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You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
but as we know from our experience in other areas the recognition of this fact doesnt make the task of fashioning the rules any easier
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
at the same time i am keenly aware of the many uncertainties we still have about the workings of nonconventional policies and of lsaps in particular
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
8 this is not the first time concern has been raised about reducing the feds supenrisory responsibilities
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
but because of the unusual environment there is less consensus among economists about the right answers to some of the most difficult and challenging questions
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
but the realm of controversy flares into 0ide ranging alternatives when in addition to such judgmental differences there are differences in the weights attached to various goals and different theories as to how these goals can be achieved
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
12 theres no doubt that we face a policy dilemma in 1981 if the fed hits its moneysupply targets and if the federal debt continues to grow at a rapid pace we could experience severe upward pressures on interest rates
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
this has not been a year that has enhanced the reputation of the economic forecasting field
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
5 is it reasonable to assume that one or more private entities could or would even want to fully displace the feds funds transfer network
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
i recently heard a congressional critic of the federal reserve system charge that inflation is caused by high interest rates which add to the costs of production
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
this legislated priority is one reason why west germanys inflation experience has been more favorable than our own
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Sterling found support from comments on inflation risks from Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, that suggested that an early interest rate cut was unlikely.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Growing concern over the pound's strength was signalled by the Bank of England yesterday when it said it would cut interest rates if the currency remained resilient.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
But the mood inspired by the cut was marred by the European Central Bank's refusal to cut rates, and by concern at the Bank of England's growing pessimism about the global outlook.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The Bank has not yet tried to quantify these distortions, and its comments yesterday may be only partially reassuring.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The Bank might be feeling rather relieved that the housing market and inflation-fuelling growth appear to be moderating.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Looking further ahead, there is even a suggestion that electoral considerations could argue against a sharp and rapid cut in base rates.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The mood was further darkened by increasing stress in the money markets, in spite of moves by the Bank of England aimed at reducing overnight lending rates.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The Bank expects the present counter-inflationary stance will enable the UK to meet the Maastricht terms on inflation and interest rates, but it has doubts about the government's capacity to bring the ratio of the general government deficit to the GDP from about 5 per cent at present to the Maas tricht level of below 3 per cent by the 1995-96 fiscal year.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Since the Bank of England was founded in 1694 its Bank Rate (under various names) has been 2.5 per cent or below for only about a sixth of the time it has existed.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The BoE will also be alert to some hints that people might be becoming less confident of its ability to keep inflation on target — since credibility is a prerequisite for central bankers to achieve their objective.Despite the recent moderation in the actual rate of inflation, household expectations of future price rises are at the highest level since the global crisis.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Sir, Although your argument that the government should respect the independence of the Bank of England will have wide support (" Carney asserts his authority at the BoE ", editorial, November 2), recent speeches by members of the Monetary Policy Committee are undermining its independence.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
After both episodes, it took years for the country to recover its confidence and to shake off a reputation for economic mismanagement.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
These situations don't usually end well.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Daniel Vernazza of UniCredit noted Mr Carney's "analytically inconsistent" view of the importance of inflation's fall to the 2 per cent target, having previously dismissed the above-target current inflation rate as a guide to future inflation.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Such neutrality was more a question of necessity for the Bank than of choice.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
And after the Bank's announcement this week, it doesn't look like UK rate-setters are in any hurry to normalise policy.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Increasingly, the consensus among central bankers is shifting — first, in admitting that the efficacy of further doses of QE was in doubt and, second, in admitting that near-zero rates might have negative side-effects.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The report, by Lord Justice Bingham, said the Bank failed to take appropriate action after receiving a series of warnings over many years that fraud was taking place at BCCI.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The cut, which took the official rate to 4.5 per cent, was passed on to homeowners by most large mortgage lenders and welcomed by business organisations.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Whatever the intention, the decision to allow sterling to break out came under predictable fire from the Confederation of British Industry, which argued that this presented a serious threat to industry's international competitiveness.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Hopes of an early cut in UK clearing bank base rates continued to fade.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Given the news that yesterday’s reverse auction went uncovered, active investors are likely to submit offers at yields well below market levels, perhaps even below 0%.Mike Amey, head of sterling portfolio management at Pimco says:The fact that the Bank of England will deal with the shortfall in 3-6 months’ time suggests that they believe there is a risk of another operation where the offers do not cover what they are looking to buy.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
reflectien the relatively sucepssfnl fight against Inflation, which allowed a cut in the discount rate this week.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Sterling's climb could signal the start of its rehabilitation News analysis Stimulus measures have led to change in a bearish view on pound, writes Peter Garnham News of the pound's demise has been exaggerated.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
We expect a 25bp rate cut so far, but Weale’s comments increase the likelihood of the BoE reviving its dormant asset purchase programme on August 4 in our view.As for other MPC members, Gertjan Vlieghe was the lone dove who voted to cut rates last month, while BoE governor Mark Carney, Mr Weale and Andy Haldane have since suggested a desire to cut in August.The pound has also weakened in the wake of Mr Weale’s comments.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
"Rising prices for items such as clothing, footwear and household goods will maintain the Bank of England's concern that underlying inflation is starting to creep up," said Howard Archer, economist at Global Insight.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The market read the survey as denting prospects that the Bank of England would raise interest rates next week.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
On page 29 of the Conservative manifesto, it says: "We will abolish Gordon Brown's failed tripartite system of regulation and put the Bank of England in charge of prudential supervision."
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Eddie George, governor of the Bank of England, yesterday sought to defend the recent interest rate rise imposed by the Bank's mon etary policy committee, telling a business audience that the UK economy was "closer to overheating than it has been in a long time".
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The outlook for further rate cuts changed sharply this week, with the Bank of England warning of inflationary risks and predicting that Britain would almost certainly avoid recession.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
But the Bank of England expects the rises to grind to a halt within two years.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Regarding the Bank of England’s culpability in allowing very high inflation, Chris Giles is absolutely right to assert that “too little accountability for unelected officials is unhealthy in a democracy” (Opinion, August 17).
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The pace of inflation has moderated encouragingly, but still needs to be further reduced.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
This is another reason to expect the MPC to proceed cautiously in terms of further monetary policy easing."
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
It said: "MO growth has fallen over the past year in response to the rise in interest rates last year [1988], and is now around the top of its 1 to 5 per cent target range.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
In this case, the strong rise in money supply did not "of itself obviously have malign implications for money spending and inflation".
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The Bank of England's ambition to make interest rate decisions boring is showing "no signs" of success, according to a new working paper published by the Bank itself.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Mr Ifndenbergh's promise to visit the Bank of England to press for rapid results in its inquiry indicates the problems he faces.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The gilt market will start the week in a nervous mood, with many fearing base rates will be increased today or tomorrow.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee voted yesterday to keep interest rates at their record lows and authorised more gilts purchases totalling £50bn, in line with economists' expectations.The move brings the size of the total gilts purchasing programme, known as quantitative easing, to £325bn and suggests that - despite signs that the UK economy is picking up after a trough in the middle of the autumn - the Bank's policymakers do not feel confident there is enough momentum for demand to build on its own.The Bank said that "tight credit conditions and the fiscal consolidation together present a headwind" that it was trying to counteract.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Instead, financial markets hung on the Bank's monthly decisions as much or even more than they did before the Bank was granted operational independence in 1997.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The gilt market suffered its worst day since the early 1990s and sterling hit its lowest level against the dollar since 1985.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Their customers wondered whether there were similar management failings there, and understood'that they- could not rely on the British taxpayer to bail-them out.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Another senior European central banker said last week how it had been difficult to take action outside the normal rulebooks for fear the media or the markets would react negatively.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
That, and the fact that the Bank of England is understood not to be involved in co-ordinating any financial support, suggests that there will be a strong temptation for some banks to cut and run.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
From Mr Charles Wright.Sir, The recent suggestion that the Bank of England is becoming more tolerant of above-target inflation, as well as a weaker pound, seems more a continuation of the policy of the past five years, rather than a bold new approach ("BoE eyes 'radical' spur to growth", February 27).Indeed, while talk is rife of a need for "Plan B" in fiscal policy, the Bank appears keen to persist with its "Plan A", which has done little since the crisis except undermine spending power and enrich the owners of selected real assets such as indexlinked gilts and London property.As long as the credit channel is impaired, the inefficacy of money printing and inflation forbearance will remain.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The chief economist warned in a speech that if inflation were to rise substantially, the loss to the credibility of the BoE would not be easy to reegain.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Investors, who see a rising chance of a no-deal Brexit, have been selling the pound and betting the BoE will cut interest rates by the end of the year.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
This is not a recipe for an upswing in spending."
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Mr Robin Leigh-Pemberton, governor of the Bank of England, said at a conference in Berlin that he was confident inflationary pressures are abating.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
The decision not to increase left analysts dumbfounded - "gobsmacked" in the words of one analyst.
You have to determine the opinion a given statement expresses about the reputation of the Bank of England (BoE): POSITIVE NEGATIVE
One institutional investor said yesterday that next Friday's vote "started off as a vote about domicile, and has steadily become a vote of confidence."