve!Number theory A.1 Prime or composite A.2 Prime factorization A.3 Multiplicative inverses A.4 Divisibility rules A.5 Greatest common factor A.6 Least common multiple A.7 GCF and LCM: word problems A.8 Scientific notation A.9 Compare numbers written in scientific notation A.10 Classify numbers Integers B.1 Understanding integers B.2 Integers on number lines B.3 Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines B.4 Absolute value and opposite integers B.5 Compare and order integers B.6 Integer inequalities with absolute values Operations with integers C.1 Integer addition and subtraction rules C.2 Add and subtract integers using counters C.3 Add and subtract integers C.4 Complete addition and subtraction equations with integers C.5 Add and subtract integers: word problems C.6 Integer multiplication and division rules C.7 Multiply and divide integers C.8 Complete multiplication and division equations with integers C.9 Evaluate numerical expressions involving integers Decimals D.1 Decimal numbers review D.2 Compare and order decimals D.3 Decimal number lines D.4 Round decimals Operations with decimals E.1 Add and subtract decimals E.2 Add and subtract decimals: word problems E.3 Multiply decimals E.4 Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems E.5 Divide decimals E.6 Divide decimals by whole numbers: word problems E.7 Estimate sums, differences, and products of decimals E.8 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals: word problems E.9 Multi-step inequalities with decimals E.10 Maps with decimal distances E.11 Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals Fractions and mixed numbers F.1 Understanding fractions: word problems F.2 Equivalent fractions F.3 Write fractions in lowest terms F.4 Fractions: word problems with graphs and tables F.5 Least common denominator F.6 Compare and order fractions F.7 Compare fractions: word problems F.8 Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions F.9 Compare mixed numbers and improper fractions F.10 Round mixed numbers Operations with fractions G.1 Add and subtract fractions G.2 Add and subtract fractions: word problems G.3 Add and subtract mixed numbers G.4 Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems G.5 Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers G.6 Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers G.7 Multiply fractions and whole numbers G.8 Multiply two fractions using models G.9 Multiply fractions G.10 Multiply mixed numbers G.11 Multiply fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.12 Divide fractions G.13 Divide mixed numbers G.14 Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.15 Estimate products and quotients of fractions and mixed numbers G.16 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.17 Maps with fractional distances G.18 Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions Rational numbers H.1 Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers H.2 Identify rational numbers H.3 Absolute value of rational numbers H.4 Compare rational numbers H.5 Put rational numbers in order H.6 Add and subtract rational numbers H.7 Apply addition and subtraction rules H.8 Multiply and divide rational numbers H.9 Apply multiplication and division rules Exponents and square roots I.1 Understanding exponents I.2 Evaluate exponents I.3 Solve equations with variable exponents I.4 Exponents with negative bases I.5 Exponents with decimal and fractional bases I.6 Understanding negative exponents I.7 Evaluate negative exponents I.8 Evaluate numerical expressions involving exponents I.9 Square roots of perfect squares I.10 Estimate square roots Ratios, rates, and proportions J.1 Understanding ratios J.2 Identify equivalent ratios J.3 Write an equivalent ratio J.4 Equivalent ratios: word problems J.5 Unit rates J.6 Compare ratios: word problems J.7 Scale drawings: word problems J.8 Do the ratios form a proportion? J.9 Do the ratios form a proportion: word problems J.10 Solve proportions J.11 Solve proportions: word problems J.12 Estimate population size using proportions J.13 Rate of change J.14 Constant rate of change Proportional relationships K.1 Find the constant of proportionality from a table K.2 Write equations for proportional relationships from tables K.3 Identify proportional relationships by graphing K.4 Find the constant of proportionality from a graph K.5 Write equations for proportional relationships from graphs K.6 Identify proportional relationships K.7 Interpret graphs of proportional relationships K.8 Write and solve equations for proportional relationships Percents L.1 What percentage is illustrated? L.2 Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals L.3 Compare percents to fractions and decimals L.4 Estimate percents of numbers L.5 Percents of numbers and money amounts L.6 Percents of numbers: word problems L.7 Solve percent equations L.8 Solve percent equations: word problems L.9 Percent of change L.10 Percent of change: word problems Consumer math M.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide money amounts: word problems M.2 Price lists M.3 Unit prices M.4 Unit prices with unit conversions M.5 Unit prices: find the total price M.6 Percent of a number: tax, discount, and more M.7 Find the percent: tax, discount, and more M.8 Sale prices: find the original price M.9 Multi-step problems with percents M.10 Estimate tips M.11 Simple interest M.12 Compound interest Problem solving and estimation N.1 Estimate to solve word problems N.2 Multi-step word problems N.3 Guess-and-check word problems N.4 Use Venn diagrams to solve problems N.5 Find the number of each type of coin N.6 Elapsed time word problems Units of measurement O.1 Estimate customary measurements O.2 Estimate metric measurements O.3 Compare and convert customary units O.4 Mixed customary units O.5 Compare and convert metric units O.6 Convert between customary and metric systems O.7 Precision O.8 Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures Coordinate plane P.1 Coordinate plane review P.2 Quadrants and axes P.3 Follow directions on a coordinate plane P.4 Distance between two points Number sequences Q.1 Identify arithmetic and geometric sequences Q.2 Arithmetic sequences Q.3 Geometric sequences Q.4 Number sequences: mixed review Q.5 Number sequences: word problems Q.6 Evaluate variable expressions for number sequences Q.7 Write variable expressions for arithmetic sequences Expressions and properties R.1 Write variable expressions R.2 Write variable expressions: word problems R.3 Evaluate linear expressions R.4 Evaluate multi-variable expressions R.5 Evaluate absolute value expressions R.6 Evaluate nonlinear expressions R.7 Identify terms and coefficients R.8 Sort factors of expressions R.9 Properties of addition and multiplication R.10 Multiply using the distributive property R.11 Solve equations using properties R.12 Write equivalent expressions using properties R.13 Add and subtract like terms R.14 Add, subtract, and multiply linear expressions R.15 Factors of linear expressions R.16 Identify equivalent linear expressions One-variable equations S.1 Which x satisfies an equation? S.2 Write an equation from words S.3 Model and solve equations using algebra tiles S.4 Write and solve equations that represent diagrams S.5 Solve one-step equations S.6 Solve two-step equations S.7 Solve equations: word problems S.8 Solve equations involving like terms S.9 Solve equations: complete the solution One-variable inequalities T.1 Solutions to inequalities T.2 Graph inequalities on number lines T.3 Write inequalities from number lines T.4 Solve one-step inequalities T.5 Graph solutions to one-step inequalities T.6 Solve two-step inequalities T.7 Graph solutions to two-step inequalities Two-variable equations U.1 Does (x, y) satisfy the equation? U.2 Identify independent and dependent variables U.3 Find a value using two-variable equations U.4 Solve word problems involving two-variable equations U.5 Complete a table for a two-variable relationship U.6 Write a two-variable equation U.7 Identify the graph of an equation U.8 Graph a two-variable equation U.9 Interpret a graph: word problems U.10 Write an equation from a graph using a table Linear functions V.1 Find the slope from a graph V.2 Find the slope from two points V.3 Find a missing coordinate using slope V.4 Find the slope from an equation V.5 Graph a line using slope V.6 Write a linear function V.7 Identify linear and nonlinear functions Two-dimensional figures W.1 Identify and classify polygons W.2 Name, measure, and classify angles W.3 Classify triangles W.4 Identify trapezoids W.5 Classify quadrilaterals W.6 Graph triangles and quadrilaterals W.7 Find missing angles in triangles W.8 Find missing angles in quadrilaterals W.9 Interior angles of polygons W.10 Lines, line segments, and rays W.11 Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines W.12 Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent, and congruent angles W.13 Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles W.14 Transversal of parallel lines W.15 Find lengths and measures of bisected line segments and angles W.16 Parts of a circle Transformations and congruence X.1 Symmetry X.2 Identify reflections, rotations, and translations X.3 Translations: graph the image X.4 Translations: find the coordinates X.5 Reflections: graph the image X.6 Reflections: find the coordinates X.7 Rotations: graph the image X.8 Rotations: find the coordinates X.9 Similar and congruent figures X.10 Congruence statements and corresponding parts X.11 Side lengths and angle measures of congruent figures X.12 Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures X.13 Similar fig"
"docid": "D3063040#0",
"title": "http://east82.com/howto/ip_addressing/bin_dec_hex.htm\nUnderstanding Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal - A Tutorial",
"text": "\"Understanding Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal - A Tutorial\"\" There are 10 kinds of people in the world ...those who understand binary and those who do not\"\"A primer in numbering systems There are four basic numbering systems that are used in the human, networking, and computer science worlds. Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Decimal, the numbering system we are most familiar with has a base, or radix, of 10 and to us this is natural. Why 10? Most of us have 10 fingers and that is how it was selected as our numbering system; it's as simple as that. The Yuki people of California on the other hand (pun intended) use an octal numbering system, counting the spaces between their fingers and not the fingers themselves. Pretty cool, huh? The other systems widely in use in the networking and computer science world are binary, octal and hexadecimal (See table below). In this tutorial we'll concern ourselves only with binary, decimal and hexadecimal, ignoring octal altogether. As a side note, one use of octal numbering is with Linux and UNIX systems to set file permissions using the chmod command."
"docid": "D2353965#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_shift\nBitwise operation",
"text": "\"Bitwise operation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Bit shift)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)In digital computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on one or more bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. It is a fast, simple action directly supported by the processor, and is used to manipulate values for comparisons and calculations. On simple low-cost processors, typically, bitwise operations are substantially faster than division, several times faster than multiplication, and sometimes significantly faster than addition. While modern processors usually perform addition and multiplication just as fast as bitwise operations due to their longer instruction pipelines and other architectural design choices, bitwise operations do commonly use less power because of the reduced use of resources. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Bitwise operators1.1 NOT1.2 AND1.3 OR1.4 XOR1.5 Mathematical equivalents2 Bit shifts2.1 Arithmetic shift2.2 Logical shift2.3 Rotate no carry2.4 Rotate through carry2.5 Shifts in C, C++, C#, Go, Java, Java Script, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby2.5.1 Circular shifts in C-family languages2.5.2 Shifts in Java2.5.3 Shifts in Java Script2.5.4 Shifts in Pascal3 Other4 Applications5 See also6 References7 External links Bitwise operators [ edit]In the explanations below, any indication of a bit's position is counted from the right (least significant) side, advancing left. For example, the binary value 0001 (decimal 1) has zeroes at every position but the first one. NOT [ edit]The bitwise NOT, or complement, is a unary operation that performs logical negation on each bit, forming the ones' complement of the given binary value."
"docid": "D1601577#0",
"title": "https://www.purplemath.com/modules/exponent3.htm\nExponents: Scientific Notation",
"text": "\"Exponents: Scientific Notation Basic Rules Negative Sci. Not'n Eng. Not'n Fractional Purplemath By using exponents, we can reformat numbers. This can be helpful, in much the same way that it's helpful (that is, it's easier) to write \"\"twelve trillion\"\" rather than 12,000,000,000,000 ., or \"\"thirty nanometers\"\" rather than \"\" 0.00000003 meters\"\". For very large or very small numbers, it is sometimes simpler to use \"\"scientific notation\"\" (so called, because scientists often deal with very large and very small numbers). The format for writing a number in scientific notation is fairly simple: (first digit of the number) followed by (the decimal point) and then (all the rest of the digits of the number), times (10 to an appropriate power). Math Help.com Scientific Notation The conversion is fairly simple. Write 124 in scientific notation. This is not a very large number, but it will work nicely for an example."
"docid": "D713852#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.decimal(v=vs.110).aspx\nDecimal Structure",
"text": "\"Decimal Structure. NET Framework (current version) Other Versions Note The . NET API Reference documentation has a new home. Visit the . NET API Browser on docs.microsoft.com to see the new experience. Represents a decimal number. Namespace: System Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)Syntax C# C++ F# VB [Serializable Attribute] [Com Visible Attribute ( true )] public struct Decimal : IFormattable, IComparable, IConvertible, IDeserialization Callback, IComparable< decimal >, IEquatable< decimal >Constructors Name Description Decimal (Double)Initializes a new instance of Decimal to the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number. Decimal (Int32)Initializes a new instance of Decimal to the value of the specified 32-bit signed integer. Decimal (Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte)Initializes a new instance of Decimal from parameters specifying the instance's constituent parts. Decimal (Int32 [])Initializes a new instance of Decimal to a decimal value represented in binary and contained in a specified array."
"docid": "D260017#0",
"title": "http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/binandhex\nHow a Number System Works",
"text": "\"Binary, hexadecimal, and octal refer to different number systems. The one that we typically use is called decimal. These number systems refer to the number of symbols used to represent numbers. In the decimal system, we use ten different symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. With these ten symbols, we can represent any quantity. For example, if we see a 2, then we know that there is two of something. For example, this sentence has 2 periods on the end.. When we run out of symbols, we go to the next digit placement. To represent one higher than 9, we use 10 meaning one unit of ten and zero units of one. This may seem elementary, but it is crucial to understand our default number system if you want to understand other number systems. For example, when we consider a binary system which only uses two symbols, 0 and 1, when we run out of symbols, we need to go to the next digit placement."
"docid": "D1110420#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time\nDecimal time",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search GMT at page generation24-h time decimal time13:42:42 5h 71m 31 s French decimal clock from the time of the French Revolution. The large dial shows the ten hours of the decimal day in Arabic numerals, while the small dial shows the two 12-hour periods of the standard 24-hour day in Roman numerals. Decimal Time clock reading 2.50 DT equivalent to 6 AM standard time Decimal time is the representation of the time of day using units which are decimally related. This term is often used specifically to refer to French Revolutionary Time, used in France for a few years beginning in 1792 during the French Revolution, which divided the day into 10 decimal hours, each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds, as opposed to the more familiar UTC Time standard, which divides the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds. The main advantage of a decimal time system is that, since the base used to divide the time is the same as the one used to represent it, the whole time representation can be handled as a single string. Therefore, it becomes simpler to interpret a timestamp and to perform conversions. For instance, 1:23:00 is 1 decimal hour and 23 decimal minutes, or 1.23 hours, or 123 minutes; 3 hours is 300 minutes or 30,000 seconds. This property also makes it straightforward to represent a timestamp as a fractional day, so that 2018-04-09.534 can be interpreted as five decimal hours and 34 decimal minutes after the start of that day, or 0.534 (53.4%) of a day through that day. It also adjusts well to digital time representation using epochs, in that the internal time representation can be used directly both for computation and for user-facing display. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 China1.2 France1.3 Switzerland2 Conversions3 Decimal hours4 Fractional days5 Decimal multiples and fractions of the second6 Scientific decimal time7 Other decimal times8 See also9 References History [ edit]China [ edit]Main article: Ke (unit)Decimal time was used in China throughout most of its history alongside duodecimal time."
"docid": "D3399591#0",
"title": "https://ie.ixl.com/math/year-1\nFirst year maths",
"text": "First year maths Here is a list of all of the maths skills students learn in first year! These skills are organised into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to preview the skill. To start practising, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will automatically increase in difficulty as you improve!Number theory A.1 Prime or composite A.2 Prime factorisation A.3 Multiplicative inverses A.4 Divisibility rules A.5 Highest common factor A.6 Lowest common multiple A.7 HCF and LCM: word problems A.8 Scientific notation A.9 Compare numbers written in scientific notation A.10 Classify numbers Integers B.1 Understanding integers B.2 Integers on number lines B.3 Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines B.4 Absolute value and opposite integers B.5 Compare and order integers B.6 Integer inequalities with absolute values Operations with integers C.1 Integer addition and subtraction rules C.2 Add and subtract integers using counters C.3 Add and subtract integers C.4 Complete addition and subtraction sentences with integers C.5 Add and subtract integers: word problems C.6 Integer multiplication and division rules C.7 Multiply and divide integers C.8 Complete multiplication and division sentences with integers C.9 Evaluate numerical expressions involving integers Decimals D.1 Decimal numbers review D.2 Compare and order decimals D.3 Decimal number lines D.4 Round decimals Operations with decimals E.1 Add and subtract decimals E.2 Add and subtract decimals: word problems E.3 Multiply decimals E.4 Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems E.5 Divide decimals E.6 Divide decimals by whole numbers: word problems E.7 Estimate sums, differences and products of decimals E.8 Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals: word problems E.9 Multi-step inequalities with decimals E.10 Maps with decimal distances E.11 Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals Fractions and mixed numbers F.1 Understanding fractions: word problems F.2 Equivalent fractions F.3 Write fractions in lowest terms F.4 Fractions: word problems with graphs and tables F.5 Lowest common denominator F.6 Compare and order fractions F.7 Compare fractions: word problems F.8 Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions F.9 Compare mixed numbers and improper fractions F.10 Round mixed numbers Operations with fractions G.1 Add and subtract fractions G.2 Add and subtract fractions: word problems G.3 Add and subtract mixed numbers G.4 Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems G.5 Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers G.6 Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers G.7 Multiply fractions and whole numbers G.8 Multiply two fractions using models G.9 Multiply fractions G.10 Multiply mixed numbers G.11 Multiply fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.12 Divide whole numbers and unit fractions G.13 Divide fractions G.14 Divide mixed numbers G.15 Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.16 Estimate products and quotients of fractions and mixed numbers G.17 Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.18 Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions Rational numbers H.1 Identify rational numbers H.2 Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers H.3 Absolute value of rational numbers H.4 Compare rational numbers H.5 Put rational numbers in order H.6 Add and subtract rational numbers H.7 Apply addition and subtraction rules H.8 Multiply and divide rational numbers H.9 Apply multiplication and division rules Exponents and square roots I.1 Understanding exponents I.2 Evaluate exponents I.3 Solve equations with variable exponents I.4 Exponents with negative bases I.5 Exponents with decimal and fractional bases I.6 Evaluate numerical expressions involving exponents I.7 Square roots of perfect squares I.8 Estimate square roots Ratios, rates and proportions J.1 Understanding ratios J.2 Identify equivalent ratios J.3 Write an equivalent ratio J.4 Equivalent ratios: word problems J.5 Unit rates J.6 Compare ratios: word problems J.7 Scale drawings: word problems J.8 Do the ratios form a proportion? J.9 Do the ratios form a proportion: word problems J.10 Solve proportions J.11 Solve proportions: word problems J.12 Estimate population size using proportions J.13 Rate of change J.14 Constant rate of change Proportional relationships K.1 Find the constant of proportionality from a table K.2 Write equations for proportional relationships from tables K.3 Identify proportional relationships by graphing K.4 Find the constant of proportionality from a graph K.5 Write equations for proportional relationships from graphs K.6 Identify proportional relationships K.7 Interpret graphs of proportional relationships K.8 Write and solve equations for proportional relationships Percents L.1 What percentage is illustrated? L.2 Convert between percents, fractions and decimals L.3 Compare percents to fractions and decimals L.4 Estimate percents of numbers L.5 Percents of numbers and money amounts L.6 Percents of numbers: word problems L.7 Solve percent equations L.8 Solve percent equations: word problems Consumer maths M.1 Add, subtract, multiply and divide money amounts: word problems M.2 Price lists M.3 Unit prices M.4 Unit prices: find the total price M.5 Percent of a number: VAT, discount and more M.6 Find the percent: discount and mark-up M.7 Sale prices: find the original price M.8 Multi-step problems with percents M.9 Estimate tips M.10 Simple interest M.11 Compound interest Problem solving and estimation N.1 Estimate to solve word problems N.2 Multi-step word problems N.3 Guess-and-check word problems N.4 Use Venn diagrams to solve problems N.5 Find the number of each type of coin N.6 Elapsed time word problems Units of measurement O.1 Estimate metric measurements O.2 Compare and convert metric units O.3 Metric mixed units O.4 Convert between square metres and hectares O.5 Convert square and cubic units of length O.6 Convert between cubic metres and litres O.7 Precision Coordinate plane P.1 Coordinate plane review P.2 Quadrants and axes P.3 Follow directions on a coordinate plane P.4 Distance between two points Number sequences Q.1 Identify arithmetic and geometric sequences Q.2 Arithmetic sequences Q.3 Geometric sequences Q.4 Number sequences: mixed review Q.5 Number sequences: word problems Q.6 Evaluate variable expressions for number sequences Q.7 Write variable expressions for arithmetic sequences Expressions and properties R.1 Write variable expressions R.2 Write variable expressions: word problems R.3 Evaluate linear expressions R.4 Evaluate multi-variable expressions R.5 Evaluate absolute value expressions R.6 Evaluate nonlinear expressions R.7 Identify terms and coefficients R.8 Sort factors of expressions R.9 Properties of addition and multiplication R.10 Multiply using the distributive property R.11 Solve equations using properties R.12 Write equivalent expressions using properties R.13 Add and subtract like terms R.14 Add, subtract and multiply linear expressions R.15 Factors of linear expressions R.16 Identify equivalent linear expressions One-variable equations S.1 Which x satisfies an equation? S.2 Write an equation from words S.3 Model and solve equations using algebra tiles S.4 Write and solve equations that represent diagrams S.5 Solve one-step equations S.6 Solve two-step equations S.7 Solve equations: word problems S.8 Solve equations involving like terms S.9 Solve equations: complete the solution One-variable inequalities T.1 Solutions to inequalities T.2 Write inequalities from number lines T.3 Solve one-step inequalities T.4 Solve two-step inequalities Two-variable equations U.1 Does (x, y) satisfy the equation? U.2 Identify independent and dependent variables U.3 Find a value using two-variable equations U.4 Solve word problems involving two-variable equations U.5 Complete a table for a two-variable relationship U.6 Write a two-variable equation U.7 Identify the graph of an equation U.8 Graph a two-variable equation U.9 Interpret a graph: word problems U.10 Write an equation from a graph using a table Linear functions V.1 Find the slope from a graph V.2 Find the slope from two points V.3 Find a missing coordinate using slope V.4 Find the slope from an equation V.5 Graph a line using slope V.6 Write a linear function V.7 Identify linear and nonlinear functions Two-dimensional figures W.1 Identify and classify polygons W.2 Name, measure and classify angles W.3 Classify triangles W.4 Identify trapeziums W.5 Classify quadrilaterals W.6 Graph triangles and quadrilaterals W.7 Find missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals W.8 Interior angles of polygons W.9 Lines, line segments and half lines W.10 Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines W.11 Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent and congruent angles W.12 Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent angles W.13 Transversal of parallel lines W.14 Find lengths and measures of bisected line segments and angles W.15 Parts of a circle Transformations and congruence X.1 Symmetry X.2 Identify reflections, rotations and translations X.3 Translations: graph the image X.4 Translations: find the coordinates X.5 Reflections: graph the image X.6 Reflections: find the coordinates X.7 Rotations: graph the image X.8 Rotations: find the coordinates X.9 Similar and congruent figures X.10 Side lengths and angle measures of congruent figures X.11 Congruence statements and corresponding parts X.12 Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures X.13 Similar figures and indirect measurement Constructions Y.1 Construct the midpoint or perpendicular bisector of a segment Y.2 Construct an angle bisector Y.3 Construct a congruent angle Y.4 Construct a perpendicular line Y.5 Construct parallel lines Y.6 Construct an equilateral triangle or regular hexagon Y.7 Construct a square Pythagoras' theorem Z.1 Pythagoras' theo"
"docid": "D1957659#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_Round_0.67_to_1_decimal_place\nHow do Round 0.67 to 1 decimal place?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Math and Arithmetic How do Round 0.67 to 1 decimal place? Flag How do Round 0.67 to 1 decimal place? Answer by J. P. Helm Confidence votes 112KRetired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia0.67 to 1 decimal place= 0.7 To work this out, say your second number (7) was bigger than 4, then you have to add 1 to your first number (6). If it is not bigger, you simply keep it as it was. For instance: If 0.67 was 0.64, your answer would be 0.6 If it was 0.65, your answer will still be 0.6.11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How do you round to 1 decimal place?because . Dave Carlson 71,274 Contributions CAREER PASSION: Find something you would be willing to do for free the rest of your life and figure out a way to make money doing it. How do you round 47.88 to 1 decimal place?47.9Rubyrubyvvv 8 Contributions What is 8.16 rounded to the 1 decimal place?8.24 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com What is 29.009 rounded to 1 decimal place? The correct answer is 29.0How do you round 1.986975 to 1 decimal place?the 8 makes the 9 accend, which rises the entire number up to two. so to write this you would write 2.04 JAYS 2,010,442 Contributions Mathematics, facts, figures, definitions, conversions and physics are my interests on Answers.com What is 109.9 rounded to 1 decimal place?"
] |
547 | 10 weeks pregnancy symptoms | [
"docid": "D3117147#0",
"title": "http://www.pregmed.org/pregnancy-week-by-week/10-weeks-pregnant\n10 Weeks Pregnant",
"text": "10 Weeks Pregnant The risks of any congenital defects drop dramatically once you reach the 10th week of your pregnancy as the most vital stage of fetal development is over [1]. Although it does not mean that you and the baby are safe from any complications in the coming months, following the guidelines of your ob-gyn can help you have a healthy pregnancy from this stage. Pregnancy week 10: fetal development Sensory Organ Development Development of the eyes continues with the main optical structure already being in place [2]. The external ears have completed their growth while the internal ear is almost done growing as well. Both the eyes and ears start developing at the sides of the head, later moving to the right place. Facial Development The forehead starts bulging up at this stage, sitting high on the head while the hair follicles begin to grow as well. The fetal head will soon appear normal as the forehead gradually flattens [3]. Limb Development The thin hands and legs continue to grow longer while the fingers and toes start to grow nails and unique finger prints [4]. The bones and cartilages also keep growing during the 10th week [5]. Week 10 Pregnancy Nervous System Development The outline of the spine becomes clearly visible at this stage with the spinal nerves stretching out from it [3]. Internal Organ Development The vital organs of your baby, including the brain, liver and kidneys begin to function on their own while continuing their growth at the same time [1]. The intestines are already hollow tubes with muscles that help them move and tighten [4], helping your baby to practice swallowing. This is also the week when the diaphragm begins to develop, gradually separating the chest and abdomen. The sex organs also grow rapidly and you will soon be able to know whether to paint the nursery blue or pink [6].10 weeks pregnancy baby size The fetus that was the size of a green olive is now a big as a lime with his crown to rump measurement being around 1.2 inches [3] (3.1 cm). He has also started gaining weight, currently weighing about 0.14 ounces (4g) [5]. Body changes during week 10 of pregnancy Your growing uterus and increasing blood volume continue to lead to certain pregnancy pains and other symptoms. The high pregnancy hormone (HCG and progesterone) levels make your complexion smoother and shinier, giving you the well-known “pregnancy glow” by increasing the number of facial oil glands [7]. The growing milk-producing glands may also lead to fuller breasts [7]. What does 10 weeks pregnant look like? Although you might notice your belly expanding quite a bit in the past few weeks, it is still too early for others to start noticing your baby bump [8]. However, there is nothing to worry about if you do not start showing at all at this stage, especially if this is your first pregnancy [9].10 weeks pregnant ultrasound An ultrasound scan performed this week shows the head to comprise about half the length of your baby [10] with some fuzzy hair growth [11].10 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Picture The translucent or see-through skin allows you to see the functioning of the inner organs on a 4D ultrasound [10]. This is usually the week when the parents hear their child’s heartbeat for the first time, which is often described as being similar to the sound of galloping horses [12]. Prenatal testing during pregnancy week 10Your doctor may ask you to take certain genetic tests at this stage to detect any hereditary or congenital disorders like Down syndrome [13]. All these tests are non-invasive, meaning only a few blood samples are collected from you to examine your baby’s DNA."
] | [
"docid": "D1197671#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/morning-sickness-while-on-period\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: Morning Sickness While On Period",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: Morning Sickness While On Period Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Heidi Fowler2 doctors agreed:1 Is it normal to have \"\"morning sickness\"\" while on your period? Nausea? : Morning sickness is usually a term used when a female is pregnant. But nausea can occur during ones period. ... Read more Dr. Amrita Dosanjh350 Doctors shared insights Morning Sickness (Definition)The nauseated feeling (sometimes with vomiting) some women get in their first trimester of pregnancy, usually between 6 and ... Read more Dr. Boniface Ikejiani Obstetrics & Gynecology20 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Heidi Fowler1 doctor agreed:2 Period and morning sickness, what could this be? Some women: Experience nausea with their period. Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. Bruce Pierce3 How many days until you get morning sickness after missing period? This varies: From person to person, and may not happen at all. ... Read more Dr. Wayne Ingram2 doctors agreed:4 Why do I feel morning sickness with each monthly period?"
"docid": "D1121473#0",
"title": "http://www.zliving.com/family/pregnancy/10-early-signs-of-pregnancy\n10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy",
"text": "Health Pregnancy & Babycare10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy By Z Living Staff Some women say they know they are pregnant right away. The first pregnancy signs can be an early warning even before you take a pregnancy test. Early Signs Of Pregnancy Some women know they are pregnant right away. Call it a mother’s hunch, or a sixth sense, but some seem to know it well before the test results come in. Others may pass for several weeks or months without being aware, for any number of reasons, such as irregular periods. Either way, if you familiarize yourself with the early signs of pregnancy, you will be better prepared. Each symptom can reveal a healthy pregnancy or be a sign of a possible complication. If you know your body and you have a high sense of observation, you may be able to recognize a pregnancy only after one week after conception.10 Common Early Signs Of Pregnancy Amenorrhea: is defined as the lack of menstruation and it is considered the most obvious sign of pregnancy. Although it is a very common sign it can also be deceiving. Some of us might be tricked by other vaginal secretions which can be easily mistaken for menstrual bleeding, as far as the third month of pregnancy."
"docid": "D611509#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/2-weeks-late-negative-pregnancy-test-no-symptoms\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: 2 Weeks Late Negative Pregnancy Test No Symptoms",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: 2 Weeks Late Negative Pregnancy Test No Symptoms Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Michael Kleerekoper1 doctor agreed:1 I'm two days late but I got a negative pregnancy test the day before I was due, can I trust this test? No symptoms just lower backache. Pregnancy test: Yes, to the best of my knowledge you can trust the test and see that the test is there in the next week. Please let me know how things went. Michael Kleerekoper ... Read more Dr. Michael Gabor4 Doctors shared insights Pregnancy (Definition)When your due date arrives, you will be more than ready to have your baby! Most women deliver the baby somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, only 5% of babies arrive on the exact due date. Approximately 7% of babies are not delivered by 42 weeks, and when that happens, it is referred to ... Read more Dr. Brad Douglas Obstetrics & Gynecology17 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gurmukh Singh2 I am a little over two months late for my period. I have had two negative pregnancy test and one inconclusive. I have most symptoms."
"docid": "D1062191#0",
"title": "https://www.babyhopes.com/articles/conception-pregnancy-test.html\nHow Soon After Conception Can I Take A Pregnancy Test?",
"text": "\"How Soon After Conception Can I Take A Pregnancy Test? About Pregnancy Tests | 505 Comments8 Tips to Increase Your Odds of Getting Pregnant Subscribe to our fertility tips newsletter and download your free tip sheet. First Name* Email*Get Tip Sheet Marketing by When Can I Take A Pregnancy Test? When you are trying to get pregnant, having to wait to find out if you have conceived is challenging. If you’re like most women, you would probably like to know the exact moment that you conceived and take a pregnancy test right away!Unfortunately, accurately detecting a pregnancy takes a bit of time. There are many women who will take a test early hoping to get a positive result that they are pregnant. However, this generally only leads to inaccurate and disappointing results. Even when using the very sensitive pregnancy tests on the market today, you still need to give your body time to start producing the pregnancy hormone. The best time to take a pregnancy test will always be after you have missed your period. Even the least sensitive pregnancy tests will give you more accurate at this point."
"docid": "D3188990#0",
"title": "https://reference.com/health/differences-between-pregnancy-symptoms-pms-4f4fb051dd7514e\nWhat Are the Differences Between Pregnancy Symptoms and PMS?",
"text": "Health Women's Health Pregnancy Q: What Are the Differences Between Pregnancy Symptoms and PMS? A: Quick Answer Tender swollen breasts, food cravings, fatigue and slight bleeding and cramping can all be signs of either PMS or pregnancy, according to Med Guidance. However, food aversions, morning sickness and increased urination are all symptoms that occur early in pregnancy, but not with PMS. The only way to confirm pregnancy is by taking an early home pregnancy test or visiting a doctor's office. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Do I Know If My Girlfriend Is Pregnant? What Are 10 Early Signs of Pregnancy? What Are Some Early Pregnancy Symptoms? Full Answer PMS and early pregnancy symptoms also both include heightened emotions, constipation and lower back pain, according to Med Guidance. While PMS concludes with menstruation, pregnancy does not. However, some spotting is considered normal in early pregnancy and occurs as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining."
"docid": "D105210#0",
"title": "http://www.babymed.com/pregnancy-symptoms/what-earliest-i-can-feel-pregnancy-signs-and-what-are-typical-pregnancy-signs\nHow Soon Do You Get Pregnancy Symptoms?",
"text": "\"How Soon Do You Get Pregnancy Symptoms? Many women wonder how soon you can feel pregnancy symptoms, what the earliest pregnancy signs are, and whether you can feel implantation or conception. The simple answer: you can get early pregnancy symptoms and signs even before you have a missed period! The earliest you may feel pregnancy signs and symptoms is right after implantation. The earliest pregnancy symptoms in the order of appearance are: Implantation bleeding Implantation cramps Nausea and vomiting Tiredness and fatigue Positive blood pregnancy test Positive urine home pregnancy test Elevated basal body temperature chart A missed menstrual period Breast tenderness Frequent urination Difficulties sleeping (Scroll down to see each symptom explained as well as a handy timeline chart of early pregnancy signs! ) Early Pregnancy Symptoms Some women experience these feelings, think they are sick, and go to the doctor only to discover they are pregnant. Just a few days after conception, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. This is when the first physical signs of pregnancy begin. Women may first feel cramping. If spotting occurs, it may not show until one to two weeks after implantation."
"docid": "D306511#0",
"title": "http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/signs/symptoms/signs-you-may-be-pregnant/\n14 Signs You May Be Pregnant",
"text": "\"Home Pregnancy & Birth Signs of Pregnancy Pregnancy Symptoms14 Signs You May Be Pregnant What are the earliest signs of pregnancy? Although many of these factors occur at the end of your cycle, they're also pregnancy symptoms. Feeling crampy or exhausted? These and other pregnancy signs could mean you're pregnant—even before your missed period!By Lauren Wiener Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email1of 19Thayer Allyson Gowdy Am I pregnant? Wondering if you've got a baby on board? Pay close attention to your body! And if you spot a few of the following symptoms—and your period is MIA— it may be time to head to the drugstore or schedule an appointment with your ob-gyn. \"\" The hormones released as soon as you conceive may start causing subtle changes even before they're detectable on a home pregnancy test ,\"\" says Melissa Goist, M. D., clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Ohio State University Medical Center. Unfortunately many, like sore breasts or bloating, also happen right before your period (a sure sign that you're not pregnant), so it's all a guessing game until you take a test. Quiz: Are You Pregnant? !"
"docid": "D3002383#0",
"title": "https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080429051652AAAKMsV\nWhen do the pregnancy symptoms kick in?",
"text": "Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy When do the pregnancy symptoms kick in? Hello! I'm 4wks and 2days pregnant. I got my BFP three days ago. I don't feel any different than before I was pregnant. The only symptoms I have are sore bbs, no AF and two BFP. My energy level is great. I don't feel sick, not even a little bit. When do the symptoms kick in? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: PENNY!!!"
"docid": "D2355524#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/pregnancy_test/page2.htm\nPregnancy Test Facts",
"text": "\"Pregnancy Tests Center Ovulation & Fertility Slideshow Pictures Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz Stages of Pregnancy Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Pregnancy Tests - Timing Find a local Obstetrician-Gynecologist in your town Pregnancy tests*How do pregnancy tests work? Are there different types of pregnancy tests? How do you do a home pregnancy test? How accurate are home pregnancy tests? How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get an accurate result? My home pregnancy test says I am pregnant. What should I do next? My home pregnancy test says I'm not pregnant. Might I still be pregnant? Can anything affect home pregnancy test results?"
"docid": "D114996#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/6-days-after-conception-symptoms\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: 6 Days After Conception Symptoms",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: 6 Days After Conception Symptoms Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Christina Adberg1 Cramping on lower abdomen on left side and lower back pain as well, this is all 6 days after conception. Could these symptoms relate to pregnancy? Yes, but: It is a little early to be having pregnancy symptoms. Sometimes women have lower abdominal pain from an ectopic pregnancy, but not this soon after conception, usually. Unrelated to pregnancy, an ovarian cyst or a urinary tract infection could both cause these symptoms. Best to see a doctor and get ... Read more Dr. Chad Levitt Conception (Definition)Conception is the union of an egg and sperm to form a zygote. The zygote is what ... Read more Dr. Lyndon Taylor Obstetrics & Gynecology36 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Marilynn Frederiksen2 Possible date of conception? Last cycle 7/6/12, had sex on the 18th of july, been having symptoms just a few days after sex. Thank you Conception: With regular 28 day cycles, ovulation would have occurred on july 20th. With longer cycles ovulation would have been delayed."
"docid": "D2980803#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/400_is-gas-and-bloating-a-early-pregnancy-symptom_7196578_184.bc\nIs gas and bloating a early pregnancy symptom?",
"text": "\"Home / Pregnancy Q&A / Pregnancy Week by Week Q&AIs gas and bloating a early pregnancy symptom? I have been feeling bloated like my period is about to come and I've alot of gas and cramping I even seen a white discharge last week. My breast dont feel sore but feel heavy and uncomfortable sometimes. I even feel full even when I know its time for me to eat something. Is the bloating and gas part of pregnancy symptoms too? Lady Hatton Asked 4/28/10Answer this question RELATED EXPERT VIDEOPregnancy gas and bloating Are you pregnant and finding yourself with gas pains and frequent flatulence? Discover which foods to avoid and other tips that... The Baby Center Editorial Team Mom Answers ( 29)Best answers Most recent BEST ANSWERbloating and gas is something that women deal with during pregnancy, in fact all of your symptoms are common during the first trimester and beyond. Before I found out I was pregnant my only real noticable symptom was sore breasts, and still they were barely sore and I kept expecting my period to come. I really had no idea I was pregnant until I got the positive test, and I hate to say it because I know it is so hard to wait, but the only way to know is to wait and test when you are expecting your period. Good luck to you!meaganemurphy Answered 4/28/1014 found this helpful Can someone help me?"
"docid": "D544363#0",
"title": "https://wehavekids.com/having-baby/Am-I-Pregnant\n14 Early Signs of Pregnancy and How Your Stomach Feels",
"text": "\"We Have Kids » Having a Baby » Pregnancy14 Early Signs of Pregnancy and How Your Stomach Feels Updated on March 7, 2018Lela Davidson more Lela Davidson is a mother and writer, passionate about healthcare and education for women and children. Contact Author How Does Your Stomach Feel When You're Pregnant? Feeling pain in your lower abdomen or feeling like your stomach is hard or swollen is not an early sign of pregnancy. To the touch, a person's stomach and abdomen will not show any noticeable signs of pregnancy until later on, depending on your specific body type. People who are in their first pregnancy usually don't start showing until twenty weeks or later. 1 Those who have already been pregnant might start showing sooner. Does Your Stomach Hurt in Early Pregnancy? It depends on what you mean by hurt. In general, the kinds of pain you’ll experience in your belly or lower abdomen in early pregnancy are related to: Nausea — usually happens between two and eight weeks after conception 2Cramping — these can feel similar to pre-menstrual cramps and can be a sign of implantation 2Bloating and abdominal discomfort — similar to PMS symptoms Below I talk a little more about nausea, which is common in early pregnancy (usually starting four weeks after conception). So in the sense of feeling nauseous, yes your stomach can hurt."
"docid": "D3117149#0",
"title": "http://www.thepregnancyzone.com/pregnancy-weeks/10-weeks-pregnant/\n10 Weeks Pregnant",
"text": "10 Weeks Pregnant Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter-End of the Embryonic Period!By the time you are 10 weeks pregnant, you will find some relief from morning sickness, but you will still appear tired, moody and nauseated. You may begin to notice some blotchiness on your face. You can also recognize the skin problems due to the changes in your body’s level of hormones. First medical exam Advertisement This is the week of the first medical exam for your pregnancy and this is your chance to hear the baby’s heart for the first time. The medical exam may be a little scary but the future mother should keep in mind that this is the first stepping stone in the life of their little one and this is important to be monitored by a doctor.10 th week of pregnancy symptoms and physical changes that occur in your body Further hormonal changes When you are in week 10 of pregnancy, there is more good news for moms-to-be. There is substantial growth in the placenta – both, in size and functioning. This changes some of the hormones in your baby’s body, thus reducing some of the hormonal burden on you. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can affect your gums and thus they become swollen and inflamed. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. Usually this condition appears in between third to ninth month of your pregnancy."
"docid": "D1943567#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/things-surprise-you-about-miscarriage-2371809\n10 Things You Didn't Know About Miscarriages",
"text": "Pregnancy Loss Physical Recovery10 Things You Didn't Know About Miscarriages By Krissi Danielsson | Reviewed by Meredith Shur, MDUpdated November 03, 2017Share Pin Email Print A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that takes place within the first 20 weeks of gestation, with the vast majority occurring within the first trimester (the first 12 weeks of pregnancy). While miscarriage is fairly common, it's a process that can be painful for the mother, both physically and emotionally. The following are 10 things that are important to know if you are having symptoms of a miscarriage or have been recently diagnosed with a miscarriage.1 Pregnancy Bleeding Does Not Always Mean Miscarriage Stockbyte/Getty Images Miscarriages can be devastating regardless of the cause or when they occur during the pregnancy. Beyond abdominal cramping and passing tissues (the placenta and the gestational sac) through the vagina, one of the most common symptoms of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. That said, bleeding in early pregnancy does not always mean miscarriage. The only way to know for sure if your bleeding is from a miscarriage is through an evaluation with your doctor. If your doctor determines you are indeed experiencing a miscarriage, it's important to roughly measure how much you're bleeding. If the blood is soaking through two maxi pads per hour for two consecutive hours, call your doctor right away. This may be a sign that you are hemorrhaging, and you may need a procedure called a dilation and curettage ( D&C ) to stop the bleeding. If you are not bleeding that heavily but are concerned that your bleeding seems to be persisting for too long—like if you have had heavy bleeding for more than two or three days—it is a good idea to see your doctor to rule out complications.2 Miscarriage Diagnosis May Take up to a Week Sometimes doctors can diagnose a miscarriage before the symptoms actually begin."
"docid": "D1584205#0",
"title": "http://www.glowm.com/section_view/heading/Endocrine%20Diseases%20in%20Pregnancy/item/168\nEndocrine Diseases in Pregnancy",
"text": "INTRODUCTIONPregnancy is a unique clinical scenario in which several endocrine disorders may be more frequent and/or have specific considerations for diagnosis and treatment. In this review, anterior pituitary insufficiency, adrenal, parathyroid, and thyroid disorders of pregnancy are discussed. ANTERIOR PITUITARY INSUFFICIENCYAnterior pituitary insufficiency is an uncommon disease. The etiology includes destruction of the anterior pituitary gland by tumors, infarction (postpartum necrosis or Sheehan's syndrome), idiopathic disease (Simmonds' disease), surgery, and radiotherapy to the pituitary gland. There have also been reports of pituitary necrosis in patients with elevated intracerebral pressure. 1 Disease of the hypothalamus affecting the secretion of releasing hormones may produce a similar clinical picture; some cases of Sheehan's syndrome and idiopathic hypopituitarism are due to hypothalamic diseases. 2 Finally, congenital hypopituitarism is a rare diagnosis among newborn infants. 3Sheehan’s syndrome The most common cause of panhypopituitarism in women of childbearing age is postpartum necrosis, or Sheehan's syndrome. 4The pathogenesis is not clear, although Sheehan in his original description did associate it with severe postpartum hemorrhage. 5 Although the classic clinical etiology of Sheehan's syndrome in about 90% of patients is severe bleeding of the anterior pituitary during delivery or immediately postpartum, no catastrophic event can be detected in more than 10% of patients."
"docid": "D437339#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/early-pregnancy-discharge-vs-pms-discharge\nTop 20 Doctor insights on: Early Pregnancy Discharge Vs Pms Discharge",
"text": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Early Pregnancy Discharge Vs Pms Discharge Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Heidi Fowler1 doctor agreed:1 Thick clumpy milky discharge early pregnancy or pms? Thick, white, clumpy: Discharge with itching, burning, redness, no odor - can be associated with a yeast infection. Yeast infections are more frequent when pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if your period is late. See you gynecologist for changes in your discharge. ... Read more Get help from a doctor now ›Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Chevies Newman1,113 Doctors shared insights Premature (Definition)Very premature is a condition in which a baby is delivered between 28 and 31 weeks' gestation. Depending on how premature, how sick, and how lucky or unlucky a baby is, he can get brain problems, cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, developmental problems, learning disabilities, severe lung diseases, infection and loss of some intestines, etc... Babies who are only moderately premature usually ... Read more Dr. Heidi Fowler2 I have milky whitish beige discharge, tender heavy breasts. Never experience this before. Is it pms or early pregnancy? Missed period? :"
"docid": "D3010677#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/443\nPregnancy Symptoms",
"text": "Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Sexual Health and Education Pregnancy Pregnancy Symptoms Unanswered | Answered Pregnancy Symptoms Parent Category: Pregnancy Questions and answers about the signs and symptoms that a woman experiences during pregnancy. Subcategories Morning Sickness Morning Sickness1 2 3 >When is the best time for conception? The 14 days after your cycle starts Does it hurt to pee in your first week of pregnancy? It is possible, but this would not be a symptom of pregnancy. It would more likely be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease or urinary tract infection. What if you lose the symptoms of pregnancy?your baby is most probably dead, i would go get checked out asap!How far along do you have to be to have cravings?day 1Could a menopause test be affected if pregnant? Generally if you're pregnant, you would not be menopausal. Menopause is the end of the fertile period in a women's life. Nausea for 6 days can i be prego?yes How soon will it take for results from a lab test to show a positive pregnancy?3 months My last period started December 15th. I took test January 28th and got a positive I took another test January 29th and it was negative and still have not gotten my period?"
"docid": "D2022184#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/can-you-feel-pregnancy-symptoms-right-away\nTop 28 Doctor insights on: Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms Right Away",
"text": "\"Top 28 Doctor insights on: Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms Right Away Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Robert Kwok1 I was having sex during ovulation with a condom. It popped and we stopped right away and I took plan b. Now I'm having all the symptoms of pregnancy:/? Can do a preg. Test: It can be hard to tell if a woman is pregnant because some of the symptoms seen in early pregnancy can also happen in non-pregnant women. A urine pregnancy test gives a reliable result if done correctly. One can test about 3 weeks after sex (3 weeks after when conception ... Read more Dr. Shari Jackson4 Doctors shared insights Pregnancy (Definition)When your due date arrives, you will be more than ready to have your baby! Most women deliver the baby somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, only 5% of babies arrive on the exact due date. Approximately 7% of babies are not delivered by 42 weeks, and when that happens, it is referred to ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gurmukh Singh2 When can you feel pregnancy symptoms first? Depends: The early symptoms vary and there may be none."
"docid": "D1048628#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070423015034AAtR7qL\nIs fever a early pregnancy sign?",
"text": "\"Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive Is fever a early pregnancy sign? I am on day 23 of a 28-30 day cycle. My only symptom is fever 98.6-99.7, flushed face, and feeling hot. Normal temp for me is 97.9-98.5. Had unprotected sex day 10 and 11.1 following 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: A fever is not a symptom of pregnancy. A slightly higher than normal basal body temperature (not a fever) may occur in a small percentage of women but for it to be attributed to pregnancy a doctor would look for the temperature to be elevated consistently for more than two weeks. Any prolonged fever should be investigated by a doctor as it may be a sign of infection. In your case, if you have conceived it would have only been within the past week or two and highly unlikely your body would be exhibiting any secondary symptoms of pregnancy just yet. Many early pregnancy symptoms closely mimic PMS and it is unreliable to try and diagnose a pregnancy before a missed period based on symptoms alone. When a woman is hoping to bre pregnant or fearful of being pregnant they often interpret anything they consider unusual as a symptom of pregnancy."
"docid": "D114999#0",
"title": "http://www.medguidance.com/thread/Signs-of-Conception.html\nSigns of Conception",
"text": "Signs of Conception A baby is conceived when a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm cell. Conception therefore occurs after ovulation. A few days later, the fertilized egg that has travelled to the uterus is implanted in its lining and a placenta is formed. This process results in the production of human chorionic gonadotropin (h CG), a substance commonly known as the pregnancy hormone because it is responsible for many of the signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy. Depending on the number of days that have passed since ovulation and fertilization, different signs and symptoms of conception will be experienced. These early symptoms may vary for each woman and pregnancy. Moreover, some women are more sensitive to these changes and after the first or second pregnancy they may immediately be able to tell if they are pregnant again. Some women experience mild symptoms, while others may have experience more discomfort. Typical timing of the signs and symptoms of conception may also vary, so while some experience them as early as a few days post-ovulation (dpo), others may notice them a few weeks later. Common Signs of Conception and When They Occur The best way to determine if a woman is pregnant is a pregnancy test, which may be either a blood or urine test for h CG."
] |
576 | 1000 sq ft hardwood floor cost | [
"docid": "D2690235#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2618200/average-cost-to-install-wood-flooring\nAverage cost to install wood flooring?",
"text": "Home Decorating Average cost to install wood flooring?jockewing July 22, 2011I am contemplating putting in some wood flooring as I've said in previous posts. I have about 860 total square feet, 660 of which is currently ceramic tile and 200 of which is currently engineered wood that will also come out. Due to concrete slab construction, I am looking at engineered woods. My favorite so far is a Mohawk Hickory in a medium-toned color that runs about $5.75 a sq ft for the material. They want $2.25 a sq ft to remove the existing tile, up to $1,000 for the material to level the cement underflooring. All together, it is running close to $10,000! I find it hard to spend that much money to do the floors on a house that I only paid $85,000 for brand new. I am also considering some oaks now. The one I like the most runs about $4 a sq foot so that would save maybe $1,500, but still over $8,000 for the entire job? Am I being unrealistic?"
] | [
"docid": "D390159#0",
"title": "https://www.lowes.ca/flooring/laminate-flooring/\n.",
"text": "0flyerstoresaccountcart Account Your Account Your Orders Your Wish Lists Login Flyers Mon-Fri 8am-midnight EST Sat-Sun 8am-11pm EST1 (888)985-6937Mon-Fri 8am-midnight EST Sat-Sun 8am-11pm ESTMy Store: Change | Find A Store Shopshop Deals & Flyer Weekly Flyer Weekly Promotions Air Miles Price Match Policy Free Parcel Shipping Over $49*Hassle-Free Returns Protection Plans Installation Services Ideas & Tips2018 Patio Kitchen Reno Tips BBQ Buying Guide Bathroom Reno Tips New & Innovative Quick Home Fixes Our DIY Blog Smart Home Pro Services×Free Parcel Shipping Over $49*Home > Flooring > Laminate Flooring Laminate Flooring SEE MORELaminate Flooring Narrow Your Search Filter SORTMost Popular Newest Lowest Price Highest Price Highest Rated On Salewood species Chestnut (5)Elm (2)Hickory (1)Maple (3)Oak (33)Pecan (1)Pine (2)Walnut (3)price$15 or Less (1)$15 to $20 (9)$20 to $30 (17)$30 to $50 (28)$50 to $75 (13)$to$Gocurrent offers Clearance (14)Special Value (4)installation type Glueless-Click (43)laminate shadex Laminate Shade Match your design plans by narrowing your search to the correct shade. Dark (10)Light (9)Medium (25)laminate stylex Laminate Style Any type of grain and color of wood or layout of stone or tile can be captured, laminated and split into easily-assembled planks from which you can create a floor. The style and species filter allows you to search for products with surface images that match each type. Wood (44)laminate surface typex Laminate Surface Type The varying surface types allow for even more unique distinction of your laminate flooring. Subtle color variations and authentic texture add to the beauty and design at a fraction of the price of hardwood. Hand Scraped or Distressed (2)High-Gloss (1)Matte (1)Smooth (15)Textured or Embossed (46)laminate thicknessx Laminate Thickness The thickness of laminate measures from surface to bottom of the laminate piece. Thicker flooring is indicative not only of quality construction but also of durability.10mm (3)12mm (5)laminate underlaymentx Laminate Underlayment Underlayment affects your flooring feel, performance and overall lifespan. Common materials include foam and cork which act as great insulators and sound barriers. No Underlayment (64)Underlayment Included (4)color Black (1)Brown (32)Gold (1)Grey (15)Off White (4)Silver (1)application or grade Commercial/Residential (7)Commercial (4)Residential (13)brand Kronotex (13)Mohawk (13)Style Selections (9)Krono Original (8)Pergo (6)Mono Serra Group (5)allen + roth (4)Unbranded (3)Goodfellow (3)My Style (2)Project Source (1)Armstrong (1)show morewidth4 in to 5 in (12)5 in to 7 in (17)7 in to 10 in (36)10 in to 15 in (1)length42 in to 48 in (22)4 ft to 5 ft (43)6 ft to 8 ft (2)50 ft to 75 ft (2)subfloor type Plywood or concrete (55)ac rating AC 3 (19)AC 4 (32)AC 5 (4)Popular Laminate Flooring Categories Light Shade Laminate Flooring Medium Shade Laminate Flooring Dark Shade Laminate Flooring Per Page 40 | 60 | 80Sort by1 - 40 of 68 Results Compare Kronotex12mm Timeless Oak Embossed Laminate Flooring Lowe's Item #: 561160Model: L806Width: 7.4in Square Footage: 13.91sq. ft.$2.99 per sq."
"docid": "D1342696#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/solid-wood-flooring.html\nSolid Wood Flooring Cost",
"text": "\"Soft Woods: DIY $1,300-$2,500; Installed $2,400-$4,400 Hardwood, DIY: $2,000-$4,000 Hardwood, Installed: $3,700-$7,800E-mail Post Tweet Comments (2)What most people think of as traditional wood flooring is made using boards (usually about 3/4-inches thick),solid wood flooring is generally available in strips (boards less than 3 inches wide) or planks (up to 7 inches or more), although it can be made in geometric squares (parquet). Typical costs: Soft woods such as pine run about $3-$6 a square foot for the boards; adding nails/staples, baseboards/trim and other supplies, materials can be $1,300-$2,500 for DIY installation of a 400-square-foot family room. Do-it-yourself installation requires at least intermediate-level carpentry skills. The Family Handyman magazine provides instructions and estimates it costs $5 a square foot and requires two weekends per room. Professional installation adds another $3-$5 or more a square foot, making total installed costs (materials and labor) about $2,400-$4,400 for a 400-square-foot room. Hardwood flooring like oak, American cherry or teak runs $5-$10 a square foot or $2,000-$4,000 in materials for a 400-square-foot room. Professional installation adds another $4-$8 or more per square foot, making it around $3,700-$7,800 for labor and materials. Less expensive wood may have more knots, color variations and other natural imperfections. Depending on the species, more expensive wood should be more consistent in color. A North Carolina homeowner [ 1] paid $9 a square foot to have a prefinished wood floor installed, while California homeowners paid $20,000 for 1,400 square feet (about $14.30 a square foot) of white oak solid plank flooring in varying widths of 4-, 6- and 8-inches with high-quality on-site finishing."
"docid": "D2934610#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2696975/cost-of-removing-vinyl-flooring-and-subfloor\n$$$??? Cost of removing vinyl flooring & subfloor",
"text": "\"Kitchens$$$??? Cost of removing vinyl flooring & subfloorcindylood November 5, 2010My posting to the Flooring blog didn't raise a peep so thought I'd give the Kitchen blog a try. We've always been DIY'ers before but just not up to ripping out our kitchen floor for our remodel. I'd really appreciate hearing if there is a general cost guideline for having your \"\"tile guy\"\" rip out existing vinyl flooring (2 layers) & the subflooring beneath (2 layers?. The vinyl is not sheet, it is 12 x 12 tiles. The kitchen is 240 square feet. I know it's a dirty job but I was a bit surprised that it was going to run around $1000 for the rip-out, including removal of the flooring. Does that sound in the ballpark? Thanks!Email Save Comment 11 Like Comments (11)katsmah We just went through this after my contractor told me that prepping for a tile floor was adding a layer of ply and thinset over the existing floor. Which we found out was 2 layers of ply and an old layer of linoleum in between."
"docid": "D1096653#0",
"title": "http://www.building-a-home-info.com/home-building-costs.html\nFactors Affecting Your Home Building Costs",
"text": "Factors Affecting Your Home Building Costs Factors affecting your home building costs.. starts with the price of your land. Because your building lot is part of your building budget then this has to be considered. The next thing that effects the cost is the size of the house. If we use a figure of 85.00 per sq. ft. to build.. [Of heated living space]... you can see where the larger the house... the more it will cost to build. For example a 1000 sq. ft. home costing 85,000 to build...compared to a 1500 sq. ft."
"docid": "D3354168#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2494627/is-675-per-sq-ft-installed-for-engineered-wood-high\nIs $6.75 per sq. ft. installed for engineered wood high?",
"text": "Kitchens Is $6.75 per sq. ft. installed for engineered wood high?lizziebethtx February 18, 2010Once again I'm back looking for help. I so appreciate any guidance you all can give me. My GC is telling me the cost of a Mannington engineered wood floor is $6.75 per square foot installed. I've never had an engineered wood floor....but I lived in a 1930s house a few years ago (less than 3 years ago) and during a remodel we had a site finished nail down wood floor installed in the entire house, including kitchen. The house was 2200 square feet total. The cost of the floor was $7000.00. I now live in a 1588 square foot house and he wants $8329 to install an engineered wood floor in 1234 square feet...and that does not include the kitchen. It sounds so high to me."
"docid": "D1120772#0",
"title": "http://www.city-data.com/forum/massachusetts/1847172-cost-refinish-hardwood-floors.html\n.",
"text": "\"Page 1 of 2 1 2 >04-22-2013, 12:25 PMSpring Mom3 417 posts, read 505,347 times Reputation: 346Advertisements We're looking at some places where the hardwood needs to be refinished. lets say 1000 sq ft. What would be the approx cost if we're looking at just a straight forward refinish? What about pet stains? is it very pricey to get that out of hardwood?04-23-2013, 09:22 AMcskollmann 2 posts, read 30,578 times Reputation: 10Figure around $1-1.50 per square foot. We paid 1450 to do our 1100 sq foot condo, and that was with 3 coats of poly instead of 2.04-23-2013, 09:45 AMComp625 719 posts, read 1,416,877 times Reputation: 339FWIW, I'm in Fairfield County, Connecticut and my approximate 500 sq ft hardwood was originally quoted at $700. However, the cost went up after they found extensive water stain damage from a previous owner (e.g. animal pee), which caused them to cut/replace specific floor boards in specific areas, sand the entire floor down for evenness, etc. My floors were originally stained with a very dark brown color, which \"\"hid\"\" the flooring damage for many years. I think I ended up paying around $1400 when it was all said and done. Also, my flooring guy from \"\"Floor Coverings International\"\" tried to screw with me by using a quick-dry, water-based polyurethane finish (instead of an oil-based polyurethane coating - which is what we had agreed on)."
"docid": "D2295513#0",
"title": "http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2586221/install-laminate-flooring-to-sell\nInstall laminate flooring to sell?",
"text": "\"Buying and Selling Homes Install laminate flooring to sell?roxyl November 27, 2006Our home has 7yo builder grade vinyl and carpet that has seen much better days. Is it worth it to install cheap laminate (I'm thinking Costco) downstairs? Would this increase the appeal, or would new carpeting do better? Laminate we could do ourselves and save on installation costs. Our home is probably in a low-average neighborhood. Buyers would likely be investors or first-time buyers. Another consideration is keeping it looking nice since we have 4 kids. They can trash a carpet pretty quick, but I don't know how laminate will hold up to them while we try to sell. So, any advice? Thanks."
"docid": "D414082#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070430202112AA1I8Pt\nHow much does it cost to have a new Central A/C unit installed?",
"text": "Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs How much does it cost to have a new Central A/C unit installed? I live in a 1700 SQ FT house with 8 ft ceilings. It uses electricity not gas. I got a quote for a new A/C unit w/ heat and they said it would cost $5500.00 installed. I thought that sounded a bit outrageous. I was thinking more like 3500 for a 4 ton 12-13 SEER unit. Am I out of line thinking this? Do I need... show more Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I live in a 1000 sq ft home in north Florida and recently inquired about installation of an A/C unit (electric with heat pump). They quoted me a 2 TON unit installed for around $1500 (but I would have to install the duct work (not hard to do, really). The person I spoke with told me that on average, you can guess about 1 ton per every 1000 sq ft of space."
"docid": "D2725984#0",
"title": "http://www.hgtv.com/design/decorating/clean-and-organize/top-15-home-updates\nTop 15 Home Updates",
"text": "\"Top 15 Home Updates Find out how the top 15 home improvements rank, plus get tips on maximizing the return at resale. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email By: Dona De Zube Related To: Home Improvement Bathroom Remodel Kitchen Remodel Bathrooms Kitchens Remodeling Home Staging#1 Minor Bathroom Remodel Average return at resale: 102 percent It costs about $10,500 to replace the tub, tile surround, floor, toilet, sink, vanity and fixtures. You’ll get back an average of $10,700 at resale, a recoup rate of 102 percent. If you can pipe a child’s name on a birthday cake, you can re-caulk a tub. Use a softener like CAULK-BE-GONE® to get rid of the old caulk. Fill the tub with water after you’re done to stretch caulk while it dries. If your old tub is too large to fit out the door, re-glaze it for a like-new finish. Cost: $300 to $400. Remove dated wall coverings and apply a fresh coat of paint. For damaged walls, spray on texture provides quick coverage."
"docid": "D212237#0",
"title": "https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1539-S-Ridgeway-Ave_Chicago_IL_60623_M88224-64754\n1539 S Ridgeway Ave, Chicago , IL 60623",
"text": "\"1539 S Ridgeway Ave, Chicago, IL 60623Last Sold for $150,0003 beds 2 baths 1,438 sq ft 3,123 sq ft lot Selling? Request a FREE Analysis Property Details Schools & Neighborhood Property History Seller represented by: Oliwia Bleszko with Hometown Buyer represented by: Vista Realty Group Llc Just sold 1 / 22Sold on January 31, 2018Last Sold for$150,000Track Your Home Value3 beds 2 baths 1,438 sq ft 3,123 sq ft lot1539 S Ridgeway Ave, Chicago , IL 60623Map Commute Time Refi Rates Property Overview - Incredible attention to details in this completely remodeled 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom home located in quiet neighborhood. BUILT in 2006. Recent rehab includes new plumbing, new heating/air conditioning, new electrical system, stunning hardwood floors on 1st and 2nd floor, contemporary bathrooms with porcelain tiles , custom 42\"\" NEW kitchen cabinets, brand new SS appliances, granite countertops. Modern and elegant neutral tones throughout. Home also features separate dining room and additional room on the second floor great for office. Brand new water heater. Brand new high efficient 90+ furnace with AC Unit. Plenty of windows. Spectacular deck."
"docid": "D1564021#0",
"title": "http://www.remodelingcalculator.org/remodeling-costs/\nRemodeling Costs For 2018 â Complete House Renovation Guide",
"text": "Remodeling Costs For 2018 – Complete House Renovation Guide This Remodeling Costs Guide, updated for 2018, will help you research accurate pricing for the most common home renovation and construction projects. Our comprehensive list includes the cost of over 40 popular Interior Remodeling, Exterior Construction, Electrical, Mechanical (HVAC / Plumbing) projects, grouped by type. It is continuously updated to include new projects, as well as price adjustments for materials. Get started on your remodel by requesting free estimates from local pros. Interior Projects – kitchens, baths, flooring, electric, painting, lighting, ceilings, crown moldings, drywall, etc. Roofing – replacement and installation costs for sloped and flat roofs. Prices for asphalt shingles, metal, cedar shingles, slate, EPDM Rubber, PVC, and TPO roofs. Also the costs to repair various types of roofs. Siding – replacement and installation costs for the most popular types of siding: vinyl, James Hardie, LP Smartside, wood and aluminum. Siding repair costs."
"docid": "D71892#0",
"title": "http://www.carpetbuyershandbook.com/carpet-cleaning/hiring-a-carpet-cleaner/carpet-cleaning-prices.php\nCarpet Cleaning Prices",
"text": "\"Carpet Cleaning Prices By Michael Hilton The Old adage \"\"You get what you pay for\"\" has never been more true (and false) with respect to carpet cleaning and carpet cleaning prices. However, the carpet cleaning profession is one in which you don't necessarily have to go with a national franchise to ensure you get good results for the carpet cleaning price you pay. I have worked with national franchises and \"\"mom and pops\"\" alike and the best and worse carpet cleaning results I have seen were from a national carpet cleaning franchise. The purpose of this section is not to confuse your decision-making, but to offer suggestions to help you ask the right questions of your carpet cleaner and give you parameters for carpet cleaning pricing. If we were to tell you that the average price per square foot for carpet cleaning pricing is $0.28 per square foot, it tells very little about the franchise that charges $0.35 per square foot for carpet cleaning or the carpet cleaning price of $0.15 that your \"\"mom and pop\"\" carpet cleaner may charge for the same service. What type of flooring are you interested in? Carpet Stone Hardwood Area Rug Laminate Do you own your home? Yes No What is your zip code? Carpet Cleaning Franchises With a national carpet cleaning franchise, you get a tried and true carpet cleaning system. The technicians have access to technical support, quality chemicals, tested equipment, support in the accounting and marketing phase of running a business, and suggestions and guidance from the Franchise in how to look and act like a professional."
"docid": "D2972999#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006042918719\nTile vs hardwood floors which is least expensive to purchase and install in a new home?",
"text": "\"Home & Garden Decorating & Remodeling Tile vs hardwood floors which is least expensive to purchase and install in a new home?1 following 12 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: as someone who does both, here's my opinion. Pro's for tile Cheaper typically less mantience (if you seal the grout and stick with cermanic or porclein, natural stone are more maintience) Easy to repair if save a few extra tiles. Cons for tile cold floors (unless you put in a radient floor which drives the price up damage means replacement (can't \"\"touch up\"\" a chipped tile) Pros for wood (5/4 oak or similiar) Can be refinished to change the color. can be quicker installation warmer floors Cons for wood more expensive hard to repair if major damage (if minor damage, not too hard to fix) more maintaince Pros Pergo or simialar laminate cheap easy maintence quickest install Cons extremely difficult to repair doesn't feel solid when walk on it As far discomfort, from standing on it, none for me. maybe that just me.robling_dwrdesign · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Tile Vs Hardwood Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a85WXwinne · 1 year ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: tile vs hardwood floors which is least expensive to purchase and install in a new home? Source (s):tile hardwood floors expensive purchase install home: https://biturl.im/h Yf Oc Glennis · 3 years ago0 0 Comment Another thing to consider besides expense is that tile is hard on the feet whereas wood is more comfortable to stand on for long periods of time. You might not think this is a big deal but after you've installed tile all over your house, or even in just a room, you'll wish you had installed wood because your feet are going to hurt badly standing and walking around on tile. Maggie Mae · 1 decade ago2 1 Comment Hardwood floors are mostly recomended by interior designers because they don't get cold in the winter and they are fresh and cool during the summer. Also they are not that expensive."
"docid": "D740675#0",
"title": "http://flooring.about.com/od/floor-maintenance/a/The-Cost-To-Refinish-Hardwood-Floors.htm\nThe Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors",
"text": "Hardwood Flooring The Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors By Joseph Lewitin Updated 03/04/18Share Pin Email David Papazian/Digital Vision/Getty Images One of the great things about having a hardwood floor is that even when it eventually wears down and starts to show signs of age, you have the option of refinishing the material to completely revitalize it. This involves sanding down the surface past any finish or blemishes and then re-applying color treatments and seal. The finished product will look like a completely new hardwood floor and can be achieved for a fraction of the price of a new installation. Average Price to Refinish Hardwood Floors$1.50 per sq ft - $5.00 per sqft Average Price for New Hardwood Flooring Materials Starts at $8.00 per sq ft and goes up from there. The price of a refinishing project is determined by the materials, the equipment used, and the number of hours of labor that it takes to perform the job. In general, for a basic refinishing job, it will take a contractor about 4-5 hours per 100 square feet of space. More About Hardwood Flooring Hardwood Bedroom Flooring Hardwood Floors in Living Rooms Hardwood Flooring in Kitchens Challenges Facing Hardwood Bathrooms Labor Costs There are four major labor parts of a hardwood refinishing project that need to be accounted for in any estimate. Preparation Work This involves getting the floor ready to be refinished and will consist of things like repairing damaged areas, cleaning it thoroughly, and then ensuring that the surface is completely dry and free of any particles before proceeding. Sanding This is where you actually grind the material using a sanding machine, in order to take the hardwood floors surface down below the level where any blemishes or treatments have penetrated. Staining Once the floor has been sanded down, it will be like brand new, untreated material."
"docid": "D2428628#0",
"title": "http://rempros.com/how-to/how_to_stain_hardwood_floor.html\n.",
"text": "How to stain hardwood floor How to stain hardwood floor. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 8:23How to apply stain on hardwood floor Staining is a way to change the color of any hardwood floor. Whether it a new unfinished hardwood or refinishing old one, you can apply the colored stain after sanding and make desire color of the floor. It is not a required part of finishing hardwood – without stain application the floor will have its natural appearance after finish application. Learn about hardwood floor colors. After sanding and buffing floor surface has to be well cleaned with a vacuum. Before starting on staining it is always better to apply a little bit of water on the surface of wood. It will help to open wood pores and stain will penetrate better into the surface of hardwood. Water application means to make the wood just slightly wet."
"docid": "D3072299#0",
"title": "http://answers.angieslist.com/How-sq-ft-I-expect-pay-laminate-flooring-installation-800-sq-ft-materials-q87384.aspx\nAsk Your Question",
"text": "\"Question Details Asked on 3/23/2014Guest_... How much per sq ft should I expect to pay for laminate flooring installation 800 sq ft w/materials?800 sq ft with 12 stairs and concrete subfloor. I have wood but need to know cost of installation and finishing. Do you have the same question? Follow this Question In Home > Flooring In Angie's List > Project Cost Info Report It Tweet1 Answer0 Votes Here is a response I gave on a prior similar question - should put you in the ballpark -http://answers.angieslist.com/how-I-e... BTW - you said \"\"have wood but need to know cost of installation and finishing\"\" - this sounds like maybe real wood, but you said laminate which typically takes no finishing other than a cleaning wipeup after installation. above answer is for wood - laminate you can get installed for from $2-3/SF typically on flat surfaces - more like $4-5 on stairs. Answered 4 years ago by LCDReport It Related Questionshow much should I pay to remove and reuse 1000 sq ft of laminate flooring Average porcelain wood tile installation of 800 sq. ft in Phoenix, AZwhat is typical cost to repair and refinish hardwood floors How much does it cost to remove 800 sq ft of carpet and replace it with laminate flooring? How can I request for bidders for 800 sq feet new flooring? \""
"docid": "D3385838#0",
"title": "http://listing.jerseyshore-homesearch.com/i/7927/homes_for_sale_crestwood_village_manchester_nj\n.",
"text": "Crestwood Village 1 thru 7 Homes for Sale Crestwood Village in Manchester-Whiting NJ is an adult community +55 that consists of seven different sections. Each section has its own club house and activities. Crestwood Village 1Crestwood Village 2Crestwood Village 3Crestwood Village 4Crestwood Village 5Crestwood Village 6Crestwood Village 71 2 Next Results per page.65 results returned Save Search New Search Modify Search Search Results5 Norwich Court, Whiting, NJ 08759View Photo Gallery (59) $189,900Status: Active Bedrooms: 2Total Baths: 255+ Community Crestwood Village 6.. Our largest home over 1,900 sq ft on a PRIVATE CUL-DE-SAC.. Open front porch NEWER CUSTOM KITCHEN WITH MANY DRAWS, GLASS CABINET DR, CORIAN COUNTERS & DOUBLE SINK.. TOP OF THE LINE APPLIANCES STAINLESS INSIDE... Listing ID:21803320MOMLSSave Property View Details49 Berkshire Road, Whiting, NJ 08759View Photo Gallery (2) $185,000Status: Active Bedrooms: 2Total Baths: 255+COMMUNITY IN CRESTWOOD VILLAGE SIX. BIGGEST MODEL THE HALLMARK IS A SINGLE FAMILY HOME. TWO LARGE BEDROOMS AND TWO FULL BATHS. MASTER BEDROOM HAS PLENTY OF CLOSETS ALSO IN BATH IS TUB AND A WALK-IN SHOWER STALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM OVERLOOKING... Listing ID:21812987MOMLSSave Property View Details4 Rutland Court 63, Whiting, NJ 08759View Photo Gallery (28) $179,000Price/Sq Ft: 98.03Status: Active Bedrooms: 2Total Baths: 2Sq Ft: 1,826Make this sprawling 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom ranch in the Crestwood Village 6 Adult Community your home. Enter into a foyer that offers closet for convenience. Formal living and dining room. Eat-in-kitchen."
"docid": "D609192#0",
"title": "http://www.rempros.com/hardwood_installation_cost.html\nHardwood flooring installation cost calculator",
"text": "\"2017 Hardwood floors installation cost calculator - wood flooring installation cost estimator Before using calculator read about remodeling costs and estimating labor expenses Hardwood floors installation charges and associated with installation fees for projects over 600 square feet of hardwood flooring installed. Input parameters Area dimensions 1 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5Area width W (feet)Area length L (feet)Project details 2Installation method Hardwood flooring type Old flooring removal Old flooring disposal Subfloor preparation Baseboards installation (Ln. Ft.)Shoe base installation (Ln. Ft.)Transition molding installation (Ln. Ft.)Installation of hardwood flooring on stairs# of up to 36\"\" wide steps# of 36 1/4\"\" - 48\"\" wide steps# of angle steps Steps preparation Calculate Reset Computed parameters Project summary 3Total installation area Sq. Ft. Estimated time to complete the project Estimated labor fees 4 Minimum cost Average cost Maximum cost Labor cost $ $ $By default, hardwood floors installation cost calculator estimates labor fees to install prefinished solid wood flooring strips or planks in two average size bedrooms, one living room and a hallway. Basic nailing down of hardwood flooring to already prepared and leveled wood subfloor was taken into account while estimating labor expenses. Homeowners can easily set own parameters and estimate cost of labor to get hardwood floors installed based on particular room size and work scope to complete.1 All hardwood floors installation areas measurements should be entered as real numbers which are bigger than 0 (zero) for specific value or equal to zero for no value parameters. Inches values should be entered as real number means 3 inches = 0.25 feet; 6” = 0.5’; 9” = 0.75’ and so on.2 Project details specify all tasks which should be completed during hardwood flooring installation.3 Hardwoood flooring calculator computes total installation area and average completion time based on project size.4 Labor cost to install hardwood flooring divided into three separate categories."
"docid": "D3050153#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_cost_per_square_foot_to_install_metal_roof\nWhat is the average cost per square foot to install metal roof?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Home & Garden Home Improvement Building and Carpentry What is the average cost per square foot to install metal roof? Flag What is the average cost per square foot to install metal roof? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. There are several types of metal roofs available to choose from. The cost will vary from one roof type to another. One of the most popular types of metal roofs being used today is the 29 gauge thick exposed fastener panel, this type of roof typically cost from $2.25 to $4.00 per square foot complete with all materials and labor needed for instalation, depending on the complexity and difficulty of job. Another popular type of metal roof is the 24 gauge standing seam concealed fastener panel. The installed cost and materials for this type of roof typically are between $4.00 to $6.00 per square foot. Both of these roofs are available in many colors and long term warranties. Bret Lyon Lyon Metal Roofing and Supply [email protected] wesellmetalroofing.com4 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D823025#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060907071211AANi9co\nHow much should it cost to refinish hardwood floors?",
"text": "Home & Garden Do It Yourself (DIY)How much should it cost to refinish hardwood floors? My family is looking to buy a house in GA and it looks like we would have to refinish the harwood floors. We are getting quotes, but really don't understand what is a good price. Please provide insight you you can and maybe an idea on what is would cost to lay natural hardwoods through the remander of the house? show more1 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: $3 - $5 a Sq. Ft is a good rough price for refinishing. As others have said, the cost is determined by many factors. how good of a job the person will do generally is directly connected to how much money the person is making. In my business we do not underbid jobs, at the same time we do not overbid them either. I have found in 15 yrs the people I do business with are so much happier."
] |
585 | 1095 plan year starts in march | [
"docid": "D1690270#0",
"title": "http://www.compliancedashboard.net/hw-aca-forms-1094-1095-reporting/\n.",
"text": "January 7, 2015H&W: ACA Forms 1094 & 1095 Reporting You heard it was coming and you’ve seen it start to arrive. You’ve also heard the old saying, “In Like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb,” or vice versa, and although that saying has nothing to do with health care reform, the ongoing updates to ACA legislation can leave one feeling like they’re trying to wrestle an on-again off-again lion, similar to the unpredictable turbulence we can experience with weather in spring time! Never the less, wrestle we must and today’s wrestling match features reporting for the Individual Mandate and Employer Shared Responsibility focusing on Forms 1094 & 1095. ACA added Section 6055 to the Internal Revenue Code (“the Code”). This is where the Code says every provider of minimum essential coverage will report coverage information to the IRS by filing an information return and furnishing a statement to participating individuals. This information is then used by the IRS to administer, and individuals to show compliance with, the Individual Mandate. ACA also added section 6056 to the Code, which requires applicable large employers to file information returns with the IRS and provide statements to their full-time employees about the health insurance coverage the employer offered. This information is used by the IRS in determining whether employers owe a fee for not providing the mandated coverage (Shared Responsibility) and whether or not individuals are entitled to a subsidy if they purchase coverage through one of the Insurance Exchanges. In very simple terms, the individual mandate is the part of the law that says all individuals are required to have minimum essential health coverage. This is similar to the way cars on our streets are required to have a certain amount of insurance (at least in most states)."
] | [
"docid": "D3062989#0",
"title": "http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Benefit_Library/Federal_Benefits_Page/TRICARE_For_Life_(TFL).html?serv=229\nTRICARE For Life (TFL)",
"text": "\"Home › Benefit Library › Federal Benefits › TRICARE For Life (TFL)TRICARE For Life (TFL)Army Reserve: Retired Benefit Fact Sheet Summary: TRICARE for Life (TFL) is TRICARE's Medicare-wraparound coverage available worldwide to TRICARE beneficiaries who are also entitled to Medicare. Essentially, TFL acts as a supplement to Medicare Part A and B, there are no special enrollment procedures or TRICARE premium payments. You must pay Medicare Part B monthly premiums. Your Part B premium is based on your income. Medicare Part B information Beginning in January 2016, DFAS will provide IRS Form 1095-C to all U. S. military members, and IRS Form 1095-B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former Spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2015. An IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your Family members, if applicable) have the minimum essential coverage. These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your authorized Family members. The forms will be required to be reported with your 2015 federal tax return. DFAS will provide you with IRS Form 1095 series forms no later than 31 January 2016. Eligibility: Retired Reserve Soldiers who have Medicare Part A & B and in receipt of retired pay are eligible for TRICARE for Life, as are their dependent Family Members, Widows/Widowers and certain former Spouses who have Medicare Part A & B. \"\"Gray-area\"\" retirees are not eligible for TRICARE for Life, but may be eligible for TRICARE Retired Reserve."
"docid": "D132983#0",
"title": "https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/\nMedicaid in New York State",
"text": "\"Medicaid in New York State December 2013: Important Notice to Medicaid Recipients Regarding Medicaid Coverage of Orthopedic Footwear and Compression Stockings What is Medicaid? What is the Medicaid State Plan? How do I know if I qualify for Medicaid? How do I apply for Medicaid? What do I need to apply for Medicaid? How do I designate or change an authorized representative? If I have an immediate need for Personal Care Services or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services, can I get my eligibility for these services processed more quickly? If I think I am eligible for Medicaid, should I cancel any other health insurance I might already have? How do I know if my income and resources qualify me for Medicaid? Can I be eligible for Medicaid even if I make more money than the chart shows?"
"docid": "D833077#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i109495c/ar01.html\nInstructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C - Main Contents",
"text": "\"Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C - Main Contents Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns, and Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage, and instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/form1094c and IRS.gov/form1095c. What's New Section 4980H transition relief. Several forms of transition relief were available to some employers under section 4980H for 2016. No section 4980H transition relief is available for 2017. Therefore, these instructions have been revised to remove discussion of section 4980H transition relief, and Form 1094-C has also been revised. Specifically, Form 1094-C, line 22, box C is designated \"\"Reserved\"\"; Part III, column (e) is designated \"\"Reserved\"\"; and the entry rows in Part III, column (e) are shaded. Additional Information For information related to the Affordable Care Act, visit www.irs.gov/uac/Affordable-Care-Act-Tax-Provisions-Home. For the final regulations under section 6056, Information Reporting by Applicable Large Employers on Health Insurance Coverage Offered Under Employer-Sponsored Plans, see T. D. 9661, 2014-13 I. R. B. 855, at www.irs.gov/irb/2014-13_IRB/ar09.html. For the final regulations under section 6055, Information Reporting of Minimum Essential Coverage, see T. D. 9660, 2014-13 I. R. B.842, at www.irs.gov/irb/2014–13_IRB/ar08.html. For the final regulations under section 4980H, Shared Responsibility for Employers Regarding Health Coverage, see T. D. 9655, 2014-9 I. R. B. 541, at www.irs.gov/irb/2014-9_IRB/ar05.html."
"docid": "D646544#0",
"title": "https://news.aetna.com/2015/12/health-coverage-tax-forms-coming-need/\nHealth coverage tax forms are coming. What do you need to do with them?",
"text": "Your Health Health coverage tax forms are coming. What do you need to do with them? Mar 07 2018Aetna The Health Section Health & Wellness in the Workplace Health coverage tax forms are coming. What do you need to do with them? Top If you had qualifying U. S. health coverage in 2017, a tax Form 1095 will hit your mailbox in 2018. Why are you getting the form, and do you need it to file your taxes? You’ll get Form 1095-A, B or C from your insurer, your employer or the government, depending on the kind of plan you had. Some people may even get two forms, one from their employer and one from their insurer. And if you switched coverage during the year, you will get one or more forms for each of your plans. Form 1095-B | Courtesy: Internal Revenue Service So what is it?"
"docid": "D1510866#0",
"title": "http://www.healthaffairs.org/blog/2016/06/16/alaska-reinsurance-plan-could-be-model-for-aca-reform-plus-other-aca-developments/\nAlaska Reinsurance Plan Could Be Model For ACA Reform, Plus Other ACA Developments",
"text": "\"Health Affairs Blog Following The ACAAlaska Reinsurance Plan Could Be Model For ACA Reform, Plus Other ACA Developments Timothy Jost June 16, 2016 10.1377/hblog20160616.055420Tools Share Although Alaska is our biggest state, its population is small. Only 23,000 Alaskans enrolled in its nongroup market for 2016. Alaska also has very high health care costs. For these reasons, marketplace insurance coverage costs far more in Alaska than anywhere else. The average monthly premiums in the marketplace in Alaska in 2016 was $863, compared to $396 nationally. Marketplace premiums (for a 40-year old non-smoker for the second-lowest cost silver plan) increased 31.4 percent in 2016 and 26.3 percent in 2015, compared to national rate increases of 10.1 percent (2016) and 2 percent (2015). Even with these increases, Alaska’s insurers lost millions of dollars. Moda, one of the two insurers in the Alaska market, has announced that it will be leaving the market for 2017. Of course, premiums and premium increases are much lower for the 86 percent of enrollees who receive premium tax credits, for whom premiums are reduced on average by 85 percent to an average of $126. But for many individuals with incomes that are too high qualify for tax credits, health insurance is simply unaffordable."
"docid": "D100697#0",
"title": "http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Benefit_Library/Federal_Benefits_Page/TRICARE_For_Life_(TFL).html?serv=148\nTRICARE For Life (TFL)",
"text": "Home › Benefit Library › Federal Benefits › TRICARE For Life (TFL)TRICARE For Life (TFL)Regular Army: Retired Benefit Fact Sheet Summary: TRICARE for Life (TFL) is TRICARE's Medicare-wraparound coverage available worldwide to TRICARE beneficiaries who are also entitled to Medicare. Essentially, TFL acts as a supplement to Medicare Part A and B, there are no special enrollment procedures or TRICARE premium payments. You must pay Medicare Part B monthly premiums. Your Part B premium is based on your income. Medicare Part B information Beginning in January 2016, DFAS will provide IRS Form 1095-C to all U. S. military members, and IRS Form 1095-B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former Spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2015. An IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your Family members, if applicable) have the minimum essential coverage. These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your authorized Family members. The forms will be required to be reported with your 2015 federal tax return. DFAS will provide you with IRS Form 1095 series forms no later than 31 January 2016. Eligibility: Retired Soldiers who are Medicare eligible and are in receipt of retired pay are eligible for TFL."
"docid": "D652277#0",
"title": "https://blog.turbotax.intuit.com/health-care/how-will-i-prove-my-health-insurance-under-the-affordable-care-act-17905/\nHow Will I Prove My Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act?",
"text": "How Will I Prove My Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act? Health Care September 6, 2014 / Magaly Olivero Under the Affordable Care Act, taxpayers will need to provide information about their health insurance coverage when filing their 2014 taxes in 2015, since most uninsured Americans must have health insurance beginning in 2014 or face a tax penalty. So how can you prove you have health insurance to avoid a tax penalty? Here’s what you need to know at tax-time: When you prepare your taxes you will be asked if you have health insurance. If you already have health insurance there will be a simple check mark on your taxes based on your answer. If you have a plan from the Health Insurance Marketplace, the Marketplace will provide Form 1095-A to you and the IRS with information about your coverage and premium tax credits. If you purchased health insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace and received a premium tax credit in 2014, information about your advance premium tax credit will be reported and the actual premium tax credit will be determined on Form 8962. If you have job-based coverage, your employer may provide a separate Form 1095-C to you and the IRS with information about your plan and who was covered. Private insurers and self-funded plans may provide each policyholder and the IRS with information summarizing the coverage provided on Form 1095-B. The IRS has provided a transition period for Forms 1095-B and 1095-C, so these forms are not a requirement for tax year 2014. And lastly, if you think you qualify for an exemption from purchasing health insurance, you may need to provide documentation to substantiate your claim."
"docid": "D42475#0",
"title": "http://www.fool.com/how-to-invest/personal-finance/taxes/2015/01/17/obamacare-tax-form-must-know-about-irs-form-1095a.aspx\nObamacare Tax Form: What You Must Know About IRS Form 1095-A",
"text": "Obamacare Tax Form: What You Must Know About IRS Form 1095-AThe Affordable Care Act will make taxes more complicated for millions of Americans. Find out how to cope. Dan Caplinger ( TMFGalagan)Jan 17, 2015 at 6:15AMSource: Healthcare.gov. The Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, continues to divide the country as advocates and opponents of the health care reform law continue to disagree about its merits and shortcomings. Yet like it or hate it, taxpayers will get their first exposure to Obamacare's impact on their tax returns during the coming tax season. Many people are concerned that the form they'll need to prepare to prove that they're entitled to any subsidies they received for their Obamacare premiums will prove to be a big headache for taxpayers. Admittedly, whenever the IRS comes out with a brand new tax form, people get scared about how they'll figure out how to complete it properly. However, with the help of the Obamacare tax form that provides valuable information about your health care coverage -- IRS Form 1095-A [opens PDF] -- you'll have an easier time getting some of the information you need to avoid any nasty surprises from Obamacare-related taxes. Looking at Form 1095-AIRS Form 1095-A is also known as the Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, and like the W-2 and 1099 tax forms you'll get that report various types of income, this Obamacare tax form gives you information about your health-insurance coverage from Obamacare marketplaces. Source: IRS."
"docid": "D2466360#0",
"title": "https://www.healthinsurance.org/faqs/what-happens-if-i-dont-make-my-premium-payment-by-the-end-of-the-grace-period/\nWhat happens if I donât make my premium payment by the end of the grace period?",
"text": "Home | FAQs | What happens if I don’t make my premium payment by the end of the grace period? What happens if I don’t make my premium payment by the end of the grace period? Louise Norris Individual health insurance and health reform authority; broker January 4, 2018Q. What happens if I don’t make my premium payment by the end of the grace period?? A: If you fail to pay your premiums and exhaust the grace period for plans offered in a health insurance marketplace, you will lose your insurance coverage. The grace period is either one month or three months long, depending on whether or not you’re receiving subsidies and whether or not you’ve paid at least one premium so far during the year. The three month grace period applies to those who receive federal subsidy assistance in the form of an advanced premium tax credit and who have paid at least one full month’s premium within the benefit year. For those without a subsidy the grace period is one month (the one-month grace period also applies to plans purchased outside the exchange, since none of those plans qualify for subsidies). For enrollees who are not receiving subsidies, if payment is not made prior to the end of the one-month grace period, coverage will be retroactively terminated to the end of the month for which premium was last paid. For enrollees who are receiving subsidies (and who have paid at least one month’s premium), if their premiums go past three months overdue, the coverage will be terminated retroactive to the end of the first month of the grace period. So if a subsidized enrollee pays the January premium but then doesn’t pay February, March or April, the coverage would then be terminated as of the end of February."
"docid": "D2352937#0",
"title": "http://thismatter.com/money/tax/tax-credits/premium-tax-credit.htm\nHealth Insurance Premium Tax Credit",
"text": "Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit2018-01-12 Calamities happen by chance. Insurance is designed to mitigate the risk of economic loss from calamities by having a group of people, the insured, paying premiums to pay for economic losses suffered by the few among the group. However, if only the people at high risk for the calamity pays into the insurance fund, then it will be much more expensive. On the other hand, insurance companies want to make a profit. Therefore, they will attempt to eliminate high risk customers — the people who would need the insurance the most — from their insured pool. Since healthcare costs are extremely high, most people without insurance would be unable to afford the cost of healthcare, forcing those in need to declare bankruptcy or to simply not pay their bill. In many cases, the government has to step in to pay the healthcare providers for the services that they provided. Thus, without government intervention, health insurance will not work for society. Those at low risk will not want to pay the high premiums, and those at high risk cannot afford the premiums. The Affordable Care Act ( ACA) was designed to rectify this fundamental flaw in health insurance by forcing everyone to pay into the system, which is referred to as the individual mandate, or pay a penalty."
"docid": "D2199698#0",
"title": "http://knolltax.com/form-1095b-info.php\nForm 1095-B Information",
"text": "How the Affordable Care Act will Affect Individuals and their Tax Return NEW FORM 1095-B INFORMATION REPORTING FOR THE ACA: THE TOP 5 THINGS HEALTH INSURERS AND SELF-INSURED PLAN SPONSORS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE NEW FORM 1095-B REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ARE:1. This new IRS reporting on Form 1095-B is optional for 2014, but required for 2015. As a form of transition relief, IRS Notice 2013-45 announced that for 2014 reporting of minimum essential coverage information is optional. The IRS hopes that health insurers and self-insured plan sponsors will prepare for and attempt reporting for 2014, but they will not be penalized if their first form 1095-B filings to the IRS are for 2015. The IRS has not yet issued Form 1095-B (the information return for reporting under § 6055) or Form 1094-B (the transmittal form which reports some additional information and is required along with the 1095-B). However, the following information is known about 1095-B reporting:• Filing deadlines will be the same as for most Forms 1099: due February 28 following the year reported, if filed to the IRS on paper; due March 31 if filed to the IRS electronically.• Electronic filing is required if the reporting provider or plan sponsor has 250 or more Forms 1095-B to file. Electronic files will follow the existing IRS e-file format described in Publication 1220.• Form 1095-B statements must be furnished to the “responsible individual” (usually the primary insured individual) by January 31 following the year reported. There is no requirement to send statements to dependents or other individuals who are enrolled in coverage through their relationship to the responsible individual, but information about them will be included in the report.2. The information on this page is to give you a brief introduction to how the Affordable Care Act may affect you in regards to your health insurance for 2014 and whether or not you may qualify for help with paying for insurance. It will also list how the Affordable Care Act will affect your 2014 Federal income tax return."
"docid": "D2735453#0",
"title": "http://www.freep.com/story/money/personal-finance/susan-tompor/2015/01/01/aca-tax-forms-marketplace-susan-tompor/21125345/\nNew tax forms to be sent for the Affordable Care Act",
"text": "\"Top of the list of papers not to toss: Any form 1099, any W-2 and new forms related to the Affordable Care Act. Buy Photo (Photo: Detroit Free Press)Story Highlights Form SSA-1099 is sent in January to those receiving Social Security benefits. Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, is new and needed this tax season. The IRS plans to begin accepting tax returns electronically Jan. 20. CONNECT TWEET LINKEDIN COMMENT EMAIL MOREAs we shift into the new year, we're gearing up for an onslaught of new paperwork that is essential for filing your 2014 tax return. One brand-new piece of paper: Form 1095-A, the Health Insurance Marketplace Statement. If you obtained coverage under Obamacare last year, you need Form 1095-A to file your tax return for 2014. The form is to be sent by Jan. 31, but you're not going to be able to file your taxes without it. So this is one slip of paper you do not want to lose. It certainly seems early to be talking about taxes, especially as we're still cleaning up holiday cards, boxes and everything else."
"docid": "D188121#0",
"title": "https://blog.ifebp.org/index.php/checklist-to-file-aca-application-for-tcc\nChecklist to File ACA Application for TCC",
"text": "Jenny Lucey, CEBS May 18, 2016 ACA, Affordable Care Act, Employee Benefits, Health Care ACA e-filing, AIR System, employee benefits, Form 1094-B, Form 1094-C, Form 1095-C, Form1094-CNote: On November 18, 2016 the IRS announced a deadline extension ( IRS Notice 2016-70) for organizations required to distribute 2016 Forms 1095-C and 1095-B to individual full-time employees. See this blog post for more details. Affordable Care Act (ACA) required reporting is right around the corner. In order to e-file ACA information returns with the IRS, you need to obtain a Transmitter Control Code (TCC). Gather and check off the items you need to complete required fields on the ACA Application for TCC. The checklist below is based on the recently released IRS tutorial and expands on step 3 in my previous post on the ACA Information Returns (AIR) system. But first, let me provide some background information. What is the purpose of a TCC? E-filing is required for providers of minimum essential coverage that file 250 or more information returns during the calendar year. The purpose of the TCC application is to receive a TCC to become authorized to e-file Forms 1094B, 1095-B, 1094-C and 1095-C. [Related: Overview of ACA One-Hour E-Learning Course]Does your organization need to designate a Responsible Official?"
"docid": "D798815#0",
"title": "https://wsandco.com/benefits-updates/employer-HRA-reporting-requirement/\nEmployer HRA Reporting Requirement",
"text": "Employer HRA Reporting Requirement Employer HRA Reporting Requirement September 2, 2015In the recent draft instructions released by the IRS in regards to employer reporting on Forms 1094 and 1095, the IRS indicates that reporting is required for health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) integrated with fully-insured plans. This comes as a bit of a surprise to many who assumed that HRAs integrated with a major medical plan, regardless of funding method, would be considered “supplemental coverage” and not require any reporting. This guidance affects reporting requirements for both small employers and applicable large employers offering HRAs integrated with a fully-insured medical plan. Background Beginning in 2016, the ACA requires employers and insurance companies to report certain plan and coverage information to the IRS on Forms 1095 and 1094. Section 6055 of the Code requires reporting of coverage-related information for individuals enrolled in a minimum essential coverage plan. This portion of the reporting will be completed either on Part III of Form 1095-C, or in some cases, with an alternative Form 1095-B. For fully-insured coverage, the 6055 reporting will be handled by the insurance carrier, but for self-funded coverage, this portion of the reporting is the responsibility of the plan sponsor (typically the employer). More information on the 6055 reporting requirements are contained in the IRS FAQ, which can be found here. Note that applicable large employers are also responsible for the 6056 reporting on offer of coverage information. Employers use different sections and types of Form 1095 to report both Section 6055 and 6056 information depending on the requirements that apply to that particular employer. Reporting Required for HRAs Integrated with a Full-Insured Health Plan“Minimum essential coverage” includes most self-funded group health plans, but does not include excepted benefits (such as stand-alone dental or vision coverage)."
"docid": "D170849#0",
"title": "https://www.irs.gov/affordable-care-act/individuals-and-families/the-health-insurance-marketplace\nThe Health Insurance Marketplace",
"text": "See the chart below for information on how to contact the federally facilitated and state based marketplaces. Health Insurance Marketplace — also known as the Health Insurance Exchange — is the place where people without health care insurance can find information about health insurance options and also purchase health care insurance. Information can also be found regarding eligibility for help with paying premiums and reducing out-of-pocket costs. Each year the Marketplace has an open enrollment period. In addition to the federally-facilitated Marketplace, Health Care.gov, there are also state-based Marketplaces. Whether you use the federally-facilitated Marketplace or a state-based Marketplace depends on the state in which you live. If you visit Health Care.gov, you will be asked to provide your ZIP code. If you live in an area served by a state-based Marketplace, you’ll then be redirected to the website of your state-based Marketplace. Health care insurance purchased through the Marketplace If you purchased health care insurance through the Marketplace, you should receive a Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, at the beginning of the tax filing season. The information shown on Form 1095-A helps you complete your federal individual income tax return."
"docid": "D775991#0",
"title": "http://www.form1095a.org/\nForm 1095-A",
"text": "Form 1095-ASubsidized Healthcare Insurance Form New Form Confuses Some Tax Filers A new tax form, 1095-A, has been created for people who (starting in 2014) bough insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The form shows the total premiums paid to your selected company. In the same way you need to prepare your taxes with a W-2 or 1099 form, you also need to cough up the 1095-A when you are filling out your taxes. Remember, if you did not get healthcare, or already have it, during the mandatory enrollment period, then you may have to pay a penalty. The new form is one way to prevent that problem. As of April 2016, there is smoother sailing for the 2015 tax year, compared to a February 2015 news item showing that there are errors in as many as 800,000 1095a forms and the Obama administration is advising people to either delay filing or refile (instructions to follow) with a corrected tax form. Who provides the form? According to sources in the media, the document is sent to you by your insurer, so you are better off asking them before going to the IRS or other government agencies. Some companies may only make the documents available online, while others will mail out a paper copy. It is very possible for you to have 2 forms if you changed jobs or moved in the last year, and some members of your household may have 1095A while others don't."
"docid": "D1388131#0",
"title": "http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/index.htm\nMedicaid in New York State",
"text": "\"Medicaid in New York State December 2013: Important Notice to Medicaid Recipients Regarding Medicaid Coverage of Orthopedic Footwear and Compression Stockings What is Medicaid? What is the Medicaid State Plan? How do I know if I qualify for Medicaid? How do I apply for Medicaid? What do I need to apply for Medicaid? How do I designate or change an authorized representative? If I have an immediate need for Personal Care Services or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services, can I get my eligibility for these services processed more quickly? If I think I am eligible for Medicaid, should I cancel any other health insurance I might already have? How do I know if my income and resources qualify me for Medicaid? Can I be eligible for Medicaid even if I make more money than the chart shows?"
"docid": "D254084#0",
"title": "https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-individual-mandate/\nObamaCareâs Individual Mandate: What is the Tax Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance?",
"text": "Obama Care’s Individual Mandate: What is the Tax Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance? Obama Care’s individual mandate had required most Americans obtain and maintain health insurance, or an exemption, each month or pay a tax penalty. However, it has been repealed. With the fact that the mandate has been repealed in mind, it used to work like this: The individual mandate went into effect at the beginning of January 2014 and continues each year. The penalty for not having coverage will be paid on your Federal Income Tax Returns for each full month you, or a family member doesn’t have health insurance or an exemption and is based on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). The fee went up each year from 2014 – 2016 making it more important to look into coverage and exemptions options each year. Depending on your coverage, income, and family size, you will either pay a flat dollar amount or a percentage of income above the tax return filing threshold for your filing status. The fee is capped at the national average for a Bronze health plan available in the marketplace, and it’s only paid for full months you or a family member went without coverage. Get the details on everything you need to know about the Obama Care fee since 2014 and beyond below. Knowing how the Obama Care fee works, how to make the Obama Care payment, and a few tips and tricks will help ensure you avoid paying extra money on your taxes."
"docid": "D2660857#0",
"title": "http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/christian/blchron_xian_crusades02.htm\nA Timeline of the First Crusade, 1095 - 1100",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Religion & Spirituality A Timeline of the First Crusade, 1095 - 1100Share Flipboard Email Print Peter the Hermit Preaching the First Crusade. anonymous/public domainby Austin Cline Updated September 22, 2017Launched by Pope Urban IIat the Council of Clermontin 1095, the First Crusade was the most successful. Urban gave a dramatic speech urging Christians to swarm towards Jerusalem and make it safe for Christian pilgrims by taking it away from the Muslims. The armies of the First Crusade left in 1096 and captured Jerusalem in 1099. From these conquered lands Crusaders carved out small kingdoms for themselves which endured for some time, though not long enough to have a real impact upon local culture. Timeline of the Crusades: First Crusade 1095 - 1100November 18, 1095 Pope Urban II opens the Council of Clermont where ambassadors from the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus, asking help against the Muslims, were warmly received. November 27, 1095 Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade (in Arabic: al-Hurub al-Salibiyya, \"\"Wars of the Cross\"\") in a famous speech at the Council of Clermont. Although his actual words have been lost, tradition has it that he was so persuasive that the crowd shouted out in response \"\"Deus vult! Deus vult!\"\" (\"\" God wills it\"\")."
"docid": "D1915810#0",
"title": "http://www.cahba.com/advice/2015/01/how_do_i_get_my_1095a_form_onl.html\nHow Do I Get My Form 1095-A Online?",
"text": "How Do I Get My Form 1095-A Online? By Phil Daigle on January 28, 2015 4:03 PM | 51 Comments Question: Hi, I want to download my 1095-A as a PDF. I don't want to have to chase down the paper copy. Is it available online? Please make it easy and obvious to find once I log in. Answer: The Form 1095-A's have already been posted online. You will have to login to your Covered California online account. You may find the form in your Secure Mailbox (iffy) or more reliably on your Documents and Correspondence page. To get there, click on the Summary checkbox on the home screen and next click the Documents and Correspondence link, select and download the 1095-A document as PDF. Categories: Covered California51 Comments Richard| November 12, 2017 8:01 PM | Reply This is a lie."
] |
596 | 11 days after embryo transfer hcg level | [
"docid": "D2812394#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1001784407600261\nSerum Beta-hCG of 11 Days after Embryo Transfer to Predict Pregnancy Outcome",
"text": "Journal of Reproduction and Contraception Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2007, Pages 213-219Serum Beta-h CG of 11 Days after Embryo Transfer to Predict Pregnancy Outcome Xiao-yan HUANG Yun-na ZHANG Hai-qin YUShow morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S1001-7844 (07)60026-1 Get rights and content Objective To assess the clinic value of a single maternal serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (2-h CG) assay 11 d after embryo transfer in ART pregnancies and to predict pregnancy outcome. Methods A total of 384 pregnancies after embryo transfer were included. Inviable pregnancies were defined as biochemical pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies and first trimester abortions. Ongoing pregnancies were defined as singleton pregnancies and multiple pregnancies whose gestation were achieved more than 12 weeks. Serum 2-h CG concentrations were compared among different groups. Results On the post embryo transfer d 11, the mean 2-h CG concentration of the ongoing pregnancy group (323.7±285.2 m IU/ml) was significantly higher than that of the inviable pregnancy group (81.4±68.1 mm IU /ml) (P < 0.001). In multiple gestations, the levels of 2-h CG were significantly higher compared with singleton pregnancies. If the 2-h CG level was between 10 m IU/ml and 50 m IU/ml, the positive predictive value of biochemical pregnancies and ectopic pregnancies was 81.8%, the negative predictive value was 94.4%. If the level was less than 100 m IU/ml, the positive predictive value of first trimester abortions was 80.8%, the negative predictive value was 77.8%. If the level was greater than 250 m IU/ml, the positive predictive value of multiple pregnancies was 83.3%, the negative predictive value was 74.4%."
] | [
"docid": "D1023682#0",
"title": "http://www.advancedfertility.com/sampleivfcalendar.htm\nSUCCESS RATES never mattered more",
"text": "\"SUCCESS RATES never mattered more What sets us apart from other fertility clinics? Some reasons we are so successful: We give personalized attention to every patient, not possible in \"\"super-sized\"\" clinics Tight quality control gives us consistently higher IVF success rates - so our patients are more likely to have babies See more details on SART website Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago Home Sampleivfcalendar Menu▼Lupron IVF Protocol and Sample Calendar for In Vitro Fertilization Step by Step This sample IVF protocol is for ovarian stimulation using Lupron without birth control pills. This in vitro fertilization stimulation protocol is often referred to as Lupron down regulation, or \"\"luteal Lupron\"\" or \"\"long Lupron\"\". For many fertility doctors and patients, this is the standard IVF protocol This schedule shows the main steps and timing of IVF drugs, approximate timing of ovarian stimulation monitoring, and procedures. This example is for a 28 day menstrual cycle. Birth control pills are not being used to control the menstrual cycle in this example. For cycles using a birth control pill (BCP or OCP), we usually give 12-21 days of pills overlapping Lupron with the last 3 pills. A period starts a few days after the last pill. Ovarian stimulation shots start soon thereafter. Related Pages Overview of IVF stimulation Details on down regulation protocol Details on antagonist IVF protocol Details on Lupron flare protocol IVF procedures IVF success rates IVF pricing plans / options IVF from out of town More IVF Calendars Ganirelix IVF calendar Microdose flare IVF calendar Frozen embryo transfer calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1Start Lupron Menstrual cycle day 212Lupron Menstrual cycle day 223Lupron Menstrual cycle day 234Lupron Menstrual cycle day 245Lupron Menstrual cycle day 256Lupron Menstrual cycle day 267Lupron Menstrual cycle day 278 Lupron Menstrual period starts9 Lupron Start FSH injections Blood and ultrasound Day 1 of stimulation10 Lupron FSHDay 2 of stimulation11 Lupron FSHDay 3 of stimulation12 Lupron FSHBlood and ultrasound Day 4 of stimulation13 Lupron FSHDay 5 of stimulation14 Lupron FSHBlood and ultrasound Day 6 of stimulation15 Lupron FSHDay 7 of stimulation16 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound HCG injection Day 8 of stimulation1718Egg Retrieval Procedure19Start daily progesterone shots or vaginal cream2021Embryo Transfer Procedure (day 3 transfer)22 23Embryo Transfer Procedure (day 5 transfer, blastocyst transfer)24 25 26 27 2829 30 311Blood for pregnancy test2Key to table: Blood and ultrasound = blood test for hormone values ( estrogen levels in IVF stimulation are important) and transvaginal ultrasound to measure the follicle sizes in the ovaries."
"docid": "D404798#0",
"title": "http://www.yourivfjourney.com/chemical-pregnancy-10-things-you-should-know/\nChemical pregnancy â 10 things you should know",
"text": "Chemical pregnancy – 10 things you should know What exactly is a chemical pregnancy? Like many other pregnancy failures, it’s a clunky name that doesn’t quite make sense (see blighted ovum – the most ineptly named miscarriage ever). So here are 10 important things you should know about a chemical pregnancy, as collated from reliable online medical sources.1. A chemical pregnancy is an early miscarriage. So early, in fact, that you may not know you had one. Or indeed that you were pregnant at all. A chemical pregnancy usually occurs when you’re five or six weeks pregnant – i.e. before you’ve had an ultrasound scan.2. It’s called a chemical pregnancy because, however short-lived the pregnancy, your body produced a ‘chemical’ (i.e. a hormone) called HCG. You may have done a home pregnancy test and got a positive result. That’s the HCG telling your body implantation happened.3."
"docid": "D2530228#0",
"title": "http://www.victoriafertility.com/our-services/in-vitro-fertilization/\nIn-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)",
"text": "\"In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)In-Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, is a process designed to help women achieve pregnancy. There may be many reasons why a couple are unable to become pregnant, and a thorough investigation of both partners is appropriate before making any decisions about treatment. The first baby born through IVF was Louise Brown, through the pioneering efforts of Drs Steptoe and Edwards, in 1978. Originally, IVF was designed to help women with tubal disease, but today IVF is able to help couples with many different problems achieve a healthy pregnancy. Before explaining IVF it is important to have a basic understanding of the female menstrual cycle. The Normal Menstrual Cycle Women are born with a finite number of eggs. The ovaries are not like the testes in men. The testes are like sperm factories that continue to make fresh sperm all the time. The ovaries are more like “banks” of eggs. The ovaries are not autonomous (self-regulating), and need to be stimulated to function."
"docid": "D1911825#0",
"title": "http://www.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=206239.0\n",
"text": "\"Author Topic: progesterone after embryo transfer?? ( Read 30814 times)0 Members Emsley Un-Rankedprogesterone after embryo transfer? ?« on: 24/08/09, 13:33 »Can anyone help me with info about progesterone after embryo transfer?? I had ET on Friday, and was given progesterone pessaries (400mg cyclogest) to take twice a day, for 12 days. But I've heard that other people are given more than that - some seem to start taking them before ET, and some take them for much longer than 12 days. When I asked at the clinic, they just said that was the way they did things there [their answer to everything], and taking them for longer hadn't been shown to make any difference. But I'm worried- surely the whole point is to make the lining of the womb easier for implantation and pregnancy?? And if it doesn't make any difference, how come other clinics give them for longer?? I'm confused! I'd be really grateful to hear about anyone else's experiences with this..... Thanks, Gerii, xx Logged Fertility Friends Advertisement Sponsored Links Remove Advertisements Kerrie_1975Sr."
"docid": "D1308520#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/positive-pregnancy-test-after-frozen-embryo-transfer\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Positive Pregnancy Test After Frozen Embryo Transfer",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Positive Pregnancy Test After Frozen Embryo Transfer Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Andrew Silverman1 doctor agreed:1 How early can I do a pregnancy test after frozen embryo transfer? Pregnancy post ET: It is not uncommon to have a little delay of starting a pregnancy after fresh or frozen et. But if you wait 2 weeks post transfer you should be able to tell. I have used tens before and after et according to the literature from china, and it seems to be increasing the pregnancy rate. If you ... Read more Dr. Michael Traub167 Doctors shared insights Embryo Transfer (Definition)Embryo transfer (also et, set. Fet, etc) refers to placing one or more human embryo (s) (multi-cell or blastocyst) into the uterus of a woman trying to become pregnant. Et is the final step in an ivf cycle, and is done in some other circumstances as well. It is extremely safe, mostly comfortable, and usually not technically difficult. Experts agree on its importance, but ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gerard Honore1 doctor agreed:2 7 days after frozen embryo transfer, pregnancy test? No! :"
"docid": "D3161773#0",
"title": "https://www.rrc.com/the-ivf-cycle-a-step-by-step-timeline/\nThe IVF Cycle â A Step By Step Timeline",
"text": "The IVF Cycle – A Step By Step Timeline In Vitro Fertilization: While everyone knows the process isn’t simple, it does seem fairly straightforward, right? You retrieve some eggs, fertilize them with sperm, transfer a healthy resulting embryo into the uterus and – if all goes well – a baby is conceived. There are, of course, a myriad of steps that comprise that “straightforward” procedure and when all is said and done, the average IVF cycle takes around four to six weeks, depending on how things progress. The IVF Cycle: A Step by Step Timeline Here is a more detailed outline of what a step-by-step IVF cycle timeline actually looks like: Step 1. You start your period. Not surprisingly, the start of your menstrual cycle will trigger the start of your IVF cycle as your body gears up for its natural ovulation process. Depending on what was diagnosed and/or decided at your fertility treatment consultation, you may take birth control pills for a while to control the timing of the cycle more precisely and to prevent the growth of cysts, which can also affect ovulation. These oral contraceptives are typically taken for two to four weeks. During this same step, often overlapping the contraceptives, you will start using a daily injection of a medication called Lupron, which complete the pre-stimulation ovarian suppression. Lupron injections are used for two weeks."
"docid": "D3430083#0",
"title": "http://www.drmalpani.com/knowledge-center/articles/hcg\nHCG - Making the Diagnosis of Pregnancy",
"text": "\"A pregnancy should be documented as early as possible. This is important, because appropriate care and precautions can then be taken at an early stage. The most sensitive, accurate and reliable pregnancy test is a blood test for the presence of beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), often just called \"\"beta\"\". The HCG is produced by the embryo, and is the embryo's signal to the mother that pregnancy has occurred. HCG is a very interesting molecule. It is unusual because it is produced only by the trophoblastic cells of the embryo ( these cells are the ones which nourish the embryo and later develop into the placenta. ) This means that if the HCG is negative , this confirms you are not pregnant. ( Men will always have a negative HCG result). Read more- Why is it so hard to make sense of your HCG levels ? Urine pregnancy kits Modern urine pregnancy kits (using monoclonal antibody technology ) are now quite sensitive and can detect a pregnancy as early as 1 to 2 days after missing a period (at a blood HCG level of about 50 to 100 m IU/ml)."
"docid": "D3388513#0",
"title": "https://issuu.com/malpani/docs/how_to_have_a_baby\n.",
"text": "\"HOW TO HAVE A BABY MALPANI INFERTILITY CLINICTABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15 CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 18 CHAPTER 19 CHAPTER 20 CHAPTER 21 CHAPTER 22 CHAPTER 23 CHAPTER 24 CHAPTER 25 CHAPTER 26 CHAPTER 27 CHAPTER 28 CHAPTER 29 CHAPTER 30 CHAPTER 31 CHAPTER 32 CHAPTER 33 CHAPTER 34 CHAPTER 35 CHAPTER 36 CHAPTER 37 CHAPTER 38 CHAPTER 39 CHAPTER 40Do you have an infertility problem? When to start worrying! How Babies are Made - The Basics Finding Out What’s Wrong -- The Basic Medical Tests Testing the Man - Semen Analysis Beyond the Semen Analysis Diagnosis and Treatment for Male Infertility -- More Confusion! The Man with a Low Sperm Count The Latest Advance in Treating the Infertile Man Ultrasound - Seeing with Sound Laparoscopy -- The Kinder Cut Hysteroscopy The Tubal Connection Ovulation -- Normal and Abnormal The Older Woman Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) The Cervical Factor Hirsutism -- Excess Facial and Body Hair Endometriosis -- The Silent Invader Ectopic Pregnancy – The Time Bomb in the Tube Unexplained Infertility Secondary Infertility Empty Arms -- The Lonely Trauma of Miscarriage Understanding Your Medicines IUI - Intrauterine Insemination Test Tube Babies - IVF & GIFT Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis - the newest ART Using Donor Sperm Surrogate Mothering When Enough is Enough Adoption - Yours by Choice Childfree living - Life without children Stress And Infertility The Emotional Crisis of Infertility How to Cope with Infertility Infertility and Sexuality Support Groups-Self-Help is the Best Help Myths and Misconceptions Helping Hands - How Friends and Relatives can Help Rights of the Infertile Couple Alternative Medicine: Exploring Your Treatment Options1HOW TO HAVE A BABY MALPANI INFERTILITY CLINICCHAPTER 41 CHAPTER 42 CHAPTER 43 CHAPTER 44 CHAPTER 45 CHAPTER 46 CHAPTER 47 CHAPTER 48 CHAPTER 49 CHAPTER 50 CHAPTER 51 CHAPTER 52 CHAPTER 53 CHAPTER 54 CHAPTER 55Making Decisions about Treatment How to Find the Best Doctor How to Make the Most of Your Doctor Let the reader beware The Infertile Patient's Guide to the Internet The Ethical Issues - Right or Wrong? How Much Does Treatment Cost? Pregnant - At Last ! Preventing Infertility The Infertile Patient's Prayer and Infertility \"\"Defined\"\" Making IVF affordable Why are women scared of IVF? Infertility Record Sheet Self-Insemination Interpreting the lab test results GLOSSARY2HOW TO HAVE A BABY MALPANI INFERTILITY CLINICPREFACE Grappling with infertility is a lot like finding yourself trapped in a complex maze . You can't see what's ahead of you so you have no way of keeping your perspective . You wander the same path over and over again - totally lost and bewildered."
"docid": "D1802785#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/hormone-levels-twins\nHormone levels twins",
"text": "\"Hormone levels twins Common Questions and Answers about Hormone levels twinshormonemy levels have been very high throughout my pregnancy and 4 weeks ago confirmed there was only one baby. of course there is always a chance of twins, but high levels done always indicate that. im actually having issues about my very high levels at 10 weeks. 568,568 to be exact. but my Dr said not to worry that everything is just fine. keep us posted on the results of your next u/s. take care. Read More My blood tests came bake today and they reproted the pregnancy hormone is quite high ... they said thats a good thing ... however my mum now thinks im having twins because of this ... is there any chance there related?? Read More Sounds like everything is on track. They take more than one sample to see whether the hormone levels increase over time (it is supposed to increase)."
"docid": "D1699402#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/21605163/asexual-sexual-reproduction-flash-cards/\nAsexual & Sexual Reproduction",
"text": "\"84 terms Claire Mac Millan Asexual & Sexual Reproduction Chapter 12Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Asexual Reproduction Reproduction that requires one parent, process where one or more of an organism's cells form a genetically identical offspring, most prokaryotes and some simple eukaryotes reproduce asexually Clone Group of genetically identical cells/organisms produced through asexual reproduction Binary Fission Form of asexual reproduction in which a prokaryote replicates its DNA and divides in half, producing two identical cells Budding Form of asexual reproduction where buds grow to adult size and detach as new individuals, the Hydra is a simple eukaryotic organism that reproduces in this way Fragmentation Form of asexual reproduction where the organism divides into pieces, each piece then grows into an adult, the Planaria is a simple eukaryotic organisms that reproduces in this way, some plants produce this way (cacti)Vegetative Reproduction Asexual reproduction in plants, efficient in filling an area with plants but not in spreading the plant to new locations Chromosome Number Each species has a characteristic number of chromosomes (EX: humans have 26, prokaryotes have 1 circular chromosome along with smaller plasmids,etc.) Species have the same number of chromosomes, but carry different genetic information within the species Diploid Cells that carry a double set of chromosomes, the diploid number is represented by \"\"2n\"\"Haploid Cells with only one set of chromosomes, the haploid number is represented by \"\"n\"\"Homologous 2 chromosomes of a pair in diploid organisms, sometimes referred to as \"\"homologues\"\", the pair are similar in structure and they carry the same genes but the DNA sequences (alleles) may be different, the differences in the gene sequences among homologous chromosomes contributes to genetic variation Somatic Cells Body cells, all cells except for the sex cells, diploid in chromosome number Sperm Male gamete, small with lots of mitochondria and flagellum to help it swim to the egg for fertilization, contain little stored nourishment so they cannot live long after they are released Ova Female gametes, also called eggs, larger than sperm, immobile, serves as a storehouse for nutrients and organelles that support the embryo's development Meiosis Special cell division process that produces haploid gametes (gametes must fuse with another gamete or die), produces 4 haploid cells, process includes the same 4 phases as mitosis, except it has 2 divisions, the chromosomes do not duplicate after the first division, meiosis reduces the chromosomes to haploid number, provides genetic variation, and ensures the correct distribution of chromosomes into the resulting cells Spores One-celled reproductive cell that is usually resistant to harsh environmental conditions and may remain dormant for long periods, different types of haploid cells produced by meiosis in fungi and small plants, more spores can develop into haploid organisms without fertilization How are meiosis are fertilization complementary processes in sexual reproduction? Meiosis produces haploid gametes, while fertilization restores the diploid chromosome number How is meiosis different from mitosis? 1. Cells divide twice in meiosis, but the chromosomes are not duplicated after the first division (this halves the chromosome number from 2n to n) 2. Meiosis distributes a random mixture of maternal and paternal chromosomes to each gamete, resulting in new genetic combinations 3. Homologous chromosomes pair up side by side during the first division of meiosis, from this position they cross over Crossing-Over Process where homologous chromosomes pair up side by side during the second division of meiosis and exchange corresponding pieces of DNA, changes each chromosomes into a mixture of maternal and paternal genes, increasing genetic variation of the gametes How does meiosis I differ from meiosis II? 1. Homologous chromosomes pair and cross over during prophase I 2. Sister chromatids do not separate during anaphase I, instead homologous chromosomes migrate to opposite poles Polar Bodies 2 smaller bodies that are left over when a female egg is produced as all the cytoplasm goes to the egg, these leftover cells break down and disintegrate Endosperm Polar body that survives in plants and remains diploid, fertilized along with the egg, develops into the endosperm to nourish the embryo Conjugation Process where a tube of cytoplasm temporarily connects some bacterial cells (or simple eukaryotes) allowing some DNA to pass through, allows asexually reproducing organisms to exchange genetic information, promotes genetic variation but does NOT produce offspring Alteration of Generations Life cycle that includes both asexual and sexual forms, characteristic of plants/algae/etc, usually referred to as microorganisms, remain haploid for most of their lives, common in parasites, many fungi and microorganisms switch between asexual/sexual reproduction in response to their environment Gills Thin sheets of fungal tissues on the underside of the mushroom, site where the nuclei of two mating mushrooms fuse and where meiosis occurs to produce haploid spores, the spores then disperse Alteration of Generations in Simple Plants Most plants produce sexually, but many can reproduce asexually and sexually, simple plants (moss) spend most of their life in the haploid stage, need a moist environment to reproduce because their sperm swim through the wet soil to reach the female reproductive part of the plant,Alteration of Generations in Seed Plants Larger seed plants spend more time in the diploid stage, the only haploid stage being a small tissue in their reproductive organs where the ova are protected, sperm of seed plants do not need to swim through wet soil Pollen Tiny grains that contain male gametes, produced/released from the anthers of flowers, carried by wind or symbiotic animals to the female organs, each grain contains 2 cells, a tube cell and a second cell that divides to produce 2 haploid sperm nuclei Carpels Modified leaves in the center of an ovum-prudcing flower that fuse together to form a hollow structure Ovary Base of the hollow carpel structure in flowers, contains one or more ovules Ovules Small structures that develop in the plant ovary and contain the egg, a specialized cell within the ovule undergoes meiosis resulting in 4 haploid cells, 3 of which disintegrate, then the fourth cell divides by mitosis to produce 7 cells, one of which becomes the ovum, another one of these 7 cells is a large cell containing two nuclei known as polar nuclei Anther Enlarged end of the stamen in a flower, inside which pollen grains containing male gametes form, sperm forms here when cells first undergo meiosis to produce 4 haploid cells, each haploid cell divides by mitosis to produce pollen Pollination Transfer of pollen from anther to carpel Cross Pollination Pollination between 2 different plants of the same species, increases genetic variation by combining chromosomes from 2 parents Sexual Reproduction in Plants Begins when the anthers shed pollen, in nonflowering plants wind carries the pollen, in flowering plants animals/insects eat the flower parts and carry the pollen to other plants, pollination What happens when pollen lands on the tip of the carpel, or the stigma?"
"docid": "D2070557#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/106440-medications-cause-false-positive-pregnancy/\nMedications That Cause False Positive Pregnancy Tests",
"text": "Medications That Cause False Positive Pregnancy Testsby SHARON PERKINS June 13, 2017False positive results are uncommon on pregnancy tests; false negatives are much more common. Certain medications can cause a false positive result on blood test or home pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests measure levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (h CG) in the blood or urine. Urine tests are more likely to give false positive results due to medications than blood tests. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)The drug most likely to cause a false positive reading on a pregnancy test is h CG, which is given to women undergoing fertility treatment to mature and release an egg from the ovary. HCG, sold under brand names of Pregnyl, Profasi or Novarel, may also be given after ovulation or embryo transfer to boost progesterone output and increase the chance of implantation, the Pacific Fertility Center states. Some women also take h CG to help them lose weight. Because h CG is the hormone tested by pregnancy test, taking the drug will yield a false positive result in both blood and urine. It takes around 7 to 14 days to clear the drug from your system after injection. Fertility Plus recommends waiting 7 days after a 2,500 International Unit (IU) injection, 10 days after a 5,000 IU injection, and 14 days after a 10,000 IU injection to test."
"docid": "D1577643#0",
"title": "https://www.givf.com/fertility/ivf.shtml\nIn Vitro Fertilization (IVF)",
"text": "In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)For pregnancy to occur, an egg must be fertilized by a sperm. When fertilization happens inside the body, it is called in vivo fertilization. When fertilization happens outside of the body, it is called in vitro fertilization, or IVF. IVF can help treat infertility in patients who have damaged fallopian tubes, male factor infertility, endometriosis, unexplained infertility or along with PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis). Since 1984, the Genetics & IVF Institute has helped tens of thousands of patients worldwide have babies through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Our IVF program offers you the following benefits: Our warm, compassionate physicians and staff are dedicated to providing you personalized, quality care each time you visit our practice. GIVF is a comprehensive fertility center that provides solutions to all of your fertility needs. Our beautiful, spacious practice provides comfort, privacy, and discretion as well as a full range of infertility treatment options. Since our inception, GIVF has been a pioneer and innovator in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and in reproductive genetics. How Does the IVF Process Work?"
"docid": "D1156991#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/pregnancy-test-9-days-after-conception\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Pregnancy Test 9 Days After Conception",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Pregnancy Test 9 Days After Conception Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Michael Roth4 doctors agreed:1 Can you take a pregnancy test 9 days after conception? Could I still have my period if it's expected 2 days from now? . Yes: Bleeding can occur for several months after concetion ... Read more Dr. Lynne Weixel4 Doctors shared insights Pregnancy (Definition)When your due date arrives, you will be more than ready to have your baby! Most women deliver the baby somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, only 5% of babies arrive on the exact due date. Approximately 7% of babies are not delivered by 42 weeks, and when that happens, it is referred to ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Mary Vanko10 doctors agreed:2 I took a blood test for pregnancy 9 days after conception, it came back negative was this too early? HCG tests: Your test will be positive after a missed period. It was too early. ... Read more Dr. Heidi Fowler2 doctors agreed:3 Will a pregnancy test show results 26 days after conception? Yes: You can take a home pregnancy test at that time. ..."
"docid": "D1055745#0",
"title": "http://blog.drmalpani.com/2011/03/how-many-weeks-pregnant-am-i.html\nHow many weeks pregnant am I ?",
"text": "\"How many weeks pregnant am I ? Many IVF patients get very confused about how the doctor calculates the age of their pregnancy ( = gestational age, in medical jargon). Logically, shouldn't it be from the day of the embryo transfer ? After all, it's only after the embryos are transferred that a woman can be considered to be pregnant ! However, doctors are not always logical, and we usually use the menstrual age when talking about the length of the pregnancy. This is because obstetricians usually see women who have got pregnant after having sex in their bedroom. Very few of them will know the exact date they ovulated , which is why we use the menstrual age in clinical practise. This does not change just because you have had an IVF pregnancy - the clinical rules remain the same ! This creates a lot of confusion in patient's minds - especially when they are trying to make sense of their ultrasound scan results or their HCG levels. Remember that your OB is always talking about the menstrual age - not the age of the embryo !"
"docid": "D1896673#0",
"title": "http://www.yourivfjourney.com/hcg-levels-10-things-you-need-to-know/\nHCG levels â 10 things you need to know",
"text": "HCG levels – 10 things you need to know HCG levels – let’s face it, they’re hard to understand. You know the basics: HCG is the pregnancy hormone. You may have done a home pregnancy test (HPT) and got a positive result. Then an HCG blood test. If the hormone’s pulsing through your body, those tests will confirm the good news. Then the confusion starts. Are your HCG levels rising properly? Does a high score mean twins? A low score, disaster? Forget dodgy online calculators and vague explanations from friends."
"docid": "D659798#0",
"title": "https://www.drmalpani.com/articles/betahcglevels/\nBeta HCG levels - and how to interpret them",
"text": "Print Email Successful conception is clinically confirmed by a blood test for the presence of beta HCG. It is the most sensitive, accurate and reliable of pregnancy tests. When you finally get pregnant, the doctor will monitor the health of your pregnancy by measuring your beta HCG ( also known as beta) levels. A pregnancy should be documented as early as possible. This is important, because appropriate care and precautions can then be taken at an early stage. The most sensitive, accurate and reliable pregnancy test is a blood test for the presence of beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), often just called beta. The HCG is produced by the embryo, and is the embryo's signal to the mother that pregnancy has occurred. Beta HCG levels vary according to the gestational age. In a non-pregnant woman, they are less than 10 m IU/ml. They are typically about 100 m IU/ml 14 days after ovulation in a healthy singleton pregnancy."
"docid": "D973685#0",
"title": "https://www.invitra.com/hcg-levels-after-a-miscarriage/\nhCG Levels After a Miscarriage or a Medical Abortion",
"text": "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (h CG) is a hormone linked to pregnancy and it is responsible for ensuring that the corpus luteum—i.e. what is left in the ovary after ovulation—keeps on producing progesterone once conception has been achieved.h CG originates in the syncytiotrophoblast, that is, the outermost layer of the embryo. The various sections of this article are assembled in the following table of contents. Contentsh CG Levels After a Miscarriage or a Medical Abortion1. Normal beta-h CG levels2. Getting back to normal after a miscarriage Normal beta-h CG levels The chorion, one of the outer membranes that cover the human embryo and assists in placental formation, starts producing h CG after the embryo implants in the uterus, which usually occurs within 8 to 10 days after conception. For this reason, the detection of h CG in the woman’s organism is an indicator that embryo implantation has taken place. The time it takes for beta h CG to duplicate during pregnancy allows measuring the speed at which placental development will take place. Slow growth speed may be an indicator that there is some sort of problem or that the woman is at risk of miscarrying. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (h CG)Generally, h CG values keep on doubling every 48-72 hours."
"docid": "D604782#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_soon_after_implantation_do_hCG_levels_rise\nHow soon after implantation do hCG levels rise?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Sexual Health and Education Pregnancy Pregnancy Tests How soon after implantation do h CG levels rise? Flag How soon after implantation do h CG levels rise? Answer by Aftershock XP Confidence votes 130HCG stands for \"\"Human Chorionic Gonadotropin\"\", the pregnancy hormone. HCG is being produced by the placenta and enters the blood stream as soon as implantation happens, about one week after fertilization and ovulation, when the embryo implants and the placenta attaches to the uterine lining.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Paisley32 1 Contribution What are HCG levels? HGC Levels Here are answers and opinions from FAQ Farmers: . I don't know the exact definition, but it is a hormone a woman's body produces when she is pregnant. Home pregna …Kharrima 85,493 Contributions What would prevent your hcg levels from rising when you are pregnant? There are a lot of things that can prevent the HCG level. It could be the intake of fluid, or it could be that your body has not produced enough HCG to detect a pregnancy."
"docid": "D680353#0",
"title": "http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/3/823.full\nDefining the rise of serum HCG in viable pregnancies achieved through use of IVF",
"text": "Defining the rise of serum HCG in viable pregnancies achieved through use of IVFKarine Chung Mary D. Sammel Christos Coutifaris Raffi Chalian Kathleen Lin Arthur J. Castelbaum Martin F. Freedman Kurt T. Barnhart Human Reproduction, Volume 21, Issue 3, 1 March 2006, Pages 823–828, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dei389Published: 25 November 2006 Article history Views PDF Cite Permissions Share Abstract BACKGROUND: We aimed to characterize the rate of HCG rise associated with viable IVF pregnancies, and to evaluate the association between HCG rise and potentially influential factors. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of all viable pregnancies achieved through IVF at two centres between January 1999 and March 2004. RESULTS: Of the 455 pregnancies resulting in live births, 391 met inclusion criteria and contributed a total of 1052 HCG values. Using random effects models, the best pattern to describe the rise of log HCG was quadratic with the rate of increase slowing at 24 days post-oocyte retrieval. Limiting the analysis to measurements below the discriminatory zone, the linear model adequately characterized the profile. The average slope was 0.403, yielding a predicted increase of 1.50 (50% increase) in 1 day and 2.24 (124%) in 2 days. In the final model, absolute HCG values, but not rate of rise, were significantly higher for twins and triplets and significantly lower for patients with BMI >30 kg/m 2. CONCLUSIONS: The HCG profile of viable pregnancies conceived with IVF is quadratic with an earlier plateau than has been reported for non-IVF pregnancies. The average rate of rise is comparable to previous estimates in symptomatic spontaneous conceptions.body mass index, HCG rise, IVF, multiple pregnancies, viable pregnancies Topic:pregnancy body mass index procedure chorionic gonadotropin fertilization in vitro triplets twins live birth Issue Section: Early pregnancy Introduction Serial measurements of serum HCG in early gestations represent an invaluable aid in the differentiation of normal and abnormal pregnancies. When ultrasonography is non-diagnostic, clinical practice relies upon established rates of HCG rise to estimate the likelihood of pregnancy viability and determine the need for intervention if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected."
"docid": "D2749310#0",
"title": "http://womenshealthandfertility.blogspot.com/2011/10/ivf-patient-has-false-negative-on.html\nWomen's Health and Fertility",
"text": "\"IVF Patient Has False Negative On Pregnancy Test: Late Implantation? What Went Wrong? Question: Dr. Ramirez, I have written to you in the past and you have always been such a great sounding board. I need help and closure and I am hoping that you can help. In September I went through IVF (in vitro fertilization). On 9/7 I transferred 2 embryos- 1 7cell grade AF and a 4cell grade BF. On 9/16 I had some light spotting and cramping. My beta was on 9/19 (12dp3dt)was negative & my RE instructed me to stop taking the PIO & Estrace. A few days later, what I thought was my period arrived. It was a medium flow w/some small clotting & lasted about 4 days & stopped."
] |
598 | 11 weeks pregnant baby size | [
"docid": "D3087252#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100510014535AALAPtS\nHow big would the uterus be at 11 weeks pregnant? (second pregnancy) as in fruit size?",
"text": "Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy How big would the uterus be at 11 weeks pregnant? ( second pregnancy) as in fruit size? I know that the baby is about the size of the palm of my hand is what all the baby books are saying, so how big would my uterus be at 11 weeks? Like the size of a cantaloupe? or a small cantaloupe.. or a grape fruit? ( even though I think that would be a bit small) This is also my second pregnancy so mine is... show more1 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It matters not whether it is your first pregnancy or not the size will be the same. It may seem larger because your abdominal muscles are a bit weaker. At 11 weeks, your fetus is about the size of a lime (fitting in the palm of your hand), so the uterus is probably not too much bigger. Right now, it should just be peaking up over your pelvic bone, but you may be showing a bit more because it is not your first pregnancy. Your uterus won't reach your navel until about 20 weeks."
] | [
"docid": "D2694646#0",
"title": "http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/En/ResourceCentres/PregnancyBabies/Pregnancy/ThePregnantMother/Pages/The-Third-Month.aspx\nPregnancy: The Third Month",
"text": "\"Physical changes in the third month of pregnancy In week 11 of pregnancy, your nausea should start to ease. You may still feel faint if you stand up too quickly. Your vaginal discharge will increase. The amount of blood circulating through your body will continue to increase. Hormonal changes will continue to make your gums prone to bleeding, so pay attention to your oral hygiene, avoid sugary foods, and have at least two dental check-ups while you are pregnant. Constipation may persist, and might be accompanied by hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a form of varicose veins that appear around the anus, and they are uncomfortable, itchy, and sometimes painful. Make sure to eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, and high fibre foods to guard against constipation and hemorrhoids. You may develop a backache, caused by leaning backward to compensate for the baby’s weight. To reduce backache, try to maintain good posture, avoid lifting heavy objects, lift with your knees bent, wear flat shoes, and sit with your back well-supported."
"docid": "D958674#0",
"title": "http://www.pregnancycorner.com/being-pregnant/when-do-you-start-showing-during-pregnancy.html\nWhen Do You Start Showing During Pregnancy?",
"text": "You may have heard that first-time mothers-to-be tend to show later, and second-time mothers tend to show sooner. That is true to a degree, although it depends on a variety of factors, such as your weight and body type at the time of conception and the baby’s position in your uterus. On average, pregnant women begin showing during the second trimester, around 12 to 16 weeks. Normally, your uterus is the size of a lemon. By weeks 14 to 17 of your pregnancy, it’s about the size of a small melon and has risen above the pelvic cavity, making it visible above your waistline. At this point, you’ll probably need to shop for maternity clothes if you haven’t done so already. Early in pregnancy, some women have a “come-and-go” belly. Your belly may feel expanded one day and the next day, after you’ve had a bowel movement, it disappears. This full belly-flat belly phenomenon, while a little unsettling, is normal. It is easy to confuse gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating, with a growing uterus."
"docid": "D1579194#0",
"title": "https://ultimatehomelife.com/dog-pregnancy-gestation-101-how-long-are-dogs-pregnant/\nDog Pregnancy & Gestation 101: How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?",
"text": "Dog Pregnancy & Gestation 101: How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?10When it comes to dog pregnancy, some dog owners know what they’re doing when it comes to this subject and have everything laid out in their minds beforehand, while others just watch it happen as a surprise. Both ways, any dog owner out there who has a female dog must know the ins and outs of dog pregnancy, such as how long dogs stay pregnant, what their bodies go through during pregnancy and what you should be doing during this phase in their lives to help out as much as possible. In this article, we’ll be talking about everything you need to know when it comes to dog pregnancy, so that you’re equipped with as much knowledge about the subject when the time comes for you to make use of it. Table Of Contents [ hide]1 How Long Is A Dog Pregnant?2 How To Tell If A Dog Is Pregnant3 Dog Pregnancy Test: Do Pregnancy Tests For Dogs Work?4 How Long Do Dogs Stay Pregnant? Factors You Should Know About4.1 1) Dog Litter Size4.2 2) Dog Breed Size4.3 3) Family History5 Dog Gestation Period Timeline5.1 1) Week 15.2 2) Week 25.3 3) Week 35.4 4) Week 45.5 5) Week 55.6 6) Week 65.7 7) Week 75.8 8) Week 85.9 9) Week 96 When Are Puppies Considered Premature?7 What To Do Differently When Your Dog Is Pregnant?8 What To Do When Your Dog Goes Into Labor?9 What To Do After Your Dog Gives Birth?10 Appendix A: How Can I Tell If My Dog Is In Heat? How Long Is A Dog Pregnant? So, exactly how long are dogs pregnant for? I would love to give you one simple answer for that question, but it doesn’t work like that unfortunately. There are many, many factors that will ultimately determine how long this period lasts. Generally and as a rule of thumb, dogs remain pregnant between 58 and 67 days, with an average of 63 days (around 2 months)."
"docid": "D3420610#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/400_is-it-safe-to-lose-weight-while-pregnant_935232_702.bc\nis it safe to lose weight while pregnant",
"text": "\"Home / Pregnancy Q&A / Nutrition & Weight Q&Ais it safe to lose weight while pregnantserenity Asked 8/29/07Answer this question RELATED EXPERT ANSWERIs it safe to diet during pregnancy? Find out what our experts say -- and see how they rate dieting during pregnancy on a five-point safety scale. Plus, get expert... Jennifer Shupediatrician Mom Answers ( 77)Best answers Most recent BEST ANSWERI personaly think its fine. With my third daughter I weighed 165 when I got pregnant. I ate right and walked during the pregnancy and after i had her I was down 2 sizes and was 20 pounds lighter. She was healthy and weighed 8 pounds at birth. I ate small healthy meals and walked alot!missmomma80Answered 11/29/07132 found this helpful I ate healthy as possible! Minimal carbs (one serving aka 15grams and had maybe 2 per meal and 1 at snacks) lots of fresh foods only, if I wanted a big greasy burger I made it myself instead of burger king and such, lots of fiber, low fat dairy, and lean proteins made me lose 40lbs throughout my pregnancy! I didn't gain ANYTHING just lost! My Dr. was actually happy since I started overweight already and my baby was 7lbs and he was healthy as can be, I exercised as much as I could (prenatal workouts, long steady walks -since we walk slower now!"
"docid": "D1145#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_trimester\nPregnancy",
"text": "\"Pregnancy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Second trimester)navigation search This article is about pregnancy in humans. For other mammals, see Pregnancy (mammals). For fish, see Pregnancy in fish. Pregnancy Synonym Gestation A pregnant woman Specialty Obstetrics, midwifery Symptoms Missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, frequent urination [1]Complications Miscarriage, high blood pressure of pregnancy, gestational diabetes, iron-deficiency anemia, severe nausea and vomiting [2] [3]Duration ~40 weeks from the last menstrual period [4] [5]Causes Sexual intercourse, assisted reproductive technology [6]Diagnostic method Pregnancy test [7]Prevention Birth control, abortion [8]Treatment Prenatal care [9]Medication Folic acid [9]Frequency 213 million (2012) [10]Deaths 293,000 (2013) [11]Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. [ 4] A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. [ 12] Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. [ 6]Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP). [ 4] [5] This is just over nine months, where each month averages 29½ days. [ 4] [5] When measured from conception it is about 38 weeks. [ 5] An embryo is the developing offspring during the first eight weeks following conception, after which, the term fetus is used until birth. ["
"docid": "D3117148#0",
"title": "http://www.pregnancycorner.com/being-pregnant/pregnancy-week-by-week/10-weeks-pregnant.html\n10 Weeks Pregnant",
"text": "As you go through your tenth week of pregnancy, it’s important to know that your baby is completely out of the embryonic stage and fully into the fetal stage. The best news about the tenth week is that there is less risk for congenital abnormalities. You and your baby are not fully in the clear when it comes to avoiding abnormalities or deformities, but the most critical weeks of development are over. With continued care and medical attention, you are well on your way to having a healthy baby. Symptoms and Body Changes at 10 Weeks Although you’re not quite showing yet in your tenth week of pregnancy, you probably feel like you are. You’ve gained one to three pounds, yet you feel like you’ve gained much more. The bloated feeling hasn’t gone away yet, but as you reach the end of your first trimester, other pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness are subsiding. Hopefully during the tenth week you are feeling much more positive about your pregnancy, since your first check-up has come and gone and you have been able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. This moment can be very exciting for future parents, and that can offset the negative emotions brought on by the heightened levels of estrogen and progesterone within your body. Hang in there!Your Baby’s Development You have been told up until this point that your baby is growing rapidly."
"docid": "D1281894#0",
"title": "http://www.parenting.com/answers/q/due-date-change-after-ultrasound\nGet Answers",
"text": "search answersor browse by categorydue date change after ultrasound?mast.shan 2 answers Is it normal? Had last period Sept. 2nd then spotting 2 weeks later ( presumably due to conception) so should be 14 weeks pregnant but ultrasound measures 11 weeks. Is baby small or am I really only 11 weeks. I knew I wa pregnant just by feeling by mid October if that helps. This is 4 the pregnancy first time dates vary by so much, causing me to worryanswers (2)Vfor Venture An ultrasound done during the first 12 weeks is the best way to estimate your due date. At that point, unless there is a problem, all babies grow at the same rate, which is why it's the best judge of your baby's age. Later on in pregnancy, a number of different things can cause variations in a baby's size, so it's not really possible to judge age by ultrasound. When I was pregnant with my second baby, I had a threatened miscarriage at what we thought was 10 weeks. But, after the ultrasound, we found out that I was only 7 weeks. Using your period/menstrual cycle as a guide isn't always the best way to detemine how far along you are."
"docid": "D505730#0",
"title": "http://baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html\nExternal genital changes in Fetus development",
"text": "External genital changes in Fetus development42 days (6 weeks) after fertilization, around week 8 of pregnancy6 week old embryo (Embryo size = 0. 5 inch, 12 mm)Buds of the arm Arc branchial Placenta membrane Eye Genital tuber Site of the heart Bud of the leg Tail Umbilical cord At the sixth week the site of the genitals is a small bud, called the genital tuber. Until the ninth week of fetus development, the embryonic reproductive apparatus is the same one for the two sexes. [ Internal genital organs ]The Ultrasound Angle of the Dangle - Boy or Girl ? Enjoy - First class FREE shipping anywhere in the world. Boy or Girl? Gender prediction test9 week old embryo - 11 weeks Pregnant ( Embryo size = 1.75 inch, 45 mm )Boy Girl1. Anus 2. Labioscrotal folds 3. Legs 4."
"docid": "D2911185#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/5384-2\nAnimal Gestation and Incubation",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Zoology or Animal Biology Animal Health Animal Gestation and Incubation Unanswered | Answered Animal Gestation and Incubation Parent Category: Animal Health The Gestation period of an animal is the length of time from conception to birth. In this category you'll find questions and answers about the gestation period of most animals including embryo development inside the body of the mother (viviparous) and outside the mother (Oviparous) such as animals that lay eggs. < 2 3 4 >What is meant by Gestation period of human? Humans have an average gestation period (time of pregnancy) of 280 days. Gestation periods are the periods from when the sperm fertilizes the egg to birth (except in asexual). What is an average gestation of a goat? Five months (150 days). How long do guinea pigs stay pregnant?59 - 72 days. What is a seahorses gestation period? Good question."
"docid": "D197231#0",
"title": "http://www.circleofmoms.com/breastfeeding-moms/do-you-really-lose-a-massive-amount-of-weight-from-breastfeeding-413013\nDo you really lose a massive amount of weight from breastfeeding?",
"text": "\"All Communities > Breastfeeding Moms > Do you really lose a massive amount of weight from... Do you really lose a massive amount of weight from breastfeeding? Tabitha - posted on 11/08/2009 ( 160 moms have responded )23220I tried breastfeeding with my son and gave it up; but, then I learned that after having a c-section that it may take milk longer to come in. Now, I'm due in 7 weeks and I am set on trying breastfeeding again. I have heard all kinds of stories on weight loss while doing this. One woman told me she lost 30 lbs in one week just from breastfeeding! Which is awesome! Also, does BF cause your breast to go down in size after weening the baby? Helpful (44) Nice (4) Funny (2) Encouraging (16) Hugs (7)MOST HELPFUL POSTSKristen - posted on 11/14/2009270I sure did! I'm usually around 125lbs, I went up to 158 lbs before I gave birth...with BF I'm down to 115lbs. No diet, no excersize."
"docid": "D2745171#0",
"title": "http://www.pregnancy.com.au/resources/topics-of-interest/pregnancy/overdue.shtml\nOverdue",
"text": "\"Home > Resources > Topics of interest > Pregnancy > Overdue Overdue By Jane Palmer When you first see your midwife or doctor they give you a date that your baby is due. Sometimes this date is changed during the course of your pregnancy, but mostly it stays the same and is looked forward to with great anticipation. The reality is however that only five per cent of babies arrive on the day they are expected. Ideally you should allow two weeks either side of your due date. Giving birth anywhere between 37 to 42 weeks is considered normal. There is evidence to suggest that the current methods of estimating the due date may in fact not be as accurate as we think. One study found first time mothers gave birth on average 5 days over their due date and second time mothers gave birth on average 2 days after their due date. Most studies I reviewed suggested that first time mothers had longer pregnancies than women who had a baby before. Around 10 per cent of pregnancies do go beyond 42 weeks. When this occurs it is known as post-term or a prolonged pregnancy."
"docid": "D1431096#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recommended_maximum_intake_of_alcoholic_beverages\nRecommended maximum intake of alcoholic beverages",
"text": "\"Recommended maximum intake of alcoholic beverages From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search There is no global consensus on recommended maximum intake (or safe limits) of the drug alcohol (also known formally as ethanol). [ 1] The guidelines provided by health agencies of governments are varied and are shown below. These recommendations concerning maximum intake are distinct from any legal restrictions (e.g. driving after consuming alcohol) that may apply in those countries. The American Heart Association recommends that those who do not already consume alcoholic beverages should not start doing so because of the negative long-term effects of alcohol consumption. [ 2] [3]Contents [ hide ]1 Caveats2 Units and standard drinks3 Men3.1 Daily maximum drinks (no weekly limits recommended)3.2 Daily/weekly maximum drinks3.3 Weekly maximum drinks4 Women who are neither pregnant nor breastfeeding4.1 Daily maximum drinks (no weekly limits recommended)4.2 Daily/weekly maximum drinks4.3 Weekly maximum drinks5 Pregnant women6 Breastfeeding women7 Minors8 See also9 References10 External links Caveats [ edit]See also: Alcohol and health The recommended limits for daily or weekly consumption provided in the various countries' guidelines generally apply to the average healthy adult. However, many guidelines also set out numerous conditions under which alcohol intake should be further restricted or eliminated. They may stipulate that, among other things, people with liver, kidney, or other chronic disease, cancer risk factors, smaller body size, young or advanced age, those who have experienced issues with mental health, sleep disturbances, alcohol or drug dependency or who have a close family member who has, or who are taking medication that may interact with alcohol, [4] or suffering or recovering from an illness or accident, are urged to consider, in consultation with their health professionals, a different level of alcohol use, including reduction or abstention. Furthermore, the maximum amounts allowed do not apply to those involved with activities such as operating vehicles or machinery, risky sports or other activities, or those responsible for the safety of others. [ 5] [6] [7]Units and standard drinks [ edit]See also: Standard drink Guidelines generally give recommended amounts measured in grams (g) of pure alcohol. Some guidelines also express alcohol intake in units or standard drinks when recommending maximum alcohol intake."
"docid": "D606940#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-bulky-gravid-anteverted-uterus-means\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Bulky Gravid Anteverted Uterus Means",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Bulky Gravid Anteverted Uterus Means Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Michael Gabor1 doctor agreed:1 My wife had a pelvic scan here are the report : uterus : a bulky gravid and anteverted uterus, unifo? Pelvic scan: Gravid means pregnant. The uterus enlarges (gets bulky) during pregnancy. Anteverted simply refers to the position of the uterus: it is angled forward, which is common. ... Read more Dr. Lawrence Kessler4 Doctors shared insights Pregnancy (Definition)When your due date arrives, you will be more than ready to have your baby! Most women deliver the baby somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, only 5% of babies arrive on the exact due date. Approximately 7% of babies are not delivered by 42 weeks, and when that happens, it is referred to ... Read more Dr. Boniface Ikejiani Obstetrics & Gynecology20 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Christina Adberg2 I am 29 & this my 2nd pregnancy. The first one was ectopic. The sonographic report says anteverted uterus bulky."
"docid": "D2863946#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/22447452/Can-Your-Baby-Get-Pregnant-if-You-Have-Sex-While-Pregnant\nCan your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? - Yahoo!",
"text": "\"Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? - Yahoo!Answers11/11/09 11:14 PMThis is Google's cache of http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090922014626AAq NCZa. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 11 Nov 2009 00:11:21 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more Text-only version Home > Pregnancy & Parenting > Pregnancy > Resolved Question Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? like if you are pregnant with a baby girl, and you have sex while you are pregnant, can the sperm go up in there and impregnate the baby? 2 months ago ( 2009-09-22 01:46:26 )Treena Best Answer - Chosen by Voters The baby can get pregnant only if it's a female. If you suspect that your baby is pregnant, try not to have sex again. You run the risk of getting your baby's baby pregnant and that can lead to complications like an infinite loop. Source (s): http://www.4chan.org 2 months ago ( 2009-09-23 23:37:35 )12% 9 Votes Hennessy chloesam… sup /b/ Lizard_L… a baby can be born pregnant under ONE circumstance: if you are an aphid. ("
"docid": "D364524#0",
"title": "http://www.chihuahuawardrobe.com/what-to-expect-from-a-chihuahuas-heat-cycle/\nWhat To Expect From a Chihuahuaâs Heat Cycle",
"text": "\"What To Expect From a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle Female Chihuahua Female Chihuahuas can make wonderful, loving family pets. In fact, many people prefer them because they don't mark their territory like their male counterparts. If you plan on raising a female Chihuahua, though, you'll need to be aware of their heat cycle. This is a critical time in their life that requires special care and attention; otherwise, you could end up with a liter of unwanted puppies around the home. Like all dogs, female Chihuahuas must be properly cared for when they go into heat. This is when they are most fertile and will draw the attention of any nearby males. In addition, Chihuahuas in heat will also bleed, which means you'll have to come up with a solution to prevent it from getting on the floor. Keep reading and we'll take a closer look at what to expect during a Chihuahua's heat cycle. When Will My Chihuahua Have Her First Heat Cycle? It's important to note that all Chihuahuas are different, and unfortunately there's no easy way to tell exactly when your Chihuahua will have her first heat cycle."
"docid": "D250306#0",
"title": "http://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/woman-504/sex-contraception-48/649900-contraceptive-implant-removal-all.html\nContraceptive Implant Removal!",
"text": "+ Reply to Thread Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 ... Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 20 of 73Contraceptive Implant Removal!Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Thread Tools Show Printable Version11-10-11, 10:29 #1Bethany R (8)View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date May 2011Location Reading, Berks Posts170Contraceptive Implant Removal!I just wanted to see what other peoples experiences were when getting their implant removed. I've got my doctors appointment tomorrow to talk it through with my doctor that put it in and I'm worried he might refuse or try and convince me not to have it out. I'm only 19 (but quite often get gasps of disbelief as I look and act older). I had mine put in the month after I had my daughter last year so i've only had it in 1 and half years. Had it in thinking I defenitely didn't want another for a LONG time lol but I've now changed my mind. Also i've gone up 2 sizes since having my daughter making me overweight so worried that he's probably gonna make a remark that I need to lose weight before even considering having another baby. Did anyone have a bad experience having theirs taken out? Or have their doctor refuse or kick up a fuss about having it taken out? Thanks =) xx11-10-11, 15:42 #2suzanne i (15)View Profile View Forum Postsmember Join Date Jun 2010Posts930I had mine taken out about 2 weeks ago. I just told the receptionist I wanted an appointment to have it taken out."
"docid": "D2708788#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/400_how-early-can-you-feel-the-baby-move-and-how-soon-can-you-st_3840989_404.bc\nHow early can you feel the baby move and how soon can you start to show?",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy Q&A / Pregnancy Week by Week Q&AHow early can you feel the baby move and how soon can you start to show? This is my 5th pregnancy (1 m/c 11/02,1 live birth 12/04,1 m/c 11/07,1 m/c 3/08,&now currently 9w 6d pregnant),I felt my daughter move at 11 1/2 weeks I think? I knew it wasn't gas it happened to regualrly when I layed still in bed,and they say your more in tune w/ur body if you've been pregnant before and I swear today@9w 6d I feel the baby!It felt like a butterfly had brushed up aginst me or like a few pieaces of popcorn popped. I thought it must me gas,but it felt diffrent than that. So to make sure I'm not going crazy I posted this question!I just want to know do miscarraiges in 1st trimester count towards pregnacy...meaning my uterus has strecthed 5times so I'll feel more things sooner&show sooner? I know they say the more pregnancies that you have the sooner you show. I look like I'm about 4months pregnant even though I'm closer to almost 3months pregnant. So is all of this normal? ! a Baby Center member Asked 8/9/08Answer this question Mom Answers ( 124)Best answers Most recent BEST ANSWERI just turned 8 week and for the past two days I feel some weird movement in the left side of my belly.... It's my third child but it's the first time I feel it so soon... Is this moving or me being a bit crazy...tinkpixiepretty Answered 7/30/1120 found this helpful I am pregant for the second and time and I'm currently 9 weeks with twins and I swear I can feel one (or both) of them.. it's roughly the same spot and it feels like something brushing up against my stomach. It's been happening on and off for a few days when I am sitting still so I know it can't be gas!Shaymcd75Answered 8/27/0820 found this helpfulin response to bethbrown1984: I have four beautiful, smart, healthy children ages 5 -13."
"docid": "D2702621#0",
"title": "http://spacefem.com/pregnant/charts/duedate0.php\nDue date statistics: A study on the length of pregnancy",
"text": "\"Due date statistics: A study on the length of pregnancy [ Survey Results Intro | All Charts | Take the survey ]Do babies come on their due dates? This was the question on my mind during the later stages on my pregnancy in the spring of 2010. I heard a lot of conflicting information about what a \"\"due date\"\" meant and when babies were born. Some people saw the \"\"due date\"\" like a deadline... if the baby hasn't arrived yet, it's late, it's time to freak out. Some people said due dates were a bad example of western intervention, used by doctors as an excuse to cut us all open. Some people said that first time moms should expect to go late, it's normal and you should chill out. I found some scattered statistics about what week babies came... and a lot of those graphs just said \"\"X% were born at 40 weeks\"\" but didn't explain what that meant (during the 40th week of pregnancy? 40 weeks accomplished? On day 280?). And trust me if you're pregnant, you start counting DAYS when that time comes around."
"docid": "D3549438#0",
"title": "http://www.pregmed.org/pregnancy-week-by-week/20-weeks-pregnant\n20 Weeks Pregnant",
"text": "20 Weeks Pregnant You are almost 5 months through your pregnancy (4.5 months since conception) and your life is changing more and more everyday in a wonderful way. You are probably already in maternity clothes with people wishing you the best, and some even wanting to touch your belly to feel your baby, wherever you go. The second trimester is the best time of being pregnant with a relatively higher energy level and fewer unpleasant symptoms. Fetal development this week Internal organ development With all the major organ developed and in place, your baby is now poised to grow in size and gain weight. He is swallowing larger amounts of amniotic fluid this week as the digestive system gets a better workout [1]. The meconium production (the dark sticky substance that will be your baby’s first bowel movement) continues from the previous weeks as a result of the digestive function [2]. Baby Development Pregnancy Week 20Sensory organ development The small bones in the inner ear are now properly developed while the characteristic external structures of the nose begin to form [3]. The eyelids that have been fused shut for the past weeks may begin to open this week in some babies [4]. Your baby also has working taste buds at this stage [5]. External appearance Vernix caseosa, the waxy white substance produced by the fetal sebaceous glands [6] to protect him from the amniotic fluid, is now covering your baby’s entire body [7]. The transparent skin also starts forming fat layers underneath it, making him look less skinny [8]. He also starts growing scalp hair this week that will be present at birth. But, this hair will fall out within a couple of weeks after your baby is born before the lighter, permanent hair can begin to grow [3]. How big is your baby this week? He is now almost as big as a banana, weighing around 10.2 oz (289.17 gm) [9]. His crown to rump length is about 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) while he is approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm) long from head to heel [10]. The fetus’ legs remain curled up in front of his body until the 19th week, making it impossible to measure his length from head to feet. However, they begin to straighten up from the 20th week onward, enabling your health care provider to measure his actual height. Pregnancy week 20: Your belly and body changes Your body is undergoing many changes apart from the obvious – the growing baby bump; and you must also feel these changes with every passing day. Your changing center of gravity due to the growing belly and the considerable weight gain are the most evident ones [11]. Your uterus is now three times as big as its original size with the top of it now being at the same level with your bellybutton [12]. It will be growing about 1 cm every week until delivery [3]. Your baby is growing inside the uterus as those kicks and punches start to feel more like real fetal movements rather than the quickening in the earlier weeks.20 weeks pregnant ultrasound scan You will have your mid-pregnancy ultrasound around this week (if it has not been done last week) as it is usually performed between the 18th and 20th weeks [13]. Known as an anomaly scan, it is performed for evaluating the fetal growth, screening for certain birth defects (like neural tube defects and Down’s syndrome) and confirming your due date [3]. The ultrasound also allows your doctor to observe the baby’s limbs, fingers and toes for any abnormality, while assessing the umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid to make sure that the baby is getting everything necessary for proper growth [13]. You can also see the straightening spine [11] in addition to finding out the gender of your baby [14].20 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Picture Twin pregnancy week 20 ultrasound In a twin pregnancy, two babies are generally scanned separately to screen for any physical or other abnormalities."
"docid": "D1369016#0",
"title": "https://www.rockthebabybump.com/how-far-along-am-i/\nHow Far Along Am I In My Pregnancy Based On Due Date (Pregnancy Calculator)",
"text": "How Far Along Am I In My Pregnancy Based On Due Date (Pregnancy Calculator)How Far Along Am I? – A common question, all mommies may be asking. Well, first of all, Congratulations… because you asking this means you ARE pregnant!So, now what? If you’re anything like me, you’re starting to read everything that’s ever been written about pregnancy and probably have a ton of questions. Like…How do I know if I’m pregnant? Well, you either did a pregnancy test, you have morning sickness or you OB told you!So with that…Check out my Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Table Of Contents [ hide]1 How Many Weeks Am I?2 Pregnancy Terms3 EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery)4 Naegele’s rule.5 Mittendorf Williams Rule.6 Pregnancy Trimesters7 How Far Along Am I / Fertilization / Implantation8 Pregnancy Week By Week9 # Weeks 1 & 210 #Week 311 Fertilization12 Successful Implantation – What is implantation bleeding?13 # 4 Weeks Pregnant14 Early Pregnancy Symptoms – early signs of pregnancy before missed period15 # 5 Weeks Pregnant16 # 6 Weeks Pregnant17 # 7 Weeks Pregnant18 # 8 Weeks Pregnant19 # 9 Weeks Pregnant20 # 10 Weeks Pregnant21 # First OB / Midwife visit – How soon after I find out I’m pregnant should I see the OB?22 # 11 Weeks Pregnant23 # 12 Weeks Pregnant24 Second Trimester25 # 13 Weeks Pregnant26 Hyperemesis Gravidarum27 Miscarriage28 # 14 Weeks Pregnant29 # 15 Weeks Pregnant30 Development Scan / Gender Scan31 # 16 Weeks Pregnant32 # 17 Weeks Pregnant33 # 18 Weeks Pregnant34 # 19 Weeks Pregnant35 # 20 Weeks Pregnant36 # 21 Weeks Pregnant37 Whats Happening To Your Immune System38 # 22 And 23 Weeks Pregnant39 # 24 and 25 Weeks Pregnant40 # 26 Weeks Pregnant41 Third Trimester42 # 27 Weeks Pregnant43 # 28 and 29 Weeks Pregnant44 # 30 Weeks Pregnant45 # 31 Weeks Pregnant46 # 32 and 33 Weeks Pregnant47 # 34 Weeks Pregnant48 # 35 Weeks Pregnant49 # 36 Weeks Pregnant50 # 37 Weeks Pregnant51 # 38 Weeks Pregnant – The Week I Gave Birth52 #39 Weeks Pregnant53 # 40 Weeks Pregnant54 Labor55 Prenatal Testing56 # NT Test57 # CVS – Prenatal Test58 # Amniocentesis59 Questions And Answers:60 Resources: How Many Weeks Am I? We will get the answer a bit later…Getting back to the “now that I know I’m pregnant” thought……you want to learn as much as you can about the changes you (and your little one) will be going through. Most (human) pregnancies average 40 weeks or 280 days. Every day of that pregnancy your baby, and your body is growing and changing. We’ll cover those changes in the week by week detail below."
] |
612 | 118 area code location | [
"docid": "D2757965#0",
"title": "http://www.travelareacode.com/telephone/area-codes/118-area-code.htm\n.",
"text": "118 area codehttp://www.travelareacode.com Home → U → 118 area code - phone area code 118City Name Country Code Area Codes Reading 44 118International Dialing Codes for Long Distance Calling Country Code + CITY AREA CODE + NUMBERWhat area code is 118? Area code 118 is in Reading. This is the 118 area codes list. We hope you enjoy our FREE International areacode search service. Area Code 118 is in Aspen,Breckenridge,Vail,Fort Collins,Grand Junction,etc.. It's convenient and it saves time!For your business transaction,trade,travel,work.provide amenities for the people,help life to improve the efficiency. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W Y ZNanan Tanjungkarang Bella Vista Jounieh Bedford Feltre Mariquitar Cartagena Villa Carlos Paz Baabdat Thessaloniki Montero Zigong General Acha Hilterfingen Macap Formosa Suthend-on-sea Shantou Canals Phuket Changde Hitchin (hertfordshire) Knivsta Monteros El Mahallah (El Kubra) Torre Dei Greco Les Welcome to this website. Copyright ©2006-2026 All rights reserved. Design by area codes"
] | [
"docid": "D3264189#0",
"title": "https://pennsylvania.hometownlocator.com/pa/lancaster/landisville.cfm\nLandisville, PA Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Landisville Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Landisville Content Also See: Landisville, PA ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Landisville, Pennsylvania - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Landisville Lancaster County Land, Farms, & Ranches The Landisville Census Designated Place had a population of 1,933 as of July 1, 2017. The primary coordinate point for Landisville is located at latitude 40.0901 and longitude -76.4053 in Lancaster County . The formal boundaries for the Landisville Census Designated Place (see map below) encompass a land area of 1.28 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Lancaster County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 407 feet. The Landisville Census Designated Place ( GNIS ID: 2584477) has a U1 Census Class Code which indicates a census designated place with an official federally recognized name. It also has a Functional Status Code of \"\"S\"\" which identifies a statistical entity . The Landisville Census Designated Place is located within Township of East Hempfield, a minor civil division (MCD) of Lancaster County."
"docid": "D131381#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_Place,_Washington\nCollege Place, Washington",
"text": "\"College Place, Washington City Location of College Place, Washington Coordinates: 46°2′42″N 118°22′57″WCoordinates: 46°2′42″N 118°22′57″WCountry United States State Washington County Walla Walla Government• Type Mayor - Council• Mayor Harvey Crowder• City Administrator Mike Rizzitiello Area [1]• Total 2.66 sq mi (6.89 km 2)• Land 2.66 sq mi (6.89 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation 794 ft (242 m)Population ( 2010) [2]• Total 8,765• Estimate (2015) [3] 9,062• Density 3,295.1/sq mi (1,272.2/km 2)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP code 99324Area code 509FIPS code 53-13855GNIS feature ID 1512107 [4]Website City of College Place College Place is a city in Walla Walla County, Washington, United States next to Walla Walla, Washington. The population was 8,765 at the time of the 2010 census. College Place is the home of Walla Walla University (formerly Walla Walla College, thus the city's name), a Seventh-day Adventist operated liberal arts University. Because of the primary Adventist population, most downtown College Place businesses close on Saturday, reopening in most cases on Sunday. College Avenue is the main street running North to South from Highway 12 to the Milton-Freewater Highway. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Notable people5 References History [ edit]Martin Field, to the west of town, was an air training base during World War II. It is now a private airfield. College Place was officially incorporated on January 19, 1946. Geography [ edit]College Place is located at 46°2′42″N 118°22′57″W (46.045127, -118.382425). [ 5]According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.66 square miles (6.89 km 2 ), all of it land. ["
"docid": "D77455#0",
"title": "http://minnesota.hometownlocator.com/mn/carver/hamburg.cfm\nHamburg, MN Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Hamburg Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Hamburg Content Also See: Hamburg, MN ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Hamburg, Minnesota - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Hamburg Carver County Land, Farms, & Ranches The City of Hamburg had a population of 549 as of July 1, 2017. Hamburg ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Minnesota. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Hamburg is located at latitude 44.7325 and longitude -93.9631 in Carver County . The formal boundaries for the City of Hamburg (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.23 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Carver County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 1,010 feet. The City of Hamburg ( GNIS ID: 2394274) has a C5 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent."
"docid": "D1859462#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westlake_Village,_California\nWestlake Village, California",
"text": "\"Westlake Village, California From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the district in Los Angeles, see Westlake, Los Angeles. Westlake Village, California City City of Westlake Village Aerial view of the Westlake Village subdivision Location of Westlake Village in Los Angeles County Westlake Village, California Location in the United States Coordinates: 34°8′31″N 118°49′10″WCoordinates: 34°8′31″N 118°49′10″WCountry United States State California County Los Angeles County Incorporated (city) December 11, 1981 [1]Government• Mayor Mark Rutherford Area [2]• Total 5.50 sq mi (14.26 km 2)• Land 5.19 sq mi (13.43 km 2)• Water 0.32 sq mi (0.83 km 2) 5.80%Elevation 880 ft (268 m)Population ( 2010)• Total 8,270• Estimate (2016) [3] 8,452• Density 1,629.77/sq mi (629.27/km 2)Time zone PST ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP Code 91359, 91361, 91362 [4]Area code 747/818FIPS code 06-84438Website www .wlv .org Westlake Village is a city in Los Angeles County on its western border with Ventura County. The population was estimated to be at 8,473 in 2014, [5] up from 8,368 at the 2000 census. The headquarters of the Dole Food Company is also located in Westlake Village. The original community was known simply as \"\"Westlake\"\". Roughly two-thirds of it was annexed by the city of Thousand Oaks in two portions, in 1968 and 1972. In 1981, the remaining third eventually incorporated as the City of Westlake Village. [ 6]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 20103.2 20003.3 Ethnic composition4 Government5 Economy5.1 Top employers6 Infrastructure7 In popular culture8 Notable people9 See also10 References11 External links History [ edit]Chumash Indians were the first to settle in what is now Westlake Village. [ 7] It was home to a Chumash settlement known as Hipuk. [ 8] [9] About 3,000 years ago, Chumash Indians moved into the region and lived by hunting rabbits and other game, and gathering grains and acorns."
"docid": "D141389#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom\nTelephone numbers in the United Kingdom",
"text": "\"Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"+44\"\" redirects here. For the band, see +44 (band). This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably. Please consider splitting content into sub-articles, condensing it, or adding or removing subheadings. ( March 2013)United Kingdom telephone numbers Location of the United Kingdom Location Country United Kingdom Continent Europe Regulator Ofcom Type Open NSN length 7, 9, 10 [notes 1]Typical format various, see text Numbering plan The National Telephone Numbering Plan Last updated 13 December 2013Access codes Country calling code +44International call prefix 00Trunk prefix 0List of United Kingdom dialing codes Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom are administered by the UK government 's Office of Communications ( Ofcom ). For this purpose Ofcom established a telephone numbering plan, known as the National Telephone Numbering Plan, which is the system for assigning telephone numbers to subscriber stations. Contents [ hide ]1 Structure2 Format3 Crown dependencies4 Fictitious numbers5 Special service numbers6 History7 Telephone numbers in Overseas Territories8 See also9 Notes10 References11 External links Structure [ edit]Since 28 April 2001, almost all geographic numbers and most non-geographic numbers have 9 or 10 national (significant) numbers after the \"\"0\"\" trunk code. All mobile telephone numbers have 10 national (significant) numbers after the \"\"0\"\" trunk code. The overall structure of the UK's National Numbering Plan is: [1]Prefix Service type01 Geographic area codes.02 Geographic area codes (introduced in 2000).03Non-geographic numbers charged at standard geographic area code rates (introduced 2007).04 Reserved.05Corporate numbering and Vo IP services (some Vo IP services use 08 or geographic numbers). Freephone (toll free) on 0500 until June 2017.06Was reserved for possible use by personal numbering (PNS) instead of 070 following consumer confusion with mobile phones.07Mostly for mobile phones on 071xx, 072xx, 073xx, 074xx, 075xx, 07624, 077xx, 078xx, and 079xx."
"docid": "D1911698#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Nelson,_California\nCamp Nelson, California",
"text": "\"Camp Nelson, California From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Camp Nelson, Californiacensus-designated place Location of Camp Nelson in Tulare County, California. Camp Nelson, California Location of Camp Nelson in Tulare County, California. Coordinates: 36°08′34″N 118°36′33″WCoordinates: 36°08′34″N 118°36′33″WCountry California County Tulare Area [1]• Total 1.238 sq mi (3.208 km 2)• Land 1.238 sq mi (3.208 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2) 0%Elevation [2] 4,898 ft (1,493 m)Population (2010)• Total 97• Density 78/sq mi (30/km 2)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP code 93208Area code (s) 559GNIS feature IDs 1660426; 2585405U. S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Camp Nelson, California; U. S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Camp Nelson, California Camp Nelson is a census-designated place in Tulare County, California. Camp Nelson is 12 miles (19 km) east of Springville. Camp Nelson has a post office with ZIP code 93208. [ 3] The population was 97 at the 2010 census. Contents [ hide ]1 Geography1.1 Climate2 Demographics3 References Geography [ edit]According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP covers an area of 1.2 square miles (3.2 km²), all of it land. Climate [ edit]This region experiences warm (but not hot) and dry summers, with no average monthly temperatures above 71.6 °F. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Camp Nelson has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate, abbreviated \"\"Csb\"\" on climate maps. [ 4]Demographics [ edit]Historical population Census Pop. %"
"docid": "D1518516#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwalk,_CA\nNorwalk, California",
"text": "\"Norwalk, California From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Norwalk, CA)navigation search Norwalk, California General law city [1]City of Norwalk Norwalk Square sign Flag Seal Logo Location of Norwalk in Los Angeles County, California Norwalk Location in the United States Coordinates: 33°54′25″N 118°05′00″WCoordinates: 33°54′25″N 118°05′00″WCountry United States State California County Los Angeles Incorporated August 26, 1957 [2]Government• Type Council/Manager [1]• City council [1] Luigi Vernola (mayor) Leonard Shryock (vice mayor) Tony Ayala Jennifer Perez Margarita L. Rios• City manager Jesus Gomez [3]• Finance Director/ Treasurer Jana Stuard• City Clerk Theresa Devoy Area [4]• Total 9.75 sq mi (25.25 km 2)• Land 9.71 sq mi (25.15 km 2)• Water 0.04 sq mi (0.10 km 2) 0.40%Elevation [5] 92 ft (28 m)Population ( 2010) [6]• Total 105,549• Estimate (2016) [7] 106,178• Rank 14th in Los Angeles County 64th in California (US: 283rd)• Density 10,936.04/sq mi (4,222.62/km 2)Time zone Pacific ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP codes 90650–90652, 90659Area code (s) 562FIPS code 06-52526GNIS feature IDs 1661123, 2411281Website www .norwalk .org Norwalk is a suburban city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. The population is estimated to be 107,096 as of 2014. [ 8] It is the 58th most densely-populated city in California. [ 9]Founded in the late 19th century, Norwalk was incorporated as a city in 1957. It is located 17 miles (27 km) southeast of downtown Los Angeles and is part of the Greater Los Angeles area. Norwalk is a member of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments. Norwalk's sister cities are Morelia, Michoacán, and Hermosillo, Sonora, in Mexico. [ 10]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Airplane disaster1.2 The Hargitt House2 Geography3 Demographics3.1 20103.2 20004 Government and infrastructure4.1 City government4.2 Public safety4.3 Registrar/recorder4.4 County, state, and federal representation4.5 Superior Court4.6 Metropolitan State Hospital5 Transportation5.1 Freeways5.2 Norwalk Transit5.3 Long Beach Transit5.4 Los Angeles Metro5.5 Metrolink6 Economy6.1 Top employers7 Education8 Media9 Notable people10 Movies and TV shows filmed in Norwalk11 Neighborhoods12 See also13 References14 External links History [ edit]Norwalk Grammar School class in 1890. Cora Hargitt Middle School Academy (operated 1980-2008) was named after the teacher, at top left. The Norwalk Grammar School on Walnut Avenue in Norwalk, California in the 1920s."
"docid": "D281529#0",
"title": "https://iowa.hometownlocator.com/ia/monona/mapleton.cfm\nMapleton, IA Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Mapleton Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Mapleton Content Also See: Mapleton, IA ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Mapleton, Iowa - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources Monona County Land, Farms, & Ranches The City of Mapleton had a population of 1,154 as of July 1, 2017. The primary coordinate point for Mapleton is located at latitude 42.1671 and longitude -95.7905 in Monona County . The formal boundaries for the City of Mapleton (see map below) encompass a land area of 1.6 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Monona County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 1,138 feet. The City of Mapleton ( GNIS ID: 2395843) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. It also has a Functional Status Code of \"\"A\"\" which identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions . The City of Mapleton is located within Township of Maple, a minor civil division (MCD) of Monona County."
"docid": "D1990557#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jon,_New_Mexico\nSan Jon, New Mexico",
"text": "\"San Jon, New Mexico From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search San Jon, New Mexico Village Water tower in San Jon Location of San Jon, New Mexico San Jon, New Mexico Location in the United States Coordinates: 35°6′27″N 103°19′49″WCoordinates: 35°6′27″N 103°19′49″WCountry United States State New Mexico County Quay Area• Total 2.6 sq mi (6.8 km 2)• Land 2.6 sq mi (6.8 km 2)• Water 0.0 sq mi (0.0 km 2)Elevation 4,032 ft (1,229 m)Population ( 2010)• Total 216• Estimate (2016) [1] 201• Density 83/sq mi (32/km 2)Time zone Mountain (MST) ( UTC-7)• Summer ( DST) MDT ( UTC-6)ZIP codes 88411, 88434Area code (s) 575FIPS code 35-68150GNIS feature ID 0894426San Jon (\"\"San Hone\"\") [2] is a village in Quay County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 306 at the 2000 census. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography3 Demographics4 References5 External links History [ edit]The village was founded in 1902 and grew after the arrival of the railroad in 1904. It was once an important local commercial center and stop on U. S. Route 66 and home to numerous tourist-oriented businesses, such as gasoline service stations, cafes and motels. However, when Interstate 40 bypassed the village in 1981, the local economy went into a decline, leading most of those businesses to shut down. Today, only one motel is still in operation and all of the gas stations and dining establishments are centered around the I-40 interchange on the north side of town. Geography [ edit]San Jon is located at 35°6′27″N 103°19′49″W (35.107614, -103.330396). [ 3]According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 2.6 square miles (6.7 km 2 ), all land. The village is located on I-40 at New Mexico State Highway 469 and is east of Tucumcari. Northern escarpment of the Llano Estacado, located 14 km south of San Jon, Eastern New Mexico Road cut south of San Jon on New Mexico State Highway 469 as it crosses the caprock escarpment at the northern edge of the Llano Estacado."
"docid": "D1186703#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle_Falls,_WA\nKettle Falls, Washington",
"text": "\"Kettle Falls, Washington From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Kettle Falls, WA)navigation search For the historic settlement and waterfall, see Kettle Falls. Kettle Falls City Kettle Falls, Washington Welcome sign at the northern end of the city Location of Kettle Falls, Washington Coordinates: 48°36′21″N 118°3′35″WCoordinates: 48°36′21″N 118°3′35″WCountry United States State Washington County Stevens Area [1]• Total 1.07 sq mi (2.77 km 2)• Land 1.07 sq mi (2.77 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation 1,631 ft (497 m)Population ( 2010) [2]• Total 1,595• Estimate (2015) [3] 1,597• Density 1,490.7/sq mi (575.6/km 2)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP codes 99141Area code 509FIPS code 53-35485GNIS feature ID 1530955 [4]Website City of Kettle Falls Kettle Falls is a city in Stevens County, Washington, United States, named for the nearby Kettle Falls on the Columbia River, an ancient and important fishing site for Native Americans. The population of the city was 1,595 at the 2010 census a 4.5% increase over the 2000 census. [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Geography2 Demographics2.1 2010 census2.2 2000 census3 Notable residents4 Cougar attack5 Key geographic points in and near Kettle Falls5.1 Reservoirs5.2 Dams5.3 Schools5.4 Campgrounds6 See also7 References8 External links Geography [ edit]The original Kettle Falls was officially incorporated on December 17, 1891 on the bank of the Columbia. After it was flooded by the Grand Coulee Dam in 1940, city planners relocated the town at a community called Meyers Falls, near the railroad lines, helping to ensure its success as a trans-shipment point for the logging, agriculture, and paper industries. This is its present location, eight miles northwest of Colville and roughly 80 miles northwest of Spokane. It is 30 miles (48 km) south of the Canada–US border at Laurier and adjacent to Lake Roosevelt, the reservoir of the Columbia River. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 1.07 square miles (2.77 km 2 ), all of it land. [ 1]Demographics [ edit]Historical population Census Pop. % ±1900 297 —1910 377 26.9%1920 276 −26.8%1930 414 50.0%1940 560 35.3%1950 714 27.5%1960 905 26.8%1970 893 −1.3%1980 1,087 21.7%1990 1,272 17.0%2000 1,527 20.0%2010 1,595 4.5%Est."
"docid": "D2893596#0",
"title": "http://illinois.hometownlocator.com/il/grundy/minooka.cfm\nMinooka, IL Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Minooka Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Minooka Content Also See: Minooka, IL ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Minooka, Illinois - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Minooka Grundy County Land, Farms, & Ranches The Village of Minooka had a population of 11,815 as of July 1, 2017. Minooka ranks in the upper quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Illinois. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Minooka is located at latitude 41.4476 and longitude -88.2842 in Grundy County . The formal boundaries for the Village of Minooka (see map below) encompass a land area of 9.41 sq. miles and a water area of 0.08 sq. miles. Grundy County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 610 feet. While the primary coordinates for Village of Minooka are located in Grundy County, it should be noted that the formal boundaries for this community also extend into and Will County."
"docid": "D2998118#0",
"title": "https://www.wklaw.com/practice-areas/perjury-overview-california-penal-code-sections-118-131/\nPerjury â Overview (California Penal Code Sections 118 through 131)",
"text": "35+ Years Criminal Defense Experience in California Get A Free Consultation How We Can Help You Perjury – Overview (California Penal Code Sections 118 through 131)Perjury is the crime of lying under oath. If, while under oath, you attest as being true to any essential fact that you know is false, you commit perjury. California law pursuant to Penal Code Sections 118 through 131 outlines the various ways you can be found guilty of committing this serious crime. You can commit perjury in or out of a courtroom, either orally or in writing. This applies whether you lie or you invite, persuade or coerce someone else to lie under oath – what is known as suborning perjury. If you lie under oath, you could be charged with perjury. It is also unlawful for a law enforcement officer to commit perjury. Furthermore, perjury which leads to an innocent person’s execution may be punished as a capital offense. You can be punished for committing perjury by being sent to jail or being placed on probation. A perjury conviction will damage your credibility and may lead to other serious and potentially long-term consequences."
"docid": "D2663447#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riverside,_Umatilla_County,_Oregon\nRiverside, Umatilla County, Oregon",
"text": "\"For other places named Riverside in Oregon, see Riverside, Oregon (disambiguation). Riverside CDPRiverside Location within the state of Oregon Coordinates: 45°40′32″N 118°44′22″WCoordinates: 45°40′32″N 118°44′22″WCountry United States State Oregon County Umatilla Area• Total 0.6 sq mi (1.6 km 2)• Land 0.6 sq mi (1.6 km 2)Population ( 2000)• Total 189• Density 310/sq mi (120/km 2)Time zone Pacific (PST) ( UTC-8)• Summer ( DST) PDT ( UTC-7)ZIP code 97801Area code (s) 458 and 541GNIS feature ID 2413666 [1]Riverside is a census-designated place (CDP) in Umatilla County, Oregon, United States. [ 1] The population was 189 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Pendleton – Hermiston Micropolitan Statistical Area. Geography [ edit]Riverside is located at 45°40′32″N 118°44′22″W (45.675654, -118.739434). [ 2] The area is located 1,142 feet (348 m) above sea level. [ 1]According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 0.6 square miles (1.6 km²), all land. Demographics [ edit]As of the census [3] of 2000, there were 189 people, 78 households, and 56 families residing in the CDP. The population density was 317.1 people per square mile (121.6/km²). There were 82 housing units at an average density of 137.6/sq mi (52.8/km²)."
"docid": "D1351977#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chancellor,_South_Dakota\nChancellor, South Dakota",
"text": "\"Chancellor, South Dakota From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Chancellor, South Dakota Town Location in Turner County and the state of South Dakota Coordinates: 43°22′21″N 96°59′16″WCoordinates: 43°22′21″N 96°59′16″WCountry United States State South Dakota County Turner Founded 1895 [1]Area [2]• Total 0.22 sq mi (0.57 km 2)• Land 0.22 sq mi (0.57 km 2)• Water 0 sq mi (0 km 2)Elevation 1,362 ft (415 m)Population ( 2010) [3]• Total 264• Estimate (2012 [4]) 263• Density 1,200.0/sq mi (463.3/km 2)Time zone Central (CST) ( UTC-6)• Summer ( DST) CDT ( UTC-5)ZIP code 57015Area code (s) 605FIPS code 46-11380 [5]GNIS feature ID 1254320 [6]Chancellor is a town in Turner County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 264 at the 2010 census. The community was named for Otto von Bismarck, a 19th-century German chancellor. [ 7]Contents [ hide ]1 Geography2 Demographics2.1 2010 census2.2 2000 census3 References Geography [ edit]Chancellor is located at 43°22′21″N 96°59′16″W. [8]According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.22 square miles (0.57 km 2 ), all of it land. [ 2]Chancellor has been assigned ZIP code 57015 and FIPS place code 11380. Demographics [ edit]Historical population Census Pop. % ±1910 160 —1920 280 75.0%1930 207 −26.1%1940 232 12.1%1950 193 −16.8%1960 214 10.9%1970 220 2.8%1980 257 16.8%1990 276 7.4%2000 328 18.8%2010 264 −19.5%Est. 2016 262 [9] −0.8%U. S. Decennial Census [10]2010 census [ edit]As of the census [3] of 2010, there were 264 people, 118 households, and 75 families residing in the town. The population density was 1,200.0 inhabitants per square mile (463.3/km 2 ). There were 131 housing units at an average density of 595.5 per square mile (229.9/km 2 )."
"docid": "D3265135#0",
"title": "https://mississippi.hometownlocator.com/ms/holmes/tchula.cfm\nTchula, MS Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Tchula Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Tchula Content Also See: Tchula, MS ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Tchula, Mississippi - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources Holmes County Land, Farms, & Ranches The Town of Tchula had a population of 2,174 as of July 1, 2017. Tchula ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and the lower quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Mississippi. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Tchula is located at latitude 33.1832 and longitude -90.2228 in Holmes County . The formal boundaries for the Town of Tchula (see map below) encompass a land area of 1.41 sq. miles and a water area of 0.03 sq. miles. Holmes County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 118 feet. The Town of Tchula ( GNIS ID: 2406723) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent."
"docid": "D3110515#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonsdale,_Arkansas\nLonsdale, Arkansas",
"text": "\"Lonsdale, Arkansas From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lonsdale, Arkansas Town Location of Lonsdale in Garland County, Arkansas. Coordinates: 34°32′41″N 92°48′40″WCoordinates: 34°32′41″N 92°48′40″WCountry United States State Arkansas County Garland Area [1]• Total 0.43 sq mi (1.11 km 2)• Land 0.43 sq mi (1.11 km 2)• Water 0.00 sq mi (0.00 km 2)Elevation 427 ft (130 m)Population ( 2010)• Total 94• Estimate (2016) [2] 95• Density 220.93/sq mi (85.24/km 2)Time zone Central (CST) ( UTC-6)• Summer ( DST) CDT ( UTC-5)ZIP code 72087Area code (s) 501FIPS code 05-41450GNIS feature ID 0051451Lonsdale is a town in Garland County, Arkansas, United States. It is part of the Hot Springs Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 94 at the 2010 census, [3] down from 118 in 2000. Contents [ hide ]1 Geography2 Demographics3 Education4 Notable people5 References Geography [ edit]Lonsdale is located in eastern Garland County at 34°32′41″N 92°48′40″W (34.544763, -92.811247). [ 4] According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.42 square miles (1.1 km 2 ), all land. [ 3]Lonsdale is located on Highway 171, south of U. S. Route 70. It is 17 miles (27 km) east of Hot Springs and 14 miles (23 km) west of Benton. Demographics [ edit]Historical population Census Pop. % ±1920 166 —1930 153 −7.8%1940 119 −22.2%1950 91 −23.5%1960 95 4.4%1970 104 9.5%1980 117 12.5%1990 127 8.5%2000 127 0.0%2010 94 −26.0%Est."
"docid": "D515181#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sim_card\nSubscriber identity module",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Sim card)navigation search It has been suggested that Overlay SIM be merged into this article. ( Discuss) Proposed since July 2017. A typical SIM card (mini-SIM)A mini-SIM card next to its electrical contacts in a Nokia 6233A Trac Fone Wireless SIM card has no distinctive carrier markings and is only marked as a \"\"SIM CARD\"\". A subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module ( SIM) is an integrated circuit that is intended to securely store the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices (such as mobile phones and computers ). It is also possible to store contact information on many SIM cards. SIM cards are always used on GSM phones; for CDMA phones, they are only needed for newer LTE -capable handsets. SIM cards can also be used in satellite phones, computers, or cameras. The SIM circuit is part of the function of a universal integrated circuit card (UICC) physical smart card, which is usually made of PVC with embedded contacts and semiconductors. \"\" SIM cards\"\" are transferable between different mobile devices. The first UICC smart cards were the size of credit and bank cards; sizes were reduced several times over the years, usually keeping electrical contacts the same, so that a larger card could be cut down to a smaller size."
"docid": "D3429729#0",
"title": "http://georgia.hometownlocator.com/ga/dekalb/clarkston.cfm\nClarkston, GA Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Clarkston Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Clarkston Content Also See: Clarkston, GA ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Clarkston, Georgia - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Clarkston De Kalb County Land, Farms, & Ranches The City of Clarkston had a population of 8,179 as of July 1, 2017. Clarkston ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Georgia. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Clarkston is located at latitude 33.8108 and longitude -84.2409 in De Kalb County . The formal boundaries for the City of Clarkston (see map below) encompass a land area of 1.09 sq. miles and a water area of 0.01 sq. miles. De Kalb County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 1,014 feet. The City of Clarkston ( GNIS ID: 2404059) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent."
"docid": "D3238905#0",
"title": "http://southcarolina.hometownlocator.com/sc/florence/quinby.cfm\nQuinby, SC Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Quinby Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Quinby Content Also See: Quinby, SC ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Quinby, South Carolina - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Quinby Florence County Land, Farms, & Ranches The Town of Quinby had a population of 929 as of July 1, 2017. The primary coordinate point for Quinby is located at latitude 34.228 and longitude -79.7357 in Florence County . The formal boundaries for the Town of Quinby (see map below) encompass a land area of 1.3 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Florence County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 118 feet. The Town of Quinby ( GNIS ID: 2407168) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. It also has a Functional Status Code of \"\"A\"\" which identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions . South Carolina is one of 20 states where Census County Divisions (CCDs) are used for statistical tracking of subdivisions within each county."
"docid": "D1722506#0",
"title": "http://california.hometownlocator.com/ca/los-angeles/vernon.cfm\nVernon, CA Profile: Facts, Map & Data",
"text": "\"Vernon Local Links & Resources: Hotels | Resources | ALL Vernon Content Also See: Vernon, CA ZIP Codes & ZIP Code Maps | Local Area Photos Vernon, California - Basic Facts Real Estate Resources New Homes For Sale Near Vernon Los Angeles County Land, Farms, & Ranches The City of Vernon had a population of 118 as of July 1, 2017. Vernon ranks in the lower quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in California. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Vernon is located at latitude 34.0011 and longitude -118.2109 in Los Angeles County . The formal boundaries for the City of Vernon (see map below) encompass a land area of 4.97 sq. miles and a water area of 0.18 sq. miles. Los Angeles County is in the Pacific time zone (GMT -8). The elevation is 203 feet. The City of Vernon ( GNIS ID: 2412150) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent."
] |
625 | 12 ounces converted to cups | [
"docid": "D2215698#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081231192209AACaYjR\nHow much does 12 ounces convert to in cups?",
"text": "Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How much does 12 ounces convert to in cups? Follow 15 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Í think that would add up to 2 C cups. And blonde hair too probably.matt.gloss · 9 years ago0 4 Comment Ounces To Cups Converter Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a79D1hamic · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Ounces To Cups Conversion Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8Mi9maslo · 2 years ago0 0 Comment8 ounces = 1 cup 4 ounces = 1/2 cup So yes, 12 ounces is equal to 1 1/2 cups.devmas2 · 9 years ago2 0 Comment Eight ounces is one cup ...so 12 oz would be 1 1/2 cups Magg's · 9 years ago1 0 Comment As long as this recipe is calling for 12 oz of liquid!!!!.. then it's 1 and a half cups. If you're measuring something dry like flour though, it's by weight, and has NOTHING to do with cups!!! ! meadmaker93 · 9 years ago1 0 Comment12 Fluid Ounces (US) = 1.50044053 Cups (US)golden rider · 9 years ago0 0 Comment8 onces equals one cup so 12 onces would equal one and a half cups.kemar G · 9 years ago1 0 Comment1 cup and a halfjeezus · 9 years ago2 1 Commentthat is easy let's see 32 oz in pound -the waste should be a cup 1/2grladkins · 9 years ago0 0 Comment1 and one hafe cups have a happy new year ! Lord Of The Watch Tower · 9 years ago1 0 Comment1 2 3 next Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Gourmet Chocolates, Eat Up Look For an Accident Attorney Best Loose Leaf Teas Find Moving Container Services"
] | [
"docid": "D289406#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/246/honey-amounts-converter.html\nHoney amount and nutrition facts conversion",
"text": "Advertisements Honey (bee honey) Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select honey Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select honey Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of honeycup Metric of honeyounce ( oz ) of honeypound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of honeygallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of common honeyquart dry US ( qt ) of honeygram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of common honeyteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of honey100g serve of honey US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in honey – milligrams ( mg )Potassium content – milligram ( mg )cup US of honeycup Metric of honeyounce ( oz ) of honeypound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of honeygallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of common honeyquart dry US ( qt ) of honeygram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of common honeyteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of honey100g serve of honey US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– Saturated Fat – gram ( g )– Trans fatty acids – gram ( g )– Polyunsaturated Fat – gram ( g )– Monounsaturated Fat – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in honey – milligrams ( mg )Potassium content – milligram ( mg )Advertisements Honey amount and nutrition facts conversion Nutritional information table for bee honey Nutrition Facts Serving Size 20g honey 5 Servings per 100 g 2.2 Servings per 1/8 cup (30ml – 43.1g) *Energy per 20g serving : Calories / Kilocalories60.8 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 254.4k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g Energy548.4k J (131Cal) 1272k J (304Cal)Protein0.129g 0.3g Fat Total0g 0g– saturated 0g 0g– trans fat 0g 0g– polyunsaturated fat 0g 0g– monounsaturated fat 0g 0g Cholesterol0 mg 0 mg Total Carbohydrate35.5g 82.4g Sugars 35.4g 82.12g– Sucrose 0.38g 0.89g– Glucose (dextrose) 15.41g 35.75g– Fructose 17.65g 40.94g– Galactose 1.34g 3.1g– Maltose 0.62g 1.44g Water7.4g 17.1g Dietary Fiber0.09g 0.2g Selenium, Se0.3 µg (micro gram) 0.8 µg (microgram)Sodium, Na1.7 mg 4 mg Potassium, K22.4 mg 52 mg Magnesium, Mg1 mg 2 mg Phosphorus, P2 mg 4 mg Zinc, Zn0.09 mg 0.22 mg Calcium, Ca3 mg 6 mg Iron, Fe0.18 mg 0.42 mg Copper, Cu0.017 mg 0.04 mg Manganese, Mn0.034 mg 0.08 mg Vitamin C – ascorbic acid0.2 mg 0.5 mg Vitamin B-60.01 mg 0.024 mg Vitamin B120 µg (micro gram) 0 µg (microgram)Vitamin A0 µg (micro gram) 0 µg (microgram)Riboflavin0.016 mg 0.038 mg Niacin0.052 mg 0.121 mg Pantothenic acid0.029 mg 0.068 mg Folate (total)1 µg (micro gram) 2 µg (microgram)Choline (total)0.9 mg 2.2 mg Betaine0.7 mg 1.7 mg Aspartic acid0.012 g 0.027 g Glutamic acid0.008 g 0.018 g Proline0.039 g 0.09 g Ingredients: honey Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place Average expiry time: 1 year from production date * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml Honey grams in a measuring cup amount (US measuring cup and Metric si cup) US cup = 340 grams = 12 ounces net weight Metric cup = 359 grams = 12.7 oz net wt. For conversion between other measuring units please use the honey converter above. We have also converter for Manuka honey produced by honey-bees in (clean untouched by civilization) New Zealand forests. Apart what’s in the honey nutrition facts table, use the honey calorie counter to calculate dietary and nutritional information for any amount of honey. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure. The tool also makes conversions of sugars within honey into energy units, from any amount of carbohydrates contained in honey. Details about honey might be handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care plus well-being. This bee honey online web tool makes smooth unit to unit conversions. From any new specific weight scales versus liquid measures."
"docid": "D3191694#0",
"title": "http://howmanyouncesinacups.com/\nHow Many Ounces in a Cup",
"text": "Home How Many Ounces in a Cup How Many Ounces in a Cup Ounces is a smallest unit and quite often used for kitchen measurements. Pick up any recipe, and it will have all the ingredients in ounces. However, there are different parameters to measure ounces that will be discussed in the sub subsection. The most and frequently used asked conversion is about 8 ounces in a cup.8 Ounces = 1 Cup There are many instruments available in the market that can convert the ounces in other measurements but why to waste money when this article can solve your problem. This article will solve your other frequently asked questions regarding: How many ounces in a cup How many grams in a cup Ounces in a tablespoons At times you hear some of the similar things but in different styles like: Oz to cups Ozs to cup Ounce in a cup Ounces in a cup Cup to ounce Ounces to cup and so on Although, these are all similar things but different people use different ways. So in this article, all these parameters will be discussed that will help you to convert ounces in other possible weighing measurements. How Many Ounces in a Cup Baking and cooking is not an easy job especially when you are new to kitchen but in fact, it is also not a rocket science that cannot be learned or understood. The real problem that most of us face is that mostly the ingredients are written in ounces, and we do not have the tool to convert the ingredients from ounces to cups, tablespoons and into bowls or to grams, liters or even gallons. Plus, no one can learn tall list of ounces to cups conversion. So no more worries, because this article will surely help you with ounces related conversion problem so that you can cook perfectly with all the accurate ingredients."
"docid": "D2225000#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2653\nCooking Measurements",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Cooking Measurements Unanswered | Answered Cooking Measurements Parent Category: Food & Cooking In recipes, quantities of ingredients may be specified by mass (\"\"weight\"\"), by volume, or by count. This category includes questions related to these terms. Subcategories Measuring Cups Measuring Cups1 2 3 >Does 2 pints equal half a gallon?no 2 pints = 1/4 gallon What does .tenth of a teaspoon look like? Find -x for the given value of x.x =How many cups is 2lbs of potatoes?3 cups. How many gallons are in 400 ounces?3.125 gallons are there in 400 ounces. How many tablespoons is 185 g of butter?about 13 tablespoons OZ equals how many liters?0.0295735 liters. How many cl in a UK pint?1 pint â 56.8 cl Does a fl oz and an oz way the same? No they are not. A fluid ounce is a measure of liquid volume while an ounce is ameasure of mass or weight. A fluid ounce of milk and a fluid ounce of tar do not weigh thesame."
"docid": "D424447#0",
"title": "http://www.howmuchisin.com/produce_converters/volume-of-an-egg\nWhat is the Volume of an Egg?",
"text": "\"View All Produce Conversions What is the Volume of an Egg? When a recipe calls for 1 cup of egg whites, just how many eggs are we talking about using? So, how many eggs are in a cup of egg whites? We tackled this and other egg questions. In cooking, eggs are usually used in 3 different ways when they are raw: as whole eggs, egg whites and egg yolks. The volume of an egg depends on several things including the size of the egg. Since most recipes that call for eggs are referring to “Large” size eggs, we decided to use a normal large grocery store egg in our test to answer the question \"\"What is the volume of an egg?\"\". We looked at how much egg yolk is in an average large egg. How much egg white is in an average egg. And what is the total volume of an egg."
"docid": "D2860610#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/278/bread-flour.html\nRespond to Bread flour amounts converter",
"text": "\"Bread flour amounts converter Filed under: culinary art • Unit converters • tags: Bread flour units conversion Advertisements Bread flour Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select a bread flour Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select a bread flour Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of bread flourcup Metric of bread flourgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )ounce ( oz )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of bread flourliter ( L )milliliter ( ml )pound ( lb )grain ( gr )quart US ( qt ) of bread flourquart dry US ( qt dry ) of bread flourtablespoon ( tbl.sp ) of bread flourteaspoon ( tea.sp ) of bread flourkilocalories or calories ( Cal – kcal ) energykilojoules ( k J ) energy Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– saturated Fat – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Cholesterol – gram ( g )Total Carbohydrates – ounce ( oz )– Sugars – ounce ( oz )Protein – ounce ( oz )Fat, total – ounce ( oz )– saturated Fat – ounce ( oz )Dietary Fiber – ounce ( oz )Cholesterol – ounce ( oz )cup US of bread flourcup Metric of bread flourgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )ounce ( oz )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of bread flourliter ( L )milliliter ( ml )pound ( lb )grain ( gr )quart US ( qt ) of bread flourquart dry US ( qt dry ) of bread flourtablespoon ( tbl.sp ) of bread flourteaspoon ( tea.sp ) of bread flourkilocalories or calories ( Cal – kcal ) energykilojoules ( k J ) energy Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )– saturated Fat – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Cholesterol – gram ( g )Total Carbohydrates – ounce ( oz )– Sugars – ounce ( oz )Protein – ounce ( oz )Fat, total – ounce ( oz )– saturated Fat – ounce ( oz )Dietary Fiber – ounce ( oz )Cholesterol – ounce ( oz )Advertisements Find pages on convert to with online Google Custom Search Convert bread flour for culinary baking. Tool for converting flour for making bread from any amount into other common units generally used in recipes for measuring bread flour portions. The bread flour conversion tools allows making translations between Metric and US unit measuring systems. The calculator deals with any bread flour amount or unit found in recipes with bread flour content. This bread flour online web converter utility works with the following weight scaling and volume measuring units and their output values: cooking cups ( Metric vs US cup of bread flour ), grams ( g ), dekagrams ( dkg – deca – deka ), kilograms ( kg – kilo ), ounces ( oz ), fluid ounces ( fl oz ) of bread flour, liters ( L ), milliliters ( ml ), pounds ( lb ), grains ( gr ), quarts US ( qt ) of bread flour, quarts dry US ( qt dry ), tablespoons ( tbl.sp ) and teaspoons ( tea.sp ) full of of bread flour amount. Instead of an info table list this bread flour converter also includes option for the bread flour product nutritional values calculation, in a specific number, plus food dietary information of bread flour; calories or kilocalories ( Cal equals kcal in dietary and food science ) food intake energy kilojoules ( k J ), and values in grams ( g ) plus ounces ( oz ) for total carbohydrates, sugars, protein, lipids – fat, saturated fats, dietary fiber portion and cholesterol values that bread flour contains. Euali, bread flour type is also used for making pasta products. Cooking & recipes A kitchen conversions Butter - margarinecaviarchia seedschocolates & carobcocoa powder Corn products Couscouseggs Flour - all flour typesghee - ghee butter Goji berry Honey - bee honeymilk Nuts - edible nutsoil - cooking oils Poppy seeds Rice & rice flour Rolled oats Salts - Table salt Semolina Syrups & sweeteners Sugar - all sugar typesyeast Converters & calculators Angles Area – surface area Computing storage & Electronics Density Energy Flow Force Length – distance Metric system units Power Pressure – stress Speed – velocity Time – Date converter Torque – moment of force Volume – capacity Volume – dry Weight – Mass Pages About convert-to.com Home pageone-way converters Miscellaneous Battery charging time Automotive Santa's performance Web & computersdata transfer rate Gmail email storage Pixels to em To link to this web based Bread flour amounts converter tool, copy then paste this code into your html. The link will appear on the page as: Bread flour amounts converter<a href=\"\"http://convert-to.com/278/bread-flour.html\"\"> Bread flour amounts converter </a>Respond to Bread flour amounts converter For online collaboration to improve the » Bread flour amounts converter, requests for new units or web tools additions, send your feedback. I found a supplier of quality bread flour which has higher protein content ( 10g to 11g per 100g quantity ) so I can develop my own bread mix and my own recipe for sour dough bread baking."
"docid": "D125100#0",
"title": "https://onlineconversion.vbulletin.net/forum/main-forums/convert-and-calculate/5471-re-how-many-ounces-in-a-pint\nRe: how many ounces in a pint??",
"text": "Re: how many ounces in a pint?? Posts Latest Activity Search Page of 1 Filter Unregistered Share Tweet#1Re: how many ounces in a pint? ? 08-03-2008, 08:10 AM1/2 Pint Of Raspberries Equals How Many Ounces? Tags: None John SModerator Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 10390Share Tweet#208-03-2008, 02:00 PMRe: how many ounces in a pint?? Originally posted by Unregistered1/2 Pint Of Raspberries Equals How Many Ounces? Produce is measured in dry pints, different from fluid pints. Per this source, http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANR-0829/ raspberries are 48 pounds per bushel. Scaling down, a dry pint would be 12 oz, and a half-pint would be 6 oz. Unregistered Share Tweet#308-05-2008, 11:58 PMRe: how many ounces in a pint?? A fluid pint in the UK is 20 oz."
"docid": "D1495487#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-many-cups-are-in-8-ounces-of-water\nHow many cups are in 8 ounces of water?",
"text": "Measurements How many cups are in 8 ounces of water?7 Answers Fazle Elahi, Freelance Blogger (2017-present)Answered Sep 28, 2017In the United States, there is 1 cup of water is equal 8 fluid ounces or 1 fluid ounce is equivalent to 1/8 of the cup. If you are trying to figure out how many ounces would be in 2 1/2 cup of Milk? To get out the answer you need to multiply cups by the fluid ounce conversion factor 8 (2 1/2 X 8 fl oz = 20 fl oz) . Here 2 1/2 cup milk is equal 20 fl oz.26.5k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do you measure 8 ounces of water? How do I convert 8 fluid ounces of water to cups? How many ounces in a cup? How many cups is 84.5 ounces of water? How many cups of water are in 64 ounces? Ask New Question Autry Snowden, worked at Retired from the Job Force; But, Still Engaged in Life and Learning. Answered Oct 6, 2017 · Author has 298 answers and 89.3k answer views It can be confusing because there are different sizes of “cups”, or mugs — like a “coffee cup”, or, a tea cup."
"docid": "D2602990#0",
"title": "http://convert-to.com/675/fine-sea-salt-conversion-and-typical-analysis.html\nSea salt (fine grind) amount and nutrition facts conversion",
"text": "Advertisements Sea Salt fine Amounts Conversion Results : Step 1: Enter an Amount to Convert* You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 1/2, 3/4, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (0 – 9)Enter Amount : Precision : Step 2: Select fine grind sea salt Measuring Unit to Convert From Step 3: Select sea salt fine grind Measuring Unit to Convert Tocup US of fine sea saltcup Metric of fine sea saltpinch of fine sea saltdash ( ds ) of fine sea saltounce ( oz ) of fine sea saltpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of fine sea saltgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of fine sea saltquart dry US ( qt ) of fine sea saltgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of fine sea saltteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of fine sea salt100g serve of fine sea salt US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in sea salt fine – grams ( g )Calcium in sea salt fine – mg Potassium content – milligrams ( mg )Bicarbonate in sea salt fine – mg Sulphur – milligram ( mg )Bromide – milligram ( mg )Borate – milligram ( mg )Sulfate in sea salt fine – mg Magnesium in sea salt fine – mg Chloride content – gram ( g )miscellaneous constituents – mgcup US of fine sea saltcup Metric of fine sea saltpinch of fine sea saltdash ( ds ) of fine sea saltounce ( oz ) of fine sea saltpound ( lb )fluid ounce ( fl oz ) of fine sea saltgallon US ( gal )pint US ( pt ) liquidpint UK ( pt )quart US ( qt ) of fine sea saltquart dry US ( qt ) of fine sea saltgram ( g )dekagram ( dkg – deca – deka )kilogram ( kg – kilo )milliliter ( ml )deciliter ( dl – dcl )liter ( L )tablespoon ( Tbsp – tbls ) of fine sea saltteaspoon ( tsp – tspn ) of fine sea salt100g serve of fine sea salt US Legal Nutrition labeling cup ( = 240ml )kilojoules ( k J ) energycalories ( Cal ) energy Protein – gram ( g )Fat, total – gram ( g )Cholesterol – milligram ( mg )Total Carbohydrates – gram ( g )– Sugars – gram ( g )Dietary Fiber – gram ( g )Sodium in sea salt fine – grams ( g )Calcium in sea salt fine – mg Potassium content – milligrams ( mg )Bicarbonate in sea salt fine – ( mg )Strontium – milligram ( mg )Bromide – milligram ( mg )Borate – milligram ( mg )Sulfate in sea salt fine – mg Magnesium in sea salt fine – mg Chloride content – gram ( g )miscellaneous constituents – mg Sea salt (fine grind) amount and nutrition facts conversion Typical analysis table for sea salt in fine grind Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 Pinch of sea salt fine 325 pinches per 100 g 1/8 cup (30ml – 29.9g) *Energy per dash serving : Calories / Kilocalories0 Cal / kcal Kilojoules 0 k JNutrients : Per 1/8 cup (30ml) Per 100g (3.5 oz)Energy0 k J (0 Cal) 0 k J (0 Cal)Protein0g 0g Fat Total0g 0g Cholesterol0g 0g Total Carbohydrate0g 0g Sugars 0g 0g Dietary Fiber0g 0g Sodium, Na9.15g 30.6g Chloride, Cl- ion16.5g 55.03g Potassium, K332.2 mg 1,110 mg Magnesium, Mg1,101.3 mg 3,680 mg Sulfate, SO 4 2- (ion)2,298.3 mg 7,680 mg Calcium, Ca353.1 mg 1,180 mg Bicarbonate, HCO3 –122.7 mg 410 mg Copper, Cu0 mg 0 mg Bromide, Br – (ion)56.9 mg 190 mg Borate, BO 3 3- (ion)23.9 mg 80 mg Strontium, Sr 2+12 mg 40 mg Miscellaneous constituents0.3 mg 1 mg Ingredients: sea salt fine crystals Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place * 1/8 US Legal Nutrition Labeling Cup equals 30ml Fine sea salt (fine grind), grams in a measuring cup, pinch and dash amounts (US measuring cup and Metric si cup) US cup of fine sea salt = 236 grams = 8.3 ounces net weight Metric cup = 249.4 grams = 8.8 oz net wt. Tablespoon of fine sea salt = 14.75 g = 0.5 oz Teaspoon = 4.9 g = 0.2 oz Pinch of fine sea salt = 0.31 grams = 0.31 ml = 0.01 oz net wt. Dash = 0.61 grams = 0.62 ml = 0.02 oz net weight For conversion between other measuring units please use the sea salt fine converter above. Sea salt is extracted from sea water by evaporation, simply by using the natural heat from the sun. Unit converters for other salt products you may need: Australian lake salt | Celtic sea salt | French sea salt | Himalayan salt | Murray River salt | pink salt | sea salt, crystallized |Apart what’s in this sea salt chemical elements and nutrition facts table, use the sea salt fine minerals counter to calculate other dietary and nutritional information for any amount of this fine grind sea salt. E.g. convert value from 1/4 of a cup amount, or 50g, 1 fl-oz servings, 100g, dashes, pinches of the salt, even US legal nutrition labeling cup (240ml/cup). Convert from any portion or measure to other equivalents. These details about sea salt fine brand can be handy as healthy eating tips, for maintaining healthy diet therefore a personal health care or wellbeing or simply to get a conversion information regarding this sea salt. The fine sea salt online web tool makes smooth unit to units conversions. From any new specific weight scales vs. liquid measures."
"docid": "D2597768#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070828175647AAPLP2W\nHow much is 15 ml compared to ounces?",
"text": "Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits How much is 15 ml compared to ounces? Follow Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 0.5 oz 30ml = 1 oz Jake F · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Ml To Oz Conversion Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a7VV4mckain · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Milliliters To Ounces Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7W2Igrumney · 2 years ago0 0 Comment15ml is 1/2 ounce. Check out this site. www.metricconversion.usj · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Here are some helpful places to look for conversions... Good day!Source (s): Web Images Video News Maps Gmailmore ▼Blog Search Blogger Books Calendar Documents Finan... in Google Advanced Search Preferences New! View and manage your web history Web Results 1 - 10 of about 483,000 for convert ml to oz. ( 0.07 seconds) 1 ml = 0.0338140226 US fluid ounces More about calculator. Convert ML to Ounces or Ounces to MLWhen the manufacturer's specifications are in ml and your mind is calibrated ... To convert milliliters (ml) or grams (g) to ounces (oz) or ounces to ml or ... www.zaccardis.com/convert-ml-to-ounces... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages Convert ml to oz - conversion of measurement units Convert ml to oz - conversion of measurement units. www.convertunits.com/from/ml/to/oz - 16k - Cached - Similar pages Convert oz to ml - conversion of measurement units Convert oz to ml - conversion of measurement units. www.convertunits.com/from/oz/to/ml - 16k - Cached - Similar pages Conversions, Equivalent Measures, Metric Conversion Table Metric Conversion Calculators & Tables & Imperial/US/Metric Conversions .... 12 fl oz. 336 ml, 1 1/2 cup."
"docid": "D880731#0",
"title": "https://www.conversion-metric.org/volume/ounce-to-teaspoon\nOunces to Teaspoon Conversion (fl oz to tsp)",
"text": "Home » Volume Conversion » Ounces Ounces to Teaspoon Conversion (fl oz to tsp)Please enter ounces (fl oz) value of volume unit to convert ounces to teaspoon. Ounces (fl oz)↺Decimals1 fl oz = 6 tsp Facebook Google+ Twitter » Teaspoon to Ouncesfl oz: Ounces, tsp: Teaspoon How Many Teaspoon in a Ounce? There are 6 teaspoon in a ounce. 1 Ounce is equal to 6 Teaspoon. 1 fl oz = 6 tsp Ounces Definition Known as the US fluid ounce, the unit of volume for liquid substances is used as ounce in the US and other countries practicing the US Customary system. It is equals to approximately 1/8 of US cup, 1/16 of US pint, approximately 1.040842731 Imperial Fluid Ounces, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons. The name ounce is derived from an old Latin word Onza, and the symbol adopted for this unit is fl oz. Convert Ounces Teaspoon Definition A teaspoon as a volume measuring unit is widely used in cooking, pharmaceutical medicine, and some other areas. A teaspoon is a very convenient unit of volume used since the middle of the 17 th century. It is roughly equal to 1/3 rd of a tablespoon, 1/48 th of a US cup, 1/3 rd of a cubic inch, or 5 m L. This unit can be abbreviated to tsp."
"docid": "D843135#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/conversions_of_measures/rolled_oats_measures_converter.html\nRolled Oats Measures Conversion Calculator",
"text": "Rolled Oats Measures Conversion Calculator Rolled oats volume vs weight converter for calculating amounts in recipes. Rolled oats equivalent measures; fluid ounces fl oz, grams r, ounces oz, pounds lb, cups, kilograms kg, tablespoons tblsp. Enter Oats Amount: Precision: Results: Amount: From unit Equals: To unit Choose an oats From unit: Choose an oats To unit: This automatic weight versus volume conversion calculator for rolled oats measures lets you instantly convert dry measurements of oats from cups (US and Metric), grams g, ounces oz, fluid ounce fl oz, pounds lb, tablespoons tbsp amounts into scale you need. You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions ie: 7, 29.35, 15 3/4Rolled Oats Rolled oats volume vs. weight conversions Rolled Oats weight chart: Oats Cup Gram Ounce Poundcup 1 90g 3.17 oz 0.2 lbounce 0.31 28.35g 1 oz 0.06 lbfluid ounce 0.13 11.25g 0.4 oz 0.02 lbpound 5.04 453.6g 15.9 oz 1 lbkilogram 11.11 1000g 35.3 oz 2.2 lbtablespoon 0.06 5.63g 0.2 oz 0.01 lbteaspoon 0.02 1.9g 0.07 oz 0.004 lb Rolled Oats weight chart: Oats Kilogram Tablespoon Teaspooncup 0.09kg 16 48ounce 0.028kg 5.4 15.12fluid ounce 0.01kg 2 6pound 0.45kg 80.64 241.92kilogram 1kg 177.78 533.33tablespoon 0.005kg 1 3teaspoon 0.001kg 0.33 1Convert cup of rolled oats into grams g, ounces oz or tablespoons. Rolled oats equivalent measurements Cups Grams Ounces Tablespoons⅛ cup of r/oats 11.25 gram 0.4 ounce 2 tbl.sp¼ cup of r/oats 22.5 gram 0.8 ounce 4 tbl.sp⅓ cup of r/oats 30 gram 1.06 ounce 5.33 tbl.sp⅜ cup of r/oats 33.75 gram 1.19 ounce 6 tbl.sp½ cup of r/oats 45 gram 1.6 ounce 8 tbl.sp⅝ cup of r/oats 56.25 gram 1.98 ounce 10 tbl.sp⅔ cup of r/oats 60 gram 2.12 ounce 10.67 tbl.sp¾ cup of r/oats 67.5 gram 2.38 ounce 12 tbl.sp⅞ cup of r/oats 78.75 gram 2.78 ounce 14 tbl.sp1 cup of r/oats 90 gram 3.17 oz 16 tbl.sp Oven info & galleries Home Page Oven building CDrom details Pizza ovens New gallery Oven meals Vintage forum Rectangle shape vs. round igloo Building details Refractory concrete Heat resistant mortar Concrete cladding layer Thermal insulation Fire-bricks Fire-clay Saving money & time Good thermometer Oven building 1Building oven 2Tutorials Unit measures conversion Oven tutorials Pizza A to ZWhen is oven hot? Pizza dough Oven cooking Roasting coffee Firing oven Maintenance Work & safety3G MTo Food additives Healthy Papaya L-lysine & food Building oven 4Contact form & My Profile My wish list Consulting help Site map Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria. Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida"
"docid": "D3077137#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/tutorials/conversion.html\nConvert measures of ingredients for cooking & more",
"text": "Convert measures of ingredients for cooking & more Skip to: cooking tools | technical converters Converters for cookingplus various handy web tools into a kitchen Butter amounts amounts and measuring units converter Carob flour & powder amounts converter Chestnuts flour amounts and measuring units converter Flour amounts amounts and measuring units converter Honey amounts amounts and measuring units converter Sugarbag honey amounts and measuring units converter Rice & Rice Flour amounts and measuring units converter Rolled Oats amounts and measuring units converter Semolina amounts and measuring units converter Sugar amounts amounts and measuring units converter Yeast Equivalents amounts and measuring units converter Yogurt amounts and measuring units converter Coconut yogurt amounts and measuring units converter Goat milk yogurt amounts and measuring units converter Sheep milk yogurt amounts converter Foods Nutrients amounts and measuring units converter Turkey Roasting Time vs. its Weight calculator Birch xylitol amounts and measuring units converter Other practical tools handy for chefs.p H Voltage - alkalinity measures calculator Scoops sizes amounts and measuring units converter Temperature amounts and measuring units converter Volume units amounts and measuring units converter Weight units amounts and measuring units converter Converting unit to unit of ingredients in culinary arts practise. Butter quantities converter Cocoa Powder quantities converter Flours & Measures quantities converter Margarine quantities converter Rice varieties quantities converter Salt (table salt) quantities converter Sugars & Measures quantities converter Yeast, Active Dry quantities converter Yeast, Brewer's quantities converter Yeast, Fresh yeast quantities converter Yeast, Instant quantities converter Volume unit to unit quantities converter Weight unit to unit quantities converter Conversion of measures for cooking ingredients. Measures equivalence, tools which can be handy for professional and home kitchens. Technical conversions Gold units converter tool. Exchange au measures. Angle values converter Area, Surface values converter Computing values converter Energy values converter Flow rate values converter Gas Flows MMSCFD, SCFM, Sm³/h, Nm³/h units converter Fractions versus Decimal numbers converter Length, Distance, Depth values converter Metric values converter Percentage values converter Power values converter Pressure values converter Speed, Velocity values converter Temperature values converter Time values converter Volume values converter Weight values converter Material converters - amounts in mass measure exchange into volume measure and vise verse. Precious metals weight versus volume for high value metals Concrete material mass weight versus volume converter Masonry materials weight vs. volume converter Refractory materials volume vs. weight heat resistant items The Technical units vs. unit equivalent values Technical, structural and mechanical units conversion. Exchange gold amounts and values of other precious metals. Conversion of measures of ingredients amounts: weight, volume, Fahrenheit F to Celsius C, flour, butter, sugar, liquids and solids. Cups to grams - g and milliliters - ml, fluid ounces - fl oz, pounds - lb, kilograms - kg and even tons/tonnes - t. Wheelbarrows to shovels and even more bizarre units."
"docid": "D229494#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/conversions_of_measures/butter_converter.html\nButter Conversion Calculator",
"text": "Butter Conversion Calculator Calculator for converting butter amounts between weight and volume equivalent measurements from sticks of butter into grams, ounces, pounds, cups, kilograms. Enter Butter Amount: Precision: Results: Amount: From unit Equals: To unit Choose a butter From unit: Choose a butter To unit: This automatic butter weight versus volume conversion calculator lets you instantly convert measurements of butter and margarine from cups (US and Metric), sticks, grams g, ounces oz, pounds lb, tablespoons tbsp, teaspoons tsp and from/to dekagrams dkg or dag amounts into scale needed. You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions ie: 7, 29.35, 15 3/4Butter and Margarine Butter or Margarine volume vs. weight conversionsbutter volume weight chart: Cup Gram Ounce Poundstick 1/2 113.4g 4 oz 0.25 lbhalf stick 1/4 56.7g 2 oz 0.125 lbdouble stick 1 226.8g 8 oz 0.5 lbtablespoon 3/50 14.2g 0.5 oz 0.03 lbteaspoon 1/50 4.7g 0.16 oz 0.01 lbbutter volume weight chart: Kilogram Tablespoon Teaspoonstick 0.113kg 8 24half stick 0.056kg 4 12double stick 0.226kg 16 48tablespoon 0.014kg 1 3teaspoon 0.004kg 0.33 1Convert cups of butter into grams g, ounces oz and tablespoons.butter equivalent measurements Cups US Grams Ounces Tablespoons⅛ cup of butter 28.4 gram 1 ounce 2 tbl.sp¼ cup of butter 56.7 gram 2 ounce 4 tbl.sp⅓ cup of butter 75.6 gram 2.7 ounce 5 ⅓ tbl.sp⅜ cup of butter 85 gram 3 ounce 6 tbl.sp½ cup of butter 113.4 gram 4 ounce 8 tbl.sp⅝ cup of butter 141.8 gram 5 ounce 10 tbl.sp⅔ cup of butter 151.2 gram 5.3 ounce 10 ⅔ tbl.sp¾ cup of butter 170.1 gram 6 ounce 12 tbl.sp⅞ cup of butter 198.5 gram 7 ounce 14 tbl.sp1 cup of butter 226.8 gram 8 ounce 16 tbl.sp Block of butter with sizes of 75mm x 50mm x 35mm Block of butter of sizes Width 75mm x Depth 50mm x Height 35mm weights exactly 125 grams and, 125g or any other measure in ounces - grams of butter equals how many cups? Use the butter converter above for the butter conversion answers. Oven info & galleries Home Page Oven building CDrom details Pizza ovens New gallery Oven meals Vintage forum Rectangle shape vs. round igloo Building details Refractory concrete Heat resistant mortar Concrete cladding layer Thermal insulation Fire-bricks Fire-clay Saving money & time Good thermometer Oven building 1Building oven 2Tutorials Unit measures conversion Oven tutorials Pizza A to ZWhen is oven hot? Pizza dough Oven cooking Roasting coffee Firing oven Maintenance Work & safety3G MTo Food additives Healthy Papaya L-lysine & food Building oven 4Contact form & My Profile My wish list Consulting help Site map Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria. Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida"
"docid": "D1758654#0",
"title": "https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/fruit-and-vegetable-prices/documentation.aspx\nDocumentation",
"text": "\"Documentation How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost? USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) has estimated average costs for 156 fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, using 2013 retail scanner data from Information Resources, Inc. (IRI). A selection of retail establishments across the United States provides IRI with weekly retail sales data (revenue and quantity). These retail establishments include grocery stores, supermarkets, supercenters, convenience stores, drug stores, and liquor stores. ERS estimated the average retail price of each product on a per-pound basis (or per-pint basis for juices). In order to estimate the cost of consuming each food, ERS researchers further adjusted retail quantities to account for removing inedible parts and for cooking loss which occur prior to consumption. Costs to consume foods were then estimated per edible cup equivalent as defined in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. ERS assumes sole responsibility for its assumptions and calculations using the IRI data. The rising prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has prompted various strategies to improve children's diet quality. ERS has examined the effect of replacing one energy-dense snack a day with a fruit or vegetable to determine the likely impact on both households' food budgets and children's caloric intakes, using data from Nielsen's 2010 Homescan panel."
"docid": "D3345225#0",
"title": "http://www.easysurf.cc/cnver13.htm\nMinims, Fluid Drams, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Fluid Ounces, Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons Calculator",
"text": "\"cups to fluid dramscups to fluid ouncescups to gallonscups to minimscups to pintscups to quartscups to tablespoonscups to teaspoonsfluid drams to cupsfluid drams to fluid ouncesfluid drams to gallonsfluid drams to minimsfluid drams to pintsfluid drams to quartsfluid drams to tablespoonsfluid drams to teaspoonsfluid ounces to cupsfluid ounces to fluid dramsfluid ounces to gallonsfluid ounces to minimsfluid ounces to pintsfluid ounces to quartsfluid ounces to tablespoonsfluid ounces to teaspoonsgallons to cupsgallons to fluid dramsgallons to fluid ouncesgallons to minimsgallons to pintsgallons to quartsgallons to tablespoonsgallons to teaspoonsminims to cupsminims to fluid dramsminims to fluid ouncesminims to gallonsminims to pintsminims to quartsminims to tablespoonsminims to teaspoonspints to cupspints to fluid dramspints to fluid ouncespints to gallonspints to minimspints to quartsquarts to cupsquarts to fluid dramsquarts to fluid ouncesquarts to gallonsquarts to minimsquarts to pintsquarts to tablespoonquarts to tablespoonquarts to tablespoonsquarts to teaspoonstablespoons to cupstablespoons to fluid dramstablespoons to fluid ouncestablespoons to gallonstablespoons to minimstablespoons to pintstablespoons to quartstablespoons to teaspoonsteaspoons to cupsteaspoons to fluid dramsteaspoons to fluid ouncesteaspoons to gallonsteaspoons to minimsteaspoons to pintsteaspoons to quartsteaspoons to tablespoons Convert fluid drams to fluid ounces Enter number of fluid drams: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to fluid drams Enter number of fluid ounces: Fluid Drams Convert fluid drams to cups Enter number of fluid drams: Cups Convert cups to fluid drams Enter number of cups: Fluid Drams Convert fluid drams to pints Enter number of fluid drams: Pints Convert pints to fluid drams Enter number of pints: Fluid Drams Convert fluid drams to quarts Enter number of fluid drams: Quarts Convert quarts to fluid drams Enter number of quarts: Fluid Drams Convert fluid drams to gallons Enter number of fluid drams: Gallons Convert gallons to fluid drams Enter number of gallons: Fluid Drams Convert fluid ounces to cups Enter number of fluid ounces: Cups Convert cups to fluid ounces Enter number of cups: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to pints Enter number of fluid ounces: Pints Convert pints to fluid ounces Enter number of pints: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to quarts Enter number of fluid ounces: Quarts Convert quarts to fluid ounces Enter number of quarts: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to gallons Enter number of fluid ounces: Gallons Convert gallons to fluid ounces Enter number of gallons: Fluid Ounces Convert cups to pints Enter number of cups: Pints Convert pints to cups Enter number of pints: Cups Convert cups to quarts Enter number of cups: Quarts Convert quarts to cups Enter number of quarts: Cups Convert cups to gallons Enter number of cups: Gallons Convert gallons to cups Enter number of gallons: Cups Convert pints to quarts Enter number of pints: Quarts Convert quarts to pints Enter number of quarts: Pints Convert pints to gallons Enter number of pints: Gallons Convert gallons to pints Enter number of gallons: Pints Convert quarts to gallons Enter number of quarts: Gallons Convert gallons to quarts Enter number of gallons: Quarts Convert minims to fluid drams Enter number of minims: Fluid Drams Convert fluid drams to minims Enter number of fluid drams: Minims Convert minims to fluid ounces Enter number of minims: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to minims Enter number of fluid ounces: Minims Convert minims to cups Enter number of minims: Cups Convert cups to minims Enter number of cups: Minims Convert minims to pints Enter number of minims: Pints Convert pints to minims Enter number of pints: Minims Convert minims to quarts Enter number of minims: Quarts Convert quarts to minims Enter number of quarts: Minims Convert minims to gallons Enter number of minims: Gallons Convert gallons to minims Enter number of gallons: Minims Convert minims to tablespoons Enter number of minims: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to minims Enter number of tablespoons: Minims Convert fluid drams to tablespoons Enter number of fluid drams: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to fluid drams Enter number of tablespoons: Fluid Drams Convert tablespoons to fluid ounces Enter number of tablespoons: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to tablespoons Enter number of fluid ounces: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to cups Enter number of tablespoons: Cups Convert cups to tablespoons Enter number of cups: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to pints Enter number of tablespoons: Pints Convert pints to tablespoons Enter number of pints: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to quarts Enter number of tablespoons: Quarts Convert quarts to tablespoons Enter number of quarts: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to gallons Enter number of tablespoons: Gallons Convert gallons to tablespoons Enter number of gallons: Tablespoons Convert minims to teaspoons Enter number of minims: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to minims Enter number of teaspoons: Minims Convert fluid drams to teaspoons Enter number of fluid drams: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to fluid drams Enter number of teaspoons: Fluid Drams Convert teaspoons to fluid ounces Enter number of teaspoons: Fluid Ounces Convert fluid ounces to teaspoons Enter number of fluid ounces: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to cups Enter number of teaspoons: Cups Convert cups to teaspoons Enter number of cups: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to pints Enter number of teaspoons: Pints Convert pints to teaspoons Enter number of pints: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to quarts Enter number of teaspoons: Quarts Convert quarts to teaspoons Enter number of quarts: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to gallons Enter number of teaspoons: Gallons Convert gallons to teaspoons Enter number of gallons: Teaspoons Convert teaspoons to tablespoons Enter number of teaspoons: Tablespoons Convert tablespoons to teaspoons Enter number of tablespoons: Teaspoons Click here to add this page to your list of Favorites Directions Type the number in the box and then click \"\"Click to Convert\"\" If the number is 6.7 then type \"\"6.7\"\" (no quotation marks). You may type the decimal point. If the number is 2154 you may type \"\"2,154\"\", you may type the comma. Type \"\"2,154\"\". If you want to type \"\"256,678\"\", but you type \"\"25k,678\"\", the computer will use \"\"25678\"\" to calculate the answer. If you type \"\"ghblxz\"\", the computer will use \"\"0\"\" to calculate the answer. If you type \"\"1.9e2\"\", the computer will use \"\"190\"\" to calculate the answer. Na N = not a number To clear the entry boxes click \"\"Reset\"\". Return to the Top Precision accurate to over 12 decimal places Return to Metric - U. S. Measurement Conversions Menu Return to Main Page \""
"docid": "D1505849#0",
"title": "http://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/12861/how-do-i-convert-a-weight-of-dried-chick-peas-to-volume-of-cooked\nHow do I convert a weight of dried chick peas to volume of cooked?",
"text": "\"_Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How do I convert a weight of dried chick peas to volume of cooked?up vote12down votefavorite I'm following a recipe that calls for 200g of dried chickpeas, soaked overnight. I have two 28 fl. oz. ( 796 ml) cans of chick peas, packed in water. This is made complicated by two things: You can't easily convert a weight measurement to a volume measurement. ( What is the density of a chickpea? ) The recipe wants me to measure dry chickpeas, and I have canned chickpeas. ( How much of the weight is water? ) How much of my canned chickpeas should I use?beans conversion chickpeasshare improve this questionedited Mar 7 '11 at 1:27Cascabel ♦50.9k 13 140 251asked Mar 6 '11 at 23:55Brant162 1 1 13I assume the recipe is actually cooking the chickpeas (garbanzo beans) fully (a time consuming process, eg."
"docid": "D599107#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/many-teaspoons-1-4-cup-ba2d02dc82ddba36\nHow Many Teaspoons Are in 1/4 Cup?",
"text": "Food Food Measurements Q: How Many Teaspoons Are in 1/4 Cup? A: Quick Answer There are 4 tablespoons in a quarter cup and there are 3 teaspoons in each tablespoon; this means that there are 12 teaspoons in a quarter cup. A quarter cup is also equal to 2 fluid ounces. Continue Reading Keep Learning How Many Teaspoons Equal One Tablespoon? What Is a Quick Recipe for Homemade BBQ Sauce? How Do You Make Strawberry Fruit Salsa? Full Answer Most measurements in the United States can be broken down into cups, tablespoons and teaspoons. Knowing how many tablespoons and teaspoons are present in a specific measurement makes the conversion of measured liquids an easier process. Knowing how many teaspoons are in a quarter cup can be helpful for cooks who only have a teaspoon measuring spoon and do not have a quarter cup measuring cup. Different measurements are used for different things in the kitchen."
"docid": "D2860612#0",
"title": "http://www.traditionaloven.com/culinary-arts/flours/bread-flour/convert-ounce-to-measuring-cup-us.html\nbread flour conversion",
"text": "bread flour conversion Breadcrumbs: main Flours menu • bread flour menu • Ounces Amount: 1 ounce (oz) of bread flour mass Equals: 0.22 US cups (us cup) in bread flour volumebread flour from ounce to US cup Conversion Results: Enter a New ounce Amount of bread flour to Convert From* Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9)Enter Your Amount : Decimal Precision : Work out US cups of bread flour per 1 ounce unit. The bread flour converter for chefs and bakers, culinary arts classes, students and for home use. TOGGLE : from US cups into ounces in the other way around. CONVERT : between other bread flour measuring units - complete list. Conversion calculator for webmasters. The all flour types converter. As a general rule; flour for making dough for bread, from which a bread is baked, is also richer in protein. Bread flour's protein content will be often higher than a protein content of most other flour types. Convert bread flour culinary measuring units between ounce (oz) and US cups (us cup) of bread flour but in the other direction from US cups into ounces. Culinary arts school: bread flour conversion This online culinary bread flour from oz into us cup converter is a handy tool not only for experienced certified professionals in food businesses and skilled chefs in state of the industry's kitchens model."
"docid": "D969825#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_10_ounces_convert_to_cups\nHow do you convert ounces into cups?",
"text": "Rob Flanders 103,746 Contributions How do you convert ounces into cups? Divide the total ounces by the number 8 to get the number of cups. 8 liquid ounces = 1 cup. There are 64 ounces in a 1/2 gallon or 8 cups and 128 ounces in a gallon, or 16 cup …Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering Convert cups to ounces? If you mean ounces of weight, then it depends on what substance is in the cups. If you mean fluid ounces, then each cup is 8 of them. Svarnc 1 Contribution How do I convert a cup to ounces or pounds?1 cup = 8 ounces. 2 cups = 16 ounces = 1 pound. But you have to remember there is a big difference in liquid and dry or chopped vegetable measurements. So the answer above i …Can you convert ounces to cups?http://www.convertunits.com/from/oz/to/cup+%5BCanada%5DManny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions Can you convert 9.38 ounces to cups?1.17 cups Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions What is 3 ounces converted to cups?0.37 cup Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions10 fluid ounces convert to cups?1.25 cup."
"docid": "D2282015#0",
"title": "http://www.conversion-metric.org/volume/cup-to-ounce\nCup to Ounces Conversion (cup to fl oz)",
"text": "Home » Volume Conversion » Cup Cup to Ounces Conversion (cup to fl oz)Please enter cup (cup) value of volume unit to convert cup to ounces. Cup (cup)↺Decimals1 cup = 7.9999999990536 fl oz Facebook Google+ Twitter » Ounces to Cupcup: Cup, fl oz: Ounces How Many Ounces in a Cup? There are 7.9999999990536 ounces in a cup. 1 Cup is equal to 7.9999999990536 Ounces. 1 cup = 7.9999999990536 fl oz Cup Definition A cup is a very commonly used unit of volume measurement, especially for measuring small volumes at the kitchen or in the garden. 1 cup is the unit approved by the Imperial system and the US customary system, and it is equal to 250 milliliters. There are actually a few types of cups sued around the world, including the US legal cup, Imperial cup, Japanese cup, etc., and they all are different in terms of the value. Convert Cup Ounces Definition Known as the US fluid ounce, the unit of volume for liquid substances is used as ounce in the US and other countries practicing the US Customary system. It is equals to approximately 1/8 of US cup, 1/16 of US pint, approximately 1.040842731 Imperial Fluid Ounces, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons."
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